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i r> 


L H Moon 




The Leafhoppers and Froghoppers 


Australia and New Zealand 


Cicadelloidea and Cercopoidea) 



Published by order of the Trustees 
Sydney, 1966 

* 47 Bundarra Road, Bellevue Hill, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia 

Registered in Australia for transmission by post as a book 


Part I 



Introduction . . . . . . . . • . . . • • • • • • • • • • 5 

General characteristics . . . . . . . . • . • • • • • • • • 7 

Relationships with other Homoptera . . . . . . . . • • • • • • 8 

Biology . . . . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 

Plant associations . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • 8 

The Australian fauna . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • 9 

The New Zealand fauna . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • . . io 

The Faunas of New Guinea and New Caledonia . . . . . . . . . . • • io 

Zoogeography . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • . . 1 1 

Distribution . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • . . 18 

Evolution . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 8 

Abundance . . . . . . . . . . • ♦ • • • • • • • • J 9 

Economic significance . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • 20 

Some research suggestions . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • 20 

Collecting methods and collections . . . . . . • . • • • • . . 2 1 

Part II 


Morphology . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 22 

Characters distinguishing the Cicadelloidea and Cercopoidea . . . . . . . • 27 

The Families of the Cicadelloidea . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . 28 

Classification . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • . . 28 

Eurymelidae . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 9 

Cicadellidae . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • 79 

Membracidae . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 75 

The Families of the Cercopoidea . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • 3°9 

Cercopoidae . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 10 

Aphrophoridae . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • 3*6 

Machaerotidae . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 2 5 

Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • 33 1 

List of new names . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • 33 2 

References . . . . . . . . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • 334 

List of New Zealand Cicadelloidea and Cercopoidea . . . . . . • . . • 33^ 

Index . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • 337 




Although the insect faunas of Australia and New Zealand are of remarkable interest, 
there are very few works which deal in a comprehensive fashion with particular groups. 
Neither are there, with few exceptions, and these relate especially to certain families of 
Coleoptera and Lepidoptera, reliably named collections available in Australia or New Zealand, 
which are in any way representative. This means that insect identification within Australia 
and New Zealand may present considerable difficulties unless insects are well known, or belong 
to groups being studied by an experienced and helpful specialist. 

This work deals with two related groups of medium-sized Homoptera, which in most 
entomological text books are regarded as three groups and which are usually covered in a 
few short paragraphs. These insects present many problems of interest from the point of 
view of evolutionary development and geographical distribution; and, as well, include forms 
of some economic significance. 

For a period of 35 years the writer has studied two of the comprised families (Cicadellidae 
and Eurymelidae) and has published many papers on various aspects of their biology, morphology 
and systematics. These papers are scattered in numerous journals and much of the information 
in them is now out of date. 

The principle purpose of this work is to present under one cover such knowledge as the 
author has acquired of these groups of leafhoppers as they occur in Australia and New Zealand 
in the hope that it will aid identification of the majority, and perhaps, also, create sufficient 
interest to lead to their much-needed further study. In order to make it more comprehensive, 
the Membracidae and Cercopoidea are also included, and brief mention is made of the 
leafhopper faunas of New Guinea, New Caledonia and Lord Howe Island. 

It is to be regretted that the day of the active amateur would seem to be nearly over, 
as such have in the past contributed very greatly to entomological knowledge. Their passing 
would not be of such great moment if their place was being adequately filled by professional 
workers, but this is far from being the case. 

Many who might wish to take an interest in systematic studies are sometimes deterred 
at the outset by the burden of literature which, as an initial step, needs to be referred to and 
understood. This certainly is often a formidable obstacle but it is unavoidable. Once, 
however, it is overcome, such studies can provide a continuing and expanding interest. While 
a geneticist may have the satisfaction of working in a field which lies in the vanguard of the 
advance of knowledge of the mechanics of evolution, a systematist can make a contribution 
to an understanding of some of the factors which have made evolutionary change possible. 
In addition, a systematist is often best able to appreciate the significance of such changes. 

Throughout this work the aim has been followed of endeavouring to make identification 
as simple as possible and this is the reason for the abundance of illustrations. Nevertheless, in 
some genera, especially among those which have a cosmopolitan distribution, species recognition 
will be found to be difficult. This is partly due to lack of clear-cut differentiating characters, 
but also because critical studies have not been made owing to lack of adequate, material. 
Were publication to have been delayed until such time as it might have been found possible 
to deal with every group on a uniform basis, and in an equally comprehensive fashion, then 
it would never have taken place at all. 


Because of the desire to produce a work which is practical and helpful a policy of 
“lumping” has been adopted. An alternative course would have meant, for example, that 
instead of a single species being recognized in the genus Stenocotis Stal, thirteen would have 
been needed to be accepted. In this genus, as well as there being considerable differences 
in size and in colour pattern, sexual dimorphism also occurs. The reason for the “lumping” 
in this instance is that the sexes have not been correlated and the male genitalia of all the 
several colour forms examined are approximately identical. Another example is to be found 
in the genus Eurymela Le Pelletier and Serville, where no less than 9 names have been sunk 
under the specific names of E. distincta Signoret and E. fenestrata Le P. & S. In this instance, 
the size range of the various forms is inconsiderable and sexual dimorphism lacking but the 
various colour combinations are so numerous, many more than the eleven which have been 
named, that to give each of them specific or even sub-specific status, would, in the present 
state of knowledge, result in needless complications. Another reason for recognizing only 
two instead of several species is that the male genitalia of all the various colour forms show 7 
no marked differences in shape. 

Very little is known about the geographical ranges or the food plant associations of th 
various forms in the two genera mentioned, and it is possible that the policy of “lumping 
which has been followed may mean that specific status has been denied to representatives 
some populations of leafhoppers, w r hich might merit it were the facts of their biology better 

It is also possible that, on the basis of differences of male genitalia, some forms may have 
been incorrectly considered as distinct species. Muller (1958) has showm how environmental 
and seasonal factors may influence the shape of the aedeagi in Euscelis spp. and doubtless similar 
occurrences are widespread within the Homoptera, 

While the category of a species has some flexibility, since a “species” may include 
representatives of populations which are not entirely homogeneous, species nevertheless have 
some degree of approximate equivalence. This is far from being the case with higher 
categories, and genera, tribes, sub-families and families within a single super-family are by no 
means always of corresponding status. 

Within a group which has undergone its evolutionary divergence in a restricted 
geographical area, there is, in most instances, no difficulty in the selection of genera. This is 
because, unless they are monotypic, they are merely assemblages of related species which are 
separated from other such assemblages by some distinctive morphological characteristic 
shared in common. 

In other instances it is not so simple and the determination of the limits of genera is a 
matter for personal judgment. While in present-day systematic papers a certain amount of 
quantitative data is frequently presented, personal judgment remains all important. Such 
judgment, which is based on a critical evaluation of the factors available for study, depends 
in part on a knowledge of comparative morphology, but above all on insight based on knowledge, 
experience and understanding. 

A critic w r ho has not himself undertaken systematic studies may be surprised to note 
that some of the specific names which have been sunk as synonyms are of insects described 
by the author. In other words that he has committed the seemingly flagrant error of describing 
the same species more than once ! The explanation is that with increasing knowledge, based 
on longer experience, views on the criteria which separate species in certain genera may 

Some 619 species are dealt with in this work. This number is not only clearly 
considerably less than the actual number of species of cicadclloicls and cercopoids existing in 
Australia and New Zealand, but it is also less than the number available to the author for 


Some species have not been described because of inadequate material. Others, because 
it is considered that their description would serve no useful purpose. The first reason might 
seem a surprising one since several species have been described on the basis of single specimens, 
but this has been done only when they represent forms of particular interest. 

In regard to insects in the second category mentioned, the Macropsinae provide an 
example of a group of leafhoppers which contain a large number of known undescribed species 
which deliberately have not been named. While this is an unusually stable sub-family, since 
their present day representatives probably differ very little from their Mesozoic forerunners, 
nevertheless they display prolific speciation. Since the numbers of macropsids already 
described establish the existence of this evolutionary characteristic, there would seem to be 
no useful purpose served by describing numerous additional species which seemingly are to 
be found in almost every geographical, climatic and floristic unit. 

On the other hand the Thymbrini, which are a group of leafhoppers of probable 
Tertiary origin, display considerable evolutionary plasticity of a different nature and of a greater 
magnitude and this is evident from the numerous comprised genera. Consequently, the naming 
and description of new species in this group have greater justification since it may provide 
information of some evolutionary significance. 

For reasons of economy of space long lists of locality records are not given but only 
particulars sufficient to provide information on the broad pattern of distribution of the various 
species. It needs to be remembered that distribution records of insects very frequently do 
no more than indicate areas where insects have been sought and seldom represent the range of 
distribution of particular species. 

General Characteristics 

Australian cicadelloids, or “leafhoppers”, range in size from 1*7 mm to 28 mm. The 
smallest Australian cercopoid, or “froghopper”, is 5 mm in length and the largest 19 mm. 

In comparison with the faunas of some other parts of the world, most Australian, and 
nearly all New Zealand, leafhoppers and froghoppers are drab insects, being predominantly 
brown, green or yellow. 

With the exception of a single large and colourful cercopoid recorded from northern 
Australia (which is actually a component of the fauna of New Guinea), the most handsome 
and striking representatives of the two superfamilies within Australia are certain endemic 
cicadelloids comprised in the family Eurymelidae. 

The heads of cicadelloids vary considerably in shape, and their ocelli may be ventrally, 
marginally or dorsally situated. At one time the position of the ocelli was used as a diagnostic 
character for purposes of classification, but it is now known to have but little phylogenetic 

In the thorax, both the pronotum and scutellum may be considerably modified, the 
former particularly, though not exclusively, in the Membracidae, and the latter especially in a 
family of the Cercopoidea, the Marchaerotidae. 

The forewings, which are usually known as “tegmina”, are of thicker consistency than 
the membranous hindwings which they serve to protect when the insects are at rest and the 
hind wings folded. 

The tegmina may be reduced to a varying degree as may also the hindwings. 

The abdomen, as in all Hemiptera, lacks cerci. 


Relationships with Other Homoptera 

The Homoptera comprise 3 series, the Coleorrhyncha, Sternorrhyncha and 
Auchenorrhyncha. Each of these is presumed to represent a separate line of evolutionary 
derivation from Protohomopterous ancestors. 

The Cicadelloidea and Cercopoidea belong to the Auchenorrhyncha, which includes 
also the Fulgoroidea and the Gicadoidea. 

The Fulgoroidea, although highly specialized in certain respects, retain more primitive 
characteristics than the 3 other superfamilies and it is presumed that they represent an earlier 
and separate line of Homopterous descent. 

Although representatives of the Cicadelloidea and Cercopoidea closely resemble each 
other in general appearance and seem very different from cicadas, this resemblance is 
superficial since it is probable that the Cicadoidea and Cicadelloidea were derived from a 
common stem independently of the one which gave rise to the Cercopoidea. (Evans, 1963, a). 


Very few studies have been made of the biology of Australian leaf hoppers and frog- 
hoppers and, so far as is known, none of endemic New Zealand representatives of these groups. 
The biology of some representatives of the Eurymelidae has been investigated (Evans, 1931), 
and observations, accompanied by photographic illustrations, recorded of the emergence of 
machaerotid (cercopoid) nymphs (Hacker, 1922). In addition, several papers have been 
published on the biology of a few introduced species of some economic significamce (e.g., 
Helson, 1942). 

Both leafhoppers and froghoppers feed on plants and obtain food by means of suction. 
In order to do this the insects insert into plant tissue 2 pairs of needle-like stylets, the mandibles 
and maxillae. There are 2 channels between the apposed stylets, and salivary secretions are 
forced down one of these and plant sap is drawn up the other. These stylets lie in a dorsal 
groove in the “rostrum”, or labium, and are gripped by the labium at its apex. 

Eggs are laid in plant tissue. The ovipositor is serrated and has 2 pairs of sheathing 
valves. Young insects, which resemble the adults, although lacking wings, feed in the same 
situations as the latter. In those instances, where it has been recorded, there are 5 nymphal 

As suggested by their names, both leafhoppers and froghoppers can jump, and when 
disturbed either take off immediately with a sudden leap, or else, in a squirrel-like fashion, 
dodge around a twig or leaf. The nymphs of most cicadellids, though not of eurymelids, 
membracids and cercopoids, also have jumping powers. 

It has been shown by Ossiannilsson (1949) that many, and possibly most, cicadelloids 
and cercopoids are able to produce sound by means of timbals situated on the first abdominal 
segment. Unlike cicadas, in which the male alone is capable of sound production, both 
sexes of leafhoppers and froghoppers can “sing”, though both lack auditory tympana. The 
same author has discussed the part played by “song” in the biology of the 2 groups. 

Plant Associations 

The most interesting feature of the food plant associations of Australian insects in these 
groups is the preponderance of eucalypt feeders among the Eurymelidae, Cicadellidae and 
Cercopoidea and of acacia feeders among the Membracidae. 


It is true that eucalypts and acacias are the dominant trees in the Australian flora, 
but their dominance is of comparatively recent date and very many present-day species of 
leaf hoppers must have been in existence before it came about. This phenomenon is in 
accordance with the hypothesis of Southwood (1961), who has suggested that the number of 
insect species associated with a tree is a reflection of the cumulative abundance of that tree in 
the particular country throughout recent geological history (e.g., in the Quaternary period). 

Of the older flora, which was dominant in mid-Tertiary times, and still has abundant 
representation, no Australian Cicadelloidea nor Cercopoidea have been recorded from 
conifers, and none from Nothofagus , although a single leafhopper, belonging to the Macropsinae, 
feeds on beech trees in New Zealand. A few eurymelids belonging to the Ipoini, and a few 
membracids, have been taken on representatives of the Proteaceae and some eurymelids on 

The cicadelloid fauna of grasses, and of annuals and perennials generally, is very sparse 
both in Australia and New Zealand. For the most part it consists of introduced species, or, 
ones which are probably of recent adventitious origin and even these are not widespread but 
in Australia are largely confined to the northern, tropical, part of the continent. It is possible 
that species in many genera have restricted feeding habits but very few food-plant records are 

Some leaf hoppers as, for example, Myerslopia. spp. (Ulopinae), are known to be associated 
with a particular environment, in this instance with litter on the forest floor, but information 
is lacking in respect to their food-plants. 

The Australian Fauna 

The most striking features of the Australian fauna are the high degree of endemism 
among the Cicadelloidea and its paucity within the Cercopoidea. Also, the great extent of 
the variation in size and colour pattern of different populations of certain species of 
cicadelloids, indicating genetic instability, and this is doubtless associated with recent changes 
in their environment. 

The dominant Australian cicadelloids belong to an endemic family, the Eurymelidae, 
and there are 6 endemic groups of sub-family, or tribal, status within the Cicadellidae 
(Stenocotini, Thymbrini, Austroagalloidinae, Tartessinae, Trocnadini, Reuplemmelini). 
Although there is an abundance of endemic genera in the Membracidae, no endemic tribes 
and sub-families have yet been recognized. This may well be because of lack of critical 

It is presumed that the several endemic groupings mentioned above represent Tertiary 
evolutionary developments. 

The remaining tribes and sub-families represented in the Australian fauna consist of 
pre-Tertiary relict groups (such as the Ulopini and Cephalelini) ; groups of cosmopolitan 
distribution, such as the Idiocerinae, which will have gained access to Australia at different 
times and by different means (island chains, adventitious transport, recent introductions), and 
those groups, which have sparse representation in north-east Australia, and which entered 
the continent from the north during Pleistocene times (e.g., Coelidiinae). It needs to be 
mentioned that apart from insects comprised in the late Indo-Malayan element, and those of 
recent introduction, very probably a higher degree of endemism exists among Australian forms 
belonging to cosmopolitan sub-families than the existing nomenclature suggests. Thus, for 
example, critical studies would probably disclose that no Australian leafhoppers placed in 
the genera Macropsis and Idiocerus are more than superficially congeneric with the type species 
of these two genera. 


The New Zealand Fauna* 

The leafhopper and froghopper fauna of New Zealand is a sparse, but interesting, one 
(Evans, 1963, b). 

The oldest element includes representatives of the Ulopinae, which are comprised in 
3 tribes. Of these, the Myerslopiini are known elsewhere only from Madagascar and Chile 
and the Cephalelini only from South Africa and Australia, whilst representatives of the Ulopini 
are of widespread occurrence in the eastern hemisphere. 

The dominant group of New Zealand leafhoppers belongs to an endemic genus, 
Novothymbris , included in a tribe, the Thymbrini, otherwise confined to Australia. There are 
also numerous species, either of probable adventitious origin, or else which have been derived 
from adventitious insects. These are comprised in the Jassinae, Typhlocybinae and 
Deltocephalinae. In addition, there are some recent introductions which belong to these 
2 sub-families and also to the Idiocerinae. 

The above 3 distinctive elements may be classed respectively as Mesozoic relicts, 
Tertiary developments and recent accessions. There remain 4 groups of which, in each 
instance, the New Zealand representatives are of uncertain derivation and chronology. One 
of these groups, the Paradorydiini, is widely distributed in the warmer regions of the eastern 
hemisphere. Some leafhoppers in this tribe, but not all, frequent a damp environment and 
feed on rushes. 

This fact is mentioned since so also do leafhoppers in another tribe of New Zealand 
leafhoppers, the Euacanthellini, which have been recorded elsewhere only from Tasmania 
and Mt Kosciusko in New South Wales. 

Both the Paradorydiini and Euacanthellini would seem to belong to the middle range 
of present-day cicadellids, that is to say they are neither relict groups, nor, like the 
Deltocephalinae, of presumed comparatively recent origin. 

The fourth group of problematical origin in New Zealand is the Macropsinae. These 
are an ancient, though not a relict, sub-family of widespread occurrence and the interest of 
the single New Zealand representative lies in the fact that it feeds on, and is very possibly 
restricted to, JVothofagus. 

The Cercopoidea are represented in New Zealand solely by 2 species, which belong to 
the Aphrophoridae. Both of these species are comprised in endemic genera of which neither 
has representation either in Australia or in the Indo- Malayan region. One genus, 
Pseudaphronella , may possibly be related to a Chilean genus, while the other, Carystoterpa , has 
representative species also in Lord Howe Island. 

The Faunas of New Guinea and New Caledonia 

Brief mention needs to be made of the extent of the Australian element in the cicadelloid 
and cercopoid faunas of the two above-mentioned large tropical islands. 

In respect to New Guinea, representatives of the following endemic Australian groups 
of cicadelloids are known to occur in the island: Eurymelidae, Thymbrini, Tartessinae and 
Trocnadini. Several of the eurymelids belong to species which occur also in Australia and 
there is one possibly endemic species. In the Thymbrini, an endemic genus has been recorded 
from New Guinea and this has representation also on Moa Island, near Timor. The greater 
part of the rich cicadelloid and cercopoid faunas of New Guinea, and of the sparse corresponding 
fauna of New Caledonia, is of Indo-Malayan origin. They, thus, have considerable affinity, 
but by no means close identity, with the late Pleistocene, Indo-Malayan, element of the fauna 
of north-eastern Australia. 

Listed on page 336. 



There are more endemic groups of Cicadelloidea in Australia than occur in any other 
single land area. This fact is associated with the long period of time that the Australian 
continent was isolated from the rest of the world during the Tertiary period. The occurrence 
in north-eastern Australia of several species of leaf hoppers and froghoppers, which are not 
found elsewhere in the continent, and which are representative of genera with close Indo- 
Malayan, but not Australian, affinities, provides evidence of late Tertiary land connections 
with islands lying to the north. 

When consideration is given to the problem of the sources of the fauna prior to Tertiary 
isolation and the extent to which it may have received accessions, by adventitious means 
during isolation, it is necessary to enter the realm of speculation. Furthermore, in seeking 
explanations to account for present patterns of distribution, broad generalizations are not 
enough but every distinctive group needs to be considered as a special and separate problem. 
This requires a consideration of factors furnished by comparative morphology, evolutionary 
level and environmental association. 

In Figure i, a hypothesis is presented in relation to the periods and places of origin 
of the several principal components of the cicadelloid fauna of Australia and New Zealand. 
An explanation of the figure is given in the table which follows. 

Fig. i : The composition of the Australian and New Zealand fauna of the Cicadelloidea. 


Some Possible Geographical Origins of Australian and 













Endemic Genera 

Other Endemic 

Total Endemic 
Species (in 4 
and 5 ) 



Presumed Pre- 


Oriental Region, 
Africa, Mada- 
gascar, Australia 







India- Australia 

Indo- Australian 




Cosmopolitan . . 

Uncertain: pos- 

sibly S. Hemis- 













Universal with 

possible excep- 
tion of W. 













S. Africa, Aust- 
ralia, N.Z. 








Africa, Australia, 
N.Z., India. 







N.Z., Chile. 




Endemic Groups 








Australia, N.G. 









Australia, Ori- 

ental Region. 











New Zealand Cicadelloidea (excluding Membracidae) 




1 1 




Distribution within 



Endemic Species 




Tertiary Relict Fauna 




Various ti’ees, includ- 
ing eucalypts. 

While possible that only a few existing geneia 
may be of Pre-Tertiary origin it is probable 
that the Tribe was differentiated from the 
Ulopini during the late Mesozoic and that 
some representatives had access to Australia 
before Tertiary isolation. 

S.W. Australia 


Regarded as of Pre-Tertiary origin on grounds 
of morphology, distribution and food-plant 

37+ + 


Various shrubs but 
only exceptionally on 

While it would be possible to differentiate 
several species into generic groupings, this 
would obscure the remarkable stability of 
insects in this tribe. 



Not closely related to any Australian forms. 

Widespread, but es- 
pecially in Tas- 
mania. In Australia, 
to some extent asso- 
ciated with areas of 
relict fauna and 

Moss, reeds, various 

Although of almost world wide distribution, very 
possibly of S. Hemisphere origin. 



Widespread, but es- 
pecially S.W. Aust- 
ralia and Tasmania. 


Probably derived from the Ulopini during 
mid-Mesozoic times. 








Wide range of food 

This tribe is included in the Pre-Tertiary fauna 
very largely because of its occurrence in N.Z., 
where it is improbably of adventitious origin. 

Widespread in N.Z. 

Found in litter on 
forest floor. 

Supposed mid-Mesozoic relicts on structural, as 
well as distributional grounds. 

of Tertiary Origin 


Possibly only eucalypts 

Possibly derived directly from Ulopini, and 
representing a parallel development with the 
Ledrini. Differing irom the Ledrini in later 
origin, possibly initiated at time of Australian 
Tertiary isolation. 


Principally eucalypts 

Possibly another development from a ulopid 
stock parallel with the Stenocotini. 

Widespread in N.Z. . . 

Possibly derived from an Australian adventitious 
immigrant; not closely related to any existing 
Australian genus. 

22+ + 

Widespread; some en- 
demic genera associ- 
ated with semi-arid 

Various trees and 
shrubs, including 


Five of the described genera are confined to 
Australia. Two of the remainder are not 
represented in Australia but these are closely 
related to the widespread genus Tartessus. 
















Endemic Genera 

Other Endemic 

Total Endemic 
Species (in 4 
and 5) 




Australia (New 
Guinea, New 








i (?) 



Deltocephalini (in 




























Penthimiinae (in 













Typhlocybinae (in 





Cicadellini (in part) 



Late Pleistoc- 

Penthimiinae (in 


Oriental, Africa, 




4 2 



(except Aust- 

i (?) 




Oriental, Aust- 



(except Aust- 
ralia) . 



Africa, Oriental, 



(except Aust- 

ralia) . 







Cicadellini (in part) 




Euacanthellini j N.S.W., Tas- 

1 mania, N.Z. 






1 1 


Endemic Species 



Distribution within 
Australia and New 





Principally on Of problematical origin, 




Particularly Northern 
Australia, but not 
confined to Queens- 

Probably grasses 

These groups are represented in Australia 
mostly either by endemic genera, or else by 
numerous widely distributed endemic species. 
Few, if any, are likely to be of Pre-Tertiary 
origin yet all will have been established in 
Australia since before the Pleistocene. It is 
possible that they gained access to the continent 
by means of island chains that are supposed 
to have existed at times during the Tertiary. 
Some also may have arrived by adventitious 


13 + + 


Acacia, and possibly 
other trees and 









Widespread but 
particularly in 
lower rainfall areas. 

29 + + 


(N.Z. introduced) 



+ ? 





Rushes and various 
herbaceous plants. 

ene Incursion 



Particularly N.E. 

This section of the Penthimiinae comprises 
such genera as Vulturnus and Neodartus , which 
because of their restricted distribution within 
Australia and low degree of endemism are 
presumed to have gained access to the 
continent during the Pleistocene at the same 
time as the sparse representatives of the other 
groups listed. 

Particularly N.E. 


Particularly N.E. 


Particularly N.E. 


Particularly N.E. 


Particularly N.E. 


Particularly N.E. 



Particularly N.E. 


1 (Aust.) 
1 (N.Z.) 

N.S.W., Tasmania, 


Grasses, or rushes 

Not of northern origin and possibly of con- 
siderably earlier derivation. 














Endemic Genera 

Other Endemic 

Total Endemic 
Species (in 4 
and 5) 



Groups of Recent 

Deltocephalini (in 


Cosmopolitan . . 



Cosmopolitan . . 





Cosmopolitan . . 





Typhlocybinae (in 

Cosmopolitan . . 

Possible Recent 


Cosmopolitan . . 

i (?) 





1 1 




Distribution within 



Endemic Species 




Adventitious Origin 



5+ + 






Various trees, shrubs 
and herbaceous 


The insects in this category are presumed to 
be either of recent adventitious origin or else 
introduced since the days of white settlemente. 


i (?) 



Leafhoppers have not been extensively collected in Australia hence distribution records 
of nearly every known species are scanty. Records of food-plant associations are even scantier 
and this is unfortunate since doubtless the distribution of many leafhoppers is determined 
by that of their food-plants. 

While plant distribution may be the most important factor determining the distribution 
of many leafhoppers, the occurrence of particular environments will be another, and the 
distribution of some species may be limited by a single factor of the physical environment, of 
which temperature is doubtless the most important. 

If the Eurymelidae are selected for discussion the following diverse patterns of distribution 
may be observed: widespread species, occurring in every State and every latitude 

(. Eurymeloides pulchra , Anacornutipo lignosa) ; species confined to a particular latitude in both 
eastern and western Australia ( Cornutipoides tricornis ) ; species pairs, in which one of a pair 
occurs in eastern and one in western Australia ( Malipo spp.) ; species confined to a particular 
climatic zone in eastern, or, western Australia (Eurymelella tonnoiri (Mt Kosciusko), Ipo pellucida 
(Queensland and Northern Territory) Eurymeloides walkeri (south-western Australia)]. 

While the present distribution of most species of eurymelids is doubtless associated with 
prevailing climatic conditions, the distribution of a few will have been influenced by former 
climates. Thus, for example, Pogonoscopus myrmex was evidently able to extend its range to 
eastern Australia, from a western Australian source, at a time when favourable climatic 
conditions would have permitted this to happen. 


It would seem that both the Cicadelloidea and Cercopoidea have been in existence as 
distinctive groups of insects for a period of some two hundred million years. 

During this long time representatives of both groups have changed from gymnosperm 
to almost exclusively angiosperm feeders. They have, as well, experienced great climatic 
changes and periods of population isolation have alternated with periods of population 

Because of these happenings, it is, in most instances, very difficult to establish evolutionary 
sequences and inter-relationships. Nevertheless, such sequences can sometimes be recognized, 
particularly among the various components of some endemic groups, such as the Eurymelidae, 
and these are discussed in the appropriate sections. 

In general, a tribe represents a discontinuous group which has known or supposed 
affinities with another group. Thus, the Cephalelini are known to be related to, and in fact, 
to be derived from the Ulopini, while the Trocnadini and Reuplemmelini have been similarly 
derived from the Jassini. 

A sub-family, on the other hand, is usually a discontinuous group of unknown derivation, 
though sometimes its affinities may be surmised. Thus, while the relationship of the 
Cicadellinae with other sub-families of the Cicadellidae is unknown, it is very probable that the 
Ledrinae have been directly derived from the Ulopinae (Evans, 1959). 

Many authors, including the present writer, have published hypothetical phylogenetic 
trees, which express views on the inter-relationship of the several sub-families of the 
Cicadelloidea. However, because of the factors mentioned at the beginning of this section, 
it is clearly impossible to construct such a tree with any real confidence. This is because 
sufficient evidence to enable the true position of the greater number of the branches is, and 
probably always will be, lacking. 


Although it is seldom possible to establish certain relationships between diverse groups* 
of leafhoppers and froghoppers, many evolutionary trends of a varied nature can be 
recognized; some of these affect structural characteristics and others coloration. While 
some observed evolutionary developments are seemingly of adaptive significance, others 
apparently lack such an association. 

Examples of those in the former category are provided by changes in the position of 
the ocelli and the reduction of the number of veins which support the apex of the forewings. 
The primitive position of the ocelli in the Cicadelloidea is on the ventral face of the head and 
such a condition is to be found in the Macropsinae, Jassini, Agalliinae and Idiocerinae. These 
groups of leafhoppers have no close affinity with each other, though formerly, because of this 
shared characteristic, they were regarded as belonging to a single sub-family. Ventrally 
placed ocelli arc also of universal occurrence in the Eurymelidae. 

There are many more groups of leafhoppers, however, which have either marginal 
ocelli, or else ocelli situated on the crown of the head and these conditions are undoubtedly 
secondary developments. In the Gercopoidea the ocelli are invariably dorsal in position. 
The fact that changes in ocelli position are always in the one direction suggests that it is 
advantageous for the ocelli to be in an exposed position, hence, that this is a character of 
selective value. 

The majority of known late Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic Homoptera had forewings 
in which 7 veins supported the apex of the wing (Fig. 7). Most representatives of present day 
cicadelloids and cercopoids have 4 veins which serve the same function. Because of the 
frequency of the occurrence of this latter number, and also because of the fact that vein 
reduction has been achieved in several different ways, it is possible that this venational feature 
is, like ocelli position, the result of selection. 

The bizarre pronota of mcmbracids have frequently been discussed from the point of 
view of their evolutionary significance. While in some instances the pattern of pronotal 
development is seemingly mimetic, more often this is not the case and it is difficult to understand 
how some of the many and varied shapes can be of adaptive importance. 

Other observed evolutionary trends in leafhoppers have to do with increases in size, 
such as are discernible, for example, in the Eurymelini, and in colour pattern development. 
The most generalized cicadelloids and cercopoids are either brown, or black, in colour, while 
green has been acquired secondarily, and independently, in many groups. The adaptive 
significance of these colours can be readily appreciated. It is, however, not so easy to 
understand how any benefit can be conferred by the possession of vivid and very varied colour 
pattern combinations, particularly when, in some species, the range of variation is so 
considerable that insects in nearly every population differ in colour from those in others. 


Populations of both leafhoppers and froghoppers are usually maintained by their 
natural enemies at a low level of abundance. These have been very little studied and although 
eggs are known to be extensively parasitized by myrmarids (Hymenoptcra) and nymphs and 
adults by dryinicls (Hymenoptera) there are certainly other groups of* Hymcnoptera and, as 
well, certain Diptera and Lepidoptera, which play a significant part in population regulation. 

It is interesting to conjecture how the population balance of these insects was maintained 
during late Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic times when, presumably, there were no parasitic 
Hymcnoptera, nor parasitic or predatory, Diptera or Lepidoptera. 


Possibly Mecoptera, which would then have existed in far greater abundance than 
they do at the present time, played a significant role. 

The frequency with which fossil Homoptera are found suggests, in any case, that these 
nsects were formerly far more abundant than they are in most environments at the present time. 

Economic Significance 

Apart from a few typhlocybids, not a single undoubted endemic cicadelloid, and no 
cercopoids, have been recorded as serious pests in either Australia or New Zealand. Such 
few species as are of some economic significance are of uncertain origin and are regarded as 
injurious on account of being virus vectors. One of the best known of these is Orosius argentatus , 
which is of widespread occurrence throughout Australia. 

In comparison with other parts of the world the grasslands of Australia and New 
Zealand carry a very small leaf hopper population and support even fewer cercopoids. 
Consequently, with the possible exception of grasslands in northern Australia, these insects 
can have very little effect on pasture productivity. 

Some Research Suggestions 

The major obstacle hindering investigations with Australian insects of almost any sort 
is lack of background literature. 

The present work, which is very far from a complete and well-rounded contribution to 
knowledge, might be compared with a distorted sieve which needs to be replaced by a 
symmetrical basin. 

The fact that the sieve has shape provides a foundation of some sort for future work. 
The holes represent knowledge which is lacking; the distortion, the probability that errors 
occur in respect to some of the relationships suggested. 

Almost any one of the several groups of insects described provides special problems and 
the few mentioned below are given as examples of possible research projects. 

Eurymelidae A study of the status, distribution and food-plant relationships of the several 
stable colour-forms of the Eurymela dislincta-fene strata complex. 


Cicadellinae The status, distribution, food-plants and time of specific differentiation of holla 


Macropsinac— Factors associated with speciation. 

Austroagalloidinae — Distribution; correlation of the sexes; relationships. 

Typhlocybinae -A study of the fauna as a whole. 

Tartessinae — Systematic and biological study. 


Collecting Methods and Collections 

In a well-known textbook of entomology (Imms, 1957), it is stated that leafhoppers are 
“probably the most abundant of all Homoptera, and may readily be collected by sweeping 
grass, herbage and other foliage”. 

As has already been mentioned, in southern Australia and in New Zealand, leafhoppers, 
and, likewise, froghoppers are not usually abundant on grasses. Furthermore, most forms 
which occur on them are introduced. 

Although grasses are seldom productive, “rushes” and herbage generally, growing in 
moist situations, sometimes yield leafhoppers. 

By far the greatest number of Australian and New Zealand cicadelloids and Australian 
cercopoids live on trees and shrubs and may be obtained by beating. The occurrence of 
eurymelids on trees is always accompanied by the presence of ants which are more readily 
noticed than the leafhoppers. Some leafhoppers live on the trunks of eucalypts and may be 
found concealed under the bark. The best collecting is often obtained on isolated trees, or 
shrubs, on which leafhoppers have been enabled to increase their numbers without 
interference from parasites. 

While light-traps may be expected to yield an abundance of material, it is seldom 
representative of either the leaf hopper, or lroghopper, fauna of an area but is of a restricted 
nature. This does not mean that such a method of collecting should be neglected as sometimes 
it makes available insects which have never been taken by other means (e.g., Inghamia dayi). 
Groups which seem to be particularly attracted by light are the Deltocephalini, Balcluthini, 
Xestocephalinae, Jassinae, Typhlocybinae, and Machaerotinae. 

Compared with many other groups of insects, leafhoppers and froghoppers have been 
neglected by Australian entomologists and the reason for this neglect may be largely due to 
identification difficulties. 

Irrespective of the extent to which literature may be helpful as an aid to identification, 
there nearly always comes a time when reference needs to be made to a well-documented 

While considerable collections of Australian insects in these particular groups are to be 
found in many museums, both within Australia and overseas, none of them is particularly 
representative and the principal importance of many lies in their possession of type specimens. 

Over a long period of years, and with the co-operation of other workers, the author has 
succeeded in assembling a collection of Australian cicadelloids and cercopoids which, though 
far from complete, is yet more comprehensive than any other at present in existence. 

While this has been made primarily for personal research needs it has been made also 
on the assumption that the availability of a representative collection can be just as much a 
stimulus to further study of a group as the preparation of a written document. When this 
collection is no longer needed for personal research it will become the property of the Australian 




The account of certain aspects of the external morphology of cicadelloids and cercopoids 
which follows, and the accompanying illustrations, are intended to provide an interpretation 
of the descriptive terms used in the text. At the same time brief particulars are given of some 
of the characteristics in which the 2 super-families, and the 3 families of the Gicadelloidea 
differ from each other, even although these are mentioned again, and in greater detail, i 
appropriate sections. 



Fig. 2: Ledromorpha planirostris, CR, crown; CS, coronal suture; OG, ocellus; OVP, ovipositor; PN, 
pronotum; SCT, scutellum; TB, tibia; TG, tegmen; TS, tarsus. 

The insect illustrated in Figure 2 ( Ledromorpha planirostris) is the largest Australian 
leaf hopper. The part of the head which is visible in dorsal aspect is known as the crown . This 
term has no morphological significance. Both leafhoppers and froghoppers have 2 ocelli. 
These may be on the crown, as in L. planirostris , or ventrally or, marginally situated. 

The tergum of the first thoracic segment is known as the pronotum , and it overlaps the 
greater part of the tergum of the second, or, mesothoracic segment. The only part of the latter 
which is exposed consists of part of the scutum and the whole of the scutellum, which are 
separated from each other by a well, or, an ill-defined transverse fold. For descriptive 
purposes, the whole of the exposed mesnotum is known as the scutellum. 


Fig. 3: A, Eurymela fenestrata (Eurymelidae), internal view of head. B, Aufidus trifasciatus (Cercopidae), 
anterior view of head after removal of the ante- and post-clypeus. A, antenna; AC, ante-clypeus ; AT, 
.anterior arm of tentorium; F, frons; FC, fronto-clypeus; G, gena; H, hypopharynx; LBR, labrum; 
LR, lorum ; M, mandible; MS, maxillary suture; MX, maxilla; MXP, maxillary plate; PT, posterior 

tentorial bar; SP, salivary pump. 


Fig. 5 : A, Tartessus Jlavipes (Cicadellidae), prothorax, anterior aspect; B, Sertorius australis (Membracidae), 
prothorax anterior aspect; C, Eoscarta carnifex (Cercopidae), prothorax, anterior aspect; D, Macropsis 
tasmaniensis (Cicadellidae), mesothorax, dorsal aspect; E, Tartessus flavipes , mesothorax, dorsal aspect; 
F, Eufairmairia acanthaspis (Membracidae), mesothorax; G, Esocarta carnifex , meso- and metathorax, dorsal 
aspect; H, Eoptyelus australis, ventral aspect; I, Sextius virescens (Membracidae), hind tibia and tarsus; 
J, Eurymela bakeri (Eurymelidae), hind tibia and tarsus; K, Tartessus pulchellus (Cicadellidae), hind tibia. 
AC, ante-clypeus; C, coxa; LAB, labium; LR, lorum; PC, post-clypeus; PN, pronotum; PSC, post- 
scutellum; SCT, scutum; SCTL, scutellum; SP, spine; SR, spur; TR, trochanter; TB, tibia. 


In Figure 3, A which represents the head of a eurymelid viewed from behind, the maxillary 
plate and the infolded hind border of the head are lacking on the left-hand side. 

In Figure 3,B which is of a head of a cercopoid viewed from in front, both the ante-clypeus 
and the post-clypeus have been detached. 

These illustrations serve to show the association of the mandibular stylet with the 
mandibular plate or lorum and the maxillary stylet with the maxillary plate. They also show 
how the lora are continuous medially, underneath the ante-clypeus, with the ventral surface 
of the sucking pump, and how the maxillary plates may be separated from the genae by a 
transverse suture. Attention is drawn to the lack of contact between the anterior arms of the 
tentorium and the posterior tentorial bar in the head of the cicadelloid and the presence of a 
complete tentorium in the cercopoid head. 

The several parts of the heads of leafhoppers and froghoppers which are referred to in 
descriptions are appropriately labelled in Figure 4. 

The central sclerite of the head of a leafhopper usually consists of the post-clypeus 
together with the “frons 55 , and is known as the fronto-clypeus (Figure 4, D.) . Sometimes, however, 
the frons is separated from the post-clypeus by a well, or more usually an obscure, transverse 
suture, the epistomal suture (Figures. 4, A, B). 

In Figure 5 some of the structural features of the thorax, and its appendages, of various 
cicadellids, membracids, eurymelids and cercopids are illustrated. 

In order to interpret relationships, some understanding of wing venation is essential. 
The forewings, or tegmina, of a eurymelid, cicadellid, membracid and cercopoid, together with 
2 hind wings, are illustrated in Figure 6. These should be studied in conjunction with the 2 
wings shown in Figure 7, which illustrate the venation of the tegmen and the hind-wing of the 
forerunners of present-day leafhoppers. These lived during the Permian geological period. 

Fig. 6: A, Ipo pellucida (Eurymelidae), tegmen: B, Kahavalu gemma (Cicadellidae), tegmen; C, Eufrenchia 
alcata (Membracidae), tegmen; D, Eurymeloides punctata (Eurymelidae), wing; E, Eoptyelus australis 

(Aphrophoridae), tegmen; F, E . ptyelus , wing. 

It will be seen that while in late Palaeozoic times the fore and hind wings of cicadelloids 
differed from each other in shape that their venation was then identical. 

Attention is drawn to the following features of the tegmina of cicadelloids and ccrcopoids. 
The radius (R) originally had 3 branches (Ria, Rib, Rs) and the median vein (M) had 
4 branches. In the Eurymelidae (Figure 6, A) R has been modified by specialization; the 
radial sector, Rs, is lacking and M has 2 branches (M 1 + 2 and M 3d- 4). 


In the Cicadellidae (Figure 6, B) and likewise in the Membracidae (Figure 6,C),Rr 
retains its original condition, while Rs is apically incorporated in the same vein as M 1 + 2. 

It will be noted that in one respect, the fossil tegmen of Homaloscytina plana (Figure 7, A) 
is more specialized than that of the present-day membracid illustrated ( Eufrenchia falcata ,, 
Figure 6, G). This is because in the former, though not in the latter, R and M form a single 
vein proximally. 

Fig. 7: A, Homaloscytina plana Tillyard, tegmen; B, Prosbole ivagorae Bekker-Migdisova, wing. 

The tegmen of the cercopoid illustrated ( Eoptyelus australis , Figure 6, E) differs fronr 
that of the 3 cicadelloids in the retention of the subcostal vein (Sc) proximally; in the apically 
multi-branched condition of R 1 ; in the reduction of M to a single vein and in having M 
basally incorporated in the same vein as the first cubitus (Cul). The last-named feature, 
though of frequent occurrence within the Cercopoidea, is not universal, since M and Cu 1 
may be separate, although joined by a basal cross-vein. However, unlike the condition which 
occurs in the majority of the Cicadelloidea, in the Cercopoidea, M is never proximally fused 
with R. 

The hind wings of both the Cicadelloidea and the Cercopoidea are considerably more- 
modified from the ancestral condition than the tegmina. Moreover, although there are 
superficial differences between the venations of representatives of the various families of the 
Cicadelloidea and between these and those of the Cercopoidea, close analysis discloses that 
the differences have no basic significance. 

The several structures of the male genitalia of cicadelloids and cercopoids are illustrated 
in Figure 8. 

The whole of the genitalia are associated with the 9th abdominal segment of which the 
sternum is usually, though not invariably, distinct. 

Ventrally there are a pair of processes, the subgenital plates , which are usually entirely 
separate, but may be medially fused (Figure 8, E). These enclose a pair of claspers, or 
parameres , which lie alongside and are attached to a central connective, or basal plate (Figure 8,.. 
H), from which, except in the Eurymelidae (Figure 8, B) the intromittent organ, or aedeagus,,. 
arises. Sometimes the aedeagus is protected laterally by extensions of the tergite of the 9th 
segment, which is known as the pygophore. 

Examination of the male genitalia is frequently necessary for purposes of identification. 
The genitalia, after removal from an insect, need to be treated in a 10 per cent solution of caustic 
potash, cleaned, dehydrated and cleared. Then, for permanent reference purposes they can 
be mounted in Canada balsam on a perforated card, backed by a piece of cover slip, and kept 
on the same pin as the insect from which they were removed. 


Fig. 8 — Male genitalia: A, Austragalloides rosea (Cicadellidae) ; B, Eurymeloides punctata (Eurymelidae) ; 

3, Lubra spinicornis (Membracidae) ; D, Sextius virescens (Membracidae) ; E, Alosextius carinatus (Membracidae) ; 
F, Megastethodon urvillei (Cercopidae) ; G, Tonnoiria tasmaniana, (Cercopidae) ; H, Eoscarta carnifex 
(Cercopidae) ; AED, aedeagus; BP, basal plate; PAR, paramere; SGP, subgenital plate. 

Characters Distinguishing the Cicadelloidea and Cercopoidea 

The Cicadelloidea, or Jassoidea, are a large and diverse assemblage of insects. Although 
n size, shape and coloration, many superficially resemble Cercopoidea there are several 
:onstant characteristics in which the 2 groups differ from each other. These suggest that they 
iiave followed separate lines of evolutionary development for a very considerable period, 
dossil evidence supports this assumption since forewings which have been ascribed to both 
>uper-families have been recorded from strata of Permian age (Evans, 1 964) , 

The following are among the more important features separating the two groups: — - 


In the head (Figure 3,B) anterior tentorial arms are present. These arise from near 
he antennae on each side and extend to, and join, the posterior tentorial bridge. 

In the tegmen (Figure 6,E) the subcostal vein is always present, though sometimes 
)bscure and it lies well away from the costal margin of the tegmen. A radial sector is likewise 
dways present (except in those forms in which the tegmina are elytra-like) and the median 
/ein which is never, in part, associated with the radial sector, is usually incorporated basally 
n the same vein as the first cubitus. 

In the hindwing (Figure 6,F) the first cubitus divides into Cula and Culb distally of the 
:ross-vein which links it with the media. 


The hind tibiae (Figure 5,H) which are cylindrical, bear one or two strong spurs and lack 


The nymphs live immersed in froth, or in liquid contained in calcareous tubes of their owm 
making, and have an open or closed ventral abdominal air canal. 


In the head (Figure 3, A) the anterior tentorial arms are not associated with the posterior- 
tentorial bar. 

In the legmen (Figure 6,B) a subcostal vein is not present as a separate vein except im 
certain South American representatives of the Family Aetalionidae. A radial sector may be* 
present, or absent, and when present is incorporated in the same vein as the anterior branch of 
the media. The media except in those forms in which the venation is secondarily reduced,, 
has always, at least, 2 branches. Basally, it is usually incorporated in the same vein as the: 
radius, but it may have a separate origin and, exceptionally, be basally fused with the first: 

In the hindwing (Figure 6,D) the first cubitus divides into Cula and Culb proximally 
of a cross-vein (which may represent a branch of M) which links it with the media. 

The hind tibiae (Figure 5, I, J, K) almost invariably bear spines and, when in addition 
spurs are present, they consist of the enlarged bases of spines. 

The nymphs occupy the same environment as the adult insects and usually lack specialized 
structural features of an adaptive nature. 

The Families of the Cicadelloidea 

The Cicadelloidea may be separated into 7 primary divisions as follows: Nicomiidae, 
Biturritidae, Aetalionidae, Membracidae, Hylicidae, Eurymelidae and Cicadellidae (Evans, 
1946, a, 1948). The three first named, and the Hylicidae, which are relict groups, are not 
represented in the Australian region. The remaining families may be distinguished from each 
other by the following features: — 

1 . Pronotum always considerably enlarged, sometimes grotesque Membracidae 

Pronotum almost invariably of normal proportions, but if considerably enlarged then 
directed anteriorly and the scutellum completely exposed 2 

2. Ocelli on the ventral surface of the head; tegmen with vein M 1 + 2 extending to the apex 

independently of Rs; hind tibia, except in myrmceophiles, with one or more spines, 
mounted on prominent bases Eurymelidae 

Leaf hoppers lacking the above combination of characters Cicadellidae 


The system of classification adopted in this work conforms to a great extent, with one 
proposed previously (Evans, 1946, b, 1947, a). In the period which has elapsed since this 
system was proposed it has been adopted, in part, but by no means in its entirety, by other 
authors. Thus Linnavuori (1959) for example, is of the opinion that the Penthimiini and 
Selenocephalini, which I had regarded as components of the sub-family Jassinae, and the 
Hecalini, which I had considered as a tribe of the sub-family Hecalinae, are more correctly 
placed as tribes of the Deltocephalinae. 


While in respect to the above groups, the associations suggested by Linnavuori may 
be correct, it is nevertheless possible that some, or all, of these groups may contain diverse 
components. In other words, while some “Penthimiini” may have affinity with the Jassini, 
others may be more closely related to the Deltocephalini and some may even be of altogether 
different derivation. 

It is for this reason that some only of Linnavuori’s amendments have been incorporated 
in the present work. 

The Family Eurymelidae 


The Eurymelidae is a family of leafhoppers which, apart from sparse representation in 
New Guinea and New Caledonia, is confined to Australia. 


The insects range in length from 3-14 mm. They feed on the branches and, in some 
instances, the roots of trees and shrubs. The nymphs, and during some part of their lives the 
adults also, are gregarious, and both nymphs and adults are attended by ants. Eggs are laid 
in batches in parallel slits in twigs of their food plants and the “nests” are sealed with a 
secretion produced by the females. The nymphs of most species have their legs widely spread 
and do not jump if disturbed. (Evans, 1931.) 


Eurymelids may be recognized immediately by the characteristic face of their heads 
(Figure n, Gi, 14, A). This is quite unlike those of most cicadellids, with the exception 
of a few species comprised in the sub-family Idiocerinae. 

The pronotum is never enlarged. The mesonotum has paired median longitudinal 
unsclerotised areas and is apically acute. 

The tegmina of those species which have simple, as apart from reticulate venation, 
have 3 distinguishing features. These are, that Ri has usually more than 2 branches; Rs 
would seem to be lacking and M 1 -f 2 extends to the apex of the tegmen. Some cicadellids 
•also have Ri with more than 2 branches and in a few groups Rs is lacking, but in none is 
Mi + 2 more than a cross-vein basally, being dis tally incorporated in the same vein as Rs. 

1 A comparative study of Recent and fossil forms establishes that in the Cicadellidae, when 
additional branches of R 1 and absence of Rs occurs, that these are secondary specializations, 
"unlike in the Eurymelidae, where they represent a basic condition. By this it is meant that 
this feature will have occurred in the original stock from which the Eurymelidae have been 
f derived. 


The hind tibiae are quadrilateral in section, and have one, or a few, spines mounted 
on prominent bases. They may, as well, have additional unmounted spines. In the male 
genitalia the aedeagus, which has a large basal apodeme, is situated dorsally just below the 
anal segment and lacks any association with the basal connective that lies between the paired 
| parameres. 

Status and Origin 

Some authors (e.g., Ross, 1957) have been unwilling to grant family status to this group 
of insects and have associated it with forms, in particular leafhoppers comprised in the cicadellid 
subfamily, the Idiocerinae, with which it almost certainly lacks close affinity. It would seem, 
however, that as the Eurymelidae have such distinctive features, they merit complete separation 



'from any of the other family groups comprised in the Cicadelloidea. Once, however, family 
status is claimed, it becomes necessary to try and explain the problem involved in the present 
restricted distribution of the comprised insects. This is because, apart from 2 relict families 
which occur in the Neotropical region, no other family of leaf hoppers is so lestricted and 
family status would seem to imply a Mesozoic period of initial differentiation. 

A Mesozoic origin is supported also by the discovery in Upper Triassic strata in 
•Queensland of a fossil wing which is seemingly that of a eurymelid (Evans, 1956). 

When part of a population is isolated geographically it sometimes happens that rapid 
evolutionary development follows, and such an occurrence may be the explanation for the 
extensive radiation of the Eurymelidae which took place in Australia during Tertiary times. 

This hypothesis, however, leaves unexplained the absence of eurymelids from other parts 
of the world. 

The family Aetalionidae has 3 genera, of which two, Aetalion Latreille and Schiza Laporte, 
have representatives only in the Neotropical region, while the third genus Darthula Kirkaldy, 
which is mono ty pic, occurs in the Oriental region. This family, which is a relict one of 
undoubted Mesozoic origin, must formerly have been widespread. Its present restricted 
distribution can be due only to the fact that its representatives have failed to survive over the 
greater part of their former range. Such an explanation, with respect to the Eurymelidae, 
might be the reason for their present limited distribution, even although the Aetalionidae, 
unlike the Eurymelidae, did not, to the same extent, acquire an evolutionary stimulus following 
isolation during the Tertiary. 

The Eurymelidae, furthermore, are in no sense a relict family since not only are they 
the dominant leaf hoppers in Australia but ecologically they are particularly well adapted to 
the present-day Australian environment. 

Following an initial evolutionary stimulus resulting from early Tertiary isolation they 
may have received an additional one, when, during the latter part of the Tertiary a period of 
abundant rainfall conditions was replaced by the present arid cycle. This is because the 
greater number of eurymelids feeds on eucalypts and the evolutionary radiation of these trees 
is apparently linked with the same climatic change. 

The Eurymelidae are of particular interest from the point ol view of a comparative 
study of differing levels of evolutionary development. These various levels range from unstable 
local populations to tribal or sub-family groupings and are as follows:— 

(a) Local populations of a species lacking a stable colour pattern. Insects in one population 
may differ from those in others, not only in colour pattern but also in minor differences 
in the shape of the various parts of the male genitalia. . . . (Examples among Ipoella spp.) 

■(b) Populations of species (which may be polymorphic) that differ from other populations in 
having constant, as apart from variable, colour pattern differences. They lack, so far as is 

known, differences in genitalia characteristics 

(Examples comprised in the Eurymela fenestrata complex) 

(c) Populations at a specific level of differentiation, between which occur constant differences 
of size and colour pattern and in the shape of the aedeagus . . (Example Eurymelops spp.) 

■(d) Genera, between which there may be no greater differences than between many species 
but which have been accorded generic status because the passage of time has permitted 
secondary speciation to take place (Examples, Stenipo, Ipoides) 

(e) Genera which arc regarded as such because the comprised mono ty pic species have developed 
some unusual structural feature (Examples, Eurymelita, Cornutipo) 


W hile the special characteristics of the Eurymelidae as a whole seemingly justify the 
group being accorded family status, the 3 sub-families into which it has previously been divided 
(Evans, 1933) do not correspond in their degree of distinctiveness with those of the sub-families 
of the Cicadellidae. Consequently, they are here regarded as tribes. One of these tribes is 
differentiated by adaptive characters associated with a subterranean existence. The 2 others, 
though distinctive, are linked by forms which have the principal distinguishing features of each! 

Food Plants 

Most species of eurymelids feed on eucalypts, but the degree to which any may be 
restricted to particular species of these trees is unknown. A few have been recorded from 
Loranthus growing on eucalypts, some from Casuarina and a few from shrubs belonging to the 
family Proteaceae, but only one, and this may be an incorrect record from Acacia. 


Because of lack of knowledge of food plant relationships, it is not known to what extent 
the distribution of the various species of Eucalyptus determines the distribution of eurymelids. 
Many species have a very wide distribution, being found in every State. Others are limited to a 
restricted area {see p. 18). 

None of the several species which have been recorded from New Guinea are distinctive 
and the single species recorded from New Caledonia is also closely related to a continental 
form. The myrmecophilous Pogonoscopini are particularly associated with south-western 
Australia but as already mentioned they have, at some comparatively recent period, been 
enabled to extend their range, since they now occur also in restricted areas in Central Australia, 
South Australia and north-eastern Victoria. 


1 . Head, including the eyes, wider than, or of equal width, with the hind margin of the 

pronotum ; hind tibia with one or more prominent spurs bearing apical spines, with or 
without, additional spines. Living on trees and shrubs and ant-attended 2 

Head, including the eyes, narrower than the hind margin of the pronotum; hind tibia 
with approximately evenly distributed spines of equal length, 1 row of which is mounted 
on enlarged, but not on prominent, bases; tegmen brown, sometimes with pale markings. 
Living in ants' nests and feeding on the roots of eucalypts Pogonoscopini 

2. Tegmen either black with whitish, or, coloured fasciae, or blue, or red, separately, or 

combined ; male genitalia with broad subgenital plates bearing ventral or dorsal accessory 
styles. Living solely on eucalypts Eurymelini 

Tegmen colourless-hyaline, buff, brown, grey or pink, with, or without, darker or paler 
rnarkings ; male genitalia with narrow or broad sub-genital plates lacking accessory styles. 
Living on eucalypts, other trees and shrubs, and Loranthus ' Ipoini 


The Ipoini comprise numerous genera containing small, somewhat drab-looking 
insects which superficially resemble cicadellids and which frequently can be distinguished 
from each other only by a critical examination of the male genitalia; also a few genera 
containing species with well defined characteristics. 

Seventeen genera comprising 47 species are considered in the pages that follow. Many 
more await description; some because they are not represented in collections and others, 
because, although known in collections, they are represented only by female specimens. 


Particular use is made of tibial armature for diagnostic purposes and also the shape of 
the various parts of the male genitalia. The genitalia furnish a ready and certain means of 
generic and usually also of specific identification, even although, as already mentioned, 
populations occur comprising insects which display some degree of variability of aedeagus- 


1 . Fronto-clypeus flat or evenly convex 2 

Fronto-clypeus not as above 

2. (i) Tegmina tectiform 3 

Tegmina not tectiform, overlapping apically Bakeriana Evans 

3. (2) Narrowly wedge-shaped insects 4 

Broadly wedge-shaped insects Ip° Kirkaldy 

4. (3) Hind tibiae with a single spur, *with, or without, additional spines 7 

Hind tibiae with 2 spurs * * 5 

5. (4) Insects with a bold yellow and black tortoise-shell colour pattern Opio Evans 

Not as above 6 

6. (5) Small pink and brown insects Katipo Evans 

Large brown, grey, and white insects Malipo gen. nov. 

7. (4) Hind tibiae with numerous strong spines in addition to a single spur 8 

Hind tibiae with a few weak spines in addition to a single spur . . Xpoella Evans 

S. (7) Insects less than 4 mm in length Ipelloides gen. nov. 

Insects 4 mm or more in length * 9 

9. (8) Insects less than 7 mm in length 10 

Insects 7 mm or more in length Nanipoides gen. nov. 

10. (9) Crown of head of even, or almost even, length throughout 1 1 

Crown of head longer against the eyes than in the centre 12 

it. (10) Tegmina apically narrow, appendix wide Stemipo Evans 

Tegmen apically broad, evenly and profusely mottled with black and with a single 
anterior, more or less circular, white fascia Citripo Evans 

12. (10) Not eurymeline (i.e. predominantly black) in appearance 13 

Eurymeline in appearance Eurymelella Evans 

13. (12) Lora raised laterally above the level of the maxillary plates 14 

Lora on the same plane as the maxillary plates Aloipo gen. nov. 

14. (13) Ante-clypeus anteriorly depressed and apically up-turned Ipolo gen. nov. 

Ante-clypeus anteriorly depressed and flat Ipoides Evans 

15. (1) Fronto-clypeus transversely ridged * . * * * 

Face of head with 3 horns Cornutipoides Evans 

16. (15) Fronto-clypeus medially spatulate Cornutipo Evans 

Fronto-clypeus with an anterior lip-like ridge Anacornutipo Evans 

* In counting tibial spurs, apical ones are omitted. 


Fig. 9: Ai, Ipelloides macleayi, head and thorax; A2, I. macleayi, aedeagus; A3, I. macleayi, subgenital plate 
and paramere; Bi, Bakeriana pro cur rens ; B2, B. procurrens, aedeagus; B3, B. procurrens, subgenital plate and 
paramere; Ci, Bakeriana obscura, aedeagus; C2, B. obscura, subgenital plate and paramere; Di, Bakeriana 
nigra , aedeagus; D2, B. nigra, subgenital plate and paramere; Ei, Aloipo ooldeae, aedeagus; E2, A. 
ooldeae subgenital plate and paramere; Fi, Ipoides honiala, subgenital plate and paramere; F2, I. honiala, 
aedeagus; Gi, Ipoides hackeri, aedeagus; G2, I. hackeri, subgenital plate and paramere; H, Ipoides translucens, 
aedeagus; Ii, Ipoides melaleucae, aedeagus; I2, /. melaleucae, subgenital plate and paramere; J, Ipoides 
minor , aedeagus; K, Ipoides laeta, aedeagus; L, Ipoides loranthae, aedeagus; M, Ipoides brunomaculata, aedea- 
gus; N, Ipoides leai, aedeagus; O, Ipolo davisi, aedeagus; Pi, Citripo Jlandersi, aedeagus; P2, C. flandersi , 

subgenital plate and paramere. 

G 2690 — 2 


Ipelloides gen. nov. 

On the face of the head the labium extends to between the hind coxae, the genae are 
marginally sinuate and antennal ledges are lacking. The crown of the head, which is wider 
against the eyes than in the centre, is considerably anteriorly produced and the pronotum is 
slightly declivous. The hind tibiae have i spur and numerous short hairs, but lack additional 
spines. In the male genitalia the subgenital plates are approximately parallel-sided and the 
parameres extend almost as far as the apices of the sub-genital plates. 

Type species — Ipelloides macleayi sp. nov. 

Ipelloides , which superficially resembles Macropsis Lewis (Macropsinae, Cicadellidae) resembles 
Ipoella Evans in the character of tibial armature, but differs in those furnished by the male 

Ipelloides macleayi sp. nov. 

(Fig. 9, Ai, A2, A3) 

Length, <£, 3.2, 3.4 mm. Face yellowish-buff with pinkish markings, except for 

the lora and maxillary plates, which are whitish. Crown, pronotum and scutellum evenly buff. 
Pronotum punctate. Tegmen punctate, sometimes with dark brown markings; costal area and 
apex, whitish hyaline. Thorax and abdomen, ventral surface, yellowish-buff. Male genitalia 
as in Figure 9, A2, A3. 

Holotype £ and Allotype $ from £ 4 South Australia 55 in the Australian Museum. 
I. macleayi , which is the smallest known eurymelid, differs from most representatives of the 
Ipoini in having a small accessory clasping process on the ventral margin of the sub-genital 
plate but this process is not in the nature of a style. 

Bakeriana Evans 

Ipocerus Evans, 1934, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust.58:i65 (preoccupied). 

Bakeriola Evans, 1938, Pap. Roy.Soc.Tasm.i 938:17 (preoccupied). 

Bakeriana Evans, 1953, Mem. Inst. Sci. Madagascar £.4:129. 

The labium is long and terminates between the hind coxae. The crown of the head 
is only slightly wider against the eyes than in the centre. The tegmina, which are long and 
narrow with a wide appendix, overlap apically and are not tectiform. The hind tibiae have 
3 spurs and numerous strong spines. 

Type species — Ipo procurrens Jacobi. 

Bakeriana procurrens (Jacobi) 

(Fig. 9, Bi, B2, B3) 

Ipo procurrens Jacobi, 1909, Faun. S.W. Aust., Michaelsen u. Hartmeyer 2:340. 

Ipocerus procurrens (Jacobi), Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy. Soc.S. Aust. 58:165. 

Length, 4. 8-5. 8 mm. Head grey, or cream, mottled with brown or black. 

Pronotum grey mottled with brown. Scutellum dark brown with yellowish markings. Tegmen 
pale, or dark brown, with oval, round, and irregularly-shaped hyaline areas. Male genitalia 
as in Fig. 9, B2, B3. 


As previously recorded, B. procurrens , unlike other eurymelids, is apparently not attended 
by ants and the nymphs are capable of jumping. (Evans, 1934.) 

Type Location — Paratype in Zoological Museum, Hamburg (Type destroyed). 

Type Locality — Boyanup, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Perth, Carlisle (Western Australia). 

Bakeriana rubra (Evans) 

Bakeriola rubra Evans, 1947, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 71:227. 

Length, g, 4.8 mm. Face of head evenly convex, dark brown mottled with reddish-brown. 
Scutellum dark brown, mottled antero-medially with pale reddish-brown. Tegmen hyaline, 
dark and reddish-brown with oval white markings. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Moolooka, Queensland. 

Bakeriana nigra sp. nov. 

(Fig. 9, Di, D2) 

Length, 4.8 mm. Face of head brown, densely mottled with dark brown, except 
for the maxillary plates and lora which are grey mottled with brown. Crown of head, 
pronotum, scutellum and tegmen concolorous with the head. Tegmen mottled hyaline-brown 
with numerous irregular, and some oval, pale areas. A pale form is also known. Male 
genitalia as in Figure 9, Di, D2. 

Holotype and Allotype from Innisfail, Queensland (coll. R. A. O’Brien, 10/58) in the 
Australian Museum. 

B. nigra differs from the type species, B. procurrens , principally in the shape of the aedeagus. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Cunnamulla (Queensland) ; Little Desert (Victoria) ; National 
Park (New South Wales). 

Bakeriana obscura sp. nov. 

(Fig. 9, Ci, C2) 

Length, <J, 3.8 mm. Face of head mottled with pale and dark brown. Pronotum 
and scutellum concolorous with the head. Tegmen, including the veins, pale hyaline brown; 
claval margin dark brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 9, Ci, C2. 

Holotype $ from Darwin, Northern Territory (coll. E. Reye 7/57) in the Australian Museum. 

Aloipo gen. nov. 

The labium terminates between the fore coxae; the ante-clypeus slopes steeply 
anteriorly; the fronto-clypeus is convex anteriorly and somewhat flattened posteriorly. The 
eyes are prominent and the pronotum declivous. The crown of the head is widest against 
the eyes. The tegmina are apically rounded with a well-developed appendix and the hind 
tibiae have 1 spur and a few weak spines. In the male genitalia, the sub-genital plates are 


narrow, apically acute and spinous and the parameres, which are sword-shaped, are slightly 
more than half the length of the sub-genital plates. The aedeagus has a pair of strong posterior 
dorsal spines and a pair of small lateral ones. 

Types species — Ipoides ooldeae Evans. 

Aloipo differs from Ipoides in the shape of the various parts of the male genitalia and also in the I 
shape of the face of the head. 

Aloipo ooldeae (Evans) (comb, nov.) 

(Fig. 9, Ei, E2) 

Ipoides ooldeae Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 58: 156. 

Length, 5 -2-5 -4 mm; $, 5-8-6 mm. Head entirely pale yellowish-brown with, or, 
without a few brown markings, or pale brown with an irregular pattern of dark brown and 
black. Pronotum and scutellum concolorous with the head. Tegmen pale colourless hyaline; 
veins pale brown with white bars, or tegmen profusely mottled with brown and veins dark 
brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 9, Ei, E2. 

73 pe Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Ooldea, South Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Morven, Cunnamulla (Queensland) ; Frome Downs Station 
(South Australia); Woorinen (Victoria); Bogan River (New South Wales). 

Collected on — Heterodendron oleifolium. 

Ipoides Evans 

Ipoides Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 155. 

The labium terminates between the middle coxae, and the face of the head is evenly 1 
convex. The ante-clypeus is anteriorly depressed, and the lora slightly swollen laterally and 
the antennal ledges are not well developed. The crown is narrow and longest against the eyes 
and the pronotum slightly declivous. The tegmina are apically narrow and the appendices 
wide. The hind tibiae have 1 spur and several strong spines. In the male genitalia the 
subgenital plates are broad, narrowing apically, the parameres short and the aedeagus boot- 
shaped, sometimes with an anterior flange. 

Type species — Ipoides hackeri Evans. 

Ipoides hackeri Evans 
(Fig. 9, Gi, G2) 

Ipoides hackeri Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 155. 

Length 4*3-4*8 mm; $, 5 mm. Head with an irregular pattern of grey, pale 
yellow and dark brown. Pronotum and scutellum concolorous with the head. Tegmen 
hyaline; veins brown with white bars; a narrow anterior pale fascia sometimes present. 
Male genitalia as in Fig. 9, Gi, G2. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 


Type Locality — Brisbane, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Caloundra, Gatton, Maryborough, Moolooka, Gympie, Deception 
River (Queensland); Wyndham (Western Australia); Hornsby (New South Wales). 

Ipoides honiala (Kirkaldy) (comb, nov.) 

(Fig. 9, Fi, F2) 

Ipo honiala Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 466. 

Ipoides casurinae Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 157 (syn.nov.). 

Ipoides fasciata Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27. 144 (syn. nov.). 

Previously (Evans, 1934) a description, accompanied by illustrations, has been given of a 
eurymelid incorrectly identified as Ipo honiala. Examination of the type of this species has 
disclosed the former error. 

Length, 5, $, 5 mm. Face of head pale yellowish mottled with light and dark 

brown; maxillary plates and lora usually not mottled. Pronotum and scutellum concolorous 
with the head. Tegmen pale hyaline-brown with a characteristic complete, or broken, white 
fascia; veins brown barred with white. Male genitalia as in Figure 9, Fi, F2. Sometimes 
an anterior ventral flange of variable extent is present on the aedeagus. 

Type location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Brisbane, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Canberra (A.C.T.); Kurnell (New South Wales); Merinee 
(Victoria) ; Swan River, Spargoville, Wyndham (Western Australia) ; Burleigh, Maryborough, 
Innisfail (Queensland). 

Collected on — Casuarina. 

Ipoides loranthae Evans 

(Fig. 9 , L) 

Ipoides loranthae Evans, 1939, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 63: 48. 

Length ^,4*2, ?, 5 mm. Face of head mottled with dark brown and black; 

maxillary plates and post-clypeus laterally, usually pale yellowish, or, pale brown. Pronotum 
and scutellum concolorous with the head. Tegmen colourless hyaline, except for the clavus, 
which is dull brown with dull white oval markings, or uniform blackish-brown with oval 
whitish markings; veins pale, or very dark brown, with white bars. Male genitalia as in 
Figure 9, L. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Carnamona Station, South Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Gunnedah (New South Wales); Cunnamulla (Queensland). 
Collected on — Loranthus pe?idulus. 

Ipoides laeta sp. nov. 

(Fig. 9 ; KJ 

Length, 4*2 mm. Face of head, ante-clypeus and fronto-clypeus medially, and 
vertex, dull brown; remainder pale brown. Pronotum greyish-brown mottled with dark 


brown. Scutellum black. Tegmen hyaline-brown with oval white hyaline markings of 
varying distribution. Male genitalia as in Figure 9, K. 

Holotype <$ from Perth, Western Australia, in the Australian Museum. 

I. laeta differs from other species in the genus in characters furnished by the male 

Ipoides brunomaculata Evans 
(Fig. 9, M) 

Ipoides brunomaculata Evans, 1947, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 72: 226. 

Length, 5 mm. Face of head, excepting the vertex, yellowish-ivory. Scutellum 
deep chestnut-brown with 2 pale semi-circular markings. Tegmen pale hyaline-brown with 
irregular white markings; veins white, in part brown. Male genitalia as in Figure 9, M. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Port Moresby, New Guinea. 

Ipoides translucens Evans 

(Fig- 9 , H) 

Ipoides translucens Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 156. 

Length, 4 mm. Head, greyish-buff, but for the maxillary plates and lora which are 
evenly mottled with dark brown and yellow. Pronotum and scutellum grey mottled with 
dark brown. Tegmen transparent, with 2 brown spots against the hind margin of the clavus; 
veins pale brown with white bars. Male genitalia as in Figure 9, H. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Townsville, Queensland. 

Ipoides melaleucae Evans 

(Fig. 9, I2) 

Ipoides melaleucae Evans, 1947, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 71: 226. 

Length, 5 mm. Head, maxillary plates greyish; remainder of face pale greyish- 
brown evenly mottled with dark brown. Tegmen pale hyaline-brown; veins brown with 
white bars. Male genitalia as in Figure 9, Ii, I2. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Sogeri, New Guinea. 

Collected on — Melaleuca. 

(This species is closely related to Ipoides translucens ),. 

Ipoides leai Evans 

(Fig. 9, N) 

Ipoides leai Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 156. 

Length, <$, 4 mm. Head ochreous marked with a pattern of dark brown and black. 
Scutellum dark brown, or black, with an imperfectly rounded pale area. Tegmen, yellowish- 
hyaline; an irregular whitish anterior fascia stretching diagonally across the tegmen from 


near the centre of the costal margin to the apex of the scutellum ; veins dark brown barred with 
white. Male genitalia as in Figure 9, N. The aedeagus is narrower apically than those of 
other species in this genus, but is not sufficiently different to justify the generic separation of 
this species. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Noumea, New Caledonia. 

Ipoides minor sp. nov. 

(Fig- 9,1) 

Length, <£, 4 mm. General coloration, pale tortoise-shell. Head and pronotum, 
dull ochre. Scutellum medially coffee-brown, laterally and posteriorly, black. Tegmen 
hyaline-brown, with or without, a variable pattern of dark brown and white. Male genitalia 
as in Figure 9, J. 

Holotype $ and Allotype $ from Innisfail, Queensland (coll. R. A. O’Brien, 8/58) in the 
Australian Museum. 

Ipoides minor differs from other species in this genus in the shape of the aedeagus and in its 
characteristic coloration. 

Ipolo gen. nov. 

The labium terminates between the middle coxae, the ante-clypeus is anteriorly depressed 
and the lora do not extend as far as the external margins of the maxillary plates. The crown 
of the head is longest against the eyes. In the tegmen there are 3 short veins between R and 
the costal border. The hind tibiae have 1 spur and numerous spines. 

Ipolo differs from Ipoella , in which genus the type species was formerly placed, in having 
a differently shaped aedeagus. 

Type species — Ipoides davisi Evans. 

Ipolo davisi (Evans) (comb, nov.) 

(Fig. 9, O) 

Ipoella davisi Evans, 1947, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 71: 227. 

Length, 5 mm. Head, fronto-clypeus medially dark brown, shading to pale brown, 
laterally ivory; lora brown adjacent to the ante-clypeus, laterally ivory; maxillary plates 
ivory anterior to the antennae, dark brown beneath the eyes; vertex chestnut and very dark 
brown, posteriorly ivory. Crown brown with irregular dark brown markings. Pronotum 
buff mottled with brown. Scutellum dark brown. Tegmen hyaline, the costal margin 
and the apex smoky-brown, the remainder dark brown with a broad proximal white fascia 
and white markings at the apex of the first anal vein. Male genitalia as in Figure 9, O. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Isdell River, Walcott Inlet, north-west Australia. 

Collected on — Ficus sp. 


Citripo Evans 

Citripo Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 161. 

The labium is short, terminating between the fore coxae; the ante-clypeus is apically 
recurved, the lora raised slightly above the maxillary plates antero-laterally and the fronto- 
clypeus evenly convex. The crown of the head is well developed and of even length throughout. 
The hind tibiae have 1 large and 1 small spur and 2 additional spines on the same edge; also 
several spines elsewhere. 

Type species — Citripo jlandersi Evans. 

Citripo flandersi Evans 
(Fig. 9 , Pi, Pa) 

Citripo flandersi Evans 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 161. 

Length, $ 5, $, 5*8 mm. Face of head, ante-clypeus, lora and maxillary plates, light 
brown mottled with black. Fronto-clypeus, vertex and crown, brown densely mottled with 
black. Pronotum and scutellum concolorous with the crown. Tegmen likewise concolorous 
with the crown, except for a prominent anterior white fascia which is surrounded by an 
irregular broad black area. Male genitalia as in Figure 9, Pi, P2. 

Type Location — Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Type Locality — “Queensland”. 

Known distribution — Theodore, Hamilton (Queensland). 

Collected on — Eremo citrus glauca. 

Ipoella Evans 

Ipoella Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 157. 

Anipo Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 159 (syn. nov.). 

The labium is short, terminating between the middle coxae, the lora and fronto-clypeus 
are flat and the ante-clypeus depressed. A crown is developed, either only narrowly against 
the eyes or also medially, and the pronotum is declivous to a varying extent. The hind tibiae 
have 1 spur and a few very small spines. 

Type species — Ipoella fidelis Evans. 

Ipoella fidelis Evans 
(Fig. 10, A, 1-5) 

Ipoella fidelis Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 157. 

Ipoella canberrenis Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 159 (syn. nov.). 

Length, 6-6*5 mm ; $, 6 *5-7 -2 mm. Head greyish-yellow, sometimes with a 
dark brown T-shaped marking extending from the anterior margin of the ante-clypeus as far 
as the mid-vertex. Pronotum greyish, mottled with light and dark brown. Scutellum 
reddish-brown, laterally dark brown. Tegmen hyaline, irregularly mottled with dull brown; 
veins brown with white bars. Indistinct anterior and posterior fasciae may be present. Male 
genitalia as in Figure 10, A, 1-5. 


Fig. io: A1-3, Ipoella Jidelis, aedeagus; A4, 5, I. fidelis, subgenital plate and paramere; Bi, I. porriginosa, 
aedeagus; B2, I. porriginosa , subgenital plate and paramere; Ci, 2, /. brunneus, subgenital plate and 
paramere; C3-6, I. brunneus, aedeagus; Di, I. norrisi, subgenital plate and paramere; D2, I. norrisi, 
aedeagus; E, I. Jlavens aedeagus; F, I. fulva, aedeagus; G, I. fusca, aedeagus; H, I. colmani, aedeagus; 
I, I. darwini, aedeagus; Ji, 2, Katipo signoreti, subgenital plate and paramere; J3, 4, K. signoreti, aedeagus; 
Ki, Katipo rubrivenosa, aedeagus; K2. K. rubrivenosa , subgenital plate and paramere; Li, K. patkscens , 

subgenital plate; L2, K. pallescens, aedeagus. 


Examination of a long series, from numerous localities, discloses a considerable degree 
of minor variation in the shape of the various parts of the male genitalia and it is for this reason 
that I. canberrensis is regarded as a synonym of the type species. The nature of this variation 
is illustrated. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Bunya Mountains, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Brisbane, Morven (Queensland) ; Narrabri, Cobbity (New South 
Wales); Canberra (A.C.T.); Eltham (Victoria). 

Collected on — Eucalyptus. 

Ipoella fulva Evans 
(Fig. 10, F) 

Ipoella fulva Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy. Soc.W.Aust. 27: 144. 

Length, <£, 5 mm. Head, pale brownish-yellow, with a dark brown T-shaped marking. 
Pronotum grey mottled with brown. Scutellum brown. Tegmen pale colourless-hyaline 
mottled with brown. Male genitalia as in Figure 10, F. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Perth, Yanchep (Western Australia). 

Ipoella insignis (Distant) 

Eurymeloides insignis Distant, 1908, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 52: 103. 

Ipoella insignis (Distant) Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 159. 

Length, $, 7 mm. Head yellowish-brown, maxillary plates whitish. Pronotum pale 
yellowish-brown. Scutellum pale chestnut brown. Tegmen chocolate-brown with 2 trans- 
verse fasciae, the anterior white and opaque, the posterior one transparent and widest at the 
costal margin of the tegmen; clavus pale yellowish-brown. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — “Queensland 55 . 

Ipoella norrisi Evans 
(Fig. 10, Di, D2) 

Ipoella norrisi Evans, 1939, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 63: 48. 

Length, 6 mm. Head pale biscuit colour with, or without, black or brown markings 
on the fronto-clypeus and vertex. Pronotum pale brown, or black, mottled with grey. 
Scutellum marked with an irregular black and brown pattern. Tegmen pale hyaline-white, 
partially suffused with light or dark brown, and with small anterior and posterior white fasciae 
that do not extend as far as the anal border. Male genitalia as in Figure 10, Di, D2. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Fremantle, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Balranald (New South Wales); Hattah (Victoria). 

Collected on — Dodonaea attenuata . 


Ipoella porriginosa (Signoret) (comb, nov.) 

(Fig. io, Bi, B2) 

Ewrymela porriginosa Signoret, 1850, Ann. Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 8: 512. 

By tho scopus luridus Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 870. 

Anipo porriginosa (Signoret), Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 159. 

Length, 5-8-6 mm; $, 6-8-7 mm - Head, pale brownish-yellow. JUPronotum pale 
brownish-yellow or reddish-brown mottled with grey. Scutellum concolorous with the 
pronotum, or buff, or chestnut-brown. Tegmen hyaline-pink; veins red. The tegmen 
may be mottled with white spots and have an irregular white fascia. Male genitalia as in 
Figure 10, Bi, B2. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Vienna. 

Type Locality — c 4 Australia 5 5 . 

Known distribution — Canberra (A.G.T.); Berrima (New South Wales). 

Collected on — Eucalyptus. 

Ipoella brunneus (Evans) (comb, nov.) 

(Fig. 10, Ci-6) 

Anipo brunneus Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 160. 

Anipo unimaculata Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 160 (syn. nov.). 

Length, <£, 5-6*2 mm; 6-7 mm. Head evenly yellowish brown, or marked with an 
irregular, or bold, pattern of light and dark brown. Pronotum yellowish-brown mottled with 
grey, or dark brown mottled with light brown. Scutellum brown. Tegmen concolorous with 
the thorax, hyaline brown, sometimes with oval whitish markings. There may be an anterior 
irregular pale fascia or the tegmen may be dark hyaline-brown with both anterior and posterior 
pale fasciae. Male genitalia as in Figure 10, C, 1-6. 

Figures are given of the genitalia of 4 specimens in order to illustrate the range of 
differences in the shape of the aedeagi of representatives of populations which, on the basis of 
present knowledge, seem best considered as belonging to a single species. By way of contrast 
reference should be made to Figure 13, D, E, which represent the aedeagi of some of the several 
different forms of the Eurymela fenestrata- distinct a complex. 

Type Location — Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Type Locality — Canberra, A.C.T. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Brisbane, Dalby, Cunnamulla (Queensland) ; Nyngan, Mullaley 
(New South Wales) . 

Collected on — Eucalyptus. 

Ipoella Havens (Evans) (comb, nov.) 

(Fig. 10, E) 

Anipo jlavens Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 144. 

Length, <£, 5 mm. General coloration, apricot. Tegmen hyaline, pale apricot. 
Male genitalia as in Figure 10, E. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 


Ipoella fusca (Evans) (comb, nov.) 

(Fig. lo, G) 

Anipo fusca Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.YV.Aust. 27: 143. 

Length, <$, 3*5 mm. Head, ante-clypeus, lora and maxillary plates, pale yellowish- 
brown with a median chestnut-brown longitudinal stripe; vertex anteriorly dark brown, 
posteriorly pale brown. Pronotum and scutellum pale brown. Tegmen, colourless-hyaline; 
clavus pale hyaline-brown; veins with brown and white markings. Male genitalia as in 
Figure 10, G. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Perth, Western Australia. 

Ipoella darwini (Evans) (comb, nov.) 

(Fig. 10, I) 

Anipo darwini Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 114. 

Length, 4-5 mm. Head, lora and maxillary plates pale whitish-brown; ante- 
clypeus reddish-brown. Pronotum and scutellum, dark brown mottled with yellow. Tegmen 
colourless-hyaline with pale brown and whitish oval markings; clavus pale hyaline-brown 
with white markings. Male genitalia as in Figure 10, I. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — King George’s Sound, Western Australia. 

Type Collector — Charles Darwin, February, 1836. 

Ipoella colmani sp. nov. 

(Fig. 10, H) 

A very distinctive species, eurymeline in appearance. 

Length, 5-5, 9 , 6 mm. Head, maxillary plates and lora externally, ivory; 
remainder dark purplish-brown, excepting around and below the ocelli, brown. Pronotum 
anteriorly concolorous with head; hind margin broadly white; remainder black, except for a 
narrow anterior oblique white fascia, a hyaline area close to the costal margin and a smaller 
hyaline area at apex of claval suture. Male genitalia as in Figure 10, H. 

Holotype £ and Allotype 9 from Dungog, New South Wales (coll. P. Colman, 12/58) in the 
Australian Museum. 

Xatipo Evans 

Katipo Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 160. 

The labium terminates between the middle coxae, the ante-clypeus is anteriorly depressed 
and the lora are flat. The crown is developed only narrowly against the eyes. The pronotum 
is moderately declivous. The hind tibiae have 2 spurs and a few small spines. 

Type species — Eurymeloides rubrivenosus Kirkaldy. 


Katipo rubrivenosa (Kirkaldy) 

(Fig. 10, Ki, Ka) 

Eurymeloides rubrivenosus Kirkaldy, 1906, BulLHawaii.Sug.Ass.Exp. Sta. 1 (9): 353. 

Eurymeloides lentiginosus Kirkaldy, 1906, BulLHawaii.Sug.Ass.Exp. Sta. 1 (9): 353. 

Katipo rubrivenosa (Kirkaldy) Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 160. 

Length, 5-6*2 mm; $, 5-8-6 mm. Head, ante-clypeus, fronto-clypeus laterally, 
lora and maxillary plates, light brown mottled with dark brown. Fronto-clypeus medially 
and vertex, brown mottled with black. Pronotum pale brown, densely mottled with light, 
dark brown, or black. Scutellum light or dark brown. Tegmen, clavus hyaline reddish- 
brown; remainder, in part, smoky brown; an indistinct anterior transverse narrow white 
fascia, with numerous circular hyaline areas near the costal margin posteriorly; veins reddish- 
brown. Male genitalia as in Figure 10, Ki, K2. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Mittagong, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Sydney, Dungog, Hay (New South Wales) ; Brisbane, Maryborough 
(Queensland); Timbertop (Victoria). 

Collected on — Eucalyptus. 

Katipo signoreti Evans 
(Fig. 10J1-4) 

Katipo signoreti Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 161. 

Length, <$, 5-6 mm; $, 6*8-7 mm - Head pale brown, sometimes mottled with dark 
brown medially. Pronotum and scutellum concolorous with the head. Tegmen hyaline 
pinkish-brown or pale or dark brown with evenly distributed small circular pale areas. Male 
genitalia as in Figure 10, J1-4. 

Type Location — Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Type Locality — Canberra, A.C.T. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Springdale, Rockbank, Inglewood (Victoria) ; Dungog (New 
South Wales); Brisbane (Queensland). 

Collected on — Eucalyptus. 

Katipo pallescens (Evans) (comb, nov.) 

(Figure 10, Li, L2) 

Anipo pallescens Evans, 1947, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 71: 226. 

Length, 5.5 mm. Head, maxillary plates, lora and fronto-clypeus laterally, ivory 
partially suffused with apricot; ante-clypeus, fronto-clypeus medially, and vertex, deep coffee 
brown with pale oval markings. Pronotum pale greyish-brown, laterally dark brown. 
Tegmen pale hyaline brown with evenly distributed colourless circular hyaline areas. Male 
genitalia as in Figure 10, Li, L2. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Sogeri, New Guinea. 



Nanipoides gen. nov. 

The labium terminates between the middle coxae. There is a deep transverse groove 
at the apex of the ante-clypeus and the lora are on the same plane as the maxillary plates. 
The fronto-clypeus is slightly convex and the vertex laterally concave. 

The crown of the head, as viewed from above, is of even length with the inner margins 
•of the eyes. The hind tibiae have i spur and several small spines. 

Type species — Ipoides maculosa Evans. 

Nanipoides differs from Ipoides in shape, size and coloration, and in the characters furnished by 
the male genitalia. 

Nanipoides maculosa (Evans) (comb, nov.) 

(Fig. ii, Ai, A2) 

Ipoides maculosa Evans, 1939, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 63: 48. 

Length, 7*5 mm; $, 8 mm. Head, pronotum and scutellum black, mottled with 
jgrey and brown. Tegmen largely black with numerous, approximately circular, grey, or 
brown, markings and with 2 transverse irregular white, or hyaline, fasciae. Male genitalia 
as in Figure 11, Ai, A2. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Frome Downs Station, South Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Merinee (Victoria) ; Cell, Gympie (Queensland) ; Mittagong 
(New South Wales). 

Collected on — Heterodendron oleifolium. 

Eurymelella Evans 

Eurymelella Evans, 1939, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 63: 47. 

This genus, on account of its general appearance and coloration, has previously been 
included in the Eurymelini. It is transferred to the Ipoini because of the lack of styles on the 
sub-genital plates. 

The labium terminates between the middle coxae. The face of the head is convex 
and the antennal ledges distinct. The crown is well developed and longest against the eyes. 
The hind tibiae have 1 spur and numerous spines. 

Type species — Eurymelella tonnoiri Evans. 


Fig. 11 : Ai, Nanipoides maculosa , aedeagus; A2, N. maculosa , subgenital plate and paramere; Bi, 

Anacornutipo lignosa, aedeagus; B2, A. lignosa , subgenital plate and paramere; Gi, Opio multistrigia , face of 
head; C2, 0 . multistrigia , aedeagus; C3, 0 . multistrigia , subgenital plate and paramere; Di, Stenipo 
bifurcata , aedeagus; D2, S. bifurcata , subgenital plate and paramere; Ei, Stenipo swani , aedeagus; E2, S. 
swani , subgenital plate and paramere; F, Stenipo torpens , subgenital plate and paramere; G, Eurymelella 
tonnoiri, male genitalia; H, Cornutipo scalpellum , head and thorax in profile; I, Cornutipoides tricornis; J, 
Stenipo torpens; Ki, Ipo conferta, subgenital plate and paramere; K2, I. conferta, aedeagus; L, /. aegrota 
aedeagus; Mi, I. pellucida aedeagus; M2, I. pellucida, subgenital plate and paramere; N, I. hilli, aedeagus; 
Oi, /. sordida. aeieagus; O2, /. sordida, subgenital plate and paramere; Pi, Malipo speciosa , aedeagus; 
P2, M. speciosa , subgenital plate and paramere; Q,i, M. bianchii, subgenital plate and paramere; Q;2, AI. 

bianchii, aedeagus. 


Eurymelella tonnoiri Evans 
(Fig. ii, G) 

Eurymelella tonnoiri Evans, 1939, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 63: 47. 

Length, 5 mm. Head black, excepting the lora, which are in part pale brown and 
the crown, which has 4 white spots. Pronotum black, the hind margin, in part, white. 
Scutellum black. Tegmen black with irregular hyaline areas; a narrow sinuate anterior white 
fascia; veins brown. Male genitalia as in Figure 11, G. 

Type Location — Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Type Locality — Mt Kosciusko, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Lake St Clair, Tasmania. 

Opio Evans 

Opio Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 58: 165. 

Narrowly wedge-shaped insects; the head flat and only slightly wider than long. The 
labium terminates between the middle coxae, and the crown of the head, which is well 
developed, is wider against the eyes than in the centre. The hind tibiae have 2 spurs; 
sometimes there is a third small one and as well a few small spines. 

Type species — Bythoscopus multistrigia Walker. 

Opio multistrigia (Walker) 

(Fig. 11, Ci, C2, C3) 

Bythoscopus multistrigia Walker, 1958? Ins.Saund.Homopt. 105. 

Opio multistrigia (Walker), Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 58: 165. 

Length, $,7 mm. Head bright yellow, evenly mottled with black. Pronotum 
and scutellum, yellow, or greyish-yellow with a pattern of black markings. Tegmen, giving 
the impression ol having black and yellow longitudinal stripes; posterior costal area sometimes 
hyaline, veins yellow, or the same colour as the surrounding tegmen. Male genitalia as in 
Figure 1 1, C2, C3. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Unknown. 

Known distribution— Sydney (New South Wales); Canberra (A.C.T.). 

Collected on Casuarina. 

Anacornutipo Evans 
Anacornutipo Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 58: 163. 

1 ^? le f ace ^ ie head is nearly twice as wide as long. The lora and ante-clypeus are 
steeply declivous anteriorly and posteriorly slope down from the flat fronto-clypeus, which is 
on the same plane as the vertex. The post-clypeus, anteriorly, is produced into a thickened 
hp-like lold. Hie crown of the head is visible only against the eyes on each side. The fore 
and middle lemora have a series of widely spaced strong spurs on their hind margins. The 
Inna tibiae have 1 spur and a few minute spines. 

Type species — Eurymela lignosa Walker. 


Anacornutipo lignosa (Walker) 

(Fig. ii, Bi, B2) 

Eurymela lignosa Walker, 1858, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus., Supplement, 166. 

Anacornutipo lignosa (Walker), Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 58: 163. 

Length, 4*8-5 mm; ^ 5*5-6 mm. Head and pronotum pale brownish-yellow 
mottled with brown and black. Scutellum largely black. Tegmen yellowish-brown with 
dark brown areas; a narrow, sinuous, anterior white fascia may be present; posterior costal 
border with extensive hyaline areas. Male genitalia as in Figure 11, Bi, B2. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — “New Holla nd”. 

Known distribution — Mootwingie, Bogan River (New South Wales); Maryborough, Stanthorpe, 
Moolooka (Queensland) ; Serpentine, Swan River, King George’s Sound (Western Australia); 
Lake Hattah (Victoria). 

