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Full text of "Annual catalogue of esculent vegetable and other seeds of the choicest American and imported varieties"

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Historic, archived document 

Do not assume content reflects current 
scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 


1835 & 1836. 

—SSS Se 






N. B. Tue Seeps are of the finest quality, and such as will recom- 
mend themselves. They possess the advantage of being raised under 
our Own observation, or when imported from confidential correspondents 
who grow them expressly for us, of being tested to our satisfaction, and 
their accuracy and vitality are therefore expressly guaranteed. The im- 
ported seeds are mostly obtained from the south of Europe, where they 
become so well matured, that they preserve their vitality far better than 
English seeds, the latter being so humid acclimate. The Catalogue will 
be found to contain many new and very choice varieties never before of- 
Jered to the public, and incomparably superior to many of the old varie- 
ties ; and it isintended to enrich this branch of the business with the 
same zeal which has been extended to the other departments. A Sup- 
plementary Catalogue is annexed, enumerating above’ 600 varieties of 
Annual, Biennial, and Perennial Flower Seeds, very many of which are 
of extreme rarity ; and they being mostly collected from Plants in this 
establishment, their excellence maybe relied on. ‘The principal object 
in view is to furnish venders of Seeds with wholesale quantities at rea- 
sonable rates, but to accommodate our correspondents we cannot object 
to furnishing smaller parcels for family gardens when applied for. Spe- 
cimen beds are sown of every variety, for the inspection of visiters ; and 
accurate descriptions are made for the purpose of perfecting a cheap work 
which it is proposed to publish, contai escriptions of the different 


if ey 

‘ i, : : ~" 3 2 
2 | 
varieties of Esculent Vegetables, &c. with directions for their cul- 

ture, &c. 
aig A liberal discount will be made on large orders, or where a re- 

mittance is made in advance. All orders for Seeds must be sent direct, 4 
and no person whatever ts authorized to sell seeds for us,or on our ac- 
count. ~ 

per oz.| Per Pound. 
~ cents/Dollars| Cents, 

ARTICHOKE, Globe - - - 25 = 
ASPARAGUS, ‘Common - 10 . 
Large German Giant, or Barly Dutch (ie 
Large Battersea 12 
Large While Reading, or remand 12 
BE ANS: English Dwarf— per qt. Per Bushel. 
Broad Windsor, or Toker - - 25 
Taylor’s Largest Windsor - - 25 
Green Windsor, or Green Lima - 37 
Early Long Pod - : - 25 
Sword Long Pod, very prolific _ 25 
Nonpareil, or Green Long Pod - 25 
Early Mazagan - - = pee 25 
Horse — - - - - - 25)" 
Heligoland 25 
BEANS, Kidney, Dinarf. Bush or Snaps— os 
Early White Cluster = - . 20 
Early Mohawk, Six Weeks, or Purple 
Speckled - 5 
New Black speckled ] Miohank - - 25 
Yellow Six Weeks “ . - 25 
Early dun colored, or Quaker - 25 ” 
Pale dun colored - - - 25] 
China Dwarf, white with red eye - do 
Dwarf Crescent, white with pink eye do 
Dwarf White Cranberry - - do 
Dwarf Red Cranberry - - - « do 
Yellow Cranberry - - ~ do 
Large White Kidney - do 
Warrington, Red Morey, or Red Speck 
led Valentine do 
White Marrow, - << = - do 
Early Yellow Rob Roy — - - ao - 
Refugee, or Thousand to One - do 4) 
Early Black, extra early . hate do 
French Red Speckled, or Red Swiss 20 
Early Royal Dwarf, white - | 37 
Dwarf Yellow Canada - - - 25 
Tampico Black, very early - - est) 
Early Rachel, speckled a - 25 i 
Bonavista, a "shell hengiy? regal s in hcg -cas 
to the lima - 50 
White Cutlass, of Carolina, for hat cli- ’ 
mates - 29 
° ; lied as 




=S | Early White Flageolet, aoa of all 
ss and very fine - 

Early Gray, or Bagnolet, superior for 

> for pickling - 

> Gray Swiss, or Dwarf Bagnolet - 
= Dwarf White Soissons - - 
French white prolific - . 
3s French red Orleans, very early 

o White Bohemian . = 

‘ Dwarf white Sabre, or Case Knife 

Early French straw colored, extra 
early, and very productive - 

French Dwarf White Eraiesy, or 

y superior new varieties 

Princess - 
Chinese Saffron Comers 

rance, Germany 

are stringless. 


Swiss fawn colored - - 
White Canterbury . - 
a Fulmer’s Early Dwarf - - 
EANS, Pole or Climbing - - - 
Early White - - - - 
Large White Lima - - - 
Small Lima, Sieva, Carolina, Sewee, or 
Butter = - - - - - 
Prolific Lima, early, very rich and produc- 
tive, and suited to northern as well as 
southern climates - - - 
Scarlet Runners, or Spanish - - 
Dutch White Runners - - 

- Dutch White Case Knife, snaps - 
Asparagus, or Yard Pod - . 
Cranberry, Red, snaps - - 

White, snaps - . 

Yellow, snaps’ - 

Pink speckled, or Horticuk 
tural, fine and very productive - 

pie eee are ver 


a ee ern 
rnin © er cen en — 

oe} Cranberry Black reeckied, or Wild 
>= Goose - 
= Cranberry an or ‘the col lored, 
“hi oval - - - 
3B, | Cranberry heen? s, or A la reine, 
3s beautiful - - = - 
se | Seissons, large white, excellent green, 
“2 { as asubstitute for the Lima, or for 
Ss 3 soup t . a — 
a cole, White “ia - - 
='= | French round White - ~~ - 
* = | French Rice Bean, or Riz + 
= Variegated flowering Runners - 
oe i : eee “4! pr oz Per Pound. 
Long Blood Red - 
Early Blood Parnip-ooted, very sweet 


et a a 


Early Yellow Turnip-rooted, or ory Su- 
gar, very sweet - 
Early White Scarcity, or White Sugar, 
for garden and field - 
Early Reds Scarcity - = « 
French Yellow Sugar, Amber, very sweet, 
for garden and field culture - - 
Mangold Wurzel, for field culture - 
Great Silver White, Swiss Carde, or 
Chard, or Sir John Sinclair’s, the tops 
used as asparagus, very hardy =~ 
ee leaved eM or Chard, for Sule 
He ke : 
Green leaved, for ews an soups - 
BORECOLE, OR KALE, Tall green curled 
Scotch Kale, German oe or Siberi- 
an Borecole’ - - 5 
Dwarf green curled, or Gener greens 
Purple | Biue, Red or Brown — 


Dwarf ditto - 
Egyptian—sce Cele Tur nip-rooted Cab- 
bage < 
BROCOLI, Early White . - - é 
Early Purple - - : - 

Green, or Siberian, very hardy - 
Early Large Purple Cape - - 
White Cape, or Cauliflower - - 
Grange’s Early Cape, or Cauliflower 
Early Sprouting - - - “ 
Brimstone, Portsmouth, or Sulphur, cream 
colored and very large - - 
CABBAGE, Early Sane st in season 
Earliest French - - 
Knight’s Early = - » - - 

( Early York - - - ~ 
M’Ewan’s early, pee second heads 
after culling - - : - 
Eavly Dwarf or Salisbury - 

Early Royal Dwarf, very early, ial; supe- 
rior new large dwarf, cathe 1g two crops 
im a season - -— “ 

Early Heart shaped - . 

| Early Dutch, or eee 

Qd in season. 

| Early Screw - aes 
(Early Sugarloaf - ee 2 
Early George - - - 

Early Flat Battersea, sane Drumhead or 
Harvest «+ - i - 
| Philadelphia : ARS eae i 


Early Large York, 07 Early Harvest 

9d in season. 


per oz.| Per Pound. 

