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Engines On 

ebook 201 1 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

»> tracking nanotechnology 

Nanotechnology: Engines On | ebook 201 1 

barcelona . february 201 1 


contributors: josep saldana cavalle, victor puntes 
designer: joan escofet planas 


Our most sincere thanks to Boaz Kogon, Ana de la Osa, Jordi 
Arbiol, Jordi Pascual (ICN), Stephanie Lim, Eudald Casals, 
Miriam Varon, Edgar Gonzalez, Isaac Ojea, Neus Bastus, Joan 
Comenge, Zoe Megson, Lorena Garcia , Cecilia Lopez, Marti 
Busquets and Ralph Sperling (ING-ICN), the Catalan Institute of 
Nanotechnology and Nanoaracat. 


'smut Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology 

"notecnologia WWWJCn.Cat 


Images on page 12 ("Van Gogh's Starry Night"), page 15 ("Pun- 
tillado"), and page 27 ("I'm so scared!"), were taken by Miriam 
Varon and Marti Busquets, from the Inorganic Nanoparticles 
Group at the Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology. These images 
were part of the 2010 National Scientific Photography Contest 
(FOTCIENCIA organized by the Consejo Su- 
perior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) and the Fundacion 
Espahola para la Ciencia y la Tecnologia (FECYT). Their use in 
this book has been authorized by FOTCIENCIA. 




CNBSS™ Centre for BioNanoSafety and Sustainability /O^creativG 



Licensed under a Creative Commons 
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported 


ISBN: 978-84-615-3293-3 UCOITllTlOnS 

DepOSitO Legal: B-35653-201 1 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

tahlft of mntfints 

4 Nanotechnology: Engines On 

5 Nanotechnology and Energy 

6 From Candles to Little Stars 

7 "A Huge Global Increase in Energy Use is Inevitable" 

10 Energy In, Energy Out 

1 1 Inside the Glass-House: C0 2 in the Short Term 
14 Watching Plants Grow 

16 Creating Energy from Sunlight 

1 9 The Energy Store 

21 Expands But Does Not Break 

23 We Need Much More Thought 

25 Sweet Electrons 

26 Where Is the White Rabbit? 
29 References 

31 NEWS 

32 Scientists as Artists in Nano Science and Technology 

33 Contaminated site nanoremediation 

34 Carbon Cycle 2.0 

35 Crystal Sponges to Capture C0 2 

36 Green Carbon Center 

37 Unraveling the mysteries of photosynthesis 

38 'Molecular Glass Fibre' 

39 Energy Innovation Hub 

40 Millennium Prize for Gratzel cells 

41 Self-assembling photovoltaic technology that repairs itself 

42 Turn windows into power generators 

43 Car of the future powered by their bodywork 

44 Next Solar Impulse aircraft and nanotechnology 

45 Nanowires battery can hold 1 0 times the charge of existing Li-ion battery 

46 Scanning probe microscopy reveal battery behavior at the nanoscale 

47 World's smallest battery offers "a view never before seen" to improve batteries 

48 Could 1 35,000 Laptops Help Solve the Energy Challenge? 

49 Converting brownian motion into work 

50 Self-Powered Nanosensors 

51 A Delicious New Solar Cell Technology 

52 Nanotechnology, climate and energy: Over-heated promises and hot air? 

53 Turn carbon dioxide into useful energy 

54 Nanotechnologies for future mobile devices 


58 Peer-Reviewed Papers 
60 Institutions - Country 

62 Authors List 


Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Nanotechnology and Energy 

We would like to start the year by merging 
and blending some thoughts on recent 
news that appeared in on our Nanowiki 
2010, following the positive experience 
from last year's digest, "Nanotechnology, 
Balancing the Promises" [1], on the ques- 
tion of the unknown potential benefits to 
human health and environmental risks of 
nanotechnology. This year, the focus is on 

The responsible implementation of Nano- 
technology should be a balance between 
the risks and benefits to society, as analy- 
zed by a broad spectrum of stakeholders. 
Our intention is to promote the debate 
on the evolution of this young discipline, 

nanotechnology, to ensure its safe and 
responsible development. 

The text is accompanied by a selection 
of microscopy images which summarize 
our efforts within the laboratory to explo- 
re the world on the nanoscale during the 
last year. We investigated the interaction 
between nanoparticles and biological 
systems, basically synthesizing building 
blocks, metallic and oxide nanoparticles, 
alloys, and hollow nanostructures and 
studied their coating, which was either 
unspecific or specially designed to mimic 
biological structures or modify the biodis- 
tribution of anticancer drugs. 

nanowiki. info 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

From Candles to Little Stars 

To me, the alarm about the apparently 
coming energy crisis rose with the obser- 
vation of climate perturbation, increase 
of atmospheric C0 2 , and loss of ice mass 
some years ago. During this time we have 
seen the rise and fall of both the hydrogen 
and biodiesel miracles. Regarding hydro- 
gen as an energy source, in my opinion, 
everything is fine except we don't have 
enough freely available hydrogen. On 
one hand, the energy balance between 
reducing water and oxidizing hydrogen is 
negative. On the other hand, the idea of 
the H-Bomb as a source of energy is so- 
mehow useless as "cold" fusion or the like 
is nothing but a dream. We hope that ITER 
(originally the International Thermonuclear 
Experimental Reactor) may release man 
from energy starvation but, they say [2], it 
may take up to 1 5 or 20 years to know if 
this will even be possible in the future. In 
addition, H 2 is dangerously unstable and 
has a low energy density when compared 
with commonly used fuels. The second 
miracle, biodiesel, is a renewed "fashion" 
for one of the oldest and the most-used 

energy sources in all growing civilizations: 
burning wood (or its derivatives). It is a 
way to take back the Sun's energy stored 
in chemical bonds by means of photos- 
ynthesis, recovered when aggressively 
oxidized (thanks to the 20% oxygen con- 
centration in the atmosphere). Apart from 
the socioeconomic problems arising from 
the substitution of forest and land used for 
food with crops for biodiesel, the process 
is, in the best case, C0 2 neutral, but as 
there are always entropic losses, it will 
probably not be neutral in reality. Besides, 
there is probably not enough fertile land 
to satisfy all of our energy hunger. Forests 
close to long-lived urban areas have been 
historically and systematically plundered, 
and maybe it was the sustained preda- 
tion of the environment that made the 
"wanna-be-sedentary" men move from 
valley to valley, depriving the environment 
and colonizing the planet, as paleohisto- 
rians suggest. But Neolithic man started 
long ago and we are many, so we need 
not only plenty of energy, but to evolve 
as a society towards more sustainable 
models. Otherwise, even dramatic popu- 
lation shortages would only delay the final 
crash. Apparently we can easily figure out 
how to spend much more energy unless 
we are forced not to do so. Maybe there 
is much more oil than we think; I do not 
know if we can scan the planet from space 
and get a density map in which one can 
unequivocally detect oil and carbon, even 
that embedded in minerals, and then learn 
how to deal safely with it (no pollution, no 
C0 2 release). Maybe. Could we be wrong 
and have many other serious problems to 
contend with before this foreseen fossil- 
fuel drama occurs? Even with increasing 
population and high energy consumption? 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


"A Huge Global Increase in Energy Use 
is Inevitable" 


838 m 

Back to ITER; as one opens its web site, 
the sentence: "a huge global increase in 
energy use is inevitable" welcomes, and 
disturbs, you. Maybe because of this, in 
1996, when Richard Smalley obtained his 
Nobel prize for the chemical synthesis of 
the fullerenes, which he accepted as the 
first Nobel Prize specifically on Nanotech- 
nology, he put aside his previous scientific 
career and openly used his pre-eminence 
to promote a new message: Scientists 
from all disciplines should focus on solving 
the pressing energy demands, pollution, 
and geopolitical issues before going back 
to their regular concerns. He especially 
focused on the use of the Sun's irradiation 
to relieve mankind from energy starva- 
tion. Years later, when Prof. Steven Chu 
was appointed as Secretary of Energy, 
the United States initiated a strong pro- 
gram on energy with a significant focus on 
nanotechnology, and thus special pro- 
grams, centers, and offices have recently 

been initiated around the globe. France 
also presented its own program on nano- 
technology for energy and Germany and 
the EU followed later, which all indicates 
the critical importance of nanotechnology 
to solve our increasingly pressing energy- 
related problems: increased demand and 
pollution, quite apart from scarceness 
of resources and geopolitical instability. 
Thus, with peak oil approaching [3], when 
the demand for oil will surpass our ability 
to extract and distribute it, the need for 
sufficient, clean, and safe (not depending 
for its supply on politically unstable areas) 
energy is becoming one of society's major 
challenges. In many fields of energy (pro- 
duction, conversion, and storage), nano- 
technology is specially positioned to be a 
fundamental piece of the energy solution, 
as foreseen by many research institutions. 
Japan and UK have also their own special 
programs on nanotechnology for energy. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Controlling climate change, abandoning 
dependency on fossil fuels, and creating 
the conditions for sustainable development 
will require as great a transformation as 
our ancestors accomplished over tens of 
thousands of years in moving from agrar- 
ian to urban societies. [4] When re-reading 
the Origin of the Species by Darwin, on 
its 150 th anniversary, one is struck by the 
lucidity and humility of the argumentation 
as well as the transformative power of its 
conclusions. Yet the scientific theory of 
evolution is still not widely understood or 
accepted by most people. Arrhenius first 
wrote about the impact of increasing C0 2 
on global climate in 1896, and yet at the 
highest level of government the issue was 
still argued about until recently. Somehow 
the ambitious enlightenment projects of 
the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolu- 
tion are still incomplete. Scientific knowl- 
edge is not culturally appropriated. Many 
people use cell phones for daily survival, 
but could not explain the difference be- 
tween a photon and an electron. Govern- 
ments want high technology employment 

growth, but don't see why you need theo- 
retical or fundamental scientists. One of 
the reasons for this is that common sci- 
ence does not make common sense. An 
interesting new development is a genera- 
tion of artists that is collecting data about 
their world using scientific instruments, but 
employing the data for cultural purposes. 
Not only are they making powerful art, 
they are making science intimate, sensual, 
and intuitive. They are mixing science with 
the arts and humanities, which is essen- 
tial to the cultural transformation neces- 
sary within the next two generations [5]. 
Indirectly, art works and art practice also 
train and nurture the brain. Artists project 
what their brains interprets from the world 
that scientist are trying to decode. Images 
of the world are built on mirror neurons. 
Thus, art becomes the Rosetta stone that 
links the brain with the world, and the 
supreme trainer. The emotions invoked by 
art expand the experience of nature and 
therefore promote knowledge and proxim- 
ity of it, and care for it. 

Roger F. Malina. Intimate Science and Hard Humanities. 
LEONARDO, 42(3), 184-184, 2009 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Novel physical and chemical properties of 
nanomaterials can be applied and engi- 
neered to meet advanced material require- 
ments in the new generation of energy 
production, conservation, and conversion 
devices. Nanomaterials have been familiar 
within various fields of energy in the past. 
For example, heterogeneous catalysts in 
the form of nanosized particles dispersed 
onto microporous supports have been ap- 
plied to oil processing for many decades. 
The tremendous advances in modern 
nanotechnology are reflected in the ex- 
panded ability to design and control mate- 
rials, their size, shape, chemical composi- 
tion, and assembly structure. Nowadays, 
well-controlled synthesis of nanomaterials 
and nanoscale characterization enables 
us to unambiguously correlate the struc- 
tural properties of matter with its physical, 
chemical, and biological properties. For 
example, fuel cells and batteries, such 
as polymer-electrolyte-membrane fuel 
cells, solid-oxide fuel cells, and lithium 
batteries are electrochemical systems for 
conversion between chemical energy and 
electricity. They consist of an anode and 
a cathode separated by an electrolyte. A 
pair of reduction and oxidation reactions 
on the electrode surface results in electric- 
current generation. Application of nano- 
particles may significantly improve the 
efficiency of fuel cells and the energy-stor- 

age density of batteries. Thermoelectric 
materials tailored at the nanoscale may ef- 
ficiently convert waste heat generated by 
combustion engines into electricity, which 
improves the overall energy efficiency of 

There are also examples of nanomaterial 
use in lighting. Lighting uses about 20% of 
the total electricity generated worldwide, 
thus development of advanced lighting 
devices with good luminous efficiency will 
have significant impact on energy con- 

Catalysis also plays an important role in 
the technologies for transportation, en- 
ergy production from fossil fuels or alter- 
native energy resources, bulk chemical 
production, and pollution control, where 
efficient and selective chemical conver- 
sion processes are of great concern. Thus, 
advances in nanoscience provide oppor- 
tunities for developing next-generation 
catalytic systems with high activities for 
energetically challenging reactions, high 
selectivity valuable products, and ex- 
tended life times that improve efficiency 
with respect to energy production and 
consumption. The selective conversion of 
biomass-derived carbohydrates into liquid 
fuels and valuable chemicals is a key step 
in the conversion of biomass. Additionally, 
the technology thus developed can also 
be applied to degrade persistent organic 
pollutants in environmental remediation 
[6]. Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Energy In, Energy Out 

At present, developing efficient and clean 
energy technologies is an urgent task that 
is crucial to the long-term energy and en- 
vironmental security of our society. Energy 
conversion and transport in nanomaterials 
differs significantly from those in bulk ma- 
terials because of the difference in effect 
of classical and quantum-size effects on 
energy carriers such as photons, phonons, 
electrons, and molecules. Nanoscience for 
energy applications is now focused on tai- 
loring these nanoscale effects for efficient 
energy technologies such as photovolta- 
ics, photochemical solar cells, thermoelec- 
trics, fuel cells, photoelectrochemical cells, 
batteries, and so forth. For example, solar 
energy has been considered the cleanest 
and most renewable energy source (under 
ideal conditions, radiation power on a hori- 
zontal surface is 1000 W/m 2 . High-energy 
photons are absorbed in the atmosphere 
leaving UV-visible light in the higher en- 
ergy range). Efficient light absorption to 
generate charge carriers - an electron or 
its counterpart, a hole - in a solid occurs 
on the scale of several hundreds of nano- 
meters (equivalent to the wavelength of 
visible light). Electrons travel short dis- 
tances before being trapped. The mean 
free path of the excited charged carrier is 
much shorter than the wavelength of light. 

To achieve efficient photon absorption and 
collection of excited charge carriers in a 
photovoltaic device, an optimal design 
should be a low-dimensional nanostruc- 
ture, such as semiconductor nanowires, 
in which at least one dimension is larger 
than the wavelength of light and another 
dimension shorter than the mean free 
path of the charge carriers, as is the case 
in photosynthesis. While photovoltaic 
cells directly convert photonic energy into 
electricity by separating the excited elec- 
tron-hole pairs in photovoltaic materials, 
photoelectrochemical cells use the excited 
electrons and holes to catalyze redox 
reactions, which may split water or C0 2 
to generate fuel. So far, photovoltaic and 
photoelectrochemical cells have not made 
a strong contribution to energy supply 
because of their currently low conversion 

The research reported this year relating to 
energy can be clustered into a few main 
fields such as photovoltaic devices and 
photosynthesis, batteries, fuel cells, and 
carbon dioxide management. Carbon 
dioxide may be responsible for climate 
change and if the climate does change we 
may require even more energy to survive, 
unless we adapt. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Inside the Glass-House 
C0 2 in the Short Term 

It makes sense, before focusing all our ef- 
forts on substituting the energy system, to 
deal with the consequences of the current 
one if necessary. It would be irresponsible 
to allow all the oil to be burned, just be- 
cause it will not be as easily available for 
much longer. Peak oil is indeed expected 
to occur not very late in this century. 

Earth's carbon cycle is overburdened. We 
emit more carbon into the atmosphere 
than natural processes are able to remove 
- an imbalance with negative consequenc- 
es. The Carbon Cycle 2.0 project [7] also 

means collaboration 2.0; tackling one of 
the greatest challenges facing the world 
will require an urgent and more creative 
take on the kind of cross-disciplinary 
problem-solving needed to bridge the 
gap between basic and applied research. 
These are small steps worth taking. The 
initiative aims to become an umbrella un- 
der which all interested stakeholders can 
meet and discuss, share and cooperate. 