The 2 species which follow have been placed in separate genera because each has an 
unusual and differently shaped head. Nevertheless, since they have many features in common 
they might equally well have been ascribed to a single genus. 

These common features are a very short labium, anteriorly swollen lora, deep antennal 
pits; pro-epimera with a finger-like backwardly projecting process; externally flattened tibiae; 
punctate tegmina, which are similar in shape and coloration and male genitalia with unusually 
small, and largely concealed, subgenital plates. 

Although one of the 2 species has been taken on a eucalypt, it has also, as have specimens 
of the other species, been recorded from representatives of the Proteaceae. 

For this reason, as well for others which are difficult to define and more in the nature 
of informed impressions, it is possible that both species are relict forms; that is to say they 
may have been in existence prior to the period of the evolutionary radiation of the Eurymelidae 
which gave rise to the greater part of the existing fauna. 

If this suggestion is a correct one, then it is of interest to note that relict eurymelids may 
be associated with tropical conditions unlike some of the relict cicadellids occurring in Australia 
which occur particularly in wet, cold environments. 

Cornutipo Evans 

Cornutipo Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 164. 

The labium terminates between the middle coxae. The ante-clypeus slopes downward 
anteriorly and the lora are anteriorly swollen. The maxillary plates are narrow and the 
antennal ledges and eyes are prominent. The post-clypeus is medially produced into an 
angular upturned flap-like process. The frons, and post-clypeus posteriorly, are flat and on 
the same plane as the vertex and there is a pair of transverse ridges parallel to the antennal 
ledges and in alignment with the ocelli. The crown of the head is only narrowly visible against 
the eyes. The sides of the pronotum widely separate the head from the bases of the tegmina 
and each pro-epimeron is posteriorly produced into a narrowtangue-like process. The tegmina 
are apically broad with small appendices. The tibiae of all 3 pairs of legs are wide and 
flattened externally. The hind tibiae have a single spur and their margins bear a fringe of 
fine hair-like spines. 

Type species — Cornutipo scalpellum Evans. 


Cornutipo scalpellum Evans 
(Fig. ii, H) 

■ Cornutipo scalpellum Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 58: 164. 

Length, <$, 5 *5-6 mm ; $, 8 mm. Head and pronotum brown, or pale greyish-brown, 

finely and evenly mottled with dark brown. Scutellum brown, laterally dark brown. Tegmen 
punctate, grey, brown or almost black with hyaline areas and sometimes with indistinct anterior 
and posterior pale fasciae. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Duaringa, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Red Cliffs (Victoria) ; Lake Mackay, Alice Springs (Central 
Australia) ; Pentland, Carnavon Ranges (Queensland) ; Strahorn State Forest (New South 

Collected on — Hakea and Euccdyptus dichromophloia . 

Cornutipoides Evans 
Cornutipoides Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 164. 

The labium terminates between the fore coxae. The ante-clypeus and the lora slope 
downwards anteriorly and the lora are posteriorly concave. The post-clypeus is produced 
into a narrow, flattened, upturned horn and the vertex on each side, against the eyes, into a 
pair of narrow flattened inwardly turning horns. The eyes are prominent. The pronotum, 
which is wider posteriorly than anteriorly, widely separates the eyes from the bases of the 
tegmina, and the pro-epimera are narrowly produced posteriorly. The tegmina are punctate 
and apically wide and the appendices small. The tibiae are quadrilateral in section and the 
hind tibiae have a single spur and a few small spines. 

Type species — Cornutipoides tricornis Evans. 

Cornutipoides tricornis Evans 

(Fig. 11, I) 

Cornutipoides tricornis Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 58: 164. 

Length, 6 $, 8 mm. Head, pronotum and scutellum, yellowish mottled with dark 
brown. Tegmen light, or dark, greyish-brown, sometimes with indistinct anterior and posterior 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — “North West Australia”. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Derby, Cunderdin (Western Australia); Mareeba, Atherton 
Tableland (Queensland). 

Collected on — Grevillea pteridifolia , G. paralleia , G, glauca and Melaleuca acaciodes. 

5 J 

Stenipo Evans 

Stenipo Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 58: 155. 

The face of the head is almost flat and wider than long. The labium terminates 
between the middle coxae and there is a distinct crown which is longest against the eyes, or of 
even length. The tegmina narrow apically and the appendices are large. The hind tibiae 
have 1 spur and several strong spines. 

Type species — Stenipo swani Evans. 

The 2 species assigned to this genus in addition to the type species, differ from each 
other, and from S. swani , in the characters of the male genitalia. For this reason they might 
each have been placed in separate genera. This has not been done because of their close 
resemblance in other respects. 

Stenipo torpens (Jacobi) 

(Fig. 11, F) 

Ipo torpens Jacobi, 1909, Faun.S.W.Aust.Michaelsen.u.Hartmeyer 2 : 341. 

Stenipo grisea Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 145 (syn. nov.). 

Length, (J, 4*5-5 mm. Head anteriorly grey; fronto-clypeus and vertex anteriorly 
pinkish. Crown grey with brown markings. Pronotum pale greyish-brown. Scutellum pale 
reddish-brown. Tegmen hyaline grey; veins pink. Male genitalia, aedeagus narrowly 
cylindrical, curved; sub-genital plates and parameres as in Figure 11, F. 

Type Location — Paratype in Zoological Museum, Hamburg (Type destroyed). 

Type Locality — Mongers Lake, near Subiaco, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Dongarra, Broome (Western Australia). 

Stenipo swani Evans 
(Figs. 11, Ei, E2) 

Stenipo swani Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 155. 

Length, (J, 4 mm. Head yellowish-grey suffused with dark brown, fronto-clypeus 
sometimes pinkish. Pronotum and scutellum greyish sparsely mottled with brown. Tegmen 
hyaline, or opaque; clavus and costal area anteriorly, punctate; a narrow anterior and a 
broad posterior transverse white fascia may be present; veins black with white bars. Male 
genitalia as in Figure 11, Ei, E2. 

Type Location — Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Type Locality — Rottnest Island, Western Australia. 

Stenipo bifurcata Evans 
(Fig. 11, Di, D2) 

Stenipo bifurcata Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 58: 155. 

Length, 5 mm. Head anteriorly pale yellowish-brown; posteriorly brown, densely 
mottled with very dark brown and black. Pronotum greyish, mottled with dark brown, an 
indistinct broad grey longitudinal stripe and 2 pale brown oval areas against the anterior 


margin. Scutellum dark brown and grey; lateral angles chestnut brown. Tegmer 
proximally whitish-opaque; distally yellowish-hyaline; costal and claval areas anteriorly 
punctate; veins brown with white bars. Male genitalia as in Figure n, Di, D2. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Corney Point, South Australia. 

Ipo Kirkaldy 

Ipo Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. (1) (9): 464. 

Broadly wedge-shaped insects with the tegmina steeply tectiform. The head, which 
sometimes bears short fine hairs, is considerably broader than long and slightly convex. The 
maxillary plates are wide, the antennal pits shallow, the eyes prominent and the labium 
extends as far as the base of the hind coxae. The crown of the head is developed laterally 
against the eyes. The pronotum is sometimes hairy. The tegmina are broad with a narrow 
appendix which usually continues around the apex of the tegmen to the costal margin. The 
hind tibiae usually have 2 spurs, but sometimes only one, and may have as many as five. They 
also have numerous strong spines. In the male genitalia the aedeagus consists of a horizontal 
column with apical spines, the sub-genital plates are broad, and the parameres almost as 
long, or longer, than the sub-genital plates. 

Type species — Ipo ambita Kirkaldy. 

Ipo pellucida (Fabricius) 

(Figs. 6, A, 11, Mi, M2) 

Cicada pellucida Fabricius, 1794, Entom.Syst. 4: 41, 60. 

Ipo ambita Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii, Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 465. 

Ipo pellucida (Fabricius), Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 151. 

Length, 6-7 mm; $, 8-9 mm. Head chestnut brown suffused to a varying extent 
with dark brown. Pronotum pale, or, dark brown sometimes with a median longitudinal 
white stripe. Scutellum pale, or, deep chestnut brown. Tegmen, either entirely hyaline or 
transparent, or mottled with dark brown or black, sometimes with a broad anterior hyaline 
white fascia; veins dark brown, or black, with white bars. Male genitalia as in Figure 11, 
Mi, M2. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — Unknown. 

Known distribution- Burleigh, Atherton Tableland, Macpherson Ranges, Townsville (Queens- 
land); Burnside, Groote Eylandt (Northern Territory). 

Collected on — Grevillea . 

Ipo aegrota Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 11, L) 

Ipo aegrota Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. (1 (9): 466. 

Length, <$, 5, 5-6 mm. Head pale testaceous. Pronotum and scutellum pale 

brown, legmen hyaline yellowish-brown, sometimes with an ill-defined anterior whitish 
fascia. Hind tibia with a single spur. Male genitalia as in Figure 11, L. 


Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Formerly (1934) I had regarded this species as a synonym of Ipo pellucida. Examination 
of the type has disclosed that it is a distinct species, closely related to Ipo pompais , from which 
it differs in having a smooth head and longer and narrower tegmina. 

Ipo conferta Kirkaldy 
(Fig. ii,Ki,K 2 ) 

Ipo conferta Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii. Sug.Ass. Exp. sta. 1 (9): 465. 

Ipo conferta Kirkaldy, Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 58: 153. 

Length, <J, 4, 6 mm. Head brown, sometimes with a mottled appearance; vertex 

sometimes dark brown or black. Pronotum greyish-brown lightly, or profusely, mottled with 
brown or black. Scutellum largely brown or black. Tegmen largely hyaline grey, brown 
or black, sometimes with an irregular white hyaline transverse fascia and often with numerous 
vitreous areas apically. Male genitalia as in Figure 11, Ki, K2. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A. Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Brisbane, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Burleigh, Maryborough, Rockhampton, Bowen, Innisfail 
(Queensland) . 

Collected on — Acacia sp. (If this record is correct, it is the only one of a eurymelid on Acacia) ; 
Melaleuca sp. 

Previously (Evans, 1934) I redescribed an Ipo sp., which I had supposed to represent 
I. conferta , and also figured its male genitalia. Subsequent examination of the type has 
disclosed that the insect believed to have been this species was, in fact, undescribed. It is 
now transferred to another genus and named Malipo bianchii sp. nov. The male genitalia 
ascribed in the same paper to I. honiala were actually those of I. conferta. 

Ipo pompais Kirkaldy 

Ipo pompais Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii. Sug.Ass. Exp. Sta. 3: 35. 

Ipo pompais Kirkaldy, Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 153. 

Length, 5 mm. Head with fine hairs, pale brown, mottled with brown. Pronotum 
pale brown. Scutellum brown, lateral angles dark brown, Tegmen hyaline, mottled with 
light and dark brown. Hind tibia with a single spur. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Nelson, Queensland. 

Formerly (1934) I had regarded I. pompais as a synonym of I. conferta. Examination 
of the type has shown that I. pompais appears to be a distinct species but as the male genitalia 
have not been examined this determination is uncertain. 


Ipo sordida Evans 
(Fig. n, Oi, O2) 

Ipo sordida Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 58: 154. 

Length, 5 mm. Head with fine, short hairs, pale chestnut brown with dark brown 
and black markings. Pronotum grey, densely mottled with dull brown. Scutellum chestnut, 
or dark brown. Tegmen largely hyaline; anterior costal and claval areas punctate; an 
indistinct broad anterior whitish fascia; veins brown. The whole tegmen is mottled with 
dull brown especially around the veins ; veins faintly and irregularly barred with white. Male 
genitalia as in Figure 11, Oi, O2. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Thursday Island, Queensland. 

Ipo hiili Evans 
(Fig. 11, N) 

Ipo hiili Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 154. 

Length, (J, 5, $, 7 mm. Head light, or dark brown, mottled with buff; maxillary 
plates and lora paler than the fronto-clypeus and vertex. Pronotum hairy, grey mottled 
with dark brown, with a grey median longitudinal stripe; scutellum light or dark brown, 
posteriorly yellow. Tegmen, anterior two- thirds, deep chocolate brown with brown veins; 
posterior third transparent with white veins; an anterior transverse irregular fascia. Hind 
tibia with 5 spurs. Male genitalia as in Figure n, N. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Darwin, North Australia. 

Malipo gen. nov. 

The labium terminates between the base of the hind coxae. The fronto-clypeus is 
convex. I lie antennal ledges are distinct and there is a well-defined crown, slightly wider 
against the eyes than in the centre. The tegmina are apically narrow with a wide appendix 
which narrowly continues around the apex of the tegmen. The hind tibiae have 2 spurs 
and numerous spines. In the male genitalia, the sub-genital plates are broad and apically 
emarginate and the aedeagus is hook-shaped. 

Type species — Ipo speciosa Evans. 

Malipo differs from Ipo in being narrowly, instead of broadly, wedge-shaped and in the characters 
of the male genitalia. 

Malipo speciosa (Evans) (comb, nov.) 

(Fig. 11, Pi, P2) 

Ipo speciosa Evans, 1942, Trans.Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 144. 

Length, $, 7 mm - Head, ante-clypeus and lora anteriorly declivous, almost as 
long as broad, white, or cream, with dark brown and black markings. Pronotum grey, or 
yellow, mottled with very dark brown, with a broad median longitudinal white stripe. 
Scutellum brown, or black, with pale markings. Tegmen whitish-hyaline with a broad 


ransverse, opaque, white fascia bordered with black; apically largely vitreous; veins largely 
dack. Male genitalia as in Figure u, Pi, P2. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Lake Grace, Merreden (Western Australia). 

Malipo bianchii sp. nov. 

(Fig. II, Q,I, Q.2) 

Length, 7-7*5 mm. Head, ante-clypeus and lora flat, wider than long, pale 

/ellowish-brown mottled with dark brown or black; maxillary plates, and lora, buff. 
Pronotum and scutellum greyish-yellow mottled with dark brown or black. Tegmen pale 
/ellowish-hyaline sparsely mottled with dark brown or black; apically largely transparent 
ind with a broad anterior white fascia which extends from the costal border to vein Cul. 

Holotype $ from Brisbane, Queensland (coll. P. W. Grogan, 10/30) in the Queensland Museum. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Fraser Hill, Ripley (Queensland). 

The genitalia of the M. bianchii have been figured previously (Evans, 1934) and ascribed 
to Ipo conferta Kirkaldy. Examination of the type of the latter species has disclosed the former 
^rror. M. bianchii resembles Ad. speciosa in shape and general appearance. It differs in size, 
oeing slightly larger; in proportions having the face of the head wider than long instead 
of approximately as wide as long, and in the shape of the aedeagus. 


A typical representative of the Ipoini is predominantly brown, pink, or grey in colour 
and has sub-genital plates lacking accessory styles. A typical representative of the Eurymelini 
.s predominantly black with white, or coloured, fasciae on the tegmina and with sub-genital 
plates bearing accessory styles. 

As has already been mentioned the two groups are not completely differentiated from 
each other. Thus, there are brown species which have sub-genital plates furnished with styles ; 
predominantly black species which have sub-genital plates furnished with styles and 
predominantly black species with sub-genital plates lacking styles. In the Eurymelini, as in 
ihe Ipoini, there are several species which exhibit considerable variation in colour pattern, 
either of a constant, or else a variable, nature. 

Also, in the Eurymelini, as in the Ipoini, and even to a greater extent in the latter tribe, 
there are genera comprising species that may be regarded as climax ones. Of these the most 
outstanding are Eurymela and Eurymelops, which comprise the largest and most highly 
specialized species. 

Key to the Genera of the Eurymelini 

1 . Hind tibia with 1 spur 2 

Hind tibia with more than 1 spur 6 

a. (1) Eurymeline in appearance 3 

Not eurymeline in appearance 5 


(2) Venation of tegmina reticulate * 4 

Venation of tegmina not reticulate Dremuela gen. nov. 

(3) Insects oval in outline. Head globosely convex; front femora with several small 

spurs ........ Platyeurymela Evans 

Wedge-shaped insects; head not globosely convex; front femora lacking spurs 
Eurymela Le. P. & Serv, 

(2) Broadly wedge-shaped insects Pauripo Evans 

Narrowly wedge-shaped insects, crown of even length. . . . Aloeurymela gen. nov. 
(1) Fronto-clypeus evenly convex, globose, or flat 7 

Fronto-clypcus produced into a transverse spade-shaped process 

Eurymelops Kirkaldy 

(6) Front and middle femora lacking spurs 8 

Front femora with 1 spur; middle femora with 3 spurs Eurymelita Evans 

(7) Hind tibia with less than 4 spurs, eurymeline in appearance 9 

Hind tibia with 4 spurs, ipoine in appearance Eurypella gen. nov. 

(8) Hind tibia with 3-5 spurs; venation of tegmen never reticulate 10 

Hind tibia with 2-3 spurs; venation of tegmen usually reticulate 

Pauroeurymela Evans 

(9) Face of head, apart from vertex posteriorly, entirely black. Hind tibia with spurs 

on 1 margin only Eurymelessa Evans 

Face of head not entirely black. Hind tibia with spurs on 2 margins / 

Eurymeloides Kirkaldy 

Pauripo Evans 
Pauripo Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 58: 16 1. 

Small squat insects in which the head is considerably wider than long and the ante- 
clypeus and lora anteriorly declivous. The antennal ledges are distinct and extend to half-way 
between the fronto-clypeus and the eyes. The crown is visible only as a narrow border against 
the eyes. The hind tibiae have a large spur on one of the inner edges and 2 somewhat smaller 
ones on one of the others. 

Type species — Pauripo insularis Evans. 

This genus was formerly included in the Ipoini because of the general appearance and 
coloration of comprised species. It is transferred to the Eurymelini since the sub-genital 
plates have broad ventral accessory styles. 


Fig. 12: Ai, Pauripo insularis , subgenital plate and paramere ; A2, P. insularis , aedeagus; Bi, Eurypella 
tasmaniensis , aedeagus; B2, E. tasmaniensis, subgenital plate and paramere; Gt, Aloeurymela langfieldi, sub - 1 
genital plate and paramere; C2, A. langfieldi , aedeagus; Di, Aloeurymela gearyi, subgenital plate and 
paramere; Da, . 1 . gearyi , aedeagus; Ei, Dremuela hieroglyphic a, subgenital plate and paramere; E2, D. I 
hieroglyphua, aedeagus; Fi, Eurymelita terminals, male genitalia; F2, E. terminalis, face of head; Gi, | 
Eurymelessa rnoruyana , aedeagus; G2, E, moruyana . subgenital plate and paramere; Hi, Eurymeloides pulchra , 
male genitalia, viewed from behind: PI2, E. pulchra , aedeagus; li, Eurymeloides bicincta, aedeagus; I2, E. 
bicincta, subgenital plate and paramere; J, Eurymeloides perpusilla , aedeagus; K, Eurymeloides punctata . 
aedeagus; E, Eurymeloides nigrobrunnea , aedeagus; M, Eurymeloides adspersa , aedeagus; N, Eurymeloides 
marmorata , aedeagus; (), Eurymeloides minutum, aedeagus; P, Eurymeloides lineata, aedeagus; Q_, Eurymeloides I 
sngerensis , aedeagus; R, Eurymeloides kalimensis , aedeagus; Si, Eurymeloides musgravei , aedeagus; S2, E. 
musgraiet , subgenital plate and paramere; T Eurymeloides walkeri , aedeagus; U, Eurymeloides pulchra , hind 
tibia. AE 1 ), aedeagus; PAR, paramere; SGP, subgenital plate. 

3 - 

4 - 

5 - 

7 * 

8 . 

9 - 




Pauripo insularis Evans 
(Fig. 12, Ai, A2) 

Pauripo insularis Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 161. 

Pauripo continentalis Evans, 1934, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 163 (syn. nov.). 

Length, <$, 4 mm. Head chestnut brown suffused to a varying extent with dark browr 
or black; maxillary plates and lora sometimes paler than the rest of the head. Pronoturr 
greyish-brown mottled with dark brown. Scutellum black. Tegmen hyaline, mottled with 
dull brown especially in the claval area; veins brown or pink. The tegmen may be entirely 
hyaline except for the clavus and there may be traces of narrow anterior and posterior transverse 
fasciae. Male genitalia as in Figure 12, Ai, A2. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Kangaroo Island, South Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Hattah, Kiata (Victoria); Balranald (New South Wales); 
Toowoomba (Queensland); Lucindale (South Australia). 

Eurypella gen. nov. 

On the face of the head the labium terminates between the middle coxae and the 
antennal ledges are well developed. The crown is slightly wider against the eyes than in the 
centre. The tegmina have wide appendices. The hind tibiae have 4 spurs decreasing in 
size from the apex to the base, and as well strong, evenly-spaced, spines on 2 other edges. In 
the male genitalia, the sub-genital plates have well developed ventral, apical accessory styles.. 

Type species — Bakeriana tasmaniensis (Evans). 

Eurypella resembles Bakeriana in coloration, tibial armature and in having wide tegminal 
appendices. It differs in characters furnished by the male genitalia. 

Eurypella tasmaniensis (Evans) (comb, nov.) 

(Fig. 12, Bi, B2) 

Bakeriola tasmaniensis Evans, 1947, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 71: 227. 

Length, 4*2-5 mm. Face black mottled with reddish brown except for the lora and 
maxillary plates which are marked with a pattern of brown and cream. Crown and pronotum 
mottled with light and dark brown and greyish-white. Scutellum dark brown with yellowish 
spots. Tegmen, clavus anteriorly concolorous with the thorax; remainder dark hyaline brown 
with round hyaline-white markings and with 2 irregular and incomplete transverse white 
fasciae. Male genitalia as in Figure 12, Bi, B2. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Risdon, Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Frankston (Victoria). 


Aloeurymela Evans 

1 loeurymela Evans, 1965, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 90: 85. 

On the face of the head the labium terminates between the middle coxae and the anterioi 
nargin of the ante-clypeus is depressed below the rest of the sclerite. The crown of the head 
s only slightly wider against the eyes than in the centre. The tegmen has a well developed 
Lppendix. The hind tibiae have 1 spur and a few additional small spines. The male genitalia 
lave oval-shaped sub-genital plates bearing terminal hook-like styles arising from the ventral 

rype species — Aloeurymela gearyi Evans. 

In coloration and general appearance Aloeurymela resemble genera comprised in the 
poini rather than those in the Eurymelini. It is included in the last named tribe because of 
he characters furnished by the male genitalia; in particular the presence of a well developed 
central accessory clasping process associated with the sub-genital plates. 

Aloeurymela gearyi Evans 
(Fig. 12, Di, D2) 

Uoeurymela gearyi Evans, 1965, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 90: 86. 

Length, 4*8 mm. General appearance long and narrow, sometimes with a 

:haracteristic diamond-shaped marking on the folded tegmina. Face of head pale apricot, 
)r dark brown, mottled with yellow; lora and maxillary plates, pale brown. Grown and 
)ronotum, pale or dark brown, or black, mottled with pale brown or greyish-white. Scutellum 
:oncolorous with the pronotum but a darker shade. Tegmen basally concolorous with the 
:rown of head and thorax, with 2 irregular transverse whitish fasciae, which may be confluent 
n the costal area. Male genitalia as in Figure 12, Di, D2. (The aedeagus may have an 
idditional spine). 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Cunnamulla, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Perth (Western Australia) ; Gilruth, Moolooka (Queensland) ; 
/Valgett (New South Wales). 

Aloeurymela langfieldi sp. nov. 

(Fig. 12, Ci, C2) 

Length, 5, 4 nim. Face of head, lemon yellow, or pale yellow, with brown 

narkings. Pronotum pale buff mottled with pale brown, posteriorly narrowly whitish. 
Jcutellum pale buff, with a broad, central, longitudinal, and triangular lateral, dark brown 
narkings. Tegmen with a broad irregular whitish transverse hyaline fascia parallel with the 
ides of the scutellum, broadly bordered on each side with a hyaline coffee-brown area; 
ipically transparent or, pale brownish-hyaline. Male genitalia as in Figure 12, Gi, C2. 

Lolotype £ and Allotype $ from Kimberley Research Station, N.W. Australia (coll. 
Langfield 9/57). In the Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 


Eurymelessa Evans 

Eurymelessa Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 88. 

The head is approximately oval in shape and the ante-clypeus is anteriorly narrowly 
depressed. The antennal ledges, which are well-defined, extend almost as far as the eyes om 
each side. The crown of the head is widest against the eyes. The hind tibiae have 3 spurs - 
decreasing in size from the apex to the base and numerous spines. 

Type species — Eurymeloides moruyana Distant. 

Eurymelessa moruyana (Distant) 

(Fig. 12, Gi, G2) 

Eurymeloides moruyana Distant, 19 1 7, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. 20: 188. 

Eurymelessa froggatti Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 88 (syn. nov.). 

Length, §, 6-7 mm. Head black, but for the hind margin of the vertex, which is 1 
broadly ochreous. Vertex of head, and pronotum, ochreous or black. Scutellum black, j 
Tegmen black, or brown shading to black, with a broken posterior, hyaline, white fascia; : 
sometimes also with a few anterior pale spots. Legs pale brown. Male genitalia as in 
Figure 12, Gi, G2. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Moruya, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Eltham, Blackburn (Victoria); Barrington Tops, Dorrigo, 
National Park (New South Wales); Binna Burra (Queensland). 

Dremuela gen. nov. 

The face of the head is wider than long and anteriorly recurved. The antennal ledges, 
which are short, are well defined and there is a deep depression below the antennae. The 
labium terminates between the middle coxae. The fronto-clypeus is medially flat and laterally 
depressed. The crown is narrow and wider against the eyes than in the centre. The venation 
of the tegmen is not reticulate. The fore and middle femora have short and slender spines on 
their ventral margins and the hind tibiae have 1 spur and several additional spines. 

The sub-genital plates lack ventral styles, but have triangular processes developed from 
the infolding of their dorsal margins. 

Type species — Dremuela hieroglyphica sp. nov. 

Dremuela differs from other genera of the Eurymelini in the characters furnished by the sub- 
genital plates. 

Dremuela hieroglyphica sp. nov. 

(Fig. 12, Ei, E2) 

Length, 6, $, 7 mm. General coloration black, with delicate white markings on 
the tegmen. 

Face rugose, black, the outer margins of the lora and the ante- and fronto-clypeus, in 
part, coffee-brown. Pronotum and scutellum shining black, but for the pronotum antero- 
iaterally and the scutellum posteriorly, brown. Tegmen shining black; veins iA and 2 A 


apically white. An oblique, narrow, sinuate fascia extending from the apex of the scutellum 
to the costal margin. Distal of the costal apex of this fascia, a series of small, round, hyaline 
white spots lying between R and the costal margin. Further distally, an arcuate broken 
, narrow hyaline white fascia. Abdomen, ventral surface and legs, brown. Male genitalia 
f as in Figure 12, Ei, E2. The sub-genital plates are broad and laterally flattened. 

Holotype $ and Allotype ? from Stoughton Vale, Victoria (coll. H. Tarr, 4/48), in the National 
Museum of Victoria, Additional specimens from Mittagong, New South Wales 

Eurymelita Evans 

Eurymelita Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 89. 

The ante-clypeus and lora are recurved anteriorly. The maxillary plates are at a lower 
evel than the vertex. The tegmina are apically bi'oad. The front femora have a large spur, 
he middle femora 3 smaller spurs and the hind tibiae have 2 spurs and numerous strong, 
short spines. In the male genitalia the parameres are unusually short, and the sub-genital 
olates lack ventral, but have dorsal, accessory styles. 

Type species — Eurymela terminalis Walker. 

Eurymelita terminalis (Walker) 

(Fig. 12, Fi, F2) 

Eurymela terminalis Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 642. 

Eurymelita terminalis (Walker) Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 89. 

Length, ?, 9 mm. Head black with whitish maxillary plates; fronto-clypeus 

’ufous brown, or with a white, brown and black pattern. Pronotum and scutellum black 
vith the hind margins sometimes brown. Tegmen black, sometimes brown, with 2 narrow 
rans verse, white, cream, or dull pink fasciae. The anterior fascia terminates close to the apex 
)f the scutellum. Male genitalia as in Figure 12, Fi. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Adelaide, South Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Belabula, Finley, Wardell (New South Wales) ; Dalby 
Queensland); Naroona, Nerrogin, Swan River (Western Australia). 

Eurymeloides Kirkaldy 

Eurymeloides Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 351. 

Eurymelias Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 29. 

Eurymeloides Kirkaldy, Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 83. 

This genus is closely related to Eurymelessa , differing principally in the shape of the 
ledeagus. The face of the head is slightly convexly rounded and the crown is only visible 
larrowly against the eyes. The hind tibiae have spurs on 2 adjacent edges; on one, in which 
hey are widely spaced, there are 3, 4, or 5 spurs, decreasing in size from the apex to the base; 
>n the other on which the spurs are more closely set, there are from one to 4 large spurs. The 
nale genitalia have broad sub-genital plates with ventral styles. In this genus the shape of 
he aedeagus is regarded as the principal feature indicating generic relationship, the armature 
>f the hind tibiae being of secondary importance. 

Type species — Eurymela bicincta Erichson. 



2. (i) 

3 - ( 2 ) 

4- (3) 

5- (2) 

■6. ( 5 ) 

7 . ( 6 ) 

«• (7) 

9. (1) 
I0 - (9) 

11. (10) 

12. (n) 

* 3 - (10) 

Key to the Species in the Genus Eurymeloides 

Insects predominantly black with, or without, white or coloured markings 2 

Insects not predominantly black 9 

Apart from black, predominantly yellow or orange in colour 3 

Apart from black, yellow, or orange, not predominant 5 

Insects less than 8 mm. in length 4 

Insects at least 10 mm in length pulchra (Signoret) 

Insects 6 mm in length with a yellow and black longitudinally-striped appearance 

perpusilla (Walker) 

Insects 7 mm in length, lacking a longitudinally striped appearance (Western 

Australia only) walkeri Distant 

Insects more than 6 mm in length O' 

Insects less than 6 mm in length minutum Evans 

Insects 8 or 9 mm in length; abdomen usually scarlet lineata (Signoret) 

Insects either less, or more, than 8 or 9 mm; abdomen not scarlet 7 

Insects never more than 8 mm in length 8 

Insects 10 mm in length, predominantly black; eyes red (New Guinea) 

nigra Evans 

Insects 6-7 mm in length, usually with 2 narrow white, transverse, tegminal fasciae 
bicincta (Erichson) 

Insects 7 mm in length, with irregular pale tegminal markings (a very variable 

species) punctata (Signoret) 

Insects less than 8 mm in length 10 

Insects 9 mm in length adspersa (Signoret) 

Insects 5 mm in length 1 1 

Insects 7 mm in length 13 

Hind tibia with 3 large and 1 small spur on the margin bearing widely spaced 
spurs 12 

Hind tibia with 5 appreciable spurs (New Guinea) kalimensis Evans 

Tegmen with indistinct transverse fasciae; male genitalia as in Figure 12, Si, S2 
(Australia) musgravei sp. nov. 

Tegmen lacking fasciae; male genitalia as in Figure 12, Q (New Guinea) »■] 

sogerensis Evans 

Hind tibia with total of 4 spurs on 2 edges nigrobrunnea Evans 

Hind tibia with a total of 7 spurs on 2 edges marmorata (Burmeister) 

Eurymeloides bicincta (Erichson) 

(Fig. 12, Ii, I2) 

Eurymela bicincta Erichson, 1842, Archiv.Naturgesch, 8: 286. 

Eurymeloides bicinctellus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii. Sug.Ass. Exp. Sta. 1 (9): 352. 


Eurymeloides bicincta (Erichson), Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 83. 

Length, 6*5, ?, 7 mm. Head largely brown or black. Pronotum black, brown,, 
yellow or orange, sometimes with the hind margin white. Scutellum usually concolorous with 
the pronotum, but sometimes black when the pronotum is orange. Tegmen black, with 2 
white fasciae, the anterior extending from close to the apex of the scutellum to approximately 
the centre of the costal margin; the posterior from the apex of the claval suture transversely 
to the costal border. Hind tibia with 3 large and 2 small spurs on 1 edge and two on another. 
Male genitalia as in Figure 12, 1 1, I2. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Leura, Tubrabucca (New South Wales); Toowoomba, Brisbane 
(Queensland); Adelaide (South Australia) ; Shepperton (Victoria). 

Eurymeloides pulchra (Signoret) 

(Fig. 12, Hi, H 2 , U) 

Eurymela pulchra Signoret, 1850, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 8: 508. 

Eurymela discifera Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 3: 641 

Eurymeloides hymcinthus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug. Ass. Exp. Sta. 1 (9): 351. 

Eurymeloides pulchra (Signoret), Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 83. 

Length, 10-10*5 mm ; $ 3 n mm. Head, ante-clypeus, fronto-clypeus medially 
md vertex, except for an orange median longitudinal stripe, black; maxillary plates, lora 
and fronto-clypeus laterally orange, or straminaceous, entirely black, or entirely orange, 
scutellum anteriorly black, posteriorly yellow or orange. Tegmen black, with 2 yellow, 
oinkish, or whitish, transverse fasciae. The anterior fascia, which may be lacking, is usually 
n 2 separate parts, the posterior one narrowly wedge-shaped. Hind tibia with 5 spurs on 
1 edge and 3 large and 2 small spurs on the adjacent one. Male genitalia as in Figure 12, 
Hi, H2. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Vienna. 

Type Locality — New Holland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Cairns, Maryborough, Brisbane (Queensland) ; Sydney (New 
South Wales); Adelaide (South Australia); Lake Hattah (Victoria). 

Eurymeloides punctata (Signoret) 

(Figs. 6, D; 8, B; 12, K) 

Eurymela punctata Signoret, 1850, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 8: 51 1. 

Eurymela trifasciata Signoret, 1850, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 8: 512. 

Eurymela ocellata Signoret, 1850, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 8: 51 1. 

Eurymela varia Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 3: 644. 

Eurymeloides ornatus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug. Ass. Exp. Sta. 1 (9): 352 (syn. nov.). 
Eurymeloides cumulosus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug. Ass. Exp. Sta. 1 (9): 351. 


Eurymeloides testaceus Distant, 1908, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 52: 101. 

Eurymeloides atromaculatus Distant, 1908, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 52: 103. 

Eurymeloides punctata (Signoret), Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 84. 

Eurymeloides motuana Evans, 1947, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 71 : 225 (syn. nov.). 

Eurymeloides nigrobrunnea Evans, 1947, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 71: 225 (syn. nov.). 

Length, g, 6-7 mm; $, 8-9 mm. Head and pronotum black, mottled with yellow, 
pale brown mottled with yellow, or dark brown mottled with white. Scutellum concolorous 
with the pronotum, or with black or brown markings, or entirely black or brown. Tegmen 
usually black, sometimes pale or dark brown. There may be 2 incomplete, or complete, 
whitish or hyaline fasciae, the anterior oblique and the posterior transverse; sometimes a 
third median fascia is present; clavus frequently mottled with white or light brown ; termination 
of anal veins usually white. Hind tibia with 3 large and 2 small spurs on 1 edge and 2 large 
and 1 small spur on the adjacent one. Male genitalia as in Figure 12, K. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Vienna. 

Type Locality — “Australia”. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Perth, Port George (Western Australia); Adelaide (South 
Australia); Seven Mile Beach (Tasmania); Canberra (A.C.T.) ; Brisbane, Ravenshoe 
(Queensland); Melbourne (Victoria); Sydney (New South Wales); Port Moresby (New 

Eurymeloides adspersa (Signoret) 

(Fig. 12, M) 

Eurymela adspersa Signoret, 1850, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 8: 510. 

Eurymeloides adspersa (Signoret), Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 87. 

Length, (J, 9 mm. A narrow drab insect, not typically eurymeline in appearance. 
Head, pronotum and scutellum black mottled with reddish brown and yellow. Tegmen 
unusually long, dark brown, or black, with yellowish and whitish irregular markings, sometimes 
arranged so as to form 3 indistinct fasciae. Hind tibia with 3 large and 2 small spurs on one 
edge and 2 large and 1 small spur on the adjacent edge. Male genitalia as in Figure 12, M. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — New Holland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — New Guinea. 

Eurymeloides nigra Evans 

Eurymeloides nigra Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 88. 

Length, $, 10 mm. Head black, but for the external margins of the maxillary plates, 
lora and fronto-clypeus, which are white or testaceous. Eyes bright red. Pronotum and 
scutellum black. Tegmen black with a wedge-shaped posterior white fascia and sometimes 
with small anterior white markings. Hind tibia with 3 large and 4 small spurs on 1 edge 
and 4 spurs on the adjacent margin. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Port Moresby, New Guinea. 


Cnown distribution elsewhere — Donadobu, New Guinea. 

None of the numerous available specimens of this species is a male. However, it is 
iistinctive and can readily be identified. It is very probably derived from Eurymeloides pulchr a. 

Eurymeloides perpusilla (Walker) 

(Fig- 12, J) 

Eurymeld^perpusilla Walker, 1858, Ins.Saund,Homopt. 83. 

eurymeloides perpusilla (Walker), Evans, 1933, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 86. 

Length, ?, 6 mm. A small distinctive species, black with longitudinal yellow 

tripes. Head, maxillary plates, lora and fronto-clypeus externally, yellow; remainder black. 
Pronotum black, laterally yellow. Scutellum black. Tegmen black with a broad crescentic 
longitudinal yellow fascia, extending from the base of the tegmen to the costal margin opposite 
he termination of vein iA; also a posterior wedge-shaped transverse fascia; other markings 
nay also be present on the tegmen. Hind tibia with 2 large and 3 small spurs on one edge 
tnd 2 spurs on the adjacent edge. Male genitalia as in Figure 12, J. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — “New South Wales 55 . 

Known distribution elsewhere — Tambourine Mountains (Queensland) ; Maroota (New South 
N ales) . 

Eurymeloides kalimensis Evans 
(Fig. 12, R) 

Eurymeloides kalimensis Evans, 1939, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 63: 48. 

Length, 7 mm. Head, pronotum and scutellum pale brown mottled with dark 
orown. Tegmen hyaline brown with 2 broad transverse white fasciae. Hind tibia with 5 
purs on 1 margin and three on the adjacent one. Male genitalia as in Figure 12, R. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Bioto-Kabimu Road, New Guinea (at the time of description Kabimu was 
'ead on the label as “Kalima 55 and it was not appreciated that the locality was a New Guinea 

Eurymeloides minutum Evans 
(Fig. 12, O) 

Eurymeloides minutu?n Evans, 1933, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 87. 

Length, 5 mm. Head black, mottled with yellow and brown. Pronotum black, 
with a few scattered small yellow spots. Scutellum black. Tegmen, very dark shiny brown 
or almost black, sometimes with a narrow ribbon -like transverse white fascia, or white marking, 
md invariably with a posterior transverse white fascia. Clavus sometimes spotted with 
/ellow; a number of round pale spots against the costal margin. Hind tibia with 3 large 
md 1 small spur on one edge and 1 large and 1 small spur on the adjacent margin. Male 
genitalia as in Figure 12, O. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Gosford, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Adelaide (South Australia). 
g 2690—3 


Eurymeloides lineata (Signoret) 

(Fig. 12, P) 

Eurymela lineata Signoret, 1850, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 8: 509. 

Eurymela livida Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 3: 642. 

Eurymela decisa Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 3: 643. 

Eurymeloides lineata (Signoret), Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 84. 

Length, 8, 9 mm. A highly variable species. Head black, fronto-clypeus red, 

or pinkish, with a central longitudinal black stripe; coronal suture pinkish. The maxillary 
plates may be narrowly bordered with white, the lora externally testaceous, and a pale 
area may be present anterior to each antenna or the head may be almost entirely red. 
Pronotum black, sometimes with a median red longitudinal stripe and sometimes edged 
posteriorly with white, or entirely red. Scutellum black, sometimes posteriorly red. Tegmen 
black, veins frequently white or pinkish ; a posterior white, wedge-shaped fascia and sometimes 
also a narrow anterior broad, or narrow pale fascia. Hind tibia with 3 large and 2 small 
spurs on 1 edge and 4 spurs on the adjacent edge. Legs, coxae and femora in part red, 
remainder of femora, tibiae and tarsi, black, except first tarsal segment which is in part white. 
Abdomen red. Male genitalia as in Figure 12, P. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Vienna. 

Type Locality — “Australia”. 

Known distribution— Warburton, Eltham, Mt Buffalo (Victoria); Adelaide (South Australia); 
Swan River (Western Australia); Numinbah (Queensland) ; Mt Kosciusko (New South 

Eurymeloides marmorata (Burmeister) 

(Fig. 12, N) 

Eurymela marmorata Burmeister, Genera Insectorum, 1838-45. 

Bythoscopus nigro-oeneus Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 867. 

Eurymeloides zonatus Distant, 1908, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 52: 104. 

Eurymeloides marmorata (Burmeister), Evans, 1933, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 86. 

Length, <$, 7 mm. Head black mottled with light or dark brown. Pronotum light 
biown mottled with black and dark brown. Scutellum black sometimes with pale markings 
posteriorly. Tegmen usually brown, sometimes blackish with 2 indistinct, irregular yellowish 
01 reddish, transverse fasciae; also numerous small pale markings which, together with the 
fasciae, may occupy at least half the area of the tegmen. LI ind tibia with 3 large spurs and 2 
small ones on 1 edge and 2 spurs on the adjacent edge. Male genitalia as in Figure 12, N. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Known distribution Lilydale, Warburton (Victoria); Tooloom (New South Wales). 

Eurymeloides sogerensis Evans 
(Fig. 12, Q) 

Eurymeloides sogerensis Evans, 1947, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 71: 225. 

Length, <3, 5 mm. Head evenly dark brown, outer margins of lora and maxillary 
plates, cream. Pronotum brown mottled with pale greyish brown. Scutellum, dark brown. 


Tegmen dark brown irregularly mottled with dark grey. Hind tibia with 3 large and 1 small 
spur on 1 edge and 1 large and 1 small spur on the adjacent edge. Male genitalia as in Fig. 

12, Q. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Sogeri, New Guinea. 

Eurymeloides walkeri Distant 

(Fig. 12, T) 

Eurymeloides walkeri Distant, 1908, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 52: 102. 

Eurymeloides walkeri Distant, Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 87. 

Length, 7*5 mm. Head bright egg-yellow, fronto-clypeus medially and vertex 
,in part black. Pronotum bright yellow with black markings laterally and a pair of median 
black longitudinal stripes. Scutellum black, apex and markings on disc, yellow. Tegmen 
black with an irregular broken anterior oblique white fascia and a broken transverse, hyaline, 
whitish fascia. Hind tibia with 3 spurs on one edge and 2 spurs on the adjacent edge. Male 
genitalia as in Figure 12, T. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Albany, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Swanbourne (Western Australia). 

Eurymeloides musgravei sp. nov. 

(Fig. 12, Si, S2) 

Length, <J, 4*2, $, 6 mm. Face of head black, mottled with brown; ante-clypeus 

dark brown, lora pale brown, maxillary plates brindled. Pronotum brown mottled with pale 
brown. Scutellum concolorous with pronotum but a darker shade. Tegmen dark brown 
with circular pale markings and with 2 irregular pale white, or hyaline, fasciae. The anterior 
fascia may be less distinct than the posterior one. Vein iA apically white. Hind tibia with 
3 large and 1 small spur on one margin and two on another. Male genitalia as in Figure 12, 
Si, S2. 

Holotype £ and Allotype 9 from Kurrajong, New South Wales (coll. A. Musgrave 12/54) in 
the Australian Museum. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Black Mt (A.C.T.); Mt Macedon (Victoria). 

Pauroeurymela Evans 

Pauroeurymela Evans, 1933, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 79. 

The fronto-clypeus is evenly convexly rounded, the lora and ante-clypeus recurved 
apically and the antennal ledges, which extend two-thirds of the distance between the fronto- 
clypeus and the eyes, distinct. The crown of the head is only visible narrowly against the eyes. 
The tegmina are apically broad, the appendix small and the venation usually apically reticulate, 
though there may be large well-defined apical cells. The hind tibiae have 2 large spurs and a 
third considerably smaller one. 

Type species — Eurymela amplicincta Walker. 


Fig. 13: A, Pauroeurymela. amplicincta , aedeagus; Bi, Pauroeurymela parva , aedeagus; B2, P. parva, subgenital 
plate and paramere; Ci, Platyeurymela semifascia , aedeagus; C2, P. semifascia; Di, Eurymela fenestrata , 
aedeagus, D2, E. fenestrata , male genitalia; Ei, 2, if. distincta, aedeagus; F, E. erythrocnemis, aedeagus; 
G, E. rubrolimbata, aedeagus; H, E. bakeri, aedeagus; Ii, Enrymelops bicolor , aedeagus; I2, E. bicolor , face 
of head; J, E. generosa , aedeagus; K, E. rubrovittata, aedeagus; L, E. lat fascia , aedeagus. AED, aedeagus; 

PAR, paramere; SGP, subgenital plate; ST, style. 

Pauroeurymela amplicincta (Walker) 

(Fig. 13, A) 

Eurymela amplicincta Walker, 1858, Ins.Saund.Homopt. 84. 

Pauroeurymela amplicincta (Walker), Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 57: 79. 

Broadly wedge-shaped insects. Length, & 5, $, 7 mm. Head pronotum and 

scutellum pilose. Head black, maxillary plates, white. Pronotum black with the hind 
margin narrowly white, or olive, or entirely olive. Scutellum black. Tegmen black with a 


narrow fulvous margin with 2 grey, yellowish-brown or white fasciae; anterior fascia broad, 
transverse; posterior fascia considerably narrower and wedge-shaped. Legs reddish-brown. 
Male genitalia as in Figure 13, A. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — -New South Wales. 

Known distribution — Lawson (New South Wales); Croydon, Heathmont (Victoria). 

Pauroeurymela parva Evans 
(Fig. 13, B) 

Pauroeurymela parva Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 79. 

Narrowly wedge-shaped insects. Head and thorax smooth. Length, 7, $, 8 mm. 
Head black. Pronotum black, hind margin sometimes reddish. Scutellum black. Tegmen 
black edged with fulvous, with a broad, or narrow, transverse white, or yellowish-brown, 
fascia and with a small pale area close to the costal margin posteriorly. Legs light or dark 
brown. Male genitalia as in Figure 13, B. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Katoomba, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Bulli Lookout, Tubrabucca (New South WalesL 

Platyeurymela Evans 

Platyeurymela Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 78. 

Insects oval in outline. The head is globosely convex and in 2 planes, at right angles 
with each other. The antennal ledges are distinct and extend as far as the eyes on each side. 
The crown of the head is broadly visible against the eyes and medially declivous. The tegmina 
are apically rounded, the appendices small and the venation reticulate. The front femora 
bear 2 rows of small spurs on their inner sides and the hind tibiae have a single spur. 

Type species — Eurymela semifascia Walker. 

Platyeurymela semifascia (Walker) 

(Fig. 13, Ci, C2) 

Eurymela semifascia Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 3: 643. 

Eurymela tasmani Distant, 1908, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 52: 106. 

Platyeurymela semifascia (Walker), Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 78. 

Eurymela atra Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 3: 645 (syn. nov.). 

Length, Q, 8 mm. Head black, maxillary plates sometimes narrowly margined 
with white. Pronotum black, hind margin narrowly white. Tegmen, black, bordered with 
rufous, usually with 2 transverse white fasciae which extend across the tegmen and may be 
narrow, or wide, or confluent. Male genitalia as in Figure 13, Ci. 

Type Location — British Museum. 


Type Locality — New Holland. 

Known distribution — Noogee, Gippsland, Fern Tree Gully (Victoria); also known to occur in 
Tasmania, South Australia and New South Wales. 

Eurymela Le Pelletier and Serville 
Eurymela Le P. and S., 1825, Encyc.Meth. 10: 604. 

Eurymela Le P. and S., Signoret, 1850, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 8: 503. 

Wedge-shaped insects 6-14 mm in length comprised in 2 species groups. In one, 
the E. fenestrata complex, the size range is from 10-14 mm in length and from 4-5 mm in 
greatest width. In the other group, the size range is from 6-5-11 mm in length, and from 
2*8-4 mm in greatest width. The shape of the posterior tegminal fascia would seem to present 
a constant distinguishing feature between insects in the two groups. In the first group, if 
present, it varies in shape but is never crescent-shaped. In the second it is invariably present 
and is always crescent-shaped. 

General coloration, dorsal surface, brown or black, sometimes with a metallic sheen. 
The tegmina may have pale yellowish, whitish or greyish fasciae. 

On the face of the head the labium extends to between the middle coxae, and the anterior 
margin of the head, comprising part of the ante-clypeus, lora and maxillary plates, lies at 
right-angles to the remainder of the same sclerites. The outer margin of the maxillary plates 
is raised into a distinct rim. The fronto-clypeus is anteriorly convex and posteriorly flat; 
the antennal ledges, which are strongly developed, extend almost as far as the eyes and the 
vertex is flat. 

The crown of the head is only developed narrowly against the eyes. The pronotum 
is slightly declivous and the propleurae separate the eyes from the bases of the tegmina. The 
scutellum, which is large, is longer than the pronotum and extends laterally to behind the 
eyes. I he tegmina are eleytra-like with shallow pits and the venation of the apical third is 

I hc fore femora have 5 or 6 peg-like spurs on their inner margins and the hind tibiae 
have a single prominent spur on the. ventral anterior edge, a smaller spur, and a few widely 
spaced small spines on the inner posterior edge and on the dorsal anterior edge. 

I he male genitalia have large boat-shaped sub-genital plates. The parameres, which 
are apically hooked and horizontal, extend beyond the aedeagus, and styles are present along 
the posterior half of the ventral margin of the sub-genital plates; these are dorsally directed 
and approximately at right-angles to the parameres. 

Type species — Eurymela fenestrata Le Pelletier and Serville. 

Key to Species in the Genus Eurymela 

1. Insects over 10 mm in length; abdomen never black in colour 2 

Insects less than 10 mm in length; abdomen largely black g 

2. ( 1 ) Insects predominantly brown in colour; abdomen not scarlet. 

* fenestrata Le P. & S. 

Insects predominantly bluish-black in colour; abdomen scarlet. . distincta Signoret 

3. (1) Insects more than 7 mm in length 

Insects 7 mm or less in length 


bakeri Evans 


4- (3) Insects 9 mm in length; pronotum often in part olive; anterior tegminal fascia 
frequently in 2 parts rubrolimbata Kirkaldy 

Insects 8 mm in length; pronotum never in part olive; anterior fascia usually not 
in 2 parts . erythrocnemis Burmeister 

Previously 9 described forms have been placed under the name of the type species, 
although it was recognised that they could be separated into 2 groups which were described 
as the “Brown” and the “Black Group” respectively (Evans, 1933). In the same paper 
illustrations were given of fifteen of the colour pattern forms of insects in the “Brown Group”. 

Further consideration suggests that it is preferable to recognise these 2 groups of 
eurymelids as each representing a separate species and this course is followed below. 

Eurymela fenestrata Le Pelletier and Serville 
(Figs. 3, A; 13, Di,D2) 

Eurymela fenestrata Le P. and S., 1825, Encyc.Meth. 10: 604. 

Eurymela ruficollis Burmeister, 1838-45, Genera Insectorum. 

Eurymela discoidalis Signoret, 1850, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 8: 505. 

Eurymela suffusa Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 640. 

Eurymela plebeia Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 355. 

Eurymela sub nigricans Distant, 1908, Ann. Soc.Ent.Belg. 52: 105. 

Eurymela fenestrata Le P. and S., Evans, 1933. Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 75. 

Length, 10-11 mm, 11-12-5 mm - Head orange-rufous or dark brown, marked 
with a pattern of both colours; maxillary plates cream. Pronotum and scutellum, apricot- 
orange, orange-rufous or dark purplish-brown, or marked with a pattern of orange and brown. 
Tegmen, anterior costal margin rufous or yellowish; remainder dark brown or dark purplish- 
brown except for anterior and posterior whitish circular markings, or fasciae, which may be 
present or absent. Abdomen, ventral surface, pale or dark ochreous. Male genitalia as 
in Figures 13, Di, D2. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Known distribution — Tully, Brisbane, Endeavour River (Queensland) ; Gosford, Port Stephens, 
Sydney, Como (New South Wales); Swan River (Western Australia). 

Eurymela distincta Signoret 
(Fig. 13, Ei, E2) 

Eurymela distincta Signoret, 1850, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 8: 506. 

Eurymela vicina Signoret, 1850, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 8: 506. 

Eurymela speculum Walker, 1851, List Homopt.Brit.Mus.3 : 641. 

Eurymela lubra Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 355. 

Length, <£, 10-12 mm; $, 12-14 mm. Head black, but for the maxillary plates, 
which are white or cream. Pronotum and scutellum black. Tegmen bluish or purplish-black, 
usually with one, two, or three whitish fasciae ; costal margin black. Legs, coxae and femora 


proximally scarlet, remainder black. Thorax and abdomen, ventral surface scarlet. Male 
genitalia as in Figure 13, Ei, E2. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Known distribution — Hobart (Tasmania) ; Sydney, Bombala (New South Wales) ; Nunawading 

Eurymela erythrocnemis Burmeister 
(Fig. 13, F) 

Eurymela erythrocnemis Burmeister, 1838-45. Genera Insectorium. 

Eurymela erythrocnemis Burmeister, Amyot & Serville, 1843, Suites a Buffon. PI. 10. Fig. 5. 

Eurymela erythrocnemis Burmeister, Signoret, 1850, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 8: 507. 

Eurymela erythrocnemis Burmeister, Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 76. 

Length, 8 mm. Head black, maxillary plates broadly or narrowly white. 

Pronotum black, hind margin sometimes white. Scutellum black, apex sometimes fulvous. 
Tegmen black; costal and claval margins broadly fulvous; two broad or narrow white fasciae, 
of which either may be the larger; posterior fascia usually arcuate. Abdomen largely black. 
Male genitalia as in Figure 13, F. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Known distribution — Uralla, Centravale (New South Wales); Eltham (Victoria). 

Eurymela rubrolimbata Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 13, G) 

Eurymela rubrolimbata Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 354. 

Eurymela rubrolimbata Kirkaldy, Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 76. 

Length, <$, 8-9 mm; $, 10 mm. Head black, maxillary plates, broadly, or narrowly, 
white. Pronotum black, sometimes posteriorly dull olive, the band of this colour widest 
medially. Scutellum black. Tegmen bluish or bronzy-black, costal and claval margins 
fulvous; 2 whitish fasciae, the anterior one narrowly oblique and its continuation on the clavus 
usually not in alignment with the costal part; posterior fascia, broadly or narrowly arcuate. 
Abdomen, ventral surface black. Male genitalia as in Figure 13, G. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Mittagong, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Leura, Tubrabucca, Barrington Tops (New South Wales). 

Eurymela bakeri Evans 
( Fi gs- 5 > j; i 3 j h) 

Eurymela bakeri Evans, 1933, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 78. 

Length, 6, £, 7 mm - Head black, maxillary plates white. Pronotum black, 

hind margin sometimes white. Scutellum black. Tegmen black; costal and claval margins 
fulvous with 2 white, or grey, fasciae; anterior fascia irregular in shape, sometimes extending 


onto clavus; posterior fascia arcuate. Abdomen, ventral surface black. Male genitalia as 
in Figure 13, H. 

Type Location — Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Type Locality — Canberra, A.C.T. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Leura (New South Wales). 

There are almost certainly at least 2 other species belonging to this genus, both of which 
belong to the species-group comprising E. bakeri , E. rubrolimbata and E. erythrocnemis. These 
have not been described because of present inadequacy of available material. 

Eurymeiops Kirkaldy 

Eurymelops Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug. Ass. Exp. Sta. 1 (9): 350. 

Eurymeiops Kirkaldy, Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 80. 

Large insects 1 1-14 mm in length, with a predominantly red and black colour pattern. 
The fronto-clypeus is produced as a transverse shovel-shaped process which is concave dorsally. 
As a result, when viewed from above, the eyes appear prominent. The venation of the tegmen 
is apically reticulate and the hind tibiae have 2 prominent spurs. 

Type species — Eurymela rubrovittata Amyot and Serville. 

Characters distinguishing species in the Genus Eurymeiops 

Tegmen metallic purplish, sometimes, in part, red bicolor (Burmeister) 

Tegmen predominantly brick-red, usually with 2 transverse black fasciae. . generosa (Stal) 

Tegmen black, with 2 transverse red fasciae rubrovittata (A. & S.) 

Tegmen black, anteriorly reddish-brown, hence with appearance of having 3 transverse red 
fasciae latifascia (Walker) 

Eurymeiops rubrovittata (Amyot and Serville) 

(Kg- 13, K) 

Eurymela rubrovittata A. and S. 1843, Hist.Nat.des Ins.Hemipt. 555. 

Eurymela rubrofasciata Stal, 1865, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 22: 156. 

Eurymeiops rubrovitta Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 354. 

Eurymeiops rubrovittata A. and S., Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 80. 

Length, <£, 13, $,14 mm. Head black, maxillary plates, and narrowly between eyes, 
red. Pronotum black, posteriorly red. Tegmen, a small area against the costal margin 
anteriorly and 2 transverse fasciae, red; remainder black. Abdomen, ventral surface red. 
Male genitalia as in Figure 13, K. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Known distribution — Albany, Wilga, Katanning (Western Australia); Canberra (A.C.T.) ; 
Tyabb (Victoria); Stanthorpe, Beenleigh (Queensland). 


Eurymelops bicolor (Burmeister) 

(Fig. 13, Ii, I2) 

Eurymela bicolor Burmeister, 1838-45, Genera Insectorum. 

Eurymela basalis Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 3: 640. 

Eurymelops bicolor (Burmeister), Evans, 1933, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 57: 82. 

Length, 12, $, 14 mm. Head, metallic blue or greenish black; maxillary plates 
and fronto-clypeus posteriorly, red; sometimes head entirely red. Pronotum bluish or 
greenish-black, or, black with the hind margin red. Scutellum bluish or greenish-black 
sometimes with a central red spot. Tegmen entirely metallic greenish or bluish-black, or 
anteriorly red and posteriorly black, or with some other arrangements of these colours. 
Abdomen, ventral surface red. Male genitalia as in Figure 13, Ii. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Known distribution — Lakemba, Cronulla (New South Wales); Brisbane (Queensland). 
Recorded also from Victoria and South Australia. 

Eurymelops latifascia (Walker) 

(Fig. 13, L) 

Eurymelops latifascia Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus.3: 639. 

Eurymela pascoei Distant, 1908, Ann.S0c.Ent.Belg.52: 106. 

Eurymela latifascia (Walker), Evans, 1933, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust.57: 82. 

Length, $, 1 1 mm. Head ochreous, sometimes with a central black area on the 
fronto-clypeus and another on the vertex. Pronotum black, black with a reddish hind margin, 
or pale, or dark, ochreous with anterior lateral black areas. Scutellum black. Tegmen 
black, basally ochreous and with 2 red, or reddish, fasciae which are confluent along the costal 
margin. Male genitalia as in Figure 13, L. 

Type Location— British Museum. 

Type Locality — King George’s Sound, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Orrooro, Prunong, Adelaide (South Australia); Narrogin, 
Murchison House Station, Katanning (Western Australia); Ovens, Redcliflfe, Lake Hattah 

This species is very closely related to E. rubrovittata and might be better considered as the same 

Eurymelops generosa (Stal) 

( Fi g- 13, J) 

Eurymela generosa Stal, 1865, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 22: 156. 

Eurymela bunda Distant, 1908, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 52: 106. 

Eurymelops generosa (Stal), Evans, 1933. Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 57: 82. 

A strikingly handsome insect. Length, ^,13, $, 15 mm. Head ochreous or reddish- 
testaceous with irregular bluish-black markings on the fronto-clypeus and vertex. Pronotum 
and scutellum bluish-black, or testaceous, or a combination of both colours. Tegmen reddish- 


testaceous with 2 transverse complete, or incomplete, bluish-black fasciae; apically hyaline 
brownish-ochreous. Abdomen, ventral surface, reddish-testaceous. Male genitalia as in 
Figure 13, J. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Stockholm. 

Type Locality — Moreton Bay, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mt Edwards, Lawes (Queensland). 


Pogonoscopinae China, Trans. Ent.Soc. London 1926: 290. 

Pale, or dark, brown insects, with or without, pale markings on the tegmina. Face 
of the head and sometimes the thorax and tegmina, pubescent. Eyes small, not prominent, 
the crown and genae confluent behind them. Pronotum posteriorly wider than the head 
including the eyes. Tegmina moderately coriaceous, reduced (not brachypterous), or fully 
developed. The femora of all 3 pairs of legs extend laterally beyond the margin of the bodv 
and the tibiae of the 2 first pairs of legs are considerably longer than the femora. The tibiae 
of the hind legs lack spurs and bear numerous fine hairs and usually, in addition, numerous 
short spines. The males have broad sub-genital plates with short marginal processes and there 
is but little difference in shape between the aedeagi of the various species in the several genera. 

Key to the Genera of the Pogonoscopini 

1. Face of head, longer than wide; labium extending beyond hind coxae 2 

Face of head as wide as long; labium extending to between middle coxae 

Myrmecoscopus gen. nov. 

2. Last ven trite of $ medially indented * 3 

Last ventrite of female not medially indented Australos copus China 

3. Fronto-clypeus and ante-clypeus forming an even curved surface 

Pogonoscopus China 

Post-clypeus transversely ridged anteriorly so that the fronto-clypeus and ante- 
clypeus do not form an even curved surface Lasioscopus China 

Pogonoscopus China 
Pogonoscopus China, 1924, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. (9) 14: 529. 

Pogonoscopus China, 1926, Trans. Ent.Soc. London, 1926: 292. 

The labium is long extending beyond the hind coxae. The face of the head is longer 
than wide and either hairy or glabrous. The fronto-clypeus is diamond-shaped and the 
antennal ledges obsolete. The crown of the head is narrowly developed. The scutellum is 
longer than the pronotum. The tegmina extend slightly beyond, or do not reach as far as, 
the apex of the abdomen. Cross vein r-m may be absent so that R and M 1 + 2 are confluent, 
or it may be present; accessory cross veins (more than three) may be present between M and 
Cul and the 2 principal branches of M may each branch into 2 veins, or be even further 
subdivided. The hind tibiae are quadrilateral in section with numerous irregularly spaced 
spines and hairs. The last abdominal ventrite of the female is medially in dentate. 

Type species — Pogonoscopus myrmex China. 


As well as the type species, 3 others have formerly been included in this genus, but only 
two are recognized here and even these are not well differentiated from each other. All 
characters which have been used for species separation are unreliable being of a highly variable 
nature. These include general coloration; presence or absence of shaggy hairs on the face 
of the head ; the nature of the markings on the tegmina ; the shape of the last ventrite of the 
female; the number of teeth on the ovipositor and the shape of the different parts of the male 

The 2 species that are retained can best be separated by their general appearance 
rather than by any detailed structural characteristics. 

Characters distinguishing species in the Genus Pogonoscopus 

General coloration chocolate brown; tegmen always with pale areas which may be more 
extensive than the dark background myrmex China 

General coloration pale or dark coffee, or nigger, brown; tegmen usually lacking pale areas, 
which if present are never extensive lenis (Jacobi) 

p m y rmex has the appearance, which it has been found impossible to substantiate by 
measurement, of being a smaller and more fragile insect than the seemingly more substantial 
P. lenis. 


Pogonoscopus myrmex China 
(Fig. i 4 , H, I, N) 

Pogonoscopus myrmex China, 1924, Ann. Mag.Nat.Hist. (9) 14: 530. 

Pogonoscopus myrmex China, 1926, Trans. Ent.Soc.London, 1926: 292. 

Width of head across eyes, 1 *8 mm; across hind margin of pronotum, 3 mm. Length 

of tegmen, $, 5-8 mm. General coloration chocolate brown. Face of head, except 

vertex, usually with shaggy hairs. Pronotum often considerably wider posteriorly than 
anteriorly. Tegmen chocolate-brown with anterior and posterior complete or, broken, pale 
fasciae which may be widely confluent along the costal border. Male genitalia as in Figure 14, 
H, I. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Perth, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Busselton, Albany, Lesmurdie, Narrogin (Western Australia) ; 
Mt Gambier (South Australia); Kiata (Victoria); in Western Australia recorded from the 
nests of Carnponotus testae eipes Smith. 

Pogonoscopus lenis (Jacobi) 

(Fig. 14, F, G, J) 

Eurymeloides lenis Jacobi, 1909, Faun.S.W.Aust.Michaelsen u. Hartmeyer 2: 341. 

Pogonoscopus lenis (Jacobi), China, 1926, Trans. Ent.Soc.London, 1926: 293. 

Pogonoscopus clarki China, 1926, Trans. Ent.Soc.London, 1926: 293 (syn. nov.). 

Pogonoscopus fuscus China, 1926, Trans. Ent.Soc.London, 1926: 293 (syn. nov.). 

Width of head across eyes, (J, 2 mm; across hind margin of pronotum, 3 mm. Length 
of tegmen, (J, $, 5*8-8 mm. 

General coloration pale or dark coffee, or nigger, brown. Face of head with, or without, 
short hairs. Pronotum either slightly, or consideral}ly, wider posteriorly than anteriorly. 
Tegmen evenly dark brown, or pale coffee brown, either without pale markings, or else with a 
small anterior fascia which may be adjacent to another on the clavus, and with, or without, 
a small pale posterior marking close to the costal border. Male genitalia as in Figure 14, J. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — Lion Mill, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Cannington, Mundaring, Albany, South Perth, Ludlow, in the 
nests of Carnponotus perthiana Forel and C. testaceipes Smith (Western Australia) ; Karoonda — • 
Peebringa (South Australia) ; Grampians (Victoria). 


Fig. 14: A, Myrmecoscopus minutus, face of head; B, Lasioscopus acmaeops , head; C, Australoscopus whitei, head; 
D, A. whitei; E, Lasioscopus acmaeops , head in profile; F, Pogonoscopus lenis , second instar nymph; G, P. 
lenis , tegmen; H, Pogonoscopus myrmex , subgenital plate and paramere; I, P. myrmex , aedeagus; J, 
Pogonoscopus lenis , aedeagus; K, Australoscopus whitei , subgenital plate and paramere; L, A. whitei , apex of 
abdomen, $; M, A. whitei, aedeagus; N, Pogonoscopus myrmex, hind tibia and tarsus. BP, basal plate; 

PAR, paramere; ST, style. 


Lasioscopus China 

Lasioscopus China, 1926, Trans. Ent.Soc.London, 1926: 294. 

The face of the head has short, sparse hairs ; the ante-clypeus is at a wide angle to the 
post-clypeus, which is anteriorly transversely ridged, and bears short, sparse, spines. The 
vertex is wide, flattened and rugose. The crown of the head is of even width, or widest against 
the eyes. The tegmina are fully developed and the veins sometimes raised in relief. The 
venation is simple or else somewhat reticulate. The hind tibiae are quadrilateral in section 
with hairs and short spines. The last abdominal ventrite of the $ is indented. 

Type species — Lasioscopus acmaeops (Jacobi). 

Lasioscopus acmaeops (Jacobi) 

(Fig. 14, B, E) 

Eurymeloides acmaeops Jacobi, 1909, Faun.S.W.Aust., Michaelsen u. Hartmeyer 2: 340. 

Lasioscopus acmaeops (Jacobi) China, 1926, Trans. Ent.Soc.London, 1926: 295. 

Width of head across eyes, 2 *5 mm; across hind margin of pronotum, 3 mm. Length 

of tegmen, 7-8 mm. General coloration, even deep nigger brown; tegmina without 

pale fasciae. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — Mundaring Weir, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere— Albany, Midland, in nests of Camponotus testaceipes , C. perthiana and 
C. clavipes Mayr (Western Australia). 

Australoscopus China 

Australoscopus China, 1926, Trans. Ent.Soc.London, 1926: 296. 

The face of the head anteriorly, and the post-clypeus, have short hairs. The vertex is 
slightly roughened and the crown of the head is of even width or widest against the eyes. The 
tegmina are fully developed, or short, and the venation sometimes apically reticulate. The 
hind tibiae are rectangular in section and bear hairs and numerous needle-like spines. The 
last abdominal ventrite of the $ is medially lobe-like. 

Type species — Australoscopus whitei China. 

Australoscopus whitei China 
(Fig. 14, K, L, M) 

Australoscopus whitei China, 1926, Trans.Ent.Soc. London, 1926: 296. 

Width of head across eyes, 2 mm; across hind margin of pronotum, $ 3 mm 
Length of tegmen, & ?, 5-7 mm. General coloration, blotchy brown. Face of head* 

pale, 01 daik, brown. Pronotum and scutellum pale coffee, or dark nigger, brown. Tegmen 
with an irregular and variable pattern of different shades of brown, with, or without, small 
anteiioi and posterior pale, but not hyaJine fasciae, which may be confluent along the costal 
margin. Male genitalia as in Fig. 14, K, M. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Charlotte Waters to Hamilton Bore, Central Australia. 
Known distribution elsewhere — Merredin ( W estern Australia) . 

Myrmecoscopus gen. nov. 

The head, pronotum and scutellum are finely punctate, with hairs arising from the 
punctures. The face of the head is as wide as long and the labium terminates between the 
middle coxae. The anterior half of the ante-clypeus is almost at right angles to the posterior 
half and the lora, and the post-clypeus medially, are apically swollen. The antennal ledges 
are well developed and prominent. The crown of the head is wide and declivous and concave 
medially, and extends anteriorly in front of the eyes. The pronotum, which is two and a half 
times the length of the crown, and equal in length to the scutellum, is widest posteriorly, and 
wider posteriorly than the head across the eyes. The tegmina are fully developed, rounded 
apically, and have small appendices. The hind tibiae lack both spurs and spines but have 
numerous fine hairs, and the last ventrite of the $ is bilobed. 

Type species — Myrmecoscopus minutus sp. nov. 

Myrmecoscopus resembles other genera in the Pogonoscopini in general appearance and coloration 
and in having small eyes. It differs from them in being considerably smaller in size, and in 
retaining features lost in representatives of other genera. Thus, the labium is shorter, the 
face of the head not elongate, and the antennal ledges prominent. Furthermore, although 
no tibial spurs are retained, tibial spines, which are characteristic of species in all other genera, 
are lacking. 

Myrmecoscopus minutus sp. nov. 

(Fig. 14, A) 

Length, <J, 6, $,7111111; greatest width, <J, $, i*8mm; general coloration chocolate 
brown. Tegmen shining brown. 

Holotype and Allotype $ from Cannington, Western Australia (27.8.53, coll. R. P. McMillan) 
in the Western Australian Museum. 

Mr P. McMillan of Perth, Western Australia, who has frequently collected 
pogonoscopids, tells me that they are nearly always found associated with ants belonging to 
the genus Camponotus. These ants build their nests under logs and stones and have tunnels 
with large entrance holes which are smooth and vertical. The leaf hoppers “walk around 
with a peculiar rolling motion and when escaping just fold their legs and tumble down the 

He further reports, that a fungal growth is frequently present in the parts of ants’ nests 
where pogonoscopids occur. Possibly this grows on the excreta of the insects. 

The Family Cicadellidae 

This family is the dominant one of the several comprised in the super-family 
Cicadelloidea. Particulars are given of 125 genera comprising 378 species known to occur 
in Australia and of 20 genera comprising 38 species in New Zealand. 


In the head (Figure 4, A, B, D) the maxillary plates may be wide or narrow; the 
antennal ledges, if present, may be in alignment with the anterior margins of the eyes, or 
situated posteriorly to them; the epicranial suture, if present, and the ocelli, may lie either on 
the face or the crown of the head. The pronotum is seldom enlarged and in those forms in 
which it is, it is either anteriorly, dorsally, or laterally, but never posteriorly produced. The 
mesonotum (Fig. 5, D, E) has paired longitudinal unsclerotised areas and is apically acute. 
In the tegmen, the radius has usually 2 costal branches and the radial sector, which is usually 
present, is normally incorporated for the greater part of its length with the anterior branch 
of the media. The media is always basally incorporated in the same vein as the radius. The 
hind tibiae are variable in shape and usually bear spines, some of which may be mounted on 
enlarged bases. In the male genitalia, the base of the aedeagus is linked to the paired parameres 
by a basal connective. The nymphs (of species occurring in Australia), are, like the adults, 
not attended by ants. In those forms on which the ninth abdominal tergite is narrowly 
prolonged, the anal segment is not extrusible. Like the adults, the nymphs jump when 

Key to the Tribes, and to such Sub-families as are not subdivided into Tribes, of 
the Cicadellidae of the Australasian Region 

1. Antennae closer to the anterior than to the posterior corners of the eyes; if nearest 
the posterior corners, then the antennal ledges extending onto the post-clypeus; 
ocelli seldom on the crown . . . 1 y 

Antennae closer to the posterior than to the anterior corners of the eyes; ocelli 
usually on the crown 2 

2. (1) Ocelli marginal, not in depressions, or on the crown close to the anterior border. . . .9 

Ocelli in marginal depressions, or on the crown distant from the anterior border . . 3 

3. (2) Ocelli in marginal depressions ; anal veins forming a Y-vein Stenocotini 

Ocelli on the crown, or if on the face, posterior to a transverse ridge 4 

4. (3) Fronto-clypeus considerably swollen; muscle impressions visible in dorsal aspect. . 10 

Fronto-clypeus not considerably swollen, or if swollen, then muscle impressions not 
visible in dorsal aspect * c 

5. (4) Antennae exceptionally long, or, head shovel-shaped, or spatulate n 

Antennae short, or of moderate length; head neither shovel-shaped nor spatulate. .6 

6. (5) Maxillary sutures sometimes distinct; antennal ledges roundly arched; labium 


Maxillary sutures vestigial or absent; antennal ledges not roundly arched; labium 
short . * * y] 

7. (6) Venation of tegmen complete (Figure 19, A2) ; ante-clypeus apically re-curved; 

principal mounted spines on hind tibiae decreasing in size from the apex to the 
base Thymbrini 

Legmen often short; venation seldom complete; ante-clypeus not re-curved apically; 
hind tibiae lacking prominent spurs 8 

8. (7) Genae narrowly emarginate beneath the eyes Euacanthellini 

Genae not narrowly emarginate beneath the eyes Aphrodini 


9- (2) Crown produced, usually narrowly arrow-shaped; crown and pronotum usually 

carinate Paradorydiini 

Crown not arrow-shaped, sometimes spatulate; neither crown nor pronotum 
carinate Hecalini 

io. (4) Tegmen with a reduced clavus, a wide appendix and lacking vein M 1 + 2 


Tegmen with a clavus of normal proportions, a narrow appendix and with vein 

M 1 + 2 present Cicadellini 

11. (5) Antennae short, or of moderate length Ledrini 

Antennae unusually long 12 

12. (1 1) Ocelli visible from above 13 

Ocelli not visible from above; head broadly laminately produced, thickened dorso- 
ventrally Stenometopiini 

13. (12) Face of head about as broad as long; crown short, half-ovate; ocelli nearer to eyes 

than to each other Macroceratogiini 

Not as above, crown of head longest in the centre 14 

14. (13) Ocelli nearer to the eyes than to the anterior apex of the crown Nirvanini 

Ocelli nearer to the apex of the head than to the eyes Occinirvanini 

15. (6) Head triangular in shape or narrowly produced; insects resembling grass seeds 


Not as above 16 

16. (15) Pronotum with lobe-like lateral expansions Myerslopiini 

Pronotum not laterally produced Ulopini 

17. (1) Antennal ledges vestigial; face of head never wider than long, nor crown spatulate 


Antennal ledges distinct, or if indistinct or absent, then the face wider than long, 
or the head spatulate, or the tegmen with a wide appendix 18 

18. (17) Eyes of normal proportions; antennal ledges encroaching onto the fronto-clypeus 

or the margin between the face and the crown acute with the ocelli marginal, or, 
on the crown 24 

If the antennal ledges encroach onto the fronto-clypeus, then the eyes unusually 
large; otherwise not as above 19 

19. (18) Appendix of tegmen usually narrow 22 

Appendix wide 20 

20. (19) Wing with the marginal vein extending onto the anal area (Figure 30, C) ; pronotum 

heart-shaped Tartessinae 

Wing with the marginal vein not extending onto the anal area; pronotum not 
heart-shaped 21 

21. (20) Tegmen with vein M 1 + 2 present; hind tibia short with an armature of weak 

spines Idiocerinae 

Tegmen lacking vein M 1 + 2; hind tibia long, with an armature of dense spines 

* Coelidiinae 


22 . (ig) 

23. (22) 

24. (18) 

25- (24) 

26. (25) 

27. (24) 

28. (27) 

29- (17) 

3°- (29) 

3 1 - (3°) 

32- (30 

Eyes unusually large but not prominent; head in 3 transverse planes 

.......... Austroagalloidinae 

Eyes of normal proportions, often prominent 23 

Pronotum small, neither declivous nor strongly arched anteriorly Agalliinae 

Pronotum large, anteriorly arched or declivous, humped, or anteriorly produced 


Hind wing with vein Rs apically incorporated in the same vein as M 1 -f 2 .... 27 

Plind wing with these veins separate for their entire length 25 

Ocelli situated on a narrow marginal rim which separates the crown from the face 
of the head; antennal ledges prominent 26 

Head variable in shape, but never with a well defined marginal rim; ocelli on the 
face and marginal in position, or, on the crown Penthimiinae 

Tegmina overlapping apically and with raised spots on the veins Drabescinae 
Tegmina not as above Selenocephalini 

Head flattened, crown extensive Reuplemmelini 

Head not flattened, a crown, if developed, narrow 28 

Pronotum and head steeply declivous forming a single curved surface as far as the 

antennal ledges Trocnadini 

Pronotum not steeply declivous; head with, or, lacking a crown Jassini 

Tegmen with reduced venation, frequently lacking an appendix. . Typhlocybinae 

Tegmen usually with complete venation; if venation reduced then the appendix 
is wide on 

Venation of tegmen reduced Macrostelini 

Venation of tegmen complete 31 

Eyes exceptionally small; brown insects 

Eyes of normal size, not coloured as above 

usually with oval yellowish markings. . . . 



Face of head not emarginate beneath the eyes; antennae long. . . . Platymetopiini 
Face of head emarginate beneath the eyes; antennae of variable length 



1 he Ulopinae comprise very small leaf hoppers, which are black or brown in colour, 
and usually have a pitted appearance. They are seldom taken in general collecting because 
of their small size and the fact that several live in concealed situations. They are of particular 
interest structurally because of the retention, in many forms, of the maxillary suture. That 
is to say, the genae and the maxillary plates are not completely amalgamated. Many occur 
in both a winged and wingless form. In the latter hind wings are lacking and the forewings 
are elytra-like. Brachypterous forms are also of occasional occurrence. In fully winged 
forms the pronotum is anteriorly declivous and wider posteriorly than anteriorly. ' In forms 
in which hind wings are lacking the pronotum is flat and parallel-sided. 

Ulopids would seem to be relict insects surviving from the Mesozoic era. This 
supposition is based on a consideration of their comparative morphology and because certain 
other groups of leaf hoppers, of presumed Tertiary origin, would seem to have been derived 


from them. Of the 4 component tribes, two, the Megophthalmini and Cephalelini, were 
very possibly derived from the Ulopini before the close of the Mesozoic. 


The Ulopini are represented in the Oriental region, Africa, Madagascar, Australia and 
New Zealand. They have, as well, sparse representation in the Palaearctic region. None, 
up to the present, have been recorded from the western hemisphere although the 
Megophthalmini, which likewise have Palaearctic and African, though not Oriental and 
Australian representatives, are known from western North America and Juan Fernandez: 


Key to Australian Genera 

1 . Ante-clypeus entirely exposed 2 

Ante-clypeus largely concealed by the overhanging clypeus. . . . Austrolopa Evans 

2. (1) Vertex of head not narrowly produced 3 

Vertex of head narrowly produced Uloprora Evans 

3. (2) Ocelli situated in marginal depressions Kavahalu Kirkaldy 

Ocelli on the crown of the head 4 

4. (3) Tegmina angulate, apically acute 5 

Tegmina brachypterous, or if fully developed, not apically acute .... Taslopa Evans 

5. (4) Antennal ledges oblique, in alignment with sides of post-clypeus Woodella gen.nov. 

Antennal ledges approximately transverse Microlopa gen.nov. 

Kahavalu Kirkaldy 

Kahavalu Kirkaldy 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 371. 

The head, pronotum, scutellum, and clavus are deeply pitted and have a rugose 
appearance. The ocelli are situated in grooves on the rounded anterior margin of the vertex 
and the vertex is short, transverse and flattened, except at the anterior angles. The venation 
of the tegmen is complete. 

Type species — Kahavalu gemma Kirkaldy. 

Kirkaldy (1906) created a subfamily, the Kahavaluinae, for the reception of this genus. 
Previously (Evans, 1947) I have included it in the Ulopini even although the presence of the 
ocelli in marginal depressions suggested affinity with leafhoppers in another tribe of the 
Ulopinae, the Megophthalmini. Examination of the type specimen has disclosed that this 
action was correct. 

Kahavalu gemma Kirkaldy 
(Figs. 6, B; 15, G, H) 

Kahavalu gemma Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 371. 

Length, §, 2*8 mm. General coloration black, the cells of the tegmen colourless 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 


Fig. 15: A, Austrolopa brunensis, face of head; B, A. brmensis, wingless form; C, Woodella wanungarae , head; 
D, Taslopa montana, head and thorax, winged form, dorsal aspect; E, T. montana, head; F, T. montana, 
brachypterous form; G, Kahavalu gemma , head and thorax; H, K. gemma , face of head; I, Uloprora 
risdonensis ; J, Austrolopa victoriensis, head and thorax, winged form; K, Microlopa minuta, face of head; 
L, Novolopa townsendi, face of head; M, Myerslopia parva. AC, ante-clypeus; FI,, fronto-clypeus; LAB, 

labium; MS, maxillary suture; PC, post-clypeus. 

Taslopa Evans 

Taslopa Evans, 1942, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1941: 29. 

The labium terminates between the hind coxae and the ante-clypeus is pear-shaped. 
The lora are swollen and the maxillary plates narrowly exposed immediately anterior to the 
maxillary sutures. The fronto-clypeus, which is pitted, is convex and oval in shape. The 
crown of the head is arrow-shaped and longer than the pronotum. The appendix of the 
tegmen continues around the apex of the tegmen as far as the costal margin. 

Type species — Taslopa montana Evans. 

Taslopa montana Evans 
(Fig. 15, D, E, F) 

Taslopa montana Evans, 1942, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1941: 29. 
Taslopa brachyptera Evans, 1942, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1941: 30. 
Taslopa montana Evans, 1947, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 14; 144. 


Winged Form : 

Length, §, 4 mm. Face of head marked with a pattern of light and dark brown; 
antennal depressions black. Crown of head raised and rugose medially; ocelli slightly closer 
to the fore, than to the hind margin. Pronotum steeply declivous, brown. Scutellum dark 
brown with yellow markings. Tegmen, clavus opaque and coriaceous; remainder colourless- 
hyaline; veins brown. 

Brachypterous Form : 

Length, $, 4 mm. Face of head marked with a pattern of light and dark brown. 
Crown flat; ocelli small and inconspicuous. Pronotum on a plane with the crown, brown. 
Scutellum concolorous with the pronotum, sometimes with 2 yellowish markings. Tegmen 
brachypterous, coriaceous, brown, but for a whitish streak that widens posteriorly and 
terminates anteriorly against the hind margin of the pronotum ; sometimes also a brown oval 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Mt Wellington, Hobart, Tasmania (4,000 ft). 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mt Kosciusko (4,000 ft) New South Wales). 

When the above species, and T. brachyptera , were described, it was not realised that many 
ulopids were dimorphic. Consequently, the very considerable differences in the size and shape 
of the crown of the head and the pronotum of the 2 forms were regarded as characters of 
specific significance. 

Uloprora Evans 

Uloprora Evans, 1939, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 63: 44. 

The labium terminates beyond the middle coxae; the ante-clypeus, which is diamond- 
shaped, lies at a lower level than the lora and post-clypeus. The maxillary plates are almost 
entirely concealed by the lora and the epistomal suture is distinct. The vertex of the head is 
narrowly produced, sinuate, and dorsally and ventrally carinate. The ocelli are on the crown 
in alignment with the anterior corners of the eyes. The pronotum is medially raised. Tne 
tegmina (of forms lacking hind wings) are elytra-like and apically acute and the veins raised 
in high relief. 

Type species — Uloprora risdonensis Evans. 

Uloprora risdonensis Evans 

(Fig- 15? !) 

Uloprora risdonensis Evans, 1939, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 63: 45. 

Length, wingless $, 5 mm; length of crown of head 1 *2 mm. Head brown, punctate, 
covered with short, sparse, white hairs; part white. Known only in the wingless form. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Risdon, Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Dunwich (Queensland) . 


Austrolopa Evans 

Austrolopa Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 47. 

The face of the head is longer than wide ; the lora, which are narrow and flat, exten 
posteriorly as far as the maxillary sutures, and the maxillary plates are narrowly visible. Th 
ante-clypeus is almost entirely concealed by the overhanging post-clypeus, which is tectiforn 
The frons is laterally concave and the vertex medially carinate. The crown of the head 
wide. In winged forms the pronotum is declivous while in those lacking hind wings it 
entirely on a plane with the pronotum. The tegmina (wingless forms) are apically narnr 
and the veins are raised in relief. The hind tibiae are armed with minute spines. 

Type species — Austrolopa brunensis Evans. 

The 2 species of Austrolopa may be separated by the following character : — 

Crown of head longer in the centre than against the eyes — brunensis Evans. 

Crown of head of even length, and equal in length to the adjacent eyes — victoriensis Evans. 

Austrolopa brunensis Evans 
(Fig. 15, A, B) 

Austrolopa brunensis Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 48. 

Austrolopa kingensis Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 48 (syn.nov.). 

Austrolopa tasmaniensis , Evans, 1947, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 14: 140 (syn.nov.). 

Length, wingless 4 mm; winged 3 -8-4-5 mm - General coloration, pal< 

brown or pale brownish-grey, sometimes flecked with dark brown. Hind margin of from 
sometimes entirely distinct, sometimes medially divided by a longitudinal ridge which extend 
onto the vertex. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Bruni Island, Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Margate, Hobart, King Island (Tasmania) ; Brisbane, Lamingtor 
National Park (Queensland) ; Fern Tree Gully (Victoria) ; Mt Kosciusko, Wright’s Lookout. 
New England National Park (New South Wales); Kangaroo Island (South Australia). 

Collected on — Bossiaea foliosa (Mt Kosciusko). 

(The figure of the male genitalia which accompanied the original description ol 
A. kingensis was misleading, since it is evident that the aedeagus, as figured, is incomplete, the 
apical half being missing.) 

Austrolopa victoriensis Evans 

( Fi g- J) 

Austrolopa victoriensis Evans, 1939, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 63: 44. 

Length, winged 4 mm. Face of head pale brownish-yellow; an area anterior to* 
each antenna, black. Crown of even width with the eyes. Pronotum declivous, grey mottled!! 
with black. Scutellum grey, anterior angles black. Tegmen transparent, veins brown;; 
claval area coriaceous. 

Type Location — National Museum, Melbourne. 

Type Locality — Warburton, Victoria. 


Microlopa gen. nov. 

On the face of the head, which is approximately as long as wide, the labium terminates 
etween the posterior margins of the hind coxae, the ante-clypeus is narrowly pear-shaped 
nd the post-clypeus, which is slightly convex, is parallel-sided. The well-developed antennal 
^dges are almost transverse and slightly curved, and the face, posterior to these ledges, slopes 
;eeply to the anterior margin of the head. A separate frontal region is not defined. 

On the crown of the head, which is broadly acute and flattened, the sides against the 
yes are antero-laterally directed, so that crown is wider anteriorly than posteriorly. The 
ronotum is collar-shaped and the tegmina, which are apically acute, elytra-like. 

n ype species — Microlopa minuta sp.nov. 

The above generic description is based on a form with full-developed tegmina but lacking 
ind wings. Microlopa differs from Taslopa Evans (which is known only in fully-winged and 
irachypterous forms) in the lack of a well-defined frontal region on the face of the head. 

Microlopa minuta sp. nov. 

(Fig- *5> K) 

Length, wingless 2*8 mm; wingless 3-8 mm. 

General coloration pale, or dark, brown. Crown of head, thorax and tegmina punctate. 
iolotype $ and Allotype $ from near Waldheim, Cradle Mt, Tasmania (coll., on grasses, 
.W.E. 2/64) in the Australian Museum. 

Woodella gen.nov. 

The labium extends as far as the hind coxae. The ante-clypeus is pear-shaped and the 
ora, which are slightly convex anteriorly, extend anteriorly as far as the margins of the 
naxillary plates. The maxillary plates are broadly exposed and the maxillary sutures distinct. 
The fronto-clypeus is slightly convex anteriorly and slightly concave posteriorly and there is a 
ow median longitudinal ridge extending from the frons to the vertex. The antennal ledges 
ire almost in alignment with the sides of the post-clypeus. The crown is longest in the centre 
md considerably greater in length than the pronotum, and the ocelli, which are on the crown, 
ire white and probably functionless. The tegmen is apically acute and the hind margin is 
jroadly angulate. The hind tibiae are armed with small spines. 

Type species — Woodella wanungarae sp.nov. 

Woodella resembles Austrolopa in the shape of the head, in particular in having the antennal 
edges almost in alignment with sides of the post-clypeus. It differs from Austrolopa in having 
he ante-clypeus completely exposed. 

Woodella wanungarae sp.nov. 

(Fig- 15, G) 

Length, wingless Y, 3-4 mm. General coloration brown, the tegmen with a transverse 
vhitish band posteriorly. 

Holotype g from Mt Wanungara, McPherson Ranges, Queensland (coll. T. Woodward, in 
noss, 1958), in the Queensland Museum. 


Novolopa gen.nov. 

The face of the head is broader than long. The labium extends to between the middl 
coxae. The ante-clypeus is pear-shaped and swollen, and the post-clypeus, which is anteriorL 
swollen and declivous, is medially flat and slopes laterally ; an epistomal suture is not discernible! 
The maxillary plates are narrow and maxillary sutures well defined. The antennal ledges an 
U-shaped and anteriorly lobed. The vertex is laterally depressed behind the epicranial 
suture and there is an obscure median longitudinal ridge. 

The crown of the head is longer than the pronotum, and flat, and the ocelli are obolescentt 
The pronotum and scutellum are on the same plane as the crown. The tegmina (of wingless; 
forms) are elytra-like and taper apically. The venation is obscure. 

Type species — Novolopa townsendi sp.nov. 

Novolopa resembles Ulopa Fallen more than any other ulopid described from the southern 
hemisphere. It differs in having a flat crown, which laterally forms a continuous curveo 
surface with the eyes. 

Novolopa townsendi sp.nov. 

(Fig. 15, L) 

Length, wingless $, 4-7 mm. General coloration straw-coloured, irregularly mottledl 
with brown. Tegmen with a proximal oval brown marking adjacent to the claval suture;; 
veins whitish. 

Holotype $ from Mt Owen, 5,000 ft South Island, New Zealand (coll. 2/60 J. I. Townsend and; 
W. P. Thomas), in the collection of the Entomology Division, D.S.I.R., Nelson. Described; 
from 5 wingless females, all from the same locality. 


Insects in this tribe which occur in South Africa, as well as in Australia and New Zealand, 
range in length from 3*5 to 15 mm. In the larger forms, more than one- third of the total 
length consists of the crown of the head. 

All seem to feed principally on rushes belonging to the Family Restioniaceae, although 
sometimes found in abundance on Acacia spp. and other shrubs. Winged and wingless forms 

a species are seldom taken together and n 
development of either. 

The two forms may be distinguished 
Winged Forms 

Head shorter and wider than in wingless form. 
Ocelli functional. 

Pronotum anteriorly declivous and widest 

Tegmen apically rounded, sometimes partially 
hyaline; venation distinct; claval suture well 

g is known of the factors which determine the 
follows : — 

Wingless Forms 

Head sometimes longer and narrower than 
in winged form. 

