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Why Grieve And Veness Must Be Sacked 

Tod- DAC Grieve: Lavrenti Beria of Blair's racial thought 
police; bottom: David Veness: aspiring Chief Constable who 
thinks direct incitements to murder judges are not actionable. 

Author's Note 

Although this work is entirely mine and therefore any errors of fact or inference are entirely 
my own, this document has been proofed by a retired Circuit Judge who has advised on both 
content and presentation. 



The Rule Of Law, And How It Is Being Undermined 
By Men Like John Grieve And David Veness 

Hi there, 

I suppose you could call this an open letter to the Judiciary. I will introduced myself shortly, 
but first of all a few words about the British legal system. 

Britain 's Finest Legacy: Our Legal System 

If like me you've often come across left wing scumbags and politically correct pricks raging 
against the evils of "Imperialism" and the "oppression" of Colonial (ie non-white) peoples, 
you've probably asked yourself with all the brouhaha about slavery, exploitation and I racism 
if the British didn't do something of benefit for the rest of mankind once in a while. The truth 
of course is that Britain exported civilisation to much of the rest of the world P-*"** 
Africa. For one thing, it wasn't the British Empire that created slavery, but it was Br tarn 
which abolished it. Who for example could forget the immortal words of Lord M^ddm 
1771 when he ordered the release of the Negro James Sommersett who was then held in irons 
on bolrd a ship lying in the Thames and bound for Jamaica: "The air of England is too pure 
for any slave to breathe", he said, "Let the black go free" (1) 

The distinguished historian Professor Quigley wrote of British rule in India that it brought 
the country into contact with the Western world, with world markets, established a uniform 

yLTof money, steamboat connections with Europe by the Suez Canal cable connections 

hroughout the world, and the use of English as the language of government and 
administration, and "Best of all, Britain established the rule of ^, equality before ^the law^ 
and a tradition of judicial fairness to replace the older practice of inequality and arbitrary 

tSsh rulein Africa was if anything even more impressive Among other things the BrHMi 
stamped out the barbaric practice of ritual murder and did *\™f*™«**Xw 
onnanimitv and fairness In 1944 in the Gold Coast (now Ghana), eight Africans were 
S toJ^ZZ of the Odikro of Aped™. (3, The tria. wa, ; hekT jn November 
Dumber 1944 and lasted 23 days; (here were 75 mtnesses. Al e.ght defendants were 


out" and that "very serious trouble could be expected in the Colony if the law were not 
allowed to take its course". (4) 
Eventually, three tf the accused were hanged, the remaining death sentences being 
commuted to life imprisonment by the Governor of the Gold Coast, Sir Alan Burns. (5) To 
this day the legal systems of all the progressive countries in Africa are based on the British 
legal system. Sadly though, in Britain itself the legal system, the concepts of the rule of law 
equality before the law, our tradition of judicial fairness and, perhaps most of all, individual 
rights, are being increasingly eroded, often by or at the behest of people whose forebears 
benefited from British enlightenment. 

The Lunatic "Macpherson Report" And Its Consequences 

Iu February 1999 the government of Tony Blair published a White Paper which has become 
known colloquially as the Macpherson Report. (6) This resulted from an inquiry into the 
unprovoked and quite senseless murder of an 18 year old youth in South East London in 
Anril 1993. Stephen Lawrence was stabbed to death by a street gang as he waited for a bus. 
There are literally hundreds of murders every year in Britain, most of them senseless and 
unprovoked. People are often murdered for relatively small sums of money, for rubbing 
people up the wrong way in quite trivial matters, or in the case of serial kdlers purely for 
kicks. Every one of these murders is a tragedy, and in some sense, an outrage, but Stephen 
Lawrence was murdered - we are told - for the most outrageous reason of all. Because he was 

that's what we're told, although from a dispassionate examination of the facts it is most 
likely that he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. For Britain's poktically 
correct "antwW lobby though, the murder of Stephen Lawrence was the most hemous 
crime ever committed, and in order (ostensibly) to prevent anything like this ever happening 
again, we must throw away all our civil liberties, all our freedoms, and all the precedents of 
the English criminal law as exported to the world by Sir William Blackstone and by countless 
British "Imperialists" over hundreds of years. 