Cents! Dollars 


= (Early Vanack = 
3 | French Ox Heart, Bullock's " Heat or 
- large Sugarloaf - : 
‘= | Late Sugarloaf = - ‘it ey 
= | Early Penton, or Paington - = ~- 
: [ Bonneuil, or St. Denis - - 
‘5 5 | London Battersea - - - 
= =) Deptford - 
» | Flat, or Low Duteh, (Late Dutch) 
Early Wellington : 
Early Emperor - - - 4 
Early Imperial - = . . 
Arklie’s early Dwarf - 
Late German, or deenurph, the lar- 
gest, for cattle - - - 
Large Quintal, or Cwt - - 
Green Glazed, for warm climates - 
Large late Bergen, or Great American 
Large late Drumhead = - - 
Large late Flat Battersea - 
Red Headed Dutch, or Red Globe, for 
pickling - - 
Tree, or Thousand Headcd ~ - 
Large Scotch, or Bullock, for eatile 
Cow, see Casarian Kale - - 
Early Dwarf Savoy > > - 
Green Curled Savoy - - 
Globe Savoy, fine curled ereen, - 
Large Cape Savoy, or Drumhead do 
Yellow or Golden Savoy . - 
Russian Savoy, very curled - : 
Monstrous French Savoy, or Milan des 
vertus, for winter, superior, new - 
Large Pancalier green Savoy of rome, for 
winter, very superior, new 
Milan, or Choude Milan, early and late 
Green or White Turnip-rooted, above 
ground, or Kohl Rabi - : 
Purple Turnip-rooted, above ground, 4ra- 
bian, Kohl Rabi, or Egyptian Kale 
White. Turnip-rooted, under ground 
Purple do do 
CARDOON, Spanish hi em - 

French large solid, or Tours - 

CARROT, Early Yellow Horn, - - 

Early Scarlet Horn, or Short Grange 
Long Orange > 

Long Red Studley, or Scarlet Santy 
Altringham, long scarlet, very fine - 
Lemon, or pale yellow . - 
Blood red, or Purple - ae oes 



3 f Large Yellow field, - - 
Large Long White, sai neat and long 

keeping = 

Long White, (green top) ong larg 

CAULIFLOWER, Fine Early - 
Half Hardy, for all seasons” = 
London particular - - 
Late Dutch, hardy = < 

CELERY, White solid - . 
Rose colored solid - - 
Celeriac, or Turrip-rooted 
Turkish, or Prussian large nie ei new 
New Silver Giant . 
Dwarf Curled, new and ip Hiat - 

North’s Gigs Red - . 3 
Large Violet, of Tours, new - - 
CHERVIL, for salad - : E 
Commaan = wey =f é 
Curled : 2 : 


CORN SALAD, Feiticus, or Fetticoiat 
Broad Leaved: * < hed aie 
Italian, or Late Regent, new - 

CRESS, Curled, or Peppergrass  - : 
Broad Leaved pares, Hite “ 
Golden - - - 
Broad Leaved Yellow, new - -~ 
English Winter, or Water Cress - 

- True Water, or Winter, or Vormandzy . 

CUCUMBER, Early ub ee Duteh, for Sor- 

Early Beane - . = 
Long Frame - - % . 
Early green Cluster - - - 
Long Green Prickly - - 
Early Short Green ke ek for table anc 

pickles - - 
Long Green Turkey ; 
Long White do 
Long White Spined 
Long Green = 
Extra Long Green 
Long Green Southgate, longest of os 
Early Green Table - 
Long Ridge, or Hand ae = - 
Prize fighter - 
Small Gherkin, or W. ide. ‘for hace 
Serpent, for pickles, very singular - 
Patagonian, or Gourd, ar pickling as 

Mangoes : ‘i 
EGG PLANT, Purple Oval - - 
Purple Roam) oe 

¥ . 


White, (ornamental) - s a 

ENDIVE, Succore, or Cer 

Green Curled - : - - 

White Curled > - - - 

Fine Italian green curled, for summer, 
new - - J 

Broad leaved Batavian, fet wine 

Golden Yellow, new - - -~ 

Wild, or Chicory - «iss bie 


Sweet, or Sugar, fine for a -- 

Golden Sioux - 

Early Canadian, wiketel and yellow, foi 
boiling = - 

Early ‘Tuscarora, _perple on fine fo 
boiling = 

Piedmont, or Yellow Six rockin - 

Cobbeit’s early Normandy, new - 

Pearl, Nonpareil, or Pop - - 

Mottled Pearl, in great ee - 

Large Motiled do . 

Moore’s Early, Smith’s Early White 
Jefferson, Rhode Island Early white, 
Red, Northern White Flint, Souther 
White, and various other varieties 

N. B. Each sort, 50 cents per dozen ears 

KALE, or KAIL, Scotch Green Curled, &e. 

see Borecole : 
At ly or Cow Cabbage, for cattle 

LEEK, gas Scotch, “Musselburgh or “Flag 

Loudon. - - 


Early Dwarf Head - - - 

Large early white French, superior 

Early Silesia, Batavian, or i Ice, vert 
curled and tender = - 

Early white Cabbage - - 

Royal Cabbage, Union, Imperial, or en 
Asiatic, superior and hardy, - 

Royal Cape . 

Large Green Head, Gries Gian, Har- 
dy green, or Hammersmith , for winter 

ict white curled Silesia, or Ice - 

Naples Cabbage, very eee and — 
curled, new - 

Large Calaias, large heads and very spine, 
new - 

per oz. 

Per Pound. 

cents {Dollars} Cents 

1 00 

per 100 pr bu’hl 
per ear| ears. | shelled 
cents | cents. | cents 


DAD DH HD jor) 

Per Pound. 

9/ ot. 

Ss s 
‘ per oz.| Per Bound. 
HEAD OR CABBAGE LETTUCES— cents |Dollars| Cents 
Imperial Cabbage, or large German, mon- 

strous heads, new - - - do 
Palatine, or Brown Roulette, fine - 50 
Brown Dutch, hardy for winter - 25 
Madeira, or Passion, genuine and superior 

very hardy = - r = 37 
Brown curled Madeira ° . 37 
Green Ice Head - = : - 25 
Meterelle Cabbage, new and superior 37 
Red Chartreuse, new - do 
Speckled, or Bloody, large size - do 
Tennis Ball, Rose, or Apple, el hase 

and early spring 37 
Grand Admirable, very haste for do do 
Drumhead, or Malta’ - do 
Imperial Sugar Wal 2 25 
Versailles, monstrous size, and siperiot 50 
Large Curled India - - 37 
Large gray, or stat | een “ lar oe, 

new - do 
Lazy, or Laie slow head . = ea 25 
Superior, or Large Early cabbage - 37 
Turkish, or Black seed ie pelea ess large 

and superior - do 
COS8S, or ROMAN LETTUCES, with coné- 
cal heads, not compact, but very fine flavored) | 
Early green, Egyptian, or Ice Coss, hardy 3 
Florence, Golden, or Malta, or Ice Coss; 

early superior - = - 37 : 
Magnum Bonum Coss, early - 36 
Bath, or Brown Coss_~ - - - 50 
Green curled Ice Coss - 5 3 25 
White, Brighton, or Imperial Coss, or 

Loaf, early and hardy - - 37 
Red Ice Coss, or Red Winter Coss 50 
Spotted Coss, or Blood - - © 37 
Paris, or French green Coss, early - do 
Gray Coss, or Green Maraichere, new ~ do 
Green winter, or Large gray wasted new do 
Lazy Coss - = 30 
Monstrous Coss, superior = - 50 
Large French Blonde Coss, new and su- 

pervor - - - 37 
Blonde de Bimaay, large and tender Ns 50 

LETTUCES, with loose heads for cutting 
Chicorée, very finely curled and fringed 37 
Queen’s, or Spinage, new and peculiar do 
MELON, Green Citron, green fleshed 25 
Pineapple . _ do 25 
Persian do 25) 
Nutmeg do 2h 
Small oval Romana, perfumed : 50 

