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973.7L63   Corliss,  Carlton  Jonathan, 
B6C813a      1888- 

Abraham  Lincoln  and  the 

Illinois  Central  Railroad, 
Main  Line  of  Mid-America. 




the  Class  of  1901 

founded  by 




Abraham  Lincoln 

and  the 

Illinois  Central  Railroad 



Lincoln  of  the  Illinois  Central 

The  Illinois  Central  may  well  be  proud  of  Abraham  Lin- 
coln— not  because  he  afterward  became  President  of  the 
United  States,  but  because  as  an  attorney  he  served  his  client 
superlatively  well. 

— Paul  M.  Angle,  Historian  and 
Lincoln  Biographer 

There  are  persons  still  living  who  remember  seeing  Abraham  Lin- 
coln— so  recently  was  he  among  us — yet,  already  more  books  have 
been  written  about  him  than  about  any  other  American.  Nearly 
every  biography  of  Lincoln  contains  references  to  his  employment 
by  the  Illinois  Central  Railroad.  Some  biographies  give  consider- 
able emphasis  to  this  phase  of  Lincoln's  career;  others  give  it  little 
more  than  passing  attention. 

Aside  from  his  public  service — as  state  representative,  as  Con- 
gressman, and  finally  as  President  of  the  United  States — Lincoln 
spent  more  time  in  the  service  of  the  Illinois  Central  than  in  that  of 
any  other  employer.  And  he  received  from  the  Illinois  Central  not 
only  the  largest  law  fee  of  his  career  but  also  more  in  fees  than  he 
received  from  any  other  source — public  or  private — before  becom- 
ing President  of  the  United  States. 

The  territory  now  served  by  the  Illinois  Central  Railroad  was 
Lincoln's  home  country.  This  is  the  only  railroad  that  links  Hod- 
genville,  Kentucky,  his  birthplace,  with  the  outside  world.  Abra- 
ham's boyhood  home  in  Spencer  County,  Indiana,  is  not  far  from 
the  present  Illinois  Central  lines  to  Evansville,  Indiana,  and  Owens- 
boro,  Kentucky.  As  a  river  boatman  who  made  two  trips  to  New 
Orleans,  Lincoln  was  not  unacquainted  with  Paducah,  Memphis, 
Vicksburg,  Natchez,  and  Baton  Rouge.  On  one  of  his  trips  he  tar- 
ried for  some  time  in  New  Orleans,  the  first  large  city  he  ever 

From  the  time  Lincoln  and  his  family  left  Indiana  in  1830  until 
1861,  when  he  became  President  of  the  United  States,  this  farm  boy. 


mill  hand,  boatman,  store  clerk,  surveyor,  postmaster,  legislator, 
lawyer,  and  statesman  lived  in  Illinois  and  traveled  extensively 
about  that  state.  He  was  a  familiar  figure  in  Vandalia,  Springfield, 
Clinton,  Bloomington,  Chicago,  Freeport,  Peoria,  Lincoln,*  Pana, 
Galena,  Mattoon,  Champaign,  Centralia,  Pekin,  and  other  Illinois 
Central  cities  and  towns. 

As  already  pointed  out,  Lincoln  took  keen  interest  in  the  Illi- 
nois Central  project  from  its  inception.  When  he  was  a  member  of 
the  state  legislature  his  influence  and  his  vote  helped  to  incorporate 
the  first  Central  Railroad  Company  in  1836.  In  1837  he  took  a 
leading  part  in  the  passage  of  the  ambitious  internal  improvement 
scheme,  of  which  the  Central  Railroad  was  the  backbone.  As  a  mem- 
ber of  Congress  he  introduced  several  memorials  and  resolutions 
and  addressed  Congress  in  behalf  of  the  land-grant  bill  designed 
to  promote  the  construction  of  the  railroad. 

What  part,  if  any,  Lincoln  played  in  the  struggle  for  the  railroad's 
charter  in  1850-1851  has  long  engaged  the  interest  of  Lincoln  stu- 
dents. In  the  absence  of  documentary  proof,  reliance  has  been 
placed  on  hearsay  and  circumstantial  evidence,  which  is  contra- 
dictory and  inconclusive.  These  facts,  however,  are  well  established: 
Lincoln  was  in  Springfield  while  the  Illinois  Central  charter  was 
under  consideration  in  the  legislature,  and  he  was  actively  inter- 
ested in  legislation  before  that  body.  The  overwhelming  vote  in 
favor  of  the  Rantoul  charter  (23  to  2  in  the  Senate  and  72  to  2  in  the 
House)  would  seem  to  be  an  indication  that  if  Lincoln  took  part  in 
the  struggle  he  was  in  the  Rantoul  camp. 

No  uncertainty  surrounds  Lincoln's  employment  by  the  Illinois 
Central  as  attorney  during  the  period  from  1853  until  his  nomina- 
tion for  the  Presidency  in  1860.  During  this  eight-year  period  Lin- 
coln handled  numerous  cases  for  the  Company  in  the  courts  of  the 
Eighth  Judicial  Circuit  in  central  Illinois  and  no  fewer  than  eleven 
cases  before  the  Supreme  Court  of  Illinois.  He  also  represented  the 
Company  in  an  important  case  tried  in  the  Federal  Court  in  Chi- 

The  Eighth  Judicial  Circuit  was  then  composed  of  eight  coun- 
ties, f  Six  of  these  counties — McLean,  DeWitt,  Macon,  VVoodford, 

•  Lincoln,  the  seat  of  Logan  County.  Illinois,  was  the  first  tewn  in  the  United 
States  to  be  named  for  Abraham  Lincoln,  who  in  1839  fathered  the  bill  creating  the 
county.  The  county  was  named  by  Lincoln  for  Dr.  Jehn  L»gan,  ©f  Murphysboro, 
father  of  General  John  A.  Logan. 

+  Reduced  to  five  counties  in  1857. 


Vermilion,*  and  Champaign — were  traversed  by  the  charter  lines 
of  the  Illinois  Central,  and  it  is  believed  that  Lincoln  represented 
the  railroad  in  all  of  them.  In  the  three  counties  for  which  records 
are  available — McLean,  DeWitt,  and  Champaign — Lincoln  rep- 
resented the  railroad  in  at  least  fifty  court  cases  between  April,  1853, 
and  October,  1859.  At  Clinton,  in  a  single  day— May  16,  1854— he 
appeared  for  the  Illinois  Central  in  seven  cases. 

The  first  known  court  action  in  which  Lincoln  represented  the 
Company  was  Illinois  Central  Railroad  vs.  Jonathan  Howser,  a 
right-of-way  case,  tried  before  Circuit  Judge  David  Davis  at  Bloom- 
incrton  on  April  16,  1853,  In  this  case,  as  in  subsequent  court  ac- 
tions in  McLean  County,  Lincoln  was  associated  with  General 
Asahel  Gridley,  local  attorney  for  the  Company.  In  DeWitt  and 
Champaign  counties  the  local  attorneys  were  Clifton  H.  Moore  and 
Henry  C.  Whitney,  respectively.  In  nearly  all  cases  tried  in  the 
courts  of  these  counties  Lincoln  was  associated  with  these  local  at- 

Lincoln's  fees  in  suits  tried  in  the  circuit  courts  were  in  most 
cases  exceedingly  modest,  measured  by  modern  standards.  For 
instance,  from  Bloomington  on  September  23,  1854,  Lincoln  wrote 
Solicitor  Mason  Brayman  that  he  was  drawing  on  the  Company  for 
$100,  saying: 

The  reason  I  have  taken  this  liberty  is  that  since  last  fall,  by  your 
request,  I  have  declined  all  new  business  against  the  road,  and  out  of 
which  I  suppose  I  could  have  realized  several  hundred  dollars.  Have 
attended,  both  at  DeWitt  and  here,  to  a  great  variety  of  little  business 
for  the  Company,  most  of  which,  however,  remains  unfinished,  and  [I] 
have  received  nothing.  I  wish  now  to  be  charged  with  this  sum,  to  be 
taken  into  account  on  settlement. 

