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May, 1913 

Price, 50 Cents 

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1. THE AMPHIBIA AND REPTILIA OF CoLorapo. Part I=. /. 39 

Max M. E iis, Pu.D. 
Instructor in Biology 
Junius. HENDERSON, B.A. 
Professor of Natural History and Curator of the Museum 


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By Max M. ELLis anp Juntus HENDERSON 

Comparatively little has been published concerning the reptiles 
and amphibians of Colorado. The limited literature consists of 
records of species scattered through a number of publications, some 
of which are inaccessible to the general public. Considerable unre- 
corded material having accumulated, it seems opportune to publish 
this present report in order to place in the hands of naturalists and the 
general public such information as we have, bringing together into 
compact form the records heretofore published, and adding to them 
the unpublished material, so far as the same has come to our attention. 

Environmental Conditions.—Colorado has an area of about 103,500 
square miles, a latitudinal extent of about 276 miles and a longitudinal 
extent of about 375 miles. It is traversed from north to south, 
irregularly, by the continental divide—the ‘‘backbone of the conti- 
nent”’—its waters draining into two oceans. Its rock formations 
represent all the geological systems except possibly the Silurian. 
Though its average altitude is only approximately 6,800 feet, it varies 
in altitude from less than 3,500 feet to over 14,000 feet above sea- 
level, with consequent differences in climatic and other environmental 
conditions.2. The mean annual rainfall varies in a general way with 
altitude and topography, from less than 10 inches to 30 inches or more. 
Data as to temperatures in the larger and higher masses of mountains 
are as yet very meager, but it may be said that the temperature at 
elevations of from 13,000 to 14,000 feet drops to a point below freezing 
nightly even in summer time, while the mean temperature for the 
warmest months in some of the lower portions of the state is nearly 
eighty degrees. On the whole, the state is a cool one. The diurnal 
range of temperature is great over the entire state. 

t Publication of the Colorado Biological Survey, No. 14. 
2 Rospins, W. W., “Climatology and Vegetation in Colorado,” Botanical Gazette, Vol. XLIX, pp. 
256-280, 1910, with maps, diagrams, tables and general discussion. 



From east to west the state may be divided roughly into three 
topographical areas. (1) The eastern two-fifths (approximately) is 
included in the western portion of the Central Great Plains of North 
America. It is a region of flat or rolling prairies, semi-arid and tree- 
less, except along the borders of the few streams, and where artificial 
irrigation has been adopted. (2) At their western edge the plains 
abruptly give way to the steep and high foothills which flank the 
great mass of mountains occupying the central area and extending 
from the northern border of the state clear across to the southern 
boundary, enclosing several open areas called ‘‘parks,” of which the 
principal ones are North Park, Middle Park, and South Park. (3) The 
western portion of the state, beyond the higher ranges of mountains, 
is an area of mesas and dissected plateaus. The foothills and moun- 
tains are to a great extent heavily forested, chiefly by coniferous trees, 
up to an altitude of from 10,500 to 11,500 feet. The higher portions 
of the western mesa region are also forested, chiefly with pinyon pine 
and cedar. 

Living Faunas and Floras.—In such a region, with its great differ- 
ences of altitude, temperature, moisture and soil, a large fauna and 
flora would be expected, and in case of the flora and some of the 
zoological groups this expectation is fully realized. On the other hand, 
however, the reptilian and amphibian faunas are not very large, 
because of certain limiting factors, though there are probably more 
species found than is popularly supposed. The present paper records 
altogether 45 species of reptiles and 11 species of amphibians. 

The class Reptilia includes crocodiles, alligators, turtles, tortoises, 
lizards and snakes, of which the first two are not found in our area. 
The class Amphibia (or Batrachia) includes frogs, toads, newts and 
salamanders. Both classes are included among the so-called cold- 
blooded animals. Birds and mammals, whose blood is always warm 
and does not vary much in temperature with changes in the tempera- 
ture of the surrounding atmosphere, are called warm-blooded animals, 
and ordinarily to them a change of a few degrees in blood temperature 
means death. Reptiles, amphibians and fishes are commonly called 
cold-blooded animals, not because their blood is always cold, but 


because it varies, within certain limits, as the temperature of the 
surrounding medium—water or air—varies. They can withstand con- 
siderable fluctuation in blood temperature without fatal consequences. 
Nevertheless, such changes have a marked influence upon the activity 
of these lower vertebrates, especially the reptiles. They are sluggish 
during cool weather and active during warm weather. Though large 
portions of Colorado never suffer from extreme cold, and the direct 
rays of the summer sun are often quite hot at midday over a consider- 
able part of the state, yet on the whole the climate is cool, and even 
in the warmer areas the diurnal changes are great. The climate of 
the mountains, which occupy so much of the state, is especially cool, 
and above the 9,ooo-foot contour frost is apt to occur every month in 
the year. Hence a portion of the state is wholly unadapted to rep- 
tiles, much of it unfavorable, and little of it especially favorable. 
Lizards, which are so well represented, both in species and in indi- 
viduals, in the states to the south and southwest, are represented by 
fewer species in Colorado and entirely unknown in large areas, though 
the small swifts and horned lizards are rather abundant in favorable 
localities. Aridity seems favorable to lizards, but most species of 
reptiles and amphibians are confined to the vicinity of perennial 
streams, ponds, marshes and lakes. A large portion of Colorado being 
semi-arid, this is another limiting factor, though some species of snakes, 
such as the prairie rattlesnake and hog-nosed snake, are common on 
the dry plains. In some portions of the world forests harbor many 
reptiles and amphibians, but the forest areas of Colorado are confined 
to the mountains and high mesas, which are otherwise unfavorable to 
a large reptilian and amphibian fauna. 

Poisonous Species.—There is a widespread fear of snakes, lizards 
and salamanders, which is often said to be instinctive. It may well 
be doubted whether this fear is really instinctive. In many com- 
munities children are purposely taught to fear these animals, because 
some species are dangerous and they are unable to discriminate. In 
other instances children imbibe their fear from others, in the absence of 
conscious effort to teach them. Such fear, instilled into the minds of 
children, is very difficult to eradicate in later years. An astonishing 


belief, which is also widespread, is that snakes and lizards are ‘‘slimy,”’ 
which is exactly contrary to the fact. 

Some of our Colorado amphibians are supplied with secretions 
which are poisonous when taken internally, which accounts for the 
fact that dogs, etc., will not usually molest toads. Their ‘‘bite,”’ 
however, need not be feared. 

In this region the bites of most reptiles and all amphibians are 
practically harmless. The spotted salamander, so much dreaded by 
most people, is not poisonous. None of our Colorado lizards are 
poisonous. Only one type of snake thus far found in the state is 
dangerous—the rattlesnake. It is true, some species can inflict a 
slight wound, which may become infected and thus cause trouble 
which would naturally, though erroneously, be attributed to snake 
poison. A scratch or bruise of any kind may become infected. The 
hog-nosed snake has a very bad reputation in eastern Colorado, but 
is in fact quite harmless, and students of snakes have no hesitation 
about handling it, despite the stories told of its venomous character. 
Considerable of the misconception concerning the dangerous character 
of various species is likely due to misidentification of species. Thus 
in some instances the hog-nosed snake and the copperhead have been 
confused, and the bullsnake, rattlesnake and hog-nosed snake are 
easily confused by persons who are not very familiar with them, or 
not close observers, or who get excited when they encounter a snake. 
Of course, in view of all the facts, it is as well for the layman, unless 
he knows the species, to avoid handling snakes, or at least to avoid 
- their bites. 

The danger of being bitten by even the venomous species is com- 
paratively slight. It is said that in 1872 one western expedition 
killed not less than 2,000 prairie rattlesnakes, and not a man or animal 
was bitten." 

The venom of snakes is in a measure proportioned to the size of 
the reptile. Hence our small Colorado species are by no means so 
dangerous as the large species of the South. Still, our Colorado 
rattlesnake is to be reckoned as a dangerous species, especially to 

t STEJNEGER, LEONHARD, ‘‘Poisonous Snakes of North America,’ Ann. Rept. U.S. Nat. Mus. for 1893, 
+ 444. 


young children, and even to an adult if the venom is introduced 
directly into the circulation, which can very seldom happen. Under 
ordinary circumstances the bite is not apt to be fatal to an adult. 
Out of a considerable number of cases which have come to our knowl- 
edge, we have thus far but one report of death in Colorado as a result 
of snake bite—a four-year-old boy at Marshall, Boulder County— 
though there may be others. This is said, not with the idea of making 
people less vigilant in avoiding the reptiles or less prompt in seeking 
relief from their bites, but to allay, in a measure, the fear of fatal 
results and the excitement following a bite, which combine to render 
wise treatment and recovery more difficult. 

The great works of Mitchell and Reichert on the venom of ser- 
pents’ are not likely to be available to the general reader, but these 
and many other publications have been summarized by Stejneger.? 
Men who have studied the subject with great care are quite emphatic 
and almost unanimous in condemning the practice of using large 
quantities of alcohol in case of snake bite. Many cases of death 
following snake bite appear from the symptoms to have been the 
direct result of alcoholic poisoning, the alcohol being often adminis- 
tered in such quantities as to produce convulsions, under the mis- 
taken notion that it is an antidote for the snake venom and that under 
such circumstances large quantities may be administered with impu- 
nity. It is not an antidote, and may have just the effect not desired. 
The strychnia treatment can of course be safely administered only 
under the watchful eye of a skilled physician. In a sparsely settled 
community getting a patient to a physician involves delay. In such 
an emergency, probably Dr. Stejneger’s suggestion would meet the 
approval of most authorities, though they might differ somewhat as 
to minor details. His suggestion is as follows: 

As for the preliminary treatment before medical assistance can be obtained 
or rational remedies applied, but little can be added to the old methods employed. 

t MITCHELL, S. WEIR, “Researches upon the Venom of the Rattlesnake,’’ Smithsonian Contributions to 
Knowledge, Vol. XII, No. 135, 1860; MircHett, S. Werr, and REICHERT, Epwarp T., “Researches upon the 
Venom of Poisonous Serpents,”’ Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 1886. 

2 STE)NEGER, LEONHARD, “The Poisonous Snakes of North America,’’? Ann. Rept. U.S. Nat. Mus. for 
1893, PP. 337-487, 1895. See especially pp. 457-475 as to the poison; PP. 475-478 as to treatment; pp. 
478-480 as to preventive inoculation, immunity and serum treatment. 


The first thing to be done is to tie a strong ligature or two, a string or a handker- 
chief, between the wound and the heart, whenever practicable; next, cutting 
deeply into the punctures, so as to make the blood flow freely; sucking out of the 
blood from the wound, a procedure perfectly harmless, unless the person doing it 
has an open wound in the mouth; next, careful loosening of the ligature so as to 
admit a small quantity of the fresh blood to the ligated member in order to prevent 
mortification; next, administration of a stimulant; if at hand, small doses of an 
alcoholic liquor being given internally at frequent intervals; if alcohol is not at 
hand, and a stimulant appears imperative, a small dose of ammonia might be 
given, but only very shortly after the bite, not on a later stage, when it will certainly 
do harm, at least in cases of poisoning by rattlesnake, copperhead or water moc- 
casin; if the patient has to wait for the arrival of a doctor, now is the time to try 
all reliable means to produce a profuse perspiration. 

We may add that the wound and incisions may be washed with a 
solution of potassium permanganate, made by dropping enough of the 
crystals into water to give a rich wine color. If a hypodermic syringe 
be at hand, some of the solution can be injected in the neighborhood 
of the wound, but care must be taken not to strike an artery or vein 
with the solution, as that might prove speedily fatal. 

Dr. W. J. Baird, of Boulder, has told us that a 1:60 solution 
of calcium chlorate in water may be injected in and about the wound 
with good effect, this compound acting upon the snake poison. 

Some recent authors have condemned the practice of sucking the 
wound as a procedure both dangerous and useless. If one be reason- 
ably sure that the mouth is free from wounds or sores and the teeth 
sound, there can be little danger, and some good must come from 
extracting a portion of the poison. 

An outfit with full directions for the treatment of snake bites, in- 
cluding all necessary instruments and materials, with the Pasteur 
anti-venom serum, is now on the market. 

Economic Relations.—Most people feel that it is a solemn duty to 
kill snakes and salamanders at sight. This is a mistaken policy, but 
so firmly established that it seems almost useless to protest. Most 
(perhaps we should say all) reptiles and amphibians are distinctly 
useful under natural conditions, where natural enemies keep them in 

*The addresses of firms handling these supplies may be obtained by writing to the Museum of the 
University of Colorado. 


check. Some species may become harmful under artificial conditions, 
when the balance of nature has been disturbed by the destruction of 
their enemies,* but even under artificial conditions the checks upon 
increase are usually sufficient to make them useful, rather than harm- 
ful. Frogs are harmless and are used for food. Toads help to keep 
insects in check about the house and garden. Lizards serve a similar 
purpose in other places. Snakes subsist largely upon insects, mice 
and other pests. Even the rattlesnake does much good in that way, 
and, before the settlement of Colorado, served to keep the prairie- 
dogs in check, congregating about the colonies of the latter during the 
breeding season and subsisting on the young “dogs.” On the other 
hand, snakes do destroy some eggs and young birds of useful species, 
though the harm they thus do is greatly outweighed by the good. 
Except perhaps around poultry yards it would be better to destroy 
only the rattlesnake. 

Extinct Reptilian Faunas.—The great amphibians of Carbonifer- 
ous age do not seem to be represented in the rocks of Colorado, but 
the gigantic lizard-like reptiles of Jurassic and Cretaceous times are 
well represented, their fossil remains showing that some of them were 
to be numbered among the largest, if not the largest, animals which 
ever lived on the earth. These great lizards are often all referred 
to as dinosaurs, although they include several distinct groups. Their 
scattered bones occur in many parts of the state, but the most impor- 
tant remains have been found near Cafion City and Morrison. They 
survived but a short while the retreat of the sea at the close of Creta- 
ceous time, and are now wholly extinct everywhere? During Ter- 
tiary time large land tortoises lived in northeastern Colorado, and 
their remains are found in the rocks of that age, especially in the 
neighborhood of Pawnee Buttes. 

1 FisHer, A. K., “The Economic Value of Predaceous Birds and Mammals,”’ Yearbook of U.S. Dept. 
Agric. for 1908, pp. 191-192, 1909. 

2See Marsu, Oruntet C., “Vertebrate Fossils,” Geology of the Denver Basin in Colorado, U.S. Geol. 
Surv., Monog., Vol. XXVII, pp. 473-527, 1886; “The Dinosaurs of North America,” 16th Ann. Rept. U.S. 
Geol. Surv., Part I, pp. 133-414, 1896; HATCHER, Joun B., ‘‘The Ceratopsia,’’ U.S. Geol. Suro., Monog., Vol. 
XLIX, 1907; Case, E. C., “A Revision of the Cotylosauria of North America,” Carnegie Inst. Wash., Pub. 
No. 145, Ig1I. 

3 See Hay, Otrver P., “The Fossil Turtles of North America,” Carnegie Inst. Wash., Pub. No. 75, 1908. 


Collecting and Preserving Specimens.—There are large areas in 
the state from which no amphibians or reptiles are recorded, and no 
areas represented by large collections. In order to better understand 
the distribution of species, and to ascertain what unrecorded species 
may inhabit the state, it is desirable to obtain as much material as 
possible from every portion of Colorado. Specimens may be sent to 
the University Museum, at Boulder, at its expense, where they will 
be identified and returned to the sender, if desired, at his expense; 
otherwise they will be placed in the museum collection. If sufficient 
material can be accumulated, it is hoped some time to supply the 
principal high schools of the state with collections illustrating the 
herpetology of Colorado. 

In collecting specimens care should be taken not to mutilate them, 
especially the head. If killed with a stick or other instrument the 
stroke should be back of the head, not on the head, and just sufficient 
to kill without mutilating. If it is convenient to confine the specimen 
in a closed vessel, it can of course be easily killed with ether or chloro- 
form. It can then be preserved in grain alcohol, denatured, if not 
obtainable in natural condition, or 5 per cent solution of formaldehyde. 
Punctures, or in case of large specimens short slits, should be made in 
the abdomen, the incision extending just through the skin, in order 
to allow the alcohol or formaldehyde rapidly to penetrate all portions. 
In shipping, the solution may be poured off after the specimens have 
stood in it for two or three days, and the specimen wrapped in cloth 
or some other absorbent soaked in the solution. 

The Literature.—The greater part of the literature of Colorado 
herpetology is based upon collections made many years ago, chiefly 
by the various expeditions and surveys sent out by the United States 
government. In the early reports many of the localities were indefi- 
nite, and a great deal of carelessness in subsequently reprinting the 
records has added to the confusion. Some labels read simply ‘‘ Repub- 
lican Rivgr,’é which river traverses portions of three states; or‘‘ Platte 
River,” yet there are two distinct rivers of that name, one in Missouri 
and one Nebraska, with branches in Colorado and Wyoming. 
‘‘South Fork” may or may not refer to the South Platte in some cases. 


Fort Laramie, Wyo., and Laramie, Wyo., have certainly been con- 
fused in some instances. Nebraska in the early reports may mean any 
portion of the territory formerly included under that name, thus 
requiring an extensive knowledge of both western geography and 
western history to avoid mistakes. Some Fort Bridger, Wyo., records 
have been inadvertently placed in Utah, and some Fort Garland, Colo., 
records have been ascribed to New Mexico. We have tried to avoid 
all records where there is a real doubt as to the locality, or have indi- 
cated the doubt. In the accompanying bibliography we have included 
all the publications which have reached our attention directly bearing 
upon Colorado herpetology, several which are limited to neighboring 
states, some works of general reference and several on fossil forms. 

In citing the published records we have given the names used by 
the authors cited, so that the reader may determine for himself 
whether, in the light of present-day knowledge or future investigation, 
such references are justifiable. As in all other branches of natural 
science, nomenclature is rapidly changing. 

Material.—The classification and description of the Colorado 
species has been based, as far as possible, on specimens actually 
examined by us. No records have been included in this report which 
were not based on captured specimens. When specimens were merely 
seen, although the identification may have been quite correct, we 
deemed the chance of error great enough to list them only as ‘reported 
specimens.” The material used by us is for the most part that in the 
Museum of the University of Colorado. Through the kindness of the 
officials of the Colorado State Historical and Natural History Museum, 
the Colorado Museum of Natural History, the Agricultural College, 
and the Teachers’ College Museum, we have been permitted to exam- 
ine their specimens of Amphibia and Reptilia and include the records 
in this report. In addition to the various specimens collected in 
Colorado, we have made free use of the numerous specimens of Colo- 
rado species, collected in adjoining states, in the University Museum. 

We wish to express our thanks to the following persons in particu- 
lar, through whose kindness the work has been materially advanced: 
Professor L. A. Adams, Professor A. E. Beardsley, Professor E. Bethel, 


Professor T. D. A. Cockerell, and Messrs. W. L. Burnett, L. J. 
Hersey, J. C. Smiley, H. G. Smith and A. G. Vestal. 


By means of the following key any of the forms found in Colorado 
belonging to the classes Amphibia and Reptilia may be separated 
readily, although considering these classes as a whole, there are forms 
which it does not cover. The detailed zodlogical definitions of these 
classes are given under the class headings, which descriptions cover 
all forms. 

A. Body smooth, without scales or other epidermal structures on the body; 

frogs, toads, salamanders and tree frogs. Class AMPHIBIA (page 48). 

AA. Body with scales or epidermal plates of some sort (excepting the soft- 

shelled turtles, which may be recognized by their dorsal and ventral 
shields); snakes, lizards and turtles. Class REPTILIA (page 61). 


Poikilothermous vertebrates with two occipital condyles, most 
species with functional gills in the early stages; skin without scales 
(except in the Gymnophiona); embryo without amnion and allantois, 
usually passing through a “tadpole” stage. 

A. Tail present throughout life. 
Order CAUDATA, the Salamanders and Newts (page 48). 

AA. Tail not present in the adult stage. 

Order SALIENTIA, the Toads and Frogs (page 50). 


This group of Amphibians, although fairly large, is represented by 
but a single species in Colorado. 


Four limbs present and well developed; eyes with eyelids; side 
of the head without a spiracle in the adult. This family of Salaman- 
ders is represented in North America, South America, Asia and Japan, 
although the majority of the species are found in the new world. 


Genus AMBYSTOMA Tschudi 
Ambystoma Tschudi, Classification der Batrachier, p. 92, 1838. 

Ambystoma tigrinum (Green) 


Salamandra tigrina Green, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. V, p. 116, 182 cP 

Amblystoma mavortium—Y arrow, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, pp. 516-519, 1875 
(Denver, San Luis Valley). 

Amblystoma trisruptum—Y arrow, U.S.N.M. Bull. 24, p. 150, 1882 (South 
Park, Colo.). 

Amblystoma tigrinum—Corr, U.S.N.M. Bull. 34, p. 85, 1889 (South Park, 
Colo.) ; Etrop, The Museum, Vol. I, p. 263, 1895 (Pike’s Peak, Colo.) ; COCKERELL, 
Univ. Colo. Studies, Vol. VII, p. 131, 1910 (Meeker, Colo.); Prosser, Univ. Colo. 
Studies, Vol. VIII, pp. 257-263, 1911 (Tolland, Colo.); Cary, N. Am. Fauna, 
No. 33, pp. 22 and 40, 1911 (Loveland and Estes Park, Colo.). 

Head longer than wide, its width equal to or slightly less than that 
of the body; body stout and somewhat depressed, with 12 costal 
grooves; tail compressed and long, its length usually about equal to 
that of the body and head; digits, 4-5, not webbed; sole of the foot 
with two tubercles; size medium, length up to twelve inches. 

Ground color brown, blue-black or black, of a waxy luster, with 
numerous irregular spots and bars of yellow which are often so united 
as to cover a greater area than the ground color; ventral parts yellow, 
or blackish overlaid with yellow; throat bright yellow. 

The larvae of this species are a rather uniform dark brown and 
may be recognized by the large bright red tufts, the external gills, on 
each side of the throat. 

A. tigrinum ranges from Maine to California and south well into 
Mexico, a range greater than any other North American species of the 
Caudata. In the southern part of its range the larvae often become 
sexually mature and reproduce without transforming into adult sala- 
manders, a condition which may be brought about artificially by con- 
fining the larvae to the water and keeping it warm enough. These 
sexually mature larvae are known as Axolotls and are quite abundant 
in the lakes and ponds in Mexico. They are highly prized by the 
natives for food. The eggs are laid in the early spring. They are 


attached to plants or débris in the water near the shore. If conditions 
are favorable the salamanders mature in a single season, the adults 
leaving the water late in August. This salamander feeds on insects, 
insect larvae, worms and small Mollusca. Although popularly 
believed very dangerous, this species is quite harmless. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Meeker, August 16, 1909 
(135 mm.), A. H. Felger, No. 64; Ohio City, July 4, 1911 (125 mm.), F. Rohwer, 
No. 133; Boulder, March 28, 1912 (222 mm.), E. Miller, No. 177; Tolland, July 
27, 1911 (6 specimens, 120-200 mm.), F. Ramaley, No. 178; Colorado State His- 
torical and Natural History Museum: Denver, September 10, 1892 (5 specimens, 
100-150 mm.), H. G. Smith; Denver, August 9, 1900 (220 mm.), W. C. Ferril; 
Denver, August 10, 1900 (160 mm.), W. C. Ferril; Denver, August 18, 1900 
(140 mm.), W. C. Ferril; Denver, July 18, 1902 (120 mm.), W. C. Ferril; Denver, 
July 24, 1904 (255 mm.), David Bellrose; Denver, August 31, 1904 (250 mm.), 
Mrs. N. P. Nelson; Denver, October 3, 1905 (110 mm.), Guy Bradbury; Denver, 
October 24, 1905 (180 mm.), F. A. Richardson; Broomfield, December 13, 1905 
(270mm.), William Ireland; Denver, October 24, 1907 (150mm.), Richard 
Johnston; State Teachers’ College Museum: Trinidad, A. E. Beardsley; Cache la 
Poudre, A. E. Beardsley; Alexander Lakes above Delta, and Durango, A. E. 
Beardsley; reported by Cockerell from Boulder, October 7, 1907, by Ramaley 
from Redrock Lake, near Ward, and from Beaver Reservoir, Boulder County. 
General reports show this species to be very abundant over the state. 


Four of the five families of this group known from North America 
are represented in Colorado. The following key will distinguish 

_ A. Parotoid glands present, usually large and prominent; terrestrial. 
B. Pupil of the eye vertical; upper jaw with teeth; parotoids not promi- 
nent in some species. 
Family Pelobatidae, the Burrowing Toads (page 51). 
BB. Pupil of the eye round or horizontal; skin with large warts; jaws 
toothless. . .  . Family Bufonidae, the true Toads (page 52). 
AA. Parotoid glands wanting; most of the species semi-aquatic. 
C. Tips of the digits more or less expanded into adhesive disks for climb- 
ing; size rather small. Family Hylidae, the Tree Frogs (page 56). 
CC. Tips of the digits not expanded into adhesive disks; size medium to 
lange. JS ti ao Gey eee Family Ranidae, the Frogs (page 59). 


Family PrLopaTiparE 

The Western Spade-foot Toad is the only member of this family 
found in Colorado. 

Genus SCAPHIOPUS Holbrook 
Scaphiopus Holbrook, N. Am. Herpt., Vol. II, p. 85, 1842. 

Tympanic membrane present and external, although often quite 
obscured; hind foot with an elevated tubercle near the heel. The 
single species, S. hammondii Baird, has been reported from Colorado. 

Scaphiopus hammondii Baird 


Scaphiopus hammondii Baird, Rept. Pac. R.R. Survey, Vol. IV, Reptiles, pl. 
28, fig. 2, 1850. 

Scaphiopus hammondi—Cary, N. Am. Fauna, No. 33, p. 27, 1911 (Morris, 

ig Bo hammondi bombifrons—DIcKERSON, Frog Book, pl. ix, 1907 
(Denver, Colo.). 

Characterized at once by the vertical pupil of the eye; parotoid 
glands and tympanum quite obscure; length of the hind limb equal 
to or slightly greater than the length of the head and body; distance 
between the eyes equal to or slightly greater than the width of the eye; 
size medium to small, length less than three inches. 

Dorsal color yellowish brown, greenish brown or gray; with or 
without two or more lighter stripes dorsally; usually with a dark 
stripe back of each eye; tubercles red or yellow, or tipped with red or 
yellow; under parts whitish with a bluish or a reddish cast; throat 
black in the male. 

