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VOLUME 72 > 




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‘As described (Haughton et al. 1927)... 

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BULLOUGH, W. S. 1960. Practical invertebrate anatomy. 2nd ed. London: Macmillan. 

FISCHER, P.—H. 1948. Données sur la résistance et de le vitalité des mollusques. J. Conch., Paris 88: 100-140. 

FISCHER, P.-H., DuvaL, M. & Rarry, A. 1933. Etudes sur les échanges respiratoires des littorines. Archs 
Zool. exp. gén. 74: 627-634. 

Konn, A. J. 1960a. Ecological notes on Conus (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the Trincomalee region of Ceylon. 
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (13) 2: 309-320. 

Koun, A. J. 19606. Spawning behaviour, egg masses and larval development in Conus from the Indian Ocean. 
Bull. Bingham oceanogr. Coll. 17 (4): 1-51. 

THIELE, J. 1910. Mollusca: B. Polyplacophora, Gastropoda marina, Bivalvia. In: SCHULTZE, L. Zoologische 
und anthropologische Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise im westlichen und zentralen Siid-Afrika 4: 269-270. 
Jena: Fischer. Denkschr. med.-naturw. Ges. Jena 16: 269-270. 

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Volume 72 Band 
January 1977 Januarie 
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South African Museum, Cape Town 



Sea Fisheries Branch, Walvis Bay* 

(With 11 figures and 3 tables) 

LMS. accepted 23 August 1976] 


The development of yolk-sac, larval and metamorphic stages of Sardinops ocellata (Pappe) 
are described, together with notes on the transition to juveniles. Emphasis is placed on changes 
in body proportions, pigmentation, fin development and fin position relative to myotomes 
during development. 



Introduction : : : 3 ; bi A) 
Material and methods 2 ; ; : 127 
General description . 3 : 5 29 
Yolk-sac stage larvae. : : el29 
Manvaci 5 ; : : ; : 132 
Metamorphic stage larvae. : a) 1ske) 
Juveniles . : ; : : : : 143 
Discussion . ; : ‘ ‘ : . 144 
Acknowledgements . : ; : ; 144 
References . 2 : : : ; ga) ale) 


The pilchard or sardine, Sardinops ocellata (Pappe), has for about 30 years 
been of considerable importance to the commercial fisheries off the western 
Cape and South West African coasts. Research on the biology of this species 
has continued since its initiation by D. H. Davies in the 1950s. This research has 
been intensified since September 1970 with the commencement of the Cape 

*Present address: Sea Fisheries Branch, Cape Town. 

Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 72 (7), 1976: 125-145, 11 figs, 3 tables. 


Cross Programme (Cram & Visser 1972) which was instigated by the decline 
of the South West African pelagic fishing industry in 1968. The South West 
African Pelagic Egg and Larval Survey (SWAPELS), forming part of the Cape 
Cross Programme, was started in September 1972. The purpose of this 
SWAPELS programme was that of stock assessment of the pilchard and anchovy 
by means of an intensive quantitative egg and larva survey off the South West 
African coast. A prerequisite of this type of work is accurate identification 
of the larvae concerned, based on adequate descriptions of the larvae at all 
stages of their development so that pilchard and anchovy larvae can be readily 
distinguished from one another, and also from any other clupeid-type larvae 
which may occur in the area. It has thus been decided to present detailed descrip- 
tions of the development of the pilchard, Sardinops ocellata, and the anchovy, 
Engraulis capensis, as and when sufficient larval material of the two species 
becomes available. In addition, in western Cape waters, the larvae of the red-eye 
sardine, Etrumeus teres, are found in considerable numbers, and their similarity 
to the larvae of Sardinops ocellata and Engraulis capensis necessitates a detailed 
description of the larvae of Etrumeus teres. At present, however, the available 
material lacks certain stages of Engraulis capensis and Etrumeus teres. Conse- 
quently the present paper deals only with the development of Sardinops 

Some confusion exists in the taxonomy of Sardinops Hubbs, whichis generally 
accepted as comprising five species, viz. S. caerulea (California), S. sagax (South 
America), S. neopilchardus (New Zealand and Australia), S. melanosticta 
(Japan) and S. ocellata (southern Africa). This distinction is followed for the 
purposes of this paper, although the authors are aware of Svetovidov’s (1952: 
193) classification which places all these as sub-species of Sardinops 

Because of their importance in the commercial fisheries of the world, con- 
siderable interest has been shown in the biology of these species, including 
studies of their egg and larval development. Scofield (1934), Ahlstrom (1943) 
and Miller (1952) have considered the development of S. caerulea; Uchida (1958) 
described the eggs, larvae and juvenile stages of S. melanosticta; Baker (1972) 
included the eggs and larval stages in his study of the biology of S. neopilchardus ; 
Hart & Marshall (1951) recorded larvae of S. ocellata off the South West 
African coast and Davies (1954) described the eggs and larvae of this species 
from Cape waters. 