Bes 9 
- per 0z. Per Pound. 
MELON, cents | Dollars Cents 
Large Yellow Canteloup - ~ = 25 
_ Pomegranate, or sweet scented, 2 varieties 50 
« Minorca, or Netted Cantaloup - do 
Skilman’s netted, superior = - - 37 
\ Star, very late - id - 25 
Large Musk . - > ao 20 
Ege, Beautiful and fraer ant 50 
Netted Romana, very superior - do 
Black Rock - - - do 
Ispahan, new 50 
Malta winter, highly ys ae keeps till 
February, new - 1 00 
Summer Malta, exquisite flavor. new 1 00 
Portuguese Cantaloup, new and fine 1 00 
Cassaba, new and fine - = 1 00 
Long-Island water - nie F 10 
Carolina water - ae = 12 
Virginia Saccharine waer red seed, su- 
perior and new - » - 25 
Early Apple seed water a 50 
Citron water—for preserves - 20 
Snake, curious and good . - 50 

Also the following choice new Melons— 
French Muscade, Scarlet Rock, Silver Rock, 
Peruvian, Cohansa, Imperial, Cyprian, Sugar 
Melon of Tours, Early Cantaloup, Fine Japan 
Cantaloup, Embroidered Cantaloup, Dark Or- 
ange Cantaloup, Black Melon of Carmes, 
Black Holland, and some others, in parcels at 
25 cents each. 

NASTURTIUM, Large - - - 
Small, or “dwarf - - - 

OKRA, Common green - = - 
Long white - 

ONION, Early Silver Shtpned, very ear is 
White Portugal, or Spanish - 
French pale red, excellent & very early 
Large dark red : - - 
Yellow Dutch, or straw colored, very 

large, excellent, and keeps well - 
Large white, or Silverskinned - 
Strasburgh, or Flanders - - 

James’ long keeping - 
Madeira, genuine in imported 

Two bladed z : 
Tripoli - . = 
OR ACHE, White, for summer Bt acai 
PARSLEY, Plain, or single = - 
Curled, or double - = = 
Dwarf curled, or extra curled, very 
double - > - - 
«& . - 
* . 
~ x 
7 - 

ah ole 


Hamburgh, or Carrot-rooted, Jor hot 
climates - : “ 
‘Naples, verylarge | - - s 

Siberian curled, hardy and new 

PARSNEP, Early Turnip-rooted . 

Large long Dutch, or swelling - 
Long Guernsey, fine - - 
Hollow crowned, Lisbonais, or Sugar 

PEAS, Early Primitive, earliest, 2 feet 


Early Six weeks, 2 feet - . 
Earliest Dwarf, fine, 20 inches 
Early French Dw arf, most dwarf of ali, 
REW ss = = - 
Kean’s Scomlne. extra early, new, 2 ft. 
Early Warwick, extra early, new 
Early Washington, or May, 2: feet 
Early Charlton, Golden Hotspur, 3 fee: 
Early Frame, or June, 22 feet 
Early Double Blossom Frame, 3 feet 
Early Nimble Dick, 2: feet 
Bishop’s Early Dwarf Prolific, 1 foot 
Knight’s tall Marrew or Honey, 6 feet 
Knight’s dwarf Marrow, 3 feet 
Dwarf white Marrowfat, 33 feet 
Large tall Marrowfat, white, 6 feet 
Royal dwarf NMoraea. Q1 feet 
Dwarf Prolific, or Poor man’s pea 
Strawberry, or Early Cluster, 12 ft. 
Early Dwarf Spanish, or Fan, 1 foot 
Dwarf blue Imperial, Scimetar, 3 feet 

| Dwarf green marrow, Waterloo blue 

Wellington, 4 feet - > 
New Royal Dwarf, 13 feet - 
Dwarf blue Prussian, 2i feet  - 

‘White Prussian, or Prolific, 2 feet 

Tall Sugar, crooked edible pods, 5 feet 

Dwarf Sugar, edible pods, 23 feet 

Early Peters sburg, 23 feet - - 

Dwarf green Marrowfat, 22 feet 

Gray Rouncival, large, bia 

Dwarf white Albany or Field, 13 foot 

Dwarf green do do do 

Ladies’ Finger Marrow, 4 feet - 

W oodford’s green Marrow, or Nonsuch 
‘oodford’s tall Prolific, 5 feet 

Matchiess Marrow, blue, 6 feet 

New grotto Marrow, superior 

Early Botany Bay, or Australian pur- 

ple podded, new, 5 feet ° 
Dutch gray, 6 feet - = - 
Large June - . “ ° 

per Oz. 

~ do 
per qt. 


Per Pound. 
cents |Dollars 



Per Bushel. 

pe a ae t iN Sis ead Sas 20 ad BOO 
Ae : ’ ant é 


1i , 
. _fper qt.{ Per Bushel. — 
PEAS— | cents |Dollars; Cents. 
Groom’s superb dwarf bite, new - 75 . 
Knight’s tall green marrow, new = - do ‘ es 
Knight’s dwarf green marrow, new do ¥ 
Knight’s new early marrow > de 
Goliah, new - - - - 50 
Giant, new - - - - 75 
per oz.}| Per Pound. 
PEPPER, Bell, or Oxheart - - 50 
S ~ Tomato shaped, Squash, or Cheese, red do 
Ditto, yellow = do 
Cayenne, Lady finger, Long red, or Bir d- 
bill, dried in pods - 25 
Ditto, clean seed - - 50 
Large long rome, fine aes very produc- 
tive - - - 20 
Cherry, or Bird - - - - do 
Sweet Spanish, fed - : - do EX 
Yellow, very mild - » do 
Yellow Cherry, Purple, and White pepper, 
all new in parcels at 25 cents each 
per qrt 
PUMPKIN, Connecticut field -~ 2 
Fine yellow : - - - 50 
Large - - do 
e Cushaw, or Potato Large ee 12 
per 0z. 
Mammoth, has weighed 200 lbs - 30 
White bell, for fall and winter if 
Geneva Bush, for summer use, new 25 
French Turban, for summer, new do 
French green, yellow flesh, very fine, new do 
Seven years, or long ! Beeping, hard shell, 
new - - - do P 
Spanish Cheese, very solid Ny, aie ior, = 
new - - - - - do 
PURSLANE, Golden’ - - i do 
RADISH, Long Rooted— 
Earliest French Scarlet = - - 12 
Early French purple, fine - . - do $ 
Mason’s scarlet short top, very fine do 
eo Early scarlet short top, early Frame, or 
4 Long scarlet - - = do 
Salmon, or Rose colored - - do 
- Long Purple, or Salads - - do 
Naples, or Long white transparent ~ do 
Long white, purple top - 15 
RADISH, Turnip, Roundish-rooted— 
Early Cherry, or Searlet Turnip 12 
i ' Early White Turnip - - _do 
Purple Turnip, or Violet - - do] - 
Yellow turnip, for summer and autumn do 

White Spanish, or White fall, very hardy do 

2 ty SERENE he oN te 
ers bas ine 

: raph ays a Ha 
- i . 