The  "great  variety  of  little  business"  to  which  Lincoln  referred 
consisted  of  cases  involving  trespass,  right-of-way,  property  damage, 
injury  to  livestock,  freight  claims,  and  so  on. 

On  September  14,  1855,  Lincoln  wrote  James  F.  Joy,  the  general 
counsel  of  the  Illinois  Central: 

I  have  today  drawn  on  you  in  favor  of  the  McLean  County  Bank  .  .  . 
for  $150.  This  is  intended  as  a  fee  for  all  service  done  by  me  for  the 
Illinois  Central  Railroad  since  last  September  within  the  counties  of 
McLean  and  DeWitt.  Within  that  time  ...  I  have  assisted  for  the 

•  Vermilion  County  then  included  all  of  what  is  now  Ford  County. 


Road  in  at  least  fifteen  cases  (I  believe  one  or  two  more)  and  I  have 
concluded  to  lump  them  off  at  ten  dollars  a  case. 

The  most  celebrated  case  which  Lincoln  ever  handled  for  the  Il- 
linois Central,  and  the  one  which  has  attracted  the  greatest  interest 
among  Lincoln  students  and  biographers,  was  Illinois  Central  Rail- 
road Company  vs.  the  County  of  McLean  and  George  Parke,  Sheriff 
and  Collector,  commonly  known  as  the  "McLean  County  Tax 
Case."  Taxing  officers  of  several  counties  through  which  the  rail- 
road was  being  built  contended  that  the  unique  tax  provision  in 
the  charter,  requiring  the  Illinois  Central  to  pay  the  state  a  charter 
tax  representing  a  percentage  of  its  gross  earnings,  in  lieu  of  other 
taxes,  related  only  to  state  taxes  and  did  not  affect  ad  valorem  or 
other  taxes  levied  against  the  railroad  by  the  counties. 

On  this  assumption,  local  tax  officers  assessed  the  value  of  Illi- 
nois Central  property  in  McLean  County  in  1852,  then  consisting 
almost  entirely  of  right-of-way,  at  $53,682.  Thereupon  the  county 
tax  collector  attempted  to  collect  $428.56  in  taxes  from  the  Com- 
pany. On  refusal  of  the  Company  to  pay  the  taxes,  in  view  of  the 
charter  provision,  a  court  order  was  issued  directing  Sheriff  Parke 
to  advertise  and  sell  the  property  of  the  railroad  to  raise  the  taxes 

At  this  juncture  the  Illinois  Central,  through  Attorneys  Brayman 
and  Gridley,  filed  a  bill  for  an  injunction  restraining  the  sheriff 
from  carrying  out  the  court  order.  Although  the  sum  involved  in 
the  McLean  County  case  was  insignificant,  the  case  was  recognized 
as  one  of  the  most  important  before  the  courts  of  Illinois  at  that 

If  the  courts  should  decide  that  the  charter  tax  provision  was  un- 
constitutional, then  the  state  would  suffer  loss- of  what  promised  to 
be,  and  what  later  proved  to  be,  its  most  important  source  of 
revenue.  In  this  respect  the  suit  was  of  more  concern  to  the  state 
than  to  the  Illinois  Central.  If  the  court  should  decide  in  McLean 
County's  favor,  then  evci)  county,  town,  and  municipality  through 
which  the  Illinois  Central  ran  would  be  able  to  levy  property  taxes 
against  the  Company.  If  the  state  tax  were  ruled  out  and  local  taxes 
were  ruled  in,  then  the  Illinois  Central  might  be  substantially 
benefited  by  the  court  decision.  However,  if  the  court  should  decree 
that  the  charter  tax  provision  was  constitutional  and  must  remain 
in  force,  and  that  county  and  other  local  taxes  could  also  be  levied 
against  the  Company,  then  the  Illinois  Central  would  be  shouldered 


with  an  ovenvhelming  tax  burden — far  greater  than  that  imposed 
upon  any  other  railroad  in  the  United  States. 

Soon  after  Brayman  and  Gridley  filed  their  injunction  proceed- 
ings, Brayman  sought  to  engage  Lincoln  as  an  associate  in  the  case. 
The  two  were  old  friends  and  neighbors.  Brayman  regarded  Lincoln 
as  one  of  the  ablest  lawyers  in  Illinois. 

That  Lincoln  was  fully  aware  of  the  significance  of  the  case  is 
clearly  shown  in  the  following  letter  which  he  wrote  from  Bloom- 
ington,  September  12,  1853,  to  T.  R.  Webber,  clerk  of  the  Cham- 
paign County  Court: 

On  my  arrival  here  ...  I  find  that  McLean  County  has  assessed  the 
land  and  other  property  of  the  Illinois  Central  Railroad  for  the  pur- 
pose of  county  taxation.  An  effort  is  about  to  be  made  to  get  the  ques- 
tion of  the  right  to  so  tax  the  Company  before  the  court  and  ultimately 
before  the  Supreme  Court,  and  the  Company  is  offering  to  engage  me 
for  them.  As  this  will  be  the  same  question  I  have  had  under  considera- 
tion for  you,  I  am  somewhat  trammeled  by  what  has  passed  between 
you  and  me,  feeling  that  you  have  the  first  right  to  my  services.  .  .  . 

The  question  in  its  magnitude  to  the  Company  on  the  one  hand  and 
the  counties  in  which  the  Company  has  land  on  the  other,  is  the  largest 
law  question  ...  in  the  State;  and,  therefore,  in  justice  to  myself,  I 
cannot  afford,  if  I  can  help  it,  to  miss  a  fee  altogether.  If  you  choose  to 
release  me,  say  so  by  return  mail.  ...  If  you  wish  to  retain  me  .  .  . 
come  directly  over  in  the  stage  and  make  common  cause  with  this 

Webber  referred  the  matter  to  County  Judge  J.  B.  Thomas,  rec- 
ommending the  employment  of  Lincoln.  Judge  Thomas  fully  ap- 
proved and  suggested  that  Webber  go  immediately  to  Bloomington 
prepared  to  engage  Lincoln  with  a  retainer  up  to  $50  and  to  con- 
tract for  "a  fee  in  proportion  to  the  importance  of  the  claim," 
even  up  to  $500.  Evidently  these  negotiations  fell  through  and 
Lincoln  was  released  from  his  obligation  to  Webber,  for  on  Oc- 
tober 3  Lincoln  wrote  Brayman  from  Pekin,  Illinois:  "Neither 
the  County  of  McLean  nor  anyone  in  its  behalf  has  made  any  en- 
gagement with  me  in  relation  to  its  suit  to  the  Illinois  Central  Rail- 
road on  the  subject  of  taxation — I  am  now  free  to  make  an  engage- 
ment for  the  road,  and  if  you  think  fit  you  may  'count  me  in!'  " 

Brayman  lost  no  time.  On  October  7  he  sent  Lincoln  a  check  for 
$250,  saying  in  his  letter  that  it  was  to  be  a  general  retainer,  "other 
charges  to  be  adjusted  between  us  as  the  character  of  the  business  in 
which  you  may  be  called  upon  to  engage  may  render  proper." 