Davies (1954) obtained the early larval stages of S. ocellata by hatching 
fertilized eggs collected in plankton nets, and later stages directly from plankton 
samples. He pointed out that the most important diagnostic feature of the 
larvae is the characteristic pigmentation and described briefly the yolk-sac, 
larval and juvenile stages mainly in respect of their pigment pattern and the 
development of the fins. As has already been pointed out, it was found necessary 
to describe the development in greater detail to ensure reliable identification 
and separation from the larvae of Engraulis capensis and Etrumeus teres. 



Figure | shows the area off the South West African coast where pilchard 
larvae were collected between August and December 1972, at the start of the 
SWAPELS programme. Material was obtained by the R.S. Sardinops of the 
Sea Fisheries Branch, in monthly plankton samples at fixed stations between 
Cape Frio and Hollam’s Bird Island. A detailed description of SWAPELS 
methods is given by King & Robertson (1973). Bongo nets of 57 cm and 18 cm 
diameters, with mesh sizes of 0,940 mm and 0,300 mm respectively, were fished 
in oblique tows from the surface to a depth of 50 metres at each station. Pilchard 
larvae sorted from the plankton were preserved in 5 per cent formalin. Yolk-sac 
larvae were not obtained in the plankton hauls, but information regarding 
these early stages was obtained by hatching, in the laboratory, fertilized pilchard 
eggs taken at sea and identified from the descriptions of Sardinops eggs (Davies 
1954; Baker 1972). The larvae reared in the laboratory did not survive beyond 
the yolk-sac stage. 

A total of 164 larval and juvenile specimens from the study area were 
examined in detail for pigmentation, fin development, fin position relative to 
myotomes (and relative to vertebrae in metamorphosing and early juvenile 
specimens) and changes in body proportions during development. Juvenile 
material was supplemented by specimens from Cape waters in order to document 
the development of scale cover. 

In each specimen fin rays were counted and, in addition, the total number 
of myotomes, the number of myotomes from cleithrum to pelvic fin, cleithrum 
to dorsal fin, cleithrum to anal fin and end of dorsal fin to the origin of the anal 
fin were determined. Myotome counts were made from the first complete 
myotome behind the cleithrum to the myotome immediately preceding the fin 
concerned, this being taken at the extreme dorsal portion of the myotome in 
the case of the dorsal fin and the extreme ventral portion in the case of the anal 
and pelvic fins. However, since most earlier studies on clupeid larvae (e.g. 
Ford 1930) cleared larval specimens and stained bones using alizarin in order 
to relate fin position to vertebrae, 24 specimens between 18,8 mm s.l. and 38,58 
mm s.l. were cleared and stained (Hollister 1934) so that fin movements at 
metamorphosis in S. ocellata could be compared with the changes described for 
other species during this stage of development. 

Measurements of head length, eye diameter, snout length, body depth 
(at the base of the pectoral fin) and lengths to dorsal, anal and pelvic fins were 
related to standard length. In considering metamorphosis of the larvae it was 
found that measurements from snout to dorsal and anal fins (as used by Lebour 
1921 and Baker 1972) did not reflect clearly the changes in fin position 
evident in myotome (and vertebral) counts. This was found to be attributable 
to the increased rate of head growth and therefore measurements between the 
cleithrum and dorsal fin and cleithrum and anal fin were used instead. The 
measurements in the figures refer to standard length. 


. Cape Frio 

Rocky Point 


a Palgrave Point 

\.Ca pe Cross 

\, Hollams Bird Is 

Fig. 1. Map of South West African coast, showing the grid (small dots) of the SWAPELS 
programme. Large dots indicate stations at which Sardinops ocellata larvae were obtained. 



Sardinops ocellata larvae pass through three stages of development after 
hatching and before attaining the juvenile stage. These stages are the yolk-sac 
stage which may be regarded as a continuation of embryonic development 
subsequent to hatching; the larval stage; and the metamorphic stage when the 
larvae undergo changes and begin to acquire characteristics of the adult. The 
juvenile stage is that in which the fish possess all the basic adult characteristics. 


The newly hatched larvae of S. ocellata are 2,75—2,95 mm in length. The 
head, with unpigmented eyes and undeveloped mouth, is flexed downward 
over the prominent yolk-sac. This yolk-sac is segmented and has a single 
spherical oil globule which is posterior in position. Both yolk-sac and oil globule 
are devoid of pigmentation. The yolk-sac measures 0,8 x 0,6 mm in the newly 
hatched stages but diminishes in size with utilization of the yolk material. 
The dorsal, caudal and anal fin folds are broad and continuous at this stage, 
and the anus is situated closer to the posterior end of the body than to the head. 
The distance from snout to anus is 82-87 per cent of notochordal length in 
newly hatched larvae. 

Even in newly hatched larvae most myotomes (44-47) are clearly defined 
and only the most posterior ones are not very distinct. The end of the vertebral 
column is straight. Pigmentation in newly hatched S. oce/lata 1s typical of 
Sardinops, and indeed of most clupeid larvae (Lebour 1921; Miller 1952; 
Orton 1953; Baker 1972) in that it consists of a few scattered melanophores on 
the dorsal surface of the head and a row of expanded, finely branched melano- 
phores on either side of the dorsal fin fold (Fig. 2A). During the period of 
utilization of the yolk-sac this dorsal pigmentation migrates ventrally as illus- 
trated in Figure 2B. The melanophores in the posterior part of the body are 
the first to complete the ventral migration (Fig. 3A), and this trend continues 
anteriorly until all the melanophores, except those on the head, have attained 
the ventral position (Fig. 3B). 

