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Historic, archived document 

Do not assume content reflects current 
scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 

The Hlexandria Research Center 

John T. Cassady and William F. Mann, Jr 

Southern Forest Experiment Station 
Philip A. Briegleb, Director 

Forest Service, U.S.Dept of Agriculture 

Cover: Direct-seeded longleaf pines just starting height growth. (Photo 
by Elemore Morgan) 



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Figure |.-- Territory served directly by the Alexandria Research Center. The green shading 
represents the area originally in longleaf pine forest. 


This booklet describes the work of the Alexandria Research 
Center. The Center is a field unit of the Southern Forest Experiment 
Station, Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Its special 
mission is to find practical solutions to the most urgent land-manage- 
ment problems of the cutover longleaf pine lands west of the Mississippi 
River (fig. 1). 

The Research Center was established in July 1946. It did not 
have to start from scratch, however, for it was able to draw on work 
begun in 1934 by Forest Service technicians stationed in New Orleans. 
In this early period, Philip C. Wakeley, working at the Stuart Nursery 
and on the Palustris Experimental Forest, carried out much basic re- 
search in pine seed processing, nursery practices, and planting. Many 
of Wakeley's plantations are now being used for studies of thinning 
methods and other management techniques. In 1944 and 1945, Dr. R. S. 
Campbell started studies in forest grazing, forest range improvement, 
and the use of chemicals to control scrub oaks. By 1946, therefore, the 
Research Center had a very solid foundation on which to base its 
program. : 

The Center's chief field laboratory is the Palustris Experimental 
Forest, which consists of 7,830 acres in two separate tracts (figs. 26 
and 27, pp. 48-49). The oldest is the J. K. Johnson Tract, which was 
established in 1935; it contains 2,030 acres. The second is the Longleaf 
Tract, an area of 5, 800 acres dedicated to research in 1950. 

For several years after 1946,the Alexandria Research Center 
was financed almost entirely by Federal funds. More recently, public 
agencies, private industries, and individuals have contributed facilities, 
manpower, and money for cooperative studies. Among the cooperators 

Louisiana Forestry Commission 

Louisiana Forestry Association 

Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station 

Kisatchie National Forest 

Soil Conservation Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 
Bish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Dept. of the Interior 



June 1954 

Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Dept. 

A. J. Hodges Industries, Inc. 
Nebo Oil Co. 

Industrial Lumber Co. 
International Paper Co. 
Crosby Chemicals, Inc. 

Roy O. Martin Lumber Co. 

Hillyer-Deutsch-Edwards Lumber Co. 

And eight individual cattle owners. 

of Agriculture 

In early 1947, a research advisory committee was organized to 
help keep the research program aimed at the most vital technical prob- 
Currently the committee is made up of the following members: 




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W. Hayes Dir:é ¢ tor; School of Forestry, Ll. SU: 
V. Holbrook General Manager, Long-Bell Lumber Co. 
E. King Chief Forester, Industrial Lumber Co. 
H. Lewis, Jr. Chief Forester, Crosby Chemicals; Inc. 
S. McKean Extension Forester, Agricultural Extension 
. Service ox 

McLemore Private landowner and cattleman 

Mixon State Forester, Louisiana Forestry 

M. Palmer, Jr. Chief Forester, Nebo: Oil Co. 


A. Ryan Division Forester, International Paper Co. 
S. Redding Supervisor, Kisatchie National Forest 
E. Williams : Area Conservationist, Soil Conservation 

The staff of the Alexandria Research Center is grateful to all who 
have cooperated todevelop and maintain the work. Additional cooperation 
is in prospect, and it is anticipated that research can soon be started on 
problems that so far have had to be neglected because of insufficient 

Officer in charge, 
Alexandria Research Center 





Choice of species. 4 
Stimulating longleaf pete Beat 6 
Direct seeding . : : 8 
Stimulating seed Vaoduetion : 12 
Converting scrub oak stands to pine. Ns) 
Forest tree improvement 14 

Thinning loblolly pine plantations 1) 
Management of longleaf plantations . ee 
Thinning slash pine plantations LLG) 

Effective methods developed “ak 


FOREST RANGES . Aen se 24 
Management of livectock on Peoweat range 25 
Management of forage on forest range . 30 
Improvement of forage on forest range. 34 




Figure 1.--Territory served directly by the Alexandria 

Mesoanveh Center lit eve ha ee lasidetront, Cowes 

Figure 26. --J. K. Johnson Tract . 48 

Figure 27. --Longleaf Tract. 49 

Figure 28. --Main roads to Johnson Tract and Longleaf Tract, 

Palustris)| Experimental fPorest . . « Inside back cover 



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John T. Cassady and William F. Mann, Jr. 

Most of the land in the territory served by the Alexandria Re- 
search Center is better suited to growing timber than to any other use. 
This means that the development and prosperity of the region depend 
vitally upon improved forest management. The most pressing need is 
to get the huge area of cutover land back into high production quickly 
and at a reasonable cost. This step alone would triple the region's pine 
timber production. 

The territory in question covers 7,141,000 acres in central and 
southwestern Louisiana and east Texas (fig. 1). Almost 80 percent, or 
5,664,000 acres, is commercial forest land, and less than 10 percent is 
cultivated. About half of the forest land once.supported magnificient 
stands of virgin longleaf pine (fig. 2), and the whole region is now some- 
times called the cutover longleaf pine belt. The other half of the forest 
is divided between loblolly and shortleaf pine and upland and bottomland 

Over 20percent of the forest land, or 1,250,000 acres, is barren 
of trees and mustbe planted with pine if it is to be restored to timber 
(fig. 3). About 3,000, 000 acres of timber land are producing much be- 
low full potential because scrub oaks andother low-value hardwoods are 
over-abundant and the pine stand is inadequate. 

Upland soils are too shallow, poorly drained, or infertile for 
farming. Numerous hill farms have been abandoned or converted to 
pastures and headquarters for range livestock operations (fig. 4). The 
good agricultural land is in the flood plains of the major streams, and 
here new farms are still being created by clearing and draining the 
land. Thus, the acreage of bottomland hardwoods is decreasing. 

Figure 3. --More than a million acres of barren forest land need to be 
planted or seeded with pine trees. 

Figure 4, --Most hill farms in the cutover longleaf pine belt have either 
been abandoned or converted to semi-improved pasture. 

The cutover pine lands support an abundant stand of native 
grasses, and range livestock grazing is an important industry. The 
grass is nutritious in spring and early summer, but decreases in value 
as the year advances. Grazing is mostly conducted on the free range 
principle. Most of the range is unfenced and all kinds and grades of 
stock graze together. Under this system the individual owner has little 
control over his own or his neighbor's animals and therefore finds it 
impractical or impossible to improve his herd by breeding, by feeding 
when range forage is poor, or by practicing good herd management 

The mission of the Alexandria Research Center is to develop 
improved methods of reforestation and management to guide forest land- 
owners in the task of attaining optimum production and income. When 
the Center was established in 1946, its first step was to study the forest 
situation in the area and to propose a research program to its Research 
Advisory Committee. This group selected, as most urgent, these five 
lines of investigation: 

Reforesting the cutover pine lands. 

Managing pine plantations for optimum returns. 
Controlling low-value hardwoods with chemicals. 
Improving management of livestock and forage on forest 

me wh e 

5. Determining costs and returns of good forest management. 

The progress that has been made in these research projects is 
described in the following pages. 


If landowners are to restore their forests to production quickly 
and efficiently, research will have to find the answers to many trouble- 
some questions. 

Under what conditions is it most profitable to plant slash pine? 
Longleaf pine? Loblolly pine? How can planting techniques be improved 
to attain better survival and growth? Can selection or crossbreeding 
develop new pine varieties that will be easier to grow and more pro- 
ductive? The cost of planting nursery seedlings is high; can money and 
time be saved by sowing pine seed directly in the field? Where pine 
seed trees are left, how can they be made to restock the land fully and 
quickly? What is the most efficient system of converting the vast acre- 
age of scrub hardwoods to pine? 

Choice of Species 

Since most of the acreage that now needs restocking was once 
covered with nearly pure stands of high-quality longleaf, it would seem 
natural to plant or seed this species again. The trouble is that longleaf 
is hard to get established, while loblolly and slash pine are easy to 
plant and grow vigorously on many former longleaf sites. Accordingly, 
many landowners have turned to loblolly and slash, despite the fact that 
young trees of both species are highly vulnerable to fire. 

Slash pine, which does not naturally occur west of the Mississippi 
River, has enjoyed the greatest popularity (fig. 5). Recently, however, 
heavy damage from ice storms and the southern fusiform rust (Cronar- 
tium fusiforme) have caused some landowners to switch to loblolly for 

well-drained sites. 

Loblolly vs. slash in plantations. --Studies confirm that loblolly 
is the better species on average or better sites that are well drained. In 
one 23-year-old plantation, the loblolly trees were 2 feet taller and 1 
inch larger in diameter than slash. The loblolly yielded 4 cords more 
pulpwood per acre than the slash. Nearly 25 percent of the slash pine 
had rust cankers on the trunk; loblolly had almost no trunk cankers. Ice 
damaged about 50 percent more slash than loblolly pines. 