As  clearly  shown  by  the  language  of  Brayman's  letter,  the  retainer 
fee  was  not  applicable  solely  to  the  McLean  County  Tax  Case,  but 
was  to  engage  Lincoln  to  represent  the  railroad  in  other  law  mat- 
ters as  well.  Hence  Lincoln's  statement  in  his  letter  of  September  14, 
1855,  already  quoted,  that  "since  last  fall,  by  your  request,  I  have 
declined  all  new  business  against  the  road." 

The  McLean  County  injunction  proceeding  came  up  before 
Judge  Davis  in  November,  1853,  John  M.  Scott  appearing  as  at- 
torney for  the  county,  and  Brayman,  Gridley,  and  Lincoln  appear- 
ing as  counsel  for  the  Illinois  Central.  After  a  hearing  the  bill  for 
injunction  was  dissolved  and  the  suit  was  dismissed.  This  was  in 
effect  a  decision  in  favor  of  the  county. 

At  this  juncture  Lincoln  wrote  James  F.  Joy,  the  attorney  in 
general  charge  of  the  case,  "I  believe  I  can  get  the  Supreme  Court 
to  reverse  the  Court's  decision."  Joy  replied,  "Go  ahead."  The  ap- 
peal to  the  December,  1853,  term  of  the  Supreme  Court,  signed 
"Brayman,  Joy,  and  Lincoln,"  is  in  Lincoln's  handwriting,  even  to 
the  signatures.  The  case  was  argued  before  the  Supreme  Court  of 
Illinois  in  February,  1854,  and  again  in  January,  1856,  by  Joy  and 
Lincoln  for  the  Illinois  Central  and  by  Stephen  T.  Logan  and  John 
T.  Stuart,  former  law  partners  of  Lincoln,  for  the  County  of  Mc- 
Lean. A  more  distinguished  group  of  lawyers  could  hardly  have 
been  found  in  Illinois  at  that  time. 

In  a  decision  announced  early  in  1856,  the  Supreme  Court  held 
that  it  was  within  the  constitutional  power  of  the  legislature  to  im- 
pose a  gross  revenue  tax  payable  to  the  state  in  lieu  of  local  ad  va- 
lorem taxes.  Students  of  the  case  agree  that  the  court's  decision 
turned  upon  a  point  in  Lincoln's  argument. 

Probably  the  most  frequently  discussed  aspects  of  the  McLean 
County  Tax  Case  have  been  Lincoln's  fee  for  services  and  his  sub- 
sequent suit  against  the  Illinois  Central  for  the  collection  of  that 
fee.  Some  time  during  the  early  part  of  1856,  after  the  Supreme 
Court  had  handed  down  its  decision,  Lincoln  presented  his  bill  to 
the  Illinois  Central.  Whether  his  original  bill  was  for  $1,000  or 
$2,000  or  $5,000,  as  has  been  variously  reported,  is  not  known;  but 
it  is  definitely  known  that  his  bill  as  finally  presented  was  for  $5,000. 
This  was  by  far  the  largest  fee  Lincoln  ever  collected  from  any 
client  for  his  services  as  a  lawyer.  Even  today  lawyers'  fees  of  this 
size  are  not  common.  In  Lincoln's  day  tliey  were  extremely  rare. 
Few  lawyers  in  America  could  command  fees  of  this  size.  Indeed, 


it  is  said  that  the  largest  fee  ever  collected  by  the  eminent  lawyer 
Rufus  Choate  was  $2,500. 

Probably  the  most  exhaustive  study  ever  made  of  the  personal 
finances  of  Abraham  Lincoln  was  conducted  by  Dr.  Harry  E.  Pratt 
and  published  in  1943  under  the  title  The  Personal  Finances  of 
Abraham  Lincoln.  According  to  this  authoritative  source,  Lincoln's 
fees  prior  to  the  McLean  County  Case,  in  the  majority  of  cases,  were 
from  $10  to  $30.  Rarely  was  his  fee  larger  than  $50,  and  in  only 
three  cases  on  record  was  it  above  $100.  The  largest  fee  Lincoln  ever 
received  up  to  1855  was  in  the  Truitt  murder  case  in  1838,  when 
he  andiiis  law  partner,  John  T.  Stuart,  received  and  split  $500. 

With  Lincoln's  reputation  as  a  lawyer  greatly  enhanced  by  the 
fact  that  he  was  in  the  regular  retainer  of  the  Illinois  Central  Rail- 
road, the  leading  corporation  in  the  state,  he  was  able  to  command 
larger  fees.  In  September,  1855,  he  is  reported  to  have  received  a  fee 
of  $1,000  in  the  so-called  Reaper  Case  {McCormick  vs.  Manny  et 
al)  tried  in  Cincinnati;  and  in  1857  he  received  $500  for  his  serv- 
ices in  the  Rock  Island  Railroad  Bridge  Case. 

The  annual  salary  of  the  governor  of  Illinois  was  then  $1,500; 
that  of  the  chief  justice  of  the  Illinois  Supreme  Court,  $1,200;  and 
that  of  Circuit  Judge  David  Davis,  $1,000.  Therefore,  Lincoln's 
$5,000  fee  in  the  McLean  County  Case  was  equal  to  the  salary  of  the 
governor  of  Illinois  for  three  and  one-third  years;  that  of  the  chief 
justice  for  more  than  four  years,  or  that  of  a  circuit  judge  for  five 
years.  It  compared  with  a  salary  of  $2,000  a  year  received  by  Solici- 
tor Mason  Brayman,  who  employed  Lincoln  in  the  McLean  County 
Case,  and  a  fee  of  $1,200  received  by  James  F.  Joy  for  his  services 
as  chief  counsel  in  the  case.  Viewed  against  this  background,  it  is 
readily  understandable  why  officers  of  the  Illinois  Central  may  have 
been  hesitant  about  paying  Lincoln's  bill. 

A  much-discussed  question  in  connection  with  this  case  has  been 
whether  Lincoln's  suit  against  the  Illinois  Central  to  collect  his 
$5,000  fee  was  friendly  or  unfriendly.  Some  biographers,  including 
William  H.  Herndon,  Lincoln's  law  partner,  have  maintained  that 
Lincoln  brought  his  suit  in  a  vengeful  spirit  because  of  an  alleged 
slighting  remark  by  some  officer  or  employee  of  the  Company. 

On  the  other  hand,  those  who  maintain  that  the  suit  was  friendly 
advance  the  theory  that  the  law  officers  of  the  Company,  all  of 
whom  were  close  friends  of  Lincoln,  felt  that  they  would  likely  be 


criticized  by  the  directors  in  New  York  if  they  should  pay  so  large  a 
fee  to  a  lawyer  without  a  contest. 

But  there  was  another  reason — almost  entirely  overlooked — why 
it  might  have  been  embarrassing  to  pay  such  a  large  fee  at  that  time 
without  being  sued  for  it.  By  1856  the  English  shareholders  had 
become  keenly  interested  in  the  Company's  affairs.  Their  repre- 
sentatives and  agents  who  visited  America  minutely  examined  the 
Company's  accounts.  These  representatives  did  not  hesitate  to 
criticize  the  management  and  offer  suggestions  for  economies.  At 
this  particular  time  they  were  advocating  economies  in  order  to 
forestall  the  necessity  of  further  stock  assessments.  This  pressure 
from  abroad  was  undoubtedly  a  factor  in  the  situation. 