The Macpherson Report purported to examine numerous aspects of the Lawrence case, from 
the supposedly bungled police investigation to the chimera of "institutional racism" within 
the Metropolitan Police. We are told that: . -__ 

"Racism in general terms consists of conduct or words or practices which disadvantage or 
advantage people because of their colour, culture, or ethnic origin. In its more subtle form it 
is as damaging as in its overt form. "(7) ..... 

Really? And who in his right mind would claim that a racial epithet hurled in anger or 
disgust is as damaging as a knife between the ribs? 

As a result of his "inquiry" Macpherson made a plethora of recommendations, not all of 
them are bad. The suggestion that the police should be more accountable to ttie public : and 
more open (as far as such openness does not conflict with operational matters) is to be 
welcomed, but his other "recommendations" and the chorus that has been taken up by the 
organised left would be ridiculous if they were not so tragic. 

Oue "recommendation" is that: racist incidents must be reported and investigated - even if 

thev are non-crimes! 
As if the police haven't got enough on their plates without squandering precious resources 
"investigating" so-called incidents which are none of their business anyway. 


As Macpherson's definition of "A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist 
by the victim or any other person", that would leave them precious little time for investigation 

real crimes. Like murder! 

Macpherson's recommendation 39 is "That consideration should be given to amendment of 
the law to allow prosecution of offences involving racist language or behaviour, and of 
offences involving the possession of offensive weapons, where such conduct can be proven to 
have taken place otherwise than in a public place." 

Dotty Doreen Lawrence and her cabal support this lunatic "recommendation". Okay, give 
the woman a bit of space, she's lost her favourite son and has obviously gone off her head in 
the same way as Muhammed Al-Fayed, but are we really supposed to take seriously the 
suggestion that name calling (that's what it amounts to) in our own homes should be made a 
criminal offence? And what about possessing offensive weapons? Who hasn't got an offensive 
weapon or two, or several, in his or her kitchen? 

But the most sinister "recommendations" of this report - and of the more recent 
machinations of mad Jack Straw - are those of dismantling the whole framework of 
individual liberties and checks and balances and curbs on Executive power which have been 
built into a legal system which, up until recently at any rate, was regarded as the envy of the 

Recommendation number 38 is "That consideration should be given to the Court of Appeal 
being given power to permit prosecution after acquittal where fresh and viable evidence is 

In other words, the abolition of double jeopardy. What is behind this lunacy? 

In the Lawrence case, five youths were charged with his murder but the case against them 
collapsed due to "insufficient evidence". As a judge you will recognise this phrase for what it 
really means: no evidence whatsoever, or no evidence that should be put before a jury. (8) 
The only so-called evidence in the Lawrence case was similar fact evidence, and tenuous 
evidence at that. The five youths arrested were known to be anti-social, to use racial epithets 
(among others) and to have a fascination with knives. They were put in the frame primarily 
by anonymous (and possibly malicious) letters. There was no identification evidence against 
them at all, in fact what identification evidence there was, tended to indicate that they were 

not the murderers. „ . . \ „ «.„ 

The principal witness, Duwayne Brooks, failed to pick out one of the prime suspects on an 
ID parade. (9) Another witness, who was extremely confident that he would recognise one of 
the attackers if he saw him again, also failed to make a positive ID. (10) I don't need to throw 
Regina v Turnbull at you, do I? You know the score. With no identification evidence, no 

:„« „„h ««+h!no hut innuendo fthev're the tvoe of people who 

_ e~ 


into gaol again, and order a retrial. This could be done over and over again, and the longer it 
went on the more chance there would be of the accused being fitted up - not to mention any 
loss of liberty in the meantime. 
As I write these words, Home Secretary Jack Straw has just been defeated in an attempt to 
restrict the right of an accused to trial by jury in "trivial" cases on the spurious pretext of 
saving costs. But next time who's to say he won't succeed? 

