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TO Le 




THE YEAR 1819 






ee eee 
vv. C. HANSARD, Pater-noster-row Press. 
Sta Senet 


Tue advantage of a general Index to a work of such extent, and containing 
so much various and useful information, as Dodsley’s Annual Register, 

: including a period of upward of sixty of the most eventful years on record, 

cannot be questioned ; but a few words tending to facilitate its use may not 
be superfluous. 

Under the Names of the different countries references to matters of general 
import and their ancient history will be found first, those to their modern 
history following last in chronological order. Here, however, it is to be noticed, 
that much belonging to the recent history of Great Britain will be found under 
Commons, Lords, and Parliament, as well as under the particular heads to 
which it may belong. In the early part of the work the proceedings of the two 
houses were seldom given separately, and in consequence are arranged under 
the head Parliament. «Subsequently they were kept for the most part distinct 

; from each other, and the references are then placed under the House to which 


6. Game. 

they relate. 

. Another thing to be observed is, that during the length of time necessarily 
employed in indexing so many volumes, it unavoidably happened, that different 
features of similar events would appear the most prominent at different times. 
Hence the whole of the information on any given subject may not always be 
found referred to under the same head. This it has been endeavoured as far 
as possible to correct ; but, it is feared, not with all the success that could be 

. wished. 

The loose manner in which names and titles are usually given, in recording | 
parliamentary debates, military transactions, and other matters, occasioned very 
considerable trouble, and -presented difficulties, which it has not been possible 
always to surmount. References to pecrs will generally be found under their 
latest title, but sometimes under the title, or name, by which they have been 
most known. The numbers used in distinguishing them as Ist, 2nd, &c., are 
those of Debrett’s Peerage; a few excepted, which will readily occur. 



The names themselves of individuals are not always to be found in the pages 
referred to, they being mentioned by the offices they held: us lord mayor, 
chancellor of the Exchequer, commander in chief, &c. 

When a name occurs repeatedly in many pages relating to the same subject, 
it has been thought sufficient, in general, to refer to the first of these pages 
merely : while, in some other cases, where a name or subject occurs twice in a 
page, an ib. has been added, to prevent one of the passages from being over-~ 
looked. The references are commonly given in the regular order of the 
volumes and pages ; but sometimes there is an intentional deviation from this, 
that the passages may be referred to in the succession, in which it is most 
suitable for them to be read. 

In the General Index, constituting Part I. of this volume, are included 
every fact, incident, or thing, mentioned in the History of Europe, Domestic 
Occurrences, State Papers, Public Characters, Natural History, Useful 
Projects, Literary and Miscellaneous Essays, Antiquities, and Account of 
Books ; with all the names of persons, a few of no moment excepted, occurring 
throughout these departments, and also in that of Poetry. 

After this follow separate indexes, * 

1. Of Births 4. Of Deaths 
2. Of Marriages 5. Of the Poetry 
3. Of Promotions 6, Of the Titles of Books Reviewed 

It may be proper to advert to some errors in the paging of particular volumes, 
which it is necessary for the reader to bear in mind. In volumes xxvi, xxvii, 
and xxxviii, the second part is paged with ] as well as the first; but in the 
index the |] is omitted in the references to the second part. On the contrary, 
the first part of vol. xxxvi is not paged with ], but this mark is employed in 
the references to it. In volume, xlii p. 272* to 282* come between pages 282 
and 283: in volume xlix, p. 657* to 740* come between pages 656 and 657. 
In volume | there are three sets of pages not distinguished by any mark: the 
references with ] are to the first set, with * to the second, and those without 
any mark to the third. In the third set, however, there are eight pages . 
between 88 and 89 marked 81*—88* ; these, to prevent mistake, are indexed 
81 (2nd)—88 (2nd). In vol. lii there being two sets of pages from 241 to 267, 
the second set, belonging to the chronicle, is distinguished in the index by a *. 

The following explanation of some abbreviations inserted after names or 


titles, for the purpose of distinction, may not be altogether unnecessary : 
(A.) Army. (Amer.) American. (Amer. loyal.) American loyalist. (Art) 
Artillery. (E. 1. man) East Indiaman. (eng.) engincers. (Fr. A.) French 
army. (M.) marines. (M.P.) member of parliament. (M.P.I.) member 
of the Irish parliament. (Merch.) in the merchant-service. (Mil.) militia. 
(N.) navy. (rev.) in the revenue-service. (Vol.) volunteers. 

In the Index to the Deaths, in order to avoid perplexity, and save 
unnecessary reference to the volumes, care has been taken to specify, as nearly 
as possible, the individual named: with this view, in the case of females, the 
husband’s Christian name has been generally added, or some other distinction 
affixed—for instance, “ Hawkins, Mrs. (bp. Raphoe)” to show, that the lady, 
whose death is here referred to, was the wife of the bishop of Raphoe ; again, 
“ Colquhoun, miss C. A. (sir C.)” to point out, that it is the daughter of sir C. 

The following List of the volumes, with the respective years to which they 
belong, may be occasionally useful, when merely the year in which any event 
occurred, is required to be known. 

LAO B Are Wiis} Milken des 20749 xli seeeee 1799 
ca Ae Ae Wie TSIM Ge eeieed sau xlii ..2... 1800 
THis scien {00 XSIV -eaceeesl 5) xliii ...... 1801 
Wilselcicce 17OL XE sean g 1782 xliv ...... 1802 
Wile aia'clc 0) AZO XXVi ceecee 1783 xlv .«6... 1803 
Ullsilce’es ETO 1784 xlvi ...... 1804 
Will ssice os 1764 XXvii wack and xlvii os eee- 1805 
Vill seceee 1765 1785 xviii ...... 1806 
IX paviaiciaie) L706 XXVili «02... 1786 xlix ...... 1807 
mete ee TOK REIX <ciajc'es LyGd Ic Bep ee Lists 
Miaieisiciee 1Z08 66 ADEM A sts) licensee 180g 
Tispiieiac 1769 REM ccs aioe Lee DLy cer crecste RED 
RNa cide LEI O XXX ssccs- LA9C Til Seiecico OLE 
Gia siecime LITL EXXML sca ss LY liv’ Soci, LOLZ 
XV eeceee 1972 EKRAW we cetes LT OS Iv eave tine) Lies 
Vivclaesisey LATO MEK wets ot niewliseter Tvl «=e . 1814 
ZVllvemdoee LITE EXXVL sce s TOs: lvii'scceee 1815 
EVM scien LAV XXXVil oe.e.- 1795 Iviii ...0+- 1816 
EiKicctesies I L6 XXXVII1 ..0... 1796 lixaniee ss) 1517 
Bitecicice ATE Do oe) RAE ELT lb asScrge 1818 
MEicacsce-tisc > Rr el Wi): EAC ole e's « 1819 



It has unfortunately occurred, that, in some of the numerous reprints of 
volumes, a slight variation has taken place in the paging, rather more or less 
having been inserted in a page than in the prior edition, in which cases, the 
references from the Index will not exactly correspond; but the instances of 
this are so few, as scarcely to require mention, except for the sake of obviating 
the dissatisfaction, that might result from the discovery of the circumstance. 

It remains only to mention, that, the publishers having discovered, that 
some sets of the work have been made up by substituting occasionally the 
volumes of a contemporary work with fictitious titles, they think it right 
to point out the genuine volumes, by quoting the words with which such 
volumes commence. The substitution has not extended, at the utmost, beyond 
the ten volumes below mentioned, and it is hoped, that this deception has 
occurred in very few cases. But as the Index could not refer to the wrong 
volumes, it has been deemed necessary to explain the circumstance to the 
possessors of sets of the Annual Register. The genuine volumes commence 
as follows : 

1791. © The successes of the Russian arms—” 

1792. “ Although in all well established governments—”’ 

1793. ‘* We now approach the period—”’ 

1794. “When the coalition of European—”’ 

1795. ** The establishment of the new constitution in Poland—” 
1796. “* After the death of Robespierre—” ; 
1797.“ The rapid progress of the French armies—”’ 

1798. “ The affairs of Europe, during the summer—”’ 

1799.“ The year 1799 exhibited—” 

1800 “ By what special combination—” 






From the Year 1758 to 1819 inclusive, 

yol, i. to Ixi. 

ne ee 

Aa, C. C. H. vander, iv 166] 
' — R.J. B.C. vander, xxxvii 202 
Aar, inundation from the, xlvi 404 
Abaissey, Jos. a Prince of Palestine, travel- 
ling with a Secretary of State’s pass, ix 62] 
Abano, description of, Ixi 511 : 
Abba Thulle, xxx 37. xxxiii 345] xxxv 38 
_ Abbadie, d’, letter from the king to surren- 
der the French possessions in America 
to Spain, viii 271] 
Abbas, shah, x 209. xvi 141 
Abbés, what, xiii 10 
Abbeville, slight shock of an Earthquake at, 
viii 64] , 
-+++ powder magazine blown up, xvi 198] 
Abbeydore, fire at, liv 102 
Abbot, xxviii 203] 
—— abp. G. xv 5. xxi 6 
_ ——— Britton, lviii 605 
_ —— C. (lord Colchester) xxvii 281] x1 38 
xli 181] xliii 23) 147] 144. xliv 100. xlv 2 
xlvii 72, 83, 118. xlix 31, 236. 1 122] 223* 
lii 52, 90, 100, 106. liii 6] liv 214] 1v17} 
25] 29] 33] 48] Ivi 138] 1389] 140] 23, 
283. lvii 9] Iviii 53] lix 57] Ix 403. Ixi40] 

--+. Speech on presenting certain bills to — 

the king, xlvi 113, 598 
---- sir F. Burdett v. liii 246 
a” to the regent, lv 364. lvi 112] 
~—— sir C. li 274. liv 272, 296, 305. 
lvi 314. lviii 79, 258, 299. lix 163, 165, 
171. Ix 277, 290, 292, 296, 329. Ixi 187, 
190, 194, 197, 201, 204, 205, 260, 261, 
264, 266, 268, 270, 272, 275, 278 
Abdallah bashaw, xli 24] 
Kezkaori, xli 16] 
Abdelrahman, xxix 17 
Abder Haman aga, Tripolitan envoy to Swe- 
den, xvi 80] 
Abdi aga, viii 64] 
Abdomen, extraordinary bone or calculus in 
the, x 116 
Abdul Hamet, xxxi 169] 206] xlix 920 
Pant. {, ; 

\ AB 
Abdul Khalie, xli 100, 321 
——— Roobin, xi 73 
Abdy, sir Ant. ix 117] xii 125] 
Abel, xlvi 637 
—— C.F. xxix 210] xi 358 
Abelard, Pet. xi 169 
- tomb of, xi 175 
Abercorn, James, Sth earl of, vii 46] xvii 162] 
xxvii 189] xxix 66] 94] 
J. James, Ist. marq. xxxvii 150] 
xxxix 233] xliii 26. xlv 5. xlvi 8), 108, 
109, xlvii 355. xiviii 99. liv 142» 
Abercromby, gen. i 72, 74. ii 75. iii 104] 
gen. sir Rob. xxi 214*] xxiv 
132] xxxiii 114] xxxiv 199] 205] 206] 
209] 217] 220] 221] 
hon. col. A. lv 171 
—— hon. James, lii 142. liv 21] 37] 
40] lv 9] 52] 96] lvi 161] lvii 14] Ix 49) 
146] Ixi 162] 
xviii 135*] 
——_——— lieut.-gen. sir J. xliii 102. xliv 
865. lii 263. lili 171, 176 
————— lieut.-gen. sir Ralph, xxxvi 19 
xxxviii 194] 70, 75, 80. xxxix 89] 91] 78 
xl 213. xli 301] 304] 308] 77, 90, 299 
xlii 108] 109] 165] 213] 215] 274. xiii 
187] 205] 226] 231] $7, 88, 146. xliv 358 
' xlv 295, 943. xlvi 904. xlviii 376. 1i 47 
---. monument to, xliii 186] 
...- death and character of, xliii 232] 
19, 91. xly 953, 955 
Mary Ann, baroness, xliii 186] 
Ix 401. 1xi 399 
Aberdeen, storm at, xvi 72] 
--.. inundation at, xvii 151] 
.... loan offered by the Bank of Scotland 
to purchase corn for the peor, xxvi 193] 
«++. riot at, xxvii 243] 
Aberdeen G. 3rd earl, xvii 163] xxi 162] 
xxvii 189] xxxi 304] 
———- G. Ham. 4th earl, | 5] 1iii 9] 57] 
liv 29] 142. lv 471] Iviti 449 

James, iii 221] 


Abergavenny, G. Ist earl, vii 178] viii 201] 
ISL] xii 70] 197] 199] xv 235] xvit 
274} xviii 249] 261] xx 280] 283] xxi 303] 
xxi 342] 348] 350] 301] xxiii 330] 331) 

— G. Neville, lord, xviii 150 

— H. 2nd earl, xxxi 298] 304] 

SS ord (t. den: ww xi 48 
bernethy, account of, xlix 1 

Abeniethe: J. (surgeon) xxxviii 380, 509. xl 
367 - 

Abingdon, trial for bribery at, xu ‘A ee 

wee Shock of an earthquake felt, xiv 

...- two of the corporation to act as 
justices annually, xvii 142] 

Abingdon, maj. xxvi 53} : 

————— Montagu, 5th earl, lvi204] 

Willoughby, 4th earl, ii 142. xiii 

70] 199] xv 235] 236] xvi 243] xvii 274) 
xviii 249] 251] xix 255] xx 66] 280] 283] 
204n. xxi 79] 99] 154] 303] xxii 221] 342] 
343] xxiii 330] 331] 333] xxv 296] xxxiv 
165. xxxv 90] xxxvii 182] xl 332 

..e~ convicted of a libel on Mr, Sermon, 
xxxvi 40. xxxvii 7 : 

Abington, Mrs. ix 248. xviii 209. xx 200 
xxiii 205 

Abisbal, conde del, lv 145] 176, 180. lvii 
117] lviii 19] Ixi 179] 180] 

Ablancourt, d’, iii 80. xxxiv 527.] 

Abo, fire at, xviii 149] 

-.. raised to an archbishoprick, lix 58 

Aboukir, destruction of the French fleet, 
xxxix 126] 139] 142 

-.-. battle of, xli 43] 

Aboyne, C. 4th earl of, xiv 204] 

— G. 5th earl, lv 299 

Abrahams, Abraham, convicted of forgery, 
xvii 146] 159] 

Abrantes, duke of. See Junot 

Abras, count a’, lii 179 

Abreu, marq. a’, ii 111 

Abstemiousness ‘ See Food 


Abthane. See Thane 

Abu Taleb khan, xlv 882 

Abubeker, xvi 141 

Abul Fazel v 108. xxxiii 376] xlii 475 

Abulfeda, xiii 225 

Abyssinia, manners and customs of, xxxii 
170. 1. 80. lvii 530-8 

Acacia, food for cattle, 11 384 

Academy, American, of Arts and Sciences, 
xxiv 20] 

of St. Luke, medal to R. Milne, iii 

+--+ prize to Mr. Byres, v 112] 
—— Royal. See Royal Academy of Arts 
Royal, of Music, iii 15 
of Sciences,at Paris, a Negro 
nh a corresponding member, xxviii 
Acadia. See Nova Scotia 
Acca, bishop of Hexham, xvii 122 


Accawaws, xii 279 

Accidents: several Jews drowned by a boat 
upsetting at Spithead, i 82 

«++» powder-mills blown up. See Powder 

+++ two men suffocated by foul air in a 
beer cellar, i 96 

.+++ farmer killed by his own bull, i 98 

«.«+ fall of an old house in St. Giles’s, 1101 

«+. several persons killed at the town-hall 
of Pool, in Montgomeryshire, on an alarm 
of the floor giving way, i 104 

a making cartridges, at Morpeth, i 

«+.. men suffocated on board a ship, i 116 

+++. three persons buried five weeks under 
snow, i 297 

«+e» explosion of a shellat a founder’s, ii 65 

+--+ persons drowned in passage-boats from 
Southampton and Poole, ii 81 

-.+. ship blown up in saluting, ii 88 

. Worcester waggon set on fire by the 

bursting of a bottle of aquafortis, ii 90 

-+.. explosion of powder at South-sea cas- 
tle, ii 108 

«+++ West-Indiaman blown up at the Hope- 
point, ii 109 

+++. two men smothered in sinking a well, 
ii 123 

.++- boy and girl smothered in asand-pit, 7. 

+++ boat overset by a sudden swell of the 
sea at Tinemouth, iii 65] 

«++. labourer killed by falling from a height 
on his feet, iii 68] 

«+++ eflorts of a boy to save another drowned 
by ice breaking, ¢). 

-+.+ oldman choked by a boy at play, iii 82] 

++.» Dutch ship sunk by an Englishman, 
iii 116 

Pe fro the bursting of a smokeball, iii 

.».. destruction of a family prevented by 
presence of mind and courage, iv 60] 

«+.» persons drowned by leaping a horse 
intoa ferry boat, iv 62] 

..+ elderly lady burnt to death, iv 66] 

..-- from loaded guns, iv 66] x 56] 126) 
129] xlix 368. 1 25*. liii 91. lv 15, 64, Iwi 
11. lvii 199. lviii 14 

-».. house blown up from snapping a pistol 
in a shop at Elgin, iv 72] 

«+.. from the fumes of charcoal, iv 74] viii 
159] x 90. xiii 173] 

e».. persons killed by the fall of a wall at 
Old Windsor, iv 80] 

see. on an alarm of fire at a methodist 
meeting, iv 89] 

«es. persons killed by the fall of walls at 
fires, iv 103] 157] xv 138] xvi 108] Ix 166 

«».. three persons drowned at a sheep- 
washing, iv 122 

ess» youth killed fowling in the isle of Coll, 
iv 133 

«=. dean Langton killed by falling from 
a precipice in Derbyshire, iv 195] 



Accidents : men suffocated in a well in which 
a fire had been made, iv 159] 

-+-- coach horses frightened by a squib, 
and a man killed, iv 161] 

++.. powder magazine at Maestricht blown 
up by a night robber, iv 186] 

+++. woman killed by an eruption from the 
earth, iv 95 

-».. man killed by a loaded pistol put into 
the fire among old iron, v 67] 

-».. girl burned to death from holding 
burning rags under her doll’s nose, v 70} 

+++» persons killed by the fall of old houses. 
See Houses 

+++» persons jumping out of windows in their 
sleep v 80] xlvii 393. liii 90 

-+.- men suffocated in a limekiln, v 86] 

+.» injuries from rubbish left in the street, 
v 90} 

«+. from the fall of an elm in the close at 
Salisbury, v 91] 

«+++ two men poisoned by eating arsenic on 
bread and butter laid for rats, v 99 

+++» explosion of gunpowder in a waggon 
warehouse at Worcester, v 99] 

»»++ child scalded to death, v 103] 

-+-. man killed by his companion jumping 
out of the walking wheel of a crane, v 119] 

_e».. drunken man frozen to death in Fleet 


‘ditch, vi 51] 

ae suffocated in their cabin, vi 

++.» at an exhibition of fireworks on Tower- 
hill, vi 80] 

e+.. two Guinea ships blown up, and all 
96] crews, except one man, destroyed, vi 

++++ man drowned in boiling water in a 
coalpit, vi 110] 

+++» magazine in Jamaica fired by lightning, 
vi 113] 

++. man shot by mistake fora deer, vi 116] 

-».. men suffocated ina pump-well, vii 108] 
xi 161] 

e.--» from floors giving way, viii 59] xxv 

& 200] lvi 24, 95 

«+». men drowned in Portsmouth harbour 
by the loss of a man-of-war’s longboat, 
viii 87] 

-... blacksmith at Rotherhithe killed by a 
cannon ball from a foundry, viii 89] 

+++» man and boy saved by a dog, on the 

upsetting of a boat, viii 126] 

«+.» boy’s eyes torn out by a kite that was 
shot, ix 63] 

+++» persons lost in the snow, ix 68] x 50} 
53] xi 69] xiv 71] 

++ ++ woman about to be married to a sailor 
just returned home killed by the vane of 
her father’s mill, ix 77] 

.-+- black burnt at a druggist’s by setting 
fire to a bottle of spirit, ix 86] 

..». by vehicles overturned or run away 
with, ix 97] xiii 93] 145] xxxvii 30. 
“xxviii 8,27, 33. xli 39, 41, xlii 24, 46. 

xliii 26. xliv 358. xlv 383, zb., 386, 399, 
400, 406, 430, 455, xlvi 411, 417. xlvii 
364, 365, 376, 392. xlviii 366, 417, 434, 
447. xlix 469, 2b. 155*, 114%. lv 54, 89. 
Ivi 85. Ivii 50, 51, 57. lviii 6. lix 44 

Accidents: persons shot with their own 
fowling- pieces, ix 105] xlvi 441. liii 31. 
Ivi 83. lyii 63, lviii 127 

es+» guns bursting, xli 1. xlv 426, 454, 
xlvi 411, xlviii 371, 420. xlix 385. liv 126 

++. fall down St. Paul’s staircase, ix 112] > 

-e-- houses blown up owing to fireworks, 
ix 114] lvii 44 

+» +. persons drowned in the Southampton 
passage wherry, ix 152] 

e+. persons killed by an explosion of gun- 

/ powder at a fire, ix 153] 

+... man buried in a well and dug out, x 

+... —— burnt by gunpowder with which 
he meant to blow up his wife, x 57] 

e».. gentleman killed by a hackney coach, 
without the driver, going into the Thames, 
x 59] 

+». several persons drowned at the ferry 
of Invergarry, x 70] 

«... West country barge sunk a little above 
Windsor, x 70] 

+e» fall from a cliffin the snow, x 72] 

..+- Servant shot by his master in a deli- 
rium, x 73] 

.».. child drowned, x 82] 

.. ++ boy killed by his head falling on a 
stone when pushed by his master, x 87] 
+--+ Mrs. O’Hara burnt by her ruffle taking 

fire at a candle, x 88] 

«.-- miss Cherry killed by the overturning 
of a waggon, x 92] 

.... servantand child drowned in the Tweed 
at a sheep washing, x 99] 

-».. girl killed by gunpowder left in an 
oven, x 109 

..-» house blown up by firing a gun in sport, 
x 109] 

.... injuries from explosion of gunpowder, 
v 99] vi 96] ix 153] x 57] x 109] 148] xw 
136] xvii 134] x 148] xix 170] xxi 216} 
xxxvi 33. xxxvii 30. xli 11. xliii 8. xlvi 
418, 432, 441. xlvii 364. xIviii 395. xlix 
360. 1 114*. liii 7. vi 54, 61. lvii 58, 75, 
103. Iviii 151, 182. Ix 133, 141 

.... gentleman drowned in the Thames by 
missing his way in the fog, and another 
suffocated in Fleet ditch, x 149 

..+» persons frozen to death, xi 57] 58] 
xxxvii 4 

..-. from hydrogen gas fired in a necessary 
that had been a well, xi 62] . 

.... two men killed reloading a cannon for 
a salute, xi 69] 71] , 

..-- servant girl shot by a spring gun, xt 
106] ; 

..-- persons drowned by the oversetting 

&c. of boats in the Thames, xi 112] xiv 

145] 148] xvi 108] 127) xvii 124) xviii 


$2] xxi 181] xxvi 205] xxxiv 20. xxxvi 
32. xxxviii 27. xlvi 412, 423. xlvii 362, 
395, 409. xlviii 411, 418. 1 109*. lili 2, 
89. liv 89. lv 56, 69, lviii 83, 152 

Accidents: blowing up of the magazine at 
Crema, xi 116] i 

-,-» by falling in of part of a mine in Swe- 
den, xi 121] 

es.» persons lost at Dominica in a leaky 
boat, xi 124] 2 

++ four persons suffocated ina cellar, xi 

++ eighteen persons drowned in the Tiber, 
xi 133) 

e-.. Man destroyed in a limekiln, xi 141] 
xlix 449 

‘e+ four ladies suffocated in their bed- 
room, xi 151] . 

‘s+. man killed by swallowing a wasp, xi 152] 

+... Several persons hurt by the fall of a 
stack of chimneys in the Fleet, xi 157] 

«+» at the duke of Grafton’s by the fall of 
walls building, xi 185] 

+++. passengers in the Exeter stage drowned, 
xi 19)] 

«+.» Wellingborough bridge broken down 
by the stage waggon, xii 81 | 

e+..- death by falling from a waggon, and 
curious law case in consequence, xii 94} 

-».. from catching a pen-knife between the 
thighs, xii 106] 

e+.. fall of the abutment of the new bridge 
at Edinburgh, xii 121] 

e-.. men smothered in digging graves, xii 
132] xlvi 427 

nine dockmen drowned ina gale in 
Portsmouth harbour, xii 147] 

+++. Several persons drowned at the lord 
mayor’s show, xii 149] 

e+.. woman burnt to death by falling into 
the fire in a fit from fright, xiii 67] 

«+-- boat upset near Harwich, xiii 104] 

- near Inyerary, xiii 144] 

e+. at the execution of two murderers at 
Rome, xiii 154] 

«+.. pilot boat at Liverpool, xiii 166] 

*+.. persons drowned by the breaking down 
of a bridge, xiv 134] xxxiv 37 

ers in a boat from Bath, 

* xiv 140] 

killed by the fall of the new 

barracks at Neiss, xiv 147] 

swallowed up by the opening 

of the earth, xiv 164] xvi 122] 

++.» from loaded firearms, xv 103] 147] x1 
82. xlv 435, 7b., 459. xlvi 397, 432. xlvii 
358. xlviii 384. lvi 24 

-+.. father and two sons drowned, xv 120] 

puppet-show-man and his audience 

blown up, xv 136] 

e+. ina thick fog, xv 148] ly 104 

---- froma pipe in the mouth of a drun- 

_ kard, xy 35 

«+s- eight persons drowned jn a boat off 
Calais, xvi 65] 



Accidents : nine persons drowned in a boat 
on the Nith, xvi 80] 

.... a girl and a heifer swallowed up by the 
earth in France, xvi 122] 

++. persons trodden to death atan execu- 
tion, xvi 131] xlix 879 

..++ persons suffocated in a brewer’s vat, 
xvi 139] xxxix 47 

..+» man killed by the falling of a stone 
under which he dreamed he should find 
money, xvii 89] 

«++ Several persons drowned at a ferry over 
the Sarte, xvii 92] 

-++. from the fall of scaffolding, xvii 105] 
Xxxili 35*. xxxvili 29. xliv 422, 427. 
xlvi 376. xlviii 417. liv 86 

«+++ death from a wound in the leg by a 
cock’s spur, xvii 124] 

«-.. from the blowing up of the roundhouse 
of the Kent, xvii 134] 

+++» persons drowned at the passage over 
the Severn by the folly of one of the pas- 
sengers, xvii 161] 

rev. Mr. Newnham killed by falling 
into Penpark hole, xviii 99] 

.. ++ from a boat being squeezed between 
two vessels in the Thames, xviii 158] 

+++. explosion of gunpowder on board the 
Marlborough xix 170] 

.» ++ boat upset in the port of Chester, xix 

..+- from persons shooting, xix 185] xlv 
426. xlvii 398. xlix 505, liii 11, 44. lvii 
75. lix 90. 1x 140 

++.. at the funeral of the duchess of North- 
umberland, xix 196] 

-+-- child killed by the wadding of a pistol 
at a bonfire, xx 213] 

«+.. from the breaking of ice, xxi 163] 
xxxili 51%. xxxvii 4, 7. xliii 47. xliv 361. 
xlv 465. xlvii 364, lili 22. lvi 3, 11. lvii 103 

«+» Dr. Sclater killed by a sack of cara- 
way seeds falling from a crane, xxi 167] 

..++ two men suffocated in acellar, xxi 187} 

«+++ persons smothered under a hayrick, 
xxi 188] 

++.. woman saved from drowning by a dog, 
xxi 207] 

++» by the falling of a new bridge in Spain, 
xxii 202] 

++.» miss Nangle burnt, her clothes being 
set on fire by a lens with which she was 
amusing herself, xxii 218] 

«+.» powder magazine at Vienna blown up, 
xxii 218] ; 

-.-- manand child thrown down by a car- 
riage, and dreadfully burnt by the break- 
ing of a bottle of aquafortis, xxiii 223] 

prince of Wales and Mr. Thomson un- 
horsed by riding against each other, xxvi 

---+ Spalding and his assistant drowned 
in a diving-bell, xxvi 206] 

-.«- breaking down of a bridge, xxvi 211] 
xli 24. xlviii 371, 294. xlix 394, 1 119* 





Accidents: man run over by a brewer’s dray, 
xxvii 245] 

..-- man killed by a sudden explosion in 
sinking a well, xxviii 211] 

.... fall from the boxes at Covent Garden, 
xxix 197] 

+++» several persons killed by the fall of the 
theatre at Bury, xxix 210] 

-:.. man drowned by a lobster, xxix 219] 

+. servant in Lincoln’s iun killed by the 
fall of chimneys, xxxii 229} 

-... persons killed by a cottage blown down, 
xxxli 230] 

+++ persons suffocated in the lighthouse at 
Mayo, xxxiii 2] 

+++» persons burnt by clothes catching fire, 
xxxili 2]. xxxv 24, xlvi 721. See also 

«+++ persons crowned in crossing a ford, 
xxxiii 11 

-+++- persons trampled to death in a crowd 
at a playhouse, xxxiv 1. xxxvi 5. xlix 
501, 518, 521. lv 16 

+... boats upset at Spithead, xxxiv 37. 
xxxviii 3. xlv 354 

-... from the fall of a roof, xxxiv 43. lii 

++.» six men drowned at Newhaven, xxxv 17 

-... falls from a precipice, xxxv 27. xxxviii 
8. xlvii 391, 406. xlviii 410, 455. xlix 
430. lix 78 

-.+- child shot by two soldiers firing at a 
mark, xxxv 41 

+.» men killed by the fall of earth in dig- 
ging gravel, xxxv 44 

«+.» viscount Montague and Sedley Bur- 
dett drowned at the falls of Schaffhausen, 
xxxv 51 

+... horses in a waggon killed by taking 
fright at a peacock, xxxvi 15 

-».. man killed bya stone thrown up from 
a limepit, xxxvi 20 

«++. persons killed by a waggon overturned, 
xxxvi 30, 37 

..-+ boat upset in the Humber, xxxvii 20 

-.+» ferryboat at Lynn overset, xxxviii 7 

«++. curricle dragged over a_ precipice, 
Xxxviii 8 

.... from restive horses, xxxviii 15, x] 84. 
xlv 403. Ivii 25+ 

+--+ four men drowned at Scarborough, 
Xxxvili 35 

«+. from a gun casually going off, xxxviii 

--+» from furious driving, xxxviii 37. xlvi 

— 400, 407 - 4 5 

+++» young ladies playing on a ship's yar’ 
iglied, ie 26 a big Bt 

+++» two king’s messengers drowned at 
Calais, xxxix 48 

«+++ capt. Drew and ten others drowned at 
Plymouth, x1 2 

+. ++ miss Mackworth killed by walking over 
rhea in front of a methodist chapel, 


Accidents: from the balustrades of London 
bridge broken by the mast of a barge, 
x1 40 

-.++ persons found drowned, x! 50, xlv 431, 
442. xlvi 416, 422. xlvii 396, 406, 418. 
xlviii 371, 385, 418, 455 

-... falling out of windows, xl 59. xlvi 399, 

--.. chaise overset in the Serpentine river, 
x1 79 

-.-. horse frightened by lightning drowned 
with the man watering him, x1 80 

-»-. three men killed by a shot from a can- 
non at Dover, xl 85 

..-. from the breaking of a new millstone, 
xl 92 

.... fall from the roof of a stage, xl 94 

.... horses drowned by driving a coach 
into a river to wash the wheels, and seve- 
ral persons drowned by a dyer’s stage 
giving way on which people collected to 
see their bodies floating, xl 96 

..-- from bombs taking fire, xli 10, 93x. liv 

breaking of a well-rope, xli 2] 

.... stage coach passing under a gateway, 
xlii 10. lvii 79 
.-. in ringing, xlii 11. xlvi 421 

..-- child dropped into a boiling copper, 
xlii 20 

.... W. Bosanquet killed by walking out of 
his drawingroom window, from which he 
had had the balcony removed, xlii 22 

«s+. persons drowned in bathing. 

.... boats overset or sunk, iii 65] viii 87] 
ix 152] xii 147] xiii 104] 144] 166] xiv 
140] xvi 65] 80} xix 177] xxxvii 20. 
xxxvili 7. xxxix 3, 14, 18. x1 70, 78. xliii 
36. xliv 417. xlv 434, 456, b., 460, 467. 
xlvi 412. xlvii 374, 376, 401, 7b., 409. 
xIviii 361, 367, 395, 432, 461, 463. xlix 
354, 447, 449, ib. 1 102*, 103*. liii 2, 4, 
20, 48, 91, 121, 131. liv 119. lv 38, 39, 
99. lvi 3, 4, 66, 91, 112. lvii 4, 32, 39, 
40, 72, 77, 109. lviii 6, 12, 38, 41, 82, 88, 
137, 2b., 1388, 153. lix 2, 66, 71, 77, 81, 
105. 1x 42, 71, 157. Ixi 15, 33 

«es» three men killed at the procla- 
mation of peace by the fall of a stone 
from St. Mary’s church in the Strand, 
xliv 397 

«++» at the new docks, Blackwall, xliv 428, 

.«.. from getting behind a coach, xxxii 
32] xliv 446 

.-.. from the wadding of firearms, xliv 46% 
xlv 430, 458. lvii 39 . 

+».. man killed by the fall of the yard of 
a trough on the Severn, xliv 462 

ve.» person burnt by sulphuric acid, xliv 

yee» lad hung, xlv 368 

s+ two men and.a woman crushed to death 
between two coal waggons, xlv 387 




Accidents: by a cart overpowering a horse 
ascending a hill, xlv 396 

‘e*»+ woman crushed to death between a 
lighter and a ship’s side, xlv 399 

~+--eye struck out at tennis, xlv 400 

--.. from riding on shafts, xlv 406. xlvi 
412. xlvii 422. xlviii 371. xlix 532 

‘eee ata Ship’s launching, xlv 420 

«+ee men drowned shooting ducks, xlv 421 

a fall of a stage waggon over a bridge, 
xlv 430 

e+e» man drowned on leaping from London- 

_ bridge with his arms extended, xlv 430 

eee» two men killed in piling timber, xlv 

«+e inattempting to fasten a vessel to the 

jetty, at Hull, xlv 438 

eo» +» brewer’s clerk suffocated in a vessel of 
wort, xlv 438 

«+s. at the West India docks, xlv 439 

e.++ in crossing the sands from Lancaster to 
Allithwaite, xlv 440 

esos in well-sinking, xlv 468 

e+.» from falling of chimneys, xlvi 361 

+. in digging out a fox froma cleft in a 
rock, xlvi 372 

e+. child killed by pulling a cask down 
upon himself, xlvi 384 

«+.. man killed by leaping from a waggon, 
xlvi 389 

«».- four men drowned in an extraordinary 
manner, xlvi 393 

e»+. in crossing streets, xlvi 397, 400, id. 
xlviii 417 

e -» boy struck from the gunwale of a boat 
into the Thames by an oar and drowned, 
xlvi 404 

‘esses gig jammed between a cart and hack- 
ney coach, xlvi 406 

e++- Sailor drowned by slipping between 
two vessels, xlvi 409 

e+.+ man crushed between a cart-wheel and 
a wall, xlvi 409 

‘+.. from horses taking fright, xlvi 408, 
412, 436. xlvii 369, 392. xiviii 383, 421, 
434, tb. xlix 508. liii 42. lvi 95 

e... drowned by falling into a lock, xlvi 416 

e»»» horse in a chaise killed by a tree fall- 
ing on it, xlvi 422 

-+-+ falling from one of the horses ofa cart, 
xlvi 430 

ee to one person, xlvi 432, 721, 


, in one family, lvii 25 

«+++ boy’s thigh broken in a scramble, xlvi 

+++ from oversetting a bucket of ore ina 
mine, xlvi $12 

«++. —— being run over, xlvii 359. xlix 
354, lvii 26 

«+++ falling down stairs, xlvii 378. xlix 532 

--.. child killed by falling down with a 
glass bottle, xlvii 397 

ees. man blown intoa tub of boiling glue 
xlviii 386 — 


Accidents: man killed by a blow on the 
head with a stick in joke, xlviii 387 

.+++ infant dropped in handing out of a 
stage and killed, xlviii 387 

«+» horse in a cart killed by a hogshead of 
sugar rolling over it, xlviii 395 

--++ boy drowned by falling from a barge, 
xlviii 409 

-+.» from racing with carriages, xlviii 411 

+++» man, boy, and horse in a chaise, drown- 
ed in attempting to water the horse, 
xlviii 418 

--++ bricklayers falling from the top of a 
house just finished, xlviii 433 

.. ++ falling in of a sand-pit, xlviii 434 

..+» falling of an arch on striking the cen-. 
tres, xlviii 446, 447 : 

.»+. from sliding down a stack of straw, 
xlviii 449 

-+.. in drawing the charge of a gun, xlvili 

-»-- falling from a coach box, xviii 463. 
xlix 354 

ae from a horse, xlix 356. lv 47 

.«++ by the fall of a stone from a cliff, xlix 
418. liv 25 

«+». from leaving the horse of a coal gin in 
the care of a child, xlix 419 

«+s. young lady drowned on getting into a 
wherry, xlix 458 

+++ persons drowned in attempting to pass 
a bridge in a flood, xlix 469 

,++- from the fall of a church steeple, lii 

-» +» from the fall of a cliff, lii 294, liv 112. 
lix 123 e 

---+- fall from a ship’s mast, liii 44 

«+e. crowd at Carlton-house, liii 70 

-».. from a girl’s fainting in a crowd ata 
confirmation, liii 89 

++.» fall from the gallery of a playhouse, 
liv 8 

+++ bursting of a wormcooler, liv 35 

..+. from a crowd at a fair, liv 112 

.... from a crowd rushing out of a church, 
liv 147. lv 119. lvii 33. lviii 170 

.. +» from undermining a bank, ly 57 

-. ++ boy killed by a bundle of swords fall- 
ing on him, lv 65 

from the fall of stones in a quarry, 
lv 91 

--». from the fall of stones in a eoalpit, lv 

«+++ man and nine horses drowned, lvi 13 

-.+- man killed by tilting his chair, lyi 39 

+++- ———— coming down by the run on 
board a ship, lvi 86 

++. in hunting, lvii 16 

+++ from the breaking of a ladder, Ivii 44. 

---. from taking spirits by mistake for 
water to extinguish a fire, lviii 27 é 

-».. ferryman and his passengers drowned 
by mistaking a sand for the shore, lviii 179 

“age shot by mistake for a bear, lviii 




Accidents: persons drowned while gathering 
cockles by the rising of the tide ina fog, 
lix 36, 37 

«+e» wall blown down, Ix 38 

«.-. several persons killed by the fall of a 
bell in France, Ix 52 

e-.. at the Russian mountains in Paris, Ix 


esee fall of a wall, Ix 106 

.... from chimneys blown down. SeeStorms 

«++. ——fireworks. See Fireworks 

o--.——gas. See Gas lights 

eeee —— millwork. See Mills 

eee. ——stage coaches. See Stage coaches 

eee. ——steam engines. See Steam en- 

..-- in collieries.. See Collieries 

++.. persons drowned in bathing. 
See Houses 

Accum, Fred., | 120 

Acerbi, Jos., xliv 734, 738, 872. li 953 

Achard, vii 109 

Ache, M. @’, ii 53. iii 64] 153] ix 81 

Achel Sing, lxi 214} 

Achen, von, capt., lix 41 

Achmet IV. See Abdul Hamet 

Achmet effendi, vi 113] xviii 135] 

Acid, carbonic, xx 104 

«+.» meat preserved by, xxi 138 

...- treatment of persons suffocated by, 
xxiii 139 

«++» cause as well as product of fermenta- 
tion, xxviii 74 

—— muriatic, method of cleaning prints 
with, xlvi 860 

“ana persons poisoned by, Iviii 176, 

—— sulphuric, child killed by, Ixi 229 
«++. corrosive quality of, said to be de- 
stroyed by light, xxxiv 34 
«+.. Observations on, xl 382 
fag injury from, remedied by ether, xliv 


killed by the fall of old houses. 

Acids, test of, xxvii 27 
use of, in bleaching, xxviii 73 

_ Ackerley v. Pemberton and Mawdesley, lvi 

Ackermann, Rudolph, xliii 453. lx 361 

Ackland, lady Harriet, xxiii 63 

lieu.-gen. W. P. xlviii 144, 921 

xlix 47. 1261*, 263*. li 52 

maj. J. Dyke, xx 170*). xxiii 64] 
sir T. Dyke, xxii'203] xxxiv 10 

Acland, capt. (N) xxxvii75 

sir J, P, Ixi 374 

Acomb, fire at, xlviii 463 ; 

Acorns, a substitute for coflee, xxii 122 

Acosta, Jos. d’, xx 101. xxix 122m, 133 

A’Court, gen. —vii 128] 

lieut.-col. C. Ashe, xlix 666* 

——~ Mrs. poisoned, xx 183] 

-—— W. lvii 181 

Acquanetta, don Domenico, xxyi 62 

Acre, account of, xli 26] 
«+++ besieged by the French, xli 28] 70 
+++. the siege raised, xli 35] 
Acres, W. xv 129} 
Acrisius, i 460 
Acting, remarks on, iii 216 
Acton, gen. xli 86. xviii 147 
H. xi 110] 
Acunha, father Camera d’, ii 122 
Adair, Alex. xxxiv 144 
——— gen. (Amer.) xlviii 244 
James, ix 107] 
—— Jones, xliii 203] 
—— Robert, xv 120] xx 191] xxxiii 23] 25} 
serg. James, xii 67] xiv 106] xv 147] 
xvii 116] xviii 242] xix 120) xxi 136] xxiii 
189] xxxi 207] xxxv 51. xxxvi 236] xxxvii 
152] 157] 162] xxxviii 112, xxxix 218] 

e+e» elected recorder, xxii 229] 

«+ «+ account of, xl 63 

—— W. xviii 222] 

Adam of Bremen, xiii 36 

Adam, capt. C. (N.) xliv 368, 529 

count. xxxi 228] xxxviii 30. xlvii 54. 
xlviii 112, 121, 378, 620, lvi 307. Ixi 211 

—— Dr. Alex. xlvi 961 

James, xiv 97] xv 87] xvi 104] 117] 

xvii 84) xxvii 199] xxxvi 36 

J. lvii 228, 229 

1. col. lvi. 202] 

m. gen. sir Fred. Iv 142] 150] 146. 

Ivii 178. lxi 196] 

Rob. xiv 97] xv 87] xvi 104] 117] 

xvii 84] xxvii 199] xxxii 250] xxxiv 13 

W xxii 235] xxiii 56] xxv 174) xxvii 

68]xxix 14)] 165] xxx 169] xxxv 20] 
xxxvi 211] 263] xlix 244.1 64] li 51, 124, 
138, 145, 310. lii 70. liii 11] 30] liv 16] 
18] lviii 12, 253 

Adams, (bar. exch.) vii 69) xiii 136] xiv 
154] xv 70] 78] xvii 108] 

Dan. xxxiv 74. xxxvi 268] 14 

Dr. Jesse, Iviii 249. Ix 325, xi 286 

Dudley, xxxiv 3]. xxxix 406. xlii 

382. lvii 320 

G. xxxii 92 

James, liv 315 

Jemfer, lvi 274 

J. (Amer.) lii 264*. 

J. (memb. of Congr.) xvii 218] xviii 
265] xxiv 168} 258] xxv 321] xxvi 134] 
339] xxvii 230] 234] xxviii 213] 260] 
xxxvili 208] 318, xxxix 282. xl 243] 97, 
278, 309. xli. 300. xlii 301 

o+.. re-elected vicepresident, xxxv 1 

-.«. elected president, xxxix 7 

J. Quincey, xlii 298, lvi 192] Ixi 241] 

lecol. xxvi 248] Ix 186] 

maj. T. his success against mir Cos- 
sim, vii 40] 

ose» death of, viii 9] ’ 

Martha, murder of, i 101 

Phineas, extraordinary case of, 101 

nes rev, Dire W, xxxiii 440] 441] 465) - 


Adams, rev. H. C. xl 60 
—— Rich. (gardener) xxxix 7 ore 
8. (of Boston) xi 237] 240] xvii 218) 
xviii 126*] 138*] 265] xix 174*] 
Sarah, xl 179 
——— W. lvi 192] 
W. and his wife, convicted of an as- 
sault on a supposed witch, xii 123] 137] 
»W. D. xlviii 383 ? i. 
Adams street, Edgware road, fire in, xlvii 
SHY ho 
Adamson, Jos. convicted of forgery, x1 15, 
33, 47. 
-—— W. lviii 347 
Adanson, J. B. xxix 71x. 
——-— Mich. iii 90. vi 65. viii 154 
Adansonia. See Baobab 
Addenbrook, dean, xxv 130 cou 
Adders. persons killed by, xxxiv 09. lix 98 
.-.. large one shot, 1 105* 
Addington, Dr. A. xxi 244] xxxi 292] 
— H. See Sidmouth, vise. 
— hon. J. Hiley, xliii 130] xlvi 24. 
xlix 117. lviii 37] 
sir W. xvii 142] xviii 222] 228] 
237] xx 168] xxiii 258] 259] xxvii 197] 
200] xxix 228] xxxii 213] xxxiii 30) xlii2 
Addison, Jos. iii 268. v 176, 249. vii 54. viii 
21, 237. x 61, xi 36, 165, 167, 168. xiii 
186, xv 229, xvi 198. xxi 185. xxiii 156. 
xxv 204. xxvi 144. xxxii 125, xxxiii 290] 


xxxvii 19°] 23*] xxxix 12, xlii 323, xlvi | 


2e+- on the poetry of, vi 197 

e.-- anecdote of xii 6] 

~... letters to the earl of Warwick, xxi 175 

«++. his capt. Sentry, xxv 227"| 

a+. Style of, xli 438 

~.++ monument of, li 275 

miss, Xxxix 12 

Addresses, insignificance of gratulatory, xiv 

e+e. smuggled, xix 74] 

.-.. to the marg. of Rockingham out of 
place, ix 124] 126] 131] 

eee. remarkable, from candidates for seats 
in parliament, xxvii 272] 

Adelphi buildings, xiv 70*] 79] 84] 95] 97] 
102] 163] 253] xv 87] xvi 104] 

.. +. to be disposed of by lottery, xvi 117] 

Adet, P. A. xxxviii 173] 208] 304 

Adhemar, count d’, xxvii 258] xxix 245] 

Adie, A. Ixi 302 

Adipocere, conversion of animal flesh into, 
xxxv 299 : ; 

Adlam, H, A. stabbed by his wife, lvi 76 

Adlercreutz, bar. ly 456, lvi 46] 

Adlercron, col. ii 176. vy 155] 

Adlersparre, col. ly 456 

Administration; humorous. proposal for a fe- 
male, ix 209 

+... account of a late short, ix 212, 213 

Admiralty court, causes before, ii 73, 79, 84, 
89, 102, 131. iii 161] iv 127] viii 117] 
xxix 265] xxxiv 5], xxxv 7,58, xxxvii 6 - 

xiii 19. litt, 255, 257. liv 312. ly 264, lx 
271, 287, 309, 325. Ixi 213, 268, 285 

Admiralty court: general principles in prize 
causes, xxvii 171 

— droits, given to the public, vii 

31] xlviii 9, 70 

.«.. property of the nation, liv 14] 22] 

.. +. amount of, liv 22] 

.-.- grants out of, Ix 63 

— office, grant for a new building, 
xxviii 250] “i 

..-. claim of war salaries by the secretary, 
lix 35] 

..++ attempts to reduce the number of lords, 
lix 37] |x 53] 

— sessions, ii 75, 76, 120. iv 9)] 

171) v 76] vi 64) viii 109] x 64] 144 
xii 144) xiv 66] 162] xv 144] xvii 112 
xviii 134] 170] xix 160] xxiii 204] 211) 
232] xxxi 229] xxxii 193] xxxiv 22, 23, 
xxxvili 4. xlii 45. xliv 568. xlviii 422. liv 

Admiralty islands, lyiii 625 

Admiration, xlii 434 

Adolphus Frederick, k. of Sweden, xi 43] 
xiv 86*] 78] xv 51] xxi 28 

-..- thrown from his carriage, xi 131] 

— J. (couns.) 1i 259. Ix 261. Ixi 252 

Adowa, account of, lvii 537. 

Adrian, v 132, ix 13] xiv 78. xix 238. 
lviii 457 

of Utrecht, xii 15 

IT, pope, xii 168 

Adrianople, antiquities found at, xxviii 214] © 

Adulation, instance of, xii 38 

Adultery, earl of Belvidere’s brother and 
the countess of B. ii 95 

--+» lieut. of marines and a merehant’s wife 
at Amsterdam, iv 125] ‘ 

«+++ punishment of, in Russia, viii 95 

+++» cause of a gentleman against an Irish 
peer, ix 79] 

-+.. punishment of a Scotch minister con- 
victed of, ix 107] 

. +++ physician eminent lawyer, ix 108] 

3 Fe ae in Surry v.a physician, x 

.»++ lord Grosvenor v. the duke of Cum- 
berland, xiii 125] xiv 31] 

-... act to probibit marriage between per- 
sons guilty of, xiv 87] 

«++. great number of divorce causes pend- 
ing, xiv 143] . 

«++» Schutz v. Schutz, xiv 159] 

+++» Watchmaker @. an agent to an attor- 
ney, xv 118] 

+++ divorcee obtained by a wife for that of 
a husband, xvii 131] : 

.-.. J. P. Harris v. rev. J. Craven, xix 120] 

+» es punishment of, in Sumatra, xxi 83 - 

+++» marchioness of Carnarvon, xxii 203] 

..-- earl of Peterborough and Mrs. Foley, 
Xxvii 225] 

++.. count Duroure and Mrs, Sandon, xxvii 
205] 227] 



Adultery : punishment of, in America, xxix 
«+++ Parslow v. Sykes, xxxi 229] 
«++ Martin v. Petrie, xxxiii 46] 
«--- Herbert v. maj. Duff, xxxiv 39 
.- «> hon, B. E. Howard, v. hon. R. Bing- 
ham, yxxvi 121 
+». earl of Westmeath, v. Mr. Bradshaw, 
xxxviii 8 
*+++ vise. Valentia ». H. Gawler, xxxviii 19 
..-- sir G. Webster v.lord Holland, xxxix 
..-- Sam. Boddington v. Benj. B. xxxix 46 
-»-- bills to prevent intermarriage of adul- 
terers rejected, xlii 148] 
+--. R. Tighe v. Jones, xlii 44 
-.»- H. Jackson v. lord Milsington, xliv 308 
...- rev. G. Markham v. Fawcett, xliv 
389. xlv 123 
-.+- Lingham v. Hunt, xliv 474 
«+. Smith v. Smith, xlv 402 
+-.. col. Shee v, capt. Malcolm, xlv 464 
«---rev. Massey v. the margq. of Headfort, 
xlvi 414 
-.-- capt. Gardner v. Jadis, xlvii 371 
-+- lord Cloncurry v. sir J. Bennet Piers, 
xlviii 416. xlix 372 
++ ++ maj. Bland v. capt. King, xlviii 417 
- H. E. Johnston v, R, Curran, xlix 430 
- Knight v. Dr. Wolcot, xlix 449 
- sir G. B. Brograve v. capt. Elwin, xlix 
lord Elgin v. Fergusson, xlix 530 
«++. — Boringdon »v. sir A. Paget, 1 69* 
«.+- sir H. Wellesley uv: lord Paget, li 276 
--+- Parnell (a lunatic) v. Parnell, lvi 292 
«»-- Foulkes ». Foulkes, for an increase of 
alimony, lvi 293 us 
..+» Knight v. lord Middleton, lvi 297 
Adventures. French despatches carried off 
by an English prisoner, i 300 
---- of Rob. Eastburn among the N. Ame- 
rican Indians, i301 
pcre tragicomic, of a Spanish gentleman in 
London, iy 74] 
. variety of situations ina few years, x 58] 
Advertisements, extraordinary, i 119, 120. 
ii 168-70. xii 145] xv 117] xvi 114] xxxv 
336. xxxvi 16 
-ee» duties on, xxiii320] xxxi 286] 
«+++ matrimonial, i 119, 120. ii 168, 169 
+--+. of a pretended conjuror, i 275, 276 
..+. from a person desirous of knowing his 
parents, v 70] 
++». puffing, xliv 369, 370 
Advocate, ab. 1’, v 4 
fEgeus, xxxi 94 
Ailian, xv 134. xxxii 58 
/Emilius, Paulus, xxxviii 470 
fEner, xxiii 11] 
Eneid, remarks on the, v 138 
Aérolites, lviii 105 
Aischines, i 462 
éschylus, iii 161, xii 172, xxvj 133 
Affleck, Alex, xliii451 , 4 

Affleck, capt. (N) xxxv 271] 
sir Edm. xxv 197*] 217*] 214] xxvi 
37. xxx 104] 
Affrays, Irish reaper shot in one in Lincoln- 
shire, liv 115 
Affry, count d’, 1 147. ii 60, 248. iv 68] 256] 
268] ix 2. xxxviii 357 ; 
Afghauns, account of the, lvii 474, 481 
Africa, expedition to the river Senegal, i i 75 
+++. @ prince intrusted to an English cap- 
tain, made a slave, ii 89. iv 159] 
«++ French expedition to the coast of, vi 
+.- grants for maintaining the forts and 
settlements in, v 156] 167] vi 179] vii 162] 
viii 240] ix 202] 203] x 218] xi 263) xii 
221) xiii 236] Xiv 225) xv 211] xvi 229] 
xvii 253] xviii 245] xix 250] xx 268) xxi 
286] xxii 329] xxiii 312] xxiv 271] xxv 
289] xxvi 308] xxvii 301} 345] xxviii 250] 
xxix 265] xxx 263] xxxi 285] xxxii 278] 
xxxiii 143] xxxiv 148. xxxv 106. xxxvi 
120. xxxvii 118. xxxviii 108. xxxix 170. 
xl 205, xli 196. xlii 166. xliii 190. xliv 
586. xlv 629. xlvi 583. xlvii 590. xlviii 636 
1. 185* 1i 535. lii 422. 1x 422. Ixi 420 
«+. Settlement of, at the peace, v 238] 
: French settlement attempted near the 
"Gambia, vii 108] 
. blockhouse to be built at or near cape 
“* Apollonia, viii 240] 

. act for supplying the export trade to, 
"with coarse printed and other goods, viit 

..-+ Swift sailing sloops for the Gambia and 
Senegal to be sent out in frame, ix 52] 
,.+. Obelisks and crosses erected by the 

French on different parts of the coast, re- 
moved by our officers, ix 101] 
«s+. great mortality among the troops, x 
}25] 130] xii 112] 
-.-» superstitions of, xi 208 
. party massacred by the Moors on Bie 
“island of Argnin, xii 134] xiii 81) 
. party wrecked near the river Lagoa, 
xv 139] 
- large army of Nedrow defeated by the 
"Portuguese, xv 161] 
2.+ earthquakes on, the north coast, xvi 
105] xviii 143] 
-..+ Dutch settlements taken, xxvi 115] 
+. +. adjustment of British and French set- 
tlements in, xxvi 325] 326] 
e».. regulations of the British gum trade 
in, xxvi 325] 
natives of the coast, xxx 13 
-+.+.» musical instruments, xxx 16 
ss.» Sierra Leone company éstablished, 
See Sierra Leone 
. settlement at Bulam, xxxiy 46 
..+- manners of the people, xli 314, 316. li 
790, 793 
+++» grants for discoveries in the interior, 
xlvii 591. lii 424 

~ eees Daturalhistory, xlvii 824, lvii aati 


Africa : inhabitants of W. Barbary, li 784 

ess attempts to explore, xxxiv 400. liv 70. 
Iviii 42, 199, 200, Ix 435. 1xi 5. See also 
Park, Mungo 

-++» mission of the United Brethren, lv 482 

-e.- Bosjesmans, lvii 466 

«+++ Makooa Negroes, lvii 527 

e+.» natives of the south of. See Hottentots 
and Hoozuanas 

African Association, See Society, African 

Afzelius, Dr. Adam, xlvii 824 

Agar,don 11218. lv 154] 

James, killed in a duel, xii 136] 

sir Felix, lv 275. lviii 293 

Agasse, Dan. shot by accident, x 126] 129] 

Agassis, lieut. James (N) xliii 133 

Agatarchus, iii 161 

Age and youth contrasted, iii 189 

—— See Longevity 

Ageno, France. d’, Genoese minister, vi 213] 

Agegus, J. murdered by his brother-in-law, 
xxix 224] 

Agis, iii l 

Agnew, brig.-gen. xx 116] 136] 

col. Patrick Alex. xxxviii 76. liii 229 

W. xiv 132] 

Agosta, island of, taken, lv 162 

Agostino, of Venice, vii 276 

Agra, description of, lxi 536 

Agreement set aside for concealment of a 
fact by one of the parties, lxi 221 

Agricola, xlix 1004, 1 278 

Johannes, x 99 

Agriculture, advantages of horse-hoeing, iv 
132. viii 149 

ees. uses to which leaves of trees may be 
applied, vi 137 

e+.. newly invented seed-plough, vii 76] 

-+.. nature the best mistress in, vii 112 

«++. Improvements in, viii 6} xii 206] xiii 
111. xiv 104, xviii 125, 129. xxvii 49. 
xliii 180] xlix 861-68 

é+«. society for promoting, established at 
Corunna, viii 74] 

++-- new draining ploughs, viii 154] ix 53] 
126] xiii 88] 93] 

++. various plants recommended, viii 141- 
50. ix 145] 157] xi 107. liv 502 

+++ encouragement to, from the poss 
ne of a paternal inheritance, viii 

wb — plough turned into a drill plough, 
x 88 

+.-. on the chemical and physical elements 
of, xii 104 

«+++ experiments in, xiii LIL. xxv 107. xlii 

e+.» superfluous number of draught cattle 
used, xiii 130 

ie — machine for raking corn stubbles, xxiv 

. oy ela for the improvement of, xxiv 

e+++ drill and broadcast compared, xxv 107. 

- xxvii 09, xxxi 60 , 



Agriculture : arable land injured by picking 
off stones, xxv 113 

«.-» comparative utility of oxen and horses, 
xxvi 9] 4 

«++. on watering meadows, xxvi 95 

+... —the nature of different soils, and 
produce adapted to each, xxvii 56 

.+e+ best method of restoring worn out soils 
without manure, xxvii 60 

e-++ Kentish system of, xxviii 83 

«+--+ means of improving small arable farms, 
xxxi 72 

++. professorship of, instituted in the uni- 
versity of Edinburgh, xxxii 199} , 

e+e» live stock sold by auction not liable to 
duty, xxxiv 41 

«++. a Flemish farm described, xxxv 314 

«++ State of, in Japan, xxxv 316 

«. +. of Middlesex, xxxvi 303 

++e. use of sea-water in, xxxvii 85*] 

+++. of the Canary islands, xlii 370 

"tae advantages of oxen over horses, xlii 


++.» premiums for essays on breaking up 
grass lands, xliii 190 ’ 

+... reaping machine, xlvi 414 

--.. See also Manure 

.-.- Board of, xxxv 168] 324. xxxvi 120. 
xxxvii 118, 96°] xxxviii 108, 438. xxxix 
170. xl91, 205, 403. xli 195. xlii 31, 
166. xliii 181] 190, 459. xliv 379, 586. 

* xlv 630, 850. xlvi 582. xlvii 590. xlviii 
442, 638. 11 536. lii 424. lviii 459.1x 422. 
}xi 420 

Agrippa, ii 403, 408 

Aguesseau, chanc. d’, xx 34 

Ahmed, aga, liii 134] 

Ahmedabad, account of, lv 538 

Aiguillon, duke d’, i 69. ii 22. xvii 29) 126] 
13, 58. xviii 219] xxiii 209] xxxii 17]. 

eo» his vile conduct, xiii 47] 48] 

--.- brought to trial, xiii 48] 

. iniquitous interference of the king, 

xiii 49] 

--.. farther proceedings of the parliament 
of Paris against him, xiii 49] 

+... proceedings of other parliaments, xiii 

sees oe minister for foreign affairs, 
xiv 93*] 117] ’ 

Mile. d?, xv 77] 

Aiken, (pedestrian) lv 58 

Aikin, Arthur xl 378, 

Dr. J. xxxiii 429] xxxiv 350, xlii 308 

xliii 377. lili 571. liv 512 ; 

Jaines (actor) xxxiv 9 

Lucy, liii 399 

miss. See Barbauid, Mrs. 

Aikney, T, executed for murder, xix 138] 

Ailesbury, act to prevent corruption, xlvi 

Ailesbury, T. Ist. earl, xiii 122] xvi 89] xx 
26] 161] xxxviii 35. lvi 22 

Ailiff street, fire in, xliv 409 

Ailway, J. xxix 81 


Ailwood, alderman of all England, xvi 138 
Ainslie, Dr. Iviii 530,531, 533 
—— H. F. li 315 
m- gen. G. R. lvi 202] 
sir Rob. xix 120] 141] 193] xxvii 
180] xxxi 170] xxxiv 138] xl 179 
—— sir R. Sharpe, xlviii 9 
Air, appearances in the, iii 160] 
«+... countercurrents of cold and hot, iii 85 
..-. difference in temperature at Plymouth 
and the Edystone, iii 94 
.»«. on the different kinds of, xvii 147. xx 
104, xxiv 80 
«+s» properest for consumptive people, xix 


«.»- uniformity of the atmosphere, xliii 462 
«++. fire produced by the compression of, 

Air-balloons. See Balloons 

Airey, mn. gen. G. xliv 767, xlix 667* 

Aislabie, W. xxv 311] 

Aithaud, xxxiv 82] 

Aitken James, xix 198] xx 28] 

---- apprehension of, xx 166] 

«-«« trial of, xx 245] 

Aiton, W. xi 80] xii 109. xviii 32. xxii 64 

Aix (in Provence) earthquake felt at, vi 89] 

..«» inundation at, xiv 151] 

Aix (isle of) attack on the British ships, iv 

«-+» fort destroyed, iv 152] 

Aix la Chapelle, dispute with the elector 
palatine, xii 34] 77] 

«»- congress of sovereigns at, lx 165] 166] 
177] 132, 157, 161. 1xi 125-35 

e-+- account of, lx 490 

Akbar, v 108. xxxiii 376] xxxiy 224] xlii 473 

Aken, von, viii 157] 112. xly 840 

Akenside, Dr. M. iii. 121] xviii 46. xxxvii 
130*] 133*]n. xlvi 787, 790 

Akerman, xiii 103] 135] xx 194] 196] 
213] xxi 175] xxiii 260] 

Aland islands, lix 483 

Alaric, ii 405 

_ Alava, adm. xlvii 236, 545, 551, 553 

—-— gen. don Mig. lvi 167. lvii 554 

Alba, address to Buonaparte, xxxviii 241 

Alban, rev. T. x1 16 2 

Albani, card. Alex. v 112] 131. viii 205] xi 
151. xii 133 ’ 

- (painter) vii 276. x 218 

Albany, count of. See St. George, chev. 

J. duke of, ix 46 \ 

Albemarle, Ann, countess of, xvi 109] 

——- Ann, duchess of, xii 52 

— duke of. See Monck, G. 

G. third earl of, vy 36] 259] 264] 

vi 57] vii 64] 129] viii 47] 137] 138]202] 

204] 7. x 184] xiii 70] 197] xv 235] xvi 

+» «+ bish. of Havannah banished by, vi 57] 
«+s. repayment of duties imposed by him 
at the Havannah demanded, vii 104] 

+», invested with the order of the Garter, . 

viii 152] 



Albemarle, W. Ann, second earl of, ix 23 

—_——— W. C. fourth earl, xxxvi 203] 244] 
140, 144, 151, 152. xxxvii 153, 155. xxxix 
230] x1 216, xlvii 93, 398. Ixi 139] 148] 

Albergotte, marq. d’, iii 134] 

Alberoni, card. Jul. ii 346. xvii 2, xix 182*] 
185. xxii 23 

++» character of, lv 462 

Albert I, emp. xlii 308 

—— II, emp. xxi 10] 

——- abp of York, xvi 138 

—— Amable, liii 14 

—— Mary Ann, murder of, Lxi 217 

—— Mercer, xii 164 

Alberti, count, extraordinary adventure of, 
x 222-4 

——— prof. Val. ix 42 

Albigenses, iii 171. xiii 43. x1 410 

Albini, baron, xli 255] 269. xliii 59] 60] 

card. viii 1389 

Albinoes, xxx 14 

Albinus, Bern. Siegfr. xxxii 3 

Albion mills burnt down, xxxiii 10) : 

-.. 2 public benefit, xxxvii 100°} 101*] | 

Albuera, battle of, liii 105] 203 

Albufera, duke of. See Suchet 4 

Albuquerque, duke of, li 1892, 471, 683. lit 
160, 162, 165, 166, 185 io 

.... his death and character, lii 168, hii 
22, 26 

Alczus, xxiv 183. xxxii 50 

Alchorne, Mrs. (strong woman) xxix 227} 

Stanesby, (assay master) XXXVI 


Alchymy, modern pretenders to, xx 174] 
xxv 90 

Aleiani, gen. —- xi 243] 251] 

Alcibiades, iii 3, 5. vii 267. xxxiii 381] 

Alciphron, xxxiii 407] 

Alcock, bish. J. xv 117 

G. Barton, xlviii 956 

H. v 73] 

J. xxxii 209] 

Alcuin, abbot Flaccus, xvi 137. xvii 122. xxi 

Aldbourn, fire at, xx 196] 

Alder, prize in the lottery to, x 149} 
xi 60] 

Alderney, allowance of coals free of duty. to, 
ix 209] A 

..-+ confirmation in, lx 104 
Aldersgate-street, fires in, vii 108] xi 138]. 
151] xxvi 220] xxxii 222] 224] xlviii 460. 
lvii 34. lviii 86 
Alderson, xi 189] 
couns. xlix 533 
G. xlvi 824 

’ Aldgate, fire at, xlii 40 

Aldham, col. xxxiv 201] 

Aldhelin, bish. of Sherborne, xvii 123, xxi 225 
Aldini, prof. xlv 367 

Aldred, rev. Ebenezer, liv 29 

Aldrege, Peter, iv 188 

Aldrey, fire at, 1 50* 

Aldrich, ij 137-9 


Aldrich, rev. Steph. v 144] 
Aldrobandini, card. Cynthio, vi 23, 24 
cardinal Hippol. See Cle- 

ment VIII 

—— card. Pietro, vi 23 

Ale. See Beer 

Aleman y Pena, don M. R. lii 229 

Alembert, J. le Rond d’, ii 479. v 48. vi 6. 
xiv 165. xv 52, xvi 80. xxi 3. xxxiv Sn] 
xli 336 ; 

..+- anecdotes of Montesquieu by, i 259 

-... letter from the empress of Russia, v 
115] vi 41 

Alengon, Francis, duke of. See Anjou 

Aleppo, account of the plague at, vii 102 

--.. dragoman of the British consul im- 
prisoned, x 112] 

Alessi, Vincent, li 254 

Aleutian islands, discovered by the Rus- 
sians, viii 69] 

Alexandra Paulowna, grand duchess, xlii 259 

Alexander the Athenian (painter) iii 165 

— the Great, v 109. vi 165. ix 227. 
xi 158, 160. xvii 179. xx 247. xxi 170. 
xxv 40] xxxii 67. xxxiii 77, 371] lviii 526 

.+.. bis expedition to India, xlix 545 

— first duke of Florence, xv 2087. 

———— III, of Scotland, viii 74. 1 161 

—_—_-— IV, pope, xx 127 

——— VI, pope, xiv 164, 183, xxxix 
13] x1 46] 415 

— VII, pope, ii 407, 408. xxxix 421 

——— VIII, pope, xxxi 7 

———— emp. of Russia, xxi 161] xliv 198, 
250, 356. xlv 245, 254, 319, 321. xlvii 133, 
167, 188, xlviii 156. xlix 23, 256, 271.114] 
31] 58] 63] li 411. liv 167] lvi 3) 38, 47, 
48. lvii 83] 451. lviii 4] 123] lix 28, 27, 
58, 63. Ix 37, 52. 1xi 31, 60, 79, 86 

«+e accession of, xliii 115] 247 

+«.. coronation of, xliii 34 

«»+- character of, xliii 432 

«+... remonstrance on the execution of the 
duke d’Enghien, xlvi 161, 191 ; 

«+.. interview with Buonaparte on the 
Niemen, xlix 176, 524 

»+.. interview with Buonaparte at Erfurth, 
1 219] 226] 112*, 113* 

«+... interviewwith the k. of Prussia, xlix 446 

-».. letter from Buonaparte, li 732 

«+» elected knight of the Garter, ly 55 

-.«. investiture of, ly 64 

»»+. letters to lord Cathcart and general 
Stewart, Iv 84 

e+» visit to England, lvi 42, 55 

abies Holland, lvi 60 

«+. made king of Poland, lvii 110} 

..-. injunction to the clergy not to praise 
him in the pulpit, lix 107 

«ss. appointment of Kotzebue to give him 
information respecting Germany, Ixi 185] 

——— adm. T. xxxviii 90 

—— — capt. (N.) lvi 242 

——— C. xxviii 189 

couns, xlix 111, 525 



Alexander, Dr. xvii 77 
— G. lv 320 
— H. xliii 164] xliv 106, 127. xlvi 
69. xlvii 13, 102, 1 183* 
James, (Amer.) xlix 695 
— John, iv 136] 
— J. (of Belfast) xxxix 145 

maj. xxiii 40 

Martin, iv 91] 
—_—~—— Mary, case of, i 360 
— Moses, executed for forgery, xii 


— sir James, xlv 374 

Alexandria, storm at, xvi 107] 

—— population of, xxi 217] 

ancient library of, xliii 532 

—— surrendered to the English, 

xlix 202, 665* 

plague at, lx 17 

(in Virginia) legacy for a free- 
school, xlii 339 ‘ 

Alexandrian MS. See Manuscript 

Alexis (tzarowitz) widow of, xix 20 

Alfarabi, xiv 51 

Alfieri, count Vittorio, xxxix 437 

+++» account of, li 783 

».++ character of, lvi 467 

Alfoens, duke of, xliii 260] 

Alfonso IV of Portugal, ii 223 

Alfred, king, v 150. vii 58. viii 200. x 276 
xiii 40. xvi 108] 147, 152, 156. xvii 123, 
xxi 225. 

.... letter to bish. Wulfsig, vi 32 

.... tower to the memory of, xv 133] 

. will of, xxxi 83 

prince, xxiii 232] 

Alfred, W. vi 166 

Algarotti, count Francis, vii 85) xx 332, 
xxv 16, 22. xxix 5 

+s ee ON painting, vii 268 

«+... —the expression of the passions in 
painting, x 215 

.... —— military machines of the ancients, 
xxv 137 

Algazali, xiv 51 

Algiers, seizure of the sovereignty in the 
16th century by Barbarossa, xii 22 

..+. demand of enslaved Spaniards from, 
iii 129) 

.» ++ ambassador from, iv 119] 

.... tribute refused by the neighbouring 
mountaineers, iv 131] 

...» insurrection of the slaves, vi 60] 

..-- tribute paid by the Venetians for 15 
ships to trade freely in the Mediterra- 
nean, vi 92] 

-++. treatment of a captain who had taken 
a Dutch vessel, and another who had ta- 
ken an Englishman, vi 112] 

+++. declares war against Tuscany, vii 101} 

.... the dey incensed against the English 
and Danes, vii 101] 

.».. English vessel restored, vii 109] 

es. Ali bashaw succeeded by Mahomet 
effendi, ix 79] 




Algiers: quarrel with the Venetians, x 5] 

«+.» tribute to the Porte refused, x 53] 

++ Offers of the Portuguese, x 128) 

+++» corsairs taken by the Spaniards, xi 180] 
xii 164] 

+++» valuable Danish ship taken, xii 157] 

.-.. fruitless attack of the Danes, xiii 44] 

+++. peace with Denmark, xv 79*] 

«+.» escape of several slaves from, xv 130] 
xix 176] 

e+. disputes with the British consul, xv 
152] xvii 122] 

++.. present of horses from the dey to his 
Majesty, xvi 139] 

-».. war declared against, by Morocco, xviii 

--.. attacked by the Spaniards, 143*] 144*] 

-+.. bombardment of, by a Spanish fleet, 
xxvii 41] 

+... its improved force, 139] 

+++. attacked by a combined armament, 140] 

«++. engagement with a Maltese squadron, 
xxix 193] 

. +++ large galley taken bya Maltese, 200] 

-»+» Russian squadron in the Archipelago 
destroyed, xxxiii 93 

-. ++ claim of the sons of the late dey, xxxiii 

e+» treaty with G. Britain, xxxvii 246 

— America, xxxvii 282 

«+.. ambassador to G. Britain, xlii 43 

e+ treaty with France, xliii 301 

+--- expenses incurred by G. Britain for 
prisoners, xliv 584 

«++.» war declared against France, lii 261* 

-. «+ treaty of peace with Portugal, lv 420 

-.-++ ships taken by the Americans, and tri- 
bute from them relinquished, lvii 125] 422 

-.+- British expedition against, lviii 97] 
144, 230, 240 

+++. massacre of the coral fishers at Bona, 
‘lyiii 99] 

«+.. compensations to Naples and Sar- 
dinia, lviii 104] 239 

+... treaty with the Dutch, lviii 124] 398 

-+.. Slaves released, Iviii 104} 144, 174, 239 

-+,. treatment of some English prisoners, 
lviii 154 

.»-- abolition of Christian slavery, lviii 238. 

-».. the dey assassinated by the janizaries, 
Ix 5, 42 

+++. new dey elected by the divan, Ix 42 

«+e» plague at, xi 15 

Ali, bashaw of Algiers, Ix 92 

—— bashaw of Janina, xxxiii 92. xli 81] 

+++. account of, lvii 446 

+++» cession of Parga to, lxi 194 

—— bey, xi 65] xiv 80*] xvi 20] 21] x1 257 

+++. government of Egypt seized by, xiii 39] 

++». expelled from it, xv 18] 

---+- attempt to recover Egypt, xvi 25] 

+... defeat and death, xvi 26] 

«.«+ account of, xxix 15 

~——— effendi, xli 70] 73] 116] 


Ali bey Hussain, xliy 273, 278 

—— Ibn Abbas, xv 170 

mollah, liii 148] 

— Reza, xli 100 

— Verdy khan. See Verdi 

Aliano, prince of, xvii 40] 

Aliens, acts respecting, xxxv 110, lviii 54] 
Ix 122] 

++e» expenses arising from the act, xxxvii 
118. xxxviii 108. xxxix 170, 171. xl 205, 
ib. xli 194, 195. xlii 164. xliii 189. xliv 
584. xlv 628. xlvi 582. xlvii 586. xlviii 
yea xlix 726*, 1181*. li 536. lii 423. Ix 


+++ persons sent out of the kingdom, xl 63 

-+++ commercial, suit respecting, lv 308 

Aligre, M. d’, xxix 202] 

Alimony, suits for, lviii 263, 266. Ix 254 

Alison, J. executed for forgery, xl 73 

—— rev. Archib. xlvi 833 

W. xli 400 

Alkali, fossil or mineral. See Soda 

vegetable. See Potash 

Alkalis, test of, xxvii 27 

——— fixed, prevent putrefaction, xxxviit 

+++. discovered to be metallic oxyds, 1 89 

Allan, col. Alex. 1 92] 

—— James, xlix 867 

—— T. lx 311 

Allardyce, Ellen, lx 293 

Allatius, Leo, lvii 99 ‘ 

Allebone, lord chief just. See Allybone 

Allegrete, marq. lviii 159] 398 

Allemand, prof. xviii 76 

Allen, And. xxii 148] lv 264 

——_-0apt. (N.) liii 23 

—— capt. W. (N.) xxvii 263] 

—— col. Ethan, xviii 132*] 187] xix 5] 

—~— couns. xvi 188] xviii 242] 

—— Frances, executed for burglary, xiv 
130] 132] 

Frances Ann, x] 178 

—— G. convicted of libel, xix 135] 

—— G. three of his children murdered by, 
xlix 362, 416 

(Irish rebel) xlv 297, 313 

—— James, executed for mutiny, xlii 27 

—— J. acquitted of a charge of -treason, 
xl 16, 38 

—— J. suicide, liv 142 

—— J. xi 142] xlv 100 

—— J. executed for forgery, xii 142] 

—— J. Bartlett, xii 103] 

—-— lieut. Alex. (N.) xxvii 260n.] 

—— Mary, barbarously murdered, iv 125} 

—— Mary, great age of, ix 49] 

—_— Miles Burton, xii 72] 101] 103] 

—— Ralph, v 21. xxix 134] 

..-- correspondence with Mr. Pitt on the 
Bath address on the peace, vi 206-8] 

«+e legacy to Mr. Pitt, vii 95] 

——— rey. xxv 211] 213] 214] 

—— sir T. iv 167] 

——-— T. xxiii 382} 


Allen, W. shot in St George’s fields, xi 108] 
109] 110] 112] 151] 230] 233) 234] xii 
84] xiv 196] 

.».. tomb of, xii 116] 

.. +» petition to the king from his father, 
xii 128] xiv 199] 


196] . 
.+.. testimony to his character, Xtv 200) 
Alley, counsellor, xliv 855. xlvi 399. xviii 
400. xlix 355, 357, 523. liv 304, 311. 
IWiii 258. 1x 276, Ixi 251 

— W. x1 16, 38 as 

Alleyn, Edward, vil80. xiti 107. 

. see extracts from his journal, xxxv 345 

Alleyne, counsellor, xvi 188] xvult 242) 

— J, (Amer,) XXXV 37) Lhaech 
Alligator, large, shot in the E. Indies, liv 25 
--». account of the, lv 493 
Allingham, T. Ix 361 
Allioni, Dr, C. xii 86 
Allison, J. executed for forgery, x1 57 
Allpress, Jos. executed for robbing the mail, 

xiv 148] xv 114] : . 
Allum, shah, xxv 47] xxvii 47] xlvi 200, 
21in, 226, 237 
e+». character of, xxviii 4 
.. e+ Sons of, xxviii 6 “ 

Allybone (judge), viii 177] xiv 250. xxii 138 

Almada, count Ant. d’, made governor gene~ 
ral of the Azores, ix 146 

Almamoun, khalif, xxi 171. xxii 43 

Almanacs, exclusive claim of the Stationers’ 
Company set aside, xviii 126) 

«++. dissertation on, xviii 19! 

«.ee bill for giving an exclusive right in, re3 
jected, xxii 210] 

«. «+ duty on, xxiv 281] 

Almanzor, xxiv 190 

Almeida, siege of, lii 186 

Almeyrus, gen. xli 23] 

Almon, J. xiii 117] 

+... proceedings against him for a con- 
tempt, viii 177] 

+». trial for selling the letter of Junius to 
the king, xiii 115] 121] 165] xiv 31) 

J. convicted of forgery, xlix 520 

Alms, capt. James, (N) xxv 108] xxvi 41] 
50] 258] xxvii 263] xlii 6 

Aloes, American, in flower, ii 100. iv 161} 
.. +. narrow-leaved, in flower, v 90] 

-.- Soboliferous, raised from American 

seed, xi 103] 

AlonzoIV of Portugal, xxxviii 371 

Alopeus, S. xlii 377 

Alopeus, D. xviii 671 

Alorna, marq. de, xx 181*] xlix 281” 

Alost, father Godfrey d’, xxix 218*] 223°] 

Alphabets, ancient, iii 150-4. v 111. xiii 

ATT. xlix 895 

.»-. invention of, vi 198 
..++ Chaldean, ix 112] 

-+ ++ Saxon, xlvii 893 
+++ Observations on, 1 253 
Alphonse, king of Castile xiv 174 

Commons, xiv 100] 



Alphonso I of Naples, xv 70 

Alphonsus, Peter, xxiv 193 

Alphy, Godfrey, xliii 457 

Alpinus, Prosper, vi 69. xxxyiii 400 

Alps, account of the, xxii 94. xxxii 43 

.... ascent of Mont Blanc, xxx 144, lix 

-+»» Buonaparte’s passage of, xlii 190] 

Maritime, account of the, xxxvii 70*] 

Alguier, xli 145. liv 189] 

Alsop, ald. Robert, xiii 111] xvii 140] 

-»+. Service of plate presented to, by the 
Ironmongers? Company, for his good offi- 
ces in Ireland, ix 53] 

J. (member of Congress) xvii 218] 
xviii 265] . 

Alston, Dr. C. vii 131. xii 105 

Alsufief, gen. lvi 6] 

Altamira, count of, viii 198] 

Altamont, earl. See Sligo, marq. 

Alten, gen. liv 147] 150] 227. lv 151) 167,- 
168, 174, 222, 229, 241. Ivi 163. lvii 175 

Altham, Roger, xix 236] 

Altherr, J. Conr. xv 207} 

Althorp, J, C. vise. 1i 141, 147. liv 110) viii 
55] 58] 1x 3] 122] Ixi 152] 

Althorpe, W. G, 137* 

Altieri, cardinal, xxiv 161] 

chevalier, 1 368* 

Alton, d’, gen. See Dalton 

Alva, duchess of, xlviii 1082 

duke of, iv 67] x 95. xliii 74] 

lord, xxi 164] 

Alvanley, Rich. Pepper, Ist lord, xxv 182] 
xxxiii 248. xxxv 26] 152] xxxvii 158) 
xli 15. xliii 18. xliv 415, 471, 473. xlv 
111, 123. xlvi 365. lvi 108) 

Alvarez, (gov. of Yucatan) viii 100] 

Diego, lii 741 

Alvansleben, chevalier @’, xxxi 203] 

Alvinzi, marshal, xxx 25] 30] xxxviii 120] 
xxxix 5] 30] : 

Alzaga, Martin, liv 206] 

Alzedo, gen. don Ant. li 374 

Amadeus, duke of Savoy, xl 415 

Amar, xxxvi 173] xxxviii 150] 

Amarante, conde de, lv 170 

Amaros, _ lvi 78] ; 

Ambassadors, privileges of, viii 193] xv 100] 
105] 108] 113] 116] 

.... one arrested for debt, viii 193] xxiii 

....— arrested and his papers seized in» 
France, xvii 3 

.. ++ persons punished for arresting the do- 
mestic of one, xxiii 211] 

Amboise, Bussi d’, iii 51, 52 

Ambourney, 4’, viii 94] 2 

Amboyna, taken from the Dutch, xxxviii 91. 
1ii 265, 310 

Ambrister, R. C. xi 234] 140, 146, 153 

Ambrosius, archb. of Moscow, massacre of, 
xiv 79*] 

Ameen, Jos, letter to the duke of Northum- 
berland, x 204 



Ameen, Jos, letter to prince Heraclius, x 

Ameer khan, liii 166] Iv 197] Ixi 201] 

Amelia, princess, (daughter of Geo. II), 
194. iv 124] vi 70] x 112] xi 156) xii 
216] xiv 65] xvi 129] xxviii 51] 

princess (daughter of Geo, ITT) lv 35 

«+++ death of, lii 267 

--.. funeral of, lii 288 

+++» removal of her remains, liii 139 

Amelot, M. xxiii 232] 

Ameral, xxxvi 134] 

America, discovered by Madoc, ix 300 

---- compared with the old World, xix 71! 

-..- people of, xix 74, xx 49. xxvi9 

--.. climate of, xx 99 

«. +.» natives not naturally beardless, xxvi 
9, 10x 

-»+- Scotch colony of Darien, xxx 209 

«++. compensation for losses on evacuating 
the Moschetto shore, xxxiv 149. 

++, arrival of the Spaniards in, ] 34-40 

-+.. treatment of the Spanish prisoners, | 

eee- conduct of the Jesuits in, | 40 
North: adventures of Rob. East- 
burn among the Indians, i 501 
«»-- great number of squirrels killed, ii 
...- benefactions to the infant colleges at 
New York and Philadelphia, ii 113. v 
104] vi 63] vii 67] 
*+-- account of the Dunkards in Pennsyl- 
vania, ii 341 
_ e»-- directions for the culture of vines in, 
ii 382 
es.» proceedings of a Jesuit in, iii 23 
.-.- designs of the Jesuits on, iii 24 
--+» new kind of silk in, iii 131 
.--- on the population of, iii 191. xvii 159] 

«++. account of the part nearest to Kamt- 
schatka, iv 104 
«s+. legacy for the propagation of the Gos- 
pel in, vi 61] 
«+. legacy for the first bishop appointed 
in, vi6]] xi 18 
+++. Whale fishery in the river St, Lau- 
rence, vii 59] 
++++ New Orleans and the whole of Louisi- 
ana ceded by France to Spain, viii 69] 
+++. divided into two districts by the Po- 
towmack, viii 75] 
++.. curious notice from the magistrates of 
New London, viii 76] 
«+. plan for introducing episcopacy into, 
viii 108} 
+++. potashes and barilla manufactured in, 
viii 115] x 60 . 
+--+ Specimens of Norway timber sent over 
by the Society of Arts, viii 115] 
+++. Sugar made from the maple in, viii 141] 
ecting conduct of the Indians on 
delivering up their prisoners, viii 206] 
++.» account of a remarkable chief, viii 48 


America, North: extraordinary sickness 
confined to the Indians, viii 90 

+-.. various sorts of colonies in, ix 41] 

+++. converted Indian preacher, ix 85] 

+++. several white women married to Indian 
ehiefs, ix 91] 

-» +.» new grasses discovered in, viii 143. ix 

++.. extraordinary attestation of a coroner; 
x 144] 

«++. money granted for surveys, x 218] xi 
263) xii 219] xiii 236] xiv 224] xv 211] 
xvii 251} xviii 245] xix 250] xx 268) 
xxi 286] xxii 328] xxiii 311] xxiv 271] 
xxx 262] 

+++ money collected by two preachers for 
propagating the Gospel in, xi 147] 

---- exports from England to, xi 204] xii 
215] xvii 136] xviii 106*] 

+++. ——-—— to England, xi 204] xii 215] 
xvii 156] xviii 192] 

«+. large fossil bones, xi 74. xii 71 

»... tremendous hurricanes, xii 154] xiii 
133] xlvi 430 

---- emigrations from Scotland, England, 
Treland, and the continent, to, xiv 80} 
xvi 92] 96] 121] 127] 128] xvii 119] 137] 
xviii 134] 160] xxx 201] lvii 35. lviii 38, 
50, 66, 78, 176, lix 109. xi 26, 91 

«+... appointment of a bishop opposed, xiv 

.... famine occasioned by locusts, xiv 163] 

-» +. Indians of, xiv 17, 19. xvi 85. xvii 
167n. 168. xxiv 20. xxvii 115. xxviii 52. 
xxix 151. xxxiii 290] xxxiv 480. xl 
483. xliii 549. xlix 910. 1 34-40. liii 445. 
liv 483. Iviii 487-506. lix 466 

..+. natural history of, xiv 93. xxv 99. 
xxx 76. xlv 802, 804. lviii 534-72. lix 467 

.... tamable animals of, xiv 100 

«.+» vestiges of ancient cultivation in, xiv 
190. xxiv 128 

...- banks of the Mississippi highly favour- 
able to vines, xv 74] 

++. petition to the privy council for a tract 
of land for a new colony on the Ohio, xv 

«... meeting of missionaries to, on Tower- 
hill, xv 133] 

-... languages of, xvi 88 

e-.. trade of, xviii 90*] 

...«» money granted for charts of, xviii 245] 

e.-. plants from China introduced into, 

.» ++ Spanish expeditions along the coast of 
California, xix 146] : 

+... modes of warfare among the natives, 
xxi 65. lviii 490 

-.-- grants to loyalists, xx 268] xxi 286] 
xxii 328] xxiii 311] xxiv 271] xxv 289] 
xxvi 197] 308] xxvii 300] 344] 345} 
xxviii 250] 251] xxix 264] 265] xxx 136] 
262] xxxi 284] 2b. 285] xxxii 99] 277] 
ib. xxxiii 142] 143] xxxiv 149, 7b, xxxv 
106, ¢b., tb. xxxvi 119, 76. xxxvii 118, ¢4. 


xxxyiii 107, 108, i. xxxix 169. i. 171. 
x1 205. xli 194. xlii 163. xliii 189, xliv 
580, 585. xlv 627, 630. xlvi 580, 583, 
xlvii 586. xlviii 637, 1 181*, 182*. Ix 421, 
Ixi 420 

America, North: customary education and 
employment of the people of Nantucket, 
xxv 52 

«+++ Ships fitted out for the fur trade on 
the N. W. coast, xxvii 238] xxxiv 34 

e+. number of American seamen massa- 
ered by the natives, xlviii 402 

»»«» inundations in, xiv 128] xxviii 195] lv 
89. lx 79 

«+» Natives not beardless, xxviii 52 

+». remarkable rock and cascade in, xxix 

.... Strata of earth and shells, xxx 76 

«++. journey from Montreal to the ocean, 
Xxxli 222] 

+++. grant for presents to the inhabitants 
of the N. W. coast, xxxiv 148 

«eee account of an indented servant, xxxiv 

---- On the revolution in, xxxvi 436 

-.+» boundaries of the United States, xl 321 

«+++ person lost in the woods, xlv 366 

++ ++ man shot for a bear, lviii 189 

A a practice of flattening the head, Iviii 


«eee district of Columbia, lviii 610 

+++ Shock of an earthquake, lix 473 

+++. state of society, &c. in, lxi 524 

+». grounds of dispute between the Eng- 
lish and French in, i 2 

---. limits of the colonies undefined, 7d. 

-. «+ claims of the French, ib. 

.+.. troops sent privately from Brest, i 3 

-.«+ forces sent by the English, 7d. 

-+..- Nova Scotia mastered, i 4 

++ fort Oswego taken by the French, i 13 

+-.. expedition against Louisbourg, i 28 

«+++ misconduct of the war there, i 29 

---. fort William Henry taken, i 70. xxi 

-... defeat at Ticonderoga, i 73 

.... fort Frontenac taken, i 74 

+... fort du Quesne abandoned, i 74 

+++. money granted for reimbursing ex- 
penses incurred by different provinces, 
1131. ii 176. iii 187] v 155] 167] vi 179] 

+... plan for attacking the French on seve- 
ral points at once, i+29 

-.-. the French abandon Ticonderoga and 
Crown Point, ii 31 

++.» Niagara besieged, ii 33 

-»++ the French defeated, and Niagara sur- 
rendered, ii 34 

+++» importance of this acquisition, ii 34 

-» ++ expedition against Quebec, ii 35 

-... the French attempt to destroy the fleet 
by fireships, ii 37 

tee ae of the French intrenchments, 

eos» the English repulsed, ii 38, 122 



America, North: gen. Wolfe’s sickness, 1i 39 

++ the camp removed to Point Levi, 7. 

wees battle of Quebec, ii 40 

-.-. gen. Wolfe killed, ii. 41 

«+++ Quebec surrendered, ii 42, 247 

.»++ proceedings of gen. Amherst on lake 
Champlain, ii 44 

+-+. treaties with the indians, ii 57, $7, 
191, iii 231] 233] iv 296] vii 44] 179] 

«.++ New Jersey discharged from all Indian 
claims, ii 58 

+++. proposals for settlers about the Bay 
of Fundy, ii 58 

+++» report of two Mohawks, ii 133 

«++. conferences with the Indianchiefs,ii191 

ecate ae of the Indians going to war, ii 

+++» presents to the Indians, ii 2012 

«+++ placart issued by gen. Wolfe, ii 240 

++. his statement of his difficulties, ii 241 

-+-- attempts of the French against Que- 
bee, iii 6] 

-+.. battle of Sillery, iii 7] 

«.++ Quebec besieged by the French, iii 8] 

.. +» arrival of a British squadron, iii 9] 

--.. the siege raised, 2b. 57] 

.... Visle Royale taken, iii 59] 

.... Montreal surrendered, iii 59] 149] 

«++» general view of the war, iii 60] 

..-- French settlement in the Bay de Cha- 
leurs destroyed, iii 60] 134) 

«... Cherokee war quelled by gov. Lyttel- 
ton, iii 61] 

+++. account of the negotiation, iii 23] ] 233] 

.... on his departure hostilities recom- 
menced, iii 61] 

...~ several towns and villages burned, and 
the Cherokees defeated, by col. Montgo- 
mery, iii 62] . 

.... fortLoudon surrendered to the Indians, 
and great part of the garrison afterward 
massacred, iii 62] 219] 

.. .- Submission of certain French and Mic- 
macks, iii 98] 

...» fort Jacques Cattier taken, iii 134] 

«... surrender of Canada, iii 150] 

..-. Cherokees forced to retire from two 
forts, ili 162] 

-... letter from Mr. Pitt on the flag of 
truce trade, iii 219] 

«+.» disputes between England and Spain 
respecting, iv 22] 49] 50] 

.»+e Cherokees reduced by lord Rollo and 
sir James Douglas, iv 58] 158] 296] 

«s+. appointment of new goyernors and 
other officers in, iv 99] 

«+++ men raising for the campaign, iv 117] 

-... instructions of the city of London to 
its representatives respecting, iy 302] 

«... Settlement of limits in, v 55] 236] 

«... arrival of Cherokee chiefs from, v 92] 

«+.- regulations of the French fishery, v 

eae, cessions of Spain at the peace, v 240) 



America, North: state of our conquests in, 
vi 18] 

e+» divided into four separate govern- 
ments, vi 19] 209] 

e»++ hunting ground reserved for the In- 
dians, vi 20] 211] 

«++ allotments of land to the army and 
navy, vi 21] 211) 

eo.» regulations established, id. 212 

eves Military force, vi 21] 

-».. the frontiers attacked by the Indians, 
vi 22] 

«+.» causes of this, zd. 

«+. State of the Indian nations, vi 23] 

«+. plan of their warfare, vi 24] 

ye frontiers ravaged and forts taken, vi 

«+s. British troops repulsed at Detroit, 7. 

«. +» fort Pitt invested, vi 26] : 

eee» battle of Busby Run, vi 28] 

e+e the Indians repulsed, 7. 

+e» miseries of Indian warfare, 2b. 

_ eee the Indians renew the attack, vi 29] 
ees» their final defeat, vi 30] 

+» +. fort Pitt reinforced, vi 31] 

e+ +» an escort near Niagara cut off, 7d. 

«+++ attack of a schooner on lake Erie, 76. 

»+.. Tiot between English and Spanish sai- 
lors at Williamsburgh, vi 61] 

+... Scarlet dresses presented to the chiefs 
of the Cherokees, vi 102] 

--.. offer of lands in Florida to settlers, vi 

eee treaty with the Senekas, vii 44] 179] 

«+++ Submission of the confederated tribes 
between lake Erie and the Ohio, vii 44] 
181] viii 206] 

«».. barbarous massacres of Indians in, vii 
71] viii 107] 140] 

«+. complaints of our logwood cutters 

against the Spaniards, vii 82] 

-»+- disputes between the governors and 
assemblies of Pennsylvania and South 
Carolina, vii 84] 85] 

+». the back settlements annoyed by the 
Indians, vii 102] 

---. trade to the French and Spanish islands 
restricted, vii 107] 

+. +. attention turned to home manufactures, 
and avoiding superfluities of British, 7. 

e+. society for encouraging arts in, 7d. 

a to various public bodies, vii 


+... Germans brought to London under 
pretence of settling them in, vii 145] 

+... advertisement for transports for them, 
vii 146] 

++.. colonial duties, vii 164] 166} viii 22] 

«++. Officers of king’s ships made to act as 

. custom house officers, viii 18} 
+++. mischiefsof this, viii 19-21] 

eee. resolution to buy no clothing from 

England that could be dispensed with, 
viii 21] 

+++. mischievous duties imposed, viii 22] 
Parr I. 


America, North, checks to its paper cur- 
rency, zd. 

«.-. Other laws intended for its benefit, viii 

+++. Stamp duties suggested, viii 23] 

¢--» resolution to encourage home manu- 
factures, viii 24] 

+++. inexpediency ofa direct tax on, vili 25] 

+++. opportunity given the colonies to offer 
a substitute for the stamp duty, and es- 
tablish a precedent for their being con- 
sulted before any tax was imposed by 
parliament, rejected, viii 33] 

«+». Tight of the British parliament to 
tax denied, viii 34] ix 37] 

«.+. the stamp duties particularly objec- 
tionable, viii 36] 

+++. the stamp act passed, viii 37] 38] 

+--+ proceedings against it, viii 49] 

..+. conduct of the New-Englanders on the 
arrival of the news, viii 50] 

++. the act burnt by the populace, viii 51] 

ee. provincial assemblies countenance 
these proceedings, assert their indepen- 
dence, and appoint a congress at New~ 
York, viii 52] 

-+.. justices of peace and lawyers decline 
acting, viii 53] Pre 

++ bark suggested asa material for writing 
on to evade the act, viii 54] 

+» +. resolutions against British goods and 
paying debts to Britain, viii 55] 

+. +» Society of Arts for encouraging home 
manufactures instituted, viii 55] 

«+++ proposal to stop the exportation of 
tobacco, viii 56] 

+++ French possessions ceded to Spain, 
viii 69] 271] 

«+++ blood-hounds shipped at Bristol for, 
viii 83] 

+» ++ bounty on timber from, viii 247] 

ees petitions to parliament on the stamp 
act from the principal places in G. Bri- 
tain, ix 35] 

+++ debates in parliament on the right of 
Britain to tax, ix 37] 

«+s carried in the affirmative, ix 44] 

«+» the resolution embodied in an act, 2d. 

«+e. the stamp act repealed after great 
debates, ix 46] 

-+.- fortifications at Aberville destroyed by 
the Alibama Indians, ix 54] 

+».. estimated number of men capable of 
bearing arms in the different provinces, 
ix 60] 

.... Sithes, spades, shovels, and hoes, 
manufactured in, ix 62] 

+... rejoicings in London &c. for the re- 
peal of the stamp act, ix 68] 69] 77] 114] 

++. scarcity of provision in, ix 121] 

.... Indian chiefs come to England to com- 
plain of encroachments on their hunting 
grounds, ix 122] 

«+. addresses of thanks to the?king on the 

’ repeal.of the stamp act, ix 129] 




America, North: mischief by lightning, ix 

+». treaty of friendship with the Indians, 

2+.» improper proceedings at Wallingford, 

-+.. two Indian women murdered ian Bur- 
lington county, ix 129] 134] 

«».. Indian trader and child murdered in 
the Cherokee country, ix 134} 

‘«-+» Boyd and two others murdered near 
Broad river, 2. 

e+ +» War between the Chactaws and Creeks, 
ix 157] 

-».. letters from the see. of state on the 
late affairs, ix 173-4] 

e+-- act of parliament in consequence of 
proceedings at New York, x 48] 

es. vessels on lake Ontario, x 95} 

-++. regulations for trade with the Indians, 
x 120] 

oe. atrocious robberies in, x 122] 

---» duties on importation of certain ar- 
ticles into, x 226] xii 73*] 

e+e application of these duties, 7. 

e+». remarks on them, x 229] 

«+. disturbances in-consequence, xi 67*] 

»+s- acommon union to prevent the effects 
of the act proposed, xi 68*] 

«... secretary of state for the colonial de- 
partment appointed, xi 69*]} 

e+. circular letters from the secretary to 
the governors against the proposed union, 

+++. the different assemblies approve the 
conduct of Massachusett’s bay, xi 71*] 

»++» addresses from some to the secretary 
of state, 7d. 

+++ Indians murdered by back-settlers, xi 

rt murderers faken, but rescued, xi 

«+++ party of Shawanese surprised by the 
Catawbas, xi 142] 

+. <. treaty of the commissioners of Penn- 
sylvania with the western Indians, xi 142] 

. “3 a on the proceedings in, xii 52*- 


+++ proposal to send people to England 
for trial, xii 57*] 73] 74] 

ess. very few orders given for lottery 
tickets, xii 155] 

+++. duties on imports, tea excepted, taken 
off, xiii 73°} 

e+. all the bills of ships for, at the New- 
England coffee-house, taken down and 
burnt, xiii 79] 

e«-. orders of the principal merchants in 
London countermanded, in consequence 
of parliament not having fully redressed 
the grievances complained of, xiii 109] 

e¢+- murder of capt. Ogden at Wyoming, 
xiv 109} 

efes war between the Creeks and Chactaws, 
xiv 110] xvi 119} 



America, North : bounty on the importation 
of oak-staves from, xiv 230] 

«+. the E. India company greatly injured 
by the disputes with, xv 151] 

-»+. act declaring future paper-money of 
the colonies not legal payment, xvi 111] 
-«s discontents in, xvii 44] ’ 
+++.» general opposition to the importation 

< tea, xvii 48) 84) 87) 99) 132] lix 
92 2 
«+++ debates in parliament on the proceed~- 
ings at Boston, xvii 58] 

-.+- different acts passed, xvii 64} 69] 72]. 


-+ ++ expedition against the Indians, xvii 
... effects of the coercive measures of the 

British ministry very different from its. 

expectations, xviii 2] 

+». the day of operation of the Boston. 
port bill kept almost every where as a. 

public fast, xviii 5] 

-+ + State of parties, xviil 10) 

- solemn league and covenant, id. 

+. ++ provincial meetings preparatory to a 
general congress, xviii 11] 

++«+ general state of America, xviii 120*] 

++ ++ attempts to manufacture arms and am- 
munition, xviii 121*] 

-+» loyalists, xviii 122*] 

»++. ordnance seized in Rhode island, xviii 

+++. a small fort and quantity of gunpow- 
der taken in New Hampshire, xviii 123*] 

+++ provincial resolutions, 7b. 

-+++ Circular from the secretary of state 

forbidding the election of deputies to a 
congress, xviii 124") 81} 

-. ++ detachment sent to Salem to seize can- 
non, xviii 125*] 

-+ +. affair at Lexington, xviii 126*] 

«+++ Boston invested, xviii 128*] 

++.» Magazines in various places, and trea- 

sury of New Jersey seized, xviii 129*] 

-««+ lord North’s conciliatory plan rejected, 
xviii 130°] 

+++ preparations at New York, xviii 131*} 

-++- Ticonderoga and Crown Point sur- 
prised by the back settlers, 7b. 121] 

+--+ ineffectual attempt to raise the Cana- 
dians against, xviii 138*] r 

+--+. the Indians decline engaging in the 
war, xviii 139*] 

ao Georgia joins the other colonies, xviii 

+++» Various petitions respecting, xviii 96] 
98] 99] 101] 104] 167] 170) xix 104] 

+... rapid change of governors in, xviii 
122} ; 

+. +. private letters from, opened before de- 
livery, xviii 142] 

-+++ debts to a great amount recovered and 
remitted to Scotland, xviii 146] 

ese» exportation of ammunition from Hol- 
land to, prohibited, xviii 147] 



America, North: the same from Denmark, 
xviii 164] 

«+++ fort Chamblee taken, xviii 166] xix 

«+e St. John’s taken, xviii 170] xix 6] 

«+ +s Montreal taken, xviii 170] xix 7) 

+». prisoners brought to England, sent 
back to be exchanged, while application 
for a habeas corpus was making for them, 
xvili 187] ~ 

+. rifleman brought over to Bristol dis- 
charged by the mayor, xviii 188] 

ii on Quebec, xviii 189] xix 8] 

-.++ British ships captured, xviii 190] 191) 
xix 8] 147*] 167*] xx 27] 181] 195] xxi 
127] xxii 191] xxiii 217*] 

«++. American ships taken, xix 153*] xx 
27) 133] 195] 212] xxi 127] xxii 197*] 
xxiii 222*] 229] 

++. articles of confederation between the 
colonies, xviii 253] xix 264] xx 23] 

e+» trade opened, xviii 255] 

++. invasion of Canada, xix 2] 

+++. attempt to raise the back-settlers and 
Indians against the Americans, xix 30) 

e+. exertions to supply the scarcity of 
powder, xix 33] 

e-.. the magazine at Bermudas plundered, 
xix 34] 

+++. change of ‘colours from plain red to 
thirteen stripes, xix 147*] 

«++. expedition under commodore Hopkins, 
xix 1587] 

= No etal of independence, xix 165*] 


+++ two Indian chiefs from, xix 123] 

«+.. contributions for the soldiers serving 
in, xix 164] 

++. allowance to officers wounded, and to 

* the widows and children of those killed, 
xix 188] 

+++. rewards to the masters and men of 
transports who exerted themselves at 
New York, xix 189] 

++.»- proclamation of the conditions of a 
general pardon, xix 193] 257] xx 292-7] 

.... American fleet on lake Champlain des- 
troyed, xx 4] 5] 

-. +» Crown Point destroyed and abandoned 
by the Americans, xx 5] 

«».. they retreat to Ticonderoga, xx 6] 

++.» gen. Lee captured, xx 7] 

«++. complaints of the conduct of the 

British, xx 11] xxi 78] xxii 6] , 

; Hessians surprised at Trenton, xx 

-... Washington retreats across the Dela- 
ware, xx 18] 

.... Indians excited against the back set- 
tlements, xx 21] xxii 7] 

preg pey of provincial troops formed, xx 

overruns the Jerseys, xx 


America, North: expedition to Peek’s Kill, 
xx 115] 

a against Danbury, xx 116] 

«++. stores and vessels at Sagg harbour 
destroyed by the Americans, xx 118] 

..-. Washington takes post along Middle 
Brook, xx 120] : 

-» s+ Indians engaged by the British, x 
121] 148) ; 

..+» gen. Howe takes the field, xx 122 

«e.. detachment under Stirling defeated, 
xx 123] 

+.+. gen. Prescot surprised and taken in 
Rhode island, xx 124] 

++.. army embarked for the expedition 
against Philadelphia, xx 125] 

saue lands at Elk ferry, xx 127] 

- action at the Brandywine, xx 128] 

-... gen. Wayne surprised by gen. Grey, 
xx 131] 

-+.. Philadelphia abandoned, xx 132] 

«+e. the fleet enters the Delaware, xx 

..+. the Delaware frigate taken, i. 

.».. obstructions to the navigation of the 
river, xx 134] 

.+.. attack at German Town, xx 135] 

++ «+ army removed’to Philadelphia, xx 137] 

.... Hessians repulsed at Red Bank, 7, 

«.+. loss of the Augusta and Merlin, xx 

..+- Mud island and Red Bank abandoned, 
xx 139] 

.. +» Americans burn their shipping, 2b. 

..-. Washington not to be brought to action, 

. ++. army goes into winter quarters at Phil- 
adelphia, xx 140] 

..-. Americans halted at Valley Forge, 7d. 

«++. expedition from Canada, xx 141] 

..-. Arnold sent with a reinforcement to 
Saratoga, xx 156] 

..«. cruelties of the Indians, 2d. 161*] xxi 

+... attempt to surprise Bennington, xx 

.--- fort Stanwix besieged by col. St. Le- 
ger, xx 160] F 

-.-. large convoy to it’s relief cut off, 2. 

+++. Spirited sallies of col. Willet, xx 161*] 

.... the siege hastily raised, chiefly owing 
to the misconduct of the savages, xx 

.... Burgoyne crosses the Hudson, and 
encamps in the plain of Saratoga, xx 

...» general engagement, xx 165°] é 

+++ expedition to cut off the communica- 
tion with Canada, xx 167*] 

..+. the British, making @ movement to the 
left, are attacked and driven in by the 
Americans, xx 163*] 

-+.. the camp stormed, xx 169*] 

.... the army changes its position in the 
night, xx 170") 


America, North: the army retreats to Sara- 
toga, xx 171*] 

-+- compelled to surrender, xx 173*] 298] 
xxi 67] ‘ 

.».. successful expedition of gen. Clinton 
up the North river, xx 174*] 

.... expedition of gen. Vaughan, xx 175°] 

«+. remarks on the campaign, #6., xxi 33] 

e«.- Ebenezer Platt committed to Newgate 
for high treason, xx 168] : 

--+. ship with tobaceo, bound for France, 
seized by the Englishmen on board, and 
carried to Liverpool, xx 169] 

...- Dublin alarmed by privateers, xx 192] 

«».. crew of a privateer land at Penzance, 
xx 195] 

++. warlike stores obtained from Sweden, 
xx 197] ‘ 

+... Manchester and Liverpool raise a 
regiment each to serve against, xx 215] 

».«. suyscription in London and other 
parts for prisoners in British gaols, xx 
216] xxi 79] 162] é 

+. +. complaints of the treatment of prisoners 
in G. Britain, xxi 78] 

+... naval force of, xxi 127] 

.... lord North’s conciliatory plan, xxi 132] 

.... treaties with France, xxi 135] 155] 158] 
217*} 340] xxii 432] 

vee» the convention of Saratoga broken, 
xxi 199*] 200*] 210*] 212*)} 

«+24 Stateof the two grand armies, xxi 212*] 

+... predatory expeditions into the Jerseys 
and on the Delaware, xxi 214* 

-.-. effect of the receipt of the conciliatory 
bills, xxi 215*] 

«++. proceedings on the arrival of the com- 
missioners, xxi 218*] 

«++» evacuation of Philadelphia, xxi 220°] 

-+-. engagement near Monmouth, xxi 222* 

«++. embarkation at Sandy Hook, xxi 226*] 

---. arrival of a French squadron, xxi 228*] 

e+. distress of lord Byron’s fleet, xxi 230* | 

-.-. the French sail for Rhode island, id, 

ee» defence of it, xxi 231*] 

«e+. engagement between the fleets pre- 
vented by a storm, xxi 233*] 

---- pursuit of the French by lord Howe, 
xxi 234*] 236*] 

«++. complaint of d’Estaing’s conduct by 
the Americans, xxi 235*] 

+++. retreat from Rhode island, xxi 236*] 

+++. ship in the harbour of Whitehaven 
burnt and lord Selkirk’s house pillaged by 
a privateer, xxi 176] 177] 

«+++ plunder of Messrs. Gordons near Banff, 
xxi 185] 

-. +. powers of the British commissioners, 
xxi 323] 

-2.. their manifesto and proclamation, xxi 

-+.. lord Howe proceeds to New Yorlk, re- 
signs the command to adm, Gambier, and 
returns to England, xxii 1, 2 

‘s+. expedition to Accushnet river and 
Martha’s vineyard, xxii 2] 



America, North: islands of St. Pierre and 
Miguelon taken, xxii 3] 

++» expedition to Egg harbour, 7). 

.--+ Baylor’s reg. of light horse surprised, 
xxii 4] 6] 

.+«. Surprise of Pulaski’s light infantry, 
xxii 5] 

++. the back settlements ravaged by the 
Indians, xxii 7] 

.++- Wyoming destroyed, xxii 8] 

«+++ expedition against the Canadian settle- 
ments on the Upper Missisippi, xxii 15] 

-++.« town of Kaskaskias surprised, 70. 

.+++ retaliation on the Indians, xxii 16] _ 

-++. proceedings of the British commis- 
sioners, xxii 18] 83] : 

+... expedition against W. Florida, xxii 28] 

asisie of the British against 
Georgia, xxii 29] 

.... town of Savannah taken, xxii 32] 

.-.. Sunbury taken, xxii 35] 
-... affrays with the French sailors at Bos- 
ton, xxii 39] 40] : 
+» inquiry into the conduct of the war in, 
xxii 144] 

.+.. loyalists of the back settlements de- 
feated, xxii 179] : 

-.+» gen. Ashe surprised at Briar creek, 
xxii 181] 

«++» gen. Prevost crosses the Savannah, and 
marches for Charlestown, xxii 183] 

+++» action at Stono Ferry, xxii 185] 

+--+. gen. Prevost takes possession of the 
island of Port Royal, xxii 186] 

+... expedition to the Chesapeak, 7d. 

.++. attack of Verplanks neck and Stony 
point, xxii 188] 

«++. several places on the coast destroyed, 
xxii 190] 

+++. Stony point surprised by the Ameri- 

cans, xxii 192] ; 

ooo. —————-— retaken by the British, 
xxii 194*] ‘ 

«.++ attempt on Paulus Hook, xxii 195*] 

+++. expedition from Boston against a fort 
on the Penobscot, 7d. 

-+.. the vessels destroyed by sir G. Collier, 
xxii 197*] 

+++. attempt of the French to assist the 
Americans, xxii 207*] 

+++. Siege of Savannah, xxii 208*] 

+... manifesto against G. Britain, xxii 441] 

.... British settlements on the Missisippi 
seized by the Spaniards, xxiii 207*] 

-. +. expedition against the Indians, xxiii 

.... Rhode island evacuated by the British, 
xxiii 216*] 

+» .-expedition against S.Carolina,xxiii217*] 

-+-+ Charlestown taken, xxiii 221*] 

++.. remains of the army surprised at 
Warsaw, xxiii 223*] 

e++. attempt of the Americans on Staten 
island, xxiii 225*] 

eeee affairs in the Carolinas, xxiii 230*] 

eeoe battle of Camdentown, xxiii 232*] 


America, North: Sumpter surprised by America, North : Green retires after a fruit- 


Tarleton, xxiii 234*] 

«s+ treaty with the Dutch, xxiii 356] 

«++» papers found in the trunk of Mr. 
Laurens, xxiii 356-73] 

»».+» capture of several Quebec ships, xxiv 3] 

---- predatory incursions by the loyalists 
from New York, xxiv 14] 

«++» expeditions to the Connecticut farms 
and Springfield, xxiv 15] 17] 

e+.- effects of the loss of Charlestown, xxiv 

e».- Academy of Arts and Sciences esta- 
blished, xxiv 20] 

«++. bank at Philadelphia, 7. 

--»- W. Florida surrendered to the Spa- 
niards, xxiv 23] 

-+-- Winter expedition against Canada 
planned, xxiv 28] 

«+. desertion of gen. Arnold, xxiv 38] 

e+» depreciation of the currency, xxiv 49] 

«s+» Sequestration of estates in S, Caro- 
lina by lord Cornwallis, xxiv 51] 

+... incursion on the borders of N. Caro- 
lina, 7. 

+... col. Ferguson’s detachment destroyed, 
xxiv 52] 

+++. Sumpter defeated by Tarleton, xxiv 53] 

+». brig. gen. Leslie sent to join lord 
Cornwallis, xxiv 54] 

+. defeat of Tarleton, xxiv 55] 

«++ lord Cornwallis destroys his super- 
fluous baggage, xxiv 58] : 

+++. crosses the Catawba, xxiv 59] 

«e+» pursues the American army in vain, 
xxiv 61] 

++. expedition to Wilmington, xxiv 62] 

«++» party of loyalists surprised, xxiv 63] 

+... battle of Guildford, xxiv 65] 

+».-- lord Cornwallis retreats to Wilming- 
ton, xxiv 71] 

++. expedition of Arnold to Virginia, xxiv 
73] 77) 87) 

° A aaa of the American army, xxiv 

+++ consequent mutiny, xxiv 74] 

+++ attempt of sir H. Clinton to negotiate 
with the mutineers, xxiv 75] 

eee. grievances of the mutineers redres- 
sed, xxiv 76] 

+++. attempt of the French on the Chesa- 
peak, xxiv 79] 

+... gen. Green’s expedition to S. Carolina, 
xxiv 80] 

«.+» defeated by lord Rawdon, xxiv 81] 

+... general revolt in the interior of S. 
Carolina, xxiv 83] 

«.-- lord Rawdon retreats from Camden, 
xxiv 85] 

«+++ lord Cornwallis marches to Virginia, 
xxiv 89] 

+»-- post at Ninety-six besieged by Green, 
xxiv 91} 

++» 1d, Rawdon marches to it’s relief, xxiv92] 

less assault, xxiv 93] 

+ee. works at Ninety-six destroyed and 
the post abandoned, xxiv 94] 

-+.. lord Rawdon marches to the Congaree,; 
xxiv 95] 

-».« close of the campaign in this quarter, 
xxiv 96] , 
.-.- Pensacola taken by the Spaniards, 99] 
++. arrival of de Grasse in the Chesapeak, 

xxiv 116] 

..+» Rodney sends admiral Hood thither, 
and returns to Europe, 7. 

+++. progress of lord Cornwallis in Virgi- 
nia, xxiv 119} 

-.-- Washington having threatened New 
York, marches to Virginia, xxiv 123] 

«++» expedition to Connecticut, xxiv 125] 

«+e fort Griswold stormed, 7. 

.».. French fieet arrives in the Chesapeak, 
xxiv 127] 

.»». action with the British, i. 

..+- lord Cornwallis surrounded, xxiv 129] 

+... attempt to relieve him, xxiv 130] 136] 

«.+» surrender of his army, xxiv 134] 

.... loannegotiatedat Amsterdam, xxiv168] 

+... intercepted letters, xxiv 256] 258] 

-... itigate of extraordinary force, xxv 

«+.» affair of the Cedar men, xxv 147] 

.... execution of col. Haynes, xxv 155] 

.-.- battle of the Eutaws, xxv 190] 

-... independence acknowledged by the 
States General, xxv 206] 

...-» resolutions of the various states on sir 
G. Carleton’s letter te Washington, xxvi 
130] 131] 

+. provisional treaty of peace, xxvi 134] 
148] 154] 161] 

«.,. evacuation of Charlestown, xxvi 202] 

eee. New York, xxvi 221] 

.»+- memorial from the officers and men of 
the provincial troops on the prospect of 
peace, xxvi 262] . 

.... limits of the United States, xxvi 340] 

..-. British ships seized in Nootka Sound. 
by the Spaniards, xxxii 95] 

.... talk of the Creeks to Mr. Panton of 
Pensacola, xxxvi 250 

.--- lord Dorchester’s reply to the Indians 
of Canada, xxxvi 25] 

.... number of methodists in, xlviii 362 

..++ expedition of discovery from the Mis- 
souri to the Columbia, xlix 901 

.... family murdered by the Indians, xlix 

.»-. singular adventure of a soldier during 

' the war, xlix 912 

..-- crew of an American vessel murdered 
at Vanconver’s island, lv 83 

+. treaty between the Creeks and the 
United States, lvii 124] 

-.-» death of the Indian prophet, lvii 58 

cers SWisssettlementon the Ohio, lviii 38,50 



America, North : [For the proceedings of the 
Congress see Congress ; and for the affairs 
of the States after the termination of the 
revolutionary war. See United States.] 
America, South: establishment of the Je- 
suits in, i 862. xlvii 1043. 1 40 
»»»+ cinnamon of, ii 387 
«.-- engagement between the Spanish and 
Portuguese, and the Indians of Paraguay, 
iii 107] 
+++.» Submission of some Indians, and de- 
mand of Jesuit missionaries by others, 
iii 157] 
»+-. treaty between the Dutch and the re- 
volted Negroes of Surinam, iv 76] 
-+«. giants of, v 59. See Patagonians 
-».» expedition against Buenos Ayres fitted 
out from Lisbon, vi 15] 
-+-.» Nova Colonia taken by the Spaniards, 
vi 16] 
«+-- unsuccessful attempt to recover it, vi 
+... insurrection of the Negroes at Berbice, 
vi 84] 
--+,»- elephants introduced into, viii 75] 
---- eruptions of volcanoes, viii 112]. xviii 
+++. endnrance of pain by the Indians of 
Oroonoko, viii 47 
--.. reports of disturbances in, viii 2] 18] 
Xxviil 36] 
«--. expulsion of the Jesuits from the 
Spanish territories, x 32] 
---+ Puerto Pueblo burnt by the Indians, 
xi 74] 
eee Indians of, xi 266, xii 277. xlvii 
1013, 1014, 1036. xlviii 856, 862. 135. 
li 798. lii 550, 562, 598, 604, 674, 744, 
lix 399, 400. Ix 454 
«+++ Settlement in, purposed by Charles the 
second, xiv 3] 
+++ disturbances in, xv 8] 10] 151] xvi 
53] 54] xxviii 36] 
+++» quarrels between the Spaniards and 
Portuguese, xviii 149] xix 185*] 
«++. island of St. Catharine taken by the 
Spaniards, xx 182*] 
«- +. other places reduced, xx 183*] 
+--+ mines of, xx 84. xxvi 165. xlvii 1005, 
1008. 1i 932 
+++ treaty between Spain and Portugal re- 
specting, xxi 169] 
---+ Dutch settlements surrendered to the 
English, xxiv 103] 
+--+. retaken by the French, xxv 195*] 
+++. Survey of the straits of Magellan, 
_Xxvill 34] 
++-- treatment of the natives by the Spa- 
niards at the conquest, xxxv 419 
«++. natural productions, xlvii 101], 
ae 1018. lii 606, 608. Iviii 600. Ix 444, 
“e+. animals, liv 490. lx 446 
+. -» British expeditions against, xlviii 234, 
xlix 206, 209, 214, 640, 652, 687* 


America, South: Miranda’s expedition, 
xlviii 239. xlix 206 

..-. proclamations sent from Spain by 
Joseph Buonaparte, | 194] 

.. +. manners of the people, li 794. lii 592, 
594, 602. liv 464, 522, 541. Ix 438 

++-- observations on, li 930. lx 442, 528. 
Ixi 553 

-++» missions, Ix 438, 454 

»+ee earthquakes in, iii 108] iv 189] v 76] 
vi 61] x 54] xvi 128] 149] xxvii 244] 
xxxix 48. liv 207] 39. lv 508. Ilxi 557 

+++ Officers and despatches sent from the 
Spanish junta under the protection of a 
British frigate, 1 194] 

..-+ Buenos Ayres revolutionized by Li- 
niers, li 418 

++ee political state of, li 479 

-+-+ viceroy of Mexico deposed, li 654 

esse ele of the Spanish provinces, lii 
22 ) 

++. emissary of Joseph Buonaparte hung, 
lii 229 
-. revolution in, lii 520, 522, liii 158] 
324, 331. liv 205] Iv 192] lvi 196] lvii 
126] 127] lviii 157] lix 160] Ix 531, 549. 
Ixi 241] 34, 181 

«++» Venezuelan declaration of indepen- 
dence, liii 331 

++ ++ proceedings for the abolition of slavery, 
liv.76. lv 192] 

--++ piratical vessels, lv 193] 

-... gold and silver coinage of the govern- 
ment of La Plata, lv 193] 

--+- circular from the Spanish ministry on 
the restoration of Ferdinand, lvi 71] 

++. expedition from Spain, 78] lvii 127] 

..« territory of Montevideo entered by the 
Brazilian army, lviii 159] 398. lix 123] 

..-» British officers proceeding to, impri- 
soned at Philadelphia for a breach of 
neutrality, lix 108 

.-», British subjects forbidden to enter 
into the service of the new governments, 
lix 1380. Ix 85 

.... victories of the Venezuelan armies, 1x 

.+-. independence of Chili proclaimed, lx 43 

+--+ reports of the Spanish armies in 
Caraccas, lx 47 

-.+. Spanish propositions, lx 84 

-... Successful cruising against the Spa- 
niards, Ix 91. lxi 90 

.. ++ State of the republic of La Plata, Ix 

-.+. refusal of the United States to ac- 
knowledge consuls from the republies, xi 

+++. expedition of Morillo against Angos- 
tura defeated, lxi 242] 

e+. battle of Bojaca, 243] 

.... liberation of New Grenada, 245] 

-+-- population, 254] 

++++ intention of the king of Spain to send 
Jesuit missionaries to, Lxi 86 



America, South: British merchants nego- 
tiating for a grant of land on the Oroo- 
noko, Ixi 100 

«..+ treaty between the states of Buenos 
Ayres and Chili, lxi 138 

++. blockade of Peru, lxi 154, 169 

Ames, gen. (French) lvi 19] 

—— Joseph, iii 100] xxxvi 380 

—— rev. Dr. W. xii 55 

Amherst, adm. J. i 109, iv 127] 

——— Jeffery, lord, i 70, 74,181. ii 50, 
31,° 38, 39, 44, 90, 246. iii 58] 60) 61] 
149] 220] 256] iv 72] 115] 158] 267] v 
48] 65] vi27} 117] 159] viii 201] xi 255] 
xii 62] 63] xv 136] 207) xvi 63] xyiii 
148] xxiii 198*] 262] xxxi 193] 

—— lieut.-gen. W. iii 149] v 48] 107] 

——— W. Pitt, 2nd lord, xlvi 407. lvii 
137] Iwviii 24. lix 64, 433. Ix 401. 1xi 399 

_Amburst, Nicholas, y 175, 178 

Amiens, man and his wife and four horses 
killed by something ascending out of the 
earth near, xii 146] 

«++. congress of, xliv 73, 77, 91 

++. treaty of peace, xliv 94 

Ammianus. See Marcellinus 

Ammon (the Deity), xi 141 

professor, xi 94 

Ammonius, xxiv 189 

Amor, W. hung for murder, xvi 93] 

Amora, Tupac, xxiv 194] 

Amos, Alexander, Ix 52 

Amoss, S, xlyii 854, xlviii 956 

Amoursaman, a Calmuck chief, vii 93 

Amphiaraus, oracle of, vi 171 

Amphibalus, bishop, viii 76 

Amphibious animals, observations on, x 74 

Amphictyons, i 459 

Amputation without hemorrhage, vy 68 

at the shoulder joint, xii 148] 

Amsink, Paul, xvi 154] 

menatoniivn, shock of an earthquake felt at, 
iii 69 

«++» floor inlaid with English crown pieces 
at, iv 81] 

«+++ numerous bankruptcies in, vi 102] 

«+++ society for recovery of drowned per- 
sons, xi 147] xv 198] 

+++» theatre burnt down, xv 100] 

+++» population of, xxi 217] 

»+ee American Joans, xxiv 168] xxxv 61 

»»». Strength of its defences, xxix 52] 

+++» fire in the Admiralty, xxxiii 25 

«+.» foreign loans, xxxv 61 

--.- inclination to emigrate discouraged 
by the British government, xxxvi 178 

. fame Praelamation of the magistrates, xxxvi 

+++» petition, for which several citizens 
were imprisoned, 7. 

+++» bank of, lvii 17 

Amyand, sir G. xii 217] 

Anabaptists, public baptism of six at Eve- 
sham, ix 101) 


Anabaptists, origin and founders of the sect, 
xii 8 
Anacreon, xv 226 
——— translations from, iii 237. vi 213 
Anagrams, xvii 185, 186 
Analogy, xv 174 
Anam. See Cochin 
Anamaboo, young prince of, ii 89. iv 159] 
Anastasius, emperor, xxv 6 
Anaxagoras, vii 26 
Anaximander, xiv 178. xvii 170 
Ancaster, duchess of, xi 157] 165] 166] 177] 
xiii 142] 
Peregrine, 3rd duke of, viii 20i] 
xi 165] xii 81] xxi 195] 
Robert, 4th duke of, xxi 234] xxii 


Ancestry, advantages of, ii 426 

Anchors, ancient, xii 143 

Ancients, chemistry of the, xi 125 

.... domestic arts and utensils of the, xi 
142, xv 112] 

++.» wines of the, xix 128 

++. military machines of the, xxv 137 

---- conductof sieges, xxv 141 

.. +» Daval armaments, xxv 143 

+». paintings of the. See Painting and 

++... trade of the, lix 511 

..-- philosophy of the, xli 445 

Ancona, antiquities found near, viii 139] 

Ancram, earl of. See Lothian 

Andermatt, gen, xliv 228, 234 

Anderson, Adam, lii 417 

——_ £neas, xxxiv 189] 

——-ald. sir J. W., xxxiv 31, 101. 
xxxv 134] 47. xxxviii 22. xxxix 139] 
193n] 252] xlv 192. xlvi 366 

———. Alex. xxxiv 146 

—— capt. T. A. (A), lviii 639 

—— David, xxvi 77] 248] 283] 343] 

—— Dr. xxxi 222] xlvii 801 

————. Dr. A. xxxi 222] 11767 

———— Dr. James, xxx 96.xxxi 77. xxxiv 
421. xliii 452 

——— Gilbert, lix 59 

James, vii 175, 250 

James, xxvi 346] xxxiii 476] 


——— maj. gen. Paul, Ji 24 

——— miss, drowned, xlii 30 

Owen, lix 37 

rev. B. xxv 90 

Rob. his escape from Graveling, 

i 95 
— W. xxv 196] 
Anderton, col. (vol.), xlv 443 

“Andrada, don G. F. de, iii 69] ° 

gen. G. F. de, lix 127] 
de, xx 181*] 
——— Vieyra, de, viii 63] 
André, maj. J. case of, xxiii 384] xxiv 

Andrea, rey. J. Valent. xxxiii 255 

Andreazzi, XXxix 


Andreossi, gen. count, xli 18] xlii 2] xliv 
187, 411, 462. xlv 168, 252, 694, 704, 941. 
lvii 62] 

Andrew, capt. J. (N.) liv 138] 213, 216 

Andrews, couns. lx 346 

Francis, liii 366 

——— James Pettit, xxxvi 276, 278, 280, 

374. xxxvii 110*] xxxix 45 
Miles Peter, xxx 183. xxxi 158. 
xxxii 139, xxxiv 475. xxxv 411 

Rich. xlix 519 

Tt. hon. Francis, prov. of Dublin 

University, xvii 136] 

sir Joseph, xxix 33. xxxix 45 

xlvii 433 

Androgeos, xxxi 94 

Androuin, Paul, v 76] 

Anduaga, chev. d’, xlvii 14, 17 

Aner, lili 125] 

Angel, col. (Amer.) xxiv 17] 

Angelbeck, van, J. Gerand, xxxviii 75 

Angelis, bish. Crescentio de, iii 97] 

Angelo (fencing master, &c.) xlvi 726 

Mich. See Buonarotti 

Angely, d’, Renaud St. J. xlix 168. Ivii 

Angerstein, J. Julius, xxxii 223] xxxix 7. 
xlv 361. 1i 346, lviii 291, 292 

Angeuil, a’, iii 204 

Anglesey, antiquities of, ix 296 

Arthur, earl of, xxxvi 364 

H. W. marq. of, xli 121] 115. 

li 14, 17, 18, 21, 276, 277, 363, 371, 475. 

lii 298. lvii 67] 176 

James, earl of, iv 72] 

R. earl of, iv 72] 

++. the title disputed, xiv 98] 

Angliari, copper and silver mines at, x 67] 

Angouléme, duchess d’, xxxv 222] 137. 
Xxxvii 94] xxxviii 2, 9. 193*, 105*. lvi 
49] lvii 61] 40, 190 

duke d’, xxxi 255*] xxxiv 263. 
xxxv 137. xxxviii 3. xlii 208] lvi 18] lvii 
61] 92] 118] lxi 26 

Angremont, xxxv 202] 
Angria, his principal fort taken by adm, 
Watson, i 14 
Anguilla, island of, ineffectual attempt of 
the French on, xxxix 92] 

Anguish, T. xxiii 384] xxiv 328] 337] xxv 
314] xxviii 301] 200. xxxii 329] 356] 

Angus, C. 1 98* 

Anhalt Bernbourg, prince of, xxxi 176] 
xli 247] * 

Ccethen, prince of, xli 247] 

Dessau, marsh. Maurice of, iii 98] 

———— prince of, iii 23. iv, 25] 
xxxiii 67 

Anholt, island of, new lighthouse on, xli 42 

® ‘eect by the British and fortified, lii 

e+.. repulse of the Danes, liii 190 
Animalculz in pustules, iii 148] 
eros generation of, xv 172 

W. convicted of secreting a letter, | 



Animals, on the speech of, 1 371 

«++» very rare one from the E, Indies, ii 
119 . 

ess. essay on a method of classing, ii 372 

-».. remarks on Linneus’s system, ii 374. 
xvii 101 

-... force of imagination on, ii 378 

e+e living in solid bodies, iv 82, 83. xvi 
84] xxxiii 341] 

++,» duty of clemency to, iv 196. xix 176. 
xxv 166 

3 te the propagation of, xvii 93, xxxvi 

opie classification of, xvii 97 

+++» power in, of producing heat, xix 87 

+++. Some species common to the old and 
new continents, xx 75 

«++. torpidity of, xxiv 63, 65.1117. 1i 846 

-.-. test of identity of species, xxix 38 

«+. instincts of, xxx 58, 67. xxxvi 430 

.» «+ flesh of, converted into fatty matter. 
See Adipocere 

ait compared with plants, xxxvi 333. 


+++. Observations on, xxxvi 427. xxxviii 
394, xlvi 879, 884. 1 107-9 

««+ faculties of, liii 477 

+++ experiments on, xxxix 393 

»se+ on cruelty to, xlii 146] 

«++. Signs of change of weather exhibited 
by, xlii 362 

oe ss periods of gestation of several, xlii 

«++. instances of cruelty to, xii 89] xlv 435. 
xlvi 436. xlviii 431. li 268 

e+.» various imported, xlviii 412 

«++. power of enduring cold, 1 117 

-+«» power of enduring heat, 1 118 

.... luminous, lii 631 

«+... males giving suck, lx 440, 441 

Animation, suspended, means of restoring, 
ii 420. iv 104. v 100, 101, 130, 131. viii 
133. xv 199] xvi 132. xvii 119. xviii 101. 
xx 107 n. xxxiii 354 

---- man restored after being hanged, x 

eee. cases of, xx 107 z. 109, 111, 112 x. 
lviii 113 

«+.» See also Drowned persons 

Anjou, Francis, duke d’, ii 323. ix 54, 57. 
x 275. xxxiv 422 

Ankarstrom, capt. J. J. xxxiii 80, xxxiv 12 

---- execution of, xxxiv 16 

Ankar, Carsten, lvi 39] 41] 

D. suicide, xl 37 

Ankwitz, count, xxxvii 23] 

Anlaf, king of the Danes, viii 00 

se G. executed for forgery, 

Ann, empress of Russia, xiii 20. xli 42 

-+.. anecdotes of the court of, xiii 133 

—— of Austria, regent of France, xi 23 

—— of Brittany, xiii 102 

—— of Cleves, i 481 2. 

=——- of Denmark, y 26, 27 




Ann, queen, i 370. ii 287. iii 173] vi 174] 4, 
149. vii 50 . 251. viii 102] 193] 15, 128, 
225, 303. ix 69] 208] 300. x 49. xi 158] 
164. xii 86] 131] 63, 138. xv 39] 71] 32. 
xvii 175] xx 78] 81] 83] xxi 146. xxiii 
76] 103] 299] xxiv 326]. xxvii 71. xxx 
102] xxxi 109] xxxiii 43. xxxvii 219] 
Xxxviii 20] 490. xli 219] xlviii 29 

e+ 0+ —— character of, iii 181. viii 7 

Annandale, = margq. of, xx 7 

Annesley, Arthur. See Mountnorris, earl 

— Dr, Francis, xxvii 268] xlix 

— lord. See Glerawley, W. vise. 

—— sir J. xxxvii 113*] 

——— W. Ix 361 

Annett, Pet. v 113] 

Annian, straits of, iii 87 

Annuities, sums raised by, i91, 133, 135. 
ii 178-80. iii 191] iv 65] v 158] 170] vi 
180] vii 163] ix 205] x 215] 221] xi 265] 
xx 270] xxi 288] xxii 330] xxiii 314] 
xxiv 273] xxvi 308] xxvii 303] xxxv 107. 
xxxvi 120. xxxvii 119. xxxviii 108, 72d. 
xxxix 173, 174. x1 208. xli 199. xlii 168. 
xliii 192. xliv 589. xlv 632. xlvi 585. 
xlvii 593. xlix 731*-3* 

e»-. redemption of, viii 239] ix 154] x 
159] 219] xi 264] xiii 101] 238] 240] 
xiv 215] xvii 255] xlviii 639. xlix 728*, 
730*. 1i 535. lii 422 

wen eliprataon in the times of payment, viii 

«+++ navy and victualling bills to be con- 
verted into, viii 242] ix 93] 202] 203] 

e+» for lives, act for registering, and for 
protecting infants against grants of, xx 
181] 259] 

«+s» Suit for setting aside bonds granted 
under age, xx 192] 

«+.» plan for exchanging 3 per cent stock 
for, | 223* 

Anquetil du Perron. See Perron 

Aurep, gen. killed, xlix 7 

Anselme, gen. xxxiv 107] 110] 

Ansley, ald. J. xlix 494 

Anson, Eliz. lady, xiii 201 

G. lord, i 66, 94. iv 88] 177]. v 89] 
vi4] x 98] xi 26]. xiv 3] 86. xvi 102, 
272. xxx 101] xli 352. xlvi 371, 719 

-»+- his expedient for securing his ship 
from driving, ii 126 

hon. T. W. 1xi 140] 

1. gen. sir G. 1i 470. liv 147] 227, 
232. ly 170, 176 

—— lgen. sir W. liv 231. lvi 164 

»——— Mary, convicted of occasioning her 
husband's death by biting his little finger, 
xii 130] 

), W. xiv 90] 

id margr. of, vi 77] xxxvi 316. xlviii 

margrayine of, xxi 203. xxiii 200, 
205, xxv 200, xxxiv 28 

Anstey, Christ. xviii 141. xxviii 151. Ixi 455 
J. xliv 848. lvi 369. lvii 336. viii 
424, lix 249. 1x 399. 1xi 398 
Anstis, J. vi 141. xvii 144. xxviii 110 
Anstruther, J. xxvii 68] xxviii 133] xxix 
165] xxx 169] xxxi 132] xxxii 101] 
xxxiii 248. xxxv 14] 49] xxxviii 38] 
maj. gen. v 157] 
—— m. gen. xliii 98, 101, 110. 
1 221] 261°, 262*. li 51, 52 x. 
— sir J. xlix 145, 190] 92] lii 55, 
102, 105, 114. liii 40] 
Antamori, card. xxiy 161] 
Antelope, particular species of, xxxviii 398 
-... eland, lvii 493 
Anthem performed at George the Second’s 
funeral, iii 182] 
Antiboul, xxxv 280] 
Antigallican and her prize detained in 
Cadiz bay, v 97] 
.» +» forty-four gun ship given by the king 
to the officers and crew, v 76 
Antigua, account of, xxxv 425 
- +. fires at, xii 141] 161] xiii 74] 
++.. chief justice refuses to record the 
verdict of a jury, xiv 159] 
«+e» address to the king on the arrival of a 
new governor, xviii 143 
--.- yellow fever at, lviii 143 
Antiquaries, sagacious conjectures of, xiv 

Antiquities found near Colonna, i 99 

++. large brass helmet dug up near Bland- 
ford, i 111 

ee + ee gold ring found in ireland, ii 

---- beads found in Kent, iii 111] 

s+» found in the Appian way, iv 113] 114] 
xiv 149] 

-» +» bust of Calpurnia at Corsan, v 89] 

++. Statues found at Tivoli, vy 103] 

»-» controversy on a bust at Turin, v 130. 
vii 153 

e-.. urn divided by a plate of glass, v 150 

e+». painting on marble, covered with glass, 
v 150 

-».. found near Lewes, vi 159 

ofa - -— in the cathedral of Exeter, vi 

-. +» large glass Roman urnat Withersfield, 
vii 105] 

-. +» discovered at Civita Turchino, vii 157 

+... washed up, by an inundation of the 
Tiber, viii 61] 

.. ee found at Pesti, viii 75 

. rg. ae of, viii 102] ix 65] xxi 174] xlvii 

..-. found near Ancona, viii 139] 
— Cajolar on the Black Sea, 

viii 158] 

++.. Sigean marble bequeathed to Trinity 
College, ix 81 

-» +» Statue of Adrian, ix 113] 

+» oe found at Rutchester, ix 114] 

Dumfemline, ix 115] 



Antiquities found at Cundover hall, near 
Shrewsbury, x 98] 

.» +» found in Mecklenburg Strelitz, xi 87 

ae at, Grossetta, xiii 114] 

.+.. ——— York, xiii 138] 

«se. ——— in Caermarthen, xiii 139] 

».+- gold ring found in the Thames, xiv 67] 

-»-+ discovered on the coast of Istria, xiv 

Ste we —— in Dalmatia, xiv 119] 

e+e found at Salisbury, xv 83] 

«+. in Scotland and the isles, xvii 139, 

«+.» Mosaic pavements in Dauphiny, xix 

-e.~ Vitrified forts in Scotland, xxi 146 

«».. Roman weapons found in Dodding- 

stone loch, xxiii 239] 

»-.. Greek, found at Adrianople, xxviii 
214] | 

--.- frustum of a statue of Serapis at Arles, 
xxx 119 

-».. tesselated pavement in Shropshire, 
xxxv 59 

---- Roman, discovered at Woodchester, 
xxxix 479 

«+.» tesselated pavements in Leadenhall- 
street, xlvi 364. xlviii 387 

cig OT found at Carlisle, xlvi 370, 

oes sepulchre at Ashby Puerorum, 
xlvi 422 

ee-. tesselated pavement at Gloucester, 
xlviii 443 

«++. Roman building at Leicester, xviii 

+++» at Soddington, xlix 897 

-+.. Celtic, near Stonehenge, |] 154 

Be: oa vase found at Colchester, li 

-»+» bronze weapons and utensils analysed, 
lii 662 

+++. tesselated pavement at Withington, 
liii 79 

—— ee 

winters — Bignor, liii 81 

--+. MS. of Apollonius Evander found, liii 95 

+. +. medals found near Rodburn, liii 113 

i a of mail found near Drayton, liv 

es+. ring and part of acrosier found ina 
tomb at Winchester, lv 87 

..». Roman bath at Bletchingley, lv 103 

Bs ss stone coffin in Oxfordshire, lvi 

-»-. building in the neighbourhood of Pa- 
lestrina, lvii 102 

-... found near Washingborough, Iviii 53 

e.+- bas relief of Dicclesian near Spalatro, 
Iviii 76 

oe ay gold vessel at Burgh Castle, lviii 

-.+- at Torre Sapienza, lxi 59 

-. «+ found at Herculaneum, Pompeii, and 
Rome. See these places 

eves forcoms, See Coins 


Antiquities, MSS. See Manuscripts 
Antis, J. xlii 381 
Antithesis, i 315, 317 
Antonie, W. Lee, 1 222* 
Antoninus Pius, xiii 49. xiv 184. xix 238. 
lvii 86 
Antony, archduke, elected bishop of Mun- 
ster and abp. of Cologn, xliii 281, 289 
Antony, Mark, xxxvi 420 
Antraigues, d’, count and countess mur- 
dered, liv 94 é 
Antrim, Ann Cath. countess of, lvii 88 
96 Randal W. marq,. of, xxii 211] xxvi 

Antrobus, xviii 36 

— Edm. xl 176. xlviii 614 | 

P. xlviii 614 

— sir Edm. lx 283 

T. v 68 

Ants, injuries from, xviii 168] 

Ants, N. American, xiv 98 

Antwerp, riots on account of dearth, xi 90] 

«+++ taken by the French, xxxiv 120] 

+++» basins constructed by the French pre- 
sented to the city by the king, lviii 5 

.+ +. works of art restored to Rome, lviii 88 

Anville, d’, xxiv 51. xxxii 174 

Anzoategui, gen. Ixi 243] 

Aoutourou, native of Otaheite, brought to 
France, xv 49 . 

Apelles, vii 276, ix 228 

Apes, observations on, 843 

Aphis, account of the genus, xlvii 837 

++.» ladybird destructive to, xlix 840 

Apocynum, utility of it’s down, iii 161] iv 

Apodaca, adm. liii 23. viii 17] 

—— don. J. Ruez de, lix 161] 

Apollo, Belvidere, xiv 155. xli 340 

— French girl in love with, 

xlix 431 

-. «+ Statue of, xlii 13 

Apollonius, Evander, liii 95 

— of Perga, ii 288 

—— Rhodius, xiv 205 

— the sculptor, viii 180 

Apoplexy, remarks on, iv 12] 4 

Appe Sahib (rajah of Nagpore), Ixi 205] 

Apparitions, lv 532 

Appian, lvii 86 

Appius Claudius, iv 293. vii 160 

———_—_———-—. Pulcher, xv 164 

Apples, extraordinary produce of a tree, xx 

.»++ young tree producing twice ina year, 
xxii 225] ® 
«++. Sweet and sour, and some partly both, 
on the same tree, xxx 79 
... Varieties, and management of, xlvi 
841. liv 504 
»... experiments on the juice of, xlix 366 
ge James, charged with piracy, xii 
125 . 
Appraisements, duty on, xlviii 71 



Apprentices, barbarous treatment of, v 95] 
132] vi 55] vii 69] ix 89] x 115] 117] 
129] 190] xlv 368. lix 303, 305 

.--- action against a master for dismissing 
one, Ix 302 

«--- vefusal to admit one to his freedom 
because not boarded and lodged in his 

_ master’s house, xvii 168] 

«+++ act to settle the fees of hatters, xx 

oeee allow calico printers and dyers 
to employ journeymen who have not 
served regular apprenticeships, xx 185] 

«++. parish, lvii 557 

new law respecting, lviii 151 

Apraxin, gen. xi 16] 19] xxviii 145] 
xxxi 33 

+++» heads a Russian army against Prussia, 
i 15, 20 , 

+-+- put under arrest, i 40 

-. ++ besieges Cracow, xi 20] 

Apreece, sir T. xxxi 206] 

Apsley, lord. See Bathurst, H. 2nd earl 

sir Allen, xxxii 96. xxxiy 433. 

xlviii 1097, 1099 

sir Peter, xviii 25 

Apturaman bey, lxi 84 

Apuleius, vi 165 

Aqua fortis frozen, v 78 

Aquatinta. See Engravings 

Aquaviva, Marso, Corsican leader, xiv 138] 

Aqueduets, Roman, iv 293 

.... that of Aleantava, xiii 150 

tee Pontcysylte, xlvii 430 

Aquila, in Spain, earthquake felt at, v 108] 

Aquinas, Thomas, xii 62 

Arabia, hot wind peculiar to, ix 121. lv 75 

modern prophet in, xxvii 244] xxviii 


«+. pirates of, liv 462 

+»-+ caravan destroyed by the hot wind of 
the desert, lv 75 

Arabic poetry, rules of, xiii 98 

Arabin, couns. lvii 300. lviii 316, 317 
gen. W. J. xxvii 226] 

maj. xxix 203] 

Arabs, account of the, xvi 95. xxiii 40, 54. 
xxv 39. xxxiv 372. xl 427. xli17, 505. 

_ xliv 742. liv 462 

Arachis hypogza, oil from, xiii 109 | 

) Aragus, J. xxii 221] 

_ Arajangas (Indian chief), vii 180] 
Avaktscheief, gen. xliii 417n, 433 

_ Aram, capt, = xxxiv 200] 

_-——— Eugene, committed for the murder 

of Dan. Clark, i 105 
eee trial of, ii 105, 351. 1i 774 
i particulars of his life and writings, ii 

_ Aranda, count, x 186] 189] xxv 319] xxvi 
—« 336)] xxviii 31] 

| Aranjo, d’, x1 299, xli 100] xlviii 222 

_ Avanza, don Jos. de, 1 168] 

_ Arberg, gen. d’, xxxiii 35 

Arblay, d’, mad, xxxiii 8] 


Arboris Gattinars, marq. of, Ixi 28 
Arbuthnot, adm, Marriot, xxii 256] xxiii 
12] 43) 217*] xxiv 22] 36] 78} 157] 

— Alex. Ixi 234] 140, 146, 153 

—_—_—— C, xliii 259] xviii 212, 790,791. 
xlix 195, 659*. 1 68] 

Dr. J. iii 15. xi 168. xviii 221, 

222. xxvii 43. xli 330 

—  l. col. sir Rob. xviii 600 

Rob. xlv 551 

Arbutus, extraordinary growth of in Ireland 
and some other places, i 327n. 

«... described, i 327 

Arcadius, emp. viii 158] 

Arcesilas, xxiv 150 

Arcet, d’, xiv 141] 

Archangel, fires at, vi 51] xv 112] xxxv 36. 
liii 88 

«++» French factory established at, ix 52] 

«... trade of, xxxvi 37 

Archangel, white, recommended in medi- 
cine, x 89 

Archbold, J. F. lii 418 

Archdall, col. M. xxv 221] 

Mervin, jun. xliv 127. xlv 41, 

Rich. xlvi 44 

Archdeacon, W. ix 70] 

Archdekin, James, xxxiv 77 

Archenholz, J. W. von. xxxii 26 

Archer, lord, xiii 70] 197] 199] xiv pot 
xvi 243] xviii 249] 251] xix 255] xx 283 

J. death of, from flogging, xlvii 426 

T. xi 57 

W. convicted of setting fire to ricks, 
lix 219 

Archery, practice of, in England, xxvii 64 

Archetti, card. xl 6? 

Ace vii 116] xi 129. xiv 175. xv 


Archinto, P. v 104] 

Archipelago, hurricanes in the, ix 80] 

+++. earthquakes in, xv 122] 

Architects, action against one for inade- 
quacy of performance, lvi 298 

Architecture, history of, in England, v 257. 
lxi 482 

++.. Saxon, v 257. xvi 137 

..++ Gothic, v 257, 258. x 148. xvi 137. 
xxii 131 ° 

Grecian, v 258. x 146 

«+.. ancient, historical remarks on, x 144 

--.. improvements in, by the Normans, xv 

.... Norman, xvi 137 

.-.. nomenclature of, xlviii 989 

Arcola, battle of, xxxviii 120] 

Arcon, chev. d’, xxv 228*] 

Arcot taken by the English, iii 64] 

..-- rich sword presented to the nabob by” 
the E. India company, x 54] 

..+- the nabob’s territories ravaged by 
Hyder Ali, xii 49] 

es Letter from the nabob, xxi 189] 



Arcot, partiality of the government of 
Madras to the nabob, xxv 43] 

«+. his profusion, xxv 57] xxvii 49] 180*] 

«>. besieged by Hyder Ali, xxv 63] 

.... the nabob deeply in debt, xxvii 49] 

«+s. scheme for bribing a majority of the 
Commons in favour of the nabob, xxvii 

eves ae Ae with respect to the nabob’s 
debts, xxvii 180*] xlviii 107 

«s+» deposition of the nabob, xliv 269 

«... Azeem ul Dowlah raised to the mus- 
nud, 276 

Arden, C. G. lord, xxxvi 206] xxxviii 50] 
xxxix 210]215] xli 172] xlv 4, 1116] 
lvi 136] lx 179 

lieut. S, (N) xxiv. 253] 

Pepper. See Alvanley, Ist lord 

Ardizabal y Uribe, don Mig. lii 163 

Aremberg, count d’, xxi 1d 

duke d’, xxxiii 32, 52. lit 172. 

liii 219 
duchess of, xlii 1607] 
— prince of, lvii 25. lviii 266 
Arena, xlii 21] 23] 48] 
Arensberg, princess of, iv 102] 
Aretine, Guido, xii 211 
—— Leonard, xxi 27 
Pet. xii 164, 170 
Arfet, d’, Anna, xlvi 934 
Argaum, battle of, xlvi 234 
Argens, J.B. de B. marq.d’, iv 184. xxix 5 
-... letter from the king of Prussia to, iii 31 
Argenson, count d’, vii 39, 40, 172. viii 8. 
ix 5,18. xvii 10 
marg. d’, xxxi 6, 10, 119, 122. 
xli 448 

Arguelles, —_Jii 216. liii 123] liv 159] Iv 
153] lvi 165] lvii 119] 

Arguin, party massacred by the Moors on 
the island of, xii 134] xiii 81] 

Argyle rooms, compensation for, Ix 316 

Argyll, Archibald, 9th earl, xiv 27, 39. 161, 

Archibald, 3rd duke, xxxvii 44*] 

J. 2nd duke of, v 16 

.. +. character of, x 46 

J. Campbell, 4th duke, iv 99] ix 93] 

xiv 66] 200] liii 485 

J. Sth duke, xv 126] xlviii 414 

Ariezaga, marq. of, li 196, 406. lii 154 

Ariosto, Lod. xxii 34. xxiv 146 

«e.. life of, v 23 

Ariphron, the Sicyonian, xii 243 

Aris, xiii 211) xlv 394 

Arispe lvi 36] 

Aristeus, ix 148 

Aristides, the painter, x 216 

eomerheny, iv 180, 181. v 129, 213. xi 

Aristotle, iii 8. v 165. xii 286. xiv 174, 186. 
xv 116, 177. xviii 48. xix 204. xxi 222. 
xxiv 149. xxxi 133, 164. xxxiii 258, 380] 
xliii 409, xliv 744. xlvi 806 



Aristotle, his metaphysics prohibited, xiii 43 

Aristoxenus (music.), xxxvi 366 

Arithmetic, child of extraordinary powers, 
liv 507 

Ariza, marq. of, | 169] 

Arkwright, sir Rich. xxxiv 35. xxxvii 131*] 

Arlandes, marq. d’, xxvi 70. xxvii 329] 

Arles, T. murder of, xlvii 420 

Arlett, Rob., one of a notorious family, 
hanged for robbery, xvi 86] 

Arlington, H. earl of, ii 275, 303, 304, xi 
166. xxxvi 364, 365 

Arm, artificial, iii 160] vii 76 

Armagnac, d’, gen. liv 220 

Armamar, conde de, ii 222 

Armed neutrality. See Commerce, neutral 

Armenia, natives of, xxv 39 

e+.» persecution of the Roman Catholics, 
Xxvii 32] 

Armentieres, marsh. d’, ii 11, 16, 21. xiii 

Armfeldt, bar. xxxii 307] xxxiii 82, xlix 
28, 29, 30. 1 312° 

Armitage, sir G. xiii 207] 

sir John, i 69 

Armonville, xxxiv 61] 

Armorial ensigns, antiquity of, x 274 

Armour, ancient, x 272, 273 

Armstrong, ii 88 

—— Benj. murder of, xliv 363 

——_—— Dan. v 68 

—__—— Dr. J. xxii 228] xlvi 790 

Edm, xxxiv 145 

—— gen. (Amer.) 1 75] li 653, 

715, 895 

(Irish spy) xl 162] 

—— Joseph, convicted of poisoning 

his mistress, xx 183] 

——maj. xxiv 132] 

—— sir T. xiv 26 

Army: regulations respecting the sale of 
commissions, ii 71 

.... battle between some parties of light 
horse, ii 86 

.«.. number of troops at home, ii 100. iii 

«+.. men enlisting, not to be sent abroad, 
and to serve only three years, or during 
the war, ii 102 

«+» bounty, and freedom of the city of 
London, to volunteers, ii 106, 115, 120, 
iii 111] 

+... bounties for enlistment, at various 
places, ii 112-16 

..+- subscription for the soldiers who 
fought at Minden and Quebec, ii 132 

.oe. ——_—_—___ relief of the British 
troops abroad, iii 66] 67] 73] 

-... in Jreland to be augmented, iii 72] 

.... refusal of a regiment to embark for the 
East Indies, iii 78] 

+». Smoking shell to cover a retreat, iii 

officers xl 104. xlvii 7. lvi 




Army : damages obtained by a soldier against 
his officers, vi 90] 

«+++ Officers dismissed for political reasons, 
vii 33] xvii 20. xxxiv 47 ’ 
«++ damages against a colonel for reducing 

asergeant to a private, viii 66] 

«+.» residue of Mrs. Wolfe’s property left to 
the widows and children of officers that 
served under her son, viii 126] 

-+.. farrier employed bya contractor for 
artillery horses, not entitled to the privi- 
leges of a discharged soldier, viii 136] 

«+». deserter and his wife drowning them- 
selves, viii 141] 

.. ++ Wives of the guards to be admitted into 
the Lying-in Hospital, and their children 
taken care of, viii 149] 

++. cheap, easy, and expeditious method 
of constructing hospitals, viii 134 

«+.. regulations respecting the purchase of 
commissions, ix 51] 

-.». guards deserting, or neglecting duty, to 
be sent abroad instead of flogging, ix 82] 

-..- Elliot’s lighthorse petition for pay- 
ment of arrears, ix 86] 

-.+- damages recovered from a quarter- 
master by a private, ix 88] 

+--+ scheme for the preservation, mainte- 
nance, and education of the infants and 
orphans of soldiers, ix 93] 

e+. Elliot’s and Burgoyne’s lighthorse to 
be called the king’s and queen’s dragoons, 
and their uniforms altered, ix 99] 

«++. new regulations for the Irish, x 56] 

--.. thanks of the subalterns on half-pay 
to the marq. of Granby and gen. Conway, 
x 91] 

«+. aclion of an ensign against a colonel for 
false imprisonment, xiii 74] 

+++. petition of officers for an increase of 
pay, xiii 76] 

---- deductions from the pay of foot-soldiers 
to be remitted, xiv 99] 

---- soldiers in the Tower not to work at 
their callings, xiv 138] 

«.+~ retention of the rank of major, decided 
by a board of general officers, xv 95] 

--+. rank of officers of the artillery and en- 
gineers in, xv 101] xvi 137] 

capt.-lieutenants of cavalry in, 

xv 105] 

+++» Sentence of a sergeant for enlisting 
men, and then enticing them into the 
French service, xvi 140] 

--.. enlistment in the marching regiments 
for three years, or during the continuance 
of the contest with America, xviii 186] 

+++. @ soldier volunteers to go to America 
in the place of a comrade with a family, 
xix 125] 

+++. regulation of uniforms for America, 
xix 127] 

+... allowances to officers wounded in Ame- 
rica, and to the widows and children of 

those killed, xix 188] 


Army : assignment of pay by officers deemed 
valid, xx 179] 

«+e» the contrary held, xxxiii 20] 

«++» new schemes for raising troops, xxi 80] 
161] 230] 

---. deserters to be sent to Africa or the 
E. Indies for life, xxi 192] 201] 

«-.. four days allowed for returning enlist- 
ment money, xxi 196] 

«».- acts for better recruiting, xxi 230] 
xxii 254] 

e+ fencible regiments, xxiii 160] xxv 221] 
xliv 393 

«++» horses employed on contract in the 
service of the artillery, to be quartered on 
publicans, xxiii 215] 

+++ general orders for the soldiery to act 
without waiting the directions of magis- 
trates, in dispersing tumultuous assem- 
blies of the people, xxiii 266] 

+++. returns of the, xxiv 174] 264-6] xxvi 
199 ] xlii 144. xliii 39] xlviii 51, 56. xlix 
466. 1108] 109] liv 27 

---- half-pay officers not subject to military 
law, xxvii 230] 

+... these, and officers by brevet, included 
in the next mutiny act, xxviii 108] xxix 

«++. on diseases of the, xxviii 70 

oene re of repeated desertions, xxix 


e++- Sentence of an officer for oppression 
towards a private, xxix 224] 

: ah oe of artificers incorporated in, xxx 

«++. soldier committed to prison for a bas 
tard, xxxv 8 

+++. pay of commissaries, xxxvi 94 

e+e pay of, xxxix 252. xl 183. lix 330 

+++. pay of army and navy officers com- 
pared, lix 348 

--.. charges of mismanagement, xxxvii 168] 

e+e extra allowance of bread and meat 
given by ministers without applying to 
parliament, xxxvii 214] 169 

+. +. riots on draughting men into other re- 
giments, xxxvii 33, 34 

ence a of barracks, xxxviii 51] 63] 

e+e. abuses in the barrack department, 
xlviii 79. xlix 100 

e+e inadequacy of it’s pay, xxxix 207] 

+++. augmentation of it’s pay and allowances, 
xxxix 167, 169, 252. xlvili 635 

+++» proposals to enlist men for a limited 
term, xl 181] 

ee.. acts for allowing supplementary mi- 
litia to enlist into, xl 217] xli 312] 

+++. damages against officers for breaking 
open a public house to get to their quar- 
ters, xl 24 

+++. col. Finch shot by one of the guards 
when exercising them, xl 38 

oi ene respecting pay of officers, 



Army: 5th or royal Irish dragoons disband- 
ed for insubordination, xli 14 

---- royal military asylum for children, 
xlii 162. See Royal Military Asylum 

+... additions to colours of regiments, xlix 
645, 657* 

«++. peace establishment, xliv 401, 4J2 

+++ pensions to soldiers become blind from 
the expedition to Egypt, xliv 411, 447 

«+s» paymaster and colonel convicted of 
conspiracy to defraud, xlv 405 

+++ reduction of the staff, xlvii 375 

e+. deserter rescued by his fellow servants, 
xlvii 396 

e++~ death of a woman from her husband 
being assaulted by soldiers, xlvii 405 

«++. new arrangements respecting, xlviil 
39. xlix 76 ; 

-+-. complaints of it’s conduct in Spain, li 

«+s regulations respecting service previous 
to promotion, li 534 

ones respecting the commissariat, 
lii 301 

-..- alteration in the mutiny act, lili 32} 30 

«++. tricks of a soldier to obtain his dis- 
charge, liii 101 

--.. German officers to receive permanent 
rank, liv 219] 

+++. returns of recruits, liv 27 

Boras of deserters, liv 27 

++... regulation respecting insane men and 
officers, lviii 153 

++«. reduction of the, lx 139, 167-9 

-... grants for the. See Supplies in each 

Arnal, W. v 177. xx 13 
Arnald, x 102] 
Amay, _@, iv 156,291 

Arne, Dr. T. Aug. ii 143. 1 107* 
Arnobius, vi 166 
Arnod, (watchmaker) xiii 173] 
Arnold, xiv 112] 
(French.) xlii 44] 
Ann, executed for murder, ly 23 
Dr. J. H. lviii 264. 1x 255, 325. Ixi 


Dr. S. xxvii 334] 

Dr. T. xxxii 13 

Edw. Shipden, x1 176 

gen. Benedict, xviii 189] xix 14] 16] 
xx 4] 116] 122] 125] 156] 163*] 169*} 
171*] xxi 39] xxiv 73] 77} 87] 90] 120] 
125] 255] x1 176 

++++ expeditionagainst Quebec, xix 8] 151*] 

«+++ desertion of, xxiii 384] xxiv 38] 

-++- address to the Americans, xxiii 397] 
xxiv 46] 

«+++ charges of misconduct against, xxiv 37] 

++.. made a brig. general in the British 
army, xxiv 46] 

+++» duel with lord Lauderdale, xxxiv 29 

G. xl. 176 

James Robertson, x1 176 

— J. vii 


Arnold, rev. W. xx 26] 
Rich. xlix 356 
Sophia Matilda, x1 176 
Stuart, xlvii 849 
W. executed for the murder of 
David Brewer, xxxviii 45 
Arouet. See Voltaire 
Arraiga, don Juan de, iv 285} 
Arran, antiquities in, xvii 140 
Arran, Arth. Saunders (Gore), 2nd earl of, 
xiv 137] xxxii 106] 310) xxxv 208. xlii 
202, 204, 209 , 
C. (Batler), earl of, x 50 
James (Stewart), earl of, ix 57. xxi 9 
Arras, Dr. vi 89] 
M. d’, xxi 235 
Arreoy, account of the, xvi 15. xx 63 
Arrest: attorney brought before the lords 
for arresting a peeress, viii 67] 
+... damages against a bailiff for carrying 
a man to his own spunginghouse, viii 82] 
«-+.. of a corpse, xxxvi 27 
Arriaga, fray don Julian de, xiv 239] 
Arrian, xxxii 67 
Arrighi, gen. lvi 6] 16] 
Arrows, effect of feathering, xix 133 
Arrowsmith, Ix 591 
Ars, marq. @’, iii 102] 
Arsenic, poisonous effects of it’s fumes, x 99 
+++. antidote against, xxi 130 
«+.. See also Poison 
Arson, attempted at Edinburgh, iii 78] 
+++» attempt at, to conceal a robbery, iv 
113] : 
+++» papermill in Hampshire set on fire by 
an apprentice, iv 114] 
---- boy of eleven convicted of firing his 
master’s house, vi 91} 
+++» Servant girl robbing and setting fire to 
her master’s house, vi 92] viii 150] 
---- G. Sutton, in his own house, ix 66} 
-... by the guardian of the Cordeliers at 
Sisteron, x 96] 
«... to conceal a robbery, xi 78] xlix 526. 
liii 61. lviii 196 
-+«. at Liverpool gaol, xiii 95] 
«.-. barn and ricks of R. Cook, by Sarah 
Pulham, xiii 96] 
Jae Grieves, charged with, xiii 108] 
109] 128] 
-+-. for the purpose of robbery xviii 152] 
Xxxii 222] liii 99 
++.» attempted, xx 163] 
- ++ new hospital for the blind at Kentish 
Town set on fire, xxii 207] ¢ 
+++. trials for, xxii 208] xxiii 207] xlix 487. 
ly 295. lvi 311. lxi 205 
-. charges of, xxii 222] lviii 162 
- sentences for, xxxiii 25] xxxvi 31 
-+.. extraordinary case of, xxxiv 10. 
--.. bya boyof fifteen, lvi72 
. +. cases of, lviii 78, 190. lix 26, 54, 59. 
lx 87 
Artaphanes, vi 165 
Artaud, W. xxvi 223] 


Artedi, Pet. xvi 125 
Arthur, king, xxxii 148 
prince, son of Henry VII, xiv 144, 
xxi 140. xxvii 74 
—— capt. Rich (N), lii 297 _ 
prof. Archibald, xiii 104] 

Artificers. See Mechanics di 

Artigas, gen. liii 161] liv 206] viii 159] Ix 
582, 540, 542. Ixi 255] 

Artillery, new piece of, iv 172] 181} 

«++. New gun carriage, iv 172] 

«+.» locks to, xiii 143] 

«+.» quick firing, xiii 143] 

-..- hollow shot, li 767 

«+.» Shrapnell shells, liv 82 

+-«. See also Ordnance 

Artillery company, right of sergeants to vote 
at elections, xiii 105] 

Artists, school for, at the duke of Rich- 

~ mond’s, i 84 : 

Artois, count d’, xxi 173] xxv 118] 230*] 
xxix 188] 189] xxxi 209*] 239°} 250*] 
255*] xxxii 43] 132] xxxiii 72x, 167, 
173, 195, 183] 218] xxxiv 13] 21] 86] 
263. xxxv 200] 137, 138. xxxvii 67] 31, 
33, xxxvili 1, 31. xli32. xlii 167] xliii 
279] xlvi 428. xlvii 122. lvi 25. lvii 57) 

Arts, influence of climate on the, viii 250 

-+.. origin and progress of the, xvii 167 

-..-. difference in the state of taste for the, 
xviii 168 

«.+- and sciences, comparative excellence 
of, xxxiii 397 

Arundel, countess of, xii 191 

H. F. earl of, xxxiii 367] 

T. earl of, iv 17, v 28. xi 258] 

xxxii 96. xxxiv 433 

(of Wardour) H. 8th lord, xxi 3 10] 
xxxvi 422 

Arundel castle, repair of, xxxix 52 

Arundelian marbles, xi 158 

Arz-Roum, description of, liv 520 

Asbestos, iv 88 

---- in Scotland, ix 110] 

Asch, fire at, lvi 105 - 

Ascham, Roger, xxi 235. xxiv 142, 203 

Asciotti, v 152n. 

Asclepias syriaca, down of, manufactured in 

_ France, iv 132] 

Asconius, iv 155 

Ascough, Francis, xii 103] 
———— sir G. iv 49 

sit H. xv 4 

Asgill, gen. sir C. xl 128 

—— sir C. vi 76] 202] xviii 182] 188] 
xx 191] 

++.. letters and papers relating to his case, 
xxvi 241] 

Asgood, Dan, executed for murder, xi 61] 

Ash, large, ix 146] 153] xlii 11 

_ Ash, bish. Xxxii 37 

-—— Dr. Edw. xlii 45 

—— rey. J. xxii 209] 

Ashberry, rey. —~—, y 52 

Ashburnham, bish, sie W, xxxix 49 



Ashburnham, G. 3rd earl, liii 140 ; 

———— J. 2nd earl of, vii 128] 178] 
viii 204] xix 93] xxiii 258] 

Ashburton, J. lord, vi 88] 145] vit 50] 74] 
viii 101] 177] 179] ix 149] xiii 63] 67] 
99] 126].137] 155] 282] xiv 74] 80] 90 
xv 96] xvi 188] xvii 85] 118] xviii 242 
xix 117] 125] 191] 236] xx 54] 64] 186] 
xxi 190*] 181] 183. xxii 216] 239] 315 
xxiii 138] 165] 171] 173] 181] 183] 189 
208] 209] 218] 233] xxiv 147] 217n| 241 
xxv 146] 177] xxvi 141] xxxiii 379] xlvi 
734. li 167 

---+» character of, xxiii 39. liii 406 

Ashbury, rev. Dr. (Amer.) xlviii 362 

Ashby Puerorum, Roman sepulchre found, 
xlvi 422 

rev. G, xxxviii 530 

Ashe, gen. (Amer,) xxii 181] 

—— rev. Rob. xix 39 

Ashenhurst, J. T. xxvii 328] 

Ashford, ancient monument found near, vi 

Ashforth, J, xli 403 

———— W. xli 197 

(music.) xxvii 333] 
hon. Cropley, xlvi 3 
James (punch-house keeper), xix 


J. (plumber), x1 388 

Ashmole, Elias, xvi 81. xvii 56 

Ashmore T, lvii 321 

Ashton, in Gloucestershire, slip of the land 
at, vii 52] 

Ashton, J. execution of, lvi 77 

J. lx 361 

Roger, xxi 14 

S. xxxiv 85 

Ashtown, Francis, lord, 1 52* 

Ashurst, sir W. H. ix 149] xiii 120] xiv 
86] xvil01] xviii 136] xix 160] xxiii 
199] 237] xxvii 291] xxix 247] xxx 204] 
xxxi 229] xxxii 225] 226] xxxiv 177] 25. 
xxxvii 47. xxxviii 114 

Ashworth, col. C. liv 221 

James, xliv 773 

Asia, customs and characters of women in. 
See Women 

-+-- religions in, xxiii 57 

«+++ Dew prophet in, xxvii 244] xxviii 51] 
lii 681 

Askersund, fire at, xix 149 

Askew, Anne (martyr), xv 36 

Dr. Ant. x 134] 

Askhessy, seid Mahmed, xlv 783 

Asoph, sea of, island raised by a voleano in, 
lvi 40 

ul Dowlah, xxvi 6] 345] xlv 782. 
lviii 482. Ix 572 

Asparagus, extraordinarily large, xiv 110] 

.... Sale of, in London, xxxix 7 

Aspern; battle of, li 209, 378, 704 

Asphaltites, lake, xxix 67 

Asphaltum, phenomena in a mine of, in 

« Saxony, ii 386 



Aspre, d’, baron, lyii 165 

Aspremont, count, xvii 17 

Assalto, count del, xxxi 204] 

Assarandonguas, ii 195 

Assassination, intended, iii 75] 

.. ++ Spaniard executed for, ix 125] 

Assassins of Syria, origin, manners, &c. of, 
iii 56 

Assault, Mackay v. Dunnant, vi 82] 

e».. soldier y, some officers, vi 90 

e-.. fellowship porter v. a corn-factor, 
x 64 

e+. indictments for, xi 135] xxii 224] xlv 
459. xlvi 399. xlvii 394, xlviii 411. xlix 
471. 135*. liv 311 

«s+. actions. for, xii 126] 127] 132] xiii 
141] xvii 147] xviii 130] 135] xxxiv 4. 
xli 20, 21. xliii 44. xliv 368, 380, 458, 
1 22*, lv 298. lviii 313. Ixi 224. 

e+. Austin vw. Glyn, xiv 90] 

+++. on a constable at the House of Com- 
mons, by Mr. Keys, xiv 92] 

..» landlady on a Jew, xix 132] 

e... on a man by Westminster scholars, 
xxii 213] 

«se. — a sheriff’s officer by a keeper of 
wild beasts, xxiii 196] 

f,.. — Mr. Crespigny, by a soldier of the 
Bank guard, xxx 219 

«+s. — various ladies, and cutting and 
wounding them, by Renwick Williams, 
xxxii 207] 223] 226] 264] 

ee--— H. Seymour, by vise. Falkland, 
Xxxli 226] 

-» +. charges for, xxxiv 41 

---- Peter Depons on his wife, x] 62, 63 

e+. on Sar. Sadler by W. Davis, xlvi 420 

e--. — Mr. Blacklin, by C. Chisholm, a 
Bond-street lounger, li 287 

«-.. in turning a man out of a pew in a 
church, lviii 312 

Asselini, Dr. xliv 85] 

Assemani, Messrs. v 87] 

Assemanni, Jos. Sim. v 182 

Asser, bish. vi 33 

Asses : large one, from Malta, xliv 429 

+... curious caution against riding on one, 
xlix 454 

Assessed taxes, i 135. v 70] 172] xxxt 41] 
Xxxiii 230. xxxix 133n] xl 183] 186] xliv 
124. xlviii 74, 75. liv 104] 

Assignats, issue of, xxxiii 135 

---. several cancelled, xxxiii 158 

-.+. depreciation of, xxxiii 194 

Assizes, judges too late at Gloucester, lx 
120, 306 

«+. report of the committee of the House 
a Commons on the northern circuit, Ix 


Associations ; for the defence of Liverpool, 
ii 123 4 

+. at the Crown and Anchor, &e. (against 
the French revolution) xxxiv 92. xxxv 3] 
7) 96] xxxvi 267] xxxviii 41] 

Assurance, Royal Exchange, pieces of plate 


voted to capts. Pearson and Piercy, xxii 

iaseger battle of, xlv 556. xlvi 217 

Asthma, use of coffee in, xix 133 

-..- death, from pressure ina crowd, of a 
person labouring under, lvi 99 

Astle, T. vi 140. xiv 143. xx 126. xxiv 326] 
xxix 91. xxxi 83. xlvi 364 

Astlett, Rob. tried for stealing exchequer 
bills, xlv 403, 406, 432. xlvi 368, 394 

Astley, J. xli 162, 169 

Jos. xlix 359 

Phil. sen. xvi 134] 

jun. xlvii 425 

—— sir Edw. xvii 93] 96] 

sir J. xii 110] 

Astley’s amphitheatre, fires at, xxxvi 25, 
xlv 427 

xxxv 14 . 

France. S. R. S. xi 258] 

—— sir Rich. xii 68] xiii 68] 74] 137] 
165] xiv 208] xv 69] xvi 74] 101] xviii 
95] 97} 117] 123] 136] 222] 228] xix 
135] 148] 150] xx 176] 213) 245} 

T. (dragoon), executed, iv 184] 

Walter, Ist lord, xxi 240 

————_—— 7th lord, vi 74] 

8th lord, vi 74] 

Astorga, marq. of, ix 31.1145) 

Astronomy, difference between ancient and 
modern, xiv 173 

Asylum for Deaf and Dumb. See Deaf and 

—— for Female Orphans, ii 424. xiii 151] 

«... collections for, vii 75] viii 89] xiv 108] 
xviii 122] 

«... donations to, iv 126] v 118] vi 74] viii 
73] ix 61] 117] xi 18. xii 107] xvi 124] 
xxvii 202] xlii 17 

-++. first stone of chapel laid, vi 74] 

+++» Window of chapel blown in, xxxiv 4 

Athar Ali khan, xxxiii 340] 

Atheism, objections to, xiv 181 

Atheists, society of, at Paris, xxxix 54 

Athelard, abp. of Canterbury, xv 126 

———. J. xxxviii 462 

Athelstan, king, viii 200 

Atheneus, iii 252. v 140. ix 146. xxv 189n. 
xxxi 1552. 

Athenians, modern, vi 1 

Athens, theatre of Bacchusat, iii] 59.xxxiil 64 

-++- present trade and population of, vi 2 

+++ antiquities of, vi 247. xxxii 161. lili 522 

+... under the Romans, xix 4 

. modern, xix 7 

---- historical account of, xxiv 148 

Athingares, viii 190 

Athlone, Fred. 6th earl, xlv 399 

Atholl, James, 2nd duke, xxix 94] 96] 

J. 3rd duke of, viii 97] xvii 163] xlii 


«++. rights reserved to, on the surrender of 
the Isle of Man, viii 262] 

——— J. 4th duke, xviii 101] xxi 162] xxix 

Harvey, xxxii 209] xxxiii 2] 



66] xxxix 261] xl 230] xlvii 108, 111, 
114, 115, 117, 119: lyi 23, 74, Ix 401. Ixi 
154] 399, 548 
Atkins, ald. J. 1ii 266*. lv 48] 49] 50) lvii 
53] lix 92. Ix 155. Ixi 112] 
capt. (N.) liii 101] 
—— G, lxi 303 
— Hugh, xlviii 412 
Rob. xlv 831 
sir Rob. See Atkyns 
W. xlix 858 
Atkinson, Ann, Ixi 194 
Christ. xxvi 211] 220] 222] xxvii 
192] 291] xxxiv 26 
G. xi 300 
———— James, lix 235 
—— Joseph, Ix 615 
——- Launcelot, | 126* 
— Luke, murder of W. Smith by, 
xiv 87] 
— Rich. xx 191] xxi]56] xxiii 176] 
xxiv 185*] 187*] xxvii 177] 186] 189] 
——- T. Ix 24 
—— W. lviii 348 
Atkyns, sir Rob. (antiq.) xvi 149”. 
iF ———— (judge) xxxv 359 
Atlee, J. Falconer, xxxix 406. xlix 855 
Atmosphere. See Air 
Atouguia, Jerome, count of, ii 211, 2147, 
Attakullakulla, iii 230] 235] iv 297] - 
Attaway, James, executed for a robbery at 
Mr. le Merr’s xiii 124] 125] 
Attendarn, Westphalia, fire at, xxvi2i1] 
Atterbury, bish. F. v6, 7, 138. vi 48. vii 
279. viii 277. xi 166. xiv 166. xviii 23. 
xXvi 22. xxix 183, xliii 520. Ixi 448 
we as from, to his son at Oxford, ii 


«++. ——to Prior, xxvi 153 
+++» on the test act, xxvi 155 
«+. letter to lord Inverness, xxvi 160 
Atticus, T. P. iii 257. xxiv 153 
Attilio, iii 11, 15, 16 
Attorneys, one brought before the house of 
lords for arresting a peeress, viii 67] 
+++. action brought by one for business 
done during his clerkship, ix 95] 
«+++ damages against, for delay, ix 110] 
+. ++ exemption of, from offices, x 106] 
+-.. action against one for drawing impro- 
per articles of clerkship, xii 94] 
«sees convicted of perjury, xii 127] 
++». prosecuted for advising a fraudulent 
commission of bankruptey, xvii 112] 
«... struck off the roll for malepractices, 
vig aM 139] 140] xxxiv 23. xliv 405. xlvii 
++. false arrest by one, xxiii 208] 
«+e taxes on, xxvii 346] xxxvi 211] 
«+.. caution to, xxxv 9 
«+.. Struck off the roll for seditious words, 
xxxv 28 
ee+s penalties for acting without a certifi- 
cate, xliy 410 
Pant I; 



Attorneys, struck off the roll fora libel, xviii 

..++ question whether one can relinquish a 
cause, and act for the opposite pavty, lvii 
305, 306 

Attwood, xxxili 233] 

—— C. lxi 304 

Atwater Dr. (Amer.) xx 117] 

Atwood, G. xxxvi 321 

Aubalfidal. See Abulfeda 

Aubant, d’, 1. col. A. xxxvii 135 

Aubernon, xlii 181] 

Aubert, Alex. xxxv 257 

Aubigny, Theod. Agrippa d’, xv 13 

Aubrey, J. xii 129] 156] 204] xxvii 189] 

Auchmuty, gen. sir S. xxxiii 114] xlix 164, 
212, 217, 652, 687*. liii 168] 225. liv 6] 

Auchinleck, lord. See Boswell, Alex. 

Auckland, b. gen. xlviii 592. lii 341 

— G. 2d lord, lii 301. 1x 36] Ixi 
148] 149] 

—_—_—_—_ W. Ist lord, xxi 218*] 323] 
$32] 335] xxii 22] xxiv 177] xxv 178] 
xxvii 200] 247] xxviii 282] xxix 194*] 
281] 282] xxx 217] xxxiv 186, 188, xxxv 
63] 137] 142] 143] 159, xxxvi 204] 259] 
261] xxxvii 176] 182] xxxviii 70] 75] 
xxxix 150] 155] 235] xl 203] 230] 182. 
xli 184] 185] 226] 228] 91. xlii 148] 161] 
153] 154] xliv 133, 146. xlv 67, 111, 123, 
132. xlvi 64, 113. xlviii 99, 111, 249.1 20] 
79] 86] 1i 49. 1ii 141 

Auction, Dutch mode of, iii 170] 

..-. duty on sales by, xxxix 132z.] liv 103] 

..«. farmer’s live stock not liable to duty, 
xxxiv 41 

Auctioneer v. a married man for goods 
bought by his wife, xiv 106] 

Auctioneers, duty on, xx 185] ’ 

..+. action by one against a creditor of his 
employer refusing payment for goods 
bought, xxx 221] 

.--. action to recover money advanced on 
the misstatement of one, lvi 304 

Auctions, mock, lv 36 

..++ report on, Ix 371 _ 

Audigne, count d’, xlii 7] 

Audinot, gen. See Oudinot 

Audiey, G. 15th bar. xxxi 298] 304] 

James lord, vi 178 

lord. See also Castlehaven, ear! 

Audley street, fire in, liv 108 

Auerbach, Ix 476 ; 

Auersperg, prince of, xlii 258, xlvii 158, 
xlvili 212 

Auerstadt, battle of, xlviii 191 

Aufdermaur, gen. xliv 232 

Auffenherg, gen. xli 240] 271] 

Augereau, gen. _—‘(1ii1 76. liv 179] 

marsh. xxxviii 88] 89] 106] 121] 

xxxix 6] 62] 76] xlii 12] 17] 43] 208] 

209] xliii 59] 62] 275n.] xlvi 176. xlvii 

154, 165. xlviii 190, 192, 204. xlix 8. li 

198, 200, 711. 111175, 177, lv 440, lvi 10} 

17] lvii 368, Ixi 426 



AU : 

Aughnawawis (Indian chief), vii 180] 

Augsburg, negotiations for peace at, pro- 
posed, iv 4] 

«+. prevention of these, iv 41] 

~.+- Clement of Saxony succeeds to the 
bishopric of, xi 36] 

Augury, remarks on, iv 180 

Augusta, princess, vi 70] 115] vii 53] 60] 
115] viii 127] 137] ix 61] 75] x 107] 
108] xi 115] xiii 142] xiv 150] 162] xv 
75) 116] xlix 460, 468 

++. marriage of, vii 45] 

e+» death of, ly 22 

--.-- funeral of, ly 23 AS 

——— Sophia, princess, xi 184] 193] xiii 
168] 171] 173] lx 402, 2b. Ixi 400, 401 

Augustan age of Italy, xi 164 

France, xi 164 

England, xi 164 

Augustenburg, sudden death of the prince 
chosen crown prince of Sweden, lii 243, 247 

Augustus Cesar, v 36, 138. ix 65] xii 125. 
xiii 49. xiv 163. xv 179. xix 139. xxvii 
149] xxxyi 420. xxxviii 378 

«+. character of, xxv 1 

——— II, k. of Poland, x 20] xxv 17. 
xxxi 7 

III, k. of Poland, vi 43] x 21] 
108. xvi 188 

«»»- death of, vi 44] 105] 

Aulum, shah. See Allum, shah 

Aulumgeer. See Aureng Zebe 

Aumeer khan, xlvii 211 

Aumont, d’, gen. xxxiv 92] 94] 

Aungier, T. ii 170 

Aurelian, emp. xix 142 

Aurelius, Mareus, xiv 184. xix 1, 238. xx 
148n. lvii 86 

Aureng Zebe, iv 6,8. xv 88. xxii 187. xxv 
A] xxviii 4 

Auriol, James Pet. xxxvii 115 

Aurora borealis, extraordinary, xii 145] 
xxiii 201] lix 9 

remarks on the, xvii 82 

++. Seen in full sunsbine, xxxi 43 

Ausonius, iv 170 

Aust, G. xl 180 

Austerlitz, battle of, xlvii 167, 665, 717 

Austin, lyi 72 

Dr. W. xxxv 5 

——- Jos. lviii 607 

W. v. Glyn, for an assault, xiv 90] 

W. convicted of forging a will, 
xxxviii 19 

Austrasia, Lorrain formerly so called, xiii 102 

Austria, peculiarities of, ii 4 

+++» matrimonial alliances with the house of 
Bourbon, viii 2] x 3] xi 3] 35] xii 35] 
118] xiii 102] 

+++ disputed succession to Charles VI,ix 11 

++.. Soldiery of, ix 175, 176 

+».. remarks on it’s alliance with the house 
of Bourbon, x 3] xi 3] xii 35] 

e+» empress queen enters into an alliance 
with France, i 6 



Austria : obliged to give up Silesia, i 7 
«..» treaty with Russia, i 7 
.. ++ an army assembled in Bohemia, i 15 
.... this defeated, and Prague besieged, i 
16, 17 
~+.. the Prussians defeated, i 19 
++. Successes against the Prussians, i 20 
+++. rescript to the imperial ministers at ~ 
the different courts of the empire, stating 
the plans and proceedings of the cam- 
paign, i 157-61 
.... the pope’s brief on conferring the title 
3 a queen on the empress, i 
-» «+ ingratitude of, toward England, i 187 
..++ condition of, at the commencement of — 
1759, ii 4 ee 
+.+. the empress granted a tax of ten per 
cent on ecclesiasties by the pope, ii 81 
+++.» She consoles Laudohn on his defeat, iii — 
- +++ declarations on the proposals of peace, 
iii 203] iv 272] 
«++. proposals for peace, iv 3] 19] 
..++ knights of Malta prohibited from going 
to the island, iv 117] 
.... the empress sells her last patrimonial 
estate in France, iv 143] 
«+++ defeat at Dippoldswalda, v 15] 
-».. Daun defeated near Schweidnitz, v 
16] 23] 
-.-- Laudohn defeated, v 24] 
-... Schweidnitz surrendered, v 52] 
--.. defeated at Freyberg, v 53] 
+... partial cessation of hostilities with — 
Prussia, db. 
«+e. peace with Prussia, v 63] 247] vi 213] 
+... proposals of the emp. of Russia for 
peace, v 228] 
.... the emp. queen’s answer, v 229] 
. desirous of one of the house of Saxon 
succeeding to the crown of Poland, vi 47] 
+»+. proceedings of the empress queen after 
the peace, vi 97] 98] 
.. causes of it’s connexion with France, 
vii 3] 
. archduke Leopold married to an infanta 
of Spain, vii 61] viii 196] 
7aen Joseph crowned king of the 
Romans, vii 62] 
--.. Joseph succeeds to the empire, viii 2] 
-+.. true interests of, according to the 
emperor Francis, viii 124] 
-... the new king of Poland acknowledged 
at Vienna, viii 148] 
+... Joseph nominated by his mother co- 
pepent of her hereditary dominions, viii 
+++. defensive alliance with Russia against 
the Turks, ix 53] 
+» +. medal on the marriage of the arch- 
duchess to prince Albert of Saxony, ix 101] 
++.- enticing subjects of, to go abroad, 
made capital, ix ]51] 


Austria; soldiers formerly forbidden to 
marry, now encouraged toit, x 53] 
«++. death of the empress consort from 
smallpox, x 94] 100] 
.--. admission of the banished Jesuits into 
_ Flanders prohibited, x 101] 

«+. the archduchess, the intended queen 
of Naples, dies of the smallpox, x 139} 
ee her next sister chosen in her stead, x 

---- it’s territoriesviolated by Prussia, xi 7] 
--.+ satisfaction demanded, xi 7] 
--++ the army new modelled, xi 34] 35] 
tees attention to manufactures, xi 66] 
---- inoculation introduced, xi 179] 
+++. an armed spectator of the progress of 
~ Russia, xii 6] 
«+.» flourishing state of, xii 33] 
e+. disputes with Holland, xii 35] 
«+e. proceedings in the Netherlands, «. 
xxvii 7] 

—————- against the monastic 
orders, xii 39] xxvii 16] 
«++. claim of the marquisate of Final from 
Genoa, xii 40] 
«+-. line of troops drawn along the frontier 
of Poland, xiii 42] 
+-.. camp and grand review in Moravia, 
xiii 42] 
+++. warlike preparations, xiv 85*] 
“s+. army marched into Poland, 7. 
«++» partition of Poland, xv 4] 22] 29] 251] 
~ 255] 
.... dissatisfaction with Russia, xv 23] 
---. survey of the rivers to facilitate the 
conveyance of corn, xv 71] 
+++. peasantry disarmed for the preserva- 
tion of the game, xv 71] ; 
++». augmentation of the army, xvi 42] 
+++. power of appointing bishops assumed 
by the emperor, xvi 43] 
Ms ahead encroachments on Poland, xvii 
+... military propensities, xvii 23] 
++». invasion of Venetian Dalmatia, xvii 23] 
+--. complaints against Hanover, xvii 24] 
---- complaint of the Dutch against the re- 
gulations in Flanders, xvii 174] 
+... insurrections of the peasants in Bohe- 
mia and Moravia, xviii 151*] 103] 178] 
++-. rights of asylum in churches greatly 
diminished, xviii 158] 
+--+. other improvements in, xix 188*] 
..+- E. India company established at 
- Ostend, 2d. 
_s»+- regulations in favour of Protestants, 
x 146] xxvii 12] 
+ claims on Bavaria, xxi 4] 161] 
---- interference of Prussia, xxi 13] 316] 
--.. high tone of the empress queen, xxi 14] 
+». direct correspondence between the 
emperor and the k. of Prussia, xxi 15] 
+++» great preparations for war, xxi 19] 21] 
+.» application to France, xxi 20] 
«+.» Vacillating conduct of, xxi 30] 



Austria : Silesia overrun, xxi 35] 

++. manifesto on the war with Prussia, 
xxi 319] 

..++ weary of the Prussian war, xxiii 2] 

«-.. negotiations for peace, xxiii 4] 

----archduke Maximilian elected coad- 
jutor of Cologn and Munster, xxiv 8] 
XXviii 49] 

+e» visit of the emperor to Petersburgh, 
xxiv 10) 

..+- emigrants for religion pardoned on 
condition of returning, xxv 193] 

«+++ Sums appropriated to the education of 
soldiers’ children, xxv 203] xxvii 14] 

..-+ limitation of the number of universi- 
ties, xxv 224] xxvii 14] 

. ++. mediator for peace, xxvi 132] 9 

.... the emperor’s schemes of reform, xxvuL 

.... liberty of the press, xxvii 4] 16] _ 

..«. decree in favour of the Jews, xxvii 5] _ 

++. restrictions of the papal power, XXvi! 
5] 17] 

.... barrier of the Netherlands resumed 
from the Dutch, xxvii 7] 

.. +. attention to commerce, xxvii 10] 14] 

_. «. toleration of the Protestants, xxvii 12] 

...» abolition of slavery, xxvii 13] 

-.+. all the religious houses in the Nether- 
lands suppressed, xxvii 17] + 

.. «+ visit of the pope to the emp. xxvii 17] 

. warlike preparations on the Turkish 

frontier, xxvii 28] 

.... memorial to the Porte in concert with 
Russia, xxvii 32] ‘ 

.... accommodation with Turkey, xxvii 41] 

.+«. Claims upon Holland, xxvii 100] 

Mery the navigation of the Schelde, 
xxvii 106] 112] 

.... —— Maestricht, xxvii 111] 135] 

.... two vessels stopped on the Scheldt by 
the Dutch, xxvii 115] 116 

.... memorial from France on the proceed - 
ings against the Dutch, xxvii 118] 

.... interposition of Russia in it’s favour, 
xxvii 120] 

.... jealousy thus excited among the Euro- 
pean powers, xxvii 121] 

.... scheme of exchanging the Netherlands 
for Bavaria, xxvii 124] 

. seconded by Russia, xxvii 126] 

.... interferenceof Prussia, xxvii 127] 130] 

..«. discontents and insurrection in Hun- 
gary, xxvii 128] ‘ 

..,. loan from the states of Brabant, xxvil 

oes 2 SiS with the Dutch under the 
mediation of France, xxvii 135] 

.... treaty with them, xxvii 136] 354] 

.... failure of the E. India company, xxvni 

ee = success of other commercial schemes, 
XxViii 47] ; 

.+.. regalia of Hungary removed to Vienna, 
xxviii 48] 


Austria: archduke Maximilian becomes 
elector of Cologn and bishop of Munster, 
xxviii 49] 

aoe. extravagant demands on Turkey, xxviti 

‘ee. commercial treaty with Russia, xxviii 

«+.» among other reforms a new code of 
laws projected, xxyiii 155] 

',«.. farther ecclesiastical regulations, xxviii 

oeee chtiots against the free-masons, xxviii 

ants Pee ainee in favour of the Jews, 
xxviii 159] 

e+.» Tigorous steps against gaming, xxvili 

CLE Peete of the press, xxviii 159] 

-». «+ Netherlands divided into nine circles, 
xxviii 159] 

»» +. Lombardy to be divided into eight, 
xxviii 160] 

.... fresh claims on Holland, 7d. 

- +. fartherecclesiastical reforms, xxviii 206] 

--.. embassy from Turkey, xxviii 214] 

». +. disturbances in the Netherlands, xxix 
202* | xxx 235] 

‘+++ suppression of the Keremesse, xxix 
206*] 224*] 

e»+» grievances with respect to the church 
lands, 7d. 

e++» virtual suppression of abbeys, 7d. 

e+. change in the administration of justice, 
xxix 207*] 

+++» new forms of government, xxix 210*] 

e+. the Netlicrlands divided into nine 
circles, with separate tribunals, xxix 

«+++ memorial of the committee of the 
states against the tyrannical overthrow of 
the constitution, xxix 214*] 

++.. Spirited memorial of the syndics of 
Brussels, xxix 215*] 

+... innovation in the mode of studying 
theology, xxix 216*] é 

++. arbitrary infringements 
xxix 218*] 

+... the states of Brabant refuse supplies 
till grievances are redressed, xxix 219*] 

on 2 remonstrance to the governors general, 

e++- Opposition of the states to the new tri- 
bunals, xxix 220*] 

++. remonstrance of the states of Flanders, 
Xxix 221*] 

»--. the syndics declare against any in- 
fringement of the joyous entry, ib. 

e«.. concessions of the governors-general, 
xxix 223°] 

e+». the burgesses arm themselves, xxix 

e««- violent proceedings of the clergy, 
Xxix 225*] 

“sere mandate of the emperor, xxix 

of justice, 


AU : 

Austria: forces preparing to inyade the 
Netherlands, xxix 227 y : 

..+. troops ordered to enclose the province 
of Brabant, xxix 228°] 

+s«. audience of the deputies, 7d. 