Two subspecies of this toad may be recognized. 

a. Muzzle high, rather abruptly truncate; skin rather rough; west of the 
range . ‘ ‘ . S.A. hammondi Baird. 

aa. Muzzle rounded; skin quite smooth; east of the range. 
S. h. bombifrons (Cope). 

The Spade-foot Toads are of particular interest because of their 
peculiar appearance and habits. They lead a rather solitary life in 


burrows of their own construction. Because of this habit they are 
rarely seen except in the spring when they come to water to lay their 
eggs. At this time they are among the noisiest of amphibians. All 
observers agree as to the remarkable power of the voice of these toads. 
Professor A. E. Beardsley tells us that this toad is very abundant near 
Greeley every spring. 

The Western Spade-foot Toad ranges through the Rocky Mountain 
and Great Basin region. 

Colorado specimens.—State Teachers’ College Museum: Greeley and near 
Greeley, A. E. Beardsley. 

Family Buronipa£ 

Genus BUFO Laurenti 
Bufo Laurenti, Synopsis Reptilium, p. 25, 1768. 

A large genus of cosmopolitan distribution. Tongue free pos- 
teriorly and fastened to the floor of the mouth anteriorly; pupil of the 
eye horizontal; digits, 4-5, toes webbed. The toads are of large 
economic importance because of their feeding habits. It has been 
shown by various observers that the number of insects destroyed by 
a single toad is remarkable. Since toads are absolutely harmless and 
are quite inoffensive, they should be protected. Five forms are 
recorded from Colorado. 

a. Top of the head without bony crests. 
b. Ventral parts spotted; parotoids rounded; webbing between the digits 

deeply indented . . . .  .  . B. boreas Baird and Girard. 
bb. Ventral parts unspotted; parotoids elongate, wider posteriorly; webs 
short.) ~ sc a. WBudebsles Baird. 

aa. Top of the head with elevated bony crests. 
c. Median crests parallel, joining the lateral crests at right angles; no 
diagonal crests. . . . «. +. ~~. ~~ « SB. woodhouses Girard. 
cc. Median crests diverging posteriorly. 
d. A short, diagonal crest, directed mesially from the angle at the 
junction of the median and lateral crests on each side. 
B. americanus LeConte. 
dd. No diagonal crest; median crests diverging widely posteriorly. 
B. cognatus Say. 


Bufo boreas Baird and Girard 

Mountain Toad; CoLuMBIAN ToaD 

Bufo boreas Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 174, 1852. 

Bufo microscaphus—Y arrow, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, p. 523, 1875 (South 
Park, Colo.); Yarrow, U.S.N.M. Bull. 24, p. 162, 1882 (South Park, Colo.). 

Bufo columbiensis—Core, U.S.N.M. Bull. 34, p. 271, 1889 (South Park 
Colo.); Youne, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 298, 1909 (east slopes of Arapahoe 
Peaks, Boulder Co., Colo.). 

Head short, widest just back of the eyes, its length 4 or a little more 
in the total length; muzzle long and sloping; fore-arm longer than the 
hand; glands on the tibia; size medium, length up to five inches. 

General color brownish or greenish gray; sides with numerous 
irregular light colored blotches; usually a light colored area near the 
posterior angle of the mouth; ventral parts yellowish, whitish or 
even greenish, much mottled with black; tubercles of the feet black; 
tips of the digits dark brown. 

Range, Colorado north and west to Puget Sound. In this state 
found only in the mountains. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Redrock Lake, above Ward, 
July 21, 1907 (75 mm.), G. S. Dodds, No. 179; Copeland Park, Boulder County, 
September 5, 1907 (3 specimens, 45-90 mm.), S. A. Rohwer, No. 180; Park Lake, 
Tolland, July, 1909 (2 specimens, 85 and 90 mm.), F. Ramaley, No. 181; Black 
Canyon, Tolland, August 29, 1912 (60 mm.), A. G. Vestal, No. 182; Colorado State 
Historical and Natural History Museum: Cumbres Pass, August 1, 1902 (75 mm.), 
W. C. Ferril; State Teachers’ College Museum: Chamber’s Lake and Grand 
Mesa, A. E. Beardsley. 

Bufo debilis Girard 


Bufo debilis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 87, 1854. 

Head short, its length about 4.5 in the total length; muzzle trun- 
cate; hind leg short, its length equal to that of the head and body; 
parotoid glands large, widening posteriorly so as to be roughly 
triangular in outline; size small, rarely exceeding two inches in 

General color brownish to ashy gray; small tubercles black; legs 


more or less banded with black; under parts whitish or yellowish, or 
even dusky, but unspotted. 
Range, Colorado south into Chihuahua. 

Colorado specimen.—State Teachers’ College Museum: Las Animas County, 
near Trinidad, 1883, A. E. Beardsley (det. A. E. Beardsley). 

Bufo woodhousei Girard 


Bufo woodhousei Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 86, 1854. 

Bufo woodhousei—BatrD, Pac. R.R. Surv., Vol. X, v, p. 20, 1859 (upper 
Arkansas); Cope, U.S.N.M. Bull. 34, p. 284, 1889 (Colorado Springs, Colo.). 

Bufo lentiginosus frontosus—YARROW, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, p. 520, 1875 
(Twin Lakes, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Colo.). 

Bufo lentiginosus woodhousei—Y ARROW, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, p. 521, 1875 
(between Pueblo and Ft. Garland); Cary, NV. Am. Fauna, No. 33, p. 27, 1911 
(Rangeley and Rifle, Colo.). 

Head very short, almost twice as wide as long, its length about 
5 in the total length; muzzle quite abrupt, somewhat rounded at the 
tip; parotoids long and oval; size large, males three to four inches in 
length, females four to six inches. 

General color dull gray or dark brown, yellowish laterally; often 
quite distinctly marked with blackish spots; a light mid-dorsal stripe; 
ventral parts yellowish or whitish with small dark spots near the fore 
limbs; throat black in the male. 

Range, Rocky Mountain region. This species is regarded by 
many authors as but a well-defined variety of Bufo lentiginosus Shaw. 

Bufo woodhouseit.—Diagram of Bony Crests 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: North of Boulder, June 1, 1910 
(80 mm.), J. Henderson, No. 119; Grand Junction, August 8, 1912 (7 specimens, 
32-90 mm.), J. Henderson and M. M. Ellis, No. 183; Montrose, August 9, 1912 
(18 mm.), J. Henderson, No. 184; Rio Florida, near Durango, August 11, 1912 


(95 mm.), J. Henderson and M. M. Ellis, No. 185; Colorado State Historical and 
Natural History Museum: Denver, July 27, 1900 (85 mm.), W. C. Ferril; Denver, 
August 6, 1900 (100 mm.), W. C. Ferril; Lamar, June 12, 1904 (40 mm.), H. G. 
Smith; State Teachers’ College Museum: Greeley, A. E. Beardsley; reported 
common at Greeley by Beardsley. 

Bufo americanus LeConte 

AMERICAN Toap (Figure 2, Plate I) 

Bufo americanus LeConte, in Holbrook, NV. Am. Herpetology, Vol. V, p. 5, 1842. 

Bufo lentiginosus lentiginosus—Y ARROW, U.S.N.M. Bull. 24, p. 164, 1882 (Ft. 
Garland, Colo.). 

Bufo lentiginosus americanus—YARRow, U.S.N.M. Bull. 24, p. 167, 1882 
(South Platte River and Central Park). 

Head short, its length 4 to 4.5 in the total length; muzzle rather 
abrupt; parotoids large and oval; size medium, males two to three 
inches, female three to four inches in length. 

General color variable, yellow, brown, dark brown, gray or even 
greenish; usually much spotted with a color lighter than the ground 
color; a pale mid-dorsal stripe usually apparent; warts dull or marked 
with red or yellow; ventral parts light; throat of the male black. 

Range, southern Canada south into Mexico, rather general in the 
United States. This species is regarded by many authors as merely 
a well-defined variety of Bufo lentiginosus Shaw, the common toad. 


Bufo americanus.—Diagram of Bony Crests 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Boulder, September 10, 1909 
(85 mm.), J. Henderson, No. 186; Julesburg, July 19, 1912 (28 specimens, 10- 
105 mm.), J. Henderson and M. M. Ellis, No. 187; Brighton, July 26, 1912 (9 
specimens, 20-40 mm.), J. Henderson, No. 188; Colorado State Historical and 
Natural History Museum: Denver, July 27, 1900 (7omm.), H. G. Smith; Jules- 
burg, August 31, 1905 (3 specimens, 40-45 mm.), H. G. Smith; Denver, August 
6, 1900 (2 specimens, 40 and 50 mm.), W. C. Ferril. 


Bufo cognatus Say 

Say’s ToAD; WESTERN Toap (Figure 1, Plate I) 

Bufo cognatus Say, Long’s Exped. Rocky Mis., Vol. II, p. 190, 1823. 
Bufo lentiginosus cognatus—Y ARROW, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, p. 521, 1875 
(Ft. Garland, Colo.); Yarrow, U.S.N.M. Bull. 24, p. 165, 1882 (Ft. Garland, 

Bufo lentiginosus frontosus—Y arrow, U.S.N.M. Bull. 24, p. 165, 1882 (Colo- 

rado Springs, Colo.). 

Bufo cognatus—Core, U.S.N.M. Bull. 34, p. 277, 1889 (Ft. Garland, Colo.); 
Dickerson, Frog Book, pl. xxxii, fig. 90, 1907 (Denver, Colo.); CoCKERELL, Univ. 
Colo. Studies, Vol. VII, p. 130, 1910 (Medano Ranch, Costilla Co., Colo.). 

Head quite short, much wider than long, its length about 5 in the 
total length; parotoids large and oval; size large, length three to six 

General color yellowish brown, gray or greenish; dorsal pattern 
of large blotches of a rather bright dark brown or black, giving the 
toad a very conspicuous marking, these spots often more or less con- 
fluent; a distinct pale, mid-dorsal stripe; ventral parts yellowish. 

A Western plains species, coming into the foothills region. 

Bufo Cognatus.—Diagram of Bony Crests 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Medano Ranch, Costilla 
County, July 2, 1909 (2 specimens, 50 and 55mm.), E. R. Warren, No. 189; 
Julesburg, July 19, 1912 (100 mm.), J. Henderson, No. 190; Brighton, July 26, 
1912 (9 specimens, 20-35 mm.), J. Henderson, No. 191; Colorado State Historical 
and Natural History Museum: Wray, June 15, 1902 (100mm.), H. G. Smith; 
State Teachers’ College Museum: Greeley, A. E. Beardsley. 

Family Hy.ipar 

The tree frogs are small amphibians, which, although they still lay 
their eggs in the water, have become more or less arboreal as adults. 
This habit has been made possible by the development of adhesive 


disks at the tips of the digits. At the same time quite a number of 
species of this family have suffered a more or less complete loss of the 
webbing between the digits. Some species are neither arboreal nor 
aquatic but are rather terrestrial in habit. Tree frogs are found in 
many parts of the world but the majority of species are natives of the 
tropics of the New World. Two species belonging to genera restricted 
to North America are found in Colorado. 

a. Fingers and toes almost free, webbing greatly reduced; skin smooth. 

Chorophilus Baird. 

aa. Toes rather completely webbed; skin rough. 
b. Terminal digital disks very small . . Acris Duméril et Bibron. 
bb. Terminal digital disks quite prominent. A yee Hyla Laurenti. 


Chorophilus Baird, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 59, 1854. 

A single species of this genus is known from the state. 

Chorophilus triseriatus (Wied) 


Hyla triseriata Maximilian, Prinz zu Wied, Reise Nord-Amerika, Vol. I, 
p. 249, 186s. : 

Chorophilus triseriatus triseriatus—Y ARROW, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, pp. 523 
and 524, 1875 (Ft. Garland, Fairplay and Pagosa, Colo.); Yarrow, U.S.N.M. 
Bull. 24, p. 170, 1882 (Fairplay and Pagosa, Colo.). 

Chorophilus triseriatus—Core, U.S.N.M. Bull. 34, pp. 343, 347, 1889 (Laramie 
River; Fairplay and Pagosa, Colo.); Cary, N. Am. Fauna, No. 33, p. 27, 1911 
(Rangeley and ten miles east of Slater, Colo.). 

Head much depressed, somewhat pointed anteriorly, rather long, 
its width about 3 in the total length; length of the hind leg to the heel 
reaching forward to the ear; total length of the head and body about 
1.5 in the total length of the hind limb; size small, length less than 
1.5 inches; males with a gular sac. 

Color quite variable, gray, green, brown, or even reddish; usually 
with three dark stripes, or at least the indications of three stripes, 
one in the mid-dorsal region, and one on each side beginning at the 


posterior margin of the eye and running parallel to the mid-dorsal 
stripe; ventral parts whitish, yellowish or greenish. 

This species is almost always found on the ground, where it hides 
away under loose stones or fallen timber. Its generic name signifies 
“chorus-loving,” and refers to the habit of the species of singing more 
or less in concert in the early spring. The loud voice of the male is 
the result of the reinforcing resonance given by the expanded gular sac. 

Range, United States generally, abundant in the West and Rocky 
Mountain region. This species is recognized by some authors as but 
a variety of C. nigritus (LeConte). 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Stapp’s Lake, Boulder County, 
August 19, 1905 (18 mm.), G. S. Dodds, No. 192; Copeland Park, Boulder County, 
September 6, 1907 (2 specimens, 18 and 22 mm.), S. A. Rohwer, No. 193; Blue- 
bird Mine, Boulder County, August 5, 1908 (32 mm.), T. A. McHarg, No. 194; 
Kremmling, August 5, 1911 (7 specimens, 18-20 mm.), J. Henderson, No. 131; 
Boulder, April 26, 1913, (2 specimens, 25-30 mm.), Robert Plimpton; Colorado State 
Historical and Natural History Museum: Denver, August 7, 1889 (2 specimens, 25 
and 40 mm.), H. G. Smith; State Teachers’ College Museum: Greeley and Grand 
Mesa, A. E. Beardsley. 

Genus ACRIS Duméril et Bibron 
Acris Duméril et Bibron, Erpétologie Générale, Vol. VIII, p. 506, 1841. 

Acris gryllus (LeConte) 

Rana gryllus LeConte, Ann. Lyceum New York, Vol. I, p. 282, 1825. 

Head depressed and pointed, its length about 3 in the head and 
body; length of the hind leg to the heel reaching forward to the snout 
or beyond; male with a gular sac; size small, length under 1.5 inches. 

Color variable and changeable; generally brownish, greenish or 
reddish, and somewhat clouded with dusky; a triangular dark blotch 
on the top of the head between the eyes; a dark line on each side 
from the posterior margin of the eyes. 

This frog, although a true tree frog, lives on the ground. In the 
spring it is very noisy, its voice being very powerful because of the 
gular sac. 


Range, eastern and southern United States, west through Nebraska 
into the Northwest. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Wray, October 26, 1912 (2 
specimens, 18-20 mm.), M. M. Ellis, No. 195. 

Genus HYLA Laurenti 

Hyla Laurenti, Synopsis Reptilium, p. 32, 1768. 

This genus embraces more than half of the species of Hylidae and 
is represented in all of the large faunal divisions. Most of the species 
known are from Australia and the New World. The single species 
Hyla arenicolor Cope is found in Colorado. 

Hyla arenicolor Cope 
Hyla arenicolor Cope, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 61, 1866. 

Head depressed and rounded anteriorly, its length about 3.5 in 
the total length; length of the hind leg to the heel reaching forward 
to the eye; first finger distinctly shorter than the second; male with 
a gular sac; size medium, length two inches or less. 

Color variable and changeable; generally brownish gray to green- 
ish, with numerous small rather round blotches of black (these spots 
sometimes in two irregular rows); hind legs crossed by three poorly 
defined dark bars; ventral parts roughened; throat dusky; belly 
whitish; often with a light spot below each eye. 

Range, Utah and Colorado south into Mexico and west into 

Colorado specimen.—State Teachers’ College Museum: Mesa de Maya, Las 
Animas County, 1886, A. E. Beardsley (det. A. E. Beardsley). 

Family RaniparE 
Genus RANA Linnaeus 
Rana Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, p. 354, 1758. 

Tongue free posteriorly, fastened anteriorly to the floor of the 
mouth; upper jaw with teeth; fingers free, toes webbed. A genus 
of cosmopolitan distribution, being the only one of this family found 


in the United States. Of the many species of this genus but a single 
species, Rana pipiens, is found in Colorado. 

Rana pipiens Schreber 


Rana pipiens Schreber, Naturforscher, Vol. XVIII, p. 185, pl. iv, 1782. 

Rana halecina berlandieri—YARRow, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, pp. 526-527, 
1875 (Denver and San Luis Valley, Colo.); Yarrow, U.S.N.M. Bull. 24, p. 181, 
1882 (Ft. Garland, Colo.). 

Rana virescens brachycephala Cope—Core, U.S.N.M. Bull. 34, p. 405, 1889 
(Medicine Bow Creek—possibly Colorado; Ft. Garland, Colo.). 

Rana pipiens—CockERELL, Univ. Colo. Studies, Vol. VII, p. 130, 1910 (Meeker, 
seven miles northeast of Meeker, Buford, and five miles above Buford, Colorado; 
Medano Ranch, Costilla Co., Colo.); Cary, NV. Am. Fauna, No. 33, p. 24, 1911 
(Vermillion Creek, near Ladore, Colo.). 

A lateral longitudinal fold along each margin of the dorsal surface, 
and several other, usually four, smaller longitudinal folds in the skin 
between the lateral folds, these smaller folds often much interrupted; 
head short, 3 to 3.5 in the total length; length of the hind leg reaching 
forward to the snout or beyond; size medium, length three to four 

General color variable, gray, brownish or usually green; dorsal 
pattern usually of two or more rows of large, rounded, black spots, 
margined with yellowish; spots across the dorsal surface of the legs 
forming rather distinct bars; ventral parts uniform white or yellowish. 

Range, southern Canada south into Mexico, United States gen- 
erally. Several subspecies of this species have been described but 
they all intergrade more or less. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Boulder, August 8, 1907 
(35 mm.), F. Rohwer, No. 196; near Pine Glade School, southwest of Magnolia, 
August 22, 1907 (2 specimens, 65 and 70 mm.), F. Ramaley, No. 197; Louisville 
Junction, September 14, 1907 (3 specimens, 40-45 mm.), M. H. Perkins, No. 198; 
Bluebird Mine, Boulder County, August 5, 1908 (35 mm.), T. A. McHarg, No. 
199; Meeker, August 6, 1909 (45 mm.), A. H. Felger, No. 52; seven miles north- 
east of Meeker, August 12, 1909 (9 specimens, 30-80 mm.), A. H. Felger and J. 
Henderson, No. 59; Julesburg, July 19, 1912 (17 specimens, 20-80mm.), J. 
Henderson and M. M. Ellis, No. 200; Alamosa, July 27, 1912 (60 mm.), M. M. 


Ellis, No. 201; Montrose, August 9, 1912 (75 mm.), J. Henderson, No. 202; Rio 
Florida, near Durango, August 11, 1912 (7 specimens, 60-80 mm.), J. Henderson 
and M. M. Ellis, No. 203; Grand Junction, August 8, 1912 (5 specimens, 40- 
50 mm.), J. Henderson and M. M. Ellis, No. 204; Colorado State Historical and 
Natural History Museum: Denver, July 31, 1890 (3 specimens, 30-65 mm.), H. G. 
Smith; Aurora Lake, near Denver, September 3, 1900 (5 specimens, 40-68 mm.), 
W. C. Ferril; Denver, September 3, 1900 (55 mm.), W. C. Ferril; Julesburg, 
September 22, 1900 (2 specimens, 60 and 70 mm.), H. G. Smith; Wray, September 
17, 1903 (4 specimens, 30-80 mm.), H. G. Smith; Durango, September 27, 1905 
(somm.), H. G. Smith; Holly, May 24, 1907 (5 specimens, 40-100 mm.), H. G. 
Smith; Agricultural College Museum: Ft. Collins, May 10, 1894 (3 specimens, 
45-50 mm.), L. C. Bragg; State Teachers’ College Museum: Greeley, A. E. Beards- 
ley; reported common in all parts of the state along watercourses. 


Poikilothermous, air-breathing Vertebrates, with functional lung 
or lungs, without functional gills, and with a single occipital condyle. 
Embryo with amnion and allantois. 

A. Body covered with epidermal plates or scales. Order SQUAMATA. 
B. Bones of the lower jaw firmly united by a bony suture; mouth not 
dilatable; four limbs present (except in a few forms not represented 
in the Colorado fauna). 

Suborder Sauria, the Lizards (page 61). 
BB. Bones of the lower jaw united by ligaments so that the mouth may 

be greatly dilated; limbs wanting or represented by rudiments. 
Suborder Serpentes, the Snakes (page 81). 
AA. Body covered by two shields, a dorsal and a ventral, of bony or cartila- 
ginous plates. Order TESTUDINATA, the Turtles (page 111). 
AAA, Body covered with a heavy leathery epidermis; size large; body elongate 
(not found in Colorado). Order CROCODILIA, the Crocodiles. 

Suborder SAURIA 
The Lizards 

Three of the four families of Lizards recorded from the United 
States are represented in Colorado. These three may be separated by 
the following key. 

A. Scales on dorsal parts dull, usually keeled; ventral parts covered with 
scales somewhat larger than the dorsal scales; tongue smooth or covered 


with very fine papillae which give it a velvety appearance; tongue thick 
and only free from the floor of the mouth at the tip. 

Family Iguanidae (page 62). 
AA. Scales on dorsal parts very small and granular; ventral parts with large 
plates; anterior portion of the tongue free from the floor of the mouth; 
considerable of the surface of the tongue covered with scalelike papillae; 
tip of the tongue deeply forked. . . Family Teiidae (page 76). 
AAA. Scales on both dorsal and ventral parts smooth, polished and highly lus- 
trous; anterior portion and sides of the tongue free from the floor of the 
mouth; considerable portion of the surface of the tongue covered with 

scalelike papillae; tip of the tongue only slightly notched. 
Family Scincidae (page 78). 

Family IGuanipazE 

The Iguanas and the Iguana-like Lizards 

A very large family of lizards, particularly abundant in tropical 
and subtropical America, although the family is represented in the 
East Indies. Seven genera of this family have been reported from 
Colorado and five of these are known to be more or less abundant in 
the state. The other two stand on uncertain records. 

A. Body elongate, its width always much less than the length of the tail; 
posterior margin of the head without bony “‘horns”’; lateral margins of 
the body without rows of large, pointed, elevated scales. 

b. A median dorsal row of large, strongly keeled scales, elevated into a 
dorsalcrest. . . .  .  . Dipsosaurus Hallowell (page 63). 
bb. No such row of elevated scales in the mid-dorsal region. 
c. Ear opening exposed. 
d. A gular fold. 

e. Occipital plate larger than either nasal plate, separated 
from the rostral region by not more than ten plates; plates 
on the top of the head large and irregular. 

Uta Baird and Girard (page 64). 

ee. Occipital plate equal to or smaller than either nasal plate, 
separated from the rostral region by at least twelve plates; 
plates on the top of the head small, and much alike in size 

and shape. . .  . Crotaphytus Holbrook (page 65). 
dd:“No gular ‘fold.'\; 2): . Sceloporus Wiegmann (page 67). 
cc. Ear opening covered. .. Holbrookia Girard (page 70). 

AA. Body depressed and robust, length of the tail equal to or usually less than 
the maximum width of the body; head with bony “horns” in the occipi- 


tal and temporal regions; body with one or two rows of elevated, large 
pointed scales on each lateral margin. 

f. Ear opening exposed. . .  Phrynosoma Wiegmann (page 71). 
ff. Ear opening covered with scales. .  . Amnota Hallowell (page 75). 

Genus DIPSOSAURUS Hallowell 
Dipsosaurus Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. VII, p. 92, 1854. 

But a single species of this genus is known, Dipsosaurus dorsalis 
(Baird and Girard). 

Dipsosaurus dorsalis (Baird and Girard) 


Crotaphytus dorsalis Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 126, 

Dipsosaurus dorsalis—Y arrow, U.S.N.M. Bull. 24, p. 54, 1882 (Colorado) ; 
Corr, Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 245, 1898 (Colorado). 

Gular fold present; head small, about equal to the hind foot in 
length; femoral pores present; nostrils terminal, beyond the end of 
the canthus rostratus; a mid-dorsal row of large, elevated, strongly 
keeled scales; size moderately large; length ten to twelve inches. 

Color pale brown to brownish gray, shading into yellowish brown 
in the caudal region; dorsal pattern of several narrow, irregular, 
longitudinal, dark brown or black stripes; tail with dark cross bands; 
ventral parts whitish or yellowish, without markings. 

This lizard feeds on plants, particularly flower heads. It is most 
closely related to the tropical Iguanas of any of the North American 
species. We have not examined specimens of this species from Colo- 
rado, and the two records of it from this state are uncertain. If found 
in Colorado it will probably be in the southwestern part of the state, 
as this lizard ranges from Southern California to Arizona. Professor 
A. E. Beardsley states that a large lizard answering the description of 
Dipsosaurus dorsalis has been reported to him several times from 
Lamar, Rocky Ford and Canon City, although he has never secured 
specimens of it. 

This lizard is a desert species. 


Genus UTA Baird and Girard 
Uta Baird and Girard, Stansbury’s Exped. Great Salt Lake, p. 344, 1852. 

Gular fold present, marked by larger scales; tail longer than the 
body; ear openings not covered, rather large and prominent; femoral 
pores present; occipital plate large and somewhat rounded. 

A genus of rather small lizards confined to southwestern United 
States and northern Mexico. 


a. Five or six rows of scales in the mid-dorsal region distinctly larger than the 
adjoining scales; the central rows of this series smaller than the edge 
SETIES)) OS a ae See ee U. ornata Baird and Girard. 

aa. Scales along the mid-dorsal region very slightly if at all larger than the 
adjoining scales; the mid-dorsal scales grading insensibly into the lateral 
scales . 2. ss 8 s U. Stansburiane Baird and Girard. 

Uta ornata Baird and Girard 

ORNATE SwiFt (Figures 5 and 6) 

Uta ornata Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. VI, p. 126, 

Uta ornata—Y arrow, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, p. 568, 1875 (Twin Lakes, 
Colo.); Corr, Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 317, 1898 (Plateau Creek near Eagalite, Colo.); 
Cary, N. Am. Fauna, No. 33, p. 26, 1911 (Plateau Creek, Mesa Verde, Spruce 
Tree Ruins, Coventry, Colo.). 

Head depressed and broad; five or six rows of enlarged scales in 
the mid-dorsal region forming a longitudinal band of scales abruptly 
larger than the adjoining scales, the center of this band with smaller 
scales; a row of slightly elevated, conical scales on each side of the 
back near the lateral margin; other dorsal scales small and closely 
set; ventral scales larger than the dorsal scales; length from tip of 
snout to vent about 1.5 in the length of the tail; total length up to 
eight inches. 