Enter DAC Grieve 

If Doreen Lawrence can be written off as mad, there are some people who are just plain evil. 
One of those is DAC John Grieve. He has boasted that he and his chums at New Scotland 
Yard are in the process of building up massive dossiers on racists. Most worrymgly, Grieve 
has co-opted onto his committee the most odious race agitator of the lot, a veteran shit stirrer 
and many times proven arch-liar Gerry Gable. Just for the record, between February 17 and 
23 this year, Gable, his lie-ridden magazine Searchlight, and Gable's "reformed Nazi chum 
Rav Hill defended a libel action brought against them by Chesterfield-based accountant 
Morris Riley. The jury found for Riley and awarded him £5,000 damages, and would 
undoubtedly have awarded him more if his Counsel had obeyed his instructions and 
presented his case more persuasively. Gable and Hill elected not to give evidence. 

This is the first time a libel judgment has been entered against Searchlight magazme, but I 
needn't tell you that libel is predominantly the playground of the rich. Over the years the 
magazine has libelled countless ordinary people, including especially in 1981 when it accused 
a number of men of plotting to bomb the Netting Hill Carnival - a "plot" which was clearly 

'Mosfworryingly about Grieve's relationship with Gable is the possibility of their "sharing" 
information. The current writer has seen documented proof that Gable has obtained 
information from at least two other police officers in recent years for ■matters that have 
absolutely nothing to do with combating crime - racial or otherwise. (13) . Even * Grieve 
doesn't pass on information to Gable, by accident or by design, there is still the risk that he 
will be misled by this veteran liar and hatemonger, or allow himself to be used for pursuing 
personal, political and racial vendettas. 
If Grieve's relationship with arch-liar Gable is the cause of concern, one might well ask if 
Grieve is not a bit of a suspect character himself. On February 17, he was quoted m the 
Times; talking to the BBC. Grieve admitted apparently that the accusation of institutional 
racism" against the Met "applies to me as much as it applies to anybody else . The basis for 
this claim is that "he had little contact with black people." Which is hardly surprising; would 
any sane black man want to have any contact with a paranoid nut like him? (14) Which 
brings us to David Veness, but first, a bit about the subversion of the rule of law. 

Subverting The Rule Of Law 

It is a fundamental principle of the rule of law that the law is not arbitrary, and that it 
applies to everybody under similar circumstances. Hayek has written that The chief 
safeguard is that the rules must apply to those who lay them down and those who apply ihem 


- that is, to the government as well as the governed - and that nobody has the power to grant 
exceptions." (15) 

Of course, the rule of law must be applied with common sense; no one in his right mind 
would suggest that there can't be special laws for women say - for example the Infanticide Act 

- or that people with special problems (the blind, the elderly and infirm) should not be treated 
differently within certain limits so as to ensure that justice prevails. Then there is the question 
of public interest. 

To take a few examples of this, the Moors Murderers Hindley and Brady were sentenced to 
life imprisonment in 1966 for a series of heinous murders. Some twenty years after their 
conviction they confessed to two further murders, and one of the victims' bodies was found. 

Technically they should have been tried for the further murders but a decision was taken at 
a high level - probably by the Attorney General - that any further prosecution would not be 
in the public interest. In spite of Myra Hindley's ongoing campaign to win a chance of parole 
there is no way either Brady (who is now mad) or Hindley herself will ever be permitted to 
walk the streets again, public outrage would be just too great. Taking them back to court 
would waste precious court time, public money and generate a lot of further ghoulish 
publicity for the tabloids to exploit. 

On the other hand, when in 1983 a psychopath slashed the face of serial killer Peter Sutcliffe 
in Parkhurst Prison, he was taken to an outside court and on his conviction he was sentenced 
to a further five years on top of the ten years he was already serving for armed robbery. This 
was done not just to protect Sutcliffe - who had been sentenced to life imprisonment, not to 
have his face slashed - but to enforce prison discipline. 

Another case of exercising sensible discretion was that of the disgraced former Cabinet 
Minister Jonathan Aitken. Aitken was gaoled for eighteen months for perjury in his libel case 
against the Guardian. If he hadn't been prosecuted this would have told the public that there 
is one law for the rich and powerful and another for the rest of us. On the other hand, 
charges were not brought against Aitken's young daughter because she had clearly been 
roped into this sordid affair by her father and it would have been wrong to penalise a young 
girl under such circumstances. And, most topically, Dr Harold Shipman, who was recently 
convicted of the murders of fifteen of his patients, will not be charged with any further 
murders even though there is good evidence that he killed at least twenty-three others. 