.. +. the states refuse compliance with the 
emperor’s requisitions, xxix 229*] 

++.» conciliatory proceedings of the em- 
peror, 2b, 

+... tumult at Brussels, xxix 231°] 

«+.» general accommodation, xxix 232*] 

«++. certain court ceremonies abolished, 
xxix 195] 

+++. importation of various articles prohi- 
bited, xxix 200] 

«se. the emperor’s declaration to the states 
of his Belgie provinces, xxix 283] 

+++. ———_-+—— answer to the deputies 

from the states, xxix 285] 

orders to count Murray, 

xxix 285] 

«++. memorial of the deputies to prince 
Kaunitz, xxix 286] 9 

..+. the emperor’s declaration to the states 
of Brabant, xxix 288] 

«..» faithlessness of his engagements with 
the Belgic states, xxx 33] xxxi38]41] 

«+-. answer to the Porte on the demand of — 
it’s intentions, xxx 25] ; 

++». warlike preparations, xxx 25] 

+.» treacherous attempt to surprise Bel- i 
grade, xxx 29] { 

+++ attempts on other places without de- — 
claring war, xxx 31] 

«+++ war at length declared, xxx 31] 279] 

+++» passage of troops through Poland de- 
manded, xxx 31] 

+++» the emperor attempts in vain to nego- 
tiate a loan in the Netherlands, xxx 33] 

esas joins the grand army on_ 
the Danube, xxx 33] ; 

+++» prince Lichtenstein repulsed and de- 
feated at Dubicza, xxx 34] 

++ «+ Mismanagementof the emperor, xxx 37] 

+++. attack of the prince of Cobourg at 
Rohattin, xxx 38] 

+++» distrust of Russia, xxx 39] 

++. siege of Belgrade commenced, xxx 40] 

+++» Sickness of the troops, xxx 41] 

ee-. attempts to recruit in neighbouring 
states, xxx 43] 

...+ the bannat of Temeswar invaded, xxx 

+++» Dubicza and Novi taken, xxx 47] 

...+» division under Papilla defeated, xxx 48] 

++.» the emperor quits Semlin, xxx 49] 

.. +. Wartensleben obliged toretreat, xxx 50] 

»... farther retreat of the grand army, XXX 
51] : 

«++. the emperor returns in ill health to 
Vienna, xxx 52] 

«+++ Vipalanka recoyered from the Turks, 
xxx 03] 

eoes AN armistice concluded, ¢, 

secs the emperor's conduct toward Huns — 




gary corrected by a manifesto from the 
grand signor, xxx 54] 

Austria: threatening letters to the council of 
Brabant and University of Louvain, xxx 
235] 236] xxxi 43] 

++.» conduct of the emperor toward the 
Netherlands, xxxi 37] 

+»-- treatment of the University of Louvain, 
xxxi 41] 48] 

«++. the people fired upon by a party of 
soldiers, xxxi 44] 

_ ee. other massacres by the soldiery, xxxi 

47] 50] 

«+++ suppression of the college of Antwerp, 
Xxxi 49] 

«+++ emigration of persons of rank and pro- 
perty, xxxi 50] xxxiii 3] , 

+». complaints of Poland against, xxxi 65] 

+... ill health obliges the emperor to quit 
the army, xxxi 166] 

se a of the Turks near Focksan, xxxi 

+++» declaration of the emperor to the 
States at Brussels, xxxi 333] 

e+. quadruple alliance with Russia, France, 
and Spain, xxxi 338] 

e+. embarrassed state of, xxxiii 3, 26 

e+.» conduct of Prussia toward, xxxiii 4, 13 

. e difficulties of Leopold’s situation, xxxiii 

a. . progress of the Turkish campaign, 

xxxili 15 
“.+.. treaty with the Porte, xxxiii 17, 25 
+++. present and future alliance with 
Russia renounced, xxxiii 18 
oes Leopold succeeds to the empire, xxxiii 
«++. favours conferred on the Jews, xxxiii 24 
«.-- arbitrary conduct in the Netherlands, 
Xxxili 28 
+++. all the abbeys of Brabant sequestrated, 
xxxiii 30 
*--- conspiracy to blow up the houses of 
Dalton and Trautmannsdorti in Brussels, 
xxxiii 3] 
+++» Severe decrees against emigration, 7d. 
+.-- States assemble at Breda and send a 
remonstrance to the emperor, xxxiii 32 
+... the forts of Lillo and Liefenshoek, and 
asmall frigate taken by the Brabanters, 
Xxxili 33 

«+.. retreat before an army sent against 

them, 7b. 

--.. the Austrians defeated in Turnhout, 7d. 

--.. affair of Tirlemont, xxxiii 34 

+--+. gen. d’Arberg defeated, xxxiii 35 

++». Ghent surrendered, xxxiii 36 

«++» declaration of the emperor, xxxili 37 

++. the states of Flanders unite with those 
of Hainault and Brabant, xxxiii 37, 38, 40 

+--+» the inhabitants of Brussels rise and 
expel the Austrians, xxxiii 38 

+++. union of all the Austrian Netherlands 
except Limburgh, xxxiij 41 

ass» medals struck, 7d, 


Austria: Netherlands assume the title of the 
United Belgic States, xxxiii 41 
++ e+ English and Prussians join theirarmy, 74. 
.+..» British legion formed, xxxiii 42 
-... dissensions in the new state, xxxiii 46 
«+.. club at Brussels under the name of the 
Patriotic Assembly, 2b. 
++.. deputies of the congress arrested at 
Namur by van der Mersch, xxxiii 52 
+++» violent resolutions of his army, 7b, 
++.» van der Mersch imprisoned, xxxiii 53 
». +» violent proceedings of the congress, 2b. 
«+++ the states unable to raise money, xxxiil 

-... count Cobentzel sent to Brabant, xxxiii 

+» «+ memorial of the new emperor Leopold, 

--.- the k. of Prussia acknowledges Leopold 
as duke of Brabant, xxxiii 58 

-+.. manifesto of the emperor, xxxiii 59 

e+e- his claim of right to the sovereignty 
denied, xxxiii 60 

+++» unsuccessful attack on Limburgh, xxxiii 

«++» Submission of the provinces, xxxili 63 

+... new constitution settled under the 
auspices of the allied powers, 7b. 

.... the emperor inaugurated duke of Bra- 
bant, xxxiii 25] 

-+.. circular of the emperor, xxxiii 72 

--.. letter from the emp. to the king of 
France, xxxiii 144, 156] 

-»,. congress of Pilnitz. See Pilnitz 

++.» conduct with respect to France, xxxili 
213] 216] 222] 

++.. proposals for peace from Turkey, 
Xxxiv 3 

.».. France declares war against, xxxiv 23] 

-»+- counterdeclaration against 
xxxiv 22] 

+» ++ concessions to the Netherlands, xxxiv 

»-.. joint note with Naples to the British 
ministry, xxxiv 185 

.+++ proclamation {from Brussels in answer to 
the French declaration of war, xxxiv 218 

.. +. alliance with Prussia, xxxiv 225, 312 

-»«+ complaint of the conduct of France 
respecting the emigrants from the Ne- 
therlands, xxxiv 284 

..«. discussions with France, xxxiv 285- 
30), 304-11 

«... death of Leopold, xxxiv 304 

+... joint manifesto with Prussia against 
France, xxxiv 236 

++e.- memorial to the Porte on the French 
revolution, xxxiv 324 

.... declaration of the people of Mons, xxxiv 

«+.» loan at Amsterdam, xxxv 61 

..e» declaration of the junto for the admi- 
nistration of the conquered countries, 
xxxv 148 




Austria: joint memorial with Britain to the 
Dutch, xxxv 159 

«+++ declaration to the elector Palatine re- 
specting his neutrality, xxxv 163 

.... address of the archduke to the Nether- 
lands for a supply, xxxv 195 

.+.~ declaration respecting Poland, xxxv 226 

«.++ jealousy of Prussia, xxxvi 7] 

.+.. Selfish yiews of the emperor, xxxvi 14] 

«+ the emperor crowned at Brussels, xxxvi 
allied army, 7d. 

.... subsidized by G. Britain, xxxvi 47] 

e+.» proclamations issued at Brussels, XXXvl 
210, 212 

-+s. address to the inhabitants of the 
Netherlands, xxxvi 210 

«ss. successes of the French, xxxvii 74] 

.... the French defeated, xxxvii 76} 

«+++ incorporation of the Netherlands with 
France, xxxvii 132] 248 

.... British loan to, xxxvii 173] 176] 200] 
201] 136, 161 

«».» duplicity of, xxxvii 196] 200] 

«++. money paid to by G. Britain, xxxvii 
104, 136 

«... treaty with France relative to persons 
taken not in arms, xxxvii 181 

«+... ——— of defensive alliance with G. 
Britain, xxxvii 269 

»+.. campaign in Italy, xxxviii 88]. See 
See France 

e+.. appeal of the emperor to his Bohemian 
and other subjects, xxxviii 135] 

«++. revival of it’s preponderance in Ger- 
many, xxxviii 143] 145] 

ae+- proclamation to the Tyrolese, xxxvili 
XXxXviii 28] 

ases —— for a Bohemian militia, 
XXxXviii 282 

oes. —————— for contributions, xxxvili 

ee-- resolution of the states of Hungary on 
the emperor’s propositions, xxxviii 287 

tesee correspondence with Prussia on the 
line of demarcation between it and France, 
XXxvili 288, 289 

“ie Ns invaded by the French, xxxix 

eee French address to the people of 
Carinthia and Germany in general, xxxix 
28] 336 

e+» success of the French, xxxix 29] 

e.. the French defeated in Tyrol, xxxix 3] ] 

ae.» overtures for peace from Buonaparte, 
xxxix 31] 

eeee Suspension of arms, xxxix 33] 

«+ee preliminaries of peace, xxxix 37] 

e+ee the Rhine crossed and Kehl taken by 
the French, xxxix 37] 

takes the command of the 

on the Rhine, xxxviii 126]. 

general, for volunteers, 


Austria: part of the Venetian territories 
seized by the emperor, xxxix 44] 45] 341 
«. +» treaty of peace with France, xxxix 45] 
48] 342. x1 244. xli 235] 305 : 
..+» Money advanced to, by G, Britain, 
xxxix 133] 90. xliii 145, 146 
.. «+ loans to, xxxix 142] 143] 179] xlii 206] 
165, 240. xliii 146 
..+» refuses to acknowledge the Cisalpine 
ambassador, xl 114] 
«+++ treaty with Naples, xl 126] xli 263 
.+++ disposition of it’s forces, xli 238] 
..». commencement of hostilities by the 
French, xli 239] 
..+» the French pass the Rhine, xli 241] 
+. the archduke crosses the Lech, xli 243] 
+. defeats of the French, xli 245] 250] 
..++ conferences at Seltz, xli 254] 
..++ attempt on the Grisons, xli 258] 
«e+ the French expelled, xli259] 
:,-- farther successes in Switzerland, xli 
«+». campaign in Italy, xli 277] 
.... circular from the archduke to the 
German circles, xlii 168] 
.-.- refuses to negotiate for a separate 
peace, xlii 170] 
«++» position of it’s forces, xlii 173] 
.. +. campaign in Italy, xlii 176] 181]. See 
...- greater part of the papal dominions 
restored, xlii 198] 
.-.. campaign in Germany, xlii 199] 
-»«- preliminaries of peace with France 
signed, xlii 206] 277 
-.-. the emperor refuses to ratify them, 
xlii 206] 
Pre joins the army, 2d. 
.»+» fresh suspension of arms, xlii 207] 
--.. new armistice, xlii 209] 279 
.«» convention with G. Britain, xlii 240 
.-.. dissatisfaction of Russia with, xliii 77] 
refusal of Russia to admit an ambas- 
sador from, xlii 258 
..+. retreat of the Austrians before Moreau, 
xliii 57] 60) 
.... defeated in Franconia, xliii 59] 
...- alarm at Vienna, xliii 61] 
.. ++ armistice concluded, zd. 
.... affairs in Italy, xliii 63] 
e+-+ peace of Luneyille, xliii 69] 74] 270. 
xliv 70 
.. inadequacy of it’sindemnities, xliv 252 
..». note from the emperor on the pro- 
ceedings of France, with respect to in- 
demnities, xliv 662 
... checks the encroachments of Bavaria, 
xlvi 190 ; 
..++ Francis II assumes the title of em- 
peror of, xlvi 194, 695 
. verbal declaration to the diet on the 
seizure of the duke d’ Enghien, xlvi 655 
.«.. conduct toward France, xlvii 140 
sees impolitic conduct toward Bavaria, 
xlvii 144, 184 


tn Sete 



Austria: march of the French armies against, 
xlvii 146. See France 

.. +» flight of the emperor and his court 
from Vienna, xlvii 157 

3 eapeace with France, xlviil79, 668. xlviii 

«+--+ State of, xlvii 183 

---+ French note to the diet on the pro- 
ceedings of, xlvii 640 

++.. answer to it, xlvii 643 

-».. French note on the offer of mediation, 
xlvii 645 

on the proceedings of the 
emperor, xlvii 648 
statement of the conduct of, 

xlvii 652 

++.» declaration respecting it’s warlike pre- 
parations, xlvii 688 

++ .-\memorials in answer to it, xlvii 693, 694 

+++» proclamation of Francis to his here- 

ditary states, xlvii 692 

-.-. Bavarian statement, xlvii 695 

+++ answer to it, xlyii 706, 709-712 

+. ++ proclamation against France, xlvii 713 

+... obliged to recall it’s troops at the com- 
mand of France, xlviii 212 

+++. courts of inquiry on the conduct of 
officers in the late campaign, xviii 212 

-.+- reforms made in the army, xlviii 213 

+... treaty with G. Britain, xlviii 662 

aa emston on making peace, xlviii 

---- Circular to the belligerent powers, 
xlviii 710 

«++ answer of the court of France, xlviii 712 

of G. Britain, xlviii 724 

of Prussia, xlviii 730 

++. military preparations, 1 217] 

bills drawn on G. Britain by, li 85 

_ -+.. rupture with France, li 84, 173, 203 


+--+ proclamations, li 204, 691 
..» distribution of it’s forces, li 205 

_ «..-. positions of the French, li 206 

-.+« battle of Abensberg, li 207 
.... battle of Eckmubl, 11207 

.-.. Ratisbon taken, li 208 

..+.« the French enter Vienna, 1i 208 

_ .-.. battles of Aspern and Essling, li 209, 

378, 704 

_.... battle of Raab, li 214 

..-- battle of Wagram, li 216 

_.... armistice, li 217 

---- proceedings in the Tyrol, li 218, 220, 
333, 431 

»»-. peace with France, 11219, 244, 732, 733 

+--- mistaken assertion of the emperor of 
Russia respecting, li 411 

++». money paid to, li 535 

+++» State of, lili 138] 

+.-- prohibition of foreign actors, singers, 
and dancers, liii 109 

-+-. speech of the emperor at opening the 
diet of Hungary, liii 342 

 «e.. new treaty with France, liv 168] 419 

+++, plan for restoring the finances, liv 189] 



Austria: this opposed in Hungary, liv 189] 
-+.. emigrants to Hungary from various 
parts, liv 62 
.-.- truce with the allies, lv 117] 
«++. augmentation of it’s forces, ly 127] 392 
«».. war declared against France, lv 128] 
--.. treaties with Russia, Prussia, and G. 
Britain, lv 130] 433 
++. army sentiinto Italy, lv 164] 
-+.. treaty with the k. of Wurtemberg, ly 
..«. Trieste taken from the French, lv 164 
--+- treaty with Murat, lvi 13] 
.--- Lombardy and the Venetian territories 
annexed to, lvi 85] 86] 
.».. the Italian regiments marched into 
Germany, lvi 86] 
+. evacuation of the Netherlands by the 
French, lvi 95] 
. «+» these relinquished to Holland, lvi 96] 
. it’s army in Italy attacked by Murat, 
lvii 75] 
..+. proclamation on the return of Buo- 
naparte, lvii 376 
.. ++ pay of it’s forces in France, lvii 614 
.... Holy Alliance, lviii 3] 381 
..-- death of the empress, lviti 141] 
+s. new financial system, 2d. 
... marriage of the emperor, 7b. 
.... Visit of the archdukes Jehn and Lewis 
to England, lviii 12, 132 = 
.... convention respecting Buonaparte, lviit 
.+.. representative government in the Po- 
lish part, lix 134] 
..+» various newspapers prohibited, Ix 5 
++. treatment of Venice by, lxi 501 
...» fiscal system in Italy, xi 505 
Auteroche, d’. See Chappe 
Authors, royal and noble, i 475 
.. ++ case of, v 174 
. on the citation of, xiv 163 
..«» ancient and modern compared, xxvi 147 
«+. copious, xlviii 849 
Autichamp, 4’, count, xxxvii 166. xlii 7] 
69] 160] 163] 
Automaton writer, ii 68. xviii 191] 
..» draughtsman, xviii 191] 
.. ++ harpsichord player, xviii 191] 
.... Canary bird, xviii 191] ~ 
Auvergne, @, capt. P. (N.) xxxiv 51. xlv 45, 
57, 143, 166, 253n 
d’, lieut. (N.) xlix 686* 
Auverquerque, marsh. d’, v 34 
Auxonne, fire at, lii 267* 
Ava, kingdomof. See Burmah 
—— river, xxiv 51 
Avalanches, lix 19 
Avarice and Glory, iv 184 
Avary, d’, count, xxxiii 167. xxxvii 68] 
Aveiro, duchess of, ii 69 
duke of, ii 70, 210 
Avenal, Phil. shot after committing a felony, 
xvi 146] 



Averhoult, bar. xxix 23] 48] 

Avernus, lake of, xv 76, 78. xvi 118 

Averrhoa carambola, sensitive quality of, 
Xxvii 32 

si Saracenical gold coins found at, viii 


Avicenna, ii 422, xii 85 

e+e account of, xiv 49 

Avignon inundated by the Rhone, viii 142] 

e- +» Seized by France, xi 45] xii 115] 

«+++ restored to the pope, xvi 57] 

«+». union with France, xxxiii 157, 199. 
xxxiv 10] 

Avonmore, Barry, first vise. xxii 234] xxviii 
5] 9] xxix 194] P 

Avril, sieur, ii 227 

Axon, Jos. iii 235] 

Axtoll, convicted of libel, xix 135] 

Aylesbury, letter from electors, on Wilkes’s 
affair, xi 110] 

«+.. flag with Wilkes and Liberty displayed 
on the townhall, xi 136] 

C. earl of, xv 119] 

— T. earl of, xv 119] 

Aylesford, Heneage, 3rd earl, xiii 70] 197] 
xxxi 267] xxxii 67 

—— 4th earl, xlvi 394 

Aylett, maj. W. xl 47. xliii 23 

Aylette, Edw. convicted of perjury, xxvii 
247] xxviii 205] 213] 

Ayliffe, John ii 119, 126 

e+.» account of him, ii 365 

Ayling, Mary, suicide, lix 73 

Aylmer, adm. J. xxxviii 84 

capt. F. W. (N) lii 300. Ivii 189. 

lviii 235 

Matth. 4th lord, lv 199 

Ayloffe, sir Joseph, xviii 147. xxiv 175] 

Aylward, capt. (A) xxv 98] 

—— T. xxvii 334] 

Aymar, M. d’ xxvi 70] 

Ayoub, xv 18] 

Ayr, disastrous fire at, ix 153] 

= “esh for improving the harbour, xv 92] 

Ayre, John, ii 75 

Ayres, Miss, drowned, xlii 30 

Ayrton, Edw. xxvii 334] 

Ayscough, G. xvii 29 

—_ Hannah, xix 24 

T. xv 36 

Azara, d’, chev. xxxvi 39. xl 44] xliv 73 

Azeem ul Dowlah, xliv 276 

Azelio, marq. lyi 99 

Azevedo, Jos. Policarpio de, ii 69,70, 210 

Azmoos, fires at, Ixi 20 

Azoph, town and port of, xiii 5] 

oe es there, vii 103] lii 272 

2+-- all united into ix 
146} one government, 1x 

Bg island raised from the sea, liv 

Azote. See Nitrogen 
Azpuni, bish, xi 189] 




Baader, Dr. sir Jos. lviii 347 

Babb’s Green, fire at, lvii 74 

Babeuf,  xxxviii 150] 151] 152] | 

Babine, republic of, vii 213 

Babington, Ant. ix 58. xxvi 121 

— Dr. W. lii 263* 

rev. Dr. Zach. xi 58 
T. xlviii 57 

Baboons, escape of one from Exeter change, 
liii 47 

Babylon, modern population of, xxi 217] 

«++» antiquities of, xxxv 352. xliii 477 

Babylonians, antiquity of the, xi 158 

Bacchus, v 136, 140 

.... theatre of, at Athens, iii 159 

Bach, J. xvi 184 

—-— Sebast. xxii 84 

Bachelors, tax on, xxvii 347] 

Bacher, xli 145] xlvi 677 

Bacheracht, J. iii 236] 237] 

Bachman, gen. xliv 231, 234 

— maj. xxxiv 57] 

Backhouse, capt. ix 104] 

— m. gen. T. Jos. xlix 640 

Bacon, Ant. xi 110] 

Edw. iv 88] ix 150] 

F. lord Verulam, i 486, 487. iv 198] 
83. v 158. vi 94, 275. x 109. xi 258] xii 
32. xiv 256. xvii 65x, 147. xix 124. xxiii 
168. xxiv 154. xxviii 63. xxxii 96. xxxiii 
258, xxxiv 170n] 433, 434. xxxv 266, 390. 
xxxviii 346. xli 508, xlii 223] 1xi 118] 339, 

+... Character of, xvi 80 

.-+. Monument of, xxv 135 

J. vii 35 

J. (sculptor) xiii 170] xxii 238] xxxii 
247] xxxv 41 

«+--+ account of, xli 363 

J. xxiv 325] 

J. jun. (sculptor) xlvii 429. xlviii 


Nath. x 269 

Nich. of Brussels, extraordinary 

blind youth, ix 105] 

R. M. lv 321 

Roger (friar) xxii 174 

Badajoz, siege of, liv 146] 

Badcock, capt. (N) lvi 224 

— —— (printer) xliv 415 

Baddeley, Sophia (actress) xix 142] 

Baden, treaty with France, xxxviii 224 

..»- verbal declaration of the elector to 
the diet on the seizure of the duke 
d’Enghien, xlvi 655 

«+». treaty of accession, lviii 372 

of subsidy with G. Britain, 

lviii 373 

+++. complaint to the king of Bavaria, 
Ix 65 i 

ess» hew constitution, Ix 106 



Baden, dispute with the pope on the ap- 
pointment of a bishop, Ix 122 

Baden Dourlach, a catholic chapel allowed 
in the capital of, xi 103] 

—— city of, lx 478 

Baffin, capt. _iii 88. ix 270 

Bagdat, earthquake at, xii 157] 

+. plague at, xvi 29] 132] 
Bage, Rob. account of, xliii 385 

Bagford, J. xx 43 

Baglioni, J. Paul, xv 20 

Bagnal, Jos. liv 314 

Bagnall, T. xliii 454 

W. and two sons convicted of coining, 

lvii 316 
Bagot, bish. Lew. ii 142 

col. Hervey, xxv 129 

1. gen. Marcus, xxix 218] 

-—— sir W. xv 115] xix 186] xxii 123] 

T. lvii 320 

Bagration, prince, xlvii 169, liv 171] 

Bagshaw, Rich. lii 343 

Bagwell, col. W. xlv 100. 1 223* 

1, col. xviii 383 

Bahama islands, governor of Providence, 
with artillery and stores, carried off by the 
Americans, xix 158*] 

«.-+- surrendered to Spain, xxv 214] xxvi 

o++- retaken by some private adventurers, 
xxvi 133] 260] 

.--. restored to G. Britain, xxvi 335] 

+++. Money granted for, xxvii 301] 344] 
xxviii 250] xxix 264] 265] xxx 262] xxxi 
284] 285] xxxii 277] 278] xxxiii 142] 
xxxiv 148. xxxv 106. xxxvi 119. xxxvii 
118. xxxviii 107. xxxix 169. xl 204. xli 
194, xlii 164. xliii 188. xliv 584. xlv 629. 
xlvi 582, xlvii 587. xlviii 636. xlix 729*. 
. li 535, lii 422. liii 306. Ix 421. Lxi 


+++. grant for completing the purchase of 
the soil, xxviii 250] 

+».. emigrants from Ireland landed on 
the desert island of Henneaga, xxx 201] 

-.+. salary of chief justice of viceadmi- 
ralty court, liii 306 

Baif, J. Ant. xii 164 

—— Lazarus, xii 164 

Bail, inadmissible after conviction, xi 100] 

Bailey  (M. P.) xxxiv 147 

couns. xviii 231 

—— Dr. Fred. lv 296 

—— rev. xix 155] 

—— Rich. executed for a robbery at Mr. 
le Merr’s, xiii 124] 125] 

—— Sir Nich. xlvi 813 

— Tf. Butterworth, xvii 118. xxvi 84 

—— Valentine, convicted of murdering a 
customhouse officer, xii 94] 

—— W, lxi 300 

Bailiffs, trick put upon, iv 120] 

++. damages against one for carrying a man 
to his own spunging house, viii 82] 

Baillet, Adr, xxii 83 


Bailleul, _—xliv 88 

Bailli, xli 313 

Baillie, ». Warden, lvii 307 

capt. (N) xxii 159] 

—— col. W. xxv 51] 63] 88] xxxvii 

—— Dr. Matt. xxvi 34 

Sir E. 1i 316 

of Jervieswood, xiv 31, 39 

Baillodz, Abraham, xxxii 1 

Bailly, J. Sylvanus, vii 42x. xxxi 231*} 
253*] 255*] 258*] xxxii 36) 71] 125] 
xxxiii_ 153, xxxiv 21] xxxv 260] xxxix 
488, xli 85] xlii 349 
aillon, bish. vill7 

Bainbridge, 1. col. Phil. killed, xli 119 

W, xlv 828. xlix 857. Ixi 304 

(of Bolton) narrow escape of, ix 


Baines, Rob. Raines, lix 234 

Baird, Dr. And. Ix 276 j 

—— gen. sir David, xli 99. xliii 237] 
94, 107. xliv 282, 810, 865. xlv 458, 
xlviii 9, 233, 235, 577, 580. xlix 43, 615. 
699*. 121] 117*. li 4, 5, 12, 14, 17, 21, 
23, 52, 68, 73, 235, 353, 363, 370 

—— J. lxi 300 

1. col. Jos. xlviii 578 

sir James, xxii 31] 

T. xxxv 375 

Bairi, Dr. xlv 371 

Bajamonti, Giulio, xxi 115 

Bajee Row, Ix 186] 188] 

Be (M. P.) xxi 101] xxvii 70] 177*] 

adm. T. xlvii 547 

——-capt. (N) lvi 241 

C. xxxix 408 

couns. xi 152] 

David Erskine, xlvii 803 

—— Dr. vi 79 

G. (mariner), xviii 88 

— H. i 358. xviii 61. xlvii 802 
——_ J. lvii 25 

J. Wynne, viii 6] 146. xiii 116 
Jos. liv 314 

Junius, xlii 395 

lieut. J. E. (N) xlvii 376 

——- — H.L. (N) liii 19] 

Rob. xlvi 407. lxi 200 

Rob. murder of, lix 100 

—sir G. xxiii 138. xxxi 225] 289] 
xxxix 36. xli 351 

sir Rich. xiii 107 

sir W. xxiii 79] 

T. iii 121] 

T. ix 86] 

T. C. xliv 772 

- (Sugar refiner) conveyed to Tyburn 
in a coach, x 47* 

- W. murder of, lvii 97. lviii 412 

W. shot by poachers, xlvii 435 

W. x 73] xiii 120] xiv 88] 90] 110 
a 190] 195] xvii 155] 156] xxi 203 


Baker, W. xxvii 276] xxxiii 255. xxxiv 23, 
77, 88, 89. xxxvi 242} xvii 363. xlix 144 

Bakers. See Bread 

Bakewell, Rob. xxxvii 41 ; 

..+. improvement of sheep and cattle, xiv 

..-. account of, xxxvii 56*] 

Bakouin, xxvil 185] 

Balagny, mons. xiii 252 

Balajee Row, xxv 22] 

Balambangan, English settlement threatened 
by the Spaniards, xvii 143] 167] xviii 94] 

«ee taken by the Soolooans, xviii 93] 

Balance of power, remarks on the, iii 2] 

Balassa, fire at, xlii 26 

Balbinus, Decimus Cetius, xiv 149} 

Balcarce, gen. Ixi 256] 

Balearras, Alex. 6th earl, xx 169*] xxii 
149] xxiii 150] 203] xxvii 189] xxxvi 284] 
xxxix 129] 

Balchen, adm. J. ix 133] 

Balden, 8. lvii 321 

Baldeston, capt. J. B. (N) murdered, 1 139* 

| Baldwid, Abr. (Amer.) xxix 299] 

Baldwin, iv 121 
—— xiii 129] xix 201] 
xli 196 

abp. of Canterbury, xv 129 

—— couns. xxix 242] 246] 

——— Dr. Tim. i 495 

- G. (cons. in Egypt) xxxv 271] xl 

402. xlv 625 

—— J. lvi 367. Ivii 334. lviii 422. lix 
248. Ix 398. 1xi 396 


——— W. (couns.) xxix 242] 246] xliv 
540. liii 306. liv 400. iv 377 

Baldwyne, Rich. xxiv 201 

Baldy, Rob. xvii 88] 

Bale, bish. J. xvi 146. xxxi 115 

Balfe, Lawr. found guilty of murder at the 
Middlesex election, xii 67] 68] 69] 75] 76) 

e+. pardoned, xii 81] 

Balfour, adm. G. xiv 133] xxx 103] 

—— col. xxiv 62] 81] xxv 155] 

——— Dr. Francis, ] 251 

——— G. murder of, lx 267 

——— James, liii 251 

——- maj. accidentally shot by his bro- 
ther, xix 185] 

Balgonie, Dav. vise. li 514 

Baliol, Alexander, king of Scotland, xxi 202] 

John, k. of Scotl. xxi 202] liv 111 

Ball, xviii 134] 

— capt. (N) xxv 91] 

— sir Alex. J. (N) xl 143, 157. xli 
75. xlv 245, 257, 652 

—— Edm. Rich. lx 359 

— J. xlvii 848 

—maj._—xi 77) 

T. xxiii 382] 

. Ballagee pundit, xxv 27] 

Ballard, capt. V. V. (N) lii 297, 298 

G. xxx 125 

——— J, -ix 58; 61 



Ballasteros, gen. liii 111] 114] 115] 121) 
208. liv 148] 149] 154] 162] 236, 237 

Ballati, ab. xi 15] 

Ballendine, 1. col. Hamilton (Amer.) xxiii 

Ballinamuck, battle of, x1 139 

Balloons, Montgolfier’s, xxvi 215] 

«+s history of, xxvi 65 

sees ascents with, xxvi 70. xxvii 224] 227] 
230] 234] 237] 323] xxviii 54] 201] xliv 
417, 419, 421, 431, 449. xlix 485, 639. lit 
74, 82, 87, 94, 114, 135. liv 89, 102, 125. 
lv 30, 77, 92. lvi 69, 78, 84. lvii 50, 69. 
lviii 150. Lxi 46 ‘ 

sees ie into the sea with, xxvii 237] liv 

a PM from England to France, xxvii 

«+.. death of Pilatre du Rozier and M. 
Romain, xxvii 328] 
+++ voyage from Europe to Asia, xxviii 54] 
«+++ permission to ascend with, refused by 
the sovereigns of Russia, Germany, and 
Prussia, xxviii 55] 
«++» Mr. Ralph Heron killed, xxviii 209} 
.... used in the French armies, xxxvi 48] 
--.. Dr. Oliveri killed by a Montgolfier 
taking fire, xliv 468 
-».. Nocturnal ascents with, xlix 485, 639 
«++» duel said to be fought with, 1 63* 
«+e. velocity of, liv 89. lv 30, 92 
«eee count Zambeccari killed, liv 120 
««.+ Mr. Bittorf killed, liv 120 
.... mad. Blanchard killed, Lxi 46 
..«+ See also Parachute 
—— fire, mischiefs from, liii 99 
Bally, Maria, murder of, xxxvii 23, 32 
Balmat, Jacques, xxx 146 
Balmer, Dorothy, xl 178 
Balneavis, col. Xxix 27] 
Balsamo, Jos. See Cagliostro 
Spiridioni, xx 169] 
Balston, capt. Edw. (E. Indiaman) xly 355 
Baltazarin, See Beauxjoyeux 
Baltic, number of vessels passing the Sound, 
xii 165] xvii 177] xxviii 196] xxxiv 51. 
xxxviii 49. xxxix 58. xli 42. lviii 2. lix 4 
..++ notification of the French on British 
trade to, & counterproclamation of Russia, 
xl 237 
..+. preparations for defending it’s entrance 
against the British, xliii 108] 
.. +. Sound frozen over, lvi 25 
Baltimore, riots at, liv 198] 
.. +. account of, Ixi 525 
Baltimore, Fred. 7th lord, x 62] xi 82] 234] 
xiv 150] 160] xv 68} xix 198] 
G. Ist lord, xxi 239, 240 
Baltinglass, vise. xiv 247] 
Baluc, Magon de, xiii 78] 89] 
Bamber, T. xlvii 399 
Bamberg, taken by the Prussians, ii 10 
Bamboo, stony substance found in the, ~ 
xxxii 64 

Bambridge, comm. (Amer.) lvii 125] 


; BA 
Bamford, commonly called the giant, xi 
191) / 
Bamfylde, sir Rich. W. xvi 136 
Banal, gen. killed, xxxviii 88] 
- Banau, Dr. xvii 120 
Banbury, fall of the tower and part of the 
church, xxxii 227] 
Banbury, earl of, iii 103] 
_ Banca, proceedings respecting the island of, 
Ixi 217] 
Bancroft, D. lviii 104 
——— Dr. E. N. xii 88, 91, 92, 114, 272. 
xviii 91. lx 606 
Rapes taken from the Dutch, xxxviii 91. lii 

Banda Neira, earthquake at, vii 96] 

«+++ eruption of a volcano, ix 94] 111] 

Bandi, countess Cornelia, consumed by a 
fire spontaneously kindled in herself, vi 91 

Bandinelli, Bacchio, v 112] 
Bandini, viii 189 
Bange, W. ly 321 

gham, § (Amer.) xxii 407 
: T. xxviii 178 

Banier, gen. vi 35 

Bank of England, money recovered on a 
note that had been stolen, i 81 

++.» first attemptat forging it’s notes, i 84 

++». government debt to, i 138. ii 186. iii 
196] v 162] 176] vi 187] vii 169] ix 198] 
x 214] xi 259] 260] xiv 220] xxxix 200n] 

.. +» ten and fifteen pound notes first issued 
by, ii 83 

+++. coals pocketed by a man going to re- 
ceive his dividend, v 69] 

.«++ bargain for renewal of it’s charter, vii 
30] 47] 163] 

+» +» Fise in the price of stock, vii 99] 

»-++ dividends of, vii 99] viii 71] ix 136] 
xxiv 192] xxx 199] 215] xliii 9. xlviii 444. 
lix 84 

«... dividend warrant seventy years old 
presented for payment, x 115] 

+++. note nibbled out of a boy’s hand by a 
goat, x 119] 

--.. action against a person who had bought 
one that was lost, xiii 75] 

+++» person indicted for taking a note out of 
a letter, xiv 162] 

---- action against for not allowing a hus- 
band to transfer stock in the joint names 
of himself and wife, xv 113] 

.... note for upward of two hundred and 
fifty thousand pounds, xv 146] 

+.» no bill to be discounted under five per 
cent, xvi 101] 

++.. act to prevent counterfeiting it’s notes, 
xvii 116] 118] 

+++» man convicted of offering a forged note, 
xvii 148] 

«++. payment to, for managing the public 

_ money, xviii 191] 
te divided by the proprietors, xviii 

+++» directors accused of having lent govern= 


ment eight millions without the consent of 
the proprietors, xix 121] 

Bank of England: countryman defrauded of 
a note at, xix 151] 

«++. Jew executed at Ostend for forging 
notes of, xx 167] 

+++» person defrauded of stock, xxiii 200] 

--+» governor and directors chosen, xxiv 
173] xxv 205] xxviii 200] xxx 203] xl 23 

«+++ renewal of it’s charter, xxiv 180] 277] 

«+.» increase of stock, xxiv 192] 

++. grant to, for discounts &c. xxiv 272] 

--.. letter to the governor on the prospect 
of peace, xxvi 138] 

++. refusal to pay a bill stolen from it 
and lost at a gaming table, xxvi 197] 

+++. resolves not to advance any money on 
scrip, xxvi 205] 

«,++ prosecution of C. Clutterbuck, xxvii 
198] 239] 

-»+- notes of, a legal payment, if taken, 
xxxii 196] 

..+- unclaimed dividends, xxxiii 228, 231, 
65] 136] lvii 5 

.. ++ number of clerks, xxxiv 34 

++. money in the name of the French 
republic attached by government, xxxv 14. 

+.» five pound notes issued, xxxv 18 

«+. letter from Mr. Pitt on the subscrip- 
tion loan, xxxviii 94 

..++ obliged to lessen it’s discounts to send 
money to Germany, xxxix 138] 

.... Suspension of cash payments, Xxxix 
148] 179] 8. xl 181) 184] xliv 388. xlv 
66. xlix 105. lii 126, 454. liii 43] 80] 81] 
76,297. liv 40] 218]. lvi 7] 8] Iviii 8] 
cn Ix 15] 16] 62-75] lxi 27] 43] 52] 


«+++ papers relative to it, xxxix 118-145 

-» ++ bistory of, xxxix 178] 

..-+ remonstrates with the minister on the 
advances required by him, xxxix 179] 
195] 118 

-.-- one and two pound notes issued, xxxix 
191] 14 

«+++ Notice from, with the order in council 
for stopping payments in cash, xxxix 8 

+++» resolutions of the merchants and bank- 
ers of London on the occasion, xxxix 9 

..++ Spanish dollars issued at four and nine- 
pence, xxxix 14 

«s+.» person convicted of counterfeiting 
stamped dollars, xxxix 33 

..++ Stamped dollars called in, xxxix 50. 
xlvi 389 

..+- others issued, xlvi 339 - 

..-- report of the H. of Lords on the state 
of, xxxix 96 

..++ court of proprietors to accept of fresh 
exchequer bills in lieu of those to be paid, 
xl 48 

+.+- amount of notes in circulation, xlii 
148, xliii 141. xlvi 567, xlix 405, 406, 550. 
lii 421, 468. liii 46] 80. liv 150. lvi 96. 
lvii 5, Ix 428 


Bank of England: money paid for renewal 
of charter, xlii 168 

.»-» salaries of their clerks &c, increased, 
xliii 27] 

e».. grant for receiving contributions to 
loan, xlv 627 

+». action against for a note paid away 
abroad, payment of which was stopped, 
xlvi 398 

»»+» bonus granted to proprietors, xlvi 417. 
xlyiii 444 

ee ae of directors doubled, xlvi 

++. action against a person for a note lost, 
xlvi 426 

saa ‘tae by the Helvetic republic, xlvii 


»«e~ profit from the management of the na- 
tional debt, xlix 529 

e+». money advanced to government without 
interest, 1 105] 

‘ee. allowances from government for dis- 
count, &c. 1 183* 

e+». value of stamped dollars raised, lili 32 

‘es. amount of silver tokens issued, liv 150, 
lvi 28 

‘eee public balances in, lvii 5 

eee» unclaimed dividends, lvii 5 

eee. amount of unclaimed dividends ad- 
vanced to government, lvii 5 

e+... loan to government, lviii 38] 

+». partial resumption of cash payments, 
lix 87. 1x 65] 

es.» sums paid by the public to, lx 74 

e. +. increase of forgeries on, Ix 74 

«s+.» prosecution of a coal merchant for not 
sending proper tickets, lx 346 

ee-- grant for management of life annuities, 
Ix 425 

‘,».. acts for payment first in gold bullion 
and subsequently in cash, Ixi 66] 

‘ee. action against an inspector for false 
imprisonment, by a person having in his 
possession anote supposed to beforged, 1xi 
200 ‘ 

es. Seealso Forgeries, and Stocks, prices of 

Bank of Ireland : xxv 228] xxvi 198] 208] 

eoee restriction of cash payments, xlv 121, 
124, xlvi 149 

eee. rules for detecting forged notes issued, 
lx 130. 

Bank of Scotland: intended forgery on, xviii 

«»-. loan free of interest for purchasing corn 
for the poor, xxvi 193] 

e... new building, xliii 20 

e»-- act affecting the rights of proprietors, 
Ix 127] 

Bank, Amsterdam, lvii 17 

—— Ayr, to grant bonds instead of annuities, 
xvii 105] 106] 119] 

Glasgow, extensive forgery of it’s notes, 

. xiii 112] 

—— Million, dividend of, viii 93] 102] 
e—~ Royal, at Edinburgh, xix 164] 



Bank, Royal, at Edinburgh, loan free of in- 
terest for purchasing corn for the poor, 
xxvi 194] 

++ robbery of, xxx 207] 214] 

— Security, xxxix 204] 

—— United States, lxi 12 

Bank notes, forged, i84. xx 167] xxi 172] 
178] xxii 211. xxviii 195] xxx 195] x] 44. 
xlv 396. li 254, 359. liv 41. 1x 332, 430 

+++. —— convictions for uttering, xl 7, 44. 
xliv 389. lx 57 

++e. —— prosecutions for uttering, lx 181, 
182, 332 

..-. return of prosecutions and convictions 
for forging or uttering, Ix 64, 429, 430 

++-- report of the commissioners for in- 
quiring into the mode of preventing for- 
gery, Ixi 309 

country, lii 472 

Banker’s notes, action on a stolen one, vil 

+... act regulating the issue of, in Scot- 
land, viii 90] 

Bankers, action, in a case of bankruptey, on 
a a7 not presented the same day, xxv 

.»+, draught on one fora hundred thousand 
pounds at sight, xxxviii 44 

-. +. damages for libelling a firm, xlvii 411 

Bankes, ald. sir H. xii 133] 137] xiii 78] 
120] 122] xiv 145] 147] xv 131] xvi 148] 
xvii 140] 

G. 1x 133] 135] 

H, xxvii 73] xxxvii 154] xxxviii 43] 

xlv 39, 66. xlvi 69, 94, 114. xlvii 25, 73, » 

82, 103. xlviii 104. xlix 86, 87, 137, 247. 

1 116] 2d. li 137.1ii 68, 121, 122, 123, 124, 

125. liii 54] liv 8] 32] 34] 39] 52] 77] lv 

46] 92] lvi 115] 117] 128] lvii 29] 34] 

lviii 16] 35] 61] 62] 85] lix 40] Ixi 162] 

J. x 141 

Bankrupts: executed for concealment of 
effects, iv 169] 63. xlix 490 

++» punished for fraud, xlviii 417 

«+++ several on the continent, vi 102] 103] 

.. +» action against a gentleman for money 
received of one at Gibraltar, viii 73] 

..+. aconsiderable sum bequeathed by the 
aunt of one to pay his creditors, viii 73] 
.»o» Kinsey Tyrer tried for not surrendering 

himself, ix 52] . 

.... the magistrates and all the inhabitants 
of Nicarleby in Finland, except one mer- 
chant, declare themselves so, xi 41] 

«so~ sued ona bond of indemnity, xi 144] 

«++.» at Marseilles for 20 millions of livres, 
xii 47] 

+». action of an assignee against a person 
be had bought goods at half price, xiii_ 

+». acts respecting, xv 105] xlviii 83 

-.-- important, xv 109] 110] 113] 114] 117] 
aA xvi 87] 98] xvii 81] 116] 170] xlv 

seve causes respecting, xv 126] xix 199] 


Exill 212] xxv 212] xxviii 206] xxxiv 25. 
xl 92. xliv 437. xlvi 398. liii 251. liv 84. 
lyi 302. lviii 279, Ixi 292 
aed great number of, xvi 75] xxxviii 

«... fraudulent commissions, xvii 112] xlvi 

«++» subsequent payment of debts by, xix 

++.. included in an insolvent act, xix 239] 

+-.. largesum of money found concealed by 
one, xxvi 221] 

++» certificate refused by the chancellor to 
one who had lost five pounds at a sitting 
at cards, xxx 209] 

«+». number at different periods, xxxii 194] 
xxxv 29, 61. xl 208. xlviii 630. xlix 722*. 
Ji 539. lii 427. liii 30] 271. liv 319.1v 324. 
lvi 340, lvii 324, lviii 352. lix 239. lx 365. 
lxi 307 

«+e. long imprisoned, xlvi 398 

+++» committed to prison, xlviii 435 

«-.. indictment for nonappearance, xlix 

e+e early, 1xi 478 

Banks, one established at Berlin, vii 109 

proprietors of one in Scotland made 

liable for debts incurred by the directors, 
xxi 195] 
«»+- one formed by the empress of Russia 

: He lending money on mortgage, xxviii 

+++» general stoppage in the north, xxxix 7 
«++» country, mischiefs of, xliii 11] 
—— conspiracy toinjure one, lyii 


+++» fraudulent one, xliv 438 

+e early, lxi 478 

Banks, J. xxxvi 287 

—— Rich. lviii 348. 1x 361 

—— sir Jos. xi 150] 180] xiv 124] 131] 
133] 150] 154] 159] xv 108] 116] 139] 
xvi 106] 4, 39, 49, 96, 101, 105, 266, 272. 
xvii 88, 151. xviii 78. xix 84, xx 234. 

xxiii 72. xxv 66. xxvi4l, 48. xxvii 27, 32, - 

81. xxviii 55, 57. xxix 39, 45. xxx 222] 
xxxi 230] 41, 70. xxxii 247] 17, 67, 157, 
179. xxxiii 309] xxxiv 378. xxxv 292. 
xxxvi 342, 349. xxxvii 89*] xxxviii 383, 
511. xli 5, 372. xliii 180] 459. xlviii 927. 
xlix863. 1131. 11833. 1ii 631, 667. 111i 392, 
510. liv 488. lvi 498, lvii 24. lviii 604. Ix 
435, Ixi 314, 319 

+++. purposes a voyage toward the N. Pole, 
xvi 82] 

«.-. elected president of the Royal Society, 
xxi 212] 

T. xlvii 434 

Bankside, fire at, lvi 79 

Bannatyn, M’Leod, lii 694 

Bannister v. Spooner and others, Ix 256 
(mus.) xx 42 

C. xviii 225. xxxi 205} 208] 

xxxiv 9 
ae J, xxxii 139 


Banti, Mad. xxxvil5 
Baobab, description of the, vi 65 
Baptism of a man upwards of ninety, xlix 

—-— Abyssinian, lvii 535 

Baptist, J. xliv 467 

Bar, town and castle taken by the Russians, 

Baraguay, d’Hillier, gen. xl 66] 267] xlvii 

Baratinski, prince, xxvii 185] xlvii 371 

Barbacena, visc. liv 236 i 

Barbaczy, col. xli 255] 269 

Barbadoes : account of, xxxv 423 

.»«» fires at Bridgetown, i 96, ix 114] 134[ 
144] 148] x 77] 

«+-- grant to, for the assistance afforded in 
the capture of Martinico, viii 240] 

«+++ grant toward improving the harbour, 
xiii 236] 

e+.. deficient crop, xviii 143] 

+... grant for cleaning the harbour, xviii 

«+.» wretched state of, xix 167] liii 86 

e+. hurricanes at, xxiii 295] xxiv 30] 163] 
xxViii 211] xi 102 

«++» petition of the free people of colour 
to the assembly rejected, liii 86 

+» Salary of chief justice of viceadmiralty 
court, liii 306 

.. Scarcity of provision, liv 211] 

..«+ insurrection in, lviii 87-9] 161] 55, 77 

Barbarity, shocking instance of, xxxiii 2] 

Barbaro. See Barbarus 

Barbarossa, Fred. emp. x 271. 
rick I. 

—— Hayvradin, xii 21 

Horug, xii 20, 21 

Barbaroux, xxxv 265] 

Barbarus, Hermolaus, jun. xv 116 

Barbary, vessels captured by the Maltese, 
xii 147] 

+++. earthquake on the coast, xviii 102] 

-.-- plague in, li 887. Ix 79, 144. 1xi 15, 
26, 31, 36, 99 

+... American expedition against, lvii 125] 

.. «+ cruisers in the Atlantic and Channel, 
lix 45 

. unsatisfactory answers to the British 

and French admirals, lxi 99 

Barbauld, Mrs. xvi 219, 223, 225, 227, 228. 
xviii 2082. xxxvii 130*] xliii 390. 1iii 596 

Barbazan, sieur, lviii 57 

Barber, capt. See Beaumont, J. T. B. 

Eliz, murder committed by, xlvii 

See Frede- 


Rob. xxxix 407. xlvii 851 

Barberry, injurious to corn, xlix 873 

Barbeyrac, J. x 293. xxxviii 337 

Barbot, xi 208 

Barbotte, xxxvii 90] 

Barhon, gen. xliii 60] xlviii 685 

Barbut, W. murdered, xviii 170] 

av iT Ant. xi 180] xxiy 6] xxvii 41] 140] 



Barcelona, treasure found in the Jesuits’ 
college at, x 142] 

see. fire at, xx 171] 

«++» riot on account of the price of bread, 
xxxi 204] 

«+. conspiracy in, lix 118 

Barcena, gen. lv 197 

Barclay, Alex. xxi 232 

capt. And. (E. Indm.) xlix 916 

—— capt. (N.) xxiv 63] 

——— capt. (N) lv 187] 218 
——— capt. R, xiii 40. 1i 307 
—— col. li 2302 

———— David, x 162] xii 87] 90] xviii 83*] 
——— G. liv 17 

——— James, lvi 336 

——— rev. W. xliv 776 

Rob. (apologist of the quakers) 

xii 87] 

—— Rob. lviii 465 

———— sir Rob. xlii 160n.] 

——— de Tolly. See Tolly, de, gen. 

Barebone, Dr. _viii 307 

Barentin, xxxi 220"] 

Baretti, Jos. xi 11, 37, 250, 252. xiii 96, 
150, 242. xv 18. xxxiii 445] 

.... tried for manslaughter, and acquitted, 
xii 137] 138] 142] 

+++. character of, xxxi 34 

Barfoot, Peter, charge of murder against, 
xlvi 385 

~ Rob. conviction for having hares in 
his possession quashed, xii 153] 

Barham, C.lord. See Middleton, adm. sir C. 

Jos. Foster, xxxvii 204] xxxviii 
61] xxxix 258] xl 236] xlvi 87. 1 122] lvi 
134] 149] 151] lvii 26] lviii 89] Ix 124] 

Bariatinskoy, prince Iwan, xxvi 322] 

Barillon, xlii 13] 

Baring, Alex. liii 67] 68] liv 92] iv 4} 43] 
61] 68] 70] Ivi 166] lvii 5] 6] 17] 26] 
lviii 3] 15] 16] 22] 30] Ix 148, 146, 1xi 
134] 128 

H. xxxiv 180] 

J. xxix 82] 

rey. G. lviii 53 

sir Francis, xxvii 187] xxx 112] 

xxxiv 181] xxxix 146] 204] xl 172] xl 

180] xliii 198] 203] 204] xliv 64. xlv 66, 

xlvili 86x. 1i 426. lii 279 

sir T. lxi 51 

Bark. See Cinchona 

Barker, Ann, xlvi 422 

Edw. consul at Tripoli, xv 140] 

E.H.1i 315 

—— ven. sir Rob. xviii 130. xxv 96 

G. li 420 

J. lix 234 

rev, W. xxx 192 

S. lx 599 

sir Rob. and others v. adm. Cornish 

and others, on the Manilla ransom and 

prize-money, xi 63] 

T. xxxiii 378 

W. liy 118 


Barley, extraordinary increase from asingle _ 
grain, viii 61] 
+++. advantage of steeping in a dry season, 
xxvili 93 : : 
...+ recommended for horses, | 41* 
-.+. extraordinary crop of, 1 86* 
Barley, W. lix 234 
Barlow, xl 205 
adm. sir Rob. xlvi 555 
capt. Frane, W. xlv 423 
Edw. an old hangman convicted of 
horsestealing, xlviii 389 ; . 
fath. Rudesind, xlii 428 
Joel, xxxiv 7] 74. xxxvii 160] 1ii 258n 
—— J. lviii 349. lix 233 
J. H. lviii 349. lix 233 
Rob. xlix 858, lvi 337 
sir G. xlviii 252, 255, 256, 409, 413, 
702. li 229 
~ W. robbery of Mr. Wood, ix 69] 78] 
Bar- maids, xiv 196 . 
Barm. See Yeast 
Barnabas, friar, xxxii 195] 
Barnard, charged with writing threat- 
ening letters to the duke of Marlborough, — 
1124 ; 

bish. T. xxx 102 
Fred. xxxiii 448] 
J. xii 37 
——— m. gen. sir A. F. liv 208. lv 232 
rey. Dr. xvii 197. xix 223. 
xx 207. xxi 207. xxxvii 51*] 
sir John, xii 133] xiv 102] 
.. +. resigns his gown, i101, 102 : 
ee the presidentship of Christ’s 
Hospital, i 102 
..,. thanks of the city to, 1 101, 102. iv 80] 
— sir Rob. xii 125] 159] xiii 85] 160] 
161] 225] xiv 102] xvi 90] © 
. chosen for Westminster free of ex- 
pense, xiii 101] 
T. xxxviii 443 
W. (shipbuilder) xxiii 126 
Barnardiston, sir Sam. vi 273 
Barnau, earthquake felt at, v 80] 
Barnave, xxxi 256*] xxxii 56] 58] 136] 
Xxxiii 132. xxxv 280] 
Barne, Snowdon, | 222* 
Barnefielde, Rich. xii 33 
Barnes v. the postmaster of Bath, xi 65) 

capt. (N.) xxiv 111] 
capt. J. xxxiv 146 
gov. liv 211] 

lieut. T. (A.) suicide, xliv 400 

m. gen. sir Edw. ly 148] 190, 

lvi 168. 1vii 178 

Mr. secondary, vi 88] 

rey. Josh. xi 245 

and Golightly, lord mayor, v. for in- 
suring lottery tickets, xvi 80] 

Barnet, Eliz. xlviii 422, 426, 437 

G. lviii 29, 325 

Jacob, xxvi 32} 

J. xliv 778 

Joseph, xlii 379. xliv 778 




Barnet, T. xliv 777 m 
Barneveldt, J. d’Olden, xxviii 66] 
Barnewall, couns. lvii 297 
Barney, comm. (Amer) lvi 183] 218, 
219, 222 
_ Barnier, W. x1 180 
Barns, T. xlviii 390 
Baroach taken by the British, xvi 120] 
+++. ceded to Scindia, xxvi 80] 
+--+ again taken, xlvi 219 
Haroinetes experiments on the, iii 152] xiv 

-.+- as low as 28 in, at Plymouth, vi 115] 
+++» unusually low, xi 192] 193] xiv 74] 
-+.. computation of heights by the, xxii 94 
Baron, iii 90 : 

Hyam, executed at Ostend for forg- 

ing Bank of England notes, xx 167] 

James, R. ii 418 

—— Morwent, lvii 5 

Baronius, v 148 

‘Barquier, gen. li 462 

, W. xxxiv 146 
Barracks to be built at Tinmouth, i 86 
+--+ petitioned for at Northampton,xxxv 44 
+--+ Dorchester, fire at, xlvi 419 
+++. See also Army 

Barras, adm. de, xxiv 127] 

xxxvi 159] xxxix 63] 76] xl 
288. xli 113] 314] 316] 255. xlii 16] 23] 

--.-+ character of, xxxvii 116] 

Barratt, Zach. xliii 456. 1x 360. 1xi 303 

Barre, chev. de la, xx 39, 

Barré, col. Isaac, vii 128] viii 51] xix 133*] 
xxi 69] 71] 170*] 187*] xxiii 114] 125] 
166] 186] xxv 141] 155] 182] 187] xxviii 
104] xxx 112] x] 182] xliv 429. xlviii 608, 

.-.. letter of thanks from Boston, xii 109] 

+... pension to, xxv 183] 187] 188] xliv 430 

countess du, xiii 133] xvii 13, 57. 

xxxiii 6] 45] 

viscount du, xxi 211] xxii 204] 

Barreaux, James Vallee lord des, xv 217 

—— des, gen. ]vi 183 

Barrere, xxxiit 268] xxxv 195] 259] 268] 
xxxvi 28] 51] 89) 113] 144] 154] 157] 
170] 173] xxxvii 82] 86] 90] xxxix 54] 
xli 97] 158. xlii 160z.] 

Barret, G. viii 1947.] xi 199] 

——— J. vii 67] 

T. xliv 273 

eg Jos. de Oliveira, xliv 776 

Barrett, charged with forgery, x1 18 

a indicted fora rape, lii 331 

— capt. J. (N.) liii 

i= James, xlyvii 845 

—— W. ii 88 
- W. (of Bristol) xviii 195. xix 157. 
xxi 1562. 

Barreyro, gen. 1xi 244] 

Barrie, capt. Rob. (N) li 511. liii 96] lvi 
189] 245, 253 

Barriti v. Hollamby for seduction, xliv 390 

Barringer, —xlii 28] 


Barrington, gen, J, ii 15, 94, 226, 227, 230 
—— G, xliii 516 
G. convicted of robbing Mr. 
Townsend, xxxii 216] 
»».. high constable of New S. Wales, xxxiv 
26, xxxv 28. x1 464 
. Peake wife committed to Bridewell, xliv 

hon. adm. Sam. i 94. ii 85. iii 
135] xi 133] xviii 158. xxi 197] xxii 38] 
43] 199*] 344] xxiv 4] xxv 221*] 224*] 
hon. bish. Shute, xv 89] xvi 88] 
89] xxv 224] x1 230] xlii 149} xlv 111. 
xlvii 92, 373 

Daines, xvi 152. xvii 64. 

xviii 157. xxii 133, 161. xxiy 20, 57, 62, 

65. xxvii 64. xxviii 109, 110. xxx 59n. 

xl 487. xlvii 881 

J. xxvii 268] 

J. and Jane, xlviii 417 

sir Jonah, | 40* 

W. Wildman, 2nd vise. ii 111. 
iv 87] 88] xi 111] xii 187] 208. xiv 197] 
xv 105] xviii 107] xix 284] 47. xxii 302] 
xxiv 278] 328] xxxiv 146 ; 

++. public money in his hands, vi 186] 
xxiv 279n.] ‘ef 

-... correspondence with ald. Beckford, xii 

xvii 40 

Barristers, freedom of speech allowed to, 
lix 175 

Barrois, col. xxxv 250] 

Barron, capt. ii 104 

Barrosa, battle of, liii 112] 181 

Barrowby, Dr. xlix 803 

Barrow, bish. Benj. xi 166 ; 

capt xvii 140] 

C. Nii 453 

——-— J.xliii 537. xlvi 949. xlviii 888, 
860, 862, 865, 867, 871. lvi 336. lix 495 

—— rey. Dr. Isaac, xix 24 

Barrowby, Dr. xxxiii 465] 

Barrows. See Tumuli’ 

Barruneho, father, ii 122 

Barry, couns. x1 81 

Dr. E. iii 80 

Gerald. See Giraldus Cambrensis 

James, xv 231. xvi 140] 

-... difference in the state of morals and 
of taste for the arts, xviii 168 

—— John, 1 223* 

1. col. xxvii 89 

—-—— Mrs. See Crawford 

Phil. xvi 262 

sir Edw. xix 128 

Spranger, xix 237] xx 166] 

T. murder of, xliii 42 

T. Ixi 303 

Barrymore, H. 8th earl, xxxix 31 

- Rich, 7th earl, xxxii 135, xxxiv 
4. xxxv 16 

Barthe, Mons. 

(noted Highland» robber) 


ix 232 


Barthelemi, J. J. iii 150 
e+e. account of, xxxviii 354 
count, xxix 239] 245] 283] 
xxxvii 59] 60] xxxviii 77] 125, 248. 
xxxix 64] 63] xli 90] xlii 81] 160z.] xliy 
88. Ixi 164] 
eee. arrested, xxxix 77] 
.. + sentenced to transportation, xxxix 83] 
Barthelemon, Mrs. xxiii 217 
Barthelemy, J. Pet. xlvi 825 
Bartholine, prof. T. v 71. vi 92. xi211, 213, 
xii 197. xxiii 137. xxxiii 46 
T. prof. of hist. and civil law, 
xiii 83, 892. xviii 1977 : 
Bartholomew, capt. (N), lvi 242 
Dr. ii 455 
lieut. (N) xlvi 561 
Bartholomew fair, restrictions of, y 90] vi 
100] xix 176] lviii 136 
-».. attempt to abolish, xl 57 
~ ..+- mischiefs from a crowd at, liv 112 
Bartleman, xxxv 32 
Bartlett, T. xliii 455 
Bartoldi, iii 16 
Bartoli, Pietro Sante, xv 15 
—— prof, J. v 131 
+++» On an ancient bas-relief, v 138 
Barton, extraordinary adventures of, 
xvi 56 
—— adm. Matth. ii 64. iii 1382] iv 124] 
xxi 312] 
adm. Rob. xxxix 92] 
col. (Amer.), xx 124] 
Jeli 548. lii 417. lv 320. lix 233 
Joseph, xxxix 407. xli 400. xliv 
772. lviii 348 
rev. Dr. 
sir W. lix 29 
Bartram, J. xviii 93 
——— Moses, x 103 
Barwell, Edw. xv 124] 
Nath. xxviii 191 
—— Rich. xxvii 54z. xxix 166] 168] 
Barwick, W. sentenced to the pillory for ex- 
torting money, ix 144] 
Barwis, rev. J. lv 310 
Bas, le, P. xlviii 639. 1 190* 
Basaltes, remarks on, xxiii 96 
Basedow, J. B. account of, xxxiv 351 
Basely, rev. J. li 143 
Bashkirs, i 269. xxxvi 274 
Basilica, what, ii 401 
Basilides, John, i 269 
Basire, James, xviii 158. xliv 453 
Baskerville, J. (printer) xviii 114] 
Basket, xii 217] 
mele solemn malediction of the mice, lvii 


xlili 441 
ix 87] 

Baslien, xlii 390 
Basnage, James, vii 68 
Bassal, xli 159] 

Bassano, duke of, See Maret 
———— Jacopo, vii 273, xv 147 
Bassballe, adm. —xvi 31) xviii 129] 137] 


Bassecourt, de, gen. li 470. liii 115] 
Basset, lord, xxv 131 
rey. H. lviii 466 
Rich. xxix 299] 
—— Sir Francis, xxvii 58] xxxvili 436 
-++« See Dunstanville, lord de 

Basseville, xl 52] 
Bassorah, British ships seized by the sheik 
of, ix 54] 

e+e. plague at, xvi 29] 132] 

«++» besieged by the Persians, xviii 158*] 

Bastard, J. Pollexfen, xxviii 104] xxix 109] 
135] xxx 103] 104] 107] xxxix 143] xl 
211] xlv 108. xlvi 94. xlvii 60. xlix 158. 
li 101, 108. liv 53] 

Bastards, murder of. See Murder 

«+++ mother of one committed to the house 
of correction for not maintaining it after 
being married, viii 93] 

-- +» capable of devising by will, xxiii 233] 

Baste, adm. liii 99] 

Bastiani, xxix 5 

Bastille, suicide and murder in the, x 

Bastone, Jos. liv 314 

Bat, observations on the, xxiv 62. xliii 443. 
li 846 

—— confined several years in a yault, xlyiii 

Batal bey, xxxiii 97 

Batavia. See Java 

Batayian republic. See Holland 

Bate, James, iii 75 

-—— Mary, murder of, lv 93 

— rev. HH. See Dudley 

rey. Julius, iv 39, 44, 46 

Bateman, Christ. (bookseller) xx 43 


hon. v 152z 

J. lvi 335 

rey. xviii 133] 
Bates, iv 127] 
—~ ald. J. xxvii 177] 

—— Joah, xxvii 334] . 

—— Rob. convicted of robbery, xlvii 355, 

——— Sarah, xl, 176 

—— T. conyicted of manslaughter, xviii 

Bath, collection for the general hospital, v 

«+++ legacy to it, xvi 100] : 

+... address to the king on the peace, vi 

++.. correspondence between Mr. Pitt and 
Mr. Allen on the peace, vi 206-8] 

+++» riot at an election of master of the ce- 
remonies, xii 89] 126] 127] 

+++. gentleman requested to serve as mem- 
ber in the 17th century, xii 152 

+--+ Septennial opening of the tomb of T. 
Fletcher and his wife, xxi 209] 

«++» dispute with the chairmen, xxxv 52 

«+++ free church consecrated, x1 92 

«oes inundations at, xli 8. xlvi 384 

sees General alarm at, li 266 



Bath, fire at, lvii 43 

Bath, earl of. See Pulteney : 

Bath, Henrietta Laura, countess of, xlvii 
400. 1 26* 

e+e character of, 1 1 

— T. Ist margq. of, vii 176. viii 185] x 
184] xii 54] 64] 72] 110] 129] 181-6] 
200] 208. xiv 41] 44] 47] 199] xx 172] 
257] xxi 164*] 250] xxii 231] xxiii 37] 
xxiv 224] xxxi 267] 

+... secrétary of state, xix 93] 

Batheaston coal and mining company, li 

Bathenrins, iii 56 

Bathiani count, xi 76] 

Bathieux (painter) xxxiv 51 

Bathori,S. See Stephen, k. of Poland 

Baths of the Romans, iv 294 

---- warm, of the Egyptians, xxviii 118 

+++. exposure to extreme cold after in the 
north, xliv 740 

«++. manseized with a fit in one, liii 70 

Bathurst, Allen, Ist earl, ix 293, xxiii 132] 
xxv 214 

«+,» Memoirs of, xviii 22 

— bish. H. liii 56] lviii 53] 1xi 60] 

————. capt. Walter (N) li 477 

C. Bragge, xlviii 615. xlix 117, 
133, 155. 115] 30] li 137, 141, 164. ii 
16, 26, 45, 51, 55, 64, 74, 126, 141, 144. 
liii 73] liv 39] 117] 222] lv 15] 49] 50] 
52] 94] lvi 123] 140] 141] 210] lviii 37] 
lix 52] 1x 12] 130] 

———— Dr. Rich. xxxiv 450. lii 537 

—— H. 2nd earl, v 92] xii 143] xiii 
68] 168] xiv 46] 71] 74] xv 76] xvi 89] 
xvii 95] 125] 139] 170] xix79] xxi 209*] 
185] xxiii 37] 132] 257] xxviii205] xxx 
208] 213] xxxi 129] 306] xxxiv 165 

———_H. 3rd earl, xxxix 105] 1 80] 86] 
1i 306, iii 23] 83] liv 10] 51] lv 7] 37] 
91] lyii 17] 19] 33] 23. lviii3]] 32] 1x 
37] 59] 1xi 76] 

—— l, gen. J. lvii 2] 

m. gen. James, | 261* 

rey. Dr. Ralph, xxxii 206] xlv 

Bey gt) 

Batley, Benj. xlii 384. xliii451. xlvii 852 
Jeremiah, xxxiv 78 
J. Lodge, xxxiv 78 

Batson, Rob. xxxvii 92*] xlvii 864 
‘Batt, J. T. xxxiv 134 

Battalia, Francis, a stone-eater, xii 93 
Battel, powder mills blown up, xl 42. xliii 9 
Batten, rev. Dr. J. H. lvii 59 

Battenson, lady, xxxv 29 

Battersby, 1]. col. Francis, lvi 207, 211, 258 
Battie, Dr. W. vi 158] 

Battle of Dettingen, viii 2 

ese Fontenoy, viii 3. xvii 22, xlii 195] 

Oeee Culloden, viii 5 
Morgarten, xlii 485 
+... Lowositz, i 9 
«++. Prague, i 16 
+++. Colin, i 18 

Parr I, 


Battle of Hastenbeck, i 19 
seee Norkitten, i 20 
++.» Rosbach, i 22 
«+s. Breslau, i 23 
«++. Leuthen, i 24 
«eee Crevelt, i 44, iii 2] 
«+.» Custrin, or Zorndorf, i 51 
«+++ Hochkirchen, i 56 
-... Bergen, ii 8. iii 2] 
«++» Minden, ii 16. iii 2] 
.... Zullichau, ii 24 
«++» Cunnersdorf, ii 25 
eons Niagara, ii 34 
+.«+ Maxen, ii 46 
«++. Sillery, iii 7] 
«+ «+ Corbach, iii 21] 
-++. Warbourg, iii 23] 
+. Pfaffendorf, near Lignitz, iii2 8] | 
«++,» Campen, iii 39] 
«+++ Torgau, iii 47] 
«+.. Wandewash, iii 63] 
--.. Langensaltze, iv 10] 
«+e. Stangerode, iv 12] 
«».+ Kirch Denkern, iv 25-7] 141] 
e-.. Graebenstein, v 25] 
«+». Munden, v 27] 
---- Bushy Run, vi 28-30] 
«++. Buxar, viii 10] 
«+++ Mulwaggle, xii 50] 
+... Lexington, xviii 126*] 
«+.» Bunker’s hill, xviii 134*] 
+. «+» Camdentown, xxiii 232*] 
.. +. Guilford Courthouse, xxiy 65] 
eee» Porto Novo, xxv 85] 
-+.. the Eutaws, xxv 190] 
--+» Dainstadt, xxxi 196*] 
«+++ Jemappe, xxxiv 115] 
«+e» Neerwinden, xxxv 245] 
---» Maubeuge, xxxvi 4] 
ese. Landrecy, xxxvi 15] 
+... Cambray, xxxvi 16] 
e+.» Moneron, xxxvi 16] 
«eee Tournay, xxxvi 17] 21] 
«eee Turevin, xxxvi ]9] 
e+e» Fleurus, xxxvi 23] 
e+e Spanilles, xxxvi 64] 
ees. Figueras, xxxvi 65] 
-- ++ Montenotta, xxxviii 88] 
--.. Millesimo, xxxvili 88] 
«+++ Lodi, xxxviii 93] 
«+e» Arcola, xxxviii 120] 
ees. Rivoli, xxxix 6] 
+. the Pyramids, xl 150] 
«»«» Ballinamuck, xl 13: 
«e+ Aboukir, xli 43] 
.» «+ Magnan, xli 280] 
«+ Novi, xli 294] 
«+. Montebello, xlii 193] 
e+«- Marengo, xlii 193] 

«+» Hohenlinden, xlii 208] 

.-«.- the Mincio, xliii 65] 
«+e. Rhamanie, xliii 229] 91. xliv863, xlv 

ese Delhi, xlv 552, 553, xlvi 224 
ee oe Assye, xlv 506, xlyi 217 


Battle of Laswaree, xlv 559. xlvi 229 

---. Argaum, xlvi 234 

eo... Austerlitz, xlvii 167, 665,717 ~ 

--.. Maida, xlviii 142, 591, 921. xlix 47 

«++. Jena,or Auerstadt, xlviii 191 

--.» Eylau, xlix 11, 649 

e-.- Ostrolenka, xlix 17 

e+ +» Heilsberg, xlix 171 

«. +» Friedland, xlix 172 

e+. Baylen, 1 200] 

se» Roleia, 1 222] 259* 

.... Vimiera, 1 222] 262" 

~++» Corunna, li 21, 370 é‘ 

e--- Talavera, li 183, 193, 400, 469, 496. 
lii 28 

e+» Ocana, li 196. lii 152 

--+- Aspern and Essling, li 209, 378, 704 

e+e Raab, li 214 

e-.. Wagram, li 216 

ee. Tudela, li 358 

~- «+ Buzaco, lii 197, 312 

--.. Albuera, liii 105] 203 

+... Barrosa, liii 112] 181 

«.e~ Fuentes de Honor, liii 197 

«-..- Salamanca, liv 149] 151] 229 

~-.. Moskwa, or Borodino, liv 173] 

---- Lutzen, lv 121] 

~--~» Bautzen, lv 122] 

-... Wurtschen, lv 122] 

=... Dresden, lv 131] 

eee. Toplitz, lv 132] 

-+.. Dennewitz, lv 133] 

--«. Leipsic, lv 136] lvi 94. lix 99 

x1. Vittoria, lv 143] 168 

e.-- Orthes, lvi 163 

---» Waterloo, lvii 66-8] 174-9, 552, 554. 
1xi 17 

‘eee. Ligny, lvii 549 

e+» Bojaca, xi 243] 

Bauboo Mehipnarrain, xxvi 36] 

Baudet, gen. xlii 234, 235 

Baudin, capt. xxxvii 86] xliii 33, 479 

Baudouin (astron.) iv 119] 

Bauer, G. Fred. xliv 775 

Baum, lieut. col. xx 158] 159] xxii 150] 

Baumann’s hole, i 332 

Bauschius, Laur. 1333 

Bausset, lii 568, 586 

margq. de, ix 52] 

Baussiere, M. de, i 95 

Bautzen, fire at, liii 80 

eee battle of, lv 122] 

Bavaria: mortmain law in, vii 109] 

e+. the princess, on her marriage with the 
emperor Joseph, wishing to decline the 
contribution of 60,000 florins, the states 
convert it into a free gift of double the 
sum, viii 57] ie 

e+-. order of St, Elizabeth established by 
the electress, ix 155] 

ee-+ mill on the Danube belonging to the 
bishop of Ratisbon destroyed by the 
troops of, x 131] 

et ha seareity in, xiv 84°] 117] xylii 


Bavaria : copper tokens issued by the elector 
entitling the bearer toa day’s food, xiv 
ais A in, xiv 119] 
ss. Severe edict against duelling, xvi 149) 
wa 7 death of the elector, xx 188*] xxi 4] 
«+--+ succession of the elector Palatine, xxi 
5) 161) 
---- claims of Austria, 2b., ib. 
»-«. Settlementof these, xxiii 5] : 
---. Scheme of exchanging the Austrian 
Netherlands for, xxvii 124] 
-... declaration of the emperor to the 
elector on his neutrality, xxxv 163 
ase sy ee to France for peace, xxxviii 
--.. French ambassador and resident sent 
away, xli 145) : 
+... troops taken into British pay, xli 
265] xlii 162. xliii 146 
-+.. the elector obliged to pay to the French 
great part of his British subsidy, xlii 205) 
«+.. treaty with France, xliii 281] 297 
+«+. —-— with France and Prussia, xliv 
-«. attempt to oppress the equestrian 
order in Franconia, checked by the em- 
peror, xlvi 190 
«+.. note from Mr. Drake on French emi- 
grants being ordered from, xlvi 639 
on a report that 
the British are in danger, xlvi 640 
«+++ note to Mr. Drake on his correspon- 
dence, xlyi 640 
a 3. anne of Austria toward, xlvii 144, 
18 » 
.... the elector’s statement of his conduct, 
xlvii 695 
ss. answer to it, xlvii 706, 709-12 
-.++ proclamation by the elector, xlvii 708 
eiaiote — of gen. Deroy, xlvii 715 
>--- erected into a kingdom, xlviii 216 
-. +» alliance with Austria, lv 136] 439 
ae -» indemnity to be paid by France, lvii 
ty fey of subsidy with G. Britain, lviii 



- concordat with the pope, lix 125 
. complaint of the duke of Baden, Ix 65 
«++» answer to it, 1x 67 
- refusal of the pope to acknowledge 
various bishops, 1x 68 _ 
.. «+ New constitution, lx 75,76, 77 
«+.. union of the Lutheran and reformed 
confessions, 1x 162 
--.. first meeting of the states, Ixi 185] 
-. +.» festival of the Reformation to be cele- 
brated annually, lxi 100 
Bawdin, sir C. See Fulford 
Baxter, Alex. li 91 
» C. iii 87 
J.xxxvi 278] 41 
sir Rob. xliv 127 
Baya, or Indian grossbeak, xxxiii 340] 


Bayard, capt. sir T. (N) xxxi 266] 
——— chev. x 22, 23 
J. A. (Amer.) Ivi 192] 
ayardo, v 23 
a. margq. of, | 39 
Bayen, Pet. lvii 438 
Bayer, Franc. Perez, canon of Toledo, xi 

Bayet, du, Aubert, xli 313 

Bayle, i 238, 465, 468 

—— E.C. 1x 275 

Baylen, battle of, 1 200] 

Bayles, adm. liii 194 

Bayley, Dan. xliii 145 

sir J. li 270. liv 97, 290, 292. lvi 
287, ib. lviii 313. lix 167, 171, 183. 1x 
251, 252, 253, 275, 276, 303. Ixi 35, 206, 
209, 210, 215, 216, 264, 267, 271 

Baylis, Dr. (phys. to the k. of Prussia) 
xxix 201] 
Baylor, col. (Amer.) xxii 4] 6] 
Bayly, col. xlv 403 
—— couns. lviii 301 
Zachary, xliii 401 
at (i capt. W. (N) xxv 206*] 208] xlviii 
Baynes, capt. (A) xlvi 233 

J. xxx 192.-xxxi 155. 1xi 304 

—  m.gen. Edw. lv 182] 134, 151. lvi 

Rob. lvii 321 

sir Christ. li 303 

Baynham, W. lviii 347 

- Bayning, C. Ist lord, xlvii 68 

Bayntun, adm. sir H. W. xxxvi 73. xlv 431. 
1 129* 

Edw. (consulat Tripoli) xv 140] 
Bayreuth, caverns of, xxxvi313, 316 
Bayssur, gen. xxxvi 126] 
let Jung, xxv 41] xxvii 52] 
Bazely, adm. J. xxii 284] 
adm. J. jun. xli 88 
capt. H. (N) x1 121 
cn Mary, her petition to Cromwell, 
i 267 
Beachcroft, S. xxiii 384] xxiv 328] 337] 
xxv 314] xxviii 301] 200. xxxii 329] 

Beaconsfield, fire at, lv 31 
Beadon, bish. Rich. ii 106. xi 176] 
—— J. xlvi 401 

Beadwork, xix 109 

Beagle, etymology of the word, ii 365 

| Beans, produce of one in four years, iii 149] 

+--+ Substitute for hemp from the stalks, 
li 865 

rown, lviii 535 
— longtailed. See Weasel, Brazilian 
—— sea, xv 93 
--.- maternal affection of, xviii 83 
— white, lviii 534. lix 529 
Bearcroft, couns, Edw. xiv 109] 210] xv 
139) xvii 85) xviii 227] xxi 190] xxii 
_ 216] 217] xxiy 183] 217n.| xxyi 208] 
221] 222) xxvii 181] 192] 280] xxix 246] 


xxxi 224] xxxiii29] 46] xxxv 173] xxxvi 
4]. xxxviii 44. xl 63 
Beard, J. (actor) xix 233. xxxiii 9] . 
—— lady Henrietta, xxxiii 9] 
Beardmore, Arth. vi 82] 98] vii 52] 81] 
viii 64] 88 
.... damages given him, vii 73] 112] 
. liv 286 
sheriff, found guilty of a con- 
tempt, ii 71 
Bears, mode of hunting, xxvii 94. lx 12 
.... in N. America, xxxiv 486 
.+ ++ man injured by, at a baiting, xlviii 412 
++. boy hurt by one, xlviii 459 
...- man shot for one in America, Iviii 189 
.+-. extraordinary depredations by, in 
Russia, lix 15, 
Bearsfoot, children poisoned by, v 72] 
-... a remedy for worms, v 72] 
Beast, wild, great ravages of one, in the 
Gevaudan, in France, viii 132] 
Beaton, card. ix 47, 48 
Beattie, David, xlvii 764 
James Hay, xvii 774 
Montague, xlvii 774 
prof. James, xiv 252. xx 82, 169, 
174. xxvi 125, 127, 130, 207. xxxiii 
«++. On some passages of the 6th Aneid, 
xxxii 109 
«ess account of, xlvii 764 
Beatty, Dr. W. xlix 807 
Beau, C. le, xiii 44, 50, xxxvili 355 
Beauchamp, capt. (N) xlvi 550 
——_—_ G. vise. xvi 199 
lady. See Hertford, march. 
lord. See Hertford, marq. 
Rich. vise. lviii 328 
——— sirT. xxvii 145n. 

W. Ist earl, xxvii 268] x1 54 
—_——_—_-— W. B. 2nd earl, lv 18] lvi 141] 
Beauchamps, Jos. xxxv 352. xlii 218] xliii 

Beauclerk, adm. lord Amelius, li 477 
bish. lord James, xiii 151] xiv 




— gen. lord G. viii 201] 

hon. Topham, xvii 33. xxxiii 

460] x1 326 

— lady Diana, xxiii 225 

lord Vere, xviii 27 

Beaudot, gen. xlv 953 

Beaufort, H. Ist duke of, xxxvi 364 

——_——_ H. Sth duke of, 1102. ii 57. xii 
120] xiii 63] 67] xiv 67] xlil 

——— H.C. 6th duke, xlvii, 355. li 346. 
lviii 167 

— (in France) duke of, xxxi 209*] 

Beaufoy, col, H. (vol.) xlviii 354. iii 95. 
lix 502 

—_— H. xxviii 121] xxix 114]: xxx 
104] xxxi 145] 147] 156] xxxii 93] 
xxxv 295 

Beauharnois, chey, de, governor of Canada, 
xiv 191 


Beauharnois, count, li 284. lvi 42 

———-——. Eugene, xl vii 137, 715. xlviii 

216. xlix 276, 278, 782. 1 135] li 214, 

219,738. lii 19, 257*. liv 178] lv 116] 

119] 121] 164] lvi 13] 32] 401 

mile, xliv 87 

———— Stephanie, xlviii 217 

Beaujeu, M. xix 152*] 

Beaujolais, duke de, xlii 3 

Beaujon, Ant. xxxviii 72 

——— M. xxviii 210] 

Beaulieu, lord, viii 204] xv 206] xxi 303] 
xxii 342] xxiii 330] 331] 333] 

——— gen. bar. xxxiv 119] xxxvi 17] 
35] xxxviii 88] 97] 99] 197 

——- xxxiv 476] 

Beaumarchais, Pet, Aug. Caron de, xvi 85] 
xxii 405] xxiii373] xxxii 117. xxxiv 93] 
xl 304. lvii 89 

Beaumelle, L. A. de la, ii 291 

Beaumont, Albanis, xxxvii 70*] 

— capt. C. (A) xlix 655 

— Francis, xxiii 156 

gen. (French) xlvii 148 

——— G. xlv 829. li 257, 273 

J. T. Barber, xlvi402 ~ 

——— Rebecca, xlv 421 

sir G. xx 206, xxxiv 9 

———-——- sir T. xvii 54 

T. R. Ix 130 

———— T. W. lxi 153] 

-———_—.. Walter, xlv 829 

— W. xlvii 394. xlix 456. 1 40* 

de, Elie, vii 105] 

Beaurain v. sir W. Scott, lv 278 

Beausejour, fort, in N. America, taken from 
the French, i 4 

Beausset, M. de, xxv 115] 117] 124] 

Beauteville, chev. de, ix 159] 

Beauty of form, xiv 154 

-natural, xxiv 155, 163 

Beauvais, xxxv 280] 

Beauvau, prince de, xxi 1 

Beauvilliers, duke de, lii 568 

Beauxjoyeux, Baltazarin de, xii 165 

Beaver, natural history of the, ix 107, xiv 
100. lyiii 551 

Beaver, capt. (N) liii 179, 214 

lieut. col. iii 104] 

Beazly, rev. lv 801 

Bebb, J. li 422 

Bebe, the Polish dwarf, vii 89] x 108 

Beccaria, Ant. de, xxi 27 

———_ mar¢. xvii 219] xxxviii 345.1117] 

Becher, R. iii 236] 237] 

Beck, gen. iii 29] 30] xxx 18] 

Jeremiah, xli 33 

Mary, murdered by W, Suffolk, 

xxxix 16 


van, i 51 
le, H. J. xli 380 
Becker, J. Conrad, xtiii 457 
Becket, T. (bookseller), xviii 94] 
ne iif a, vii 179, yili 102} x 19, 20, xv 
124, xvi 262 




Becket, T, a, his disputes with Henry II, iv 

- ++. assassination of, x 281 

«..+ his character, x 285 

Beckford, ald. W. ii 107. iv 95] 301] x 145] 
xi 82] 101] 222] xii 73] 113] 133] 200] 
xiii 80*] 119] 120] xiv 111] xvi 188] 
xix 169] 

+++. great entertainment by, on Easter 
Monday, vi 67] 

--++ chosen lord mayora 2nd time, xii 137] 
139] 140] 149] 

++ declines admitting the guards into the 
city at the execution of the cutters in 
Spitalfields, xii 162] 

+++ correspondence with the secretary at 
war, on soldiers passing through the city, 
xii 187] 

«+-- great entertainments by, xiii 81] 93] 

.»++ Spirited conduct in the affair of the 
Kennedies, xiii 103] » 

-.+- his reply to the king, xiii 203] xiv 

+++. ON going up with an address, desired 
to make no reply to the king, xiii 111] 
«++. Statue to, xiii 125] 146] xv 108] 
Francis Love, xxxiv 78 
Rich. xviii 90] xix 120] 125] 138] 
——— W. jun. ii 142. xiv 111] xxvii 
335n.] xliii 28. xliv 374. xlviii 412 
Beckmann, J. xlii 417 
-— prof. N, ix 42, 43 

Beckwith, col. xlvii 99 
gen. sir G, lii 262 
1. col. iv 141 

——. m. gen. sir T. §. lii 302, lv 183] 

184] 187 
W. lviii 191 

Bective, T. Ist earl, xiv 247] xxvi 196] 
xxxi 311] 813] 314] 

Beddingfield, xxxii 146 

—————_—_ J. murder of, vi 168] 

Beddoes, Dr. T. xxxiii 309] xxxviii 399 

Bede, ii 410. xvi 137, 258. xvii 12i. xxi 

Fred. liii 7 

Bedell, bish. W. xii 50x 

Bedezee, xlix 447 

Bedford, benefaction to the town of, vy 84] 

«+e. election of mayor, xii 128] 

«ee fire at, xliv 406 

seoereen ey school not open to Jews, Ixi 

Ce Ann, Ist duchess of, xliii 486, 487, 

capt. W. (N) xliii 130 

——— countess of, xxiii 169 
C. xxviii 190 
Francis, 2nd earl of, xxi 235, 236 
——- 5th duke, xxx 298] xxxi 

298] 304} xxxvi 244] 257] 13, 144, 151, 
152, xxxvii 151] 183] 187] 191] 220] 43, 
144, #6, 153, 2. 155. xxxyiii 138] 15) 18] _ 
19] 20) 40) 487.) xxxix 150] 164] 183) 



194] 234] 242] 261] 177. xl 203) 205] 
238] 5, 84, 209, 211, 215. xli 186] 18. 
xlii 80] 155] 12, 20, 31. xiii 178] 179] 
21, 46. xliv 4, 17, 379. xlvii 74. lviii 81 

Bedford, Francis, 5th duke, character of, 
xliv 108 

sees Wills of, xliv 374 

++.» death and funeral of, xliv 384 

..-- Statue in Russel square, li 315 

Gunning, jun. (Amer.) xxix 299] 

J. duke of (regent of France), xxi 

224. xxx 106 

J. 4th duke of, ii 124, 265. iv 180] 
yv 48] 101] 103] 120] 233] 242-5] vi 42] 
81] vii 128] viii 79] xi 75*) 171] xii 
128] xiii 123. xiv 70] 102] xxx 101] 

..». his answer to the address of the Irish 
parliament on an increase of salary to the 
lord lieut. v 74] 

..-- installed chancellor of the university of 
Dublin, xi 174) . 

J. 6th duke, xliv 374. xlv 361, 
440, xlvi 387. xlvii 365. xlviii 263, lix 
65] Ixi 149] 150] 16 

..«- lord lieut. of Ireland, xlviii 26 

— W. ist duke, xiv 35. xliii 486. 
xlvii 898 

Bedford house, sale of, xlii 12 

Bedingfield, sir H. xv 8. Ixi 447 

Bedlam. See Bethlehem hospital 

Bedlock, capt. (Amer.) xxii 13] 

Bedloe, capt. W. x 45. xii 58 

Bednore taken by gen. Matthews, xxvi 92] 

Beds, size of, anciently, vii 177 

Bedworth, T. ii 112 

Beech, tall and slender, xx 117 

Beech oil recommended, xi 63] 

Beecher, sir W. xxi 241 

Beehive, petrified, x 117 

Beenham, Berks, fire at, xvii 124] 

Beer, history of the London brewery, iii 

++.. quantity brewed in and near London, 
iii 174] xxxiii 33] xxxviii 48] xxxix 37. 
xl 104, 105. xli 42, 43. lii 421. liii 79. 
liv 99. lv 45. lvi 341. lvii 325. lviii 353. 
lix 240. Ix 83. 1Ixi 307 

+.«» rise in the price of, iv 124] v 73] 75] 

-» +» penalty for diluting, v 76] 

+++. additional duties on, v 159] xxv 290] 
xliv 124 

+. +.» revenue from, xvii 175] 

++.» quantity brewed at different periods, 
xxxix 39 

Beer, in Dorsetshire. See Bere 
Beer, W. xliv 778 

’ Bees, experiments on, 1346. xi 113 

«+.. great advantages from, viii 157 

ae” and useful hives for, viii l61. xi 


+» ++ Mr. Wildman’s command over, ix 130] 

«++. Swarm on a woman’s head, neck, and 
bosom, x 109] 

+se+ honey-dews collected by, xi 95 

Bees : directions for the management of, xi 
101, 103. xxxili 313] 
+... method of preserving, xi 115 
«++. Management of in Portugal, xxxviii 
.... mastiff stung to death by, xlv 432 
..+. attachment to the queen, | 87* 
. union of two swarms, | 109 
+... hest in one place for eight years with- 
out swarming, lviii 180 
Beesdorf, Prussia, fire at, xxvi 220] 
Beet, red, culture of, recommended, liv 502 

. Beetles, animals buried by, to feed their 

young, iv 107] 
Beevor, sir T. xxviii 87 
Beffin, miss, without legs or arms, li 264 
Begbie, W. murder of, xlviii 454. xlix 471 
Begemder, Sol. Lipman, lvi 88 
Beggars, impostors detected, i 86 
....» black John of Bristol, ii 60 
»... children’s eyes put out by, iv 96] x 
++.. possessed of property, iv 174] viii 127] 
ix 81] 92] 160] x 114] xiv 121] xv 154] 
xxiv 190] xxxiv 50. liv 97. lix 61 
--+- prohibited in Strasburgh, xi 59] 
+... ———— in Sweden, xi 69] 
.».- child hired by one, xv 138] 
---- London, xliv 580. lvii 575, 594 
e+e Parisian, xlvi 759 
. attempts to suppress, lvi 102 
.+.» several convicted of a riot, lvii 40 
+... punished as rogues and vagabonds, Ixi 
Beggar’s Opera, request of the Westmin- 
ster justices, that it should be laid aside 
on account of it’s mischievous effects, xvi 
Beggee Jan, lvii 453 
Beguin, sieur, murdered by the sieur Che- 
lais, xii 135] 
Beguinot, gen. xli 119] 
Begums of Oude, xxvi 9] 26] xxix 150] 
xxx 175] 
Behmen, Jacob, xii 42. xxxiii 250] 
Behn, Afra, viii 33 
Behr, bar. xiv 131] 
Behring, capt. Vitus, iii 89. xxvii 159 
Behring’s island, iv 109 
Beighton, rev. xv 220 
Bekker, gen. lvii 84] 
Belair, C. (Negro) xlv 531 
gen. Leger, xlix 19 
Belcher, James, xliii 43. xlv 400 
J. iv 99] 
—— T. xIvii 398. xlix 465, 474 
W. ii 107 
Belfast, petition to the king on reform of 
parliament, xxviii 8] 
....- pestilential fever imported, lviii 39 
Belfour, J. Dan. xl 387. xli 402 
Belgiojoso, count, xxvii 106] xxix 213*] 
226*] 230*] 
Belgium. See Netherlands, Austria, France, 
and Holland 



Belgrade, fire at, vili 75] | 

«+. attempt of the Austrians to surprise, 
xxx 29] 

«... siege of, xxx 40] xxxi 177] 

Belgrano, gen. lv 194] 

Belgrave, lord. See Grosvenor, eari 

Belhaven, lord, xli 219 

——— W. 7th lord, xxx 144] 

Beliarte, king of Malayala, xlix 894 

Belidor, B. Forest de, i 67 

Belisarius, xxv 6, 9. xxx 5 

Belknap, rev. Jeremy, xxix 87 

Bell, Butler wv. for being bitten by his dog, 
iv 121] 

—— Ann, iii 133] iv 70] 77] 

—— Benj. xxxv 334 

couns. lviii 280, 288. 1x 320 

—corporal __, taken up for preaching 
in an unlicensed meeting house, vi 58] 

— Eliz. xlv 829. xlix 855 

— H. xli 172 : 

—— James, xli 404. Jiii 266 

— J. iv 104] xlvii 422 

—— J. (commiss.) xxiv 332] 

—— J. of Auchtermony, x 84, 139, 140. 
xii 76. xxiii 225] 

«... account of the Tatars by, x 23 

lieut. J. (N) liii 521 

—— rev. Dr. W. xl 45 : 

— serg. J., scheme for blowing up the 
Royal George, xxxi 217] 

aaa ——— for breaking booms 

across harbours, xxxi 224] 

—— T. intended forgery on the Bank of 
Scotland, xviii 162] 

T. (Surrey magistr.) xxvii 202] 

—— T. xxxiv 78 

—— W. xxxv 292, 293. xlvii849. xlix 853. 
li 543. lvii 320, 2d. 

Bellamont, C. earl of, xiv 247] xv 207] xvi 
72] 85] xxxi 312] 313] 314] xxxix 261 

-..- character of, liii 376 

Pee, George Ann, i 434. xv 123] xxvii 

Humphry, xxxiii 24] 
T. E. convicted of forgery, xliv 


Bellarmin, card. Rob. ix 56 

Bellas, G. xii 74] 103] xxv 195] 

Bellasis, G. lviii 180 

———- lord, xxviii 168 

Beilay, de, viii 84] 

Bellbar, Herts, fire at, xvii 82] 

Belle, chev. xli 77 

Bellecombe, M. de, xxii 177] 

Bellecourt (actor) xxi 1 

Bellegarde, m. gen. xxxvi 76, x1i 238] 250] 
258] 263] 289] 294] xlii 174] xliii 59] 
61] 63] 69] 11 205, 390. ly 173] lvi 12] 
lvii 74] 

Belleisle described, iv 15] 

«+++ attempt on, iv 16] 

»-ee landing made good, ¢d. 

e+ee Surrendered, iv 17] 124] 

eves terms of capitulation, iv 293] 


Belleisle : fortifications destroyed, iv 148] 
+. State of the troops at, iv 176] 
.... restored to the French, v 61] 237] 
chey. de, ix 6 ‘ 
— marsh. duke de, i 37. ii 6, 16, 21. 
iv 66] ix 5,12, 18, 21,27. xvii7. xix 185 
.+«- Speech ascribed to him, i37 
.-.. death of his only son, i 44 
...» his letters to Contades, on the conduct 
to be pursued in the enemy’s country, ii 
234, 235, 237 
Bellemont, de, gen. xxxiv 92] 
Bellew, sir Edw. liii 92] 
Belli, J. xxxvii 113 
lieut. G, L. (N) xlix 664* 
Belliard, (jeweller) v. sir T. Frankland, — 
xviii 126] 230] 
--—-——— gen. xliii 211] 234] 110. 1199] 
114. litt 115] 
Belling, gen. xv 22] xxi 27] 
Bellingham, J. liv 75] 71 
«+. account of, liv 74 
...» trial of, liv 304 
Belloff, m. gen. xxxiii 67 
Belloi, P. L. Buyrette du, xviii 96] 
Bellon, Rutlandshire, fire at, xix 146] 
Belloni, marq. v 179 
Bells, largest in the world, xli 42 
eee large, xli 341 
+++» changes rung on, xlii 11. xlvi 421 
oe man killed by the fall of one, xlviii 
-».. danger of ringing during storms, lviii 
Belluno, duke of. See Victor 
Bellyngam, Rob. xiv 151 
Belmore, Armar, Ist earl, xlii 202, 209 
Beloe, rev. W. xxxvii 156*] xlvili 421 
Belon, Pet. xxxi 92, 93 
Belooches, account of the, lviii 506 
Belsham, rev. W. xxxvii 5*] xlii 313 
W. murder of, lvi 95 
Belvedere, count, 1 232] 1i7 
Belvidere, ear] of, action against his brother 
for adultery, ii 98 
Belville, J. convicted of stealing plate at 
Buckingham House, xxxiii 8] 
Belvoir castle, fire at, lviii 171 
Belzoni, Ix 602, 1xi 346 
Bembo, card. xi 221z. xvi 194 
Bembridge, C. xxv 310] xxvi 221] xxvii 
190] xxviii 289] 178. xxxiv 133, 134. 
xlviii 121 
Bemetzrieder, Ant. xliii 457 
Bemman, W. lvii 321 
Ben, big, xxxi 260] xxxiv 1] 
Benares, account of, xxvi 2] 
++-- transferred to the E. India Company, 
xxvi 6] 
+» Subsidies demanded from the rajah, 
xxvi 7] hi 
e+. requisition of cavalry, xxvi 8] 
«++» deposition of Cheit Sing, xxvi 36] 
Benbow, W. lx 51 
Benchounah, xiv 51 




Benda, (mus.) xvi 275 

Bender besieged by the Russians, xiii 20] 
xxxi 180] 

.... taken by storm, xiii 21] 

Bender, marsh. xxxiii 34, 63. xxxiv 285, 

Bendish, Bridg. (grand-daughter of O. 
Cromwell), character of, xvi 77 

Benedict IT, ii 406 

———— II, xxi 221 

——— XI, vii 253 

——— Xil], xviii 5, xxxi 9 

———— XIV, v 87] x 6] xi 150] xii 127, 
132. xviii 147*] 5, 6, 9. xlii 418. xlv 
462. xlvii 746 

— abbot of Winal 

Beneram pundit, xxvi 24] 

Benevento, seized by the king of Naples, 
xi 53*] 

+... restored to the Pope, xvi 57] 

Benevento, conde de, xii 18 

—— prince of. See Talleyrand 

Benevolence, act of, iv 60] 

Benfield, Paul, xxii 314] xxvii 188*] 189*] 
xxxili 279. xliii 18 

+++. See also Boyd and Benfield 

Bengal, declaration with regard to the 
limits of, v 244] 

-».. earthquake felt in, vi 60] 61] 

«.+» volcanoes opened on the Secta Cunda 
hills, yi 61] 

-»-- famine in, xiv 83*] 83] 

-. +» account of, xlii 477 

-... population of, xlv 400 

«+. passage in an open boat across the bay 
of, lix 579 

v 150. xvi 13827. 
xvii 121 

Bengelius, prof. J. Alb. xi 152 

Benham, J. x 102] 

Benicke, W. lvi 337 

Benider, Jacob, minister from Morocco, 

xv 122] 

Benincasa, count, xxvii 332] 
Beniore, don Francis, ii 252 
Beniowski, count, xxxviii 376 
Benjafield, capt. 
Benjamin, W. 1xi 299 
Benketham, J. xliii 494 
Bennet v. Underhill, lvii 286 

liv 284 

xii 140 
xxx 169] 

ii 276 
vi 292 
(secondary of Wood-street comp- 
ter) vii 80] 
Alex. xxxii 329] 
bish. W. xlvi 723 
—— capt. W. (N) xxii 256] 
——— couns. lix 207 

—_— H. Grey, liv 18] 6)] 217] lv 18. 

Ivi 501. lvii 51) Iviii 4] 16] lix 28] 363. 
Ix 21] 124] 1xi 140] 162] 

James, xlii 362. xlv 828 

J. lviii 299. 1xi 301 

—— sir H, xxviii 41 

Bennet, sir Simon, xlvi 725 
T. v. Buggins, for wages on board 
an E. Indiaman burnt by authority, ix 
Bennet’s hill, Thames street, fire at, xiii 

Bennigsen, gen. xlviii 204, 206. xlix 6, 10, 
16, 170, 173, 649. liv 431 

Bennison, xxxix 53 

Bennock, J. xliii 452 

Benoit ix 12] xvi 37] 

Bensley _— (actor) ix 264. xi 223 

T. xlix 513 

W. xxviii 200] 

Benson, Arth. xxvii 301] 

bish. Martin, xi 17. xiii 62 

J. xxii 58. xxxii 331] 

Mary. See Phipoe, M. T- 

T. wife about tobe buried alive, x 


W. iv 68 

Bensouty, gen. xlvii 148 

Bent, Rob. xlvi 111 

Bentham, Bryan, lii 424 

capt. G. (N) lviii 235 

——__—. Jeremiah, xxxv 170] xlii 396. lx 

—— rev. James, xv 130, xvi 137. xxxvi 

—— S. xliv 785 

——— sir S. liv 314,315 

Bentinck, capt. (N) iii 108] xviii 76 

count, iv 62] xvili 76. xxv 122] j 

—— —_— xxix 32] 

———— lord Edw. xi 146] 

——— lord W. li 3, 21, 73, 371. liii 146] 
liv 191] lv 35] 146] 148] 150] 174] 176, 
224. lyi 33] 83] 190, 344. lvii 3] 4] 18] 
74] 297 

Bentley, James Cumberland, xxxii 204] 

— Nath. xliii 521x. 

rev. Dr. Rich. xix 46. 
xxxii 126. xliii 383 

.. es account of, xlviii 1074. xlix 815 

——— Rich. xlix 819 

—_——— Tim. xlvi 826 

Benvenuti, Dr. Jos. xii 86 

Benyowski, count M. A. de, his arrival in 
China, xv 202] by at 

Berbice, insurrection of the negroes at, vi 
84 r } 

xx ds 

..«- auction of slaves, xlviii 854 

.... retained by G. Britain, Ivi 98] 
Berchem, Berthout van, xxxii 58 
Bercheur, Peter, xxiv 191 

Berchtold, count, x1 402 

Berdt, Denys de, xi 250] xii 129] 

Bere, Dorsetshire, fire at, x 99] 

Berenger, C. Random, xlii 380. lv 319. lvi 

147] 325 
—— Rich. xiv 260 
Berenikoff, vi 16] vii 186] 

Berens, couns. lviii 271 
Berenstad (singer), xviii 221 
Beresford family, xxxvii 228] 27 

Beresford, bish. W. xxxi 312] 313] 314] 

317) 7 
J. Claudius, xxxvii 12. xliii 167] 

xlvi 11. lii 107 

r. adm, sir J. P. lii 37. liv 251 

W.Carr, lord, xviii 233, 235, 239, 
596, 600, 601, xlix 42, 209, 216, 215, 
615, 643. 1i 22, 177, 179, 372, 376, 451, 
683. lii 191, 208, 314. liii 103] 105] 185, 
201, 203. liv 163] 210, 231. lv 152] 229, 
240. lvi 17] 138] 163, 175, 181. 1x 402. 
lxi 400 ‘ 

Beretwald, abp. of Canterbury, ii 410 

Berg, gen. xiii 14] xlvii 174 

—— grand duke of. See Murat 

Bergasse, xxxi 214*] 243*n] 

Bergemoletto, persons buried in the snow, 
1297. viii 85 

Bergen, battle of, ii 8. iii 2] 

Berger, brig. xxx 78 

Bergere, capt. 1 130* 

Bergerie, M. de la, xxx 10 

Bergfried, affair of, xlix 9 

Berghem (painter), xxxix 10 

Bergman, prof. sir Torbern, xxiii 96, xxiv 
78. xxviii 74 

Bergoing, xiii 22] 

Beringschiold, xxiv 182] 

Berkel, Engelb. Fran. van, xxiii 356] xxiv 
143] xxviii 68] xxix 16] 

Berkeley peerage decision, liii 72, 263 

adm. sir G. Cranfield, xxviii 104] 
xxix 89] xxx 106] xxxvi 74, 89, 92. 
xxxvii 166] xliv 183. xlv 55, 361. xlvi 
11, 39, 52. 1ii 303 

e+.» action against various persons for a 
libel, xlvi 396 

bish. G. i 330, 369. iii 79. v 121] 
vi 182, 183. vii 46. xiv 255. xxxii 38. | 262 

es +. memoirs of, vi 2 

C. 2nd earl of, ix 69. xxxii 36 

Eliz. countess of, xli 356 

Fred. Aug. 5th earl of, xiii 70] 

197] xv 69] 99] xvii 161] xix 186] 1 130* 

lili 263. lviii 277 

G. Monk, xxxii 35 

hon. G, xxvii 268] 

J. lord, vi 137] 

«-.. legacies by, xvi 99] 

James, 3rd earl, lx 136 

lady Mary, xlii 425 

——— lieut. (N) lii 204 

—_ l. col. sir G. H. F. lv 172 

‘——— T. lord, xxi 230 

T. Morton, 6th earl, liii 72 

_ W. Fitzhardinge, lii 303. iii 72. 

lviii 9 
Berkeley square, fire in, lviii 26 
a ey Dr. James, xxii 328] xxxili 
Berkenrode, van, 1147. iv 67] 
Berkinnet, sir Ralph, xvii 132 
Berkshire, address to the king on the con- 
duct of ministers, lii 247* 
earl of, xxxvi 364 


Berlendinni, bar. xv 114] 116] 

Berlier, gen. xlii 7] E 

Berlin, conspiracy to set fire to, ii 109 

..-+ described, iii 43] 

.. ++ capitulates, iii 44] ' 

«+.» how treated by the victors, 7b. 210] 

.. +» answer to the complaint, iii 217] 

-+.. pictures commemorative of warriors 
slain, placed in the garrison church, iv 
176] vi 97] 

«++. bank established at, vii 109] 

.... chamber of insurance established, 
viii 68] 

«++. new Turkey company at, viii 96] 

.... Italian musician beheaded for an in- 
trigue with a great personage, xii 86] 

. gang of incendiaries, liii 99 

.»+» persons taken up for hissing at the 
theatre, lvi 112 

«++. theatre burnt, lix 64 

+... memorial of the late wars to be 
erected at, Ix 125, 126 

Berlin, xlii 75] 

Bermondsey, riot of tanners at, lviii 51 

Bermudas, account of, xxxv 432 

+.. conspiracy of the negroes, v 76] 

.» +» smart shock of an earthquake, viii 77] 

-... distress for want of provision from 
America, xviii 140] 

«... powder magazine plundered by the 
Americans, xix 34] 

.+.. grants for the civil establishment, 
xxvii 302] xxviii 250] xxix 560] xxx 
262] xxxi 285] xxxii 278] xxxiii 142] 
xxxiv 148, xxxv 106, xxxvi 119. xxxvii 
118. xxxviii 107. xxxix 169. xl 204. xli 
194. xlii 164. xliii 188. xliv 584. xlv 629. 
xlvi 582. xlvii 587. xlviii 636. xlix 729°. 1 
185*. 11535. lii 422. liii 306 

«+++ public money embezzled, liii 135 

.... hurricane at, lv 195] 

Bermudez, gen. lvii 127] 1xi 246] 

Bern, legacy of a citizen to prevent dearth, 
1 382 

+++. magazines for corn and wine there, vii 

e+e. government of, vii 132 

..+. Sacrifice of a child by his parents, xi 

..+. proclamation respecting Geneva, xxxvi 

Bernachi, ii 16 

Bernadotte, marsh. C. J. Jules, xxxviii 136] 
xxxix 29] 62] 82] xl 27. xli 239] 253] 251. 
xlii 171] xlvi 176. xlvii 146, 154, 166, 
168, 639, xlviii 159, 190, 194, 197, 205, 
674. xlix 6, 19, 259. 1 304*n. li 44. lii 
245, 291. liii 141] liv 95. lv 132] 134] 
137] 163] 165} 167] lvi 10] 32] 44] 119} 
lyii 111] lix 131] 479. 1x 165] 16, 98, 115, 
Ixi 60, 425 

Bernal, Ralph, lxi 140] - 

Bernard, (actor) xxxiii 159 

——— And. xxi 140 

——— James, vise. lii 10, 23 



Bernard, Harriet, xl 176 

——-rey. Dr. _ xlviii 890 

——- Scrope, x1 176 

sir F. ii 192. xi 237] 238] 242] 
247] 251] 252] xii 55*] xiii 76] xiv 94] 
xvii 201] 202] 

.». sec. of state’s letters to, ix 173] 174] 

«»-. speech to the general court, ix 

..-- address in answer, ix 179] 4 

..-- altercations with the assembly, xi 
68*-74*] , 

+.» petition from the committee of con- 
vention, xi 246] 

—— sir J. xlviii 1078 

sir T. lviii 605. 1x 606 

T. x1 400. xlviii 418. lii 136 

Berners, H. xiii 122] 

——— J. lord, xlvi 820 

Berney, J.i 102. ii 57 

de, vi98 

Bernier, Dr. Fran. xv 88 

Bernieres, xix 130 

Bernini, J. L. v255. xiv 189. xv 146 

Bernis, card. F. J. de P. de, ii 236. ix 16. 
x 112] xvii 10. xxxili 149, 155. xxxvi 39, 
xli 348 : 

Bernoulli, Dan. xxv 209] 

———. J. xxxii 4 

Bernstorff, count And. Pet. xv 72*] xxviii 
57] xxx 191) xxxi 192] 336] xxxiv 315, 
316. xxxvii 236. xliii 97] xlix 251, 259. 

count Joachim, xlix 261 
count J. H. E. i 229. xi 152] 
Berolla, Ant. li 544 
Berri, duke de, xxxi 255*] xxxiy 263. lvi 
a lvii 58] 63] lviii 112] 114] lix 
Berriman, Rob. xlviii 957 
Berrolla, J. A. lii 419 
Berruyere, gen. — xxxv 254] 
Berry, capt. sir Edw. (N) xl 87, 143. xli 
19. xlii 19, 72. xlviii 584. lv 6 
capt. (Amer, N) xxiv 254] 
J. v 75) 
Jeremiah, x 106 
—— lieut. W. (N) xlix 496 
—- Rob. and Eliz. convicted of ill-using 
their apprentice, xiii 146] 
—— 5. viii 82] 
Berryer, gen. xlii 11 
M. iii 206] 
Berte, Ant. Fran. xlviii 959, xlix 857 
Berthier, (engineer) xxxiv 96] 
——— gen. C. xlv 535, 538 
marsh, xxxi 255*] xxxiv 93] 102] 
110) xxxvii 86] xxxix 7] x] 17] 52] 113] 
xli 14) 35n.] 38] 46] 257, xlii 2] 11] 47] 
78) 171) 177] 193] 277. xlvi 176. xlvii 
144, 662. xlviii 132, 217. xlix 15.1136] 
ied li 13. liv 165] 167] ly 121] 128) li 
49] |xi 431 
Berthollet = -xli 15] xlii 2] 


Berthon and Costar v. Loughnan and ano- 
ther, lxi 191 

col. liv 153 

Berthoud, Ferd. x 141] 

Bertie, adm. sir Albemarle, lii 263, 298. 
liii 171 

adm. sir T. xli 88 

hon. capt. Willoughby (N) lii 295 

lord Albemarle, viii 96] 

Bertin, Exupere Jos. ix 96 

Bertin de Bourdeille, vii 71. 

Bertola, ab. xxxii 160. lvi 464 

Berton, Balbe. See Grillon 

Bertrand de Calvados, xlii 23] 24] 

—— de Moleville, xxxiv 15] 18] 20] 
192n.] xxxv 194] 201) xxxvii 117n.] 
xlviii 375 

—— gen.count, xlix 16. li 215. lv 135] 
lvii 66] 84] 85] 52, 104, 364 

—— mad. lvii 84] 85] 

Berwick, petition to the king, xii 153] 162] 

Berwick, marsh. duke of, xvii 7 

-... character of, x 47 

-».. account of, xxii 17 

rev. Edw. v. rt. hon. J. H. Hut- 
chinson, xxi 185] 

Besancon, earthquake felt at, xxvii 222] 

Besberodko, xxvii 185] 

Besborough, Fred. 3rd earl, xxv 182] xxxvii 
148] 150, 153. xl 205] 211, 216. xli 209. 
xliv 402. xlix 520 

W. 2nd earl of, vii 178] x 184] 
xi 221] xiii 70] 197] 199] xiv 252] xvi 
118] 218] 243] 245] xvii 274] 276] 278] 
xviii 249] 251] xix 255] xx 280] xxi303] 
xxii 342] 348] xxiii 331] 333] xxiv 292] 
xxxi 298] 304] xxxviii 364 

Bessarabia, subjected to Russia, xiii 25] 

Bessieres, marsh. xlii 2] xlvi 176. xlvii 
160, 168. xlviii 205. xlix 12. 1170] 197] 
210] lili 115] 118] 

Best, col. lviii 55 

— lieut. T. (A) xlv 485 

sir W. Draper, xliv 358, 400. xlv 153, 
363, 597. xlvi 110. xlvii 99. xlviii 93. 1 
14*, li 271, 288, 294, 297, 314. lii 331. 
lv 275. lvi 147] 210] 296, 307. lvii 24, 
289, 290, 298. lviii 258, 279, 295, 303. 1x 
287, 316. 1xi 227, 229, 251, 252, 255, 268, 

.... indicted for an assault, xlvi 398 

Bestiality, persons convicted of, xiii 158] 
xix 133 

Bestucheff, count, i 40. xiii 137, 155, xxxi 



Bethel, Hugh, ii 132 

‘sir Hugh, xlvii 884 

Bethisy, de, col. xxxvii 166 

Bethlehem hospital, reports of, iii 91] iv 
89] v 81] vi 73] vii 70] viii 78] ix 85] x 
85] xi 91] xii 91] xv 95] xvi 94] xvii 108] 
xix 132] xxiv 173] xxvi 203] xxxv 1S 

,.+» benefactions to, vi 109] viii 141] ix 
106] x 168] xii 107] 126] xlii 17 

eves Grant for buildings, xlviii 638 



Bethlehem hospital, contract for meat,viid7] 

e+.. fire at, xiii 79] 

«+2. escapes from, xliy 429s 430 

Bethnal Green, act for relief of the poor, 
xvi 105] 

Bethune Charost, count, xxxiv 284 

Bets, actions on, x 74] xiv 113] xx 189] 
xxxii 225] liv 302. lviii 162 

.. «. extraordinary, xxx 216] xxxi 210] 
xlviii 364 

Betskoi, —_ count, viii 157] 

Bettenson, Helen, xxxi 193] 

Betterton, Mrs. (actress) xxiii 152 

————T. (actor) iv 266. vi 180, 181. 
xxiii 152 

———— (modern actor) xliii 47! 

Bettesworth, Dr. xv 110] xix 159] xx 
164] xxi 190] xxii 203] xxxiii 286] xliii 

Betting, capt, ii 266 

Betty, W. H. West, his first appearance in 
London, xlvi 437, 795 

ese. account of, xlvi 791 

Beuff, bar. de, viii 149] 

Beurer, Ambr. x 118 

Beury, W. liv. 44 

Bevan, G. xlviii 416 

Bevans, James, xly 832 

J. xlyii 850 

Bever, Dr. T. xxv 1,5 

Beveridge, Eliz. lvii 320 

Beverley, fire at, lviii 42 ' 

Beverley, Algernon, earl of, xxxvii 114, 

Bevern, prince Charles of, i 16, 18, 54. ii 
49. v 23] 24] 

-. +» his strange defeat and capture, i 23 

Bevilacqua, card. Bonif. vi 26 

Bevis, Dr. J. iv 152. vii 33. xiii 121] 

++. appointed Latin secretary to the Royal 
Society, ix 152] 

Bewley, T. }xi 101 

Bexley, fire at, xlv 439 

Beza, Theod. xxxviii 181] 

Bezares, de, don Juan, xlvii 1017 

Bezenval, col. de, xxxi 257*| 259*] xxxii 
4] 8] 124] 

Bhoonsla, xlvi 198 

Bianchi, gen. lvi 10] 17] lvii 76] 

Bianchini, F. ii 288. xii 128 

—-—— Jos. prebend. of Verona, vi 91 

Bibikoff, gen, xvi 6] xvii 13] 

Bible, decree of the pope allowing it’s 
translation, ii 73 

--+. qualifications of a commentator on the, 
iv 186 
-++- collation of Hebrew MSS. and edi- 

~ tions, xi 146 

«+.» Polyglot editions, xi 150. xxxvi 373 

e+.. various editions, xxxix 32 

«++. printed in Scotland by the king’s 
peer not to be soldin England, xliv 

+++ number printed at Oxford and Cam- 
bridge, lvii 74 


Bible, Polish, lix 245 ' 

Bible societies, bull against, lix 244 

Bibliomaniacs, xx 43 

Bickerton, adm, sir Rich. xvi 205] xxv 209] 
xxvi 65] 69] 81] 83] xxvii 262] 264] xxxi 
264] xliii 248] 111. xliv 249. xlvi 415. 1 

Bicknell, —- xii 353 

———_ W. xliii 453 

Biddery, city of, lix 572 

Biddery ware, ly 498, lix 571 

Biddle, Edw. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] 
xviii 265] 

Biddulph, Rob. xl] 212] 

— R. Myddelton, xlix 104, 137. 1 
99] 103] 

——— sir Thos. ii 68 

Bielfeld, James Fred. baron, xiii 157 

—- baron, xlvi 678 

gen. 1 92* 

Bielke, bar. xxxiii 81. xxxiv 13 

Bienenberg, chev. de, xxxiii 350] 

Bienne, de, lvii 61 

Bigamy, attempt to repeal the act against, 
vi 264 

++.» woman with four husbands, vii 113] 

«+.. curious case of, ix 69] 

+++. persons charged with, ix 76] xi 137] 
xx 198] xlvi 404. xlviii 437. liv 109. Iv 
260 e 

--+~ case of, in Scotland, ix 125] 

shies - in France, x 77] 

+++. punishments for, xi 96] xviii 137] 

«+++ convictions, lviii 257. lx 261 

Bigby, J. murdered by M. and P. Kenneey 
xiii 74] 76] 84] 100] 103] 109] 118] 161] 
xiv 68] 96] 

Bigg, J. mayor of Bath, xii 152 

Biggleswade, old gold coins found near, xiii 

Biggs, Edw. lix 233. lx 359 

Bigland, Ralph, vii 176 

Biguon, vii 167 

Bilbao, description of, xxiii 30 

Bildt, Knut. xlvi 697 

Bile, experiments on, x 110 

Bill, Rob. liv 316 : 

Billaud Varennes. See Varennes 

Billings, comm, xxxii 17. xli 485 

Billingsley, J. xxviii 86. xxxviii 430, 431 

Mich. xliv 778. lyii 320 

Billington, Mrs. xxxv 32. xliv 456. xlv 438 

Bills of Exchange, forged. See Forgeries 

.. ++ action on one obtained by a swindler, 
xviii 175] 

..-- acts for restraining the negotiation of, 
xx 251] “ 

«.e- action on one, notice of the nonpay- 
ment of which was not given in due time, 
xxi 171] 

-+.. Stamp duties on, xxv 212] xxvi 309] 
xxxili 230. xli 200. xliii 195 

..+» action on one drawn by two persons 
rises only by one of them, xxvi 


Bills of Exchange, accommodation, action 
on, xxxi 207} 
.»»- action on one indorsed by a person of 
the same name as the payee, xxxii 224] 
+++» not to be protested till the day after 
due, xxxiii 7] 

¢... after sight, not liable to protest, 
xxxiii 7] 

«-.. observations on, xxxvii 180*] 

«+s. action on, xliv 374 

+--+. torn to pieces by mice, lyi 17 

Bilston, imposture of the boy of, v 66 

Bindley, James, xxxviii 12 

Bingham, adm. Jos. xliii 42 

capt. _ (N) liii 152) 

—— G. murdered, xlv 380 

maj. Dennis, liii 115 

——— rev. ly 313 

——- Rich. See Lucan, earl 

Bingley, (printer) xi 124] 156] 184] 
196] xii 69] 107] 153] xiii 110] 

——— rev. W. xlv 809, 812, xlvi 745, 748, 
$10, 917, 979. xlix 843 f 

Binney, Dr. Barnabas, xxx 80 

Binning, T. lord, 1 123] li 153, 170. lviii 59] 

Binns, J. xxxviii 9. xxxix 43. xl 16, 38. xli 
162, 169 

T. xli 403, 405. xlii 384. xliii 453 

Biography, on writing, i 495 

++.. observations on, ii 436 

Bion, extract from, iii 238 

Birch, ald. S. xlv 443. xlviii 368. xlix 386, 
448, liii 76. lvii 39, 87 

—— col. vi 269 

James, xliv 774 

Jos. Ixi 140] 

rey. Dr. T. 1493. iii 133. v 55, 141. 
Vii 111. ix 49] xi 258] xiii 75 

—— Rich. Comyns, xl 389 

—— W. x1 389. 1xi 53 

Bird, ald. J. xv 90] 

5 Benj. executed for forgery, xvi 66] 


—— C. Lucas, xlix 859 

— J. iii 92. vi 100] viii 28, 123. xix 130] 
xxxii 163 

— 1. col. xx 115] 136] 
— I. co]. W. lx 59 
_—— Ww. B. xliv 421 

—— W. Wilberforce, xxxix 191] 193z.] 
202] xlii 131] 

Bird island, shipwreck of the Doddington 
on, i 287, 297 

oe instances of early hatching, vi 51] 

ores — affection for their young, 
xlvi 397. xlix 460 

+++- methods of preparing, vi 105. xii 114 

n to their roosts, ix 64] 

+++. small, migration of, xi 81 

+++. Sale of, xiii 97] 

+++» nests of, xiii 84, xlvi 784 

+++ curious, xiv 142] 

ove» extraordi performances of, xv 208 
i770 ai 



Birds, on the singing of, xvii 64 

-+ +» scale of British singing, xvii 74 

e+e eyes of, xxxyii 59*] 

--.. two goldtinches killed in a contest of 

singing, xliv 462 

-» covey of partridges dropping dead 

among a crowd ata race, 1129* 

-++- Sympathy of the pelican for it’s fellows 
in distress, 1 107 

+++» Sagacity of, liii 113 

«e+» methods of catching. See Fowling 

Birkbeck, Dr. G. lvi 317 

Birkett, W. suicide, xlix 418 

Birks, H. Ix 359 

Birmah. See Burmah 

Birmingham, gold and silver coins coun- 
terfeited at, viii 82] 153] 

++.- great flood at, xi 185] 

++.. act for an assay office at, xvi 104] 

«++. association for the relief of small 
debtors, xvi 105] 

+++. robbery and ill treatment of a jew, 
xvi 119] 

++.» riot on celebrating the anniversary of 
the French revolution, xxxiii 25-29] 34] 

ay LN 37] 84-7] xxxiv 128] 166] 11, 15, 

+++. —-— in consequence of a murder at a 
house of ill fame, xxxiv 18 

+++ riots on account of the price of pro- 
vision, xxxvii 25, 26 

+e fires at, xlv 363. lix 40 

+e coiners taken, xlvi 378. lv 44 

“tis a stone of Christ’s church laid, xlvii 

indictment of the flour and bread 
company, li 317 

++. gang of forgers and coiners, ly 44 

+++» sir C. Wolseley named _ legislatorial 
attorney and representative at a popular 
meeting, lxi 104] 

Birmingham, Dr. J. B. L. Ix 111] 

Birnie, sir Rich. lviii 95, 325. lx 6 

Biron, count Ernest J. duke of Courland, 
Vv 13] vi 60] xiii 133, 138. xvi 32] 

+++. account of, xiii 27 

—— count xvi 32] 

—— marsh. duke de, xxix 204] xxx 219] 
xxxiv 94] 95] 97] 99] 102] 103] 123] 

Birt, Isaiah, xlviii 960 

Births, posthumous, extraordinary, ii 106 

-.++ Woman at fifty delivered, iv 190] 

».+. of more than triplets, iii 105] iv 80] 
81] 144] v 114] vi 79] vii 91] 116] viii 
96] 108] 134] ix 101] 147] 151] x 158] 
xi 90] xii 98] xiv 89] xv 121] 135] xvii 
144] xxvi 216] xxix 45-52 

«».. of ason and heir after a marriage of 
twenty-five years, vi 122] 

-»-. of three children to a woman upward 
of ninety, vi 97 

+.-- —ason to a woman of sixty, vii 91] 

».-- a woman delivered of her 29th child, 
vii 102] 

»»+» twins five times in four years, vii 107] 


Births, a son to a woman of sixty-threc, 
vii 116] 

«+». thirteen children to six women in one 
village,wiii 69] 

«++. a son to a woman of sixty-four, id. 

.... triplets twice in the course of a year, 
viii 116] 

«+. two children within five months of 
each other, viii 142] ix 56] 

+++. twins at sixty-three, x 55] 

++-- Of a child to a woman of eighty-three, 
whose husband was ninety-four, xi 72] 

«» «+ @ black child and a white, xii 111] 

---- of ason and heir after a marriage of 
twenty years, xii 137] 

+... Woman of fifty-four, in the 30th year 
of her marriage, of triplets, xviii 114] 

e+e. & Similar case of twins, xviii 136] 

e+». at seventy-two, of a 13th child, xix 

eee. easy, xlviii 384 

«++. Gwarf delivered of a child nearly as 
tall as herself, 1 42* 

+++. monstrous. See Monsters 

Bischoffswerder, count, xxxiii 72 

Bish, T. xlv 404 

Bishop, Angles, xlvi 590 

Cecil, liv 96 

couns. xi 152] 

G. xlvi 590 

J. and his boat’s crew murdered by 

smugglers, xiii 101] 

J. (Amer.) xli 404 

(proctor) xix 236] 

rey. S. xxxvii 158*] xxxviii 495 

sir Cecil, xliii 89. xliv 358 

—— sir W. xlvi 590 

'T. xx 268] 

and Brumell, Messrs. xxxiv 144 

Bishops. See Clergy 6 

Bishopsgate street, fires in, xvi 76] xxxiii 
42] lix 18 

Bishop Wearmouth, riot of keelmen at, 
lvii 26 

Bison, account of the, xiv 100 

Bissett, capt. (A) xliii 230] 

Dr. Rob. x] 824, 475 

Rob. xxxvi 94 

Bisshopp, col. T. xxxviii 6 

1. col, Cecil, lv 178] 182] 185] 

Bisson, gen. xliii 66] 
Bitton, T. de, bish. of Exeter, vi 160 
Bizanet, gen. lvi 11] 
Blacas, count de, lvi 56] lvii 63] 
Blachford, B. P. lii 100 
Black, capt. (N) lv 103] 
—-— Dr. Jos. xvii 147. xxi 152. xxvi 212] 
«... effect of builing on water, in disposing 
it to freeze, xviii 68 
Blackader, Xxxii 98 
Blackborow, W. xxvi 215] 
Blackburn, abp. Lancelot, vi 9 
— Jos. forgeries by, lvii 313 
Blackburne, J, xxix 89] xxxix 1937. ] 



Blackburne, rev. Francis, xxxii 148 

Blackden, col. xxxiv 31 

—— 5. iv 106] 

Blacker, 1. col. Ix 184] ' 

Blacket, sir Walt. Calverly, iv 77] 83] x 
137] xiii 165. xviii 163] 

Black-Friars bridge. See Bridges 

Blackheath, fire on, xxxv 35 

Blackie, iii 154] 

Blacklock, rev. Dr. T. xlii 330 

+++. account of, xxxiii 272] 

Blackmore, Benj. xlii 380 

— (Mid. justice) xix 160] ; 

Rob. (king’s messenger) vi 135] 
vii 81] viii 145] xii 150) 

sir Rich. xxv 192 

Blackrie, Alex. ix 159 

Blackstone, action against a buck for an 
assault, vii 79] 

——— sir W. x 286. xi 268. xiii 89] — 
120] xiv 136] xv 69] 235. xx 215] xxi ~ 
186] 173. xxii 207] 183. xxiii 202] xxxi 
125] xxxii 79] xxxv 76] 152] xli 365. — 
xlvii 424, xlviii 28, 29. lii 141. liii 26] Iv ~ 


Blackwell, Dr. Alex. xxxvii 119*] 
(Irish rebel) x1 102 
——— prof. T. xxvi 146. xlvii 766 
Blackwood, adm. sir H. xlvii 541. lii 266. 
liv 110 
Blacus, chevy. xiii 105 
Bladder, experiments on one, x 106 
Blades, J. liv 151 
Bladud, king, xvi 243 
Blagden, (carpenter) iii 122] iv 62] 
Dr. C. xviii 78. xxiii 59. xxix 

+++» Copleian medal to, xxx 222] 
W. convicted of libel, xlvii 396, 


Blagrave, T. Ward, li 310 

Blain, W. xxvi 346] 

Blair, Alex. xx 255] 

—— Archib. xliv 775, 776. xlvii 849 

—— capt. xXvi 22] 30] 

—— capt. W. (N) xxv 211*] 208] 

—— col. xxvi 20] 22] 

—— J. (Amer.) xxix 299] 

—— prof. Hugh, xxvi 136, 143, 147. 1 

————— Rob. xlvii 802 

rey. Dr. J. v. Cholmley on a com- 
position for tithes, viii 101] 

—-— rey. Rob. xlvii 801 

.... account of, xlvii 801 

T. xvi 108] 

W. ix 227] 228] xi 68] 

Blair-Athol, fire at, lvi 74 

Blake, Perrin v. xv 69] 

—— lieut. W. (N) xlvi 563 

—— Dan. vi 54] 58] 

—— D. T. li 537 

—— Fran. vii 32 

—— gen. (Spanish) 1220] 230] 232] 234] 
li 7, 8, 46, 69, 181, 189n, 199, lii 166, 


171, 218. liii 105] 118] 119] 203. liv 

Blake, J. iv 175] vi 161] vii 49] 161] viii 

- 88] ix 90] x 49] 

J. Bradby, xviii 31 

Ph. found guilty of attempt to mur- 
der, xi 137] 140] 

—— rev. xli 20 

—— sir Francis, xxxvili 115 

Steph. (of N. England) drowned, x 

Blakemore, R. Ixi 303 
Blakeney, capt. Patrick, xxiv 190] 
gen. W. lord, ii 78. iv 115] 159] 
xxv 219*] 
Blakiston, sir Matth. x 208] xii 105] 
Blamey, lieut. G. W. (N) xliii 12] 
Blane, le, ab. xiv 165 
sir Simon, xliii 45. xlv 432, 594. 
xviii 94. xlix 377, 488. li 267, 270. liv 
276, 290, 310. lv 67, 269. lvi 299, 310. lvii 

Blancanus, Jos, x 99 
Blanch, Mich, executed for murder, xxxviii 

(aéronaut) xxvii 323] xxviii 

viii 174 

———— mad. liii 82 

--«+ death of, Ixi 46 

— P. lix 118] 

Blanchelande, M. de, xxivjl11] xxxiv81]83] 

Blanchet, ab. Franc. xxviii 134 

Blanckley, H. vi 164] 

Bland, capt. L. O. (N) xlv 539 

dean, xx 197. \ 

Dr. Rob. xxv 229] 

maj. Humphry, xviii 417 

Rich. (mem. of Congr.) xviii 218] 

sir J. iii 146] 

Blandford, C. 2nd marq. 2 See Marlborough, 

——_ G. 3rd margq. duke 

G. 4th margq. of, lx 336 

J. 1st marq. of, 1 13* 

Blandy, Miss _—(parricide) xi 77] 

Blane, Dr. Gilbert, xxix 45. xxxii 66. xlii 
364. lii 85 

Blaney, lord. See Blayney 

Blankenburg, bar. xli 33 

Blanket, adm. J. xxxvii 74, xxxviii 90, xli 
22x.) xliii 94. xliv 811 

Blanquet, adm. x! 87 

Blaquiere, de, J. 1st lord, xvii 139] xviii 
90] xxii 211] x1 400. xliii 165] xlv 189. 
xlvi 47, 66, 69. xlvii 13 

Blasius, x79 

Blasphemy, trial for, liv 272 

Blayney, And, T. 11th lord, xxxix 9, lii 
174, 29 

«++» action against for libel, lvii 293 

Blazonry, origin of the art of, xxi 162 

Bleaching, use of acids in, xxviii 73 

Bleiswick, van, xxix 31] 

ai suit respecting the timber, Ix 


—— Dr. 




Blenkensop, liv 315 

Blennerhasset, col. A. xxv 221] 

Blessington, C. J. 1st earl, lii 29 

Bletchingley, Roman bath discovered at, lv 

Bleterie, ab. J. Ph. Rene de la, xxxviii 337 

Bligh, adm. J. xlv 335, 542. 1 261*. 11 435. 
lii 298 

adm. W. xxxii 252] xxxv 6. xxxix 77. 

x1 495. lv 525. lwii 544 

capt.  (N) xlvii 371 

capt. J. (N) xxiv 249] 

couns, li 343 

— gen. i67. x 207] xxxiii 286] xlvii 

Blight, Isaac, murder of, xlvii 421, 428, 
xlviii 390, 395 

Blights, prevention of, xxv 116 

+++» Observations on, xlvi 842 

Blind, extraordinary case of a lady, also 
deaf and dumb, i 253 

«+e. extraordinary acquirements of blind 
persons, v 64. ix 105] lviii 92 

++.» sight restored by the gall of a barbel, 
xi 143] 

ies lost in old age, and afterward 
recovered, xiii 134] 

++. extraordinary affection of seamen near 
the line, xv 66] 

.».. charities for the, xvii.105] xxxi 193] 
xlii 17 

.+«. hospital at Kentishtown for, xxii 207] 

«+.» runner, xlviii 386 

Blinkhorn, Ant. xxiv 324] 

Blizard, sir W. xxiii 130 

Steph. chief justice at Antigua, re- 
fuses to record the verdict of a jury, xiv 

Bloch, Dr. M. E. xlvi 797 

Blois, de, Gilbert, xviii 184] 

—— Peter of, x 18, 20 

Blomefield, 1. gen. sir T. xlix 713* 

Blomfield, xvi 130] 

Edw. li 315 

——- rev. C. J. 11 3815 

Blondel, xxxiv 212 

Bloodhounds. See Dogs, Hayti, and Ja- - 

Bloomfield, capt. 

— G. xlii3 

Rob. xlii 457, 459, 460. xlv 924, . 

(art.) xxii 149] 

xlvi 387 
+++» account of, xlii 318 . 
Blossett, serg. ly 295. lvi 286. lvii 271. lix 

194, 197 
Blossom street, fire in, xlvi 413 
Blount, lady, burnt to death, xlvii 360 
lieut. T. Burrell, (A) xl 47. xliii 23 
—— sir C. earl of Devonshire, i 485 
—— sir Christoph. i 49] 

W. (Amer,) xxix 299] xxxix 285 

Bloxham, ald, sir Mat. xxii 218] 

Bloye, capt. (N) lv 210 

Blucher, marsh, xviii 189, 197. xlix 21, 
179, 255, lv 120] 121] 123] 130] 132] 134] 



138] lvi 2] 14] 45. lvii 50] 66] 83] 90] 
96] 106] 174, 178, 179, 182, 549, 587. 
lviii 378. 1xi 73 

Blue, Prussian. See Prussian blue 

Blue-stocking clubs, xxxiii 461] 

Blumendorff, xxxiv 290, 297, 311] 

Blundell, H. vi 287 

— lieut. (A.) shot in a duel, ly 310 

Tieut. col. = xxxvi 77 

Blunt, |. col. Rich. xliii 123 

J. xivii 850 

Rich. vi 144] 

sir C.iv 71] xxxvii 112 

—— T. xxxviii 12 

—— W.xi 119] 

Bly, James, xxxiv 70 

Blyth, dry dock at, liii 99 

Blyth, W. xi 88] 

Blythe, couns. li 344, 345 

Bo nin Sima islands, Ix 590 

Boa, account of the, v 57 

--.. one killed in the Isle of France, lv 17 

Boadicea, xxv 133. xxxii 105 

Board of Agriculture. See Agriculture, 
Board of 

Green Cloth, regulations respect- 
ing debtors, xvi 65] 

Land Revenue, grants to, xxxiii 

143] xxxv 106. xxxvi 119 

Boarding-schools for girls, ii 424 

-+-- sale of indecent prints at, xliv 468 

Boardingham, Eliz. executed for the mur- 
der of her husband, xix 138] 

Boars, one chased into an inn, lviii 170 

Boats, flat-bottomed, built at Portsmouth, 
1 95, 110 

trial of, i 101 

French sent over here 
to fetch prisoners, vi 68] 

---- Thunderer’s longboat, foundered in 
Portsmouth harbour, viii 87] 

+++. that cannot be sunk, xix 130. See 
also Lifeboats 

+e» Of sheet iron, xx 185] 

e+e. race between, xxx 215] 

_ eee. double, xlvii 855 
+e. Of Cochin, xlviii 872 

».e- canvas, li 269 

«++. Several of a particular construction 
seized at Deal &c. liv 100 

Boaz, James, xliii 458. xlvii 852 

Boccacio, xiv 75. xxi 26. xxiv 193. liv 85 

Boccold, J. king of the Anabaptists, xii 9 

Bochart, Edgar, ii 415. iv 154 

Sam. vi 37. x 80. xiv 221. xvii 

Bocher, xi 132] 
Bock, col. _—_de, xi 26] 

—= m. gen. liv 227. lv 170 

Bocust, C. count de, xlvi 636 

Bodasch, ii 384 

Boddam, C. xvii 110] xxv 205] xxvii 208] 
Boddington, Benj. xxii 228] xxv 225] 

—— Ben). jun, xxxix 46 

J. xii 73, xiy 85 


Boddington, S. xxxix 46 
T. xxx 203] 
Bodet, gen, xliii 92 
Bodkin, lxi 30 
———~ Jos. Francis, robbery at Mr. Ar- 
desoif’s, xxxvii 36. xxxviii 9 
Bodley, G. xxv 195] xliv 772. lviii 348 
Bodmer, James, ly 321 
J.J. ii 459 
Boeck, de, C. J. xlv 364 
Boehemer, Dr. G. R. iv 111] 
Boehm, Edm. xxvii 187] 
Boehmen, Jacob. See Behmen 
Boerhaave, Herm. vi 123. ix 96. xi 91. 
xxiii 136, xxxii 3 
-... remarkable passages of his life and 
death, i 245. xv 32 
«++» on the powers of sympathy, viii 80 
+++. — Spirits prepared by fire, x 88 
«e+. —the effect of imagination on a 
different body, x 92 
«++. -—the common sensory affected by 
poisons, x 96 
.. ++ extraordinary cases, xxv 69 
Boerstler, col. P. G. (Amer.) lv 183] 213 
Boerum, S. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] 
Boestler, col. (Amer.). See Boerstler 
Boethius, xvii 124 
Boevey, T. Crawley, xx 176] 
Bofle, de, Jos. xlv 607 
Bogaerts, J. Ixi 301 
Bogie, capt. (N) iv 157] 
Bogle, extraordinary adventures of, 
xxxil 55 
—w— Rob. xxxii 55 
Bognor, sale of, xlii 33 
Bogue, capt. (A) lv 137] 
Bohechio, (Ind. chief ) xxxv 280 
Bohemia, invaded by the king of Prussia, — 
i 9, 16, 42. xxi 24] 
.. +. battle of Prague, i 16 
«++. prince Henry enters, ii 9 
-... ravaged by the Prussians, v 53] 
-+.- famine in, xiv 83*] 84*] xvi 43] 
«.+.- mortality in, xv 152] xvi 43] 
..-- abridgment of statute work, xvi 43] 
xvili 153*] 
. «. insurrections in, xviii 151*] 103] 178] 
..-+ abolition of slavery, xxvii 13] 
-.+. enrolment of a militia, xxxviii 283 
.«++ Overrun with robbers, liii 61 
Bohun upas. See Poison tree 
Boigne, de, gen. xlvi 2092 
Boileau, xxxv 280] 
——~— Nich. Despreaux, vii 186. xv 22 
xxv 173 
Peter, x] 387 
Bois, card. du, v 34. xvii 3 
Bois le Duc, ravages of the soldiery at, 
xxix 225] 
Boisbertelot, capt. iv 64] 
Boisgelin, chev. Lew. de, liii 543 
Boisseaux, count de, x 36] 
Boissy d’ Anglas, xxxvii 90] 109] 188. 
xxxix 84] xlii 1607] 



Bojaca, battle of, 1xi 243] 

Bojie, bar. xlix 657* 

Bol, Hans, vii 51 

Bolbec, in Normandy, fire at, viii 114] 

Bolding, J. murder of, 1ii 273 

Boles, capt. _ii 61, 63 

—— maj. li 229, 231 

Boleyn, Ann, i 480. xii 135. xli 352 

Boligny, don de, xxviii 37] 

Bolingbroke castle, fall of the ruins of, lvii 

Bolingbroke, Fred. 2nd visc. xiii 120] xix 

—————_H. Ist. vise. iii 46, 189. v 49, 

168, 191. vi 4. ix 69, 293-5. xi 167, 168. 
xii 40. xvii 240. xviii 23, 161. xix 204] 
22, xx 209. xxi 244. xxiii 244. xxv 214, 
xxvi 147. xl 325. xli 489. xlvi 947. Ixi 

+».- letter to Pope on the depravity of 
mankind, and Addison’s poetry, vi 196 

e+ -- character of, viii 12. xiii 255. xvii 240. 
xl 353 

-... letter to Swift, ix 288 

«++» extract from his will, ix 292 

Bolivar, gen. lv 193] 194] lviii 158] Ix 
18. Ixi 242] 246] 

Bollan, (agent for Massachusetts Bay) 
xvii 62] 65] 71] 160] xviii 55] 

Rolland, couns. xlix 512. liv 49. lviii 276, 
Ix 262 

James, executed for forgery, xv 
83] 84] 

--«- Summary of his trial, xv 175] 

+++ account of, xv 54 

-»+. his sureties sued for money received 
by him, xvi 101] 

, W. li 273 

Bollman, Dr. (Amer.) xlix 695 

Bologna, decree respecting acquisitions of 
national property, lix 128 

Bolt court, fire in, xlix 513 

Bolton castle, xvi 15] 

Bolton, capt. W. (N) xl 386. xli 307] 
xliii 455. xlvi 541. 1i 477 

—— C. 3rd duke of, xvii 20. xxiii 132] 

—— C. bth duke of, vi 111] 155] vii 178] 
viii 109] 

---- cause respecting the power of the 
duchess as jointress, iv 180] 

—— Harry, 6th duke, x 206] xii 106] 
xiii 70] 197] 199] xiv 252] xxi 152] 153] 
201*] 210*) 303] 310] xxii 109] 153] 

mn od 343] 350] xxiii 174] 330] xxiv 188*] 

——— J. Ist duke, xxi 243 

—— J.killed by the state coach 
to open parliament, xvii 167] 

—— lancelot, acquitted of a charge of 
murder, vi 64] 

lieut. J. charged with the murder 
of his apprentice, xvii 149] 

——— miss (actress) 1 108* 

—— T. \st Jord, xliv 3 

——— W. charged with piracy, xii 125] 



Bolts, W. xix 188*] xxv 12] xxxii 87] xli 404 

..+» removed from the council of Calcutta 
without sufficient cause, xiii 118] xxv 

Bomare, Valmont de, xv 89 

Bombardier (insect) xv 92] 

Bombay, remarkable island near, i 335 

.. »- Various population of, xxv 39 

-.-- voluntary contributions for the support 
of the mother country, x1 100 

..+. observations on, li 235 

-... jubilee on the commencement of the 
fiftieth year of the king’s reign, li 645 

--.. conspiracy of native clerks to cheat 
the company, liii 52 

op Fe — to murder Mr, Osborne, 
liii 53 

-- +. cholera morbus at, lxi 12 

Bompart, ii 5, 14, 127, 263, xv 96 
— x1 147 

Bon, gen. xli 23] 30] 46] 

— pres. vi 27 

Bona, massacre of the coral fishers at, lviii 

Bona, card. xx 153 

Borac, de, ix 27, 28 

Beaald, de 1164, 175. 1i 949 

Bonami, gen. xli 159] xlvi 408 

Bonar, Thomson, and his wife, murdered, 
lv 39, 71 

Bonchamp, xxxvi 89] 103) 106] 

Bond, Edw. xii 99] 

—— G. Alex. xlvii 849 

—-— James, wife murdered by, xl 85 

Mary, xlix 536 

—— Nath. xlv 101, 219. xlvii 102, 109,112 

Nich. xxxiv 23. xliii 2. xliv 379. 
xlvii 405 

—-— Oliver, x] 162] 165] xli 166 

Phineas, xxxvili 127 

Serj. xxxiv 21, 78 

—— T. xlix 536 

—— W. vi 88] 

Bondi, lvi 465 ), 

Bondou, account of, xli 316, 495 

Bonds, action on one given to a kept mis- 
tress, xiii 120] lv 274 

--+-action on one forty years old, xvi 135] 

Bone, J. xli 164. 1128 

Bonelli, fath. xxxvii 19*] 

Bones, fossil, found near Aix, x 124 

---- large, in America, xi 74. xii 71 

+++. vast quantity found in Istria and Dal- 
matia, xiii 174] xxi 102 

-. ++ fossil, in the rock of Gibraltar, xiv 85 

...+ losing their solidity, xix 94 

e++- In caverns, xxxvi 314, 316 

..+- fossil, of a crocodile, in Gloucester- 
shire, xlviii 885 

+... —-— in the cliff on the coast of Essex, 
xlix 468 , 

-».. found in different parts of England, 
li 263, 264. liv 138, 142 

«+s. case of extreme fragility, lvi 71 

e+e» See also Giants and Skeletons 

’ BO 

Bones, rev. vi79 

Bonet, xv 193 

Bonfoy, Nich. (serg. at arms) xiv 187] 

Bonham, xliii 7 

Boniface IV, ii 406, 408 

VIII, xli 345 

Bonn, fire at, xx 168] 

Bonn, T. the original of Scrub, ii 68 

Bonnard, gen. xli 119] 

Bonner, col. (Amer.) xxi 226*] 

C. Y. xlviii 423 

Bonnet, C. viii 96. xii 104, xxxii 10. xli 
33). xlvii 839 

C. Shrubsole, lv 295 

(curé de St. Sulpice) xxi 4 

gen. li 175. lii 182. liii 118] liv 
148] 150] 221. lv 134] 

Bonneval, Claud. Alex. count, i 241 

Bonney, xxxiv 168 
J. Aug. xxxvi 278] 14, 39 
Bonnier, x] 12. xli 131] 256] 267 

Bonpland, Aimé, li 924 

Bons, gen. —- xxxvii 47] 

Bonsergent, Cath. xxxiv 387 

Bontius, xxx 71 

Bonynge, J. murder of, xvii 89] 

Book-keeping, patent method of, xxxviii 

Books, antiquity of, ix 135 

«+ ee collectors of, xx 43 

-++- published in London, number and 
value of, xliii 29 

+.» duty on, xliii 194 

--.- See also Copy-right and Libraries 

Booksellers’ petition for the repeal of the 
additional duties on paper, xliv 100 

Boond, W. xlv 828 

Boone, C. lviii 26 

T. iv 99] viii 54] 

Boorcole recommended, viii 149 

Boote, J. xxxi 60 

Booth, Barton, iii 216. iv 266, vi 18], ix 
76. xvi 72] 

H. 1xi 303 

—- J. iv 145] 

—-—— sir G, xxviii 171 

W. Ix 362 

Boothby, may Mary, ix 141] 

— sir Brook, xxi 210. xxxvili 505. 

xlvi 783 

——-— sir Rob. iii 146] 

—— sir W. x 206] 

Bootle ». Blundell, lvi 287 

— Edw. Wilbraham, xl 170] 

——- Rich. Wilbraham, xxvii 268] 

Bootmakers punished for combination, 
*xlvi 394 

Beoty, M., woman executed for the murder 
of, ix 82] 

Borax, hints for making, vi 126 

Borcke, baron de, i 167. xxx 200] 

Borda, chevy. J. C. de, xxvi 258] 

Borde, peére la, iv 128] 

Bordeanx, shock of an earthquake at, ii 


Bordonius, xlviii 1018 
Borecole. See Boorcole 
Boreel, James, ii 141, 266. iv 131] 273] 
Borel, L. F. lix 233 
Borell, Abr. H. and Lewis, reward to, for 

red dye for cotton, xxviii 250] 
Borelli, Pet. vi 93, 7b. n. xv 172 
Borgenstierna, gen. xxx 186] 
Borghese, Paul, xv 112] } 
prince, xxxv 22. xl 66] xlviii 

prince Camillo, ]vii 81 
Borgia, card, xl 62] xlix 826 
Borgognini, lvi 464 
Boringdon, lord. See Morley, earl 
Borini, card. xiii 157] 
Borlase, rev. Dr .W. x 142, 143. xiv 142. 
xviii 159 
Borleng, Odo de, x 273 
Born, bar. Ignatius, xx 47. xxviii 167] 
«+++ account of, xxxix 384 
Borodino, battle of, liv 173] 
Borough, lieut. W. (N) Ixi 283 
Borough High street, fires in, xxxix 28. 
xlvii 421 
Borough English, custom of, long prevalent 
in Tatary, xxi 172 
Boroughs, reincorporated, xvii 126] 141] 
Borrichius, Dr. Olaus, vi 92 
Borromeo, card. ix 146] 
Borthwick, H. lord, vi 62] 
W. Ist lord, 74. 
Borwslasky, count, iii 78. iv 112] 
Bos, du, ab. J. B. vii 63. xviii 168 
Bosanquet, —-vi 76] xxv 217) 
— C, xlvii 99 
Jacob, xliii 198] xlv 41] 
——-~- S. xxxiv 49 
—~ serg. J. B. xliv 355, li 271. 1x 

— W. x1 27. xlii 22 

Boscawen, adm. Edw. i 81, 82, 98,113, 181, 
300. ii 22, 63, 112, 118, 180. iii 72] 73] 
104] 128] 258] iv 88] xiv 49] xxii 172. 
xli 360. xlvii 754. 11 28 

--+- Sails to America, i 3 

..++ takes two French men of war, i 4 

. Sails for Halifax and proceeds to Louis- 

bourg, i 70 

.... thanks of parliament to, i 117 

«... defeats de la Clue, ii 23, 238 

..++ his answer to a complaint of search- 
ing Dutch ships, ii 266 

+... epitaph on, iv 258 

-».. his son drowned in Jamaica, xxii 

ee gen, G. ii 101. viii 202] 

. x1 445. xlv 912 

Boschi (singer) xviii 221 

Boscovich, pére Rog. Jos. account of, xlviil 

Bose, de, gen. xxiv 97] 

Jo. F. i 167, 168 

ss his letter to count Schmettan, i171 

—~ J, col. bar, killed, xxii 6] 

_— —— 


Bosnia, massacre of Catholic monks by 
Greek priests, iv 146] 
Bosquet, Abraham, xl 387 
Bossu, xiv 19 
Bossuet, bish. James, xv 22. lii 569. liv 

Bostillos, capt. J. Ign. xliv 472 

Bostock, J. transported for trading in slaves, 
lv 97 

Boston (Lincolns.), acts for improving, xix 

--.. threatened opposition to the militia 
laws, xxxviii 40 

--.. fire at, xlv 392 

Boston (New England), shock of an earth- 
quake felt at, ii 88. iii 149] iv 117 

e... Statue of gen. Wolfe, iii 69] 

e-.- fires at, iii 108] 111] iv 71] 75] xviii 
121] xxxvi 26. xliv 370 

«+.» number of houses, v 87] 

-... legacy towards erecting a lunatic hos- 
pital, vii 116] 

«... marble statue to Mr. Pitt proposed, 
ix 130] 

e++- monument of S. Vassal, 7b. 

---. losses during the riots taken into con- 
sideration by the general assembly, ix 
156] 159] 

«++. money voted by parliament to, de- 
tained till satisfaction has been made to 
the sufferers, ix 157] 

e.-- resolution to encourage manufactures 
and lessen the use of foreign superfluities, 
x 166] xi 67*] 

e+. seizure of a sloop by the custom- 
house officers, xi 71*] 140] 

-+-- violent proceedings in consequence, zd. 

«.-+ troops ordered to, xi 72*] 

---- town meeting summoned, 2b. 

«++. 2 convention summoned, xi 73* 

«+++ requisition to provide arms, 74. 240] 
++». the town of Hatfield refuses to con- 
cur in the measures proposed, 7b. 243] 

j » >) esiemmaad of the convention, xi 73*] 

«++- arrival of troops, xi 74*] 190] 

---+ resolution against importation from G. 
Britain and other proceedings, xi 235-55] 

.+«- circular letter, xi 241] 

--.. tree of liberty planted at, xi 243] 

«+». proceedings there declared illegal by 
parliament, xii 54*] 

«+.. letter of thanks to col. Barre, with a 
remonstrance to his majesty, and six in- 
tercepted letters, xii 109] 

»+.. remarkable advertisement in the Ga- 
zette, xii 145] 

e+e. riots in, xiii 90*] 143] 170] 211-19] 

+++» general court prorogued, xiii 75] 

+... trial of soldiers for persons killed, xiv 

— other persons, xiv 78] 

+++. application to the governor, and sub- 
sequent petition to the king, on the 
Pant I, 


report of the judges having salaries in- 
dependent of the colony, xv 149] 

Boston (New England): petition and remon- 
strance from the Commons to the king 
to remoye the governor and lieutenant 
governor, xvi 133] 

«++. cargoes of tea thrown into the sea, 
xvii 49] 58] 87] 103] 

.... act of parliament for punishing, xvii 
63] 253] 

«--- gen. Gage, appointed governor, xvii 
73] xviii 5] 

«++» handbill, xvii 99] 

..-++ customhouse officer tarred and fea- 
thered, xvii 127] 

«++. proceedings on the receipt of the port 
bill, xvii 132] 133] xviii 4) 

-+.. act restricting town meetings read to 
the select men by gen. Gage, xvii 153] 
++. refusal of persons summoned as jury- 

men to be sworn, xvii 156] 
-+.. proclamation by gen. Gage, xvii 157] 

_«+.+ powder taken from different places by 

the troops at, 7d, 
.-.. address from some of the inhabitants 
to the governor on his arrival, xviii 7] 
--+. meeting of the friends of government, 
xviii 9] 

++. assistance afforded by the different 
colonies, xviii 15] 

--.. guard placed at Boston neck, 2. 

-».. proclamation against prophaneness, 
&c. xviii 16] 

+++. new council appointed, 7d. 

»+.. neck fortified, xviii 17] 

«++. Seizure of ammunition at Cambridge 
and Charlestown, xviii 18] 

+... governor’s company of cadets disband 
themselves, and militia officers throw up 
their commissions, 76. 

---. difficulty of providing winter accom- 
modations for the troops, xviii 21] 

--.. cannon of one of the principal batte- 
ries spiked up, xviii 22] 

+++. proposals to remove the inhabitants 
and to burn the town, xviii | 

«» +» the governor’s breach of faith with 
the inhabitants, xviii 130*] 

«-.. arrival of more troops, xviii 132*] 

++. skirmishes in the bay, 7d. 

‘s+++ proclamation by gen. Gage, xviii 133*] 


--.. Bunker’s hill fortified by the Ameri- 
cans, xviii 134*] 

---- battle of Bunker’s hill, 2d. 

+. farther skirmishing in the bay and 
along the coast, xviii 138* ] 

-.-- donation from the supporters of the 
Bill of Rights, xviii 99] 

«».. gold shipped for, seized in the 
Thames, xviii 146] 

.... transportswith sick and wounded from, 
xviii 157] 

.. +» contracts for the troops at, xviii 159] 

190] xix 5]] 



Boston, (New England): the command de- 
volves on gen. Howe, xix 33] 

+... the American troops reenlist, 2d. 

.... distress of the troops and people, xix 

«... bombarded by the Americans, xix 

.++. the town evacuated, xix 149*] 

..+. troops taken from ignorance of this, 
xix 153] 

..-. affray with the French sailors, xxii 

...- Academy of Arts and Sciences esta- 
blished at, xxiv 20] 

..-. attempt to burn the town, xliv 370 

«e+ dissatisfaction at the war with G, Bri- 
tain, liv 199] 

Boston (poet to Rich. 1) xxi 140 

Fred. 2nd lord, xxiii 258] 

W. Ist lord, viii 204] xiii 116] 
xxxvii 113,115 

Bosville, col. xlix 635 

Boswell, Alex. (lord Auchinleck) xvii 95] 

Alex. lviii 13. lix 42] 

capt. Bruce, xxx 217] 

———-—~ J. x1 72 

Diana, queen of the Gipsies, xvi 


G. xxiv 97, 101 

James, x 238. xviii 44. xxvii 16, 
107. xxxii 247] xxxiii 431] xxxvii 22, 

_xxxvili 12. xli 368 

--.. his visit to Corsica, ix 56] 

-.+ life of, xxxvii 32°] 

J. Whitley, xliv 775. xlvii 855 

Boswell court, fire in, xlix 487 

Botany, progress of, in England, liii 483 

Botany Bay. See Wales, New South 

Boteler, capt. Phil. (N) xxii 256] 

sir Ph. ii 142 

Botham, xxv 90] 

Bothmar, suicide of, xvi 85] 

———- count, ix 141] 

Bothwell, J. earl of, xxix 194 

Botta, gen, marq. de, xxi 23] 24] 

Bottetourt, lord, xiv 67 

Botteville, de, J. vii 176 

Bottis, de, ab. viii 105. xxiii 72 

Bottot, xlii 16] 

Botts, in horses, vi 85 

--.. cure for, viii 144 

Boucard, de, marsh. xli 85, 129 

Bouchardon, Edm. xv 16 

Boudain, adm, li 511 

Boudet, gen. xliii 67] xliv 213, 217 

lient. xxxiii 174] 176] 

Bondinot, Elias (pres. of Congr.) xxvi 266] 

Boufflers, marsh. xlix 827 

Bougainville, de, ii 39,41. iii 220. v 266] 
xii 86] 88] xiv 5] 89. xv 49, 155. xx 137. 
xxi 234*] xxv 204*] 212*] xxxii 146] 

—_—— baron, lvi 171] 

Boughton under Blean, aged persons at, i 91 

Boughton (surg.) trade to India opened 
by, xxii 185 



Boughton, sir C.W. R. lvi 369. lvii 336, lvifi 

424, lix 249. Ix 399. Ixi 397 
sir Theodosius, xxiv 172] 

Bouguer, Pet. xvi 118. xix 69. xlix 845 

Bouille, marchioness de, xxxiv 36 

marq. de, xxii 37] 48] xxiv 34] 110} 
xxv 194*] 278] xxxii 153] xxxiii 10”, 81, 
166, 181, 168] xxxiv 86] 196] xxxv 194] 
198] 1i 760 

.... thanks of the gentlemen concerned in — 
the islands conquered by him, voted with 
a piece of plate, xxvii 183] 

.»-» letter to the National Assembly, — 
xxxiii 174, 166] 4 

..+ plan for the king’s flight, xxxiii 174] 

- account of, xlii 354 

Bouillon, card. de, xxxi 7 

——o duchess de, iv 30, 31 

Godfrey, duke de, xxxiv 51 

Philip, duke de, See Auvergne, — 
d’, capt. 

Boulaie, margq. de la, xi 28 

Boulanger, gen. xxxv 277] 

Boulay, count, lvii 62] 

de la Meurthe, xlii 13] 32] 80] 81] 

Paty, xli 93] 

Boulet, gen. li 472 

Boulogne, column erected near, liii 82 

Boult, 8. v 95] 

Boulton, H. C. xvi 213] © 

Matthew, xxxix 409, xlvi 783. I 
132. |xi 465 

---. account of his manufactory, xliii 402 

Bound, W. xlix 858. lix 235 

Bounsall, James, Ix 359 

Bouquet, brig. gen, vi 27] 29] vii 44] 181] 
viii 206] ix 62] 

Bouran, de, maj. gen. v 256] 

Bourbon, isle of, xxv 175 

.... taken by the British, lii 262, 298, 314 

Bourbon family, ii 277. xxxi 200] 

.. +» heads of the convention of, iy 278] ‘ 

...+ family compact, v 3] 4] xi 3] xiv 48] 

.-+- matrimonial alliances with the house of 
Austria, viii 2] x 3] xi 3] 35) xii 35] 
118] xiii 102] 

— card. lv 154 

——— L. H. Jos. duke de, xxi 174] xxv 
230*] xxxiv 263 

mille Eloise Adelaide, xlvii 405 

Bourchier, capt. (N) xxv 226] xxvi 122] 


—— capt. (N) liii 98] 

sir James, xvii 50 

Bourdaloue, Lewis, xiii 145, xviii 4 

Bourdeaux, shower of yellow powder at, iv 
112] or 

.... disasters from the rising of the Ga-. 
ronne, xiii 103] , 

.... humanity of the abp. xvi 127] 

+++» population of, xliv 475 * 

Bourdelot, P. M. vi 37, 38. xiv 230n 

Bourdon, de l’Oise, xxxvi 150) 152] 
xxxvii 83] 90] 3 

Bourdonnaye, count de la, xi 101 

eee © REGISTER. 67 

Bourdonnaye, de 1m i ix ° 149] 

la, gen. xxxiv 107} 7] 
118n] 118] 120] 
Bouret, xxi 131 
Bourgelais, xxxii 201] 

Bourges, fath, v 131] 132] 

Bourgognone, Giac. xiv 158 

Bourgoing, xxxiv 314, 1i 819, 856 

Bourguet, prof. Lewis, xxi 110 

Bourienne, 1304n* 

Bourignon, mad. xxxiii 253] 

Bourke, abp. Jos. Deane, xxxv 15 

xxxii 133 

(boxer) xliii 43 

Bourkhendt, —— xi 257] 

Bourlemaque, _ii 44, 246 

Bourmont, count de, xlii 7] 69] 163] 

Bournan de, v 254] 

Bourne, vii 65] viii 172 

Jos. xxxiii 367] 

— lieut. C. (M) libel and assault on 
sir James Wallace, xxvi 210] 

W. Sturges, xlvi 94. xvii 78. xlviii 
61. xlix 133, 139, 1 222*. lxi 30 

Bournonville, gen. xxxiv 105] 108] = 

_ Adm] 114) 115) 117] 124] xxxv 2 229) 
| 247) 154, xxxviii 139] xlvii 14, 21 

Bourquien, gen. Lewis, xlvi 224, 296 

Bourzes, fath. xiii 76 

Bousquet, Alex. xxxvi 192. xxxvii 141] 

Boussart, gen. xlv 952 . 

Boutan. See Thibet 

Boutem, W. xlviii 371 

Boutet, gen. xli 108 

Bouteville, xlii 13] 

Boutourlin. See Butterlin 

Bouvard, liii 92 

Bouverie, col. sir H. F. lv 172 

-——— hon. capt. D. P. (N) lii 298 

— hon. E. xxxv 44 

—— _ hon. W. xxvii 268] xxxi 122] xlii 

— 105] xliii 156] xliv 127 

Bouvet, adm. xxxviii 198] xliv 222 

gen. lv 161] 

Bovisteau, Pet. vi 93 

Bow churchyard, fire in, lviii 169 

Bowden, Ant. xliii 455 

— C. Douglas, viii 92] 

Eliz. xlix 463, 496 

— Esther, hanged for child murder, 

iv 169] 


(chess player), xxix 205] 
(naturalist) xxiii 73 

Bowdoin, James, xxvii 359] 

Bowen, (surg.) xlv 383 

—— capt. James (N), x1 36, 147, 153. li 


—— capt. Rich. xxxix 97] 

—— capt. Marmaduke, concerned in the 
murder of Mr. Powell, xiii 65] 81] 91] 
141] xiy 86] 

——— Lewis Lloyd, concerned in the mur- 
der of Mr. Powell, xiii 141] xiv 86] 

lieut. J. (N) xlv 401 

rev, T. xxiv 223] 228] 

Bowen, 8. ix 110] 
Bower, Arc chib. ix 140] xvii 160, 198». xlix 

Benj. vi 122] 

couns. xxvii 280] 

Bowers, T. transported, x 129] 

Bowes, commission of bankruptcy super- 
seded, xl 92 

—— And. Robinson Stoney, xx 161] 167] 
173] xxvii 225] xxviii 213] xxx 205] xxxi 
201] xxxviii 23 

---+ judgment against, for a conspiracy 
against lady Strathmore, xxix 209] 

A.M. See Strathmore, countess of 
m.gen. 1 250%, 263*, li 52. liv 
150] 209 
—— G. iii 131 

—— hon. xliv 381 
Mrs. vi 239. xviii 219 

Bowle, rey. J. xxviii 109, 110. xxxi 35. xlv 

Bowler, T. liv 309 
Bowles (Cherokee chief), xl 70 
Edw. xvi 76 
J.xxxiy 159*. 1i 91, 92, 96, 102n. 
rev. W. Lisle, xxxvi 419. xlvi 902, 

Bowman, Rob. xlviti 962 
—_ T. xlii 384 
W. (gunner in the navy) xliv 365 
Bowser, C. lx 274 
1. col. xliv 272 
Bowyer, adm. sir G. xxiii 229*] xxviii 104] 
xxxvi 17, 87, 89, 92. xxxvii S. lii 298 
gen. H.18* 
Jos. xlix 858. Ixi 301 
w. (printer) xix 45, xx 212] xliii 16 
- epitaph, xxi 190 
Box, hair made to grow by decoction of, v 
Box, G. ii 166 
—— W. Hutchinson, lx 275 
Boxadors, card. de, xxiv 161] 
ne observations on, xxviii 32] 
+. +» man convicted of a nuisance in keeping 
‘a 4 place for, iv 123] 
- men killed, xvi 93] xxiv 200] xxx 211] 
” xxxi 206] 210] liit 7, 12. lviii 170 
- lamplighter and baker, ix 97] 
. Cheaven and Wike, xx 165] 
- Humphreys and Mendoza, xxx 198] 
"xxi 206] 
«++. Johnson and Ryan, xxxi 199] 
Perrins, xxxi 258] 
. big Ben and Jacombs, xxxi 260] 
... George the brewer and Pickard, 2b. 
... big Ben and Johnson, xxxili 1] 
.. Ruffian and Johnson’s brother, xxxili 
.»e+ Mendoza and Ward, xxxiv 17 
. Belcher and Bourke, xliii 43 
--.. young Belcher and young Ryan, xlvii 
+... two members of the American con- 
gress, xlvili 365 


Boxing: Dutch Sam and T. Belcher, xlix 
465, 474 ° 
--.» Gulley and Gregson, xlix 499 
--.«-» Crib and Molyneux, liii 110 
Boy, extraordinarily large, vii 85] 
Boyce, Dr. W. i 392, 395. iii 182] vi 74] 
Jos. xli 403 
Boyd and Benfield, xlvii 104, 109, 556. xlviii 

- xxxvili 54] 

— b. gen. lv 190] 

— capt. Alex. (A) 1 80*, 88", 89°: 

—— gen. sir Rob. viii 150] xxv 240*] 

Hugh, vi 161] 

Mark Alex. xvii 46 

— rev. H. xlvi 905 

— Rod. xxxvii 17 

Boydell, ald. J. xxxii 219] xxxiv 10. x1 86. 
xlvi 866 

ald. Josiah, xliv 441 

miss Mary, xxix 210] 

Boyer, capt. xlviii 909 

de Peyreleau, gen. —_— xiii 234] xlv 
31, 543. xlvi 369. lvii 128] 220 

Boyle, David, | 225". lvii 309 

lord, See Cork, earl 

Rob. iii 91. iv 122. v 159. viii 109. 
xi 258] xii 93. xiii 75. xvii 248] xxxiv 56, 
Xxxvili 362 

Boyles, capt. C. (N) xlvii 541, 569 

Boyne, de, xiv 117] 

Boys, commod. W. 
428. xvii 106] 

—— G. li 421 

—— r.adm. T. 1i 372 

Boyse, S. life of, vii 54 

Braam, adm. van. xxiv 189. xlvi 964 

Brabant, account of the Campine of, xl 396 

--.. See Austria and Holland 

Bracciano, duchess of, xix 44 

Brace, capt. Edw. (N) 1 130*. lvi 195. Ivii 
232. Iviii 235 

Bracegirdle, Mrs. (actress) xi 36 

Bracken, Dr. vi 75 

Brackenthwaite in Cumberland, 
made by a waterspout, iii 95 

Bracton, H. (judge) xxxiv 171 

Bradbury (actor) xlviii 459 

——— J. lix 465 

——_—_ J. Leigh, lii 417. lviii 348 

Bradby, capt. J.(N) xl 121, 123, xliii 117 

~ lieut. (N) x1 123 

Braddock, gen. i3.xvii9 . 

defeated and slain, i 4. ii 34. xxi 

ii 22, 101, 118, 119, 


Bradford, fire at, xly 422 
Bradford, m. gen. sir T. liv 230. ly 170, 
177, 204. lvi 189 
Orlando, earl of, xxxix 12. li 273 
Bradley, Dr. James, vii 35. viii 6] 
e+e. account of, villi 23 
——_ Dr. T. xlv 358 
Edw. convicted of murder, lx 267 
J. convicted of a robbery at lord 
Harrington’s, vii 113] 149] 



Bradley, James, xlix 859 
——. J. liii 266 

rev. S. lvi 76 

Rich. xxix 265] 
Bradshaw, capt. ii 104, 105 
hon. Aug. Cay. xxxviii 8 
———— maj. Ivii 133) 
Mrs. (actress) ix 248, xxiii 232} 
Bradstreet, col. i 74 , 
Brady, Alex. lx 274 
Dr. Rob, xx 131 
Dr. Terence, x 117 

Bradyll, xxxiii 9] 
Braganza, don Juan de, x 103] 
Bragge, ii 143 

C. xxxix 138] 1932.] xlii 140] xliti 
145. xlv 219. xlvi 15, 79. xlvii 68. See ~ 
also Bathurst, C. B. 

Brahe, Tycho, ii 288. iv 192] xi 258} xiv — 
174, xiv 227. xliii 111] 

Braidwood, T. xix 124 

Brain, recovery after loss of part of the, vi 75 

Braithwaite, xlviii 409 ; 

————— col. J. xxv 54] 61] xxvi 55] 
xxxv 272 

———— Dan. xli 450n. 
Brakel, bar. iv 126] ; 
Bramah, Joseph, xxxix 408. x1 387. xliil. 
xliji 458. xliv 777. xlvii 850. xlviii 961. 
lv 320. lvi 335 
Bramante, «© xlviii 835 
Brameamp, _ sale of his paintings, xiv 137] _ 
Bramham, maj. gen. James, xxvii 289] 
Bramley, R. R. xlvii 867 
Brampton, fire at, xlvii 377 
Bramston, T. Berney, xxvii 268} xxxix — 
193n.] 200] 
Branciforte, card. ix 146] 
Brand, Denis, viii 271] 
Mrs. xl 86 
rey. J. xlv 868. 876 
T. xlvii 363. xlix 151. 123. lii 64, 
100, 132, 133. liii 76] liv 18] 24] 72] 73] 
lv 15] lvi 149] 212) lvii 25) lviii 2] lix 
39] Ix 135] 
Brandenburg. See Prussia 
Brandi, Jacinto, iii 253 
Brandis, A. xxxvii 204, 205 
Brandling, C. xxxvi 212] xxxix 192]- 
Brandolini (brothers), lvi 466 
Brandon, (boxkeeper Cov. Gard.) li 348 ~ 
duke of. See Hamilton, duke of 
Jon. Israel, 1x 286 
Rich. xlvii 849 
Brandreth, Jer. executed for high treason, 
lix 102] Ix 4] 52] j 
Brandt, Enevold, count, xv 72*] 74*) 77*] 
185] xxiv 182] 
Jos. (Indian chief) xxii 7] xxiii 
209*] xxvii 248] xxviii 53 
Brandy, consumption. of, 405 
Branitzki, count, vii 12] 13] xi 15} 23] 24] 
xvii 18] xviii 131] xxxvii 3] 
Brans, Isabella, ii 98 
Bransby, Rich, executed for robbery, xii 148] 


Branscombe, sir James, xlviii 432, 437. xlix 
_ 494 
Brantome, xii 164. xxi 11 
Branton, F. 1x 359 
Braosa, Phil. de, xvi 263 us 
Braschi, card. J. Angelo, elected pope, xvili 
147*]. See Pius VI 
duke of, x1 45] 46] 
duchess of, xli 346 z 
Braun, prof. J. on the freezing of quick- 
silver, v 77 
Bray, — iv 63] 
(carpenter of the Tigre) xli 92 
— adm. J. xxx 104] 
— capt. takes the Machault, i 78 
J. xxv 311] xxxii 331] 
Braybrooke, James, iv 193] 
Brayley, Edw. Wedlake, xliv 778, 792 
Brayshay, Rich, xliii 457 
Braythwaite, ii 302 
Brayton, fire at, xlvii 435 
Brazier, J., J. Mills executed for wounding, 
_ xxvi 210] 
Brazil, patent for the manufacture of sail- 
cloth and cordage from native plants, xi 
103] 104] 
e».s+ insurrections in, xv 9] 10] xlvii 1063 
ees» gold and diamond mines, xv 155] 
~ xiviii 863. liv 532, 535 
«+++ manners, &c. of the natives, xlvii 786. 
xviii 862. lii 550, 562. lix 399 
ates >on of, xlvii 1054] xlviii 862. xlix 
e++- removal of the royal family of Portu- 
gal to, xlix 280 
e+e. discovery of, lii 739 
ee. tea tree introduced into, lvii 51 
«+++ French colony, lviii 155 
-es+- made a kingdom, lviii 382 
e--- invasion of Montevideo, Iviii 
398. lix 123] 
«++.» insurrection in, lix 125] 
«+-- treatment of slaves, lix 413 
Brazill, Jacob, lv 320 
Breach of the peace, what, vii 174] 
Bread, made of earth, iv 89 
++-- method of detecting alum in, v 
e+.» bakers fined for selling short weight, 
vi 78] 
wees for falsé returns of price 
of flour, lv 80 : 
«++. acts respecting, vi 155] xvi 111] 196] 
xlii 133] 3, 172, 175. xliii 182] 196, 197. 
xliv 68. lvii 53] 563 
s++. method of making cheap and whole- 
some, vi 133 
+++ bakers fined for having alum in pos- 
Session, vii 113] xviii 157] 
‘¢+++ ——— prosecuted for mixing noxious 
ingredients in, lvi 315 
‘+++. petition from London to the Commons 
on the dearth of, viii 60] 
we prices of, viii 92] ix 146] xviii 150] 
xxxvili 100, xli 186, xliii 168, xlvi 565. 




xlvii 581. xlviii 628. xlix 720*, lii 429. 
liii 272. liv 320. lv 321. lvi 341. lvii 326 
Bread, ancient allowances to bakers, viii 

.. ++ potatoes used in, xi 76] xxii 99. xxxvii 
109*] ly 497 
«.+- economy of yeast, xv 108 
.... effect of long abstinence from, xvii 
.... dispute between the bakers and meal- 
weighers, xviii 184] 
++» rice used in, xxxvii 95*] 
.... observations on, xxxvii 100*] xlii 129] 
132] 136] 113, 1382. lvi 316, 317 
«++. on the assize of, xxxvii 101*] 108*] 
«.-- results of different mixtures, xxxviii 
.... of different qualities recommended, 
xxxviii 438. xlii 132 
Breadalbane, J. ist earl of, x 46 
———— J. 3rd earl, xiv 66] 201] xv 
206] xvi 144] xvii 163] 
J. 4th earl, xxvii 189] xxxi 
298] 304] xlviii 412. 1 88* 
Breadfruit, ship fitting out to convey to the 
W. Indies, xxix 207] 
.... brought to the W. Indies, xxxv 6, 22 
-.« left at St. Helena, xl 495 
Breakfasts, extraordinary, x 147] 
Brearley, David (Amer.), xxix 299] 
Brecknock, bill for improving, xix 142[ 
Bree, rev. _v. Chaplin, for tithes, xviii 97] 
Bregewin, abp. of Canterbury, xv 126 
Breidbach, bar. vi 87] 
Breille, bailli Selar de, vi 215] 
Breitenback, gen. iv 9] 
Breler, Mich. xxxiv 199 
Bremen, attempt of the French on, iv 30] 
- remarks on foreign governments in the 
gazette forbidden, Ix 6 
Bremer, capt. (N) Iv 112] 225 
Brenby, James. xlvii 390 
Brender, G. xxxvii 204, 205 
Brenkenhoff, xxix 5 
Brenniep, gen. liii 105] 
Brent, W. convicted of burglary, xiii 158] 
Brentano, gen. iii 43] : 
Brentford, riot at the election, xliv 425 
Brenton, Benj. xviii 184] 
—— capt. sir Jableel, xliii 125, 127. xlv 
403. lii 306. lv 6 
Jahaleel, xviii 184] 
—— l. col. lvi 182] 
Brequigny, Lew. G. Oudard de vii 77] 

Brereton, capt, (N) ii 96 
capt. (A) xxxv 283] 
b. gen. xlv 535 
maj. ii 52. iii 63] 64] 
maj. xii 89] 

—— Owen Salusbury, xv 87] xxvii 83. 
xl 86 

Brescia, the magazine fired by lightuing, 
and the city nearly ruined, xii 135] 146] 

Breslaw, battle of, i 23 

«++» surrendered to the Austrians, 7/. 


Breslaw, retaken by the Prussians, 1 25 

--.. besieged by Laudohn, iii 18] 

aiaieie the French, xlix 22 

-... Tiots at, lix 75, 76, 80 

Brest, capt. Gordon beheaded on a charge 
of conspiring to set fire to, xii 155] 

as.. fire at, xix 194] 

..-. treatment of itinerant preachers, Ixi 

fined for selling N. Briton, xi 

Breteuil, bar. de, xxix 197*] xxxi 16] 246*] 

Breton, Cape, island of. See Cape Breton 

Breton, Eliab, action against for shooting a 
dog, xviii 175] 

W. xxxiv 78 

Brett, adm. sir Piercy, i 95. iv 195] 

— Dr. _ on conjugal love and duty, i379 

— rev. Dr. T. x 159 

Timothy, xviii 28. xxiv 332] 

Breughon, count de, x 124] 

Breuille, Pautier de la, x 75] 

Brewer foiled in an attempt to deprive a 
publican of his licence with his house, ix 

e-.. fined for using improper drugs in 
beer, xlvii 403 

Brewer, David, murder of, xxxviii 45 

gen. J. (Amer.) lvi 254 

Brewer street, fire in, xxxix 23 

Brewery, London, history of, iii 173} xvii 


e-.. Statutes relating to in Paris, vii 

-.. large vessels in one, xiii 135] 
xxxiv 4 

- economy of yeast, xv 108 

--. large vats burst, xlvii 398. Ivi 93 

Brewin, Francis, xli 402. xliii 457 

Brewster, Dr. David, Ix 359 

rey. xiv 1338] 

Breyman, lieut. col. xx 158] 159] 165*] 

Briand, bish. of Quebec, ix 133] 

Bribery. See Elections 

Brice, Alex. x 84 

Brickdale, Matt. xvi 87] xxvii 190] 

Brickenden, Dr. J. ix 78] 

Brick-kilns, deaths from sleeping on, x] 42. 
xlviii 411. ly 44 

..+» ancient one discovered, xlix 898 

Bricks, manufacture of, near London, xxxv. 

Bricks and tiles, tax Las xxvil 304] xxxix 

Brickwood, J. li 91, 92 

——_—- N. lii 284 

Bride, miss, xv 123] 

Brider, W. lviii 262 

Bridewell hospital, reports of, iii 91] iv 89] 
v 81] vi 73] vii 70] viii 78] ix 85] x 84] 
xi 91] xii 91] xv 95] xvi 94] xvii 108] 
xix 132] xxiv 173] xxvi 203] xxxv 18 

--«-+ benefactions to, vi 1¢9] ix 106] 126] 

eves fire in, xii 123] 




Bridewells. See Penitentiary houses 

Bridgeman, sir Orlando, xxxvii 8 

—— W. shot in St. George’s fields, 

xi 112] 

Bridgen, ald. W. vi 101] 110] yii 88} xxii 

Bridges, Kew, i 93. xxvi 206] 

-++< Black Friars, ii 103, 105, 107, 146. iii 
74] 95] 143] iv 63] 112] 118] 124] wii 91} 
viii 112] 127] 132] 134] 137] 149] __. 

— tolls at, x 51} 68} xiii 
73] xv 153] xxiii 214] 

+++. ——————- money received of 
" sheriffs fines for buildings, x 52} 

. opened for carriages, xii 

r —. abstract of accounts, xiii 
176] xxvi 202] 
————— demand of a per centage 
by Mr. Mylne, xiv 114} 
———— lamplighter blown from, 
“iy 130 
«+++ On different kinds of arches for, i ii 146 
a. "5 i Dernaniealite one in Wales, vii 147. xlvi 
- Bridewell taken down, viii 136] 
ie “a3 Ateliam broken down by the ice,,xi — 

eee New, at Edinburgh, fall of the abut- 
ment of, xii 12] : 

. new, at Knutsford, fall of, xiii 97] 

- two persons about to be married 
~* drowned by the breaking down of one at — 
Llangollen, xiv 134] 

e+.- wooden, covered, of one arch, sent 
from Switzerland to "Treland, xv 207] 

- Richmond, xvi 129] xuiy 142] 

- iron, over the Severn, xix 123}. 
+++. over the Avon at Pewsey, xxxix 47 
..++ broken down by floods, xli 30. xlviii — 

463, 464. 1119*, 120%. lilt 144. lvi 18, — 
19. vii 110 
. self-taught builder of, xlvi 739 
»»++ Of large span, xlvi 74 

. fall of one as a mailcoach was going 

over it, xlvii 364 
e+. iron, at Sunderland, xlvii 428 
«++. iron, at Bristol falls down, xlviii 374 
falls of, xlix 354. lv 77. lviii a 

- aqueduct. See Canals 
«e+ chain, lili 95 
«se. London. See Londo bridge 
nee pp xx 233 

. Southwark, lvii 35. 1si 20: 

«eee Suspension, over the Tweed, lxi 48 
; — oyer the Menai strait, Ixi 

. Westminster. See Westminster bridge 

we ee Wire, lviii 192 
Bridges, ald. G, Ixi 2 
—-— James, iv 102] 
———— Mrs. i 487 
- Theophilus, xxxviii 29 
Bridgewater, extraovdiaary number of field+ 

mice near, x 159] 



Bridgewater, iron bridge ereeted at, x1 83 

Bridgewater, F. 3rd duke of, iv 123] v 75] 

yi 99. xv 131] xix 184] xxxvii 114, 115. 
xxxviii 44 

——_——_ J. W. 7th earl, xlvii 430, li 
27. Tix 65 

| Bridgman (gardener), xxiii 173 
Bridport, Alex. vise. xxv 220] xxxvi 17, 92. 

| xxxvii 138] 64. xxxix 203] 225] 227] 
231] 80 

——— 5S. lord, lvi 206] 

Briefs, sums collected by, vii 67] 

Brienne, abp. de, xxix 154] 

——— M. de, xxx 216] xxxi 35] 

| Brierley, J. li 544 

Brigant, le, 1254 ° «© 

| Briggs, capt, T. (N) liii 179 

| ——— Denham, xxxii 337] 

- Edw. lv 321 

| ———= sir J. xlviii 418 

Brighte, Maol, vi 144 

Brighthelmstone. See Brighton 

Brightly, C. lx 360, 361 

Brighton, sea gaining on, iii 134] 

+++. act for the improvement of, xvi 9)] 

+... riot at the theatre by military officers, 
Xxxv 39 

| --.. extraordinary races at, xlv 422 

| ..-- falls of part of the cliff, xlvi 361. xlviii 

460.1 128* 

| -... person called theGreen Man, xlviii 452 

«++. speedy travelling, lviii 161 

Brigidianus. See Brighte 

Brigstock, T. xlvii 999 

Brimer, lieut. (N) xxviii 231] 

| Brindley, James, vi 99. x 99] 
———_ Jos. xliv 777 

Bring, prof. xxi 109 

Brioche, notary, at Paris, xi 200] 

| Briot, xli 110) xhi 12] 
Brisac, capt. G. (N) convicted of fraud, xlv 

} 391, 402 

. duke de, ii 18 

| Brisbane, adm. sir C. xxxviii 90. xliii 84. 

| xlviii 604. xlix 232, 645. Iviii 161] 

——— capt. sir James, lviii 104] 235 

: lheol. = xxxvi 177 

—— m. gen. sir T. lvi 183, 213 

Brisco, sir Wastel, lviii 263 

| Brison, Rene, breaks his parole, is sent 
back, and again attempts to escape, i 81 

Brissac, C. de Cosse, marsh. de, ix 49 

duke de, xxxiv 17] 57] 

| Brisson, xxxiv 394 

Brissot, J. Pet. xxxiv 19] 25] 47] 52] 53] 

_ 54) 75) 77) 84) 272. xxxv 64] 143] 215}. 
dl 255] 265] 280] 51. xliti 140] xlv 


ser ahem management of the gaol, 

v ; 

+--+. collections at the feast of the sons of 
the clergy. See Sons of the Clergy 

+++» bodies found buried in the walls of St. 

Nicholas chureh, vi 52] 
+++. relief of the poor at, viii 92] 

Bristol : petition to parliament on the Ame- 
rican stamp act, ix 35] 
«++ Ships entered inward and cleared out, 
ix 76] 
«+++ extraordinary fraud at, ix 102] 
+++» two women found in a deplorable con- 
dition, x 97] 130] 
+++» orders sent to Dantzic for corn to sell 
to the poor at a Jow price, x 156] 
«++. addresses to the king, xii 82] 
«+... petition for redress of grievances, xii 
+... petitions for and against a theatre, xvii 
73] 87] 
-.+. hospital at, xvi 100] 
«ees trade of, xvii 83] 
«+. glut of corn at, xviii 139] , 
e+. Tifleman, brought as a prisoner from 
Quebec, discharged by the mayor, xviii 
188] , 
«»+. act to prevent fire among ships at, xix 
eee fires at, xx 30] 163] xly 437. xlvi 402.,, 
xlix 516. liii 34 
+... attempt to raise men for government, 
xxi 85] 3 
--.. false intelligence from the admiralty 
to the mayor of, xxv 161] 163] 
«+e» ascent with a balloon, xxvi 230 
+--+. Tiot on account of the bridge toll 
being renewed, xxxv 45 
... extensive docks at, li 320] 
..-- first vessels from an outport to the E, 
-Indies, lyi 37 
+++. abuse of a charity by the corporation,. 
Ix 318 
Bristol, Aug. J. (Hervey) 3rd earl of, i 88, 
104. ii 117. v 38-40] x 98] xvii 169] 
xviii 128] xix 159] 232] xx 164] xxi 
152] 208*] 312] xxii 93] 153] 343] 344] 
xxx 213] 
.... his marriage with miss Chudleigh de- 
clared null, xii 73] xx 164] 
-.+. resigns all his places, xviii 104] 
.... his marriage with miss Chudleigh es- 
tablished, xxi 168] 
.. +» character of, xxvi 23 
G. (Digby) earl of, viii 27] xxviii 
163. xxxvi 364 
.. +» Character of, xii 39 
G. W. (Hervey) 2nd earl of, i199. 
iv 49-53] 283] v 185] vii 178] 
Fred. Aug. 4th earl, character of, Jiii 


+++. arrested as a spy in Italy, xl 34 

--.. testimonial of artists at Rome in fa- 
vour of, xl 40 

Fred. W. 5th earl, xlviii 27 

J. (Digby) earl of, xxi 240. xxxiv 

Bristow, extraordinary legacy of, xii 158] 
J. xxviii 242) xlv 782 

Mrs. xxxiv 28. 

W. killed, xliii 132 

Britain, Great: humble representation to 


none who are to sit on the throne of, iii 
Britain, Great: no motive for attacking re- 
vealed religion in, iii 189 
«+++ the great seal delivered to the king by 
the lord keeper, and returned to him 
with the title of lordjhigh chancellor, iv63] 
+++. impositions in the king’s household 
detected, iv 138] j 
«- ++ 100 men, professedly engaged as ser- 
vants for the colonies, stopped at Ports- 
mouth, iv 142] 
eh ia paid tothe Dutch for turbot, iv 

e+e peopled by the Celts, iv 158 

++». introduction of Christianity into, iv 161 

«++. remarks on the king’s exercise of his 
ryan in the choice of ministers, vi 

+++ constable confined in a foreign ambas- 
sador’s house for attempting to execute a 
warrant against a domestic, vii 80] 

‘e+.. List of supplies and ways and means 
from the Revolution to the end of the 
year 1763, vii 155] 

e.-. civil list expenses during the reign of 
William the third, viii 252] 

ee. constitution of, ix 38] 39] x 46] xii 
133] 201] xiii 67*] 159: xiv 131] xviii 
108*] xix 75] 107] xxvii 70] xxix 110] 
xxxili 381] xxxiv 127] xxxvi 200] 202] 
204] xxxviii 518, 526. x1 434 

‘ae Soldiers of, ix 173, 176 

+++ Corsica offered to, x 37] 

«+++ prerogatives of the crown, x 45] xii 
183] xv 232] xxvi 167] xxvii 77] xxxv 
42] xxxvi 200] 202] 204] xlvi 61, 63 

e+ +» money collected by two preachers for 
me the Gospel in America, xi 

‘ee. trade with N. America, xi 204] xii 215] 

xvili 105*] 192] 

-»» decrease of oak timber in, xiv 218] 

++» ancient commerce of, xiv 137 

«+. case of Somerset the slave, xv 110] 

.-- has passed it’s meridian, xvi 217 
- revenue at different periods, xvii 175] 

Xxxii 280] liii 310. liv 404. lv 382. lvi 

372. See also Taxes 

eee» trade-of, xviii 105*] xxx 128] 

coin issued. See Coin 

+++» number of four-wheeled carriages, 
xviii 191] 

+++» number of newspapers printed, 75. 

+++. packs of cards stamped, d. 

+... pairs of dice stamped, 2d. 

.... value of corn imported, #. 

«++» grants for charts of, xviii 245] 

+++ On raising troops without authority of 
parliament, xxi 86] 

< gg benevolences to the crown, xxi 90] 

«++. complaints of the undue influence of 
the crown, xxiii 83] 86] 128] 165] 327] 
xxv 177] xxxii 105] xxxix 254] liv 23] 



Nero Great: right of petitioning, xxiii 

+++. secret advisers of the crown, xxvi 172] 

«+.» Temarks on putting the great seal into 
commission, xxvi 177] 

«.+- judges should not have seats in the 
House of Lords, xxvi 178] 

impolicy of continental wars, xxx 209 

«+. late continuance of the use of torture 
in, xxxii 96 

«. ++ modern whigs and tories, xxxvii 5*] 

.» ++ alteration of the king’s title, xliii 1 

«++. Select committee of the Commons for 
inquiring into the state of the public re- 
cords, xliii 144 

+».. money raised without consent of par- 
liament, xlvii 99 

+++. mischievous negligence in auditing 
public accounts, xlviii 76 : 

«+. folly of subsidizing foreign powers, 1 

-+«» Roman invasion of, li 870 

«+++ population of, liii 273. liv 321, 322 

++. large sums at the command of the 
crown without control of parliament, liv 

+. ++ claim to the dominion of the four seas, 
liv 512 

e+» See also England 

++.. origin of the disputes with France re- 
specting N. America, i 2 

+++. change of ministry perhaps conducive 
to the war, i 3 

+++.» two French men-of-war taken, i 4 

-. +» alarmed at a threatened invasion, i 5 

---+ foreign troops called in, 7d. 

- +++ Byngsent to the defence of Minorca, id. 

...+ subsidizes the empress of Russia, 2. 

+++» temporary reasons for this alliance, i 6 

+... discontents of the people, i 9 

«+++ changes of ministry, i 10 

»++- State of parties, i 10, 11 

+ +++ principles and views of these, i 11 

«-.- ill success in America and the E. 
Indies, i 13, 28 

«+». assists Prussia in Germany, i 15 

+-++ convention of Closterseven, i 19, 27, 
135, 193, 201 

-... abortive expedition against Rochefort, 

e+.. mischiefs of party spirit, i 28 

e+.» ill success in N. America, 7b. 

«+++ advantages in the E. Indies, i 30 

-. +.» the French expelled from Hanover, i 

e+. State of, at opening the campaign of 
1758, i 38 

e+. treaty of subsidy with the king of 
Prussia, i 40 

e.+- troops landed at Embden under C, 
duke of Marlborough, i 46 

«-.- conclusions of the Aulic council 
against the king as elector of Hanover, i 50. different views of the conduct to be 
pursued by, i 65 



Britain, Great: preparations against France, 
1 66 

..+» Cherbourg taken, i 68 
«+. attempt at St. Malo, 7b. 
es.. affair of St. Cas, i 69 
~-.- Goree taken, i 75. ii 63 
»-.. act for importing provision from Ire- 
land, i 106, 107 
e+e. money granted to support our con- 
nexions on tbe continent, i 132 
«+++ memorial to the States general on their 
trade with it’s enemies, i 144 
e+.. complaint of the Dutch merchants 
against, ina memorial to the States gene- 
ral, i 149 
«.»- French king’s parallel between his 
conduct and that of the king of, i 200 
.»». the king’s answer, i216 
«.-. State of, at the beginning of 1759, ii 
» 5, 
e-.. threatened invasion from France ad- 
' yantageous to, ii 7 
e++. prosecution of the war in the W. 
Indies, ii 11 
-+~ battle of Minden, ii 16, 233. iii 2] 
.--- fresh threats of invasion, ii 22 
-_ de la Clue defeated by Boscawen, ii 
«++ Successes in N. America, ii 29 
«+++ preparations for invading, ii 51, 94 
«+» Conflans defeated by Hawke, ii 52 
ne successes in the E. Indies, ii 53, 54, 
«+++ State of, at the close of 1759, ii 56 
ess» conventions with Prussia and Hesse 
Cassel, ii 60, 61, 125, 204 
«+.. arrival of ministers from the States 
general, ii 75 
«++» vessel taken by a Sallee rover, ii 104 
‘. +.» number of French prisoners in, ii 120 
«+.. insolence of a Dutch captain, and re- 
paration made by the States, ii 127 
e.-- the king’s desire of peace, in concert 
- with Prussia, declared to the foreign 
ee at the Hague, ii 129, 130, 267. 
' iii 3] 
«+ +» State paper in answer, iii 203] 
«++ Subscription for clothing the French 
prisoners, ii 130, 132 
«++. Ships lost during the war, ii 132. iii 
259] 260] iv 188-90] v 122] 

'»++~ subscription for the soldiers who fought 

at Minden and Quebee, ii 132 

‘e+ letter to the Dutch resident on a com- 

plaint of piracy, ii 230 
«+-- speech of the Dutch deputies to the 
king, and his majesty’s answer, ii 231 
«+s. proceedings in N. America, iii 5] 
+++» exertions in Germany, iii 10] 
+++. opening of the campaign there, iii 19] 
° a. proceedings in Germany, iji 
¢+,+ armament preparing, supposed to act 
in conjunction with the prince of Bruns- 
wick, iii 36] 133] 142] 148] 154] 


Britain, Great: complaint of the British 
troops suffering most, iii 38] 126] 

«++. death of George II, iii 39] 138] 

-+.. his successor avows his intention to 
pursue the war on the same plan, iii 42] 

..-- blockade of Gottingen ineffectual, iii 

-.-- the army goes into winter quarters, 

..++ the troops much distressed, iii 51] 

«+--+ popular debates on the policy of a war 
in Germany, 7b. 53] 

«+++ successes in America, iii 57] 

.«.. Cherokee war, iii 61] See also Ame- 
rica, North ei . 
«++. Successes in the E. Indies, iii 63] 162] 
.».. number of troops in Germany, iii 106] 


«+. number of ships taken by the French, 
iii 111] 120] 127] 259] 260] iv 59] 161} 
162] 190] v 65] 122] 

«++. complaints of the officers in Germany 
and answers to them, iii 125] 

+... a party of pleasure taken by a French 
privateer off the North Foreland, iii 127] 

.... factory at Gombroon destroyed by the 
French, iii 140] ; 

++.» proclamation for persons to continue 
to execute their offices, and to take the 
oaths, iii 144] ai 

e.. expedition countermanded, iii 154] 

..+» convention with Prussia, iii 205] 

«++. disposition of the forces about the 
middle of 1760, iii 255) 

«-+. disposition of the navy, iii 257] 

.. +» Negotiations for a peace, iv 1] 4] 13] 
18] 37] 256] 

.... difficulties in the way of it, iv 6] , 

«».. Vigorous prosecution of the war, iv. 7] 

..«. Fritzlar taken, iv 9] 

«++ Cassel besieged, iv 10] 

.... French and Saxons defeated at Langen- 
saltze, 2d. 

..-. the hereditary prince defeated at 
Stangerode, iv 12] ; 

++.. Siege of Cassel raised, 7. __ 

+s. expedition against Belleisle, iv 15] 

+++. a separate peace with France pro- 
posed, iv 18] 

.. +» France proposes Spain as a guarantee, 
iv 22] 

++.» proceedings in Germany, iv 24] 

.»-. French defeated at Kirch Denkern, iv 

aes —— skirmishes, iv 27] 

.».. Hanover and Brunswick threatened, 
iv 28] 

...- Wolfenbuttel taken, and Brunswick 
besieged, iv 29] 

.... the French compelled to abandon both, 

»»-- steady conduct of prince Ferdinand, 
iv 30] 

+... the negotiation with France broken 
off, iv.4)] 



Britain, Great: conduct of Spain during 
the negotiation, iv 41] 

+++. Mr. Pitt proposes an immediate de- 
claration of war against Spain, iv 42] 

-.+» this opposed by his colleagues, iv 43} 

.. ++ he resigns, iv 44] 

** Strate with the Spanish court, iv 49] * 

+... -desires a communication of the treaty 
with France, iv 51] 

«+». answers ofthe Spanish minister, iv 52] 

«.+- rupture with Spain, iv 53] 189] 
281-90] : 

+... successes in the E. Indies, iv 54] 

W. Indies and _N. 

America, iv 58] 

-. +. French account of ships taken in 1760 

on both sides, iv 59] 

e+». nimber of prisoners in England and 
in France, iv 101] 

«.++ Speedwell cutter taken by a French- 
man in Vigo harbour, iv 127] 

«-.. indications of a rupture with Spain, 
iv 189] 

«+. Spanish prisoners in, iv 190] 

-.. State of thenavy. See Navy 

e+.. declaration of the allies on the subject 
of peace, iv 272] 

e+ +s counterdeclaration, iv 273} 

-. +.» note of the count de Fuentes, iv 231] 

e.+- answer to it, iv 282] 

-++- orders for detention of British ships 
in Spanish ports, iv 285] 

---. declaration of war against Spain, 7d. 
v 5] 65) 

«... Spanish declaration of war, iv 288] 

--.. State of at the close of 1761, v 5) 

e+,.. Suecesses of prinee Ferdinand, v 25] 

-+.. effectual assistance of Portugal, v 31] 

«++. Successes in the W. Indies, v. 33] 36] 

—— of the ministry and parties, v 

-+»+ negotiations for peace, v 47] 

pales i ee taken’ and retaken, v 

-... hereditary prince defeated, v 49} 

e+.» the French repulsed, ib, 

---~ Cassel invested, ib. 