Among the many proposals, "Crystal 
Sponges to Capture C0 2 " is an interest- 
ing one [8]. Scientists reported the "ulti- 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


mate porosity of a nanomaterial", which 
achieved world records for both porosity 
and carbon-dioxide storage capacity in 
an important class of materials known 
as MOFs, or metal-organic frameworks. 
MOFs, sometimes described as crystal 
sponges, have pores — nanoscale open- 
ings which can store gases that are usu- 
ally difficult to store and transport. Poros- 
ity is crucial for compacting large amounts 
of gases into small volumes and is an 
essential property for capturing carbon 
dioxide. The concentration of C0 2 in the 
atmosphere is 388 ppm, by volume, in the 

sponge it can be 478 000 ppm, over three 
orders of magnitude greater, thus we only 
need a piece of composite about the size 
of one thousandth of an atmosphere to 
capture it all; though we do not need to 
do this, it is nice to know that the volume 
of the atmosphere is a little over a quarter 
of a trillion cubic kilometers (although the 
distribution of C0 2 throughout the atmo- 
sphere is not even). 

Absorbing and capturing C0 2 , in sponges, 
phytoplankton, or forests is necessary but 
in my humble opinion it does not con- 

Van Gogh's Starry Night. Image winner of the 2010 National Scientific Photography Contest (FotCiencia) organized by the Consejo Superior 
de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) and the Fundacion Espahola para la Ciencia y la Tecnologia (FECYT). 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


tribute to solving the energy shortage, 
although it could help to avoid the climate- 
change drama. Research could lead to 
cleaner energy and the ability to capture 
heat-trapping carbon dioxide emissions 
before they reach the atmosphere and 
contribute to global warming, rising sea 
levels, and the increased acidity of the 
oceans, researchers have reportedly said. 
Regarding rising sea levels, we have to 
subtract the Arctic from the calculations as 
it is effectively a giant ice-cube; since ice 
it is less dense than water, it floats. From 
childhood, we may remember how a glass 
full of water with a floating ice cube does 
not overflow when the cube has melted 
to form extra water, because Archimedes 
was right and ice is less dense than water. 

Regarding the waste from managing C0 2 
and other energy needs, a Green Carbon 
Center has been created to bring together 
the benefits offered by oil, gas, coal, wind, 
solar, geothermal, biomass, and other 
carbon energy sources in a way that will 
not only help ensure the world's energy 
future but also provide a means to recycle 
carbon dioxide into useful products [9]. 
Scientists state that, whether or not one 
believes in anthropogenic climate change, 
humans are throwing away a potentially 
valuable resource with every ton of carbon 
dioxide released into the atmosphere. If 
we learned how to turn carbon dioxide 
into a useful molecule, this waste could be 
transformed into raw materials. This initia- 
tive addresses the very near future of ener- 
gy with a focus on "green carbon" and the 
technological know-how to back it up. In 
the areas of more intense production and 
consumption of fossil fuels, researchers 
are better placed to address these issues. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Watching Plants Grow 

Photosynthesis is a marvellous example of 
how to use and store energy from the Sun; 
studying it will help us to better under- 
stand energy processing, and therefore it 
is a hot topic in current science. Photo- 
synthesis is the process by which green 
plants convert sunlight into electrochemi- 
cal energy. Researchers have recorded 
the first observation and characterization 
of a critical physical phenomenon behind 
photosynthesis known as quantum en- 
tanglement [10]. When two quantum-sized 
particles, for example a pair of electrons, 
are "entangled", any change to one will be 
instantly reflected in the other, no mat- 
ter how far apart they might be. Though 
physically separate, the two particles act 
as a single entity. The results of this study 
hold implications not only for the develop- 
ment of artificial photosynthesis systems 

as a renewable nonpolluting source of 
electrical energy, but also for the future 
development of quantum-based tech- 
nologies in areas such as computing — a 
quantum computer could perform certain 
operations thousands of times faster than 
any conventional computer. Fascinatingly, 
entanglement can exist and persist in the 
chaotic chemical complexity of a biologi- 
cal system at room temperature. Scien- 
tists have presented strong evidence for 
quantum entanglement in noisy nonequi- 
librium systems at high temperatures by 
determining the timescales and tempera- 
tures at which entanglement is observ- 
able in a protein structure that is central to 
photosynthesis in certain bacteria. Green 
plants and certain bacteria are able to 
transfer the energy harvested from sun- 
light through a network of light-harvesting 

pigment-protein complexes and into reac- 
tion centers with nearly 100% efficiency. 
Speed is the key; transfer of the solar 
energy takes place so fast that little energy 
is wasted as heat. 

In related news, nanotechnologists used 
the photosynthetic system of bacteria to 
transport light over relatively long distanc- 
es. They developed a type of "molecular 
glass fibre" a thousand times thinner than 
a human hair, made of light-harvesting- 
complex proteins [1 1]. These proteins 
transport the sunlight within the cells of 
plants and bacteria to a place in the cell 

where the solar energy is stored. We can 
learn a lot from nature in experiments such 
as this. When we understand how nature 
works, we can then imitate it. Using the 
Sun's energy, in increasing in quantity and 
efficiency is a subject of intense research 
and generates large and ambitious mul- 
tidisciplinary collaborative projects. One 
example of these is the ongoing Helios 
Project that aims at using nanotechnology 
in the efficient capture of sunlight and its 
conversion into electricity to surpass cur- 
rent economical fuel-production processes 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Creating Energy from Sunlight 

In order to replace fossil fuels, we need to 
become a lot more proficient at harvest- 
ing sunlight and converting it into forms of 
energy that can be used for transportation 
and other human needs. Nature provides 
a model solution to this problem in pho- 
tosynthesis. Together with Helios, a new 
Energy Innovation Hub has been created 
aimed at developing revolutionary meth- 
ods to generate fuels directly from sun- 
light [13], that is, to bring together leading 
researchers in an ambitious effort aimed 
at simulating nature's photosynthetic 
apparatus for practical energy produc- 
tion. The goal of the Hub is to develop an 

integrated solar energy into chemical fuel 
conversion system and move this system 
from the bench-top discovery phase to a 
scale on which it can be commercialized. 
This broad and complex research will be 
directed at the discovery of the functional 
components necessary to assemble a 
complete artificial photosynthetic system: 
light absorbers, catalysts, molecular link- 
ers, and separation membranes. 

As stated, the most obvious energy source 
is the Sun, the origin of almost all the 
energy found on Earth. Simply, the bio- 
sphere consists of a discontinuous layer 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


of organic matter spread onto a rock with 
a melted core floating in space and be- 
ing toasted by the Sun. The surface of the 
Earth receives solar radiation energy at an 
average of 81 ,000 terawatts, which ex- 
ceeds the whole global energy demand by 
a —mere — factor of over 5,000. Yet, we 
are still figuring out a cost-effective way of 
harnessing it to avoid driving Earth into ex- 
treme cold and darkness in a future where 
solar panels shadow the planet. 

In addition, it is clear that if the energy 
used to produce the "energy-source 
device" is more than that the device will 
deliver during its full life cycle, then the 
device is not an energy source but sim- 
ply an energy buffer and carrier. This may 
happen when the energy employed purify- 
ing silicon is greater than that recovered 
during the full life of the photovoltaic cell 
in which it is used. Thus, an important 
advance was reflected in the 2010 Millen- 
nium Prize to the father of third-generation 
dye-sensitized solar cells [14]. Gratzel 
cells, which promise electricity-generating 
windows and low-cost solar panels, are a 
third-generation photovoltaic technology. 
Such cells have just made their debut in 
consumer products. The excellent price/ 
performance ratio of these novel devices 
gives them major potential as significant 
contributors to the diverse portfolio of 
future energy technologies. Gratzel cells 
are likely to have an important role in low- 
cost, large-scale solutions for renewable 
energy. Beyond photovoltaics, the con- 
cepts of Gratzel cells can also be applied 
in batteries and hydrogen production. This 
technology, often described as "artificial 
photosynthesis", is a promising alternative 
to standard silicon photovoltaics. The cells 
are made of low-cost materials and do not 

need elaborate apparatus to manufacture 
them. They are based on a semiconduc- 
tor formed by a photosensitized anode 
and an electrolyte; a photoelectrochemical 
system. Because it is made of low-cost 
materials and does not require elaborate 
apparatus to manufacture, this cell is tech- 
nically attractive. Likewise, manufacture 
can be significantly less expensive than 
older solid-state cell designs. The cell can 
also be engineered into flexible sheets and 
is mechanically robust, requiring no pro- 
tection from minor events like hail or tree 

One of the problems when dealing with 
sunlight is that the Sun's rays can be high- 
ly destructive to many materials. Sunlight 
leads to a gradual degradation of many of 
the systems developed to harness it. But 
plants have adopted an interesting strat- 
egy to address this issue: They constantly 
break down their light-capturing mol- 
ecules and reassemble them from scratch, 
so the basic structures that capture the 
Sun's energy are, in effect, always brand 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


new. Thus, researchers have proposed a 
self-assembling photovoltaic technology 
that repairs itself [15]. Their proposal is a 
novel set of self-assembling molecules 
that can turn sunlight into electricity; 
structures that can be repeatedly broken 
down and then reassembled quickly, just 
by adding or removing an additional solu- 
tion. Researchers were fascinated by the 
extremely efficient repair mechanism of 
plant cells. In full summer sunlight, a leaf 
on a tree recycles its proteins about every 
45 minutes. To imitate photosynthesis, 
synthetic phospholipids that form discs 
have been produced; these discs provide 
structural support for other molecules 
that actually respond to light, which re- 
lease electrons when struck by photons 
of visible light. The discs, which carry the 
reaction centers, are in a solution where 
they attach themselves spontaneously to 
carbon nanotubes. The nanotubes hold 
the phospholipid discs in a uniform align- 
ment so that the reaction centers can all 
be exposed to sunlight at once, and they 
also act as wires to collect and channel 
the flow of electrons created by the reac- 
tive molecules. The system disintegrates 
when a surfactant is added to the solution. 
When the surfactant is removed by push- 
ing the solution through a membrane, the 
compounds spontaneously re-assemble 
once again into a perfectly formed, reju- 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

venated photocell. In the new assembly 
damaged proteins will be excluded and 
assembly misconformations removed. It 
is likely that one would need to feed the 
system new molecules from time to time... 
as is the case in biological systems. 

For the many materials proposed, there 
persists the intention to explore the pro- 
duction of thin films (organic or inorganic) 
for photovoltaic technology. Of course, it 
is the surface that is exposed to the Sun, 
and the bulk is shaded from it. However, 
I find the recurrence of the idea to turn 
windows into power generators curious. 
Why windows? Because they are very flat, 
processable in decent sizes, present in 
almost any building and exposed to the 
Sun, I suppose. Researchers even remark 
that a solar cell made of nanoparticles 
is a thin film that absorbs only about the 
1 0% of the visible light falling on it, and 
acting mainly in the UV, so its is highly 
transparent and allows the coverage of 
many things without changing their aspect 
[16]. Also, since it is a thin film that can be 
coated onto large areas, it could become 
very much cheaper than conventional 


The Energy Store 

In principle, an automobile is a nonsus- 
tainable concept; Fordians dreams of one 
man, one car require too much metal and 
oil. But it is pretty well designed in many 
respects. It uses the energy it generates, 
and generates the energy it needs. Storing 
fuel is easier than storing energy. However, 
if the device can not host an energy-on- 
demand production system as a combus- 
tion motor, it will need to store it. Some- 
times, energy has to be converted, stored, 
and converted again, with significant 
energy losses. One of the main research 
activities of the last 12 months has been a 
focus on batteries. 

When thinking about the future, someone 
of my age could have expected to have 
flying cars by 2010, but in absence of that, 
a car of the future powered by its body- 
work is not that bad. A composite blend of 
carbon fibres and polymer resin is being 
developed that can store and charge more 
energy, faster than conventional batteries 
can [17]. At the same time, the material is 
extremely strong and pliant, which means 
it can be shaped for use in building the 
car's body panels. Imagine a car whose 
body also serves as a rechargeable bat- 
tery; a battery that stores braking energy 
while you drive and that also stores en- 
ergy when you plug in the car overnight to 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

recharge. If those projects are successful, 
there are many other possible applica- 
tion areas. For instance, mobile phones 
will be as slim as credit cards and laptops 
will manage longer without needing to be 
recharged. The composite materials be- 
ing developed, which are made of carbon 
fibres and a polymer resin, will store and 
discharge large amounts of energy much 
more quickly than conventional batter- 
ies. In addition, the material does not 
use chemical processes, which makes 
it quicker to recharge than conventional 
batteries. Furthermore, this recharging 
process causes little degradation in the 
composite material, because it does not 
involve a chemical reaction, whereas con- 
ventional batteries degrade over time. 

It is worth remembering that among the 
foremost challenges in the development 
of hybrids and electric cars are the size, 
weight, (toxicity) and cost of the current 
generation of batteries. In order to deliver 
sufficient capacity using today's technol- 
ogy, it is necessary to fit large batteries, 
which in turn exceedingly increases the 
car's weight. But when thinking of light- 
ness one thinks about flying, and a solar 
plane that can flight at night seems to 
be sci-fi [18]. The Solar Impulse aircraft, 

which is powered only by solar energy, 
triumphantly completed its first night flight. 
The ultralight aircraft was airborne for a to- 
tal of 26 hours — from 7 am on July 7 until 
9 am the following day (Central European 
Time) — before finally landing as planned 
at Payerne airbase in Switzerland. This 
aircraft is now officially the first manned 
aircraft capable of flying day and night 
without fuel, powered entirely by solar 
energy. The latest cutting-edge technol- 
ogy has been incorporated into this pro- 
totype airplane, which has the wingspan 
of a large airliner (63.40 meters) and the 
weight of a midsize car (1 .600 kilograms). 
Some 12,000 solar cells cover its surface 
to run four electrical engines and store the 
solar energy for the night in 400 kilograms 
of lithium batteries. As was the case with 
instant soup and Teflon, which were devel- 
oped as sidelines from the Apollo project, 
making things fly has important technolog- 
ical consequences. Thus, other potential 
derivatives from the Solar Impulse project 
include innovative adhesives, rigid poly- 
urethane foams for paneling in the cockpit 
and engine, and extremely thin yet break- 
resistant polycarbonate films and sheets, 
in which carbon nanotubes and structural 
control at the nanoscale are paramount. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


s But Does Not Break 

Simple modifications may have large 
impacts. Nanowired batteries can hold 10 
times the charge of existing Li-ion ones 
[19]. Researchers have found a way to use 
silicon nanowires to reinvent the recharge- 
able lithium-ion batteries that power lap- 
tops, iPods™, video cameras, cell phones, 
and countless other devices. Indeed, the 
greatly expanded storage capacity could 
also make Li-ion batteries attractive to 
electric-car manufacturers. The electrical- 
storage capacity of a Li-ion battery is 
limited by how much lithium can be held 
in the battery's anode, which is typically 
made of carbon. Silicon has a much higher 
capacity than carbon, but also has a draw- 
back. Silicon placed in a battery swells as 
it absorbs positively charged lithium atoms 
during charging, then shrinks during use 
as the lithium is drawn out of the silicon. 
This expand/shrink cycle typically causes 
the silicon (often in the form of particles 
or a thin film) to pulverize, degrading the 
performance of the battery. A new battery 
gets around this problem with nanotech- 
nology. The lithium is stored in a forest of 
tiny silicon nanowires, each with a diam- 
eter one-thousandth the thickness of a 
sheet of paper. The nanowires inflate to 
four times their normal size as they soak 
up lithium. But, unlike other silicon shapes, 
they do not fracture. It has been known 
for years that, when compared to the bulk, 
nanocrystals subjected to stress deform 
rather than break, in part due to the high 
energetic cost of a fracture (vacancies and 
dislocations) in such a tiny crystal domain. 

As industries and consumers increasingly 
seek improved battery power sources, 
cutting-edge microscopy is providing 
an unprecedented perspective on how 
lithium-ion batteries function at the nano- 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


scale. Electrochemical strain microscopy 
examines the movement of lithium ions 
through a battery's cathode material in 
nanometer volumes. By measuring volume 
change, it is also possible to visualize how 
lithium ions flow through the material [20]. 
Conventional electrochemical techniques, 
which analyze electric current instead of 
strain, do not work on a nanoscale level 
because the electrochemical currents are 
too small to measure. Besides, very small 
changes at the nanometer level could have 
a huge impact at the device level. For ex- 
ample, size expansion and memory effects 
at the nanoscale will be better understood. 