Such policy decisions as exercised in the Moors Murders, Aitken and Shipman cases are 
straightforward, easy to understand, and in no sense an abrogation of the rule of law. Similar 
decisions are often made in motoring cases because it would be impractical and impossible to 
prosecute everyone who broke the speed limit by a few miles per hour. But where a blind eye 
is turned to the dirty deeds of a particular class of person for no better reason while at the 
same time ordinary people - or people with unpopular views - are dragged into court at every 

„i :*-. ^1. .... ..... „„„ „l„.^..l. uiltnuci'inn an ohrnoatinn nf flip I*llli> Of ISIW. 


cashing of teeth Jewish establishment find offensive. In the Spring of 1991, *e prominent 
fewish Lbour MP Gerald Kaufman received one of his anti-Gulf War stickers through the 
pr T he sticker depicted Uncle Sam as "Uncle Sol", a mild anti-Sem tic ^re^pejhere 
was no "kill the Yids" type message, just a sarcastic swipe at a powerful political lobby. As a 
TsuU of that one publication Jordan's home was raided by police who, in his own words 
"ran sacked it, conducting a search and seizure far beyond the terms of the warrant wh ch 
it elf was on dated and thus invalid." Altogether they took away sixty of h is research Tdes the 
work of a lifetime, and, when immediately after the raid he confronted the police with the fact 
that the warrant was out of date, they claimed that this was a mere typing error. 

Inc ediWy, although Colin Jordan is a self-professed - and quite unashamed - Nazi, it was 
the BrWsh poUce who used Nazi tactics against him on this occasion And «*-£»"* 
only beat off the prosecution but was awarded a five figure out-of-court settlement, they have 

TmTS Swho" now the leader of the British National Party, was dragged into 
court bv ' another Jewish hatemonger, Alex Carlile, who was spurned on by his hatemongering 
co^dS * Tafo^ientioned lerry Gable. Griffin was convicted of "incitement to racia 
SSi^ri^i for publishing a rather tasteful drawing of a white woman and a rather 
fastens {*Z^Va convicted killer who happened to be black (and which had appeared 

h lSW^ Griffin has been and remains a staunch opponent of British 
Xttoinft Gulf and the international blockade which has led to the deaths of 
TotnZs Iraqi , many of them children. Unlike "anti-mdrf" Tony B air and his cabal In 
1989 Gr ffin ^wenUo Libya to try to persuade Colonel Gadaffi to drop his support for the IRA 
whom m^ Tabs mistaken^, to be freedom fighters). It has recently been revealed 
bv renegade MIS agent David Shayler that elements of the British Secret State ' anally 
jLted to murder Colonel Gadaffi, so once again it remains to be seen who ,s the bigot and 
who the oeacemaker. Now what about the left? 
5n page 10 of this pamphlet you will see a reproduction « * ft"""" " W ^i 
(so-called) anarchist newspaper which was sold through London bookshops m 1995. You can 
ee wtat these people think of you. In case you think this is a tongue-in-cheek reference U the 
judiciary I can assure you that it isn't; furthermore these people mean business, and have 
often incited and been involved in serious public disorder. , iti „ a tion with its 

This newspaper came to my attention because I was involved in civil litigation witn its 
d^stib^rs in connection wki unrelated matters. I had also been targeted by Britain^ 
2ESiSi May 1993, at the behest of a powerful and totally ruthless politica 
^m^UhZ^JiUr Baron and I may be known to one or two of you through legal 
SfciK «£- *. I" August 1999 I received an out-of-court ""*££ — £ 
with the 1993 police raid, and have been subjected to police haras ment for the past seven 
years harassmL which has now been more or less unsuccessful, although they may yet try 

CeatlpA,™ funded primarily by p»b.ic money: from both central and ioeal government 

( Sometime after contacting the Met I received a letter from a senior Special Branch officer 
infZning Z ^origin/samples had been collected and wonld be scrutimsed to see .f there 



was any evidence of criminality. I waited. And waited. And waited. When I was tired of 
waiting I wrote to the police, and was ignored. I wrote again, and was again ignored. 