-» «+ obstinate aflair at Bucker Muhl, 2d. 

es nae taken by the Freneb, v 

e... Cassel surrendered to the allies, 2d. 

«. +e preliminaries of peace signed, 2b. 54] 

e+ +. definitive treaty, v 54] 233] vi 116] 

-».. variations from the preliminaries, v 

e».. conduct at the peace, v 63] 

«.-- Ships taken during the war from the 
French and Spaniards, v 121] 

e.+- summary of the papers relative to the 
rupture with Spain, v 185-203] 

es... capture of Manilla, vi 5-13] 

-... Manilla galleon taken, vi 14] 

. the earl of Bristol directed to remon- 


Britain, Great: general. summary of the 
successes of the war, vi 15] 
.... private expedition against. Buenos 
Ayres, 2b. 
+... attack of Nova Colonia, vi 16] wine 
-. ++ failure of the enterprise by) the com- 
modore’s ship taking fire, vi 17] 
++. arrangements in N. America, vi 18] 
-««. hostilities of the Indians, vi 19-32] 
.-.. domestic aflaivs, vi 32] 
«++. Supplies, vi 33] 
+++ Opposition to them, vi 34] 
«.+. ferment excited by the cider act, vi 
35] 36] 38] 
.. «+ resignation of lord Bute, vi 38] 
+» .. remarks on it, vi 39] 40] 
.++. Struggle between three parties, vi 42} 
. forces employed the last year of the. 
wary vi 50] 
.. +. loss of seamen and marines during the 
war, 26. 
«+++ numbers marched through Holland 
on their return to England, vi 52] 
+... convention with the States-general for 
their passage, vi 53] 
»+.. orders for quarantine issued, vi 62] 
+... French flatbottomed boats sent over 
to fetch prisoners, vi 65] 
..-. money due for the maintenance of 
French prisoners, 7. 
+... public entry of the ambassadors ex- 
a? from Venice, vi 69] 
... great demand for gold coin, vi 78] | i 
. handsome conduct of the k. of Portu- 
“gall to the officers of the troops sent. ta 
his relief, vi 86] 
. punishment of an Algerine captain 
"he had taken an English vessel, vi 112] 
«..- notice to merchants concerned in the 
places restored to the French, vi 116] 
w»«» proceedings in favour of ‘the. dis- 
charged soldiers and sailors, vi 117-9] 
. trick of retailers to prevent impor- 
"tation of provision from Ireland, vi 120] 
.--- annual supplies granted for carrying 
on wars since the Revolution, vi 174] 

«+. State of parties, vii 18] 

+--+ pampbleteers, 2b. 

«s+. general warrant against the authors, 
&c, of the North Briton, 7d. 

+... proceedings in parliament on the 
occasion, vii 20] 26] 

+++. admiralty droits given to the public, 
vii 31] 

++++ military officers dismissed for their. 
conduct in parliament, vii 33] 

«+.. Successes in the East Indies, vii 34-44]. 

.... colonial duties, vii 63] 

.... German commissariat for demands, on 
the British treasury, vii 69] : 

++.++ prosecutions to be commenced against 
persons neglecting to:pay ransom bills, ih. 

.... Steps taken for the benciit of the navy, 
vii 75] 



Britain, Great: complaints of our logwood 
cutters against the Spaniards, vii $2] 

++.. Satisfaction obtained of the French for 
an attempt to settle on the Turks islands, 
vii 97] 

«++. attack of a Spanish captain on a 
British vessel in the Mediterranean, vii 98] 

«--- complaint of the Canada bills not 
being paid by the French, vii 100] 

eee remonstrance against a French settle- 
ment near the river Gambia, vii 103] 

..-. vessel taken by an Algerine restored, 
vii 109] 

-.-.» Saltpetre taken from English vessels 
in Russia to be sent to Prussia, 2b. 

«-.. France and Spain not disposed to do 
justice to, viii 8] 

-.-- downfall of the ministry expected, viii 

«++ discontents of the people, viii 17} 

+++ officers of king’s ships made to act as 
customhouse officers in America, viii 

eo». mischiefs of this, 2b. 19] 

«++. beneficial trade between our colonies 
and those of Spain, viii 19] 

-.«. this unfortunately checked, 2d. 

e+.. @ Similar trade between our colonies 
and the French, viii 20] 

«+..- impolitic conduct towards the Ameri- 
can colonies, viii 22-5] 

«++» imprudent allusion to the subject in 
the king’s speech, viii 26] 

«e.. question of general warrants agitated 
anew, 7b. 

-..+. right to tax America denied, viii 33] 
ix 37] 

«+. yet carried into effect, viii 37] 

.-.. the king dissatisfied with his ministers, 
viii 42] 

++. new ministry formed, viii 44] 

«+++ proposal of the French for liqui- 
dating their debt for prisoners accepted, 
viii 62] 

oo s+ expense of cutters to prevent smugg- 
ling, viti 154] 

«++. prospective view of the probable an- 
nual expenditure, viii 251) 

+++. Successes in the E. Indies, ix 20-31] 
x 40] 

+. «+ State of, at the close of 1765, ix 31] 61), 

+++» critical situation of the ministry, ix 32] 

«++. State of parties, 7. 33] 

+++, proceedings at the meeting of parlia- 
ment, ix 34] 35] 

«++» debates on the authority of the legis- 

lature over the colonies, ix 37) 

++.» carried in the affirmative inall cases, 
ix 44] 

++++ bill passed in consequence, ib, 

ae iy ep Stamp act repealed, ix 46] 

+++. cider act repealed, ix 46] 

were sy eet change of administration, 
ix 4 

Britain, Great: order for English vessels 
to leave St. Domingo, ix 64] 
-+.+- numerous changes of placemen, ix 63] 
+++. treaty of friendship with Sweden and 
other powers, ix 74] 
++.» Settlement on the Wolga, for trading 
to Persia and Astracan, about to be re- 
vived, ix 120] 
+.-. treaty of commerce with Russia,. ix 
-... vessels making salt in the W. Indies 
seized by the Spaniards, i ix 127] 
++.. embargo on ships with corn for ex- 
potion and prohibition of distilling, ix 
.. ++ declaration of the minister at Warsaw 
in behalf of the dissidents, ix 234] 
«... ill conduct of Portugal toward, x 6] 
--.. distress from the high price of pro- 
vision, x 39] 
ee. Fiots In consequence, tb. 
--.. military called in, x 40} 
++.. proclamation against forestallers, &e. 
ix 224] x 40] 
eee. ———— for prohibiting ét porta- 
tion, ix 226] 228] x 40} 
+++. consequences of the successes in the 
E. Indies, x 41] 
«++» meeting of parliament, x 44] 
..». weakness of the ministry, x 45] 4I*} 
+++» treatment of a sloop by the Spaniards 
in the W. Indies, x 89} 
ee.- very great council held at St. James’s, 
x 102] 
«»+. conduct of France and Spain toward 
in the W. Indies, x 105] 123-5] i65} 
-... the ambassador at the Porte presents 
two memorials on the Russian resident 
being sent to the Seven Towers, xi 34] 
+++. disturbances in America in conse- 
quence of the new duties imposed, xi 
67*} ‘ 
-++. a colonial secretary appointed, xi 69°] 
e+. troops sent to Boston, xi 74 i+} 
+... changes in the ministry, xi 75* 
o¥iie meeting of parliament, xi 76*] 
-.-. affairs of the E. India company, 7d. 
+». proceedings of the ministry to trans- 
fer certain crown lands from the duke of 
Portland to sir James Lowther, xi 78*]. 
.--. charge of favouritism, xi 81*] 82*) 
..++ parliament dissolved, xi 83*] 
+... general election, id. 
--«. meeting of the new parliament, xi 84°] 
xii 64] 
--- vessel detained at Constantinople, xi 
«... arrival of a frigate at Corsica, xi 160]. 
.... conduct of the war in India, xii 48] 
+... attempt of ministers to have a con- 
trol over the company’s affairs there, xii. 
«++. retrospect of affairs previous to the. 
general election, xii 57} 


Britain, Great: ministers charged with in- 
sidiously countenancing a relaxation of the 
civil authority, xii 60] 

e+. farther charges against them, xii 61] 
62] 51*] 

*++- removal of gen, Amherst, xii 62] 63] 

»+++ neglect of the Corsicans, xii 63] 

-+++ changes in the ministry, i. 

e+++ meeting of parliament, xii 64] 

e++- fresh agreement with the E. India 
Company, xii 61*] 

ees. complaint of injustice toa British sub- 
ject at Surinam, xii 125] 

~+.» French frigate in the Downs refuses to 
lower her pendant till fired at, xii 131] 

» xiii 63] 

-+-- importation of hay and straw pro- 
icy on account of the distemper, xii 

‘e+.. seizure of Falkland’s islands by the 
Spaniards, xiii 9] 116] xiv 8] 

++-- ill disposition of the Bourbons toward, 
xili 9] 10] 76] 

e++- unfriendly conduct of Portugal toward, 
xiii 11] 136] 

eee» general discontent at the business of 
the Middlesex election, xiii 56] 

s+». several of the ministers resign, xiii 63] 

ge warrants issued, xiii 147-9] 157] 

»++- armed cutters and small sloops or- 
dered to cruise on our coasts to prevent 
infected ships from putting in, xiii 158] 

e+.. Other precautions, xiii 161] 

“ee. expectations of a war, xiv 12] 

++.. dissatisfaction at the terms of the late 
peace, xiv 16] 

++. hegotiation with Spain, xiv 21] 42] 

e+ +. a number of our seamen kept in prison 
by the Spaniards, xiv 24] 

«+++ mischiefs of ex officio informations, xiv 
28] 29] 

oa pray into the conduct of judges, xiv 

e+. judge tampered with by the crown, xiv 
33] 34] 

ee» convention respecting Falkland’s is- 
lands, xiv 46] 3 

++. insult to the flag by the Spaniards, xiv 


++. restitution of Falkland’s islands, xiv 

eese policy of, with respect to Poland, xv 6] 

«++. conduct of the king of Prussia toward, 
xv 39] 

e+. State of public affairs, xv 81*] 

vee present to M. Pleville le Pelley for 
saving the Alarm frigate, sv 111] 

+++ ambassador from the emp. of Morocco 
in consequence of the consul’s withdrawing 
from Tetuan, xv 122] 

e+e. conduct of the dey of Algiers toward 
the British consul, xv 152] xvii 122 

«++» representations to France and Spain on 
their naval preparations, xvi 51] 


Britain, Great : state of parties, xvi 62] 
-- +» slight changes in the ministry, xvi 63] 
-.+. naval preparations at Portsmouth, xvi 
96] 100] 
-+-- planks and staves purchased at Dantzic 
ns tie by the king of Prussia, xvi 127} 

e+. State of trade, xvii 42] 

+++. general view of affairs, xvii 43] 

--.. discontents in America, xvii 44] 

+... endeavours to inflame the people 
against the Americans, xvii 61] 

-. ++ Crab island claimed by the Spaniards, 
xvii 111] 

e+. exports and imports, xvii 136] xxxiv 
108-27. xxxviii 48. xli 189. xlii 150. lii 
458. lv 328. 1x 406. xi 403. See also Corn 
and Sugar 

+++. exportation of arms and ammunition 
prohibited, xvii 156] 

+... memorials to France and Holland on 
the subject of smuggling, xvii 164] 

-++- duty in Grenada imposed by the king 
in council set aside, xvii 164] 

--». address from the American congress 
to the people of G. Britain xvii 207] 

+++. ministers disappointed in the effects 
they expected from their coercive mea- 
sures against the colonies, xviii 2] 

«+. State of affairs at home, xviii 36] 

-. «+ dissolution of parliament, xviii 38] 

+++. meetings of merchants in London and 
Bristol on American affairs, xviii 47] 

«++ disclosure of secret influence, xviii 76} 

++... demur of a Russian admiral to salute 
the British flag at Spithead, xviii 129] 

«++. restrictions on admission into the dock- 
yards, magazines, and fortresses, xviii 

«.++ proclamation 
prizes, xviii 188] 

++.- subscription for the troops in Ame- 
rica, and their wives and children, xviii 
190] xix 52] 

xviii 190] 

-»-- Ships captured by the Americans, xviii 
190] 191] xix 8] 147*] 167*] xx 195] xxi 
127] xxii 191] xxiii 217*] xxiv 3] 251] 

respectin American 

for loyalist clergymen. in, 

e»-- American ships captured, xix 153*] 
xx 133] 195] 212] xxi 127] xxii 197*] 
xxiii 222°] 229] xxiv 174] xxv 210] 219] 
222] 229] 274) ' 

+... untoward aspect of American affairs, 
xix 37] : 

+... Opposite sentiments of the contest, xix 

sisters asses in support of ministers, xix 
46] 85] 

+++ pulpit politics, xix 47] 

«++.» whig and tory parties, 2d. \ 

++. negotiations for foreign troops, xix 49] 

ee. great expense of supplying the troops 
in America, xix 51] 



Britain, Great: insidious arts of ministers, 
xix 53] xx 54] 

..-- attempts to extend the influence of the 
crown, xix 83] 101] 124*] 133*] 141*] 
xx 54] 

+.» distress of the troops in America, xix 

.... form of Mediterranean passes altered, 
in consequence of their having been coun- 
terfeited abroad, xix 174] 

...» letters to and from German troops and 
officers in America to be free of postage, 
xix 181] ~ 

-... capture and treatment of gen. Lee, 
xx 7] : 

»+-- conduct of the Hessians in America, 
xx 11] 

«++: the disorders spread to the British 
troops, xx 12] 

.-.. difficulties of the American war, xx 

+--+ general indifference respecting it, xx 
24] xxi 35] 

--.. addition to the peerage, xx 25] 

+. threatening appearance of France and 
Spain, xx 28] 

+++. augmentation of the navy, 2d. 

-.+. disputes with the city on pressing 
seamen, 2b. 

-+.. attempts of Jack the painter, xx 28] 

+++. proclamation of the American com- 
missioners not noticed in the Gazette, 
xx 42] 

++.. secession of the minority from parlia- 
ment, xx 49] 

+--+ profusion of expenditure, and vile con- 
duct with respect to contractors, xx 67] 

-.+- negligence in supplying the army with 
tents and field equipage, xx 119] 

e--- unhandsome conduct of the ministers 
to gen. Carleton, xx 141] 

«»+« remonstrance to the French and Dutch 
on trading with America, xx 187] 

.,-- an American privateer carried off some 
live stock from Penzance, xx 195] 

+++. conduct of the Spaniards in the W. 
Indies, xx 255] 

--.. State of, previous to the meeting of 
parliament, xxi 35] 

+--+. coasts infested by American privateers, 
xxi 36] 

++.» conduct of the French, xxi 37] 86] 

++ ++ parliamentary inquiry into the state of 
affairs, xxi 53] 101] 106] 121] 124] 144] 
147] 150] 153] 155] 168*] 203*] 

++.. enormous expense of the ordnance, 
xxi 70] 

ae debi of American prisoners, xxi 

+++. obstacles to obtaining more troops 
from Germany, xxi 79] 

-. +» scheme for raising new troops, xxi 80] 

+-.. attempts of ministers to bafile inquiry, 
xxi 101] 

+++» object of opposition in it, xxi 104] 



Britain, Great : state of the navy at different 
periods, xxi 208*} y 

«+++ Spirited conduct of British seamen sur- 
prised by a French fleet in N. America, 
Xxi 228*] 

+... contention among the soldiers to serve 
as marines, xxi 229*] 

-. +. the French ambassador ordered home, 
xxi 172] 

-+-- embargo on French vessels, ¢., 173] 

° “5 Sa for embodying the militia, xxi 


+» ++ meeting at Northumberland house on 
a threatened attack on the N, E. coast of 
England, xxi 180] 

ve des senaral embargo and hot press, xxi 


+++ encampments for the summer, xxi 189] 

.. «+ letters of marque issued, xxi 196] 

+++. corn exported and imported, with 
duties, drawbacks, and bounties. See Corn 

+++. powers of the commissioners to Ame- 
rica, xxi 323] 

.. ++ their manifesto and proclamation, xxt 
328] xxii 23] 83] 

+... measures pursued by them, xxii 18} 

-.++ loss of Dominica, xxii 36] 

_«+.» several of our victuallers captured, xxii 


«+++ capture of St. Lucia, xxii 43] 

++. state of at the close of 1778, xxii 50] 

++,. indecision of ministers, xxii 53] 

.. ++ State of the navy, xxii 55] 

+++ approach of the British and French 
fleets, xxii 58] 

«+. the Licorne and Belle Poule taken, 
xxii 59] 

+++. ships captured by the French, xxii 
39] 63] 208*] xxiv 2] 3] 78] 129] 180] 
181] xxv 224*] 257] 269} 271] xxvi 41] 
42] 249} 294] 298] 299] 

-.»-- French ships captured, xxii 59] 60] 
xxiii 12] 204*] 215*] 222*] 287] 289-91] 
xxiv 2] 163] 182] 188] 246] xxv 125] 
196*] 210*] 211*] 213*] 222*] 223*] 199] 
202] 203] 206]. 210] 220] 224] 228] 229] 
ct 274] xxvi 43] 69] 206] 258] 259] 

+... engagement with the Brest fleet, xxii 
63-71] 91] 

---- Spanish manifesto, &c. xxii 162] 359] 

«++ the militia doubled, xxii 170] 

-+.. volunteer companies to be attached to 
it, 2. 

-».- extension of the impressment of seae 
men, 2b. 

--+.» proclamation for driving cattle from 
the coast in case of invasion, xxii219] 362] 

«+++ Spanish ships captured, xxii 228] 232] 
233] xxiii 202*] 212*] xxv 241*] xxvi 297] 

» +++ number of prisoners of war in, xxii 228] 

.»+» order for reprisals on Spain, xxii 361] 

..» ++ French manifesto, xxii 390] 

.++s answer to it, xxii 397] 



Britain, Great: memorials to the Dutch, 
xxii 421] 425] 428-31] 

.... American manifesto, xxii 441] 

+... neglect of mediating between Russia 
and Turkey, xxiii 9] 

«... losses in Africa, xxiii 11] 

+++. attempt of the French on Jersey, xxiii 
11] 12] 

-++. invasion threatened, xxiii 13] 34] 

-+-- combined fleets parade off Plymouth, 
xxiii 14] 

eo... state of affairs at the opening of par- 
liament, xxiii 16] 

«++. military associations and subscriptions, 

xxiii 34] 

«... three seventy-four-gun ships, and a 
bounty for 6,000 seamen, given by the E. 
India company, 7d. 

«+++ county meetings, associations and pe- 
titions for reform, xxiii 85] 88] 193] 198] 
201] 338] xxiv 140] 

«++. capture of Don Juan Langara, xxiii 

«++» Dutch ships, under convoy of count 
Byland, brought to Spithead, xxiii 204*] 

«++. armed neutrality formed under the 
auspices of Russia, xxiii 205*] 346-56] 

«+.. proclamation, that the Dutch had for-. 

feited all title to the advantages of their 
treaty with the English, xxiii 207*] 345] 

«.+- insidious conduct of Spain in America, 
and the W. Indies, 7. 

--.. Ships captured by the Spaniards, xxiii 
208*] xxvi 299] 

-+.. fort Omoa taken by storm, xxiii 212*] 

«++. engagements between Rodney and de 
Guichen, xxiii 226*] 229*] 

«+.. proclamation for capturing all foreign 
ships with warlike stores, xxiii 196] 

«+++ papers taken with Mr. Laurens, xxiii 

«-+- manifesto against the Dutch, xxiii 
376] xxiv 162*] 

«+... reports of the commissioners of public 
accounts. See Commissioners 

«-.. capture of the E. and W. India fleets, 
xxiv 2] 181] 

- of great part of the Quebec 
fleet, xxiv 3] 

e+. proceedings of the fleets, xxiv 4] 

«+++ siege of Gibraltar, xxiv 5] 

-. +. disagreement between the commanders 
in chief in America, xxiv 22] 

-.++ loss of W. Florida, xxiv 23] 

«+. plan for the total destruction of the 
British forces in America and the W. In- 
dies, xxiv 28] ’ 

+--+. engagement between Arbuthnot and 
de Ternay off the Chesapeak, xxiv 78] 

«+++ loss of Florida, xxiv 99] 

-+.. St. Eustatia taken, xxiv 102] 

2». Dutch ships captured, xxiv 102] 164*] 
162] 172] 199] 249] xxv 110] 111] 298] 
+++. engagement between Hood and de 

Grasse off Martinico, xxiv 108] 


Britain, Great: engagement between Graves 
and de Grasse in the Chesapeak, xxiv 
128] : 

«+. consequences of the riots, xxiv 137] 

«+++ dissolution of parliament, xxiv 139] 

«+... new creation of peers, xxiv 145] 

--.. Dutch vessels detained by order of 
council released, xxiv 167] 

+». treatment of the British consul in Mo- 
rocco, xxiv 170] 

++.. prisoners exchanged with France, xxiv 

.».. intercepted letters published in the 
Amsterdam Gazette, xxiv 254] 255] 

..-- mediation with the United Provinces 
offered by Russia and Sweden, xxiv 310} 
315] 317] xxv 298] 

..-. answers to them, xxiv 315] 318] xxv 

... relief of Gibraltar, xxv 99] 

.... convoy from St. Eustatia intercepted, 
xxv 105] 

.»-. commodore Jobhnstone’s expedition, 
xxv 106] 

.. +. the kings of Ternate and Tidore escape 
from the Cape to his squadron, xxv 111} 

.... Minorca invaded, xxv 115] 216*] 

..+.- the combined fleets enter the channel, 

... afraid to attack adm. Darby in Torbay, 
xxv 116] 

..+. Naval force in the North seas, xxv 119] 

.... defeat of the Dutch off the Dogger 
bank, xxv 120] 

.... Kempenfeldt sent with avery inade- 
quate force to intereept a French convoy, 
xxv 124] 

«+. want of union in the ministry, xxv 

.... Rockingham administration, xxv 177] 

«... successes of the French in the W. In- 
dies, xxv 194*] 

--.. Rodney defeats de Grasse, xxv 204*] 
208*] 252] 

..-+ Minorca taken, xxv 219*] 

..-. loss of the Royal George, xxv 225*] 
219] 226] xxvi 201] 211] 

«.+» Danish ships taken at St. Eustatia and 
in the W. Indies demanded to be restored, 
xxv 204 

«... Newfoundland and Canada conyoy 
taken, xxv 257] 

.... plan for raising corps of volunteers in 
the several towns, xxv 300] 

.... remarks on the early conduct of the . 
American war, by a French officer, xxv 

..++ preliminaries of peace, xxv 315] xxvi 
134-6] 148] 319] 

.... proceedings in the E. Indies, xxvi 2] 

.... Bahamaislands taken by the Spaniards, 
xxvi 115] 

.»-- Dutch settlements on the coast of 
Africa taken, 74; 



Britain, Great: two of the Hudson’s bay 
company’s forts destroyed by the French, 
xxvi 116] 

..-- successes on the Moschetto shore, xxvi 

...-- Russia and Austria mediators for peace 
xxvi 132] 

.... State of parties at the meeting of par- 
liament, xxvi 136] 

..+- ministerial interregnum, xxvi 168] 

..+- pensions granted on a change of mi- 
nistry, xxvi 169] 

«.-+ embargo on ships loading for America, 
xxvi 197] 

+... envoy sent to Morocco, xxvi 204] 

+... embargo on ships laden with provision 
taken off, xxvi 216] 

.... Bahama islands retaken, xxvi 260] 

-... Memorial from the officers and men of 
the provincial troops in America, xxvi 

- 262] 

+--- general list of ships of war taken or 
destroyed, xxvi 297] 

-».. definitive treaty of peace with France, 
xxvi 322] 

— convention relative to, xxix 

- 280] 

Emo with Spain, xxvi 331] 

with America, xxvi 339] 

with Holland, xxvii 194] 

+-.. abrupt dismissal of the ministry, 
xxvii 71] 

+... dissolution of parliament, xxvii 99] 146] 

«... character of the late parliament, xxvii 

«+. hew court of justice for crimes com- 
mitted in the E. Indies, xxvii 166] 

-+.. great seal stolen, xxvii 185] 247] 

.... offer of many seamen to assist the 
Dutch against the emperor, xxvii 288] 
..-. plan for adjusting the commercial in- 

tercourse with Ireland, xxviii 13] 16] 
«--. Opinions of the principal merchants 
and manufacturers asserted by Mr. Pitt to 
be favourable to it, xxviii 15] 
+».. this apparently refuted by their pro- 
ceedings, 7b. 
+++.» act on the subject, xxviii !6] 
+++. the bill dropped in Ireland in conse- 
ag of the small majority for it, xxviii 
«+++» general view of the state of the nation, 
_ xxviii 90] 
+--+. report of the board of officers on the 


_ duke of Richmond’s plans for fortifying 

Portsmouth and Plymouth, xxviii 952] 

+... treaty with Russia suflered to expire, 
xxviii 141] 

«++. commercial treaty with France, xxviii 
171) 260] xxix 67] 71] 73] 82] 86] 87] 

* 89] 98) 271] 

+++- memorial from the W. India planters 
respecting it, xxviii 286] 

¢+.- convention with Spain relating to the 
Bay of Honduras, xxviii 262] xxix 111] 


Britain, Great: naval preparations, xxix 217] 

+... convention regarding the commercial 
treaty with France; xxix 271] 

-— with France, relative to the 
E. Indies, xxix 280] 

---- declaration to France and counterde- 
claration respecting Holland, xxix 282] 

++» treaty with Hesse Cassel, xxix 315] 

.. +. adventurers to the Crimea, xxx 19] 

+... conduct respecting the war between 
Russia and the Porte, xxx 61] 

+... progressive improvement in the trade 
of, xxx 128] 

..+. effective interposition with Denmark 
in favour of Sweden, xxx 196*] 
»++» proclamation against British seamen 
entering into foreign service, xxx 202] 
.... treaty of alliance with Holland, xxx 

.... complaint of the emperor of Morocco, 
xxx 295] 

.... the king’s illness, xxxi 68] 

«+.. report of the physicians, xxxi 69] 

- money lent to the Dutch, xxxi 1512] 

..+. flour requested by France refused, xxxi 
164] 216] 

-... defensive alliance with Prussia, xxxi 

-... regency bill, xxxi 343] 

+... general approbation of the French 
revolution at it’s commencement, xxxii 
63] } 

++.» exportation of corn prohibited, xxxii 
65] 66] 

.».. conduct of the Spaniards in Nootka 
Sound, xxxii 95] 287] 

.-+- preparations for war, xxxiii 209 

+.» expense of ambassadors to Spain and 
shortness of their residence, xxxii 98] 

--.. convention with Spain, xxxii 147] 303} 
xxxiii 214 \ 

+... papers relating to the transaction, xxxii 
292-305] xxxiii 214 

.... dispute with Russia respecting Ocza- 
kow, xxxiii 251 

---- quantity of sugar imported and ex- 
ported. See Sugar 

.... report of the committee of finance on 
the public income and expenditure, 
xxxiii 119] 

.... effects of the French revolution, xxxiv 
7] 125] 

.+-. embassy to China, xxxiv 179] 

.... emigrations from France, xxxiv 36, 
39, 50 

.... war with Tippoo Sultan, xxxiv 129 

.... subscriptions for the Poles, xxxiv 31, 
101, 102 

.... case of the French refugee clergy, 
xxxiv 76 

.... proceedings of various societies rela- 
tive to the affairs of France, xxxiv 126] 
79, 72, 73 


Britain, Great: proclamation against tumul- 
tuous meetings and seditious writings, 
xxxiv 165. xxxv 3] 

+++. —-——-—— for calling out the mili- 
tia, xxxiv 166. xxxv 3] 

...+ confidential letter to the king from the 
king of France, xxxiv 173 

- +--+ correspondence between M. Chauvelin 
and lord Grenville, xxxiv 174-83. xxxv 
44] 231] 114-128. xxxix 153] 

+++. proclamation respecting the war be- 
tween France and the king of Hungary, 
xxxiv 177 

e-.. ambassador at Paris recalled, xxxv 

«+++ memorials to the States of Holland, 
xxxv 131, 133, 159 
«++. disunion of the opposition party, xxxv 
4] 32] 
e-++ proceedings respecting aliens, xxxv 
35] 38] 110 
+++. exportation of corn to France forbid- 
den, xxxv 44] 
«- +. war declared by the French, xxxv 54] 
234] 139 
eees act to prevent supplying the French 
with certain articles, purchasing lands in 
i or insuring French vessels, xxxv 
letters from le Brun to lord Grenville 
proposing a negotiation, xxxv 131] 
e+e issue of exchequer bills for the sup- 
port of commercial credit, xxxv 133] 185] 
XXxvi 22 
. Ft ied of the war with France, xxxv 
«-.. treaty of commerce with Russia, xxxv 
«++» large body of German troops taken 
into it’s service, 7b. 
«+++ king of Sardinia subsidized, xxxv 241] 
xxxvi 207] 118. xxxvii 117. xxxviii 70] 
_»++- troops sent to Holland, xxxv 242] 
«+++ Successes in the W. Indies, xxxv 270] 
«++. all the French settlements in the E. 
Indies taken, xxxv 271] 
«++. attempt on Dunkirk, xxxv 272] 
++» Occupation of Toulon, xxxv 275] 283] 
+++» unsuccessful attempts at Corsica, and 
in la Vendée, xxxv 286] 287] 
e+. French ships captured, xxxv 61. xxxvi 
282] 63, 79, 87. xxxvii 133] 137] 138] 
Xxxviii 198] 73. xxxix 92] x1 165] 2, 143, 
145, 146, 147. xli 28] 291] 71. xlii 212] 
213] 215] 19, 72, 74, 76, 81. xliii 263] 
264] 271] 94, 109, 110, 112, 113, 182. 
xliv 369. xlv 391, 393, 395, 397, 431, 457, 
459, 539, 541, 542, 549. xlvi 383, 559. 
xlvii 354, 356, 362, 373, 526, 537, 546, 
548. xlviii 229, 231, 232, 587, 591. xlix 
656, 186*. 1i 418, 515, 532v 1ii 263, 297, 
298, 300-9, 311, 315, 319. liii 96-100] 
175, 194, 214, 215. liv 136] 138-40] lv 
_ 111-13]. 208, 295, 226. lvi 171-3] 153, 
158, 159, 161, 176, 195 



Britain, Great:ships captured by the French, _ 
xxxv 61. xxxvi 206] xxxvii 133] 139] 
xxxvili 18. xl 56, 70. xlii 36x. xliii 248] 
249] 125, 459. xlvi 116”. 131, 389. xlvii 
219, 363, 524, 527. xlviii 228, 230, 232. 
lii 263, 265. liii 28. 1v 109] 

..+» declaration to Sweden on the trade of 
neutrals, xxxv 174 

Denmark on the same, 

xxxv 176, 178. 
-.-- counterdeclaration of Denmark, xxxv 
++++ memorial to the court of Tuscany, and 
answer, xxxv 186, 187 
++» declaration to the commanders of the 
fleets and armies against France, and to 
the ministers at foreign courts, xxxv 199. 
xxxvi 110] 
eee answer to it, xxxvi lll] 
++. note to the Swiss cantons, xxxv 202 ~ 
+... —— to the court of Denmark, answer, 
and reply, xxxv 205, 206 
«.-- credulity of the ministry in subsidiz- 
ing Prussia xxxvi 12] 251] 
«+» the treaty, xxxvi 157 
..-. Austria subsidized, xxxvi 47] 
«+++ succours to the Vendeans sent too late, 
xxxvi 91] 209] 
++». State of parties in, xxxvi 179] 
.+» military preparations, xxxvi 197] 
--.- Austrian troops landed in the Isle of 
Wight, xxxvi 198] 202] 
-+++ manufactory of assignats, xxxvi 212] 
+++. act restraining the payment of money 
to persons residing in France, 2d, 
«+s» impolitic conduct of, xxxvi 221] 
«++. militia augmented, xxxvi 234] 
-... volunteer forces raised, xxxvi 235] 
--.. treaties with foreign powers, xxxvi 
....- number of merchant ships and mari- 
ners, xxxvi 249] 
+e.» Offensive conduct toward America, 
xxxvi 255] 244-52 
+--+ principal members of the Correspond- 
ing and Constitutional Societies appre- 
hended, xxxvi 268] 
++.. trial of them for high treason xxxvi278] 
«+» French fleet defeated by lord Howe, 
Xxxvi 282] 86, 90. xxxviii 41 
+++» French W. India islands captured, 
xxxvi 282] 
-... Salaries of different officers appointed 
during the war, xxxvi 93-95 
+++ pay of the army commissaries, xxxvi 94 
-..+. union of Corsica with the crown of, 
xxxvi 95 
+... grants to French refugees. See French 
++ «+ convention with Holland, xxxvi 160 
.-.. treaty with the duke of Brunswick for 
troops, xxxvi 161 
+.» the duke of York’s general orders on 
the French decree for giving no quarter, - 
xxxvi 168 



Britain, Great: instructions to the com- 
manders of ships, of war and privateers, 
xxxvi 170 

++«. the duke of York’s general orders on 
acts of violence and plunder, xxxvi 171 

++.. navigation of the Scheldt declared free 
to British vessels, xxxvi 176 

.... note of the British ambassador to the 
Porte, xxxvi 244 

.. +. scandalous conduct in the military hos- 
pitals in Holland, xxxvii 46] 49] 

+... the army obliged to retreat xxxvii 48] 

.... hardships endured by it, xxxvii 49n.] 

....» reaches Bremen, xxxvii 55] 

.» +» arrives in England, xxxvii 56] 

a es troops landed in Quiberon bay, xxxvii 


+».. disastrous fate of the expedition, 
xxxvii 70] 

+... repulsed at Noirmoutier, xxxvii 71] 

-... take isle Dieu, xxxvii 71 

+... St. Lucia recovered by the French, 
xxxvii 134] 

.+.. insurrections in other W. India islands, 
xxxvii 134] 

«++. naval engagements with the French, 
xxxvii 137-9] 

«+. Capeof Good Hope taken, xxxvii 138] 66 

«.-- remarks on the navy compared with 
the French, xxxvii 166] 

-.-- loans to Austria, xxxvii 173] 176] 200] 
201] 136, 161. xxxix 133] 142] 143] 179] 
90. xlii 206] 

---- ambassador from Turkey, xxxvii 6 

+».. money paid to the emperor, xxxvii104, 
136. xxxix 133] 90 

+++. estimated charge of foreign troops, 
xxxvii 109 

---- number of foreign troops in British 
pay, xxxvii 110 

+++» Dutch prize money, xxxvii 140 

+... disposition to negotiate with France, 
xxxvii 140 

+... foreign troops landed in the Isle of 
Wight, xxxvii 140 

++. French corps raised, xxxvii 163 

+++. proclamation respecting Dutch bills 
of exchange on, xxxvii 167 

«--- letters of marque against the Dutch, 
xxxvii 168 

+... proclamation relative to seditious as- 
semblies, xxxvii 176. xxxviii 16] 

eal with the dey of Algiers, xxxvij 

ebee of defensive alliance with Aus_ 
tria, xxxvii 269 
Sia, Xxxvii 272 

cove with America, xxxvii 294. 
xxxvili 126. x1 126 

sore ‘se scarcity, xxxvii 100*] xxxviii 9] 

— with Rus- 

oe State of parties, xxxviii 4] 
++++ petitions for peace, xxxviii 5] 
Parr I; 

Britain, Great: admission of Dutch pro- 
perty refused, xxxviii 5] 
..-. impolitic conduct toward America, 
XxXviii 6] , 
-.~ window of the king’s coach broken, and 
consequent proceedings, xxxviii 9] 16] 
+++» popular discussions of the treason aad 
sedition bills, xxxviii 38] 

+++. Tremonstrances and petitions against 
them, xxxviii 40] 

++.. general opinion of them, xxxviii 45} 

..+. possession taken of Porto Ferraio, 
Xxxvili 133 

+». steps taken toward a peace, xxxviii 78] 

..++ Corsica returns to the dominion of the 
French, xxxviii 114] 253 

-... the garrison retires to the island of 
Elba, xxxviii 115] 

«+.. endeavours of France to subvert it’s 
power, xxxviii 164] 

+... attempts to exclude it’s merchandize 
from the continent, xxxviii 167] 254, 255, 
256. x1 237. xliii 106] 

<+.. war declared by the Dutch, xxxviii 177] 

++.» animosity of France, xxxviii 1883] 

---. negotiations for peace with it, xxxviii 
189] 125, 147-73. xxxix 170n.] 181, 228 

«s.. Successes in the W. Indies, xxxviii 
193] 74, 80 

-».. Dutch fleet captured, xxxviii 194] 81 

cone — settlements in the E. Indies 
taken, xxxviii 194] 75, 90 

+» «+ Latin bibles given to the French emi- 
grant clergy, xxxviii 39 

«+-- loan raised by subscription, xxxviil 
44, 94 

-»+- Demerara taken, xxxviii 70 

«++. Ships taken from the Dutch, xxxviii 
194] 70, 90. xli 303] 82, 88, 90. xlii 81. 
xliii 182. xlv 397, 541..xlvi 139, 534, 548. 
xl vii 358. xlix 650, 672*: lii 303, 317 

+++» circular to the lieutenants of counties 
on the coast, xxxviii 93 

«+++ public circumstances in 1783-4 and 
1795-6 compared, xxxviii 97 

. ae sree with Hesse Darmstadt, xxxviii 

+++. order in council for sending goods 
abroad under license, xxxviii 136 

sens on detention of 
ships at Genoa, xxxviii 138 

for issuing letters 
of marque against Spain, xxxviii 138 

one —— respecting trade to 
the Cape, xxxviii 139 

+++.» Spanish declaration of war, xxxvili 195 

ee. answer to it, xxxviii 14] 

.. ++» manifesto against France, xxxvili 173 

-.-+ manufactures of, prohibited by the 
Batavian republic xxxviii 184 

...- Dutch manifesto against, xxxvili 189 

.. + note to the senate of Berne, xxxviii 205 

.... Ships destroyed by the French on the 
north coast of Deyon, xxxix 88] 

eeoce = 



Britain, Great: party lands in Wales, and 
quickly surrenders, xxxix 88] 170} 72 

...- island of Trinidad taken, xxxix 89] 78 

~.-- Spanish ships taken, xxxix 90] 95] 96} 
74. x1 157. xli 40. xlii 81, 253. xhii 253] 
263] 264] 7, 126, 182. xlvi 143, 555, xlvii 
535, 537, 546, 551, 552. xlviii 585, 586, 
604, xlix 655, 709* 

‘s.+. ineffectual attempt on Porto Rico 
xxxix 91] 

«+.» Successes in the W, Indies, xxxix 92] 

«»~. naval preparations against, xxxix 93] 

..-- defeat of the Spaniards off Cape St. 
Vincent, xxxix 94] 223] 73 

ee.. ———— Dutch off Camperdown, 
xxxix 100] 75 

..-- French schemes for the invasion of, 
xxxix 101] 318, 319. xlil04] ° 

‘es. gloomy state of affairs, xxxix 148] 

«... the negociation for peace broken off, 
xxxix 148] 

see» papers relative to it, xxxviii 124-6] 
xxxix 181-228 

... terms of peace offered by, xxxix 17] 7.] 

.... stoppage of the Bank, xxxix 179] 8, 9 
See Bank 

e+. discontents in the navy and army, 
xxxix 207] 

..-- complaints of the seamen, xxxix 209] 
239, 240 

ees these redressed, xxxix 210] 

e-.. fresh mutiny at the Nore, xxxix 

«. ++ papers relative to the mutiny, xxxix 

++. petitions for the wa of ministers, 
xxxix 249] 15, 18, 8 

+++» general stoppage of banks in the north, 
XXxix 7 

«-+. Ships of different nations taken, xxxix 
57. xliii 112. lii 300, 307, 311, 313, 316, 
318. liii 97] 

.... number of emigrants in, xxxix 57 

++. instructions for the baggage and 
marches of the army in case of an ene- 
my’s landing, xxxix 147 

-».. money to be paid to the United States, 
xxxix 171. x] 206. xli195, 197 

«-.. grant to Portugal, xxxix 172, 180 

e-.. declaration on the rupture of the 
negotiation with France, xxxix 223 

e... trade of the Spaniards with the W. 
Indies allowed under certain restrictions, 
notwithstanding the war, xxxix 234 

e+.. plan for an armed association sent to 
all the parishes of, xxxix 237 

‘ee. papers relating to Mr. Wickham’s re- 
call from Switzerland, xxxix 266-8 

eas, onereng treaty with Russia, xxxix 

ee. note of the British envoy to America, 
answer, and reply, xxxix 287-8 

ve. British goods prohibited in Spain, 
xxxix 359 

Britain, Great : fresh magiiclashi for peace | 

with France, xl 5] 174] 

...- documents relating to it, xxxix 181-228 

-... threats of France, x1 17] 

--+» defeat of the French fleet by Nelson, 
x] 126] 139] 142 

...+ Leghorn taken possession of, x1 130] 

ae fia against invasion, xl 132] 

.»«- Minorea and Goza surrendered to, 
xl 248] 147, 157 

«++. agreement with France respecting the 

maintenance of prisoners, x1 1 

-.+. this annulled by the French, xli 259. 
xii 2 

+++. mutiny on board the Hermione, xl 4 
See also Mutiny 

+++ Voluntary subscription for defence of, 
x1 7, 20, 85, 100. xlvii 762 

+++. expedition against Ostend, xl 121, 
131, 255, xli 118] 

aa articles of exchange of prisoners, xl 


+++ proceedings of the lords of the trea- 
sury relative to economical arrangements 
in public offices, xl 173 

-+.. volunteer corps, xl 154. See Volunteers 

++.» provisional treaty with Russia, x] 223. 
xli 76] 188] 215 

«+. boundary of the American possessions, 
x1 321 

«+.» complaint of the treatment of French 
prisoners, xli 104] 

.... Russia subsidized, xli 188) 195, 208, 


-++- union with Ireland, xli 202] 209] 3, 
rt 2b. xlii 112] 181, 190, 200. xliii 40] 

--+- Bavarian troops taken into pay, xli_ 

265] xlii 205] 

-.+. Wurtemburg subsidized, xli 265] 

+++» expedition to Holland, xli 300] 77, 86, 
101, 126, 135, 255, 298. xlii 105] 107] 

-.+- Russians from Holland landed in Jer- 
sey and Guernsey, xli 311} 

-.+- Surinam taken, xli 311) 121 

-++. report on traitorous societies, xli 150 

«.«s Scarcity of corn, xlii 129] 

+. Ships from Mogadore with foul bills of 
health burnt, xlii 137] 

persons admitted 
institutions in, xlii 138] 

-.-- harbour of Cesenatico destroyed for 
imprisoning a British officer, xlii 197] 

. Tiot in Coldbath-fields prison, xlii2i1] 

..-. disturbances on account of dearth, xlii 
212] See Riots 

-+-- vessels and fortifications destroyed on 
the French coast, xlii 212] 

=u hi land near Ferrol, xlii 213] xliii 
] - 

+s offer of a peace met with proposal of 
a truce by France, xlii 213] 215 

Se al alas on the subject, xliii 

into monastic 

ome PE 

ay see 


yore y 



Britain, Great: Malta taken, xlii 215] 81 

«++» Curassoa taken, xlii 215] 78 

...- Cadiz threatened, xlii 215] 273 

+++. treaty with Turkey, xlii 217] 

«».~ number of French prisoners in, xlii 2 

++,. clandestine departure of the Russian 
chargé d’affaires, xlii 40 

«+. ambassador from Algiers, xlii 43 

«++. proclamation recommending economy 
in corn, xlii 44 

++» forces of, xlii 46 

- +--+ Goree taken, xlii 73 

+++. attack on the French frigates in Dun- 
kirk roads, xlii 74 

«. «« State of the nation, xlii 149 

«++. correspondence on the subject of a 
peace with France, xlii 209-23 

+++» convention with Austria, xlii 240 

«s+. treaty of subsidy with the elector of 
Mentz, xlii 242 

-.++ Danish convoys stopped, xlii 244-51 

_ xiii 93] 94] 
...» disputes respecting the rights of neu- 
tral flags, xlii 244-56, 264. xliii 90] 93] 
-.+- employment of a Swedish vessel for 
hostile purposes, xlii 252-6. xliii 87] 

«+.. embargo on ships and property in 
Russia, xlii 257, xliii 97] 

-».. this taken off, xlii 258. xliii 97] 

+++« fresh embargo on account of Malta, 
xlii 259. xliii 99] 233 

..-. British ships ordered to be burnt in 
oO of two escaping, xlii 259, xliii 

+++.+ Sequestration of British property, xlii 
260. xliii 99] Ra 

--.. notes to the Prussian minister on the 
occupation of Cuxhaven, xlii 26] 

e+. answer to them, xlii 263 

.--- act for ascertaining the population of, 
xliii 23] : 

++++ property in Tuscany seized by the 
French, xliii 64] 

° eal of Porto Ferrajo in Elba, xliii 

+++» Russian quarrel with, xliii 77] 

+... treatment of it’s subjects in Russia, 
xlii 272 

+--+ revival of the armed neutrality against, 
xliii 76] 229 

«+. correspondence with the court of 
Russia on the subject, xliii 229, 237, 

-».. conduct respecting French fishermen, 
xliii 81n] 265 

+... capture of a Swedish convoy, xliii 86] 

++»s convention with Denmark, xliii 97] 

.... letters ofmarque issued againstthe mem- 
bers of the armed neutrality, xliii 103] 

---- embargo on their ships, i. 233, 

--~~ hostile proceedings of Prussia against, 
xliii 101] 105} 250, 254 

aly attack on Copenhagen, xliii 108] 185] 



Britain, Great : convention with Denmark, 
xliii 113] 114] 

«++» Danish and Swedish W. India islands 
reduced, xliii 114] 112 

..-. St. Eustatia and Saba captured, xlili 

e»++ pacification with the northern powers, 
xliii 116] 256-9, 212-20 

.».. change of ministry, xliii 119] 

.... State of parties, xliii 130] 

..++ measures for internal peace and secu- 
rity, xliii 153] 

+++. expedition to Egypt, xliii 205] 225] 
87, 221. xliv 858 . 

+s. apparent preparations for invading, 
xliii 242] 262] 

++.» preparations for defence, xliii 244] 

.... disposition of the fleets, xliii 247] 

.... attack on a French squadron in the 
bay of Algeziras, xliii 249] 124 

«++. two Spanish ships burnt and one taken 
off Cadiz, xliii 253] 126 

.... gallant exploits of British seamen, 
xliii 263] 133 

.... attacks on the flotilla at Boulogne, xliii 
265] 129 

.... negotiations for peace, xliii 275] 

.... preliminaries signed, xliii 276] 33, 
226. xliv 2 

..+. deplorable state of French prisoners, 
xliii 2 

. «.. money sent abroad for public services, 
xliii 145, 146 

advanced to foreign powers, 

xliii 146 
.... account of pensions, xliii 147-62 
... convention with Russia, xliii 212-18 
«.«- accession of Denmark to it, xliii 218. 
xliv 96 
kwiele Sweden, xliii 220. xliv 96 
.... letter from the stadtholder to lord 
Hawkesbury on his departure from Hamp- 
ton court, xliii 330 
.+-. early meeting of parliament, xliv I 
. ++» observations on the peace with France, 
xliv 1-41, 129-66. xlv 6, 213, xlvi 211 
.... —————- on the convention with 
Russia, xliv 42-58 
..+- negotiations for peace, xliv 73, 77, 91 
«+.. attempts of France against our com~ 
merce, xliv 90 
.+.. naval preparations, xliv 92, 374, 376 
..«+ definitive treaty, xliv 93, 94, 608 
.... charge of public offices refusing pay- 
ment of accepted bills, xliv 106 
..-- delay of the ambassador to France, 
xliv 187 
.... two naval officers arrested and con- 
fined at Paris, xliv 188. See Auvergne 
...+ state of it’s colonies, xliv 257 
.... convention with the United States, xliv 
266, 616 
.... peace establishment, xliv 40] 
..-- imports from the conquered colonies, 
xliv 531 
a 2 



Britain, Great: account of places for life or 
lives, xliv 532 

. ... net produceof permanent taxes, xliv 538 

.... estimated charge of civil list in 1786 
and actual amount in 1802, xliv 540 

.... money allowed for the Dutch fleet, xliv 

...+ proclamation of peace, xliv 615 
te of the conclusion of the 

war, xliv 615 

.... navigation of the Black sea open to, 
xliv 619 ’ 

.... complaints in the Monitewr against 
proceedings in, xliv 638 , 

es+» proceedings respecting Switzerland, 
xliv 674, 675, 681 

.«.. State of parties, xlv 26. xIvi 116 

.++ treasonable conspiracy xlv 70 

.... state of the finances, xlv 138 

.... rupture with France, xlv 141, 220, 
280, 402, 407, 411, 413, 585, 652-742 

..-. war with Holland, xlv 183, 395 : 

..-. negotiations respecting a change in 
the ministry, xlv 213 

...- Hanover and Osnaburg seized by the 
French, xlv 283 

..-- entrance of British vessels into the 
Elbe and Weser stopped, xlv 286, 423 

.... their mouths in consequence block- 
aded by a British force, xlv 286, 423. xlvi 

..-+ French preparations for invading, xlv 
288 F 

.... Demerara and Essequibo taken from 
the Dutch, xlv 290, 539 

+ St. Lucie and Tobago from the French, 
xly 290, 533, 535 

..-- French ships at St. Domingo surren- 
dered, and army made prisoners, xlv 335 

.... all British subjects in France, Hol- 
land, Italy, and Switzerland seized, xlv 
391, 395, 399, 417, 424 

as. grant for their relief, xlvii 589. xlviii 

«s+. Official correspondence with France 
subsequent to the treaty of Amiens, xlv 

»... declaration of the reasons for the war, 
xlv 734 

++.. inquiries to be made by the French 
agents, xlv 761 

«s.. military state of, xlvi 65 

..-. intercepted letters published by Buo- 
naparte, xlvi 116 

.. +. State of the country, xlvi 127 

.... Goree taken by the French, xlvi 138, 

eee — retaken, xlvi 135 

.... Surinam taken, xlvi 138, 395, 545 

+... attacks on the flotilla off Boulogne, 
xlvi 139, 548, 557 

+... catamaran expedition, xlvi 141, 419, 
553, 561 

+... commencement’ of hostilities with 
Spain, xlvi 143, 155, 608 



Britain, Great: charges of the French 
against it’s ministers abroad, xlvi 162, 619, 
622, 630 

-»-.» circular to the foreign ministers on the 
oceasion, xlvi 630 

.--» seizure of sir G. Rumbold, xlvi 183, 
428, 433, 705 

PE ad in the E. Indies, xlvi 

«++. messenger robbed of his despatches 
by a party of French soldiers in Ger- 
many, xlvi 431 

««.. attack on the flotilla of Flushing, xlvi 

«+s. army of reserve, xlvi 567-70, 573 

..., Subdivision rolls, xlvi 574 

circular to the lords lieutenant on the 
subject of invasion, xlvi 603 

.++. regulations in case of invasion, xlvi 604 

«+» French circular on the conduct of, 
xlvi 657 

«+.. Spanish order for the seizure of British 
property, xlvi 699 

declaration of war, xlvi 699. 

xlvii 2 

.... note to the k. of Prussia on the seizure 
of sir G. Rumbold, xlvi 705 

.».- observations on the rupture with Spain, 
xlvii, 2, 13, 20, 120 

.. +» letter from Buonaparte to the king, 
xlvii 13] 

answer to it, xlvii 132 

.... preparations for invading, xlvii 134, 
139, 629 

...+ treaty with Russia, xlvii 139. xlviii 656 

accession of Austria to it, xlvii 140 

.... State of the ministry, xlvii 214 

.... letters of marque granted against 
Spain, xlvii 607 

ee > ie pega of war against Spain, xlvii 
6 5 

.»++ Dutch proclamation relative to trade 
with, xlvii 679 

-+-- discord in the ministry on the death 
of Mr, Pitt, xlviii 17 

«+++ New ministry, xlviii 21, 26 

-.++ disposition of the public toward it, 
xviii 33 

-+.. number of foreign troops in the king- 
dom, xlviii 64 

.. «+ English and Russians Jand at Naples, 
but soon evacuate it, xlviii 133 

..-- expeditions to the coast of Naples and 
Calabria, xlviii 140 

..+-» Hanover annexed to Prussia, and 
British ships excluded from the ports and 
os on the German ocean, xlviii 159, 


«+++ embargo on Prussian ships, blockade of 
it’s ports, and recall of the British am- 
bassador, xlviii 160, 677, 689, 690, 692 

+++» conduct of Prussia on quarrelling with 
France, xlviii 170 

.. +. negotiation for peace with France, xlvili 
172, 217, 708, 793, xlix 52 



Britain, Great: manner in which the news 
of it’s rupture was received, xlviii 185, 

-. «+ declaration on the occasion, xlviii 793 

«+++ Seizure of British manufactures at 
Hamburgh, xlviii 200 

++.. attempt to shut the continent against, id. 

+».. seizure of British manufactures in 
Switzerland and Italy, xlviii 220 

..+. squadron sent to Lisbon, xlviii 223 

«+++ naval transactions, xlviii 228 

a - Cape of Good Hope taken, xlviii 233, 

+++. capture of Buenos Ayres, xlviii 235, 
596, 602 

+». Buenos Ayres retaken, xlviii 238, xlix 

+++. complaints of the American president, 
xlviii 242, 244. xlix 718 

e»+- Subsidies to be paid by, xlviii 657, 
663, 669 

+++» treaty with Austria, xlviii 662 

++.. conventions with Sweden, xlviii 668-72 

+... Prussian memorial after the battle. of 
Austerlitz, xlviii 683 

+++. new plan of finance, xlix 89 

+».. change of ministry, xlix 140 

++.» ambassador leaves Constantinople and 
a squadron appears before it, xlix 195, 

. 662* 

--.. the squadron obliged to repass the 
Dardanelles, xlix 199, 659* 

-+.. subject brought into parliament, 1 67] 

-... Alexandria taken, xlix 202, 665* 

«... actions at Rosetta, xlix 670*, 673° 

..-. Egypt evacuated, xlix 205 

..-. Monte Video taken, xlix 213, 652 

ose. ———— given up, xlix 221, 223, 

+--+ attempt to exclude from the continent, 
xlix 223, 777, 779 

..-. orders of council in consequence, xlix 
227, 671, 745-50, 754-60 

2 ee disputes with America, xlix 228, 718, 


++. trade with Hayti opened, xlix 232 

».+» Curassoa taken, xlix 232, 645 

+++.State of parties and public opinion, 
xlix 235 

--.. subsidy to the k. of Sweden, xlix 245 

+++. money advanced to the k. of Prussia, 
xlix 245 

«++. addition of enemies to, xlix 249 

+++. War with Denmark, xlix 249, 681*, 
692*, 731-37, 744, 779. 12] 

--.. party in Russia inimical to, xlix 271 

+++. proceedings in Portugal, xlix 280 

eerie treaty with America, xlix 

+++. address of several Roman Catholics to 
their Protestant fellow subjects, xlix 626 

+++» capture of Maldonado, xlix 640 

ores of Dutch squadrons in the E. 
Indies, xlix 650, 672* 

ese» ——— of Heligoland, xlix 686* 


Britain, Great: Danish ships taken, xlix 

+++. communications with foreign powers 
on the slave trade, xlix 680 

+++. treaty with Prussia, xlix 7/2 

..-- answer to the Austrian proposal of a 
general peace, xlix 724 

..++ ports of Prussia shut against, xlix 739 

..+- French manifesto against, xlix 750 

..++ Russian declaration against, xlix 76] 

.... counterdeclaration, xlix 769 

..+. attack on an American frigate, xlix 

.»++ embargo on Russian ships, xlix 767 

..++ letters of marque issued against Rus- 
sian ships, xlix 774 

+++. papers respecting the rupture with 
Russia, | 241*, 351* 

.... disputes with America, 1 3] 7] 

+... parliamentary debates on the attack 
on Copenhagen, | 19] 

.... Russian and Austrian offers of media- 
tion for peace, 1 57] 

.+.. Ships and troops repair to the assis- 
tance of Spain, | 192] 

.» «+ expulsion of the French from Portugal, 
] 221] 258*-82* 

..+. inquiry into the convention of Cintra, 
1224] 272*. li 28 

-.+. remarks on it, li 27, 38 

..«. offer of peace from France and Russia, 
] 227] 351*, 364* 

.... forces sent to the assistance of Sweden, 
1 237] 

.--. Danish W. India islands taken, | 8* 

..+. third report of the committee of the 

. Commonson the public expenditure, | 201* 

++. pensions, | 202*, 206* 

++. compensations for offices abolished or 
regulated, | 213* 

-... sinecures, and offices executed wholly 
or chiefly by deputies, 1 216*, 217* 

-+.. places granted in reversion, | 218* 

«:-« members of the H. of Commons hold- 
ing offices, ] 220* 

...+. surrender of the Russian fleet in the 
Tagus, 1 271* 

»».. convention with Sweden, | 313* 

.... declaration to the envoys of Asturias, 
1 321* 

.... proclamation of peace with Spain, 1 

«+». expedition to Spain, li 2, 65 

.».- complaints of the conduct of the army, 
li 17, 19 

..+. bills drawn by Austria on, li 83 

..+.» conduct of, in the war, Ji 222 

..,. expedition against the south of Italy, 
li 222, 456 

.... Walcherenexpedition, li 223, 456, 474, 
481, 485, 501, 516, 552, 533. lii 41, 433 

..-. destruction of the French fleet in Aix 
roads, li 227. lii 27 

eres of several transports and 
ships of war in the Mediterranean, li 227 


Britain, Great: surrender of the French gar- 
risons in the Ionian islands, li 228, 530 
.».» St, Paul’s in the Isle of Bourbon taken, 
li 228 

---- the island of Martinico and city of St. 
Domingo taken, li 228, 429, 461 

o+++ changes in the ministry, li 239 

-... Supplies sent to Spain and Portugal, li 

«++» Guiana taken, li 366 

---- restoration of intercourse with Ame- 
rica, li 482, 697, 702 

e+. this revoked, li 714 

+». destruction of French ships in the 
Charente, li 434 

«+.» Russian ships taken, li 465 

«++» Senegal taken, li 467 

«.«. deserters from a frigate in America 
taken into custody, and then discharged, 
li 503 

+». treaty with Spain, li 678 

-+-. orders in council respecting the trade 
of America, li 705. liii 255, 257 

oo for a general embargo, 
li 713 

e+.» proceedings in Spain and Portugal. 
Sce these places 

e+ +. conduct toward the Spanish provinces 
in America, lii 230 

e+. terms proposed by France for an ex- 
change of prisoners, lii 237 

--+- Swedish declaration of war, lii 249 

* see. disputes with America, lii 253, 519. 
liii 10] 150] 

«+++ St. Maura taken, lii 262, 304 

--+- Guadeloupe taken, lii 262 

«+» Isles of Bourbon and France taken, lii 

«+.» Amboyna and Banda taken, lii 265 

-+.. the prince of Wales appointed regent 
in consequence of the king’s illness, lii 
267. liii 1] 

«+..- embarrassments of commercial credit, 
liii 21) 

e+. naval affairs, liii 95] 203, 213, 224, 248, — 

---- fresh French decree against British 
property, liii 131] 

+++. proposal of the regent for a coalition 

ministry, liv 42] 180] 329 

«++» negotiations on the subject, liv 346-78 

. orders in council with respect to Ame- 

ricaconditionally revoked, liv66] 312, 338 

we absolutely revoked, 

liv 94] 87, 379, 440 

«+ e- War with America, liv 94] 193] 196] 
See United States 

«++. embargo on American ships, liv 393 

-.+» treaty of alliance with Russia, liv 171] 
183] 381 

+++. Ships taken by the Americans, liv 200] 
203] 248, 251, 255. lv 105] 108] 187] lvi 
174] 190] 205] 216 

with Sweden, liv 171] 


BR ; 

Britain, Great: American ships taken, liv 
197] 203] 252. lv 109] 112] 183] 154, 209, 
216. lvi 173] 174] 184] 186] 189] 205] 
177, 209, 241. lvii 122] 138, 154 

«... treaty with Persia, liv 213] 

..++ number of foreign prisoners in, liv 90. 
lvi 82 

.»++ healthiness and treatment of French 
prisoners, liv 105 

+++» proposal of peace from France, liv 420 

+++. complaints of America and declaration 
of war, liv 424-30 

«+++ correspondence between sir J. B. War- 
ren and Mr. Monroe, liv 440. lv 4] 

+++. causes and origin of the war with 
America, lv 2] 178] 330 

-++- on the conduct of this war, lv 38] 

++ on the conduct of the war in the penin- 
sula, lv 35] 

+++. treaty of coneert and subsidy with: 
Sweden, lv 85] 123] 350 

--++ Orange lodges in England, Iv 92] 

internal state of, lv 98] 

++.» Naval affairs, lv 105] 207, 209, 224, 
237, 239 

«+.» treaty with Austria, lv 130] 

ae proposals for peace with Denmark, lv 

.... American principles at variance with 
the law of nations, and consequent re- 
taliations threatened on both sides, lv 

+++. conventions with Russia, lv 201] 202] 
354, 357, 361 

oo Prussia, Iv 201] 356 
.... treaty with Austria, Russia, and Prus- 
sia, lv 387 
eees foreign subsidies, lv 207] 388 
.. islands of Lagosta and Curzola taken, 
lv 162, 163 
--+ refuses it’s full coneurrence in the 
treaty with Buonaparte, lvi 24] lvii 10] 
++» Settlement respecting the Dutch colo- 
nies, lvi 98] 
«++. peace with France, lvi 163] 344, 345 
«--. naval affairs, lvi 170) 148, 155, 158, 
161, 176, 194, 196, 215, 221 
«+++ negotiations for peace with America, 
lvi 177) 191] F 
+e» peace concluded, lvi 195] lvii 124] 
«+.» domestic state of, lvi 215] 
..+- articles of provision imported from 
France, lvi 39, 91 
-.. Visit of the emperor Alexander and 
the king of Prussia, lvi 42 
..-- peace proclaimed, lvi 52 
+. treaty of peace with France, lvi 408. 
+++. additional articles, lvi 418 
..+« treaty of peace with America, lvii 15] 
.».. treaty of Vienna with Russia, Prussia, 
and Austria, lvii 30] ; 
«»«» cardinal legate sent to the sovereigns 
in London, lvii 120] 



Britain, Great: conclusion of the American 
war, lvii 122] > 

+++. commercial convention with America, 
Ivii 125] lviii 383 

.. «+ naval transactions in the Chinese seas 
and consequent disputes, lvii 135] 

++«+ embassy to China, lvii 137] 

«»-- extension of the order of the Bath, 
lvii 139] 

++. State of, lvii 140] 

..+- conventions with Holland, lvii 345, 

———- Prussia, lvii 377 

eeee Russia, lvii 394 

«... treaty with Russia respecting the 
Tonian islands, lvii 407 

-».. indemnity to be paid by France, lvii 

..-» sums actually received, lx 43], 432 

«».. pay of it’s forces by France, lvii 614 

.... treaty with Austria and France signed 
at Vienna, lviii 5] 

ss gimpaain distress of, lviii 27] 92] 


+++. wNconstitutional employment of the 
soldiery, lviii 43-6] 

---. State of, lviii 91] 

-» +. expedition against Algiers, lviii 97] 
144, 230, 240 

«.-- conventions with Portugal relating to 
the slave trade, lviii 356, 357, 358 

+»-. convention with France respecting the 
E. Indies, lviii 359 

«+.» treaty with Holland and Russia, lviii 

a Sardinia, lviii 363 

eee. ———— Holland, lviii 365 

++»-. conventions respecting Buonaparte, 
lviii 369, 370 

..-. treaty with Saxony, lviii 370 

..-.. treaties of accession, lviii 371, 372 

Saree — subsidy, lviii 371, 373-7 

+»-- commercial convention with the United 
States, lviii 385 

«++. State of the country, lix 100] 

.... trade with the United States, lix 144] 

+++. mutual agreement for a diminution of 
“ag on the American lakes, lix 151] 69. 
x 68 

--.. settlement respecting the islands in 
Passamaquoddy bay, lix 152] 

-... vessels appointed for the reception of 
foreign seamen, lix 2 " 

+... subjects forbidden to enter into th 
service of the new governments in S. 
America, lix 130. lx 85 

. eee exPedition to the northern regions, lix 

«+.. treaty of commerce with Sicily, lix 

+++. ——— with Spain for the abolition of 
the slave trade, Ix 18] 215 

+++. conduct of Spain toward, lx 22] 

"mee of persons going to France, 


Britain, Great: regulations of commerce 
with the United States, lx 21, 60 

+++. commercial convention with Naples, 
lx 60 
..- increase of trade, lx 139 

.... treaty with Holland for the abolition 
of the slave trade, lx 228 

++. moiety of interest on the Prussian loan, 
Ix 400 

..+. State of trade and navigation, lx 406-9. 
Ixi 403-6 

ACE the imperial debt, lx 418. 
lxi 413 

the Portuguese debt, Ix 419. 

1xi 414 
+++» subjects shot by an American general, 
]xi 234] 140 

+++ convention with America, lxi 119 

+++. proclamation against seditious meet- 
ings, lxi 123 

- convention for the evacuation of 
France, Ixi 125 

Britain, Little, fire in, xl 85 

Britain, J. wife murdered by, lv 67 

Jonathan, executed for forgery, xv 
94] 96] 106] 

British channel, effects of the wind on, li 

«+++ coins, ancient, xv 144] 1i 873 

British Forum, lii 92 

British Lying-in Hospital, Brownlow street, 
donations to, iv 126] vid6] xi 18. xii 107] 
xiv 150] : 

«++. report of, xi 138] 

British Museum, statutes and rules relating 
to it’s inspection and use, ii 149 

..+» present of Hebrew MSS. to, iii 34 

.... tracts and MSS. of Charles I presented 
to, by the king, v 94] 

..+ grants of money for, v 168] vii 158] 
xiii 236] xv 211] xvii 251] xviii 244] 
xxv 289] xxvii 300] xxix 264] xxxi 284] 
xxxv 106]. xxxviii 108. x1 205. xlii 166, 
xliii 190. xliv 586. xlv 630. xlvi 582, 
583. xlvii 587, 590. xlviii 637, 638. xlix 

et tb. 1183*, 2. 11536, Ix 423, Ixi 

21 , 

+++. books purchased for Charles If 
presented to, by the king, vi 117] 

-».. antiquities purchased for, xv 84] 211] 
lviii 453 

- ++. proposal for making it a repository of 
paintings and statues rejected, xli 10 

+--+. antiquities from Egypt, xliii 239] 

..++ prints stolen from, xlviii 420 

..-. MSS. purchased, 1 3* 

..+. collection of minerals purchased, lii 
263*. 424 

.. «+ antiquities presented to, liii 79 

.... purchase of Dr. Burney’s library and 
collection, Lxi 420 

British school, xlv 379 

Britton, J. xliv 778, 792. xlviii 983, 989 

——T. musical small-coal man, ac< 
count of, viii 45, xx 41 


Brizard, (actor) xxi3 
Broad, capt. J. v 106] 
W. xviii 453, 459 
Broadbent, Edw. convicted of murder, lxi 
Broadhead, T. H. 1vi 145] 147] 148] 
Broadley, Rich. Carlisle, xxiii 207] 
Broadly, T. vii 69] 
Broadrick, Ann, murder of Mr. Errington 
by, xxxvii 29 
a m. gen. Isaac, liv 199] 202] 241, 
Brocket, prof. Laurence, xviii 41 
Brockholsmenster, Wonter, viii 51 
Brocklesby, Dr. R. vi 146] 147] viii 134. 
xii 282. xviii 236] 130. xxxiii 468] 471] 
++. on the infectiousness of some diseases, 
viii 88 
«++» account of, xxxix 58 
— Maskall, robbed on Barnes com- 
mon, ix 80] 
Brocone, Mark, xliii 456 
Broderick, adm. i 94, 306, 309. iii 72] 
Rich. lx 332 
Brodie, Alex. xlvii 851 
B. C. li 823 
——. Malcolm, lvi 101 
T. xliii 144. xlviii 637. lii 423 
—— W. executed for robbing the excise 
office at Edinburgh, xxx 207] 214] 
Brodley, G. T. 1xi 197 
Brodnax, T. xxiv 171] 
Brodrick, bish. C. xliii 171] 
hon. T. xxvii 28) ] 
hon. W. 1 221* 
Brodum, Dr. W. xli 401 
Broghill, lord, i 325 
Broglio, marsh. duke de, i 46. ii 8, 17, 18, 
21, 50. iii 2] 10] 20] 21] 23] 32] 36] iv 
10-12] 24-9] 104] 263. vy 24] ix 12. xvii 
16. xxxi 246*] 255*] xxxii 127] xxxv 
«++. his declaration to the inhabitants of 
Brunswick and Hanover, iv 277] 
«++. letter from the empress of Russia, 
xxxiii 227] 
Brograve, Roger, snicide, lv 43 
sir G. B. xlix 458 
Broke, capt. sir P. B. V. (N) lv 109] 184 
Brokers, London, laws respecting, lviii 279 
Brokesby, Eliz. executed for poisoning her 
husband, xxxix 16 
Brome, vise. See Cornwallis, C. 2nd marq. 
Bromfield, maj. xxiv 126] 
W. xvi 72] xviii 236] 
Bromfish, capt. iv 69] 
Sh ass (near Bow) fire at the mills, xlvii 

Bromley college, Kent, benefactions to, xi 
18. xxxi 193] 

-++. ten additional houses built, xxxv 23 

Bromley, (M.P.) xxxv 151] 

H. xxxv 416 

Bromsgrove, inundation at, xxxiv 14 

Bromwich, xii 65] 


Bronchocele, prevalent in Sumatra, xxi 82 
.... in Switzerland, xxii 89 
Brongniart, xxxiv 389 
Bronz, ancient, analysis of, lii 662 
Brooke, executed for treason, xxi 13 
Dr. T. x 134] xviii 226] 
earl. See Warwick 
gov. Rob. xxxvi 168. xxxvii 67 
H. xx 254] xxii 133] 239] 314] xxiii 


H. xxxvi 287 

ee SB ee ’ 

H. W. xlviii 173 rom 
J.C. xx 132. xxv204] xxxvi 5. xliii 


1. col. Francis, lv 171. lvii 144 

lord Cobham, xxi 14 

lord. See Greville 

——— m. gen. Arthur, lvi 187]219, 229 

—— m. gen. W. li 119 

Rob. lord, xxv 128 

T. xxx 84] 

Brookes, xxi 188] xxix 39. xlvii 390. 
lviii 34 

—— Nich. xvii 85] 

——- §. li 545 

Brookesby, xxi 15 

Brooks, Lydia, xl 179 

Susan, iii 85] 

T. pedestrian traveller, iv 174] 

Broom, Jacob, xxix 299] 

Broome, lady Louisa, xlvi 387 

—_—— rey. Dr. W. xviii 1847 

——-—— Rob. murder of, i 86 

Brosely, burning well at, iv 92 

Brosse, capt. de la, iii 206] 

Brosses, pres. des, xix 171] 

Brothers, G. murder of, lv 81, 82 

Rich. xxxvii 20. xlviii 1018 

.... taken into custody, xxxvii 10, 12 

Brothier, xxxix 51] 68] 

Brotiér, Gabr. xliii 529 

Brouallius, bish. xxi 109 

Brougham, H. lii 67, 144, 298. liii 74] 87] 
244. liv 7] 18] 22] 26] 51] 67] 83] 91] 93) 
94] 110] 116] 276, 278, 297. lv 268. lvi310. 
lili 3} 5] 17] 22] 29] 35] 1x 39] 85] 125] 
143] 146] 149] 150] Ixi 44] 53] 132] 133) 
141] 153) 154] 

Broughbridge, Dr. W. xv 88] 

Broughton, xlv 630 

Barth. lxi 19 

capt. W. R. (N) xl 477, 485. xlvi - 
541. liii 229 

C. R. xliii 145 
—— J. (boxer) xxxi 197] 
Spence, xxxiii 41, 7b. 
T. executed for trezson, xlv 363, 

369, 371 
W. lv 320 
Brounker, ii 276, 304 
— vise. P. R. S. xi 258] 

Broussier, gen. xli 159] 
Brouwer, Adrian, xiv 158 
Broves, xiii 54] 


Brown v. Allen, lx 323 
—_ adm. (Span.) lvii 127] 

 —— And. li 544 

Ann, barbarous treatment of her ap- 
prentice, xlv 368 

capt. (A) xxxvii 68 

capt. (merch.) xl 488 
—— capt. S. (N) Ixi 48 

capt. W. (N) murdered, xl 96 
——- capt. W. (N) xlvii 540, 568 
col. 11 269 

—— col. (Amer.) xx 167*] 
—— col. G. xxv 89] 

—— comm. lviii 158] 

corp. Rob. xxxvii 50] 

—— Dr. xiv 179 
G. lviii 314] 
gen. (Amer.) lvi 181] 205 
gen. i 40, 43. ix 80] 

H. xli 402. lvi 75 

Jeremiah, vi 121 

J. xlvi 826. xlix 858. lix 59 

J. (bailiff of Oxford) xi 221] 

J. Herbert, lii 655 

J. Suffield, xv 207] 

——— Lancelot, xxix 204] 163 

lieut. (N) li 269 

—— |. col. G. xlix 214, 652 

maj. xxvili 131] 

maj. J. xxxviii 389 

marsh. Ulysses Maxim., i 9, 15 

«-.. death of, i 16 ‘ 

Matth. (Wilkes’s servant) kept out 

of the way at a trial, xii 150] 

Peter, xxiv 66 

P. Jos. liv 314 

— princ. W. Lawr. li 910 

rev. Dr. J. vi 194. vii 239. ix 92] 

rey. Dr. Rob. xx 166] 

Rich. xlvii 854 

Rob. xliv 771. lvii 321 

S. (pirate) xviii 170] 

S. liv 314. lvii 320. lviii 348. lix 234 

T. killed by lightning, vi 90] 

T. xlv 830 

We 1 O00 

W. G. xli 312, 314, 500. xlii 482 

Zachariah, xxxiii 11 

Browne, Ann, xlii 429 

—— Antony, xlix 118. lvi 110] 146] 
148] lvii 28] 

capt. (N) xxxvi 68, 74 

capt. Phil. (N) lii 297 

—— Cave, xliv 406 

ii 233 

Dennis, xlvii 10 

——- Dr. Arthur, xxxvi 388 

Dr. Patrick, xii 189] xiv I 

++.» life of, xxxvii 34*] 

—— Franc. J. xxxv 149] 

H. xl 393. xlix 881 

——— Isaac Hawkins, xi 231-3, xix 41. 
xxviii 104] xxxi 131] xxxiii 14) xxxix 
1H 251] xl 174] 208] xlv 100, 102, 

—— col. 

Browne, Josiah, xx 172] 
———l.col. shot in Dublin, xlv 306, 

1, gen. Gore, li 475 

——— Lyde, xxx 203] 

—-— maj. (Amer.) xviii 166] 
——— maj. J. court-martial on, xxix 224] 
————- maj. gen. xiv 125] 

—— I. col. sir J. lv 240 

R. iv 231 

——— rey. Dr. iii 245] 

——— rev. Dr. W. xxxiv 380 

——— Rich. xlviii 956 

' ————- rt. hon. Denis, xliii 157] 166] xlvi 

———-— Rob. xxxii 250] xlvi 825 
—— sir Ant. xxi 234. xxxv 44 
—— sir Rich. ii 302 
——— sir S. iv 153 
—-—— sir W. x 134] xvii 109] xviii 85] 
——— sir W. Aug. xxxi 216] 
——— Walter, xv 186] 
W. R. H. Ix 275, 334 
Browning, hon. Mrs. xiv 160] 
- — Jane, liv 292 
Brownlow, (M.P. Irel.) xxxi 141 
.... character of, liii 387 
— B. Ist lord, lviii 462 
C. lxi 4] 
J. 1st earl, liv 2] lviii 171 
Brownrigg, capt. W. C. (N) xlvi 561 
———_—— Dr W. xiii 109.) xvii 147, xvili 
gen. sir Rob. li 129. lii 76, 81. 
lvii 134] 194. Ix 189] 
G. xiii 109 
Eliz. murder of herapprentices, 
x 117] 119] 129] 
«++. account of her, x 190] 
James, taken up, x 115] 129] 



John, x 119] 121] 129] 140] 193] 
—- 1]. col. H. F, xlviii 579. xlix 653, 


Porte, xii 16] 

Bruant, chev. de, letters supposed to be 
written by Montesquieu to, xiii 139 

Bruce, capt. (N) lvii 163 

col. C. lvi 160 

Dr. Rob. xxvii 32 

F. and his housekeeper murdered, 

liv 129 

gen. xxvi 108] xxvii 255] 

James, viii 75]? xvi 107] xxxi 185. 
xxxii 145, 157, 167. xlvi 737. xlvii 817. 
lvii 530 

-... account of, xxxvi 281. 1 69, 243 

J. xxxv 416 

Jos. G. ]xi 53 

-—— lord. See Ailesbury, earl 

——— m. gen. xxxv 271] 

Mich. lviii 69, 329 

—— Peter, executed for burglary, xxxi 

Austrian resident at the 


Bruce, Peter H, xxv 169 
Rich. executed for forgery, xii 100] 
Rob. k. of Scotland, ii 490. xxii 135 
W. xlviii 958 

Bruckshaw, xix 152] 
Brudenell, col. xi 166] 
— rev. xxiii 65 

Bruen, J. xvii 48 

Bruere, Goulston, xxiii 382] 

Brueys, adm. x1] 139] 148] xli 112] 
Brugnatelli, xli 409 

Bruhier, Dr. J. J. d’Ablaincourt, xx 106 
a count, ii 345, 346, xvi 188. lvii 


count, v 107] xi 18] xxix 205] 
xxxii 196] 

Bruises, Hindoo remedy for, xxv 50 

Bruister, suicide, xxix 50 

Bruix, adm. xli 315] xlvy 429 

Bruluman, iii 157 

Brumel, Mark Isambard. 

Brummel, W. xxxiv 145 

Brun, le, xxxiv 52] 185, 193, 217, 314, 
322. xxxv 131] 221] 232] 260] 122 

Brun, C. le, vii 278. x 215, xv 146 

—— Cornelius le, xvi 141 

Brundisi, coins found at, viii 75] 

Brundisi, sign. iii 101] 

Brune, gen. liii 219 

le, marsh. xxxix 7] xl 25] 63] 89] 
114] 117] 120] xli 303] 311] 108, 127, 
135. xlii 43] 162] 197] sxliii 57] 59) 63) 
65] 69] xlvi 176, 678. xlix 22, 183, 194, 
727. lvi 49] lvii 87] 204 

Brunel, XxXxvii 93] 

Mark Isambard, xli 401. xliii 452. 
xliv 778. xlvii 850. xlviii 960. lii 417. 
lvi 336. 1x 360, 361 

Brunet, gen. xliv 213. xlv 333 

Brunian, gen. vi 97] 

Brunnich, prof. Mart. T. xxi 105 

Brunois, marq. de, xviii 89] 

Brunsall, James, lv 321 

Brunswick, city of, invested by the French, 
iv 29] 

-.-. the siege raised, id. 

«... declaration of marsh, Broglio to the 
inhabitants, iv 277] 

Brunswick, anecdote of the house of, viii 

«++» Lunenburg and Wolfenbuttel seized 
by the French, xlviii 199 

———e—. Ch. duke of, i 230. v 166] 
238] vi 177] vii 158] 160] viii 236] xiv 

See Brunel 

---- his letter to prince Ferdinand, i 213 
——— C. Fred. Aug. duke of, lvii 398 
C. G. Aug. duke of, ix 75] 
Charles W. Ferd. duke of, i 34, 
44, ii 8, 17, 18, 20, 50. iv 7] 104] vi 115] 
vii 53] 60] viii 127] ix 83] 88] 112] x 
78] 81] 107]108] xxix 37] xxxiii 12. xxxiv 
29] 31] 55] 64] 88] 90] 102] 107] 109] 
111] 1152] 125] 192] 42, xxxv 7] 28] 
281) xlvii 763, xlix 787 


Brunswick, Charles W. Ferd. duke of: his 


gallant conduct, i 34, 47 ‘ 

.... defeats the duke of Wurtemburg at 
Fulda, ii 49 

-.+. beats up the French posts on the © 

Rhine, iii 35] 
-. ++ defeated at Stangerode, iv 12] 
- —— at Johannisberg, v 49] 
married to the princess Augusta, Vii 45] 
«+». naturalized, vii 47] 
...«.+ freedom of London to, viii 150] 




«.++ made a knight of the Garter, viii 152] 

Ls ate -~ free-mason, ix 69] 
©... enters Holland with 
xxix 42] 

a Prussian army, — 

- +++ subsequent correspondence, xxix 253- — 

6] xxx 235] 

.-- command of the French ‘army offered — 

to, xxxiv 302 
+» ++ manifestoes on invading France, xxxiv 

31] 89] 103] 106] 229, 232, 280. xxxv © 

18] 49] xxxvi 225] xlviii 259 
- resigns his command, xxxvi 7] 198, 199 
---- treaty with G. Britain for troops, 
xxxvi 161 

--.. estimated charge of troops, xxxvii 109 — 

. commands the Prussian army against 
France, xlviii 188 
-+..» character of, id. 
.... death of, xlviii 193. xlix 612 
—— duchess of. See Augusta, princess 

— Fretl. W. duke of, xxxv 244] 

xl viii 197. 1i 213. lvii 67] 175. lviii 637 
duke of 

Francis of, killed, i 57 
Fred. of, v 27] ix 120] xxi 

Fred, W. See F.W. duke of 
——_— ——— Henry of, viii 276 

«+ «+ killed, iv 27] 147] 

——— prince Leopold, death of, xxviii 59] 
— Lewis of, vii 53] ix 73] 


prince C. G. Aug. SeeC. G. A. — 

prince Ferdinand of. See Ferdi- © 

.... appointed representative of the capt. « 

gen. of the United Provinces, ii 59 

.... his declaration to the ministers at the — 

Hague of the kings of G. Britain and 
Prussia desiring a peace, ii 129. 267 


Brunton, miss. See Merry 
W. Ixi 304 

Bruscambille, xxxv 382 
Brussels, shock of an earthquake felt at, ii 

109. iii 121] 
.... extraordinary storm near, vi 93] 

. riots on account of dearth, xi 90] 

.».. tax on the Jews, xviii 129] 
..-. visit of the emperor, xxxvi 10 
«...- surrendered to the French, xxxvi29] - 
.... French proclamation, xxxvi 180 

»»++ proclamations of the emperor, xxxvi © 

210, 212 

. resigns all his offices, xxvii 102] xxviii 






Brussels : celebration of Good Friday, xxxviii 

_.+«~ letter from the duke of Wellington to 
the mayor, Ivii 60 

«+++ church of the Augustins put in order 
for the Protestants, Iviii 49 

«+.» new palace erecting, Ixi 17 

Brutus, Marcus, iii 257 

Bruyere, gen. lv 125] 

——— J. de la, i 468. xv 2]. xxi 182 

vi 161] 
col. (Amer. loyal.) xxiii 250*] 
Mary, murdered by her husband, lvi 

| ——— W. (highwayman) executed, x 139] 

Bryant, C. (schoolmaster, Norwich) ix 93] 

Jacob, x 159. xvii 232. xviii 139, 
143. xx 133. xxvii 83. lxi 457 

.... on the barbarous sacrifices of various 
nations, x 150 

James, Ixi 100 

Jane, ill-treatment of, x 97] 130] 

— J. quarrel for the corpse of, xxxix 54 

T. lii 258 

Bryce, Alex. xliv 771 

Brydges, sir Egerton, lviii 29] 

Brydone, Patr: xvi 62, 112, 114, 118, 120, 
189, 192. xviii 63, 134. xlix 850 

| Bryer, H. xlix 456 bes 



Rob. convicted of personating a 
Seaman and receiving his wages, ix 69] 

i 87 

Buais, count de, xlii 69] 

Bubna, count, lv 172] lvi 2] 33] 

Bucart, giant, vii 106 

Buccaneers of America, account of the, iv 1. 

Buccleuch, C. W. H. 4th duke, xxxviii 10] 

—— H. 3d duke, xiv 201] 202] 204] 
xvii 106] xxiii 30] xxiv 195] xxix 66] 
xxxv 28, xxxvii 45*] 46*] xlvi 524 

Buch, von, lv 474, 512. lx 435 

Buchan, capt. (N) Ix 141, 148 

col. J. lv 243. lvi 153 

| ———— David Stewart, 11th earl, xiv 204] 

_ xxiii 239] xxxiv 435. xlii 343 
— Marg. countess of, lvi 74 
—— Mrs. Xxxili 22 

| Buchanan, Dr. Francis, xlix 942, 948 

———— 64. iv 306, 312. xi 258] xii 217. 
~ xvii 87. xxix 192. xxxiii 258. xli 449. xlix 

999, 1003. lvi 74 
+++. account of his life and writings, ix 45 
+++- monument to the memory of, xxxi 210] 
(provost of Glasgow) Smollet’s 
squire Gawky, xiv 146] 

— lieut. W. (N) x1 155 

rey. Dr. Claudius, xlvii 950. 
xlviii 360. xlix 889. li 282 
rev. J. Lanne, xxxv 281 
——— Robertson, 1131. lv 320. lvii 504 
nye heat convicted of highway robbery, 

we—— S, (engray.) xxii 225} 



Buck, W. lx 360 

Buckade, Mrs. iv 102] 

Buckeburg. See Lippe 

Bucker Muhl, obstinate affair of, v 49] 

Buckeridge, I. col. Xxxvi 68 

Buckett, Ann, lix 219 

Buckhurst, lord. See Dorset, earl 

Buckingham, fall of the church tower, xix 

Buckingham street, fire in, xxxvi 41 

Buckingham, G. Ist marq. of, xix 125] xxiii 
198] 330] xxiv 278] 328] xxvi351) xxvii 
69] 71] 72] 141. xxix 98] xxx 218] xxxi 
138] 309] 312] 313] xxxii 104] 53. xxxviii 
39. xxxix 364. xli 226] xliii 17. xliv 18, 
167. xlv 935. xlvi 67, 364, 855, 857. xlyii 
57, 63, 117, 411, 912. lii 269. liii 264. liv 
71] 150. lv 91] 

,.-- lord lieut. of Ireland, xxv 182] 

..-- address of the city of Dublin, xxvi 

————_ G. V. Ist duke of, v 25, 58. 
xii 38, 51. xvii 34. xxi 7, 238-41. xxviii 

..«» letter to James J, v 50 

— G.V. 2nd duke of, ii 276. ix 64. 

xviii 1497. xxii 60. xxvi 5. xxxvi 297, 364 

.... account of, ii 298, 302, 306 

———— Rich. 2nd marq. xl 178] 188] 
xliii 183] xliv 6, 30, 50, 126, 136, 156. 
xlv 23, 40, 54, 56, 163, 211. xlvi 6, 45, 
92, 99, 100. xlvii 24, 36, 55, 59, 102. xlviii 
62, 85, 104. xlix 143. 1 48] 68] 827 11110. 
lii 26, 69. lvii 4] 18] lviii 44] 45] 46] Ix 
140] 1xi 121) 137] 

Buckinghamshire, petition from, xii 129] 
156] 204] 

Buckinghamshire, Albinia, 
xxxix 14 

countess of, 
G, 3d earl, xxxvii 144. xli 


—_—__—_—_— _ J. 2nd earl of, vi53] xiii 
70] 197] 199] xx 304] xxx 298] xxxi 304] 

liii 378 

.+. annual marriage portions at Norwich 

given by, v 71] 

.. +. appointed lord lieut. of Ireland, xx 26] 
165] 285-9 

a: Rob. 4th earl, xxxii 199] 
xxxv 187] xxxviii 92. xli 50] 227] xliii 4] 
33] 36. xliv 9, 19, 106, 110, 128, 134, 
135, 137, 149, 166. xlv 8, 59, 80, 88, 162, 
184, 189, 445. xlvi 26, 63, 103, 355, 524. 
xlvii 63, 215. xlix 113. 135] 112] 120] 2. 
li 34, 48. lii 39. liii 56] lv 60] 62] lviii 26 

Buckland, fire at, lvi 2 

Buckle, (jockey) xlvii 412 

adm. Matth. xiv 69] xxii 256] 

Bucknell, T. executed for forgery, xlvi 403 

Buckner, adm. C, xxxix 215] 247 

Bucks, (persons so called) action against one 
for an assault, vii 79] 

Buckwheat recommended, x 88] 

Buckworth, miss Charlotte, xvi 151] 

sir Edw, xvil51] 

Budeus, W. xv 136 
Budat, gen. = xxvi 211] 
Budberg, gen, xlviii 186. 1 59] 243", 
304% 2 
Budd, J. convicted of libel, xlvii 396, 403. 
lii 343 
—— rev. H. xlv 443 
—— W. xxy 110 
Buddha, xli 507 
Buddle, J. lvi 335 
Budé. See Budzus 
Budge, Joseph, vii 111] 
Budgen, J. lviii 347 
Budworth, Rich. xx 193] 
Bueno, gen. Augustin, li 10 
Buenos Ayres, i 363. xlvii 1029. 1x 533, 548. 
Ixi 246] 
«+++ expedition against, vi 15] 
-+.. taken by the British, xlviii 235, 446, 
«++. retaken, xlviii 238. xlix 640 
«++. repulse of the British at, xlix 220. 17* 
«+.- correspondence of the junta with lord 
Strangford, liii 324, 326 
«+, Slave trade prohibited, liv 76 
«+. people of, liv 522 
reduction of duties, lx 77 
.. +. naval force of, Ix 138 
+». treaty with Chili, xi 138 
Buer, Eleanor Jane, xliy 430 
Buerger, Gottf. Aug. xxxviii 496 
Buerro, don Ant. 1 230] 
Buffalo killed by a boa, v 57 
«++. of America, xxxvii 74*] lix 472 
..-. mode of hunting, lviii 535 
Buffon, G. L, count de, ii 380. iii 83, 84. ix 
104, 107, 110. x 108. xi 130. xii 72, 75. 
xiv 165. xv 76. xvii 71”. 94, 99, 243. xviii 
44n. xx 75, 101. xxi 89. xxiii 76. xxiv 57. 
xxviii 50”. xxix 39. xxxii 59. xxxvii 74"] 
xxxix 488. xlv 811. xlvi 749 
e+-- on the effect of rains, marshes and 
bogs, subterraneous wood and water, x 99 
es+- account of, xxxvili 342 
«+++ compared with Linnzus, li 901 
Bugden, fire at, xlv 386 
Bugden, ii 143 
Buggins, Barrington, ix 151] 
Bugs, mixture for destroying, vii 151 
Buildings, acts for regulating, vii 134] xv 
107] 178] xvii 128] 
e+.» action against a stone-mason for using 
pe timber contrary to the act, xiii 
«+++ conviction on the act for, xv 90] 
»-.. act of Elizabeth respecting cottages, 
xviii 102] 122] 
e+». patent for warming with wholesome 
air, xxxvi 348 
++ fall of, xlii 2,6 
-. +. fall of an unfinished steeple, xlv 467 
Builie, —-xli 85 
Bulam, settlement at, xxxiv 46. xli 329 
Bulgakow, xxvii 185] xxix 215] xxx 9] 
204] xxxiv 329, 347 



Bulkeley, lady Frances, x1 179 e 

—— lord, lii 445 

~——-— sir Rich. account of, xxvill9 

T. James Warren, 7th visc. xxvii 
268] xxx 87] : 

Bulkley, Mrs. (actress) xii 228, xvi 242. 
xviii 208 3 

Bull Unigenitus, vi 5] 

Bull, ald. Fred. xiv 94] 117] 121] 142) 145] 
162] xv 90] xvi 149] xvii 118] 155] 156 
162] xix 121] 169} 196] xx 174] xxi 203] 
204] 210] xxiii 226] 259) xxv 195] xxvii 
177] 179] 3 

.... chosen lord mayor, xvi 140] 142] 7 

—— lieut. gov. W. vi 109] xxv 156] 

Bull-baiting, observations on, xlii 146] 

....+ attempt to abolish, xliv 168 

Bull-frogs, xiv 98 

Bullen, J. xx 170] 

capt. C. (N) li 513 

Ph, xi 155] 

Buller, adm. sir E. xxxvi 81. xxxviii 90, 
xlvii 541, 575 

James, | 220* 

J. xiii 205] 

J. jun. xxvii 268] 4 

sir Francis, xvi 178] xvii 85] xix 
236] xx 234] xxii 199] 214] 220] 221] 
xxjv 169) 243] xxv 213] xxvi 215] xxvil 
197] 205] 291] xxviii 198] xxix 199] 207] 
228] 240] xxxi 201] xxxii 225] 267] x1 34, 
38. xli 15. 1xi 266 

.... his charge on the trial of the dean of 

St. Asaph for a libel, xxvii 281] 

..- his address to O’Coigley previous to 

passing sentence, x1 38. 

Bulley, xliv 761 ! 

Bullion, cause of the high price of, lii 454 

..+. fluctuations in the price of, lx 65] 

Bullock, executed for uttering forged 
bank notes, xliv 389 

—.—— James, a bankrupt, convicted of 
concealing property, xlix 490, 492 

Dr. Rich. xxxiv 225 

———— W. x 126] 129] xliii 457 

Bullock hunters, convictions of, Ix 266 

Bulls. See Cattle 4 

———— rev. 

Bulmer, G. executed for the murder of hi 
wife, xviil 152] 

Bulow, bar. de, xi 152] xv 74*] 76*] 

gen. ii 233. iii 34] 35] 140] lv 
133] 137] 162] lvi 4] 11] 14] 153, 156. 
lvii 68] 175, 178, 181 

Bulpit, Mary, lvii 3 

Bultee], capt. R. (N) xli 88 

Bulwant Sing, xxvi 3] liii 106 

Bulwer, Dr. J. xii 93 

Bumford, capt. escape from the Fleet prison, 
ix 102] : 

Bunau, count de, xlvi 635 

Bunbury, H. xxiii 224. xxxii 134. x1J78 

m. gen. sir H. E. xviii 593. 1i 459 © 

— sir T. C. xix 143] xxvii 335n]_ 
xxxv 169] xlvi 817 , 

Bundoo khan, xxvi 33] 


| Bungy, Benj. iii 116] 

69] lx 92 

| x 

Bundy, S. iii 84] 
W. xlviii 959. liii 266, 267. lix 235 

Bunting, Edmund, xxxix 407 

Bunton, J. liv 23 

Buob, xxxiv 21] 

Buonaparte, Caroline, 1 89* 

C. Lewis Napoleon, lii 233 
Eliza, lvi 401 

——_—— Francis Jos. C. liii 128] 32. lvii 

Hortensia, lvi 401 
—— Jerome, xliv 207. xlvii 399. 
xlviii 203, 230. xlix 19. 113*. 11213, 33). 
lv 135] 102. lvi 401. lvii 65] 
.... king of Westphalia, xlix 178, 784 
+... married to the princess Catharine of 
Wirtemberg, xlix 275 
Joseph, xl 48] xli 254n] xlii 
282*. xliv 73, 244. xlv 716. xlvi 176, 663. 
xlvii 144. xlviii 135, 589, 792. xlix 178, 
784. 1 134n] 170] 213) 71*, 74*, 131*, 
140*. li 3, 182, 195, 362, 466, 469. lii 
154, 218, 229. liii 202. liv 126] 152] 154] 
235. lv 140] 143] 168. lvi 19] 71] lvii 65] 
84] 1xi 431 
.. ++ Character of, x] 48 
ta os king of Naples, xlviii 138, 
«».- placed on the throne of Spain, 1 168] 
li 173 
——— Lewis, xliii 80] xlvi 160, 176, 
663. xlvilil98. xlix 178, 361, 784.1 6*. 
Ni 690. 1vi 401. 1xi 93 
-»+- made king of Holland, xlviii 214, 698 
abdicates, lii 283, 512 
Lucien, x] 114] 116] xli 114] 
lii 12] 13] 22] 25] 28] 37] 43] xlviii 
449. 1 240] 5*. lii 235, 294. liii 2. Ivi 81. 
lvii 65] 69] lviii 268. lix 117. lxi 70, 431 
—_—— Napoleon, xxxviii 207] xxxix 4] 
19] 59] 76] 102] xl 4] 17] 42] 114] 117] 
_ 120] 219] xli 69] 85] 117] 131] 314] 258, 
329. xiii 175] 199] 217] 232] xiii 5] 69] 
117] 206] 219] 241] 277] 335. xliv 30, 72, 
187, 199, 471. xlv 42, 147, 150, 229, 261, 
267, 281, 391, 656. xlvi 3, 87, 365. xlvii 
180, 428, 763. xlviii 157, 215, 908. xlix 
72, 159, 170, 225, 250, 271, 472, 518, 702, 
729, 826, 979. 1 12] 75] 125] 215] 18*, 
30*, 123*, 247*, 351*. 11 16, 69, 173, 222, 
235, 240, 249, 653, 780, 894, 951, 972. lii 
10, 91, 152, 177, 246, 267*, 341, 513, 
~ 789. liii 77) 98] 127] 12, 92, 95, 212, 243. 
liv 126] 31, 95, 302. ly 40] 88] 164] 46, 
388, 423. lvi 34] 55] 59] 131] 167] 88. 
Ivii 88] 95] 112] 115] 128] 81, 205, 328, 
451. lviii 54] 107] 124] 88, 266. Ix 98, 
465. |xi 189] 56, 149 
++. description of, xlv 353. lv 2. 1xi 428 
+... character of, xxxviii 87/207] xxxix 21] 
xl 134] xlii 4n] 10] 78] 90] xliii 285] 
xlyiii 4, 220. 11342] 183] lii 149. xi 425 
+++. heads the troops of the Convention 
against the Parisians, xxxvii 106] 




ar ae Napoleon: invades Italy, xxxviii 
-+.. address to his army on the peace with 
Sardinia, xxxviii 90] 
«+++ plunder of works of art, xxxviii 96] 
+++» pays court to men of letters, xxxviti 102] 
+++» proclamations in Italy, xxxviii 238-45, 
249. xxxix 337-40 
+-.. letter from the Directory, xxxviii 246 
++++ proposal to confer on him the surname 
of Italicus, xxxix 20] 
+++ policy of, xxxix 21] 43] xli 7] 46] xlii 
9] xliii 79] xlv 318. xlvii 182. xlix 3, 166, 
179, 928. 1 144] li 175, 208. 1ii 201 
-+.. declares his resolution to support the 
republic, xxxix 62] 
«+s. letter to the abp, of Genoa, xxxix 50. 
x1 107] 
ye er dein respecting Leghorn, xxxix 
+++ proclamation to the people of Carin- 
thia, xxxix 336 
-».. letter to the chief of the Mainotes, 
xxxix 340. x1 137] 
«+++ predilection for the Cisalpine republic, 
xl 107] 
+++. procures the liberation of la Fayette 
and his fellow sufferers, xl 108] 
..-. address to the citizens of the Cisalpine 
republic, xl 108] 

veee Ligurian republic, xl 
es. Jealousies of him, xl 110] 
«+... repairs to Paris, xl 111] 
.... his speech on being chosen a member 
of the Institute, xl 111] 
.».. — expedition to Egypt, xl 125] 133] 
xli 2] See Egypt 
...» — proclamations, &c., there, xl 261-5. 
xli 8] 45] 
+++. — letters to Ghezzar bashaw, xli 21] 
+++« — expedition to Syria, xli 22] 
.... Jafia taken, xli 24] 
«++. siege of Acre, xli 26] 37] 70, 91 
.. .. forces assembled to raise the siege de- 
feated, xli 30 
-.++ his retreat from Acre, xli 35] 37] 94 
--.. Visit to Suez, xli 46] 
...- letter to Tippoo sultan, xli 48] 
»... proclamation on deposing theDirectory, 
xli 256 
.... his return to Europe, xlii 2] 66] 
. invested with the command of the 
forces at Paris, xlii 14] 
. attempt to assassinate him in the 
- eouncil of Five hundred, xlii 23] 
.... appointed consul, xlii 36] 
.... his power under the new constitution, 
xlii 61] 
.... appointed first consul, xlii 64] 
..-. hisaddress to the disaffected depart- 
ments, xlii 71] 
+».. — letter to the king of G. Britain, xlii 
73] 209 


Buonaparte, Napoleon; sir R. Barclay set 
at liberty by, xlii 1607] 

e+.» passage of the Alps, xlii 190] 

e+.» battle of Marengo, xlii 193] xliii 7] 

«++» present of a Turkish sabre to gen. 
Melas, xlii 196] 

+» «+ purposes to form one grand [Italian 
republic, xlii 197] 

«++. attempt to assassinate him, xlii 210] 
xliii 285) 

e+» letter to the grand vizier, xlii 218] 

«+.» revives the armed neutrality against 
G. Britain, xliii 76] 

seoe Gpigram on, xliii 2837] 

tw general plan of government, xliii 

«++. letter from the small cantons of Swit- 
zerland to, xliii 333 

e«s+ proclamation to the inhabitants of St. 
Domingo, xliii 371 

«e+. letter to Toussaint Louverture xliii 

«+. becomes president of the Cisalpine re- 
public, xliv 77, 642 

«++. answer to the senate on being re- 
elected for ten years, xliv 205n 

+++» declared first consul for life, xliv 206, 
244, 629 

e+-. at liberty to appoint his successor, xliv 
207, 245 ; 

«++. extent of his power, xliv 207, 245 

“i Soma to the Swiss, xliv 233, 

ees. answer to it, xliv 672 

«eee establishment of the legion of honour, 
xliv 243 

aig vere? from the bey of Tunis to, xliv 

«+++ atrocities of, in Syria and Egypt, xliv 
807. xlvi4a7 a 

e+». regardlessness of treaties, xlv 318. 
xlviii 800 

eos» conversation with lord Whitworth, xlv 
376, 698, 764 

+... thrown from his carriage, xlv 387 

e+» Seizure of all the British subjects in 
France, &c. xlv 391, 395, 399, 417, 424 

e+e» adulation of, xlv 397 

-... Sale of Italian antiques to the duke of 
Bedford, xly 440 

e+e. Conduct of, xlv 586 

ee. trial of Peltier for a libel on, xlv 600 

eee» Views of, in a rupture with G. Britain, 
xlvi 153 

ee.» conspiracies against, xlvi 155, 616, 619 

e»+- discussion with the emp. of Russia on 
the seizure of the duke d’Enghien, xlvi 
161, 178 

«+.. assumes the title of emperor, xlvi 165, 

e+.. prayer for, xlvi 177, 678 

ees Coronation of, xlvi 177, 184, 436, 439, 

ee» acknowledged emperor by Prussia, 
xIvii 685 



Buonaparte, Napoleon ; letter to the k. of 
Great Britain, xlvii 131, 615 

+. «+ answer to it, xlvii 616 

--.. assumes the title of king of Italy, xlvii 
135, 720 

-».. crowned at Milan, xlvii 136,723 

.»++ campaign in Germany, xlvii 144, 145 

-... address to the Austrian prisoners at 
Ulm, xlvii 152 

eves to his army, xlvii 153 

«e+ battle of Austerlitz, xlvii 166 

.»+. has no time to attend to prisoners, 
xlvii 437 

-«.. letter to the landamman of Switzerland, 
xlvii 619 

«+.» Speech to the senate on leaving Paris, 
xlvii 659 

e+.» proclamations to the army, xlvii 659, 
663, 664, 665, 667 

-+.. rewards to the army, xlvii 664 

+... circular to the bishops and presidents 
of the consistory, xlvii 666 

-+.. causes of animosity to Britain, xlviii 3 

+... murder of Palm, xlviii 164, 439 

-+.. realor pretended plan for assassinating, 
communicated to Mr. Fox, xlviii 173 

+++. campaign against Prussia, xlviii 189 

.» oe battle of Jena, or Auerstadt, xlviii 191] 

«...+ sends to Paris the sword, scarf, ribbon, 
and eagle of Frederic the Great, and all 
the colours he took in the seven years war, 
xlviii 195 

++» his new laws of maritime war, xlviii 201] 

--.- makes his brother king of Holland, 
xlviii 213 

«+... Eugene Beauharnois declared his 
adopted son, xlviii 216 

++.. various regulations of different states, 
xlviili 217 

«+s. convocation of Jews, xlviii 218, 428 

+++. economy of, xlviii 402 ; 

.».. his animosity to the queen of Naples, 
xlviii 420 

++.» proposal for a congress of the bellige- 
rent powers, xlix 167 

-+.. proposal of peace to the emperor of 
Russia, xlix 167 

.... interview with him on the Niemen, 
xlix 176, 524 

«... Norway offered to the k. of Sweden by, 
xlix 255 

++.. proposed partition of Europe between 
him and Alexander, xlix 272 

-«.. new bridge and other public works at 
Paris, xlix 273 

«».. intrigues in Spain, xlix 276, 1 129] 

-..»» intended division of Portugal, xlix 276 

--.. declaration respecting Turkey, xlix 

+++. interview with the duchess of Weimar, 
xlix 926 a 

+... reasons assigned by him for seizing 
Spain, 1 171] 

e+. interview with Alexander at Erfurth, 
1 219) 226] 112*, 113* 


Buonaparte, Napoleon: campaign in Spain, 
1 231] 
«++. makes Murat king of Naples, | 239] 
+... seizes the Papal dominions, | 239] 46*, 
47*, 79*, 314*, 368*. li 701 
¢ees excommunicated by the pope, 1 259] 
1i 455 
+++ letter to the prince of Asturias, 1 227* 
++.- speech to the magistracy of Madrid, 1 
«-+« declaration of the pope against, 1 314* 
+++» campaign in Germany, li 206, 378 
++. proclamation to the Hungarians, li 

«+++ divorce of Josephine, li 244, 747 

++++ thanksgivings for the battles of Enzer- 
dorff and Wagram, li 307 

-+-- decrees respecting Spain, li 670, 672 

--.. letter to the emp. of Russia on the 
treaty with Austria, li 732 

++++ marriage with the archduchess Louisa 
Maria, lii, 232, 506 

++.» conduct toward Holland, lii 233 

+++. a son born and styled king of Rome, 

_ Titi 128] 32 

+++ visits Holland, liii 131] 

+++» circular to the French bishops, liii 48 

+++» maritime decree of, liii 343 

+++. appropriation of effects in Valencia, 
liv 165] 

+++» occupation of Swedish Pomerania, liv 

--.. Berlin and Milan decrees professedly 
annulled with respect to America, liv 

«+.» departure for the invasion of Russia, 7b, 

+++» battle of Smolensko, liv 172] 

e+e. ——— Moskova, liv 173] 

++.. conduct at Moscow, liv 176] 

+++» conspiracy against, at Paris, liv 177] 

+++« retreat from Moscow, liv 178] 

_ ++++ quits the army, and reaches Paris, liv 
180] lv 114] 

+++. rejoins the army, lv 120] 

«.-+ battle of Lutzen, lv 121] 

Bautzen, lv 122] 

Wurtschen, ly 122] 

«++» armistice with Russia, ly 125] 127] 

+-.. orders a monument on mount Cenis, 
lv 126] 

++-. campaign renewed, lv 130] 

++. battle of Dresden, lv 131] 

Mockern, ly 136] 

«+++ —-—— Leipsic, lv 137] 

+++» retreat to Mentz, lv 139] 

return to Paris, lv 159] 

+++» proposals of peace to, lv 166] 

++++ faults imputed to, lv 169] 

++.» proceedings on the allies entering 
France, ly 173] 

+++. conduct of, lvi 2] 3] 

+++ repairs to the army, lvi 4] 

as certe of his dethronement, lvi 23] 

+++» his abdication at Fontainebleau, lvi 23] 



Buonaparte, Napoleon: chooses Elba for the 
place of his retreat, lvi 24] 
+... treaty with him, lvi 24] 400. lvii 10] 
13] 15] 
.».. his departure for Elba, lvi 28] 
.-».» his journey and arrival, lvi 52] 
«++.» conduct toward Denmark, lvi 383 
. charges against him by the French 
senate, lvi 399 
.... escapes from Elba and lands in France, 
Ivii 10} 56) 
«+. proclamation on landing, lvii 363 
+++. consequent treaty between G. Britain, 
Russia, Austria, and Prussia, lvii 30] 62] 
366, 367 
+++ arrival at Paris, lvii 59] 
.++» letters from Caulaincourt to lord Cas- 
tlereagh, lvii 371 
.... manifesto of the allies, lvii 60] 366 
.. +» addresses to, lvii 60] 
«+++ New constitution proposed, lvii 63] 
.... Sends extraordinary commissioners to 
the military divisions, lvii 64] 
.. +. Champ de Mai, lvii 58] 64] 
..+. repairs to his army, lvii 66] 
.... defeated at Waterloo, lvii 68] 174-9 
+++» arrival at Paris, lvii 69] 
..- abdicates in favour of his son, lvii 70] 
. retires to Rochfort, lvii 83] 
.. +. repairs on board an English man-of- 
war, lvii 84] 189 
. is conveyed to Torbay, and thence to 
St. Helena, lvii 85] 52, 104, 219. Iviii 
-... acts of parliament for his detenticn, 
lviii 30] 
.... convention of the different powers 
respecting, ]viii 369 
..+- a surgeon, priest, and two or three 
domestics sending to, lxi 41 
. court martial on J. Stokoe for impro- 
per conduct respecting, 1xi 240 
— Napoleon, jun. liii 128] 32. Ivii 
. created duke of Reichstadt, lx 92, 97 
. educating for the church, lxi 80 
Napoleon Lewis, lii 233 
— Paulina, xlviii 217. lvi 401 
Buonarotti, M. A. i 317, 318. ii 403. vii 
272. ix 225. x 217. xii 133. xiii 148, xiv 
189. xvi 162, 193. xlvi 433 
.... letter from P. Aretine, xii 170 
.... character of, xxxvii 8*] 
«+ «« account of, xl viii 829 
— signora, lvi 466 
Buononcini, iii 11, 15, 16 
Buorne, J. xxxiv 45 
Burbage, in Wilts, fire at, xxxiii 15 
Burbage, (actor) vi 180. xiii 107 
Burch, Edw. found guilty of forging a will, 
xiv 143] 162] xv 65] 
Burchell, Jos. li 276 
———— W. J. }xi 331 
Burder, B, lx 86 


Burdett, Jones, xlix 425, 634 

——— rey. Dr. xiii 88] 

—— Sedley, xxxv 51 

—— sir Francis, xxxv 5]. xxxix 218] 
246] 257] xl 196] 213] 228] xli 170] 199] 
xliii 8] 164] 173] 174] xliv 121, 126, 185, 
425, 429. xlv 22, 37, 45, 114, 156, 200, 
419. xlvi 5, 114. 382, 397, 403, 407. 
xlvii 54, 395. xlviii 263, 369, 458. xlix 
235, 236, 425, 453, 633. li 122, 124, 139, 
154, 160, 165. lii 23, 36, 38, 84, 90, 94, 
98, 252*, 260*, 264*. liii 1] 20] 29] 18. 
liv 3] 25] 61] 80] 222] lv 14] 294. lvii 12] 
Iviii 22] lix 30] Ixi 51] 79] 

«+++ his committal to the Tower, lii 104, 
257*, 258*, 347 

++.. — letter to the Speaker, lii 106 

e+e. actions against the Speaker and serg. 
at arms, lii 108, 288. liii 246, 250 

+» his release, lii 110, 265* 

+. «+ papers relative to his case, lii 344, 439 

—— sir Rob. viii 208] 

Burdon, Rowland, xxxv 77] xxxvi 212] 
277) xxxvii 153] xxxviii 49] xxxix 253] 
xli 199] xliv 776. xlv 54, 82, 119 

Burette, Dr. P. J. xii 153 

Burgeland, Eliz, iii 41 

Burger. See Buerger 

Burgess v. Clements, lvii 295 

(M.P.) xxix 150] 168] xxx 169] 

——— bish. T. xlvi 382 

——— capt. Rich. R. (N) killed, xxxix 
76. xlvii 434 

———— Cath. executed for the murder of 
her child, xiv 87] 

—— G.1i 315 

——— sir James Bland, xl 179. xliii 22. 
xlv 911 

— sir T. xxxviii 12 

Burgh, (M. P. [.) xv 92] xxxi 140] 

Ant. xliii 195] 

rey. Rich. xxxiv 45 

— rt. hon.W. Hussey, xliv 827 

»-e. character of, liii 377 

de, James Godfrey, li 803 

Burghall, G. x1 176 

Burghersh, J. lord, xlix 664*. lvi 2) vii 
78) 163, 167, 169, 172, 181 

Burglaries: execution of the Whites, i 90 

+++» custom-house of Liverpool broken 
Open, ix 109] 

eee. ————- at Dartmouth, ix 118] 

+... at Mr. Wilson’s, Gloucester, x 67] 

«+.s extensive, by J. A. Martin, a Dane, 
xi 188] xii 66] 

ees. persons convicted of, xii 147] xiii 
141] 158] 131] xv 93] xvi 74] 110] 135] 
148] xviii 130] xix 117] xx 177] 194] 
200] 205] 212] xxi 168] 202] xxii 195] 
200] 208] 219] 238] xxiii 238] xxiv 163] 
xxv 201] xxxiv 380. xxxv 33. xxxix 26] 
33. xl 7, 28, 80. xlii 45. xviii 438 

te executed for, xii 147] xiii 91] 

124]134) 153] xiv85] 115] 130]182] xv 72] 



102] 114] 132] 133] xvi 110] 122] 144] 
xvii 92] 98] 109] 121] 123] 140] 159] 171] 
xviii 83] 92] 112] 113) 115] 137] 153] 
167] 186] xix 122] 137-8] 198] xx 163] 
xxi 163] 168] 181] 182] 183] 188] 206} 
xxili 195] xxv 202] xxvii 194] xxxi 203] 
xxxili 8, 9. xxxviii 13. x1 44, 57, 72. xlii 
4, 43. xlvii 412. liii 38. lvi 76 

«++» house on the seacoast of Somerset, 
and 1200/. taken, xiii 66] 

e+». Man wounded by Mrs. Goldthorp in 
attempting her house, and afterward 
taken, xiii 78] 

e+. at Mr. Cartier’s by W. Brent, xiii 158] 

+++. — Mr, Greenfield’s, linen draper, xiv 

e+e. — hon. Mr. Stratford’s, zd. 

«++. — Mr. Green’s, at Leeds, xiv 87] 

«++. ~- Mrs, Hutchins’s, Chelsea, xiv 114] 
153] 154] 160] 161] 210] xv 93] 

: ay) sir Rob. Ladbroke’s xiv 163] xv 67] 

«+++ — the E. India company’s warehouses, 
xvi 68] 

ese» — W. Ewer, esq.’s, xvi 132] : 

+-.. — Mrs. Staples’s, at Reading, while 
the maid was at a puppetshow, xviii 82] 

eeee — Mr. Lyney’s, at Fyfield, xviii 84] 

«+++ — Copped Hall, xviii 140] 152] 

+++» — Marshal and Co., brewers, Shore- 
ditch, xviii 149] 

«++. man shot on entering a baker’s in 
Winchester street, on a Sunday afternoon, 
xviii 171] 

«+++ in Russel street, in the absence of the 
family, xix 166] ' 

«+.. at Mr. Beale’s, steward of lord Bruce, 
xx 161] 

«++. — Mr. Sims’s, Widegate alley, xx 
193] 195] 

..+. — Mrs. Wadham’s, Berners street, xx 
193] 195] 

«++. — farmer Clewin’s, Finchley, xxi 169] 

«e+. — Mr. Cuthbert’s, Kentishtown, xxi 

«s+. — Islington, xxi 170] 188] 

«++. and murder at Mr. Keys’s, Enfield, xxi 
171] 188] 

«++» at Copenhagen house, xxi 188] 

+. +» and murder at Coxheath, xxii 231] 

--.. in the College of Arms, xxv 204] 

++». great seal stolen from the lord chan- 
cellor’s, xxvii 185] 247] 

«--. at Mr. Burke’s, Beconsfield, xxvii 

eos. — Mr. Pitt’s, xxvii 247] 

«+. several committed bya gang of youths 
in Westminster, xxix 228] 

-... Excise office, Edinburgh, xxx 207] 

.... Lambeth palace, xxx 217-8] 

ee.» Dundee bank, xxxi 194] 

+. ++ countess du Bayié’s, near Paris, xxxili 
6] 45] 



Burglaries: house of sir J. Sanderson and 
Co., xxxiii 38] 

+++. three men shot in attempting, xxxv 

-».. and murder at Jamesville, Wexford, 
xxxv 2] 

alse —— at Mr. Harman’s, Long- 
ford, xxxvili 1 ; 

-..» at Mr. Mingay’s, Smithfield, xxxviii 14 

-»+» man acquitted after pleading guilty, 
XXxvili 32 

»»+- at Mrs. Johnson’s, Fludyer street, 
xxxvili 34 

---- — Mr. Fitzpatrick’s, Cranborne alley, 
x1 50 

++.- — the Castle, Highgate, x1 50 

e. oa Mr, Stallard’s, Moor court, xliii 

e+.- — Manuden, in Essex, xliv 429 

---- — Botany Bay, extraordinary escape of 
aman about to be executed for, xlvi 404 

«».. and murder near Aylesbury, xlviii 354 

+++. attempted in Princes street, Soho, on 
a Sunday afternoon, xlviii 422 

«++. Mr. Chapman’s, Stradishall, xlviii 436 

«-»- Mrs. Baldwin’s, at Broadfield, Kent, 
xlviii 453 

+».. chapel of Greenwich hospital, xlviii 

: eed J. Whitbread’s, Stamford hill, xlix 

«+++ Mr. Villars’s, Upper Grosvenor street, 

- 7 lord Fitzharris’s, Spring Gardens, 1 


e++- countess of Morton’s, Park street, 1 

e+» at P. Benjamin’s by W. Badcock, 1 

eee. — Mr. Purcell’s, in Iveland, and his 
resolute defence, liii 34 

e++-» Several at Exeter, liii 47 

--.. at Chertsey Bank, liii 80 

«».. near Metz, by two men, one shot by 
o maid servant, the other ran away, lili 

++ ++ at vise. St. Asaph’s, liii 140 

+... near Chester, prevented by the cou- 
rage of an old lady, liv 12 

--+. at Messrs. Aggs, Norwich, liv 23 

+--+ — farmer Eale’s, Asnley hole, lv 11 

++.. — miss Bakewell’s, Swepstone, lv 14 

+.-. — Mr. Long’s, Sibel Hedingham, lv 22 

«-.. — farmer Rothe’s, Cothenhill, lv 50 

+»-. —J. Smith’s, jeweller, Bridgewater 
square, ly 70 

«. ++ — farmer Ward’s, near Loughborough, 
on his deathbed, lviii 46 

+++» — Gretna hall, Scotland, lviii 196 

eg Mrs. Me Donald’s, Hoxton, lviii 

«++. — Mr. R. Gleadow’s, Hull, lix 62 

+++. — Mr. Alvey’s, Oxford street, lxi 42 

++-. — Mr. Chapman’s, Waltham Cross, 
Ixi 207 
Parr I, 



Burglaries: at Jos, Oliver’s, Manchester, 
xi 244 

Burgman, G. xliii 146 

Burgoine, xlii 75] 

Burgos, cathedral described, xxii 131 

Burgoyne, 1. col. J. Fox, lv 198. lvii 160 

— 1. gen. J. v 32] ix 99] xviii 132*] 
188]. xix 154*] xxi 132] 198*] 211. xxii 
138] 148] 327] xxiv 55] xxv 145] 147] 
305] xxviii 95] 992.] xxxi 145] 205] 151. 
xxxii 102] 

‘ _ surprises Valentia de Alcantara, v 

+++. action against for damages at an elec- 
tion, xiv 88] 
-+-- his expedition from Canada; xx 121} 
126] 141] xxi 38] 168*] 196*] xxiii 63 
«+++ — address to the Indians, xx 146] 
++.. — capitulation at Saratoga, xx 298] 
xxi 67] 
+++. treatment of, on his arrival from Ame- 
rica, xxi 195*] 
- court of inquiry and court martial re- 
fused him, xxi 196*] 199*] 
+++. defence in parliament, xxii 149] 
+».. letter to his constituents on his re- 
signation, xxii 297] 
- correspondence with the secretary at 
war, xxii 302] 
maj. gen, sir J. xxviii 193 
m. gen. sir Montague Roger, lix 
Montague, xxviii 189 
sir Roger, xxiv 165] 
Burgundy, bastard of. See Roche, de la 
Burgundy, C. the bold, duke of, xxix 111 
duke of, iy 88] 100] 104] 
— Lewis, duke of, iv 22 
-.+- education of, ii 568 
Burha ud Deen khan, xxxiv 202] 
Burhan ud Deen Ali, xxxiii 475] 
Buri, countess Cassandra, vi 93 
Burial. See Dead 
Burke, Edmund, xii 156] xiv 90] 196] xvi 
260. xvii 111] 197. xviii 115*] xix 113*] 
xx 173] xxi 70] 74] 110] 115] 134] 142} 
173*] 175*] 183*] 188*] 189, 206. “xxiii 
116] 156] 196*] 214] 258] 302] 32. xxiv 
141] 164*] 185*] 193*] 195*]200*] xxv 
132] 136] 147] 155] 182] 188] xxvi 1417.] 
xxvii 48] 68] 72] 148] 173] 183*] 187] 
202] xxviii 94] 136] xxix 91] 108] 111] 
166] xxx 90] 134] 170] 176] 178] 197] 
xxxi 71] 89] 107] 129] zd. 130] 131] 135} 
xxxii 76] 80] 81] 247] xxxiii 233, 253, 
269, 2] 17] 460n.] xxxiv 125] 164] 168] 
172] 6, 9, 313. xxxv 14] 19] 24] 28] 64] 
97] 116] 151] 165] 180] xxxvi 242] 243] 
266] 270] xxxvii 43°] xxxviii 37] xxxix 
252n.| 13, 456, 495n. xl 199] 200] 16. 
xliv 820. xlviii 12. xlix 61. lili 699. lv 8] 
..+- conciliatory propositions respecting 
America, xviii 105*] xix 104] , 
»+++ political characters by, xviii 12 




Burke, Edmund, his plan of public economy, 
xxiii 82] 94] 126] 134] 153] 165] 173] 
184] 300] xxiv 180*] xxv 177] 180] 

‘s+. paymaster general, xxv 180] xxvi 175] 

..--v. H. S, Woodfall for libel, xxvii 197} 

fee Hearsay of, xxx 173] xxxix 457, iii 


.» ++ Charges against Mr. Hastings, xxviii 
125] xxix 150] 163] 167] 169] xxx 140] 
149} 173] xxxi 159] 160] 163] xxxii 101] 
Xxxili 231 

e+ ee will of, xxxix 36] 

...- letter to Mr. Montagu on the censure 
of the H. of Commons, xxxi 273] 

'e»+» Philippics against the French revolu- 
tion, xxxii 67] 128 

e+.» rupture with Mr. Fox, xxxiii 255, 

e+.» throws down a dagger in the H, of 
Commons, xxxv 40] 

»+.» account of, xxxix 40. xl 324 

«se pensions to, xl 178, 326. xliii 152 

«+.» his son, xxxix 252n.] 

Edward, one of the bail for Wilkes, 

xiii 92] 
—— lieut. (N) xlii 212] 
1. col. ly 147 

- Rich. xvii 197. xxi 207 

W. xvii 197. xxi 207. xlix 45m. 808 

Burkitt, Eliz. ii 349, 350 

J. convicted of dog stealing, xxxi 


Burland, J. Berkeley, xlvi 3 

sir J. xii 67] 68] xvi 189] xvii 
108] 149] xviii 222] 229] 

~... v, the corporation of Wells for remov- 
ing him from the office of recorder, x 55] 

Burleigh, W. Cecil, lord, i 264, 487, 490. 
ix 54. xi 41. xii 184. xv 12. .xxi 14, 17, 
235-8. xxxvi 377. li 41 

Burling, Bridget, murder of, x 160] 

Burlington, R. earl of, iii 15. v 27, 29. li 
265. Ixi 447 

Burlington house, li 265 

Burmah, people of, xlii 302, 469 

«see embassy to, xlii 303, 304, 464 

+s.» account of, xlii 468. liii 556 

...- funeral of a priest, lix 582 

Burmaneligen, capt. xli 281 

Burmann, Dr. J. xxxii 76 

Burn, Colin, xlv 382 

Dr. Rich. vii 173. xxi 174. 

J. mayor of Berwick, xii 153] 

Burnaby, adm. sir W. adjusts the disputes 
between the logwood cutters and the 
Spaniards, viii 99] 

Dr. S. B. viii 248. Ix 255 

Burne, m. gen. Rob. 1 265* 

Burnell, ald. J. xxi 202] xxiii 196] 

Burnet, utility of, viii 142 

Burnet, bish. Gilbert, i 474. v 65, 176. vi 
255. viii 222. xiii 145. xv 53. xxiii 37, 

_ 214. xxvi 158. xxix 148] xxxyi 297 

eee» humble representation to those who 
are to sit on the throne, iii 18) 


Burnet, bish. Gilbert, anecdote of, iv 29 
Dr. iv 87] 
James. See Monboddo 
J. lviii 349. lix 233 
sir T. xv 54, xx 202 
Burnett, capt. (N) v 40] xxv 206") 
Burney, capt. James, xvii 243] xxvii 263] 
lx 592 
C. P.1i 296 
Dr. C. xvi 68, 166, 173, 177, 186, 
274, xviii 169. xix 188, 204. xxii 75. xxvii 
331] xxxi 161, 183. xxxii 145. xxxiii 262] 
xxxviii 346, 533. xlvi 901. xi 420 
miss Frances. See Arblay, d’ 
Burnham, G. murdered by another lad, xlix 
Burning, cures by, x 126 
Burning glasses of Archimedes, xi 129 
Burning well at Brosely, iv 92 
———— spring in America, xxx 78 
Burnley, J. liii 116 
Burns, remedy for, xxxvi 336 
Burns, James, xli 405 
Marg. 1 98* 
Rob. xxix 171, 174. xxxvi 426. 
xxxix 447, 454. xli 369. lii 692. liv 303 
. account of, xxxviii 30. xlii 322 
. anniversary celebrated, lviii 13 
Burr, capt. (N) xiv 90] xv 77] 
capt. C. B. (A) xlix 884 : 
col. Aaron (Amer.) x] 299. xliii 2. xlvi 
404. xlviii 244. 
. conspiracy of, xlix 691-702 
col. xliv 527. 1x 181] 
Mrs. grand niece of sir I. Newton, 
xxxii 194] 
Burrampooter, account of the, xxiv 39, 50 
Burrard, adm. sir 1. See Neale 
gen. sir Harry, xl 13]. xli 308] 
102, 106, 115. xlix 718*. 1 21] 125", 258*, 
262*. 14, 48, 50, 57 
Burrell, Jos. xlvi 825. lvii 320 
lieut. xxvi 18] 30] 
sir C. lx 135] 
sir Merrick, xxiv 279] 
sir Peter, xxx 125] xxxi 133] xxxiii 
231. xxxv 55. xxxvi 183] xxxvi 40 
See Gwydir, lord 
sir W. xxxvi I] 
W. lvii 52] 
Burrot, gen. lvi 183 : 
Burrough, sir James, lviii 79. 1x 286, 341 
Burroughs, Elizab. executed for the murder 
of Mary Booty, ix 82] 
rev. xi 258 

sir W. xlv 93. xlvi 7. lix 93] 94] 

Ix 57] 
Burrow, Ed. collector of customs at Hull, 
v. the owner of a Dutch ship, i 116 
i—— sir James (master of the Crown 
office) xii 91] xvi 82] xvii 50x. xxxv 267. 
xliv 72] 
Burrowes v. the Inhabitants of the barony 
of Moyfenragh, lvi 319 ‘ 
capt, Rob, xlii 38 



Burrowes, rev. Arnold, lviii 258 

— W. liv 309 

Burt (actress) vi 181 

—— 5S. condemned for forgery, xxviii 206] 

.... refuses to accept of transportation, xxix 

-+.. accepts it, ona second offer, xxix 199] 

.... frustrates a mutiny of convicts, xxxii 

Burtenshaw, J. lvii 321 

Burton, Dr. Dan. xi 18, 19 

Francis, xxxiv 159] xliv 69. 1 222", 

li 132 

hon. France. Nath. xlix 373 

~ rey. Rob. xxxv 384 

sir C. iii 145] 

—— T. liv 35 

W. vii 149] 

Burwell, fire at, xxxix 15 

Bury (in Lancashire) fall of the theatre, xxix 

—— St. Edmund’s, registers of the monas- 
tery of, xxvi 105 

—— street, fire in, liii 66 

Bury, de, Adam, xxxiii 74] 

Busby, C. Augustin, lv 320 

rev. Dr. R. xvii 195 

Busca, card. x] 44] 55] 

Busching, Dr. A. F. xxxv 26 

Bush, W. lvii 320. Ixi 299 

Busk, sir Wadsworth, lvi 473 

per J. murdered by smugglers, xxiii 


Bussi d’Amboise. See Amboise 

Bussorah. See Bassorah 

Bussy, brig. gen. _iii 63]. vii 259 

M. iv 5] 22] 41] 49] 118] 160] 
258] 259] 281]. v 185] xvii 11. xx 45] 

+... robbed by his steward, x 136] 

margq. de, xxvi 58] 70] 84] 106] 110) 

xxvii 23 

Roger Rabutin, count de, ix 198 

+... letters to the march. de Sevigné, xvii 

Butchell, yan, Martin, xlviii 418 

Butcher, action against two justices and a 
constable for forcibly entering the house 
of one and taking away his meat on a 
Sunday, vi 83] 

-+.. fined for forestalling, ix 94] 

ret affected by killing diseased cattle, xiii 

+... sued for selling bull beef on a contract 
for ox, xix 149] 

Butcher ». Campbell and others, Ixi 274 

——— James, executed for horse-stealing, 
x 122] 

Butcher row, Temple bar, fire in, xii 140] 

Bate, J. earl of, iii 142] 147) iv 89] 124] 
273) v 46] 47] 86] 119] 120] 125) vi 41} 
42] 97] 105] 117) vii 86] 128] 110. viii 
43] 45] 184] ix 214. xi 86] xii 156) xiii 
174) xiv 109] xvii 163] xviii 49, 62. 
xxiii 239] xxiv 190*] xxxv 28, 


Bute, J, earl of, invested with the order of 
the Garter, v 86] 105] 
"ae appointed first lord of the treasury, v 

»+e. Sudden resignation of, vi 38] 

-.+. supposed still to retain his’power, vi40] 

.»-+ ajackboot burnt by the mob at Temple- 
bar, vi 145] 

«+s» reputed negociation with lord Chat- 
ham, xxi 244] 

«-.. character of, xxxix 369 

J. 1st marq. of, xi 149. xix 140*] 192] 

231] xxi 252] xxxii 332] xxxiii 134, lv 

378. lvi 368. lvii 335 - 

M. Wortley, countess of, ix 81] 

Butler v. Bell, for being bitten by his dog, 
iv 121] 

curious case of, 1 358 

—— bish. Jos. viii 108] xi 16, 17. xxix 86 

—— C. (couns.) liv 456 

—— col. (Amer.) defeated and killed, 
xxii 11] 

—— col. J. (Ind. chief) xxii 7] 12] 91] 
xxiii 209*] xxviii 53 

—-— corn. Edw. Gerald, x1 47. xliii 23 

gen. (Amer.) xxiv 60] 66] 

—v-— hon. Simon, xli 157 

lady Eleanor, x1 176 

1. col. sir E. G. xlix 653 

—— miss Eliz. xlviii 362 

—-— Norton, murder of, lx 268 

—+-— Pierce (Amer.) xxix 299] 

—— Pierce O’Brien, liv 107 

—— rev. murder of, xxxv 58 

rey. Weedon, jun. xlv 445 

sen, xlii 311. xlv 445. 

xlvi 356 

—— Rob. house attacked by Whiteboys, 
xviii 92] 

Sam. ii 468. xvii 52. xxi 207. xxii 

181. xxv 191 

T. ix 163 

-——— W. large fortune of, divided among 
poor relations, vi 79] 

—— W. xxxii 316] lvii 85 

—— W. v. a customhouse officer, x 78] 

—— Walter, attempt to murder, xviii 130] 

Butscher, rev. Leopold, lv 3 

Butson, rev. Christ. xxiii 197. xxxix 45} 

Butt, capt. (N) xlii 74x 

—— Rich. Gathorne, lvi 146] 325 

Buttafuoco, col. xi 61*] 

Butter, salt, method of rendering palatable, 
ii 66 

see. sometimes contaminated with lead or 
copper, v 93. xxxix 429 

.. Irish, seizure of, vi 87] 

..+. stopped in it’s way to London, xi 113] 

. receipts for curing, xxxiv 421. xlix 


Butter, Nath. (printer) xxxvi 377 

Butterfield, Jane, tried for poisoning W. 

* Scawen, xviii 233] 

.» +. action to set aside his will, xx 161] 
xxiii 220] 


Butterflies, texture of the wings of, xix 104 

Butteris, J. legacy to Christ’s hospital, x 

Butterlin, marsh. iv 32-4] v 19] 114 

Buttermere, Mary of, xliv 456. xlv 428 

Butters, James, xliii 459 

——— Mary, xlix 475 

Buttertree, account of the, xlix 833 

Butzau, H. monument of, xvi 134] 

Butzow, xli 292 

Buxar, Indians defeated at, viii 10] 

Buxhovden, count, xxxix 4. xlvii 168. xlviii 
204, 206. xlix 6 

Buxton, C. xlviii 411 

—— Jedediah, viii 88. xxx 220] 

—— J. liii 486. lvi 536 

sir Rob. J. xxxv 86] 158] xxxviii 

49] x1 209] xliii 129] 181] xlv 80, 123, 

194, xlvii 42 

— T. F. lxi 153] 

Buy, maj. de, xxiv 69] 

Buys, v 167 

Buzaco, battle of, 1ii 197, 312 

Buzot, xxxv 218] 265] 

Buzzard, account of the, xlv 812 

Byard, capt. sir T.(N) xxxix 78 

Bye, Dr. xxv 71,77 

Byland, adm. count, xxiii 204") xxiv 296] 
xxv 161] 

Byng, adm. J. xviii 27. xxii 62] xxvi 24. 
xlvii 764 

-... Sent to the relief of Minorca, id 


. + defeated by Galissoniere, 7d. 
.-» Shot, 7b, xlviii 453 

—adm.sir G. See Torrington, visc. 

G. xxiii 226] xxiv 185*] 187*] xxvii 
188] xxxiv 78. xliv 429. xlv 114, 115, 
420. xlviii 369 

—. J. xxxviii 12 

—— m. gen. sir J. ly 147] 190, 230, 243. 
AG 168, lvii 175. lix 20. Ixi 107] 125] 

Bynneman, H. xxi 146 

Byrchenshaw, Maurice, xxi 139 

Byres, James, v 112] xii 88 

Byrne, executed for treason, xl 165] 

— C. (gunsmith) xv 76] 

(Irish giant) xxvi 209] 

—— J. xxxvili 385 

Roger, (large man} xlvi 381 

Byron, adm. J. iii 60] 135] ix 104] xi 68, 
260. xiv 4] 99] xvi 105, 106. xxi 180*] 
229*] xxii 42] 78] 199*] 343] xxv 158] 
Xxxli 219] 

capt. G. A. (N) xxxi 199] xxxiii 


capt. Rich. (N) liv 197] 

count. See Biron 

G. Gordon, 6th lord, xlix 973. liv 
38] 546, 548, 550. lv 548. lvi 569, 570 
J. Ist lord, xxvi 109. xlvii 885 
——— W. 5th lord, viii 60] 

e+... his duel with Mr. Chaworth, viii 208] 
-+ +. his trial, viii 21] xix 133] 

Bywater, J, xlvi 827, xlviii 960, xlix 858 



Caan, le, C. lii 418 

Cabanel, Rudolph, xlix 857 

Cabanis, xxxiv 270] xlii 32] 56] 

Cabarrus, count, 1 168] 53* 

Cabarus, xlii 13] 

Cabbage, extraordinary, viii 84] ix 145] 

ee. Anjou, viii 99, 145 

e+ +» turnep, viii 146 

..+s various kinds recommended, viii 148 

.... turnep-rooted, xi 107] xiii 138] xxvi 76 

.».» observations on, xiii 116, xlii 403 

«+.» preserving from insects, xxv 116 ~ 

.... New York, xl 68 

Cabillon, count de, vii 106 

Cabinet makers, combination of journeymen 
against masters, and masters against jour- 
neymen, iv 175] 

.+.. complaint of goods imported by am- 
bassadors, xv 100] 105] 113] 

Cabirites, xii 142 

Cables, machine for making, xxxiv 11, 28 

Cabot, Sebast. vii 255 

Cabral, Em, viii 67] 

P. Alv. lii 740 

Cabrier v. Anderson for putting his name to 
watches of the other’s making, xx 212] 

Cabul, kingdom of, xli 50] 

Cacao nut, duty on, Ixi 97] 

Cacher, Mich. lix 503 

Cadavyal, duke of, ii 210 

Cade, Jack, xi 191. xxix 106. 

Cadell, ald. T. xix 124] xx 9n. xxxi 37, 39. 
x1 23. xiiii 32 

and Davies v. Robertson, liv 303 

Cader Idris, account of, x1 378 

Cadet, C. Lewis, xlv 804 

Cadiz, ships arrived in 1760, iv 59] 

eo — 1761, v 65) 

.... Statue of Adrian found, ix 113] 

+s. treasure ships arrived at, x 124] 

.... bombarded by the British, xxxix 96] 

.... violent epidemic at, xlii 215] 33 

«+s. Siege of, lii 164 

.. +. pestilential fever at, lvi 88. ]xi 59, 66, 
67, 68, 73, 75 

. mutiny of the troops intended for S. 

America, Ixi 179] 

..-.+ preparations for the expedition, xi 35 

Cadogan, capt. (N) xxvi 126] 

Ch. Sloane, earl, x 205] xxxi 298] 

Dr. W. xviii 25 
——— hon. capt. G. (N) xlvii 362. li 
. lv 239 
—— hon. |. col. H. xlix 689*. liii 104] 
lv 169 
W. Ist earl of, iii 76. viii 201] 
xlvi 932 
Cadore, duke of. See Champagny 
Cadoudal. See Georges 
Cadwallader, last king of Britain, xxii 139. 
xxvi JIL. xxxvi 567 
gen, xx 15] 




Caedmon, xxi 227 

Caermarthen, foundation of an ancient tem- 
ple discovered, xiii 138] 

-.-- Standard measures for corn provided 
by the magistrates, xxxiv 34 

Caermarthen, march. of, viii 309 

— marg. See Leeds, F. G. 5th 

Caernarvon. See Carnarvon 

Caerphilly castle, xlvii 876 

Cesalpinus, xv 173 

Cesar, Julius, ii 396. iii 258. vii 209. x 11, . 

100. xiv 178. xv 179. xviii 98] xxi 27. 
xxiv 181, xxv 2, 131. xxxiii 27] 

e+... character of, xv 47 

Maj.gen. _iii 120] 

sir Julius, 1 3* 

Czesarius, xix 136n 

Caffarelli, gen. xli 23] xlvii 169, liii 127] 

Caffres. See Hottentots 

Cagigal, don Juan de, xxvi 114] 

Cagliostro, Alex. count, xxviii 203] xxix 
241] 245] 

«e-- sentence of, xxxiii 15 

Cahier, B. C. xxxiv 15] 201 

Cahir, visc. See Glengall, earl 

Caiafa, lvi 465 

Caillaud, gen. J. vii 36] x 109] 

Caille, Nich. L. de la, xxxi 48, xli 336 

--.. life of, vii 38 

Cainess, James, Ivii 59 

’ Cairo, description of, xliv 868 

«+++ plague at, xxiv 187] xliii 225] 

«+++ great drought at, xxvii 238] 

«+.. people of, xxxiv 370 

+++. taken possession of by the French, xl 

+... insurrection against them, xliii 209] 

--.. Surrendered, xliii 236] 

Caithness, W. Ist earl of, xv 98] 

— W. 10th earl of, xiii 133] xv 97] 

Cajanus, Dan., the Swedish giant, iii 80 

Calabee aga, xxxiii 99, 102 

Calabria, earthquakes in, x 125] xxvi 213] 
48, 58. xxvii 43] 

«.-- account of, xlviii 139 

Calais, gold medal to the author of the best 
tragedy on the siege of, viii 84] 

.... the actors of Paris invited to Calais to 
represent it during their recess, 2b. 

Calas, M. A. account of the death of, and 
trial and execution of J.C. for the sup- 
posed murder of his son, v 126] 

the advocate made LL.D. at Oxford, 
vii 105] 

—— suit of the family against their pro- 
secutors and judges decided, viii 74] 

«+e» gratification to, from the king, viii 84] 

«++. remonstrance from the parliament of 
Toulouse, id. 

++++ present from the k. of Denmark with 
a letter to Voltaire, x 85] 

++. attempt of the parliament of Toulouse 
to frustrate the decree against it, xi 161] 

Caleraft, Eliz, xv 123] 


Calcraft, H. xv 123] 
J. xii 156] xiii 90] xv 82] 123] 
J. xlv 80. 2b. 186. xlvi 25, 69, 95, 
1147. xlvii 7. xIviii 44. xlix 73. li 109. 
lit 129. Iviii 11] 12] lix 42] 1x 55] 58] 
Ixi 153] 

lieut. T. Granby, (A) xl 47. xiii 

— — col. T. xii 225] xv 123] 
Calculation, extraordinary faculty of, in ap 
untaught boy, viii 88 

Wee in a Negro, xxx 220] 

Calculi discharged from the loins, xvii 80 

-+.. solvent for, xxvii 55 

Calcutta, capture of, i 13, 278 

... retaken by the English, i 31 

.... sufferings in the Black Hole, ij279 

-... earthquake felt at, vi 61] 

..«. university established, xlili 2 

Caldagues, father, v 131] 

Calder, thanes of, xxxiv 435s 

Calder, adm. sir Rob. xxxix 73. xliii 248] 

xlvii 229. 230, 232, 240, 436, 450. lii 294 

«+. defence of, xlvii 564 

——— brig. gen. sir H. xxii 44] 

— capt. J. (A) xlvii 401 

——— G, xlviii 416 

Calderbank, T. Ix 361 

Calderon, Louisa, xlvi 369. xlviii 375, 400 

1 59* 

Calderona, don Rod. 1 149] 

Caldwall, S. xlvii 853 

Caldwell, ad. Benj. xxxvii 186. xxxix 80 
chev. col. Hume, death of, ix 70] 
count, ix 69] 

——— lady, ix 69] 
sir James, iii 76, 78. viii 141. 


Calendar, alteration of, by the French, xxxv 
279] 41 “ 

.... old, revived in France, xliv 390. xlvii 

Calender, J. xlvii 803 

Calhoun, J. C. (Amer.) Ix 2 

Calicoes, cylindrical machine for printing, 
viii 132] 

++. petition to parliament from the printers 
for a settlement of disputes with their 
masters, xlvii 46 

Calidasa, xlvii 958 

Caligula, Caius, iv 157. v 148. xix 172, 239 

..-. virtues and abilities of his horse, xiii 

Call, sir J. x1 176 

Callaby, T. wife, daughter, and grandchild 
stabbed by, xlvi 378 

Calleja, don Felix, liii 158] liv 209] 

Callendar, Mich. xviii 87] 

Callicrates, lviii 454 

Callimachus, x 220 

Callimaki, prince, xlviii 790 

Callinicus, the architect, discoverer of the 
Greek fire, x 276 

Callino, card. ix 146] 

Callisen, Dr, H. xxxix 7 


Callisthenes, xiv 174 
Callow, Cath. x1 177 
Calmar, fire at, viii 140] 
Calmucks, i 269, 270. vii 93. xxiii 57 
«+++ praying machines, lvi 475 
Calonne, C. Alex. de, xxviii 174] xxix 179] 
181} 184] 201] 209} xxx 205] xxxi 32] 
xxxii 137] xxxiii 167, 183] 382n] xxxiv 
13] 50] 52n] 86] xxxv 201] xlix 109 
Calpurnia, bust of, found at Casan, v 89] 
Calthorpe, hon. lieut. J. (N) lviii 77 
James, xvili 90] xix 120] 138] 
sir H. xv 206] 
Calverly, Hugh, pressed to death, xiii 164 
T. xiii 166] 


Calvert, (M.P.) xxvii 186] 
col. liv 93 
Dr. xix 236] 

Felix, xviii 159] 

gen. sir Harry, xlvi 388. lii 76 

—— G. See Baltimore, lord 

J, 1221* 

Calves. See Cattle 

Calvin, J. v 257. xv 188. xxii 5, xxxviii 
181] lvi 533 

—— Steph. ii 192 

Calvo, lii 161 

Calzado, gen. Ixi 245] 

Camac, col. Jacob, xxvi 13] 

Cambaceres, card. xlv 397 

—— = xxxvii 119] xlii 64] xliv 

629. xlvi 173, 176, 661. lvii 60] Ixi 435 

Cambatusier, on the painter’s colic, iv 

Camberwell, fire at, xlix 473 
eee, J. Bapt., doge of Genoa, xv 

Cambis, xlii 232 
Canon, xxxv 65] 259] 151. xxxvii 87] 

Cambray, battle of, xxxvi 16] 

Cambray, M. xxxi 231] 

Cambric manufactured at Winchelsea, iv 
178] vi 100 

»+ee at Dundalk, in Ireland, iv 179} x 103] 

«++. Sale of English, viii 58] 

«+++ handkerchief, French, lady fined 2004. 
for, ix 53] 

Cambridge, relief of the poor by the univer- 
Sity, viii 92] 

+++. attempt of the mayor to disfranchise 
honorary freemen, xix 151] 

Cambridge, Adolph. Fred. duke of, xvii 96] 
104] xxviii 206] xxxv 273] xxxvi 6. 
xliv 604. xlv 283, 395. xlvi 767. xlvii 
618. li 256. lvi 103] lvii 51] 1x 105, 401, 
402. Ixi 183] 399, 400, 401 

e+-- income of, lx 62, 63 

«e+. money granted to, xliv 585. Ix 63 

e+.. appointed gov. gen. of Hanover, ly 

2] 100 

++» marriage of, Ix 75, 77° 

Cambridge university, prizes proposed, i 91. 
ili 93] iv 103] v 81] viii 83] x 81] xi 
91] xviii 85] xix 125] 135] xxiv 172] xl 



34. xlviii 360. ti 254, 257, 273. lv 14, 
lxi 10 

Cambridge university: prizes adjudged, ii 
77, 105. iii 83] iv 76] 147] v 76) 92) 11)) 
viii 73] 105] ix 75] x 102] xi 80] 189] 
xiv 76] xv 79] 89] xvii 97] xviii 93] 
103] 151] 167] xix 125] xxi 190] xxiv 
171] 173] xxv 224] xxvi 210) xxviii 198] 
201) xxxi 202| xxxii 195] 197] li 254, 
273, 315 

.»+» Lowndes’s astronomical and geometri- 
cal professorship, ii 174, 175 

‘ee-- Dr. Walker’s botanic garden, iii 107] 

«++. address to the king on his accession, 
iii 244] 

Seis to the princess dowager, iii 

«es. account of the discoveries at Her- 
culaneum, presented by the k. of Naples, 
v 82] 

e. +» colours taken at Manilla hung up in 
the chapel of King’s college, vi 15] 

«++. addresses the king on the peace, vi 68] 

-+-- letter from the d. of Newcastle to. the 
vicechancellor on the subject, vi 202] 

++. disputed election for high steward, vii 
58] viii 80] 

«+. estate for building and endowing Down- 
ing college, vii 61] xi 126] 132] xxxviii 
40, x1 49. xlii 24. xlix 939 

«+.» action against a proctor for false im- 
prisonment of a townswoman, viii 80] 

++ ++ curious paintings presented to Queen’s 
college, ix 97] 

e+. Statue of George II in the Senate 
house, ix 102] 

-+.. prizes founded by Dr. Smith, xi 69] 

--.. letter of thanks to the hon. C. Yorke, 
xi 132] 

..+. amphitheatre for publie lectures and 
musical performances, xi 189 

«++- loyal address from, xii 82] 194] 

-»-+ consecration of the chapel of Clare 
hall, xii 113] 

-»++ description of shells and minerals 
presented by the k. of Denmark, xiv 66] 

-++. petition of the undergraduates to be 
relieved from subscription, xiv 165] xv 

«++. committee appointed to inspect records 
and advise with counsel on the subject, xv 

-.+. mummy presented to Trinity college, 
xvi 66] 

+++» question of annual examinations nega~ 
tived, xvi 153] 

e+e» committee for improving the acade- 
mical course, xvii 95] 

«+.» prooeedings in the senate, xvii 112] 

-+.. prizes founded by sir W. Browne, xviii 

. commencement, xxxii 209] 
eee contest for a scholarship, xxxiv 16 




Cambridge University : coins stolen from 
King’s college, xlii 12 

.... proceedings on the subject of arming, 
xlv 453 

..+- ceremony of founding Downing college, 
xlix 940 

.-.. MSS. presented to the library, li 282 

...- duke of Gloucester elected chancellor, 
liii 36 

o.oo installed, 72 

.. «+ fire in Emanuel college, liii 120 

.... —— in Trinity college, liv 80 

ws... — in Sidney college, lv 9, 22, 295 

..-« Pitt scholarship founded with the sur- 
plus of the subscription to his statue, lv 

.... theological literature at, lvi 533 

..». number of Bibles, &c. printed at, lvii 

..«. examination parodied, lviii 608 

..-- University Debating Club suppressed, 
lix 29, 43 

..-- large donation to St. Peter’s college, 
lix 43 

«+++ Scientific society proposed, Ixi 93 

Cambrone, gen. _|vii 179 

Camden, C. Ist earl. See Pratt 

J. Jefferies, Ist marq. xxvii 187] 

xxviii 186. xxxvii 148] 159. xxxviii 177. 
xxxix 15], 257. x1 164, 228. xli 227] 28. 
xliv 149. xlv 69. xlvi 102, 707. xlvii 
29, 51, 52, 58, 92, 216. xlviii 57, Six. 
410. xlix 525. li 516. liv 71} 118] 150. 
lix 35] Ixi 9] 70] 

.» +» appointed lord lieut. of Ireland, xxxvii 
225] 226] 

++. succeeded by lord Cornwallis, xl 

W. ix 50, 51. xvi l54n. xxi 237, 
xxiii 214. xxix 195. xlviii 362 

Camel deer, ix 128 

Camelford, T. Ist lord, xxi 260] xxiii 171] 
xxv (133] 181} xxvi 148] xxvii 59] 68} 
xivi 890, 941 

«.+. offers to surrender his borough of Old 
Sarum, xxvi 176] 

— T. 2nd lord, xxxvii 35. xl 10. 
xliii 8. xlix 526 

«-.. account of, xl I1 

+++» action against for assault, xli 2) 

Camelon, ancient capital of the Picts, ruins 
of, discovered, x 72] 

Camelopardalis described, xiv 81. lvii 497 

Camerarius, Elias, xxxii 2 

Cameron, Archibald, xxxiii 13 

capt. CN) xxii 31] 
- capt. H. (N) lii 297 

—— col. sir J. lv 198 

———_ Jenny, x 143] 

—— }. col. Phil. liii 200 

1. gen. sir Alan, li 451 

Rob. lviii 348 

sir Edwin. xvii 40 

Cameville, gen. _—xlvii 168 

j duke of, ii 222 

Camoens, vii 278, ix 178. xiv 215. xx 
203n. xxiv 182. xxxi 166 

Camomile street, fire in, liv 126 

Campana, gen. xlii 181] xlix 18 

Campbell and Co. v. Shepherd and Co, xix 

= adm. 

iv 69) xxii 63] xxv 

— G. xliv 361, 560 

——— Alex. Ixi 94 

—— Archib. xlvi 522. lviii 476 

brig. gen. drowned, xlviii 461 

capt. xxv 39] 
capt. (A) xxxvii 67. xlvi 235 
capt. (N) lvii 78] 163, 167, 

—— Alex. (N) xxxv 256 
Colin, (A) xlvii 394 
Patrick, (A) iv 141 
eed Patrick, (N) xlii 213] 74. 
xlvii 353. liv 141] 

——— Colin, vii 48. xlviii 414 
Muir, iv 133] 

col. xix 153] xxii 4] 30] 

col. Archib. lvi 257 

— sir Archib. lv 241 

— sir Neil, Ivii 187 

commod. xlvii 1062 

couns. lvii 290 

—— Dr. Hector, 1 11* 

——— Dr. J. xviii 192] 

— Duncan, xix 164] xx 268] xxi 
286] xxii 328] xxiii 311] xxiv 271] xxv 
289] xxvii 301] 

——— Fred. xi 279] 

gen. xxiv 99] 
Hector, xxxiv 416 
Hume, xx 197. 

————- llay, xxix 167] 

———— J. xvi 107. 1133*. lviii 115 

—— Jos. iii 135 

——— — lady, forcibly-taken from his 
house, ii 135 

—_ lady Charlotte, xliv 839 

lieut. (N) xxv 113] xxxvii 69. 
xlvii 535 
ed Peter, (A) xxvii 257] 
l.col. killed, xx 175*] 

—— lii 263 

———— — Archib. xlvii 531 

—— Hugh, killed, xl 125, 137 

—— J. xxi 162] xxiv 82] 

———— l. gen. sir Alex. xlvi 213, 220. li. 
184, 470. liii 187, 198 

oe sir H. F. liv 201. Iv 170 

—_——— lord Fred. xxvii 179*] xlix 464 

——__— —— W. viii 126] xix 32] 157*] 

naj. xxvi 102] 292] xxxvii 

—_—_—— — Alex. executed for murder, 
1 80*, 88", 89* 
——_- Don. xlix 652, 655 
— W. killed, xlv 562 a 
m.gen.  xxiy25] xlvi212, li 
251, 316. lxi 194] 

Campbell, maj. gen. Dugald, xxxviii 83. xliv 
525. xlvi 212 

James, liii 223 
J. ii 459 
Mungo, earl of Eglinton shot by, 
xii 143] 163] xiii 74-6] 78] 

e+e trial of, xiii 219] 

rev. Dr. G. xxxi 133. xliii 502 

Rob. executed for murder, xiv 

96] 122] 193] 

sir Archib, xxviii 200] xxxi 285] 

xxxiii 240. xxxiv 196] 197] 

— T. xli 467, 469. xliii 517. xliv 

$29, 831-3, 890. xlv 917. xlvi 929, 931. 

xlvii 969. li 921. lix 605 

W.H. vi 222 

Campbeltown in Cantyre, colliery opened 
near, x 78 

‘+-- all the vessels of the ship owners 
offered to government, xl 38 

Campeggio, card. xv 162n. 

Campen, battle of, iii 39] 

Camphor tree of Sumatra, lx 565 

Campo, don Bern del, xxviii 263] 

marq. del, xxxi 203] 

oo ae duke of, xli 265. lvii 74] 

Campomanez, P. Rodr. count de, xix 131] 

Campo Verde, margq. liii 110] 118] 

Camus, Armand Gaston, xxxii 154] xxxiv 
122] xxxv 248] x1 111] 

C.S. L.iv 151. vi77] 

Canada, Punic inscriptions in, xxiv 127 

ees. fur trade of, xliii 546 

eeee Surrender of, iii 149] 150] 

+--+ margq. de Vaudreuil’s letter to the cap- 
tains of the militia, iii 218] 

e+... papers relative to the final reduction 
of, iii 220] 

e+. articles of capitulation, iii 222 

+--+. address to the governor on the death 
of the king, iv 91] 

+++. distress of the people relieved by our 
troops, iv 135] 

»e+. advantages of, for the fur trade, iv 150] 

«++ account of the Canadians from Chazle- 
voix, iv 10 

-... ceded to Great Britain, v 235] 

-»-. declaration of the French plenipoten- 
tiary with regard to debts due to the 
Canadians, v 243] 

«+++ judgment of several French officers 
for misbehaviour there, vi 120] 

e+». account of the French paper money 
one of exchange on government, vi 

+++. complaint of the French government 
bills not being paid, vii 100] 

eee- sale of bills at Garraway’s, viii 71] 

+» ++ decree of the French government con- 
cerning the liquidation of bills, viii 154] 

»».. exportation of coal to the W. Indies, 
viii 158] q 

o>.» aflair of the bills amicably settled, ix 
5] 79] xv 81] 



Canada: Catholic bishop sent from Engs 
land, ix 122] 133] 

«++» character of the French inhabitants, 
ix 33 

«+++ white iron ore found in, xi 142} 

---- letter from the holders of reconnois- 
sances to lord Rochford, xv 102] 

ee ++ petitions against the Quebec bill from 
British settlers, xviii 111*] 117*] 118*] 

«+e petition to the king, on which the 
Quebec bill was founded, surreptitiously 
obtained, xviii 118*] 

e+.. attempt to arm the Canadians against 
the Americans ineffectual, xviii 138*] 

e+ + alliance with the Indians, xviii 139] 

e++- invaded by the Americans, xviii 2] 

e+. the Americans driven out of, xix 155*] 

ee.» preparations for an armament on lake 
Champiain, xx 2] 

«+. engagements on the lake, xx 4] 5] 

e+. expedition from, xx 121] 141] 

-: + Indians collected, xx 121] 143] 146] 

«++ Ticonderoga abandoned by the Amer- 
icans, xx 126] 149] 

«++. hotly pursued by the British, xx 150] 

-+.. difficulties in the march of the troops, 
xx 153] 

+++ the Americans abandon forts Edward 
and George, and retire to Saratoga, xx 

«+++ petition from the merchants of, xxi 

-.-. d’Estaing’s address to the people, 
xxii 41] 355] 

«+ «+ bill for dividing into two governments, 
XXxiii 260, 269 

+» ++ hempseed purchased by government 
for, xxxiii 143 

«+++ deputation of Indians to lord Dor- 
chester, xxxvi 25] 

+++» invaded by the Americans. See United 

e+» Severe frost in August; lvii 55 

++» five Catholic bishops and one arch- 
bishop in, Lxi 36 

——— Upper, civil list establishment of, 
xxxiv 148. xxxv 105. xxxvi 119. xxxvii 
117. xxxviii 107. xxxix 169. x1 204. xli 
194, xlii 164. xliii 188. xliv 584. xlv 629. 
xlvi 582. xlvii 587. xlviii 636. xlix 729". 
1185*, 11 535. 1ii 422. 1x 421. xi 418 

e+. expense of stationery for, xxxviii 108 

eo insurrection against the militia act, liv 

.» ++ invaded by the Americans, liv 199] - 
202] See United States 

.... Several of the inhabitants executed 
for high treason, lvi 183] 

Canale, card. ix 146] 

Canals : observations on, xxxix 199z.] 

-. ++ from Dublin to the Shannon, ii 116 

.. +» duke of Bridgewater’s, iii 160] iv 123] 
v 75] vi99. xv 131] xvi 65] xvii 145] xix 
127] 184] xxvi 203] xli 30 

eres Substitute for locks, iii 142, 144 



Canals: remarks on this substitute, iii 144 

.... from Newry to Fadam point, iv 79] 

++ ee —— Lynn to Northampton, iv 146] 

«.-- man cast in damages for taking toll on 
a towing path, viii 82] 

«+e» Trent and Mersey, ix 50] xvi 97] 

--»» Thames and Severn, ix 50] xxxi 228] 

.. +. Birmingham, x 99] xiv 81] 

+.» Leeds and Liverpool, xiii 108] xvi 
100] xvii 156] xx 185] 

+++» Forth and Clyde navigation, xiii 142] 
xiv 81] xvi 100] xxxii 213] 

««.- communication between the Birming- 
ham, Staffordshire, and Worcestershire, 
xv 126] 

eee Selby, xvii 99} 

+». from Apedale to Neweastle under Line, 
xviii 107] 

eee» Trent and Chesterfield, xviii 116] 

.».. Staffordshire and Worcestershire, xix 

»+.. Chester, xx 185] 

+++» Oxford and Coventry, xxi 174] xxxii 

«».. for uniting the Baltic with the Cas- 
pian, xxviii 140] 

a “A across the peninsula of Jutland, xxviii 

+++. junction of the Birmingham and Co- 
ventry, xxxii 210] 

-»«- Fazeley and Birmingham, xxxiii 47] 

«+.. in Spain, xxxiii 355] 

e+». expense of cutting, xxxiii 356] 

+». number of applications for acts, xxxiv 

e+.. premiums on shares, xxxiv 34 

+... Standing orders of the House of Com< 
mons respecting, xxxiv 103 

«.-. from Leicester to Loughborough, xxxv 

oh from Merthyr Tedvil to Cardiff, xxxvi 

-+.. from Gainsborough to Leicester, 2d. 

--.. boat set on fire on, xli 14 

-.»» Ashton, xli 30 

»-.- Grand Junction, xlii 24. xliii 17, 24. 
xliv 414. xlv 375. xlvi 354. xlvii 369. 
xlviii 411. 1 20* 

«+». Thames and Medway, xlii 24 

++.. passage in a barge from Colbrook dale 
to London, xlii 24 

++. of Trolhetta, xliv 873 

++.. rupture of banks, xlv 373. lviii 197 

+++. at Blackwall, xlvii 407 

«+.. Ellesmere, xlvii 450. lviii 197 

++.. Crinan, xlvii 590 

++.. Grand Surry, xlix 406 

+... Caledonian, grants for. See Scotland, 
grants toward an inland navigation 

He fall of an aqueduct bridge, 1 20*. liii 

+++» Huddersfield, 1i 285 
+++. military, li 537 

«++» riots of excavators on account of the 

scarcity of change, liii 47 : 



Canals : tunnel under a river failing, liv 141 

.. «+ Steamboats on, lvii 504 

.... Tavistock, lvili 129 

+... Wey and Arun junction, Iviii 149 

+++ military, lx 56] 

Canary islands, mummies from the, vii 95} 
xvi 66] 

e+.» fountain tree of, vii 115 

«+». fishery carried on at, vii 124 

+». agriculture of, xlii 370 

.... earthquake in the, lv 81 

Cancer, use of hemlock in, lii 109 

-... Guy on Plunket’s remedy for, iii 112 

«+s. pitch said to be a remedy for, xxvi 

.... ward for, in the Middlesex hospital, 
xxxiv 1 

Canclava, gen. xxxvii 73] 

Candahar, kingdom of, xli 50] 

...- account of the city of, lvii 521 

Candia, character of the inhabitants, xxxi 
8, 148 

.».. ancient labyrinths, xxxi 91, 93 

Candidus, Petrus, xxi 27 

Candles, wax, recommended for ships, viii 

++.. experiments on the real and compara- 
tive expense of, viii 164 

»».. baronet convicted of making his own, 
xii 100] 

«+. tax on, xxvii 304] 

++.. — repealed in part, xxxiv 150 

e+.. prices of, xlix 720*. 11 650 

Canes, lieut. (N) xli 97 

Canges, du, v 133 

Cannaletti, xiv 158 

Cannibals, instances of, xvii 136] 243] xxvi 
19. lii 744 

Canning, Eliz. iv 179] 

——- G. xxxvi 271] xxxvii 153] 193] xl 
233] xli196]205] xlii 94] 147] 158] xliv 
172, 827. xlv 13, 29, 35, 43, 55, 93, 124, 
130, 140, 144, 153, 176, 200. xlvi 34, 44, 
69, 80, 98. xlvii 45, 47, 69, 72, 73, 77, 84, 
103, 110. xlviii 43, 45, 46, 53, 54, 85. 
xlix 38, 67, 147,157, 160, 243, 244, 613, 
795. 1 14] 18] 27] 40] 41] 45] 46] 57) 
63] 64] 65] 67] 68] 71] 125] 221*, <b. 
241*, 251*. 1i8, 23, 64, 75, 79, 83, 96x. 
126, 153, 155, 158, 160, 167, 239, 504, 
510. lii 19, 47, 56, 72, 74, 77. 83, 140, 
148, 255, 242*. liii 75] liv 32] 54] 76] 
81] 82] 84] 85] 90] 93] 119] 216] 220} 
346. lv 6] 29] 32] 63] 92] 94] lvi 116] 
129] 132] 137] 166] lix 33] 1x 39] 40] 
73] 142] 143] 151] Ixi 12] 21] 31] 68] 

..-.» character of, xlix 38 

Stratford, lvi 94] 

———_ W. xviii 195 

Cannings, W. See Canynge 

Cannon, new invented, 190. xvi 131] xlviii 
375. iii 135 

«. +» new carriage for, iv 172] 

«+e» Softened by lying in the sea, vii 77] 


Cannon, method of boring, xii 36 

e+e. proof of, xv 138] 

«+++ manner of standing the shot of, at a 
small distance, xv 190] 

»-++ pearshaped shot, xvii 146] 

wee. ancient, xvii 169 

--.» two discharged with the balls chained 
together, x1 34 

wis line thrown ashore from a ship by, xl 

«+. method of hitting objects in the night 
discovered, 1 106* 

«+++ See also Carronades 

Cannon, Ambr. convicted of the murder of 
T. Cole near 16 years before, xvi 136] 

T. colours of the guards at St, 
James’s seized by, xxxii 197] 

Canons, account of, xxxvii 119*] 

«+. Sale of, xlii 11 

Canova, liii 531, lvii 81, 588 

Cant, rev. And. xvii 187 

Canterbury, extravagant charge of an inn- 
keeper, v 104] 

+++. address of the clergy of the province 
of, on the birth of a prince, v 184] xxiii 
324] xxiv 285] 

on the peace, vi 199] 

+» toll-free market for hops granted to, 
ix 126] 

«++» benefaction to the hospitals of the 
abp. of, xi 18 

-- +. legacy toward repairing or rebuilding 
houses belonging to poor livings in the 
diocese, xi 18 

«+++ society for the relief of widows and 
orphans of the clergy, xiii 115] xvii 118] 

qs a cathedral burnt down and rebuilt, xv 

address from the convocation to the 
king on the licentiousness of the age, 
xviii 87] 

e+.» inundation at, xix 115] 

--++ fragment of an ancient building pulled 
down, xxxv 34 

«».. freedom of, presented to the prince of 
Wales, xl 81 

«+e. ceremony of conlirming the election 
of an abp. xlvii 366 

«+++ riot on account of the corn bill, lvii 

Cantin, adm. don Adrian Caudron, xviii 

Cantolla, don Domingo de la, x 87 

Canton, fire at, xlvi 965 

Canton, J. vi 74. xii 85] 79, 80 

+++. prize medal to, viii 146] 

+++ artificial phosphoric stone, xii 113 

---- on the luminousness of the sea, xiii 74 

Cantoo Baboo, xxvi 25] 32] xxx 158] 163] 

Canute, x 278. xiii 42 

++++ body of, discovered at Winchester, ix 

Canynge, W. xix 161, 162, 212. xxi 154. 
Ixi 458, 470 

Canziani, Lambro, xxxiii 92, 93, 95 



Caoutchoue, method of making instruments 
of, xxxvi 349 ‘ 
Capacelli, march. suicide of, xxviii 210} 
Caparn, James, xlviii 961 
Cape, G. killed in alimekiln, xi 141] 
Cape Breton, ceded to G. Britain, v 235]. 
--..- abounds with coal mines, vii 107] 
+++.+ money granted, xxvii300] 344] xxviii 
250) ib. xxix 264] xxx 262] xxxi 285] 
xxxii 278] xxxiii 142] xxxiv 148. xxxv 
106. xxxvi 119, id. xxxvii 117. xxxviii 
107. xxxix 169, x1 204. xli 194. xlii 164. 
xliii 188. xliv 584. xlv 629. xlvi 582. 
xlvii 587. xlviii 636. xlix 729*. 1 185*. li 
535. lii 422. Ix 421. 1xi 418 
Cape of Good Hope, account of, xxxv 291. 
xliii 538. Ixi 332 . 
---- taken by the British forces, xxxvii 
138] 66 , 
«+e» articles of capitulation, xxxvii 72 
+++» capture of a Dutch fleet sent to re- 
take, xxxviii 194] 81 
«++. orders respecting trade to, 139 
++ ++ mutiny of the seamen at, xxxix 50 
-... restored to the Dutch, xliv 609. xlv 
+++» coal mines discovered, xliv 869 
-+.. resumed by G, Britain, xlv 264 
++. taken again by the British, xlviii 233, 
«. ++ grant for stationery, lii 424 
«++. interview of lord C, Somerset with the 
king of the Caffres, lx 596 
«+++ plan of emigrations to, lxi 37, 314 
--.. aggressions of the Caflres, Ixi 61, 332 
.»+. Numerous applicants for emigration, 
xi 91 
Cape Verd islands, punishment of the per- 
sons concerned in assassinating the chief 
judge and others, viii 63] 
«+++ famine in, xviii 142] 
Capecelatro, abp. Joseph, xxvii 173 
Capel, Arthur, Ist lord, xiv 33. xxxv 413 
hon. and rev. W, R. li 312 
hon. capt. T. Bladen, (N) xl 142. 
xlvii 550. xlix 663*. lv 184 
Rich. xi 110] xii 115] 
sirH. vi 273, xxxviil 452 
Capell, Edw. xviii 213. xxiv 168] 
Capellen, adm. van, lviii 102] 233, 240 
baron van der, xxiii 369] xxix 

Caan Bianchi, history of, xii 199 
Capmany, don Ant. de, li 945 
Capon, bish. J. xiv 144 
Capone, maj. de, v 251] 
Cappadocia, a successful adventurer in the 
lottery, x 155] 
Capper, col. li 229, 23) 
J. H. lviii 422 
Capponi, gen. xvii 150] 
marq. v 150 
Cappunccino, xvii 117] 
Capraja, x 38] 
e+e» taken by the Corsicans, x 39) 94) 



Caprara, card. xliv 202. xlvi 177, 635, 678. 
xlvii 723. 1 368* 

Caprification, process of, viii lol 

Capua, surrendered to the F rench, xli 150] 

++. surrendered by them, xli 292] 83, 84 

Cara Osman Oglou, xiii 36] 

Caracal, taken from the French, iii 64} 

..+» application of the seamen respecting 
prize-money, vii 92] 

«++ restored to France, xxvi 326] 

’ Caracalla, iv 162. v 103] xix 141. xxi 163, 

1xi 59 

Caraccas, earthquakes at, xvi 128] liv 207] 
39. ly 508, 1xi 551 

«++. account of, lii 760 

Caracchi, Annib. ii 406. vii 273. xxvi 182 

Lodovico, xvi 61 

Caracossa, gen. lvii 78] 

Caraman bashaw, xii 16] 23] 

ee, M. A. V. medallic history of, iti 

Caravan from Bagdat to Damascus plun- 
dered, xviii 101] 

-»++ destroyed by the Simoom,lv 75 _ 

Carbonic acid. See Acid 

Carazzi, fath. xxiv 38 

Carco, D. charged with treason, xl 69 

Carcroft, his stables set on fire, vi 56] 

Cardaillac, chey. de, xxv 109] 

Cardan, Jerome, vi 92 

-+..+ memoirs of, xv 40 

Cardell, gen. xlix 29 

Carden, = xxiii 214*] 

capt. J. S. (N) li 372. liv 255 

Carders, lviii 4042. 

Cardiere, _—xiviii 831 

Cardiff, lord, xxx 298] xxxi 298] 304] 

Cardigan, G. 4th earl of, viii 202] 204] 

Cardona, salt mines of, viii 587 

Cardozo, Brass, xlvii 1060 

Cards, invention of, iv 173. xxviii 111, 112 

*++- remarks on, v 156. xvii 187 

- forbidden to the servants at court, xv 

«++» consumption of, xviii 191] 

«++. Sentence of a person convicted of 
cheating at, xx 206] 

++.. ancient games, xxviii 109, 116 

«+. antiquity of, in England, xxviii 110 

+++» in China, xxviii 1llz. 

. ahaa duty on, xxxi 151] 286] xliii 

«++. ace of spades forged, xlvii 421 

Carduus benedictus, large, xxi 197] 

Carelessness or misconduct, effects of, com- 
monly called accidents. See Accidents 

mt Dr. Reginald Pole, xxxiv 122. xlv 

G. lord, xxxii 96. See Totness, earl 
—— Reginald Pole. See above, Dr. R. P. 
Rich. xxviii 63 

———- sir Rich. liii 487 

——— T. character of, ii 313 

Carey, David, xlix 984, 985 

—— Dr, J, xlviii 960 



Carey, rev. Dr. W, lix 582 

T. murder of, vii 93} 

W. extraordinary case of, iii 77, 78 

Cargill, Mrs. (actress) xxvii 183] 

Carhampton, H. Lawes, 2nd earl, xxxi 312] 
313] 314] xxxii 199] 

———_—_——- Jane, countess of, xxx 195 

Maria, countess of, xxxiii 27 

Simon, Ist earl of, xv 84*] 

..+- character of, liii 375 

Cariati, prince of, lvii 361 

Cavibbees, character of the, ix 34. xii 277. 
xvi 83*] 

-++» expedition against, in St.Vincent’s, xv 
149] xvi 83*] 

.»+. treaty with them, xvi 92*] 245] 
... insurrection of, in conjunction with 
the French, xxxvii 135] 168 ~ 

Caricatures, French, xlvi 767. liv 31 

Carillons. See Chimes 

Carinus, Mare. Aur. vii 54} 

Carle, gen. xxxiv 94] 97] 101] 

Carleton house, money expended on, xxix 
130] xxx 261] xxxi 285] xxxvii 218] 119 

Carleton, Dudley, xxi 238 

————. Guy, xxxiv 134 

hon. 1. col. G. lvi 170 

Hugh, vise. xliii 170] xlvi 108. 
xlvii 92. xlviii 9 

sir Dudley. See Dorchester, visc. 
sir Guy, ii 242. xvii 75] xviii 

118*] 138*] 139] xix 2] 15] 151*] 154*] 
166*] 141] xx 3] xxi 39] xxii 146] 149] 
211] xxiii 185] 384] xxiv 328] 337] xxv 
167] 281] 314] xxvi 170] 260} 262-6) 
xxvii 177] xxviii 301] 200. xxix 66] 
xxxvi 256] 251. x1 211 

..+- generous conduct of, xix 153*] 255] 
xx 142] 

.-+» his command abridged, and consequent 
resignation, xx 141] 142] 

.... letter to gen. Washington, xxv 302] 
xxvi 130] 

——— T. xxxiv 134 . 

Carley, schoolmaster without hands, xxxv 

Carlini, Agostino, xi 199] xiii 146] 

Carlisle, letter to it’s representatives on the 
nullum tempus act, xi 146] 

«++. action against the corporation for 
placing a stell across the river, xxvi 215] 

..- Tiot on account of the supplementary 
militia, xxxix 2 

.... fire at, xl 6 

.... Roman antiquities found, xlvi 370 

++. riot of weavers on account of prices, 
Ixi 31, 35, 36, 41 

Carlisle, Fred. 5th earl of, v 113] xvi 230. 
xxi 218*] 323] 332] 335] 210. xxii 22] 
28] 317] xxiii 37] xxiv 177] xxv 178] 
206] xxvi 166] 175] xxvii 181*] 317] 
xxviii 110] 123] 137] xxix 109] xxx 
120] 123] 298] 189. xxxi 125] 298] 304] 
xxxii 99] 142. xxxiii 5) 463] xxxv 36] 
54] 28. xxxvi 231] xxxvii 182] xxxix 

164] 233] xli 184] xlit 84] 86] 126] 154] 




xliii 121] xliv 98, 125, 133, 134, 606. xlv 
5, 57, 58, 80, 98, 105, 106, 112, 129. xlvi 
42, 73}81, 432. xlvii 3, 52, 108, xlviii 891 

Carlisle, Fred. 5th earl of, invested with 
the order of the Thistle, xi 81] 

.-.. lord lieut. of Ireland, xxiv 145] 

Isabella, countess of, xxxii 118. 
xlii 455 

——— James (Hay), earl of, xxi 240, 241 

——— Rich. prosecutions of, for libels, Ixi 
260, 261 

———— sir Ant. lvi 498 

Carlo, Gian, v 113] 

Carlscroon, dock at, xxii 237] 

Carlton house. See Carleton house 

Carlyle, Dr. xxx 172n. 

W. vi 79 

Carmathians, iii 57 

Carmey, Angel, sale of his collection, ix 65] 

Carmichael, gen. I. I. xliv 260. 1i228n. 461 

— A, ii 386 

Carnac, in Egypt. See Karnac 

Carnac, gen. J. iv 57] viii 13] ix 28] xv 
86x. xviii 78. xxv 4] 

-... defeats Sujah Dowlah, ix 21] 

Carnan, T. xviii 126] xxii 210] xxiv 177] 

Carnarvon, town and castle of, xxvi 107 

Carnarvon, H. Ist earl of, xxx 118] 123] 
298] xxxi 72] 99] 125] 127] 298] 304] 
Xxxii 99] xxxiii 243, 154] xxxiv 155] 
xxxv 18] 54] xxxvi 230] 239] xxxvii 
227] 114, 115. x1 210. xli 211, 215. xlii 
86] xliii 47] 169] xliv 19, 111, 146, 167. 
xlv 84, 112, 113, 161, 184. xlvi 42, 61, 
102. xlvii 63 

— H. G. 2nd earl, lii 41, 48, 75. Ix 

35] 38] 139] 148] Ixi 149] 154] 

— marq. of, xvi 118] xxii 203} 

Carne, count de, ii 239 

Carneades, xxiv 150 

Carney, M. executed for the murder of his 
wife, xlv 431 

Carnot, xxxvii 84] xxxvili 95] xxxix 
63] 77] x1 4] xlii 13] 160.) 171] xlvi 168. 
lvi 60] 70] 

«eee character of, xxxvii 117] 

--.» sentenced to transportation, xxxix 83] 

gen. lvi 32] lviii 380 

Caro, gen. 1 201] 96*. lii 178 

donna, 1 96* 

de, Dr. xlvi 393 

Carolina, North : general assembly dissolved 
three days after it’s meeting, xiii 70] 

-. +. hurricane in, xiii 133] 

es.. riots of the regulators in, xiii 230] 
123] 132] 139] xv 99] 

e+.. bills of credit issued to defray the ex- 
a of the expedition against them, xv 

e+.. raw silk shipped for London, xv 86] 

e-.. after assenting to 25 bills, and reject- 
ing 17, the governor censured the con- 
duct of the Commons, prorogued the 
general assembly, and the next day dis 
solved it by proclamation, xvi 106] 



Carolina, North: agreement with the regu- 
lators, xix 32] 

..+. disputes with the governor, 7h. 

...+ he goes aboard a king’s ship, xix 33] 

«++. attempts to reduce to obedience, xix 

++ loyalists defeated, xxii 179] 

+++. insurrections in, xxiii 230*] 

.. «+ increase of the American force, xxiii 

Be importation of slaves prohibited, xliv 


-.-. lawagainst duelling, xlv 371 

Carolina, South: severe cold in, iv 105] 

«.+- attempt to diminish the importation 
of Negroes by a heavy tax, iv 153] 

++» navigation of Cape Fear river improved 
by astorm, iv 185] 

+++. produce exported from Charlestown, 
vi 54] xi 172] 

a visi ee a to back settlers there, 
vi 79 

oes sR with the governor, 
vii 85] 

«..». advertisement for transports to convey 
poor German emigrants to, vii 146] 

«+». proceedings respecting the stamp act, 
viii 54] 

...« silkworms bred in, viii 76] xv 74] 

-+.. settlement of the German emigrants 
in, viii 98] 

-+.. 1500/. voted by the assembly to the 
supporters of the Bill of Rights, xiii 71] 
159] ' 

.... letter from the society in consequence, 
xiii 224] 

«++» public treasurers committed for not 
advancing mopey to the silk committee 
on the authority of the Commons alone, 
xiv 164] 165] 

..+. Wine made in, xv 74] 89] 

++. new speaker of the house of assembly 
rejected by the governor, xvi 85] 86] 

..++ buttock of beef, sent to Charlestown 
as a present, not suffered to be landed,” 
xviii 130] 

..+» Chinese rice introduced into, xviii 31 

->+- governor retires on board a king’s 
ship, xix 32] 

+--+ expedition against Charlestown, xix 

«+.. attack on Sullivan’s island, xix 160*] 

«. ++ great seal of, xxi 169] 

--.. expedition against, xxiii 217*] 

..+» Sir H. Clinton’s representation of the 
disposition of the people and regulations 
for the security of the province, xxiii 

«+». attempts to prevent the people from 
leaving the province, xxiii 230*] 

... disaffection of the Americans, xxiii 

Caroline, queen, i 242. ii 288. iii 140} xii 
216] 60. xx 2, 34, xxii 173, xxiii 223, 
xxvii 43 : 



Caroline, queen: her dowry, iv 247n.] 

Elizabeth, queen, xi 115] xxxvii 

_ 217] 13. xxxix 30. x15. xlvi 403. xlviii 
447. Ix 402. Ixi 400 

«e+ jointure of, xxxvii 218] 

e+e arrival in England, xxxvii 13 

e++- Marriage of, xxxvii 15 

+++ birth of a princess, xxxviil 1 

«se+ expense of her journey to England, 
xliv 540 

eee present from the king, xlvii 394 

«+.» meeting of her creditors, li 310 

+,»++ her appeal to parliament for an inquiry 
into her conduct, lv 17] 347 

+»-. address of the city of London to, lv 
99] 27 

--.. letters to the regent, lv 341. lvi 348 

-.. report of the privy council on the sub- 
ject, lv 344 

e+. letter to the speaker of the Commons, 
and correspondence with her mother in- 
law, lvi 140] 217] 349-51 

«+.. addition to her income, lvi 144] 

--.. visits the continent, lvi 218] 72. Iviii 
78, 159 

Caroline Matilda, queen of Denmark, viii 
57) ix 136] 137] 141] 144] 148] x 135] 
150] xv 71*] 95} 101] 109] 116] xviii 
163] xxviii 55] 

«+++ Marriage portion of, x 218] 

-.+» birth of a prince, xi 40] 64] 

. re of knighthood instituted by, xiv 

«+s birth of a princess, xiv 126] 132] 

+++. seized and sent to Cronenburgh, xv 74*] 

+.» secretiy tried, xv 78*] 

»++. removed to Zell under British pro- 
tection, 7b. 107] xxvii 169 

e+». death of, xviii 117] 

«+e» character of, xviii 2. xxvii 170 

«... funeral of, xviii 4 

Carollan, Owen, vii 111] 

Caron, Jos. and Marg. xxxvii 118*] 

Carongoly taken from the French, iii 63] 

Carou, Lewis, xlix 860 

Carp, extraordinarily large, iv 124] xiv 144] 

Carp, capt. (Dutch N) xlvi 380 

Carpenter, Edw. Twine, (printer) xiv 92] 
121] 185) 

(Helfire Jack) xlvii 392 

hon. capt. (N) xxvi 249] 


xxxvi 74 

James, lvii 321 

J. lvii 319 

Marg. narrow escape from being 

buried alive, x 59] 

rev. Dr. xxi 208 

W. shot in a duel, xxxviii 33 

Carpenters, meeting of journeymen for an 
increase of wages, xix 160] 

Carpets superior to Turkey, made in Eng- 
land, ii 91 

Carpini, xxiii 59 

Carpmeal, Mary, suicide, | 10* 

Carr, [bbetson, and Co. v. Customhouse offi- 
cers, for entering their house under pre- 



tence of searching for smuggled goods, 
viii 109] 

Carr, alias Pinckney, fath. Miles, xlii 425,429 

couns. lvii 297 

— Dr. J. xvi 246 

— J. xlviii 955, 957. 11 543 

— lady Mary, xxiv 175] 

Pauddeen, liii 21 

—— Ralph, xxxiv 78 

—— R. li 848 

— sir J. 183* 

sir Rob. vi 272 

T. W. Ixi 351 

Carra, xxxv 280] 

Carraccioli, xlviii 138 

Carradori, hii 644 

Carrera, xiv 76 

——— gen. li 397, 509 

Carreras, Jos. yii 51 

Carriages without friction, il07 =» 

..+. invention for disengaging the horses 
from, ix 123] 

++. on the prevalence of the use of, xi 202 

.».. very high wheels, xiv 126] 127] 

..+« two-wheeled coach, xiv 127] 

.-+- act regulating the width and length of, 
xvii 106] 

es. taxes on, xxvii 347] xxxi 151] 286] liv 

«+. coachman and two footmen indicted 
for driving their master’s against another 
gentleman’s, xliii 19 

-- +. novel, xlvi 783 

Carrickfergus taken by Thurot, iii 56] 

Carrier cast in damages for stopping a goose, 
iv 123] 

--.. actions for goods lost, ix 63] 64] xi 
113] 118] xii 160] xviii 125] lix 187, 
188. Ix 289 

damaged, xix 148] 
-— delivered toa wrong 


person, lx 291 

Carrier, gen. liv 228 

H. convicted of forgery, i 99 

Carriere, xxxvi J75] 

Carrieres, des, xxxiii 243] 

Carrington, Nath. vi 135] vii 81] viii88] 101] 

——- Rob. Ist lord, x] 202] sliii 180] 
21. xlviii 881.. lvii 87 

Carrol, Dan.(Amer.) xxix 299] 

——- Dr. J. first Catholic bishop of the 
United States, xxxi 224] 

l-col. 1i 509. lii 14 ’ 

Carroll, Barney, executed for robbing and 
maiming, viii 110] 214] 

maj. James, xxxi 42 

Carron ironworks, workmen seduced from, 
to go to Sweden, ix 63] 

«s+. extensive trade of, xxxi 221] 

Carron, pére, jun: xliii 278] ‘ 

Carronades, 100 pounder, xxiv 194] 

«..» what, xxxili 7On. 

Carrots, recommended for horses, cattle, and 
swine, viii 150. xiii 124. xlix 861 

--.. culture of, xiii 123. xlii 395. xlix 860 

++, utility of scraped, in foul ulcers, xix1l0Q 


Carrots, spirit from, xxxii 91 

..+» hay from the leaves, xlii 395 
Carruthers, col. xliv 812 
Carstairs v. Stein, lvi 302 
Carstares, rev. W. xiv 31, 39 
Cartaux, gen. xxxv 275] 283] 
Carte, rev. T. xl 433 

Carter, v. Thomas, lviii 297 

col. xxvi 109 

Dr. vi 8 

Eliz. murder of, liv 36 
Eliz. v 196. xviii 2017, 2087. xlviii 


ens. S. li 121, 134 

—— Ephraim, viii 135] 

J. (architect) xxxviii 510 

J.T. Ix 361 

Rich. xxiv 326] 

sir J, xvi 203] xlix 376 

T. dwarf, xx 207] 

—— T. | 222°, lii 302 

W. Ixi 302 

Carteret, capt. Phil. (cireumnavigator) xiv 
10, 81, 266, 272. xviii 26 

eapt. Phil. (N) liii 98] 213 

H. Fred. lord, xxix 139] 

visc. See Granville, earl 

de, Philip, xxxvi 168 

Cartesmunda, viii 75 

Carthage, ruins of, xlviii 990 

Carthagena, in Spain, magazine blown up 
by lightning, xviii 170] 

---. fire in the dock yard, xxxii 223] 

Carthagena, S. A. earthquake at, v 76] 

Carthew, capt. James (N) xlii 74x 

Cartouche, the robber, xix 171 

Cartwright, bish. xxvi 158 

— capt. Edw. (mil) xl 9 

————— capt. G. (A) xvi 88] 

— Edmund, xxxix 408, 409. xliii 

Eliz. ii 89 
———— gen. W. 86 (2d)n, 87 (2d) 
G. xxxiv 480 
— lieut. (N) xxvi 115 
— maj. J. xxxiv 78. 1 93". lii 111, 

= TeV XXxiii 28] 
———— rev. Dr: Edm..1]i 537 
— sir G. xxxvi 364 
———— T. a dwarf, xvi 87] 
W. ii 142 
———— W. Ralph, xlv 9. xlviii 15, 1i 
160. liv 214] lv'112] 
Carty, Cornelius, executed for murder, xxxi 
Carvalho, Moses Gomez, lv 54 
Carver, capt. xxxiii 27] 
capt. Jonath. xxi 65. xxii 105. xxvi 


-+.. heiress to his transatlantic property 
discovered, x] 4 

Carvick, J. ». Abr. Vickery on a bill of ex- 
change, xxvi 198] 

Cary, Clementia, xlii 429 



Cary, judge xii 148 

— Lucius. See Falkland 

Walter, xlvii 754 

Caryll, lady Mary, xlii 430 

Carysfort, J. 1st lord, iv 115] xv 132] 206] 
lvi 358 

J. Joshua, Ist earl, xv 132] xxxi 

311] xxxv 21] xlii 261. xliii 101] 104] 
229, 238. xliv 606. xlv 8. xlvii 108, 965 

Casamajor, xxviii 200] xlv 680 

Casan, bust of Calpurnia found at, v 89] 

++... account of, vii 95 

«. +» rebellion against the Russians, xvi 5]> 

fire at, lvii 66 

Cases, Barth. las, xxix 122. xxxv 419 

—— count las, lvii 84] 85] 104 

Casati, Paul, vi 94 

Casaubon, Mer. xxi 187 

Casaux, des, xviii 96] 

Casberd, couns. Ix 265, 266, 286 

Caschkin, lieut.-col. 11 4874" > 

Case, Dr. J. xii 50 

Cases extraordinary. Sequel to small pox, 
1 253 

---- effects consequent to dissolving metals 
in aqua fortis, i358 

+++. efficacy of bark in mortification, i 360 

-. +. dropsy, ii 89. xxvi 215. xlviii 438 

-...» feet separated by mortification, iii 85] 

-+.. pustules containing animalcules, iii 148] 

+--+. preaching in sleep, iii 68. xi 184] 

.-.. convulsions from worms, iii 73 

-..- ossification of tendons and muscles, iii 

76, 78 

+. a person cut for the stone four times, 

iv 62] 

-»+. a broken back cured, iv 128 

e... fractured arm not uniting, iv 129 

+--+. girl subsisting on a little wine and 
water, v 9)] 

ee — ad 

near four years on 

water alone, v 61 

-++. periodical dumbness, v 63 

..+» loss of limbs by mortification in a whole 
family, v 67. vi 79 

+... amputation without hemorrhage, v 68 

-. +» extraordinary conception, v 69 

. contraction of the tendons in the ham, 

of 30 years standing, cured by an accident, 
vi 122] . 

-. +. recovery after loss of part of the brain, 
vi 75 

«+-. considerable portion of the tibia re- 
moved, vi 78, 79 

«++. worm from the orifice of the arm in | 
bleeding, viii 138] 

.. +. Stone extracted from the liver, ix 60] 

.. +» death from spontaneous gangrene, ix _ 

-.+- effects of taking seawater, ix 111 

..». locked jaw, ix 113. xi 70 

.... bodies taken into the lungs, ix 114, 

+++» bone or calenlus in the abdomen, x 

cvoe Of catalepsy, x 120, 12), xi 122] 

ee ee 



Cases extraordinary: violent pain in the 
head cured by an accidental burn, x 126 

..+- blindness cured by the gall of a barbel, 
xi 143] 

+++» amputation at the shoulder, xii 148] 

---» fever cured by =o sland to cold, xii 

++.» extraordinarily large head, xii 87 

.... three pins swallowed, and discharged 

» at the shoulder, xiii 64 

.... extraordinary separation of the cuticle, 
xiii 70 

++. butchers affected by killing diseased 
cattle, xiii 77 

«.++ palsy cured by lightning, xiii 80 

«++. wen filled with gravel and small stones, 
xiv 165] 

--+. death from plica polonica, xv 118] 

e»..+ crown piece swallowed by a person in 
a fit, xv 142] 

° = calculi discharged from the loins, xvii 

++.» combustion of Mary Clues, xviii 78 

«..+. great fatness and somnoleacy, xix 93 

+++. bones losing their solidity, xix 94 

«++. new species of mortification, xix 98 

+++- a boy struck with horror at an execu- 
tion, xx 91 

--». large wen extirpated, xxi 186] 

+++. Squinting, xxi 88 we 

+++. muscular contraction cured by elec- 
tricity, xxi 92 

++». Section of the symphysis pubis, xxi 112 

-- ++ St. Vitus’s dance cured by electricity, 
xxii 62 

++s. small pox in foetus, xxiii 133 

+++. loss of speech and hearing after fever, 
xxiv 195] 

+--- esophagus torn asunder, xxv 69 

«++» Steatoma in the thorax, xxv 75 

+++. repeated tapping for dropsy, xxvi 215] 
xxvii 29. xxviii 195] 

+.+- dropsy of the ovarium, xxvii 29 

++++ pemphigus, xxx 73 

«+++» gunshot wound, xxx 80 

---- of larve of insects discharged alive, 
xxxii 74-6 

+++ polydipsia, xxxiv 386 

lost noses supplied, xxxvi 341 

-.++ destruction of the membrana tympani, 

» xiii 359, 361 

«++. application of ether against injury from 
sulphuric acid, xliv 475 

++. long sleep, xlv 372. xlix 478 

«++. wounds of the tongue, xlvii 933 

+... of Phineas Adams, a soldier, liii 101 

+++» man destroyed by maggots, liv 91 

++. woman nearly destroyed by maggots, 
Aviii 168 

+++. extreme fragility of the bones, lvi 71 

.. ++ efleets of diseased rye, lviii 188 

+++. of abstinence &e. ‘See Food 

--e. —insanity. See Insanity 

art Mich, executed for murder, xxix 




Casay, T. li 422 

Cashman, T. lix 5 

Cashmeer, manufacture of shawls, lvii 520 

+++ goats sending to France, Ixi 10 

Casimir IT of Poland, xxxvii 35] 

III, x 15] xxxvii 35] 

IV, xxxvii 37] 38] 

Casiri, Mich. v 88] xiii 96 

Casks, extraordinarily large, xii 97] xiii 135] 

Caslon, W. sen. ix 58] 

— jun. xxi 198] 

W, lv 320 ; 

Caspian, project for uniting with the northern 
ocean, xix 189*] 

errors of the ancients respecting, 
xxxiii 367] 

Cass, Ann, xxxiv 134 

sir J. liv 293 

Cassagne, gen, xliii 66] 

Cassali, iii 89] 

Cassanovi, xlii 13 

Cassaro, prince, xvi 59] 

Cassel taken by the French, iii 24] 

+... besieged by count Lippe, iv 10] © 

-++. Siege raised, iv 12] 

.... besieged by prince Ferdinand, v 49] 

.... taken, v 50] 

.+«» fire in the palace, liii 133 

Casselletti, Archang. xix 117] 

Cassidy, David, xviii 225] 230] 

Cassilis, Archibald, 12th earl, Ix 293 

David, 10th earl, xxvii 189] xxxi 

298] 304] 

Gilb. 3rd earl of, ix 46 

— ~—- T. 9th earl, xvii 162] 

Cassineaux. de, xlii 166] 

Cassini, J. D. ii 285. iv 119] 138 

James, vii 39 

Cassiodorus, xii 156 

Cassivelaunus, xxv 131, 132. li 871 

Cassovius, Pet. vii 213 

Cassowary exhibited in France, viii 84] 

Castanos, gen. 1] 192] 198] 230] 7. 232] 
254*. 1i 7, 9, 12, 69, 73, 269. lii 162, 163, 
166. liii 111] 203. liv 155] lv 156] 175. 
lvii 118} 

Casteele, van de, xxxviii 189 

Castejon, adm. don Pedro, xviii 144*] 

Castelar, marq. of, 1 230] 234] 

Castelcicala, prince de, xxxiv 185, 186. xxxv 

Castel Florida, count, 1169] 

Castelfranco, prince de, 1 169] 234] li 11 

Castelli, gen. liii 161] 

Castellione, Lupus de, xxi 27 

Castello, liv 161] 

Castells, v 148 

Castelnaudari, Arn. Vid. de, iii 174 

Castiglione, duke of, See Augereau 

Castillion, vii 78] 

Castillo, friar Francisco del, xlvii 1019 

gen. Ivii 127] 

errs Luke, executed for burglary, xlviii 

Castle street, Long Acre, fire in, xly 410 



Castlehaven, J. 7th earl, xiii 70] 197. xiv 

Castlereagh, visc. See Londonderry, marq. 