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000 acres of denuded land in central Louisiana have 

been planted to slash pine. Is it the best species to plant? The plantations 

. --About 100, 

Figure 5 

and southern fusiform rust, but 

have suffered from wildfire, ice storms, 

(Photo by Elemore 

most of them still have a fairly good stand of trees. 


This plantation is now being studied to learn if the early advantage 
of loblolly will be maintained. 

Slash pine also has distinct values. It yields gum for the naval 
stores industry and ordinarily produces a straighter pole than loblolly. 
On poorly-drained soils it is unquestionably superior in growth and form 
to loblolly. Evidence is accumulating, too, that damage from ice and 
fusiform rust can be lessened by planting the trees at a spacing of 6 by 
6 feet (1, 200 trees per acre) and keeping the stand dense as it develops. 
In a 13-year-old slash plantation, rust cankers were found on 19, 14, 13, 
and 11 percent of the trunks of trees planted at the rate of 190, 795, 1,005, 
and 1,515 per acre, respectively. Ice damage was also less severe in 
the close spacing and the lightly thinned stands. 

Development of natural stands of slash pine. --Will heavily stocked 
natural stands of slash pine resist disease and ice better than planted 
stands? To answer this question, a 250-acre plantation, severely dam- 
aged by fires and ice storms, has been divided into 9 plots and cut back 
to 70 seed trees per acre. When 2,000 or more well-distributed seed- 
lings per acre are obtained, the overstory trees will be further reduced: 
three plots will be left with 5 overstory trees per acre, three with 10 
trees, and three with 20. On half of each plot the overstory will be re- 
moved when the seedlings reach a height of 12 feet and can be prescribe- 
burned. On the other half, the overstory will be retained until the first 
thinning is made at age 15. ~ 

This study will help guide landowners in the future management 
of the 100,000 acres of slash plantations already started in this area. 
Although they have been damaged by wildfire, ice, and disease, many 
of these plantations still are reasonably well stocked with pole-size trees 
of good form. 

Stimulating Longleaf Height Growth 

Regardless of the trend toward other species, some landowners 
continue to plant longleaf on the cutover lands. Once it is established, 
longleaf has some outstanding advantages. First of all--as evidenced 
by the original stands--it will grow successfully on the rather dry, sandy 
upland soils that cover much of this area. This ability to succeed where 
other pines fail arises from longleaf's superior resistance to wildfires 
and the fact that it suffers very little from disease after it reaches 5 or 
6 feet in height. . Longleaf also produces clean, straight poles and saw- 
logs of high quality. 

Most of the disadvantages of longleaf belong to the seedling stage: 

Planting costs are higher than for the other pines. 

First-year survival is comparatively low. 

Young stands must be fenced to protect them from woods hogs. 

Even under good conditions, longleaf seedlings usually re- 
quire at least 3 years to start height growth. The brown 
spot needle disease often keeps them ''in the grass" for 
several more years, causing loss of growth and further 

If longleaf is to be planted successfully, methods must be found 
to improve survival and stimulate early growth. The most practical 
means of stimulating height growth of longleaf seedlings is carefully con- 
trolled grass fires that check brown spot disease. 

In a 100-acre experimental longleaf plantation started in 1934-35, 
plots that were burned at 3 and 6 years of age to retard brown spot in- 
fection now have twice as many trees in active height growth as un- 
burned plots. Even on the burned plots, however, only 20 to 25 percent 
of the original seedlings survived and began growing. Studies were 
started in 1949 on the Johnson Tract to find a more satisfactory method 
of stimulating height growth. In the first experiment, longleaf seedlings 
were planted on replicated quarter-acre plots, each having one of these 
site treatments: 

Grass burned before planting 

Soil disked before planting 

Grass burned and soil disked 

Furrows plowed with a fireline plow 

Old grass rough--no ground preparation. 

Each plot was split into four quarters. Seedlings on one quarter 
were sprayed with bordeaux mixture and fertilized with an N-P-K mix- 
ture. The other quarters got one of these treatments: spray but no 
fertilizer, fertilizer but no spray, no fertilizer or spray. 

After four years, seedling survival was unusually high on all 
plots and had not been increased by any site treatment. Above-average 
rainfall favored high survival. Sprayed seedlings were larger and more 
vigorous than unsprayed. However, the early advantage gained by 
spraying was not great; 54 percent of the sprayed seedlings were making 
height growth, as against 40 percent of the unsprayed. The fertilizer 
did more harm than good except where seedlings were planted in 

furrows. It caused a rank growth 
of weeds and grasses that retarded 
the pine seedlings. Seedlings de- 
veloped best on furrowed plots 

that were sprayed and fertilized; 
71 percent of the seedlings were 
making height growth after 4 years 
(fig. 6). The benefits of disking 
and furrowing were lost on un- 
sprayed plots because brown spot 
infection built up more rapidly than 
on the uncultivated plots. The 
seedlings planted in the grass 
rough and given no other treatment 
were remarkably successful in 
this test--over 50 percent were in 
active height growth after 4 years. 

Figure 6. --These longleaf pine seed- 
lings were planted 5 years ago. 

Another study is testing the 
effect of clipping the needles on 

The largest ones (row to left) were 
sprayed with bordeaux mixture to 
control the brown spot needle dis- 

ease. (Photo by Elemore Morgan) 

longleaf planting stock or dipping 
them in wax. The object is to re- 
duce water losses through the 
needles until the roots can recover 

from transplanting. So far it 

appears that clipping the needles to 
a length of 5 inches distinctly improves survival ina dry year. Dipping 
the needles in wax or other substances has sometimes increased survival 
and sometimes reduced it. 

Since large nursery seedlings often start height growth earlier 
than small ones, special tests are under way on the production and plant- 
ing of extra large seedlings. An attempt is also being made to find the 
best age to burn longleaf seedlings for disease control. Observations 
indicate that the first burn should be made 2 years after planting rather 
than 3 years. 

Direct Seeding 

If all of the treeless longleaf land in Louisiana and Texas were 
reforested by planting l-year-old nursery seedlings, the job would take 
50 years or more at the present rate. Because direct seeding promises 
to be cheaper, faster, and more effective than planting, it has become a 

main project of the Alexandria Research Center. Since 1947, about 
3,000 acres have been direct-seeded in experiments or tests with long- 
leaf, loblolly, and slash pine. No sure-fire method has been found, but 
major causes of failure have been identified and work has been con- 
centrated on controlling or avoiding these causes. 

Seed-eating birds, chiefly meadowlarks and sparrows, are the 
greatest obstacle. Coating the seeds with a repellent seems the like- 
liest solution, and some chemicals now being tested show promise 
(fig. 7). Rodents, another menace to seeds, can usually be controlled 
by burning the grass rough. Reduction of the rough also insures that 
the seeds will reach mineral soil. Burning should be done at least six 
months before seeding, because fresh burns attract birds. 

Longleaf. --Research so far indicates that the greatest chance 
for success in direct-seeding longleaf pine will be obtained by this 

1. For average sites: Burn the grass rough at least 6 
months before seeding time. The light rough that _ 
will develop after the burn will be a favorable seedbed. 
On dry sites, or for insurance against a dry season: 
Burn the grass as above, and also disk during the 
summer before seeding to lessen grass competition. 
To reduce costs, the disking should be in strips 6 to 
8 feet wide and 6 feet apart, and seeding should be 
confined to the cultivated strips. 

2. Sow seed in November as soon as autumn rains begin 
and temperatures are under 80°F. Sowing after 
November is not recommended, because the chance of 
heavy seed losses to migratory birds is much greater 
in December. 

3. Sow 10,000 viable seeds per acre. This means about 3 
pounds per acre of longleaf seed of average quality. 
Seed must be tested to determine viability and the 
amount required per acre. The seed can be broadcast 
by hand or with hand-operated cyclone seeders (fig. 8). 

Airplane sowing has not been satisfactory so far be- 
cause of higher costs, poor seed distribution, and 
delays during bad flying weather. 

Figure 7. --These germinating longleaf seeds were covered with various 

chemicals or coatings in an attempt to find a substance that would repel 
birds. (Photo by Elemore Morgan) 

Figure 8. --With a cyclone seeder, one man can sow 30 acres to pine in 
8 hours. (Photo by Elemore Morgan) 

4. Patrol the seeded area each day for several weeks, 
especially during very early morning and late evening, 
to prevent bird concentrations and to detect other 
animals that may be destroying seeds. Special 
control measures can be undertaken if needed. Grazing 
animals should be excluded for several years, or until 
the seedlings are high enough to escape trampling and 
browsing damage. 

The total cost of seeding has run from $4. 50 to $8. 00 per acre, 
depending on the type of seedbed, the price of seed, and the method of 
distributing it. In contrast, it costs $10 to $16 per acre to plant long- 
leaf seedlings (1, 200 per acre) on nearby areas of the Kisatchie 
National Forest. 