Soon after the end of pigment migration the arrangement of the melano- 
phores is as follows: 

(1) a few scattered melanophores on the dorsal surface of the head; 

(11) a single large melanophore at the base of the pectoral fin; 

(111) two (or occasionally three) elongated melanophores mid-ventrally, 
anterior to the pectoral fin; 

(iv) six to seven pairs of slightly elongated melanophores along the dorsal 
edge of the anterior half of the gut, i.e. along the ventral edges of the 
myotomes, on either side of the body; 

(v) a double row of four to five alternating pairs of elongate melanophores 
along the ventral surface of the gut, extending from the position of the 
swim-bladder posteriorly, to the anus. 



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(vi) a few (4-5) small melanophores along the ventral edge of the myotomes, 
above the posterior part of the gut (these melanophores are not super- 
ficial, but visible through the muscle tissue of the myotomes); 

(vii) a single very prominent melanophore on the dorsal part of the gut, in 
the position where the gut curves ventrally to the anus; and 

(viii) two groups of melanophores situated mid-ventrally along the tail region 
of the body, 4-5 lying just dorsal to the base of the anal fin (once this is 
developed) and 5-7 close to the tip of the tail and associated with the 
caudal lepidotrichia once these are formed.’ 

A small pectoral bud develops in larvae of about three days and length 
4.0 mm and the first pigmentation of the eye commences a little later, at 5,0 mm 
notochordal length (n.l.). By the time of completion of pigment migration 
(6-day-old larvae, 5,1 mm nl.) the yolk-sac is almost entirely used up and the 
head is no longer flexed. Up to this stage the gut is simple, comprising a long 
narrow tube which, towards the end of the yolk-sac stage, becomes slightly 
wider over its posterior half. Mid-way along the gut and in the position of the 
17th-18th myotomes a small inconspicuous swim-bladder is formed. 

The pectoral fins also show a slight further development by the end of the 
yolk-sac stage in that they are no longer only minute buds but have well-formed 
blades. The dorsal, caudal and ventral fin folds are still fairly broad and con- 
tinuous at this stage, with a slight constriction just before the caudal region, 
especially in the dorsal fin fold. The caudal fin fold is the only region to have 
developed lepidotrichia at this stage. At the end of the yolk-sac stage all myo- 
tomes are visible and number between 48 and 50, with 38 to 40 myotomes 
preceding the anus. 

LARVAE (Fig. 4) 

The end of yolk-sac utilization marks the beginning of a period of larval 
development (5,5 mm n.].-22 mm s.].) during which the major changes taking 
place are in body shape and gradual fin formation. The body becomes elongated, 
the larvae having a characteristic very slender appearance. The continuous fin 
fold which was broad during the yolk-sac stage diminishes progressively and 
has marked constrictions before the caudal region. The ventral fin fold, anterior 
to the anus, becomes obliterated with the increased development of the gut, 
presumably coincidental with the commencement of feeding in the larvae. 

The gut is narrow and straight in the anterior region, curving slightly 
ventrally for a short distance in the mid-body region, below the swim-bladder. 
Posterior to the swim-bladder the gut is wider in diameter and the wall is thicker 
than in the anterior part. Some authors (e.g. Baker 1972) have described this 
posterior region of the gut as a convoluted tube. Examination and dissection 
of the gut in this region have shown, however, that in S. ocellata the gut is in 
fact a straight tube with the wall slightly constricted at close and regular inter- 
vals. Corresponding to these constrictions are thickened areas of the wall which 
protrude into the lumen of the gut. These projections presumably form what 



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D’Ancona (1931) referred to as the spiral valve of the posterior intestine of 
larval clupeids. These thickened areas give the gut a striated appearance which 
we believe has led some authors to regard the gut as convoluted. 

In larvae of S. ocellata the head is slightly elongated and the snout pointed. 
This snout is 3,5—4,6 per cent standard length (s.].) and slightly longer than the 
diameter of the eye. The post-orbital distance (posterior edge of the eye to the 
cleithrum) is greater than the snout length. The bones of the head (not described 
here in any detail) are thin and the lobes of the brain are clearly visible through 
them. The jaws are well formed from an early stage (5-6 mm n.1.) and in larvae 
from about 15 mm s.l. the maxilla reaches to the anterior third of the eye. 
A pair of nostrils, with a complex internal structure, is clearly visible in larval 
stages and becomes increasingly developed through to the juvenile stage. 