Castracani, Castruccio, account of, xxv 22 

Castration of two apprentices by their mas- 
ter, vii 69] 

Castries, col. de, xxxvii 166 

—— duke de, xlii 2 

———- marsh. de, iti 37] v 25] xxiii 
232) xxx 216) xxxiii 141. xxxv 139. xlii 

Castro, duchy of, claimed by the king of 
Naples, xi 54*]} 

Castro, Dr, de, i 113 

don Juan del, xv 12] 151] 

donna Agnes’ de, ii 223. xxxvili 


Ezekiel de, vi 92 
Caswell, Francis, vi 87] © 
——_— gen. (Amer.) xxiii 231*] 
—-—- R. (mem. of Congr,) xvii 218] 
——— Tim. xxviii 178 
Cat, one living long without drinking, ii 
377. vi 77 
«ss. mad, xxi 195] xxvi 224] 
«- «+ hare suckled by one, xxxi 50 
e+e great number kept, xxxiv 3 
«++. death from wounds by one, xliv 419 
.. ++ two chickens fostered by, xlvi 393 
«+. bloodthirstiness of one, | 37* 
«+. anecdote of one, |! 109 
e»». two rabbits suckled by one, lvii 76 
—-— tiger, of the Cape, xxiv 37 
Cat, Claude Nich. le, xxi 90 
«+++ account of giants by, vii 106 
Catacombs at Naples, liv 89 
Catalan, M. de, xxxi 7] 
Catalepsy, cases of, x 120, 121. xi i22] 
Catanelli, col. lvi 170] 
Cataneo, Mauritio, vi 18, 20 
Catapodi, James, convicted of forgery, 
xxxvi 3] ; 
Catastrophes, shocking, iti 107] 
Catcott, G. xix 155 
Cater, J. xxiv 224] 
Caterpillars. See Insects 
+ Catharine de Medicis, ®@egent of France, x 
15] xii 164. xiii 102, xv 2087. xxvii 104. 
xlii 417 
Catharine, queen, i 480. ix 188. xii 135. 
xv 7. xviii 151. xx 165] xxi 234 
e+» entertainments given to, xiv 144 
— queen of Charles the second, 
xxvili 42 
Catharine I of Russia, ili 214. xiii 20. xiv 
e+e. account of, xxv 169. xxvii 14 
— II, v 19] ix 6] xi 184. xiii 136] 
xvi 119] xix 164] xxvii 40] i18. xxxiii 
3, 11, 65, Zin, 838n, 86, 94, 251, 33] 
xxxiv 4] 87] 176] 30. xxxvi 1. xxxvii 
32] xxxix 496. xli 3782. xliii 430, 432. 
xlvii 758. 114. lvii 291 
--.. accession of, v 19] 
--» letter to d’Alembert, vy 115] vi 41 



Catharine II of Russia, her manifestoes on 
her accession, v 222] 

+»... her declaration on the death of her 
husband, v 227] 

++.. —— manifesto on the death of Iwan, 
vii 185] | 

«++. —= purchase of Diderot’s library, viii 

++.. annual pension assigned to 
Academy of Sciences, viii 157] 

+++. present to a society for the advance- 
ment of agriculture, 2b. 

---. her attention to the sciences, x 9} 
+++» directs the formation of a new code of 

laws, x 10] 129] 


«» +. sends the new code to the k. of Prus- - 

sia, xi 87] 

«.-.. and her son Paul inoculated by Dr. 
Dimsdale, xi 144] 200] 201] 202] xvii 

e+. appoints an annual sum for translating 

« foreign works, xi 198] 

«oes expenditure of, xv 80*] 

«+++ large diamond purchased by, 24. 123] 

s++. a number of diamonds purchased to. 
recompense officers, xv 73] 

«++. State coach presented to, by the Rus- 
sian merchants, xv 128] 

++. money allotted for embellishing Peters- 
burgh, Moscow, and other places, xvi 

.... the Jeast iniquitous of the three 
spoilers of Poland, xvii 21] 22] 

.+++ letter to Voltaire, xvii 177 

-.-. present of sable skins to the queen, 
xviii 83] : 

«+e Houghton collection purchased by, 
xxii 228] : 

+++. orders instituted by, xxvii 104 

++. account of the Hermitage and the 
manner in which she passes her time, 
xxvii 105 : 

‘,... interview with the emp. Joseph at 

Cherson, xxxiii 11 
-+. letter to marsh. Broglio, xxxiii 227] 
«+.» death of, xxxviii 199] 42 
+... Character and conduct of, xxxviii 199] 
201] 42. xliii 433 
Catharine street, fire in, xi 166] 
Catharinenburg. See Katarinenburg 

Cathcart, C. 9th lord, xvii 117] 163] xix — 


hon, and rey. Arch. Hamilton, liv 

—— lady, x1 70 

——- |. col. 

W. Shaw, Ist earl, xxvii 189] xxx 

xxvi L108] 113) xxvii — 

122] xxxi 143] xxxii 65] 315] 322] xliv © 

44, xlvi 22. xviii 132, 685. xlix 185, 
257, 681", 692*, 698*, 709", 712", 732. 1 
20] 21] liv 183) lv 171] 84. 1vi2) 
Catherwood, J. James, xxiv 262] xxxilb 

ee. distemper among, in 



Cathery, G. xlv 830 

—— Rich. lii 653 

Catholics. See Roman Catholics 

Catiline, xviii 71] 

Catineau, xxxvi 85] 

Catley, Ann, xxxi 226] 1226 

Cator, xxxi 36 

—- J. liii 483 

Joseph, xxvi 171 

Catt, le, xxxiii 386] 393] a 

Cattaro, given up to the Russians, xlviii 

Catter, G. iv 121] 

Cattle, high price of, i 83 

g++» number sent to Smithfield in 1754 and 

1757, i 82 

-e»+» persons killed by bulls, i 98. 1 23*. liii 

31, 108. liv 132. lviii 93. lix 59 

«++. extraordinary calf, ii 66 

+... thanksgiving for the cessation of the 
distemper among, 7d. 

«++» acacia food for, ii 384 

e+.. extraordinarily large, iii 159} v 112] 
vi 83] viii 154] ix 92] xix 141] xliii 46, 
xlviii 372. xlix 497 

+. diminutive breed in Asia, iv 59] xiv 

‘s+. mischiefs from driving about London, 

iv 106] xxxvii 36, xlii 147] Ix 266 
Finland, iv 

— in several parts of 
the continent, iv 161] vii 54] 

«++. remedies for the distemper, v 116] 
vii 54] xy 145] 

«+.. ground furze given to, vi 52] xxxi 77 

++.. importation of hides from Denmark 
prohibited on account of the disease pre- 

~ vailing there, vi 57] xi 153) 

«--- fourteen men burnt alive for poison- 

_ ing in France, vii 54] 

_e».- preservatives against the distemper in, 
- wii 116] xv 145] xxiv 99 

+.-- calf with two heads, viii 115] 

++. three milkwhite cow calves with red 

ears produced by a red cow, viii 116] 
--. food. for, viii 150. x1 397. li 840. liii 
508. liv 502 
a carrots recommended for fattening, viii 
0 ; 
«++» dugs of several cows cut off in Step- 

hey fields, ix 93] . 
+... inoculation for- the distemper, x 103] 

* xvii 138] - 

«+-- death of calves from-worms, x 141] 

+++» extraordinary instance of a milch free- 
martin, xi 96] 

«++.» injportation of hides, hoofs, and horns, 

rom places where the distemper rages, 

_ prohibited, xi 153] 

+++ distemper, in France, xi 172] 

++.. abatement of the distemper by. sta- 
bling with horses, xi 195] 

+++» distemper broken out in Hampshire, 

xii 159] 




Cattle : state of the distemper in Holland, 
xii 166] xiv 147] 

«+++ distemper in Scotland, xiii 146] 

-. ++ butchers affected by killing some, the 
flesh of which was eaten with impunity, 
xiii 77 

+. ++ Money granted for losses in Scotland 
to prevent the spread of the distemper, 
xiv 225] 

«++. improved breed of, xiv 104 

Ee oo management of, xiv 105, 108. xlix 


ee». teams of cows, xiv 108 

-.-- Mortality among in (Scotland, xv 

«.-- reward for prevention of the spread- 
ing of the disorder, xv 213] 

+... distemper broke out in the Nether- 
lands, xvii 81] 86] 

.... office of insurance against the distem- 

per opened at Copenhagen, xvii 121] 

-» +» distemper in Suffolk, xvti 124] 

.. +. act for regulating the driving of, xvii 

«s+» wild, in Scotland, xvii 87 

..-. proclamation against importation from 
France on account of the distemper, xviii 

«++» expenses of preventing the distemper, 
xviii 245] 

-+.. Salt recommended for, xix 102 

-.«» causes of the distemper, xx 92 

.... distemper broke out in the Ukraine, 
xxi 207] ; 

—— in the isle of 

Thanet, xxiv 168] 

».- prevention and cure of the distemper, 
Xxiv 99 

«+.» method of rearing calves without milk, 
xxv 110. xxxii 92. xlix 871 

«+... rearing calves for the London market, 
xxxvi 305 

«+. wild, in Northumberland, xxxvi 312 

+s.» convictions for stealing, xl 23. xlii 45 

»-+. management of, in Switzerland, xl 

.... advantages of oxen in agriculture, xlii 
400 : 

-++. grant for services relative to the dis- 
temper, xlvii 589 

.... two oxen poisoned by ‘a painted gate, 
xlviii 451 

--=. animosity of a bull toward a man, 7. 

-... of the E. Indies, xlix 950. liv 136 

.++. ox three and twenty days without food 
or water, liii 111 ~ 

ees petrified bull, liii 124 f 

«+++ poisoned by meadow saffron, lvi 75 

eee. ——-— by yew, lvi 105 

-+.. horse killed bya bull, lviii 179 

-... See also Cows 

Cattler, J. lvii 319 

Catton, C. xi 199] 

Catuelan, count de, xix 190 
Catullus, xix 225 — 


Catwick, de. See Wassenaar, bar. 

Caucasus, small colony of Christians dis- 
covered in the wilds of, xxviii 140] 

Caulfield, capt. T. G. (N) xl 149, 155 

maj. Francis, xviii 166] 

Caulincourt, gen. xlvi 158, 627. xlix 518. 1 
3*. liv 173] lvii 31] 60] 70] 371 

Caumarque, xlii 166] 

Caumartin, M. de, xx 33. Ixi 172] 

Caumont, de, chey. xxxv 188 

Causes, predisposing, xlii 435 

Caussa, gen. killed, xxxviii 89] 

Caussade, la, massacred, at Hayti, xlvi 408 

Cavaillon, Jos, de, lix 235 

Cavaionac, xxxvi 183 

Cavyalho, don, iii 151] 

Cavalier, col. xliii 96. xliv 866 

Cayallo, Tiberius, xxvi 66 

Cavan, Eliz, countess of, xxxiv 29 

Rich. 6th earl, xxxix 261. xli 304] 
xliii 239] 89. xliv 282, 803n. xlv 677 

Cavannah v, Poole for false imprisonment, 
vii 127] 

Cave, Edw. viii 153] xxxiii 435] 437} 

—— Rob. lvii 3 

Gavendish, hon. H. xvii 147. xxyi 672. 
XXviii 75. xxx 50 

———— lady G. xlviii 417 

lord C, iii 141. viii 123, 124 

SS ord: Pred. 1 113. 3% 26) wii 
202] ix 116] xxiii 150] 203] xxx 2, 190 

=e G. ix 116] xxiii 198] xxix 
71] xxx 2, 190. xxxi 134] xxxy 173] 

SS G. A. H. xxv 175) xxxv 
rsh xxxyii 27, xl 225] xlvii 60. xlviii 


_——_ J. ix 116] xii 123] xiii 
207] xv 173] xix 56] xx 32] 42] 72] xxi 

* 43] 188*] xxii 164] xxiii 38] 198] xxiv 
172*) xxv 141] 173] 177] 181] 182] 185] 

* 188] xxvi 149] 167] 175] 177*] 187] xxx 
190. xxxvi 200] 

Rich, xxii 200] 

serg. C. murdered, lviii 3 

Sareea alt Pl. BEN JO4] 

———— sir T. x 187. xi 57. xiv lJ 

ae Sir W. xi 67. ii 4072 

Cavendish street, fire in, xliii 48 

Cayerns, in the Hartz, described, i 331. 
xxxvi 313, 316 bi 

++++ in the island of Elephanta, i 3335 

+++. — Lancashire, iii 104 

-+-- —Dumore park, xvi 94 

+++ — Pennsylvania, xxx 77. xxxv 294 

os++ —S. America, lx 446 

Caviare, modes of making, vii 11 

Cavois, mad. de, vi 16 

Cawdor. See Calder 

Cawdor, J. Ist lord, xxxix 89} 72. xlv 113. 
xlvii 63. xlix 372 

Cawley, Sus. vii 53 

Cawsey, v. sir Jos. Mawbey for election 

‘ eackavles, xviii 153] 
awthorne, col. J. Fenton, xxxii 65 xvi 
213] xxxix 7 ' aia 




Caxton, Wm. i 475, 478, 479, xxi 22. xxiii 
Cay, col. xxv 20] 
Cayley, capt. W. (N) xli 123 
Caylus, A. C. P. count de, iii 135. viii 179, 
186. xv 159 
«++» his account of the papyrus, ii 409 
e+e life of, xv 13 
mad. de, xv 13, 14 
de, xxxi 239°] xxxiii 132, 1952, 

xxxv 193] 

Cazalet, Pet. vi 88] 

Cazes, de, lviii 116] xi 164] 174] 9 

Ceadda, bish. xxv 126 

Cecil, lieut. (N) lvi 41 

-—— sir Edw. xiii 252 

sir Rob. See Salisbury, earl 

——sirW. See Burleigh 

‘Cedars, growth of, in England, xxii 86 

Cedeno, gen. Ix 18 

Cederbarg, And. xl 386 

Cederstrom, capt. Fred. xxi 30 

Cedrenus, vi 174. xxxi 96 

Cefn, fire at, xxxvi 40 

Celebes, inhabitants of, xlvii 775 

Cellamare, prince of, xvii 2 

Cellini, Benvenuto, account of, xiv 52 

Celts, remarks on the, iv 158 

Cement, patent water, xxii 115 

..-. from puzzolana found in Jamaica, xxviii 

Cemeys, J. Gardner, xliii 201 

Centeotl, goddess, xxix 119 

Centrifugal force employed to raise water, 
viii 166 

Century, retrospect of the eighteenth, xlii 

«+--+ when closed, xlii 6 

Ceolfrid, abbot of Weremouth, xvii 123, 127. 
xxi 225 

Cepede, count de la, xlvi 805. lii 238. liv 
180] lv 159] 

Cephalas, xlv 769 

Cephalonia, earthquake at, x 123] 142] 

Cephrenes, pyramid of, opened, lx 602 

Ceres, v 138 

Cerne, figure of a giant at, vi 166 

Cervantes, xxii 18], xxiii 29. xxiy 36. xlvili 

Cervoni, gen. xl 57] 

Cesarotti, ab. Melchior, xvi 70, lvi 465 

Cesenatico, the harbour destroyed for im- 
prisoning a British officer, xlii 197] 

Cestius, Cains, xxxix 421 

Cetto, xlvi 633 

Cevallos, don Ped. xlviii 243. xlix 278. 1 
132] 133n] 152] 168] 230*. Iviii 129] 

Ceylon, insurrection in, iv 175] 

--.. the king of Candy driven out by the 
Dutch, viii 15] 4 

ie taken by the English, xxxviii 194] 


. +» pearl fishery at, xli 380. xliv 749 
+++» animals, xli 382, 390 
«+». ceded to G. Britain, xliv 609 



Ceylon: massacre of British troops in, xlv 
551. lvii 134] 

«++. cruelties and deposition of the king 
of Candy, lvii 134] 194 

..+. regulations for abolishing slavery, lviii 

+++. cinnamon of, lix 511 

.. ++ disturbances in, Ix 188] Ixi 214] 13 

Chabannes, J. Fred. marq. de, xli 406. lvii 

Chabert, xli 92] 94] 

Chablais, duke of, xiii 145] 

Chabol, ab. Roger, xlv 8192 

Chabot, count, i 34, 35 

xxxvi 118] 

Chabran, gen. xli 266] 

Chacon, don Jos. Maria, xxxix 78 

Chads, capt. H. D. (N) lv 106] 131 

Chadwick, sir And. xiv 143] 162] 

Cherea, iv 157, 158 

Chetodon, curious species, xxxv 293 

Chaillon, ii 210 

Chais, rev. C. on modes of inoculation, xii 

Chaise, fath. la (conf. of Lewis XIV), xix 

Chalas, don Ramond de, xlii 70 

Chalcondylas, Demetrius, xv 116 

Chaldeans, origin of the, x 159 

Chalklen, J. lix 233 

Chalmers and Cowie, xlviii 638 

Chalmers v. Catherwood and others, lvi 261 
(actor) xxxi 266] 

G. xxxii 96. xxxiv 483. xxxvi 

377. xlix 998. 1 259, 278 

lieut. xxxiv 213] 214] 222] 

1. col. xlvi 235 

Chaloner, J. executed for the murder of his 

father, xvi 131] 136] 

sir T. xii 30 

W. ix 101] 

Chalotais, de, ix 7] xi 76] 

+++. iniquitous conduct of the duke d’ 

Aiguillon toward, xiii 48 

Chambaud, Lewis, xix 181] 

Chamberlain, (footpad) executed, xxxv 37 

Chamberlaine, W. Tankerville, xxxvii 17 

Chamberlayne, viii 105] 

—— Beity Clerk, xl 176 

— capt. E. H.(N) liv 137] 205 
— Edw. xxv 206] 
—_— J. xxi 13, 177, 238 

Chambers, David, a soldier when upward of 
90 years old, x 154] 

Ephraim, xxiii 228 

——_ J. x] 101 

rey. C. xxvi 153 

—— Rob., iii 133 

sir Rob. xvi 119] xvii 104] xxxiii 

455) xlvii 961 

sir W. viii 1942] xi 199] xxxviii 
11, 510. hii 391 

+++. on Chinese gardening, i 319 

«+++ account of, xxxviii 364 

T. 1xi 100 



Chambers, W. xlvii 961 

Chambers street, Goodman’s fields, fire in, 
xxxiii 23] 

Chamblee, fort, taken by the Americans, 
xviii 166] xix 5] 

Chambon, xxxy 195] 

Chambonas, xxxiv 213 

aa marq. de, xlviii 375. lviii 347 

Chambré, sir Alan, xlv 594, xlviii 94. li 
309. liv 93. lx 401, 402. Ixi 399, 400 

Chameleon, account of the, ix 129. lv 492 

Chamier, xl 326 

—§— Dan. xxxii 315] 327] 

Chamillart, M. de, xxii 22 

Chamille, xxxv 135 

Chamouset, de, iv 184] 

Champagne, xl viii 1006 

Champagny, xlv 679. xlvi 688. xlvii 

181. xlviii 217, 748. 1 152] 217] 315*, 
352*, 368*. li 84, 174, 410, 653, 715. liv 

Champaign, count de, xii 163 

Champante, miss M., suicide, xlvi 410 

Champfort, xlii 3492 

Champion, iv 136] 

— col. Alex. xxix 159] 

xxxiv 239 

J. x1 387 

Paul, xlix 476 

Championnet, gen. xxxviii 137] x1 131] 261. 
xli 147] 266] 277] 294] 296] xlii 172] 

Champlemond, b. gen. liv 210 

Champmorin, gen. xxxiv 121] 

Champness, Dollond wv. for infringing 
his patent for telescopes, ix 67] 

—— James M. Ix 359 

rev. Weldon, xxxix 19 

Champneys, T. S. lvi 30 

Chancellor, J. }xi 302 

Chancery, money held in trust by the court 
of, xiv 147] 

..+. specific agreements, founded on law 
and custom, not to be set aside by, xv 

.... Dew office in Chancery lane, xix 187] 

-»«» origin of, xxxvii 111*] 

«++. arrears of causes, liv 89 

..+. Vicechancellor appointed, lv 7] 37, 313 

.++. applications on marriage of infants. 
See Marriage 

Chandeliers, superb set of, liv 151 . 

Chandenagore, taken irom the French, i 31 
... restored to France, v 258] p 

.... to be surrounded with a ditch, xxv 

Chandler, xl 469 

— gen. (Amer.) lv 160 : 

rev. Dr. Rich. xviii 97, 238, xix 
4. xxxii 165. liii 533 

rev. Dr. S. ix 85] 

—_— T.ii 4]l 

Chandos, H. 2nd duke of, viii 204] xv 66] 

James, Ist duke, iii 15. xxxylt 



Chandos, James, 3rd duke, xxi 205] xxv 
172] xxvi 143] xxx 196] xxxvi 7 
several lords, buried at Sudley, 
xxx 127 
sir J. xxxvii 113*] 
Chandos street, fire in, xlviii 415 
Changuion, P. J. xlix 647 
Channel. See British, &c. 
Chantry, Benj. xlvii 370 
Chapel, Martha, executed for child murder, 
xlv 421 
Chapelain, J. xii 147 
Chapelle, ab. de Ja, xvi 214 
Chapels, fall of a gallery in one, lv 71 
_ mischief from a false alarm, lvi 101 
Chaplains. See Clergy 
e--. Naval. See Navy 
Chaplen, capt. _—_ (N) iv 148] 149] 
Chaplin, J. wife murdered by, liv 139, 140 
Chapman, (painter) xxi 205] 
— Ann, executed for the murder of 
her child, xiv 136] 
Ant. xii 125] 203] 
capt. W. his method of procuring 
fresh water at sea, iii 121 
col. sir T. xl 139 
Edw. Walton, xli 403. xlix 860 
G. xxiv 206 
J. xiviii 436 
J. executed for robbing Martha 
Hewitt, xiv 141] 
James, xxxii 204] Ivi 369. vii 
336. Iviii 424, lix 250. Ix 400. 1xi 398 
Rich. action to recover money 
from, paid to procure a place, xvi 118] 
T. xli 402. xlvii 852. xlix 562 
————— W. xxxix 408. xl 386, 389. xli 
403. xliii 454. xlix 856, id. 860 
Chapney, Ann, iv 96] 
Chapone, Mrs. xviii 165, 200. xxxiii 463] 
«. +. account of, xliii 390 
Chappe, xxxvi 50] 
Chappe d’Auteroche, ab. J. xiii 89] 
.-.. extracts from his journey to Siberia, 
vii 89. xiii 1, 16, 18, 151 
Chapple, James, xxviii 93 
Chaptal, J. A. xxxiii 328] xli 409, 411. 
xly 399. Ixi 192] 10 
Chapuy, gen. xxxvi 16] 76 
Chapuys, b. gen. xli 237 
Characters, extraordinary, ii 343. xxi 189] 
lxi 452 
Charades, xix 199 
Charan Perumal, emperor of the Malabar 
coast, v 105 
Charcoal, effects of the fumes of, iv 74] viii 
159] x 90. xiii 173] xvii 119. xlv 383. 
Nii 10. Ivi 4. Ivii 95. Ixi 72 
e+. treatment of persons affected by the 
fumes, xxiii 139 
«s+. incorruptibility of, xlvii 867 
Chardin, sir J. xxxv 356 
Charette, xxxvi 84] 93] 97] xxxvii 64] 69] 
33, 177, 193. xxxviii 79] 82] 
Charge, meaning of the word in law, vi 140] 


Charing Cross, fire at, xlvi 370 
Charitable subscriptions, art of parrying, 
iii 206] 
Charities, impositions on, iv 87] 
Chariton, lvii 430 
Charity schools, patrons of the anniversary 
of, xxv 225] 
Charkow, university of, lvi 534 
Charlemagne, iii 170, 176. vii 254, xii 158. 
xiii 104. xvii 122. xxi 221, 225. xxix 305] 
xlvii 135. xlviii 217. lii 585 
-... character of, xliii 396 
Charlemont, Franc. W. 2nd earl, xlii 202, 
204, 209 
—— James, Ist ear], xii 178] xiv 
247] xviii 166] xxvi 196] xxviii 8] xxxi 
139] 140] 35. xxxii 106] 310] 50. xxxv 
208. xxxvi 368. \iii 357, 361, 384 
. character of, liii 388 
Charles I, i 370, 486, 495. ii 84, 274. iii 
182. iv 167] 179. v 90] 95] 25-7, 50, 
51, 58, 255, vi 180. vii 53] viii 102] 
302. ix 41] 69] 36, 189. x 46] 275, 303. 
xii 63, 139. xiii 70*] 79*] 90] xiv 25. 
xv 100*] 79] 46, 237. xvi 71] xvii 175] 
14, xviii 149”. xix 101] xxi 239-42. 
xxiv 119. xxvii 70] 70. xxxiii 48, 168, 
176. xxxv 160] xxxvi 363, xxxvii 121*] 
xxxix 437, xl 440. xli 202] xlvi 819. li 
254. lii 218 
+++. magnificent table kept by, iv 15 
- account of, xvii 34 
- man who beheaded, li 155 
«++. attempt to set aside the observance of 
the 30th of January, xviii 86] 
«++. fall of the sword, &c. from his statue 
at Charing Cross, ii 258* 
«-.. his remains at Windsor, lv 33 
——— II, i 480n. ii 274, 276, 277. iii 242] 
34, 133, iv 167] 172. v 95] 44n, 49, 56, 
192, 256. vi 117] 140] 180. vii 58] 50n, 
52, viii 27] 102] 205. ix 147] 36, 63, 64, 
189. x 44] 226] 48. xi 258] 164, 165, 
xii 99] 42, 52, 1388, 140, 141, 274. xiv 3] 
13, 25, 34, 39, 246. xv 30, 53. xvi 179] 
75. xvii 63] 70] 175] 38. xviii 181] xix 
82] 83] xx 176] 17. xxi 95] 183*] xxiii 
219. xxiv 103] 167*] 169*] xxiv 228] xxv 
129, xxvi 5, xxvii 71. xxviii 123] 160. 
xxix 99] 105] 114] xxxi 81] 116] 190. 
xxxii 67] xxxv 841, xxxvii 213] xxxviii 
18] 37] 45] xli 202] xlii 351. xliv 115. 
xlv 92. xlviii 29. 1237. li 950, lii 250°. 
liv 23] 1xi 450 
oe. restoration of, 11 465 
e.-. character of, iii 181. 
«++. rejects the speaker chosen by the Com- 
mons, vi 267 
«... letter from the duch. of Cleveland to, 
ix 201 

xxxiv 356. 1 

° to gen. Monk, xxviii 173 
++. pensions granted by, xxxvi 364 

.... letter on taking the seals from Clareys 
don, xxxviii 471 ‘ 




Charles IT, entertainment at Lincoln’s inn, 
xliii 475 

—— II, of Spain, xxvii 111] 

——— III, of Spain, iii 125] v 233] xxv 
227*] 2258*] xli 38 

III, (the Simple) of France, xiii 41 

——— IV, of France, vii 167, 159 

IV, of Spain, xxxi 194] 1130] 152] 
226%, 232°, 247*. lii 500 

+... death of, Ixi 178] 

——— V, emperor, iv 101] v 24. vi17. 
vii 210. ix 47, 49. x 15] xi 53*] xii 8, 
25, 30, 254, 265. xv 162. xvii 52. xviii 
143*] xxi 235. xxii 14. xxxvii 23*x] xliii 
75] 1 144] 

character of, ix 30. xii 27. xviii 11 

V, of France, vii 169, 171, 176. xiii 
102. xxi 224 

—— VJ, emp. v 33. vii 50”. ix 11. xvii 
6, 17. xix 20x. xxvii 14] 109] 112] 135] 
xxix 203*] 8 

—— VI, of France, iv 173. xii 164. xiii 
102. xiv 46. xv 139] xxviii 111. xxxi 
116] xli 428 

VII, emp. vi 52] xvii 7. xxix 8. 

—.— VII, of France, vii 169. xiii 102. 
xxix 186] 305] xxxi 116] 124 

IX, of France, iii 49. vi 19. ix 55. 

xii 203. xxi 131. xxvii 104 

IX, of Sweden, vi 34, xv 47] 

X, of Sweden, vi 33, 38. ix 44 

—— XI, of Sweden, ix 41. xv 47] 

———. XII, of Sweden, i 272z. vii 2] 13] 
xii 65. xiii 30. xv 7] 49] 70*] xvii 2. xix 
181] xxxiii 77. xxxiv 872] xxxvili 205] 
364. liv 431 

«» ++ anecdotes of, xxv 16 

——— XIII, of Sweden, li 245, 685, 700, 
707. lii 243. liii 39. Ix 165] 15 

archduke of Austria, xxxiii 62. 
xxxviii 127] xxxix 2] 23] 108] xli 236] 
238] 243] 267] 271] xlii 168] 171] 176] 

- 207) 279. xliii 60] 73] 26, 273. xlvii 159, 
161, 179, 660. xlviii 213, 216. li 179, 
204, 211, 378, 691, 705. lii 232,233 

..-. monument to, xliv 416 

Edward, prince. See St. George 

——— Emanuel III, of Sardinia, life of, 
xvii 14 



— IV, of Sardinia, xxxviii 
40. x1 274, xliv 248 

—-— John, of Sweden. See Bernadotte 

the Bald, xii 147. xvii 129 

—— the Hardy, last duke of Burgundy, 
1476. xlii 491, 492 

— — Theodore, last elector Palatine, lx 

ere Ambrose, libel on lord Moira, xlviii 

——- M. xxvi 65, 71 

Charlestown (Massachusetts) burnt, xviii 
135°] 136°] 

—(S. Carolina) affray with the 
French sailors, xxii 40] 

sees siege Of, xxiii 217*] 


Charlestown, (S. Carolina) evacuation of, 
xxvi 202] 

«ee fire at, xxxvili 23 

. attempt to rob the Bank, xlv 400 

+...» account of, Ixi 530 

Charleton, Dr. Walter, v 55 

Charlevoix, P. F. X. de, ii 36. iv 92] 10. 
xvii 168 4 

Charlotte, queen: iv 131] 157] 206] 221-30. 
viii 274, xi 225, xxxv 2. xlix 980. lvii 
51] 145] 

BE A address of the city for her picture, iv 


++. bill for her dowry, iv 182] 247] 249] 

++» letter to the k. of Prussia said to be 
written by, iv 207] 

«s+» passage to England, iv 209] 

+. ++ nuptial ceremony, iv 212] 

». «+ her household, iv 215] 

..-. address of the city on her nuptials, iv 

..+- birth of a prince, v 96] 

+s. donations to the Asylum, v 118] vi 74] 

...-. her birth-day celebrated on the 18th 
of January, vi 51] 

+. birth of a 2nd prince, vi 94] 

«... her youngest brother on a visit to 
England, vii 74] 

.. ++ donation to the Magdalen, and declares 
herself it’s patroness, viii 87] 

. writes a letter of condolence to the 
empress queen on her husband’s death, 
viii 123] 

.»e. birth of a 3rd prince, viii 125] 

e».. her answer to a congratulatory mes- 
sage from the house of commons on the 
occasion, viii 264] 

.--. anew chapel to be built at her palace, 
ix 52] 

...» Splendid court.on the birth-day, ix 67] 

-»+» birth of a princess, ix 136] 

.».. donation toward a new Magdalen house, 
x 52] 

-+.. pearl necklace presented by lord Clive, 

x 110] 

.. birth of a 4th prince, x 144] 

nies 2nd princess, xi 184] 

-.. allowance to, xii 216] 

.. one of her earrings lost, xiii 79] 

.. +» birth of a 3rd princess, xiii 108] 

+++. woman meanly dressed comes up the 
backstairs into her apartment, xiii 142] 

++. birth of a 5th prince, xiv 112] 

.... birds from the S. sea presented to, 
xiv 142] 

..-» donation to the British Lying-in hos- 
pital, xiv 150] 

«+. two nyl-ghaus presented to, xv 88 

..-» birth of a 6th prince, xvi 69] 

«eee ———— 7th prince, xvii 96] 

..++ present of sable skins from the em- 
press of Russia, xviii 83] 

.. «+ benefaction to the poor, xviii 87] 

«++. maids of honour request a compensa 
tion in lieu of suppers, xviii 145) 


Charlotte, queen: birth of a 4th princess, 
xix 134] 

* xx 208] 
»+-- conduct on the king’s illness, xxxi 

5th princess, 

«+.» resolutions presented to her by a com- 
mittee of both houses, and her answer, 
xxxi 126] 305] 306] 

e+++ addresses of congratulation on the 
king’s recovery, xxxi 143] 322] 324] 

e+ ++ powers given to, by the regency bill, 
xxxi 346] 

e+. Struck by a stone in returning from the 
play, xxxviii 5 

e+» public breakfast at Frogmore, xlvii 369 

«++. diamond waistbuckle found, xlvii 394 

--+. Persian goats presented to by the 
prince of Wales, li 316 

+++. care of the king’s person entrusted to, 
liii 7] 276 

e++- councils of regency held, liii 18, 41 

e+. many valuable dresses stolen from 
Buckingham house, liii 104 

e-.. the king’s establishment to be under 
her control, liv 12] 

---. addition to her income, zd. 

‘ee. first drawing-room since the king’s 
illness, liv 64 

e.- ill from being frightened by an insane 
domestic, lv 35 
+188 goes to see a bishop consecrated, lv 

e+-- correspondence with the princess of 
Wales, lvi 140] 217] 349-51 
shy visit to the Royal Naval Asylum, lvii 

«+++ celebration of her birthday, lix 100] 

e+ illness of, lix 101] id. 

#++. journey to Bath, lix 108 

«++. return to Windsor, lix 109 

++.. 2nd journey to Bath, lix 123 

e+. illness of, Ix 152] 17, 71, 73, 81, 83, 
os 114, 120, 1238, 125, 126, 137, 140, 145, 

e.-- death of, Ix 152] 163 

«+.» funeral of, Ix 170 

+. last celebration of her birthday, lx 31 

--.. court held by, Ix 61 

«... her will, Ix 179 

Charlotte, princess. See Wales 

— Augusta Matilda, queen of Wur- 
temburg, ix 136] 146] xi 196] 201] xii 
66] xxix 220] xxxix 33, 34, xlvi 898. lvii 
291. Ix 179 

e+e. portion of, xxxix 143] 34 

e+.. Marriage of, xxxix 29 

«++. annuity from the Irish parliament, 
xxxix 33 

Charlotte street, Bloomsbury, fire in, xlvi 

Charlsworth, Mrs. delivered of six children, 
xv 121] 

Charlton,  —_(surg.) xv 120] 

—_— E. L. lviii 267 




Charlton, J. xxxvii 125. xliv 774 

——- Lionel, ii 68 

— sir Job, vi 269 

Charmilly, col. —-‘1i.:11, 23. ii 14 

Charnieres, de, megametre, x 96] 

Charnock, Job, xxii 186. xxvi 171 

John, account of, xlix 813 

Charondas, vii 266” 

Charta de Foresta, authentic copy found, lv 

Charteris, (M.P.) xxvii 86] ( 

Charters and chartered rights, observations 
on, xxvii 61] : 

Chartier, Alain, xx 36 

Chartley, lord. See Townshend, marq. 

Chartoris, D. murder of, xxxiii 11] 

Chartres, Aimery de, xiii 43 

— duchess de, xiii 107] 

Charts, dangerous to expunge islands from, 
xli 479 

Chase, S. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] xviii 
265] . 


sir Rich. ii 143 

Chassagne, Bessejon de la, xxxiv 386 

Chassaut, du, viii 106] 

Chasseneuil, mad. vi 82 

Chastellux, F. J, marg. de, xxx 219] 

gen. marq. de, xli 283] 1i 205 

Chateaubriand, vise. lvii 63] Iviii 116] 

Chateauneuf, ab. xvi 186 : 

Chateauroux, duchess de, xvii 5 

Chateauvieux, de, iv 128] 

Chatelet, count de, French ambassador, xi 
70) 71) 

duke de, xxx 216] xxxiv 40] 

——— mad. du, xiv 238 

marchioness du, xx 34 

«se. account of, xv 37 

Chatfield, Allen, li 91 

Chatham, act for the improvement of, xv 


ose fires at, xvii 120] xlii 22 
«-+- Jand purchased for securing the dock- 
yard, xxvi 307] 

-. +» fall of the magazine on striking the 
centres, xlviii 446 
cam, Hester, baroness of, iv 164] xlv 

J. 2nd earl of, iv 164] xix 123] 

xxv 296] xxviii 207] xxxii 227] xxxiv 
134, xxxvi 15. xxxix 1937] xli 304] 115. 
xliii 121] 137] xlviii 21. 1i 223, 474, 481, 
488. lii 11, 17, 42, 47, 50, 58, 57, 59, 62, 
74, 75, 80, 105, 241. Ix 400, 1xi 398 
..- his memorial to the king on the Wal- 
cheren expedition, lii 432 
——- W. earl of. See Pitt 
Chatillon, chev. de, ix 202-4 
count de, xxxvili 275 
————— marq. xlii 7] 69] 160] 162] 
Chatoye (Caribbee chief) xxxvii 168 
Chattan, Dugal Dall Maegillie, xxxiv 436 
Chatterton, T. xxi 153. xxxviii 1]. Ixi 456 
«+s. account of, xix 156 
la, xii 19 




Chaucer, Geof. vii 58. xv 227. xxi 21, 187, 
928. xxii 135. xxiv 193, xxv 191, 211. 
xxix 962. xlv 773 

.».. account of, xxi 229 

T. xxix 96x 

Chaulnes, duke de, xvi 85}j 

Chaumette, xxxv 195] xxxvi 119] 126] 

Chaumont, xxxiv 96] 

Chauncey, commod. (Amer.) lv 180] 
186] 188] 216, 218, 445. lviii 132] 

—— Dr. xii 225 
prior Maurice, xlii 422 

- — sir H. xxv 134, 136 

Chaunier, J. xliv 525 

Chauvel, gen. liv 151] 229 

Chauvelin, F. xxxiv 193 

marq. de, xi 61*-3*] xvii 5. 
xxxiv 173. xxxv 232] xxxvi 232] xxxix 

«+. correspondence with lord Grenville, 
xxxiv 174-83, 189, 190, xxxv 44] 231] 

Chauvet, Lewis, riot at his house, xii 160] 
161] 162] 

Chauvigny, de, = xxxiv 43 

Chavel, rey. Arth. Robinson, xxxiv 47 

Chawner, rev. ly 284 

Chaworth, W. killed in a duel by lord Byron, 

_ viii 60] 208] 

Chazal, xlii 13] 24] 

Chazaux, gen, xxxiv 105] 

Cheap, capt. xi 261, 264. xviii 26 
Cheapside, fire in, viii 127] 
Chedworth, lord, xii 70] 197] xix 255] 

——- lord, xxxi 298] 304] xxxvii 
123. xxxix 177. xlviii 421, 452 

me mischiefs of eating rotten, xxxii 

+.-- mode of making Parmesan, xxxvii 

++.. Stilton, xxxviii 532 

+...» Cheshire, lii 678 

Cheetham, capt.- (N) xlix 509 

Cheetoo, lxi 498 

Cheit Sing, xxvi 5] 27] xxix 169] xxx 168] 
xxxvii 11] 

«++. deposed, xxvi 36] xxvii 55] 

Cheke, sir J: xv 120 

Chell, Phil. x1 388 

Chelmsford, fall of the church, xlii 1 

-... fires at, xlvi 423. 1 21*, 23° 

Chelsea, physic garden at, xxxviii 451 

_ —— hospital, grants for, i 129. ii 173. 

iii 188] v 155] 167] vi 180] vii 160] viii 
236] ix 201] x 217] xi 262] xii 219] xiv 
224] xv 210] xvi 226] xvii 250] xviii 244] 
xix 249] xx 266] xxi 284] xxii 327] xxiii 
310) xxiv 269] xxv 287] xxvi 305] 307] 
xxvii 298] xxviii 249] xxix 264] xxx 261] 
Xxxi 284] xxxii 277] xxxiii 141] xxxiv 
147. xxxy 104. xxxvi 118. xxxvii 117. 
xxxvill 106. xxxix 167. xl 203. xli 193. 
xlii 162. xliii 185. xliv 576, 579. xlv 623. 
Tha xlvii 585, xlviii 634. xlix 725*. 


Chelsea hospital: application of money in the 
hands. of the deputy treasurer, xvii 257) 
+». profits of clothing the pensioners, xxv 


-»-. account of, xxxvii 116*] 

.++» new regulations, xlviii 62. lix 333 

.--- able-bodied pensioners called out, Ixi 
114] 99 

Chemant, de, Nich. Dubois, xxxix 407 

Cheminais, Timoleon, xiii 147 

Chemistry of the ancients, xi 125 

«+. Science of, xxiv 78 

Chemists, action against one for a nuisanee, 
xiv 135] 

Chemnitz (conchol.) xli 391 

Chenier, Lewis de, xxxi 15, 17. li 966 

——— Marie Jos. de, xxxvii 125] 104. 
xliv 88 

Chennel, executed for the murder of his 
father and his housekeeper, lx 305 

Cheops, xli 10 

Chepy, xlv 228 

Cherbot, count, li 237 

Cherbourg, attempt on, i 66 

.... taken, and the works destroyed, i 67 

+»»+ cannon and mortars taken there para- 
ded through the city, i 109 

...- materials from Dunkirk sent to repair 
‘the fortifications of, viii 116] 

...». basin cleansed, xix 200] xx 162] 

--.. Citadels constructing, xx 176] 

-++- Succession of moles forming to protect 
the harbour, xxviii 174] xxix 196] 

Cherokees, treachery of the, iii 61] 62] 

-».. gov. Lyttelton’s negotiation with them, 
iii 230] 

.. +. treaties with them, iii 233] iv 296 

..+. subdued by lord Rollo and sir James 
Douglas, iv 58] 158] 

... three chiefs come to England, and have 
an audience of his majesty, v 92] 

.... fond of scarlet dresses, vi 102] 

.... three, advertised for exhibition by 4 
jew anda tavern-keeper, taken under the 
protection of lord Hillsborough, viii 65] 

.... murdered in Virginia, viii 140] 

..-~ Visit to England by a chief, x1 70] 

Cherries, prices of, x 99] 100] xlv 394 

Cherry, Fred. lv 321 

J. H. xlv 363 

miss, killed by the overturning of a 

waggon, x 92] 

T. C. 1xi 303 

Cherson, congress at, xxx 2] 

Chertsey, body found preserved in a liquid 
in a leaden coffin, xvi 141] 

.... church to be rebuilt, xlvii 355 

+. fire at, xlvii 375 

Cheselden, W. iii 80. xxxii 3. xlii 358 

Chesholms, J. lvii 321 

Cheshunt, fires at, xxxviii 23. xlviii 454 

Chesmeare, J. xix 194] 

Chesney, lieut. (art.)lvi4 

Chesnut trees, profit of, xiv 116 


Chesnut trees, large, xvi 114 

«+e. uses and value of, xxxiv 384 

--+. grafting recommended, liii 510 

Chesnut, horse. See Horsechesnut 

Chess, three games at once blindfold by 
Philidor, xxxii 196] 

e+. Chinese game of, xxxvi 368, 372 

.» +» invention of, xxxvi 371 

Chester, peculiar court at, iv 86] 

«+s. escape from the jail, x 79] 

«++. puppetshow blown up, xv 136] 

»-.. act for improving the port, xix 143] 

ee+e — fora playhouse at, xx 173] 

e+ fires at, Ixi 19 

Chester, couns. xv 67] 

Peter, gov. of W. Florida, xxiv 188] 

Rob. xxiv 325] 

Chesterfield, xxxli 29 

—— Philip, Ist ear], xxv 128 

Philip, 5th ear] of, xx 232] xxi 

49] xxiii 53] xxxi 143] xxxvii 121*] xliv 

386. xlvii 355 

— Ph. Dormer, 4th earl of, i 244. 

iii 211. iv 122. vi 5. ix 78. x 254. xiii 

234, 235. xvii 37, 237. xviii 115] 138] ° 

xx I]. xxiv 29, xxix 18]. xxxiii 4] 438] 
xxxv 262. xxxvi 286. xxxix 4]. liii 391. 
lxi 459 

e+.. marble bust of, placed in the Dublin 
society’s room, xii 79] 

++.» extract from his will, xvi 198] 

«+.» Jetter from Voltaire to, xvi 217 

e+. life of, xvii 19 

«++ petition to the king, xvii 182 

ess copyright of his letters, xviii 138] 

-... character of, xx 23 

e+. letters to G. Faulkner, xx 292, 192 

igiate his son, xxi 179 

-+.- Dr. Johnson’s letter to, xxxiii 439] 

Chester’s inn, xlix 875 

Chetardie, de la, vicar of St. Sulpice, vi 14 

Chetham, capt Edw. (N) lviii 235 

Chetwood, couns. xxvii 204] 

Chetwynd, hon. capt. (N) xxvii 263] 

— Rich. 5th vise. xly 839 

W. 4th vise. xxxi311] 313] 317] 

Chevalier, le, xlii 368 

Chevert, M. i 14, 46 

«.+« defeated by bar. Imhoff, i 47 

Chewton, vise. See Waldegrave, earl 

Cheyne, Dr. G. v 39. vii 207. xviii 25 

Cheyney, sir J. vi 271 

Cheyt Sing. See Cheit Sing 

Chiaramonte, card. See Pius VII 

Chichele, abp, H. liii 533 

Pichestets T. Ist earl of. See Pelham T. 

J. 2nd earl, xxix 153] xxx 169] 

xxxix 145. xliii 172] xiv 9, 12, 110, 133, 
134, 138, 145, 167. xlvi 380, 394 

Chickenpox, xxiii 135 

Chickens, artificially hatched, xxviii 128 

Chickesaws, conduct of the, iv 158] 

sar Barker, xliii 453, xlv 828, xlvi 



Chifney, S. xlvii 847 

Chigi, prince, xx 134 

Child, petrified, xii 197 

—— supposititious, xviii 100] lv 261 

Child, J. executed for murder, xiv 136] ~ 

Rob. xxv 218] xxxv 26 

—— sir Josiah, xxxviii 453, ly 276 

Childers, speed of, vi 65” 

Children, spoiled, family of, i 367 

«++ brought up by hand, iii 145] 

+++» eyes of, put out by a woman to extort 
charity, iv 96] 

e+e. On nursing, iv 130 

++. extraordinarily large, v 72] vii 107. 
viii 134] xlix 355. lvi 83 

«++. Mortality among, v 100] vi 117] 

«+ «+ education of, v 228. viii 215, 216. xxvi 

++.» poisoned by eating gingerbread nuts 
bought of a quack, vi 96] 

++.» decrepitude of three born of very aged 
parents, vi 97 

+++. rocking to sleep, exploded in Ger- 
many, vii 77] 

++.. one born quite black from the pit of 
the stomach to the middle of the thighs, 
and all other parts white, viii 142] 

e+. reasoning with defended, viii 216 

+++. one dropped in the street killed by 
throwing out of a window, x 130] 

«+» killed at nurse, xii 127] 

+».. one left at Buckingham house, xiv 
118] : 

++. illegitimate, Danish law respecting, 
xiv 125] : 

+... one found ina eradle at sea five miles 
from Shields, xiv 165], 

++.» murdered and eaten by a herdsman in 
Saxe Gotha, xv 123] 

++.. attempt to obtain one to be substituted 
as an heir, xviii 100] 

e+». cautions against medicines for, xx 
107x : 

e... trick to get rid of one, xxi 205] 

..«. illegitimate, mother no right to after 
seven years old, xxxili 14] 

++. eyes of one torn out by a ferret, xxxiii 

eee. ae killed as a pig by his brother, xl 4 

-... falling out of window, xl 59 

«-.. one killed by a kite, xli13 ~ 

«++. consequences of attempting to frighten, 
xlii 20 

es. Stolen, xliv 447. xlvii 394. liv 6, 108. 
lvii 3. lix 126, 213. lx 186. Ixi 256 

ee.. one in a cradle attacked by rats, xlv 

e+» conviction of concealing the birth of, 
xlv 421 

e-.. one killed by his father throwing a 
knife at his wife, xlv 423 

ey 3 partly deyoured by a swine, xlvi 

e.+» cruelty to, xlvii 375, 390. 
Apprentices ’ 

See also 





CH cH 
Children: sudden death of two after eating China: oral and written language different, 

wild berries, xlvii 434 
ee.» glass-staining practised by one, xlviii 

--.. one killed by a gamecock, xlix 516 

«s.. damages to, for the loss of a father, 
liv 8 

++. girl starved by her mother-in-law and 
father, liv 36 

«+. one suckled by a goat at sea, liv 93 

«.-. girl strangled by a soldier for crying 
at seeing him, liv 101 

»»s- one of extraordinary arithmetical ta- 
lents, liv 507 

e».. one suffocated at the mother’s breast 
from being too closely wrapped up, lviii 

«++. one lost several days in the moors of 
Cumberland, Ixi 40 

++.» death of one from exposure, Ixi 100 

o- one punished for exposing, Ixi 

+» «+ one poisoned by sulphuric acid, lxi 229 

++.» burnt to death. See Death by clothes 
catching fire 

«... robbed of their clothes. 

Children, J. ii 143 

Chili, insurrection in, xv 10] 

e+.. account of, xli 480 

+++. Natives of, 1 35 

---. independence proclaimed, Ix 43. Ixi 

«++. treaty with Buenos Ayres, xi 138 

«+++ blockade of the coast of Peru pro- 
claimed, Ixi 154, 169 

Chillingworth, rev. W. ii 316. xxi 188 

«..- character of, ii 321 

Chilly, M. de, xxiii 54 

Chimborazo, li 929 

Chimes of foreign churches, xvi 173 

Chimneys, method of extinguishing fires in, 
iv 149 

«++. that will not smoke, viii 135 

+. +. Smoky, remedies for, xx 112. xxix 85 

. cd aeenes for sweeping, xlvi 406, li 

+++. antiquity of, 11878. lxi 485 

. “a Yeah sweeping by machines, 
xi : 

Chimneysweepers: boys suffocated in chim- 
neys, xxxvi 30. liii 7 

See Rob- 

«+++ boy killed by falling with the top of a 

chimney, xlvi 406 
+++» boy killed by his father, liv 38 
++». child stolen, and sold to one, found by 
is mother, liv 108 
«+++ Feport on, lix 302 
i (actor) vi 181 
China: principles of gardening in, i 319 
---. peopled from Egypt, iii 150 
be — derived trom the Pheenician, iii 

ess. writing of, ili 151, v 130. vi 198. vii 
153, ae ; dl. v vi 198. vii 

iii 151, vi 198 

ne observations on the language, xxxiv 

- when colonized, iii 153 

+++» Objections to this hypothesis, iii 154 

++.. treachery of a prince of Mongala, iv 
173] 174] 

«+++ great floods in, v 102] 

«+++ conquest of, by the Tatars, vi 3] 

+++» emigration from, 7b. 

--+- difference with the Russians, vii 93 

-+++ 4000 houses at Canton, and a whole 
city in a neighbouring province destroyed 
by an inundation, viii 92] 

+++» history of, most ancient, ix 134 

-»+» two curious clocks presented to the 
emperor by the E. India company, ix 230 

«+++ attempt to seize a country ship in the 
Malaccas by a junk to which she had 
sold opium, x 62] 

+++. War with the Tatars, x 29 

+++ antiquity of, xi 158. xlvi 950 

- +++ population of, xiv 1, 8. xxxi 44 

+++» agriculture, xiv 1 

«++. people, xiv 2. xvi 5]. xxxi 19. xxxix 
467. xlvi 951, 974 

»-e+ boats, xiv 6 

-. +» three Russians travelled from Moscow 
to Canton on foot, xv 129] 

e+e cultivation of tea, xv 99 

method of using tea, xv 101 

-+ ++ hurricane in, xvi 102] 201] 

«+++ New passage to, xvi 128] 

+... Seeds sent to America from, xviii 31 

+++» mineralogical specimens from, xviii 34 

-» ++ rural industry and economy of, xix 125 

¢+++ provisions against famine, xxii 112 

.... stoppage of the trade with Russia, 
xxviii 149] 

«+.» death of Kien Long, xxviii 149] 

...- American trade to, xxx 220] 

..++ manner of making porcelain, xxxi 48 

«++. aversion to foreigners, xxxiv 177] 

..-» British embassy to, xxxiv 179] 

+... war with the rajah of Nepaul, xxxiy 
187] 189] 

+++» pair of globes as a present to the em- 
peror, xxxiv 3] 

..+. game of chess, xxxvi 368-72 

+... how far known to the ancients, xxxviii 
466 . 

e+.. resignation of the emperor, xxxix 3 

«+s. insurrection in, xxxix 50 

+--+ embassy to, xxxix 458 

. -- theatrical entertainments, xxxix 465 ! 

«+ superstitions, xxxix 467 ; 

... Kien Long succeeded by Ka Hing, xli 


..-. edict against the importation of opium, 
xliil 374 

-».. missionaries in, xliv 422, xlvi 962, 969. 
lvii 137] 

Fice Rt of the Tonquinese army, xly 

nT Dutch embassy to, xlvi 963, 966, 

+++» manners and customs, xlvi 951 

«+++ Russian embassy stopped at the great 
wall, xlix 455 

++++ population at a stand, xlix 1013 

«+++ dispute with the British on attempt- 
ing to introduce soldiers into Macao, 1 
240] 286* 

++++ it’s coasts ravaged by pirates, liii 170} 

"++. harassed by the Tatars on the North, 
liii 171] 

«+++ application from Russia respecting a 
freer intercourse refused, liii 172] 

-. ++ British sailor acquitted of the murder 
of a Chinese, liii 38 

+++ rebellion in, lvi 203] 

»»+. disputes with the British in conse- 
quence of proceedings toward Americans, 
Ivii 135] 

+++. embassy to, lyii 137] 

Ab TT eet of Christian converts, lviii 

«++ British embassy to, lviii 24. lix 64 

-. +» drama of, lix 489 

Chinchon, countess of, liy 121 

Chinnery, G.R. lii 701 

——— W. xliii 144, zd. xlv 630. 1 184°. 

__ lii 423, 424 

Chipping Ongar, fire at, lvii 36 

Chiquitoes of S, America, i 364, 367 

Chirk, riot on account of the militia act, 
xiii 71] 

Chirm, Jos. xliii 453 

Chisholm, capt. xxxix 285 

C. li 287 

1. col. James, ly 4 

—— W. xxxiy 78 

Chisholme, W. xlii 395 

Chiswell, Rich. xv 123] 

Muilman Trench, account 

of, xxxix 12 

Chiswell street, fire in, xlix 497 

Chitqua, a Chinese artist, xiv 107] 

Chittagong, earthquake at, vi 60] 

Chittick, Dr. ix 159 

Chittiput taken from the French, iii 64 

Chitty, couns. lix 164. Ix 262, 295 

sir T. iii 143] 

Chivalry, origin of, iii 176. v 134. xxi 160 

.+.. characteristics and genius of, vy 134 

Chivers, W. killed by accident, xlvi 432 

—— W. murder of, xlix 410 

Choczim, battles between the Turks and 
Russians, xii 16] 20] 21] 
++ sieges of, xii 16] 20] 21] xxx 43] 

.++- abandoned by the ‘Turks, xii 26] 

Chodieu, xxxvi 178 

Choiseul, count de, iy 4] 257] 

—— Ces. Gabr. duke de, iv 67] 257] 
264] 267] 273] 280] v 234] 242] 243] 
244] vi 215] ix 99] xi 47] 285] xiii 78] xiv 
45] 67] 75] xvii 28] 10, 13, 58. xx 40, 
xxxv 194] xxxviii 356. xliv 639 

—— duke de, xlii49] 



Choiseul, viscount de, Neapolitan lady mur- 
dered by, xi 74] 

Gouffier, count de, xxx 23] xxxi 
170] xxxiii 677. xxxiv 322. xxxv 201] 
212] 357. lviii 449 

Choisi, ab. Fr. Timoleon de, xvi 68 

Cholmley, J. Blair, v. on a composition for 
tithes, viii 101] , 

Cholmondeley, gen. viii 20) ] 

G. 8rd earl of, iii 127] 

G. James, Ist marq. xviii 

249] 251] xix 255] xxi 303] xxii 342] - 

350] xxiii 330] 333] xxvii 317] xxx 298] 

xxxi 298] 304] xxxviii 16. xlix 468. lvii305 

Harriet Mary, xlviii 447 

Hugh, Ist earl, vi 287 

T. ii 142 

Cholsey, Benj. convicted of perjury in the 
Hindon election cause, xix 120) ~ 

Chonedagaw (Indian chief ), vii 180] 

Chosroes II, xxx 202 

Choudar aga (gov. of Hilla), xvi 57 

Choultries, description of one, xxxii 100 

Chowne, J. gen. Chris, liv 221 

Chow-qua (Chinese), xliv 763 

Chreptowitz, count, xxxiv 347, 348 

Christ, compared with Socrates, v 160 

+--+ genealogy of, no part of Matthew's 
Gospel, vi 142, 144 F 

Christening, extraordinary, x 100] 

Christian II, of Denmark, xv 47] xxxiii 43 

IV, v 25. xiv 226n 

VI, xi 108] xliv 737 

—- VII, ix 50] x 73] 85] xi 143] 
144] 152] 156-9] 164-79] 187] 192] 
197] i. 198] xii 65] 104] 157} xiii 
138] xiv 66] xxxiii 48] xliv 737. xlvi 729. 
1 20° 

adm. sir Hugh Cloberry, xxxvii 
44, xxxviii 75 
Fletcher, xxxii 254] x1 479. lvii 
————- prof. Edw. xlix 941. lviii 79, 317 
Christian club, xiv 54] 241] 
Christianity, introduction of into Britain, 
ix 161 
++.. proof of it’s truth from Daniel’s pro- 
phecy of the 70 weeks, vi 187 
+++. necessity of the revelation of, vii 262 
..-. evidences of, ix 303. xix 166. xxxvi 
..+. establishment of in Ireland, xvi 257 
..+- heathen virtues not Christian, xix 
... it’s moral excellence, 7d. 
+++ observations on, xxxvii 184*]1176 
. introduction of, into Russia, xlii 315 
.... Syrian churches in the E. Indies, xlix 
. union of the reformed and Lutheran 
churches in Nassau, lix 69 
... circulars to the Protestant clergy in 
Prussia, lix 73, 96 
Christie v. Jones, Ixi 196 
Ann, xl 177 



Christie, Brathwaite, li 421 

———— James, xvii 117] xxiii 2]8] xxxiii 
9] xxxiv 9. xlii 12. xliv 374, 401. xlv 462 

—— Il. col xi 123] 

—— maj. killed, ly 198] 

T. xxxiv 77] xxxvii 160] xl 337 

Christina of Pyse, moral proverbs of, i 478 

—— queen of Sweden, ix 44. xii 146. 
xiv 221n, 228n, 230n. xv 68*] 147. xix 
185. xxiv 57 

«++. account of, vi 33 

-+.+ her abdication, vi 38, 39 

.... letter to count de la Garde, xv 153 

Christophe, gen. xliv 214, 219, 220. xlv 
330, xlviii 241, xlix 228, 705. lii 759. liii 
164] 93. liv 212] lvi 199] 105 

Christopher, E. iii 161] 
hrist’s hospital, reports of, iii 90] iv 89] v 
81] vi 73] vii 70] viii 78] ix 85] x 84] xi 
91) xii 91] xv 95] xvi 94] xvii 108] xix 
132] xxiv 173] xxvi 203] xxxv 18 

+«.. address of the scholars to the king in 
his way to Guildhall, iv 237] 

«++ benefactions to, v 86] vi 111] viii 141] 

. & 130] 155] 168] xi 138] xii 107] xiii 134] 
166] xv 123] 126] xvi 87] 

.... rewards of the scholars, xlv 382 

Chrysippus, vi 173 

Chrysoloras, Emanuel, xxi 27 

Chubb, Jeremy, lx 361 

Chudleigh, fire at, xlix 445 

Chudleigh, col. T. xxx 213] 

— Eliz. See Kingston, duchess of 

lady, xviii 215 

sir G, xxx 213] 

Chumleigh, fire at, xlv 422 

Chunda Sahib, vii 257. xx 252] 

Chundon, chamberlain of the k. of Bur- 
gundy, xiii 103 

Church of England: defence of the, vy 162 

++. petition of Cambridge undergraduates 
to be relieved from subscription to the 
39 articles, xiv 165] xv 81] 110] 

Pais to parliament on the same sub- 
ject, xv 86°] 171] 

+++. attempt to abrogate it’s nullum tempus 
power, xv 89*] 

+». attempts to relieve dissenting minis- 
ters from subscription, xv 96*] 173] xvi 

of Rome, it’s conformity with pa- 
ganism considered, xi 257 
of Scotland, letter from the king to 
the general assembly, viii 89] 
Church, col. C. lvii 163 
Jeremiah, xxviii 242] 
J. xxxii 75 
—— J.B. xxxiv 77 
—— W. lx 362. lxi 299 
Church lane, St. Giles’s, fire in, xl 56 
Churches, new, at West Wycomb, vi 87] 
+-.«. one at Jarrow, in Durham, founded 
in 674, vi 112] 
“+++ organ at the east end of one, xvi 186 
++.» robbed of prayer-books, xxxvi 30 


Churches: fall of, xlii 1 
++. assault in turning a man out of a pew, 
lvili 312 
--++ deficiency of, lx 76] 
- act for building new, lx 130] 
»-+» return of, lx 32 
. action respecting the property of cloth 
put up as mourning, Ixi 209 
—-——— round, xlviii 987 
Churchill, Arabella, x 47. xxii 17 
————- (books.) v 178 
Francis Almarick, lord, lxi 117] 
gen.  xxxix 93] 
rev. C. v 220. vi 232. vii 111] 64. 
vii 233-7. xxii 53. xxxvi 300, 301 
.«++ memoirs of, vii 58 
Churchwardens, post of alderman does not 
exempt from serving the office, xix 125] 
-.-. prosecuted for making a false rate, xliii 

Cibber, C. iii 218. viii 39, ix 72. xxxvi 288, 

Jane, viii 40 

——— Sus. Maria, iv 265 vi227. viii 38. 
ix 6]] xi 239, 241. xviii 213 

. ss. life of, ix 72 

Theoph. zd. 

eces account of, viii 38 

Cibo, card. xiv 55 

Cibot, fath. lix 489 

Cicero, i 453. iii 250, 251, 253. vi 174. vii 
165, 189. viii 247, 302. ix 53, 198. xi 163, 
167. xv 136. xix 141. xx 174. xxi 221. 
xxiii 178. xxvii 180. xxviii 130] xxx 143] 
xxxii 1]2] xxxiii 380] 390] xxxviii 339, 
378. xlvi 961. 141. liii 377. lvii 86 

Cicisbeism. See Italy 

Cicuta. See Hemlock 

Cider, duty on, vi 34-7] 183] 

.+.. Opposition to the act, vi 35] 72] 96] 
110} 151-5] 

«+e heads of the act, vi 147] 

. act to explain and amend it, vi 150] 

.... trial on the act, viii 135] 

-... act repealed,anda different one passed, 
ix 46] 100] 204] 205] xi 265] xii 222] xiv 
226] xv 213] xvi 230] xvii 254] 

.... method of making, xlvi 845 

Cienfuegos, card. viii 69 

Cigna, iii 152] 

Cimarosa, xliii 4 

Cimbrians, ‘supposed remnant of, in Italy, 
iii 148] Lxi 517 

Cinchona, efficacy of, in mortification, i 360 

— red, xxv 104 

Cincinnati, order of, lix 380 

Cinnamon of S. America, ii 387 

.... cultivated at St. Vincent’s, xvi 89] 

. in Jamaica, xxxii 

.... as an article of commerce, lix 51] 

Cipriani, J. Bapt. i 84. xi 199] xii 106] xvi 
140] xxvii 248] 

Circello, marq. di, xlviii 147 

Circle, pretensions to squaring the, x 99] 

Circoncelliones, account of the, xiii 50 


Ciribue, Cesar, ii 252 
Cirillo, prof. Dominic, xiv 83. xxi 103 
Ciscar, don Gabriel, ly 154] 
Cismar, lii 218 
Cisneros, adm. xlvii 236, 553 
aa y la Torre, don Balt. li 479. 1x 

Citeaux, ab. de, xiii 44 

Ciudad Rodrigo, siege of, lii 183 

«+s. carried by storm, liv 145] 

duke of. See Wellington, 

duke of 

Civil list, expenses during the reign of 
William the Third, viii 252] 

ee-- debt of half a million incurred, xii 
62*] 79] 187] 220] 

eee expenditure for 1765, xii 216] 

e+.» money granted to pay off arrears, xii 

«++. various sums advanced from, xliii 144 

Civill, vi 161] 

Civita Turchino, antiquities discovered at, 
vii 157 

Vecchia, antiquities discovered at, 
ix 49] 

«+++ magazine fired by lightning, xxii 227] 

Clager, rey. Dr. xx | 

Clainvilliers, D. de, ii 227, 230 

se Alexis Claude, vii 36. viii 26. xv 


Clairfait, marsh. xxvii 229] xxxiv 90] 104] 
106] 118] xxxv 244] 274] xxxvi 14] 16] 
18] 34] 52] xxxvii 76] 

«++. account of, xl 64 

_ Clairon, mile, xviii 212 

Clanbrassil, James, earl of, xxvi 196] xxix 
39. xxxi 41 ’ 

Clancarty, Rich. 2nd earl, xliii 158] xlv 8, 
110. 11 151, 399. lv 161] 95. Ivii 31] 372 

Clancy, Dr. Mich. x 254, 263. xii 240 

miss, sudden death of, xxvi 222] 

Clanricarde, H. 12th earl, xxvi 196] 

————- Rich, earl of, ix 63 

— Ulicke, marg. of, xxi 242, 243 

Clap, T. iii 148] 

Claparede, gen. lii 212. liii 102] 

Clapham, fire at, viii 73 

Clapham, ‘T. Jiii 97 

Claraco y Sanz, don. Ant. xxvi 261] 

Clarapede, gen. lii 212. liii 102] 

Clare, (surg.) xxiv 54 

—— (t. H. IT) earl of, iv 302 

J. Ist earl of, xxviii 23] xxxi 139] 
xxxvii 12. xl 161] 224] xlii 145. xliii 
123] 169] xliv 99, 395, 416 

«++. character of, xliv 705 

J. 2nd earl, lv 200] 

lord (t. J. 11) xvi 197 

Rob. visc. See Nugent, earl 

Clarence, W: H. duke of, xi 196] 201] xii 
66] xiii 89} xxii 215] xxvi 208] 211] 213] 
xxviil 197] xxix 229] xxx 194] xxxi 198] 
208] 298] 304] xxxiv 155] 134. xxxv 89] 
90] 143} xxxvi 215] xxxvii 220] xlii 150] 

_ 151) xliy 12. xlv 60, 147, 177, 184, 361, 


422, 464. xlvi 26, 102. xlvii 4, 32, 43, 53, 
58, 61, 62, 100. xlviii 360, 444.19] 1i 421. 
lvi 28, 42. Ix 97, 400, 401, 402. Ixi 399, 
400, 401 

Clarence, W. H. duke of, born, viii 125] 

«++ libel on, xxxii 195] 

+++» grant for money issued out of the civil 
list for, xxxiii 143 

«++. marriage of, 1x 86 

eee+ income of, Ix 62 

--.. addition to his income, lx 86] 

+.» grant from admiralty droits, lx 63 

+++» loan to, 2b. 

Clarendon, Edward, earl of, 1485. ii 303, 
viii 27] xi 76] xii 53, 56n. xiv 62] 248. 
xvi 77,239. xxiii 214. xxviii 159. xxxv 
266. xli 508. xlii 496. xlvi 947. xlviii 
1099. 1 238 

«+. character of, ii 274. xlvi 948 

--.. characters by, ii 277, 302-21, xxi 6. 
XXviii 9 

e+e disgraced, ii 303-6. xxxviii 471 

. continuation of his Life, ii 464 

+++. State papers of, xvi 203-14. xxviii 159 

e+. letters from, xvi 204, 206-14. xxviii 

——— Henry, earl of, vi 250 

T. (Villiers) earl of, xiii 70] 197] 

xv 80*] xxv 214] 

—_—_—-——-— 2nd earl of, xxi 41] 
xlvi 426 

Clarges, Ann, See Albemarle, duchess of 

sir T. vi 268, xvi 75. xviii 123] 
xxviii 173 

Claridge, J. xxxiv 78 

Clarina, Eyre, Ist lord, iii 149] xxxvii 34 

Clark, ald. Rich. xx 203] xxi 242] 243] 
xxiii 226] xxiv 192] 194] _ 

Bracey, xlvii 814. xlyiii 958 

capt. W. (Amer. ) xlix 901. lviii 487, 


Dan. murder of, i 105. ii 105, 351 

Frances, convicted of poisoning her 

child, Ixi 229 

G. J. 1xi 301 

J. pilloried, xix 130] 

Joseph, xlviii 413 

Josh. xi 70] 

Rob. xlv 828 

S. xi 78 

Square, lvii 320 

W, executed for rape, xliv 430, 435. 

W. (mailcoachman) tried for driv- 

ing over a boy, xxxviii 37 

W. 11315 : 

W. H. executed for robbing the 
mail, xxxlii 16] 

Clarke, Tyson, v. on a writ of right, xvii 


attempt to assassinate in Dub- 
lin, xlv 305 

(actor) xxii 203] 
ald. G. xlvi 422 
Ann, executed for child murder, 
xliii 15 

Lenn ee OE EEE eee Oe CEL ea 


cL . 

Clarke, capt. C. (cirqumnavigator) xiv 159] 
xxii 203] xxiii 194] 218] xxvii 149 

«+++ hisaccount of the Patagonians, xi 68 

capt. G. (N) xlvii 425 

—— capt. sir J. (N) v 113] 

—_ capt. W. (N) xxvii 263] 

—— C. Lewan, liv 307 

—- col. (Aner.) xxii 14] 

couns. lyii 299. lviii 286. Ix 298 

Dan. murder of, xiv 96] 122] 

— dean Alured, xxxi l 

Dr. C. M. lix 5 

— Dr. S. iy 42. v 8. vii 279. xiii 147. 
xiv 181. xvii 111] xxix 157 

Dr. T. Brooke, xlvii 589, xlviii 637. 

xlix 729*. 1 184* 

G. murdered at Brentford, xi 197] 
xii 67) 76] 84] 

— gen. __lix 387. 

—— gen. sir Alured, xxxvii 139] 66, 70. 

— xxxviii 194] 92,106. xlv 597. Ix 576 

— gen. (French) xxxix 336. xiii 
a xivii 158, xlviii 165, 733. lii267*. lvii 

H. xxxiy 14 
—— J. convicted of filing coin, ix 144 
J. defrauded, xx 172] 
—-— J. (couns.) xlix 111 
— Joseph, xii 125] 203] 
—— J. (gardener) liii 485 
—— |. gov. Jamaica, xxxi 270] 
miss C. xxxvi 10 
— Mrs. li 118, 127, 142, 265, 296. lii 
.... convicted of libel, lvi 308 
rey. Dr. Adam, xlviii 432. lvi 67 
rey. Dr. Edw. Dan. xliv 870z. xlvi 
904. lvi 468 
— rey Dr. T. B. li 536, lii 423, 2, 
rey. Edw. xiii 967. 
—— rey. W.x 162 
Rich. xlviii 959 
—— sir James, xx 170*] 
sir Philip Horton, xxv 92 
— sir T. (master of the Rolls), xi 71] 
T. (dyer) xxii 328] 
W. lix 235 
Clarkson, James, xliv'778 
T. xxxviii 400 
Classical learning, utility of, xx 174 
Clatsworthy, J. and T. li 544 
Claude de Lorraine, lviii 54, 291 
Claudian, iii 251. v 139. xiv 175 
‘Claudius, emperor, iv 294. v 151. vii 106. 
xix 136, 239 
«++. curious coin of, iv 157 
Clausel, gen. x1 275. lv 145] 171, 174, 
189, 190. lvii $6] 189 
Clavel, Walter, xxxi 83 
Clavering, v. Dean, xlix 366 
gen. H. M. li 129 
gen. J. ii: 14, xvi 122] xvii 
89} xx 255] xxv 11] xxvii 54] xxix 165] 
xxx 159] 1787] 
pon rms iss Maria, xxii 212) 

Clavering, sir T. xvii 100] xxii 212] 

Clavey, xii 7 
Claviere, — xxxiv 15] 21] 25] 52] 59] 217. 
xxxv 260] 

Clavigero, ab. xxix 116, 118, 126 

Clay, gen. * (Amer.) lv 181] 

H. xl 385. lvi 192] 

Clayfield, W. H. xly 827. xlvi 827 

Clayton, couns. vii 50] 

—-— lieut. S. W. (N) xvii 147] 

——— R. Ix 360, 362 

———— sir Rob. xiii 118] xxiv 20]] xxxviii 
453. liii 128 

W. xii 152] 

Cleanliness, excess of, xvii 192 

Cleary, T. lix 20] 

Cleckson, Jos. lxi 77, 80 

Clegg, James, xxvi 82 

—-— 8. 11 545. lviii 347 

Cleghorn, David, xxxvi 336 

Dr. G. xxxi 232] 

Cleland, W. |x 360. lxi 302 

Cleman, brig. gen. lii 312 

Clemens Alexandrinus, iii 156, 157. ix 146. 
xxiii 57 

Clement IV, xx 13] 

——- VI, xi 46] xli 345 

—— VII, v 24. xiv 55. xv 161, 208. 
xvi 1937. xlviii 837 

—— VIII, vi 23, 162 s 

——— IX, ii 407 

oa XI, vi 162. xix 187. xxxi 9. xxvxili 

— XII, vi 162. xviii 5. xxxi 9. xli 

—— XIII, x 6] xi 189] 183, 184. xii 
36] 71} 170 

——— XIV, xii 36] 102] 150] xv 97] xix 
180. xx 156. xxxiii 9] xl 45] xli 340, 
344, 170. lvi 81] 

«+++ Suppression of the Jesuits by, xvi 54] 
xvii 41] lviii 378 

e+. death of, xvii 40] xviii 147] 

«+. character of, xvii 41] 

eee Memoirs of, xviii 5 

--.. letters in his name spurious, xix 185 

—— of Saxony, prince, vi 71] 

«++. chosen bish. of Freising and of Ratis- 
bon, vi 79] 

gen. xlii 197] xliii 64] 

Clement and Desormes, lv 496 

—~— James, lvi }1 

Clementi, gen. don Leno, Ixi 233] 

Clements, capt. xxv 90] 

————- (gardener) xxxviii 456 

Clementson, J. (deputy serg. at arms) xiv 
187] xliii 144. xlv 628. xlvi 580. xlvii 
588. xlviii 637. xlix 730%. 1 184%, lii 

Cleobold, Eliz. vi 168] 
Cleopatra, viii 61] xxxvi 420 
Cleopatra’s needle, xliv 802, 806 
Clephane, capt. (N) li 5382 
—col. xli 118 

Clere, le, J. i 463. ix 45 


Clergy: accounts of poor clergymen, iii 19- 
22, viii 158] xii 73] xxx 196] 

+. +» onthe promotion of the, iii 183 

«+++ remarks on bishops and bishopricks, 
iii 183, 184 

+--+ modern manner of preaching, iv 188 

+++- State of, temp. Hen. II, iv 303 

--«. fund for the widows and orphans of, in 
the diocese of Peterborough, v 71] 

+++. account of an extraordinary one, v 51 

logue ae saved by one of 15/. a year, vi 

+++. meeting of, at Sion college, for the re- 
lief of widows and children of, viii 89] 

«+e. abridgment of the revenues of, in 
Sweden, ix 10] 

e++- benefactions to the widows and children 
of, ix 102] xi 18. xiii 172] 

se. Causes instituted for nonresidence, ix 
105] xiii 136] xix 139] 141) xli20. xliii 
182] liv 101. lvi 319 

«++. observations on preaching, ix 176 

es.. liberal offer froma French rector for 
promoting agriculture, x 65] 

+++. one disappointed of preferment enlists 
in the guards, xi 133] 

+++. canvass for a lectureship, xi 184 

«++ fund for the relief of widows and 
orphans in Surrey, xiii 135] 

+» +. not liable to the church rate, xiv 154] 

+++ convictions for not reading the act 
against swearing, xv 115] 

e.«. distance of pluralities to be reckoned 
by computed miles, xvii 149] 

+++. difference in the value of benefices, 
xvii 185 

-» + clerk discharged by one for kissing a 
es to whom he had stood father, xix 

++.. newspaper quoted in the pulpit by one, 
on sabbath breaking, xix 119] 

-.+» Summoned before the bishop for neg- 
lecting duty on a general fast, xx 161] 

+. ++ Suit against unlicensed preachers, xxii 
198] 215] 

-».. Claim of a chaplain to a peeress to be 
exempt from the jurisdiction of the 
Spiritual court, xxii 214] xxxiii 214] 

+... first fruits and tenths, xxiv 325] 

+++. queen Ann’s bounty, xxiv 326] 

-..++ bonds of general resignation not ille- 
gal, xxv 194] 

++-- act to empower the abp. of Canter- 
bury or York to consecrate bishops for 
foreign countries, xxviii 302] 

+++. J. Stock’s benefaction, xxxii 193] 

+++, addresses on proclamation against 
sedition, xxxiv 75 

--.. act for the relief of curates, xxxviii 14 

-+-- one convicted of performing duty in a 
place neither consecrated nor licensed, 
Xxxvili 27 

+». letters to, on the subject of invasion 
from the abp. of Canterbury and bp. of 
Rochester, xl 190, 191 


Clergy: ignorance of, in the middle ages, xlii 
«++» act for suspending proceedings against 
for nonresidence, xliii 182] 

-» ++ not eligible to sit in parliament, xliii — 

183] xlix 793n 

-+. bill for relieving them from vexatious — 

prosecutions, xliv 175, 177. xlv 110, 111 
.... foramending the laws respecting farms 

and nonresidence, xlv 115, 123, 125, 156, 

186. xlvi 5 
.-». fund for those in the diocese of Lon- 
don established by the bishop, xlvii 419 
<«-- Stipendiary curates’ bill rejected by the 
Commons, xlviii 96 

+... bill for the relief of, rejected by the — 

Lords, 1 119] 
-».. addition to queen Ann’s bounty, li 171, 
537. lii 146, 424. Ixi 421 

++». number of small benefices, li 286. lit — 


--.. refusal of one to bury the 
dissenter, li 345 

+.+. acts respecting residence, li 536, 538. 
lv 53] lvi 123] 

child of a 

+++. observations respecting the poorer, lii ~ 

+... empowered to borrow money for im- 

proving or building a parsonage house, 

liii 80 
.. +. censured for signing a testimonial for 
orders contrary to known facts, lili 122 
... number of residents and nonresidents, 
liv 85 
. claim of exemption from taxes in Scot- 
land not valid, liv 104 
+... suit against a bishop for refusing to 
licence a lecturer, liv 295 
- +++ curates’ stipend bill, lv 53] 314 
«.++ See also Canterbury and Tithes 
Clergymen’s Widows and Orphans, Corpo- 
ration of. See Sons of the Clergy 
Clerici, marq. v 104] 
Clerk, (of Eldin) liii 11 
—— G. lxi 319 
James (bar. of exch. Scotl.) liii 136 
—— J. xxxiv 78 
—-— l. col. G. xxxii 315] xxxiv 145 
—— W. liii 265 
Clerke, sir G. liv 9] 
— sir P. Jennings, xxi 69] 86] xxii 
121] 129] xxiii 153] 167] xxiv 185%) 
188*] 234] 
T. xlvi 817 

Clerkenwell, right of election of a minister 

in the householders, xiii 76) 
«+s. new church consecrated, xxxiv 24 
Clerkenwell! green, fire at, xly 406 

Clerks, parish, not removable by the clergy- — 

man, xix 117} 
Clermont, count de, i 34, 36, 45. xvii 11 
W. H. earl, xxxi 221] 
Clermont-Tonnerre, count de, xxxi 238°] 
xxxii 36] 38] 
—_—-——— duke de, xxxi 22] 




Cleryaux, gen. xliv 215, 219, xly 332 

Clery, xxxiv 58] 61] xxxv 191] 214] 135. 
] 105* 

Cleveland, duchess of, ix 64”. xvii 38, xxxvi 

++» letter to Charles II from, ix 201 

—_—— gen. xx 133] 

— J. xxii 29 

Cleves taken by the French, i 14 

---. retaken by the prince of Brunswick, 
iii 35] 

Clevland, capt. xii 217] 

———- J._ i 83, 87. v 107] 

Clewes, x 102] 

Cliefden, fire at, xxxvii 20 

Clieve, Mrs. Ann, xvii 153] : 

Clifden, H. Welbore, 2nd vise. xlii 145 

Cliffe, d. adj. gen. Walter, xxxvii 74 

J. convicted of sacrilege, and of bur. 
glary, xvii 83] . 

—— Wastell, xli 404 

Clifford, (planter in Guiana) xxiv 103] 

aa fapt. CN) li 96] 

—— C. 7th lord, liii 124 

—-— couns, li 258, 348. lii 242 

——— Edw. murdered, lv 54 

—— Hugh, 5th lord, xxi 310] 

Jeronomy (of Surinam) xvii 135] 

—-—— lady Ann, xvii 48 

Mary, murder of, by the Brown- 

riggs, x 117] 119] 192} 

T. Ist lord, xxix 114] xxxvi 364 

Clifton, lord. See Darnley, earl 

rev. xxxi 266] 

CJimates, hot, means of preserving health 
in, vii 132 

+... influence of, on the polite arts, vili 

Clinch, Martin, executed for murder, xxxix 
27, 33 

Cline, H. xlviii 432. lix 26 

Clinton, gen. James (Amer.) xxiii 391] 

gov. Dewett (Amer.) lix 72 

—— gen. sir H. xviii 132*] 135*] xix 
156*] 159*] 169*] 170*] 175%] 181*] xx 
164*| 167*] 174*] xxi 39] 217*] 220*] 
236*] 232] 335] xxii 2] 22] 29] 42] 186] 
211) xxiii 12] 43] 217*] 223*] 386] xxiv 
14] 36] 38] 54] 75) 90] 120] 131] 157] 
254) xxvii 150] xxxiv 109n] xxxvi 436 

—— pov. G. (Amer.) xxvi 221] 265] 

—— l. gen. sir H. li 373. liv 230. lv 

—— |. gen. sir W. H. xlix 30. 1 223*. lv 
151] 145, 175, 224, 229, 240. lvi 17] 163, 
186. lvii 178 

lord T. Pelham, xvii 155] 158] 

——— Rob. Cotton St. John, lord, liv 229. 
lvii 305 

sir H, See Fynes 

W. B. xxxvii 125 

a Mrs. her house blown up, xxxiii 

Clive, Cath. v 14, viii 40, x 260. xi 36. xii 
230. xxiii 248, xxvii 248] xxxiii 419] 


Clive, Edw. 2nd lord. See Powis, earl 

—— E. B. xxxiv 78. xxxv 98 

Edw. vise. lxi 1} 

rey. xvii 149] 

Rob. lord, i 50. ii 119. iii 63) 119] 
120] iv 57] v 55. vii 34) 129] 189] viii 
134] ix 22] 106] x 44] 109] xv 207] 87. 
xvi 105*] 107*] 108*] xxvi 4] xxviii 126] 
xxix 168] xxx 152] 154] xxxii 87] xxxiv 
224] xxxv 130] 1 94] 

.-.- his successes in the E. Indies, i 31-3 

«++. spirited conduct toward the Dutch, iii 

--.. vote of thanks, &c. to, from the E. 
India company, iii 132] 

..-- made knight of the Bath, vii 66] 

-..» his statue placed in the India house, 
vii 92] 

.... engagement with him for returning to 
India, vii 147] 148] 

.. ++ his arrival in Bengal and proceedings 
there, ix 25-31] 100] 

.... court on granting him an additional 
term in his jaghire, x 71] 73] 

«... presents a sword set with diamonds to 
the king and a pearl necklace to the 
queen, x 110] 

Cloberry, sir J. vi 277 

Clocks for a foundling hospital, iti 145] 

. with a single striking wheel, vii 79] 

.... two curious, for the emp. of China, ix 

..«- superb, for the grand signor, xiv 150] 

...- ancient, xvii 1232. xxii 133 

Clockworthy, W. xviii 124] 

Cloncurry, Valentine Brown, 2nd lord, xliii 
7. xlviii 416. xlix 372 

Clonmell, J. 1st earl, xxix 217] xxxvii 17 

Clootz, Anacharsis, xxxii 147] xxxiv 6] 
xxxvi 116] xl 337 

Clopton, J. Skrimshire Boothby, suicide, 
xii 25 

Close, 1. col. xxxvi 68 

m. gen. sir Barry, xli 242. xliv 273. 
xlvi 206. lv 32 

Closterseven, convention of, i 19, 27, 185, 
193, 201, 209, 228 

Cloth made from the refuse of flax and 
backings of tow, xxvi 84 

«+++ from hop binds, xxxiv 11 

Clothes, person detected cutting in the play- 
house, iv 60] 

..++ mischievously burnt by acids, ix 86] 

Seieis Erperinente on the warmth of, xxxiv 

Cloths, methods of cleaning, xli 411 

Clothworkers’ company, sale of it’s estate 
in Ireland, xii 120] q 

Clough, Duval wv. fora bank note lost, xiii 


H. Gove, xlviii 958 

rey. J. xxvi 153 

Clover, advantages of soiling with, xiv 120 
action respecting tithes of, xxxvi 23 
Clovio, Giulio, xiii 201, 203 



Clovis, vii 209. xii 156 

Clowes wood, near Bleane, fire in, xlvii 353 

Clubb, Steph. xlvii 853 

Clubs : debating, xi 187 

+--+. rules for one at Philadelphia, xxii 159 

«++. Observations on, xxxvi 395 

--.. box of one robbed, liii 11 

Clue, de la, iii 72] 104] x 212] 

«++. defeated by Boscawen, ii 23 

---- his account of the engagement, ii 238 

Clues, Mary, burnt to death, xviii 78 

Clutterbuck, (mayor of Bath) vi 207] 

—— C. fraud on the Bank, xxvii 

198] 239] 

— T. jun. xxix 81 

Clwyd, earthquake felt, xl vii 353 

Clyde, bed of, nearly dry for hours, xxxix 4 

Clydesdale, Mat. murder of A. Love by, lx 

Clymer, G. xxix 299] Ix 360. Ixi 362 

Cnipperdoling. See Knipperdolling 

Cnoftelius, Dr. And. v 74 

Coaches: history of, iv 172. v 155 

-».. king’s new state, v 109. xi 138 

-.-. tax on, xvii 175] xix 144] See Care 

~ riages 

«++. number paying duty, xxi 184] 

---. Stage. See Stage coaches 

Coad, Honour, lii 278 

Coade, Mrs. xli 364 

Coalheavers, riots of. See Riots 

«+. bill for the relief of, xiii 108] 

Coals: establishments for supplying the poor 
at a cheap rate, i 383 

«+.. dug near Exeter, iv 180] 

«+. plan for moderating the price in Dub- 
lin, v 68] 

es. Stolen by a man at the Bank going to 
receive his dividend, v 69] 

+... directions for discovering mines of, vii 

---. exported from Canada to the W. Indies, 
viii 158] 

+... 4000 chaldrons importable into Lon- 
don for the poor at a lower duty, ix 119] 

---- great frauds in the measurement of, ix 

«++. to be exported free to Guernsey, Jer- 
sey, and Alderney, ix 209] 

+++. convictions for selling short measure, 
x 52] xi 74] 

eee — for sending out without 
proper tickets, Ix 346 

e+. 6d. a chaldron duty granted to the 
city of London for various purposes, x 102] 

e+e price of, xvy85] 95] xlvii 582. xlviii629. 
lii 429 

«-.. importation into London, xvi 103) xxi 
161] xxxvii 133 

«+. riot at Sheffield on an attempt to raise 
the price, xvii 168] 

«++.» payment to the bringer, without a re- 
ceipt from the seller insufficient, xix 195] 

«>. act for preventing frauds in measuring, 
xx 173] 



Coals: tar, pitch, and coke made from, xxii 
239] xxxiii 77 
«++. Guties on, xxiii 320] 
«+++ petition from London against the duty 
on, xxxv 165] 
++. conveyance down aninclined plane,x144 __ 
«++. mines discovered at the Cape of Good 
Hope, xliv 865 é 4 
«.++ See also Collieries ' 
Coates, liv 47 
Humphry, xviii 128] 
Coati, of Brazil, described, ii 376 
Cobb, capt. C. (N) xli 88 
—— James, xxxi 157 
—— T. 1i 545 
—— Timothy, xlv 827 
Cobbe, Bernard, xliii 144 
Cobbett, W. xlv 206, 207, 230, 660. xlix 
48n, 635. lii 98, 150n 
«+... his Weekly Register, xlv 205 
-.-. convictions for libels, xlvi 390. 1ii1264*, 
Cobentzel, count de, i 148. xx 176] xxi 15] 
xxvii 185] xxxiii 55. xxxiv 308, 310. 
xxxix 45] xli 254] 251. xliii 61] xlv 678, 
680. xlvi 631 
Cobham, lady, xviii 36 
——— lord. See Brooke 
—-—— Rich. vise. v 152, xii 237. xvii 
20, 23. xxiii 132] xxv 55 
Cobley, col. xxxiii 101 
Cobourg, prince of, xxxiii 15 
——— Saalfeld, Leop. G. Fred. prince of, _ 
Iviii 29, 32, 60, 337. lix 109, Ix 89] 104, 
402, ib. 1xi 401 
+++» married to the princess Charlotte, lviii 
32] 96] 57, 389 
Coccei, bar. iii 149] 
Cocecus laccee. See Lac insect 
Cochin, privileges anciently granted to the 
Jews in, v 105 
+... State of the Jews in, 131 
- ++. people of, xii 4, 6. xlviii 867 
+++. Sugar produced in, xii 5 
. son of the dethroned king repairs to 
France, xxix 200] 
«s+. entertainment at, xlviii 865 
+.s. State of the arts, xlviii 871 
---. account of, lix 585 
Cochin (bookseller) xli 90] 
Cochineal, substitute for, viii 149] 
+--+. attempt to raise at Madras, xxxi 221] 
Cochon, xxxviii 150] xxxix 84] 
Cochrane, adm. sir Alex. Forester Inglis, 
xliii 227] 238] 90, 111. xlvii 21, 125, 
227. xlviii 230. xlix 207. 18*. 11288. lii 
262, 255*, 297. liii 465. lvi 179] 183] 
187] 206] 218, 221, 234, lvii 122] 141, . 
150, 153, 160, 161 
——-. Dr. T. xii 864 
hon. Basil, li 101 
hon. J. xxxvi 94 
lord. See Dundonald 
-——— T. lord, xliii 263] xlviii 586, 587. 
xlix 235, 239, 247, 519, li 227, 416, 434. 


Hii 35, 37, 33, 39, 109. liv 3] 145] 146] 147] 
150] 151] 335. 1x 288, 361, 2. Ixi 256] 
90, 154 
Cochrane, T. lord, trial of, lvi 325 
«.-. expelled the H. of Commons, lvi 

«++» rechosen for Westminster, lvi 152] 

.--- his banner &c. removed from H. VII’s 
chapel, lvi 74 

--.. escapes from the King’s Bench and is 
taken in the H. of Commons, lvii 8] 

Cock, Alex. lvi 335 

—— B. D. killed bya fall from a precipice, 
xxxviii 8 

—— Joan, accused of witchcraft, v 66 

—— Peter, (N. America) xiv 97, 101 

Cockayne, xxxviii 112. li 120 

———- ald. x 149] 

Cockburn, adm. sir G. li 477, 493. lv 109] 
110] lvi 183] 184] 218, 222, 240. lvii 85] 
52. xi 285 

—-— Alex. xliii 146 

«.-» patent to, for curing salmon with 
spices, vi 87] 

capt. G.(N) lii 172 

— couns. Ix 313, 315 

1. col. xxv 195*] 

— sir James, x 130] 

Cockburne, Mary, new species of forgery 
practised by, viii 146] 

Cockchafer, mischievousness of it’s grubs, 
v 97 

“ies method of preventing it, v 98. xxvii 


+++. account of the, xxvii 38 

Cockell, serg. W. li 267, 289 

Cockeran, J. master of the Earl, of Sand- 
wich, murdered at sea, viii 233] 

Cockerell, J. P. xxxii 250] 

Cocket, river, opened a new channel to the 
‘sea, viii 138] 

Cockfighting, savage practice of, xviii 176 

++». antiquity of, xx 142 

Cocklane ghost, v 142] 220 

Cockran, J. xl 389 

Cocks,ens.  _ xxxiii 286] 287] 

hon. J. Sommers, xxx 126. Ixi 122] 

James, xxxiii 285] 

Cocoa nut tree, lix 575. See Palm-trees 

Cod, method of salting and drying at New- 
foundland, xxi 124 

-+.. extensive bank on the N. of Scotland, 
Ix 145. 1xi 107 

Codd, col. lviii 55 

Codling, capt. W. executed for casting away 
his ship, xliv 467, 568 

Codrington, adm. sir Edw. xlvii 433. liii 
117) 224. lvii 159 

—_ C. xlvii 433 

sir W. xiv 113] 

Coe, C. xlvii 848 

Coelho, Pedro, ii 223 

Coffee, virtues of, iv 126. xix 133 

+--+ prohibited as deleterious in Hesse 
Cassel, ix 80] 
Parr I. 


Coffee, rye used as a substitute for in Ger- 
many, xi 87] 

eevee acorn, xxii 122 

«+++ duties on, xxxix 132] xli 200. Ixi 

++s. pease recommended as a substitute, 
xlix 870 

«+++ prosecutions for selling roasted pease 
and beans for, lx 75, 278, 274 

Coffee, gen. (Amer.) lv 446 

Coffin, adm. sir Isaac, liii 266 

—— col. J. Pine, lv 107] 161 

——lieut.  (N) xxxvii 67 

Coffinhall, xxxvii 64] 

Coffins, anciently used, ix 141 

Cogan, Dr. T. xviii 100, 117. xix 196] xlii 
434, 435 

rev. E. xliii 382 

Coghlan, lieut. Jerem,. (N) xlii 76 

——-— 1. col. James, lvi 182 

Cogs, J. iv 18 

Coie, Mich. Mar. ly 94 

Coignard, de, rich printer at Paris, xi 196] 

Coigni, gen. 

Coil, W. lvi 115 

Coin, gold and silver counterfeited, viii 82] 
me xii 152] xv 98] xviii 164] xix 122] 

de, xvii 16 

..++ persons diminishing, ix 144] x 107] 
112] 129] 139] 197] xii 152] xvi 136] 
«+++ louis d’ores swallowed for concealment 

rendered impassable, ix 145] 

++.» grocer committed to the Poultry for 
refusing to change a bad half guinea, xiv 

'.+++ quantity issued from the mint, xvi 89] 
xviii 191] xxi 18]] xxix 197] xxxix 57, 
103. xlii 147 

«++. act for preventing the currency of 
light gold, xvi 117] 123] 195] xvii 50] 

e+». conduct of a countryman on having a 
light guinea cut, xvi 120] f 

«+++ quantity of light gold, xvii 118] xxi 
165] 231] 

.. «Standard weights of a guinea, a shilling, 
their parts and multiples to be made, xvii 
120] 158] 

..-- light silver seized by the customhouse 
officers at Harwich, xvii 137] ; 

.+ ++ attempt to prevent the circulation of 
bad halfpence, xviii 129] 

-+«. loss by light gold, xviii 245] 

...++ weight allowed to be current, xix 140) 

.+.» some large sums lost in carriage, 2. _ 

.+++ petition against bad halfpence, xxvi 

..+. large issue of silver, xxix 197] e 

.... issued in the reign of Geo. III, xxxi 

aie a seven shilling pieces issued, xxxix 

..+. proposals for improving, xl 7] 

.... new half guineas issued, xlvi 389 

.++. new copper, xlviii 403 


Coin, counterfeit, persons convicted of utter- 
ing, xlix 492. Iviii 169 

++.» trials for selling at more than it’s nomi- 
nal value, lit 242*, 271. liii 76 

- acts to prevent it’s being paid for 

more than it’s nominal value, liii 297. liv 
40} 217] 

«++ new S. American, lv 193] 

++ ++ new silver, Iviii 63] 145. lix 6, 9,13 

+--+ report of the lords of the committee 
of council on, lviii 439 

e+. new gold, lix 56, 57 

Coinage, act for encouraging, made per- 
petual, xii 224] 

+++. expense of, xvi 89] xviii 245] xix 250] 
xxi 231} 285] 1xi 419 

Coiners, trial of Rowland Ridgley, xxi 215] 
xxii 200] 203] 

+--+. money granted for prosecuting, xxx 
262] xxxiii 143] xxxviii 107. xxxix 170, 

~ ab. x1 205. xli 195, tb. xlii 164. xliii 189. 

xliv 584, xlv 628. xlvi 582. xlvii 587. 

xlviii 658, i. xlix 7267. 1181*. 1i 535. 

lii 423. 1x 423. 1xi 419 

.+« taken up, xxxv 35. xlvi 378. lv 44 

«+. convicted, xv 98] 128] xvi 136] 144] 

xvii 111] 169] xviii 130] xix 117] 197] 

xxii 208] 227] xxiii 195] x1 80. lvii 316 

e+ ++ executed, xiv 115] 102] xvi 91] xvii 
110] 112) xviii 130] 159] 186] xix 145] 
187] xxiii 208] xxxi 203] 217] xxxii 
rr 224) xxxv 37. xxxix 43. xl 96. xlvii 

— ancient, dug up in Broad street, i 

ii St 
-.-. Scotch found near Elgin, ii 109 
«+--+ Roman, remarks on, iii 168 
-.++ old silver, ina grave in Berkshire, iv 
+++. ancient, found in the isle of Aix, iv 

near Cirencester, 

near Newcastle, iv 178] 

ix 70] 

+++ curious, of Claudius, iv 157 

«++. Mint marks on, iv 167 

---. old, sales of, v 90] vii 58] ix 69] 71] 
x 91] xviii 98] 

+++. ancient Roman, found near Carlisle, v 

v1ii] . 

-+.. of Edward J, Il, and III, found in 
Northumberland, vi 51] xviii 163] 

«+++ quantity of fine silver ina shilling at 

different periods, vi 177. vii 174 

re att Roman, found at Gran, vii 

near Polesworth, 

eee ——_ —_ near St. Ed- 
_ mund’s Bury, vii 67] 
in Cleves, vii 71] 

ster common, vii 88} 

near Xanten, 

on Warmin- 



Coins. of the emp. Titusfound at Lisbon, vii 

---- standard of English silver from the 

conquest, vii 174. viii 194 

oo gold, from the 

same, viii 192, 194 

. +» Saracenical found at Aversa, viii 75] 

.. «+ Roman silver denarii at Brundisi, viii 

+++. ancient French found at Limoges, viii 

..+- of pope Engenius IV dug up at Tos- 
canella, ix 100] 

---- old, dug up at Clerkenwell green, x 

«+++ Saxon, xi 139 

aati found near Huddersfield, xii 

«++. Old Scotch and English found at 
Brounlie in Scotland, xiii 87] 

-.+- — English, found at Tottenham, xiii 

xiii 118] 

-+.. Silver, of the commonwealth, dug up 
at Stepney, xiii 142] 

.+»» Athenian, found at Oxford, xiv 142] 

+++. ancient, found near Pontefract, xiv 

+++. method of taking casts from, xiv 125 

-+.. old French found, xv 139] 

+++. ancient British, li 873 

-+.. ancient British, found in a stone coffin 
at Beckenfield, xv 144] 

++.» value of the ancient Greek and Roman, 
xv 133 

-... of Henry I, found in the New Forest, 
xvi 102] 

-».. old English, found at Dunbar, xvi 

. value of old English, xvi 149” . 

+... ancient Roman, found near Bingley, 
xviii 98] 

— at Benacre, Suffolk, x 

near Biggleswade, 

sisi in the thigh 
bone of a horse on Pudsey common, xviii 

. collection of the king of France, xix 


+... ancient copper, found in Derbyshire, 
xxi 170] 

..». old English, Scotch, and Irish, found 
in Northamptonshire, xxi 201] 

+++. ancient Roman, found at Hackney, xxvi 

-... those catled Samaritan are Hebrew, 
xxix 37 

ee.. of Eliz. and James, found in a block 
of wood in Scotland, xxxv 59 

--.. found at Old Ford, xlii 2 

..-. stolen from King’s college, Cambridge, 
xlii 12 

+++. improvements in, xliii 405 

+++» queen Ann’s farthings, xliv 369, 370 


Coins: ancient Roman found in Scotland 
and in Lincolnshire. xlv 378 

“a of Edw. III, found near Swansea, xlv 


e+. ancient, found at Swire, in Holderness, 
xlvi 386 

---- several Roman, near London, xlvii 

«s+. of Edward I, found in a wall at 
Knaresborough, xlvii 397 

e+.» Roman, found at Leicester, xlvii 417 

e+. Silyer, found near Cartmell in Lan- 
eashire, xlviii 451 

olbte at Cambus, in Scotland, 
1 127* 

-. +. Roman, found at Timberland, | 155 

hareva at Bourn, li 249 

+++. very ancient one, li 877 

«+++ Roman, found near Evesham, liii 125 

--.. old, found at Perth, liv 111 

Mes Roman, found near Uppingham, lvi 

+++ See also Mint 

Coke, (sec. to C. I) xxi 241 

Dan. Parker, xl 205] xliv 428. xlv 
100. xlviii 368 

—— Dr. T. xlviii 432. lvi 101 

— lady Mary, viii 280 

—— sir E. iii 263. vi 277. viii 175] 176] 
177) xii 73] 38. xv 237. xxvi 104. xxxii 
96, 97. xxxiii 258. xxxiv 433, 434. xl 
216, xlv 115. xlvi 61. xlix 151. lii 95. 
1xi 476 

T. W. xxii 82] xxvi 170] xxvii 88] 
177*] 277] xlv 131. xlvii 55. lviii 193 

e+ Silver vase presented to, by his tenants, 
xlvi 402 

Colas, celebrated diver, xvi 120 

Colbatch, sir J. xix 1202 

Colberg invested by the Russians, iii 45] 

..-. the siege raised, iii 49] 

Colbert, J. B. marq. de Segnelai, v 180. xii 
165. xv 15, 16. xix 185. xxii 157, xxiii 

—— J. G. lix 235 

Colborne, Benj. xxvii 55 

—-— col. sir J. liii 106] liv 200, 222 

Colburn, Zerah, liv 507. lvi 498 

~+-- peculiarity in the family, !vi 498 

Colby, capt. ii 90, 91 

Colchester, gold chain, to be worn by. the 

bh presented by Mr. Ellington, ix. 

+++» double return for, xxx 223] 

Colchester, lord. See Abbot, C. 

Colclough, _—_ shot ina duel. xlix 448 

———_ J. xl 55 

Cold, artificial, iv 89. v 78, 83 

+++. natural history of, ix 90 

++.» effects of, x 162] xvi 96. lix 481 

---- felt on high mountains and at great 
depths, xxxviii 389 

«+.» injuriousness of 
Xxxvili 399 

«++» effect of, on health, xxxviii 472 

heat succeeding, 


Cold, power of enduring, in plants and 
animals, | 117 

Coldbath fields, fire in, xl 79 

Coldbath-fields prison, xli 197] xliv 580 

.... Yiot in, xlii211] 28 

Colden, Alex. lix 595 

Cadwallader, iv 99] xix 49 
chainpump improved by, xi 158] 

capt. sir Chris. (N) lii 265. lv 112] 


Francis, executed for murder, xxxviii 4 

— J. executed for murder, i 101 

— l. gen. sir Galbraith Lowry, xlvi 108. 
xlviii 592. xlix 47. lii 191. liii 187, 203. 
liv 228, 230. lv 147] 168, 170, 199, 229. 
Ivi 153, 163, 182 

rey. W. Ixi 454 

— T. murder of, xvi 136] 

Colebrook, H. liii 580 

ss W. vi 131 

Colebrooke, Josiah, on encaustic painting 
iii 135, 141 

H. T.1x 565 

sir G. x 72] xii 108] xiii 122] 
148] xiv 132] xvi 87] 98] xvii 81] 115} 
xxi 172] 

Coleham, fire at, xlvi 432 

Coleman, Edw. xlii 379 

- James, xlviii 370 

Mich. xlix 445 

R. iii 142] 

Coleraine, G. 4th lord, xxxi 199] xxxiii 2] 
lii 111 

Coleridge, S. T. xxxviii 494. lii 213” 

Colet, J. i 463 

Colletta, gen. lvii 78] : 

Colic occasioned by heating an oven with 
painted wood, iv 185] 

Colin, defeat of the Prussians at, i 18 

Colins, capt. (N) xxii 4 

Collam, capt. Rob. i 325, 331 

Collas, capt. (A) 1170, 171 

College of Physicians, libel on, | 11* 

«... action against an unlicensed madhouse 
keeper, lv 291 

Collenbach, H. Gabr. de, vi 214] 

Collessus, v 149 

Collett, W. li 422 

Colley, bar. See Kolli 

—— James, executed for murder, xxxviii 4 

Colli, gen. xxxviii 89] xxxix 16] 

Collier, adm. sir G. xx 195] xxii 185] 197*] 
xxx 104] : 

capt. sir G. R. lv 150] 198, 201, Ixi 

10, 57 

Dorothy, vii 108] 

G. xv 92] 

James, lvii 319. Ix 361 

J. liii 58. lvi 337. 1x 360, 361 

Joshua, xl 390 

S. xxxiv 15 

Collieries, persons destroyed by firedamp 
in, ii 124. iv 189] viii 77} 151] ix 36] 
127] x 79] xiii 139] xvi 151] xlvii 378, 
411. xlviii 371. lii 271, liv 79. i, 126. 




lv 49, 82, 101, 502. Ivi 79. Iii 38, 508. 
lix 57, 72. Ixi 54, 95 

Collieries : persons destroyed by choke damp, 
xii 102] vii 26 

+++. contrivances to prevent firing, iii 148. 
li 867. lvii 501. lix 72 

+++» one on fire for some years, vi 110] 

-.++ in N. America, vii 107] 

-+.. Tiots on the Tyne and the Wear, viii 
taut xviii 100] xxxi 204] lvii 26. Ixi 76, 

.',.. sinking in of, viii 146] xxxiii 3] xxxiv 

-+ ++ One opened near Campbeltown, in Can- 
tyre, x 78] . 
-» «+ large steam-engine, xi 62] 
-.+- falls into old ones, xii 130] 
+++. one overflowing with water, xvi 138] 
«++» ruins of a watermill found in, xviii 
+.+- at Whitehaven, xxxvi 326 
«.+- lives endangered by stopping up a 
communication between two, xl 82 
.+++ grant of money for an inquiry into the 
state of, xlv 625 
+... fire in one, xIvii 354 
+... persons killed by falling of earth from 
the roof of one, xlviii 365 
. injuries from the fall of stones, lv 102 
cose — from machinery, lvii 86. lviii 
137. lx 45 
~ persons drowned in, lvii 507. Iviii 
_ riots on account of wages, lviii 13. lix 
+++. men drawing coals to London for em- 
ployment, lviii 95 
-+-- inundated by the breaking down of a 
canal, lviii 197 
- man burned to death in a heap of small 
coal, lix 71 
--.. distressed state in Shropshire, Ixi 36 
Collin, Lawrence, xliii 459 
Collingridge, S. 1x 323 
Collingwood, C. Ist lord, xxii 204*] xlvii 
229, 232, 429, 430, 541, 549. xlviii 80, 
642. xlix 669*, 811. 1 68] 192] li 227, 
416, 510, 530 
hon. Mary Pat. Ix 401. Ixi 


hon. Sarah, Ix 401. 1xi 400 

— lady, Ix 401. lxi 400 

Collins v. sheriffs of London and Middlesex, 
li 285 

Ant. v 177. xlix 817 

capt. (N) xxvi 258] 
col. xlvi 203 
———— Dir, i veemlat 

gov. David, xl 351, 458 
———— Harriet, lvi 89 

James, v 104] 

lieut. W. (N) xlvii 851 

W. viii 1942] 

—— W. xlii 381. xlvii 852. lix 235 
W. (poet) xxx 170 


co . 

Collinson, Pet. iv 84-6. v 53. vi 76, 159. vil. 
42,77, 109. viii 94. ix 157] 116. x 103, 
xi 74, 75. xviii 93. liii 483 

«+. account of, xiii 53. xix 48 

Michael, xix 53 
T. liii 487 

Collo, Francisco, lxi 191 

Colloredo, count, i 223 

Franc. xli 251. xlv 680. lv 

132] 134] ' 

Joseph, xx 176] 

marsh. xxvii 229] 

Collot, gen. G. H. Victor, xxxvi77  ~ 

Collot d’Herbois, xxxiv 34] xxxvi 134] 152] 
173] xxxvii 82] 86] 93] 

Collow (planter in Tobago), spirited con- 
duct of, xxiv 113] 

Collowrath, count, xviii 152*] 103] 

Collwall, Dan. founder of the R. S. museum, 
xi 258] 

Collwood, Dan. lviii 13 

Collyer, E. H. Ixi 301 

J. lviii 348 

——-— Jos. xviii 114] xix 123] 

—— Mrs. iv 286 

——— Nath, xxxiv 145 

rey. Dr. xxxvi 23 

Colman, Edw, xliv 583. xlvii 589. 1 183*. lit 
104, 288. liii 250 

G. vi 231. vii 60. viii 15. ix 264. x 
106] 143] xi 238. xii 226, 239. xiii 130] 
xiv 155] 235. xvii 124] 32. xviii 117] 211. 
— 200. xxii 55. xxiii 203. xxxiv 481. xlv 


+++» purchase of Foote’s theatre, xx 162] 

.. ++ Macklin vers. xxvii 180] 

«+s. account of, xxxvi 299 

G. (the younger) xxxvi 302, 416. 
xxxix 447, 450. xlii 461 

Colnette, capt. J. xxxii 288] 

Colo, J. Byde, iv 72] 

Cologn, prophets at, iv 100] 

--.- foundations of a Roman bridge across 
the Rhine, x 58] 

«+... archduke Maximilian becomes elector, 
xxviii 49] 

ay oe of the pope disputed, xxxi 

+++» protestant church and school allowed 
at, xxxi 55] 
e+ ++ nuns of Clarisse at, xxxvii 4*] 
«+++ death of Maximilian, xliii 26 
+... protest’ against the interference of 
Prussia and France, xliii 282 
+. the archduke Antony elected, xliii 289 
Colombel, xlii 19] 
Colombini, ab. xvi 155] 
Colomes, Imbert, xxxix 77] 310 
Colonies, British, ix 38] 41] 
.» +. of the ancients, ix 39] 40] x 292 
-+.. observations on, xxxiv 80] 
Colonization, right of, x 292 
Colonna, card. ii 13 
(Corsican chief) xii 42] 
gen. 1i 458 



Colorina, card. xiii 175] 

Colours, persons unable to distinguish, xx 
72. xxii 64 

«+.. influence of oxygemon, xxxiii 328] 

«+.. preparation of, xlvili 979 

«--. See also Light 

Colours, water, ix 153 

Colpoys,/adm. sir J. xxxix 210] 225] 227] 
231) 26. xlv 401. xlvii 222 

Colquhoun, Archib. 1,223* 

——_— Dr. Patrick, xxxviii 488. xxxix 
10, 22. liii 306. liv 400. lv 377. lvi 367. 
lvii 334, lviii 422. lix 248. 1x 398. 1xi 354, 

Colson, rev. prof. _—viii 37, 38. xxii 48. 
xxxili 436] 

Colston, Edw. vi 98] 

Columbia, account of the district of, lviii 

Columbus, Barth. vii 255. xxxv 280 

—— Christ. xx 52, 236. xxxiv 474. Ix 

Ferd. lx 459 
Columella, xxiv 108 
Colvill, = vi 161] 

Colville, adm. Alex. 4th lord, iii 9] 60] 258] 
v 48] 107] 265] 266] xxvii 10 

adm. J. 6th lord, xlvi 434 

——_ I. gen. hon. sir C. liii 189. liy 201, 
208. lv 172, 201, 229. lvi 186. lvii 70] 
180, 188 

Comartin, xxxvii 65] 69] 

Combe, ald. Harvey Christian, xxxiv 31, 
101, xxxvii 10. xxxviii 22. xxxix 138] 
250] x1 85. xli 200] 33, 35, 36. xlii 212] 
34, 39, 42. xliv 94, 127, 452. xlv 192, 
443, xlix 387. li 47. lii 249*, 252* 

Dr. C. xxvi 33 

Comber, rev. T. viii 246, 259. xv 112 

Combermere, Stapleton, Jord, li 185. 470. 
lii 195. liii 199. liv 147] 150] 227, 230. lv 
229. lvi 163, 181. Ix 402. Ixi 400 

Combinations of masters as well as men, iv 
175] xlix 106 

te) ing punished for, viii 79] xlvi 

Combs (secr. to Mirabeau) xxxiii 270] 271] 

Combustion, spontaneous, xviii 78. xxxvi 
321. xxxvii 77*] xli 26 

--.. See also Fire 

Comedy, sentimental, xviii 185 

Comestor, xxi 225 

Comets, appearance of that predicted by 
Halley, ii 91. xlix 851 

«++» seen at Bombay, ii 134 

+++. of 1760, iii 65d2s] 66] 

wees — 1761} iv 137] 

+++ — 1762, v 87] 

Pep eT 1764, vii 45] 

+++. — 1766, ix 75] 83] 84] 

veee = 1767, x 123] 

++ ++ — 1769, xii 126] 131] 143] 

«++ — 1770, xiii 118] 121] 

+++. — 1771, xiv 100] 

«+» expected return of one, xxviii 58 


Comets of 1793, xxxv 48 

++ ++ — 1807, xlix 491, 850 

-.-. velocity of, xlix 850 

--+- Of 1680, xlix 85] 

wee 181], lili 92, 95 

«ee. — 1812, liv 117 

Comines, de, Philip, xxxvii 112*] 

Commerce, observations on, v 179. vii 250. 
xxii 114, 156-9. Ixi 466 

--.. neutral, laws of, xxxviii 308. xlii 244- 
56, xliii 54] 90] 212-21. xliv 43. xlviii 
246, 247 

ae armed alliances in defence of, 
xxiii 205] 347] xxiv 300. xxxvi 238. xlii 
259, 264, 266. xliii 76]-116] 229-46, 250. 
xliv 97 

Commercial road, xlvi 354 

Commire, fath. J. xv 22 

Commissioners, appointed to consider the 
subject of weights and measures, report 
of, lxi 315 

ees» for ascertaining the boundaries of 
New Forest, expenses of, xly 625. li 

++.» for compensation for losses in improving 
the port of London, liti 307 

-. ++ for inquiring into the abuses in the W. 
Indies, xly 420. xlviii 77, 401. li 103, 
280. lv 379. lvi 369. lvii 336. lviii 424. lix 
250 Ix 400 

++» expenses of, xlix 730*.1 184*. liii 307, 
ib. ly 379 

». ++ for inguiring into Naval abuses, xlvii 
46, 67, 85 

.... furniture of a house for, xlvi 583 

.... expenses of, xlvi 583. xlvii 588, 591. 
xlviii 639. xlix 730*. 1 182*, 185* 

.... reports of, xlvii 556. li 100 

.... for inquiring into the losses of the 
American loyalists, xxxii 99] 

..-. grants to, xxvili 25)] xxix 265] xxx 
262] xxxi 284] xxxii 277] xxxiii 143] xli 
196, xlii 165. xliii 189, 190. xliy 587. xlv 
625, 627, 628. xlvi 583. 1 183* 

..-- grants to their secretary, xxviii 251] 
xxix 265] xxx 262] xxxi 285] xxxii 278] 
xxxiii 143] 

..-- grants to their chief clerk, xxix 265] 
xxxix 170 

..+. for inquiring into the mode of prevent- 
ing the forgery of Bank notes, report of, 
1xi 309 i 

woe. for inquiring into the practicability of 
draining the bogs in Ireland, report of, 
liii 502 

.. ++ for inquiring into the state of Coldbath- 
fields prison, xliii 144. xliv 580 

.... for inquiring into the state of education 
in Ireland, report of, lv 9 

«+ for inquiring into the state of Wind- 
sor forest, expenses of, lii 424 

.... for issuing commercial Exchequer bills, 
1xi 424 

.... for publishing the Records of the King- 
dont, lv 87 



Commissioners, for publishing the records 
of the kingdom, grants to, xliv 587. 
xlvi 639, xlviii 582, 1 181", 183*. lii 

see for reducing the national debt, money 
issued to their secretary, xxxix 170 

v. +. Salaries and incidents, xli 196. xlii 164. 
xliii 189, xliv 582. xlv 627. 1 183*. Ix 
425. Ixi 424 

.. +» for regulating the shipping of slaves, 
grants to their secretary, xxxi 284] xxxii 
277] xxxiii 143] xxxiv J48 

---- for Spanish property, li 92 

-.+» for taking an account of the popula- 
tion of the kingdom, expenses of, xliv 

| 587 

«... for the management of cargoes of Dutch 
ships, li 90, 438 

-».. for the restitution of the Danish colo- 
nies, xliv 583 

+++ for the sale of the land-tax, xliv 543. 
lii 424 

«++» report of, xliv 543 

«+2. of crown lands, grant to their secre- 
tary, xxix 265] xxx 263] xxxi 285] 

-».. of E. Florida claims, grant to, xxxiii 

---. grants to their secretary, xxix 265] 
xxx 262] xxxi 285] xxxii 278] 

ose- of fees and offices, grants to their 
clerk, xxx 262] xxxi 284] xxxii 277] 

eve Of India affairs, purchase of a house 
for an office, xlix 730*. 1 184* 

eo + of military inquiry, x\viii 79. xlix 100. 
1 18*, 133*. li 102. lit 129 

»-++ expenses of, xlviii 639. xlix 730°. 1 
184*.1i 536. lit 424 

-»-. of public accounts, xxiii 114] 124] 
184| 380] xxiv 323] 328] xxv 289] 309] 
xxvi 307] xxvii 801] xxviii 250] 251] 288] 
175. xxix 265] xxx 262] 263] xxxii 511] 
319] xxxv 106. xlv 420. xlviii 76, 77, 637, 
638. liii 306. lv 379. lvi 369. lvii 336. lviii 
424. lix 249. 1x 399 

.... Salaries to additional, xlix 729*. 1 

--+- allowances and salaries to additional 
clerks, x}i 196. xlii 165, 2b. xliii 144, 189. 
xliv 580, 583. xlv 625, 628. xlvi 580, 583. 
xlvii 588, 591. xlviii 637, 638. xlix 729*. 
1 184*. liii 307 

«++» of woods and forests, li 282 

bes east for outstanding demands, xlii 

Commodus, xix 238 

Common pleas, court of, importance of it’s 
becoming fixed, i 457 

ec sense, the standard of truth, xiv 

Commonage, action on right of, xxi 196] 

fe ag books, remarks on, xxxviii 

Commons, hints for the improvement of, 
xxiii 143 

Commons, House of: tax on admission to 


playhouses proposed in Charles II’s reign, 
vi 89 

Commons, House of: dispute on the king’s 
rejecting a speaker, vi 266-90 
e+. the House of Lords a constitutional 
check on, xiii 67*] 
«+ privileges of, xiv 59] 65*] 66%] 70*] 
100] 101] xv 81*] lii 94, 108, 441 
--+-+ publication of the debates, xiv 60] 
--.. act respecting residence of members, 
xvii 125] 4 
«... citizen of London ordered into. cus- 
tody for disrespectful words against a 
member, xviii 171] 
**** antiquity of the, xx 131. xl 433 
++.» time of returning writ, xxvii 175] 
-.+. four candidates returned, xxvii 176] 
+++.» on the power of scrutiny, xxvii 176] 
-. ++ duration of pollsand scrutinies limited 
by act of parliament, xxvii 366] 
++.. impeachment by, xxxiii 231 
+++ faulty state of the representation, xxxv 
150] 83 
-».. State of parliamentary patronage, xxxv 
«+. grants for fixtures in the speaker’s 
house, xxxix 169 
BAS for fitting up houses for the 
speaker and sergeant at arms, xl 205. xli 
196. xlv 628. xlvii 591. xlix 727*. 1 182* 

a for attendance of officers on 
committees, xli 195. xlii 166. xlix 729*. 
1 184* 

. clergymen not eligible, xliii 183] xlix 


-+.- grant for fitting up a house for the 
journals, and residence of the clerk, xlv 

+++» grants for expenses of serg. at arms, 
xliv 583. xlvii 589. 1 183* 

++... grants for printing the journals, &c. of 
the house, ii 177. iii 189] xiii 238] xx 
268] xxix 265] xxxix 171. x1 205, 206. 
xli 194. xlii 164. xliii 189. xliv 587. xlv 
628, 630. xlvi 582. xlviii 637, 2b. 1 181%, 
182*, 2b. 2b. 11536. 1x 422-3. Ixi 419, 2b. 

---- grant for models of arches, xlvii 591 

«. ++ grant to the clerk assistant, 1 183* 

«.ee grant to the 2nd clerk assistant, | 

+++. grants to the deputy sergeant at arms, 
1183", lii 423 

2... traffic in seats, li 151, 157 

-+.. grants to officers, li 536 

---+ expulsion of members, liv 40] 

..-. address his majesty to increase the sala- 
ries of the judges, 1 98 

-... grants for fortifications, ii 85 

- message from the king to assist the 

East India company, ii 88 

coee to compensate 
the North Americans for expenses in 
levying troops, ii 88 

Hey to enable him 
to defray extraordinary expenses, ii 89. 



Commons, House of: vote of credit for one 
million, ii 90, 111 

«++. message from the king on a threat- 
ap invasion, and calling out the militia, 

..-- address to the king for a monument to 
be erected to gen. Wolfe in Westminster 
Abbey, ii 127 


his arms, ii 261 

+++ petition from the city of London to 
continue the prohibition of distillation 
from corn, iii 80] ; 

«--. address on the king’s speech, iii 253] 

+.» his majesty’s- answer, iii 255] 

-... Arthur Onslow resigns tl.e oflice of 
speaker, iv 84] 

--.. address the king to confer some signal 
mark‘of favour on him, iv 85] 

~+.. sir J. Cust chosen speaker, iv 175] 

on the success of 

e-.. address the king in answer to his 

speech, iv 176] 
— queen on her nuptials, iv 


e-.. speech of the speaker on presenting 
the bill for her majesty’s dowry, iv 182] 

--.- so crowded at the debate on the expe- 
diency of the German war, that strangers 
are to be excluded for the rest of the ses- 
sion, iv 183] 

‘ee.. address in answer to his majesty’s 
speech on the judges, iv 244] 

— to the king’s speech, 

iv 249] 

-+.- his majesty’s answer, iv 251] 

+... instructions of the city of London to 
it’s representatives, iv 302] 

-+.. humerous meeting’ on the prelimina- 
ries of peace, v 115] 

«--. address on the king's speech, v 183] 

++. his majesty’s answer, v 184] 

«... address on the king’s communicating 
the preliminaries of peace, v 232] 

«++ his majesty’s answer, v 233] 

«++. Opposition to the cider act, vi 34-7] 
72] 96) 

«++. petition of the city of London against 
the excise on cider, vi 110] 151] 

«».. address the king on his communi- 

_ cation of the intended marriage of the 
princess Augusta, vi 115] 

s+». dowry allowed to the princess, vi 

++-- proceedings with respect to mad- 

houses, vi 158] 

++» address on the king’s speech, vi 194] 
+. «+ his majesty’s answer, vi 195] 
ar debate on privilege of parliament, vii 

+++» North Britain declared a seditious 
libel, vii 24] 

+--+ Mr. Wilkes expelled, vii 25] 

+++» question of general warrants, vii 26] 

eo net moved by ministers, vii 



Commons, House of: question lost by ad- 
journment, vii 30] , 

.... scheme of supplies, vii 30] 

.... length of the debate on Wilkes’s affair, 
vii 50] 

.... salesmen examined on the high price 
of provision, vii 57] 136] 

»».. resolution that it may be proper to im- 
pose a stamp duty on the American colo- 
nies, viii 23] 

«++. question of general warrants resumed, 
viii 26] 60] 

-... right of taxing America agitated, viii 

.... Stamp act for the colonies passed, viii 

.-.. regency bill sent down from the Lords, 
viii 40] 

.... passed with an amendment, viii 41] 

++ petition of the city of London on the 
dearness of bread, viii 604 

.... French proposal for liquidating the 
debt due for prisoners communicated by 
the king, viii 62] 

---- advise it’s acceptance, ib. 

+».. money to be raised by way of tontine, 
viii 71] 

.... address on the king’s speech, viii 255] 

oe —. calling 

parliament earlier than usual on Ame- 
rican affairs, viii 263] 

«++. congratulatory message to her ma- 
jesty on the birth of a prince during the 
vacation, viii 264] 

»... seats taken for members by pinning 
their names on them, ix 68] 

.... bill for repealing the stamp act carried 
up to the Lords by an extraordinary num- 
ber of members, ix 72] 

.... proceedings on various money bills, ix 

.... address on the king’s speech after the 
holidays, ix 218] 

el ee — on call- 

ing parliament on account of the high 
price of provision, ix 222] xi 76* 

+++ petition from the city of London on 
the high price of provision, x 149] xi 

«++. money granted for making a more 
commodious passage to, x 218] xii 
221] xiii 236] - 

.... resolyed that the half-pay of lieut- 
enants in the navy is insufficient, x 220] 

.... address on the king’s speech, x 232] 

..+. sir J. Cust rechosen speaker, xi 109} 

.+-. speech on reprimanding the mayor 
&c. of Oxford, xi 221] 

.... address on the king’s speech, xi 274] 

.»-. great debates on certain parts of it, 
xii 64] 

° ie . petition from Mr. Wilkes, xii 49*] 

.«.. allowed to attend with counsel, xii 50*} 
++» the day of hearing deferred, 74. 



Commons, House of: application for pay- 
ment of debts of the civil list, xii 62*] 

+.» proceedings in Mr. Wilkes’s affair, xii 
64*] 70) 71] 72] 

+++ he is expelled the house, xii 65*] 72] 

»++. his reelection twice declared void on 
this account, xii 66*] 67*] 75] 82] 

+++» on the third col. Luttrel declared to 
be the member, xii 67*] 68*] 90] 100] 

«+++ debates on the subject, xii 68*-73*] 

-+ «+ cballenge of a member, xii 72] 101] 

+--+. petitions to the king for a dissolution 
of, xii 141] 142] 161] 

++» address on the king’s speech, xiii 247] 

«+++ office of speaker resigned by sir J. 
Cust, xiii 63] 68] 

es sir Fletcher Norton chosen, xiii 64] 


+++. committee on the state of the nation, 
xiii 64] 65*] 69%] 

+++- motions on the law of elections, xiii 

e+.. motion for disqualifying revenue offi- 

cers from yoting at elections rejected, 
xiii 69*] 

mie for an account of the civil 
list expenses rejected, xiii 71*] 

»-ee petition from the American merchants, 
xiii 73*] 

+++. American duties, those on tea ex- 
cepted, taken off, 7b. 

«+++ debates on the subject, xiii 74*] 

---- act for regulating the proceedings on 
controverted elections brought in by Mr. 
G. Grenville, xiii 77*] 

motion for a copy of the remonstrance 
of the city of London, and of his ma- 
jesty’s answer, to be laid before the house 
carried, xiii 79*] 

«+++ address to his majesty on the occasion 

and concurrence of the Lords in it, xiii 

83°] 248] 

. inquiry into the proceedings in Ire- 
land, xiii 85*] 88*] 
ue American affairs, xiii 90* | 

-.. resolutions on this subject proposed, 
xiii 91*] 

++.» Dr. Musgrave heard relative to in- 
formation on the late peace, xiii 69] 

+++ extraordinarily full house, xiii 72] 

- +. Nearly 206 placemen in, 76. 

+++. petition of the city of London against 
any farther duty on carriages, xiii 78] 

+++» money granted for making index to 
the journals, xiii 239] xxi 285] 286] xxvii 
345] xxix 265] xliii 144 

eee. —— —— printing parlia- 

mentary and other records, xiii 239] See 

Commissioners for publishing records 
oo making an index 
to the votes, xliii 144. 1 183* 

«++. address on the king’s speech, xiii 

-.+. motion to restrain certain powers of 
the attorney general, xiv 27] 





Commons, House of; motion for an inquiry 
into the administration of criminal justice, 
xiv 30] 

+ members going up to the Lords witha 
bill turned out on clearing the house, xiv 

++.» house cleared, and the lords present 
turned out, 7. 

+... ——— closed against strangers for the 
remainder of the session, xiv 39] 

e+» debate on increasing the land-tax, xiv 

.... fresh motion on the Middlesex: elec- 
tion, xiv 53] 

++. scene of corruption at Shoreham dis- 
closed, xiv 54] 240] 

..~. bill to incapacitate certain freemen by 
name, xiv 55] 

.++. reprimand of the returning officer, 
xiv 240] 

.+-~ bill to amend the nullum tempus act, 
xiv 56] 59] 

«++. printers summoned, xiv 81] 

.-++ printers of debates ordered to be taken 
into custody, xiv 61] 183] 

.... farther proceedings on the subject, xiv 
62] 186] 

«++. Messenger apprehended in the city, 
xiv 63] 184] 187] 

«+». the record of a recognizance in the 
lord mayor’s court erased, xiv 66*} 188] 
+... proceedings against the lord mayor, 

tb, 68*] 82] 83] 84] 85] 189] 

on. alderman Oliver, 
xiv 67*] 83] 84] 189] 

-... difficulty with respect to Wilkes, xiv 
69*] 188] 

++.. Special committee of privileges ap- 
pointed, xiv 70*] 101] 

+».. act for an embankment at Durham 
yard, xiv 70°] 79] 

.... bill for enabling the E, India company 
more effectually to raise a military force 
negatived, xiv 71*] 

sees petition of W. Allen, sen. xiv 100] 


.. refusal to pay taxes on the ground of 
the improper representation of Middle- 
sex, xiv 152] xv 174] 

- -» unpopular through misconduct, xv 81*] 

«... address on the king’s speech, xv 84*] 

... extraordinary peace establishment for 
the navy proposed and carried, xv 85*] 
-..+. petition from clergymen and others 
against subscription to the 39 articles, xv 
86*] 171) Et 
-+.. Motion to abrogate the nullum tempus 

power of the church, xv 89*] 

.-.. debates on the royal marriage act, xv 

.... bill for the relief of dissenting minis- 
ters passed here, xv 96*] 

.... motion for a bill to regulate E. India 
affairs, xv 102*] 



Commons, House of; motion fora select com- 
mittee of inquiryinto E. J. affairs, xv 103°] 

«++» committee of inquiry concerning the 
behaviour of the lords to, xv 104*] 

..+. corn committee and bill, xv 104*] 

..-+ bills indirectly relating to money mat- 

ters returned from the Lords with alter- 
108], thrown out with contempt, xv 105*] 

+--+ motion to vacate the seats of the com- 
missioners of trade and plantations on the 
appointment of a new one, xv 74] 

-.-.- thanks to Dr. Rowell for his 30th of 
Or sermon, ordered to be expunged, xv 

«--- repeal cf theact for observing the 30th 
of Jan. moved for, xv 81] 

++» Motion to shorten parliaments rejected, 
xv 82] 

-+.. bill to suspend the commission of the 
E. India company for supervision of their 
affairs, xv 145] 147] xvi 73*] 

+++ petition against it from the company, 
xv 201] xvi 76*] 

-+.+. address on the king’s speech, xv 224] 
xvi 69*] 

«+++ debates on India affairs, xvi 69*] 73*] 

ass on the expedition against the 
Caribs in St. Vincent’s, xvi 88*] 76] 

»+.. petition of navy captains for an in- 
crease of half pay, xvi 92*] 

«+++ majority in it’s favour against the mi- 
nister, xvi 94*] 

«+.. motion for the relief of dissenters, xvi 

on the naval establishment, xvi 

for a committee on subscrip- 
tion negatived, 2b. 

+... petition from the E. India company 
for a loan, xvi 95*] 

+... papers moved for, xvi 96*] 

+-.. petition from the E. India company 
against it’s resolutions, xvi 100*] 

+... bill for regulating it’s affairs, xvi 101*] / 

103] 116] 

«+-. petitions against it, xvi 102"] 103] 
104] 210] 214] 215] 

+... charges against lord Clive and others, 
xvi 105*] 

-... the E. India company refuses it’s as- 
sent tothe loan on the terms proposed, 
xvi 107*] 

++». petition from Gloucester on the dis- 
tress of inn-holders from soldiers quar- 
tered on them, xvi 68] 

+++» motion for shortening the durations of 
parliaments, xvi 70] 

+++. petitions from Bristol against and for 
a theatre there, xvi 73] 87] 

i* —— the city of London 

against lotteries, xvi 84] 

+++ letter from the speaker to the sheriffs 

to summon the representatives of London, 
Middlesex, and Westminster, and their 
answer, xvi 90] 

Commons, House of: demand of J. Wilkes 
to be sworn, xvi 94] 

.. ++ motion for his being called in nega- 
tived, 7d. 

.... sir G. Savile’s motion on the rights of 
election negatived, xvi 95] xvii 55] 

+. petition for a bill to dispose of the 
Adelphi by lottery, xvi 104] 

»... reward to Dr. Williams for green and 
yellow dyes for cotton; xvi 111] 

..++ debate on the supplies, xvii 52] 

..-- Grenville election act rendered per- 
petual, xvii 56] 

«+++ debates on the proceedings at Boston, 
xvii 58] 

see petition to lay before the House the 
acts of Elizabeth and her successors for 
securing the liberties of the colonists, xvii 

+. petition to be heard by the house re- 
jected, xvii 65] 

Sdicls from several Americans in 
London, 7b. 227] 

-+.. motion preparatory to a repeal of the 
tea duty, xvii 68] 

.... bill for the better government of Mas- 
sachussets bay, xvii 69] 

.... petition of the agent for time to hear 
from the province refused, xvii 71] 

.--.- second petition from Americans in Lon- 
don, 2b. 229] 

.... bill for enabling persons to be sent to 
England for trial, xvii 72] 

-...— for the government of Quebec, 
xvii 74] 

++. petition against an enclosure bill, xvii 

-..+. proceedings against the printer of the 
Public Advertiser and J. Horne (Tooke) 
ne a libel on the speaker, xvii 93] 96] 

.... petition from the London booksellers 
on the subject of copyright, xvii 97] 

eves from gen. Fraser, for the re- 
storation of the estates of bis father, lord 
Lovat, xvii 97] 

..++ committee on the state of the linen 
manufacture, xvii 98] 102] 

—— abuses in jails, xvii 

100] 106] 

..+. petitions for and against additional du- 
ties on foreign linens, xvii 103] 

..+. petition of the city of London against 
the bill respecting the navigation of the 
Thames, xvii 118] 

.... sir F, Norton chosen speaker of the 
new parliament, xvii 165] 

.... address on the king’s speech, xvii 261] 
265] xviii 40] ' 

..++ debates on the supply, xviii 44] 

.... American papers laid before the house 

ina garbled state, xviii 49] 

Commons, House of: petitions from various 
reg on American affairs, xviii 50] 52] 
-»+- warded off by referring them to a se- 
parate and subsequent committee, 75. 
«+++ second petition from the merchants of 
London, xviii 52] 56] 
3 iat of the last parliament, xviii 
«+++ petition from Congress to the king re- 
ferred to, xviii 55] 
++. refusal to hear the American agents 
on it, xviii 56] 
e+e. conflicting petitions from Birming- 
ham, 2d. 
++.» petition from the W. India merchants 
and planters, xviii 62] 103*] 
+++. minister’s motion for an address to the 
king on American affairs, xviii 62] 
sata to recommit the address, xviii 
..+- conference with the Lords, xviii 71] 
«++» message from the throne for an aug~ 
mentation of the forces, xviii 78] 251] 
++. bill for restraining the trade and fish- 
a of the New England colonies, xviii 
«+. London petitioners against it heard at 
the bar, xviii 83*] 
oe par np cure petitions from Pool, xviii 

e+++ petition from the Quakers, xviii 85*] 

«-.. debates on the augmentation of the 
forces, xviii 93*] 

»+++ lord North’s conciliatory motion, xviii 
95*] 130*] 140*] 

«++. Mr. Sawbridge’s annuzl motion for 
shortening parliaments, xviii 100°] 

«+.. Sir G. Savile’s annual motion on the 
Middlesex election transferred to Mr. 
Wilkes, xviii 101*] 93] 

«++. production of a letter from the minis- 
ter for America to the lieut. gov. of New 
York refused, and a motion foran address 
to the king for it refused, xviii 101*] 

e+.» petition and memorial from the assem- 
bly of Jamaica to the king in council, 
that ministers pretended to have kept 
back from inattention, now produced, 7b. 

e+. petition from Waterford on American 
affairs, xviii 102*] 

-».. bill for restraining the trade of the 
southern colonies brought in, xvili 102*] 

«++. evidence in support of the W. India 
petition, xviii 103*] 

-... Mr. Burke’s conciliatory propositions, 
xviii 105*] 

-+-- another attempt by Mr. Hartley, xviii 

...+- motion for including other counties in 
the second restraining bill, xviii 110*] 

e+e. various petitions, xviii 111*] 

«+++ motion for encouraging the fisheries of 
G. Britain and Ireland, xviii 113¥*] 110] 


Commons, House of: representation from 

the general assembly of New York, xviii 


.... another petition from the inhabitants 

of Quebec, xviii 118*] 

«+++ Speech of the speaker to the king on 
carrying up the money bills, xviii 119*]_ 

xix 256] 

+++.+ attempt to set aside the 30th of Jan-_ 

uary sermon, xviii 86] 

«.-++ report of the committee on the Hin-— 

don election, xviii 89] 

«.+- proceedings against two pamphlets 
deemed libels, xviii 94] 

-. ++ bill for preventing the circulation of 
small notes in Yorkshire, xviii 102] 

+--. motion for repealing the act of Eliza- 
beth respecting cottages, xviii 102] 122] 

+.» report of the committee on the Shaftes- 
bury election, xviii 109] 

-. +. bill to vest a perpetuity of certain . 

copyrights in the Universities, xviii 118] 
«+++ petition from the Common Council of 
London, xviii 167] xix 252] 
——— W. India merchants, 

xviii 170] 

---. committee on a petition from Nova 
Scotia for granting a poundage on imports, 
xviii 173] xix 121*] 

..-++ debate on the address in answer to the 
king’s speech, xix 56] 

introduction of foreign 
troops, xix 65] 81] 

«+++ bill of indemnity proposed, xix 80] 
100} 114*] 

«-.. debates on the new militia bill, xix 83] 
101] 114*] 

+++. motion for a return of the troops in 
America, xix 86] 

on the naval force, xix 87] 

alanine for authorizing the commis- 
sioners to receive proposals from any ge- 
neral convention, xix 88] 

+++. estimates of the land service, xix 89] 

-»..- motion for raising the land tax to 4s. 
in the pound, xix 99] 

..-+ fresh conciliatory propositions by Mr. 
Burke, xix 104] ' 

.+.. prohibitory hill brought in by the mi- 
nister, xix 109] 

---- petition of the W. India merchants 
against it, xix 111] 112] 

..++ Mr. Fox’s motion for an account of mi- 
litary contingencies in America, xix 113*] 

-... motion for an address to be informed 
of advisers of certain measures respect- 
ing America, xix J15*] 

..+. fresh conciliatory propositions by D. 
Hartley, xix 116*] 

-+-. complaint against earl Harcourt for 
engaging public money without the con- 
sent of the House, xix 124*]- 

«++. motions on the subject, xix 127*] 

.--- motion for an inquiry into the causes 

. of our ill suecessin America, xix 128*] 

Commons, House of: debate on the treaties 

for foreign troops, xix 130*] 

\~.-. debate on extraordinaries for the army, 
xix 137*] 

»+-- minister in a minority on a bill fora 
militia in Scotland, xix 140*] 

+» ++ committee of inquiry respecting Amer- 
ican licenses, xix 143*] 

«-.. address the king to have the foreign 
troops clothed with British manufactures, 
‘xix 124] 

+... motion that the prosecution of R. 
Beckford, for endeavouring to bribe 
electors at Hindon, be rescinded, xix 

eee for a more fair and equal re- 
presentation of the people, xix 127] 

~.+. message from the king for a vote of 
credit, xix 251] 

«++. debate on the king’s speech, xx 32] 

oeee ———— proclamation of the 
American commissioners, xx 42] 

+-.. committee of supply, xx 51] 

«+.. charge against the Ist lord of the ad- 
miralty, and motion for returns of the 
navy, 7d. 

++.. bill for letters of marque and reprisal, 
xx 53] 

‘s+..— to secure and detain persons 
charged with or suspected of high trea- 
son in America, zd. 

+++. petition from the city of London 
against it, xx 62] 168] 231] 

e+.. debates on the enormous sums for ex- 
traordinaries and the perplexity of the 
accounts, xx 67] 

's... message from the throne on the debts 
of the civil list, xx 71]281] 

«++. debate on it, xx 72] 

‘ee-- motion for an augmentation of the re-' 
venue of the crown, xx 73] 86] 

-«+.. speech of sir F. Norton on presenting 

the bill, xx 283] 

*.-.. old rejected claim of the landgrave of 

- Hesse revived, xx 88] 

‘+.. motion for an address to the king to 
- aga the income of his brothers, xx 


of thanks to the speaker, and 

to print his speech to the king on pre- 

senting the bill for an increase of his re- 

venue, xx 91] 

«-.. debates on E. India affairs; xx 107] 

«++. petition to, on the capture of a vessel 

on the Moschetto shore by the Spaniards, 

xx 258] 

-+.- Sir F. Norton’s speech to the king pre- 
vious to the prorogation of parliament, 
xx 284] 

«++. address on the king’s speech, xxi 41] 

«++. amendment moved, xxi 43] 

«-+- inquiry on the state of the navy, xxid3] 

+--+ debate on the suspension of the Habeas 

. Corpus act, xxi 57] 




Commons, House of: debate on the land-tax, 
xxi 59] 

.... motion for a committee of the House 
on the state of the nation xxi 61] 

+++. ———— various papers, 7b. 62] 

.... news of Burgoyne’s surrender dis- 
closed in a committee of supply, xxi 67] 

.... motion by col. Barre for papers and 
accounts, xxi 69] 

for recommitting the supplies, 


.... other motions of col. Barre for papers 
rejected, xxi 71] 103] 

-.-. resolutions moved by Mr. Hartley, xxi 

.... motion of Mr. Wilkes for a repeal of 
the declaratory law, xxi 72] 

.. +. —-—— for an unusually early and long 
adjournment, xxi 73] 

ep for an inquiry into raising 
troops without authority of parliament, 
xxi 86] 

.-.. debates on it in a committee of supply, 
xxi 89] 

i ati for papers negatived, xxi 102] 
--.. complaint of defectiveness and erro- 
neousness of papers delivered, xxi 103] 
.... inquiry into the state of the nation, 

xxi 106] 144] 168*] 

++. no reply made to Mr. Fox’s opening 
speech, xxi 110] 

..++ Mr. Burke’s motion for papers on the 
employment of the Indians, 2. 

.... his motions for other papers equally 
negatived, xxi 115] 

.... Mr. Fox’s motion on the state of the 
forces in America, and their loss, xxi 116] 

..-- this and other motions negatived, xxi 

..+- petition from Norfolk against the war, 
xxi 130] 

.... conciliatory plan proposed by the mi- 
nister, xxi 131] 

...- motion for the parliament to appoint 
the commissioners rejected, xxi 136] 

aut for admitting a clause for the 
repeal of the Massachussets act rejected, 
xxi 140] 

..-. clause for the repeal of the tea act 
agreed to, xxi 142] 

..-. provisions of the bill extended to the 
W. Indies, 26. 

.... new taxes, 2b. 172*] 

.... motion for enabling the commissioners 
to promise the removal of any minister 
obnoxious to the Americans rejected, xxi 

.... message from the throne on the treaty 
between France and America, xxi 159] 
298] k 

.... debate on the Canada expedition, xxi 
168* | ; 

.--- motion in exculpation of ministers, xxt 



Commons, House of: motion for a commit- 
tee to inspect public accounts of expendi- 
ture, xxi 170*] 

«++. petition against ministers from New- 
castle, 2b. 

«+++ motion for a bill to prevent giving or 
lending money to the crown without con- 
sent of parliament, xxi 171*] 

«+++» proposal of the minister tor some al- 
lowance to the subscribers to the loan, 

e+++ committee on the trade of Ireland, 
xxi 172*] 

«+..- motion for a repeal of the American 
declaratory act, xxi 175*] 

e+». message from the throne for enabling 
his majesty to make provision for his 
younger children, 7b. 

-+.. contractor’s bill, xxi 176*] 177*] 

¢+.. opposition to the Irish bills, xxi 176*] 
181*] 191*] 

«++. message for a vote of credit, xxi 

«+. information of the death of lord Chat- 
ham, xxi 186*] 

«+..a public funeral and monument to his 
memory voted, xxi 187*] 

---- 4000/. per an. voted to the heirs of his 
title, and 20000/. to pay his debts, xxi 

-+~ bill for the relief of Roman Catholics, 
xxi 189*] 

++.» debates relative to the Toulon squa- 
dron, xxi 192*] 

e+.» motion for a committee on the affair of 
Saratoga, xxi 196*] 

an address to prevent the 

prorogation of parliament, xxi 198*] 

————— —— that parliament 

might be continued sitting by adjourn- 

ments, xxi 201*] 

«+++ petitions for money for public build- 
ings and improvements in London, xxi 

«++. debates on the king’s speech, xxii 76] 

on the manifesto of the Amer- 
ican commissioners, xxii 83] 

~+++ inquiry concerning the 27th of July, 
xxii 95] 

«.++ debates on the supply, xxii 105] 

«++.» motions of censure on lord Sandwich, 
xxii 112] 

-.-- bill for disqualifying contractorsthrown 
out, xxii 121] 

---. —= for the relief of protestant dis- 
senters carried, xxii 122] 123] 

-... attempts for the relief of Ireland, xxii 

«+-. motion for printing the army extraor- 
dinaries rejected, xxii 129] 

ate ei on E. India affairs, xxii 

..+. address to his majesty for a prosecu- 
tion of the revolutionary council of Ma- 
dras, xxii 132] 239] 


co : 

Commons, House of: motion for the re- 
moval of lord Sandwich, xxii 133] 

++.. committee of inquiry into the conduct 
of the American war, xxii 137] 

«++. motion to defer the prorogation re- 
jected, xxii 162] 

«+. Spanish manifesto, 7. 

-... address for employing all our forces 
against the house of Bourbon rejected, 
xxii 164] ; 

--.. bill for doubling the number of the 
militia, xxii 169] 

e+.. —— of indemnity for the illegal im- 
pressment of seamen, xxii 170] 

-. +. address on the king’s speech, xxiii 39] 

e+. amendment moved, xxiii 39] 56] 

«+. debates on Irish affairs, xxiii 64] 

«+++ minister’s propositions for the relief 
of Ireland, xxiii 77] 

.... Mr. Burke’s plan of economy, xxiii 
82] 94] 126] 134] 153] 184] 188] xxv 

«++» petitions for reform, xxiii 85] 88] 193] 
198] 201] 338] xxiv 194*] xxv 307] xxvi 
a 197] 198] 199] 204] xxxv 75] 148- 


«++. petition from the merchants and plan- 
ters of Jamaica, xxiii 92] 339} 

«+--+ motion for a committee of accounts, 
xxiii 114] 124] 184] 

«++. ——— — an account of patent places, 
xxiii 116] 

eee. pensions, id. 

»+++ thanks toadm. Rodney, xxiii 122] 

«.+- debates on the competency of the 
house to regulate the expenditure of the 
civil list, xxiii 134] 

-+.. abolition of the third secretaryship of 
state negatived, xxiii 139] 

board of trade car- 

ried, xxiii 145] 

-... difference between the speaker and the 
minister, xxiii 146] 

..+. col. Fullarton’s complaint against lord 
Shelburne, xxiii 148] 

-.-- sir J. Lowther’s notice in consequence 
of the late duels, xxiii 150] 

»».. contractors’ bill carried, xxiii 153] 

+++ abolition of the treasurer of the cham- 
ber and others rejected, ib. 

e+.. motion for notice of payment of the 
public debt to the E. India company, xxiii 
156] " 

—— deferring the taxes without 
a redress of grievances, xxiii 158] 

--.. debates on the army estimates, xxiii 

.»-. consideration of the petitions, xxiii 
164] 189] 

+... motion, that the influence of the crown 
has increased, is increasing, and ought to 
be diminished, carried, xxiii 167] 

it is competent to the 



house to correct the civil list expendi- 
ture carried, xxiii 171] 

Commons, House of: motion, that it is the 
duty of the house to redress the abuses 
a. of in the petitions, carried, 

«... the three resolutions reported and con- 
firmed, xxiii 172] 

++. account of money paid to or for the 
use of members to be laid before the 
house, xxiii 173] 

e+.. treasurer of the chamber and other 
persons not to hold seats in the house, 2b. 

«+». motion for excluding revenue officers 
— voting at elections negatived, xxiii 

eee. for an address to the king 
not to dissolve or prorogue parliament, 
negatived, xxiii 181] 

»+.. disorder on Mr. Fox’s rising to speak, 

. xxiii 182] 

e+.- abolition of the office of the great 
wardrobe, negatived, xxiii 184] 

board of works nega- 

tived, 25. 

+.» debates on the army extraordinaries, 
xxiii 186] 

+++. motion for a bill for restoring peace 
with America, xxiii 187] 

eose on a body of the military being 
held in readiness on a meeting of the 
electors of Westminster, 7. 

«e+» Mr. Burke’s regulations of the yeo- 
men of the guards, and gentlemen pen- 
sioners agreed to, xxiii 188] 

e+.. Various other clauses rejected, 7b. 

+++. motions grounded on the petitions re- 
jected, xxiii 189] 

oe pens of lord G. Gordon, xxiii 

+-.. debate on the protestant petitions, 
xxiii 196°] 

++ .- bill to restrain papists from educating 
protestant children, xxiii 197*] 

+++. motions on lord Ambherst’s ordering 
the inhabitants of London to be disarmed, 
xxiii 199*] 

++.» C. Wolfran Cornwall chosen speaker, 
xxiii 232] xxiv 145] 

ae Ce aaa on the king’s speech, xxiv 150] 

.... vote of thanks to sir F. Norton, xxiv 

Pew o to sir H. Clinton, lord 
wa” and adm. Arbuthnot, xxiv 

+++. debates on the appoinment of sir H. 
Palliser to the government of Greenwich 
hospital, ib. 173°] 

+. ++ Message from the throne on the rup- 
ture with Holland, xxiv 164*] 

+... inquiry into E. India affairs, xxiv 175*] 
191*] 195*] xxvii 46] 

-- ++ bill of reform brought in again by Mr. 
Burke, xxiv 180*] 


Commons, House of : strictures on the loan, 
xxiv 183*] 185*] 187*] 

+++ contractor’s bill again rejected, xxiv 

«+++ bill for restraining revenue officers 
from voting for members negatived, 2b. 
«+++ petition from the delegates of the as- 

sociated counties, xxiv 194*] 

e+e» Motion for inquiry into the affair of 
St. Eustatia, xxiv 195*] 

-.-+» bill for new modelling the court of 
judicature in Bengal, zd. 

«+. the minister’s propositions respecting 
the E, Indies, xxiv 196*] 173] 178] 

«+++ modifications of the late marriage act 
proposed, xxiv 198*-200*] 

e+.- motions for a peace with America, 
xxiv 200*] 201*] 

+++» grants to the sufferers by the hurri- 
canes in the W. Indies, xxiv 163] 

+++. petition from the E. Indies against 
the supreme court of judicature,xxiv 303] 

++. petition of Mr. Laurens, xxiv 322] 
xxv 148] 

+. ++ address on the king’s speech, xxv 128] 
130] 293] 

ee.» committee of supply, xxv 133] 

+. +» motion for inquiry into the conduct of 
the captors of St. Eustatia, xxv 136] 

.».. additional number of seamen moved 
by opposition, but rejected, xxv 141] 

«++. motion for putting an end to the Amer- 
ican war rejected, xxv 143] 

+-»+ conversation on the exchange of pri= 
soners with America, xxv 147] 

.++. motion for adjournment, xxv 149] 

.»+. inquiry into the conduct of the first 
lord of the admiralty, xxv 151] 157] 167} 

---. debates on the ordnance estimates, 
xxv 153] ; 

«++. motion for an address to the king 
against the American war lost by a ma- 
jority of one, xxv 167] 

+». a Similar motion carried, xxv 168] 

.--. address and answer to it, xxv 171] 
296] 297] 

«++» resolution in consequence of the an- 
swer, xxv 171] 297] 

«++ resolutions of censure on the ministry 
lost bya majority of ten, xxv 173] 

+». resolution for withdrawing the con- 
fidence of the house from ministers lost 
by a majority of nine, xxv 175] 

---» motion to the same effect obviated by 
announcing that the ministry was dis- 
missed, xxv 176] 

..+. abrupt motion of Mr. Eden on the af- 
fairs of Ireland, xxv 178] 

..-. message from the throne on the same 
subject, 2b. 

.+-. act for disqualifying revenue officers 
from voting for members, xxv 180] 308] 

... ——_———- contractors from 

sitting in the house, xxv 180] 308] 

.. «+ Mr. Burke’s reform bill revived, 2d. 




Commons, House of: Mr. Burke’s Dill for 
regulating his own office, xxv 181] 

+++. resolution on the Middlesex election 
expunged from the journals, 24. 

«++. committee of inquiry into the state of 
the representation refused, id. 

+++. resolutions respecting the Exchequer 
and other offices, 2b. 

«+++ debate on a pension granted to col. 
Barré, xxv 183] 

+--+ proceedings respecting the E. India 
company, xxv [88] xxvii 46] 

«... thanks to adm. Rodney, and all-the 
officers and men in the fleet, xxv 208] 

+++- monuments voted to the three cap- 
tains killed, 7d. 

e. e+ reasons assigned by Mr. Fox for-his 
resignation, xxvi 140] 

«++. debates on the king’s speech, xxvi 
141} 149] 

--«. address on it, xxvi 317] 

-.-- motion for the articles of the pro- 
visional treaty with America relating to 
it’s independence, xxvi 144] 

--.. bill for removing doubts respecting the 
rights of the parliament and courts of 
Treland, xxyi 146] 

+--+ debates on the preliminaries of peace, 
xxvi 148] 167] 

e+. address on the granting of pensions, 
xxvi 169] 

«+++ debates on the unsettled state of the 
ministry, xxvi 171] 173] 

+++- bills respecting trade with America, 
xxvi 175] 

«++. loan, xxvi 175] 

e++. motion for reform negatived, xxvi 

e++- message from the throne recommend- 
ing an establishment for the prince of 
Wales, presently followed by another fer 

" granting it out of the civil list, xxvi 179] 

e+. bill for regulating certain offices in the 
Exchequer, 2b, 

---- petition from Westminster against bad 
halfpence, xxvi 196] 

++.. ———— from the Quakers against the 
slave trade, xxvi 350] 

-.-. bill for the better management of the 

’ ieee of the E. India company, xxvii 


-«+. tacitly withdrawn, xxvii 56] 

++.» reports of the select committee, 7d. 

---- bill for ascertaining more distinctly 
the powers of the government of Bengal, 
xxvii 57] 

-- ++ address on the king’s speech, xxvii 58] 

«+++ Mr. Fox’s two India bills, xxvii 59] 

+++» Motion on the use made of the king’s 
name to influence members of parliament, 
xxvii 70] 

eee reprobating a present dissolu- 
tion of parliament. xxvii 71] 


co r 

Commons, House of: third reading of the 
landtax bill deferred, xxvii 72] 

+++. conversation on earl Temple’s conduct; 

+++. committee on the state of the nation, 
xxvii 73] 76] 83] 

+++. address to the king not to dissolve par- 
liament, xxvii 74] 85] 

-... resolution on the acceptance of bills 
by the E. India company, 26. . 

sie aie on the chaneellorship of the 
duchy of Lancaster, xxvii 75] 

--.-+ debate on resuming the committee on 
the state of the nation, xxvii 76] 

+--+. resolutions against issuing money 
before appropriated by act of parliament, 
xxvii 77] 

stu —— for deferring the mutiny 
bill, xxvii 78] 

ome that the ministers should 
have the confidence of the house and the 
public, 24. 

waver — on the unconstitutional use 
of the king’s name, ¢. . 

-».. Mr. Pitt’s first India bill rejected, 
xxvii 79] - 

..+. direct motion against ministers, xxvii 
83 j 

Bi ing of parties called for, 2b. 84] 

-+.. charge of bribery against the late 
ministers founded ona hoax, xxvii 8 

+++ meeting of members at the St. Alban’s 
tavern for a union of parties, xxvii 87] 
89] 265] eye 

+... motion of reprehension of ministers 
for continuing in office, xxvii 88] hs 

.. +. the resolution ordered to be laid before 
his majesty, 7. 91} 

--.. debate in the committee of supply, on 
the king’s refusal to dismiss his ministers, 
xxvii 91] 

-. +. address to the king for the removal of 
ministers, xxvii 92] 93] 310] 

«+++ committee to search for precedents in 
answer to the censure of the Peers, and 
consequent resolutions, xxvii 93] 

-.-- Second address for the removal of 
mijnisters, xxvii 94] 310] 

+++ his majesty’s answer, xxvii 95] 311] " 

+.++ Tepresentation in consequence, xxvii 
96] 312] ~ 

---. dissolved by proclamation, xxvii 99] 

«.-. C. W. Cornwall rechosen speaker, 
xxvii 147] i 

«+. Statement of the conduct of the high 
bailiff of Westminster in making no re- 
turn, 26. 2 

.... address in answer to the king’s speech, 
xxvii 147] 317] 

+... speech of Mr. Burke on proposing a 
representation to his majesty on the late 
dissolution, xxvii 148] 

.... the address, xxvii 151-637] 

. commutation act, xxvii 152]. 



Commons, House of: bills in favour of the 
E. India company, xxvii 164] 

-... Mr. Pitt’s second India bill, xxvii 165] 

---- the budget, xxvii 168] 

bill for the restoration of estates for- 
feited in Scotland, xxvii 169] 

.. ++ debate on the king’s speech, xxvii 171] 

---. debates on the Westminster election, 
xxvii 174] 

on the proceedings of the 
board of control with regard to the debts 
of the nabob of Arcot, xxvii 182*] 

.. +» Mr. Pitt’s motion for a reform of par- 
liament, xxvii 189*] 

..-. his general review of the national 
finances, xxvii 190*] 

.. +. the budget, xxvii 191*] 

---+- bill for appointing commissioners to 
inquire into the emoluments of certain 
offices, xxvii 192*] 

e+». remarkable addresses from various 
candidates to their electors, xxvii 272] 

.--- bill for adjusting the commercial inter- 
course with Ireland, xxviii 14] 

-... address on the king’s speech, xxviii 
90] 255] 

++.. discussion of the state of the nation, 
xxviii 90] 

+... scheme of fortifying Portsmouth and 
Plymouth introduced by Mr. Pitt in the 
ordnance estimates, xxviii 95] 

«+++ after a separate debate on it, negatived 
by the speaker’s casting vote, xxviii 108] 

«+>. alteration introduced into the mutiny 
bill, xxviii 108] 

«+.. Select committee on the income and 
expenditure of the state, xxviii 111] 

..«» Mr. Pitt’s plan for reducing the 
national debt, xxviii 114] 

..-. bill for transferring certain duties on 
wines from the customs to the excise, 
xxviii 120] 

++.» —— for appointing commissioners to 

_ inquire into the woods, forests, and land 
revenues of the crown, xxviii 122] 

_++++ motion to disqualify placemen in the 
ordnance and navy offices from voting for 
members negatived, xxviii 123] 

-»-- Mr. Burke’s charges against Mr. 
Hastings, xxviii 125] 

»....- letters and papers relative to the 
treaty with the Mahrattas refused, xxviii 
130] 131] 

++.. petition of Mr. Hastings to be heard 
in his defence, and allowed a copy of the 
charges, granted, xxviii 132] 

-.+- his defence read and ordered to be 
printed, xxviii 133] 

+++. witnesses examined in proof of the 

charges, 7b. 
an 35 Rohilla charge negatived, xxviii 

-+.. charge respecting the rajah of Benares 
carried, 7d. 


Commons, House of : Mr. Dundas’s amend- 
ment of Mr. Pitt’s India bill carried, xxviii 

.... address on the king’s speech, xxix 

..-- remarks on the treaty of commerce, 
xxix 67] 

.» +. debates on it, xxix 71] 73] 82] 86] 87} 

+... petition from the Chamber of Com- 
oat to postpone it’s consideration, xxix 


.... bills for consolidating duties of cus~ 
toms and excise, xxix 105] 

--.. mutiny bill, xxix 110] 

-... message from the king for an annuity 
to sir J. Skynner, 2b. 

».-- motion for a repeal of the Corporation 
and Test acts negatived, xxix 114] 

--.- budget, xxix 120] 

.. +. embarrassed state of the finances of the: 
prince of Wales, xxix 123] 

..+. message from his majesty on the 
subject, xxix 129] 

. .. motion for repeal of the shop tax re- 
jected, xxix 131] 

,.-- bill for farming the duty on post- 
horses, xxix 133] 

..-. petition from the debtors in Newgate, 
xxix 135] 

«... bill for their relief, xxix 136] 

..++ committee on abuses in the post-office, 
xxix 138] 

«++» question on the right of the eldest 
sons of Scotch peers to sit in the house, 
xxix 147] 

+... charges against Mr. 
sumed, xxix 149] 

++». Secret committee appointed to prepare 
articles of impeachment, xxix 165 

.... debate on them, xxix 167] 

on the king’s speech, xxx 

Hastings re- 


..-- address on it, xxx 270] 

.... State papers respecting Holland laid 
before the house, xxx 88] 

.... Mr. Fox’s motion for others negatived, 
xxx 89] 

.... debate on the treaty with Hesse Cassel, 
xxx 89] 

Seis ———— augmentation of the 
army, xxx 91] 

tee on ordnance estimates and W. 
India fortifications, xxx 96] xxxi 143] 

..++ debates on a promotion of admirals, 
xxx 103] 104] 107] 

.... Mr. Pitt’s motion for an explanatory 
bill to give the board of control un- 
limited authority over the revenues of 
India, xxx 108] + 

. «» corps of artificers incorporated in the 
army, xxx 122] 

.... bill for rendering more effectual the 
laws against exporting wool, xxx 124} 

...» budget, xxx 126] 


Commons, House of: bill for amending the 
election act, xxx 130] 

«+++ motion for repeal of the shop tax ne- 
gatived, xxx 132] 

-+-- resolution for taking the slave trade 
into consideration, xxx 133] 134] 

e+. bill for regulating the conveyance of 
slaves from Africa, xxx 135] 

«++. compensations to American loyalists, 
xxx 136] 

«++. committee on Mr. Hastings’s answers 
to the charges against him, xxx 140] 

— of managers appointed, xxx 


»+.. motions for an account of expenses of 
Mr. Hastings’s trial, xxx 169] 170] 172] 

+... charges against sir Elijah Impey, xxx 
172] 174] 

«+. proceedings on the king’s illness, xxxi 
70] 89] 106] 128] 287] 

e+.» proposal of Mr. Pitt to search for pre- 
cedents, xxxi 70] 

e».. Mr. Fox remarks he knew there was 
none, and adds, that the regency neces- 
sarily devolved on the prince of Wales, 
xxxi 70] 71] 

--.- committee of the House on the state of 
the nation, xxxi 73] 76] 

e+.» proposal of Mr. Pitt, that the chancel- 
lor should be empowered to put the seal 
to a commission for opening parliament, 
Xxxi 89] 

e+. conference with the Lords, xxxi 98] 

«++» resolutions agreed to by them, xxxi 
104] 296] 302] 

-» +» W. W. Grenville chosen speaker, xxxi 
105] 129] 

+.++ motion for a fresh examination of the 
physicians, xxxi 106] 

for the resolutions to be pre- 
sented to the prince of Wales and the 
queen by a committee of both houses, 
xxxi 125] 

..+. the speaker assumes his functions 
without any presentation, xxxi 129] 

e+e regency bill brought in, 2d. 

--«+ his majesty’s recovery announced, xxxi 


«»-- remarks on the speech by Mr. Fox, 
xxxi 143] 
«».. address of congratulation, 7b. 308] 
—_— —— tothe queen, 

xxxi 143] 

«+++ debate on fortifications in the W. 
India islands, xxxi 143] 

«++» motion for an anniversary thanks- 
giving for the Revolution, xxxi 145] 

++. Shop tax repealed, 2d. 

«+e. additional tax and restrictions on 
hawkers and pedlars taken off, xxxi 

«+.. the House to attend at St. Paul’s at 
the thanksgiving for the king’s recovery, 
xxxi 147] 



Commons. House of: motion for re- 
peal of the Corporation and Test acts 
negatived, ib, 

eis 2 ait on the slave trade, xxxil49} 

12 Mr. Addington chosen speaker, xxxi 

«+. budget, 2. 

-... Mr. Sheridan’s motion for a committee 
negatived, xxxi 152] 

+... duties on tobacco removed from the 
customs to the excise, xxxi 154] 

.. «+ E. India budget, xxxi 158] 

-+.. petition of Mr. Hastings against Mr. 
Burke charging him with crimes not 
mentioned in the impeachment, xxxi 

«+.. proceedings on it, xxxi 161] 273] 

++e. complaint against certain newspapers, 
xxxi 164] 

+++. exportation of flour to France refused, 

-» e+ petition of the catholics, xxxi 324] 

+++. address on the king’s speech, xxxii 65] 

-+.. bill of indemnity respecting orders in 
council, xxxii 66] 

«+++ debates on the military establishment, 

e».. motion for the relief of dissenters, 
xxxli 72] 

xxxii 77] 

for a reform of parliament, 

for an increased salary to the 
speaker, xxxii 82] 

-».. E. India budget, xxxii 84] 

++.. committee on weights and measures, 
xxxii 89] xxxiv 154 

«++. petitions against subjecting dealers in 
tobacco to the excise, xxxii 89] 

+++. explanatory and amending bill for re- 
nee of the manufacturers passed, xxxii 


oo. budget, 2d. 

e-.. debate on the conduct of the Spaniards 
in Nootka sound, xxxii 95] : 

++.» address on the subject, xxxii 96] 

-+ ++ motion for papers negatived, xxxii 97] 

for an account of appointments 
of ambassadors to Spain, xxxii 98] 

-- +. vote of credit for a Spanish armament, 
xxxii 99] xxxiii 212] 

.- +» pension to Dr. Willis, xxxii 100] 

-+-+- committee on the tontine act of last 
session, 26. 

+++» proceedings on the slave trade, xxxii 

«+.» report of the committee for inspecting 
the buildings adjoining Westminster hall, 
xxxii 247] 

«+. Speech of the speaker on presenting 
certain bills to his majesty, xxxii 284] 

«+». general election, xxxiii 215 

..-. Mr. Addington rechosen speaker of 
the new parliament, xxxiili 221] 




Commons, House of: address in answer to 
the king’s speech, xxxiii 221 

+++. motion for papers on the affair of 
Nootka sound, xxxiii 223 

..+» address on the success of the late ne- 
gotiations, 7d. 

«+++ committee of ways and means, xxxili 
227, 278 

«+++ proposal to appropriate unclaimed 
dividends, xxxiii 228, 231 

«+e. petition against it, xxxiii 65] 

«+.. debate on the effect of a dissolution of 
parliament on an impeachment, xxxiii 231 

»+.. motion for limiting the impeachment 
to a single charge more, xxxiii 231, 252 

«++. motion for an address to continue the 
session, till the trial of Mr. Hastings is 
finished, xxxiii 232 

..+- motion for the correspondence on the 
attack of the lines of Travancore by 
Tippoo sultan, xxxiii 240 

.... farther debate on the war with Tippoo, 
xxxill 241 

-+.. resolutions approving the conduct of 
lord Cornwallis, xxxiii 242 

+... committee on the slave trade, xxxiii 

....- bill-for the relief of Roman Catholics, 
Xxxiii 246, 247 

+» ++ petition from the general assembly of 
Scotland, and motion for repeal of. the 
test acts, xxxiii 248 

.»»- debates on the Russian armament, 
xXxxili 251, 253 

-.-- bill for dividing Canada into two 
governments, xxxiii 260 

».«. bill recommitted, xxxiii 262 

..-. Mr. Fox’s motion for a committee on 
courts of justice, xxxiii 272 

+.-+- committee on the public income and 
expenditure, xxxiii 272, 119} 

+--+. act for providing for the gradual ex- 
tinction of every future loan, xxxiii 279 

-... E. India budget, 76. 3 

..-- bill for establishing a Sierra Leone 
company, zd. 

«.-. petition of J. H. Tooke on the West- 
minster election, xxxiii 80] 

+++. Teport of the select committee of 
finance, xxxiii 119] 

++.. message from the king relative to the 
establishment of the younger branches of 
the royal family, xxxiii 152] 

+.» debate on the king’s speech, xxxiv 127] 

+--+ motion for papers on India affairs nega- 
tived, xxxiy 129] 

+++. another carried, 7b. 

+++» resolutions on the war in India nega- 
tived, ib. 

--++ farther debates on the war, xxxiv 130] 

++.. debates on the Russian armament, 
xxxiv 131] 136] 140] 

+++. motion for papers negatived, xxxiv 132] 

+++. marriage of the duke of York, and in- 
creased allowance to, xxxiv 142] 
Pant I, 



Commons, House of: committee on the 

finances, xxxiv 143] 144] 175]. 

+... committee on the various evils of lot- 
teries, xxxiv 145] 

be on the slave trade, ib. 

+.-- debates on the period when it’s abo- 
peen should take place, xxxiv 151] 153] 

«+.. Westminster police bill, xxxiv 156] 

«+. bill for enclosing parts of the New 
Forest, withdrawn, xxxiv 159] 160] 

..». motion respecting improper conduct 
of persons in office at elections, xxxiv 160] 

«+. motions respecting the royal burghs of 
Scotland, xxxiv 162] 

...» notice of a motion for a reform of par- 
liament, xxxiv 163] 

++.» debate on the proclamation against 
seditious publications, xxxiv 165] 

..-» motion fora repeal of certain statutes 
against dissenters negatived, xxxiv 167] 

--.- Mr. Fox’s libel bill, xxxiv 169] 

.... bill for facilitating the recovery of sea- 
men’s wages, xxxiv 173] 

..«» E. India budget, zd. 

..+. standing orders respecting inland navi- 
gation, xxxiv 103 

+... speeches of the speaker on presenting 
certain bills, xxxiv 157, 161 

.... address on the king’s speech, xxxv 5] 

.... Mr. Fox’s motion for sending a minister 
to France, xxxv 22] 

+++. conversation on interference with 
France in behalf of the king, xxxv 37] 

..-. instructions to lord Gower laid before 
the House, 7d. 

+++. debates on the alien bill, xxxv 38] 

..-. bill to prevent the circulation of assig- 
nats, &e., xxxv 44] 

.... correspondence between lord Grenville 
and Mr. Chauvelin, zd. 114-28 

...- message from his majesty announcing 
the commencement of hostilities by 
France, xxxv 54] 

.. +» resolutions of Mr. Fox on the French 
war negatived, xxxv 69] : 

---- address of Mr. Grey on the war nega- 
tived, xxxv 71] 

.... Nottingham petition for reform not re- 
ceived, xxxv 75] 

..+. resolutions for enforcing the atten- 
dance of members on ballots for election 
committees, 74. 

+++ motion against barracks rejected, ¢b. 

-... E. India budget, xxxv 78] 

.... debates on the slavetrade, xxxv 85] 88] 

.... motion for a committee on the truth of 
the reports of sedition negatived, xxxv 91] 

..+- message from the king on the employ- 
ment of Hanoverian troops, xxxv 100] , 

.... budget, xxxv 101] 108] 109] 

»+ a+ bill for preventing traitorous corres- 
pondence, xxxv 112] 119} 



Commons, House of: debate on the renewal 
of the E. India company’s charter, xxxv 

+... committee on the'state of commercial 

_ credit, xxxv 132] 

+++. motion for an address to his majesty 
against lord Auckland’s memorial to the 
States General negatived, xxxv 137] 

++.» petitions for reform, xxxv 148] 82 

«++. petition from London against the duty 
on coals, xxxv 165] 

+++. bill for repealing the duty on coals 
earried coastwise in Scotland, and increas- 
ing the duty on spirits, xxxv 167] 

-+-- motion for a board of agriculture, xxxv 

«... resolutions respecting the disposal of 
convicts moved, xxxv 169] 

+... bill respecting the tithe of hops, drop- 
ped on account of the lateness of the 
session, xxxv 172] 

«+.. motion respecting the exercise of the 
executive authority, xxxv 173] 

.. ++ annuity of the late lord Rodney con- 
tinued to his heirs, xxxv 174] 

-... address fora monument in St. Paul’s 
to lord Rodney and lord Heathfield, 76. 
e... petition from the royal burghs of Scot- 

land, 2d. 

e... bill for a militia for Scotland, xxxv 

«+. reward to Mr. Mudge for timekeepers, 

++.» motion for procuring peace, 7b. 

--.. debate on the king’s speech, xxxvi 


Bis on landing foreign troops in the 
isle of Wight, xxxvi 198] 202] 140 

on the navy, xxxvi 206] 

on the Sardinian subsidy, xxxvi 



Goins on the augmentation of the 
army, xxxvi 207] 142 

ss. budget, xxxvi 210] 

+-.. act restraining the payment of money 
to persons residing in France, xxxvi 

2+. bill to prevent supplying foreigners 
with slaves, xxxvi 213] 

+«++ petitions against it, xxxvi 214] 

++... augmentation of the militia voted, 
xxxvi 234] 

++.. debate on the volunteer forces, xxxvi 

+... motion on the illegality of raising 
money by subscriptions, xxxvi 236] 

+++. bill for encouraging volunteers, xxxvi 

ees. —— for enlisting Frenchmen, xxxvi 

e+.. debates on the foreign treaties, xxxvi 
245] 142 

yee- Dill for restricting the number of 
foreigners in Merchantmen, and allowiny 

_ RONG in-consting vessels, xxuvi 249) ~ 


Commons, House of: motion on the failures 
at Dunkirk and Toulon, xxxvi 250] 
+. ++ motion on E. India affairs, xxxvi 251] 
--.. debate on the Prussian subsidy, xxxvi 
251] 142 
-+.. motion on our conduct toward Ame- 
rica, xxxvi 257] 
-».. resolutions for putting ah end to the 
war with France negatived, xxxvi 261] 
+++. motion for allowing appeals from the 
Scotch court of .justiciary in matters of 
law, xxxvi 263] 

++.. petition from the rev. T. F. Palmer, 
xxxvi 264] 

-+.. motion for a review of the trials of 
Muir and Palmer, 74. 

++.. Secret committee on the Constitutional 
re Corresponding Societies, xxxvi 268] 


-... address to the king to invest him with 
additional power to suppress attempts 
against government, xxxvi 276] 

++.. motion for an account of the money 
paid to the k. of Prussia and the troops 
employed by him, xxxvi 280] 

+++» amount of salaries of different officers 
appointed during the war, laid before the 
House, xxxvi 93 

a * pay of the army commissaries, xxxvi 

+... thanks to the managers of the impeach- 
ment against Warren Hastings, xxxvi 152 

.+.» reading of the outlawry bill opposed, 
and repeal of the Habeas corpus suspen- 
sion bill moved, previous to moving the 
address on the king’s speech, xxxvii 151] 

-.+. debate on the address, xxxvii 153] 

++.. debate on the Habeas corpus suspen-~ 
sion act, xxxvii 156] 159] 

.... committee of supply, xxxvii 166] 171] 

bene thee for raising seamen without im- 
pressment, xxxvii 172] 

-... Austrian loan, xxxvii 173] 200] 201] 

«++. budget, xxxvii 177] 

+... motion against interference in the in- 
ternal affairs of France, negatived, xxxvii 

seas that the present government 

of France is no obstacle to peace rejected, 
xXxxvii 191] 

eaters for a committee on the state of 
the nation, 7d. 

seh for a general peace rejected, 
xxxvii 196] 

Peo for a final abolition of the slave 
trade rejected, xxxvii 203] 

--.. bill for augmenting the militia, and 
improving it’s discipline, xxxvii 212] 

ees. —— for new modelling the London 
militia, xxxvii 213] 

>+.. debate on a grant of money to the sol~ 
diers withont consent of parliament, 
xxxvii 214] 




Commons, House of: thanks to sir C. Grey 
and sir J. Jervis, xxxvii 216] 

«+++ petition from the merchants trading to 
Grenada and St. Vincent’s, zb. 

+.» Statement of E. India affairs, xxxvii 217] 

++.. debates on the establishment of the 
prince of Wales on his marriage, and pay- 
ment of his debts, 2d. 

«++. message from the throne on these sub- 
jects, xxxvii 136 

«++ debates on the dismissal of earl Fitz- 
william, xxxvii 228] 

ee.. petitions to, for peace, xxxvii 105-7. 
xxxviii 5] 

-. ++ debates on the king’s speech, xxxviii 10] 

+++. conference with the Lords and address 
to the king on stones being thrown at his 
coach, xxxviii 17] 

+.+. bill for the prevention of seditious 
meetings, xxxviii 21] 32] 34] 43] 44] 

++». motion for an inquiry into the par- 
ticulars of the insult to fhe king nega- 
tived, xxxviii 32] 

+--+. petitions against the treason and sedi- 
tion bills, xxxviii 41] 

+++. motion to postpone them negatived, 
XXXvili 42] 

e+ bill for the security of the sovereign, 
Xxxviii 44] 

++.. —~ for allowing importation of corn, 
and regulating the sale of flour and 
making of bread, xxxviii 47] 49] 

+++. motions respecting the causes of 
scarcity negatived, zd. 

-.+. bill for encouraging the cultivation of 
waste land, xxxviii 50] 

--+- debates on the navy and army, 2. 

+--+ motion for a committee of inquiry on 
the barrack system negatived, xxxviii 51 | 

-+-- budget, xxxviii 53] 55] 56| 

+++. resolutions against the pretended 
Hamburgh bills negatived, xxxviii 54] 

++.. debates on an irregular vote of credit, 
xxxviii 55] 

--++ message from the king on his dispo- 
sition to negotiate for peace, xxxviii 56] 
+++» Mr. Grey’s motion for peace rejected, 

Xxxviii 57] 

«+++ debate on the employment of blood- 
hounds against the Maroons, xxxviii 60] 
+++- motion for an ingiliry into the state of 

the nation negatived, xxxviii 61] 
+++. Second budget, xxxviii 64] 70] 
--.. motion for papers relative to the expe- 
ditions to the W. Indies, xxxviii 66] 
———__—_——- relative to the Qui- 
beron expedition negatived, xxxviii 68] 
---- debate on the subsidy to the king of 
Sardinia, xxxviii 70] 
+... charges against ministers, and motion 
for impeachment negatived, xxxviii 71] 
os gtr for peace negatived, xxxviii 
+++» Motions on the slave trade negatiyed, 
xxxviii 73] 2 


Commons, House of: bill for the relief of 
indigent curates, xxxviii 73] 

+++» petition from the Quakers rejected, 76. 

.-.- motion for relief of insolvent debtors 
negatived, 7b. 

+...» denunciation of treason, by a madman 
in the gallery, xxxviii 40 

+» petition from sir F. Blake on taxation, 
xxxvili 115 

+... reports of committee on the high 
pvice of corn, xxxviii 413-38 

-++- debates on the king’s speech, xxxix 

+++. committee on the allusion in it to a 
threatened invasion, xxxix 119] 

.. +» bill for increasing our forces on a new 
plan, xxxix 121] 

++.» Seotch militia bill, xxxix 126] 

+++. committee of supply, xxxix 127] 

..++ budget, xxxix 13]] 

«.+» motion, that ministers have violated 
the constitutional privileges of the House 
by advances of money, negatived, xxxix 

-+.. second budget, xxxix 141] 

..+. message from his majesty on the sub- 
ject, xxxix 177 

.+++ motion for an allowance to the holders 
of the loyalty loan, xxxix 143] 

.. +. E. India budget, xxxix 144] 

..+» debate on the failure of the negotiation 
for peace, xxxix 152] 

++.. neutral party in, xxxix 165] 

-».+ motion for peace, xxxix 168] 

+++. message from the king on the stoppage 
of the Bank, xxxix 186] 175 

++e» motion for an inquiry into all it’s 
causes, xxxix 193] 

-+.. veports of the committee, xxxix 200] 

--.. bill for restricting cash payments, 
xxxix 201] 

-».. motion for a new bank under certain 
circumstances, negatived, xxxix 204] 

. resolutions criminatory of ministers 
moved by Mr. Grey, xxxix 205] 

...- bill for redressing the complaints of 
the seamen, xxxix 212] 

.... bills against exciting mutiny and se- 
dition in the navy or army, and for re- 
pressing them, xxxix 217] 

.... thanks to sir J. Jervis and his officers, 
xxxix 225] 

++. motion for inquiry into the conduct 
of ministers respecting the invasion of Tre- 
land, negatived, xxxix 224] 

2 into the state of 

Ireland negatived, xxxix 243] 

tees for dismissal of ministers, 
negatived, xxxix 250] 

«... motion for reform of parliament nega- 
tived, xxxix 253] , 

.... report of committee of inquiry into 
the finaneial gigte of the nation, xxxix 

+++» debates on thye king’s speech) xl 170) 
L2 \ 



Commons, House of; motion to agree with 
the Lords in their address on the nego- 
tiations at Lisle, x] 177] 

2... Bank restriction bill continued, x1 181} 

-+.. debates on the estimates and supplies, 

«ee. motion for applying certain emolu- 
ments of office to the public service 
withdrawn, x1 205] 

cee for a tax on transfer of stock 
negatived, id. 

e+. bill for the redemption of the land 
tax, x1 206] 

e+. second budget, xl 214] 

e+. bill for allowing the supplementary 
militia to enlist into the army, xl 217] 

‘e+e. — for the better security and defence 
of the realm, x1 218] 

»e.. revival of the alien bill, x! 221] 

cose of the Habeas corpus suspen- 

|, sion bill, 2. 

ee. message from the king on preparations 
for invasion and traitorous correspon- 
dence, xl 221] 211 

‘se. resolutions on the state of Ireland ne- 
gatived, xl 225] 

ee.. bill for accepting offers of militia to 
serve in Ireland, xl 226] 212 

+... —for suspending seamen’s protec- 
tions, x] 227] 

oes» — for regulating the proprietors and 
publishers of newspapers, xl 228] 

‘e+ +» debate on the slave trade, xl 231] 

‘ee bill for regulating it, xl 237] 

«+. debate on the king’s speech, xli 168] 

.... committee of supply, xli 172] 188] 

--- Russian subsidy, xli 188] 

«... budget, xli 190] 

...» E. India budget, xli 192] 

..-. bill toamend the former for the sale 

of the Jandtax xli 194] 

+... Motion against any negotiations that 
might preyent peace negatived, xli 

+... renewal of the Habeas corpus suspen- 
sion act, xli 197] 

.... debate on a proposed union with 
Ireland, xli 204] 

«».. message from the king on the subject, 
xli 205 

«.-- resolutions proposed by Mr. Pitt, xli 

..-. additional resolutions by Mr. Sheridan, 
sli 213] 214} . 

e+.. address of the Lords on the union 
agreed to, xli 233] 

e+.. report of the committee of secrecy on 
traitorous societies, xli 150 

e+. message from the king relative to 
Perens of peace from France, xlii 77] 

++ ++ message relating to the Russian troops 
in Guernsey and Jersey, xlii 77] 99] 

-+-- debate on the employment of German 
troops instead of Russians, xlii 101} 


"co ¢ 

Commons, House of: debates on the war 
with France, xlii 104] 

«+++ committee of supply, xlii 110] 

wie te Naktis on a union with Ireland, xlii 

»».- Habeas corpus suspension act renewed, 
xlii 122] 

+++. committee on the scarcity, xlii 129] 
130] 134] 135] 

on ships and cargoes burnt 

to prevent the plague, xlii 137] 165, 166 

+... ————- on monastic institutions in 

G. Britain, xlii 138] 143] 

-».. bill to prevent bullbaiting negatived, 
xlii 146] 

«eee —— against adultery, brought from 
the Lords, rejected, xlii 157] 

«+.. address to his majesty for the better 
preservation, arrangement, and use of 
public records, xlii 158] 

..++ petition from London for peace, xlii 4 

-.-- report of committee on enclosure bills, 
xlii 85 

Hone ———-——-- on bread, corn, 
&e., xlii 94, 97 

esas ——-on the scarcity, 
xlii 101, 108, 113, 117, 120 

+... resolutions on the state of the nation, 
xlii 149 

++.. papers relative to a negotiation for 
peace, xlii 215-23 

+...» debate on the king’s speech, xliii 8} 

.-.. bounties on grain voted, xliii 16] 

«++. use of grain in distillation and starch 
prohibited, xl 74. 

+++. exportation of rice and of provision 
prohibited, 2d. 

-++- committee on the scarcity, 7d. 

.»+» importation of herrings and other fish 
free of duty, 7d. 17] 

+»+. money granted for the purchase and 
distribution of herrings, xliii 17] 

..++ prohibitionof fine flour, and new bread, 

«+. resolution for temporary relief to over- 
burdened parishes, 76. 

--.. bill for ascertaining the population of 
G. Britain, xliii 23] 

-+.. motion for papers on the evacuation of 
Egypt negatived, xliii 28] 

for a separate peace negatived, 

xliii 34] 

are for the dismissal of ministers 

negatived, xliii 38] 

«+.. committee of supply, 7d. 

..-- army and navy sedition, Habeas corpus 
suspension, and alien bill, renewed, xliii 

..++ late speaker rechosen for the imperial 
parliament, xliii 42] 

.... debates on the king’s speech, xliii 48] 

. office of speaker resigned by Mr. 
Addington, xliii 123] 
.. sirJ. Mitford chosen speaker, xliii 124} 

.+++ thanks to the late speaker, 74, 



Commons, House of: debates on going into 
a committee of supply, xliii 124] 142] 

+»+- committee of supply, xliii 143] 152] 

-. +» address for a copy of the Irish statutes, 
xliii 147] 

++.. various motions respecting the Irish 
finances, 7b, 

e++- committee on the annual Irish duties, 
xliii 148] 

© epee of ways and means for Ire- 
land, xliii 149] 

«++» Second budget, xliii 152] 

+++ debates on acts for suppressing rebel- 
lion in Ireland, xliii 154) 

e+.» committee on the state of Ireland, 
xliti 172] 

-+.. act for the cultivation of wastes and 
improvement of commons, xliii 180] 

++.. -— for encouraging the growth of 
potatoes, xliii 181] 

++.» -— for enclosing and improving cer- 
tain lands without specific bills, xliii 182] 

«+.. committee for inquiry into the salt 
laws, 7b. 

-+.. brown bread bill repealed, 7d. 

+».+. committee on the eligibility of persons 
in holy orders, xliii 183] 

«+++ act to relieve poor housekeepers from 
rates, xliii 185] 

»-+. thanks to admirals Parker, Nelson, and 
Graves, and their officers, 2d. 

++-. monuments in St. Paul’s voted to 
captains Mosse and Riou, 2d. 

«++. monument in Westminster Abbey to 
sic Ralph Abercromby, and title and 
pension to his widow &c. xliii 186] 

+++.» motion for inquiry into the expedition 
against Ferrol, 7b. 

sees into the state of the 
nation negatived, xliii 187] 

on the convention in Egypt, 

xliii 188] 

+... E. India Budget, xliii 191] 163 

---- motion for papers on the E. India 
trade to Europe, xliii 194] 

+» Select committee for inquiry into the 
state of the public records, xliii 144 

«».. reports of secret committee on treason- 
able practices, xliii 174 

.. ++ address on the king’s speech, xliv 4 

++.» questions by Mr, Grey on the afiairs of 
Portugal, xliv 8 

« ene on the peace, xliv 20, 129, 136, 

+... debate on the convention with Russia, 
xliv 48 

+». motion on the E. India trade, xliv 59 

++. questions to ministers on the sailing 
of the Brest fleet, xliv 66, 99 

+++ Stale bread act repealed, xliv 68 

+»+- temporary ways and means, xliv 68, 

+».. motion to continue the prohibition of 
pepe from grain negatived, xliv 



Commons, House of: militia voted, xliv 69 

++.» house adjourned from time to time. zh. 

---. rt. hon, C. Abbot chosen speaker, xliv 

+++ petition from the booksellers for a 
repeal of the additional duties on paper, 

+... Select committee on the arrears of the 
civil list, xliv 101, 111 

-+«. bill to repeal the countervailing duty 
on American vessels, xliv 105, 107 

+++. motion for papers on nonpayment of 
government bills negatived, xliv 107 

.++» Claim of the arrears of the duchy of 
Cornwall for the prince of Wales, xliv 114 

budget, xliv 123, 178 

.».. Motion for inquiry into the conduct 
of the late administration, xliv 126 

..-. bill for continuing the volunteer corps, 
xliv 154 

.+.. motion for papers respecting E. India 
affairs, xliv 139 

-».. bill to abolish bullbaiting rejected, 
xliv 168 

.++. motion respecting the cultivation of 
Trinidad, xliv 172 

..«+ bill for the relief of the clergy from 
vexatious prosecutions, xliv 175. xlv 110 

...+ petition from the regents of the Car- 
natic, xliv 180 

..+- motion for examining the claims of the 
son of the nabob of Arcot, xliv 180 

..-- the king’s message on his debts, xliv 

—_—__—_- to make provision 

for the dukes of Sussex and Cambridge, 
xliv 604 

.... Mr. Abbot rechosen speaker, xlv 2 

.--- debates on the king’s speech, xlv 8, 

...+ committee ofsupply, xlv 33, 38, 44,48 

.. ++ petitions respecting the late Middlesex 
election, xlv 37 

-- +. budget, xlv 48 

..-- petition against the new tunnage duty, 
xlv 54 

.... bill for appointing commissioners to 
inquire into abuses in the naval depart- 
ment, xlv 54, 124 

.... renewal of the bank restriction bill, 
xlv 66 , 

..+. message on the situation of the prince 
of Wales, xlv 69, 76, 646 

.... address on his majesty’s escape from 
the machinations of traitors, xlv 69 

.... messages from the prince of Wales, 
xlv 80, 84 

..«. bill for extending the time of exer- 
cising the militia, xlv 80 

.... message on the military preparations 
of France and Holland, xlv 87, 89, 646 

.... committee of supply, xlv 91 

.... E. India budget, xlv 97, 107 

,.+- motion to increase the bounty to 
militia in Ireland, xlv 99, 101 ; 


Commons, House of: committee on Not- 
tingham election, xlv 100, 122 

+--+ petition from Nottingham, xlv 101 

«++» bill for giving commissions in the 
militia to half pay officers, xly 105 

e+++ annuity, to adm, sir J. Saumarez, xlv 
108 , 

+++. 9. Trotter committed to Newgate ‘for 
not obeying a summons of an election 
committee, xlv 109 

«+e» motion for bill to equalize salt im- 
ported into Ireland by weight, withdrawn, 
xlv 110 

ee+» petition against St. Pancras workhouse 
bill, xlv 114 , 

e+. debates on the coroners bill, xly 115, 
119, 120 

«+++ clergy nonresidence and farm bill, 
xly 115, 128, 125, 156 

Pee on the Grenada loan bill, xlv 

e+. bill for the consolidation of duties, xlv 

+--+ committee on the Ilchester election, 
xlv 119 

e+++ motion for papers respecting the Cape 
of Good Bacar 120 

»+++ adjournments in expectation of a rup- 
ture with France, xlv 130, 131, 139 

- «+ bill of indemnity for orders in council 
to export seed corn to Norway, xlv 13] 

sees for orders in council 
4 prohibit exporting military stores, 

ee-+ message onthe rupture with France, 
xlv 141, 647 

e+e motions for papers, xlv 141, 143, 144 

e+e debates on the negotiation, xly 150 

eee» motion for an address to his majesty 
toaccept the mediation of Russia, xlv 156 

e+.» debate on the conduct of ministers, 
xly 162 

ee+- army estimates, xlv 182 

eve» budget, xlv 183 

e*+++ message on the rupture with Holland, 
xlv 183, 647 

e+++ plan for raising an additional force, 
xlv 185, 186, 188, 193, 195, 205 

«+.» message on the subject, xlv 648 

--e- property tax, xlv 192, 194 

e+e levy in mass bill, xlv 195, 205 

«e+. message for an allowance to the prince 
of Orange, xlv 199, 648 

jesae - on the insurrection in Ireland, 
xlv 202, 648 

eo.. bills for trying rebels in Ireland by 
martial law, and suspending the Habeas 
corpus act there, xlv 203 

-++- E. India budget, xlv 204 

eee motion for thanks to the volunteers, 
and returns of the corps, xly 207 

«++. motion on thestate of Ireland, xlv 210, 

e+e. committee for improving the port of 
London, xlv 625 

vo.++ address on the king’s speech, xlvi 3, 5 



Commons, House of: committee of supply, 
xlvi 5, 15 

--.. clergy nonresidence bill, xlyi 5 

..«- debates on the Irish Habeas corpus 
suspension and martial law bills, xlvi 6, 
7, 1 

sees Dill respecting exemptions of volun- 
teers, xlvi 23 

..+» volunteer consolidation bill, xlvi 29, 
35, 42, 56, 84 

++.. motion for adjournment on accoun 
of the king’s illness negatived, xlvi 32. 

+++. motion for inquiry into the Irish in- 
surrection negatived, xlvi 43 

...+ motion on the maleadministration of 
the navy negatived, xlvi 50 ; 

-».. méssage on the offer of the Irish 
militia to serve in G. Britain, xlvi 64, 

«+s. money voted for ships taken and 
destroyed at Toulon, xlvi 67 

+--+ committee on the Irish militia offer, 
xlvi 68, 72 . 

..-- Irish militia augmentation bill xlvi 
70, 72 

».++ motion respecting the defence of the 
country, xlvi 73 

ae for the suspension of the army 
of reserve bill, xlvi 78 

«. e+ budget, xlvi 81 ‘ 

.-.. thanks to the civiland military officers 
in India, xlvi 82 

.-». motion for papers respecting Hanover, 
xlvi 84 . 

«+++ debates on the abolition of the slave 
trade, xlvi, 85, 92, 97 

..++ debates on the additional force bill, 
xlvi 88, 93, 95, 97, 98, 100 

+++. motion on the conduct of the lord 
advocate, xlvi, 91, 106 

++.. petitions against judge Fox, xlvi 92, 

-»+. corn trade bill, xlvi 104, 109 

-».. stamp duty bill, xlvi 109 

--.. India budget, xlvi 110 

-+.. Ailesbury election bill, xlvi 111 

-.++ questions concerning capt. Wright, 
xlvi 113 

«++. address of the speaker to his majesty, 
xlvi, 113, 598 

+++. addition to the civil list, xlvi 1132. 

eeee report of Middlesex election _com- 
mittee, xlvi 397 

-... address on the king’s speech, xlvii 4 

-».. motion for papers on E. India aflairs, 
xIvii 6 

-... supplies, &c, xlvii 7,27, 36, 48, 60, 
88, 110 

+++. papers relative to the discussion with 
Spain presented, xlvii 7 

.... debate on army estimates, é/. 