Loblolly. --Techniques for direct-seeding loblolly pine vary with 
cover conditions. So far the best procedure for open grassy areas is to 
burn the grass in April or May, and then, in late summer,to disk strips 
6 to 8 feet wide and about 6 feet apart. 

From the experience of the Alexandria Research Center, it 
appears that seed should be cold-stratified for about 90 days at 35°F., 
so that it will germinate promptly. (Tests of individual lots of seed, 
however, may indicate different treatment.) The seed should be sown 
in late February or early March, on disked strips, at the rate of 1 
pound per acre. Since seedlings that germinate in fall are killed by 
freezing weather, fall sowing has not been successful. Disking is 
necessary because the newly germinated seedlings are unable to com- 
pete with the grass. 

On upland sites dominated by low-grade hardwoods, the best 
method so far is to sow one pound of unstratified seed per acre ona 
fresh burn in early November. The seed will not germinate until 
spring, and falling leaves will conceal most of it from birds and 

Slash. --Slash pine seeding studies have not yet reached the 
point where recommendations can be made. However, it has been 
determined that slash seedlings can withstand freezing temperatures 
and can come through on undisked grassy areas. This may mean that 
slash can be sown in the fall, when both birds and rodents are less of a 
problem than in the spring. 

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Stimulating Seed Production 

A considerable portion of the cutover longleaf pine area supports 
scattered seed trees singly or in groups. Natural reseeding has failed, 
in many cases, because good seed years have been few and far between. 
There is hope, however, that these seed trees can be made to yield 

larger and more frequent seed crops. 

The following treatments are 

under test with both longleaf and slash pines: 

Figure 9. --Fastening a tight metal 
band around the tree at stump height 
seems to stimulate cone production. 
(Photo by Elemore Morgan) 

Partial girdling. Two half rings 

are cut around the tree down to 
the wood. The rings are about 
1-1/2 inches wide and are placed 
on opposite sides of the trunk, one 
about 4 inches higher than the 

Strangulation at stump height. A 
tight metal band is bolted around 
the tree about 12 inches above the 
ground (fig. 9). 

Strangulation high on the bole. 
Metal bands are bolted around the 
tree in or just below the live 

Hormone treatment. A 0. 2-per- 
cent solution of 2, 4-D is put into 
an intermittent frill around the 
tree about 2 feet above the ground. 

The first three of these 
treatments have been used with 
success in Europe. The hormone 
treatment is new. The study was 
installed in 1952. 

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Converting Scrub Oak Stands to Pine 

Many upland sites have been taken over completely by scrubby 
hardwoods--very little or no pine is left. These areas produce no tim- 
ber and have low grazing value. A study installed in 1948 on the Kisatchie 
National Forest shows that they can be converted back to pine quickly and 
at a reasonable cost. 

Loblolly, slash, and longleaf seedlings were planted at 6-foot in- 
tervals under a fairly dense stand of inferior upland oaks. The oaks were 
then girdled or poisoned to release the pines. Some plots were released 
immediately after planting, some one year later, and some two years 

Hogs destroyed the longleaf seedlings after the first year, but the 
slash and loblolly plots showed that both survival and height growth are 
improved if the pines are released by hardwood control soon after plant- 
ing (fig. 10). The longer release is delayed, the poorer will be the sur- 
vival and development. Table 1 shows results three years after planting. 

Figure 10.--These 5-year-old loblolly pines are growing on a site former- 
ly dominated by worthless hardwoods. (Photo by Elemore Morgan) 

Table 1. --Three-year survival and height growth of pine seedlings re- 
leased from overtopping scrub oaks 

Loblolly pine Slash pine 

Survival GCI Survival 

Time of release Average 

Percent meet Percent Heer 
Immediately after planting 86 4.3 46 3.4 
One year after planting 62 32 36 Zen 
Two years after planting 39 Zit Si ray | 
Not released 33 ib, (72 27 126 

Girdling was as effective as poisoning in removing the oaks and 
releasing the pine. Girdled trees sprouted more than poisoned ones, 
but the pines outgrew the sprouts. Therefore, the cheapest method of 
release is recommended. Other studies have indicated, however, that 
where longleaf is being released, poisoning is necessary to prevent the 
hardwood sprouts from resuppressing the seedlings before they are out 
of the grass stage. 

The pines that were released immediately after planting sur- 
vived well during 1948. In contrast, the severe drouth of 1948 killed 
nearly all seedlings planted in adjacent open areas. Survival was good 
in 1948 because there was very little competition for available moisture 
--the hardwoods were dead and the grass stand under the hardwoods 
was only one-third as heavy as that in the open. The benefits of this 
reduced competition continued for at least 3 growing seasons. By then 
the pine trees were well established and above the grass. 

Forest Tree Improvement 

The Alexandria Research Center is participating in a South-wide 
genetics program that seeks to breed fast-growing, well-formed, 
disease-resistant pines, including hybrids. Work at Alexandria is con- 
centrated on crossing trees that possess outstanding characteristics. 
One such tree is a longleaf pine that, as a seedling in the nursery, dis- 
played high resistance to brown. spot infection. Now that it is large 
enough to produce cones, its flowers are being carefully selfi-pollinated. 
Seedlings from this tree will be watched to see if they also can with- 
stand brown spot. 

= 4b = 


By 1954, the Alexandria area already had 160,000 to 180,000 acres 
of pine plantations; 15,000 to 25,000 acres more are being planted each 
year. Since pine tree planting requires an investment of $7 to $16 per 
acre, it is essential that landowners manage plantations so as to pro- 
vide early, high, and sustained income. They especially need to know: 

1. When the first thinning should be made. 
How heavily to thin for various management objectives. 

3. The type of trees to retain in stands being managed for 
maximum growth of high-quality sawtimber. 

4, The feasibility and best system of pruning in under- 
stocked stands. 

5. How and when to prescribe-burn for brown spot control. 
or hazard reduction. 

6. How to minimize damage from wildfire, insects, disease, 
and storms. 

Thinning Loblolly Pine Plantations 

A thinning study in cooperation with the Louisiana Forestry Com- 
mission was started on the Alexander State Forest in 1948. The study 
tract is 40 acres of loblolly pine planted in 1928 at four different 
spacings (4 by 4, 6 by 6, 8 by 8, and 10 by 10 feet). Light, medium, 
and heavy thinnings were made in each spacing when the trees were 20 
years old and again at age 25. Unthinned plots were left in the three 
widest spacings to determine results of future deferred thinnings. The 
thinnings will be repeated every five years. 

The medium thinnings at age 20 took out about 11 cords per acre. 
The wood sold for enough to repay, with interest, all previous costs of 
planting, protection, and land rent. Total growth was greatest in the 8 
by 8 spacing, which had 29.5 cords per acre or an average of 1-1/2 
cords per acre per year. 

At age 25, the 8 by 8 spacing showed a total average yield (in- 

cluding the wood removed in thinnings) of 39 cords per acre. This was 
slightly more than the total growth on the other spacing blocks. Because 


there 1s only one plot (10 acres) of each spacing, the test cannot prove 
the superiority of any one spacing. However, the 4 by 4 spacing is ob- 
viously too close. Planting costs were excessive and many trees have 
been lost by overcrowding. Those trees that remain are small and are 
slow in reaching merchantable size. Each of the other spacings shows 
some advantages, but the 8 by 8 appears superior for maximum growth 
(figs 1s) 

The greatest volume growth for the period 20 to 25 years of age 
was made on the unthinned plots--those that supported the highest basal 
areas or stand densities. Even the light thinning showed reduced vol- 
ume growth, but not so much as the heavy thinning. Furthermore, ex- 
perience with natural loblolly stands suggests that the unthinned plots or 
densest stands will continue to produce the most wood until about age 35. 
It seems, therefore, that if loblolly pine plantations are being managed 
for maximum production of pulpwood on a short rotation, they should not 
be thinned at all. 

Figure 11l.--The 8 by 8 loblolly plantation after the second medium thin- 

ning. Enough well-spaced trees are left for an early crop of sawlogs. 

(Photo by Louisiana Forestry C 
nae * 3 ; 7 mea a ) 7 


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But when sawlogs or other large products are being grown, timely 
thinnings are desirable. In this study, the heaviest thinnings not only pro- 
duced the fastest diameter growth but also concentrated it on selected crop 
trees. The heavy thinnings will give comparatively early production of 
large poles, piling, and sawlogs. It is of interest that the best rate of 
growth was around 2.5 inches in 10 years even on widely spaced and 
heavily thinned plots where trees had more than half their height in live 
crown. This is a bit short of the oft-advocated goal of 3.0 inches of 
diameter growth in 10 years. 

To stimulate diameter growth, thinnings must be heavy (fig. 12). 
However, when heavy thinnings are made, volume growth per acre is re- 
duced. During the 5 years between cuttings, the heavily thinned plots in 
this study forfeited 3 cords of pulpwood growth while gaining only an 
extra 0.35 inch of diameter growth. 

