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Full text of "Macer Floridus : [a section of the medieval herbal, on 2 damaged leaves]"

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| h >MA - DUE MACELLI .88 

ftB- i- 


7^87. In Latin, on parchment : written early 

in the i4th cent. : 1 1| x 9j in., 20 leaves : 
with coloured capitals. 

Two damaged parchment leaves of a MS. 
of the medieval Latin herbal known as 
Macer Floridus, in double columns, contain- 
ing 288 hexameter lines, which correspond 
(fol. 6) to chs. 65-73, Piper-Costus, and (fol. 
7) to chs. 36, Caulis, 34, Bugloss, 38, Origa- 
num, 46, Asarum, in Pictorius’s ed., prmted 
at Basel, 1559 (no. 5100). The rest of the 
volume is blank paper. I 


the libbary 
O H 



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^.anc cqutdf flfflme-rifti/» ftjbttc * : 

J>wimr multum tcpttf potamur ajpb 
<^2t tcumo pt^ammettunirto ' v 
Ctimq? fcea,oice- mcni» futt^Rw a/ 

^ilAltub tanto cm^ojponctenucbo 
^ 1 $ Ouof fcmttogttos numme ntcnho 

<Ptntu>’ ani» £>tcs fnus cumucittrfmo 
6 hW utegtoto conftnnt fcet ntcbtati7 
(taftmcas ftliquas tunc femtponteis equa 
tfkftojcas-rtree fiitquafagtfuoito tm 
jj IUc 'tlnnof btgttof mctwmemeto 
SU>tmmmtcpitc patwfc aflimiat cura . 
<Q-ttttViUc &t» «nftnttt tute pnon 
& uumtr? c fumTptaflttts tumup fd» 
m£tf oan&jrtmtyttto 

e&nnutS ufijiiMuepmmraOmcvntno 

3tr ttmtns temtm qtmflwe Abbuctmit 
<ltimne tmTtrttrtt&fUiqmb uulgmnb?lt&> 
_v^J fpee alld9 quasiam nmthelntnwae 

£) ‘^vfu&mcttnM ftttt\tewptal« ttfmt 

iltqtpnnsyijw <\$ nttnpa tcqiuna 

i£h mtfntmae feittt turee riiftuaettfne 
Sutttme futeptp afllfccnUtrqt 
nrctus ce gntlPcoutt&trbittr uttmp 
'TTttee jjtue ffete' album longum qtntgru <f 
e§}ap.Q gemine ntcdtne tntmun note 
jDefpcntgw Mttm qtuaT mitem 
, C tubum tti toftutn futnpnim tu meile utgatn 
Snrobtgelhuam (tematbttmtC q» uttmbir 
^Wfyihfttos cuwr falhMft tdtttt 
iDttumt nattis (Votans ftpc quewT - 
fi-ucrn q? ntoacte fob ftiguf tjtebict febk ' 

(C ontpeftmir febue ft fwmt an tmtuce 
Cttm Utm battto fcum fbly&lmitte 
£tutup metoteptto qpefoct ttm maugw* 

i^fttnfiie ttpumtrabmtrnt cupuebcln 
abmtvtum tum> matulae caoplaOnatcbde 
ttteoas humatu cpnlh cum pttluW tcu 
J Ut iunge ptpt ficlupatbtto cante 
<Ftpn uttiiue ntitalt puit&flumr 
ctno p omnes ptpts fefcbcte tutes 
jlamq; pipnemo meditatum a nutdn trqutrr \ 
Anti totis q» (bler phofts p&mln abbt 
pb tnc puto tam pnttcts uutre WimpUte tcas 
<Hb’ fittnnuime li tignulnute tncfrl’ 
mgtbcpmjpptp catuucs «tmeduma 
tmnr- qtta^tateo ttrnob; ct’ 
ft-ptmrit calituT ftttu- q> qyflrrimftis 
^gtn^ovcratiarttntts ft (hgt^buniw 
at a (h ter paafe tettotrq> OutoW 