Ocelli functionless (white in appearance) or 

Pronotum flat and parallel-sided. 

Tegmen apically acute, usually coriaceous 
and elytra-like; venation frequently obscure; 
claval suture often obsolete. 


Previously (Evans, 194.7) I have stated that the Cephalelini are unable to jump, but this 
incorrect. As with certain genera of the Ulopini, there is a considerable degree of variability 
[thin the Cephalelini, and the true status of the various forms cannot be determined until a 
ideal investigation of the comprised species is undertaken. 

In this tribe there is a gradual transition from small forms, but little different from certain 
f the Ulopini, to others which are narrowly elongate and seed-like in appearance. Whether 
ture study will show that the tribe is best regarded as comprising several genera, or one only, 
uncertain. For the time being all but the most highly specialized species are regarded as 
plonging to a single genus. 

Characters distinguishing the Genera of the Cephalelini 

Face of head convex, flattened or slightly medially concave; eyes usually not in 
ignment with the sides of the head; ocelli white (functionless) in wingless form. 

Cephalelus Percheron 

Face of head percurrently concave; eyes usually in alignment with the sides of the head; 
:elli absent in wingless forms. 

Paracephaleus Evans 

Cephalelus Percheron 
phalelus Percheron, 1832, Mag.Zool. 9: 48. 
orydium Burmeister, 1835, Handb.Ent. 2: 106. 

otocephalius Jacobi, 1909, Faun.S.W.Aust.Michaelsen u. Hartmeyer 2: 339. 

wcephaleus Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 43. 

nacephaleus Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 46. 

phalelus Percheron, Evans, 1947, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 14: 145. 

Insects ranging in length from 3-5 to 12 mm and in colour from light to dark brown, 
he labium is short, not usually extending as far as the hind coxae, the ante-clypeus swollen 
id pear-shaped and the antennal ledges, which overhang deep antennal pits, transverse, 
he fronto-clypeus is convex, flattened or slightly medially concave and the epicranial suture 
not defined. The crown is narrowly arrow-shaped; the eyes are usually slightly laterally 
rominent; ocelli are absent, or functionless, and there is usually a slight median carina. 
he pronotum, in winged forms, is anteriorly declivous and flat in forms lacking wings. The 
Egmina are apically narrow and the venation may be reticulate. The hind tibiae are 
eternally flattened and parallel-sided. 

'ype species — Cephalelus infumatus Percheron (South Africa) . 

Cephalelus ianthe (Kirkaldy) 

(Fig. 16, G) 

forycephalus ianthe Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 340. 

'orycephalus trilineatus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 341 (syn.nov.b 
nacephaleus simplex Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 44 (syn.nov.). 


Length, $, 7 mm; of crown of head, 2 mm (wingless form). General coloration, 
evenly pale brown or greyish-brown with dark brown markings on the tegmen. Crown oi 
head with an ill-defined median longitudinal carina; ocelli present but functionless; eyes not 
in alignment with the sides of the head. Tegmen, venation slightly reticulate. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mordiallac (Victoria) ; Coolum, Stradbroke Island (Queensland) • 
Sydney (New South Wales). 

lug. 16 . A, Cephalelus minutus , winged form; B, C. minutus , wingless form; C, C. minutus , tegmen; D 7 
Cephalelus foveolatus, face of head; E, C. foveolatus ; F, Paracephaleus montanus , winged form. G, Cephalelus 
ianthe ; H, Cephalelus marginatus ; I, Cephalelus bulbosa; J, Cephalelus punctatus ; K, Paracephaleus hudsoni, face 
ot head; L, P. hudsoni; M, Cephalelus ulopae ; N, Paracephaleus leptocarpi ; O, Paracephaleus brunneus; P y 

Cephalelus dobsonensis. 

Cephalelus foveolatus (Signoret) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 1 6, D, E) 

Dorydium foveolatus Signoret, 1880, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (5) 10, 144. 

Paradorydium foveolatum (Signoret), Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug. Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 340. 


orycephalus subreticulatus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 340 (syn.nov.). 

iradorydium michaelseni Jacobi, 1909, Faun.S.W. Austral., Michaelsen u. Hartmeyer, 2: 339 


Length, $, 6*5 mm. This species differs from C. ianthe in having the sides of the crown 
irved and not straight, the median coronal carina pronounced and the venation of the tegmen 
ore reticulate. 

ype Location — Natural History Museum, Vienna. 

'ype Locality — Western Australia. 

nown distribution elsewhere — Fremantle (Western Australia) ; Springwood, Sydney (New South 

Cephalelus bulbosa (Evans) 

(Fig. 16, I) 

wcephaleus bulbosa Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 43. 

Length, $, 8-2 mm; of crown of head 3 mm (wingless form). Head, crown more or 
ss circular in section, slightly bulbous apically; ocelli rudimentary, eyes in alignment with the 
des of the crown. 

ype Location — Australian Museum. 

ype Locality — Carlisle, Western Australia. 

nown distribution elsewhere — Kiata (Victoria). 

Cephalelus ulopae (Evans) 

(Fig. 16, M) 

nacephaleus ulopae Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 44. 

Length, wingless $, 5 mm; of crown of head, 1-2 mm. General coloration pale 
T>wnish-yellow with brown and white markings. Eyes prominent. Venation of tegmen 
:ticulate; veins in relief. 

ype Location — South Australian Museum. 

ype Locality — Adelaide, South Australia. 

nown distribution elsewhere — Swan River (Western Australia); Maroota (New South Wales). 

Cephalelus minutus (Evans) 

(Fig. 16, A, B, C) 

nacephaleus minutus Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 43. 

nacephaleus carribenis Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 44 (syn.nov.). 

nacephaleus latus Evans, 1939, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 63: 45 (syn.nov.). 

Length, $, winged and wingless forms, 3*5-4 -4 mm; of crown of head, 07-1 mm. 
eneral coloration pale, or dark brown, with, or without brown markings. 


Wingless Form : Head, labium extending to base of hind coxae; maxillary sutures present: 
fronto-clypeus flat, vertex sloping gradually to the margin with the crown; eyes prominent, 
ocelli functionless. Tegmen elytra-like, basally punctate, distinct; venation normal. 

Winged form ( latus ) differs in having functional ocelli, the pronotum widest posteriorly and 
posteriorly humped, and the claval suture in the tegmen distinct. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Perth, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — King George’s Sound (Western Australia) ; Carribie, York 
Peninsular (South Australia); Mt Wellington, Hobart (Tasmania); Durkes Forest (New'. 
South Wales); Forrest (Victoria). 

Cephalelus marginatus Waterhouse 
(Fig. 1 6, H) 

Cephalelus marginatus Waterhouse, 1839, Trans. Ent.Soc.Lond. 2: 195. 

Notocephalius hartmeyri Jacobi, 1909, Faun.S.W.Aust.Michaelsen u. Hartmeyer, 2 : 339 (syn.nov,). 

Anacephaleus punctatus Evans, 1937, Pap.R0y.S0c.Tasm.1936: 45 (syn.nov.). 

Length, wingless 8-10 mm; wingless 10-11 mm; of crown of head 3-5 mm. 
General appearance streaky mottled brown, rugose. Head, face with short white hairs; 
labium terminating between middle coxae; ante-clypeus narrowly pear-shaped; lora 
extending posteriorly as far as antennal pits, flat; remainder of face slightly concave. Head, 
sloping laterally; ocelli approximately the same distance from the eyes as the length of the 
eyes; eyes not in alignment with the sides of the head. Tegmen apically acute, punctate, 
venation obscure, or veins distinct and raised in relief. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — King George’s Sound, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Kiata (Victoria); Bogan River (New South Wales). 

Cephalelus punctatus Evans 

(Kg- >6, J) 

Cephalelus punctatus Evans, 1939, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 63: 46. 

Length, wingless ^,13*5 mm; wingless 9,15 mm. General coloration pale brownish- 
yellow. Crown of head apically narrow. Tegmen punctate, pale brownish-yellow with a 
wide dark brown band which may extend onto the pronotum and head close to, but not 
against, the costal margin. Venation distinct, but veins not raised in relief. 

Type Location — Macleay Museum, University of Sydney. 

Type Locality — King George’s Sound, Western Australia. 

When previously (1947) I separated the described species of the Cephalelini into 
2 genera, Cephalelus Percheron and Notocephalius Jacobi, C. infumatus Percheron was cited as 
the type of Cephalelus and N. hartmeyri Jacobi as the type of Notocephalius. Further investigation 
has disclosed that N. hartmeyri is better included in the same generic grouping as C. infumatus 
Percheron. A generic name is accordingly required for the species remaining in the second 


^enus of the Cephalelini. The name Paracephalus Evans, which previously (Evans, 1947) had 
)een listed as a synonym of Notocephalius , is available. This genus was created for a winged 
orm at a time when I had not appreciated that species in the Ulopinae might be polymorphic. 

Paracephaleus Evans 

°aracephaleus Evans, 1942, Proc.Roy.Soc. Queensland, 54: 49. 

Differs from Cephalelus in the following characteristics : The face of the head, posterior to 
he antennae, is percurrently concave and never bears hairs. The lateral antennal indentations 
ire less pronounced. The dorsal surface is always smooth and never rugose. The crown r 
ipically, is nearly spatulate, otherwise convex. Ocelli are absent in wingless forms and the 
-yes are completely, or almost, in alignment with the sides of the head. The tegmina are 
larrow, and apically acute and the venation of wingless forms obscure. 

Type species — Paracephaleus montanus Evans. 

Paracephaleus brunneus (Waterhouse) 

(Fig. 16, O) 

Cephalelus brunneus Waterhouse, 1839, Trans. Ent.Soc.Lond. 2: 195. 

\otocephalius brunneus (Waterhouse) Evans, 1947, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. 14: 148. 

Notocephalius pallidus Evans, 1947, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. 14: 146 (syn.nov.). 

Length, winged 9-2 mm; wingless 12 mm; of crown 3-8 and 5 mm. General 
:oloration, even yellowish-brown. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Hobart (Tasmania); Blundells (A.C.T.); Swan River (Western 
Australia); Kiata, Inverloch, Lucindale (Victoria). 

Paracephaleus montanus (Evans) 

(Fig. 16, F) 

°aracephaleus montanus Evans, 1942, Proc.Roy.Soc. Queensland 54: 50. 

Length, winged $, 7 mm; of crown of head 1 *8 mm; wingless 6-8 mm; of crown 
)f head 1 *8 mm; wingless $, 8 mm; of crown of head 2 mm. General coloration, pale 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Mt Wellington, Hobart, Tasmania. 

Paracephaleus dobsonensis sp.nov. 

(Fig. 16, P) 

Length, wingless 8-9 mm; wingless $, 9 mm length of head, 2*8-3 mm. General 
toloration, pale straw-colour, pale brown. 


Holotype $ and Allotype $ from Lake Dobson, Tasmania (coll. T. Woodward, 2/55) in th 
Queensland Museun. Paracephaleus dobsonensis differs from P. brunneus in the proportions o 
the head in relation to the rest of the body and in having the apex of the head less acute. I 
differs from P. monlanus in being considerably larger and in having less prominent eyes. 

Paracephaleus hudsoni (Myers) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 16, K, L) 

Cephalelus hudsoni Myers, 1923, Trans.N.Z.Inst. 54: 417. 

Length, 10, $, 11-5 mm, of crown of head, 3-37 mm. Head slightly spatulate. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Wellington, New Zealand. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Paiaka (Manawatu), (North Island). 

Paracephaleus leptocarpi (Myers) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 16, N) 

' Cephalelus leptocarpi Myers, 1923, Trans.N.Z.Inst. 54: 420. 

Length, 8*5-9 mm ; $5 10-5 mm, of crown of head, 3-3*5 mm. Head distinctly 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Wangeri (North Island, New Zealand). 


Myerslopiini , Evans, 1957, Rev.Chil.Ent. 1957 (5): 368. 

I his tribe contains 2 described genera, Myerslopia , Evans from New Zealand, and 
Paulianiana Evans, from Madagascar. A third genus occurs in Chile but at present is known 
only from immature stages (Evans, 1962). 

1 he principal distinguishing characteristics are the flattened, broadly arrow-shaped 
crown of the head, and the presence of narrow pronotal paranota. Insects in both genera 
would seem to live in leaf mould on the forest floor and when found have been covered with 
adhering soil. 

Myerslopia Evans 

Myerslopia Evans, 1947 , Ann. Mag.Nat.Hist. 14: 143. 

1 he labium is long and extends beyond the hind coxae. The ante- and post-clypeus are 
swollen, and the former is raised medially while the latter is elevated laterally and medially 
depicsscd. Maxillary sutures are not retained and the antennal depressions are deep. The 
antei 101 margin ol the head is foliaceous, the crown is variable in shape, the eyes are prominent 
and ocelli absent. I he pronotum is laterally produced as a pair of small, posteriorly directed, 
par anotal lobes and has a pair of longitudinal ridges. The tegmina are coriaceous and pitted 
and usually bear either a few, or several, raised prominences and the ventral margins bordering 
t le anal area are straight; beyond the anal area they are sharply curved inwards. The 


venation is obscure; some of the veins may be raised in relief. The hind tibiae, which are 
flattened exteriorly, bear 2 rows of widely spaced strong spines and have as well numerous, 
hairlike spines. 

Type species — Myerslopia magna Evans. 

Myerslopia magna Evans 

Myerslopia magna Evans, 1947, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 14: 144. 

Length, wingless ?, 6-7 mm. General coloration dark brown. Head, post-clypeus with 
2 pairs of lateral prominences, the anterior ones larger than the posterior ones. Crown 
triangular in shape, marginally foliaceous, antero-medially concave. Pronotum with the 
external margins of the paranota U-shaped. Tegmen with several large, and 1 small,, 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Waimarino, North Island, New Zealand. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Anomalatu Valley, Marlborough (South Island). 

Myerslopia parva Evans 

(Fig. i 5 , M) 

Myerslopia parva Evans, 1947, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 14: 144. 

Length, wingless $, 3*5-5 mm; width of head 2 mm, of pronotum, 2*3 mm.. 
General coloration dark brown. Head, post-clypeus postero-medially depressed. Crown 
approximately semi-circular in outline, anterior margins slightly sinuate. Pronotum with 
:he outer margins of the lateral lobes straight. Tegmen with 3 elongate prominences. 

Type location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Ohakune, North Island, New Zealand. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Titirangi (Auckland). 


All but one of the four tribes into which this sub-family has been divided (Evans, 1947) 
>ccur in Australia, and one of these has representation also in New Zealand. The Ledrinae 
ire principally brown, green or orange insects, and nearly all have hind tibiae armed with 
pines mounted on enlarged bases. The nymphs of the majority are considerably flattened. 
Reasons for associating together into one sub-family representatives of the 3 tribes listed below 
lave been discussed elsewhere (Evans, 1947a); also, evidence of their derivation from the- 
Jlopinae (Evans, 1959). 

Key to the Tribes of the Ledrinae Represented in Australia 

1 . Crown of head extensive and broadly spatulate; ocelli on the crown Ledrini 

2. Ocelli in marginal depressions; anal veins forming a Y-vein Stenocotini 

Head variously shaped; ocelli usually on, or near, the crown, never in marginal 
depressions Thymbrini 



This tribe might well be separated into two, one tribe to contain Rubria spp., and the 
other the remaining genera. The reason this step has not been taken is because it needs to 
be preceded by a study of the ledrids of Africa and the Oriental region, as well as of those 
comprised in the Australian fauna. While most of the Australian genera are endemic, some 
have representation also in the Oriental region. Because of the preponderance of endemic 
genera and their wide distribution within the continent, it is presumed that the Ledrini, which 
are essentially a tropical group of insects, may have gained access to Australia from the north, 
prior to the period of Tertiary isolation. 

Key to the Genera of Ledrini Occurring in Australia 

1 . Insects less than 20 mm in length 2 

Insects more than 20 mm in length ♦ Ledromorpha Stal 

2. (1) Venation of tegmen reticulate . -3 

Venation of regmen not reticulate Rubria Stal 

3. (2) Pronotum lacking lateral wing-like processes 4 

Pronotum with lateral wing-like processes Porcorhinus Goding 

4. ( q) Crown widest across the eyes, thence tapering apically ; pronotum not keeled .... 

Ledropsis White 

Crown not widest across the eyes ; pronotum keeled 5 

5. (4) Pronotum flat or only slightly raised posteriorly . Platyledra Evans 

Pronotum steeply elevated posteriorly 6 

6. (5) Pronotum considerably higher than the scutellum Ledropsella gen.nov. 

Pronotum, posteriorly, on the same level as the scutellum . . Jukaruka Distant 

Ledromorpha Stal 

Ledromorpha Stal, 1864, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (4) 4: 68. 

The face of the head is longer than wide and the labium extends to the base of the hind 
coxae. The maxillary plates narrowly enfold the ante-clypeus and extend anteriorly beyond 
it. The position of the maxillary suture is discernible as a transverse fold. The anterior 
tentorial pits are prominently exposed. The frons, which is considerably wider than the post- 
clypeus, is medially convex and narrow posteriorly; laterally it is deeply longitudinally depressed. 
The crown of the head, which is foliaceous, is convex. The eyes are prominent and the ocelli, 
which are raised on slight prominences, are nearer to each other than to the eyes on each side. 
The pronotum, medially, is on the same plane as the crown and is laterally depressed. The 
scutellum is slightly raised posteriorly, the elevated portion being transversely striated. The 
tegmen, which is coriaceous, progressively widens to a little beyond the apex of the claval suture 
and it is apically bent. The venation is profusely reticulate apically; in particular there are 
numerous costal veinlets and Cu 1 is multi-branched. The tibiae of all 3 pairs of legs are 
foliaceous. In the 2 , the ovipositor extends beyond the folded tegmina. 

Type species — Fulgora planirostris Donovan. 


Ledromorpha planirostris (Donovan) 

(Fig. 2) 

ndgor a planirostris Donovan, 1805, Ins.New Holland; Hem. PL 1, Fig. 1. 

Ledra caudata Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 813. 

Ledra valida Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 814. 

Ledromorpha vaginata Stal, 1864, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (4) 4: 68 (syn.nov.). 

Length, $, 23-28 mm; width of head across eyes 8 mm. General coloration, reddish 
Drown, nigger brown or buff mottled with dark brown. Hind tibia with 6 spurs and a few 
lair-like spines. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Known distribution — Gatton, Ipswich (Queensland) ; Como, Sydney, Katoomba (New South 
Wales); Invermay, Blackburn (Victoria). 

Ml specimens available to me for examination have been females, and it is of interest to note 
that Donovan’s original illustration is apparently of a male. While undoubtedly best included 
in the Ledrini because of its foliaceous head and the position of the ocelli, L. planirostris has also 
certain characteristics in common with insects in a related tribe, the Stenocotini. Thus, in 
the tegmen, Cu 1 is multi-branched and there is a tendency for the anal veins to form a Y vein. 

Porcorhinus Goding 

Porcorhinus Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 38. 

Gudwana Distant, 1917, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 20: 189. 

The face of the head is oval in shape and the labium extends to the base of the middle 
coxae. The ante-clypeus is approximately diamond-shaped and the fronto-clypeus, which is 
convex, is more or less parallel-sided. The antennal depressions are deep and basin-like, but 
prominent antennal ledges are lacking. The crown is spatulate, transversely convex and has 
a median longitudinal carina. The pronotum, which is slightly longer than the crown, is 
anteriorly declivous. Posteriorly it is raised into 2 forwardly directed lateral processes, which 
narrow apically. The basal third of the tegmen is punctate and coriaceous; the remainder 
corrugated. The venation is reticulate and the anal veins sometimes form a Y-vein. The 
tibiae of all 3 pairs of legs are foliaceous. 

Type species — Porcorhinus master si Goding. 

Porcorhinus masters! Goding 
(Fig. 17, C) 

Porcorhinus mastersi Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 39. 

Gudwana typica Distant, 1917, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 20: 189. 

Length, $, 11-14 mm. Crown mottled yellowish-brown. Pronotum and scutellum, 
in part brown, in part green, or entirely mottled with brown, d egmen, basal third green, or, 
brown, the remainder hyaline-colourless; veins greenish-brown. Hind tibia with 7 small 
spurs and a row of closely set minute spines. 

Type Location — Macleay Museum, University of Sydney. 

G 2690 — 4 


Ind thlra£ E ^ A D > Ledr °P™ hea< 

H, Platyledra hirsuta fece of head T V^l d “ *°, rax; G ’ Ledr0 P sMa monstrosa, legmen 

K A informis, J L RubHa bteJfroT % ^ 7’ \ t£gmen ; ; ■ J ’ “ ?, head and prothorax 

j , 0 , KUDria brevijrons, J, M, Rubna smalei. N, Rubria sanguinosa, <*; O Rubric 

ingens. <$. ’ 


Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Gippsland (Victoria). 

Although many Ledrids have paired pronotal processes, this is the only Australian 
species in which this development occurs. It was originally described as a membracid. 

Ledropsis White 

Ledropsis White, 1844, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 14: 425. 

The face of the head is concave and the labium, which is short and proximally, together 
with the fore coxae, sunk below the level of the mesosternum, projects at right angles to the 
head. The maxillary plates overlap the anteclypeus antero-laterally and the slightly swollen 
lora slope inwardly. The antennae are situated on the posterior margins of deep lateral 
depressions. The crown is convex with an obscure central ridge and is widest across the eyes. 
The eyes protrude beyond the margin of the head and the ocelli are closer to each other than 
to the eyes on each side. The pronotum is collar-like and raised posteriorly. The venation 
of the tegmen is distally reticulate. The tegmina of male insects are parallel-sided; those of 
females are wider at the apex than the base. The tibiae are flattened and parallel-sided. 

Type species — Ledropsis cancroma White (Hong Kong). 

Ledropsis crocina Distant 
(Fig. 17, B) 

Ledropsis crocina Distant, 1917, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 20: 188. 

Ledropsis froggatti Distant, 1907, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 51: 192 (syn.nov.). 

A variable species both in size and colour pattern. Length 9-11*5 mm; §, 12-14 
mm. Crown of head 2-3 and 3-4 mm. General coloration, even dull brown, or pale yellowish- 
brown, evenly mottled with reddish-brown. Tegmina of males sometimes with a well-defined, 
though variable, colour pattern of pale brown and chocolate-brown. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Tamworth, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Blackheath, Sydney, Barrington Tops, East Dorrigo (New South 
Wales); Mt Tambourine (Queensland); Mordialloc (Victoria). 

Jukaruka Distant 

Jukaruka Distant, 1907, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 51: 190. 

“Vertex of head about as long as space between eyes, centrally carinate; ocelli about the 
middle of the crown; face of head foliaceous elongate, narrowed anteriorly; disk centrally 
sulcate. Pronotum longer than wide, centrally longitudinally laminately ridged. Legs 
slender, hind tibiae narrowly foliaceous, parallel-sided, hind coxae with short spines; apical 
veins of tegmen coarse and reticulate.” 

Type species — Jukaruka typica Distant. 


Jukaruka typica Distant 

Jukaruka typica Distant, 1907, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 51 : 190. 

Length, 10 mm. “Ochraceous, much mottled with black and piceous; body 
beneath and legs stramineous; face black, narrowed anteriorly where on each side is a carmine- 
red spot posteriorly bordered with black ; tegmina piceous, inner basal margin and apical area 
to clavus, pale testaceous ; the whole apical area of tegmen pale sub-hyaline with the reticulate 
veins piceous. 55 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Queensland. 

Jukaruka grisea sp.nov. 

(Fig. 17, F) 

Length, 7-9 mm. General coloration pale yellowish-grey sparsely mottled with 
brown, particularly on the pronotum and the tegmen, proximallyi Crown of head approxi- 
mately five-sided, the sides of equal length, wider anteriorly, but not apically, than between 
the eyes. Pronotum with a ventral longitudinal ridge which is lacking on the declivous 
portion. Scutellum slightly raised posteriorly. 

Holotype from Swan River, Western Australia (coll. E. J. Newman) in the Australian National 
Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Bunbury (Western Australia). 

J. grisea differs from the type species in having a considerably less prominent median keel on 
the pronotum. 

Platyledra Evans 

Platyledra Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 39. 

On the face of the head, which is oval in shape and concave, the labium extends almost 
to the base of the middle coxae. The ante-clypeus is pear-shaped and the fronto-clypeus 
elongate-oval, bordered by deep longitudinal channels, excepting for its posterior quarter, 
where it is narrow and lateral channels are lacking. The crown of the head is twice the length 
of the pronotum and spatulate across the eyes. The surface is rugose and corrugated and 
there is a longitudinal median carina which extends onto the pronotum. The ocelli are on 
the crown, on prominences, and are closer to the eyes on each side than to each other. The 
pronotum is flat or may be slightly elevated posteriorly. The scutellum, posteriorly, is raised 
into a low crest. I he tegmina have reticulate venation and the veins are raised in relief. 
The tibiae of all 3 pairs of legs are foliaceous and the hind tibiae, which lack spines and spurs, 
have a fringe of short hairs on each of their outer edges. The ovipositor, which extends well 
beyond the apex of the folded tegmina, is concave ventrally and tectiform dorsally. 

Type species — Platyledra hirsuta Evans. 

Platyledra hirsuta Evans 
(Fig. 17, H) 

Platyledra hirsuta Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 40. 

Length, $, 1 3- 1 7 mm > face of head sparsely covered with short white hairs; ante- 
cfy peus red, the remainder dull yellow witn brown markings. Crown of head pale brown with 
dark brown markings; at its widest only slightly wider than across the eyes. Tegmen 


grey or brown, sometimes apically vitreous, widest in line with the apex of the claval suture. 
Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Ooldea, South Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Watning (Western Australia). 

Platyledra acuminata (Distant) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 17, A) 

Ledropis acuminata Distant, 1917, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. 20: 189. 

Length, $, 14 mm. General coloration, pale brownish yellow mottled with reddish- 
brown. Crown of head at its widest point considerably wider than across the eyes. Tegmen 
widest distally of the apex of the claval suture. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Gayndah, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mt Lawley (Queensland). 

Ledropsella gen.nov. 

The face of the head is longer than wide and the labium reaches as far as the middle 
coxae. The ante-clypeus is pear-shaped and the lora anteriorly concave and posteriorly 
convex. The fronto-clypeus, which is oval in shape, is margined by deep channel-like 
longitudinal depressions. The antennal pits are basin-like depressions and antennal ledges are 

The crown of the head, which is equal in length to the pronotum, is spatulate. There 
is a median longitudinal carina which is raised into a small crest in alignment with the ocelli, 
which are on oblique prominences. 

The pronotum, anteriorly, is in alignment with the crown and has 3 longitudinal ridges 
in line with those on the crown. It is raised posteriorly and has a median longitudinal crest. 
The propleura form overhanging flaps which partly enfold the face of the head. The 
scutellum is anteriorly flat and raised posteriorly. The tegmina, which are broadest beyond 
the apex of the claval sutures, have reticulate venation. The tibiae of all 3 pairs of legs are 
externally flattened, and the hind tibiae are margined by a row of minute, even spines. The 
ovipositor does not extend beyond the folded tegmina. 

Type species — Platyledra monstrosa Evans. 

Ledropsella differs from Platyledra particularly in the shape of the pronotum. 

Ledropsella monstrosa (Evans) (comb.nov.) 
(Fig. 17, G) 

Platyledra monstrosa Evans, 1939, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 63: 45. 

Length, (J, 6 mm. General coloration, dark brown. 

Type Location — Macleay Museum, University of Sydney. 

Type Locality — King George’s Sound, Western Australia. 


Rubria Stal 

Rubria Stal, 1865, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 22: 158. 

Ledracephala Evans, 1947, Trans.Roy.Ent.Soc. London. 98: 252 (syn.nov.). 

This genus comprises species which occur in Australia and the Oriental region. Them 
is considerable variation in the shape and proportions of the crown of the head, and sexua 
dimorphism occurs. 

The ante-clypeus narrows anteriorly and extends beyond the margin of the maxillary 
plates.. The post-clypeus widens progressively posteriorly as far as the antennae, which lie 
posterior to the eyes. The antennal depressions are basin-like and antennal ledges are lacking 
An obscure epistomal suture is retained, and the frons, which is ill-defined, is either concave 
or raised medially. The crown of the head, which is longer in the $ than in the 9, is- 
spatulate and transversely convex, or widely tectiform, with a median longitudinal ridge 
It may be as long or more than twice the length of the pronotum. The ocelli are nearer to. 
each other than to the eyes. The pronotum is laterally wide and on a single plane (not 
humped posteriorly) . The tegmina are steeply tectiform and have normal venation, sometimes 
with accessoiy costal veinlets. The hind tibiae have 2 widely spaced spines mounted on 
prominent spurs and a row of evenly spaced long spines. 

1 ype species — Petaloc-ephala sanguinosa Stal. 

Five species of Rubria are briefly described below. It is certain that many more await 

Rubria sanguinosa (Stal) 

(Fig. 17, N) 

Petalocephala sanguinosa Stal, 1865, Ofvers.Vetensk.-Akad.Forh.Stockh. 22 : 158. 

Rubria carnosa Stal, 1865, Ofvers.Vetensk.-Akad.Forh.Stockh. 22: 159 (syn.nov.). 

Ledropsis coccinea Butler, 1874, Proc.Zool.Soc.London, 673 (syn.nov.). 

Rhotidus monstrum Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 367 (syn.nov.). 

Length, cj, 6-8 mm; 8-10 mm; length of crown 2-8-3 mm, width of head across 
eyes i *0-2 mm. A distinctive slender species uniformly pinkish in colour. 

'Type Location — Natural History Museum, Vienna. 

Type Locality — North Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Sydney (New South Wales). 

Rubria brevifrons (Walker) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 17, I, L) 

Ledra brevifrons Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 825. 

Rhotidus horrendus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 368 (syn.nov.). 

Ledracephala brevifrons (Walker), Evans, 1947, Trans.Roy.Ent.Soc.Lond. 98: 252. 

, Len y h ’ A . ?> 1 1 "5 mm ; crown of head, 2-2 and 3 mm. Crown of A, brown 
mottled with pale yellowish brown; of $, green. Pronotum of concolorous with the crown : 
oi 4, anteriorly green, posteriorly sometimes brown. Tegmen pale hyaline green. 


Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — “Australia”. 

Known distribution elsewhere — King Island (Tasmania) ; Brighton (Victoria) ; Kuranda 
(Queensland); King George’s Sound (Western Australia). 

Rubria informis (Kirkaldy) 

(Fig. 17, J, K) 

Rhotidus informis Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 367. 

Rhotidus ledropsiformis Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 367 (syn.nov.). 

Rhotidus viridicens Kirkaldy, 1905, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 368 (syn.nov.) 

Length, 7-8 mm; $, 9-10 mm, of crown of head 2*8 mm. General coloration 
brownish yellow (dried specimens). Pronotum sometimes brownish, mottled with yellow. 
Tegmen hyaline or near opaque. May be distinguished from R. brevifrons by having the crown 
somewhat triangular in shape, and unlike R. brevifrons , the sides of the crown immediately in 
front of the eyes are not parallel with each other. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Nelson, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Brisbane (Queensland); Yanco, Mittagong (New South Wales); 
Swan River (Western Australia); Kiata, Tallarook (Victoria). 

Rubria ingens (Kirkaldy) 

(Fig. 17, O) 

Rhotidus ingens Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 366. 

Rhotidus flavomaculatus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii, Sug.Ass.Exp. Sta. 1 (9): 367 (syn.nov.). 
Length, $, 9-12 mm; of crown of head, 2*8-4 mm. 

General coloration pinkish brown evenly mottled with yellow. Sometimes there is a 
partial, or complete, dark reddish-brown band on the tegmen which extends transversely from 
the neighbourhood of the apex of vein 2A. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Carnavon Ranges (Queensland); Eltham (Victoria). 

Rubria smalei sp.nov. 

(Fig. 17, M) 

Length, 7*3, $, 10*4 mm. Length of crown, 1 *2, 2*8 mm. 

General coloration (dried specimens), pale brownish yellow, the scutellum mottled with 
pale brown or reddish-brown. Crown of head with a median longitudinal ridge. 

Holotype <$ and Allotype $ from Burleigh, Queensland (coll. M. Smale, 11/42), in the Australian 


Rubria smalei differs from R. sanguinosa , which it resembles more closely than other 
species in the genus, in proportions, in having a less apically pointed crown and in the 
coloration of the scutellum. 


This tribe comprises a group of insects which is confined to Australia. Walker (1851) 
described a stenocotid ( Ledra conferta ) from Hong Kong and another ( Ledra unicolor) from the 
Philippines. Both would seem to be males of Stenocotis depressa (Walker) and almost certainly 
the locality records are incorrect. Stenocotids range in length from 7-24 mm, and, so far as is 
known, live only on eucalypts, on which they feed on the trunks. The nymphs are almost 
paper-flat. These insects are immediately recognizable by the venation of their tegmina, in 
which Cul always has more than the usual 2 branches, and the anal veins usually, as in the 
Fulgoroidea, form a Y-vein. Occasionally both anal veins terminate separately at the margin 
of the tegmen, but when this occurs they are still joined together for part of their lengths. 
The ocelli are situated in marginal depressions and in some species are directed ventrally\nd 
in others dorsally. 

While the Stenocotini are undoubtedly related to the Ledrini, they probably represent 
a parallel development from an original ulopid stock and are not secondarily derived from the 
Ledrini. . This suggestion is based, partly in the marginal position of the ocelli, which is the 
same as in the generalised ulopid, Moonia Distant, and partly on the evidence provided by 
speciation in the ulopid genus, Colob or rhis Germar, in Madagascar. (Evans, 1959.) 

Key to the Genera of the Stenocotini 

1. Crown of head shorter than the pronotum 2 

Crown of head as long, or longer, than the pronotum Ledracotis Evans 

2. (1) Labium extending beyond the hind coxae 

Labium not extending beyond the hind coxae 3 

3. (2) Antennal ledges situated between the eyes ^ 

Antennal ledges situated considerably posterior to the eyes Anacotis Evans 

4 * (3) Face of head longer than wide; ocelli directed ventrally; scutellum not elevated 

posteriorly Smicrocotis Kirkaldy 

Face of head as wide as long; ocelli directed dorsally; scutellum elevated posteriorly 

Khyphoctella gen.nov. 

5. (2) Insects, of either sex, not more than 15 mm in length; pronotum anteriorly declivous; 
scutellum usually elevated posteriorly Khyphocotis Kirkaldy 

x insects not less than 20 mm in length; pronotum almost, and scutellum entirely, 
at *■ Stenocotis Stal 

Stenocotis Stal 

Stenocotis Stal, 1854, Ofvers.Vetensk.-Akad.Forh.Stockh. 11: 254. 
Stenocotis Stal, 1856, Ofvers.Vetensk.-Akad.Forh.Stockh. 13: 67. 
Stenocotis Stal, Distant, 1907, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 51 : 194. 

Stenocotis Stal, Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 27 
Stenocotis Stal, Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11: 158. 


The labium extends beyond the hind coxae and the maxillary plates narrowly beyond 
the apex of the ante-clypeus. The maxillary suture is discernible as a transverse fold and the 
post-clypeus is narrow, parallel-sided and flat. The frons, which is three times as wide as the 
post-clypeus and extends as far as the hind margin of the face, is raised medially into a ridge. 
The antennal ledges are oblique and the ocelli, which are in marginal depressions, are visible 
only in dorsal aspect. The crown is wider in the centre than against the eyes and the eyes 
are prominent. The pronotum is almost as wide as long and the scutellum is flat. In the 
tegmina, Ri has numerous costal veinlets, Cul has several branches and the anal veins from a 
Y-vein. The hind tibiae, which are quadrilateral in section, have 3 rows of small marginal 
spines and a row of 6 flattened spurs with apical spines, which decrease in size from the apex 
to the base. In the female the abdomen extends slightly beyond the folded tegmina. The 
males are approximately seven- tenths the lengths of the females. In the male genitalia the 
sub-genital plates are narrow and parallel-sided and the parameres are less than half the length 
of the sub-genital plates. The pygophores are broad and have marginal styles. 

Type species — Stenocotis subvittata Stal (Kirkaldy, 1907). 

Stenocotis depressa (Walker) 

(Fig. 18, A, B) 

Leclra depressa Walker, 1851, List, Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 817. 

Ledra brevis Walker, 1851, List. Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 820 (syn.nov.). 

Ledra australis , Walker, 1851, List. Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 821 (syn.nov.). 

Ledra corticalis Walker, 1851, List. Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 314 (syn.nov.). 

Ledra varia Walker, 1851, List. Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 819. 

Ledra ferruginea Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 817 (syn.nov.). 

Ledra conferta Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 818 (syn.nov.). 

Ledra unico lor Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 819 (syn.nov.). 

Stenocotis planiuscula, 1854, Ofvers.Vetensk.-Akad.Forh.Stockh. n: 254 (syn.nov.). 

Stenocotis subvittata Stal, 1854, Ofvers.Vetensk.-Akad.Forh.Stockh. 11: 254 (syn.nov.). 

Ledra delineata Walker, 1858, List. Homopt.Brit.Mus. Supplement, 250. 

Stenocotis dimorpha Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 27 (syn.nov.). 

Stenocotis reticulata Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 27 (syn.nov.). 

Length, <$, 10-15 mm 5 ?, 21-24 mm. Coloration, an even pale, chestnut, or dark 
greyish-brown, or, with an even mottled appearance, or a bold pattern of light and dark brown. 

The $ is similarly coloured to the $ in so far as the head, thorax and the clavus of the 
tegmen is concerned. The remainder of the tegmen is vitreous with, or without, a brown 
pattern development. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Van Diemen’s Land. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Widely distributed in every State. 


Until a critical study is made of the status of the numerous forms, which differ from 
each other in size and colour pattern, but not, apparently, in characters furnished by the male 
genitalia and until the sexes are correlated with each other, it is more satisfactory to regard 
all forms as constituting a single species of wide distribution in every State than as distinct 

A ’, ^li? C ? tlS & pY f S %^ C o of head; B ’ Sm de P ressa > head and thorax; C, Anacotis hackeri , head; D, 
hhyphocotis tessellata head; E, Smicrocotis obscura, head; F, Ledracotis gunnensis, head and thorax; G, L. 
gunnensis, egmcn, H, Smicrocotis sidnica , head; I, Khyphoctella distorta , head and thorax; J, K. distorta: 
K, Smicrocotis brunneus, head; L, Anacotis hackeri , head and thorax; M, Smicrocotis solomoni . head. AC. 
ante-clypeus; F, frons; FC, fronto-clypeus; PC, post-clypeus 

Kyphocotis Kirkaldy 

Kyphocotis Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug. Ass. Exp. Sta. 1 (9): 370. 
Kyphocotis Kirkaldy, Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11: 161. 


The labium extends beyond the hind coxae and the face of the head is as wide as long. 
The post-clypeus is parallel-sided, the antennal ledges transverse and the frons is twice the 
width of the post-clypeus, which does not extend quite as far as the hind margin of the face. 
The ocelli are marginal in position and face ventrally. The crown is widest against the eyes. 
The pronotum, which is at a lower level anteriorly than posteriorly, is rugose posteriorly and 
laterally has transverse longitudinal ridges. The scutellum is sometimes raised into a crest 
posteriorly. The venation of the tegmen is as in Stenocotis. The ovipositor in the $ extends 
beyond the folded tegmina and the hind tibiae have from 5-7 flattened spurs. The male 
genitalia are as in Stenocotis. 

Type species — Kyphocotis tessellata Kirkaldy. 

The material available for study of representatives of this genus is not only insufficient 
to permit adequate description of insects of high variability, but also to make it possible to 
decide whether, or not, 4 specific names are justified. However, while it might be preferable 
to regard all named forms as belonging to a single species, as has been done in the case of 
Stenocotis , it has been decided, for the time being, to recognize 4 species which may be separated 

by the following Key: — 

1 . Both sexes greater than 9 mm in length 2 

Both sexes 8 mm in length parva Distant 

2. (1) Crown medially excavate 3 

Crown with a slight median ridge claudenda (Walker) 

3. (2) Scutellum considerably raised posteriorly tessellata Distant 

Scutellum slightly raised posteriorly nigrescens (Distant) 

Kyphocotis tessellata Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 18, D) 

Kyphocotis tessellata Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug. Ass. Exp. sta. 1 (9): 371. 

Kyphocotis tessellata Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Sta. 3: 28. 

Kyphocotis fasciata Distant, 1907, Ann. Soc.Ent.Belg. 51: 196 (syn.nov.). 

Length, c?, 10, $,12-14 mm. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu (apparently missing). 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Claudie River (Northern Queensland) ; Ord River (Western 
\ustralia) . 

Kyphocotis claudenda (Walker) (comb.nov.) 

Ledra claudenda Walker, 1858, List. Elomopt. Brit. Mus. Supplement, 359. 

itenocotis claudenda (Walker), Distant, 1907, Ann. Soc.Ent.Belg. 51: 194. 

Length, S, 13 mm. Crown of head considerably larger than the crown, flattened; 
:oronal ridge distinct. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — More ton Bay, Queensland. 


Kyphocotis parva Distant 

Kyphocotis parva Distant, 1907, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 51 : 197. 

Length, $, 8 mm. Crown of head of even length with the eyes ; ocelli not visible 
from above. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Queensland. 

Kyphocotis nigrescens (Distant) 

Stenocotis nigrescens Distant, 1907, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 51 : 194. 

Length, $, 9 mm. Crown of head larger than the eyes; ocelli visible from above in 
marginal depressions. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Queensland. 

The remarks made in reference to the difficulty of deciding the limits of species in the 
genus Kyphocotis apply also to species comprised in the genus Smicrocotis. 

Four species of S?nicrocotis are likewise recognized, but in the present state of knowledge, 
and with the limited material available for study, it is impossible to be certain of their true |i 
status. Some specimens examined seem to belong to none of the 4 species listed, but, for the 
time being, it is preferable for them to remain undescribed. 

Smicrocotis Kirkaldy 

Smicrocotis Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 370. 

Smicrocotis Kirkaldy, Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11: 159. 

The labium terminates between the middle coxae and the face is longer than wide. 

The ante-clypeus and lora are recurved apically and the face is almost evenly slightly 
convex. The post-clypeus is almost parallel-sided anterior to the antennal ledges, which are 
short and transverse. The frons, apically, is approximately oval in shape, slightly concave 
and with a low median ridge. The ocelli are marginal and face forward, or ventrally. The 
crown is usually widest in the centre, the pronotum almost flat, and the scutellum flat. The 
venation of the tegmen has, as in Stenocotis , a tendency to being reticulate. The hind tibiae 
have 6 or 7 flattened spurs. 

Type species — Smicrocotis obscura Kirkaldy. 

Key to Species in the Genus Smicrocotis 

1 . Crown of even length, or slightly longer against the eyes 2 

Crown considerably longer in the centre than against the eyes. . obscura Kirkaldy 

2. (1) Crown slightly longer against the eyes than in the centre 3 

Crown of even length throughout sidnica Kirkaldy 


3- (2) In the tegmen, Cu i with 2 branches; anal veins not forming a Y-vein 

brunneus Evans 

In the tegmen Cu i with more than 2 branches; anal veins forming a Y-vein 

solomni Evans 

Smicrocotis obscura Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 1 8, E) 

Smicrocotis obscura Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug. Ass. Exp. Sta. 1 (9): 370. 

Smicrocotis infuscata Distant, 1907, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 51 : 195. 

Smicrocotis pallescens Distant, 1907, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 51: 195 (syn.nov.). 

Smicrocotis projecta Distant, 1907, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 51: 196 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 8-13 mm. Crown of head considerably wider in the centre than against the eyes, 
sometimes laterally sinuate and with a median longitudinal ridge and a pair of lateral oblique 
ridges; apically upturned, brown. Pronotum and scutellum concolorous with the crown. 
Tegrnen pale brown or greyish, with a pale, or dark brown, scribble pattern and sometimes with 
oval, white markings of varying size. 

Type Location— H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Tubrabucca, Mt Wilson (New South Wales); Rockhampton 
(Queensland); Caulfield, Inglewood, Bogong Plains, 6,000 ft (Victoria). 

The available material of this species comprises female insects only. These differ 
from each other only significantly in size. However, as the larger forms were all collected in 
New South Wales and Queensland and the small forms in Victoria, it is possible that if males 
were available for genitalia examination it might be possible to recognize more than a single 

Smicrocotis sidnica Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 18, H) 

Smicrocotis sidnica Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 28. 

Smicrocotis c he Ionia Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11: 60 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 7*5-8 mm; <j>, 8-5 mm. 

Face of head, reddish-brown mottled with yellowish-brown. Crown of even length 
throughout, lacking ridges. Pronotum anteriorly grey, yellowish or reddish-brown, with a 
brown, or black, median longitudinal stripe; posteriorly mottled with dark brown. Tegmen 
hyaline, or greyish, regularly mottled with light or dark brown. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — National Park, 3,500 ft (Tasmania) ; Upper Manning River (New 
South Wales); Timber Top, Bogong Plains, 5,500 ft, Eltham (Victoria). 


Smicrocotis solomoni Evans 
(Fig. 1 8, M) 

Smicrocotis solomoni Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11: 160. 

Length, <$, 7 mm. Face of head evenly convex, pale yellowish-brown mottled with 
black and reddish-brown; antennal depressions black; ocelli on face, directed ventrally; 
epistomal suture discernible. Crown of head short, longest against the eyes, yellowish-white 
with reddish-brown markings. Pronotum, yellowish-white, mottled with black and pale 
orange brown. Scutellum pale yellowish-brown. Tegmen, whitish-hyaline, with irregular 
scattered brownish-black areas; veins brown with raised white spots. 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality — Crawley, Western Australia. 

Smicrocotis brunneus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 18, K) 

Kyphocotis brunneus Evans, 1947, Trans.R.Ent.Soc.London, 98: 252. 

Length, (J, 7 mm. Face of head black mottled with light and dark brown; crown 
with a pair of oblique lateral ridges and a sharp, upturned, anterior rim-like margin, slightly 
wider against the eyes than in the centre. Pronotum brown, mottled with black in the centre, 
and at the sides posteriorly. Scutellum flat. Tegmen whitish hyaline, partially suffused with 
light and dark brown ; veins brown. Venation of tegmen, Cu 1 with 2 branches and anal 
veins, though linked distally by a cross-vein, each extending as far as the anal margin. Hind 
tibiae with 4 spines mounted on prominent bases. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Anacotis Evans 

Anacotis Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11: 161. 

The labium extends as far as the middle coxae and the face of the head is as long as wide. 
The maxillaiy plates narrowly extend beyond the ante-clypeus. The antennal ledges, which 
are situated considerably posterior to the eyes, are curved. The post-clypeus is slightly raised 
posteriorly and the frons is concave with a median longitudinal ridge. The crown is widest 
in the centre and the ocelli, which are on the crown, are situated on the sides of outwardly 
acing ridges, and the eyes are prominent. The pronotum and scutellum are transversely 
sti iated and the latter is raised into a low hump posteriorly. The venation of the tegmen is as 
in Stenocotis. The fore and middle femora are flattened and the hind tibiae have eleven 
flattened spurs. The subgenital plates are short and narrow and do not extend as far as the 
apex ot the pygophores. 

Type species — Anacotis hacker i Evans. 

Anacotis hackeri Evans 
(Fig. 18, L) 

Anacotis hackeri Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11: 162. 

R Length, o, 12 mm. Face of head anteriorly black, posteriorly straminaceous. Crown 
o head pale brown. Pronotum pale brown with narrow, dark brown markings. Scutellum 


ale brown. Tegmen vitreous, excepting the costal margin, which is pale brown and the 
ostal and anal areas proximally, which are suffused with yellowish-brown. 

r m ype Location — Queensland Museum. 

f ype Locality — Brisbane, Queensland. 

Ledracotis Evans 
.edracotis Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11: 162. 

The head, pronotum and scutellum are coarsely rugose. The labium terminates 
etween the hind coxae and the face is longer than wide. The maxillary plates, which 
arrowly enfold the ante-clypeus anteriorly, do not extend beyond it. The post-clypeus is 
lmost parallel-sided and widest between the antennal ledges, where it is laterally curved, 
lie frons, which is parallel-sided and declivous has a central longitudinal ridge at its apex, 
lie anterior tentorial pits are exposed. The crown is approximately equal in length with the 
ronotum, is medially depressed and has a pair of lateral longitudinal ridges which bear the 
celli at their anterior apices. The pronotum is raised posteriorly, the raised part being 
'ansversely striated and the scutellum is flat. The venation of the tegmen is as in Stenocotis 
nd the abdomen of the $ extends beyond the folded tegmina. The hind tibiae have 5 
attened spurs. 

ype species — Ledracotis gunnensis Evans. 

Ledracotis gunnensis Evans 
(Fig. 18, F. G) 

■edracotis gunnensis Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11: 162. 

Length, $,15-17 mm. General coloration brown. Head and thorax coarsely rugose, 
"egmen brown with sparse pubescence. 

ype Location — Macleay Museum, University of Sydney. 

ype Locality — Gunning, New South Wales. 

inown distribution elsewhere — Cheltenham (New South Wales); Warburton district, Warragul 
Victoria) . 

Kyphoctella gen.nov. 

The labium extends to the base of the hind coxae. The maxillary plates narrowly 
nfold the ante-clypeus and the post-clypeus is flat and depressed below the level of the genae. 
"he maxillary suture is discernible as a transverse ridge. The genae are convex and the 
x>ns, which is parallel-sided and concave, extends to the posterior apex of the face of the head, 
die head from above has a hooded appearance and is rugose. The true crown is narrowly 
riangular and is continuous with the vertex laterally as far as the antennal ledges. The 
celli are marginal and dorsally directed. The pronotum is declivous and transversely striated, 
he scutellum is raised into a high crest. The venation is as in Stenocotis , excepting that both 
nal veins, though converging in the middle of the clavus, may also separately extend to the 
nal margin. The hind tibiae are flattened and have 4 spurs and a fringe of long spines. 

"ype species — Kyphoctella distorta sp. nov. 


Kyphoctella distorta sp.nov. 

(Fig. 1 8 , I, J) 

Length, io mm. Head and thorax pale or dark brown. Tegmen vitreous; veins; 
brown with white bars. 

Holotype <j>, from Adelaide River, Northern Territory (coll. Sgt Kent) in the South Australian 

Known distribution elsewhere: Groote Eylandt; Coen (North Queensland). 


The Thymbrini are a group of robust insects which range in length from 5-16 mm. In 
colour they are various shades of black, brown, orange and green and often have a mottled! 
appearance. The ante-clypeus is often depressed below the level of the post-clypeus and the' 
lora. The antennal ledges are prominent, and transverse or oblique. The ocelli lie posterior 
to a ti ansverse lidge and may be ventral, marginal or dorsal in position, depending on the* 
shape of the crown ol the head, which may be rounded and declivous, arrow-shaped or 
narrowly produced. The pronotum is flat, or declivous, and the scutellum flat. The tegmina 
always have normal cicadellid venation (Fig. 19, A2), and the hind tibiae, which are heavily 
armed with spines, have 1 row mounted on enlarged bases, which decrease in size from the- 
apex to the base. Representatives of this tribe, with the exception of species in the genus- 
Novothymbris , which occur in New Zealand, and a few species recorded from New Guinea, 
are confined to Australia. Thymbrids, like several other groups of Australian leaf hoppers, 
aie in a phase of active evolutionary change. While, for the most part, genera can be readily 
determined, species recognition depends on the examination of the male genitalia. 


2. (I) 

3- (2) 

4- (2) 

5- (4) 

6 - ( 5 ) 

Key to the Genera of the Thymbrini Occurring in Australia 

Green insects Hackeriana Evans 

Brown, or, black insects, sometimes with white markings 2 

Insects, more than 6 mm in length a 

Insects, 6 mm or less, in length 2 

Crown of head widest in the centre, not separated from the face by a sharp ridge; 
oce li marginal, directed forwards Epipschydion Kirkaldy 

Grown of equal width with the eyes, separated from the face by a sharp ridge; ocelli 
on crown of head Ledrella Evans 

Gi own of head produced into a long, narrow conical structure which is more than 
twice the length of the pronotum Ledraprora Evans 

Crown not as above e 

* 5 

Ci own broadly arrow-shaped, somewhat declivous, not continuous with the face; 

ocelli on the crown . , Rhotidus Stal 

Crown not as above g 

Insects resembling Rhotidus spp. except that the crown is not broadly arrow-shaped, 
is css sharply separated from the face, and the pronotum is more declivous; ocelli 

on the crown Thy mbris Kirkaldy 

Not as above ^ I 



9 - 


1 1 . 

(6) Pronotum flat, or almost so Putoniessa Kirkaldy' 

Pronotum declivous ® 

(7) Pronotum, crown and face of head forming one curved surface; crown widest against 

the eyes Macroceps Signoret 

Not as above * 9 

(8) Pronotum steeply declivous, forming a continuous curved surface with the vertical 

crown; ocelli in marginal depressions Mitelloides Evans 

Not as above; a narrow distinct dorsal crown, widest against the eyes, or as wide in 
the centre as against the eyes 10 

(9) Pronotum evenly rounded Rhotidoides Evans 

Pronotum anteriorly depressed and in alignment with the crown 1 1 

(10) Ocelli situated in shallow depressions, forwardly directed. . . . Stenalsella gen.nov. 
Ocelli not in depressions, ventrally directed Alseis Kirkaldy 

Ledrella Evans 

Ledrella Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 40. 

The ante-clypeus and lora are anteriorly re-curved. The post-clypeus, which is almost 
parallel-sided, widens slightly posteriorly. The antennal ledges, which are prominent, are 
curved and in line with the centre of the eyes. Posterior to the antennal ledges the fronto- 
clypeus slopes steeply to the hind margin of the face and there is, posteriorly, a short, median 
longitudinal ridge. The crown of the head, which is of equal width with the eyes, is declivous 
and sharply separated from the face by an apical ridge. The ocelli are on the crown, somewhat 
closer to the eyes on each side than to each other. The pronotum is anteriorly declivous and 
forms a continuous curved surface with the crown. It is approximately four times the length 
of the crown. The hind tibiae are flattened externally and have 5 spurs and 5 strong spines 
facing the spurs on the opposite margin. 

Type species — Ledrella brunnea Evans. 

Ledrella brunnea Evans 
(Fig. 19, N) 

Ledrella brunnea Evans, 1 937 ? Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1 93 ^ : 4 °- 

Length, 5 mm. Face of head rugose. General coloration pale brown. Tegmen 
hyaline; veins brown with white bars. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Kiata, Victoria. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Perth (Western Australia). 

Ledraprora Evans 

Ledraprora Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 40. 

This genus is clearly derived from Ledrella . The crown of the head is narrowly conically 
produced and is three times the length of the pronotum. The ocelli are on the sides of the 
crown and approximately the same distance from the eyes as the width of the eyes, d he hind 
tibiae are similar in shape and armature to those of Ledrella. 

Type species — Ledraprora insularis Evans. 


Fig. 19: Ai, Mitelloides moaensis, head: A2 M mnamn: jf , . . .. . 

Stenalsella testacea, head; Ba, S testacea head and 1 hLv r n g ’ A 3 ’ ™ moaensis, hind tibia; Bi. 
tonnoiri, head and thorax ; E, S Fi^T/T D, Macro ceps 

teleform is, head; G, Ledrafirora comfiressa h^aTand Thorax ^ TeT ^formis head and thorax; Fa, /?. 
Rhotidoides bunctivena head- It ww-,.; / , ax ’ Ledraprora msulans , head and thorax; I, 

4 ru>m«a, head and thorax; O Alseis osborni head pF ’ ^ P^wnessa galhensis head and thorax; N, Ledrella 
,»d thorax; ft, ***** head;' X*85SS|?5fei^JS S£f* ^ 


Ledraprora insularis Evans 
(Fig. 1 9? H) 

Ledraprora insularis Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 41. 

Length, $, 9-5 mm, of crown of head, 3*3 mm. General coloration, brown. Anterior 
Drolongation of head apically rounded, with 2 lateral swellings and with dorsal and ventral 
teels. Anterior margin of pronotum, only slightly anteriorly arched. Tegmen pale hyaline- 
Drown; veins brown with white bars. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Kangaroo Island. 

Ledraprora compressa Evans 
(Fig. 19, G) 

Ledraprora compressa Evans, 1939, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 63: 45. 

Length, $, 7 mm; of crown of head, 2 mm. Face of head pale brown, rugose.. 
Anterior prolongation of crown diamond-shaped in section, tilted dorsally. Pronotum 
brown, posteriorly mottled with grey. Scutellum brown. Tegmen whitish-hyaline; veins, 
brown barred with white. 

Type Location — Macleay Museum, University of Sydney. 

Type Locality — King George’s Sound, Western Australia. 

Ledraprora victoriensis Evans 

Ledraprora victoriensis Evans, 1937 ? Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 41. 

Length, $, 10 mm, of crown of head, 4 mm. General coloration brown. Anterior 
prolongation of head approximately circular in section, lacking swellings and keels. Anterior 
margin of pronotum arched between the eyes. Tegmen hyaline-yellowish; veins pale and 
dark brown with regularly spaced pale bars. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Kiata, Victoria. 

Alseis Kirkaldy 

Alseis Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 30, 37. 

The face of the head is wider than long, the ante-clypeus depressed and the lora 
swollen. The sides of the fronto-clypeus are almost parallel, the antennal ledges oblique 
and the labium terminates between the middle coxae. Lateral frontal sutures are present 
but the fronto-clypeus posteriorly is continuous with the vertex. The transverse ridge 
characteristic of the Thymbrini is indistinct and the ocelli are marginal in position, facing 
forwards. The crown of the head is apically acute and widest in the centre. The pronotum 
is slightly declivous and depressed behind the eyes. This genus differs from Ledrella , in 
having the crown of the head not sharply differentiated from the face, and from Macroceps 
in having a less steeply declivous pronotum and angulate head. 

Type species — Alseis osborni Kirkaldy. 


Alseis osborni Kirkaldy 

(Fig- 19, O) 

Alseis osborni Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 38. 

Length, <£, $, 8, 8*7 mm. General coloration pale parchment mottled with browr 
Tegmen, whitish-hyaline sparsely, and evenly, mottled with brown; clavus punctate basally 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Brisbane, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Gatton (Queensland). 

Female specimens of several undescribed species belonging to this genus are knowi 
but need to await description until male insects become available. 

Macroceps Signoret 

Macroceps Signoret, 1879, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (5) 9: 53, (5) 10: 363. 

The face of the head is wider than long. The ante-clypeus is depressed below the 
lora and post-clypeus and anteriorly re-curved. The fronto-clypeus, which is parallel-sided! 
is convex anteriorly. The vertex is sometimes vertical in position and approximately a 
right angles with the face. The ocelli are anteriorly directed. From above, the head i, 1 
visible only narrowly against the eyes. The pronotum is steeply declivous and evenly convex 

Type species — Macroceps fasciatus Signoret. 

Macroceps fasciatus Signoret 
(Figs. 19, E, 20, I) 

Macroceps fasciatus Signoret, 1880, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. 5 (10): 364. 

Length, 5-5, §, 5-6*8 mm. General coloration chestnut-brown. Face of head 

posteriorly, and pronotum, sometimes pale brown. Vertex of head vertical. Tegmen 
hyaline-brown with an oblique white fascia extending from the anal angle to the costal 
border. Male genitalia as in Figure 20, I. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Vienna. 

Type Locality — “ Australia ”. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Stanthorpe, Maryborough (Queensland); Kangerilla (South 
Australia); Cabramatta (New South Wales). 

Macroceps tamarensis Evans 
(Fig. 20, G) 

Macroceps tamarensis Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 67. 

Length, 5*5, $, 6*6 mm. General coloration mottled brown. A narrow, but 

distinct, crown developed. Pronotum not as steeply declivous as in the type species,, 
together with scutellum, mottled brown. Male genitalia as in Figure 20, G. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Launceston, Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere— Lake St Clair, Tasman Peninsula, Snug (Tasmania). 


Macroceps tonnoiri Evans 

(Fig. 19, D) 

Macroceps tonnoiri Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 66. 

Length, 7 mm. Head evenly brown, or a mottled appearance, with a sloping 
crown, longest against the eyes. Pronotum anteriorly declivous but not steeply so, light 
brown mottled with dark brown, sometimes with a broad median longitudinal black stripe. 
Scutellum, chestnut-brown. Tegmen opaque or hyaline, with white, brown and black 
markings; usually there is a broad white proximal fascia extending from the costal margin 
to the anal margin adjacent to the scutellum; veins brown with black bars. 

Type Location — Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Type Locality — Mt Kosciusko, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere— Warburton (Victoria); Barrington Tops (New South Wales). 

Macroceps darwinensis sp.nov. 

(Fig. 20, Hi, Ha) 

Length, 6-2, ?, 8 mm. Face of head entirely dark brown, or dark reddish-brown, 
or in part 'pink and in part brown. Vertex facially situated, except for a narrow crown, 
longest against the eyes. 

Pronotum not steeply declivous, ochreous in in $ grey with dark brown, or 

black, markings and with scribbled pale brown markings. Scutellum evenly brown or 
reddish-brown. Tegmen pale greyish-hyaline, irregularly mottled with brown, the brown 
markings denser in £ than in % veins brown, in part white. Male genitalia as in Fig. 
20, Hi, H2. 

Hololype $ and Allotype £ from Darwin, Northern Territory (coll. E. Reye) in the Australian 

Stenalsella gen.nov. 

The face of the head is wider than long and the labium extends to between the middle 
coxae. The ante-clypeus and lora, which are slightly declivous anteriorly, are on the same 
plane as the post-clypeus. The post-clypeus is almost flat and an obscure transverse 
epistomal suture is discernible. This is in alignment with the strong transverse antennal 
ledges. The frons is rectangular, and the hind margin, which is discernible, is separate from 
the angulate transverse facial ridge. The ocelli, which lie in shallow depressions immediately 
posterior to this ridge, are in alignment with the antennae and are directed anteriorly nnd 
not facially. The crown is sometimes narrowly produced, so that its length in the centre 
may be equal to its length against the eyes. A he pronotum, which is slightly declivous and 
anteriorly depressed, has deep transverse striations, and the scutellum is slightly raised 
posteriorly. In the tegmina the anal veins form a Y-vein. In the female the ovipositor 
extends slightly beyond the folded tegmina. 

Type species — Stenalsella testacea sp.nov. 

Stenalsella , which is closely related to Alseis and Macroceps , differs from these genera 
in that the ante-clypeus is not depressed below the level of the post-clypeus; in the retention 
of an obscure epistomal suture, and in having the hind margin of the frons separate from the 
posterior transverse facial ridge. It resembles certain genera in the Stenocotini in the 
possession of a Y-vein in the clavus and in having the ocelli in marginal depressions. 


Stenalsella testacea sp.nov. 

(Fig. 19, Bi, B2) 

Length, 7-8 mm; 8-9 mm. General coloration, pale yellowish-browi 

irregularly mottled with dark brown, or whitish mottled with brown and sometimes with £ 
wide median longitudinal band extending from the anterior margin of the pronotum to the 
base of the scutellum. Tegmen whitish, yellowish, brownish, or colourless hyaline; veins 
brown; sometimes with pale bars. Clavus sometimes basally whitish and punctate and witl 
reticulate venation. 

Holotype , from Mt Glorious, Queensland, in the Queensland Museum. 

Additional specimens from Iluka Rain Forest, Clarence River and National Park, New South 

Epipsychidion Kirkaldy 

Epipsychidion Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9) : 345. 

This genus is closely related to Macroceps. It differs in having the head evenly 
longitudinally convex with the ocelli ventrally directed and not in 3 planes as in Macroceps . 
The pronotum is depressed posterior to the eyes. 

Type species — Epipsychidion epipyropis Kirkaldy. 

Epipsychidion epipryopis Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 19, R) 

Epipsychidion epipryopis Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 346. 

Epipsychidion epipyropis Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 37. 

Length, 6 mm. Face of head pale brown; fronto-clypeus and vertex rugose. 
Grown, brown with indistinct greyish markings posteriorly. Thorax with a bold, 
characteristic colour pattern; the pronotum with a pair of central broad, and a pair of 
lateral narrow, longitudinal white stripes, margined with brown. The central stripes 
continue nanowly onto the scutellum and the lateral ones onto the clavus of the tegmen. 
Tegmen hyaline, pale brown proximally; veins entirely brown, or part white and part dark 
brown. Abdomen, in $, extending slightly beyond the folded tegmina. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Wandong, Baxter (Victoria). 

Putoniessa Kirkaldy 

Putoniessa Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 50. 

The face of the head is wider than long, the labium terminates between the middle 
coxae and the ante-clypeus and the lora are recurved anteriorly. The fronto-clypeus, which 
is almost parallel-sided, but widens slightly posteriorly, is flat or slightly convex. The 
antennal ledges are distinct but not prominent and the antennal depressions shallow. The 
hind margin of the fronto-clypeus is distinct and is bordered by a well or ill-defined ridge, 
which extends to the eyes on each side and which is parallel with the antennal ledges. The 


ocelli are on the face of the head, posterior to the transverse ridge and immediately behind 
the frontal sutures. The crown which is narrow, is longest against the eyes. The pronotum 
is flat or slightly declivous. The hind tibiae have 9 spurs of which the basal three are very 
small. In the male genitalia the aedeagi are extremely diverse in shape. This suggests 
that the genus, as here defined, is a composite one and requires critical study to determine 
the inter-relationships of the several comprised species. 

Type species — Putoniessa dignissima Kirkaldy. 

Several of the twelve species ascribed to this genus resemble others very closely in 
general appearance and their recognition is possible only by means of examination of the 
male genitalia. 

Putoniessa rivularis (Walker) 

(Fig. 20, R) 

j Bythoscopus rivularis Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 865. 

Bythoscopus dorsalis Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 867. 

Bythoscopus repletus Walker, 1858, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus.Supplement 267. 

Putoniessa dignissima Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 50 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 8-8*8 mm; $, 9-10*5 mm. General coloration drab mottled brown, 
or, greyish brown. Face of head anteriorly dark brown; fronto-clypeus and vertex pale 
brown with dark brown markings; lora, maxillary plates and genae, pale brown. Crown 
of head, pronotum and scutellum greyish-brown, or pale greyish-yellow irregularly mottled 
with dark brown; crown raised above level of anterior margin of pronotum. Tegmen, 
hyaline, densely and evenly marked with pale and dark brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 
20, R. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Leura, Pt Hacking (New South Wales); Meredith, Warandtye 
(Victoria); Hobart (Tasmania); W. Midland (Western Australia). 

Putoniessa nigra (Walker) 

(Figs. 19, K, 20, V, W) 

Gypona nigra Walker, 1862, J.Ent. 1: 319. 

Length, 10, <j>, 12 mm. General coloration, black. Head, pronotum and 

scutellum black with scattered, small, evenly distributed yellowish-brown markings.. Tegmen, 
clavus concolorous with the head and thorax, the remainder black with oval and irregularly- 
shaped small greyish-white areas. Male genitalia as in Fig. 20, V, W. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Moreton Bay, Queensland. 

Collected on Melaleuca . 


Putoniessa galliensis Evans 
(Fig. 19, M) 

Putoniessa galliensis Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 65. 

Length, $, 7 mm. General coloration pale brown with longitudinal white stripes. 
Face of head pale whitish-yellow mottled with pale brown anterior to the antennal ledges: 
posteriorly, as far as the apical transverse ridge, black. Crown reddish-brown with 3 pale 
areas against the hind margin. Pronotum, anteriorly and laterally, pale yellowish-white: 
remainder mottled with light and dark brown and with 2 broad, greyish longitudinal stripes. 
The striped pattern is continued onto the scutellum and tegmen, which is pale and dark- 
brown with greyish longitudinal stripes. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Leura, New South Wales. 

Putoniessa maculata Evans 
(Fig. 20, N) 

Putoniessa maculata Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 65. 

Length, 8-9 mm; 11 mm. General coloration black with prominent white 
markings which are best developed in the Head, fronto-clypeus, vertex and genae dark 
brown, or black, mottled with pale brown; remainder pale brownish-yellow with irregular 
brown markings. Crown of head, pronotum and scutellum grey or greyish-brown with a 
dark brown, or black, scribbled pattern. Tegmen black with oval, hyaline-grey and brown 
areas, or largely hyaline-grey, irregularly mottled with black and brown; an oblique broad 
anterior white fascia, a transverse interrupted posterior white fascia and a white marking 
on the hind margin of the oval area. 1 he fasciae may be well developed or indistinct, and 
the posterior one may be absent; veins brown. Male genitalia as in Figure 20, N. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Seven-mile Beach, Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Tubrabucca, Mt Victoria (New South Wales); Baxter, Mt 
Cobrunga (Victoria). 

Putoniessa nota Evans 
(Fig. 20, Q) 

Putoniessa nota Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 151. 

Length, <d} 7 rcuti. Face of head black mottled with dull yellow anterior to the 
posteiior transverse ridge; posteriorly pale pinkish-white, sparsely mottled with dark brown. 
Crown longer against the eyes than in the centre. Pronotum grey mottled with dark brown. 
Scutellum 1 eddish-brown mottled with black. Legmen greyish-hyaline mottled with brown; 
veins pink with brown and white bars and a series of evenly spaced white spots against the 
costal border. Male genitalia, pygophore approximately rectangular with a dorsally directed 
apical process, as in Figure 20, C> . 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 


Putoniessa mackei sp.nov. 

(Fig. 20, S) 

Length, <$, 7 mm. Face of head black with yellowish-brown and brown markings; 
anterior apex of head, yellowish brown. Pronotum black with 6 narrow pale brown 
longitudinal stripes, of which the 2 central ones meet anteriorly and posteriorly continue 
onto the scutellum. Tegmen black, with a few irregular bold white markings and a series 
of small oval hyaline areas in the costal region and apically, and with yellow spots alongside 
some of the veins. Male genitalia as in Fig. 20, S. 

Holotype — <J, from Stanthorpe, Queensland (coll. E. Sutton, 10/ 10) in the Queensland 

Putoniessa taradalensis sp.nov. 

(Fig. 20, O) 

Length, 9 mm. Face of head anterior to the antennal ledges, pale yellowish, 
mottled laterally with pale brown; medially black; posteriorly, to the antennal ledges, a 
transverse black, or, dark brown band, followed by a yellowish-white band on which the 
ocelli are situated. Pronotum, whitish laterally, remainder greyish-brown with irregular 
longitudinal black and brown markings. Scutellum, laterally dark brown, medially mottled 
light and dark brown with 3 whitish longitudinal stripes in alignment with 3 pale markings 
on the crown. Tegmen longitudinally streaked with black and grey; veins brown. Male 
genitalia as in Fig. 20, O. 

Holotype from Taradale, Victoria (coll. F. E. Wilson 12/11/39), in the National Museum 
of Victoria. 

Putoniessa minima sp.nov. 

(Fig. 20, P) 

Length, <£, 6*8 mm. Face of head, other than the fronto-clypeus, pale yellowish- 
brown mottled with brown; fronto-clypeus brown, sparsely mottled with brown. Crown of 
head, thorax and tegmen, greyish, with irregular longitudinal coffee-brown markings. Male 
genitalia as in Fig. 20, P. 

Holotype from National Park, Macpherson Ranges, Queensland (coll. A. Musgrave, 12/26), 
in the Australian Museum. 

Putoniessa sordida sp.nov. 

(Fig. 20, X) 

Length, <J, 9 mm. Face of head, except for the maxillary plates and genae, which 
are yellowish-brown, black evenly mottled with brown. Crown and thorax brown, finely 
and evenly mottled with black. Tegmen whitish hyaline, finely and evenly mottled with 
brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 20, X. 

Holotype from Capel, Western Australia (coll. P.N.F., 1/41) in the Australian National 
Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Putoniessa draba sp.nov. 

(Fig. 20, T) 

Length, 8-8 mm. Closely resembling the type species; differing in having the 
anterior border of the pronotum on the same plane as the crown of the head and in characters 
furnished by the male genitalia. Male genitalia as in Fig. 20, T. 

Holotype <$, from Purnong, Murray River, South Australia (coll. S.A. Fulton, 7 / I2 )> t ^ ie 
National Museum of Victoria. 



Putoniessa nigrella sp.nov. 

(Fig. 20, U) 

Length, <$, J -6 mm. Closely resembling P. nigra in coloration but differing in its 
smaller size and in characteristics furnished by the male genitalia. Male genitalia as in 
Fig. 20, U. 

Hoiotype from Bargo Forest, near Batlow, New South Wales (coll. C. Rosegger) in the 
Australian Museum. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Hobart (Tasmania); Forrest (Victoria). 

Rhotidoides Evans 

Rhotidoides Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 59. 

The face of the head is wider than long, the labium terminates between the middle 
coxae and the lora and ante-clypeus are anteriorly recurved. The fronto-clypeus, which 
may be raised above the ante-clypeus, is flat or slightly convex; its hind margin forms part 
of a transverse ridge which may be well, or, ill-defined and extends to the eyes on each side 
and is marginal in position. The ocelli are marginal, facing forwards or ventrally. The 
crown, which is not sharply separated from the face of the head, is of even length, or longest 
against the eyes. The head is evenly rounded in profile. The pronotum is slightly declivous 
and the hind tibiae have 7 spurs. 

Type species — Rhotidoides norfolkensis Evans. 

Rhotidoides punctivena (Walker) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 19, I, L: 20, L) 

Bythoscopus punctivena Walker, 1858, Ins. Saund. Homopt. 104. 

Thymbris iphianassa Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 50 (syn.nov.). 

Rhotidoides norfolkensis Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 60 (syn.nov.). 

Length, (J, $, 9-9*5 mm. Face of head pale brownish-yellow, sometimes flecked 

with brown; crown declivous. Pronotum brown, with small circular and narrow transverse 
white markings; in length, greater than one-half the width, slightly declivous. Tegmen 
pale, or dark, hyaline-brown with white spots on the veins and sometimes finely mottled with 
white. Male genitalia as in Fig. 20, L. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Colong, Tubrabucca, Sydney (New South Wales) ; Frankston, 
Langworrin (Victoria); New Norfolk (Tasmania); Sunnybank (Queensland). 


Fig. 20: A, Thymbris melvillensis , male genitalia; B, Thymbris rieki, aedeagus; C, Thymbris convivus, aedeagus; 
Di, Hackeriana glauca , aedeagus; D2, H. glauca , paramere; Ei, Hackeriana huonensis , aedeagus; E2, H. 
huonensis , paramere; F, Hackeriana translucens , aedeagus; G, Macroceps tamarensis , subgenital plate and 
paramere; Hi, Macroceps darwinensis, paramere; H2, M. darwinensis , aedeagus; I, Macroceps fasciatus , 
subgenital plate and paramere; J, Rhotidoides montana , aedeagus; K, Rhotidoides sidnica , aedeagus; L, 
Rhotidoides punctivena , aedeagus; Mi, Rhotidoides dongarrensis , aedeagus; M2, R. dongarrensis , paramere; 
N, Putoniessa maculata , male genitalia; O, Putoniessa taraaalensis , aedeagus; P, Putoniessa minima , male genitalia; 
Q,, Putoniessa nota, aedeagus; R, Putoniessa rivularis, aedeagus; S, Putoniessa mackei , aedeagus; T, Putoniessa 
iraba, aedeagus; U, Putoniessa nigrella , aedeagus; V, W, Putoniessa nigra , aedeagus; X, Putoniessa sordida, 



Rhotidoides montana Evans 
(Fig. 20, J) 

Rhotidoides montana Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 60. 

Length, 6*5-7 mm; g, 8 mm. Face of head, in <$, black or dark brown mottlec 

with pale brown, with a broad transverse pale yellowish, or greyish, stripe between the 
antennal ledges and the marginal transverse ridge; in $, pale brown evenly mottled with 
brown. Crown declivous, visible only adjacent to the eyes. Pronotum almost flat, pale 
brown, evenly and densely mottled with dark brown; in length less than half the width 
Tegmen pale hyaline brown, or whitish, densely, finely and evenly mottled with light on 
dark brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 20, J. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Mount Wellington, Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Barrington Tops, Mt Victoria, Mt Kosciusko, Sydney (New. 
South Wales); Macedon, Mt St Bernard, Mt Buffalo (Victoria). 

Rhotidoides sidnica Evans 
(Fig. 20, K) 

Rhotidoides sidnica Evans, 1939, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 63: 47. 

Length, <$, 8 mm. Face of head reddish-brown mottled with black. Crown of 
head, visible only narrowly against the eyes. Pronotum and scutellum black, or brown,, 
sparsely mottled with yellowish-brown. Pronotum declivous, the length slightly more than 
half the width. Tegmen pale or dark brown, coarsely mottled with hyaline grey, mostly 
in the form of oval areas ; rows of evenly spaced yellow spots may lie along the costal margin. 
Male genitalia as in Fig. 20, K. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Rhotidoides dongarrensis Evans 
(Fig. 20, Mi, M2) 

Rhotidoides dongarrensis Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 152. 

Length, ? 5 7 mm . Face of head, fronto-clypeus and vertex, pale yellow, or 

yellowish- white. Remainder, mottled with pale brown, dark brown or black. Crown of* 
head slightly longer against the eyes than in the centre. Pronotum yellowish- or brownish- 
grey with brown markings. Scutellum pale brown. Tegmen hyaline colourless, evenly 
mottled with dull brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 20, Mi, M2. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dongarra, Western Australia. 

Rhotidoides minor sp.nov. 

Length, 4*2, $, 6 mm. Face of head, posteriorly black or dark brown, with, in 
the d\ a broad, transverse, pale brown marginal stripe. Crown of head well-defined in 
<$■> of equal length with the eyes; in the $ somewhat longer in the centre than laterally. 


Tonotum and tegmina, pale brown mottled with dark brown; scutellum evenly pale brown, 
Vpex of abdomen in $ extending beyond folded tegmina. Male genitalia closely 
esembling those of R. montana (Fig. 20, J). 

Lolotype 5 and Allotype from near Waldheim, Cradle Mt, Tasmania (coll. J.W.E. 2/64) 
n the Australian Museum. Additional specimens from Bowral, and Mt Kosciusko, New 
^outh Wales. 

R. minor resembles R. montana in the structure of the various parts of the male genitalia 
md in the presence of a pale transverse band on the face of the head. It differs in having 
his band more posteriorly placed, in the greater development of the crown and in constant 
lifferences of size. 

Thymbris Kirkaldy 

Thymbris Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 49. 

The face of the head is as wide, or wider, than long. The fronto-clypeus, which 
videns posteriorly, is flat as far as the antennal ledges, which are oblique and strongly 
ieveloped. Posterior to the antennal ledges the face is rounded as far as the apically situated 
ransverse ridge. The crown, which is of even length throughout, or slightly, or considerably, 
onger in the centre, is steeply declivous and the ocelli, which are on the crown, are visible 
rom above. The pronotum is anteriorly declivous. 

Iype species — Thymbris inachis Kirkaldy. 

Thymbris convivus (Stal) (comb.nov.) 

(Figs. 19, C, 20, C) 

Rhothidus convivus Stal, 1865, Offers. Vetensk.-Akad.Forh.Stockh. 22: 157. 

Rhothidus breviceps Stal, 1865, Offers. Vetensk.-Akad.Forh.Stockh. 22: 157. 

Rhotidus inachis Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 49. 

Rhotidus aequalis Distant, 1907, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 51: 193 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 8, $, 11-5-14 mm. Face of head straw-coloured, sometimes sparsely 

mottled with brown; fronto-clypeus laterally depressed posterior to the antennal ledges. 
Crown slightly declivous, arrow-shaped, slightly longer in the centre than against the eyes, 
pale brown, finely or evenly mottled with brown or reddish-brown. Pronotum anteriorly 
declivous, together with scutellum, concolorous with the crown. Tegmen pale or dark 
hyaline-brown sparsely, or densely, mottled with brown; veins brown with pale bars. 
Several costal veinlets additional to Rla and Rib may be present. Male genitalia as in 
Fig. 20, C. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Vienna. 

Type Locality — ec Australia 55 . 

Known distribution elsewhere — Adelaide (South Australia) ; Maryborough, Brisbane (Queensland) ;. 
Crib Point, Melbourne (Victoria). 


Thymbris melvillensis Evans 
(Fig. 20, A) 

'Thymbris melvillensis Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 59. 

Length, <J, 12 mm. Face of head anteriorly yellowish-brown with small dark brow' 
markings; posteriorly with a transverse black band. Grown of head with one or tw 
transverse black bands. Pronotum and scutellum pale yellowish-brown mottled with dar 
brown. Tegmen yellowish-hyaline with wide whitish-yellow veins margined with brown 
Male genitalia as in Fig. 20, A. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Melville Island, North Australia. 

Thymbris rieki sp.nov. 

(Fig. 20, B) 

Length, <$, 9 m m. Face of head yellowish-brown mottled with light and very darl 
brown. Crown, steeply declivous laterally, longest in the centre where it is apically roundedl 
yellowish-brown mottled with nigger-brown. Pronotum and scutellum concolorous witll 
the crown. Tegmen, hyaline grey, densely, and evenly, mottled with brown; veins brown 
with grey, or white, bars. Male genitalia as in Fig. 20, B. 

Holotype $ from Moolooka, Queensland, (coll. E.F. Riek, 8/44) in the Australian Museum 
T. rieki differs from other species in the genus in the shape of the aedeagus. 

Mitelloides Evans 

Mitelloides Evans, 1939, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 63: 46. 

This genus, which is closely related to Thymbris , seems to be restricted to New Guinea 
and the islands of Torres Strait. The face of the head is wider than long and is sharply 
separated from the vertical crown by a transverse ridge to which it is at right angles. 
Anterior to this ridge, the fronto-clypeus is concave for one-third of its length. The ocelli 
are on the crown in shallow depressions. The pronotum, which is steeply declivous 
anteriorly, is continuous with the crown. 

Type species — Mitelloides moaensis Evans. 

Mitelloides moanensis Evans 
(Fig. 19, Ai, A2) 

Mitelloides moaensis Evans, 1939, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 63: 46. 

Length, 9, $,13 mm. Face of head pale yellowish-brown; internal margins of 

lora and fronto-clypeus posteriorly, dark brown. Crown of head yellowish-brown flecked 
with . reddish-brown. Pronotum, anterior two-thirds brownish-yellow with dark brown, 
markings, posteriorly grey. Scutellum yellowish-brown. Tegmen proximal costal and 
claval area, punctate, brown; remainder hyaline; veins brown sometimes barred with dark: 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Moa, Banks Island, Torres Strait. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mt Lamington (N.E. Papua). 


Rhotidus Walker 

Rhotidus Walker, 1862, J.Ent. 1: 318. 

Rhothidus Stal, 1865, Ofvers.Vetensk.-Akad.Forh.Stockh. 22: 157. 

This genus is closely related to Thymbris. It differs principally in having a produced 
arrow-shaped crown which is sharply separated from the face of the head and the ocelli are 
dorsal in position. All species are brown in colour. The fronto-clypeus, which is flat 
anteriorly, widens posteriorly where it is raised into a longitudinal ridge. The transverse 
ridge common to all Thymbrini is apical in position. The pronotum is declivous to a varying, 

Type species — Rhotidus cuneatus Walker. 

Rhotidus teleformis Walker 

(Fig. 19, Fi, F2) 

Ledra teleformis Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 826. 

Rhotidus teleformis (Walker) Distant, 1907, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 51: 193. 

Rhotidus cuneatus Walker, 1862, J.Ent. 3: 318 (syn.nov.). 

Rhothidus navicula Stal, 1865, Ofvers.Vetensk.-Akad.Forh.Stockh. 22: 157. 

Rhotidus stali Kirkaldy (nom.nov.) 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 26. 

Rhotidus kirkaldyi Metcalf, (nom.nov.) 1955, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 45: 265 (syn.nov.). 

Rhothidus leucosticus Stal, 1865, Ofvers.Vetensk.-Akad.Forh.Stockh. 22: 157 (syn.nov.). 

Rhotidus wilsoni Evans, 1937, Pap.Proc.R.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 62 (syn.nov.). 

Rhotidus insularis Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 62 (syn.nov.). 

Rhotidus leurensis Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 62 (syn.nov.). 

Length, <£, 11*8-13 mm; $, 12-5-16 mm. General coloration, various shades of 
brown, evenly mottled with pale brown. Face of head sharply separated from the crown 
for its whole width. Crown anteriorly and laterally declivous with an obscure median ridge. 
Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Lamington National Park (Queensland); Leura (New South 
Wales); Launceston (Tasmania); Eltham, Belgrave, Bendigo (Victoria). 

Rhotidus kiatensis Evans 

Rhotidus kiatensis Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 63. 

Length, 12 mm. General coloration dark brown, or blackish, mottled with 
yellow. Crown of head, black mottled with apricot yellow, separated from the face medially 
by a thickened ridge; laterally, against the eyes, crown continuous with the face as far as 
the prominent antennal ledges; median longitudinal ridge lacking on crown, which is steeply 
declivous anteriorly and laterally. Pronotum steeply declivous, black mottled with yellow. 
Legmen dark hyaline-brown mottled with grey or white. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Kiata, Victoria. 


Rhotidus navicula (Walker) 

Ledra navicula Walker, 1851, List Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 826. 

Rhotidus navicula (Walker), Distant, 1907, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 51: 193. 

Length, $, 15 mm. This species might well be regarded as a synonym of R. 
teleformis , which it closely resembles. The name is, for the time being retained since the median 
ridge on the crown of the head is more strongly developed than in those representatives of 
R. teleformis which have been examined. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — New South Wales. 

Hackeriana Evans 

Hackeriana Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 67. 

This genus comprises insects which superficially resemble those in the genus Rhotidus , 
since the head is broadly arrow-shaped. They differ in being green, instead of brown in 
colour, and in having the ocelli marginal in position and situated immediately posterior to 
a marginal rim. 

The face of the head is approximately as wide as long and the labium terminates 
between the middle coxae. The ante-clypeus and lora are re-curved anteriorly and the 
antennal ledges, which are indistinct, are arched. The apex of the head is broadly arrow- 
shaped and the ocelli lie close to the posterior margin of the marginal rim and though not 
adjacent to the eyes are closer to them than to the centre of the head. The crown of the 
head is longer in the centre than against the eyes. In the female, the ovipositor extends 
beyond the folded tegmina. In the male genitalia, which furnish almost the sole characters 
for species separation, the sub-genital plates are broad and parallel-sided, the parameres 
short and spanner-shaped and the pygophores have strong, narrow processes. 

Type species — Hackeriana huonensis Evans. 

This genus is the sole one in the Thymbrini to comprise species which are green in 
colour. It superficially resembles Neotartessus gen.nov. an aberrant, as to colour, genus of 
the Tartessinae. 

Hackeriana huonensis Evans 
( Fi gs- i 9 > JL J2; 20, Ei, E2) 

Hackeriana huonensis Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 68. 

Length, (J, 7 mm. General coloration yellowish-green. Apical margin of head 
with a transverse white stripe which separates the crown from the face. Crown flat; ocelli 
slightly nearer to the eyes than to the apex of the head, which is rounded, not acute. 
Legmen hyaline, costal margin anteriorly green; veins pale green. Male genitalia as in 
Fig. 20, Ei, E2. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Huonville, Tasmania. 


Hackeriana glauca Evans 
(Fig. 20, Di, D2) 

hackeriana glauca Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 68. 

Length, (J, 7*5 mm. General coloration, pale greenish-yellow. Anterior apex of 
lead with a white stripe, narrowly margined with brown. Crown with a shallow median 
ongitudinal depression; ocelli nearer to the eyes on each side than to the apex of the head. 
Tegmen pale yellowish-hyaline; veins pale green. Male genitalia as in Fig. 20, Di, D2. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Huonville, Tasmania. 

Hackeriana cuspidata (Walker) (comb.nov.) 

Ledra cuspidata Walker, 1851, List, Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 830. 

Rhotidus cuspidatus (Walker) Distant, 1907, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 51: 193. 

hackeriana rotundata Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 68 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 8-2 mm. General coloration pale greenish-yellow. Head less flattened, 
nore apically swollen and more elongate than in the preceding species. Apically, a white 
tripe bordered with brown; ocelli much closer to the eyes on each side than to the apex 
)f the head. Pronotum more convex than in the preceding species. Tegmen hyaline, veins 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — New Holland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Kangaroo Island (South Australia). 

Hackeriana translucens Evans 
(Fig. 20, F) 

hackeriana translucens Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 152. 

Length, 7 mm. General coloration, greenish-yellow. Ocelli closer to the 

larrow apex of the head than to the eyes on each side. Crown pale greenish-yellow with 
'aint oval white markings; medially flat, laterally declivous. Pronotum and scutellum 
:oncolorous with the crown. Tegmen, colourless-hyaline; veins green. Male genitalia as 
n Fig. 20, F. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Burracoppin, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Eltham district (Victoria). 

Novothymbris Evans 

Xovothymbris Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy.Soc.N.Z. 71: 162. 

Because of the dorsal position of their ocelli, on the crown of the head, the insects 
:omprised in this genus were originally ascribed by Myers (1923) to the genus Diedrocephala 
Spinola. This is a genus of Nearctic leaf hoppers belonging to the Cicadellini. 
s 2690—5 

Although Novothymbris spp. are not closely related to species in any of the genera of 
the Thymbrini occurring in Australia they would seem, nevertheless, to have been derived! 
from an early thymbrid stock. It is possible that their forerunners reached New Zealand by 
adventitious means, during early Tertiary times. This suggestion is made because some*; 
species in the genus retain cephalic characteristics of a more generalised nature than are toil 
be found in any present-day Australian representatives of the tribe. 

The face of the head is wider than long and may be approximately flat, or evenly ' 
convex. In insects with flattened heads, the post-clypeus may be separated from the frontal! 
region by an incomplete epistomal suture. In those with convex heads, the cibarial muscles 
extend posteriorly onto the frons. Other generalised features retained in the heads of some- 
Novothymbris spp. with a flattened facial region, are traces of former maxillary sutures in the- 
form of transverse ridges at the base of each maxillary plate; also the association of the base- 
of each lorum with the corresponding anterior tentorial pit (Fig. 19, Pi). 

The tegmina may be fully developed, or reduced, and when in the latter condition,, 
may be apically rounded and elytra-like. The hind tibiae have, as well as hair-like spines,, 
2 rows of strong spines, of which those in 1 row are mounted on enlarged bases. 

Type species — Diedrocephala zealandica Myers. 

The shape of the various parts of the male genitalia of all specimens examined has; 
been found to be remarkably constant. For this reason, and also because of the apparent 
wide range of variability in coloration, overall size and proportions of the various forms, 
available for study, species recognition has been found difficult. A critical study is needed 
to determine whether those insects already described merit specific status and also whether - 
others require description. 

Brief descriptive notes follow in respect to the several described species. Of these- 
only the two first can, with any confidence, be recognized as truly distinctive. 

Novothymbris zealandica (Myers) 

(Fig. 19, Pi, P2) 

Diedrocephala zealandica Myers, 1923, Trans. N.Z. Inst. 54: 409. 

Length, 6 mm. General coloration brownish speckled with fuscous and white. 
Face of head flattened; post-clypeus separate from the frons. Crown of head usually only' 
slightly produced, about 4 times as wide as long. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dun Mountain, Nelson, New Zealand, 2,000 ft. 

Novothymbris cassiniae (Myers) 

(Fig. 19, Q.) 

Diedrocephala cassiniae Myers, 1923, Trans.N.Z. Inst. 54: 408. 

Length, 4 mm. A short squat species, pale olivaceous brown with whitish streaks; 
and spots. Face of head convex; frontal region not separately differentiated. Crown of 
head more than twice as long as medially wide. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Wellington, New Zealand. 

Collected on — Cassinia leptophylla and Olearia solandri . 


Novothymbris dunensis (Myers) 

diedrocephala dunensis Myers, 1923, Trans. N.Z. Inst. 54: 41 1. 

Length, $, 5 mm; a small species distinguished by its pale greenish colour; 
bsoletely flecked with fuscous and with dark eyes. Grown of head twice as wide as 
nedially long. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dun Mountain, Nelson, New Zealand, 3,000 ft. 