Management of Longleaf Plantations 

A 100-acre longleaf pine plantation was established in 1934-35 on 
the Johnson Tract for a study of spacing, prescribed burning, pruning, 
and thinning. 

On 60 acres, seedlings were planted at rates of 250, 700, 1,150, 
1,600, 2,150, and 2,500 per acre. This part of the plantation has been 
protected from fire. On the other 40 acres, seedlings were planted at 
only four rates--250, 1,150, 1,600, and 2,500 per acre. At 3 years and 

Figure 12. --Increment cores taken from the 8 by 8 loblolly plantation 
when the trees were 25 years old. Heavy thinning was necessary to boost 
diameter growth. Light thinning merely prevented a decline. (Photo by 
Louisiana Forestry Commission) 

AGE 20 YEARS: _ 


© 6 years after planting, these plots 
"., were prescribe-burned to control 
» brown spot needle disease. Wild- 

‘fires burned over them at 8 years 
en 4 and 17 years after planting. Another 
Wf controlled burn to remove excess 
fuel was made in February 1950, 
. 15 years after planting. 


At age 15, there were about 
twice as many trees in active height 
growth on the burned plots as on the 
; unburned plots. For example, on 
Sj areas planted at the rate of 1, 600 
- trees per acre, unburned plots had 
only 176 trees per acre in active 
height growth while burned plots 
Si had 363. These plots are fairly 
typical of the difficulties that have 
= been experienced in growing planted 
longleaf. During the first 15 years 
© all plots suffered losses from town 
ants, hogs that temporarily invaded 
' the fenced plantations, salamanders 
(eastern pocket gophers), and 
brown spot. Fires reduced the 
& stands on the burned plots, but not 
So much as the brown spot infection 
on the unburned plots. 


Lek Bi 

SS ; ¥ 3% When the stands were 16 
Figure 13. --In open-grown stands, years old, three pruning treatments 
100 longleaf trees per acre can be were applied to a total of 4, 800 
pruned to a height of one log for rough, limby trees in the wider- 
about $5.50. (Photo by Elemore spaced plots: 1. --All trees pruned 
Morgan) up toa height of 17 feet (1 sawlog); 
2. --One hundred selected trees per 
acre pruned to 17 feet (fig. 13); 3. --One hundred selected trees per acre 

pruned to about two-thirds of the tree height. 

One-log pruning required 3 man-minutes of labor for a tree 4 
inches d.b.h. and 6 minutes for an 8-inch tree (which usually had larger 
branches). At 85 cents per hour for common labor and 25 cents per hour 
for transportation, supervision, and other expenses, pruning costs per 
tree averaged from 5.4 to 11.1 cents. 


Pruning higher than 17 feet was harder and more expensive. It 
took only 3. 3 minutes to prune a 6-inch tree to 17 feet, as compared to 
5.5 minutes to prune to 23 feet. 

As the trees are cut, a special study will be made to determine 
if the increased return from pruned trees will repay the investment in 
pruning. Thinning studies will be started in these plantations in 1955. 

Thinning Slash Pine Plantations 

There is considerable evidence that much damage to slash pine 
plantations is caused indirectly by heavy thinnings or wildfires that 
leave the stands open. Asa rule, fully stocked slash stands have good 
resistance to both ice damage and fusiform rust. 

The only unburned slash plantation on the Johnson Tract has 
been placed under study to determine if planted slash will produce satis- 
factory yields of pulpwood, poles, pilings, and sawlogs in central 
Louisiana. The plantation is 8 acres in size and was planted in 1934-35 
at the rate of 1,150 trees per acre (a spacing of 6.25 by 6.25 feet). Be- 
cause the stand has never been depleted by fire or cutting, it is still 
relatively dense and will be kept this way by light thinnings at 3-year 

It was first thinned in 1948, when 5.7 cords per acre were re- 
moved from a total stand of 14.4 cords. The 1951 ice storm destroyed 
1.8 cords that were not salvaged. The second thinning, in 1952, took 
out 3.4 cords per acre from a total volume of 20.2 cords. Total growth 
has so far been 25.9 cords per acre in 18 years, an average of 1.4 
cords per acre each year. This plantation has suffered insignificant 
damage from the series of severe ice storms that heavily damaged 
nearby slash plantations that had been opened up by wildfires. 

= nO: = 


When the virgin pine was harvested, a variety of small hardwood 
trees and sprouts was left on many areas and immediately started growing 
and spreading. Today hardwood trees and brush dominate about one- 
third of the cutover pine land and have encroached heavily on another one- 
third. In many places they are too thick for pine seedlings to become 
established. Where pines do get started, they are often smothered or 
badly suppressed for many years. These upland hardwoods--chiefly 
blackjack oak, post oak, red oaks, sweetgum, and hickory--have little or 
no value for timber (fig. 14). 

Foresters have found that it pays well to remove or deaden such 
trees to release pine seedlings for rapid growth. Some range cattle 
owners are also eradicating the scrub hardwoods, because they reduce 
the amount of forage and form thickets that interfere with livestock 
management. Ina study on the Longleaf Tract, grass forage increased 
from about 700 to 1,900 pounds per acre inthe first three seasons after 
a heavy hardwood stand was controlled. 

The old-fashioned double-hack girdle is most practical for many 
hardwood control situations. However, some trees live a year or longer 
after being girdled. Trees under 12 inches in diameter are apt to sprout 
vigorously, often sending up several stems to replace the old trunk. For 
these and other reasons, forest landowners need improved control 
techniques that will give quick and positive kills, reduce or eliminate 
sprouting from stumps and roots, and require a minimum of manual 
labor, especially hazardous ax work. It is also very important that 
control methods be economical, for they will be applied on hundreds of 
thousands of acres. 

1/ In January 1954, funds and manpower for these plant-control studies 
were transferred to the Agricultural Research Service of the U. S. 
Department of Agriculture. The ARS is continuing the work in close 
cooperation with the Alexandria Research Center. 

LA 2OF = 

way a Se © Re ett 

Figure 14. scrub oaks have invaded large areas of cut- 
over pine land. Pine planting is needed on some of these areas and hard- 
wood control is needed on all of them. 

Since 1944, research has been under way at Alexandria to develop 
effective methods of controlling hardwoods with chemicals. The Research 
Center has tested many substances, particularly those not poisonous to 
humans, livestock, or game. The-object is to find the cheapest and most 
effective tree killers, the best concentrations and seasons of application, 
and the most efficient methods of getting the chemical into the tree. 

Effective Methods Developed 

The first and still the most reliable chemical method developed 
at Alexandria is that of placing one tablespoon of Ammate (the trade 
name of ammonium sulfamate) crystals in notches chopped 6 inches 
apart, edge-to-edge, around the base of the tree (fig. 15A). This 
method kills scrub oak trees quickly and allows very little sprouting. It 

= 2M 

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is being used throughout the United States wherever a quick and positive 
kill is needed on small or medium-sized scrub oaks. It is less effective 
on large,tall trees. 

The next method developed at Alexandria is that of pouring a 
water solution of Ammate into a frill made around the tree trunk ata 
convenient chopping height. A frill is a single-hack girdle that severs 
the bark and peels it back slightly (fig. 15B). A 19.3 percent solution is 
recommended; it is made by dissolving 2 pounds of Ammate crystals ina 
gallon of water. 

The frill-and-solution method kills large hardwoods readily and 
is cheaper and more convenient than the crystal-in-notch system. There 
is usually some sprouting, but if the pines beneath the hardwoods are at 
least 1 or 2 feet tall they can usually keep ahead of the sprouts. Many 
industrial foresters in Louisiana and elsewhere now use _ this as the 
standard hardwood control method. 

Complete instructions for using Ammate are available in a leaf- 
let, ''How to control southern upland hardwoods with Ammate,"' pub- 
lished in 1949 by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. 

In recent years, many new chemicals have come into use as 
agricultural weed-killers. The Alexandria Research Center has screened 
and tested the best of these on scrub hardwoods and recommends two of 
them: 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D. 

When applied in frills during spring or fall, 2,4, 5-T (16 pounds 
of acid equivalent in 100 gallons of diesel oil) kills over 90 percent of the 
tree tops, with not much sprouting from stumps. 2,4-D (16 pounds of 
acid equivalent in 100 gallons of diesel oil) is a little cheaper but not 
quite so thorough. Both treatments cost slightly more than Ammate so- 
lution in frills but are more effective, especially in sprout reduction. 

Trunk spraying with the oil solution of 2,4,5-T is also useful 
(fig. 15C). Scrub oaks and hickory were killed by spraying the lower 16 
inches of the trunks until the bark was wet. Trunk spraying costs nearly 
one-third more than pouring solution into frills, but ax work is elimi- 
nated and the costs may be reduced by further tests. 

a Pave 


After the great lumber mills had cut out and moved westward, 
the production of range livestock became a logical occupation for most 
residents of the pineywoods. The upland soils were too poor for row- 
crop farming, but native forage was abundant and free. This situation 
still exists on several million acres where the pine stand has not re- 
covered adequately. Cattle, hogs, and sheep are the chief types of 

In 1944 to 1946, surveys of the grazing situation of Louisiana 
forest ranges pin-pointed severe problems that needed detailed study 
and correction. 