General color gray to blackish gray or brownish gray; of a more 
or less mottled pattern with irregular black cross bands, quite distinct 
on the sides but interrupted dorsally; a dark area on each side of the 
neck; ventral parts whitish to greenish; throat greenish or yellowish; 


males with a large area of bright blue or greenish blue on each side 
of the anterior portion of the abdomen. 

Range, New Mexico and Colorado west into California. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Rifle, July 2, 1908 (128 mm.), 
S. A. Rohwer, No. 205; four miles west of Meeker, August 11, 1909 (120 mm.), 
J. Henderson, No. 206; Colorado State Historical and Natural History Museum: 

Grand Junction, September 17, 1904 (2 specimens, 70 and 116 mm.), H. G. Smith; 
reported by Cary, l.c., Sindbad Valley, McElmo and Arboles. 

Uta stansburiana Baird and Girard 

Uta stansburiana Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. VI, 
p. 69, 1852. 

Uta stansburiana—Cary, N. Am. Fauna, No. 33, p. 26, 1911 (Mack, Plateau 
Creek and DeBeque, Colo.). 

Head depressed; scales of the back small and of a rather uniform 
size, closely set and weakly keeled; no mid-dorsal rows of enlarged 
scales; scales on the tail spiny and larger than those of the back; 
length from tip of snout to vent about 1.5 in the length of the tail; 
size small, total length usually less than five inches. 

General color dark gray to dark grayish green; dorsal pattern of 
two irregular rows of dark, more or less crescentic blotches, surrounded 
by smaller, scattered spots of blue and black; one or two pale stripes, 
somewhat interrupted, along each side; a dusky area back of each 
fore limb, often surrounded by yellowish; ventral parts greenish or 
yellowish white; under parts of the jaw, bluish. 

A species of the Great Basin, ranging north into Oregon and south 
into Texas. 

Colorado specimens.—Reported by Cary, /.c., from Desert north of Mack, 
Plateau Creek, Coventry, Paradox Valley, Salt Canyon, Dolores River Gaayon 
and McElmo, Colo. 

Genus CROTAPHYTUS Holbrook 

Crotaphytus Holbrook, N. Am. Herpetology, Vol. II, p. 79, 1842. 

Scales small; gular fold present; tail much longer than the body, 
slender and cylindrical; ear openings not covered; femoral pores 
present; occipital plate small. 


Moderately large lizards found in southwestern United States and 
northern Mexico. The food of these lizards consists of insects, small 
toads and lizards and often small individuals of their own species. 
They will also eat small flower heads. As regards food, they stand 
between the strictly herbivorous Dipsosaurus and the insectivorous 
Sceloporus. One species is known from Colorado. 

Crotaphytus collaris (Say) 
Agama collaris Say, Long’s Exped. Rocky Mts., Vol. II, p. 252, 1823. 

Two subspecies of this lizard are described. They may be dis- 
tinguished by the following key. 
a. Interorbital platesinasinglerow. . . .  . C.c.collaris (Say). 
aa. Interorbital plates in at least two rows. . . C.c. baileyi (Stejneger). 
At present only the subspecies baileyi is known from Colorado. 
However, as the true collaris is recorded from points near Colorado, 
that variety should be looked for in southern Colorado. 

Crotaphytus collaris baileyi (Stejneger) (Figures 3 and 4) 

Crotaphytus baileyi Stejneger, N. Am. Fauna, No. 3, p. 103, 1890. 

Crotaphytus collaris baileyi Cockerell, Univ. Colo. Studies, Vol. VII, p. 131, 
1910 (Rifle Gap, Garfield Co., Colo.); Cary, N. Am. Fauna, No. 33, p. 25, 1911 
(McElmo, Coventry and Sindbad Valley, Colo.). 

Head depressed, very broad in the region just back of the eyes, 
pointed anteriorly and narrowed posteriorly, length a little less than 
that of the hind foot; scales small, ventral scales larger than the 
dorsal scales; length from the tip of the snout to the vent about 2 
in the length of the tail; maximum total length about fifteen inches. 

General color grayish yellow, yellowish brown, grayish green or 
green; a double collar of two black bands, very heavy at the sides 
and interrupted dorsally, separated by a band of white or yellow and 
bordered with the same color; ventral parts yellowish or greenish; 
throat yellow or orange; under parts of the jaw bluish; dorsally with 
numerous small light spots; sides of the abdomen and the tops of 
the hind limbs with small dark red spots; inside of the back of the 


mouth black. Markings vary from quite obscure to distinct, and 
both colors and markings are more vivid at the breeding season. 

Mr. H. G. Smith of the State Historical and Natural History 
Museum informs us that this species is commonly known as the 
‘‘Boomer” in western Colorado. It is extremely active and when 
disturbed often runs on its hind legs. Like most of our [guanidae, 
the Collared Lizard is oviparous. One specimen reported by Ditmars* 
laid twenty-one eggs early in August. 

Crotaphytus collaris ranges from Idaho south into Mexico, west 
into California and east into Arkansas. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Rifle Gap, August 5, 1909 
(245 mm.), A. H. Felger, No. 55; State Historical and Natural History Museum: 
Grand Junction, August 13, 1905 (255 mm.), Ora Keithley; Grand Junction, May 
17, 1906 (260 mm.), W. C. Ferril; Colorado Museum of Natural History: Trinidad, 
May 2, 1911 (300mm.), L. J. Hersey; Trinidad, June 7, ro11 (340 mm.), L. J. 
Hersey; Trinidad, August 5, 1911 (60 mm.), L. J. Hersey; Trinidad, September 5, 
1911 (5 specimens, 250-300 mm.), L. J. Hersey; State Teachers’ College Museum: 
Trinidad and Delta, A. E. Beardsley; reported common at Trinidad, by L. J. 

Genus SCELOPORUS Wiegmann 

Sceloporus Wiegmann, Isis, p. 369, 1828. 

Scales moderately large, keeled dorsally, with the keeled portion 
often produced into a sharp point; no gular fold; tail a little longer 
than the body; ear openings not covered; femoral pores present; 
supraorbital plates prominent. 

The Spiny Swifts, Sceloporus, are small to moderately large lizards, 
including some of the most abundant species found in the United 
States. Species of this genus are found from Central America to 
Canada, and over the whole of the United States. They feed largely 
upon small insects and insect larvae. In general color they are gray 
or brown, lighter below, and the males have a blotch of blue on each 
side of the abdomen. Two species are recorded from Colorado. 


a. Supraorbital plates in four rows; inside row of small plates, second row of 
large plates, third and fourth rows of small plates. 

S. consobrinus Baird and Girard. 
x Ditmars, Reptile Book, p. 115, 1907. 


aa. Supraorbital plates in five rows; inside row of small plates, second and 
third rows of larger, subequal plates, fourth and fifth rows of small plates 
and more or less irregular. . . .  S. graciosus Baird and Girard. 

Sceloporus consobrinus Baird and Girard 

YELLOW-BANDED SwiFt (Figures 10 and 11) 

Sceloporus consobrinus Baird and Girard, in Marcy, Rept. Red River Reptiles, 
P- 237, 1853. 

Sceloporus consobrinus—Y ARROW, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, p. 574, 1875 
(Pagosa, Colo.); Cary, VN. Am. Fauna, No. 33, p. 26, 1911 (Douglass Spring, 
Escalante Hills, LaVeta and Arboles, Colo.). 

Sceloporus undulatus—E trop, The Museum, Vol. I, p. 137, 1895 (Garden of 
the Gods, Colo.); CocKERELL, Univ. Colo. Studies, Vol. VII, p. 131, 1910 (Meeker, 
Colo., and four miles west of Meeker, Colo.). 

Sceloporus elongatus—Cary, N. Am. Fauna, No. 33, p. 26, 1911 (Arkins, 
Escalante Hills, Meeker, Rangeley, Plateau Creek and McElmo, Colo.). 

Head somewhat pointed anteriorly, widest in the region of the 
eyes and very slightly narrower behind the eyes, length of the head 
about 1.5 in the length of the hind foot, profile sloping; supraorbital 
plates in four rows, the inside row of small plates, a second row of 
large plates, the two outside rows of small plates; a pit on each side 
of the neck near the ear opening, guarded by large scales and lined 
with very small scales; length from tip of snout to the vent not more 
than 1.5 in the length of the tail; total length six to eight inches. 

General color yellowish or greenish gray; two stripes of yellow or 
a yellowish gray lighter than the ground color, on each side; the 
upper of these stripes the brighter, covering two or three rows of 
scales; the lower separated from the upper by seven to nine rows of 
scales, and covering three or four rows of scales, quite suffuse along 
its ventral margin; between the two light stripes, the ground color 
may be slightly darker than the general ground color, producing a 
dark stripe; dorsally with many very fine cross bands of black, these 
bands often being less than a half of a millimetre wide but so dark as 
to be quite distinct; ventral parts whitish or yellowish, rarely green- 
ish, with quite a few small black or dark brown dots; throat of the 
male with a bright peacock blue band, traces of which may appear in 


the female; sides of the abdomen of the male with large greenish blue 

This species is quite common through the Rocky Mountain region, 
ranging south into Mexico. By some zodlogists it is considered as 
but a variety of the common swift of the east, S. undulatus (Latreille). 
S. consobrinus, however, is a species of the elevated arid portion of 
the United States. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Boulder, May 18, 1907 
(171 mm.), F. Rohwer, No. 207; Little Fossil Mountain, near Rifle, July 2, 1908 
(160 mm.), S. A. Rohwer, No. 209; Perry Park, July 25, 1908 (146 mm.), Albert 
Dakan, No. 212; Box Elder Creek, foothills, northwest of Ft. Collins, August 13, 
1908, J. Henderson, No. 68; four miles west of Meeker, August 11, 1909 (2 speci- 
mens, 110 and 150 mm.), J. Henderson and T. Duce, No. 208; Boulder, October 9, 
1911 (157 mm.), Ben Rowland, No. 146; two miles east of Durango toward Rio 
Florida, August 11, 1912 (144 mm.), J. Henderson and M. M. Ellis, No. 210; near 
Chautauqua, Boulder, September 21, 1912 (56 mm., vent to snout, with regenerat- 
ing tail), N. deW. Betts, No. 211; Wray, October 27, 1912 (2 specimens, 70 and 
75mm.), M. M. Ellis and A. G. Vestal, No. 213; Colorado State Historical and 
Natural History Museum: Estabrook, July 4, 1903 (2 specimens, 120 and 130 mm.), 
H. B. McCurdy; Estabrook, July 11, 1903 (120 mm.), E. A. Dugan; Durango, 
August 27, 1903 (3 specimens, 110 to 125 mm.), H. G. Smith; Buffalo Park, Sep- 
tember 7, 1903 (150 mm.), W. C. Ferril; Wray, September 17, 1903 (150 mm.), 
H. G. Smith; Pagosa, August 8, 1904 (2 specimens, 105 and 115 mm.), H. G. 
Smith; Grand Junction, September 16, 1904 (40mm.), H. G. Smith; Grand 
Junction, September 17, 1904 (3 specimens, 130-145 mm.), H. G. Smith; Wray, 
May 31, 1905 (90 mm.), H. G. Smith; Grand Junction, August 13, 1905 (6 speci- 
mens, 100-125 mm.), H. G. Smith; Basalt, August 16, 1905 (120 mm.), H. G. 
Smith; Colorado Museum of Natural History: Trinidad, August 5, 1909 (3 speci- 
mens, 60-120 mm.), L. J. Hersey; Ponia, near Trinidad, August, 1910 (120 mm.), 
L. J. Hersey; Agricultural College Museum: Larimer County, May 11, 1902 
(180 mm.), W. L. Burnett; private collection of A. G. Vestal, Wray: October 27, 
1912 (somm.), A. G. Vestal; State Teachers’ College Museum: Trinidad, A. E. 

Sceloporus graciosus Baird and Girard 

Sceloporus graciosus Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. VI, 
p- 69, 1852. 

Sceloporus graciosus—Cary, N. Am. Fauna, No. 33, p. 24, 1911 (Bear River 
Bluffs near Maybell, Colo., and twenty miles west of Baggs Crossing, Colo.). 


This swift is quite similar to S. consobrinus, from which it differs 
in the arrangement of the supraocular plates. These are in five rows, 
an inside row of small plates, followed by two rows of medium-sized 
plates, with two outside rows of small plates. In coloration it is also 
much the same as S. consobrinus. There are two yellowish stripes on 
each side separated by a dusky area covering from seven to nine rows 
of scales. In this dusky area, however, there is a row of more or less 
crescent-shaped spots of dark brown or black. There are also two 
rows of these same spots dorsally between the two upper light stripes. 
S. graciosus is a species of the Great Basin, ranging from Oregon 
south into Mexico. 

Reported by Cary, l.c., from Escalante Hills, valleys of Texas and Evacuation 
Creeks; Rio Blanco Co.; Grand Valley, north of Mack, Colo.; Rifle, Coventry and 
McEIlmo, Colo. 

Genus HOLBROOKIA Girard 

Holbrookia Girard, Proc. A.A.A. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 201, 1851. 

Scales small and smooth; throat with a gular fold; tail shorter or 
longer than the body; ear openings covered; femoral pores present; 
body depressed; size small. 

The Spotted Lizards, Holbrookia, range from Wyoming and Utah 
south into Mexico, from Kansas into California. 

Holbrookia maculata Girard 

SporteD Lizarp (Figures 7, 8 and 9) 

Holbrookia maculata Girard, Proc. Am. Asso. Adv. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 201, 1851. 
Holbrookia maculata—Core, Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 297, 1898 (Colorado Springs, 
Holbrookia maculata maculata—Y ARROW, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, p. 563, 1875 
(Denver and Colorado Springs, Colo.). 
Holbrookia maculata propinqua—Y ARRow, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, p. 564, 1875 
(Twin Lakes, Colo.). 

Head somewhat rounded anteriorly, widest in the region of the 
eyes, not well marked off from the neck, 1.00 to 1.25 in the length of 
the hind foot, profile rather abruptly sloping; length of the tail less 
than the length of the body from the tip of the snout to the vent; size 
small, total length less than six inches. — 


General color gray or greenish gray to brownish yellow; two rows 
of about twenty dark, irregular spots on each side of the back, these 
spots more or less confluent on the tail; many small light spots dor- 
sally; ventral parts whitish; two or three dark blue or black spots 
on each side of the abdomen just back of the fore-limb. 

Range, that of the genus. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Denver, May 14, 1905 (90 mm.), 
H. Markman, No. 214; LaJunta, July, 1905 (4 specimens, 95-110 mm.), G. S. 
Dodds, No. 215; Boulder, September, 1907 (150mm.), F. Rohwer, No. 216; 
eight miles east of Platteville, June 18, 1912 (9 specimens, 85-95 mm.), J. Hender- 
son and R. M. Butters, No. 217; Colorado State Historical and Natural History 
Museum: Denver, 1872 (75 mm.), J. W. LaMunyon; Denver, 1878 (2 specimens, 
80 and 90 mm.), H. G. Smith; Denver, 1900 (2 specimens, 70 and 80 mm.), W. C. 
Ferril; Denver, 1903 (2 specimens, 80 and 85 mm.), W. C. Ferril; Wray, Sep- 
tember 23, 1903 (100 mm.), H. G. Smith; Barr, June 13, 1906 (105 mm.), A. H. 
Felger; State Teachers’ College Museum: Trinidad, A. E. Beardsley; reported 
common all along the foothills from Trinidad to the Wyoming line by Beardsley. 

Genus PHRYNOSOMA Wiegmann 
Phrynosoma Wiegmann, Isis, p. 367, 1828. 

Body stout, depressed, and somewhat arched in the mid-dorsal 
region; head bearing several bony processes or “‘horns,” particularly in 
the temporal and occipital regions; lateral margins of the body with 
one or two rows of large, elevated scales; scales of the back irregular 
in size and shape, many pointed, keeled and elevated; scales of the 
ventral surface smaller and more regular; a distinct gular fold; femoral 
pores present; no abdominal ribs; viviparous or oviparous. 

To this genus and the following one, Anota, belong the ‘‘ Horned 
Toads” of North America. This term is, however, incorrect, as these 
queer little animals are true lizards and should be known as Horned 
Lizards. In spite of their peculiar and rather offensive appearance 
they are quite harmless. When disturbed they often swell up and 
assume a defensive attitude. If sufficiently irritated they will squirt 
several drops of blood from just above the eyes." This blood may be 
driven a distance of almost a foot. Because of this peculiar habit 
many strange stories are told of these animals and they are commonly 

t Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XV, pp. 375-378, 1892. 


regarded as very dangerous by the Negroes in the southwest. They 
depend upon their general appearance for protection, as they move 
rather slowly. Their cephalic horns are very effective as protective 
structures in rendering them difficult to swallow. Cope’ records 
finding a rattlesnake, which had died from attempting to swallow a 
Phrynosoma, with the occipital horns forced through its skin. Strecker? 
found a hawk dead from the same cause. 

Horned Lizards are found from Washington to Southern Mexico. 
They range as far east as Missouri and Arkansas, being restricted to 
the arid and semi-arid regions. 

The two species of this genus found in Colorado may be distin- 
guished by the following key. 

a. One row of elevated, pointed scales along each lateral margin of the body; 

horns short} 00% PaO: P. hernandesi (Girard). 
aa. Two rows of elevated, pointed poles along each lateral margin of the 
body; hornslongand prominent . . .  . YP. cornutum (Harlan). 

Phrynosoma hernandesi (Girard) 

g 4 

Tapaya hernandesi Girard, Wilkes U.S. Expl. Exped., Herpt., p. 395, 1858. 

Phrynosoma douglassti douglassii—Y ARROW, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, pp. 580 
and 581, 1875 (Ft. Garland, Colorado Springs and Pagosa, Colo.). 

Phrynosoma douglassiit hernandesi—Corr, Rept. U.S.N.M., ‘p. 414, 18098 
(Pagosa and Colorado Springs, Colo.). 

Phrynosoma hernandesi—CockERELL, Univ. Colo. Studies, Vol. VII, p. 131, 
1910 (Meeker, Colo., and two miles southeast of Meeker, Colo.). 

Horns short, not exceeding the diameter of the eye in length; one 
rather prominent horn projecting backward from the posterior end of 
each canthus rostratus; three directed outward and backward from 
the lateral angles of the head in the temporal region; a short horn on 
each side of the occipital region, pointing backward and upward, and 
a very small median occipital horn. 

One row of elevated, pointed scales on each lateral margin of the 
body; dorsal scales irregular in size and shape, many elevated, pointed 

Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 404, 1808. | 

* Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., Vol. XXI, p. 168, 1908. 


and keeled; ventral scales smooth, closely set and of rather uniform size 
and shape; nasal openings on the canthirostrati; gular fold prominent. 

Length of the head 2 to 3 in the maximum width of the body, 1 to 
1.25 in the maximum width of the head; tail short, 1.20 to 1.75 in 
the maximum width of the body. 

Color grayish to blackish, varying toward brown; a lighter mid- 
dorsal streak; under parts whitish. 

Average specimens, about 100 mm. 

The specimen from Monarch contained 14 tenebrionid beetles, 
Eleodes sp. and a large number of ants. 

This species is viviparous. The young, which usually number less 
than twelve, are born in the middle or late summer. 

Range, Oregon to Arizona, east to Kansas. 

Two forms of this species may be recognized, a plains form and an 
upland form, scarcely entitled to recognition as subspecies. 

a. Occipital spine more nearly vertical than the last temporal spine when the 
head is viewed from the side; tail shorter than the hind limb; plains form. 

P. h. ornatissimum (Girard). 

aa. Occipital spine and the last temporal spine directed backward at about the 
same angle when seen from the side; tail equal to or longer than the hind 

limb; uplandform ... . .  P.h. hernandesi (Girard). 
Boise specimens. eateeredy Maco: Boulder, September 7, 1907 
(45mm.), W. H. Foster, No. 218; Boulder, August 28, 1908 (95 mm.), A. L. 
Goodrich, No. 219; Owens Lake, Boulder County, August, 1908 (78 mm.), F 
Rohwer, No. 220; Boulder, August, 1908 (90 mm.), F. Rohwer, No. 221; two 
miles southeast of Meeker, August 8, 1909 (72 mm.), W. W. Robbins, No. 59; 
four miles east of Wellington, June 13, 1911 (100mm.), J. Henderson, No. 222; 
Cottonwood Springs, north of Ft. Morgan, June 22, 1912 (95 mm.), J. Henderson, 
No. 223; Colorado State Historical and Natural History Museum: Denver, July, 
1873 (90mm.), Mary G. Smith; Denver, August 2, 1900 (120mm.), W. C. 
Ferril; Denver, May 20, 1903 (2 specimens, 95 and 100mm.), W. C. Ferril; 
Denver, Capitol Grounds, August 14, 1903 (9 specimens, 80-120 mm.), W. C. 
Ferril; LaVeta Pass, August 21, 1903 (60 mm.), C. E. Langerr; Antonito, August 
22, 1903 (go mm.), H. G. Smith; Hugo, June 9, 1906 (110 mm.), W. C. Ferril; 
Colorado Museum of Natural History: Trinidad, August, 1909 (26 specimens, about 
25mm.), L. J. Hersey; Agricultural College Museum: Cortez, August 13, 1903 
(120 mm.), S. A. Johnson; private collection of A. G. Vestal, Monarch, Boulder 
County, May 17, 1912 (115 mm.), A. G. Vestal; State Teachers’ College Museum: 


Trinidad and Greeley, A. E. Beardsley; reported by Cary, l.c., from both sides of 
the range as Phrynosoma ornatissimum. 

Phrynosoma cornutum (Harlan) 
TEXAS Hornep Toap (Figure 13) 

Agama cornuta Harlan, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. IV, p. 299, 1825. 

Phrynosoma cornutum—Cope, Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 435, 1898 (Pagosa and 
Colorado Springs, Colo.). 

Horns long, the longest more than twice the diameter of the eye in 
length; one short stout horn directed backward and outward from the 
posterior end of each canthus rostratus; three from the temporal 
region on each side pointing outward and backward, of these the ante- 
rior is the shortest, the middle one the longest and the posterior one 
just equal to or usually slightly shorter than the middle one; two 
large occipital horns, one on each side, directed upward and somewhat 
backward, these being the largest of the horns; a small, median 
occipital horn. 

Two rows of elevated pointed scales on each lateral margin of the 
body; dorsal scales of various sizes, many large, flattened, keeled and 
elevated; scales on ventral parts more or less distinctly keeled. 

Nasal openings between the canthi rostrati; gular folds prominent 
and covered with keeled scales. 7 

Length of the head 1.25 to 1.75 in the width of the head, almost 
3 in the maximum width of the body; tail long, about equal to the 
maximum width of the body in length. 

Color grayish brown to blackish brown, subject to much variation; 
usually twelve, more or less distinct spots of a slightly darker color 
than the ground color may be seen on the dorsal surface; below 
whitish; tail irregularly marked above; a median dorsal stripe lighter 
than the ground color. 

Size moderately large, average specimens 125 mm. or larger. 

This species, unlike the other members of this genus, is oviparous. 
Strecker,’ who has studied the egg-laying habits of this lizard, finds 
that it lays about two dozen eggs in a burrow some six or seven inches 

« Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., Vol. XXI, pp. 165-168, 1908. 


deep. These burrows are usually constructed on sloping ground. 
The eggs are placed in layers, each layer being carefully covered with 
packed dirt. The breeding season is from April to the last of July. 

Range, north to Colorado, east to Missouri, south into Mexico. 
Abundant in Texas. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Boulder, June 23, 1911 (135 
mm.), E. Bethel, No. 124. As a specimen of this species escaped from cap- 
tivity near the University campus about this time it is thought that this specimen 
does not represent a true record for this species. Colorado State Historical and 
Natural History Museum: Denver, 1872 (4 specimens, 80-105mm.), J. W. 
LaMunyon, locality uncertain; State Teachers’ College Museum: Trinidad, A. E. 

Genus ANOTA Hallowell 
Anota Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 182, 1852. 

Characters of the genus the same as those of Phrynosoma excepting 
the covered ear opening. 

Anota modesta (Girard) 

Phrynosoma modestum Girard, Stansb. Exped. Great Salt Lake, p. 361, 1852. 

We have no specimens of this species in our collection. Professor 
T. D. A. Cockerell reports this species from the Wet Mountain country 
in Custer Co., Colo. The specimen which he collected there some 
years ago was sent to Washington and the identification of Phrynosoma 
modestum (Girard) returned. The specimen is lost and we are unable 
to ascertain by whom it was determined. This species is included in 
this report only as a species likely to be found in southern Colorado, 
since it is found in northern New Mexico. We quote Cope’s descrip- 
tion, as we have not examined specimens of it. 

Smallest of the species. Head broadly rounded; muzzle very obtuse, profile 
descending steeply from a tranverse angle above the nostrils. Temporal regions 
expanded, supporting a series of acuminate tubercles from below the front of the 
orbit, of which the posterior only is distinctly a horn. It is directed posteriorly, 
having usually the same direction and length of the occipital. One short acute 
occipital horn on each side; no interoccipital. Posterior superciliary plate angu- 


lar, but not prominent. Infralabials increasing regularly in size to the posterior, 
which are not very prominent. Gular scales equal. A strong prehumeral fold, in 
front of which is a fossa, and in front of this a semicircular fold convex backward 
with a few larger tubercles on its border... . . In life the color of this species is 
a light yellowish brown, sometimes with a shade of pink. A blackish spot begins 
on each side of the nape and extends round to a point anterior to the humerus. 
There is sometimes a sooty shade on each side from the middle to the groin. A 
small blackish spot behind the vent on the middle line, and frequently a similar 
spot on each side of the anterior border of the vent. There are no dorsal spots or 
cross bars, but the tail is indistinctly annulate with blackish. Under surface 
pale yellowish, immaculate, except the gular region, which is generally indis- 
tinctly dusky spotted.—Rept. U.S.N.M., pp. 437 and 438, 1898. 

Family Trpar 
The Striped Lizards 

This family of lizards, which contains a fairly large number of 
species, is found only in the New World. Only a single genus is found 
in the United States, Cnemidophorus. 

Cnemidophorus Wagler, Syst. Amph., p. 154, 1830. 