Novothymbris hinemoa (Myers) 

Diedrocephala hinemoa Myers, 1923, Trans. N.Z. Inst. 54: 412. 

Length, 5-5*5 mm. A short and squat species with small tegmina. Tegmen 
with 2 white areas separated by a transverse dark patch. Crown of head considerably more 
han twice as broad as medially long. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Nelson, New Zealand. 

Novothymbris hudsonica (Myers) 

Diedrocephala hudsonica Myers, 1923, Trans. N.Z. Inst. 54: 414. 

Length, $, 6*4 mm. A rather large species with pointed vertex and pale tegmina 
with a broad chocolate band along the outer border of the clavus. Crown of head less than 
:wice as broad as medially long, irregularly and coarsely corrugated and punctured. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Karori, Wellington, New Zealand. 

Novothymbris tararuia (Myers) 

Diedrocephala tararuia Myers, 1923, Trans. N.Z. Inst. 54: 410. 

Length, $, 5*5-6 mm. General coloration testaceous or dark greyish-olivaceous; 
2 oblique bands on corium, one tipping the tegmen distally. Crown of head considerably 
less than twice as wide as medially long, strongly punctate with large shallow punctures. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Tararua Range, 3,300 ft, Wellington Province, New Zealand. 

Novothymbris maorica (Myers) 

Diediocephala maorica Myers, 1923, Trans.N.Z. Inst. 54: 409. 

Length, 5*4 mm. In appearance uniform yellowish-testaceous. Crown of head 
about twice as broad as medially long, coarsely but sparsely punctate. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Wainaiomata, New Zealand. 


Fig. 21 : Ai, 2, Hecalus pallescens, head and thorax; A3, H.fallescens , brachypterous form; A4, H. pallescens,, 
tegmen; B, Hecalocratus pallidus ; G, Linnavuoriella porrecta\ Di, Linnavuoriella australis ; D2, L. australis, 
aedeagus and basal plate; E, Linnavuoriella arcuata\ F, Paradorydium viridis; Gi, Paradorydium brighamv, 
G2, P. brighami, face of head; Hi, Paradorydirum ovidii, tegmen; H2, P, ovidii; I, Paradorydium pseudolyric en 
J, Paradorydium insularis; K, Paradorydium menalaus ; Li, Paradorydium westwoodie, face of head; L2, P. 
westwoodie ; M, Paradorydium gourlayi ; N, Paradorydium stewartensis ; O, Paradosydium philpotti ; P, Mapochiella 

woodwardi; Q., Mapochiella rotundata 



The sub-family is represented in Australia by 2 tribes, the Hecalini and the 
Paradorydiini both of which are widely distributed in other parts of the world. The 
Australian representatives lack distinctive features and while some may be of adventitious 
Tertiary origin, others are probably of recent introduction. 

Although insects comprised in the Hecalini, and in the Paradorydiini, differ 
considerably from each other in general appearance, they nevertheless share several 
characteristics not found in combination in other groups (Evans, 1947a). 


The most typical representatives of this tribe may be recognised by their spatulate 
heads, which superficially resemble those of ledrids, but differ in having marginal, instead 
of dorsally placed, ocelli. Another characteristic is the shape of the pronotum, which is 
approximately rectangular. It is probable that all species are grass-feeders and this food 
relationship may provide an explanation for the wide distribution of the tribe. Many are 
polymorphic in respect to wing development, and sexual dimorphism also occurs. 

Hecalus Stal 

Hecalus Stal, 1864, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (4) 4: 65. 

It is uncertain whether the single leaf hopper occurring in Australia which is ascribed 
to this genus is really congeneric with the type species. Accordingly no generic description 
is given. Instead, certain characters which normally would form part of a generic 
description are included in the specific description. 

Type species — Hecalus paykulli Stal (West Africa). 

Hecalus pallescens Stal 
(Fig. 21, A, 1-4) 

Hecalus pallescens Stal, 1864, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (4) 4: 65. 

Hecalus pallescens Stal, Signoret, 1879, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (9) 5: 270. 

Hecalus immaculatus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 338 (syn.nov.). 

Hecalus basedowi Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 11 (syn.nov.). 

Hecalus elongatus Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 11 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 6-6-5 mm ? of head, -8 mm; $, 8-10 mm, of head 1*5-2 mm. General 
coloration pale green. Face of head of $ convex, of $ convex, except for the posterior 
marginal rim. Anterior apex of head of $ broad, yellow, margined on each side with a 
narrow brown stripe; of $, narrow, green. Crown of head, of convex in the centre, 
slightly longer than the pronotum; of $, more than twice the length of the pronotum, 

convex with a flattened marginal rim or flat with an upturned marginal rim. Shape of 

crown in $ highly variable. Pronotum rectangular. Tegmen pale hyaline green; veins 
green. The tegmina may be fully developed, sub-brachypterous, or brachypterous. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Stockholm. 

Type Locality — “ Austral boreal 55 . 


Known distribution elsewhere — Wyndham, Derby (Western Australia) ; Cairns, Burnside. 
Gregory Downs (Queensland). 

Collected on — Grasses. 

Linnavuori’s (1961) establishment of the synonymy of Parabolocratus Fieber, type 
species P. glaucescens , Fieber with Hecalus Stal, type species H. paykulli (Stal) leaves certain 
species, formerly attributed to the genus Parabolocratus , lacking a generic designation. As- 
pointed out by Linnavuori, some of these species are referable to the genus Glossocratus Fieber,. 
but others, including the 3 species which follow, are not, and a new genus is accordingly^ 
described below to contain them. 

Linnavuoriella gen.nov. 

The crown of the head is flat and elliptically produced and the anterior margin forms; 
a narrow parallel-sided band. The ocelli are immediately adjacent to the eyes. The: 
pronotum is laterally wide. The tegmina are long and narrow and overlap apically and have: 
well developed appendices. The hind tibiae are flattened and have 3 rows of long spines; 
with several minute spines between each of the strongest spines. 

Type species — Parabolocratus arcuatus Motschulsky. 

Linavuoriella differs from Hecalus and Glossocratus in not having a spatulate head and from 
Hecalocratus in having a more pronounced anterior marginal rim. 

Linnavuoriella arcuata (Motschulsky) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 21, E) 

Acocephalus arcuatus Motschulsky, 1859, Etud.Ent. 8: 115. 

Parabolocratus citrinus Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 65: 36 (syn.nov.). 

Parabolocratus arcuatus (Motschulsky), Capco, i960, Philipp. J.Sci. 88: 330. 

Length, 5-8 mm, of crown, *7 mm; $, length, 6 mm. General coloration pale 

green with orange markings. Apex of head with a narrow brown marginal stripe. Crown 
with a single, and pronotum with a double, inverted V-shaped orange marking. Tegmen 
pale hyaline green with some of the veins orange; the others broadly green; apex of 
tegmen smoky. 

Type Location — Moscow. 

Type Locality — Ceylon. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Cairns, Sunnybank, Brisbane (Queensland); Oriental Region 

Collected on — Grasses. 

Linnavuoriella porrecta (Walker) (comb.nov.) 
(Fig. 21, C) 

Tocephalus porrectus Walker, 1858, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. Supplement 262. 
homsoniella porrecta (\Aalker), Distant, 1908, Faun. Brit. Ind.Rhyn. 4: 278. 
Parabolocratus porrectus (Walker), Distant, 1918, Faun.Brit.Ind.Rhyn. 7: 31. 


Parabolocratus porrectus (Walker), Capco, i960 Philipp J.Sci. 88: 327. 

Length, <J, 5-5*2 mm; $, 6-6*2 mm. General coloration pale green with orange 
markings. Female with 4 longitudinal orange markings which extend from near the 
anterior margin of the crown to the hind margin of the pronotum. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Ceylon. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Innisfail, Maryborough (Queensland); India, New Guinea. 

Linnavuoriella australis (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 21, Di, D2) 

Parabolocratus australis Evans, 1941, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 65: 36. 

Length, 6 mm. General coloration, pale yellowish-green. A narrow transverse 
white band on anterior apex of head bordered on each side by a narrow brown line. Male 
genitalia as in Fig. 21, D2. 

Type Location — Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Type Locality — Gregory Downs, North Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Kimberley (Western Australia). 

Hecalocratus gen.nov. 

The face of the head is approximately as long as wide. The labium is short and 
terminates between the fore coxae. The ante-clypeus is parallel-sided and the fronto-clypeus 
convex. The maxillary plates are externally sinuate. The antennal depressions are shallow 
and antennal ledges lacking. The apex of the head consists of a narrow vertical band 
bearing the ocelli, which are immediately adjacent to the eyes and visible from above. The 
crown of the head, which is approximately equal in length to the pronotum, slopes anteriorly 
and laterally and the anterior margin is rounded, not acute. The pronotum is laterally 
wide. The tegmina have wide appendices and the hind tibiae, which bear long spines, are 

Type species — Hecalocratus pallidus sp.nov. 

Hecalocratus differs from Hecalus , Glossocratus and Linnavuoriella in the shape of the crown 
of the head and of the pronotum. 

Hecalocratus pallidus sp.nov. 

(Fig. 21, B) 

Length, 6*2, $, 7*5 mm. General coloration very pale brownish-yellow. Crown 
and pronotum stippled with brown, the brown dots, in part, arranged to form indistinct 
longitudinal stripes, of which there are six on the crown and ten on the pronotum. Scutellum 
with brown muscle impressions laterally. Tegmen pale hyaline brownish-yellow; veins 
pale brown, in part stippled with brown. 

Holotype , $, and Allotype (J, from Cairo Station, Queensland, (coll. C. McC., 1/51), in the 
National Museum of Victoria. 


This genus, and the type species, have been described with diffidence as there is a 
possibility that the latter is an introduced insect and may already have been described from 
another part of the world. 

Reuteriella Signoret 

Renteria Signoret, 1880, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (5) 10: 45. 

Reuteriella Signoret, 1880, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (5) 10: 365 (nom.nov.). 

This genus and the geographical origin of the type species present certain puzzling 
features. Signoret’s descriptions of both the genus and the species are detailed and are 
accompanied by excellent illustrations. Although, in the generic description, he stated that 
the genus was close to Glossocratus Fieber, (a genus comprised in the Hecalini), nevertheless, 
formerly I have identified insects which are clearly related to Batracomorphus Lewis as belonging 
to Reuteriella (Evans, 1938). This was done partly because of the resemblance in head-shape 
of the insects in question to the illustration given by Signoret and partly because, although 
living in Tasmania at the time, I had never collected a Hecalus in the island (and the locality 
of the type species is given as Tasmania). 

Subsequent examination of the type specimen has disclosed that it is, in fact, a 
representative of the Hecalini and not of the Jassinae. Nevertheless, in all the abundant 
material from Tasmania available to me for study, there has never been a single specimen 
belonging to the Hecalini, and such representatives of this group as I have seen from Australia 
have all come from the more tropical, northern, parts of the continent. Accordingly, it is 
assumed that the locality given by Signoret was probably an incorrect one. 

Reuteriella flavescens (Signoret) 
Reuteria flavescens Signoret, 1880, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. 5 (10): 46. 
Type Location — National History Museum, Vienna. 

Type Locality — (?) Tasmania. 


1 hese are small, narrow insects, which are either green or pale brown in colour. 
Some superficially resemble the seed-like Cephalelini and like them have a pitted appearance. 
Moreover, it would seem that some species of the Paradorydiini, like some Cephalelini, 
frequent a moist environment where they feed on rushes. 

Paradorydium Kirkaldy 

Dory drum Burmeister, 1839, Gen.Ins.Rhynch. 3: 1938, 39. 

Paradorydium Kirkaldy, 1901, Entomologist, 34: 339 (nom.nov.). 

Deltodorydium Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii. Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 75 (syn.nov.). 
Deltodorydium Kirkaldy, Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 45. 

( n ' h e foce of the head the labium is short and terminates between the fore coxae; 
the ante-clypeus is parallel-sided and sometimes medially marginate anteriorly and apically 
up urned, and the lora are small. The maxillary plates are wide and the genae extend 
widely in front of the eyes. The antennal ledges are obscure. Posterior to the eyes the face 
of the head narrows and may be either arrow-shaped or narrowly produced and centrally 


urinate. The frontal sutures diverge laterally and are parallel with the hind margin of 
le eyes. The ocelli are marginal and lie close to the apices of the frontal sutures. The 
’own of the head is triangular, or narrowly anteriorly produced to a varying extent. The 
ronotum narrows laterally and is sometimes carinate. The tegmina, which like the head 
id thorax, are punctate, are narrow apically. The hind tibiae have 3 rows of strong spines, 
row of which is mounted on enlarged bases, and a row of small spines. 

ype species — Dorydium lanceolatum Burmeister (Sicily). 

Paradorydium ovidii Kirkaldy 

(Fig. ai. Hi, Ha) 

iradorydium ovidii Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 73. 

Length, $, 5 mm. 

•ype Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

'ype Locality — Mittagong, New South Wales. 

nown distribution elsewhere — Lake St Clair (Tasmania); Mt Feathertop (Victoria). 

Paradorydium menalaus Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 21, K) 

iradorydium menalaus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 339. 
Length, (J, 10*5, $, 12 mm. 

Wpe Location — H.S.P.A. Honolulu. 

ype Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

iown distribution elsewhere — Croydon (Victoria). 

Elected on — Grasses. 

Paradorydium pseudolyricen Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 21, I) 

iradorydium pseudolyricen Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp Sta. 1 (9) : 340 

iradorydium casuarinae Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 47 (syn.nov.). 
Length, 57, 6 -5-8 -2 mm. 

vpe Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

vpe Locality — Brisbane, Queensland. 

town distribution elsewhere — Canberra (A.C.T.). 

llected on — Casuarina . 


Paradorydium cooki (Evans) (comb.nov.) 
Deltodorydium cooki Evans, 1937? Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 46. 

Length, 3 mm. General coloration, pale brown. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Adelaide, South Australia. 

Collected on — an introduced weed, Echium plantagineum . 

Paradorydium brighami Kirkaldy 

(Fig. ai, Gi, G2) 

Paradorydium brighami Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 72. 

Deltodorydium brighami (Kirkaldy) Evans, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 47. 

Deltodorydium leai Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 46 (syn.nov.). 

Length, (J, 3-5 mm. General coloration pale yellowish-brown. Crown of head 
nearly twice as long as pronotum. Face of head with a median longitudinal carina 
posteriorly; a less prominent longitudinal ridge on the crown which continues onto the 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Mittagong, New South Wales. 

Paradorydium viridis (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 21, F) 

Deltodorydium viridis Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tas. 1936: 46. 

Length, 3-3*5 mm. General coloration, green. Head shorter than that of P.. 
brighami and lacking a median carina on the face. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Cannington, Western Australia. 

Collected on — Melaleuca . 

Paradorydium westwoodi (F.B. White) 

(Fig. 21, Li, L2) 

Dorydium westwoodi F.B. White, 1879, Ent.Mon.Mag. 15: 215. 

Paradorydium westwoodi (F.B. White), Myers, 1923, Trans. N.Z. Inst. 54: 416. 

Length, n-12 mm; 14 mm. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Christchurch, New Zealand. 

Collected on — Rushes. 


Paradorydium philpotti Myers 
(Fig. 21 , O) 

Paradorydium philpotti Myers, 1923, Trans.N.Z.Inst. 54: 417. 

Length, 8-8*8 mm, head, 3 mm, $, 11 mm, head 4 mm. 
Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Hump Range, 3,000 ft, South Island, New Zealand. 
Known distribution elsewhere — Stewart Island, New Zealand. 

Paradorydium stewartensis sp.nov. 

(Fig. 21, N) 

Length, 9 mm, of head 3*5 mm; 10 *6 mm, of head, 4 mm. Genera 

coloration pale or dark brown. Head and thorax evenly brown. Tegmen dull brown; 
veins pale brown or yellow. 

Holotype and Allotype $ from Point Pegasus, Stewart Island, New Zealand (coll. R.K. 
Dell and B.A. Holloway, n/53) in the Dominion Museum. 

P. stewartensis differs from P. philpotti in its generally darker coloration and in having a 
considerably narrower and more elongate head. 

Paradorydium insularis sp.nov. 

(Fig. 21, J) 

Length, 6*2 mm, of head 2*1 mm. General coloration straw, finely mottled with 
brown. Face of head antero-medially and laterally, pale brownish-yellow; remainder 
mottled brown. Grown of head, pronotum and scutellum, with an indistinct longitudinal 
brown stripe, yellowish in the centre. Tegmen straw-colour streaked with brown. 

Holotype <$, from South-west Stewart Island, New Zealand, (coll. R.K. Dell and B.A. 
Holloway 11/53) in the Dominion Museum. 

P. insularis differs from P. philpotti in its smaller size and differently shaped head. 

Paradorydium gourlayi sp.nov. 

(Fig. 21, M) 

Length, 5*8 mm, of head, 1 *6 mm. General coloration pale brown. Crown of 
head with a basin-like median depression; apical half inclined upwards. Tegmen with 
obscure brown and whitish stripes. 

Holotype $ from Tahuna, South Island, New Zealand, (coll. 2/29, E.S. Gourlay) in the 
collection of the D.S.I.R., Nelson, New Zealand. 

P. gourlayi differs from other species of Paradorydium in the shape of its head. 


Mapochiella gen.nov. 

The sides of the crown of the head are parallel with each other for at least the basal 
two- thirds. On the face of the head there is a sharply defined median carina and a prominent 
median longitudinal ridge on the crown. The veins of the tegmen are raised in relief and 
the cross-vein, Rs, which links R with M, is present. 

Type species — Mapochiella rotundata sp.nov. 

Mapochiella resembles Mapochia Distant and differs from Paradorydium in having a wide 
parallel-sided crown. It differs from Mapochia in having well-defined dorsal and ventral 
carinae on the head. 

Mapochiella rotundata sp.nov. 

(Fig. 21, Q,) 

Length, 9 mm, of head, 4 mm. General coloration brown; costal margin of 
tegmen yellowish. Head nearly as long as the rest of the body, parallel-sided, except at the 
apex, where it is circular in outline with a dorsal basin-like depression and is curved upwards. 
Pronotum with a median ridge and a pair of lateral ridges in alignment with the eyes. 
Tegmen long and narrow. 

Iiolotype £ from Deception Bay, Queensland, in the Australian Museum. 

Mapochiella woodwardi sp.nov. 

(Fig. 21, P) 

Length, 5*2 mm, of head, 1*5 mm. General coloration straw colour. Face of 
head with a post-apical basin-like depression on each side of the median keel. Crown of 
head, straw colour mottled with brown with a pre-apical long, narrow, depression at the apex 
of the median ridge and with lateral depressions on each side of the head. Pronotum straw 
colour, with a median, and post-ocular, lateral ridges. Tegmen straw colour. 

Ho lo type $, from Carnarvon Gorge, South Queensland (coll. T.E. Woodward, 5/54) in the 
Queensland Museum. 


Lhe Aphrodinae comprise a group of leafhoppers of which the principal distinguishing 
characteristics are the extension of the fronto-clypeus narrowly onto the crown of the head 
and the dorsal position of the ocelli. The face of the head is usually emarginate beneath 
the eyes and there is a tendency towards brachyptery. Two tribes only have representation 
in Australia and one of these occurs also in New Zealand. 

Characters separating the Tribes of the Aphrodinae occurring in Australia and 

New Zealand 

Anterior margin of face broadly emarginate in front of the eyes (Fig. 22, B) . . . . 

* * * * * Aphrodini (Australia only) 

Anterior margin of face narrowly emarginate in front of the eyes (Fig. 22, E) . . . . 
* Eucanthellini (Australia and New Zealand) 


lhe tribe has representatives in all the principal geographical regions. In Australia, 
it would seem, though occurring as far south as Tasmania, to form part of the late Indo- 
Malayan element of the Australian fauna. 


Kosmiopelix Kirkaldy 

kosmiopelix Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 334. 

The face of the head is approximately triangular in shape and the labium extends 
o between the apices of the fore coxae. The crown is flattish and longer than wide and the 
>celli, which are on the crown, are slightly nearer the sides of the head than the centre. 
Hie pronotum is slightly arched anteriorly and obtuse-angularly emarginate posteriorly. 

rype species — Kosmiopelix varicolor Kirkaldy. 

This genus is seemingly closely related to Chiasmus Mulsant and Rey. 

Fig. 22: A, Kosmiopelix varicolor , head and thorax; B, K. varicolor, face of head; C, Euacanthella brunnea 
tegmen; D, E. brunnea, brachypterous form; E, E. brunnea, fully winged form, face of head; F, E. brunnea. 
brachypterous form; G, E. palustris, brachypterous form, head and thorax; H, E. palustris, fully winged 

form, head and thorax. 

Kosmiopelix varicolor Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 22, A, B) 

Kosmiopelix varicolor Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 335. 

Kosmiopelix rieki Evans, 1947, Trans. Roy. Ent.Soc. London 98: 253 (syn.nov.). 

Length, $, 3-5 mm. General coloration pale or dark brown or black. Face 

of head with a median and posterior lateral depressions, pale brown with brown punctures ; 
antennal depressions dark brown. Crown pale browmish-yellow with evenly distributed 
brown punctures. Thorax pale brownish-yellow with brown punctures posteriorly. Tegmen, 
brachypterous, reduced to half the normal length, whitish with brown punctures (hind 


margin sometimes broadly white), or fully developed and vitreous. Dorsal surface of abdomen 
whitish mottled with brown; hind margin of every segment brown with a median longitudinal 
brown streak. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Risdon (Tasmania); Avalon (New South Wales). 

Collected on — Grass. 

Euacanthellini (Tribe nov.) 

At the time the genus Eucanthella was described it was stated that it had characteristics 
in common with the Tettigellinae (Cicadellinae) and Euscelinae (Deltocephalinae) but it 
was placed in the sub-family Eucanthinae because of assumed closer relationships with 
Euacanthus Burmeister. Later (Evans, 1947a) it was transferred to the Aphrodini, 
Aphrodinae. While it is retained in the last named sub-family, its very distinctive 
characteristics merit the segregation of the genus in a separate tribe and this is accordingly 

Originally 3 species were placed in this genus but further study suggests that only 
one Australian species occurs, the differences formerly used for purposes of species separation 
being due to no more than sexual dimorphism and the occurrence of brachypterous forms. 
It is interesting to note that brachyptery is a frequent development also in insects comprised 
in the Aphrodini. 

Euacanthella Evans 

Euacanthella Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 8. 

The head, which is arrow-shaped, is longer and narrower in the female than in the 
male.^ On the face of the head the lora, which are small, do not extend as far as the anterior 
maigins of the maxillary plates. The ante-clypeus is considerably wider posteriorly than 
anteriorly and the post-clypeus, which is convex, extends to the hind margin of the face. 
The anterior margin of the face is deeply emarginate at the anterior apices of the channel-like 
antennal depressions and the antennal ledges are distinct and oblique. The post-clypeus 
extends narrowly, laterally, onto the crown of the head and the frontal region, which may 
be posteriorly differentiated by a transverse epicranial suture, is entirely dorsally situated. 
I he ocelli which are on the crown are considerably nearer the sides of the head than to each 
other. Ehe pronotum, which is flat, except in fully-winged females, when it is slightly 
declivous, is narrower than the head, including the eyes, and the propleurae narrowly 
separate the eyes from the bases of the tegmina. The tegmina and wings may be fully 
developed, or very greatly reduced, extending only as far as the second abdominal segment, 
v ein M 1 + 2 is invariably absent and the venation of the clavus, particularly in females, 
may be leticulate. I he tegmina of fully winged females do not extend as far as the apex 
o the abdomen. The tibiae and tarsi of all 3 pairs of legs are heavily spined as is also the 
ninth abdominal tergite in the female. 

Type species — Euacanthella palustris — Evans. 

I he two species ascribed to this genus are of particular interest on account of their 
po y morph ism, unusual structural features and restricted distribution. They frequent a 
marsh environment in south-eastern Australia and in New Zealand and are the sole 
representatives of the Aphrodinae to have an exclusively southern distribution. 


Euacanthella palustris Evans 
(Fig. 22, G, H) 

Euacanthella palustris Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 8. 

Euacanthella bicolor Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 9 (syn.nov.). 

Euacanthella insularis Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 9 (syn.nov.). 

Length, alate <£, 4*5 mm, brachypterous (J, 8 mm; alate $, 6*2-8 mm. Face of 
head pale yellow with an irregular pale brown pattern, or black, or brown, mottled with 
yellowish. Crown of head and pronotum concolorous with the face. Tegmen, when fully 
developed, pale hyaline-brown or dark brown. Thorax, abdomen and legs, in brachypterous 
forms, dark brown mottled with pale brown, or, pale yellow and pale brown; in winged 
forms, ventrally, whitish mottled with grey. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Snug, Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Hobart, Cradle Mt (Tasmania); Mt Kosciusko, Berrima (New 
South Wales). 

Euacanthella brunnea sp.nov. 

(Fig. 22, C, D, E, F) 

Length, ^,5; ?, 8 mm. Winged form; face of head yellow, mottled with brown, 

becoming progressively darker up to between the antennal ledges; marginal band, broadly 
yellow. Crown of head, considerably longer than wide. Crown and pronotum and 
scutellum, yellowish, with a reticulate brown pattern. Tegmen mottled hyaline, dull brown; 
veins greyish, costal border pale. Abdomen extending considerably beyond the fully 
developed tegmina. Brachypterous form evenly pale parchment colour without any pattern 
development. Crown of head slightly wider than long. 

Holotype , $, from Portland Road, Auckland, North Island, New Zealand (K.D. Hill, 

20/3/56) in the Auckland Museum. Two Paratype $ $, Auckland (E.S. Gourlay, 10/2/41), 
(D.S.I.R., Nelson, New Zealand). 

E. brunnea resembles E. palustris in general coloration and appearance but differs in 
the shape of the lateral emarginations adjacent to the eyes. 



This is one of the dominant present-day groups of leaf hoppers. It is particularly 
richly represented in the western hemisphere and in the Oriental region, including New 
Guinea. In Australia there are a few species which form part of the late Indo-Malayan 
fauna and occur in Queensland and northern, coastal, New South Wales, an introduced 
tropical, or sub-tropical, species and several endemic species which have a wide distribution 
over the continent. 

Leaf hoppers in this sub-family are usually cylindrical in shape. The face of the head 
is convex, the labium short, the ante-clypeus wide and swollen, and the maxillary plates 
narrow, or of moderate width. The post-clypeus, which is considerably swollen, extends 


laterally on to the crown. The ocelli are situated on the crown. The antennal ledges, 
which are situated at the hind margin of the face, are strong and rounded but not prominent. 
They are visible from above as projecting ledges. 

The 3 genera represented in Australia may be separated as follows: — 

1. Slender insects, 5 mm or less in length; orange and black in colour 

Kolella gen.nov. 

Broad insects, more than 5 mm in length 2 

2. Head and thorax with yellow and black markings; tegmina dark metallic blue. . 

Kolia Distant 

Not as above Cicadella Latreille 

Cicadella Latreille 

Cicadella Latreille, 1817, Le Regne Animal 3: 406. 

Tettigella China and Fennah, 1945, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 12: 71 1. 
Cicadella Latreille, China, 1961, Bull.Zool.Nomencl. 18 (3): 163. 
Type species — Cicadella viridis Linnaeus (Europe). 

Pig. 23 : A, Cicadeda spectra , head and thorax; B, Cicadella parthaon, face of head; C, Cicadella pasiphae , head and 
pronotum; U, ^Cicadella per kins i, head and thorax; E, Kolia latromarginata, head and thorax; F, Kolia 
angustata’, G, Kolia tumida\ H, Kolia richmondensis ; I, Kolia albomarginata\ J, Kolia sidnica ; K, Kolella pupul a. 


Cicadella spectra (Distant) 

(Fig. 23, A) 

Tettigonia albida Signoret, 1853, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. 21 (3): 663. 

Tettigoniella spectra Distant, 1908, Faun. Brit. I nd. 4: 21 1 (nom.nov.). 

Length, 7-8-3 mm; $, 9-1 1 mm. General coloration pale greenish-white. Face 
of head pale yellowish, medially brown; muscle impressions distinct; three large black spots 
posteriorly between the eyes. Crown of head concolorous with the face, also with 3 black 
spots, posteriorly, between the eyes; two lateral dark markings may surround the ocelli, or 
be absent. Pronotum and scutellum pale greenish-yellow. Tegmen, very pale hyaline 
greenish- white; veins usually brown. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Unknown. 

Known distribution elsewhere— North Australia, as far south as Brisbane in eastern Australia;, 
Lord Howe Island; widely distributed in tropical Asia and Africa. 

Collected on — Grasses. 

Cicadella perkinsi Kirkaldy 

(Fig. 23, D) 

Tetigonia perkinsi Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. (1) 9* 3 J 9- 

Tetigonia koebelei Kirkaldy, 190b, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9)* 3*9 (syn.nov.). 

Length, <J, 6, $, 6-5 mm. General coloration pale whitish- testaceous. Face of 
head coffee-colour with 3 prominent round black markings posteriorly between the eyes. 
Crown of head pale testaceous with a large centrally situated black marking. Pronotum 
and scutellum concolorous with the crown, with a broad median longitudinal brown, or dark 
brown, stripe. Tegmen, ivory; veins brown. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Cicadella parthaon Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 23, B) 

Tetigonia parthaon Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 3 21 * 

Length, <j>, 10-10-5 mm * Head and pronotum apricot-yellow. Pronotum apricot- 
yellow, sometimes laterally brown. Tegmen apricot-yellow; apical cells colourless, cell 
enclosed by arms of Cu 1, smoky-grey; a broad chocolate longitudinal stiipe, close to, and 
parallel with the anal margin. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Ayr, Claudie River (Queensland) ; Sogeri (New Guinea) . 
Collected on — Grasses. 


Cicadella pasiphae (Kirkaldy) 

(Fig. 23, C) 

Tetigonia pasiphae Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 320. 

Length, 10, $, 1 1 -8 mm. General coloration, uniform yellowish-white. 

Scutellum with a pair of small black, round, lateral spots. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Tully (Queensland); Mt Lamington district (New Guinea). 

Kolia Distant 

Kolia Distant, 1907, Faun.Brit.Ind.Rhyn. 4: 223. 

Several ol the cicadellids which occur in Australia are confined to the northern warmer 
areas of the continent. There is, however, one group of species which is more widely 
distributed. Some of its representatives occur not only in southern Australia and Tasmania 
but also, m some localities, form part of the montane fauna. 

These insects, which when dried have yellow and when alive green and black 
markings on the head and thorax, and metallic green tegmina with a broad pale costal 
stripe, seem to be congeneric with the type species of the genus Kolia Distant and are 
accordingly tentatively placed in this genus. While some of the many colour forms which 
previously have been regarded as species are now placed in synonymy, a few are retained 
as their genitalia and other characteristics suggest they merit specific status. 

Distant s description of this genus, though adequate for the type species, is not 
sufficient to include the Australian representatives. No useful purpose would be served by 
attempting a redescription, since characters enabling generic recognition of the comprised 
species have alieady been given. The illustrations will enable specific recognition. 

Type species — Kolia insignis Distant (India). 

In 1938 at the time that several new species ascribed to the genus Cicadella Latreille 
weie described, illustrations were given labelled uC C. albomarginata Signoret 55 and “ C. 
nchmondensis Distant ”. These were made from incorrectly identified insects. Both of the 
insects illustrated, and formerly named as above, represent undescribed species and the 
ioimer ol these is described as a new species. Representative material of the latter species 
is not at present available. 

Kolia albomarginata (Signoret) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 23, I) 

Tettigonia albomarginata Signoret, 1853, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (3) 1: 347. 

Tettigonia pettimolua Kirkaldy, 1906? Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp. 1 (9): 321. 

Cicadella heroni Evans, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 3 (syn.nov.). 

Length, $, 8 mm. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Vienna. 

Type Locality — “ Australia ”. 

Known distribution — Mt Tambourine (Queensland); Ulong, Tooloom (New South Wales). 


Kolia latromarginata (Distant) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 23, E) 

Tettigoniella latromarginata Distant, 1917, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. 20: 190. 

Length, 6-5-7 mm; $, 7-8-2 mm. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Upper North Pine, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mackay, Roma, Brisbane (Queensland); Sydney, Bellingers 
(New South Wales). 

Kolia richmondensis (Distant) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 23, H) 

Tettigoniella richmondensis Distant, 1917, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 20: 191. 

Cicadella turneri Evans, 1942, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1941: 28 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 8 mm. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Richmond River, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — National Park, Sunnybank, Tambourine Mountain (Queensland). 

Kolia angustata (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 23, F) 

Cicadella angustata Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 3. 

Cicadella naomiae Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 3 (syn.nov.). 

Cicadella dianae Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 4 (syn.nov.). 

Cicadella markei Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 4 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 6-7 mm; 8 mm. 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality — National Park, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Cradle Mountain, Mt Wellington (Tasmania) ; Croydon, 
Balwarriong (Victoria) ; Coonabarabran (New South Wales) ; Comaum (South Australia) ; 
King George’s Sound (Western Australia); Mt Lidgbird (Lord Howe Island). 

Kolia sidnica (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig- 23, J) 

Cicadella sidnica Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 4. 

Length, 6 mm. 

Type Location — -Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 


Kolia tumida sp.nov. 

(Fig. 23, G) 

Length, 7 mm. Face of head, orange, the ante-clypeus and the longitudinal! 
stripes on the fronto-clypeus, black. Apex of head with a circular black marking. Pronotumi 
and scutellum orange with black markings as shown in Fig. 23, G. Scutellum orange,, 
lateral corner, black. Tegmen bluish-black with a narrow yellowish stripe along the costal 11 

Holotype $ from Berrima, New South Wales (coll. C. Crowe) in the Australian Museum. 

Kolia quadrata (Walker) 

Tettigonia quadrata Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 781. 

This species cannot be identified from the description but certainly belongs to the 
same group of species as the foregoing. 

'Type Location — (missing from the British Museum). 

Type Locality — Van Diemen’s Land. 

Kolella gen.nov. 

Very small leafhoppers, the folded tegmina tapering apically. The face of the head 
is triangular in shape and the fronto-clypeus medially flat, sloping steeply at the sides. The 
antennal ledges are steeply oblique and parallel with the interior margins of the eyes. The 
external margin of the crown of the head, including the eyes, forms a continuous curved 
surface. The pronotum is rectangular in shape with outwardly, slightly curving, sides. 

Type species — Kolia pupula Kirby (Ceylon). 

Kolella differs from Kolia Distant in characteristics of size and in the shape of the head 
and pronotum. 

Kolella pupula (Kirby) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 23, K) 

holla pupula Kirby, 1891, J.Linn.Soc. 5: 24, 169. 

Tetigonia anemolua Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 322 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 4-8 mm; $, 5-2 mm. General coloration black with bold orange, or 
deep pink, markings. 

Face of head pale yellowish; fronto-clypeus, posteriorly, sometimes black. Crown 
ol head with a variable pattern of black and orange and pink. Pronotum black with a 
broad, orange or pink, arcuate marking, or with a pair of broad lateral similarly coloured 
areas, bcutellum black. Tegmen black with 2 longitudinal orange-yellow, or pink, stripes 
o varying extent, one situated on the clavus, the other adjacent to the costal margin. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Punduloya, Ceylon. 

Known distribution elsewhere— Macpherson Ranges, Coen, (Queensland). 



Up to the present no representatives of this tribe, which is distributed in the Oriental 
Region and tropical Africa, have been recorded from Australia, but mention is made of it 
( ince at least i species occurs in New Guinea. These insects are fragile in appearance and 
• re not cylindrical in shape. They are approximately 5 mm long, and in colour dark 
frown, or black, with pale hyaline areas on the tegmina. The tegmina, which are widest 
.pic ally and have wide appendices, lack vein Mi + 2. The ocelli are on the crown, and 
he head is similar in structure to those of insects comprised in the Cicadellini. 

Mileewa Distant 

Mileewa Distant, 1907, Faun. Brit. Ind.Rhyn. 4: 238. 
"ype species — Mileewa margherita Distant (Assam). 


The Nirvaninae are a group of predominantly tropical leafhoppers which are most 
ibundantly represented in the Oriental Region. In Australia, they have sparse represent- 
ition, as pait of the Indo-Malayan fauna of north-eastern Australia, and a few species, one 
belonging to an endemic genus, have been recorded from other parts of the continent. 

They are mostly somewhat flattened insects with the ocelli on the crown of the head, 
A^hich is extensive. The antennae are often very long and the tegminal venation reduced 
ir obscure. In colour they are usually yellow, white or orange, but may be green, and 
■sometimes they have red and brown markings. 

Baker (1923) separated this group of leafhoppers (to which he ascribed family status) 
into 3 component sub-families, all of which are represented in Australia and are recognised 
as tiibes. A fourth tribe is created to contain the very distinctive genus Occinirvana Evans, 
which is endemic to Western Australia. 

Key to the Tribes of the Nirvaninae represented in Australia 

1 . Ocelli visible from above . . 

Ocelli not visible from above ; head broadly laminately produced, thickened dorso- 
ventially Stenometopiini 

2. (1) Face of head about as broad as long; crown short, half-ovate; ocelli nearer to eyes 

than to each other. Macroceratogoniini 

Not as above, crown of head longest in the centre 3 

3. (2) Ocelli nearer to the eyes than to the anterior apex of the crown. . . . Nirvanini 

Ocelli nearer to the apex of the head than to the eyes Occinirvanini 


Stenometopius Matsumura 
Slenometopius Matsumura, 1914, J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 5: 217. 

Stenometopius Matsumura, Baker, 1923? Philipp. J.Sci. 23: 400. 

*This tribe has recently been assigned to the Typhlocybinae (Young, D. A., 1965 Zodog. Beitrdge 11 *369.) 


The head is broadly laminately extended and dorso-ventrally thickened. On the 
face, the ante-clypeus is parallel-sided and the lora extend anteriorly almost as far as the 
outer margins of the maxillary plates. The fronto-clypeus is anteriorly flattened and 
posteriorly slopes steeply on cither side; apically it consists of a sharp, deep keel. The ocelli 
are on the face, adjacent to the sides of the epicranial suture. The crown of the head, which 
is more than three times the length of the pronotum, is parallel-sided and apically rounded 
with a raised marginal rim. It is posteriorly slightly convex and anteriorly concave. The 
eyes are longer than the pronotum, which is parallel-sided. The venation of the tegmina 
is distinct, and vein Mi + 2 is present and apically incorporated with Rs. 

'Type species — Stenomdopius formosanus Matsumura (Formosa). 

Stenometopius bunyensis sp.nov. 

(Fig. 24, I, L) 

Length, 5*4 mm. Face of head pale greyish- brown; crown pale ivory with 2 
pairs of stripes, the anterior pair brown and laterally branched; the posterior pair, which 
commence close to the hind ends of the former, and are more laterally placed, orange,, 
anteriorly curved outwards and posteriorly extending across the pronotum to the lateral 
apices of the scutellum. Tegmen, pale hyaline brown with white, sub-apical markings,, 
and with dark brown markings at the apices of Rla and Rib; appendix wide. 

Holotype $, from the Bunya Mountains, Queensland (coll. J.W.E., 5/58), in the collection 
of the Australian Museum. 

Macroceratogonia Kirkaldy 

Macroceratogonia Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 323. 

The face of the head is approximately as wide as long and slightly transversely 
convex. The ante-clypeus is widest anteriorly and the maxillary plates extend beyond the 
ante-clypeus. Each lor uni is twice the width of the ante-clypeus. The fronto-clypeus is- 
slightly convex anteriorly and posteriorly flat and the hind margin of the face is raised into 
a widely arched rim. The antennae are almost as long, or longer, than the whole insect. 
The crown of the head, which is almost as long as the pronotum, is medially depressed and 
the anterior and posterior margins are parallel with each other. The eyes, which are equal 
in length to half the width of the crown, do not form a continuous line with the margin of 
the rest of the head. The ocelli are equidistant between each other and the adjacent eye. 
The scutellum is equal in length with, or longer, than the pronotum. In the tegmen, Rs 
is present and Mi -f 2 is lacking. 

Type species — Macroceratogonia anrea Kirkaldy. 

Petalocephala aurescens , described by Distant (1920) from New Caledonia, belongs to 
this genus. 

Macroceratogonia aurea Kirkaldy 

(Fig. 24, C) 

Macroceratogonia aurea Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 323. 

Length, 9 mm. General coloration pale golden yellow; eyes dark; a small dark 
spot at the base of the appendix. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 


Occinirvanini (Tribe.nov.) 

Most of the Nirvaninae occurring in Australia belong to the late Indo-Malayan 
element of the fauna. One genus, Occinirvana , of which the type species, O. eborea was 
collected on Casuarina , in Perth, Western Australia, very possibly belongs to an older faunal 
element. It would seem to be related to an Indian genus, Omaranus Distant. 

The principal features distinguishing insects in this tribe are the position of the 
antennae, the antennal ledges and the ocelli, all of which are unusually situated, being nearer 
to the apex of the head than to the eyes. 

Occinirvana Evans 

Occinirvana Evans, 1942, Trans.Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 156. 

The head is produced and spatulate, ventrally concave and dorsally convex and 
emarginate adjacent to the antennae. The ante- and fronto-clypeus are flat and bordered 
laterally by deep depressions. The antennae, which are very long, arise from close to the 
hind border of the face. The ocelli are on the crown of the head and considerably nearer 
to its anterior apex than to the eyes. 

Type species — Occinirvana eborea Evans. 

Occinirvana eborea Evans 
(Fig. 24, G) 

Occinirvana eborea Evans, 1942, Trans.Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 157. 

Length, $, 6 mm. Face of head ivory; lora and ante-clypeus brownish-grey, 
Grown, pale ivory with a median longitudinal apricot band and 2 narrow, sinuate, lateral 
bands. Pronotum mottled with apricot antero-laterally, ivory, with a median apricot band. 
Scutellum with a continuation of the pronotal colour pattern. Tegmen pale hyaline brown, 
apically brown and with a brown marking at the fork of Cul; clavus white. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Perth, Western Australia. 

Collected on — Casuarina . 


Key to the Genera of Nirvanini represented in Australia 

1. On the face of the head, the fronto-clypeus in part, or entirely, flat, or concave. .2 

Fronto-clypeus entirely, either slightly, or steeply convex 4 

2. (1) Insects predominantly yellow, orange, or white in colour; apex of tegmen rounded 

; • ' ; • • 3 

Insects predominantly black in colour; apex of tegmen not evenly rounded, orange 
and black Pseudonirvana Baker 

3. (2) Insects 6 mm, or more, in length; fronto-clypeus entirely medially flat 

Tortor Kirkaldy 

Insects not more than 6 mm in length; fronto-clypeus slightly convex anteriorly, 
concave posteriorly Ophiuchus Distant 


4- (i) Fronto-clypeus steeply, and crown slightly, convex; in the tegmen Rla at right 
angles to the costal margin Nirvana Kirkaldy 

Fronto-clypeus slightly convex, crown, except laterally, flat; in the tegmen Rla 
recurved Euronirvanella gen.nov. 

Nirvana Kirkaldy 

Nirvana Kirkaldy, 1900, Entomologist 33: 293. 

Nirvana Kirkaldy, Baker, 1923, Philipp. J.Sci. 23: 384. 

The labium extends slightly beyond the apex of the fore coxae, and the ante-clypeus, 
which narrows anteriorly, is sometimes apically flattened and posteriorly convex. The 
fronto-clypeus, which is swollen and medially flat, sloping steeply on either side, has a 
median carina posteriorly. The antennae are long. The crown of the head, which is 
arrow-shaped, is slightly transversely convex, or flat, and the ocelli are on the sides of the 
crown in front of the eyes. The pronotum is slightly wider posteriorly than anteriorly. The 
venation of the tegmina is obscure. 

Type species — Nirvana pseudommatos Kirkaldy (Ceylon). 

Nirvana adelaideae Evans 
(Fig. 24, J) 

Nirvana adelaideae Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 5. 

Length, $, 6 mm. Face of head greenish-yellow, or pale green, sometimes with 2 
black spots posteriorly. Crown of head, pronotum and scutellum, greenish-yellow, or pale 
green, with a median black stripe, which extends posteriorly to the apex of the scutellum. 
Tegmen, hyaline green or pale brownish-yellow, with an ante-apical hyaline white fascia 
and a small brown marking adjacent to the appendix. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Adelaide, South Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Swan River (Western Australia) ; Cammeray (New South 
Wales) . 

Ophiuchus Distant 

Ophiuchus Distant, 1918, Faun. Brit. Ind.Rhyn. 7: 33. 

It is uncertain whether the species listed below is truly congeneric with the type 
species of this genus. For this reason no generic description is given. 

Type species — Ophiuchus princeps Distant (India). 

Ophiuchus pallidus Evans 

Ophiuchus pallidus Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 6. 

Length, 6 mm. General coloration pale yellowish-white. Face of head convex 
anteriorly, concave posteriorly. Crown spatulate, anteriorly flat, sloping posteriorly. 
Tegmen milky- white with a dark marginal spot between the arms of Cul. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Stewart River, Queensland. 


Fig. 24: A, Tortor daulias, head and thorax; B, T. daulias , face of head; C, Macroceralogonia aurea , face of 
head; D, Tortor dorrigensis ; E, Tortor pulchra , head and thorax; F, Euronirvanella anomala; G, Occinirvana 
erborea , head and thorax; H, Pseudonirvana doddi; I, Stenometopius bunyensis, tegmen; J, Nirvana adelaideae 
head and thorax; K, Tortor daulias , tegmen; L, Stenometopius bunyensis , head and thorax. 

Tortor Kirkaldy 

Tortor Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 42. 

Austronirvana Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 65: 41 (syn.nov.). 

The labium extends to the base of the fore coxae and the ante-clypeus, which narrows 
apically, is flat or slightly convex. The maxillary plates either together with the ante-clypeus 
anteriorly form a continuous external margin to the head, or they project slightly beyond 
the ante-clypeus. The lora are small, and the fronto-clypeus is either flat, as far as the 
antennae on either side, or medially flat and sloping laterally towards the antennae. 
Posteriorly the fronto-clypeus is raised into a marginal rim. The sides of the head, anterior 
to the eyes, are wedge-shaped. The crown, which is longer than the pronotum and 
narrows apically, is slightly transversely convex and the ocelli are on the sides of the crown, 
slightly anterior to the eyes. The pronotum is wider anteriorly than posteriorly. In the 
tegmen Rs and M 1 + 2 are absent and there may be several secondary cross veins between 
M and Cu 1. 

Type species — Tortor daulias Kirkaldy. 


Tortor daulias Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 24, K) 

Tortor daulias Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 42. 

Austronirvana Jlavus Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 65: 41 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 8*4-10 mm. General coloration, yellow. Crown of head with a singf 
median longitudinal orange stripe, which sometimes extends onto the pronotum. 

On face of head, maxillary plates projecting slightly beyond the anterior margin c|| 
the ante-clypeus. Fronto-clypeus flat almost as far as the antennae on each side. Tegmen 
yellow with 3 small brown spots, one at the apex of the claval suture. The others, whicll; 
are more distally placed, close to the costal and hind margin respectively. Several secondar I 
cross-veins sometimes present between M and Cu 1. (Brown spots are absent on specimen! i 
from Lord Howe Island). 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Brisbane, Lawes (Queensland) ; Lord Howe Island. 

Collected on — Eucalyptus (Brisbane); Croton (Lord Howe Island). 

Tortor dorrigensis (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 24, D) 

Kana dorrigensis Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 6. 

Length, 6, $, 6*8 mm. Crown of head ivory white with a median longitudina 

orange stripe and with a single broad orange lateral stripe on each side. Pronotum con-, 
colorous with the crown. Scutellum yellow. On face of head, outer margin of maxillary 
plates and ante-clypeus, not forming a continuous border; ante-clypeus flat; fronto-clypeu;: 
flat as far as the eyes on each side. 

Tegmen hyaline-yellow, or orange, with brown markings which vary in extent; ar 
oval brown marking adjoining hind margin of clavus, close to the apex of the scutellum and 
2, or 3, small sub-apical brown markings invariably present; appendix, and adjoining cell r 
smoky; hind margin of clavus, in part, entirely red. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Dorrigo, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Brisbane (Queensland); Lord Howe Island. 

Tortor pulchra sp.nov. 

(Fig. 24, E) 

Length, 6*8, $, 9 mm. General coloration pale yellow, or whitish. Crown off 

head with a median orange longitudinal stripe, and usually on each side, a pair of lateral 
orange stripes; all 5 stripes continuing onto the pronotum. 

On the face of the head the margin of the maxillary plates forming a continuous, 
border with the anterior margin of the slightly convex ante-clypeus. Fronto-clypeus narrowly, 
medially, flattened, sloping laterally towards the antennae. 


Tegmen pale yellow, or whitish, with a small brown marking at apex of claval suture. 

Holotype and Allotype $, from Sunnybank, Queensland in the Queensland Museum. 
Other specimens from Brisbane, Toowoomba, Claudie River (Queensland). T. pulchra 
differs from the type species in the shape of the face of the head and in the colour pattern 
of the thorax. 

Pseudonirvana Baker 

Pseudonirvana Baker, 1923, Philipp.J.Sci. 23: 386. 

The labium extends to between the apices of the fore coxae, the ante-clypeus narrows 
anteriorly and the lora are narrow. The maxillary plates are apically lobe-like and the 
fronto-clypeus, in the centre, is widely flat to slightly concave and slopes steeply laterally. 
From above, the sides of the face are narrowly visible and the crown, which is margined by 
a low carina, is apically flattened and posteriorly slightly convex. The ocelli are on the 
crown of the head, anterior to, and close to, the eyes. The pronotum is parallel-sided and 
the tegmina, which may be apically rounded or blunt, have obscure venation. Rla slopes 

Type species — Pseudonirvana sandakanensis Baker (Borneo). 

Pseudonirvana doddi sp.nov. 

(Fig. 24, H) 

Length, $, 5*2 mm. Face and crown of head, shining black, except laterally, where 
they are yellowish-brown. Pronotum and scutellum shining black. Tegmen irregularly 
rounded apically, proximally opaque-black; apically hyaline brown. Between these 2 
zones, a hyaline yellow area against the costal margin, followed distally by 3 brown stripes 
lying along the branches of R. Three separate hyaline pale areas; also a triangular dull 
white area against the posterior claval margin. 

Holotype $ from Brisbane, Queensland (coll. R. Metcalfe, 20/5/57) in the Queensland 

Euronirvanella gen.nov. 

On the face of the head, the ante-clypeus is parallel-sided, narrowing slightly towards 
the apex. The fronto-clypeus is medially flat and laterally convex. The antennal pits, 
which are deep, are situated anterior to the hind margin of the face. 

The crown of the head, except laterally in front of the eyes, is flat and slightly 
depressed close to the apex. The ocelli are situated on the sloping sides, close to, and 
immediately in front of the eyes. The tegmen is apically blunt and Rla is recurved. 

Type species — Euronirvanella anomala sp.nov. 

Euronirvanella differs from other genera of the Nirvanini represented in Australia in having 
unusually long style-like pygophore extensions. 

Euronirvanella anomala sp.nov. 

(Fig. 24, F) 

Length, (J, to the apex of the tegmen, 6 mm; to the apex of the pygophore 
processes, 7*2 mm. 


Face of head, pale parchment colour with a faint brown stripe on the fronto-clypeus : 
laterally black. Crown and pronotum concolorous with the face, with broad median, and ( 
lateral, longitudinal black stripes. Tegmen hyaline, in part brown; apical cells and veins, 
black. Anal veins sometimes confluent or joined by a cross vein. Pygophore processes ol 
male genitalia very long and narrow and extending considerably beyond folded tegmina. 

Holotype , from Springsure, Queensland (E.F. Rick, 4/57) in the Australian National 

Insect Collection, Canberra. 


This sub-family comprises a group of small leaf hoppers of universal distribution. 
Most described species have been placed in the genera Macropsis Lewis and Oncopsi sJ 
Burmeistcr, of which the type species are representatives of the Palaearctic fauna. The! 
principal feature distinguishing these genera is the direction of the pronotal stria tions. In 
Macropsis these arc oblique while in Oncopsis they are transverse. 

These insects are abundant in Australia and there is a single species in New Zealand. 
All of the former so far described, with the exception of two, have been ascribed either to 
Macropsis or Oncopsis. However, although some Australian species do have transverse pronotall 
striations, they nevertheless differ in so many other characters, from 0 . jiavicoliis (L.) the type 
species, that it has been decided to remove them from this genus and for the time being to:: 
include them, together with the greater part of the remaining Australian species, in the genus- 

There are certain ancient groups of insects in which the various morphological I 
features appear in various species in so many different combinations that it is difficult toi 
separate specific from generic characters and the insects in this sub-family comprise such a» 
group. It is, for instance, possible to separate the Australian fauna of the Macropsinae into: 
groups of species with normal basic venation and groups having two additional cross veins*: 
(r-m and m-cu) in the tegmen; into groups in which one or two cephalic characters are* 
constant and differ from these characters in other species, or into groups based on thoracic' 
characteristics. None of these groups, however, seem to represent natural genera. There* 
are, accordingly, two alternatives, either to create numerous monotypic genera, or else to» 
regard all but the most distinctive species as belonging to a single genus. The second course - 
has been followed, even although it means regarding as congeneric some species which differ 
very considerably from others. 

Thirty-seven species of Macropsis are listed in the pages which follow. Tliese- 
represent only a small proportion of the very abundant Australian fauna of these insects and 
many more species await description. These can be usefully described only when it is. 
possible to undertake a critical revision of the sub-family on a regional or on a world basis. 

A new genus has been created to contain a New Zealand species, since not only has- 
it features which separate it from Oncopsis Jiavicoliis , but also ones which differ from those- 
found in any of the Australian species of Macropsis. This species, ^elopsis nothofagi sp.nov. 
may either be of adventitious origin, or else part of the Antarctic fauna of these islands. 

Although very few food plant records are available it would seem that, unlike most. 
Australian leafhoppers, macropsids are not, in general, eucalypt feeders. 

Of the two very distinctive species which have been placed in separate genera, and 
which are confined to south-western Australia, one, Stenopsoicles turneri , is of particular interest. 
This is because the gigantism of the pronotum serves to support a presumed affinity between 
the Macropsinae and the Membracidae, which can be deduced otherwise principally from 
cephalic characters (Evans, 1948). 


Macropsids may be readily recognized by the structure of the face of their heads of 
which the principal distinguishing features are the anterior position of the antennae and the 
situation of the ocelli on the face, close to the apices of the epicranial suture. The lora are 
usually swollen, the maxillary plates narrow, and the impressions of the dilator muscles of 
the sucking pump visible in the form of compact sausage-shaped markings. The hind tibiae 
are armed with rows of regular short, strong, spines; the tegmina usually have normal 
venation and in the male genitalia both the parameres and sub-genital plates are long and 

2. I 

Key to the Genera of Macropsinae occurring in Australia 

Face of head almost twice as wide as long ; insects over 6 mm in length 

Stenoscopus Evans (W. Australia only) 

Face of head not as above ; insects less than 6 mm in length 2 

Pronotum more than twice the length of the face of the head 

Stenopsoides Evans (W. Australia only) 

Pronotum not as above Macropsis Lewis 

Stenoscopus Evans 

Stenoscopus Evans, 1934, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 166. 

Narrowly wedge-shaped insects in which the face is considerably wider than long. 
The ante-clypeus, which is not separated from the post-clypeus by a transverse suture, is 
anteriorly declivous and posteriorly considerably wider and swollen, and diamond-shaped. 
The lora are inflated and in 2 planes, being anteriorly at right angles to the maxillary plates 
and posteriorly ridged. The narrow maxillary plates are concealed anteriorly by the lora. 
The overhanging antennal ledges are in alignment with the anterior lateral margins of the 
post-clypeus. The ocelli are close to the arms of the epicranial suture and the vertex is 
approximately the same length as the fronto-clypeus. On the dorsal surface the crown is 
only narrowly developed adjacent to the eyes; the pronotum is anteriorly declivous and is 
only slightly longer than the wide scutellum. The tegmina have complete basic venation 
but some veins are sometimes secondarily branched and there may be minor differences of 
venation between the tegmina of the 2 sides. The hind tibiae are quadrilateral in section 
with evenly spaced marginal spines, 1 row of which is mounted on small bases. In the male 
genitalia both the sub-genital plates and parameres are long, narrow and parallel-sided. 

Type species — Stenoscopus drummondi Evans. 

Stenoscopus drummondi Evans 
(Figs 4, B; 25, E, I) 

Stenoscopus drummondi Evans, 1934, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 149. 

Length, 7 mm; greatest width, 2*4 mm. Head rugose, ochreous, with a 

pattern of well defined, but variable dark brown or black markings. Pronotum transversely 
striated, dull yellow with dark markings. Scutellum bright yellow, lateral angles black. 

Tegmen vitreous, veins black. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Beverly, Western Australia. 


Stenopsoides Evans 

Stenopsoides Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 153. 

The head is slightly longer than wide and transversely convex; a crown is lacking 
The pronotum is anteriorly cylindrically produced and viewed from below is almost three 
times the length of the face of the head. The hind margin of the pronotum is emarginate 
and the scutellum extensive. The tegmina are apically narrow and their appendices continue 
around their apices as far as the costal margin. 

Type species — Stenopsoides turneri Evans. 

Stenopsoides turneri Evans 
(Fig. 25, F) 

Stenopsoides turneri Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 153. 

Length, 9 , 7 mm; of pronotum in ventral aspect 3 mm. Face of head yellow with 
brown punctures; eyes red. Pronotum yellowish-brown with brown punctures, laterally 
and apically dark brown. Scutellum yellow. Tegmen pale hyaline yellow. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Macropsis Lewis 

Macropsis Lewis, 1834, Trans.Ent.Soc.Lond. 1: 49. 

It would be misleading to give a description of this genus, since, as has already been 
mentioned, the Australian insects which are ascribed to it are only doubtfully congeneric 
with the type species. 

Type species — Cicada virescens Fabricius (Europe). 

Because of the fact that the described species represent only a small part of the actual 
fauna of macropsids occurring in Australia and because of the lack of readily recognizable 
distinguishing specific characters, identification of these insects is, at the moment, difficult. 

As an aid to identification a list of described species, accompanied by information in 
respect to size, coloration and distribution, follows. Since the sexes of Macropsis spp. do not 
usually differ significantly in size, particulars of the sex of the species listed are omitted. 

Described Australian 

leaf hoppers tentatively ascribed to the genus Macropsis 


















































3 '5 
































Described Australian leafhoppers tentatively 
ascribed to the genus Macropsis- — ■continued 


















4 '8 

































roo Is. 









































Macropsis abscondens (Walker) 

Bythoscopus abscondens Walker, 1858, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus., Supplement, 267. 

Macropsis victoriensis Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 64 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 4*5, $, 4*8 mm. General coloration greenish-yellow. Head egg* 

yellow; hind margin of vertex angularly produced. Crown entire, longer laterally than in 
the centre. Pronotum anteriorly and laterally declivous, olive green, anterior lateral angles, 
yellow. Tegmen vitreous, excepting apex, which is smoky-grey, and clavus and costal 
margin, which are apple-green. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Burwood (Victoria). 

Macropsis thymele Kirkaldy 

Macropsis thymele Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 36. 

Length, 4 mm. General coloration pale ochreous. Tegmen pale yellowish-hyaline. 
Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Macropsis oeroe Kirkaldy 

Macropsis oeroe Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 36. 

Length, 3-5 mm. Head, pronotum and scutellum pale ochreous, closely and finely 
punctured with purplish brown. Tegmen hyaline, pale yellowish-brown; veins brown 
barred with white, cross-vein r lacking and vein M 1 + 2 meeting Rs at the point where it 
branches from R. 


This species is close to M. thymele and may be distinguished by the venation, 
character mentioned and, as well, by having a less declivous pronotum. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

Fig. 25: A, Macropsis pullus, face of head; B, £el°psis nothofagi, head; C, Z- nothofagi, male genitalis 
D, Macropsis scopulus, tegmen; E, Stenoscopus drummondi, tegmen; F, Stenopsoides turneri , face and pronoturr 
G, Macropsis wellingtonensis, head and thorax; H, Macropsis tepperi , head and thorax, lateral aspect; 
Stenoscopus drummondi. AED, aedeagus; BP, basal plate; PAR, paramere; SGP, subgenital plate. 

Macropsis thontias Kirkaldy 

Macropsis thontias Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 37. 

Length, 3-5 mm. Face of head in one plane and, together with pronotum an 
scutellum, yellow with fine brown punctures. Crown narrow. Pronotum declivous but nc 
overhanging the face of the head. Tegmen whitish hyaline with 2 transverse brown fasciai 
and with raised white spots on the veins. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Macropsis thyia Kirkaldy 

Macropsis thyia 1907 , Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 36. 

Length, 3-5 mm. Close to M. thontias , differing in having the muscle impression 
on the face depressed and the pronotum more declivous. Head and thorax yellowish wit 


Drown punctures and brown markings. Tegmen whitish-hyaline with 2 transverse brown 
'asciae and with raised white spots on the veins. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

Macropsis citrinus Evans 

Macropsis citrinus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 154. 

Length, 4 mm. Head, pronotum and scutellum bright orange. Tegmen, narrow 
apically, colourless hyaline; veins pale brown. Thorax and abdomen, ventral surface, 
black. Legs, orange, spurs on hind tibiae black. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Macropsis declivus Evans 

Macropsis declivus Evans, 1942, Trans.Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 154. 

Length, 3-5 mm. Head, anterior to ocelli, orange-yellow with reddish-brown 
punctures; muscle impressions pale orange; posterior to ocelli, medially grey, laterally pale 
pinkish- white with brown punctures; eyes dark reddish-brown. Pronotum, anterior third 
steeply declivous, approximately at right angles to the remainder which is flat; antero- 
laterally orange, without punctures, otherwise greyish-brown, with dense brown punctures. 
Scutellum orange-brown with sparse brown punctures. Tegmen, whitish-hyaline with large 
round, brown spots, lying principally adjacent to the veins; veins pale brown. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Macropsis eburneus Evans 

Macropsis eburneus , 1942, Trans.Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 153. 

Length, $, 4-5 mm. Head ivory with brown punctures. Fronto-clypeus medially 
brown with dense dark brown punctures; muscle impressions smooth, yellowish-brown. 
Crown visible only narrowly against the eyes. Pronotum anteriorly cream with dense brown, 
anteriorly directed striations, steeply declivous ; posteriorly grey with scattered brown 
punctures. Scutellum orange-brown with black punctures. Tegmen hyaline with scattered 
small brown spots, largely on, and adjacent to, the veins. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Macropsis federalis Evans 

Macropsis federalis Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 64. 

Length, $, 3-8 mm. General coloration, apple green. Head greenish-yellow. 
Crown developed narrowly against the eyes. Pronotum, anterior margin strongly arched 
so that in the centre it extends in front of the crown of the head, regmen green except for 
the costal area and the apex which are colourless; appendix wide. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

j ; Type Locality — Canberra, A.C.T. 

i g 2690 — 6 


Macropsis fergusoni Evans 

Macropsis fergusoni Evans, 1942, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1941 : 29. 

Length, $, 5 mm. Face of head diamond-shaped, pale brownish-yellow with dar 
brown punctures. Eyes red. Crown developed narrowly against the eyes, but not i:;i 
centre. Pronotum steeply declivous anteriorly, with brown punctures. Scutellum whit is; 
with sparse dark brown punctures, laterally yellowish-brown. Tegmen whitish-hyalin, 
evenly mottled with black, veins yellow. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Lake St Clair, Tasmania. 

Macropsis filicis Evans 

Macropsis filicis Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 64. 

Length, §, 3*2 mm. General coloration yellowish-green. Pronotum green, slightl I 
declivous. Scutellum yellow. Tegmen yellowish-green, apically white. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Fern Tree Gully, near Melbourne, Victoria. 

Macropsis flexus Evans 

Macropsis flexus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 153. 

Length, $, 3*5 mm. Head buff with minute pale brown punctures; muscl« 
impressions greenish-yellow, eyes reddish-brown, ocelli black. Crown, a narrow band o 
even width. Pronotum and scutellum concolorous with head, the former slightly declivous 
Tegmen vitreous; veins brown with white bars. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dongarra, Western Australia. 

Macropsis flavomaculatus Evans 

Macropsis flavomaculatus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 154. 

Length, $, 4 mm. Head apricot mottled with whitish-yellow; eyes dark browm 
Pronotum anteriorly declivous, greyish-white with apricot punctures. Scutellum concoloroui 
with pronotum, with sparse orange-brown punctures. Tegmen colourless hyaline mottlec 
with pale coffee brown; veins pale brown with white bars. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Macropsis fiindersi Evans 

Macropsis flindersi Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 66. 

Length, $, 4-5 mm. Head pale yellow and grey with a few small scattered light 
brown spots and 2 brown oval markings posterior to the ocelli; eyes pale brick red. Crowr. 
developed narrowly against eyes. Pronotum declivous, grey flecked with brown, with an 


anterior, lateral, yellow area on each side. Scutellum egg-yellow with a large black marking 
against the anterior border. Tegmen very pale hyaline green; veins colourless. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Parachilna, Flinders Range, South Australia. 

Macropsis hobartensis Evans 

Macropsis hobartensis Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 66. 

Length, $, 4 mm. Head ochreous. Crown wider against the eyes than in centre. 
Pronotum dull olive green, anterior lateral angles paler than remainder. Scutellum yellow 
with 2 brown triangular-shaped markings against anterior margin. Tegmen vitreous. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Hobart, Tasmania. 

Macropsis lincolnensis Evans 

Macropsis lincolnensis Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 66. 

Length, §, 4 mm. General coloration pale yellowish-brown. Head pale biscuit 
colour with brown punctures and 2 oval ochreous markings posterior to the ocelli. Crown 
from above developed laterally, not in centre. Pronotum light brown with dark brown spots, 
anteriorly yellow and smooth; posterior two-thirds darker in colour; steeply declivous, so 
that the anterior margin is almost at right-angles to the posterior margin. Scutellum 
ochreous, sparsely punctured with brown. Tegmen vitreous, veins brown, except for the 
clavus, which is hyaline-grey and the veins, buff. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Port Lincoln, South Australia. 

Macropsis luteus Evans 

Macropsis luteus Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 65. 

Length, 9, 3*8 mm. Head somewhat convex, pale yellowish-brown with dark brown 
punctures; muscle impressions khaki-coloured. Crown visible from above as a wide band, 
of even length. Pronotum pale yellowish-brown with brown punctures. Scutellum, 
anterior two-thirds concolorous with pronotum; posterior third smooth, pale yellowish-white. 
Tegmen vitreous; veins brown with white bars. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Bruce Rock, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Adelaide (South Australia). 

Macropsis occidentalis Evans 

Macropsis occidentalis Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 63. 

Length, $, 4 mm. Head almost flat with a slight median ridge on vertex, punctate. 
Fronto-clypeus ochreous; rest of the head greenish and ochreous with 2 diffuse black 
markings on vertex. Crown visible only narrowly adjacent to eyes. Pronotum steeply 


declivous anteriorly, higher in the middle than laterally, punctate, pale greenish brown 
Scutellum smooth, yellowish, apically green. Tegmen pale hyaline yellowish-green. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Bruce Rock, Western Australia. 

Macropsis tasmaniensis Evans 

Macropsis tasmaniensis Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 65. 

Length, $, 3 mm. Head pale yellowish-brown with dark brown punctures; muscl« 
impressions on fronto-clypeus, dark brown. Crown, well developed, of equal lengti 
throughout. Pronotum almost flat, greyish-brown with dark brown punctures and 2 darl 
brown oval markings against anterior border laterally. Scutellum yellowish-brown wit! 
brown punctures. Tegmen vitreous; veins brown barred with white; clavus grey. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Mt Wellington, 4,000 ft, Hobart, Tasmania. 

Macropsis variabilis Evans 

Macropsis variabilis Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 65: 40. 

Length, 4 mm. General coloration sometimes pale yellowish-green. Face o 
head wider than long, sordid yellow, eyes red. Crown narrowly developed, longest agains 
eyes. Pronotum dull brown flecked with black, anteriorly declivous. Scutellum brownishi 
yellow with dark brown punctures. Tegmen smoky hyaline, clavus and costal margin 
green. Wing with R 1 not fully developed apically. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum (missing). 

Type Locality — New Norfolk, Tasmania. 

Macropsis viridiceps Evans 

Macropsis viridiceps , 1941, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 65: 40. 

Length, $, 4 mm. Head longer than wide, emerald green. Crown visible as narrov 
border, widest against the eyes. Pronotum steeply declivous anteriorly, emerald greeni 
Scutellum yellow, anterior muscle impressions, brown. Tegmen vitreous, apically pal« 
grey; a black spot at the apex of the claval suture; costal border, proximally black. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum (missing). 

Type Locality — Hobart, Tasmania. 

Macropsis wellingtonensis Evans 
(Fig. 25, G) 

Macropsis wellingtonensis Evans, 1942, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1941: 29. 

Length, <$, 4 mm. Face of head whitish-yellow with sparse brown punctures; 
muscle impressions ochreous; eyes dark brown. Crown wider in the centre than agains 
the eyes. Pronotum declivous, sordid whitish-yellow with brown punctures. Scutellun 


ierally yellowish-brown, with a median longitudinal white stripe which widens posteriorly, 
'gmen colourless hyaline with 4, ill-defined, blackish-brown transverse areas. 

ype Location — South Australian Museum (missing). 

vpe Locality — Mt Wellington, 4,000 ft, Hobart, Tasmania. 

Macropsis wilsoni Evans 

r acropsis wilsoni Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 67. 

Length, $, 4 mm. Head pale brownish-yellow. Crown visible only narrowly 
rainst eyes. Pronotum pale brown flecked with chestnut-brown. Scutellum yellow, 
egmen yellowish-hyaline, anal angle suffused with dark brown. 

[ype Location — Australian Museum (missing). 

1 ype Locality — Grampian Mountains, Victoria. 

Macropsis balli (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

ncopsis balli Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 38. 

Length, 5, $, 5*8 mm. Head, pronotum and scutellum yellow, evenly mottled 

ith brown. Crown of head visible narrowly only against the eyes. Pronotum anteriorly 
eclivous. Tegmen pale hyaline brown; veins brown. 

ype Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

' ype Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Macropsis aeneus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

ncopsis aeneus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy. Soc.W.Aust. 27: 154. 

Length, & 4 mm. Head, sordid-yellow, eyes red. Crown narrow, visible only 
gainst the eyes. Pronotum golden brown. Scutellum yellowish-brown. Tegmen bronzy- 
yaline with a longitudinal white streak against the proximal part of Rl. Ventral surface 
f thorax black, of abdomen, yellowish-brown. 

ype Location — British Museum. 

ype Locality — Yanchep, Western Australia. 

Macropsis bicolor atus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

)ncopsis bicoloratus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy. Soc.W.Aust. 27: 155. 

Length, <£, 3-5 mm. Head yellow with dark brown punctures, muscle impressions 
n fronto-clypeus, black. Crown narrowly visible against the eyes on each side. Pronotum 
nd scutellum yellow with sparse brown punctures. Tegmen pale hyaline brown irregularly 
aottled with brown; veins brown. Thorax and abdomen, ventral surface black. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Yanchep, Western Australia. 


Macropsis fuscopunctatus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

Oncopsis fuscopunctatus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy. Soc.W.Aust. 27: 155. 

Length, 4 mm. Head pale brownish-yellow, eyes brown. Grown narrow 
visible against the eyes on each side. Pronotum slightly declivous anteriorly, ochreous bro^ 1 
with brown punctures. Scutellum orange-brown with a few scattered brown spots. Tegm ;; 
pale brownish-hyaline partially suffused with brown. Thorax and abdomen, ventral surfa. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dongarra, Western Australia. 

Macropsis gibbus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

Oncopsis gibbus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 154. 

Length, $, 3-8 mm. Head brownish-yellow with evenly distributed black punctur* j 
muscle impressions yellow; eyes reddish-brown; vertex, in the centre, dark brown. Crov, 
visible only narrowly against the eyes. Pronotum anteriorly declivous and slightly humpc 
greyish-brown with evenly distributed black punctures. Scutellum deep buff with scatter 
brown spots; lateral angles yellow. Tegmen whitish-hyaline evenly mottled with dn 
brown; veins pink. Ventral surface of thorax black, of abdomen black with the hi] 
margin of each segment yellowish-white. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Yanchep, Western Australia. 

Macropsis luteolus (Evans) 

Oncopsis luteus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy. Soc.W.Aust. 27: 155. 

Macropsis luteolus nom.nov. for Oncopsis luteus Evans, 1942, nec Macropsis luteus Evans, 1936 

Length, §, 4-8 mm. Head yellow, eyes dark red, ocelli black. Grown narrow, 
developed against the eyes. Pronotum declivous, greenish-yellow. Scutellum yello' 
Tegmen pale hyaline yellow with a dark brown spot at the apex of the claval suture; vei 
yellow; 2 cross-veins between M and Cul distal of the forking of M. Ventral surface 
thorax and abdomen yellow. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dongarra, Western Australia. 

Macropsis melleus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

Oncopsis inelleus Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 68. 

Length, 4*8 mm. Head whitish-yellow with brown markings; muscle impressic: 
on fronto-clypeus brown edged with black; eyes red. Crown developed only narrow 
against the eyes. Pronotum concolorous with the head. Scutellum yellowish with blao 
punctures, lateral angles black. Tegmen pale hyaline brown, apically, and the veins, da: 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Dongarra, Western Australia. 


Macropsis norrisi (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

>ncopsis norrisi Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 65: 40. 

Length, $, 4 mm. Head, ante-clypeus, lora and maxillary plates, buff; frontu- 
lypeus reddish-brown; vertex posteriorly dark brown, eyes red. Tegmen, proximally pale 
ellow, distally testaceous; a wide red area between the costal border and vein R and a 
'ansverse median dark brown fascia; clavus yellow, anal margin dark brown; veins distally 


" ype Location — South Australian Museum. 
r ype Locality — Guildford, Western Australia. 

Macropsis pullus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

Incopsis pullus Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 67. 

Length, 5-5 mm. Head pale brown with dark brown punctures; muscle 
mpressions on fronto-clypeus and a small oval area posterior to each ocellus, ochreous. 
Town developed for its full width, longer against the eyes than in the centre. Pronotum 
oncolorous with the head, strongly declivous, the anterior margin approximately at right- 
.ngles with the hind margin. Scutellum pale yellowish-brown with dark brown punctures; 
interior angles ochreous brown. Tegmen vitreous, apically pale hyaline brown; veins pale 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Canberra, A.C.T. 

Macropsis scopulus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 25, D) 

Jncopsis scopulus Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 67. 

Length, 3 mm. Head pale and dark brown with dark brown punctures; muscle 
mpressions on fronto-clypeus brown. Crown wider against the eyes than in the centre. 
Pronotum slightly declivous, anteriorly, medially and laterally, narrowly pale yellow; 
interior half dark brown, posteriorly dull grey with ill-defined brown punctures. Scutellum 
narked with a pattern of yellow and black. Tegmen vitreous apically, and veins brown. 
Central surface of thorax black, of abdomen black, the hind margin of each abdominal 
legmen t, yellow. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Bruce Rock, Western Australia. 

Macropsis subfuscus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

Oncopsis subfuscus , 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 69. 

Length, ^5 5 mm - Head whitish-yellow with dark brown punctures. Crown visible 
widely against the eyes, but not in the centre. Pronotum steeply declivous, anterior margin 
yellow, posteriorly grey with dark brown punctures and round markings. Scutellum yellow 
with black markings, lateral angles black. Tegmen vitreous, veins brown. Ventral surface 
3f thorax and abdomen marked with a pattern of light or dark brown. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Ooldea, South Australia. 


Macropsis tepperi (Evans) (eomb.nov.) 

(Fig- 25, H) 

Oncopsis tepperi Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 69. 

Length, $, 5-2 mm. Head pale reddish-brown with dark brown punctures, hi 
margin almost transverse. Pronotum medially humped, with light and dark bro" 
markings. Scutellum yellowish-brown, lateral angles reddish-brown. Tegmen brov 
except for the costal margin, which is white, and the apex and clavus which are mottled w 
very pale brown. Ventral surface of thorax and abdomen, brown. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Kangaroo Island, South Australia. 

Macropsis translucens (Evans) (eomb.nov.) 

Oncopsis translucens Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 68. 

Length, 6 mm. Head yellowish-white, except for the muscle impressions on t 
fronto-clypeus which are brown, and the rest of the fronto-clypeus, which is dark brov 
Crown visible narrowly in the centre and widely against the eyes. Pronotum declivo 
with a slight median anterior hump, pale yellowish-white, punctate. Scutellum yellow w: 
brown punctures and irregular brown markings; lateral angles black. Tegmen vitreo' 
veins pale brown with white bars. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Parachilna, Flinders Range, South Australia. 

Zelopsis gen.nov. 

The face of the head is wider than long, slightly rugose and almost flat. The labir 
extends to the base of the hind coxae. The ante-clypeus is parallel-sided and the lc 
slightly curved and in continuous alignment with the sides of the fronto-clypeus anterior 
I he fronto-clypeus lacks well defined muscle impressions and its hind margin, which is r 
well defined, is in line with the centre of the eyes. The pronotum, which is approximate 
equal in length with the scutellum, is slightly declivous anteriorly and is ridged transverse 
The tegmen has normal venation, except that the proximal cross-vein m-cu, which is usua 
present opposite the proximal junction of R and M, is absent. There may be some sm 
degree of individual variation in venation. The hind tibiae are armed with strong spur 
the row of largest spines being mounted on prominent bases. 

Type species — Z e l°P s ^ s nothofagi sp.nov. 

Zelopsis resembles Oncopsis in having transverse striations on the pronotum. It difft 
from the type species of this genus, 0 . Jlavicollis (L.), in the proportions and shape of the hea 
in having a longer labium, wider lora, a differently shaped ante-clypeus and a consideral: 
smaller fronto-clypeus. Moreover, the head of Z e ^°P s ^ s nothofagi is superficially idiocerine 

Zelopsis nothofagi sp.nov. 

(Fig. 25, B, C) 

Length, 3-2, 4 mm. Face of head black, except the maxillary plates whi 

are white, and the vertex posteriorly which is yellowish brown. Crown of even lengt 
Pronotum greyish-brown. Scutellum ochreous, sometimes with black markings. Tegm 


hitish hyaline with irregular brown markings; veins broadly, or narrowly, brown, 
imetimes there is an anterior brown fascia, interrupted by the claval suture. 

olotype $, from Aniseed Valley, Nelson, New Zealand (coll. E.S. Gourlay, 29/12/53) in 
ie D.S.I.R. Collection, Nelson, New Zealand. Described from a long series of both sexes, 
me of which were labelled as having been collected on JVothofagus solandri. 

•ther locality records: Dun Mountain, 2,000 ft, Nelson. 

This is the sole representative of the Macropsinae to be recorded from New Zealand, 
he fact that it apparently feeds on JVothofagus is of considerable interest. 


The Agalliinae are a group of small, narrowly wedge-shaped leafhoppers, which are 
ostly brown in colour, though some are black, grey or scarlet. They are an abundant 
’oup, of wide distribution in all parts of the world, including New Guinea, but excepting 
ustralia, from where 1 species only has been recorded. This species is widely distributed 
. the continent and is probably an introduction. While, up to the present its country of 
'igin is not known with certainty, it probably is of Mediterranean origin. 

Fig. 26: Austroagallia torrida, face of head. 

Austroagallia Evans 

ustroagallia Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 70. 

wagallia Ribaut, Le Quesne, 1964, Proc.R.Ent.Soc. London (B) 33: 73. 

The face of the head is wider than long and the ante-clypeus, which is oval in shape, 
rojects for almost half its length beyond the anterior apices of the lora and maxillary plates, 
he lora conceal the maxillary plates anteriorly. The fronto-clypeus is almost parallel-sided, 
ie antennal ledges oblique, the 2 basal segments of the antennae large and the antennal 
spressions deep. The Y-shaped epicranial suture terminates above the antennal ledges, 
id the ocelli, which are facial in position, are closer to each other than to the eyes on each 
de. The crown of the head is of the same length as the adjacent sides of the eyes and 
iteriorly arched. The pronotum is slightly declivous anteriorly and narrow laterally and 


the scutellum has a transverse median depression. The tegmina narrow apically, and 
venation is complete except for the absence of cross-vein m-cu 2. The hind tibiae, which, 
slender, have 3 rows of long, widely spaced spines. 

Type species — Austroagallia torrida Evans. 

Austroagallia torrida Evans 
(Fig. 26) 

Austroagallia torrida Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 7 °* 

Nehela torrida (Evans), 1941, Proc.Roy.Soc. Queensland, 52: 11. 

Peragallia launensis Linnavuori, i960, Acta. En tom. Fenn. 15: 8 (syn.nov.). 

Length, <£, 3-5, ?, 4*8 mm. General coloration pale whitish-yellow, with, 

without, dark brown markings. Face of head (in dark form) pale yellow, maxillary pis 
muscle impressions on fronto-clypeus, external margin of the fronto-clypeus and sub-anten 
grooves, brown, dark brown or black; epicranial suture, antennal ledges, and an s 
adjoining the eyes, coffee-brown. On the vertex, visible both in facial and dorsal asp 
two or 3 large dark markings, the lateral ones, which are approximately circular in out! 
smaller than the central one. Pronotum yellowish, with two or four black, or brc 
markings, the anterior pair, which may be faintly developed, are larger and closer to e 
other than the posterior pair; also a median longitudinal dark stripe. Scutellum yell 
laterally black. Tegmen hyaline-white with, or without, pale brown markings proximo 
clavus brown, veins broadly pale yellow; apically vitreous; veins, dark brown. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Adelaide, South Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Wyndham, Perth (Western Australia); Darwin; Carnar 
Gorge, Maryborough (Queensland); Bandon Grove (New South Wales). 


This endemic sub-family contains, at present, a single genus. As some of the compr 
species differ considerably from each other in several features, they might seem to wan 
generic differentiation. Strong sexual dimorphism occurs and the sexes have been correk 
only in a few species. It is partly for this reason that no new genera have been created 
also because many of the various distinctive characters occur in overlapping combinat 
in the various species, thus making generic determination difficult. Leaf hoppers in 
sub-family are of uncertain relationships and though they superficially resemble til 
comprised in the cosmopolitan genus Idiocerus Lewis they would seem to lack close affii 
with them. 

Austroagalloides Evans 

Austro agalloides Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 7 1 * 

The face of the head, which is wider than long, is punctate. The labium exte 
to the base of the middle coxae and the labrum may be of normal size, or unusually v 
and swollen. The ante-clypeus is convex, oval, and narrow posteriorly. The fronto-clyj} 
is convex, and somewhat flattened medially, as far as the antennal ledges. The anten 
ledges, which are strongly developed, are transverse, or oblique, and sub-antennal gro<« 
are well developed. The eyes are very large and may be greater in width than half the sj 
between them. The head, posterior to the antennal ledges, is approximately at right am 
to the face and usually also to the crown. The ocelli are close to the apices of the lat 


ontal sutures and may be visible, or concealed, when the insect is viewed in dorsal aspect, 
he crown may be well defined and of equal length throughout, or longest against the eyes, 
it may merge with the vertical part of the head. The pronotum is transversely punctate, 
he tegmina, which are steeply tectiform, narrow apically and have normal venation. An 
ppendix is absent, or narrowly developed, and the veins may have spots on, or adjacent, 
> them. The hind tibiae are robust either with strong spines, or else slender with weak 

The males are considerably smaller than the females and the sexes may differ from 
ach other in coloration. 

ype species — Austroagalloides karoondae Evans. 

ig. 27: A, Austroagalloides karoondae; B, A. grisea, face of head; C, A. wrighti, head and thorax; D, A. 
bliquus, head and "thorax; E, A. maculata, male genitalia; F, A. brunnea, male genitalia; G, A. rosea , 


Austroagalloides karoondae Evans 
(Fig. 27, A) 

I ustroagalloides karoondae Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 71. 

Length, 5, $, 7-5 mm. Head pale yellowish-brown suffused with pink. Eabrum 
larrow ; ante-clypeus a truncated oval ; fronto-clypeus medially flattened ; eyes approximately 
Lalf the width of the intervening space. Crown distinct, of equal length with the adjacent 
ides of the eyes; vertical part of head narrowly visible, but not the ocelli, from above. 
i ronotum grey, anteriorly pale yellowish-brown with raised transverse black markings, 
regmen hyaline-grey with numerous raised round brown, or black, spots, which are not 
onfined to the veins and their margins; veins pale yellow. Hind tibiae robust with 4 rows 
>f evenly spaced spines. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Murat Bay, South Australia. 


Austroagalloides brunnea Evans 
(Fig. 27, F) 

iustroagalloides brunnea Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 7 2 - 

Length, ^,5, 6-i mm. General coloration, pale brown with a central black 

narking; uniformly pale brown. Head pale yellow; labrum narrow, ante-clypeus 


parallel-sided; fronto-clypeus medially flattened. Crown, of <$, pale brown with bla 
markings, well defined, slightly longer against the eyes than in the centre; of $, brown, r 
well defined and forming a continuous curved surface with the face. Ocelli not visible 
dorsal aspect. Pronotum, of < 3 \ pale brown with a wide, black, central marking whii 
continues onto the scutellum, except apically; of $, pronotum and scutellum, pale brow 
Tegmen, of pale hyaline-brown, clavus, posteriorly, black; of $, pale hyaline-brow! i 
Veins pale brown with indistinct raised spots. Hind tibia slender with a few weak spin<i| 
Male genitalia as in Fig. 27, F. 

Type Location — Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Type Locality — Canberra, A.C.T. 

Austroagalloides grisea Evans 
(Fig. 27, B) 

Austroagalloides grisea Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 71. 

Austroagalloides agalliae Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 72 (syn.nov.). 

Austroagalloides Jlavus Evans, 1939, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 63: 46 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 5-2, 7 mm. General coloration biscuit colour. Face of head, ant 

clypeus, maxillary plates and lora white; fronto-clypeus pinkish-yellow. Labrum broac* 
ante-clypeus widest in centre. Vertical part of head pink; crown yellowish. Crown wo 
defined, wider against the eyes than in the centre. Ocelli not visible from above. Pronotu 
pinkish-grey, anteriorly smooth ; posteriorly with raised transverse black markings. Scutellio 
grey, smooth. Tegmen, vitreous or hyaline, sometimes with two dark brown markings c 
the clavus; veins and hind margin, cherry-red; veins with raised spots. Hind tibiae slende 
armed with delicate spines. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Canberra, A.C.T. 

Known distribution elsewhere - — Adelaide (South Australia); Cabramatta (New South Wales 1 
Meredith, Timbertop (Victoria); King George’s Sound (Western Australia). 

Austroagalloides maculata Evans 
(Fig. 27, E) 

Austroagalloides maculata Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 151. 

Length, 5 mm. General coloration, orange yellow. Head orange yellow, eyc*i 
red. Labrum narrow; ante-clypeus parallel-sided. Crown well defined, slightly lorgo 
against the eyes than in the centre; vertical part of face, but not ocelli, narrowly visit)] ! 
from above. Pronotum deep orange-yellow flecked with small raised transverse blac;: 
markings. Scutellum yellow with a few raised black spots antero-medially ; apex separate! 
from the rest by an anteriorly directed semi-circular ridge. Tegmen pale hyaline orange**! 
yellow with numerous raised dark brown spots, lying especially along the veins; apicall' 
black. Thorax and abdomen, ventral surface orange-yellow. Hind tibiae orange wit.J 
strong, short dark brown spines. Male genitalia as in Fig. 27, E. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 


Austroagalloides obliquus (Walker) 

(Fig. 27, D) 

Bythoscopus obliquus Walker, 1858, List. Homopt.Brit.Mus., Supplement, 267. 

Length, 9 , 8 mm. General coloration evenly brownish-yellow with no other colour 
markings. Labrum narrow; ante-clypeus parallel-sided. Crown wider against the eyes 
than in the centre, ocelli not visible in dorsal aspect. 

Type Location. — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mt Kosciusko (New South Wales); Lancefield (Victoria). 

Austroagalloides rosea Evans 
(Figs. 8, A; 27, G) 

Austroagalloides rosea Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 71. 

Austroagalloides nigra Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 73. 

Length, 6-8 mm; $, 8-10. General coloration <$, black; $, pinkish. Face 
of head, pale yellow, suffused with pink. Labrum narrow. Ante-clypcus, of narrow 
posteriorly, of 9 ? parallel-sided. Grown well defined, black or pinkish-yellow, widest against 
the eyes; ocelli not visible from above. Pronotum, of <£, pale greyish brown, of 9 , pink; 
both with irregular black markings anteriorly and transverse black spots posteriorly. 
Scutellum of black, of 9 > pinkish, the lateral angles and 2 median round markings, black. 
Tegmen pale hyaline brown, or, vitreous; veins in $ pink with raised spots, the costal 
border sometimes broadly pink; in pink, pale border or black. Hind tibia slender, with 
small spines. Male genitalia as in Fig. 8, A; 27, G. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Leura, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Black Mountain (A.C.T.); Mt Buller (Victoria); Lake St Clair 
(Tasmania); Kiandra (New South Wales). 

Austroagalloides wrighti Evans 
(Fig. 27, C) 

Austroagalloides wrighti Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 73. 

Length, 9 ? 7 mm - General coloration pale brown, or buff, with dark grey markings. 
Width of head 3-5 mm. Face pale yellowish-brown, the fronto-clypeus, which is convex, 
somewhat darker. Labium short, extending to middle coxae. Ante-clypeus parallel-sided. 
Posterior vertical part of face, and crown of head, with an irregular pattern of yellow and 
black. Crown well defined, of even length; ocelli visible in dorsal aspect. Pronotum, 
anteriorly brownish-yellow with irregular black markings; posteriorly grey with raised 
transverse black markings. Scutellum rugose, marked with a pattern of light and dark 
brown. Tegmen, vitreous; veins brown with brown spots lying alongside the principal 
veins; venation reticulate. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Karoonda, South Australia. 


:egmina are long and narrow, R terminates at the apex of the tegmen as a single vein, 
ccessory costal veinlets may be present and Mi + 2 is short. The hind tibiae have 3 rows 
>f long, but not strong, spines, 1 row of which is mounted on enlarged bases. 

Type species — Idiocerus stigmaticollis Lewis (= adustus H.S.). 

Twenty-nine species of Idiocerus are listed below. These comprise only a small 
proportion of the very abundant fauna of the species in this genus which occur in Australia. 
The following annotated list of species is given to aid identification in a simpler fashion than 
:ould be provided by a Key. 

Described Australian representatives of the Genus Idiocerus 





I Candidas 

lesmurdensis * 









x ant ho 
















2-2 ( 9) whitish with brown markings W.A. 

2 -4 ( <3) golden yellow Kangaroo Is. 

2-8 ( 9) green W.A. 

3 yellowish-suffused with pink N.S.W. 

3 ( 9) thorax yellow, tegmina green W.A. 

3 ( 9) thorax yellowish-brown, tegmina whitish- Kangaroo Is. 


3-2 ( 9) 



3'5 ( 9 ) 







brownish with hyaline spots on tegmina 


3'7 ( 9 ) 

greyish-yellow suffused with orange 


4 ( 9 ) 



4 ( 9 ) 



4 ( 9 ) 



4 ( 9 ) 

thorax yellow, tegmina with a longitudinal 


4 ( 9 ) 



4'5 ( 9) 



4-5 ( 9 ) 


Kangaroo Is. 

4'5 ( 9) 

greenish testaceous with dark spots on 


4'5 ( 3) 
6 ( 9) 

yellowish-pink, black spots on pronotum, 
tegmina brown 

Kangaroo Is. 