Eventually I wrote to my MP, and she received a definitive reply dated 26 November 1999. 
And this is where Veness comes in. 

David Veness: Creep, Liar, Unfit To Serve the British Public 

The bulk of Veness's letter consists of references to my publishing activities, of which he 
appears to be profoundly misinformed. Be that as it may, one thing he most definitely should 
not be ignorant of as a police officer is the law. Read what he says about this newspaper Class 
War, (page 9). 

"there was no direct threat to any named person and, therefore it was not actionable" 

Did you ever hear of such fucking bullshit? 

Trv replacing the six judges pictured here with six rabbis, or six black men, and see what 
Veness's chum Grieve says. Why was no action taken over this newspaper and its publicly 

^l^ b totZi is simple; the criminal law has not only been perverted by the sinister 
machinations of all manner of racial and other pressure groups, but it is being used as a 
means of oersecuting unpopular ideologies and the people who follbw them. A lot ot the 
hysterfc owsl^d Jism has less to do with genuine concern for the supposed oppression 
of ethnic minorities and a lot to do with imposing a dictatorship on Britain. 
Consider that lunatic "recommendation" of Macpherson and his gang: "That consideration 
shouW be gten to ame ndment of the law to allow prosecution of offences involving racist 
language of behaviour, and of offences involving the possession of offensive weapons where 
sucl conduct can be proven to have taken place otherwise than in a public place. What 
^d thfs mean i« practice? Remember that novel 19841 One of Orwell's predictions here 
wafthaf mThe Lure dystbpia we would all be monitored round the clock by TV cameras in 
™ own ZmL This is actually nearer than most people think. The exponential advances in 
^SUf over the past few years together ^^"-^ 
surveillance a reality. If you live in an urban area you will be recorded on 300 or more closed 

circuit television cameras daily. (17) c*«nhMi 

„, . ._„.,„ „^„ *k» "Witimisatinn" of "intrusive surveillance" in the Stephen 


replace British law with laws which are formulated hundreds - or even thousands - of miles 
away in the interest of big business, corporate America, or even of the perfidious United 

Nations. . , . . . • , . 

The common law of this country has been buUt up by Britain's judges; this includes such 
concepts as the presumption of innocence, the burden of proof being on the prosecution, the 
right to silence, the Turnbull direction, and the concept of double jeopardy. 

John Grieve and David Veness are servants of an authoritarian, undemocratic ideology, and 
they are even more insidious for their posing as defenders of democracy while actually 
destroying it. Even the new Commissioner seems to be following the same path. According to 
a recent press report he is committed to make the Met "Britain's first fully anti-racist police 
force". (18) Whatever happened to fighting crime? Do Londoners really expect the likes ot 
Grieve, Veness and the Commissioner himself to be fart-arsing around playing ' community 
relations", and tracking down racist graffiti artists when people are being murdered on our 
streets? On September 30 last year a Rastafarian was shot dead in South London. His was the 
sixteenth such murder that year, ie black/drug-related. (19) The clear up rate for murder in 
London is now one of the worst if not the worst in the country. That's hardly surprising, is it? 
The police have limited resources; if they devote so much time to harassing racists, they can t 
use the same man-hours to track down murderers. 

What Can Britain's Judges Do To Restore The Rule Of Law? 