Dorsal scales rather small, ventrals large; gular fold present, 
double; head plates large and regular; ear openings exposed; femoral 
pores present; scaled portion of the tongue heart-shaped or V-shaped 
posteriorly; body elongate;. size medium, length up to twenty inches, 
of which the small, elongate tail makes up over half; range, United 
States generally, south into South America. Three species have been 
taken in Colorado. 

a. Under part of the throat with a band of scales distinctly and abruptly 
larger than the adjoining scales. 

b. Femoral pores, 15 to 17; posterior margin of the frontal plate just 
reaching the junction of the second and third supraocular plates, so that 
the suture between second and third supraocular plates appears con- 
tinuous with that separating the frontal and fronto-parietal plates; head 
tapering rather uniformly to the snout; no large, post-antebrachial 
plates; size small. SPS OM ORS: SEN senlinesins (Einpacus): 

bb. Femoral pores, 18 to 25; posterior margin of the frontal plate passing 
the junction of the second and third supraocular plates; head rather 


suddenly pointed beyond the eyes; large post-antebrachial plates 

present; sizemedium. . . .  .  C. gularis Baird and Girard. 
aa. Under part of the throat without a band of large scales; size moderately 
Pee NSN Te (Use ee tow Be i Miertes ("Cz hesseliatus (Say). 

The color pattern of these three species is so similar and so subject 
to the same type of variation that a comparative description will per- 
haps be more effective than individual descriptions of each. 

The typical pattern as shown by the young of all three species is 
composed of a series of four to eight longitudinal stripes of yellow on 
a ground color of dark brown or olive. In C. sexlineatus these stripes 
remain prominent throughout life on the body and the anterior por- 
tion of the tail. On the posterior portion of the tail they break up 
and disappear. The spaces between the light stripes are darker than 
the general ground color. 

The next type of pattern is that of the adult C. gularis. The 
young of this species are marked much like the adult of C. sexlineatus, 
although the two dorsal light stripes show a tendency to be less dis- 
tinct. The adult, however, has irregular rows of light spots in the 
dark area between the longitudinal stripes, and the stripes themselves 
tend to break down into spots. In some specimens this is completed 
so that they resemble typical individuals of C. tessellatus. 

In the adult C. tessellatus the breaking up of the longitudinal stripes 
is usually complete, so that the typical pattern of this lizard is one of 
spots, the spots being those between the longitudinal stripes and the 
remains of the longitudinal stripes. The light spots may even become 
so prominent as to appear to form the background, thus giving a 
yellowish background with dark spots. The young of this species 
are marked much like the adult C. sexlineatus. Cope™ gives a series 
of figures showing the parallel variation of the dorsal pattern of 
C. gularis and C. tessellatus. 

The ventral parts of all three species are whitish, yellowish or even 
greenish and the dorsal ground color is subject to the same variation 
in shades of color that is found in other lizards. The tail when com- 
plete (most specimens will have lost portions of the tail if they are of 

1 Cope, Rept. U.S.N.M., pl. 5, 1898. 


any size) is more than twice the length of the body and is covered with 
larger, coarser scales. 

Cnemidophorus sexlineatus (Linnaeus) 

Lacerta sexlineata Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 12th ed., Vol. I, p. 364, 1766. 

Cnemidophorus sexlineatus—Core, Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 597, 1898 (Plateau 
Creek, near Eagalite, Colo.). 

Colorado specimens.—Colorado State Historical and Natural History 
Museum: Denver, May 21, 1900 (160 mm.), H. G. Smith; Grand Junction, Sep- 
tember 16, 1904 (4 specimens, 105-130 mm.), H. G. Smith; Wray, May 31, 1905 
(175 mm.), H. G. Smith; Colorado Museum of Natural History: Ponia, near 
Trinidad, August, 1910 (2 specimens, 90 and 120mm.), L. J. Hersey; State 
Teachers’ College Museum: Corrizo Creek, Las Animas County, and Greeley, 
A. E. Beardsley. 

Cnemidophorus gularis Baird and Girard 


Cnemidophorus gularis Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 128, 

Cnemidophorus gularis—Cary, N. Am. Fauna, No. 33, p. 27, 1911 (Grand 
Valley, McElmo and Hotchkiss, Colo.). 

Colorado specimens.—Reported by Cary, /.c., from Golden, Colo. 

Cnemidophorus tessellatus (Say) 


Ameiva tessellata Say, Long’s Exped. Rocky Mts., Vol. II, p. 50, 1823 (Canyon 
of Arkansas, Colo.). 

Cnemidophorus tigris—Cary, N. Am. Fauna, No. 33, p. 26, 1911 (Plateau 
Creek and McElmo, Colo.). 

Colorado specimens.—Colorado State Historical and Natural History 
Museum: Grand Junction, May 17, 1906 (2 specimens, 260 and 270 mm.), W. C. 

Family Scincipaz 
The Skinks 
A very large family of lizards of cosmopolitan distribution. Two 

genera are known from the United States, one of which, Ewmeces, is 
represented in the Colorado fauna. 


Genus EUMECES Wiegmann 
Eumeces Wiegmann, Herpt. Mex., p. 36, 1834. 

Scales smooth and polished, very closely and firmly set, moderately 
large; no gular fold; ear openings not covered; no femoral pores; 
size small to moderately large. 

A-genus of wide distribution, species of Ewmeces being known from 
North America, Africa and Asia. Four species are recorded from 
Colorado and a fifth will doubtless be found when the collections are 
made more complete. This fifth species, Ewmeces quinquelineatus 
(Linnaeus), is accordingly included in the key, since it is reported 
from some of the adjoining states. 

a. Fifth hind toe longer than the second; scales in 28 to 32 rows; head 4.5 
in the length without the tail. .  .  . E. quinquelineatus (Linnaeus). 

aa. Fifth hind toe shorter than the second. 
b. Scales in 28 to 30 rows. 
c. Free portion of the fifth hind toe more than half the length of the 

head. pontees et oren Wee’ 9112 i egaloms (Hallowell): 

cc. Free portion of the fifth hind toe less than half the length of the 
head. fa Pa es ess: EB obsoletas: (Baird and Girard). 

bb. Scales in 26 rows. . . .  .  . , leptogrammus (Baird). 
bbb. Scales in 24 rows. : . : 3 E. multivirgatus (Hallowell). 

This key is adapted from Cope, as specimens of all of these species 
were not at hand for examination. 

Eumeces obsoletus (Baird and Girard) 

SONORAN SKINK (Figures 15 and 16) 

Plestiodon obsoletum Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 120, 

Head somewhat pointed anterior to the eyes; profiles sloping 
evenly; length of the head about 5 in the length of the head and 
body; size rather large; length up to 12 inches. 

Color variable in the different stages; color of the adult, yellowish, 
greenish or olive brown, head with a reddish cast, tail lighter and often 
rather blue; five rather indistinct, longitudinal yellowish stripes; 


medium-sized individuals with the yellowish stripes quite distinct; 
young specimens much darker than the adults, with the stripes very 

This lizard, like the other species of the genus, has the power to 
break off its tail when it is seized by that part. The escaping tail-less 
lizard regenerates a new tail. Specimens are often taken with a 
small half-formed tail, showing the loss of a former tail. 

This skink ranges from Utah and Wyoming south into Mexico, 
east into Kansas and Nebraska. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: four miles east of Wellington, 
June 13, 1911 (108 mm.), J. Henderson and R. M. Butters, No. 224; Greasewood 

Lake southeast of Osgood, June 23, 1912 (90 mm.), J. Henderson, No. 225; State 
Teachers’ College Museum: near Greeley, A. E. Beardsley. 

Eumeces guttulatus (Hallowell) 

Lamprosaurus guttulatus Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 206, 1852. 

Dorsal stripes wanting; a row of bluish spots over each eye and 
on the chin; dorsal parts uniformly blackish in the young, becoming 
olive green in the adult; tail of the young bluish; size small, length 
less than five inches. Range, Colorado south to Mexico. 

Colorado specimen.—State Teachers’ College Museum: Corrizo Creek, Las 
Animas County, A. E. Beardsley. 

Eumeces leptogrammus (Baird) 

Plestiodon leptogrammus Baird, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 256, 1858. 
General color dark green above, bluish to dark blue below; five 
dorsal stripes of greenish white dots, the mid-dorsal stripe being the 

widest and most prominent. Range, Nebraska, Wyoming south to 

Colorado specimen.—State Teachers’ College Museum: Big Bend, Weld 
County, A. E. Beardsley. 


Eumeces multivirgatus (Hallowell) 
Plestiodon multivirgatum Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 251, 1857. 

General color grayish green to olive green; ventral parts greenish; 
mid-dorsal region dark green bordered on each side by four or usually 
five stripes of brown which alternate with stripes of the ground color. 

Range, Nebraska, Colorado and Kansas south into Texas. 

Colorado specimen.—State Teachers’ College Museum: near Greeley, A. E. 


The Snakes 
A. No pits on the sides of the head. . 2° i - COLUBRIDAE 

B. Maxillary teeth without grooves beau of the Colorado Colubridae 
excepting one small, reddish snake with a black head, belong here). 
C. Anal plate entire. 
D. Scales in 17 to 25 rows. 
E. Scales keeled; 17 to 21 rows. 
Thamnophis Fitzinger (page 82). 
EE. Scales smooth; 19 to 25 rows. 

Ophibolus Baird and Girard (page 90). 

DD. Scales in 29 to 35 rows. 
Pityophis Holbrook (page 92). 

CC. Anal plate divided. 

F. Scales distinctly keeled. 
G. Rostral plate projecting and recurved, producing a 
“snout.” .  .  .  Heterodon Latreille (page 95). 

GG. Rostral plate not projecting as above. 
H. Loreal plate present. 
Tropidonotus Kuhl (page 96). 
HH. Loreal plate absent. 
Storeria Baird and Girard (page 98). 
FF. Scales smooth or very faintly keeled. 
I. Nasal plates, one on each side; size small. 
J. Dorsal parts uniform bright green. 

Liopeltis Cope (page 99). 


JJ. Dorsal parts not green; general color gray, brown- 

ish or reddish. . . Chionactis Cope (page 100). 
II. Nasal plates, two on each side. 

K. Maxillary teeth subequal; scales smooth; size 
small; dorsal parts uniform ashy brown to bluish 
black; with or without yellowish red collar; ven- 
tral parts orange or red. 

Diadophis Baird and Girard (page 101). 
KK. Posterior maxillary teeth longer than those in 
front; scales smooth or faintly keeled; size large; 
young specimens striped and spotted dorsally. 
Zamenis Wagler (page 103). 
BB. Posterior maxillary teeth with grooves; anal plate divided; loreal 
plate absent; scales smooth. 
Tantilla Baird and Girard (page 106). 
AA. Head with a pit on each side between the eye and nostril; fangs present, 
large, hollow, and erectable; species venomous. . . CROTALIDAE. 
L. Top of head covered with closely set, small scales, excepting the 
large supraocular plate above each eye. 
Crotalus Linnaeus (page 107). 
LL. ‘Top of the head covered by nine large plates. 
Sistrurus Garman (page 110). 

Family Cotusripak 

To this family belong the majority of species of snakes, The 
family as a whole is known as one of harmless snakes. 

Genus THAMNOPHIS Fitzinger 

Thamnophis Fitzinger, Syst. Rept., p. 26, 1843. 
Eutainia Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Am. Reptiles, Pt. I, p. 24, 1853. 
Eutaenia Cope, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., p. 495, 1886. 

Anal plate entire (we have an exceptional specimen from Meeker, 
Colo., of Thamnophis elegans, with the anal plate divided); scales in 
17 to 23 rows, all distinctly keeled excepting those of the first row on 
each side, which are also usually more or less keeled; superior labials, 
usually 7 or 8, sometimes 6 or 9; preoculars, 1, sometimes 2, rarely 3; 
posterior maxillary teeth, especially the last two or three, longer 


than those in front; small to medium sized snakes; general color 
pattern of three stripes, a dorsal and two laterals, on a darker ground 

The Garter Snakes, genus Thamnophis, are the most abundant 
and most variable group of North American snakes. ‘The color pat- 
tern, and the number of scale rows, labials and other plates are sub- 
ject to great variation, almost every combination within the limits of 
the genus being known. As a result some sixty-five forms of Tham- 
nophis have been described, which have been variously ranked by 
different zodlogists as species, varieties and synonyms. ‘The garter 
- snakes are usually semi-aquatic in habit. Few species are found far 
from water. All species are viviparous and produce large numbers of 
young. When pursued the garter snakes will try to escape but when 
captured they attempt to bite vigorously and usually emit a substance 
from the anal glands which gives off a sweet, sickening odor. These 
snakes are quite harmless. 

Range, from Central America over most of North America as far 
north as Canada. 


It is to be noted that the species of this genus vary in such a way as to produce 
a seeming intergradation of all forms. Several types are distinct, however, and 
of these four are found in this state. In the identification of Garter Snakes par- 
ticular attention should be paid to the locality from which the specimen was 

a. Lateral stripe on the third and fourth rows of scales. 

b. Superior labials, seven; plains species; in Colorado east of the main 
Pattee e..'! | can wey rs Th. radix (Baird and Girard). 

bb. Superior labials, eight; southern Colorado. Th. megalops (Kennicott). 
aa. Lateral stripe on the second and third rows of scales. 

c. Superior labials, seven; dorsal scales in nineteen rows; postgenial a 
fourth to a half longer than the genial; sides of the body above the 
lateral stripe with spots of brick red color; Colorado, general. 

Th. parietalis (Say). 

cc. Superior labials, eight; dorsal scales in twenty-one rows; genials and 
postgenials subequal; Colorado, general except in the eastern plains. 

Th. elegans (Baird and Girard). 


Thamnophis radix (Baird and Girard) 
PLAINS GARTER SNAKE (Figures 17, 18 and 20) 

Eutainia radix Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Am. Reptiles, Pt. I, p. 34, 1853. 

Eutaenia marciana—Y ARRow, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, p. 555, 1875 (Pueblo, 
Colo.); YARRow, U.S.N.M. Bull. 24, p. 118, 1882 (Pueblo, Colo.). 

Eutaenia radix—Core, Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 1028, 1898 (Pueblo, Colo.); 
RutuveEn, U.S.N.M. Bull. 61, p. 77, 1908 (Pueblo, Greeley, Ft. Collins, Colo.). 

Dorsal scales typically in 21 rows, in 19 or 21 rows just back of the 
head, and in 19 or rarely 17 rows over the posterior portion of the 
body; first row of scales faintly, if at all, keeled, others distinctly 
keeled, especially those in the mid-dorsal region. Superior labials, 
usually 7, rst, 2d, 3d and 7th subequal, 4th, 5th and 6th larger, the 
5th being the largest; inferior labials, usually 10, 1st longest, directed 
mesially and posteriorly, so as to meet the 1st from the opposite side 
in the mid-ventral line, 2d smallest, 6th largest and widest. Ventrals, 
about 150, 140-180. Tail one-fifth to one-fourth of the total length. 

General color brown or olive, darker dorsally; ventral parts pale 
yellow, yellowish green or greenish blue. A mid-dorsal stripe, vary- 
ing in color from a pale lemon yellow to a rich orange red or orange 
brown, usually orange, beginning in the posterior angle of the parietal 
plates and continuing to the tip of the tail, covering only one row of 
‘scales at its origin, widening over three or four rows just back of the 
head, narrowing again so as to cover only a single mid-dorsal row and 
half or more of the adjacent row on each side, from the anal region on, 
covering only parts of two rows. A lateral stripe of pale yellow, blue 
or green, somewhat interrupted by black spots from above and below, 
covering more or less completely the third and fourth rows of scales on 
each side, beginning just back of the angle of the jaw and continuing 
to the base of the tail or beyond. Space between the dorsal and 
lateral stripes dark and in general of a checkerboard pattern, which 
is formed by two or three rows of black or dark green spots, each 
covering about three scales, alternating with the lighter ground color. 
Below the lateral stripe an irregular row of dark spots alternating with 
patches of the bluish or yellowish ground color. Two small pale 
yellow spots, often more or less confluent, on the parietals near or 


on their mesial edges. Top of the head dark brown to almost black, 
lighter in the rostral region; labials and postorbitals yellowish or 
bluish, the labials rather completely crossed at their junctions by 
black bars. Each ventral with a dark spot on its anterior margin at 
or just below its junction with the first row of scales, the remainder of 
each ventral usually of a uniform color, although not infrequently with 
small black dots or clouds of color. 

This description will cover only average specimens. The variation 
in color is considerable, so that the various elements of the pattern 
may be either accentuated or obscured. 

The food of this active species has been reported by numerous 
observers. The smaller individuals feed upon earthworms, insect 
larvae and small tadpoles. As the snake grows, larger food is taken, 
frogs, large tadpoles, fish, in addition to insects of various sorts. 
They are particularly fond of grasshoppers. Ruthven" has observed 
this species feeding upon the tree frog, Chorophilus nigritus. In habit 
Thamno phis radix is almost amphibious, being found most abundantly 
in the sloughs and high grass near streams. When disturbed it will 
go into the water, where it swims and dives actively. It is rarely 
taken more than a mile from water and the swampy zone along streams 
is to be regarded as its habitat. It is a viviparous species and pro- 
duces from fifteen to forty young at one time. These are born in the 
latter part of the summer, although a specimen taken at Boulder, 
Colo., in early July, 1912, contained twenty well-developed embryos. 

Thamnophis radix is strictly a species of the plains region. It 
ranges from western Indiana to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, 
north into Canada and south to Oklahoma. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Boulder, April 29, 1906 (4 
specimens, 430-710 mm.), No. 227; University Campus, Boulder, October, 1906 
(2 specimens, 500 and 580 mm.), No. 228; Niwot, August 31, 191z (725 mm.), 
F. Rohwer, No. 226; near Boulder, July 7, 1912 (190 mm.), M. M. Ellis, No. 230; 
Julesburg, July 17, 1912 (660 mm.), J. Henderson, No. 229; Boulder, October 29, 
1912 (240mm.), M. M. Ellis, No. 231; Colorado State Historical and Natural 

History Museum: Denver, June 27, 1890 (540 mm.), H. G. Smith; Denver, July 
31, 1890 (460 mm.), H. G. Smith; Denver, August 15, 1900 (960 mm.), W. C. 

t U.S.N.M. Bull. 61, p. 75, 1908. 


Ferril; Aurora Lake, Denver, September 3, 1900 (2 specimens, 475 and 710 mm.), 
W. C. Ferril; Highline Ditch, Denver, September 3, 1900 (690 mm.), W. C. Ferril; 
Denver, June 10, 1901 (860 mm.), C. F. Leach; Denver, June 27, 1903 (850 mm.), 
Mrs. H. B. McCurdy; Yuma, June 6, 1905 (600 mm.), H. G. Smith; Julesburg, 
August 25, 1905 (230 mm.), H. G. Smith; Boulder, December 12, 1911 (470 mm.), 
L. C. Bragg; State Teachers’ College Museum: Las Animas, Baca and Weld coun- 
ties, A. E. Beardsley; reported by Henderson from Goodrich, Colo., June 22, 1912. 

Thamnophis megalops (Kennicott) 


Eutaenia megalops Kennicott, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 330, 1860. 
Eutaenia macrostemma megalops—Y ARROW, U.S.N.M. Bull. 24, p. 117, 1882 
(Rio Grande, Colo.). 

This species differs from Thamnophis radix (Baird and Girard), 
particularly in the number of superior labials, the usual number being 
8, or occasionally 9. The spots between the dorsal and lateral stripes 
do not give such a pronounced checkerboard pattern and the snake 
as a whole is of a duller, lighter color. 

This species is included in the fauna of Colorado on the record of 
a specimen taken by H. W. Henshaw, June, 1873, at Rio Grande, 
Colo. It ranges over the whole of the Mexican plateau and into 
northern Arizona and New Mexico. It is then to be expected in 
* Conejos, Archuleta, LaPlata and Montezuma counties of Colorado. 

Thamnophis parietalis (Say) 


Coluber parietalis Say, Long’s Exped. Rocky Mts., Vol. I, p. 186, 1823. 

Eutaenia sirtalis dorsalis—Yarrow, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, p. 554, 1875 
(Rio Grande, Colo.). 

Eutaenia sirtalis obscura—Y ARROW, U.S.N.M. Bull. 24, p. 126, 1882 (southern 
Platte; between the Arkansas and Cimarron, N.Mex.). 

Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis—RUTHVEN, U.S.N.M. Bull. 61, p. 167, 1908 
(Ft. Collins, Denver, Greeley, Colo.); CockERELL, Univ. Colo. Studies, Vol. VII, 
p. 131, 1910 (Meeker and Buford, Colo.). 

Dorsal scales in 19 rows, in 17 rows over the posterior portion of 
the body; all scales keeled, those of the first row weakly so. Superior 
labials, usually 7, 1st, 2d, 3d, and the 4th and 7th, subequal, 5th 


largest; inferior labials, 10 or sometimes 9. Ventrals, about 160, 
145-180. Genials 1.25 to 1.5 in the postgenials. Tail one-fifth to 
one-third of the total length. 

General color olive brown, red brown or almost black; ventral 
parts grayish yellow, greenish or bluish. A mid-dorsal stripe, varying 
from lemon yellow to light green or blue in color, beginning in or just 
posterior to the angle of the parietal plates and continuing to the tip 
of the tail, covering more or less completely the three mid-dorsal rows 
of scales in the anterior and middle portion of the body and narrowing 
so as to cover only parts of two rows in the tail region. A lateral 
stripe of pale yellow, blue or green, covering completely or in part the 
second and third rows of scales, beginning rather indistinctly just back 
of the angle of the jaw and continuing to the anal region or beyond, 
in the tail region covering but a single row of scales or a single row 
and a part of another. Space between the dorsal and lateral stripes 
dark, pattern indistinctly made up of two rows of black or dark green 
spots, the upper series of which is usually fused into a dark stripe 
along each side of the dorsal stripe, lower series quite distinct, the 
spots alternating with smaller areas of the brick red ground color. 
First row of scales and the upper edges of the ventrals dusky or even 
dark, usually giving the lower edge of the lateral stripe sharp defini- 
tion. Two small pale spots often confluent, on the parietals near 
or on their mesial edges. Top of the head brownish or blackish, 
lighter in the rostral region. 

The food of this species is probably much the same as that of 
Thamnophis radix. It is known to eat earthworms, insects, frogs and 
toads. These animals are the common types of food offered in the 
swampy places frequented by this snake. It is, however, occasionally 
taken some distance from water. Little is known concerning the 
breeding habits of this species. Ruthven’ records a large female from 
Iowa giving birth to seventy-three young late in September. 

Thamnophis parietalis ranges from the Mississippi River to the 
Pacific Ocean, south to Oklahoma and north into Canada. It is most 
abundant in the western half of its range. 

*U.S.N.M. Bull. 61, p. 167, 1908. 


Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Boulder, May 20, 1905 
(500 mm.), No. 232; Colorado State Historical and Natural History Museum: 
Denver, June 3, 1901 (1200 mm.), H. G. Smith; Julesburg, May 2, 1906 (860 mm.), 
W. C. Ferril; Agricultural College Museum: Ft. Collins, April 30, 1892 (3 speci- 
mens, 150-300 mm.); State Teachers’ College Museum: Greeley, A. E. Beardsley. 

Thamnophis elegans (Baird and Girard) 


Eutainia elegans Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Am. Reptiles, Pt. I, p. 34, 1853. 

Eutaenia marciana—Y Arrow, U.S.N.M. Buil. 24, p. 118, 1882 (Ft. Garland, 
New Mexico= Colorado). 

Eutaenia vagrans vagrans—Y ARROW, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, pp. 551-553, 1875 
(Twin Lakes, Conejos, Pagosa and San Luis Valley, Colo.); Yarrow, U.S.N.M. 
Bull. 24, pp. 119-120, 1882 (Cache la Poudre River, San Luis Valley, Conejos, 
Twin Lakes, Pagosa, and French Creek, Colo.). 

Tropidonotus vagrans—BOULENGER, Cat. Snakes British Mus., Vol. I, p. 203, 
1893 (Wales Canyon, Pueblo County, Colo.). 

Eutaenia elegans vagrans—Core, Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 1041, 1808 (Pagosa, 
Twin Lakes, Conejos, San Luis Valley, Cache la Poudre River, Colo.). 

Thamnophis ordinoides elegans—RUTHVEN, U.S.N.M. Bull. 61, p. 140, 1907 
(Conejos, San Luis Valley, Rio Grande, Durango, Pagosa, Boulder County, 
Gypsum, Grand Junction, Twin Lakes, Hayden, Colo.). 

Thamnophis elegans—CockERELL, Univ. Colo. Studies, Vol. VII, p. 131, 1910 
(Meeker and Buford, Colo.). | 

Thamnophis elegans vagrans—Cary, N. Am. Fauna, No. 33, pp. 27, 40, 45; 
tg11 (Meeker; Higho and Pearl, North Park; Snake River, Slater, Routt County, 

Dorsal scales in 21 rows, in 19 or 21 rows just back of the head, 
and in 19 or 17 rows in the posterior portion of the body; first row 
faintly keeled, others distinctly so. Superior labials, usually 8, first 
four subequal, 6th the largest; inferior labials, usually 10 (sometimes 
gorir). Ventrals, about 170, 150-185; tail one-fifth to a little more 
than one-fourth of the total length. Genials and postgenials subequal. 

Ground color brown, brownish green or greenish buff; ventral 
parts greenish or grayish.. A mid-dorsal yellowish stripe, lighter than 
the ground color, rather indistinct, covering the mid-dorsal row of 
scales and parts of the adjoining row on each side, interrupted by the 
dark spots from each side, and often almost obliterated by the darker 


ground color, in some specimens so interrupted as to cease to be a 
stripe at all. A lateral stripe of yellowish or bluish color, covering 
the second and third rows of scales, often very indistinct and so inter- 
rupted as to be scarcely recognizable. Between the dorsal and lateral 
stripes two rows of black spots, which by alternation with patches of 
the ground color produce a tessellated pattern. These spots may be 
quite prominent and the pattern very distinct or they may be scarcely 
distinguishable from the general ground color. Two small pale 
yellow spots near or on the mesial margin of the parietal plates more 
or less surrounded by a cloud of black. Top of the head dark, labials 
green. Ventrals greenish varying from yellow to gray, each with a 
dark bar or cloud at its junction with the first row of scales, mesial 
portion often clouded with black or blue. 

The form of this highly variable species found most abundantly 
in Colorado is that of greenish color and indistinct pattern called 
variety vagrans. The food and habits of Thamnophis elegans are 
much the same as described for the other Colorado garter snakes. 
Mr. H. G. Smith, of the State Historical and Natural History Museum, 
told us that the 640 mm. female of this species which he collected at 
Dolores, Colo., June 27, 1890, gave birth to ten young shortly after 
her capture. The smallest of these was 190 mm. in length. One of 
the specimens, No. 61, disgorged a frog, Rana pipiens, when captured. 