Flexion of the notochord occurs between 7,4 mm n.l. and 11,3 mm s.l. 
Fin development progresses fairly rapidly in the larvae from about 9,0 mm s.1., 
when the first rays appear in the dorsal fin fold followed by the first caudal rays 
at 10,5 mm s.l. and the first anal rays at 11,5 mm s.I. Prior to this only lepido- 
trichia were present in the unpaired fins and in the pectorals. The latter, however, 
do not advance beyond this condition, apart from an increase in size, until late 
in larval life. Subsequent development of the dorsal and anal fins proceeds 
apace until 16-17 rays are present in each fin prior to the commencement of 
metamorphosis of the larvae at 22 mm s.]. Additional rays ossify in the anterior 
regions of these fins during metamorphosis so that the full complement of 
dorsal rays (18-20) is reached by 26 mm s.]. and the anal is complete with 
18-20 rays by 29 mm s.]. The last dorsal and anal rays are double from about 
19 mm s.l., and, in addition, the second last anal ray is very deeply branched 
(almost from its base). The last two anal rays are slightly elongated and form a 
‘finlet’ which is characteristic of Sardinops (Svetovidov 1952: 189). Ossification 
of the caudal rays which commenced at 10,5 mm s.l. progresses rapidly so 
that by 13,0 mm s.l. 13-15 rays are visible, although not completely developed. 
At this stage the ventral part of the caudal fin is more advanced than the dorsal 
part. By 18,1 mm s.1. (Fig. 4B) all 19 primary caudal rays are formed, and some 
of them are slightly branched. Some secondary rays are also present. By 20,0 mm 
s.l. the branching of the 17 inner primary caudal rays is appreciable and from 
23,0 mm s.]. the caudal fin rapidly assumes its deeply forked shape (Fig. 5A). 
The pelvic fin appears as a small bud at 18,0 mm s.]. and its first rays start to 
develop at 22-23 mm s.|. The pelvic fin with its full complement of 8 rays, of 
which all except the anterior ones are branched, is fully formed by 26,0 mm s.1. 
The pectoral fin, in which lepidotrichia formed at a very early stage, is the last 
of the fins to complete development. The fin rays form only from 23,0 mm s.l., 
although these are then laid down rapidly so that 15-16 are present by 29 mm 
s.l. and the full complement of 18 rays is reached by 33 mm s.1. Details of fin 
ray development in the paired and unpaired fins are given in Table 1. 

As is evident from Figure 4A—C little change occurs in the general appear- 
ance of the larvae after the end of the yolk-sac stage until 20-22 mm s.l., apart 



Development of fin rays in S. ocellata larvae between 8 mm and 33 mm standard length 

Size range Mean Dorsal Anal Pectoral Pelvic 
(mm) (mm) No. rays rays Caudal rays rays rays 
8,0— 8,9 8,90 1 5-6 t ii t == 
9,0— 9,9 YS) 2 9 t fi t = 

10,0-10,9 10,40 4 9-12 0- 4 T i = 
11,0-11,9 11,65 6 10-14 5- 8 5-9 ii = 
12,0-12,9 12253 7 10-14 7-9 12-15 i = 
13,0-13,9 13,45 22 11-16 8-10 13-15 t = 
14,0-14,9 14,41 12 12-16 10-13 15-17 t = 
15,0-15,9 15,61 9 13-16 13-15 16-18 == 
16,0-16,9 16,18 1 15 13 18 = 
17,0-17,9 17,50 2 Eyer. 14-16 18-19 — 
18,0-18,9 18,51 9 15-16 15-17 $#+ 19 +4 t bud 
19,0-19,9 19,53 15 15-17 15-17 1+ 19 $ bud 
20,0-20,9 20,27 8 16-17 15-17 Poe NEN el bud 
21,0-21,9 21,60 3 16-17 15-17 2+ 19 +1 bud 
22,0-22,9 ns 0 — ~- ao — — 

23,0-23,9 23,41 3 17-18 17 ae Oy Bey 3-5 4-5 

24,0-24,9 24,70 3 18 NY 5-+- 19. +4 6-8 6-7 

25,0-25,9 25,06 1 18 17 Se Me Wee i 7 

26,0-26,9 26,29 2 18-20 17-18 6S) 190-5 10-12 8 

27,0-27,9 DOT 1 19 17 64-7 19° 525 11 8 

28,0-28,9 28,58 1 20 17 7+ 19 +45 15 8 

29,0-29,9 29,59 3} 19-20 18-20 Sep LOT 15-16 8 

30,0-30,9 30,97 1 20 18 8+ 19 +7 17 8 

31,0-31,9 31533 D} 19-20 19-20 8+ 19 47 iL 8 

32,0-32,9 — 0 —- — -- = — 

33,0-33,9 33,67 2 18-19 19-20 Jae WE Sea 18 8 

+ indicates lepidotrichia present, but no rays. 

Caudal fin counts, from 18 mm s.]. are preceded and followed by additional counts; these 
indicate the number of secondary caudal rays on the dorsal and ventral parts of the caudal fin 

from the fin development described above. The dorsal and anal fins are situated 
far posteriorly on the long slender larvae. The origin of the dorsal fin occurs 
above the 29th myotome when thickening first appears in the dorsal fin fold, 
but lies over myotomes 23-26 once the dorsal fin nears completion, since the 
anterior rays are the last to develop. The anal fin origin lies below 39-41 in 
very young larvae and below myotomes 36-38 in older larvae. The end of the 
dorsal fin and origin of the anal fin are separated by 6-8 myotomes. At the time 
when the pelvic fin first forms it occupies a position corresponding to the 15th, 
16th or 17th myotome, and is situated well in front of the origin of the dorsal 
fin. The pelvic fin and the origin of the dorsal fin are separated by 8-10 myo- 
tomes prior to metamorphosis. 