As we need to try and fail, bake and 
shake, laboratory models are very im- 
portant. Thus, a bench-top version of 
the world's smallest battery with an an- 
ode consisting of a single nanowire, one 
seven-thousandth the thickness of the 
human hair, has been created [21]. This 
single nanobattery offers "a never-before- 
seen perspective" to improve batteries. 
These experiments enable us to study the 
charging and discharging of a battery in 
real time and with atomic resolution, thus 
enlarging our understanding of the fun- 
damental mechanisms by which batteries 
work. Because nanowire-based materials 
in lithium-ion batteries offer the potential 
for significant improvements in power and 
energy density over bulk electrodes, more 

stringent investigations of their operating 
properties should improve new genera- 
tions of devices and commodities (as/if we 
need them). 

Once again, the tin oxide nanowire rod 
employed in these studies nearly doubles 
in length during charging, which is far 
more than the increase in its diameter — 
a fact that helps to avoid short circuits 
and degradation that shorten battery life. 
The common belief of workers in this field 
has been that batteries swell across their 
diameter, not longitudinally. Researchers 
followed the progression of the lithium 
ions as they travel along the nanowire and 
create what researchers christened the 
"Medusa front" — an area where a high 
density of mobile dislocations causes 
the nanowire to bend and wiggle as the 
front progresses. This web of disloca- 
tions is caused by lithium penetration into 
the crystalline lattice. These observations 
proved that nanowires can sustain large 
stress (>10 GPa) induced by lithiation 
without breaking, which indicates that 
nanowires are very good candidates for 
battery electrodes. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

We Need Much More Thought 

As Alain Tourraine pointed out when re- 
ceiving the Principe De Asturias price, 
todays crisis is not a financial crisis but an 
intellectual one. We need more, and better 
ideas. To understand and master anything 
we need to study, we can agree on that; 
in addition to study, we have to guess and 

Firstly, to advance thoughts, one must do 
a lot of thinking. As discussed in "Could 
135,000 Laptops Help Solve the Energy 
Challenge?", [22] both the Jaguar (equiva- 
lent to 109.000 laptops) and Intrepid 
(26.000 laptops) supercomputers are be- 
ing utilized as part of a research consor- 
tium to study and demonstrate a working 
prototype of a rechargeable lithium/air bat- 
tery. The lithium/air battery can potentially 
store 10 times the energy of a lithium/ion 
battery of the same weight. This interest in 
massive computing finds echoes in the in- 
dividuals who donate time on their person- 
al computers for humanitarian projects by 

registering on the World Community Grid, 
and installing a free, unobtrusive, and 
secure software program on their comput- 
ers running either Linux, Microsoft Win- 
dows, or Mac OS. When idle or between 
keystrokes on a lightweight task, their PCs 
request data from World Community Grid's 
server, which runs Berkeley Open Infra- 
structure for Network Computing (BOINC) 
software. This project has the intention of 
sharing idle computing time and thereby 
helping scientists to solve humanitarian 
challenges, many of them related, directly 
or indirectly, to energy. 

There was also news on converting 
Brownian motion into work to suck energy 
from the thermal bath [23]. The molecu- 
lar motors on which life depends on are 
driven by Brownian motion. In 1827, Rob- 
ert Brown famously observed pollen grains 
dancing as if alive, under his microscope. 
At first he thought he might be observ- 
ing the "elementary molecules of organic 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

bodies" — the life force itself. However, 
when he repeated the experiment with 
fine clays, he observed the same. At the 
few-nanometer scale, molecular motors, 
such as those responsible for tensing and 
relaxing muscles, move in a particular 
manner: they propel themselves forwards 
despite — or thanks to — a continuous 
bombardment of randomly moving mol- 
ecules in their surroundings. This random 
movement is called Brownian motion and 
a well-constructed nanoscale motor actu- 
ally makes use of it to generate a directed 
movement (and therefore work). The 
device introduced by the physicist Marian 
Smoluchowski in 1912, as a Gedankenex- 
periment, is a classical example of such a 
motor. Obtaining work from a thermal bath 
may sound like a dream, but it is the way 
that mechanical work is done in molecu- 
lar biology, how the messenger reaches 
the receptor or the tree pumps water to 
its highest leaf. This effect is probably 
restricted to devices that are about one 
order of magnitude larger than the size of 
the solvent molecules and close in density, 
and forces of femto-Newtons have to fit 
in with complex machinery where random 
motion becomes profitable. 

Tiny energy for tiny devices is a very se- 

ductive idea. Thus, as you can not plug a 
nanosensor or nanodevice into a power 
grid if it has to travel, scan, and report, 
we need self-powered nanodevices. By 
combining a new generation of piezo- 
electric nanogenerators with two types of 
nanowire sensors, researchers have cre- 
ated what are believed to be the first self- 
powered nanometer-scale sensing devices 
that draw power from the conversion of 
mechanical energy [24]. The new devices 
can measure the pH value of liquids or 
detect the presence of ultraviolet light 
using electrical current produced from 
mechanical energy in the environment. For 
conversion of mechanical energy into elec- 
tricity, piezos, such as devices in shoes 
to feed mobile phones, already exist; with 
nano dimensions, the density of units 
increases thanks to miniaturization and the 
performance increases due to increased 
elasticity. The new generator and nano- 
scale sensors open up new possibilities 
for very small sensing devices that can 
operate without batteries, which are pow- 
ered by mechanical energy harvested from 
the environment. Energy sources could 
include the motion of tides, sonic waves, 
mechanical vibration, the flapping of a flag 
in the wind, pressure from shoes of a hiker, 
or the movement of clothing. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Sweet Electrons 


Finally, one of the sweetest ideas pre- 
sented was "A New Solar Cell Technology 
based on Doughnuts and Tea". It turns 
out that these delicious little things con- 
tain everything we need to make a simple 
solar cell [25]. The resulting power may be 
small, but it could charge a mobile phone 
or sensor and it reminds us how close and 
accessible nature is, through the knowl- 
edge that we can produce electricity from 
sun in the kitchen. In search of cheap ef- 
ficient solar cells made from raw, available 
materials, the authors presented how to 
get solar cells from powdered doughnuts 
(as a source of the semiconductor Ti0 2 ) 

and some passion tea (a dye) full of anth- 
rocyanins that color the Ti0 2 and shift the 
Ti0 2 absorbance from the UV to the visible 
range and produce electricity when ex- 
posed to the Sun. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Where Is the White Rabbit? 

Later in the year, the Friends of the Earth 
(FOE) released a document entitled "Nan- 
otechnology, climate and energy: Over- 
heated promises and hot air?" [26] 

In this document, FOE say: "despite 
claims that nanotechnology can limit 
climate change and promote energy ef- 
ficiency, we've found that the use of 
nanotechnology actually comes at a large 
environmental cost, people to continue 
with 'business as usual' and avoid seri- 
ous improvements in energy efficiency and 
behavioral changes". Whoa! Please, let 
us do this right. I think they are going too 
fast, and going too fast will turn work into 
power and consequently increase energy 
consumption. Slow down; urge is not 
sustainable. Recently we published a little 
paper about our experience in a European 
project on Nanotoxicology, where some 
company was already selling products 
with bioactive nanoparticles while scien- 
tists were still wondering how to deal with 
them safely [27]. This is then not precisely 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

a problem of science and knowledge (to 
me it is a problem of ignorance, we should 
better understand the world at is molecu- 
lar and nanometric level to promote more 
responsible technologies). It is a problem 
of a social kind of hysteria. The "when do 
we want it? — Now!" concept does not 
fully apply to natural processes, civilization 
building, or responsible technological de- 
velopment. In fact, business is, as usual, 
a social cultural problem and not really 
scientific. To deny and obscure science 
may be tempting to some who feel that 
humans are not up to the challenge, but 
such obscuring attitudes have never led to 
any good. 

The report also highlights how nanotech- 
nology is primarily used in products that 
do not provide energy savings, such as 
clothing, cosmetics, and sporting goods. 
This is true, but it is also "noise", which 
should not distract us too much. To some 
extent it could be as simple as allowing 
regulation of technology by applying com- 
mon-sense precautionary principles over 
a reasonable period of time, while more 
useful applications are being developed 
beyond colloidal gold for the soul or bio- 
cide nanoparticles as deodorants. Sense- 
less panic and euphoria often parasitize 
discovery and parasitizing is a natural 
fingerprint of molecular biology. 

Additionally, nanotechnology is not by its 
nature expensive and energy consum- 
ing, though some aspects of its study are. 
However, in producing nanotechnology, it 
depends if you use a laser beam to sculpt 
out a nanometric figure in a high vacuum 
chamber or if you add a mixture of salts 
and surfactants in a controlled manner at 
room temperature to produce amazing 

nanoparticles at incredibly low raw-materi- 
al prices. 

In response to the FOE report, 
founder Bill McKibben said, "Very few 
people have looked beyond the shiny 
promise of nanotechnology to try and un- 
derstand how this far-reaching new tech- 
nique is actually developing. This report is 
an excellent glimpse inside, and it offers 
a judicious and balanced account of a 
subject we need very much to be thinking 
about." I am not sure about what people 

think and how far they look, but we hon- 
estly hope Nanowiki will help people to 
reflect upon all those important subjects; 
not just the lay people, but also scientists 
and all other citizens. 

Victor Puntes 

and the Inorganic Nanoparticles Group- 
January 201 1 

nanowiki. info 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


The province of scientifically determined 
fact has been enormously extended; theo- 
retical knowledge has become vastly more 
profound in every department of science. 
But the assimilative power of the human 
intellect is and remains strictly limited. 
Hence it was inevitable that the activity of 
the individual investigator should be con- 
fined to a smaller and smaller section of 
human knowledge. Worse still, as a result 
of this specialization, it is becoming in- 
creasingly difficult for even a rough general 

grasp of science as a whole, without which 
the true spirit of research is inevitably 
handicapped, to keep pace with progress. 
A situation is developing similar to the one 
symbolically represented in the Bible by 
the story of the Tower of Babel. Every seri- 
ous scientific worker is painfully conscious 
of this involuntary relegation to an ever- 
narrowing sphere of knowledge, which is 
threatening to deprive the investigator of 
his broad horizon and degrade him to the 
level of a mechanic. 

In Honour of Arnold Berliner's Seventieth Birthday, Albert Einstein 



[I] Nanotechnology: balancing the promises 

http ://www. nanowi ki . i nf o 

[2] ITER - the way to new energy 

[3] Oil Crash Observatory. La urgente necesidad 
de cobrar consciencia 

[4] Roger F. Malina. Intimate Science and Hard 
Humanities. LEONARDO, 42(3), 184-184, 
2009 3. malina.html 

[5] Scientists as Artists in Nano Science and 

http ://www. nanowi ki . i nf o 

[6] Contaminated site nanoremediation 

http ://www. nanowi ki . i nf o 

[7] Carbon Cycle 2.0 

http ://www. nanowi ki . i nf o 

[8] Crystal Sponges to Capture C0 2 

http ://www. nanowi ki . i nf o 

[9] Green Carbon Center 

http ://www. nanowi ki . i nf o 

[10] Unraveling the mysteries of photosynthesis 

http ://www. nanowi ki . i nf o 

[II] 'Molecular Glass Fibre' 

http ://www. nanowi ki . i nf o 

[12] Helios project. Solar Energy Research Cen- 
ter (SERC) 

[13] Energy Innovation Hub 

http ://www. nanowi ki . i nf o 

[14] Millennium Prize for Gratzel cells 

http ://www. nanowi ki . i nf o 

[15] Self-assembling photovoltaic technology 
that repairs itself 

http ://www. nanowi ki . i nf o 

[16] Turn windows into power generators 

http ://www. nanowi ki . i nf o 

[1 7] Car of the future powered by their bodywork 

http ://www. nanowi ki . i nf o 

[18] Next Solar Impulse aircraft and nanotechnol- 

[19] Nanowires battery can hold 10 times the 
charge of existing Li-ion battery 

[20] Scanning probe microscopy reveal battery 
behavior at the nanoscale 

[21] World's smallest battery offers "a view never 
before seen" to improve batteries 

[22] Could 1 35,000 Laptops Help Solve the En- 
ergy Challenge? 

[23] Converting brownian motion into work 

[24] Self-Powered Nanosensors 

[25] A Delicious New Solar Cell Technology 

[26] Nanotechnology, climate and energy: Over- 
heated promises and hot air? 

[27] Antonietta M. Gatti and Victor Puntes. Scien- 
tists still wondering - Industry already selling. 
NANOMAGAZINE. Issue 12. June 2009. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


|»> tracking nanotechnology 


Nanotechnology: Engines On 


32 Scientists as Artists in Nano Science and Technology 

33 Contaminated site nanoremediation 

34 Carbon Cycle 2.0 

35 Crystal Sponges to Capture C0 2 

36 Green Carbon Center 

37 Unraveling the mysteries of photosynthesis 

38 'Molecular Glass Fibre' 

39 Energy Innovation Hub 

40 Millennium Prize for Gratzel cells 

41 Self-assembling photovoltaic technology that repairs itself 

42 Turn windows into power generators 

43 Car of the future powered by their bodywork 

44 Next Solar Impulse aircraft and nanotechnology 

45 Nanowires battery can hold 10 times the charge of existing Li-ion battery 

46 Scanning probe microscopy reveal battery behavior at the nanoscale 

47 World's smallest battery offers "a view never before seen" to improve batteries 

48 Could 135,000 Laptops Help Solve the Energy Challenge? 

49 Converting brownian motion into work 

50 Self-Powered Nanosensors 

51 A Delicious New Solar Cell Technology 

52 Nanotechnology, climate and energy: Over-heated promises and hot air? 

53 Turn carbon dioxide into useful energy 

54 Nanotechnologies for future mobile devices 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Scientists as Artists 

in Nano Science and Technology 

Roger Malina, February 15, 2010 

tags: art + Roger Malina + leonardo/isast 

Image: 'mirror your neurons expressions' by Joan Escofet for context weblog 

In looking at the interaction of nano 
science and the arts it is interesting to 
look at the interest of scientists in the 
arts. These fall into two broad catego- 

a) Scientists who have engaged in 
artistic practice during their scientific 
career, and this was important to their 

b) Scientists who have collaborated 
with artists to create art works and 
this influenced their research practice, 
as well as creating art work exhibited 

In the first category, Leonardo Co 
Editor Robert Root Bernstein wrote 
a note about Nobel prize winning 
chemist Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin. 

Dodgkin was a talented amateur artist 
and botanist who became a world au- 
thority on Sudanese flowers, ancient 
textiles and weaving techniques. She 
also became an expert on mosaics. 


June 2007, Vol. 40, No. 3, Pages 259-261 

© 2007 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

Robert Root-Bernstein: Art Science 
the Essential Connection 

Department of Physiology, Michigan State Uni- 
versity, East Lansing, Ml 48824 U.S.A. 

Hodgkin credits her drawing practice 
as being crucial to her development 
ideas on symmetry groups and chemi- 
cal structure. At the end her life she 
drew many drawings. 

"What she finished instead were stun- 
ning images of natural structures too 
small for the naked eye to perceive- 
surely a form of art as creative and 
inspiring as the mosaics, Celtic knots 
and architectural innovations she 
recorded in her earlier years." 

With recent work on mirror neu- 
rons, we are developing better 
ideas of how the human mind 
constructs mental models, and 
often this involves kinesthetic 
mirroring. Drawing and other 
artistic practice can be strate- 
gies for scientific creativity and 

Derrick de Kerchove in the recent 
YASMIN discussion on "Simulation" 
pointed out that it will also force us to 
at art practice in a new way: "Though 
still controversial, if the theory ( mirror 
neurons) turns out to be verified, it 
may have consequences for the study 
of media, of performing arts and of 
the growing practice of simulation in 
general. The acting profession from 
ancient Greek theatre to television, 
cinema and virtual reality could be no 
more and no less than a biological 
strategy to introduce new and com- 
plex human experience and behavior 
in society. It would go at some length 
to explain the manner by which the 
spectator accesses emotions that are 
quite literally projected into him or her 
by the performance." 

As we look at the way that nano 
scientists and nano technologists are 
involved in the arts we need to under- 
stand the retro active of their art mak- 
ing on themselves and their creativity 
, as well as the way the art works 
produced allow viewers to access new 
domains of the natural world. They 
in effect are developing new forms 
of sensuality for sensory awareness 
mediated by scientific instruments. 
Source: Via Leonardo/ISAST coopera- 
tion with NanoWiki. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Contaminated site nanoremediation 

josep saldana, August 3, 2009 

tags: nanoremediation + waste + nanotoxicology 

Total no. of sites = 294,000 Total = $209 billion 

Estimated number (%) of U.S. hazardous waste sites (A) and estimated cleanup costs [bil- 
lions US$ (percent of total)] for 2004-2033 (B). UST, underground storage tanks. Adapted 
from U.S. EPA (2004). 