ie per oz.| Per Pound. 
RADISH, Turnip, Roundish-rooted— cents | Dollars; Cents as 
Black Spanish, round and oblong, for : 
fall and Ro soit ore - 12 
RAMPION - - 50 
RHUBARB, Tart, or Undulated - - an 
Common, or Raphontic - . 30 
Thick leaved, or Compact’ - - do 
ROQUETTE, (a fine salad) < : 20 
SCALLION, or Welsh Onion, for hot uinates 25 
SCORZONERA - - - 25 & 
SHALLOT - - - - ae do 
SORREL, broad leaved pace, a sallad 12 
SPINACH, Round, for summer or winter do 
Prickly, or Winter < - - do 
Holland, or lamb’s quarter, for summer do 
Flander’s large leaved, finest for winter, a 
and suitable for all seasons - 15 
New Zealand, or Tetragonia Expansa 25 
Italian patience dock (Oseille épinard) 20 
( Summer Bush, Dutch Summer, or [eS 
lop, white and yellow - 12 
Summer Crook-neck, running  - do 
Summer bush crook-neck = - do 
» | Vegetable marrow, eaten small, delicious 25 
= | Early warted orange, or Summer Sugar| - do 
s | Early long yellow warted - ~*~ - 12 
= ; Early Lemon, or Orange, eaten small, « 
E 1 © delicious - - - - 25 
“ | Egg, or Apple bush - > - do 
f° | Butter - - do 
French solid, reddish fit a new = do 
Variegated Bush, new, and fine do 
Bonnet d’Electeur, fine French bush do 
French Yellow eae cour Be SUCTINE, 
| very fine : do 
Etting’s Club, or N. Jersey, for sum- 
mer and fall - - 12 
Autumnal Marrow - 25 
White Cushaw, for fall, dah ear bi win- , 
ter, very eile and excellent for : 
pies = - - 25 ‘ 
Mammoth, for le fat and acl win-| 
ter “ do . 
Yellow Winter, or Fall erbok-necls, Ves Cee 
low bell, or Long yellow - #19 
Canada crook-neck , for fall and winter -12 
Teneriffe, very large, and superior for; . : 
pres, keeps till March - = 3¥, 

Cocoanut, or Porter’s Valparaiso, for 
_ fall and winter, keeping tall February, 
and excellent for pies” Stee 25 

sn per oz., Per Pound: 
sQUASH— cents. |Dollars; Cents 
Round Lima, for fall and winter, keep-| ; 
ing till February, & excellent for pies 37 : 
Acorn, or California do. do. do. do. do : Se Aad re 
Striped Cushaw, Neapolitan long green 
and White Canada, for fall and win- 
ter; Italian Bush, and do. running, 
French long white bush, and French 

Black Musk, for summer - 20 to25 
TOMATO, or Lose Apple, large red - 25 
Small round red - 37 
> Yellow In arc al 25 to R ‘ 
‘ Pear shaped 50 cents each, 
Cherry, or cluster more or less. 
TURNIP,* Early White Flat Dutch, or a ing 12 
*Early round white Dutch - do 
*Early yellow Dutch - - do 
*Early white Garden Stone - - do 
White Flat, or White ee - 10 
Yellow Flat - - - 12 
*Red Round, or Red Top - do 
Green Round, or Green Top - do 

Large English Norfolk, white, (for field) 10 
Yellow Aberdeen, green top, ( for field) 12 
Large Yellow Bullock, purple top (do) do 

*Long 'T'ankard, or Hanover - do 

- *Yellow Stone Six Weeks, or Orange do 
Red Six Weeks, or Red Stone - do 

*Yellow Maltese - - do 

_ Yellow Swedish, Gotan or Ruta 

" OO SS ee 10 
White Swedish, White Ruta Baga, or 
French Turnip, excelent - - 12 
Yellow =. peciggeing - ° : do 
*Swan’s Egg - - do 
Dale’s new Yellow Hy iid - - do 
Lawton’s new Hybrid - - 25 
French Early Long Croisy - do 
*French Long Yellow - - 12 
French Black Sugar - - - 25 
Mousetail, or Six Week - - 12 
Scarisbrook, or Preston Yellow - do 
Freneuse Winter, par excellence - 25 
Berlin, or Teltau, do > do 

# * These are best for table use. 

SE s, &e. 
Alecampane - - 
Alkekengi, Sweet or Winter Cherry “ 
Angelica - - 
Anise - i ae * 
Asclepias, Offcinal - - 
Nigra, or Black . , ¢ 

>, rr re 263 = - F a * eee Cee 

per oz. Per Pound. 
| Cents|Dollars} Cents. y 
Balm of Gilead - - 2 ‘ 
Balm - - =| 4 
Lemon, or Moldavian 
Basil, Sweet, or Large 
Bush, or Small 

Bene < - - « - 
Bergamot - « . F “ 
Betony, Officinal - » = 
Bladder campion - : . 
Bloody Dock - - - 7 : 
Boneset - - - - = : ti 
Borage = f : 
Bugleweed, or Water Hasthadnd - - 
Bugloss — - - - - es 
Burdock - - - - = - 
Burnet Garden - ; = : 5 
Caper Spurge - - - - = 
Caraway - - = - Fi 5 
Catnep, or Comaut: European - “ 
Do. American - - 
Chamomile . = - Ss 
Chives, or Sives, roots or bulbs - 2 Pe 
Clary, 2 varieties - 2 ° 
Colchicum, or Meadow Saffron - 
Colocinthe, or Bitter Cucumber - 
Comfrey - . - . - 
Coriander. - : - 
Cumin - - 
Cyneglossum - 

Amplexicaule - 
Dandelion, for salad - 
Deadly Nightshade, or za cpa Balladona 
Dill - 
Dyer’s Som > 
Fenugreek - 
Fennell, Sweet 
Feverfew - 
Finochio - - = 
Foxglove, 5 varieties 
Four Spices, or Nigella Setiva 
Fumitery, Officinal 
Garlic, roots or bulbs 
Henbane - = 

Horehound ~ a 
_ Hound’s Tengue 

Hyssop - - 
Jerusalem oak - 
Lavendar - “ 

Licorice - - 
Lovage, or Livoice - 
Motherwort « = - 
Marjoram, Sweet me 

Winter, or Pot - : 

| Ane) | 
[es PST Tee jib Jeraees ta) Bnet) Fe 5 tel Jeet Veale | 

. 6.0 eel ee Tae Lt) Rn ie teel Tiers pein ie Reo t ter 8 

ieee en OC Re ley toe es ee ot tage eee ae 
ia ee Re aR Re es a Beer oR | pal aries VE | ] Pein bes wee 
ba : 
; , 
“ . 
‘ é : Ps B 
. 5 ; ; | 

per oz,; Per Pound. 
| cents |Dollars| Cents _ 
Marsh Mallow - - oi) ahs 2 Us 
Martynia, for pickles - - - - 
Marygold, Pot - - : - - 
Masterwort - - - 
Mignonette, excellent ‘for & Bee peer 
Myrrh, or Musk Chervil - - 
Palma Christi, or Castor Oil Heuer 50 = 
per quart - - - 
New Ditto, or Ricenus rutilans - e 
Pennyroyal - - - : 
‘= ~~‘ Peppermint - - ~ - 
‘ Picridium - ° - : > 
Spearmint - - - ” - 
Horsemint » - > - 

other varieties 

Horse Radish = - 
Poppy, White, or prette; an 
Rosemary - 
Rue - - - 
Saffron, or Cathamus 
Sage,Garden - - 
Red eS. 
Samphire - - - 
Savory, Summer - 
Winter, perennial 
Sculleap, Officinal - 
Scurvy Grass” - 
Smallage ~- - 
Soapwort - - 
Thistle, Milk - 
Blessed = - 
Speedwell, ion og 
Spikenard - 
Sweet Scabious - - 
Sweet sexcike - - 
Tarragon (plants) - - . 
Thyme - - - - 
Wormwood + - > 
N. B. Parcels, sentatid. containing 12 
species, 75 cents, and larger assortments 
in proportion. Parcels containing 100 
papers for $4, Larger parcels for retail- 
ing, 25 cents each, and others 50 cents. 
r 7 Plants of these herbs can also be supplied 

SEEDS, &c. 
Barley, Summer and Winter - 
Chevalier - - - 
Six rowed, or Egyptian wheat 
Beans, white field =| «= - 
Broom-corn > - . - - ‘ 
Buckwheat Se ih es ee 

aig ieee |. ee ee 

Per Bushel. 