j- f ~ ' nwtr caiimm itpzumt ctfkgmatr lingtm 

-3 tr mimn teleuat inunonf pontf it/tem 
^t mwtaf al^Rus ftr ftibuetitreete 
-S ttfpfnfum collo puene^t» caMtae 
JDtcmuf 'fcfoto fttttm^re fc tti tf tftwe 
CrmultumytrU- ftmrptfi cutn irillbii 1 tbijiiti 
^-Stt q : leumt fol: mc?bu qui 

r 'yJBy oleo quo tetoqmr Ctco^mtU%ffo 
^Itrto frbn s motu- tollet mttmertp ttgroe 
•i 6 -enum ftpe gwmFfngttrunguen taletoioif 
v cmram ftntr opem pamim^mltjymduo 
tjonleutt mamb: futr tt ape ftneat 7 
^mgume-fmtum cmpVuledurifto 
^atignfp.p./oe cutoi^tebtraptof 
flocmteo^folerH qtuumu 6 cnmre(hipffie 
, _ <^t co 2 p 0 reruatt poaft- .Mttgoic tutu 

(Ft tncOicmnto fOUiemrtetan^fb 
Tunnmitc^pft .ft tht fumte olmo 

^ffc - putant metnn «Aibufirnupcumnu 
Cetero tlltjrmb^nwrtutibjt iftte 



■ AUV 




^ ■ 

L ' 

/ x. ,c Ci} - ftonttC/uqpgiw#* 

Mqtftuw* ; •» tetows (hcAlcrtii. 

I ^,'tafit ut a£s trebim mbifonf futtttf 
'; acrur.sftoum maceto 

/ itto?'' tn6 mtrVrupfat]fv<; <ta 

5 ptl« am- care fcpj’ tyiuik i 

'M uBUneflfe cuttruuto irtoifitotyro 
bct ope ttum pfc cw poTUnc tuuM 
v tUe ttvmtfoler ttftes xmmtimiv* 
^ftrum-fitar tum putor enfttftt&fi T t*u 
'Aaturpaulfriiv, 1»» maniti u?t culei 
1 temon? (Ve matiu Cmv.y-um gulangu vcftlmr 
■it fi flcfuia^ fcttr cetvobMat tpm 
i-nttatw citttf fumptu fugat* tnneic 
Jigcfottftf' uuiUrl? coltcic* 4 moter 
. if •■ obv.rm» »nufu munitor otoi 

mxzx' CrtQir ■ i i- en» vtm $Mm 

• §l\ i (tv^ytrs 7-ehw obftait ucncme 

• >rpnlmm r,KoWar littuftu 

, ,-usr cwmrmft {amwdm wr&ir tfftlube 

mqtw (trruuh totus:: - mrmrtetof 
,.u 5 ftytrl' rfttno mafticcrM? 

. - iPt ftr tnft&u n < «if-tnruwr lUe Otium 
; ! ■, Lmmlract-e unrre tevclle OtctfKtuftu 
‘ili CiUe que ftinuur fctmeveUtraUee 
r-rrnmmtn (nlnti tnm rector oteif- »_ 
tefiolvuu rlinutr w!idu CUtu^ft i 
t.f <jmdu uctu* 'rfawmtd eKmMwr 
fc feme aroth* mu* infumto m 

^mbtae&tulT mtt vutf.raofhtict utuu 
| ftfttnhinumere ft&agmo pottitw 
ymb' fuit c natet Udt mctttt 
Sum r;£v«o crnbn > confimrfcpt Ij.tuftum 


€’ yCs}p. fc?v\jw <>* (u\nt!MuH)ttut 
£rquC yU'j6,it ’hr «lUCCt vnt ItgttU 

bumaste ftotri bt furar con»b«ar ipm 
(pf f actr actt/ e ttr tng* *r crnnf .«$» 

«» unptum lito- M - *. bornt#*** - •«$8*’ 
bitttuWtufliS' 'etalr ‘ f eawtP' 

Vqmyicte Cpttt j n*r ub ti npottft’ 1 " u 
Autntmtnb ^ 

^.ptilvumr si iito 

(SL e omloe ■ Iramcecs fttear a(»nef!» 