The range of this species is from the foothills on the east side of the 
Rocky Mountains to the western slope of the Sierra Nevada and 
Cascade mountains, north to Canada and south into New Mexico 
and Arizona. It isa species of the high plateau and mountain regions. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Buford, August 23, 1904 (2 
specimens, 570 and 620mm.), J. Henderson, No. 48; Copeland Park, Boulder 
County, September 5, 1907 (2 specimens, 580 and 600 mm.), F. Rohwer, No. 237; 
Allen’s Park, Boulder County, September 6, 1907 (690 mm.), S. A. Rohwer, No. 
242; Meeker, August 9, 1909 (Soo mm.), A. H. Felger, No. 65; Curtis Reservoir, 
seven miles northeast of Meeker, August 12, 1909 (2 specimens, 270 and 640 mm.), 
A. H. Felger, No. 61; three miles south of Axial, August 14, 1909 (300 mm.), A. H. 
Felger, No. 60; Snake Slough, three miles above Meeker, August 17, 1909 
(400 mm.), J. Henderson and T. Duce, No. 62; Buford, August 20, 1909 (280 mm.), 
T. Duce, No. 47; Buford, August 23, 1909 (825 mm.), A. H. Felger, No. 46; 


Boulder, May 22, 1910 (280 mm.), S. Searcy, No. 245; Lake Eldora, near Eldora, 
July, 1910 (2 specimens, 410 and 780 mm.), J. E. Gutberlet, No. 233; Park Lake, 
Tolland, July, 1910 (3 specimens, 360-470 mm.), W. W. Robbins, No. 240; 
Mammoth Creek, Tolland, July 28, 1910 (570 mm.), No. 244; Tolland, July 24, 
1910 (670 mm.), F. Ramaley, No. 235; four miles northeast of Ohio City, August 
22, 1911 (2 specimens, 420 and 550mm.), A. Daugherty, No. 234; ten miles 
northeast of Ohio City, July 16, 1911 (570 mm.), F. Rohwer, No. 236; one mile 
northeast of Ward, near Jim Creek, September 4, 1911 (250 mm.), N. deW. Betts, 
No. 239; twenty-five miles northwest of Kremmling, July 11, 1911 (230 mm.), 
J. Henderson, No. 238; four miles northeast of Ohio City, July 14, 1911 (580 mm.), 
A. Daugherty, No. 6; Muddy Creek, twenty-five miles northwest of Kremmling, 
July 12, 1911 (410 mm.), J. Henderson, No. 246; East Lake near Tolland, July 
12, 1912 (560 mm.), G. S. Dodds, No. 241; west of Nederland, August 30, 1912 
(850 mm.), J. Henderson, No. 243; Colorado State Historical and Natural History 
Museum: Dolores, June 27, 1890 (13 specimens, 190-640 mm.), H. G. Smith; 
Cumbres Pass Lake, August 1, 1900 (480 mm.), H. G. Smith; Buffalo, June 20, 
1903 (goo mm.), W. C. Ferril; Estabrook, July 9, 1903 (7oo mm.), H. G. Smith; 
Cumbres Pass, August 24, 1903 (4 specimens, 415-640 mm.), H. G. Smith; Grand 
Junction, September 16, 1904 (315 mm.), H. G. Smith; State Teachers’ College 
Museum: Estes Park, Big Thompson River and upper Cache la Poudre, A. E. 

Genus OPHIBOLUS Baird and Girard 
Ophibolus Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Am. Reptiles, Pt. I, p. 82, 1853. 

Anal plate entire; scales smooth, in 19 to 25 rows; superior labials, 
7 or 8; preoculars, 1; posterior maxillary teeth slightly longer than 
those in front; moderately large to small snakes; colors bright, 
pattern usually made up of rings or bands. 

The snakes of the genus Ophibolus are called King Snakes or less 
frequently, as the result of the absurd belief that they can milk 
cows, Milk Snakes. They are of distinct economic importance 
because of their feeding habits. Their food consists for the most part 
of small mammals, lizards and other snakes, members of their own 
species often being included in the last item. They are terrestrial and 
enter the burrows of rodents and other snakes in their search for food. 
They feed on poisonous and harmless snakes alike, as they are quite 
immune to the bite of the former. When killing their prey they often 
constrict it. 


The species of this genus, of which there are some ten or twelve, 
are confined to North and Central America. They are oviparous. 

Ophibolus doliatus (Linnaeus) 

(Figure 23) 
Coluber doliatus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, p. 379, 1766. 

Five distinct subspecies of this variable species may be distin- 
guished. The Colorado specimens examined by us were all referable 
to O. d. gentilis, although it is probable that the subspecies O. d. 
doliatus may be found in southeastern Colorado. 

a. No oblique black bar back of the eye. 
b. Black bands forming distinct rings entirely around the body; black 
spots opposite the dorsal bands of the ventral color. 
O. d. gentilis (Baird and Girard). 
bb. Black bands not forming rings around the body. 
O. d. doliatus (Linnaeus). 

Ophibolus doliatus gentilis (Baird and Girard) 

Ophibolus gentilis Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Am. Rept., Pt. I, p. go, 1853. 

Ophibolus doliatus gentilis Cope, Check-list N. Amer. Batr. and Rept., p. 36, 1875. 

Ophibolus triangulus gentilis—GARMAN, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zodl., Vol. VIII, 
No. 3, p. 66, 1883 (Colorado and Utah); CockERELL, Univ. Colo. Studies, Vol. 
VII, p. 131, 1910 (Boulder, Colo.). 

Dorsal scales smooth, in 21 or rarely 23 rows; ventrals, 160 to 220; 
tail one-fifth to one-eighth of the total length. 

Predominant color varying from slate brown, through brick red 
to scarlet; ventral parts light gray to bright yellow; dorsal pattern 
of twenty to forty irregular blotches of the predominating color, 
separated by narrower bands of the ventral color, which come up from 
below, leaving the dorsal blotches as saddles; dorsal blotches strongly 
margined with narrow black bands (which in two subspecies form 
complete rings around the body); ventral parts with or without 
black spots opposite the dorsal bands of the ventral color; top of the 
head usually with a patch of the predominating color, margined with 


black, and surrounded by the ventral color. Size medium; length 
up to three feet. 

Range of O. doliatus, United States generally, and northern Mexico; 
of O. d. doliatus, Florida north to Maryland and west into Oklahoma 
and Texas; of O. d. gentilis, Nebraska and Colorado, south into 
Mexico, west of the Mississippi River. 

This harmless and useful snake is often mistaken for the poisonous 
Harlequin Snake, Elaps fulvius (Linnaeus), since their color patterns 
are of the same type and made up of the same color units. We have 
no records of the Harlequin Snake in Colorado, although it is known 
from northern and western Texas. The poisonous Elaps may be 
recognized by the order of the colors, as the red band is bordered on 
each side by a yellow band while in the harmless Ophibolus the red 
band is bordered on each side by a black band. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Boulder, July 22, 1904 (190 
mm.), V. E. Metcalf, No. 128; Boulder, August, 1911 (245 mm.), No. 130; 
Colorado State Historical and Natural History Museum: Yuma, June 6, 1905 (2 
specimens, 570 and 630 mm.), Mrs. D. H. Boyes; Orchard, July 12, 1910 (skin 
only, 340 mm. to lower jaw), Mrs. E. M. Fowle; Colorado Museum of Natural 
History: Clear Creek, near Golden, June, 1912 (450 mm.), alive at the museum 
when examined by us; Agricultural College Museum: Beulah (210 mm.), H. F. 

Wilson; State Teachers’ College Museum; Weld, Larimer and Baca counties, 
A. E. Beardsley. 

Genus PITYOPHIS Holbrook 
Pityophis Holbrook, N. Am. Herpetology, Vol. IV, p. 7, 1842. 

Anal entire; scales keeled, in 27 to 35 rows; preoculars, 1 or 2; 
maxillary teeth equal; rostral plate large and recurved between the 
internasals; a cartilaginous epiglottis which may be elevated vertically 
in front of the glottis, producing a loud hissing sound when the breath 
is expelled; large, heavy snakes. 

The Bull Snakes, genus Pityophis, are the largest of the North 
American harmless snakes, often reaching the length of eight feet. 
They are generally believed to be quite dangerous. This is perhaps 
due to their bold disposition and angry behavior when disturbed. At 
this time they produce a loud hissing sound which may be heard 


twenty feet or more and is terrifying enough to the person unfamiliar 
with this type of snake. The Bull Snakes are oviparous and lay eggs 
almost as large as hen’s eggs. They range over the United States and 
Mexico. Their food consists largely of small mammals and birds. 
Because of the large number of rodents eaten by these snakes they are 
to be regarded as not only harmless snakes, but as beneficial snakes. 

Pityophis catenifer (Blainville) 

BULL SNAKE (Figures 24, 25, 26, 35 and 36) 
Coluber catentfer Blainville, Nouv. Ann. du Mus., Vol. IV, p. 290, 1835. 

Three subspecies of this snake are recognized, two of which occur 
in Colorado. These are distinguished particularly by their range and 
less exactly by the size of the rostral plate. 

a. Range, Canada to northern Mexico, west of the Mississippi River and east 
of the Rocky Mountains; rostral plate separating the internasal plates for 
two-thirds or more of theirlength. . . .  . VP. c. sayi (Schlegel). 

aa. Range, west of the Rocky Mountains. 
b. Range, Great Basin from Utah and Nevada south to Arizona and New 
Mexico, east to Colorado and west to the Sierra Nevada Mountains; 
rostral plate separating the internasal plates for not more than one- 

third of theirlength, . . .  /P.c. bellona (Baird and Girard). 
bb. Range, west of the Sierra Nevada Mountains; rostral plate just reach- 
ing theinternasals. . . . . . JP. c. catenifer (Blainville). 

Pityophis catenifer sayi (Schlegel) 

Coluber sayi Schlegel, Ess. Physionomie des Serpentes, p. 157, 1837. 

Pityophis catenifer sayt Brown, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. LUI, p. 55, 
Pityophis elegans—Y arrow, U.S.N.M. Bull. 24, p. 108, 1882 (between the 
Arkansas and Cimarron, N.Mex.). 

Pityophis sayi sayi—Y arrow, U.S.N.M. Bull. 24, p. 105, 1882 (Pagosa, Colo.) ; 
Cary, N. Am. Fauna, No. 33, p. 27, 1911 (eight miles west of Naturita, Colo.). 

Dorsal scales keeled, excepting the first three or four rows on each 
side (sometimes as many as I1 rows are smooth on each side), in 27 
to 35 rows; superior labials, 8 or 9g; inferior labials, 12; postoculars, 
3 to 5; nasal opening large and prominent, directed posteriorly; 
rostral plate large and recurved; ventrals, 200 to 250; tail less than 


one-fourth of the total length; size large, body heavy, length often 
eight feet (specimens exceeding nine feet in length have been recorded). 

Ground color yellowish gray, or yellowish or reddish brown, often 
bright yellow or even orange yellow; ventral parts lighter, with an 
irregular row of dark blotches near the lateral margins of the ventrals; 
dorsal pattern consisting of a row of rather large, somewhat rectangu- 
lar, brown, reddish brown or black spots, occupying the mid-dorsal 
region, these spots often more or less confluent near the head, forming 
a dark mid-dorsal stripe in which are small spots of the yellowish 
ground color; between the dorsal row of spots and the ventrals on 
each side a row of smaller more indistinct spots of a lighter shade than 
the dorsal spots; head yellowish, with or without a dark stripe from 
the eye to the posterior angle of the mouth. Mr. L. J. Hersey reports 
this species from Barr, Colo., as eating the eggs of the Pin Tail Duck, 
in the summer of 1906. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Boulder, May to, 1911 
(yoo mm.), No. 77; Boulder, October 9, 1911 (410 mm.), B. Rowland, No. 145; 
Colorado State Historical and Natural History Museum: Denver, May 14, 1903 
(635 mm.), W. C. Ferril; Colorado, 1896 (1550mm.); Denver, June 12, 1903 
(970 mm.), H. G. Smith; Wray, May 31, 1905 (1130 mm.), H. G. Smith; Jules- 
burg, May 1, 1906 (1040 mm.), W. C. Ferril; Agricultural College Museum: 
Ft. Collins, July, 1892 (1280 mm.), C. P. Gillette; State Teachers’ College Museum: 
Las Animas and Baca counties, A. E. Beardsley; reported by Henderson from foot- 
hills five miles south of Box Elder, Larimer County, 1905; from Osgood, June 23, 
1912; from Wild Cat Creek, northeast of Ft. Morgan; by Cockerell, from Boulder, 
May 22, 1907, as variety, P. c. sayt. 

Pityophis catenifer bellona (Baird and Girard) 

Pituophis bellona Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Am. Rept., Pt. I, p. 66, 1853. 

Pityophis catenifer bellona Brown, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. LUI, 
P. 54. IQOI. 

Pityophis sayi bellona—Y arrow, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, pp. 515 and 541, 
1875 (Pagosa, Colo.); Yarrow, U.S.N.M. Bull. 24, pp. 106-107, 1882 (Pagosa, 
Cal., probably an error for Col.); Corr, Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 876, 1898 (Pagosa, 

Colorado specimen.—State Teachers’ College Museum: Fruita, A. E. 


Genus HETERODON Latreille 
Heterodon Latreille, Hist. Nat. Reptiles, Vol. IV, p. 32, 1799. 

Anal plate divided; scales keeled, in 23 or 25 rows; rostral plate 
large, produced, upturned and recurved, producing a “‘snout”’ at the 
end of the head; a ring of scales around each eye, of which three or 
four are in front of the eye; posterior maxillary teeth much longer 
than those in front; large, thick-bodied snakes. 

The snakes of this genus are known as the Hog-nosed Snakes, and 
incorrectly as “Spreading Vipers and Adders.” ‘The last two names 
are the result of the ability of these snakes to expand the anterior 
portion of the body when disturbed so as to resemble somewhat the 
Asiatic Cobra. They are, however, harmless. When disturbed the 
Hog-nosed Snakes make a very elaborate show of fight. The snake 
expands the body just back of the head and strikes vigorously and 
viciously, although it rarely bites even if opportunity be offered. If 
these demonstrations are not sufficient the snake may feign death, 
suddenly, by dropping over on its back. Hog-nosed Snakes are often 
confused with rattlesnakes by those unfamiliar with them. They 
feed for the most part on toads and frogs. 

The three species of this genus are found only in North America. 
They are oviparous. 

Heterodon nasicus Baird and Girard 

WESTERN Hoc-NoseD SNAKE (Figures 28, 29, 30 and 31) 
Heterodon nasicus Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Am. Reptiles, Pt. I, p. 61, 1853. 
Heterodon nasicus—BatrD, Pacific R.R. Survey, Vol. X, Pt. V, No. 3, p. 10, 

1857 (No. 1263, Rocky Mountains). 

Heterodon simus nasicus—Y ARROW, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, pp. 555-556, 1875 
(Denver and Pueblo, Colo.); Yarrow, U.S.N.M., Bull. 24, p. 141, 1882 (Ft. 
Lyon, Colo.). 

Heterodon nasicus nasicus—Core, Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 777, 1898 (Ft. Lyon, 

Dorsal scales keeled, in 23 rows; superior labials, 8; inferior 
labials, 10; 10 or 11 scales around the eye; several small scales between 
the prefrontals and the internasals; ventrals, 125 to 150; tail one- 


eighth to one-fourth of the total length; average specimens under 
three feet; body stout and heavy. 

Ground color grayish, to grayish yellow or grayish brown; ventral 
parts whitish, mottled with irregular dark blotches and with a wide 
dark area down the center; dorsal pattern of a central row of large, 
rather rounded, brownish or blackish spots, separated by spaces of 
about the same size of the ground color; the sides with two rows of 
dark spots smaller in size, placed one above the other opposite the 
spaces between the dorsal spots; another set of more suffuse spots 
showing rather indistinctly between the successive pairs of lateral 
spots; under parts of the head whitish; top of the head with a narrow 
light stripe crossing it in the region of the eyes; a dark, oblique band 
extending from the posterior portion of the supraocular plate to the 
posterior angle of the mouth, including all or part of the last two 
superior labials; a second, larger, oblique band, just back of, and 
separated by a single row of scales from the first dark band. 

Range, Montana and Dakota south into Mexico, east to Arkansas. 
A plains species. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: LaJunta, July, 1905 (425 mm.), 
G. S. Dodds, No. 247; Hudson, August, 1905 (255 mm.), H. Markman, No. 248; 
five miles east of Grover, June 26, 1906 (170 mm.), J. Henderson, No. 249; Lodge- 
pole Creek, near Ovid, July 17, 1912 (190 mm.), J. Henderson, No. 250; near 
Julesburg, July 17, 1912 (525 mm.), J. Henderson and M. M. Ellis, No. 251; 
three miles east of Osgood, June 22, 1912 (550 mm.), J. Henderson, No. 252; 
Colorado State Historical and Natural History Museum: Denver, August 13, 1902 
(460 mm.), C. Murray; Denver, June 2, 1903 (430 mm.), H. G. Smith; Lamar, 
June 20, 1904 (790 mm.), H. G. Smith; Lamar, June 8, 1904 (750 mm.), H. G. 
Smith; Denver, June 1, 1905 (480 mm.), E. Bethel; Agricultural College Museum: 
Ft. Collins, July, 1892 (2 specimens, 220 and 310 mm.), C. F. Baker; State 
Teachers’ College Museum: Greeley and Trinidad, A. E. Beardsley; reporied by 
Henderson from Goodrich, near Crow Creek, June 22, 1912; from Foston, June 
25, 1912; from ten miles north of Sterling, July 23, 1912. 


Tropidonotus Kuhl, Isis von Oken, p. 205, 1826. 

Natrix Laurenti, Synopsis Reptilium, p. 73, 1768. 

Anal plate divided; scales keeled, in 17 to 23 rows; posterior 
maxillary teeth longer than those in front; rather large snakes. 


To this genus belong the Water Snakes. They are found in all 
parts of the world along streams and in swamps. ‘They lead a semi- 
aquatic life, feeding upon fish, tadpoles, frogs and other aquatic 
animals. The many species of this genus are viviparous, producing 
many young. 

Tropidonotus sipedon (Linnaeus) 

WATER SNAKE (Figure 27) 

Coluber sipedon Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, p. 219, 1758. 

Tropidonotus sipedon—CockERELL, Univ. Colo. Studies, Vol. VII, p. 131, 1910 
(Boulder, Colo.). 

Dorsal scales keeled, dull and lusterless, in 23 or 25 rows; superior 
labials, 8 (rarely 9); inferior labials, 9; ventrals, 125 to 150; tail one- 
fourth or less of the total length. 

General color yellowish brown or red brown. Body crossed by 
fifty or more dark brown or almost black irregular bands, which reach 
to the ventrals on each side. These bands are most distinct on the 
sides of the body, dorsally they may be more or less completely broken 
up into large spots; between these bands or spots are irregular, some- 
what triangular patches of the lighter yellowish or reddish ground 
color, on the sides of the body the ground color often bright red. 
These markings are usually much obscured in large or old specimens. 
Ventral parts yellowish or brownish, rather heavily and irregularly 
blotched, especially back of the anal, with black, gray, brown and red. 
In the variety transversus the ventrals are without markings. Labials 
pale yellow, their junctions with each other marked with black. 
Color pattern rather variable, even a green form of this species being 
known from Florida. 

As its name implies, this snake spends the greater part of its life 
either in the water or very near it. It is often found coiled under 
loose wet stones on the stream bank. It is quite active-and delights 
to climb into the branches of bushes overhanging the water. The 
belief is current in many parts of the country that this snake is the 
dangerous “Water Moccasin.” Although sometimes incorrectly 
called the Moccasin, this snake is one of the harmless species. When 
given a chance it retires at once if disturbed, but when escape is 


impossible it makes a bold fight, striking and biting vigorously. At 
the same time it emits a disagreeable odor from the anal glands. 

It feeds on fishes, of which it is particularly fond, frogs, tadpoles 
and salamanders. ‘This species is viviparous and bears according to 
Ditmars' as many as forty-four young. The average number of young 
is about twenty-five. 

The Water Snake, which is one of the large snakes, reaching the 
length of four feet, ranges over the most of the United States east of 
the Rocky Mountains. Three subspecies of this snake may be recog- 
nized by their color patterns. 

a. Body crossed dorsally by dark bands throughout its length; ventrals 

spotted. Liles bs So 4 Bh aR daa Rn ae T. s. fasciatus. 

aa. Body crossed dorsally by dark bands in the anterior half only; bands 

giving place to spots in the posterior half; ventrals spotted. T.s. sipedon. 

aaa. Body marked dorsally with spots only; ventrals without spots. 

T. s. transversus. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Boulder, 1909 (220mm.), 

S. Searcy, No. 67; Colorado State Historical and Natural History Museum: Denver, 

June 27, 1890 (265 mm.), H. G. Smith; Wray, September 18, 1903 (385 mm.), 

W. C. Ferril; Wray, May 20, 1904 (2 specimens, 650 and 750 mm.), H. G. Smith; 

Wray, June 15, 1906 (2 specimens, 450 and 1200mm.), H. G. Smith; State 

Teachers’ College Museum: Greeley, Baca, Las Animas and Weld counties, A. E. 

Genus STORERIA Baird and Girard 
Storeria Baird and Girard, Serpents of North America, p. 135, 1853. 
Anal plate divided; scales heavily keeled, in 15 or 17 rows; loreal 
plate absent; small snakes; genus restricted to North America. 
The genus Storeria is represented in Colorado by the species 
Storeria dekayi (Holbrook). 

Storeria dekayi (Holbrook) 
Tropidonotus dekayi Holbrook, N. Am. Herpft., Vol. III, p. 53, 1842. 
Dorsal scales keeled heavily, in 17 rows; superior labials, 7; 
nasals, 2, with nostril between; ventrals, 120 to 150; caudals, 4o to 

2 Dirmars, Reptile Book, p. 353, 1907. 


60; tail short, 6 to 9 in the total length; size small, less than 16 

General color above brownish, varying to olive or reddish brown; 
a pale mid-dorsal stripe, about four scales wide; on each side of the 
mid-dorsal stripe a row of dark spots, the spots being about two rows 
of scales apart; below these rows of spots on each side other spots 
may be present; all of the spots subject to variation; head brown, 
often with small black dots, and sometimes with a spot under each 
eye and across the side of the head; ventral parts pinkish to salmon 
red; ends of the ventrals usually with brown spots. 

This small snake is one of the most abundant snakes of eastern 
United States. It hides under stones and fallen timber and is rarely 
seen except when sought for. Its food consists of earthworms, slugs 
and insects. It is viviparous, bearing as many as eighteen young 
(Ditmars).! Some discussion has arisen as to whether this species is 
aquatic or not. Branson’ states that all of the Kansas specimens 
examined by him were either from the water or near the water. On 
the other hand, this snake has been taken in non-aquatic environments. 
It is probable that it lives in both habitats. 

Range, eastern United States generally, west to the Rocky Moun- 
tains and south into Mexico. 

Colorado specimen.—State Teachers’ College Museum: Las Animas County, 
A. E. Beardsley. 

Liopeltis Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 559, 1860. 

This genus is represented in the North American fauna by but a 
single species, L. vernalis (DeKay). The other species are found in 
eastern Asia. 

Liopeltis vernalis (DeKay) 

Coluber vernalis DeKay, in Harlan, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. V, 
p. 361, 1827. 

Liopeltis vernalis—Cary, N. Am. Fauna, No. 33, p. 40; 1911 (Rio Pinos, near 
. Vallecito, Colo.). 

1 Reptile Book, p. 269. 2 Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull., Vol. 11, No. 13, P- 395, 1904. 


Dorsal scales in 15 rows, smooth and with a velvety luster; superior 
labials, 7; inferior labials, 8; ventrals, 120-140; tail about one-third 
of the total length. 

Dorsal parts bright green to olive to the lower edge of the first row 
of scales (turning bright blue in alcohol); head darker; ventral parts 
and labials pale yellowish green or yellowish white. 

This snake is probably entirely insectivorous. Smooth green cater- 
pillars are its favorite food. It lives among the low underbrush and 
tall grasses. When disturbed it darts away and quickly conceals 
itself in the grasses and leaves. It is often found on bushes and briars 
where its green color makes it very difficult to see unless it is moving. 
This snake lays from eight to ten eggs. Ditmars' gives a very inter- 
esting account of finding a nest of this species under a stone in a hollow 
of moss and lichens. He states that the young were four and five- 
eighths inches in length when first hatched, olive in color above and 
greenish white below. 

This species ranges over most of the United States east of the 
Rocky Mountains. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Boulder, August 11, Io1I 
(305 mm.), G. A. Smith, No. 127; Colorado State Historical and Natural History 
Museum: Palmer Lake, September 14, 1900 (380 mm.), W. C. Ferril; reported by 
Henderson at Boulder, September 5, 1912. 

Chionactis Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 303, 1861. 
Anal plate divided; scales smooth; scales in 13 to 17 rows; 
superior labials, 7; size small to medium. Of the several species of 
this genus but one is known from Colorado. 

Chionactis episcopus (Kennicott) 

Lamprosoma episcopum Kennicott, U.S. Mex. Bound. Survey, Vol. II, 

PD. 22,1850: 
a. Back crossed by 18 to 25 black bands . ... C. e. isozonus Cope. 
aa. Back without cross-bands . .  .  . C.e@. episcopus (Kennicott). 

« Dirmars, Reptile Book, p. 326, 1907. 


Chionactis episcopus isozonus Cope 

Contia isozona Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 304, 1866. 

Chionactis episcopus isozonus Cope, Rept. U.S. Nat. Mus., p. 939, 1898. 

Dorsal scales smooth, in 15 rows; superior labials, 7; ventrals, 
140 to 160; loreal small; tail about one-fifth of the total length; size 
small to medium, length under 18 inches. 

General color brownish or grayish with a reddish cast to quite red; 
back crossed by about 20 black bands separated by equal bands of the 
ground color, these bands completely encircling the tail, but not quite 
reaching the ventrals over the body; ventral parts pinkish. 

Range, Colorado and Utah south into Mexico. 

Colorado specimen.—State Teachers’ College Museum: Las Animas County, 
Corrizo Canyon, A. E. Beardsley. 

Genus DIADOPHIS Baird and Girard 
Diadophis Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Am. Reptiles, Pt. I, p. 112, 1853. 

Anal plate divided; scales smooth, in 15 or 17 rows; superior labials, 
7 or 8; inferior labials, 7 or 8; preoculars, 2, rarely 1; maxillary teeth 
equal; color uniform brownish black, gray or blue above, red or yellow 
below, usually with a yellow collar; size small, length under two feet. 