Bunias, Oriental = 

Burnet, large field -— 

Clover, white Dutch - 
American white - 
Red, 2 varieties - 
Trefoil, or Yellow 

Crimson Trefoil, or Trifolium incarnatum, 

new . - 
Gotton - ~ ° 
Cyperus Esculentus” - 
Flax, Riga > 

Grass, English ae or Rye 

Pacey’s perennial Rye grass 
italian perennial Rye grass 

Fine, or Heath grass 
Orchard, or Cocksfoot 

Timothy, or Spear, sometimes called Herds 

Red Top, i Be or Bunge 

Gama - 

Grass, Tall ier day oat’s ope 

‘Sweet scented vernal 

English Turf, or lawn 
Lentiles. - = a5 
Lucerne ™“- - - 
Lupin - - : 
Madder, Dyer’s - - 
Millet + 

Mulberry, fine white Ttalian , for silk worms 
Mustard, White or English, medicinal 

Brown, or Black - 

Oats, English Potatoe, mechs 4Albs per bushel 

Early Angus, new and superior 
Hopetoun, new, superior, and ney 

Skinless - - 
Pea-nut - - - 
Rye, Winter. . - - 

Spring : - 
Sainfoin, or Espersett 
Teazel, Large Fuller’s 
Tobacco, Virginian . 

Havannah,&e. - 
Vetches, Winter, or a aa 

Weld, or Dyer’s Well 
Wheat, Summer and Winter 

Genesee white - 

Venetian ; 

Black Sea - . 

Talaveza = - + 
Woad, Dyer’s’ - 

Yellow epic finest Long Island variety fi 

timber - 
Honey Locust, for hedges 


Per Ib. Per B ushel. 

cents Dollars} Cents 

Per Ib.{ Per Bushel. 

a BIRD SEEDS. | Cents. |Dollars| Cents 

Canary - “ is s : 
Hemp ~ . 

Maw - - - - - 

Rape - - - 

Rough a unulled . - 

Yellow - - = ~ - 

Millet - - - - . - 


Onion sets, or are -vipes, Med) - ’ 

White ~ 4 

Red Top, or Tree, or Rocambole - 
White Top, or Tree - . - 
Potatoe . - . 

Mushroom Spawn, in —_- at 50 tints 

Potatoes, finest early kinds - - 

Early Kidney - - - - 
Early Nonpareil - - - - 
Laneashire pink-eye - . - 
Early Mercer - - - - 

Taylor’s forty fold, or Crimson Nonsuch, | 
a new ‘variety now superceding all 
others in England, on account of its| - 
immense product, and excellence. 
Sainville, small but excellent, and very pro- 
ductive, anew French variety 
Palmer’s Favorite . - 
Sweet, or Carolina ” - ~ 
London Split Peas, for boiling - 
Oatmeal, Embden Grotts, and Powdered Chic. 
ory, inany quantity - - 63 
Garlic sets - - - - - 
Also, Shallot, New Jerusalem, Artichoke, 
just introduced; Perennial Leek, and 
other roots, for which, see Catalogue of 
Trees, Shrubs, and Plants, pages 38—85 


C denotes climbing plants—V denotes trailing vines. 

N.B. Some Flower Seeds are very uncertain to vegetate, but the 
newest seeds will always be sent. 

Adonis estivalis or Vernal Amaranthus, Speciosus 
Ageratum, Blue fragrant Antirrhinum speciosum 
Agrostemma ceeli rosa versicolor 
Alyssum, White, or Sweet “ _ spartea 
Amaranthus, Purple globe, or Bat- triphyllum 
chelor’s button maculatum 

White globe bipunctatum 

Variegated latifolium, and various others 

Flesh colored aaa Yellow 

_ Tricolor oe Great flowering white 
~~, © tw 


ees el 
* : Bi WeTari x 
Ne — bes nh 
~ . x - 


ce Balloon vine, or Love in a pal | China ae Superb quilled . 7~* s 

Balm, Moldavian 
: Balsam apple 

New Red quilled Turkey 
Mixed, all colors 

Baleaniine. double | various|China Aster, Splendid German in 18 

Flame colored” 
Rose colored 

Splendid German, in 16 varie- 

Bean, Dwarf flowering 
c Purple hyacinth 
Cc White hyacinth 
c Scarlet flowering 
c Large white flowering 
Variegated flowering, new 
Bellflower, Pentagonal 
Belvidere, or Summer cypress 
Bladder Ketmia _ 
Blue bottle, Great, or Cyanus 
Double dwarf 
Blumenbachia insignis 
Browallia, Blue, or Amethyst 

Cacalia, Scarlet, or Tassel-flower 

Candytufit, White rocket 

Purple | 
Candytuft, New Purple 
Cassia, Sensitive 






Centaurea, American large blue 
China Aster, Anemone flowered 

Awl leaved 



Early Dwarf 


Maiden’s blush 


Purple striped 


Red quilled 
Red striped 

varieties — 
Chrysanthemum, Double white | 



Double quilled 
Clarkea, Beautiful 

White e 
Cockscomb, Great crimson velvet . 

Yellow, or Buff 

Chinese, or Golden crest 

Splended German, in 16 varie- 
Collinsia, Great flowered | ties 

Vernal » 
Collomia glandiflora 
Commelina, Blue 
Convolvulus, Dwarf tricolor . 

[see Morning glory. 

Coreopsis, Elegant 
Cosmus, Bipinnate 
Cotton, 2 varieties 
Cuckold’s horns. 
Cucumber, Squirting» 


Serpent, very singular 
Cucumis dudaim 
c Cypress vine, Crimson 
Devil in a bush, or Love ina mist : 
Egg plant, white 

Purple, 2 varieties ' 
Escholtsia California 
Eternal flower, Golden, or Zeran- 

Purple [themum 

Euphorbia, Variegated 
Feather grass 
Fios Adonis, or Pheasant eye 
Forget-me-not, perennial 
Fumitory, Golden 


Glaucous fs ‘S 
Geranium, Musk 
Gerardia, Purple 
Gilia, Azure 

Delicate flowered 
v Gourd, 2 colored lemon shaped 
v Orange 
v Club fruited, very curious 
v Large bottle, or Calebash | 
Yv Patagonian, or Cucumber | 

ai * = 


G hila elegans 
Harinced, Golden 
fie ed? 
_ Heart’s ease, or Pansey (Pensée) 
Hibiscus, African 
Honeywort, Great, or Cerinthe 
Ice plant 
Red, or Dew plant 
c Impomea, Scarlet 