The pattern of pigmentation of the larvae shows little change during 
larval development and remains basically that attained at the end of the yolk- 
sac stage. However, there is an increase in the number of melanophores con- 
tributing to this pattern. The 6-7 pairs of elongate melanophores along the 
ventral edge of the myotomes, adjacent to the anterior half of the gut increase 


to 9-11 pairs at 11 mm s.]. and become even more numerous, but less elongate, 
at the end of the larval stage (Fig. 4C). There is a similar increase in the number 
of mid-ventral melanophores on the posterior half of the gut and the number 
of embedded melanophores above the posterior half of the gut increases to 
10 pairs at 11 mmss.]. and there are as many as 17 pairs of these melanophores 
at 23 mm s.l. with additional smaller melanophores scattered in between them. 
Moreover, at the end of the larval stage, there is some pigmentation of the 
caudal fin. This comprises melanophores formed along the edges of the rays 
and arranged to form transverse rows, parallel to the outline of the caudal 
fin (Fig. 4C). A few melanophores also develop on the proximal radials of the 
dorsal fin base. From 17-18 mm s.]. a few isolated melanophores appear mid- 
laterally along the body and these gradually become more numerous. From the 
time the pelvic rays commence development there is usually a single large 
melanophore just anterior to the base of the pelvic fin. 


From 22 mm s.]. the larvae of S. ocellata undergo marked changes in body 
proportions and pigmentation, which result in larvae of 22-32 mm s.l. being 
termed metamorphic stage larvae. The various body proportions which were 
studied for the complete developmental series are illustrated in Figures 6-10. 
These graphs show that the body proportions all remain constant relative to 
standard length until the larvae attain the size of 22 mm s.l., at which stage 
changes in body depth, head length and in the position of the dorsal, anal and 
pelvic fins commence. Some of these characters show further changes at 33-36 
mm s.I., thus indicating the final transition to the juvenile condition. 

The onset of metamorphosis is indicated by changes in head growth and 
body depth and in the commencement of the ventral growth of the myotomes. 
During the larval stage the head length increases constantly in relation to the 
standard length. At the start of metamorphosis, however, the rate of increase 
of the head length accelerates (Fig. 6). The increase in body depth (measured 
as depth at the pectoral base) follows the pattern of change in head growth but 
to a more marked degree (Fig. 7). In addition to this overall increase in body 
depth in larvae of more than 22 mm s.l., it may be seen from Figure 4C that 
the myotomes at this stage start to grow ventrally so that they begin to cover 
the gut. At 23 mm s.l. the myotomes merely obscure the dorsal edge of the gut, 
but their expansion becomes more marked, first over the anterior half of the 
gut and later extending also over the posterior half of the gut, so that by 29,5 mm 
s.l. the gut is almost entirely covered by myotome tissue, except for a small 
area Close to the anus. At this stage, however, they have not yet fused ventrally. 
In larvae of 30-31 mm s.]. most myotomes anterior to the pelvic fins are fused 
mid-ventrally and the first two or three scutes have developed in the most 
anterior mid-ventral region. 

In common with the development of other clupeids, one of the most 
marked features of metamorphosis in S. oce/lata is the alteration in the position 



‘uoleusWsId [esIop Jo JUNOWIL 
9]qRAIPISUOD B puv dJo/CWOS UONRASIW UY YUM o8e}s ofluoAnf AjIeg “gq “suoIsod uy ul UOIeJOI]e SUIMOYS VAIL] O3v}S 1YdIOWRIZJ, “YW “¢ ‘SI 

WwW 7'ZZ 

Head Length (mm) 


of the dorsal and anal fins which occurs during this stage. Instead of the steady 
rate of increase shown in the distances from cleithrum to dorsal fin and cleithrum 
to anal fin (Figs 8-9) during the larval stage, metamorphic stage larvae show a 
slight decrease in cleithrum to dorsal fin distance and only a very slight con- 
tinued increase in cleithrum to anal fin distance. These changes in the pattern 
of growth occur in larvae of 24-33 mm s.|. They can be attributed to the anterior 
migration of the dorsal and anal fins, relative to myotomes and vertebrae. Most 
authors (Lebour 1921; Ford 1930; Ahlstrom 1943, 1968) documented fin 
migration relative to vertebrae, but others (Schnakenbeck 1929; Baker 1972) 
used myotomes. Attempts to stain vertebrae in specimens 18-20 mm s.l. were 
not satisfactory as the most anterior vertebrae did not take up the alizarin dye, 
although older stages stained satisfactorily. This precluded the determination 
of fin position relative to vertebrae in pre-metamorphic larvae. For this reason 
fin position relative to myotomes was used as this could be determined through- 

8 . @ 


| Pe 
24 at 
it iii 2 i ioe i= 25> 

Standard Length (mm) 

Fig. 6. Graph of increase in head length with increase in standard length. Note acceleration 
of head growth from 22 mm s.1. 