The Ring-necked Snakes, as those of this genus are called, are 
small active snakes, which because of their habit of hiding away under 
stones and bark are not often seen. Their food consists of the small 
animals which they find in these places, insects, salamanders, earth- 
worms and other smaller snakes. They are oviparous or ovovivi- 

The four species of this genus and their varieties are restricted to 
North America and the Bahama Islands. 

Diadophis regalis Baird and Girard 
SONORAN Rinc-NECKED SNAKE (Figures 21 and 22) 

Diadophis regalis Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Am. Reptiles, Pt. I, p. 115, 1853. 
Diadophis regalis arnyi—Corr, Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 746, 1898 (mouth of 
Cache Creek, Colo.). 


Dorsal scales smooth, with a satin luster or slightly polished, in 
17 rows; superior labials, 7; inferior labials, 7; ventrals, 170-250. 
Body narrowing rather suddenly back of the anal. 

Dorsal parts slate brown to brownish or bluish black. Top of the 
head black or greenish black, smooth and polished. Some specimens 
with a collar of salmon yellow shading to pale yellow below, two or 
three scales wide, outlined with black, not completely encircling the 
body, broken in the mid-dorsal line by one to three rows of scales. 
This collar may be completely developed as just described or may be 
represented by but small areas of yellow, or may be entirely wanting. 
Labials yellow, except as the black of the top of the head covers the 
upper margins of the superior set and is continued down over those of 
both sets at the angle of the jaw. Ventrals pale yellow just back of 
the head, shading to bright red near the anal, bearing two irregular 
rows of black dots on each side and occasional spots in their mesial 
portions. Under parts of the tail bright red and without spots except 
near the anal. Mental region pale yellow and spotted. 

Diadophis regalis is a rather active species feeding upon insects, 
smaller snakes, and such other small creatures as it can find under 
bark, stones, and in similar places. When cornered and disturbed it 
has the habit of elevating and wriggling its tail. The forms closely 
related to this species are oviparous. No observations are recorded 
concerning the breeding habits of this species. 

The range of this snake is from the Mississippi River to Colorado 
and Arizona; it has been taken in Illinois, although it is rare east of 
the Mississippi. 

The Western Ring-necked Snake, Diadophis amabilis Baird and 
Girard, may be found in Colorado. This snake, which closely 
resembles Diadophis regalis Baird and Girard, may be recognized by 
the number of scale rows, it having fifteen rows instead of seventeen 

The figures given of Diadophis regalis, No. 253, are from a speci- 
men taken at Abilene, Kan., by Dr. H. P. Mera. 

Colorado specimen.—State Teachers’ College Museum: Trinidad, A. E. 


Genus ZAMENIS Wagler 

Zamenis Wagler, Syst. Amph., p. 188, 1830. 

Bascanion Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Am. Reptiles, Pt. I, p. 93, 1853. 

Anal plate divided; scales smooth, in 15, 17 or sometimes 19 rows; 
superior labials, 7 or 8; posterior maxillary teeth successively longer 
than those in front; preoculars, 2, the lower much the smaller; long 
and rather slender snakes. 

Snakes of this genus are popularly known as Black Snakes, Racers 
and Coachwhip Snakes. They are generally believed to constrict 
their prey, which is not the case. For food they take particularly 
smal] rodents, insects, and birds and eggs when they can get them. 
All of the North American species are oviparous, laying from eight to 
twenty-four eggs. Species of this genus are found in Central and 
North America, Europe and Asia. 

Young specimens of the species of this genus are marked with 
numerous cross bands of dark brown on a ground color of lighter brown. 
As they grow older this pattern is either obscured or entirely obliter- 
ated by the darker ground color of the adult. Specimens of all species 
of this genus may be found in which these bands are fairly distinct 
even in the adult. This is especially true of Z. taeniatus. 

a. Scales in 15 rows (rarely 17); adult with 2 to 5 narrow stripes on each 
side; belly yellowish and more or less spotted; upper labials, 8. 

Z. taeniatus (Hallowell). 
aa. Scales in 17 rows (rarely 19); adult without lateral stripes; upper labials, 

7 or 8. 
b. Wpperiabials, 505. 6. 22.4. | «.,....> constrictor (Linnaeus). 
bb: Upper labials, 8. °c Cw 2. flagellum (Shaw). 

Zamenis constrictor (Linnaeus) 

Coluber constrictor Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, p. 216, 1758. 

Bascanium constrictor vetustum—Y ARROW, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, pp. 541- 
542, 1875 (Pueblo, Colo.). 

Bascanium constrictor—Y arrow, U.S.N.M., Bull. 24, p. 108, 1882 (Pueblo, 


Zamenis constrictor—CopeE, Rept. U.S.N.M., pp. 796-797, 1898 (Pueblo and 
Denver, Colo.). 

Dorsal scales smooth, in 17 or rarely 19 rows; superior labials, 7; 
ventrals, 160 to 200; tail, one-fifth to one-third of the total length; 
long, rather slender species, length up to six feet. 

Two subspecies of this snake, separated by their color and to some 
extent by their range, are known. Both occur in Colorado. 

Z. constrictor constrictor (Linnaeus).—Dorsally, dark blue black to 
shiny black; under parts whitish to slate gray. Range, United States 
east of the Rocky Mountains, and northern Mexico; quite rare in the 
western part of its range, where it is almost completely replaced by 
the following variety. 

Z. constrictor flaviventris (Say).—Dorsally, bright, dark green to 
olive green; ventral parts bright yellow to greenish yellow. Range, 
United States west of the Mississippi River, south into Mexico. 

Colorado specimens.—Colorado State Historical and Natural History 
Museum: Denver, June 5, 1902 (750 mm.), H. G. Smith; Lamar, June 20, 1904 
(2 specimens, 325 and 1520 mm.), H. G. Smith; Yuma, June 12, 1906 (385 mm.), 
H. G. Smith; Agricultural College Museum: Ft. Collins, 1906 (310 mm.), S. A. 
Johnson; State Teachers’ College Museum: Baca, Las Animas, and Weld counties, 
A. E. Beardsley; reported by Cockerell from Boulder. 

Zamenis flagellum (Shaw) 
CoACHWHIP SNAKE (Figures 32 and 33) 

Coluber flagellum Shaw, Gen. Zoél., Vol. II, Pt. I], p. 475, 1802. 

Bascanium flagelliforme testaceum—Y ARROW, Wheeler Survey, Vol. V, p. 542, 
1875 (Pueblo, Colo.); YARRow, U.S.N.M., Bull. 24, p. 112, 1882 (Pueblo, Colo.). 

Zamenis flagellum flagellum—Copre, Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 803, 1898 (Pueblo, 

Coluber testaceus—Say, Long’s Exped. Rocky Mts., p. 48, 1823 (probably near 
the junction of Fountain Creek and the Arkansas River). 

Dorsal scales in 17, rarely 19, rows; superior labials, 8; ventrals, 
170 to 220; tail one-fifth to one-third of the total length; slender 
species, length up to eight feet. 

Anterior portion of the body dark brown to almost black, gradually 
shading into light brown in the caudal region; ventral parts white, 


yellow or slightly pink, somewhat clouded in the anterior regions ; 
sometimes with very indistinct cross bands in the caudal region. The 
general color of this species varies from dark brown to gray or red 
brown in the different portions of its range. 

The name Coachwhip Snake is quite descriptive of the posterior 
half of the body where the scales are so arranged as to give the appear- 
ance of the plaited cord of a whip. 

This very active species ranges from Florida to California, south 
into Mexico and north into Kansas, Colorado and Utah. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Boulder, May 23, 1905 (295 
mm.), No. 254; Altona, July 14, 1912 (340 mm.), N. deW. Betts, No. 255; 
Colorado State Historical and Natural History Museum: Yuma, June 7, 1905 

(750 mm.), H. G. Smith; State Teachers’ College Museum: Las Animas and Baca 
counties, A. E. Beardsley. 

Zamenis taeniatus (Hallowell) 


Leptophis taeniata Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. VI, p. 181, 

Bascanium taeniatum taeniatum—Y arrow, U.S.N.M., Bull. 24, p. 112, 1882 
(Canyon Creek, Colo.).? 

Zamenis taeniatus—Corer, Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 817, 1898 (Canyon Creek, 

Bascanion taeniatus—Cary, N. Am. Fauna, No. 33, p. 27, 1911 (Plateau 
Creek, Morris, Colo.). 

Dorsal scales in 15, rarely 17, rows; superior labials, 8; ventrals, 
180 to 220; tail one-fourth to one-third of the total length; average 
specimens three or four feet in length. 

Dorsally pale brown to dark brown, gradually becoming lighter 
toward the tail; ventral parts yellowish, usually somewhat spotted, 
especially near the head; a yellowish stripe along the junction of the 
ventrals with the first row of dorsal scales and a second yellowish stripe 
on the third and fourth rows of scales (variety ornatus); or a narrow 
black stripe on each of the first four or five rows of scales and at the 
junction of the ventrals and the first row, with lighter areas between 
(variety taeniatus). 

: There is a Canyon Creek in La Plata County and another in Ouray County. 


Specimens of this species tend to retain the cross bands of the 
young color pattern even as adults. Range, western Texas to Cali- 
fornia, south well into Mexico and north into Colorado and Utah. 

Genus TANTILLA Baird and Girard 

Tantilla Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Am. Reptiles, Pt. I, p. 131, 1853. 

Homalocranium Duméril et Bibron, Mem. Acad. Sci., XXIII, 490, 1853. 

Anal plate divided; scales smooth and polished, in 15 rows; pos- 
terior maxillary teeth grooved and separated from the others by an 
interspace; size small; color reddish or brownish. 

These snakes are found in North, Central and South America and 
the West Indies. 

Tantilla nigriceps Kennicott 
TExAS BLack-HEADED SNAKE (Figure 34) 
Tantilla nigriceps Kennicott, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 328, 1860. 

Size small, not exceeding twenty inches. 

Dorsal scales smooth and polished, in 15 rows; upper labials, 7; 
inferior labials, 6; ventrals, about 155. 

Uniform yellowish, red brown or drab color above, shading to 
white, pale yellow or pink below; top of the head blackish brown to 
almost black, the dark color extending to the level of the eyes on each 
side and back of the head for about three rows of scales; posterior 
margin of the colored area V-shaped. Rostral region lighter. 

These seem to be the first records for this little snake in Colorado, 
and Yuma is the most northern point from which it has been taken. 
Cope’ does not list it north of Wichita River, Tex., although Branson? 
finds it as a rare snake in southern Kansas. 

It is a very retiring snake, and burrows for its food. This consists 
of insect larvae and earthworms. 

This species ranges through Texas, where it is quite abundant, 
north to Colorado and Kansas and west to Arizona. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: LaJunta, July, 1905 (220 mm.), 
G. S. Dodds, No. 256; Colorado State Historical and Natural History Museum: 
Yuma, near Dry Willow Creek, July 7, 1905 (340 mm.), H. G. Smith. 

« Cope, Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 1114, 1898. 2 BRANSON, Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull., Vol. II, p. 415, 1902. 


Family Croraipak 
Pit Vipers 

This family of snakes is distinguished at once by the peculiar pit 
on each side of the front of the head below the nostril. This structure 
although well enervated is of unknown function. The Crotalidae have 
large movable fangs in the front part of the upper jaw. These fangs, 
which are hollow, are connected with poison sacks and so arranged 
that the opening of the mouth elevates the fang. These snakes are 
venomous, the bite of several species often proving fatal in spite of 
medical attention. Four species are recorded from Colorado. 

Genus CROTALUS Linnaeus 

Crotalus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, p. 214, 1758. 

Anal plate entire; subcaudal plates entire; genials large; scales 
heavily keeled, excepting the first two or three rows on each side, in 
23 to 31 rows; labials, 12 or more, subequal; tail terminating in a 
jointed rattle. 

The rattlesnakes, of which there are sixteen or more species, range 
from Canada to Brazil. They are of a specialized and distinctive 
type. All the species of this genus are viviparous. The young when 
first born have only the button on the end of the tail and the rattles 
appear after the subsequent sheddings of the skin. More than a single 
rattle may be produced in a single year so that the general belief that 
the age of the snake may be determined by the number of its rattles 
is without foundation. For food the rattlesnakes generally take 
warm-blooded prey, birds and small mammals. 


a. Supraocular plate produced and elevated into a distinct “horn’’ above 
each eye; size small, length of adults usually less than three feet. 

C. cerastes Hallowell. 

aa. Supraocular plate not elevated into a “horn” above each eye; size large. 

b. Tail whitish or yellowish, crossed with three or four distinct, black 

rings; back with numerous diamond-shaped areas of blackish. 

C. atrox Baird and Girard. 

bb. Tail without distinct black rings; colored areas on the back rounded. 

C. confluentus Say. 


Crotalus cerastes Hallowell 

Crotalus cerastes Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 95, 1854. 

Crotalus cerastes—Corr, Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 1199, 1898 (Colorado River, 

Dorsal scales in 21 rows, all excepting the first two or three rows 
on each side heavily keeled; superior labials, 11 or 12; inferior labials, 
12 or 13; supraocular plates elevated into a distinct “horn” on each 
side; ventrals, 130 to 150; tail one-eighth to one-sixth of the total 
length; size small, under three feet in length. 

Ground color yellowish, brownish or pinkish; ventral parts 
yellowish; dorsal pattern of thirty or more rounded blotches of dark 
brown, separated and somewhat surrounded by grayish white; caudal 
blotches forming rather distinct bands; a dark bar extending some 
distance back of the eye; labial region light. 

This peculiar little rattlesnake is included in the Colorado fauna 
on a very uncertain record. The true Colorado River does not flow 
through Colorado although its headwaters are found in this state. 
If ‘‘Colorado River, Colo.,”’ refers to some of these headwaters this 
record is valid, although it may be only an error. This snake should 
be looked for, however, in the extreme southwestern portion of the 
state. The name “‘Sidewinder”’ is given this little reptile because of 
the peculiar sideways movements it often makes. It ranges through 
Arizona, Nevada and southern Utah into California. 

Crotalus atrox Baird and Girard 
Crotalus atrox Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Am. Reptiles, Pt. I, p. 5, 1855. 

Dorsal scales in 25 or 27 rows, all excepting the first and second 
rows on each side, strongly keeled; superior labials, 16; inferior 
labials, 15; ventrals, 170 to 190; top of the head flat; tail about 
one-sixth of the total length. 

Ground color yellowish, brownish, gray or even slightly pink; 
ventral parts yellowish, often somewhat clouded with gray or black, 


especially near the lateral margins of the ventrals; dorsal pattern of 
thirty to forty or more, hexagonal to diamond-shaped blotches of black 
or dark brown, each blotch emarginate with ashy white and with more 
or less of the ground color in its center; tail ashy white, crossed by 
three to six black or very dark brown rings which are open ventrally; 
head without the vertical white stripe under the nostril which is present 
in C. adamanteus (Beauvais), the eastern Diamond-Back Rattlesnake. 

Length, up to seven feet. This rattlesnake ranges from the 
middle of Texas west to Arizona. In southern California it is repre- 
sented by a red subspecies, C. atrox ruber Cope. 

Colorado Specimen.—We include this rattlesnake in the fauna of Colo- 
rado on the record kindly given us by Mr. L. J. Hersey of the Colorado Museum 
of Natural History in Denver. This specimen, determined by Mr. Hersey, was 
five and one-half feet in length and was collected at Trinidad, Colo., by William 
Wilson, August 17, 1912. 

Crotalus confluentus Say 

PRAIRIE RATTLESNAKE (Figures 38, 39 and 40) 

Crotalus confluentus Say, Long’s Exped. Rocky Mts., Vol. II, p. 48, 1823 
(probably near junction of Fountain Creek and the Arkansas River). 

Crotalus confluentus confluentus—Y ARROW, U.S.N.M. Bull. 24, p. 77, 1882 
(Cache la Poudre River); Corr, Rept. U.S.N.M., p. 1172, 1898 (Cache la Poudre 

Dorsal scales in 27 or 29 rows, all strongly keeled, excepting those 
of the first two or three rows on each side; superior labials, 15 or 16; 
inferior labials, 16 to 18; ventrals, 170 to 190; top of the head flat 
or very slightly concave; tail about one-sixth of the total length. 

Ground color greenish yellow, gray or brown; ventral parts yel- 
lowish; dorsal pattern of thirty or more rounded blotches of dark 
brown, distinctly darker around the edges and outlined with yellowish 
white; pattern more obscure toward the tail; a dark bar extending 
from just below the middle of the eye to the posterior angle of the 
mouth, bordered on each side by a yellow stripe one row of scales wide; 
two dark spots in the occipital region; two more or less distinct 
yellowish stripes on each supraocular plate; an irregular row of spots, 
often rather indistinct, down each side of the body. 


C. confluentus is the common rattlesnake of the state. It is one 
of the medium-sized rattlesnakes, average specimens being between 
three and four feet in length. It ranges from southern Canada south 
almost to Mexico, east into Kansas and Nebraska, and west into 
Idaho, Utah and Arizona. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Colorado (580 mm., 5 rattles), 
No. 78; LaJunta, July, 1905 (620 mm., 8 rattles), G. S. Dodds, No. 257; Wray, 
October 27, 1912 (shed skin, 650 mm.), M. M. Ellis; Colorado State Historical and 
Natural History Museum: Denver, August 10, 1903 (370 mm., 4 rattles), H. 
Davies; Denver, October 1, 1904 (2 specimens, 210 and 230 mm.), A. T. Allen; 
Watervale, August 7, 1906 (780 mm., 9 rattles), H. G. Smith; State Teachers’ 
College Museum: top of Pole Hill near Loveland, Greeley and Las Animas 
County, A. E. Beardsley; reported by Henderson from Crow Creek near Cornish, 
1904; from Osgood, 1911; from foothills northeast of Lyons, the mountains 
north of Lyons and Owl Canyon, west of Ft. Collins; from Boulder, near Sani- 
tarium, October 13, 1912; Common just south of the northern state line from 
the Union Pacific Railway to Pawnee Butte, and one northeast of Ault; by Sam 
Service from Estes Park, September 18, 1908; by Cockerell, from Boulder, 1911. 

Genus SISTRURUS Garman 
Sistrurus Garman, NV. Am. Reptiles, p. 110, 1883. 

Tail with a rattle; head with nine plates instead of the small 
scales found in Crotalus; other characters much the same as Crotalus. 
The snakes of this genus because of their small size are known as 
Pigmy Rattlesnakes. It is to be remembered, however, that although 
they are small they are dangerous. One species is recorded from 

Sistrurus catenatus (Rafinesque) 

Crotalinus catenatus Rafinesque, Am. Monthly Mag., Vol. IV, p. 41, 1818. 

Two subspecies of this little rattlesnake are known. They may 
be little more than geographical varieties. 

a. Scales in 23 rows; colors light; range, southwestern United States. 
S. c. edwardsii (Baird and Girard). 
aa. Scales in 25 rows; colors dark; range, eastern and northern United States 
east of the Rocky Mountains . . ._ .8S.c¢. catenatus (Rafinesque). 


Sistrurus catenatus edwardsii (Baird and Girard) 

Crotalophorus edwardsii Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Am. Rept., Pt. I, p. 15, 
Sistrurus catenatus edwardsii Cope, Rept. U.S. Nat. Mus., p. 1144, 1898. 
General color and pattern much the same as Crotalus confluentus. 
Range, Colorado south into Mexico. 

Colorado specimen.—State Teachers’ College Museum: Baca County, A. E. 

The Turtles 

Four families of Turtles are known from Colorado, although but 
six species have been reported. The families may be distinguished by 
the following key. 

a. Body much depressed; carapace and plastron poorly ossified and covered 

with a thick leathery skin; snout long and tubular. 
Family Trionychidae (page 111). 
aa. Body elevated at least in the mid-dorsal region; carapace and plastron 

well ossified. 
b. Taillong, with a mid-dorsal series of elevated bony tubercles; plastron 
small, with 9 plates. . . .  . Family Chelydridae (page 113). 
bb. Tail short, without a mid-dorsal row of tubercles; plastron large. 

c. Plastron with 7, 9 or 11 plates; 23 marginal plates on the carapace. 
Family Kinosternidae (page 114). 

cc. Plastron with 12 plates; 25 marginal plates. 
Family Testudinidae (page 115). 

Family TRrionycHIDAE 
The Soft-Shelled Turtles 

Turtles of this family are found in the fresh waters of America, 
Asia, including Japan, and Africa. They may be recognized at once 
by their greatly depressed bodies and the leathery covering of the 
carapace which takes the place of external plates in the other turtles. 
Most of the species are of small or moderate size, but the Southern 
Snapper, found in southern United States, T. ferox, is known to reach 


a weight of thirty pounds or more. The soft-shelled turtles are 
vigorous, active animals and when disturbed snap much like the true 
snapping turtles. A single genus of this family is represented in 
Genus TRIONYX Geoffroy 
Trionyx Geoffroy, Annales Mus. Paris, p. 84, 1800. 

Plastron poorly developed posteriorly; hind limbs and tail free; 
digits, 5-5; claws, 3-3; range, that of the family. One species known 
from Colorado. 

Y Trionyx spiniferus LeSueur 
Trionyx spiniferus LeSueur, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, p. 258, 1827. 

Dorsal surface covered with tiny elevations; anterior margin of 
the carapace, especially that of adult females, with numerous small 
conical tubercles (these are usually wanting or very small in young 
specimens); nostrils at the tip of the elongate snout, crescent-shaped 
and each with a small papilla projecting into it from the septum; 
tail of the female scarcely projecting beyond the margin of the cara- 
pace, that of the male projecting beyond the carapace almost the 
length of the head; digits, 5-5; claws, 3-3; size medium, length of 
the carapace up to fifteen inches. 

Dorsal color olive, green or brownish, with a margin of linear 
color separated from the rest of the ground color by a narrow black 
line; young specimens with twenty or more rounded spots of dark 
color, margined with black, these spots becoming more indistinct as 
the animal grows older; ventral parts white or yellowish; under parts 
of the legs and the ventral margin of the carapace more or less mottled 
with black. 

The flesh of this turtle is of very good quality and the turtle is 
much sought after in regions where it is at all abundant. It ranges 
from Maine to the Rocky Mountains, and south to Mexico. It is 
most abundant in the north central states. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Evans, July 4, 1908 (about 

250mm.), J. Henderson; State Teachers’ College Musewm: Cache la Poudre, South 
Platte River and Greeley, A. E. Beardsley. 


The Snapping Turtles 

Snapping Turtles are found in North and South America, and in 
Asia. They are powerful, heavy, freshwater turtles, found usually in 
sluggish streams. A single species of snapper is known from Colorado. 

Genus CHELYDRA Schweigger 
Chelydra Schweigger, Prodromus M onographiae Chelonorum, p. 23, 1814. 

V Chelydra serpentina (Linnaeus) 
Testudo serpentina Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, p. 199, 1758. 

Carapace broad, elevated anteriorly and notched posteriorly; 
costals, 4 on each side; neurals, 5; nuchal, 1; marginals, 23; plastron 
small and cross-shaped, of g plates; 2 or 3 inframarginals at the outer 
margin of the bridge; tail long, equal to the length of the plastron, 
cylindrical and tapering, with a row of bony tubercles on its mid- 
dorsal surface and a few smaller tubercles on the sides, with two rows 
of plates on its ventral surface; head large, much depressed and 
pointed; digits, 5-5, webbed to the claws; claws, 5-4; size large, 
specimens weighing as much as forty pounds having been reported. 

General color brown, blackish brown or olive above; ventral parts 
whitish or yellowish. 

This turtle takes its common name from its behavior when 
attacked. At this time it jumps suddenly and snaps with great vigor. 
With its powerful curved jaws it can easily snap a fair-sized stick in 
two, and average-sized specimens are dangerous if carelessly handled. 
It feeds on all sorts of small aquatic animals, including water birds. 
The habit of snappers, of swimming under water birds and dragging 
them down, is well known. They will on occasion take floating car- 
casses. The eggs, about fifty in number, are laid in moist sand in 

This species is of considerable importance as a food for man. 


Large numbers of these turtles are marketed every year. C. ser- 
pentina ranges over the United States and southern Canada east of 
the Rocky Mountains, and south into Ecuador. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: White Rocks, near Boulder, 
September 17, 1910 (310mm.), F. Rohwer and J. Rowland, No. 258; Wray, 
October 27, 1912 (125 mm.), M. M. Ellis, No. 259; Colorado State Historical and 
Natural History Museum: Wray, May 21, 1904 (180 mm.), H. G. Smith; reported 
by D. M. Andrews from Boulder Valley, several times during the past ten years; 
by F. Rohwer, a dead specimen at the same time and place the one above recorded 
was caught; by N. deWitt Betts, Base-line Reservoir, southeast of Boulder, 1911; 
common at Greeley by Beardsley. 

Family KinosTERNIDAE 
The Mud Turtles 

Rather small, strictly aquatic turtles, characterized by the much 
elevated carapace and the narrow body, resulting in a somewhat 
compressed appearance for the animal as a whole. A family of a few 
species confined to the Americas. Of the two North American genera 
one is represented in Colorado by a single species. 


Kinosternon Spix, Species Novae Testudinum, p. 17, 1824. 

y Kinosternon flavescens (Agassiz) 
Platythyra flavescens Agassiz, Contrib. Nat. Hist. U.S., Vol. I, p. 430, 1857. 

Carapace narrow and much elevated in the median line, smooth 
or in young specimens with a very indistinct dorsal keel, very slightly 
if at all notched on the anterior margin, general outline elliptical; 
costals, 4 on each side; neurals, 5; marginals, 23; plastron large, 
covering most of the ventral surface, lobes movable so that they may 
be drawn against the margin of the carapace and enclose the head and 
feet; plastral plates, 11 or 9; feet rather broadly webbed; digits, 5-5, 
claws, 5-4; size small, length of the carapace up to six inches. 

General color yellowish brown or greenish brown above; plates 



somewhat outlined with black; ventral parts yellow; head greenish 
above and yellowish below; neck bright yellow. 
Range, Arkansas to Rocky Mountains, north into Colorado. 

Colorado specimens.—Colorado State Historical and Natural History 
Museum: Lamar, June 20, 1904 (140 mm.), H. G. Smith; State Teachers’ College 
Museum: Baca County, A. E. Beardsley. 

Family Tesrupinipak 
Pond Turtles and Box Turtles 

This is a large family of turtles of cosmopolitan distribution. The 
two genera found in Colorado may be distinguished by the structure 
of the plastron. 

a. Plastron firm throughout; carapace rather depressed; aquatic. 
Chrysemys Gray. 
aa. Plastron with its anterior portion hinged and movable; carapace elevated 
and rounded; terrestrial . . . . = . + .  Terrapene Merrem. 