^vl)u cottttuvr» fom tiuftcrAtttt 
L twr oppofmun ter tcnttgmt unlrii a 
-Strcfuuutr moibu qmbnctraberpctt netu 
(JTivffu magm cp» flu> cmmifite- 
. ^5 tugtr Aqua $*■' ^ buf; ronfu bitar 
reutpe quottoftampfttt» ttuunafi^tr 
3clg gemmas tf quetur poeto irucjmae 
1",^ o(h I getmue fuc* gt^uts una uubosq* 

§■ ‘r anwmmtms li f tnrx v oc 

^btu leuts ttamto i colwc fubaiw,- 

(^| b mr atute 'T v^o:ntami mebifle 
bumtas puqjcn' \et5 t/.rtmtai v>Hiunr 
~z> plcu nmmr 

jD tawt m uuto repti» ft ftuupftw egei 1 
<V»eufthta pugabuttr Ctfe fuifiamger ttt’ 
fenunfi-flt ^uuluc fefuvo bolae* 
jjtamr itrcvbtS ftbt Cl peff.uaa flt&atr 
A Lumlm^piaiunr pra-ganr Icur^ne uulru 
_ 3 t tvttts cammelU ueuereq* motio 
, jJttutmvr f; fiitr eu mtfllo fmttg m «petrn 
^ o l eo « fhT o h uu.i vam . ... 

v fj f drrrr ftbp rapum m& aftnjtce tatm_ 
J-j|3ubnemrl; cyaft mttnb.Hfc queip rtupfnntetuifue 

i^Vmqtm uttltt otomr pulms e<tu. 

(Vgiulm v-ttno ttltlw ficq^jttt_^ 

fitjrmt' qutte ittMCatMl?* 

i i' " 

fttqtttttP ' 




uatr^rn • 


u ; ugiutr 

>c bibar 


.ftgatn?tumoM 6 


.tpone nigram 
^ tnunrt 



jjft* pihcr finier gte 

* ; J fliVaia tuffim meUfrvepfUtr 
t l - frais-atoeas-m . iasq'nms fugar omnes 
^uquoticqmf ft fepv* au leuer 
3 nlctufl f r.utar utta>e b <«no fumpts 

niHbw ftfiumr bctbfr 
Suas > fmucs cuutr ftttantotumtces 
iDns uulilttH itmlictr oit metit* 

^ fc|?anb; uifii6‘\4uuvrf ohuc ^ 

* J nfn&un apm ccgtr imnait cru«e 
fetat t ladr tota? 
n^ic futWt 7 cepis reo referito 
potur Ablolt tt qii fc*£ * I tcr 
^icQ quatisus fcriiebir mote bttln 

4* t fupoiiar totto. confacto nilte 
Cffugnr ut rtujjirr ammaiu eunto noctua 
bis qutbjovibto mas bigcfao tmto 
£uttmr.cxuuto ( J>fcft‘ ftfittimuralbo 
Cum dlftoin^tomatlu uimc^bflw? 

3 utWoioo uuvtoT ateto ^ 

^iitim unwDtUir.-? fi fag$ttaa monte» 
Luxans itfcmmtfts multum nuunto 
|D rouccat urnas Limbatos retor ba#fta y 
_jDentr tnatintum (M;utfr fugam 
<D imita potatus fur* umarmnow 
v£ius cum fuco Ct canta mm bibar 
J^Sttltee pons $tomv ferr aj?tts 
jjfiijpofifamf fuf’cuni potUite fam 
/sSturts fepe gwuim pcUtt tepwntrqitota» 

1 * ^WiL afnvtun grete ctTn uiugat» lanae «. . 

lt> caUco fittc turtuns te ce 
CF 5 tfct' , c UV, gmb'’ nr birntir umtmp 
'& <jD tutar iwnam-yoiatn mcnft^pi^r 
b {(- meto icam* nictiiMnu^umplJ^totf 
vbvovito uuttr tutfim uuwr My| 