There  are  several  versions  of  the  story  of  Lincoln's  suit  against  the 
Illinois  Central  for  the  collection  of  his  fee.  Perhaps  the  one  most 
widely  accepted  is  found  in  Herndon's  biography,  which  says: 

Probably  the  most  important  lawsuit  Lincoln  and  I  conducted  was 
one  in  which  we  defended  the  lUinois  Central  Railroad  in  an  action 
brought  by  McLean  County,  Illinois,  in  August,  1853,  to  recover  taxes 
alleged  to  be  due  the  county  from  the  road.  The  road  sent  a  retainer  fee 
of  |250.  In  the  lower  court  the  case  was  decided  in  favor  of  the  railroad. 
An  appeal  to  the  Supreme  Court  followed,  and  there  it  was  argued 
twice  and  finally  decided  in  our  favor.  This  last  decision  was  rendered 
some  time  in  1855.  Mr.  Lincoln  soon  went  to  Chicago  and  presented  our 
bill  for  legal  services.  We  only  asked  for  $2,000  more.  The  official  to 
whom  he  was  referred — supposed  to  have  been  the  Superintendent, 
George  B.  McClellan,  who  afterwards  became  the  eminent  General — 
looking  at  the  bill  expressed  great  surprise.  "Why,  sir,"  he  exclaimed, 
"this  is  as  much  as  Daniel  Webster  himself  would  have  charged.  We 
cannot  allow  such  a  claim."  Stung  by  the  rebuff,  Lincoln  withdrew  his 
bill,  and  started  for  home. 

Herndon  was  writing  from  memory,  years  after  the  incidents  took 
place.  As  might  be  expected,  his  memory  did  not  always  reflect  the 
true  facts.  For  one  thing,  he  recalled  that  in  the  lower  court  the  case 
was  decided  in  the  railroad's  favor,  when  the  opposite  was  true.  His 
statement  that  the  Supreme  Court  handed  down  its  decision  some 
time  in  1855  was  also  in  error;  the  record  shows  that  the  final  argu- 
ments before  the  court  were  made  on  January  16-17,  1856,  and  the 
decision  was  handed  down  at  some  later  date.  Herndon  disagreed 
with  himself  concerning  the  episode.  For  instance,  in  a  lecture  de- 
livered in  Springfield  in  1866  on  an  "Analysis  of  the  Character  of 
Abraham  Lincoln"  he  said  Lincoln  "presented  his  bill  to  an  agent 



— whiskered-ringed-mustachioed-curly-headed  finely-dressed,  pom- 
pous, silly  little  clerk.  This  thing  in  boots  made  this  remark  to  Mr. 
Lincoln — 'Why,  sir,  Daniel  Webster  would  not  have  charged  that 
much.'  " 

At  one  time  Hemdon  had  Lincoln  presenting  his  bill  "to  an  offi- 
cial, supposed  to  have  been  the  superintendent,  George  B.  McClel- 
lan,"  and  at  another  time  to  "a  silly  little  clerk."  Obviously,  Hem- 
don was  wrong  about  McClellan,  for  at  the  time  Lincoln  presented 
his  bill  McClellan  was  a  captain  of  engineers  in  the  United  States 
Army  busily  engaged  in  writing  a  report  to  the  Secretary  of  War 
on  French,  Prussian,  and  Russian  military  tactics.  He  was  not  of- 
fered a  position  with  the  Illinois  Central  until  November,  1856, 
and  he  did  not  resign  from  the  Army  to  enter  the  service  of  the  rail- 
road until  January,  1857,  several  months  after  Lincoln  is  known  to 
have  presented  his  bill. 

It  is  now  definitely  known  that  Lincoln's  bill  was  presented  to 
John  M.  Douglas,  who  had  succeeded  Mason  Brayman  as  solicitor 
of  the  Company.  Douglas  was  a  former  Galena  mining  lawyer,  a 
close  friend  of  Lincoln,  and  was  recognized  as  one  of  the  ablest  law- 
yers in  Illinois.  He  later  became  president  of  the  Illinois  Central. 
Douglas  referred  the  bill  to  Ebenezer  Lane,  former  justice  of  the 
Supreme  Court  of  Ohio,  who  was  then  resident  director  of  the  Com- 
pany in  general  charge  of  the  Law  Department.  Judge  Lane  referred 
Lincoln's  bill  to  President  Osbom,  who  had  then  been  in  office  only 
a  few  months.  On  July  21,  1856,  Osbom  referred  Lincoln's  bill  to 
Joy  with  the  following  letter: 

Herewith  copy  of  bill  presented  by  Mr.  Lincoln,  to  which  I  have  re- 
plied that  I  know  nothing  of  the  circumstances  of  the  case  and 
enclose  the  same  for  information  from  you  of  the  ground  and  merit  of 
his  claim.  Will  you  please  advise  how  much  should  be  paid  to  Mr. 

Osbom  was  noncommital;  he  neither  approved  nor  disapproved 
the  bill,  but  sought  background  information  from  Joy.  A  few  days 
later  Judge  Lane  wrote  Lincoln  saying  that  Douglas  had  referred 
the  bill  to  him  and  that  since  the  case  had  been  under  Joy's  direc- 
tion, the  bill  had  been  referred  to  that  gentleman.  Thus  we  have 
four  high-ranking  officers  of  the  Illinois  Central  who  were  familiar 
with  Lincoln's  bill — President  Osborn,  Resident  Director  Lane, 
former  General  Counsel  Joy,  and  Solicitor  Douglas. 

The  files  of  the  Illinois  Central  do  not  contain  Joy's  reply  to  Os- 


bom,  and  the  record  is  not  clear  as  to  Joy's  attitude  toward  Lincoln's 

Referring  to  the  matter  many  years  later,  Joy  wrote:  "I  think 
there  would  have  been  no  difficulty  with  Lincoln's  bill  if  I  had 
charged,  as  perhaps  I  ought  to  have  done,  $5,000.  The  time  for  such 
fees  as  the  lawyers  now  ask  had  not  arrived,  and  my  own  charge  for 
the  arguments  in  the  case  was  only  $1 ,200." 

According  to  Joy,  "the  railroad  company,  after  declining  to  pay 
Lincoln  the  $5,000  he  demanded  because  it  thought  the  fee  was  too 
large,  made  him  this  proposition:  'Bring  suit  against  the  Company 
for  the  amount  demanded,  and  no  attempt  will  be  made  to  defend 
against  it.  If,  by  the  testimony  of  other  lawyers,  it  shall  appear  to  be 
a  fair  charge  and  there  shall  be  a  judgment  for  the  amount,  then  we 
shall  be  justified  in  paying  it.'  " 

In  the  early  years  of  the  present  century,  John  G.  Drennan,  Illi- 
nois Central  attorney,  made  an  extensive  study  of  all  available  ma- 
terial relating  to  Lincoln's  connection  with  the  Company.  He  wrote 
to  nine  judges  and  lawyers  who  had  firsthand  knowledge  of  Lin- 
coln's suit  for  the  $5,000  fee.  Without  exception,  these  men  re- 
plied that  they  were  of  the  opinion  that  Lincoln's  suit  was  of  a 
friendly  nature.* 

Since  that  time  much  new  material  bearing  on  Lincoln's  rela- 
tions with  the  Illinois  Central  has  been  discovered  by  Paul  M. 
Angle,  Benjamin  F.  Thomas,  and  others.  This  material  throws  ad- 
ditional light  on  Lincoln's  suit  against  the  Company  and  indicates 
that  while  Lincoln  may  have  started  his  suit  in  what  might  be 
termed  an  unfriendly  spirit,  an  amicable  settlement  was  reached 
while  the  litigation  was  in  progress,  and  the  suit  was  tried  in  a 
friendly  spirit. 