- - aM 

Marygold, Striped 
Great cape 
Lemon, or Buff 
Orange quilled 
Sweet Chili 
Ranunculus : 
Martynia, Proboscis flowered 
Marvel of Peru, mixed colors 
Sweet scented white 

c Azure ; Striped 
c Blue Hepatica leaved Tricolor 
a c Starry, and other varieties Scarlet : 
: Jacobea, Purple Medicago polymorpha 
White Melilote, Blue 
Job’s tears v Melon, Snake 
Kiteflower, Blue, or Nicandra v: Egg, fragrant 
* Larkspur, Dwarf double rocket, mix-|v Round Pomegranate, fragrant 
» Dwarf rose [ed colors|v Oval Pomegranate, fragrant 
Darf Neapolitan Mignonette, Sweet 
%, Tall double rocket, mixed e Morning glory, Azure 
Double W hite rocket c Darke blue 
Branching ¢ Roseate 
Unique c Scarlet 
Splendid dwarf German in 10\c Striped 
varieties c White ” 
Larksspur, Splendid tall German, injc Yellow seeded 
~ Lavatera, Red [6 varieties| Nasturtium, Large flowering 
White Dwarf, very pretty 
Linaria triphylla New crimson, or Brown 
latifolia Nigella, Spicy seeded 
“take purpurea Double dwarf 
Lopezia coronata Oriental 
. ‘Racemosa | Nolana, Trailing 
. Love lies bleeding, Crimson Oats, Animated, or Sensitive % 
Straw colored ce Orleans vine 
Lupin, Blue large Palma Christi, or Castor oil bean 
Blue small c Peas, Anson’s 
Blue Dutch do. white , 3 
Bicolor Tangiers small scarlet 
Changeable Yellow winged 
Rose = Red winged. 
Straw colored Sweet Black 
White Painted lady 
Narrow leaved blue Purple 
“ Flax leaved blue Scarlet 
_ - Yellow, and other sorts Scarlet striped 
Dwarf lychnis Topnot 
Mallow, Curled upright Variegated 
Scarlet White 
Malope, Scarlet flowered Yellow 
Marygold, African erect Tangiers scarlet 
Double pot ‘ Pentapetes, Scarlet 
Early Dwarf | Persicaria, Crimson 
_ French, 2 varieties White 
| aie - i aoe 
ae oo * ? r ed 
ahi Nhe A i P| a 

20 ; 


Petunia nyctagyniflora {Stock home Purple 10 week “ 
Pimpernel, blue Whi bo wag 
Pink, Indian Violet do 
Prolifsrons : Giant, or Cape, mixed colors 
Poppy, White officinal - | Russian 
Double white White wallflower leaved 
Double carnation Purple do 
Corn, or Rose ( Coquelicot) Scarlet do | 
Dwarf Chinese , Prussian, in various celors as * 
Dwarf Dutch _ German 10 week, in 48 splendid 
Lapdog varieties 
Marginate, or White edged German Autumnal, or Late 
Picotee flowering, in 12 splendid fo ae 
Ranunculus rieties 
Yellow horned Stramonium, Double purple 
New fringed, and various others Double white 
Primrose, Night smelling Strawberry Spinach aif 
Purple Sunflower, Dwarf double 
Downy, or Mollissima Tall double ~ 
Evening blue Double quilled 
Great flowered yellow Mexican 
Dwarfblue . Sweet Sultan, Purple 
Lindley’s purple and white Yellow : 
Rose colored White ie 
Primrose, Striped | Tangiers Vipergrass, Poppy leaved 
White Thistle, Blessed, or Holy ; 
Clandestine yellow, and vari-|Tobacco, Virginia yellow flowered 
ous others Spanish scarlet flowered + “ 
German in 16 beautiful varieties Sweet scented 
Prince’s feather Undulated 
Quaking grass, or Ladies’ tresses - |Trefoil, Crimson, biennial 
Rudbeckia amplexicaulis Trefoil, Cerulean 
Safflower, or Saffron Sweet scented ce Re 
Salpiglossus picta Touch-me-not a Sage 
hybreda Venus’ looking-glass, white,and lilac 
Scabious, Starry Navel wort 
Schizanthus, Wing leaved Virginian Stock, red, and white 
Shewy Werms, a salad ornament 
‘Scorpiurus, Worm Podded Ximenisia 
Prickly Zinnia, Large Violet 
Sensitive plant Red multiflora ‘ 
Silene, Cretan Yellow multiflora 
Pendulous Zinnia, Grandiflora 
Snails, a salad ornament Revolute flowered 
Soapwort, Scarlet Verticillate 
Stevia, Vanilla scented Delicate flowered #. 
Stock gillilower, Red 10 week _ New German 
IN. B. Above 100 other new and rare species can be papplied, com- 
prising all that have yet been introduced to America. 
bape 4 

: ‘ ) 21 



a—Denotes those which often bloom the first year, and therefore pos-- - 
sess all the advantages of annuals. 
e—denotes climbers. : 
d—denotes species the seeds of which seldom Yecelste well, and often 
fail entirely. 

; Alyssum, Golden » d Crown imperial 
ie Amsonia, Broad leaved Dahlia, Single mixed 
_ “= Willow leaved Double mixed 
d Anemone coronaria : Dragon’s head, Pink, 
Sylvan White Variegated 
o d Asiatic globe flower Eupatorium, Celestial 
: _ Aster, perennial, 20 species Red 
d Auricula Verticillate and others 
Balm of Gilead a Feverfew, Double white 
Bartsia, Scarlet Flax, Purple Perennial 
Bellflower, Siberian Flower ef Jove, Red 
Netted leaved Foxglove, Purple 
Panicled White 
Azure Yellow flowering 
American Blue Great flowering 
a Bladder Senna, Scarlet Oriental 
Boltonia, Starry flowered Iron colored < 
Dootia, Sylvan d Fraxinella, red and white 
Bugloss, Italian French honeysuckle, Red 
Cacalia suaveolens White 
= Campion, Bladder lc Fumitory, pink 
Canterbury Bell, Blue Garlick, Yellow flowering 
White __ White do 
Double blue ¥ Purple do 
. ~ Double lilac id Gentian, Purple 
Caper d Porcelain, &e. 

d Gerardia, Yellow Oak leaved 

Gartina Flower, Scarlet 

assia, Maryland 

Florida d Yellow Glaucous 
Catananche, Blue (Geum, Pyrenean 
Cinquefoil, Various leaved Broad leaved, and others 
Dark flowering Gilliflower, Scarlet Brompton 
Hoary leaved ' Purpie do 
Erect, &c. . : White do 
Clary, Red topp Twickenham 
Purple topped — Scarlet Queen 
Columbine, Blue | Purple do. 
Roseate, or Pink White do 
’ Purple = _ Persian 
Red Splendid German 
-— White Brompton, in 12 varieties 
Double White ec Gonolobium, Hairy 
Canadian Scarlet Hibiscus, Rose colored 
Commelina ccelestis Pale pink colored 
Coreopsis, Trifoliate, and other va- Halbert leaved 
rieties White 
»  Coralplant | White and crimson 
d Cowslip Rose and crimson, &e. 
' a “ 

Hollyhock, Double Chinese Monkey flower, Blue 

Double black _ Wing stalked 
Double crimson a Orange 
Double Yellow a Dark spotted ‘ 
Double variegated d Monk’s hood, several species 
German, in 20 splendid doubleld Peony, 8 varieties 
varieties d Pasque Flower 
Honesty, or Satin flower e Pea, Scarlet perennial 
Humea elegans, (Zender) c Purple do 
d Hyacinth Penstemon, Foxglove 
Hypericum, Large Flowered Diffuse 
Small yellow Ovate 
a Indian Shot, or Canna, Scarlet |Peucedanum alsaticum 
(tender) Phlox, Panicled, and many others 
a Yellow flowering, (fender) |Pink, Carnation (so called) 
Inula bubonium Broad leaved 
Iris, several species a Chinese Imperial, or Indian 
Jacob’s Ladder, or Blue Valerian Chinese double white 
Kitaibelia, Grape leaved Clove or Garden 
Kuhnia eupatoroides Fringed or Superb 
d Larkspur, Bee Pheasant eyed 
cd Great flowering Pink, Dark red 
d Larkspur, Hollow leaved Maiden 
d Tall American and others e Caucasian 
Lespedesea, Capitate Phlomis, Tuberous __ 
Panicled, &e. d Polyanthus, mixed sorts 
Liatris, Blue, or Blazing star Poppy, Oriental 
Tall spiked Caucasian 
Lily, Blackberry . Welsh 
d Canada Naked stalked 
Yellow fragrant =. ——~S=«& Pentti, Seaarleett 
Blue Japanese Pride of the meadow, or Dropwort 
Lobelia, Biue i Primrose, Evening biennial, or three 
Lupin, Perennial blue p d English, or Poetic F 
Columbia Blue Rose colored 
Channel leaved Chinese 
Woolly leaved Rocket, Sweet 
Mexican Rose Campion 
Crookshank’s White 
Nootka Sound, and others Rudbeckia, Purple 
Lychnis, Scarlet Fulgent yellow, &c. 
White Sage, Prismatic  —_—- 
Diurnal Scabious, Sweet, or Mourning bride 
- Marygold, Sweet Chili - Caucasian 
Meadow sweet Scutellaria, Vernal 
Meadow Rue Whitish flowered : 
Mignonette, Upright, or Reseda |Seaholly, European 
e Mikania, Climbing Flat leaved 
Milfoil, Thousand leaved Amethystine 
Tansy leaved , Silphium, Perfoliate - 
Musk a Snapdragon, Scarlet oe, 
Valetina, &e. a Two colored, and other varie- . 
Monarda, Pale purple Solomon’s seal _ [ties 
Scarlet Sophora, Blue oe 
White, &c. : Yellow, or Wild Indigo 
; & 