---- continuation of the Habeas corpus 
suspension act in Ireland, xlvii 9, 35 

«++. debate on the rupture with Spain, 
xlvii 20 


Commons, House of : debate on the defence 
of the country, xvii 43 
.» +» bill for the abolition of the slave trade 
rejected, xlvii 45 
e+. petition from the calico printers res- 
Eaune disputes with their masters, xlvii 

+++» debates on the continuation of the 
commission on naval abuses, 7d. 

Ws debates on the salt duty, xlvii 48, 51, 

«+ «+ motion for the repeal of the additional 
force act negatived, xlvii 45 

«++. report on the Middlesex election, 
xlvii 53 

.».. the sheriffs committed to Newgate, 
xlvii 54 

+. +» alteration in the mutiny bill, 2b. 

++». agricultural horse duty bill negatived, 
xlvii 55 

-... Irish budget, xlvii 56, 81 

-»-- debates on the bill for reducing the 
militia, xlvii 58, 61 

++.» Supplementary budget, xlvii 6 

«+.- Roman Catholic petition, xlvii 61, 93 

-.-- bill for restraining notes under a 
certain sum in Ireland, xlvii 61 

us. —— to amend the Irish post road bill, 

e+.. —— to amend the act respecting the 
powers of certain officers in India, 26. 

+s.» motion for papers on the attainder of 
Cornelius Grogan, xlvii 62 

«» ++ debate on the Mahratta war, xlvii 63 

oeee on the report of commissioners 
of nayal inquiry, xlvii 67 

++ -+ report of committee on it, xlvii 556 

«++. resolutions against lord Melville, xlvii 

--,. tobe laid before his majesty by the 
whole House, xlvii 75, 88 

+... motion to bring the editor of the 
Oracle to the bar, xlvii 76 

+... motions for committees on reports of 
the commissioners, xlvii 78, 99 

«.+- motion, that it is a high breach of 
privilege to circulate lists of members 
to be ballotted for 4 secret committee, 
lost, xlvii 79 

+--+. editor of the Oracle committed to 
aie custody of the sergeant at arms, 

---. motion for instituting a civil process 
against lord Melville and Mr. Trotter, 
xlvit 82 

«+++ petition and discharge of the editor of 
the Oracle, ib. 

++.. thanks to the commissioners of naval 
inquiry, xlvii 85 

+++ request to the lords to permit lord 
Melvile to attend the House, xlvii 87 

+++. motion that his majesty’s answer to 
the communication respecting lord Mel- 
aie be laid before the House, xlvii 

Commons, House of: conference with the 
lords, and lords Melville and Harrowby 
permitted to attend the committee, xlvii 

++.» question on continental affairs, xlvii 

+++. appointment of a commission of mili- 
tary inquiry, 2b. 

«+++ prize agency bill, xlvii 100 

.--- Jord Melville’s address to, xlvii 101 

.... motion forhis impeachment negatived, 

ght. for a criminal prosecution 

carried, xlvii 104 

-».. resolutions respecting the employment 
of certain sums of money by Mr. Pitt 
rejected, 7b. 

--.. leave to bring in a bill of indemnity 
granted, xlvii 105 

-+.. petition from the duke of Athol for 
farther compensation for the isle of Man, 
xlvii 108, 111, 114, 115 

.«+. message from the king on continental 
connections, xlyii 108 

.+.. proceedings against lord Melville, xlvii 
109, 112, 115, 116, 117 

.. ++ motion on the state of public affairs, 
xlvii 110 

.... charges against lord Wellesley, xlvii 
111. xlviii 100 

«+s petition of Mr, Todd Jones, xlvii 113, 

.+.. motion for a committee on military 
affairs negatived, xlvii 113 

---- bill for indemnifying evidence against 
lord Melville, xlvii 115 

..+- Motion for papers respecting capt. 
Wright, xlvii 118 

+-+. memorial from the navy board in 
answer to the third report of the naval 
commissioners, xlvii 119 

-.++ message from the lords on the refusal 
of evidence on the Athol business, 2. 

».+» message to the lords in answer, 2b. 

..+- motion for interring Mr. Pitt at the 
public expense, xlviii 13 

for the payment of his debts, 

xlviii 16 

..-. bill for enabling the auditor of the 
exchequer to hold the office of commis- 
sioner of the treasury, xlviii 27 

.»++ debate on the appointment of a chief 
justice as cabinet minister, xlviii 28 

..-- repeal of the additional force bill, 
xviii 42, 43, 46, 53, 56, 57 

+... committee of supply, xlviii 43 

.. debates on limited service in the army, 

xlviii 48, 53, 58, 61 

..-» Chelsea Hospital bill, xlviii 62 

-+.+ military training bill, 2. 

... bill to suspend the militia ballot, xlviii 

~,... volunteer officers’ bill, 24. 

-+..» militia officers’ bill, 7. 
s+ee bill for increasing the pay of the navy, 


and extending the benefits of Greenwich 
hospital, xlviii 64 

Commons House of: bill of indemnity for 
the large number of foreign troops in the 

‘ kingdom, and for a permanent increase of 
number, 7b. 

---» budget, xlviii 67 

+++» American intercourse bill, xlviii 85 

-» + committee on the woollen manufacture, 
xviii 89 

».-- bill to explain the treating act, and 
render it more effectual rejected, xlvili 95 

-»+- Stipendiary curates’ bill thrown out, 
xl viii 96 

+».. address to his majesty to direct the 
college of physicians to inquire into the 
state of vaccine inoculation, xlviii 97 

--.. chargesagainst earl St. Vincent, 2b. 98 

--.~ vote of thanks to him, xlviii 99 

-++. charges against lord Wellesley, xlviii 

ee. E. India budget, xlviii 104 

«++. bill to enable the commissioners to 
carry into effect the agreement between 
the E. India company and the creditors 
of the Nabob of Arcot, xlviii 107 

e+» thanks to the managers of lord Mel- 
ville’s trial, xlviii 123 

e»-- Middlesex election committee, xlviii 

2e +e debate on the king’s speech, xlix 36 

eee address in answer toit moved by Mr. 
Canning, xlix 613 

»+« thanks to sir J. Stuart and the officers 
and men under him, xlix 46, 47 

e+ ++ debate on the negotiation with France, 
xlix 55, 59 

ee++ committee of supply, xlix 72, 75, 84, 
85, 99 

«++. motion for returns of the effective 
ae of our military establishment, xlix 

e+». committee on the finances, xlix, 89, 
94, 617, 620, 631, 680, 684 

; on the loan interest bill, 

xlix 97 

o«.. finance resolutions moved by sir James 
Pulteney, xlix 97, 690 

«+s. committee of ways and means, xlix 99 

eee. report of the commission of military 
inquiry on abuses in the barrack depart- 
ment, xlix 100 

e+» motion ‘for papers relative to thesc 
abuses, xlix 103 

ooee for a committee of finance, 
nt inquire into useless places, &c. xlix 104, 

2e+e bill for the abolition of the slave trade, 
xlix 114 

e+ee motion for a gradual abolition of 
slavery, xlix 120 

eeee bill for encouraging industry, and the 
relief of the poor, xlix 128 

evee bill for allowing catholics to serve in 
the army avd navy, xlix 134, 421 



Commons, House of: motion for a resolu- 
tion against granting offices in reversion, 
xlix 137 

++.» address against granting the duchy of 
Lancaster for life, xlix 138 

«++. answer to it, xlix 151 

..-, Statement of the causes of the change 
of ministry, xlix 140 

.++. motion for a committee on the use of 
sugar and melasses in distilleries and 
breweries, xlix 143 

stalers on lord Wellesley’s conduct to 
the nabob of Oude, xlix 144 

.»++ bill for making freehold property lia- 
ble to simple debts negatived, xlix 145 

«+++ motion against pledges given by mi- 
nisters to the king negatived, xlix 151] 

raise of regret at the change of mi- 
nistry negatived, xlix 162 

ages for a committee onthe churches 
and glebe houses of Ireland, xlix 164 

++». thanks to sir S. Auchmuty, 7d. 

to gen. Lumley and adm. Stir- 
ling, xlix 165 

-»+. debate on the king’s speech, xlix 

+--+ motion respecting private bills in pro- 
gress in the late parliament, xlix 239 

---- debate on renewal of the finance com< 
mittee, xlix 240 

.... committee of supply, xlix 245 

»..- bill for transferring a portion of mili- 
tia to the line, and augmenting the militia, 

..+. bills for suppressing insurrection and 
preventing disturbances of the peace in 
Ireland, xlix 246 

»«e+, motion for a return of places &c. held 
by members of parliament, xlix 247 

.... address to the king not to grant offices 
in reversion, xlix 248 

+... finance report, xlix 631 

». «+ debate on the king’s speech, 19] 

+++ thanks to the army and navy employed 
in the expedition against Copenhagen, | 

motion for papers relating to it, 1 


Aric -—— an address to his majesty 
on the subject negatived, 7b. 

le papers from which garbled 
extracts had been read negatived, | 40] 

pees — the correspondence with 
Sweden after the affair of Copenhagen 
negatived, 1 45] 

Siete — an address inculpating the 
expedition negatived, 1 51] 

ous keeping the Danish fleet in 
repair negatived, | 54] 

ee. papers relative to proposed mediation 
for peace, 1 57] ; 

++.. motion for a negotiation negatived, 1 

bee ie yas respecting official commu- 
nications negatived, 1 64} 



Commons, House of: motion for papers re- 
lative to the expedition to the Darda- 
nelles, 1 67] 

-+e» resolutions on the subject negatived, 

169] : 
...+ debates on the orders in council, 1 74] 
82] 84] 87] 

+++» bill for intercourse with America, 1 84] 

-+.. Liverpool petitions against the orders 
in council rejected, 1 88] 89] 

-+++ other petitions rejected, 1 89] 

«+, Charges against lord Wellesley relative 
to the nabob of Oude, | 90] 

+++. motion on the treaty with the nabob 
negatived, 1 92] 

+... resolutions on his deposition nega- 
tived, 1 93] 

+++. resolutions approving the conduct of 
the marquis, | 92] 94] 

++.» budget, 1 95] 99] 107] 

+++ mutiny bill, 1 110] 113] 

«+e local militia bill 1113] 115] 

«+.» bill to prevent the grant of offices in 
reversion, | 116] 

ae a another bill of limited duration passed, 
7 ° . 

-++e bill for amending the criminal law, 1 
117] 118] 

+++ bill for granting compensation to per- 
sons acquitted, 1 118] 

-».» debates on the sum to be allowed the 
college of Maynooth, | 121] 

e+-- bill to prohibit distillation from corn, 
1 123] 

«++» motion on the affairs of Spain, 1 124] 
++es report of the select committee on the 
affairs of the E, India company, | 194* 
..-+» third report of the committee on the 

public expenditure, 1 201* 
.-+- members of the House holding offices, 
1 220° 
++.. debate on the king’s speech, li 34 
--.. thanks tosir A. Wellesley, 1i 50 ° 
+++» motions on the convention of Cintra, 
li 54 : 
ae debate on the campaign in Spain, li 

+» + budget, li 80, 87 

-.+- report of committee of public expen- 
diture, li 90 

«++. resolutions on the finances, li 98 

«+++ report of the commissioners of naval 
revision, li 100 

«+++ militia enlistment bill, li 107 

— completion bill, li 111 

++» marine mutiny Dill, li 115 

+++» inquiry into the conduct of the duke 
of York, li 117-148 ‘ 

wre ee from the duke to the speaker, li 

++ ++ motion for an address to the king to 
remove him from the command of the 
army negatived, <b, 

+++ bill to prevent the sale and brokerage 
of offices, li 49 


Commons, House of: select committee on 

corrupt practices in E. India appoint. 

ments, li 149, 419 

.-. resolutions on lord Castlereagh’s traf- 

ficing for a seat in parliament negatived, 
li 151 

. charges against lord Castlereagh and 
Mr. Perceval for corrupt practices res- 
pecting the return of members, li 157 

..«. motion on the subject negatived, li 

«+e» motion on parliamentary reform, 7d. 

e.-- sit F. Burdett’s plan of reform, li 

-... motion for taking it into consideration 
at a future period negatived, li 167 

-.-- motion for limiting the number of 
placemen in the House negatived, 2b. . 

.» «+ col. Wardle’s plan of public economy, 
and motion for papers in support of it, 
li 168 

+». motion respecting the criminal law, li 

+++. report on the Scotch judicature bill, 
li 170 

+++» additions to the salaries of the judges, 
li 171 

eee queen Ann’s bounty, 2, 

«.-. debates on the king’s speech, lii 10, 

«+++ motion of thanks to lord Wellington 
hy the army for the battle of Talavera, 
ii 32 : 
-+-. lord Wellington’s annuity bill, lii 35 
«s+» petition against it from the city of 
London, lii 35, 257* 
-++-motion for the minutes of the court 
martial on lord Gambier rejected, lii 35 
++.«. vote of thanks to lord Gambier and the 
fleet, lii 38 

»»-+ motion for inquiry into the expedition 
to the Scheldt, and secret committee ap- 
pointed, lii 41, 49 

+++. motion for papers respecting it, lii 48 

+++» inquiry into the aflair of the Scheldt, 
1ii 50 

e+e. proceedings with respect to a paper 
beara by lord Chatham to the king, 

+... address to his majesty for any other 
paper delivered by lord Chatham, lii 53 

.. ++ his majesty’s answer, lii 57 

++. the answer entered on the journals, 26. 

«++» resolutions respecting the earl of Chat- 
ham’s narrative, lii 61 

+ ++ resolutions condemning the expedition 
to the Scheldt negatived, lii 75 

++.» resolution approving it, and another 
approving the retention of Walcheren, 
carried, lii 85 

.».- order for the exclusion of strangers 
enforced during the investigation, lii 86 

»».. motion of Mr. Sheridan on the sub- 
ject negatived, lii 87 

ese. 9» Dean committed to the custody of 


the serg. at arms, reprimanded, and dis- 
charged, lii 93 

Commons, House of : J. G. Jones committed 
to Newgate, lii 93 

+++. motion for his discharge, as the im- 
Mp ee being illegal, negatived, lii 


+++ debates on sir F. Burdett’s letter to 
his constituents, lii 98, 102 

+++. motions for referring it to a commit- 
tee of privileges &c. lii 100 

-++- sir F. Burdett ordered to be commit- 
ted to the Tower, lii 104 

++.. letter to the speaker from sir F, Bur- 
dett, lii 106 

+++. actions brought against the speaker 
and sergeant at arms by him, lii 108 

«++. report of the select committee, lii 439 

+++. petitions relative to sir F. Burdett, lii 
109, 110, 249*, 258*, 259* 

«+++ conversation on the reports of debates, 
lii 114 

++». committee of supply, lii 116 

es on E. India affairs, lii 120, 

++. bills against granting offices in rever- 
sion, lii 121, 125 

-+.- finance committee reappointed, lii 122 

«++» debates on the report of the finance 
committee, lii 123, 125 

+++ bullion committee, lii 126, 454 

eeee fifth report of committee on public 
expenditure, lii 129, 446 

.. + twelfth report of the commissioners of 
military inquiry, lii 129 

«+s. Jos. Hunt expelled for misapplying 
public money, lii 130 

-++» bill for punishing embezzlement of 
public money, zd. 

--.. motion for a reform of parliament ne- 
gatived, lii 132 

ow! bie —— committee on the Catho- 
lic petition negatived, lii 133 

-. +» Irish insurrection act repealed, lii 137 

+... other bills respecting Ireland passed, 

+++. bill for amending the criminal law 
negatived, zd. 

-++. returns of persons committed, con- 
victed, &c, ordered, lii 140 

+++ motions respecting penitentiary houses, 
lit 141 

+». resolution that it shall be taken into 
consideration early next session, lii 144 

+++. address to his majesty to use his in- 
fluence with foreign powers against the 
slave trade, id. 

++. resolution to take the subject into con- 
sideration next session, lii 146, 

+++. first report of the select committee on 
sinecure places, lii 478 

+++. proceedings respecting the regency, 
liii 1) : 

---- difficulty respecting the issue of pub- 
lic money, liii 2] 



Commons, House of: debate on the regent’s 
speech, liii 10] 

-... the regent declines any household esta- 
blishment, liii 11] 

--.. Gebates 6n Mr. W. W. Pole’s circular 
respecting the catholics, liii 15] 16] 

+++. motion respecting the king’s assent 
given to bills when incapacitated by ill- 
ness, liii 19] 

+++. committee on the state of commercial 
credit, liii 21] 283 

«+++ bills to restrict capital punishments, 
liii 25] 

-+.. petitions on the subject from bleachers 
in irgjand, and calico printers near Lon- 
don, liii 26] 

+... motion respecting ex officio informa- 
tions negatived, liii 29] 

ores on delays in appeal and Chan- 
cery causes negatived, liii 30] ; 

-» ++ committee of inquiry on the subject 
appointed, liii 31] 

--+- report of committee, liii 292 

«+. alteration in the mutiny act, liii 32] 

..++ new regulation of duties on distilleries, 
liii 33] ; 

-++- another bill brought in on this being 
rejected by the Lords, liii 35] 

+++» additional relief to Portugal, %. 

++. petition from the printers respecting 
the act for putting their names to works, 
liii 37 

iia militias of the act, liii 38] 

+++ motion respeéting the liberty of the 
press in India negatived, liii 39] a 

«++ report of the bullion committee, liii 
43] 295 

.+.. it’s resolutions rejected, liii 43] 

.... Mr. Vansittart’s carried, 7d. 

.... bill for the interchange of the British 
and Irish militia, liii 51] so 

«+-- petition of the Irish catholies, iii 

--+- budget, liii 59} 

«+++ Trish budget, liii 68] 

--.. motion on the reappointment of the 
duke of York to the command of the 
army, lili 71] 

..+- motion respecting the administration 
of justice in the island of Trinidad, hii 

.... address to the regent on the subject of 
the exchange of prisoners, liii 76] 

+++. conversation on the subject of assas- 
sination, ]ni 78] 

++.. act respecting gold coin and Bank 
notes, liii 86] 297 

++.. report on the petition of several wea- 
vers, and others, lili 291 

«++. debate on the regent’s speech, liv 

ay: motion for thanks to lord Minto, liv 

+++» debate on col. Mc Mahon’s appoint- 
ment to a sinecure, liv 7] 8] 



Commons, Housé of: prohibition of distil- 
lation from corn, liv 8] 

-+.. bills relative to the king’s household, 
liv 11] 

.+.. bill for a nightly watch in London, liv 
20] 338 

-+++ resolutions against the power of the 
crown to appropriate certain sums of 
money without the control of parlia- 
ment negatived, liv 22] 

Z aapae on the subject rejected, liv 

-+++ petition of a woman imprisoned on a 
writ of excommunication, 24. 

“st 5 motion for a committee on the subject, 

++.. motion for a committee on the state of 
Ireland negatived, liv 32] 

+». motion for rendering the act against 
pte in reversion permanent negatived, 

+++. temporary bill on the subject passed, 
liv 34] 

Bie bill for punishing framebreaking, liv 

-+.. bill for preserving the peace in Not- 
tinghamshire, liv 36] 

made general, liv 38] 

«+.. expulsion of B. Walsh, convicted of 
fraud, liv 39] 

+++. renewal of the gold coin and bank 
note bill, liv 40] 217] 218] 

ee on the state of the nation, liv 

for a committee on the orders 
in council negatived, liv 51] 

«++ bill for abolishing sinecures, liv 52] 

«+++ debate on col. Me Mahon’s appoint- 
ment of keeper of the privy purse and 
private secretary to the regent, liv 56] 

on the barrack estimates, liv 

59] 60] 

++.. motion for returns of military punish- 
ments negatived, liv 61] 

.+.+ motion for a committee on the Catholic 
claims negatived, liv 66] 

+++. committee on the orders in council, 
liv 67] 91] 

+++. conversation on Mr. Henry’s secret 
mission to the United States, liv 68] 

+++.» motion respecting the tellerships of 
the exchequer negatived, liv 71] 

on the defective state of the 
representation negatived, liv 73] 

+++. assassination of Mr. Perceval, liv 75] 

“pein for his family, liv 76] 77] 

+++. monument to, in Westminster abbey, 
voted, liv 78] 

++» production of lord G. L. Gower’s let- 
ter respecting Bellingham, 2b. 

-».. motion for an address to the regent to 
form an efficient administration, liv 79] 
+++» conversations on the subject, liv 83] 

84] 85] 87] 89] 



Commons, House of: budget, liv 95] 

«... Irish budget, liv 108] 

.... petitions against the renewal of the 
E. India company’s charter, liv 111] 

.... petition from the company, liv 112] 

+++. proceedings respecting the riots in the 
manufacturing districts, liv 114] 

«»+- motion for a future consideration of 
the Catholic question carried, liv 119] 
+. bill to explain and amend certain acts 

respecting dissenters, liv 120] 

e+.» motion on the conduct of the Irish at- 
torney general negatived, liv 124] 

..-+ bill for more effectually preventing the 
escape of French prisoners, liv 125] 

.... motion for an address for the corres- 
pondence on overtures for peace from 
Buonaparte, liv 126] 

.».. debates on the regent’s speech, liv 
216] 217] 

.,.. thanks to lord Wellington and grant 
for an estate, liv 217] 

..-- motion on the employment of foreign 
officers in the army, liv 219] 

.... relief of the sufferers in Russia, liv 

.».. papers relative to the discussions with . 
America presented, lv 2] 

.+»» debate on the subject, lv 3] 

.... vicechancellor’s bill, lv 7] 313 

.... bills to amend the criminal law, lv 8] 
11] 12] 

«+s. motion for a general regency bill ne- 
gatived, lv 14] 

.. +» proceedings respecting the princess of 
Wales, lv 16-25] 347 

— on the Catholic question, 

lv 26] 

.» «+ committee on the finances, lv 42] 

+s.» motion on the sinking fund, lv 45] 

«+e» sinecure bill, lv 46] 

..-+ Weymouth and Melcombe election 
bill, lv 48] 

+. curates stipend bill, Iv 54] 314 

.. +. bill for the regulation of ecclesiastical 
courts, lv 55] 
.... —for the relief of persons impugn- 
ing the doctrine of the Trinity, lv 56] 
se.. committee on the renewal of the E. 
India company’s charter, lv 58] 61] 

-... budget, lv 66] 

-. +» treaty with Sweden, lv 91] 

.... conversation on Orange lodges in Eng- 
land, lv 92] 

.... yote of credit, lv 95] 

.... address on the regent?s speech, ly 201] 

.... conventions with Russia and Prussia, 
ly 201] 351-61 

..«. bills for augmenting our disposable 
force, lv 202] 204] 205] 

.».. loan, lv 206] 

»e«. committee on forcign subsidies, ly 




Commons, House of: conversation on the 
style of the embassy to Holland, and the 
declaration of the allies, lv 208] 211] 

«++» long adjournment, lv 211] 

---- Speaker’s address to the regent, lv 
364, lvi 112] 

-+.. report of the committee on the corn 
trade, lv 371 

eee report on the acts respecting copy- 
right, lv 373 

ee «+ report on transportation, lv 518 

e+. remarks on the attorney general being 
made chief justice of Chester, lvi 108] 

e+. amendment on the motion for farther 
adjournment proposed, zd. 

e+e. bill respecting the nonresidence of co- 
lonial officers, lvi 109] 

e»-- bill against corruption of blood in 
cases of felony, lvi 110] 

e+. act altering the punishment for high 
treason, Ivi 112] 

«++.» motion on the speaker’s address to the 
regent negatived, lvi 113] 

st Dati by Mr. Bankes carried, lvi 


ce. debate on the transfer of Norway, lvi 

ees. bills to suspend and discontinue pro- 
ceedings against nonresident clergy, lvi 
123] 126] 

«+++ debates on thé corn laws, lvi 127] 

slave trade, Ivi 130] 


e+e provision for the duke of Wellington, 
lvi 137] 

«+++ grants to lords Lynedoch, Hill, and 
Beresford, lvi 138] 

«+e thanks of the House to lord Welling- 
ton, and congratulations on his return, 

e+» retums an answer in person, 7b. 

e«+- motion on the princess of Wales’s 
being prevented from appearing at court, 
lvi 140] : 

e+ ++ her letter to the speaker, and corres- 
pondence with the queen, 7b. 

e+» addition to the income of the princess 
liv 144] 

eeee expulsion of lord Cochrane and Mr. 
Cochrane Johnson, Ivi 145] ‘ 

«++.» motion for an address to the regent to 
remit the punishment of the pillory to 
lord Cochrane, lvi 150} 151] 

e+e budget, lvi 153] 

«»- bill for the better execution of the 
laws in Ireland, lvi 159} 

«eee ——for the preservation of the peace 
in Ireland, lvi 160] 

sees -—— more easy and effectual re- 
dress of assaults in, lvi 163] 

eee» address on the peace with France, Ivi 

——_-— regent’s speech, lvi 206] 
e+e debates on not disembodying the whole 
of the militia, lvi 208] 210} 



Commons, House of: motion for the pro- 
ceedings of the court martial on col. 
Quentin negatived, lvi 210] 

-».. bill for amending the former for the 
preservation of the peace in Ireland, lvi 

++». adjournment, lvi 214] 

e+ report of the committee on weights 
and measures, lvi 356 

-.+.- Motions relative to delivering up Spa- 
nish refugees at Gibraltar, lvii 2] 

«.+. transfer of Genoa to the k. of Sardi- 
nia, lvii 3] 4] 20] 

«++» committee on the corn laws, lvii 4] 5] 

+--+ riots on the occasion, lvii 6] 140] 19- 

+». motion for a committee on the state of 
the Bank negatived, lvii 7] 

-.»» Bank restriction bill continued, Ivii 

«+++ lord Cochrane taken out by the mar- 
shal of the King’s bench, 76. 

«++. regent’s message on the landing of 
Buonaparte in France, lvii 11] 

«+++ motion for papers relative to it nega- 
tived, lvii 14] 

«++» debate on the peace with America, lvii 

«+.» motion for an address against engag- 
ing in war negatived, lvii 21] 

+--+ motion for a committee on the exces- 
sive expenditure of the civil list, lvii 22] 

- be acaciane of ways and means, lvii 25} 


«+++ bill against lending money for carry- 
ing on the slave trade, lvii 26] 

e+ +» — to prevent the illicit importation 
of slaves, lvii 28] 

«+++ debates on the petitions of the Irish 
and English catholics, lvii 29] 

«+--+ message of the regent on treaties of 
subsidy with foreign powers against Buo- 
naparte, lvii 30) 

.. +e debates on the subject, lvii 33] 

..-- budget, lvii 35] 46] 

«.+» farther provision for the duke of Wel- 
lington, lvii 50} 

«++ vote for a national monument in com- 
memoration of. the battle of Waterloo, 

«+++ motion for an addition to the income 
of the duke of Cumberland, and jointure 
to the duchess, finally rejected, lvii 51] 

++. assize of bread repealed, lvii 53] 

+... report on parish apprentices, lvii 557 

the bread laws, lvii 563 

ese. ————-— State of mendicity in the 

metropolis, lvii 594 

++». debate on the regent’s speech, lviii 2] 

eee. address for a national monument in 
honour of the victory of Trafalgar and 
the navy, lviii 3] 

e».. motion for the Christian treaty (Holy 
Alliance) between Russia, Austria, and 
Prussia rejected, i, 

+ teer> 




Commons, House of: motion for the treaty 
of Vienna between G. Britain, Austria, 
and France, rejected, lviii 5] 

eoee Resse of supply, lviii 5] 9) 22] 

+». petitions against the property tax, lviii 
7] 22) 

+++ motion for the proportions and nature 
of the army of occupation in France, lviii 

eee a select committee on the 
engagements between the Bank of Eng- 
land and the public negatived, lviii 8] 

+» +. debates on the army estimates, Iviii 

+++» navy estimates, lviii 14] 

+»++ motion for interposing with Spain in 
favour of the patriots, lviii 17] 

+++. address on the treaties with foreign 
powers, lviii 21] 

«++. property tax negatived, Iviii 26] 

++. war duties on malt relinquished, 7d. 

+. +» committee on the state of agriculture, 
Iviii 27] 29] 30] 

+++ petitions for relief of the agricultural 
distress, lviii 28] 

-+-- motion for allowing the exportation of 
wool negatived, lviii 30] 

bills for the effectual detention of Buo- 
naparte, 7. 

++. income assigned to the princess Char- 
lotte of Wales and her husband, lviii 33] 

«+++ sum granted for outfit, 2. 

-+.. debate on the continuance of war sala- 

- ries in time of peace, lviii 34] 36] 

.... motion for the abolition of the third 
secretaryship of state negatived, lviii 36] 

+... Bank loan bill, lviii 38] 39] 

+... resolutions respecting the Bank nega- 
tived, lviii 38] 

---. continuation of the Bank restriction 
bill, lviii 41] 

+++. motions on the unconstitutional em- 
ployment of the soldiery negatived, lviii 
43] 45] 

rie address on the state of Ireland, lviii 


wee Irish eatholic petitions, lviii 49] 50] 

.. ++ English Catholic petition, lviii 50] 

-... new alien bill, lviii 54] 

eres eg for regulation of the civil list, viii 

+--+. motion on the salaries and emolu- 
ments of public offices negatived, lviii 58] 

-.-. bill for consolidating the English and 
frish exchequers, lviii 59] 

-+.. bill for the consolidation of the public 
revenue, lviii 6] ] 

+++. petition on the silver currency, lviii 

++.. new silver coinage bill, lviii 64] 
++». budget, lviii 66] 
+--+. resolution on the statute law, Iviii 




Commons, House of: motion on the abuse 
of extents in aid, lviii 85] 

+++. report of the committee, lix 369 

+++ petition against a general slave registry 
bill, lviii 37] 

-+.. motions and debates on the subject, 
lviii 88] 

+++. report on the ecclesiastical regulations 
of foreign states, lviii 436 

tithes, lviii 441 

the game laws, lviii 443 

the earl of Elgin’s marbles, 

lviii 446 
--+- address on the regent’s speech, lix 5] 
«+++ Tegent’s message on dangerous combi« 

nations referred to a secret committee, 

lix 5] 6] 73] 
+++» reports of the committee, lix 12] 74] 
--+- bill for preventing seditious meetings, 

lix 26] 31] 
le oapiene corpus suspension acts, lix 28] 
-»+- motion on the war salaries claimed by 

the secretaries of the admiralty nega- 

tived, lix 35] 
++». motion for reducing the number of 

ae of the admiralty negatived, lix 


-+-- committee on the public income and 
expenditure, 7d. 
Bho reports of the committee, lix 40] 307, 
+++» justices in eyre abolition bill, lix 42] 
+++ civil service compensation bill, 7d. 
--.. bill for preserving the peace in Ire- 

land, lix 43] 
+++. issue of exchequer bills for local and 

temporary relief, lix 45] 
+++. motion for a committee on the office of 

third secretary of state negatived, lix 


committee on the Roman 
Catholic claims negatived, lix 49] 

++». resignation of the speaker, lix 57] 

e+. rt. hon. C. Manners Sutton chosen 
speaker, 7. 

++. provision for the late speaker, lix 58] 

thanks of the House to him, lix 59] 

+++» motion on lord Sidmouth’s circular ne- 
gatived, lix 63] 

«..-. regent’s second message on dangerous 
combinations referred to the same com- 
mittee as the former, lix 73] 

+++. report of the committee, lix 74] 

«... fresh Habeas corpus suspension act, 
lix 82] 

--.- budget, lix 84] 

.-.» Irish insurrection act continued, lix 

. address on the foreign slave trade, lix 

+».. committee on steamboats, lix 60 

»».- reports on the poor laws, lix 263. Ixi 

ee ee 


Commons, House of: report on the employ- 
ment of boys in sweeping chimneys, lix 

estes of the select committee of 

finance on the abolition of sinecures, lix 



of the same on the army es- 
tablishment, lix 320 

«+++ ———on the police of the metropo- 
lis, lix 356 

oes. ——— on extents in aid, lix 369 

«+++ debate on the regent’s speech, Ix 3] 

+++.» repeal of the Habeas corpus suspen- 
sion act, lx 9] 

+++» revival of the finance committee, 74. 

e+» eleventh report, lx 379 

+. ++-papers on the state of the country re- 
ferred to a secret committee, lx 10] 

+.» report of the committee, lx 246 

«+. question on the resumption of cash 
payments, lx 15] 16] 

on the Bank loans, and pub- 
lic money in it’s hands, 7. 

+++. treaty with Spain for the abolition of 
the slave trade, Ix 18] 22] 

1 a ae of supply, 1x 22] 51] 54] 

ee». indemnity bill, lx 38] 

+--+ motion respecting the burgh of Mon- 
trose negatived, lx 46] 

«+. bill for repealing an act of Will. IIT 
on privately stealing in shops, lx 60] 

«+.» motion on resumption of cash pay- 
ments negatived, Ix 62] 

«+.» motion for weekly accounts of the 
issues of the Bank, lx 63] 

+++. committee on the Bank restriction act, 
and that for the regulation of private 
bank notes, lx 65] 

»+-. bill for building new churches, Ix 76] 

+++» motion on Spanish ships engaged in 
the slave trade negatived, lx 79] 

+++» regent’s message respecting the royal 
marriages, Ix 84] 

cee return of incomes of the princes, Ix 


o++» budget, Ix 94] 

«.+- motions respecting the condition and 
treatment of slaves in the W. Indies, lx 

-++» Dublin petition for the repeal of the 
window tax, lx 119] 

+++.» renewal of the alien act, lx 122] 128] 

-».. bill for punishing purchasers of game, 
Ix 133] 

o. at oe of the regency bill, Ix 

++ ++ bill for the education of the poor, lx 
143] 149} 

-+.. list of members, lx 209 

Aatale report of the committee on the north- 
ern circuit, lx 369 

on the auction laws, 1x 37] 

r+e¢ ~rmrmme ON the ysury laws, Ix 373 




Commons, House of: report on the educa- 
tion of the poor, lx 374 

.... rt. hon, C, M. Sutton rechosen speaker, 
Ixi 1] 

-..++ address on the regent’s speech, xi 4] 

«+.. message from the regent on the esta- 
blishment of the late queen, lxi 10] 

«+. bill for the custody of the king’s per- 
son, 2b, 

.... report of the committee on the royal 
establishment, Ixi 14] 

e++» motion fora committee on the circu- 
eng medium and Bank restriction, |xi 

ane reports of the committee, xi 43] 52] 

+» ++ select committee on the income and ex- 
penditure of the country, lxi 33] 87] 

«+++ exchequer consolidation acts, 1xi 38] 

e-,. consolidated fund produce bill, 1xi 39] 

-.-++ motion for a committee on the criminal 
laws, Ixi 47] 

++ «. report of the committee, lxi 336 

-»«. trial by battle abolition bill, Ixi 51] 

.. «+ Roman catholic claims, 1xi 55] 

«+e» petitions from the royal burghs of Scot- 
land, 1xi 67] 

-+.. army estimates, Ixi 69] 

«++» marq. Camden’s tellership bill, Ixi 

++» billto prevent enlistments and equip- 
ments of vessels for foreign service, lxi 

+++» motion for a committee on the state of 
the nation negatived, Ixi 78] 

tived, 1xi 79] 

-».. reversal of lord E. Fitzgerald’s attain- 
der, 1xi 84] 

«++. address to the regent on the slave 
trade, Ixi 85] 

+. ++ grant for assisting emigrants to the 
Cape of Good Hope, lxi 87] 

+--+ budget, lxi 87] 91] 

.+.. debate on the regent’s speech, Ixi 122], 

«+.. documents relative to the proceedings 
at Manchester, lxi 124] 

-«-. training and search for arms and press 
restraint bills, Ixi 130] 140] 143] 150] 

+... motion for inquiry into the state of 
the country negatived, lxi 132] 

+... committee of supply, Ixi 133] 

«.** seizure of arms bill, xi 140] 

..«. training bill, Ixi 143] 

.... booksellers’ petition against the libel 
bill, Ixi 150] 

..-+ motion on parliamentary reform with- 
drawn, lxi 157] 

..«. bill for the disfranchisement of Gram- 
pound, Ixi 158] 

««.. bill for stamping certain pamphiets as 
newspapers, 2b, 

ee» report of the committee on the poor 
lgwa, Ixi 819 

on parliamentary reform nega- 


Commons, House of: report of the commit- 
tee onjails, lxi 363 
acts, Ixi 385 
For reports of the joint proceedings of 
the Lords and Commons, see Parlia- 
ment; and for the building called the 
House of Commons, see Westminster 
Hall. . 
Comnenus, Eman. emp. x 1 
Comorra, earthquake at, xvi 75] 
Companies, joint stock, indictment of one, 
li 317 J 
Compass, Halley’s theory of the variation, 
ii 285 
see. ——— chart, ii 286 
+++. invention of the, vii 253 
+... discovery of the variation, vii 255 
dip, 7. 
variation of the varia- 

on insolvent 

tion, 7. 
».+« tables of the variation, viii 131] 
..+. the variation not a sufficient guide to 
the longitude, xxvii 158 
..+. improved, xxix 83. xxxviii 448. x1 69 
Compere, gen. xlviii 142, 593 ; 
Compton, bish. H. xxxvii 117*] liii 484 
earl. See Northampton, marq. 
J. W. liii 306. liv 401. lv 378. lvi 
368. lvii 334. Iviii 422. Ix 401. xi 399 
lady Frances, xlviii 417 
lieut. H. (N) xli 83 
sir W. xxviii 165 
Spencer, earl of Wilmington, vi 
73. xxxii 83} lxi 460 ; 
Spencer Joshua, earl of, lv 201] 

]xi 154] 
Comus (slight of hand man) ix 101] 
Comyn, couns. liv 297. lvii 289. lx 296 
Con, fath. vi 254 
Conant, sir Nath. xxxix 14, ly 22] lviii 96 
Conca, prince of, vi 22 
Conception, extraordinary case of, v 69 
Concogna, a S. American tea plant, iii 69] 
Condamine, C. M. de la, vi 77] 161, 167. vii 
245. xi 103] xii 89, 282. xix 69. xliv 28. 
xlix 845 
+++. address to the English nation, vi 166] 
+». on the velocity of racehorses, vi 63 
eur face of the earth throughout 
Italy, vi 69 
+... —— arts and utensils of the ancients, 
xi 142 ‘ 
ert Lew. prince of, duke of Enghein, v 
—— madlle. la, ii 87 
—— Lewis Joseph, prince of, iv 30] v 
24) 27] 48] x 210) xi 197] xvii 30] xxxi 
209*} 255°) xxxiii 129, 158, 167, 173, 
183, 194. xxxiv 18] 263. xxxv 2. xxxix 
80] 138] 159. x1 8, xli 272) xiii 208] 
xlvi 382, 639 
«+++ death of, lx 73 
Docersened the great, vi 89, xxxiy 897] 
| Seae account of, xi lg 


Condell, vi 180 

Condor, li 932 

Condorcet, marq. de, xxviii 198] xxxiv 5] 
14] 25] 51x] 60) 77] 84] 113] xxxv 17] 
218] 243] xxxvi 134] xlii 349” 

..+- death of, xxxviii 340 ; 

Conduit, xix 25 

Conduit street, fires in, 1i 306. Ivii 10 

Coneybeare, Mrs., and her two daughters 
murdered, xvi 108] 

Confederacies, inherent weakness of, xlix 2 

Confirmation of a farmer and seventeen of 
his children, xliii 18 

Conflans, de, ti 22, 51, 127, 128. iii 55] 

.-.. defeated by Hawke, ii 52. xxv 226*] 

..-+ his account of the battle, ii 263 

Confucius, xlviii 868 

Congers, large, iii 142] xii 69] 

Congo, river, lvii 579 

Congo Jack, barbarous treatment of, lx 116] 

Congress, appointed to meet at New York, 
on the arrival of the stamp act, viii 53] 

«... assembled at Philadelphia, resolutions 
on importation from G. Britain, xvii 166] 
xviii 27] 

+... petitions to the king, xvii 171] 203] 
xvili 28] 55] 121*] 262] xix 45] 93] xxi 

--+. address to the people of G. Britain, 
xvii 207] xviii 30] 121*] 

+++» association of, xvii 214] 

--+- address to the province of Quebec, 
xvii 218] xviii 32] 

+++» opening of, at Philadelphia, xviii 23] 

instructions to the deputies, xviii 24] 

+++. acts of, 7b. 

.... letter to gen. Gage, xviii 25] 

declaration of rights, 76. 

«+.» conclusion of the session, xviii 36] 

-.e. New meeting, xviii 130*] 

++-- resolves the raising of an army and 
issuing a paper currency under the 
guaranty of the United Colonies, 7. 

.... prohibits all supplies of the British 
fisheries, xviii 131*] 

-... declares the compact between the 
crown and the people of Massachusett’s 
Bay dissolved, xviii 133*] 

-».. forbids all supplies to the British 
troops, 2b. " 

-+.. appoints Dr. Franklin to the post- 
office, 2d. 

-.-. declarations of, xviii 139*] 257] xix 

--.. lord North’s proposition discussed, 
xviii 140°] 

-- ++ general officers appointed, xviii 141*] 

- articles of confederation between the 
colonies, xviii 253] xix 35] 264] xx 23] 
... decree for opening trade after a cer- 
tain period, xvili 255] xix 35] 

.--. address to the inhabitants of the 
British empire, xix 33] 

+++» circular to the colonies on the establish 
ment of governments, xix 163°] 




Congress: declaration of independence, xix 
165*] 143] 158] 261] 

-+.. attempt of the British commissioners 
to open a negotiation with, xix 173*] 

e+. loan of eight millions of dollars at 
four per cent, xix 189] 

e+.» resolution on the circular and declar- 
ation of the British commissioners, xix 
259] xx 293] 

--.. orders a levy of 88 battalions for the 
continuance of the war, xx 9] 

+-.» lands allotted to the officers and sol- 
diers, zd. 

«-.. enlistment for three years, 2b. 

--+e a Joan negotiated, xx 10] 125] 

«++. address to the people, 7d. 

«+. removes to Baltimore, xx 13] 

-... decrees monuments to gen. Warren 
and Mercer, and the public education of 
a son of each, xx 125] 

«+.» oath of allegiance, xx 297] 

.. +» objections to the execution of the con- 
vention of Saratoga, xxi 212*] 

«.-. raising a corps of volunteer cavalry 
recommended, xxi 215*] 

-.+.- resolutions on the conciliatory bills, 
xxi 217*] 335] 

«»«- Gazette on the receipt of the treaties 
with France, 7d. 

ees» proceedings on the arrival of the 
British commissioners, xxi 218*] 335] 

---- first audience of the French plenipo- 
tentiary, xxi 270] 

---- instructions to the plenipotentiaries 
sent to Europe, xxi 332] 

-..- resolves that private letters from the 
British commissioners be laid before it, 
xxii 20] 

-... all intercourse with gov. Johnstone 
interdicted, 7d. 

....- manifesto on the conduct of G. Britain, 
xxii 441] 

«-.. decree for confiscating all British 
goods, unless taken in prizes, xxv 195] 
+». proceedings on sir G. Carleton’s letter 

to gen. Washington, xxv 303] 

.... resolutions on the proposals of peace 
from G. Britain, xxv 303] xxvi 130] 131] 

.... address from the Quakers against the 
slave trade, xxvi 219] 

---- order to set capt. Asgillat liberty, xxvi 

Congreve, capt. xiv 8 

l.-col. sir W. xlix 685*. 
320. lvi 68. 1xi 314 

W. iv 34n, 265. v 1d. xi 165. xii 
6]. xviii 45. xxxii 125. 1 136. 11548 

Coningsby, lord, Ixi 448 

Conjeveram taken from the French, iii 63] 

Conjugal rights, suit for a restitution of, liii 

Conjurors, advertisements of one, i 275, 276 

ees. in Tatary, x 32, 37 

..++ punishment of one, xlviii 370 

Conn, capt. J, (N) xliii 269] 133 

11 436. lv 



Conne, N. 1xi 304 

Connecticut, cause between the colony and 
the Indians, xv 149] 

-+++ population of, xvii 159] 

Connel, Dennis, xiii 136] 

Connell, W. xlv 383 

Connelly, employed to raise the back-settlers 
and Indians against the Americans, xix 

Connop, T. xliv 774 

Connor, Bryan, and his wife executed for a 
rape, xlv 423 

Conolly, lady L. A. xxx 196 

——nrt. hon. T. xxxi 139] 140] xxxii 

Conoway, Peter, executed for murder, xiii 
110] 129] 

Conrad II, emp. xi 270 

—— IV, emp. xx 126 

Conroy, lieut. Gilb. (A) lix 17 

Conspiracy, persons convicted of, xxix 209] 
xxxii 204] 210] xlv 401, 465. xlvii 365, 
403. xlviii $61, 417. li "308. lii 293. lit 
52, 53. liv 103. lvi 325. Iii 208. lix 196. 
Ixi 232, 242 

eee prosecution for, lx 265 

eee. acquittal on charge of, xlviii 421 

-- «+ charges of, Ixi 108] 110] 

«... to induce persons to commit crimes 
for the reward for apprehending them, 
lviii 314 

Const, Francis, xlvii 422. xlviii 388, 435 

Constable confined in a foreign ambassador’s 
house for attempting to execute a war- 
rant, vii 80] 

e+. high, convicted of extortion, xii 66] 

- action against, for taking up an inno- 
cent man charged with felony, xxiii 

e--- Shot in 
xxxvii 3 

..+. not bound to take a charge from a man 
charged by another, xlix 367 - 

..-- Shot in assisting sheriffs’ officers, Ivi 

Constable, Phil. xxvii 72 

— W. ix 95] 

Constance, election of the bishop of, xviii 

Constant, Benj. xliv 88. lix 118] 

——- L. H.. H. G. lv 319 

Constantine, vii 71). x 276. xiii 50. xix 237 

..+. character of, xiii 44, xxiv 1 

II, ii 406 * 

Porphyrogenitus, x 276 

duke of Russia, xxxiii 

apprehending a  footpad, 

65, 95, 228] xli 285] xliii 418n. xlvii 
169. xlix 23, 170, 273. 1 226] 227] lvi 

«++. character of, xliii 434 

Constantinople, fires at, iv 177] viii 96] x 
65] 140] xi “a xii 125] xiv 99] xxiv 
175] xxv 217] 221] xxvii 26] 201) xxxix 
45, 365, xli 10. viii 129, 148. Ix 126 

+++» inoculation for the plague at, iv 186] 



Constantinople: the Venetian ambassador 
attacked in his house by the Turks, on 
account of the illicit trade carried on by 
the Venetians there, vi 79] 

+++. plague at, viii 96] ix 99. xiii 166] xxi 
203] xxiii 9] xxiv 175] xxv 217] xxvii 
188] xxxiv 17. liv 192] lv 199] 35. lix 74 

«ss. earthquake at, ix 115] 130] 

.. +. a British vessel detained at, xi 65] 

.. ++ Tiot occasioned by the imprudence of 
the wife and daughter of the Austrian 
resident, xii 15] 16] 105] 

- ++. population of, xxi 217] 

+... printing presses erected by order of 
the sultan, xxviii 54] 

«++. ascent of a Persian physician with a 
balloon, xxviii 54] 

-... trade of, xxxix 366 

-».. opium eaters, xxxix 367, 368, 395 

+++. palace built at Pera for the British 
ambassador, xliii 239] 

+--+ persecution of the Jews, lxi 59 

---- See also Turkey 

Constantius Chlorus, iv 161 

Constanzi, prof. xi {51 

Consumption, earth bath recommended in, 
viii 107 

--+. properest air for, xix 110 

Contades, M. de, i 14, 45, 55, 63. ii 11, 16, 
18, 21, 50, 234, 235, 237, 238. xvi 147] 
xvii 11 

Contagion, irregularity of, vii 105 

Contamin, gen. xlvii 236, 545 

nr of court, a sheriff found guilty of, 
ii 71 

+++. argument respecting, viii 177-9] 

-«.. Observations on, lii 96, 98 

Contesse, Lewis, lvii 321 

Conti, prince of, v 467. vii 49] xiii 49] xvii 
7. xix 171] xx 33. xxxi 209*] 255*] 
xxxix 54] 59] 

Contrast, a cause of pleasure, i 314, 320 

Conventions. See Treaties and the res- 
pective powers 

Conversation, on decency in, vii 213 

«+++ remarks on, xv 189. xxxv 243, 246 

Convicts, expense of, xx 268] xxi 286] xxx 
263] xxxi 284] xxxii 277] xxxiii 75] 
143] ib. xxxiv 148. xxxv 106. xxxvi 
119, 120. xxxvii 118. xxxviii 108, 72d. 
xxxix 170, 2b. ib. x1 205, 206. xli 195, cb. 

_ xiii 164, 170. xliii 189. xliv 580, 584. 
xlv 629. xlvi 580, 582. xlvii 586. xlviii 
637. xlix 726". 1 181*. li 535, 536, lii 
423. Ix 422. Ixi 418 

++.. number sent out, xxxiii 75] 

+++» trial for murder of, xxxiv 23 

+++» proposals for improved management of, 
xlii 396 

*..++ See also Hulks, Penitentiary Houses, 
Transportation, and Wales, New South 

Conyoeation. See Canterbury 

Conway, — (seer. to J. 1) xxi 239-42 

adm, lord Hugh Seymour, xxxvi 

91, 92 
Parr I. 


Conway, gen. (Amer.) xx 122] 
—— gen, H. Seymour, iv 25] vii 129] 
viii 51] 115] 184] 201] ix 79] 123] 135] 
x 91] 125] xi 78] 106] 109] 156] xii 217) 
xv 101] xvi 63] xvii 197. xviii 16. xix 
67] xxiii 138] 187] 258] xxv 141] 168} 
171] 183] xxvii 177*] xxxi 205] 150 
-.++ legacy to him from the d. of Devon- 
shire, vii 104] 
e»+- made secretary of state, viii 44] 
--+- letter to the lord lieut. of Oxford on 
the riots, ix 142] 
+. letters to gov. Bernard, ix 173] 174] 
+.» circular to America, ix 174] 181] 
..»» character of, xviii 17 
++.- commander in chief of the forces, xxv 
Conyer, (M.P.) vii 129] 
Conyers, J. xviii 140] 152] 
—— Jo. xv 190] 
Conyngham, capt. J. (A) xxxvi 72 
— H. Ist marq. xxxi 312] 313] 

— l.-col. xlvi 224 

Cooch, J. xlii 382 

Coode, capt. J. (N) lviii 235 

Cook, Benj. 1i 543. lix 236 

—— capt. James, xi 150] xiv 124] 154] 
159] xvi 96, 266, 272. xvii 136] xviii 
142] 143] xix 114, 116. xx 26, 61, 87, 
93, 150, 234. xxii 203] xxiii 218] 195. 
xxvii 1, 39, 92, 94, 149. xxxii 219] 16. 
xliv 858. xlix 787. 1ii 547. liii 106, lviii 476 

+. sir G. Copley’s medal awarded to, xix 
194] 117 

«++» death of, xxiii 194] xxvii 151 . 

a ig of, by the Royal Society, xxvi 

+++ character of, xxvii 10 

Dr. J. viii 92. xviii 119 

Francis and three of his familw poi- 

soned, xii 131] xiii 79] 

Francis, xxiv 329] 

James, xxi 214] 

—— James Stamp Sutton, liv 292 

Sir T. xxxviii 452 

Cooke, capt. E. (N) xli 230 

—— capt. J. (N) xlvii 237, 555 

col. G. J. xxiv 278] xxv 311] 

—— couns. xliv 439. xlix 359. lviii 280 

—— Dr. Benj. xxvii 334] 

—— E. xlvii i18. lvii 163 

—— Eliz. x1 177 

—— Francis, xlvi 420 

G. xi 85] xviii 19”. xxiv 278] 279n] 

xxv 309] 

G. (Amer.) lyi 101, lix 181 

—— G. F. (actor) xlviii 440 

—— H. (painter) xxxvii 117*] 

——-~ J. iii 236] 237] 

—~—— lTaurence, iv 89] 

—— m. gen. sir G. lili 121] liv 194, lvi 
11] 153, 170, 196. lvii 175 

—— Maria, xl 177 

—-—— Penelope Ann, 7. 

Cooke, rev. J. xxxi 65 
rev. T. xli 400 

W. xviii 185, xlviii 961. 
987. lvii 319 

Cooks, address from the company of, xiv 

Cooksey, Rich. xxxiii 279] 

Coomb, B. M. lv 320 

Coombank, fire at, xlix 464 

‘Coombe, capt. W. (N) xlix 656 

Cooper, Benj. xxxiii 85] xxxiv 73 

couns, xviii 237 

Dr. (Amer.) xlvi 404 

—— Ed. }x 361 

G. xliii 408 

Gillingham, xi 77] 

—— hon. C. Ashley. 
earl _ 

- James, transported for receiving 

stolen goods, vii 113] 149] 

J. xlix 427, 633. lvi 18 

J.G.i 412 

Jos. xxxvi 289 

Luey, xv 111] 

rev. Dr. Boston, xi 257] 

Rob. discharged after 27 years’ con- 

finement for debt, xii 114] 

sir Astley, xlii 358. xlviii 391 

~s— sir Grey, xviii 140°] xxi 165] xxvii 
68] xxviii 117] xxix 87] 108] xxx 118] 
130] xxxi 85] 161] xxxii 66] 92) 

T. xxxiii 384] xxxiv 88. xlii 19. 

}xi 303 

T. Willes liv 314 

W. (Hackney monster) xlvii 390 

W. (town clerk of Boston) x 168] xi 

xlix 802, 

See Shaftesbury, 


Cooroora, island. See Pelew 

Coote, C. H. xviii 134] 

—— Dr. C. xi 432 

—— gen. sir Eyre, iit 63] 64] iv 54-6] 
290) 291] vi 5] ix 63. xiv 135] xv 207] 
xvi 109] xx 252] xxv 76] xxvi 40] 55] 
» 65) 71) 244) 288] xxix 157} 168] xxxvii 
113. xxxix 175] 

--+-- diamond hilted sword presented to. 
vii 52] 

+. +» his return to Bengal and death, xxvi 
103] 105] xxvii 201] 

e+.. character, xxvi 105] 

l. gen. sir Eyre, xxxvi 68, 77. xl 
121, 131. xli 304] 309] 79, 115. xliii 
238].88, 92, 99, 107, 110. xliv 405. xlv 
40, 943. xlix 209, 730%. 1 184*. li 475. 
lii 78, 79, 435 

Cope, gen. sir J. viii 4. xviii 137] 

—— H. (the Green Man) xlviii 452 

Copeland, Rob. Iviii 348 

Copenhagen, foundling hospital at, v 100] 

rye taken from the king’s stores to be 
sold cheap among the people, xi 189] 

+++» new hospital for the poor, xii 104] 

hospital for soldiers, on the plan of 
"Chelsea, to be built, xii 119] 
++ «+ Royal Society of Agriculture, xii 126] 



Copenhagen: curiosities in the Royal 
Museum, xii 196 

+... Jews allowed a synagogue, xiv 111] 

«++. population of, xxi 217] 

«s.. Palace burnt down, xxxvi 7 

.--- British attack on, xliii 109] 81, 255 

+». attacked by a British force and all the 
ships and naval stores surrendered,* xlix 
262, 518, 681*, 692*, 709*. 12] 19] 

«».. subscription for rebuilding the Pro- 
testant church, &c., lviii 89 

Copland, W. viii 197z 

Copley, banished for treason, xxi 14, 

J. xlvii 759 

sir Godfrey, vii 45. xxxviii 364 

sir J. Singleton, Iviii 805. Ixi 51] 

Copons, gen. lvi 56] 167 

Copper: rich mine near the lake of Killar- 
ney, i 324 

..+- mines in Wicklow, iii 76] xlvi 815 

. persons poisoned by vessels of, iv 143] 

xii 95] xv 137] xxiii 226] 

 ..e. antidotes against, xxi 131 

.... first ship sheathed with, iv 177] 
++... mine discovered near Glasgow, x 102] 
..+- mine of Fahlun in Sweden on fire, xi 
104] : 
..++ vessels of extraordinary size, xii 97] 
xiii 135 
.-.. mine at Ecton bill, Staffordshire, xii 
.... works near Liverpool indicted as a 
nuisance, xiii 96] 
.... cautions on the use of, xviii 80. xxxix 
. Sailing vessel of, xxxi 211] 
... houses covered with, xxxv 326, 327 
. mines in Anglesey, xlvi 810 
wee. ——— in Devonshire, xlvii 365 
Coppices, management of, xxxvi 358 
Coppinger, bish. xlv 579, 581, 584n. 
xlvi 48 

R. xiii 19 
Copy-right, suits for infringement of, xi 
105] xii 92] xiii 181] 168] xvi 123] xvii © 
Heo! xviii 138] xx 178] liv 303. lxi 278 
. final decision of the H. of Lords on, 
“xvii 95) 
. petition of the booksellers of London 
“to the H. of Commons in consequence, 
xvii 97] 
.... act respecting, lost, xvii 112] 124] 
. act to vest perpetuities in the univer- 
sities, xviii 118] 
..-. in engravings, xx 182] 
+. +. in music, xx 186] 
... Teport of committee of the Commons 

on, lv 373 - 
. act respecting, vi 334 
Coquehert, xlii 387 

Cor, le, gen. lv 201, 229, 243, lyi 153, 163. 
lviii 159] 399. lix 121] 
Corafa, marsh, count, xvi 61] xvii 39] 



Coral, fisheries of, xxv 88. liv 494 

Coran, capt. W. mutiny of his men, xxxi 229] 

Corbach, battle of, iii 21] 

Corbet, executed for the murder of R. 
Holt, xvi 108] 134] 

bish. Rich. xx 208 

couns. xxvii 281] 

— maj. Moses, |. gov. of Jersey, xxiv 
180] xxv 97] 

sir R. lv 298 

T. (high bailiff of Westminster) 

xxvii 175] 180*] 191] 279] xxviii 204] 

Vincent, xx 208 

Corbiels, xli 119] 

Corbiveau described, xli 393 

Cordage, act to encourage the exportation 
of, ix 210] 

...- mill for manufacturing, xxxiv 11, 28 

Cordé, Charlotte, xxxv 266] 34 

Cordes, Ant. Lew. de, v 218] 

— Balthazar, v 6 

Cordova, card. de, xi 49*] 

don. Ant. de, xxviii 34] 

don Lewis de, xxiv 2] xxv 101] 
115] 117] 224*] 

Cordwainers’ company, legacy to, vii 75] 

Corelli, Archang. ii 406. iii 13 

Corff, baroness, xxxiii 165] 166] 

Corfu, earthquake at, xvii 131] 

---- taken from the French by the Turks 
and Russians, xli 80] 

Corilla, M. Mad. Fernandez, lvi 466 

---. crowned at Rome, xix 175] 

Cork, statue of Mr. Pitt placed in the Ex- 
change, vii 76] ix 90] : 

-... freedom of, presented to the earl of 
Hertford, ix 59] 

--.. address on the occasion, ix 60] 

--.. riot of weavers near, x 92] 

+... the earl’s right to the prisage of wines 
established, liii 13] 

Cork, Edmund, 7th earl, xiii 70] 197] 199] 
xiv 252] xvi 243] xix 255] xxxi 298] 
304] xxxii 106] 310] 

—— Edmund, Sth earl, xxvxiii 1] 

— Hamilton, 6th earl, xvi 65, 67, 193. 
xvii 23 

—— Mary, countess of, xxxiii 461] 

Cork waistcoat, ii 419 

- fisherman saved by one, iv 


bene trials of, vii 98] 

Corke. See Cork 

Cormick, J. xl 101 

Corn: establishments for obviating dearth 
of, 1 382. vii 132 

«++. prices of, ii 78, 169. viii 77] xi 137. 
xv 70] 196] xxi 282] xxiii 197] xxxiii 
139] xxxiv 155. xxxv 113. xxxvi 130. 
xxxvil 133, 100¢] xxxviii 104, xxxix 155. 
xl 198. xli 187. xlit 177. xliii 9] 14] 15] 
22) 167, 182, 496. xliv 572. xlix 720°. 
liii 272. liv 320. lv 325. lvi 341. Iii 
~~ Iviii 55, 353. lix 240. Ix 366, Ixi 



_ Corn: much injured by insects, ii 99. vi 81 

..+. large crops of oats without sowing, ii 

++. person convicted of an attempt. to 
raise the price, ii 169 

.... Oats supposed to be changed into rye, 
ii 381. viii 100 

+... on smut, and cure for it, ii 385. xii 

+++. petition of London to the Commons to 
continue the prohibition of distillation 
from, iii 80] 

«s+.» machine for winnowing, iv 116] vii 47 

eoee for sowing, iv 128] 

++.. preservative of, against worms, iv 134 

Weds from weevils, iv 136. xix 
171] xxxvii 87*] 

«»«» machines for threshing, v 68] xi 87] 

++. ——— for cutting corn, v 103) 

.... ill effects of eating damaged? vi 80, 

..-. method of destroying insects in, and 
preserving it from them, vi 107 

.++-+ preparation of, for sowing, 2b. 

-»+. improved method of raising seed 
wheat, vi 134 
..- complaints against damaged sent to 
Italy, vii 83] 

+s. weight and produce of, vii 135, xxviii 
423-6, 431 

.+.. stoppage of exportation followed by 
importation, viii 92] 

oo and prohi- 
bition of the distillery, ix 136] 226] 227] 
x 44] 1123] liv 8] ; F 
..+. proclamation against forestalling, &c. 

ix 224] x 46] 
..+» laws permitting exportation and im- 
portation of, x 44] lvi 127] lvii 5] 


_e+.. importation of, x 79] 107] 158] xi 

ad xviii 19]] xxi 275] xlii 121, 126, 


«... machine for threshing and grinding at 
the same time, xi 87] 

-... advantage of a free trade in, xi 148] 
-.. experiments on the preservation of, 
xii 121 

-+.. act for registering the price of, xiii 

++. general scarcity of, xiy 83*] xv 70] 
151] xviii 179] 180] xxxvii 100*] xxxvili 
9] xlii 129] 7, 31, 44, 94-144. xliii 1] 

-... flour kept“above a century, xiv 85*] 

..+. punishment of an engrosser of, xv 83] 

ae ag te on the trade in, xvi 58] xxii 

.... kepton the river Thames beyond the 
time for clearance forfeited with the ship, 
xix 126] 

+».. imported and exported, with duties, 
bounties, and drawbacks, xxi 275] xxii 
323] xxiii 305] xxiv 262] xxv 284] xxvi 
301} 302] xxvii 294] 339] 340) xxviii 
245| 246] xxix 260] xxx 257] 258] xxxi 
279) 280} xxxii 269] 270] xxxiii 148} 

: co 

xxxiv 154, 155. xxxvi 131-134. xxxix 
160, xli 187. xliii 185. xlvii 417. lv 328 

Corn: toll on, in London, xxvi 206] 

«».. sprouted, cause and remedy fof, xxvi 

e++- only legal measure of, xxxiv 25 

«+«- Standard measures provided by the 
cad of Carmarthenshire, xxxiv 


o» ++ expenseof prosecuting offenders against 
the laws, xxxiv 148 

«++. reports of committees on the high 
price of, xxxviii 413-38. xlii 94-138 

e»+- produce of different kinds, xxxviii 

-».. Sale by weight recommended, xxxviii 
430, 431, 435 

-... trodden out, xlii 390 

«-.. on selling by sample, xliii 6] 

ec-~ law of a maximum proposed, xliii 20] 

-+--+ bounties on importation, xliii 180] xliv 
584. xlv 625 

«++» trade with Ireland laid open, xlviii 81 

-. +. Standing, burnt by making a fire near, 
xlix 469 

«+. Seed, should be fetched from a district 
to the south, xlix 872 

e+.» barherry injurious to, xlix 873 

+++» distillation from, prohibited, 1 123] 

++». millers convicted of adulterating flour, 
lvi 38 

«++» musty, method of purifying, lviii 604 

e+-+ riots on account of the high price of. 
See Riots 

-+.-- See also Forestalling, Gleaning, Mono- 
polizing, and Regrating 

Indian. See Maize 

Corn-factors, mischievous, xliii 21] 227] 

Corn-trade, laws respecting, x 44] xlvi 104 

«+++ report of the committee of the Com- 
mons, lv 371 

Cornaro, Lewis, xv 95 

Cornbury, [1. vise. ix 291% 

«+.» letter to Mallet, ix 293 

---- Mallet’s answer, ix 295 

Cornegliano, duke of. See Moncey 

Corneille, P. ii 481. viii 233. xii 284 

--.. granddaughter of, iv 33, v 102) 

Cornelys, Mrs. xi 165] xiv 76] 

---+ Sale of her house and furniture, xv 149] 

Cornet, xlii 13] 

Cornette, v 255] 

Cornforth, Jane, executed for the murder 
of her child, xvii 123] 

Cornhill, fires in, viii 143] xvi 108] 

Cornish, adm. sir Sam. ii 85. iii 64] 163] vi 
5] 13) vii 92] 138] ix 112] x 206] 

-+.. Sir Rob. Barker, and others, v. on the 
Manilla ransom and prize money, xi 63] 
Cornish language, expiration of the, xviii 157 
Corns, fortune acquired by cutting, ix 131] 

Cornudet xlii 13] 19] 20] xlvi 173 

Cornwall, sale of the duchy proposed, to 
pay the debts of the prince of Wales, 
XXXvii 220] : 



Cornwall, arrears of the duchy claimed by 
him, xliy 101, 114, 424. liv 14] 

++... Sums paid from it’s revenues in aid of 
the civil list, xliv 542 

--+- Submarine mines in, xlvii 86] 

Cornwall, Rich. earl of, xx 126 

bish. F. H. W. lv 54] Ixi 60] 

C. Wolfram, xiv 196] xvii 101] 
xxxi 105] 

-.-. chosen speaker, xxiii 232] xxiv 146] 
xxvii 147] 

sir G. xxvii 268] xlvi 111 

Velters, funeral of, xi 100] 

Cornwallis, abp. Fred. y. 66. vii 178] xiv 
114] xviii 87] 

adm. sir W. xxiii 225*] xxv 197*] 

209*] 222] xxvi 37. xxxi 198] xxxvii 

138] xxxviii 12. xliii 247] xliv 92. xlv 

391, 393. xlvi 52, 132, 415. xlvii 567. 1 



C. Ist earl, xviii 241] 

— C. Ist marq. vii 178] viii 202] 
xix 156*] 170*] 175*] 179*] xx 6] 10] 
18] 123] 128] 136] 139] xxii 3] 139] 144] 
xxiii 221*] 230*] xxiv 28] 51] 77] 89] 
119] 150] 153] 157] xxv 102] 128] 132} 
157] 159] 172] xxvii 56] 245] xxxii 87] 
313] 323] xxxiii 235, 242, 118] xxxiv 130] 
174] 218] 33. xxxv 5] 123] 272] 338. xxxvi 
6, 436: xxxvii 110. xl 126, 138, 231. xli 
100, 243, 245. xlii 185, 187. xliii 202] 
19, 42. xliv 28, 72, 91, 184, 193, 386. xlv 
7. xivi 199. xlvii 61, 65, 401, 429. xlviii 
365. 1i 233 

+++ appointed gov. gen. and commander in 
chief in the E. Indies, xxviii 200] xxxiv 
196] xlvii 209 

+++. campaign against Tippoo, xxxiv 206] 

.... attempt on his life, xxxiv 220] 

«+.- annuity from the E. India company, 
xxxv 29 

.-.- freedom of London to, xxxvi 10 

«++. appointed lord lieut. of Ireland, xl 

+++. censures a court martial acquitting a 
yeoman guilty of murder, xl 90 

see. gov. gen. of India again, xlviii 251 

-+s. death of, xlviii 252 : 

+++. monument in St. Paul’s to, xlviii 255 

—- C. 2nd marq. xliv 72 

gen. Edw. viii 201] 

— sir C. xly 868n 

sir T. xv 7 

Cornwell, W. executed for murder, lv 43 

Coronation of James IT and his queen, iv 

«... George IIT and his queen, iv 215] 229] 

+++. prices of seats at various times, iv 218] 

.-- medals, iv 2277] 
Coroners, culpable conduct of one, vi 172] 
.... extraordinary attestation of one, x 144] 
Coronets, remarks on, i 480 
Correa de Serra, Dr. Jos, xli 371. xlii 




Correggio, A. A. da, iii 250. ix 227. xvi 
162. xxv 15], 18]. xxvi 182. xxxix 494 

Corri, Domenigo, li 120 

Corrigan, T. tried for the murder of James 

- Holt, xi 248 

Corry, r- hon. Isaac, xlii 116] xliii 148] 
149] xliv 178, 179. xlvi 23. xlviii 369. 
Ix 119] 120] 

Corsica, account of, xxiv 75. xxxvi 303 

+++. proceedings in, ii 81 - 

..+- two Genoese ships, cruising to inter- 
cept the pope’s visitor, wrecked, iii 97 ] 

--+- war declared against Genoa, iii 111] 

»-e» alrival of Theodore at, iii 26. x 36] 

+++» proceedings on the offer of an amnesty 
by the Genoese, iv 143 

--- fort of Corsica given up by the gover- 
nor to the Genoese, v 113] 

--+- Successes against the Genoese, vi 49] 

--.. king’s proclamation, terming the Corsi- 
cans rebels, and prohibiting all aid to 
them, vi 213] 

+-- treaty between France and Genoa re- 
garding, vii 101] 

-».. the Corsicans raise the siege of St. 
Fiorenzo, and issue a manifesto, vii 110] 

: ne against the French, vii 

«eee State of, viii 4] 

+--- conference between Paoli and the 
French general, viii 106] 

«ses vessels and statues of gold and silver 
in one of the churches coined into money, 

«+» vesolutions of the islanders, viii 115] 

cose - supplied with ship timber from, 

«+e Mr. Boswell’s visit to, ix 56] 

e+.. Jesuits expelled from Spain admitted 

into, x 31] 32) 113] 
«+e» ancient state of, x 34] 
+--+. conquered by the Genoese, x 35] 

| .... reduced by the French troops, x 36] 

.... desirous of being under the protec- 
tion of G. Britain, x 37] 

..+. the island of Capraja taken from the 
Genoese, x 39] 94] 

.*.. courier from, to the lord marischal of 
Scotland and sir And. Mitcheli, stopped 
at Hamburgh, x 52] 

«+++ duel of sign. Romanzo with a French 
oe in defence of the British character, 

++.» French troops to leave it as soon as the 
Jesuits are landed, x 113] 123] 

«++. Turkish galley engaged by a small 
armed vessel, x 114] 

wae. taken from the Genoese, x 

+++» suspension of arms for four years with 
France, x 165] 

-»+- ceded to France by the Genoese, xi 2] 
46] 161) 284] 

+++» conduct of France toward, xi 59*| 181) 



Corsica: various engagements with the 
French, xi 60*]} 

+... the French garrison of Borgo sur- 
renders, xi 63*] 

---- unsuccessful attempts of the French 
on the islands Pietra and Rossa, xi 65*] 

---- Greeks in, migrate to Spain, xi 149] 

.-ee arrival of a British frigate, xi 160] 

.... ordnance from Scotland as a present, 
xi 184] 

-.-. annexed to France, xii 10] 45] 

---~ hopeless state as left to itself, xii 40] 

«..- attempt on St. Fiorenzo, xii 41] 

«++. ecclesiastics take up arms, xii 42] 

.. effects of French gold, xii 41] 43} 110] 

--..- a small band cuts it’s way through the 
French and escapes, xii 44] 

es» great numbers emigrate, xii 45] 116} 

+++. loss of the French in this conquest, 
xii 46] 

-..-. conduct of the British ministers res- 
pecting arraigned, xii 63] 51*] xiv 18] 19} 

+++» subscription for, xii 97] 

.-..- state of, and demands of the people, 
xiii 54] 

-».. the French greatly harassed in, xiv 
94*] 128] 138] 

«s-- priest beheaded, xiv 119] 

«++» tyranny of the French, xvii 33] 

..«- attempts to promote the culture of, 
xviii 125] 

...- annexed to France, xxxii 143] 

eeee antirevolutionists suppressed, 

«+.. surrender of Bastia, xxxvi 80 

.... papers relating to it’s union with the 
crown of G. Britain, xxxvi 95 

.»». new constitution of, xxxvi 103 

-.-- speech of the viceroy on opening the 
parliament, xxxvii 155 

.. +. proclamation respecting the conduct 
of some of the people, xxxvii 278 

.-.. expulsion of the British from, xxxviii 
114] 253 

-... incorporation with France, xxxviii 

.».. grants to emigrants, xlii 163. xliii 
189. xliv 585. xlv 625. xlvi 580. xlvili 
637. 1181*, 182*. li 557 

Cortabarria, lii 226 

Corte, H. xvi 178] 180] 

Cortez, Ferd. xiv192n. xx 218, 225. xxix134 

Cortius, v 149 

Cortona, attempt to poison all the monks of 
the order of Serviles, xiii 159] 

Cortona, Pietro de, x 216 

Corty, Jos. 1x 360, 361 

Corunna, agricultural society established at, 
viii 74] 

..«- battle of, li 21, 370 

Corvetto, Iviii 116] 

Coryate, T. xii 38 

Cosby, adm. Phillips, x 131] xii 103] xxxvd4 




Cosby, col. xxv 62] 72] 

Coscia, card. xvili 5 

Cosel, besieged by Laudohn, iii 46] 

...-. the siege raised, iii 49] 

Cosgrave, capt. (N) See Cotgrave 

Coshinga (pirate), xxxiv 173] 

Cosker, T. lyiii 196 

Cosmetics, xviii 119. xlv 787 

Cosmogony of Plato, xxviii 158 

Cossacks, i 274. xiii 29. lvi 536 

.. e+ adventures of Yarmak, vi 155 

-.++ Zaporavian, xiii 29 

.. +» Potemkin appointed hetman, xxxiii 106 

«.-- See also Russia 

Cossano, with his wife and family, poisoned 
by his son, xvii 114] 

Cosse, Timoieon de, ix 49 

Cossigny, de, xxxvi 362 

Cossim Ali khan, ix 20] 22] 25] 30] xxvi 3] 
xxx 153] ' 

«+.. made subah of Bengal, vii 36] 

.... bis character and conduct, 2b. 

«++. rupture with the English, vii 39] 

.... driven from Bengal, vii 44] viii 8] 

Costa, Costodio da, ii 216 

——-— Em. Mendez da, iii 133. ix 114. xii 

—— Firmien da, viii 67] 

—— Isaac da, iii 34 

Mendez da, vii 78] 

——— Solomon da, iii 34 

Costard, James, executed for murdering his 
mother, v 95] 

rev. G. xviii 138 

Costaz, xli 47] 

Coste, de la, xxxiv 15] 24] 25] 

Coster, Lawr, xxxvi 378 

- xliii 365. xliv 222 

Cotes, adm. 1 83, ii 102 

—-—} France. vili 1942] xi 199] 

—— G. xxxix 406 

—— Humphrey, xvii 155] 158] 

—— Roger, xlviii 1077 

Cotgrave, capt. Isaac (N) xliii 269] 129, 

Cotgrove, maj. xxvi 113] 
Cotin, J. Dan. vi 88] 
Cottagers, improvement of the condition of, 
xly 850 
«... on buildings for, xlvi 828. lviii 605 
Cotte, xv 89. 
Cotterell, sir Clem. v 92] 
——— Steph. ii 118 
W. acquitted after pleading guilty, 
Xxxvili 32 
Cottingham, Henry, riot on, his importing 
French silks into Dublin, vi 98] 
... money allowed him by the Irish par- 
liament, vi 161] 
Cottington, lord, xxi 242. xxviii 159 
Cottle, L. iv 99] 
Cotton, inereased consumption of, xlviii 
4 ‘ey? on, proposed, liii 66] 67] 70] lv 



Cotton, S. American introduced into the E. 
Indies, lvii 51 

..-. from the American honeysuckle, 
xxxili 39 

Cotton mills, burnt, xxxiv 47. xxkvili 38. 
ey ra xlv 466. xlvi 357, 371. xlvii 356. 

-... fall of a roof, xxxiv 43 

.-.. accidents from, xli 11 

Cotton-spinners, riots at Manchester, xl 21. 
Ix 121 

-... Strike for wages, Ix 90, 100, 103, 123 

Cotton, xxxiv 450 

adm, sir C. 1 193] 220] 223] 125°, 

270*. li 46, 56, 58. 1ii 306. liii 194 

Charles, character of, ii 310 

gen. sir Stapelton, See Comber- 

mere, lord 

J.x 159] 

Jos, v 138] 

rev. Reynell, xlix 813 

sir Rob. vi 140. xi 150 

sir Rob. Salusbury, xxvii 268] 

T. xxix 265] xxxiii 143] xxxiv 148 

Cottons, plant for dyeing red, viii 94] 

.. ++ prohibition of, in Spain, xv 66] 

«... duty on, xvii 255] xxvii 304] 

.... reward for the secret of dyeing red, 

xxviii 250] 251) % 
+... fall in the price, Ix 20, a. 
Cottrel, C. iv 69] 
capt. ~ (N) liii 27 
Cottwitz, bar. viii 43 
Coudry, gen. de, xx 130] 

Couene, M. dela, iv 139] 
Cough, cure for, xxi 127, 130 

Coulomb, xlii 376 

Coulombeau, xxxv 195] 

Coulson, Mary, xl 178 J 

Coulston, (Eng. merch. in Bohemia) xvi 

Coulthorpe, Alex. ii 143 

Coulthurst, xviii 93] 

Coultsworth, Henrietta, v 98} 
Countess, capt. G. (N) xl 146 
Country-house, difference from a house in 
the country, li 899 
Coupigny, gen. 1 200] 
Coupson, jun. watchmaker, vii 79] 
Courayer, rev. Dr. P. F. le, xix 189] 
Courcy, hon. adm. Mich. de, xl 146. xlvi 
410. li 53, 372. liii 160] 162] 
hon, lieut. Almericus (N) xlvii 535 
Courland and Semigallia, instructions of the 
states on the election of a duke, i 164 
«+,. Claim of Russia to, iv 100] 
+... new duke of, iv 186] vi 59] 60] xv 23] _ 
.. +. taken possession of by Russian troops, 
vi 60] 
. +. memorial of Russia to the Polish resi- 
dent, vi 215] 
.+.. the dukedom settled on the Biron 
family, vi 84] 
.».. the prince does homage to the king of 
Poland, viii 63] 




Courland and Semigallia, the dukes not 
obliged to receive in person investiture 
from the k. of Poland, xi 10] 

..+- Russian troops sent into, for securing 
a free election, xxviii 151] 

«-.. annexed to Russia, xxxviii 199] 

+++. Visit of the emperor to Mittau, lx 

Courset, Dumont de, lv 490 

Coursoux, gen. liv 149] 

Court of Requests, at Trowbridge, manda- 
mus to restore the clerk, x 90] 

Talley, grant to the officers, lii 423 

—— Vhemic, xxxix 440 

Courtald, G. lvi 337 

Courtanveaux, marg. de, x 96] 

Courtenay, couns. xlix 523 

— J. xxvii 200] xxviii 104] xxix 

170. xxx 142] xxxi 130] 145] xxxii 81] 

xxxili 254. xxxiv 145] 78, 88, 89. xxxv 

29) 77) xxxvi 271] xxxviii 52] xxxix 247] 

x1 199] xli 197] xliii 164] xliv 169. xlv 

114, 172 

hon, miss, xxxiii 2] 

——— rev, Dr. H. R. xxxiv 97 

——— sir W. xi 66 

sir W. xiv 27 

T. P. liv 24) 53] 

—_— W. lxi 314 

W. Ist vise. v 82] 

——— W. 2nd vise. xviii 249] 251] xxii 
343] xxiii 330] 333] 

W. 3rd vise. xxxiii 2] 

Courtiers, curious anecdote of one, ii 28L 

eo... perfect, xv 179 

Courtney, miss, iv 232 

1. col. xlvii 899 

W. action against ona bet, x 74] 

xlii 13] 21] 
J. robbed by M.T. Phipoe, xxxvii 




Courtown, James, 2nd earl, xxvi 196] xxxi 
311] 313] 314) 

- James G. 3rd earl, 1 221* 

Courts and courtiers, ix 3 

Courts, ecclesiastical. 

Courts martial, on the composition of, xxii 
255] 256] 

See Ecclesiastical 

—oon the mutineers of the 
Namur, i 89, 81 

+++. on commodore Pye, i 85 

«+.. — cols. Cary and Lambert, ii 71. 

«++. — the capt. of the Dolphin, ii 80 

++--—some captains in adm. Pocock’s 
fleet, ii 96 

++.. —lord G. Sackville, iii 77] 90] 95] 

+++. -—capt. James Allen of the Speed- 
well, iv 127] 


Tinker, ix 78] 

++-- action of an ensign against a colonel 
for imprisoning him on account of his 
evidence, xiii 74] 

«++. on the lieut. of the tender waiting for 
capt. O’ Hara, xiii 87] 


Courts martial: on a sergeant enticing sol- 
diers to enter into the French service, xvi 

+e+. onthe gunner of the Marlborough 
and others, xix 170] 

---. — adm. Keppel, xxii 104] 254] 

-- +. — |. gov. Corbet, xxiv 180] i 

«+e. —capts. Squires, Agnew, and Raines 
xxiv 181] 

+++. — capt. Mourtray, xxiv 181] 

«..- — capt. Waghorne, xxv 219] 

o.-- — 1. gen. Murray, xxv 225] 

«++. — capt. Inglefield, xxv 165 

+++» — mutineers of the Raisonable, xxvi 
213] [ 

++.. Summoned on a general officer on 
half-pay not held, xxvii 230] 

---. on col. Debbieg, xxvii 289] 

e+s. — Maj. J. Browne, xxix 224] 

-+-- — lieuts. Wall and Lucas, and capt. 
Dawson, of the Phaeton frigate, xxx 218] 

«+. — capt. A. J. P. Molloy, xxxvii 18 

e+e. — adm. Cornwallis, xxxviii 12 

--.. — the officers of the Amphion, xxxviii 

e+.. — capt. J. Williamson, x1 1 

«--. — lerd Camelford, x1 J1 

.... at Dnblin, on the murderers of T. 
Dogherty, xl 90 

++.. on capt. T. B. Thompson, xl 103 

eee. adm. sir W. Parker, xliii 42 

«++. — capt. sir E. Hamilton, xliv 364, 

.e+- —m. gen. H. Innes, xliv 421 

+++. — the mutineers in Bantry bay, xliv 

e+... — capt. Barlow, xly 423 

«++. — the arniourer of the Leda, for mur- 
der, xlvi 385 

+++. on a private in the guards for acts 
of vagrancy, xlvi 388 A 

«+++ —an officer of high rank for striking 
a private under arms, xlvi 416 

ees. — Sir Rob. Calder, xlvii 231 

ee.. — capt. Bligh, xlvii 371 

«-.. —lieut. T. W. Marshall, xlvii 377 

«++. — col. sir J. Eamer, xvii 434 

«ee. Vv. adm. sir R. Calder, xlvii 436, 

+++. —a paymaster of militia, xlviii 363 

++. 1. gen. Whitelocke, xlix 221. 1 7* 

see. — sir H. Popham, xlix 388 

ees. — capt Christ. Laroche (N), xlix 

+. +. —lieut. W. Berry (N), xlix 496 

+ee. — capt. J. G. Halilay (A),191* © 

+... — J. Smith for the murder of capt. 
Baldeston, | 140* 

eee. — adm. lord Gambier, lii 35 

»--- — hon. cant. W. Lake, lii 255* 

e. +. —adm. Eliab Harvey, lii 257* 

+++. —acserg. of local militia after being. 
disbanded, liv 93 

esos mm capt, Blackwood, liv 110 


Courts martial: on W. Gaiter, landman, for 
maiming himself, liv 129 

2e-- — Jos. Gibson, for maliciously stab- 
bing lieut. Croker, liv 141 

«-.. — lieut. Gamage, for stabbing a serg. 
of marines, liv 144 

esos col. Quentin, lvi 210] 329 

«+++ — the hon. lieut. Aug. Stanhope, lviii 

«++. — J. Stokoe for improper conduct at 
St. Helena, lxi 240 

Courts of Escheat, xiv 125] 

of Inquiry: into the loss of the In- 
vincible, 1 85 

«... into the loss of the America, xliii 42 

convention of Cintra, 1125*, 


«++. observations on, li 54 

Courts of Law. See Admiralty, Chancery, 
Common-pleas, Exchequer, King’s-bench, 
Inns of Court, &c. 

of Request, or conscience, remarks 
on, xi 270 

«+e cause at, xliv 435 

Courtship, modes of, xxxiii 1342, 189 

Courvel, Dubois de, xiv 91*] 

oe xxxvi 127] 151] 158] 161] xxxvii 

Coutinho, de, don Pedro, xlii 428 

Coutts, T. xxxix 34. xlvi 363 

Covent garden, fire in, xii 83] 

e+» church burnt down, xxxvii 34 

++ «» hew church opened, xl 61 

Theatre. See Theatres 

Coventry, loyal address, xii 88] 92} 

«++» great flood at, xiii 167] 

eee fire at, xlvi 385 

Coventry, Dr. And. xxxii 199] 

G. W. 6th earl of, viii 204] xiii 

63] 67] 70) 197] 199] xxi 303] xxii 342] 

348] xxiii 102] 330] $33] xxiv 289] xxx 

120] xxxvii 227] 114, 115. xxxviii 73] 

xxxix 165] 32 

— G. W. 7th eari, xxxix 32 

rev. xviii 181] 

sir J. vi 89] 

sir T. xxxiv 433. xxxvi 96 

sir W. ii 275, 276, 304 

——_——_ T. xxxix 32 

Coventry act, vi 59] 

..-. man tried for cutting his wife’s throat, 
vi 89] 115] 

«. + convictions on the, viii 110] 214) xili 
169] xxvi 210] xlvii 369 

Coverdale, Miles, 1152 

Covington, G. F. executed for murder, 
xxxiii 11] 

——— lord, xxi 164] 

Cowan, J. xxxiv 145 

Malcolm, xlvii 851 

Cowans, T. lvi 86 

Cowder, W. xxxiv 146 

Cowdry, W. lviii 42 

Cowdry house, fire at, xxxy 43 

Cowell, Benj. iii 121] 


Cowie, S. Burn, murder of, xxxiv 23 } 
Cowley, Abraham, x 220. xi 166, xii 140. 
xv 228, xxii 27, xxv 191 
capt. x 189 
couns, lviii 271 
Cowood, Martin, xlviii 959 
Cowper, (Bank of Eng.) xxviii 196 
———— couns. xxvii 280] 
—— E. lx 360 
G. Nassau, 3rd earl, viii 200] xxix 

«ss. libel on, xxxii 211] 

——r— H. xlix 729*. 1 184* 

——— P. L. L. F. Sth earl, xlviii 10. xlix 
468, Ixi 148] 149] 150] 

—— rey. Dr. J. xlii 12 

——— Spencer, xxiv 20]] 

——_—— W. Ist earl, Swift’s character of, 
i 261 

—— W. xxiv 201] 

——— W. xxviii 242] . 

———— W. (poet) xxviii 140, 141. xl 177, 
453. xlii 153] 12. xliii 516. xlv 901, 918, 
922, xlvi $86. xlvii 809. lvi 466 

«+s. account of, xlii 33} 

Cows, management of, near London, xxxv 

+++» means of enabling a cottager to keep 
one or two, xlv 850 

..+. large quantity of milk from, xlvii 407 

.+.. method of feeding, xlviii 974 

...-.» on food for, liii 509 

-+ ++ management of, lviii 81 

.... advantage of, to cottagers, lviii 462 

Cox and Greenwood, xxxiv 145, 2. 

Cox, ald. Rob. Albion, xlvii 54 

Ant. lviii 162 

—— B. xxxiv ll 

—— capt. shipwrecked, ii 105 

col. sir W. lii 187 

couns. xi 152] xvi 195] xviii 237] 239] 
xix 236] xlvii 99 

~— ens. sir Rich. drowned, xxix 196] 

— J. theft committed by from distress, 
vi 51 
— James (jeweller in Shoe lane), xviii 
105] 115] xlvi 974 

«» +» curious crown by, viii 151] 

.. + fire at his house, xii 163] 

«+++ bill to enable him to dispose of his mu- 
seum, xvi 100] 

» ++. curious timepiece, xvii 248] 

—— lieut. J. (N) xlv 461 

Mary, murder of, xxxix 57, 152 

—— sir Lawrence, xxxiv 4 

— sir Rich. xvi 259 

Somers, xliii 159] 

—— Walter, liii 30 

—  W. convicted of a robbery, xvi 132] 
144] 145] 

Coxcombs, xxi 182 

Coxe, rev. W. xxii 1, 4, 18, 89, 94. xxvii 
14, 35, 37, 83, 97, 104, 118, 163. xxxii J, 
58, 80. xxxvi 424. xxxix 440, x1 14, 353, 
A638. xliii 446, lv 462 



Coxe, sir J. Hippisley, xlix 826. See Hip- 
pisley, sir J. C. 

Coxhead, capt. (A) liv 285 

Coxheath, burglary and murder at, xxii 

eel James, | 87(2nd)x 

Cozens, J. xxxiv 70 

Craanor, Dan. xliv 778 

Crab island, claimed by the Spaniards, xvii 

Crab, capt. (Dan. N.) xliii 95] 

Crabb, capt. v 80] 

Crabbe, 1. col. J. W. xxvi 31] 34] 

rev. G. xxvi 183. xxvii 142. 1231-3. 

lii 716-23. liv 551. Ixi 559 

Crabtree, W. iv 192-4] 

Cracherode, Ann, xlvii 373 

—— rev. Clayton Mordaunt, account 
of, xli 351 
‘Cracklow, xlv 629 

Cracow, siege of, xi 18] 20] 

e+e fire at, xliii 35 

-... made a free neutral city with a small 
surrounding territory, lvii 111] 

Craddock, H. xlvii 4386 

miss, v 17 

——— sir J. Frane. li 229, 232 

Cradock, J. xiv 245 

m. gen. J. Francis, xl 140. xliii 
89, 91, 98, 99, 107. xliv 865 

Cragg, J. lvi 335 

Craggs, v 176 

James, xii 60. xxi 244 

——— J. liii 267 

lieut. J. xxii 212] 

Craig, capt. Milliken (E. I. man) xlii 36, | 

| ——-C. Alex. xxxii 250] 

gen. sir Jas. H. xxxvii 66, 70. xxxviii 
81. xlviii 134, 135, 141. li 236. liv 68] 

-— gen. Peter, x1 90. 1 278*, 

James, x 98] 

—— maj. xxiv 62] 

Craigie, J. lii 418. liv 314 

Craik, Dr. — (Amer.) xlii 343 

Cramer, J. And. v 35 

Cramp and another v. rev. Bayley, Ixi 209 

W. xxxvii 108*] 

Cranborne chace, dispute on the bounda- 
ries of, lviii 301 

Cranch, J. lviii 199, 200 

«+++ account of, lx 436 

Crane, walking wheel, improvementin, x 90] 

Crahe, Edw. Ixi 35 

—— Josiah, xlvi 824 

1xi 58 

——— Steph. (mem of Cong.) xvii 218] 

Cranfield; Jord treasurer, xv 5, 44 

Cranfield, fire at, xix 157] 

Cranley, vise. See Onslow, T. 2nd earl 

Cranmer, abp. T. xiv 133] 

| Cranstoun, hon. col. G, xlvi 548 

——— James, 8th lord, xxii 256] xxvii 

—_—— rev. 


Crantz, David, ix 269. xii 86] xiv 17. xx 
Craon, prince, xvii 173 
Crasis, instances of the figure, xx 144 
Crathilinth, king of Scotland, viii 76 
Crato, J. xxxiii 248] 
Crauford, James, li 91 
1. gen. C. xxxviii 129. xlix 152 
m. gen. Rob. xlv 189, 198, 209, 
211. xlvi 8, 9, 24, 388, 57, 70, 96. xlvii 
113. 1i 467, 472. ii 64, 82. liv 199? 
maj. gen. J. ii 116, iv 17] 295] 
xxi 245 
Anna, xl 177 
——  b. gen. xlix 214, 220, 224n, 688*. 
1260*, 263*. 1i 18, 23. 1ii 191, 193, 312. 
liii 200. liv 199? 
—— J. lv 330 
—— |. col. H. lv 199 ; 
sir James, xl 101, 102. xliii 259 
‘eas charged with breaking parole, xlvi 419, 
Craven, hon. Keppel Rich. xxxiv 28 
lady. See Anspach, margravine of 
rev. J. xix 120] 
W. 5th lord, ii 142 
W. 6th lord, xiii 70] 197] xiv 252] 
xv 235] 236] xvii 124] 274] 276] xviii 
249] 251] xix 255] xx 280] xxi 303] xxii 
342] 343] xxiii 330] 331] xxv 296] xxx 
298] xxxi 298] 304] xli 162] xlvii 398 
Crawford, capt. (A) xxxvi 6 
———- col. xxxix 159 
——— col. Catlin, li 373 
—— Dr. Adair, xxxvii 30 
Mrs. (actress) xiv 219. xv 210. 
xxi 195. xxii 60. xliii 44 
sir James. See Craufurd 
———_— W, xi 372 
Crawfurd, C. xiv 165] 
Crawley, lieut. J. (N) xlviii 589 
—— rev. Matt. liii 77 
T. Radcliffe, executed for murder, 
xliv 378 
Crawshay, W. Ix 360 
Cray, rev. Dr. R. xlv 392 
Crayons, preparation of, xlviii 979 
Crebillon, Prosp. Joliot de, iv 134] 
Credit, public, observations on, xxxix 182] 
Crediton, fires at, ix 87] 100] .xii 101] xv 
Credulity, i 369 
Creech, (bookseller) liv 303 
Creed, capt. Rob. xv 97] xvi 97] 
lieut. Peter, (N) xxiv 249] 
Creeds, li 768 
Creevey, T. xlvii 47. 190] lii 96, 120. lit 
87] liv 4] 7] 14] 71] 217] td. lv 268. lvi 
109] 110} 
Creighton, ald. W. xxiii 227] 
— Hi. lxi 301 
Crell, x1 394 
Crema, powder magazine blown up, xi 116] 
Cremnitz, burnt down by lightning, “xxvi 



Cremorne, T. vise. xxxviii 6 
Cresap, col, (Amer.) xxix 15] 
Crespigny, xxx 219 
— Mrs. xxxii 138 
Creswel!, Dr. R. H. lviii 245 
Francis, lviii 305 
———— maj. _ (mar.) xli 76, 83 
Crete. See Candia 
Cretins, in various parts of the world, xxi 
82. xxii 89, 93n 
Crevelt, battle of, i 44. iii 2] 
Crevier, Dr. viii 28 
Crew, J. liv 291 
—— T. xvii 88] 
Crewe, J. xxiv 188*] xxviii 123] 
—= J. lord, xxiii 174] xlviii 404 
Nath. lord, ii 142. ii 269 
; Mrs. xviii 214, xxi 218 
Crib, (boxer), liii 110 
Crichton, ald. W. xxv 195] 
xlvi 524 
Cricket, match between females, xviii 143] 
men with one leg against men 
with one arm, xxxviii 32 
CridJand, J. (cadet), gold medal to, ix 100] 
Crigan, bish. Claudius, liv 296, 298 
Crillon, count de, xxv 220*] 
gen. duke de, ix 91] xix 131] 
na 114] 216") 227*] 231*] 280] xxxiv 
Crillons, xxxiii 164 
Crim Gueray, restored to the dignity of 
khan of the Tatars, xi 31] xii 14] 
———————- death of, xii 15] 
Crimea invaded by the Russians, xiv 74*] 
e+e. treaty with Russia, xv 16] 
revolt in, xvi 19] 
-... fresh disturbances in, xx 185*] xxvii 
25] 28] 
«+.. nominal independence of the, xxiii 
eee. annexed to Russia, xxvi 212] 363] 
xxvii 35] xxx 5] 
--+- account of the, xxviii 129. xxx 18] 
-».. English speculators, xxx 19] 
--.. land assigned to French emigrants, 
xxxv 2 
+++ Tatar inhabitants of, xlv 785 
«+s culture of the vine in, xlv 814 
Crimes, on the punishment of, x 316. xli 
309. xlii 437 
+».. strong and late asseverations of inno- 
cence sometimes false, xvi 125] 
++. substitute for the punishment of trans- 
portation, xix 163] 
-... causes of the increase of, xxxviii 488 
-.+. table of persons charged with, lii op. 
-. «+ increase of, liv 20] 
Criminals, mischiefs of rewards for convic- 
tion of, lviii 168, 314. lix 357 
«--- mode of distributing rewards for the 
conviction of, lix 358 
Crimps, attempt of one to get a man from 
a register office, x 60] 

—— col. 


cR ? 

Crimps, committed to prison, x 82] 96). ‘ 
XxXxviil 2 

. «.. convictions of, x 85] 96] xi 123] xxxviii 

+++. riots on account of, xxxvi 24, 25, 30. 
Xxxvii 2, 29. xxxviii 7] 

Crinitus, xxv 9 

Cripples. See Lameness 

Crisna, river. See Kistna 

Crisp, Burrish, xli 325n 

Crispe, (china manuf.) xli 363 

Crispin, W. xlv 829 

Crispin street, fire in, xlvi 396 

Criticism, observations on, xxii 179. xxiv187 

+++. actions to recover damages for, 183*. 
liii 85 

Croatia, forest in, burned, iv 138] 

«+. ++ earthquakes in, xviii 186] 

Crochon, xli 94] xlii 25] 

Crocodile, observations on the, x 77, 78 

-+«+ fossil, found in Dorsetshire, liv 142 

».-- Set to fight with an elephant, lviii 144 

+++ dogs set at, id. 4 

Creesus, vi 172 

Croft, C. xxxvii 112 

—-— Sarah, suicide, lix 73 

—-— sir Herbert, xxxviii 12 ‘| 

——— sir Rich. suicide of, lx 22 | 

—— sir W. xlvii 898 Z¢ 

Crofton, capt. Edw. (N) lvi 232 

Crofts, rev. T. xx 135. xxiv 198] 

-—— Rich. xviii 150] xix 135] 

—— W. xiii 252 

Croghan, G. ii 191. xi 142] 74 

Croisades, remarks on the, xii 261 

Croix, de la, xxxiv 44] 122] xxxv 245] 
xxxvi 118] xxxviii 189] 486. xxxix 150] 
181. x1 80] 

la, C. xlii 5] 

— gen, xiii 97 

Theod. marg. de, xxxiii 20] 

Croke, sir Alex. liii 306. liv 401. lv 378. lvi — 
368. lvii335. lviii 423. lix 248, Ix 401. bei © 

Croker, J. Wilson, 1i 145. lii 44, 279. liv 7] 
lv 6] 20. lviii 15] 16] 85] lix 36] Ix 53)” 
54] Ixi 58] 133] ) 

Crollius, xxxiii 249] 

Cromelin, C. (gov. of Bombay) ix 92] =a 
88 NV 

Cromlechs, ix 297 

Cromwell, H. x 58 

—— H. (great grandson of 0. C.) xv 

—— Oliver, i 267. ii 274, 275, 300, 
412,467. v 37, 59x. v 192. viii 102] 205. ix 
71] xi 165. xii 161] 36, 49, 51, 225, xiii 
140, xiv 25. xv 81] xvi 77. xvii 37. xxiv 
57. xxix 79] xxxi 101. xxxv 128] 160] 
413. xxxyi 373, 374. xlii 496. xliii 5] 

.... letters from, i 268. xxxv 358 

ae to gen. Fleetwood, iv 49 

ue on taking the fortress of Ba= 
singstoke, iv 50 

eve» death of, v 43. xxviii 164 


sa «peel ea gee Ti 

ee ne 




Cromwell, Oliver, letters to col. Hammond, 
viii 51 

.-.. character of, ix 88. xii 43. 157 

«++. compired with Montrose, ix 89 

++-- Speech on putting an end to the long 

_ parliament, x 212] 

«+++ account of his porter, xii 57 

--.» descendants of, xvi 79x. xx 166] 

--.. wife of, xvii 50 

-.+. letter to his wife, xxxiii 364] 

Rich. xii 51, 52. xvi 79 

«».. his succession to the protectorate, v 
id 7 

..+» speech to his parliament, v 45 

--.-+» anecdote of, v 46x 

- T. xxi 8, 234 

Cronin, Dr, Thadee, xi 151] 

Cronstadt, de, col. xxxiii 70 

Crook, T. xxxii 92 

Crooks, J. xxxix 409. xli 404 

Crop, Rich. xi 138] 

Crosbie, Xxili 30] 

—_—— ascent with a balloon from 
Dublin, xxvii 224] 

—— pish. i331 

—— J. ix 133] 

Crosby, ald. Brass, xii 149] xiii 72] 106] 
120] 122] 150] 161] 170] 205] xiv 63] 
82] 83] 84] 90] 93] 98] 100] 125] 131] 
145] 147] 184] xv 68] xvii 155] 156] xix 
169] xxii 200] xxv 195] xxvii 179] lii 95 

++. refuses to back press-warrants, xiii 

«+++ committed to the Tower, xiv 68*] 85] 
90} 91] 97] 189] 

«--- proceedings on his release, xiv 104] 

2+ account of, xxxv 10] 

Francis, xi 157] 

Croseillhes, bish. P, V. D. xlix 460 

Crosne, du, xxxi 238*] 

Cross, military inventions by, x 128] 

couns. lvii 268. lviii 322 

—— J. lviii 148 

—— Rob. xxxix 407. xlv 832 

Crossen seized by the Russians, ii 24 

Crossfield, J. T. xxxviii 17. xli 168 

Crossland, Nath. lvi 104 

Crotch, Dr. W. xxii 77. lii 269 

Baar” J. offers his niece for sale, ix 51] 

Crousaz, J. Pet. de, xxxii 8, xxxviii 834 

Crow, James, narrow escape of, xlvi 422 

— Nath. xxxii 337] 350] 

rowder, (attorney) libel on, xxxiii 12] 
rowe, rey. W. lii 270 

Crowley, C. lvi 62 

——— J. lxi 202 

Crown, extraordinary one made for an E. 
India nabob, viii 151] 

(the) prerogatives of. See Britain 

Crown court, fire in, xlix 474 

Crown lands, report on, xlv 379 

Crown lawyers employed to defend a person 
prosecuted by the crown, xi 138] 

Crown Point, French defeated at, i 4 


Crown Point, abandoned by the French, ii 

+... Gestroyed and abandoned by the 
Americans, xx 5] 

Crown street, Finsbury square, fire in, lvii 

Crowne, Dr, W. vii 48 

Crows, young, in January, vi 51] 

«+... anecdote of one, xlix 524 

Crowther, Phineas, xlii 380 , 

Croze, prof. Math. Veyss. la, xxiii 57 

Crucibles made of English materials, ii 92] 
iv 95] 

Cruger, (M.P.) xxvii 190] xl 331 

1. col xxiv 87] xxvii 190] 

Cruickshank, James, a miser, xvi 156] 

—_—__— _W. xiii 104] xxiv 53, 54, xxvi 
211] 30, 34. xxx 204] 

Crump, col. ii 14. iii 88] 89] 97] 

Cruz Morgeon, gen. liv 238 

Ctesibius, iv 156 

Cuba, all the conquered territory in, to be 
restored to Spain, v 239 

ees. earthquake in, ix 142] 156] xxxiii 37] 

e+e» hurricane in, xi 202] 

«... Jamaicamen cutting wood seized by 
the Spaniards, xviii 104] 

++». mamners and habits of the Spanish 
chasseurs, xlv 799 

+s«+ proceedings in, 1236] 

«+. See also Havannah 

Cuban annexed to Russia, xxvi 212] 363] 
xxvii 36] 

Cube, larger professed to be passed through 
a smaller, iv 102] 

Cubitt, W. xlix 857 

Cuckfield church set on fire by lightning, 
xix 170] 

Cuckow, hatched and fed by a robin, vii 86] 

«... attempt to account for it’s peculiar 
habit, viii 91 

+... natural history of the, xxx 58 

honey, xx 74, 76 ; 

Cucumbers, person poisoned by verdigrease 
used in pickling, viii 140] 

+++» early, great price given for, ix 81] 

+e. snake, xix 171] 

--. large, xxi 197] 

Cudbear. See Cutbear 

tert eck taken by the French, xxvi 58] 

.... besieged by the English, xxvil07] 112] 

Cuddington, palace at, i 265 

Cuddon, sir T. xix 121] 

Cudjoe, (Maroon) xlv 792 

Cudworth, rey. Dr. Ralph, xi 150 

Cuerton, Dan. xlv 380 : 

Cuesta, gen. 1198] 211] 212] 220] 11173, 
177, 183, 186, 189, 467, 469, 482, 500, 
693. lii 21,31, 34, 161 

Cuff, Joseph, li 543 : 

Cuffe, Hen. (secr. to the earl of Essex) xxi 

- remarkable dying speech of, i 377 
Cuffee, Paul, liii 85 


Culdees, iv 162 
Cullen, C, xxix 116, 118, 126 
Dr. W. xxiv 90. xxvi 212] 26. xxx 
71. xxxii 196] xxxiv 386. xxxviii 515 
Rob. lord, xlix 244 
Cullerne, near Bath, fire at, xvii 107] 
Cullian Sing. See Kullian Sing 
Cullis, rev. W. iv 114 
Culloden, battle of, viii 5 
Cullum, sir J. xxii 86 
T. Grey, Bath king at arms, xv 

Culpepper, lord, xxviii 166 

— Nich. xii 51 

sir T. viii 176] 

Culross, forest of, fire in, xlv 411 
Cumberland, election for, xi 98] 
Cumberland, Albina Eliz. x1 178 

—— bish. Rich. vii 44, xlviii 1077, 
xlix 818 


duchess of, lix 5 

——.——— earl of, (t. Eliz.) xvi 247 

——— Em. Aug. duke of, xiv 112] 
121] xviii 163] xxviii 206] xlv 113, 146, 
189. xlvi 402. xlvii 30, 58. xlix 360. Iv 
49] Ix 401, 2b. lxi 399, 400 

e+.» Humane Society’s medal presented to, 
xl 56 

eo. establishment of, xli 194, 205 

..e- Chance. of the univ. of Dublin, xlviii 

e+. attempt to assassinate, lii 261*. lv 

eee» marriage of, Ivii 50] 145] 61, 528 

e+e» income of, Ix 62 

ees. addition to his income, Ix $7] 89] 

ae: grant from the admiralty droits, lx 


e+. birth of a son, lxi 39 

———--—— H. Fred. duke of, iv 112] 147. 
vii 45] 46] ix 106] 146] x 69] 161] xi 
133] 151] 176] xii 216] xiv 160] 161] xv 
110] xvi 137] 142] 147] xvii 119] xviii 
49} 61] xix 137*] xxiii 82] 217] xxvi 
221] xxviii 198] xxxi 127] 128] xxxiii 
9] 143] xxxv 28 

‘se. invested with the order of the Garter, 
x 161] 

ee-- action against for crim. con. xiii 125] 
xiv 31] 

eee. married to Mrs. Horton, xiv 153] xv 

see. cup given by, to be sailed for, xviii 
137] xix 153] 

ee-- Sale of his musical instruments and 
library, xxxiii 10* 

eeee grant to discharge annuity duc to, 
xxxiii 143 

W. Aug. duke of, ii 285. v 36] 
98] 55, vi 70] vii 46] viii 40] ix 32] 81. 
x 162] xi 164] xii 216] xxxi 197] xxxii 
212] xlviii 25 

eves eae anarmyagainst the French, 

ev ee Mefeated at Hastenbeck, i19 




Cumberland, W. Aug. duke of, convention 
of Closterseven, i 19,185, 193, 201, 209, 
228. iv 255] 

«ss. presents to him from the W. Indies, 
i 104 

--+- wounded at the battle of Dettingen, 
i 187 

«-.. resigns his military employments, 1 

-».. engaged in forming a new ministry, 
viii 44] ix 212, 214 

++.» his death, viii 47] 137] 

e+ «- character of, 7b. 

-+-» funeral of, viii 200] 

v++. memoirs of, viii 1 

«..« Statue in Cavendish square, xiii 161] 

—— Harriet Eliz. x1 178 

lady Albina, xl 177 

—— Rich. xvi 249. xvii 198. xx 
207. xxi 196,210. xxvi 197. xxxiv 492. 
xxxvi 289. xlviii 1057. xlix 815. lii 695. 
liii 599 

«++. account of, xlviii 1072 

Cumbrae island, lighthouse on, xxxv 44 

Cumby, capt. (N) li 464 

Cuming, adm. W. xlvii 541 

G. (supervisor of India affairs) xv 

134] xxvii 187] 

W. lvi 336 

Cumming col. sir J. xxvi 30] 

couns. xlvii 99 

Cummings, xix 160] 

Cummins, capt. xi 181] 

Cummer ud Deen khan, xxxiv 214] 217] 

Cummings, Eliz.fxxxiii 18] 

> — J. xxxiv 45 

Cummyng, James, xxiii 239] 

Cundell, H. jun. xlii 383 

Cunha, don Lew. da, v 205] 

Cunigacatoge, American chief, iit 219] 

Cunnersdorf, battle of, ii 25 

Cunningham, xxi 286] xxvii 345] 

— Alex. xxxiii 442 

J. ix 254-6, 262. xvi 239 

——— _ lieut. (N) iv 110] 

Cunninghame, W. xxxiv 77 

Cunobelin, king, viii 31 

Cuparn, James, liv 314 

Cuppage, maj. xxxiii 114] xxxiv 214] 

Curassoa, earthquake at, x 54] 

....- surrendered to the British, xlii 215]78 

.... Amsterdam made a free port, xlii_ 176 

...» taken by the British, xlix 232, 645 

..«+ restored to the Dutch, lvi 98] 

Curates. See Clergy 

Cureée, xlvi 168, 170 

Curiosities, sales of, ii 84 

...- action by a dealer in, xliv 445 

Curiosity, i 811. v 253 

Curl, Edm. x 58 

Curling v. Buek, 1xi 273 

Curr, J. x1 390, xlvii 854, xlvili 957, 960. 
li 045 

' €u 
Curran, J. Philpot, xxxi 139] xxxij 199] 
xxxvi 4 
\ Rich. xlix 430 
Currey and others, v. Willan, Ix 28 
_ Currie, Dr. Jaines, xlii 322. liv 303 
Curry, capt. (N) xliii 99 
Curson, J. xx 193] 199] 201] 
Rob. murdered by T. Dill, xxiii 

Curteis, Edw. Jer. xxxiv 78 

Curtis vy. Kingdom, Ixi 278 

xix 160 

adm. sir Roger, xxiv 250] 234*] 260] 
263] 264] xxvi 204] 211] xxx 295] xxxvi 
17, 86, xxxvii 18. xxxix 227] 28. xl 

—— ald. sir W. xxxv 165] xxxvi 19, 36, 
41. xxxviii 22. xxxix 140] 252] xlv 54, 
419. xlvi 55, 403, 416, li 223, 214. lv 
204] lviii 24] 

James, xlviii 960 

—— J. lviii 170 

rey, C. xxxiv 497] 

—— W. (botanist) xlvii 839 

Curwen, H. xi 98] 

——J. Christian, xxxiv 78, 88, 89. 
xxxvi 251] xxxvii 160] 218] xxxviii 25] 
33] 42] xxxix 192] 248] 253] x1 186] xlv 
81. xlviii 457, 974. xlix 239, 860, li 161. 
lii 106. Ix 90] 134] Ixi 20} 

Curwood, couns. liv 101. xi 208 

Curzola, island of, taken, lv 163 

Curzon, G. Aug. W. x] 52 

hon. adm. H. xl 24. li 872 

hon. lieut. Edw. (N) lvii 151 

hon. Rob. xlv 9 

: Penn Asheton, xl 54 

Curzon street, fire in, xl 103 

Cushing, col. (Amer.) xlix 696 

hon. T. (of Boston) xi 237] 240] 
941] 247] 256} xvii 217] xviii 265] xxiv 
258] lix 392 

Cust, Francis Cockayne, xxii 255] 256] 

—— hon. Edw. Ixi 122] 

—— sir J.iv 175] xi 109] xiii 63] 68] 

Custine, gen. A. P. xxxiv 98] 103] 110] 
13] 117] 123] 125] 303. xxxv 253] 276] 


Customhouse, act for abolishing fees, and 
diminishing holidays, xlviii 76, 462 
+++. burnt down, lvi 13, 17 
+++» new, lviii 150 
Customhouse officers. See Smuggling 
Customs, consolidation of duties, xxix 105] 
+++. expenses of inquiry into the emolu- 
ments of officers, xxxii 277] 
| «+s net produce of, xxxvii 126 
| «.++ regulations respecting foreign books 
: and maps, Ix 137 
Customs. See Manners 
| Castrin, siege of, i 43, 48, 51 
| —— battle of, i 51 
| ay collected in Scotland for dyeing, ix 
| Cuthbert, 

li 100 




Cuthbert, abp. of Canterbury, xv 126 

—— capt. (A) xxxiv 24 

—- J. lvi 323 

Jos. x1 101 

Cuthbertson, J. xxiii 111° 

Cuthell, J. x1 58. xli8 

Cuticle, extraordinary separation of the, 
xiii 70 

Cutteau, Pet. James, xliii 453 

Cutting and wounding, instances of, xxxii 
207] 223] 226) 264] xxxiii 2. xlviii 367, 
390. xlix 482. Ixi 214 

Cuttlefish, ix 130 

Cutts, sir J. xxi 178 

Cuvier, li 901. liit 473 

Cuxhaven, occupied by the Prussians, xlii 
257, 261-3 

ee.» evacuated by the French, and taken 
possession of by the British, lv 118] 

Cuyler, m. gen. Cornelius, xxxv 270] 

Cuyp, xlii 13 

Cuzzoni, iii 16 

Cybele, x 123] 

Cyclops, v 136 

Cypriani. See Cipriani 

Cyprus, insurrections in, ix 3] 

Cyrus, vi 172. xli 10] liii 121 

Czartorinski, prince, vii 12] xi 157] xiii 41] 
xv 44] xvi 37] 38] 39] xviii 86] 161] 
xlviii 186, 657, 664 

Czerni George, xlviii 211. lix 99 

Czernicheff, gen. lv 135] lvi 19] 

Czernichew, count, iii 27] 29] 43. xi 84] 
188] xviii 138] 


Dabancourt, xxxiv 235. xxxv 201] 

Dacca, earthquake at, vii 83] 

Dacier, Andr. xx 32n 

mad. vii 187. xviii 1842 

Dacis, xlii 3492 + 

Dacosta. See Costa, da 

Dacre, C. Trevor, 18th lord, xxix 67] 

Mary, bar. xlvi 422 

T. lord, vi 54] 58] vii 178] 

Dacres, adm. (French) xlii 19 

adm. Jos. Rich, xxiv 162] xlvii 

535, xlviii 584. xlix 209, 232, 645 

adm. Rich. xlix 663*. lvii 38 

capt. James R. (N) liv 200] 248 

——— Rich. vi 164] 

Deedalus, xxxi 93. xxxviii 468 

Daendels, gen, xxxvii 202. x1 84] 163, xli 
310] 101, 108. lili 168] 

Daer, Basil W. lord, xxxiv 78 

Dagelmann, baron, xxxix 45] 

Dagestanli Ali bashaw, xvi 17] 

Dagge, — xiii 130] xxi 254] 
Daghestans, i 269 
Dagoe, convicted of robbing furnished 

lodgings, vi 68] 69] 
-++. extraordinary conduct at her execu- 
tion, vi 69} 


Daher, sheik, xv 19) xvi 20] 21] 25] 26] 
27] xix 191°] xxix 17 

«++. death of, xviii 157*] 

Dahl, (painter) xix 204] 

Dainstadt, battle of, xxxi 196*] 

Dairies, danger of lead, copper, or brass 
vessels in, xxxix 429 

Dakenhausen, 1, col. xxv 113] 

Dakins, rev. W. xlv 444 

Dalai lama. See Lama 

Dalberg, bar. lx 465 

—— duke, Ix 466 

Dalbert, col. iv 50 

Dalbiacks, messrs. v. patent silk- career 
for spoiling silk, x 99] 

Dalby, Francis, xiii 238] 

rey. T. Weekes, xxvii 230] 

Dale, Ant. van, i461. vi 174 

J. 1x 359 

—— Jos. xli 401 

Dalechamp, Dr. James, xvii 81 

Dalembert. See Alembert, d’ 

Dalhousie, G. 8th earl, xiv 203] xvii 163] 
xxvii 189] 

— G. 9th earl, lv 170, 193, 200, vi 

Dalkeith, fire at, liv 125 
Dalkeith, earl of. See Buccleuch, duke 
lady, xvi 206 
G. xxviii 242] 
R. C. xliii 437, 439. xlv_ 789, 799 
sir Rob. xxix 172] 247] xxx 149] 
xxxi 229] xlv 152, 460. xlvi 47, 107. 
xlviii 380, 400, 421. "xix 111, 115. 1134", 
li 276, 281. lix 186. Ixi 274° 
Dallaway, James, xxxvii 113*] xxxix 365, 
366, 368 
Dallemagne, gen. xl 61] 41 
Dalling, gen. xxvili 200] 
—— gov. xxiii 12)] xxix 113] xlix 
Dally, J. xxxvii 125 
Dalmatia, plague and famine in, vii 114] 
+... insurrection in, x 153] 163] 
++. antiquities in, xiv 119] 
+++. the French expelled from, xli $1] 
Dalmatia, duke'of. See Soult 
Dalphonse, xlii 21] 
Dalrymple, v. Dalrymple, liii 258 
———-— Alex. xi 72. xvii 167] xviii 
94] xxii 110. xxv 61n. xxx 238] 
———_— capt. J. W. H. (A) liii 258 
capt. W. (A) xxiii 211*] 
———-——- gen. xxxii 314] xxxviii 47, 
XXxix 225] 



———— gen. sir Hew. 1 186] 66*, 125*, 
265*. 112, 4, 42, 56, 57, 73 

— gov. iv 138] 
————_—- gov. (Sierra Leone) xxxiv 46 
—————- ]. col. Adolphus J. 1 270* 
——_——— maj. J. xlix 653, 655 
——-— m. gen. sir J. P. lvi 85] Ivii 
4] 19] 
—_ maj, gen, W. xvi 92*] 89] 


i a i sir David, xxxiii 442] xxxiv 

— sir J. xiv 23, 246. xxix 197] 
xxx 208. xlix 787. 1 242. lviii 253 

Dalton, Emma, lx 298 | 

gen. count, xxxi 39] xxxiii 30, 34, 4 

38, Sin. xxxvi 52] 

James, vii 63 

James Forbes, xlix 857 

rev. Dr. J. xvi 1992 

Rich. viii 1942] xxxiii 265] 

Daly, (M.P.I.) character of, lili 381 

—w— Annastatia, xi 80] 

—— C. tb. 

—— rt. hon. St. George, Iviii 189. lix 203 

Dalyell, capt. killed at Detroit, vi 26] 

Damas, chev. de, xxvi 112] f 

gen. xiii, 79] 220] 222] 234] xlviii 

mad. de, xiv 239. xliv 87 
vise. xxiv 110] 
Damascenus, J. xx 153 
Damascus, arrival of a caravan from Mecca 
at, xli 502 
Dambrowski, gen. xxxvii 31 
Damer, hon. Mrs. xxix 203] xlvii 430° 
Damiens, Rob. Franc, xvii 12 
Dammartin, xli 23] 
Dampier, xxvi 210] 
bish. T. xliv 17 
capt. W. xiv 2] xvi 272 
——- couns. li 270. liv 280, 296 
Edw. xlviii 957. li 543 
———— rev. Dr. xxv 199] 
Dampierre, gen. xxxv 252] 
Dana, Rich. of Boston, xi 237] xxii 22] 
Danby, T. earl, vi 266. See Leeds, duke 
Dance, G, clerk of the works to the city of 
London, xi 170] xxxii 250] 
Nath. xi 199] xii 107] xvi 140] 
sir Nath. xlvi 140, 410, 551 
T. iv 19 
Dancer, Dr. xxxii 76 
Dancers, remuneration demanded by one, 
xliv 435 
Dances, Spanish, xiii 242. lii 592 
Dancing, modes of, xxv 11, 44. lii 533, 592. 
lvi 486 
. number of servants taken up at a 
“public house on the king’s birthnight, 
Xxxiv 23 
. +. several respectable tradespeople taken: 
up, xlvii 393 
Dandaels, gen. xlviii 198 
Dandre, A. B. J. xxxiii 172] | 
Danekker, (sculptor) lx 469 
Danes, invasion of Ireland by, vi 261, 262 
- ancient, xiii 33 
Danford, Abraham, numerous frauds by 
XXili 234] 
Danforth, J. of Boston, xi 253] ) 
S. pres. of the council of Massa- 
chusets, xii 53] 
Dangerfield, T. lii 442 
Danican, gen. liv 146} 

' Danicou, xi 257] 
Daniel, prophecies of, vi 187 
condemned for the supposed 

murder of his wife, but pardoned, iv 171] 
—_ (Delaware chief) ii 191 

xxviii 200] 

Paul, (female soldier) iv 144] 
pere Gabriel, x 274. xiv 47 
Daniels, couns. lix 193 
Jos. Elkin, xlviii 435, 444, zd. 
Sarah Ann, lii 334 
| Danielsz, D. Hooft, xxiii 369] 
H. Hooft, 75. 

| Dank, capt. (A) ii 242 
Danourt, gen. _—_— xii 17] 

| Dansey, R. lvi 73 
Dante, vii 186, 272. xiii 201. xiv 67. xvi 
} 194, 230. xxiv 202 
| Danton, xxxiv 19] 24] 37] 52] 55] 61] 
120] xxxv 143] 215] 245] xxxvi 109] 
113] 117] 146] 158] 
+... character of, xxxvi 121] 
Dantzic, irruption of a Prussian force into 
the territories of, xiii 43] xiv 86*] 
+--+ vile conduct of the king of Prussia 
| toward, xv 38] xvi 46] 
+++. 1000 families request the k. of France to 
allow them to settle at Marseilles, xvi 115] 
++-. planks and staves purchased by British 
merchants stopped by the k. of Prussia, 
xvi 127] 133] 
-«-- State of, xvii 22] xviii 154*] 156] 164] 
| xxv 193] 
|+++- population of, xxi 217] 
+++. Ships arrived and Sailed, xxv 193*] 
) xxviii 196] 
)---+ cession of, required by Russia, xxxiii 
) 114,118 
)+-.. this supposed to be favoured by G, 
) Britain, xxxiii 118 
«++. annexed to Prussia, xxxv 21, 226 
+--+ besieged by the French, xlix 20 
e++- surrendered, xlix 26 
j++. it’s independence restored, xlix 716, 
721. lvii 384 
+++» evacuated hy the French, lvi 12] 
+++ Magazine blown up, lvii 102 
+. address of the k. of Prussia to the in- 
habitants, lvii 384 
,Dantzic, duke of, See Lefebvre, marsh. 
Danube, frozen over in 24 hours, iv 70] 
Danville. See Anvyille, d’ 
arab, a Parssee reformer, v 107, 108 
arbach, An. Louisa. See Karschin 
arby and sons murder J. Walker, ii 85 
(garden.) xxviii 455 
adm, xxiv 4] 170] 189] 248] xxv 
| 101) 106] 115] 160] 161] 163] 
adm, sir H.D’E. xl 143.xliii 249] 125 
— Rob. xlii 381 ° 
Darcey, sir G. vi 11 
ard, lvi 63] 
Varell, Edw. xxviii 200] 
sir Lionel, xlii 33, xlix 941. li 423 
Jar-Fir, manners of the people, xli 314 





Darien, colony of, xxx 209 
Darker, J. xxvii 183] 
Darkin, Isaac, iv 80] 88] 51 
Darleson, J. attempt to murder, xvii 114] 4 
Darley, C. action against his capt. for loss 
of prize-money from his not properly 
rating him, vii 79] 
J, col. Edw. lviii 20 
R. ix 153] 
Darling, m. gen. Ralph, lxi 121 
Darlington, H. 1st earl of, xxviii 182 
Hen. 2nd earl of, x 143] xxi 

W. H. Srd earl, xliv 408. lx 
339. 1xi 137] 

Darly, J. convicted of returning from 
transportation, ix 52] 

Darnford, fire at, xlvi 389 

Darnley, H. lord, xxix 193 

——. J. 3rd earl. xv 236] 

——— J. 4th earl, xxxi 298] 304] xxxv 
54] xxxvi 259] xxxvii 189] xxxviii 14] 
xxxix 242] 264] xl 177] xli 162] xlii 118] 
133] 134] xliii 121] 171] 186] xliv 43, 
148, 167. xlv 59, 130, 190. xlvi 374. xlvii 
16, 29, 61, 87, 99. 1 39] 44] 48] lii 40. liy 
118] lv 38] 210] lvi 204] Ivii 21. lix 30] 
lxi 148] 

Darrell, rey. W. xxxiii 21] 

Dartford, powder mills blown up, xxxii 
221] xxxvi4l. xxxvii 1. xxxviii33. xli 3. 
xlvii 399, ib. 

Dartmouth, customhouse broken open, ix 

Dartmouth, G. 3rd earl, xxiv 167*] xxvii 
69] xlvii 407. xlviii 8, 21. ii 105 

W.. 2nd earl of, viii 202] ix 84] 
xi 221] xii 89] xiii 70] xvi 63] 89] xvii 
100] 170] 201] xviii 81] 99] xix 45] 93] 
xx 256] xxvi 175] xliv 179, 267 

W. 4th earl, lii 298. lix 3] 

Daru, xlix 182 

Darwell, iv 96] 

Darwin, C. xxxvi 433. xlvi 783 

— Dr. Erasmus, xxi 88. xxxiv 468, 
470, 471. xxxv 305. xxxvi 427. xxxvii 
131*] xxxviii 514. x1 455. xliii 407 

«--- account of, xlvi 781 

+++.» suicide of his son, xlvi 738 

..«» Dr. Rob. W. xxxvi 436. xlvi 783 

Daschkoff, princess, xxii 215] xl 364 

Dashwood, ald. T. xxxix 12 

— capt, C. (N) xlvii 535. xlviii 586. 

lii 311. lvii 159 

capt. W. B. (N) Iviii 100] 154, 


231, 235 

———— miss, xxii 171 

— sir F. iv 177] vi 57] 68] vii 128] 

See also Despencer, lord le 

Vere, lvi 73 

Dassier, J. i 243 

Dates, manner of assisting the fecundation 
of, ix 126. xi 74] 

Daubeney, lord, xiy 151 

Daubenton, prof, xii 72, 75, xxxii 69 


Daubigny, James, xxxii 204] 

Daucus, a remedy for the stone and gravel, 
ix 163 

cise scurvy, xxxi 71 

Daun, Francis count, ix 61] 

——— Leopold count, i 17, 48, 53, 54, 59, 
158, 159, 160, 167, 168, 170-2, 175. ii 4, 
24, 45-8. iii 13] 15-17] 26-30] 46] 49] 
209] iv 32] 67] v 15] 24] ‘ 

«++» repulses the k. of Prussia, i 18 

«eee defeated at Leuthen, i 24 

+++. obliges the k. of Prussia to raise the 
siege of Olmutz, i 4], 42 

«++» his plan of operations, i 49 

---- surprises and defeats the k. of Prussia 
at Hochkirchen, i 56 

«s+» attacks Dresden, i 60 

..« retires into Bohemia, i 62 

«».. sends a reinforcement to the Russians, 
ii 25 

.... forms ajunction with them, ii 28 

.... defeats the Prussians at Maxen, ii 47 

».. and again at Meissen, ii 48 

os 3 wounded and defeated at Torgan, iii 
47] ' 

..-- defeated near Schweidnitz, v 16] 23] 

2... decease of, ix 61] 

—— rev G. lv 260 

Dauncey, couns. 1i 274, 293. liv 280. lvii 
300. Iviii 286, 805. Ix 342 

Danunou, xxxvii 86] x1 66] xliv 88 

Daure, gen. xliii 234] 

Dayal, capt. don » xix 180] 

Davenant, col. v. archdeacon Clive, xvii 


Dr. C. xi 167. xvi 225] 
sir -W. v 59,176. vi 180. x 221. 
xii 46. xxiii 152. xxv 192 
Davenport, J. lii 417 
serg. sir T. ix 149] xi 9 
xiv 97] 115] xv 174] xviii 88] 22 
xxii 210] xxvi 208] xxvii 151] 
Davers, sir C. xv 94] 
T. suicide of, x 59] 
David I, of Scotland, xiii 87} 
— — Christian, ix 269 
——— (painter) xxxvi 173] xxxix 79x] 
—— Judith, xliv 467 
David street, Berkeley square, calamitous 
fire in, xii 134] 

Davidovitch, — xxxviii 120] xlii 173] 176] 
Davidson, xxviii 200] 

Alex. committed for ill treating 
his parents, xvii 126] 
See Davison 
Dan., murdered at sea, ii 76 
gen. (Amer.) xxiv 59] 
—— G, executed for highway robbery, 
xxxix 44 
Mat. xlvii 432 
Nath. (consul at Algiers) xxili 

W. convicted of personating Mr, 
James and selling his furniture, xvi 152] 


Davie, maj. massacre of, xlv 549. Ivii 


J. Constance, xlvii 1021 

— W. Richardson, xlii 282* 

Davies, Edw. lviii 197 

J. Dobbs, xl viii 956 

lieut. David (A) lx 58 

lieut. Rich. Longfield (N) xlv 539 

—— miss (singer) xviii 126] 

—-—— Reece, lix 30 

rev. Dr. J. xxvi 109 

rey. Edw. li 870-3 

sir J. xvi 259. xlili 156] 

T. xxiii 231. xxvii 233] 

T. xxxii 336] 

T. xxxviii 432 

—— T. H. Ixi 69] 

W. lx 360, ib. 

Davis v. Tindal, for building a fence that 
Ul tines his prospect of the fields, viii 

—— v. the gov. and council of Bengal, 
xxi 190] 

>—— C.F. ii 418 

—-— Dan. Paulin, xlv 828 

—— G. xli 401 

——- Hart, liv 216] Ivii 15] lviii 87] 

———H., bill of exchange payable to 
another person of the same name indorsed 
by, xxxii 224] ‘ 

James, xxxiv 45 

—— J. ix 271. xiv 1] 

—— J. xlii 166 

—— J. xlv 897 

—— Lewis, retentive memory of, xv 129] 

—— l. col. xliv 525 

—— Mary, iv 91] 

—— Mary, the horned woman, xii 95 

—— rev. xxxiv 24 

—— rey. G.D. Iv 78 

rey. Walter, xlvii 896 

—— Rob. vii 118 

—— S. Ix 575 

—— S. (musicinstr. maker) xxxix 406 

——— §. murderer of his wife, died in jail, 
xiv 86] 

-—— sir J. xvi 259. xxxiii 258. lviii 47] 

—— T. (actor) iv 268 

—_— T. executed for burglary, x 139] 

—— T.v. gov. Verelst for cruelty, xviii 
97] xxi 199} 

—— T. H. xxviii 242] 

—-—- W. and his wife, iv 95] 

—— W. convicted of assault, xlvi 420 

—— W. xlvii 432, 1xi 304 

Davison, Alex. xxxvi 94, 119. xlv 119, 444, 
xlvi 383. xlviii 446. xlix 101. 11102 

weve trials of, xvi 383. 1 133*. 1i 271 

J. xlv 100, 101 
Rich. xli 161 

——--——. W. (secr. to Eliz.) ix 60. xxi 

—— W.S. xlix 519 

Davis’s Straits, grant for relief of the 
Dutch in, li 536 



Davoust, marsh. xlvi 176. xlvii 146, 155, 
166, 168. xlviii 190, 192, 198, 203, 206, 
673. xlix 8, 17]. li 206, 217. liti 131] liv 
170] 179] lv 119] 124] 133] 167] Ivi 12] 
101] 38, 384. lvii 60] 71] 85] 87] 184. 
lviii 156, 379 

Davy, col. W. Gabriel, 1 264* 

——— Eliz. x1 177 

J. v. the quarter-master of his regi- 

ment, ix 88] 

—-— maj. xxvii 136 
—— Peter, xlii 382 A 
—— serg. vi 88] 145] vii 73) viii 101] 

xii 67] 105] 161] xvi 149] 183] 195] xviii 
239] xix 143] 236] xx 210] xxi 190] xxiii 

—— sir Humphry, xliii 461. xlix 866. 1 
89, 1i 866. Ixi 91 

+++. method of preventing explosion in 
mines, lvii 501. lix 72 

Daw, Jos. murderer of farmer Shirdin and 
his family, xiii 155] 

— Rich. executed for the murder of a 
bastard child, xv 127] 

Dawbeney, lord, xiv 151 

Dawes, J. xxvii 268] 

rey. T. vii 102 

Dawkins, ii 143. xxxii 168 

—— H. ii 142 

Rich, lvi 369. lvii 336. lviii 424. 
lix 249. Ix 399. 1xi 398 

Daws, abp. sir W. account of, vi 11 

T. executed for the murder of his ap- 
prentice, xv 94] 

Dawson, xxii 132] 

—-— sentenced to death for poison- 
ing horses, liii 51. liv 95 

—— capt. (N) xxi 233*] xxx 218] 

—— col. T. xxv 221] 

——— Eliz. xiv 160] 

——-—— G. (soldier) v. Wylde and others 
(officers) for an assault, vi 90] 

James, lvi 337. lviii 348 

———— Mrs. burnt to death, xlvi 381 

Patr. murder of E]. Hascar, x 110] 

—_—— Rich. xliii 164] xlvi 45. xlvii 13 

———— R. and his niece, suicides, xxxiii 

——— T xliv777 

W. xv 94] 

Day, Dan. founder of Fairlop fair, x 140] 

—— hon. Rob. lviii 189 

— James, ii 170. xlix 860 

—— J. lost in a diving vessel at Plymouth, 
xvii 142] 146] 245] 

—— J. xlix 854, 856. lix 234 

— §. xlv 829 

—— serg. xii 150] ’ 

— T. xxxi 226] 

—— W. lix 234 

W. Allamus, lvi 335 

Dayman, J. lix 233. lx 360 

Dayme, H. D. lviii 348 

Dayrel), Edw. xviii 242] xlviii 368 

Days of the week, x 163 



Dayton, Jonath. (Amer.) xxix 299] 
Dea, T. xxx 203] 
Dead, on the custom of burning, iy 153 
+++» extraordinary growth of hair on, v 71 
+++» buried in the walls of a church, vi 52] 
-- «+ lady buried in her wedding clothes and 
jewels, vi 112] 
+++. persons about to be buried alive, viii 
a4 ix 99] x 59] 73] xvi 106] xx 109. li 

+o. farmer placed in a coffin in his barn, 
viii 86] 
Se _ aoe taethods of treating the, ix 
++e» private burials from lock-up houses, x 
61] 69] 
+++» woman kept 19 years in her coffin, xi 
+». body burnt, xii 133] 
:.+- hand grasping the handle of a dagger 
found among crumbled bones, xv 150] 
.... body preserved in a liquid ina leaden 
coffin, xvi 141] 
+++ person supposed so opened to be em- 
balmed, xvi 133 
———- buried alive, xix 


--.- method of preserving, xix 122 

.. +» cautions against hasty burying, xx 106 

--.. modes of treating the, xxv 49. xl 483 
bs extraordinary change in bodies, xxxv 

..-» man found so in his coffin after endea- 
vouring to burst it open, xlii 33 

«es. ceremonies at burying. See Funerals 

.... Stealing bodies. See Resurrection- 

Dead sea. See Asphaltites 

Deaf and dumb: persons taught to speak, 
ii 72. iv 186] liii 54 

e+., asylum for, liii 54 

.».. extraordinary case of a person also 
blind, i 253 

-... hearing recovered by a person struck 
with lightning, ix 96] xiv 143] 

--«- wedding, xvii 166] 

«se. academy for, xix 124 

-... case after fever, xxiv 195] 

Deafness, cure of, xlviii 385 

Deakin, J. liii 266 

T. lvii 320 

Deakins, Franc. lv 320 

Dealtry, Peregrine, xxxiv 78 

—— W. ii 143 

Dean, prize for landscape, x 83] 

—— Eliz. xiv 125] 

——— James, xlix 862, liv 115 

—— J. ii 93 

—— Rob. murder of M. A. Albert by, lxi 

~ W. liv 311. lix 234 

Dean street, Soho, fire in, xxxvi 36 

Deane, capt. (N) iv 90] 

maj. J.T. F. See Muskerry, lord 

Silas (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] 



DE DE 5 
xviii 265] xx 171) xxi 217*] 173] 342] Death, from a piece of gristle sticking in 

xxii 441] xxxi 223] 

Dearborn, gen. (Amer.) liv 199] 204] 
lv 178] 180] 183] 196] 149, 212 

Tar Phil. xxxiv 134. lv 378, lvi 368, 

Dearg. See Grant, Alex. 

Dearth, plans to prevent, i 382, 383 

--++ public prayers in several churches 
against, ix 87] 

+--» instances of, xliii 494 

-+»+ See also Provision 

Deasy, Tim. lv 261 

Death from suffocation, i 96, 116. ii 123. iv 
74] 159] v 86] vi 56) wii 108] viii 159] xi 
126] 151] 161] xii 132] xvi 139] xxi 187] 
188] xxxiii 2] xxxix 47. x1 42. xlv 383, 
438. xlvi 409. xlvii 354. xlviii 384, 411. 
xlix 475, 509. liii 5, 7, 9, 10,29. liv 151. 
ly 44, lvi 4, 91. vii 95. Iviii 114, 147. lix 
17. Ix 99. Ixi 72 

e+. from fright, iii 117] x 156] xiii 132] 
xix 147] xxi 205] xxiii 241] xxix 227] 
xlv 408. xlix 481]. 1 25*. liii 78. liv 10, 
123. lvi 114. lviii 155. Ixi 50, 66 

+. +» thoughts on, vi 185. lii 539 

-.». sudden, of a father, on hearing his 
son was drowned, x 91] : 

Caen remarkable, x 112] xxvi 222] 
xlv 408. xlvii 420, 485. xlviii 354, 411. 
xlix 355, 498. lv 10, 63. lvi 2. lvii 89 

+... caused by placing a frozen person be- 
fore a fire, xi 57] 

by biting the little finger, 

xii 130] 

++.. ata time predicted, xii 151] 

-... extraordinary of a husband and wife, 
xiii 105] lvii 272 

.. +. from cold, xiv 76] xxxiv 1. xl 94. xlv 
356. xlix 429, 523. liii 5] liv 31. lvi 5 

swallowing a pin, xiv 146] 

.... of several gentlemen after examining 
some paupers, xvi 96] 

.... from sickness after opening a grave at 
Paris, xvi 117] 

«+++ —— unexpected good news, xvi 119] 
xxi 216] iv 66] x 88] 162] xxii 218] 

Sane clothes catching fire, xvii 81] 

xviii 115] xxi 170] xxiv 201] xxvi 200] 
xli 24. xliv 393, 465. xlv 380, 466. xlvi 
381, id. 423, 426, 720, 787. xlvii 356, 360, 
362, 401. xlviii 363, 364, 371. xlix 378, 
sg 137*. liv 102. lvi2, 83. lvii 27, 31, 


..++ —— Sleeping before a large fire when 
drunk, xvii 81] 

digging for money in consequence 

of a dream, xvii 89] 

Cass sleeping in a room fresh painted, 

xvii 141] 

.... —— the bite of a gnat, xviii 130] 

ee ++ —— passion, xix 147] ly 79. lvii 51. 
lyiii 177 

e+.» —— grief forthe Joss of a husband, 
xix 189) 


the throat, xix 194] 
. — grief at being robbed, xxi 207] 
...- sudden, in the midst of a song, xxix 
..«+ fisherman choked by a soal, xxxiv 33 
.... from enormous eating, xl 20. xlvi 416 
.+.+ untimely, numerous instances of, in 
one family, xli 32. xlv 426 
..+. from falling into a brewer’s copper, 
xlv 467 
.s.. —— heat of Sun in E. Indies, xlv 553 
wae. —— the bite of a viper, xlvi 417 
wees —— leaping out of a window, xlvii 
«e+. —— reading in bed, xlix 464 
drinking cold water while hot, 

liii 87 

50 grief, in consequence of defama- 
tion, liv 65 

..+. —— maggots eating into the body, liv 

eee. —— drinking spirit, lv 8 

want of food. See Starvation 

.... See also Drunkenness and Drowned 

—— apparent. See Animation, suspended 

Debating societies, lii 92 + 

Debatt, gov. iv 173] 

Debbieg, col. Hugh, xxvii 289] 

—— ]. col. H. lvii 160 

Debelle, gen. xliv 217 

Debentures, money raised by, ]v 66] 70] 

Debi Sing, xxx 160] xxxi 160) 275] 

Debourg, ii 227 

Debry, J. xxxiv 31] xli 131] 256] 267 

Debt, on imprisonment for, ii 429. xiii 

«-.. action for a gaming debt contracted at 
Paris, iii 146] 

-... acts for the recovery of small debts, 
v 89] xv 92] 

-... action for imprisoning on a false claim, 
ix 94] 

.... recovered from jailors on the escape 
of prisoners, ix 102] xxxiv 11 

..+» action for, by a bagnio keeper, xii 

° io of gen. Gansell’s arrest, xvii 85] 

... actof insolvency no baragainst a debt 

ae before but payable after, xxi 


»... act for preventing frivolous and vexa- 
tious arrests, xxii 251] 

...-. wife arrested at the suit of her hus- 
band, xxiii 208] 

...-+ persons punished for arresting a do- 
mestic of an ambassador, xxiii 211] 

ieee character of our laws respecting, xxiii 

». +. attempt to alter the laws respecting, 
xxxv 144] : 

«+.. value of goods recovered from a per- 
son recommending another, xliii 20 



Debt, recovered from a person who had 

ee a false character of another, xlvi 

-..+ law of arrest altered, lii 144 

«+++ action against a man for debts con- 
tracted by a woman he represented as 
his wife, lvii 286 

Te for goods delivered to the ser- 
vant of a ready-money customer, lxi 187 

—— national. See National debt 

Debtors: bill for obliging them to deliver 
up their estates to their creditors, ii 90 

..-- insolvent, acts for the relief of, iv 85] 
111] 113] 124] 164] 177] 183] viii 90] 
185] xii 114] xvii 139] xix 143] 168] 
238] xxi 184] xxxvi 28. xliii 182] xlviii 
93. lii 144 

«+++ report of the Commons on insolvent 
acts, lxi 385 

+++.» escape of two tried for fraud, owing to 
a blunder in the act, v 81] 

«++-Spunging houses not deemed prisons 
under the act, viii 111] 

-.-+.the contrary doctrine held in some 
places, viii 134] 

+++. Woman married to a man under sen- 
tence of transportation to cheat her cre- 
ditors, viii 141] 

--.. poor, several released by a gentleman, 
ix 93] xi 67] 

. lady, x 52] 

++.. rescue of a general, xii 132} 133] 

-+.+ Board of Green Cloth make orders to 
screen no one who owes more than 20/. to 
one person, xvi 65] 

+++.» released by the Society for the Dis- 
charge of, xvi 99] 126] xxi 162] xlv 125 

».+- number in prison, xix 144] 

«.-. petition to the Commons from those 
in Newgate, xxix 135] 

--.. bills for the relief of, rejected, xxxiv 
173] xxxviii 73] xlv 125 

---. some released. by the fees of a grand 
jury, xxxix 2 

+++» opposition to the discharge of, xliii 27. 
xlvii 400 : 

aa raty bet between two, xlviii 

-»+ @eath of one in the Marshalsea from 
want, liii 3 

+... new prison for, in Whitecross street, 
ly 47 

— gen. _— xiii 58) 1ii 266. liv 145] 
ecamp, Ann Matilda, xlvi 898 

liv 255. lvii 122] 125] 

Decatur, comm. 

Decies, most rey. W; Ist lord, li 143 
Decken, |. gen, Fred. bar. xlix 701* 
Decker, ascent with balloon, xxvii 230] 
T. xxiii 156 

Decres, _ ‘1 76] 

Decretor, M. xxxii 121] 

Dedel, W. Gerard, ii 141 

Dedy, couns. H. O. 1i 279 

Dee, Dr. J. xvii 51 


Deer, act to prevent stealing or destroying, 
xix 142] 

+++. royal hunt, | 122* 

---. lord Berkeley attacked by one, | 130* 

Deering, J. liii 24, 552 

sir Edw, ii 142. ix 148] 

Defamation, actions for, xi 134] xxiii 217] 
x1 60. lviii 297 

++. prosecution for, xl 60 

Defamer, envious, xxxii 12} 

Defender of the Faith, on the title of, ix 

Defermon, count, liv 181} lvii 62] 

Defiell v. Johnsons, lviii 247 

Defoe, Dan. xiv 65] xlvii 803 

Deforest, Ixi 233] 

Defranc, gen. xxxiv 92] 

Degeer. See Geer, de 

Degelman, bar. xli 251 : 

Degen, of Vienna, attempt to fly, li 321 

Degiovani, gen. xlii 181] 
Degnesse xlii 24] 
Degout, xxxi 14] 

Deharts, J. (mem. of Congr.) xviii 265] 

Deighton, supervisor of excise, mur- 
dered, xii 152] xvii 139] 

Deities, heathen, remarks on the, vii 187, 
263. xxx 119 

Dejoly, xxxiv 210, 212, 216 

Deklerck, Peter, executed for uttering a 
forged Bank note, x1 44 

Delacroix, Ann, xlix 510 

Delafaye, xxi 245 
Delafons, J. xlvii 854. xlviii 956 
Delahaye, xxxix 65] 

Delamotte, J. xviii 87] 
Delancey, col. lv 172, 207. lvii 178, 179, 

gen. Oliver, x] 220] See Lancey,de 
——— pov. iii 152] xix 113*] 
Delany, Dr. Patr. ii 327, xi 245. xxx 204] 
James, v. Jones for libel, xliv 424 
Mary, xxx 204] 

iii 224 

Rob. xli 401 
Roger, waterman, prize won by, xi 


Delareviere, v 257] 258] 
Delatouche, le Vassor, v 254] 255] 259] 
Delaval Edw. xii 85] 
——— J. Hussey, lord, xxix 66] xxxiii 263] 
sir F. Blake, iv 115] ix 123] xi 70] 
xii 74] 75] 92] 151] xiv 94] 138] xv 66] 

xx 27 
J. Hussey, vii 56] 

Delawarr, G. J. 4th earl, lvi 204] 

Delbeck, gen. xxxiv 92] 

Delbee, xxxyi 86] 89] 

Delecloy, xli 13] 

Delegates, court of, cause between the dean 
and chapter of Westminster and parish- 
ioners of St. Margaret’s concerning the 
painted window in the church, v 90] 

Delessart, xxxiv 15] 19] 57] 285, 290, 297, 
299, 304, 307 


Delestranges, abbot, lviii 118 

Delgarno, capt. (N) xxxi 199] 

Delgresse, xlvi 715 " 

Delhi, battle of, xlv 552, 553. xlvi 224 

-++. account of, ly 538 

Delicacy, i316 

Delille,  xxxv 407 

Dellow, T. liv 6 

Delmas, xli 282] xliii 66] , 

Delomenie, card. xxxiii 151 

Delpech, xviii 218] 

Delphi, i 461, 462 

--.. oracle of, vi 170, 172 f 

Deltas of rivers, xxiv 41, 45. xxix 197 

Delue, J. A. xxii 94. xli 332. li 935 

Deluge, general, xxii 72 

Delves, sir B. B. ii 142, 143 

Delvin, lord. See Westmeath, earl 

Demarest, Johannes, x 144] 

Demay, Mrs. __ vi 56] 

Demeerfredt, count, xxxix 45] 

Demerara, taken by the British, xxxviii 70. 
xly 539, lvi 98] 

»+«. mutiny of a black regiment at, 1 49* 

Demere, capt. Paul (A) iii 219] 

Demetrius of Scepsis, xviii 178 

— Phalereus, xiv 164 

tzar, xxvii 163 

Democritus, xxiv 150. xxxii 174 

Demoivre, Ab. vii 32, 33 

Demongés, —_-xlvi 628 

Demoor, xli 90] 

Demosthenes, vi 174. xi 231. xx 19”, 174. 
xxvi 145. xxxiv 491 

Dempster, Cathcart, xlv 831 

G. x.70] 71] xi 148] xxvii 165] 

900] xxx 108, xxxi 88] 135] 146] xxxiii 



— T. xxxv 398 

Demsey, J. iii 130 

Denain, review in the plain 

Denbigh, account of, xxiv 134 

Denbigh, Basil, 6th earl, xvi 89] xvii 125] 
xlv 839 

Dendera, temple of, xli 420. xlix 884 

Denham, prof. vii 37 

sir J, x 212. xv 229. xxi 207. xxii 

of, lviii 


W. jun. xxv 196] 

Denina, prof. Carlo, xiv 159 

Denire, J. Bapt. xlvii 848 

Denis, capt. i 94 

Denize, J. Bapt. xlii 383 

Denizoff, count Orloff, liv 179] 

Denman, (singer) xlv 438 

couns, T. lix 102] Ix 302. 1xi 

140] 151] 160] 264 

es refuses to assist the English, ii 

3 ‘ 

+++. protestants ruined in Germany offered 
a settlement there, ii 116 

-+-- State of the drama in, ii 291 

-... three travellers sent hy the king to 
Arabia Felix, iii 100] 



Denmark: part of Jutland peopled with 
foreigners, iii 123] 

+++» prohibition of foreign tobacco and 
snuff, and of smoking, iv 67] 

++.» prize questions proposed by a gentle- 
man of Copenhagen, iv 148] 

++. attempt of Russia to recover Holstein 
from, y 14] 

+++» exacts a loan from Hamburgh, v 15] 

+++ State and policy of, vii 2] 

+++ no Officer to be permitted to marry till 
he has deposited a certain sum in the 
widows’ chest, vii 54] 

+++ ports of St. Thomas and St. John de- 
clared free, vii 89] 

+++ the princess royal married to the 
prince of Hesse-Cassel, vii 102] 

e+» woollen and silk manufactures, vil 

e++eTupture with, threatened by the em- 
peror of Morocco, viii 85] 

e+e» disturbances in, viii 115] 

«+++ prospect of it’s alienation from French 
politics, ix 5] 

+++» accession of Christian VII, ix 50] 

+++» preparatives to the funeral of the late 
king, ix 54] 

e»++ marriage of the princess to the prince 
royal of Sweden, ix 81] 146] 147] 

e+.. marriage of the king to the princess 
Caroline Matilda, ix 136] 

-+.. medal on the king’s marriage, ix 152 

fl pee of improvement in, x 9] xi 39] 

“hes coronation of the king and queen, x 

«++» Strange infatuation of the people in, 
x 164] ; 

differences with Russia respecting 
Holstein adjusted, xi 40] xvi 31] 

e+e treaty with Hamburgh, 7. 

+++» birth of a prince, 7b. 64] 

+++. expenses of the king’s journey, xi 

.. «+ Gluckstadt declared a free port, xi 181] 
xii 8] 

+++» new law of succession in, xii 7] 104] 

+.» intimate connexion with Russia, xii 8} 

squadron fitted out, 7b. 

-. «+ lottery in, xii 80] 

+++. numeration of the people ordered, xii 

++.» hospitals for disabled soldiers and sea- 
men, xii 157] 

«++. valuable ship taken by the Algerines, 

+++. unexpected changes in the ministry, 
xili 44] 

«+++ censorship of the press taken off, 7. 

.. ++ fruitless attack on Algiers, 2b. 

».+- new order of knighthood, xiv 77] 

.... new law of marriages, 2. 

++. recent profusion of titles in,"xiv 91] 

Re es of the criminal law, xiy 



Denmark: law respecting illegitimate child- 
ren, xiv 125] 

.- +» danger of the partition of Poland to, 
xv 4] 

+--+ revolution in, xv 70*] 73] 76] 77] 78] 
95] 96] 102] 181] 185] xvi 47] xxviii 55) 

+--+ peace with the Algerines, xv 79*] 

«.+» petition from the sailors, xv 111] 

++.» rewards to the persons employed in 
convicting the prisoners of state, xv 124] 

an aia by a nobleman in, xv 

«+. treaty with Russia, xvi 31] 48] 

-» ++ Holstein ceded to, 2d. 148] 

«++» military preparations, xvi 47] 

Ve application to Lubec for a loan, xvi 

«+s» printer at Altona seized for publishing 
an account of the revolution taken from 
the English papers, xvi 86] 

++.» proposal for a canal from the,Baltic, 
xvii 26] 

+++» premium offered for an imitation of 
Manchester velvet, xvii 105] 

+» Office of insurance against the distem- 
per in cattle, xvii 121] 

-..- Gluckstadt declared a free port, xvii 

»+.. importation of woollen cloth prohi+ 
bited, 2. 

++». trade to Bengal laid open, xviii 88} 

«+++ commercial prohibitions, xviii 126] 

+--+. exportation of warlike stores to Ame- 
rica prohibited, xviii 164] 

-... Guinea company abolished, xix 192*] 

-».~ foreigners excluded from employments 
unless naturalized, xix 118] 

..-- declaration on the armed neutrality, 
xxiii 352 

+++» persons imprisoned for treason, xxiv 

«++» demand of ships taken at St. Eustatia, 
and in the W. Indies, xxv 204] 

«+++ new council of state, xxvii 159] 

+++» revolution in, xxviii 55] 

++.» great scarcity in, xxviii 168] 

---- E, India company resigns it’s charter, 
xxviii 170] 

+++. Navigable canal across the peninsula 
of Jutland, 7d. 

gece _ attack upon Sweden, xxx 82] 


-... the king of Sweden charged with hos- 
tile designs on Norway, xxx 182] 

++.. Visit of the k. of Sweden, xxx 184] 

+++ progress of the invading army, xxx 
193*] 7 

«++» Stopped by the intervention of Bri- 
tain and Prussia, xxx 196*] 

+».- thearmy withdrawn from Sweden, xxx 

+».. declaration to Sweden and counter- 
declaration, xxx 292] 

.--- Mr. Elliot’s letter to count Bernstorff, 
xxxi 193*] 336] 


Denmark: memorial of the Austrian and 
Prussian ministers respecting France, 
xxxiv 315 

+++. answer to it, xxxiv 316 

--., trade to Africa declared free, xxxv 1 

.... British declaration on the trade of 
neutrals, xxxv 176 

e+ + answer to it, xxxv 178 

--.. counterdeclaration, xxxv 180 

++.» answer to the Russian declaration, 
xxxv 183 

+++ Official note from the allied courts, and 
answer, xxxv 205 

++-- reply of the British minister, xxxv 

+».. convention with Sweden for the de- 
fence of commerce, xxxvi 238 

-».. G. Britain and Prussia prohibit send- 
ing provision or ammunition to France, 
xxxvi 241 

+. ++ medal to count Bernstoff, xxxvii 246 

+» ++ papers on the acknowledgment of the 
French minister, xxxvili 207-9 

«s+» no vessels or persons belonging to, to 
be admitted into Russia, xli 281 

+++, convoys stopped by British frigates, 
xlii 244-51. xliii 93] 94] 

-+.. preliminary convention with G. ,Bri- 
tain, xlii 251. xliii 97] 

+.» notes from the British and Danish mi- 
nisters on an armed neutrality, xlii 264, 
xiii 242 

++. convention with Russia and Sweden, 
xliii 229 

+++. embargo on vessels in British ports, 
xliii 103] 233, 234 

-»ee Hamburgh taken possession of, xliii 
107] 249, 252 

-»+» troops withdrawn, xliii 116] 259, 260 

«>». attack on Copenhagen, xliii 109] 81, 

+». conventions with G, Britain, xliii 115] 
114] 218 

«+. W. India islands reduced, xliii 114] 

--++ merchant vessels built, xliv 472 

+++» obliged by France to reduce it’s army, 
xlv 326 

.» «+» Holstein annexed to, xlviii 213 

a war with G, Britain, xlix 249, 731-37, 

44 - 

«++ Surrender of the fleet and nayal stores 
at Copenhagen, xlix 263, 681*, 692", 
709". 1 2] 19] 

+».. answer to the merchants respecting 
British goods in their possession, xlix 

.... islands in the W. Indies taken, 1 8* 

+... death of Christian VII, 1 20* 

.... declaration against Sweden, 1307* 

+++.» answer to it, 1 510* 

+++» conscription introduced into, lii 258 

».+» Jews to be included in all military 
levies, ¢b. 

e+e» for a captain of a ship to hold any 


intercourse with England made felony, 
lii 241 

Denmark: isle of Anholt taken and forti- 
fied by the British, lii 266 

es. State of, liii 143] 

..- attempt to recover the isle of Anholt, 
liii 144] 190 

. State of the press in, liii 106 

.... dismissal of all the ministers by the 
prince, liv 189] 

«».. conduct of, lv 88] 124] 133] 168] 

ee». Holstein taken possession of by the 
Swedes, ly 167] 

«»++ proposal of peace from G, Britain, lv 

«»-- complaints against Sweden, lv 169] 

e+ rejection of the proposals of G, Bri- 
tain and Russia, lv 418 

.».. treaty with Sweden, Ivi 38] 379 

..-- declaration on the conduct of France, 
lvi 383 

«++. treaty with Prussia, lvi 445 

sree — Russia, lvi 459 

+». compensation for Norway, lvii 112] Ixi 

..-. cessions to and by, lviii 136] 

.»+» complaint of the delay of the king in 
granting a constitution, lvili 146] 

.--- treaty of subsidy with G. Britain, lviii 

e-.. commercial treaty with Prussia, Ix 181 

....» convention with Norway, lxi 154 

Frederick, prince of, xv 74*] 124] 
xvii 159] xxviii 55] 57] 
George, prince of, xxi 152] xxx 


Denmark house, xlix 877 

Denmark street, fire in, lvi 7 

Denne, rev. Dr. J. vi 9 

Denner, Balth. xxxii 144 

Dennewitz, battle of, lv 133] 

Dennington, Mrs. a quaker, baptized, i 84 

Dennis,adm. —- xiv 133] 

—— maj. x1 163] 

Dennison, col. (Amer.) xxii 12] 

Denny, Arthur, li 421 

Edw. ii 84 

gov. ii 193 

lady Arabella, iii 145] 

sir Ant. ii 84 

sir Thos. 7). 

Denon, xliii 2227] lvii 90] 81, 587 

Dent, J. xxxvi 213] xxxvii 204] xxxix 143] 
xliii_ 127] xliv 168. xlv 92. xlix 144, li 

Denton, Mary, money accumulated by, xiii 

T. executed for coining, xxxi 217] 

Dentzel, xli 96] 

Denys, Pet. liv 45 

Deodands, iv 161] 

Deodati, Tomaso, xx 160 

Depons, Peter, ill treatment of his wife, x1 
62, 63 



Deppen, affair of, xlix 10 

eee fires in the dockyard, i 107. xxxv 

.. + fire at the Redhouse mill, iv 77] 

.... churehwardens v, the rector for a 
church rate, xiv 54] 

Derbin, a noted housebreaker, v 116] 

Derby, riot at Thelwall’s lecture, xxxix 15 

«+e. porcelain manufactory, xliv 778 

+.» benefaction to the infirmary, xlix 448 

.... trials for high treason, lix 102] 1x 4] 

Derby, — xvii 216 

Edw. Smith, 12th ear}, xvii 126] xxi 

210*] 303] xxii 169] 342] 348] xxiii 162] 

330] 331] xxv 187] 296] xxix 203] xxx 

298] xxxi 125] 298] 304] xxxv 54] 130. 

xxxvi 239] 144, 151, 152, xxxvii 149] 

153, 7b. 155. xxxviii 44] 5. xxxix 150] 

xli 18. xlvii 63. xlviii 445. 128*. lvii 24. 

lxi 125] 88 

‘Eliz. countess of, xxi 198. xxviii 

145. xxxil51, 161. xxxvi4l6. xxxix 21, 

xl 78 

James, 7th earl, xxxvii 121*] 124*]. 

James, 10th earl of, viii 75. xx 86] 

Derbyshire, petition from, xii 151] 

..+- deseription of the Devil’s cave, xv 

Dereau, James, xx 91 

Derham, rev. Dr. W. x 81. xx 44 

Derick, Edw. his attempt to obtain admis- 
sion to the king or queen, xxxii 195] 

Dericke, xxi 146 

Dering, sir Edw, vi 273 

Deroi, gen. xlvii 165, 715 

Deroles. See Erolles 

Derrick, Sam. ix 257. xii 89] 

Derry, Rob. iii 157] 

Derville, J. iv 111] 

Derwentwater, rent charge allowed the earl 

of Newburgh out of the forfeited estate, 
xxx 139] 
Derwentwater, C. earl of, xxx 139] 
—-——-—- countess of, xxxiv 425 
Desaguliers, col. ix 141] xiii 143] xiv 
95] 133] 
— gen. 

iii 146] xvi 131] xix 

Desart, J. Otway, 2nd earl, lii 298 
Descartes, i 369. vi 37. vii 191. ix 38. xi 
119] xv 38. xlii 224] 
Deschamps, Pet, vi 88] 
Descombre, Mal. xli 259 

Descorches, xlii 218] 
Descoures, xli 114] 
Deseada. See Desirada, 
Desenfans, xli 10 

Desertion, soldiers shot for, i 95. iii 142] ix 
133] xliii 22. xlv 465 
. sailor flogged for, xlvii 872 
Deseze, xxxv 136 
Desforges, N. Ixi 301 
Desfourneaux, gen. 
Desgenettes, Dr. 

xliv 217 
xlvi 427 ~ 


i DE 
Deshautefraye, prof. objections to the colo- 
nization of China by the Egyptians, iii 
Deshayes, Jos. murder of, lix 37 

R. iii 89] 
Deshneff, xxvii 159 . 
Desiderata. See Desirada 
Desingy, lvi 81 

Desirada, surrendered to G. Britain, ii 14 

--.. restored to France, v 237] 

«s+. young men of family, behaving im- 
properly, to be banished to, vi 93] 

.... French driven out of, 1 237] 

Deslandes, M. xxiii 87” 

Desmaretz, col. viii 116] xi 182] 

Desmond, earl (t, Eliz.) xi 53, 55 

Desmoulieres, Gilbert, xxxix 56] 84] 

Desmoulins, Camille, xxxvi 114] 117] 126] 

mad. xxxvi 126] 

Desnoyes, gen. xlvi 628 

Desolles, gen. xli 243] 250] xlii 279._xliii 
61] lvii 82] 

Desormeaux, Dan. xlvii 853. xlviii 955 

Despard, col.. Marcus, xxvi 120] xli 200] 
xliii 7. xliv 189. xlv 371 

.-.. taken into custody, xliv 466 

.... trial of, xlv 70, 363, 594 

..-. execution of, xlv 73, 369 

Desparties, xxxiv 83] 

Despencer, Francis, lord le, vi 87] xvii 
136] 176] xviii 57. xxix 159] xlvi 360 

—— T. lord le; lvii 304 

Desportes, Felix, xl 250. xli 103] 

Despotism, observations on, xiii 139. Ixi 

.... baulked, xiv 203 

Despreaux, gen. lvii 183 

Dessaix, gen. xxxviii 140] xli 18] 39] 
260. xlii 3] 190] 194] 217] 23, 223 

Dessalines, gen. James, xliii 367. xliv 217, 
218, 219. xlv 330, 541, 547. xlvi 195 
408. xlviii 241. xlix 228, 658 : 

---- proclamations by, xlvi 714, 716 

+... emperor of Hayti, xlvi 195. xlvii 739 

Desse, sir W. xiv 128] 

Destaing, gen. 
401, 403, 407. xlv 952 

Destin, gen. See Destaing 

Dethick, Nich. xlvii 912 

———— sir Gilbert, 7d. 

petite balls, convictions for selling, lvi 

Detraction, xxxiv 450 

Detreuil. See Dutreil 

Dettingen, battle of, viii2 

Detzlessin, A. Sophia, iv 143] 

Deulet Guerai, khan of the Tatars, xv 19] 
xx 185*] 

Deuxponts, gen. bar. xlii 177] 202] 

Deux Ponts, prince of, i 54, 56, 160 

Devaux, gen. xliii 250] 

Devaynes, and Co. liii 251 

Jane, xlviii 415 
—— W. xv 134] xvii 110] xxv 205] 
xxxii 89] xxxiii 279, li 422 

xli 42]- xliii 91. xliv 


Deveaux, col. Andr. xxvi 261] 

Deveil, rev. xliii 27 

Deverell, W. xl 386. xlvii 853 

Devereux, gen. lxi 246] 

Devi Sing. See Debi Sing 

Devil, why called Old Nick, xx 143 

Devis, A. W. xxi 214] 

Devoize, Jacques, xliv 619 

Devonshire, risings of the poor in, on ac- 
count of the price of corn, ix 119] 124], 

+... petition to the king, xii 137] 

--.- address from the militia, xix 85] 

---- resolutions, xxiv 141] 

«+». rivers of, xliii 443 

+... exotics enduring the open air, liv 488 

a gk Christian, countess of, xliii 


—— Edw. Courtenay, earl of, xv 6 
————— Georgiana, duchess of, xxii 226] 
xxv 203] xxvii 324] xli 461 : 
— W. ist earl of, xi 67 
—— W. Ist duke of, vi 273. xiv 26, 
34, 35. xx 43. xxxviii 451 
W. 3rd duke of, xii 98 
W. 4th duke of, i 438. iii 77] 
iv 103] 137] v 98] vii 104] 128] 178] xii 
98. xix 235] xxix 35. xxx 2. lili 486 
sso W. Sth duke of, xii 98. xiii 70] 
xiv 252] xv 235] xvi 218] 243] 245] 
xix 255] xx 280] 283] xxi 303] 11. xxii 
342] 348] xxiii 133] 330] 331] 333] xxiv 
289] xxv 206] 296] xxx 208] 215] 298] 
xxxi 298] 304] xxxix 31. x1 211. 11 265 
—— W. Spencer, 6th duke, liv 29] 
Dew, silver stained of a gold colour by, 
Dewar, l.col. lv 130 
Dews, on preserving from the effects of, iii 
120 ° 
Deyerlein, J. G. liii 266 
Deyongh, Leonora, xxiv 163] 
Deysources, Xxxix 93] 
Deyverdun, xxxviii 333, 336 
Dhermia, liii 423 
Diabetes, experiments on urine in, xix 99 
Diack, (garden.) xlix 360 
Diamonds, Portuguese contractors with the 
king released from their engagement in 
consequence of the state of Europe, iii 
..- valuable one found in the stomach of 
a woodcock, viii 154] 
..+. rough one of large value sent to Eng 
land to be manufactured, xiv 65] 
+...» consumable by fire, xiv 141] xxxix 
389 : 
---- large one purchased by the empress of 
Russia, xv 80*] 123] 
-».. mines in Brazil, xv 155. xlviii 863. 
liv 535 ‘ 
+++. art of cutting unknown to the ancients, 
xix 139% 
+... nature of, xxxix 389 
-... sale of the Pigot, xliv 40] 
Dias, Bernal, xxix 1 


Dibdin, C, jun. xlix 501 
Dice, number stamped, xviii 191] 
---- additional duty on, xxxi 161] 286] 
xliii 196 
Dick, Alex, xlvi 526 
capt. xlvi 220 
—— Quintin, li 159, lvii 25 
sir Alex. xviii 87] xxiii 239] xxxiv 

—— sir J. xii 44] 103].114] xxxiv 134 
—— T. Lauder, lviii 577 
Dickens, G. lii 424 
m.gen, _xlix 233 
7. vi 88] 
Dickenson, capt. R. S. (A) xlix 655 
—— J. li 543, lvi 337 
—— maj. (Amer.) xxi 226*] 
Rob. xliv 772 
Sarah, xxxiv 145 
“Dickie, Aris, v. for libel, xlv 394 
Dickinson, G. Wash. lix 234 
— J. xlix 858 
J. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] 
xviii 265] xxix 299] 
—rev. xlvi 784 
Rob. xliii 458. xliv 772, 777. 
xlix 859. lv 320. Ivii 319, 2b. 2b. 320, 321. 
Iviii 347. lix 234. Ix 360 
W. jun. xliii 8] lix 57] 
W. x1 195] 
Dickson, adm, sir Arch. xli 185, xliii 95] 

adm. sir Arch. Coll. xli 88 
——— capt. Edw. Stirling (N) xlvi 135, 



Dr. Steph. xxx 70 

———. J. xl 358 

——— Jonath. li 544 

1, col. xxiii 208" ] 

———-l. col. sir Alex. liv 201. lv 204, 

232. Ivii 143, 160 
1, col. W. killed, xli 119 

Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers, 

Diderot, Denys, xvii 187 

--+» his library purchased by the empress 
of Russia, not to be delivered till after 
his death, viii 95] 

Didot, A. F. lvi 837 

Frane. Ambrose, x1 22 

—_ L. lvi 337. lix 236 

Dieskau, gen. defeated by gen. Johnson, i 4. 
xvii 9 

Dict. See Food 

Digby, adm. Rob. xxii 215] xxiii 204*] xxiv 
130] 170] xxv 101] 224] 281] xxvi 265] 

capt. G. (N) lii 265* 

Edw. 2nd. earl, xxxviii 27. lv 200] 

H. Ist earl, xxxi 263] 

J. earl of Bristol, xiv 144, xvi 207, 

210: xxxii 96 

- lord G, account of, xxviii 9 

r, adm. H. li 372 

~——— sir Kenelm, xxviii 1} 

eves Character of, ii 312, xii 46 


Digestion, process of, vi 31 
Digges, capt. (N) viii 115 
Leonard, x 212 ’ 
Dighton, | Museum robbed by, xlviii 421 _ 
Dignam, David Brown, xx 172] 177] 
—_—— Miles, xl 101 
Dignum, xli 36 
Dihl, Christ, lvii 319. lviii 347, 349 
Dilkes, capt. C. (N) xlix 496 
l. gen. W. T. liii 113] 
Dill, Christ, lvii 319, lviii 347 
T. tried for the murder of R. Curson, 
xxiii 237] 
Dillenburg surrendered to the French, iii 
Dillon, (travel.) xxiii 25, 100, 105 
—— C. 12th vise. xlii 202, 204 
count, xxii 202*] xxv 194*] 
gen. Arth. xxxiv 110] xxxvi 126] 
gen. Theobald, xxxiv 94] 
+++. murder of, xxxiv 96] 
hon. xvi 72] 
—_——_——_ H. Aug. xlvii 4 * 
J. Talbot, bar. xxv 177 
P, lviii 32 
rev. Rich. xxiii 225] 

Dilly, C. lii 695 

Dilworth, T. (schoolmaster) xxiii 197] 
Dimo, xl 137] : 

Dimoke, sir Ed. xv 4 

Dimsdale, bar. T. xi 144] 200] 202] xvii 
28] 61. xxiv 112. xxvii 186] 268] 
Dines, C. murder of, lvii 105 
Dingler, G. executed for the murder of his 
wife, xxxili 37 
Dingley, C. x 159] xi 108] xii 66] 80] 82] 
Aas 22 Rob. i 96, ii 167. vi 120. x 
Dingwell, rev. viii 131] 
Dinwiddie, Hutchinson, v. for bills accepted 
on his recommendation, xlvi 398 
Dioelesian, emp. iv 161. xiii 45, 46 
Diodorus Siculus, iv 159. vi 170. viii 179. 
ix 140. xviii 154. xix 120n. xxv 143. 
xxviii 97. xxxviii 468 
Diogenes Laertius, x 262 
the sculptor, ti 404° 
Diognetus, xx 143n 
Diomedes Scholasticus, x1 427 
Dion Cassius, ii 403, v 138. vi.l71. x 163. 
Jiii 426 
Dionysius Afer. xxi 27 
Halicarn, iii 251. xii 130 
(poet) xxxi 161 
Dioscorides, viii 102, 179 
Diospolis. See Thebes (Egyptian) _ 
Dippoldswalda, defeat of the Austrians at, 
v 15] 
Dircks, col. J. G, xxiii 366] 368] 
Dirom, maj. xxxiv 223] 
Dirty Dick. See Bentley, Nath. 
Disbrowe, Edw. | 222* 
Discoveries, modern, ancient practices, xi 

Discoveries : money granted for prosecuting 
toward the South pole, xv 211] 
++--splan for benefitting new countries, 
xxii 110 
eae” singular mode of curing in Tatary, 
i 272 

e+» infectiousness of, where a free current 
_. of air is wanting, viii 88 
+++» confined to peculiar people, viii 90 
--.. Classification of, xxxviii 514 
Disney, capt. (A) v. T. Walker for false 
imprisonment, xi 63] 
Diss, stone coffins found at, xvi 130] 
Dissenters: numerous body of their minis- 
ters wait on the king with an address on 
the peace, vi 81] 
e++. their address, vi 203] 
+++ attempts for their relief made in par- 
liament, xv 96*] xvi 94°] xxii 123] 210] 
xxix 114] xxxi 147] 148] xxxii 72] xxxiv 
-«.. meeting on the subject of subscription, 
xv 173] 
| «es. act for relief of, in Scotland, xxxiv 
++.» address of delegates to sufferers at 
Birmingham, xxxiv 68 
ae sale of the college at Hackney, xxxviii 
+,+- grants for ministers in Ireland, xivi 
583. xlvii 589, 591. xlviii 639, id. 
+++. grants for ministers, xlvi 583. xlvii 
586, xlvii 638. xlix 7267. 1 181°, 182*. 
li 536 
+++. a minister impressed in Scotland, 1 

UF ae presbyterian church in England, 
+++» actions to recover toll exacted from 
one going to a meeting, li 321. lx 265 
..+- clergyman refusing to bury the child 
of one, li 345 ‘ 
+++. preachers refused a license as having 
no particular congregation, liii 116. liv 22 
+++. unlicensed preacher and several of his 
congregation fined, liii 120 
-+++ number of places of worship in Eng- 
land, liii 268 
+... act for their relief, lv 56] 
+... splendid establishment in Jamaica, 
lvi 75 
«++. charge of preaching in a place not 
registered, lix 29 
«+e» synod of Ulster, lix 53 
+++» action for a conspiracy to disturb a 
congregation, 1x 265 
+++. See also Test and Corporation, and 
Toleration Act 
Distillery, private, in Clerkenwell, dis- 
covered, viii 102] . 
++.. prohibition of, from grain, ix 136] x 
141) liv 8] 
+++» penalties sued for, ix 148] 
++. one at Ludiow pulled down by the col- 
liers, ix 149] 




Distillery: prevalence of fraud in Ireland, 
xlvii 56. lviii 50 
«+s. new regulation of duties, liii 33] 
.... Still blown up, Iv 49 
++. private, under the bridge at Edin- 
burgh, lvii 42 
in various parts of Scotland, 

Iviii 133 
Distress, instances of, vi 110] 111] 
Ditchburn rv. Goldsmith, lvii 281 
Ditton, Humph. xxxii 8 
Diver, great speckled. See Loon. 

Divers, extraordinary, x 86 

eee for pearls, xli 385. xliv 751 

Dives, sir Lewis, xi 203] 

Diving bell, attempt to recover the treasure 

lost in the Fox near Dunbar, xviii 142] 
.+». improved, xix 202] xliv 443 
---- Spalding and his assistant drowned, 

xxvi 206] 
ah unsuccessful attempt at Liverpool, xl 

---. treasure recovered from the Aberga- 

venny, xlviii 409. liv 100 
«+. applications of, lviii 93, lix 42 
Diving boat, xliv 786 
— vessel lost at Plymouth, xvii 245] 
Divorce, suits for, by wives, xiv 110] xv 

1]0] xvii 131] xix 159] liv 109. lv 257. 

lviii 263 
«++. bills, xv 92] xix 142] 143] 144] xx 

181] xxii 214] 215] xl 230] xliii 185] 

xlv 123 
+e» Suits for, by husbands, lvii 283 
«++. curious case of, xliii 29 
e+. facility of in Cochin, xlviii 870 
--.. obtained in Scotland of persons mar 

ried in England, liv 291. lv 29 
Dix, Mary Ann, liv 26] 

Dixey, sir Woolston, xxxiii 435] 

Dixie, sir Woodlestone, xiv 125] 

Dixon, adm. sir Manley, lv 131. lvii 516 
bp. W. xlii 202, 204, 209 
—— capt. (N) xxvi 260] 

capt. J. W. T. (N) xlvi 135, 530 
col. xxii 148] 

James, xlvii 401. xlix 494 

=—« Jeremiah, iii 143] v 81] 
Joseph, iv 124] xiii 151] 

Mary, x] 366 

Peter, lviii 7 

—— Rich. iv 63] lvii 321 

Rob. iii 98 

S. xlvi 415. xlix 387. lii 362 
Dizi, F. lx 360 

Djamasp, a Parsee reformer, v 106 
Djezzar. See Ghezzar 

Dobbie, capt. (N) li 486 

Dobbins, Eliz. murder of, lvi 89 

Dobbs, capt. (N) lvi 189] 204, 209, 210 
Francis, xly 815 

J. lvi 337 

Jos. convicted of breaking open a 
stable and killing a horse, xiii 140] 

T. xlvi 825 


Dobson, Dr. Matth. xviii 95. xix 84, 99 

—— G. xli 404 

——~—— Marg. lvi 84 

T. ix 131] 

W. xliv 778 

Docker, W. x1 388 

Dockeray v. Turner, lx 302 

Dockhead, fire at, xi 113] 

Docks, new, at London, xli 196. xlii 158] 
24. xliv 354, 417, 428, 429, 441. xlvi 353. 
xlviii 426. li 412. liii 288 

Docksey v. Panting, xxxviii 8 

— W. lii 418 

Doctorow, gen. xlvii 168 

Dockum, van, capt. xlii 244. xliii 93] 

Dodd, (actor) ix 248. xxxix 3 

-—— Barrodall, Rob. x1 59. xlii 24. xliii 
6. xlvii 850 

C, xlii 432 

G. xlvii 848. liv 315 

James Solar, x 56] 

maj. T. li 296, 303. lii 263* 

—— Ralph, xl 59. xlii 24. xliii 6. xlix 
860. lvii 320 

—v— rev. Dr. W. ii 166, 168. vi 187. xii 
119] xv 147] xvi 66] 68] xix 125] xxxiii 

oes trial of, xx 168] 177] 232] 

«++» petitions in favour of, xx 186] 

e+e. execution of, xx 187] 

—— S. xv 190] 

Doddington, new church at, xlvii 433 

Doddington, E. Indiaman, wrecked on a 
barren rock, i 287 

Doddington, G. B. See Melcombe, lord 

Doddridge, rev. Dr. Phil. xvii 228. xviii 
219. xlvii 803 

Dodds, C. xlviii 416 

Dodernaigue, xlv 562. xlvi 228, 229 

Dodgson, G, x1 389. lviii 349 

Dodona, oracle of, vi 169 

Dodsley, Jas. iii 265. xviii 138] 181] 

--.. account of, xxxix 12 

—--—— Rob. i 887. iii 265. iv 244. vii 
102] xviii 41. xxxii 133. xxxiy 437] 

Dodson, Dr. J. lxi 286 

Doggett, T. (actor) xviii 56 

Dogs, curious anecdotes of, ii 82. xlv 889 

--+- monstrous production of a, ii 378 

-.+. huntsman devoured by his own hounds, 
iii 76] 

+--+ damages given to a person bitten by, 
iv 121] 

++.. one living nine weeks in a chalkpit 60 
feet deep, v 83] 

bia a _ of travelling with, vii 12. xxvii 

--+- blood-hounds shipped for N. America, 
viii 83] See also Jamaica, and Hayti 

+++» swimming wager lost through a dog’s 
care of his master, viii 116] 

«+++ persons saved from drowning by, viii 
125] xxi 207] xxxi 224] 1 67*. liv 137 

e+. one capable of uttering words, viii 



Dogs: one hung, knocked on the head, 
thrown into a well, and found alive twelve 
days after, ix 53] : 

+++. an eagle brought down by one, xii 82] 

+++. persons convicted of stealing, xiii 147] 
xxxi 225] 

+++. great amount of food consumed by, 
xiii 159] # 

+++ act to prevent stealing, xiii 228] 

+++. —— to prevent killing or destroying, 
xvi 111] 

---- sale of, xvii 162] 

-... test of madness in, xviii 151] 

+++. damages given for killing one, xviii 
i75] xlviii 431. lvi 30 ’ 

+++ epitaph on one, xx 195 

+e+- wolf, jackal, and dog, the same 
species, xxix 38, xxxi 41 

+++ fidelity of, xxxvii 11 

+++» one stung to death by bees, xlv 432 

«++» observations on, xlv 777 

+».. account of the bloodhound, xlv 800 

++. Sagacity of, xlv 889. 135*, 67*, 109*, 
113*. lviii 47 

+...» anecdotes of the greyhound, xlvi 815 

++». race between a greyhound and a race- 
horse, xlvi 818 

+++. disputes respecting, xlvii 390 

. instance of cruelty to, xlviii 431 

«+.. Sheep worried by, xlviii 445. 1 138*. 
liii 95, 107. lvi 103. lix 190 

es.» tax on, liii 22. liv 106] killed by one drawing a truck, — 
lvii 47 

«+» Seealso Mad dogs 

Dogsbane, utility of it’s down, iii 161] iv 132] 

Dohna, count i 40, 48, 48, 50, 53, 60, 
62, 158, 161. ii 10, 23 

«.-. resigns his command, ii 24 

..+. his declarations on entering Poland, ii 

Dolben, xxxi 225] 

—— sir W. xiv 130. xxv 167] xxix 
119] xxx 135] 170] xxxi 149] xxxv 169] 
xxxvi 278] xxxviii 43] 507, xxxix 258] 

Dolder, J. R. xlvii 354 

Dolgelly, earthquake at, xii 109] : 

Dolgorowski, prince, xii 16] xiv 74*] xvi 
17] xvii 9] xviii 138] xxxi 3l. xxxix 53 

— prince Joseph, xliii-78] 

—— princess, vii 90] 

Dolgorucky, prince, xlvii 717. xlviii 685. 
xlix 7 

Dollars, stamped and issued by the Bank, 
xxxix 14 ‘ 

.... called in, xxxix 50 

Dollax chapel, xxxiv 11 

Dollond, G. liy 315 

— Peter, action against Champness 

for infringing his patent, ix 67] 

‘Dolomieu, chev. de, xix 67 

Dolphins, seventy chased ashore on the 
coast of France liv 31 

Dombrowsky, gen, xli 278] xlviii 203. li 
356, liv 145] 



Domery, C. great eater, xlii 365 

Domesday book, xvi 147 

Domett, adm. W. xxxvii 65 

Domfront, gen. xlii 165] 

Domine, H. forgery by, x 158] 

Dominica: account of, xxxv 424 

--+. taken from the French, iv 58] 128] 
140] : 

--++ plunder of, iv 145] 

---- ceded to G. Britain, v 238] 

..-- smart shocks of an earthquake followed 
by sulphureous vapours, viii 78] 

+++ ancient burial place in, ix 104] 

+».. acts respecting the trade of, ix 210] 
xvi 231] 

ess. president and others drowned, xi 

-~+- inundation at, xii 164] 
.-.. erected into a separate government, 
xiii 129] 
--.. chest of gold lost overboard at, xviii 

'».. taken by the French, xxi 208] xxii 

36] ‘ 

a4 ” hurricanes at, xxiv 33] xxix 222] lviii 

---. restored to G. Britain, xxvi 325] 

«+... grants for, xxx 262] xxxi 285] xxxii 
278] xxxiii 142] xxxiv 148. xxxv 106. 
xxxvi 119, xxxvii 118. xxxviii 107. xxxix 
169. x1 204, xli 194. xlii 164, xliii 188, 
xliv 584, xlv 629. xlvi 582. xlvii 587. 
iz 729°. li 535. Jii 422, Ix 421. Ixi 


»-.. attempt of the French to recover, 
xxxvii 134] 

«... insurrection of the Negroes, xliv 260, 

+++. attack of the French on, xlvii 220, 

+... bounties on fish imported, xlix 730* 

.... differences between the governor and 
council, liv 211] 

»..«- war with the Maroons, lvi 202] 

.-+. apprehensions of famine, lviii 163] Ix. 


injustice toward slaves, Ix 111] 

+.-- ports opened for provision from any 
country, lx 145 

Dominicans, order of, threatened, xii 39] 

Dominicetti, xvi 176 

Dominichino, vii 273. x 217 

Domiphobia, xxxviii 476 

come v 143. xiv 163. xix 238. xxx 4. 

‘Domville, ald, sir W. xlvi 402. lyi 49, 51. 

lix 33 
Don, col. = xvii 518 
— gen. G, xxxvii 110, xli 304] 79, 
106. xlvii 426, 716. Ix 79, 144. xi 15 
Donald-mill hole, cavern of, iii 104 
Donaldson, Humph. xxxiv 145 
— J.xliv'773 
se W, executed for burglary, xiii 



Donally, James, convicted of extorting 
money, xxii 199] 208] 

Donati, Vitaliano, xxi 102 

Donatists, xiii 50 

Donatus, Marcellus, vi 94 

Doncaster, fire at, xviii 150] 

Doncaster, W. lvi 337 

Donegal, Arth. Ist marq. of, ii 142, 143. xii 
82] xiii 173] xxix 194] xxxix 31 

——— G. Aug. 2nd marq, lix 79 

Dongworth, Marg. xxiv 178] 

Donkin, Bryan, xlv 831. lili 266, lv 321. 
lviii 347. 1x 360, 361 

— gen. sir Rufane Shaw, xl 125. li 

470. Ixi 203] 

— m. gen. lv 147 

Donn, Benj. premium to, for a map of 
Devonshire, ix 49] 

Donnadieu, gen. lvii 190. lviii 112] 

Donne, rev. Dr. J. xvii 48. xxii 27 

Donnellan, capt. executed for murder, 
xxiv 172] 

Donnelly, adm. Ross, xlviii 597, 603 

Donop, col. xix 175*]178*] xx 15] 137] 

Donoughmore, Rich. Hely, earl of, xliv 
709n. lii 136. liii 55] liv 64] lv 45. Ivi 
208] 213] 214] Ivii 30] lviii 53] lix 53] 
1xi 60] 154] 157] 

Donovan, xxiii 206] - 

James, convicted of setting fire to 
Liverpool} jail, xiii 95] 

Jer. li 120, 142, lv 321 

Donston, G. viii 208] 

Doo, xxx 27 

Door, secure, xlix 508 

Doorgbijey Sing, xxvi 36] 

Doornich, W. E. bar. von, lvii 319 

Doran, Mary, convicted of arson, xxxiii 25 

Dorchester, fire at, xviii 137] 

Dorchester, Dudley, vise. xxi 13, 177, 238. 
xxix 115 

Guy, bar. See Carleton, sir 

— H, marq. of, ii 309 
Jos, earl of, See Milton, lord 
—— lady, xxxiv 134. Ix 400, lxi 

Dore v, Antrobus, lx 283 
Dorée, capt. Martin, xxxii 262] 
Dorfelden, gen, xxxi 174] 
Doria, And, xii 23 
-»+» account of, xii 24 
card. x1 45] 50] 62] 
Dorman, Mrs. (actress) ix 248 
Dormans, W. de, vii 169, 170 
Dormer, J. 7th lord, xxi 310] 

sir Clem. Cott, vi 70] xlii 351 
Dornberg, gen. lv 119] 124] lvii 178 : 
Dornford, Josiah, xxi 211] xxv 195] xxvii 


Dorrel, sir Marmaduke, xxi.178 
Dorrien, J. ix 84] 3 
Dorset, (tallow chandler) v 78] 
C. 6th earl of, ix 67, 68. xxi 191. 
xxxvi 364 



Dorset, C, 2nd duke, x 184] xii 66] 

G. J. Fred. 4th duke, Ivii 16 

J. Fred. 3rd duke, xiii 106] xv 

235] xvi 109] xviii 87] xxvii 238] xxix 

194*] 282] xxx 203] xlix|827. liv 824 

Lion. Cranf. 1st duke, liii 369 

Ormond, earl of, xiv 143 

R. 3rd earl of, xvii 48 

T. Ist earl, xix 199. xxiv 200 

-» + character of, xxiv 14 

T. Grey, margq. of, xviii 149 

Dorset street, fire in, lvii 36 

Dorsetshire, shocks of an earthquake felt 
in, iv 121} xvi 95] 99] 

Dorwood, vi 271 

Dossie, Rob. x 60] xiv 121. xvi 122 

Dost Mohummud, Ixi 499 

Douay, riot in consequence of a citizen 
ae murdered by a French officer, vii 

Douce, Francis, xlv 868. xlviii 996 

Dougal, Joanna or Agnes, murder of her 
own daughter by, x 88] 136] 

Doughton, J. iii 147] 

Doughty, W. liii 266 

Douglas, adm. Billy, xxxviii 90 

- adm. J. Leigh, xxxix 81 

adm. sir James, iv 58]139] 140] 
v 37] xvii 134] 

—-— Andrew, xxiv 329] xxviii 177 

—— Archib. x 108] 

---- heir to the Douglas estates, xii 76] 

Archibald, duke of, 24. 

——— bish. Gawin, xx 145. xxi 187, 233, 
xxxvili 459 

—— bish. J. viii 14. x 143] xvii 198. 
eee xxvii 83. xxx 203] xxxvi 301. xl 

eee account of, xlix 785 
——— capt. (E. In.) viii 117] 
(at Nootka Sound) xxxii 

(A) iv 138] 140] 
(A) xxvii 257] 
(N) xxiv 197] 
C. (N)i 94. xiv 81 
Norman, (A) xliv 8142, 8202 
sir And. Snape, xxxi 266] 
267] xxxvi 90. xxxvii 65 
—— col, sir Howard, liv 221 
sir Jas. lv 201, 240. lvi 182 
——_——— sir J. (mar.) xli 72, 94, xlii 217] 
lv 18] 22] 


sir W. lvii 187 

—-— Dr. James, x 80. xxvi 26 

——~— earl, stabbed by James II of Scot- 
land, xxxix 49 

Fred. Sylv. North, x1 178. Ixi 74] 

——— hon. J. xxxiv 78 

——- James, xxvi 27. xxxii 3 

James, xl 385, 386 

———- James, marq. of, xii 76] 

—— lady, lv 18] 19] 22] 

—lord. See Morton, earl 

————-~~ lord James, 1 162 


Douglas, m. gen. Stuart, xxv 287] 
-—_—— Rob. lvii 221 
— W. lvi 245 
~— rev. Dr. xli 39 
rev. Neil, tried for sedition, lix 


- sir Howard, liv 314 

132] See also Glenbervie, lord 

-—— W.R. K. lix 83] 

- (of Ambresbury)lord. See Queens- 
berry, W. 4th duke 

Doulert, xxxix 84] 

Dourx, M. G. on the principal follies of the 
English, ix 35 

Douw, Gerard, xiv 137] 

Dover, considerable falls of the cliff at, xv 
82] lii 294 

esos fire at, ] 38* 

+++» ancient well discovered in the castle, 
liii 108 

Dover, duke of. See Queensberry, James 
2nd duke, and C. 3rd duke 

———— lady, xxxv 7 

lord, See Yorke, sir Jos. 

Doveton, m. gen. xxxvii 8, xli 58] xlvii 
520. Ix 182] Ixi 213] 

Dow, Gerard. See Douw 

-—— lieut. James, (N) xxvii 264] 

Dowager, miss Innes, li 334 

Dowbiggen, S. xlvi 401 

Dowdall, (Irish reb.) xlv 297, 313 

Dowdeswell, rt. hon. W. ix 48] xiii 64] xiv 
21] 90] 196] xv 217. xvi 68] 95] xvii 53] 
xviii 16. xxiii 174] 

«+e» chancellor, &c. of the exchequer, viii 

«+e epitaph of, xxi 189 

Dowding v. Watson, xli 20 

Dowled Gherai, khan of the Tatars, xii 15] 
xvii 5] 9] xviii 156*| 

Dowler, W. li 121, 128 

Dowley, J. xlvi 362, 368 

- Philadelphia, v 182] 137] 

Dowling, (printer) charge of high trea- 
son against, xxvii 200] 

couns, lyiii 326 

———— Math. xl 101 

Dowlut Row, xliv 282 

Downe, H. Pleydell, 3rd vise. iii 88) 

J. Christopher, 5th vise. xxxix 3l. 


Downes, r. hon. W. iii 91] Ivii 311 

Downie, capt. (N) lvi 190] 212, 215 

David, convicted of high treason, 
xxxvi 29. xxxvii 17 

Downing, J. extraordinary case of himself 
and family, v 67. vi 79 

———— sir G. xi 127] xlix 939 

sit Jac. Ger. vii 61] xl 49. xlix 

Downs, J. (inspector of excise, Ireland) xxx 

Downshire, Arthur, 2nd marq. xxxix 31. 
xl 224] xlii 116] 20], 204. xliii 171] 

Sylvester, xxx 149] x1 178, 26; xlit 


Downshire, Arthur, 3rd marq. liv 30] 
————— Maria, march. of, lix 54 
Wills, Ist marg. See Hills- 
borough, earl 
Downy, Cuthbert, vii 85] 
Dowson, Emerson, lviii 348 
Doxat, capt. xxvi 22] 
Doyle, gen. sir J. xxxix 159. xliii 98. xliv 
865. xlix 51, 82 
Humph. lvi 320 
——- J. a rioter, executed, xii 160] 181-7] 
J. xlv 363 
m. gen. xxxvili 83 
D’Oyley, m. gen, Franc. xli 78, 106, 115 
Doz, adm. don Vincent, xxv 116] 
Drage, James, xxxiii 18] 
Draining ploughs, new, viii 154] ix 53] 
126] xiii 88] 93] 
Drakard, J. convicted of libel, liii 58, 244 
Drake, _ iii 83] 
* adm. sir F. iv 145] x 187. xxi 240, 

+. character of, xi 65 

adm. sir Fr, S, xxii 214] 256] xxiv 

107] 111)- xxv 204*] 208*] 211] 

Dr. Nathan, lii 536, 691, 695 

Francis, xxxvii 280. x! 181. xlvi 

162, 165, 619, 622, 630, 639 

J. G. viii 347 

Lawrence, liv 315 

rev. xxiii 157 

Dr. xxv 109, 1 67* 

Roger, i 278 

——— sir Bernard, xi 66. 

——-— Francis, bart. 2d. 