SrimUie mrcbts tccocto fabimur et 
J^innSmw potata uspcUe fft not bgg 
< 5 bct»:t cpw nermmi ptoib** nmnibar 
H «Si no 6 ofputgiwp ta.i; . aol^ttu 
cc memenda (liutc • ft fiar talr iUa 
uftntrm nurs ov’ otmmfgtct vmu 
CLumbUtjeuc ucftttw^^uaie ftranm 
vfrfi fit vqjio fmien&r fnptia untte 
i\ur fi tcugnnn mcbum tenet mfumiq* 
fenib: pnets <(• {fttom teuart litfbtt 
t tnns medie pfbis mucncs itqnttut | 
i) mginb; ~ tuiibis plus biubiun qua manft2>i& 
jDebdtlnqi mnsnugi6 mgolUu trione 
jbanbimi quam calda bntis qnccumq; labea* 

uus mbues quos reebr oaamotlts 


ari flf/S 



futmurn q» (Mcnr tvitca^-.c £"#■ 

Crmtatn ritr’ q. Tut 7 fit - bonW 
1.1 on mortitp aiauCmiVwrc imulae 
Conftrmflttr gtf metito plutte q- 1 wrt 
,‘i 6 cum lafhitts $ty»rfc ifmrfta (Mutas 

’ amtaloj tnrtttnjnF nv.iift t^vtniiir 
vitilis Hjknmra-gtttrc: bgifU tingua 

quamuts .vtt^ 

£,f tnwwifi ’ tomulta (alunfY ; 

Atitu? fl «entis urWdttmrife cmilts 
Grmwmwtx&r-- "’ "i vy^q.» 
ametoasrrrit f ur 

< S>ulua iwt<;.u. irruti 

'**: 3 qtitUttwetkai 

^Ft- Bitiitu» 'Tta* • u v^amtr latwn 
JjDt^Tfmtt utito ttjjtto Hc ttmn* t&t 
"vtifl quaque tosrftmr, -vrlcmif.. 

cuUifflffK- Gtmrn 

“• mfjffm £ tam amanteo 

C rnac^mc&tfpnf omnia imym irrito 
•tybm potwpr 

l^> if mteb’ litfdtobmt" Arntote- t 

I9 q* Onnqae uve «intftttt miww 
attf ft^pc v tm mrnet toloies 
j Uv unitam mett qmtauhb; ur’ 
Cmtfi»itci'i.«i(*flcfta’tn tcmfiuravram 
^Ara.innaptic^ftn^trutcnnw' N 
iHTfrtt Ute^m;Urit oftrse Gtim \ 

^ U W -1( &v T^ftftc- lito i;-nn 
| (Cnfivnm^um: It icub; tmto 
muce affttnwnr caitgmo lumina tftt 
qttnunfci ucjtcrtutl? ffequenf i 

S ^ucpf lacnutms- criset' tvenftnwpaar ’ 

%p?ri&tr famatum fiijrtns utfaqtcfiae • 


C»** ' vv ‘. **'^att*t*r * -?*• • • • * 
f " •• u ’ -r^mf 
f-v .nrVfoiitftan f'U 
Snvfa cutsr-n eat-. ; . 

. i c;cntat?rsai5i e, 

ntwtS. utujf ,: 'i r 

:*-? A. y ■■* 

'“‘e > 


6ruha» matulas w v,- 
t n ? ;'ohs crttw* tt r. s*! 

Jnv : 

6t tuo^nsjfy^stii 


•ftr:‘:i-iV^-a{ iVJ' r '.y 
;Vq5d ■ ..:•* 

•; a^usitti • 

t^*n mcwmtn vofrrxCVup oadf 
'rvMtdcmrout?* nuit?' e 

SJftdr .\v 

4 J - ? _ 

• n 5 ’ • ‘ ** - •■ i-huIiv. 

-*^.U ... • "**■••'■ * \fi tajtfc. inr:-:'"iKiat ' * 

^ -S*. . y-rrr. im mrv 

pfttf ft-?: iuumn.'i? t r t j4 untas 
^rorns caul’Mdittb? «fc* 
ttWir Vtnutn t c-.tsitf rimtatp * rctr 
atew. " .r. ; i 'r-. m.r utmitte 
%W'~. P ^tc&t.ipfttun^-r ^tsoci 

* .utprrt* 

a’ r •*•■ -Attlc mt fttitter <l«t9tT <t#j- 
\ ^'nV^mMitrtndtffi oeriitbm ■* 1 
ne amr^tt drtg wtiim' mqutr 
,£»nigcn &m; cmtdee tttif- ar^ffc 
"ZTl ,,31M bouwgt-ar .^la&r-jar. 