Spicea, Trifoliate 'Toadflax, Ivy leaved 
Star grass, Cerulean d Tulip 
ia purpurea Valerian, Red garden 
_ Sunflower, Profuse flowering White 
_ Gigantic, and others Verbascum, Great yellow 
Sweet William, mixed colors Panicled, or Shewy 
Dark red, and other varieties Dark colored 
Swallow-wort, Red Long flowered, &ce. 
Red hairy leaved Verbesina 
d Orange Vernonia, Purple American 
e Black, &c. Vervain, several species 
Telephium imperatori Vesicaria sinuata 
bn Thistle, Great globe Violet, Fragrant 
Minor globe Wallflower, Bloody 
Caledonian silver leaved Yellow 
Variegated leaved Dwarf yellow 
Throatwort White Ivy leaf, or Prenanthes 
Toadflax, Yellow — Willow herb, Red flowering 

N. B. Above 50 other species can be supplied, comprising all that 
have yet been introduced to America, and Plants can also be furnished of 
all the above varieties. 


Some of which are very rare. 

Althea frutex, several varieties Myrtle, Broad leaved 

A poponax Oleander - 
te. Broom, Scotch Passion Flower, Pink 

Spanish Blue | 
Campanula, Pyramidal blue Yellow 
§ Pyramidal white Periwinkle, Red Madagascar 

c Cobea, Mexican White ‘do 

c. Glycine, Purple Phlomis, Sage leaved 

Heliotrope, Peruvian Sage, Splendid scarlet (tender) 

Great flowering e Scarlet trumpet flower 

Hypericum, Profuse flowering Snowberry 

Kalmia leaved Spirea, Shrubby, several species 

Indigo Strawberry, 12 varieties 

Jasmire, Carolina Syringo, Fragrant 

Jerusalem Cherry Great flowering 

Laburnum Thunbergia, Winged 

Magnolia, severa! species c Traveller’s joy 

Milk vetch, Boetian Purple Vervain 
* Missouri ¢e Virgin’s bower, several species 

; Canadian Whin, or Furze, and various other 
* Myrtle, Narrow leaved. species. } 
€ ) a SUNDRIES. 

The following articles are supplied to Seed venders|pr doz.; per 100 
is &e. at reduced rates for retailing. | $ cents} $ cents 
ty Bulbous, and Tuberous Roots, of all kinds, the collee- ua 
& tion of which is unrivalled, see Catalogue ofthem.} 

; _ Dahlias, above 500 splendid varieties, see Catalogue 7 
| of them. g 

_;per doz] per 100 | 
Abe $cents| $ cents 

Pzonies, of numerous varieties. ade 

Gooseberries, Large Lancashire varieties. 

Raspberries, Red varieties for market and for brandy. 

Raspberries, Red Antwerp 

White do 

‘Currants, Large Red Dutch 

Large White do 
Large English black 
; per 100} per 1000 
Hawthorn quicks ; 
Honey Locust, for hedges, &c. &e. 

N.B. Every other article appertaining to the Nursery, or, Seed de- 

partments, will be supplied. 


Comprising the collection of Annual, Bienniaj, and Perennial species 
and varieties hereunto annexed, and many other quite new varieties—at 

following rates — $  |ets. 
Small parcels, comprising 12 varieties. - - = 62 
Do do ido =. 20 do - « - 1 

Do do do 25 do - - - 1}, 25 
Thrice larger do do - - = 2, 50 
Parcelscomprising ~— 50 do - - - 2) 25 
Thrice larger do do - - - 5 
Parcels containing 100 do “ = - 4 
Thrice larger’ do do - - - 8 

New and rare species, each ~—s - poe - - 12a25 
Larger parcels, for retailing each - 2 2 : 25a50 

Nore.—A large additional number of valuable varieties of Vegetable 
and Flower Seeds, &c., will be speedily received from foreign coun- 
tries, a list of which will be furnished on application. ~ 

BOOKS—Prince’s Treatise on Horticulture - - $ 75 cents 
do Treatise on the Vine - - 1 50 
do Treatise on Fruits, or Pomological \ 

Manual, containing accurate de- { ‘ 

scriptions in detail of about 800 | 2 

varieties of Fruits, in 2 vols. j 
CATALOGUES, which are distributed gratis, on application— 

No. 1 Fruit and i Hardy Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Plants | 

—pp; 93 
2 sabe and Tuberous rooted Plants—pp. 24 
3 Greenhouse Trees, Shrubs and Plants—pp. 44. 
4 American Indigenous Trees, Shrubs, and Plants—p. 50. 
5 A Catalogue of Garden and Flower Seeds. | 
6 Do do do do do in French. 
The Books and Catalogues can be transmitted by mail, at a postage 
of 14 to 23 cents per sheet. 



1 oa ; 


NAMES of the principal species of Esculent Vegetable Seeds, in Eng- 
- lish, French, Spanish, German and Italian. 

English. Francois. {| Espagnol. 
Asparagus j|Asperge Esparragos 
Artichoke |Artichaut {Alcachofas 

Ache, ou i 

Celery Celery Apio 
Orache Arroche 
Beet Betterave |Acelgas 
Beet, or Bette, ou 

Carde Poirée 
Brecoli Broccoli Broculi 
Borecole, or |Chouvert, —— 

Kale} non pommé 

Chou de 
Brussels . |Bretones de 
Sprouts Bruxelles, jet Brusselas 
Chou pommé 
Cabbage of 5 Coles 
Cauliflower |Chou fleur (|Coliflores 
Carrot Carrotte Zanahoria 
Chervil Cerfeuil Perifollo 
Cress Cresson Mastuerzo 
Cucumber /[Concombre |Pepinos 
Endive, or |Chicorée, ou |Edivia 
Succory Endive} (escarolla) 
Mushroom comestible 
Nasturtium (Capucine (mastuerzo 
Cranson offi- 
Scurvy grass peas Coclearia 
Squash Courge Calabacines 
Skirret Chervis 
Spinach Epinard Espinacas 
English Feéve de ma- Vahas 
Beans, rais 
. ‘Gomboud 
reg | | 8 aa ke Okra 
Dwarf gl ‘Haricot Judias 
Lettuce Laitue Lechuga 
Egg plant |Melongéne j|Berengena 
Melon ‘Melon Melones 
Moutarde | 
Mustard peg eaati Mastazet 
Corn Salad 
or Feticas Mache 

Allemand. Italien. 
Spargel Asparago 
Artischoke /Carcioffolo 
ppich Appio 
Meldekraut /Atrepice 

Barba Biet- 
Rothe Rube tols 
Mangold : 
Kut Biettola 
spunea a 


Kofp-koh! |Cavolo 
Blumenkohl |Cavoli fiori 
Gelbe Rube /Carota 
Gartenkerbel Cerfoglio 
Gemeine : 