4-5 ( 9) 

longitudinal coloured stripes on pronotum, 
scutellum pink, tegmina hyaline greenish- 


4-8 ( «J) 

tegmen with an elongate zig-zag smoky 



pale creamy grey, may be pinkish 


5 (3) 



5’5 ( 3) 

pinkish-brown; tegmina brown with 2 
hyaline white fascia 


5'5 ( 3, 9) 

testaceous and pink with prominent 


6 ( 9) 

greyish- white with fuscous fasciae on 


6-5 ( 3) 

pale testaceous tinged with green 


6-8 ( ?) 

yellow, in part pink 


8 ( 3) 

9 ( 9 ) 



1963 , Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935 : 80 . 



This group of leafhoppers is of almost universal distribution as is also the genus 
Idiocerus itself. The principal distinguishing features are the facial position of the ocelli, the 
presence of a broad, but not produced, crown and tegmina with wide appendices which i 
overlap apically. In the male genitalia the ninth abdominal segment characteristically 
narrows ventrally and the long, narrow, or broad, sub-genital plates are almost twice the 
length of the parameres. Six of the 7 genera recorded from Australia are endemic and of: 
these three are confined to Kangaroo Island and two to Western Australia, both areas from 
which there have been recorded also several endemic species belonging to the genus Icliocerus. 
One introduced species is recorded from New Zealand. 

Key to the Genera of the Idiocerinae occurring in Australia 

1. Tegmen with vein M 1 + 2 present (Fig. 28, H) 2 

Tegmen with vein M 1 + 2 absent Pedioscopus Kirkaldy 

2. (1) Ante- and post-clypeus flat, or forming a continuous slightly curved surface 6 

Not as above , n 1 

3. (2) Ante-clypeus sharply angular; ocelli not adjacent to apices of frontal and epicranial 

sutures Gnatia Evans 

Ante-clypeus not sharply angular; ocelli adjacent to apices of frontal sutures 4 

4. (3) Hind tibia with a single strong spine mounted on an enlarged base, as well as other 

smaller spines; ante-clypeus flat anteriorly, steeply convex posteriorly 

* • • * * . . Austrocerus Evans 

Hind tibia with 2 strong spines mounted on enlarged bases, and 4 additional smaller 
spines also mounted on enlarged bases; ante-clypeus not as above 5 

5. (4) Ante-clypeus swollen, anteriorly declivous Idiocerella Evans 

Ante-clypeus flat and depressed below the level of the post-clypeus 

Tumocerus Evans 

6. (2) Face of head emarginate in front of the eyes Zaletta Metcalf 

Face of head not emarginate in front of eyes 7 : 

7 * (^) Eora on the same plane as the maxillary plates. In the $, ovipositor not extending 
beyond the apices of the folded tegmina Icliocerus Eewis 

Lora swollen, raised above the level of the maxillary plates. In the ovispositor 
extending beyond the apices of die folded tegmina .... Musgraviella gen.nov. 

Idiocerus Lewis 

Idiocerus Lewis, 1836, Trans. Ent.Soc.Lond. 1: 47. 

Slender, delicate insects, the Australian representatives of the genus ranging in size 
! om 3 "b I ^ nm - On the face of the head the labium extends tc between the middle coxae, 
the ante-clypeus is widest anteriorly and the lora, do not quite reach as far as the anterior 
ma Jp n maxillai y plates. The post-clypeus, anterior to the eyes, is on the same plane 

as tie a jacent genae^ The antennal ledges are not well developed, excepting adjacent to 
the irontal sutures. The ocelli are adjacent to the apices of the frontal sutures and the 
epiciamal suture is usually not retained. The crown is of even length with the adjacent 
sides ot the eyes, the pronotum is transversely striated and the scutellum large. The 


Fig. 28: A, Idiocerus kirkaldyi, face of head; B, I. lacustris, head; C, Idiocerus cupreus, head; D, Ideocerus 
leurensis , head; E, Idiocerus swani, head; F, Idiocerus macropensis, head; G, Tumocerus varius , $, head; FI, 

Gnatia angustata, tegmen; I, Tumocerus varius , male genitalia; J, Z aletta rninutus, head; K, Musgraviella 
tasmamensis , head; L, M. tasmaniensis , tegmen; M, Austrocerus emarginatus , head; N, Idiocerella obscura, head. 

Idiocerus leurensis Evans 

(Fig. 28, D) 

Idiocerus leurensis Evans, 1934, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 58: 167. 

Length, c?, 8, $,9 mm. General coloration greenish-yellow. Face of head almost 
as long as wide, flat; antennal ledges distinct, extending as far as eyes; antennal depressions 
deep. Crown of head of even length with the eyes, sometimes with a small circular brown 
spot adjacent to the eyes on each side. Tegmen pale hyaline-yellowish; veins colourless. 

Type Location Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra . 

Type Locality — Leura, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere— Blundells (A.C.T.); Sawpit Creek, Mt Kosciusko (New South 

Idiocerus luteus Evans 

Idiocerus luteus Evans, 19425 Trans. Roy. Soc.W.Aust. 27: 150. 

Length, $ , 4 mm. Head slightly convex, yellow; eyes black. Fronotum proximally. 
bionze-hyaline yellow, distally hyaline-brown; veins yellow. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 


Idiocerus macropensis Evans 
(Fig. 28, F) 

Idiocerus macropensis Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 65: 37. 

Length, $, 3 mm. Face of head almost flat, pale biscuit-colour with a posterior 
rectangular grey area; eyes black; antennal ledges lacking. Crown pale brown and pale 
■yellowish-brown with 2 small black spots close to the anterior margin. Pronotum concolorous 
with the crown. Tegmen dull whitish-grey; veins white. Thorax, ventral surface black. 
Abdomen, ventral surface, pale biscuit colour. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Flinders Chase, Kangaroo Island. 

Idiocerus cupreus (Walker) 

(Fig. 28, C) 

Bythoscopus cupreus Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 3: 871. 

Idiocerus seckeri Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 79 (syn.nov.). 

Length 5-5 mm. Head pale pinkish-yellow. Pronotum concolorous with the 
head. Scutellum pinkish-brown. Tegmen hyaline-brown with 2 hyaline white fasciae; 
costal margin between the fasciae, reddish-brown; veins pink. Thorax, ventral surface 
white with black markings; legs pale yellow. Abdomen, ventral surface black, hind border 
of each segment, white. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Australia. 

Idiocerus divisus Evans 

Idiocerus divisus Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 80. 

Length, Q, 4 mm. General coloration yellowish-pink, eyes dark brown. Fronto- 
clypeus swollen. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Bruce Rock, Western Australia. 

Idiocerus aulonias Kirkaldy 

Idiocerus aulonias Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 34. 

Length, 5 mm. “ Close to /. kisseis but pale creamy-grey in general colour,, 
though may be more or less rosy, or, reddish.” 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Idiocerus candidus Evans 

Idiocerus candidus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy. Soc.W.Aust. 27: 151. 

Length, 2*2 mm. Head, ante-clypeus, maxillary plates and lora, white with dark 
brown markings; vertex pale brown mottled with brown; eyes brown. Pronotum grey 
mottled with brown. Scutellum yellowish-white, muscle impressions brown. Tegmen, 


claval and costal areas white; remainder hyaline-grey irregularly suffused with brown. 
Thorax, ventral surface, brown. Abdomen, ventral surface and legs yellow. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dongarra, Western Australia. 

Idiocerus coloratus Evans 
Idiocerus coloratus , 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 150. 

Length, 9,4 mm. Head slightly convex, yellow; eyes black. Pronotum concolorous 
with the head. Scutellum apricot. Tegmen proximally bronze-hyaline-yellow, distally 
hyaline brown; veins yellow. Hind tibia pale green with 2 rows of dark brown spines. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Idiocerus cupido Kirkaldy 

Idiocerus cupido Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 34. 

Length, 3 mm. Head, pronotum and scutellum and underside pale yellowish, often 
suffused with rosy. Tegmen pale yellowish-testaceous suffused with rosy; veins rosy; apex 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Idiocerus flindersi Evans 

Idiocerus jlindersi Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 65: 37. 

Length, 9 > 4 '5 nun. Head pale biscuit, eyes dull red; ante-clypeus medially 
depressed, lora swollen ; fronto-clypeus antero-medially convex, posteriorly flat. Pronotum 1 
and scutellum, pale biscuit. Tegmen vitreous; veins apically pale brown. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Flinders Chase, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. 

Idiocerus fucatus Evans 

Idiocerus fucatus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 150. 

Length, $, 3-5 mm. Head, ventral surface apricot, eyes red. Crown narrow, of 
even length throughout; length of each eye equal to half the length of crown. Pronotum 
and scutellum apricot. Tegmen including the veins, golden-hyaline; vein Mi + 2 in 
continuous alignment with the proximal branch of R. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 


Idiocerus geoffroyi Distant 

Idiocerus geojjroyi Distant, 1908, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 52: 99. 

Length, 5*3, ?, 6 mm. Face of head brownish-yellow, with small, irregularly 

shaped brown markings on the fronto-clypeus, an irregularly shaped brown marking near 
each ocellus and a pair of widely spaced black spots posteriorly. Pronotum pale yellowish, 
or greyish, with an area of mottled dark brown markings behind each eye and sometimes 
a pair of posterior round black spots. Scutellum pinkish-brown with a pair of broad, 
irregular, black stripes and anteriorly a pair of triangular black markings. Tegmen pale, 
or dark smoky hyaline with a broad, transverse, hyaline-white fascia; apically hyaline. The 
2 hyaline areas may be confluent. Ventral surface of thorax and abdomen black with yellow 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Known Locality — Peak Downs, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Canberra (A.C.T.); Timbertop (Victoria). 

Idiocerus hyleorias Kirkaldy 

Idiocerus hyleorias Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 34. 

Length, 4-8 mm. ct Resembles I. aulonias but is smaller and narrower. Tegmen 
with a somewhat elongate zigzag smoky line down the middle. Last sternite of $, sub- 
truncate. Slightly notched in the middle.” 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Idiocerus inconsequens Evans 
Idiocerus inconsequens Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 80. 

Length, $, 4-5 mm. General coloration yellowish-green. 
Type Location — Australian Museum (missing). 

Type Locality — Emerald, Victoria. 

Idiocerus insularis Evans 

Idiocerus insularis Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 65: 37. 

Length, 2*5 mm. Face of head evenly convex; ante- and fronto-clypeus apricot, 
eyes purplish-brown, ocelli black; lora and maxillary plates biscuit-colour; an oval area 
against the hind margin of the face, purplish-brown. Crown of head medially, pale 
purplish-brown, laterally apricot, slightly longer in the centre than against the eyes. 
Pronotum and scutellum golden-yellow. Tegmen, golden-yellow, apically hyaline. Thorax 
and abdomen, ventrally pale biscuit. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum (missing). 

Type Locality — Flinders Chase, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. 


Idiocerus kirkaldyi Evans 

(Fig. 28, A) 

Idiocerus kirkaldyi Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935 - 79 - 

Length, ?, 6-8 mm. Head flat, yellow suffused with pink with 2 circular black 
markings on the vertex close to the eyes. Pronotum yellow suffused with pink with 2 black 
markings behind the eyes, close to the posterior border. Scutellum marked with a pattern 
of black and pinkish-yellow. Tegmen hyaline, apically grey, costal margin black; veins; 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Leura, New South Wales. 

Idiocerus kissels Kirkaldy 

Idiocerus kisseis Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 32. 

Length, $, 5-5 mm. Head pale testaceous, posteriorly pale pink; vertex with 
4 black markings, the two larger, visible dorsally and farther from each other than the smaller 
pair. Pronotum greyish-pink. Scutellum pale pink with 3 testaceous spots. Tegmen pale 
olive testaceous, more or less greenish-iridescent. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

Idiocerus lacustris Evans 
(Fig. 28, B) 

Idiocerus lacustris Evans, 1942, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1941 : 28. 

Length, 5 mm. General coloration, yellowish-green. Face of head convex, 
crown wider in the centre than against the eyes. Pronotum shorter than the scutellum. 
Tegmen hyaline green, apically brown; venation indistinct. Ventral surface of thorax and 
abdomen, pale green. Hind tibia with 4 spines set on prominent bases in addition to 2 other 
large spines in the same row. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Lake St Clair, Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mt Kosiusko, New South Wales. 

Idiocerus napais Kirkaldy 

Idiocerus napais Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 34. 

Length, 6-5 mm. “Pale testaceous, more or less tinged with green. Tegmen 
hyaline.” Male genitalia, “pygophor long, narrow, apically acute, turned outwards a 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 


Idiocerus nereias Kirkaldy 

Idiocerus nereias Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 34. 

Length, $, 3-7 mm. Pale greyish-yellow, more or less suffused with orange, sub- 
iridescent. Head and eyes much wider than, and strongly decumbent on, the pronotum. 
Vertex dorsally about as wide in the middle as at the eyes, gently rounded anteriorly; 
fronto-clypeus rounded in profile; ante-clypeus, wider apically than at the base. Venation 
of tegmen, obscure. Last abdominal sternite of $ slightly emarginate roundly”. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Idiocerus nymphias Kirkaldy 

Idiocerus nymphias Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 33. 

Length, 3-5 mm. General coloration, greyish-testaceous. Head with 2 small spots 
on the facial part of the vertex. Scutellum with 2 small wedge-shaped spots anteriorly, 
partly concealed by the pronotum. Tegmen with veins red, or, brownish. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Collected on — Melaleuca. 

Idiocerus oreias Kirkaldy 

Idiocerus oreias Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 33. 

Length, 3-5 mm. “ Differs from /. nymphias in having brownish-fuscous tegmina 
which have 2 larger and 1 smaller translucent spot at the middle in a transverse row, the 
innermost being on the clavus.” 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Mittagong, New South Wales. 

Idiocerus orodemnias Kirkaldy 

Idiocerus orodemnias Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 33. 

Length, 4-5 mm. “ Head, pronotum and scutellum greenish-testaceous, much 
discoloured especially on the head. Tegmen hyaline-cinereous, a blackish, or dark fuscous, 
spot at the junction of the clavus, corium and membrane and another at the apex of the 
basal part of the subcostal cell; veins greenish-testaceous, partly suffused with dark fuscous. 
Legs greenish testaceous. Last sternite of $ sub- truncate.” 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 


Idiocerus rubens Evans 

Idiocerus rubens Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 150. 

Length, $, 3*2 mm. Head, pronotum and scutellum bright red, sparsely mottled 
with pale brownish-yellow; eyes black. Crown slightly wider in the centre than against 
the eyes. Tegmen proximally hyaline-red with irregular whitish markings, distally vitreous; 
veins pink. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Southern Cross, Western Australia. 

Idiocerus swani Evans 

Idiocerus swani Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 65: 37. 

Length, 4-5, 2 , 6 mm. Head biscuit-coloured, posteriorly suffused with pink; 

eyes dark reddish-brown. Face of head in 2 planes separated from each other at the level 
of the antennae. Fronto-clypeus anteriorly convex, posteriorly flat. Crown with a pair 
of small black spots adjacent to the eyes on each side. Pronotum yellowish-pink, with 2 
large black spots in line with the internal margins of the eyes. Scutellum marked with a 
variable pattern of black, yellow and pinkish brown. Tegmen hyaline brown; veins pink, 
excepting for the first anal vein, which is white. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Flinders Chase, Kangaroo Island. 

Idiocerus tambourinus Evans 

Idiocerus tambourinus Evans, 1942, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1941: 28. 

Length, 4-5 mm. Face of head, ante-clypeus, lora and maxillary plates yellow; 
fronto-clypeus yellow except for a median rose-pink area posteriorly; vertex and eyes rose 
pink; ocelli yellow and 2 yellow muscle impressions between the ocelli and the hind margin 
of the head. Crown of even length throughout. Pronotum with a median pink longitudinal 
stripe margined with yellowish-grey, pink, black, red and yellow zones. These are not 
distinct stripes, but merge into each other. Scutellum deep pink, muscle impressions black, 
regmen hyaline greenish-yellow; apex smoky-brown with a broad, black, band merging 
into pink against the hind border. Thorax and abdomen ventrally pale yellowish-green. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality Tambourine Mountains, Queensland. 

Idiocerus viridiceps Evans 

Idiocerus viridiceps Evans, 1942, Trans.Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 151. 

fi h 2 mm * General coloration green. Veins on tegmen margined with 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dongarra, Western Australia. 


Idiocerus xantho Kirkaldy 

Idiocerus xantho Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 33. 

Length, $, 4-4*2 mm. “ Head, pronotum and scutellum yellow, or orange yellow. 
Tegmen hyaline, sub-iridescent, tinged with cinereous, a darkish fuscous longitudinal stripe 
down the middle of the tegmen and a fuscous spot at the apex of the clavus. Last stermte 
of $ truncate. 55 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

Idiocerus ipo Kirkaldy 

Idiocerus ipo Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 466. 

Length, ?, 4*1 mm. “General coloration bright greenish or greenish-yellow. 
Pronotum, except lateral margins, scutellum, axillary cell of clavus, crimson. Lyes black. 
Tegmen hyaline tinged with greenish basally and exteriorly; veins greenish. Last 
abdominal segment of ? very obtusangularly emarginate; ovipositor crimson. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Brisbane, Queensland. 

Idiocerus distinguendus Kirschbaum 

Idiocerus distinguendus Kirschbaum, 1868 (see Metcalf, Bibliography). 

Length L 4 2 , 5 mm. Face of head pale yellow; crown brownish-yellow with 2 

small circular brown ’markings, nearer to the eyes than to each other. Pronotum concolorous 
with the crown, with 2 pairs of small circular brown markings, the pair nearest the crown 
closer to each other than are the other pair. Scutellum marked with a pattern of grey and 
yellow. Tegmen pale hyaline brown with 2 irregular broken transverse white iasciae. 

This European insect has been introduced into, and established in New Zealand, 
where it feeds on Populus. 

Austrocerus Evans 

Austrocerus Evans, 194L Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 65. 37 - 

The ante-clypeus is flat anteriorly and steeply convex posteriorly and the fronto- 
clvpeus is narrow and convex anterior to the antennae. Posterior to the antennae the : face 
of the head is evenly rounded. The maxillary plates are narrow and emarginate and the 
apices of the frontal sutures are directed inwards. The crown is wide and the coronal suture 
distinct. The hind tibia has i spine set on a prominent base in a row containing 4 other 


Type species — Austrocerus emarginatus Evans. 


Austrocerus emarginatus Evans 
(Fig. 28, M) 

Austrocerus emarginatus Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 65: 39. 

Length, $, 3 mm. Face of head, biscuit colour; eyes lemon. Crown longer in the 
centre than against the eyes, medially apricot, laterally biscuit colour. Pronotum, scutellum 
and tegmen, apricot. Thorax and abdomen ventrally biscuit. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Flinders Chase, Kangaroo Island. 

Gnatia Evans 

Gnatia Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 150. 

The ante-clypeus is angularly swollen, the hind margin of the fronto-clypeus distinct 
and the ocelli not closely adjacent to the posterior corners of the fronto-clypeus. The crown 
of the head is of even length throughout and the tegmina, which are long and narrow, have 
wide appendices. The hind tibiae, which are short, have 2 spines mounted on enlarged 
bases in addition to several weak spines. 

Type species — Gnatia angustata Evans. 

Gnatia angustata Evans 
(Fig. 28, H) 

Gnatia angustata Evans, 1942, Trans.Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 150. 

Length, 5 mm. Face of head, ante-clypeus pale brown; lora, maxillary plates 
and vertex, anteriorly, whitish; fronto-clypeus chestnut-brown mottled with dark brown. 
Pronotum anteriorly pinkish-yellow, remainder grey. Scutellum pinkish-brown; muscle 
impressions brown. Tegmen hyaline grey with a dark brown fascia; veins pale brown 
bordered with a double row of fine hairs. Thorax ventrally black; abdomen yellow. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Idiocerella Evans 

Idiocerella Evans, 1941, Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 65: 39. 

On the face of the head the ante-clypeus is swollen and anteriorly declivous and 
posteriorly narrow. I he fronto-clypeus is evenly rounded and narrow and the frontal sutures 
paiallel. The crown of the head is wide and the coronal suture short. The hind tibia has 
2 spines set on prominent bases in a row containing 4 other spines. 

Type species — Idiocerella obscura Evans. 


Idiocerella obscura Evans 
(Fig. 28, N) 

Idiocerella obscura Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 65: 39. 

Length, $, 3-5 mm. Face of head pale buff, eyes lemon-yellow. Crown slightly 
anteriorly produced, longer in centre than against the eyes. Pronotum dull buff, wide, with 
the hind border medially emarginate. Scutellum and tegmen dull buff. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum (missing). 

Type Locality — Flinders Chase, Kangaroo Island. 

Pedioscopus Kirkaldy 

Pedioscopus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 349. 

This genus which differs from Idiocerus in lacking vein Mi + 2 in the tegmen may be 
identical with Busonia Distant. 

Type Species — Pedioscopus philenor Kirkaldy. 

Pedioscopus philenor Kirkaldy 

Pedioscopus philenor Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9); 349. 

Pedioscopus agenor Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 349 (syn.nov.). 

Pedioscopus polydoros Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 349 (syn.nov.). 

Length, <£, 4 mm. Head and pronotum pale greyish-yellow, sometimes with well 
or ill-defined, black markings. Tegmen hyaline sometimes basally yellowish; the vein 
sometimes more or less smoky. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Tumocerus Evans 
Tumocerus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy. Soc.W.Aust. 27: 149. 

On the face of the head the maxillary plates are narrow and the lora and ante-clypeus 
flat and depressed below the swollen fronto-clypeus. The crown is as long, or longer, than 
the eyes and though approximately at right angles to the face forms part of the same curved 
surface and the ocelli are visible in dorsal aspect. The epicranial suture may be present or 
absent. The pronotum narrows laterally and the bases of the tegmina lie close behind the 
eyes. The tegmina have wide appendices and the cross-vein representing Mi + 2 is unusually 
long. The hind tibiae, which are short, have 2 strong spines set on enlarged bases in addition 
to several weak spines. 

Type species — Tumocerus varius Evans. 


Tumocerus varius Evans 
(Fig. 28, G, I) 

‘ Tumocerus varius Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy. SocAV.Aust. 27* 149- 

Length, <J, 4 mm. Face of head, apart from the hind margin of the fronto-clypeus, 
yellow, sometimes with extensive black markings; eyes dark brown, ocelli red. Crown 
longer in the centre than against the eyes, yellow suffused with brown medially and with 2 
circular black markings. Pronotum brownish-grey or brown. Scutellum yellow with 2 
triangular brown markings close to the centre; muscle impressions black. Tegmen hyaline, 
partly suffused with brown; veins dark brown. Thorax and abdomen, ventrally yellow, 
legs brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 28, I. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Tumocerus grandis Evans 

Tumocerus grandis Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 149. 

Length, $, 5-5 mm. Head pale buff, eyes dark brown. Crown with 2 circular 
black markings, longer in the centre than against the eyes. Pronotum concolorous with 
the crown. Scutellum with 2 small brown spots situated on each side of the centre; muscle 
impressions dark brown. Tegmen pale hyaline-brown; veins brown. Thorax and abdomen, 
ventrally pale buff. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Kiata (Victoria). 

Tumocerus merredinensis Evans 

Tumocerus merredinensis Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 149. 

Tumocerus glaucus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 149 (syn.nov.). 

Length, & 5, $,4 mm. Face of head pale yellowish-grey, eyes red. Crown of 

even length throughout, narrowly pale yellowish-green against the eyes, medially pink, with 
2 marginal large black spots. Pronotum, antero-laterally pale yellowish-green, medially 
pink. Scutellum apricot. Tegmen proximally, membrane and veins, pale yellowish-green; 
distally hyaline-brown, or, evenly pale hyaline-brown; veins pale or dark brown. Thorax 
and abdomen ventrally, and legs, pale yellowish-green. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Merriden, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Dedari (Western Australia). 

Zaletta Metcalf 

Macrocerus Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 65: 39 (preoccupied). 
Zaletta Metcalf, 1952, J. Wash. Acad. Soc. 42: 229 (nom.nov.). 


The ante-clypeus and the fronto-clypeus are wide and almost flat and the maxillary 
plates are narrow and depressed below the level of the lora. The frontal sutures are directed 
laterally at their posterior apices and the ocelli are sunk in slight depressions. The crown 
of the head is long and the coronal suture short. The hind tibiae have 2 spines on prominent 
bases in a row containing 4 other spines. 

Type species — Macrocerus minutus Evans. 

Zaletta minutus (Evans) 

(Fig. 28, J) 

Macrocerus minutus Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 65: 39. 

£aletta minutus (Evans), Metcalf, 1952, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 41: 229 (nom.nov.). 

Length, <J, 3 mm. Face of head lemon-yellow, eyes greenish-yellow. Crown slightly 
longer in the centre than against the eyes. Pronotum, scutellum and tegmcn, pale buff. 
Thorax and abdomen, ventrally, pale biscuit-colour. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Flinders Chase, Kangaroo Island. 

Musgraviella gen. no v. 

On the face of the head, the labium extends to the base of the hind coxae. The ante- 
clypeus is hour-glass shaped and the fronto-clypeus, which is evenly convex anterior to the 
antennae, is almost flat posteriorly. The lora, which are lobe-like and thickened, have 
straight external margins which are raised above the level of the adjacent maxillary plates. 
They narrowly conceal the maxillary plates anteriorly, on either side of the ante-clypeus. 
The antennal ledges are short and well-defined and the ocelli, which are facial in position, 
are adjacent to the apices of the slightly curved frontal sutures. The crown is of even length 
throughout and equal in length to the eyes. The pronotum which is two and a half times 
the length of the crown, is transversely striated. The tegmen is apically broad and has a 
wide appendix; Mi +2, up to its junction with Rs, is unusually long (Fig. 28, L). The 
hind tibiae, have 3 rows of evenly distributed strong spines and the row of shortest spines is 
mounted on enlarged bases. In the female, the ovipositor extends considerably beyond the 
folded tegmina. 

Type species — Musgraviella tasmaniensis sp.nov. 

Musgraviella differs from Idiocerus in the shape of the face of the head, in the shape of 
the tegmen, and in the relative greater length of the ovipositor. 

Musgraviella tasmaniensis sp.nov. 

(Fig. 28, K, L) 

Length, $, to apex of folded tegmina, 5 mm; to apex of ovipositor 6 mm. Face of 
head, pale brownish-yellow with a regular coffee-coloured pattern. Pronotum, anteriorly 
brownish-yellow, posteriorly ochreous-brown with numerous small brown spots. Scutellum 
whitish with brown markings. Tegmen, hyaline, colourless; veins brown with white bars. 
Holotype , §, from Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania (coll. A. Musgrave, 1/28) in the Australian 



The Coelidiinae, which are richly represented in both the New and the Old World 
tropics, including New Guinea have, in Australia, been recorded only from the coastal area 
of Queensland and northern New South Wales, where they form part of the late Indo-Malayan 
fauna. Those representatives which occur in Australia may be recognised by their long 
antennae and somewhat fulgoroid appearance. 

Tharra Kirkaldy 

Tharra Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug. Ass. Exp. Sta. 1 (9): 324. 

The face of the head is longer than wide and the labium extends to the base of the 
hind coxae. The ante-clypeus widens anteriorly and the fronto-clypeus is wider, posterior to 
the antennae, than in front of them. The antennae are approximately twice the length of 
the head and the eyes, which lie on a lower level than the fronto-clypeus, are approximately 
the same length as the latter. The crown of the head is parallel-sided, and has a median 
carina. It is longer than the pronotum and raised above the level of the eyes. The ocelli 
are on the declivous anterior margin of the crown. The pronotum, which is collar-like, is 
punctate. The tegmina which widen posteriorly, lack vein Mi +2, and have extensive 

Type species — Tharra labena Kirkaldy. 

Fig. 29 : Tharra labena , A, face of head; B, whole insect; C, tegmen. 

Tharra labena Kirkaldy 

( Fi g- 29) 

Tharra labena Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug. Ass. Exp. Sta. 1 (9): 324. 

Length, $, 5-3 mm. General coloration golden brown. Face of head, anteriorly 
pale brown, posteriorly, reddish, or purplish-brown. Crown pale brown. Pronotum and 
scutellum dark brown. Tegmen hyaline golden-brown, apically smoky; veins red. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu (part of tegmen only, preserved). 

Type Locality — Kuranda, North Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — near Lismore (New South Wales). 


Tharra leai Evans 

Tharra leai Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Aust. 65: 41. 

Length, $, 6 mm. General coloration dark brown. Face of head uniformly 

pale coffee-colour. Crown, pronotum and scutellum dark brown. Tegmen brownish-yellow, 
or smoky, or purplish-brown, sometimes with a circular white marking close to the stem of 
Rla; veins dark brown. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Tharra hackeri sp.nov. 

Length, 5 mm. General coloration, yellowish-brown. Face of head yellowish-, 
or, reddish-brown. Crown and thorax concolorous with the face. Tegmen, as far as the 
apex of the claval suture, hyaline yellowish-brown; distally of the apex of the claval suture, 
uniformly smoky-brown; veins concolorous with the tegmen. 

Holotype , <$, from National Park, Queensland (coll. H. Hacker, 12/23) m the Queensland 

T. hackeri differs from the type species in coloration, in particular in having the veins of the 
tegmen concolorous with the membrane and not bright red. 


This group of leafhoppers comprises insects which have two unusual structural 
features. One of these is the retention, in many representatives and especially in the nymphal 
stages, of the epistomal suture on the face of the head; sometimes also, there is a well-defined 
frontal region. 

The other feature is the continuation of the marginal vein of the hind wing onto the 
anal area of the wing. This characteristic occurs also among certain Krisnini, a tribe of 
the Jassinae which is not represented in Australia. Some species belonging to the genus 
Krisna Kirkaldy and to related genera, resemble Tartessus spp. also in certain cephalic 
features, and for this reason the 2 genera may have been derived from a common ancestral 
stock. They differ, however, in several other structural features, particularly in those 
relating to the pronotum and tegmina, and consequently are ascribed to different sub- 
families. Although the Tartessinae are essentially a group of endemic Australian insects, 
unlike most other such groups, they have, as well, representation in other parts of the world 
and occur in the Oriental region, on islands lying between Australia and Asia, and on certain 
Pacific Islands. 

Key to the Australian genera of the Tartessinae 

1. Uniformly green insects; crown of head narrowly, or broadly acute, if not acute, 

longer in the centre than against the eyes Stenotartessus Evans 

Insects not green in colour; crown of head, if well defined, equal in length with the 
eyes laterally 2 

2. (1) Labium terminating between hind coxae; pronotum anteriorly depressed; 

scutellum raised posteriorly Tartessoides Evans 

Labium not extending as far as hind coxae; pronotum and scutellum not as 
above 3 

] 90 

3. (2) Labium not extending as far as base of hind coxae; ante-clypeus usually somewhat 
swollen ; fronto-clypeus progressively widening posteriorly, or parallel-sided posterior 
to the antennae; venation of tegmen frequently irregular. . Tartessella Evans 

Labium extending to base of middle coxae; ante-clypeus hat; fronto-clypeus 
posteriorly, either parallel-sided, or inwardly curved near the level of the antennae; 
venation never irregular Tartessus Stal 

Tartessus Stal 

Tartessus Stal, 1865, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 22: 156. 

Species in this genus range from 4-12 mm in length and are mostly brown or black 
in colour, sometimes with a paler coloured pronotum and scutellum. The labium terminates 
between the middle coxae and the ante-clypeus is parallel-sided, or narrowest posteriorly. 
The maxillary plates are wide. The antennal ledges, which are transverse or oblique, are 
well defined and situated adjoining the centre of the eyes. An epistomal suture may be 
retained, so that a separate frontal region is discernible and the frons and the adjoining vertex 
are transversely wrinkled. The arms of the epicranial suture form a transverse ridge on 
the crown of the head and terminate close to the ocelli, which are marginal in position. The 
crown is of even length throughout, or widest against the eyes. The tegmina have complete 
venation and wide appendices which continue around their apices, and usually have a few 
spines at the apex of the hind margin of the clavus. An examination of the illustrations of 
the aedcagi of Tartessus spp. (Fig. 30, H-V) suggests that a critical study might disclose the 
need for the comprised species to be grouped into several genera rather than as at present 
into a single genus. The Australian fauna of leafhoppers in the genus Tartessus is an 
abundant one and very many species await description. 

Type species — By those opus malayus Stal (== ferruginous Walker). 

Tartessus australis (Walker) 

Bylhoscopus australis Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 3: 872. 

Length, 5*5 mm. General coloration very dark brown; each eye almost as long 
and wider than the whole of the crown. Face of head black with transverse yellow muscle 
impressions. Grown and pronotum black, the latter pale brown immediately behind the 
eyes. Scutellum black. Tegmen pale hyaline brown; veins dark brown. In the Holotype 
there are 2 cross veins, m-cui (this may represent an anomalous condition). 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — New Holland. 

Tartessus blundellensis Evans 
(Fig. 30, V) 

Tartessus blundellensis Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 55. 

Length, $, 9*5 mm. General coloration brown. Face of head, except for the 
ante-clypeus, which is pale straminaceous, pale coffee-coloured. Crown longer against the 
eyes than in the centre, comprising part of the frons anteriorly; ocelli on crown. Pronotum 
pale coffee-colour with irregular whitish markings. Scutellum dull olive brown. Tegmen 


Fig. 30: A, Tartessus issa, tegmen; B, T. spinosa , tegmen; C, T. fulvus, wing: D, T. flavipes, face of head; 
E, Tartessus sp., nymph; F, T. pulchellus, head and thorax; G, T. ip his, head and thorax; H, T. parvus , 
aedeagus; I, T. Jiavipes, aedeagus; J, T. evansi , aedeagus; K, T. fumus, aedeagus; L, T. mundarensis y 
aedeagus; M, T. ianassa, male genitalia; N, T. pallidus, aedeagus; O, T. rubrivenosus, aedeagus; P, T. 
latus, aedeagus; Q., T. ianthe, aedeagus; R, T. fulvus, aedeagus and paramere; S, T. iambe, aedeagus; 
T, T. rugosus, aedeagus; U, T. flaws, aedeagus; V, T. blundellenis, aedeagus and paramere. AED y 

aedeagus; PAR, paramere. 


pale hyaline brown; veins brown tinged with purple. Thorax and abdomen, ventral) 
surface, and legs, pale straminaceous, except for the bases of the spines on the hind tibiae,, 
which are dark brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 30, V. 

Type Location — Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Type Locality — Blundells, A.C.T. 

Tartessus evansi Metcalf 

(Fig. 30, J) 

Tartessus obscurus Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 54 (preoccupied). 

Tartessus evansi Metcalf, 1955, J.Wash.Acad.Sci. 45: 266 (nom.nov.). 

Length, 5 mm. General coloration, brown. Face of head pale brownish-yellow. 
Crown, longer against eyes than in centre; ocelli visible from above. Pronotum and scutellum, 
pale brown. Tegmen pale hyaline brown. Thorax and abdomen, ventrally, and legs, pale 
brownish-yellow. Male genitalia as in Fig. 30, J. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Leura, New South Wales. 

Tartessus flavipes Spanberg 
(Figs 4, A; 5, A, E; 30, D, I) 

Tartessus flavipes Spanberg, 1878, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 34: 351. 

Tartessus flavipes Spanberg, Linnavuori, 1956, Ann.Ent.Fenn. 22 (4): 176. 

Tartessus idyia Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 44. 

Tartessus io Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 46 (syn.nov.). 

Length, cJ, 6-6-8 mm; $, 6 -2-7 *2 mm. General coloration black or sordid-brown, 
with a white marking on the clavus apically. 

Face of head black, or brown; spaces between the muscle impressions on the post- 
clypeus yellowish-brown, or marked with a variable combination of bright yellow and black. 
Crown forming a continuous curved surface with the face, black, or black and yellow, widest 
against the eyes, which are longer than half the total width of the crown. Pronotum black, 
narrowly pale brown, or yellow, behind the eyes. Scutellum black, apically pale brown, or 
yellow, legmen smoky-brown, a white hyaline area adjoining a dark brown one at the 
anal margin of the clavus and another against the costal margin between Rla and Rib; 
apical cells distally, and appendix, dark smoky; veins black except the marginal vein, which 
is yellowish. Male genitalia as in Fig. 30, I. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Stockholm. 

Type Locality — North Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Stanthorpe (Queensland) ; Tooloom, Mittagong, Dorrigo (New 
South Wales); Lake Mountain, Dartmoor (Victoria). 

It is possible that the above species is a synonym of T. australis. 


Tartessus flavus Evans 
(Fig. 30, U) 

^artessus flavus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy. Soc.W.Aust. 27: 156. 

Length, 6 mm. Face of head pale apricot, ocelli red, eyes dark brown. Crown 
Dnsisting solely of the vertex, pale apricot. Pronotum and scutellum concolorous with the 
ead. Tegmen hyaline-apricot. Thorax and abdomen, ventrally and legs, apricot, the 
ases of the spines dark brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 30, U. 

ype Location — British Museum. 

ype Locality — Yanchep, Western Australia. 

Tartessus fulvus (Walker) 

(Fig. 30, R) 

'ythoscopus fulvus Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 866. 

'ythoscopus transversus Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 869. 

~artessus australicus Spanberg, 1878, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 351, 1878. 

~artessus australicus Spanberg, Linnavuori, 1956, Ann.Ent.Fenn. 22 (4): 178. 

'ythoscopus latifrons Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 869. 

'ythoscopus semicitrinus Walker, 1858, Ins.Saund.Homopt. 105. 

'ythoscopus signifrons Walker, 1858, Ins.Saund.Homopt. 106. 

~artessus subniger Signoret, 1880, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. 5 (4): 350. 

^artessus syrtidis Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 341. 

Length, (J, 8-9 mm; $, 9-10 mm. Face of head, of almost entirely black except 
or brown transverse muscle impressions; of $, ante-clypeus and lora pale yellowish, bordered 
/ith brown anteriorly and laterally; maxillary plates, pale yellowish; post-clypeus yellowish, 
ae dark brown or black, muscle impressions forming a fish-bone pattern; frons wider than 
•ost-clypeus and vertex, yellowish; posteriorly broadly dark brown or black. Crown, 
lightly longer against the eyes than in the centre forming one curved surface with the face, 
ellowish; ocelli barely visible from above. Pronotum and scutellum pale yellowish-brown, 
fegmen hyaline brown, with an obscure pale area between Cu2 and iA against the anal 
•order, or with one or two pale hyaline fasciae, of which the proximal one may extend 
cross the tegmen, and the distal one be restricted to the area adjacent to the costal margin. 
7 horax, ventrally black bordered with yellow; abdomen black. Legs pale yellow. Male 
enitalia as in Fig. 30, R. 

r ype Location — British Museum. 

r ype Locality — “ Australia ”. 

Cnown distribution — Warwick, Brisbane (Queensland) ; Sydney, Blackheath, Queanbeyan 
New South Wales); Mt Dandenong (Victoria); Cannington (Western Australia). 

2690 — 7 


Tartessus fumus Evans 
(Fig. 30, K) 

Tartessus fumus Evans, 1942, Trans.Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 155. 

Length, 6-5 mm. Head yellow; crown incorporating part of the fronto-clypei 
anteriorly. _ Pronotum and scutellum yellow. Tegmen, pale hyaline brown, apically smolc 
brown; veins light and dark brown; appendix apically, very wide. Thorax and abdome 
ventrally, yellow. Male genitalia as in Fig. 30, K. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Mundaring, Western Australia. 

Tartessus iambe Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 30, S) 

Tartessus iambe Kirkaldy, 1907 Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 46. 

Tartessus ianeira Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 48. (syn.nov.). 
Tartessus mackerrasi Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 54 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 6-7 mm. General coloration brown. Face of head black, with paf 

markings above and below the antennae; apex of head pale brown. Crown of head slight]- 
onger against the eyes than in the centre, brown. Pronotum, scutellum and tegmen^pal! 
brown; veins m part, or entirely, darker than the rest of the tegmen. Thorax and abdomen 
ventral surface, black. Male genitalia as in Fig. 30, S. 

Type location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Mittagong, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Cabramatta, Casula (New South Wales). 

Tartessus ianassa Kirkaldy 

(Fig. 30, M) 

Tartessus ianassa Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 47. 

Length, & 8, 9 , 9-9-5 mm. General coloration, mottled brown. Head, pronotun 
and scutellum mottled with yellowish-white, pale yellowish-brown and brownish. Crown 0 
head consisting of the vertex only, slightly longest against eyes; hind margin ridged. Eye 
longer than half total width of crown. Pronotum almost flat. Scutellum slightly raisec 
p eilQ1 y* egmen hyaline yellowish-brown, sometimes with irregular pale areas: vein! 
dark brown with numerous pale oval markings. Male genitalia as in Fig. 30, M. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

fSeemiandf 1 SaIisbur y> Tweed River (New South Wales) ; Bunya Mountain 


Tartessus ianthe Kirkaldy 

(Fig. 30, Q,) 

2 rtessus ianthe Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 47. 

Length, $, 9-1 1 mm. General coloration, pale brown. Face of head pale 

hreous with a mottled scribbled pattern on the fronto-clypeus and vertex. Crown widest 
;ainst the eyes which are equal to half the width of the crown; ocelli not visible from 
»ove. Pronotum and scutellum pale brown with an even pattern of greyish oval markings, 
'onotum sloping laterally. Tegmen pale hyaline brown, veins pale brown. Male genitalia 
in Fig. 30, Q. 

ype Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 
ype Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

nown distribution elsewhere — Claremont, Brisbane (Queensland). 

Tartessus iokaste Kirkaldy 

artessus iokaste Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 48. 

'artessus pallidus Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 54 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 6*5; $, 8 mm. Pale sordid yellowish-brown, sometimes obscurely 

iffused with green and sanguineous. Crown of head longer adjacent to the eyes than in 
fcntre ; ocelli visible from above. Pronotum sometimes obscurely spotted. Tegmen 
aiformly dark hyaline ochreous ; veins of tegmen sometimes dark fuscous, sometimes 

ype Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 
ype Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

nown distribution elsewhere — Sydney (New South Wales); Brisbane (Queensland). 

Tartessus iphis Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 30, G) 

“ artessus iphis Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 45. 

Length, 7; 6-7*5 mm - General coloration pale brown; thorax, bright orange, 

ace of head, ante-clypeus and lora black; maxillary plates, black, narrowly bordered with 
ellow externally; post-clypeus black, narrowly bordered with yellow, or, in part, yellowish - 
?d and fuscous. Eyes greater in length than half width of crown. Crown very slightly 
ider against eyes than in centre, pale yellowish-white; ocelli marginal. Pronotum bright 
range. Scutellum orange, laterally and apically, pale yellowish-white. Tegmen pale 
yaline brown with an indistinct, and broken, transverse whitish fascia extending from costal 
largin to apex of clavus; apical cells in part, and appendix, smoky brown; veins light and 
ark brown. 

ype Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 
r ype Locality — Nelson, North Queensland. 

''.nown distribution elsewhere — Townsville (Queensland). 


Tartessus issa Kirkaldy 

Tartessus issa Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 45. 

Length, 6, $, 8-8-5 mm - General coloration evenly pale brown; thora 

sometimes yellowish. Head pale yellowish. Crown well-defined, slightly longer again; 
the eyes; ocelli visible from above. Pronotum and scutellum pale yellow, or pale yellowish 
brown. Tegmen pale hyaline brown; veins brown. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Nelson, North Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Dunk Island, Cunnamulla (Queensland). 

Tartessus occidentalis Jacobi 

Tartessus occidentalis Jacobi, igog, Faun.S.W.Aust., Michaelson u. Hartmeyer, 12: 342. 

Length, $, 5-5 mm. General coloration dirty yellow. Pronotum anteriorly with f : 
brown spots. Scutellum with large brown markings laterally. Tegmen hyaline, veins dark 
brown; inner margin between scutellum and apex of clavus, black. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — Dirk Hartog Island, Western Australia. 

Tartessus pulchellus Spanberg 
(Figs 5, K; 30, F) 

Tartessus pulchellus Spanberg, 1878, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 34 (9) : 10. 

Tartessus pulchellus Spanberg, Linnavuori, 1956, Ann.Ent.Fenn. 22 (4)1 178. 

Tartessus itonias Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 44 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 8-7-10 mm; $, 9-10 mm. General coloration, light brown. Crowm 
well denned, narrowly produced ; of even length throughout, ocelli visible from above. . 

egmen pale hyaline brown with 2 transverse hyaline white fasciae, the anterior one - 
extending from the costal to the anal border, the distal one not reaching as far as the anal I 
border , apical cells with hyaline white areas and 2 dark brown oval markings between R 
and the costal margin, one close to where M diverges from R, the other near the junction 
of R and Rs. 

Type Location— Natural History Museum, Stockholm. 

Type Locality— Cape York, North Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Claudie River (North Queensland). 

Tartessus latus Evans 
(Fig. 30, P) 

1 artessus latus , Evans, 1942? Trans. Roy. Soc.W.Aust. 27: 156. 

Length, (J, 6 mm. General coloration brown. Face of head brown; fronto-clypeus 
ar ei in r . C °i? ul than the remainder. Crown brown, longer against eyes than in centre, 
rugose. Ocelli not visible from above. Pronotum pale brown. Scutellum dark brown 


with darker muscle impressions. Tegmen pale hyaline brown; veins brown. Ventral 
surface of thorax and abdomen, and legs, brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 30, P. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Tartessus mundarensis Evans 
(Fig. 30, L) 

Tartessus mundarensis Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 155. 

Length, (J, 5 mm. General coloration brown. Face of head pale yellowish-brown; 
fronto-clypeus lightly suffused with brown, sutures brown. Crown of even length; frons 
narrowly yellow, remainder pale whitish-brown, ocelli visible from above. Tegmen pale 
hyaline brown, apically smoky-brown; veins dark brown. Thorax and abdomen, ventrallv 
black; legs yellow; bases of spines on hind tibia, black. Male genitalia as in Fig. 30, L. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Mundaring, Western Australia. 

Tartessus rubrivenosus Evans 
(Fig. 30, O) 

Tartessus rubrivenosus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 156. 

Length, 6 mm. General coloration apricot brown. Face of head, ante-clypeus, 
lora and maxillary plates, brown, sparsely mottled with black; fronto-clypeus largely black, 
muscle impressions laterally brown; vertex brown, densely mottled with black. Crown 
rugose, of even length, pale brown; frons visible as a narrow border; ocelli not visible from 
above. Pronotum, antero-laterally smooth, yellowish-brown; medially greyish -brown, 
transversely striated. Scutellum marked with a pattern of light and dark brown. legmen 
hyaline brown, apical cells partly suffused with smoky-brown; veins pink with black bars. 
Male genitalia as in Fig. 30, O. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Tartessus rugosus Evans 
(Fig. 30, T) 

Tartessus rugosus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 156. 

Length, <£, 7*5 mm. General coloration, brown. Face of head, pale brownish- 
yellow; muscle impressions on fronto-clypeus, brown; frons and vertex rugose mottled with 
pale and dark brown. Crown slightly longer against the eyes than in the centre, pitted with 
light and dark brown markings; ocelli not visible from above. Pronotum and scutellum 
pale brown with dark brown markings. Tegmen pale hyaline brown; veins dark brown. 
Male genitalia as in Fig. 30, T. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Yanchep, Western Australia. 


Tartessus sahlbergii Signoret 

Tartessus sahlbergii Signoret, 1880, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. 5 (4): 351. 

Length, $, 7-8 mm. General coloration bronzy brown. Post-clypeus somewhat 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Vienna. 

Type Locality — “ Australia 

(Although the Type, a $, of this species has been seen, examination did not yield 
sufficient information to enable it to be correlated with $ specimens). 

Tartessus spinosus Evans 

Tartessus spinosus Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 55. 

Length, 6*5, ^ 7 ' 2 mm. General coloration, brown. Face of head, ante- 

clypeus, maxillary plates and lora pale greyish, or, yellowish-brown* frons and vertex rugose, 
brownish-yellow mottled with brown; transverse muscle impressions brown. Frons wider 
than post-clypeus. Crown of even length throughout; ocelli not visible from above. 
I ronotum antero-laterally pale brownish with dark brown markings; remainder grey, 
transversely striated with brown. Scutellum pale yellowish-brown with a few dark brown 
markings. Tegmen pale hyaline brownish-yellow; venation in part reticulate; veins brown 
with minute spines. The illustrations of the male genitalia accompanying the original 
description is misleading as it shows only the basal part of a broken aedeagus. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality— Carnac Island, Western Australia. 

Collected on — Anthocerus littorea. 

Tartessus parvus sp.nov. 

(Fig. 30, H) 

Length, (J, 4 mm. General coloration pale yellowish-brown. Face of head broadly 
tnangular; ante-clypeus and post-clypeus somewhat darker in colour than the rest of the 
head. Grown equal in length with eyes on each side. Tegmen vitreous. Thorax and 
abdomen, ventral surface, yellowish-brown with black markings. Male genitalia as in 
r igure 3^, 1 1, 

Holotype $ from the Capel district, 18 miles south of Bunbury, Western Australia (coll. H. 
Snell, 7/1/57), m the Australian Museum. 

Tartessella Evans 

Tartessella Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 56. 

fl 1 ,? ^ nce °q^ e head is wider than long and the labium terminates between the fore 
coxae. 1 he ante-clypeus is widest in the centre and the antennal ledges, which are curved, 
or transverse, are nearer to the hind than the fore margin of the eyes. ' The epistomal suture 
is discernible and curved posteriorly. The arms of the epicranial suture are transverse and 
situated on the anterior margin of the head. The ocelli are marginal. The crown is well 
dehned and slightly longer against the eyes. The venation of the tegmina may be, in part. 


reticulate, in particular there may be several additional cross-veins between M and Cul, 
which are widely separated. The appendix narrowly continues around the apices of the 
tegmina. The fore and middle tibiae are armed with numerous fine spines. 

Type species — Tartessella attenuata Evans. 

Tartessella attenuata Evans 

(Fig- G) 

Tartessella attenuata Evans, 1937 , Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 56. 

Length, <J, 1 1 mm. General coloration pale brown. Face of head pale brown, 
sometimes with obscure brown markings; vertex mottled with dark brown. Pronotum dull 
greyish -brown with indistinct whitish markings. Scutellum brown. Tegmen pale hyaline 
brown; venation complete and usually lacking accessory cross veins. Male genitalia as 
in Fig. 31, G. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Mullewa, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Broome, Magnet (Western Australia) ; Mt Olga (Northern 

Tartessella incompleta Evans 
(Fig. 31, D1-3) 

Tartessella incompleta Evans, 1937 , Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 57. 

Length, 8-9 mm; $, 11*5-13 mm. Face of head pale biscuit, sometimes mottled 
with brown, or entirely brown; frons, vertex and crown, rugose, yellowish, mottled with 
brown. Pronotum yellowish-brown, or greyish, mottled with brown, sometimes palest 
posterior to the eyes. Scutellum yellowish; muscle impressions brown. Tegmen vitreous; 
veins brown; venation reticulate to a varying degree; some of the accessory cross-veins 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Cannamilla, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Carnarvon, Maryborough (Queensland) ; Mt Hotham (Victoria) ; 
Wirramina (South Australia) ; Dedari, Lake Violet (Western Australia) . 

Tartessella campbelli Evans 
(Fig. 31, E) 

Tartessella campbelli Evans, 1937 , Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 57. 

Length, 8 mm. General coloration, apricot yellow. Face of head approximately 
as long as wide, yellow; muscle impressions on fronto-clypeus orange, vertex apricot yellow. 
Crown and thorax yellow. Tegmen hyaline yellow; veins yellow; appendix narrow. 

Type Location — Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Type Locality — Newcastle Water, North Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mt Olga (Northern Territory). 


Tartessoides Evans 

Tartessoides Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 55. 

The head is longer than wide and on the face the labium extends to between the hind 
coxae. The ante-clypeus is long and narrow and the lora large. The fronto-clypeus is 
confined to the face and the ocelli also are facial in position. The antennal ledges, which 
are obscure and rounded, are close to the hind margins of the face and the frontal sutures 
are parallel with each other. The sides of the fronto-clypeus posteriorly are depressed. The 
epicranial suture may be obscure or well defined. The crown is sharply separated from the 
face and slightly longer against the eyes than in the middle. The pronotum is depressed 
anteriorly and laterally and the scutellum slightly raised or humped posteriorly. The 
venation of the tegmina, which is complete, is somewhat reticulate in the claval area and 
the appendices continue widely around the apices of the tegmina. The fore and middle 
femora, and tibiae, have numerous fine spines. 

Type species — Tartessoides griseus Evans. 

Tartessoides griseus Evans 
(Fig. 31, C1-3) 

Tartessoides griseus Evans, 1937, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1936: 56. 

Length, $, 10 mm. Head grey mottled with light and dark brown. Pronotum 
grey with very dark brown markings. Scutellum grey barred with black and with a few 
round black spots. Tegmen hyaline-grey; several cells with irregularly shaped dark brown 
and black areas; veins very dark brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 31, C2. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality— Between Everard Ranges (South Australia) and Warburton Ranges (Western 

Tartessoides brunneus sp.nov. 

(Fig. 31, F) 

Length, 8-4 mm. General coloration brown. Face of head pale brown faintly 
spotted with brown. Crown, pale brown pitted with dark brown. Pronotum pale 
bi ownish-grey with scattered brown punctures medially and with 3 longitudinal stripes on 
each side; innermost stripe, which continues onto the scutellum, dark chocolate brown, 
followed by a whitish stripe spotted with brown punctures, and a small external brown area. 
Scutellum whitish-grey with sparse brown punctures, laterally dark brown. Tegmen, and 
veins, hyaline chestnut-brown, except on each side of the pronotum and the appendix, 
postero-proximally, which is whitish. 

Holotype 9 , from 130 miles south east of Broome, north-western Australia in the collection 
of the National Museum of Victoria (‘'donated 55 by H. J. Cudmore, 19/9/24). 

Tartessoides brunneus differs from the type species in its distinctive coloration. 

Stenotartessus Evans 

Euprora Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 9 (preoccupied). 
Stenotartessus Evans, 1947, Trans. R.Ent.Soc.Lond. 98: 207 (nom.nov.). 
Jfewmaniana Evans, 1942, Trans.Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 152 (syn.nov.). 


Newmaniana Evans, 1947, Trans. Roy.Ent.Soc.Lond. 98: 207 * 

Insects uniformly green in colour, apart from the anterior margin of the head, which 
may be pink. The head, anyhow of female insects, is broadly, or narrowly , anteriorly produced. 
The ante-clypeus which is slightly convex may be widest in the centre, or else widest 
anteriorly. The antennal ledges are close to the hind margin of the eyes. The crown of 
the head, if not anteriorly produced, is longer in the centre than against the eyes, and the ocelli, 
which may be visible from above, are marginal in position. The pronotum is arched anteriorly 
and extends medially in front of the eyes. The tegmina are long and apically narrow. 

Type species — Stenotartessus mullensis Evans. 

Stenotartessus mullensis Evans 
(Fig. 31, A1-5) 

Euprora mullensis Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 10. 

Stenotartessus mullensis (Evans), 1947, Trans. R.Ent.Soc.Lond. 98: 207. 

JVewmaniana viridis Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy. Soc.W.Aust. 27: 152 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 7 mm, of crown of head, 6-5 mm; $, 9*8-13 mm, of crown of head 
1 *2-3*5 mm - General coloration green; anterior margin of head and apex of ovipositor, 
sometimes pinkish. Male genitalia as in Fig. 31, A5. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Mullewa, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Dongarra, Yanchep, Dedari (Western Australia) ; Kiata 

Collected on — Acacia. 

The holotype of S. mullensis is a $ with a long, narrowly produced head and the 
holotype of Newmania viridis , a <$ with the crown of the head only slightly longer in the 
centre than against the eyes. When, in 1963, specimens of short-headed $ $ and long 
headed 5 $ were taken together at Kiata, in Victoria, it was realised that the genus 
Newmania Evans had been based on the sexually dimorphic <$ of a species previously ascribed 
to another genus. Although none of the $ $ taken at Kiata had such long heads as those 
of some, but not of all, of the specimens collected in Western Australia, it seems preferable 
for the time being to assume that length of head is a variable characteristic lacking specific 
significance. The occurrence in western Victoria of a leaf hopper otherwise apparently 
restricted to Western Australia, is of interest. Other examples of a similar pattern of 
distribution are furnished by Pognoscopus myrmex, Lasios copus acmaeops , Cephalelus marginatus and 
Ledrella brunnea. 

Stenotartessus queenslandensis sp.nov. 

(Fig. 31, B1-5) 

Length, 10, $,12 mm. General coloration pale green. Face of head pinkish ; 
margin of head, between the eyes, dark brown margined with red. Legs pinkish, apex of 
ovipositor red. Male genitalia as in Fig. 31, B5. 

Holotype $ and Allotype $ from Biloela, Queensland (coll. A. R. Bird) in the Queensland 

S. queenslandensis differs from the type species, S. mullensis , in being a considerably 
broader insect and in having the head broadly triangularly produced in both sexes, instead 
of being narrowly produced in the female only. 


' l g- 3 1 • A i , Stenotartessus mullensis, <$, face of head; A2-4, S. mullensis 9 ? crown of head and thorax; 
A5, S. mullensis, male genitalia; Bi, Stenotartessus queenslandensis , face of head; B2, 3, S. queenslandensis, head 
and thorax; B4, S. queenslandensis, tegmen; B5, S. queenslandensis, male genitalia; Ci, Tartessoides grisseus , 
lace ol head; C2, 7 . gnseus, male genitalia; C3, T. griseus, head and pronotum; Di, Tartessella incompleta , 
head and thorax; \J2,T. incompleta, tegmen; D3, T. incompleta, face of head; E, Tartessella campbelli, face 
o ead, r, Tartessoides brunneus, head and thorax; G, Tartessella attenuata, aedeagus. 



In addition to the 3 tribes listed in the Key which follows, four other distinctive 
groups of leafhoppers were formerly included in this sub-family (Evans, 1947a). As other 
authors (e.g. Linnavuori, 1959) are of the opinion that some, or all, of these last-named groups 
lack close affinity with the Jassinae, the two which have representation in Australia, the 
Penthimiinae and Selenocephalini, have been removed from this subfamily. 

Key to the Tribes of the Jassinae represented in Australia 

1 . Face of head, anterior to the antennal ledges, at right angles to the rest of the head ; 

the latter forms a continuous curved surface with the declivous pronotum 

. Trcenadmi 

Not as above 3 

2. Crown flattened, considerably wider in the centre than at the sides; ocelli marginal 


Crown, either equal in length with the eyes, or slightly wider in the centre, not 
flattened; ocelli on the face of the head Jassini 


This tribe comprises mostly green, brown and occasionally, pinkish insects which 
have an approximately semi-circular fronto-clypeus, facial ocelli and a narrow crown. Their 
more specialised features are mentioned in the generic description given below. The Jassini 
are of universal distribution, and since several species form part of the faunas of oceanic 
islands, it is probable that some species are not restricted to particular food plants. 

Batrachomorphus Lewis 

Batrachomorphus Lewis, 1834, Trans. Ent.Soc.Lond. n: 47. 

Eurinoscopus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 346. 

Batrachomorphus Lewis, Linnavuori, 1957, Ann.Ent.Fenn. 23 (3): 145. 

This cosmopolitan genus comprises a large number of species which are difficult to 
separate because of the lack of well-defined differentiating characters. Doubtless a critical 
study would reveal considerable synonymy and until this is made identification of named 
species must depend on comparisons with type specimens. 

The face of the head, which is wider than long, is usually convex. The ante-clypeus 
and maxillary plates are wide and the former is parallel-sided. The fronto-clypeus, when 
completely defined, is circular in outline, and the ocelli, which are facial in position, lie close 
to its hind margin. The antennal ledges, which are well-defined, are transverse. The crown 
of the head is usually equal in length with the adjacent sides of the eyes. The anterior and 
posterior margins of the pronotum are parallel with each other and the propleurae widely 
separate the eyes from the bases of the tegmina. The tegmina, which may be punctate, 
narrow apically, and the posterior apical cell forms part of the overfold. In the wings, Rs 
and M 1 + 2 form a single vein apically. The hind tibiae are curved and flattened and 
heavily armed. 

Type species — Batrachomorphus irroratus Lewis (England). 


P ig. 32: Ai, Batrachomorphus pelamys, head; A2, B. pelamys , tegmen; A3, B. pelamys, wing; B, Batrachomorphus 
elegans, head and thorax; C, Trocnada minuta, head; D, Trocnada dorsigera; Ei, Reuplemmeles hobartensis , 
V, head and thorax; E2, R. hobartensis, <$, face of head; E3, R. hobartensis, $, head and thorax; Fi, 
Aloplemmeles gearyi , tegmen; F2, A. gearyi , head; Gi, Ectopiocephalus australis, head and thorax; G2, E. 
australis, head; G3, E. australis ; H, Drabescus heroni, head; I, Carvaka fidvida, head; Ji, Aloplemmeles 
simplex, head; J2, A. simplex , head and thorax in profile; Ki, Aloplemmeles colorata , head; K2, A. colorata, 
head and thorax in profile; L, Chinaella argentata , head and thorax in profile; Mi, Chinaella shephardi, 
aedeagus; M2, C. shephardi, head; M3, C. shephardi, subgenital plates and paramere; N, Chinaella cudmorei, 

male genitalia. 


Batrachomorphus pallidus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 
ii urinoscopus pallidus Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 75. 

Length, $, 4*5 mm. General coloration pale brownish-yellow. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Hobart, Tasmania. 

Batrachomorphus pelamys (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 32, A1-3) 

E urinoscopus pelamys Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 349. 

Eurinoscopus citrinus Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 76 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 6* 1-6-8 mm. Face of head pale lemon yellow, hind margin of fronto- 
dypeus distinct. Pronotum and scutellum concolorous with the head. Tegmen yellowish- 
hyaline, rugose, with a few brown spots on the veins and no additional cross-veins. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Canberra (A.C.T.); Canungra (Queensland). 

Batrachomorphus dryas (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

Eurinoscopus dryas Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 348. 

Length, 4-8, $, 5-1 mm. “Pale testaceous, corium lightly granulated with 

brown. In the plates elongate, hemispherical, not as long as the pygophores. Last 
abdominal segment of $ obtusangularly emarginate, laterally produced acuminately.’’ 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Batrachomorphus elegans (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

(Figs 4D; 32, B) 

Eurinoscopus elegans Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 76 - 

Length, $, 5-5 mm. Head pale chestnut-brown; dark brown between the ocelli- 
Pronotum pale brownish-yellow with orange-brown markings. Scutellum brownish-yellow; 
muscle impressions orange brown. Tegmen, hyaline yellowish-green. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Hobart, Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Black Rock (Victoria). 


Batrachomorphus lentiginosus (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

Eurinoscopus lengitinosus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 347. 

Length, $, 4-8 mm. Tegmen pale blotchy hyaline-brown with numerou 

evenly-spaced, brown spots. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Canberra (A.C.T.); Canungra (Queensland). 

Batrachomorphus pelias (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

Eurinoscopus pelias Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 348. 

Length, 4-2, $, 6 mm. General coloration, greenish. Crown of head longe* 

in the centre. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Batrachomorphus molestia (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

Eurinoscopus molestia Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9) : 348. 

Length, $, 5 mm. Vertex (crown) distinctly, though obtusely angulately rotundatt 
m tront; in the middle more than one-half longer than at eyes which extend laterally ver 
slightly beyond the pronotum.” 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

Batrachomorphus punctatus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

Eurinoscopus punctatus Evans, 1941, Proc.Roy.Soc.Queensland 52: 10. 

Length, <J, 4-8 mm. Tegmen pale hyaline-brown, veins and margin of tegmeni 
green; veins and cross-veins bordered with small brown spots. 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality Darling Downs, Queensland. 

Batrachomorphus sontiates (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

Eurinoscopus sontiates Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 347. 

Eurinoscopus soboles Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 348 (syn.nov.). 

1. , Lwigth, g 4*8-5*2 mm; $, 6-8 mm. Tegmen, pale yellowish-brown with evenly 
distributed small brown spots. 7 

Type Location— H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality Kuranda, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Brisbane (Queensland). 


Batrachomorphus translucidus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

lurinoscopus translucidus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy. Soc.W.Aust. 27: 145. 

Length, $, 4 mm. Head yellow, frontal and epicranial sutures, obscure. Pronotum 
,nd scutellum concolorous with the head. Tegmen opaque, pale green with ill-defined 
ellow and brown areas; veins green, apex of tegmen, pale hyaline-brown. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Batrachomorphus virid^pes (Distant) (comb.nov.) 

3 ythoscopus viridipes Distant, 1908, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 52: 99. 

Length, $, 6*5 mm. General coloration pale brownish-yellow (possibly green in 
ife). Crown of head of even length. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — “ Queensland 55 . 

Batrachomorphus viridis (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

Eurinos copus viridis Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 75. 

Length, 5 mm. General coloration, emerald green. Tegmen hyaline yellowish- 


Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Adelaide, South Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Canberra (A.C.T.). 

Batrachomorphus adventitiosus sp.nov. 

Length, 3-4 mm; $, 4-5 mm. General coloration even pale green or (in dried 
specimens) pale brownish-yellow. Crown of head of even length with the eyes, or, very 
slightly longer in the centre. 

Holotype <$ and Allotype $ from Whangerei, New Zealand (coll. J.G. Myers 12/21) in the 
collection of the D.S.I.R., Nelson, New Zealand. Other locality records: Paika, 1/50; 

Foxton, 1/51; Great Island, Three Kings Islands, 1/51. 

Representatives of this genus are frequent components of the faunas of oceanic islands; 
hence the above species may well have reached New Zealand by adventitious means. 


This tribe, which is of undoubted derivation from the Jassini, was established to 
segregate a very distinctive endemic genus of Australian leafhoppers, of which the principal 
distinguishing feature is the lack of a crown to the head, the steeply declivous pronotum 
being continuous with the head as far as the antennal ledges. 


Trocnada Walker 

Trocnada Walker, 1858, Ins.Saund.Homopt. 103. 

Abelterus Stal, 1865, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 22: 157 . 

On the face of the head, which is wider than long, the labium does not extend as fa 
as the middle coxae. The ante-clypeus lies below the level of the lora, which slope toward I 
it. The fronto-clypeus widens progressively towards where it meets the antennal ledges; 
these are transverse and prominent and extend as far as the eyes on each side. The headl 
posterior to the antennal ledges, is at right angles to the anterior part. The ocelli, which 
are directed forwards, are nearer to the eyes than to each other. There is a narrow crown 
visible from above, which is not differentiated from the vertical vertex. The pronotum i: 
declivous, wide laterally, and widens posteriorly. The tegmina are narrow apically anc: 
the appendix is wide. In the wings, Rs and M 1 + 2, are fused apically. 

Type species — Trocnada dorsigera Walker. 

Trocnada dorsigera Walker 
(Fig. 32, D) 

Trocnada dorsigera Walker, 1858, Ins.Saund.Homopt. 104. 

Abelterus incarnatus Stal, 1865, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 22: 158. 

Trocnada gigantea Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 78 (syn.nov.). 

Length, c 7 ’ 2 ) ?? 8*2-10 mm. General coloration pink, sometimes finely and 

spaisely mottled with dark brown or black. Face of head pale biscuit colour, suffused, 
especially posteriorly, with pink. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Karoonda (South Australia) ; Pentland (Queensland); Moonbar, 

3, 500 ft Yanco, Mullaley (New South Wales); Canberra (A.G.T.); Perth (Western! 
Australia) . v 

Trocnada alpina Evans 
Trocnada alpina Evans, 1939, Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Aust. 63: 47. 

Length, g 6-2-7 mrr E ?> 8 mm. Face of head, maxillary plates and lora pale greyii 
lonto-clypeus pale yellow. Crown pale yellow with red and black spots. Pronotum 1 
yellowish-grey with black and pink spots. Scutellum yellow with black markings. Tegmem 
pin ush hyaline; veins pale brown bordered with black spots. Hind tibia pale yellow,, 
exteinal surface dark brown; base of spines black. 

Type Location Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Type Locality Alpine Creek, Mt Kosciusko. 

Known distribution elsewhere— Kiata, Timbertop (Victoria). 


Trocnada minuta Evans 

(Fig. 32 , C) 

Trocnada minuta Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.l asm. 1935: 78 - 

Length, 4*5, 9 , 6 mm. Head ochreous. Pronotum reddish-brown sometime 

with small ^red spots. Scutellum dark brown. Tegmen hyaline brown; veins pinkish and 
with a round black spot on the sides of the pronotum anteriorly. 

Type Location — Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Type Locality — Canberra, A.C.T. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Brisbane (Queensland); Darwin (Northern Territory). 


This tribe has formerly been known as the Reuterellini (Evans, 1947a). It comprises 
2 genera, which like Trocnada (Trocnadini) have undoubtedly been derived fiom the Jassini. 
Species in both genera resemble those in the genus * Batrachomorphus in all significant features, 
with the exception of ones associated with the shape of the head and the position of the ocelli. 
In the Jassini, the face of the head is convex, there is a small narrow crown and the ocelli 
are ventral in position. In the Reuplemmelini the face of the head is flattened, the crown 
is extensive, and the ocelli are situated on the broad lateral margins of the head. 

Reuplemmeles gen.nov. 

On the face of the head the labium extends to between the fore coxae. The face is 
flattened, and in the £ is wider than long and longer than wide in the 9 - The ante-clypeus 
is parallel-sided and the lora do not reach as far as the anterior margins of the maxillary 
plates. The fronto-clypeus is fiat anteriorly and widens towards the antennal ledges. The 
antennal ledges are oblique and prominent. The crown of the head is spatulate and 
separated from the face by a narrow marginal rim. In the it is semi-circular in outline, 
and in the 9> either half ovate and equal in length with the pronotum, or it may be longer 
than the pronotum. The ocelli are situated close to the anterior margin of the crown, 
adjacent, but not in contact, with the eyes. The pronotum is wide laterally and widens 
slightly posteriorly. The tegmina have normal venation and a false as well as a tiue 
appendix. In the wings Rs and M. 1 -f 2 are apically fused. 

Type species — Reuteriella hobarlensis Evans. 

The leaf hopper described below was formerly (Evans, 1938) identified . as Reuteriella 
Jlavescens Signoret, and later as already mentioned a new tribe, the Reuterellini was created 
for its reception (Evans, 1947). As explained on page 136 R. jlavescens actually belongs to 
the Hecalini hence a new genus is needed to contain the species formerly, and inconectly, 
ascribed to the genus Reuteriella Signoret. Attention has previously been drawn to the manner 
in which this genus resembles Platyjassus Evans, of which the comprised species aie confined 
to Madagascar (Evans, 1953)* Both genera represent similar, though independent, 
evolutionary developments from species comprised in the genus Batrachomorphus. 

Reuplemmeles hobartensis (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 32, Ei -3) 

Reuteriella hobarlensis Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938 : 11. 

Length, 5 *8-6 -5 mm; 9 , 8-9*5 mm. 9 pale brownish -yellow; appendix and 

false appendix of tegmen sometimes smoky. reddish, or yellowish-brown; veins of 


tegmen sometimes red or crown and pronotum largely crimson; scutellum yellowish-red, 
laterally black. Tegmen costal third hyaline green, remainder black, veins red. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Hobart, Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — South Brighton, Mt Timbertop (Victoria); Canberra (A.C.T.); 
Caloundra, Carnarvon Range (Queensland); Perth (Western Australia). 

Aloplemmeles gen.nov. 

The face of the head is flattened as far as the antennal ledges and the labium 
terminates between the fore coxae. The ante-clypeus is parallel-sided and curved posteriorly 
and the lora do not extend as far as the margins of the maxillary plates. The antennal 
ledges are well defined and slightly oblique. The ocelli are situated on the thickened sides 
of the head. The crown is extensive and flattened and larger in the centre than against the 
eyes. The pronotum is wide laterally. The tegmina are long and narrow and the cell 
enclosed by the arms of Cu i lacks pigmentation. The venation may be normal, or additional 
cross veins may be developed, and there may be numerous additional costal veinlets. 
There may also be numerous small raised spots bearing minute spines, on, or close to, the 
veins. In the wing Rs and M i + 2 are apically fused. There is some degree of sexual 

Type species — Aloplemmeles gearyi sp.nov. 

Aloplemmeles differs from Reuplemmeles in the shape of the head, which is marginally irregularly 
thickened in the former genus, and flattened in the latter. 

Aloplemmeles gearyi sp.nov. 

(Fig. 32, Fi, F2) 

Length, 7, $, 10 mm. General coloration pale green. Face of head as wide 

as long, flattened; fronto-clypeus posteriorly slightly depressed below level of vertex. Apex 
of head thicker in £ than in $?; ocelli facing forward, close to but not in contact with the 
eyes. Ciown approximately triangular, apically rounded; in A slightly more than half 
length of pronotum; in $, almost as long as pronotum. Tegmen sometimes with a few 
secondaiy cross veins and always with additional costal veinlets. Minute spines on tegmen 
present in $ only. 

Holotype $ and Allotype $ from Cunnamulla, Queensland (coll. N. Geary, 2/42) in the 
Australian Museum. 7 

Aloplemmeles simplex sp.nov. 

(Fig. 32, Ji, J2) 

Length, $, 9 mm. General coloration pale yellowish (probably green in life), 
ace of head wider than long, thickened posteriorly. Fronto-clypeus posteriorly, sloping 
steep y fiom the flattened anterior part; medially flattened and laterally with a basin-shaped 
epi ession on each side. I egmen with normal venation ; veins concolorous with rest of 

Holotype & from Mullewa, Western Australia (coll. F. May) in the South Australian 


Aloplemmeles colorata sp.nov. 

(Fig. 32, Ki, Ka) 

Length, 8-8 mm. General coloration yellowish (possible green in life) suffused 
with pink. Face of head wider than long. Fronto-clypeus entirely flat, posteriorly overhung 
by the thickened vertex. Margin of head, pink surrounding the eyes with a brown stripe 
along the dorsal edge. Crown yellowish, partly suffused with pink; a pair of small dark 
brown markings midway between eyes and coronal suture. Coronal suture pink, extending 
almost as far as anterior margin of crown. Pronotum pinkish-brown with numerous small 
dark brown markings antero-laterally and a median pink stripe, which extends posteriorly 
onto the scutellum. Scutellum apically pink. Tegmen with normal venation, colourless- 
hyaline ; veins brownish -yellow. 

Holotype from Mt Serle, North Flinders Range (coll. Hale and Tindale) in the South 
Australian Museum. 


This sub-family has representatives in all the principal geographical regions. Four 
of the described Australian genera are endemic, while two, Vulturnus Kirkaldy and JVeodartus 
Melichar, which are represented also in the Oriental region and in Africa, are part of the 
late Indo-Malayan element of the eastern Australian fauna. 

The head is variable in shape (Evans, 1947a); the pronotum is wide laterally and 
the tegmina, in most forms, overlap apically and have wide appendices. 

Key to Genera of the Penthimiinae represented in Australia 

1. Crown of head spatulate, approximately three times the length of the pronotum; 

ocelli on the crown. . . . * Platyscopus Evans 

Not as above . * 2 

2. (1) Insects less than 5 mm in length 3 

Insects more than 5 mm in length Ectopiocephalus Kirkaldy 

3. (2) Crown spatulate, overhanging the face of the head 4 

Anterior margin of head blunt or rounded .6 

4. (3) Part of crown anterior to the ocelli shorter than the part posterior to them ... *5 

Part of crown anterior to the ocelli longer than the part posterior to them. 

r Thaumatoscopus Kirkaldy 

5. (4) Face of head posteriorly convex Vulturnellus gen.nov. 

Face of head posteriorly concave Vulturnus Kirkaldy 

6. (3) Face of head more or less at right angles to the declivous vertex; eyes widely 
separated from the bases of the tegmina by the propleurae. . Neodartus Melichar 

Head evenly rounded; eyes narrowly separated from the bases of the tegmina by 
the propleurae * » • Chinaella Evans 

Ectopiocephalus Kirkaldy 

Ectopiocephalus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 463. 

The face of the head is flat and more than twice as wide as long and the labium 
terminates between the fore coxae. The fronto-clypeus widens progressively as far as the 
antennal ledges, which are prominent. The hind margin of the face is semi-circular in 


outline and at right angles to the rest of the head, which lies in 2 planes that form a 
continuous curved surface. The ocelli are on the anterior margin of the crown adjacent to 
the complete, and distinct, curved epicranial suture, which coincides with the anterior 
border of the crown. The pronotum is wide laterally and wider posteriorly than anteriorly. 
The tegmina have wide appendices and numerous supernumary costal veinlets and the 
venation is reticulate to a varying degree. 

Type species — Ectopiocephalus vanduzei Kirkaldy. 

This genus differs from Penthimia Germar, of which it has formerly been regarded as 
a synonym, in being less squat in appearance, since the tegmina are not so steeply bent at 
the apex of the clavus. Also, in Ectopiocephalus , the distances between the eyes and the sides 
of the fronto-clypeus are approximately the same as between the hind margin of the head 
and the fronto-clypeus, while in Penthimia the former distance is approximately half the latter. 

Ectopiocephalus australis (Walker) (comb. no v.) 

(Fig. 32, G1-3) 

Scans australis Walker, 1858, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. Supplement, 253. 

Penthimia australis (Walker) Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. it: 150. 

Ectopiocephalus vanduzei Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 464 (syn.nov.). 

Penthimia reticulata Distant, 1908, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 52: 108. 

Length, $, 5-6 mm; ?, 6-8 mm. General coloration, black; $, brownish or 
purplish-red. Apex of head in both sexes brownish-yellow. 

Male; crown and thorax shining black, or black with red markings. Tegmen dark 
hyaline brown, the clavus sometimes, irregular areas in cells, and veins, broadly "black. 

Female; crown and pronotum sometimes very dark brown or purplish brown with, 
or without, irregular black markings. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Moreton Bay, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Rockhampton, Indooropilly, Camooweal (Queensland) ; Nyngan, 
Mootwingie (New South Wales); Kiata (Victoria). 

Chinaella Evans 

Chinaella Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tas. 1935: 76. 

The head is evenly rounded, forming a single curved surface from the anterior to the 
posterior margin. The face is twice as wide as long, the labium terminates at the base of 
the middle coxae and the lora and ante-clypeus are in low relief. The post-clypeus widens 
as far as the antennae. 1 he antennal ledges are transverse and prominent, and extend 
laterally as far as the eyes. Medially, they are linked with each other by a low ridge, marking 
the position of the epistomal suture. The ocelli, which face forward, are visible neither in 
facial nor in dorsal aspect, and are at an equal distance from the antennal ledges and the 
hind margin of the head. The epicranial suture is retained and the crown is of even length 
with the adjacent part of the eyes. The tegmina overlap considerably and have a wide true 
and a supplementary appendix. 

Type species — Chinaella argentata Evans. 


Chinaella argentata Evans 
(Fig. 32, L) 

hinaella argentata Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 77. 

Length, 5 ? 4*5 mm > width of head, 2 mm. Head cream, mottled with pale 
oddish-brown. Pronotum steeply declivous, golden yellow flecked with brown. Scutellum 
oddish yellow. Tegmen proximally brownish-yellow distally yellowish-white, with an 
derail reticulate brown pattern; veins brown. Ventral surface of thorax and legs, pale 
rown; of abdomen, white suffused with pale brown; genital segments, brown. 

~ype Location — South Australian Museum. 

3 P e Locality — Everard Ranges, South Australia. 

mown distribution elsewhere — Roper River (Northern Territory). 

Chinaella shephardi Evans 
(Fig. 32, M1-3) 

' hinaella shephardi Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 77. 

Length, <J, 4 mm; width of head, 1 -8 mm. Face of head, fronto-clypeus and vertex 
eddish-brown mottled with yellow; ante-clypeus, lora and maxillary plates, black. Pronotum 
lightly declivous, reddish-brown. Scutellum yellowish-brown with dark brown markings, 
egmen reddish-brown with a white streak along the costal margin and a purplish-brown 
tripe along the claval suture; veins, apically, brown. Thorax and abdomen, ventral 
urface, brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 32, Mi, M3. 

Type Location — South Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Broken Hill, New South Wales. 

Tnown distribution elsewhere — Musgrave Ranges (South Australia). 

Chinaella cudmorei Evans 
(Fig. 32, N) 

'hinaella cudmorei Evans, 1936, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1935: 77. 

Length, 9 , 4 mm; width of head, 1-5 mm. Face of head anteriorly, and fronto- 
lypeus, oehreous; vertex pale brownish-yellow. Pronotum, ochreous. Scutellum dark 
eddish-brown, apically pale brown. Tegmen hyaline mottled with pale brown; veins pale 
-wn. Ventral surface of thorax and abdomen pale brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 

ype Location National Museum, Melbourne, (not as stated formerly in the Australian 
Luseum) . 

r ype Locality — 130 miles south-east of Broome, Western Australia. 

Neodartus Melichar 

feodartus Melichar, 1903, Homopt. Faun. Ceylon 162. 

feovulturnus Evans, 1937, Mem.Queensland Mus. 11: 150. 

feodartus Melichar, Evans, 1955, Fasc. 37 Explor.du Parc.Nat.Upemba 31. 


Small black, brown, or whitish insects. The face and crown of the head form 
continuous curved surface and although at right angles to each other are not sharpt 
differentiated. Part of the fronto-clypeus is situated on the crown and the sutures th 
separate it from the vertex may be discernible. The ocelli are on the crown and may li 
between, or in front of, the eyes. The pronotum is declivous and wide laterally and til 
propleurae separate the eyes from the bases of the tegmina. The tegmina overlap apical 
and have wide appendices and there is a supplementary appendix, that is to say, part of til 
tegmina, in addition to the appendices lack pigmentation. With this development 
associated an irregularity of the shape of the apices of the tegmina. 

Type species — Neodartus acocephaloides Melichar (Ceylon). 

This genus has representation also in the Oriental Region and in tropical Africa. 

33 : A, Vulturnus punctulatus ; B, Thaumato scopus dunkensis; C, Thaumatoscopus galeatus ; D, Neodartus 
p (Hildas; E, Vulturnus vappa; F Neodartus brunneus; Gi, Platyscopus badius, <$, face of head; G2, P. badius, 
7, lead a ^d thorax; G3, 1 . badius , g; H, Vulturnus maculosus , head and thorax in profile; I, Vulturnus 
voltumna; J, Vulturnus vaecors ; K, Vulturnus vulturnus; Li, Vulturnellus shephardl , head and pronotum in 

profile; L2, Vulturnellus shephardi. 

Neodartus brunneus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig- 33, F) 

Neovulturnus brunneus Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11: 151. 

1 1 1 Feng t:h, 2 , 3-5 mm. General coloration brown mottled with white. Face of headl 

j ac \ Ciown, dark brown spotted with cream; hind margin of fronto-clypeus discernible, 
lonotum concolorous with the crown. Scutellum pale ochreous with dark brown markings, 
egmen shoi t, apically steeply declivous, white except for reticulate brown markings;; 


id the veins, which are brown; a dark brown transverse fascia extends from the apex of 
le claval suture to the costal margin. Appendix and supplementary appendix pale hyaline 

ype Location — Queensland Museum. 

3 pe Locality — Stanthorpe, Queensland. 

Neodartus lapsus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

feovulturnus lapsus Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11: 152. 

Length, (J, 2-8 mm. General coloration black. Head black, except for eyes, which 
re dark brown. Pronotum and scutellum concolorous with head. Tegmen black, with 
umerous small white spots proximally; distally, and separated by an entirely black area, 
lack, with somewhat larger white spots. Appendix and supplementary appendix, opaque 

ype Location — Queensland Museum. 
ype Locality — Blunder, Queensland. 

Neodartus maculosus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

feovulturnus maculosus Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11: 152. 

Length, <£, 3*5 mm. General coloration black. Face of head, longitudinally concave, 
•lack; crown black with an anterior central, approximately circular, pale area; sometimes 
Iso with a few, or numerous, scattered brown spots. Pronotum shining black. Scutellum 
ntirely black, or entirely pale yellow. Tegmen black with numerous whitish spots between 
he veins. 

ype Location — Queensland Museum. 
type Locality — Brookfield, Queensland. 

Neodartus pallidus (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 33, D) 

Veovulturnus pallidus Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11: 15 1. 

Length, $, 4 mm. General coloration black or brown, the scutellum white or yellow. 
7 ace of head, black or very dark brown; maxillary plates marginally white; crown black, 
or dark brown medially; antennal ledges white. Pronotum light, or dark brown, mottled 
vith cream, or grey. Scutellum white, or pale yellow, or whitish with dark brown markings. 
Tegmen whitish, mottled with an irregular and variable pattern of light and dark brown. 
It is possible that this species may be a synonym of N. maculosus , the differences in coloration 
oeing a sex-associated factor.) 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality — Mt Glorious, Queensland. 


Vulturnus Kirkaldy 

Vulturnus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 463. 

Vulturnus Kirkaldy, Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11: 152. 

This genus differs from JVeodartus in having the face of the head, which is convey 
anteriorly and concave posteriorly, separated from the crown by the thickened apex, whic] 
may be subfoliaceous. The crown is transversely convex and the ocelli are on the crow] 
in front of the eyes. 

Type species — Vulturnus vulturnus Kirkaldy. 

This genus, like JVeodartus , has representatives in the Oriental Region and in Africa 

Vulturnus vulturnus Kirkaldy 

(Fig. 33, K) 

Vulturnus vulturnus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 463. 

Vulturnus vulturnus Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 82. 

Length, 4, $, 4 ' 5 " 4'7 mm - Face of head black, posteriorly orange-red. Crown 1 
pronotum and scutellum yellowish-brown. Tegmen ochreous with brown scribble-like 
markings and pearl and hyaline areas. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Vulturnus vaecors Kirkaldy 

( Fi g- 33 , J) 

Vulturnus vaecors Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 84. 

Length, <$, 4-2 mm. Similar in coloration to V. vulturnus, but the crown of the head 
is differently shaped. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Vulturnus vanduzei Kirkaldy 

Vulturnus vanduzei Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 83. 

Length, 4-4*5 mm. Face of head black, except for a few reddish-brown markings,, 
and the basal margin, which is white. Crown of head, pronotum and scutellum, ivory white 
tinged with greenish. Tegmen ivory white tinged with green with a “ scribbled ” 
appearance; cc scribbles 55 and veins brown. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 


Vulturnus voltumna Kirkaldy 

(Fig- 33 = I) 

T ulturnus voltumna Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 83. 

T ulturnus virgidemia Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 83 (syn.nov.). 

Length, $, 5*4 mm. Face of head black, except for the fronto-clypeus which 

in part, brown. Crown of head, pronotum and scutellum ochreous with brown markings, 
"egmen tortoiseshell. 

" ype Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

*ype Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

Vulturnus vaedulcis Kirkaldy 

T ulturnus vaedulcis Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 84. 

Length, 3-3*2 mm. General coloration, tortoiseshell. Face of head black. 

Town, pronotum and scutellum dark brown, thickly speckled with pale yellowish-brown, 
"egmen pale yellowish-brown heavily veined and marked with black; apex of costal cell 
nd of adjoining sub-apical cell, sometimes white. 

’"ype Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

^ype Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

inown distribution elsewhere — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Vulturnus vappa Kirkaldy 

7 ulturnus vappa Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 85. 

Length, <J, $, 3*5 mm. General coloration brown with white markings. Face of 

Lead black. Crown and pronotum, brown, sometimes mottled with dark brown. Scutellum 
if similar, but darker coloration. Tegmen pale brown with a scribbled appearance and large 
lyaline white areas proximally, apically and ante-apically ; veins light and dark brown. 

r ype Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Vulturnus vultuosus Kirkaldy 

7 ulturnus vultuosus Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 84. 

Length, $, 3*7-4 mm. General coloration, brown, tegmen largely white. Face of 
lead black, posteriorly pale brown; crown anteriorly white, posteriorly finely mottled with 
>ale and dark brown. Pronotum concolorous with the crown and with a transverse, 
nedian, white band. Scutellum dark brown mottled with pale brown; muscle impressions 
vhite. Tegmen hyaline white, with a broad transverse dark brown fascia, spotted with pale 
'ello wish-brown and some brown markings both proximally and distally on the fascia; veins 
ight and dark brown; venation proximally reticulate. 

Type Location — -H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 


Vultumus hackeri Evans 

Vultumus hackeri Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11 : 153. 

Length, $, 3-8 mm. Face of head, black, posteriorly and apically, pale yellowis- 
brown. Grown pale yellowish-brown mottled with brown. Pronotum dark brown wii 
yellowish-grey. Scutellum yellow with dark brown markings. Tegmen silvery white wii 
dark brown and black reticulations between the veins. 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality — Sunnybank, Queensland. 

Vultumus montanus Evans 

Vultumus montanus Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11 : 154. 

Length, $, 4 mm. Face of head black; posteriorly and apically, pale yellov 
Crown pale yellow or ochreous with 2 circular black spots between the ocelli and the apo 
and a few obscure markings between the ocelli. Pronotum, anterior third, yellowish-brow: 
remainder greyish- white, the whole with scattered, dark brown markings. Scutellum marke 
with a pattern of yellow and dark brown. Tegmen silvery-white with dark brow 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality — Leura, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Brisbane (Queensland). 

Vulturnus punctulatus Evans 

Vulturnus punctulatus Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11 : 153. 

Length, 3-8 mm. Face of head, black, apical margin pale yellowish-browrr 
Grown, pronotum and scutellum black with numerous small yellowish or reddish-brow- 
spots. Tegmen greyish, or yellowish-white, with dark brown, or black, reticulations an 
sometimes with one or more white ante-apical cells. 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality — Nanango district, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere Woodenbong (New South Wales); Macpherson Ranges (Queen? 

Vulturnus sordidus Evans 

Vulturnus s or didus Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. 11: 153. 

Length, 3-8 mm. Face of head, black; posteriorly and apically pale yellowish 
biown. Ciown pale yellowish-brown mottled with brown. Pronotum dark brown spotteo 
with yellowish-grey. Scutellum yellow with dark brown markings. Tegmen silvery-whit< 
with dark brown and black reticulations between the veins. 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality — Sunnybank, Queensland. 


Thaumato scopus Kirkaldy 

haumatoscopus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 462. 

The principal character separating this genus from Vulturnus is the shape of the crown 
r the head, which is apically foliaceous instead of being thickened. 

ype species — Thaumatoscopus galeatus Kirkaldy. 

Thaumatoscopus galeatus Kirkaldy 

(Fig. 33 , C) 

'haumatoscopus galeatus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 462. 

Length, $, 7 mm. “ Luteotaceous ; foliaceous part of frons (fronto-clypeus) 

range-red; the rest, as well as the basal two-thirds of the genae and the base of the clypeus 
id of lora black; rest of face, the rostrum, anterior and intermediate legs, testaceous, 
rosternum and 4 spots on the apical margin of the scutellum, black. Tegmina pale 
iteotestaceous, more or less hyaline, veins opaque suffused discally with brownish, sparingly 
Larked with black. Posterior femora and tibiae mostly black.” 

ype Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

'ype Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Thaumatoscopus dunkensis Evans 
(Fig. 33 , B) 

'haumatoscopus dunkensis Evans, 1937, Mem. Queensland Mus. n: 154. 

Length, <J, 4*2 mm. Face of head black, apical margin, brown. Crown, pronotum 
id scutellum pale yellowish-brown. Tegmen pale yellowish-brown with dark brown 
‘ticulations ; costal margin distally and ante-apical and apical cells, in part, white; veins 
irk brown. 

'ype Location — Queensland Museum. 

'ype Locality — Dunk Island, Queensland. 

Platyscopus Evans 
latyscopus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 145. 

The head is produced and spatulate, ventrally concave and dorsally convex. The 
’own has a median carina and the ocelli are in front of the eyes mid-way between the carina 
id the sides of the head. The pronotum is parallel-sided and collar-like, and the tegmina, 
hich overlap apically, have wide appendices. The hind tibiae have 3 rows of spines, 
omprising one of alternate long and short spines, one of short, strong spines separated by 
Linute spines, and a row of hair-like spines. The type species is superficially ledrine in 
ipearance but may be distinguished by the eyes, as seen on the face of the head, being close 
) the anterior margin of the head, and the nature of the tibial armature. 

ype species — Platyscopus badius Evans. 