Map of remediation sites listed in Supplemental Material, Table 2. Project on Emerging Nano- 
technologies 2009. 

While industrial sectors involving 
semiconductors, memory and storage 
technologies, display, optical and pho- 
tonic technologies, energy, biomedi- 
cal, and health sectors produce the 
most nanomaterial-containing prod- 
ucts, nanotechnology is also used as 
an environmental technology to pro- 
tect the environment through pollution 
prevention, treatment, and cleanup. 
This paper focuses on environmental 
cleanup and provides readers with a 
background and overview of current 
practice, research findings, societal 
issues, potential environment, health, 
and safety implications, and future 
directions for nanoremediation. We 
do not present an exhaustive review 
of chemistry/engineering methods of 
the technology but rather an introduc- 
tion and summary of the application 
of nanotechnology in remediation. 
Nanoscale zero valent iron is dis- 
cussed in more detail. We searched 
Web of Science for research studies 
and accessed recent U.S. Environ- 
mental Protection Agency (EPA) and 
other publicly available reports that 
addressed the applications and impli- 
cations associated with nanoremedia- 
tion techniques. We also conducted 
personal interviews with practitioners 
about specific site remediations. Infor- 
mation from 45 sites, a representative 
portion of the total projects underway, 
was aggregated to show nanomateri- 
als used, type of pollutants cleaned 
up, and organization responsible for 
the site. 

Nanoremediation has the po- 
tential not only to reduce the 
overall costs of cleaning up large 
scale contaminated sites, but it 
also can reduce cleanup time, 
eliminate the need for treatment 
and disposal of contaminated 
soil, reduce some contaminant 
concentrations to near zero— all 
in situ. Proper evaluation of nano- 
remediation, particularly full-scale 
ecosystem wide studies, needs to 
be conducted to prevent any poten- 
tial adverse environmental impacts. 

Source: From Nanotechnology and 
In situ Remediation: A review of 
the benefits and potential risks 

by Barbara Karn, Todd Kuiken, Martha 
Otto. This article has been reviewed 
by the U.S. Environmental Protection 
Agency and approved for publication. 

The Project on Emerging Nano- 
technologies has produced a map 
- Nanoremediation map - showing the 
location of sites at which nanotech- 

nology has been used as a remedia- 
tion technology and providing some 
information about each site. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Carbon Cycle 2.0 

josep saldana, October 25, 2010 
tags: energy + climate 

Earth's carbon cycle is overburdened. 
We emit more carbon into the atmo- 
sphere than natural processes are able 
to remove - an imbalance with nega- 
tive consequences. Carbon Cycle 2.0 
is a Berkeley Lab initiative to provide 
the science needed to restore this bal- 
ance by integrating the Lab's diverse 
research activities and delivering 
creative solutions toward a carbon- 
neutral energy future. 

Carbon Cycle 2.0 means collaboration 
2.0: tackling one of the greatest chal- 
lenges facing the nation and world will 
require an urgent and more creative 
take on the kind of cross-disciplinary 
problem solving needed to bridge 
the gap between basic and applied 
research. In the spirit of what made 
Berkeley Lab great, the entire Lab 
community must take initiative and en- 
gage on CC2.0 for it to be a success. 
Source: Berkeley Lab - Carbon Cycle 

Carbon Cycle 1.0: relatively stable geochemical cycles 

50,000 BC- 1750 CE 
average net atmospheric gain: 0.0 ± 0.02 gigatons carbon per year 

Carbon Cycle 1.x: An increasingly perturbed system 

Gigatonnes of carbon per year 

Net flux of C due to human activity ~100X natural geological flux 

Carbon Cycle 2.0: Restoring balance to the carbon cycle 

Balance can be restored while allowing for growth in population and wellbeing 

Frames from Director Alivisatos's Climate Change Presentation. 
January 201 1 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Crystal Sponges to Capture C0 2 


josep saldana, July 18, 2010 
tags: nanomaterial + climate + energy 

Crystal structure of MOF-200, in UCLA's blue and gold. 

Atom colors: UCLA blue = carbon, UCLA gold = oxygen, orange = zinc. Optical image of 
MOF-200 crystals. (Credit: UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; UCLA-Depart- 
ment of Energy Institute of Genomics and Proteomics). 

Chemists from UCLA and South Korea 
report the "ultimate porosity of a 
nano-material," achieving world 
records for both porosity and 
carbon dioxide storage capac- 
ity in an important class of materials 
known as MOFs, or metal-organic 

MOFs, sometimes described as 
crystal sponges, have pores — open- 
ings on the nanoscale which can store 
gases that are usually difficult to store 
and transport. Porosity is crucial for 
compacting large amounts of gases 
into small volumes and is an essential 
property for capturing carbon dioxide. 

The research could lead to cleaner 
energy and the ability to capture heat- 
trapping carbon dioxide emissions 
before they reach the atmosphere and 
contribute to global warming, rising 
sea levels and the increased acidity of 

"We are reporting the ultimate poros- 
ity of a nano-material; we believe this 
to be the upper limit or very near the 
upper limit for porosity in materials," 
said the paper's senior author, Omar 
Yaghi, a UCLA professor of chemis- 
try and biochemistry and a member 
of both the California NanoSystems 
Institute (CNSI) at UCLA and the 
UCLA-Department of Energy Institute 
of Genomics and Proteomics. 

With lead author Hiroyasu (Hiro) 
Furukawa, co-author Jaheon Kim and 
colleagues, Yaghi reports on two ma- 
terials that not only break the porosity 
record, but do so by an extremely 
large margin. The materials are MOF- 
200, made at UCLA by Furukawa, a 
postdoctoral scholar in Yaghi's labora- 
tory, and MOF-210, made at Seoul's 
Soongsil University in South Korea by 
Kim, a chemistry professor and former 
graduate student in Yaghi's laboratory, 
and colleagues. 

Invented by Yaghi the early 
1990s, MOFs are like scaffolds 

made of linked rods, with nano- 
scale pores that are the right 
size to trap carbon dioxide. The 

components of MOFs can be changed 
nearly at will, and Yaghi's laboratory 
has made several hundred MOFs, with 
a variety of properties and structures. 

Since 1999, MOFs have held the 
record for having the highest porosity 
of any material. MOFs can be made 
from low-cost ingredients, such as 
zinc oxide, a common ingredient in 
sunscreen, and terephthalate, which is 
found in plastic soda bottles. "If I take 
a gram of MOF-200 and unravel 
it, it will cover many football 
fields, and that is the space you have 
for gases to assemble," Yaghi said. 
"It's like magic. Forty tons of MOFs 

is equal to the entire surface area of 

Yaghi, Furukawa and Kim also report 
a record for carbon dioxide storage 
capacity. MOF-200 and MOF-210 
take up the highest amount of 
hydrogen, methane and carbon 
dioxide, by weight, ever achieved. 
Source: World records by UCLA 
chemists, Korean colleagues enhance 
ability to capture C0 2 by Stuart Wolp- 
ert. This work is detailed in the paper 
Ultra-High Porosity in Metal-Organic 
Frameworks by Hiroyasu Furukawa, 
Nakeun Ko, Yong Bok Go, Naoki Ara- 
tani, Sang Beom Choi, Eunwoo Choi, 
A. Ozgur Yazaydin, Randall Q. Snurr, 
Michael O'Keeffe, Jaheon Kim, Omar 
M. Yaghi. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Green Carbon Center 

Green Carbon Center 

josep saldana, October 26, 2010 
tags: energy + climate 

Rice University has created a Green 
Carbon Center to bring the benefits 
offered by oil, gas, coal, wind, solar, 
geothermal, biomass and other energy 
sources together in a way that will not 
only help ensure the world's energy 
future but also provide a means to 
recycle carbon dioxide into useful 

Whether or not one believes in anthro- 
pogenic climate change, the fact is 
humans are throwing away a poten- 
tially valuable resource with every ton 
of carbon dioxide released into the 
atmosphere, said James Tour, Rice's 
T.T. and W.F. Chao Chair in Chemistry 
as well as a professor of mechanical 
engineering and materials science and 
of computer science. Far from being 
a villain in the global warming debate, 
carbon will be a boon if the world can 
learn to use it well, he said. "The key 
is to turn carbon dioxide into a useful 
material so it's no longer waste," he 
said. "We want the center to partner 
with energy companies — including 
oil, natural gas and coal — to make 
carbon a profitable resource." 

A number of strategies are detailed in 
a paper. Tour said the paper presents 
a taste of what Rice's new center in- 
tends to be: a think tank for ideas 
about the future of energy with 
a focus on green carbon and 
the technological know-how to 
back it up. As part of Rice's Richard 
E. Smalley Institute for Nanoscale 
Science and Technology, the Green 
Carbon Center will draw upon the 
combined knowledge of the univer- 
sity's nanotechnology experts, for 
whom the development of clean and 
plentiful energy is a priority. 

"Eighty-five percent of our country's 
energy comes from fossil fuels, and 
Houston is the world capital of the 
industry that makes and produces 
and transports those fossil fuels to 
all of us," Colvin said. "So we are in a 
unique position as the leading univer- 
sity in Texas to transform that industry, 
to develop it in a green way, to make 
it sustainable and to teach people that 
just because it's carbon doesn't mean 
it has an environmental consequence, 
but it can in fact help us transition to 
a renewable energy economy of the 

Source: From Green Carbon Center 
takes all-inclusive view of energy. Rice 
University think tank will strategize on 
environmentally sound policies on oil, 
gas, coal by Mike Williams. A number 
of strategies are detailed in the paper 
"Green carbon as a bridge to re- 
newable energy" by James M. Tour, 
Carter Kittrell & Vicki L. Colvin. 


A green use of carbon-based resources 
that minimizes the environmental impact of 
carbon fuels could allow a smooth transi- 
tion from fossil fuels to a sustainable energy 

Carbon-based resources (coal, natural gas 
and oil) give us most of the world's energy 
today but the energy economy of the 
future must necessarily be far more diverse. 
Energy generation through solar, wind and 
geothermal means is developing now, but 
not fast enough to meet our expanding 
global energy needs. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Unraveling the mysteries 
of photosynthesis 

josep saldana, May 12, 2010 

tags: milestone + photosynthesis + energy + nanophotonics 

V J 

The schematic on the left shows the absorption of light by a light harvesting complex and the 
transport of the resulting excitation energy to the reaction center through the FMO protein. 
On the right is a monomer of the FMO protein, showing its orientation relative to the antenna 
and the reaction center. The numbers label FMO's seven pigment molecules. 
Image by Mohan Sarovar and Akihito Ishizaki. 

The future of clean green solar power 
may well hinge on scientists be- 
ing able to unravel the mysteries of 
photosynthesis, the process by which 
green plants convert sunlight into 
electrochemical energy. To this end, 
researchers with the U.S. Department 
of Energy (DOE)'s Lawrence Berkeley 
National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) 
and the University of California (UC), 
Berkeley have recorded the first ob- 
servation and characterization of 
a critical physical phenomenon 
behind photosynthesis known as 
quantum entanglement. 

Previous experiments led by Graham 
Fleming, a physical chemist holding 
joint appointments with Berkeley Lab 
and UC Berkeley, pointed to quantum 
mechanical effects as the key to the 
ability of green plants, through photo- 
synthesis, to almost instantaneously 
transfer solar energy from molecules in 
light harvesting complexes to mole- 
cules in electrochemical reaction cen- 
ters. Now a new collaborative team 
that includes Fleming have identified 
entanglement as a natural feature of 
these quantum effects. When two 
quantum-sized particles, for example 
a pair of electrons, are "entangled," 
any change to one will be instantly re- 
flected in the other, no matter how far 
apart they might be. Though physically 
separated, the two particles act as a 
single entity. 

"This is the first study to show 
that entanglement, perhaps 
the most distinctive property of 
quantum mechanical systems, 
is present across an entire light 
harvesting complex," says Mohan 
Sarovar, a post-doctoral researcher 
under UC Berkeley chemistry profes- 
sor Birgitta Whaley at the Berkeley 
Center for Quantum Information and 
Computation. "While there have been 
prior investigations of entanglement 
in toy systems that were motivated 
by biology, this is the first instance in 
which entanglement has been exam- 
ined and quantified in a real biological 

system. "The results of this study hold 
implications not only for the devel- 
opment of artificial photosynthesis 
systems as a renewable non-polluting 
source of electrical energy, but also for 
the future development of quantum- 
based technologies in areas such as 
computing - a quantum computer 
could perform certain operations 
thousands of times faster than any 
conventional computer. 

What may prove to be this study's 
most significant revelation is that con- 
trary to the popular scientific notion 
that entanglement is a fragile and ex- 
otic property, difficult to engineer and 
maintain, the Berkeley researchers 
have demonstrated that entangle- 
ment can exist and persist in the 
chaotic chemical complexity of 
a biological system. "We present 
strong evidence for quantum entangle- 
ment in noisy non-equilibrium systems 
at high temperatures by determining 
the timescales and temperatures for 
which entanglement is observable in 
a protein structure that is central to 
photosynthesis in certain bacteria," 

Sarovar says. 

Green plants and certain bacteria are 
able to transfer the energy harvested 
from sunlight through a network 
of light harvesting pigment-protein 
complexes and into reaction centers 
with nearly 1 00-percent efficiency. 
Speed is the key - the transfer of 
the solar energy takes place so fast 
that little energy is wasted as heat. In 
2007, Fleming and his research group 
reported the first direct evidence that 
this essentially instantaneous energy 
transfer was made possible by a 
remarkably long-lived, wavelike elec- 
tronic quantum coherence. 
Source: From Untangling the 
Quantum Entanglement Behind 
Photosynthesis: Berkeley scien- 
tists shine new light on green 
plant secrets by Lynn Yarris. This 
work is detailed in the paper Quan- 
tum entanglement in photosyn- 
thetic light-harvesting complex- 
es by Mohan Sarovar, Akihito Ishizaki, 
Graham R. Fleming & K. Birgitta 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Illuminated arec 

Observed area 

josep saldana, July 1 1 , 2010 

tags: photosynthesis + nanophotonics + energy 

Here we report the first observation of long- 
range transport of excitation energy within a 
biomimetic molecular nanoarray constructed 
from LH2 antenna complexes from Rhodo- 
bacter sphaeroides. 

Nanotechnologists have discovered 
that the photosynthesis system of 
bacteria can be used to trans- 
port light over relatively long 
distances. They have developed 
a type of 'molecular glass fibre', 
a thousand times thinner than a hu- 
man hair. 

All plants and some bacteria use 
photosynthesis to store energy from 
the sun. Researchers from the MESA+ 
Institute for Nanotechnology of the 
University of Twente have now discov- 
ered how parts of the photosynthesis 
system of bacteria can be used to 
transport light. In their experiments 
the researchers used isolated proteins 
from the so-called Light Harvesting 
Complex (LHC). These proteins trans- 
port the sunlight in the cells of plants 
and bacteria to a place in the cell 
where the solar energy is stored. The 
researchers built a type of 'molecular 
glass fibre' from the LHC proteins that 
is a thousand times thinner than a hu- 
man hair. 

In the experiment the researchers 
fastened the proteins onto a fixed 
background. They positioned them 
in a line, and in this way formed a 
thread. They then shone laser light to 

one point in the thread, and observed 
where the light went to. The line 
with the LHC proteins did not only 
transport the light, but transported it 
over much longer distances than the 
researchers had initially expected. Dis- 
tances of around 50 nanometres are 
normally bridged in the bacteria from 
which the LHC proteins were isolated. 
In the researchers' experiments the 
light covered distances at least thirty 
times greater. 

According to Cees Otto, one of the 
researchers involved, we can learn a 
lot from nature in experiments such 
as this. "The LHC proteins are the 
building blocks that nature gives us, 
and using then we can learn more 
about natural processes such as 
the transport of light in photo- 
synthesis. When we understand how 
nature works, we can then imitate it. 
In time we will be able to use this prin- 
ciple in, for example, solar panels." 