Francis, xiv 27 

W. xv 115] 

W. jun. xxvii 268] 

W. Tyrwhitt, lii 318 

Drama, remarks on the, ii 291. xii 172, 
284, xiv 201 

...-riseand progress of, in England, vi 
179. viii 196 

.--. onthe unities, viii 233 

-.+- musical, x 218 

«++ of Germany, xxxii 115 

«+ E. Indian, lix 501 

.... Chinese, lix 489 

Dran, H. F. le, xxxii 3 

Draper, J. murdered, lviii 125 

Jos. mutineer, pardoned, xxxv 36 

———-_ Mrs. v 97] xli,365 

— Rich, xv 92] 

—sir W. ii 54,\vi 4] 15] xv 207] 
xxv 115] 225] 

.... his expedition against Manilla, vi 5] 

+».. — refutation of the Spanish charges, 
vii 138] 

+++.» cenotaph in honour of the 79th regi- 
ment, xi 257] 

«+++ epitaph on, xxviii 151 

Drawings with a hot poker, xiv 121n 

Drax, T. Earle, xii 93] 158] 

Dray, man thrown from the shafts of one, 
and killed,¢xly 406 : 


(Amer.) xix 382] xxi 219*] 

Mich. x 212. xv 169 

W. iii 235] 

Dreaming, viii 83 

.+ +» suicide in consequence of a dream, xii 

«++» child christened from a dream, xv 

.--. death in consequence of, xvii 89] 

Drebell, Cornelius, xvii 248] 

Dreghorn, lord, x1 426 

Drenan, Dr. xxxix 145 

Drennan, Dr. lvii 632” 

Dresden: entered by the king of Prussia, 

e++. marshal Daun appears before, i 60 

“th the suburbs burned by the Prussians, 

.. + censurable conduct of the king of Prus- 
sia, i 64 

«++. Memorials relating to the destruction 
of the suburbs, i 167, 174, 176 

«++» surrendered to the Austrians, ii 28 

+.» besieged by the king of Prussia, iii 16] 
xvi 187 

e+e relieved by Daun, iii 17 

+++. complaint of the conduct of Prussia, 
iii 209] 

eee. effects stolen at the bombardment sent 
away by the Jews, iv 67] 

+s» fire at the porcelain manufactory, xvi 

sees State of, xvi 186 

.+.. mysterious disappearance of the prins 
cess of Hohenlohe, xli 31 

«es. battles between the French and the 
allies, lv 131] 

--.. surrendered by the French, lv 170] 

.. +. explosion of a magazine, lvi 6] 

Dresnay, du, col, xxxvii 166 

Wes historical remarks on, iv 177. xxxv 


-..» of the ancient Romans, iv 298 

...» laws relating to, vii 173 

-... ancient modes in England, xii 135-42. 
xxxv 362 


iets in France, xiii 101 

Drew v. the London Imperial Fire com- 
pany, Ix 314 

- capt. J. (N) drowned, x1 2 

—-—— Stephen, action against for an assault, 
xiii 141] 

Drewitz, gen. xii 33] 157] 

Drewry, S. (dep. commiss.) xxxix 159 

Dreyer, xlvi 163, 652 

Driffield, Christ, xxxiv 379 

Drill husbandry. See Agriculture 

Dring v. Campbell, Ixi 187 

—— Sam. ii 120, 130 

Drink, abstinence from, xv 95 

Drinkwater, gen. J, xlvii 99 

J.v. the Royal Exchange assur- 
ance office, x 99] 155] 

Drogheda, C. marq. of, xxvi 196] 1 223* 

—~—— E, dth earlfof, i 118 



Droits of Admiralty. See Admiralty 

Drontheim, description of, lv 512 

Dropsy, persons repeatedly tapped for, xxvi 
215) xxvii 29, 31, xxviii 195] 

«++. of the ovarium, xxvii 29 

+++ case of, in a sow, | 58* 

Drouet, xxxviii 150] 151] 158] xli 97] 
xlv 284. xlvii 169. lii 207. liii 107] 188. 
liv 145] 237. lv 140] lvii 66] 

Droughts, great, ix 155] xxvii 232] 238] 
xlv 423. liii 84. lvi 107. lvii 69. lviii 14 
Drowned persons restored to life, ii 420. iy 

104] v 100, 101. vi 56] 130. vii 105] viii 
105] 126] ix 99] xi 148] xii 163] xv 200] 
xvii 115] 138] 141] 2. 142] 145] 160] 
xviii 108] 129] 104, xxxv 14, xxxix 38. 
xliv 460, xlv 454. xlvi 386. xlviii 433 
e+e. —————- curious mode of discovering 
a body, x 82] 
res. persons found, xiv 118] lvii 51. lix 

ee Apparatus for the recovery of, xviii 

e+e.» proper method of treating, xviii 101. 
xxxiii 354] 

-.-- man and his daughter crossing a ford, 
xxxiii 11] 

+++ persons bathing, xlii 27, 30. xliv 460. 
xiv 420. xlvi 394, 417. xlvii 771. lvii 63. 
lix 84 

e+.+ persons drowned in attempting to save 
others, xlvii 396, 399, xlix 464. lxi 67 

-+-» two husbands of one woman in nearly 
the same place, xlix 366 

-.-. child falling out of bed into a tub of 
water, 1 140* 

e. «+ man swimming for a wager, liii 59 

ese. by the jibing of the boom of a plea- 
sure boat, lvi 76 

«-.. man riding by mistake into a river, 
Iviii 145 

«... persons from a horse stumbling in a 
ford, lix 50 

---- See also Animation, suspended 

Drowning, contrivances to prevent, ii 419. 
iv 141, vii 98] xlviii 979 

---- man and boy saved by a dog, viii 126] 
See also Dogs 

+++» precautions againstsuggested, xviii 82] 

+++» persons saved from, xlix 362, 458, 480. 
liii 129, 131. liv 85, 138. lv 38, lvi 4 

Drucour, chey. i 177-82 

.. +» his fletter on the surrender of Louis- 
‘bourg, i 179 

Druids, iv 159. ix 297 

Drummond, abp. Rob. xx 26] 

capt. (A) 11 233, 234 

—— David, xxi 177 

G. xxiii 384] xxiv 328] 337] 

a] 314] xxviii 301] 200. xxxii 329] 


G. Harley, lvi 29 

—— H. xviii 222] 1ii 300 

James, styled duke of Perth, ii 
176, iii 190] 



Drummond, John, ii 176. iii 190] 

—— ]. col. lvi 210 

1. gen. sir Gordon, lvi 179] 182] 
189] 196, 198, 203, 208, 256, 260 

——_——— maj. Duncan, xxxii 327] 

—— Rob. xviii 222] 

—sir W. xl 171] xlii 264. xliii 

108] xlv 669 

—— W. (poet) xxx 176 

Drummond’s, bankers, notes, &c. belonging 
to, found, xxi 197] 

-+.. robbery by a clerk, xxvii 203] 

Drunkenness, deaths from, iii 156] iv 128] 
xxvi 209] xlii 82. xlv 356. lv 8. lvii 67, 
68. lxi 23 

++-. accidents owing to, vi 51] xv 35. xl 
92. xlvi 434. xlix 476. li 288, 317. liii 
120. lv 89 

-»+- drunken man, in a frolic stopping a 
tea) on Hounslow heath, shot, xii 

scorched to death sleep- 
ing before a fire, xvii 81] 
shot as a highwayman, 

xvii 145] 

+++. man’s éye beaten out by a drunkard, 
xxxviii 9 

Drury,, adm. W. O’Brien, lii 817. liii 171. 
liv 5) 

capt. (N) xxv 226] xxvi 128] 

—— Mm. gen, xxxiii 287] 

sir Drue, ix 60 

Drury lane, fire in, xlii 10 

Drury-lane theatre. See Theatres 

Druses, iii 59. xxix 143. xli 27] 

Dry, Jennix, vii 81] 

Dry rot. See Timber 

Dryden, J. ii 433. iv 239. v 192. vii 50, 
51. x 221. xi 165. xv 229. xxi 191, 207. 
xxii 27, 182. xxv 192, 207, 211. xxxvi 
297. xlviii 852, liii 382. lv 541 

jun. xix 122 

Simon, iii 92] 
(ant.) xv 134, 138, 159. xx 135 

capt. (N) ix 127] 

—— James, (mem. of Cong.) xvii 218] 
xviii 265] 

Dubellamy, (actor) xviii 115] 

Dubicza, siege of, xxx 47] 

Dublin: equestrian statue of George II 
erected there, i 78 

..++ bust of Dr. Gilbert placed in the uni- 
versity library in consequence of his 
bequest to it, i 8). 

.»+. pretended Lapland conjuror, i 274 

.... lady stopped by the mob from going to 
a Sunday rout, iii 87] 

«++. redress of a countryman offered bad — 
halfpence, iii 145] 

.»»« plan for moderating the excessive price 
of coals in, v 68] 

.... freedom of, presented to lord chief 
justice Pratt, vii 51] 

.. +. Newgate broken open by some soldiers 
and Liberty boys, viii 120] 



eee eee 



Dublin : the grand jury dissatisfied with the 
lord mayor on the occasion, viii 120] 

-.-. lord mayor and aldermen refuse to 
concur in a petition of the sheriffs and 
commons for shortening the duration of 

parliaments, viii 148] 

+e. ————_—___-__-_—_ refuse the 

petition of the sheriffs and commons for 
a stipend to Dr. C. Lucas, ix 53] 

+++ petition to the lord lieut. to support 
the bill for shortening parliaments, ix 60] 

.».. address to it’s representatives, on the 
bill being dropped in England, ix 98] 

..+~ collections for the poor, x 87] 

-.-- sudden fall and rise of the Liffy, x 

«+». the corporation resolves to take all. 

constitutional measures to procure the 
shortening of parliaments, x 139] 

..-. three additional packets established, 
xi 85] 

..+- lord Townshend requested to sit for 
his picture, xi 99] 

«+. picture of the king by Ramsay pre- 
sented to the university by the lord lieut. 
xi 103] 

«+. murder of two butchers and conse- 
quent riots, xi 109] 

..-- duke of Bedford installed chancellor 
of the university, xi 174] 

+... marble bust of the earl of Chesterfield 
placed in the Society’s room, xii 79] 

«... new Exchange, xii 121] 

--+- resolutions on the state of the country, 
xiii 66] 

-«.. great decrease in the export of linen, 
xiii 96] xvii 175] 

+... resolution to petition the king on the 
late prorogation of parliament, xiii 157] 

-... the lord mayor and sheriffs requested 
to give a certain sum to a charitable com- 
mittee in lieu of a dinner and ball, xiv 70] 

+++ complaint of dearth, xiv 104] 

--.. freedom of, to ald. Crosby, Wilkes, and 
Oliver, xiv 131] 

«++. 3000 half crowns of James IT found 
the an old wall in Mary’s abbey, xiv 

-+-- pension to the widow and children of 
Dr. Lucas, xv 67] 

+++. subscription for Highland emigrants 
to America, xvi 92] 

«++. penny post office opened, xvii 109] 

++. prov. Andrews’s legacy for an observa- 
tory, xvii 136] 

+++. arm of a watchman cut off, xvii 161] 

+++. exports and imports, xvii 175] 

+++» prison broken open by the soldiers, 
xviii 88] 

+++. a large portion of the Phoenix park 
presented to sir J. Blaquiere by the king, 
xviii 90] 

ewas medals of the Historical Society in the 
University of, xvili 134] 


Dublin; resolutions of the sheriffs and 
commons on the rejection of an address 
to the king by the mayor and aldermen, 
xviii 149] ' 

-... thanks of the guild of merchants to 
J. Wilkes, xviii 156} 

ham, xix 43] 

to lord Effing- 

oo. ———— — to all the peers 
who protested against the American bills, 


«++. resolutions of the sheriffs and commons 

on a petition to the king being frustrated 
by the mayor and aldermen, éd. 

«+. Jail fever at,-xix 131] 

.... the Gazette to be conducted in future 
on the plan of the London, xix 133] 

--.- warlike stores shipped for America, 
xix 148] 

«++» extraordinary robbery in thé Phcenix 
park, xix 175] 

»... alarmed by American privateers, xx 

+» +» floating batteries to defend the har- 
bour, xxi 204] 

e+. riots at, xxii 234] xxvii 197] 198] 
199] xxviii 11] xxxvii 12, 33 

.--. subscription for a national bank, xxv 
228] xxvi 198] 

+» +. national bank opened, xxvi 208] 

-... address to lord Temple, xxvi 354] 

--+» woollen draper tarred for importing 
English goods, xxvii 197] 

-.-.aflray between some officers of the 
army and volunteers, xxvii 198] 199] 

-... ascent of Mr. Crosbie with a balloon, 
xxvii 224] 

.--- French cloth, intended to be passed 
for Irish, seized and burnt by the mob, 
xxvii 239] 

address of the Chamber of Commerce 
to the trading towns, xxvii 337] 

-+-- petition to the king ona reform of par- 
liament, xxviii 6] 

..+. address to the people, 2b. 

.. + thanks to the ear! of Charlemont, xxviii 

ess. Storm at, xxxi 194] 

-.-. address to the king on his recovery, 
xxxi 323] 

«... legacy by H. Flood for endowing a 
professorship in the university, and pro- 
moting the study of the Irish language, 
xxxiii 297] 

+++. parliament house burnt down, xxxiv 6 

.»-+- resistance to a constable by a corps of 
volunteers, xxxv 9 

.. +. attack on the lord chancellor, xxxvii 12 

+++ general orders to the military to act 
without waiting fora magistrate, xxxix 31 

«.+» Terence Sheel murdered by a militia 
officer, x1 29 

..»« censure of the lord lieut. on a court 
martial acquitting a yeoman guilty of 
murder, x] 90 


Dublin: escape of fifteen prisoners from 
Newgate, xliil 25 

«+.. grants for improving, xliii 188. xliv 
585. xlv 627. xlvi 58]. xlvii 587. xviii 
640. xlix 728°. 1192*, 193* 

«. «» Storm and inundation at, xliv 469 

e+e» Stoppage of the supply of water, xlvi 

»+ee duke of Cumberland chancellor of the 
university, xlviii 369 

«.+. thanks, instead of freedom, voted to 
maj, O’Donoghue, as being a papist, liy 

-... court of aldermen petition against the 
popish claims, liv 51 

+.» lord mayor repairs to London with the 
petition, lv 17 

-».. dispute with the catholic abp, on the 
appointment of a catholic chaplain to 
the jail, lvi 78. lvii 311 

«+++ School of physic founded, lvi 98 

aves riots at the theatre, lvi 106, 117 

eso. fire in, lviii 45 

. «. student in the university better skilled 

in Irish than in English, lviii 94 

see. petition for a repeal of the window 
tax, Ix 119] 

«s+. epidemic fever, and neglect of govern- 
ment respecting it, lx 105 _ 

Dubois, (Amer. loy.) xlv 630 

card. See Bois, du 

Crancé, xxxiv 19 

Julien, liv 44 

pere, liii 428 

Dubordieu, capt. liii 95] 

Dubos, ab. See Bos, du 

— chev, lvi 81 

Duboscage. See Guillaumanches 

Dubouchage, xxxiv 235 
Dubourg, 11419 
— (mus.) xx 42 

Dubuc, xli 237, 239 
Dubuisson, xli96) 
Dueange, _ vii 167. xlviii 999 

Ducearel, Dr. And. Coltee, xv 537. xvi 81 

Ducaudrai, Tron. xxxix 84] 

Duchaffault, adm. count, xxii 63] 

Ducharmey, mad. bravery of, ii 1d 

Duchat, Jacob le, xxviii 109 

Duchatel, xxxv 280] 

Duchemin, M. xxvi 58] 244} 

Ducie, Sarah, baroness, xxxv 26 

Duck, rey. Steph, 1263 

Ducks, method of raising a great number, 
xvi 125] 

-.-. nest made on a tree by, xix 152] 

++.» —— under the roof of a church, xlvi 

Ducksfoot lane, fire in, xlvi 408 

Duckworth, adm. sir J. T. xxxvi 92. x1 147, 
153. xliii 112. xliv 212, 401, 689. xlv 456, 
541, xlvi 708. xlvii 119, 354. xlviii 80, 
229, 584, 644. xlix 195, 204, 368, 659°. | 
68] Ix 401 

——— James, convicted of counter- 



nae and diminishing gold coin, xvi 
Duclieu, ii 226 
Ducos, gen, 1 212] 
Roger, xxxv 280] xli 316] 258, xlii 

16] 36] 64] 
Dudbridge, J, xlii 321 
Duddeley, T, xxi 237 
Duderneg, xlv 562. xlvi 228, 229 
Duderstadt, taken by the French, iv 11] 
Dudingstone, lieut. (N) xv 117] 131] 
Dudley and Ward, J. Ist vise, x 184] 
——— J. 2nd visc. xxiii 258] 
Josh. pretended discoveries on the 
fire at Portsmouth, xiv 137] 141] 161] xv 
106] 107] 114] 

_——— rey. sir H. Bate, xx 161] xxiii 226] 

xxx 93, xlvi 817. lviii 79 

«+++ prosecuted for a libel, xxiii 209] 216] 
xxiv 183] 

sir Rob. (son of the earl of Leices- 
ter) account of, xi 57 

Duelling, remarks on, v 166. 1178 

eee Severe edict against in Bavaria, xvi 

«++» Maltese laws of, xvi 190 

.» +. prohibited in Prussia, and a court of 
hononrs established, xxviii 167] 

.. +» law against in America, xlv 371 

--++ two duellists in Scotland sentenced to 
pay a fine to the Lunatic Asylum, lvii 17 

Duels: maj. Glover and« Mr. Jackson, iii 

«-.. gent. fined for challenging another, vi 
76] 77] xl\vii 400 

sees J. Wilkes and S. Martin, vi 110] 143] 

-... Mr. Chaworth killed by lord Byron, 
viii 60] 208] 

«+. two gentlemen near Kensington, viii 

+... at Marseilles, between a Corsican gen- 
tleman and a French duke, x 91] 

«+» challenge of a member of parliament, 
xii 72] 

-+.. capt. and lieut. of marines at Ply- 
mouth, xii 121] 

«++. unfair one in France, xii 135] 

-.+. James Agar shot by H. Flood, xii 136] 

.... P, De Lancey killed by Dr. J. Haly, 
xiv 164] 

- with knives between two ladies of 
quality at Paris, on a point of precedency, 
xv 77] 

«se. marq. de Fleury and a brother officer, 
xv 125] 

.»+. lords Townshend and Bellamont, xvi 
72) 85] 

«+. Messrs. Scawen and Fitzgerald, xvi 

-.«» Mr. Whately and gov. Temple, xvi 

».++ capt. Ferguson killed by capt. Roach 
at the Cape, xviii 237] 

-... parson Bate and capt. Stoney, xx 161] 

«+s» Frenchwoman and her lover, xx 207] 


Duels : capt. 'Tollemache and capt. Penning- 
ton, xx 209] 
«e.. count d’Artois and duke of Bourbon, 
++». count Rice and viscount du Barry, xxi 
211] xxii 204] 

+++. couns. R. found guilty of murder, 

- xxii 233] 
+...» Mr. Adam and Mr. Fox, xxii 235] 

xxiii 56] 
-»+- lord Shelburne and col. 
xxiii 150] 202] 203] 
-».- Mr. Donovan and capt. Hanson, xxiii 
-»» rey. H. Bate and Mr. R. xxiii 226] 
«»-- rey. Allen and Lloyd Dulany, xxv 
211] 213] 
«++» col. Cosmo Gordon and 1. col. Thomas, 
xxvi 216] 
+++» Mr, Munro and Mr. Green, xxvi 219] 
+--+ lord Macartney and Mr. Sadlier in the 
E. Indies, xxvii 230] 
—_———— and gen. Stuart, xxviii 



-»-- Rob. Keon executed for the murder of 
G. R. Reynolds, xxx 196] 

-»+- the duke of York and col. Lenox, xxxi 

ee-- col. Lenox and Theoph. Swift, xxxi 

«s+. maj. Hobart and Mr, Curran, xxxii 

--+- sir G. Ramsey shot by capt. Mc Rae, 
xxxii 199] 

«+.» Mr. Power shot by capt. Grumbleton, 
xxxii 205] 

+++. Prince, midshipman of the Racehorse, 
killed by Mc Duff, captain’s clerk, xxxii 

+... capt. Harvey Aston and lieut. Fitzge- 
rald, xxxii 209] 

«-.. Mr. Alcock and Mr. Sewell, xxxii 209] 

++.. two near Dublin, xxxii 210] 

--.. Mr. Stephens shot by Mr. Anderson, 
xxxii 219] 228] 

.» .» Barnave and Cazales, xxxiii 132 

as A duke de Castries and C. Lameth, xxxiii 

--.. Mr. Graham shot by Mr. Julius, xxxiii 
31] 32] 

«+.. Messrs. Kemble and Aiken, xxxiv 9 

+». lord Lonsdale and capt. Cuthbert, 
xxxiv 24 

«+. trials for sending a challenge, xlvii 

++. lord Lauderdale and gen. Arnold, 
xxxiv 29 

" mod, ib. 

Sa tg Chauvigny and C, Lameth, xxxiv 

——— and the duke of Rich- 

. oo col, Roper shot by Mr. Purefoy, xxxix 

| «+. between earl Fitzwilliam and Mr. Be- 

resford prevented, xxxvii 27 
Parr I, 



Duels : Rolle, shot by R. England, xxxviii 

«++. duke of Norfolk and lord Malden, 
XXxvili 14 

.. ++ lord Valentia and Mr. Gawler, xxxvili 

ae W. Carpenter shot by J. Pride, xxxviii 

-+.- lord Bianey and the duke de Fitz- 
james, xxxix 9 

.-»- lord Kingsborough and col. Fitzge- 

vald, xxxix 55 

-.. Mr. Tierney and Mr. Pitt, xl 227] 43 

+.» meeting between an attorney’s clerk, 

a scavenger’s clerk, and a journeyman 

baker, x1 69 

-+-- between sir J. Orde and lord St. Vin- 
cent prevented, xli 35 

.ee» Mr. Grattan and Mr. Corry, xlii 116] 

«+. Mr.F. shot by lieut. B. at Bombay, 
and the lieut. and his second, capt. R., 
transported, xliv 354 

.... P, Hamilton shot by G, J. Eaker at 
New York, xliv 356 

+++. maj. Impey shot by lieut. Willis at 
Quebec, xliv 563 

s+» capt. Knoring shot by a Hanoverian 
gentleman near Paris, xliv 373 

«e+. gen. Destaing shot by gen. Regnier, 
xliv 401, 403, 407 

ss.» sir Rich. Musgrave and W. Todd 
Jones, xliv 411 

eee. ~Bremen shot by lieut. 
Cape of Good Hope, xliv 414 

«+» lieut. W. and capt. J. both shot dead, 
xlv 575 

«+.» capt. Me Namara and I. col. Mont- 
gomery, xlvy 380 

2+. lieut. O’Reilly shot, xlv 436 

+e. gen. Hamilton shot by col. Burr in 
America, xlvi 404 

«s+» | Sawyer, captain’s clerk of the In- 
flexible, shot by a brother officer, xlvi 421 

--.. ensign Brown shot by ensign Butler, 
xlviii 354 

.»+. major Brookes shot by col. Bolton, 
xlviii 354 

».-» lieut. Turrens shot by 

.»-- Mr. Richardson and bar. Hompesch, 
xlviii 446 

eee between 
midshipmen, xlviii 451 ‘ 

..+. sir F, Burdett and Mr, Paull, xlix 425, 

ase» Mr. Colclough shot by Mr. Alcock, xlix 

.».. T. McCoard and Standish Lowquay, 
xlix 448 

.++. lieut. T. shot by Mr. R. at New Or- 
leans, xlix 495 

+++» de Grandpré and le Pique, said to have 
fought in two balloons, | 63* ‘ 

+++. maj. Campbell executed for shooting 
capt. Boyd, 1 80*, 88*, 89* 

Rae at the 

Fisher, xl viii 

Long and Armstrong, 



Duels: lord Castlereagh and Mr. Canning, 
1i 239, 504-8, 516 

.. + capt. Cadogan and lord Paget, li 277 

..+. G. Payne shot by Mr. Clark, lii 277 

-.+. capt. Boordman shot by ens. de Bet- 
ton, liii 26 

.--- Mr. Harrison killed near Tottenham, 
liii 53 

«+e» man killed without a wound, liv 10 

-... Mr. O. Joynt shot by Mr. P. Mc Kim, 
in Ireland, liv 31 

+s.. two French officers with one fowling 
piece, liv 87 

+++. lieut. Bognall shot by lieut. Stewart, 
liv 127 

+... criminal informations against persons 
posting others for refusing to fight, liv 

«+. between two French prisoners with 
scissars at the end of sticks, lv 30 

.... E. M‘Guire, A. Dillon, J. Gilchrist, 
and D. O’Brien, found guilty of the 
murder of lieut. Blundell, lv 310 

«s+. Mr. Morley shot by couns. Hatchell, 
lvi 13 

-».. capt. Stackpoole shot by lieut. Cecil, 
lvi 41 

«s+. J.N. d’Esterre shot by Mr. O’Connell, 
lvii 11 

---. col. Quentin and 1. col. Palmer, lvii 

e+» P. Dillon shot by B. Kane, lviii 82 

... several at Gottingen, lviii 160 

.... maj, J. Hillas shot by T. Fenton, lviii 

-... lieut. Hindes shot by lieut, Conroy, 
lix 17 

..-- Messrs. Lawler and Dumas, lix 68 

-... J. Sutton shot by maj. Lockyer, lix 

«+». lieut. E. Bayley shot by Mr. O’Calla- 
ghan, lx 6 7 

.. +. British and American officers at Gib- 
raltar, lxi 22 

Duesbury, = xliv 778 

Dufay, vi 64 

Duff, capt. G. (N) xlvii 287 

——— col. Patrick, xxviii 245] xxxiv 207] 

— comm. ii 128, 263 

— gen. sir James, x1 163] 213 

— J. 11 543. lii 417 

—- maj. xxxiv 39 

—— m. gen. Alex. xlix 221 

— sir James, lvii 1] 2] 3] 

Duffin, Patr. W. xxxiv 44, zd. 

Dufly; J. lvi 336 

—— rey. J. lvii 311 

Dufresne, gen. xxxiv 192n] xli 151] 

Dufriche, xxxv 280] 

Dufry, Mary, rape, robbery, and murder of, 
xvii 144] 

Dugdale, James, xxiv 324] 

lieut, (N) xiii 35] 36] 151) 



Dugdale, sir W. x 234n. xvi 82 

Dugommier, gen. _xxxvi 64] 65] 

Dugua, gen. xli 18] 

Dugué Lambert, capt. iv 156] 

Duhamel, —xxxiii 231] a 

——— H.L. iii 119. vi 82, vii 46. viii 6] 
152. xi 91. xii 104. xiii 79, xvi 89. xix 
86. xlviii 932 

+.++ method of preserving the health of © 
seamen, ii 416 

---- on the preservation of corn, xii 121 

Duhesme, gen. _—xli_: 147] 150] 159] xliti 
60] xlvii 162. 1 145] 209] 210] 

Duigenan, Dr. Patrick, xli 206] xlvii 95, 
434, xlix 159. 1 121] 223%, zd. lili 54] lv 

Duke, Eliz. xliv 774 

Dulany, Lloyd, killed in a duel, xxv 211] 

Dumanoir, adm. xlvii 235, 239, 553 

Dumaresque, Dr, iv 104 

lieut. Phil. (N) xliii 125, 126 

miss, escape of, from a con- — 
vent, xxv 199] 

yaa guillotined, xxxvi 161] xxxvii 

gen. xxxvi 74] xxxix 28] 170] 
Isaac, iv 80} 88] 51 

Dumbell, J. lii 417 

Dumbness, periodical, v 63 

- cured by electricity, ix 71] 

eee a blow, xxxv 19 
Dumerlion, gen. = xxxvi 79 
Dumesnil, gen. - xliv 217 

Dumet, island, on the coast of France, taken, 
iii 131] 150] £ 
Dumfermline, bones in a stone coffin, ix — 
109] . 
- ancient silver cup found, ix 115] 
Dumfries, riot on account of dearth, xiv 93] 
Dumfries, Patrick, earl of, xv 128] xxvii — 

Dumolard, xxxix 58] 84] 170] xlii 160n] 
Dumonceay, gen. xliii 59] 

Dumont, xxxvil 85] 

———— pere, xxx 119 

——— rev. Steph. Ix 149 

Dumoulin. See Moulin, du 

Dumouriez, gen. xxxiv 15] 21] 23] 25] 7 
27n] 101} 103] 104] 108x] 113] 114] 119] 
121] 122] 244n, 304, 307, 308, 311, 313. 
xxxv 7] 52] 55] 137] 232]265] 28, 29, 
xxxvi 217] 246] 148. xxxvii 95] xl 69, 
xlvi 159m. xlix 187. lii 187, 221 

+--+ memorial to the king of Prussia, xxxiv 
277 " 

.... invades Holland, xxxv 242] 141 

..+. obliged to emigrate, xxxv 250] 157 

.-.- ordered to quit G. Britain,. xxxv 28 
29, 165 , 

.... letter to the national convention, xxxv 

.... addresses to the French nation, xxxv 
152, 157 ; 

-++. ordered to quit Mentz, xxxv 164 

Dumoustier, xxxv 212] 




_=—— capt. 



Dun, Alex. attempts to assassinate Wilkes, 
vi 145] 146] vii 87] x 97] 

—— Dr. James, xlvii 774 

— J. xxi 179 

(N) xlviii 584 

-— sir Patrick, lvi 98 

Duna, in Lithuania, fire at, vi 97] 

Dunant, xxxix 51] 63] 

Dunbar, old English coins dug up, xvi 144] 

Dunbar, gen. ix 163 

——— James, lvi 101 

——— lieut. (A) vi 113} 

maj. sir G. suicide, xli 37 

sir G. xli 38 

———. W. xxi 233. xxxviii 459 

Dunboyne, _ lord, xxix 217] 

Duncan, Adam; Ist vise. xxii 256] xxxix 
a 214] 53. xli 302] 303] 80. 1x 401, lxi 


++.» victory over the Dutch, xxxix 100] 
76, 80, 81. x1 159] 171] 163. xli 167 

»+.. freedom of London, and a sword set 
with diamonds, presented to, x1 36 

«+-- addition to his arms, xl 50 

— capt. (Art.) xxxvi 81 

—— capt. Crawfurd, (N) xliii i128 

Dr. vi 147] 

Dr. And. xxiii H41 

gov. Jonath. xxviii 242] xxxiv 224] 

225] x1 10]. xli 57] xlvi 82.11 233, 645 

hon. capt. H. (N) liii 97] 

J. xlvi 826 

lieut. Alex. (Art.) xxxvi 8] 

prof. W. xlvii 768, 

rey. H. lxi 326 

——- sir W. (M.D) ix 71] 

— W. convicted of murder, xlix 410 

Duncannon, visc. See Besborough, earl 

Duncombe, H. xxiv 182*] 194*] xxxii 81] 
xxxiii 223. xxxv 148] xxxvii 153] 

—— J. lv 521 

—— rev. J. xiv 221 

———— sir J. xxxvi 364 

sir Sander, xxiii 1547 

—— W. xiv 220. xvi 200, 201 

Duneumb, rev. J. xlvi 841 

Dundalk, cambric manufacture at, iv 179] 
x 103] 

+... barbarity to a schoolmaster and his 
family, xxxiii 2] 

Dundas, capt. G. xxxv 37 

—- C. xxxviii 427. xliii 180] xliv 100. 

' xiviii 42 

-gen. Fuanc. xxiv 122] xxxv 27. 
xxxvii 46] 

——— gen. sir David, xxxvi 57, 67, 77. 
x1 162] 12. xli 304] 308] 106. 1278*. li 
147. lii 75. liv 543 

H. See Melville, vise.” 

——— hon. capt. G.H. L. (N) xliii 128. 
Ivi 152, 194 

maj. xxxvii 20 

maj. gen. T. disinterred by V. 
Hagues, xxxvii 184 

+++» monument to, in St, Paul’s, xlvii 429 




Dundas, Mrs. robbed, xxxtit 23] 25] 

——— Rob. xxv 130] xxxiii 248, xxxiv 
162] xxxvi 265] xlv 110 

R.S. See Melville, visc. 

—_— T. xxviii 250] 

—— W. xli 194] xliv 65. xlv 98, 110. 
xlvii 7, 55, 75, 88. 1116] liv 32] 52] lv 

Dundee, masters and seamen incorporated, 
xvii 126] 

..+. tree of liberty planted, xxxiv 44 

..-- riots at, lviii 192 

Dundee, vise. xiv 39, 246, xlii 313 

Dundie, khan, xlix 233 

Dundonald, Archib. 9th earl, xvi 138] xxx 
82. xxxvii 85*] xxxix 408. x1 385, xliii 
455. xliv 776. xlv 830. xlvii 854, xlvili 
956. xlix 518 

Dundrum bay, pier in, ! 192* 

Dung. See Manure 


. Dungannon, lord, xii 189 

—— Arthur Hill, 2nd vise. xxxvi 

Dungarvon, vise. See Cork, earl : 

Dunham, Eliz. tried for stealing keys, lxi 

Dunithorne, Rich. viii 112] 

Dunk, a soldier, execution of, xiii 72] 

Dunkards, account of the, ii 341 

Dunkin, Dr. xvii 223 

——— Rob. xliv 772 

——- sir W. xxxix 504 

Dunkirk, regulations of the peace of 1762 
respecting, v 238] 

-.+» proceedings at, vi 112] viii 116] 127] 
xvi 140] 

.. +. rise and increase of, viii 204 

+++ passage into buoyed, xvii 150] 

. articles relative to, abrogated, xxvi 


.... American vessel seized for smuggling, 
XXvii 234] 
».-. colony of Quakers and Baptists from 
America come to settle at, xxviii 174] 
++.. attempt of the duke of York on, xxxv 
272] xxxvi 208] 250] 

.++. to be considered a port of France, Ix 

Dunkirk, (ship) award respecting, xlix 729* 

Dunlo, vise. See Clancarty, earl 

Dunlop, col. J. (Mil.) lv 17 

Dunmore, J. 5th earl, xvii 160] 163] xix 
18] 30] 158*] 156] xxii 28] xxvii 189] 
xxix 151 

W. 4th earl of, v 58 

Dunmore park, cavern in, xvi 94 

Dunmow, flitch of bacon given to Mr. and 
Mrs, Liddal, vii 81] 

Dunn, Alex. See Dun 

Francis, executed for murder, xxxviii 


J. murder of, xxix 194] 
—— lieut. (A) vi 113] 
S. xiii 121] xxvii 159 
——— Sam. xliii 144 



- Dupont Nemours, 


Dunnage, G. x1 390 

Dunnant, Mackay w. for an assault, vi 82] 

Dunne, And. lv 302 

Dunning, J. See Ashburton, lord 

Dunnoyan, Martin, xli 175 

Duns Scotus, J. xv 116 

Dunstanville, Francis, lord de, xxxix 193n] 
lvi 164] 

Dunwich, ancient bargain with a member, 
xiv 134 

Dupass, gen. 

Dupe, W. x1 388 

xlvii 160 

Duperret, xxxv 280] 

Duphot gen. x1 50] 

Duplaine, Ant. Charbonnet, xxxv 212, 213 

Duplantier, xli 114] 

Dupleix, iv 6, vii 256. xx 552] xxvi 

Dupont, gen. —- xx xviii 208] xlii 197] xliii 
63] 65] 67] xlix,19, 174. 1 143] 198] 
199] 213] 235] 1i 8, 45, 47, 71, 269, 956. 
lii 154 

lx 50 

Duport, Adrian, xxxiii 172] 

— M. L. xxxi 243") xxxiv 15] 199 

—— rev. Dr. James, xxxiii 1 

Duportail, xxv 304] xxxii 146] 

Duppa, Rich. xl 50n] xlviii 839 

Duprale, xxxix 50] 

Duprat, xxxv 280] 

Dupré, W. xlii 512} 

Dupuis, T. 8. xxvii 334] 

Dupuy, gen. killed, xli 16] 

Duqueruy, ii 227, 230 

Dugquery, H. xxxvii 225] 

Duran, gen. liii 120] lv 146] 

Durand, xxxvil 86 

—— gen. viii 201] 

———- J. x 155] xi 110] 

—-—- J. F. iii 28 

———— Peter, liii 267 

Duranthon, xxxiv 24] 25] 

Duras, duke de, ix 112] xii 47] 

Durastanti, (singer) xviii 221 

Durazzo, Marcello, chosen doge of Genoa, 
x 66 

Durbach. See Karschin 

Durell, capt. Phil. (N) x 123] 

rey. Dr. Dav. xi 177] 

Durendolle, ad. gen. ii 233 

Durer, Alb. xiv 158. xxiii 228 

-. ++ ebaracter of, xxxvii 7*] 

Durgee, capt. (Amer.) xxii 13] 

Durham, county of, gigantic skeleton found, 
vi 159 

-.-. lead mine discovered, ix 69] 

++. action against the architect of the jail © 

for deficiencies, lvi 298 
city, bridge over the Wear, xv 
2... freat, xlvi 357 
Durham, adm. sir Ph. C. xlvii 436, 541, 
549, 550, 578. lvi 171] 154. lvii 129] 219 
1. gen. James, ly 17 
Sarah, burnt to death. xiv $1} 



bar. de, xi 152] 

Duristanti, iii 16 

Durnford, capt. —_ (eng.) xxiv 24] i 

Duroc, marsh. xlvi 160, 176. xlvii 160, 168. — 
xlviii 132, 156. xlix 17, 277, 1136] lv © 
123] Y 

Duroi, = xxxvii 90] 

Duroure, count, xxvii 205] 227] 

———— gen. vii 110 

Dury, gen. 169. ii 71 

Dusaulx, Xxxvili 182] 

Dusquesnoi, xxxvii 90] 

iy fo taken by prince Ferdinand, i 


Dutch. See Holland 

Dutch emigrants, grants to, xlvi 580.1 181*, 
182*. 11 536 

—— ships, one condemned for importing 
French brandy, i 116 

++. several others condemned, ii 73, 131 

++.. Various trials respecting, ii 79, 89, 90 

«... taken under French convoy, ii 102 

.. +. importation of French property by, iv 

....- laden with timber brought into the 
Downs, v 101] 

Dutch Sam. See Samuels 

Dutens, rev. Lewis, xi 125, 129 

Dutoya, capt. Morce And. xlv 391 

Dutreil, chev. Nadau, ii 226, 227, 230. v 

+... sentence of the court-martial against 
him annulled, viii 94] 

Dutton, hon. J. lviii 181 

James, lviii 347 

Duval v. Clough, for a bank note lost, xiii 

xliv 87 
gen. xxxiv 120] 122] 
Duverne, xxxix 51] 
Duvidal, xlvi 156 
Duwal, gen. xxx 186] 
Duxburg, James, xlii 885 
Duzolies, execution of the, Ixi 84 
Dwarfs, Polish, iii 78. iv 112] vii 89] x 
»+.. couple married measuring together 
5f. 8%. high, and nearly as much in 
breadth, viii 70] 
- one 100 years old, 26. 
++«- East Indian, x 151] ; 
.+ ++ English, xvi 87] 97] xix 137] xx 207] © 
xxvii 200 
«se Trish, xxvii 244] 
» race of, in Madagascar, xxxiv 358 
«+++ one delivered of a child nearly as tall 
as herself, 1 42* 
-.+» Russian, li 788 
Dwight, J. xxxvi373 
Dwyer, (Ir. rebel) xlv 299, 315 
Dye, purple of the ancients, iii 125 
«. +. fine crimson, ix 109] 
«++. cudbear collected in Scotland, ix 117] 
«.«. beautiful scarlet, xiv 165] xvi 74] 
Dyeing, Kamtchatkan modes of, vii 9 


Dyeing plant, superior to madder for cotton, 
viii 94] 
+--+» yellow with indigo, xv 106 
++.. Substitute for verdigris in black, xxvi 

-.+- E. India red, xlvii 873 

Dyer, Eliphalet, (mem, of Congr.) XVil 
218] xviii 265] 

—— G. lvi 533 

—— H. Moreton, liii 306. liv 401. lv 378. 
lvi 368. lvii 335. 1x 401. Ixi 399 

—— J. convicted of forgery, xxxii 210] 

—— Jonah, lvii 320 

Jos. liii 267, ib. 

—— Jos. C. ly 320. lvii 319 

— Jos. Du, lvi 336 

—— rev. J. xxxvii 131*] 

—— Rich. murdered by W. Kelly, xv 124] 

—— Susan, xxvii 330] 

Dymocke, iv 232] 231. ix 93] 

‘Dysart, Lionel, 4th earl, xiv 201] xxvii 

Dysentery, remedies for, iv 122. xxxii 177 

+.» of the W. Indies, xxiv $8 

Dyson, Jerem. iii 189] v 169] xvii 101] 
xliii 145. lix 57] 

J.1xi 299 

Dyster re Moline, lviii 279 

Dzierzanowski, xi 21) 


Eactachius, vii 58] 

Eadfrid, bish. of Durham, xvii 125n 

Eadon, J. lv 3 

Eagle, large, shot near Sunderland, viii 138] 

++.. one brought down by a terrier, xii 82] 

.... large, caught in a trap in Dorsetshire, 
xii 155] 


shot in Lincolnshire, xxxvi 40 

. shot at Horsham, x1 99 

in Yorkshire, xlvi 436. 1 2* 

-+-+ —— in Somersetshire, xlviii 372 

«+.» tame, at Paris, xlix 843 

.. +. larder of a couple, xlix 1031 

African, x\ 374 

——— sea, several seen near Hastings, 11263 

Eagle, David, iv 174] 

Eaker, G. J. (Amer.) xliv 356 

Eamer, ald. sir J. xl 86. xliii 32, 38. xlv 
375. xlvii 434 

Eames, rev. J. xi 16 

Ear, effects of the destruction of the mem- 
b mpani, xlii 358 

et mpson, lord, xxxviii 32] xl 49, 

Earle, sir James, xxxviii 509. xliv 384 
——T. (hackneymany xxi213] | 
—— W. Benson, xxii 58 

—— Willis, xlvii 849 

Earlsfort, lord. See Clonmel, earl 
Earnshaw, J. 1xi 266 

— T, xliv 468 

197 . 

Earth, of which bread is made, iv 89 
«+.» Smell of beneficial, viii 107 
. bath recommended against consump- 
tion, viii 108 
. ——applied in scurvy, x 89] 
-- vegetable, or soil, observations and ex- 
periments on, xl 380 - 
Earth (The) effect of rains and subterra- 
neous waters on, x 99 
---. on the age of, xviii 134 

And formation and figure of, xxii 
«+e. ~—— temperature of, below the sur- 

face, xxx 50 

measurements of, xly 393 

«.«.- Seealso Geological observations 

Earth-eaters, li 854 

Earthquakes : conjectures on the cause of, 
iv 100. xxii 73. lvi 493 

.»+- at Lisbon, attended with uncommon 
phenomera in other parts, 1 349. xxii 73. 
xxxv 34 


ee ee 

—_—— xxxiv 3. 1 263. lviii 22 © 
- slight shock at Liskeard, ii 73 
. pretty smart shock at Boston, Amere 
ii ii 88 
--.. at Bordeaux, ii 106 
-.+. — Brussels, ii 109 
«+e. — Amsterdam, iii 69] 
-.. in various parts of Europe, iii 70] 
.. «+ at Tripoli, iii 86] 
-- +» in New England, iii 92] 
«++ at Truxillo, iii 108] 
+.» smart shock at Brussels, iii 121] 
. slight shock at Boston, N. England, 
iii 149] 
-.. Shock felt at Sturminster, &c. iv 
---. in different parts of the globe at the 
same time, iv 92- ee 98 
«+.» felt at Boston, N. - America, i iv 117) 
oe-2 —in Dorsetshire, iv 121} xvi 95] 
99 ‘ 
ware hoaaht shock at the Madeiras, iv 132] 
lviii 24 
++e- Shocks felt at Guernsey, iv 148] xvi 
-»+- violent shocks at Santa Cruz, in 8} 
Barbary, iv 154] 
e+. Shocks at Lima, iv 189] 
++ ee in Syria, iv 96. xxxviii 33 
eee felt at Wexford, v 75] 
.».. at Carthagena, in 8. A. v 76] 
eos felt at Barnau, v 80] 
Oby, in Siberia, v 87] 
+++. at Aquila, in Spain, v 108] 
.. +» shock felt at Lidkoping, vi 52) 
«eee at Chittagong, vi 60] 
woe felt at Calcutta, vi 61] 
> St. Jago de la Vega, 2d. 
++ in Hungary, vi 83] 
. feltat Aix and Tarascon, vi89] 90} 
«+. at Dacca, vii 83] 
eo. in Banda Neira, vii 96] 
eee at the Azores, vii 103] 1ii 272 



Earthquakes: felt in some inland counties, 
vii 108] xix 188] xxxiv 378 

«+++ smart shock at Lisbon, viii 60] xi 152] 
xv 89] 

---- at [rtischstrom, i in Siberia, viii 64] 

«+.» slight shock at Abbeville, 2. 

«+++ Shocks at Dominica, viii 78] 

Genoa, viii 79] x 78] 

- in the Pyrenees, viii 89] 

Terra di Savora, at Naples, viii 


-+-. —+— East Indies, viii 98] 
---» felt in Eastern Bothnia, viii 106] 110] 
Glamorganshire, ix 65] 
«+. at Constantinople, ix 115] 130] 
+++ violent shocks at Jamaica, ix 118] 
ioe: xxiii 293] xxiv 36] 
. shocks felt at Vienna, ix 123] 186] xi 
75) xvii 92] 
--+- in the island of Cuba, ix 142] 156] 
xxxiii 37] 
e++- Martinico, ix 145] xviii 102] 
«++. various places, x 50] 
e+-- Shock felt at New Hampshire, N. 
America, x 52] 
ee. in different parts of the W. Indies and 
on the Spanish main, x 53] 54] 
«--- Shock at Turin, x 66] 
ee+- In Scio, zd. 
eee- — Tuscany, x 67] 78] xiv 71] 
e+ shocks felt at Grasse, x 78] 
wee. —~———-in Germany, x 92] xi 85] 
xli 126] xix 203] 
». +. at Cephalonia, x 123] 142] 
---- in Calabria, x 125] xxvi 
xxvii 43] 
eee at Zante, x 142] 
ad iW felt in Northamptonshire, xi 

213] 48, 58. 

in various parts in the North, 
xi 115] xx 78. xxviii 207] 
e+es in-Italy, xi 195] xix 161] xxiv 183] 
xxvi 48, 58. xlviii 449. 1xi 39 
«+++ felt in Worcestershire and Gloucester- 
shire, xi 201] 
--+- at Dolgelly, xii 109] 
+... — Inverness, xii 155] 
.+- — Bagdat, xii 157] 
«+. in the island of St. Maura, xiii 69] 
..+. — Hayti, xiii 130] 136] 137] 151] xiv 
110] xviii 125] 
--+» at Messina, xiii 145] 
«+s. Shock felt at Abingdon, xiv 100] 
«+e inTernate, xiv 120] 
e+. — the Archipelago, xv 122] 
e+e. — Tyrol, xv 145] 
+» at-Comorra, xvi 75) 
.. in Flintshire, xvi 76] 
.. — Sweden, xvi 79] 91] 
«+» Shocks felt in Jersey, xvi 95] 
. —— — Spain, xvi 100] 
Hy at Gibraltar, xvi 101} xix 
«ee. at Tangier, xvi 101] 
eees iM Jaya, xvi J01) xviii 143] 


EBA ‘ 
Earthquakes: on the north coast of Africa, — 
xvi 105] xviii 143) 
- at Caraceas, xvi 128] liv verily 39. lv - 
"508. Ixi 551 : 
«s+» — Guatimala, xvi 149] 
--+ in Shropshire, xvi 207] 
«+». in Switzerland, xvii 122] 166} 
... at Corfu, xvii i31] 
«+s. feltat Leghorn, xviii 81] 
.+.. on the coast of Barbary, xviii 102] . 
.... in many of the western parts of Eng- 
land, xviii 156] 
«+e — Croatia, xviii 186] 
«+.. — France, xviii 188] 189] xli3 ~~. 
«+... — East Kent and on the French coast, 
xix 193] 
-+ +, at Goree, xx 203] 
«+++ — Radicofani, xx 208] 
«.e- — Smyrna, xxi 193] 
... — Tauris, xxiii 210] 
-+++ in different parts of Wales, xxiii 228] 
+.. at Shrewsbury, xxiv 163) 
. — Thessalonica, xxvi 221] 
— Ezerghen, xxvii 201] 
..+» — Besangon, xxvil 222] 
.-+. — Santa Fe, xxvii 244] 
.. +. extensive prevalence of, xxviii 59] 
«+. at Oran, xxxii 223] 
ese. — Quito, xxxix 48 
-.-.- in Sumatra, xl 20] 
..-. at Sienna, xl 47, 70 
-+.. — Ghergong, xlv 371 
--.. in the vale of Clwyd, xlvii 353 
«+s. — Perthshire, li 255 
.... along the eastern part of the south 
"coast of England, liii 13 
.... in Oxfordshire, liv 21 
«+~» at Florence, liv 114] 
.... inthe Canary islands, ly 81 
.-.. — different parts of England, 
.-+. — several parts of Scotland, Iviii 121- 
4, 572 
wee. — N. America, lix 473 
.... — the E. Indies, }xi 42 
Eason, Dr. xxviil 73 
East, (M.P.) xxxvii 204] 
East street, Red Lion square, fire in, lv 89 


’ Eastbourne, fire in the camp at, xlvi 401 

Eastburn, Rob. his adventures among the 
American Indians, i 301 

Eastend, fire at, liii 99 

Easter island, ¢ gigantic statues in, xx 150 

Easterley, G. ‘convicted of attempting to 
defraud underwriters, xliv 568, xlv 387 

East-India college. See Hertford 

East-India company: establishment of the, ~ 
xxxv 124] 

--.. it’s advantageous treaty with Jaffier 
Ali Cawn, i 33 

.. +, money paid by government to, i 131. 
ii 176, iii 187] v 155] 167] 

«see government debt to, i 138. ii 186. ili 
196] v 162] 176] vi 187) vii 169] ix 198] 
x 214] xi 259] xiv 220] 



East-India company: thanks to adm. Po- 
cock and comm. Stevens, ii 99 

e+.» express brought from the Bvazils in a 
longboat of 12 tuns with 7 hands, ii 

+++» thanks and a pension voted to col. 
Lawrence, iii 1}2] 

e».. thanks &c. to adm. Pocock and gen. 
Clive, iii 132] , 

+++» goods imported, 2b. 

+.+- entertainment to adm. Pocock and 
other gentlemen from the E. Indies, iii 

+. + income of the, vi 63] ix 29] 

sacs addresses the king on the peace, vi 


e+. monument to adm. Watson erected by, 

.... falls in it’s stock, vill6] vii 50] xii 
53] 104] 

e+. rise of stock, ix 97] See also Stocks, 
prices of 

».-- diamond hilted sword presented to 
gen. Coote, vii 52] 

-+«- gold and silver exported by, vii 68] 

_ ++. Claims all public stores taken from the 

enemy, vii 92] 

«+. Statues of adm. Pocock, lord Clive, 
and gen. Lawrence, placed in it’s court 
room, vii 92] s 

see debates on the conduct of it’s ser- 
vants abroad, and the direction of it’s 
affairs, vii 147] 

-+++ papers relative to the proceedings in 
India, vii 188-92] 

e»--mutinies of their soldiers on ship- 
board, viii 77] 78] 

+++. captain justified in flogging a midship- 
man and putting him into irons, viii 

-. ++ importation of goods allowed for the 
supply of the African trade, viii 241] 

-+.. speedy accumulations of fortune in the 
company’s service, ix 27] 

«»+- dividend on their stock raised to ten 
per cent, ix 135] 136] xi 83] 

+». two clocks as a present to the em- 
peror of China, ix 230 

+++ flourishing state of the company, x 
40] 44 

+... the proprietors desirous of increasing 
the dividend, x 41] 

«+» this frustrated by a trick of the direc- 
tors, 7b. 

«++. arguments of the two parties, 7d. 42] 

+++ it’s affairs publicly canvassed, x 43] 

-».. message from the ministry to the 
court of directors, x 43] 

+... the dividend increased, x 44] 

+++. proceedings in parliament respecting 
it, x 41] 

«++. order of parliament for printing pa- 
pers, i. 

+++» private correspondence at last ex- 
cepted, 7%, 



East-India company: question of it’s right 
to possess territory, x *42 

.- +» dividend farther increased, id. 

.++. proposals for an agreement with par- 
liament, 2b. *43] 70] 

.. «+ bill for regulating the qualifications of 
voters, 24. 

ae regulating the making of divi- 
dends, rescinding the late increase, 7. 

.»-- this carried after great opposition, x 
*45] 180] 

++» Tich sword presented to the nabob of 
Arcot, x 54] 

+++ Suicide at a house for recruits in Chan- 
cery lane, x 56] 68 
.-- attempt to seize a country ship in the 
Malaceas by a Chinese junk, x 62] 

. courts on granting lord Clive an addi- 
tional term in his jaghire, x 71] 73] 

+++.» punishments of crimps, x 96]-xi 123] 

««-. additional pension to gen. Lawrence, 
x 102] 

+++. agreement with government, x 104] 
xi 267] 

ae re country ship cut off by the Arabs, x 

sane arent of duties upon tea, x 226] 

.»++ fresh bill for restraining it’s dividends, 
xi 77*] 

+++e petition to the House of Lords on it, 
xi 64] ° 

«+++ prosecutions against officers of the 
company’s ships to be dropped, xi 83] 

-+.- motion to increase the salaries of the 
chairman, deputy, and directors, nega- 
tived, xi 88] 

»»+» unsuccessful attempt to obtain restitu- 
tion for two valuable ships from sheik 
Solyman, xi 118] 

+++. question for paying the remainder of 
the restitution money of Meer Jaflier ne- 
gatived, xi 156] 

+... resolution to prevent the sale of the 
command of their ships, xi 153] 

.- +. other resolutions respecting their ship- 
ping, 2. 

..-» war with Hyder wantonly entered into 
by it’s servants, xii 48] 

-».. field deputies injudiciously appointed, 

.. + three gentlemen appointed to go out 
as supervisors, xii 53] 114] 128] xvi 66*] 

»».. two ships of the line and some frigates 
requested from government, 7b. 

+.+. appointment of supervisors held by 
ministers to be in some measure illegal, 
xii 54] 128) 

.... the king’s naval officer required to 
have unlimited authority over their poli- 
tical affairs, 7b. 

.+-- all share in their deliberations refused , 
him, xii 57] 130] 

..-. the operations of the king’s ships con- 
fined in consequence to the Persian gulf,7), 


East India company: fresh agreement with 
government, xii 61*] 

---- ballots on a proposed agreement with 
the treasury, xii 67] 72] 

---- message from the lords of the treasury, 
xii 69] 

«+++ application of the seamen for an in- 
crease of wages, xii 79] 

+ ++~ court of proprietors declare, that there 
is no cause for alarm, xii 106] 

-++- entertainment at the London tavern 
for the great officers of state, xii 123] 

+++ ballot on the alterations in the com- 
mission proposed by ministers, xii 128] 

«+ Officers commanding ships of the line 
to have a voice in making war or peace 
negatived, xii 129] 130] 

e+e. recruiting oflicers sent to the High- 
lands of Scotland, xii 163] 

-. ++ col. Wedderburn appointed commander 
in chief of the forces, xiii 72] 

«+++ dividend at twelve per cent carried, 
xiii 84] 148] 

«s+ act for better regulating persons in 
the service of, xiii 108] 

«-.. W. Bolts removed from the council at 
Calcutta without sufficient cause, xiii 

+++. attempts to press the crew of an India- 
man, xiii 149] 174] 

+++ forgery of a warrant for the delivery 
of tea, xiii 154] * 

+++ bill brought into parliament to enable 
it to raise a military force, xiv 71*] 

«++. felonious transfer of stock, xiv. 76] 
109] 162] 208] 

+++ dividend raised to 12} per cent, xiv 
84] xv 84] 

«+++ Statement of it’s affairs, xiv 145] 

+++ profits made by it’s servants in conse- 
quence of a famine, xiv 205] 

**+e money granted for the expense of the 
expedition to Manilla, xiv 225] 226] - 

«++ parliamentary inquiry into it’s affairs, 
xv 101*] xvi 67*] 

++.» reduction of shipping, xv 84] 

«+e Stock lost by a person transferring to 
make a vote, xv 119] 

+++. Supervisors of affairs in India, xv 134] 
148] xvi 67*] 

»+++ proceedings of the court respecting a 
secret committee of the Commons sitting 
at the India house, xv 143] 145] 

eevee act to restrain the appointment of 
supervisors for a limited time, xv 148] 

Ve ‘ quantity of tea in the warehouses, xv 


e+e» value of buildings in London, ¢. 

+++. plundered by it’s servants, zd. 

e+.. another cause of it’s distress, xv 151] 

os bn kee reduced to six per cent,. xv 
1 : 

++» petition to the H. of Commons against 
the restraining act, xv 201] 

soe State of the, xvi 63] 



East. India’company : debates on in the H. — 
of Commons, xvi 69*] 73*] 96*] 

.+.. petition for a loan &c. xvi 95*] 78] 

..+. Opinion of government at the late 
peace, that the crown had no right to 
interfere with it’s possessions, xvi 96*] 

a different doctrine now maintained; ib. 

-.+. duplicity of ministers toward, xvi98*]} 

.... petition against the resolutions of the 
H. of Commons, xvi 100*] 103] 210] 

«..» bill for regulating it’s affairs, xvi 101*] 
103] 104] 116] ; 

+... judges for, to be appointed by the 
crown, xvi 10i*] 102*] 

+++» governor and council of Bengal to be 
appointed by parliament and removable 
by the crown, xvi 102*] 105*] 

«+++ petitions to decline the loan on the 
terms proposed, xvi 107*] 

+++ 628 pieces of silk handkerchiefs stolen 
from the Bengal warehouse, xvi 68] 

..-. damages against a captain for cruelty, 
xvi 71] : 

-+++ committee wait on lord North with the 
thanks of the general court, begging to 
know what plan he would propose, but he 
declines any proposition, xvi 75] ~ 

+++. courtof. proprietors recommends gov. 
Moncton: to be appointed commander in 
chief of the forces, xvi 109] 

+++. petition to the H. of Lords against 
-the bill proposed, 2. ‘ 

«++» number of English and foreign pro- 
prietors of stock, xvi 114] 

+++. instructions for the regulation of 
affairs in India, xvi 153] 

«++» message from the committee appointed 
to oppose the bill to the common council 
of London, xvi 212] : 

«+++ petitions to the Commons against the 
bill, xvi 214] 215] 

«+++ money granted to, xvi 229] 230] 

+++ protests of the Lords against the regu- 
lating bill, xvi 240] 243] 

+++. impolicy of sending tea to America, 
xvii 47] xviii 45] lix 392] 

+++. court respecting the instructions to the 
governor and council at Bengal, xvii 84] 

e+. question whether the office of com- 
mander in chief of the forces be neces- 
sary, xvii 89] 

.. ++ provision for captains thrown out of 
employ by the reduction of it’s shipping 
proposed, xvii 108] ' 

«+e. Girectors chosen, xvii 110] xxi 175] 
xxiv 173] xxv 205] 216] 217] xxvii 177] 
187] 208] xxviii 200] xxx 202] 223] 

+... Supervisor for the new settlement of 
Balambangan proposed, xvii 167] 

+»+-new code of laws forming by W. 
Hastings, xvii 167] 

«e+. actions against gov. Verelst, gen. 
Smith, and others by Armenian merchants 
for false imprisonment and plundering, 
xvii 170] 171] xix 120] 153) 





East India company: letter from the 
treasury announcing, that the company 
had nothing farther to expect on account 
of the Manilla expenses, and that it was 
intended to renew the act for obliging it 
to export a certain quantity of woollen 
cloth, xviii 101] 

«-.. advices of a disagreement in the 
supreme council and disturbances among 
the Mahrattas, xviii 162] 184] xxv 11] 

+».. peace with the Mahrattas, xix 124] 
xxv 11] 

++.. reduction of debt, xix 127] 

+++ resolution to indemnify gov. Verelst, 

_ xix 153] 

__. ++ revolution in the governmentof Madras, 

xix 189] xx 94] 100] 252] xxi 165] xxii 
131] 239] 

«+++ circumstances preceding it, xx 95] 

+-+- Tesolutions of the proprietors for the 
restoration of lord Pigot, and inquiry into 
the conduct of his antagonists, xx 105] 

++-- exertions of the directors to thwart 
them, xx 106] 

«++. the recall of lord Pigot carried through 
the emertions of government, 7b. 

«+++ parliamentary inquiry into the busi- 
ness, xx 107] 

«+++ prosecution of the usurpers, xliv'587 

oe dividend raised to seven per cent, xx 


a eight, xxi 189] 

«-.. ships to carry at least their full com- 
plement of men and 26 guns each, xx 
203] vo 

«.-- death of lord Pigot, xxi 165] xxii 

+++ petition for support from a former 
director, xxi 172] : . 

---- letter from the nabob of Arcot, xxi 

+++. action against the gov. and council of 
Bengal, xxi 190] 

-+-- ——-_--—— gov. Verelst and others , 
mxrnol}  ~ 

e+e defeat of the Boutaners, xxi 33 

+++. committees of the Commons on it’s 

_ affairs, xxii 131] xxiv 191*] 

+++» London run down by the Russel man 
of war, xxii 193] 214] 

+++. certain territorial acquisitions vested 

in for a limited time, xxii 215] 

+++. persons convicted of selling prohibited 
handkerchiefs, xxii 225] 

+--. council found guilty of deposing lord 
Pigot, xxii 239] 314] xxiii 199] 

+++. three seventy-fours and bounty for 
6000 seamen subscribed, xxiii 34] : 

+++. notice of payment of the government 
debt to, xxiii 156] 

+++» petition from Calcutta on the hard- 
ships consequent to the introduction of 
the English laws, xxiii 211] 

+++ bill for vesting territorial acquisitions 
in, xxiii 218] 



East India company: capture of five out- 
ward-bound ships, xxiv 2] 

.+.+ inquiry into the affairs of, xxiv 175*] 
191*] 195*] xxvii 46] 

s.+- new court of judicature, xxiv 176*] 

.... petitions against it, xxiv 178*] 303] 

.... War in the Carnatic, xxiv 191*] 

.» +. court of judicature new modelled, xxiv 

ous ep nceins and debates on the com- 
pany’s aflairs, xxiv 196*] 197*] 172] 
178] 179] 182] 

. e+e« temporary act passed, xxiv 198*] 

.... balance of property in favour of, xxiv 

++» fortunate voyage of five ships, xxiv 

+. large fleet sent out with a number of 
troops, xxiv 191] 

.. +. restrictions of privilege of captains, 
xxiv 192] 

+... Strictures on it’s political conduct, xxv 
3] xxvii 47] 

. se. anticipation of the saltpetre contract, 
xxv 155] 

.-.. proceedings in parliament respecting, 
xxv 188] xxvii-46] 

«+». vote of the directors for removing W. 
Hastings rescinded by the proprietors, 
xxv 225] xxvii 55] 56] 

es+» Duke of Athol burnt at Madras, xxvi 
106] 294] xxvii 260] 

--«. Fairford burnt at Bombay, xxvi 294] 
«ss» committee of proprietors appointed 
to watch over their interests, xxv 226] 

.... forgeries on, xxvi201] 206] 211] 

--.. action against for Lascars discharged 
by it in England, xxvi 223] 

«.-. letter from the select committee at 
Bombay to the secret committee of direc- 
tors, xxvi 286] , 

from the resident at Anjenjo, 

xxvi 294] 

.... treaty with the Mahrattas, xxvi 343] 

.+.. bill for the better management of it’s 
affairs, xxvii 45] 56} 

..-- Mr. Fox’s two bills, xxvii 59] 81] 150] 
157n] 180*] xxx 112] 

--.. State of it’s affairs, xxvii 62] 

.... abuses in it’s government, xxvii 64] 

...+. resolutions of the Commons on it’s ace 
ceptance of bills, xxvii 74] 

.... Mr. Pitt’s bills, xxvii 79] 165] 180*] 
317] xxviii 136] 241] xxx 112] 

see. different bills in favour of, xxvii 164] 

«.«. the orders of the directors, and also 
an act of parliament, set at defiance by 
the board of control, xxvii 181*] 

«e,.. execution levied on, xxvii 184] 

+» .. tea warehouses at Horsleydown burnt, 
xxvii 233] / 

«... leave given to a private company to 
fit out two ships for Cook’s river, xxvii 


EA ? 

East India company : Mr. Dundas’s bill in 
amendment of Mr. Pitt’s, xxviii 136] 

+++. arrangement of their servants in con- 
sequence of the new bill, xxviii 200] 

«+s. annuities to gen. Sloper and Dalling, 

«+++ annuity to lord Macartney, xxviii 201] 

-++- resolutions of the British inhabitants 
of Calcutta relative to Mr. Pitt’s bill, 
xxviii 241] 

e+. action against by Messrs. Voutes of 
Amsterdam, xxix 199] 

«+++ inquiry into the loss of the Hartwell, 
xxix 216] 

see» present of paper to the Society for 

+e Christian Knowledge, xxix 
eee dispute with government on the ex- 
pense of sending out troops to India, xxx 
. 108] 
«++» ballot for restoring capt. Bruce Bos- 
well, xxx 217] 
e+» State of it’s affairs laid before parlia- 
ment, xxxi_ 158] xxxii 84] xxxiii 279. 
xxxiv 173] xxxv 78] xxxvi 251] xxxvii 
217) xxxix 144] xli 192] 201-4, xlii 155. 
‘ xliii 191] 163. xlv 97, 107, 204, xlvi 110. 
xlviii 104, xlix 733*, 734*. 1 194*. lii 
e+«+ petitions to add a million to it’s stock, 
xxxi 159] 
«++» decision of the Chinsurah cause, xxxiv 
51, xxxv 7 
«+++ districts ceded by Tippoo, xxxiv 172 
«a+ petition for the renewal of it’s charter, 
xxxv 119] 
see» annuity to lord Cornwallis, xxxv 29 
as m million added to it’s bond debt, xxxvi 
yes a director to trade to India directly 
or indirectly, xxxvii 3 
+++.» reimbursement of the expenses of Mr. 
Hastings, and an annuity voted him, 
xXxxvii 22, 34 
+--+ regulations in favour of military offi- 
cers, xxxix 145 
+.» large ship built at Southwick, near 
Sunderland, xl 22 
e+.. two ships taken by a French frigate in 
Tellicherry roads, x1 56 
«+.» Ship fired by lightning, xl 68 
--+- relinquishes recruiting for it’s own 
service, xli 10 
«+..armed schooner Ganges La- 
cam’s channel, xli 25 
«++. Queen burnt at St. Salvadore, xlii 35 
-. +. Kent taken by the Confiance, xlii 36x 
ae-- discussion respecting it’s trade, xliii 
«+e. annuity to the marq. of Wellesley, 
xiii 2 
«+e. UNiversity established at Calcutta, 7), 
+++ pension to Mr, Dundas, xliii 9 
+++ action against a captain of an E. India- 
man for ijltreating a passenger, xliii 44 



East India company: motion in the H, of 4 

Commons on it’s trade, xliv 59 

«».. farther proceedings respecting private 
trade, xliv 267, 388 ‘i 

.... change in the conduct of, xliv 268 

+++ Ships in future to be armed, xlv 423 

-+.. money granted to, for expenses during 
the war, xlv 629. xlvii 591. xlviii 608 

+++. fleet successfully defended against the 
French in the Indian seas, xlvi 140, 

-..- rewards to the officers and men, xlvi 
409, 425 

+++. docks at Blackwall, xlvi 353. See E. 
India Docks 

+++ treaty with Ragogee Bhoonsla, xlvi — 


+++ treaties with Scindia, xlvi 606, xlviii 
702, 705 

e+. State of it’s affairs, xlvii 41, xlviii 

-».. the directors refuse to recall sir G. 
Barlow and appoint lord Lauderdale, 
xlviii 256, 409, 413 

++ s+ directors to wear mourning one month 
for lord Cornwallis, xlviii 365 

+ «+ foundation of the college at Hailybury, 
xlviii 404. See Hertford 

«+.» treaty with Holkar, xlviii 706, 708 

-»--lerd Minto appointed gov. gen. of 
Bengal, xlix 355 

..»» rewards to capt. Larkin and his crew, 

«+++ dispute with the Chinese, 1 240] 286* 

-++- envoy to Persia refused an audience, 

+++» parliamentary inquiry into corrupt 
practices respecting appointments, li 149, 


..+- oath of the directors, li 423 

.. ++ loan of 1} million to, lii 120, 121 

+--+. conspiracy of clerks at Bombay to 
cheat the company, liii 52 

«+++ petitions against the renewal of it’s — 

charter, liv 111] 112] lv 1) 
«+++ petition from the company, liv 112] 

+++ other petitions in it’s favour, liv 112] 


+++. refuses to allow the importation of ‘ 
mother-of-pearl from New 8. Wales, liv” 

.. ++ debates in parliament on the renewal 
of it’s charter, ly 58] 

..»- proceedings at the India house, lv. 


.++. riot among the Chinese at Shadwell, 
lv 85 

«+.» new charter, lv 315 

+++ brigade of volunteers disbanded, lvi 

«+++ Duchess of Wellington burnt in Sangar 
roads, lviii 15 

+++ smuggling in it’s ships, lvili 48, 305 

+++» Observations on the extension of it’s 
territory, Ixi 209] 



East India company, French; farther as- 
sistance to, refused by the king, vii 53} 
»+.. to be continued, vii 89] 
»».. bankruptcy of, xii 11] 47] 
«++. French private ships do not defray 
expenses, xv 145] 

at Ostend, xix 188*] xxviii 
47] , 
Dutch, dividend on the 
stock of, viii 15] ix 81] x 42] 
.»+. charter renewed, xix 192*] 136] 
«+. treaty with France, xxiv 171] 
+++. several ships captured, xxv 110] 111] 
e+. greatly distressed, xxviii 169] 
—_———_ new French, xxvii 231] 
Austrian, bankruptcy of 

the, xxviii 47] 

Danish, resigns it’s char- 
ter, xxviii 170] 
East India docks, xlvi 353. xlvii 371 
et Indies, quick passage of the Pitt, iii 

-»+. on the practicability of a northern 
passage to, iii 87, xxvii 159 

+++» Danish mission, iv 92] xii 126] 

+++. accounts of the country and_ it’s 
natives, iv 6. xx 245. xlix 942, 948. liii 

_ 418-26. ly 465-73, 536-40. lviii 506-33, 
616. Ixi 496 

+++» earthquakes in, vi 60] 61] vii 83] 96] 
viii 98] xiv 120] xlv 371. 1si 42 

«+++ progress of missionaries in, vii 114] 

.»- military transactions in, from the year 
1745, vii 256. xxii 185] 

«».. great morfality on board Indiamen, 
viii 108] xiv 140] 

+--+. religion of the Gentoos, ix 307. See 

--.- burning of widows, ix 317. xx 45] 
249. xxv 37. xxvi 167. li 252. liy 105 

..-- beat and unhealthiness of the climate, 
xi 80 

+», young woman enlisting asa recruit to 

get out to her husband, xii 148] 

+... distress of an E. Indiaman for pro- 
vision, xiii 79] 

-. +. forests of, xiii 83 

..--famines in, xiv 205] xxvi 82] liii 


«».. attempts to discover a N.W. passage 
to, xv 134] xvi 102] 108] 138] xx 180] 
xxvii 15], 154. x1 495. xliii 546. lix 131. 
Ix 63. 1xi 33, 38, 39, 98 

«+». hew passage from the isle of France 

wip fe coast of Coromandel and China, 

i 128] ; 

«++» distress of the London, capt. Webb, in 
a hurricane, xvi 201] 

+++, curious natural productions, xviii 132] 

‘Hayes of the Northumberland, xix 

-+-. population of the British -territories, 

xx 245. xxv 39 
oe route of the British trade to, xxii 




East Indies: account of the Ganges and 
Burrampooter, xxiv 39 

- ++» Native powers of, xxv 4] xlvi 197 

.» +» brahmins of, xxv 31 

«+e» dancing girls, xxv 43. xxvii 25. xlix 943 

+++. hurricanes in, xxvi 81} liii 167] 50 

-++- comedians, xxvii 23 

«++. Serpents of, xxviii 45 

++.. animals, xxviii 49, 50. xlix 950. liv 
136. ly 492, Ix 569 

++. native governments not arbitrary, xxx 

«+.. inundations, xxx 238] lvi 203] 96 

«++. regulations respecting rank between 
the king’s and company’s military officers, 
xxx 200] 

+«+. public edifices, xxxii 98 

«++ early civilization of, xxxiii 368] 

-++- overland passage to, xxxiv 452 

..++ principles on which our possessions 
should be governed, xxxv 120] 

+c+~ history of the trade to, xxxv 124] 

-.-- elect of opening it by Cromwell, xxxv 

+++. ancient and modern navigation of, 
xxxix 43] 

s+e. Marriage ceremonies, | 31 

...- marriage festivals, xliv 455, Ix 573 

«+». action for an assault on ducking in 
crossing the Line, xliv 458 

«+e witches condemned to death, xliv 471 

...~ literature of, xly 780 , 

«+. culture of the sugar cane, xlv 821 

-.+- description of a village in Benares, 
xlv 903 

+++. origin of casts, 1 1442] 

--.» Egyptian Apis in, 1 28 

++.» sect of Sanaers, 2b. 

.... Roman catholics in, 1 29 

++» religious ceremony of swinging, | 32 

-».. goats sent over to the prince of Wales, 
1: 316 

-.+. country of Magad’ha, li 895 

++» State of the press in, lili 59] 

..++ remarks onthe government, liii 40] 

.... manufactures, ly 498 

...». Maranham cotton tree introduced into, 
lvii 50 

.+ +» 5.W, monsoon, lvii 488 

>++. journey through the desert, Iviii 616 

«+e. trade of the ancients to, lix 511] 

. +» swarm of locusts, Ix 569 

-... Calcutta taken by the nabob of Ben- 
gal, i113 

.... Angria’s principal fort taken, i 14 

.. «+ Calcutta retaken, i 31 

.... the nabod compelled to make peace, 2. 

...- Chandenagore taken from the French, 

.... Suraja Dowla deposed, and Jaffier Ali 
Cawn made nabob, i 32. vii 54] xvi 105*] 

.-.. the French fleet twice defeated, ii 53 * 

--+~ fort St. David’s taken by the French, 

+++ the French repulsed at Tanjore, ii 54° 

East Indies: French repulsed at Madras, ii 

+++» Surat taken by the English, 2d. 132 

+++» Conjeveram and Masulipatam taken, 

~ iii 63] 

«+++ the French driven from Bengal, 2d. 

+++» Wandewash and Carongoly taken, 4. 

ee. Lally defeated by col. Coote, 75. 

«+s. Chittiput and Arcot takea, iii 64] 

«+++ the French fleet defeated a third time, 

«++ Caracal taken, 74. 163] 

eee. attempt of the Dutch to engross the 
saltpetre trade, iii 113] 235] 237] 

e+e. assassination of the mogul, iii 137] 

«.+. British naval force in, iii 140] 

«eee Surrender of Permacoil and Alam- 
paiva, iii 162] 

---- papers relating to the aflair between 
the English and Dutch, iii 235] 237] 

e+.» blockade of Pondicherry, iv 54] 

«ee. the British fleet dispersed by a storm, 
iv 55] 

e+» Pondicherry surrendered, iv 56] 290-2] 

«++» Mahie taken, id. 

»» +. attempts of M. Law, 2d. 

«+.» mogul army defeated, iv 57] 

«+.» nabob of Bengal deposed, 24. 

eae. Settlement at Bender Abassi on the 
Persian gulf, and all the forts and fac- 
tories in Sumatra taken or destroyed by 
d’Estaign, iv 58] vi 66] 

e+». Supreme order from the mogul’s court 
at Delhi, iv 292] 

ees. all the French factories and settle- 
ments restored, v 61] 238] 

eee articles of the peace relating to, v 

e+. expedition against Manilla, vi 5] 

«++ arrival of the forces, vi 7] 

«. +s Sally of the enemy, vi 9] 

. ese» Violent storm, 7d. 

++ee the Spaniards and Indians repulsed in 
two attacks on our posts, vi 11] 

eee the place stormed, vi 12] 

ees. ransom of the town, vi 13] 

eevee galleon taken, vi 14] vii 80] 

«.+. the Dutch called upon to give up the 

laces in Sumatra put into their hands 

by d’Estaing, vi 66] 

«.+. rumour of extraordinary movements 
of the Dutch in, vi 115] 

«ee» difficulties of mir Jaffier, vii 34] 

.-.. his territories invaded, vii 35] 

»e.. Cossim Ali Cawn set tp in his stead, 
vii 36] 

«..- removes the seat of government from 
Moorshedabad to Mongheer, vii 37] 

e+... his spirited and judicious conduct, 7. 

«».. the council disavow the treaty made 
by the governor, vii 38] 

ees mir Jaflier again proclaimed, vii 39] 

e+» the British surprise Patna, 7b. 

soe» presently expelled from it, 7d. 



East Indies: the deputies to Mongheer — 
massacred, vii 40] 

«++. the natives defeated by maj. Adams 
at Ballasara, ib. 

«+++» Moorshedabad abandoned, vii 41] 

«+++ victory at Nuncas nullah, vii 42] 

--ee natives defeated with great slaughter 
at Auda nallah, 2. 

..». Mongheer surrendered, vii 43] 

+.» massacre of the English at Patna, 2b. 

«+.» Patna taken, 2b. 

-... Cossim Ali Cawn takes refuge with 

Sujah Dowlah, vii 44] . 
«++» papers relative to the late transactions, 
vii 188-92] 

e# es consequences of the expulsion of Cossim 
Ali, viii 8] 
+++. death of maj. Adams, viii 9] 
+++. asmall party cut off by Cossim, 24. 
-».. Shah Zaddah and Sujah Dowlah join 
him, 7d. 
+++. major Monro comes up with their 
army, viii 10] 
«++» defeats it at Buxard, 7d. 
sss. attacks the strong fort of Chunda 
Geer, viii 11] 
«++ twice repulsed, viii 12] 
«++. Sujah Dowlah with a fresh army keeps 
him in check near Benares, viii 12] 
- +. sir Rob. Fletcher succeeds to the com~- 
mand of the army, viii 13] 
+++ puts Sujah Dowlah to flight, 2d. 
-»+. the fort of Chunda Geer surrendered 
to him, 7d. 
-” noble conduct of the governor, viii 
Eliabad taken, id. 
.... troubles on the coast of Coromandel 
suppressed, 7. 
.... affairs of the French there, zd. 
q Dutch, viii 15] 
+++» State of affairs in, ix 20] 
+»+» Sujah Dowlah obtains the assistance of 
» the Mahrattas, ix 21] 
«... defeated by gen. Carnac, ib, 
.. +.» Sujah Dowlah surrenders himself, ix 
.... Jaffier Ali Cawn dies, 2b. 
+++» Najiem il Doula supported in the suc- 
cession, 20. 
«++» terms offered him, ix 23] 
+... arrival of lord Clive, ix 25] 
.... Select committee established, zd. 
«».. reform introduced by it, ix 26] 
«+s. covenants against receiving presents 
entered into, 74. 
.+». disputes'on presents previously re- 
ceived, ix 27] 
.... complaints of vacancies in Bengal 
being filled up by persons from Madras, 
-... lord Clive joins the army, ix 28] 
«e.. treaties with Sujah Dowlah and the 
Mogul, ix 29] a 
eves Objections to these treaties, ix 30] 




East Indies: distribution of the forces, ix 

«+.. two ships from Bengal seized by the 
sheik of Bassorah, ix 54] 

+++. convention between lord Clive and bar. 
Law of Lauriston, ix 100] 

«+e. new war in, xi 69*] 

-+.. Hyder Ali and the nizam defeated by 
col. Smith, xi 66*] 101] 

+++.» peace with the nizam, zd. 

-... Mangalore taken and retaken, xi 67*] 

«+++ ill conduct of the war, xii 48] 

-... the Carnatic ravaged by Hyder Alli, 
xii 49] 

.... the territories of the nabob of Arcot 
suffer equally, 2b. 

«..- Hyder advances nearly to Madras,. xii 
50] 51) 

ee. battle of Mulwaggle, xii 50] 

-+.. the war impolitic and unnecessary, xii 

TT ease concluded with Hyder Ali, xii 
51] 52] 153] xxv 7] 

--.. umbrage taken at Sujah Doula, xii 52] 

---- fresh treaty with him, 2d. 

+». present of jewels from the nabob of 
Bengal to the king, xii 134] 

«++» French have a great force in, xiii 76] 

-+.. Baroach taken, xvi 120] xxv 10] 

+++. Supreme court of judicature esta- 
blished at Calcutta, xvii 104] 

«+.. city of Tanjore taken, xvii 106] 115] 
172] xx 97] 

--.. threats of the Spaniards against the 
British settlement at Balambangan, xvii 
143] xviii 94] 

+... the settlement taken by the Soolooans, 
xviii 93] 

-+.». rajah of Tanjore restored, xx 100] 

--.. siege of Pondicherry, xxii 175] 

---. other French settlements taken, xxii 

++.. war in the Carnatic, xxiv 191*] xxv 

«+.. revolution in the Mahratta government, 
xxv 5] j 

-.-- conduct of the government of Madras, 

xxv 8] 35] 40] 53] 103] xxvii 49] 

2-2) ————-—+—.————— of Bombay, 
xxv 9] 

aoe ——__—_———_—_—- of Calcutta, 

my 11] 13] 30] 75] xxvi 2] xxvii 

++.. detachment sent by land from Calcutta 
to Bombay, xxv 14] 25] 

*+.. expedition from Bombay against Poo- 
nah, xxv 19] 

+++. the army surrounded and ‘obliged to 
capitulate, xxy 21] 

-+.. Situation and conduct of Moodajee 
Boosla, xxv 24] 

+++. disputes between Bombay and Cal- 
cutta, xxy 29] 

++-- general league against the English, 
xxv 32] 55] 


East Indies: plan of the league, xxv 34] 
ao alliance with the ranna of Gohud, xxv 
asco —— Futty Sing, 7. 
--.. Ahmedabad taken by storm, xxv 36] 
e+. conduct of Scindia, xxv 37] 
«++» Scindia defeated, xxv 38] 
--.. two other victories over the Mahrat- 
tas, xxv 39] 
+... fortress of Gwalior surprised, xxv 

e... treaty with Bazalet Jung for the Gun- 
toor circar, xxv 41] 

a the circar farmed to the nabob, xxv 

-< resident at Hyderabad appointed, xxv 

+++. rupture with the nizam prevented by 
the interference of the supreme council, 
xxv 50] 

++.» Mahie taken, xxv 54] 

+++. irruption of Hyder into the Carnatic, 
xxv 60] 

- ++ he lays siege to Arcot, xxv 63] 74] 

«e+» two detachments defeated by col. 
Baillie, xxv 66] 

++.. desperate action with Hyder, who was 
about to retreat when the blowing up of 
Baillie’s ammunition occasions the loss of 
his whole corps, xxv 68] 

++» disturbances among the sepoys on 
being ordered to take a passage by sea, 
xxv 73] 

«+.» Tellicherry, about to be abandoned, 
relieved by sir Edw. Hughes, xxv 74] 

--..» Arcot taken, xxv 77] 

«+.» Mr. Whitehill suspended, 7d. 

+++. several fortresses besieged by Hyder, 
xxv 79] 

. saan retires before sir E, Coote, xxv 

+++ porfidy of the French at Pondicherry, 

«+ +- Hyder’s shipping destroyed by sir E. 
Hughes, xxv 83] 

-.-. sir E. Coote marches to the relief of 
Trichinopoly, 2. 

«+.» Wandewash again besieged, xxv 84] 

. ‘si. defeated at Porto Novo, xxv 

+++» Siege of Wandewash raised, xxv 88] 

e+e» Trepassore taken, zd. 

«s.. Hyder again defeated 
actions, xxv 88] 89] 

e».. Chittor taken, xxv 89] 

»».- Dutch settlements on the coast of Su- 
matra taken, xxv 90] 

-... Negapatam taken, xxv 91] 

-. + Trincomalee surrendered, xxv 92] 

++». engagements between sir E. Hughes 
and Suftrein, xxv 268] 272] 

+. +. review of the affairs of Benares, xxvi 

eo. progress of the governor general up 
the Ganges, xxvi 9] 

in various 


East Indies: govenor general’s conduct to- 
ward Cheyt Sing, xxvi 12] 

ree flight of the rajah from Benares, xxvi 


es. rash attack of Ramnagur, xxvi 21] 

-.+. flight of Mr. Hastings from Benares, 
XXvi 23] 

.. + visited by the nabob vizir, xxvi 25] 

«+++ the Sarun circar invaded by Futteh 
Shah, xxvi 27] 37] 

e. ++ Cheit Sing’s manifesto, xxvi 28] 

«+++ general insurrection against the com- 
pany, xxvi 29] 

«... party of the enemy defeated near Pa- 
teetah, xxvi 30] 

-... Pateetah carried by storm, xxvi 35] 

+e. general dispersion of the rajah’s 
forces, xxvi 36] 

«+e. the government settled anew, 20. 

-... treaty with Scindia, xxvi 37] 

-... flight of the rajah, 7. 

«+. surrender of his fortress, and distri- 
bution of his treasure, xxvi 38] 

«+.. dispute respecting it, xxvi 39] 

«++. proceedings of the French, xxvi 40] 

e+. Sufirein appears off Madras, xxvi 42] 

e».. actions between the fleets, xxvi 44] 
A7] 66] 72] 111] 249] 

---. relief of Tellicherry, xxvi 53] 

.. +. col. Braithwaite’s detachment cut off 
by Tippoo Saib, xxvi 55] 

-+«- Cuddalore and Permacoil taken, xxvi 
58] 244] 

e+e Hyder threatens Vandewash, <b. 246] 

.-.. retires at the approach of sir E. Coote, 
xxvi 59] 246] 

-.-- comes to the relief of Arnee, and is de- 
feated, xxvi 60] 247] 

+... Trincomalee taken by the French, 
xxvi 70} 

+... peace concluded with the Mahrattas, 
xxvi 76] 289] 343] 

«... sir E. Hughes returns to Madras to 
repair, xxvi 81] 

«++. violent hurricane, 2. 

+.» famine at Madras, xxvi 82] 

«+». stormy passage to Bombay, xxvi 83] 

«.-. expedition to the coast of Malabar, 
xxvi 35] 

.... Tippoo Saib repulsed at Paniany, xxvi 

..+. Onore taken by storm, xxvi 88] 

---. expedition of general Mathews, xxvi 
90] 286] 

.».. barbarous manner in which it was con- 
ducted, xxvi 91] 

e-so pass of the ghauts forced, xxvi 92] 

+++. surrender of Bednore, xxvi 93] 286] 

--.. treasure found there, xxvi 101] 289] 

-... the gen. quarrels with his officers, 
xxvi 94] 287] 

-... Mangalore taken, xxvi 97] 

..-. Tippoo quits the Carnatic for the coast 
of Malabar, 74. 


East Indies: gen. Mathews defeated, xxvi 98] 
-» ++ Cundapore abandoned, xxvi 99] 292] 
.. +. Bednore surrendered, 2d. id. 
..+ the capitulation barbarously broken by 
Tippoo, xxvi 100] 
eah arian conduct of the sepoys, xxvi 
«+++ defence of Mangalore, xxvi 102] 
ee+- Sickly state of the fleet, xxvi 105] 
xxvii 262] 
«+++ Dindigul and other places taken, xxvi 

—— ~~ 

«+++ attack of Cuddalore, 2b. xxvii 255] 

+++ Sally from the garrison repulsed, xxvi 
112} xxvii 258] 

«+++ news of the peace and consequent ces- 
sation of hostilities, xxvi 113] xxvii 

.ee- Ranger taken by the Malrattas, nof- 
withstanding the peace, xxvi 289] 

«++» cessions to France in, xxvi 326] 

++». convention with France relative to, 
xxix 280] 

-+.. ambassador to France, xxx 208] 

+++. inundation of the sea on the coast of 
Coromandel, xxx 238] 

+++ money to be paid to government for 
troops and victualling the fleet, xxx 264] 

++.» French force ordered to, xxxiii 137 

++.. war with Tippoo Sultan, xxxiii 239. 
xxxiv 129] 190] 

e++. capture of Cannanore, Furuckabad, 
and several forts on the Malabar coast, 
xxxiii 111] 

e+ +. ————-— Bangalore, xxxiii 115] 

-«.-. Travancore attacked by Tippoo, xxxiv 
197] 199] 

+++. capture of Dindigul, xxxiv 200] 

— Palicaudchery, xxxiv 201] 

. several small forts taken, 2. 

+++» Sattimungulum surrendered, @, 

.» «+ the detachment surprised by Tippoo, 
and obliged to retreat, xxxiv 202] 

e+» battle of Shoroor, 2d. 

diate ne Carnatic ravaged by Tippoo, xxxiv 

.. ++ Cananore and several other forts taken 
xxxiv 205] 

. invasion of Mysore, xxxiv 206] 

.. ++ Bangalore taken, xxxiv 207] 

..-- Tippoo defeated near Seringapatam 
xxxiv 208] 

«... distress of the army, xxxiv 210] 

»... the army retreats to Bangalore, 24. 

..-- Mahratta forces join, 24. 

.+. attempts of Tippoo to negotiate, 7. 

+++. several hill forts taken, xxxiv 211 

.... Nundydroog taken, xxxiv 213] 

....Coimbetore obliged to capitulate 
xxxiv 214] 

.... the terms broken, 76. 

. unfortunate attempt on Kistnagheri 
xxxiv 215] 


EA o, 
East Indies: Savendroog, Outradroog, and 
other forts taken, xxxiv 215] 
«+ proceedings of the allies, xxiv 216) 
+++» Siege of Seringapatam, xxxiv 217] 

- s.«+ Overtures for peace, xxxiv 222] 

+» ++ peace concluded, xxxiv 222] 171 

+++. gratuity to the officers and soldiers, 
XXxiv 33 

. «+» bill for regulating the government and 
trade of, xxxv 130] 

..++ capture of the French settlements in, 
xxxv 271] 

..-- Ceylon and other Dutch settlements 
taken, xxxviii 194] 75, 90 

-+-+.ayaluable caravan to Europe risked by 
the way of Egypt, xl 136] 

..+- ambassadors from Tippoo to the gov. 
of the Isle of France, x1 255. xli 49] 

oe to Zemaun 

shah, xli 50] 

+++. proceedings of the gov. general to 
counteract their intrigues, xli 54] 

«+ee march of the British forces, xli 60] 

+».. the Bombay army attacked by Tippoo, 
xli 60] 

+-.. the forces advance to Seringapatam, 
xii 61] 

++,.. Serjngapatam taken, and Tippoo slain, 
xli 62] 99° 

+... division of his territories, xli 63] 242 

«+. intended attack of Zemaun shah frus~ 
trated by a rebellion in his dominions, 
xli 63] 

«.«. Settlement of Prince of Wales’s island, 

xli 64) 

-... letter from the grand seignior to Tip- 
poo sultan, xli 66] 

--.. his complaints of the English, xli 67] 

+-.. causes of the war with Tippoo sultan, 
xi 220] 

++. importation of rice from, xliii 26] 

+--+. acquisitions in, xliii 287] ~ 

we nabob of the Carnatic deposed, xliv 


-».- Azeem ul Dowlah raised to the musnud, 
xliv 276 

e»-- visit of the goy. general to the 
northern provinces, xliv 278 

--.. war with the Poligar and Malabar 
States, xliv 280 

»++- quarrels between the Mahratta chiefs, 

 xliv 282 

«... return of gen, Baird’s army, 7d. 

.-.. fort of Tirnakull carried by storm, 

 xiliv 525 

--.. Ternate taken, xliv 527 

«+. Persian ambassador 
Bombay, xlv 362 

+++. fleet of pirates destroyed by capt. 
Hayes, xlv 467 

++ ++ rajah of Jyepour assassinated, xlv 423 

-... massacre of a British party at Candy, 
xlv 549 ; 

+-.. campaign against Scindiah, xly 552- 
563, xlvi 212, 215 

murdered at 


East Indies: thanks of parliament to the 
civil and military officers and army, xlvi 

.-+- Bencoolen plundered by the French, 
xlvi 131 

e-.» alliance with the peishwa, xlvi 202 

»-»» French force established there, xlvi 

-».. capture of Ahmednughur, xlvi 216 

.... camp of Scindiah beaten up by col. 
Stevenson, zd. 

«... battle of Assye, xlvi 217 

. ++ Baroach carried by storm, xlvi 219 

- ++. successes in the provinces of Guzerat 
and Cuttack, xlvi 220 

-»-- fort of Barabuttee stormed, xlvi 221 

ewe» retreat of Perron, xlvi 222 

-.+» Ally Ghur carried by storm, zd. 

BAAS peeonie of a party of sepoys, xlvi 

..». battle of Delhi, zd. 

.-.. Agra taken, xlvi 228 

.--+ battle of Laswaree, xlvi 229 

5 Argaum, xlvi 234 

---. fort of Gawil ghur stormed, xlvi 235 

-... treaty of peace with the rajah of Berar, 
xlyi 236, 237 - 

with Scindiah, 7d. 

---- embassy to Tehran, xlvi 440 - 

-. +» conduct of Holkar, xlvii 196 

e+e» conduct toward him, xlvii 199 

«. ++ war with, xlyii 206 

.-+. defection of the rajah of Bhurtpore, 
xlvii 207 

---.- unsuccessful attack on the Centurion 
by Linois, xlvii 219 

see siege of Bhurtpore, xlvii 518 

.... defeat of Meer khan at Ufulghur, xlvyii 

.... defeats of Holkar, xlvii 522 

.--- treaty with Runjeet Sing, xlvii 523 

--.~ state of affairs, xlvili 20] 

.»-- lord Cornwallis appointed goy. gen. 

.»+ his death, xlviii 252 

-++. peace with Scindiah, xlviii 252, 253, 
702, 705 

age ey Holkar, xlviii 252, 253, 
706, 708 

+... insurrection of se «ys, xlviii 253. xlix 
253, 364 

+... merits of a plan of sir P. Francis as- 
cribed to lord Cornwallis, xlviii 255 

die ide Minto appointed gov. gen. xlviii 

“tae expedition against Dundie khan, xlix 

«+++ attack on Comona, 2d. 

-.++ capture of a Dutch squadron off Ma- 
cassar, xlix 650 

ati at Ba- 
tavia, xlix 672* 

...+. disputes between the civil and mili- 
tary authorities of Madras, li 228 

«++» improved state of the Guickowar, li233 


East Indies: judicious conduet of the Bom- 
bay government, li 233 

«+++ jubilee on the king’s entering the 
fiftieth year of his reign, li 240 

e+-- expedition against the Wauhabite 
Pirates in the Persian gulf, lii 251, 505. 
liv 462 

e+.. Isles of Bourbon and Mauritius taken, 
lii 262,.298, 314. liii 171 

«++. Several Malay pirates destroyed, lii 
264, 317 

«+.» Tametava and other French settle- 
ments destroyed, lii 265 

ee» Amboyna and Banda taken, lii 265 

ee. settlement at Tappanooly taken by the 
French, lii 258" 

«+s. fort of Tamatave taken, liii 100] 217 

e+. princess of Oudipour poisoned, liii 

++.- rajah of Travancore dethroned as a 
usurper, liii 166] 

«+. fortress of Chya taken and restored to 
it’s lawful prince, liii 167] 

e+.. reduction of Java, liii 167] 225, liv 
212] 187. lv 197] 

- new regulations of native corps, liii 

++, suicide of the second son of Tippoo 
sultan, liii 51 

= fortress of Kallinjur surrendered, liv 

ee : islands of Macassar and Timour taken, 

«see conspiracy of sepoys at Travancore 
suppressed, 2d. 

++. fresh penalties against trading in slaves 
announced, liv 213] 

e+. petty incursions in, lv 197] 

«+s. visit of Scindiah to the Ganges to 
bathe on occasion of an eclipse, lv 12 

«+--+ incursion of Surnaid Sing, lvi 202] 

«++» piratical town destroyed, ¢. 

-+++ inundation of the Nerbudda, lvi 203] 

«+s. two vessels sail from Bristol for, lvi 

«++ Nepaulese war, Ivii 132] 174, 209-18, 
228-31, 235-9, 346 - 
++.. unsuccessful attack on the fort of Ka- 
lunga, lvii 132] 173 
«+. Geposition of the king of Candy, lvii 
134] 194 : 
- ++ disputes with the Chinese, Ivii 135] 
+++ vessel arrived at Liverpool from, lvii 64 
e+. declaration against the rajah of Nepaul, 
lvii 346 
«. peace with the Nepaulese, lviii 166] 
++ renewal of hostilities, lviii 166] 228 
- fresh treaty, lviii 167] 
«+ proceedings in Cutch, lviii 168] 
.. Insurrection at Bareilly, 24. 
-.- irruption of the Mabrattas, lviii 170] 
++. convention with France respecting 
salt and opium, lviii 359 
+++. expedition against the Pindarees, lix 
162] 154 


bad + 


East Indies: 

+++. fresh treaty with the government of 
Poonah, lix 164] ; ; 

+» »- War with the peishwa, Ix 181] 

+++. disturbances in Ceylon, Ix 188] 

oe from Calcutta to Ochotsk, lx 

EA m 
other proceedings, lix 163] 

++.. account of the war given by the marq. 
of Hastings on his return to Calcutta, 1xi 
199] 3 

«+.» protest against the aggressions of the 
Heri in the Malayan archipelago, Ixi 


++» express engaged to reach in three 
months, Ixi 20 

«+. account of the Pindarees, lxi 496 

Easton, col. —-x viii 132*]” 

—— rev. W. lx 265 

Eaters, enormous, iv 111] viii 83] 110] 
147] ix 96] xv 96] x1 20, xlii 364 

Eaton, (pedestrian) lvii 110 

bish. xii 190 

Dan. Isaac, xlv 454 

«+e» convicted of libel, xxxviii 26 

«+. trial for blasphemy, liv 272 

gen. (Amer.) xxiv 66] 
J. xli 403 
rev. xxix 36 

——— W. xxxiii ]ln, 67”, 92x. 1xi 300 

W. (Amer.) xlix 698 

Ebden, James, v 99 

Eben, baron, lix 127] $ 

Eberstadt, marsh. count F. M. J. gov. of 
Hamburgh, xv 73] 

Eble, gen. —- xi 153] 

Ebrall, T. shot by a life-guardsman, lii 

Ebrington, Hugh, vise. lvi 150] 151] 

Eccles, R. 1xi 299 

Ecclesiastical courts, Sellon v. Taylor and 
Jones, xxii 198] 214] 

eee. Severity of, liv 26] 

.. +. bill for the regulation of, lv 55] 

Eccleston, T. drainage of Marton Meer, 
xxxi 66, 69 

Echard, rev. Laurence, xxxviii 326 

Echoes of the lake of Killarney, i 327, 

Eckhardt, Ant. G. xxxix 406, 407, 408. xl _ 
385. xli 404. xlix 853, ib. - 

Eckhel, ab. Jos. Hilary, x] 92 

Eckmuhl, prince of. See Davoust 

Eckstormius, i 333 

Eclipses, annular, of the Sun, vii 62] xviii 

+.++ ancient observations of, not historical 
data, xviii 137 

««.. total of the Moon, xxvi 217] 

--..» of the Sun, xlvi 368 

Economy, expense of schemes of, xxxvii 

Ecuyer, capt. (A) vi 27] 

Edda, extracts from the, xiii 86-93 

ee ee account of the, liti 569 


Eddis, W. xxxiv 367 
Eddison, J. (farmer) xiv 110 
Eddystone lighthouse completed, ii 118 
+++» difference of temperature there and at 
Plymouth, iii 94 : 
Edelsheim, bar. xlvi 650 
Eden, G. See Auckland, 2nd lord 
—— Higgins, xxxiv 77 
—— hon. Mrs. xiv 160] 
—— hon. W. F.1 16] 221*. lii 257*, 301 
Morton. Sce Henley, lord 
—— m. gen. W. liii 228 
—v-—-rey. Dr. Rob. xxx 1 
—— sir F. M. xxxix 441, 480 
sir Rob. xiv 161] 
——W. See Auckland, Ist lord 
Edgar, king, ix 187. x 274, 277. xvi 137 
Rob. xxxvi 13 
Edgcumbe, G. 3rd lord. 
Edgecombe, capt. (N) i 109 
Peggy, xl 179 
Edgell, James, xli 400 
Edgeworth, Rich. Lovell, xii 95] 
— —_—— de Fermont, ab. xxxv 221] 

See Mount-Edg- 


Edgware road, all the gibbets on, cut down, 
vi 67] 

Edinburgh : riots at, on account of scarcity 
of meal, vi 120] 

+--+ appeal cause on the right of presenting 
ministers to the churches, vii 56] 

----prints of the paintings at Hercula- 
neum presented to the university by the 
k, of Spain, vii 58] 

e+». none but prescribing physicians to be 
mee members of the college, viii 

“yi Dr. Hope’s botanical medal, ix 86] x 

e+.. riot on seizing a poor man’s goods for 
rent, x 92] 

++.. medal for the best plan for a new town 
in the neighbourhood, x 98] 

+. +- Wilkes burnt in effigy, xi 99] 

«+... fall of the church adjoining the palace 
of Holyrood house, xi 193] 

—— abutment of the new bridge, 

xii 121] 

+«.. fires at, xviii 123] xxxvi 37. xxxvii 
1]. liii 128. lix 124 

«++. observatory on the Calton hill, xix 

+++. heat compared with that of London, 
xix 81 
+++« riots against Catholics, xxii 197] xxiii 

«e++ cabinet of medals presented to the 

aid by princess Daschkoff, xxii 
+++» bridge over the Pease, xxv 218] 
++. loan offered by the Royal Bank for 
purchasing corn for the poor, xxvi 194] 
++.. petition against the quarantine on ships 
loaded with, xxvi 212] 
Pant I. 



Edinburgh : foundation of the New College 
laid, xxxi 228] 

«+++ professorship of agriculture instituted, 
xxxii 199] 

- «+. riots at the theatre, xxxvi 11 

«++. letter from Mr. Dundas to the lord 
provost on the choice of magistrates, x1 73 
sees the count d’Artois, xli 32 
+++. Scarcity of water at, xlii 29 
-.+. French princes retire to Holyrood 
house, xliii 279] 
+++.» professorship of military surgery insti- 
tuted, xlviii 451 
++.. account of the university, 1 272 
---. robberies and murder on New-year’s 
eve, liv 38 
+... private distillery discovered under the 
bridge, lvii 42 
+++. grants for building the college, lviii 
195. 1x 422, lxi 420 
» riot at an execution, Ix 187 
Edington, col. xx 254] 
Ediva, queen, xv 125, 126 
Edmondes, sir T. xii 190 
nimen Mary, murders her aunt, ii 72, 
Edmonton, fire at, xlvii 429 
Edmunds, fined for inserting the Lords’ 
protest in the Middlesex journal, xiii 
Edridge, W. lvii 321 
Education of females, ii 424. v 236. viii 
219. xxiii 181. xli 440 
+++ remarks on, v 169, 227. viii 217. xv 
176. xix 180. xx 174. xxv 52. xxxiii 
433] xli 446. xlvi 787, 886, 890. xlix 
1U18. 14, 143. lii 568 
..++ knowledge of God the best foundation 
of, viii 215 
+++. State of, in France, xlviii 1001 
Bias ~ in Scotland, 1 272. lvii 573 
.-.. diffusion of, beneficial, ] 276 
-- schools for national, liv 21 
. State of, in Ireland, lv 10 
. of the poor, act respecting, Ix 143] 
mnie report on, lx 374 
Edward I, i 457, v 90] vi 51] 103, 177. 
viii 203, ix 389] x 144] xiii 87] xix 104] 
107] xxi 201] xxvi 107, 114. xxviii 110. 
xxxvili 461, x1 437. xliii 497. xlvii 8967. 
xlix 821 
.-.- disinterment of, xvii 117] 
«... Monument at Brough rebuilt, xlv 424 
——— Il, vi 51] viii 201. x 144] xv 238. 
xviii 163] xxi 201] 140. lii 444 
—— II, ii 41]. iv 168. vi 177, 178, 
279. vii 167, 251. xiv 144. xv 155] 237. 
xvii 117] 145. xviii 163] xx 143. xxi 
174. xxiv 226] xxv 168] xxvii 65. xxxi 
77| xxxviii 19] 44] 461. xl 7] xlii 41. 
xliii 24] xlv 458. liii 539. Ixi 478 
—— IV, i 475. iv 168. x 100. xiv 134. 
xix 159, 214. xxi 94] xxvii 68, 72. xxix 
11. xxx 114, xxxi 124] 203) li 270, lii 
284, liii 539 


EG ; 

Edward IV, letter from Jane Shore to, vi 

...- his coffin examined, xxxi 203] 
——— VI, ii 415, iv 179. vi 177. viii 302. 
ix 132] 224] 188. xi 49. xii 136. xiii 
118] xiv 144, xy 120. xxiii 141] xxvii 
70. xxxi 188. xxxvili 462. x1 56 
the Black Prince, vi 178: ix 71] 
xvii 135. xvyili 98] xxii 173. 1 85* 
the Confessor, x 7, 232, 268, 303. 
xvi 148. xix 152, xxiv 12 : 
Edwards, xliv 586 
Bryan, xix 209, 210, xxxiv 83] 
xxxv 280, 307, 310, 417. xxxix 129] xl 
171] 178] 232] xlv 793, 796-8 
-+-- account of, xliii 400 
capt. E, (N) xxxiv 26, lvii 515 
capt. J. (N) xlii 74n 
David, xlvi 744 
Edw. xviii 153 
G. iii 141, vii 110. xiii 82 
..+- memoirs of, xix 55 
Gerard Noel, xxxiv 91 
J. found guilty of a conspiracy, 
xlvii 365, 403 
John, murdered at sea, ii 76 
J. x1 386, xliii 453. xlv 831, xlvi 
827. xlvii 850, 2d. lvii 321 
Mary, and M. Ann, convicted of 
stripping a child, xlvi 380 
—— R. xlviii 362 
rev. T. xxx 3 
Sophia, snicide, liv 145 
————= W. xxxi 218] 
ews» extraordinary bridge built by, vii 147. 
xlvi 740 
-... account of, xlvi 739 
W. executed for robbery, x 150] 
Edwin, J. (actor) xxxii 223] 
Ecl, electrical, vii 90] x 122. xii 88. xviii 
87. xlvi 804, 1i 851 
Eels, observations on, x 78, li 848 
.«.. frozen without being killed, xxi 99 
Eems, van, Dr. J. viii 80. x 88 
Efferen, count, xxix 22] 
Effingham, bar. See Howard 
—— T. 3rd earl of, xii 149] 164] xiii 
70] 197] xvii 95] 274] xviii 94] 249] 251] 
142*] 148*] xix 255] xx 280] 283] xxi 
52] 155] 201*] 297) 303] xxii 342] 343] 
348] 350] xxiii 158] 330] 351] xxv 157] 
xxvii 92] xxxi 280] xxxiii 41] xxxiv 3 
.. ++ desires to retire from the service, xviii 
107] xix 42] 
..-- thanks of the city of London and mer- 
chants of Dublin to, xix 43] 
Effinguer, xliv 228 
Efford, W. xii 102 
Ega, count d’, x 53] 
Egan, Dr. xxxi 200] 
—~— J. xlii 116] 
—— lieut. C. (N) xxvii 260z] 
Egbert, bish. of York, xvii 122 
king, xxxv 416 
Egede, bish. Paul, ix 271, 273 


Egede, capt. Paul, ix 276 
Hans, lx 556 
Egerton, (builder) viii 136] 
——— bish. J. xvi 99] xxi 94 
— col. xvi 99] xxv 20] 
—— lady Sophia, xvi 99] 
major, ib. 
miss, 2). 
S. 1 221 
sir T. xxi 181*] 
—__— W. xlvii 42 
Egg, Deers, xlv 828. lvii 320 
Joseph, xlii 384 
Eggs, methods of preserving, vi 30. xxxiii 
--.. artificial hatching, vi 30 
..+. attempt to hatch artificially at Kew, — 
xiii 78] 
«+++ snow a substitute for, xiii 174] 
.... toad found in one, xlix 462 
Egineo, Leucippo, xlix 991 
Eginbard, xvii 123n, xliii 397m 
Eginton, F. xliii 404 
Egiva, gen. li 1897 
Hglintany Al. 10th earl of, iii 146] v 92] x 
++». Shot by Mungo Campbell, xii 143] 
163] xiii 74-6] 219] 
Archib. 11th earl, xiv 204] xxvii 
189] xxxi 304] 
——— lady, vii 55 
Egmont, J. 2nd earl of, v 82] vi 42] vii 128] 
viii 123] xi 86] xiv 3] xvii 51. xlvii 757 | 
———— J. James, 3rd earl, iy 52. xviii 17. 
xxxi 298] 
Egohohowen, ii 200 : 
Egremont, C. Ist earl of, iv 4] 48] 164] 
258] 281] v 101] 108] 190] vi 4] 40] 42] 
96] 136] viii 174] xxxvi 281] xxxix 373 
— countess of, iv 240 
G. O’Bryen, 2nd earl, xi 155] 
xvii 129] xxi 303] xxii 342] 343] 348] 
xxiii 198] xxv 296] xxxi 304] xl 80] 
xlviii 409. lviti 149 
Egypt: present state of, xli 2] xliy 858 
..-. the Chinese supposed a colony from, 
iii 150 
..«+ —— objections to this, iii 154 
..«. three ways of writing, iii 151, 156 
..+- symbolical character, iii 153, 156, 
xxxiv 441 
++.. curiologic character, iii 156 
. revenues of, iv J22] xix 137 
..++ Chinese characters borrowed from, v 
«+». this disputed, v 130. vii 153 
.... two epochs of sculpture in, v 132 
. method of sowing corn in, viii 137 
.... fascination of serpents in, ix 125, xli 
-... hieroglyphics explained, xi 139 
-.+.. darkness in the land of, xvii 190 
. warm baths of, xxviii 118 
.... almai, or singing and dancing girls, 
xxviii 121 



Egypt: private life of the women, xxviii 

---. chicken ovens, xxviii 128 

«+++ antiquities, xxvili 97. xxxiv 438, 455. 
xli 420, xlii 410, 412. xliii 528. xliv 399, 
801, S05. xlix 884. lx 602. lxi 346 

e++- winds in, xxix 56 

«++. manners and customs, xli 308 

ee+- Mamalukes of, xxix 135, 199, xli 502. 
xliv 727, xlv 455 

«+++ appearance of, xxix 197 

«+s» people of, xxix 198. xxxiv 370, 372. 
xliv 742 

«++.junction between the Red sea and 
Mediterranean impracticable, xxix 199 

«++. ancient music of, xxxi 184 

+++. rising of the Nile, xxxiv 396 

«++- agriculture of, xxxiv 398 

«+++ ophthalmia of, xxxviii 399. xliv 757 

+++ current money of, xliv 742” 

«+ ++ fruits of, xliv 756 

e+e climate of, ar ei 

o+++ plagues of, xvii 

is ea India, 1 28 

+++» mummy pits, lviii 592 

«+.- insurrections in, ix 3 

«+s. commotions at Cairo among the beys, 
x 104] xi 65] 

«... the government seized by Ali bey, xiii 

«..» Ali bey expelled, xv 18] 

dese ~attempts to recover it, but is 
defeated and slain. xvi 25] 

e+. oppressions of Murad bey, 

e+.. expedition of Hassan bey against, 
xxviii 153] xxx 7] 

». +. the captain bashaw recalled from, xxx 

+»++ designs of Russia on, xxxi 173] 

«+» French expedition against, xl 133] 
257. xli 2] 107] 259. xlii 47] 223-40, xliii 
206] 218] xliv 405, 807, 855 

«++. destruction of the French navy, xl 


-»-. AlJexandria taken by storm, xl 149] 

-+.. Murad bey obliged to retire to Cairo, 
x1 150] 

-... battle of the pyramids, 7d. 

«. ++ Cairo taken possession of by the 
French, 2b. 

---» Buonaparte follows Ibrahim bey to- 
ward Syria, 2d. 

-+e» Murad retires to Upper Egypt, 2. 

+.++ proclamations &c. of Buonaparte, xl 
261-5. xli 8] 

-+.. Turkish memorial on the French in- 
vasion, x] 267 

«+++ ——-—— manifesto on the occasion, xl 

ras polities! state of, xli 4] 

rench force in, xli 6] 
ne scientific institution formed, xli 6} 

srs» instructions to the soldiery, xli 7] 


Egypt: arrival of Buonaparte celebrated 
by the Coptic high priest, xli 12] 

«++» Shereef of Alexandria executed, 2b. 

+++. anniversary of the republic celebrated 
at Cairo, 2b. 

«+++ general divan of deputies assembled, 
xli 15] 

+».. three-coloured flags hoisted and cock- 
ades ordered to be worn, xli 16] 

+»-- National guards established, 7d. 

-+ «+ insurrection at Cairo, ib. 

«+++ Other insurrections, xli 18] 

«+ «+ defeat of Murad bey at Sediman, 2d. 

«+++ causes of alarm to the French, xli 21] 

«+e expedition to Syria, xli 22] 

---- return of Buonaparte,) xli 37] xliii 

+--+ battle of Aboukir and surrender of the 
fort, xli 43] 

«+++ Suez taken possession of, xli 46] 

«+.+ convention for it’s evacuation, xli 259. 
=e 222, 223, 2b. 227. xliii 28] 206] 


e+. attempt of the Turks to recover, xlii 
216] 70. xliii 208] 

-».. letter from Kleber to the Directory, 
xlii 227 

eon. ——— to the divans of 
aa and the different provinces, xlii 

+++. Obstacles to the evacuation on the part 
of lord Keith, xlii 231, 233. xliii 207] 

«+--+ these removed, xlii 232 

«ees assassination of Kleber, xlii 253, xliii 

was gp from Menou to Buonaparte, xlii 

+++. events from the treaty of El Arisch, 
xlii 237 

«+» Situation of the French army, xlii 239 

-+«+ battle of Heliopolis, xliii 208] 

«+. insurrection at Cairo, xliii 209] 

.. ++ reduction of Boulac, xliii 214] 

.... Cairo surrendered, xliii 216] _ 

.... judicious regulations of Kleber, xliii 

.... differences with Menou, 2d. 

.... Menou succeeds to the command, xliii 

+... reinforcement from France, xliti 224] 

.... British expedition to, xliii 226] 87, 
94. xliv 855. xlv 940, 943 

.... landing of the army, xliii 227] 88. xliv 
860. xlv 948 

-».. the French driven back toward Alex- 
andria, xliii 228] ) 

+... battle of Rhamanie, xliii 229] 91. xliv 
863. xlv 950 

«+». Rosetta surrendered, xliii 253] 93 

.».. the French defeated by the Turkish 
forces, xliii 255] 94 

.».. a French convoy taken, xiii 236] 96. 
xliv 865 

»»-. Cairo surrendered by the French, xliii 
236) 97 



Egypt: arrival of gen. Baird’s army, xliii 
237] 107. xliv 810 : 

e+.. capitulation of the French, xliii 238] 
99, 102, 221, 225 

‘ee+ Several of the beys treacherously mur- 
dered, xliii 289] 240] xliv 363, 731n 

«+++ their authority overturned, xliii 241 ] 

e.+. dispute respecting the standard of 
Buonaparte’s invincibles, xliv 367. xlv 953 

«se. Several women murdered at the de- 
parture of the foreign troops, xliv 389 

++.» prevalenceof ophthalmy and blindness 
among the soldiers returned from, xliv 
411, 447 

e... Alexandria surrendered to the Eng- 
lish, xlix 202, 665* 

«+. unfortunate expedition against Ro- 
setta, xlix 204, 670*, 673" 

«+. evacuated by the British, xlix 205 

«.«- massacre of the Mamalukes at Cairo, 
liii 147] 

Ehrenbreitstein, besieged by the French, 
xli 132] 143] 

Ehrenheim, F. D’, xlvi 698. xlviii 689 

Ehrens, Dr. H. description of a cavern in 
the Hartz, i 331 

Ehrensward, baron xliii 104] 

— gen, xi 43] 
—_— lieut. xxxiv 26 
Eichstadt, gen. xv 74°] 

fHimbach, taken by the French, iii 24] 

Eisen, J. G. xviii 126 

Ejectment, cases of, xviii 121] 

Ekins, adm, C, xli 32]. xliii 113, 120. Lviii 

rev. Dr. Jeff. xiv 205. xxxiii 44] 

Elba, taken possession of, by the British, 
xxxvili 115] e 

»».. resistance at Porto Verrajo to the 
French, xliii 70] xliv 76 

««.. account of, xlv 22iz 

ee. arrival of Buonaparte at, lvi 52] 

-.+. surrendered to Tuscany, lvii 120] 

Elbe, water very low, xvii 164] 

«++ voyage down, liii 543 

Elbert, col. (Amer.) xxii 82] 182] 

Elchington, duke of. See Ney 

Elcho, lord. See Wemyss, earl 

Eleock, Francis, ii 87, 111 

Elder, a preservative against insects, xvi 
134. xxv 116 

Eldgason, in Hanover, fire at, xiii 103] 

Eldon, J. lord, xxxiv 23. xxxv 15] 113] 143] 
173] 22. xxxvi 237] 241] 278] 279] xxxvii 
158] 160] xxxviii 34] 55) 111. xxxix 
193] x1 228] xli 18. xlii 127] 154] 155] 
xliii 47] 187] xliv 15, 46, 133, 135, 148. 
xlv 57, 58, 60, 99, 111, 123, 126, 129. 
xIvi 14, 42, 43, 50, 63, 105, 109, 112, 113, 
363, 382, xlvii 87, 109, 116, 117, 7). 355. 
xlvili 21, 26, 29n, 93, 94, 99, 111, 366. 
xlix 58, 11], 150, 151, 157,510, 525. 1 
42] 56] 81] 118] li 125, 142, 170, 305, 
343, 345, 346, lii 336, lili 4] 6] 18] 19] 
27] 0] 57) liv 54] 75] 86] 120] 122] 290. 


ly 11] 18] 20] 23] 54] 56] 278, 301. Ivi 
136] 23, 302. lvii 6] 7] 27] 20, 274, 306. 
Iviii 84] 281, 290. lix 23] 33] 65] 1x 31] 
32] 83] 34] 35] 61] 127] 128] 136] 137] 
140] 141] 147] 148] 294. Ixi 1] 2] 60] 
12]] 126] 127] 135] 222, 236, 280 

Eleanor, queen, xxvi 105 

Eleazar, rabbi, ix 148 

Elections, riots at, vi 62] xi 80] 86] 155] 
193-5] 197] xii 67] 88] 100] 101) xxxii 
205] xliv 184, 424, 425, 428. xlvi 407 

..-. bills to prevent fraudulent votes at, vi 
71] lv 48] 

++.» persons convicted of bribery at, vi 76] 
90] 116] xi 153] xviii 89] xlvi 383 

.... bribery a constructive not an actual 
breach of the peace, viii 176] 

-+., action brought for money expended to 
procure votes, ix 68] 

-+.. actions for bribery and corruption, xi 
148] 154] 155] xii 79] 80] 93] 127] 2, 
155] éb. xviii 155] xix 182] xlv 394 

-... act for regulating trials of disputed, 
xiii 77*] 226] 

..-. action for damages at, xiv 88] 

eee) ———— cockades at, xviii 153] 

rejecting votes, xxi 185] 

money expended at, xxxiv 

.+.. charges of improper conduct respect- 
ing, xxxiv 160] 161] 
++.» action for damages by a frivolous and 
vexatious petition, xxxiv 16 
Silete peer incapacitated for treating, xlvi 
++» convictions of perjury at, xlvii 395 
.... for acts relative to particular places 
See their names respectively 
Electricity: wood rendered electrical, iii 
145] iv 128] 
«+++ plate machine, iv 128} 
.. «+ Speech restored by, ix 71] 
.. +. locked jaw cured by, xi 70 
- coloured rings produced on metals by, 
xii 76 
-».. machine of great power, xx 79 
-+.. contraction of muscles cured by, xxi 
«+. St. Vitus’s dance cured by, xxii 62 
..«. effects of, on vegetation, xxiii 196] 
+... cause of muscular motion, xxxiv 34 
ae — fairy rings, xxxv 305 
Electrometer, iv 129] 
Elegies, essay on, x 220 
Elephant, described, lv 493 
-..-. old one at Naples, iv 86 
---. brought from Bengal as a present to 
the king, vi 100] 
+++. introduced into S. America, viii 75] 
---- boy nearly killed by one at Bartholo- 
mew fair, liii 99 
«... afraid of a large crocodile, lviii 144 
+++. caravan with one overturned near 
Bath, lix 69 
Elephanta, island of, i 335, xxvii 89 

re tp eee pte. FS y= 



Eleusinian mysteries, xxxiii 4077] 

Eleusis, grotto of, on an ancient bas relief, 
v 138 

Eleutherius, pope, ix 187 

Elfi bey, xlii 229. xlv 438, 455 

Elford, sir W. xl 173] xliv 127. xlvii 46, 

Elfric, abp. of Canterbury, xv 126 

Elgin, C; 6th earl of, xiv 204 

——T. 8th earl, xliii 29] 219] 93. xliv 
399. xlix 530. 1 69] lviii I 

-».. account of his pursuits in Greece, liii 

.«.. report on his collection, lviii 446 

Elia Eudoxia, empress, vii 71] 

Elibank, Patrick, 5th lord, xiv 202] 204] 

Eling, W. lix 26 

Elio,gen. _liii 160, 324. liv 205] lv 142] 
146] lix 116] xi 179] 180] 10, 58 

Eliot, F. Pere. lyi 369. lvii 336. lviii 424. 

lix 249, lx 399. 1xi 397 

—— hon, W. xxxvi 93, 161 

—— lord. See St. German’s, earl 

Eliott, gen. G. Aug. See Heathfield 

Elisha, xxxii 176 

Elizabeth, empress of Russia, v 11] 223] vii 
3] ix 120] xiii 1, 20, 133, 151. xvi 61. xxi 
98, 100. xxii 215] xxxiii 10. x1 345 

princess (of France), xxxiv 26] 
Xxxv 222] 268] 137. lvi 51} 

-+.. guillotined, xxxvi 131] 14 

—— princess of Hesse Homburg, xiii 
108] 119] xviii 163] xxx 206] xxxi 267] 
x1 49. xlviii 457. lix 108. Ix 25, 402, 7d. 
1xi 400, 401 

++.. marriage of, lx 58 

——— queen, i 377. ii 84. iii 125] 182. 
iv 172, 179, 309, 312. v 90] 151. vi 177. 
vii 173. viii 30] 102] 201, 204. ix 132] 
225] 226) 50, 54, 188. x 22,275. xi 40, 
Al, 64, 164. xii 30, 136, 211, 252. xiv 
261. xv 120. xvi 93*] xviii 122] 146. xxi 
209] 9, 236, 240. xxii 86, 141. xxiv 237] 
142. xxvi 121, 222. xxvii 70. xxviii 110. 
xxix 79] 189. xxxi 128] xxxiii 27, 227] 
xxxiv 87] 422, 434. xxxv 35] 43, 59. 
xxxvi 877. xxxvii 11. xxxviii 18] xliii 18] 
24] 486. xlviii 362, 377. xlix 109, 876. | 
152. li 41. lvi 115] 

..»+ Hentzner’s description of her person 
and court, i 263 

»--- proofs of her partiality for Essex, i 

+++» letter from Mary to, ii 323 

os 5 to bish. Heaton, iv 15 

-.++ household expenses of, vii 184 

+++. Statue at St. Dunstan’s, ix 144] 

+-+.. anecdotes of, xii 189, 190, 191 

.. +» Maundy kept at Greenwich, xiv 128 

+++. Dew-year’s gifts to, xiv 129 

+--+ persecutions of, xv 6 

+++» revenue of, xvii 175 

«++. character of, xxvi 1 

+ mpeerh at the camp at Tilbury, xxxv 


Elizabeth, queen: speech in parliament, 
xxxy 344 

«++ letters from k. James to, x1 422 

+++. agreement for meeting the queen of 
Scots, xlvi 855 

queen of Bohemia, xliii 494 

Caroline, princess, ii 111, 112 

Elkington, xlviii 404 

Elks, decree for the preservation of, in Nor- 
way, iii 104] 

-+.. one presented to his majesty, xi 68] 

Ellard, Edw. viii 135] 

Ellenborough, Edw. Ist lord, xxviii 213] 
xxix 172] 242] 246] xxx 148] xxxix 47. 
xliv 105, 119, 147, 390, 470, 474. xlv 109, 
112, 125, 148, 161, 403, 460, 594, 600, 
615. xlvi 61, 113, 362, 368, 399. xlvii 
395. xviii 8, 26, 27, 93, 94, 367, 380, 
422, 427. xlix 150, 453, 459, 482, 510, 
533. 1 42] 16*, 84*, 135*. 11 258, 259, 270, 
279, 281, 298, 305, 312, 776. 1ii 336, 338, 
340, 344. liii 26] 27] 63, 76, 242, 244, 
245, 249, 253, 254. liv 123] 33, 49, 94, 
146, 273, 278, 280, 286, 290, 292, 293, 
298, 302. lv 11] 18] 24] 54] 56] 275, 283, 
289, 293, 294, 298, 299, 301. lvi 147] 287, 
295, 300, 301, 303, 313, 317, 318. lvii 27] 
272, 292, 295, 298, 308. lviii 271, 277, 
278, 284, 293. lix 61] 166, 173, 174. Ix 
257, 323, 342. Ixi 9] 145] 214, 272 

---- charge on the trial of Despard, xlv 

Ellepolla, lx 189] 

Ellerington, W. xxxiv 23 

Ellerton, H. xxvi 107 

Elliock, lord, xxi 164] 

Elliot, xxx 196*] xxxi 192] 336] 

——adm. J. iii 57] 79] 108] xxv 203} 

Alex. Kynynmound, xxv 18] 

——— capt. (N) lii 297 

—— C. (bookseller) xviii 133] 

Dr. J. xix 142] 

--.. attempt to shoot miss Boydell, xxix 

—— Edv. iv 88] 

—— Eleanor, a successful rival of her 
daughter, x 60] 

——— gen. G. Aug. See Heathfield 

—— G. xliv 776 

—-— gov. Hugh, liii 63 

—— hon. W. 1 222*. 1i 107. liv 57] 

—— Hutch, xvi 154] xlviii 595 

—— James, forgery of a bank note by, xxi 

—— J. xxiv 324] 

Jos. Mosely, xlvi 825. xlix 852 

—-—|l.col. v 65 

miss xi 108] 111] 

—— Obadiah, xliv 773. xlvii 850 

—— rev. Jared, vi 76. vii 107] 

—— Rob. iv 129 j 

—— sir Gilbert, iv 87] 88] xxiv278] 2792] © 
328] xxxvii 125 

_— (Murray-Kynynmound) 
See Minto, earl of 



Elliot, sir J. xxxviti 369. lii 441 

W. xliv 99, 105, 136. xlv 21, 99, 103, 
152, 186, 210, 374. xlvi 7, 10, 68, 98. 
xlviii 26. xlix 141, lix 49] 

—— See also Eliot y 

Ellis v. Cock, on a promise of marriage, xix 


ix 270. xiv 187 

—— bish. Welbore, xliv371 

—seful la 

— G. li 96n ; 

—— gov. H. iii 92, 127. iv 99] xviii 31 

— hon. Agar, Ix 336 

—— J. iii 92, 127, 129. xi $1] xii 188] 108. 
xviii 31, 87, 93. xix 189, xxviii 200] lii 

—— James, (farmer, Herts) xi 193] 

Jane, xlviii 436 

rt. hon. W. lviii 50] 

—— W. xii 103] 

—— Welbore (lord Mendip) xxiii 258] xxiv 
146] 331] xxv 144] xxvii 175] xxviii 177. 
xxix 92] xxxi 106] 

«... account of, xliv 371 

Ellison, v 92] 

H. xi 158] 

lieut. Jos. (N) xxiii 288] 

xlv 194 
Elliston, Rob. W. xlvi $98 
Ellys, bish. Ant, viii 298 
Elmpt, gen. xii 27] 28] 
Elms, large, ix 72] 
Elmsley, Peter. xix 124] 
Eloise, tomb of, xi 175 
Elpher, W. xlvii 395 
Elphinstone, adm. G, Keith. See Keith, vise. 
—_—_—adm. J, xii 157] xiii 34) 75] 

89] 96] = 

capt. C. (N) iv 68] 150] xvii 

capt. C. (N) xlvii 356. xlix 

————— capt. J. (N) xxxvi 92. xxxviii 
90. xliii 111 
C. 10th lord, xiv 204] 
—hon. F. lvii 474, 478, 481, 
483, 488, 520-4 
hon. Mountstuart, lvii 634, lix 
154. Ix 181] Ixi 206] 
—__—— J. I] th lord, xxvii 187] 
Else, Rich, lyiii 93 
Elsworth, Oliver (Amer.) xli 302. xlii 282* 
Elton, C. A. lxi 67 
Elwes, G. xxxii 24. lii 254* 
J. xxxi 231] xxxv 401. xlviii 875 
«+«. account of, xxxii 19 
- sir Harvey, xxxii 19 
Elwick, J. xlii 383 
Elwin, capt. Marsham (mil.) xlix 458 
Elwyn, (pict. collector) xlviii 412 
Ely, cathedral of, xv 130 
e+. fire in the cathedral, xxii 238] 
Ely, H. 3rd earl, xxv 223] xxvi 196] 
—— J, 2nd marq. x1 129 

Rich. xl 197] xli 181] 199] xliv 127. 



Ely, Nich. Hume, 2nd earl of, x 58] 

Ely house vested in the king, xv 101] 109] 

new one in Dover street, xix 187] 

e-— place, decided to be extraparochial, 
xxiv 167] 

Ely, de, hish. Nich. xxi 222 

Elyot, sir T. ii 415 

Embalming, curious specimen of, vy 70 

«+++» methods of, ix 142 

Embden, taken by the French, i 14 

e+. evacuated, i 36, 87 

--.. Asiatic company at, i 236 

-. +. taken a second time, iv 29] 

.... the French expelled in consequence 
of their oppressions, é. 

-».. E. India company established at, viii 

-... bank and lombard opened at, xii 71] 
Embezzlement of money by two porters en- 
trusted to carry it to a waggon, x 129] 

Emerald, supposed large vase of, vi 167 

-+.. large, liv 10 

Emerson, Eliz. suicide, lxi 3 

Emigrants. See French emigrants, Cor- 
sica, &c. 

Emme, gen. xli 306] 

Emmett, Dr. R. xlv 297, 433 

—_— Rob. xlv 296, 313, 432. xlvi 10, 

43, 145 

T. Addis, x] 111, 169, 236. xli 
166. xlv 433 
Imo, chev. (Venetian adm.) xv 79 
Empecinado (The) lii 210, 211. 
Empeytas, rev. lviii 56 
Emsdorf, affair of, iii 22] 
Encaustic. See Painting 
Enclosure bills, rejoicing for the loss of one, 
x 68] 
+++ disturbances occasioned by, xii 116] 
«++» progress of, xxxix 411 
-+++ expense of, xlii 85 
+++» general, xliii 182 
Enfield, act for enclosing the chace, xx 173] 
Enfield, rev. Dr. W. xxxiii 246] xxxix 54 
Engelbrecht, gen. liv 164] 
Engerstroem, fiscal, xv 62] 
Engerstrom, (brothers) xxxili 81. xxxiv 26 
Enghien, duke d’, xxxiv 263. xxxviii 140] 
xlvi 382. xlix 518. liii 77] 
+++ Seizure and execution of, xvi 158, 191, 
ring 601, 627-30, 639, 642-56. xlvii 122, 
++ «+ exhumation of his remains, lviii 43 

iii 115] 

England: importance of a knowledge of . 

law to the peers of, i 452 
+++. Struggle between the common and civil 
law in, i 453-6. x 288 
++. ancient manner of dating the com- 
mencement of the year in, ii 410 
-+-- year of the king’s reign formerly the 
date of legal instruments, ii 412 
.+.. installation feast of abp. Neville, iii 

fe ON ag 



England: armed force of in 1588, iii 179, 

e+ «+ Yates for the entertainment of the offi- 
cers, iii 180 

e-.. humble representation to those who 
are to sit on the throne of, iii 181 

e++- no motive for attacking revealed reli- 
gion in, iii 189 

ee. inerease of labouring people contrasted 
with that in France, iii 205 

+++. diminutive cattle imported from Per- 
sia, iy 59] 

e+.. places remarkable for natural curio- 
sities in the north of, iv 100-104 

~ ..-. state of the clergy temp. Hen. II, iv 


e+++ constitution of, v 165. x 269, 270, 280, 
283. xii 183] xiv 131] lii 251* 

e»»- anecdotes of painting in, v 254 

---- Alfred’s complaint of ignorance in, vi 

«+-- porcelain manufactories in, vi 104 

-.-+. first institution of knights and es- 
quires in, vi 178 

---- rise and progress of the drama in, vi 
179. viii 196 

--.. Sheep smuggled over to France, vii 

+++. coronation medals of the k. of Poland 
struck in, vii 104] 

e+.. origin of surnames in, vii 176 

«++» expense of queen Elizabeth’s table, 
vii 184 F 

+++» cambrics manufactured in, viii 58] 

e+.. privileges of ambassadors and their 
servants in, viii 193] See Ambassadors 

pace grand prospect from Leith hill, viii 

e+e ancient minstrels of, viii 199. xxxi 

allowances to bakers, viii 203 

_«+-. changes in manners and principles 

since the accession of the house of Han- 
over, viii 222 

+++» Spiritual and temporal liberty of sub- 

" jects in, viii 298 

..++ dearths and famines in, xliti 494 

--.. Abaissey, Jos. a prince of Palestine, 
travelling through with a pass from the 
secretary of state, ix 62] 

--.. titles of the kings of, ix 187 

-.+- number of French noblemen in, x 81] 

+»-- independence on the civil power for- 
merly claimed by the clergy, x 17 

-»++ William I ascended the throne as by 
election, x 268 

a ancient maritime state of, x 275, 276- 

+++» exports from, to America, xi 204] 

«+++ imports from America, ib. 

+++. taxation in, xii 86] 

+++» ancient modes of dress, xii 135-42 

+++~ criminal law of, xiii 163. xiv 28] xv 
92) 116} 1117] 

«++» corruption of manners in, xiv 139] 




England: remarks on the ancient Roman 
roads, xiv 134 

--+- breeds of horses in, from an early pe- 
riod, xiv 261 

«+** ancient trade of, xv 155] Ixi 466 

+--+ chattels of the king cannot be disposed 
of by will, xv 199] 

«++. State of literature about the time of 
the Reformation, xv 116 

+e.» number of horses exported, xvi 114] 

--.. British and Irish linen exported from, 
xvi 224 

-+-+ foreign linen imported, xvi 225] 

-.+~ ancient architecture, xvi 137 

+++» Suppression of religious houses, xvi 
146. xxvii 20] xlvii 904 

«+». State of learning among the Anglo- 
Saxons, xvii 121 

ser ancient customs, xvii 144. xlvi 861. lii 

-».. miraculous powers of the kings, xvii 

++» State of the peerage from the time of 
Elizabeth, xviii 155-6 

++. consequences of the grant of Sicily to 
prince Edmund, xx 126 

ees. ancient ceremonial of making the 
king’s bed, xx 132 

+++» Office of high steward, xxvi 102 

«-.- list of high stewards from the con- 
quest, xxyi 105 

++ practice of archery in, xxvii 64 

++». antiquity of cardplaying, xxviii 110 

+++ Office of poet laureat, xxxii 193] 

+.++ memorial of the catholics to the mi- 
nister, xxxiii 82] 

++.» Statement of shipping, xxxiv 106 

+.+» vessels in the slave trade, xxxiv 128 

ae continuance of torture in, xxxiv 

+. first publication of newspapers in, 
xXxxvi 375 

°+.. government of in the 15th century, 
xxxvii 110*] 

--.. Wine made in, xxxviii 456 

2+. assessments to a polltax in the 17th 
century, xxxix 415 

++.» State of the poor in, xxxix 480 

.. +» French preparations for inyading, xli 
428 ; 

-. +» waste land in, xlii 31 

e+ rent of land, xlii 31. Ixi 490 

..-. establishments on the continent found- 
ed by English catholics, xlii 419 

2.» population of, xliii 24] 18, 169-73. liii 
63, 273 

e+ +» quantity of profitable land, xliii 18 

»+-.» establishment of theatres in, xliv 788 

«++» expense of abstracts of the cultivation 
of, xlv 625 

+++. some particulars of the ciyil wars, 
xlvii 883, 896 

--.» architecture of, xlviii 987, 990 

«++» character of the high-church party in 
the reigns of Charles and James, | 60 


England: first presbyterian church in, 1 
..»+ marvellous or poetical machinery of, 
li 874 
«++. number of persons charged with 
crimes, lii op. 411 
.... fruits formerly cultivated, lii 671 
-.+. earthquake felt on the south coast, liii 
.»+. number of churches in, liii 268 
oueiste dissenters meeting-houses, 
liii 268 
..+» progress of botany in, liii 483 
...+. ancient state of agriculture, 1xi 490 
nae alterations in the value of money, 1xi 
England, gen. Rich, xxxii 315] lii 294 
———_ J. liv 43 
Rich. tried for the murder of 
Rolle, xxxviii 5 
Englefield, sir H. xxiii 177. xxix 203] xxx 
English, glory in their laws, but make bad 
use of them, i242 
+++. court of queen Elizabeth, i 263 
.-.. ancient mode of celebrating harvest- 
home, i 265 
. ++. character and manners of, in old times, 
i 266. iii 178 
..». estimate of their manners and prin- 
ciples in 1758, i 444 
-+++ importance of a knowledge of law to 
the peers, i 452 
.».- instance of delicate feeling in the 
populace, ii 43 
«s.. character of a modern fine lady, iii 
----+ character of the, iv 200. ix 219. x 5, 
xi 1,1]. xiii 160. xv 157. xxiv 29. xxxii 
26. xxxvi 202] 121. 1ii 751 
+++. compared with the French, 1 25 
.... modern country manners, iv 205 
+++» principal follies of the, ix 35 
-... modern extravagance of, ix 205 
.» ++ ancient art of war and weapons, x 271 
-..+ preachers, xiii 147 
.... rebuke of a Sicilian nobleman to an 
English gentleman, xvi 192 
.... and French women compared, xxiv 31 
«++. Women, xxxii 33 
English language, remonstrance against cor- 
rupting it with French, i 373 
-... great stores of learning in, iii 185 
.... derivation of some modern words, vii 
172, 173 
-... ludicrous arguments for it’s antiquity, 
viii 253 
«++. remarks on, ix 194, 123 
-.-. it’s affinity to the Hebrew, ix 302 
ak ia of in Henry III’s time, x 
-».- Augustan age of the, xi 164 
«+. cant words, xv 190 
«++» on the construction of, xxi 183 
e+e Origin of, xxiji 157 


English language, accent, xxvi 127 

-++e. Standard of pronunciation, xxvi 129 

+++ verse, xxvi 214 

.++» prose style, xli 438, 508 : 

English, James, rhubarb cultivated by, xii _ 
162] xiii 68] 

— T. x1 178 

Engraving, origin of the art of, xxiii 227 

Engravings, act for securing property in, 
decided in favour of portraits, viii 87] 

-» +. act for securing property in, xx 182] 

.»+. method of cleaning, xlvii 860 

.. +. aquatinta, improvements in, lii 650 

Engrossing, what, ix 224] 

+++. conviction for, xliii 2 

Enna, now Castro Giovanni, vii 156 

Ennis, James, parricide, xxvii 241] : 

Enniskillen, W, Ist earl, xxxi 313] 314] xiii 

Enoch, 169 

Ensenada, margq. of, ix 99] 

+++. memoirs of, vy 29 

Entiek, rev. vi 82] 98] vii 73] 87] 112] 
viii 88] 101] 

Entrecasteaux, d’, xli 476 

Entrecolles, d’, fath. xxxi 49 

Eon, chev. d’, vi 65] 77] 115] viii 63 

«++. convicted of a libel, vii 85] 

+.» his extraordinary conduct, vii 86] 

.. +. indictment for a conspiracy to assassi- 
nate him, viii 71] 

«+++ Outlawed, vili 99] 

.... trials on the sex of, xx 189] 195] xxi 
167 | lvii 289 

..+. account of, xxiv 28 

Epaminondas, ili 7. xxix 168] 

Ephemeron fly, vi 31 

Ephialtes, i 462 

Epic poems. taken from Scripture, remarks — 
on, viii 237 

Epicurus, viii 187. xxiv 150 

Epidemics, xviii 181] xlii 215] 20, 33 

Epilepsy, method of preventing and re- 
moving fits of, iv 120 

Epimenidian composition, against hunger 
and thirst, ii 421 ; 

Epitaph in St. James’s churchyard ordered 
to be erased by the bishop, vi 99] 

.... on J. Hughes and S. Drew, vi 307 

.. +. — Mrs. Hall, xvi 124] 

.. +. — a backgammon player, xvi 246 

wees —— dog, xx 195 . 

. s+. curious, xlix 536. 1 22*. Iv 48 

Epitaphs, various, xvii 185. xxi 189. xxvii 
329) xli 366. xlvii 771, 772 

Epping forest, plan for enclosing, iv 81] 

Epsom, powder mill blown up, xx 195] 

Equinoctial points, xiv 178 

Equitation, utility of, xli 49x 

Eradut khan, xxviii 4 

Erard, Sebastian, xliii 454. xliv 773, lvi 337 

Erasmus, i 463. xiv 222. xv 118 

.,+. account of him, i 464 

.... his style, i 466 

«see Character of, xxviii 359 


Eratosthenes, x 133 
Ercilla, Alonzo de, xv 216 
Eric, king of Sweden, xv 10, 12 
Erie, lake, boats seventy days in crossing, 
xiii 89] © 
Erigene, J. xvii 129 
Erlach, gen. x] 25] xliv 228 
Erlon, gen. lv 190, 228 
Ernest, prince, v 86] 
Ernesti, J. Aug. xxxviii 335 
Ernly, sir J. vi 267 
Erolles, bar. d’, lii 210, liii 121] liv 145] lvi 
35] 167 
Errington, murdered, xxxvii 29 
/—— George, ii 99 
ae James, 13th earl, xvii 160] 163] xlvii 

Erskine, card. C. xliii 307, 311 

——— David Montagu, 1i 228, 694. 1ii 253 

—-—— dean, xlv 918 

Rob. viii 92] 

+..- machine for raising water by a centri- 
fugal force, viii 166 

xliii 88 

———— gen. sir James St. Clair, xl 149 

——— gen. sir W. xviii 134] xx 116] xxiv 
279) xxxii 315] 322] xxxyi 15] 

1, gen. sir W, liii 186, 198, 221. liv 

——— col, 

++. suicide of, ly 19 
—~— hon. H, xxvii 86] xxviii 150. xlvii 

J. xxxvi 94. xliii 145. xlyii 371, 
Mary Henrietta, xl 179 
——-— prof. J. vi 166] 
—— sir Harry, xx 7 
— sir James St. Clair. 

See Rosslyn, 

sir W. xlvii 114 

T. lord, xxii 210] xxiii 207] 238] 
239] xxiv 217x] 235] xxvii 71] 73] 281] 
xxix 239] 246] xxx 110] 242] 197. xxxii 
211] xxxiii 272, 30] 451] xxxiv 50, 5], 
78, 82, 91. xxxv 14] 25] 153] 157] xxxvi 
279] 11, 24, 123, 124. xxxvii 157] 161] 
7. xxxviii 35] 44] 9, 30, 114. xxxix 153] 
254] 46. x1 5, 433. xlii 95] 142] 19. xliii 
46. xliv 53, 116, 467, 471. xlv 80, 81, 84, 
193, 402, 404, 432, 444, 465. xlvi 361, 
382, 397. xlviii 26, 94, 99, 113, 368, 432. 
xlix 150, 161, 367, 370, 415. 1 9] 34] 43] 
56] 79] 89] li 53, 427. lii 252*. liii 27] 
29] 49] liv 123] 369. ly 18] lix 34] 62] 
7)\ Ix 34] 401. 1xi 120] 126] 135] 139] 
143] 148] 149] 150] 157] 399 

—-— W. xxxvi 28 

Erstoff, ad. gen. ii 233 

Ertborn, van, 1 236 

Escalante, gen. Bentua, li 10 

Escano, li 163 

Eseapes, remarkable, li 756 

++. Waterman saved by his dog, iii 90] 

+++. labourer saved from a fall of stones 
bya raven, ix 55 

«+++ ferryboat with six men driven ta sea 



from the Pentland frith picked up by a 
Dutch vessel, xvi 146] 

Escapes, remarkable: crew of a mackarel 
boat, xix 153] 

++. Stack of chimneys breaking through all 
the floors of a house, xxxii 223] 

---- charge of grape fired into a camp with- 
out injury, xlv 455 

--.- horse in a chaise killed by a tree fall- 
ing without injury to the driver, xlvi 

--.. Frenchwoman from a ship burnt in 
action, xlviii 353 

e+. falling from a cliff, xlviii 410 

-».. travellers in the Alps, xlviii 448 

.... fall with part of asteeple, | 65* 

.-.. from an alligator and a tyger, 1 96* 

.«.. fall of a child into a deep pit, 1 113* 

.... from fall of a cliff, | 128* 

atalere a fall into a mine, liii 4. Iviii 36 

+... ——— fishing smack sunk at sea, lili 

-+e. —— fire, liii 11) 

..-. menin the hollow of a boat suddenly 
upset, liv 29 

. men buried in a mine, lv 68 

.»+. effected by coolness, lv 71. lvi 91 

...- from a boat without oars carried out 
to sea, lviii 41 

Eschasseraux, xli 107] 

Escheat, courts of, xiv 125] 

Escombas, M. d’, murder of, vi 58-62 
Esdaile, ald. sir James, xiv 145] xvii 119] 
155] xix 197] xx 202] 208] xxi 82] 83] 

-».. censures on, xxi 204] 210] 

Eskgrove, Day. Rae, lord, xxxiii 29 

Eskimoes, massacre of fishermen in the 
straits of Belleisle by, iv 187] v 109] 

.»+. woman brought to England, xii 77] 

++. account of them, xiv 17 

.... ebief and his wife come to England, 
xv 148] 

.... entertainment at lord G. Sutton’s, xvi 

..-- party in England, xxxiv 480 

+++. missionaries to the, 133 

-.-- one brought to Scotland, lviii 129, 
135. 1xi 16 

Espagnac, d’ » xxxiv 123] 

Espagne, dl’, J. xlix 881 

Espana, d’, gen. don Carlos, liv 230. lv 151] 

Espellata, count, 1 145] 198] lvi 182 

Esper, J. F. xli 391 

Espremenil, M. d’, xxx 281] xxxi 12] 13] 
237*] xxxiii 131, 205 

Espriella. See Southey 

Esquimaux (the French-orthography). See 
Eskimoes (the proper English) 

Essay on Woman, proceedings against the 
author, vii 25} 50] 

+++. action against a bookseller for selling 
a spurious copy, vii 46] 

Essayists, English, lii 537, 691, 695 

Essen, gen, baron, xiv 76"]77*] xxxiii 80, 

xxxiv 12. xli 305] 106, 109. xlii 107] xlix 
6, 17, 28, 29, 657*. liv 175] 

Essequibo taken by the British, xlv 539. lvi 

Essex, petition for a dissolution of parlia- 
ment, xii 161] 

«-«- address from, xii 192] 

-.«. fined for not having two distinct rooms 
for the sick in the prison, xxxi 224] 227] 
Xxxiii 29] 

Essex, Arthur, Ist earl of, xiv 23. xv 31 

Frances, countess of, xii 138 

G. 5th earl, xxxviiil4. xlv 379. xlviii 
9. li 312. liv 135. lviii 43] 44] 46] 

— — Henry Bourchier, earl of, xviii 150 

—— James, xlix 854 

Rob. Devereux, earl of, i 377. ix 63. 
xii 189, 190. xv 12. xxi 238. xxvi 1, 120 

.... letter from him to the earl of South- 
ampton, i 378 a) 

.... inquiry into Elizabeth’s partiality for 
him, i 484 a 

.... his character, i 488 

.... list of his works, i 492 

—— R.D. jun. earl of, ii 467. xvi 206. xvii 


——— Thos. Cromwell, earl of, i 481z. v 

—— W. Anne Holles, 4th earl, xl 103 

Esseyd Ali effendi, xliii280]_ : 

Essington, adm, W. H. xxxviil 90. xxxix 
78.121) 5 

Essling, battle of, 1i 209, 378, 704 

Essling, prince of. See Massena ' 

Estaing, d’ count, iii 140] iv 58] vi 66] 
vii 89] 97] viii 2] xxi 178*] 192") 227*- 
36*] 208] 209] xxii 39] 44] 78] 199°] 
202*] 358] xxiii 52) 121) 215*] 216° | 
xxiv 4] xxv 106] 158] xxxii 42] xlv 794 

.... his heir brought up in the Foundling 
hospital, xiii 76] ’ 

Estates, recovered after being withheld 
twenty years, xxxvi 26 

Este, card. Hippol. of, v 23 

p= niet of, vi 18,19 

«+.» Cesar of, vi 22 

..«. princess Leonora of, vi 20, 21 

Esten, x1 230] *} 

Estenos, Fel. Ramirez de, vii 82] viii 99] 

Esterhazy, prince, iii 44] 1 12* 

Esterre, d’, J. N. Ivii 11 

Estienne, Lew. James Armand, xliv 771 

Estiolles, le Normant a’, viii 55, 59, 62 

Estrades, count d’, viii 205 

Estrees, d’. See Etrees 

Estuis, W. v3 

Estwick, S. xxxiv 154] 

Et ceteras sworn to in O. Cromwell’s time, 
xii 161] 

Etches, J. and Cadman, and Co, xxxii 288] 

Rich. Cadman, li 422 

Ethelbert, king, viii 75 

Ethelgar, abp. of Canterbury, xv 126 

Ethelred, king, vii 58] x 277 

Ethelwold, bish. of Durham, xvii 125n 



Ether, efficacy of, in burns, xliv 475 

Etheridge, J. killed by T. Plymner, ix 52] — 

Etherington, J. xxxiii 8] 

Etna, ascent of, vii 96 

+++. account of, xiv 71. x1 377 

«++. progigious chesnut trees, xvi 114 

eoee height of, xvi 118 

«+.. eruptions of, xxiii 91, xxix 215] liii 
142. liv 24 

Eton, visit of their majesties to, v 105] 

-».. disturbance in the college, xl 50 

Eton Montem, xviii 128] xxxv 27. xxxviii 
20, xlviii 398 

Eton, W. xxxiii i1z. x] 343 

Etrees, marsh. d’, i 26, 223, 226. v 24] 48] 
viii 48] ix 6. xiv 89] xxvii 117] 

.».. M. @’, commands an army against 
Prussia, i 14 yi 

Fe “Nona by the duke de Richelieu, 

.... sent again to command the army, ii 21 — 

Etruria. See Tuscany 

Etruscan vases, liii 529 

Etymologies, vii 172, 173, 176, 207. xv 181 — 

«..» ludicrous, viii 253 ? 

--+.» observations on, 1 256 

Eudiometer, new, xliii 461 

Eudiometry, first attempt at, xvii 148 

Eudoxus, xiv 178. xlviii 870 

ugee, col. (Amer.) xxii 32] 

Eugene II, of Scotland, vii 106 

IV, pope, ii 406. ix 100] 

prince, i 241. iv 29. v 34, 168. viii 
183, 303. xiii 159. xxii 22 

Eugenius the usurper, vii 71] . 

—~ III, pope, x 274 : 

— IV, pope, ii 406. ix 100] 

Euler, Leon. ii 459. viii 6] xxxviii 389 

-... settled in Russia, ix 6] 

Eupen, van, xxxiii 53, 54, 62 

Euphranor, xvi 161 

Eure, sir Ralph, xxxiii 364] 

Euripides, iv 153, xxiii 221] xxiv 204 

Europe, state of, at the close of the cam- 
paign of 1758, ii 1 

——_———— in the beginning of 1762, 

ae : 
.ee. ———-—— _at the close of 1764, vii 1] 
——_——. 1765, viii 

1] 6] ix 1 
-... intermarriages of the powers of, viii 

2] 3] x 3] See Austria, Bourbon, &c. 
-... view of the state of, for 1766, ix 1] 
“ — 1767, x 1] 

.... balance of power in, xii 254. xv 2 
xxxiii 260, 1 268 ‘ 
.... revolution in the political system of 
xv 1] xvii 36] f 
. +. State of, xv 79*] xvi 1] 217. xvii 2 
42] xviii 142*] xxiii 1] xxv 96] xxv 
2] xxxi 56] xxxiii 9, 161. xxxiv 6] 8 
xliv 70, 198. xlv 318. xivi 189. xlvii 180 
xlviii 1. xlix 1, 177, 225. Iviii 91] 
..+. mischief of setting up antiquatec 
claims, xvi 8] , 


rope: progress of despotism in, xvii 25] 

36] : 

»--+ effects of the French revolution, xxxvi 
76] 176) 

+++. altered policy of, xxxix 39] 

+++. great changes in it’s condition, xl 86] 

».-. State of, at the conclusion of the treaty 
of Amiens, xliv 198 : 

..-- allotment of indemnities to different 

powers, xliv 252 2 

..». character of the different nations of, 

xlvi 765 

+.» proposed partition of, between Buo- 

naparte and Alexander, xlix 272 

... Settlement of, at the general peace, 

lvi 53] 80] 91] 101] 

«+.- general distress of, lviii 91] Ixi 31 

.+. maritime commerce of, lxi 466 

usebius, vi ]42, 173. xiv 176 

ustace, son of k. Stephen, character and 

‘death of, x 15 

- Mrs. murder of, xliv 370 

ustathius, xviii 184” 

Huston, lord. See Grafton, duke 

uxine, obseryations on the, xlii 368 

vance, sir Steph., banker, xii 112] 

vans, (coal merch.) ix 153] 

capt. (N) i 88 

capt. And, Fitzherbert (N) xlv 456 

Evan, ix 149] 

G. W. lviii 193 

J. (lighthorseman) robbery by, ix 

rey. David, lix 50 
rey. Dr. T. xxxix 32 
rey, Evan, xi 215 
J. found guilty of scandalum 
magnatum, xiv 87] 
ene. xxv 197] xli 164, 168. Ix 51 
T..J. 1x 51 
W. (Spitalfields rioter) xi 68] 
W. D. 1x 12 
vaporation of ice, iii 90 
vatt, rey. vi 158 
W. xxvii 301] 
veleigh, rev. lvii 304 
welyn, Dr. Jas. ii 143 
J. xi 258] xx 94, 116. xxii 88. 
vii 91*] xxxviii 454 
- J. xxviii 242] 
verard, (F.S.M.) x 222 
: rey. C, xviii 130] 
verell, James Vaughan, convicted of at- 
ee to shoot bis father in Jaw, xlix 


versham, person convicted of bribery at, 
vi 76] 

vidence of the declarations of a person 
Since dead inadmissible, xxiii 221] 

+++. ofa divorced wife against her husband 
rejected, xliv 471 

+++ See also Witnesses 





Evil, physical, the cause of moral good, ili 

Evremond, M. St. i315 

Ewart, xix 152] 

——-. Eliz. x1 178 

J. ib. 

Jos. xxxiii 12, 17 

Mary, xl 178 

Ewbank, Mrs. —_ confined in a madhouse, 
xv 90] 142] 

——_H. lxi 303 

Ewell, powdermill blown up, xi 109] 

Ewelme, fire at, xlvii 429 

Ewen, J. xxxiv 99, 101 

Phillis, attempt to murder, xi 137] 

Ewer, bish. J. xiii 70] 102] 197] 199] xv 

—— farmer ii 83 

W. (gov. of the Bank) xxiv 173} 
xxvii 268] 

Ewes, sir Sim. d’, iii 182. vi 140 

Exchange, course of, xxxiii 138] 

Exchequer, Court of, information against a 
lord of a manor for removing without a 
permit wine drifted on shore, li 350 

+++. abuses of it’s authority. See Extents 

Exchequer, state of the, i 138. ii 186. iii 
196] v 162] 176] vi 187] vii 169] ix 198] 
x 214] xi 259] xiv 220] 

«.+. bills issued, iii 74] 183] v 160] 173] 
175] vi 183] vii31] viii 246] ix 205] x 
221] xi 266] xii 222] xiii 239] xiv 227] 
xv 214] xvi 231] xviii 245] xix 251] xx 
272] xxi 290] 292] xxii 334] xxiii 316] 
317] xxiv 277] xxv 289] xxvi 308] xxvii 
303] 345] 346] xxviii 252] xxix 266] xxx 
264] xxxi 286] xxxii 279] 7b. xxxiii 144] 
7b. xxxiv 149. xxxv 107. xxxvi 120. 
xxxvii 119, 7b. xxxviii 108. xxxix 174. 
xl 207, 208. xli 199. xlii 168, 7. 170. 
xliii 192. xliv 589, 590. xlv 632, 633. 
xlvi 585, 586. xlvii 593. xlix 731*, 732*. 
lx 421 

meee sums granted to pay off, v 153] 
156] vil77] vii 159] viii 237] ix 20)] x 
217] xi 263] xii 220] xiii 236] xiv 224] 
xv 211] xvi 228] xvii 252] xviii 245] 
xix 250] xx 269] xxi 287] xxii 329] xxiii 
312] xxiv 270] xxv 288] xxvi 304] 306] 
xxvii 299] 300] 342] 343] xxviii 249] 
xxix 264] xxx 263] xxxi 284] xxxii 277] 
XXxili 142] 2b. xxxiv 148, id. xxxv 105, 
106. xxxvill9, 120. xxxvii 117. xxxviii 
107, ib. xxxix 172. x1 207. xli 197. xlii 
166, 167. xliii 191. xliv 587, 588. xlv 630. 
xlvi 584. xlvii 592. xlviii636. xlix 730*, 
731*. li 535. lii 422 
at a great discount, vii 30] 
-».. bill for regulating certain offices in, 
xxvi 179] 180] 
-+ ++ bills issued for the support of com- 
mercial credit, xxxv 133] xxxvi 22 
«+++ bills funded, xxxix 144] lv 66] 70] 


Exchequer : paid for extra trouble in making 
out bills, xlii 165. xliii 190. xliv 582. 
xlv 627 2, 

-+ ++ bills stolen by R. Astlett, xlv 403, 406, 
432. xlvi 368 

.. +. charges for stationery &c. xlvi 583. 
xlvii 587. xlviii637. xlix 726*. 1 182*. li 

«+. grant to tellers, li 537 

+++. emoluments of tellerships, liv 71] 

«+. portion of these resigned to the public 
by the two tellers, liv 150. 1xi 70] 

.... bills issued for local and temporary re- 
lief, lix 45] 1x 425 

Excise: on the extension of the, vi 35] 

«... advantages of, vi 37] 

+++» officer murdered, xii 152] 

' 4... amount of, for England and Wales, xvi 

+. +» overcharge by, to be returned, xvi 229] 

... action against a surveyor for defama- 
tory words, xxiii 217] 

.... consolidation of duties, xxix 106] 

-- +. net produce of, xxxvii 130 

».. trial for embezzlement by a collector, 
xlix 495 

.. +» consolidation of the English and Irish, 
lviii 59] 

Excommunication, sentences of, liv 26] 65 

.... actions for damages owing to, lv 278. 
lvi 313 

Execution, new mode adopted at that of 
earl Ferrers, iii 40 

ys. ordered by the secretary of state ata 
place different from that in the record, 
xii 151] 181-7] 

»+ ++ the king has the power of fixing the 
place, xii 154] 

»..- alteration in the usual sentence, xii 186] 

+++» rope broken, xlvi 404. xlviii 361 

+++ innocence persisted in, ix 82]-172* 

..+» extraordinary occurrence, lvi 77 

-.-. Seealso Hanging 

Exercise, observations on, xli 449x 

Exeter, coals dug near, iv 180] 

«... thanks of the corporation to the com- 
mon council of London for it’s opposition 
to the cider act, vi 72] 

oe 1 antiquities dug up in the cathedral, vi 

e.-+ reception of the duke of B. xii 117] 

++. new bridge at, xiii 15)] 

«.. fire at, xviii 185] 

«»++ robbery of the bank at, xlii 1 

-+.+ infirmary for diseasesof the eye, liii 22 

Exeter, lord, xv 32 

marq. xxi 234 

Brownlow, 9th earl, xxvii 334] 

H. Holland, duke of, xxix 108 

T. Beaufort, duke of, his corpse dis- 
interred, xv 76] 

Exhibitions, unlicensed, indictments for, 
xvi 134] 

«+ee Spectacle méchanique, xviii 191] 

++.» various in Paris, xlvi 704 



EZ 4 

Exmonth, Edw. vise. xxxvii 137] xxxix 
226] xlii 212] 76. xlv 459. xlvi 52. xlix 
394, 672*. lv 207. lvi 33] 148, 194. Iwi 
78] 173, 193, 204, 207, 232. lviii 97] 50) 
230. lix 1] 35] 1x 402. Ixi 400 1 

Expilly, ab. J. Jos. xvi 67] 

Exploits, Packet taken from a French shi 
by an English prisoner, i 82 

..+» letter carried by a swimmer to a ship 
in a hot engagement, xliv 436 

. ++» fire in a powder magazine extinguished 
xlvi 391 

Exportation, duties on, viii 244] 246] 

Exshaw, ald. J. xxxvii 17 

Extents, cases of, xv 114] 117] Iviii 86] 
286, 305 

«++» abuse of, lviii 85] 305, lix 372. Ix 269 

+++» report on, lix 369 

Exton, sir T. vi 288 a 

Eydoun, gen. xli 28 d 

Eyes, iris divided into twelve sections, vi 

«++. unable to distinguish colours, xx 72. 
xxii 64 ; 

.-+- rules for preserving the sight, Xxxi 
92 ) 

+++. persons growing shortsighted, xxxiii 
« rT | ¥ 7 

e+e» Of birds, xxxvii 59*] d 

-+ «+ cause of inflammation of in hot climates, 
Xxxvili 399. xliv 757 

-++. prevalence of ophthalmy among the 
ace returned from Egypt, xliv 411, 


«++. extent of vision on the Andes, li 

.++. infirmary for diseases of the, liii 22 

Eylau, battle of, xlix 11, 641 

Eyles, adm, 'T. xliv 560 

Fynard, i185 

Eynsford, W. de, iv 302 

Ryre, iv 127] v 92] xii 74] 

_— (garden.) xxiii 173 

—— adm. sir G. li 531. 1ii 304. liii 196 — 

a Ant. Hardolph, xlv 39. li 48. liy 36] 


—— J. lord, xviii 166] 7 

——— J.a man of property, transported for 
stealing paper at Guildhall, xiv 146] 149 
152] 153] ‘xv 128] i 

—— Jos. xlii 385 

—— l. col. xxiv 125] 

—— maj. H. S. ] 265° 

—— R. xv 190] 

—— sir James, vi 67] vii 50] x 147] xi 
185] xii 181] 186] xiii 103} 120] 133] 
148] 164] xiv 92] xv 110] 136] xviii 
125] xx 180] xxii 228] xxviii 206] xxx 
218] xxxiii 30] xxxiv 177] 25, 62. xx 
152] xl 7. xlviii 30. 1xi 266 

. ++. votes of censure on, xiii 149] 154] 

——— Walpole, xvi 96] 97] 

Eyre and Strahan v. Carnan, xxiv 177] 

Ezekiel, viii 207 

Ezerghen, earthquake at, xxvii 201] 



Fabbroni, G. xli 409 

Faber, Tanaquil, xx 2 

Fable by Linneus, ii 423 . 

++++ persons, characters, and sentiments of, 

iii 266 

«-.. language of, iii 268 tf 
‘ables, iii 240, 270,271. v 37. xxviii 134. 
xxxvi 382 

+++. on instructing children by, v 169 

«see Oriental, viii 244. 

‘abre d’Eglantine, xxxvi 114] 118] 

abri, (singer) iii 16 

Dr. J. vi 92 t 

abrigas, Ant. v. gen. Mostyn for false im- 
prisonment, xvi 183] 149] 

‘abris, gen, xxx 49] 51) 

acio, Barth. xv 70 Fh 

‘aden, W. convicted ofa libel, xviii 119] 

agan, C. B. xxii 60 

‘age, Raymond de la, vii 272 

— F. lviii 187 

‘agel, H. xxxii 223] xxxiv 186, 189 

agg, sir J. iii 159] 

‘agnani, Maria, xxxiii 5] 

'agon, Dr. Guy Crescent, vi 81 

Fagtoult, xli 158] 

ahie, adm. W. C. xl 10. lvii 232 

ahrenheit, G. D. v 78. xi 91 

aidy, Jean, i 182, 231 

air, Bartholomew, regulations of, iii 125] 
v 90] vi 100] 

«++. attempt to abolish, xl 57 

«++» Southwark, abolition of, v 90] vi 100] 

‘airbone, xlv 364 

airfax, adm. sir G. W. xxii 60] xxxix 75 

Bryan, 8th lord, xlii 12, 343 

Dr. Bryan, xvi 75 

Ferdinando, lord, 7d. 

——— I. lord, xvi 77 j 

T. lord, ii 299-301. xii 35. xxviii 165 

+... his summons to prince Rupert, xii 

191, 193 

«++. account of, xvi 75 

‘airies, iv 169 

airless, Nich. li 544 

airlop fair, institution of, x 140] 

-+++ oak, burnt, xlvii 400, 405 

airs, origin of, xviii 143 

iry rings, cause of, xxxv 305 

aith and works, lix 378 

alck, gov. lix 516 

aleonberg, Mary viscountess, xii 52 

: T. vise. ib. 

' \Paleonbridge, lord, xxviii 168 

| Paleoner, Dr. W. xviii 80, xxxviii 456 

James, executed for burglary, 

xxxi 194] 

T. xxxviii 468 

- Falconeri, Ottavio, xx 134 

‘alconet, Dr. xxiv 67 

lvi 63) 

alconi, Mare, Ant, delli, xv 72 


Falconieri, signora, xli 346 
Falcons, two roughlegged killed, lviii 193 
Falkener, W. xxv 196] 
Falkenhayn, bar. xxv 220*] 
Falkingham, Edw. xxxii 341] 
Falkland islands, seized by the Spaniards, 
xiii 9] 116] xiv 8] 
++.. discovery of them, xiv 1] 
+++» importance of, xiv 3] 
+.-. taken possession of by the English, 
xiv 4] 
++. Settlement of the French at, xiv 5] 
+++. account of them, xiv 6] 
+++. convention respecting, xiv 46] 248] 
+... restitution of, xiv 162] xv 77] 
+++» papers relating to, xiv 232-9] 
+++. animals at, xiv 86 
-+++ evacuated by the British, xvii 147] 
Falkland, C. J. 8th vise. xlix 686* 
——- H. T. 7th. visc. indicted for an 
assault on H. Seymour, xxxii 226] 
Lucius, 5th vise. character of, ii 
Lucius, C. 6th vise. xxviii 109) 
Falkner, Rich. another lad murdered by, 
xlix 371 
——— T. iv 99] 
Fallan, James, convicted of the murder of 
his wife, liii 40 
Fallofield, G. W. xxxviii 92 
Fallon, lieut. xxvi 30] 
Malachi, lviii 32 
Falmouth, riot of the tinners, xxxv 21 
«++ Scheme of forming an arsenal at, xlvii 
«+++ (Massachusetts) burnt by the British, 
xix 34 
Falmouth, G, Evelyn, 8rd vise. xxxi 298] 
xxxil 65] xxxvii 114, 115 . 
Hugh, 2nd vise. ix 84] xi 120} 
————- lady, xxxvi 364 
False imprisonment. See Imprisonment 
False pretences, conviction for obtaining 
money by, xlvi 426 
Famine in Italy, vii 83] ix 186] 151] x 52] 
+++» in Dalmatia, vii 114] 
«+e. — Syria, vii 102 
«+e. — France, xiii 53] 
++. various parts of Europe and Asia, 
xiv 83*] 83] 205] xxviii 59] 60] 167] 
+++. —N. America, xiv 163] 
«+++ — Germany, xvi 75] 
+++. — Sweden, xvi 84] 
+++. — the Cape Verd islands, xviii 142] 
+++» provisions against in China, xxii 112 
+++ at Madras, xxvi 82] 
-.+. in Englandoat various times, xliii 494 
in Spain, xlvii 390 
+++- men reduced to feed on each other, li 
«+. in Vellore, liii 167] 
Fan street, fire in, xlv 461 
Fanaticism, xiv 183 
; he Past of, xxxiii 22] li 116. Ix 99, 




Fancourt, adm, Rob. Dev. xliii 84 

col. xlix 365 

Fane, lord, 11142 

-—— capt. (N) liti 110 

s>— J. xxxix 193] lviii 459 

—— l. gen. sir H. 1 260*, 262*. li 52, 471, 
lvi 18] 153, 165, 175 

Faneuil, Pet. iv 75] 

Fanning, col. murder of, xiii 230} 

‘ Fanny, blooming fair,’ xvii 24 

Fanshawe, capt, H. (N) liii 100] 

capt. R. (N) xiii 150] xxii 2] 
204*] xxiv 182] 

——- sir Rich, xi 166 

Fantastici, signora, lvi 466 

Fantoni, lvi 465 

Farbé, xxxiv 15] 

Farel, W. (reformer) xxii 6 

Farguer, xlti 13] 19] 20] 

Farhill, J. xl 177 

Farinelli, Carlo Broschi, iii 17 

Farish, rey. xviii 70 

Farley, Abr. xxviii 189 

James, (surg. Jamaica) xii 111 

Farmer, xxv 23] 29] 37] 

—— capt. (mil.) xxxiv 20 

capt. G. xiv 8] 47] 232] xxii 342] 

«++. wrecked on the coast of Patagonia, 
xiii 152] 

—— maj._. ix 54] 

—— rev. Dr. Rich. xxxix 49. ‘xl 58. 
xlii 350 

«++. on the learning of Shakspeare, x 212 

W. mutineer, xl 4 

Farms, large, mischiefs of, xxi 175. xxxviii 
47] xli 178] 

~+ «+ decreased value of, lvii 144] 15 

Farn, T. convicted of robbery and murder, 
xvi 135] 

~ Farnaby, sir C. xii 82] 

Farnese, duke Ottavio, xiv 64 
Pet. Lew. xii 128 
Farnham, Barry, earl of, xxxii 106] xiii 
202, 204, 209 - 
Rob. earl of, iv 121] 
Faro, supplies for, li 536 
Farquhar, capt. A. (N) xlvii 524. ly 113] 
—— G. (poet) ii 68. xxiii 156 
—. G. hi 129 
Rob. Townshend, liii 176. liv 
213] 187. lix 8 
Farquharson, Francis, x] 385 
— James, legacies of, xii 107] 
pe ——— (of Inverauld) xvii 83 
Farr, Nath. xi 157} 
Farre, le, Nich. xlii 385 

Farrel, iii 28 
Farren, (actor) xxxv 410 

miss. See-Derby, Eliza, countess of 
Farrer, xxvi 73 

(M.P.) xxx 177] 

Fascinating power of animals, xiv 97 
Fasting, extraordinary, instances of, iv 131] 
«+++ See also Food 

Fastolf, sir J, xxix 1067, 107, xxx 115, liii 539 



Fasts, general, iii 71] 162] iv 71] v 73] 
xix 188] 199] xxi 164] xxiv 163] xxv 
199] xxxv 18. xxxvii 8 xxxix 14. xlv 
442. xlvi 389. lii 257% 

«.-- rectors and churechwardens summoned. 
before the bishop for not attending duty 
on, xx 161} 

Fat Ali khan, vi 109] 

Fata Morgana, xxvii 174 

Fathers, one buried in his garden privately 
by his daughter, xliii 4 

Fatima, daughter of Mahomet, xxxi 129 

Fatio (of Geneva) xlii 496 

Fatness, great, attended with somnolency, 
xix 93 

Fauchet, ab. xxxiv 19] xxxv 280] xxxvili 
208] x1 116] 

Fauconberg, H. 2nd earl, xxx 208] xxxvi 
124, xxxviii 451 

Faujas de St. Fond. See St. Fond 

Faulder, w. Silk and another, liii 260 

—— R. li 779 

Faulkingder, Jos. liv 34 

Faulkner, capt. (N) i 94. ii 87. iv 

G. vi 107] x 66. xviii 151] 

--.+ Foote fined for a libel on, v 116] xx 

-».. letters from lord Chesterfield to, xx 
29n, 192 

Faulknor, capt. (N) xxii 73] xxiv 6] 
xxxvi 68. xxxvii 137] 

. monument in St. Paul’s, xliii 145 

Fauquier, F. iv 145] 

—— W. xxiv 325] 

Fausille, col. J. la, ii 115, 116. iit 75] 

Faust, J. xxxvi 378 

Faustina, xxv 127 

Faustini, ili 16 
Fauvel, viii 458 
Fauvelet, xliv 196. xlv 228, 761 

Favell, S. lii 249*, 357 
Faveryear, H. lxi 302 
Favey, J, xl 16 
Favras, Xxxii 128] 
Fawbe, bar. 1 46] 

_ Faweett, Chris. steward of the court leet at 

Morpeth, x 109] 

— gen. sir W. xx 70] xxiv 182] xxix 
315] xxxix 254 

——— J. (actor) xxxiii 417] 

rey. Jos, xlii 319, 320 

Fawkener, W. xxxviii 137. xxxix 255, xl 
177, 181 

Fawkes, Guy, xxii 137. xxxii 97 

rev. Francis, vi 212. x 225, 251, xii 

226. xx 203] 

Walter, xlix 105, 15 

Fawley court, fire at, xlv 454 

Faxar, Palacio, lviii 600 

Fayard,  xlvi 169 

Faye, Mr. robbery of, v 95] 

Fayerman, Arnal Cooper, action against, 
for exercising the trade of a tanner, xxxiv 
10, 11 



Fayette, marq. de la, xx 130] 176] xxi221*]} 
223*] xxii 28] 317] xxiv 20] 28] 42] 88] 
90] 119] 257] xxv 194°] xxvii 245] xxxi 
255°] xxxii 30] 36] 42] 48] 51] 61] 71] 
125] 151] xxxiii 153, 154, 165, 174, 182, 
197, 167] xxxiy 17] 21] 34] 35] 51] 91) 
97] 99] 101] 102] 163] 2397. xxxv 42] 
199] 203] xxxix 52] 136] xl 111] xlii 
343. lvii 69] 

«+++ elected commander of the Parisian 
army, xxxi 253*] 

e+. goes to the frontiers, xxxiv 17] 92] 

«-.. address to his army, xxxiv 205 

+... letter to the assembly against the 
Jacobins, xxxiv 27] 206 

-.-+- delivers a petition in person to the as- 
sembly, xxxiv 27] 

«--+ proposes to set the king at liberty, 
xxxiv 28] 

---- flight and imprisonment of, xxxiv 29] 
xxxv 49] 

..+. liberation of, xl 108] 

e--- his return to France, xlii 160x] 

e+». account of, liii 403 

...- libel on, lxi 28, 29 

Faypoult, = xxxviii 197 

Fazakerly, J. xxxiv 78 

sir W. xix 121] 

Feagan, Terence, shot in an affray, liv 118 

Fearnes, James, account of earthquake at 
Terceira, iv 98 

Feathers, beating in the street, a nuisance, 
xiii 74] 

+++. picture frames made of, xIvii 1049 

Feats: extraordinary, 1000 miles rode in 
a than 1000 hours by a young lady, 

«+++ 1000 miles walked in 28 days, ii 68 

es-- 50 miles rede in two hours, ii 100 

---- 42 miles in two hours on four horses, 
ii 113 

.--. 202 miles rode in 42 hours, iii 161] 

---. aman to ride 2900 miles in 29 days on 
29 horses, iv 70] 118] 

+++. 100 miles rode in 12 hours on one 
horse, iv 76] 

-. +» 4women walk from Westminster bridge 
to Deptford bridge and back in an hour 
and three quarters, iv 80] 

+++» man to undress himself in water seven 
feet deep, iv i100] 

Hig s 10 miles in 21 hours by an ass, iv 

+++» 130 miles on one horse within 20 hours, 
iy 142] 

+++» man standing on his head on the top 
of a ship’s mainmast, iv 165] 

--.. 44 miles walked within 8 hours, v 86] 

++.- 7 miles in 45 minutes by a man with 
half a hundred weight of fish on his head, 
vi 58] 

++*e man running with a coachwheel, 7d. 
ix 107] 

++-~ walk from London to Bristol in 20 hours 
by a Gloucestershire militiaman, vi 88] 



Feats, extraordinary: 15 miles in 1} hour, 
by a shepherd, vi 116] 

-+++ nine miles in 64 minutes, vii 76] 

-«.- 100 square yards of paving done by a 
merchant within nine hours, viii 86] 

--.- four acres of grass cut in an hour 
and nineteen minutes by two men, viii 

-»-- wager that a boat should be propelled 
25 miles in an hour, viii 104] 

»»+- a mile and half run in seven minutes 
and a quarter, viii 113] 

«+++ 72 miles ina day by a young woman, 

«++. four miles walked barefoot within 47 
minutes, viii 119] 

+++. mare driven in a two-wheeled chaise 
130 miles within 20 hours, viii 147] 

+».. upward of 6 miles walked within an 
hour by a youth with a basket of 300 as- 
paragus, ix 95] 

+... Thames crossed in a butcher’s tray, ix 

«e+. journey to York in 40h. 55m. on one 
horse, xvi 128] 

--.. 90 miles rode in six hours on one 
horse, 74. 

«++ walks to York and back in six days, 
xvi 15) ] 154) xxxii 214] xxxiv 29 

.».. distance from London to York ina day 
rode six days successively, xvi 154] 

«+++ 222 miles rode in 12 hours, 7b. 

..+. horse upward of 20 years old rode 22 
miles within an hour, xviii 106] 

..++ 4 miles run in 19 minutes, xxix 198] 

.-.. 50 miles walked in nine hours and half, 
xxix 208] 

-»+- 112 miles in 24 hours by F. Powell, 
when fifty-three, xxix 222] 

.-. wager to walk to Constantinople and 
back in a year, xxx 216] xxxi 210] 

..++ 100 miles walked in 223 hours, xxxi 

+++. journey to York on one horse in 40 
hours, xxxi 221] 

..-- 10 miles walked in two hours and 23 
minutes by a man 102 years old, xxxii 

.».. attempt to walk from Canterbury to 
London and back in a day, xxxii 221] 

..-» 127 miles rodein six hours and twenty- 
one minutes, xxxiii 39] 

.... a mile walked in nine minutes and run 
back within six, xxxiv 32 

.. +. 90 miles walked in twenty hours and 
half, xliii 40 

«++. journey from Paris to London in 
twenty-two hours, xliv 680 

..-. 20 chests of oranges carried from 
Botolph lane to Spitalfields market within 
nine hours, 7d. 

+++» 171 miles rode in ten hours and half, 
xliv 393 

+++» 101 miles rode in five hours and forty. 
minutes, xliy 421 


Feats, extraordinary: two miles walked 
backwards in twenty minutes, xliv 441 

-+.- attempt to ride one horse 100 miles in 
13 hours, xlv 435 

-+++ sixty miles walked in eleven hours and 
a quarter, xlvi 417 

---» galloway, carrying 14 stone, rode 90 
miles within twelve hours, xlyi 421 

2++- walk from Cardiff to Brecon and back 
in thirty-three hours, xlvi 426 

«++. mail coach beaten by a blind man, 
xlviii 386 

«+. a galloway galloped 25 miles within 
13 hour, xlviii 386 

e-- 172 miles, bya man of 62, within 50 
hours, xlviii 437 

+... 30 miles a day walked for 20 successive 
days, 1 19* 

»+.. two miles an hour fora hundred hours, 

e.+. twenty miles in 2} hours, | 25* 

«+. 1000 miles in 1000 successive hours, 
li 307 

e+. coat worn within fourteen hours after 
the wool was shorn, liii 72 

«+«- 1100 miles in 1100 successive hours, 
liii 79 

«ee. & mare rode by one man 100 miles 
within eleven hours, liii 87 

-+«» 100 miles in 24 hours, lv 58 ¢ 

«.«- 1000 miles in 20 days, lvii 95 

~-«+ 1100 miles in 1100 hours, lvii 110 

Febris, gen. = xxx 25] 

Febure, col. le, suicide of, xiv 147] 

—— marsh. le. See Lefebvre 

Fector, W. xxxi 156, 157 

Feder, couns. xxviii 206] 

Feet, fatal effects of applying brandy to 
keep off cold, xlix 429 

Fehrman, Gottfr. Ger. actions against reve- 
nue officers, xix 184] _ 

Feijee Wunt, xxxiv 208] 

Felibien, v 259 

Fell, (booksr.) vi 82] 98] 

-.+- action against king’s messengers, Vii 
80] 112] viii 64] 

—— bish. J. xii 138 

—— Dr. xlv 43 

—Mrs. — xxxv 41 

Fellowes, v. Stewart, lvii 277 

adm. Edw. xlviii 591, 594 

capt. xxxvi 76 

W. xiv 115 

Felons, prosecutors of, to be allowed mode- 
rate travelling charges, vi 92] 

«... modes of admitting accomplices as 
evidences, xviii 228] 

++.. paid for convictions of, xlvii 587 

-+.. See also criminals 

Felton, James, convicted of stealing a note 
out of a letter, ix 144] 

lieut. assassin of Buckingham, 
xxxii 97. xlviii 377 

Feltre, duke of. See Clarke 

Female sailor, xiv 71] 


Female soldiers, iv 143] 144] 170] 
++.. See also Women 
Femme coverte, action against, xxvi 195] 
Fences, See Hedges 
Fenchurch street, fires in, xv 148] xix 179] 
Fendenthal, nearly destroyed by fire, vii 
Fenel, ab. iv 115] ; 
Fenelon, abp. iv 82] vii 57, 187. xix 36. lii 
-.+. his letter to the duke of Burgundy, iv 22 
--++ character of, lii 573, 586 
marq. of, xix 131] 
Fennell, J. xxviii 177 
lieut. G. (N) xlvii 541 
— rev. W. xliii 46 e 
Fenning, Eliz. execution of, lvii 48 
--.~ funeral of, lvii 49 
Fennings v. lord Grenville, xlix 526 
Fens, Lincolnshire, account of, xv 167 
.... instances of longevity in, li 285 
Fentham v. Grundy, li 314 
Fenton, Elijah, xii 60 
sir Maurice, iv 17 
T. lviii 318 
Fenwick, Rob. ix 88] 
Ferabosco, v27 
Ferdinand I, emperor, xvii 52 
— I, of Florence, xvi 196 
—_—_——— II, emperor, xxi 7] 12] 
III, emperor, xi 23. xxi 11] 
— IV, of Naples, xii 68. xxiii 15, 
77. xli 38. xliii 344. Ivi 81] lvii 78] 
— V, of Spain, xii 15. xxviii 37] 
VI, of Spain, ii 2, 65, 252. v 31. 

xvii 174 

MODE. death of, it 110 

— VII, of Spain, xlix 276, 753. 1 
130] 143] 151] 35*, 227°, 231", 284*. lii 
215, 261*, 497. lvi 34] 67] Iii 116] 118] 
Iviii 17, 188. lx 163. lxi 180] 

.... plan for liberating, lii 497 

«++. elected knight of the Garter, lvi 73 

-++. anecdotes of, lvii 458 

.... character of, lviii 129] 

archduke, xlii 201] xlv 319, 454. 

xlvii 149, 168, 179, 699. xlviii 131. li 


of Brunswick, prince, i 34, 35, 
43-5, 50, 55, 62, 65, 192, 198, 232, 233. 11 
7-10, 23, 49, 50, 260, 262, 268, 271. iii 2] 
52] iv 24] 28-30] v 24] 48-51] 179] vi 
73] viii 48] x 159] 

.... review of his campaign, i 63 

.... letter to him from the duke of Bruns- 
wick, i213 

.... battle of Bergen, ii 8 

wee. ———— Minden, ii 16, 233 

.+.. his pursuit of the French, ii 20 

..-- character of, ii 29 

.... elected knight of the Garter, ii 107, 

.».. investiture of, ii 144 

+». general orders respecting the battle of. 

Minden, ii 233 



Ferdinand of Brunswick, prince of, wounded 
at Corbach, iii 22 
««.. plan of the campaign of 1761, iv 8] 
....- defeats the French at Kirch Denkern, 
iv 25-7] 
+s++ Successes against the French in West- 
phalia, vy 25-8] 
-.-. letter to gen. Sporcken on resigning to 
him the command of the army, v 125] 
Ferentum, in Etruria, ruins of, iii 167 
Fergus, vii 146 
Ferguson, capt. executed for the murder of 
his cabin boy, xiv 66] 
capt. (A) xix 148] xxii 4] 6] 
——_—— capt. (N) lii 301 
capt. James, (N) xxiv 195] 

eo). xxiv 51} 
gov. xxiv 111] 

———_ James, liv 291 
James (math.) vii 111. xii 226. 
xv 182. xvii 249] xix 194] 
..-- directions for pump-makers, xiv 126 
«+» account of, xix 53 
1. col xlvi 220 
——— ]. gen. sir Ronald Crawfurd, xlviii 
234, 577. 1259*, 262*. li 48, 52, 64 
Mrs, (Amer.) xxii 21] 
maj. xxiii 220*] 
rev. prof, Adam, x 307. xxi 218*] 
xxxviii 374 
sir Adam, xxxiii 248 
Fergusson, _—xlix 530 
———— Rob. convicted of riot, xli 18, 23 
(poet) xlii 529 
sir Ronald, lx 50] 
Fermentation, observations on, xxviii 74 
Fermer, gen. i 20, 40, 43 
Fermoy, Roche de, xx 130] 
Fern, Rich. lviii 145 
Fernan Nunez, count de, xxxii 301] 
Fernandes, Alex. xliii 146 
Ferragus, giant, vii 106 
Ferrand, gen. xxxv 253] 
(memb. of Conv.) xxxvii 90] 
Ferrar, rev. Nich. xv 43 
Ferrara, duchy of, claimed by the duke of 
Modena, xi 55*] 149] 
Ferrara, Alphonso II, last duke of, vi 18 
card. xiv 65 
Dr. Alfio, liv 494 
Ferrars, de, lord. See Townshend, G. Ist 
Ferreira, Ant. Alvarez, ii 69, 70, 210 
Ferreri, xlvi 633 
Ferrers, G. xxiv 201 
Laur. earl, iii 66] 72] 83] 100] 7d. 
120] viii 179] x 47*] xlix 464 
«+++ his trial, iii 93] xix 133] 
+++» petitions in his behalf, iii 95] 
+--+ account of him, iii 38 
«+--+ execution of, iii 45 
Rob. Ist earl, iii 38, 39 
Rob. 6th earl, xxi 303] xxii 342] 
343) 348) xxiii 330] 333] xxiv 289] 290] 
Washington, 2nd earl, xxxiii 26" 
Parr I. 

Ferrers, Washington, 5th earl, iii 103] xiii 
199] xvi 137] xx 280] 
Ferres, master of Jonathan’s coffeehouse, 
action against for pushing a man out, v 89} 
Ferret, child’s eyes torn out by one, xxxiii 37 | 
Ferrete, bailiff of, xlvi 638 
Ferriar, Dr. J. xxxili 331] xxxv 379. ly 532 
de Monciel, xxxiv 26] 
Ferrier, adm. J. xlvi 553 
Ferriere, gen. xxxiv 98] 
Ferris, capt. Abel (N) li 417. liii 98] 137 
capt. (N) xliii 249] 125. xliv 
436. xlvi 545 
Ferritur, lieut. 
Ferror, xi 81 
Ferryman, Rob. xxxix 406 
Fersen, count, lii 243 
-+++ murder of, lii 244 
. character of, lii 246 
gen. xi 43] 
Fesch, card. xlviii 218. 1i 250. liii 128] 
Festivals, Christian, xlix 899 
Fetch, J. vii 113] 
Feudal system, remarks on it’s subversion, 
x 2] 
- Spirit of the, x 280 
--+- account of the, x 298, xxi 168 
ee.» in the East, xxi 168 
monarchy, xx 177 
Fever cured by exposure to cold, xii 87 
-.+» Indian remedy for, xlvii 1029, 1051 
--.. Sol-lunar influence on, 1] 251 
e+ee jail, xvii 100] xix 131] 120n 
e+. pestilential at Gibraltar, xlvi 428. xlvil 
371. lv 175] lvi 87 
«eee yellow, xxxv 49, 60. xxxvi 38. xxxix 
50. x1 87; 95, 96, 100. xliv 460, 815. xlv 
331, 450. xlviii 679. li 887. liii 20, 27. 
ly 23, lvii 46. lviii 39, 143. lix 72. Ixi 
91, 103 
e-.. contagious in Ireland, lix 77, 80, 85, 
125, 127. Ix 105, 606 
dsiere — in different parts of Eng- 
land, lix 84, 119. lx 606 
SOSe — precautions against, lx 606 
Feversham powder mills blown up, x 46*] 
xiii 144] xxviii 250] xxxi 223] xliv 444. 
xlix 484. lii 249*. lix 91 
.+ +. grant for damages done by the powder 
mills, xxviii 250] 
Feversham, Ant. bar. vi 84] 
earl of, (t. J. IT) xiv 250 
Few, W. (Amer.) xxix 299] 
Feyjoo, fath. Ben. Jer. vii 115. x 86 
Fez, expedition of the French against Sal-- 
lee and Larache, viii 106] 
«+--+ people of, li 790 
Ffrench, T. Ist lord, liii 90] 92] lvi 105 

(N) iv 130] 

Ffytche, Disney, v. the bish. of London, 
xxv 194] 
Field, xv 89] 

Fieldes v. Hooker, lix 191 

Fielding, (beau) xvii 5] 

—— capt.  (N) xxiii 204*] xxv 16] | 
couns, Xxxvii 21, xlix 487 




Fielding, Edw. (&. India erimp) x 82] 96] 
Geoffrey, xlii 8306” 
H. vii 57. xv 146. xvi 69, xxxi 140 

+.» account of, vy 12 

——— lieut. gen, Edm. 7d, 

Sarah, ¢d, 

——— sir John, i 95. iii 133] iv 163] 
167] v 136] 142] 12, 23, 218. vi 54] 107] 
120. vii 113] viii 73] ix 59] 61) 76] 
102] x 64] 79] xi 68] 70] 109] 129] xii 
81] 138] 148] 161] xiii 92] 144] 157] 
xiv 141] 153] xv 91] 99] 111) 57. xvi 
132] xvii 104] 161] xviii 97] 140} 185] 
228] 240] xx 172] 174] 199] 205] 216] 
xxi 161] 199] xxii 199] 206] 207] xxiii 

.+.. fifty boys clothed and equipped for the 
navy, xiii 149] 

W. vise. xxii 199] xxx 84] xxxv 
6] 40] 108] ‘ 

Fieldsend, J. liv 34 

Fiesqui, card. Luke de, vi 167 

Fife, James, 2nd earl of, ix 110] xxxvii 113, 
115. xliii 47] 122] xlv 379. lviii 253 

James, 4th earl, lviii 253 

—— Jean, countess of, xvi 67] 

Fig tree, process of fecundating, viii 151 

Figueras, battle of, xxxvi 65] 

Filangieri, gen. 1] 187] 

Fillietag, maj. xli 241 

Filmer, sir Beversham, xlviii 365 

sir Rob, xxxiii 258 

Filmour, sir J. xiv 144] 

Filomarino, Clem. xli 152] 

Filthorp, J. lvii 17 

Final, marquisate of, claimed by Austria, 
xii 40] 

Finch, G. li 544 

—— Grace, suicide of, xxxii 196] 

—-— Heneage. See Nottingham, earl 

—— hon. capt. S. (N) xxi 203] 

— col. x1 38 

—— hon. Edw. i 91. ii 105. iv 103] v 92] 

— miss, x 162] 

—— judge, iv 179 

—— lady Bell, xvi 74] 

— — lady Charlotte, v 98] x 162] 

Finchley, claim of the inhabitants to ex- 
emption from toll in Smithfield, xxii 220] 

Finck, gen. ii 25, 27, 46-8. vi 97] 

Finckenstein, count, v 112] 

Findlater, earl of, xvi 116] 1275 

Finetti, fath. Bonif. an extraordinary lin- 
guist, xi 37 

Fingal, iv 160-3, 166, 167. xxi 150 . 

Arthur James, 8th earl of, xxxix 
151. xlv 316. liii 91] 120, 143. liv 14, 86. 
Ivi 217] lvii 142] 

+... correspondence with lord Redesdale, 
xlv 575. xlvi 147 

.... character of, xlvi 148 

Finiguerra, inventor of engraving. vii213 

Finland, distemper among cattle in, iv 122] 

eves Sinking of land in, xxxv 14 


Finland, people of, xliv 738, 883 
Finlay, Francis, convicted of forgery, xliv468 
Kirkman, lx 73] 
Finmark, people of, lv 474 
Finnerty, Peter, convicted of libel, lit 343. 
liii 18, 240 
Finnimore, Humphry, esq. convicted of 
stealing five turkeys, xxii 195] 
Finot, xxxix 2 
Finsson, bish. liii 436 
Finucane, Mathias, xlv 427 
Fiorella, gen. xli 287] 
Fioti, ab. death of, by fright, xii 72] 
Fire spontaneously kindled. See Combustion 
+... kindled spontaneously in the human 
body, vi 91 
by the heating of saffron, ix 158] 
++. effect of on bodies, x 88 
---- Greek, x 276 
sees Security against, xvii 136] 253] xviii 
111] 132] xix 244] xx 171] xxii 100. 
XxXv 327 
e+-- Subterraneous, xxii 70 
+++ from the compression of air, 1 120 
Fire-ladders to be kept by all parishes 
within the bills of mortality, xvii 128] 
+++. improvement in, xviii 118 
Fires: cautions respecting, iii 85] v 121] 
viii 145] xi 102] xvi 76] xxiii 125 
.. ++ machines for extinguishing, iii 112] iv 
112] 147. vii 59] xxvii 55 
+++ money in an iron chest bedded insand 
melted, iv 103] 
+. in chimneys, methods of extinguishing, 
iv 149. xxxiv 46 
«+++ means of escape from, v 121] vi 76] 
99] xviii 117 
-++- mixtures for extinguishing, x 111] xlv 
-+-.+ Supply of water at, xi 123] 
..+» bounties for assistance at, xviii 111] 
machine for saving persons and effects, 
xviii 117 
++e. artof extinguishing, xlv 840 
-+.+ London temporary wooden bridge, i 89. 
ix 135] 
.-» Prince George burnt at sea, i 94, 307 
-... at Bridgetown, Barbadoes, i 96. ix 114] 
134] 144] 148] x 77] 
- waggons set on fire by friction, i 96. xix. 
.. +. in Deptford yard, i 107. xxxv 33 
-».. Amsterdam galley burnt in Limerick 
harbour, i 108 
++.» near Gun dock, Wapping, i 109 
-«++ Douglas castle, i 116 
---- Limehouse, ii 57 
. ordnance storeship at anchor near Gil- 
lingham, ii 60 
. cornmills at Sandfort, Berks, ii 75 
+++» ropeyard at Woolwich, ii 76 
-».. Worcester waggon, by a bottle of aqua 
fortis bursting, ii 90 
..-- Rannas in the Enzie, Scotland, ii 92 
+++» Cherrytree alley, Bunhill row, ii 108 ° 


Fires : Stockholm, ii 109 
---. near Exeter change, ii 119 
+++. extensive in Sweeting’s alley, ii 126 
++.. at Northampton, ii 127 
-..» Sardinian ambassador’s chapel, ii 125 
.... King street, Covent Garden, ii 131 
-».«. subscription for the suflerers here, ii 
132. iii 66] 
+..+ adjoining Whitechapel jail, iii 66] 
e+. at Hadnam, Bucks, iii 90] 
++... in Thames street, iii 93] iv 71] 
---. at Hemmington, in Hunts, iii 94] 
.. ++ — Boston, in NewEngland, iii 108] 111] 
iv 71] 75] xviii 121] xxxvi 26. xliv 370 
+++» — Boston, in Lincolnshire, xlv 392 
eee. — Cadiz, iii 111] 

- ,... in Portsmouth dockyard, iii 119] xiii. 

132] 133] 135] xiv 13] 137] 141] xv 96] 
100] 106] xx 30] xlviii 462 

«++» at Auburn, Wilts, iii 130] 

«.o« — Liverpool, two persons burned, iii 

+++. — Tunbridge Wells, iv 63] 

«+-. — Deptford mill, iv 77] 

«+. — Neweastle, iv 84] 

.. +. in East Smithfield, iv 98] 

-... — Swallow street, iv 102] 

..+. at Kineton, Warwickshire, iv 104] 

«++. — Wapping, iv 106] viii 102] xix 170] 
xxii 202] xxiv 167] xxxvi 19. lviii 195 

+++. — Waltham cross, iv 110] 

«++. — Hungerford, id. 

--.. four persons burned in two cabins near 
Dublin, iv 113] 

-..-. at lord Annesley’s, iv 115] 

+++. in Manchester buildings, Westminster, 
iv 133] 

«+. forest in Croatia burned, iv 138] 

«».. at Fincham, Norfolk, iv 144] 

--.» hemp warehouses at Konigsburg, iv 

~ 146] 152] 

+--+. at Stutgard, iv 152] 

+++. — Goree, iv 154] 

++.. — Three Cranes, iv 157] 

«++» — Cuckold’s point, iv 160] 163] 

..++ in Barbican, 76. 