What  evidence  is  there  to  support  this  thesis?  First,  there  is  a  let- 
ter written  by  Lincoln  to  Steele  and  Summers  of  Paris,  Illinois, 
February  12,  1857,  about  three  weeks  after  he  filed  his  suit,  which 
indicates  that  he  then  doubted  if  he  would  be  retained  further  by 
the  Company.  He  wrote:  "I  have  been  in  the  regular  retainer  of  the 
Company  for  two  or  three  years,  but  I  expect  they  do  not  wish  to 
retain  me  any  longer.  .  ,  .  I  am  going  to  Chicago  .  .  .  on  the  21st 

•  The  men  referred  to  were  Judge  Anthony  Thornton,  former  Governor  John  M. 
Palmer,  Adlai  E.  Stephenson,  grandfather  of  the  present  governor  of  Illinois,  Ezra  M. 
Prince,  James  S.  Ewing,  George  Perrin  Davis,  Jonathan  H.  Rowell,  Robert  E.  Wil- 
liams, and  Charles  L.  Capen. 



inst.,  and  I  will  then  ascertain  whether  they  will  discharge  me;  and 
if  they  do,  as  I  expect,  I  will  attend  to  your  business.  .  .  ." 

On  February  23,  Lincoln  conferred  with  Illinois  Central  officers 
in  Chicago,  as  planned,  and,  contrary  to  his  expectation,  was  con- 
tinued in  the  Company's  retainer. 

Equally  significant  is  a  letter  written  by  Judge  Ebenezer  Lane  to 
President  Osbom  on  May  14,  1857: 

We  can  now  look  back  and  in  some  degree  estimate  the  narrow 
escape  we  have  made  .  .  .  from  burdens  of  the  most  serious  character. 
While  Lincoln  was  prosecuting  his  lawsuit  for  fees,  it  was  natural  for 
him  to  expect  a  dismissal  from  the  Company's  service  .  .  .  but  before 
our  settlement  with  him  the  Auditor  [Jesse  K.  DuBois]  .  .  .  ap 
proached  him  with  a  view  to  retain  him  for  the  State  for  consultation. 
Lincoln  answered  he  was  not  free  from  his  engagement  to  us,  but  ex- 
pected a  discharge.  .  .  .  Meanwhile  we  settled  with  Lincoln  and  for- 
tunately took  him  out  of  the  field,  or  rather  engaged  him  in  our  inter- 

The  record  shows  that,  while  Lincoln's  lawsuit  against  the  Com- 
pany for  his  $5,000  fee  was  pending,  he  appeared  for  the  Illinois 
Central  in  two  court  cases — one  in  De  W^itt  County  in  March  and 
one  in  Champaign  County  in  April,  1857.  Thus  it  is  clear  that  he 
not  only  remained  in  the  service  of  the  Illinois  Central  but  con- 
tinued without  interruption  to  try  cases  for  the  Company. 

When  the  case  of  A.  Lincoln  vs.  Illinois  Central  Railroad  Com- 
pany was  reached  for  trial^t  Bloomington  on  June  18,  no  one  ap- 
peared for  the  railroad,  and  judgment  went  to  Lincoln  by  default. 
That  afternoon  Solicitor  Douglas  arrived.  He  told  Lincoln  that 
default  placed  him  in  an  embarrassing  position  and  asked  him  to 
permit  the  judgment  to  be  set  aside  and  the  case  retried.  To  this 
Lincoln  readily  assented.  The  new  trial  was  held  on  June  23,  and 
again  the  verdict  was  in  Lincoln's  favor.  From  the  $5,000  awarded 
in  the  case  there  was  deducted  the  retainer  fee  which  had  pre- 
viously been  paid  Lincoln. 

Judge  Charles  L.  Capen  of  Bloomington,  at  one  time  president  of 
the  Illinois  State  Bar  Association,  who  was  in  the  courtroom,  related 
an  amusing  incident  that  occurred  during  the  trial.  "Mr.  Lincoln 
tried  his  own  case,"  Judge  Capen  said,  "and  as  he  got  up  to  speak  to 
the  jury  a  button  on  his  pantaloons  gave  way.  Saying,  'Wait  a  min- 
ute, boys,  till  I  fix  my  galluses,'  he  took  out  a  pocket  knife,  whittled 
a  stick  and  used  that  in  place  of  a  button,  much  to  the  amusement 
of  the  jurymen  and  spectators." 



Biographers  have  pointed  out  that  Lincoln's  political  activities 
were  closely  related  to  his  income  from  law  practice  and  that  the 
$5,000  which  he  received  from  the  Illinois  Central  Railroad  in  1857 
enabled  him  to  finance  his  greatly  increased  political  activities,  in- 
cluding his  history-making  debates  with  Douglas  the  following 
year.  Students  of  Lincoln  are  generally  agreed  that  it  was  his  de- 
bates with  Douglas  in  1858  that  put  him  on  the  road  to  the  Presi- 

The  McLean  County  Tax  Case  and  Lincoln's  suit  for  fees  in  that 
case  have  been  highlighted  by  most  biographers  to  the  exclusion  of 
many  other  important  services  which  he  performed  for  the  railroad. 
In  October,  1853,  a  few  days  after  Brayman  had  engaged  Lincoln 
under  a  general  retainer,  Joy  telegraphed  Lincoln  urging  him  to  act 
as  arbitrator  in  a  dispute  between  the  Illinois  Central  and  the 
Michigan  Southern  &  Northern  Indiana  Railroad  (now  the  New 
York  Central)  involving  the  rights  of  the  two  railroads  at  what  is 
now  Grand  Crossing,  Chicago,  then  on  the  open  prairie  several 
miles  south  of  the  city.  This  was  a  genuine  compliment  to  Lincohi, 
indicative  of  the  high  opinion  in  which  the  officers  of  the  Illinois 
Central  held  him,  even  in  that  early  day.  The  fact  that  Lincoln  was 
in  the  regular  retainer  of  the  Company,  however,  arranged  by 
Brayman,  presumably  unknown  to  Joy,  precluded  him  from  sen'ing 
as  arbitrator  in  the  crossing  case. 

In  March,  1856,  at  the  request  of  the  Law  Department  of  the 
Illinois  Central,  Lincoln  wrote  an  opinion  on  pre-emption  rights 
with  respect  to  government  land  in  the  land-grant  zones.  This  care- 
fully prepared  opinion  set  forth  the  law,  precedents,  and  principles 
involved  with  such  clarity  and  logic  that  it  has  served  from  that  day 
to  this  as  one  of  the  important  guideposts  in  this  field  of  jurispru- 

Curiously,  one  of  the  most  important  law  cases  Lincoln  ever  han- 
dled for  the  Illinois  Central  Railroad,  if  not  the  most  important  case 
in  his  entire  professional  career,  went  virtually  unnoticed  by  his- 
torians and  biographers  until  it  was  discussed  by  Paul  M.  Angle, 
executive  secretary  of  the  Lincoln  Centennial  Association,  in  1929, 
and  by  Charles  LeRoy  Brown,  a  Chicago  attorney,  in  1943.  This 
case  was  the  State  of  Illinois  vs.  the  Illinois  Central  Railroad, 
brought  by  State  Auditor  Jesse  K.  DuBois  in  the  fall  of  1858  for  the 
collection  of  state  taxes  allegedly  due  for  1857,  as  provided  in  Sec- 
tion 22  of  the  charter. 