The research was carried out in part- 
nership with the University of Shef- 
field, and fully financed by NanoNed. 
Source: MESA+/University of Twente 
nanotechnologists create 'molecular 
glass fibres'. This work is detailed 
in the paper Long-Range Energy 

Propagation in Nanometre Arrays of 
Light Harvesting Antenna Complexes 
by Maryana Escalante, Aufried Len- 
ferink, Yiping Zhao, Niels Tas, Jurriaan 
Huskens, Neil Hunter, Vinod Subrama- 
niam and Cees Otto. "Here we report 
the first observation of long-range 
transport of excitation energy within a 
biomimetic molecular nanoarray con- 
structed from LH2 antenna complexes 
from Rhodobacter sphaeroides." 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Energy Innovation Hub 

josep saldana, September 17, 2010 

tags: photosynthesis + energy + national initiatives + video 

«4 ^ 


Artificial Photosynthesis 

As part of a broad effort to achieve 
breakthrough innovations in energy 
production, U.S. Deputy Secretary of 
Energy Daniel Poneman announced an 
award of up to $122 million over five 
years to a multidisciplinary team of top 
scientists to establish an Energy 
Innovation Hub aimed at devel- 
oping revolutionary methods 
to generate fuels directly from 

The Joint Center for Artificial Pho- 
tosynthesis (JCAP), to be led by the 
California Institute of Technology (Cal 
Tech) in partnership with the U.S. De- 
partment of Energy's Lawrence Berke- 
ley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), 
will bring together leading researchers 
in an ambitious effort aimed at 
simulating nature's photosyn- 
thetic apparatus for practical 
energy production. The goal of the 
Hub is to develop an integrated solar 
energy-to-chemical fuel conversion 
system and move this system from the 
bench-top discovery phase to a scale 
where it can be commercialized. 

JCAP research will be directed at the 
discovery of the functional compo- 
nents necessary to assemble a com- 
plete artificial photosynthetic system: 
light absorbers, catalysts, molecular 
linkers, and separation membranes. 
The Hub will then integrate those 
components into an operational solar 
fuel system and develop scale-up 

strategies to move from the labora- 
tory toward commercial viability. 

The ultimate objective is to drive the 
field of solar fuels from fundamental 
research, where it has resided for 
decades, into applied research and 
technology development, thereby 
setting the stage for the creation of a 
direct solar fuels industry. 

The Hub will be directed by Nathan S. 
Lewis, Cal Tech. Other members of the 
Hub leadership team include: Bruce 
Brunschwig (Cal Tech), Peidong Yang 
(UC Berkeley/Berkeley Lab), and Harry 
Atwater (Cal Tech). In addition to the 
major partners, Cal Tech and Berkeley 
Lab, other participating institutions 
include SLAC National Accelerator 
Laboratory, Stanford, California; the 
University of California, Berkeley; the 
University of California, Santa Barbara; 
the University of California, Irvine; and 
the University of California, San Diego. 

Learn more information on the Hubs. 
Source: From Caltech-led Team 
Gets up to $122 Million for 
Energy Innovation Hub. Caltech 
will partner with Lawrence Berkeley 
Nat. Lab. and other CA institutions to 
develop method to produce fuels from 

In response to the announcement, 
Berkeley Lab director Paul Alivisatos, 
an authority on nanocrystals for solar 
energy applications and founder of the 

Helios: Solar Energy Research Center, 
said, "In order to replace fossil fuels, 
we need to get a lot more proficient 
at harvesting sunlight and convert- 
ing it into forms of energy that can 
be used for transportation and other 
human needs. Nature provides a 
model solution to this problem 
through photosynthesis. We want 
to emulate this process but do it with 
artificial materials that could be much 
more efficient and use much less land. 
The ultimate goal would be to deploy 
an artificial photosynthetic system 
across a large geographical area, at a 
level of efficiency that could provide 
the United States with a significant 
alternative fuel source." 
Source: From Berkeley Lab Part of 
California Team to Receive up to $122 
million for Energy Innovation Hub to 
Develop Method to Produce Fuels 
from Sunlight. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

josep saldana, June 14, 2010 

tags: milestone + energy + nanoparticles + photosynthesis 



ITO Glas 
^ Farbstoff- Elektronenspender 


ITO Glas mit PPy beschichtet 
Ti0 2 - Elektronenfanger 

Principle of the Gratzel cell 

by Sebastian Spohn, Dietmar Dr. Scherr 

The 2010 Millennium Prize Laureate 
Michael Gratzel is the father of third 
generation dye-sensitized solar cells. 
Gratzel cells, which promise electric- 
ity-generating windows and low-cost 
solar panels, have just made their 
debut in consumer products. 

"For his invention and development 
of dye-sensitized solar cells, known 
as 'Gratzel cells'. The excellent price/ 
performance ratio of these novel 
devices gives them major potential as 
significant contributor to the diverse 
portfolio of future energy technolo- 
gies. Gratzel cells are likely to have 
an important role in low-cost, large- 
scale solutions for renewable energy. 
Besides photovoltaics, the concepts 
of Gratzel cells can also be applied in 
batteries and hydrogen production, 
all important components of future 
energy needs." - International Selec- 
tion Committee 

One of mankind's greatest challenges 
is to find ways to replace the diminish- 
ing fossil fuel supply. The most obvi- 
ous energy source is the sun, origin of 
almost all the energy found on Earth. 

The surface of the Earth receives 
solar radiation energy at an average of 
81 ,000 terawatt - exceeding the whole 
global energy demand by a factor of 
5,000. Yet, we are still figuring out a 
cost-effective way of harnessing it. 

Solar cells, converting energy from the 
sun into electricity, were first used in 
the 1950s to power orbiting satel- 
lites and other spacecraft. Applied to 
power generation on Earth, the price 
does matter. Selected silicon based 
technology was - and still is - expen- 
sive, even if the cost of photovoltaics 
has declined steadily since the first 
solar cells were manufactured. 

Gratzel's innovation, the dye solar cell 
(DSC), is a third generation photo- 
voltaic technology. The technol- 
ogy often described as 'artificial 
photosynthesis' is a promising 
alternative to standard silicon 
photovoltaics. It is made of low- 
cost materials and does not need an 
elaborate apparatus to manufacture. 
Though DSC cells are still in relatively 
early stages of development, they 
show great promise as an inexpensive 

alternative to costly silicon solar cells 
and an attractive candidate for a new 
renewable energy source. 

In the 1980s Gratzel was working 
doing basic research on nanotechnol- 
ogy. They were the first to make 
nanoparticles from titanium 
oxide. The properties of the new 
material were examined in many ways. 
"That was a fundamental study, just 
driven by our curiosity. Nobody had 
done it before. However this experi- 
ments provided important insight in 
the sensitization process that formed 
the scientific basis for the subsequent 
realization of dye sensitized solar 

Source: Millennium Prize - PROFES- 
CELLS. The original landmark paper 
presenting an entirely new paradigm in 
photovoltaic technology: A low-cost, 
high-efficiency solar cell based 
on dye-sensitized colloidal Ti0 2 
films by Brian O'Regan & Michael 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Self-assembling photovoltaic 
technology that repairs itself 

josep saldana, September 6, 2010 

tags: photosynthesis+ energy + self-assembly + nanophotonics 

scaffold protein Sodium cholate 
lipid rmceHe 

Plants are good at doing what scien- 
tists and engineers have been strug- 
gling to do for decades: converting 
sunlight into stored energy, and doing 
so reliably day after day, year after 
year. Now some MIT scientists have 
succeeded in mimicking a key aspect 
of that process. One of the problems 
with harvesting sunlight is that the 
sun's rays can be highly destructive 
to many materials. Sunlight leads to a 
gradual degradation of many systems 
developed to harness it. But plants 
have adopted an interesting strategy 
to address this issue: They constantly 
break down their light-capturing 
molecules and reassemble them from 
scratch, so the basic structures that 
capture the sun's energy are, in effect, 
always brand new. 

That process has now been imitated 
by Michael Strano and his team of 
graduate students and researchers. 
They have created a novel set of 
self-assembling molecules that 
can turn sunlight into electricity; 
the molecules can be repeatedly 
broken down and then reassem- 
bled quickly, just by adding or 
removing an additional solution. 
Strano says the idea first occurred to 
him when he was reading about plant 
biology. "I was really impressed by 
how plant cells have this extremely ef- 
ficient repair mechanism," he says. In 
full summer sunlight, "a leaf on a tree 
is recycling its proteins about every 45 
minutes, even though you might think 
of it as a static photocell." 

One of Strano's long-term research 
goals has been to find ways to 
imitate principles found in nature 
using nanocomponents. To imitate 
photosynthesis, Strano and his team 
produced synthetic molecules called 
phospholipids that form discs; these 
discs provide structural support for 
other molecules that actually respond 
to light, in structures called reac- 
tion centers, which release electrons 
when struck by particles of light. The 
discs, carrying the reaction centers, 

• Single-walled 



reaction centre 


reaction centre 

Schematic of self-assembled photoelectrochemical complexes. 

are in a solution where they attach 
themselves spontaneously to carbon 
nanotubes. The nanotubes hold the 
phospholipid discs in a uniform align- 
ment so that the reaction centers can 
all be exposed to sunlight at once, and 
they also act as wires to collect and 
channel the flow of electrons knocked 
loose by the reactive molecules. 

The system Strano's team pro- 
duced is made up of seven different 
compounds, including the carbon 
nanotubes, the phospholipids, and 
the proteins that make up the reaction 
centers, which under the right condi- 
tions spontaneously assemble them- 
selves into a light-harvesting structure 
that produces an electric current. 
Strano says he believes this sets 
a record for the complexity of 
a self-assembling system. When 
a surfactant is added to the mix, the 
seven components all come apart and 
form a soupy solution. Then, when the 
researchers removed the surfactant by 
pushing the solution through a mem- 
brane, the compounds spontaneously 
assembled once again into a perfectly 
formed, rejuvenated photocell. 

"We're basically imitating tricks that 
nature has discovered over millions 
of years" — in particular, "reversibility, 
the ability to break apart and reassem- 
ble," Strano says. The team came up 
with the system based on a theoretical 
analysis, but then decided to build a 
prototype cell to test it out. They ran 
the cell through repeated cycles of 
assembly and disassembly over a 14- 
hour period, with no loss of efficiency. 

Strano says that in devising novel 

systems for generating electricity from 
light, researchers don't often study 
how the systems change over time. 
For conventional silicon-based photo- 
voltaic cells, there is little degradation, 
but with many new systems being de- 
veloped — either for lower cost, higher 
efficiency, flexibility or other improved 
characteristics — the degradation can 
be very significant. "Often people see, 
over 60 hours, the efficiency falling to 
10 percent of what you initially saw," 
he says. 

The individual reactions of these 
new molecular structures in 
converting sunlight are about 
40 percent efficient, or about 
double the efficiency of today's 
best commercial solar cells. 
Theoretically, the efficiency of 
the structures could be close 
to 100 percent, he says. But in the 
initial work, the concentration of the 
structures in the solution was low, so 
the overall efficiency of the device was 
very low. They are working now to find 
ways to greatly increase the concen- 

Source: New self-assembling photo- 
voltaic technology that repairs itself 
by David L. Chandler. This work is 
detailed in the paper Photoelectro- 
chemical complexes for solar en- 
ergy conversion that chemically 
and autonomously regenerate 
by Moon-Ho Ham, Jong Hyun Choi, 
Ardemis A. Boghossian, Esther S. 
Jeng, Rachel A. Graff, Daniel A. Heller, 
Alice C. Chang, Aidas Mattis, Timothy 
H. Bayburt, Yelena V. Grinkova, Adam 
S. Zeiger, Krystyn J. Van Vliet, Erik K. 
Hobbie, Stephen G. Sligar, Colin A. 
Wraight & Michael S. Strano 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Turn windows 

into power generators 

josep saldana, August 23, 2010 

tags: energy + nanoparticles + architecture + video 

Images depicting the inside of the deposition chamber taken when scientists are depositing the insulating 
film. The different colours are due to the different gases being used. 
Credit: Prof. Chris Binns, University of Leicester. 

An international team of scientists and 
industrialists is to meet at the Univer- 
sity of Leicester to develop a revolu- 
tionary new technique for harnessing 
green energy. Norwegian company 
EnSol AS has patented a ground 
breaking, novel thin film solar 
cell technology which they seek to 
develop commercially by 2016. The 
company is now working with experts 
in the University of Leicester Depart- 
ment of Physics and Astronomy to 
develop the revolutionary new type of 
solar cell material that could be coated 
as a thin film on, for example, win- 
dows in buildings to produce power 
on a large scale. 

Professor of Nanotechnology at the 
University of Leicester, Professor 
Chris Binns, said the collaboration 
offered a tremendous opportunity to 
develop a new method for harnessing 
solar energy: "The material has been 
designed by EnSol AS and is based 
on nanoparticles that can be synthe- 
sised in Leicester. In fact, following 
some initial investment by the com- 
pany, the equipment we have here at 
the University of Leicester is uniquely 
suited in the world to produce small 
amounts of the material for proto- 
types. The work is important since 
the solar cells are based on a new 
operating principle and different to Si 
solar cells. One of the key advantages 
is that it is a transparent thin film that 

can be coated onto window glass so 
that windows in buildings can also 
become power generators. Obviously 
some light has to be absorbed in order 
to generate power but the windows 
would just have a slight tinting (though 
a transmission of only 8-10% is com- 
mon place for windows in the "sun 
belt" areas of the world) . Conversely 
the structural material of the building 
can also be coated with a higher de- 
gree of absorption. This could be side 
panels of the building itself, or even in 
the form of "clip-together" solar roof 
tiles. Also since it is a thin film that can 
be coated onto large areas it could 
become very much cheaper than 
conventional devices. Photovoltaics 
are destined to form a key power 
generating method as part of 
a low carbon economy and the 
new technology will bring that a 
stage closer." 

The material is composed of metal 
nanoparticles (diameters ~ 10 nm) 
embedded in a transparent composite 

A spokesperson for EnSol AS said: 
"The basic cell concept has been 
demonstrated, and it will be the objec- 
tive of this research and development 
project to systematically refine this 
PV cell technology to achieve a cell 
efficiency of 20% or greater. A thin 
film deposition system with nano- 

particle source, will be designed and 
constructed in collaboration with the 
University of Leicester for the fabrica- 
tion of prototype cells based on this 
design. This experimental facility will 
be designed to produce PV cells with 
an active area in excess of 16 cm 2 (40 
mm x 40 mm) deposited onto stan- 
dard glass substrates. These proto- 
type cells will subsequently be char- 
acterised and tested in collaboration 
with our academic partners. EnSol's 
next generation PV cell technol- 
ogy has tremendous potential for 
industrial scale, low environmen- 
tal impact, cost effective pro- 
duction via standard "spray on" 

Source: New technique announced 
to turn windows into power genera- 
tors. Norwegian company EnSol AS 
to develop unique patented technol- 
ogy in collaboration with University of 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Car of the future powered by their 

josep saldana, October 1 , 201 0 
tags: carbon nanotubes + energy 

Imperial College 

> Demonstration of new type of battery technology 

Imagine a car which body also 
serves as a rechargeable bat- 
tery. A battery that stores brak- 
ing energy while you drive and 
that also stores energy when 
you plug in the car overnight to 
recharge. At the moment this is just 
a fascinating idea, but tests are cur- 
rently under way to see if the vision 
can be transformed into reality. Volvo 
Cars is one out of nine participants in 
an international materials development 

Among the foremost challenges in the 
development of hybrids and electric 
cars are the size, weight and cost of 
the current generation of batteries. 
In order to deliver sufficient capacity 
using today's technology, it is neces- 
sary to fit large batteries, which in turn 
increases the car's weight. 

Earlier this year, a materials develop- 
ment project was launched by Imperial 
College in London that brings to- 
gether nine European companies and 
institutes. Volvo Cars is the only car 
manufacturer participating in the proj- 
ect. With the help of 35 million SEK 
(approx. 3.5 million EURO) in financial 
support from the European Union 
(EU), a composite blend of carbon 
fibres and polymer resin is be- 
ing developed that can store 
and charge more energy faster 
than conventional batteries can. 
At the same time, the material 

is extremely strong and pliant, 
which means it can be shaped 
for use in building the car's body 
panels. According to calculations, the 
car's weight could be cut by as much 
as 1 5 percent if steel body panels 
were replaced with the new material. 

The project will continue for three 
years. In the first stage, work focuses 
both on developing the composite 
material so it can store more energy 
and on studying ways of producing 
the material on an industrial scale. 
Only in the final stage will the battery 
be fitted to a car. 

"Our role is to contribute expertise on 
how this technology can be integrated 
in the future and to input ideas about 
the advantages and disadvantages in 
terms of cost and user-friendliness," 
says Per-lvar Sellergren, development 
engineer at the Volvo Cars Materials 

Initially, the car's spare wheel recess 
will be converted into a composite 
battery. "This is a relatively large 
structure that is easy to replace. Not 
sufficiently large to power the entire 
car, but enough to switch the engine 
off and on when the car is at a stand- 
still, for instance at traffic lights," says 
Per-lvar Sellergren. 