Chrysemys Gray, Cat. Tortoises, p. 27, 1844. 

We have examined specimens belonging to two species of this genus 
which were reported as collected in Colorado. Of these two species 
one, C. belli (Gray), is known to be quite abundant in the ponds and 
lakes of eastern Colorado. The other stands on the record of one 
specimen, 240 mm., University of Colorado Museum, labeled, ‘‘Den- 
ver, Colo.,” and referable to the species C. elegans (Wied). This 
species we include only in our key, although since it is known from the 
Yellowstone region and from Kansas, it is probably found in this state. 

a. Upper jaw with a small tooth on each side of the median notch. 

C. belli (Gray). 
aa. Upper jaw without a small tooth on each side of the median notch. 
C. elegans (Wied). 
v Chrysemys belli (Gray) 

Emys belli Gray, Synopsis Reptilium, p. 31, 1831. 

Carapace broad, rather depressed, widest in the posterior portion; 
costals, 4 on each side; neurals, 5; marginals, 25, those in the pos- 


terior region somewhat extended into a shelf beyond the general 
curvature of the carapace; plastron wide, of 12 plates; feet well 
webbed; digits, 5-5; claws, 5-5; size medium, large specimens about 
twelve inches in length. 

Dorsal color olive green or brown, usually with a reddish or bronze 
cast; plates often distinctly margined with black; plastron yellowish, 
with two dark brown or black longitudinal blotches, extending across 
each plate excepting the first two, separated by a narrower area of the 
ground color (although they may be confluent), and irregularly joined 
to those of the next plate, forming two more or less well-defined 
concentric ellipses; other parts of the plastron often blurred with 
blackish; marginal region below, greenish, crossed by numerous 
small light streaks, some of which may be red but most of which 
are orange or yellow; under parts of the head with numerous longi- 
tudinal stripes; feet greenish above, with a bright yellow mid- 
dorsal stripe, breaking up and sending a branch down each digit, 
below yellowish. 

This turtle ranges from the Mississippi River west to the Rocky 
Mountains and north into British Columbia. It has also been taken 
in Illinois and northern Michigan. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Boulder, June 24, to11 
(160 mm.), No. 125; Wray, October 27, 1912 (120 mm.), M. M. Ellis, No. 260; 
Castle Rock, June 9, 1912 (175 mm.), M. M. Ellis, No. 261; Ft. Morgan (165 mm.), 
H. W. Clatworthy, No. 263; east of Boulder (125 mm.); Colorado State Historical 
and Natural History Museum: Denver, July 31, 1900 (165 mm.), H. G. Smith; 
Denver, August 25, 1900 (150 mm.), H. G. Smith; State Teachers’ College Museum: 
Cache la Poudre, Platte River at Greeley and Lakes near Greeley, A. E. Beardsley; 
reported by J. Henderson, Platteville, June, 1912; as abundant in some of the 
lakes east of Boulder. 

Genus TERRAPENE Merrem 
Terrapene Merrem, Versuch Syst. Amphibien, p. 27, 1820. 
The Colorado species of this genus are two. 
a. Four-digits on the hind foot). .)9 Sc. ae. 4 As T. ornata (Agassiz). 

aa. Three digitsonthe hindfoot . . . .  . T. triunguis (Agassiz) . 


/ Terrapene ornata (Agassiz) 
Cistudo ornata Agassiz, Contrib. Nat. Hist. U.S., Vol. I, p. 445, 1857. 

Carapace much elevated and rounded, compressed in the mid- 
dorsal region; marginals, 25; plastron broad, of twelve plates, the 
two halves on a common hinge so that the plastron may be closed 
against the margin of the carapace; size up to ten inches. 

General color above and below yellowish or yellowish brown, with 
numerous rather bright yellow stripes and bars, varying to quite pale 
brown with indistinct markings. 

Range, Illinois to the Rocky Mountains, south into Texas. 

Colorado specimens.—University Museum: Wray, October 27, 1912 
(120 mm.), M. M. Ellis, No. 262; Colorado State Historical and Natural History 
Museum: Wray, May 20, 1904 (140 mm.), W. C. Ferril; Lamar, June 20, 1904 
(140 mm.), H. G. Smith; Kit Carson, September 6, 1907 (150 mm.), W. C. Ferril; 
private collection of E. Bethel, Denver (2 carapaces, 125 and 150 mm.), E. Bethel; 
State Teachers’ College Museum: Ft. Morgan and Box Elder, A. E. Beardsley; 
reported by Cockerell from near Boulder. 

¥ Terrapene triunguis (Agassiz) 
Cistudo triunguis Agassiz, Contrib. Nat. Hist. U.S., Vol. I, p. 445, 1857. 

This tortoise differs little in general appearance from the preceding 
one, aside from the difference in the number of toes. In color it is 
greenish brown with very indistinct lighter markings. 

Range, west of the Mississippi, north into Kansas and Colorado. 

Colorado specimen.—Colorado State Historical and Natural History Museum: 
Wray, May 20, 1904 (130 mm.), H. G. Smith. 


The discussion of the distribution of our herpetological fauna may 
be divided into two parts, the general or geographic distribution, and 
the altitudinal distribution. 

Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 give the data for the geographic distribution. 
It is to be noted that the absence of a record does not exclude the 


species, for in many cases it is apparent that a given species very 
probably occurs in a given area judging from its known distribution. 
In Table 1 it may be seen that ten species of Colorado Amphibians 
are species of wide range, since they are found on both sides of the 
mountains and in several or all of the adjoining states. One species 
deserves particular attention, Bufo boreas. As may be seen from 
Tables 2, 3 and 4, the other species of our fauna have come in from 
the south. This toad, however, is not found south of Colorado and 
in the state is found only in the mountains in the montane zone. It 
ranges north into Oregon where itis abundant. It must be considered 
as either our only species of northern origin or a species left here in the 
montane zone as the climate has become warmer since the retreat of 
the glaciers. It may be noted that the terrestrial molluscan fauna 
of Colorado is on the whole more closely related to the northern than 
to the southern fauna. 

The snakes and lizards (Tables 2 and 3) are evidently species 
which have come into the state from the south. That this migration 
is still going on to some extent is shown by the addition to our fauna 
in this report of four snakes, one turtle, one toad, one frog and one 
lizard from the south. Three groups of reptiles exclusive of the turtles 
may be noted: the first of seven lizards and five snakes which are 
found on both sides of the range; a second of twelve snakes and seven 
lizards found only east of the range; and a third of four snakes and 
three lizards found only on the west side of the range. The last two 
restricted classes are of course in general species of the Great Basin 
Plains and of the Mississippi Basin. 

We have no records of turtles from the west side of the range in 
Colorado (Table 4). It is probable that Kuinosternon flavescens, 
reported from Utah, and other Great Basin species will be found in 
western Colorado. The relatively small number of species of this 
group in our fauna is due largely to the lack of permanent sluggish 
streams. Most of our streams are either too high and rapid in the 
spring or too low in the summer for turtles. 

Of the adjoining states New Mexico has a greater proportion of 
our fauna than any other, 47 of our 56 species occurring in that state. 




Nee eee 

Colorado | Colorado haw 

East of | West of Kansas |Nebraska|Wyoming| Utah 

Range | Range Mexico 

Ambystoma tigrinum....... x ae oP x x x x 
Scaphiopus hammondit...... x oy x x x x 
Bufo boreas........-+++++: x x se HE si x 
——woodhouset.........++- x x x ats x x x 
——AMEFICANUS ... 6.6 +e Ge x x x x x x 
——COZNAMUS . 2... eee renee x x x x 
Se TT 9 3 OS OREO x sc x ae 
Chorophilus triseriatus...... % x x x a x 
Aoris gryllus.. 1.0. ecceeees x Ae ate x % 
Hyla arenicolor........+++- Ey ° < AS x 
Rana pipiens........0000- x x x x x x 

INCH atts oenGeIa nein ||. see 8 7 7 7 5 8 

x =printed record or specimen record for area so marked. 
* =probable distribution. 



2 ——————————— 

Colorado | Colorado 
East of | West of New 
Range Range 

Se ee a a a 

Dipsosaurus dorsalis.....-- 
EQ OFNGIG? Aeon iacia vo) etoile 
Crotaphytus collaris baileyi... 
Sceloporus consobrinus...... 
——grdCiOSUS.. 61 eevee 
Holbrookia maculata........ 
Phrynosoma cornutum.....- 
hernandesi.. ......-0+6 
Anota modestum.......++++ 
Cnemidophorus sexlineatus.. . 
= FESSELQIUS. =f02 2 ss 20 220 
Eumeces obsoletus........++- 

Be #8 RRR: 

a8 8 

Lee SS Oe ee! ee en 

x =printed record or specimen record. for area so marked. 
* =probable distribution. 




Colorado | Colorado 
East of | West of | ,Ne¥ 

Range | Range Mexico 

Thamnophis elegans........ x x ey a % x 
NDI Hic visv thas = siogosiecei o's ae =i a a ag xo 
——megalopS... ccc ceececee an x x 
—parietalis..........05. % x % x x cd £ 
Ophibolus doliatus.......... x ae x x Ke si 
Pityophis catenifer sayi..... x x x x x ¥ 
—catenifer bellona........ a =e % Se x x 
Heterodon nasicus.......... £ x x oc 
Tropidonotus sipedon....... £ x x 
Storeria dekayi........... e & Ay Sic x Ss 
Liopeltis vernalis........... a ip ae oe x 
Chionactis episcopus isozonus| x x x 6s 
Diadophis regalis.......... L x x ae 
‘Zaments constrictor constrictor} x a3 x x x a ae 
——constrictor flaviventris...| x 5 < x x 2 x 
—flagellum..........55- x iy x i “3 < 
—taeniatus............. Ae Gi x Bie a 
Tantilla nigriceps.......... x x ie 
Crotalus atrox: © 3. 0s. 3: x 2 x Be 
———-—-GEPASTES (5 eases ok wee we si x x Se x 
—confluentus............ x ay ar x a x x 
Sistrurus catenatus edwardsii.| x & x : 

mMotal gig-tares sesh 22 | 18 9 20 16 10 Fi be) 

a =printed record or specimen record for the area so marked. 
* =probable distribution. 



Colorado | Colorado 
East of | West of 

Ss |s | | | | | 

Trionyx spiniferus......... 

% ¥ x © “ 
Chelydra serpentina........ x se x x ee 
Kinosternon flavescens...... x * x x % x 
Chrysemys bellt.......... Be x x x in 
Terrapene ornata.......... x x a x x 
WUUN GUIS atc tors afesioetee a ap x 
Lotalisatisctacko wan ketene 6 6 ° 5 6 4 2 I 

x =printed record or specimen record for the area so marked. 
* =probable distribution. 




3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 Above 
4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 9,000 

Ambystoma tigrinum........ x x x x x x 

Scaphiopus hammondii..... - x x is + 

2 i nee : he rs a a x x 

——woodhouset............ x x x x P ? x 

——OMEPiCONUS.... 1.2.2. x x a x x 

PO ICIS GS ONO x x - x x 

MODES 50 ohn cio tis twlssd's sisi ss 2 x “ee 

Chorophilus triseriatus...... Bi x x x x x x 

EA CHOSIERVNUS).) 5) <lavatd's cas tid se ae 

Hyla arenicolor............ is x es Se Ets oe Ae 

ROBE PUBENS. ow es kee tr x x “6 ee x = 
“Loy 2 AS A rh Gao II 5 8 8 6 6 4 5 

x=printed record or specimen record for zone so marked. 
*=known from the zone so marked in some of the states adjoining Colorado. 
? =probable distribution. 



3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 Above 
4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 9,000 

Dipsosaurus dorsalis........ = 
WEAN OVNOLG s ~ oeiers 252s ain do = 
——stansburiana .......... * 
Crotaphytus collaris baileyi... “ 
Sceloporus consobrinus...... x 
RUAGLOSUSI he secs) ace athe a 
Holbrookia maculata........ x 
Phrynosoma cornutum...... 3 
—hernandest............ i 

bn WY 

etn So 
2S ev: 

Anota modestum..... Ryne 
Cnemidophorus sexlineatus.. . 
——$UOPIS.. oc eceeeveees 
Eumeces obsoletus.......... 
——guitulatus ..........4- 


x=printed record or specimen record for the zone so marked. 
*=known from the zone so marked in some of the states adjoining Colorado. 
? =probable distribution. 




—— | FS | | | 

Thamnophis elegans........ 
Saar {111s Oa oe RINE Me 
POLLCLOLEST wy aveieiere 3 tas 
Ophibolus doliatus......... 
Pityophis catenifer sayi..... 
catenifer bellona........ 
Heterodon nasicus.......... 
Tropidonotus sipedon....... 
Storeria dekayi.........4.. 
Liopeltas vernalis........... 
Chionactis episcopus isozonus 
Diadophis regauis... 6. ...- 
Zamenis constrictor constrictor 
—constrictor flaviventris. . . 
Tantilla nigriceps.......... 
CrOltlUs Girne ers at 4 ya 
RMA wo gbods Gobado 
CON UCTITUS rice eine 
Sistrurus catenatus edwardsii 


#* * #2 QR HRB: 

#2 * *S eRe: 

x =printed record or specimen record for the zone so marked. 
*=known from the zone so marked in some of the states adjoining Colorado. 
?=probable distribution. 



3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 Above 
4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 9,000 
Trionyx spiniferus......... * % x 
Chelydra serpentina........ x x a 
Kinosternon flavescens...... < x ai ts 
Chrysemys bellt......:...... x x x te 
Derrapene Ornate. . os. of x iG 
WUUNQUIS. 06 oc cess - 3 x 
Totaly hcynec ces ee 6 3 5 5 I 

x =printed record or specimen record for the zone so marked. 
*=known from the zone so marked in some of the states adjoining Colorado. 


Kansas has much the same snake fauna and Utah the same lizard 
fauna as Colorado, both of these states having, however, many 
additional species of these two groups not found in Colorado. 
Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8 give the data collected on the altitudinal dis- 
tribution of our species. The amphibians (Table 5) seem the least 
influenced by altitude of any of the groups. Seven of the eleven 
species have been taken above the 6,o00-foot contour line. The 
7,000-foot contour is passed by but five of the snakes and five of the 
lizards, and it is not reached by any of the turtles. Three species, 
a snake, Thamnophis elegans, a toad, Bufo boreas, and the salamander 
Ambystoma tigrinum have been taken above the 10,000-foot contour. 


Acuminate. With a sharp point at the end. 

Allantois. An embryonic membrane which serves as an organ of respiration. 

Amnion. An embryonic membrane which completely envelopes the developing 

Amphibious. Living in the water and on the land interchangeably at one and the 
same time of life. 

Anal gland. A glandular diverticulum of the rectum, from which an odoriferous 
substance is discharged. It is well developed in some snakes. 

Anal plate. The large ventral plate just in front of the vent, in snakes and 

Annulations. Bands of color around the body or the appendages. 

Bridge. A bony connection, at the sides of the body, between the carapace and 
plastron of turtles. 

Canthus rostratus. A marginal elevation, marking the junction of the top of the 
head with the sides of the head. 

Carapace. The bony or cartilaginous dorsal shield of a turtle. 

Cephalic. Pertaining to the head. 

Compressed. Flattened, as by pressure from the sides. 

Costals. A row of large plates on each side of the central row of plates of the 
carapace of turtles. See Fig. 37, No. 2. 

Costal grooves. A series of horizontal grooves on the sides of the abdomen of 

Depressed. Flattened as by pressure from above and below. 

Epiglottis. A cartilaginous flap just in front of the upper end of the trachea. 

Fangs. The long hollow or grooved teeth of the venomous reptiles. 

Femoral pores. Small openings usually arranged in a single row, on the upper 
half of the hind legs of many lizards. 

Frontal plate. A large plate near the middle of the top of the head. See Fig. 36, 
Nos. 7 and 11. 

Fronto-parietal plate. A small plate lying between the frontal and the parietal 
plates on either side. 

Genial. The anterior pair of the four plates lying near the middle of the mental 
region. See Fig. 18, No. 1. 

Glottis. The upper end of the trachea. 

Gular fold. A fold of skin across the under side of the throat. 

Gular sac. A sac on the throat of the males of many amphibians which when 
expanded acts as a resonator for the voice. 

Immaculate. Without markings. 

Infralabials. Also called inferior labials. A row of scales along the margin of 
the lower jaw. See Fig. 35, No. 3. 

Inframarginals. Small plates just ventral to the marginals of the carapace of 

Internasals. Plates on the top of the head of snakes and lizards, between the 
nasals. See Figs. 35 and 36, No. 8. 

Interoculars. Plates on the top of the head between the eyes. 



Interorbitals. Same as interoculars. 

Keeled. With a distinct elevated ridge. 

Labials. Scales margining the jaws. Superior labials, Fig. 35, No. 5; inferior 
labials, Fig. 35, No. 3. 

Loreal plate. Small plate between the preoculars and the nasals. 

Marginal plates. The outside row of plates of the carapace of a turtle. See 
Fig. 37, No. 3. 

Mental plates. Plates in the chin region. 

Mesial. Pertaining to the middle. 

Muzzle. The elevated portion of the snout. 

a The plates along the middle of the carapace of a turtle. See Fig. 37, 


Nape. The back of the neck. 

Nasal toes The plate or plates carrying the nasal opening. See Fig. 35, Nos. 
9 and Io. 

Nuchal plate. A small median marginal plate of the carapace of turtles, just back 
of the head. See Fig. 37, No. 4. 

Jecipital. Pertaining to the top of the back of the head. 

Occipital condyle. A process on the occipital bone forming the major articulation 
of the skull with the backbone. 

Occipital plate. A plate in the occipital region. 

Oviparous. Egg-laying. 

Ovoviviparous. Retaining the egg until hatched, or until the time of hatching. 

Parotoid glands. Large glands on the sides of the head of many amphibians, in 
the region of the ear. 

Parietals. Plates on the top of the head. See Fig. 36, No. 13. 

Plastron. The ventral bony or cartilaginous shield of turtles. 

Poikilothermous. Having a body temperature approximately the same as that of 
the surrounding medium. Popularly called ‘‘Cold-Blooded.” 

Postgenials. The second pair of four large plates lying near the middle of the 
mental region. 

Postorbitals. Scales just back of the eye. See Fig. 35, No. 4. 

Prefrontals. A pair of plates just in front of the frontal. See Fig. 36, No. 14. 

Preoculars. Scales just in front of the eye. See Fig. 35, No. 2. 

Rostral. A plate forming the anterior end of the head. See Figs. 35 and 36, 
No. 1. 

Subcaudals. The large plates on the ventral surface of the tail of a snake. 

Superciliary. Plates just above the eye on the margin of the head. 

Supraocular. Plates just above the eye, forming the roof of the orbit. See 
Fig. 35, No. 6, and Fig. 36, No. 12. 

Temporal. The posterior portion of the side of the head. 

Tessellated. With a spotted or checkerboard pattern. 

Tympanic membrane. That covering the ear opening. 

Vent. The posterior opening of the alimentary canal. 

Ventrals. Large plates on the ventral surface of snakes. 

Viviparous. Bearing living young. 


Bairp, S. F. ‘Report on Reptiles Collected on the Survey.” Rept. U.S. Explor. 
and Surv. to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad 
from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, Vol. X, Part V, No. 3, 1859. 
(Cited as Pac. R.R. Surv. Rept.) 

BairpD, S. F., and Grrarp, Cuas. Catalogue of North American Reptiles. Part I, 
Serpents. In Smithsonian Misc. Collec., Vol. II, 1853. 

BrANsoN, Epwin B. ‘Snakes of Kansas.”’ Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull., Vol. II, 
Pp. 353-430, 1904. With bibliography. 

CasE, E. C. A Revision of the Cotylosauria of North America. Carnegie Inst. 
Wash., Pub. No. 145, 1911. 

CocKERELL, T. D. A. ‘Reptiles and Amphibians of the University of Colorado 
Expedition of 1909.” Univ. Colo. Studies, Vol. VII, pp. 130-131, I9I0. 
Cope, Epwarp D. Check-List of North American Batrachia and Reptilia; with 
a Systematic List of the Higher Groups, and an Essay on Geographical Distri- 

bution. U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 1, 1875. 

The Batrachia of North America. U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 34, 1889. 

——. “The Crocodilians, Lizards and Snakes of North America.” Ann. Rept. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. for 1898, pp. 153-1270, 1900. 

Cracin, F. W. ‘Herpetological Notes from Kansas and Texas.’ Colo. College 
Studies, 5th Ann. Pub., pp. 37-39, 1894. 

DIcKERSON, Mary C. The Frog Book. Doubleday, Page & Co. 1907. 

Dirmars, Raymonp L. The Reptile Book. Doubleday, Page & Co. 1907. 

Reptiles of the World. Sturgis, Walton & Co. 1910. 

Errop, M. J. “Among the Rockies.” The Museum, Vol. I, pp. 133-138, 165- 
170, 261-266, 1895. 

Gapow, Hans. : Amphibia and Reptilia. The Cambridge Natural History, Vol. 
VIII. Macmillan & Co., Ltd., London. rgor. 

GARMAN, SAMUEL. ‘‘North American Reptiles: Part I, Ophidia—Serpents.” 
Mém. Mus. Comp. Zoél. (Harvard), Vol. VIII, No. 3, 1883. 


Hay, O. P. ‘The Batrachians and Reptiles of Indiana.” 17th Ann. Rept. Ind. 
Dept. Geol. and Nat: Res., pp. 410-602, 1892. 

. “On the Ejection of Blood from the Eyes of Horned Toads.” Proc. 

U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XV, pp. 375-378, 1892. 

The Fossil Turtles of North America. Carnegie Inst. Wash., Pub. No. 
75, 1908. 

HATCHER, JOHNB. The Ceratopsia. U.S. Geol. Surv., Monog., Vol. XLIX, 1907. 



Herrick, C. L., TERRY, JOHN, and Herrick, N. H. “Notes on a Collection of 
Lizards from New Mexico.” Univ. N. Mex., Bull. No. 1, pp. 117-148, 1899. 
(Reprinted from Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., Vol. X1.) 

Hersey, L. J. “A Naturalist’s Notes on Birds and Snakes.” Outdoor Life, 
November, 1907, pp. 481-483. 

JAMES, EpwIn. Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, 
performed in the Years 1819-1820. (Long’s Expedition.) Philadelphia, 1823. 
Compiled from notes of various members of the expedition, and includes Say’s 
notes on reptiles. 

Marsu, O. C. “Vertebrate Fossils.” Geology of the Denver Basin in Colorado, 
U.S. Geol. Surv., Monog., Vol. X XVII, pp. 473-527, 18096. 

“The Dinosaurs of North America.” 16th Ann. Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv., 
Part I, pp. 133-414, 1896. 

MitcHett, S. WetR. “Researches upon the Venom of the Rattlesnake.” 
Smithsonian Contrib. to Knowl., Vol. XII, No. 135, 1860. 

MITCHELL, S. WEIR, and REICHERT, EDwARD T. “Researches upon the Venom 
of Poisonous Serpents.”’ Smithsonian Contrib. to Knowl., Vol. XXVI, 1886. 

ProssER, DEAN T. “Habits of Amblystoma tigrinum at Tolland, Colo.” Univ. 
Colo. Studies, Vol. VIII, pp. 257-263, 191t. 


Rossins, W. W. “Climatology and Vegetation in Colorado.” Bot. Gaz., Vol. 
XLIX, pp. 256-280, 1910. 

RUTHVEN, ALEXANDER G. Variations and Genetic Relationships of the Garter- 
snakes. U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 61, 1908. 

“A Collection of Reptiles and Amphibians from Southern New Mexico 
and Arizona.” Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull., Vol. XXIII, pp. 483-604, 1907. 

Say, THomas. See JAMES (Long’s Expedition). 

STEJNEGER, LEONHARD. “Poisonous Snakes of North America.” Ann. Rept. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. for 1893, pp. 337-487, 1895. 

Taytor, W.E. “The Box Tortoises of North America.” Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
Vol. XVII, pp. 573-588, 1895. 

Yarrow, H.C. “Report upon the Collections of Batrachians and Reptiles Made 
in Portions of Nevada, Utah, California, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, 
during the Years 1871, 1872, 1873 and 1874.” U.S. Geog. and Geol. Expl. 
and Surv. W. of tooth Mer. (Wheeler Survey), Vol. V, pp. 509-584, 1875. 

Check-List of North American Reptilia and Batrachia, with Catalogue of 

Specimens in U.S. National Museum. U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. No. 34, 1882. 