Platyscopus badius Evans 
(Fig. 33, G1-3) 

Platyscopus badius Evans, 1942, Trans.Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 146. 

Platyscopus color atus Evans, 1942, Trans.Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 146 (syn.nov.). 

Length, <$ 9 5*5, $, 7 mm. Face of head, chestnut-brown; crown chestnut-brown, 
partially suffused with dull brown, or with a median black stripe. Pronotum, chestnut-! 
brown. Scutellum chestnut-brown or black. Tegmen hyaline-brown, apically, in <j> 
smoky brown; veins brown. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Vulturnellus gen.nov. 

The face of the head is medially flattened, sloping laterally towards the eyes. The- 
ocelli are on the narrow anterior margin of the head, close to, but not touching the eyes. The*, 
crown of the head has an anterior marginal ridge and is slightly depressed anterior to the eyes.. 
The pronotum is widest posteriorly and the tegmina are rounded and somewhat elytra-like. 

Type species — Vulturnellus shephardi sp.nov. 

Vulturnellus shephardi sp.nov. 

(Fig- 33> Li, La) 

Length, $, 4 mm. Face of head black. Crown, pronotum and scutellum black 
with pale golden hairs. Tegmen mottled with pale and dark brown in the form of small, 
pale, oval areas with darker margins, and with a pair of irregular, transverse, white fasciae; 
appendix and 2 large adjacent cells, which form part of the wing overfold, pale hyaline brown. . 

Holotype , $, from Broken Hill, New South Wales (coll. F.W. Shephard, 1924) in the Australian! 


Leafhoppers in the genus Drebescus Stal resemble those in the genus Selenocephalus / 
Germar in having their ocelli situated on a marginal rim and for this reason species in these 
two genera have formerly been grouped together in the same tribe, (Evans, 1947a). 

Ishihara (1950) and Linnavuori (i960) are however of the opinion that Drabescus , 
and certain other genera represented in tropical Africa, the Oriental Region and Oceania, 
are sufficiently distinctive to merit segregation as a separate subfamily. 

Drabescus Stal 

Drabescus Stal, 1870, Ofvers.Vetensk.Forh.Stockh. 27: 738. 

The face of the head is flattened and considerably wider than long. The labium 
terminates at the base of the hind coxae and the lora do not extend as far as the anterior margins 
of the maxillary plates. The antennal ledges are roundly arched and the antennae approxi- 
mately twice the length of the width of each eye. There is an apical rim separating the face 
from the crown of the head, on which the ocelli are situated adjacent to the sides 
of the fronto-clypeus and at a distance from the eyes. The crown of the head, which is nearly 


twice as long in the centre as against the eyes, consists in part of the fronto-clypeus. The 
pronotum is laterally wide and the scutellum is longer than the pronotum. The tegmina, 
which have normal venation, have very wide appendices and raised, evenly spaced, spots 
on the veins and they overlap steeply apically. 

The hind tibiae have 4 rows of strong spines, 1 row of which is mounted on evenly- 
sized prominent bases. 

Type species — Bythoscopus remotus Walker (Philippines). 

Drabescus heroni sp.nov. 

(Fig. 32, H) 

Length, 7, $, 8 mm. General coloration brown. Face of head pale, or, dark 

brown; posteriorly black with a broad transverse ivory stripe, interrupted by the fronto- 
clypeus. Apical margin of head ivory, bordered on each side with black. Crown, pale 
or mottled brown. Pronotum brown with evenly distributed greyish spots and a narrow 
anterior, and lateral, white border. Scutellum concolorous with pronotum anteriorly; 
posteriorly, ivory. Tegmen evenly smoky-brown, or mottled brown with a median transverse 
vitreous fascia. 

Holotype from Heron Island, Queensland (coll. H.G. Cogger, 12/61) in the Australian 

The above species has been described because it is the first one belonging to the genus 
Drabescus to be recorded from Australia. It would seem to closely resemble D. stvamineus 
Distant which has been described from India. 

Lamia Linnavuori 

Lamia Linnavuori, i960, Acta Ent. Fenn. 15: 39. 

The face of the head is wider than long and the antennal ledges form the margin of 
‘the head between the eyes and the flattened fronto-clypeus. The crown of the head is flat 
and roundly produced in front of the eyes, and the ocelli, which are on the anterior lateral 
margin of the crown, are visible only in dorsal aspect. The eyes are approximately equal 
in width to the space between them. The pronotum is wide laterally and the tegmina, 
which have very wide appendices, overlap steely apically. 

Type species — Lamia cydippe Linnavuori (Fiji). 

Because of present uncertainty of the affinities of this genus it is only tentatively 
placed in the Drabescinae to which subfamily it has been ascribed by Linnavuori (i960). 

Lamia placida sp.nov. 

(Fig. 37, Bi, B2) 

Length, 4 ’8 mm - Face of head whitish. Crown white, with 4 orange spots. 
Pronotum white with 4 anterior and 4 posterior orange spots. Scutellum white with obscure 
orange markings. Tegmen whitish with a brown scribble pattern. 

Holotype $ from Lake Placid, near Cairns, Queensland (coll. D. McAlpine, 1/59) in the 
Australian Museum. 

L. placida differs from the type species in having a considerably more extensive crown and 
also in coloration. 



The Deltocephalinae, formerly known as the Euscelinae, may be recognized by the 
marginal position of the ocelli and the lack, in most genera, of certain cephalic features 
which occur in other groups of leaf hoppers with marginal ocelli. Thus, prominent antennal 
ledges are seldom developed and the crown of the head is seldom sharply differentiated from 
the face. 

The subfamily, which has representatives in all parts of the world, has been intensively 
studied in Europe and North America, where it is most abundantly represented, but not 
elsewhere. Many, possibly the majority of the species recorded from Australia are recent 
introductions, while several doubtless form part of the late Indo-Malayan faunal invasion. 
True endemic genera and species are few in number but are of undoubted occurrence. 
Because of the widespread distribution of some of the introduced species, certain of them 
may have been described several times from different parts of the world. This work is 
concerned particularly with Australian leafhoppers and while every attempt has been made 
to identify introduced forms, lack of sufficient comparative material makes it impossible to 
ensure that the names ascribed to them are necessarily the correct ones. 

It is appreciated, moreover, that certain genera which have been ascribed in this work 
to the Deltocephalini might be better placed in other tribes, as for example in the Euscelini, 
as defined by Linnavuori (1959). Such action, however, requires critical studies of the 
genera concerned and, as yet, these have not been undertaken. 

Key to the Tribes of the Deltocephalinae represented in Australia 

1. Small fragile insects somewhat typhlocybine in appearance; venation of tegmen 

reduced ♦ Macrostelini 

Not as above 2 

2. (1) Face of head more or less diamond-shaped, the eyes, genae and maxillary plates 

forming one continuous curved surface; antennae unusually long; crown of head 
sometimes arrow shaped Platymetopiini 

Not as above 4 „ * . 3 

3. (2) Ocelli situated on a well-defined marginal rim Selenocephalini 

Ocelli not situated as above * . . . Deltocephalini 


This tribe includes the most generalised and as well the largest and smallest 
representatives of the sub-family. Apart from one species, Nephotettix apicalis , which is 
entirely, or partly, green in colour, the Australian Deltocephalini are, for the most part, drab 
insects lacking distinctive features. As the genera described in the following pages represent 
only a small part of the Australian deltocephaline fauna, a key to the genera is omitted. 

Euleimonios Kirkaldy 

Euleimonios Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 342. 

Aconurominus Linnavuori, 1954, Ann.Ent.Fenn. 20: 83 (syn.nov.). 

lhe face of the head is slightly wider than long and the labium terminates between 
the middle coxae. I he lora, which are unusually large, overlap the sides of the ante-clypeus 
anteriorly; posteriorly, in the male they are separated from the genae by a ridge. The 


ante-clypeus, which is depressed just prior to where it widens, is partly concealed by the 
swollen lora. The crown of the head is considerably wider in the centre than against the 
eyes. The ocelli, which are small, and visible in dorsal aspect, are on the anterior margin 
of the head, inside the lateral frontal sutures. The anterior margin of the pronotum is 

Type species — Euleimonios demittendus Kirkaldy. 

Euleimonios flavidiventris (Stal) 

(Fig. 37, C) 

Jassus flavidiventris Stal, 1859, Eugen.Resa.Ins. 294. 

Euleimonios demittendus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 342 (syn.nov.). 

Aconurominus flavidiventris (Stal), Linnavuori, 1954, Ann.Ent.Fenn. 20: 84. 

Length, rj, 3, 3*8-4 mm. General coloration pale orange-yellow. Face of head, 

lora and maxillary plates coffee-brown, fronto-clypeus reddish-brown. Crown of head and 
thorax orange mottled with yellow; in the female, but not in the male, a row of 6 black 
spots along the anterior margin of the crown. Tegmen, hyaline brownish-yellow. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Stockholm. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Woy Woy (New South Wales). 

Occiplanocephalus Evans 

Occiplanocephalus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 146. 

The face of the head is wider than long and almost flat. The crown is approximately 
one- third the length of the pronotum and the eyes, which project considerably beyond the 
pronotum, are approximately equal to half the length of the pronotum. 

The tegmina, which are short, and do not extend as far as the apex of the abdomen, 
have wide appendices which continue around their apices; the venation is somewhat 
reticulate. The hind tibiae have an armature of strong spines, 1 row of which is mounted 
on enlarged bases, and between each spine in this row is a series of three, or, four minute 

Type species — Occiplanocephalus ravus Evans. 

Occiplanocephalus ravus Evans 
(Fig. 34, S) 

Occiplanocephalus ravus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 147. 

Length, 6*8 mm. Face of head pale greyish-brown with transverse brown muscle 
impressions. Crown grey. Pronotum grey mottled with brown. Scutellum grey, with 
brown and black markings. Tegmen whitish hyaline; veins brown. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 


Orosius Distant* 

Orosius Distant, 1918, Faun. Brit. Ind.Rhyn. 7: 85. 

Nesaloha Oman, 1943, Pan-Pacific Ent. 19 (1): 33. 

The face of the head is wider than long. The labium extends to between the middli 
coxae. The fronto-clypeus is convex and the sides of the head slope steeply laterally. Th 
distance between the eyes is approximately equal to the width of each eye. The tegmim 
are long and narrow and have wide appendices. 

Type species — Orosius albicinctus Distant, India. 

Orosius argentatus (Evans) 

(Fig. 34, D) 

Thamnotettix argentata Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1937: 15. 

Orosius argentatus (Evans) Oman, 1949, Ent.Soc.Wash.Mem. 3: 11, 15. 

Nesophrosyne argentatus (Evans), Linnavuori, i960, Ins. Micronesia 6 (5): 320. 

Length, 3*3, $, 3*6 mm. Face of head whitish-yellow with black and browi 

markings, those on the fronto-clypeus, transverse. Crown of head whitish-yellow with ; 
pair of oval, outwardly directed, black markings and sometimes with a pair of adjacem 
black, or brown, spots near the anterior margin and a posterior pair adjacent to the eyes 
Pronotum, anteriorly with pale reddish-brown markings; posteriorly grey with a patten 
of scribbled brown, or black, markings. Scutellum pale yellow, sometimes with a central 
black rectangular marking and with 4 small black or, brown spots. Tegmen hyaline' 
whitish with a brown scribbled pattern, enclosing numerous oval pale areas and usually witll 
3 black markings at the apices of veins Rla, Rib, and Rs. The male genitalia are illustrates 
in Linnavuori, i960. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Burnley, Victoria. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Widespread in Australia and of probable Oriental origin. Thii 
insect is the vector of at least two economically important virus diseases (Day and McKinnoni 

Orosius canberrensis (Evans) 

Thamnotettix canberrensis Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 15. 

Length, ^ 3 mm. General coloration pale yellow, eyes dark brown, ocelli redl 
Crown of head longest in centre. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Canberra, A.C.T. 

* This genus is currently being revised by Ghauri. 


Soracte Kirkaldy 

oracte Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 55. 

I he face of the head is as wide as long, the ante-clypeus is slightly narrower anteriorly 
han posteriorly and the lora do not reach as far as the anterior margins of the maxillary 
Th dates. The ocelli, which are marginal in position and closely adjacent to the eyes, are visible 
m rom above. The crown, which is approximately triangular, is slightly longer than the 
>ronotum. The tegmina have wide appendices. 

Type species — Soracte apollonos Kirkaldy. 

Soracte apollonos Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 35, B1-3) 

made apollonos Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 55. 

Length,. ^5 9 , 3 ’ 5 - 4*4 mm - Face of head pale brown, with curved, dark brown 

nuscle impressions on the fronto-clypeus. Crown, brownish-olivaceous, with a white, cross- 
haped marking; the arms of the cross curve posteriorly. Pronotum concolorous with the 
Town, with 4 pale brown longitudinal stripes. Tegmen whitish, some cells margined with 
)rown and some brown costal and apical markings; veins white. Male genitalia as in Fig. 
Ba, B 3 . * K 


Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

:I1 Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 


r: Known distribution elsewhere — Ingham, Queensland. 

Soractellus gen.nov. 

This genus resembles Soracte in broad structural features. It differs in the shape and 
proportions of the several parts of the male genitalia. 

Type species — Soractellus brunneus sp.nov. 

Soractellus brunneus sp.nov. 

(Fig. 35, C) 

Length, 3*6, $, 4*2 mm. Face of head, ivory; lora margined with brown; 

ronto-clypeus with broad, curved brown muscle impressions. Crown anteriorly very dark 
Drown with an apical pale brown triangular marking. Pronotum, anteriorly pale brown 
mottled with dark brown; medially pale brown; posteriorly very dark brown. Tegmen 
pale hyaline brown; veins broadly white margined with dark brown. Legs pale brown 
with dark brown bars. Male genitalia as in Fig. 35, C. 

Holotype and Allotype $ from Ingham, Queensland, in the Australian Museum. 

Soractellus nigrominutus sp.nov. 

(Fig. 35, H) 

Length, 2-2 mm. General coloration, yellowish-grey. Face of head, black with 
transverse posterior muscle impressions, as wide as long, sloping steeply at sides; ante-clypeus 
convex. Crown greyish golden-brown, longest in the centre and longer than the pronotum. 

2690 — 8 



Pronotum and scutellum concolorous with the crown. Tegmen not fully developed,, 
extending almost as far as apex of abdomen, grey; veins bordered with brown and some ; 
obscure brown markings. Male genitalia as in Fig. 35, H. 

Holotype $ from Moolooka, Queensland (11/44) ' m th e Australian Museum. 

Exitianus Ball 

Exitianus Ball, 1929, Trans.Amer.Ent.Soc. 55: 5. 

Mimodrylix Zachvatkin, 1935, Wiss.Ber.Moskauer Staats.Univ. 4: 108. 

' The five species listed below and ascribed to this genus comprise a group of leaf hoppers . 
of wide distribution in the tropics and sub-tropics of the world. They range in length from i 
3*8-6 mm and have a pallid appearance. The face of the head may be brown, or pallid, 1 
with transverse brown muscle impressions on the fronto-clypeus. The crown, which is 
anteriorly rounded and usually somewhat longer in the centre than against the sides, has a 1 
median transverse brown, or black, band which may be interrupted in the centre. The 1 
pronotum may likewise have a transverse, and usually, broken stripe. The tegmina are 
colourless-hyaline, and sometimes have longitudinal brown streaks. The veins are brown 
and the appendix wide. 

As the true status of the species listed below is uncertain they are not described. It 
is quite certain that there are many more synonyms of E. capicola than those listed here. 

Although these insects are of wide distribution in Australia, they are most abundant 
in the warmer regions of the continent and they feed on grasses. 

Type species — Cicadula exitiosa Uhler (North America). 

Exitianus contemptus (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 
Nephotettix contemptus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9); 332. 

Length, ?, 5*5 mm. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Exitianus capicola (Stal) 

(Fig. 34, A) 

Athysanus capicola Stal, 1855, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 12: 99. 

Jassus fusconervosus Motschulsky, 1863, Moscow Soc.Nat.Bull. 36: 97. 

Athysanus taematiceps Kirschbaum, 1868, Jahrb.Ver. Nat. Nassau 21 \ 87. 

Nephotettix plebeius Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 331. 
Nephotettix eurytus Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 54 (syn.nov.). 
Eutettix norrisi Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 14 (syn.nov.). 

Euscelis transversus Metcalf, 1946, Insects of Gaum, 2 B.P.Mus.Bull 189: 122. 


g. 34: A, Exitianus capicola , head and thorax; B, Loralia pulcherrima ; C, Exitianiellus elegantula ; D, Orosius 
yentatus ; E, Hishimonus disciguttus ; F, H. discignttus, male genitalia; G, Paralimus smithtoniensis, head and 
orax; H, Exitianus simillimus . male genitalia; I, Deltocephalus dorsalis; J, Thamnophryne nysias, head and 
orax; K, T. nysias, aedeagus; L, Hishimonus melaleucae, aedeagus and basal plate; M, H. melaleucae, 
ibgenital plates and parameres; N, Deltocephalus coronifer . head and thorax; O, D. coronifer, male genitalia, 
Pingellus nigrojlauus, head and thorax; Q,, P. nigroflavus, male genitalia; R, Limotettix incerta, male genitalia; 
Occiplanocephalus ravus ; T, Deltocephalus dorsalis, aedeagus; paramere and subgenital plate, U, Scaphetus 

brunneus, male genitalia. 


Mimodrylix capicola Ishihara, 1954, Matsuyama Agric.ColLSci.Rept. 14: 6. 
Exitianus capicola (Stal), Linnavuori, 1960, Ins. Micronesia 6 (5): 310. 

Length, $, 4-3-6 mm. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Stockholm. 

Type Locality — South Africa. 

Exitianus simillimus Matsumura 

(Fig- 34 > H ) 

Athysanus simillimus Matsumura, 1914, Tohoku Imp. Univ.J. Coll. Agric. 5: 185. 
Exitianus simillimus (Matsumura), Linnavuori, i960, Ins. Micronesia 5 (5): 312. 

Length, <J, ?, 3 -5-4*2 mm. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — Unknown. 

Exitianus pallida (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

Eutettix pallida Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 14. 

Length, $, 6 mm. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Crawley, Western Australia. 

Exitianus selbyi (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

Eutettix selbyi Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 14. 

Length, $, 7 mm. 

Type Location — National Museum of Victoria. 

Type Locality — Mutchilba, North Queensland. 

Nephotettix Matsumura 
Nephotettix Matsumura, 1902, Termez.Fuzet. 25: 356, 378. 

The species described below is an extremely variable one. Since the status of the 
several colour forms is uncertain, and the insects, which are not native to Australia, are 
readily recognizable, a generic description is unnecessary. 

Type species —Selenocephalus cinticeps Uhler (= apicalis Motschulsky) (Japan). 

Nephotettix apicalis Motschulsky 
Pediopsis apicalis Motschulsky, 1858, Etudes Ent. 7: no. 

Nephotettix apicalis (Motschulsky), Linnavuori, i960, Ins. Micronesia 6 (5): 314 (full synonomy).. 


Length, <$, $, 5 mm. General coloration bright green, or green with black markings, 
"ace of head, entirely, or in part, black. Crown of head of even length, or slightly longer 
a the centre than against the eyes, green, with or without, a broad transverse black stripe, 
"ronotum green, sometimes with a transverse black stripe anteriorly. Scutellum green. 
Tegmen green, apically hyaline pale, or dark, brown ; posterior angle of clavus and a marking 
•n the corium, sometimes black. Body beneath black, or black with green markings. 

Type Location — Not known. 

Type Locality — Not known. 

\Cnown distribution — Tropics and sub-tropics of the world. 

Collected on — Grasses. 

Exitianiellus gen. no v. 

The face of the head is wider than long and approximately oval in outline. The 
labium terminates between the middle coxae. Antennal ledges are lacking and the large 
circular antennal bases are oblique. The crown of the head, which is evenly rounded, is 
/ery slightly longer in the centre than against the sides. The tegmina are elongate and the 
tppendices wide. The outer valves of the ovipositor are spinous. 

Type species — Exitianiellus elegantula sp.nov. 

Exitianiellus differs from other Australian Deltocephalini, in which the crown is evenly 
rounded, in the unusual length of the antennae. 

Exitianiellus elegantula sp.nov. 

(Fig. 34 , G) 

Length, $, 6 mm. Length of antennae, 3 mm. General coloration golden brown. 
Pace of head, pale biscuit, with 2 round, widely spaced, black markings. Grown yellowish 
Adth a transverse, sometimes broken, band. Pronotum concolorous with the crown with a 
oroad posterior brown band and a pair of lateral brown markings. Scutellum ivory; muscle 
mpressions brown and transversely ridged. 

Holotype ?, from Orford, New South Wales (coll. D.K. McAlpine 3/62) in the Australian 
Museum. Other specimens from Eungella, Queensland. 

Limotettix J. Sahlberg 

Limotettix J. Sahlberg, 1871, Not. Sallsk. Faun. Flor.Fenn. 9: 224. 

The face of the head is widely diamond-shaped and the labium terminates between 
:he middle coxae. The ante-clypeus is broad and slightly wider posteriorly than anteriorly. 
The fronto-clypeus, which is convex, slopes laterally and narrowly extends onto the crown 
)f the head. The ocelli, which are marginal in position, are close to, but not immediately 
adjacent to the eyes. The crown is roundly acute and considerably longer in the centre 
Tan against the sides. The tegmina have wide appendices. 

Type species — Cicada s trio la Fallen (Europe). 


Limotettix tachyporias Kirkaldy 

Limotettix tachyporias Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 64. 

Length, 3*8, $, 4 mm. “Pale yellowish, tergites and the underside paler 

Frons basally and the lateral angles of the pronotum blackish brown. Tegmina hyalin* 
with an entire longitudinal blackish-brown median stripe. Vertex rounded, slightly angulat* 
extending in front of eyes, a trifle longer than wide at base.” 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Limotettix incerta sp.nov. 

(Kg- 34 , R) 

Length, 4, ?, 4-5 nun. Face of head yellow; margin of lora, ante-clypeus anc 
transverse muscle impressions on fronto-clypeus, black. Crown, yellow with curved muscle 
impressions laterally and one or two transverse black stripes. Pronotum and scutellun 
yellowish-brown with irregular black markings. Tegmen evenly hyaline-brown or hyaline- 
brown with whitish veins margined with brown, or black; costal margin white. Male 
genitalia as in Fig. 34, R. 

Holotype (J, and Allotype $, from Wilson’s Valley, Mt Kosiusko (coll. J.W.E., 3/62) in the 
Australian Museum. Other localities, Miena (Tasmania) ; Brisbane (Queensland) ; Auckland* 
Greymouth (New Zealand). 

Pingellus gen. no v. 

The face of the head is approximately as wide as long, and the labium terminates betweem 
the bases of the middle coxae. The anterior margin of the ante-clypeus is more than twice 
the width of the posterior margin. The frons is separately differentiated from the post-clypeus- 
and small, oblique, antennal ledges are present. The apex of the head is evenly roundedl 
and the crown, which is declivous, is equal in length with the eyes on each side. The tegminai 
have narrow appendices and the 2 apical cells adjacent to the appendix take part in the tegminall 

Type species — Pingellus nigrojlavus sp.nov. 

Pingellus differs from other deltocephaline genera described from Australia in the: 
retention of a distinct frons and small, but well-defined, antennal ledges. 

Pingellus nigroflavus sp.nov. 

(Fig. 34, P, Q) 

Length, <J, 4 mm. A striking species black and orange in colour. Face black, 
except for a few transverse brown markings on the post-clypeus posteriorly, and a transverse 
yellow marking on the frons which is continuous laterally on the vertex, on each side, where: 
it is amalgamated with the apices of a post-frontal transverse, orange, stripe. 

Crown anteriorly black, posteriorly, deep orange. Pronotum with five and scutellum 
with four longitudinal deep orange stripes. Tegmen hyaline-yellow, apically and ante-apically 
suffused with brown; veins broadly dark brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 34, Q. 

Holotype $ from Lamington National Park, Queensland (coll. I.G. Yeo, 2/58) in the 
Queensland Museum. 


Anemochrea Kirkaldy 

Anemochrea Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. i (9) • 3 ^ 9 * 

On the face of the head, which is longer than wide,|the ante-clypeus is parallel-sided 
ind the lora, which are small, are widely separated from the anterior margins of the maxillary 
olates The sides of the fronto-clypeus, posterior to the antennae, are in contact with the 
-yes on each side. The ocelli, which are marginally situated, are visible neither in ventral 
lor dorsal aspect. The crown is arrow-shaped and thejeyes are longer than the sides ol the 
'est of the crown. 

Lype species — Anemochrea mitis Kirkaldy. 

Anemochrea mitis Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 35, Gi, Ga) 

Anemochrea mitis Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9)- 33 °* 

Length, $, 3-4*5 mm. Face of head brown; muscle impressions dark brown. 

Crown of head finely ’ rugose, pale brown with 3 transverse brown bands. Pronotum pale 
brown with darker markings anteriorly. Tegmen brown, apical cells dark brown with pa e 
yellowish-white patches. The tegmina are short and in female insects the ovipositor extends 
considerably beyond the apices of the folded tegmina. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Phrynophyes Kirkaldy 

Phrynophyes Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta, 1 (9) • 3 ^ 7 * 

The head is triangularly produced anteriorly and is longer than the width between 
the eyes. The eyes, which are large, are included in the curve of the head. The tegmina 
are short and do not reach as far as the apex of the abdomen. 

Type species — Phrynophyes phrynophyes Kirkaldy. 

Phrynophyes phrynophyes Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 35, E) 

Phrynophyes phrynophyes Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Sta. 1 (9) • 3 ^ 7 * 

Length, $, 6 mm. General coloration metallic greenish-grey. Face of head, ante- 
clypeus wider than the lora; fronto-clypeus basally convex, flattening gradually towards 
the truncate apex. Crown slightly longer thanjjthe width between the eyes. Veins o 
tegmen, whitish. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Collected on — Grass. 


Phrynophyes parvula Kirkaldy 

Phrynophyes par vula Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 328. 

Length, 4 mm * General coloration, metallic green. Face of head, ante-clypeu 
slightly wider than the lora; fronto-clypeus, narrowing posteriorly. Crown of head abon 
three times as long as wide between the eyes. Tegmen consisting of short truncate pads. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Collected on — Grass. 

Phrynophyes kirkaldyi Evans 
(Fig. 35, Fi, F2) 

Phrynophyes kirkaldyi Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 15. 

Length, $, 5 mm. General coloration (living specimens) metallic green. Face c 
head pale yellowish-brown, transverse muscle impressions brown; eyes dark green. Crow] 
apically acute, pale yellowish-green; distance between anterior corners of eyes greater thai 
between internal posterior corners; ocelli minute, visible in dorsal aspect. Pronotum ano 
scutellum yellowish-green. Tegmen hyaline olive-green; costal margin whitish-greem 
veins outlined in brown. Abdomen in $ extending considerably beyond folded tegmina 
Male genitalia as in Fig. 35, F2. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Snug, Tasmania. 

Thamnophryne Kirkaldy 

Thamnophryne Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 61. 

Tasmanotettix Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 12 (syn.nov.). 

The face of the head is evenly convex, the antennal pits are shallow and the antennae 
long. The internal margins of the eyes lie close to the frontal suture on each side. The 
ocelli are visible in dorsal aspect and are adjacent to, but not touching, the eyes and the 
width of the crown is less than the width of each eye. The tegmina are long and narrow; 
and extend considerably beyond the apex of the abdomen. 

Type species — Thamnophryne nysias Kirkaldy. 

Thamnophryne nysias Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 34 ? J? K) 

Thamnophryne nysias Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 61. 

Tasmanotettix maculata Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 12 (syn.nov.). 

Length, (J, 4-5, 6 mm. Face of head dark brown, fronto-clypeus, and lora 

marginally, somewhat paler. Crown mottled with a regular pattern of dark brown, pale 
coffee-brown and yellow. Pronotum black with 6 small white transverse markings adjacent! 
to the anterior border, posteriorly black flecked with yellowish grey. Scutellum brown withi 


white markings. Tegmen dark brown with hyaline-white oval and irregularly shaped 
reas; veins dark brown bordered with yellowish-brown. Thorax and abdomen ventrally 
lack, each abdominal segment posteriorly white. Male genitalia as in Fig. 34, K. 

ype Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

ype Locality — Mittagong, New South Wales. 

~nown distribution elsewhere — Hobart (Tasmania); Darwin (Northern Territory). 

Campbellinella Distant 

■ ampbellinella Distant, 1918, Faun. Brit. Ind. 7: 69. 

The face of the head is longer than wide and the labium extends to between the mid 
Dxae. The fronto-clypeus is medially flattened and the antennae, the basal segments of 
r hich fill all the space between the fronto-clypeus and the eyes on each side, are more than 
vice the length of the width of the head. The ocelli are situated on the sides of the head, 
ery close to the eyes. The crown is flat and apically acute and is wider between the 
nterior, than the posterior, margins of the eyes. 

ype species — Campbellinella illustrata Distant (India). 

Campbellinella fatigandus (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 35, Di, D2) 

hrynomorphus fatigandus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 327. 

Length, 4-9, §, 5*1 mm. General coloration evenly pale brown. Tegmen 

yaline; veins whitish. Male genitalia as in Fig. 35, D2. 

ype Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

ype Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

ollected on — Grass. 

mown distribution elsewhere — Narrabeen (New South Wales). 

Loralia gen.nov. 

The face of the head is flat and wider than long and the labium terminates at the 
ase of the middle coxae. The antennae extend beyond the outer margin of the head and 
ntennal ledges are lacking. The crown, which is slightly longer in the centre than against 
le eyes, is flat, and the ocelli, which are on the margin of the head, close to, but not 
djoining the eyes, are not visible from above. The tegmina are short and broad and in 
le female do not extend as far as the apex of the abdomen. 

"ype species — Loralia pulcherrima sp.nov. 

Loralia differs from other Australian deltocephaline genera in the shape of the crown 
nd tegmina. 


Loralia pulcherrima sp.nov. 

(Fig. 34, B) 

Length $ 4, ?, 5-1 mm. A very distinctively marked species. Face of head, pale 

brownish-yellow with a broad transverse black band on the fronto-clypeus and between the 
eves- another broad black, marginal, band, interrupted by a narrow, yellow transverse 
stripe Crown, pale brownish-yellow. Pronotum anteriorly brown, posteriorly ivory. 
Tegmen in part hyaline brown, in part hyaline ivory with brown markings at apices of veins 
Rla, Rib, 1 A and 2A; costal margin as far as Rla, white. 

Holotype and Allotype ? from Wilsons Valley, Mt Kosiusko, New South Wales (coll. J.W.E. 
3/62) in the Australian Museum. 

Scaphoideus Uhler 

Scaphoideus Uhler, 1889, Trans. Maryland Acad.Sci. 1: 33. 

It is uncertain whether the species described below has been correctly ascribed tc 
this genus, hence no separate generic description is given. 

Type species — Jassus immistus Say (North America). 

Fig. 35: Ai * Scaphoideus festivus, head and thorax; A2, S. festivus, face of head; Bi. Soracte apollonos, heac 
and thorax; |B2, S. apollonos , aedeagus; B3, S. apollonos , subgenital plates and parameres; G, Soractellu- 
brunneus, male genitalia; Di, Campbellinella fatiguandus , head and thorax; D2, C. fatiguandus, aedeagus, basa 
plate and paramere; E, Phrynophyes phrynophyes, head and thorax; Fi, Phrynophyes kirkaldyi , head anc 
thorax; F2, P . kirkaldyi , subgenital plates, parameres and basal plate; Gi, Anemochrea mitis, head anc 
thorax; G2, A. mitis, face of head; H, Soractellus nigrominutus , male genitalia. 


Scaphoideus festivus Matsumura 

(Fig. 35, Ai, A2) 

Scaphoideus festivus Matsumura, 1902, Mats. Term. Fuz. 25: 384. 

Scaphoideus festivus Matsumura, Distant, 1908, Faun. Brit. Ind. 4: 372. 

'Scaphoideus pristidens Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 333 (syn.nov.). 
Length, 4-5-5 *5 mm; $, 6 mm. 

Face of head wider than long, the labium terminating between the middle coxae 
pale biscuit, with four or five broad, posterior, transverse black stripes, also a black marking 
below each antenna. Antennae considerably longer than width of head. Crown, flat, 
longest in centre with 2 anterior small black spots and 2 larger dark brown markings 
posteriorly. Pronotum brown with a broad central, irregular, and variably-shaped whitish 
area. Scutellum whitish with 2 large anterior and 2 small posterior brown markings, 
together with 4 centrally placed yellowish spots. Tegmen whitish-hyaline, partly suffused 
with brown; veins brown; Rla, Rib and Rs recurved. Legs white, except for the apex and 
the bases of the spines on the hind tibiae; the posterior third of the first and the second tarsal 
segment, black. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — Japan. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Cabramatta, Orford (New South Wales) ; Cairns (Queensland) ; 

Hishimonus Ishihara 

Hishimonus Ishihara, 1953, Sci. Rep. Matsuyama Agric.Coll. 11: 38. 

Hishimonus Ishihara, Linnavuori, i960, Acta.Ent.Fenn. 15: 47. 

Linnavuori has furnished a detailed description of this genus of which the most readily 
recognizable characteristic is whitish tegmina with scribbled brown markings. 

Type species — Acocephalus discigutta Walker. 

Hishimonus disciguttus (Walker) 

(Fig. 34, E, F) 

Acocephalus discigutta Walker, 1857, J. Linn. Soc. 1: 172. 

Eutettix bengalensis Distant, 1918, Faun. Brit. Ind. 7: 60. 

Eutettix passiflorae Evans, 1941, Trans. Roy. Soc. S.Aust. 65: 40. 

Hishimonus disciguttus Walker, Ishihara, 1953, Sci.Rep. Matsuyama Agric.Coll. ri: 38. 

Hishimonus disciguttus (Walker), Lindberg, 1958, Comment.Biol. 19 (1): 179. 

Length, <$, $, 3-8-4 mm. Head pale yellowish, with obscure, pale brown markings. 
Pronotum concolorous with the crown, or greyish posteriorly mottled with pale brown. 
Scutellum pale yellowish. Tegmen whitish, apically mottled with brown, and with scattered 
brown spots; a triangular median brown fascia on each tegmen which, when the tegmina 
are folded, appears as a prominent and characteristic diamond shaped marking; veins pale 
brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 34, F. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Sarawak. 

Known distribution elsewhere — India, W. Africa, Cape Verde Island, Fiji; Wyndham (Western 
Australia); Sydney (New South Wales); Brisbane (Queensland). 

The above insect is an example of a widely distributed deltocephalid of which isolated 
populations have diverged, in so far as minor male genitalia differences are concerned. 

Although Lindberg (1958) regarded H. passijlorae as a synonym, of H. disciguttus; 
Linnavuori (i960) has preferred to recognise each as a distinctive species. Only one specific 
name is accepted here, since this serves to emphasise the wide distribution of this leafhopper. 

Hishimomis sellatus (Uhler) 

Thamnotettix sellata Uhler, 1896, Proc.U.S.Nat.Mus. 19: 294. 

Eutettix sellata (Uhler) Kirkaldy, 1906 Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 331. 

Hishimonus sellatus (Uhler), Linnavuori, i960, Acta.Ent.Fenn. 15: 49. 

Although Kirkaldy recorded this species from Australia, as its occurrence is doubtful, 
it is not described. 

Type Location — U.S. National Museum. 

Type Locality — Japan. 

Hishimonus melaleucae (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig- 34 , L) 

Eutettix melaleucae Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 53. 

Length, 3*2, 9 ? 4'5 _ 4’8 mm. Crown of head pronotum and scutellum pale- 

yellowish, or brown, with whitish and black markings. Tegmen hyaline whitish, with 
scribbled brown markings; a brown marking at the apex of the clavus and another against 
the costal marking, veins brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 34, L. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — North Queensland. 

Known distribution — Gladstone, Townsville (Queensland). 

Collected on — Melaleuca. 

Paralimnus Matsumura 

Paralimnus Matsumura, 1902, Termez.Fuzet. 15: 356, 386. 

Diemoides Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 13 (syn.nov.). 

The face of the head is evenly convexly rounded, the antennal pits are shallow and 
the apical margin of the head is broad. The ocelli, which are on the dorsal border of the 
apical margin, lie well in front of the eyes and closer to the eyes on each side than to each 
other. I he crown is arrow-shaped and wider than each eye. The pronotum, of which the 


nterior margin is almost straight between the eyes, is narrow laterally and the propleurae 
“parate the eyes from the bases of the tegmina. The tegminal appendices are narrow, the 
nal veins medially fused and Rla and Rib are recurved. 

"ype species — Paralimnus fallaciosus Matsumura (Japan). 

Paralimnus smithoniensis (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 34, G) 

viemoides smithoniensis Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 13. 

Length, 4 mm, $, 4-8 mm. Face of head, brown; apex orange with 3 narrow, 
ransverse black stripes. Crown whitish with a median orange patch. Pronotum anteriorly 
range, posteriorly greyish. Scutellum with paired orange markings. Tegmen hyaline 
/hite, irregularly blotched with brown; claval veins orange, other veins brown. 

r ype Location — Australian Museum. 

r ype Locality — Smith ton, Tasmania. 

\ mown distribution elsewhere — Mt Wilson (New South Wales) ; Kuranda, Innisfail (Queensland) ; 
r orrest (Victoria). 

Scaphetus gen.nov. 

The face of the head is approximately as long as wide and the labium terminates at 
he base of the hind coxae. The anterior margin of the clypeus is twice the width of the 
>osterior margin. The ocelli are on the crown of the head, adjacent to the anterior margin. 
The crown is flat and widest in the centre, and each eye is equal in width to half the width 
>f the pronotum. 

The sides of the pronotum widely separate the eyes from the bases of the tegmina and 
he pronotum is widest posteriorly. The tegmina have narrow appendices and Rla, Rib 
md Rs are reflexed. 

Type species — Scaphetus brunneus sp.nov. 

Scaphetus resembles Platyretus Melichar and Scaphoideus Uhler in many features but 
liffers in the greater width of the crown in relation to the eyes, and the dorsal position of 
he ocelli. 

Scaphetus brunneus sp.nov. 

(Fig. 34, U) 

Length, <^, 5, $, 6 mm. General coloration brown. Face of head pale chocolate 

orown with yellow markings. Apex with a transverse yellow band. Crown of head, 
Dronotum and scutellum, yellow mottled with ochreous brown. Tegmen pale hyaline brown, 
)r ivory with a brown reticulate pattern; distal two-thirds of costal margin white, with four 
)r five thick, oblique black markings, an apical black marking and one in the neighbourhood 
)f Cula. Male genitalia as in Fig. 34, U. 

Lolotype, from Bay of Islands and Allotype $ from Flora Hut, Nelson, New Zealand, in 
he Dominion Museum, Wellington, New Zealand. 


Deltocephalus Burmeister 

Deltoceplialus Burmeister, 1838, Gen. Ins. I :pl. 14, sub-gen. 3. 

Until such time as a critical study, on a world basis is made of the species whic 
have been ascribed to this genus, it cannot be determined how many are truly congeneri 
with the type species. The genus as understood below comprises small, mostly broao 
drab, leafhoppers which have an evenly rounded face, an extensive post-clypeus, marginal 
ocelli and lack antennal ledges. Sometimes the frontal region, which is situated on th 
crown of the head, is distinct from the post-clypeus, and the latter may extend laterally onto, 
the crown. 

Type species — Cicada pulicaris Fallen (Palaearctic) . 

The most abundant and widely distributed representative of this genus in botl. 
Australia and New Zealand is D. taedius and this may well be an introduced species in botl; 

Fig. 36: A, Deltocephalus aristarche ; B, D. aristarche, male genitalia; C, Deltocephalus perparvus ; D, D. 
perparvus , male genitalia; E, Deltocephalus centralis , head and thorax; F, Deltocephalus taedius, male genitaliaj 
G, Deltocephalus viridellus, aedeagus; H, Deltocephalus centralis , face of head; I, Alo deltocephalus draba, sub 
genital plate and paramere; J, Alodeltocephalus longuinquus, aedeagus; K, A. longuinquus, subgenital plat] 

and paramere. 

Deltocephalus taedius (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 36, F) 

Phrynomorphus taedius Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 326. 
Deltocephalus montanus Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 16 (syn.nov.). 
(nec.) Deltocephalus montanus Distant, 1908, Faun.Brit.Ind.Rhyn. 4: 384. 


A highly variable species of wide distribution in Australia and New Zealand. 
<ength, <J, 3 *2-4*5 mm * General coloration pale brown, or with a blackish appearance. 
10th sexes of a population may be concolorous with each other or the $ may be blackish 
nd the $ pale brown. The tegmina may not extend as far as the apices of the abdomen 
11 either sex or they may extend beyond it. Face of head, either anteriorly pale yellowish- 
irown, the fronto-clypeus blackish, or entirely pale brown or predominantly black. Post- 
lypeal muscle impressions not extending onto the crown. Grown of head and thorax pale 
r dark brown mottled with dark brown or black. Tegmen entirely pale hyaline brown, 
tr, with the veins, which are yellowish, or whitish, margined narrowly or broadly with black, 
ir with the cells largely black. Male genitalia with broad triangular sub-genital plates, 
le pygophore with a sword-shaped process and the aedeagus shorter than the basal 
onnective (Fig. 36, F). 

ype Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

jpe Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

nown distribution elsewhere — Widely distributed in Australia and New Zealand. 

Collected on — Grasses. 

Deltocephalus arunda Jacobi 

Otocephalus arunda Jacobi, 1909, Faun.S.W.Aust., Michaelsen and Hartmeyer 2: 343. 

Length, $, 4-5 mm. General coloration, dirty reddish-yellow. ' £ Crown of head 
omewhat shorter than the shortest distance between the eyes. Tegmen hyaline, extending 
lightly beyond the last abdominal tergite; base and apex of claval suture white; a narrow 
>lackish-brown transverse bend in the proximal half of the corium.” 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — Moora, Western Australia. 

Deltocephalus decoloratus Evans 

Deltocephalus decoloratus Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy. Soc.W.Aust. 27: 148. 

Length, 3-8 mm. Face of head with pale brown muscle impressions on the 
ronto-clypeus. Crown longest in the centre, scutellum with a row of 4 dark spots anteriorly 
md two spots posteriorly. Tegmen pallid, apically grey; veins white, bordered with grey. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Deltocephalus dedarensis Evans 

Deltocephalus dedarensis Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy. Soc.W.Aust. 27: 147. 

Length, 3*6 mm. Face of head orange-yellow, fronto-clypeus darker in colour. 
Crown, orange-buff, longer in the centre than against the eyes. Pronotum and scutellum 
concolorous with the crown. Tegmen pale hyaline brown, apically narrow. Ventral surface 
of thorax, and abdomen, and legs, pale orange-yellow. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 


Deltocephalus lotis Kirkaldy 

Deltocephalus lotis Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 56. 

Length, $, 3-6 mm. General coloration evenly pale vellowish-brown. Tegmina 
reaching to about half the length of the insect, obliquely transverse apically. “ Vertex- 
piceous with a thin median longitudinal testaceous line, basal half testaceous with 2 big. 
piceous spots, a short transverse testaceous line middle of apical half. Face piceous; frons 
with curved concentric lines on each side of the middle. Tegmina testaceous subopaque 
with a narrow piceous margin to the veins on both sides. Greatest width of vertex about! 
the same as the length; vertex flattish, nearly rectangular apically, a little depressed basally.. 
Vertex and frons acute-angled in profile.” 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Mittagong, New South Wales. 

Deltocephalus lucindae Kirkaldy 

Deltocephalus lucindae Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 58. 

Length, 3-9, 5 mm. General coloration brown. Crown with a pair of black 

apical markings and obscure yellow-brown markings continuing onto the pronotum. 
Tegmen evenly hyaline brown; veins pale brown. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Lucinda, Queensland. 

Deltocephalus coronifer Marshall* 

(Fig. 34, N, O) 

Jassus coronifer Marshall, 1866, Ent.Mon.Mag. 2 : 265. 

Deltocephalus hospes Kirkaldy, 1904, Entom. 37: 177 (syn.nov.). 

Phrynomorphus hospes (Kirkaldy) 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 60. 

Divitiacus primus Distant, 1918, Faun. Brit. Ind. 7: 59 (syn.nov.). 

Deltocephalus ( Insulanus ) hospes , Kirkaldy, Linnavuori, i960, Act.Ent.Fenn. 15: 45. 

Length, $, 3-4 mm. General coloration very pale brown. A|’highly variable 
species. Crown of head roundly acute. Anterior margin with a broken, brown stripe, 
which may consist of a row of dark brown spots, or, a broad, dark brown band with oval, 
or round spots. Tegmen pallid yellowish with a few indistinct brown markings; some cells, 
particularly against the costal margin, and apically, may be suffused, entirely, or in part, 
with smoky-brown; veins white. Male genitalia as in Fig. 34, O. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — Esher, England. 

Collected on — Grass. 

Known distribution elsewhere — This European species is of widespread occurrence in Australia. 

* It is possible that this is a synonym of Deltocephalus distinctus Motschulsky, 1859. 


Deltocephalus aristarche (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 36, A, B) 

Driotura aristarche Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 59. 

Length, 2-2*4 mm; ¥> 2*5-3 mm - Face of h eac * ~ venl Y P ale brown, or pale 
yellowish-brown with brown or black muscle impressions. Tegmen reduced, approximately 
rectangular in shape, extending to half the length of the whole insect, ivory, faintly, and 
partially, suffused with brown, or almost entirely dark brown. Abdomen, dorsal surface, 
irregularly mottled with pale yellowish-brown and dark brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 
36, B. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Mittagong, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Port Stephens, Dungog (New South Wales). 

Deltocephalus perparvus Kirkaldy 

(Fig. 36, C, D) 

Deltocephalus perparvus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 33 °* 

Length, 2*3 mm. “Pale yellowish-testaceous. Vertex distinctly longer medianly 
than at eyes, triangularly rounded in front, margin in front of eyes straight. Vertex 
somewhat flat, a large rounded depression on each side of the middle line. Clypeus as wide 
anteriorly as frons posteriorly, which very gradually widens at clypeus, extending anteriorly 
beyond base of clypeus, posteriorly nearly touching margin of genae. Pronotum short, 
anteriorly arched, posteriorly slightly emarginate. Tegmina short, reaching only to half 
the length of the abdomen without appendix; venation obscure. Glavus nearly as large 
as the apically rounded coriurn. Wings minute.” 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Mittagong, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Deltocephalus polemon Kirkaldy 

Deltocephalus polemon Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 56. 

Length, 3*5 mm. “Vertex testaceous with a faint olivaceo-fuscous stripe on 

each side of the median line. Pronotum testaceous with 3 longitudinal pale olive-fuscous 
stripes on each side, the innermost broad and continuing onto the scutellum. Tegmina 
dilute yellowish-cinereous; veins whitish-testaceous narrowly and irregularly margined with 
fuscous; apical cells mostly dark fuscous, the first and second apical veins whitish. M!ale, 
valve short, triangular; plates little longer than the valve, the. two taken together deeply 
emarginate angularly in the middle; pygophore more than twice as long medially as the 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 


Deltocephalus chlorippe (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

Phrynomorphus chlorippe Kirkaldy, I 9 ° 7 ? bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 60. 

Length, 3*3 mm. General coloration evenly bright yellow. Face of head, black,, 
brown, or pale brown. Crown approximately triangular, but anteriorly not acute. Tegmem 
short, not reaching to apex of abdomen, hyaline-yellow. Hind wings reduced. Dorsal) 
surface of abdomen in ?, anterior two-thirds, black; posteriorly yellow. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Brisbane (Queensland). 

Deltocephalus pullatus Evans 

Deltocephalus pullatus Evans, 1942, Trans.Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 148. 

Length, $, 4 mm. Face of head with a pattern of regular bold, black markings. 
Grown longer in the centre than against the eyes, pale brown with transverse and curved 
black stripes. Pronotum anteriorly yellowish-brown, posteriorly grey with a regular pattern 
of brown markings. Scutellum pale brownish-yellow with black markings, muscle 
impressions apricot. Tegmen whitish hyaline, margins of each cell suffused with brown. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — -Yanchep, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Kiata (Victoria). 

Deltocephalus centralis sp.nov. 

(Fig. 36, E, H) 

Length, $, 4*6 mm width across eyes, 1*7 mm. A broad species, pale yellowish in 
colour, mottled with pinkish-orange. Face of head yellowish mottled with pink, or pale 
yellow mottled, to a varying extent, with black. Crown, either of equal length with the 
eyes, or slightly longer in the centre, yellowish, mottled with orange-pink. Pronotum 
concolorous with the crown. Scutellum yellow, or pinkish, sometimes with small black, 
lateral markings. Tegmen, with complete venation including 3 cross- veins, m-cu, hyaline- 
grey with sparse irregular brown markings; veins white with orange-pink markings. An 
apparently constant feature is a series of small, dark brown markings against the costal 
margin of the tegmen. 

Holotype $ from Standley Chasm, McDonnell Ranges, Central Australia (coll. A. Musgrave 
6/39) in the Australian Museum. This species has been described, in spite of lack of male 
specimens for genitalia examination, because of the interest provided by the locality of its 

Deltocephalus viridellus sp.nov. 

(Fig. 36, G) 

Length, 3, $, 4 mm. General coloration, greenish-yellow. Face of head, ante- 
clypeus, lora and maxillary plates, pale brownish-yellow; lora and ante-clypeus posteriorly, 
margined with brown. Post-clypeus yellow with transverse black stripes. Crown longer 
in the centre than against the sides and almost equal to the combined length of the pronotum 


and scutellum, pale greenish-yellow, with a triangular frontal area bordered anteriorly by 
the curved hind margins of the post-clypeus, posteriorly, by a transverse postfrontal suture. 
Tegmen pale hyaline greenish-yellow; veins concolorous with the rest of the tegmen. Male 
genitalia as in Fig. 36, G. 

Holotype <$ and Allotype $ from Mt Kosciusko, New South Wales, 6,500 ft (collected. 
J.W.E., 6/62) in the Australian Museum. 

Deltocephalus dorsalis Motchulsky 

(Fig. 34, I, T) 

Deltocephalus dorsalis Motchulsky, 1859, Etud.Ent.1859: 114. 

Deltocephalus dorsalis Motchulsky, Distant, 1908, Faun. Brit. Ind. 4: 380. 

Length, $, 3-4 mm. This species may be recognized by the characteristic 

tegminal markings. Male genitalia as in Fig. 34, T. 

Type Location — Moscow. 

Type Locality — Colombo, Ceylon. 

Known distribution elsewhere — India, Ceylon, Borneo, Japan, Brisbane (Queensland). 

The above genus clearly lacks close affinity with other species ascribed to this genus* 
but its correct position can only be determined by a study of the Oriental fauna. 

Alodeltocephalus gen.nov. 

Small Deltocephalus- like leaf hoppers distinguished by the possession of long sclerotised 
clasping processes arising from the apices of the subgenital plates. 

The face of the head is wider than long and the transverse muscle impressions on the 
fronto-clypeus, which extend laterally onto the crown, are well defined. The ocelli are on 
the crown in alignment with the apex of the coronal suture and adjacent to the eyes and the 
apex of the crown is broadly acute. The tegmina, which are apically broad, do not 
completely cover the genital segments, and the apical cells are approximately square. 

Type species — Phrynomorphus longuinquus Kirkaldy. 

Alodeltocephalus longuinquus (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 36, J, K) 

Phrynomorphus longuinquus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 326. 

Deltocephalus obliquus Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 16 (syn.nov,). 

Length, 3-3 -5 mm. General coloration, pale brown. Tegmen sometimes 

with white and black markings. Male genitalia as in Fig. 36, J, K. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — widely distributed in Australia and New Zealand. 


Alodeltocephalus draba sp.nov. 

(Kg- 36 , I) 

Length, <$, $, 3 -2 mm. Differs from the type species in the slightly greater extension 
laterally of the post-clypeus onto the crown of the head and in the considerably more 
extensive apical processes of the subgenital plates which are carried in a crossed, instead of 
a vertical, position. Male genitalia as in Fig. 36, I. 

Holotype $ and Allotype $ from Forrest, Victoria (coll. J.W.E., 3/63) in the Australian 

Lonatura Osborn and Ball 

Lonatura Osborn and Ball, 1898, Proc. Davenport Acad.Sci. 8: 83. 

Since the type specimen of the species described below is unavailable, it has been 
impossible to determine its generic position with certainty. Consequently, no description 
is given of the genus. The type species, L. catalina , like L. austrina is a minute insect and is 
known in a brachypterous and in a fully winged form. 

Lonatura austrina Kirkaldy 

Lonatura austrina Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 62. 

Length, 1-9 mm. Head, pronotum and scutellum pale yellowish the frons with a 
pale ferruginous radiating pattern. Tegmina pale olive green, the veins a little yellow, a 
broad smoky apical band. Abdomen black, the last segment white, pygophor white and 
black. Legs yellowish-brown soiled with fuscous. 55 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu (missing). 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Bundaberg (Queensland) . 

Carvaka Distant 

Carvaka Distant, 1918, Faun. Brit. Ind. 7: 40. 

The species described below is only tentatively ascribed to this genus, hence no 
generic description is provided. 

Type species — Carvakta picturata Distant. 

Carvaka fulvida sp.nov. 

(Fig. 32, I) 

Length, $, 6 mm. Face of head wider than long, the labium short, terminating 
between the fore femora. Ante-clypeus dark brown, fronto-clypeus ochreous-brown except 
foi an antero-medial dark brown area and a transverse dark brown bar posteriorly; 
remainder of face, pale parchment-yellow. Ocelli on a bright yellow marginal rim adjacent 
to, but not in contact with, the eyes. Crown of head approximately two-thirds the length 
of the pronotum, longest in the centre, anteriorly dark brown; posteriorly pale yellowish- 
brown with a broken posterior, pale brown stripe; tegmen hyaline bronze or brown except 
for the costal area which is vitreous; veins brown. 


Holotype $ from the Bunya Mountains, Queensland (coll N. Geary, 21/1/38), in the 
Australian Museum. 

The above species has been described on the basis of a single specimen as it is the sole 
representative of this tribe to be recorded from Australia. It is possible that Carvaka has 
been incorrectly ascribed to the Selenocephalini and for this reason the illustration of the 
head of C. fulvida has been placed on the same plate as the one in which the heads of 
representatives of the Jassinae and Penthimianae are also illustrated. 

Dryadomorpha Kirkaldy 

Dryadomorpha Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 335. 

“Vertex acutely produced in front of the eyes, a little longer than wide at the base, 
slightly concave, basal half sulcate longitudinally; longitudinally finely striate; anterior 
margin of head acute. Eyes large, not forming part of the curve of the head. Ocelli very 
small, immediately in front of the acute margin of the head, nearly midway between eye and 
apex of vertex. Face angularly convex, diamond shaped, frons elongate, subconstricted 
at the antennal articulations. Clypeus fused with frons, widening posteriorly, posterior 
margin slightly notched in middle, reaching beyond posterior margin of genae. Lorae 
wider than clypeus anteriorly, not nearly touching posterior margin of genae. Posterolateral 
margin of face oblique, not angulate almost direct between eye and clypeus. Antennae 
long, reaching at least beyond last sternite. Pronotum finely striate transversely, anteriorly 
arched, lateral margins evanescent. Scutellum a trifle wider than long. Venation of tegmen 
indistinct. 5 ’ 

Type species — Dryadomorriorpha pallida Kirkaldy. 

Dryadomorpha pallida Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 37, Ai, Aa) 

Dryadomorpha pallida Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 336. 

Length, $, 7 mm - “ Pale golden yellow, eyes brownish red. Last sternite of 
female short, posterior margin slightly notched; pygofers marked with a groove on each 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

GifFardia Kirkaldy 

Giffardia Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. t (9): 336. 

“Head elongate, tapering; vertex longer than wide across the eyes, about five or six 
times as long as wide between eyes at base, prolongation elongate-triangular, flat, porrect 
or slightly declivous towards the apex, longitudinally carinate. Frons elongate, a little more 
than four times as long as wide between antennae. Clypeus a trifle wider at apex than at 
base, a little wider than the lorae, which do not nearly touch its posterior margin. Eyes 
large, elongate, suboblique not included in the curve of the head. Ocelli small, on the 


anterior margin of the head, a little remote from the eyes. Antennae elongate, socketted ai 
about one-third of the length of the eyes. Pronotum arched anteriorly, pronotum and 
scutellum longitudinally carinate. Tegminal venation simple, four discoidals and five 

Type species — Giffardia dolicliocephala Kirkaldy. 

Giffardia dolichocephala Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 37 , G) 

Giffardia dolichocephala Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 336. 

Length, 5 ’ 5 "^ *5 mm ; ?, 8-2 mm. £C More or less pale yellowish testaceous, a 

longitudinal brownish line from apex of vertex to posterior margin of scutellum, the keel on 
these parts being often pale and the crown line being more or less interrupted, sometimes 
irregularly widening on the vertex. On each of the genae is a thin brown smudged line, 


uniting anteriorly on the frons. Tegminal veins whitish, whole internal margin smoky, as 
also the small spots, one on each side of the second apical vein. Tegmina in female not 
extending to apex of abdomen and in male beyond abdomen.’ 5 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Collected on — Grasses. 

Platymetopius Burmeister 
Platymetopius Burmeister, 1838, Gen. Ins. 1: pi. 14. 

The face of the head is diamond shaped, longer than wide and slopes steeply at the 
sides. The antennae are very long, antennal ledges absent and there are prominent circular 
basal antennal pits. The ocelli are on the face of the head, close to the hind margin and 
situated midway between the eyes and the apex of the head. The crown of the "head is 
narrowly acute and approximately equal in length to the combined length of the pronotum 
and scutellum. 

Type species — Cicada undata De Geer (Europe). 

This species is described as new since it is the first representative of the genus to be 
described from Australia. Doubtless, a critical study of the Platymetopiini, on a world 
basis, would show the need for generic separation of Australian from European insects. 
Until this is done, it is however preferable to refer such species as this to well known genera, 
as has been done, for example, within the Idiocerinae, rather than to create new genera for 
their special reception. 

Platymetopius australis sp.nov. 

(Fig. 37, Di, D2) 

Length, 5, $, 6-5 mm. General coloration, evenly yellow (probably green when 

alive) . 

Holotype and Allotype $ from Wyndham, north-west Australia (coll. E.G.B. Langfield, 
8/56)3 in the Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Oceanopona Linnavuori 

Oceanopona Linnavuori, i960, I ns. Micronesia 6 (5): 299. 

Type species — Oceanopona croceipennis Linnavuori (Eastern Caroline Island). 

A single specimen of a species, which apparently belongs to this genus, has been seen. 
This was taken in a light-trap at Darwin, North Australia. Linnavuori ascribes this genus 
to the tribe Paraboloponini which he states is distributed through Japan and Micronesia. 
As it is uncertain in what characters the Paraboloponini differ from the Platymetopiini the 
genus is tentatively ascribed to the latter tribe. 

The species in the two genera which follow are of uncertain relationships and are only 
tentatively included in the Deltocephalinae. 


Anemolua Kirkaldy 

Anemolua Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 329. 

The face of the head, which is transversely convex, is as long as wide. The ante- 
clypeus is long and widest apically. The sides of the fronto-clypeus, posterior to the 
antennae, are close to the eyes. 

On the crown of the head the length of each eye is greater than the width of the hind 
margin of the head between the eyes. The tegmina are apically broad and have wide 
appendices and the venation is slightly reticulate. 

Type species — Anemolua hanuala Kirkaldy. 

This is an anomalous genus and has some seeming resemblance to Malagasiella Evans, 
and also to Stegelytra Mulsant and Rey. 

Anemolua hanuala Kirkaldy 

(Fig- 37 ? F1-4) 

Anemolua hanuala Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 329. 

Length, $, 3*8-5 mm. Face of head, brown. Crown, pale brown with a median 
anterior brown marking and a pair of oval dark brown markings posteriorly. Pronotum 
pale brown with obscure pale brown markings and 6 dark brown spots close to the anterior 
margin. Scutellum pale brown with 4 darker spots. Tegmen pale brown with irregular 
whitish areas; veins white. In the $, the abdomen extends beyond the folded tegmina and 
the ovipositor is very long. Male genitalia as in Fig. 37, F2. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Inghamia gen. no v. 

1 he face of the head, which is wider than long slopes steeply towards the sides. The 
labium is short and terminates between the fore trochanters. The ante-clypeus is rectangular, 
the lora broad and the maxillary plates posteriorly emarginate. The fronto-clypeus, which 
is convex, is completely enclosed by continuous epicranial and frontal sutures. The eyes 
are very large and the interior margin of each eye is indented adjacent to the antennae, 
i he antennae, which extend considerably beyond the margin of the face, lack overhanging 
ledges. I he ocelli, which are visible in both facial and dorsal aspect, are adjacent to the 
hind margin of the fronto-clypeus. The crown is broadly arrow-shaped and the coronal 
suture extends almost as far as the anterior corners of the eyes. The pronotum is laterally 
long and considerably wider posteriorly than anteriorly. The tegmina, which overlap 
apically, have wide appendices. The hind tibiae have 3 rows of long spines interspersed 
with short spines. 

Type species — Inghamia dayi sp.nov. 

Inghamia resembles Anemolua Kirkaldy in general characteristics. It differs in 
proportions; thus the eyes are smaller, the crown and pronotum more extensive and the 
tegmina longer in relation to the abdomen. 


Inghamia dayi sp.nov. 

(Fig. 37, E1-3) 

Length, 5*2 mm. General coloration yellowish-brown. Face of head brownish- 
yellow, hind margin of fronto-clypeus narrowly dark brown. Crown apically dark brown, 
or black; posteriorly brownish-yellow with brown markings. Scutellum, brownish-yellow, 
lateral muscle impressions brown and with a pair of brown spots. Tegmen hyaline 
brownish-yellow, postero-apically smoky-brown; a w r hite wax secretion against the costal 
margin medially; veins narrowly margined with brown. 

Holotype $ from Ingham, Queensland, in the Australian Museum. Described from 10 
females taken in a light trap, April, 1960 (coll. M. Day). 


The tribe comprises small, long, narrow, leafhoppers, green, yellow or reddish-brown 
in colour, or sometimes whitish with pink markings. 

They are of widespread distribution throughout the world and for the most part, lack 
distinctive characteristics (apart from those furnished by the male genitalia). Many species 
feed on grasses. 

The true identity of some of the species recorded from Australia must remain uncertain 
until such times as comprehensive collections are assembled and a critical study undertaken 
of the group as a whole. 

Key to the Genera of the Macrostelini represented in Australia 

1. Yellow insects with 2 large black spots on the crown Cicadulina China 

Not as above. 

2. Grown of head of even length throughout Balclutha Kirkaldy 

Grown of head longer in the centre than against the eyes. . . . Nesoclutha Evans 

Balclutha Kirkaldy 

Gnathodus Feiber, 1806, Verh.Zool.-bot.Ges.Wien. 16: 505 (preoccupied). 

Balclutha Kirkaldy, 1900, Entomologist, 33: 243 (nom.nov.). 

Nesosteles Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1: 343. 

Eusceloscopus Evans, 1942, Trans.Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 147 (syn.nov.). 

The labium is short, terminating at the base of the hind coxae, the ante-clypeus 
extends anteriorly beyond the lora and the face is emarginate below the eyes. The antennae 
are almost as long as the width of the head. The ocelli are marginal, closely adjacent to 
the eyes. The pronotum is wide laterally and the anterior margin frequently transverse. 
The tegmina are long and narrow, vein R is unusually close to the costal border and may 
be proximally indistinct and the tegmina overlap considerably apically. In the wings Rs 
and M 1 + 2 usually terminate as a single vein. 

The male genitalia have well developed pygophores, which may have ventral accessary 
processes and the aedeagus is long, narrow and curved. 

Type species — Cicada punctatus Thunberg (Sweden) . 


Balclutha aurantiigera (Kirkaldy) 

Nesosteles aurantiigera Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 65. 

Length, 4 mm. “ Head pronotum and scutellum pale greenish-yellow. Tegmina 
and legs orange-red, the former with conspicuous whitish veins, the apical cells hyaline. 
Vertex rounded in front, less than half the length of the pronotum, about as long medianly 
as at the eves.’ 5 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

(This may be a synonym of B. sanguinescens ) . 

Balclutha chloe (Kirkaldy) 

Nesosteles chloe Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 66. 

Length, <£, 4 mm. Bright green. Tegmina hyaline, veins green, vertex roundly 

angulate anteriorly. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Redlynch, Queensland. 

Balclutha dryas (Kirkaldy) 

(Fig. 38, E) 

Nesosteles dryas Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 65. 

Length, $, 4*5 mm. Head testaceous, more or less suffused with pale orange 
brown, a short longitudinal suture and a lateral impression, reddish brown. Pronotum 
creamy with three or five thin orange-brown longitudinal lines of which the 3 central one 
are continued more widely onto the scutellum. Tegmina pale hyaline, creamy; veins white 
the costal-apical ones sometimes brownish. 

Male genitalia, pygophores with large boot-shaped ventral processes (Fig. 38, E). 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Redlynch, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Perth, Western Australia. 

(This is possibly a synonym of B. rosea (Scott)). 

Balclutha glauca (Kirkaldy) 

Nesosteles glauca Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 344. 

Length, 3*5 mm. <c Pale yellowish-testaceous with a tinge of grey. Tegmina and 
wings pale milky subhyaline. Abdomen, pale sordid yellowish, more or less black discally.” 

Male genitalia of specimens tentatively identified with this species lack pygophore 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

(This is possibly a synonym of B. incisa (Matsumura) ) . 


Balclutha phryne (Kirkaldy) 

Nesosteles phryne Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 66. 

Length, 4 mm. “ Creamy testaceous, basal four-fifths of abdomen dark fuscous. 
Tegmina hyaline-milky, veins creamy. Vertex as long as wide between the eyes, nearly as 
long as the pronotum, angularly produced, nearly twice as long in the middle as at eyes. 

' Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Mittagong, New South Wales. 

Balclutha sanguinescens (Kirkaldy) 

(Fig. 38, Bi, B2) 

Nesosteles sanguinescens Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 344 - 

Length, cJ, ?, 4-5 mm. General coloration, crimson and white. Head testaceous, 
yellowish-testaceous, or, pinkish; crown with 3 narrow, crimson, longitudinal lines. 
Pronotum testaceous, or pinkish, with three or five longitudinal crimson lines. ^ Tegmen 
crimson-red, varyingly obscurely suffused with brown and white; veins white. Male 
genitalia, pygophores with bifid processes. (Fig. 38, B2). 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu (missing). 

Type Locality — Brisbane, Queensland. 

Balclutha sordidior (Kirkaldy) 

Nesosteles sordidior Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9)* 344 - 

Length, 4-5 mm. “ Closely allied to N. sanguinescens but a trifle smaller and colour 
different, the sanguineous area being paler and browner, while the frons is not striped. 
Last segment of female roundly emarginate. 55 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Brisbane, Queensland. 

(This is possibly identical with B. sanguinescens). 

Balclutha hebe (Kirkaldy) 

(Fig. 38, Fi, F2) 

Nesosteles hehe Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1: 343. 

Balclutha hebe (Kirkaldy), Linnavuori, i960, Ins.Micronesia 6 (5): 340. 

Empoasca athertoni Evans, 1941, Proc.Roy.Soc. Queensland 52: 12 (syn.nov.). 

Length, <J, $, 3*5-4 mm. General coloration pale yellow. Pronotum palest 

anteriorly; scutellum whitish with lateral muscle impressions and a median stripe, yellow. 
Male genitalia, pygophore with a serrate lateral process (Fig. 38, F2) ; aedeagus characteristic, 
not evenly narrow and curved (Fig. 38, Fi). 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Viti Isles, Fiji. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Moree (New South Wales); Perth (Western Australia). 


Balclutha yanchepensis (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 38, C1-3) 

Eusceloscopus yanchepensis Evans, 1942, Trans.Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 147. 

Length, 4 mm. General coloration evenly brown or deep purplish-brown. Head, 
reddish-brown, eyes black, ocelli red; crown of even length throughout. Pronotum and 
scutellum, reddish-brown. Tegmen, hyaline brown, except for the 2 cells adjoining the 
appendix, which are smoky-hyaline; veins pink. Male genitalia as in Fig. 38, C3. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Yanchep, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Gretna (Tasmania); Ingham (Queensland). 

Nesoclutha Evans 

Nesoclutha Evans, 1947, Mem.Nat.Mus.Vict. 15: 126. 

Resembles Balclutha in venational characteristics but differs in having the crown 
longer in the centre than at the sides and in having a shorter and broader aedeagus. 

Type species — Nesoclutha obscura Evans. 

Nesoclutha pallida (Evans) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 38, D) 

Eusceloscopus pallidus Evans, 1942, Trans.Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 147. 

Nesoclutha obscura Evans, 1947, Mem.Nat.Mus.Vict. 15: 126 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 4*2-5 mm. General coloration (dried specimens) pale stramineous. 
Scutellum sometimes white with orange markings. Tegmen hyaline, veins whitish. Male 
genitalia as in Fig. 38, D. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Yanchep, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Ingham (Queensland); Melbourne (Victoria). 

Collected on — Grasses. 

Cicadulina China 

Cicadulina China, 1926, Bull. ent. Res. 1743. 

The labium terminates at the base of the middle coxae and the ante-clypeus extends 
anteriorly slightly beyond the lora. The antennae are long and short antennal ledges are 
retained. The ocelli are marginal and closely adjacent to the eyes. The crown of the head 
is well developed and slightly longer in the centre than against the eyes and slopes anteriorly. 
The anterior margin of the pronotum is arched, and the pronotum is narrow laterally. In 
the tegmina, the basal half of R is indistinct and the appendix is wide. 

Type species — Cicadulina zeae China (East Africa). 


Fig. 38: A , Cicadulina capitata ; Bi , Balclutha sanguinescens ; B2, B. sanguinescens, male genitalia; Ci , Balclutha 
yanchepensis, tegmen; C2, B. yanchepensis, wing; C3, B. yanchepensis, male genitalia; D, Nesoclutha pallida , 
male genitalia; E, Balclutha dryas, male genitalia; Fi, Balclutha hehe, aedeagus; F2, B. hehe , pygophore 


Cicadulina capitata (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 38, A) 

Limotettix capitatus Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 64. 

Cicadula bipunctella Matsumura, 1908, Tokyo, Imp. Univ.J. Coll. Sci. 23: 12 (syn.nov.). 

Cicadulina bipunctella China, 1926, Bull. Ent. Res. 17: 43. 

Cicadulina zcae China, 1926, Bull. Ent. Res. 17: 43. 

Cicadula bimaculata Evans, 1940, Proc.Roy.Soc. Queensland 52: 11. 

Cicadulina bipunctella (Matsumura) Linnavuori, i960, Ins. Micronesia 6 (5): 333. 

Length, $, 3 mm. General coloration bright yellow. Head yellow, crown with 
two large black spots. Pronotum and scutellum yellow. Tegmen, pale smoky hyaline. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — A very widely distributed species which, in Australia, where it 
is doubtlessly an introduction it occurs in the more northerly parts of the continent. 


Incertae sedis 

Athysanus negatus F. B. White, 1879, Ent.Mon.Mag. 15: 215. 

Length, 5 mm. “Pale rufous-brown with no distinct markings; some 

indistinct spots on the pronotum, spines of the hind tibiae and apex of the tarsi, rather darker, 
as well as the veins ( <j>) or some minute specks near the veins ( <J) of the tegmina. & 
back of abdomen black, apical segments testaceous; $, back of abdomen pale brown.” 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — New Zealand (possibly from Otago). It is possible that the above species is 
identical with Scaphetus brunneus , but this cannot be determined without reference to the type. 


This is a group of small leafhoppers of which all representatives have adaptive 
-characteristics associated with myrmecophily although most species apparently live 
independently of ants. The sub-family, apart from the Palaearctic region, is of universal 
distribution and very many species occur in Australia. 

Key to the Genera of the Xestocephalinae represented in Australia 

Oval insects, usually with a distinctive colour pattern; venation distinct 

Xestocephalus Van Duzee. . 

Broad, squat, insects, lacking a distinctive colour pattern; venation obscure 

Myrmecophryne Kirkaldy. . 

Xestocephalus Van Duzee 

Xestocephalus Van Duzee, 1892, Trans. Amer.Ent.Soc. 19: 298. 

Xestocephalus Van Duzee, 1894, Bull. Buff.Soc. Nat. Sci. 197: 214. 

Small insects, pale, or dark brown in colour, usually with yellowish and whitish 
markings. The second antennal segment is unusually large and extends beyond the interior 
margin of the eye and may extend beyond the margin of the head. The eyes are unusually 
small and the ocelli are also reduced. The crown of the head is longest in the centre and 
the pronotum wide laterally. The tegmina have wax plates situated alongside the costal 

Type species — Xestocephalus pulicarius Van Duzee (North America). 

Xestocephalus sidnicus Kirkaldy 

Xestocephalus sidnicus Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 53. 

Length, <$, 3-2 mm. “ Blackish-brown. Tegmina fuscohyaline, veins blackish’ 
two or three thin curved transverse fuscous lines in the apical fourth of the tegmina. Vertex 
roundly angular in front, one half longer in the middle than at the eyes.” 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu (missing). 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 


Fig* 39* A, Xestocephalus australensis ; B, X. ovalis ; C, X. magnjicus , tegmen; D, Myrmecophryne formiceticol a ; 
E, Xestocephalus tasmaniensis, face of head; F, X. magnificus, head; G, X. australensis, male genitalia. 

Xestocephalus australensis Kirkaldy 
(Fig* 39 , A, G) 

Xestocephalus australensis Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 52. 

Length, $, 3-3*5 mm. Grown of head declivous, pale yellow, with irregular and 
variable brown markings. Pronotum brown with numerous white spots, some of which 
are not distinct and separate but merge into adjacent ones. Scutellum brown with 4 white 
spots. Tegmen, 3 shades of brown in an irregular pattern with a few white spots. Male 
genitalia as in Fig. 39, G. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Brisbane (Queensland). 

Xestocephalus tasmaniensis Evans 
(Fig. 39, E) 

Xestocephalus tasmaniensis Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 12. 

Length, 2-2*3 mm > ¥> 2 '9 mm - General appearance dark brown evenly mottled 
with pale brown. Face of head, pale, or dark brown, sometimes pale, or mottled brown, 
posteriorly. Crown with a regular pattern of pale yellowish-brown and dark brown. 
Pronotum brown with several regularly arranged small pale spots. Scutellum brown with 
4 pale spots. Tegmen hyaline, pale or dark brown with numerous regularly arranged pale 


hyaline yellowish-brown oval areas; one, or more, of the apical costal pale areas are usually 
larger than the remainder; sometimes also with a few opaque whitish longitudinal markings. 

Type Location — Australian Museum (missing). 

Type Locality — Hobart, Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Darwin (Northern Territory) ; Ingham (Queensland) ; Bandon 
Grove (New South Wales); Perth (Western Australia). 

Xestocephalus magnificus sp.nov. 

(Fig- 39> G > F ) 

Length, <j>, 4*8 mm. General coloration, pale yellowish-brown. Head, pale brown, 
each eye equal in width to half the total width of the crown. Pronotum brownish-yellow, 
sometimes with 3 dark markings posteriorly. Scutellum yellowish-brown without markings. 
Tegmen, pale hyaline brownish-yellow with dark brown markings; these may be arranged 
as a pattern of ovals or be confined to the margin of the tegmen. 

Holotype $ from Herberton, North Queensland (coll. D. McAlpine 1/58) in the Australian 

X. magnificus differs from all other known Australian species of Xestocephalus in its 
larger size and paler coloration. 

Xestocephalus ovalis sp.nov. 

(Fig. 39 , B) 

Length, $, 3 mm. General coloration, coffee-brown. Crown of head approximately 
semi-circular in outline, coffee-brown with several indistinct large, pale circular markings. 
Pronotum, anteriorly dark brown, posteriorly coffee-brown with indistinct large pale 
markings. Scutellum dark brown, lacking markings. Tegmen not reaching as far as the 
apex of the abdomen, pale hyaline-brown mottled with brown and with several narrow, 
longitudinal white markings. 

Holotype $, from Wellington, New Zealand (coll, in moss, B. Holloway 4/54) in the Dominion 

Myrmecophryne Kirkaldy 

Myrmecophryne Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 461. 

Differs from Xestocephalus in proportions, being broader and shorter in lacking the 
typical Xestocephalus colour pattern, and in having obscure venation. 

Type species — Myrmecophyryne formiceticola Kirkaldy. 

I his genus, which has previously been regarded as a synonym of Xestocephalus , is 
sufficiently distinctive to merit separate recognition. 


Myrmecophryne formiceticola Kirkaldy 

(Fig. 39, D) 

Ayrmecophryne formiceticola Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 462. 

Length, <$, 2 mm, $, 2*2 mm. General coloration dark brown with a few pale 
narkings on the crown, pronotum and scutellum. Tegmina opaque brown with a small 
'.>ale area against the costal margin distally. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Collected — In an ants’ nest on sand hills. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Innisfail (Queensland). 

T y phlocybinae 

This group of distinctive, minute, yellow, green, white and red leafhoppers is of 
universal distribution. They may be distinguished by the absence of any but ante-apical 
:ross-veins in their tegmina. They are particularly abundant, and have been most intensive y 
studied in Europe and North America. The Australian fauna comprises representatives of 
ii few cosmopolitan genera and, as well, an abundance of species which belong to genera 
which may either be endemic or else of Indo-Malayan origin. The New Zealand typhlocybid 
fauna, on the other hand, would seem to consist solely of representatives of widely distributed 

Typhocybids have not been extensively collected in Australia and for this reason it 
has not been possible to make a critical study of the generic position of species belonging to 
supposedly endemic genera. Hence, where possible, species have been assigned previous y 
described genera even although in some instances they may not be congeneric with the type 

The existing classification of this sub-family has been based largely on venational and 
to some extent on genitalia characteristics and while these are undoubtedly important, it is 
possible that other features, in particular head structure, might, if studied, also yield significant 
information in respect to inter-relationships. 

The key that follows is provided in the hope that it may, to some extent, aid generic 
identification until such time as the Australian representatives of this subfamily receive 
critical attention. Descriptions of cosmopolitan genera are omitted but particulars ol 
characteristics enabling their recognition may be obtained from the accompanying illustrations. 

Key to the Genera of the Ty phlocybinae recorded from Australia 

1. Antennae not closely adjacent to hind margin of head 2 

Antennae closely adjacent to hind margin of face * 7 

2. (1) In tegmen, Cula extending towards apex of tegmen 3 

In tegmen, Cula, short, directed towards hind margin of tegmen (Fig. 40, M, N) . .8 

3. (2) In the wing, a marginal vein present 4 

Wing lacking a marginal vein * 5 

g 2690 — 9 


4 * (3) Marginal vein of the wing extending completely around the apex of the wing (Fig, 

4 °j A) Dikraneura Hardy 

Marginal vein terminating dorsally at R + M (Fig. 40, C) . . Empoasca Walsh 

5. (3) Pronotum as long as wide, or almost so Pettya Kirkaldy 

Pronotum not as long as wide g 

6. (5) Paramere with a single apical extension, broad and truncate apically 

Zygina Fieber 

Apex of paramere with a second extension or lobe; cc keel 5J present I 

Erythroneura Fitch 

7. (1) Face of head concave Aneono Kirkaldy 

Face of head flattened, slightly swollen posteriorly Kahaono Kirkaldy 

8. (2) Wing with R + M forming a single vein apically Typhlocyba Germar 

Wing with R + M separate Eupteryx Curtis 

Aneono Kirkaldy 

Aneono Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 358. 

The face of the head is concave and the hind margin, which is thickened, overhangs 
and lies at a higher level than the rest of the face. The crown, which is spatulate, is 
produced in front of the eyes and roundly arched. The antennae arise immediately posterior 
to the eyes. . In the . tegmina R + M have a common ante-apical stem, and sometimes 
Cul, ante-apically, aiises from the base of the same stem, dhe wings have a marginal vein 
and Gul has 2 branches. 

Type species — Aneono pulcherrima Kirkaldy. 

This genus is related to Camulus Distant and Bolanusoides Distant. 

Aneono pulcherrima Kirkaldy 

Aneono pulcherrima Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 359. 

Length, $, 3 mm. Crown of head orange with a pale, median, longitudinal stripe 
and sometimes with pale areas laterally. Pronotum orange, sometimes with irregular, 
anterior pale markings or with a median longitudinal pale stripe, sometimes pinkish laterally. 
Scutellum reddish with a pair of white spots posteriorly. Tegmen pale hyaline brown with 
a broad, crimson, sickle-shaped marking extending from the costal margin to the apex of 
the claval suture and some irregular pale markings on each side of the claval suture. 

enation of basal two-thirds of tegmen indistinct, Cul not arising ante-apically from a 
common stem with R + M. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Bundaberg, Queensland. 


Fie 40 — Wines of: A, Dikraneura angustata; B, Kahaono pallida; C, Empoasca australica; D, E. picturata; 
KEupteryx xlavalis ; F, Erythroneura ix; G, Typhlocyba froggatti. Tegmina of: H, Dikraneura angustata; 
1 . Erythroneura ix; J, Pettya tambourinus ; K, Empoasca vindignsea ; L, E. australica; M, Eupteryx clavahs , 
N, Typhlocyba froggatti ; O, Empoasca picturata; P, Kahaono mndis; CL, A. pallida; R, A. montana, S, Aneono 

australensis ; T. A. darwinensis. 

Aneono australensis (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 40, S) 

Empoa australensis Kirkaldy, 1906) Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9) : 3 ^ 3 - 

Length, $, 3-2 mm. Crown of head pale sanguineous with a pale, median, 
longitudinal stripe. Pronotum pale grey with irregular orange markings. Scutellum 
anteriorly orange, laterally and posteriorly white with a brown bar on each side and apically. 
Tegmen, basal' two-thirds dark in colour; apical third, pale hyaline brown. I11 the former 
area 2 irregular reddish markings with a roughened shiny surface against the costal bolder, 
the proximal one is narrowly margined with white and the distal one broadly margined with 
a dark brown area, which extends to the hind margin of the tegmen; 3 white markings 
bordered with white ante-apically and a few smaller white markings more proximally 


situated. Clavus dark hyaline-brown with a large irregular whitish area, bordered witho 
and interrupted medially by, a reddish area. Gul ante-apically arises from the base of th« 
same stem as R + M. M roundly arched prior to its distal junction with Cul. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Brisbane, Queensland. 

Aneono venusta Evans 

Aneono venusta Evans, 1942, Trans. Roy.Soc.W.Aust. 27: 148. 

Length, $, 4. mm. Head pinkish, partially suffused with white. Pronotum antero- 
laterally white, medially grey. Scutellum dark brown apically brownish-yellow. Tegmer 
with M and Cul separate for their entire length, proximal two-thirds hyaline brown but fou 
the costal area distally which is pink, and irregular white areas; apical third pale hyaline 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Dedari, Western Australia. 

Aneono darwinensis sp.nov. 

(Figs 40, T; 41, P1-3) 

Length, 3 ? > 3*5 mm - Head and thorax (spirit specimens) pallid. Tegmen 

with costal wax plate, in part dark pink, in part hyaline-yellowish, sub-apically smoky-brown. 
Male genitalia as in Fig. 41, P1-P3. 

Holotype and Allotype $ from Darwin, Northern Territory (coll, light trap, date unknown) 
in the Australian Museum. 

Kahaono Kirkaldy 

Kahaono Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 361. 

The face of the head is flattened and posteriorly inflated, and the antennae arise close 
to the hind margin of the eyes. The crown of the head is produced in front of the eyes and 
roundly arched. In the tegmina R + M have a common ante-apical stem and sometimes 
Cul, ante-apically, arises from the base of the same stem. The wings have a marginal vein 
and Gul has 2 branches. 

Type species — Kahaono ha?mala Kirkaldy. 

This genus is only tentatively recognized as distinct from Aneono with which it is 
apparently identical except for the shape of the hind part of the face of the head. 

Kahaono hanuala Kirkaldy 

Kahaono hanuala Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 361. 

Length, 3-8 mm. iC Head, pronotum and scutellum sordid testaceous. Tegmina 
subhyaline, milky; clavus more or less clouded with pale brownish, a milky spot towards 
the apex. Corium more or less clouded with pale brownish, basally, a brownish curved 


line running to apex and giving out 3 brownish lines costally and two or three clavally at 
more or less regular intervals.” 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu (tegmina of type missing). 

Type Locality — Brisbane, Queensland. 

Kahaono viridis sp.nov. 

(Figs 40, P; 41, L) 

Length, <J, 3*5, $, 4*2 mm. General coloration green (live specimens); pale 

yellowish brown (spirit specimens). Face of head, yellowish or blackish-brown, posterior 
apex of fronto-clypeus pale yellowish. Tegmen pale yellowish-hyaline, apically sometimes 
smoky; veins apically, sometimes pink. Ventral surface (mature specimens) black, the 
metasternum and seventh and eighth abdominal segments, in part, whitish. Male genitalia 
as in Fig. 41, L. 

Holotype $ and Allotype $, from Wilson’s Valley, Mt Kosciusko, New South Wales (coll. 
J.W.E., 1/6/65) in the Australian Museum. 

Kahaono montana sp.nov. 

(Figs 40, R; 41, Mi, M2) 

Length, <£, 3*8, $, 4*2 mm. General coloration, pallid (spirit specimens). Tegmen 
in part, pale hyaline-brown, in part vitreous; veins apically brown, arms of apical Y-vein, 
very dark brown. Male genitalia, aedeagus as in Fig. 41, Mi, M2. 

Holotype $ and Allotype $ from Mt Kosciusko, New South Wales, 5,260 ft (coll. J.W.E., 3/63) 
in the Australian Museum. 

Kahaono pallida sp.nov. 

(Figs 40, Q; 41? Oi, O2) 

Length, g, 3*2, ?, 3*9 mm. Face of head dark brown anteriorly and pallid 

posteriorly, or entirely pallid. Grown and thorax pallid or pink. Tegmen, hyaline with a 
pink area of varying extent adjacent to the apex of the claval suture and sometimes also 
around Ri. Male genitalia, aedeagus as in Fig. 41, Oi, O2. 

Holotype and Allotype $ from Perth, Western Australia (coll, light trap 3/59) in the 
Australian Museum. 

Kahaono wallacei sp.nov. 

(Fig. 41, N) 

Length, <$, 3*2, $, 3-8 mm. Head yellow, pronotum anteriorly yellow, posteriorly 

pink. Scutellum anteriorly yellow, posteriorly china white. Tegmen in part yellow, costal 
area vitreous, apex pale hyaline brown; clavus entirely pink or pink with a central yellow 
area. A long irregular brown marking adjacent to apex of the claval suture and sometimes 
2 smaller brown markings more proximally situated. Male genitalia, aedeagus as in Fig. 
41, N. 

Holotype $ and Allotype ?, from Perth, Western Australia (coll. M. Wallace, 10/60, on 
Eucalyptus calophylla) in the Australian Museum. 


Empoasca Walsh 

Empoasca Walsh, 1864, Proc. Boston. Soc. Nat. Hist. 9: 315. 

Dialecticopteryx Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 71 (syn.nov.). 

Austroasca Lower, 1952, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 76: 195 (syn.nov.). 

The generic characteristics are furnished by illustrations of the venation of the 
tegmina and hind wings (Fig. 40, C, K, O). 

Lower created the genus Austroasca to comprise Australian typhlocybids closely related 
to Empoasca , but which differ in the reduction, or absence, of ventral hook-like processes 
associated with the tenth abdominal segment in the male. The reason this generic name 
is not retained is because minor differences in genitalia characteristics are regarded as 
inadequate for the purpose of generic differentiation. 

There are many more synonyms of Empoasca Walsh than the ones listed above, but 
those omitted have not been associated with Australian insects. Lower’s publications which 
contain considerably fuller accounts of Australian species belonging to this genus than are 
given here should be referred to for identification purposes. 

Type species — Empoasca smaragdula (Fallen). 

Empoasca terrae-reginae Paoli 
(Fig. 41, H) 

Empoasca terrae-reginae Paoli, 1936, Mem.Soc.Ent.Ital. 15: 13. 

Empoasca maculata Evans, 1942, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1941: 27. 

Austroasca terrae-reginae (Paoli), Lower, 1952, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 76: 216. 

Length, ^ 3-3, $, 4 mm. Face of head yellow with a broad, white median 

longitudinal stripe and two white stripes from middle or upper part of face directed diagonally 
towards lower margin of each eye. Sometimes the stripes are united above to form a broad 
arrow. Crown produced in a blunt angle, yellow with a median, longitudinal, narrow, 
irregular white stripe and two suboval lateral white marks midway between eyes, and coronal 
suture. Pronotum yellow with 5 white marks close to anterior margin. Scutellum yellow 
with white markings. Tegmen colourless-hyaline with an irregularly shaped brown spot 
between the arms of Cul. For male genitalia see Lower (1952). 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Biloela, Queensland. 

Collected on — Cotton (See Lower, 1952). 

Empoasca alfalfae Evans 

Empoasca alfalfae Evans, 1941, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland 52: 12. 

Austroasca alfalfae (Evans), Lower, 1952, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 76: 216. 

Length, T, 2*7, $, 3*6 mm. General coloration, yellowish-green. Head obovately 

produced. For male genitalia, see Lower (1952). 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality — Lockyer, Queensland. 

Collected on — Lucerne. 


Empoasca australica (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

(Figs 40, C; 41, I) 

Dialecticopteryx australica Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 72. 

Empoasca bancrofti Evans, 1938, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1938: 40 (syn.nov.). 

Austroasca bancrofti (Evans), Lower, 1952, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 76: 217. 

Length, <$, 4, $, 5-2 mm. General coloration yellow with brown markings. Face 

of head bright yellow with a median oval black spot just above level of antennal bases; 
coronal, epicranial and frontal sutures complete and well defined. Crown bright yellow 
with an oval blackish spot behind each ocellus. Pronotum yellowish with a large median, 
transverse, crescentric brown area. Scutellum medially yellow with a brown spot apically, 
laterally brown. Tegmen hyaline milky-white with broad anterior and posterior bluish-black 
bands that do not extend beyond the apex of the claval suture. For male genitalia, see 
Lower (1952). 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Empoasca bractigera (Lower) (comb.nov.) 

Austroasca bractigera Lower, 1952, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 76: 215. 

Length, <J, 3-6 mm. General coloration, yellow. Crown of head bright yellow 
with a faint white stripe on the incomplete coronal suture. Tegmen normal, yellowish and 
hyaline. For male genitalia, see Lower (1952). 

Type Location — Department of Agriculture, Sydney. 

Type Locality — Mt Keira, New South Wales. 

Empoasca histrionicula (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 41, E) 

Cicadula histrionicula Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 361. 

Austroasca histrinonicula (Kirkaldy), Lower, 1952, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. j 6 : 214. 

Empoasca pulcherrima Evans, 1942, Proc.Roy.Soc. Queensland 54: 49 (syn.nov.). 

Length, <J, 2-7 mm. General coloration yellowish green with conspicuous brown 
markings. Crown of head slightly produced, light green, with two extensive, almost 
contiguous U-shaped dark brown markings. Pronotum pale green with a broad median 
brown band. Tegmen pale yellowish-green with an extensive brown area which occupies 
most of the tegmen excepting between the apices of Rla and Rib, and an irregularly shaped 
central longitudinal area. For male genitalia see Lower (1952). 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 


Empoasca infulata (Lower) (comb.nov.) 

Austroasca infulata Lower, 1953, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 78: 33. 

Length, 3-3 mm. General coloration, green. Crown of head obscurely patterned 
with lighter shades of green. Tegmen pale green tending to brownish apically. For male 
genitalia, see Lower (1953). 

Type Location — Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Type Locality — Wild Horse Plains, South Australia. 

Collected on — Atriplex nummularia. 

Empoasca malvae Evans 
(Fig. 41, G) 

Empoasca malvae Evans, 1942, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland 54: 49. 