First of all, meat production per animal is extremely low-- 
about one-third of that possible under good management. This low 
production results from a combination of factors: serious deficiencies 
in native forage during fall and winter that are not compensated for by 
adequate supplemental feeding; low-grade stock and uncontrolled 
breeding; inadequate control of diseases, insects, and internal para- 
sites; and the general lack of good management that goes with free, 
unfenced forest range. 

Another major problem is that range livestock grazing often 
prevents successful pine reproduction and growth. Pine seedlings are 
destroyed by fires that livestock owners set to eliminate old grass and 
otherwise improve grazing. Livestock destroy pine reproduction 
directly by rooting, browsing, and trampling. Hogs, for example, 
relish longleaf pine seed and root up smali pines to eat the fleshy part 
of the roots. Sheep nip succulent spring buds on small longleaf pines. 
Cattle trample or browse seedlings on over-grazed areas. Much of 
this damage is in late winter and early spring, when livestock forage 
is scarce. 

It was concluded from these early surveys that forest range 
grazing research should be concentrated in three closely related pro- 
jects: Management of livestock, management of forage, and improve- 
ment of forage. 


Management of Livestock on Forest Range 
The studies under this project have two major objectives: 

To find practical systems of grazing forest ranges 
with no significant damage to timber; and 

To find a system of range beef cattle management 
that will greatly increase beef production per cow 
and per acre. 

The nature and extent of grazing damage has been determined and 
reported sufficiently for landowners and livestock owners to eliminate 
most of the damage, if they work together. However, studies so far 
have not developed an acceptable management system to increase beef 

Hog damage to pine reproduction. --Free-ranging woods hogs 
destroy longleaf pine plantations that are not fenced or otherwise pro- 
tected for the first 5 to 10 years. Hogs also prevent the establishment 
and growth of natural longleaf seedlings. Very few longleaf plantations 
or natural seedling stands in central and southwest Louisiana have been 
kept free of hogs long enough to produce good stands of second-growth 


Many people believe that hogs get a spring tonic from eating pine 
roots. The truth is that the fleshy root has a very high percent of carbo- 
hydrates--80 percent, about equal to corn--and hogs eat the bark because 
they are hungry. Nearly all hog damage to pines occurs in late winter 
and spring. At this season pine and oak mast is gone and other food is 
scarce, but pine roots are succulent and the ground is soft for rooting. 

One adult hog can root up and kill seedlings at the rate of 5 or 6 
a minute. He can destroy a whole acre of planted seedlings in a day or 
two (fig. 16). Hogs sometimes return to an area year after year, until 
all young pines have been rooted out. Longleaf seedlings are especially 
vulnerable because they often remain in the grass stage of growth for 4 
years or more, 

Hogs also root up and peel fleshy lateral roots of longleaf and 

slash pine saplings. This may not kill the trees, but it leaves them 
susceptible to wind-throw and disease. 


During 1952 a new kind of 
hog damage was noted and studied 
in La Salle parish, where the hog 
population is unusually high. The 
hogs were found to be rooting a 
basin around 3- and 4-year-old 
slash and loblolly pine seedlings 
and then girdling the bark. Near- 
ly 500 acres of loblolly pine and 
over 1,000 acres of slash pine in 
plantations were 50 to 80 percent 
destroyed in one season. Where 
hogs have a choice, however, their 
order of preference is longleaf 
first, slash second, and then lob- 

Deer and rabbit repellents 
do not keep hogs away from pines. 
The only solution so far is to keep 

24 aay ay ae the hogs out of young pine stands, 
Seu mawhex Oa. especially longleaf. 

Figure 16. --The free-ranging woods 

hog is probably the worst enemy of Damage by cattle.--Asa 
longleaf pine. general rule, cattle do not browse 

pine foliage and have not been re- 

ported to cause much damage to 
pine reproduction. However, with increasing numbers of range cattle 
and the expanded reforestation program, specific instances of severe 
cattle grazing damage have been noted during recent years. 

Serious damage to pine seedlings has occurred mainly on over- 
grazed ranges, on spots where cattle concentrated, and in places or 
seasons in which forage was very sparse. Of course, the most critical 
damage is on newly planted or seeded areas, where the total number of 
seedlings is limited. Cattle grazing and trampling may kill small first- 
year seedlings and reduce the growth of older ones. 

The best solution is to anticipate or recognize and avoid the situ- 

ations where cattle damage is likely to occur. Here are some general 
rules to follow: 


1. Do not permit any grazing on direct-seeded areas for 
at least 3 years after seeding. The amount of grazing 
allowable thereafter will depend on circumstances too 
numerous to list here. 

2. Protect plantations of 1-0 pine seedlings from grazing 
for at least 2 years, if practical. Some seedling loss 
will occur even under moderate grazing. However, 
there may be situations where the landowner will feel 
that the cost of fencing and livestock exclusion will 
exceed seedling losses from grazing. 

3. Do not permit overgrazing of any forest range. For 
yearlong grazing, each cow needs 12 to 15 acres of 
open range, 16 to 30 acres of average piney woods range, 
and 30 to 50 acres in well-stocked timber stands with 
scattered openings or firebreaks. 

4, Watch out for and prevent undue concentrations of 
cattle. Any treatment that stimulates grass growth 
usually attracts cattle and results in concentrated grazing. 
The damage is apt to be great if the treated area is small 
in comparison to the surrounding range even if it is— 
lightly stocked with cattle. 

5. Although this section deals with cattle specifically, 
it should be kept in mind that pine reproduction may suffer 
even greater damage from sheep, goats, and horses. 

Serious cattle concentration and damage has occurred in these 

Burned areas. Small burns ina large grazing area are bad. 
Fall or winter burns to prepare planting sites leave essentially 
nothing to graze until the next spring, except the planted pines. 

Cultivated or disked areas. Cattle flock to such areas or strips 
as soon as the new grass starts growing. In one instance the 
disturbance of old grass rough by a planting machine was suffi- 
cient to draw cattle from the surrounding open range. 

Fertilized areas. Cattle may graze such areas closely enough 
to destroy the native grasses and pine seedlings. 

m7 eee 

Timber-stand-improvement areas. Grass grows vigorously 
under the dead hardwoods and is choice forage. 

Winter feeding of range beef cattle. --During fall and winter the 

forage on pine forest range 1s seriously deficient in protein and other 
nutrients. Since many cattle graze the range yearlong, they need supple- 
mental winter feed if they are to do well. 

A feeding study was started in December 1946 in cooperation with 
the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station and the Bankston-Donald- 
son Stock Farm near Dry Prong, Louisiana. Range beef cattle were 
divided into three equal lots and fed a daily ration of cottonseed meal 
during the winter months. One lot received 1.7 pounds of cottonseed 
meal per head per day, one lot 2.5 pounds, and one lot 3. 3 pounds. 
Feeding continued for three winters. All lots were permitted to graze 
on forest range during the winter and most of the rest of each year. 

Contrary to expectations, the cottonseed meal did not raise beef 
production appreciably during the three years. Furthermore, no real 
advantage was gained by feeding 3. 3 pounds of meal instead of 1.7. 

What the study did reveal was that the range forage in winter has un- 
suspected deficiencies that cannot be corrected merely by feeding a 
protein supplement. The extent of these deficiencies was not clear, but 
the animals seemed to need more carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins 
than they were getting. Bull service was poor also, probably because of 
these same dietary deficiencies. 

Management of beef cattle on forest range. --Why do beef cattle 
that graze the cutover longleaf pine ranges produce less than half as 
much beef per cow as those in well-managed western range herds? The 
low production is expressed in two ways--calf crops of around 50 per- 
-cent, and small calves that weigh from 250 to 325 pounds at weaning 
time(s) a7) 

In 1951 a study was started on the Longleaf Tract to finda 
system of herd management and nutrition that will materially increase 
beef production where range forage makes up a major part of the cattle 
diet (fig. 18). This is a cooperative study presently using three herds 
of cattle owned by W. M. Monroe, Alfred Tate and S. C. Duplissey, 
and E. H. Winegeart. The cows graze for 8 to 12 months each year on 
three fenced experimental pastures containing about 580 acres each. 

The cattle were placed in the pastures during the fall of 1951, 
and preliminary herd management and production records were 


Figure 17. --Cattle that graze unrestricted on pine forest range usually pro- 
duce one small calf per cow every two years. (Photo by Elemore Morgan) 

Figure 18.--This herd is being studied to see if the production of range 
beef cattle can be materially increased by improved breeding, adequate 
yearlong nutrition, and the control of diseases, insects, and pests. 

started. The results so far fur- 
ther emphasize the low production 
of range beef cattle in this area. 
Average calf crops for all herds 
were 52.0 percent in 1952 and 51.0 
percent in 1953. The highest calf 
crop was about 62.0 percent and 
the lowest was 44, 4 percent. 