+++ at Worksop, iv 169] xiii 68] 

+... — Constantinople, iv 177] viii 96] x 
65) 140] xi 172] xii 125] xiv 99] xxiv 
175] xxv 217] 221] xxvii 26] 201] xxxix 
45, 365. xli 10, lviii 129, 148, 1x 126 

-..+ of moors in various parts of England, 
and woods in Scotland and America, sup- 
posed spontaneous, v 91] 107] 

«+++ at Wareham, v 95] 

++. in the pressyard in Newgate, v 103] 

++.» ——— gallery at Florence, v 112] 

+++. in London during a hard frost, v 120] 

--.. at Archangel, vi 51] xv 112] xxxv 36. 
liii 88 

+++» Mr. Careraft?s stables, vi 56] 

+++» brigantine Polly burnt at sea, vi 58] 

+++. at Paris, vi 67] xv 153] xvi 65] xix 
116] xli 2. xliv 459, lii 268 

+++ = Essoyes in Champagne, vi 67) 


Fires: in the suburbs of Verrens, vi 67] 

+.» at lady Molesworth’s, where several 
lives were lost, vi 75] 

. in King street, Rotherhithe, vi 82] 
. at Offord Cluny, Hunts, 2d. 

.-»» Elizabeth, E. Indiaman, burnt at sea, 
vi 84] 

+.» at Vobeaustrauss, vi 85] 

....- near New Crane stairs Shadwell, vi 88] 

. at Duna, in Lithuania, vi 97] 

..+. — Kehelin, in Poland, 2d. 

«+++ — Shadwell dock, vi 99] 

«+++ — Smyrna, vi 109] xv 131] xxxviii 
13. liii 67 

---- — lord Rothes’, vi 119] 

«++.» near Hyde Park corner, vii 46] 

.--. in Ratcliff highway, id. 

+++. — St. James’s square, vii 64] 

-+-- at Muxedabad, vii 83] 

¢ eee Lisbon, vii 83] lvili 152 

«++. — Freyburg, vii 89] 

---- in Aldersgate street, vii 108] xi 138] 
151] xxvi 220] xxxii 222] 224] xlviii 
460. lvii 34. lviii 86 

--++ great, at Konigsberg, vii 110] viii 112] 
xii 105] 111] liii 74 

at Fendenthal, vii 115} 

---- Howard college, N: America, vii 116] 

---- at Belgrade, viii 75] 

«ee. — Shadwell, viii 88] x 108] xi 123] 
xvi 120] xxxix 55. xlviii 432, id. lv 89. 
lvi 91 

.».» Nibe, in Jutland, burnt down, vili 95] 

--.. at Rotherhithe, viii 97] x 86] xii 158] 
xvii 119] xviii 164] 

---. — Heytesbury in Wiltshire, viii 99] 
x1 103 

- in Surrey street in the Strand, 7. 

«+++ cart burnt by bricks loaded in it too 
hot, viii 113] 

«++. at Bolbec, in Normandy, viii 114] 

-«+- — Montreal, viii 115] ix 96] 134] 144] 
xi 119] xlv 400 

--+- — Honiton, viti 125] xxxix 44 

«++. — Ratcliff cross, viii 124] 

--+- in Theobald’s court, Strand, 2. 

«+e at Murhard, viii 126] 

.-«+ in Cheapside, viii 127] 128] 

-+~ at Calmar, viii 140] 

+++. great, at the corners of Cornhill and 
Leadenhall street, viii 143] 

---» Mr. Dymoke’s near Horncastle, ix 53] 

+++ two vessels at Shields, ix 71] 

.- ++, hospital at Monthison, 2d. 

+++ at Crediton, ix 87] 100] xii 101] xv 99] 

e+ ++ — Muskau, in Upper Lusatia, ix 94] 

«see — Upsal, ix 99] 

ease — Metz, ix 110] 

«++. — Hilversum, near Utrecht, ix 115] 

. in Blackmoor street, ix 122] 
. near Tooley street, 20. 

...»+ in Woolwich warren, ix 129] xliv 404. 
xlvii 402. lv 47. lvi 54 + 

ae.» at Kettering, ix 148] 

toe capt, Pain’s, Mile End, ix 151] 




Fires: at Ayr, in Scotland, ix 153] 

-++- — Norwich, ix 154] xv 137] Iviii 61 

+++. in the Strand, x 51] 

++. at St. Mary Ottery, x 71] 

eeee — Warsaw, x 78] 

«++. in Hungerford market, x 83] 

++.. the Plymouth waggon set on fire by 
aqua fortis, x 97] 

++>- at Bere in Dorsetshire, x 99] 

2+++ — Ower, in Dorsetshire, ¢d. 

«++. in Tower-royal, x 127] 

-. ++ — Holborn, x 138] 148] xi 150] xiii 
100] xli 13. ly 49. lvi 10. lvii 97. Iviii 143 

«+--+ Hammills, near Newbury, burnt down, 
x 140] 

--++ brig Dolphin at sea, x 152] 

e+» in Houndsditch, x 162] 

+++» at Florence, x 166] 

»+.e- On Snowhill, xi 68 

-+.. in Whitechapel, xi 102] lv 63. lxi 91 

++.. hear Amiens, xi 103] 

Bar-sur-Seine, 7d. 

++. in the Coppermine of Fahlun, xi 104] 

-+.. at Dockhead, xi 113] 

— Lansperg, in Germany, xi 117] 

see. — Riga, xi 145] 

abbey of St. Blaise, in the Black 
Forest, burnt down, xi 160] 

+++» Greenwich hospital in Jamaica burnt 
down, 7. 

«+. in Catherine street, xi 166] 

+++. in the Vatican library, xi 173] 

---. at Montenero, zd, 

-.+- In Widegate alley, xi 177] 

+++. at Trautson, in Bohemia, xi 178] 

+... in Santa Cruz, xi 181] 

«++» at Rochester, xi 200] xiv 81] 

o+e+ Earsly hall burnt down, xii 81] 

. In Covent Garden, xii 83] xxxvii 34 

. — the Strand, xii 88] 89] xiv 76] 1x 35 

---. — Peter street, Saffron hill, xii 105] 

++«. Sugarhouse in Black Friars, xii 111} 

++.. in Marybone street, xii 116] lviii 75 

e+e. at Wilton, xii 121] xiii 87] 

+... in Bridewell hospital, xii 123] 

«+.» — Mount street, zd. 

++-. — St. Martin’s le Grand, xii 130] 

++.» at Paul’s wharf, 7d. 

«+++ in the Haymarket, xii 131] 

+++. calamitous in David street, xii 134] 

eee» in Butcher row, Temple bar, xii 141] 

++»« calamitous at Limehouse hole, 7. 

++. at Antigua, xii 141] 161] xiii 74] 

oe.» — Venice, xii 146] 

o+.. in Shoe lane, xii 163] 

+». New-River company’s offices burnt 
down, ib. 

»+»- in Paternoster row, xiii 66] xxxv 57 

-».. Newboittle abbey burnt down, xiii 67] 

_ eee. atBennet’s hill, Thames street, xiii 69] 
eee. — Sturtly, xiii 79] 

e+.. in Bethlehem hospital, zd. 

e+». at Wilshanistead, xiii 88] 

«.-- in Wych street, xiii 99] 108] 109] 
128] xvii 83] 



ri ‘ 

Fires : at Eldgason, in Hanover, xiii 103] 

--+-in Palsgrave-head court, xiti 106] 

+++ at Foulsham, xiii 118] 

«+s. — Greenwich, xiii 138 

++. in Surrey street, xiii 163] 

seas 4 Petersburg, xiv 13] 123] xxiii 225] 
Ix 5 

+++» — Harlingen in Friesland, xiv 69] 

--.. in Kingsland road, xiv 118] 

«+s. at Frauenfeld, xiv 139] 

-... in Old street, xiv 147] 

+... — Grenada, xv 85] 109] xviii 169] 190) 

+++. — Throgmorton street, xv 98] 

+... — Amsterdam, xv 100] 

+++. — St. Paul’s churchyard, xv 106) lvii 

+++. — Long Acre, xv 111] 

+++. —a wood in Lapland, xv 119] 

+... — Round court, xv 136] 

+... — Fenchurch street, xv 148] xix 179] 

«++. at Dresden, xvi 71] 

-.-- in Bishopsgate street, xvi 76] xxxiii 
42] lix 18 

«.+- at Zutphen, xvi 95] 

«+++. — Hensham hall, xvi 100] 

«. +. in Cornhill, xvi 108] 

-+++ at Moscow, xvi 128] liv 174] 

---- in the Tower, xvii 81] 

-. +. at Winterslow house, zd. 

«++. — Bellbar, Herts, xvii 82] 

---» in Rose street, Covent Garden, xvii 86] 

+++. — James street, Bedford row, xvii 90] 

«se. at New York, xvii 96] 109] 

---- — Cullerne, near Bath, xvii 107] 

+--+. — Shrewsbury, xvii 107] liii 121 

-+.. — Monnestier, near Briangon, xvii 

-++- in King street, Covent Garden, xvii 

sainte -———— Southwark, lv 99 

---~ near Ratclille highway, xvii 119] 

---- at Chatham, xvii 120] xlii 22 

---- — Beenham, Berks, xvii 124] 

---« — Weimar, id. 

+++. in Tabernacle walk, xvii 162] 

+++. — Newgate street, xviii 991 xxxiii 11] 

-+.. at Newmarket, xviii 100] 

«+++ — Limehouse, xviii 102] lvi 99 

+++» — Wapping wall, xviii 115] xlvii 354 

+.++ — Philipstade, in Sweden, xviii 122 

«++. — Edinburgh, xviii 123] xxxvi 37. 
xxxvii 1]. liii 128. lix 124 

sees — Lenczno, xviii 131] 

«e+e — Dorchester, xviii 137] 

---.- in the Old Bailey, xviii 142] 

see. at Abo, xviii 149] 

+++. — Doncaster, xviii 150] 

«++. in Russel street, Covent Garden, xviii 

++.» at Swaffham, xviii 174] 

+... — Exeter, xviii 185] ; 

+++» in the Savoy, xix 124] 

eeee at Waradin, xix 154] 

.-+- — Bellon, Rutlandshire, xix 146] © 

see. om Askersund, Sweden, xix 149] 



Fires: in Maddox street, xix 156] 

~~. at Cranfield,-xix 157] 

«+.. — St. Kit’s, xix 177] 

.-.+. in Shire lane, xix 178] xxiv 161] 

---- at Geffle, in Sweden, xix 180] 

---. — Brest, xix 194] 

---. — Bristol, xx 30] 163] xlv 437, xlvi 
402. xlix 516. liii 34 

«++» — Bonn, xx 168] 

«+e. — Flaxley abbey, xx 176] 

«++. — Aldbourn, xx 196] 

+++. — Walthambury, xxi 196] 

-+ee in Pope’s-head alley, xxi 212] 

--.- at Oxford, xxi 215] li 264. liv 21 

«++. — Saragossa, xxi 216] 

--+. — Greenwich hospital, xxii 194] 

«-.. — Halincourt, xxii 203] 

«.+. in Warwick lane, xxii 222 

.-.- Glasgow burnt, at Kingston, Jamaica, 
xxii 223] 

+... in Ely cathedral, xxii 238] 

«++. — Wild street, xxiii 194] 

.... at Northnmberland house, xxiii 202] 

-... in Oxford street, xxiii 202] xxxiv 2 

«++. at Gera, xxiii 228] 

-... — Salisbury, xxiii 230] 

+++. — Rastadt, xxiv 196] 

«+++ — Hockley, xxiv 197] 

sees — Cremnitz, xxvi 205] 

--.. — Attendarn, Westphalia, xxvi211] 

«++. — Querfurt, xxvi 213] 

«+.» — Beesdorf, Prussia, xxvi 220] 

+++. — Horsleydown, xxvii 233] xlvi 442 

«+.- — Ruppin, xxix 218] 

ees. — Mittau, xxxi 194] 

+... wood near Selby burnt down, xxxi 

+++ Opera house burnt down, xxxi 211] 

+++. at_Manchester, xxxi 212] 214] xxxiii 
15] xli 14. xliii 6. xlvi 371. xlvii 855. lv 
23, 91 

«+++ — Houghton, xxxi 229] 

+. +. — Carthagena (in Spain), xxxii 223] 

«+++ — Albion mills, xxxiii 10] 

++++ — Burbage, Wilts, xxxiii 15] 

.+-- five persons burnt to death at Man- 
chester, zd. 

+». at Walthamstow, xxxiii 20] xl 103. 
xlvii 434 

---. in Chambers street, xxxlii 23] 

--+- at Mrs. Clitherow’s, maker of fire- 
works, xxxiii 42] 

+++. in Wellclose square, xxxiii 46] 

a at Richmond house, Privy gardens, 

+++ — Footscray, xxxiv | 

++ e+ — the Pantheon, xxxiv 2 

+++» — Northampton, xxxiv 4 

«++» — Dublin, xxxiv 6. lviii 45 

6 a — Rushcomb house, near Exeter, xxxiv 


+++. — Harescombe, xxxiv 15 

+++. — the Mouse of Commons, xxxiv 18 

+++» — Birmingham, xlv 363. lix 40 

+eee — Liverpool, xxxvii 4, xxxviii 36. 



xxxix 10. xliv 448. xlv 437. xlvii 421. 
xlix 526 

Fires: in Riding-house lane, Marybone, 
xxxiv 34 

++». at Aldgate, xlii 40 

+... — Forty-hill, Enfield, xxxiv 45 

«+++ — Cuckney, near Mansfield, xxxiv 47 

«++ in Hill street, xxxv 7 

....— Panton street, xxxv 26 

-».. at Stanton St. John’s, xxxv 29 

+++. — Stepney causeway, xxxv 33 

«+e. ON Blackheath, xxxv 35 

-+.. at Cowdry house, xxxv 43 

++.. — Langley, xxxv 55 

«».. — the Hermitage, xxxv 57 

«+... — Lambeth, xxxvi 3. xlviii 433. xlix 
470. lv 66 

++.. — Knightsbridge, xxxvi 6 

-+.. — Copenhagen, xxxvi 7 

+-..1n Moorfields, xxxvi 9 

+++. at Oatlands, xxxvi 15 

«-.. — Radcliife, xxxvi 19, 36 

-... — Nassington, xxxvi 20 

+... — Astley’s amphitheatre, xxxvi 20, 
xlv 427 

oe es — Wigan, xxxvi 29 

«.-. — Wincanton, xxxvi 30 

.... in Thames street, xxxvi.34. xlii 2, 3. 
lvi 13 

»».. — Dean street, Soho, xxxvi 36 

eee. — Shoreditch, xxxvi 40. xli 24. xlviii 

«+. at Cefn, near Wrexham, xxxvi 40 

-+.. in Buckingham street, xxxvi 41 

e... at Cliefden, xxxvii 20 

«eee — Rumford, xxxvii 22 

«e+. in Jamaica, xxxvii 30. lvii 45 

+--+. at Leicester, xxxvii 44 

+++» — Plymouth, xxxvii 48. xlvi 441. xlvii 
40]. liv 83 

++ ee — Wressael castle, xxxviii 6 

+++ — Charlestown, xxxviii 23 

«++. — Cheshunt, xxxviii 23. xlviii 454 

«eee — Nantz, xxxviii 33 

+++. — Witton, Yorkshire, xxxviii 35 

«eee — Leeds, xxxviii 38 

-.+«+ — Halleton, Leicestersh. zd. 

+++». — Burwell, near Newmarket, xxxix 

«+++ — Haydon square, id. 

«+++ — Hanworth park, xxxix 18 

eeee — Yester, xxxix 20 

..+. in Brewer street, xxxix 23 ; 

.».. — the Borough High street, xxxix 28. 
xlvii 421 

«++. — Russel street, Bloomsbury, xxxix 

«... — Tiverton, xxxix 46 

.... in Windmill street, xxxix 53 

«s+. at Carlisle, xl 6 

.... farm buildings in the Croydon road 
burnt down, xl 21 

+-+. in Piccadilly, xl 31 

+++. at Tipperary, 7. 

.».. in Gerard street, xl 40 


Fires: in Church lane, St. Giles’s, x1 56 
.-+.+ — Coldbath fields, xl 79 
.--. — Little Britain, x1 85 
.... at Ordrup, near Copenhagen, x] 85 
.... in Goswell street, x! 93. xlii 2 
-..- — Curzon street, xl 103 
-+«. at Walworth, xli 1 
-».. — Taunton, xli 10 
.--- boat ona canal burnt, xli 14 
-+.. in Petticoat lane, xli 21. xlvii 411 
.. ++ — the King’s bench prison, xli 26 
.... at Waterford, xli 41. ivii 81 
.. in Osborne street, xli 41 
++. at Pimlico, xlii 1. xlviii 416 
---. in Drury lane, xlii 10 
«+. at Vauxhall, xlii 22 
..-. — Minehead, xlii 24 
-.+. — Balassa, in Hungary, xlii 26 
...- extensive in Radnor forest, xlii 29 
«... in Wood street, xliii 20 
.... at Cracow, xliii 35 
. — Walford, xliii 46 
. in Cavendish street, xliii 48 
. — Pulteney street, xliv 379 
. — Ailiff street, xliv 409 
.... at Shobrook, xliv 431 
+++. — Thurles, xliv 441 
.--- in Leadenhall street, xliv 441. liv 128. 
lvii 39 
— Store street, xliv452 
-.+. at Nottingham, xliv 469 
- — Stockholm, xliv 876 
-+e- in Patrick square, xlv 355 
». at Gottenburg, xly 365 
-.-- in Fleet street, xly 366.1 10*. Ix 250 
«++. at Ghergong, xlv 371 
- in Rosemary lane, xlv 375 
. at Sheering, near Harlow, xlv 383 
. — Bugden, xlv 386 
.. — Huntley castle, xlv 387 
. in Westminster abbey, xlv 405 
- at Clerkenwell green, xlv 406 
. in Castle street, Long Acre, xlv 410 
. — Wardour street, xlv 410. lvii 87 
- — the forest of Culross, xlv 411 
. at Chumleigh, xlv 422 
». — Bradford, xlv 422 
-.. in St. George’s fields, xlv 423. xlvi 376 
-.. at Bexley, xlv 459 
--- — St. Albans, 7d. 
— Pekin, xlv 441 
. in Woburn place, sly 446 
at Fawley court, xlv 454 
- in Fan street, xlv 46] 
at Nanswydden, xlv 462 
in Frith street, xlv 463 
. at Glasgow, xlv 466, lvi 84 
— Ringwood, xlv 466 
--- — Durham, xlvi 357 
.. — Charing Cross, xlvi 370 
-. — Paddington, xlvi 371 
..-. in Charlotte street, Bloomsbury, xlvi 
«s+. — Sun Tavern fields, xlvi 381 
~--+. at Coventry, xlvi 385 

_ « 

eS eb aS) a 82 8 Ce Aes 6) On 6 eens 16 de Oe 86 6 ke 
. i Aho? «Me . 
eo wT  @. Bee 
. | . . 



Fires: at Darnford, xlvi 389 

-+-. in the powder magazine at St. Helier, 
Jersey, xlvi 391 

«es. at Grays, xlvi 395 

...- in Cyispin street, xlvi 396 

+++. — the camp at Eastbourne, xlvi 401 

«++. — Ducksfoot lane, xlvi 408 

«».«- — Primrose street, xlvi 413 

--.. — Blossom street, ib. 

at Dorchester barracks, xlvi 419 

. in Union street, Westminster, xlvi 420 

. at Chelmsford, xlvi 423. 1 21*, 23° 

«.+. — Frodsham, xlvi 429 

--.». — Coleham, xlvi 452 

++. in Queen street, Cheapside, xlvi 442. 
xlvii 435 

. at Canton, xlvi 965 

---- in Clowes wood, xlvii 353 

-. e+ — a coal mine, xlvii 354 

.... — Adams street, Edgware road, xlvii 

-+ ++ — the Poultry, xlvii 362 

«+3. — Quebec street, xlvii 366 

+++» at Chertsey, xlvii 375 

--+-— Brampton, xlvii 377 

+--+. — Bromley, 7. : 
.. Royal Circus burnt down, xlvii 410 

.... in West street, Soho, xlvii 421 

+++. at Redbourne, xlvii 422 

«++» — Wansford, xlvii 427 

-.+. — Edmonton, xlvii 429 

oe++ =< Ewelme, zd, 

in Salisbury square, xlvii 434. lii 271 

-.++ at Preston, xlyii 43a 

..++ — Brayton, id. 

-+++ — Cottismere, xlviii 360 

... in Tottenham-court road, xlviii 385. 

xlix 408 

++«+ at Malton, xlviii 395 

++» in Fleet market, xlviii 403. lix 81 

---- at Hungerford, xlviii 405 

---- — Langford, xlviii 411 

. «+ in Chandos street, xlviii 415 

+++. at Hythe, xlviii 418 

+++. in a road waggon in the Old Bailey, 
xlviii 421 * ; 

«se at Pill, xlviii 434 

«+++ — Millbank, xlviii 441 

«++. in the Isle of Wight, 7d. 

«.«. at Northfleet, xlviii 443 

— Acomb, near Hexham, x!viii 463 

-+++ in St. James’s palace, xlix 360. 11256 

— St. Saviour’s churchyard, xlix 387 © 

-. — Norton street, xlix 425 

-. at Chudleigh, xlix 445 

.-»— Huish, xlix 447 

.. — Coombank, xlix 464 

. — Camberwell, xlix 473 

.. in Crown court, xlix 474 

-+e+ — Boswell court, xlix 487 

...- — Chiswell street, xlix 497 

-... — Bolt court, xlix 515 

.... at Tottenham, xlix 527 « 

-... — Dover, | 33* 

+++» — Aldrey, 1 50* 




Fires: in Trinidad, 1 55* 
Ay Ste abana theatre burnt down, | 
..+. Drury-lane theatre burnt down, li 259 
+... in Conduit street, li 306. lvii 10 
-»-- at White-friars dock, lii 241" 
+» e+ — Auxonne, lii 267* 
«.-- in Lisle street, lii 292 
«++. at Puddledock, liii7 
«eee =~ Warkworth, lili 44 
2+ ee —> Merriot, 7b. 
ig in Half-Moon street, Bishopsgate, lili 

«++. — Bury street, St. Mary Axe, liii 66 

e-.. at Bautzen, liii 80 

»+.. — Saalfeldt, liii 81 

»».. in various forests in Germany, liii 88 

+... at Presnitz, liii 89 

e+e+ — Muckinghall, Jiii 90 

«eee — Eastend, liii 99 

«+. in St. Giles’s, liii 111 

+e. at Cambridge, liii 120. liv 80. lv 9, 22, 

---- — Cassel, liii 133 

+.» — Richmond (America), liv 4 

«+.. — Sargans, liv 24 

+-.. — Serampore, liv 34 

+++. — Gamblingay, liv 92 

«+e. — Abbeydore, liv 102 

+... in S. Audley street, liv 108 

»... at Dalkeith, liv 125 

-.«. in Camomile street, liv 126 

»- +. at Wangford, liv 152 

-... in Skinner street, lv 26 

«++. at Poole, lv 30 

»»+2 — Beaconsfield, lv 31 

«++. in Gutter lane, ly 57 

+... — Tufton street, ly 58 

— Stanhope street, 7d. 

-+.. — George street, Oxford street, lv 66 

Sines Whitechapel, Ivii 32 

«+s. at Harbledon, lv 75 

++.. — Orpington, lv 87 

«+e. in East street, Red Lion square, lv 89 

«+e. at Nash mill, lv 90 

+...» — Rangoon, lvi 203] 

--.. — Buckland, lvi 2 

«++» in Denmark street, lvi 7 

«++. at Hampton, lvi 45 

+++. — Watford, lvi 70 

«-«. = Blair-Athol, lvi 74 - 

-... — Bankside, lvi 79 

e+e» — Asch, lvi 105 

.... in Dorset street, lvii 36 

+++. at Chipping Ongar, 7b. 

«--. — Bath, lvii 43 

«++. in John street, Spitalfields, vii 44 

«+++ at Quebec, lvii 64 

«+ee — Yeovil, lvii 70 

«++. — Babb’s Green, lvii 74 

«++. — Tannis, id. 

+++. — Swaby, lvii 75 

+++» — Howick, ib. 

«++. in the Mint, Tower hill, lvii 84 

«++ at Kentish town, lvii 96. lviii 244 



Fires; in Red-Lion street, Holborn, lvii 96 

--.. — Crown street, Finsbury square, lvii 

.-.. at Teneriffe, lviii 1 

.... in Berkeley square, !viii 26 

-.«. at Mitchelstown, lviii 27 

+... — Naples, zd. 

...-fin Newfoundland, lviii 32, 33. lix 52, 
120, 121, 123 

+.» at Beverley, Ivili 42 

.».. in Swithin’s alley, lviii 53 

.... at Fontaine Nétre Dame, lviii 54 

-».. — Manuden, 7d. 

..+- several, intentional, in Suffolk and 
Norfolk, lyiii 61, 65 

«++. at Shane’s castle, lviii 65 

sees — Clapham, lviii 73 

.-.. — Thorverton, lviii 82 

«.-. — Milford, lviii 91 

..+. in Oxford market, lviii 15] 

---- — Bow churchyard, lviii 169 

«.-- at Belvoir castle, lviii 17] 

«ee. — Marsh farm, lviii 193 

«s+. — Poplar, viii 198 

.... in the Mauritius, lix 8 

.. +. several in the country presumed inten- 
tional, lix 26, 54, 59 

.».. at Uffington house, lix 54, 59 , 

«++. — Berlin, Jix 64 

-.-. — Neustadt, lix 90 

«..- Knowle castle, lx 2 

.... the cotton manufactory at Colnbridge, 
Ix 24 

..«- at Hexham abbey, Ix 130 

..-» in Lombard street, lx 165 

..-+ at Nassau, Providence island, Ixi 11 

«+e» — Chester, Ixi 19 

«... — Azmoos, in Switzerland, 1xi 20 

.+e« Steam boat burnt at Holyhead, lxi 49 

.... in forests. See Forests 

Fire-arms ; new invented fowling pieces, xi 
103] xv 76] 

+. lodged in the Tower for security, xi 

...- new invented rifle, xix 148] 

.. +» effects of rifling, xix 131 

+s. antiquity of, xx 247 

.. +» barrels bored, xl 68 

.... death from a wound by the wadding of, 
xliv 461 

.... method of renewing the water of Per- 
sian gun barrels, Ix 601 

Fire-engines, liii 77 

Fire-flies, xii 92 

Fire-offices, actions to recover on houses 
burned by rioters, x 99] 155] xxiii 238] 

.+.. robbery at the London Assurance, xi 

++.+ present to a person who had forgotten 
to renew insurance, xi 151] 

.... action against the city for money paid 
on houses burnt by rioters, xxvii 225] 

+... restoration of money to, xxxi 199] 

«++» duty paid by, lili 25 

«++ actions against, lx 250, 314 



Fireworks, mischiefs from, iv 161] ix 114] 
xv 136] 137] xxxiii 42] xxxvii 30. xlii 
40, xlvi 430. lvii 44 

..-- grand display in celebration of the 
peace, lvi 67 

Firmian, count, gov. of the Milanese, xi 
152, 153 

Firs, planting recommended, xii 86] xiv 111 

«++» profits of, xiv 112 

Scotch, xvii 83 

Fischer, ii 234 

— Christ. Aug. 1 63-68 

———— J. Christian, x1 358, 359 

— l. col. J. lvi 197, 209 

Fischet, Noel, vii 108 

Fish, extraordinary, ii 68, 116. v 85] vil 
111. viii 114] 138] 94. x 102] xlix 477 

.... method of increasing the fecundity of, 
vii 77] , 

.+e. number dead in the ‘Thames, viii 125] 

..+. act for the preservation of, viii 189] 

.++» prosecutions for retailing at Billings- 
gate, ix 72] 

fecundity of different species, xi 78 

+++ sound of, xvi 124 

poisonous, xx 93 

-.++ respiration of, xxiv 55 

«+... electrical, xxviii 57 

++. ancient prices of, xxxii 107 

Fish, Mrs. burnt to death, xliy 465 

Fisher, (sec. to the Protestant Assoc.) 
xxiii 263] 

assignees of Fordyce v. xvii 116] 

v. Jebb, lix 186 

——— adm. Oliver (Dane), xiii 113] 

bish. J. xviii 150. lvi 218] Lx 92, 

oo ee 


Dr. Joseph, xxxvi 326 

James, lx 425 

J.x 125] 

Kitty, ii 168. xxxiii 289] 

Mark, viii 147] 

Rob. lvi 289 

S. noted gambler and cheat, xii 97] 

T. xlvii 405 

Fisheries: scheme for catching and curing 
cod in the open seas, ii 75 

eve» Irish, 11.92, 125.iv 172] 

.... frauds of the fishmongers, iii 164] 

-.-- act to prevent these, iii 166] 

.... regulations for the seasons and sizes of 
different sorts of fish, iii 168] 

eace — of the fishmarkets in Hol- 
land, iii 170] 

..-- herving, in Scotland, iv 63] ix 108] x 
227] xvii 145] xxiv 198] xlii 109 

Dutch, iv 130] vi 87] vii 88] 

xlvi 834 

«.-. pilchard, iv 66] xix 142] 

». ++ new invented machine for, iv 98] 111] 
184] ix 154] 

e+» herring, British, iv 147] 167] 168] v 
100] viii 104] ix 126] xiv 226] 

+s». attempts to supply the metropolis with 
fish, iv 166-8] 179] v 147] vi 161] x 49] 



Fisheries : failure of these attempts, viii 88] 

-... turbot, Dutch, iv 178] 

.. +» quantity of fish taken at Penzance, iv 

.. ++ premiums for models of fish carriages, 
v 95] 

..-+ State of the land-carriage fishery, v 
147] vi 161] vii 49] 93) 

.+++ regulations of the French in N. Ame- 
rica, v 236] 

.... herring, in Sweden, vii 61] xliii 17] 

.... Spanish on the coast of Barbary, vii 
124. viii 119] 

+++ Scotch, ix 108] : 

-... premiums for herrings brought to 
Billingsgate, xi 176] 

«++» bounties on, xlix 730°, 7b. 1 184*, 
185*. li 537 

.... herring, abundant, liii 125, liv 111. 1v 
16, lviii 132 

.... Several boats lost on the Irish coast, 
Iv 16 

.++» report on the herring fishery, xi 18 

.... See also Whale, and Newfoundland 

Fish-hooks, tempering of, xii 36 

Fishlock, J. xlix 354 

Fish-man, extraordinary story of, x 86 

Fish-ponds, management of, xlv 846 

Fistula lachrymalis, new method of treat- 
ing, xxiii 130 

Fisula Sara, bashaw, xvi 16] 

’ Fitchett, Edw. murder of, xi 157] 

Fitkin, J. lviii 348 
W. ib. 

Fitzalwin, Hi. Ist lord mayor of London, xv 

Fitzgerald, duel with Seawen, xvi 131] 
—— col. shot, xxxix 55. xl 29 
——— col. xlv 99 

——— Ed. Fox, Ixi 84] 
- Gerald, xxiv lz 
—G. Rob. executed for murder, 
xxviii 199] 235] 
— Keane, xv 87] 
lady Edw. xl 70 
(A) duel with H. As 

———— lieut. 
ton, xxxii 209] 

lord C, xxv 202] 

———— lord E. xxxiv 78. xl 157] 162] 
18, 42, 43, 162. xli 166. xliv 194% 

.... dismissed from the army, xxxiv 47 

..++ his attainder reversed, ]xi 84] 

lord H. x] 70 

—— — lord Rob. xxxiv 195. xxxv 202 

Louisa Maria, lxi 84] 

———_——. rev. Gerald, xvi 232 

——_———- r. hon. James Ennis, xlvii 57 

—— —— M. xlviojsexie 58 

W. vi 87] sliii 456, 1 129°. liv 

9] lvi 162] 308 

W. T. xxxiv 474. xlv 407. xlvi 

380, 394. xlix 962, 996 

—- W. Vesey, lvii 46]. lviii 59] 79] 

lix 93] Ix 131] 

Wilson, xli 400, 403 





Fitzgeralds, family of, i 483 

Fitzgibbon, J. See Clare, earl of 

lady. See Clare 

Fitzharris, James Edw. visc. 1 91*, 221* 

Fitzherbert, Alleyne. See St. Helen’s, bar. 

—— Mrs. xxix 126] 245] xxxi 229] 

xxxii 213] liv 285 

W. xxx 190. xxxix 41. x1 327 

Fitzjames, duchess de, ix 58] 

duke de, vi 120] vii 8] 9] 48] 

xxvi 73. xxxili 135. xxxix 9 

margq. de, xi 203] 

Fitzpatrick, col. Rich. xxii 236] xxiv 150] 
155] xxvii 179*] 180*] 235] xxviii 144. 
xxx 91] 142] xxxvi 415. x1 18]] 217] xli 
224] xliii 523, xlvii 54, 398, xlviii 123. 
1i 130 

+--+ Sec, at war xxvi 175] 

Hugh, liv 124] 

++.. convicted of libel, lv 14 

Fitzroy, capt. lord W. (N) xlvii 548 

—— col. ii 144, 253, 268, 271. iii 
176] 177) 

---- lord G. Sackville’s letter to him, ii 269 

---- his answer, ii 270 

—— lord C. xxxii 209] x1 30 

Fitzsimons, T. (Amer.) xxix 299] 

Fitzstephen, W. vii 178. x 19. xx 143 

Fitzwilliam, maj. gen. viii 202] 

Rich. 6th vise. xv 206] 

——_—— Rich. 7th vise. lviii 32 

——— W. Wentworth, 2nd earl, xiii 
70] 197] 199] xiv 90] 252] xv 235] xvi 
243] 245] xvii 274] 276] xviii 249] 251] 
xix 255] xx 280] 283] xxi 303] xxii 342] 
343] 350] xxiii 330] 331] 333] xxiv 289] 
290] 292] xxv 215] 295] (xxvi 143] xxvii 
69] xxviii 90] xxx 212] 298] xxxi 75] 
125] 128] 221] 298] 304] xxxiii 255, 
154] xxxiv 133] xxxvi 226] 259] xxxvii 
226] 228] 27, 114, 115, 144, 150, 151, 
157. xxxix 106] 110] 150] 151] 237] 239] 
240] 31, 230. x1 167] 170] 9, 211, 215. xli 
227] 211, 215. xliii 44] 168] xliv 17, 110, 
166. xlv 143, 160, 176, 650. xlvi 42, 50. 
xlvii 16,95. xlviii 26, 262. liv 29] 67] lvi 

- 206] lvii 3) lviii 45] Ixi 113] 118].126] 

.... appointed lord lieut. of Ireland, xxxvii 

«++. dismissed, xxxvii 225] 144. x1 156] 

«++. numerous addresses to him, xxxvii 

+++. public mourning on his departure, 
x¥xxvii 226] 

«.+» dismissed from the office of lord lieut. 
of the W. riding of Yorkshire, lxi 113] 

Fiume, taken by storm, lv 111] 207 

Flack, Dr. xvii 146 

Flaherty, Bryan, iii 76] 

Flambard, Ralph, xvi 149 

Flamingham, capt. Haylord, (art.) x1 152 

Flaminio, J. Ant. xxxvii 31 "Jn 

Flamsteed, rev. J. ii 284, 287, 288, xi 




Flanders. See Netherlands, Austria, France, 
and Holland 

Flattery, observations on, xiii 165. xv 179 

Flaugergues, de, liii 92. Ixi 443 

Flavigny, visc. xlv 818 

Flax, culture of, 1 96 

«++. new mode of preparing, lvii 505 

Flaxley abbey, fire at, xx 176] 

Flaxman, J. xiii 170] xlvii 355 

rey. Dr. Roger, xxi 285] 

Flea, muscular power of the, vi 642 

.... exhibition of performances by, xlvi 

Fleet market, fires in, xlviii 403. lix 81 

Fleet prison, several persons injured by the 
fall of a stack of chimneys, xi 156] 

«+.» donation to the prisoners from the 
German Lutheran chapel in the Savoy, 
xi 159] 

«+++ proposals to remove it, xii 81] xiii 
131] 149} 

---- seizure of smuggled goods in, xxi 195] 

.+.. grants for repairing, xxiv 272] xxxvi 
119. xxxix 170. xliv 587. xlv 628 

.-+- escape from, xxxiii 41] xxxiv 11 

.. + seditious paper stuck up, xxxiv 44 

Fleet street, fires in, xlv 366.1 10*. 1x 250 

Fleetwood, bish. W. vi 9. vii 175 

— C. xviii 54.) xx 201m, xxii 50. 
xxiii 232, xxxiii 437] 

gen. C, iv 49 
Fleming, adm. vi 38 
adm. hon. C. Elphinstone, xlvii 
397, 451 
capt. (A) ix 108] 
count, i 221, 226, 232. xi 8] 
Edw. poisoned, xvi 87] 136] 
le, sir Mich, xxiv 223] 225] 

Flesseiles, de, xxxi 250*] xxxii 8] 

Fletcher, And. of Salton, viii 30]n. xiv 31. 
xxx 212, xxxili 258. xlii 235n] xliii 74] 
xlix 131. lv 460 

—— bish. Rich. xii 187 

dean. Phil. ix 165 

H. xi 98] xvii 110] xxv 205] 

J. (poet) v 253. vi 179, 180. xxiii 

J. xiviii 961 = 
—_ Jos. xlviii 956 
——_ 1. col. T. xxv 67] 
——— Il. col. sir R. xliii 90. liv 201. lv 
198, 199 
Phineas, xvi 156 
rey. J. W. xvi 209] 
sir H. xxv 216] xxvii 69] 
sir Rob. viii 13] ix 21] xx 100] 
254] xxii 315] 
T. (lutenist to queen Elizabeth) 
xxi 209] 
W. v. an attorney for drawing ar- 
ticles of clerkship improperly, xii 94] ~ 
W. (Irish judge) xlix 418. lviii 
- +. charge to the grand jury of Wexford, 
lyi 513 



Fletcher, W, (Irish judge) charge at Ar- 
magh, Ix 33 

Fleurieu, C, P. C. xxxii 146] xlii 282* 

Fleuriot, xxxvi 161] 

Fleurus, battle of, xxxvi 23] 

Fleury, abbe, lix 39 

cardinal, i240n. vi 16. ix 4, 8, 13, 
14, xvii 2, 173. xxviii 26] 27] xxxi 12 

«» ++ character of, x 51 

col = xl vi 224 

lieut. col. = xxii 192] © 

marq. de, xv 125] 

Flies, duel between, xlvi 758 

Flight, Benj. lii 419 

Flindall, James, accomplice of Lowe and 
Jobbins in their plan of arson, xxxii 222] 

Flinders, capt. Matth. (N) lvii 542, 545 

Flinn, capt. — (N) Iwi 195 

Flint, Andrew, xlvii 854. xlviii 956 

Ann, xl 177 

—e— Bet, xxxiii 459] 

~—— Mr. race with Mrs. Thornton, xlvi 
412. xlvii 412. xlviii 367 

Flintshire: eruption of a vyoleano in, xvi 

«ees petitions for reform, xxvi 199] 

Flood, H. xii 186] xxviii 5] 10) 22] xxix 
82] 88] xxx 110] xxxii 77] xxxiii 48] 
xxxyld) } lili 364 

ese account of, xxxiii 295] 

--.. character of, liii 379 

Floods, See Weather 

Florence: fire in the gallery at, v 112] 

e+.» heavy snow in the neighbourhood of, 
vi 73] 

e+. maidens portioned on account of the 
a delivery of the grand duchess, x 


eos. fire at, x 166] 

«+++ mischief done by wild beasts set loose 
by it, 2. as 

eee beech oil recommended, xi 63] 

«+e» encouragement of manufactures, xi 84] 

eses visit of the queen of Naples, xi 115] 
116] : 

ee-. museum at, xvi 193, 196 

«+. aftray between the soldiers and sbirri, 
xvii 130] 

eee» insurrection at, Xxxiii 9 

+... entered by the French, xlii 197] xliii 

+... reestablishment of the Della Crusca 
academy, liii 145] : 

«+. shock of an earthquake, liv 114 

«+.. works of art restored, lviii 5 

«+e» See also Tuscany 

Florent, xl 66] 

Florentines, account of the, xvi 65 

Florez, don Ignatio, 1 249* 

Florida, ceded to G. Britain, v 240] 

+. Offers to settlers, vi 111] 

«».. Ship with the first settlers to, wrecked 
near Madeira, vi 119] 

--.. divided into two governments, East 
and West, vi 209] 



Florida : boundaries of the two gvernments, 
vi 209] , 

++.. grants for, vii 160] 161] viii239] ix 
202] x 218] xi 263] xii 219] xiii 235) xiv 
223] 224] xv 210] xvi 227] xvii 252) xviii 
244] 245] xix 250] xx 268] xxi 286] xxii 
329] xxiii 312] xxiv 271] xxv 289] xxvi 
366] xxvii 300] 344] xxix 264] 265] xxxi 
284] xxxii 277] xxxiii 142] xxxiv 149. 
xxxv 106. xxxvi 119. xxxvii 118. xxxviii 
108, zb. xxxix 169. xl 205 

..-- lands granted in, ix 107] 

«+.- journey up the Missisippi from Nio-~ 
bille, x 114] 

«+++ murders by the Indians, x 151] 

e+-« party of Chactaws cut off by the 
Creeks, xi 60] 

«++. indigo from, xiv 127] 

-. ++ tract of land ceded by the Creeks, xv 

-».. American expedition against, xxii 28] 

...- Spanish expedition against, xxiv 23] 
98] 188] 

«... value of, xxvi 159] 

+++» ceded to Spain, xxvi 334] 

.... Claimants for losses, xxx 138] 1 183* 

»--- grant for reporting on losses on the 
Moschetto shore, xxxvi 119 

Florida Blanca, count de, xxxii 294] ] 229] 

Florio, emperor, xiii 114} 

Florus, i 312, 317 

Flotte, de Ja, 

Flour. See Corn 

Flower, ald. sir C. xlvi 418, 421. xlvii 424. 
1 135* 

Benj. xli 18 

Flowers in a bedchamber, ill consequences 
of, vii 75] 

+. +» changing colour in sunshine, lix 429 

Floyd, gen. xxxili E11] 115] xxxiv 201] 
205] 220) xli 61] 

—— J. liii 113 

lady Denny, lvii 25 

—— W. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] xviii 

Floyer, C. xxii 133] 239] 314) xxiii 199] 

Pet, viii 140} 

Flucker, T. xvii 202] 

Fludd, Dr. Rob. xxxiii 249] xxxv 394 

Fludyer, sir Sam, iv 95] 241} 

and Co, xxxvii 125, ib. 

Flying, machine said to be invented for, li 

Fo, xxiii 58, 60. xli 507 

Foden, T. xli 404, 405. xliii 144 

Foersch, xlix 841. lviii 578 

Foetus in the ovary of a maiden, v 70 

.... effects of the imagination on the, x 


xxxv 187. xxxvi 126] 


.... heard to cry in the womb, xiii 97] 
Fog-bank, extraordinary, xvi 105 
Fogliani, duke of, xvii 39] 40] 

Fogs. See Weather’ 

Foix, gen. lii 212. liii 102] » See Foy 
Folard, chev. xxv 138 




Foley, v. lord Peterborough, xxvii 225] 

——adm. sir T. xl 143. xliii 85. liv 111, 
144. lv 95 “ 

—— T. 2nd lord, vi 154] xxi 303) xxii 
$42] 348] xxxi 298] 304] 

Folger, Abigail, xl 176 

Mayhew, lvii 515 

Timothy, xl 176 

Foljambe, (M.P) xxvii 187] ‘ 

Folkes, Martin, iv 167. vii 34, 37. x 80. xi 
258] xviii 6). xix 39. xxxi 193] xxxii 

Folkstone, fall of the cliff at, xliii7 

Folkstone, Jacob, Ist visc. and W. 2nd visc. 
See Radnor, earl 

W. 3rd vise. xliv 152. xlv 56, 108, 

108, 120. 183. xlviii 102. xlix 104, 144. 1 
90] li 50, 132, 149. lii 50, 70, 89, 96, 102. 
liii 29] 38] 39] 40] liv 9] 28] 40] 219] lv 
55] lvi 124] Iviii 13] 42] lix 73] 74] Ix 
89] 143] Ixi 22] 132] 

Folleville, de, ii 210, 226 

Foiliot, col. EXKI 2° - 

Folsch, F. B, 11544. 1ii 417 

Folsom, Nat. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 217] 

' Foma (Russian schismatic), xvii 12] 

Fonblanque, J. xlvi 109 

Fonfrede, xxxv 280] 

Fonnereau, Zachary Phil. xii 80] xxiv 279] 

Fonseca, capt. de, viii 63] 

Fontaine, gen. xl 141 

J. de la, iii 236, 269. v 169, 255. 
vii 245, xxv 212 

-. e« life of, iv 29 

Fontaine Nétre Dame, fire at, Iwili 54 

Fontana, ab. xxiii 114. xxiv 54 

Fontange, maj. gen. de, xxii 213*] 

Fontenay, de, iv 273] 

Fontenelle, Bern. le Bovier de, iv 32, 33 

.-.. character of, xxxi 10. xlii 309 

Fontenoy, battle of, viii 3. xvii 22. xlii 195] 

Fontenu, ab. de, ii 377. vi 77 

Fonton, Francis, forgery by, xxxii 213] 224] 

Food : girl supported a long time on wine 
and water, v 91] 

subsisting near four years on 

water alone, v 61 

joy living a long time without, vi 76. 


«+++ 25 years abstinence from butchers’ 
meat and fermented liquors, ix 131] 

+++ man lives for a wager 51 days on fluids 
without milk, xiv 146] 

++++ cases of great abstinence from, xv 93. 
xvii 104] xx 68. 1 LL5*. li 247. lv 37 

«++. benefit of abstemionsness, xv 94 

ee Beton of drying vegetables for, xviii 

-+.+- hine men near a week without, lv 68 
Fools, festival of, x|viii 996 

Foot, Jesse, xii 76] liti 406 

—— rev. W. xliii 401 : 
Foote, (banker) drowned, xlvii 39: 
adm. E, J. xxxix 74 

—— col. x! 163] 

Foote, J. xlix 802 
—— S. iv 233. v 212. vii 113] x 250. xix 
162] xx 207] xxiii 249, xxxvi 268, 300 
.--.- fined for his character of G. Faulkner, 
v 116] xx 29x 
..-. his leg amputated, ix 60] 
--+-—— description of the jubilee, xii 129] 
. +. acquitted of a base charge, xix 199] 
. sale of his theatre, xx 162] 
+... memoirs of, xx 27, xlix 802. lili 408 
Footner, W. tried for murder, xxxviii 34, 
Footscray, fire at, xxxiv 1] 
Forbes, adm. J. xlvii 762 
capt. (Fr. A.) vi 107] 

Dr. xxi 236 
gen. i 74, ii 87, 199 
gen. (Port. serv.) xliii 260] 

gen, Gordon, xxxviii 154 

J. iv 88] xxxii 105] 

James, ly 492, 536. 1x 573 

James, 16th lord, xiv 202] 

James Ochanear, 17th lord, li 459 
l. col. T. Ivi 183 

maj. xxii 149] xxv 39] 

sir W. xxiii 239] 

Forbin, count de, xii2 
Forbisher, ix 272 
Ford, ; master of a transport, thrown 

overboard with his crew by the convicts, 
ix 150] 
capt. T. xxix 179 

col, iii 115] xii 53) 132] xiv 

comm. xxxv 271] 

Dr. xix 152] 

rey. Dr. xli 33 

— Rich. xlviii 960 

—— Rob. lix 234 

— sir Rich. xliii 2, 14. xliv 465. xlviii 
637. 1x 8 : 

W. suicide of, xliv 416, 417 

Forde, de la, gen. xxxvi 66] 

Forder, W. xliv 777 

Fordyce, Alex. xxxi 223] 

.... bankruptcy of, xv 109] 110] 114] 117] 
148] xvii 116] 170] = 
capt. killed, xix 29] 

Dr. G. xix 887. xxvi 34 

Dr. sir W. xiv 154] xxxi 223] 
xxxiv 381 
—_—— J. xxiii 382] x1 177. xlv 379. xlvii 

lady Marg. xxvii 234] 
prof. David, xxxviii 361 
rey. Dr. James, xxxi 223] 
.... account of, xxxviii 360 
Forest, submarine, xli 371 
Forestalling, persons convicted of, ix 94] 
xlii 25, xliii 5 
.... proclamation for enforcing the laws 
against, ix 132] 224] 
. what, ix 224] 
.».. act repealing several laws against, xv 


Forester, Dav. executed for mutiny and 
murder, xliv 390 

Foresti, Spiridion, xlv 764, 765 

Forests, fires in, iv 138] v 91] 107] xv 119) 
xxxi 205] xlii 29. xlv 411. xlvii 353. liii 
88, lviii 61. Ixi 46 

Forestus, xix 1202 

Forét, la, xlvii 140 

Forfait, xli 113) xlii 276 

Forgery: of bank notes by R. W. Vaughan, 
i 84 

.--. billof exchange by H. Carrier, 1 99 

-. + byG. Forrester, i 100 

-... —J, Ayliffe, ii 119, 126, 366 

.... of seamen’s wills, iv 142] viii 121] 
136] xli9 

..+« bill of exchange by S. Lee, iv 169] 

.+++ draught ona banker by the Kelloes, v 
104] 138] 

«eee letter of attorney for the sale of South- 
Sea stock by J. Rice, vi 69] 

... youth convicted of, reprieved for trans- 
portation in consideration of having con- 
tributed to save a ship with a number of 
passengers, vii 74] ; 

--.-on the duke of Marlborough by Va- 
cheron, viii 110] 

«+e. by Pilkington, viii 121] 

«++. desperate attempt to escape out of 
jail, 2b. 

«s+. new mode of, viii 146] 

..«» of an order to obtain plate from Gold- 
smiths? Hall, viii 150] ’ , 

eees bill of exchange by J. Wilson, ix 52] 

.-.- writing purporting to be by the clerk of 
the Report office in Chancery, by James 
Gibson, ix 52] xi 63] 77] 83) 

«--- order for transferring Bank stock by 
J. Jewster, ix 78] 

».+« extraordinary case of, ix 102] 

«s+» by Benj. Stafford, ix 129] 

+. convictions for, ix 153] xi 165] xvi 66] 
110] 135] 152] xvii 158] xix 182] xx 178] 
xxxii 210] xxxvi 31, xxxix 26, 33. x1 80. 
xlii 45. Ix 57 

«ses execution of S, Orton and W. Thorn- 
hill, x 47*] 

.» +. ineffectual of a reprieve, x 146 

+.» by H. Domine, who arrested the 
holder of the note, x 158] 

ees capt. Smith acquitted, xi 61] xii 

-.+» C. Pleasants convicted of, xi 97] 

-»+. of marks for plate in France, charge 
of, xi 144] 

«s+ by Rich. Holt, xi 165] 178] 

«++» damages on account of a malicious 
prosecution for, xii 81] 

e+e+ by Rich. Bruce, xii 100] 

«+e. == Moses Alexander, xii 122] 

eee. — J. Allen, xii 142] 

--+- — David Slack, xiii 96] 

+. +» of Glasgow bank notes by W, Harris, 
xiii 112] 



Forgery: of an E. India warrant for the de- 
livery of tea, xiii 154] 

«+» by R. Powell for transfer of- India 
stock, xiv 76] 109] 162] 208] xv 65] 

--++ of the will of sir And, Chadwick, xiv 
143] 162] xv 65] 

«+++ executions for, xiv 157] xvi 66] 68] 
122] xvii 83] 159] 165] xviii 152] xix 
187] xxi 194] xxxii 214] xxxiii 24] xxxvii 
25. xxxviii 26. xl 57, 73, 96. xli 21. 
xlii 4. xlv 396. xlvi 896, 403. xlviii 438, 
458. lvi 76 

e+» checkon Walpole and Co, by 
xv 67] 

— by James Bolland, xv 83] 84] 175] 


+e. of the willof R. Lavington by his bro- 
ther, J. xv 93] 

. ro Jonath. Britain executed for, xv 94] 

+++ promissory note by Evan Maurice, xv 
134] 145] - 

-e-- two draughts on Child and Co. xvi 

++»+ paper currency of Virginia, xvi 102] 

«+s. of an indorsement to a bill stolen out 
of the mail, xvi 110] 116] 

e+.» acts respecting, xvi 116] 118] xxi 173] 

+++. will acted upon while the person was 
alive, xvi 121] 132] 144] 145] 

». ++ bill of exchange by Rob. Leigh, xvi 
152] xvii 82] 83] 85] 

---. charge of against 
money-lender, xvii 104] 

+». of draughts in fictitious names, xvii 
146] 159] 161] 

e+» by the Perreaus, xviii 130] 

+.» intended, on the bank of Scotland, 
xviii 162] 

-... on ald. Plomer, to which a Quaker re- 

, fused to swear, xviii 188] 

eee Jew executed at Ostend for forging 
bank of England notes, xx 167] 

«++. of the hall mark on plate,’ xx 168] 

«.-- attempt to defraud the London assu- 
race by prefixing a figure to a sum en- 
tered on it’s books, xx 200] 215] 

»eee by T. Sherwood, of a power to trans- 
fer stock, xx 216] xxi 168] 183] xxxiv 

-+-- of a bank note by J. Elliot, xxi 172] 

++.. of an order for a reward for appre- 
hending a vagrant, xxi 206] 

+». bank notes by James Mathison, xxii 

«+e. on the E. India company by W. W. 
Ryland, xxvi 201] 206] 211] 

+++ bill of exchange by J. Lee, xxvii 178] 

.. +e bank notes by Price, xxviii 195] 

«-«» by S. Burt, xxviii 206] xxix 195] 199] 
xxxli 220] 

-.-- Sophia Pringle executed for, xxix 


Watkinson, a 



Forgery: bill of exchange by J. Moffatt, 
xxix 208] 

--++ bank note by Lamb, xxx 195] 

.».. on R. Coleman by T. Phipps and son, 
xxxi 222] 

aoe- Of the name of W. Baker by F. Fon- 
ton to transfer stock, xxxii 213] 224] 

-.-. on lord Tankerville by Francis Hub- 
bard, xxxiii 12] 43] xxxv 9 

.... assignats seized in the King’s bench 
prison, xxxiv 3 ‘ 

---. by Jas. Lyon, xxxv 52. xxxvi 3. xxxvii 

+». of stamps by Isdwell Isdwell, xxxvii 
13, 25, 28 a 

«... on the Bank, by H. Weston, xxxviii 
14, 19, 26 

«++. Of the will of Lewis, xxxviii 19 

++. by Rob. Reeves, xl 2, 33, 47 

+--»-— Barrett, Adamson, Wilkinson, 
and Kavanna, xl 18, 33, 7b. 47 

+++. — Joseph Greenway, xl 57 

+++. — J. Taylor, xlii 7 

++.. — G. Thomas, of vouchers to defraud 
the navy board, xlii 35 

++«. —a pretended clergyman, xliii 31 

---. — T. E. Bellamy on Cox and Green- 
wood, xliv 463 

-+.. — F. Finlay on J. Sykes, xliv 468 

Hatfield, xlv 421 

se». of receipts for the sale of stock by J. 
R. Turner, xlvii 366, 392 

+++» — the ace of spades by R. Harding, 
xlvii 421 

-+.- — a will of maj. Hawkins, xlviii 416 

-+.. by J. D. R. Rouvellet on Child and 
Co. xlviii 422, 426, 437 

+». of a will of A. Priddy by J. Almon, 
xlix 520 

+++» — bank notes by J. Nicholls, 1i 254 

«++. of a check on a banker, liii 28 

a “4 extensive of stamps in Ireland, lvii 

we Z law stamps by Jos. Blackburn, lvii 

+».+ by Matthias Maher, a lunatic, lx 274 

Forman, capt. (N) ii 65 

| ——— Dr. Sim. xvii 52 

Formey, J. H. S. vii 116] xi 74] xxxii 8. 
Xxxiii 396] 

7‘ capt. A. xxxiv 419. xlix 907. lix 

——capt. (N)i83 
—— capt. (N) lvi 155. lviii 50 
1. col. C. Ramus, lvii 148, 150 
Forreste, G. Townsend, v. Passingham and 
Edwards, xlvii 365 
Forrester, Cecil, xlviii 445 
G. 1100 
Forskaol, xxxiv 371, 373 
Forster, ii 143, vii 58] 
(M. P. Ir.) xxviii 12] 23] 
(surg.) xxx 224] 
—— Aug. J, lvi 42] 128] ‘ 
——— capt,  (merch,) xxxviii 455, 456 




Forster, E. xlv 413. Ixi 355 

G. xx 63, 90, 93. xxvii 161. xli 4. 
lvii 433 

— _ Ingham, xxii 135 

J. Reinh. xiv 192m. xvi 122m, 152, 
156, xx 74, xxiv 37, xxv 112.1118 

+++. account of, xli 4 

— Nich. xxv 196] 

rev. xxi 285] 

—— W. iii 235] 

Forsyth, Jos. lvi 464 

— Mrs. xlviii 441 

——— rey. Alex. J. xlix 856 
—-— Rob. 1 271 
—_— W. xxxiii 351] 

Fort, le, xxvii 16 

Fortescue, capt. (N) cast in damages for 
a ship lost by impressing the men, ii 109 

— Hugh, xvii 27 

Hugh, earl, xxviii 90%] xxxii 65] 

xlvi 387. xlix 237 

—— Mat. lord, vi 155] vii 178] x 
184] xiii 70] 197] 199] xvi 78] xxi 303] 
xxii 342] 343] 350] xxiii 330] 333] 

Forth, frith of, beacon on the Carr rock de- 
stroyed, lix 122 

——and Clyde. See Canals 

Fortis, ab. xxi 43, 102, 107, 110, 114 

Fortree, commissioner of the victual- 
ling office, sudden death of, x 111] 

Fortrose, lord, xiv 72. xvi 114 

Fortune, vicissitudes of, ii 129. iv 63] xi 
76] xvii 154] liii 62, 106 

eee. amassed by letting twopenny lodgings, 
viii 70] 

a barrows at 6d. a 
week, viii 86] 
- sudden changes of, xxvi 207] xliii 29. 
xlvii 404, 1 102* 
«+++ See also Property 
Fortune, Francis, liy 503 
Fortune-tellers, xvi 130] xviii 131] xlix 355, 
1 119*, 24. 
+--+ apartments of one robbed, while he 
was telling a girl’s fortune, xviii 82] 
Forty-hill, Enfield, fire at, xxxiv 45 
Forval,de. See Greville 
Fosari, Agostine, a somnambulist, iii 72 
Foscue, M. miserable death of, v 69] 
Fossils. See Bones 
Foster, _ iv 127] xix 125] 
(judge) xxxi 100] 
F. T. H. liii 153] lv 5] 
J. executed for drowning his wife 
and child, xlv 356, 368 
J. xii 405 
J. Leslie, 1 31] 223*. lix 50] Ixi 59] 
maj. James, xlvii 535 
hon. T. H. | 223* 
rev. James, xx 2 
rt. hon. J. xlii 146. xliv 129, 179. 
xIvi 149, 150. xlvii 56, 61, 81, 96. xlviii 
75, 81. 199] 223". Ji 87. lii 118. liii 68] 
Ivi 114] 
me SIF Mich. v 92] xxiii 282] 




Foster, T. killed by an adder, xxxiv 39 

Fothergill, Dr. Ant. xxii 62. xxviii 61 

— Dr. J. iii 247] 121. xv 99m. xvii 
100] xviii 95. xix 84, 93. xxiii 240] xxvi 
30, 33. xxxii 13. xxxiv 447 

e+». on the air most proper for consump- 
tive people, xix 110 

«+e. tharacter of, xxiv 15 

Rich. li 543 

W. liv 3i4 

Fouché, xlii 42] 49] xlv 253n. lvii 60] 
64] 70] 83] 86] 89] lviii 113, 38] 

Foulahs. See Bondou 

Foulerton, J. lviii 349 

Foulis, And. xviii 151] xxvi 26 

Foulkes, Philippa, lvi 293 

Foulon, xxxi 255*] 

Foulsham, Norfolk, fire at, xiii 118] 

Foundling, one claims to be the eldest son 
of count d’Estaing, xiii 76] 

Foundling hospital, reports of, i 93. iii 91] 
xv 96] xl 400 

«+s. parliamentary grants to, i 128-9. ii 
173, 175. iii 185] 188] v 156] 168] vi 179] 
vii 162] viii 240] ix 203] x 93] 220] xi 
263] 264] xii 221] xiii 237] xiv 224] 

-. ++ benefactions to, iii 18. y 68] vi 67] 79] 
98] 109] viii 141] xv 154] slii 17 

«+e collections for, iv 105] 

«+++ persons convicted of carrying a child 
to, without the mother’s consent, ii 

e+e. abuses of thatat Paris, iy 133] 

eee» remarks on, v 100] 

+...» several in Prussia, 7b. 

+++ legacies to a boy and girl, ix 85] 

---. trials for ill using apprentices from, x 
108] xiii 146] 

+.-~ another girl ill treated, x 191] 

++e+ apprentice fee, x 220] 

«+. kitchen of, xl 397 

———— at Ackworth, xxiv 19 

in Jreland, grants for, xliii 
188. xliv 581, 583. xlv 627. xlvi 581. xlvii 
587. xlviii 640. xlix 727* 

Fountain, Rob. poisoned by his wife and her 
paramour, lv 45, 59, 63 

Fountain-tree of the Canary islands, vii 

Fouquet, gen. ili 13] 

...- killed at Landshut, iii 14] 

ee xxx 216] 

Fouquier Tainville, xxxvi 131] xxxvii 79] 

Fourcroy, A. F. de, xxvili 198] xxxiv 93. 
xxxv 301 

marsh. de, account of, xxxiii 230] 

Fourdriniers, Messrs. 1138 

Fourmont xlii 160] 

_ prof. Steph. v 104 

Fourneaux, capt. Tobias, xiv 159] xvii 136] 
137] 61. xx 234 

Fournet, xxxiv 87] 

Fourquenx, M. de, xxix 201] 

Fowke, capt. G. (N) xliii 113 








Fowler, abp, Rob. xxxi 311] 313} 314] 317] 

Dr, Rich. xxxvii 69*] 

rey. Christ. xii 51 

lieut. (N) xlvi 410 

W. shot by a footpad, lvi 48 

Fowling, mode of, in St. Kilda, vii 25 

-++.- method near London, xi 81 

Fowling pieces. “See Fire-arms 

Fowls, new and expeditious mode of rear- 
ing for the table, xiii 105] 

+++. extraordinary eggs, xlviii 412 

Fox, v. A. & F. Evans, lvi 279 

Ann, xxiv 178] 

bish, Rich. i 470. xv 117 

capt. (N) xviii 27 

comm, xvii 8 

—— Edw. Ix. 273 

— H. -Scee Holland, lord 

hon.’C, James, xiii 205] xvi 63] xvii 

81] 97] 102] 137] xviii 214. xix 111] 113*] 

128*] 200, 224. xx 92] xxi 61] 102] 106] 

116] 184] 168*] 188*] 196*] xxii 112] 116] 

133] xxiii 83] 90] 137] 142] 149] 156] 

182] 186} 196*] 198] 226] 228] xxiv 142] 

155| 156] 157] 173*] 183*] 193*] 195*| 

199*} 200"] 201*] 200] xxv 128] 141] 

151] 157] 167] 175] 178) 181} 183] 205] 

299] 311] xxvi 144] 171] 224] xxvii 48] 

56] 73] 76] 83] 88] 165] 174] 177°] 180*] 

182*] 190°] 200] 201] 231] xxviii 21x] 

90) 104] 117] 124] 128] 135] xxix 67] 72] 

79) 84] 85] 86] 108 ] 119] 122] 127] 131] 

140] 144] 150] 161] xxx 84] 88] 91] 106] 

129] 132] 134] 139] 142] 1 8] 8 OFT 

123] 178] xxxi 69] 73] 80] 8 
143] 145] 148] 157] 160] 161] xxxii 66] 
69) 72] 77] 81] 92] 97] 100] 101] 208] 
Xxxiii 216, 222, 223, 232, 241, 247, 249, 
252, 255, 262, 33] 296] xxxiv 127] 133] 
140} 144] 150] 152] 159] 163] 164] 167] 
168] 170] 172) 29. xxxv 7] 18] 22] ot 
37] 40] 49] 59] 69] 77] 86] 89] 96] 107 

109] 110] 114] 142] 164] 166] 169] 175] 
xxxvi 192] 200] 202] 206] 207] 209] 211] 
234] 236] 238] 241] 242] 246] 252) 261] 
265] 270] 273) 277] 415. xxxvii 151] 
155] 158] 162] 166] 169] 171] 175] 178] 
186] 191] 193] 198] 200] 215] 216] 219] 
43, 33°] xxxvili 11] 22] 28] 32] 38] 43] 
49} 52] 54] 55] 66] 70] 72] 23. xxxix 
111] 119] 121] 126] tat 
140] 153] 173] 188] 192] 193] 201} 212] 
229] 243] 258] 55. xl 193].199] 201 

225] 235] 41, 64, 331, 334. xli 213] 233 

461. xlii 98] xliii 36] 180] 187] xliv 4, 33, 
101, 108, 112, 117, 185, 426. xlv 1, 10, 17, 
24, 43, 45, 66, 79, 82, 90, 92, 100, 101, 
110, 114, 121, 122, 124, 130, 131, 140; 

153, 155, 156, 176, 197, 214. xlvi 4, 20), 

32, 37, 40, 46, 50, 53, 56, 60, 71, 73, 77, 
79, 83, 84, 88, 90, 91, 93, 95, 100, 107, 
112, 123. xlvii 4, 11, 26, 41, 47, 48, 51, 
61, 66, 70, 74, 77, 78, 80, 81, 84, 86, 88, 
93, 99, 105, 109, 110, 112, 118, 214, xlviit 
12, 14, 21, 30x, 3lz, 32n, 35, 45, 52, 60, 

134] 136] 137] 


73, 85, 90, 96, 99, 100, 103, 104, 159, 
* 160, 173, 256, 261, 262, 369, 618, 691, 
875. xlix 61, 959. 116] 18*, 57-61, 230, 
235. 1i 782, 949. lii 1. liii 2] 390. liv 81] 
lw 460. Ivi 131] 
Fox, hon. C. James, action against Wil- 
liams for a libel, xvii 135] 163] 
.-+. duel with Mr. Adam, xxii 235] xxiii 
«++. secretary of state, xxv 177] 
«ss resigns, xxv 182] xxvi 140] 
.--- foreign secretary again, xxvi 175] 
-.-- message to him from the king de- 
manding the seals, xxvi 223] xxvii 71] 
..-+ his two India bills, xxvii 59] 81] 150] 
157n] 180*] xxviii 122] xxx 112] xxxv 
131] x1 174] 335 

--+- notice of a new one, xxvii 82] 

...- recorder of Bridgewater, xxvii 188] 

...-. returned for the northern district of 
the Scotch boroughs, xxvii 188] 

.»++ his election for Westminster, xxvii 
190] 279] 

«.-- addresses to the electors, xxvii 272] 

---- action against the high baililf, xxviii 

++.» rupture with Burke, xxxiii 255, 264 

---- his libel bill xxxiii 272] liii 245 

+++. action against J. H. Tooke, xxxiv 16 

--.- his secession from parliament, x1 172] 
173] 174] 

e+» return to it, xl 192] 

>... celebration of his birthday, xl 5. iii 10. 

++. his name erased from the list of privy- 
counsellors, x] 41 

-«.. character of, xliii 13]] xlviii 258, 913. 
xlix 186, 796 

»»-. foreign secretary a third time, xlviii 26 

.... illness and death, xlviii 257, 432, 912 

+... letter to Talleyrand on a proposal to 
assassinate Buonaparte, xlviii 708 

««.. account of, xlviii 887. liii 401, 405 

.... epitaph for, xlix 800 

+... statue in Bloomsbury square, lviii 81 

—— hon. gen. H. Edw. xvii 137] xxxvi 20] 
21] xlv 316, 427. xlvi 11, 22, 46. xlvii 99, 
371. xlviii 146. xlix 104%, 202, 665* 

—— hon. Stephen, xvii 81] 

—— J. (martyrologist) vi 140. 1 152 

— J. lxi 303 

— lady Georgiana Carolina. See Holland, 

— Luke xlvi 92, 108, 109. xlviii 99 

—— sir Steph. xx 16, xxxviii 452. xviii 

— 1. xlviii 889 

— W. ib. 

Fox, ice, xli 378 

Fox jackal of Palestine, ix 130 

Foxes, fifteen killed by a pack of hounds in 
five days, xlvii 398 

«+. one trained to hunt rabbits, lv 3 

«+++ one taken with a litter of nine, lvi 30 

+++. hen buried by one, and eaten after be- 
ing poisoned, lvii 88 



Foxes. See also Hunting 

Foy, gen. count, lii 212. liii 102] liv 153) 
920. lv 171, 175, 228 

J. killed in an affray in Shoreditch, xiv 
68] 69] 

Fra Diavolo, xlviii 146 

Fracastorio, Jerome, xxxvii 31* |x 

Framework knitters, riots of, xxxii 222] liii 
93] 129. liv 35] 113] 131] 11, 16, 17, 19. 
lvi 37, 85, 92. lviii 100, 161. lix 152 

«... strike for wages, Ixi 54 

Frampton, Dr. —s xlvi 817 

miss, iv 239 

Franc, le xviii 217 

Francais de Neufchateau, xxxiv 62] xxxix 
85] xlvi 680. xlvili 216 

France : character of the French, i 240. v 90] 
vii 64, xi 7. xxiv 29, 31. xxxi 21. xxxii 4] 
xxxiy 2] xlii 5] 1 23. 1ii 597, 756 

«++» French and English compared, } 25 

. +» remonstrance against corrupting the 
English language with French, i 373 

..-- earthquakes, ii 106. iv 93] 95] vi 89] 
viii 64] x 78] xviii 188] xli3 

..+» honourable conduct of an officer under 
Montcalm, iii 104] 

.-+. proceedings against the Jesuits in, iii 
175. iv 113] 157] 185] v 116) vii 5] ix 

.--- modern manners of, iii 197. xi 8. xiii 
190 ° 

.». liberties of, asserted against the clergy, 
iv 109] 

+++. superiority of husbandmen to vine- 
dressers, iv 120] 

---- lace and jewels of the dauphiness sto- 
len, iv 132] 

+++» productions of the mind declared not 

- seizable, iv 134] 

+++» sale of the empress queen’s last pa- 
trimonial estate in, iv 143] 

+... several societies for the promotion of 
agriculture established in, iv 160] 

+... granite in, susceptible of a fine polish, 
iv 169] : 

.... number of Jesuits in, iv 172] 

-. +. Superstitions in, iv 169 

..»» Silkworms fed in the open air, v 90 

+... changes of manners in, and their 
causes, v 153 

..-- murder of the drivers and passengers 
of a stage coach, vi 105] 

-... other murders in, zd. 

..-+ power of the parliaments, vii 4] 6] xix 
33. xxix 186] 

+... new method of silvering invented in, 
vii 114] 

»++. Salic law, vii 166, xiii 102 

---- modern nobility of, vii 167 

... address to the French by Voltaire, vii 

+--+ decision of the suit relating to the 
family of Calas, viii 74] 84] 

+++» report of the faculty of Paris that inocu- 
lation ought not to be tolerated, viii 74] 


France : auriferous rivers in, viii 109 

..-- bride torn to pieces by her husband, 
ix 57] 

eee» young man executed for blasphemy at 
Abbeville, ix 116] 

«e+. edict of Lewis XV respecting nuns, ix 

eee ancient history of, ix 136 

ee» Soldiery of, ix 175 

«... punishment of bigamy in, x 77] 

eee forging a register, zh. 

«.++ Vines in Dauphiny destroyed by the 
frost, x 84] 

ee+ leaves of the mulberry trees destroyed 
by the frost, x 94] 

eves laws of, xi 47] Iviii 162 

ee. pleasant travelling by water in, xi 169 

ee» propositions for improving husbandry 
and the breed of sheep in, xii 206] 

e»+- English fashions prevailing in, xii 

e+.» promotion of agriculture in, xiii 173] 

eee ancient dresses in, xiii 101 

++» benefitted by the ancient monks, xiii 

esse ancient state of trade in, xiii 104 

++. corrupt state of education in, xiii 142 

eves preachers of, xiii 144 

eee» abbés, what, xiii 190 

«++ Basque language, xiii 247 

e+». abundant vintage in, xv 145] 

«+s. population of, xvi 67] xliv 473. liii 
23, 144. liv 10. lvi 63] 

ee.. meeting between Henry VIII and 
Francis I, xviii 147 

ese. State prisons of, xix 148 

e+. torture abolished in, xxiii 225] 

«+... French and English women compared, 
xxiv 31 

«s+» ancient ceremony in Picardy, xxiv 129 

s+. ancient constitution, xxxi 7] 

e+e. constitutio unigenitus, xxxiii 243] 

e+e distance from the principal seaports 
to those of the United Kingdom, xxxv 29 

eons jee claim to the title of king of, 
xl ; : 

e+. State of education in, xlviii 100 

++.» abounds in literary forgeries, li 890 

+++ Observations on, lii 754 

«+s. inns of, 7b. 

--=+ cookery of, zd. 

ees emigrants from, 

e+.» origin of the disputes with England 
respecting North America, i 2 

e+.. claim of to the Missisippi, 74. 

ees. two men-of-war taken by Boscawén, 

eee. her merchantmen taken without a 
declaration of war, 7). 

«+s. threatens an invasion, 7d. 

---- sends an expedition against Minorea, 


sees engagement between Galissoniére and 
Byng, 7. 

See French emi- 



France: threatens Hanover, i 5 

.... forms an alliance with Austria, i 6, 8 

--.. fort Oswega surrendered to, i 13 

.. «Sends two armies against the king of 
Prussia and Hanover, i 14 

.»»+ French troops pass the Weser, i 16 

...- reduce the Hanoverians to capitulate, 

..«- conduct of it’s army i 26 

».«. a fleet sent to Louisbourg, i 29 . 

: 35 proceedings in N. America, i. 30, xxi 


---.the French driven out of Hanover, 
i 34 

«.«» defeat at Hoya, zd. 

-».. garrison of Minden surrenders, i 35 

»e+ distress of the French, zd. 

.-.-. the Rhine recrossed, i 36 

+.«» Embden evacuated, 7b. 87 

+. alterations in the ministry, i 37 

..-- State of, on opening the campaign of 
1758, i 38 

+++. prince Ferdinand crosses the Rhine 
after the French, i 43 

-+.. defeats them at Crevelt, i 44 

..+» the Hessians defeated at Sangerhau- 
sen, i 46 

+... Chevert defeated by the Hanoverians, 
i 47 

---. the prince of Soubise defeats the 
allies in Hesse, i 55 

«-.. the French retire into winter quarters, 
i 62 

«+. Goree taken, i 75. i163 

+++» complaints of the treatment of Eng- 
lish prisoners there, i 111 

--+-- memorial to the States General on 
granting a bounty on herrings, i 147 

++e+ another in answer to gen. Yorke’s, id. 

-..- Nieuport and Ostend, garrisoned by, 
i 148 

---. decree for the administration of the 
revenues of Hanover, i 182 

-+-. treaty of subsidy with Hesse Cassel, 
i 186 

--.. manifesto on it’s proceedings in Ger- 
many, i 200 ! 

+». the king of G, Britain’s answer to it, 
i 216 

.«++ Views of, at the beginning of 1759, 

+++. conduct of, in Germany, ii 6 

-... lax discipline of it’s armies, 2b. 

++» defects of it’s military, 7b. 

-.+- battle of Bergen, ii § 

---. advantages of, ii 10 

-..» progress of the French, ii 15 

.... Minden taken by assault, ii 16 

..++ Munster taken, t, 

.. ++ battle of Minden, ii 17 

-.+- retreat, ii 19 yy 

«+++ a corps surprised at Wetter, 11 20 

.»+. garrison of Marpurg made prisoners, 

«++» Munster besieged, ii 21 



? R 
France: d’Etrees sent to take the com- 

mand, 2d. 
sees invasion of England threatened, ii 22 
«e-- proceedings in N. America, ii 29 
«++. Havre bombarded, 24. 103 

»--» the fleet defeated off cape Lagos, ii 


e..-. treaty of subsidy with Wurtemburg 
renewed, ii 49 

«+. duke of Broglio takes the command 
of the army, ii 50 

-»-. preparations for invading England, ii 
51, 94, 129 

«+-- defeat of their fleet, ii 52 

e+.. affairs in the East Indies, ii 53 

eee» Offers of peace from Great Britain and 
Prussia refused, ii 55 

«+... payment of many public bills and 
funds stopped, ib. 

+... the king, and many of the nobility and 
churches send in their plate, id. 

«++. number of prisoners in England, ii 

«++.» warlike stores conveyed through Hol- 
land to, ii 128° 

».. ships taken, destroyed, and lost, during 
the war, ii 131, 132. iii 83] 92] 120] 122] 
159] 258] iv 59] 161] 

+++.» memorial from the governor and lieu- 
tenants of Martinico to the general of the 
islands, ii 208 

e+» letters from marsh. Belleisle on the 
conduct to be pursued in the enemy’s 
country, ii 234, 235 

«+++ Maubert’s reflections on their publi- 
cation, ii 237 

---. dissolute and irregular behaviour of 
the troops, ii 236 

+.». memorial of the French ambassador 
tothe States-general on warlike stores, 
ii 248 

--+- reasons for refusing peace, iii 3] 

«+++ proceedings in N. America, iii 6] 

+. + efforts of, in Germany, iii 10] 

ms opening of the campaign there, iii 

eees battle of Corbach, iii 21] 

«+++ Glaubitz surprised and defeated at 
Emsdorf, iii 22] 

-+-. defeat at Warburg, iii 23] 

«++. advantages in Germany, iii 24] 

++. Zierenberg surprised, iii 33] 

«+++ gen. Bulow takes Marpurg, iii 34] 

ta" is defeated by M. Stainville, iii 

+++, the main army falls back to Cassel, 2b. 

+++ French forts along the Rhine seized 

7 the hereditary prince of Brunswick, 

+++» battle of Campen, iii 37] 

+e. the siege of Wesel raised, iii 38] 

+++» Stainville lays Halberstadt under con- 
tribution, iii 45] 

thee oe left to them by the allies, 

iii 50 
Parr I, 

France : their winter quarters, 7d. 
«++. policy of England in waging war 
a in Germany considered, iii’ 51] 
«++. expedition of Thurot, iii 55] 
.., ill success in America, iii 57] 
in the E. Indies, iii 63] 

| 162] 

«++. capt. of a French frigate challenges 
an English one, and then declines the 
combat, iii 71] ; 

ee. collection at London for clothing the 
prisoners in England, iii 73] 

e+». exactions at Hanau, iii 80] 

---- number of privateers taken in the W. 
Indies, iii 83] 

+++ privateers taken or destroyed, iii 92] 

---+ letter from the blockading squadron in 
Quiberon bay, iii 94] 

--+- complaint of the conduct of the Ham 
burghers, iii 110] 

e+» flatbottomed boats driven on shore 
by admiral Rodney, iii 122 

+++. treaty for fixing the limits of, toward 
Italy, iii 123] Ah 

-. ++ island on the coast taken possession of 
by adm. Boscawen, 76. 

.+-. the kiny’s answer to the parliament of 
Normandy, iii 127] 

++. island of Dumet, on the coast, taken, 
iii 131] 150] 

++.. escape of prisoners from Yarmouth, iii 

*+-- convoy partly taken or destroyed off 
the Tortugas, id. 

+++ declaration on the proposal of peace, 
iii 203] 

«+. letter from the minister on the ships 
in the Vilaine, and the answer of the 
captains, iii 206] 

---- trade in America and the W. Indies 
carried on under flags of truce, iii 219] 

+++ proposals for peace, iv 3] 13] 19] 

“e pure pees in Spain, iv 5] 22] 


«+++ State in Germany, at the opening of 
the campaign, iv 7] 

«++ armies obliged to retreat, iv 8] 

e+. driven out of Hesse, iv 10] 

«+» defeat at Langensaltze, 2b. 

---+ Broglio reinforced, iv 11] 

--«. defeats the hereditary prince, iv 12] 

+. raises the siege of Cassel, id. 

«... Belleisle taken, iv 15-17] 

- ++. agrees to a separate peace,iv19] 

«+e. proposals respecting Spain, iv 22] _ 

++.» proceedings in Germany, iv 24] 

..«. defeat of gen. Sporcken, 2b. 

«... defeated at Kirch Denkern, iv 25] 

«++.» repeated skirmishes, iv-27] 

«++. garrison at Dorsten captured, iv 28] 

+e. take the castle of Schartzfels, and the 
city of Wolfenbuttel, and besiege Bruns- 
wick, iv 29] 



France: raise the siege of Brunswick, and 
abandon Wolfenbuttel, iv 29] 

«++» ravage Westphalia, 7d. 

«++. take Embden, but are expelled by the 
boors roused by their exactions, id. 

«+.» take Meppen, iy 30] 

+++» repulsed from Bremen, 7d. 

+++» discussions respecting peace, iy 37] 

«++. the negotiation broken off, iv 41] 

e+e treaty with Spain, iv 51] 52] 278) 

-+-- ill success in the E. Indies, iv 54] 

..-» trifling advantages there, iy 58] 

«+ loss of Dominica, 24. 

---+- French account of ships taken on both 
sides in 1760, iv 59] 

«+. claim of Dutch money in a captured 
English packet, iv 67] 

*+++ an arret issued for stopping the sala- 
ries of the parliaments and other courts 
of justice for three years, yet requiring 
their poll-tax, iv 98] 

++» the arret cancelled by the parliament, 
iv 99] 

«++. number of prisoners in England and 
in France, iv 101] 

«+++ money in the Naarden waggon seized, 
iv 117] 

+»»- murderer deliyered up by the Dutch, 
iv 126] 

eeee prames fitting out, 2d. 149] 

-... bomb-ketches on a new construction, 
iv 127] 

+++» Speedwell cutter taken in Vigo har- 
bour, 7d. 

e+.. the double capitation and third twen- 
tieth ordered in a bed of justice to be 
continued for two years, iv 145] 153] 

«+++» 27 millions to be borrowed on the farm 
of leather, iy 146] 

¢».. attempt on our ships in Basque road, 
iv 149] v 68] 

++-- letter to the king from the parliament 
of Douay, iv 153] 

+++- prisoners at Lisbon refused relief by 
the French consul and supplied by the 
British factory, iv 157] 

«++. expedition to the coast of Africa, iv 
172] 173] 

-++- subscriptions for building men-of-war, 
iv 185] 

«++» historical memorial of, on the cause 
and conduct of the war, iy 253] 

«++. memorial to the States-general on the 
capture of la Felicité, iv 268 

+++. declarations to Sweden respecting a 
peace, iv 269] 270] 

«++. declaration to England and Prussia, iv 

++ ++ counterdeclaration, iv 273] 

«++. declaration to the diet of the empire, 
iv 276] 


: ——-—— of marsh, Broglio to the 
inhabitants of Brunswick and Hanover, 
iv 277] 


FR ; 
Frapes heads of the family conyention, iv 
8] . 
. remarks on the family compact, v 3] 
+++. threatens Portugal, y 8] 
«++. declares war against her, vy 10] 
«+++ proceedings of the army in Westpha- 
lia, v 24] r 
+++. defeated at Graebenstein, v 25] 
«+s, communication with Frankfort cut off, 
v 26] 
+++ prince Xavier defeated, 2b. 27] 
»++. Gottingen evacuated,v27] 
«+++ army called from the Lower Rhine, ib. 
-... losses in the W. Indies, vy 34] 38] 
+++» Negotiations for peace, v 47] § 
. rig PEDetOR against Newfoundland, v — 

++.» campaign in Germany, 7d. 

e+.. preliminaries of peace signed, wy 50] 
54] 108] 

++.. definitive treaty, v 54] 233] : 

+++» Variations from the preliminaries, v 

«++» conduct at the peace, v 63] 

+++. pretended attempt to assassinate the 
king, v 68] 

-++- impeachment of Lally, v 109] 

+++» Officers said to have been priyately put 
to death for misbehaviour, 2b. f 

+++. papers relative to the rupture with 
Portugal, v 203-22] 

++»- proposal for peace by the emp. of 
Russia, v 228] 

«.«. the king’s answer, v 229] 

+.» regulations of the fishery in N. Ame- 
rica, v 236] 

-»«» the Dutch called upon to give up the 
places in Sumatra put into their hands by 
count d’Estaing, vi 66] 

«+++ flatbottomed boats sent to England for 
French prisoners, vi 68] 

-+-- money due from, for the maintenance 
of prisoners, 2b. 

«++» free internal trade in corn allowed, vi 

«s+.» regulations respecting taxes, 2. 3 

—— of inoculation for smallpox, 

vi 85] 

. ordinance for banishing to Desirada 
young men of family conducting them- — 
selves improperly, vi 93] 

-.-- riot in Dublin on the importation of 
silk from, vi 98] 

- attention to the navy of, vi 103] 

+++. Opposition of the parliaments to the 
king’s edicts, vi 120] vii 6] 

+... Sentence of several officers for misbe- 
haviour in Canada, vi 120] 

--.. account of the paper money of Canada, 
and bills drawn there on the French 
government, vi 121] é 

-+++ convention with the king of Sardinia 
respecting Placentia, vi 214] ; 

«++ causes of it’s connection with Austria, 
vii 3] 




France : remonstrance of the parliament of 
Rouen, vii 6] 

«+.» the Norman charter, vii 7] 

---- theChambre des Aides at Paris suggests 
to the king to convoke the States-general, 

e+-- remonstrance of the parliament of 
Bordeaux, zd. 

=-.. the governors sent to register the 
edicts by force, vii 8] 

«++» decrees of the parliament of Thoulouse 
against the duke Fitz James, 7d. 9] vii 

- 43) 

e+.. remonstrance of the parliament of 
Provence, vii 8] 

e».. proceedings of the duke of Harcourt 
in Normandy, vii 9] 

2s+, ——————— of M. du Mesnil at Gren- 
oble, 7. 

+. effects of this spirit doubtful, vii 10] 

+++. proof of the inclinations of France for 
peace, 7b. 

«++. Tiot at Douay in consequence of a 
or being murdered by an officer, vii 

-+.. farther assistance to the E. India com- 
_ pany refused by the king, 24. 

+++ premiums proposed for flour and salt 
beef and butter equal to the English and 
Trish, vii 54] 

+--+ fourteen men burnt alive for poisoning 
cattle, 7b. 

+++» complaint of the Spiial-fields weavers 
of the smuggling of silk from, vii 64] 

+. British subjects detained in for ransom 
bills, vii 67] 

«++» records and instruments relating to in 
the English exchequer allowed to be 
copied, vii 77] 

+++» persons wrongfully executed declared 
innocent, vii 89] 

on East India company to be continued, 

+++« isles of France and Bourbon to be 
taken out of it’s hands, 7d. 

+++» machines for making seawater fresh 
to be fixed on board all ships of war, zd. 

+++- complaint of the Canada bills not being 
paid vil 100] See Canada 

+--+. sheep smuggled from England, vii 
100] P gs gland, 

#++. man executed for poisoning several 
persons, 24. 

+++. treaty with Genoa regarding Corsica, 
vii 101) 115] 

«+++ unfounded complaint of the French 
near Newfoundland, vii 102] 

+++. Settlement near the river Gambia at- 
tempted, vii 103] 

+++ edict dissolving the society of Jesuits 
in for ever, vii 114] 

+++. claim of British subjects to property of 
a relation dying in, vii 141] 

+++» not disposed to do justice to Britain, 
viii 2] 



France: proceedings in the E. Indies, viii 
14] 15] 

++. trade between it’s colonies and ours, 
viii 20] 

«+++ this imprudently checked, id. 21] 

«+.» proposal for liquidating the debt due 
for prisoners, viii 62] 

«+++ —————- to Sweden for payment of 
the arrears of subsidies, viii 63] 

+++. alliance of the canton of Schwitz re- 
nounced, and it’s troops dismissed from 
the service, viii 68] 

«+.» New Orleans.and all Louisiana ceded 
to Spain, viii 69] 271] 

«-.- number of forces on the peace esta- 
blisbment, viii 73] 

+--+. remonstrance of the parliament of 
ae on the affair of Calas, viii 84} 

+++. encouragement of emigrants to the 
colonies, viii 94] 

»»». demand of 12 millions from the clergy, 
viii 105] 

.... expedition against Sallee and Larache, 
viii 106] 

..+. boats and fishermen seized by the 
governor of Newfoundland, viii 118] 

+... restrictions on foreign ships approach- 
ing the W. India Islands suspended, viii 

-+ +. letter from the assembly of the clergy 
to the absent bishops condemned by the 
parliament of Paris, viii 132] 

e+e. great ravages by a wild beast in the 
south of, 2b. 

-+ +. bull in favour of the Jesuits suppressed 
by the parliament of Paris, viii 138] 

«++. decease of the dauphin, viii 150] 151] 

«. «+ his funeral, viii 204] 

«+.. decree concerning the liquidation of 
Canada bills, viii 154] 

..+. disputes with the parliaments, viii 

.».. reports of insurrections in St. Domingo, 
ix 2] 

«.. State and policy of, ix 4] 

++». endeavours to improve it’s navy, ix 5] 

+++» parliament of Brittany dissolved, ix 

+--+. farther disputes with the parliaments, 
ab. 8] 

«+. the king declares his coronation oath 
to be to God alone not to the nation, 2d. 
«--. condemnation and execution of count 

Lally, 2d. 
«+++ French factory established at Arch- 
angel, ix 52] 
...- complaints against the French in the 
bay of Honduras, ix 56] 
++. settlers on the isle of Miquelon, ix 70] 
-+.. militia to be raised in, ix 80] 
e-.. regulations respecting post horses, ix 
R2 y 

bankrupts, ix 


France: convention between lord Clive and 
bar. Law of Lauriston, ix 100] 

see. the dauphin caught unhurt on falling 
from a balcony that gave way, ix 129] 

«++» encouragement to persons to clear and 
cultivate lands in, ix 131] 

e+. breaks off it’s connexion with Geneva, 
ix 155] 158] 

eee State of, in 1767, x 3] 

eee fresh edict against the Jesuits, x 32] 

«eee death of the dauphiness, x 71] 75] 

e+.» presents from the king to the son of 
the princess of Brazil, x 103] 

eo» -- farm of the revenue, x 104] 

eee takes possession of Corsica, xi 2] 46] 

ence ——— of the city and terri- 
tories of Avignon and the Venaissin, xi 
45] xii 115] 

‘ee. new powers conferred on the council 
by the king, xi 46] 

‘eee remonstrances against this by the par- 
liaments, xi 47] 

‘eevee complaints on the dearness of corn, xi 

eee» remonstrance of the parliament of 
Normandy against the exportation of 
corn, xi 48] 

«+. it’s exportation interdicted by the par- 
liament of Paris, id. 

«++. price lowered by a free trade in, xi 

e+e» French company to work the gold 
mines in Andalusia, xi 50*] 

ees. invasion of Corsica, xi 8°] 161] 284] 
xii 10] 

eee illness of the queen, xi 61] 
2... exiled members of the parliament of 
Britany allowed to return home, xi 76] 
e+. regulation respecting passports ~of 
foreigners, xi 82] 

‘ee. death of the queen, xi 131] 132] 136] 
138] 158] 

ee-- intended visitation of the bish. of 
Avranches for inquiry into conduct 
ey" by the parliament of Rouen, xi 

eee. Severe punishment of a hawker of 
books, xi 180] 

«ee Corsica annexed to, xii 10] 45] 

ee. bankruptcy of the E. India company, 
xii 11] 47] 

‘e+. payment of the interest on the public 
funds stopped, and benefit of survivor- 
ae in the tontines taken away, xii i1] 

‘ee+» Naval preparations of, xii 11] 

e+. marriage of the dauphin to the arch- 
duchess Maria Antonia, xii 35] 

‘ee. projected alteration of the barrier in 
the Netherlands, 7d. 

e+e subjugation of Corsica, xii 40] 

e+. the French generally detested by the 
Corsicans, xii 45] 

eeee loss of the French in Corsica, xii 46] 

eeye E, India trade thrown open, xii 47] 


ity general state of bankruptcy, xii 

or parliament of Britany reestablished, 

e+ great disturbances in St. Domingo, 24. 
113] xvi 133] 

+++» money belonging to a convent carried 
off by a friar, xii 70] 

+++. the king’s horse fell down with him in 
hunting, xii 72] 

+... English gentleman imprisoned for 
taking plans of fortifications, xii 108] 

«++» the Dutch desired to treat as pirates 
vessels under Corsican colours, xii 127] 

-.+. frigate coming into the Downs refuses 
to lower her pendant till fired at, xii 131] 
xiii 63] 

. — vile affair of the duke d’Aiguillon, xiii 


«e+. Spirited conduct of the parliaments, 
xili 49-53] xiv 89°-93*] ; 

+++. authority the most absolute claimed by 
the king, xiii 52] 

e+e. famine in, xiii 53] xiv 134] 

«++. emigration from Lorrain, 76. 

+.» State and demands of Corsica, xiii 54] 

«+++ quarrel with the Tunisians, 7. 

«++. has a considerable force in the East 
Indies, xiii 76] 

«++. all engagements and contracts with 
foreigners to be acquitted, xiii 78] 

«++ remittances to Holland, xiii 89] 

«++. the king’s youngest daughter enters 
the convent of St. Dennis, xiii 92) 115] 
xiv 151] 

++.» Gissatisfaction of the nobility at a 
favour conferred on the princess of Lor- 
rain at a court ball, xiii 123] 124] 

e+». insurrections on account of dearth, xiii 

«+.. interference in the dispute with Spain 
oe Falkland’s islands, xiv 45] 


eee part of the arrears to Sweden paid, 
xiv 87*] 96] 
«+++ dissolution of the parliament of Paris, 
xiv 89°] 
“te papery tribunal instituted, xiv 

e+. six courts erected at different places, 
ib. 82] 

e+. Other parliaments suppressed, xiv 92*] 

«-++ Spirited conduct of the princes of the 
blood, £4. 

e+. new tribunals and code of laws, xiv 
93*] 75] 102} 

«++. number of persons sent into banish- 
ment, 2b. 73] 

ee. State of Corsica, xiv 94*] 

e+e. workhouses for the poor established in 
Champagne, xiv 66] 

‘ee+- eastern coast of Madagascar settled 
and fortified, xiv 88] 

‘e+. nutmegs and cloves planted in the Isle 
of France, xiv 90] 

| wees taking in 



France: marriage of the count of Provence 
ee the princess of Sardinia, xiv 103] 

«++ severe loss in Corsica, xiv 128] 

«+s persons perishing by famine, xiv 134] 

an restoration of the Jesuits in Lorrain, 

---- reduction of forces, xiv 137] 

++.» conduct with respect to Poland, xv 5} 

-++. the king finally triumphant over the 
parliaments, xv 79*] 

e+e. Strict search after the authors of libels 
against the ministers, xv 149] 

+. «. Maritime preparations of, xvi 51] 

We attention to trade and agriculture, xvi 

oe. Pe srisa- of the count d’Artois, zd. 
«».. Avignon restored to the pope, xvi 57] 

F «+.. bundles of prohibited books from Lon- 

- don, addressed to the comptroller general 
and the chancellor, opened at Dieppe and 
burnt, xvi 84] 

++.. confinement of the duke de Chaulnes 
and the sieur de Beaumarchais, xvi 85] 

++. insurrections on account of dearth, xvi 

e+. Several officers punished for refusing 
to serve under a lieut. col. put over them, 
xvi 126] 

«+.. secret expedition to the E. Indies, xvi 

«+». agreement with Holland for a mutual 
ro Aaa from the droit d’aubaine, xvi 

+». death of Lewis XV from smallpox, xvii 
26] 121] 

e+. the young king and his brothers inocu- 
lated, xvii 28] 

se de Maurepas recalled to court, xvii 

es, unpopular ministers removed, xvii 

+++» funeral of the late king, xvii 30] 

«++. restoration of the old parliament, xvii 
31] 164] 

«++» new regulations of it, xvii 32] 

+++. tyranny exercised in Corsica, xvii 33] 

+++. Several persons tried at Paris for an 
unlawful correspondence, xvii 92] 

+++. remonstrances of the maritime towns 
against the prohibition of sending foreign 
oT to the British colonies, xvii 

. i disturbances in, xviii 148*] 150*] 108] 

soot ing Scarcity, xviii 149*] 
tee gift of the clergy, xviii 151*] 142] 
+++» punishment of deserters changed, 
xviii 84] 
+. +» claim of the king to purchase a house 
against the owner’s will, xviii 89] 
: ‘in cargoes for the English colo- 
nies prohibited, xviii 107] 
+++» promotion of the culture of Corsica, 
xviii 125) 



France: coronation of the king and queen, 
xviii 13)] 

-... loan negotiating, xviii 142] 

...- after a bed of justice the parliament 
kept to dine at court, xviii 179] 

.. +. Suppression of the mousquetaires, xviii 
188] xix 184*] 

«+. it’s ports opened to the Americans, 
xix 182*] 

.... military stores, officers, and engineers, 
furnished to them, #. 

». +» remonstrances of the British ministers 
disregarded, 7d. 

e».. military preparations, xix 184*] 

+... ordinance respecting deserters, xix 

--.»» horseracing in, xix 131] 

--..~ battle between two regiments at Lisle, 
xix 132] 

---. free gift of the clergy, xix 136] 

e+.. pay of reduced officers increased, and 
vacant commissions to be filled by them, 
xix 153] 

ees ae treaty with Switzerland, xx 188*] 

.. +. loans raised by particular states, xx 

.. +» remonstrance to, on trading with Ame- 
rica, xx 187] 

..+- loan from Genoa, xx 188] 

«++. Survey of it’s American colonies, xx 

-»-. conduct toward G. Britain, xxi 37] 

+... treaties with America, xxi 135] 155] 
158] 217*] 340] xxii 432] 

..«. fleet under d’Estaing sails from Tou- 
lon, xxi 178*] 192*] See America 

+... the ambassador ordered home from 
England, xxi 172] 

+++. general embargo on shipping, 2b. 173] 

-... American deputies presented to the 
king, xxi 173] xxii 54] 

.-.. letter from the king to adm. count 
d’Orvilliers on his engagement, xxi 198] 

-... capture of two E. Indiamen, xxi 203] 
204] 210] 

.--. letter from the king to the American 
congress, xxi 272] 

..+. islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon 
taken, xxii 3] 

..+. success in the W. Indies, xxii 36] 

..-. British ships captured, xxii 39] 63] 
208*] xxiv 2] 3] 78] 129] 180] 

..«. affray at Boston, xxii 39] 

several W. Indiamen, xxi 

enee — Charlestown, xxii 40] 
.... address to the Canadians, xxii 41] 
355] é, 

.. + loss of St. Lucia, xxii 43] 

.... the British fleet reconnoitred by two 
frigates, xxii 58] 

..«- la Licorne and a schooner captured, 
xxii 59] 60] 


France: Lively taken by the Brest fieet, 
xxii 63] 
«ee. engagement between the two fleets, 
xxii 63-71] 
.»«. losses in the E. Indies, xxii 175-9] 
eee successes in the W. Indies, xxii 201°] 
+++. engagements there, xxii 203°] ¥f 
sere attempt to assist the Americans, xxil 

es. order not to molest capts. Cook and 

Clarke, xxii 203] ud x 
+... declaration of war at Martinico, xxii 

eee dis from the king to the admiral of 
France, on the commencement of hosti- 
lities and not molesting fishermen, xxii 

--.. manifesto against G. Britain, xxii 390] 
xxiii 18] 

e+. answer to it, xxii 397] 

«+-. memorial to the United Provinces, xxii 

«-.. orders respecting Dutch vessels, xxii 
423] 427] 

-+-. disinclined to engage in the German 
war, xxiii 4} 

«... mediation between Russia and Turkey, 
Xxili 9] 

«+. successes in Africa, xxiii ll] 

++.» attempt on Jersey, 2b. : 

++. small squadron taken or destroyed in 
Concalle bay, xxiii 12] 

+++» junction of the fleet with that of Spain, 
xxili 13] 

+++» Prothée and part of a conyoy to the 
Mauritius taken, xxiii 204] 

».-- reduction of the expenses of the king’s 
household, xxiii 302] xxiv 12] 

es. answer to Russia on the armed neu- 
trality, xxiii 349] 

+++. capture of the British E. and W. India 
fleets, xxiv 2} 

--.. naval and military reinforcement of 
the Americans, xxiv 21] 

-+-. M. de Guichen obliged to return to 
Europe, xxiv 29] 

e+.» fleets despatched to the E. and W, In- 
dies, xxiv 106] 

«s+. engagement between adm. Ilood and 
de Grasse, xxiv 108] 

-+.. attempt on St, Lucia, xxiv 110] 

«+.. Tobago taken, xxiv 111] 

e«.. liberal conduct of the French officers 
on the surrender of lord Cornwallis at 
York town, xxiv 135] 

‘e+.. treaty with the Dutch E. India com- 
pany, xxiv 172] ) 

e+.. number of prisoners exchanged, xxiv 

»--. declaration on the disturbaniges in Ge- 
neva, xxiv 195] , 

vee» birth of a dauphin, xxiv 196] xxviii 
# Daa 

eee, NumMberof Aatbottomed boats burnt 

at Sf, Malo, xxiv 197] 



France : second attempt on the island of 
Jersey, xxv 96] 

+++. reinforcements prepared for the E. 
and W. Indies, xxv 123] 

see» part of the convoy captured, xxv 125] 

-. +» Surprise of St. Eustatia, xxv 194°] 

or Re and Essequibo taken, xxv 


«+++ St. Christopher’s taken, ¢b. 278] 

+++. engagements between Hood and de 
Grasse in Basse Terre road, xxv 197*] . 

+++ Nevis} and Montserrat taken, xxv 
201*] 278] 

«++. de Grasse defeated by Rodney, xxv 
204*] 208*] 252] : 
«+s. Ship of 110 guns built by the city of 

Marseilles, xxv 211] 
+++. convoy for Newfoundland and Canada 
taken by de Guichen, xxv 257] 
+++. preliminaries of peace with G, Bri- 
109] xxv 315] xxvi 135) 148] 152] 

«+++ efforts of, in the E. Indies, xxvi 40] 
“i isioban, to Hudson’s bay, xxvi 

+++ negotiation of peace, xxvi 132] 

+++. definitive treaty of, xxvi 322] 

+++» convention relating to it, xxix 280] 

e+e. treaty with America, xxyi 346] 

+++. interference in the affairs of Hol- 
land, xxvii 103] 

++++ memorial to the emperor on his pro- 
ceedings, xxvii 118] 

<n te of alliance with Holland, xxvii 

. Re rs newspapers prohibited, xxvii 

+... new E. India company established, 
xxvii 231] 

+... rage for coaches in the English fashion, 
xxvii 232] 

..-- gold called in to be recoined, xxvii 

..++ duty on carriagesimported, and bounty 
on exported, xxvii 246] 

+..+ the queen has a second son, for whom 
the title of duke of Normandy is revived, 
xxviii 26] 

+++. commercial advantages granted by 
Sweden in exchange for the island of St. 
Bartholomew’s, xxviii 28] 

-++- interference in the politics of Holland, 
xxviii 66] 

a P commercial treaty with Russia, xxyiii 

oo.  ——  G. Britain, 
xxviii 171] 260] xxix 67] 71] 73] 82] 86] 
87] 89] 98] 

..+. convention relating to it, xxix 271] 

-- +, liberties granted to British residents 
in, xxviii 172] xxix 195] 

-++- plan fora harbour at Cherbourg, xxyiil. 

eres attempt of the king to visit Jersey and . 
Guernsey, xxviii 174} 




France: a colony of Quakers and Baptists 
from America come to settle at Dunkirk, 

xxviii 174] 

«+.-. general invitation to foreign settlers, 
xxviii 174] 

«s-. edicts in favour of the protestants, 
xxviii 175] xxxi 6] 
xxviii 176] 

«... local authorities restrained from de- 
taining strangers and their property on 
pretence of debt, 7d. 

e++. a Negro elected a foreign correspond- 
oy the Academy of Sciences, xxviii 

+++.» mediation with Prussia in the affairs 
of Holland, xxix 3] 

+... Officers and men sent to Holland clan- 
ne to. assist the republicans, xxix 

«+» causes of a revolution in the political 
sentiments of the nation, xxix 174] 

-++. inability to pay the demands of public 
creditors, xxix 178] 

+--. assembly of the notables called, xxix 

+++ proposal of a land tax, xxix 183] 

«++. ———— for annulling the exemption 
of the clergy and nobility from taxation, 

«+++ Speech of the king at dismissing the 
notables, xxix 185] 

e+. the parliament of Paris remonstrates 
against a stamp duty, and petitions the 
king to assemble the states general, xxix 
137] 300] 

«.+. spirited reply of the president to the 
count d’Artois, xxix 188] 

«s+» edict of the king nullified by the par- 
liament, 7b. xxxi 4] 

++.» Paris filled with troops, xxix 188] 

..-. the parliament banished to Troyes, 
xxix 189] 

Sie remonstrance to the king, 76. 


+«.. chamber of accounts and court of aids 
petition him to call the states general, 
xxix 191] 
»s-- the president despatched from Troyes 
122] a representation to the king, xxix 
+++. an accommodation takes place, 2. 
--.- the parliament of Grenoble declares it 
acapital crime to attempt the execution 
of a lettre de cachet, tb. 
+++. obliged to relinquish it’s designs in 
Holland, 7d. 
+++ declaration of the British ministers 
on it’s armaments, xxix 194*] 282] 
+++» counterdeclaration, xxix 195*] 283] 
+++. an edict for a loan, and another for re- 
_ Storing protestants to their civil rights, 
laid before the parliament by the king, 
- ¥xix 196°] 306) 
see- in the midet of the debate the king 


rises and orders the edicts to be regis- 
tered, 7b. 

France: on the duke of Orleans protesting 
against the proceedings, the king repeats 
his order, and retires, xxix 197*] 

.-.-. the duke of Orleans banished, and two 
members of the parliament sent to dif- 
ferent prisons, 7b. 

+++. the parliament remonstrates on the 
subject, 2b. 307] 309] 

.»». addresses the king on it, xxix 197*] 

.... the king’s answers, xxix 198*] 307] 

.».. the two magistrates released from 
prison, but exiled, xxix 199*] 

++. remonstrance from the great chamber 
of parliament, 74. : 

..-. son of the dethroned emperor of 
Cochin China presented to his majesty, 
xxix 200] 

.... Naval preparations, xxix 215] 

-.-. convention with G. Britain relative to 
the E. Indies, xxix 280] 

.-.» declines assisting the Turks, xxx 23] 

«»-. edict respecting protestants, xxx 197] 

-+«+ presentation of an Indian ambassador, 
xxx 208] 

«se. new ministry, xxx 216] 

«s+. assembly of the Notables dissolved, 
xxx 223] 

+». address of the parliament of Paris on 
~ arrest of two of it’s members, xxx 


«++» speech of the king on the proceedings 
of the parliaments, xxx 282] 

». +. ordinance declaring the protest and 
deliberations of the parliaments and 
courts seditious and libellous, xxx 283] 

.... Strong resolutions of the parliament 
of Paris against /ettres de cachet, xxxi 

«.+. answer of the king, xxxi 5] 

.»-- fresh resolutions of the parliament, 

. it denies the power of the king, or 
itself, to levy new taxes, xxxi 6] 

-... general spirit of reform, 7. 

.... reform in the jurisprudence, 7b. 16] 

...- edict in favour of protestants, xxxi 6] 

++. president of the parliament of Tho- 
louse imprisoned, xxxi 7] 

. remonstrance and exposition of the 
French constitution, 2. 

.... the king’s answer, xxxi 9] 

++. proposed establishment of a coum plé- 
niere, xxxi 11] 16] 31] 

.».. meeting of the parliament to counter- 
act it, xxxi 12] 

+... attempt to arrest two of it’s members, 
xxxi 13] , 

«+.. the parliament surrounded by a regi- 
ment of guards, 7d. 

ey the two members give themselves up, 
¥xxi 14] 


France: fresh remonstrance, xxxi 14] 

«+ bed of justice, xxxi 15] 

«+++ number of the members of the parlia- 
ment reduced, xxxi 16] 

e+». grand assembly of parliament held, 
xxxi 17] 

«+++ protest by it, 2b. 

.-+. letter to the king from several of the 
peers, 2b. 

«e.. the clergy disposed to support the 
parliament, xxxi 18] 

---. the parliament suddenly convoked by 
the king, i. 

+++. another memorial from it the same 
evening, 7b. 

e+. this deposited with a notary, and 
printed for publication, 7. 

«-.. the papers and archives of the parlia- 
ment taken away, and the king’s seal put 
on it’s doors, xxxi 19] 

e+.» declaration of the Chatelet, ib. 

+».. address of 47 peers and bishops deli- 
vered to the king, 24. 

+++. a number of seditious papers posted 
up in Paris, xxxi 20] 

+». disturbances in the provinces, 7b. 

«++. fidelity of the troops doubted. xxxi 

+... deputies from Britany sent to the Bas- 
tille, xxxi 23] 

+++ diminished influence of the crown, 2d. 

+++. improvements made by the Notables, 
xxxi 24] 

++.» new council of finance, xxxi 26] 

tremendous hailstorm, xxxi 29] 

AF 5 Sone eae for the sufferers, xxxi 

«+. the king obliged to give up the new 
constitution, xxxi 31] 

e+». the demands on the treasury paid 
partly in bills, 7. 

tia on the Caisse d’Escomptes, xxxi 

+++» great distress at Paris, 2d. 

«+. flight of the abp. of Sens to Italy, zd. 

«+» M. Neckar recalled to office, xxxi 34] 

«+++ the parliament resumes it’s functions, 
xxxi 35] 

«+.. the king refuses to prosecute two of 
his late ministers, 7. 

«++. riot at Paris in consequence, 2. 

-.+. the parliament orders the king’s de- 
crees relating to their suspension to be 
publicly burnt, xxxi 36] 

e++- new convention of the Notables sum- 
moned, 24. 201*] 

«+-- meeting of the states general fixed, 
xxxi 36] 

e++- request to G. Britain for flour refused 
by parliament, xxxi 164] 216] 

e+.. questions relative to the organization 
of the states general, xxxi 201*] 211*] 

+++« parliament of Paris loses it’s popu- 
larity, xxxi 203*] 



France: it’s decree on the state of the 
nation, xxxi 204*] 

.. «+ dissensions between the orders, ib. 

-++. the nobles divided among themselves, 
xxxi 205*] 

+++. dissensions in the parliaments, xxxi — 

«+e. the clergy disunited, xxxi 207*-8*] 

«+e. in the states of Dauphiny the orders 
coalesce, xxxi 208*] 

++.» violent contests in Britany, ¢. 

+++. conduct of the princes of the blood, 
xxxi 209*] 

++. the double representation of the Com- 
mons decided by the king, xxxi 210°] 

+++. the amalgamation of the orders left 
open, 2b. 

+++. instructions to the delegates, xxxi 

++.. views of the different parties, xxxi 

+++. riots at Paris, xxxi 215*] 230°] 237*] 

+e.. Opening of the states general at Ver- 
sailles, xxxi 220*] 

++.. dispute on the verification of powers, 
XXxi 222*] 

+++. Neckar’s conciliatory plan, xxxi 226*] 

-+.. the Commons proceed to a call of the 
House including the three orders, 74. 

++.. some of the clergy attend it, xxxi 

-+.+ the Commons, united with a consider- 
able body of the clergy, adopt the title of 
National Assembly, and proceed to busi- 
ness, xxxi 228" ] 

+++ decree respecting taxes, 2b. 

+++» general admission of the populace even 
among the members, and to a share in 
the debates, xxxi 229*] 

++.. the majority of the clergy sides with 
the Commons, xxxi 230*] 

«++. the soldiers refuse to act against the 
mob, 2b. xxxii 66] 

«s+. a royal session resolved on, xxxi 231*] 

+. «+ the. Commons excluded from their 
hall while a throne is erecting, 7d. 

+++. in consequence repair to a_ tennis 
court and swear never to part till the con- 
stitution is compleated, 7d. 

+++. the clergy join the Commons, xxxi 

---++ plan of a new constitution produced at 
the royal session by the king, 76. 

+... the Commons refuse to separate at the 
king’s departure, and declare the persons 
of the members inviolable, xxxi 235*| 

«+++ conduct of the fishwomen and courte- 
zans of Paris, xxxi 236*] 

-+.. orators of the Palais royal, xxxi 237*] 

.... the terrified abp. of Paris and mino- 
rity of the clergy appear in the National 
Assembly and withdraw their protest, 
xxxi 238*] 

.... the minority of the nobles join the 
Commens, 70. . 

France: the majority, and the remaining 
dissidents of the clergy, do the same at 
the request of the king, xxxi 239*] 
.+ +. troops moved toward Paris, xxxi 240*] 


«e-- committee of the National Assembly 

| appointed to prepare a constitution, xxxi 
241%] P 

+++. insubordination of the guards, xxxi 

+++» means employed to seduce them, 7d. 

«+. soldiers about to be tried bya court 
martial set at liberty by the populace, 

+... the assembly remonstrates on the ap- 
proach of troops to Paris, xxxi 254*] 

..-. the king’s proposal to it to remove to 
Noyon or Soissons negatived, 2b. 

.... change of system in the court, 7d. 

-»-- Neckar banished, xxxi 246*] 

-... attempt of the prince de Lambesc to 
disperse the populace, xxxi 247*] 

.... the Parisians arm, are joined by the 
guards, and adopt a new cockade, xxxi 

«... summary execution of thieves by the 
mob, 7b. 

..-- the Bastille carried by storm, xxxi 


---. firm conduct of the national assembly, 
xxxi 252*] 

-».. the king repairs to it without a guard, 
Xxxi 253*] 

---+ la Fayette chosen to command the Pa- 
ana troops, and Bailly elected mayor, 

---- the king repairs to Paris, xxxi 254*] 

+--+ Savage popular songs, xxxi 255*] 

_ «+--+ Foulonand Berthier massacred, 24. 

| «++. emigrations from, 7d. 

| +»-- attempts of some of the members of 

the assembly to check the fury of the 
mob, xxxi 256*} 

«+.» Neckar recalled, xxxi 257*] 

«+. circular for the convocation of the 
States general, xxxi 327] 
+++. Speech on it’s opening, xxxi 328] 

letter from the king to the president 
of the national assembly, xxxi 329] 

«-.. address of the deputies of the ¢iers 
etat, ib. 330] 

++. Speech of the king to the states gene- 
ral, xxxi 331] 

«+++ declaration of rights, xxxi 332] 

++«» quadruple alliance with Russia, Aus- 
tria, and Spain, xxxi 338] 

+++» State of Paris, xxxii 3] 

_ «++. the electors resign the government of 
the city after procuring the election of 
120 deputies for the purpose, xxxii 5] 

: - the city divided into sixty districts, 

| #0. 

i ---- tumultuous nature of the assemblies, 

| -xxxii 6] 

sees Clubs, xxxii 7] 




France: barefaced falsehoods, xxxii 8] 38] 

me * profusion of publications, xxxii 11] 


«+-- atrocious acts throughout the country, 
xxxii 15] 

++. on the 4th of August the nobles volun- 
tarily relinquish their privileges, and the 
clergy their parochial perquisites and 

pluralities, xxxii 17] 

-+ + local privileges relinquished, xxxii 19] 

o«.. abrogation of manorial rights pro- 
posed, xxxii 19] 

«e+» proposition, that justice should be ad- 
ministered gratuitously, and judicial 
offices no longer be sold, #d. 

eee» a medal struck, and the title of Re- 
storer of the Liberties of France confer- 
red on the king, xxxii 20] 

-+.+ motion for suppression of tithes, 76. 

-.«- claims of the court of Rome abolished, 
xXxxii 24] 

«+e. new ministry appointed, xxxii 25] 

+e» necessary loan frustrated by the con- 
duct of the National Assembly, xxxii 

+--+ Scheme of patriotic contributions, 7. 

+... the king and queen send their plate 
to the mint to defray their household ex- 
penses, xxxii 28] 

..+» income tax of 25 per cent decreed, 
xxxii 29] 

.... difficulties in framing a declaration of 
Tights, xxxii 30] 

-+«- debate on the veto, xxxii 35] 

++». proposal at Paris to insist on the king, 
dauphin, and National Assembly’s coming 
to the city, xxxii 36] 41] 

+++» reports of plots, xxxii37] 41] 

++.. Suspensive veto proposed by the king 
and passed, xxxii 38] 

«++. debate on two chambers, 74, 

--.» legislative body to be renewed every 
two years, xxxii 39] 

--.. letter from the king respecting certain 
7 and the abolition of tithes, xxxii 


-+.- regiment of Flanders sent for to Ver- 
sailles to protect the king and the Assem- 
bly, xxxii 42] 43] 

.... debate on the succession to the throne, 
xxxii 42] 

-+«- entertainment of the officers of the 
reg. of Flanders by those of the life 
guards, xxxii 44] 

«».+. the king accedes conditionally to the 
articles of the constitution, xxxii 46} 

o+.. ————— is obliged to retract, i. 

..++ army of women marches from Paris to 
Versailles, xxxii 47] 

..-+ priest half hanged, 7. 

--+- la Fayette under the necessity of 
marching with the national guard to Ver- 
sailles, xxxii 48] 



France: seufle between the life guard and 
national guard of Versailles, xxxii 5)]} 

«++. attack on the palace, xxxii 53] xxxiv 

e+e. the royal family obliged to remove to 
Paris, xxxii 55] 

«+.. secession of the leaders of the mode- 
rate party in the Assembly, xxxii 56] 

--.. order for an inquiry into the massacre 
of the 6th of October first passed, xxxii 

oeee Let different factions promoters of the 
late disorders, xxxii 58] 

ese» Strong resolutions of the assembly re- 
specting the inviolability of it’s members, 
xxxii 60] 

«-.. law on the principle of our riot act, 

e.-. the duke of Orleans sent out of the 
kingdom, xxxii 61] 
«+.+ promising aspect of affairs at the com- 
mencement of the revolution, xxxii 63] 
«s+ distinction of orders abolished, xxxii 
108} 149] 

«+. regulation of elections, xxxii 108] 

«... dissatisfaction of some of the pro- 
vinces at the abolition of their privileges, 
xxxii 109] 

.... the whole kingdom divided into de- 
partments, #4. 

e+. Organization of the municipalities, 
xxxii 110] 

«+. lettres de cachet abolished, i. 

+++« Obnoxious taxes abolished, xxxii 111] 

+++.» pay of the army increased, 26. 

«+... new government bank established, 7. 

-»-. landed property of the clergy seized, 
ib, 130] 

+++ provision for the clergy, xxxii 114] 

+++. Opposition on their part to these pro- 
ceedings, xxxii 115] 

+++» politic conduct toward the pope, 7d. 

+».. press called in to the aid of the 
clergy, i. 

---. ineffectual struggle of the parliaments, 
xxxii 116] 

«++. complaints against the municipalities, 

-... charges against the ministers, xxxii 

eee —— aristocrats in ye- 
neral, 26. 

+++. the royal family held prisoners at the 
Tuileries, xxxii 119] 

+--+ message from the national assembly to 
the king to name a sum for his civil list, 
xxxii 120] 

+++. the king refuses to appear in the as- 
sembly, xxxii 121] 

+++. no purchasers to be found for the great 
number of estates advertised, 2d. 

e+ ruin of manufacturers, 7. 

+++» conduct of the people of Versailles, 7d. 

e+e» tumults at Paris on the price of bread, 
wxxjl 124) 



France : acquittal of Bezenval, xxxii 124] © 

«e+. attempt of the populace to massacre 
him, xxxiti 125] 

+. this frustrated by Bailly and la Fay- 
ette, 2. 

.. «+ body of the mutineers surrounded, and 
rae number made prisoners, xxxii 

«... prince of Lambesc, marsh. Broglio, 
and others, tried, and acquitted for want 
of evidence, xxxii 127] 

“S34 trial and execution of Fayras, xxxii 


---. the Chatelet proceeds to farther in- 
quiries, 7b. 

«.+- this and all other ancient courts abo- 
lished, id. : 

-.-- the king goes suddenly to the national 
assembly, xxxii 129] 

tap new civic oath taken by it’s members, 
20. 7 

-.+- address to the provinces on what it 
had done and meant to do, 2b. 

+--+ business of the clergy resumed, 70. 

+++. monastic establishments suppressed, 
xxxii 130] : 

+«+. assignats issued, 2b. 

+++. attempt of the privileged orders to 
procure the succour of foreign powers, 
xxxii 131] 

..+- dissatisfaction of several German 

princes, xxxii 133] 

+s. an indemnification offered, xxxii 135] 

...+ effects of the revolution on the colo- 
nies, xxxii 136] xxxiii 130. xxxiv 68] 
xxxvi 215] 283] 

+... society of Friends of the Negroes, 
xxxii 136] 

+++. State of the army, xxxii 139] 

«-.. general desire of sovereignty, Xxxii 

-.+. armed bodies raised in Britanny and 
other provinces, xxxii 14) ] 
-.. municipalities made answerable for 
riots in their districts, xxxii 142] 
-.+« Corsica annexed to France, xxxii 143] 
+++. assistance claimed by Spain in it’s dis- 
pute with England, 74. 301] 

«++. debate on the power of making peace 

and war, xxxii 143] 
- renunciation of all conquest, 7b. 
..-+ resolution to adhere to the Spanish 
alliance, xxxii 144] 303] 
-. +. fleet fitted out at Brest, xxxii 145] 
.»-. mutinous disposition of the seamen, 
. changes of ministry, xxxii 146] 
.... Anacharsis Clootz and his ambassadors 
from all mankind, xxxii 147] 

-..+- hereditary nobility abolished, xxxii 


«... titles, and names derived from estates, 
abolished, xxxii 150] 

---. Neckar alone advises the king to re« 
fuse his sanction to the decree, #, 



France: grand confederation of the nation 
on the 14th of July, xxxii 151] xxxiii 

+». licentiousness of the soldiery, xxxii 

++» insurrection at Nanci, xxxii 153] 

«++. conduct of the Parisians on it’s sup- 
pression, 2d. 

oe eo and flight of Neckar, xxxii 

++. disputes with the clergy, xxxii 155] 

«++. effects of the junction between the 
monied interest and philosophical cabals, 
xxxii 128 

++.. treaty of foreign powers at Pilnitz, 
xxxiii 71,79. See Pilnitz 

++. dispositions of foreign powers, xxxiii 
Jn, 79, 144, 147, 208]-222] xxxiv 85] 

+++» Suspicions entertained of these, xxxiii 

«+... augmentation of the navy, xxxiii 129, 
130, 152 

«++» droit d’aubaine abolished, xxxiii 130 

+» ++ motion for restoring the power of the 
king, and consequent disturbance in the 
assembly, xxxiii 131 

| «+.. the ministers offer to resign, xxxiii 


e+-- refractoriness of the parliament of 
Toulouse, xxxiii 134 

+++ « conduct of the nobles, 2d. 

-+«+ deficiency of the revenue, xxxiii 135 

++ «+ issue of assignats, 7d. 

e+«- several cancelled, xxxiii 158 

-.-- British convents and seminaries res- 
pected, xxxiii 136 

ay lavish expenditure of the royal family, 

».+. deputation from Pondicherry, xxxiii 

«.-. decree in favour of the descendants of 
protestant emigrants, 7d. 

«+. disturbances in the provinces, xxxiii 
138, 141, 146 

«++. decrees respecting the clergy, xxxiii 
139, 148, 151 

-+.. alteration in the courts of justice, 
xxxili 142 

«--- complaints of German princes, xxxiii 
144, 155 

|... letter from the emperor, xxxiii 144, 

+++» departure of the king’s aunts, xxxili 
144, 152 

| ee++ tumult at Vincennes, xxxiii 145 

+++. New arrangement of ministers, xxxili 

+++» religious toleration, xxxiii 150 

+... right of primogeniture abolished, 7d. 

+++, estates of emigrant princes seques- 
trated, ib. 151 

+.+. the king receives the sacrament from 
a refractory priest, xxxiii 152 

4 his journey to St, Cloud stopped, 



France : letter of instructions to the foreign 
ministers, xxxiii 154, 193] 

-».. card. Bernis recalled from Rome, 
Xxxiii 155 

‘ead the pope refuses another ambassador, 

rns excommunicates the national bishops, 

+++. the pope burnt in effigy at Paris,. 
Xxxili 156 

+... tax on articles entering the metropolis 
taken off, xxxiii 158 

-+ ++ papal bulls declared invalid without 
pe sanction of the assembly, xxxiii 

++ decrees for the security of the assem- 
bly and constitution, 7. 

3 ie spread of French principles, xxxiii 

pei flight of the king, xxxiii 165, 158]- 

+. «+ his statement, xxxiii 168, 172] 

-+ +. that of the queen, xxxiii 169 

-- +» long sitting of the assembly, 7. 

«++. memorial left by the king on his de- 
poke from Paris, xxxiii 169, 158] xxxiv 

+... communication of it to the assembly, 
xXxxiii 169 fe 

-+ ++ address of the assembly to the French 
on the occasion, xxxiii 169, 162] 

+». letter of the marq. de Bouillé, xxxiii 
174, 166] 

ata ee of the Russian ambassador, xxxiii 

+++. ————_—— king contradicting asser- 
tions of the emigrants, xxxiii 182] 

-+.. declaration of 290 members on the de- 
crees suspending the royal authority, and 
infringing the inviolability of the king’s 
person, xxxiii 175, 169] 

++-. conduct of foreign powers, xxxiii 176, 
182, 198 

+--+. constitutional code, xxxiii 181, 202, 

-.-. insurrection of republicans suppressed 
by the national guards, xxxiii 182 

decree against marks of honour and 
orders of knighthood, confined to certain 
ranks, xxxiii 184 

--+- governor of the dauphin to be ap- 
pointed by the assembly, xxxiii 185 

os Avignon incorporated with, xxxiii 

...- letter from the king accepting the 
constitution, xxxiii 203, 190] xxxiv 13] 

+... his speech to the National Assembly, 
xxxiii 195] 

.. +. the president’s answer, 74. 

cae constitution proclaimed, xxxiii 

+... the king’s speech on the close of the 
assembly, xxxiii 206, 197] 

ee+. thanks to the k. of G, Britain, Enge 
lish nation, and governor of Jamaica, for 


relieving the planters of St. Domingo, 
xxxili 41] 

France : proclamation announcing the king’s 
gene of the constitution, xxxiii 

+++ protest of the Bourbon princes against 
it, xxxiii 204] 

«+». speech to the new national assembly, 
xxxiii 198] 

+++. message from the national assembly 
to the king, on the preparations of the 
French emigrants, xxxiii 200] 

«... the king’s speech in answer, xxxili 

e... address of the national assembly 
Xxxiii 203] 

+..~ disayowal by the princes of any inten- 
tion to dethrone their brother, xxxiii 

++.. partition treaty said to be signed at 
Pavia, xxxiii 208] 

«++. manifesto to the courts of Europe, 
Xxxill 211] 

ees. answers of different powers to the 
king’s notification of his acceptance of 
the constitution, xxxiii 213]-216] 

»»-- letter from the emigrant princes to 
the emperor Leopold, xxxiii 218] 

«» es remarks on the revolution, xxxiii 381] 
xxxiv 3] 47] 

-++» explanation of new terms, xxxiv p. ix 

e+. progress of the revolution, xxxiv 9] 

«+» seizure of Avignon and the bishopric 
of Basil, xxxiv 10] 

«.+. decree against the emigrants, xxxiv 

«... the king refuses his sanction to it, 
xxxiv 12] 

"Bas marks of disrespect to the king, xxxiv 

«+++ change of ministers, xxxiv 15] 

es ee in the king’s guards, xxxiv 

«+e» the whole body dismissed and their 
commander sent to prison, xxxiv 17] 

«se» Swiss guards dispersed among the 
troops of the line, 7. 

«++» commandant of the Parisian guard to 
be changed every two months, 2d. 

«++.» employment of spies.and bribes by the 
ministry, xxxiv 18] 

«e+. vain attempt to punish libellers, xxxiv 

oe ee for the king’s escape, xxxiv 

es» proceedings respecting Austria, xxxiv 

«.-. war declared against Austria, xxxiv 
23] 203 

-.+- decree for a camp under the walls of 
Paris, xxxiv 25] 

--.. the king refuses to sanction this de- 
cree, and that for the banishment of non- 
juring priests, #. 

e+»+ a mob breaks into the palace, xxxiv 26] 



France: proclamations on the occasion, 
xxxiv 209, 210 

e+e invasion of the confederate armies, 
xxxix 29] 89] 
Bes country declared in danger, xxxiv 
--+- addresses from the assembly to the 
army and to the people, xxxiv 29] 203 
+. ++ Petion and Manuel restored to office, 
xxxiv 30] 

+++. extensive confederation against, 2b. 

a amy of the revolution, xxxiv 

e+.. arrival of the Marseillese, 2. 

e+e State of parties, xxxiv 33] 

++. letter from the king to the national 
assembly, xxxiv 34] 232 

«+++ petitions for his deposition, xxxiv 34] 

«+e proclamation by him, xxxiv 35] 

e+» attack on the palace, xxxiv 36] 

« an council-general of Paris, xxxiv 

«+.» assassination of Mandat, xxxiv 38] 

+». the king and royal family seek refuge 
in the hall of the assembly, xxxiv 41] 

+». Suspension of the king, and imprison 
ment of him and the royal family, xxxiv 
47] 60] 263, 272 

+++ causes of the dissolution of the mo- 
narchy, xxxiv 47] 

++.. deputation from the new council of 
Paris, xxxiv 51] 

«++» anational convention summoned, xxxiv 
52] 53] 263 

+++» Nonjuring priests banished, xxxiv 54] 

+«+« church plate seized, 7d. 

«>e Statues taken to cast cannon, 76. 

+++ Swiss regiments dismissed, 20. 

-»- order of merit abolished, 2. 

«+++ numerous arrests, xxxiv 55] 

-+.. number of priests massacred, xxxiv 

+e.» massacres at the prisons, xxxiv 57] 

--.. bill for facilitating divorces, xxxiv 59] 

seizure of estates, 7b. 

+.+.+ crown jewels and plate seized, ib. 

--.». other contrivances to raise money, 76, 

++.. meeting of the national convention, 
xxxiv 61] 

dissolution of the national assembly, 
xxxiv 62] 

«+. abolition of royalty decreed, 7b. 

-... citizenship conferred on several fo- 
reigners, 2b, 

-+.. State of the colonies, xxxiv 68] 

-».. society of Friends of the Blacks, xxxiv 
71] 75] 84] 

‘ ye decree respecting the colonies, xxxiv 

ove ps of the deputies from St. 
Domingo, xxxiv 76] 

.... the colonial decree repealed, xxxiv 

..«-fresh decree enacted,and commissioners 
sent out, xxxiv 82] 


France: plan of the campaign against, 
xxxiv 90] 
-. ++ French armies, xxxiv 91] 92} 
oo against Mons, xxxiv 94] 

Tournay, xxxiv 94] 


eees advance to Givet, xxxiv 97] 98] 

«+++ possession taken of Porentin and the 
pass of Porentrui, xxxiv 98] : 

--.. Meninand Courtray taken, xxxiv 101] 

-. + Flanders evacuated, xxxiv 102] : 

-+.. Luckner and la Fayette repair to Paris, 
xxxiv 102] 

«e+. Longwy taken, xxxiv 104] 

+++. Thionville besieged, 2b. 

-+.. Verdun surrendered, 7d. 

++ es Lannoi and Roubaix taken, 7d. 

-» -- Prussians defeated in a skirmish, xxxiv 

e»e» negotiation commenced, xxxiv 106] 

+...» distressed state of the allies, xxxiv 
107] 108} 

ees. war with Sardinia, xxxiv 107] 

ix invasion of Savoy, xxxiv 107] 317, 


«++. retreat of the Prussians, xxxiv 108] 


e+-. county of Nice surrendered, xxxiv 

e+» siege of Lisle abandoned, 7d. 

+++. decree of accusation against Luckner 
and Anselme, xxxiv 110] 

e-.»» Worms, Spires, Mentz, and Frankfort, 
taken, 7d. 

«++. Prussians defeated on the Lhan, xxxiv 

ess. invasion of the Netherlands, xxxiv 

«+++ battle of Jemappe, xxxiv 115] 

---- Mons surrendered, xxxiv 117] 

«++. Tournay evacuated, 2b. 

«-++ Menin, Ypres, and Ghent, taken, id. 

«+e. affair of Anderlicht, zh. 

«+. Brussels surrendered, 7b. 

oe se gumners and Ostend entered, xxxiv 

«++. armistice proposed by the duke of 
Saxe Teschen, id. 

«+++ Mechlin taken, zd, 

«.+. town of Antwerp entered, zd. 

+++» attack of Namur, xxxiv 119] 120] 

. oo driven from Tirlemont, xxxiv 

cove defeated near Liege, 7d. 

«+++ Liege entered, 2b. 

«+++ Antwerp taken, 7b. 

«+++ Namur surrendered, xxxiv 120] 

+++» passage of the Meuse, xxxiv 12]] 

+++» Ruremonde entered, id. 

+++ expedition to the W. Indies proposed, 
xxxiv 122] 

+++» Custine obliged to retreat, xxxiv 124] 

| ai gates of Frankfort opened to the allies, 



France : successes of the French, id. 

+++ consequences of these on other coun- 
tries, xxxiv 125] 

+++. celebration of the conquest of Brabant 
by a British club at Paris, xxxiv 126] 

«+. addresses of congratulation from Bri- 
tish societies, xxxiv 126] 70, 72, 73 

+++» conduct toward foreign nations, xxxiv 
126] 251 

ees. embassy from Tippoo Sahib, xxxiv 

e+. registered proofs of nobility burnt at 
Paris, xxxiv 28 

«+.. emigrations to England, xxxiv 36, 39, 
50, 76 

++. confidential letter from the king to the 
k. of G, Britain, xxxiv 173 

¢+.. correspondence between Mr. Chauve- 
lin and lord Grenville, xxxiv 174-83. 
xxxv 44] 231] 114-28 

+++ British subjects forbidden to engage 
in the war against, xxxiv 177 

e+». proceedings of foreign powers res- 
pecting the safety of the king and queen, 
xxxiv 185-9 

++-. declaration of the emigrant princes, 
Xxxiv 253 

«+». address of the convention to the Swiss, 
xxxiv 281 

«+. dispersion of the emigrants at Treves, 
xxxiv 283 

«+. complaint respecting emigrants from 
the Netherlands, xxxiv 284 

e»-- discussions with Austria, xxxiv 285- 
301, 304-11 

e»++ command of the army offered to the 
duke of Brunswick, xxxiv 302 

+» «+ ambassador ordered away from Russia, 
xxxiv 312 

++» overtures for peace from Prussia, xxxiv 

«++. conduct toward Geneva, xxxiv 317, 

-.-. letter from the Helvetic congress to 
the king, xxxiv 323 

+++. proceedings of the Porte, xxxiv 322, 

+++. decree relative to the opening of the 
Scheldt and Meuse, xxxv 2] 

of fraternity and assistance to 
all people, 7d. 

oes for extending it’s system to all 
countries occupied by it’sarmies, xxxv 34] 

---- recall of the English ambassador, 
xxxv 37] 

+». war declared against G. Britain, xxxv 
54] 234] 139 

e--. letters from le Brun to lord Grenville 
proposing a negotiation, xxxv 131] 

+++ proceedings respecting the king, xxxv 
190] 225] 

-. + his trial, xxxv 195] 

+++. — execution, xxxv 223] 

+++ declaration of the count of Provence 
as regent, xxxv 136 

be shows 

roy Ma 
sees : mission of Maret to England, xxxv 

. «++ Holland included in the declaration of 
war against G. Britain, xxxv 241] 139 

e+.- powers confederated against, xxxv 
941} 242] . 

PE invades Holland, xxxv 

---- Breda, Klundert, and Gertruyden- 
burg surrendered, xxxv 243] 

+++ repulsed at Williamstadt, id. 

+++ + Maestricht besieged, 7b. 

e+e. new plan of government rejected, id. 

+--+» war declared against Spain, xxxv 244] 

e+e repulse at Sardinia, 2d. 

«+» defeats in Holland, 2. 

«++» battle of Neerwinden, xxxv 245] 

e+.. engagement between Tirlemont and 
Louvain, ib. 

«+. attempts of Dumouriez to effect a 
counterreyolution, xxxv 246] 

ry Cali a sent toarrest him, xxxv 


e»-- he seizes them, and sends them to the 
Austrian army, xxxv 248] 
«++. disaffection of his troops, xxxv 249] 
+»-. Withdraws to the Austrian army, and 
ie followed by a few of his troops, xxxv 

+... the French defeated at Famars, xxxv 

«+++ Valenciennes besieged, xxxv 253] 

«+.» Mentz and Conde taken, 2). 

e++- insurrections in la Vendée and le 
Loire, 76. 

e+». complaints at Toulon, xxxv 254] 

-. + Jeading parties, xxxv 255] 

+++. revolutionary tribunal for 
against the state, 7. 

«++. committee of public safety appointed, 
xxxv 256] 

«++. impeachment of the Girondists de- 
manded, xxxy 257] 

---- committee of twelve appointed to in- 
spect the resolutions of the commonalty 
of Paris, xxxv 259] 

»-.. Suppression of the committee of 
twelve, and various other demands made 
by the revolutionary committees of Paris, 
xxxv 260] 

e-.. the convention compelled to pass a 
decree of accusation against several of 
it’s members, xxxv 261] 191 

+++» new declaration of the rights of man 
and of citizens by the Jacobin party, 
xxxv 261] 

»+.. new constitution, xxxv 263] 76 

+.+- ceremony of it’s acceptance, xxxv 58 

+s commotions in the southern depart- 
ments, xxxv 264] 167 

+... report on the accused deputies, xxxv 

«... death of Marat, xxxv 266] 

ee. various decrees, xxxv 267] 

eee decree against foreigners, 2d, 





France: decree for destroying all thetombs — 
' of the kings, xxxv 268 
for theatrical representations, — 

xxxv 268] 

ow oly for the nation rising in mass, 
ib, : 

-+.~ losses in the W. Indies, xxxv 270] 

in the E. Indies, xxxv 271] 

+++» progress of the campaign in the 
Netherlands, xxxy 272] J 

«+. the revolters at Marseilles reduced, 
xxxy 275] 

+++. Toulon taken possession of by lord 
Hood, xxxv 275) 283] 171, 184. xxxvi 
209] 57. 1 82 (2nd) 

-» +. bombardment of Lyons and savage 
treatment of the people, xxxv 275] 

++.. trial and execution of the queen, xxxv 
276] 49 

af” alteration of the calendar, xxxv 279] 


+. +. old calendar revived, xliv 390 

+++» proceedings for the abolition of Chris- 
tianity, xxxv 279]. 

. 7 execution of the Girondists, xxxv 280] 

nieae ‘aialien of the allies, xxxv 281] 

+++ Successes of the French,xxxv 282] 

+++ Ships taken and destroyed at Toulon, 
xxxv 284] xxxyi 63 

++» successes of the Spaniards, xxxv 286] 

of the Sardinians, 25. 

-«.. the French minister ordered to quit 
Tuscany, xxxv 286] 186, 187 

+++ attempt of the British on la Vendée, 
XxXxv 287] 

..+. Jand in the Crimea assigned to emi- 
grants, xxxv 2 

-»+» money in the Bank of England in the - 
name of the republic, attached by govern- 
ment, xxxv 14 

++. quadrennial Olympic games instituted, 
xxxv 42 

..-. British ships captured, xxxv 61. xxxvi 
206) xxxvii 133] 

«+++ number of persons in prison in Paris, 
xxxv 6]. xxxvi 148] 

.--~ letter from Dumouriez to the National 
Convention, xxxv 149 

...» his addresses to the nation, xxxv 152, 

..«» Spanish declaration of war, xxxv 161 

+++» manifesto of the city of Marseilles, 
xxxv 167 

.» ++ lord Hood’s proclamation to the towns 
and provinees in the south, xxxv 171 

..++ declaration of war against Genoa, xxxv 

+-« agent of the republic refused admis- 
sion at Malta, xxxv 188 I. 

-.-. address of the proscribed deputies to 
the Convention, xxxv 189 

+. +. address of the Convention to the nas 
tion, xxxv 192 



Beane j manifesto ae k, of Spain, xxxv 

---- papers relative to the dismissal of the * 

viceconsul in America, xxxv 212, 213 
e+» Russian edict respecting, xxxv 224 
«++. adyantages, on opening the campaign 

of 1794, over the allies, xxxvi 3] 
se». Hegotiations with Prussia under pre- 

tence of exchange of prisoners, xxxvi 8] 
-»-- divisions and jealousies among the 

allies, xxxvi 7] 13] 14] 

«++. Siege of Landrecy, xxxvi 15] 17] . 
+++. attack and defeat of the French, xxxvi 

15] 74, 75 

ei) they take Courtray and Menin, xxxvi 

-»-. defeat of Beaulieu, 2d: 

++. Other actions, xxxvi 18] 

«++. battle of Turcoign, xxxvi 19] 

--+. defeat at Tournay, xxxvi 21] 

+++. battle of Fleurus, xxxvi 23] 

e..- Charleroi and Ypres taken, xxxvi 24] 

-... Bruges surrendered, xxxvi 25] 

+++. Tournay and Oudenarde evacuated, 
xxxvi 26] 

+.+» Ostend opens it’s gates, xxxvi 27] 

s+++ prince Cobourg driven out of Mons, 
xxxvi 28] 

+. «» and defeated at Soignies, id. 

+++- Brussels taken, xxxvi 29] 

++«+ Ghent occupied, xxxvi 30] 

«+++. military committee, xxxvi 32] 

---- Clairfait defeated and Louvain taken, 
xxxvi 34] 

«»-» Namur and Antwerp surrendered, 
Xxxvi 35] 

e+ -- Liege taken, xxxvi 36] 

+--+. siege of Sluys, 2d. 

«... reduction of Kaiserslautern, Spires, 
and other places, xxxvi 37] 

++. defeat at Kaiserslautern, 2b. 

++». Prussians and Austrians obliged to 
Ta after four days fighting, xxxvi 


+... Treves entered, xxxvi 39] 

+--+. order to give no quarter to the British 
or Hanoverians, xxxvi 39] 144} 176] 

+». Landrecy and Quesnoy surrendered, 
xxxvi 39] 

tie capitulation. of Valenciennes, xxxvi 

«++. surrender of Condé, 2b. 

+++. siege of Nieuport, 7b. 

+++. the duke of York forced to retreat, 
xxxvi 44] 

«+++ defeat of the Austrians near Liege, 

aay (Eee) 

sees la Chapelle taken, xxxvi 52] 

-++» Austrians defeated after four days 
fighting, xxxvi 53] 

+», Cologne surrendered, xxxvi 54] 

ite a “pes of the French, xxxvi 54] 

«+» Coblentz taken, xxxyi 54] 55) 

+e» fort of Crevecceur taken, xxxvi 56] 


France: Bois le Duc surrendered, #6. } 
+--+ Nimeguen taken, xxxvi 57] 
..-+ Maestricht taken, xxxvi 60] 
...«» defeats in Spain, xxxvi 63] 
«»«. victories there, xxxvi 64] 65] 66] 
..-- Bellegarde retaken, xxxvi 64] 
..++ St. Fernando de Figueras taken, xxxvi 
«+++ progress of the French in Italy, xxxvi 

++. Oneglia taken, xxxvi 72] 

..»« fortress of mount Cenis carried, xxxvi 

Shing 074 of the interference of foreign 
powers, xxxvi 81] 149] 183] 217] | 

+» insurrection in la Vendée, xxxvi 81] 
175) : 

».+» Saumur taken by the insurgents, xxxvi 

eee eee taken, ¢d. 

+». attempt on Nantz, 2d. 

... the country put to fire and sword by 
the republicans, xxxvi 88] y 

.».- British succours arriye too late, xxxvl 
91} 209] 

+++. the royalists defeated 
slaughter, xxxyvi 93] 

+. extraordinary barbarities exercised, 
xxxvi 95] 

++». second insurreetion, xxxvi 97] 

.... Chouans, xxxyi 98] 

++. treacherous conduct of the republican, 
prisoners, xxxvi 103] 

. +» decree, that a general condemned for 
treason should be executed at the head 
of his army, xxxvi 109] 

«+e. military punishment of flogging abo- 
lished, 7d. : 

+... two Mulattoes and a Negro admitted 
as deputies to the Convention from St. 
Domingo, xxxvi 109] 

...- abolition of slavery decreed, but re- 
ferred the next day to the Committee of 
Public Safety, 2. 

..+. committee on the means of obviating 
scarcity, 7. 

+++» maximum of price of necessaries fixed, 

«+. repeal of this law, xxxvi 188 

+++.» extension of the powers of the Com- 
mittee of Safety, xxxvi 110] 

..+- confiscation of the effects, imprison- 
ment, and subsequent banishment of ene- 
mnies to the revolution, decreed, 7b. 

.».. declaration of the British ministry, 7d. 

--.. answer to it, xxxvi 111] 

«+ Cordelier club, xxxvi 114] 145] 

.».. several of it’s principals guillotined, 
xxxvi 116] 

.--- Danton and several others executed, 
xxxvi 119] 120] 126] 

++.» members of the Convention to give 
an account of their income before and 
since the reyolution on pain of death, 
xxxvi 126] : 

with great 


France: decree respecting aliens, exnobles, 
and the better administration of justice, 
xxxvi 127] 

ee». persons speaking against the revolu- 
128] be transported to Guiana, xxxvi 

ee s decree against nonjuring ecclesiastics, 

esse marriage of the wives of emigrants 
with foreigners prohibited, xxxvi 129] 

+++ the farmers general sent to the revo- 
lutionary tribunal, xxxvi 130] 

e+e. the princess Elizabeth guillotined, 
xxxvi 131] 

oe ss decrees respecting religion and morals, 
e ° 

«+e. festivals established, xxxvi 132] 

**.. extreme tyranny of Robespierre, xxxvi 

e+.» diminished numbers and tame sub- 
mission of the Convention, xxxvi 137] 

se.- revolutionary army established at 
Paris, xxxvi 138] 

e+e. terror voted the standing order of the 
day, id. 

eess privilege of the members of the Con- 
vention to be heard in their own defence 
previous to a decree of accusation annul- 
led, 3d. 

e+. quarter to the English and Hanove- 
rians prohibited, xxxvi 144] 176] 189 

e+» British general orders on the occasion, 
xxxvi 168 

+» +s quarter not to be given to the garri- 
sons of towns taken from the French, 
unless surrendering within twenty-four 
hours, xxxvi 145] 180 

ese» the committees of Public and General 
Safety authorized to send any persons to 
the revolutionary tribunal, xxxvi 150] 

e+«+ members of the convention exempted, 
xxxvi 151] 

«++. decree on the distribution of prize 
money, 7. 

eee on forged assignats, 2b. 

e+e. —+— 0n military promotions, 7d. 

dee against mendicants, xxxvi 152] 

eee. contest between Robespierre and his 
opponents in the Convention, xxxvi 155] 

oe ely and his adherents arrested, xxxvi 

e--- Henriot and Robespierre outlawed, 
xxxvi 160] 

e+.. execution of Robespierre and several 
of his party, xxxvi 161] 168] 

eee. one fourth of the Committee of Public 
Safety to go out every month, xxxvi 169] 

«». the Revolutionary tribunal new mo- 
delled, 2d. 

ee. address of the Convention to the peo- 
ple, xxxvi 169] 184 

e+e provisional system of government 
framed by Barrere, xxxvi 170] 

eo. arrival of an American ambassador, 
xxxvi 172] : 



France: charge against several members of 
the committee, xxxvi 173] 

eee ; oe of the Jacobin club, xxxvi 

«++. punishment of perpetrators of bar- 
barities in la Vendée, xxxvi 175] 

--.- amnesty to the insurgents proclaimed, 
a6. 187 

«++» members expelled from the Conven- 
tion restored, xxxvi 176] 

-+ee decree for not giving quarter repealed, 

+++. endeavours to obtain a superiority at 
sea, xxxvi 205] 

«++ law respecting Negroes, xxxvi 215] 

ees. fleet defeated by lord Howe, xxxvi 
282] 86, 90 

«+s losses in the W. Indies, xxxvi 282] 

+. ee capital of Corsica taken, xxxvi 80 

e+e. proclamation of the representatives 
with the army of the North, xxxvi 178 
xxxvi 180 
signats, xxxvi 181 

to the army of the west- 


ern Pyrenees and the Spaniards of the — 

frontier, xxxvi 182 

«+. address from the general verifier of 
assignats at Bruges, xxxvi 183 

+++» envoy sent to Venice, xxxvi 225, 226 

.».. British and Russian prohibition of 
sending provision or ammunition to, 
xxxvi 24] : 

«++. complaints of the United States, xxxvi 
245 ; 

+++. invasion of Holland over the frozen 
rivers, xxxvii 46] 

«++. general submission of that country, 
xxxvii 51] 

«... list of recent conquests, xxxvii 53] 

.»»» Manheim taken, xxxvii 56] 

-»+- Separate peace with Prussia, xxxvii 
58] 178 

e+. debate on the admission of secret ar- 
ticles in treaties, xxxvii 61] 

-. +. defeats of the Spaniards, 2b. 

eee. peace with Spain, xxxvii 63] 

«s.. pacification of la Vendée, xxxvii 64] - 

177, 197 

+». fresh troubles there, xxxvii 67] 196, 
197. xxxviii 79] 

..-- British troops landed in Quiberon 
bay, xxxvii 69] xxxviii 68] 

«»-+ defeat of the expedition, xxxvii 70] 35 

.--. the British repulsed at Noirmoutier, - 

xxxvii 71] 

.»-» Visle Dieu taken by them, 7d. 

«+» proceedings in Holland, 26. 

«++. State of the finances, xxxvii 73] 80] 

«+++ Luxemburgh taken, xxxvii 74] 

ee. the Rhine crossed, and Dusseldorf 
taken, xxxvii 75] 

circulated at Brussels, 

— for the circulation of as-_ 






France: the French driven back over the 
Rhine, xxxvii 76] 

«»-- Manheim retaken by the Austrians, 
xxxvii 77] 

+. interior state of, xxxvii 78] 

-+++ decree against abusive language in the 

’ Convention, xxxvii 80] 

«+.» —— for universal toleration, xxxvii 

+++. proceedings against certain members 
of the late committee of safety, xxxvii 82] 

.... fresh attempt of the Jacobins to over- 
awe the Convention, xxxvii 85] 

«+++ the accused members sentenced to be 
transported to Guiana. 7d. 

+++» several members of the Mountain im- 
prisoned, xxxvii 86] 

+++. committee for forming a constitution, 

- xxxvii 86] 95] 

-».. farther proceedings against the Jaco- 
bins, xxxvii 87] 

«+e insurrection, xxxvii 89] 

+++. this suppressed, xxxvii 92] 

es». Tise of the Jacobins at Toulon and 
other places, xxxvii 93] ' 

«++. new constitution, xxxvii 96] 76 

-».» regulation of the election of deputies 
100)" new national assembly, xxxvii 

e»-- consequent contests with the Conven- 
tion, xxxvii 101] 250 

«+.» the Convention has recourse to arms, 
xxxvii 105] 

+++. attempts to continue itself xxxvii 

«++. at length dissolved, xxxvii 110} 

ees it’s character and conduct, xxxvii 111] 

| .. +. meeting of the new legislature, xxxvii 


«--. character of the directors, xxxvii 116] 

+++. release of the terrorists, xxxvii 120] 

+++. regulations respecting popular songs, 
XXXvii 122] 

-»+- society of the Pantheon suppressed, 
xxxvii 124] 

«+». attempt to shackle the press, xxxvii 

+ Institute of Arts and Sciences founded, 
Xxxvii 127] 

++.» central schools, 7d. 

+++. attempt to revive the power of the 
pope, xxxvii 128] 

«+++ peace with Tuscany, 2d. 

se+. the republic recognized by Sweden, 
xxxvii 129] 

+++. and by the Protestant cantons of Swit- 
zerland, xxxvii 130] 

eee | with Hesse Cassel, xxxvii 130] 
247, 26 

| xxxvii 130) 

the elector of Hanover, 

| etee 
| edpe incorporation of the Austrian Nether- 
lands, Xxxvii 132] 248 
Pant I, 

the Batavian republic, 2b. 

France : state of the navy, xxxvii 133] 
«++» St. Eustatia taken, xxxvii 134] 
«+» St. Lucia recovered, id, 
-»-- attempts on Grenada and Dominica 
frustrated, 2b. : 
e+». naval engagements, xxxvii 137-9] 
«+. Successes by land, xxxvii 139] 146] 
-» +» Geneva revolutionized, xxxvii 140] 
»..» British settlements at Sierra Leone 
and Bance island pillaged, xxxvii 1 
eee. list of the departments, xxxvii 77 
-»-- departments of the colonies, xxxvii 

--.. treaty with Austria relative to persons 
taken not in arms, xxxvii 181 

«+. address to the army of the North on 
the anniversary of the king’s death, 
xxxvii 188 

+++» policy with respect to foreign nations, 

ee+- proclamation to 
XXxvii 226 
Xxxvii 234 

++.. papers relative to proceedings in the 
Netherlands, xxxvii 240-44 

++.~ proclamation on the completion of the 
constitution, xxxvii 246 

— relative to the finances, 

the Guipuscoans, 

to the citizens of Paris, 

XXxvii 252 

+++. treaty with Spain, xxxvii 297 

os. State of the nation and government, 
xxxviii 1] 75] 

+e.» negotiations for peace, xxxvili 77] 
125, 147-73 

+s.» rupture with Switzerland threatened, 
xxxvili 78] 

«++. renewal of the war in la Vendée, 
XXxviii 79] 

«s+». moderation of the Directory toward 
the insurgents, xxxviii 83] 

...- address to the different armies, xxxviil 

+... invasion of Italy, xxxviii 86] 

»»»» Austrians defeated at Montenotta, 
XXxviii 88] 

ees. again at Millesimo and at Dego, 2d. 

«.. Piedmontese defeated at Mondovi, 
Xxxviii 89] 

«++. peace with Sardinia, xxxviii 90] 262 

.-.. the army crosses the Po, xxxviii 92] 

-+.- armistice granted the duke of Parma, 
XXXvili 93] 

....- Austrians defeated at Lodi, zd. 

---~ Pizzighitona, Cremona, Pavia, and 
Milan taken, xxxviii 94] 

ees. victories celebrated at Paris, xxxvili 

+++. invasion of Modena, xxxviii 96] 

«++ general spoliation of works of art, 2b. 

-»». insurrection in Lombardy, xxxviii 97] 

-... Austrians pursued into the Venetian 
territories, xxxviii 98] 

os. Verona taken, xxxviii 99] 

eee Mantua besieged, xxxviii 99] 105] 

France: invasion of Tirol threatened, xxxviii 
»».. hostile proceedings in various parts of 
Italy quelled, xxxviii 100] 
«++» invasion of the papal territory, xxxviii 
«+++ suspension of arms concluded with 
Naples, xxxviii 102] 
ee. seizure of Leghorn, 7d, 
«+. reduction of the citadel of Milan, 2d. 
».-- Wurmser compelled to retreat, xxviii 

«+++ Lugo taken, 7d. 

«+e« siege of Mantua raised, xxxviii 105] 

--.. defeat of the Austrians at Lonado, 2. 

«+-- Austrians routed at Brescia, xxxvili 


«+». other defeats, xxxviii 106] 

«+e» four thousand Austrians surrender to 
twelve hundred French, 2d. 

e+. final defeat of Wurmser, xxxviii 107] 

«+s. mobs excited against the French, 
xxxviii 109] 

e+. armistice broken by the pope, xxxviii 


«+. farther defeats and retreat of the 
Austrians, i. 

«.+. siege of Mantua resumed, 7d. 

-... Austrian standards sent to the Direc- 
tory, xxxviii 111] 114] 123] 

..-. Austrians repeatedly defeated, and 
Trent evacuated, xxxviii 112] 

eves defeated at Bassano, xxxviii 
112] 113] 

«s+.» Wurmser, cut off from the Tirol, 
makes good his retreat to Mantua, xxxviii 

e+. Corsica recovered, xxxviii 114] 253 

«++. peace concluded with Naples and 
Parma, xxxviii 115] 227, 233 

avis sees conduct of the pope, xxxviii 

«+.» prevalence of the republican spirit in 
Italy, xxxviii 118] 

«+s. Trent recovered by the Austrians, 
Xxxvili 120] 

--.. battle of Arcola, 7. 

» ee state of parties at home, xxxviii 123] 

-»-- hardships endured by the soldiery, 
xxxvili 125] 

--.+. progress of the campaign on the Rhine, 
xxxviii 126] 

--.» fortress of Kehl taken, xxxviii 128] 

«+» Frankfort on the Maine taken, xxxviii 

«--. Wurtzburgh and Bamberg surrender- 
ed, zd. 

-... farther successes, xxxviil 130] 134] 

-.-. dissatisfaction excited in Germany, 
xxxviii 131] 

e+.. contributions raised by, xxxviii 132] 

e+. Jourdan compelled to retreat across 
the Rhine, xxxviii 137-9] 

oe. retreat of Moreau, xxxviii 139.41] 



France: repulse of the Austrians at Kehl, 

xxxviii 144] 
“et this fortress at length retaken, xxxviii 
-+.. armistice for the winter, ib. 
+++. State of parties, xxxviii 147] 
oe in of police established, xxxviii 
+++.» disturbances in the south, 7d. 
+++» measures taken against the Jacobins, 
XXxviii 149] 
+++» conspiracy of Babeuf, xxxviii 150] 
+++. decrees respecting the property of 
emigrants, xxxviii J52] 
+++. obstacles to the sale of the national 
lands, 2d. 
«++. complaints against the nonjuring 
clergy, xxxviii 152] ‘, 
oes Aria of the Septembrizers, xxxviil 
ct of the paper money, xxxviii 154] 
++.. issue of mandats on the credit of the 
national domains, xxxviii 155] 268, 270 
+++ Suppression of religious houses in Bel- 
gium and sale of their lands, xxxvili 
-+.. Jacobin insurrection at Marseilles, 
xxxviii 157] 
° ‘3 royalist insurrections, xxxviii 157] 
+++. other conspiracies of the Jacobins, 
xxxviil 158] 252, 272 
+++. amnesty proposed, xxxviii 159] 
«++. repeal of the law against emigrants 
proposed, 7. 
+++» mitigation of it carried, xxxviii 162] 
+++. endeavours to weaken the power of G. 
Britain, xxxviii 164] 254, 255 
+++» meeting of merchants and bankers 
a to consult on the finances, xxxviii 
+++ rupture between the legislature and 
Directory threatened, xxxviii 169) 
+++. partial execution of the law respecting 
emigrants, id. d 
++. dissatisfied with America, xxxvili 170] 
-»+- refusal to admit the ambassador from 
America or allow him to remain at Paris, 
xxxviii 174] 
++... minister withdrawn from America, 
xxxviil 310-13 
+++. conduct toward Sweden and other 
powers, xxxvili 175] 247 
——- Holland, xxxviii 176] 
the Swiss, xxxviil 



+». attempt to incorporate Geneva with 
France, xxxviii 179] 

.... the National Institute assembled to 
consult on promoting the arts and 
sciences, xxxviii 182] 

e++- meeting of the constitutional bishops, 
xxxviii 184] 


France: ecclesiastics prevented from hold- 
ing a synod, xxxviii 185] 
-».. bigotry of the nonconformist clergy, 
xxxvili 186] 
«++ general wish for peace, xxxviii 188] 
ee. overtures from G. Britain, xxxviii 
189] 147. xxxix 170] 
«+. affairs in the E. and W. Indies, xxxviii 
..-. Newfoundland ravaged, xxxviii 194] 
+++.» attempted invasion of Treland, xxxviii 
198] 47. xxxix 223] 71 
.... British manifesto against, xxxviii 173 
e+». correspondence on the acknowledg- 
ment ‘of it’s minister at Copenhagen, 
xxxviii 207-9 
»».. regulations respecting the French in 
Prussia, xxxviii 219 
-+.. treaty with Wurtemburg, xxxviii 222 
eee Baden, xxxviii 224 
+--. —— of alliance with Spain, xxxviii 
+++» proclamation of the Directory to the 
ie of the Sambre and Meuse, xxxviii 
++. notification to all maritime states, 
Xxxviii 248 
eee. address to the Dutch Convention, 
Xxxviii 249 
+++. messages from the Directory to the 
Council of 500 on the wants of the troops 
&c. xxxviii 251, 258 
e+-- prohibition of British merchandize, 
XXXVili 254-6 
ie ee estion of Corsica with, xxxviii 
e+». message from the Directory on the 
emigrants from the colonies, xxxviii 265 
eee ——_— —— on an 
extraordinary levy of horses, xxxviii 267 
+... address to the armies, xxxviii 274 
-+.. letter from the pope to the faithful 
catholics, xxxviii 277 
+++. conditions of peace not accepted by 
the pope, xxxviii 279 
= on neutral commerce, xxxviii 
-+-- address of the minister in America to 
the French citizens there, xxxviii 312 
+++. injustice of charges against philoso- 
phers, xxxviii 486 
+++. favourable disposition of Russia, xxxix 


++«. defeats of the Austrians in Italy, 
xxxix 6] 24] 

+++» Mantua taken, xxxix 10] 

-+++ letter from Buonaparte to card. Mat- 
tei proposing peace with the pope, <b. 

° ee of the papal dominions, xxxix 

++. » Rome taken, xxxix 15] 

++++ peace granted the pope, xxxix 16] 328 

++.» emigrant clergy allowed to reside in 
the parts of ltaly conquered by the 
French, xxxix 19] 



France : insolent conduct of the French pri- 
soners, xxxix 26] 

--.. Tyrol invaded, xxxix 27] 

--.. address to the people of Carinthia and 
Germany in general, xxxix 28] 

»..- Carinthia and Carniola invaded, xxxix 

«-.. the Austrians repeatedly defeated, id. 

«+.» Joubert repulsed in Tyrol, xxxix 31] 

++. overtures of peace to the archduke, 

+++. Suspension of arms agreed to, xxxix 

++.. testimonies of respect from the Direc- 
tory to the army of Italy, xxxix 34] 

-+.. preliminaries of peace with Austria, 
xxxix 37] 

«... the Rhine crossed and Kehl taken, 

-» ++ hatred of the Venetians and it’s con- 
sequences, xxxix 39] 337 

++». massacre of the French at Verona, 
xxxix 41] 

«+e» Venice taken, xxxix 42] 

+... Genoa revolutionized, xxxix 43] 330 

«+e. treaty of peace with Austria, xxxix 
45] 48] 342. x] 244, xli 235] 305 

«++. conspiracies against the republic, 
xxxix 50] 322 

«+.- annual change in the legislature, 
xxxix 52] 

+... Santhonax recalled from St. Domingo, 
xxxix 55] 

+e-- complaints of extravagance in the go- 
vernment, 24, 

eee the conduct of the Di- 
rectory, xxxix 56] 

-.++ motion for a committee on the treat- 
ment of Venice and Genoa, xxxix 58] 

«++. some of the Bourbons and others re- 
instated in their possessions, xxxix 59] 

+... decrees in favour of emigrants, 76. 

+--. attempts in favour of the emigrant 
clergy, 7b. 

++». Opposition grows unpopular, xxxix 61] 

++. revival of clubs, and decree passed for 
their suppression, 7b. 

...» Buonaparte declares his resolution to 
support the republic, xxxix 62] 

.. «+ ministry changed, éb. 

..-. division in the Directory, xxxix 63] 

.»-. national guard new modelled, xxxix 

.+.. approach of troops to Paris, xxxix 64] 

..-- address of the army of the Sambre and. 
Meuse to the Directory, xxxix 66] 

+... answer of the Directory to the mes~- 
sage of the council on the march of the 
troops, xxxix 69] 298 

++.» report of a committee on this answer, 
xxxix 71] 302 

«++. a number of the representatives ar- 
rested by order of the Directory, xxxix 
76] 309 
s 2 


France: proclamation against proposers of 
restoring royalty, xxxix 77] 

-»-. administrations of the department of 
the Seine and circles of Paris provision- 
ally suppressed, 26. j 

e+. editors and printers of thirty-two 
journals imprisoned, 10. 

+++. message from the Directory to the 
council, and several members in conse- 
quence deprived of their seats, xxxix 81] 

+». the minority of the Directory and 
several other persons sentenced to trans- 
portation, xxxix 83] 

-»-- law in favour of emigrant clergy re- 
pealed, 7d. 

«eee new law respecting juries, zd. 

e+.. various laws repealed and others en- 
acted, xxxix 84] 

‘eeee two new directors chosen, xxxix 85] 

e+-- address of the council of five hun- 
dred to the departments and the armies, 

»»v» reply to it, xxxix 87] 

«+s. another expedition against the British 
islands, xxxix 88] 170] 72. xli 104] 

e+. ill success in the W. Indies, xxxix 92] 

++«» naval preparations against G. Britain, 
xxxix 93] : 

-». threats of invading it, xxxix 101]318, 
319. x1 39] 

«+.» contributions imposed on Venetian 
merchants, xxxix 43 

eo. negociation for peace with G. Britain, 
xxxix 181-228 

+++. the Directory requires the dismissal 
of the British envoy by the Swiss, xxxix 
266. x1 21] 

ees. messages from the Directory on the 
one of the finances, xxxix 293-7, 306, 


eee proclamations 
xxxix 311, 314 

cn oe on neutral commerce, xxxix 


+++. proclamations against G. Britain, 
xxxix 318, 319 

ore. —————— of Lewis XVIII to the 
French, xxxix 326, 327 
Se rine of peace with Portugal, xxxix 

respecting loyalists, 

-+.. this not ratified, xli 100] 

+++. convention respecting Leghorn, xxxix 

e+» proceedings of the French agents on 
the Rhine, xxxix 352, 353 

-» +. fresh negotiations for peace with G. 
Britain, x1 5] 174] 

+++ documents relating to it, ‘xxxix 181- 
228 ‘ 

++ ++ predominancy of the republican party,” 

xl 16) 
e+e threats against G. Britain, x1 17] 

Bn ie emissaries to sow discontent in various 
countries, x1 20] 88] 



France: proceedings against Switzerland, 
xl 21] 

++» views of, in it’s conquest, xl 37] 

ayaa letter of lord Malmesbury, xl 

«+s proclamation against G. Britain, 7b. - 

Le = repre preparations for invading it, 
xl 4] 

»--- conduct toward the pope, xl 43] 48] 
56] 74] 

Rome revolutionized, xl 52) 

+++» mutiny of the garrison at Mantua for 
want of pay, xl 58] 

+. e+ different conduct of the superior and 
inferior officers at Rome, xl 59] ° 

«++» proclamation to the armies in Italy, 
x1 60] 

BPs “i with Naples threatened, xl 

-eee powerful condition of, x1 86] 

e+e State of parties in, xl 93] 

++» project of revolutionizing Spain, xl 

«+. repeated sales of landed property, xl 

«»- tyrannical conduct in Switzerland, xl 

eee IEP = of this, xl 104] 

.. + treaties with Switzerland, x] 105] 251. 
xli 247 

+++. desirous of getting possession of the 
Grisons, xl 106] 124] 

..-. interference with the Cisalpine repub- 
lic, x1 113] 

«++ treaty with it, 7b. 

«+e, alters it’s constitution, xl 115] 

+e. ——— that of the Ligurian republic, 

xl 118] 

conduct toward Sardinia, xl 119] 

«... friendly professions toward Naples, xl 

+». conduct of it’s ambassador there, xl 

++» Malta seized by Buonaparte, xl 125] 
134] 256. xli 108] 

e+.» defeat of it’s fleet, xl 126] 139] 142. 
xli 110] 

+++. change in the aspect of it’s affairs, xl 

e+e» requisitions from it’s allies, x1 129] 

es. it’s forces obliged to withdraw from 
Rome, xl 130] 

e+e. Seizure of Piedmont, 7. 

e»-- the Neapolitaris repeatedly defeated, 
x1 131] 3 

ee +. expedition to Egypt, xl 133] 257. xli 
2) 107] 259. xlii 47] 223-40. xliii 206] 
218] xliv 403, 807 

cose Object of it, xli 48] xliii 242] 

»»«» destruction of it’s fleet in Aboukir 
bay, x1 142] 

oe +. war declared against by the Turks, xl 
151] 272. xli 247 

Prec eee of Ireland, xl 152) 165] 



~ France: conduct toward America, xl 24]] 


++.» venality of the government, x] 244] 
282. xli 99] 113] 114] 138] 147] 

++.. agreement with G. Britain respecting 
the maintenance of prisoners, xl 1 

«s.. Tiot at Vienna in consequence of the 
French ambassador displaying a trico- 
loured flag at a festival, xl 26 

es. resolutions of Irish prisoners in, xl 

"sees articles of exchange of prisoners, xl 


.+-- allowing British goods to pass the 
Sound announced as a declaration of war, 
x1 177 

»»». Geneva united with, x1 250. xli 100 

+... contributions raised on the Cisalpine 
republic on it’s refusing a treaty proposed 
to it, xl 257 

.+ ++ decree respecting foreigners taken in 
English or Russian privateers, x1 260 

+.+. proposal to declare war against Na- 
ples and Sardinia, x1 261 

e» ». note from the Porte on the occupancy 
of Dalmatia and Istria by the Austrians, 
xl 266 

-»-- Turkish memorial on the invasion of 
Egypt, x] 267. xli 70] 

manifesto on the occasion, xl 

268. xli 71] 

+=+- answer to this, xli 115] 

«++. islands in the Adriatic and Egean seas 
taken by the Turks and Russians, xli 80] 

--+- the French expelled from Dalmatia, 
xli 81] 

«++. State of parties and politics in, xli 85] 

++.» various meetings suppressed, xli 87] 

ae of the laws of election, xli 

--.. State of the finances, xli 89] 

«+++ various newspapers suppressed, 7d, 

+... escape of deputies transported to Gui- 
ana, xli 90] 

+++. insurrection in Belgium, xli 90] 

+++» debates on the subject of the deputies 
returned to Europe, xli 90] 94] 96] 

+++. monument in memory of the 18th 
Fructidor and celebration of it’s anniver- 
sary decreed, xli 97] 

«... farther law against priests, 7. 

+++. military commission, xli 98] 

+++. inquiry into attacks against persons 
and property from enmity to the republic 
or a friends, 7b. 

+++» Portuguese ambassador imprisoned 
xi 100) 5 : 

eee cos aed of the treatment of prisons 
ers in Britain, xli 104] 

«++. instructions to col. Tate, zd. 

o» as i levies of men and money, xli 

«+++ levies of men from the conquered 
states, xli 118] 

+++. insurrections in the Netherlands, 2d. 



France : congress of Rastadt, xli 122] 129} 
236] 253] 266 

«+++ Mentz seized by the French, xli 131] 

..»» Ehrenbreitstein besieged, xli 132] 

ic ——— taken, xli 143] 

vs». army marched into Swabia, xli 144] 

«es. the ministers in Bavaria dismissed, 
xli 145] 

«+e» massacre of the French at Teano, xli 

«++» Pescara surrendered, xli 148] 

ees. Successes of the Neapolitan insur- 
gents, xli 149] 

‘..»- unaccountable surrender of Capua, xli 

»+«» displeasure of the Directory against 
Championet, 74. 

.. +» Naples taken, xli 153] 

+e» edict for it’s provisional government, 
xli 157] 

++. ambassadors sent from Naples, 7d. 

-+-. commissaries sent to Naples by the 
Directory, xli 158] 

e+» these ordered by Championet to leave 
Italy, 7d. 

-.-. he, and the other generals ordered to 
Paris for trial, xli 159] 

-e+» invasion of Lucca, 7d. 

+++» disposition of it’s forces, xli 238] 

++.» Mannheim taken possession of, xli 

+e. Philipsburg summoned, 7b. 

«+.» passage of the Rhine, xli 241] 

--.. Massena repulsed, xli 242] 

--.. Mainoni taken and Lecourbe repulsed, 
xli 243] 

.»-» war declared against the emperor and 
the duke of Tuscany, xli 244] 249 

-+.. Jourdan defeated, and obliged to re- 
cross the Rhine, xli 245] 

.»»- Massena repulsed from the Tyrol, xli 

.... conferences at Seltz, xli 254] 

++. assassination of the French deputies 
at Rastadt, xli 255] 271-3 

-»»» the French expelled from the Griscns, 
xli 259] 

.... farther defeats, xli 260] 262] 

-» +» new levies, xli 264] 

.... attacks on the Austrians in Switzer- 
land, xli 266] 

«+. incursions into Germany, xli 267] 

.»-. defeats of the Russians in Switzerland, 
xli 269] 

.».. forces in Italy, xli 277] 

---. defeat at Magnan, xli 280] 

.++» Italians on both banks of the Po take 
up arms, xli 281] 282] 

.... Mantua and Peschiera invested, xli 

. ++. defeat at Cremona, xli 282] 

...- other insurrections of the Italians, 

--+. the allies pass the Adda and enter 
Milan, xli 283] 


France: Serrurier and his division made 
prisoners, xli 284] 

.. «+ citadel of Milan invested, xli 285] 

aa surrendered, xli 287] 

---» Ferrara given up, 7d. 

-+e. Ravenna taken, 2b. 

..-- Moreau evacuates Naples and marches 
to Florence, xli 288] 

.--- defeat of Mc Donald on the Trebbia, 
xli 289] 

.-+- Turin surrendered, xli 290] 

.+-- retreat from Tuscany, xli 291] 

--«- Urbino taken, 14. 

«,++ junction of Mc Donald with Moreau, 

.»-. capitulation of the Neapolitan garri- 
sons, xli 292] 84, 85 

«-.- surrender of Alessandria, Mantua, 
and Tortona, xli 293] 

--.. defeat at Novi, xli 294] 

--.. other losses in Italy, xli 296] 

..-. Ancona and other places surrendered, 
xli 297] 

«++ fleet escapes from Brest, touches at 
Toulon and Genoa, and returns in safety 
after being joined by the Spanish fleet off 
Cadiz, xli 298] 

---. proceedings of the Directory, xli 314] 

--.-. ecclesiastical and scholastic property 
of the protestants of Alsace confiscated, 
xli 315] 

new Directory, xli 316] 

«- +. arrival of Buonaparte from Egypt, 7d. 
xlii 2] 

-..- lInsurgente taken by an American 
frigate, xli 11 

nag: orders for the funeral of the pope, xli 


«.-- Roman territory surrendered, xli 128 

-.-. letter from Tippoo Sultan to the Di- 
rectory, xli 237 

3 gin eee proposed by him, xli 

+... note on the Turkish declaration of 
war, xli 247 

---. explanatory decree respecting neutral 
vessels, xli 255 

+--+. the Directory deposed and consuls 
appointed, xli 256, 257 

--.. proclamation of the consuls, xli 258 

--.. notice of refusal to provide for pri- 
soners in England, xli 209. xlii 2 

---- declaration of war by the German 
empire, xli 265 

: a eres of the king of Sardinia, xli 

«+. representation of the Batavian repub- 
lic, xli 293 

--.. fresh embassy from America, xli 300 

--.. law of hostages, xlii 5] 

«+ +. insurrections, xlii 6] 43] 68] 160] 

«++. entertainment given to Buonaparte 
and Moreau, xlii 9] !1] 

e-.. the councils transferred to St. Cloud, 
xlii 13] 



France: resignation of the directors, xlii 
16] 19} 

++. the hall of the council of 500 cleared 
by the soldiers, xlii 26] 

e+.. proceedings of the council of elders, 
xlii 27] 

wuss moderates in the 
other council, xlii 28] 
ee provisional consular government, xlii 
.... remarks on it’s various revolutions, 
xlii 38 
++. proceedings of the new government, 
xlii 41] 
«+.» new oath of fealty, xlii 43] 
.-.. law of the forced loan, and that of 
hostages, repealed, 2d. 
-++c new financial plans, xlii 44] 
+. lottery, xlii 45] 
«ss. decree of banishment against certain 
persons, xlii 48] 
-+.. this soon repealed, 2. 
++.. decrees in favour of the priests, and 
of religion, 2d. 
48] 69] 
+... examination of the prisons, xlii 49] 
+++ State of the press, xlii 50] 
++++ report on the police, 2. 
-+-+ board of admiralty formed, xlii 52] 
+++. maritime laws, 7d. 
+... new constitution, xlii 65] xli 142 
+++» proposals of peace, xlii 73] 74] 77] 
A a toward Hamburgh, xlii 74] 
.+.. return of several emigrants, xlii 1607] 
-+++ proclamation on the continuance of 
disturbanees in the West, xlii 161] 
-+-. conditions of peace accepted by seve- 
ral, xlii 162] 
.. +» loyalist handbills, xlii 163] 
+--+ proclamation of gen. Brune, xlii 164] 
-.«. the royalists totally subdued, xlii 166] 
«++. attempt to reconcile the nonjuring 
clergy, xlii 167] 
-++. reasons of G. Britain and Austria for 
continuing the war, xlii 168] 
.... Austria refuses a separate negotiation, 
xlii 170] 
. installation of the consuls, xlii 171] 
..+. State of, at the end of the campaign, 
xlii 172] 
.++. great desertions from the army in 
Italy, xlii 175] 
.. +» campaign there, xlii 181] See Italy 
«++. army crosses the Rhine in four divi- 
sions, xlii 199] 
. ++ various actions, xlii 201] 
-... armistice granted the Austrians, xlii 
«+s. preliminaries of peace with Austria 
signed, xlii 206] 277 
.+.. the emperor refuses his ratification, 
xlii 206] 

—— emigrants, xlii 




France: fresh suspension of arms, xlii 207] 

ec-- renewal of hostilities, xlii 208] 

=.«+ battle of Hohenlinden, id. 

«+s farther successes, xlii 209] 

.--- another armistice, xlii 209] 279 

«+ fortifications on the coast destroyed, 
and vessels taken or burnt, xlii 212] 

.... Goree taken, xlii 213] 73 

--.. offer of peace by G. Britain met by 
proposal of a truce, xlii 213] 

«++. correspondence on the subject, xlii 
215, xliii 29] 

=. Malta taken by the English, xlii 215] 

.... attack on the frigates in Dunkirk 
roads, xlii 74 

-.+. proclamation of the consuls on the 
continuance of the war, xlii 274 

ss.» Toussaint l’Ouverture appointed gene- 
ral in chief in Hayti, xlii 276 

--.. treaty with Holland, xlii 282 

«»+- convention with America, xlii 282*. 
xliii 83] 

---- Moreau crosses the Inn and the Salza, 
xliii 57] 

+... the Rheetian Alps crossed by Mac- 
donald, xliii 59] 

aie the Austrians defeated in Franconia, 

-»-- battle between Nuremberg and Lauff, 
xliii 60] 

++.» Austrians defeated near Valbruck, 7d. 

++. armistice concluded, xliii 61] 

+-. affairs of Italy, xliii 63] 

e+e. peace of Luneville, xliii 69] 74] 270. 
xliv 70 

-+-- insurrections in Tuscany and Pied- 
mont, xliii 69] 

++. resistance of Porto Ferrajo in the isle 
of Elba, xliii 70] 

---- Russian embassy to, xliii 78] 79] 

tae of it’s fishermen, xliii 81] 

+--+ present of books from the National 
Institute to the Royal Society, xliii 83] 

++. expulsion from Egypt, xliii 226] 87- 
112, 221, 225 

+» ++ apparent preparations for invading G. 
Britain, xliii 242] 

+++ seacoasts divided into six prefectures, 
xliii 244] 

«++. Obliges Spain to declare war against 
Portugal, xliii 255} 

++.» invades Portugal, xliii 259] 

«+++ peace with it, xliii 260] 293 

+++. attacks on the flotilla at Boulogne, xliii 
265] 129 

+++» negotiations for peace, xliii 275] 

eo en oerics signed, xliii 276] 33, 

-+++ definitive treaty, xliv 94, 608, 623 
° 4s peace with Turkey, xliii 279] 292. xliy 

+++. treaty with Bavaria, xliii 281] 297 
Russia, xliii 281] 291 


France : convention with the pope, xliii 281] 
302. xliv 200 
+++. attempt to improve wool, xliii 33 
..+. interference against any new appoint- 
nents to ecclesiastical states in Germany, 
xliii 28] 
«+++ peace with Naples, xliii 295 
---- treaty with Spain, xliii 299. xliv 85 
——— Algiers, xliii 300 
.»-- regulations of the Gallican church, 
xliii 304 
--+- articles relative to the Protestant re- 
ligion, xliii 305, 306 
+... the pope’s brief to the archbishops 
and bishops, xliii 308 
e+.. report of the state of, xliii 313 
+... proceedings of a piratical govern- 
ment in Guadaloupe, xliii 363. xliv 221 
+++. expedition to St. Domingo, xliv 66, 
74, 90, 91, 209, 366, 681-94 
---. fresh acquisitions of, xliv 80, 32, 85, 
90, 641, 646, 649 
---. treaty with Portugal, xliv 85 
+». arbitrary conduct of Buonaparte, xliv 
87, 233 
+. treaty of Amiens, xliv 94, 608, 623 
«... delay of the ambassador to G. Britain, 
xliv 187 
~».. two British officers arrested, xliv 188 
-... treaty with Tunis, xliv 199, 619 
«+. introduction of the pope’s legate to 
the consul, xliv 202 
+... restoration of the Catholic religion, 
+... amnesty to emigrants, xliv 203, 399, 
+++. Buonaparte declared first consul for 
life, xliv 206, 244, 629 
.... slavery reéstablished in the W. Indies, 
xliv 224 
+» subjugation of Switzerland, xliv 224- 


.... legion of honour appointed, xliv 243, 
404, 425 

--..- new constitution, xliv 244, 631, 632 

.... the old calendar revived, xliv 390. 
xvii 652 

+++. peace establishment, xliv 402 

«ss.» rigorous proceedings respecting com- 
merce, xliv 443 

..-. address to the legislative body on the 
treaty of Amiens, xliv 623 

-... treaty with the duke of Wurtemburg, 
xliv 625 

aieele —_—_—— Porte, xliv 627 

-.». complaints against the British minis- 
ters, xliv 638 

...» treaty with Prussia and Bavaria, xliv 

—— prince of Orange, xliv 

--.- Parma and it’s dependencies taken 
possession of, xliv 641 

«+++ moderation of, xliv 646-8 

«++. absolution of the bishops who have 


occupied sees without papal institution, 
xliv 651 } F 

France: report on the German indemni- 
ties, xliv 653 

+e» large power of, xlv 38, 42 

.. +. rupture with G. Britain, xlv 141, 220, 
280, 652 

.+.. aggressions of, xlv 163, 223 . 

+e. Linois despatched to the E. Indies, 
xlv 282 

.... attack of Hanover, xlv 283 

.... British vessels excluded from Ger- 
many, xlv 286 , 

++. ports of Naples and the papal terri- 
tory occupied, xlv 287 ek 

«s+. preparations for invading Britain, xlv 

«++. other powers compelled to assist it in 
the war, xlv 289 

.»-. treacherous seizure of British subjects, 
xlv 289 

see St. Domingo lost, xlv 290, 329 

»»e- St. Lucie and Tobago taken, xlv 290, 
533, 535 

..-. all British subjects in seized, xlv 391, 

+s» prohibition of British produce, xly 

.+«- call for contributions of boats and 
ships, xlv 399 

+». Granville and Dieppe bombarded, xlv 

+++. Official correspondence subsequent to 
the treaty of Amiens, xlv 652-734 

+... view of the state of, xlv 752 

+... inquiries to be made by it’s agents in 
G. Britain, xlv 761 

..+» article inserted by order in the Ham- 
burg paper, xlv 762 

.... addresses to the republic of the Seven 
Islands, xlv 765, 766 

+» attack on the flotilla off Flushing, xlvi 

.... attacks on the flotilla off Boulogne, 
xlvi 139, 548, 553, 557 

--.- Havre bombarded, xlvi 140, 550 

.... unsuccessful attempt on a fleet of E. 
Indiamen, xlvi 140, 551 

»-.. report of the state of, xlvi 154, 608 

++» conspiracy against the government, 
xlvi 155, 616 

«++. charges against British ministers, xlvi 
162, 619, 622, 630 

».-- Buonaparte made emperor, xlvi 165, 

e+. Notification of it to foreign powers, 
xlvi 677-80 

-++. imperial constitution, xlvi 664 

+... protest of Lewis XVIII against it, 
xlvi 680 

.-+.- complaints against Russia, xlvi 181] 

+++. conduct toward Sweden, xlvi 183 ~ 

+... Seizure of sir G. Rumbold, xlvi 183, 
428, 433 

e+e. treaty with Genoa, xlvi 184 



France: oath of fidelity to the emperor, 
xlvi 186 

e+. his address to the legislative body, #. 

++.» report on the state of the nation, xlvi 
187, 688 

++.. a force established in the E. Indies, 
xlvi 210 

e+. sir J. Crawford charged with breaking 
his parole, and the privilege in conse- 
ror taken from other prisoners, xlvi 

++.. robbery of a British messenger in the 
duchy of Mecklenburgh, xlvi 431 

+++» coinage of Napoleons, xlvi 439 

«+.» circular to the foreign ministers with 
the report respecting Mr, Drake and 
their answers, xlvi 630 

-++. correspondence of the Russian minis- 
ter on the execution of the duke d’Eng- 
hein, xlvi 642-54 

«++» Circular to all the agents of, on the 
conduct of G. Britain, xlvi 657 

+++» letter from the pope’s legate to the 
bishops with a prayer for Buonaparte, 
xlvi 678 

«+.» policy with respect to Holland and 
Spain, xlvii 120, 134 

+++» Speech of the emperor, xlvii 130 

«+ his letter to the king of G. Britain, 
xlvii 131, 617 

+++. answer to it, xlvii 132, 618 

«++» preparations for invading G. Britain, 
xlvii 134, 139, 629 

. eee Genoa annexed to, xlvii 137, 701 

+++. proceedings of Austria, xlvii 140, 688- 
700, 706-714 

«++. campaign against it, xlvii 146 

«++» defeat of the Austrians at Wertingen, 
xlvii 148 

eee ——— at Guntzburgh, 7. 

«+++ Memmingen taken, xlvii 150 

-++- retreat of prince Ferdinand, 2d. 

.+ ee general Werneck and his division made 
prisoners, 7b. 

«+++ Ulm invested, xlvii 15) 

+++» capitulation, xlvii 152, 662 

-... Strange conduct of gen. Mack, xlvii 

«+s. the army crosses the Inn and takes 
Brannau, xlvii 155 

e+ - retreat of the allies, zd. 

++++ armistice proposed by the emperor of 
Austria, xlvii 156 

-».. the Austrians defeated at Menintzel, 
xlvii 157 

«+++ deputation from the magistrates of © 
Vienna, 7, 

.... the French enter the capital of Aus- 
tria, 26. 

es.. engagements with the Russians, xlvii 
158, 159, 160 ; 

«+». Brunn entered, xlvii 160 

- campaign in Italy, xlvii 161 

++ the Tyrol evacuated by the Austrians, 

xlvii 166 

— — 



France: negotiation for peace opened by 
the emperor of Austria, xlvii 166 
---- battle of Austerlitz, xlvii 167, 665, 

ee F1Z 

«».. armistice with Austria, xlvii 178 

..+» corps of Bavarians defeated, xlvii 179 

e+.» peace concluded, xlvii 179. xlviii 130 

«+» treaty, xlvii 668 

-... State of, xlvii 180 

..+ fleets from Rochfort and Toulon put to 
sea, xlvii 219, 225 

--.. attack on Dominica, xlvii 220, 530 

«.-. contributions levied at St. Kit’s and 
Nevis, xlvii 221, 534 

»«e- finances of, xlvii 619 

++.» report on the overtures of peace made 
to England, xlvii 621 

+... Speeches in the legislative body and 
tribunate on the subject, xlvii 626, 627 

«++ note to the diet at Ratisbon, xlvii 640 

eves —— Austrian minister on the 
offer of mediation, xlvii 645 

+++. —— on the proceedings of Austria, 
xlvii 648 

«+. ——in reply to Mr. Novosiltzoff’s to 
the court of Berlin, xlvii 650 

«++. decree for reviving the Gregorian ca- 
lendar, xlvii 652 

«++. Statement of the reciprocal conduct of 
France and Austria, 7b. 

+++. Speech of Buonaparte on repairing to 
the army, xlvii 659 

+++. proclamation to the soldiery, 7. 
«+++ Massena’s proclamation to the army of 
Italy, xlvii 660 ! 
«-.. report of victories to the conservative 
senate, xlvii 661 

-.-- treaty with Naples, xlvii 664. xlviii 
132 ’ 

«++. observations of Russia on it’s conduct, 
xlvii 686 

eee. declaration of Austria respecting it’s 
warlike preparations, xlvii 688 

+--+ memorials in answer to it, xlvii 693, 

| -... Austrian declaration of war, xlvii 713 

---- declaration of the king of Sweden, 
xvii 718 

as Grates with Prussia, xlviii 132, 157, 

---- proceedings of the king of Naples, 
xlviii 133, See Naples 

++». disappointed of Cattaro seizes Ragusa, 
xlviii 150 

ee t: — encroachments in Germany, xlviii 

+++ confederation of the Rhine, xlviii 165 
“tg gentare with Prussia, xlviii 167, 800- 

+ +=» negotiations for peace with G. Britain, 
xlviii 172, 217, 708, 793, xlix 52 

++» treaty of peace signed by the Russian 
plenipotentiary, xlviii 179, 185, 796 

++. Alexander refuses to ratify it, xlviii 
181, 798 


France: campaign against Prussia, xlviii 
188, 811 
+++» treaty of alliance with Saxony, xlviii 
194, 195. xlix 672 
+ «+ Hesse Cassel and Mecklenburg Schwe- 
rin seized, xlviii 199 
«.-. the dukes of Brunswick Lunenburg 
and Wolfenbuttel deposed, xlviii 199 
--+- Hanover taken possession of, 1. 
-.-- Hamburgh seized and British mer- 
chandize confiscated, xlviii 200 
-..» the British islands declared in a state 
of blockade, id. 
«++ New laws of. maritime war, xlviii 201 
>... attempt to excite insurrections in Po- 
land, xlviii 203 
++e- defeats of the Russians, xlviii 205 
-».. fresh treaty with Holland, xlviii 214 
«+e» Speech of the emperor, xlviii 216 
+++. two new cities announced, and a port 
-in the channel, xl viii 217 
«+. direct taxes diminished, xlviii 218 
eee. tax on salt substituted for turnpike 
tolls, 7d. 
e+.» convocation of Jews, xlvili 218, 428 
++ State of religion in, xlviii 220 
+... naval expeditions, xlviii 228 
+--+. navy officers, when captured, to be re= 
duced to one fourth of their pay, xlviii 
-... rocket attack on the flotilla at Bou- 
logne, xlviii 450 
e+. signal posts on the coast destroyed, 
xlviii 587 
+++.» price of stocks, xlviii 631 
.... forces of, xlviii 674. liv 99 
-. +. influence of in Turkey, xlviii 790 
-.-. campaign in the N. of Germany, xlix 
«+ affair of Mohringen, xlix 6, 7 
eee Bergfried, xlix 9 
...~ detachment driven back to the Narew, 
xlix 10 
«+e affair of Deppen, 7d. 
--+-- ——— Hoff, id. 
«+. battle of Eylau, xlix 11, 649 
-»-. the army falls back on the Vistula, 
xlix 15 
---- proposals to Russia, and then to Prus- 
sia, to treat for peace, xlix 16 
---- defeat of the Russians at Ostrolenka, 
xlix 17 
+--+ various engagements, xlix 18-20 
«+» winter quarters, xlix 18 
e+e. siege of Dantzic, xlix 20, 23 
eee. ——— Graudenz, xlix 20, 23 
os... ——-—— Breslaw, xlix 22 
-- +. Dantzic surrendered, xlix 26 
-+ +. Stralsund besieged, xlix 27, 657* 
-».- Colberg besieged, xlix 28 
--+. obliged to retreat from Pomerania, 74. 
+e» extraordinary forestalling of the con- 
scription, xlix 167, 168, 702 
me oe unsuccessful attacks of the allies, xlix 



France: the allies attacked by the French, 
xlix 171 

+++ battle of Heilsberg, #4. 

+--+» retreat of the Russians, xlix 172 

«+e. battle of Friedland, 7d. 

=i iy armistice with Russia and Prussia, xlix 

o++- peace of Tilsit, xlix 177, 276, 714, 720 

«++» sieges of Colberg &c. xlix 179 

+--+. proceedings of Sebastiani at Constan- 
tinople, xlix 194 

+++. attempt to exclude G. Britain from 
the continent, xlix 225, 777, 779, 780 

-. +» Statement of the finances and acquisi- 
tions of, }xlix 274 

+» the tribunate abolished, 7. 

e«-- alterations in the courts of justice, 
xlix 275 

«+++ mouths of the Cattaro relinquished by 
Russia to, xlix 276 

«+» troops of, conveyed in Russian ships to 
the Seven Islands, 2. 

«++» division of Portugal by the treaty of 
Fontainbleau, xlix 278 

«+e decree of the bish. of Quimper on the 
conscription and the persecution of Ca- 
tholics in Ireland, xlix 460 

e-»+- Buonaparte’s address to the legislative 
body, xlix 472 

eee. treaty with Saxony, xlix 672 

+--+ answer to the circular of Austria pro- 
posing a general peace, xlix 712 

++.» manifesto against G. Britain, xlix 750 

«+». circular to the chamber of commerce, 
xlix 780 

+++» campaign in Spain, 1 197] 

+++. Suspicions of Austria, 1 217] 

«++» troops of the confederation of the 
Rhine taken into pay, 1 218] 

++». address of Buonaparte to his soldiers, 

#+-- expulsion from Portugal, | 220] 258*- 
82*, 325° 

e... the French driven out of Porto Rico, 
Deseada, and Marie Galante, 1 237] 

---- farther encroachments in Germany, 1 
237] 6*, 318° 

e+. hereditary nobility created, 1 237] 20* 

. e«. alliance with Persia, 1 3" 

«+s. report of the minister at wat, 7b. 

+... conscripts of 1809 called out, 1 5*, 

«++» American vessels captured, | 7* 

+++. university established at Paris, 1 20* 

«++. proceedings of the conservative se- 
nate, 1 43* 

-+.. wretched state of British prisoners in, 

-+++ honourable conduct of a French offi- 
cer, 1 130* 

---- address of Buonaparte to the legisla- 
tive body, 1 285* 

e+-- commercial decree, | 299* 

é a declaration of war against, 


France : state of, 1 355* 
+++» progress of the armies in Spain, li 15 
173, 175 Rone 
---. threatening aspect of Austria, li 173 
-~.. proceedings in Portugal, li 179 
eee War with Austria, li 203 
+e» peace with it, li 219, 244, 732, 733 
es So ee of the fleet in Aix roads, 
i 22 

—— other ships in the Me- 
diterranean, #d. 

--.. the French expelled from the Seven 
Islands, li 228, 530 

++.» St. Paul’s in the Isle of Bourbon ta- 
ken, 1i 228 

-».. Martinico and the city of St, Domingo 
taken, 7d. 

»+.+. State of the nation, li 240 

+++. tax on women of the town, li 249 

+. «+ titles conferred by Buonaparte, li 250, 

+... losses of the armies in the peninsula, 
li 263 

ee gece surrendered to the British, li 

+... telegraphs and fortifications in the 
gulf of Lyons destroyed, li416 

-... destruction of ships in the Charente, 
li 434 

«++. differences with America, li 653, 715 

«++. reports on the levy, li 721, 724, 731 

-..- Buonaparte’s speech at meeting the 
legislative body, li 745 

--.. proceedings of the armies in Spain, lii 

«++. conduct toward prisoners of war, lii 185 

+++. terms proposed for an exchange of 
prisoners with G. Britain, 1ii 237 

«+++ message of Buonaparte to the conser- 
vative senate, lii 236, 237 

-.-. Holland, the Hans towns, and the 
Valais, annexed to, lii 237, 504, 505 

eee. all domestics to be registered, lii 238 

«--- keepers of inns and lodging houses to 
register their inmates and their proceed- 
ings, lii 239 

+... law respecting Englishmen, lii 239 

+--+ restraints on the press, lii 239 

-» +. law respecting state prisons, lii 240 

---. proceedings against British commerce, 

«.~+ St. Maura taken, lii 262 

-.-.s Guadaloupe taken, 7d. 