The  case  hinged  mainly  Upon  three  questions:  (1)  the  valuation 
of  Illinois  Central  property,  (2)  whether  or  not  the  property  should 
be  valued  on  the  same  basis  tor  tax  purposes  as  that  of  other  rail- 
roads in  Illinois,  and  (3)  whether  the  gross  revenue  tax  of  5  per 
cent  provided  in  Section  16  of  the  charter  and  the  state  tax  pro- 
vided in  Section  22  of  the  charter  exceeded  or  could  exceed  an 
amount  equal  to  7  per  cent  of  the  railroad's  gross  revenues. 

It  was  with  reference  to  this  case  that  Judge  Ebenezer  Lane  wrote 
President  Osborn  May  14,  1857,  while  Lincoln's  suit  for  fees  was 
pending,  that  DuBois  had  sought  to  engage  Lincoln  to  represent 
the  state,  but  Lincoln  had  answered  that  he  was  not  free  from  his 
Illinois  Central  engagement. 

At  that  time  the  country  was  heading  into  a  depression.  The  out- 
look was  gloomy,  and  within  a  few  weeks  Osborn  hurried  off  to 
Europe  in  an  effort  to  bolster  confidence  in  Illinois  Central  securi- 
ties. Then  in  October  came  the  assignment,  a  desperate  move  on  the 
part  of  the  officers  and  directors  to  save  the  Company  from  the  bank- 
ruptcy courts.  The  railroad  was  straining  every  possible  effort  to 
keep  the  wolf  from  the  door,  while  over  its  head,  like  the  proverbial 
sword  of  Damocles,  hung  the  threatened  suit  of  State  Auditor  Du- 
Bois. If  DuBois  should  press  his  suit  and  win,  it  might  mean  utter 
ruin  for  the  Company. 

The  Illinois  Central  enlisted  Lincoln's  aid  in  staving  off  the  suit. 
On  December  21,  1857,  Lincoln,  in  Bloomington,  wrote  his  friend 

J.  M.  Douglas  of  the  I.  C.  R.  R.  Co.  is  here  and  will  carry  this  letter. 
He  says  they  have  a  large  sum  (near  |90,000)  which  they  will  pay  into 
the  treasury  now  if  they  have  an  assurance  that  they  shall  not  be  sued 
before  January,  1859 — otherwise  not.  I  really  wish  you  would  consent 
to  this.  Douglas  says  they  cannot  pay  more  and  I  believe  him.  I  do  not 
write  this  as  a  lawyer  seeking  an  advantage  for  a  client;  but  only  as  a 
friend,  urging  you  to  do  what  I  think  I  would  do  if  I  were  in  your  situa- 
tion. .  .  . 

DuBois  consented  to  withhold  court  action  for  the  time  being  at 
least,  and  the  railway  company  paid  the  "near  $90,000"  on  account. 

Then  came  1858,  a  year  of  depression  for  the  Illinois  Central  and 
other  railroads,  a  year  of  decision  for  the  country  politically. 

Stephen  A.  Douglas  was  then  at  the  zenith  of  his  fame  and  popu- 
larity. His  arrival  in  Chicago  on  July  9  following  his  great  fight  in 
the  Senate  in  opposition  to  the  Lecompton  constitution  was  "trium- 



phant,  impressive,  thrillingt"  A  special  train,  gayly  decorated  for 
the  occasion,  carrying  four  hundred  enthusiastic  Douglas  partisans 
and  a  brass  band,  bore  the  "Defender  of  Popular  Sovereignty"  up 
the  lake  front  to  Great  Central  Station. 

At  Weldon  shops  of  the  Illinois  Central  Railroad,  located  at 
Fourteenth  Street,  "the  locomotives  belched  forth  their  roaring 
notes  of  welcome.  The  hardy  hands  of  the  mechanics  resounded 
with  applause,  and  cheers  and  huzzahs  continued  until  the  train  had 
passed  on  to  the  city." 

Thirty  thousand  people  gathered  outside  the  Tremont  House  on 
Lake  Street  that  evening  to  hear  Douglas  reply  to  a  recent  speech  by 
Lincoln.  The  next  evening  Lincoln  replied  to  Douglas  from  the 
same  platform.  Thus,  informally,  began  the  great  debates  between 
Lincoln  and  Douglas  that  were  to  echo  around  the  world.  Two 
weeks  later  Lincoln  formally  challenged  Douglas  to  a  series  of  joint 
debates.  Douglas  promptly  accepted.  For  the  next  several  weeks  the 
debates  held  the  center  of  the  stage  not  only  in  Illinois  but  through- 
out the  nation.  Political  excitement  was  at  fever  heat.  Special  trains 
were  run  from  Chicago,  Galena,  Springfield,  and  other  points  to 
and  from  the  cities  and  towns  where  the  debates  were  staged.  East- 
ern newspapers  sent  their  star  reporters  to  cover  the  debates. 

From  Ottawa  August  21  the  scene  shifted  to  Freeport  August  27, 
then  directly  south  300  miles  over  the  Illinois  Central  to  Jonesboro 
September  15;  then  northward  over  the  Illinois  Central  to  Charles- 
ton September  18;  and  then  westward  to  Galesburg  October  7,  to 
Quincy  October  13,  and  finally  to  Alton  October  15. 

With  Osborn  spending  most  of  his  time  in  New  York  and  Eu- 
rope, Vice-President  McClellan  was  the  top  man  in  Illinois.  He  was 
a  friend  and  admirer  of  Douglas  and  he  is  said  to  have  gone  out  of 
his  way  to  accommodate  the  "Little  Giant"  in  his  campaign  against 
Lincoln.  McClellan's  office  car,  equipped  with  sleeping  compart- 
ments and  dining  facilities,  is  reported  to  have  been  placed  at  the 
disposal  of  Douglas.  Since  it  was  the  only  office  car  on  the  railroad, 
Lincoln  did  not  fare  so  well.  After  all,  wasn't  Douglas  a  United 
States  Senator  and  the  acknowledged  leader  of  the  Democratic 
party,  and  wasn't  Lincoln  an  Illinois  Central  attorney,  who,  travel- 
ing on  a  pass,  expected  to  take  "pot  luck"  with  other  railroaders? 

However,  the  way  McClellan  looked  after  Douglas  and  let  Lin- 
coln tend  for  himself  did  not  sit  well  with  Lincoln's  warm  personal 
friend,  DuBois.  The  state  auditor  regarded  McClellan's  action  as 



reflecting  the  official  attitude  of  the  railroad,  and  he  decided  to  even 
the  score.  How  else  can  we  account  for  the  fact  that  the  day  after 
Douglas'  victory  over  Lincoln  at  the  polls,  DuBois  appeared  before 
the  State  Supreme  Court  and  filed  his  long-threatened  suit  against 
the  Illinois  Central  for  additional  1857  taxes  which  he  claimed  were 
due  the  state?  Later,  DuBois  brought  similar  suits  for  taxes  alleged 
to  be  due  for  1858  and  1859. 