Before I attempt to answer that question, let me tell you what will happen if you dont. 
Britain is slowly but surely being transformed into a police state, although at times not so 
slowly. The rights of the individual to associate with whom he pleases, and not to associate 
with whom he does not please, the right to freedom of expression and freedom of opinion, are 
all being eroded. On the pretext of combating a non-existent menace, so-called racism and 
now institutional racism, anti-British hatemongers are legislating away our freedoms, 
increasing racial and other tensions, and undermining the very fabric of society. 
The crusade against racism has not only reached fever pitch but has turned into a 
bandwagon which all and sundry are jumping on. There are now demands to outlawnot just 
all forms of so-called racism - which no one seems to be able even to define and which even 
self-styled "anti-rociW accuse themselves of - (20) but even to outlaw the mythical disease of 
homophobia. The odious Peter Tatchell and his gang, OutRage, have lobbied to reduce the 
age of consent to sixteen. Tatchell himself wants it lowered to fourteen (21) Recently, 
Tatchell's organisation sent a memorandum to the Home Office calling for the legalisation of 
queer sex in public toilets! (22) Among other things. Okay, most people nowadays would 
agree that acts of sexual perversion, however revolting, should be legal provided they are 
carried out in private dwellings between consenting adults and do not involve serious bodily 
injury. But Tatchell and his gang not only want to make these things legal m public, they 
want to brand ordinary people as bigots simply for voicing or even showing their disapproval. 
Some of these perverts are now seeking the criminalisation of homophobia. 
And this is where you come in. Although Parliament can pass any statute it damn well 
pleases, the Judiciary is still a bulwark against the total subversion of the rule of law. In the 
first place, legislation and other decisions of both the Legislative and the Executive are 
subject to Judicial Review. In the second place, judges, particularly in the Court of Appeal, 
are still capable of making law by the way they interpret statutes. In the third place, even 


Crown Court judges have the ability to profoundly influence the law in individual cases. 


Let's imagine that theft were to be made capital as it was as recently as the 19th Century. 
Imagine someone was charged with shoplifting and faced execution for swiping a can of beans 
from the local Safeway. What would happen in practice? The jury would acquit. If you were 
sitting on a jury which held the power of life and death over someone for something so trivial 
you'd acquit too, wouldn't you? Juries have this power, so do judges, to set people free when 
they've been tried unjustly, or tried for non-crimes like racism, or for other non-offences like 
- perish the thought - "incitement to homo-hatred". 

If you preside over such a trial you can put all manner of blocks in the way of the 
prosecution by limiting cross-examination, ruling evidence inadmissible, and of course by 
summing up in such a manner that the jury are strongly influenced to acquit, or even by 
summing up so outrageously badly that in the event of conviction the accused has numerous 

grounds for appeal. 

As a judge you can also speak out against injustice, the squandering of public money on the 
pursuit of political and other vendettas, and so on. 

Finally, you can refuse to preside over cases which involve gross violations of people's civil 
liberties. If judges had adopted this stance as far as the phony war on drugs is concerned we 
wouldn't have seen the repressive money laundering regulations, asset forfeiture or even 
intrusive surveillance that we have in the past decade and a half. At least not to the current, 

shocking degree. 
A very recent and truly outrageous case of anti-drug hysteria, which resulted in the gaoling 
of two charity workers, is that of the Cambridge Two. On December 17, 1999, Ruth Wyner 
and John Brock, director and manager respectively of the Wintercomfort centre for the 
homeless were gaoled for five years and fours years for "knowingly permitting or suffering 
the supply of a Class A drug (heroin) on the premises". (23) Their real "crime" was refusing 
to compromise client confidentiality by acting as police grasses. (24) If you'd presided over 
this mockery of a trial you could have sabotaged it For the record, Ruth Wyner is Jewish, 
like Grieve's chum Gerry Gable. It is a supreme irony that while a little Kosher shit stirrer 
like Gable (who has been exposed many times as a purveyor of disinformation) is given carte 
blanche to spread his poison aided and abetted by the likes of John Grieve, that a Jewish 
woman who has devoted her life to helping the homeless should be thrown into gaol like a 
common criminal. 

*""" Further to the specific points raised in Mr Baron's letter, you will wish to be 
apprised that: 


Above: this publication was distributed by a registered charity with total 
impunity while people have been dragged into court simply for exercising their 
right of free speech. The rule of law in Britain has been increasingly 
undermined by the likes of John Grieve and David Veness at the beck and call 
of powerful political and racial pressure groups. 