Depth at Pectoral Base (mm) 

10 20 40 50 60 

Standard Length (mm) 

Fig. 7. Graph of body depth (as depth at pectoral base) versus standard length. Initial decrease 
(2-5 mm s.l.) is due to yolk-sac utilization. Note increased rate of deepening of body from 
23 mm s.1. 

Cleithrum to Dorsal Fin 

Standard Length (mm) 

Fig. 8. Graph of distance from cleithrum to dorsal fin versus standard length, showing a 
decrease during the phase of anterior migration of the dorsal fin. 


out development. However, to permit comparison of fin migration in S. ocellata 
with that which occurs in other species of Sardinops, fin positions relative to 
vertebrae in late larval and metamorphic stages are given in Table 2. Some 
differences in counts (usually of 1-3) are evident between the two methods and 
these differences can be attributed to two factors. Firstly, only complete myo- 
tomes posterior to the cleithrum were counted and this omits 1-2 incomplete 
myotomes at the anterior region of the body. Secondly, vertebral counts were 
taken at positions vertically below or above the fins concerned, but myotome 
counts at dorsal and ventral edges adjacent to the fin origins. The <-shape of 
the myotomes makes a further difference of 1-2 in the counts as the anterior 
region of the myotome corresponds to a vertebral centrum |-2 centra anterior 
to the one below the posterior part of the myotome. (This difference is slightly 
greater in older specimens, e.g. 38,58 mm juvenile.) However, as the two methods 
reflect similar changes during metamorphosis, myotome counts can be accepted 
as a reliable method of documenting fin migration. 


Fin position relative to myotome (M) and vertebral (V) counts 
in late larval and metamorphic stages of S. ocellata. 

Length Dorsal Fin Anal Fin Pelvic Fin 
(mm) M V M V M V 
18,80 25 — 38 — —_— — 
19,00 24 — 37 — —_ — 
19,22 25 — 38 17 — 
19,63 24 26 37 39 16 18 
19,71 24 — 37 — 15 — 
19,87 25526 ay) 3S) Se 
19,96 24 — 36 — 15 — 
20,54 24 — 38 16 — 
20,70 23 — 38 — 15 — 
21,68 22. 24 36 «38 Seley 
23,16 237 25 36 38 16 18 
24,64 22, 24 36 638 NG 17 
24,64 DD DA 36 638 1S ssaetl7 
24,81 23 26 36 639 16 18 
25,06 2 25 35) 38 NS l7/ 
26,29 2) 24 sy 3i1/ WG. 7 
26,29 Die28 815) S30/ ey 9/ 
28,58 19 22 34 36 16 18 
29,56 19 22 313} = 36 17 18 
29,56 ls} 115) 33 36 16 18 
29,64 Oe 22 335536 Lg alts} 
30,97 ie 9, 313} - 36 IS) 7 
31,20 14 17 31 34 Ne iS) 
38,58 13 7 SileS6 16 20 



Cleithrum to Anal 


As is evident from Figure 11 the number of myotomes preceding the dorsal 
fin (open triangles) is 22—25 in larvae of 20-23 mm s.1., but from 24 mm s.]. the 
number decreases sharply due to the forward migration of the fin. This con- 
tinues until the fin reaches the position of myotomes 10-13 at 33-35 mm s.]. 
Migration of the dorsal fin ceases at this size, having covered the extent of 10-12 
myotomes. Migration of the anal fin (Fig. 11—closed triangles) is not as exten- 
sive as that of the dorsal fin, but nevertheless is quite considerable. The origin 
of the anal fin shifts from the position of myotomes 36-38 at 20-25 mm s.l., 
to reach myotome 31 at 31-33 mm s.1.—thus involving a shift over 5-7 myo- 
tomes. At the end of migration the end of the dorsal fin and the origin of the 
anal fin are separated by five myotomes. Once the larvae attain the size of 
33-35 mm s.l. the increases in the distances from cleithrum to dorsal fin and 
cleithrum to anal fin resume their pre-metamorphic rates (Figs 8-9). This can 
be regarded as an indication of the end of the metamorphic stage and the attain- 
ment of the juvenile stage. 

During metamorphosis the rate of increase in distance from cleithrum to 
pelvic fin diminishes for a short growth interval (23-26 mm s.I.) (Fig. 10). This 
cannot be explained by any forward shift in pelvic fin position relative to myo- 
tomes as the fin retains its position at myotomes 15-17 (or vertebrae 17-18) 
as in the late larval stages when the pelvic bud first appeared. However, later 
in development the pelvic fin shifts posteriorly relative to vertebrae (but not 
relative to myotomes) and comes to lie vertically below vertebrae 19-20. With 
the migrations of the dorsal and pelvic fins, their positions relative to one 

Pal 4 
10 do : 30 / 40 u 50 z ab 

Standard Length (mm) 

Fig. 9. Graph of distance from cleithrum to anal fin versus standard length, showing reduction 
in rate of increase whilst anal fin undergoes anterior migration between 23 mm and 33 mm s.1. 