Even though the cattle 
owners provided a fairly high level 
of supplemental feed during winter, 
they have not been able to increase 
calf crops. The cost of winter 
feeding averaged $9. 09 in 1951-52, 
$11.38 in 1952-53, and $8.41 in 
1953-54. The feeding seasons 
lasted from 100 to 130 days and 
averaged 115 days, mostly in 
December, January, February, and 
early March. 

Figure 19.--Harvesting a grass The owners fed distinctly 
plot in a study of the productivity different rations and costs varied 
of Louisiana's forest ranges. In between herds, but no system has 
the 3 years after the hardwoods proved superior to the others so 
in the background were deadened, far. It seems evident that supple- 
grass production doubled and the mental feeding or better forage is 
growth of pine seedlings increased needed during late summer, fall, 
markedly, (Photo by Louisiana and winter, and that the ration 
Forestry Commission) should be "'tailor made" to supply 

the forage deficiencies of each 
season. However, no amount of feeding will be effective or profitable _ 
unless the cattle are well managed in other respects--mainly breeding 
practices, culling, grade improvement, and control of diseases, insects, 
and parasites. 

Management of Forage on Forest Range 

The studies discussed here were established to determine and de- 
scribe the physical, chemical, nutritional, and ecological qualities of 
forage on the cutover forest lands (fig. 19). This information is needed 
for proper management of forest ranges, and it now appears basic to the 
development of effective supplemental feeds for range caitle. 


Louisiana forage study. --This project was started in 1944 in 
cooperation with the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station. It was 
completed in 1949. The work concentrated on determining the forage 
plants grazed by cattle week by week throughout the year. Samples of 
the plants were analyzed by the Feeds and Fertilizer Laboratory of 
Louisiana State University. In addition, during 1945, 1946, and 1947,a 
herd of 80 beef cows that grazed most of the year on the forest range 
was studied to determine grazing habits, weight gains and losses, and 
beef production. 

It was found that grasses make up over 90 percent of the cattle 
diet on forest ranges, with weeds (forbs) furnishing only four percent 
and shrubs less than two percent. Bluestem grasses (Andropogon spp. ) 
compose more than half of the ground vegetation. They have better than 
average palatability and contribute about two-thirds of the cattle diet. 

The nutritional analyses of cattle diet samples showed that crude 
protein was present in adequate amounts for three months only, starting 
about March 15. There was never quite enough phosphorus in the native 
forage for best growth of cattle (fig. 20). The cattle weights verified 
these analyses: All cattle usually gained weight for about 100 days in 
spring; calves gained a little but cows lost a little for 100 days during 
summer and early fall; then from October to March nearly all cattle 
lost weight heavily if left on forest range without supplemental feed 
(Ginter 7210) 

This study yielded additional information about forage production 
on various kinds of forest ranges in Louisiana and pointed out the need 
for the other studies reported here. The complete findings are 
summarized in ''Grazing Values for Cattle on Pine Forest Ranges in 
Louisiana, '' bulletin 452 of the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment 

Forage plant identification. --To aid users of forest BERS in 

identifying and evaluating the forage plants, the Alexandria 

Research Center in 1947 began to collect and study the plants on long- 
leaf pine-bluestem ranges. Several eminent botanists, experts on the 
various plant families, contributed their services. In 1952, about 80 
of the most valuable forage grasses, grasslike plants, forbs, and 
shrubs were described and illustrated in the ''Field Book of Forage 
Plants on Longleaf Pine-Bluestem Ranges,"' published as Occasional 
Paper 127 of the Southern Forest Experiment Station. The field book 

= Sila 


-Seasonal weight gains 

and losses by beef cattle on forest 
--The amount of grass 

and weed herbage produced on open forest range dominated by pinehill 

range in central Louisiana, 1945- 

Figure 21. - 

(spunog)® iva ° 5607 8 

This was done to get an estimate of the effects 
“137 = 

(Andropogon divergens) was measured at two-week intervals 

--Crude protein, cal- 

cium, and phosphorus in cattle 
Herbage production on bluestem range. 


describes the plants so that they can be readily identified, discusses their 

food value for cattle and game, and lists their special habits, values, or 


-were protected from grazing but during the 32 weeks from March 15 to 

October 27 they were harvested with shears at selected frequencies: 

during the growing seasons of 1947, 1948, and 1949. All study plots 
Ze 4h ang ES) times: 

diet on forest range in central 


Pagune 20. 


—-—- 1947 (NORMAL RAINFALL) 
— — 1948 (VERY DRY) 
s*- 1949 (VERY WET) 
———. 3 - YEAR AVERAGE (Parabolic regression) 





4 18 U 15) 29) 13 2 

Figure 22. --Cumulative grass pro- 
duction on very open forest range 
dominated by bluestem grasses. 
Central Louisiana, 1947-49. 

of close and repeated grazing on 
the production and nutritive value 
of range forage. 

Grass production on anun- 
grazed range with very few trees 
was about 2,121 pounds per acre 
(air-dry) during 1947, a year of 
In 1948, 
when there was a record drouth, 

near-normal rainfall. 

production was 1,308 pounds of 
grass, or 40percent less than the 
normal year. The 1949 growing 
season was comparatively wet, 
and grass production jumped to 
3, 083 pounds or 42 percent above 
the average year. 

A "normal" grass produc- 
tion curve, drawn from these data, 
showed that about half of the grass 

was produced by June 1, 75 percent by July 22, and 90 percent by 

September 5. 
year to insure 1,200 to 1, 500 
pounds of grass by July 1. Growth 
thereafter varied greatly with the 
rainfall (fig. 22). 

Close and repeated har- 
vesting seriously reduced grass 
production. Areas harvested 15 
times during the season produced 
only 1,300 pounds of grass per 
acre in 1947, while areas har- 
vested only at the end of the 
season yielded 2,121 pounds (fig. 
23). Furthermore, 35 to 50 per- 
cent of the grass stand was killed 
by this close harvesting in. just 
one season. It was clear that 
heavy grazing will materially re- 
duce grass production the first 
year and, if continued, will de- 
stroy the valuable bluestem 

Further, there was enough winter-spring moisture each 


2——--—--— TWICE 
4—— —— 4 TIMES 



Figure 23. --Cumulative production 
of herbage under 5 harvesting fre- 
quencies. Very openforest range in 

central Louisiana, 1947. 


Hardwood control increases forage. --Between 1948 and 1950, 
grass production doubled on an area that was converted from oaks to 
pines by underplanting and hardwood control (fig. 19). Prior to 1948 
the area supported about 330 scrub oaks per acre. Grass under these 
hardwoods averaged 700 pounds per acre. In February 1948, pine seed- 
lings were planted at a spacing of 6 by 6 feet, and the hardwoods were 
girdled or poisoned with Ammate. 

Grass growth was stimulated immediately. By 1950, it aver- 
aged 1, 886 pounds per acre, more than twice as much as before. Since 
it was also more succulent and nutritious, cattle showed a definite pref- 
erence for it. By 1958 the increased forage will probably total 6 cow- 
months of grazing per acre. With good cattle management, grazing will 
repay a major part of the cost of hardwood control. 

Management of slender bluestem ranges. --A study was started 
in 1952 to determine how slender bluestem (Andropogon tener) is affected 
by burning, grazing, and competition from pine trees. The study will 
also show how three degrees of grazing and burning affect the growth of 
slash and longleaf pine. The study consists of 18 fenced plots of 1/3- 
acre each, Six of the plots will be ungrazed, six moderately grazed, and 
six heavily grazed from April to July of each year. Two plots in each 
category will be unburned, two will be prescribe-burned, and two will be 
burned by wildfire. The two burning treatments will be applied early in 
1955 and at three-year intervals thereafter. Half of each plot has been 
planted with pine seedlings--75 longleaf and 75 slash. Records show 
forage production and utilization, grazing and fire damage to pine trees, 
changes in the composition of the grass stand, and water infiltration 

The main purpose is to find basic facts to guide improved manage- 
ment of forest ranges dominated by slender bluestem. Since the other 
bluestem species maintain higher nutritive value in summer, falls sand 
winter, it is hoped that some of the treatments will reduce the proportion 
of slender bluestem and increase the more valuable species. Meanwhile, 
the study is yielding precise information on forage production, grazing 
Capacity, and grazing damage to pine seedlings. 

Improvement of Forage on Forest Range 
One of the major problems in utilizing forest ranges is that the 

forage has such limited nutritional value in summer, fall, and winter. 
Many livestock owners want to know if and how they can grow more 

Bc, a 

nutritious forage plants on forest ranges, especially for summer-fall 
grazing. Work has been going on this project since 1945, 2/ 

The problem is complicated by the fact that most of the land is 
better suited to growing timber than to other uses. Cultivation of the 
forest land and investment in forage improvement must therefore be 
limited. A happy solution would be to find forage plants that meet these 

Are nutritious in summer and fall or in winter. 

Can be established on forest range with little soil disturbance 
and fertilization. 

Will grow successfully in competition with native grasses 
under moderately intense grazing. 