If the project is successful, there are 
many possible application areas. For 

instance, mobile phones will be able to 
be as slim as credit cards and laptops 
will manage longer without needing to 
be recharged. 

Source: From Tomorrow's Volvo car: 
body panels serve as the car battery 

The researchers say that the compos- 
ite material that they are developing, 
which is made of carbon fibres and a 
polymer resin, will store and discharge 
large amounts of energy much more 
quickly than conventional batteries. 
In addition, the material does not 
use chemical processes, making 
it quicker to recharge than con- 
ventional batteries. Furthermore, 
this recharging process causes 
little degradation in the com- 
posite material, because it does 
not involve a chemical reaction, 
whereas conventional batteries 
degrade over time. 

For the first stage of the project, the 
scientists are planning to further de- 
velop their composite material so that 
it can store more energy. The team 
will improve the material's mechanical 
properties by growing carbon nano- 
tubes on the surface of the carbon 
fibres, which should also increase the 
surface area of the material, which 
would improve its capacity to store 
more energy. 

Source: From Cars of the future could 
be powered by their bodywork thanks 
to new battery technology 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Next Solar Impulse aircraft 
and nanotechnology 

josep saldana, August 13, 2010 

tags: nanomaterial + carbon nanotubes + energy + video 

Illustration of the Solar Impulse prototype. Credit: Solar Impulse/EPFL Claudio Leonardi. 

The Solar Impulse aircraft, which is 
powered only by solar energy, has 
triumphantly completed its first night 
flight. The ultralight aircraft was air- 
borne for a total of 26 hours - from 7 
am on July 7 until 9 am the following 
day (Central European Time) - before 
finally landing as planned at Payerne 
airbase in Switzerland. It is now of- 
ficially the first manned aircraft 
capable of flying day and night 
without fuel, powered entirely by 
solar energy. 

"We extend our sincere congratula- 
tions to Bertrand Piccard and Andre 
Borschberg of Solar Impulse, and 
are delighted to be part of this terrific 
achievement," says Patrick Thomas, 
CEO of Bayer MaterialScience. "This 
is a further milestone on the way to 
the first solar-powered circumnaviga- 
tion of the globe. We are proud to be 
an official partner of the Solar Impulse 
project and to make a further positive 
contribution to climate-friendly mobil- 
ity with our innovative materials." 

In 2013 a second prototype is sched- 
uled to fly right round the world in five 

stages, each lasting five days, travel- 
ing at an average speed of 70 km/h. 
Source: BAYNEWS - The Bayer Press 
Server - Solar Impulse aircraft suc- 
cessfully completes its first night flight. 
Bayer MaterialScience contributes 
innovative materials to long-range 
solar-powered aircraft 

Bayer MaterialScience has become 
an official partner of the Solar Impulse 
project. Its founders Bertrand Piccard 
and Andre Borschberg are develop- 
ing the first manned aircraft aiming 
to fly around the world day and night 
without fuel, propelled by solar energy 
only. The latest cutting-edge technol- 
ogy is incorporated into the prototype 
airplane, which has the wingspan of 
a large airliner (63.40 meters) and the 
weight of a midsize car (1 .600 kilo- 
grams). Some 12,000 solar cells cover 
its surface to run 4 electrical engines 
and store the solar energy for the night 
in 400 kilograms of lithium batteries. 

Bayer MaterialScience will support the 
Swiss-based Solar Impulse initiative 
with technical expertise, high-tech 
polymer materials and energy-saving 

lightweight products. Bay tubes® 
carbon nanotubes from Bayer 
MaterialScience, for example, 
could increase battery perfor- 
mance and improve the strength 
of structural components while 
keeping their weight to a mini- 
mum. Other potential applications 
include innovative adhesives, poly- 
urethane rigid foams for paneling in 
the cockpit and engine, and extremely 
thin yet break-resistant polycarbonate 
films and sheet for the cockpit glazing. 

Bertrand Piccard, Initiator of Solar 
Impulse, says support from Bayer 
MaterialScience is a significant boost 
for the project. "I've always been 
fascinated by nanotechnology. 
Now, with Bayer MaterialScience as 
an official partner, we will be able to 
make our airplane even lighter and 
more efficient. We look forward with 
great enthusiasm to being able to tap 
into the company's renowned exper- 
tise and innovative materials." 
Source: Bayer MaterialScience 
becomes official partner for Solar 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Nanowires battery can hold 1 0 
times the charge of existing Li-ion 

Ijosep saldana, December 14, 2010 
tags: energy 

Researchers have found a way to 
use silicon nanowires to reinvent 
the rechargeable lithium-ion 
batteries that power laptops, iPods, 
video cameras, cell phones, and 
countless other devices. 

The new technology, developed 
through research led by Yi Cui, as- 
sistant professor of materials science 
and engineering at Stanford, produces 
10 times the amount of electricity of 
existing lithium-ion, known as Li-ion, 
batteries. A laptop that now runs 
on battery for two hours could 
operate for 20 hours, a boon to 
ocean-hopping business travelers. 
"It's not a small improvement," Cui 
said. "It's a revolutionary develop- 

The greatly expanded storage 
capacity could make Li-ion bat- 
teries attractive to electric car 
manufacturers. Cui suggested 
that they could also be used in 
homes or offices to store elec- 
tricity generated by rooftop solar 

"Given the mature infrastructure 
behind silicon, this new technology 
can be pushed to real life quickly," Cui 

The electrical storage capacity of a 
Li-ion battery is limited by how much 
lithium can be held in the battery's 
anode, which is typically made of 
carbon. Silicon has a much higher 
capacity than carbon, but also has a 

Silicon placed in a battery swells as 
it absorbs positively charged lithium 
atoms during charging, then shrinks 
during use (i.e., when playing your 
iPod) as the lithium is drawn out of 
the silicon. This expand/shrink cycle 
typically causes the silicon (often in 
the form of particles or a thin film) to 
pulverize, degrading the performance 
of the battery. 

Photos taken by a scanning electron microscope of silicon nanowires before (left) and after 
(right) absorbing lithium. Both photos were taken at the same magnification. 
Courtesy Nature Nanotechnology. 

Cui's battery gets around this prob- 
lem with nanotechnology. The lithium 
is stored in a forest of tiny silicon 
nanowires, each with a diameter one- 
thousandth the thickness of a sheet 
of paper. The nanowires inflate four 
times their normal size as they soak 
up lithium. But, unlike other silicon 
shapes, they do not fracture. 

Research on silicon in batteries began 
three decades ago. Chan explained: 
"The people kind of gave up on it 
because the capacity wasn't high 
enough and the cycle life wasn't good 
enough. And it was just because of 
the shape they were using. It was just 
too big, and they couldn't undergo the 
volume changes." Then, along came 
silicon nanowires. "We just kind of put 
them together," Chan said. 

Cui said that a patent application has 
been filed. He is considering formation 
of a company or an agreement with a 
battery manufacturer. Manufacturing 
the nanowire batteries would require 
"one or two different steps, but the 
process can certainly be scaled up," 
he added. "It's a well understood 

Source: From Nanowire battery can 
hold 10 times the charge of existing 
lithium-ion battery By Dan Stober. This 
work is detailed in the paper "High- 
performance lithium battery anodes 
using silicon nanowires" by Candace 
K. Chan, Hailin Peng, Gao Liu, Kevin 
Mcllwrath, Xiao Feng Zhang, Robert A. 
Huggins & Yi Cui . 


There is great interest in developing 
rechargeable lithium batteries with higher 
energy capacity and longer cycle life for 
applications in portable electronic devices, 
electric vehicles and implantable medi- 
cal devices. Silicon is an attractive anode 
material for lithium batteries because it has 
a low discharge potential and the highest 
known theoretical charge capacity (4,200 
mAh g -1). Although this is more than 
ten times higher than existing graphite 
anodes and much larger than various 
nitride and oxide materials, silicon anodes 
have limited applications because silicon's 
volume changes by 400% upon insertion 
and extraction of lithium which results in 
pulverization and capacity fading. Here, 
we show that silicon nanowire battery 
electrodes circumvent these issues as they 
can accommodate large strain without pul- 
verization, provide good electronic contact 
and conduction, and display short lithium 
insertion distances. We achieved the theo- 
retical charge capacity for silicon anodes 
and maintained a discharge capacity close 
to 75% of this maximum, with little fading 
during cycling. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Scanning probe microscopy reveal 
battery behavior at the nanoscale 

A new electrochemical strain microscopy (ESM) technique developed at Oak Ridge National 
Laboratory can map lithium ion flow through a battery's cathode material. This 1 micron x 1 
micron composite image demonstrates how regions on a cathode surface display varying 
electrochemical behaviors when probed with ESM. 

josep saldaha, October 4, 201 0 
tags: microscope + energy 

As industries and consumers increas- 
ingly seek improved battery power 
sources, cutting-edge microscopy 
performed at the Department 
of Energy's Oak Ridge National 
Laboratory is providing an un- 
precedented perspective on how 
lithium-ion batteries function. 

A research team led by ORNL's Nina 
Balke, Stephen Jesse and Sergei Kali- 
nin has developed a new type of scan- 
ning probe microscopy called electro- 
chemical strain microscopy (ESM) to 
examine the movement of lithium ions 
through a battery's cathode material. 
Balke, Jesse and Kalinin are research 
scientists at ORNL's Center for Nano- 
phase Materials Science. 

"We can provide a detailed picture 
of ionic motion in nanometer vol- 
umes, which exceeds state-of-the-art 
electrochemical techniques by six to 
seven orders of magnitude," Kalinin 
said. Researchers achieved the results 
by applying voltage with an ESM 
probe to the surface of the battery's 
layered cathode. By measuring the 
corresponding electrochemical strain, 
or volume change, the team was able 
to visualize how lithium ions flowed 
through the material. Conventional 
electrochemical techniques, which 
analyze electric current instead of 
strain, do not work on a nanoscale 
level because the electrochemical 
currents are too small to measure, 
Kalinin explained. "These are the first 
measurements, to our knowledge, of 
lithium ion flow at this spatial resolu- 
tion," Kalinin said. 

Lithium-ion batteries, which power 
electronic devices from cell phones 
to electric cars, are valued for their 
low weight, high energy density and 
recharging ability. Researchers hope 
to extend the batteries' performance 
by lending engineers a finely tuned 
knowledge of battery components and 

"We want to understand - from a 

nanoscale perspective - what makes 
one battery work and one battery fail. 
This can be done by examining its 
functionality at the level of a single 
grain or an extended defect," Balke 
said. "Very small changes at the nano- 
meter level could have a huge impact 
at the device level," Balke said. "Un- 
derstanding the batteries at this length 
scale could help make suggestions for 
materials engineering." 

Although the research focused on 
lithium-ion batteries, the team expects 
that its technique could be used to 
measure other electrochemical solid- 
state systems, including other battery 
types, fuel cells and similar electronic 
devices that use nanoscale ionic mo- 
tion for information storage. 

"We see this method as an example of 
the kinds of higher dimensional scan- 
ning probe techniques that we are 
developing at CNMS that enable us 
to see the inner workings of complex 
materials at the nanoscale," Jesse 
said. "Such capabilities are particularly 
relevant to the increasingly important 
area of energy research." 

Source: ORNL scientists reveal battery 
behavior at the nanoscale. This work 
is detailed in the paper Nanoscale 
mapping of ion diffusion in a lithium- 
ion battery cathode by N. Balke, S. 
Jesse, A. N. Morozovska, E. Eliseev, 

D. W. Chung, Y. Kim, L. Adamczyk, R. 

E. Garcia, N. Dudney & S. V. Kalinin. 


The movement of lithium ions into and out 
of electrodes is central to the operation of 
lithium-ion batteries. Although this process 
has been extensively studied at the device 
level, it remains insufficiently characterized 
at the nanoscale level of grain clusters, 
single grains and defects. Here, we probe 
the spatial variation of lithium-ion diffu- 
sion times in the battery-cathode mate- 
rial LiCo02 at a resolution of -700 nm by 
using an atomic force microscope to both 
redistribute lithium ions and measure the 
resulting cathode deformation. The rela- 
tionship between diffusion and single grains 
and grain boundaries is observed, revealing 
that the diffusion coefficient increases for 
certain grain orientations and single-grain 
boundaries. This knowledge provides 
feedback to improve understanding of 
the nanoscale mechanisms underpinning 
lithium-ion battery operation. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

World's smallest battery offers 
"a view never before seen" 
to improve batteries 

josep saldana, December 12, 2010 
tags: energy + microscope 

vire before charging 

" Bl1 " 

Sn()2 nanowire after charging, elongation 90%, diameter expansion 35%, 
volume expansion 25(1% 

The Medusa twist: formerly unobserved 
increase in length and twist of the anode in 
a nanobattery. (Courtesy DOE Center for 
Integrated Nanotechnologies) 

A benchtop version of the world's 
smallest battery — its anode a single 
nanowire one seven-thousandth the 
thickness of a human hair — has been 
created by a team led by Sandia Na- 
tional Laboratories researcher Jianyu 
Huang. To better study the anode's 
characteristics, the tiny rechargeable, 
lithium-based battery was formed 
inside a transmission electron micro- 
scope (TEM) at the Center for Inte- 
grated Nanotechnologies (CINT), a 
Department of Energy research facility 
jointly operated by Sandia and Los 
Alamos national laboratories. 

Says Huang, "This experiment 
enables us to study the charg- 
ing and discharging of a battery 
in real time and at atomic scale 
resolution, thus enlarging our 
understanding of the fundamen- 
tal mechanisms by which batter- 
ies work." Because nanowire-based 
materials in lithium ion batteries offer 
the potential for significant improve- 
ments in power and energy density 
over bulk electrodes, more stringent 
investigations of their operating prop- 
erties should improve new generations 
of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, 
laptops and cell phones. 

The tiny battery created by Huang and 
co-workers consists of a single tin ox- 
ide nanowire anode 100 nanometers 
in diameter and 10 micrometers long, 
a bulk lithium cobalt oxide cathode 
three millimeters long, and an ionic 
liquid electrolyte. The device offers the 
ability to directly observe change in 
atomic structure during charging and 

An unexpected find of the researchers 
was that the tin oxide nanowire rod 
nearly doubles in length during charg- 
ing — far more than its diameter in- 
creases — a fact that could help avoid 
short circuits that may shorten battery 
life. "Manufacturers should take ac- 
count of this elongation in their battery 
design," Huang said. (The common 
belief of workers in the field has 
been that batteries swell across their 
diameter, not longitudinally.) Huang's 
group found this flaw by following the 
progression of the lithium ions as they 
travel along the nanowire and cre- 
ate what researchers christened the 
"Medusa front" — an area where high 
density of mobile dislocations cause 
the nanowire to bend and wiggle as 
the front progresses. The web of dis- 
locations is caused by lithium penetra- 
tion of the crystalline lattice. "These 
observations prove that nanowires can 
sustain large stress (>10 GPa) induced 
by lithiation without breaking, indicat- 
ing that nanowires are very good can- 
didates for battery electrodes," said 
Huang. "Our observations — which 
initially surprised us — tell battery 
researchers how these dislocations 
are generated, how they evolve during 
charging, and offer guidance in how 
to mitigate them," Huang said. "This 
is the closest view to what's happen- 
ing during charging of a battery that 
researcher have achieved so far." 

"The methodology that we developed 
should stimulate extensive real-time 
studies of the microscopic processes 
in batteries and lead to a more com- 
plete understanding of the mecha- 
nisms governing battery performance 
and reliability," he said. "Our experi- 

ments also lay a foundation for in-situ 
studies of electrochemical reactions, 
and will have broad impact in energy 
storage, corrosion, electrodeposi- 
tion and general chemical synthesis 
research field." 

Source: From World's smallest bat- 
tery created at CINT nanotechnology 
center. This work is detailed in the 
paper In Situ Observation of the Elec- 
trochemical Lithiation of a Single Sn0 2 
Nanowire Electrode by Jian Yu Huang, 
Li Zhong, Chong Min Wang, John P. 
Sullivan, Wu Xu, Li Qiang Zhang, Scott 
X. Mao, Nicholas S. Hudak, Xiao Hua 
Liu, Arunkumar Subramanian, Hongy- 
ou Fan, Liang Qi, Akihiro Kushima and 
Ju Li. 