As  a  result  of  this  litigation,  a  group  of  state  officers  and  appraisal 
experts,  made  a  nine-day  tour  of  the  Illinois  Central  Railroad  dur- 
ing July,  1859,  to  view  and  assess  the  property.  The  trip  was  made 
in  a  special  train,  with  Lincoln  as  host  for  the  railway  company.  In 
addition  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lincoln  and  their  sons  Robert  and  Tad, 
the  party  included  State  Auditor  DuBois  and  Mrs.  DuBois;  Secre- 
tary of  State  O.  M.  Hatch;  State  Treasurer  William  Butler;  Judge 
Stephen  T.  Logan,  special  counsel  for  the  state,  and  Mrs.  Logan; 
T.  H.  Campbell,  attorney,  and  Mrs.  Campbell;  Ward  H.  Lamon, 
attorney;  and  former  Lieutenant-Governor  John  Moore.  Every 
mile  of  the  railroad  was  covered  in  daylight  hours.  Business  was 
carried  on,  but  it  must^ave  been  a  treat  for  the  ladies  and  a  lark 
for  Robert  and  Tad  Lincoln. 

The  case  came  before  the  Supreme  Court  at  Mount  Vernon,  Illi- 
nois, November  18-19,  1859.  At  that  time  the  tribunal  was  com- 
posed of  Judges  Breese,  Walker,  and  Caton.  Among  the  principal 
witnesses  called  by  Lincoln  were  Vice-President  McClellan,*  Colo- 
nel Roswell  B.  Mason,  former  chief  engineer  and  general  superin- 
tendent, and  Leverett  H.  Clarke,  who  had  succeeded  McClellan  as 
chief  engineer. 

This  was  probably  one  of  the  instances  to  which  General  Mc- 
Clellan refers  in  his  autobiography,  McClellan's  Own  Story.  "Long 
before  the  war,  when  vice-president  of  the  Illinois  Central  Railroad 
Company,"  McClellan  wrote,  "I  knew  Mr.  Lincoln,  for  he  was  one 
of  the  counsel  for  the  Company.  More  than  once  I  have  been  with 

•Senator  Shelby  M.  Cullom,  in  his  delightful  reminiscences.  Fifty  Years  of  Public 
Service,  recalls  that  in  one  case  in  Judge  Davis'  circuit  to  which  the  Illinois  Central 
was  a  party,  "it  was  announced  that  the  Company  was  not  ready  for  trial,  and  the 
court  inquired  the  reason,  to  which  Mr.  Lincoln  replied  that  Captain  McClellan  was 
absent.  The  court  asked  'Who  is  Captain  McClellan?"  Lincoln  replied  that  all  he 
knew  about  him  was  that  he  was  the  engineer  of  the  Illinois  Central  Railroad."  Sena- 
tor Cullom  commented:  "What  a  strange  juggling  of  destiny  and  fatel  In  little  more 
than  two  years  McClellan's  fame  had  become  world-wide  as  the  General  in  charge  of 
all  the  armies  of  the  Republic.  .  .  .  Davis  had  become  a  Justice  of  the  Supreme 
Court  of  the  United  States,  and  Lincoln  had  reached  the  Presidency!" 



him  in  out-of-the-way  county  seats  where  some  important  case  was 
being  tried,  and,  in  the  lack  of  sleeping  accommodations,  have  spent 
the  night  in  front  of  a  stove  listening  to  the  unceasing  flow  of  anec- 
dotes from  his  lips.  He  was  never  at  a  loss,  and  I  could  never  quite 
make  up  my  mind  how  many  of  them  he  really  heard  before  and 
how  many  he  invented  on  the  spur  of  the  moment." 

An  anecdote  is  told  by  Brown  in  connection  with  the  Mount 
Vernon  trial.  He  relates  that  Lincoln,  McClellan,  and  other  partici- 
pants made  the  sixteen-mile  trip  from  the  Ashley  station  of  the  Illi- 
nois Central  to  Mount  Vernon  in  a  stage  coach.  In  the  coach  was  an 
alert  twelve-year-old  Mount  Vernon  boy  named  Watson,  who,  be- 
cause it  was  crowded,  sat  on  Lincoln's  lap  during  the  journey,  while 
Lincoln  and  his  friends  kept  everyone  in  an  uproar  with  their 
stories.  The  experience  so  delighted  the  boy  that  soon  after  his 
arrival  he  hurried  over  to  the  hotel,  hoping  for  more  entertainment. 
But,  to  his  disappointment,  he  found  Lincoln  and  McClellan  in 
serious  conference. 

The  boy,  grown  to  manhood,  became  a  physician  and  as  Dr.  J.  H. 
Watson,  ministered  to  the  people  of  Mount  Vernon  for  more  than 
fifty  years.  One  of  Dr.  Watson's  favorite  stories  related  to  his  unique 
experience  in  the  stage  coach. 

The  Supreme  Court's  decision,  handed  down  in  March,  1860,  was 
that  the  valuation  of  the  Illinois  Central  for  purposes  of  taxation 
should  be  made  on  the  same  basis  as  that  of  other  railroads  in  the 
state.  This  was  a  victory  for  Lincoln  and  the  Illinois  Central.  The 
court  found  that  the  railroad's  charter  tax  payments  amounting  to 
7  f)er  cent  of  its  gross  revenues  were  all  that  were  lawfully  due  the 
state.  Commenting  on  this  case,  Brown  said: 

Measured  by  money  involved,  this  service  was  by  far  the  most  impor- 
tant of  Lincoln's  legal  services.  Measured  by  the  obstacles  to  be  sur- 
mounted, those  services  were  remarkable.  .  .  .  The  decision  rescued 
the  Company  from  foreclosure  and  financial  collapse.  Had  the  Illinois 
Central  failed  in  1860,  it  would  have  been  disastrous  to  the  State  of 
Illinois.  No  re-organized  corporation  would  have  agreed  to  pay  the  so- 
called  7  per  cent  charter  tax. 

Still  another  suit  in  which  Lincoln  represented  the  Illinois  Cen- 
tral was  known  as  the  "Sand  Bar  Case"  {Johnson  vs.  Jones  and 
Marsh),  involving  the  title  to  property  originally  a  sand  bar,  occu- 
pied in  part  by  the  Illinois  Central  on  the  Chicago  lake  front.  This 
case  was  tried  before  Federal  Judge  Thomas  Drummond  in  Chicago 



in  April,  1860.  Associated  with  Lincoln  on  defense  counsel  was 
Melville  W.  Fuller,  later  Chief  Justice  of  the  United  States.  The 
trial  lasted  two  or  three  weeks,  during  which  Lincoln  had  an  oppor- 
tunity to  make  influential  friends  and  strengthen  his  political  fences 
on  the  eve  of  the  "Wigwam"  Convention  held  in  Chicago  the  follow- 
ing month — the  first  national  convention  ever  held  by  a  major  po- 
litical party  in  Chicago  and  the  first  Republican  Convention  to  pick 
a  winning  candidate.  That  candidate  was  Abraham  Lincoln  of  Illi- 
nois. It  was  while  trying  the  Sand  Bar  Case  that  Lincoln  sat  for 
Hesler,  the  photographer,  and  also  for  Volk,  the  sculptor. 