20 30 40 50 60 
Standard Length (mm) 
Fig. 10. Graph of distance from cleithrum to pelvic fin versus standard length. 
40-| Ah Ab AbA aA Bb ed 
ms Pore swe we Sy a a 
ba AA A mmAs dA 
4 samme 4 a 
a ae AA 
4 aa fk Re . 
aa a a a a 
Pe aay 444 a aa 
a 44 44644 
a ASS Ares A a 
Ada sayy a 
Pavars¥orswavan ay a 
Faravavesvec ay 
a4 44 a 
4 44 
A 4A 
a A 
A a 
10 a a 
T es a ied ee ee Sa 
aa to 20. r 30 do 50 60 

Standard Length (mm) 

Fig. 11. Graph of the number of myotomes from cleithrum to anal fin (closed triangles) and 

cleithrum to dorsal fin (open triangles) indicating the anterior migration of the fins from 

23 mm s.]. The gradual decrease in number of myotomes to 23 mm s.1. is due to development 
of additional fin rays. 


another alter and instead of the pelvic fin lying anterior to the dorsal origin, 
it lies vertically below the dorsal origin at 27-29 mm s.l. and by 32-33 mm s.1. 
the pelvic origin corresponds to a position below the middle of the base of the 
dorsal fin as is the case in adults of the species. 

Throughout the larval stage both pectoral and pelvic fins lack ossified 
rays. Ossification of rays in the paired fins commences in larvae over 22 mm s.L., 
i.e. at the onset of the metamorphic stage. By the time the juvenile stage is 
reached fin ray development is complete in paired and unpaired fins (Table 1). 

Pigmentation also changes quite markedly during the metamorphic stage. 
With the ventral growth of the myotomes, much of the larval pigment pattern 
near the gut is obliterated or lost. It is replaced by pigment spots which form 
beneath the myotomes, along the dorsal surface of the gut (? on the peritoneum) 
and which are partially visible through the myotomes. The melanophores which 
first appeared in larvae of 17-18 mm s.]. along the mid-lateral sides of the body, 
become far more numerous, especially from 25-26 mm s.|., so that the larvae 
develop a fairly dark mid-lateral band of pigment (Fig. 5A). Furthermore, a 
large number of melanophores appears along the dorsal surface of the body. 
These are stellate melanophores and are arranged in lines which follow closely 
the edges of the myotomes, with a few melanophores scattered in between. 
In spite of the appearance of this quite considerable amount of pigment on the 
dorsal surface of the body, which might be considered an approach towards 
the adult coloration, larvae of 30-32 mm s.l. are still predominantly pale, as 
were the earlier larvae. Pigmentation on the head also increases, particularly 
on the dorsal surface of the head, in the region of the parietals, and there are 
scattered melanophores on the opercular and circumorbital bones. 

Scale development commences towards the end of the metamorphic stage. 
Since few specimens of 30-45 mm s.I. were available from the main study area, 
the material was supplemented with specimens of that size range used in the 
study by Davies (1954) and the 1950-67 egg and larval survey in Cape waters 
(Haigh 1972: 49, 66, fig. 9). Scales are first formed at 30 mm s.]. These develop 
on the caudal peduncle and are arranged in an anteriorly pointing ‘V’ pattern. 
The scale-covered area enlarges rapidly so that it reaches the area above the 
anal fin by 31,5 mm s.I. and by 33 mm s.l. all of the body posterior to the mid- 
region of the dorsal fin base is covered. By 36 mm s.I. scale cover reaches 
anteriorly to the cleithrum, but anterior to the dorsal fin the scales do not 
overlap. Scale development is completed early in the juvenile stage. 


The juvenile stage is that in which the metamorphic changes are complete 
and the young fish resembles the adult. As can be seen from Figure 5B the 
juvenile fish resembles the adult in shape; in addition to the pigment which 
appeared during metamorphosis, the dorsal part of the body is covered with 
small closely arranged melanophores, which give the fish the dark dorsal and 
light ventral appearance of the adult; the head is extensively pigmented, and 


on the opercular bones the radial ridges are clearly visible; the entire body is 
covered with scales and ventral scutes are present anterior to and behind the 
pelvic fins; the last two anal rays are distinctly longer than the more anterior 
rays, and the pelvic and pectoral fins are well developed. 

As juvenile development proceeds pigmentation on the dorsal area of the 
body increases further, and silvery pigment develops on the lateral and ventral 
parts of the body from about 37 mm s.]. and the row of dark pigment spots 
which is characteristic of adult pigmentation forms from 45 mm s.]. 


In yolk-sac and larval stages of development Sardinops ocellata follows 
closely the pattern of development described for S. caerulea (Miller 1952), 
S. neopilchardus (Baker 1972) and S. melanosticta (Uchida 1958). However, 
it is evident that some differences do occur in the development of these species, 
during the later phases of larval life. These differences are in the number of 
myotomes or vertebrae over which the fins migrate and also the relative sizes 
at which the changes occur. These differences are summarized in Table 3. 