We report the creation of a nanoscale elec- 
trochemical device inside a transmission 
electron microscope— consisting of a single 
tin dioxide (SnOJ nanowire anode, an ionic 
liquid electrolyte, and a bulk lithium cobalt 
dioxide (LiCoOJ cathode— and the in situ 
observation of the lithiation of the Sn02 
nanowire during electrochemical charging. 
Upon charging, a reaction front propa- 
gated progressively along the nanowire, 
causing the nanowire to swell, elongate, 
and spiral. The reaction front is a "Medusa 
zone" containing a high density of mobile 
dislocations, which are continuously nucle- 
ated and absorbed at the moving front. This 
dislocation cloud indicates large in-plane 
misfit stresses and is a structural precur- 
sor to electrochemically driven solid-state 
amorphization. Because lithiation-induced 
volume expansion, plasticity, and pulveriza- 
tion of electrode materials are the major 
mechanical effects that plague the perfor- 
mance and lifetime of high-capacity anodes 
in lithium-ion batteries, our observations 
provide important mechanistic insight for 
the design of advanced batteries. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Could 135,000 Laptops Help Solve 
the Energy Challenge? 

josep saldana, December 8, 2010 
tags: energy + climate + video 

U.S Energy Secretary Steven Chu 
announced the largest ever awards 
of the Department's supercomputing 
time to 57 innovative research projects 
- using computer simulations to 
perform virtual experiments that 
in most cases would be impossi- 
ble or impractical in the natural 
world. Utilizing two world-leading 
supercomputers with a computational 
capacity roughly equal to 135,000 
quad-core laptops, the research 
could, for example, help speed the de- 
velopment of more efficient solar cells, 
improvements in biofuel production, 
or more effective medications to help 
slow the progression of Parkinson's 
disease. Specifically, the Department 
is awarding time on two of the world's 
fastest and most powerful supercom- 
puters — the Cray XT5 ("Jaguar") at 
Oak Ridge National Laboratory and 
the IBM Blue Gene/P ("Intrepid") at 
Argonne National Laboratory. Jaguar's 
computational capacity is roughly 
equivalent to 109,000 laptops all 
working together to solve the same 
problem. Intrepid is roughly equivalent 
to 26,000 laptops. Awarded under the 
Department's Innovative and Novel 

Computational Impact on Theory and 
Experiment (INCITE) program, many 
of the new and continuing INCITE 
projects aim to further renewable 
energy solutions and understand 
of the environmental impacts of 
energy use. 

One award for improving battery 
technology is profiled below in brief 

Understanding the Ultimate Bat- 
tery Chemistry: Rechargeable 

Principal Investigator: Jack Wells, Oak 
Ridge National Laboratory 
Utilizing both the Jaguar and Intrepid 
supercomputers, the research con- 
sortium will study and demonstrate a 
working prototype of a rechargeable 
Lithium/Air battery. The Lithium/Air 
battery can potentially store ten times 
the energy of a Lithium/Ion battery 
of the same weight. Realizing this 
enormous potential is a very challeng- 
ing scientific problem. If successful, 
this will enable rechargeable batteries 
that compete directly with gasoline, 
making fully electric vehicles practical 
and widespread. 

Read the full listing of awards, with 
detailed technical descriptions [among 
others: Petascale Modeling of Nano- 
electronic Devices, Probing the Non- 
Scalable Nano Regime in Catalytic 
Nanoparticles with Electronic Struc- 
ture Calculations, Electronic Structure 
Calculations for Nanostructures]. 
Source: Could 135,000 Laptops Help 
Solve the Energy Challenge?. Depart- 
ment of Energy Supercomputers to 
Pursue Breakthroughs in Biofuels, 
Nuclear Power, Medicine, Climate 
Change and Fundamental Research 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Converting brownian motion 
into work 

Ijosep saldana, June 22, 2010 
tags: nanodevice + nanomachinery + energy 

(top) The thought experiment is brought to 
life in a granular gas: the experimental setup 
(left) and the device in operation (center and 

(left) Smoluchowski's thought experiment 
with the vanes on the right, the cog on the 
left and in the middle a pulley with a weight. 


Researchers from the Foundation for 
Fundamental Research on Matter and 
University of Twente in the Nether- 
lands, and the University of Patras in 
Greece have for the first time experi- 
mentally realised, almost a century 
later, an idea dating from 1912. In 
that year the physicist Smoluchowski 
devised a prototype for an engine 
at the molecular scale in which he 
thought he could ingeniously convert 
Brownian motion into work. The team 
of scientists have now successfully 
constructed this device at the much 
larger scale of a granular gas. More- 
over, they have shown that an intrigu- 
ing exchange takes place between the 
vanes of the engine and the granular 
gas: once the vanes have started 
rotating, they in turn induce a rotating 
motion in the gas, a so-called convec- 
tion roll. This reinforces the movement 

of the device and allows for a virtually 
continuous rotation. Molecular motors, 
such as those responsible for tensing 
and relaxing your muscles, move in a 
strange manner: they propel them- 
selves forwards despite - or thanks 
to - a continuous bombardment of the 
randomly moving molecules in their 
surroundings. This random move- 
ment is called Brownian motion 
and a well-constructed motor at 
the nanoscale actually makes 
use of this to generate a di- 
rected movement (and therefore 
work). The device introduced 
by the physicist Marian Smolu- 
chowski in 1912, as a thought 
experiment, is a classical exam- 
ple of such a motor. 
Source: From Classical thought exper- 
iment brought to life in granular gas. 
This work is detailed in the paper Ex- 

perimental Realization of a Rotational 
Ratchet in a Granular Gas by Peter Es- 
huis, Ko van der Weele, Detlef Lohse, 
and Devaraj van der Meer. "We con- 
struct a ratchet of the Smoluchowski- 
Feynman type, consisting of four 
vanes that are allowed to rotate freely 
in a vibrofluidized granular gas. The 
necessary out-of-equilibrium environ- 
ment is provided by the inelastically 
colliding grains, and the equally crucial 
symmetry breaking by applying a soft 
coating to one side of each vane. The 
onset of the ratchet effect occurs at a 
critical shaking strength via a smooth, 
continuous phase transition. For very 
strong shaking the vanes interact 
actively with the gas and a convection 
roll develops, sustaining the rotation of 
the vanes." 

See movies of the experiment. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Self-Powered Nanosensors 

josep saldana, April 12, 2010 
tags: energy + detection 

Figure shows (a) Fabrication of a vertical-nanowire integrated nanogenerator (VING), (b) 
Design of a lateral- nan nowi re integrated nanogenerator (LING) array, (c) Scanning electron 
microscope image of a row of laterally-grown zinc oxide nanowire arrays, and (d) Image of 
the LING structure. Credit: Zhong Lin Wang. 

By combining a new generation of 
piezoelectric nanogenerators with two 
types of nanowire sensors, research- 
ers have created what are believed to 
be the first self-powered nano- 
meter-scale sensing devices that 
draw power from the conversion 
of mechanical energy. The new de- 
vices can measure the pH of liquids or 
detect the presence of ultraviolet light 
using electrical current produced from 
mechanical energy in the environment. 

Based on arrays containing as many 
as 20,000 zinc oxide nanowires in 
each nanogenerator, the devices can 
produce up to 1 .2 volts of output 
voltage, and are fabricated with a 
chemical process designed to facili- 
tate low-cost manufacture on flexible 
substrates. Tests done with nearly 
one thousand nanogenerators - which 
have no mechanical moving parts - 
showed that they can be operated 
over time without loss of generating 

"We have demonstrated a robust way 
to harvest energy and use it for power- 

ing nanometer-scale sensors," said 
Zhong Lin Wang, a Regents professor 
in the School of Materials Science and 
Engineering at the Georgia Institute of 
Technology. "We now have a technol- 
ogy roadmap for scaling these nano- 
generators up to make truly practical 

For the past five years, Wang's 
research team has been developing 
nanoscale generators that use the 
piezoelectric effect - which produces 
electrical charges when wires made 
from zinc oxide are subjected to 
strain. The strain can be produced by 
simply flexing the wires, and current 
from many wires can be constructively 
combined to power small devices. The 
research effort has recently focused 
on increasing the amount of current 
and voltage generated and on making 
the devices more robust. 

The new generator and nano- 
scale sensors open new pos- 
sibilities for very small sensing 
devices that can operate without 
batteries, powered by mechani- 

cal energy harvested from the 
environment. Energy sources could 
include the motion of tides, sonic 
waves, mechanical vibration, the flap- 
ping of a flag in the wind, pressure 
from shoes of a hiker or the movement 
of clothing. 

"Building devices that are small isn't 
sufficient," Wang noted. "We must 
also be able to power them in a 
sustainable way that allows them to 
be mobile. Using our new nanogen- 
erator, we can put these devices into 
the environment where they can work 
independently and sustainably without 
requiring a battery." 
Source: From Self-Powered Nano- 
sensors: Researchers Use Improved 
Nanogenerators to Power Sensors 
Based on Zinc Oxide Nanowires by 
John Toon. This work is detailed in the 
paper Self-powered nanowire devices 
by Sheng Xu, Yong Qin, Chen Xu, 
Yaguang Wei, Rusen Yang & Zhong 
Lin Wang. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


A Delicious New Solar Cell 

josep saldana, May 8, 2010 
tags: educational + energy 

Researchers demonstrate a new solar 
cell technology: How To Make a Solar 
Cell with Donuts and Tea. 

"It turns out these delicious little things 
contain everything we need to make a 
simple solar cell," said Blake Farrow, 
a Canadian scientist who filmed the 
video while visiting Prashant Kamat's 
lab at the University of Notre Dame. 

Notre Dame's YouTube Channel 

Frames from the video A Delicious New Solar Cell Technology, researchers demonstrate a 
new solar cell technology based entirely on powdered donuts and passion tea. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 



climate and energy: Over-heated 

promises and hot air? 

Nanotechnology, climate and energy: 
over-heated promises and hot air? 

josep saldana, November 17, 2010 

tags: public opinion + concerns + climate + energy 

Friends of the Earth groups around 
the world released the report, Nano- 
technology, climate and energy: 
Over-heated promises and hot air?, 
debunking the promises made by the 
nanotechnology industry about its 
ability to increase energy efficiency 
and alleviate climate change. 

The report delves into the complex 
issues raised by nanotechnology and 
concludes that nanotechnology fails to 
exhibit much potential as a solution to 
global warming, resource depletion or 

"Despite claims that nanotechnology 
can limit climate change and promote 
energy efficiency, we've found that 
the use of nanotechnology actually 
comes at a large environmental cost," 
said Ian llluminato of Friends of the 
Earth U.S., a coauthor of the report. 
"Rather than substantively reducing 
our environmental footprint, it in- 
stead allows people to continue with 
'business as usual' and avoid serious 
improvements in energy efficiency and 
behavioral changes." 

"Worse, the report reveals that 
the world's biggest petrochemical 
companies have established a joint, 
U.S.-based, consortium to use nano- 
technology to find and extract more oil 
and gas, which would have extremely 
adverse environmental impacts." 

According to the report, nano- 
technology has the potential to 
transform the way we harness, 
use and store energy. However, 
the manufacture of nanotechnology 
products requires large amounts of 
energy, and the products may not 
deliver promised energy. The report 
also highlights how the technology is 
primarily used in products that do not 
provide energy savings, such as cloth- 
ing, cosmetics and sporting goods. 

In response to the report, 
founder Bill McKibben said, "Very few 
people have looked beyond the shiny 

promise of nanotechnology to try and 
understand how this far-reaching new 
technique is actually developing. This 
report is an excellent glimpse inside, 
and it offers a judicious and balanced 
account of a subject we need very 
much to be thinking about." 

"Nanotechnology has been the 
focus of considerable 'green- 
wash' and industry has promoted 
it as is a solution to environmen- 
tal concerns. It is important the 
public understands that many 
nanotechnology applications 
actually come at a high environ- 
mental cost. Worse, at a time 
when we need to reduce our 
reliance o n fossil fuels, there is 
growing investment in nanotech- 
nology to find and extract more 
oil and gas," said report coauthor 
Georgia Miller, of Friends of the Earth 

Source: Nanotechnology's true climate 
and energy cost exposed. Report 
reveals large net energy cost and other 
environmental threats posed by nano- 
technology by Friends of the Earth 

Andrew Maynard over at his 2020 
Science blog takes a first look at 
the report, which provides a cursory 
breakdown and appraisal of the report 
in order to assist readers in forming 
their own opinion on its importance 
and implications. "I've only had the 
chance to skim through the report so 
far, and so don't have detailed com- 
ments on it. But on my initial skim a 
number of things struck me: 

• The report is written from a spe- 
cific perspective that questions the 
validity of claims made of nano- 
technology - especially that it will 
"deliver energy technologies that are 
efficient, inexpensive and environ- 
mentally sound" 

• It is pretty comprehensive, covering 
nanotechnology and solar energy, 
wind energy, hydrogen energy, 

O Friends c 
the Eart 

Friends of the Earth new report cover 

oil and gas extraction, batteries, 
supercapacitors, nanocoatings and 
insulators, catalysis and reinforced 
parts for airplanes and cars. 

• However, it doesn't cover all nano- 
applications in the energy sec- 
tor. Two examples are the use of 
heterogeneous catalysts in vehicle 
exhausts and to reduce the energy 
overheads of a multitude of pro- 
cesses, the use of nanomaterials to 
develop more efficient power lines. 

• The report also tends to focus on 
areas where it is easier to construct 
position statements challenging 
statements on the positive use of 

• Nevertheless, it appears to be 
a significant and well-written 
counterbalance to publications 
that promote the benefits of 
nanotechnology in the energy 
sector without deep and criti- 
cal evaluation of the pros and 
cons of the technology. 

Are the issues raised valid and in need 
of further exploration? It's worth read- 
ing for yourself to decide." 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Turn carbon dioxide 
into useful energy 

Scientists have developed a green 
catalytic cycle that could help 
solve some of the world's big- 
gest challenges— global warming 
and renewable energy. 

Carbon dioxide (C0 2 ) is a major factor 
in global warming and the bete noire 
of climate change scientists. But if 
scientists at the A*STAR have any say 
in the matter, it could soon be turned 
into useful energy in a simple, inex- 
pensive and eco-friendly way. A team 
at the Institute of Bioengineering and 
Nanotechnology (IBN) led by principal 
researcher Yugen Zhang has invented 
a method for converting C0 2 to into 
methanol (CH 3 OH) using an organo- 
catalyst system based on a class of 
compounds called N-heterocyclic 
carbenes (NHC). In recent years, de- 
mands for alternative energy sources 
to replace fossil fuels have been 
growing against the backdrop of rising 
concern about climate change, and 
methanol has great potential in the 
alternative energy arena as a biofuel. 
"C0 2 is a major greenhouse gas and a 
major cause for global warming. The 
energy crisis is also an urgent issue 
to tackle. If we can convert C0 2 to 
energy in a cost-effective manner, it 
would solve two problems in one shot. 
That is the motivation of our research," 
says Zhang. Carbon dioxide is highly 
stable and difficult to break down, 

and many researchers and companies 
have examined systems employing 
metal catalysts in combination with 
suitable reductants such as hydrogen 
gas (H 2 ) to convert it to other prod- 
ucts. However, these efforts have 
been plagued with problems associ- 
ated with the catalyst's short usable 
life, its susceptibility to degradation 
by oxygen, and the huge amounts of 
energy required to reach the high tem- 
peratures and pressures needed for 
the reactions to proceed. On the other 
hand, most organocatalysts, as Zhang 
points out, are tolerant of oxygen and 
active at room temperature and mod- 
erate pressures. "Because we have 
selected the right catalyst and the 
right system, we can make the reac- 
tion happen under mild conditions," he 
says. Despite the promising results so 
far, many obstacles still remain to be 
overcome before Zhang's organocata- 
lytic reaction can be applied industri- 
ally. According to the team leader, the 
most pressing challenge is not the 
scaling up of production or reducing 
the cost of the catalyst itself, but find- 
ing alternatives for the costly hydrosi- 
lane substrate. One candidate for this 
role is hydrogen gas, suggesting the 
tantalizing possibility of a tie up with 
other researchers working on splitting 
water into hydrogen and oxygen using 
light-activated catalysts. "If we can 
use the hydrogen to react with carbon 

dioxide, the whole system would work 
nicely. That is what we are proposing," 
says Zhang. 