Testing common pasture plants on forest range. --Studies were 

started in 1945 to find a practical way to establish three common 
pasture plants on forest land--carpetgrass, Dallisgrass, and common 

Applying 200 pounds of calcium metaphosphate and broadcasting 
3 pounds of carpetgrass seed per acre on recently burned range in 
March 1945, followed by close grazing, produced a carpetgrass sod 
that has stood up under heavy usage for more than 6 years. In fact, 
cattle kept the sod so closely cropped that the seeded strips have served 
as firebreaks. 

Common lespedeza required about the same treatment as carpet- 
grass. However, it did grow ina light stand for 3 years when seeded on 
a range that was fertilized but not burned or cultivated. Dallisgrass 
could not be established successfully without rather complete cultivation 
and fertilization. In general, carpetgrass and lespedeza persisted only 
under close grazing that prevented the growth of native grasses and the 
establishment of pine seedlings. 

Since calcium metaphosphate is not available commercially in 
this area, it was not used in any other range improvement studies. 
Basic slag is proving to be as good as calcium metaphosphate. 

2/ In January 1954,funds and manpower for the work in range reseeding 
were transferred to the Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Depart- 
ment of Agriculture. The ARS is continuing this work in close cooper- 
ation with the Alexandria Research Center. 


Establishing and grazing firebreaks. --In 1949, a series of new 
tests was started to find economical and effective ways to establish 
sodded strips to serve as firebreaks and provide nutritious summer-fall 

The first test of this series was made in cooperation with the 
Industrial Lumber Company, Elizabeth, Louisiana, in the Company's 
slash pine plantations. Here a dense carpetgrass sod was established 
in one growing season on strips that were disked, fertilized with 1, 000 
pounds of basic slag per acre, seeded with carpetgrass and common 
lespedeza in April 1949, and then grazed by cattle season-long (fig. 24). 
This method was very effective and rapid, but relatively expensive. 

In 1950, test plots were installed on the Longleaf Tract to find 
the minimum treatment needed to establish a sodded firebreak strip. It 
was concluded that the cheapest method is to prescribe-burn the dry | 

Figure 24.--This firebreak of carpetgrass sod was established in one 

grass during winter and then, in early March, distribute 500 pounds of 
basic slag per acre and broadcast 3 pounds of carpetgrass seed and 10 
pounds of common lespedeza seed per acre. The seeded area must be 
grazed closely during the first and succeeding growing seasons to control 
native grasses and favor carpetgrass. 

The sod established in the 1950 test has provided about 4. 5 cow- 
months of grazing per acre each season from 1950 to 1953. In com- 
parison, open forest range bordering the study area has a recommended 
grazing capacity of 1 cow-month per acre. 

Practical tests of grazed firebreaks. --In 1953, four firebreak 
strips 17 to 20 feet wide and totalling nearly 3 miles in length were 
established on the Longleaf Tract. Two seedbed preparations were 
used--disking after the grass was burned, and disking without burning. 
Fertilizer and seed were distributed at these rates: 1,000 pounds of 
basic slag, 5 pounds of carpetgrass, and 10 pounds of Kobe lespedeza 
per acre (common lespedeza was unavailable). Disking without burning 
was tried because plowing two parallel fire furrows and then burning 
the grass from between them proved both expensive and hazardous. 

Good seedbeds and seedling stands were obtained both with and 
without burning. Disking in unburned grass was less expensive and is 
much to be preferred because it avoids the use of fire. The total cost 
for disking, fertilizing, and seeding was $26.19 per acre, or $52. 38 
per mile of firebreak averaging 16-1/2 feet wide. 

A good carpetgrass sod was established the first season and 
provided improved summer-fall grazing for cattle. Data will be taken 
to see if the strips promote better distribution of grazing. Tests during 
March 1954 showed the strips to be effective fire barriers. Ground 
fires did not creep across the strips even on dry windy days. The 
strips also stopped very hot headfires that were running with a south 
breeze (9 miles per hour). 

Forage plant nursery. --Over 30 choice forage plants that are 
not native to the pinelands but that have grown successfully in other 
parts of the South are being studied in a nursery established in 1953 on 
the Longleaf Tract (fig. 25). The plants that do well in the nursery will 
be tested on cutover pineland to see if they can survive, withstand 
grazing, and maintain a stand. The successful sod-forming species and 
low-growing plants that stay green during winter will also be tested on 

as 2 

~ — 2 

Figure 25. --In the forage plant nursery a number of species (blue 
lupine, in this plot) are being tested to see if they can grow success- 
fully on the cutover pinelands. (Photo by Elemore Morgan) 

Previous nursery tests indicated that sericea lespedeza, yellow 
bluestem, hairy indigo, and subterranean clover will grow on the cut- 
over land, and they are being tested again in the new nursery. 

=) B83} S 


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Reliable data on production, costs, and income from improved 
forest management of cutover land are needed by progressive land- 
owners. Many basic studies are conducted on small experimental plots 
that do not give satisfactory cost and production data. Therefore, new 
and improved methods are tested and demonstrated on fairly large areas, 
either on the Experimental Forest or on private lands in cooperation 
with landowners. 

A study of integrated management of timber and beef cattle has 
been started on 550 acres of cutover land on the North Pasture of the 
Johnson Tract. The main objective is to get the tract into high timber 
production rapidly and economically. Meanwhile, the forage will be 
utilized by range beef cattle. The most practical methods known or 
developed by current research will be followed in the reforestation and 
timber management program. Accurate data will be kept on both the 
timber and the cattle operation. Early income from sales will be re- 
invested in the project. 

The beef cattle operation began in 1951 with 20 cattle owned by 
Mr. John C. Johnston and his son J. W. Johnston. Culling and herd 
improvement started in 1952, and the herd is to be built up to about 35 
head of high-grade cows. 

In 1951, the area had a few scattered patches of merchantable 
timber suitable for sawlogs, crossties, pulpwood, and fence posts. 
About 250 acres were understocked and needed planting. Hardwood 
control was necessary on about 200 acres. A salvage cut of damaged 
and diseased pines was made in 1951 following a severe ice storm. The 
income was $2,077 from 611 cords of pulpwood at $3.40 per cord 
stumpage. Additional income was obtained from 515 tons of longleaf 
pine stumpwood that sold for $1. 26 per ton, or $649. 

In the winter of 1951-52, 60 acres of open land were hand- 
planted with slash pine for $9. 00 per acre (800 seedlings per acre). 
About 16 acres were hand-planted with longleaf pine (1, 200 trees per 
acre) at a cost of $13.58 per acre. About 81 acres were direct-seeded 
with 3-1/2 pounds of longleaf seed per acre. Direct-seeding costs 


averaged $4. 02 per acre, including $3. 33 for seed, $0.39 for labor and 
supervision, and $0. 30 for controlled burning. 

About 95 acres in planted slash and natural longleaf pines were 

released in 1952 by girdling the overtopping hardwoods for an average 
Cost of $2. 80 per acre. 

So far, the income from timber and stump sales has been $2, 726, 
while $1, 349 has been spent for planting and hardwood control. 

—74 On— 


A study is not complete until the findings have been published 
and thus made available to all who may be interested. Following are 
the titles of the publications that have resulted from the work at 
Alexandria. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are available for 
distribution upon request. 

Forestry Problems and the Alexandria Research Program 

Cassady, J. T. Forest research at Alexandria. Forest Farmer 6(9): 
bee Tiee ume 9 4i7.2 

*Cassady, J. T. Researchers study Louisiana's cutover pineland pro- 
duction. Forests and People 1(3): 18-20. October 1951. 

Planting and Direct Seeding 

*Hopkins, Walt. Machine planting--no cinch: Southern Lumberman 179 
(2249): 172-175. December 15, 1949. 

Muntz, H. H. Converting scrub oak areas to pine plantations. Journal 
of Forestry 49: 714-715. October 1951. 

Derr, H. J. Direct seeding by air. Forests and People 2(1): 20-21. 
January 1952. 

Derr, H. J., and Cossitt, F. M.: Longleaf pine direct seeding. Journal 

of Forestry (in press). 

Mann, W. F., Jr., and Derr, H. J. Warn landowners to guard against 
rabbit damage. Forestsand People 4(2): 47. April 1954. 

*Mann, W. F., Jr. Direct seeding research with longleaf, loblolly, and 

slash pines, Proceedings, Third Annual Symposium, School of 
Forestry, Louisiana State University, pp. 9-18. April 1954. 

oe Anh 

Plantation Management 

Wakeley, P. C., and Muntz, H. H. Effect of prescribed burning on 









height growth of longleaf pine. Journal of Forestry 45: 503-508. 
July 1947. 

H. H. Ice damage to pine plantations. Southern Lumberman 
175(2201): 142-145. December 15, 1947. Naval Stores Review 
57(48): 13, 26. February 28, 1948. 

H. H. Slash pine versus loblolly in central Louisiana. Journal 
of Forestry 46: 766-767. October 1948. 

H. H. Profit from thinning variously spaced loblolly pine 
plantations. Southern Lumbérman 177(2225): 125-128. December 
15, 1948. 