Reference  has  been  made  to  the  climactic  debates  between  Lin- 
coln and  Douglas  in  the  campaign  of  1858.  Historians  generally 
agree  that  the  decisive  note  in  the  debates  was  struck  at  Freeport. 
That  morning  Lincoln,  with  his  friends  and  advisers,  Joseph  Medill, 
editor  of  the  Chicago  Tribune,  Norman  B.  Judd,  chairman  of  the 
Republican  State  Central  Committee,  andCongressmanE.B.  Wash- 
burne  of  Galena,  arrived  from  Dixon  on  a  special  Illinois  Central 
train  of  twelve  crowded  cars.  They  were  met  at  the  station  and  ac- 
companied to  their  hotel  by  2,000  enthusiastic  citizens  and  a  band. 

It  was  while  traveling  on  the  train  from  Dixon  to  Freeport  that 
morning  that  Lincoln  is  reported  to  have  reached  an  important  de- 
cision. After  leaving  Dixon  he  handed  Medill  a  sheet  on  which  he 
had  written  four  questions  which  he  proposed  to  ask  Douglas.  Me- 
dill studied  them  carefully  and  then  advised  Lincoln  to  omit  the 
second  question:  "Can  the  people  of  a  United  States  territory,  in  a 
lawful  way  .  .  .  exclude  slavery  from  its  limits  prior  to  the  forma- 
tion of  a  State  constitution?"  The  question,  Medill  felt,  would  play 
into  Douglas'  hands  by  giving  him  an  opportunity  to  expound  his 
popular  sovereignty  theory. 

Lincoln  looked  out  the  train  window  for  a  while  in  meditation. 
Then  he  turned  to  Medill  and  said,  "Joe,  I  respect  your  advice,  but 
I  can't  go  along  with  you  on  that  question;  I  intend  to  spear  it  at 
Judge  Douglas  this  afternoon."  As  the  train  sped  on,  Medill  sought 
Washburne  and  Judd  and  told  them  of  his  conversation  with  Lin- 
coln. All  three  then  went  to  Lincoln  and  sought  to  dissuade  him. 
Lincoln  took  their  advice  good-naturedly,  but  informed  them  that 
his  mind  was  made  up.  That  afternoon,  before  a  cheering  throng  of 
twenty  thousand  people,  while  Medill,  Judd,  and  Washburne  lis- 
tened with  bated  breath,  hoping  the  fateful  question  would  be 
omitted,  Lincoln  hurled  all  four  questions  at  Douglas. 



When  Douglas  arose,  he  answered  them  in  the  order  asked.  To 
Question  2  his  reply  was:  "In  my  opinion  the  people  of  a  territory 
.  .  .  have  the  lawful  means  to  introduce  it  [slavery]  or  exclude  it 
as  they  please,  for  the  reason  that  slavery  cannot  exist  a  day  or  an 
hour  anywhere  unless  it  is  supported  by  local  f>olice  regulations." 

Douglas'  straightforward  answer  no  doubt  expressed  his  honest 
convictions,  but  it  pleased  neither  the  North  nor  the  South  and  it 
had  the  effect  two  years  later  of  splitting  the  Democratic  party  and 
thus  making  Lincoln's  election  possible. 

Three  years  later,  in  the  White  House,  Lincoln  and  Medill  were 
reminiscing.  Lincoln  recalled  the  incident  on  the  train  en  route  to 
Freeport  and  asked  Medill  if  he  remembered  it.  "Yes,  clearly,"  said 
Medill,  "and  while  Douglas'  reply  to  your  question  ruined  his 
chance  of  becoming  President,  it  elected  him  to  the  Senate."  Lin- 
coln nodded.  "Yes,"  said  he,  "and  now  I  have  won  the  place  he  was 
playing  for." 

At  Jonesboro,  the  southernmost  debating  point,  Lincoln  was  the 
house  guest  of  his  friend  D.  L.  Phillips,  Illinois  Central  land  agent, 
whom  Lincoln  later,  as  President,  appointed  United  States  Marshal 
for  southern  Illinois. 

Notwithstanding  the  favoritism  which  McClellan  displayed  to- 
ward Douglas  in  the  1858  senatorial  campaign,  Lincoln  had  many 
warm  friends  in  the  Illinois  Central  organization  who,  like  Phillips, 
supported  his  candidacy  for  President  in  1860.  He  had  no  firmer 
friends  than  John  M.  Douglas,  then  head  of  the  Law  Department, 
and  John  Wilson,  land  commissioner  of  the  railroad.  After  his 
nomination  we  find  Lincoln  writing  his  friend  Colonel  R.  W. 
Thompson  of  Terre  Haute:  "I  wish  you  would  watch  Chicago  a 
little.  They  are  getting  up  a  movement  for  the  17th  inst.  I  believe  a 
line  from  you  to  John  Wilson  .  .  .  would  fix  the  matter.  .  .  ." 

Reviewing  Lincoln's  career  as  a  lawyer  and  the  important  part 
which  the  Illinois  Central  played  in  training  and  conditioning  him 
for  leadership,  the  prestige  he  acquired  as  a  result  of  his  prominent 
connection  with  the  Company,  the  important  contacts  which  he 
made  as  a  result  of  this  connection,  the  large  fee  he  collected  for  his 
services,  and  his  greatly  increased  income  resulting  from  his  Illinois 
Central  employment,  we  are  led  to  wonder  how  much  these  factors 
contributed  to  his  advancement  to  the  Presidency. 

President  William  McKinley  once  said  of  Lincoln:  "The  best 
training  he  had  for  the  Presidency,  after  all,  was  his  twenty-three 



years'  arduous  experience  as  a  lawyer  traveling  the  circuit  of  his 
district  and  state.  .  .  .  Here  he  met  in  forensic  conflict  .  .  .  some 
of  the  most  powerful  legal  minds  of  the  West." 

When  the  War  Between  the  States  was  finally  brought  to  a  close 
and  millions  of  Americans,  North  and  South,  were  rejoicing  over 
the  return  of  peace,  the  nation  was  again  plunged  into  grief  by  the 


— V 

(-l^  Ucu  7  «dM*. 

Above  drawing  from  A  Man  for  the  Ages,  by  Irving  Bacheller,  Copyright  1919,  1946, 
used  by  special  permission  of  the  publishers.  The  Bobbs-Merrill  Company,  Inc. 

tragic  act  of  the  madman  Booth.  Lincoln  was  dead.  Then  came  the 
historic  journey  of  the  flag-draped  train  bearing  the  mortal  remains 
of  the  martyred  President  to  his  home  in  Springfield.  While  thou- 
sands of  silent  and  tearful  Chicagoans  occupied  vantage  points  along 
the  lake  front,  the  funeral  train  entered  the  city  over  the  Michigan 
Central  and  Illinois  Central  roads,  which  he  had  so  often  traveled 
in  life,  through  Kensington,  Grand  Crossing,  Woodlawn,  Hyde 
Park,  and  Oakland  to  Park  Row,  where  the  casket  was  transferred 



to  a  catafalque  drawn  by  six  white  horses.  Passing  beneath  a  series 
of  memorial  arches  erected  for  the  occasion,  the  cortege  moved  into 
Michigan  Avenue,  thence  to  Lake  Street,  so  rich  in  Lincoln  associa- 
tions, then  westward  to  Dearborn  and  southward  to  the  City  Hall. 
Two  days  later,  the  train  completed  the  homeward  journey  of  this 
Man  of  the  Ages,  whom  Judge  Walter  Malone  of  Memphis,  author 
of  "Opportunity,"  characterized  as 

A  blend  of  mirth  and  sadness,  smiles  and  tears, 
A  quaint  knight-errant  of  the  pioneers; 

A  homely  hero  born  of  star  and  sod; 

A  Peasant  Prince;  a  Masterpiece  of  God! 


Compliments    of   the 





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