Defend The Rights Of Englishmen 

By taking such a stance you can not only defend the rapidly dwindling rights ^ Englishmen, 
y win t« extend the concept of genuine individual rights throughout the world. The 
L^Tp^^e^ Xpdice have allowed powerful agenda driven interest groups 
SSSS' lobby to destroy our rights by the use of bogus statics 
etotionaTblackmail and every dirty trick in the book, none moresou, the ca^ ofj^ ta. 
Lawrence. Remember, Stephen Lawrence wasn't a victim of racism, he was a victnn 

T^ 61 ;. u father the increasinelv boring Neville Lawrence, claimed that the position of 

bSr^BrLt wl; fom^We tftiia of lews in Nazi Germany. (25) Ask your local rabbi 

u ? L JFSrJZl T^^reat irony about this absurd claim is that it was not racism (or 

what he thud* ^^^V^ » of the Jew s in Nazi Germany, as is popularly 

campaign m Bntam with their ^°™ em «" k recommendations of the 

condoning * ^J^EEM^ ^ d ° t ty arming aided and abetted in this 
en" bT cumb^eS Grieve Z David Venes, It's time Doreen and NevUle were 
told where to get off, and time Grieve and Veness were given the boot. 


Lawrence case and three J^ »™« » ol «, b J ta the mcantime we can only hope that 
remain, to be seen 'j"^""*^ STpr«™ptton of in „„ ce „ce, nnlike those previonsly 
^TlndYaS feeLsW^y hot* the Lwrenee family circus and the media. And in the 
ITntetwrnnf a^ar S La, Mr and Mrs Lawrence and the Daily MaU newspaper owe 
several vouns men a serious apology. 


Notes And References 

(1) Quoted in FREEDOM UNDER THE LAW, by the Right Honourable Sir Alfred Denning, 
published by Stevens & Sons, London, (1949), page 7. 

(2) TRAGEDY AND HOPE: A History of THE WORLD in Our Time, by Carroll Quigley, 
Second Printing, Angriff Press, Los Angeles, (1974), pages 155-6. 

(3) An Odikro is a petty chief. 

(4) This document can be found at the Public Record Office in file C0554/531. 

(5) See for example MURDER IN THE PALACE AT KD3I An account of the KM Ritual 
Murder Case, by H.A. Nuamah, apparently self-published, printed by Educational Press and 
Manufacturers Limited, Ghana, (1985), and Colonial Office correspondence related to the 
case held at the Public Record Office in file C0554/531, (ibid). 

(6) THE STEPHEN LAWRENCE INQUIRY, Cm 4262 - 1 & 4262 - H (Revised), published by 
HMSO, London, (February 1999). 

(7) Macpherson Report, Volume 1, page 20. 

(8) Except when it comes to prosecuting bent coppers for "noble cause corruption" when no 
amount of evidence is deemed sufficient. 

(9) Macpherson Report, Volume 1, page 154. 

(10) Macpherson Report, Volume 1, page 157. 

(11) One of whom is rumoured to be slipping her a length! 

(12) For documentation on this and Hill's other activities check out my 1994 book Liars Ought 
To Have Good Memories. 

(13) One of these documents was overt; Detective Sergeant Chainey, another bent copper, 
made a witness statement for Gable in civil proceedings in which he gave out information 
obtained under PACE. 

(14) Police chief admits institutional racism, published in the Times, February 17, 2000, page 


(15) The Constitution of Liberty, by F.A. Hayek, published by the University of Chicago Press, 

London, (I960), page 155. 

(16) For documentation on this see POISON ON THE RATES: What the people of the London 
Borough of Hackney should know about the Centerprise Trust, by Alexander Baron, published 
by In/oText Manuscripts, London, Second Edition, (May 1996). 

(17) Smile, you're on 300 candid cameras..., by Dipesh Gadher, published in the Sunday Times, 
February 14, 1999, page 1.5. 

(18) I will stamp out racism, by Jeff Edwards, published in the Daily Mirror, February 23, 
2000, page 2. 

(19) The Times, October 1, 1999, page 4. 

(20) Recall that imbecile Grieve's claim that the charge of institutional racism against the 
Metropolitan Police "applies to me as much as it applies to anybody else". 

(21) Private Eye, Friday 13 Nov. 1998, No. 963, page 6. 

(22) Gay groups seek to legalise sex in public lavatories, by Philip Johnston, published in the 
Daily Telegraph, February 11, 2000, page 14. 

(23) Further information can be obtained from or from telephone 
01223 513033. 

(24) This could have had serious consequences both for themselves and for the centre's users. 

(25) Blacks 'suffer as Jews did', by Robin Young, published in the Times, March 2, 2000, page 


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