H. H. Releasing pine planted under scrub oak. Southern Lumber- 
man 181(2273): 200-201. December 15, 1950. 

H. H. Early release of underplanted pine recommended. Forests 
and People 1(1): 26-28. March 1951. 

W. F.,.Jr. Rapid growth of loblolly pine. Forests and People 
2(1): 14-15, 39. January 1952. 

W. F., Jr. Thirty-six years of thinning research with loblolly 
pine. Proceedings, First Annual Symposium, School of Forestry, 
Louisiana Siate University, pp. 1-7. March 1952. 

W. F., Jr.- Pine best-suited to choice sites in mid-Louisiana: 
loblolly. Forests and People 3(3): 23, 39. July 1953. 

*Derr, H. J.,.and Mann, W. F., Jr. Cost of pruning longleaf pine. 


Journal of Forestry 51: 579-80. August 1953. 

W. F., Jr. Thinning loblolly pine. Forests and People 4(2): 20-21, 
54, April 1954. 


Control of Low- Value Hardwoods 

Peevy, F. A. How to kill blackjack oaks with Ammate. Southern 
Forest Experiment Station mimeographed paper. 1946. 
(Revised 1947). 

Peevy, F. A. Killing undesirable hardwoods. Southern Lumberman 
IMMOUAZ2OL)eel2 S125. December 19477. 

Peevy, F. A., and Campbell, R. S. Poisoning undesirable hardwoods. 
Forest Farmer 6(7): 6-7. April 1947. Naval Stores Review 
STZ) ns, October 4; 1947. 

Peevy, F. A. Your customer: the forest farmer; here's how chemical 
tree killers clear timberland. Southern Seedsman 11(3): 16, 56. 
March 1948. 

Cassady, J. T., and Peevy, F. A. From scrubby hardwoods to 
merchantable pines--timber owners kill defective hardwoods with 
chemicals. Southern Lumberman 177(2225): 115-119. December 
15, 1948. 

*Peevy, F. A. How to control southern upland hardwoods with Ammate. 
U.S.D. A. M-5296, 7 pp. 1949. 

Peevy, F. A. How to kill unwanted trees and sprouts with Ammate. 
Progressive Farmer 64(10): 114, 125. October 1949. 

*Peevy, F. A., and Campbell, R. S. Poisoning southern upland weed 
trees. Journal of Forestry 47: 443-447. June 1949. 

*Campbell, R. S., and Peevy, F. A. Chemical control of undesirable 
southern hardwoods. Journal-of Range Management 3(2): 118-124. 
April 1950. 

Campbell, R. S., and Peevy, F. A. Poisoning certain undesirable 
southern hardwoods for forest and range improvement. American 

Midland Naturalist 44(2): 495-505. September 1950. 

Campbell, R. S. Hardwood control. Forest Farmer Manual, second 
edition, Forest Farmer 10(5): 25-28. February 195l. 

*Peevy, F. A., and Grano, C. X. ABC's of hardwood control. Southern 
Lumberman 185(2321): 211-213. December 15, 1952. 

Bye. eye 

*Peevy, F. A. Chemical control of southern upland hardwoods. Pro- 
ceedings, Second Annual Symposium, School of Forestry, 
Louisiana State University, pp. 35-41. April 1953. 

Grazing Damage to Pine Seedlings 

Hopkins, Walt. Pigs in the pines. Forest Farmer 7(1): 3, 8. October 

Hopkins, Walt. Piney woods hog hunt. Forest Farmer 7(2): 3, 7. 
November 1947. 

*Hopkins, Walt. Hogs or logs? Southern Lumberman 175(2201): 151-153. 
December 15, 1947. Naval Stores Review 57(43): 12-13. 
January 24, 1948. 

Hopkins, Walt. Piney woods porkers turn bark into bacon. Naval Stores 
Review 57(48): 16-17. February 28, 1948. 

Hopkins, Walt. Louisiana hog hunt. Naval Stores Review 57(52): 16-17. 
March 27, 1948. 

Hopkins, Walt. Hog dog! American Forests 55(12): 20-22. December 

Hopkins, Walt. Hungry cows and planted pines. Progressive Farmer 
(Ark. -La. -Miss. edition) 66(12): 109. December 1951. 

*Hopkins, Walt. Woods hogs vs. pine logs. Louisiana Forestry 
Association special publication. 14 pp. 195l. 

Peevy, F. A., and Mann, W. F., Jr. Slash and loblolly pine plan- 

tations destroyed by hogs. Forests and People 2(4): 20, 37. 
December 1952. 

a Bh 

Timber and Livestock Production Combined 

Campbell, R. S. Timber and cattle. Forest Echoes 6(9): 6-7, 14. 
October 1946. 

Campbell, R. S., and Cassady, J. T. Bridging the gap: cattle can help 
the tree farmer. Southern Lumber Journal 51(3): 19-20, 87. 

*Bond, W. E., and Campbell, R. S. Planted pines and cattle grazing-- 
a profitable use of southwest Louisiana's cut-over pine land. 
Louisiana Forestry Commission Bulletin 4, 28 pp. 1951. 

Hopkins, Walt. Grazing in the cut-over longleaf pine region. Journal 
of Forestry 50: 384-386. May 1952. 

Cassady, J. T., and Campbell, R. S. A near dozen essentials go into 
the making of a good forest grazing lease. Progressive Farmer 
67(5): 96. May 1952. | 

Management of Forest Range Forage 

Campbell, R. S. Forest range grass best during spring. Coastal Cattle- 
man 11(4): 7. June 1945. 

Campbell, R. S. Determination of grazing values of native vegetation on 
southern pine forest ranges. Ecology 27: 195-204. July 1946. 

*Cassady, J. T., and Shepherd, W. O. Grazing on forested lands [in the 
South| . Grass (Yearbook of Agriculture, 1948) pp. 468-472. Sep- 
arate No. 2065. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 
Dane, ~ L948, 

*Campbell, R. S., and Cassady, J. T. Determining forage weight on 
southern forest ranges. Journal of Range Management 2(1): 30-32. 

January 1949. 

*Cassady, J. T. Utilizing forage on longleaf pine forest ranges. Associ- 

ation of Southern Agricultural Workers, Forestry Section Symposium, 

10 pp. 1949. 
*Campbell, R. S., and Cassady, J. T. Grazing values for cattle on pine 

forest ranges in Louisiana. Louisiana Agricultural Experiment 
Station Bulletin 452, 3l pp. May 1951. 

Ate ae 

*Campbell, R. S., and Cassady, J. T. Instructions for forage weight 
method of range inventory for use on southern national forests. 
Southern Forest Experiment Station, 12 pp. July 1951. 

*Cassady, J. T., and Campbell, R. S. Pine forest ranges in Louisiana. 
Southern Forest Experiment Station, 7 pp. March 195l. 

*Cassady, J. T. Bluestem range in the piney woods of Louisiana and 
east Texas. Journal of Range Management 4: 173-177. May 

*Langdon, O. G., Bomhard, Miriam, and Cassady, J. T. Field book of 
forage plants on longleaf pine-bluestem ranges. Southern Forest 
Experiment Station Occasional Paper 127, 117 pp. June 1952. 

*Cassady, J. T. Herbage production on bluestem range in central 
Louisiana. Journal of Range Management 6: 38-43. January 

*Campbell, R. S., and Cassady, J. T. Moisture and protein in forage 

on Louisiana forest ranges. Journal of Range Management 7: 
41-42. January 1954. 

Improving Forest Range Forage 
*Campbell, R. S., and Peevy, F. A. Grazing values on southern pine 
lands reduced by hardwood invasion. Southern Lumberman 171 

(2153): 23 Of7025'2. 12342954 8 December lS e194. 

*Cassady, J. T. Grass production doubled by control of scrub oak. 
Journal of Forestry 50: 462-463. June 1952. 

*Peevy, F. A. Fertilizing and seeding forage on forest range in 
Louisiana. Agronomy Journal 45: 164-166. April 1953. 

SCA ae 

Range Livestock Management 

*Cassady, J. T. Feed, forage, and forests: The need for winter feed. 
Coastal Cattleman 13(8): 7-8. October 1947. 

Hopkins, Walt. Don't wait until Christmas. Progressive Farmer 
(Miss. -Ark. -La. edition) 65(12): 17. December 1950. 

Cassady, J. T. Grazing on forest land. Forest Farmer Manual, 
second edition. Forest Farmer 10(5): 86, 88, 90. February 1951. 

Cassady, J. T. Grazing on forest lands in Louisiana. Forests and 
People 1(2): 16-17, 38-41. July 1951. 


SEC 28|SEC 27 2 
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Figure 26.-— J. K. Johnson Tract, Palustris Experimental Forest. 




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Figure 27.-—Longleaf Tract, Palustris Experimental Forest. 



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Figure 28.-—Main roads to Johnson Tract and Longleaf Tract, Palustris Experimental Forest. 