Essbare Blat-' 


Kapuziner (|Fior Cappu- 
blume cino 

Loffel kraut |Coclearia 

Kurbiss Popone 

Zuckerwur- Sisaro 

Spinat Spinaci 
Bohn Fava 
apayeagese Fagiuolo 
Gartensalat |Lattuga 
Tollapfel ;Melanzana 
Senf Senapa 
Ackersalat | Valerianello 

i. > te ab ee 

English. Francois. spagnol. | Allemand, Ttalien. 
Turnip Navet abos Steckrube |Navone 
Onion _ |Oignon ebollas Zurebel Cipola 
Leek Poireau Puerros Lauch Poro 
Parsley Persil /|Perexil Petersilie  |Petroselino 
Parsnip Panais / \Chirivins Pastinake /|Pastinaca 
Pea Pois | |Guisantes |{Erbse °* |Pisello 
. ft Ss Spanischer 
Pepper Piment | |Pimiento Pfefferle berone 
Pomme de Pomo di 
Potatoe | TG Cartoffel Tes 
Watermelon |Pasteque ib inne Cocomero 
., |Raifort le be 
Horseradish erand Merrittig Ramolaccie 
: Rave, et ; 
Radish “Bia ic Rebanos Rettig Rafano 
Salsify Salsifis Salsifi Bocksbart  |Sassifica 
Savory Sariette Saturei Satoreggio 
‘Tomato Tomate Tomates Leibes ApfeliPomo d’Oro 



The Proprietors announce to all venders of Seeds, and to those who 
may desire to undertake such business, that they will supply every vari- 
ety desirable, at very low rates, and at a liberal credit, ard the wholesale 
prices are so moderate, that they allow a great profit to the retailer, it 
being the intention to render this branch of business profitable by its 
great extent, and not by enhanced prices. " 

Very extensive grounds are now devoted to raising the seeds with the 
utmost circumspection and purity, and the arrangements in foreign 
countries are such as to ensure accuracy. 

Every persor. desirous to engage in the sale of the above articles, will, 
on application, receive all the information requisite to the object, and 
such an establishment ought to exist in every town in the Union. The 
preseat | eriod is particularly eligible for forming arrangements for busi- 
ness, prepaiatory to the regular sales. 

Where persons are not sufficiently conversant with the subject to make 
selection of the varieties best suited to their respective locations, and to 
proportion the quantities in accordance with the usual demand; such 
selection will be made by us if desired. 

Bulbous roots, Dahlias, Peonies, &c. being usually vended in a dry 
state, can with perfect convenience be made objects of sale in Seed 
stores, and they will be supplied at so liberal a discount, as to make their 
sale an object of importance. The period of sale is from the Ist. of Oc- 
tober to the Ist of May, but Dahlias will succeed if not planted till the 
middle of May, or Ist of June. Double Dahlias, of named varieties, 
selected by the Proprietors, will be supplied at $3, $4 50, and $6 per 
dozen, according to quality and rarity, and these can be retailed at 100 
per cent profit. The reduced price for Bulbous Flower Roots, by the 

dozen, and in assortments, are stated in the New Catalogue, and the 

retail profit thereon is from 25 to 100 per cent. 


wae bal 
2, ) a 


Great attention has been paid to obtaining from foreign countries the - 
finest Agricultural seeds, among which are the following—Pacey’s and 
Scotch Perennial Rye Grass; Italian Rye Grass; English Potatoe Oats, 
weighing 44 lbs. per bushel ; Early Angus, and Hopetoun Oats, superi- 
er to any others in Europe ; English, French, and Dutch White Clover 
Seed; Provence Lucerne, the finest known; Trifolium Incarnatum, or 
Crimson Clover, very early; Taylor’s Fortyfold, and early Nonpariel 
Potatoes, Skinless oats, Large Yellow Sugar Beet, and Mangold Wur- 
zel; Superior Purple-top, Swedish Turnip, or Ruta Baga ; Large White, 
and Large Yellow Field Carrots; the best kind of Field ‘Turnips, and 
Cabbages for Cattle, &. The seeds of these can be furnished in large 
qnantities, and a difference in price is of course made when very large 
parcels are desired, and where the purchase is made for cash, a discount 
will be allowed. Those who wish it, can forward lists stating quantities 
desired, &c. ; which will be priced by us, and returned by the first mail. 

Some explanation may be requisite in regard to the course adopted in 
making sales to venders. ‘The seeds are usually supplied by the pound 
or bushel; but of the higher priced vegetable seeds, and of such as are 
in but little request, parcels of half and quarter pound, and of half, quar- 
ter and eighth bushel will be supplied on similar terms. 

A liberal credit will be allowed, and where a good understanding is es- 
tablished, there will be no difficulty in arranging this point to mutual 
convenience, and on this, and every other subject, the suggestions of cor- 
respondents will receive the fullest consideration. The different Trea- 
tises herein enumerated will be supplied to venders at 20 per cent. dis- 
count. A Seed Catalogue, containing the New-York retail prices by the 

- oz. quart, &c., as a guide to venders will be sent to every applicant. 

Seeds of the New crop can be supplied in August and September, and 
Turnip seeds, and some other kinds, can be furnished the last of June. 
When so desired, boxes of assorted Seeds can be supplied, selected to 
suit the climate of any part of North, or South America, the West In- 
dies, or elsewhere, and of any value from $5 to $100. 

Implements of Husbandry and Garden Tools, of every description ; 
Agricultural and Horticultural Books, and the Compressed Dry Herbs, 
prepared by the Shakers, can be supplied to any extent. 

The Proprietors have further to state, that their Fruit and Ornamental 
Trees, &c. are of large size and vigorous growth, and superior to any 
before offered to the public. The establishment contains at the present 
period, more than a million of Trees and Plants, and the Proprietors are 
willing to enter into arrangements of the most liberal description, both 
as to prices and credit, with all such persons as desire large quantities of 
Trees, &c. ; and with those proprietors of Nurseries, who wish to extend 
their collections, and such other persons as wish to establish Wew Nur- 
sertes, they will enter into arrangements on terms which will allow ample 
time for advantageous reimbursement. Any persons who are desirous to 
act as agents for receiving orders for Trees, in Towns where no agency 
at present exists, will please to communicate their views in regard thereto. 
if any correspondents have raised seed of very superior Vegetables, &c. 
they will please to communicate the fact. Any packages intended for 
us, must be left with 4. D. Maintain, corner of South and Beekman 
streets, New-York; but letters should always be sent by mail. 

REMARKS.—AI] orders for Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Green- 
house Plants, Bulbous Flowers, Dahlias, or Seeds, must be sent, direct 
to us, or through a regularly authorized agent, and not through the agency 

of aij person who vends similar articles. Every invoice transmitted by 
us will have a printed heading and our signature, to prove it genuine, and 
weassume no guarantee whatever where such an invoice cannot be pro- 

.duced. We mention these cautions for good and conclusive reasons, and 

“we most particularly enjoin their strict observance on purchasers. Whén 
orders are sent, directions should be very precisely given how the packa- 
‘pes are to be marked, and by what route or conveyance they are to be 
forwarded, &c.- Orders from a distance will always receive the utmost 
attention, both as to packing and forwarding, and itis only requisite for 
persons sending orders, to specify the extent of land and water carriage, 
and the articles will be packed accordingly. . 

N. B. The New Catalogues of every Department have just been 

published, with reduced prices, and will be sent to every applicant.—Pack- © 

ages for the. Western States, can be sent by way of the New York canal, 
or by New Orleans, or by the way of Philadelphia and Baltimore through 
Pittsburgh, Wheeling, &c. | i . 

All Proprieters of Nurseries, and Venders of seeds, &c. are invited to 
visit and inspect Our Establishment. ‘ 



LF. Jones & Co., Printers, Jamaica, L. I. 



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