Comparison of late stages of development in species of Sardinops 

ocellata caerulea neopilchardus — melanosticta 
(Ahlstrom (Baker (Uchida 
1968) 1972) 1958*) 
Posterior migrationof pelvicfins 2 vertebrae 3 vertebrae 5 myotomes ? 
Final position of pelvic fins .  18—20th 22nd 22nd 
vertebrae vertebra myotome u 
Anterior migration of dorsal fin 10-12 10 10-12 
myotomes vertebrae myotomes i 
Final position of dorsal fin . 10-13th 18th 14-16th 
myotomes vertebra myotomes ? 
Metamorphic stage. : . 22-32 mm 25-40 mm 25-35 mm ? 30-40 mm 
Sil: s.l. Salk sal 
Juvenile : ; : : . 33 mms.l. 40 mm s.l. 35 mm s.]. ? 42 mm s.l. 

* Text in Japanese, information from figures and legends only. 


The authors would like to express their thanks to the Sea Fisheries Branch, 
Walvis Bay (E.L.) and the South African Museum (M.J.O’T.) for the 
co-operation of these institutions during visits in the course of this study. 
Thanks also to Dr N. A. H. Millard and Miss M. A. Roeleveld for their helpful 
criticisms of the manuscript. 



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HO .uisTer, G. 1934. Clearing and dyeing fish for bone study.— Zoologica, N.Y. 12: 89-101. 

Kina, D. P. & Rosertson, A. A. 1973. Methods of pelagic fish egg and larval research in 
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Lepour, M. V. 1921. The larval and post-larval stages of pilchard, sprat and herring from 
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SCOFIELD, E. C. 1934. Early life history of the California sardine (Sardina caerulea) with special 
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Svetovipoy, A. N. 1952. Fauna of U.S.S.R. Fishes. Vol. Il No. 1: Clupeidae.— Opred. Faune 
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Kyushu University. 



6. SYSTEMATIC papers must conform with the International code of zoological nomenclature 
(particularly Articles 22 and 51). 

Names of new taxa, combinations, synonyms, etc., when used for the first time, must be 
followed by the appropriate Latin (not English) abbreviation, e.g. gen. nov., sp. nov., comb. 
nov., Syn. nov., etc. 

An author’s name when cited must follow the name of the taxon without intervening 
punctuation and not be abbreviated; if the year is added, a comma must separate author’s 
name and year. The author’s name (and date, if cited) must be placed in parentheses if a 
species or subspecies is transferred from its original genus. The name of a subsequent user of 
a scientific name must be separated from the scientific name by a colon. 

Synonymy arrangement should be according to chronology of names, i.e. all published 
scientific names by which the species previously has been designated are listed in chronological 
order, with all references to that name following in chronological order, e.g.: 

Family Nuculanidae 
Nuculana (Lembulus) bicuspidata (Gould, 1845) 
Figs 14-15A 
Nucula (Leda) bicuspidata Gould, 1845: 37. 
Leda plicifera A. Adams, 1856: 50. 
Laeda bicuspidata Hanley, 1859: 118, pl. 228 (fig. 73). Sowerby, 1871: pl. 2 (figs 8a—b). 
Nucula largillierti Philippi, 1861: 87. 
Leda bicuspidata: Nicklés, 1950: 163, fig. 301; 1955: 110. Barnard, 1964: 234, figs 8-9. 

Note punctuation in the above example: 
comma separates author’s name and year 
semicolon separates more than one reference by the same author 
full stop separates references by different authors 
figures of plates are enclosed in parentheses to distinguish them from text-figures 
dash, not comma, separates consecutive numbers 

Synonymy arrangement according to chronology of bibliographic references, whereby 
the year is placed in front of each entry, and the synonym repeated in full for each entry, is 
not acceptable. 

In describing new species, one specimen must be designated as the holotype; other speci- 
mens mentioned in the original description are to be designated paratypes; additional material 
not regarded as paratypes should be listed separately. The complete data (registration number, 
depository, description of specimen, locality, collector, date) of the holotype and paratypes 
must be recorded, e.g.: 

SAM-—A13535 in the South African Museum, Cape Town. Adult female from mid-tide region, King’s Beach, 
Port Elizabeth (33°51’S 25°39’E), collected by A. Smith, 15 January 1973. 

Note standard form of writing South African Museum registration numbers and date. 


Capital initial letters 

(a) The Figures, Maps and Tables of the paper when referred to in the text 
e.g. ‘... the Figure depicting C. namacolus ...’; ‘.. . in C. namacolus (Fig. 10)...’ 

(b) The prefixes of prefixed surnames in all languages, when used in the text, if not preceded 
by initials or full names 
e.g. DuToit but A.L.du Toit; Von Huene but F. von Huene 

(c) Scientific names, but not their vernacular derivatives 
e.g. Therocephalia, but therocephalian 

Punctuation should be loose, omitting all not strictly necessary 

Reference to the author should be expressed in the third person 

Roman numerals should be converted to arabic, except when forming part of the title of a 
book or article, such as 
“Revision of the Crustacea. Part VII. The Amphipoda.’ 

Specific name must not stand alone, but be preceded by the generic name or its abbreviation 
to initial capital letter, provided the same generic name is used consecutively. 

Name of new genus or species is not to be included in the title: it should be included in the 
abstract, counter to Recommendation 23 of the Code, to meet the requirements of 
Biological Abstracts. 

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