Austroasca malvae (Evans), Lower, 1952, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 76: 214. 

Length, 3, $, 3*5 mm. General coloration, greenish-yellow with brown 

markings. Face of head yellowish with a broad median, irregular, longitudinal white stripe. 
Crown pale green with 4 irregular, longitudinal brown stripes. Pronotum light brown with 
a median greenish-white marking and another near each antero-lateral margin; between 
these and the central one is a sub-oval white mark. Scutellum with 2 brown anterior 
median markings. Legmen, apical third hyaline brown; a wide greenish area along costal 
margin between the margin and Cu 1 . Area posterior to Cu 2 largely brownish-yellow and 
between Cu 1 and Cu 2 mostly whitish-translucent. For male genitalia see Lower (1952). 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality — Gayndah, Queensland. 

Collected on — Sida subspicata. 

Empoasca merredinensis (Lower) (comb.nov.) 

Austroasca merredinensis Lower, 1952, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 76: 213. 

Length, <£, 3*9, 9 ? 4*4 mm - General coloration (spirit specimens) light brownish. 
Anterior margin of crown bluntly angularly produced. For male genitalia see Lower 

(! 952 ). 

Type Location Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 

Type Locality — Merredin, Western Australia. 

Collected on — Atriplex sp. 

Empoasca viridigrisea Paoli 
(Fig. 41, A, F) 

Empoasca viridigrisea Paoli, 1936, Mem.Soc.Ent.Ital. 15: 12. 

Austroasca viridigrisea (Paoli), Lower, 1952, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 76: 212. 


Length, <$, 3*8, $, 3*9 mm. General coloration green with white markings. Face 

of head yellowish-green with a variable, irregular white stripe posteriorly and an outwardly 
directed white band below each ocellus. Grown of even length, emerald green with a narrow 
irregular, median, white stripe and 2 pairs of lateral ones. Scutellum emerald green with a 
median regular-shaped longitudinal marking; lateral margins narrowly white. Tegmen, 
proximal four-fifths yellowish, opaque; apical fifth brownish to translucent; veins clearly 
visible only in latter area. For male genitalia, see Lower (1952). 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Bowen, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Perth, Western Australia. 

terrae-reginae ; I, E. australica; J, Erythroneura evansi ; K, Petty a tambour inns. L, Kahaono viridis, male genitalia; 
Mi, Kahaono montana, aedeagus; M2, K. montana, apex of aedeagus; N, Kahaono wallacei , aedeagus; Oi, 
Kahaono pallida , aedeagus; O2, K. pallida , apex of aedeagus; Pi, Aneono darwinensis, aedeagus; P2, A. 
darwinensis, apex of subgenital plate; P3, A. darwinensis , paramere. 


Empoasca euryphaessa (Kirkaldy) 

Cicadella euryphaessa Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Exp.Sta. 3: 68. 

Empoasca euryphaessa (Kirkaldy), Linnavuori, i960, Act.Ent.Fenn. 15: 17. 

Length, §, 2-8 mm. General coloration, scarlet. Crown of head narrower posteriorly 
than hind margin of each eye, produced in front of eyes, scarlet, antero-laterally yellowish. 
Pronotum, scutellum and basal two-thirds of tegmen, scarlet; apex of tegmen pale hyaline 
golden brown. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Viti Levu, Fiji. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Kuranda (Queensland). 

Empoasca picturata sp.nov. 

(Figs 40, O; 41, B) 

Length, 2-8, $, 3 mm. Face of head steeply longitudinally convex, whitish, with 
a median longitudinal black stripe, extending the entire length of the face and two broad 
lateral black stripes extending anteriorly from the eyes on each side. Crown of head 
whitish with a median anterior small black spot. Pronotum and scutellum pale yellowish 
with a pair of longitudinal black stripes which continue onto the clavus of the tegmina. 
Tegmina otherwise pale hyaline with a dark brown anterior costal stripe, apically smoky; 
veins ante-apically brown. 

Holotype and Allotype $ from Darwin, Northern Territory (coll, light trap, date unknown) 
in the Australian Museum. Empoasca picturata differs from other Australian species ascribed 
to this genus in having the apices of R and M in the tegmen forming a Y-vein instead of 
extending separately to the apex of the tegmen. 

Empoasca betulicola Wagner 

Empoasca betulicola Wagner, 1955, Ent. Mitt. Zool.Staat.Mus. Hamburg. 6: 178. 
Empoasca betulicola Wagner, Dumbleton, 1964, N.Z.J.Sci. 7: 573. 

Length, 0, 4 *2-4 *8 mm. Coloration similar to E. smaragdula . 
Type Location — Zoological Museum, Hamburg. 

Type Locality — Hamburg. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Europe, North America, New Zealand. 

Collected on — Betula. 

Empoasca smaragdula (Fallen) 

Cicada smaragdula Fallen, 1806, Nya.Handl.Svensk.Vet.Akad. 27: 37. 

Empoasca smaragdula (Fallen) Dumbleton, 1964, N.Z.J.Sci. 7: 573. 

Length, $, 3 *8-4*3 mm. Ceneral coloration green or greenish-yellow. Crown 
of head, pronotum and scutellum with a longitudinal pale stripe; inner margin of tegmen 
usually with a fuscous stripe. 


Type Location — Not known. 

Type Locality — “ Alno Weftrogothiae. 55 

Known distribution elsewhere — Europe, North America, New Zealand. 

Collected on — Aims. 

Eupteryx Curtis 

Eupteryx Curtis, 1831, Curtis 5 Guide, Brit. Ins. (6): 1. 

Cicadella Dumeril, 1806, Zool. Analyst, Paris ed: 266. 

Eupteryx Curtis, 1831, China, 1961, Bull.Zool.Nomencl. 18 (3): 163. 

Type species — Cicada picta Fabricius (Europe). 

In order to enable generic recognition illustrations (Fig. 40, E, M) are given of the 
tegmina and hindwings of a North American species, Eupteryx clavalis McAtee. 

Eupteryx haematoptilus Kirkaldy 

Eupteryx haemotoptilus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 362. 

Length, $, 4 mm. ‘ 4 Head, pronotum, genital segments, etc; dark, immaculate, 
blood red. Scutellum pale luteous. Tegmen subhyaline, more or less tinged with reddish 
yellow; costal area, apical three-fifths of clavus, a narrow transverse fascia at apical veins, 
more or less blood red; a blackish red spot at the apex of the costal area; the base of the 
4th apical area very narrowly and the apex of the apical areas more or less infumate. 
Venation on coloured part of tegmen indistinct. 55 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Redlynch, Queensland. 

The above species is unknown to me and may well have been incorrectly ascribed 
to the genus Eupteryx. 

Dikraneura Hardy 

Dikraneura Hardy, 1850, Trans. Tyneside Nat.Fld.Club. 1: 423. 

Type species — Dikraneura variata Hardy (England). 

In order to enable generic recognition illustrations (Fig. 40, A, H) are given of the 
tegmina and hindwings of a North American species, Dikraneura angustata Ball and DeLong. 

Dikraneura honiala Kirkaldy 

Dikraneura honiala Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 360. 

Length, $, 3-7 mm. “ Head, pronotum, scutellum and general ventral aspect, pale 
brownish-yellow. Tegmina pale golden yellow, shining; a black spot at the apex, ringed 
with whitish; first apical cell whitish, narrowly ringed with brownish; a small oblique 
brownish black line from costa inwards at about the middle. Sub-marginal vein entire.” 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

The above species probably does not belong to the genus Dikraneura since the vein 
which arises from M apically is in the form of a Y-vein. 


Dikraneura aneala Kirkaldy 

Dikraneura aneala Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 360. 

Length, $, 3*7 mm. “ Vertex, frons, pronotum and scutellum orange brown, the 
two latter obscurely so. Tegmina pale greenish-yellow, apical cells, dilute, smoky. 55 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu (tegmina missing). 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Dikraneura maorica Myers 

Dikraneura maorica Myers, 1923, Trans. N.Z. Inst. 54: 423. 

Length, $, 3 mm. “ Vertex, pronotum and scutellum sulphur-yellow. Tegmina 
paler. Underside and legs yellow, claws black, tarsi often green. Rostrum tipped with 
crimson. 55 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Long Acre, Wanganui, New Zealand. 

Dumbleton (1964) has suggested that the above species may be incorrectly placed in 
this genus. 

Ghauri (1963) has transferred to the genus £ygina all typhlocybids described from 
New Zealand formerly placed in the genus Erythroneura. It is possible that a similar 
procedure is necessary in respect also to the Australian species ascribed to this genus. 

Erythroneura Fitch 

Erythroneura Fitch, 1851, Rep. N.Y. State Mus. 62. 

Type species — Erythroneura tricincta Fitch (North America). 

Erythroneura honiala Kirkaldy 

Erythroneura honiala Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 365. 

Erythroneura honiala Kirkaldy, Myers, 1921, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 46: 474. 

Length, <J, 2-5 mm. “ Pale golden yellow. Tegmina more or less hyaline. Head 
convex, anteriorly rounded, shorter than pronotum. Tegminal veins all distinct. 55 For 
male genitalia see Myers (1921). 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Erythroneura ipoloa Kirkaldy 

Erythroneura ipoloa Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 365. 

Length, 2-5 mm. Pale yellowish cinerous, paler beneath; eyes and a large spot 
on the anterior margin of vertex, black, the latter irregularly encircled by a faint brown 
halo; a transverse brown stripe, widening medially, on the pronotum close to the posterior 


margin. Scutellum and rest of pronotum more or less sordid. Tegmen hyaline, costally 
smoky. Vertex roundly triangular, about the same length as pronotum.” 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Erythroneura ix Myers 
(Fig. 40, F, I) 

Erythroneura ix Myers, 1928, Bull. Ent. Res. 18: 31 1. 

Length, <J, $, 3 mm. General coloration, deep yellow or greenish-yellow. For 

male genitalia, see Myers (1928). 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Melbourne, Victoria. 

Collected on — Garden plants, vegetables and weeds. 

Erythroneura lubra Kirkaldy 

Erythroneura lubra Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 364. 

Length, 3 mm. “ Pale yellowish, rather sordid; rostrum pale ferruginous. Tergites 
(except genital segment and narrowly laterally) black. Tegmina hyaline milky; veins pale 
yellow. Vertex at base, wider than an eye.” 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Erythroneura melanogaster Kirkaldy 

Erythroneura melanogaster Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 364. 

Length, 3 mm. “ Head sordid brown, darkening at the anterior margin of vertex, 
the posterior margin paler. Pronotum creamy, the posterior third (produced medianly 
forward) greyish; antero-laterally, a curved black line on each side. Scutellum more or 
less sordid yellowish; antero-lateral angles widely black. Tegmina subhyaline, clavus and 
costal cell pale yellowish-brown. Abdomen black.” 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Erythroneura sativae Evans 

Erythroneura sativae Evans, 1941, Proc.Roy.Soc. Queensland 52: 12. 

Length, <£, 2 mm. General coloration yellow, eyes black; crown of head arrow- 
shaped. For male genitalia see Evans (1941). 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality — Yeerongpilly, Queensland. 


Erythroneura sidnica Kirkaldy 

Erythroneura sidnica Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 69. 

Erythroneura sidnica Kirkaldy, Myers, 1921, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 46: 474. 

Length, 3 mm. “ Pale yellowish, immaculate, paler beneath. 55 For male genitalia 
see Myers (1921). 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu (in bad condition). 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Erythroneura evansi Ross 
(Fig. 41, J) 

Erythroneura evansi Ross, 1965, Zool.Beitr.Berl. 11: 267. 

Length, (J, 3 mm. Face of head yellow, ante-clypeus black. Crown of head and 
thorax yellow with a pair of longitudinal black stripes which are at their widest at the hind 
margin of the pronotum. Tegmen yellow with the smoky-brown longitudinal streaks largely 
situated between veins R and M and against the hind margin of the clavus; apex of tegmen, 
hyaline-smoky-brown, veins yellow. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Hobart, Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Warwick Farm (New South Wales); Woods Park (Victoria). 

Zygina Fieber 

Zygina Fieber, 1866, Verh.Zool.Bot.Ges.Wien. 16: 509. 

The venation of the tegmina and hind wings of species in the genus resemble those 
of species in the genus Erythroneura and the principal distinguishing generic characteristic is 
the broad extension of the apices of the parameres. 

Type species — Typhlocyba nivea Mulsant and Rey (Europe). 

Key to Species of the Genus Zygina recorded from New Zealand (from Ghauri. 



The New Zealand species of Zyg^ na can be separated on superficial characters as 

Species with tegmina normal in shape, rounded at apex 2 

Species with tegmina characteristic, acutely angled apically. . . . toetoe Cumber 

Species with numerous dark markings ansonae Myers 

Species without markings 3 

Dorsal surface of abdomen dark (black) zealandica Myers 

Dorsal surface of abdomen light 4 

Colour bright golden yellow kiekie Myers 

Colour light canary yellow or whitish .5 


Vertex short, length of vertex equal to half the width between the eyes 

cythea Myers 

Vertex long, length of vertex equal to two thirds the width between the eyes. . . . 

dumbletoni Ghauri 

Zygina ansonae (Myers) 

Erythroneura ansonae Myers, 1923, Trans. N.Z. Inst. 54: 427. 

Zygina ansonae (Myers), Ghauri, 1963, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 6: 41. 

Length, $, 3 *5-3 7 mm. £ 4 General colour yellowish, marked and suffused with 
greenish and olivaceous. Vertex about twice as wide as medianly long. Vertex (crown) 
with or without an obscure dusky blotch on each side. Pronotum dark olive, anterior and 
lateral borders, pale yellow; caudad of anterior edge, the olive area is edged with blackish ; 
a few other small irregular black marks. Transverse line in centre of scutellum divides the 
olivaceous anterior portion with its 2 shining brown basal triangles from the elevated bright 
yellow apex. Dorsal surface of abdomen dark, showing through the closed tegmina and 
wings. Tegmina semi-transparent, olivaceous; membrane infuscated.” 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Wellington, Wanganui, New Zealand. 

Zygina cyathea (Myers) 

Erythroneura cyathea Myers, 1923, Trans. N.Z. Inst. 54: 426. 

Zygina cyathea (Myers), Ghauri, 1963, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 6: 41. 

Length, $, <j>, 3*4-4 mm. ££ General colour pale yellowish or greenish- white or 
practically colourless. Vertex pallid, tumid, produced, punctate with occasionally 2 
brownish patches varying from faint smudges to distinct spots.” 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Tararua Ranges, 2,000-3,000 feet, Wellington District, New Zealand. 

Zygina kiekie (Myers) 

Erythroneura kiekie Myers, 1923, Trans. N.Z. Inst. 54: 426. 

Zygina kiekie (Myers), Ghauri, 1963, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 6: 41. 

Length, $, 3*7 mm. ££ Whole upper surface bright yellow, thoracic nota often 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Days Bay, Wellington, New Zealand. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Whangerei. 

Collected on — Freycinetia banksii. 


Zygina zealandica (Myers) 

Erythroneura zealandica Myers, 1923, Trans. N.Z. Inst. 54: 425. 

Zygina zealandica (Myers), Ghauri, 1963, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 6: 41. 

Length, <£, 2*7 mm. “Vertex dirty greenish-yellow, with sometimes an indistinct 
greyish smudge on each side. Pronotum and scutellum yellowish-green. Scutellum with 
indications of 3 median longitudinal stripes anteriorly. Dorsal surface of abdomen black, 
visible through the folded wings. Tegmina yellow to yellowish-green. 55 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Tararua Range, 4,000-5,000 ft, Wellington, New Zealand. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Wanganui. 

Zygina dumbletoni Ghauri 

Zygina dumbletoni Ghauri, 1963, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 6: 39. 

Length, <$, 2-6 mm, $, 27 mm. General coloration, light canary yellow. For 
male genitalia, see Ghauri (1963). 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Riccarton, New Zealand. 

Collected on — Rubus. 

Zygina toetoe (Cumber) 

Erythroneura toetoe Cumber, 1952, Trans.Roy.Soc.N.Z. 79: 525. 

Zygina toetoe (Cumber) Ghauri, 1963, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 6: 41. 

Length, $, 3 *5-3 *9 mm. General coloration, light yellow. For male genitalia, 
see Cumber (1952). 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Paiaka Swamp area, New Zealand. 

Collected on — Arundo conspicua . 

Pettya Kirkaldy 

Pettya Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 343. 

Eutambourina Evans, 1942, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1941: 27 (syn.nov.). 

Vertex more than twice as wide as long dorsally, anteriorly rounded, bent over in 
front and extending ventrally about as far as antennal lobes; posteriorly above tumidly 
raised, posterior margin much more so than the apical margin of pronotum. Head distinctly 
as long as wide, about two and a half times as long as vertex dorsally, strongly arched 
anteriorly, lateral margins long, posterior margin subtruncate. Tegmina with 2 discoidal 
and 4 apicals. Wings lacking a submarginal vein. 55 

Type species — Pettya anemolua Kirkaldy. 

Kirkaldy (1906) placed this genus in the Macrostelini, but examination of the type 
specimen has disclosed that it belongs to the Typhlocybinae. 


Pettya anemolua Kirkaldy 

Pettya anemolua Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 343. 

Length, 6 mm. Head pale luteous, frons and clypeus with an orange tint. 
Pronotum and scutellum greyish-white, the former closely reticulate with greyish" brown. 
Tegmina and wings milk-white hyaline, tegmina costa pale yellow.” 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Pettya taedia (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

Nesosteles taedia Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 345. 

Length, 4 ’2 mm. Sordid lemon yellow, vertex with two black spots near the 
anterior margin; frons discally black, clypeus smoky, scutellum dark brownish. Commisural 
cell of clavus, basal part of costal cell and apical half of tegmina smoky.” P. taedia differs 
from the type species, P. anemolua , in having lateral depressions at the back of the crown and 
the pronotum is not reticulate. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

Pettya punctata Evans (comb.nov.) 

(Figs 40, J ; 41, K) 

Eutambourina punctata Evans, 1942, Pap.Roy.Soc.Tasm. 1941 : 27. 

Length, 3-8 mm. Face of head, ante-clypeus brown, smooth; lora and maxillary 
plates brown with yellow pits ; fronto-clypeus and vertex yellow except for a pair of lateral 
brown spots and a pair of broad longitudinal brown stripes that extend almost as far as the 
hind margin of the crown. Pronotum and scutellum pale lemon yellow. Tegmen hyaline, 
pale yellow partially suffused with brown and with a whitish oval wax area adjacent to the 
costal margin. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Tambourine Mountains, Queensland. 

Typhlocyba Germar 

Typhlocyba Germar, 1833, Silb.Rev.Ent. 1: 180. 

Type species — Cicada quercus Fabricius (Europe). 

Typhlocyba froggatti (Baker) 

(Fig. 40, G, N) 

Empoasca australis Froggatt, 1918, Agric.Gaz.N.S.W. 29: 568. 

Typhlocyba australis (Froggatt), Myers, 1921, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 46: 473. 
Typhlocyba zanthippe McAtee, 1926, Proc.U.S.Nat.Mus. 68, art. 18: 14. 


Typhlocyba molini DeLong, 1926, J.Econ.Ent. 19: 469. 

Typhlocyba froggatti Baker, 1925, Philippine J.Sci. 27: 537 (nom.nov.). 

Typhlocyba oxyacanthae Ribaut, 1931, Bull.Soc.Hist.Nat.Toulouse 61: 334. 

Edwardsinana froggatti (Baker), China, 1950, Ent.Month.Mag. 86: 243. 

Length, J, $, 3‘3'6 nim. General coloration bright yellow; apical cell of tegmen 
hyaline-brown. For male genitalia see Myers (1921). 

Type Location — (Types not designated). 

Type Locality — Binalong, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Europe, North America, New Zealand, Tasmania. 

Collected on — Crataegus , apple. 

Typhlocyba lethierryi Edwards 

Typhlocyba lethierryi Edwards, 1881, Ent.Mon.Mag. 17: 224. 

Edwardsiana lethierryi (Edwards), Dumbleton, 1964, N.Z J.Sci. 7: 573. 

General coloration deep yellow inclining to orange. Costal margin and sometimes 
anal margin of tegmen narrowly reddish. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — England. 

Known distribution elsewhere— Europe, North America, New Zealand. 
Collected on — Acer , Aesculus , Crataegus. 

Ribautiana Zackhvatkin 

Ribautiana Zachvatkin, 1947, Rev.Ent.URSS 3-4: 112. 

Ribautiana Zachvatkin, Young, 1952, Univ.Kansas,Sci.Bull. 35 (1): 99, 
Type species — Cicada ulmi Linnaeus. 

Ribautiana tenerrima (Herrich-Schaeffer) 

Typhloycba tenerrima (Herrich-Schaeffer), 1834, Deutschlands Insecten: 112: 17. 

Ribautiana tenerrima (H.S.), Dumbleton, 1964, N.Z.J.Sci. 7: 572. 

Length, 0, 2 7"3 5 Tegmina whitish hyaline with 3 broad yellow stripes. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — Unknown. 

Known distribution elsewhere— Europe, North America, New Zealand. 

Collected on — Rubus app., Quercus. 


The Family Membracidae 

It is Customary, in most entomological works, for membracids to be regarded as an 
•equally distinctive group of Homoptera as cicadoids, cercopoids and cicadelloids. 

The reason they are considered here as no more than a family of the Cicadelloidea 
is because they share many fundamental characteristics with representatives of the Cicadellidae 
in which they differ from the other superfamilies of the Auchenorrhyncha. Furthermore, 
forms are known which are, to some extent, transitional between typical membracids and 
typical cicadellids. 

In the heads of both cicadellids and membracids and, as well, in all other representatives 
of the Cicadelloidea, the anterior arms of the tentorium lack association with the posterior 
ones. The prothorax of all membracids is enlarged but so it is in certain cicadellids, while 
it is of normal proportions in representatives of two families, the Aetalionidae and the 
Biturritidae, with many membrac id-like characteristics. 

In the basic pattern of the venation of the forewings of cicadellids, M and R form a 
single vein proximally while in most membracids M and Cul are basally incorporated in a 
single vein. However, in some membracids R, M and Cul are all separate proximally, 
while in some biturritids (which many authors include in the Membracidae) R and M are 
basally joined. The pretarsal structure of membracids is identical with that of cicadellids, 
but differs from those of cercopids and cicadas (Fennah, 1945). Cicadellids have been 
supposed to differ from membracids in lacking a filter-chamber, but this feature is common 
to both groups. Finally, the nymphs of membracids, aetalionids and biturritids, are ant- 
attended, but so also are those of eurvmelids and even, also, of some cicadellids. 

Stal, (1866), separated the Membracidae into 6 sub-families of which five are confined 
to the western hemisphere. Haupt (1929) recognised 12 sub-families of which nine have a 
similar restricted distribution. Those of Haupt’s sub-families which have a wide distribution 
are the Gentrotinae, Terentiinae and Oxyrhachinae. 

The Oxyrhachinae lack representation in Australia and the genus Terentius Stal, 
though occurring in Australia, possibly lacks sufficient distinctive characteristics to merit 
sub-family separation. Accordingly, it is proposed, for the time being, to regard all 
Australian membracids as belonging to the sub-family Gentrotinae. 

Funkhouser (1950-52) has separated this sub-family into several tribes. In the present 
state of knowledge of the Australian fauna and of membracid classification generally, it is 
considered inadvisable to ascribe the Australian genera to any of these or to create new ones. 

The Gentrotinae, and likewise the Oxyrhachinae, comprise the most generalised true 
membracids, from which very possibly, all the other sub-families may have been derived. 
While these sub-families are of wide distribution, they are most richly represented in the 
Oriental region and this may have been their centre of distribution. 

It is of interest to speculate why such considerable evolutionary developments occurred 
among the Membracidae in the Neotropical region during its Tertiary isolation, when 
similar ones did not take place among populations isolated in Australia during the corres- 
ponding period. Unfortunately, Madagascar, which was likewise isolated during the greater 
part of the Tertiary, like New Zealand, lacks a membracid fauna, hence evolutionary 
occurrences in this island cannot be examined for comparative purposes. However, 
“explosive evolution 55 has been recorded among a population of cicadellids in Madagascar 
and this may have been induced by factors similar to those responsible for the differentiation 
of the numerous membracid sub-families in South America. In both instances the genetic 
disharmony responsible for the unusual evolutionary occurrences might have been associated 
with the restriction of gene flow in a peripherally isolated population (Mayr, 1954, Evans,, 
1959 )- 


The membracid fauna of Australia is a largely homogenous one, and its special 
characteristics suggest a long period of isolation in the continent. The endemic fauna, 
moreover, can be readily distinguished from the Indo- Malayan element of which it is presumed 
that the greater part gained access to north Queensland during Pleistocene times. 

Few records exist of the food-plant association of Australian membracids but several 
species are known to live on acacias. These trees and shrubs which are one of the dominant 
elements of the Australian flora do not serve as food for more than a few species of Australian 

It has proved, in many instances, impossible to determine whether forms differing in 
minor pronotal characteristics merit specific status. This is largely because the male genitalia 
of membracids, unlike those of cicadellids, do not always provide helpful characters for 
species recognition. 

It needs to be explained that the section which follows is considerably less advanced 
in understanding than the preceding one. This is because the author lacks a long background 
of experience of membracid systcmatics and has never formerly paid particular attention 
to the Australian fauna. 

It is hoped, nevertheless, that the information made available will enable the 
recognition of many of the described genera of Australian membracids and prove helpful, 
as a point of departure, for anyone wishing to make a critical study of the group as a whole. 

It has been necessary to quote several original descriptions since the material 
available for study has been limited and many described species have not been seen by the 
author, or, if seen, not identified. 

Furthermore, since several genera have not been well defined, or if well-defined, their 
special generic characteristics have not been recognised by later workers, it is possible that 
some species, in addition to those noted, have been ascribed to genera to which they do not 
properly belong. 

Characteristics : 

In the head (Fig. 4, C), the maxillary plates are narrow, and largely concealed by 
the lora; well-developed antennal ledges terminate laterally, in front of the eyes, and the 
epicranial suture and the ocelli are always facial in position. The pronotum is always 
enlarged, sometimes grotesquely so. 

The mesonotum (Fig. 5, F) lacks paired median longitudinal unsclerotised areas and 
is apically transverse. In the tegmen the anterior branch of the media is presumably 
incorporated in the same vein as the radial sector and proximally, the media may arise 
independently, or be incorporated for a short distance, either with the radius, or with the 
first cubitus (Figs 6, C, 42, A). The hind tibiae are flattened and bear small, regularly- 
spaced marginal spines (Fig. 5, I). In the male genitalia the base of the aedeagus is linked 
to the paired parameres by a basal connective (Fig. 8, C, D, E). The nymphs, which 
together with the adults, are ant-attended, have lateral abdominal processes and a long 
tubular ninth abdominal tergite, enfolding the tenth, or anal segment, which is extrusible. 
They do not jump if disturbed (Fig. 42, H2, H3). 


Key to the Genera of Australian Membracidae* 

1. Green insects; venation of tegmen reticulate Sextius Stal 

Yellowish-brown, brown, or black insects . .2 

2. (i) Lateral pronotal processes wedge-shaped, anteriorly directed; venation of tegmen 

reticulate . Goddefroyinella Distant 

Lateral pronotal processes not as above; venation not reticulate 3 

3. (2) In the tegmen, 3 cross-veins present between M and Gul. . . . Eufrenchia Goding 

In the tegmen not more than 2 cross-veins between M and Cul 4 

4. (3) Pronotum with an unpaired, vertical, apically inflated process. . Eutryonia Goding 

Not as above . 5 

5. (4) Pronotum with paired triangular lateral processes; median process sinuate, broadly 

or narrowly elevated anteriorly; a posterior vertical process sometimes also 
present 6 

Not as above 7 

G. (5) Pronotum with median process broadly or narrowly elevated anteriorly 

Acanthucus Stal 

Pronotum with median process strongly sinuate and with both anterior and posterior 
vertical processes Acanthucalis gen.nov. 

7. (5) Pronotum with a strongly sinuate median process; lateral processes apically acute, 

extending only slightly beyond humeral angles Alocanthella gen.nov. 

Not as above • ♦ . . . 8 

8. (7) Lateral pronotal processes well developed, not horizontal 9 

Lateral pronotal processes absent, or small; if well developed horizontal, or almost 
so (anyhow in £ insects) ....15 

9. (8) Shining black insects with narrow, apically acute, lateral pronotal processes 

* , Sarantus Stal 

Not as above 10 

10. (9) In the tegmen, M and Cul proximally, forming a single vein . . Kurandella gen.nov. 

In the tegmen, M and Cul, proximally, not forming a single vein 11 

11. (10) Lateral pronotal processes apically inflated or club-shaped 12 

Lateral pronotal processes not as above . 13 

12. (11) Lateral pronotal processes apically club-shaped Ceraon Buckton 

Lateral pronotal processes apically inflated Lubra Goding 

13. (11) Only one surface of the lateral pronotal processes visible from above 

Eufairmairiella gen.nov. 

Two surfaces of the lateral pronotal processes visible from above 14 

14. (13) Apices of lateral pronotal processes broadly acute Cebes Distant 

Anterior margins of lateral pronotal processes convex, posterior margins straight. . 

Eufairmairia Distant 

* Certain genera recorded from Australia have been omitted from the Key, since the comprised Australian 
species are apparently not congeneric with the type species of these genera. Others have been omitted 
because they are of uncertain geographical origin. 


15. (B) Lateral pronotal processes lacking 

Lateral pronotal process present 

16. (15) In the tegmen, M and Cul separate for their entire lengths Terentius Sta 

In the tegmen, M and Cul basally fused 

17. (16) In the tegmen cross vein m-cu2 present Dingkana Godinj 

In the tegmen, cross-vein m-cu2 lacking Anzac Distan 

18. (15) Lateral pronotal processes small, not, or only very slightly, extending beyond humera 

Lateral pronotal processes extending beyond humeral angles 2 c 

19. (18) Median pronotal process sinuate Crito Distan- 

Median pronotal process straight Pogonotypellus gen.nov 

20. (18) Lateral pronotal processes apically acute 21 

Lateral pronotal processes broad 

21. (20) Well-developed, apically acute, lateral pronotal processes.. Otinotoides Distant 

Small, and slightly projecting acute lateral pronotal processes.. Sertorius Stal 

22. (20) In the tegmen m-cu \ 3 only cross vein linking M and Cul 23 

In the tegmen cross-veins m-cui and m-cu 3 present; lateral pronotal processes short, 
broad, three-sided and slightly dorsally directed; m-cui closer to fork of M than to 
bases ol M and Cul Alocebes gen.nov. 

23. (22) Pronotum immediately posterior to lateral processes strongly carinate and convex 

Bucktoniella gen.nov. 

Pronotum not as above OA 

24. (23) Pale yellowish-brown insects, in tegmen cross-vein m in continuous alignment with 

R and M 1 + 2 Alosextius gen.nov. 

Dark brown insects; venation not as above Pogonella gen.nov. 

Endemic Genera 

Eufrenchia Goding 

Eufrenchia Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 24. 

Ibiceps Buckton, 1903, Monog.Membrac. 238. 

Insects 6-7 mm in length, dark reddish brown, or black, in colour, the pronotum 
eavily pitted and with white scale-like hairs. The lateral, thickened, strap-shaped processes 
0 P^notum are usually apically recurved. The posterior process, which is anteriorly 
straight and apically downwardly curved, extends almost as far as the apices of the folded 
tegmma. ic tegmina have complete venation, M and Cul being separate for their entire 
lengths and linked by 3 cross veins. 

Type species — Centro tus falcatus Walker. 



Eufrenchia falcata (Walker) 

(Fig. 6, C) 

Centrotus falcatus Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 2: 622. 

Sertorius curvicornis Stal, 1869, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 24: 287. 

Ibiceps falcatus Buckton, 1903, Monog.Membrac. 239 (preoccupied) (syn.nov.). 

Eufrenchia bucktoni Funkhouser, 1950, Gen. Insect. Fasc. 208: 241 (nom.nov.). 

Lengthy 6*5, $, 7 "^ rnm. General coloration, dark brown, or black. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Van Dieman’s Land. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Adelaide (South Australia); Stawell (Victoria); King George’s 
Sound (Western Australia) ;“ Queensland ”. ‘ g^eoi^es- 

Eufrenchia leae Coding 
Eufrenchia leae Coding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 26. 

. length, $, 6 mm. “ Pro thorax dark ferruginous, punctured, lateral horns not 
contiguous at bases, extend upward and strongly forward, long sides parallel, a small apical 
poi ion outward; apical angles as in falcatus. Posterior process tectiform, not convex, strong- 
and broad at base, gradually narrowed to apex, which reaches apices of tegmina.” 

Type Location United States National Museum. 
Type Locality — Western Australia. 

Eufairmairia Distant 
Eufairmairia Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 35. 

no.- ■ T r S r r CtS T g T g ln , len S th from 7 to 12 mm (from the anterior apex of the pronotum, 
not including the lateral processes) and reddish-brown, dark brown, or black in colour 
Ihe pronotum is rugose and sometimes pitted and has a pair of wedge-shaped lateral 
processes which are somewhat upwardly directed and may be transverse, or forwardly 

nrocesMs w!v Tb ^ Ion g ltudmall y nd 8' ed on their dorsal surfaces. The apex of each 
process wide, the anterior margin curved and the posterior margin straight. The median 
piocess extends to the apices of the folded tegmina. In the tegmina M and Cu 1 are 
f P“ ate f ° r their whole len g ths and the 2 cross-veins between M and Cu 1 are m-cui and 

IlL-C Ll Am 

Type species — Centrotus decisus Walker. 

imnossihU ^ bel0W ’ because of lack of sufficient material, it has been 

future termine the extent of the synonymy involved. It is possible, however, that 

as folCwI f ^ ° n ,? Vll I dls £ lose that 3 species only properly belong to the genus Eufairmairia 
as loliows. E. acanthaspis , E. giganticus and E. rubridorsata. 


Eufairmairia decisus (Walker) 

i Centrotus decisus Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 2: 621. 

“ Length 4 lines. Fore chest high in front, roughly punctured, very slightly ridged, 
rising vertically above the head; shoulders angulate, not prominent; horns above them 
very thick, prismatic, ascending slightly, diverging, their tips much rounded. 55 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — New Holland. 

Eufairmairia acanthaspis (Fairmaire) 

(Fig. 5, F) 

Centrotus acanthaspis Fairmaire, 1846, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 4: 515. 

Eufairmairia acanthaspis (Fairmaire), Distant, 1916, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. 8 (18): 37. 

According to Distant, this species can be distinguished from others in the genus by 
the ochreaceous tibiae. 

Length, 9 mm. “Allied to E. consobrinus from which it differs in the slightly longer 
but much narrower lateral pronotal processes and their more acute apices; the posterior 
pronotal process is also shorter. 55 

Type Location — Type not in existence. 

Type Locality — Port Jackson, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Rockhampton (Queensland). 

Eufairmairia giganticus (Goding) (comb.nov.) 

Sertorius giganticus Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 20. 

Length, $, 12 mm. A heavy, broad, insect readily distinguished from other species 
by its size. 

Type Location — United States National Museum. 

Type Locality — South Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Baxter (Victoria). 

Eufairmairia rubridorsata (Buckton) (comb.nov.) 

Pterosticta rubridorsata Buckton, 1903, Monog.Membrac. 230. 

Length, $, 8 mm, width across lateral pronotal processes 3*5 mm. General 

coloration, brown. Median pronotal longitudinal ridge, well-defined. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Adelaide, South Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mordialloc (Victoria). 


Eufairmairia distinctus Distant 

Eufairmairia distinctus Distant, 1916, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. (8) 18: 38. 

Length, 7 mm. “ Head and pronotum black. Tegmina pale bronzy with darko 
suffusions, base black immediately followed by an obscure pale transverse fascia. Pronotun 
longitudinally carinate, the lateral processes broad, outwardly and a little upwardly directec 
the apices roundly truncate, but with the posterior angle acute, the upper surface with thre 
strong longitudinal carinations; posterior process very robust and compressed for aboi 
two-thirds its length from base; apically reaching the posterior angle of the inner tegmina 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Port Darwin, Northern Territory. 

Eufairmairia fraternus Distant 
(Fig. 43, A) 

Eufairmairia fraternus Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 36. 

Length, 7-8 mm. ££ Head and pronotum dull testaceous, faintly ochraceously pilose 
Tegmina pale hyaline, venation dull testaceous, base black, basal half of costal area and bas< 
of discoidal area ferruginous. Pronotum centrally longitudinally carinate, the latera 
processes obliquely raised, a little narrowed to their apices, which are also a little obliquely 
roundly truncate, their upper surfaces longitudinally carinate, posterior process with the* 
ateral areas carinate its apex not quite reaching the tegminal apex.” 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Gayndah, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Capertee, Rylstone (New South Wales); Stanthorpe, Bunya 
Mountains (Queensland). 

Eufairmairia harrisi Distant 

Eufairmairia harrisi Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 35. 

Length, 8*5 mm. t£ Head and pronotum piceous brown. Tegmina pale bronzy;; 
venation, base and costal area excluding apex, ferruginous-brown. Anterior lateral processes 
of pronotum obliquely upwardly produced, distinctly narrowed to apices, which are: 
somewhat roundly truncate, their upper surfaces flat with three longitudinal carinations,. 
strongly centrally longitudinally carinate, the posterior process faintly longitudinally carinate 
on the lateral areas.” 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Queensland. 

Eufairmairia relatus Distant 

Eufairmairia relatus Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 36. 

Length, 7-8 mm. ££ Head and pronotum dull testaceous, faintly ochraceously pilose. 
Tegmina pale hyaline, venation dull testaceous, base black, basal half of costal area and 
base of discoidal area ferruginous. Pronotum centrally longitudinally carinate, the lateral 


processes obliquely roundly truncate, their upper surfaces longitudinally carinate; posterior 
process with the lateral areas carinate, its apex not reaching tegminal apex.” 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Gayndah, Queensland. 

Eufairmairia consobrinus Distant 

Eufairmairia consobrinus Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 37. 

Length, 7-8 mm. “ Head and pronotum dark purplish brown. Tegmina sub- 
hyaline, venation ochraceous, base and basal half of costal area, purplish-brown. Pronotum 
centrally longitudinally carinate, the lateral processes broad, compressed, obliquely upwardly 
directed, their apices roundly truncate, the posterior apical angle acute, their upper surfaces 
distinctly longitudinally carinate. Posterior process reaching or almost reaching the tegminal 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Rockhampton, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Goolabah (New South Wales). 

Eufairmairia cupreus Distant 

Eufairmairia cupreus Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 38. 

This species was provisionally placed in this genus by Distant. Length 8 mm. 
Face and clypeus black; sternum blackish; thickly greyishly pilose. Tegmina pale 
hyaline, the venation and extreme base brownish ochraceous. Lateral processes of pronotum 
triangular, outwardly and a little obliquely produced, their apices acute and slightly recurved, 
their upper surfaces very obsoletely carinate, the posterior process robust for about half its 
length, the apical area roundly depressed, its apex reaching the tegminal apices.” 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Yallingup, Western Australia. 

Eufairmairiella gen. no v. 

The hind margin of the face of the head is transverse. Viewed from in front, the 
sides of the oblique lateral pronotal processes slope evenly towards the humeral angles in 
the $. In the in which the lateral processes are more flattened, the sides of the pronotum 
between the base of the processes and the humeral angles are parallel with each other. . From 
above, the lateral processes, which are apically broad, with a posterior apical spine-like 
extension, are transverse, though in the the anterior margins are directed somewhat 
posteriorly. The median pronotal process, which is centrally carinate and downwardly 
curved posteriorly, extends as far as the apices of the folded tegmina. In the tegmina M 
and Cul are separate for the whole of their lengths and cross-vein m-cu 1 as well as m-cu 3, is 

Type species — Sertorius curvicaudus Goding. 

Eufairmairiella resembles Eufrenchia in the shape of the apices of the lateral pronotal 
processes and in the presence of cross-vein m-cui in the tegmen. 


Eufairmairiella curvicaudus (Goding) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig- 43 > B) 

Sertorius curvicaudus Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 24. 

Length, <J, 6*8-7 9 ? 7*8 mm. Coloration black, or, dark brown. Pronotum 

rugose, punctate, lateral processes sometimes with longitudinal ridges on their dorsai 
surfaces. Tegmen vitreous, basally black, punctate, apically narrow, veins black. 

Type Location — United States National Museum. 

Type Locality — Tweed River, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Brisbane, Kuranda (Queensland). 

Cebes Distant 

Cebes Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 39. 

Brown insects, 6-7*5 mm length. The pronotum is rugose and the thickened 
lateral processes are either transverse and slightly upwardly turned, or anteriorly inclined 
and outwardly curved. The median pronotal process curves downwards posteriorly and: 
extends as far, or a little further, than the apices of the folded tegmina. The tegmina are 
long and narrow. M and Gul are either closely adjacent and linked by a very short cross- 
vein m-cui or else basally fused; m-cu 2 is lacking. There is sometimes a tendency for the: 
venation to be reticulate towards the apices of the tegmina. 

Type species — Centrotus transiens Walker. 

Cebes transiens (Walker) 

(Fig. 44, B) 

Centrotus transiens Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 2: 624. 

Sertorius areolatus Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 23. 

Cebes transiens (Walker) Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 18 (8): 39. 

Length, 6*5, $, 7*5 mm. Width across lateral pronotal processes 3*5-4 mm. 

Goloiation brown. Pronotum with pale golden hairs, the upper surface of the lateral processes 
reticulately ridged and conical, apically narrow, slightly diverging and outwardly curved. 
Tegmen vitreous, except basally; veins brown. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Braidwood (New South Wales) ; Swifts Creek, Studley Park 

Cebes godingi Distant 
(Fig. 44, A) 

Cebes godingi Distant, Ann.Mag.Nat. (8) 18: 39. 

. Length, 6 mm. “ Head, pronotum and legs testaceous. Tegmina sub-hyaline, 
wrinkled, the base and veins testaceous. Anterior lateral processes of pronotum very robust, 
only obtusely narrowed at apices, moderately directed upwardly and outwardly, the margins 


distinctly carinate, the anterior area centrally carinate, the posterior process tricarinate, its 
apex slightly passing the tegminal apices. Tegmina with the third apical cell crossed by 
several transverse venules. 55 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Australia. 

Alocebes gen.nov. 

Sturdy brown insects with vitreous tegmina. The pronotum, which is rugose, has 
raised reticulations on the lateral processes, which are short, broad, 3-sided and slightly 
dorsally directed. Viewed dorsally, their anterior margins lie posteriorly to the central part 
of the pronotum and they extend laterally only slightly beyond the humeral angles. The 
median pronotal ridge is well-defined and carinate between the lateral arms and the 
scutellum. The posterior process, anteriorly, is approximately oval in outline and slightly 
curved downwards posteriorly. It extends apically almost as far as the apices of the folded 
tegmina. M and Cul are basally distinct and there is a wide cross-vein, m-cui which is 
closer to the fork of M than to the bases of the 2 veins. 

Type species — Alocebes dixoni sp.nov. 

Alocebes differs from Cebes , to which it is closely related, in the considerably greater 
depth of the lateral pronotal processes, when viewed from in front, and in the position of 
cross -vein m-cui . 

Alocebes dixoni sp.nov. 

(Fig. 44, C) 

Length, $, 7 mm. Width across lateral pronotal processes, 3-7 mm. Coloration, 
dark brown. Tegmen vitreous with obscure brown markings, basally coriaceous; veins 

Ho 1 0 type in the National Museum of Victoria. (Yarra Junction, 5/4/19, J.E. Dixon, 


Pogonella gen.nov. 

Robust brown, or black, sexually dimorphic insects. The pronotum has a pair of 
lateral processes which are considerably larger in the $ than in the (J. In the these 
processes, which are broadly triangular, are almost horizontal and only curved a little 
backwards and sometimes upwards. In the $ they are, in some species, more dorsally 
directed. There is a central longitudinal ridge on the pronotum which is continuous with 
the median extension; the latter, which is slightly sinuate, and curves downwards apically, 
extends almost as far as the apices of the folded tegmina. The tegmina are broad and M 
and Cul, though proximally closely adjacent to each other, usually retain their separate 
identity. The only cross vein linking these veins is m-cu<$. 

Type species — Centrotypus minutus Goding. 

Pogonella differs from Acanthucus in lacking an anterior median, vertical pronotal 
process; in having a less sinuate posterior pronotal process and in having more pronounced 
sexual dimorphism. 


Pogonella minutus (Goding) (cornb.nov.) 

(Fig. 43, J) 

Centrotypus minutus Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 28. 

Length, 3-8 mm, width across pronotal horns, 2 mm; length, $, 4*2 mm; width! 
across pronotal horns, 2-2 mm. General coloration dark brown or black. Lateral' 
expansions in both sexes triangular, transverse and horizontal, but slightly longer and 
narrower in the $ than in the (J. Area of pronotum between lateral horns, convex. 
Tegmen vitreous, sometimes partially suffused with pale brown, basally brown, punctate. 

Type Location — Unknown (not in United States National Museum). 

Type Locality — not given. 

Known distribution elsewhere — cc South Australia”; Tamworth, Sydney, Mullaley (New South- 
Wales); Binna Burra (Queensland). 

Pogonella bispinus (Stal) (cornb.nov.) 

(Fig. 43? K ? L ) 

Acanthucus bispinus Stal, 1869, Ovfers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 24: 288. 

Acanthucus euryone Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 90 (syn.nov.,. 

Acanthucus eurynomus Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 91 (syn.nov.). 

Lengthy (J, 9 , 4-5 mm. Coloration, brown or blackish-brown. Lateral pronotal 

extensions horizontal, transverse in slightly recurved and longer and narrower in 2. 
Median pronotal process consisting of a widely rounded and only slightly elevated carina, 
somewhat higher in the $ than the <$. Tegmen purplish brown, sometimes in part 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Stockholm. 

Type Locality — New Holland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Blackheath, Mullaley (New South Wales); Fern Tree Gully, 
Timbertop (Victoria); Lord Howe Island. 

Pogonella dromedarius (Kirkaldy) (cornb.nov.) 

(Fig. 43, G) 

Acanthucus dromedarius Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 377. 

Length, 2 ? 5*5 mm - General coloration chocolate or ochreous brown. Lateral 
pronotal processes short, robust, transverse and slightly curved in an upward direction. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Bunya Mountains (Queensland). 



Lubra Goding 

Lubra Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 30. 

Dark brown insects with a pair of strap-shaped processes which may be vertical, 
outwardly directed, or inwardly curved. The apices of the processes are inflated and of 
variable shape and each frequently bears a wide-based spine-shaped external projection. 
The pronotum, including the vertical processes, is rugose, the rugosity consisting of cell-shaped 
areas with raised walls from which arise long delicate hairs. The median process is straight,, 
or slightly sinuate, and extends posteriorly almost as far as the apices of the folded tegmina.- 
In the tegmina, veins M and Cu 1 are distinct for their whole lengths; cross-vein m-cui , is 
sometimes, and m-cu% always present. 

Type species — Oxyrhachis spinicornis (Walker). 

Lubra spinicornis (Walker) 

(Figs 8, C; 42, I) 

Oxyrhachis spinicornis Walker, 1862, J.Ent. 1: 316. 

Lubra regalis Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 30 (syn.nov.). 

Length, (J, 5-6 mm, $, 6-6*2 mm. Male genitalia as in Fig. 8, C. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — More ton Bay, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — National Park, Fletcher, Brisbane (Queensland). 

Ceraon Buckton 

Daunus Stal, 1866, Berlin, Ent. Zeit. 10: 386 (preoccupied). 

Ceraon Buckton, 1903, Monog. Membrac. 228. 

Z [ anophora Kirkaldy, 1904, Entomologist, 37:279 (new name, unnecessary). 

Sinenodus Goding, 1931, J. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 39:311. 

Brown or reddish-brown insects, ranging in length from 6 to 12 mm, (not including 
the pronotal processes). The anterior pronotal extensions are vertical, or forwardly directed, 
and apically clubbed. The clubs are four-sided and the anterior sides, which are rugose, 
and may be ridged, slope backwards towards the transverse apices; the posterior sides are 
flat. The median pronotal process extends almost as far as the apices of the folded tegmina. 
In the tegmina, veins M and Cu 1 are basally distinct and cross-veins m-cui is sometimes, 
and m-cu^ always present. 

Type species — Ceraon tumescens Buckton. 

Ceraon tasmaniae (Fairmaire) 

(Fig. 43, D) 

Centrotus tasmaniae Fairmaire, 1846, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 4: 513. 

Centrotus contrac tus Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 2: 622. 

Centrotus truncaticornis Walker, 1858, Ins.Saund.Homopt. 81. 


Ceraon tumescens Buckton, 1903, Monog.Membrac. 229 (syn.nov.). 

Daunus succisus Buckton, 1903, Monog.Membrac. 226 (syn.nov.). 

Zdnophora leda Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 89 (syn.nov.). 

Length, $, 10-11 mm. General coloration brown. 

Type Location — Type apparently not in existence. 

Type Locality — Melbourne. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Adelaide (South Australia); Hobart (lasmania), TomaHa, 
Tubrabucca (New South Wales); Lancefield (Victoria). 

Ceraon vitta (Walker) 

(Fig. 42, A) 

Centrotus vitta Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 2: 626. 

Oxyrhachis contorta Walker, 1859, Ins.Sauncl.Homopt. 66. 

Zanophora albovittata Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 90 (syn.nov.). 

Length, <$, $, 6 mm. This species may be distinguished by its size and vitreous 

tegmina, which may have a longitudinal hyaline-brown stripe extending their lull length. 
The appendix likewise may be hyaline-brown. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Unknown. 

Known distribution elsewhere— Bundaberg, Brisbane (Queensland); Woodend (Victoria). 

Ceraon gracilis Goding 
(Fig. 43, E) 

Daunus gracilis Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 33. 

Sinenodus gracilis (Goding), 1931, J.N.Y.Ent.Soc. 39: 31 1. 

Length, $, 7-7-5 mm. General coloration brown with white scales (similar to those 
of Goddefroyinella mdicans). Lateral pronotal processes four-sided, strongly forwardly . and 
somewhat upwardly, and slightly outwardly, directed with 3 well defined parallel ridges 
on the ventral surface. Posterior pronotal process flattened, parallel-sided anteriorly, apically 
extending as far as the apices of the folded tegmina. Tegmina apically acute; venation 
somewhat reticulate. 

Type Location — Unknown (not in U.S. National Museum). 

Type Locality — Beverley, Western Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Carnarvon (Western Australia). 

Sextius Stal 

Sextius Stal, 1866, Hemipt.Afric. 4: 88. 

Insects, green in colour when alive, usually with a pair of lateral pronotal processes, 
which may be brown anteriorly. These may be transverse, or forwardly projecting, and 
vary in size and shape and may be altogether absent. The posterior pronotal process is 

G 2690 — IO 


keel-shaped and curves downwards posteriorly. It extends as far, or slightly further, than 
the apices of the folded tegmina. The whole of the pronotum is evenly pitted. The venation 
of the tegmen is apically reticulate, M and Cu i are basally distinct and cross-vein m-cu\ is 

Several species of Sextius have been described and these are listed below. No 
descriptions are given, since it is doubtful whether any merit separate specific differentiation. 
So far as is known, all forms feed on Acacia. 

Type species — Centrotus virescens Fairmaire. 

Sextius virescens (Fairmaire) 
(Figs 4, G; 5, I; 8, D) 

Centrotus virescens Fairmaire, 1846, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 4: 515. 
Ceresa suffusa Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 2: 530. 
Type Location — Unknown (probably not in existence). 

Type Locality — New Holland. 

Sextius assimilis Kirkaldy 

Sextius assimilis Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 376. 
Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Sextius atromaculatus Distant 
Sextius atromaculatus Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8): 18: 35. 
Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Queensland. 

Sextius bucephalus Distant 

Sextius bucephalus Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 34. 
Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Sextius depressus Goding 
Sextius depressus Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 12. 
Type Location — United States National Museum. 

Type Locality — Undetermined. 


Sextius interposita (Buckton) 

Pterosticta interposita Buckton, 1903, Monog.Memb. 231. 

Type Location — Unknown (not in British Museum). 

Type Locality — Adelaide, South Australia. 

Sextius kurandae Kirkaldy 

Sextius kurandae Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 377. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

Sextius major Distant 
Sextius major Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 18: 34. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Peak Downs, Queensland. 

Sextius Occident alis Jacobi 

Sextius occidentalis Jacobi, 1909, Faun.S.W.Aust.Michaelsen u. Hartmeyer 2: 338. 
Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — Dirk Hartog Island. 

Sextius reticulatus Distant 

Sextius reticulatus Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 34. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — “ Australia, N.W. Coast. 55 

Sextius rubrilineus (Buckton) 

Pterosticta rubrilineus Buckton, 1903, Monog.Memb. 230. 

Pterosticta xantha Buckton, 1903, Monog.Membrac. 231. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Not known. 

Sextius spretus (Buckton) 

Pterosticta spretus Buckton, 1903, Monog.Membrac. 230. 

Sextius longinotum Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 377. 
Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Adelaide, South Australia. 


Sextius tenuis Goding 

Sextius tenuis Goding, 1926, J.N.Y. Ent.Soc. 34: 245. 

Type Location — United States National Museum. 

Type Locality — Homebush, New South Wales. 

Eutryonia Goding 

Eutryonia Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 34. 

Gelastorrhachis Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 372. 

Insects approximately 5 mm in length and dark reddish brown in colour, sometimes 
with yellowish-brown markings. The pronotum, which is pitted, consists anteriorly of a 
vertical column which is in continuous alignment with the vertex of the head. The top of 
the column is inflated and has a pair of lateral, acute, processes of varying size, and a 
rounded posterior protuberance. At the base of the column, posteriorly/ the scutellum is 
swollen and the posterior keel-shaped process, which is sinuate, does not extend as far as the 
apices of the folded tegmina. In the tegmina, which have golden hairs both on, and between 
the veins, M and Cu 1 are either separate veins for the whole of their lengths or else 
proximally fused for a short distance; the only linking cross-vein is m-cu$. There is a 
tendency towards reticulate venation at the apices of the tegmina. Because of the high 
degree of variability of the shape of the dorsal process, all the several described species are, 
for the time being, regarded as synonyms of the type species. 

Type species — Centro tus monstrifer Walker. 

Eutryonia monstrifer (Walker) 

(Fig. 42, J) 

Centrotus monstrifer Walker, 1858, Ins.Saund.Homopt. 80. 

Oxyrhachis ponderifer Walker, 1862, J.Ent. 1 : 317. 

Hypsoprora cassis Buckton, 1903, Monog.Membrac. 60. 

Eutryonia monstrifer (Walker) Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 34. 

Gelastorrhachis clavata Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (g) : 373 (syn.nov.). 
Gelastorrhachis diadema Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (g) : 373 (syn.nov.). 
Eutryonia gracilis Goding, 1928, J.N.Y. Ent.Soc. 34: 243 (syn.nov.). 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — “ Hunter River. 55 

Known distribution elsewhere — Brisbane, National Park, Lawes, Tambourine Mountains 


Fig. 44: A, Cebes godingi ; B, Cebes transients ; C, Alocebes dixom 
F, Sarantus nobilis ; G, Bucktoniella pyrmamidatus ; ~R Acanthucus 
nobilis , tegmen; K, Alocanthella fulva ; L, Acanthucalis 

; D, Acanthucus festivus ; E, Kurandella iasis ; 
trispinifer ; I, Acanthucus nivalis; J, Sarantus 
macalpini; M, Acanthucus rufiventris. 


Goddefroyinella Distant 

Goddefroyinella Distant, 1916, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. (8) 18: 22. 

The pronotum has a pair of longitudinally-ridged, wedge-shaped, forwardly directed 
processes. The posterior process, which is medially carinate, extends horizontally almost 
as far as the apices of the folded tegmina. The tegmina have reticulate venation; M and 
Cul are basally distinct and cross-vein m-cui is present. 

Type species — Goddefroyinella indicans Distant. 

Goddefroyinella neglectus (Buckton) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 43, C) 

Oxyrhachis neglectus Buckton, 1903, Monog.Membrac. 224. 

Goddefroyinella indicans Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 22 (syn.nov.). 

Sextius projectus Funkhouser, 1927, Rec.Aust.Mus. 15: 312 (syn.nov.). 

Length, $, from the anterior margin of the pronotum, not including the projections, 
6-2 mm. Length across projections, 3 mm. General appearance, grey. Head and thorax 
rugose, brown and scaled; remainder colourless hyaline; veins brown bordered with scales. 
Ventral surface of thorax and abdomen densely scaled with a mottled white appearance. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Gayndah, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere— King George’s Sound (Western Australia); Cunnamulla 

Acanthucus Stal 

Acanthucus Stal, 1866, Hemipt.Afric. 4: 87. 

Insects ranging in length from 4 to 7 mm, brown in colour, the pronotum rugose and 
pitted, with golden hairs. The narrow lateral pronotal processes are transverse, slightly 
upwardly directed and slightly apically curved backwards. The median pronotal process 
las a characteristic triangular vertical projection anteriorly, and posteriorly is sinuate to a 
varying degree and keel-shaped. In the tegmina, veins M and Cu 1 are either proximally 
luscd or else closely adjacent but distinct. The only linking cross-vein is m-cu 3. 

Type species — Acanthucus gracilispinus Stal. 

Acanthucus conspurcatus Stal 

Acanthucus conspurcatus Stal, 1869, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 24: 288. 

Length, $, 4*8 mm. Ferrugineus, punctatus, lateribus pectoris et scutelli dense 
gnseo-sericeis ; thoracis cornubus lateralibus mediocribus, antrorsum et distinctus sursum 
vergentibus, levissime curvatis, carina longitudinale media pone cornua ilia in angulum 
obtusum elevata, processa postice sensim leviter curvate; tegminibus sordide hyalinis.” 

Type Location— Natural History Museum, Stockholm. 

Type Locality — " Australia, occid.” 


Acanthucus kershawi Goding 

Acanthucus kershawi Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 17. 

Sextius obtusus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 377 (syn.nov.). 

Length, <$, 3-5 mm; $, 4 mm. “ Prothorax inclined backward from base, piceous 
brown covered with yellow hairs; lateral horns short, turned directly outward, horizontal, 
slender, very acute; posterior process obtusely angled at base, thereafter slender, strongly 
sinuous to decurved acuminate apex, which does not reach the tips of the tegmina. 55 

Type Location — United States National Museum. 

Type Locality — Thornleigh, Blue Mountains, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Sydney (New South Wales). 

Acanthucus rufiventris (Walker) 

(Fig. 44, M) 

Centrotus rufiventris Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 2: 616. 

Length, $j>, 7 mm. “ Ferruginous, thinly clothed with shining yellow hairs. Fore- 
chest roughly punctured, low and inclined backward in front, distinctly ridged; shoulders 
rounded, not prominent. Horns above stout, conical, prismatic, diverging slightly ascending. 
Hind appendage slender, extending to the tip of the abdomen, much attenuated toward the 
tip, which is very acute, armed with two erect, high, compressed, conical acute humps, one 
at the base, the other in the middle. 55 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Moreton Bay, Queensland. 

Acanthucus trispinifer (Fairmaire) 

(Fig. 44, H) 

Centrotus trispinifer Fairmaire, 1846, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 4: 515. 

Acanthucus gracilispinus Stal, 1869, Ofvers.Vetensk.Forh.Stockh. 24: 287 (syn.nov.). 

Acanthucus gracilispinus Stal, Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 15. 

Length, <J, 4, $, 5 *2-5 *5 mm. Width across lateral horns, 3 mm. General 

coloration brown with golden, lateral, pubescence at the sides of the thorax anteriorly. 
Median, central, elevated pronotal process thorn shaped; posterior pronotal process, strongly 
sinuate. Tegmen mottled hyaline, brown with a whitish area at the apex of the clavus. 

Type Location — Unknown (“ in collection Westwood 55 ). 

Type Locality — New Holland. 

Known distribution — Adelaide (South Australia); National Park (Queensland); Sydney (New 
South Wales); Bruni Island (Tasmania); Bunbury (Western Australia). 


Acanthucus nivalis Distant 
(Fig. 44, I) 

Acanthucus nivalis Distant, 1916, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. (8) 18: 28. 

Length, <J, 5, $, 6 mm; width across pronotal horns $ 2-8, 0, 4 mm . General 
coloration dark brown with sparse whitish pubescence on the pronotum and on the tegmen, 
especially in the costal area; sides of thorax densely pubescent. Central dorsal process, 
broadly triangular, anteriorly forming a continuous curve with the anterior margin of the 
pronotum; lateral processes with a dorsal, longitudinal ridge. Tegmina hyaline brown 
with a small, colourless area between the arms of Rla and Rib and at the apex of the dorsal 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Brisbane, Queensland. 

Acanthucus festivus Distant 
(Fig. 44, D) 

Acanthucus festivus Distant, 1916, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. (8) 18: 28. 

Acanthucus flavidorsus Goding, 1926, J.N.Y.Ent.Soc. 34: 244 (syn.nov.). 

Length, <£, 4-5 mm; $, 5-6 mm. General coloration brown; anterior third of 
median pronotal process which may, or may not, be raised into a triangular prominence, 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Tooloom (New South Wales). 

Alocanthella gen.nov. 

When viewed from in front the ventral sides of the lateral pronotal processes form 
an even concave curve and the dorsal sides are basally convex. In dorsal aspect these 
processes, which are triangular in section and apically acute, extend laterally only slightly 
beyond the humeral angles. 

The median pronotal process which is keel-shaped and strongly sinuate, with 2 saddles 
and a median depression, extends almost as far as the apex of tegminal vein Cula. Anteriorly 
it is continued as a median ridge which extends almost as far as the anterior margin of the 
pronotum. In the tegmina M and Cul are basally fused. 

Type species — Alocanthella fulva sp.nov. 

Alocanthella fulva sp.nov. 

(Fig. 44, K) 

Length, 9 ? 3’^ mm. General coloration golden-brown, the pronotum anteriorly 
partially suffused with dark brown. Tegmen, costal area as far as Rla and clavus, basally, 
biown, rugose; remainder vitreous with 2 hyaline transverse brown fasciae; veins brown. 
Head and thorax pilose; hairs pale gold. Pronotum rugose. 

Holotype $ from Lawes, Queensland (coll. N. Arndt., 11/44) the Queensland Museum. 


Acanthucalis gen. no v. 

The pronotum is coarsely rugose with fine hairs, and the lateral processes, which are 
dorsally strongly ridged, curve upward and backwards. Apically they are acute and directed 
ventrally. The median pronotal process, posterior to the lateral processes, is elevated into a 
flattened, apically blunt, backwardly-projecting process. Posterior to this process it is 
depressed forming in profile a broad U-shaped curve; more distally it is raised into a broad, 
paddle-shaped, backwardly-projecting process and apically it is acute. In the tegmina M 
and Cul are basally fused. 

Type species — Acanthucalis macalpini sp.nov. 

Acanthucalis resembles Acanthucus in having an anterior vertical median pronotal 
process. It differs in the possession of also a posterior median process. 

Acanthucalis macalpini sp.nov. 

(Fig. 44, L) 

Length, <$, 4 mm. General coloration dark brown with areas of white pilosity. 
Tegmen vitreous, except basally where it is brown; veins brown. 

Holotype — £ from Mt Barrow, 3,000 ft, Tasmania (coll. D. McAlpine, 1/60) in the Australian 

Pogonotypellus gen.nov. 

The face of the head, excluding the eyes, is as wide as long, and the hind margin of 
the face is strongly arched. The lateral pronotal processes are horizontal and apically acute 
and do not extend as far, laterally, as the humeral angles. The median pronotal process, 
which is continuous anteriorly with a ridge extending to the anterior margin of the pronotum, 
is apically curved downward. It extends in the £ as far as the apex of Culb and in the $ 
to Cula. In the tegmina M and Cul are basally fused and the only linking cross-vein is 
m-cu 3. 

Type species — Pogonotypus australis Goding. 

Pogonotypellus resembles Pogonotypus Distant in pronotal characteristics, but differs in 
venational ones. Thus, in the former, the veins are in normal alignment, but in Pogonotypus , 
Rs, M3 4- 4 and Cul basally, are all arched towards the costal margin of the tegmen, 
resulting in the cell enclosed by the arms of Cul being considerably larger than the other 
apical cells. 

Pogonotypellus australis (Goding) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 45, B, C) 

Pogonotypus australis Goding, 1939, J.N.Y.Ent.Soc. 47: 332. 

Length, 4 mm, 4-5 mm. Coloration, black or dark brown. Tegmen except 

basally and the costal area, vitreous, hyaline-brown or yellowish-brown, sometimes with 
irregular colourless areas. 

Type Location — United States National Museum. 

Type Locality — Tamworth, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Springbrook, Toowoomba, Eagle Heights (Queensland) . 


Bucktoniella gen. no v. 

The face of the head slopes posteriorly and is not in alignment with the anterior, 
vertical, part of the pronotum. The anterior median margin of the pronotum, as viewed 
from above, is not in alignment with the lateral processes and is convex. The lateral 
processes which are three-sided, and in dorsal aspect broadly triangular and backwardly 
curved, are almost horizontal; their dorsal margins are ridged. The posterior process, 
which is keeled, extends as a ridge as far as the anterior margin of the pronotum. Posterior 
to the lateral processes it may be straight or anteriorly convex and it does not extend as far 
as the apices of the folded tegmina. 

In the tegmina M and Cu i are proximally fused for a short distance and m-cu 3 is the 
only linking cross-vein. 

Type species — Acanthucus pyramidatus Funkhouser. 

Bucktoniella differs from Acanthucus in the absence of a median elevation and in 
having broader and more flattened lateral pronotal processes. 

Bucktoniella pyramidatus (Funkhouser) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 44, G) 

Acanthucus pyramidatus Funkhouser, 1927, Rec.Aust.Mus. 15: 310. 

Length, 6-6, $, 7*5 mm. Rugose, general coloration reddish or ochreous brown 
with fine white hairs. In (J, lateral pronotal processes dorsally convex, slightly apically 
downwardly curved. Posterior process steeply tectiform, slightly sinuate between lateral 
processes, thereafter straight. In $, lateral processes, upwardly curved from the centre, 
their apices curved slightly downwards. Posterior process steeply arched immediately 
posterior to the lateral processes, thence straight. Tegmen vitreous, veins brown. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Wedge Bay, Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Franklin (Victoria). 

Kurandella gen. no v. 

The face of the head is almost flat and the eyes are prominent and visible from above. 
The pronotum, anteriorly, is vertical and in alignment with the face and has a median ridge 
which extends from the anterior margin to the posterior apex. The anterior margins of the 
oblique lateral processes are at right angles to the median ridge; they have 3 distinct sides 
and on the dorsal surface are apically depressed between the marginal ridges. The posterior 
process extends almost as far as the apices of the folded tegmina. 

The tegmina are apically acute, M and Cul are fused proximally for a third of their 
lengths, m-cu^ is the only cross vein vetween them, and all 4 apical veins are parallel with 
the hind margin of the tegmen distal of the apex of the clavus. 

Type species — Acanthucus iasis Kirkaldy. 

Kurandella differs from Acanthucus in lacking a median pronotal elevation and from 
other known Australian genera in the characters of the pattern of tegminal venation. 


Kurandella iasis (Kirkaldy) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 44, E) 

Acanthucus iasis Kirkaldy, 1907, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 3: 90. 

Length, $, not including the lateral pronotal processes, 5*8 mm. General coloration 
brown with golden hairs. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Sydney (New South Wales). 

Alosextius gen.nov. 

Pale greenish-brown, sexually dimorphic, insects. The pronotum, which is coarsely 
punctate, has a sharp, median carina which extends horizontally onto the foliaceous, straight, 
median pronotal process. The lateral pronotal processes are tricarinate and have well- 
defined marginal rims. In the in which these processes are horizontal and broadly 
triangular and extend laterally only slightly beyond the humeral angles, they lie at a lower 
level than the median carina. In the $, the lateral pronotal processes are anteriorly, and 
dorsally, produced and apically recurved and acute. The median pronotal process extends 
almost as far as the apices of the folded tegmina. 

In the tegmina M and Cu 1 are basally fused, cross-vein m-cu2 is lacking and cross- 
vein m is in continuous alignment with R + M 1 + 2. 

Type species — Acanthucus carinatus Funkhouser. 

Alosextius differs from Acanthucus in lacking a dorsal median pronotal process and in 
having a horizontal posterior pronotal process. 

Alosextius carinatus (Funkhouser) (comb.nov.) 

(Figs 8, E; 43, M, N) 

Acanthucus carinatus Funkhouser, 1927, Rec.Aust.Mus. 15: 31 1. 

Logon Jlavescens Goding, 1930, Amer.Mus.Novit. 421: 25 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 4*2-5 -2 mm; $ (excluding lateral pronotal processes) 5*5 mm. General 
coloration pale greenish or yellowish-brown; margins of pronotal processes, brown; 
tegmen, yellowish-hyaline. Male genitalia as in Fig. 8, E. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — ‘ £ South Australia.” 

Known distribution elsewhere — Brisbane (Queensland). 

Dingkana Goding 

Dingkana Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 9 

Closely resembling Terentius in general appearance but differs in having, in the 
tegmina, M and Cu 1 basally fused and m-cu2 as well as m-cu^ present. 

Type species — Dingkana borealis Goding. 


Dingkana borealis Goding 

(Fig- 45 , G) 

Dingkana borealis Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 9. 

Length, 9 ? 5“ 7 mm - General coloration black, the pronotum finely rugose with 
golden yellow hairs. Pronotum lacking a median ridge anteriorly, the posterior median 
process broadly flattened with a slight median ridge, not extending as far as the apices of 
the folded tegmina. Tegmen pale hyaline brown. 

Type Location — Unknown (not in U.S. National Museum). 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Innisfail (Queensland). 

Sertorius Stal 

Sertorius Stal, 1866, Berlin Ent.Zeit. 10: 387. 

Black insects ranging in length from 6*5 to 8 mm. Part of the vertex of the head 
and the eyes are visible in dorsal aspect. The surface of the pronotum is pitted and bears 
fine golden hairs. There are a pair of slightly projecting horizontal spine-like processes. 
The median pronotal process which is anteriorly wide and apically narrow, extends almost 
as far as the apices of the folded tegmina. In the tegmina veins M and Cu 1 are proximally 
separate, cross-vein m-cui may be present and m-cu 2 is always lacking. 

Type species — Centrotus australis Fairmaire. 

Sertorius australis (Fairmaire) 

(Figs 5, B; 45, E) 

Centrotus australis Fairmaire, 1846, Ann.Soc.Ent.Fr. (2) 4: 518. 

Centrotus binotatus Walker, 1858, Ins.Saund.Homopt. 81. 

Centrotus obstans Walker, 1858, List. Homopt.Brit.Mus. Supplement. 162. 

Length, $, 6*8-8 mm. Pronotum very slightly keeled anteriorly; lateral 

processes conical, acute, horizontal, very short, very slightly curved backward. 

Type Location — Unknown, type probably not in existence. 

Type Locality — New Holland. 

Known distribution — Ringwood, Lake Hattah (Victoria); Gordon (New South Wales). 
Collected on — Hakea. 

Sertorius luteus (Buckton) 

Sphaerocentrus luteus Buckton, 1903, Monog.Membrac. 244. 

Sertorius luteus (Buckton) Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 18 (8): 26. 
Sertorius castaneus Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 25. 

Sertorius ajfinis Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 25. 

Length, $, 7-8 mm. 


Fiff. 45: A, Anzac bipunctatus, head and pronotum; B, Pogonotypellus australis , 3 ; C, P. australis , 2 , 

D bipunctatus; E, Sertorius australis; F, Terentius convexus ; G, Dingkana borealis; H, C nto Jestivus, <?; 

I, C.festivus, J , Centrotypus nigris ; K, Leptocentrus gracilis. 


Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Adelaide, South Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Sydney (New South Wales). 

Terentius Stal 

Terentius Stal, 1869, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 24: 286. 

Black or brown insects which closely resemble those in the genera Sertorius and 
Dingkana , differing from Sertorius in having considerably smaller lateral pronotal extensions 
and from Dingkana in having, in the tegmina, M and Cu 1 as separate veins for the whole 
of their lengths, m-cui sometimes present and m-cu 2 lacking. The median posterior pronotal 
process, which does not reach as far as the apices of the folded tegmina, is sharply keeled. 

Type species — Terentius convexus Stal. 

Terentius convexus Stal 
(Figs 42, G; 45, F) 

Terentius convexus Stal, 1869, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 24: 286. 

Length, $, 6 *6-7 -5 mm. Head black or brown. Pronotum black, or, brown, 
coarsely rugose with a slight median anterior ridge. Median pronotal process anteriorly 
constricted. Tegmen hyaline-brown; R and M proximally dark brown, distally, and the 
remaining veins, pale brown; veins bordered with golden hairs. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Stockholm. 

Type Locality — Rockhampton, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Manly, Bowral (New South Wales) ; Kuranda, Brisbane 
(Queensland) . 

Collected on — Casuarina , Grevillea. 

Terentius rolandi Distant 
(Fig. 42, G) 

Terentius rolandi Distant, 1915, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. (8): 16: 492. 

Length, $, 7 mm. Head and pronotum shining black, pronotum finely punctate, 
lacking an anterior median ridge. Posterior pronotal process broadly triangular, not 
anteriorly constricted. Tegmen, R and M and the intervening area dark brown, posteriorly 
pale brownish-hyaline, veins pale brown; apex of tegmen deep parchment brown, veins 
in high relief. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, N. Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Cairns, Dunk Island (Queensland). 


Anzac Distant 

Anzac Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 19. 

The pronotum, which is punctate and longitudinally carinate, lacks lateral pronotal 
processes, although lateral, crescentric ridges may be present on the dorsal surface. The 
median pronotal process, which is widely tectiform and narrowly acute apically, terminates 
between the apices of tegminal veins Gula and Culb. In the tegmina M and Cul, are 
basally fused. 

Type species — Membracis bipunctatus Fabricius. 

Anzac bipunctatus (Fabricius) 

(Fig. 45, A, D) 

Membracis bipunctatus Fabricius, 1775, Syst.Ent. 677. 

Anzac bipunctatus (Fabricius), Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8): 18: 43. 

Length, 3*2, $, 4-2 mm. General coloration, $, pale yellowish-brown, dark 
chestnut brown. Tegmen vitreous; veins brown. 

Type Location — British Museum (Banksian collection). 

Type Locality — ec Australia ”. 

Known distribution — Hobart (Tasmania) ; Mt Kosciusko (New South Wales) ; Adelaide (South 
Australia); Perth (Western Australia). 

Collected on — Grasses. 

In Distant s illustration of this species the tegmen is shown as having more cross veins 
than are present in the tegmina of insects provisionally identified as belonging to this species. 
Furthermore, the 2 black spots, referred to by Distant as being situated at the base of the 
tegmina, are lacking. 

New Guinea and Indo-Malayan genera represented in Australia 

Sarantus Stal 

Sarantus Stal, 1863, Trans. Ent.Soc.Lond. (3) 1: 592. 

Godingella Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 31 (syn.nov.). 

Shining black rugose tropical ’’-looking insects approximately from 9-12 mm in 
length (not including the lateral pronotal processes). The lateral pronotal processes are 
long, apically acute, and inwardly, or outwardly, turning. The median process, which 
extends to, or beyond, the folded tegmina, is apically acute. In the tegmina M and Cu 1 
are basally distinct and cross-veins m-cui and m-cu 3 are present. 

Type species — Sarantus wallacei Stal (New Guinea). 

Sarantus nobilis Kirkaldy 

( Fi g- 44 > J) 

Sarantus nobilis Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 374. 
Godingella queenslandensis Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 31 (syn.nov.). 


Sarantus australensis Goding, 1926, J.N.Y. Ent.Soc. 34: 208 (syn.nov.). 
Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Cairns, Queensland. 

Otinotoides Distant 

Otinotoides Distant, 1916, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 17: 320. 

Insects, dark brown in colour, the pronotum rugose with sparse, fine, golden hairs. 
The lateral processes are transverse, slightly backwardly directed and apically acute. The 
median pronotal process is slightly sinuate and does not extend as far as the apices of the 
folded tegmina. The tegmina are apically broad; M and Cu 1 are confluent proximally 
but not fused together. The only cross-vein present is m-cu 3. 

Type species — Centrotus pallipes Walker (New Guinea). 

Otinotoides australis Distant 
( Fi g- 43 , J) 

Otinotoides australis Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 40. 

Length, 5 mm. “ Pronotum brownish ochraceous, the anterior pronotal lateral 
processes black, or nearly black, and the area between them darker castaneous; posterior 
process, excluding base, black. Face pale castaneous. Tegmina dull stramineous, base 
costal and sub-costal areas and the apical margin black. Lateral processes of pronotum 
long, subacute, directed outwardly and a little upwardly, centrally carinate, the posterior 
process tricarinate, touching the scutellum, and then moderately convexly elevated, its apical 
half roundly deflected, its apex slender, subacute and almost reaching the tegminal apex. 55 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Queensland. 

Otinotoides acuticornis (Goding) (comb.nov.) 

Sertorius acuticornis Goding, 1926, J.N.Y. Ent.Soc. 34: 244. 

Length, 9 ? 7 mm - Purplish-black, shining coarsely and evenly punctured with 
short pale yellow pubescence. Pronotum elevated and convex in front, produced each side 
high above humerals in a rather long, flat compressed acuminate horn directed outward 
well upward, hind margins straight, front margin curved backward, both margins sharp' 
humerals prominent, deeply notched each side at base, slender, sides parallel to middle then 
gradually acuminate, dorsum seen from above broadly sinuate, apical third decurved 
Broad sides, scutellum densely creamy pubescent. Tegmina fuscous hyaline.” 

Type Location — United States National Museum. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

Crito Distant 

Crito Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 43. 

Small black insects. . The lateral .pronotal processes are horizontal, transverse, broadly 
ti iangular in the <J, in which they do not extend as far laterally as the humeral angles, and 
narrowly triangular in the 9, in which they extend slightly beyond the humeral angles. 


The median pronotal process is sinuate and roundly arched above the scutellum. It is 
downwardly curved posteriorly and does not reach as far as the apices of the folded tegmina. 
The tegmina are apically acute, M and Cu i are basally fused and the only cross-vein 
linking these veins is m-cu$. Rs may be separate from M i + 2 (but this probably represents, 
merely an aberrant condition). 

Type species — Crito festivus Distant. 

Crito festivus Distant 
(Fig. 45, H, I) 

Crito festivus Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 43. 

Length, 5, ?, 6 mm. Coloration black. Tegmen hyaline brown or purplish 

brown, with or without vitreous areas. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Kerevat (New Guinea). 

Incertae sedis 

The species that follow almost certainly do not belong to the genera to which they 
were ascribed by their authors. As, however, identified specimens enabling their study are 
lacking, changes in their generic position cannot, at present be made. 

Otinotus albosignatus Distant 

Otinotus albosignatus Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 40. 

Length, 7 mm. “ Head and pronotum castaneous. Basal angles of scutellum and 
lateral angles’ of sternum whitely tomentose. Tegmina pale bronzy brown, the apical 
margin a "little darker; venation prominent. Pronotum strongly centrally carinate, the 
posterior process tricarinate. The anterior lateral processes long, broad at base, subacute 
at apices, directed obliquely upwardly, apices not recurved.” 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Queensland. 

Otinotus doddi Distant 

Otinotus doddi Distant, 1916, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 18: 40. 

Length, 5 mm. “ Head and pronotum fuscous brown, palely pilose, frontal 
pronotal area’ and face very largely and densely palely pilose. Tegmina pale hyaline, 
wrinkled, the prominent veins dull ochraceous, basal area fuscous and pilose. Pronotum 
very strongly centrally carinate, anterior lateral processes broad at base, subacute at apices, 
directed outwardly and a little upwardly, the apices slightly recurved.” 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Townsville, Queensland. 


Otinotoides inter medius Distant 

Otinotoides intermedius Distant, 1916, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. (8) 18: 41. 

Length, 5 mm. “ Head and pronotum testaceous brown, obscurely, thickly, shortly,, 
palely pilose. Lateral areas of the sternum and basal angles of scutellum palely ochraceously 
tomentose. Tegmina subhyaline, most of the venation, basal portions of the costal and 
subcostal areas, and the base testaceous brown. Pronotum centrally carinate, the lateral 
processes robust, upwardly and outwardly directed, their apices obtusely acute and a little 
recurved, their margins distinctly carinate. Posterior process tricarinate, robust, touching 
the scutellum above which it is a little convexly elevate, its apical half roundly deflected. 55 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Not on label, nor mentioned in the description. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Largs Bay (South Australia) ; Gayndah, Peak Downs (Queensland). 

Otinotoides spicatus Distant 

Otinotoides spicatus Distant, 1916, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. (8) 18: 42. 

Length, 6 mm. k£ Head and pronotum fuscous brown, obscurely shortly, palely 
pilose. Lateral areas of the sternum and basal angles of the scutellum palely ochraceously 
tomentose. Tegmina more or less fuscous brown, the central portion of claval area with 
somewhat obscure brassy reflexions. Pronotum strongly centrally carinate, the lateral 
processes broad and somewhat flattened on basal areas, subacute at apices, outwardly and a 
little upwardly directed, their apices distinctly recurved. Posterior process somewhat 
slender, its apical half roundly deflected, the apex acute and almost reaching the tegminal 
apices. 55 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

Centrotypus occidentalis Coding 

Centrotypus occidentalis Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 27. 

Length, <$, 6*5, $,9 mm - ‘ $ lerruginous, the head, base of prothorax, excepting 
the edge, tips of lateral horns, chest, abdomen, femora, excepting the tips, black. $ differs 
from the male in being tawny yellow and ferruginous where the male is washed with black. 
Pro thorax punctured, furnished with a percurrent median carina, dorsum convex armed 
on each side, above lateral angles, with a short, flat conical horn, compressed infero- 
superiorly, turned directly outward and backward, the upper surface with the dorsum 
convex, posterior process stout at the base, not tectiform, sinuous along inferior border and 
gradually acuminate to the apex which reaches the tips of the tegmina. Tegmina vitreous, 
veins ferruginous, punctured at base, a blackish cloud near base of clavus. 55 

Type Location — United States National Museum. 

Type Locality — Swan River, Western Australia. 

Centrotypus hospes Kirkaldy 

Centrotypus hospes Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 378. 

1 Length, 8 mm. Black with yellowish pubescence. Scutellar tufts prominent, 
pale yellow. Tegmina vitreous, veins pale or dark ferruginous and horns slight, acuminate 


turned directly outward, very slightly upward and backward, bases remote. Exterior 
subapical cell elongate, suboval. 5 5 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu (missing). 

Type Locality — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Sertorius brevicornis Goding 
Sertorius brevicornis Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 21. 

Length, 6 mm. Width including lateral horns, 4 mm. “ Head, piceous, covered 
with yellow hairs, with an abbreviated median carina in the centre between the ocelli, two 
small tubercules below and forming a square with the ocelli, lateral borders with a denticle 
near the base. 

Prothorax piceous brown, the dorsum convex, blackish along the middle and furnished 
with a strong, black median longitudinal carina; on each side of the dorsum, above lateral 
angles, is a short, stout, triquetrous auricular horn turned upward, which is blackish on the 
convex superior surface towards the very obtuse tip, which ends in a blunt point, pointing 
outward and a trifle backward; the horn is elevated but little above the middle of the 
dorsum, the posterior process is triquetrous tectiform, lightly gibbous at the base, broad for 
a distance, thereafter gradually acuminate to the apex, which reaches the end of the 
abdomen. Tegmina broad, basal third black, punctured and opaque, the remainder 
transparent, smoky; veins and a large spot on the disk, piceous. Sides of the chest and 
scutellum, yellow pubescent. 55 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — tc South Australia.” 

Sertorius tepperi Goding 
Sertorius tepperi Goding, 1903, Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. 28: 22. 

Length, 9 ? 6 mm, width including lateral horns, 3 mm. cc Head black. Prothorax 
piceous brown, base black, punctured, furnished with a median percurrent carina and 
armed on each side above lateral angles, with a short, stout, triquetrous, acuminate horn, 
turned upward, very slightly outward and strongly forward, the upper surface marked with 
two or three small carinae, near the front edge, the posterior edge of each horn continued 
for some distance on the posterior process as a carina, parallel to the median carina; 
posterior process very broad and convex at base gradually narrowed to the middle, there- 
after slender acuminate, reaching tips of tegmina. Tegmina smoky yellow basal fourth 
piceous, punctured and opaque, the remainder transparent, veins ferruginous, and thick.” 

Type Location — United States National Museum. 

Type Locality — Bunbury, Western Australia. 

Polonius froggatti Goding 
Polonius froggatti Goding, 1939, J.N.Y. Ent.Soc. 47: 348. 

Length, §, 5 mm. “ Head longer than broad, finely punctate, hardly pubescent, 
blackish-brown, base highly arched. Pronotum blackish-brown, weakly yellow pubescent, 
base deeply impressed each side, convex in front, median carina strongly percurrent, sub- 
foliaceous on the disk; humerals triangular, sub-prominent; suprahumerals short, triangular, 
tricarinate, upper surface irregularly carinate, lightly curved upward and outward, tips 


blunt, recurved; posterior process slender from base which is slightly separated from the 
scutellum, basal third straight, middle third obliquely elevated, apical third horizontal andl 
very slender, distant from margins of about as long as the tegmina.” 

Type Location — United States National Museum. 

Type Locality — Tweed River, New South Wales. 

Species recorded from Australia but of uncertain geographical origin 

Doubt exists as to whether the membracids listed below really form part of the 
Australian fauna. In regard to the 2 first-named species, the specimens of both, on which 
3 original descriptions were based, were presented to the Australian Museum by a Mr F.W. 
Shephard who lived at Broken Hill in New South Wales and both have “ Broken Hill 53 on 
their locality labels. 

It may be no more than a coincidence that both species represent insects which are 
quite unlike any other known Australian membracids, and which apart from the Holotypes, 
are not represented in any other institutional collections of Australian insects, but this is 

It is more probable that they were not collected in Australia, but received by Mr Shephard 
from an overseas correspondent. 

The first of these 2 insects only doubtfully belongs to the Oriental genus, Centrotypus 
Stal, but because of uncertainty as to its origin no attempt has been made to determine its 
true generic position. 

The second one, is undoubtedly correctly placed in the genus Leptocentrus Stal, of 
which all other known species have been recorded from Africa and the Oriental region. 

Centrotypus nigris Funkhouser 
( Fi g- 45 ; J) 

Centrotypus nigris Funkhouser, 1927, Rec.Aust.Mus. 15: 306. 

Tricentrus pinguidorsis Funkhouser, 1927, Rec.Aust.Mus. 15: 308 (syn.nov.). 

Length, ^,4*6, 2 , 6 mm. General coloration, black. Pronotum with an anterior, 
vertical, median lidge; lateral processes short, almost horizontal, anteriorly curved, 
posteriorly stiaight, posterior process short, extending a little beyond the claval sutures of 
the folded tegmma, wide anteriorly, apically acute. 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Broken Hill, New South Wales. 

Leptocentrus gracilis Funkhouser 
(Fig. 45, K) 

Leptocentrus gracilis Funkhouser, 1927, Rec.Aust.Mus. 15: 307. 

Length $, 7 mm - Long, slender, brown, punctate, pubescent; suprahumeral 
101ns, long, slender, extending outward and upward and curving backward; posterior 


process long, slender, elevated above tegmina; tegmina wrinkled, hyaline; sides of thorax 

Type Location — Australian Museum. 

Type Locality — Broken Hill, New South Wales. 

Xiphistes australasiae Distant 

Xiphistes australasiae Distant, 1916, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. (8): 18: 21. 

Xiphistes Stal is a genus which is confined to Africa. Distant, in describing the above 
species, which undoubtedly belongs to the genus Xiphistes , mentions that the single specimen 
available to him came from the Goddefroy collection and that for this reason, most probably 
came from Queensland. Even more probably it was not collected anywhere on the 
Australian continent. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Ibiceps laminifer Buckton 

Ibiceps laminifer Buckton, 1903, Monog.Membrac. 240. 

This insect cannot readily be identified from the description and the type location 
is unknown. As Buckton records that the single specimen known to him bore 2 labels, one 
“ Singapore ” and the other 46 Australia ”, it is very possibly not an Australian insect. 


The salient distinguishing morphological features of this super-family have already 
been discussed (pp. 22-28) and it has been suggested that it became differentiated as early 
as Permian times. A diagnostic characteristic not previously mentioned, is the invariable 
presence of the irons on the crown of the head, and its usual separation, by the epistomal 
suture, from the ventrally situated post-clypeus. 

While within the Cicadelloidea it is possible to recognise families, sub-families and 
tribes at different levels of evolutionary development, this apparently cannot be done within 
the Cercopoidea. Furthermore, although each of the 3 comprised families, all of which 
are represented in Australia, (though one only, the Aphrophoridae, is represented in New 
Zealand) has certain distinctive characteristics, they lack any significant differences of a 
fundamental nature. This suggests that the group, from an evolutionary point of view, is 
a more stable one than the Cicadelloidea. Such a supposition is supported by the fact that 
there are no recognized endemic groups of cercopoids in Australia with a status higher than 
that of a genus. 

It is interesting to conjecture whether the present apparent comparative stability of 
the Cercopoidea might be due to a possibility that their period of active evolutionary 
diversification preceded in time the corresponding period for the Cicadelloidea and that, 
furthermore, it came to an end prior to the commencement of the Cretaceous (Evans, 1964). 

Some cercopoids, like some cicadelloids, are able to produce sound by means of 
timbals and timbal muscles (Ossiannilsson, 1949). It is possible, also, that some were, at 
one time, able to stridulate, since apparent stridulating areas have been described from the 
forewings of one Triassic species (Evans, 1961). 


The genera of Australian cercopoids have not been allocated in this work to particulan 
sub-families or tribes. This is because the author lacks sufficient knowledge of the super- 
family as a whole on a world basis to enable appreciation of the significance of the factors- 
on which these groupings have been established by other authors. 

Key to the Families of Cercopoidea 

1. Eyes longer than wide; hind margin of pronotum W-shaped 2; 

Eyes approximately as long as wide; hind margin of pronotum straight or slightly 
curved " Cercopidae 

2. Pronotum flat, sometimes anteriorly declivous; tegmen lacking, or, with a very 
small, appendix; vein M joined to Rs by a single cross-vein. . . . Aphrophoridae 

Pronotum convex; tegmen with a wide appendix continuing around the apex of’ 
the tegmen; vein M joined to Rs by at least 2 cross-veins; hind wing lacking Rs 


The Family Cercopidae 

This family, which is of world-wide distribution, is especially richly represented in 
tropical countries, particularly in the Oriental region. As well as having representatives 
which are black or brown in colour, some forms have a yellow, orange and red colour- 

In the head, the post-clypeus is usually swollen, sometimes very considerably and 
the crown, which is usually longer in the centre than against the eyes, is anteriorly rounded. 
Ihe pronotum usually widens posteriorly and is sometimes very large. The tegmina may 
be entirely, or in part, rugose, and in part, or entirely, pubescent. They are usually apically 


2. (1) 

3- (2) 

4. (2) 

5- (4) 

Key to the Genera of the Cercopidae represented in Australia 

Insects less than 10 mm in length 

Insects more than 10 mm in length Megastethodon Le P. & S. 

Insects with an orange and brown colour pattern 
Insects predominantly brown and black in colour 

Post-clypeus swollen; pronotum declivous; Rs arising from R in approximately 
the centre of the tegmen Eoscarta Breddin 

Post-clypeus not swollen; pronotum not markedly declivous- 
horn R nearer the apex than the centre of the tegmen 

Rs short, arising 
Aufidus Stal 

Post-clypeus equal in width with each 
of tegmen hyaline 

Not as above 

eye; crown steeply declivous; apical half 

Aufiterna Kirkaldy 


Post-clypeus flattened in <J, convex but not swollen, in $; ocelli permanent. . . . 