Source: Organocatalysts turn 
carbon dioxide into useful en- 
ergy - A*STAR Research. This work 
is detailed in the paper Conversion 
of carbon dioxide to methanol with 
silanes over N-heterocyclic carbene 
catalysts by S. N. Riduan, Y. Zhang & 
J. Y. Ying. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


for future mobile devices 

josep saldana, April 14, 2010 

tags: nanomaterial + nanoelectronics + detection + energy + video 

Morph concept technologies. The Morph concept device is a bridge between highly ad- 
vanced technologies and their potential benefits to end-users. This device concept showcas- 
es some revolutionary leaps being explored by Nokia Research Center (NRC) in collaboration 
with the Cambridge Nanoscience Centre (United Kingdom) - nanoscale technologies that will 
potentially create a world of radically different devices that open up an entirely new spectrum 
of possibilities. 

Since 2007 the Cambridge arm of 
the Nokia Research Center has been 
keenly hunched over the microscope, 
exploring the possibilities of 
pioneering nanotechnology. 
NRC's tight-knit collaboration with 
Cambridge University saw the Morph 
concept emerge from the laboratory, 
and now the teams are exploring the 
nanotechnology that could breathe life 
into this concept device of the future. 
However this fascinating research into 
nanotechnology isn't locked in an sub- 
terranean vault. In fact the research 
team are so keen to share their stud- 
ies that its published a book called 
'Nanotechnologies for Future 
Mobile Devices'. 

The book highlights much of the ongo- 
ing research that's being investigated 
within the NRC team in Cambridge, 
and details the exploration of some 
pretty exciting concepts, such as 
using nanoscale engineering tech- 
niques to alter the construction of new 
materials and the surfaces of devices 
in the future. Plus, it delves into the 
details on battery capabilities and 
using nanoelectronics in the creation 
of sensors and radios. And those are 
just a handful of examples from the 
mountain of information explored in 
'Nanotechnologies for Future Mobile 

Recently, the Nokia Research Center 
in Cambridge was awarded the UK 
Nordic Business award for Research 
and Development by UK Trade and 
Investment for its pioneering studies in 
the use of nanotechnologies in mobile 

Source: Nokia researchers publish 
book on nanotechnology 

Copyrighted Materia 


DEVICES Tapani Ryhanen, 

Mikko A. uusttalo, Olli ikkala 
and Asta Karkkainen 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Peer- Reviewed Papers 

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin: Structure as Art 

by Robert Root-Bernstein 1 

Leonardo, MIT Press Journals. Vol. 40, No. 3, 259-261 (2007). doi:10.1162/leon.2007.40.3.259 
1 Department of Physiology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Ml 48824 U.S.A 

Nanotechnology and in Situ Remediation: A Review of the Benefits and Potential Risks 

by Barbara Karn 1 , Todd Kuiken 2 , Martha Otto 1 

Environ Health Perspect 117:1823-1831(2009). doi:10.1289/ehp.0900793 

1 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA 

2 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, Washington, DC, USA 
Ultra-High Porosity in Metal-Organic Frameworks 

by Hiroyasu Furukawa 1 , Nakeun Ko 2 , Yong Bok Go 1 , Naoki Aratani 1 , Sang Beom Choi 2 , Eunwoo Choi 1 , A. Ozgur Yazay- 
din 3 , Randall Q. Snurr 3 , Michael O'Keeffe 1 , Jaheon Kim 2 , Omar M. Yaghi 1 - 4 
Science. Vol. 329 no. 5990 pp. 424-428 (2010). doi: 10.1 126/science.1 192160 

1 Center for Reticular Chemistry at the California NanoSystems Institute, and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), 607 Charles E. Young Drive East, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 

2 Department of Chemistry, Soongsil University, Seoul 156-743, Korea. 

3 Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA. 

4 UCLA-Department of Energy (DOE) Institute of Genomics and Proteomics, UCLA, 607 Charles E. Young Drive East, 
Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 

Green carbon as a bridge to renewable energy 

by James M. Tour 1 , Carter Kittrell 1 , Vicki L. Colvin 1 

Nature Materials. Vol. 9, pp 871-874 (2010). doi:10.1038/nmat2887 

1 Department of Chemistry, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, and the Green Carbon Center, 
Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005, USA 

Quantum entanglement in photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes 

by Mohan Sarovar 12 , Akihito Ishizaki 2 - 3 , Graham R. Fleming 2,3 , K. Birgitta Whaley 1,2 
Nature Physics. Vol. 6, pp 462-467 (2010). doi:10.1038/nphys1652 

1 Berkeley Center for Quantum Information and Computation, Berkeley, California 94720, USA 

2 Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA 

3 Physical Bioscience Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA 

Long-Range Energy Propagation in Nanometre Arrays of Light Harvesting Antenna Complexes 

by Maryana Escalante 1 , Aufried Lenferink 2 , Yiping Zhao 3 - 4 , Niels Tas 4 , Jurriaan Huskens 3 , Neil Hunter 5 , Vinod Subrama- 
niam 1 , Cees Otto 2 

Nano Letters, 10 (4), pp 1450-1457 (2010). doi: 1 0.1 021/nl1 003569 

1 Nanobiophysics MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, 
The Netherlands 

2 Medical Cell Biophysics MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, 
The Netherlands 

3 Molecular Nanofabrication MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, 
The Netherlands 

4 Transducers Science and Technology MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE 
Enschede, The Netherlands 

5 Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, U.K. 

A low-cost, high-efficiency solar cell based on dye-sensitized colloidal Ti0 2 films 

by Brian O'Regan 1 , Michael Gratzel 1 

Nature 353, 737 - 740 (1991). doi:10.1038/353737a0 

1 Institute of Physical Chemistry, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland 

Photoelectrochemical complexes for solar energy conversion that chemically and autonomously re- 

by Moon-Ho Ham 1 , Jong Hyun Choi 2 , Ardemis A. Boghossian 1 , Esther S. Jeng 1 , Rachel A. Graff, Daniel A. Heller 1 , Alice 
C. Chang 1 , Aidas Mattis 3 , Timothy H. Bayburt 3 , Yelena V. Grinkova 3 , Adam S. Zeiger 4 , Krystyn J. Van Vliet 4 , Erik K. Hob- 
bie 5 , Stephen G. Sligar 3 , Colin A. Wraight 3 , Michael S. Strano 1 
Nature Chemistry, Vol. 2, pp 929-936 (2010) doi:10.1038/nchem.822 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA 

2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, Birck Nanotechnology Center, Bindley Bioscience Center, 
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA 

3 Department of Biochemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA 

4 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 
Massachusetts 02139, USA 

5 Polymers Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, USA 

High-performance lithium battery anodes using silicon nanowires 

by Candace K. Chan 1 , Hailin Peng 2 , Gao Liu 3 , Kevin Mcllwrath 4 , Xiao Feng Zhang 4 , Robert A. Huggins 2 , Yi Cui 2 
Nature Nanotechnology 3, 31 - 35 (2008). doi:10.1038/nnano.2007.41 1 

1 Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA 

2 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA 

3 Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, 1 Cyclotron Road, Mail Stop 70R108B, 
Berkeley, California 94720, USA 

4 Electron Microscope Division, Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc., 5100 Franklin Drive, Pleasanton, 
California 94588, USA 

Nanoscale mapping of ion diffusion in a lithium-ion battery cathode 

by N. Balke 1 , S. Jesse 1 , A. N. Morozovska 2 , E. Eliseev 3 , D. W. Chung 4 , Y. Kim 5 , L. Adamczyk 5 , R. E. Garcia 4 , N. Dudney 5 , 
S. V. Kalinin 1 

Nature Nanotechnology, Vol. 5, pp 749-754 (2010). doi:10.1038/nnano.2010.174 

1 The Center for Nanophase Materials Science, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 , USA 

2 Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Ukraine 41, pr. Nauki, 03028 Kiev, Ukraine 

3 Institute for Problems of Materials Science, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Ukraine 3, Krjijanovskogo, 
03142 Kiev, Ukraine 

4 School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Illinois 47907, USA 

5 Materials Sciences and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 , USA 

In Situ Observation of the Electrochemical Lithiation of a Single Sn02 Nanowire Electrode 

by Jian Yu Huang 1 , Li Zhong 2 , Chong Min Wang 3 , John P. Sullivan 1 , Wu Xu 4 , Li Qiang Zhang 2 , Scott X. Mao 2 , Nicholas S. 
Hudak 1 , Xiao Hua Liu 1 , Arunkumar Subramanian 1 , Hongyou Fan 5 , Liang Qi 6,7 , Akihiro Kushima 7 and Ju Li 6,7 
Science. Vol. 330 no. 6010 pp. 1515-1520 (2010). doi: 10.1 126/science.1 195628 

1 Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA. 

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA. 

3 Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99354, USA. 

4 Energy and Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99354, USA. 

5 Advanced Materials Lab, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87106, USA. 

6 State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials and Frontier Institute of Science and Technology, 
Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China. 

7 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. 

Experimental Realization of a Rotational Ratchet in a Granular Gas 

by Peter Eshuis 1 , Ko van der Weele 2 , Detlef Lohse 1 , Devaraj van der Meer 1 
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 248001 (2010). doi:1 0.1 103/PhysRevLett.1 04.248001 

1 Physics of Fluids, University of Twente, Post Office Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands 

2 Mathematics Department, University of Patras, 26500 Patras, Greece 

Self-powered nanowire devices 

by Sheng Xu 1 , Yong Qin 1 , Chen Xu 1 , Yaguang Wei 1 , Rusen Yang 1 , Zhong Lin Wang 1 
Nature Nanotechnology 5, 366 - 373 (2010). doi:1 0.1 038/nnano.201 0.46 

1 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0245, USA 

Conversion of carbon dioxide to methanol with silanes over N-heterocyclic carbene catalysts 

by S. N. Riduan 1 , Y Zhang 1 , J. Y Ying 1 

Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Volume 48, Issue 18, pages 3322-3325 (2009). 
doi:1 0.1 002/anie.200806058 

1 Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, 31 Biopolis Way, The Nanos, Singapore 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Institutions - Country 

Advanced Materials Lab, Sandia National Laboratories 

Albuquerque, NM 87106, USA. 

Berkeley Center for Quantum Information and Computation 

Berkeley, California 94720, USA 

Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Sandia National Laboratories 

Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA. 

Center for Reticular Chemistry at the California NanoSystems Institute, 

and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) 

607 Charles E. Young Drive East, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 

Department of Biochemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 

Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA 

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University 

Evanston, IL 60208, USA. 

Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA 

Department of Chemistry, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, 
and the Green Carbon Center, Rice University 

Houston, Texas 77005, USA 

Department of Chemistry, Soongsil University 

Seoul 156-743, Korea. 

Department of Chemistry, Stanford University 

Stanford, California 94305, USA 

Department of Chemistry, University of California 

Berkeley, California 94720, USA 

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA 

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University 

Stanford, California 94305, USA 

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania 

Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. 

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Pittsburgh 

Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA. 

Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Sheffield 

Sheffield S10 2TN, U.K. 

Department of Physiology, Michigan State University 

East Lansing, Ml 48824 U.S.A 

Electron Microscope Division, Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc. 

5100 Franklin Drive, Pleasanton, California 94588, USA 

Energy and Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 

Richland, WA 99354, USA. 

Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab 

1 Cyclotron Road, Mail Stop 70R108B, Berkeley, California 94720, USA 

Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 

Richland, WA 99354, USA. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Institute for Problems of Materials Science, National Academy of Science of Ukraine 

Ukraine 3, Krjijanovskogo, 03142 Kiev, Ukraine 

Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology 

31 Biopolis Way, The Nanos, Singapore 

Institute of Physical Chemistry, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 

CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland 

Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine 

Ukraine 41, pr. Nauki, 03028 Kiev, Ukraine 

Materials Sciences and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 

Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA 

Mathematics Department, University of Patras 

26500 Patras, Greece 

Medical Cell Biophysics MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente 

P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands 

Molecular Nanofabrication MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente 

P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands 

Nanobiophysics MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente 

P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands 

Physical Bioscience Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 

Berkeley, California 94720, USA 

Physics of Fluids, University of Twente 

Post Office Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands 

Polymers Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology 

Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, USA 

School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University 

West Lafayette, Illinois 47907, USA 

School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology 

Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0245, USA 

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, Birck Nanotechnology Center, 
Bindley Bioscience Center 

West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA 

State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials and Frontier Institute of Science 
and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University 

Xi'an 710049, China. 

The Center for Nanophase Materials Science, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 

Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA 

Transducers Science and Technology MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente 

P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands 

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 

Washington, DC, USA 

UCLA-Department of Energy (DOE) Institute of Genomics and Proteomics, UCLA 

607 Charles E. Young Drive East, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies 

Washington, DC, USA 

Nanotechnology: Engines 


^Authors List 

Adamczyk, L. 

Mattis, Aidas 

Aratani, Naoki 

Mcllwrath, Kevin 

Balke, N. 

Min Wang, Chong 

Bayburt, Timothy H. 

Morozovska, A. N. 

Beom Choi, Sang 

O'Regan, Brian 

Birgitta Whaley, K. 

O'Keeffe, Michael 

Boghossian, Ardemis A. 

Otto, Cees 

Bok Go, Yong 

Otto, Martha 

Colvin, Vicki L. 

Ozgur Yazaydin, A. 

Cui, Yi 

Peng, Hailin 

Chan, Candace K. 

Qi, Liang 

Chang, Alice C. 

Qiang Zhang, Li 

Choi, Eunwoo 

Qin, Yong 

Chung, D. W. 

Riduan, S. N. 

Dudney, N. 

Root-Bernstein, Robert 

Eliseev, E. 

Sarovar, Mohan 

Escalante, Maryana 

Sligar, Stephen G. 

Eshuis, Peter 

Snurr, Randall Q. 

Fan, Hongyou 

Strano, Michael S. 

Feng Zhang, Xiao 

Subramaniam, Vinod 

Fleming, Graham R. 

Subramanian, Arunkumar 


Sullivan, John P. 

Garcia, R. E. 

Tas, Niels 

Graff, Rachel A. 

Tour, James M. 

Gratzel, Michael 

van der Meer, Devaraj 

Grinkova, Yelena V. 

van der Weele, Ko 

Ham, Moon-Ho 

Van Vliet, Krystyn J. 

Heller, Daniel A. 

Wei, Yaguang 

Hobbie, Erik K. 

Wraight, Colin A. 

Hua Liu, Xiao 

Xu, Chen 

Hudak, Nicholas S. 

Xu, Sheng 

Huggins, Robert A. 

Xu, Wu 

Hunter, Neil 

Yaghi, Omar M. 

Huskens, Jurriaan 

Yang, Rusen 

Hyun Choi, Jong 

Ying, J. Y 

Ishizaki, Akihito 

Yu Huang, Jian 

Jeng, Esther S. 

Zeiger, Adam S. 

Jesse, S. 

Zhang, Y 

Kalinin, S. V. 

Zhao, Yiping 

Karn, Barbara 

Zhong, Li 

Kim, Jaheon 

Kim, Y 

Kittrell, Carter 

Ko, Nakeun 

Kuiken, Todd 

Kushima, Akihiro 

Lenferink, Aufried 

Li, Ju 

Lin Wang, Zhong 

Liu, Gao 

Lohse, Detlef 

Mao, Scott X. 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 



" I was a third year medical student and from several 
books I had learned the details of the phenomenon 
mentioned, but these texts did not attract my attention 
although I felt they contained strong currents of thought. 
But when one of my friends, Mr Borao, Assistant of 
Physiology, kindly showed me the movement in the 
mesentery of the frog, in the presence of the sublime 
spectacle, I felt like I had a revelation. I was excited 
and touched to see red and white blood cells turn as 
pebbles to the momentum of the stream; seeing as, 
by virtue of their elasticity, the red cells stretched and 
passed laboriously through the finest capillaries and, 
the obstacle overcome, suddenly recovering their form 
in the manner of a spring, with a warning that, at the 
lowest obstacle in the current, joints of the endothelium 
would relax ensuing hemorrhage and edema; to notice, 
finally, how the heartbeat, weakened by the excessive 
action of curare, shook loose the stuck red blood cells 
... it seemed like a veil was drawn back in my mind, and 
the belief in I do not know what mysterious force that 
was then attributed to the phenomena of life went away 
and was lost. In my enthusiasm I burst into the following 
statement, not knowing that many, notably Descartes, 
had expressed it centuries before: "Life resembles a 
pure mechanism. Living bodies are perfect hydraulic 
machines that are capable of repairing the disorders 
caused by the momentum of the stream that feeds 
them, and producing, under Generation, other similar 
hydraulic machines. " 

Reglas y Consejos sobre Investigacion Cientifica, 
Santiago Ramon y Cajal, Nobel Laureate 1902, Physiology, 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 

Nanotechnology: Engines On 


Nanotechnology: Engines On