Acris gryllus, 58 

Ambystoma tigrinum, 49, 123 
American Toad, 55 

Anota modesta, 75 

Arizona Garter Snake, 86 
Arizona Tree Frog, 59 

Bailey’s Collared Lizard, 66 
Bell’s Painted Turtle, 115 
Black-Banded Ground Snake, 1o1 
Black Snake, 103 

Blue Racer, 103 
Blue-Spotted Skink, 80 
Bufo americanus, 52, 55 
boreas, 52, 53, 118, 123 
—— cognatus, 52, 56 

— debilis, 52, 53 

—— woodhousei, 52,54 
Bull Snake, 42, 93 

Chelydra serpentina, 113 
Chionactis episcopus isozonus, 10% 
Chorophilus nigritus, 58, 85 
—— triseriatus, 5'7 
Chrysemys belli, 115 

—— elegans, 115 
Cnemidophorus gularis, 77, 78 
—— sexlineatus, 77, 78 

—— tessellatus, 77, '78 
Coachwhip Snake, 104 
Collared Lizard, 63 
Columbian Toad, 53 

Cricket Frog, 58 

Crotalus adamanteus, 109 
atrox, 108 

atrox ruber, 109 

cerastes, 108 

—— confluentus, 109, 111 

Crotaphytus collaris, 66 
—— collaris baileyi, 66 

DeKay’s Snake, 98 
Desert Iguana, 63 
Diadophis amabilis, 102 
regalis, 101 
Dipsosaurus dorsalis, 63 

Edwards’ Massasauga, III 
Elaps fulvius, 92 

Eumeces guttulatus, 79, 80 
leptogrammus, 79, 80 
—— multivirgatus, 79, 81 
—— obsoletus,'79 

—— quinquelineatus, 79 

Frogs, 57 

Garter Snakes, 82 
Grass Snake, 99 
Ground Snake, 100 

Harlequin Snake, 92 
Hayden’s Skink, 80 
Hernandez’s Horned Toad, 72 
Heterodon nasicus, 95 
Holbrookia maculata, 70 
Horned Rattlesnake, 108 
Hyla arenicolor, 59 
Keel-Backed Lizard, 63 
Kinosternon flavescens, 114, 118 
Leopard Frog, 60 
Liopeltis vernalis, 99 
Little Green Snake, 99 
Little Horned Toad, 75 
Lizards, 61 
Many-Lined Skink, 81 
Massasauga, 110 
Mountain Toad, 53 



Ophibolus doliatus, 91 
Ornate Swift, 64 

Painted Box Turtle, 117 
Phrynosoma cornutum, 74 

—— hernandesi, 72 

Pityophis catenifer bellona, 94 
SSS eee OE 
Plains Garter Snake, 84 

Prairie Rattlesnake, 41, 42, 109 

Race Runner, 78 

Rana pipiens, 60, 89 
Rattlesnakes, 107 

Red Barred Garter Snake, 86 
Rea King Snake, 91 

Ringed King Snake, 91 
Sage-Brush Swift, 69 
Salamander, 49 

Sand-Colored Tree Frog, 59 
Say’s Toad, 56 

Scaphiopus hammondit, 51 
Sceloporus consobrinus, 68 
—— graciosus, 69 

Sidewinder, 108 

Sistrurus catenatus edwardsti, 111 
Six-Lined Lizard, 78 

Skinks, 81 

Smooth Green Snake, 99 
Snapping Turtle, 113 

Sonoran Ring-Necked Snake, roz 
Sonoran Skink, 79 

Spiny Soft-Shelled Turtle, 112 
Spotted Lizard, 70 

Spotted Race Runner, 78 
Stansbury’s Swift, 65 

Striped Racer, 105 

Storeria dekayi, 98 

Swifts, 67 

Tantilla nigriceps, 106 
Terrapene ornata, 117 

—— triunguis, 117 

Tessellated Lizard, 78 

Texas Black-Headed Snake, 106 
Texas Horned Toad, 74 
Thamnophis elegans, 82, 83, 88, 123 
—— megalops, 83, 86 

—— parietalis, 83, 86 

—— radix, 83, 84, 86, 87 

Tiger Salamander, 49 
Three-Lined Tree Frog, 57 
Three-Toed Box Turtle, 117 
Toads, 51 

Tortoises, 117 

Trionyx spiniferus, 112 
Tropidonotus sipedon, 97 
Turtles, 111 

Uta ornata, 64 
—— stansburiana, 65 

Water Snake, 97 
Western Diamond Rattlesnake, 108 _ 
Western Garter Snake, 88 
Western Hog-Nosed Snake, 41, 42, 95 
Western Milk Snake, 91 
Western Spade-Foot Toad, 51 
Western Toad, 56 
Woodhouse’s Toad, 54 

Yellow-Banded Swift, 68 
Yellow-Necked Mud Turtle, 114 

Zamenis constrictor, 103 

— constrictor flaviventris, 104 
— flagellum, 104 

—— taeniatus, 103, 105 



Fic. 1.—Bufo cognatus. Western Toad (page 56). 

Fic. 2.—Bufo americanus. American Toad (page 55) 

Fic. 3.—Crotaphytus collaris baileyi. 

Fic. 4.—Crotaphytus collaris baileyi. Bailey’s Collared 
Lizard (page 66). 

Bailey’s Collared Lizard (page 66). 

Fic. 5.—Ulta ornata. 

Ornate Swift (page 64). 

Fic. 6.—Uta ornata. 
Swift (page 64). 



Fic. 7.—Holbrookia maculata. Spotted Lizard 
(page 70). 

Fic. 8.—Holbrookia maculata. 

Spotted Lizard (page 70). 


10.—Sceloporus consobrinus. Yellow-banded Swift (page 68). 

Fic. 11.—Sceloporus consobrinus. Yellow-banded Swift (page 68). 


13.—Phrynosoma cornutum. Texas Horned Toad 

Fic. 12.—Phrynosoma hernandesi. Hernandez’s Fic. 
(page 74). 

Horned Toad (page 72). 

Fic. 14.—Phrynosoma hernandest. Hernandez’s Toad (page 72). 

Fic. 15.—Eumeces obsoletus. Sonoran Skink (page 79). 

Fic. 16.—Eumeces obsoletus. Sonoran Skink (page 79). 


Fic. 17.—Thamnophis radix. Plains Fic. 18.—Thamno phis radix. Plains Gar- 
Garter Snake (page 88). ter Snake: 1, Genial; 2, Post- 
genial (page 88). 

Fic. 19.—Thamnophis parietalis. 
Red-barred Garter Snake 
(page 86). 

F1G. 20.—Thamnophis radix. Plains Garter Snake (page 88). 

Fic. 21.—Diadophis regalis. Sonoran Fic. 22.—Diadophis regalis. Sonoran Fic. 23.—Ophibolus doliatus gentilis. 
Ring-necked Snake (page ror). 

Ring-necked Snake (page tor). Red King Snake (page or). 



Fic. 24.—Pilyophis catenifer sayi. Bull Snake (page 93). Fic. 25.—Pityophis catenifer sayi. Bull Snake (page 93). 

Fic. 26.—Pityophis catenifer sayi. Bull Snake (page 93). 

Fic. 27.—Tropidonolus sipedon. Water Snake (page 97). 




Fics. 28, 29, 30 and 31.—Heterodon nasicus. Western Hog-Nose Snake (page 95). 


Fic. 32.—Zamenis flagellum. Fic. 33.—Zamenis flagellum. Fic. 34.—Tantilla nigriceps. 
Coachwhip Snake Coachwhip Snake Texas Black-headed Snake 
(page 103). (page 104). (page 106). 

35 36 

Fics. 35 and 36.—Pityophis catenifer sayi. Bull Snake: 1, rostral; 2, preocular; 3, infralabial; 4, 
postorbital; 5, supralabial; 6 and 12, supraocular; 7 and 11, frontal; 8, supranasal; 9 and to, nasals; 
13, parietal (page 93). 

Fic. 37.—Chelydra serpentina. Snapping Turtle: 1, neural; 2, costal; 3, marginal; 4, nuchal 
(page 113). 



Fic. 38.—Crotalus confluentus. Prairie Rattlesnake (page 109). 

Fic. 39.—Crotalus confluentus. Prairie Rattlesnake. Skull showing fangs (page 109). 

Fic. 40.—Crolalus confluentus. Prairie Rattlesnake. Showing fangsheaths (page 109). 

Univ ersity of Colorado Bulletin, Vol. XV, No. 6 June 1 | 
Meee 253 = 263. 2 2 > 9155 


By Max M. Etuis AND Junrus HENDERSON 

During the past two years many Colorado amphibians and reptiles 
(including specimens of the Red-spotted Toad, Bufo punctatus Baird 
and Girard, a species not previously recorded from this state) have 
been added to the University Museum collections. The data from 
these collections, together with the data concerning specimens in the 
museum of Colorado College kindly sent us by Mr. E. R. Warren, form 
the basis of this report. 

The numbers in parenthesis after certain records are the University 
of Colorado Museum numbers of the specimens so listed. Specimens 
in the Colorado College Museum are marked (Cic:). 

Ambystoma tigrinum (Green) 

Boulder, October 8, 1913 (290); Canyon City, November, 1913; larvae, University 
Lake, Boulder, November, 1913, and March, 1914; larvae and adults, near Alma, Park 
County, above 10,000 ft., August, 1914; Nederland, Boulder County, above 9,000 ft., 
1914; larvae, Lake Moraine, El Paso County (C.C.); reported by Warren from Crested 
Butte, Gunnison County, above 7,000 ft., and from Colorado Springs. 

Reports from all parts of the state show this species to be very 
abundant in ponds, lakes, and reservoirs. Mr. Sam Bloomfield, of 
Denver, informs us that he has found ‘‘waterdogs,” as the young of 
this salamander are locally known, in most of the lakes and ponds in 
eastern Colorado in which he has seined for fish. That the tiger 
salamander winters in Colorado in both the larval and adult stages 
is shown by the capture of several large specimens of the larvae of this 

: Publication of the Colorado Biological Survey Number 17. Part I appeared in the University of 
Colorado Studies, Vol. X, pp. 39-129, 1913. 



species, 300 to 400 mm. in length, in the University Lake at Boulder 
both in November and the following March. Hibernating adults of 
this species are often found in midwinter. One of the enemies of the 
tiger salamander was found to be the snapping turtle, Chelydra 
serpentina (Linnaeus), which promptly seized and devoured large 
larvae of Ambystoma tigrinum when placed in the same tank. The 
behavior of this turtle suggests a possible method of removal of the 
young tiger salamanders from reservoirs in which that species has 
become too abundant. 

Family BuFroniDAE 
Bufo boreas Baird and Girard 

Tolland, 9,000 ft., May, 1913 (429); Buena Vista, 8,500 ft., June 5—o, 1914 (459 and 
460); Cottonwood Springs near Buena Vista, 9,000 ft., June 6, 1914 (489); Hortense 
Hot Springs near Buena Vista, 8,500 ft., June 10, 1914 (490); near Alma, above 10,000 ft., 
August, 1914 (491); Estes Park, July 31, 1904 (C.C.); near Twin Lakes, June 7, 1914 

This species was very abundant at Buena Vista in June, rgr4. 
At night the adults were found in numbers under the street lights 
and in the grass near irrigation ditches. During the day few adults 
were seen, but many juvenile specimens were collected about roadside 
pools and in the short grass in the overflowed areas along Cottonwood 
Creek and its tributaries. These juvenile specimens were feeding 
actively during the middle of the day, although exposed to direct 
sunlight, and individuals were observed frequently capturing spiders 
and small Diptera among the grass stems. At Hortense Hot Springs 
large numbers of juvenile individuals less than 30 mm. in length 
were found about the overflow pool in water at 23° C. Following the 
stream back from the overflow pool toward the springs the water 
increased in temperature rapidly, the young toads continuing abun- 
dant until the water was at 34° C. Above this point few toads were 
seen, although one small individual was taken from water at 45° C. 
quite near one of the springs. This toad was swimming very rapidly 
at the time and may have been endeavoring to reach cooler water. 


In this connection it may be noted that the pools of very hot water 
near several of the hot springs were death-traps for Bufo boreas and 
several other animals. From one such pool, the water of which was 
at 54° C., three large specimens of this toad and several insects were 
taken, the flesh of all being thoroughly cooked. 

Bufo punctatus Baird and Girard 
RED-SPOTTED ToaD (Figs. 8 and 9) 

Bufo punctatus Baird and Girard, Proc. Adac. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. VI, p. 173, 1852 
(Rio San Pedro of the Rio Grande del Norte). 

Head moderately broad, its width equaling or slightly exceeding its length; length 
of the head about 3.5 in the total length; bony crests wanting on the top of the head, 
or sometimes feebly developed (in alcoholic material the skin of the head may be so 
shriveled as to render the crests of the head quite apparent); parotoid glands somewhat 
elevated, subtriangular and small, not much larger than the eyes and not equal to the 
width of the head; a small bony ridge between the ear and the eye on each side of the 
head; general outline when seen from above ovoid, the entire animal being rather more 
elongate and less globose than the heavier species of toads (as Bufo cognatus Say); neck 
region rather well defined; body not much wider than the head and somewhat depressed. 

Ground color grayish or reddish brown, varying to greenish; dorsal surface of the 
body rather uniformly covered with small warts which are tipped with bright red or 
orange; bases of the warts more or less dusky; ventral surface of the body yellowish 
to orange; throat of the male dusky. 

Size rather small, length 2 to 3 inches. 

This toad is included here in the herpetological fauna of Colorado 
for the first time, specimens having been taken on Basin Creek near 
the northern line of San Miguel County, about six or eight miles 
from Naturita, Colorado, at an elevation of about 6,500 feet. These 
specimens were captured by Mr. Henderson and Roy Coffin on June 
19,1914. ‘This record of the red-spotted toad extends its range about 
150 miles north and about 350 miles north and northeast up the 
Colorado River drainage, as the most northern locality from which this 
species has been recorded previously is the floor of the Grand Canyon 
of the Colorado between Kaibab and Cocanini Plateaus." 

Bufo punctatus ranges across southwestern United States and 
northern Mexico from central Texas through southern New Mexico 
and Arizona into Lower California. Stejneger, l.c., states that 

1 STEJNEGER, NV. Amer. Fauna, No. 3, p. 117, 1890. 


“this is a southern species which extends northward along the Colo- 
rado River.” Little is known concerning the habits and habitat 
relations of this species. Ruthven,' who records Bufo punctatus 
from Alamogordo, New Mexico, suggests that ‘‘it is possibly a canyon 
form which has extended its range on to the desert floor by way of 
irrigating ditches.” The Colorado specimens were captured in Basin 
or Dry Creek, a small, alkaline stream, where it cuts through a low 
mountain range. This stream is probably entirely without water in 
dry seasons except for a few very small pools. Basin Creek drains 
into the San Miguel, which in turn, by way of the Dolores River, 
finally drains into the Colorado River, the water ultimately passing 
through the Grand Canyon locality mentioned by Stejneger, l.c. 
Hence the toad may be expected along other western Colorado 
streams. On Basin Creek Bufo punctatus was associated with Bufo 
woodhousei Girard. 

In the key to the Bufonidae of Colorado? Bufo punctatus would 
run to Bufo debilis Girard, to which it is very closely related. These 
two species may be separated as follows: 

a. Warts tipped with red or orange; length of the hind leg from the base to the heel 
reaching forward to the front of the eye or beyond; parotoid rather small. 

Bufo punctatus Baird and Girard 

aa. Warts not tipped with red or orange, or at least very slightly. so; length of the 

hind leg from the base to the heel reaching forward to the ear; parotoid glands 
Larges erie reels fl ees yi eee Oe se Ser ore ual esac anree 

Bufo woodhousei Girard 

Greeley, August 13, 1902 (C.C.); Naturita, June 15, 1914 (453); Basin Creek, 
six miles west of Naturita, June 19, 1914 (454); reported common from Naturita to 
Gypsum Creek in 1914 by Henderson. 

Bufo cognatus Say 
Medano Ranch, Costilla County, July, t909 (C.C.). 

t Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. XXIII, p. 507, 1907. 
2 Univ. Colo. Studies, Vol. X, p. 52, 1913. 

note Wil 


Fic. 1 EG 

FIG. 3 Fic. 4 

Chorophilus triseriatus. Three-lined Tree Frog. Variation in color pattern of specimens from a single 

pool (page 257). 

PEA ail 

L1G. 5.—Cro!aphylus collaris baileyi. Bailey’s Collared Tc. 6.—Acris gryllus. Cricket Frog, 
Lizard (page 259) dorsal view (page 258) 

Pic. 7.—Acris gryllus. Cricket Frog, side view (page 258) 

Tic. 8.—Bu/fo punctatus. Red-spotted Fic. 9. Bufo punctatus. Red- 
Toad. Head; dorsal view spotted Toad. Head; side 
(page 255) view (page 255) 


Family Hy ipar 
Chorophilus triseriatus Wied 


Boulder, May 1-10, 1914; near Alma, Park County, above 10,000 ft., August, 1914 

Eggs and adults of this little frog were taken in temporary pools 
formed by the melting snow along a railroad right-of-way near 
Boulder, during the first ten days of May, 1914. On May 9 eggs 
were collected in the four-celled stage and kept out of doors in water 
from the pool in which they were found. The development of these 
eggs was very rapid, a fact which may be correlated with the use of 
temporary pools as the spawning grounds by this species. On the 11th 
all of the eggs were in the elongated stage preceding hatching, and 
during the 12th most of the eggs hatched. ‘The tadpoles of Chorophilus 
triseriatus immediately after leaving the eggs were very black and 
about 8 mm. in length, resembling the tadpoles of the common toad 
in outline. 

Since the adults of this species were so abundant about the pools 
near the University during the spring spawning season, a study of the 
variation in the color pattern was made. The color pattern has been 
used by several writers in connection with certain anatomical char- 
acters for the separation of the subspecies of Chorophilus nigritus 
LeConte, and Chorophilus triseriatus (Wied) is considered as one of 
these subspecies by some writers. The data collected from 4o adults 
taken from a single pool about ten feet across, are given below: 

Back with stripes only; spots if present, on the eyelids only . . . . .. 9 
No spots on the eyelids eS 2 cite eee grea a Z 
Spot on each eyelidfree . . Shea ea po aati ah Wy 
Spot on each eyelid fused with the oy dees are Seog y ta Giese one es ead 

Bumpes andispots both present on the back “..*.- 45 9: 0. 6 eee. 27 
IG SDE ORGEREVEMOSS = 0c y.0 sa POS he Moyen SP tee so lees! BS ENO 
Spot on each eyelidfree . . ie Oe Cae A eee SES 
Spot on each eyelid fused with ia axl aoe AG. SRG aS eee eae 

Spots only. . et ee Dee re Bere | hm hat ren Reto Si i ko 4 

Fiat eather eyelids 32 cok qtotaciac: 9 ck eet eee eto oe 
Spo emCuMeMEGiey boc kre We he Toners wee ek se ek, en a 


It may be seen from the above that the three types of color pattern 
given as characteristics for Chorophilus nigritus LeConte, Chorophilus 
feriarum Baird, and Chorophilus triseriatus Wied, by Hay,* as well 
as several other combinations of these characters, occurred in this 
single collection. All of these specimens were of the same proportions, 
having the length of the body 1.3 to 1.5 in the length of the hind 
leg, the anatomical character diagnostic of Chorophilus triseriatus 

Acris gryllus (LeConte) 
CricKET Froc (Figs. 6 and 7) 

Wray, August, 1913. 

Family RawnipDAE 
Rana pipiens Schreber 

Greeley, September 28, 1902 (C.C.); Medano Ranch, Costilla County, June 24, 
1902 (C.C.); Buena Vista, 8,500 ft., June, 1914; Alma, Park County, above 10,000 ft., 
August, 1914 (494); Lake George, 8,000 ft., September 28, 1914 (495); Florissant, 8,200 
ft., September 28, 1914 (496). 

The Leopard Frog has been reported as very abundant near all 
of the ponds and lakes in eastern Colorado by numerous corre- 

Rana catesbeana Shaw 

This species of frog has been introduced from the East into several 
ponds and reservoirs in the upper South Platte valley during the past 
two years. At present the results seem rather discouraging to those 
interested in introducing this frog because of its economic importance, 
as the species is not well established. If found, the adults of this 
species are easily recognized by their large size, large individuals 
frequently reaching the length of 12 inches from tip of snout to tip 
of the outstretched hind leg. Bullfrogs of any size may be dis- 
tinguished from the Leopard frog by the absence of the lateral folds 
of skin so prominent on the edges of the back of the Leopard frog; 

t Rep. State Geol. Ind., for 1891, p 470, 1892. 

ae ofan’ 


by the very large ear; and by the rather uniform yellowish-olive 
color, the back of the Bullfrog being mottled with brown, or dusky, 
instead of being distinctly spotted with black, as is the Leopard frog. 

Crotaphytus collaris baileyi (Stejneger) 

Naturita, June 11 and 15, 1914 (444 and 445); 5 miles west of La Plata-Montezuma 
County line at Mancos Spring, June, 1913 (284). 

This species was common from Naturita south and west in 1914, 
and was especially abundant in the rocky bluffs and ridges bordering 
the Paradox Valley and Basin Creek. It was seldom seen far from 
rocky ledges. The figure of this species shows the characteristic 
attitude of this species when surprised or disturbed among the sage- 

Sceloporus consobrinus Baird and Girard 

Bedrock, Dolores River, April 17-19, 1908 (C.C.); Coventry, Montrose County, 
6,800 ft., April 24, 1908 (C.C.); Boulder foothills, above 6,000 ft., August 6, 1913, April 
21, 1914, and May to, 1914 (286, 434, and 435); Gypsum Creek, tributary to the Dolores 
River, July, 1914 (448); Tapagausche Creek, San Miguel County, August 1, 1914 (449). 

Specimens of this swift from southwestern Colorado have been 
referred to the species Sceloporus elongatus Stejneger, a form stated 
by Stejneger* to be quite close to Sceloporus consobrinus. ‘The speci- 
mens examined by us from southwestern Colorado do not differ in 
any tangible character from specimens of Sceloporus consobrinus 
taken in other parts of Colorado, unless it be in the carination of the 
scales. The specimens from southwestern Colorado have the keels 
of the scales a little less evident and a little more restricted to the 
apical portions of the scales than some of the specimens collected in 
the foothills near Boulder. Stejneger, l.c., has pointed out this 
difference between Sceloporus elongatus and Sceloporus consobrinus, 

tN. Amer. Fauna, No. 3, p. 112, 1890. 


stating that, “the scales (of Sceloporus elongatus) are not so strongly 
carinated, the keel being lower and mostly confined to the terminal 
half of the scale.” Since similar variations were found among speci- 
mens of the swifts collected in eastern Colorado, all of our Colorado 
specimens are here listed as Sceloporus consobrinus. 

Several of the specimens of this swift in the museum of the Uni- 
versity of Colorado have small red mites clinging to various parts of the 
body, particularly to the sides of the head in the lateral folds. 

Sceloporus graciosus Baird and Girard 
Bedrock, Dolores River, 5,150 ft., April 17, 1908 (C.C.); Howard, San Miguel 
County, June 10, 1909 (C.C.). 
Holbrookia maculata Girard 
Greeley, April 28, 1902 (C.C.); Barr, May 29 and 30, 1908 (C.C.). 

Phrynosoma hernandesi ornatissumum (Girard) 

Bedrock, April 19, 1908 (C.C.); Coventry, April 19, 1908 (C.C.); Boulder, Sep- 
tember, 1913 (414); Naturita, June 11, 1914 (446); Gypsum Creek, tributary of the 
Dolores River, July, 1914 (447); Marshall, Boulder County, June 2, 1913 (282). 

Phrynosoma hernandesi hernandesi (Girard) 

Greeley, August 8, 1902 (C.C.); 2 miles southeast of Medano Ranch, Costilla County, 
7,700 ft., July 5, 1909 (C.C.); 3 miles from Muddy Creek, on Gardner-Silver Cliff Road, 
Huerfano County, July 15, 1909; Trinidad, September 25, 1909 (C.C.); Colorado Springs, 
May 18, 1903 (C.C.); between Douglas Spring and Snake River, Moffat County, June 29, 
1907 (C.C.). 

Family TErpar 

Cnemidophorus sexlineatus (Linnaeus) 

Barr, June 1, 1908 (C.C.); Canyon City, July, 1913; Joe Davis Gulch, Dolores 
River, August 8, 1914 (451); reported as common in Dolores Canyon and north and south 

of Paradox Valley in 1914 by Henderson. 


Family CoLuBRIDAE 
Thamnophis radix (Baird and Girard) 

This garter snake and Thamnophis parietalis (Say) are the first 
snakes to appear in the spring about Boulder. They are found to- 
gether near the temporary pools, feeding upon the little tree frog, 
Chorophilus triseriatus (Wied), which also frequents these pools. 
We have not taken the Plains Garter Snake in any situation above 
6,500 feet near the foothills. 

The Plains Garter Snake has a fatal habit of coming on the rail- 
road track during the early days to enjoy the heat of the bare ballast 
and the iron rails. On one occasion seven dead, but recently killed, 
specimens of this snake were found on a half-mile of track, immedi- 
ately after the passing of a train. 

Thamnophis parietalis (Say) 

Boulder, April 15, May 10 and 17, 1914 (433, 436, and 439). 

Thamnophis megalops (Kennicott) 
Pine River, La Plata County, fall of 1906 (C.C.). 

Thamnophis elegans (Baird and Girard) 


Bedrock, April 24, 1908 (C.C.); Chambers Ranch, near Glenn Eyrie, El Paso County, 
May, 1908 (C.C.); Dolores River, San Miguel County, August, 1914 (442); Naturita, 
June 12, 1914 (443). 

Ophibolus doliatus genitilis (Baird and Girard) 

Flagstaff Mountain, Boulder, above 6,000 ft., May 18, 1914 (438). 



Pityophis catenifer sayi (Schlegel) 

Greeley, June 15, 1902 (C.C.); Marshall, Boulder County, May 19, 1914 (441); 
Hortense Hot Springs, near Buena Vista, about 9,000 ft., June 8, 1914 (497). 

This bull snake is quite common in the upper Arkansas River 
valley near hot springs. Several persons assured us that large 
specimens of this species were often seen about the Hortense and 
Cottonwood Springs late in November. 

Pityophis catenifer bellona (Baird and Girard) 

Douglas Spring, Moffat County, June 25, 1907 (C.C.);  Naturita, June 15, 1914 
(457); reported as fairly common from Naturita to Little Gypsum Creek in 1914 by 

Tropidonotus sipedon fasciatus (Linnaeus) 
Greeley, May 12, 1903 (C.C.). 

Liopeltis vernalis (DeKay) 
Several reports of this little snake have reached us from the upper 
South Platte River valley and Park County. One of these reports, 
which seemed reliable in every detail, mentions this snake as occurring 
above 9,500 feet. We have no specimens from this part of the state, 
although we have previously recorded this snake from Palmer Lake, 
El Paso County.t There is a specimen of this snake in the Museum 
of the State Agricultural College, from Steamboat Springs, Colorado. 

Zamenis constrictor flaviventris (Say) 
Boulder, September 11, 1913 (289). 

t Univ. Colo. Studies, Vol. X, p. 100, 1913. 


Tantilla nigriceps Kennicott 

LaJunta, data incomplete (C.C.); Boulder, December, 1914 (500). 

The Boulder specimen of this snake was taken from a trench 
which was being dug for pipe lines in the city limits. Just how far 
below the surface the snake was when uncovered was not learned, 
The record of this species in Boulder is apparently the most northern 
for the species, and places it nearer the mountains than it has previ- 
ously been taken.” 

Family CroTaLIDAE 

Crotalus confluentus Say 

Near Paradox Valley, June 1914 (452); Paradox Valley, June 15, 1914 (455); Gypsum 
Creek, tributary of the Dolores River, June, 1914 (456); reported common in the San 
Miguel and Dolores River regions, south and west of Naturita in 1914 by Henderson. 

Chelydra serpentina (Linnaeus) 

Several specimens of this turtle have been taken in the tributaries 
of Boulder Creek near Boulder during the past two years. One 
specimen, brought to the Museum of the University of Colorado 
during March, 1914, had been dug out of a straw pile where it was 
wintering, and was quite stupid when received. After being placed 
in the tank in the building it soon became active and remained so, 
although it was several weeks before active turtles were found out of 
doors. | 

Chrysemys belli (Gray) 

Greeley, March 9, 1903 (C.C.); Wray, June, ror4. 

Bell’s Turtle is reported as common, often abundant, in many of the 
ponds and lakes of eastern Colorado. 

t Univ. Colo. Studies, Vol. X, p. 106, 1913. 


Mh | 


Witt mM 


. ae ae 
The onl bia and reptilia of Colorado /