! Petyllis Kirkaldy 

Post-clypeus 3-sided in $■, inflated in y; ocelli very small . . Tonnoiria Lallemand 


Pig. 46 . Ai, Adegastethodon urvilleij A2, Ad. urvillei, wing; B, Aufiterna ptyeloides j C, Petyllis deprivata , head 
and thorax; D, Avfidus trifasciatus, tegmen; E, Eoscarta carnifex , wing; F, Tonnoiria chinae, subgenital plate; 
Gi, Tonnoiria tasmaniana, subgenital plate; G2, T. tasmaniana, aedeagus. 

Aufidus Stal 

Aufidus Stal, 1863, Trans. Ent.Soc. London, (3) 1: 594. 

Aufidellus Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 381. 

Aufidus Stal, Distant, 1908, Ann.Soc.Eng.Belg. 52: 97. 

Fragile, delicate insects. The labium terminates in line with the hind margin of the 
middle coxae. The hind margin of the face of the head is arched and the fronto-clypeus is 
swollen and slightly flattened medially and the eyes are widely separated from the fronto- 
clypeus. The scutellum is narrower than the crown of the head between the eyes. The 
tegmen are narrow and proximally membraneous, though distally coriaceous. The hind 
tibiae have a single spur. 

Type species — Aufidus trifasciatus Stal (Mysol). 


Aufidus trifasciatus Stal 

(Figs 3, B; 46, D) 

Aufidus trifasciatus Stal, 1863, Trans. Ent.Soc.Lond. 3: 594. 

Aufiddlus austmlensis Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 381 (syn.nov.). 

Length, $, 6 *2-6 -5 mm. General coloration orange with three of four broad 

transverse black bars. Face of head orange. Crown, anteriorly orange, black between the 
eyes. Pronotum anteriorly orange, posteriorly, and continuing narrowly onto tegmina, 
broadly black. Scutellum orange. Tegmen proximally orange, followed by a broad 
transverse opaque brown stripe; apically in part, or wholly, dark hyaline brown; between 
the 2 dark areas, broadly vitreous. Thorax and abdomen ventrally orange. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Mysol. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Magnetic Island, Dunk Island, Kuranda, Cooktown (Queensland). 

Aufidus lucidus Jacobi 

Aufidus lucidus Jacobi, 1928, Arkiv.Zool. 19 (28): 49. 

Length, $, 7-8 mm. Head, pronotum and tegmina reddish, ochreous-yellow. 
Crown of head between the ocelli and veins, on the posterior two-thirds of the tegmen, 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — Malanda, Queensland. 

Aufiterna Kirkaldy 

Aufiterna Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 382. 

On the face of the head the fronto-clypcus is narrow and swollen, somewhat medially 
flattened, with the sides steep. The labium terminates between the middle coxae. The 
eyes, which are broader than long, lie considerably below the level of the fronto-clypeus. 
On the crown of the head, the distance between the ocelli is less than one-third of the 
distance between each ocellus and the adjacent eye. The eyes overlap the pronotum 
laterally. The tegmina have numerous costal veinlets and the hind tibiae have a single spur. 

Type species — Aufiterna ptyeloides Kirkaldy (Queensland). 

Aufiterna ptyeloides Kirkaldy 

(Fig. 46, B) 

Aufiterna ptyeloides Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 382. 

Aufidus kirkaldyi Jacobi, 1921, Arch. Nat. 87 (12): 50 (nom.nov.). 

Length, <J, $, 4 -6-5 *2 mm. General coloration pale yellowish-brown, finely 

pubescent. Tegmen either entirely pale yellowish-brown, or proximally brown, sometimes 
shading to dark brown, and apically pale hyaline brownish-yellow. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 


Jacobi (1921) regarded Aufiternci as a synonym of Aufidus, of which Notoscarta Breddin 
is a synonym, and as Breddin (1902) had described a Notoscarta ptyeloides a new name for this 
species became necessary. However, this change in nomenclature was unnecessary since 
Aufiterna ptyeloides Kirkaldy is not congeneric with the type of Aufidus Stal, (A. trfasciatus ) . 

Eoscarta Breddin 

Eoscarta Breddin, 1902, Soc.Ent. Zurich 17: 58. 

Euryaulax Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 380. 

The labium terminates at the posterior margins of the middle coxae. The fronto- 
clypeus is swollen, medially flattened and the flattened area is bordered by ridges. The 
eyes are widely separated from the fronto-clypeus and the hind margin of the face is 
transverse. On the crown of the head the distance between the ocelli is equal to half the 
distance between each ocellus and the adjacent eye. The scutellum is as wide as the crown 
between the eyes. The tegmina are broad and not steeply tectiform. 

Type species — Cosmocarta borealis Distant (Oriental Region). 

Eoscarta carnifex (Fabricius) 

(Figs 5, C, G; 8, H; 46, E) 

Cercopis carnifex Fabricius, 1775, Syst.Ent. 688. 

Cercopis carnifex Fabricius, Stal, 1869, Hem.Fabr. 2: 11. 

Triecphora inconstans Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 673. 

Euryaulax callitettigoides Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 381. 

Eoscarta carnifex (Fabricius), Distant, 1908, Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg. 52: 97. 

Triecphora maculata Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 673. 

Euryaulax artofasciata Lallemand, 1949, Inst.Roy.Soc.Nat.Belg. (2) 32: 79 (syn.nov.). 

Length, <J, 7 * 5 "^ mm. A highly variable species, orange in colour with 

transvei se daik brown, or, black markings. Head orange, or, brown. Pronotum anteriorly 
orange, posteriorly brown, or entirely orange, or entirely brown. Tegmen orange with 2 
wide, or, narrow, transverse black, or dark brown, fasciae. Male genitalia as in Fig. 8, H. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — Unknown. 

Known distribution— Brisbane, Cairns, Coen, Mareeba, Lawes (Queensland); Ord River, 
Forest River District (Western Australia). 

Eoscarta vacuola Jacobi 
Eoscarta vacuola Jacobi, 1928, Arkiv.Zool. 19 (28): 1. 

Eoscarta vacuola Jacobi, Lallemand, 1949, Inst.Roy.Soc.Nat.Belg. (2) 32: 79. 

Length, 6*5-8 mm. Testaceous, with the crown of the head and the 

pronotum somewhat darker in colour. 


This species is unknown to me, Lallemand (1949) has stated that it does not belong- 
to the genus Eos carta. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — Cedar Creek, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mt Tambourine (Queensland). 

Petyllis Kirkaldy 

Petyllis Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 382. 

On the face of the head, the labium terminates at the base of the middle coxae. The- 
fronto-clypeus is flattened in the $ and convex in the $. The tegmina are narrowly 
tectiform with obscure venation and the hind tibiae have a single spur. 

Type species — Petyllis australiensis Kirkaldy (Queensland). 

Petyllis deprivata (Walker) (comb. no v.) 

(Fig. 46, C) 

Monecphora deprivata Walker, 1858, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. Supplement, 179. 

Petyllis australiensis Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 382 (syn.nov.). 

Haematoscarta flavifrons Schmidt, 1925, Soc.Ent. 40: 40. 

Length, <£, $, 6-8-6 mm. General coloration pale brown or reddish-brown with 

fine golden pubescence. Tegmen coriaceous, with an apparent transverse white fascia 
immediately behind the scutellum which is associated with a change in the colour of the 
pubescence, and not of the tegmen. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mittagong (New South Wales) : Bonang, Timbertop (Victoria) : 
Brisbane (Queensland). 

Tonnoiria Lallemand 
Tonnoiria Lallemand, 1954, Treubia 22: 501. 

On the face of the head the labium extends as far as the base of the hind coxae. 
The post-clypeus in the $ is swollen with faint lateral striations and in the $ is narrowly 
convex, the anterior half smooth and equal in length to the ante-clypeus, the posterior half 
with deep lateral striations. The crown is entirely rounded with an apical depression 
anterior to the Irons. The frons and dorsal surfaces of the antennal ledges are depressed 
below the level of the vertex. The ocelli are closely adjacent and a median longitudinal 
ridge is lacking. In the tegmina there is an inflated circular boss between R and M and 
M and Cul are fused for the length of 1 mm, but are basally separate. The venation is 
simple, not reticulate, and there are sometimes 4 or 5 oblique veinlets between Ri and the 
costal margin. The hind tibiae have a single spur. 

Type species — Tonnoiria tasmaniana Lallemand. 


Tonnoiria tasmaniana Lallemand 
(Figs 8, G; 46, Gi, G2) 

Tonnoiria tasmaniana Lallemand, 1954, Treubia 22: 501. 

Length, 4-7*1 mm. General coloration, brown, dark brown or black. Crown 

brown, or black, or frons black, and vertex brown. Pronotum black, brown, or entirely 
black, posteriorly brown. Scutellum always black. Tegmen with anterior and posterior 
areas of whitish pubescence and sometimes with a small, or large, whitish hyaline area 
against the costal margin. Male genitalia as in Figs 8, G, 46, Gi, G2. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Blundells, A.C.T. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Adventure Bay, Lake St Clair, Cradle Valley, Snug (Tasmania) ; 
McPherson Ranges (Queensland); Mt Wilson, (New South Wales); Hotham Heights 
Healesville (Victoria). 

It is possible that representatives of some populations from widely separated localities 
are sufficiently distinctive to merit specific differentiation. 

Tonnoiria chinae (Hacker) (comb.nov.) 

(Fig. 46, F) 

Eoscarta chinae Hacker, 1926, Mem. Queensland Mus. 8: 244. 

Length, 6, $, 7 mm. General coloration dark brown. Crown of head black 

the margin of the antennal ledges, sometimes brown. Pronotum dark brown, scutellum 
dark brown or black. Tegmen in part ochreous, in part dark brown, with a large whitish, 
or hyaline, pale yellowish-brown area, adjacent to the costal margin ante-apically. Male 
genitalia as in Fig. 46, F. 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality — National Park, Queensland. 

Megastethodon Schmidt 
Megastethodon Schmidt, 1908, Stett.Ent.Zeit. 72: 68. 

Large heavily built insects. The labium terminates between the hind coxae. On 
the crown of the head, the ocelli are slightly nearer to each other than to the eyes on each 
side. The anterior two-thirds of the pronotum are declivous and the lateral angles are 
rounded. In the tegmina, M and Cu 1 are proximally fused for a length of 3 mm, and the 
venation is apically reticulate. 

Type species — Cercopis rubrifer Walker (New Guinea). 

This is the first species of the group of large tropical cercopids, comprising such 
genera as Cosmocarta Stal, Homatostethus Schmidt and Leptataspis Schmidt, to be recorded from 
Australia. It is undoubtedly a New Guinea species which has become established in 
northern Australia. 


Megastethodon urvillei Le Pelletier and Serville 
(Figs 8, F; 46, Ai, A2) 

Megastethodon urvillei Le Pelletier and Serville, 1827, Encyc.Meth. 10: 605. 

Length, <J, 17*5, $,19 mm. Head and thorax black. Tegmen proximally orange 
with an interrupted transverse black fascia, remainder black. Male genitalia as in Fig. 8, F.. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — New Guinea. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Claudie River, Cape York Peninsula (Queensland) ; Mysol, Arur 

The Family Aphrophoridae 

Aphrophorids, which are of universal distribution, are brown, black, yellowish or 
greyish insects and sometimes have bold yellow markings. In the head, the post-clypeus 
is flat or convex, but seldom very considerably swollen. The crown is usually longest in 
the centre and may be narrowly produced. The pronotum is usually parallel-sided though 
sometimes it widens posteriorly. The tegmina, which are usually rugose and sometimes 
pubescent, are apically rounded or acute. 

Key to the Genera of the Aphrophoridae represented in Australia 

1. Insects 12 mm or more in length 2 

Insects less than 12 mm in length 3 

2. (1) Hind tibia with 2 spurs; veins M and Cu 1 in the tegmen basally fused 

Eoptyelus Jacobi 

Hind tibia with 1 spur; veins M and Cu 1 in the tegmen separate for their entire 
lengths Novaphrophora Lallemand 

3. (1) Small beetle-like insects with convex, elytra-like tegmina Bathylus Stal 

Not as above 4 

4 - ( 3 ) Apex of head narrowly produced Philagra Stal 

Not as above c 

5. (4) Hind tibia with only 1 spur; venation of tegmen apically reticulate 6 

Hind tibia with 1 large and 1 small spur; venation of tegmen not apically reticulate 


6- (5) Post-clypeus in <J, carinate Anyllis Kirkaldy 

Post-clypeus in $ not carinate Neoaphrophora China 

7- (6) Venation of tegmen distinct; on the crown of the head, frons shorter than each eye 

Clovia Stal 

Venation of tegmen obscure; on the crown of the head, frons approximately the 
same length as each eye Eurycercopis Kirkaldy 


Anyllis Kirkaldy 

Anyllis Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 386. 

Aphrophorinella Lallemand, 1936, Bull. Ann. Soc.Ent.Belg. 82: 195 (syn.nov.). 

On the face of the head the labium extends as far as the base of the hind coxae. 
The post-clypeus in the is broadly convex and swollen. The crown is angularly produced 
and apically rounded and the ocelli lie midway between the hind margin of the frons and 
the hind margin of the head. The tegmina have distinct venation which is apically reticulate. 
M and Cui are fused for a third of their lengths. The hind tibiae have a single spur. 

Type species — Anyllis leiala Kirkaldy. 

Anyllis leiala Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 47, D, P) 

Anyllis leiala Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 386. 

Aphrophorinella tonnoiri Lallemand, 1946, Bull. Ann. Soc.Ent.Belg. 82: 195 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 5*5-6 mm; $, 6*8-8 mm. Rugose. General coloration pale or dark 
brown with whitish markings. Post-clypeus brown. Pronotum and scutellum yellowish, 
or, reddish-brown ; pronotum with numerous irregularly-shaped muscle impressions anteriorly. 
Tegmen yellowish, or, reddish-brown, usually with irregular whitish, or hyaline, areas. An 
anterior wedge-shaped transverse pale fascia is frequently present and sometimes a posterior 
fascia adjacent to the costal margin, together with pale areas in several cells. Male genitalia 
as in Fig. 47, P. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mt Wellington, Cradle Valley, Snug, Eagle Hawk Neck 
(Tasmania) ; Mt Victoria, Ebor, Mt Kosciusko (New South Wales) ; Mt Buller (Victoria) ; 
Black Mountain (A.C.T.). 

Neoaphrophora China 

Neoaphrophora China, 1952, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. (12) 5: 789. 

Close to Anyllis Kirkaldy, differing principally in the shape of the post-clypeus in the 
c? of the type species which is convex and not longitudinally carinate. 

Type species — Neoaphrophora tiegsi China. 

Neoaphrophora tiegsi China 

(Fig- 47 . E) 

Neoaphrophora tiegsi China, 1952, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. (12) 5: 791. 

Length, ^5 5% ¥> 6*8 mm. General coloration pale yellowish, or greyish-brown. 

Crown, pronotum and scutellum pale brown, muscle impressions on the anterior half of the 
pronotum prominent in the Tegmen brown, pale brown and white; an anterior, 


whitish, irregular, transverse fascia, margined posteriorly with an irregular brown area,, 
shading to white, followed by another brown area. Between this and the apex of the tegmen,. 
which is brown, a hyaline area; veins brown. 

‘ Type Location — British Museum. 

* Type Locality — Melbourne, Victoria. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Wallan (Victoria); Mt Kosciusko (New South Wales). 

Bathylus Stal 

Bathylus Stal, 1866, Hem.Afr. 4: 68. 

Small beetle-like insects, oval in shape and brown in colour with pale markings. On 
the face of the head the labium extends beyond the middle coxae and the hind margin is 
approximately semi-circular in outline. The crown is triangular and the tegmina, which 
are elytra-like, are convex, and the venation is proximally obscure. The hind tibiae have 2 

Type species — Lepyronia moerens Stal. 

Bathylus albicinctus (Erichson) 

(Fig. 47, F) 

Aphrophora albicincta Erichson, 1842, Archiv.Naturgesch. 8: 285. 

Lepyronia convexa Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 726 (syn.nov.). 

Lepyronia moerens Stal, 1854, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. n: 251 (syn.nov.). 

Lepyronia albigutta Walker, 1858, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus.Supplement, 191 (syn.nov.). 

Lepyronia albigutta Walker, Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 387. 

Length, <£, 5-3, $, 6-8 mm. Crown of head brown. Pronotum in $ entirely 

brown; in anteriorly coffee-brown, shading to dark brown, posteriorly white. Scutellum 
brown, legmen, in $, coffee-brown, with a curved anterior pale fascia which extends from 
close to the claval suture as far as the costal margin and then borders the costal margin; 
some of the cells posteriorly may be, in part, whitish; tegmen in £ dark brown; the 
anterior fascia extends onto the clavus and a few, or several, ante-apical cells may be, in 
part, white. 

Type Location — U nkno wn . 

Type Locality — Van Dieman’s Land. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Widely distributed in every State. 

Clovia Stal 

Clovia Stal, 1866, Hemipt.Afric. 4: 68. 

On the face of the head the labium extends beyond the middle coxae and the clypeus 
is convex. The crown is triangularly produced and apically rounded and the frons semi- 
circular in outline. 1 he tegmina are coriaceous and apically narrow and the venation is 
moderately distinct. The hind tibiae have one large and one small spur. 

Type species — Clovia bigoti Stal (Africa). 


Clovia loxasema Hacker 
(Fig. 4, G) 

Clovia loxasema Hacker, 1926, Mem. Queensland Mus. 8: 243. 

Length, 7, $, 9-9-5 mm. Face of head centrally brownish-yellow, muscle 

impressions, laterally brown. Crown and pronotum brownish-yellow each with 3 transverse 
brown bands. Tegmen yellowish-brown with 2 oblique, narrow, pinkish fasciae, in part, 
or completely margined with dark brown areas; veins, in part, pinkish. 

(In the original description the length of the $ is given as 13 mm, but specimens of 
this length are unknown to me.) 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality — Toolom, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mt Tambourine (Queensland). 

Clovia regalis Lallemand 

Clovia regalis Lallemand, 1927, Trans. Ent.Soc.Lond. 1927: 103. 

Length, 5-5 mm. A rugose, somewhat hairy insect with dull coloration. Crown 
brownish yellow with a transverse brown band between the eyes. Pronotum anteriorly 
brown, posteriorly yellowish-brown; brown area with a narrow yellow transverse marking; 
scutellum sordid yellow. Tegmen dull brown, yellowish basally, with numerous small 
raised brown spots. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Kuranda, Queensland. 

Eoptyelus Jacobi 

Eoptyelus Jacobi, 1921, Arch. Nat. 87 (12): 8. 

The face of the head is wider than long, the fronto-clypeus convex, but not swollen, 
and the labium does not extend as far as the middle coxae. On the crown of the head, the 
distance between the ocelli is greater than between each ocellus and the adjacent eye. The 
tegmina are long and narrow and the venation is distinct. The hind tibiae have 2 spurs. 

Type species — Eoptyelus sordidus Jacobi (New Guinea). 

Eoptyelus australis Jacobi 

(Figs 5, H; 6, E, F; 47, A, O) 

Eoptyelus australis Jacobi, 1921, Arch. Nat. 87 (12): 9. 

Ptyelus homochrous Hacker, 1926, Mem. Queensland Mus. 8: 244. 

Length, <£, $,12-17 mm. Overall coloration brown with a yellowish pubescence. 

Male genitalia as in Fig. 47, O. 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Brisbane, Dunwich, Bunya Mountain (Queensland). 


Fig. 47- A, Eoptyelus australis , head and thorax; B, Neoaphrophora tiegsi , tegmen; C, Carystoterpa fingens, head, 
or s al aspect; D, Anyllis leiala, head and thorax; E, Neoaphrophora tiegsi, head and thorax; F, Bathylus 
albicinctus; G, Philgra parva ; H, Philagra fulvida, head and thorax; I, Philagra concolor, head and thorax; 
J, Pseudaphronella jactator ; K, Carystoterpa fasciata, male genitalia; L, Carystoterpa pallida, paramere; M, 
Ihilagra concolor, male genitalia; N, Carystoterpa fingens, male genitalia; O, Eoptyelus australis, male genitalia; 
r, Anyllis leiala, male genitalia. AED, aedeagus; BP, basal plate; PAR, paramere; SGP, subgenital plate. 


Eurycercopis Kirkaldy 

Eurycercopis Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 383. 

On the face of the head the labium terminates between the middle coxae and the 
post-clypeus is convex. The crown is longer than wide, the frons extending antenoi y 
beyond the sides of the vertex. The ocelli, which are small and inconspicuous, are widely 
separated from each other. The pronotum is narrow laterally. The tegmina are coriaceous 
and the venation obscure. The hind tibiae have i large and i small spui. 

Type species — Eurycercopis nigrofasciata Kirkaldy. 

Eurycercopis nigrofasciata Kirkaldy 

Eurycercopis nigrofasciata Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9). 3 ^ 3 - 

Length r? 7 9 , 8-3 mm. General coloration brown with yellowish pubescence. 

Crown brown, or’ blackish-brown. Pronotum and scutellum brown with numerous black 
spots. Tegmen blackish-brown with an anterior, irregular, transverse, narrow, yellow iascia 
and an irregular pale posterior fascia; whole tegmen with numerous black spots. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Nelson, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Atherton Tableland (Queensland). 

Novaphrophora Lallemand 

Novaphrophora Lallemand, 1940, Bull. Ann. Soc.Ent.Belg. 80: 150. 

The labium terminates between the fore femora. The crown of the head aimost 
twice as wide as long and the ocelli, which are large, are nearer to the eyes >on ^ea cb i side than 
to each other. The pronotum is approximately a third wider than long and has 5 small 
depressions near the anterior margin. The tegmina are narrow apically and M and Cu 1 
are distinct for the whole of their lengths and connected by a basal oblique cross-vei . 
hind tibiae have a single spur. 

Type species — Novaphrophora tasmaniae Lallemand. 

Novaphrophora tasmaniae Lallemand 

Novaphrophora tasmaniae Lallemand, 1940, Bull. Ann. Soc.Ent.Belg. 80. 151. 

Length, $, 17 mm. General coloration brick-red with brownish-black markings. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Cradle Valley, Tasmania. 

This insect is not only considerably larger than any 
aphrophorid, excepting Eoptyelus australis , but also quite unlike 
further material is forthcoming, there must be uncertainty as 
recorded locality. 

other recorded Australian 
them. Unless, and until, 
to the correctness of the 

g 2690 — 1 1 


Philagra Stal 

Chalepus Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 3: 731 (preoccupied). 

Philagra Stal, 1862, Trans. Ent.Soc.Lond. (3) 1: 593 (nom.nov.). 

Readily recognised by the narrowly produced and usually apically upturned head. 
The tegmina are coriaceous with raised spots and distinct venation and the hind tibiae have 
2 spurs. 

Type species — Philagra hastata (Walker) (India). 

Philagra parva (Donovan) 

(Figs 4, F ; 47, G) 

Fulgora parva Donovan, 1805, Ins. New Holland, Hem. PI. 1, Fig. 2. 

Chalepus teliferus Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 3: 731. 

Chalepus pugionatus Stal, 1854, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 12: 251. 

Philagra parva (Donovan) Stal, 1866, Berlin Ent.Zeit. 10: 386. 

Philagra parva (Donovan) Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 384. 

Length, $, 9-12 mm. General coloration reddish-brown with mottled tegmina. 
The anterior prolongation of the head is greater in length than the pronotum and scutellum 

Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — New Holland. 

Known distribution — Widely distributed in all States. 

Collected on — Casuarina and Acacia. 

Philagra fulvida Hacker 
(Fig. 47, H) 

Philagra fulvida Hacker, 1926, Mem. Queensland Mus. 8: 245. 

Length, 8-1 1 mm. General coloration yellowish-brown, the tegmen with a 

centi al pale fascia, which may be interrupted by a darker area. Crown of head triangular, 
shorter than the combined length of the pronotum and scutellum. 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality — National Park, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Springbank (Queensland). 

Philagra concolor Hacker 
(Fig. 47, I, M) 

Philagra concolor Hacker, 1926, Mem. Queensland Mus. 8: 246. 

Length, (J, 9 " 10 *5 mm - Evenly yellowish-brown in colour, the tegmina 

unpatterned. Crown of head approximately equal in width to the pronotum and scutellum 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality— Tooloom, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mt Tambourine, Southport, Brisbane (Queensland). 


Philagra recurva Jacobi 

Philagra recurva Jacobi, 1928, Arkiv.Zool. rg (28): 47. 


9-10 mm. General coloration olive brown, apex of head curvine 
oreally. I egmen, concolorous with the thorax, with numerous scattered small brown spots" 
Type Location — Unknown. 

Type Locality — Malanda, Lamington Plateau. 

Known distribution elsewhere— Binna Burra (Queensland). 

Carystoterpa Lallemand 

Carystoterpa Lallemand, 1936, Festschrift von Embrik Strand, Riga 1: 264. 

On the face of the head the labium extends as far as the apices of the middle coxae 
and the post-clypeus is convex. The crown is triangularly produced and apically rounded, 
ihe ocelli are widely separated but nearer to each other than to the adjacent eyes The 
tegmina are shining and finely punctate and M and Cut may be separate, or basally fused. 
Ihe hind tibiae have one large and one small spur. 

Type species — Aphrophora trimaculata Butler. 

Carystoterpa fingens (Walker) 

(Fig. 47, C, N) 

Ptyelus fingens Walker, 1851, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus. 3: 718. 

Aphrophora trimaculata Butler, White, 1874, Zool.Voy. Erebus & Terror 2: Ins.p. 26 (syn.nov.). 
Aphrophora subvirescens Butler, White, 1874, Zool.Voy. Erebus & Terror 2: Ins.p. 26 (syn.nov.). 

Length, 6-7 mm; 7-9 mm. General coloration brown with whitish markings, 
umloimly pale green, or pale green with a longitudinal brown streak on the tegmen Male 
genitalia as in Fig. 47, C, N. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Colenso, New Zealand. 

Collected on — Coprosma robusta, Muehlenbeckia australis, Myoporum lalum. 

This is the most abundant of the 2 species of cercopoids occurring in New Zealand, 
ormerly 3 specific names have been attributed to it as follows: trimaculata (brown insects 
with 3 white markings on the tegmen); subvirescens (uniformly pale green insects); fingens 
(pale gieen insects with a longitudinal brown stripe on the tegmina). In addition, 3 sub- 
species of trimaculata have been recorded from the Chatham Isles (Lallemand, 1937), and 
forms with different arrangements of colour pattern are known also from the Three Kin^s 
Islands. 0 

Examination of the male genitalia of insects with all these several colour pattern 
anangements has disclosed no significant differences and for this reason they seem best 
considered as representing a single space. 

Carystoterpa fasciata sp.nov. 

(Fig. 47, K) 

Length, 6, §, 7-8 mm. General coloration brown, brown with pale markings, 

or green, with a brown, longitudinal streak on the tegmen. Very similar in general 


appearance to C. fingens, differing in having completely brown forms, in addition to those 
with three, or more, pale markings on the tegmen, and in characteristics furnished by the 
male genitalia. Male genitalia as in Fig. 47, K. 

Holotype $ from Erskine Valley, Lord Howe Island (coll. A. Musgrave, 12/21), Allotype 
Mt Lidgbird, Lord Howe Island (coll. A. Musgrave, 12/21), both in the Australian Museum. 

Carystoterpa pallida sp.nov. 

(Fig. 47, L) 

Length, 6-7 mm; $, 8 mm. General coloration uniformly pale green (pale 
yellowish in dried specimens), or, green with irregular obscure brownish markings. Differs 
from C. fasciaia in characters furnished by the male genitalia, particularly in having forked 
instead of simple parameres. Male genitalia as in Fig. 47, L. 

Holotype $ and Allotype $ from Lord Howe Island (coll. A. Musgrave, 12/21), in the 
collection of the Australian Museum. 

The discovery in the collections of the Australian Museum of representatives of 
uniformly green and parti-coloured cercopids belonging to the New Zealand genus 
Carystoterpa suggested at first that representatives of 3 species of New Zealand cercopids had 
become established in Lord Howe Island. When examination of the male genitalia of New 
Zealand forms disclosed that only a single, highly variable, species occurred in New Zealand, 
it was expected that either the same species was represented also on the island, or else, that 
isolation had been sufficiently long to permit specific differentiation to take place, and that 
the island species had a similar range of colour pattern differences as the New Zealand one. 
It was with considerable surprise therefore that it was found that the Lord Howe Island 
cercopoids represent 2 distinctive species. 

Pseudaphronella gen.nov. 

The face of the head is almost as long as wide and the labium extends beyond the 
apices of the hind coxae. The post-clypeus, in the is convex. On the crown of the head 
the ocelli lie midway between the hind margin of the frons and the hind margin of the head. 
The sides of the pronotum are outwardly directed. The tegmina are coriaceous and the 
venation which is distinct, is apically reticulate. The hind tibiae have a single spur. 

Type species — Aphrophora jactator F.B. White. 

Pseudaphronella resembles Anyllis in coloration and general appearance, but differs in 
size being considerably larger and in the length of the labium. A superficial comparison 
suggests that it may be closely related to Pseudaphrophora Schmidt (1924), type species, P. 
cnnensis ocnmiclt. 

Pseudaphronella jactator (F.B. White) 

(Fig. 47, J) 

Aphrophora jactator, F.B. White, 1879? Ent.Mon.Mag. 13: 214. 

Length, 2 , 11*5 mm. General coloration pale brownish-yellow, with paler areas 
on the tegmina. . Head and thorax pale brownish-yellow. Tegmen pale brownish-vellow 
with 2 laige whitish areas adjacent to the costal margin. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — New Zealand. 

Known distribution in Mew Zealand — Te Aroha Mt. 


The Family Machaerotidae 

These very distinctive insects have a restricted distribution and occur only in the 
Oriental region, where they are almost abundantly represented, tropical Africa and 
Australia. In colour they are black, or brown, and may have green, red and orange 
markings. 5 

In the head the post-clypeus is flat or convex and may be inflated. The crown of 
the head is usually of the same length as the eyes and the frons is reduced. The pronotum 
is large, and in some forms the scutellum is produced posteriorly into a raised spine-like 
process. The tegmina are shining and may be coriaceous but are never rugose. They are 
apically broad and the venation is highly specialised. 

The nymphs inhabit calcareous tubes, situated on their food plants and live in these 
immersed in their liquid excretions (Evans, 1940). 

For information on the broad classification of this family and the distribution of its 
components, reference should be made to the work of Maa (1961, 1963). 

Key to the Genera of Machaerotidae represented in Australia 

1 . Scutellum of normal proportions . 2 

Scutellum produced posteriorly into a spine-like process . . Machaerota Burmeister 

2. (1) Tegmina with a considerable apical overlap Hindoloides Distant 

Tegmina not as above g 

3. (2) Tegmen irregular with raised spots, not markedly shiny; anal veins forming a 

^ -vein Polychaetophyes Kirkaldy 

If surface of tegmen irregular, then shiny; lacking raised spots; anal veins not 
forming a Y-vein , . . .4 

4- (3) Pronotum coarsely rugose, not shiny; tegmen not with a crumpled appearance 

Pectinariophyes Kirkaldy 

Pronotum not coarsely rugose, shiny, as is also the tegmen, which has a crumpled 
appearance Chaetophyes Schmidt 

Pectinariophyes Kirkaldy 

Pectinariophyes Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 386. 

Pectinariophyes Kirkaldy, Maa, 1963, Pacific Ins.Monog. 5: 43. 

The crown of the head is declivous and of even length, or slightly longer in the 
centre. The pronotum is coarsely rugose and not shiny. The tegmina, which are not very 
crumpled in appearance, usually have numerous cross veins and the venation may be 
reticulate. The anal veins may be linked by cross veins, but a Y-vein is not formed. The 
hind tibiae have a single spur. 

The abdomens of the nymphs taper apically and are not swollen and operculate. 
Type species — Pectinariophyes pectinaria Kirkaldy. 



Pectinariophyes stalii (Spanberg) 

(Fig. 4, H; 48, B, N) 

Carystus stalii Spanberg, 1878, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 34: 12. 

Carystus sororculus Spanberg, 1878, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 34: 12. 

Polychaetophyes aequalior Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 385. 

Pectinariophyes pectinaria Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull.Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 386. 

Pectinariophyes stalii (Spanberg), Maa, 1963, Pacific Ins.Monog. 5: 47. 

Length, 4*5-5 mm j ? 5 5-7 mm. Head and thorax yellow, greenish-yellow or 
yellowish-brown. Tegmen pale brown or particoloured with a variable pattern of hyaline- 
brown alternating with vitreous areas, or proximally yellow, or brown, and distally entirely 
hyaline-brown, or entirely vitreous. Venation sometimes reticulate. Male gfenitalia as in 
Fig. 48, N. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Stockholm. 

Type Locality — Austral, boreal. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Rockhampton, Brisbane (Queensland) ; Canberra (A.C.T.) ; 
Adelaide (South Australia); Kimberley (Western Australia); Mullaley (New South Wales). 

Pectinariophyes reticulata (Spanberg) 

(Fig. 48, A) 

Carystus reticulatus Spanberg, 1876, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 34: 12. 

Pectinariophyes reticulata (Spanberg), Maa, 1963, Pacific Ins.Monog. 5: 45. 

Length, <J, 7, $, 7-10 mm. General coloration pale brown, pale yellowish brown 

or brown. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Stockholm. 

Type Locality — Austral, boreal. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Cunnamulla, Sydney (New South Wales). 


Fig. 48: A, Pectinariophyes reticulata; B, Pectinariophyes stalii , tegmen; C, Polychaetophyes serpulida , tegmen; 
D, Hindololides appendiculata , tegmen; E, Chaetophyes vicina, tegmen; F, C. vicina, head and thorax; G, 
Chaetophyes admittens , head and thorax; H, Pectinariophyes stalii , wing; I, Machaerota pugionata ; J, Machaerota 
Jinitima; K, Chaetophyes compacta , head and thorax; L, Polychaetophyes serpulida , head and thorax; M, 
Hindoloides appendiculata; N, Pectinariophyes stalii , male genitalia. AED, aedeagus; PAR, paramere; 

SGP, subgenital plate. 


Chaetophyes Schmidt 

Chaetophyes Schmidt, 1918, Stett, Ent.Zeit. 79: 367. 

The crown of the head is longest in the centre. The pronotum and scutellum are 
not rugose, but have a shiny appearance. The tegmina are also shiny and have a very 
crumpled appearance. The anal veins, though sometimes confluent, do not form a Y-vein. 
The hind tibiae have a single spur. The abdomens of the nymphs are apically swollen and 
the fifth and sixth abdominal tergites are modified to form opercula. 

Type species — Chaetophyes bicolor Schmidt. 

Chaetophyes compacta (Walker) 

(Figs 4, E; 48, K) 

Aphrophora coryipacta Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 3: 701. 

Aphrophora bifrons Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 3: 702. 

Aphrophora semijlava Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 3: 701. 

Aphrophora australiae Walker, 1851, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. 3: 727. 

Aphrophora areolata Walker, 1858, List. Homopt. Brit. Mus. Supplement 345. 

Chaetophyes bicolor Schmidt, 1918, Stett. Ent.Zeit. 79: 368. 

Chaetophyes unicolor Schmidt, 1918, Stett. Ent.Zeit. 79: 369. 

Poly chaetophyes perkinsi Hacker, 1926, Mem. Queensland Adus. 8: 243. 

Length, 5, $, 7 mm. Broad insects. $ entirely black; face of head in 

part brown or, entirely black; crown of head, pronotum and scutellum greenish-yellow. 
Tegmen uniformly hyaline brown or black. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Tasmania. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Apollo Bay, Springvale (Victoria); Berrima, Tubrabucca (New 
South Wales); Brisbane (Queensland). 

Chaetophyes admittens (Walker) 

(Fig. 48, G) 

Aphrophora admittens Walker, 1858, List.Homopt.Brit.Mus.Supplement, 345. 

Chaetophyes admittens (Walker), Maa, 1963, Pacific Ins.Monog. 5: 59. 

Length, <J, 5-5-6 mm; 6 -7-8 -2 mm. Head brown with black muscle 

impressions. Crown of head and thorax dark chestnut brown. Tegmen, very dark 
brown with extensive irregular white markings; $, hyaline brown, with one or two 
irregular pale markings. 

Type Location — British Museum. 

Type Locality — Australia. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Hornsby, Nyngan (New South Wales). 


Chaetophyes vicina (Lallemand) 

(Fig. 48, E, F) 

Chaetophyes vicina Lallemand, 1927, Trans. Ent.Soc.Lond. 1927: 99. 

Length, (J, 4-4*8 mm; $, 6-7 mm. Slender insects. Crown of head, in 
angulate, longest in the centre; in of equal length with the eyes. Head, including the 
face, and thorax, greenish-yellow. Tegmen basally, narrowly greenish-yellow; remainder 
hyaline-brown with a broad central colourless area in the $; apical cells in part colourless 
in tegmina of both sexes. 

Type Location— British Museum. 

Type Locality — Moree, New South Wales. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Pentland, Cairns (Queensland). 

Poly chaetophyes Kirkaldy 

Polychaetophyes Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 385. 

Poly chaetophyes Kirkaldy, Maa, 1963, Pacific Ins.Monog. 5: 36. 

On the face of the head the labium extends to the base of the hind coxae and the 
fronto-clypeus is convex. The crown of the head is declivous and longer in the centre than 
against the eyes. The pronotum is anteriorly declivous. The tegmina proximally and the 
whole of the clavus, are punctate, and the surface is irregular and not flat. The anal veins 
form a Y-vein. The hind tibiae have 2 spurs. The abdomens of the nymphs are apically 
swollen and the fifth and sixth abdominal segments are modified to form opercula. 

Type species — Polychaetophyes serpulidia Kirkaldy. 

Polychaetophyes serpulidia Kirkaldy 
(Fig. 48, C) 

Polychaetophyes serpulidia Kirkaldy, 1906, Bull. Hawaii Sug.Ass.Exp.Sta. 1 (9): 385. 

Length, $, 8 mm. Head and thorax yellowish or reddish-brown. Tegmen 
yellowish, or, reddish hyaline-brown with a broad white proximal transverse fascia, which 
extends narrowly alongside the costal margin of the tegmen and numerous raised brown 
spots, especially in the neighbourhood of the costal margin. 

Type Location — H.S.P.A., Honolulu. 

Type Locality — Bundaberg, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Biloela, Dimbulah (Queensland) ; South Australia. 


Hindoloides Distant 

Hindoloides Distant, 1915, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. (8) 15: 506. 

So a Jacobi, 1928, Arkiv.Zool. 19 (28): 46 (preoccupied). 

Soamachaerota Metcalf, 1952, J.Wash.Acad.Sci. 42: 228 (syn.nov.). 

The crown of the head, which is declivous, is longest in the centre. The tegmin; 
overlap very considerably distally of the apex of the clavus and their overfold is vertical ii 
position. The appendices are very wide and approximately vertical in shape. The ana 
veins form a Y-vein. The hind tibiae have 2 spurs. 

Type species — Hindoloides indicans Distant (India). 

Hindoloides appendiculata (Hacker) 

(Fig. 48, D, M) 

Polychaetophyes appendiculata Hacker, 1926, Mem. Queensland Mus. 8: 247. 

Soa tmetoptera. Jacobi, 1928, Arkiv.Zool. 19 (28): 47. 

Length, $, 5 mm. Head and thorax chestnut brown. Tegmen, pale hyaline brown 
veins, proximally thickened, distally obscure. 

Type Location — Queensland Museum. 

Type Locality — Bunya Mountains, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Mt Tambourine (Queensland). 

Machaerota Burmeister 

Machaerota Burmeister, 1835, Handb.Ent. 2 (1): 128. 

The pronotum has a median longitudinal ridge and the hind margin is approximately 
twice the width of the anterior margin. The scutellum, which is raised above the level o 
the pronotum, is anteriorly broad and deep and posteriorly spine-like. The central portioi 
is dorsally channel-shaped and the narrow extension extends as far as the apices of the foldec 
tegmina. The tegmina have a wide appendix and reduced venation which form severa 
large cells. The claval veins form a Y-vein. 

Type species — Machaerota ensifera Burmeister (Manila, Philippines). 

Machaerota fitiitima Jacobi 

(Fig- 48, J) 

Machaerota finitima Jacobi, 1928, Arkiv.Zool. 19 (28): 45. 

Length, <J, 6, $, 7-8 mm. Head and pronotum black, scutellum black with ; 

broad, curved, white, lateral band on each side, anteriorly; base of spine-like extension 
brown. Tegmen vitreous; veins brown. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Stockholm. 

Type Locality — Bellenden Kerr, Queensland. 

Known distribution elsewhere — New Guinea. 


Machaerota pugionata Stal 

(Fig. 48, I) 

Machaerota pugionata Stal, 1865, Ofvers.Vetensk.Akad.Forh.Stockh. 22: 154. 

P achy machaerota signoreti Schmidt, 1907, Stettin. Ent.Zeit. 68: 199 (nom.nov,). 

Machaerota pugionata Stal, Maa, 1963, Pacific Ins.Monog. 5: 107. 

Length, (J, 5 mm. Head and thorax with a variable combination of an orange and 
black colour pattern. Tegmen vitreous, veins brown, raised in relief. 

Type Location — Natural History Museum, Stockholm. 

Type Locality — Austral, boreal. 

Known distribution elsewhere — Kuranda (Queensland); Darwin (Northern Territory). 

Acknowledgement s 

Dining the several years the preparation of this work has been in progress a great 
many collections have been made available to me for study. The majority of these has been 
lent by institutions but some have been received from those who made them especially on 
my behalf. Thanks are expressed to all who have assisted me in this way and in particular 
to Dr R. A. O’Brien who has travelled many thousands of miles for leaf hopper-collecting 
purposes and to Dr T. Woodward, who has permitted me to study his extensive collection 
of Australian and New Zealand leafhoppers and froghoppers; also to Mrs Crowe (Berrima) ; 
Mr M. Wallace (Perth); Dr F. H. Uther- Baker (Perth); Dr E. Reye (Darwinj; Mr D. Lee 
(Sydney); Mr David Piggott (Balnarring) and Mr M. Nikitin (Sydney). 

Grateful acknowledgement is made of the privilege of having been permitted to 
examine collections lent by the British Museum, the National Museum of Victoria, the 
Queensland Museum, the Western Australian Museum, the Department of Entomology of 
the University of Queensland, the G.S.I.R.O. Division of Entomology, the Departments of 
Agriculture of New South Wales, Queensland, and Western Australia, the Auckland Museum 
and the Entomology Division of the D.S.I.R., Nelson, New Zealand. 

Thanks are also expressed to Dr F. A. Bianchii of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters 
Association for the loan of types of Australian leafhoppers named by Kirkaldy; to the 
Trustees of the British Museum for providing study facilities at the Museum during i960 
and 1964; to Dr L. Russell for assistance in type examination at the United States National 
Museum and to Dr L. Brundin, Dr M. Beir, and Dr W. Wagner for similar help in 
Stockholm, Vienna and Hamburg respectively. 

Dr R. Linnavuori has given me many identified specimens, which have been useful 
for comparative purposes and has helped me in other ways. Thanks are due also to Dr 
W. J. Le Quesne for identifying Idiocerus distinguendus on my behalf, to Dr W. E. China, 
C.B.E., and to Mr W. J. Knight, for help of a varied nature. 

Appreciation is expressed to the Trustees of the Science and Industry Endowment 
Fund, for providing grants which enabled me to visit New Caledonia in 1957 for collectin 
purposes, and to study at the British Museum in i960. 

In conclusion, gratitude is expressed to my wife, not only for transforming very 
numerous pencil sketches into finished drawings suitable for reproduction, but also for her 
help on collecting expeditions and in other ways and for her encouragement. 


List of New Names 


Acanthucalis — 297 

adventitiosus, Batrachomorphus — 207 

Alocanthella — 296 

Alocebes — 285 

Alodeltocephalus — 243 

Aloipo — 35 

Aloplemmeles — 2 1 o 

Alosextius — 299 

anomala, Euronirvanella — 155 

australis, Platymetopius — 247 


brunneus, Scaphetus — 237 
brunneus, Soractellus — 225 
brunneus, Tartessoides — 200 
Bucktoniella — 298 
bunyensis, Stenometopius — 150 


centralis, Deltocephalus — 242 
colmani, Ipoella — 44 
colorata, Aloplemmeles — 2 1 1 


darwinensis, Aneono — 260 
distorta, Kyphoctella — 112 
dixoni, Alocebes— 285 
dobsonensis, Paracephaleus — 93 
doddi, Pseudonirvana — 155 
draba, Alodeltocephalus — 244 
draba, Putoniessa — 121 
Dremuela — 60 


elegantula, Exitianiellus— 229 
Eufairmairiella — 283 
Euronirvanella — 1 55 
Eurypella — 58 
Exitianiellus — 229 


fasciata, Carystoterpa — 323 
fulvida, Carvaka — 244 


gearyi, Aloplemmeles — 210 
gourlayi, Paradorydium — 130 
grisea, Jukaruka— 100 


hackeri, Tharra — 189 
Hecalocratus — 135 
heroni, Drabescus — 221 
hieroglyphica, Dremuela — 60 


incerta, Limotettix — 230 
Inghamia — 248 
insularis, Paradorydium — 139 
Ipelloides — 34 
Ipolo 39 


Kolclla — 148 
Kurandella — 298 
Kyphoctella — 1 1 1 


langfieldi, Aloeurymela — 59 
Ledropsella — 101 
Linnavuoriella — 134 
Loralia — 233 
luteolus, Macropsis — 166 


macalpini, Acanthucalis — 297 
mackei, Putoniessa — 12 1 
macleayi, Ipelloides — 34 
maculosa, Nanipoides — 47 
Malipo — 54 
Microlopa — 87 
minima, Putoniessa — 12 1 
minor, Ipoides — 39 
minor, Rhotidoides — 124 
minuta, Microlopa— 87 
minutus, Myrmecoscopus — 79 
montana, Kahaono — 261 
musgravei, Eurymeloides — 67 
Musgraviella — 1 8 7 
Myrmecoscopus — 79 


Nanipoides — 47 
nigra, Bakeriana — 35 
nigrella, Putoniessa — 123 
nigroflavus, Pingellus — 230 
nigrominutus, Soractellus— 225 
nothofagi, Zelopsis — 168 
Novolopa — 88 


obscura, Bakeriana — 35 
ovalis, Xestocephalus — 256 



pallida, Carystotcrpa — 324 
pallida, Kahaono — 261 
pallidus, Hecalocratus — 135 
Pingellus — 230 
placida, Lamia — 221 
Pogonella — 285 
Pogonotypellus — 297 
Pseudaphronella — 324 
pulcherrima, Loralia — 234 


queenslandensis, Stenotartessus — 20 1 


Reuplemmeles — 209 
rieki, Thymbris — 126 
rotundata, Mapochiella — 140 


Scaphetus — 237 
shephardi, Vulturnellus — 220 
simplex, Aloplemmeles — 210 

smalei, Rubria — 103 
Soractellus — 225 
sordida, Putoniessa — 1 2 1 
Stenalsella — 1 1 7 


taradalensis, Putoniessa — 1 2 1 
tasmaniensis, Musgraviella — 187 
testacea, Stenalsella — 118 
townsendi, Novolopa — 88 
tumida, Kolia — 148 


viridellus, Deltocephalus — 242 
viridis, Kahaono — 261 
Vulturnellus — 220 


wallacei Kahaono — 261 
wanungarae, Woodella — 87 
woodwardi, Mapochiella — 140 


Zelopsis — 168 



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1958, New Upper Permian Homoptera from the Belmont beds. Rec.Aust.Mus. 24: 109. 

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Imms, A. D., 19575 A General Textbook of Entomology, 9th Edition, Methuen & Co. Ltd London. 
Ishihai a, 1 ., 1953, A tentative checklist of the superfamily Cicadelloidea of Japan. Sci. Rep. Matsuyama. Agric. 

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Maa, T. C., 1961, Remarks on the distribution of Machaerotidae. Pacific Ins.Monog. 2: 95. 

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Cicadelloidea and Cercopoidea recorded from New Zealand 





Novolopa townsendi 


Paracephaleus hudsoni 
Paracephaleus leptocarpi 


Myerslopia magna 
Myerslopia parva 


Novothymbris zealandica 
Novothymbris cassiniae 
Novothymbris dunensis 
Novothymbris hinemoa 
Novothymbris hudsoncia 
Novothymbris tararuia 
Novothymbris maorica 



Paradorydium westwoodi 
Paradorydium philpotti 
Paradorydium stewartensis 
Paradorydium insularis 
Paradorydium gourlayi 



Euacanthella brunnea 


Idiocerus distinguendus 



Batrachomorphus adventitiosus 


Xestocephalus ovalis 



Limotettix incerta 
Scaphetus brunneus 
Deltocephalus taedius 
Athysanus negatus 
Alo deltocephalus longuinquus 


Empoasca betulicola 
Dikraneura maorica 
Typhlocyba froggatti 
Pyphlocyba lethierryi 
Ribautiana tenerrima 
Zygina ansonae 
Zygina zealandica 
Zygina kiekie 
Zygina cythea 
Zygina dumbletoni 
Zygina toetoe 


Macropsis nothofagi 

Carystoterpa fingens 



Pseudaphronella jactator 



(Valid names are shown in Roman Type; synonyms and nomen nuda in italics ) 


Abe l ter us — 208 

abscondens, Macropsis — 159 

acanthaspis, Eufairmairia — 281 

Acanthucalis — 297 

Acanthucus — 294 

acmaeops, Lasioscopus — 78 

Aconurominus — 22 2 

acuminata, Platyledra — 101 

acuticornis, Otinotoides — 304 

adelaideae, Nirvana — 152 

admittens, Chaetophyes — 328 

adspersa, Eurymeloides — 64 

adventitiosus, Batrachomorphus — 207 

aegrota, Ipo — 52 

aeneus, Macropsis — 165 

aequalior , Polychactophyes — 324 

aequalis, Rhotidus — 125 

affinis, Sertorius — 300 

agalliae , Austroagalloides — 172 

Agalliinae- — 169 

agenor, Pedioscopus — 185 

albicinctus, Bathylus — 318 

albida, Tettigonia — 145 

albigutta , Lepyronia — 3 1 8 

albomarginata, Kolia — -146 

albosignatus, Otinotus — 305 

albovittata , Zanophora — 289 

alfalfae, Empoasca — 262 

Alocanthella — 296 

Alocebes — 285 

Alodeltocephalus — 243 

Aloeurymela — 59 

Aloipo — 35 

Aloplemmeles — 2 1 o 

Alosextius — 299 

alpina, Trocnada — 208 

Alscis — 1 15 

ambita, Ipo — 52 

amplicincta, Pauroeurymela — 68 
Anacephaleus — 89 
Anacornutipo — 48 
Anacotis — 1 10 
aneala, Dikraneura — 268 
Anemochrea — 23 1 
Anemolua — 248 
anemolua, Pettya — 273 
anemolua, Tetigonia — 148 
Aneono — 258 
angustata, Gnatia — 184 
angustata, Kolia — 147 
Anipo — 40 

anomala, Euronirvanella — 155 
ansonae, Zygina — 271 

Anyllis — 3 1 7 
Anzac — 303 
Aphrodinae — 1 40 
Aphrodini — 1 40 
Aphrophoridae — 3 1 6 
Aphrophorinella — 3 1 7 
apicalis, Nephotettix — 228 
apollonos, Soracte — 225 
appendiculata, Hindoloides — 330 
aracuata, Linnavuoriella — 134 
argentata, Chinaella — 213 
argentatus, Orosius — 224 
areolata, Aphrophora — 328 
areolatus, Sertorius — 284 
aristarche, Deltocephalus — 241 
artofasciata , Euryaulax — 313 
arunda, Deltocephalus — 239 
assimilis, Sextius — 290 
athertoni, Empoasca — 251 
Athysanus — 254 
atra , Eurymela — 69 
atromaculatus , Eurymeloides — 64 
atromaculatus, Sextius — 290 
attenuata, Tartessella — 199 
Aufidellus — 3 1 1 
Aufidus — 31 1 
Aufiterna — 312 
aulonias, Idiocerus — 177 
aurantiigera, Balclutha — 250 
aurea, Macroceratogonia — 150 
aurescens, Petalocephala — 150 
australasiae, Xiphistes — 309 
australensis, Aneono — 259 
australensis, Aufidellus — 3 1 2 
australensis, Sarantus — 304 
australensis, Xestocephalus — 255 
australiae, Aphrophora — 328 
australica, Empoasca — 263 
australicus, Tartessus — 193 
austr aliens is, Petyllis — 314 
australis, Ectopiocephalus — 212 
australis, Eoptyelus — 319 
australis , Ledra — 105 
australis, Linnavuoriella — 135 
australis, Otinotoides — 304 
australis, Platymetopius — 247 
australis, Pogonotypellus — 297 
australis, Sertorius — 300 
australis, Tartessus — 190 
australis, Typhlocyba — 273 
Australoscopus — 78 
austrina, Lonatura — 244 
Austroagallia — 1 69 
Austroagalloides — 170 
Austroagalloidinae — 1 70 


Index — continued 

A ustroasca — 262 
Austrocerus — 1 83 
Austrolopa — 86 
Austronirvana — 1 53 


badius, Platyscopus — 220 
Bakeriana — 34 
bakeri, Eurymela — 72 
Bcikeriola — 34 
Balclutha — 249 
balli, Macropsis — 165 
bancrofti, Empoasca — 263 
basalis, Eurymela — 74 
basedowi, Hecalus — 133 
Bathylus — 3 1 8 
Batrachomorphus — 203 
.bengalensis, Eutettix — 235 
betulicola, Empoasca — 266 
bianchii, Malipo — 55 
bicincta, Eurymeloides — 62 
bicinctellus , Eurymeloides — 62 
bicolor , Euacanthella — 143 
bicolor, Eurymelops — 74 
bicolor , Chaetophyes — 328 
bicoloratus, Macropsis — 165 
bifrons, Aphrophora — 328 
bifurcata, Stenipo — 51 
bimaculata , Cicadula — 253 
binotatus , Centrotus — 300 
bipunctatus, Anzac — 303 
.. bipunctella , Cicadulina — 253 
bispinus, Pogonella — 286 
blundellensis, Tartessus — 190 
borealis, Dingkana — 300 
brachyptera, Taslopa — 84 
bractigera, Empoasca — 263 
breviceps , Rhotidus — 125 
brevicornis, Sertorius — 309 
brevifrons, Rubria — 102 
brevis , Ledra — 105 
brighami, Paradorydium — 138 
brunensis, Austrolopa — 86 
brunnea, Austroagalloides — 1 7 1 
brunnea, Euacanthella — 143 
brunnea, Ledrella — 113 
brunneus, Ipoella — 43 
brunneus, Neodartus — 214 
brunneus, Paracephaleus — 93 
brunneus, Scaphetus — 237 
brunneus, Smicrocotis — no 
brunneus, Soractellus — 225 
brunneus, Tartessoides — 200 
brunomaculata, Ipoides — 38 
bucephalus, Sextius — 290 
bucktoni, Eufrenchia — 280 
Bucktoniella — 298 
bulbosa, Cephalelus — 91 
. bunda , Eurymela — 74 
Busonia — 185 

bunyensis, Stenometopius — 150 


callitettigoides , Euryaulax — 3 1 3 
campbelli, Tartessella — 199 
Campbellinella — 233 
canberrensis, Ipoella — 40 
canberrensis, Orosius — 224 
candidus, Idiocerus — 177 
capicola, Exitianus — 226 
capitata, Cicadulina — 253 
carinatus, Alosextius — 299 
carnifex, Eoscarta — 3 1 3 
carnosa, Rubria — 102 
carribensis, Anacephaleus — 9 1 
Carvaka — 244 
Carystoterpa — 323 
cassis , Hypsoprora — 292 
cassiniae, Novothymbris — 130 
castaneus, Sertorius — 300 
casuarinae, Paradorydium — 137 
casurinae, Ipoides — 37 
caudata, Ledra — 97 
Cebes — 284 

centralis, Deltocephalus — 242 

Centrotypus — 306, 308 

Cephalelini — 89 

Cephalelus — 89 

Ceraon — 288 

Cercopidae — 3 1 o 

Cercopoidea — 309 

Chaetophyes — 328 

Chalepus — 322 

chelonia , Smicrocotis — 109 

Chinaella — 212 

chinae, Tonnoiria — 315 

chloe, Balclutha — 250 

chlorippe, Deltocephalus — 242 

Cicadella — 144 

Cicadella — 267 

Cicadellidae — 79 

Cicadellinae — 1 43 

Cicadellini — 1 43 

Cicadelloidea — 28 

Cicadulina — 252 

citrinus , Batrachomorphus — 205 

citrinus, Macropsis — 161 

citrinus , Parabolocratus — 1 34 

Citripo — 40 

clarki, Pogonoscopus — 77 
claudenda, Kyphocotis — 107 
clavata, Gelastorrhachis — 292 
Clovia — 318 
coccinea, Ledropsis — 102 
Coelidiinae — 1 88 
colmani, Ipoella — 44 
colorata, Aloplemmeles — 2 1 1 
coloratus, Idiocerus — 178 
coloratus , Platyscopus — 220 
compacta, Chaetophyes — 328 
compressa, Ledraprora — 1 1 5 
concolor, Philagra — 322 
conferta, Ipo — 53 


Index — continued 

conferta , Ledra — 105 
consobrinus, Eufairmairia — 283 
conspurcatus, Acanthucus — 294 
contemptus, Exitianus — 226 
continentalis , Pauripo — 58 
contorta, Oxyrhachis — 289 
contractus , Centrotus — 288 
convexa, Lepyronia — 318 
convexus, Terentius — 302 
convivus , Thy mbris — 1 2 5 
cooki, Paradorydium — 138 
coronifer, Deltocephalus — 240 
Cornutipo — 49 
Cornutipoides — 50 
corticalis , Ledra — 105 
Crito — 304 

crocina, Ledropsis — 99 
cudmorei, Chinaella — 213 
cumulosus, Eurymeloides — 63 
cuneatus, Rhotidus — 127 
cupido, Idiocerus — 178 
cupreus, Eufairmairia — 283 
cupreus, Idiocerus — 177 
curvicaudus, Eufairmairiells — 284 
curvicornis, Sertorius — 280 
cuspidata, Hackeriana — 129 
cyathea, Zygina — 271 


darwinensis, Aneono — 260 
darwinensis, Macroceps — 117 
darwini, Ipoella — 44 
daulias, Tortor — 154 
D annus — 288 
davisi, Tpolo — 39 
dayi, Inghamia — 249 
decisa, Eurymela — 66 
decisus, Eufairmairia — 281 
declivus, Macropsis — 161 
decoloratus, Deltocephalus — 239 
dedarensis, Deltocephalus — 239 
delineata, Ledra — 105 
Deltocephalinae — 222 
Deltocephalini — 222 
Deltocephalus — 238 
Deltodorydium — 1 36 
demittendus, Euleimonios — 223 
depressa, Stenocotis — 105 
depressus, Sextius — 290 
deprivata, Petyllis — 314 
diadema , Gelastorrhachis — 292 
Dialectiocopteryx — 262 
dianae, Cicadella — 147 
Diedrocephala — 30 
Diemoides — 236 
dignissima, Putoniessa — 1 1 9 
Dikraneura — 267 
dimorpha , Stenocotis — 105 
Dingkana — 299 
discifera, Eurymela — 63 

disciguttus, Hishimonus — 235 
discoidalis, Eurymela — 71 
distincta, Eurymela — 71 
distinctus, Eufairmairia — 282 
distinguendus, Idiocerus — 183 
distorta, Kyphoctella — 112 
divisus, I diocerus — 177 
dixoni, Alocebes — 285 
dobsonensis, Paracephaleus — 93, 
doddi, Otinotus — 305 
doddi, Pseudonirvana — 155 
dolichocephala, Giffardia — 246 
dongarrensis, Rhotidoides — 124 
dorrigensis, Tortor — 154 
dorsalis, Bythoscopus — 119 
dorsalis, Deltocephalus — 243 
dorsigera, Trocnada — 208 
Dorydium — 89, 136 
draba, Alodeltocephalus — 244 
draba, Putoniessa — 121 
Drabescinae — 220 
Drabescus — 220 
Dremuela — 60 

dromedarius, Pogonella — 286 
drummondi, Stenoscopus — 157 
Dryadomorpha — 245 
dryas, Batrachomorphus — 205 
dryas, Balclutha — 250 
dumbletoni, Zygina — 272 
dunensis, Novothymbris — 131 
dunkensis, Thaumatoscopus — 219 


eborea, Occinirvana — 1 5 1 
eburneus, Macropsis — 161 
Ectopiocephalus — 21 1 
Edwardsiana — 2 74 
elegans, Batrachomorphus — 205 
elegantula, Exitianiellus — 229 
elongatus , Hecalus — 133 
emarginatus, Austrocerus- — 1 84 
Empoasca — 262 
Eoptyelus — 319 
Eoscarta — 313 
Epipsychidion — 1 18 
epipyropis, Epipsychidion — 118- 
erythrocnemis, Eurymela — 72 
Erythroneura — 268 
Euacanthella — 1 42 
Euacanthellini — 1 42 
Eufairmairia — 280 
Eufairmairiella — 283 
Eufrenchia — 2 78 
Euleimonios — 2 2 2 
Euprora — 200 
Eupteryx — 267 
Eurinoscopus — 203 
Euronirvanella — 1 55 
Euryaulax — 3 1 2 
Eurycercopis — 32 1 


Index — continued 

Eurymela — 70 
Eurymelella — 47 
Eurymelessa — 60 
Eurymelias — 6 1 
Eurymelidae — 29 
Eurymelini — 5 5 
Eurymelita — 6 1 
Eurymeloides — 6 1 
Eurymelops — 73 
eurynomus , Acanthucus — 286 
euryone, Acanthucus — 286 
Eurypella — 58 

euryphaessa, Empoasca — 266 
eurytus, Ncphotettix — 226 
Euscelinae — 22 2 
Euscelis — 6, 226 
Eusceloscop us — 2 49 
Eutambourina — 272 
Eutryonia — 292 
evansi, Erythroneura — 270 
evansi, Tartessus — 192 
Exitianiellus — 229 
Exitianus — 226 


falcata, Eufrenchia — 280 
falcatus, Ibiceps — 280 
fasciata, Carystoterpa — 323 
fasciata, Ipoides — 37 
fasciata , Kyphocotis — 107 
fasciatus, Macroceps — 116 
fatigandus, Campbellinella — 233 
federalis, Macropsis — 16 1 
fenestrata, Eurymela — 7 1 
fergusoni, Macropsis — 162 
ferruginea, Ledra — 1 05 
festivus, Acanthucus — 296 
festivus, Crito — 305 
festivus, Scaphoideus — 235 
fidelis, Ipoella — 40 
filicis, Macropsis — 162 
fingens, Carystoterpa — 323 
finitima, Machaerota — 330 
flandersi, Citripo — 40 
havens, Ipoella — 43 
Jiavescens , Pogon — 299 
flavescens, Reuteriella — 136 
flavidiventris, Euleimonios — 223 
flavidorsus, Acanthucus — 296 
flavifrons , Haematoscarta — 3 1 4 
flavipes, Tartessus — 192 
flavomaculatus, Macropsis — 1 62 
flavomaculatus, Rhotidus — 1 03 
flavus, Austroagalloides — 172 
flavus , Austronirvana — 1 54 
flavus, Tartessus — 193 
flexus, Macropsis — 162 
flindersi, Idiocerus — 178 
flindersi, Macropsis — 162 
formiceticola, Myrmecophryne — 257 

fovealatus, Cephalelus — 90 
fraternus, Eufairmairia — 282 
froggatti, Eurymelessa — 60 
froggatti, Ledropsis — 99 
froggatti, Polonius — 309 
froggatti, Typhlocyba — 273 
fucatus, Idiocerus — 178 
fulva, Ipoella — 42 
fulva, Alocanthella — 296 
fulvida, Carvaka — 244 
fulvida, Philagra — 322 
fulvus, Tartessus — 193 
fumus, T artessus — 1 94 
fusca, Ipoella — 44 
fuscus , Pogo noscop us — 77 
fusconervosus , Jassus — 226 
fuscopunctatus, Macropsis — 1 66 


galeatus, Thaumatoscopus — 2 1 9 
galliensis, Putoniessa — 120 
gearyi, Aloeurymela — 59 
gearyi, Aloplemmeles — 210 
Gelastorrhachis — 292 
gemma, Kahavalu — 83 
generosa, Eurymelops — 74 
geoffroyi, Idiocerus — 179 
gibbus, Macropsis — 166 
Giffardia — 245 
gigantea , Trocnada — 208 
giganticus, Eufairmairia — 281 
glauca, Balclutha — 250 
glauca, Hackerian i — 129 
glaucus, T umoceru' — 1 86 
Glossocratus — 1 34 
Gnatia — 184 
Gnathodus — 249 
Goddefroyinella — 294 
Godingella — 303 
godingi, Cebes — 284 
gourlayi, Paradorydium — 139 
gracilis, Ceraon — 289 
gracilis , Eutryonia — 292 
gracilis, Leptocentrus — 308 
gracilispinus, Acanthucus — 295 
grandis, Tumocerus — 186 
grisea, Austroagalloides — 172 
grisea, Jukaruka — 100 
grisea, Stenipo — 51 
griseus, Tartessoides — 200 
Gudwana — 97 

gunnensis, Ledracotis — 1 1 1 


hackeri, Anacotis — 110 
hackeri, Ipoides — 36 
hackeri, Tharra — 189 
hackeri, Vulturnus — 218 
Hackeriana — 1 28 


Index — continued 

haemotoptilus, Eupteryx — 267 
hanuala, Anemolua — 248 
hanuala, Kahaono — 260 
harrisi, Eufairmairia — 282 
hartmeyri , Notocephalius — 92 
hastata, Philagra — 322 
hebe, Balclutha — 251 
Hecalinae — 133 
Hecalini — 133 
Hecalus — 133 
Hecalocratus — 1 35 
heroniy Cicadella — 146 
heroni, Drabescus — 221 
hieroglyphica, Dremuela — 60 
hilli, Ipo — 54 
Hindoloides — 330 
hinemoa, Novothymbris — 13 1 
hirsuta, Platyledra — 100 
Hishimonus — 235 
histrionicula, Empoasca — 263 
hobartensis, Macropsis — 162 
hobartensis, Reuplemmeles — 209 
homochrous, Ptyelus — 3 1 9 
honiala, Dikraneura — 267 
honiala, Erythroneura — 268 
honiala, Ipoides — 37 
horrendus , Rhotidus — 102 
hospes, Centrotypus — 308 
hospes, Dcltocephalus — 240 
hudsoni, Paracephaleus — 94 
hudsonica, Novothymbris — 13 1 
Hypsoprora — 292 
huonensis, Hackeriana — 128 
hyacinthus , Eurymeloides — 63 
hyleorais, Idiocerus — 179 

in gens, Rubria — 103 
Inghamia — 248 
indgnis, Ipoella — 42 
insularis, Euacanthella — 143 
insularis, Idiocerus — 179 
insularis, Ledraprora — 115 
insu aris, Paradorydium — 139 
insularis, Pauripo — 58 
insularis, Rhoddus — 127 
intermedius, Otinotoides — 308 
interposita, Sexdus — 291 
io, Tartessus — 192 
iokaste Tartessus — 195 
Ipelloides — 34 
iphianass r , Thymbris — 123 
iphis, Tartessus — 195 
Ipo— 52 

ipo, Idiocerus — 183 
Ipocerus — 34 
Ipoella — 40 
Ipoides — 36 
Ipoini — 31 
Ipolo 39 

ipoloa, Erythroneura — 268 
issa, Tartessus — 196 
itonias , Tartessus — 196 
ix, Erythroneura — 269 


jactator, Pseudaphronella — 324 
Jassinae — 203 
Jassini — 203 
Jukaruka — 99 


iambe, Tartessus — 194 
ianassa, Tartessus — 194 
ianeria , Tartessus — 194 
ianthe, Cephalclus — 89 
ianthe, Tartessus — 195 
iasis, Kurandella — 299 
I biceps — 278 
Idiocerella — 1 84 
Idiocerinae — 174 
Idiocerus — 174 
idyia , Tartessus — 192 
immaculatus , Hecalus — 133 
inachis, Thymbris — 125 
incarnatus , Abelterus — 208 
incerta, Limotettix — 230 
incisa, Balclutha — 250 
incompleta, Tartessella — 199 
inconsequens, Idiocerus — -179 
inconstans, Triecphora — 3 1 3 
indicans , Goddefroyinella — 294 
informis, Rubria — 103 
infulata, Empoasca — 264 
infuscata , Smicrocotis — 109 


karoondae, Austroagalloides — 1 7 1 
Kahaono — 260 
Kahavalu — 83 

kalimensis, Eurymeloides — 65 
Katipo — 44 

kershawi. Acanthucus — 295 
kiatensis, Rhotidus — 127 
kiekie, Zygina — 271 
kingensis, Austrolopa — 86 
kirkaldyi, Aufidus — 312 
kirkaldyi, Idiocerus — 180 
kirkaldyi, Phrynophyes — 232 
kirkaldyi, Rhotidus — 127 
kisseis, Idiocerus — 180 
koebelei, Tetigonia — 145 
Kolella — 148 
Kolia — 146 
Kosmiopelix — 1 4 1 
kurandae, Sextius — 291 
Kurandella — 298 
Kyphocotis — 1 06 
Kyphoctella — 1 1 1 


Index — continued 



labena, Tharra — 188 

lacustris, Idiocerus — 180 

laeta, Ipoides — 37 

Lamia — 221 

laminifer, I biceps — 309 

langfieldi, Aloeurymela — 59 

lapsus, Neodartus — 214 

Lasioscopus — 78 

latifascia, Eurymelops — 74 

latifrons , By thoscopus — 1 93 

latromarginata, Kolia — 147 

latus, Anacephaleus — 9 1 

latus, Tartessus — -196 

launensis , Peragallia — 170 

leae, Eufrenchia — 280 

leai , Deltodorydium — 138 

leai, Ipoides — 38 

leai, Tharra — 189 

leda , Zanophora — 289 

Ledracephala — 1 02 

Ledracotis — 1 1 1 

Ledraprora — 1 13 

Ledrella — 1 13 

Ledrinae — 95 

Ledrini — 96 

Ledromorpha — 96 

ledropsiformis, Rhotidus — 103 

Ledropsella — 1 o 1 

Ledropsis — 99 

leiala, Anyllis — 317 

lenis, Pogonoscopus — 77 

lentiginosus, Batrachomorphus — 206 

lentiginosus, Eurymeloides — 45 

leptocarpi, Paracephaleus — 94 

Leptocentrus — 308 

lesmurdensis, Idiocerus — 175 

lethierryi, Typhocyba — 274 

leucosticus, Rhotidus — 1 2 7 

leurensis, Idiocerus — 176 

leurensis, Rhotidus — 127 

lignosa, Anacornutipo — 49 

Limotettix — 229 

lincolnensis, Macropsis — 162 

lineata, Eurymeloides — 66 

Linnavuoriella — 134 

livida, Eurymela — 66 

Lonatura — 244 

longinotum, Sextius — 291 

longuinquus, Alodeltocephalus — 243 

Loralia — 233 

loranthae, Ipoides — 37 

lotis, Deltocephalus — 240 

loxasema, Clovia — 319 

Lubra — 288 

lubra, Erythroneura — 269 
lubra , Eurymela — 71 
lucidus, Aufidus — 312 
lucindae, Deltocephalus — 240 
luridus, Bythoscopus — 43 
luteolus, Macropsis — 166 
luteus, Idiocerus — 172 
luteus, Macropsis — 162 
luteus, Sertorius — 300 

Machaerota — 330 
Machaerotidae — 325 
macalpini, Acanthucalis — 297 
mackei, Putoniessa — 12 1 
mackerrasi, T artessus — 1 94 
macleayi, Ipelloides — 34 
Macroceps — 1 16 
Macroceratogonia — 1 50 
Macroceratogoniini — 1 50 
Macrocerus — 186 
macropensis, Idiocerus — 177 
Macropsinae — 156 
Macropsis — 158 
Macrostelini — 249 
maculata, Austroagalloides — 172 
maculata , Empoasca — 262 
maculata, Putoniessa — 120 
maculata, Tasmanotettix — 232 
maculata , Triecphora — 313 
maculosa, Nanipoides — 47 
maculosus, Neodartus — 214 
magna, Myerslopia — 95 
magnificus, Xestocephalus — 256 
major, Sextius — 291 
malini, Typhlocyba — 274 
Malipo — 54 

malvae, Empoasca — 264 
maorica, Dikraneura — 268 
maorica, Novothymbris — 13 1 
Mapochiella — 140 
marginatus, Cephalelus — 92 
market , Cicadella — 147 
marmorata, Eurymeloides — 66 
mastersi, Porcorhinus — 97 
Megastethodon — 3 1 5 
melaleucae, Hishimonus — 236 
melaleucae, Ipoides — 38 
melanogaster, Erythroneura — 269 
melleus, Macropsis— 166 
melvillensis, Thymbris — 126 
Membracidae — 275 
menalaus, Paradorydium — 137 
merredinensis, Empoasca — 264 
merredinensis, Tumocerus — 186 
michaelseni , Paradorydium — 9 1 
Microlopa — 87 
Mileewa — 149 
Mileewanini — 1 49 
M imodrylix — 226 
minima, Putoniessa — 1 2 1 
minor, Ipoides — 39 
minor, Rhotidoides — 124 
minuta, Microlopa — 87 
minuta, Trocnada — 209 
minutum, Eurymeloides — 65. 
minutus, Cephalelus — 91 
minutus, Myrmecoscopus — 79 
minutus, Pogonella — 286 
minutus, Zaletta — 187 
Mitelloides — 1 26 
mitis, Anemochrea — 23,1 


Index — continued 

moanensis, Mitelloides — 126 
moerens, Lcpyronia — 318 
molestia, Batrachomorphus — 206 
monstrifer, Eutryonia — 292 
monstrosa, Ledropsella — 101 
monstrum , Rhotidus — 102 
montana, Kahaono — 261 
montana, Rhotidoides — 124 
montana, Taslopa — 84 
montanus, Deltocephalus — 238 
montanus, Paracephaleus — 93 
montanus, Vulturnus — 218 
moruyana, Eurymelessa — 60 
motuana , Eurymeloides — 64 
mullensis, Stenotartessus — 201 
multistrigia, Opio — 48 
mundarensis, Tartessus — 197 
musgravei, Eurymeloides — 67 
Musgraviella — 187 
Myerslopia — 94 
Myerslopiini — 94 
Myrmecophryne — 256 
Myrmecoscopus — 79 
myrmex, Pogonoscopus — 77 


Nanipoides — 47 
naomiae, Cicadella — 147 
napais, Idiocerus — 180 
navicula, Ledra — 127 
navicula , Rhotidus — 128 
negatus, Athysanus — 254 
neglectus, Goddefroyinella — 294 
Neoaphrophora — 3 1 7 
Neodartus — 2 1 3 
JVeovulturnus — 2 1 3 
Nephotettix — 228 
nereias, I diocerus — 1 8 1 
JVesaloha — 224 
N esophrosy ne — 2 2 4 
Nesoclutha — 252 
JVesosteles — 249 
JVewmaniana — 200 
nigra , Austroagalloides — 173 
nigra, Bakeriana — 35 
nigra, Eurymeloides — 64 
nigra, Putionessa — 119 
nigrella, Putionessa — 123 
nigrescens, Kyphocotis — 108 
nigris, Centrotypus — 308 
nigrobrunnea , Eurymeloides — 64 
nigrofasciata, Eurycercopis — 321 
nigroflavus, Pingellus — 230 
nigrominutus, Soractellus — 225 
nigro-oeneus, Bythoscopus — 66 
Nirvana — 152 
Nirvaninae — 1 49 
Nirvanini — 1 5 1 
nivalis, Acanthucus — 296 

nobilis, Sarantus — 303 
norfolkensis, Rhotidoides — 123 
norrisi, Eutettix — 226 
norrisi, Ipoella — 42 
norrisi, Macropsis — 1 6 7 
nota, Putoniessa — 120 
nothofagi, Zelopsis — 1 68 
JVothocephalius — 89 
Novaphrophora — 3 2 1 
Novolopa — 88 
Novothymbris — 129 
nymphias, Idiocerus — 18 1 
nysias, Thamnophryne — 232 


obliquus, Austroagalloides — 173 
obliquus, Deltocephalus — 243 
obscura, Bakeriana — 35 
obscura, Idiocerella — 185 
obscura , Nesoclutha — 252 
obscura, Smicrocotis — 109 
obscurus, T ar tessus — 192 
obstans , Centrotus — 300 
obtusuS , Sextius — 295 
occidentalis, Centrotypus — 308 
occidentalis, Macropsis — 162 
occidentalis, Sextius — 29 1 
occidentalis, Tartessus — 196 
Occinirvana — 1 5 1 
Occinirvanini — 1 5 1 
Occiplanocephalus — 223 
Oceanopona — 247 
ocellata, Eurymela — 63 
oeroe, Macropsis — 159 
Oncopsis — 156 
ooldeae, Aloipo — 36 
Opio — 48 
Ophiuchus — 152 
oreias, Idiocerus — 18 1 
ornatus, Eurymeloides — 63 
orodemnias, Idiocerus — 181 
Orosius — 224 
osborni, Alseis — 116 
Otinotoides — 304 
Otinotus — 305 
ovalis, Xestocephalus — 256 
ovidii, Paradorydium — 137 
oxyacanthae, Typhlocyba — 274 


P achy macher ota — 33 1 
pallescens, Hecalus — 133 
pallescens, Katipo — 45 
pallescens , Smicrocotis — 109 
pallida, Carystoterpa — 324 
pallida, Dryadomorpha — 245 
pallida, Exitianus — 228 
pallida, Kahaono — 261 


Index — continued 

pallida, Nesoclutha — 252 
pallidus, Batrachomorphus — 205 
pallidus, Hecalocratus — 135 
pallidus, Neodartus — 214 
pallidus , Notocephalius — 93 
allidus, Ophiuchus — 152 
pallidus , Tartessus — 195 
palustris, Euacanthella — 143 
Parabolocratus — 1 34 
Paracephaleus — 93 
Paradorydiini — 136 
Paradorydium — 136 
Paralimnus — 236 
parthaon, Cicadella — 145 
parva, Kyphocotis — 108 
parva, Myerslopia — 95 
parva, Pauroeurymela — 69 
parva, Philagra — 322 
parvula, Phrynophyes — 232 
parvus, Tartessus — 198 
pascoei , Eurymela — 74 
pasiphae, Cicadella — 146 
passiflorae , Eutettix — 235 
Pauripo — 56 
Pauroeurymela — 67 
pectinaria, Pectinariophyes — 324 
Pectinariophyes — 325 
Pedioscopus — 1 85 
pelamys, Batrachomorphus — 205 
pelias, Batrachomorphus — 206 
pellucida, Ipo — 52 
Penthimiinae — 2 1 1 
Peragallia — 169 
perkinsi, Cicadella — 145 
perkinsi, Polychaetophyes — 328 
perparvus, Deltocephalus — 241 
perpusilla, Eurymeloides — 65 
Pettya — 272 

pettimolua, T ettigonia — 1 46 
Petyllis — 314 
Philagra — 322 
philenor, Pedioscopus — 185 
philpotti, Paradorydium — 139 
phryne, Balclutha — 251 
Phrynophyes — 23 1 
phrynophyes, Phrynophyes — 231 
picturata, Empoasca — '266 
Pingellus — 230 
pinguidorsis, Tricentrus — 308 
placida, Lamia — 221 
planirostris, Ledromorpha — 97 
planiuscula, Stenocotis — 105 
Platyeurymela — 69 
Platyledra — 1 00 
Platymetopiini — 245 
Platymetopius — 247 
Platyscopus — 2 1 9 

plebeia, Eurymela — 71 
plebeius, Nephotettix — 226 
Pogonoscopini — 75 
Pogonoscopus — 75 
Pogonella — 285 
Pogonotypellus — 297 
polemon, Deltocephalus — 241 
Polonius — 307 
Polychaetophyes — 329 
polydoros , Pedioscopus — 185 
pompais, Ipo— 53 
ponderifer, Oxyrachis — 292 
Porcorhinus — 9 7 
porrecta, Linnavuoriella — 134 
porriginosa, Ipoella — 43 
primus , Divitiacus — 240 
pristidens , Scaphoideus — 235 
Procephaleus — 89 
procurrens, Bakeriana — 34 
projecta, Smicrocotis — 109 
projectus, Sextius — 294 
Pseudaphronella — 324 
pseudolyricen, Paradorydium — 137 
Pseudonirvana — 155 
ptyeloides, Aufiterna — 3 1 2 
pugionata, Machaerota — 331 
pugionatus, Chalepus — 322 
pulchellus, Tartessus — 196 
pulcherrima, Aneono — 258 
pulcherrima , Empoasca — 263 
pulcherrima, Loralia — 234 
pulchra, Eurymeloides — 63 
pulchra, Tortor — 154 
pullatus, Deltocephalus — 242 
pullus, Macropsis — 167 
punctata, Eurymeloides — 63 
punctata, Pettya — 273 
punctatus, Anacephaleus — 92 
punctatus, Batrachomorphus — 206 
punctatus, Cephalelus — 92 
punctivena, Rhotidoides — 123 
punctulatus, Vulturnus — 218 
pupula, Kolella — 148 
Putoniessa — 1 1 8 

pyramidatus, Bucktoniella — 298 


quadrata, Kolia — 148 
queenslandensis , Godingella — 303 
queenslandensis, Stenotartessus — 20 1 


ravus, Occiplanocephalus — 223 
recurva, Philagra — 323 
regalis, Clovia — 319 
regalis , Lubra — 288 
relatus, Eufairmairia — 282 
repletus, By thoscopus — 1 1 9 


Index — continued 

reticulata., Pectinariophyes — 327 
reticulata , Penthimia — 2 1 2 
reticulata , Stenocotis — 105 
reticulatus, Sextius — 291 
Reuplemmcles — 209 
Reuplemmclini — 209 
Reuteriella — 1 36 
Rhotidoides — 123 
Rhotidus — 127 
Ribautiana — 2 74 
richmondensis, Kolia — 147 
rieki, Kosmiopelix — 141 
rieki, Thymbris — 126 
risdonensis, Uloprora — 85 
rivularis, Putoniessa — 119 
rolandi, Terentius — 302 
rosea, Austroagalloides — 173 
rosea, Balclutha — 250 
rotundata , Hackeriana — 129 
rotunda ta, Mapochiella — 140 
rubens, Idiocerus — 182 
rubra, Bakeriana — 35 
Rubria — 102 

rubridorsata, Eufairmairia — 28 1 
rubrilineus, Sextius — 291 
rubrivenosa, Katipo — 45 
rubrivenosus, Tartessus — 197 
rubrolimbata, Eurymela — 72 
rubrofasciata, Eurymela — 73 
rubrovitta , Eurymelops — 73 
rubrovittata, Eurymelops — 73 
rujicollis , Eurymela — 71 
rufiventris, Acanthucus — 295 
rugosus, Tartessus — 197 


sahlbergii, Tartessus — 198 
sanguinescens, Balclutha — 251 
sanguinosa, Rubria — 102 
Sarantus — 303 
sativae, Erythroneura — 269 
scalpellum, Cornu tipo — 50 
Scaphetus — 237 
Scaphoideus — 234 
scopulus, Macropsis — 167 
seckeri, Idiocerus — 177 
selbyi, Exitianus — 228 
Selenocephalini — 244 
sellatus, Hishimonus — 236 
semicitrinus, By thoscopus — 1 93 
semifascia, Platyeurymela — 67 
semiflava, Aphrophora — 328 
serpulidia, Polychaetophyes — 329 
Sertorius — 300 
Sextius — 289 

shephardi, Chinaella — 213 
shephardi, Vulturnellus — 220 
sidnica, Erythroneura — 270 
sidnica, Kolia — 147 
sidnica, Rhotidoides — 124 

sidnica, Smicrocotis — 109 
sidnicus, Xestocephalus — 254 
signifrons , Bythoscopus — 193 
signoreti, Katipo — 45 
signoreti, Pachymachaerota — 331 
simillimus, Exitianus — 228 
simplex, Aloplemmeles — 210 
simplex , Cephalelus — 89 
Sinenodus — 288 
smalci, Rubria — 103 
smaragdula, Empoasca — 266 
Smicrocotis — 1 08 
smithtoniensis, Paralimnus — 237 
Soa — 330 

Soamachaerota — 330 
soboles, Eurinoscopus — 206 
sogorensis, Eurymeloides — 66 
solomoni, Smicrocotis — no 
sontiates, Batrachomorphus — 206 
Soracte — 225 
Soractellus — 225 
sordida, Ipo — 54 
sordida, Putoniessa — 12 1 
sordidior, Balclutha — 251 
sordidus, Vulturnus — 218 
sororculus , Carystus — 327 
speciosa, Malipo — 54 
spectra, Cicadella — 145 
speculum , Eurymela — 71 
spicatus, Otinotoides — 308 
spinicornis, Lubra — 288 
spinosus, Tartessus — 198 
spretus, Sextius — 291 
stall, Rhotidus — 127 
stalii, Pectinariophyes — 327 
Stenalsella — 1 1 7 
Stenipo — 51 
Stenocotini- — 104 
Stenocotis — 1 04 
Stenometopiini — 1 49 
Stenometopius — 1 49 
Stenopsoides — 158 
Stenoscopus — 157 
Stenotartessus — 200 
stewartensis, Paradorydium — 139 
subfuscus, Macropsis — 167 
subniger, Tartessus- — 193 
subnigricans, Eurymela — 71 
subreticulatus, Dorycephalus — 9 1 
subvirescens, Aphrophora — 323 
subvittata , Stenocotis — 105 
succisus, Daunus — 289 
suffusa , Ceresa — 290 
suffusa, Eurymela — 71 
swani, Idiocerus — 182 
swani, Stenipo — 51 
syrtidis, T artessus — 193 


tachyporias, Limotettix — 230 
taedia, Pettya — 273 
taedius, Deltocephalus — 238 


Index — continued 

taeniaticeps, Athysanus — 226 
tamarensis, Macroceps — 116 
tambourinus, Idiocerus — 182 
taradalensis, Putoniessa — 12 1 
tararuia, Novothymbris — 13 1 
T ar tessella — 1 98 
T ar tessinae — 1 89 
T artessoides — 200 
Tartessus — 190 
Taslopa — 84 
tasmani, Eurymela — 69 
tasmaniae, Ceraon — 288 
tasmaniae, Novaphrophora — 321 
tasmaniana, Tonnoiria — 315 
tasmaniensis, Austrolopa — 86 
tasmaniensis, Eurypella — 58 
tasmaniensis, Macropsis — 164 
tasmaniensis, Musgraviella — 187 
tasmaniensis, Xestocephalus — 255 
Tasmanotettix — 232 
teleformis, Rhotidus — 127 
teliferus , Chalepus — 322 
tenerrima, Ribautiana — 274 
tenuis, Sextius — 292 
tepperi, Sertorius — 309 
tepperi, Macropsis — 168 
Terentius — 302 
terminalis, Eurymelita — 61 
terrae-reginae, Empoasca — 262 
tessellata, Kyphocotis — 107 
testacea, Stenalsella — 118 
testaceus , Eurymeloides — 64 
Tettigella — 144 
Tettigonia — 1 45 
Tettigoniella — 1 45 
Thamnophryne — 232 
Thamnoteltix — 224 
Tharra — 188 
Thaumatoscopus — 2 1 9 
thontias, Macropsis — 160 
thyia, Macropsis — 160 
Thymbrini — 1 12 
Thymbris — 1 25 
thymele, Macropsis — 159 
tiegsi, Neoaphrophora — 3 1 7 
tmetoptera , Soa — 330 
toetoe, Zygina — 272 
Tonnoiria — 314 
tonnoiri , Aphrophorinella — 314 
tonnoiri, Eurymelella — 48 
tonnoiri, Macroceps — 1 1 7 
torpens, Stenipo — 51 
torrida, Austroagallia — 170 
Tortor — 153 

townsendi, Novolopa — 88 
transiens, Gebes — 284 
translucens, Hackeriana — 129 
translucens, Ipoides — 38 
translucens, Macropsis — 168 
translucidus, Batrachomorphus — 207 
transversus , Bythoscopus — 193 
transversus , Euscelis — 226 
T ricentrus — 3 08 

tricornis, Cornutipoides — 50 
trifasciata , Eurymela — 63 
trifasciatus, Aufidus — 3 1 2 
trilineatus, Dorycephalus — 89 
trimaculata, Aphrophora — 323 
trispinifer, Acanthucus — 295 
Trocnada — 208 
Trocnadini — 207 
truncaticornis , Centrotus — 288 
tumescens , Ceraon — 289 
tumida, Kolia — 148 
Tumocerus — 1 85 
turneri , Cicadella — 147 
turneri, Stenopsoides — 158 
Typhlocyba — 2 73 
Typhlocybinae — 257 
typica , Gudwana — 97 
typica, Jukaruka — 100 


ulopae, Cephalelus — 91 

Ulopinae — 82 

Ulopini — 83 

Uloprora — 85 

unicolor , Chaetophyes — 328 

unicolor , Ledra — 105 

nnimaculata , Anipo — 43 

urvillei, Megastethodon — 3 1 6 


vacuola, Eoscarta — 313 
vaecors, Vulturnus — 216 
vaedulcis, V ulturnus — 2 1 7 
vaginata, Ledromorpha — 97 
valida, Ledra — 97 
vanduzei , Ectopiocephalus — 2 1 2 
vanduzei, Vulturnus — 216 
vappa, Vulturnus — 217 
varia, Eurymela — 63 
varia , Ledra — 105 
variabilis, Macropsis — 164 
varicolor, Kosmiopelix — 141 
varius, Tumocerus — 186 
venusta, Aneono — 260 
vicina, Chaetophyes — 329 
vicina, Eurymela — 71 
victoriensis, Austrolopa — 86 
victoriensis, Ledraprora — 115 
victoriensis , Macropsis — 1 59 
virescens, Sextius — 290 
virgidemia, Vulturnus — 217 
viridellus, Deltocephalus — 242 
viridepes, Batrachomorphus — 207 
viridicens , Rhotidus — 1 03 
viridiceps, Idiocerus — 182 
viridiceps, Macropsis — 164 
viridigrisea, Empoasca — 264 


Index — continued 

viridis, Batrachomorphus — 207 
viridis, Kahaono — 261 
viridis, Newmaniana — 201 
viridis, Paradorydium — 138 
vitta, Ceraon — 289 
voltumna, Vulturnus — 217 
vultuosus, Vulturnus — 217 
Vulturnellus — 220 
Vulturnus — 2 1 6 
vulturnus, Vulturnus — 216 


wallacei, Kahaono — 261 
walkeri, Eurymeloides — 67 
wanungarae, Woodella — 87 
wellingtonensis, Macropsis — 164 
westwoodi, Paradorydium — 1 38 
whitei, Australoscopus — 78 
wilsoni, Macropsis — 165 
wilsoni, Rhotidus — 127 
Woodella — 87 

woodwardi, Mapochiella — 140 
wrighti, Austroagalloides — 173 


xantha, Pterosticta — 291 
xantho, Idiocerus — 183 
Xestocephalinae — 254 
Xestocephalus — 254 
Xiphistes — 309 


yanchepensis, Balclutha — 252 


Zaletta — 186 

Zanophora — 288 

zanthippe, Typhlocyba — 273 

zeae, Cicadulina — 253 

zealandica, Novothymbris — 130 

zealandica, Zygina — 272 

Zelopsis — 168 

zonatus , Eurymeloides — 66 

Zygina — 270 

Sydney: V. C. N. Blight, Government Printer — 1966 