.++. Isles of Bourbon and of France taken, 
lii 262. iii 171 

-.+. Tametava and all other settlements in 
the E. Indies destroyed, lii 265 

.»-. war declared by the dey of Algiers, lii 

»«.. assistance afforded by British prisoners 
at a fire at Auxonne, lii 267* 

+--+. Spanish soldiers shot, and this reta- 
liated, 1ii 285 

«+-- report on Kolli’s plan for liberating 
Ferdinand, lii 497 



France: Rome annexed to, lii 502 

e+.» State of, lii 508 

«++. settlement of differences with Ame- 
rica, lii 519 

..«. retreat of Massena from Portugal, liii 
102] 185, 318 

es. Situation of the forces in Spain, liii 

.... contributions levied in Languedoc by 

parties of Spaniards, liii 121] 

evs. State of, liii 127] 129] 

.... Hamburgh annexed to, liii 127] 

---- marine conscription, 2d. 

culture of beet root and woad enjoined 
to supersede sugar and indigo, liii 128] 317 

.... National ecclesiastical council assem- 
bled, liii 128] 130] 64, 92 

..-. fresh decree against British property, 
liii 131] 

--«. call of conscripts, liii 133] 

«+. differences with Russia, liii 136] 139] 

---. duchy of Oldenburgh seized by, lili 

+++» suspicions respecting Sweden, liii 141] 

+... decree for the employment of prison- 
ers, liii 31 

+... circular from Buonaparte to the 
bishops, liii 48 

++-. troops in Spain, Jiii 56 

++. privateer burnt at Norfolk in Virginia, 
liii 62 

cb “i newspapers united in one, liii 


+++. conduct in Portugal, liii 188 

+--. attack on the squadron off Boulogne 
ordered by Buonaparte, liii 212 

e+» Speech of the emperor, liii 329 

+-+« Dumber of French officers breaking 
parole, liv 125] 89 

++.» campaign in Spain, liv 143] 

+.-- ——— against Russia, liv 165] See 
Buonaparte, and Russia 

---- reports of the foreign and war minis- 
ters, liv 166] 

+++. new treaty with Austria, liv 168] 419 

woes ——- Prussia, liv 418 

-.-+ conspiracy at Paris suppressed, liv 

+++. conduct toward America, liv 195] 
203] 423. lv 410 

+++. marriages of prisoners abroad not 
deemed valid, liv 153 

See rropdsal of peace to G. Britain, liv 

+++» vessels in the harbour of Cassis taken 
or destroyed, lv 111] 

+++. augmentation of the army, lv 120] 

oe with the pope, lv 120] 389, 

«++.» regency appointed during the absence 
of Buonaparte, lv 120] 

-..+ fresh campaign, 7b. ~ 

+++. war declared by Austria, lv 128] 422 | 

+--- retreat of the armies from Spain, lv 

145] 146] 



France: entered by the British army on 

the South, lv 151] 221 

+». positions before St. Jean de Luz 

forced, ‘lv 152] 228 

+... actions on the Nive, lv 152] 240 

-+.. return of Buonaparte, lv 159] 

-... additional taxes, levy of conscripts, 
and other decrees, ly 160] 451 

«... revolution in Holland, lv 160] 

--.. entered by the allies crossing the 

Rhine, lv 173] lvi 2] 

... address of Lewis XVIII, Jv 390 

.-. declaration of the allies, lv 422 

. ++ general call on the nation, lvi 3} 

..» difficulties of the Bank, lvi 4] 

... Buonaparte repairs to the army, 2b. 

.. battle of Rothiere, lvi 5] 

... Troyes, Vitri, and Chalons, taken by 
the allies, 2d. 

.... defeat of a Russian division at Champ- 
Aubert, lvi 6] 

.... after different engagements Blucher 
obliged to retreat to Chalons, ib. 7] 

+++. Soissons carried by assault, lvi 8] 

.... Troyes recovered from the allies, lvi 

Cy. OSes) Oy G © 


«-.+ Oudinot defeated and Troyes retaken, 
lvi 10] 

«+.. proceedings of the Swedish and Dan- 
ish forces, lvi 11] 

ics lord Wellington in the 

South, lvi 12] 152, 159, 163, 175, 180 

++. attempt to recover Soissons, lyi 14] 

.. attack on Blucher at Craone, lvi 15] 

... the French repulsed at Laon, 2d. 

... Rheims taken by the Russians, re- 

taken, and taken a second time, lvi 16] 

.... other severe actions, lvi 17] 

.... negotiations at Chatillon broken off, 
lvi 17] 167] 395 

.... defeat of the French at Orthés, lvi 17] 

.... the gates of Bordeaux opened to the 
duke of Angouléme and the British 
forces, lvi 18] 175 

.. + defeat of Soult at Tarbes, lvi 18] 

..-. the allies unite and march for Paris, 
lvi 19] 

.... defeat of the army covering it, lvi 20] 

«... Paris entered by the allies, lvi 21] 

.... provisional government established, 
lvi 22] 

..+. decree of dethronement of Buona- 
parte, lvi 23] 398 

. restoration of Lewis XVIII, lvi 25] 

...- Toulouse entered by the British army, 

- lvi 26] 180 

...+. Suspension of hostilities, lvi 27] 345 

.... arrival of Lewis, lvi 29] 

.... his entrance into Paris, lvi 49] 

..+. — declaration respecting the consti- 
tution, lvi 50] 

. +. new constitution, lvi 420 

«+e» funeral service for Lewis XVI and 


XVII, the late queen, and mad. Eliza- 
beth, lvi 61] 

nee proceedings respecting the army, 

eee treaty of peace, lvi 53] 408-19 

«eee preparation of the allied armies to 
quit, lvi 54] 

-+ ++ the legislative body assembled, 7). 

++ ee the king’s speech on opening it, 2d. 

eee. state of, lvi 55] 59] 

eves restrictions of the press, lvi 56] 

++» sitting of the legislature interrupted 
by the intrusion of strangers, lvi 57] 

+.» legion of Honour continued, lvi 61] 

e+e» finance, id. 

++. report on a petition relative to the sale 
of emigrant property, lvi 63] 

«++. resolution on the debts contracted by 
the king while abroad, lvi 63] 65] 

+++» motion for the restitution of unappro- 
priated emigrant property, lvi 64] 66] 

es.» annuities to other emigrants, lvi 66] 

..-. establishment of ecclesiastical schools, 
lvi 65] 

eves Civil list, 2. ° 

«+s. commissary dismissed for arresting 
Mina by order of the Spanish chargé d’ 
affaires, and the chargé d’ affaires or- 
dered to quit the kingdom, lvi 77 

«. +» evacuation of the Netherlands, lvi 95] 

+++s articles of provision imported into 
England, lvi 39, 91 

.»+. number of prisoners sent home from 
England, lvi 82 

+... treaty of peace with Spain, lvi 423 

«-.. landing of Buonaparte from Elba, lvii 
10] 56] 363 

see State of, lvii 55] 65] 

--.- flight of Lewis XVIII to Lisle, lvii 63} 

«-+. his declaration, lvii 379 

+++. new constitution proposed by Buona- 
parte, lvii 63] 

+s» royalist insurrections, lyii 64] 65] 

«+. defeat of Buonaparte at Waterloo, lvii 

+.» papers relating to the campaign, lvii 
174-80, 182-92, 204 

«ss. Sittings of the legislature declared 
permanent, lvii 69] 82] 

++». proclamation of the duke of Welling- 
ton, lvii 392 

«+++ abdication of Buonaparte, lvii 69] 70) 

.» «+ the king’s proclamation on his return, 
Ivii 393 

«+». commissioners sent to the allies to pro- 
pose peace, lvii 70] 

«++. entered by the allies, 2. 

.. +. convention of St. Cloud, lvii 71] 184 

+». surrender of Paris, lvii 71] 

-»-- Austrians and Russians commence 
operations on the frontiers, lvii 81] 

+++. the chambers shut up, lvii 82] 

e+» Lewis XVIII reénters the capital, 


ees. restrictions on the military at Paris 
vii 86] . 

- = 

+++. Ordinance declaring several’ peers to — 

have abdicated. #6, 

..«. list given of officers to be arrested and — 

tried by martial law, lvii 86] 87] 

++.» —— of persons to retire to the country 
under inspection, lvii 86] 

«ese Several persons iu office in the country 
to be removed, ib. 

++ee restraints on the press, 2b. 

---- the army new-modelled, lvii 87] 

«... the peerage made hereditary, ib. 

e++» persecution of the protestants at 
a i lvii 87] 88] 92] lviii 108] 114] 

--+++ speech of the king at the opening of — 

the chambers, lvii 89] 

+++. reclamations of the plundered works ~ 

of art &c. in the Museum, lvii 89] 601 

complaints of the exministers on the 
occasion, lyii 90] 

+++» law for the suppression of seditious 
cries &c. lvii 91] 

+++. Speech of the president on opening 
the principal court of justice, 7b. 

++» treaty of peace settled in the congress 
at Vienna, lvii 93] 

+--+ definitive treaty and arrangements, 
Ivii 410-22, 601-20 

state of, lvii 94] 

ee hie aamies marched into, lvii 


«++» revolts in Martinico and Guadaloupe 
suppressed by British forces, lvii 128] 
+++ property of Irish catholic establish- 
ments restored, lvii 10 

+++» Trappists installed at Port Ringeard, 
lvii 17 

++++ partition of the money to be paid by 
way of indemnity, lvii 611 

++e« payments to G, Britain, lx 431, 432 

.. +. regulations respecting the indemnities, 
Ix 154] 81, 145. Ixi 127, 128 

++. pay of the foreign troops, lvii 620 

+++. complaints against the government 
respecting the persecution of protestants, 
lviii 18] 

e+.. army of occupation, lviii 106] 

«+++ amnesty, Iviii 107] 

+... commotions, lviii 108] 112] lix 107] 

-..- law respecting education, lviii 108] 

«+++ complaints of the protestants respect- 
ing it, lxi 168] 

+.++ parties in the legislature, lviii 109] 

.»+. principles of the royalists, lviii 110] 

---- chamber of deputies dissolved, lviii 
115] : 

-. +» election of new members, lviii 116] 

. religious ceremonies, lviii 117] 
-.-» king’s speech, 7d. 
+++ New concordat with the pope, lviii 135] 

France; number of deputies increased, lvii rt 


France: this tacitly suspended, Ix 167 
«+++ emigrants to Brazil, lviii 155 
++» part of the property of the Hamburgh 
bank restored, lviii 156 
---++ convention with G. Britain respecting 
the E. Indies, lviii 359 
»-+» decree respecting the slave trade, lix 
103] Ix 21] 
«+++ negotiation for diminishing the army 
of occupation, lix 103] 
+++» ordinance respecting the debts of the 
city of Paris, lix 105] 
--.- regulations for the House of Peers, 
lix 108] 
«++ election of deputies, 7. 
«+» king’s speech, 2. 
ee.» law respecting the press, lix 110] 
++.» — for the establishment of religion, 
lix 113] 
ees certain exiles to reside only in Aus- 
tria, Russia, or Prussia, lix 70 
| «e.. treaty with Portugal, lix 243 
|... faithlessness of, Ix 21] 48 
«+++ number of English in, Ix 66] lxi 71] 
e+.» restrictions on newspapers, lx 153] 
|... prohibition of the slave trade, Ix 154] 
..-. this disregarded, lx 48 
-+.. creation of rentes for payment of debts 
to the allies, Ix 154] 81, 145 
«+. law respecting the national guard, Ix 
+++. order respecting the electoral colleges, 
Ix 156] 
-#.. ministry of, lx 157] 
++. evacuated by the foreign troops, lx 165] 
155, 159, 183. Ixi 125, 132 
---- law respecting elections, lx 46 
«+ »- persecution of protestants, Ix 79.1xi 167] 
‘s+. cruel treatment of reputed witches, lx 
106 ’ 
«+. peace establishment of the army, Ix 119 
«+--+ public prayers and a solemn mass or- 
dered previous to opening the session of 
parliament, Ix 182 
«+». the king’s speech, 7d. 
+++.» proposal for changing the law of elec- 
tions, Ixi 164] 165] 
|..--above fifty new peers created, and 
many others recalled, lxi 164] 
+s. finances, lxi 169] 
-.+» Sale of forests, ib. 
++«+ abolition of the droits d’aubaine, Ixi 
+++ law respecting the press, 7d. 
+«+» Society of Friends of the Liberty of 
the Press, Ixi 171] 
»+++ debate on the return of exiles, 1xi 172] 
+++. complaint of the ecclesiastics to the 
pe, ib. 
+++» additional benefices and chapels of 
ease erected, lxi 174] 
+++» king’s speech on réopening the cham- 
bers, Ixi 175] 
+ees merchants forbidden to lend ships for 


the Spanish expedition to S. America, Ixi 

France: ordinance for the promotion of 
agriculture, Ixi 9 

++.. Cashmere goats sending to, lxi 10 

+... the frontiers strengthening, Ixi 21, 23 

«++» Royal Society for the Melioration of 
Prisons, 1xi 26 

+++» Christian sepulture refused to persons 
supposed to die impenitent, lxi 30 

-+++ prosecution of the editor and pub- 
lisher of the translation of Hobhouse’s 
History of the Hundred Days, xi 86 

ores ersons for permitting 
meetings of friends of the liberty of the 
press at their houses, lxi 87, 88 

France, isle of. See Mauritius 

France, J. lii 423 

Francis I, emperor, viii 123] 124] 

---- funeral of, and medals struck on the 
occasion, viii 124] 

I, of France, i 482. vii 211. ix 31. 

xii 8, 25, 164, 265. xiii 102] 143. xiv 55. 

xvi 196. xviii 147. xix 185] xxxiii 142. 

1144] liii 130) 

character of, xii 27 

II, of France, iii 48. xxxi 158 

II, emperor, xxxiv 87] 24, 322. 
xxxv 52] xxxvii 196] xliv 246. xlv 319. 
xlvii 179, 558. 1ii 252. lvi 3] 39. Ix 102. 
lxi 501 

+++. rescued by a British detachment, xl 
46. xliii 23 : 

+++. assumes the title of emperor of Aus- 
tria, xlvi 194, 695 

exes resigns that of Germany, xlviii 166, 
$24, 825 

marriage of, lviii 173 

abbe, v 4 

col. (Amer.) xx 151] 

Eliz. x1 177 

Frances, id. 

J. executed for treason, xlv 363, 

369, 371 

Mrs. xv 124] 

rev. Dr. Phil. xxxvi 287 

sir Philip, xv 124] xxvi 54] xxviii 
136] xxix 81] 150] 158] 165] 168] xxx 
140] 142] 146] 159] 176] 1782] xxxi 
158] xxxii 86] 98] 100] xxxiii 240, 242. 
xxxiv 129] 140] 145] 174] 77. xxxv 25] 
129] 159] xxxvi 200] 234] 236] 240] 
252] xxxvii 160] 215] xxxviii 71] xlv 
91, 98, 107, 204, 209, xlvi 8, 37, 83, 110. 
xlvii 6, 7, 41, 63. xlviii 72, 101, 104, 
255. xlix 116 

Francke, rey. Dr. vii 114] 

Francklin, ens. W. xxxii 39 

— rey. Dr. T. xii 226 

Rich. (printer) xxiii 245 

Franco, Abr. xx 202] 

Frangois. See Frangais 

Franck, Bacon, v. Mr. Hewitt and col. 
Sowerby for a conspiracy, xliv 377 

Francis G, i 165 



Frankfort seized by the French, ii 7, 57 
——_——— Russians, ii 24 

«++. extortions practised there, iii 215] 

+... achurch for the reformed allowed at 
the request of the king of Prussia, vii 77] 

ees. surrendered to the French, xxxiv 110] 

—— to the allies, xxxiv 124] 

+++» contributions raised by the French, 
xli 267] 

---- meeting of sovereigns at, lv 164] 

«»«- declared a free town, lv 172] 

+++ proposal of it’s being an asylum for 
political exiles rejected, lx 31 

e+» account of, lx 464 

«+e» State of, lxi 39 

++. anniversary of Goethe celebrated, Ixi 

Frankland, adm. T. x 206] 

sir T, xviii 126] 139] 224] 230] 

W. attempt to murder Mr. Mil- 

ler, xvi 150] xvii 82] 92] 102] 

W.(M.P.) xliv170. xlvii 108. li 
109. lii 139, lv 13] 

Franklin, Dr. Benj. ix 71] xi 176] 75. xii 
85] 73, 214. xiii 55, 148, 223. xvi 152] 
167. xvii 82. xviii 55) 265] 70. xix 174*] 
197] 49. xx 91, 186. xxi 173] 342] 2. 
xxii 406] 441] 110. xxiii 365] xxv 148] 

» 321) xxvi 134] 339] 346] xxvii 238] 243] 
Xxvili 260] xxix 299] 85. xxxv 15, 405. 
xlvi 829. lviii 471. lix 396 

meas -——= 



e++- on the effect of different colours in ~ 

imbibing heat, xii 103 

+++. examined before the privy council, 
xvii 86] 

«+++ placed at the head of the post-office 
in America, xviii 133*] 

effect of oil on waves, xviii 70 

+++. correspondence with lord Howe, xx 

+». hints for learning to swim, xx 123 

+++. On commercial subjects, xxii 156 

«+++ rules for a club, xxii 159 

is a the savages of N. America, xxvii 

+++. on smoky chimneys, xxix 85 

- +++ slowly sensible hygrometer, xxix 88 

+++ allegory by, xxx 152. xlv 899 

+++ account of, xxxii 201] xxxv 241 

eee» epitaph of, xxxii 203] 

«eee character of, xxxv 254 

«+++ on covering houses with copper, xxxv 
326, 327 

+eee art of swimming, xxxv 367 

. ea to have money in plenty, xxxv 


+++» hints by, xxxv 369, 370 
+++. on early marriage, xxxv 371 
+++ a plagiarist, xlv 897 
-... letter to sir W. Jones, xlvi 734 
+.» letters to various persons, lix 378 
gov. W. xix 259] xxxii 203] 
—— J. vi 145] vii 51] 
———— J. convicted of robbing the mail, 
xiii 96] 



Franklin, lieut. G. (mar.) xxxii 204] 

maj. W. liii 556 : 

———— W. Temple, xxv 324] xxxii 203] 

Franklyn, (publisher of the Craftsman) 
xiv 32] 34] xxvii 282] 

——— capt. J. (N) lxi 38, 98 

Franks, xx 187] 191] 192] 

Fraser, 1. gen. Al. Mackenzie, xlviii 918, 
xlix 204, 668°, 670°, 673". li 5, 21, 363, 
371, 475 

1. gen. J. xlvi 135, 526 } 

maj. gen, petitions the H. of Com- 

mons to restore to him the forfeited 

estates of his father, lord Lovat, xvii 97] 


Mary, x1 176 
sir W. li 422 
See also Frazer 
Fratteaux, Bertin, marg. de, account of, vii 
Fraud, new species of, xv 99] xxiii 234] 
-++- on the stamp office, xlvii 372 
«+e persons convicted of, xlviii 370, 375. 
xlix 519. liv 39] 
+--+. at the Stock Exchange, xlviii 435, 444. 
lvi 19, 325 
+++» by women professing to be soldiers’ 
wives, lvi 101 
«++» Rundell and Bridge tricked of jewels 
to a great amount, lix 49 
--+- See also Places, Bank of England, 
Revenue, and Na 
Frauenfeld, fire at, xiv 139] 
Frays, (brothers) xxxvi 119] 
Frazer, brig. gen. xix 154*] xx 150] 151] 
165*] 168°] xxii 150] xxiii 163) 218] 64 
col. iii 134] iv 135] xx 145] 
gen. xlvii 207 
gen. T. xxv 196*] 278] 
hon. Archib. xxvii 268] 
James, xliii 6. lx 361 
J. liii 267. 1xi 301 
Mary, v 146] 147] 
T. vi 90) 
W. xi 68] xiv 115] 
See also Fraser 
Frederic, king of Sweden, xv 50] 
—— I, emp. of Germany, i 393n, x 
271. xxi 6] 
I, of Prussia, ix 44 
II, of Denmark, xiv 227 
II, of Germany, xx 126. xl 410 
IJ, of Prussia, ii 260, 262, 346. 
iv 176] xii 105] xv 16] xvii 177. xix 
165] 33. xx 35. xxii 16n. xxvii 126] 130] 
245) 319] 364] xxviii 75] 76) xxx 9.— 
xxxiii J1, 17, 83. xxxiv 4] xxxix 382. 
xliii 394, 425, xlv 320. xlviii 195, xlix_ 
181, 980. d 
---.- character of, i 235. ii 29, iii 52] ix 
18. xxviii 162] xxix 1,3 : 
-»-. anecdotes of him, i 236. xvi 68] 275. 
XXVili 234] xxix 3 
.. +» ode to, by Voltaire, i 400 
eves Werses by, i 403 


Frederic II, of Prussia, his letters to the 
queen from a field of battle, at first vic- 
torious, then defeated, ii 26, 27 
e+» justification of his conduct toward the 
_ French prisoners, ii 250 
»» +» his person, way of living, and court, 
ii 278 
+s letter to the marq. d’Argens, iii 31] 
---- mischiefs of his conduct, iii 53] 
-»-. reputed address to a council of war, 
iii 156] ¢ 
+... dispute on eternal punishment, iv 

oe ee ae and Glory, by,’ iv 182 

---. his prudence toward Russia, v 22] 

«++. — conduct at the peace, v 63] 

-.-- intercepted letter to count Fincken- 
stein, v 112] 

++«» conversation with prof. Gellert, v 35 

«.+- ode on the war by, v 184 

e++« letter to the vicar of St. Sulpice, vi 

to Stanislaus k. of Poland, vii 

e++. coins found in the duchy of Cleves 
claimed by, vii 71] 

«+. letter to Catharine II on her new code 
of laws, xi 87] 

-+-- interviews with the emperor, xii 34] 
125] xiii 42] 148] 

+++» drunken boutat his court when prince, 
xiii 157 

«++ his nefarious conduct toward Poland, 
xv 21] See also Poland 
and Thorn, xv 38] 42] 

+++. Speech to his officers on taking the 
field against Austria, xxi 177] 

«--- note to his minister on the occasion, 
xxi 178] 

«e+ justice of, xxiii 189 

+» death of, xxviii 84] 161] 

-+++ disposal of his wardrobe, xxviii 165] 

-» ++ funeral of, xxviii 209] 

——— III, of Germany, xl 415 

IV, of Denmark, liv 737 

—— V, of Denmark, ix 54] xv 50] 
73] xxxii 168. xliv 737 

«+--+ character of, ix 50] 

VI, of Denmark, xi 40] 64] xv 

76°] xxviii 56] 1 10) 14] lii 245 

elector Palatine, and king of Bo- 

hemia, xii 33 

_|————— prince of Oldenburgh, xv 73] 78] 

| Adolphus, of Sweden. Se Adol- 



Augustus, of Poland. See Au- 

Charles William, king of Wur- 
temberg, xxxiv 117] xxxix 22, 23, 29, 
32. lvii 290. lviii 140] 

William, prince, death of, viii 
152] ix 67] 

ese» funeral of, viii 203] 


Frederic William I, of Prussia, xiv 203. 

xliii 426 
William II, of Prussia, xvi 277. 

xxi 22] xxxiii 11, 251. xxxiv 88] xxxv 
142. xxxix 54 

++» married tothe princess Elizabeth Chris- 
tina Ulrich of Brunswick, viii 111] xliii 

eee. Frederica Louisa 

of Hesse Darmstadt, xii 114] 

«++» his interposition in behalf of the 
stadtholder, xxviii 84] 

ess account of, xliii 394 

——— William III, of Prussia, xiii 136] 
xxxvi 199. xxxix 54. xl 6. xlv 320. xlvi 
192. xlvii 185, 190, 686. xlix 35, 36, 
40, 182. lv 3] lvi 38, 47. lvii 60. Ix 

«+.» his interview with the emp. of Russia, 
xlix 446 

+++. — visit to England, lvi 42, 55 

--+. invested with the order of the Garter, 
lvi 46 : 

———— William, king of Wurtemberg 
xli 297] lvi 3] 16] Iviii 140] 

William the Great, El. of Bran- 
denburg, ix 44, 45 

Frederick v. sir Steph. Evance, xii 111] 

— col. xxxiii 11] ] 

— col. suicide of, xxxix 11 

sir C. iv 115] vii 34. xiv 217] 

xv 207] 
Free, J. xliii 19 
rey. Edw. Drake, lix 192 
Freeborn, J. (bookseller) xxxix 15 
Freehold held by a man and his ancestors 
750 years, xlix 446 
Freeland, G. ii 197 
Freeling, Francis, lvi 9 
Freeman, capt. (mil.) iv 160] 
J.v 119] ix 88] 
——— Sarah, | 100* 
W. (F.R.S.) xi 258] 
W. G, xvii 110) xxi 175] 
Freemantle, adm. T. F. xxxvii 60. xxxix 
97) ae 236. 1 129*. lv 111] 164] 208. 
lxi 9 

W. xlv 832. 1 223%. liv 59] ib. 

Free-martin. See Cattle 

Free-masonry, xv 141 

Free-masons, subscriptions for their breth- 
ren in the army in Germany, iii 66] 

---. dukes of York and Gloucester, and 
prince of Brunswick, made at the Horn 
tavern, ix 69] 

++. hall built, xviii 115] xix 144] 

+++» lodge seized in the Neapolitan domi- 
nions, xix 125] 

+++. edicts of the emperor of Germany 
against, xxviii 158] 

tae oe in the Palatinate, xxviii 

++++ Persian ambassador made, lii 264* 


Free-masons, prohibited in the papal terri- 
tories, lvi 82] 

.+ + prosecuted by the Inquisition in Spain, 
Ixi 58 

Freere, W. xlix 941 

Free-thinking, remarks on, xvili 161 

Fregeville, xlii 13] > 

Freinshemlus, J. xi 162 

Freisingen, prince Clement of Saxony 
chosen bishop of, vi 79] 

Fremant, gen. lv 140] 

French emigrants, xxxiv 54] 36, 39, 50, 76 

eres grants for the support of, xxxvi 119. 
xxxvii 118, 2b. xxxviii 107. xxxix 169, 
170, 171. x1 205. xli 194. xlii 163, 165, 
170. xliii 189. xliv 580, 585, xlv 625. 
xlvi 580. xlvii 586. xlviii 637, 638. xlix 
726", 1 181%, 2b. 182%, 2b. li 535, 536, 
537, 2. lii 423 

»+~ School at Somerstown for, xliii 278] 

wee brief of the pope and answer of the 
bishops in London, xliii 307-12 

French language unsuited to music, x 194 

...- remarks on the, xx 161 

French v. Giles, 1xi 204 

—— col. li 119, 129, 133, 147 

col. W. K. xxv 221] 

——— hon. T. lvi 217] 

J. (painter) xix 203] 

rey. James, xx 216] xxi 168] 

—— Rich. ix 60] 99] 

Frend, W. mandamus to the university of 
Cambridge to readmit him refused, xxxvi 

Freneau, M. xxxi 3] 

Frere, Benj, xlvii 17 

—— gen. (French) 1 211] lii 179 

--—— gen. (Spanish) See Freyre 

—— J. Hookham, xliii 259] xlvii 16, 20, 
121, 122. 1234] 1i 4, 8, 9, 20, 23, 68, 75, 
96n, 409. lii 9, 148, 160 

—— serg. W. lix 71. Ixi 92 

W. xlix 941 

Freron, xxxvi 152] xxxvii 83] 113] 119] 
123] xxxviii 148] 

Freshfield, James W. Ix 346 

Fresnoy, C. Alph. da, xxvi 181. xxxix 497 

Fressinet, gen. xlii 185] 186] 

Freuler, xliv 237 

Frewen, C. (deputy clerk of the crown) xvi 

Dr. = vild3l 

Freyburg, extraordinary proclamation by 
the Prussian governor of, v 110] 

eoee fire at, vii 89] 

Freyre, gen. lii 154] iii 118] lv 149] 151) 
199, 202, 222, 230. lvi 166, 175, 150 

Freytag, marsh. xxxv 273] 

Frezier, Amadeus Francis, xvi 102 

Friant, gen. xliii 210] 213] 91. xlv 950. 

~xlvii 169: liv 165] 

Friburg, tribunal of censorship, Iviii 143] 

Fricker, T. xlviii 959 

Fridag, S. xlvii 428 

Friday, Israel, lix 1 



Friderici. gen. J. F. xli 124 

Friedland, battle of, xlix 172 

Friend, J. xv 106] 

Rich. xlix 854 

i islands, natives of the, xxvii 1, lix 

--+- affinity of the language to the He- 
brew, xxviii 107 

Friendship and pity, remarks on, vii 204 

soos essay ON, xvii 183 

--+- nota Christian virtue, xix 168 

-.«» Friewald, capt. Mart. vii 45 

Fright, effects of, xi 200] xii 72] xiii 67] 
132] xx 92 

e+.» See also Deaths 

Frimont, baron, lvii 76] 81] 

Friseurs. See Hair-dressers 

Frision, gen. 1 216] 88* 4 

Frith of Forth. See Forth 

Frith, James, convicted'of robbery, xiii 139] 

—— John, stone thrown at the king’s 
‘ope by, xxxii 194] 197] 204] xxxiii 

—— Rob. xl 387 

——- W. lviii 296 

Frith street, fire in, xlv 463 

Fritzlar, attempt to surprise, iv 9] 

..+- surrenders to the. hereditary prince, i. 

Friuli, duke of. See Duroc 

Frobisher, Jos. xliii 548 

Frodsham, fire at, xlvi 429 

Frogs, observations on, x 77 

«+++ mischief done by, xvi 144] 

Froissart, xxiii 212. xlvi 820 

Frolics, fatal effects of one, lv 39 

Frome, France. xlix 857 

Fromentin, lvii 128] 

Fronca, gen. xlii 69] 

Fronto, Cornelius, lvii 86 

Froschle, G. xlii 381 

Frost, means of preserving vegetables from 
injury by, vi 132. xxxiii 350] 

.... eflects of, in preserving animal and 
vegetable substances, xxi 98 

.... eels frozen without being killed, xxi 
99 ; 

Frost, J. xxxiv 74, xxxv 25, 28, 59. liii 

—— T.xi J9 

Froto, king of Denmark, xiii 33, 39 

Frotté, count Lewis, xlii 7] 68] 166] 

gen. de, xlii 167] 

Frowde, Phil. xviii 222 

Fruit, great produce of, xlix 497 

.».. swallowing the stones injurious, 1 35* 

Fruit-trees, new mode of fastening to walls, 
xii 119 

.» +» Means of preserving from insects, xxx 

—— from frost, xxxiii 

350] xliv 784 
.. e+ destructive cffects of aphides and 
blights on, xliv 781 
ae of preserving in vigour, lit 



Fruit-trees, management of, liv 504 

Fry, W. iv 15 

Frye, col. iii 98] 

Fryer, Jos, xiiv 775 

—— Rob. xlii 381, 382 

S. xlii 381 

Sydney, murder of, xxxix 27, 33 

—— T. xliii 457 

Fualdes, assination of, xi 167] 

Fuca, Juan de, xl 482 

Fuchs, Dr. iv 148 

Fuel, economy in the use of, xliii 467 

Fuentes, conde de, + 97. iii 106] iv 281] v 

Wiens de Honor, battle of, liii 197 

Fulcher, T. sen. xlv 829 

Fulda, defeat of the duke of Wurtemburg 
at, ii 49 

Fulford, sir Baldwin, xix 159, 211 

Fullarton, xlv 782, 784 

—— col. W. xxiii 129] 133] 148] 
163] 202] 203] 310] xxvi 107] 251) xxvii 
258] xxviii 204] xxx 178] xxxi 115] 53. 
xxxix 174] 247] xliii 124] 

gen. _— xiii 2372] 

James, xl vii 848 

W. xxxiv 78. xl 177 

sentenced to death for sedition, 

xli 165 

—— (agent for Jamaica) xxvii 3357] 

(M.P.) xvii 111] 

- J. Rose, xliv 115. xlvi 39, 87, 97. 

xlix 118, 156, 158, 160”. 116] 

1. gen. Francis, xliii 112 

rev. Dr. T. x 212. xii 37. xiii 107 

W. xiii 7 

Fulling, T. xxii 250] 

Fullon, H. liii 287 

Rob. xliv 141, 786. lv 40] lix 395 

Funchal, count, lviii 134] 

Funck, bar. xv 56] 

Funds, public. See Stocks - 

Funerals, ceremonies at, xiv 130, 131. xxi 
65, 83. xxii 166. xxix 131. xxx 15, 21. 
xlvi 990. xlvii 782. Ivi 482. lviii 517. 
lix 582 ~ 

-.+. grand, xxiv 187] xlvii 912 

-..+ charges of, xlvii 914 

».+» Seealso Dead 

Funnam, Scotch giant, vii 106 

Fur trade. See Canada 

Furneaux, capt. See Fourneaux 

Furness, R. Hopw. lix 234 

Furnier, Franc. xi 70] 

Furniture, sale of, xliii 28 

Furst, premium from Soc. of Arts, xxvii 55 

Furstenberg, gen. x 60 

Furstenburg, pce of, xli 247] 

Furstenstein, bar. Deide, xix 170] 

Furstenwaerter, de, Maurice, lxi 239] 

Furstone, H., whimsical will of, xvii 166] 

po, use of, in fencing the banks of rivers, 

+++ excellent food for cattle when ground, 
vi 52] xiv 110. xxxi 77 

Parr I. 



Fuseli, H. viii 180. xxxvii 7*] xli 433. 
xlvii 418 

Fussell, James, x1 391. xli 405. xly 829 

S. murdered by E. Wilmot, xlii 25 

Futty Shaw, xxvi 27] 37] 

Futty Sing, xxv 35] xxvi 343] 

Fwyall, sir Howel, xvii 135, 1867 

Fynes, sir H. memoirs of, xy 1 

Fyzoola khan, xxix 158] 


Gaber, J. Bapt. x 109 

Gabii, excavations at, xxxv 22 

Gabriel, rev. Dr. xxxvi 30 

Gabrieli, anecdotes of, xviii 63 

Gabrielli, prince, x) 52] 

card. 1] 102*, 315*, 368* 

Gadesby, W. (notorious thief ) xxxiii 10] 

Gadfly, account of the, xlvii 813 1 

Gadsden, Christoph. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 
218] xviii 266] 

Gaertner, lx 566 

Hache erences by the French, xli 292] 


Gaeta, duke of, lvii 60 

Gage, gen. T. iv 91] v 82] xi 74°] 251] 
253] xvii 107] 108] 153] 157] 165] xviii 
3] 11] 20] 22] 46] 88*] 110*] 125*] 130*] 
143] 157] 171] xix 30] 33] xx 239] 

—— H. Hall, 3rd visc. 1x 127] 

—— sir J. constable of the Tower, xv 8 

— T. Ist vise. xxxv 76] 

—— W. Hall, 2nd vise. xii 216] xxiv 145] 
xli 35] 

Gagern, baron, Ixi 238] 

Gages, count de, v 29 

Gagnier, J. xxx 8n 

Gahagan, J. respited when-about to be 
turned off, xvi 110] 116] 

Gahler, (Danish minister at the Porte) 
xvi 29] 

Gahn, gen. lvi 45] 

Gaika, (Caffre chief ) lx 596 

Gaines, gen. (Amer.) ]xi 140 

Gainsborough, H. 6th earl of, lviii 54 

rey. iv 137] vi 83] x 88] 

T. ix 80. xix 190] 

«ee» death of, xxx 212] 

-... character of, xl 358 

Gaiter, W. liv 129 

Galan, an ancient swordsmith, x 273 

Galatia, Ant. ii 104 

Galatin, Alb. (Amer.) li 655, lii 264, 519. 
lxi 119 

Galba, emp. vi 172 

Galban, xxxiv 83] 

Galbara, giant, vii 106 

Galgacus, xlix 1005. 1278 

Gale, B. ix 157] 

—— H. executed for murder, xiv 86] 

— Jos, xli 161 : 

—— rev, Dr. T. iv 102, xi 258] xvi 137 

xii 152] 


Galen, vi 94. viii 179 
Galeppi, xxxviii 279 

Galerius, emperor, xiii 46 

Galfoot, Hugh, xxi 180] 

Galiani, ab. Ferd. xxiii 83x 

marq. xxxii 165 

Galien, fath, xxyi 65 

Galilei, Gal. ii 473. xxi 109. xlii 223] 

Galissoniere, his engagement with Byng, 

—— marq. de la, iv 168] 

Gall of a barbel, blindness cured by, xi 

Gallafent, Dan. lviii 347 

Galla-Placidia, empress, wii 71] 

Galles, Moreau de, xlvi 173 

Gallini, sir J. xxvii 205] xlyi 728 

Gallispey, Benj. murdered at sea, viii 233] 

Gallitzin, prince (buffoon of Ann) xiii 135 

prince D. P. iv 273] v 226] xi 7] 

xii 13-21] 24] 25] 27] xvii 13] xxiii 
347] xxiv 310] xxx 67] xxxiii 104, xxxv 
46, xxxix 4. xlix 6. liv 179] 

———— prince Nich. xxxix 4 

Gallo, duke de, lvi 344 

marq. de, xxxix 45] xl 123] xlvi 
636. xlviii 138 

Gallois, Ixi 443 

Galloway, (state prisoner) xliii 7 

G. 9th earl, xxxvi 74, 1 2] 87] lv 


James, xxviii 189 
J. 8th earl, xvii 162] 163] xxvii 
79] 189] 
Joseph, (mem. of Congr.) xvii 
218] xxii 148] 150] 
rev. Patrick, xxi 18 
Galt, J. liv 466-9 
Galvanism, discovery of, xxxiv 34 
++. observations on, xxxvii 61*] 
++». experiments on dead bodies, xlv 367, 

(amb. to Russia) xxxiii 71” 
don Bernardo de, xxiii 208*] xxiv 
23] 98] xxv 209] 
don Juan Maria de, xlvii 1017 
Galway, (de Massie) earl, xxi 244 
— Rob. Moncton, 4th vise. xxvii 187] 

xxxiv 5 

Gama, Vasco de, xx 236. xlix 894 

Gamage, lieut. (N) executed for murder, 
liv 144 

Gamber, gen. liti 136] 

Gambia, river, guaranteed to G. Britain, 
xxvi 325] 

Gambier, adm. James, lord, xxxvi 92. xlix 
257, 684*, G85*, 692*, 696", 711%, 713*, 
732. 1 20] 21] 11227, 397, 434. lii 35, 38, 
39, 257*. lvi 192] lviii 89. Ix 287 

sir James, xlvii 568 
vice adm. James, iv 106] 185] v 
78] xxii 2] 

Gamble, J. xliii 453. xlv 829 

Gambling : 3000 guineas lost at a sitting by 
a lady at loo, ix 61) 



Gambling : extraordinary death of a gam- 
bler, ix 191] ; 

..+- in high life, convietions for, xxxix 14 

-+..- extraordinary case of, liv 57 

-»+~ lieut. in the army broken for, lviii 

«+++ conyiction for, lxi 104 

...+.+ mischiefs of. See Gaming 

Gamblingay, fire at, liy 92 

Game: acts for the preservation of, y 80] 
xiii 227] xvi 73] 111] xx 185] Ix 133] 

+++.» prosecutions concerning, vi 56] 83] 
zi 153] xix 139] li 274, lv 299. lyiii 


++. licences, xxvii 304] 347] xxxiii 230. 
liv 106] 

-+ +. fatal duel from a dispute on the laws, 
viii 208] 

+++. on laws respecting, xxxviii 523, 1 34*. 
lviii 443 

+... hints to senders of, xlyiii 457 

++ mischiefs of preserves, liii 128 

Gamecock, child killed by one, xlix 516 

Gamekeepers, one conyicted of shooting at 
a man, xviii 152] “ 

+++. murdered, xxii 238] xxiii 210] xxxvit 
29. xlvii 435. lvii 105. lviii 9 

.++. plan for employing as a militia, xxxix 
120] 125] 126] 

»»++ conflicts with poachers, xliv 462. liii 
8. liv 25. lv 16. lyiii 11, 181, 1x 153 

.--- man killed in a scuffle with one, lvii 

+++. poacher shot by, lviii 14 

+++. gang of poachers taken, 2d. 

+... man shot by one, Ix 323 

Games, ancient British, xxvi 109 

.. +» novel, xlvi 769 

«++ various, xlvi 961. lviii 503 

«.-» unlawful, xlviii 388 

Gamesters, anecdote of one, Ix 491 

Gaming: sources of pleasure in, i 316 

..+.~ action for winning money at, v 114] 

«... mischiefs of, v 156. xix 137] xxx 214] 
xlvi 365. liii 109, 185, lv 38, 43. lviii 24. 
Ixi 47 

...+ proclamation against by the bishop of 
Liege, xxx 203] , 

.... laws against, xxxvili 490 

.... prohibited in Russia, xliii 35 

.... money lost by a clerk recovered by 
his master, Ixi 196 

Gaming-houses, attacks of officers on, xl 

..+. persons apprehended at, x1 50, 63, 2b. 

Gammon, Rob. iv 80] 

Gandon, James, xiii 170] 

Gandy, J. iv 229, 231 

Ganganelli, card. See Clement XIV 

Ganges, account of the, xxiv 39. xlii 477 

Gansell, maj. gen. xvii 139] 

.... rescued when under arrest, xii 132] 
133] xiii 97] 

.. +. trial of, for firing at sheriif’s officers, 
xvi 191] 


| GA 

|. Gansell, maj. gen. case of, xvii 85] 86] 

| Gansevort, col. © (Amer.) xx 162*] 163*] 
|  Gantheaume, adm. xlii 2] xliii 224) 233) 
| 243] 248] 101. xliv 90, 213. lvii 206 

| Garcilasso de la Vega (Peruvian) iv 165 

Garat, D. J. xxxiv 217. xxxv 65] 22)] xl 
123] ; 
Garay. li 190 

, Garces, Lucas, sailor murdered by, lv 9 
Gardam, Joseph, xviii 386 
Gardanne, gen. xli 293] xlii 182] xlvii 162. 
lii 318. liii 102] 
| Garde, count Magnus de la, xv 151 
Gardelle, Theod. account of, iv 54 
| Garden, Dr. Alex. xviii 31, 87 
——— Francis (lord Gardenstone) xli367. 
xlvii 769 
Gardener, poor widow taxed for once em- 
ploying, xlix 368 
Gardener, (M.P. Ir.) xxviii 11] 
Gardening, Chinese, i 319 
«+.» Shenstone on, vii 214 
---- history of, xxiii 164 
Gardens near London a century ago, xxxviil 
--.. produce for the kitchen, xlii 391 
Gardenstone, lord. See Garden, Francis 
Gardie, count Magn. de la, vi 38 
Gardien, xxxv 280] 
Gardiner, bish. Steph. xi 51. xii 136. xv 7, 
120. xvi 145, xxxvi 380 
—— capt. (N) i 88, 89. x 98] 
——- col. James, xlvii 803 
——— couns. vi 88] vii 50] 74] 
——-_ H. xliv 774. 1i 420 
———_ maj. xxi 265] 
————. m. gen. x1 181 
———- miss, hair turned gray by fright, 
xi 200] 
Mrs, xxx 194 
sir J. W. S. xxxiv 78 
Gardner, Alan, Ist lord, xxii 204*] xxxvi 
17, 92. xxxvii 166] 168] 66. xxxviii 23. 
xxxix 210] 82. xliv 185, 427. xlvii 227, 
229, 567. xlviii 904 
Alan Hyde, Ist visc. xxxviii 76. 
xlvii 371, 540. li 477, 498 
« ——— James, lvii 321 
lcol. —_ lvii 236 
r- adm. Francis Farringdon, xlvii 

Rob. stabbed by David Parilon, li 


Gardnor, J. x 83] 

Gardoqui, don Diego, xxvii 180] 

Gariby, marsh. Pedro, li 654 

Garique, col. de la, iv 294] 

Garland, J. murder committed by, i 107 

lieut. Abraham (N) xlvi 558 

Garlick, Aaron, xxxix 406 

Garlies, lord. See Galloway, earl 

Garlike, Benj. xlv 680. xlix 261. 1 28] 40] 
41] 64] 

Garnault, Amie, », Breton, for shooting his 
dog, xviii 175] 



Garner, burnt to death, xlviti 416 

Garnerin, xliv 417, 419, 421, 431. xliv 
449. xlix 485, 639 

—— mad. xliv 431. lvii 69 

Garnham, Benj. liv 307 

Garnier, xix 122] 

— capt. J. Miller (N) xlifi 121 

— gen. xxxiv 15] xli 297] 129 

Garraud, xxxvi 183. xxxviii 279 

Garrick, (engrav.) suicide, ly 12 

—— David, i 407, 431, 432. ii 461. iii 
216, 235. iv 234, 258, 267, 269. v 21), 
213, 219. vi 52] 227-30. viii 80] 38, 
284, 286. ix 78, 79, 247, 248, 257, 261, 
265. x 215n, 249, 250. xi 178] 247. xii 
226, 245. xiii 234, 235. xiv 219. xv 216, 
221. xvi 132] 241, 249. xvii 83] 33, 195, 
198, 230. xviii 207, 209, 213, 223. xix 
41, 206, 224, 230, 232. xx 199, 201, 206. 
xxi 195, 198-201, 205, 206. xxii 174, 
176. xxiii 151, 281, 246, 247. xxviii 150. 
xxx 190. xxxiii 262] 436] 438] 4467] 
449] xxxvi 262. xliv 409 

.+.. elected an honorary burgess of Strat- 
ford upon Avon, xii 101] 

eo. takes leave of the stage, xix 151] 

«++. account of, xix 236] xxii 196] 47 

..+. death, funeral, and will, xxii 196] 
197] xlix 525 

«+. list of his works, xxii 59 

«++. monument of, xxxix 34 

—— Mrs. xxiidl 

+++. v. earl Camden and others, xlix 525 

Peter, xxxviii 9 

Garrow, Edw. xlvii 363 

sir W. xxvii 205] xxix 212] xxxiii 
45] xxxiv 16. xliii 44. xliv 433. xlv 404, 
607. xlvi 399. xlviii 376, 390, 421, 455. 
xlix 449, 459, 530. 1 59*, 71*, 73°. li 
270, 276, 298, 305. lii 339. liii 242. liv 
48, 295, 297. lv 9] 275, 297, 306. li 
108] 146] 149] 287, 302, 309, 316. Ivii 
20, 280, 294, 297. lviii 86] 267, 277, 291, 
308. lix 61] 73] Ix 120, 306 

Garroway, vi268 - 

Garth, gen. G. xxii 190] 

sir Sam. xv 229. xvili 222. xxv 

Garthshore, Dr. Maxwell, xxix 45. 
Garthwaite, J. D. xxv 94 
Garvey, capt. (A) murder of, xliv 433 
Edm. xxvi 223] 
Gas lights, utility and advantage of, 1 131. 
lviii 134 
ore mane from explosions, lv 90. lvi 
++++ fire occasioned by, lvii 36 
.+ +» indictments for nuisance, lvii 300 
+++. apparatus for, lix 92 
. extended use of, lxi 40 
Gascoign, G. xxiv 204 
rags Bamber, vi 90] xviii 86] xxiv 

—— capt. 
—- gen, 

(N) vii 110 
See Gascoyne 




Gascoigne, lieut. Sabine (N) xxvi 252] 

sir T, xxiii 215] x1 10 

-———— W. iv 196] 

Gascoyne, gen. Isaac, xxxix 139] xl 234] 
xliv 107, 170, 172. xlv 21, 54, 110, 118, 
144, 193, 208. xlvii 45. xlix 114, 116, 1 
88] liv 75] 87] 111] lvi 130] lvii 6] 

Gaselee, couns. lix 188 

Gaskin, rev. Dr. G. xlix 626 

Gass, Dan. le, shot by accident, x 126] 

Gassendi, i 492. iv 192] vii 255. xi 258] 
xxxiii 250] 

Gasses. See under their several names 

Gaston, don M. de, xxv 115] 

Gate, J. Cant, xliv 775 

Gates, (city marshal) xiii 111] xx 167] 
177] 196] xxi 175] 

——— gen. Horatio, (Amer.) xviii 141*] xx 
122] 156] 164*] 171*] 173"] 175*] 298] 
xxi 132] 221*] xxii 7] xxiii 231°] 65. 
xxiv 54] 153] xxv 227] 

«+. letter to the earl of Thanet, xxi 145] 

Gatford, Mrs. xli 28 

Gatton, sale of, xvii 81] 

Gaubil, pere, xxiii 58, 59. xli 481 

Gaubius, Dr. v 93 
Gaudi, gen. xxix 42] 
Gaudin, xlii 22] 64] xlviii 218 

Gaudot, of Neufchatel, xi 37] 

- ++. assassinated, xi 38] 39] 183 

Gaughan, T. lvi 74 

Gaulor, xXxxi 37 

Gauls, ancient, xxxvi 50n] 

oo John of, viii 201. xxxvii 114*] xli 

Gaurs. See Parsees 

Gauthier, Danz, xii 163 

gen. xlii 181] ly 224 

Gautier, prints from copperplates in 
colours, x 149] 

Gauze, tax on, xxvii 304] 

Gavelkind, action on the tenure of, xv 121] 

Gaveston, Pierce, xxiv 205 

Seen, capt. and his crew, distress of, i 

Gavin, Frances, xlii 428 

Gawler, liv 11 

H. xxxviii 19, 24 

—J.B. See Ker 

Gay, J. ix 81] x 221. xviii 223. xxvii 125. 
x] 364. 1i 914 

rev. xviii 30 

—— W. (fasting boy) iv 131] 

Gayleard, James, xly 827 

Gayon, gen. count de, xiii 52] 

Gayot, ii 237 

Gayton, adm. Clark, xx 188] 257] xxi 312] 

Gazan, gen. xlii 180] 182] xlix 17, 25. liii 
106] lvi 26] 185 

Gazi Hassan, xxxiii 92n 

Geakie, Dr. x 247 

Gealcopa the druidess, v 26 

Geary, adm. sir Franc, ii 132, x 206] xxi 
312] xxiv 2] 4] xxv 159] 


Geary, sir W. xxxix 258] xlv 81, 107, 123, 
xlviii 102 
Gebelin, Ant. Court de, xv 191] xxiv 127 
Geddes, capt. (Amer, N) xxiv 251] 
Gee, rey. Walter, lv 295 
Geer, de, C. xlviii 937 
Geese, management of, xv 167 
e+e. Strange disorder in, xl 21] 
«+.» conviction for stealing, x] 24 
«+. goslings hatched by one 62 years old, 
lvii 3 
Geffle, in Sweden, fire at, xix 180] 
Geils, maj. xxv 93] 
Gelasius, pope, xxx 201 
Geldart, W. lxi 304 
Gelin, xxxix JI2 - 
Gell, adm. J. xxv 93] xxvi 45] 67] 251] 
Xxvii 263] xxxvii 6, xl 21 
Mrs. xlix 414 
sir J. xxv 128 
Gellert, prof. C. F. his conversation with 
the k. of Prussia, v 35. xxix 36 
Gellibrand, Hen. vii 255 
Gellius, Aulus, xv 134, 139 
Gemain, Francis, xxxvi 129] 
Gemelli. See Gimelli 
Geminiani, Franc. v 106] 
Geminus, xiv 178 
Gemmingen, gen. xxx 30] 
Gems found in Scotland, vii 52] 
Gemshid, xliii 478 
General warrants. See Warrants 
Generosity, instances of, xv 170. xxxvii 11 
«+.. of a rich farmer, xlvi 433 
Genet, xxxiv 312. xxxv 213. xxxviii 
171} 208] 
Geneva, letter from the pope to, iii 118] 
+++. proceedings against Rousseau, vi 86] 
«+.» France breaks off it’s connexion with, 
ix 155] 158] 
---- plan of reconciliation presented to the 
general council, xi 81] 
-+e insurrection at, xiii 77] 
++ constitution and government of, xxii 

«++. disturbances in, xxiv 195] xxv 208] 

---. Settlement in Ireland offered to emi- 
grants from, xxv 222] xxvi 198] 203] 

«++ this scheme dropped, xxviii 24] 

-... letterfrom the British minister, xxxiv 
194 ' 

++» convention with France, xxxiv 317, 318 

-++» concordat among the different parties, 
Xxxviii 206 

---. united to France, xl 250. xli 100] 

+++. evacuated by the French, lv 173] 452. 
lvi 2] 

++. united to the Swiss confederacy, lvi 
93] 94] 

Genghis khan. See Jenghis 

Genisseux xli 93] 

Genius, xxii 147. xxv 146 

-e- infirmities and defects of men of, 
xxxvii 131*] 



Genius, universality of, xli 454 

Genlis. See Sillery Brulart 

Gennings, fath. J. xlii 425, 427, 428 

Genoa delivered from the yoke of France in 
the 16th century, xii 25, 26 

--..- character of the people, xxxiv 364 

+». offers a reward for taking the pope’s 
visitor to Corsica, iii 98] 

«++» the Corsicans declare war against, ili 

owes ait the Maltese against the Turks, 
iv 114] 

-». a free pardon offered to the Corsicans 
on submission, iv 143] 

e+e ill success in Corsica, vi 49] 

---. account of the sacro catino, vi 167 

+++» treaty with France regarding Corsica, 
vii 101] 

»-.. Francis Maria Rovere chosen doge, 
viii 60] 

.-.. shocks of an earthquake at, viii 79] x 

++ oe first conquest of Corsica, x 35] 

+++» consequences of it’s oppressive con- 
duct there, 7b. 

+++» Marcello Durazzo chosen doge, x 66] 

.»+. Corsica ceded to France, xi 2] 46] 

e»-. claims of Austria and Sardinia on, xii 

«-.. demand of France for the conquest of 
Corsica, xii 114] 

.--- death of the doge, xiv 78] xv 153] 

.--. loan to France, xx 138] 

Poy to Russia, xxx 59] 

+++. war declared by France, xxxv 185 

--.- proclamation of the canton of Bern 

respecting, xxxvi 190 

«ee. —————_ Of the revolutionary com- 
mittee, xxxvi 191, 195 

+... preamble of the decree establishing 
it, xxxvi 192 

.++» revolution in, xxxvii 140] 

--.. note of Mr. Drake, xxxvii 280 

«-.. answer to it, xxxvii 281 

..+.- attempt to incorporate it with France, 
xxxviii 179] 

.«+» British ships detained at, xxxviii 

--+» Austrians enter it’s territory, xxxviii 

+... correspondence of the French minis- 
ter, xxxviii 197, 198 

++-. revolutionized by the French, xxxix 
42] 330 

+--+. letter from Buonaparte to the arch- 
bishop, xxxix 50. xl 107] 

+++» Siege of, xlii 179] 

+--+ surrender of, xlii 188] 

+++» new constitution, xliv 248 

+++. treaty with France to procure a peace 
with the states of Barbary, xlvi 184 

+--+. annexed to France, xlvii 137, 701 

+++. surrendered to the British forces, lvi 
33] 84] 190 



i annexed to Sardinia. lvi 85] lvii 3] 4] 

Genseric, ii 405 

Gensonné, xxxv 280] 

Gent, C. lvii 320 

—— T. xxi 199] 

Gentili, gen. A. xxxvi 80. xxxviii 253 

Gentoos, religion of the, ix 306. xxv 32. 
xxvii 129. xxxii 98. x] 418. xlii 479. 1 
252. lviii 516, 520 

+++. women burning themselves, ix 317] 
xx 45] 249. xxv 37. xxyi 167. xxxiii 25. 
li 252. liv 135 

-+-- laws of the, xx 245 

Negeoes to the Supreme Being, xxvii 

ee» peculiar sects of, lili 418, 421, 423 

«+e See also Hindoos 

Geoffrey of Monmouth, xxi 154, 221 

Geoffroi, Claude Jos. xxxii 3 

Geography, of Homer, xviii 178 

+++. considered politically, xxxvii 128*] 

freee observations, li 933, 936, 941, 


George I, i 392. ii 287. iii 140] 14. iv 218. 
v 7. vi 178] vii 44, 50x. viii 1, 15, 222. ix 
208] x 51. xii 63. xiii 159. xiv 163] xv 
97] xvii 2. xix 182] 194] xx 78] 34. xxv 
179] xxvii 43. xxxi 113] xxxvii 195] 
219] 121*] xxxviii 45] xxxix 369. lvi 
141] 142] 

«++» will in favour of the duchess of Ken- 
dal, xv 188] xvii 20. xi 459 

«+. two wills in favour of his son destroyed 
by, 1xi 460 

II, iti 35. iv 66] 218. vi 175) 178] 

42. vii 45. viii 1, 2, 128. ix 208] 13, 17, 

23. xii 83] xiii 237] xvii 252] 20. xx 78] 

81] 84] 3. xxv 105] xxxi 80] 109] xxxii 

346] xxxiv 89n] xxxvi 299. xxxvii 219] 

171. xxxviii 490. xxxix 369. xiviii 29. 1 

155. Ivi 141] 142] 

+ e.+» equestrian statue of him, erected in 

Dublin, i 78 

«+++ loan to, as elector of Hanover, i 103 

«.-- Statement of his conduct toward the 
house of Austria, i 187 

«... address from the city of London on 
the prince of Wales coming of age, ii 


the taking of Quebec, ii 119 
.... addresses to, on the success of his arms, 
ii 250, 259, 261, 264, 265 
-. +. death of, iii 39] 138] 139] 
---- remarks on his reign, iii 39] 
--..- character of, iii 40] xxxiv 359 
+--+. goes to Kensington for the summer, 
iii 95] 
-++. account of, previous to his accession, 
iii 139} 
.--+ his body opened, iii 141] 
- interment of his bowels, iii 145] 
ee body, 24. 178] 
.+ +. cost of his funeral, iii 146} 



George II: statue of, erected in the Senate 
house at Cambridge, ix 102] 

os oad from the earl of Oxford to, ix 

«+... lived within his income, xiii 72"] 

«++. question respecting the education of 
his children, xx 3 

-» + destroyed his father’s will, Ixi 459 

ITI, iii 42] iv 204, 218. vi 175j 178) 
ix 209] 79. xiv 133] 134] 264. xviii 24. 
xxi 250] 263] xxxi 109] xxxii 157. xxxiv 
38, 485. xxxvi 415. xxxix 3, 369. xl 451. 
xly 232. liv 279. lv 18] lvi 142} 

..«- his declaration to the lords of the 
council on his accession, iii 138] 

.... takes the oath of security to the church 
of Scotland, 2. 

+++. proclaimed, iii 141] 

.... order for altering the liturgy, iii 142] 

---- opening of his first session of parlia- 
ment, iii 147] 248] 

«... London address on his accession, iii 

»... proclamation for the encouragement 
of piety, &c. iii 241] 

.... letter from the bish, of London to, iii 

.-.. address of the univ. of Cambridge, iii 

++. his majesty’s answer, iii 245] 

.... address of the univ. of Oxford, iii 

+... his majesty’s answer, iii 247] 

«.+. address of the quakers, 2d. 

his majesty’s answer, iii 248] 

speech to parliament, id. 

address of the Lords, iii 250] 

his majesty’s answer, iii 252] 

--.. address of the Commons, iii 253] 

-.+. his majesty’s answer, iii 255] 

..-. his conduct on Mr. Pitt’s resignation, 
iy 44] 

.... the great seal delivered to him by the 
lord keeper, and returned with the title 
of Jord high chancellor, iv 63] 

.... his order in council, that his servants 
shall enjoy all ancient liberties, rights, 
and privileges, 2d. ; 

.... renews the patents of the judges, iv 

.... recommends a kaw for making their 
commissions perpetual, iy 79] 243] 

. ++. appoints his privy council, iv 83] 

--.. grant of one million to, iv 85] 

«... appointment of ministers, iv 87] 89] 

seer goverors and other 
officers in N. America, iv 99] 

+s. premium offered by the Society of 
Arts for a profile of, for a guinea die, iv 
113] 137] 

.... audience of the Algerine ambassador, 
iv 119] 

.»+. announces to his privy council his 
choice of a consort, and the day of his 
coronation, iv 131] 205 




George III: Buckinghamshire lace ruffles 
presented to, iv 160] 

...++ his subscription to Thomson’s works, 

45 jee oe to the lord mayor’s feast, iv 

e+e» entertained at Guildhall, iv 176] 

-..» bill of fare, iv 242] 

---- address of the city of London to have 
his statue in the Exchange, and his pic- 
ture in Guildhall, iv 178] 

-».. account of the nuptials, iv 205] 

-... the ceremony, iv 211] 

.++. address from the city, iv 214] 298] 

«++. crowd at Drury Lane, 7d. 

«+. address from Oxford, 7b. 

+... at Covent Garden, 2b. 

.»«. queen’s household, iv 215] ; 

.+-- account of the coronation, 7b. 229] 

+++ Speech on perpetuating the offices of 
the judges, iv 243] 

«+.. address of the Lords, 6. 

-».. his majesty’s answer, iv 244] 

.-.. address of the Commons, 7. 

-+ ++ his majesty’s answer, 2b. 

..+. Speech on putting an end to the ses- 
sion, 7b. 

sts on opening the parliament of 
1761, iv 246] 

.-.. address of the Lords, iv 248] 

-++. his majesty’s answer, iv 249] 

-+.. address of the Commons, 7d. 

.. +» his majesty’s answer, iv 251] 

.... speech of the Dutch ambassador on 
delivering his credentials, iv 274] 

.--. address of the Quakers on his nuptials, 
iv 299] 

++ Speech on declaring war against Spain, 
iv 303] 

«+e» presents a 44 gun ship to the owners 
and crew of the late Antigallican priva- 
teer, v 76] 

.»». tracts and MSS. of Charles I pur- 
chased, and presented to the British 
Museum, v 94] 

..-. addresses to on the birth of the prince 
of Wales, v 98] 184] 

.... benefactions to the colleges at New 
York and Philadelphia, v 104] t 

.... visits Eton school after an installation 
at Windsor, v 105] 

AG Hi cee the sessions of parliament, v 

.... his new state coach, 2. xi 138 

->+. drawings, prints, and books, purchased 
at Rome for, v 112] 

.... donation to the poor of London in a 
hard winter, v 120] 

-... letter to prince Ferdinand, with per 
mission to resign the command of the 
army, v 124] : 

«++. revenue settled on, v 151] xii 63*] 

»+-+ Speech on closing the session of par- 
liament, v 178] 



George III: speech on opening the session 
of 1762, v 179] 

eoee of the duke de Nivernois on 
delivering his credentials, v 230] 

«».. addresses on the peace, v 231] 232] vi 
67] 68] 74] 76] 77] 81] 

++.» proclamation on the peace, v 247] 

++..- produce of prizes made before the de- 
Garation of war given up to the public, 
vi 68] 

++. rejoicings on the birthday, vi 80] 81] 

-. .. address to, on the birth of his 2nd son, 
vi 94] 

-... elephant presented to, vi 100] 

.... addresses from the Lords and Commons 
on his communication of the intended 
matriage of the princess Augusta, vi 115] 

.--- books collected for Charles II bought 
by, and presented to the British Museum, 
vi 117] 

«+. petition of the city of London against 
the cider act, vi 152] 

++.. speech on closing the session of par- 
liament, vi 191] 

Seas: — opening the session of 
1763, vi 192] vii 20] 

++.- proclamation respecting the new ter- 
ritories in N. America, vi 208] 

o+-- —————_ against the Corsicans as 

rebels, vi 213] 

---. letter from the dey of Tunis on his 
accession, vi 42 

«++. gives the amount of the admiralty 
droits to the public, vii 31] 

---. ode on the birthnight 1764 omitted, 
vii 45] 

«+++ proclamation for the sale by auction of 
all his lands in certain W. India islands, 
vii 57] 

+».. Statue erected at the Royal Exchange 
3) the sceptre in the wrong hand, vii 

«».+ procession of Spitalfields weavers to 
complain of the smuggling of French 
silks, vii 63] 

-+-. representation from the magistrates of 
Edinburgh, to revoke the licence given 
to recruit in Scotland for the regiment in 
the Dutch service, vii 70] 

+++. repeating watches set in a ring pre- 
sented to, vii 78] xiii 173] 

+... order in council strictly to enforce the 
laws against smuggling, particularly near 
the isle of Man, vii 92] 

«»++ proclamation for a free importation of 
salt provision from Ireland in consequence 
of a complaint from the merchants of 
high prices, vii 103] 

+--+ address of both houses of parliament 
on the North Briton, vii 171] 

+++. Speech on closing the session of par- 
liament, vii 178] 

+++ illness of, viii 38] 

+««+ Speech proposing a regency bill, viii 
39] 80) 256). oo ere 


George III : dissatisfied with his ministers, 
viii 42] 

.+.. speech on opening the session of 1765, 
viii 57] 253] 

..+. the peruke-makers’ petition him to 
wear a wig, viii 64] 

.... —— hatters petition against foreigners 
engrossing their business, viii 63] 

.... fifteen horses brought from the stud at 
Hanover, viii 89] 

.... letter to the general assembly of the 
church of Scotland, viii 89] 90] 

.-.. proclaimed king of Man, viii 96] 

.... new seals delivered to the great offi- 
cers of state, viii 102] 

-.-. Writes a congratulatory epistle to the 
emperor Joseph on his accession, vili 

+. address to, on the birth of his 3rd son, 
viii 125] 262] 

-... dispute with the chapter of Osnaburg 
respecting the administration of the tem- 
poralities, vili 139] : 

+... eleven barbs from Tripoli arrive at 
the Mews, viii 152] 

-+.. speech on closing the session of 1765, 
viii 261] 

sree calling parliament on ac- 
count of American affairs, viii 263] 

»... addresses of the Lords and Commons 
of Ireland on the opening of the parlia- 
ment, viii 266] 

--.. address of the French inhabitants of 
the island of Grenada, viii 269] 

++.» Speech on the meeting of parliament 
after the holidays, ix 35} 216] 

+... Numerous court to compliment his 
majesty on his recovery, and on the birth 
of a prince of Brunswick, ix 61] 

.... letter of condolence to the young king 
of Denmark, ix 64] 

«+s. procession of weavers to attend his 
majesty to the House of peers to give his 
assent to the silk prohibition bill, ix 95] 

-+.. speech on the prorogation of parlia- 
ment, ix 104] 219] 

.... Statue of, to be placed in Berkeley 
square, ix 106] xv 132] 

.... addresses of thanks to, on the repeal 
of the American stamp act, ix 125] 

.... address from the city of London on the 
high price of provision, ix 135] 

on the birth 

of a princess, ix 143] 228] 
«+.. speech on opening the parliament of 
1766, ix 148] 220] 
... proclamation against forestalling, re- 
grating, and engrossing corn, ix 224] 
+... embargo on exportation of corn, ix 
226] 228] 
... prohibition of distillation from wheat, 
ix 227] x 141] 
.... address of the Commons of Ireland on 
a bill for shortening parliaments, ix 229] 
..+» his majesty’s answer, ix 230] 


George III: curious miniature model of a 
ship presented to, x 65] 

‘e+. list of changes in office, x 83] 

«++ donation to the Society of Artists, x 97] 

e-- sword set with diamonds presented to, 
by lord Clive, x 110] 

tee fine diamond presented by the nabob, 

-».. address of the city of London on the 
birth of a 4th prince, and the death of 
the duke of York, x 147] 234] 

‘ee-- Speech on closing the session of par- 
liament, x 230] 

‘ee i speech on opening the session of 1767, 

».. addresses of the Lords and Commons 
of Ireland, x 236] 

Teeee on the shortening of public 
mournings, xi 59] 276] 277] 

‘»».- procession of Spitalfields weavers to 
thank on the occasion, 2b. 60] 

‘s».. male elk presented to, xi 68] 

e+e. reputed letter from Wilkes, xi 84] 

».-- picture by Ramsey presented to the 
pre ae of Dublin by the lord lieut. xi 

«+++ petition of the seamen for an increase 
of wages, xi 105] 107] 

e+++ his approbation of the conduct of the 
soldiery in St. George’s fields, xi 111] xiv 
197] 199] 

‘ees. Set of long-tailed iron-grays presented 
by lord Falmouth, xi 120] 

2». gift for a rowing match at Kew, xi 

«++. present of an Indian boat from goy. 
Vansittart, xi 159] 

e++. address of the city of London on the 
birth of a 2nd princess, xi 185] 

«+. Speech on closing the session of 1767, 
xi 269] 

e+-- proclamation for dissolving parliament, 
xi 270] 

»» ++ address of the two Houses on opening 
the new parliament, xi 271] 

«+++ Speech on opening the session of 1768, 
xi 272] 

«... proclamation against riots, xi 277] 

«+... cost of the new state coach, xi 138 

«..-. applications to parliament for payment 
of debts incurred, xii 62*] 79] 137] xx 
71] xliv 101, 110 

“tee speech on proroguing parliament, xii 


e+. joint address of the two Houses on 
American affairs, xii 73] 227] 

-. +» his majesty’s answer, xii 74] 227] 

...- addresses from Bristol, xii 82] 

-..- loyal addresses from the universities, 
and other places, 74, 86] &8] 192-7] xiii 

«++. Superb set of horse furniture presented 
to a nabob, xii 86] 

+++» visit to farmer Kennet, to see his im- 
provements, xii 92] 



George III: speech on proroguing parlia~ 

ment, xii 100] 229] 

+++. curious watch, xii 100] 

+++» petition from the county of Middlesex, 
xii 102] 103] 

+++» particular thanks to the Ist guards 
after a review, xii 108] 

++«. remonstrance from Boston, xii 109} 

«++. petition from the livery of London, 74. 
110] 113] 20)] 

eae freeholders of Surrey, 
xii 109] 125] 203] 

see —. Bristol, and various 
places, xii 116] 122] 123] 125] 129] 131) 

137] 141] 142] 151) 153] 156] 159] 161) 

197-206] xiii 57] 65-7] 69] 78] 90] 

oo Massachusett’s Bay 

against the governor, xii 129] 

«+.» present of jewels from the nabob of 
Bengal, xii 134] 

-+ +» 10002. ordered for the sufferers by 
fire at Antigua, xii 141] 

++++ prize medal for the students of the 
Royal Academy, xii 151] 

+++. petition from the weavers in behalf of 
the condemned cutters, xii 16)] 162] 

fee warrant of pardon to Me Quirk, xii 


++. proclamation against riots, xii 229] 

+++. Speech on opening parliament, xiii 59] 

+++. great excess of his expenditure com- 
pers with that of his predecessor, xiii 


---- address, petition, and remonstrance, 
of a city of London, xiii 79*] 80] 

.. ++ joint address of the two Houses on this 
occasion, xiii 84%] 84] 248] 

+++ petition of officers in the army for in- 
crease of pay, xiii 76] 

- remonstrance of the city of Westmin- 

. Ster, xii 85] 

.... ——_——_-——_ county of Mid- 
dlesex, xiii 87] 

+++. Speech on proroguing parliament, xiii 
95*] 250] 

.».. address, petition, and remonstrance of 
the city, on the answer to the former, 
xiii 105] 201] 203] 5 

She's of the city of London on the 
birth of a 3rd princess, xiii 109] 111] 
251] : 

..-. address, petition, and remonstrance of 
the county of Surrey, xiii 117] 

~ of 

Westminster, xiii 160] 161] 

«+.. Speech on opening parliament, xiii 
162] 252] xiv 17] 

++. address, petition, and remonstrance of 
London, xiii 163] 164] 205] 

-+.. gift to the protestant dissenting minis- 
ters in Nova Scotia, xiii 164] 

+».. — toward a German church in the 
Savoy, xiii 164] 



George III: address of the city of Dublin, 
xiii 232] 

.+.. proclamation for seamen for the navy, 
xiii 249] 

+++. Speech on proroguing parliament, xiv 
72* | 104] 254] 

«».. man taken up for crying ‘no mayor, 
no king!’ as he was going to the house, 
xiv 92] 

+++. address of the city of London on the 
birth of a 5th prince, xiv 113] 255] 

+». address, petition, and remonstrance of 
the city, xiv 117] 122] 192] xv 82*] 

».+. child left at Buckingham house, xiv 

+++ benefaction to St. George’s hospital, 
xiv 148] 

+». coronet of gold set round with fea- 
thers, from Chili, presented to, xiv 150] 

+--+. proclamation for apprehending J. 
Wheble and R. Thompson, xiv 183] 

+++» petition from London on the embank- 
ment of Durham yard, xiv 253] 

. vs speech on opening parliament, xv 84*] 


ave proroguing it, xv 105*] 221] 

. ill of a tax in: Hanover, xv 

+++» Ely house vested in, xv 101] 109] 

+++. gratuities to the medical attendants of 
the duke of Gloucester, xv 120] 

+++. Speech at opening the session of par- 
liament, xv 142] 222] xvi 68*] 

oeee closing it, xvi 108*] 117] 
233] , 

-».. address from the city of London on 
the birth of a 6th prince, xvi 73] 

of thanks from the Royal So- 
ciety, xvi 81] 

++.» petition of the city of London for the 
redress of grievances, xvi 82] 86] 209] 

. —-— from the officers at St. Vin- 
cent’s, xvi 204] 

++.. reviews the fieet at Spithead, xvi 111] 
112] 117] 202] 

++. present of horses from the dey of 
Algiers, xvi 139] 

++.. orders the execution in Osnaburgh of 
the pope’s bull for the suppression of the 
Jesuits, xvi 149] 

+... petition and remonstrance from Mas- 
sachusett’s Bay, xvii 46] 

o- sip at opening parliament, xvii 50] 


Ate on closing the session, xvii 78] 

+++. address of the city of London on the 
birth of a 7th prince, xvii 99] 

to withhold his as- 
sent to the Quebec bill, xvii 129] 130] 

++. present from the bey of Tunis, xvii 

+++. proclamation for dissolving parliament, 
xvii 276] 



George IIT: speech on opening parliament, 
xvii 165] 263] 276] xviii 39], 

+++. man run over and killed by the state 
coach, xvii 167] 

++.» petitions from the American congress, 
xvii 171] 203) xviii 28} 55) 121*] 262) 
xix 45] 

sacte lord Chesterfield, xvii 

+... joint address of the Lords and Com- 
mons on American affairs, xviii 77] 247] 

-.++ Various petitions on the same, xviii 
111°] 112*] 267] 

..+. the city of London informed, that no 
address from the mayor and aldermen, 
except in their corporate capacity, would 
be received on the throne, xviii 113*] 

++. petition from the general assembly of 
New York, xviii 116*] 

+--+.» speech of the Speaker of the Commons 
on bringing up the money bills, xviii 
119*] xix 256] 

.... address from the clergy of Canterbury 
in convocation on the manners of the 
age, xviii 87] 

+++ legacy to, xviii 96] 

-+.. petition and remonstrance from the 
city of London, xviii 106] 

.+.. his birthday kept on the 22nd of June, 
xviii 132] 

«+.» humble address and petition of the 
city-of London, xviii 255 | 

++.» speech on closing the session, xvili 

-... addresses in support of proceedings 
against America, xviii 269] 271} xix 

++. Speech on opening parliament, xviii ~ 
269] xix 55] 

++.- domestic life of their majesties at Kew 
in the summer, xviii 1 

-».. address from London fora dissolution 
of parliament and dismissal of ministers, 
xix 39] ; 

+... the king refuses to receive it on the 
throne, xix 40] 

... address from the corporation of Lon- 
don, xix 4] 

«+.. Speech on closing the session, xix 144*] 
144] 256] 

.-.. address and petition from the city of 
London, xix 128] 

alee on the birth of a 4th princess, 
xix 134] 148] 

from the church of Scotland 
on the disturbances in America, xix 148] 

+... petition from Barbadoes, xix 167] 

...- Speech at opening parliament, xix 
188] xx 3)] 275] 

.... Statement, by congress, of his conduct 
toward America, xix 262] 

«+... applications to parliament for debts 
of the civil list, xx 71] 269] 281) xxvii 
300] xliv 604, 101, 111. xlvi 113%, 584 



George III: augmentations to his revenue, 
xx 73] 181] 269] xlvi 1132, 584 

«++» Speech of sir F. Norton on presenting 
the bill, xx 91] 181] 283] 

«+s. speech on closing the séssion, xx 112] 

e.+. address of congratulation on the suc- 
cess of his arms in America, xx 167] 

«+++ glass of his chair, going to the Hay- 
market, broken by a mad woman, xx 

«+++ Speech at opening the session, xx 
210] xxi 40] 294] 

«++» income of, xx 260] 

«ses expenditure of, xx 261] 

«++. message to the Commons to enable 
him to make provision for his younger 
children, xxi 175*] 

«ss. Speech on proroguing parliament, xxi 

210*] 303] 

«ess attempt of a mad woman to lay hold 
of, xxi 161] 

e-.. visits to Chatham, Portsmouth, Win- 
chester, Salisbury, Warley, and Coxheath, 
xxi 282] 

+++. petitions from the city of London on 
the death of lord Chatham, and his ma- 
jesty’s proceedings respecting them, xxi 

«ss. address and petition of the city of 
London, xxi 306] xxii 53] 

of the Roman Catholics, xxi 


«+++ memorial of the admirals on the charge 
against lord Keppel, xxi 310] 

«s+. petition of the W. India merchants 
and planters, xxi 312| 

«+s. Speech on opening parliament, xxii 
75) 336) 

«+++ memorial from several admirals, xxii 

«++. Speech on proroguing parliament, xxii 
172] 351) 

«¢+. Message to parliament on the Spanish 
war, xxii 344] 

+++. Speech on opening parliament, xxiii 
37] 321] 

ose ———— after the riots, xxiii !95*] 333] 

on closing the session, xxiii 

199*) 336] 
--+» proclamation respecting the riots, xxiii 

xxiii 337] 
.. «+ address of the convocation, xxiii 324] 
.<s. Speech on opening the new parlia- 

ment, xxiv 149] 282] 
sheles ———— closing the session, xxiv 

201*] 314) 

-.-.- visit to the fleet at the Nore, xxiv 


...- address, petition, and remonstrance of 

the city of London, xxiv 199] 320] 
cad &c. from Westminster, South- 

wark, and other places, xxiv 200] 201] 

— for dissolving parliament, 



George III: ‘petition from the W. India 
merchants on the danger of the islands, 
xxiv 201] 319] 

«++. Speech at the opening of parliament, 
xxv 127] 291] 

address from the Commons against the 
American war, xxv 171] 296] 

-. +. addresses from Ireland on the discon- 
tents there, xxv 179] 

+e. Speech at proroguing parliament, xxv 
189] xxvi 310] 

++.. resolutions of the city of London on 
his declining to receive it’s address on 
the throne, xxv 195] 

++. address of the city of London on the 
change of ministry, xxv 205] 297] 

«++. Speech on opening parliament, xxvi 
138] 311] 

-. ++ address of the Commons on pensions, 
xxvi 169] 

.+.. addresses of the Commons on the 
want of a ministry, xxvi 171] 173] 

on the peace, xxvi 197] 

weds birth of a princess, 
and majority of the prince of Wales, 
xxvi 217] 

" speech on proroguing parliament, xxvi 



..-. addresses of the Irish parliament, xxvi 
357] 359] 

+++. Speech on opening parliament, xxvii 
58] 305) 

++«+ gives a note to lord Temple strongly 
expressive of his disapprobation of Mr. 
Fox’s India bills, xxvii 69] 70] 

-» +. address from the Commons not to dis- 
solve parliament, xxvii 74] 

«++. address of the Lords, xxvii 309] 

--.. refuses to dismiss his ministers on an | 
address of the H. of Commons, xxvii 88] 
91] 92] 93] 95] 310] 311) 

+++ speech at the meeting of the new par- 
liament, xxvii 147] 315] 

ests closing the session, xxvii 

#3 at opening the second ses- 

sion, xxvii 171] 348] 

. addresses on the dismissal of the late 
ministry, xxvii 179] 180] 181] 183] 184] 
186] 193] 

.... Arabian horse and mare presented by 
Mr. Hastings, xxvii 203] 

.... 60,0007. granted to pay debt, xxvii 

. address of the Irish parliament against 

reform, xxviii 5] 

. counteraddress from the delegates, 7b. 
vs. petition from the city of Dublin, 

xxviii 6] 

.«+. speech at the meeting of parliament, 
xxvili 89] 254] 

o bts closing the session, xxviii 

.«+- sends his three youngest sons to the 
university of Gottingen, xxviii 206] 



George III: visit to Oxford, xxviii 208] 

+++» attempt of Marg. Nicholson to assassi- 
nate, xxviii 233] 

.» +» addresses on the occasion, xxviii 259] 

«+-. speech at opening parliament, xxix 
66] 2638] 

Stats elosing it, xxx 271] 

..++ goes to Cheltenham, xxx 208] 

+++» application of texts of scripture to, 
by lord G, Gordon, xxx 222] 

+... prayers for, during his indisposition, 
xxx 251] 

+. illness of, xxxi 68] 

+++. examination of his physicians, xxxi 

+... his recovery announced, xxxi 137] 141] 

++.. proceedings consequent to it, xxxi 

-... addresses of congratulation, xxxi 143] 
220] 308] 319-24] 

--.. thanksgiving for his recovery, xxxi 
147] 205] 249) 

+... Tejoicings on the occasion, xxxi 202] 
205] 252] 

«+.. remuneration of his physicians, xxxi 
225] xliv 540 

.... Darrow escape from being overturned, 
xxxi 230] 

««.. prayer for, after his recovery, xXxi 

«++. journey to Weymouth and Plymouth, 
xxxi 260] 

«++. speech at opening parliament, xxxii 
65] 281] 

«.+. address of the Commons on the affair 
of Nootka sound, xxxii 96] 

wiels « Lords on the same sub- 
ject, xxxii 98] 286] 

«+++ message to the Commons for a pension 
to Dr, Willis, xxxii 100] 

+++. Speech at closing the session, xxxii 
104] 283] 

++ no court on new year’s day, xxxii 193] 

+... Stone thrown at his coach, xxxii 194] 
197] 204] xxxiii 45] 

+++. attempt of Edw. Derick to obtain ad- 
mission to, xxxii 195] 

+--- colours of the guards at St. James’s 
seized by a maniac, xxxii 197] 

--.. London address on the Spanish con- 
vention, xxxii 305] 

+++ Speech on opening the new parliament, 
xxxiii 221, 150] 

+++s ——— closing the session, xxxiii 

-».« thanks of the French national assem- 
bly, xxxiii 41] 

«.+. interview with Dr. Johnson, xxxiii 

+++. Speech on opening parliament, xxxiv 
137) 156 oe : 

on closing the session, xxix 

at opening parliament, xxx 83] 



George III: speech on closing the session, 
xxxiv 175] 165 

«+s. proclamation against seditious doc 
trines, xxxiv 165] 158 

er bre coe on it, xxxiv 165] 36, 75, 

-»+. address on the peace with Tippoo Sul- 
tan, xxxiv 40 

+++» proclamation respecting the war be- 
tween France and the king of Hungary, 
xxxiv 177 


—— for calling out the mili- 
tia, xxxiv 165 

oo the meeting of par- 

liament, xxxiv 166 

pit: speech on opening parliament, xxxiv 

++++ confidential letter from the French 
king, xxxiv 173 

++.. Speech on closing the session of par- 
liament, xxxv 166 

opening parliament, xxxvi 

180] 138 

ee ee 281] 145 

.... visit to lord Howe’s fleet at Spithead, 
xxxvi 17 f 

+++. privy council convened to examine 
into a reputed plot against, xxxvi 30 

.«.. oath of fealty to, as king of Corsica, 
xxxvi 109 

ess. Speech at opening parliament, xxxvi 
152. xxxvii 148] 

.... treaty, as elector of Hanover, with 
France, xxxvii 130] 262 

«+-. Speech at closing the session, xxxvii 
230] 137 

+s. visit to Weymouth, xxxvii 32 

...«. Window of his coach broken in going 
to the parliament house, xxxvii 37-39. 
xxxviii 9] 16] 6, 17 

-.+. speech at opening parliament, xxxvii 
188. xxxviii 10] 16] 

...+ remonstrance from the Corresponding 
Society on peace and reform, xxxviii 

-... window of his coach broken in return- 
ing from the play, xxxviii 5 

.... trial for conspiracy to assassinate, 
xxxviii 17 

«+... speech at closing the session, xxxviii 
73) 117 

closing the session, xxxvi 

opening the new parliament, 
xxxvili 118. xxxix 105] 

oes closing the session, xxxix 
265] 181 

-.+. presents from the king of Owhyhee, 
Xxxix 5 

-... address from the city of London on 
the rupture of the negotiation for peace, 
XXxix 7 

+... paintings bought for, xxxix 10 

«s+. petitions to, to dismiss his ministers, 
xxxix 15, 18, 83 

-+-. refuses to receive the petition of the 


livery of London on his throne, xxxix 
15, 20, 21 

George III: petition and remonstrance of 
the London Corresponding Society, xxxix 

«+s» prevented from reviewing the fleet at 
the Nore, xxxix 53 

«ss. petition from the county of Down, 
xxxix 55, 89 

+++. Speech on opening parliament, xxxix 
229. x1 166] 

«eee his answer to the address, xxxix 230 

..« letters from, as elector of Hanover, to 
the emperor and the king of Prussia, 
xxxix 235, 236 

.+»+ speech on closing parliament, x1 240] 

see petition of a widow to, x] 49 

-... sports at Maiden castle, near Wey- 
mouth, on the birthday of the princess 
royal, x1 84 ; 

e».. ploughing match against lord Somer- 
ville, xl 93 

++. speech on opening parliament, xl 218. 
xli 161] 

closing the session, x] 211 

osiear opening, xl 312] 212 

wee. reviews of volunteers, xl 22, 24, 28. 
xlii 17, 18 

.... volunteers inspected by, xli 24 

«+. letter from Buonaparte, xlii 73] 209 

..-. fired at, by Jas. Hadfield, at Drury 
Lane, xlii 158] 14, 19 

«ss» addresses on the occasion, xlii 158] 

+.«» speech on closing the session, xlii 159] 

«see man shot near, at a review, xlii 13 

ses petition from the city of London on 
the dearth, xlii 39, 40 

«+... Speech on opening the session, xlii 
183. xliii 2] 

3 bier concluding the last session 
of the British parliament, xlii 184. xliii 

ont ae of his farms, xlii 398 

«+++ Speech on opening the imperial par- 
liament, xliii 42] 207 

«see illness of, xliii 117] 172] 5 

.-.. his coronation oath, xliii 118] 

«s+. Speech on opening the 2nd session of 
the imperial parliament, xliii 210. xliv 2 

closing the session, xliv 180, 


«see christening of the daughter of the 
earl of Chesterfield, xliv 386 

-»«. deputation from Malta, xliv 388 

-.+. sturgeon presented by the lord mayor, 

.... message to the Commons on his debts, 
xliv 604 

oe making 
provision for the dukes of Sussex and 
Cambridge, 2. 

.. «» speech on opening the new parliament, 
xliv 607. xlv 3 


George III: message to parliament on the 
crogcey of the prince of Wales, xlv 69, 
+e.. addresses on his escape from the 
machinations of traitors, xlv 69, 70, 373 
me speech at closing the session, xlv 212, 

++.» attempt of a maniac to gain admission 
to the levee, xlv 390 

.. +. address on the state of affairs, xlv 419 

«+.» stud sent from Hanover, xlv 436. xlvii 

+».. arrival of his private treasure, xlv 

++.. correspondence with the prince of 
Wales on refusing his offer of military 
service, xlv 565 
. ae ta on opening parliament, xlvi J, 
+++. indisposition of, xlvi 27, 32, 41, 43, 
50, 368, 369, 370 
..-+ forms of prayer on the occasion, xlvi 
28x, 390 
we thanksgiving for his recovery, xlvi 
+++. assents to various acts by commission, 
xlvi 28, 50 
. appears in public, xlvi 29, 385 
.... his ministers changed, xlvi 29, 84 
«++. Speech of Mr, Abbot on presenting — 
certain bills, xlvi 113, 598 
«++» speech on closing the session, xlvi 113, 
+s.. naval féte at Weymouth, xlvi 418, 898 
+++. interview with the prince of Wales, 
xlvi 431 
.++. letter from Buonaparte, xlvii 131,615 
++ e+ answer to it, xlvii 616 
Hes grand entertainment at Windsor, xlvii 
e+e. maniac waiting in Windsor park to 
see, xlvii 373 
-»-. present to the princess of Wales, xlvii 
«+. Speech on opening 
«... address of the city of London respect- 
ing lord Melville, xlvii 616 

parliament, xlvii 

—_—_——___.——-— on the 

victory of Trafalgar, xlvii 617 

-» ++ Hanoverian proclamation, xlvii 618 

+. «+ general policy of his reign, xlviii 18 

---. formation of a new ministry, xlviii 21 

«--. his property exempted from the in- 
come tax, xlviii 73 

«+.. address of the city of London on the 
formation of a new ministry, xlviii 675 

«+e. Speech on opening new parliament, 
xlix 31 

+++» address of the Commons against grant- 
ing offices for life, and answer to it, xlix 
138, 151 

».+. change of his ministers on account of 
the eatholic question, xlix 140— 

.. +. addresses on the occasion, xlix 420, 424 



George III: speech on proroguing parlia- 
ment, xlix 165, 704 

e+. Speech on opening the new parlia- 
ment, xlix 237,709 

--.. address from the Commons against 
granting offices in reversion, xlix 248 

+» +- Speech on proroguing parliament, xlix 
248, 725 

+» ++ visit to his sister the duchess of Bruns- 
wick, xlix 460 J 

«+--+ pension to card. York, xlix 826 

-»--» anecdotes of, xlix 941. 1 264 

+--+ Speech on opening parliament, 1 2] 

--.. equestrian figure cut in a chalk hill 
near Weymouth, | 115* 

«++. Speech on proroguing parliament, 1 

ree — proroguing it, li 707 
«s+» jubilee on the commencement of the 
Aaa year of his reign, li 239, 337, 

opening parliament, li 26, 

+». address of the city of London on the 
Walcheren expedition, li 532 

«-++ answer to it, lii 57 

+--+ present of Spanish sheep to, li 836 

hac on opening parliament, lii 2, 

«ee. address of the Commons on the slave 
trade, lii 144 

»»-. address from the Lords on the same 
subject, lii 146 


ees —-— for a return 

of the number of churches, lii 148 

«».. Speech on proroguing parliament, lii 

| 151, 432 

e+. return of his disorder on the death of 

| the princess Amelia, lii 267 

+... prayer for the restoration of his health, 

| ii 420 

|.... refuses to receive the city address on 

| the throne, lii 243* 

+++. the address, lii 245* 

»-+- address from Berkshire against the 

| conduct of ministers, lii 247* 

|<... petition from Ireland for the repeal of 

| the union, lii 274 

js. Statue to be placed in the council 
chamber Guildhall, lii 284, lvii 38 

+++» proceedings in parliament for the ap- 

| pointmentofa regency on his illness, liii 1] 

++. abuses of his authority when incapa- 
citated by his former illnesses, liii 19] 

ae a of the state of his health, liti 

r : 

+++» appeared in public, liii 57 

+++. State of his health reported to parlia- 
ment, liv 6] 

: -+ bills relative to his household, liv 11] 

tee bulletins of his health, lv 77, 94, 98. 
lyi 215] be 145] 19. lviii 2 
s+». acts relating to the care of his person 
Ix 164, Ixi 8] - ae 





George IV: xii 89] xiv 94] 102] 106] xx 
26] xxiv 161] xxvi 204] xxvii 71] 324] 
xxx 195] xxxi 128] 220] 221] xxxii 94] 
136n. xxxiii 11] 143] xxxiv 28. xlii 1. 
xliv 377. xlv 378. xlvi 22, 23, 380. xlvii 
417. xlviii 360, 444. lii 262%. liii 36. 
liv 90] 277, 284. lv 20] 94] Ix 42] 401. 
lxi 399 

.+.. birth of, v 96] 

..+. created prince of Wales, and earl of 
Chester, v 98] 

-+.. baptized, 2b. 

.--- address of the society of ancient Bri- 
tons to, viii 70] 

++. invested with the order of the garter, 
viii 152] 

»»+» inoculated, ix 71] 81] 

---- appointed capt. gen. of the Artillery 
company of London, ix 73] 74] 

.. ++ present of a remarkably small cow and 
calf from India, xiv 154] 

..+» waited on at the anniversary of the 
Ancient Britons, they are told, that such 
applications in future would be discoun- 
tenanced, xv 81] 

ses» the Ancient Britons not permitted to 
approach the prince, but receive the 
usual present, xvi 79] 

«--- his birthday kept at Windsor with 
great splendor, xix 172] 

«+e. separate establishment for, as prince 
of Wales, xxiii 179} 207] 208] 307] xxix 

«+. takes his seat in the H. of Lords as 
duke of Cornwall, xxvi 220] 279] 

at the council board, 

xxvi 221] 

-.+. entertainment to the gentlemen of the 
St. Alban’s tavern meeting, xxvii 183] 
+.» visit of the duke de Chartres, &c. 

xxvii 198] 

----member of the beefsteak club, xxvii 

...- embarrassed state of his finances, xxix 

-.-. declared he would never see or patro- 
nize another stage fight, xxx 211] 

+... money issued to pay his debts, xxx 

«ss. proceedings respecting the regency, 
xxxi 70] 89] 106] 126] 138] 296] 343] 
.... address of the Irish parliament after 
voting an unrestricted regency, xxxi 

141] 310] 

..+- benefactions to the poor of London 
and Edinburgh, in consequence of the 
king’s illness, xxxi 195] 

.»+. tun of coals brought from Lough- 
borough by thirteen men as a present to, 
xxxi 199] 

«+.» overturned near Newark, xxxi 221] 

.» +» letter from Mr. Pitt, xxxi 298] 

+++. answer to it, xxxi 299] 

.--- answers to the deputation from Ire- 
land, xxxi 314] 315] 



George IV: regency bill, xxxi 343] 

e+e libel on, xxxii 195] 

++ ++ State levee for the first time, ¢b. 

+--+. attempt to rob in the drawing room, 
xxxiv 3 _ 

e+e» sale of his stud, xxxiv 10 

“tg reduction of his establishment, xxxv 

<a eee of, xxxyii 217] 15, 119, 

eos» settlement of his revenue, xxxvii 217] 

ee» debts of, xxxvii 217] 218] xxxviii 5. 
xliii 22, xliv 101 

«+» birth of his daughter, xxxviii 1, 4 

e+e requested by the W. York militia to 
become their commander, xl 9 

ny freedom of Canterbury presented to, 
x1 81 

e+». addition to his income, xliii 22 

e+.» claim of the arrears of the duchy of 
Cornwall, xliv 101, 114, 424. liv 14] 

+++ application to parliament for a farther 
addition to his income, x!v 69, 76, 646 

«++.» farther proceedings on the subject, xlv 
80, 84, 98 

e+e» entertainment of Elfi bey, xlv 455 

e+++ correspondence respecting his offer of 
military service, xlv 564 

+++. interview with his father, xlvi 431 

e+.» Persian goats presented to his mother, 
li 316 

«+++ appointed regent, lii 267. liii 2] 275 

Fs i continues the ministers in office, liii 8] 


e++» Opens parliament by commission, liii 
9] 281 

++.» address of the city of London, liii 11] 

«+++ declines an establishment for his house- 
hold, 2d. 

+++. reappoints the duke of York to the 
command of the army, liii 71 

«+--+ Sworn in as regent, liii 15 

-.-- grand feast, liii 68 

«--- mischiefs from crowding to see the 
tables, liii 70 

“ie se ikegpondenge with Mr. Perceval, liii 

«++. Speech on proroguing parliament, liii 
958 P sung pi ? 


e+» new establishment for, liv 12] 

«++ letter to the duke of York ona coali- 
tion ministry, liv 42] 180] 329 

«+.. change of his political advisers, liv 

«+++ Speech on proroguing parliament, liv 
127] 383 

. ‘glee of the Irish catholies, liv 133] 

on opening the session, liv 1] 

e+ -» Speech on opening the new parliament, 
liv 214] 394 

+++. riots at Manchester originating from a 
proposed address to, liv 49 

evee present of a Bengal heifer, liv 136 



George IV: parliament opened by, in per- 
son, liv 147 

--.-. address of the convocation, liv 148 
vee society of friends, liv 

+++. conduct toward the princess of Wales, 
lv 20] 

+++. Speech at closing parliament, lv 96] 

eee p at opening it, ly 200] 369 
pre ball and supper at Carlton house, lv 

thee visit to the college of Surgeons, lv 

«++ Russian orders of knighthood sent to, 
ly 98 
-+.. letters from the princess of Wales, lv 
341. lvi 348 
+++ report of the privy council on the sub- 
ject, lv 344 
see» Speakers address, ly 364 
ps speech at closing parliament, lvi 168] 
oe. ——— opening, lvi 204] 353 
+++ present of books to the university of 
Gottingen, lvi 98 
+... address of the Lords on the slave- 
trade, lvi 346 
+... excessive expense of the civil list, lvii 
22) , 
«+++ Speech on proroguing parliament, “lvii 
54] 329 
+++ birthday observed at court, lvii 55 
+--+ assumes the guardianship of the duke 
of Brunswick, lvii 398 , 
+++» speech at opening parliament, lviii 1] 
-... address of the city of London on the 
distressed state of the country, lviii 417 
+. «+ answer to it, lviii 419 
«++ Speech at opening parliament, lix 1] 
+...» insult offered on his return from the 
House, lix 3] 7 
«+. speech at closing parliament, lix 98] 
«+e» hew court uniforms, lix 101] 
«++. St. George’s day appointed for th 
celebration of his birthday, lix 101] 
«+++ proclamations on the new silver coin 
lix 6,9 
++. proclamation on riots in Westminster, 
lix 7 

closing the session, lviii 90] 

ate for the apprehension o} 

Watson jun. and Thistlewood, lix 12 

++.» nautical excursions, lix 8] 

«++» death of the princess Charlotte, lix 

.« +» Speech at opening parliament, lx 1] 

Bey: at closing the session, Ix 151] 

«+++ proclamation respecting the care 
his majesty’s person on the death of th 
queen, Ix 164 

+.-» speech at opening the new parliament 
Ixi 2] 


George IV: speech at closing the session, 
Ixi 101] 

»»-- address from the city of London on 
the transactions at Manchester, Ixi 111] 
+++» Speech at opening parliament, Ixi 116] 

George, Denis, lxi 235 

lieut. (N) xxii 312] 

George street, Oxford street, fire in, lv 66 

—— Whitechapel, fire in, lvii 32 

Georges, gen. xlii 7] 165] xliv 639, xlv 
229, 238, 663, 668. xlvi 155, 157, 165, 
617, 625 

Georgi, J. G, xxxvi 322. xxxvii 80*] 

Georgia, grants for the colony, i 129. ii 
174. iii 187] v 156] 167] vi 179] vii 
160] viii 238] ix 202] x 218] xi 262] xii 
219] xiii 235] xiv 223] xv 210] xvi 227] 
xvii 252] xviii 244] xix 250] xx 268] 
xxi 286] xxii 329] xxiii 312] xxiv 271] 
xxv 289] xxvi 306] 

++-- persons to appear, and make good 
their titles to lands, iii 77] 

--+- heat of the weather in, iii 92 

+++» produce of silk in, v 104] 

+++» exports of, vi 92] 

«+++ Smart shock of an earthquake felt, vi 

«.-+ lands annexed to the province of, vi 


e+e» petition from the agent of, against the 

stamp act, ix 36] ° 
«»-- substitute for tea, ix 115] 
+-- dissolution of the assembly, xii 75] 
«+++ joins the United Colonies, xviii 141*] 
++.» expedition against, xxii 29] 179] 

‘e+. fees for receipts of money for the 

loyalists of, xxxiii 143] 
«++ conspiracy of Negroes in, xi 235] 4) 
— (in Asia) revolt in, viii 107] 158] 
ix 3] xiii 26] xvi 33] 
«+... surrendered to Russia, xxvi 220] 
«+«. united with Russia, xliii 343 
Georgium sidus, xxvi 41, 42 
Gera, burnt down, xxiii 228] 
Gerald, Jos. xxxix 25. xli 157. xlix 993 
---. tried for sedition, xxxvi 8 

| Geramb, bar. liv 47 

Gerando, bar. lxi 28 

Gerard, lord, xvi 76 

C. A, xxi 270] 342] xxii 441] 
—— col. xlv 563 

| ——-—— Joseph, | 4* 

rey. Dr. Alex. ix 303. xxxvii 8. 
xlvii 768 

sir Gilb. xiv 27 

Gerard street, fire in, xl 40 

Gerarde, J. viii 147, 148. xxii 87 

Gerbier, xxi 241 

Gerdil, fath. viii 215, 216 

Germain, T. xliii 456 

See Sackville, lord G. 
Germanicus, viii 151] 

Germany : not peopled by the Celts, iv 159 
ag) character of the modern Germans, xi 


Germany: extent of country 8o called, xvi 

«++» mode of travelling on rafts, xvi 166 

«+e. travelling in, xvi 177 

«++. inordinate passion for music in the 
courts of, xvi 183 

«+. changes of capitals, xvi 184 

+++. origin of knighthood in, xxi 160 

+.» ancient inhabitants of, ib. 

«+.» drama of, xxxii 115 

+++» constitution of, xli 122] 

--.. elevation of the house of Hapsburg to 
the throne, xlii 305 

+++. inconvenience of the numerous cus- 
tomhouses on the rivers, liii 544 

++.» Sketches of, Ix 464 

+++e universities, lx 483 

«++. commencement of the war of 1756 in, 

-.+. the king of Prussia cited before the 
Aulie counsel, i 14 

sfefete —- put under the ban of the 
empire, i115 

-»+. England must always be involved in 
the affairs of, i 39 

.»+. conelusum of the Aulic council issued 
against the elector of Hanover and other 
princes, i 50, 111 

+++» memorial delivered to the diet by the 
minister of Brunswick Lunenburg, i 187 

e+++» question whether a majority of the 
diet be sufficient im materia collectarum, 

-»+. foreign troops not to be introduced 
without the consent of the states, i 224 

-+++ regulations respecting them, 7. 

+... State of the emperor with regard to 
war, ii 4 

-++- imperial decree, ii 203 

+... arguments for and against a war with 
France in, iii 51] 53] 

«+++ Statement of the forces in, iii 88] 

-++- marriage of the archduke Joseph to 
the princess Isabella of Parma, iii 144] 
..++ declaration of the king of Prussia to 

such states as may furnish the emperor 
with men or money, iii 208] 
of the French king to the 

diet, iv 276] 

«++. Stipulations at the peace of 1762 re- 
specting, v 238] 239] 

«».. election of a king of the Romans on 
foot, vi 44] 

+++. emigrants brought over to England 
under pretence of being provided for in 
America, vii 145] viii 98] 

save ane I succeeded by Joseph II, viii 

+++. the apartment in which the emperor 
died converted into a chapel, zd. 

+++» great increase of wild boars in, ix 57] 

-. ++ Shocks of an earthquake, x 92] xi 85] 
xii 126] xix 203] 

o+ee edict of the emperor to the several 


states not to permit their subjects to leave 
the empire, xi 35] 

Germany : general distress of, xiv 83°] 117] 
126] xvi 75] 

+++. inundations in, xiv 84*] 103] 120] 
129] 130] 131) xviii 90] xxviii 59] xlvi 
404. liii 45, 121, lv 86, lviii 46, 50, 78, 
83, 101 

«++. danger of the partition of Poland to, 
xv 3] 

eee affairs of, xvi 9] 42] xvii 22] 

«e+» abundant vintage in, xviii 168] 

eee» political state of, xxi 1] 

e+». dispute on the Bavarian succession, 
xxi 4] 

e++» prince Maximilian of Austria elected 
coadjutor of Cologne and Munster, xxiv 

e+.» treaty of union and confederation for 
maintaining the  indivisibility of the 
empire and the rights of the Germanic 
body, xxvii 131] 

++» resistance to the papal authority by 
the dignitaries of the church, xxviii 157] 
xxxi 54] 

ee. the estates of Lippe Schaumbourg 
seized by the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel, 
xxix 199] xxxi 52] 

+... authority of the pope disputed by the 
elector of Cologne, xxxi 54] ; 

«eee Sect of Illuminati, xxxiv 67] 

+++ declaration of the kings of Prussia and 
Hungary, xxxiv 522 

e+e endeavours to unite the different states 
against France, xxxvi 10] 

---.- declarations, &c. of the k. of Prussia, 
xxxvi 201-9 

+++» exhortation to the people to rise in 
mass against the French, xxxvi 212 

-..- Austrian note to the diet on the sub- 
ject, xxxvi 214 

«++» emperor’s decree of ratification for a 

subsidy to Prussia, xxxvi 215 
———_———-~ for a quintuple con- 

tingent, xxxvi 216 

—— memorial to the circle of 

the Upper Rhine, zd. 

—— edict to the directors of 

one circles on vigorous measures, xxXxvi 



note to the states of the 
Upper Rhine for a speedy supply of men 
and money, xxxvi 222 

eee conclusum of the circle of Franconia 
for a peace, 7d. 

eee. Prussian answer to the representations 
in favour of peace, xxxvi 224 

ese. decree of the diet, xxxvi 237 

«++.» imperial decrees respecting the propo- 
ee of peace with France, xxxvii 222, 

+++. declaration of the k. of Prussia on his 
Separate peace with France, xxxvii 227 

e+-- documents relative to peace with 
France, xxxvii 244, 245, 265, 267 




Germany : note from Prussia to the states of 
Franconia, xxxvii 263 

.. + dissatisfaction excited by the conduct 
of the French, xxxviii 131] 

-+ +. contributions demanded by the French, 
xxxvili 135] 

-+.+ resolution of the diet to negotiate for 
peace, xxxviii 136] 

+... revival of the preponderance of Aus- 
tria, xxxviii 143] 145] 

«++» Prussian convocation of the neutral 
states, xxxvili 218 ; 

+... declaration of the elector of Saxony, 
Xxxvili 279 
xxx viii 280 

+++. rescript addressed to the duke of Wur- 
temberg on peace, xxxviii 284 

+++. correspondence of the emperor with 
Prussia on it’s line of demarcation with 
France, xxxviii 288, 289 

++. letters from the elector of Hanover to 
the emperor, and to the king of Prussia, 
xxxix 235, 236 

e+e. Dew campaign announced, xxxix 335 

patente of the emperor, xxxix 346, 

—— the elector of Hanover, 

+++. declaration of the prince bishop of 
Wurtzburg, xxxix 348 

ao note of the Russian minister, xxxix 

«+++ Prussian overtures to the associated 
states of northern Germany, 26. 

complaint of the proceedings 
of the Aulic council, xxxix 355 

+++ congress of Rastadt, xli 122] 129] 236] 
253] 266 ‘ 

oe iagpProneh of a Russian army, xli 141] 

+++. a French army enters Swabia, xli 

++. the French ministers in Bavaria dis- 
missed, xli 145] 

+++. assassination of the French deputies 
at Rastadt, xli 255] 

++.» Slowness of the states in furnishing 
contingents, xli 265] 

++. imperial Aulic decree on the renewal 
of war with France, xli 26] 

+++ conclusum of the diet declaring war 
against France, xli 265 

--.. declaration of the Russian emperor, 
xli 291 

++.. circular of the archduke Charles to 
the anterior circles, xlii 168] 

+++. peace .concluded with France by the 
Bo ae in the name of the empire, xliii 

+++» proceedings of the diet thereon, xliii 

274-79, 286 

.». interference of Prussia and France 

against any appointments to ecclesiastical 

states, xliii 279-82 

+++. protest of the electoral chapter of Co- 
logne, xliii 282 



Germany: the election of the archduke 
Antony announced, xliii 289 

+. ++ new electorates formed, and old ones 
abolished, xliv 254 

+++ protest of the king of Sweden against 
foreign interference in the affairs of, xliv 
256, 667 

---- full powers of the deputation for dis- 
cussing points relative to peace, xliv 653 

«++» conclusum on the indemnities, xliv 

.--- blockade of the Elbe and Weser, xlv 
286, 423. xlvi 600 

e+e. ———— withdrawn, lvi 351 

-+.«. note of the emperor of Russia on the 
seizure of the duke d’Enghien, xlvi 161, 
191, 651 

+++. various papers on the subject, xlvi 

«+.» notification of Francis having assumed 
the title of emperor of Austria, xlvi 

+». note of the king of Sweden on the 
subject, 24. 

«»-. note of the French chargé d’affaires 
on the proceedings of Austria, xlvii 640 

++». answer to it, xlvii 643 

---- rise of the house of Brandenburg 
injurious to, xlviii 152 

.-.. fresh encroachments of France, xlviii 
163. 1 237] 6*, 313* 

«++. confederation of the Rhine formed, 
xlviii 165 

«».. act of confederation, xlviii 818 

e+». the empire dissolved, xlviii 166, 824, 

«+. a confederacy of the northern states 

_ first suggested and then prevented by 
France, xlviii 167 

«+.. address of the king of Sweden after 
the peace of Tilsit, xlix 184 

«+.. troops of the confederation of the 
Rhine called out, and part taken into the 
pay of France, 1 218] 

++.» Hanse towns annexed to France, lii 
237, 505 

++.. States of the confederation of the 
Rhine, lii 428 

«++. State of, liii 139] 86, 96. liv 190] 

«+.» fires in various forests, liii 88 

++.» campaign in, lv 114] 163] 167] 169] 
lvi 12] 

++-. meeting of sovereigns at Frankfort, lv 
164] 166] 

«+.+- surrender of Dresden, lv 170] 

+++. Stettin surrendered, 2. 

+++» federative notes issued by G. Britain, 
Russia, and Prussia, jointly, lv 201] 361 

+++ descents pene British at Fiume, and 
a places on the Adriatic, lv 207, 224, 

+--+ settlement of, at the general peace, lvi 
101] lvii 102] 

+++. new confederation of the sovereign 
states and free cities, lvii 109] 390 
Panr I, 



Germany: changes in, lviii 136] 

»+e. diet at Frankfort, lviii 141] 

-.-. application from Saxe Weimar for it’s 
constitution to be deposited in the ar 
chives of the diet, lviii 142] 

.... all communications addressed to the 
diet in future must be in German, lviii 

+... emigrations from, lviii 67. 1xi 24, 40 

«+e distressed state of, lviii 195 

«... treaties of the different powers for the 
general settlement of, lviii 370-2 

. representations to the diet respecting 
the pirates from Barbary, lix 45 

.--» celebration of the battle of Leipsic, 
lix 99 

...» refusal of the pope to confirm certain 
bishops, Ix 68, 122 

oe. New representative 
Baden, lx 106 

---- diet, lx 470 

e+e State of, Ixi 182] 

«eee proceedings respecting universities, 
Ixi 186] 24, 159 

+». central commission established at 
Mentz to inquire into demagoguical in- 
irene in all parts of Germany, Ixi 188] 

++. persecution of the Jews, Ixi 189] 

--+ Claim of property mortgaged to Eng 
lishmen by card. Rohan for the celebrated 
diamond necklace, lxi 17 

«»-. decrees of the diet at Frankfort not 
generally approved, Ixi 75 

.... Austrian propositions respecting ‘the 
spirit of inquietude and fermentation in 
the country, Ixi 155 

---- decree of regulation for the internal 
security of, 1xi 158 

+». measures for preventing the abuses of 
the press, Ixi 160 

-++. Prussian circular to it’s ambassadors 
respecting the decrees of the diet, Ixi 162 

Gerona, siege of, li 199 

Gerrard, xliii 487 

gen. (French) xli 103] 

rev. J. xiii 205, 207 
(Amer.) lv 177] 

Elbridge (Amer.) xl 244] 280. xli 


Gersdorf, maj. gen. vi 97] 

Gervase of Canterbury, ii 410, 411. xv 122 

Gessendorf, spirited attack on the French in; 
li 473 

Gessner, Dr. Alb. v 92 

prof. Conrad, xxi 104, xlvi 806x 

prof. J. xxxii 11 

Sol. iv 286, viii 239 

«-.. account of, xxxviii 338 

Gesta Romanorum, xxiv 191 

Gestation, variableness of the period of 
xlii 374 

Geta, v 103] 

Geullers, _ barbarously treated near Hack 
ney, xvii 150] 

constitution of 




Gevaudan, _1xi 87, 88 

Gevrilliere, Guillet dela, xlviii 173, 1742, 709 

Ghent, several persons arrested at, Ixi 8 

Ghergong, earthquake and fire at, xlv 371 

Ghezzar bashaw, xli 20] 25] 70, 92. xliii 
223] xlv 747, 942 

--». character of, xli n] 312. lvi 468 

Ghieri, Capian, khan of the Crimea, xiii 16] 

Ghirlandaio, Dom. xlviii 829 

Ghisilieri, marq. of, xlviii 150 

Gholaum Caudir, xli 69] 

Ghost, pretended, in Westminster abbey, iv 

--+- Cock lane, v 142] 

+++» pretended, at Hammersmith, shot, 
xlvi 358 

++s. of St. Andrew’s Holborn, lvii 59 

Giafferi, | (Corsican chief) x 36] 37] 

Giannone, Pet. xxxiii 381] xxxviii 338 

Giants, i 333, iii 80. vii 106 

++. modern, iii 126] 79, 80. v 59. viii 
158] x 185. xi 19)] xxvi 209] xi 36 

«++. in S. America, v 59 

«+++ gigantic bones dug up, vi 51] 

-«.+. figure of one on Cerne hill, vi 166 

«... See also Skeletons 

Giant’s causeway, account of the, lix 508 

Giardini, Felix, x] 358 

Gibberson, Mary, Iviii 267 

pete all on the Edgware road cut down, 
vi 67] 

Gibbon, Edw. viii 242n. xix 134, 137, 142, 
236, xxi 208. xxiii 229. xxiv 1, 3, xxx 
4, 6, 198. xxxii 193] xxxvi 5, 4165. 
xxxviii 359, 370, 373. xliii 532. xliv 715. 
xl viii 899 

o+.. Style of, xxx 204. xlix 1003, 1 235 

e+e. account of, xxxvili 319 

— Martha, xlii 385 

Gibbons, G. xlvi 407 

— Orlando, xii 211 

rev. J. liv 145 

—— sir J. iv 115] xv 207] 

sir W. xlvi 407 

Gibbs, C. x 99] 

col. liii 169] 227 

—— Dr. xxii 240] 

James, convicted of cutting and 
maiming, lxi 214 

—— Jane, xli 33 

1. col. Edw. lvi 154 

——m.gen. __lvii 123] 142 

—— Mrs. (actress) xxx 184 

—— P. lviii 196 

—— sir Vicary, xxvii 207] xxxvi 279] 10. 
xlvii 85, xlix 449. 1 84*, 133*, 222". li 
149, 259, 270, 280, 299, 350. lii 56, 96, 
101, 104, 139, 143, 288, 335, 340, 344, 
353. lili 3] 28] 29] 242, 243, 244, id. 
247, 250. liv 24] 40] 272, 295, 296, 305. 
lv 67. lvi 298, 319. lvii 289, 290. lviii 
296. lix 219. lxi 399, 400 

Giblett, Sus. Anne, lviii 257 

8 disturbances in the garrison, iii 



Gibraltar : attempt to explain the eurrent 
in the straits of, iii 80, 84. vi 90 

+. ++ dreadful storm at, ix 74] 

++.- communication with, shut up by gen. 
Crillon, ix 91] . 

---- contract for supplying the Russian 
fleet in the Mediterranean, xii 164] 

«++. bones in the rock of, xiv 85 

+++. earthquake felt, xvi 101] xix 149] 

«+. Hanoverian troops sent to, xviii 174] 
xix 64] 75] 

«++. Strait of, xviii 97 

«+++ Siege of, xxiii 201*] xxiv 5] xxv 99] 

++. emperor of Morocco prohibits all in- 
tercourse with, xxiv 170} 

--..- reduced to short allowance, xxv 99] 

«++ prices of various articles, xxv 100] 

+++» relieved by adm. Darby, xxv 102] 

--+- attempts of the gun and mortar boats 
on the convoy, xxv 103] 

+++. the town beaten down, xxv 104] 

++.» the Spanish works destroyed in a 
sally, xxv 113] 

+++. grand attack on, xxv 227*] 258] 

+++» construction of the floating batteries, 
xxv 229*] 

«++. many of the Spanish works destroyed, 
xxv 233*] 

«++. relieved by lord Howe, xxv 240*] 

+++» it’s cession to Spain mentioned in the 
House of Commons, xxvi 140] 

+++» donation from the king to the Hano- 
verian soldiers at, xxvi 217] 

ees Medal to commemorate the siege, 
xxvii 236] 

+++» pestilential fever at, xlvi 428. xlvii 
371. lv 175] lvi 87 

-+ ++ Spanish refugee delivered up, lvii 1] 

+... duels between British and American 
officers, 1xi 22 ‘ 

Gibson, —_(saddler) xviii 134] 

bish. Edmund, xix 36. 
xlv 939 

«+e. account of, vi 12 

H. (surgeon) xix 100 

James, forgery of a writing to de- 

fraud Mr. Hunt, ix 52] x 151] xi 63] 

77) 83) 

J. murderer of his wife, lv 95 

J. xxxviii 456 

—-— Jos. liv 141 

—— lient. Rob. (N) xlix 656 

Mary, Ixi 90 

rey. J. xxxvili 361 

Rob. xliii 452 

W. xxxiii 42] 

+... account of, xxxiii 291] 

W. (manager of the Liverpool 
theatre) xiv 102] 

Giddy, Davies, xlix 96. 1 103] li 160. lii 
106, 125, 138, liii 26] liv 25] lv 373, 
lvii 24 


xliv 794. 



Gideon, Samson, i 90. iii 100] iv 108] 161] 
v 84] vii 207. xi 106] 

«++ legacies by, v 108] 

——— sir Sampson, xi 86] xxx 171] 

Gidley, G. murder and robbery at. sea by, 
viii 233] ix 75 

Giffard, miss, burned to death, v 70] 

W. xli470 

Gifford, Gilb. ix 58 

J. ii 23 

lady, xxxii 35 

sir Rob. lix 73] Ix 5] 43] 341, Ixi 
197, 260, 261, 278 

Gigny, gen. xlviii 136 

Giko, Gregorio, xii 27] xxi 189] xxx 14] 

Gilbert, abp. J. iv 147] 

—-— Davies, lix 40] 42] Ixi 314, 319) 

———— Dr. Claudius, his bequest to Dub- 
lin university, i 81 

Gilbert, vii 76] 

——— rey. xlix 505 

—— rev. B. liv 302 

—— sir Humph. ix 57 

—— sir Jeffery, xxxiii 281] 

—— T. xxi 343] xxvii 268] xxix 136] 
xxx 196] Ix 145] 

Gilchrist, capt. James, xx 188] 

James, executed for the murder of 

his wife, 1 72* 

’ Gildart, W. 1x 359 

Gilder, P. M. van, xiii 170] 

Gilding, water. See Water gilding 

Giles, (Amer.) li 655 

Dan. xlvi 24. xlvii 46, 99, 562. xlix 
96, 631, li 111, 112. liv 116] 

——— G. convicted of forgery, xvi 135] 

—— J.1i 341 

Rob. liv 315 

Gill v. Hogg, xliv 472 

(collector) vy 90] 

—-ald. W. xxx 216] 219] xl 23 

— Roger, a ruminant, x 136] 

— T. xlii 384. Ix 361 

— W. murder of, xv 135] 

Gillam, S. xi 158] xiv 68} xxvii 202] 

».-. bill found against for murder, in order- 
ing the soldiers to fire on the people in 
St. George’s fields, xi 136] 137] 

“..«. trial of, xi 227] 

Gilles, xxxv 202] 
Gillespie, m. gen. R. R. liii 168] 226. liv 
212) lv 197] 128. lvii 182] 

W. xii 402 

(print,) xlvii 484. xlix 474. lii 

+++. v. Mawman, xlix 455 
wales, Adam, lyiii 258. 1x 260, 311, 313, 

Dr. J. xxviii 154, xxxvii 15*] xlix 

Gillow, A. (Amer.) xxiii 369] 

Rich. xlii 381 

Gilly, gen. lyii 61] 
ilman, Nich. (Amer. -) xxix 299] 

Gitmo, sir Charles, i 113 

Gilpin, J. xvi 191 
i rev. Bern. rector of Houghton, xi 

——-— rev. W. xxxi 170. xxxvi 403, 1178 
W. lv 319 
Gilsac, gen, v 27] 
Gilson, Edw. convicted of arson, xlix 487 
Gimelli, v 158, 178 
Gioia, Flavio de, vii 253 
Giorgi, fath. Augustino, xi 151 
Ignatio, xviii 142 
Giotto, xiii 202. xiv 67 
Gipsies, a gang of seven convicted of horse- 
stealing and other felonies, ix 129] 
--- attack on a gang near Guildford, xii 
-.«. admission festival, xii 128] 
«++. death of queen Bridget, xiii 102] 
- cloaths of the queen burnt the day 
after her funeral, xvi 142] 
-... language of, xxvii 81, 83. xxx 26 
+++. account of those in Hungary, xxx 24 
. furze on Blackheath fired by, xxxv 35 
«.+» king of, hanged, xxxvi 26 
+... a number seized as vagrants at Nor- 
wood, xxxix 44 
. girl pretending to have been stolen by, 
"Salty 410, 414 
fee executed for burglary, xliv 429, xlviii 
+++» girl robbed by three, liv 44 
.... account of the, lviii 104 
Giraffe. See Camelopardalis 
Giraldus Cambrensis, xi 18. xvi 259, 262 
--++» account of, xxxvi 280 - 
Girard, gen. xlix 2 25. liii 119] 219. Ivi 20] 
Ser, Jos. xxxiv 284 : 
Girardon, gen. xl 69] xli 292] 85, 86 
Giraudis, de, xiv 14 
Girdler, Jos. x 64] xi 68] 
Girls, on boarding schools for, ii 424 
- one eleven years old offered for sale 
upon Change, ix 51] 52] 93] 
.-- one found wild in Hungary, x 86] 
Giron, gen. lv 156] 170, 174, 190, 201, 222, 
Girtanner, Dr. xxxii 58 
Gisborne, Dr. T. xviii 43. xxxi 292] 
rev. T. xxxvii 174*] 
Giscard, gen. xxxiv 107] 110] 
Gisors, count de, i 44 
Giulai, count, xlvii 166 
Giusti, count G. xxxix 340 
Giustiniani (Venetian noble) xii 166 
prince, xviii 183] xl 52] 
Giustiniano, Brizio, doge of Venice, xviii 
Glaciers, account of the, xxii 94 
Gladiator, statue of the, xiv 195 
Gladstanes, col. xxv 252] 
Gladwin, Francis, xlii 473 
——— Mrs. and her two children, poi- 
soned by her slaves on board an India- 
man, xvi 110] 
Glamorganshire, earthquake felt in, ix 65] 



Glandore, J. earl of. xxxi 311] 313] 314] 
317] x1 139 

W. earl of, xxiv 180] 

Glands, lymphatic, on the structure of the, 
xxxviii 380 

Glanvil, Ranulph de, xvi 264 

Glanville, lady, burnt to death, xlvi 381 

—_—— W. W (att. gen. of Dominica) Ix 
111] 113] 

Glasgow, charitable marine society at, i 96 

«.-+ playhouse built, vii 76] 

«++. petition to parliament on the Ameri- 
can stamp act, ix 35] 

«s+. vein of copper discovered near, x 

---. Tiots at, xii 120] xxiii 30] xxix 219] 
xxx 209] lviii 115, 173 

e+e. university prizes for the encourage- 
ment of elocution and the advancement 
of physic, xiii 104] 

...- Hunterian museum bequeathed to the 
university, xxvi 34. xlvii 357 

«+s. inundations at, xxxvii 46, xxxviii 4 

..-. persons drowned, x1 78 

..-~ fires at, xlv 466, lvi 84 

-.«» contested election of rector of the 
university, liii 128 

..+. distresses of the weavers, liv 23 

Glasgow, G. 4th earl, xxxiii 225. xl 166) 
lii 2 

——. J.3rd earl of, viii 89] ix 110]. xi 

Glass: antiquity of, in windows, v 14]. Ixi 

+.» uses of, among the ancients, v 142-9. 
xi 143 

«+s art of painting on, not lost, v 151 

«+». modern painted, xii 75] xvii 152] 

..-. introduction of into England, xvi 138 

..+- French, duty on, xxix 267] 

«+e» Stained by a child, xlviii 362 

-... tax on, doubled, liv 162] 

Glass, Dr. G. H. xxviii 106 

—— J. vii 115, 124. viii 119] 

«+. thrown into prison by the Spaniards, 
viii 119] 

..-- murdered with his wife and daughter 
on his passage home, viii 233] ix 75] 

«+. account of, ix 85 

Glass-grinders, petition parliament for an 
increase of wages, xi 113] 

Glasse, Hannah, xviii 82x 

——- rev. Dr. xxxiv 47, xxxvi 30. 
xlv 382. xlvi 724 

rey. G. H. li 144 

rev. J. xv 119] 

Glatz taken by the Austrians, iii 15] 

Glauber, J. R. v 97 

Glauber’s salt. See Salt, Glauber’s 

Glaubitz, gen. iii 22] 23] 

Glazebrook, James, xxxix 406. xliii 454 

Glead, couns. xlix 523 

Gleadow, R. lix 62 

Gleaning without leave, illegal, xxxvii 3o. 
li 321 


Gleave, Wright, xx 112x 4 
Glebow, v 19] 
——— lieut. col. xiii 31 
Gleditsch, Dr. J. G. iv 107] vii 77] xii 
Gleichen, Lewis count of, and his two wives, 
x 120) 
Gleim, F. W. xxviii 166] xxxi 166 
Glenbervie, Sylvester, lord, xliv 53, 65. 
Sce also, Douglas, Sylvester 
Glencairn, earl of, xiv 204] xxvii 189] 
xlii 330 
iia Owen, xvii 133. xlvii 880. lv 
Glengall, Rich. Ist earl, xlviii 410 
Glenie, James, li 209, 303 
Glentworth, H. Hartstonge, visc. | 40* 
——— lord. See Limerick, earl 
Glerawley, W. visc. iv 115] 
Glisson, Dr. Francis, xxxix 379 : 
Globe of compression, a new sort of mine, 
xiii 21] 
-.+» celestial, xiv 176 
Globes, pair as a present to the emperor of 
China, xxxiv 31 
Glode, sir Rich. xxxviii 34 
Glory and Avarice, iv 184 
Gloster, Arch. xii 111 
Gloucester anniversary, collection at, 1 109 
«.+- music meeting. See Music meeting 
+--+ collection at the coronation sermon 
for portioning young women, iv 165] 
.... benefactions to the infirmary, ix 154] 
xiv 67] 
++» Pitt v. the dean and chapter, xi 154] 
. +. agreement of the farmers to use the . 
Winchester bushel, xii 66] 
..»+ farmers resolve to sell wheat at the 
London prices, xii 81] 
«++. a methodist preacher flogged through, 
xii 108] 
...- bridge across the Severn near, xx 
173] 185] 
«++. tesselated pavement discovered at, 
xiviii 443 
Gloucester, Caroline Aug. Maria, princess 
of, xvii 138] xviii 98] 
«+. funeral of, xlix 478 
G. duke of, xv 53 
—— Humphrey, duke of, i 263. v 
224. viii 284. ix 187. xv 120. xxi 224. 
xxv 135. xxx 106. xxxi 78] 86] liii 534 
.... character of, xxi 26 
Sophia Matilda, princess of, 
xvi 105] 112] 1i 284. 1x 402. Ixi 400 
W. Fred. duke of, xix 116] 
xxxii 210] xli 304] 310] 14, 106. xlviii 
62, 445. 1 112] lili 54. lviii 193. Ix 92, 
402. 1xi 86, 400 
-.+. elected chancellor of Cambridge, liii 
36, 72 
-++. marviage of, lviii 96] 108 
—— W. H. duke of, iv 98] 112] 147. 
v 86] 105] 125] vii 45] 46] viii 57] 110] 
117] 125] 127] ix 69] 141] x 183] 161] 




xi 92] 112] 156] xii 107] 108] 118] 119] 
217] xiii 116] 157] 158] xiv 112] 133] 
144] 148] 151] 153] xv 96] 97] 112] 120] 
xx 191] 206] xxiii 216] xxv 206] 213] 
224] xxvii 12] 198] 344] xxxi 75] 127] 
128] 202] 209] xxxiv 23, 134. xlviii 636. 
li 283 

Gloucester, W. H. duke of, presented with 
the freedom of London, viii 98] 153] 

.... married to lady Waldegrave, xv 84*] 

So5c ookéeller banished from Rome for 
omitting the title of royal ina dedication 
to him, xix 117] 

.... death of, xlvii 413 

Gloucestershire, petition from, xii 13] ] 

.-.. renewed commission for the assizes 
necessary, 1x 120, 306 

Glove, cuticular, xiii 70 

Glover, Edw. lvii 319 

gen. J. (Amer.) xxiii 392 

J. xlii 380 ’ 

maj. iii 98] 

rev. G, lviii 193 

Rich. xviii 103*] xxiii 244 

W. murderer of his parents, lv 79, 95 

Gloves, tax on, xxvii 346] 

Gluckstadt, declared a free port, xi 181] 

Glue, fish. See Isinglass 

Glyn, (king’s messenger) action against, 
for an assault, xiv 90] 

sir Rich. ii 141. iv 95] 301] ix 134] 

x 145] xi 82] 

Glynn, ald. sir Rich. Carr, xl 85, Ixi 95 

—— Dr. Rob. xxxi 153. 1xi 457 

— serg. J. vi 88] 141] 145] vii 50] 
7A] viii 88] 101] 174] 177] 179] ix 149} 
xi 95] 106] 121] 125] 127] 137] 193] 
197] 233] xii 66] 72] 92] 103] 105] 137] 
150] 184] xiii 71] 99] 155] 162] 165} 
172] 225] 232] xiv 68] 80] 90] 91] 98] 

- 100] 196] xv 121] 174] xvi 90] 94] 98] 
100] 124] 126] 149] 179] 183] xvii 152] 
157] xviti 153] 237] 242] xix 120] xx 
210) xxi 210] xxii 228] 

-.-. letter to the electors of Middlesex, xi 

---- chosen recorder, xv 138] 

Glysson, Dr. x53. 

Gmelin, prof. 5. Gottl. xi 190] xii 72, 76. 
xxx 85 

Gnat, death from the sting of one, xviii 

Goa, taken by the blacks, iv 59] 

«+--+ account of, lv 537 

Goad, T. S. lviii 585 

Goat, child suckled by one at sea, liv 93 

+++» rock or mountain, ix 128. xxxii 58 

Goate, capt. W. (N) li 473 

Gobat, —_ xxxvi 119] 126] 

Gobelin, Giles and J. xxiii 100 

Gocul Chundes Gosaul, xxvi 167 

God, names of, v 110 

-+-. knowledge of, the best principle to 
build a good education on, viii 215 

God, argument for the existence of, xlvii 
-.+- prizes for the best treatises on the 
evidence of, lii 254* 
Godbold, Francis, xlv 831 
Nath. x1 390 
Godcheau, sieur iv 21] 23] 263] 264] 
Goddard, Ambr. xxvii 268] 
— C. (agent for Upper Canada) 
XxXxvii 125 
Dr. Jonath. xxxviii 362 
—_ gen. T. xxv 14] 27] 30] 31] 57] 
xlv 781, 782, 784 
James, lii 418 
W. iv 77] 
Godetz, des, xv 15 
Godeville, chev. iii 63] 
Godfrey, Amb. iii 112] iv 112] 113] 147 
sie as machines for extinguishing fire, iv 

(attorney) trial for libel, xxxiii 

capt. (N) xli 106 . 

———- capt. W. (N) li 436 

——— David, xxxiv 77 

—_—— Eliz. xlix 379 

———. J. xxxiv 77 

—-—— of Bouillon, vi 94 

— sir Edmundbury, viii 102] 

Godheu, chev. de, viii 151 

Godin, M. xxv 61 

Godinot, gen. xlii 185] liii 121] 

Godiva, countess of Mercia, x 232 

Godoi, don, Em. See Peace, prince of The 

Godolphin, Francis earl of, xii 64 

— Sidney, earl of, v 176. vii 50. 

viii 7, 8. xviii 23. xxix 95] xxxix 198] 

xlviii 78. 11 226, 950 

Swift’s character of him, i 259 

lady Harriot, xi 186] xii 64 

— sir W. xi 166 

Godowitsch, gen. xxxiii 105 

Gods, heathen. See Deities 

Godschall, W. jun. xxv 97 

———_——. W. Mann, xxv 96 

Godwin, bish. F. ii 412 

— H. executed for robbery, xii 142] 

—— S. xlvi 825 

W. xxxiv 7] xxxix 49. xl 426 

..-- doctrines of, xxxiv 7] 

Goering, _liv 502 

Goerres, _—_Ixi 189] 67 

Goertz, count de, xxvii 133] xxviii 84 
xxix 3] 

Goes, gen. xvii 130] : 

Goethe, J. W. von, xxxii 116, 117. xxxvii 
513. xliv 838. Ixi 61 

Goff, T. xxxiv 70 

——- W. ii 120 

Goftry, Binsteed, murder of, xvi 80] 

Goguelas, de, xxxiii 174] 

Goguet, Ant. Yves, ili 1. xii 142 

Gohier, —_xli 316] 256. xlii9] 12] 16] 
Goimpy, de, iii 102] 
Goitre. See Bronchocele, and Cretins 


Goklah, lx 181] 183] 

Golam Hossein khan, xlv 780 

Gold, prices of, vi 78] xi 136. xii 65] 

.... mines of Katarinenburg, vii 93 

+... in rivers in France, yili 109 

.... method of restoring it’s lustre without 
injuring what it is on, viii 165 

«... mines of Andalusia, xi 50*] 

+++» found in England, xii 95] 18* 

«+++ mines in Brazil, xv 155. liv 5382 

«0. ——— Mexico, xxvi 165 

..«» found on breaking up an old Spanish 
prize, xxxiii 9] : 

.... mine in the county of Wicklow, xxxvii 
36. xxxviii 383, 385. xliii 187. xliv 583. 
xlv 626, xlvi 580. xlviii 639. xlix 727°. 

++. effects of nitre on, xxxix 391 

+... of the coast of Guinea, lvii 539 

Gold and silver wire drawers, action against 
a merchant for importing orsedew, ix 

Gold lace found at Herculaneum, xi 143 

Golden v. Ulyate, liii 253 

Anér, Ixi 234 

Goldesbrough, lieut. _ (N) xxii 208*] 

Goldfinches, two killed in a contest of sing- 
ing, xliv 462 

Golding, (M.P.) xiv 219 

—-— Arthur, xxiv 204 

Goldoni, C. xi 252 

Goldsmid, Abr. suicide, lii 279 

Goldsmith, dean Isaac, xvii 29 

Dr. Oliver, vii 230. ix 240. xii 
298. xiii 197. xvi 241, 242. xvii 197, 
201, 230, 242. xx 207. xxi 206. xxii 
174, xxxiii 464] xxxvii 1332] xxxviii 
528. x1 326, 433. Ixi 455 

«+.s anecdotes of, xvii 29. xxix 32. xxxvi 

.-«. character of, xxxiii 445] 

.... essay on Friendship by, xvii 183 

.. ++ Monument to, xxi 163] 191 

«+++ letter to a pupil, xliii 503 

Nich. executed for killing and eating 

children, xv 122] 

Lewis, xliv 188x, 462 

rey. H. xvii 29 

Goldsmith’s hall, forgery of an order to ob- 
tain plate from, viii 150] 

Goldsworthy, Burrington, iv 176} 

Goliath, iii 80 

Golius, James, xiii 100 

Goll, brig. gen. xx 168*] 

Golownin, capt. Ix 492 

Goltre, count, xxxiv 299. xxxvii 60] lix 


gen. iii 30] 

lieut, gen. bar. de, x 23] 87] 

maj. gen. bar. de, x 87] xi 22] 

Gomara, xx 220n 

Gombroon, English factory at, destroyed by 
the French, iii 140] 

Gomez v. Tunno, lvi 299 

Reid, lvi 300 



Gomm, I. col. sir W. M. lv 172 
Gompertz, Lewis, lvi 336 
Gondimel, Claude, xiv 228” 
Gongor, de, Lewis, xlviii 847 
Gonsalvez, Alvaro, ii 223 » 
Gonsalvi, card. lviii 88. lxi 20 
Gontran, king of Burgundy, xiii 103 
Gonzaga, duke Charles, vi 92 
duke Gugl. vi 18, 21 
Scipio, vi 18 
Vincentio, vi 21, 22 
Gonzales, Carlos, xlviii 376 

gov. liii 117] 
——— marq. de, v 42] 
Gooch, B. xiii 70 
bish. xlviii 1075 
sir T. x 144] 1 55* 
sir W. xix 169 
T. S. lvi 165] 
W. x! 484 
Good, J. Mason, 1 110 ( 
—— W. and his daughter drowned, xxxiii 


W. liv 314 

Goodall. adm. Sam. Cranston, xxxi 265] 
xxxvi 80. xxxvii 63. xxxix 80 

——— Dan. lvi 335 

Mrs. (actress) xxxii 135 

—— rev. Dr. H. xxiv 168] 

——— Walt. iv 305 

.... his proofs, that the letters of Mary 
queen of Scots are spurious, iv 306, xxix 

——— W. lIxi 304 

Good-breeding, v 168 

Good-humour, xiii 180 

Good-manners, v 166 

.. + hints on, viii 226 

Good Friday, act for the better observance 
of, xlii 146] 

Goodbehere, ald. S. xl 57. lix 92 

Goode, Basil, lviii 308 

T. lxi 301 

Goodere, J. executed for horse-stealing, x 

Goodfellow, J. liv 25 

Goodin, xlv 7942 

Goodricke, capt. (A) xxiv 70] 

— sir Franc, xliti 475 

sir J. xvi 150] 

Goods lent, action to recover, xviii 126} 

Goodwin sands, fioating light placed on, 
xxxvili 36 

Goodwyn, H. xxxix 407 

Goolding, H. x! 386 

Goose. See Geese 

Gooseberry bushes, method of destroying 
caterpillars on, xlii 386 ’ 

Goranson, xiii 862, 892 

Gordian, emp. xviii 138 

Gordoa, don Jose Mig. lv 156] 

Gordon, v, Gordon. lxi 22] 

executed for shooting a con- 
stable, xxxi 219] 

——— Alex. 4th duke, xvii 162] xlv 387 



Gordon, capt. | beheaded in France on a 
or of conspiring to fire Brest, xii 

capt. lx 577 
capt. (A) li 370 
capt. _(N) iv 189] 

capt. J. A. (N) liii 97] 195. liv 
137] lvi 185] 222, 240. lvii 153, 159 

—— C. vi 42 
col. xlv 561. x!vi 230. lii 76 
—— col. A. xxiii 258] xxvi 108] 
113] xxviii 204] 
Cosmo, xxvi 216] 
——— duchess of, vii 55 
D. lxi 303 
gen. lord Adam, xvi 141] 
———G. lord. See Huntley, marq. 
G. Hamilton, x1 177 
hon. Cosmo, xxix 197 
hon. gen. sir W. xxi 162] xxii 

J. xv 99n. xviii 32. Iviii 115 
James, liii 484 
———— Jane, duchess of, xxxv 3 
——— lieut. James, xvii 146] 
lieut, col. xix 160] lvi 181] 
140, 200, 207, 257 
lieut. col. sir Alex. lvii 178 
—— ]. col. sir C. xxxvi 78. xxxvii 184 
lieut. col. W. lvi 26 
lord G. xxiii 190] 193] 233] 256] 
xxv 281] xxix 228] xxx 208] 222] xxxiii 
9] xxxv3. xl 11 
e+. account of, xxxv 55 
ese+ sent to the Tower, xxiii 195*] 263] 
2-«- trial of, xxiv 164] 217] 
+++» correspondence with lords North and 
Southampton, xxiv 244] 
———_—— Mr. Pitt, xxvii 

«++. excommunicated, xxviii 201] 
«-»» proceedings against for libels, xxix 

---- ordered out of Amsterdam, xxix 246] 

«++. sentence of, xxix 247] 

maj. J. Ix 184] 

wri m. gen. sir James Willoughby, li 

——— marq. de, xxvii 203] 

—— rev. Dr. J. 1i 777 

—— rev. Lockhart, and Laudoun, tried 
carrying off Mrs. Lee, xlvi 359, 360, 

Rob. lvii 51] 

T.v 177. x1 469 

Gordonne, gen. lii 207 

Gore, adm, sir J. xliii 130. xlvi 555 

—— b. gen. Arth. lvi 11] 169 

—— capt. (A) 1i 292 

gov. Francis, xlvii 356. lviii 294 

capt. J. (N) xvi43. xxiii 218] 228] 
xxvii 92, 149. xxxii 219] 

Goree: taken by the English, i 75. ii 63 

+++» the town burnt down, iv 154] 

+++» restored to France, v 61] 238] 



Goree: magazine of fort Elizabeth blown 
up, vi 60] 

-++. earthquake at, xx 203] 

.. +. abandoned by the French, xxiii 11] 

.... restored to France, xxvi 325] 

«++. taken by the English, xlii 213] 73 

««.. taken by the French, xlvi 135, 526 

.... retaken, xlvi 135, 529 

Goree, fath. xv 81 

Gorges, sir Theobald, xix 162 

Gorham, Nath. xxvii 359] xxix 299] 

Goring,  vi277 

C. xxxiv 77 

col. 1xi 450 

Gorlin, ii 224 

Gorman, T. xxvii 226] 

Gormanstown, Jenico, 12th vise. xxix 213] 

Gormon, Franc. executed for murder, x 79] 
87] 88] 

Gornel, J. v. gen. Burgoyne for damages at 
an election, xiv 88] 

Goropius, vi 106. vii 254 

Gorsas, xxxiv 44] 

Gortley, T. convicted of personating 
another person to receive dividends, 
xxxiv 29 

Gorton, Cornelius, found guilty of murder, 
xxix 202] 

Gosford, Archibald, 2nd earl, 1xi 16 

— Arthur, Ist earl, xl 163] 139 

Goslick, Jos. lii 284 

Gosling, ald. sir F. iii 125] iv 124] ix 


xxxix 434. xlii 482 

m. gen. Gerrard, lvi 245 

r. adm. 7’. le Marchant, li 372 

Gossouin, xxxiv 122] 

Goswell street, fires in, x1 93. xlii 2 

Gotham, Nath. (Amer.) xxviii 262] 

Gothic and heroic manners, resemblance 
of, v 135 

-«-. architecture, v 257, 258 

Gott, xlix 836 

Gottenburg, ships, arrived and sailed in 
1760, and goods exported, iv 59] 

..-. fire at, xlv 365 

Gottesheim, gen. xlii 174] 

Gottingen, seized by the French, iii 24] 

--«» blockaded by the allies, iii 50] 

.».. the siege raised, 2b. 

.... three youngest British princes entered 
as students, xxvili 206] 

+++. present of books to the university by 
the prince regent, lvi 98 

«... number of students, lviii 135. lix 1. 
lx 106 

...- duels among the students, lviii 160 

..-. address of the gov. gen. to the stu- 
dents, Ix 96 

.. ++ proclamation respecting them, Ix 114 

Gottorp, count. See Gustavus IV 

Gottsched, prof. J. Christ. 1 402, 404. y 37, 

Gouan, xvi 125 

——— prof. Ant. xxxvii 87*] 


Goudie, gen, _—‘1i 230n 

Goudowick, Eliz. Woronzoff, v 226] 

Gouffier. See Choiseul Gouftier 

Gough, H. xxiii 196] xxix 41. xxxi 41 

lieut. Rich. (A) vi 90] 

Matt. xxix 102” . 

miss —_, murder of, xiv 126] 129] 

Rich. xxx 130 

sir Harry, xxvii 268] 

Goujon, xxxvii 90] 

Gouldburn, H. lvi 109] 192] lvii 2] 16) lviii 
37] lix 48] 1x 110] 113] 115] Ixi 70] 

Gould, adm. sir Davidge, xl 143. xlii 72 

Chester, (Amer.) xlii 382, 385. xiii 
458. xlv 829, 831, xlix 853, 858 

— col. xxiv 94] 

Frane. xlix 509 

—— J. executed for the murder of his 
wife, liii 42 

—— judge, v 12 - 

lieut. (A) xx 239] 

sir C, xxx 122] 

sir H. v 12. xi 155] xii 68] xv 70] 
94] xvi 182] 188] xviii 119] 170] xx 232] 
xxiii 206] 215] 216] xxvi 206] xxviii 
200] xxix 244] xxxv 47 

Goulding, Patrick, murdered, lv 78 

Goulles, gen. 1 210] 

Goupil, xli 96] xlii 13] 

Gourdass, rajah, xxx 178” 

Gourdon, adm. lvi 196 

Gourgaud, gen. lvii 84] 85] 

Gousset, James, v 6 

Gout: Boerhaave’s case, i 245 

+--+. relieved by hemlock, iii 105 

+++. death of a person after taking Miran- 
dola’s powder, iv 62] 

--.. benefit of issues in, iv 123 

++. remedies for, ix 168 

use of moxa in, x 127 

.... bleeding fatal ina case of, xi 78} 

Gout, Ralph, xli 405 

Goutees, marq. de, iii 90] 

Gouthier, xli 96] 

Gouvea, xlix 894 

———— marq. of, ii 211 

Gouvion, de, gen. xxxiv 98] 100] 101) 

St. Cyr. See St. Cyr, marsh. 

Goux, le, xx 189] 

Govea, And. de, ix 47, 48 

Gover, W. Clegg, xiviii 961 

Governments, remarks on, ii 470. xxxvi 70] 
xxxix 165] 1i 949 

+»-- on forms of, xii 205. xiii 139. xxxvii 
127*] xlii 56] 

Govind Rew, xxv 38] 

Gow, Martin, charged with piracy, xii 

—— Rob. x 96] 

Gowdie, maj, xxxiv 219] 213] 

soe adm. J. Leveson, xxii 121] xxvi 

—— sir Erasmus, xxvi 253] xxvii 
259] xxxix 458 


Gower, G. Granville, earl, xxxiv 35, 184. 
lii 11 

Granville Leveson, 2nd earl, viii 
71] x 184] xi 76*] xiv 74] xvi 89] xxiii 
37] 63] 

--+- See Stafford, marq. 

Granville Leveson. See Granville, 


J. vi 218. xxi 22, 229 

Leveson, vi 272 

maj. gen. Lev. xlix 220, 223, 687° 

Rich. Hall, xli 405. xlii 18 

Gowthorpe, J. xlviii 370 

Goy, de, XXXxv 59 

Goyeneche, Jos. Ign. de, x 189] 

Goyoneche, gen. liv 210] lv 194] 

Goyraud, xxxvii 187 

Goza, surrendered to G. Britain, xl 248] 

Gozel, J. G. A. x1 244 

Graaf, gov. de, xxiv 101] 

W. J. vande, lix 516 

Grabowski, count, xx 130] 175*] 

—— maj. gen. x 22] 

Gracchi, lv 460 : 

Grace, antiquity and duty of saying, ix 145 

Grace, T. xlii 386 

Gradclos, Bigrel de, xxii 358] 

_ Graeberstein, battle of, v 25] 

Graeme, capt. (N) xxv 121] 

——— sir J. xvii 186, 219 

Graf, P. Colquhoun, xlvi 600 

Graffenreid, viii 97 

Grafton, Aug. H. 8rd duke, vii 178] viii 
201] x 125] xi 185] xii 59] 85] 111] 123] 
155] ib. 217] 208, 235. xiii 57) 149. xiv 
113] 115] xv 80*] xvi 89] xviii 41. xix 
69] 102] 139*] 125] 234] xx 87] 282] xxi 
63] 101] 154] 303) xxii 342] 343] xxiii 
146] 330] xxiv 171] xxxvi 227] 232] 
259] 151. xxxvii 20)] xxxviii 14] 55] 
510. xxxix 181] 261] xlvi 727. xlvii 757. 
xlviii 647 

+++» Secretary of state, viii 44] 

Ist lord of the treasury, ix 48] 

«+++ Wilkes’s letter to, ix 182] xii 59] 

«see resigns, xiii 64] 69] xviii 171] xix 92] 

+++ privy seal, xxv 177] 

—-— duchess of, vii 50 

——— C. 2nd duke, xxiii 234 

G. 7H. 4th duke, xxvii 187] 268] 
xxxi 105] xly 69, 109 

—— J. lxi 30] 

Graham, xxvii 200] 

—_—— xliv 185, 422, 426, 427 

——— Aaron, xliii 2. xlvii 428. xlix 409, 
467, 493, 960, liii 306, liv 400. lv 377. lvi 
367. lvii 334, Iviii 422 

——— A. executed for treason, xlv 363, 
369, 371 

Ann, suicide, lix 35, 36 

——-—- Anna Maria. See Yates, Mrs. 

——— Cath. Macaulay. See Macaulay 

C. (of Penrith) xviii 178 

x1 148 


wee CO], 


Graham, couns. shot in a duel, xxxiii 31] 

G. iii 92. vii 37. vili 28. xi 258] xx 

Ba... °- 
G. xxvii 268] 
J. 1i 845 
J. (Amer.) Ix 528, 548 
l. gen. T. See Lynedoch, lord 
lord, or marq. See Montrose, duke 

—— Maria, lv 465 
—_—— rev. James, xlvii 991. li 906-10 
—— R. 5S. lxi 160] 
——— Sandford, lvi 206] 
———— sir Bellingham, xxxiv 78 
——— sir Rob. xlviii 94, 438. xlix 523. li 
274, 321. liv 291. lv 264. lix 188, 189, 
193, 196, 201, 203. Ix 261, 263. 1xi 200, 
228, 251, 252 
Grahame, Rob. xxxiv 98, 99 
Graindorge, gen. lii 199 
Grains, used for fattening sheep, iv 134 
Gramont, countess de, viii 8. xiii 133] 
duchess de, xvii 28] 59 
duke de, 1 155 
Philibert, count de, xii 142, xxxvi 


Grampound, candidate convicted of bribery, 
Ixi 210 

Granacci, xlviii 829 

Granada, palace of Alhambra described, 
xxii 123, 1i 878 

Granard, Arthur, 2nd earl of, vi 251 

G. 4th earl, xiv 137] 

G. 6th earl, xlii 202, 204, 209 

Granby, J. margq. of, ii 19, 144, 145, 233, 

_ 270. iii 24] 50] 256] 241. iv 9] 25] 26) 

151] 152] v 25] 26] vi 56] viii 72] 73] ix 
84] x 91] xi 92) 156] xiii 63] 67] 241. 
xxvi 36 

--.. succeeds lord G. Sackville, ii 20 

++. attacked by a dangerous fever, v 51] 

«+.» character of, 2d. 

.... letter of thanks to the British forces 
at the end of the war, v 124] 

--.. medals given to the cadets at Wool- 

wich by, ix 100] 

+++. noble declaration of error in parlia- 
ment, xiii 63] 

+++» death of, xiii 156] 

marq. See Rutland, duke 

Granchester, Cambr. woman suspected of 
* being a witch, xii 123] 

Grand, le, Xxxi 238*] 
—gen. See Legrand 
Grand Maison, xlii 22] 

—— de, marsh. xi 60*] 62*] 63*] 

Grandi, Dr. James, ix 119 

Sebastian, xlviii 453, 459, 978 

Grandison, lord, xxxvi 364 

Grandjean, gen, xliii 60] xlix 28 

Grange, lord. See Henley, sir Rich. 

—— le, gen. xli 41] 1 233] 

Granger, James, sentence of, for a riot, xxx 

Granger, rey. Edm. xx 203 
rey. James, xii 29-59, 93-5, 135. 

xvii 45. xix 136] 233. xxx 125. xxxv 

Granjean, gen. See Grandjean 

Grano, Pane di, xviii 146 

Grant, Alex, murder by, x 79] 

——— capt. (A) vi 26] xlvii 518 

—— capt. C.(N) lii 316 

—— C. xxxiv 224] xlvii 950. Ix.123 

C. (M. P.) xliii 198] xlvi 111. xlvii 
65. xlviii 106, 255n. liii 41] 

ae C. jun. (M. P.) lv 201] lvi 210] Ix 

C. visc. de Vaux. See Vaux 

col. i 74. iv 58] 158] 

col. G. ly 165, 175 

David, lvi 336 

—=— gen. xix 170*] xx 18] 7, xxi 
223*] xxii 42] 205*] xxiii 258] 

—— H. xliv 773 

—— Isaac, xliii 70] 

—— James, xli 3252 

J. xxvii 177] 

J. P.lvi 115] 162] 163] 212) viii $3} 

lix 41] Ix 73] 124] Ixi 133] 154] 

lieut. James, (N) xlv 628, 844 

1. col. lili 102] 
maj. killed, xx 151] 
—— maj. (N. York vol.) killed, xx 
maj. killed, lii 174, 292 
maj. (E. I.) xvi 109] 

maj. James, xxxvi 174 

——m. gen. sir Colquhoun, xlviii 578, 
lvii 178, 180 

— W. lxi 213] 

—— Mary, murder of, lix 93 

—— serg. (A) xxxiv 31 

—-— sir Archibald, xxii 213] 

—— sir Ludowick, vi 118] 

sir W. xxxv 27] xli 224] xliii 53] 18. 
xliv 100, 117, 176. xlv 119. xlvi 112. xlvii 
25, 70, 102. xlviii 85, 882, 897, 103. xlix 
146, 163. 1 77] 222*. li 139, 427. lii 101, 
139. liv 290. lv 11. Ivii 274. lix 191. lx 
146] 147] 1xi 288, 399, 400 

Grantham, action respecting pulling down 
the market cross, xxili 222] 

Grantham, T. Ist bar. vii 178] viii 201] 

———— T. 2nd bar. xiv 138] xxiii 53] 
xxiv 145] xxv 182] xxvi 170] 

Grantley, Fletcher, 1st lord. See Norton, 
sir F. 


W. 2nd lord, x1 5. xliii 27 
Granville, G. See Landsdowne, vise. 
Granville Leveson, visc. xli 168] 
xliy 21. xly 139. xlvi 23. xlviii 657, 662. 
1 27] 31] 58] 241. liv 78] 
J. earl, iii 205. v 225. vii 66] viii 
37. xvii 20. xxi 245. xxxvii 35*] 
rey. xx 208 
Grapes, extraordinary bunches of, xxiii 
223] xliv 451 
Grass, black, ix 157] 


Grass, Timothy. See Timothy 

Grass land. See Agriculture 

Grasse, shocks of an earthquake felt at, x 

Grasse, adm. count de, xxii 63] 200") xxiv 
106] 116] 127] 1385] xxv 101] 107] 123] 
139] 159] 163] 196*] 215] 216] 252] 278) 
xxvii 193] 198] xxx 105] 196] xxxv 430 

marq. de, xxvi 260] 

Grasses, artificial, viii 14]-6 

Grassi, J. xiii 170] 

Gratitude, instances of, viii 86] xv 170 

Gratrix, 8. xli 403 

Grattan, xviii 133] 

—-—- couns. lvi 320 

H. xxv 179] xxviii 22] xxxi 138] 
xxxii 104] 105] xxxiii 296] xxxvii 224] 
226] 145, 147. xxxix 244] xli 206] 218] 
221] xlii 116] 709%. xlvii 95. xlix 86, 87, 
159. 1122] 11 154, Iii 83, 133. iii 15] 52] 
373. liv 66] 13. lv 26] 30} 32] 34] lvii 29] 
33] lviii 50] 51] lix 49] 53] 55] 

--+- 90,0002. voted to purchase an estate 
and mansion for him, xxv 179] 

..« character of, lii 133 

——— James, iv 107] 

maj. xxvi 251] 

Graudentz, siege of, xlix 20, 23, 27 

Grauholm, Lewis, lix 233, 235 

Grave, chev. de, xxxiii 164, xxxiv 24] 98] 
xlii 1607] 

Gravel. See Stone 

Gravenreuth, bar. xlvii 698 

—_—-—— capt. xlvii 698 

Graveron, col. shot at Lisbon, ix 56] 

Graves, men smothered in digging, xii 132] 
xlvi 427. lviii 113 

Graves, (surg.) vi 146] 147] 

adm. xvii 102] xix 255) xxi 



capt. T. (2) (N) xlv 538 

r.adm, S. xxvi 69] 253] xxvii 263] 

T. Ist lord, xxiv 22] 78] 117] 126} 

xxv 203] xxvi 121] xxxvi 87, 89, 92. 

Xxxvii 8 

v. adm. sir T. xliii 110] 185] 247] 
81, 85. xlvii 354 

Gravesande, s’, W. James, vi 127 

«+. letter to sir I. Newton on Orfyreus’s 
wheel, vi 128 

Gravesend, act for improving, xvi 84] 

Graviere, de la, xxxiv 284 

Gravina, adm. xliv 213. xlvii 227, 541, 549 

——— Peter, xiv 16]. lv 154] 400. lvi 73] 

Bish prof. J. Vine. xvi 69 

Gravitation, experiments on, xix 65, 68 

Gray, abp. Walter, xliii 496 

Archib. xli 175 

capt. Rob. (Amer.) xl 481 

— Eliz. queen of Edw. IV, i 477 

Rob. li 310 

sir James. x 107] xv 206] xvi 65] 

—— T. (poet) iii 225, x 221. xi 211. xii 
111] 235. xiv 131] xviii 161, 197, 199, 



202, 226. xix 47, 225, 226, 228. xxv 203, 
215. xxxiii 2617] 431] xxxvii 132*] xli — 
501. xlv 773. xlix 819. lxi 454 

+++. memoirs of, xviii 36 

—— W. fall from a steeple, xxxiii 33] 

Grayham, sir Bellingham, iv 83] 

Gray’s inn, action against the society for 
parish dues decided in it’s favour, xvii 

Grays, fire at, xlvi 395 
Great Britain. See Britain 

ra method of removing spots of, xlvii 


Greathead, H. xlv 832 

+++. rewards to, for the invention of_the 
lifeboat, xliv 183, 585. xlvi 414 

—————- Sam. xli 353 

Greatheed, rev. S. xlii 331 

Greaves, xxxvii 132*] 

— Edw. xlvi 827 

prof. J. xii 48 

——— rev. J. xlv 460 

—_— T. xxx 96 

Greece, ancient, constitution of, 1459, xv 


+++ political state of, v 135 
+. ++ manners of, v 135. xix 4. xxviii 155 
+++» naval force of, xviii 231 
«. +. effects of the Argonautic expedition, 
xxviii 155 
.++- expedition of the Athenians against 
Sicily, xxviii 157 
++ «vases commonly called Etruscan, liii529 
Greece: Mainotes seized by the Turks for 
not paying tribute, iv 97] 
«++. disposition to revolt in, xii 4] 
--+. interference of Russia always injurious 
to, xiii 4] xiv 78*] 
++-~ general insurrection on the arrival of — 
the Russian fleet, xiii 28] y 
«+++ barbarities exercised, xiii 30] 31] 
-+«. Russian proclamation, 2. 
-».. all the Greeks at Tunis arrested, xiii 
«++. Turkish justice toward, xiii 167] 
+++. conduct of the Turks, xxxiii 92 
«+. joins the Russians, 7. 
-... bashaw of Janina defeated, 2b. 
«+.» fleet destroyed, xxxiii 93 
++. spirited conduct of, 7d. : 
«+. conduct of the empress of Russia, 
xxxiii 94 
+... memorial to her, xxxiii 94, 228] 
. in what parts to search for statues and 
antiquities, xxxv 342 
... views of Buonaparte respecting, xl 
«++. Turkish frigate blown up to revenge 
the cruelties of it’s captain, lvi 116 
. state of literature in, Iviii 75 
Greek church, ancient writings of the, vili_ 
189 ™ 
- new sect in Russia, lix 23 
—v-— priests, massacre of catholic monks 
by, iv 146] 


Greek wild-fire, x 276. xxxvi 374 
Greeks, patriotism of the, xiv 184 J. 
_,+..piracies of, in the Archipelago, xvii 

.-+. character and manners of, xxxi 5. xli 
318. 1 56. lvi 489 

.... Athenzeum at Munich for, lviii 137 

Green, killed in a duel, xxvi 219] 

_ (jeweller) xxxiii 12] 

(surg. A.) lv 174] 

C. vi 99] xi 150] xiv 124] xvi 97 

gen. sir C. xlvi 138, 543 

.»s. silver medal to, ix 101] 

gen. Nathaniel (Amer.) xx 15] xxi 

225*] xxiii 391] xxiv 17] 54] 77] 80] xxv 

156] 190] 

Jane, (actress) xxxiii 35] 

-—— J. attempt to murder, xi 222] 

Jonath. action for false imprison- 

ment, xiv 86] 

Joseph, xxxvi 348 

Joshua, xlv 829 

— Luke, executed for the murder of 
his son, liv 38 

— rev. Dr. 

Rich. ix 69] 

— R. ]xi 301 

Sarah, iii 142] 

T. xxix 81 

Green man, person so called at Brighton, 
xlviii 452 

Greenal, Jonath. iv 70] 

Greene, gov. W. (Amer.) xxvi 274] 

Jacob, and Co. v. lieut. Dudingston, 

xv 131] 

rev. Rob. x 215 

Greenfield, prof. W. lii 694 

Greenhouses. See Hothouses 

Greenland, account of, ix 269. lix 529. Ix 

«++. people of, 1 187. lx 556 

-.-+ See also Whalefishery 

Greenland, Emma Jane, xxix §2 

Greenstreet, Rob. iv 184] 

Greenville, sir J. xxviii 168 : 

Greenway, Jos. suicide after forgery, x] 57 

Greenwich, royal palace at, i 263 

+... fire at, xiii 138] 

+-.. riot of sailors at, xvii 123] 

a furious driving of stagecoachmen, xl 

xl 79 « 

“s+ Steeple struck by lightning, lv 38 
"+++. observatory at. See Observatory, royal 
Greenwich hospital, money granted for, i 
128. ii 171. iii 184] vi 175] vii 158] viii 
37] xviii 244) xix 250] xx 265] xxi 283] 
+++» prize money forfeited to, vi 119] 
«+. abuses at, xv 123] xix 149] xxii 159] 
--+- incorporated by charter, xviii 182] 
++ fire at, xxii 194] 
+++. rent charge assigned to the earl of 
Newburgh out of the Derwentwater es- 
tates, xxx 139] 
--.. act increasing it’s benefits, xlviii 64 
+++» chapel broken open, xlviii 454 

Greenwich, Caroline, baroness, xxiv 278] 
xxv 309] 
Greenwood, xxviii 109 
— C. li 120 

W. informs against pirates, xii 


Greet, T. Y. lvii 72 

Greetham, Moses, xlix 388, 389 

Greeve, Eliz. Har. several persons defraud- 
ed by, xvi 147] 

Greffulhe, xlix 729*. 1 182* 

Gregg, capt. (N) liv 6] 

ana ab. xxxi 214*] xxxiv 62] 77] 

M. xxvi 28 

Gregory I, iv 170. xii 145, 156 

—— VII, xiv 183, xxxiv 375 

—— IX, ii 172. x 121] x1 410 

—— X, xi 46] 

—— XI, vi 171 

—_—- XIII, xlii 424 

—— XV, lvii 99 

—_——— Nazianzen, xix 5x 

Nysen, xlix 899 

—— of Neocesaria, xlix 899 

of Tours, iv 170. ix 136. xiii 103 

xxvii 69] xxxi193] 

—-— Arthur, ix 58 

——-— brig. gen. (Amer.) xxiii 234*] 

capt. C. xxxili 24] 

capt. G.(N) xxxix 77 

capt, Steph. (Amer.) xxv 276] 

Dr. J. xiv 259n. xxxiv 458 

——— G. xv 222. lvi 25 

J. liii 266. lxi 302 

lieut. C. Marshall (N) xliii 118 

P. executed for forging bank notes, 
xlv 396 

——— rey. Edw. xxxiv 379 

Robert, xvi 75] xxv 216] 

——-—— Steph., Mrs. Herne murdered by, 
xiii 88] 90] ‘ 

Gregson, (boxer) xlix 499 

Jos. lix 234 

Matth. xlvi 828 

—— Rob. xxxii 336] 

Greig, adm. sir S. Carlowitz, xiii 35] 36] 
151] xvi 33] 154] xviii 138] xix 164] xxx 
al 77] 79] 222) 243] 247] xxxiii 94. xl 

--+. funeral of, xxxi 197] 

—— rev. J. lyi l8 

Grellier, James, li 545 

Grellmann, H. M. G. xxx 24 

Grenada, island of, account of, xxxv 423 

+... Surrendered to the British, v 35] 

-... limits of the government of, vi 209] 

--.. Sale of crown lands in, vii 57] 

-... address of the French inhabitants to 
the king, viii 269] 

+... insurrection of the Negroes at, x 88] 

«.-. money for the sale of crown lands re- 
ceived at the treasury, xiii 126] 

+++» fires in, xv 85] 109] xviii 169] 190] 


Grenada: duty imposed by the king in coun- 
cil set aside, xvii 164] 

«+e. taken by the French, xxii 201*] 

+++. hurricane at, xxiv 33] 

++» restored to G. Britain, xxvi 325] 

+eoe attempt of the French to recover, 
xxxvii 184] 

+ ++ insurrection subdued, xxxviii 193] 81 

Grenadines, ceded to G. Britain, v 237] 

+++ Sale of crown lands in, vii 57] 

e+. earthquake in, x 52] 

+++. insurrection of the French and Carib- 
bees, xxxvii 168 

Grenfell, P. lvi 156] 157] lvii 8] 25] lviii 8} 
38] 39] 62] Ix 15] 63] 70] 71] Ixi 39] 

Grenier, chey. xvi 128] 

gen. xli 282] xlii 207] 208] 
xliii 58] 61] vi 82] lvii 70] 

Grenoble, insurrection at, lviii 113] 

Grenville family, xlix 139, 1607 

Grenville, Bernard, xxviii 173 

gen. Rich. xxiv 161] 

G. See Buckingham, marq. 

——— hon. H. xii 156] 

——— hon. Rob. xliii 124] 

Rich. xlii 417 

——— tt. hon. G. vii 128] viii 44] 45] 
ix 214, xii 50*] xiv 17] 45] 238. xvi 63] 
xix 93] xxiv 278] 328] 336] xxvi 32. 
xxxii 333] 340] 353] xxxvi 281. xli 167] 
xviii 618 

e+++ public money in his hands, i 140. ii 
190. iii 198] vi 186] xxiv 279n] xxxii 

. “gy Ppointed Ist lord of the admiralty, v 


ose. ———— secretary of state, v 86] 

+++. ———— first lord of the treasury, vi 

«+e his election act, xiii 77*] 226] xvii 56] 
96] xxx 130] 

+++» character of, xviii 12 

——— it. hon. James, iv 88] 165] xiii 
63] 67] xxi 188] xxvi 134] xxvii 189] 

——— rt. hon. T. xxxiii 255. xxxv 14] 
40] 75] xxxvi 47] 202] xxxix 1937] xii 
9. xliv 25, 56, 130, 136, 146, 155, 541. 
xlv 18, 33, 44, 151, 172. xlvi 18, 30, 34, 
35, 69, 100. xlix 84. ] 222*. 1i 38 

W. Wyndham, bar. xxvii 72] xxix 

88] 89] 122] 161] xxx 130] 176] xxxi 
105] 116] 129] 149] 153] xxxii 66] 81] 
93] 97] 287] xxxiii 227, 243, 255, 269, 
279, 9] xxxiv 155] 159] 185, 186. xxxv 
17] 35] 54] 68] 101] 131] 143] 233] 30, 
114-28, 165, xxxvi 181] 204] 216] 231] 
248] 252] 256] 257] 2601 274] 275] 276] 
178, 247. xxxvii 150] 151] 188] 194] 
200] 201] 214) 228] 3. xxxviii 13] 15] 
17] 29] 31] 44] 45] 69] 73] 42. xxxix 
109] 110] 149] 153] 162] 164] 180] 1932] 
194] 235] 237] 239] 243] 249] 262] 181. 
xl 167] 169] 174] 202] 204] 224] 226] 
xli 166] 186] 200] 226] 227] 18. xlii 74] 
77] 100] 104] 117] 143] 150] 151] 157) 



214] 210. xliii 6] 22] 33] 45] 47] 103] 
121] 122] 171] xliv 7, 9, 13, 44, 47, zo. 
125, 131, 135, 137, 141, 177, 606. xlv 6, 
57, 59, 68, 88, 132, 137, 149, 162, 185, 186, 
214. xlvi 13, 25, 42, 50, 62, 64, 81, 103, 
112,945. xlvii 4, 16, 33, 43, 53, 61, 89, 
104, 109, 214. xlviii 21, 26, 27, 30n, 35, 
62, 90, 94, 99, 257,261. xlix 34, 35, 46, 
52, 110, 139, 140, 148, 228, 526. 15] 44] 
54] 69] 70] 80] 118] 119] 1i 29, 53, 170, 
346. lit 1, 4, 32, 61, 268. liii 3] 4] 6] 9] 
14] 36] 57] 84] 381. liv 2] 10] 191 42] 
85] 86] 89] 130] 216] 331, 861. lv 18] 41] 
60] 200] lvi 121] 132] 134] 135] 164] 
205] 207] 214] lvii 6] 33] lviii 8] 21] 40] 
44] 88] lix 26] Ix 74] lxi 64] 

Grenville, W. Wyndham, bar. correspon- 
dence with M. Chauvelin, xxxiv 174-83, 
189, 190. xxxv 44] 231] 114-28 

---- character of, xliii 133] 

«+. letter to marq. Wellesley, xlvi 116 

ee Mr. Pitt, xlvi 124 

wie ae the Society for promoting 
Christian Knowledge, xlix 624 

Gresham college, to be converted into an 
excise office, xi 97} 

+++ the lectures to be read over the Ex- 
change, xi 152] 

Gresley, sir Nigel, xviii 107] 

Gretham, Moses, xlix 388, 389 

Gretna green, pseudo parson of, liii 9 

Gretton, xx 204] 211] 213] 

-—— xxi 190] 

Greufell, J. x1 389 

Greville, hon. C. F. xvi 82] lii 263*, 424 

—_ lady Louisa, ii 57 

m. gen. hon. sir C. J. lv 198, 222, 

Mrs. xxxi 218] xlii 455 
rt. hon. xxxiv 225n] 

——— sir Fulk, lord Brooke, i 493. x 22 

Greville de Forval, anecdote of, xliii 398 

Grew, Dr. Nehemiah, viii 174 

Grey, capt. sir G. (N) xxxvi 74. xxxviii 25 

—— capt. T. (A) xxxvi 78 

—— C. Istearl, xvi 78] xx 131] 136] xxii 
2) 4] 143] xxvi 193] xxxv 274] xxxvi 
282] 68, 76, 166,172. xxxvii 134] 169] 
216] 184, xxxviii 67] xl 189. xli 197. xliii 
19. xliv 582. xlvii 73 

—— C. 2nd earl, xxix 89] 128] 138] xxx 
168] xxxi 120] 130] xxxiii 253, 255. 
xxxiv 127] 131] 132] 138] 163] 77, 82. 
xxxv 11] 23] 7. 40] 71] 77] 169] 82. 
xxxvi 199] 203] 235] 236] 245] 250] 271] 
281] xxxvii 163] 183] 191] 215] 218] 
229] 43. xxxviii 27] 32] 43] 52] 55] 56] 
57] 6)] 65] 71) xxxix 133] 137] 160] 
193n] 205] 228] 253] xli 216] 2. xii 
121] -xliii 14] 80] 36] 50] 51] 52] 156) 
166] 173] 187] xliv 8, 49, 159. xlv 130, 
140, 141, 151. xlvi 34, 84, 97, 107. xlvii 
21, 60, 73, 76, 79, 81, 84, 98, 103, 110, 
398. xlviii 26, 64, 98, 261, 786. xlix 40, 
55, 59, 60, 80, 88, 103, 114, 115, 134, 140, 



144, 157, 238, 353. 19] 20] 38] 40] 41) 
64] 79] lii 1, 8, 27,29, 61, 149. liii 6] 77] 
86] 11. liv 2] 34] 42] 70] 85] 86] 88] 89] 
111] 130] 331, 361. lv 38] 40] 85] 87] 
91] lvi 117] 118] lvii 6] 32] lili 53) lix 
3] 23] 25] 56] 61] 62] 65] 72] 127] 129] 
137] 138] 141] lxi 23] 26] 42] 43] 61[ 
637 117] 129] 133] 139] 148] 

Grey, hon. Anchitell, vi 264 

hon. G. liii 83 

—w— hon. J. iv 229 

lady Jane, ix 97] 

—— l. col. J. xxxvi 68 

lord, ix 97] xiv 26. xxi 15, 235 

—— Martha, indicted for obstructing the 
way through Richmond park, i 89 

rey. Dr. Zach. x 215 

—— sir H. xvi 78] 

——- sir James, iv 115] 

Grey, de, G. x1 178 

— sir W. xi 124] xiii 99] 110] xiv 

46] 91] 159] xvii 119] xviii 136] xix 120] 

155] 159] 160]-195] 197] 232] xx 210] 

xxi 181] 191] xxii 218] lii 445 

T. xvii 92] xxiv 150. xl 178 

Graystock, capt. ii 127 

Grierson, Alex. xlix 354 

C. xliii 459 

G. xvii 186 

rev. Dr. 

Grieve, Dr. J. xxx 84 

Eliz. transported for fraud, xvi 147] 
xvii 158] 

Griffenburgh, Mrs. 
in a rape, xi 70] 

Griffin, xviii 118] 

convicted of high treason, xxxvii 

lix 508 

charged as aiding 


maj. gen. sir J. Griffin, iv 115] xiv 
218] xv 207] xix 157] 

‘Maurice, murder of T. Mc Mahon 
by, lv 74 

Roger, xviii 271] 

W. x 63] 

Griffith, adm. Edw. Ivi 189] 244, 250 

bish.  (Amer.) xxviii 214] 

capt. . (N) xxiii 215*] 

capt. E. (N) xxxvii 66. xlvii 451 
Edm, liv 314 

—_ J. two wives poisoned by, liii 46 
maj. xlv 560, 561. xlvi 230, 231 
W. lvii 319 

Griffiths, James, xlix 494 

Mary, a rag-woman, property ac- 
quired by, x 155] 

Rich. xvii 31 

T. murdered at Holloway, x 79] 

87] 88] 

T. wife purchased by, xvi 130] 
Griffulhe, —_xlix 729*. 1 182* 

Grigby, (M. P.) xxxii 79 

Griggs, Mrs. xxxiv 3 

Grignion, C. 1947] 

Grillo, don Marcello, xxvii 44] 

Grillon, Balbe Breton de, life of, iii 48 



Grimaldi; a true story, xxxvii 138*] 

Grimaldi, Jerome, marq. de, v 234] 242] 
243] vi 113] 215] xiv 42] xvii 280] xix 

princess Gerace, xxvii 43] 

Grimes, Jack, commonly called lawyer G. 
xii 78] 

Grimm, S. Hieronymo, xxxvi 11 

Grimshaw, J. xli 404. xliv 777 

Grimston, visc. lii 2. See Verulam, earl 

Grimstone, sir Harbottle, vi 270 

Grindal, abp. Edm. xv 121 

Grindall, adm. Rich. xxxvii 65 

Rich. case of mortification cured 
by bark, i 360 

Grindley, S, v. the bish. of Bangor and 
others, xxxviii 29 

Grindstones, artificial, xxy 68 

Grinfield, 1. gen. W. xlv 290, 533, 535 

Grinsell, W. ix 80 

Gripier de Moncroe de Laval, marq. de, 
murdered, xxxviii 25, 26 

Grisgris, xi 208 

Grisons, alienated from the French, x1 104] 

+--+. put themselves under the protection 
of the emperor, x1 106] 

- Shee with the Helvetic republic, xli 

+++. expulsion of the French from, xli 

pire company, benefactions by, xiii 

Grocyn, rev, W. xv 116 

Grogan, Cornelius, x1 55. xlvii 62 

Groll, C, xlix 859 

Grondal, Benedict, liii 434 

Gronovius, James, xv 138 

— prof, J. Fred. xx 134 

Gront, Isaac de, xxii 200] 

Grose, capt. Francis, xvi 137, 146, 147, 151. 
xxv 90 

+++- account of, xxxiii 20] 

D. xxv 90 

maj. Francis, xxxiii 22] xxxv 28. xl 


——- rev. xxvii 202] 

—— sir Nash, xvii 116] xxxii 225] xxxy 
59. xxxvii 22. xxxviii 19. xxxix 22. xli 
21, 22, 23. xliv 395, 405. xlv 402, 460. 
xlvii 395, 403. xlviii 94. xlix 462, 521. 1 
11*. li 270, 271, 273. liii 242. liv 274, 
290. lx 265 

Grosett, James, lace-merchant, his whole 
stock seized by custom-house officers, but 
restored, xv 78] 

Grosier, ab. xxxi 19, 44, 48. lix 489 

Grosley, xii 124, 167, 169,170. xv 53, 

Gross and Bedwell, extensive fraud on linen 
drapers by, xv 99] 

Grossart, xxxvi 349 

Grossbeak, Indian, xxxiii 340] 

Grosse, his account of the island of 
Elephanta, i335 

Grossetta, antiquities discovered at, xiii 114] 



Grosvenor, gen. T. li 476. lii 47, 73, 436. 
liii i 

——— hon. T. xxvii 265] 

Rich. Ist earl, xi 243, xiii 70] 
199] xvi 243] 

-».. cause between him and his wife, xiii 
77\ 169] xv 76] 

ee-- action against the duke of Cumber- 
land for crim. con. xiii 125] xiv 31] 

-— Rob. 2nd earl, xxxvii 43. xliv 
127. xlv 161. xlvi 112. xlix 468. 1112] li 
29, 49, 80. lii 29, 39. lili 9} 14] 1. liv 34] 
38] 24. lviii 58] lix 20] 23] 34] 1x 59] 
136] Ixi 149] 150] 155] 157] 

Grotius, Hugo, iii 263. ix 40, 41. x 293, xx 
“164. xxii 201] xxv 157] xxx 6n. xxxi 
124] xxxvii 174*] xlviii2, lvi 119] 

Grottau, bar. xii 114] 

Grouchy, marsh. xiii 58] 60] xlviii 196. 
xlix 173.1 160] lvii 62] 181. Ix 50 

Groule, lieut. T. (N) xlix 672* 

Ground, large sum given for a piece of, xlvii 

Grouvelle, xxxv 221] 

Grove, capt. Leslie, x 124] 

J.T. iii 418 

Mary Ann, xlviii 364 

Wm. ii 143 

Grover, J. xxxix 406 

Groves, Webber, xxxv 15 

Grubbens, von, Mich. xlvi 852 

Gruchy, capt. xiv 224 

Grumbleton, capt. (A) xxxii 205] 

Grunday, Hannah, xlix 418 

Grundy, C. lviii 180 

Grylls, T. xlii 385 

Guadagni, (singer) xiv 76] 

Guadagnoli, fath. Phil. xiii 101 

Guadeloupe, account of, ii 12 

eee. taken, li 13 

e+e sugars to be entered as British plan- 
tation, ii 108 

e+» articles of capitulation, ii 226, 227 

e+e» affray at, iii 88] 

..«- restored to France, v 237] 

«+». sentence of a court-martial against 
the goyernor annulled, viii 94] 

.--- no British vessel allowed to enter, x 

«+s. hurricane at, xxviii 210] 

esse conduct of the governor to the Ne- 
groes, xxxiv 84] 

fib taken again by the British, xxxvi 282] 


».-- recovered by the French, xxxvi 283] 

«+-- proclamation of Victor Hugues, xxxvii 

e+» manifesto of the magistrates ap- 
pointed by Buonaparte against a piratical 
government there, xliii 363 

»».. revolt against the French, xliy 221, 

eo this subdued, xliv 222 

per, taken by the British, lii 262 


Guadeloupe: sudden rise of a river, ly 196] 

«.»~ ceded to Sweden, ly 352 

»«ss restored to France, lvi 53] viii 146] 

+... revolt in favour of Buonaparte sup- 
pressed by a British force, lvii 128] 

..». farther disturbances in, lvii 130] 

..-. yellow fever at, lviii 143 

Guadet,  xxxiv 19] 28] 42] 53] 272 

Guaranies, i 363 

Guarini, Battist. xiv 232. xv 179 

Guatier, i 182 

Guatimala, earthquake at, xvi 149] 

Guay, le, Alex. lx 111] 

Gubbins, 1. col. Rich. lyii 143 

Gudia, gen. xlvii 169 A 

Guebres. See Parsees, and Zoroaster, reli- 
gion of ; 

Gueldres, taken by the French, i 14 ms 

Guerchy, count de, vi 115] wii 85] 86) vii 
99] ix 79] 97] 

Guernsey, shock of an earthquake felt at, 
iv 148] xvi 95] f 
.+.. allowance of coals duty free to, 1x 


.. +. refusal of the royal court to register 
the regent’s prohibition of French silks, 
lx 3,4 

Guerra, pretended ancient paintings by, 
viii 186 

Guest, G. ii 68 

T. Rob. xliii 454 

W. convicted of diminishing the 

coin, x 107] 112] 129] 139] 197] : 

Guettard, Dr. J. Steph. viii 109. x 125, xii 

«++» on rivers that disappear and reappear, 
vii 98 

Guiana, natural history of, xii 88-92, 275 

---. discovery and extent of, xii 273 

»»+- Soil of, xii 274 

es». Climate, xii 279 

«s+» people of, xii 276 

.... Surrendered to the British, li 366 

Guiaux, gen. xxxviii 121] xxxix 24] 26] 

Guicciardini, Franc. xiii 255 

Guiche, count de, xvii 179 

duke de, xxxii 46] 

Guichen, adm. count de, xxii 63] xxiii 225* 
xxiv 4] 26] xxv 114] 116] 123] 158] 164 
224*] 257] 

Guickwar, xlvi 198, 201. li 233 

Guidal, gen. xlii 166] liv 177] 

Guido, Reni, iii 252. xvi 160. xxxi 185. xliv 

T. 1x 43 

Guidott, sir Ant. xl] 52 

Guignard, v 258] 

Guignes, count de, xiii 165] xv 66] xviii 
130] 218] xix 122] ; 

...+ riotous ‘conduct of some of his ser- 
vants, xiv 121] 

mile de, xv 77] 

——— prof. Jos, de, v 1380, 133, vii 153, 
xxxiv 492, lix 493, 496 




Guignes, prof. Jos. de, on the colonization 
of China from Egypt, iii 150 

.... objections to this hypothesis, iii 154 

Guilay, gen. 1i 205, lvi 4] i 

Guildford, attack on a body of gipsies, 
highwaymen, and smugglers near, xil 

-+-. abundance of grapes in the market, 
lxi 71 

- Guildford, Francis, Ist earl of, xvi 154] 

Qnd earl. See North, 




Ath earl, xliy 398, xlviii 

— Fred. 5th earl, of, xxviii 189. 

xxxv 24] xly 549. li 306 

G. Aug. 3rd earl, xxiii 160] 
xxvii 69] xxxv 37] xxxvi 182] 203] 216] 
230] 247] xxxvii 148] 176] 194] 227] 
144, ib. xxxviii 72] xxxix 108] 149] 
163] 164] 180] 199] 235] 241] 262] xlii 
150] 397 

Guilford Courthouse, battle of, xxiv 65] 

Guillaumanches-Duboscage, de, col. 1 13 

Guillemin, xiii 73 j 

Guillemont, gen. count, lvii 184 

Guillotine, Dr. J. B. V. xxxvi 7 

Guine, Herman yan, xxxviii 450 

Guinea, gold of the coast of, lvii 539 

Guineas, &c. See Coin 
Guinguené, _—_ x! 120] 

Guion, capt. (N) liii 101) liv 2 
Guiscard, viii 277 

Guischard, C. G. iii 91] 

Guise, gen. xli 365 

—— H. duke of, iii 53, 55. xxi 236 
sir Berk. W. lyi 283 

W. ii 148 

Guitar, improvement of the, vi 99] 
Guitton, L. B. xxxvi 18] 

Gulielmus (poet to Edward IJ) xxi 140 
Gullaum Hyder, xli 321 

- Gullet, Christ. xvi 134. xxv 116. xxx 101 

Gulley, (boxer) xlix 499 

Gum, elastic. See Caoutchouc 

Gum Senegal, exported from England to 
Holland for the use of the French, ii 75. 
iii 154] 

Gumilla, fath. _viii 47. 1ii 747 

Gunby, Day, x1 388 

Gundomar (Spanish amb.) xxi 238 

Gundulph, bish. of Rochester, vi 144 

Gunga Govind Sing, xxx 159] xxxi 275] 

xxxviii 108 

Gunning, sir Rob. xvi 119] xxii 211] 

Gunpowder, acts for exporting, i 136 

+++» cause of the manufacturers against im- 
porters, ix 88] 

see act for security in keeping and carry- 
ing, xiv 104] xv 101) 

+++» use of pestles proposed to be laid 
aside, xv213) - 

eo “acute in building magazines for, xxiii 

+++» improvements of, x] 391, xlv 372 



Gunpowder: large quantity forfeited for 
being kept contrary to the act, lyii 86. 
lviii 271 

..+» inflamed without actual fire, lviii 6 

Gunput Row Paunsee, lx 187] 

Guns. See Cannon, Fire-arms, and Mus- 

Gunsmiths work of eyery journeyman, out 
of the Tower, done or undone, called in, 
xi 115] 

Gunston, xv 90] 

Guomard, xlii 19] 

Guppy, S. xlvi 828 

Sarah, liii 267. liv 315. lv 320 

(shorthand writer) xii 165] lix 


couns. xlv 360, 368, 597. xlwii 422. 
xlix 358, 409, 490, 520, 521. 1 16* lvi 
325. lvii 300. lviii 258, 277, 278, 314. 1x 
262, 269, 295, Ixi 187, 188, 20], 261, 

—-— Hudson, lx 73] 1xi 46] 

rev. R. Ix 339 

——— R. ]x 338 

Guru Govind, lv 468 

Gusman, Emanuel, killed by gluttony, xl 

Gustavus, Adolphus, vi 33. ix 44. xiv 2297. 
xv 47] 66*] 151. xix 119*] xxxiii q7 
xxxiv 13. xxxvi 377. lv 121] 

——— III, xi 42] 43] 180] xiii 45] 46] 
88] xv 101] xxx 70] 182] xxxiii 66, 77. 
1i 245. 1ii 246, 249. Ixi 73 

..»» accession of, xiv 86*] 

.... his conduct on the occasion, xiv 87*] 
88*] 116] 117] 

-+.. —— speech on opening the diet, xv 

....act of bond or obligation signed and 
sworn to by him, xv 240] 

.... speeches to the states, xv 242] 243] 

.... revolution effected by, xv 7] 51] 243] 
xxi 29 

.. +. coronation of, xv 183] 

». letter to count Hopken, xvi 50] 

.... Character of, xxi 28. xxx 200] xxxiv 

.... assassination of, xxxiii 79. xxxiv 11, 26 

..-- medal of, xxxv 44 

———— IV, xxi 212] xliii 99] xlvi 194, 
654. xlvii 190. xlviii 1058. xlix 2, 30, 
183, 184. 130*. 1i 244, 685, 700. lii 245. 
liv 89. lyii 13. Ix 98 

.... description of him and his queen, li 
789. lii 249 

...- character of, lii 249. lv 254 

———— Vasa, xv 47] 64] 245] xvi 61. xxx 
192] xxxiii 43 

Gutenberg, J. xxxvi 378 

Guthrie, Dr. xxiii 139 

——— Isabel, xxi 193] 

——_—— W. xiii 79] xx 45. xxiii 235. xl 
433, 469. lvii 431 

Gutter lane, fire in, ly 57 

Gutturez, don J. Ant. xxxix 98] 
Guy, Ambr. iv 110] 
R. on scirrhus and cancer, iii 112 
Guyant, Jos. executed for robbing the mail, 
xiv 148] xv 114] 
Guylac, count Ign. de, xlviii 130 
Guyot, gen. xlix 9 
Guys, Pet. Aug. xiv 184 
Gwedir family, history of the, xvii 131 
Gwillim, rev. J. lviii 466 
Gwilym, David ap, xlvii 886 
Gwydir, Peter, lord, xl 166] 15, xliii 29. 
xlvi 3. 1 184* 
Gwynn, Christiana, xv 92] 
——— Dickan, xviii 157 
J. viii 1947] 
——— Nell, xii 57 
--.. account of, xxxvi 297 
Gwynnet, x57 
Gyttord, v 259n 
Gyles, H. v 152 
Gymnotus. See Eel, electrical 
Gypsies. See Gipsies 


Haaftan, Cocq. xxiv 300] 

Haak, Theod. (F. R. S.) xi 258] xxxviii 362 

Habeas Corpus act, suspensions of the, 
xxxvi 270] 272] xli 197] 199] lix 28] 

.--- extension of it’s benefits, lvi 333 

Habert, gen. lv 146 

Habit, it’s advantages in alleviating misery, 
ix 197 

Hack, Jos. suicide after murder, lvi 82 

Hacket, bish. J. xxv 129 

Hackluyt, R. ii 415. ix 57, xi 58. xvi 

Hackman, rev. James, xxii 206] 207] 

Hackney, address of the students of the 
new college to Dr. Priestley, and his 
answer, xxxiii 86] 87] 

-... Sale of the college at, xxxviii 23 

Hackney chairs, 100 additional to be licen- 
sed, iii 105] 

-... first in London, xxiii 1547 

Hackney chaises, one horse, proposal for 
establishing at Paris, iv 184] J 

Hackney coaches: adventure of a drunken 
coachman, iv 174] 

--.. number of, iv 178 

«.-. addition to the number, xiv 94] 

+++» man and his horses drowned by driving 
into the Thames, xvii 90] 

«+». coachmen punished for improper con- 
duct, xviii 84] 

---. fortunate recovery of property left in, 
xxi 210] 

e+es coachman driving off with property, 
xxi 212] 

«++. first in London, xxiii 1542 

eves taxon, xxvii 304] 




Hackney coaches: rise of fares, xlvi 441 

«.+» dispute on the subject of tickets, lvi 

Hackwood, W. jun, xlvii 848 

Hadden, J. 1xi 301 

——— maj. xliv 363 

Haddick, marsh. i 20, 24, 48. iii 49] v 52] 
53] xxxi 166] xxxiii 6] xxxvi 14] 

---- lays Berlin under contribution, i 20 

—— gen. xli 261] 263] 290] xlii 173] 
1i 214 

Haddin, b. m. gen. J. xxxvii 170 

Haddington, T. 7th earl of, xiv 204] 

Haddon hall, account of, xliv 792 

Haden, Benj. xlv 828 

Hadfield, James, tried for shooting at the 
king, xlii 158] 14, 16, 19 

teas escape of, from Bedlam, xliv 429, 


Hadley, Dr. J. iii 121) viii 174 

J. suicide, lviii 138 

—— J. vi 100] 

Hadock, Uriah, lviii 348. Ixi 299, 303 

aay proposal to drain the mere of, Ixi 

Haffield, T. xlviii 639. 1 190* ° 

Hafiz, poet, xv 198. xxix 179 

Hagenhersen, maj. xxxi 199*] 

Hager, J. xliii 480 

Haggerty, Owen, murderer of Mr. Steele, 
xliv 464. xlix 368, 374, 378 

Hagner, G. F. 1x"360, 361 

Hague, persons forbidden to be brought to 
for inoculation, viii 74] 

Hague, J. lix 233. Ix 360 

T. li 258 

Hahnemann, Dr. xli 410 

Haidamacks, xiii 32 

Hailes, Dan. xxvii 194] 238] xxxv 206 

Hailstorms, violent, iii 126] See Storms 

Haines, ii 33 

J. hung in chains for shooting at a 
police officer, xli 9, 21 

Hainsworth, T. convicted of illegally ex- 
porting woollen yarn, xxxi 220] 

Hair, extraordinary loss of, ii 78 

e+.» of rabbits and hares used in stockings, 
iii 153] 

+++. extraordinary growth of, on a dead 
body, v 71 

«+. growth of, in internal parts, v 71 

.-.- change of, after death, v 72 

+...» remedy for baldness, v 73 

.-.- sudden loss and partial recovery of, vi 

+++» Substance resembling, produced on an 
oak plant, viii 62] 

--«. turned gray by fright, xi 200] 

-... growing black in old age, xvii 144] 

Hairdressers, anecdote of two, xi 200 

Hairpowder, tax on wearing, xxxvii 179] 

Haitcb, W. murderer and suicide, lx 26, 

Hake, E. xxiii 1827 

—-- Lewis Ernest, xl 177 



Halberstadt, the city and duchy laid under 
contribution by the French, iii 45] 

Halcot, col. xli 50] 

Haldane, capt. (N) iii 79] 

Halde, J, Bapt. du, ix 154, xv 10]. xxi 
32. xxiv 51 

Haldimand, col. 

Hale, rev. J. liv 120 

sir Mat. viii 175] xxxi 102] xxxvii 

111*] xxxviii 44] liii 247, 248. lix 171 

W. lvii 594 

Hales, Eliz. xiv 160] 

rey. Dr. Stephen, i 357. ii 417, 418. 
iii 123. v 91. vii 114, 132. viii 33. ix 154. 
xi 90, 120. xii 106. xvi 89. xvii 148. xx 
116. xxiii 207n. xlviii 932 

«+e. On air trunks, iii 119 

«++» — preventing the perniciousness of 
dews in hot climates, iii 120 

«++. character of, iv 46 

+... monument to, v 102] vii 49 

e+e life of, vii 42 

rey. J. character of, ii 319 

sir James, xxxvi 380 

— sir R. v 102] vii 42 

sir T. ib. 2b. 

— Sophia, xiv 160] 

Half-Moon street, fire in, Jiii 45 . 

oad of officers not assignable, xxxiii 

iii 149] 

Halford, J. liv 120 

sir H. lii 262°. ly 33, 35. lix 101] 5 

Halhed, Nath. Brassey, xxxvii 10. xxxviii 
24] 9 

Haliburton, Alex. lx 361 

Halifax, (N.S.): violent gales of wind at, 
iii 69] x1 88 

«+++ money granted for wharfs, &c. ili 184] 

«++. neutrals embarked for Cape Frangois, 
viii 76] 

Halifax (Yorkshire) murder of a supervisor, 

_ xii 152] 

Halifax, ald. sir T. xi 179] xii 149] xiv 
145] 146] 147] xv 131] 132] xix 190] 
xx 167] 196] 209} 

bish. S. xl 177 

——— C. Montagu, earl of, v 177. xviii 
222. xxi 244. xlvii 103. 1 262 
- Dr. Rob. xliv 384 

G. Dunk, earl of, iv 87] 88] 164] 

vy 90] vi 40] 98] 116] vii 52] 73] 81] 
103] 112] 128] 138] viii 45] 64] 115) 
145] 174] ix 148] xi 130] 183] xii 105] 

_ 150] 217] xiv 46] 63] 71] 113] 186] xv 
80*] xx 256] xxxvi 281]. xli 365 

«++» bust of, at the Senegal and Goree 
coffeehouse, vy 103] 

+++» appointed secretary of state, v 107] 

«++» his general warrant respecting the 
North Briton, vi 135] 

«+++ elected knight of the Garter, vii 66] 

«+--+ verdict against him in Wilkes’s case, 
xii 150] 

+++ indemnified by government, id. 

rev. Dr, —-xi 102] xiii 134] 

Parr I, 



Halil bey, xii 29] 

Halincourt, fire at, xxii 203] 

Halkett, J. lvi 369. lvii 336. lviii 424. lix 
250. Ix 400. lxi 398 

—— m. gen. sir Colin, lv 170, 177. lvii 

Hall, xviii 103] liii 267 

Alex, xxvi 227 

—- Benj. xlix 238 

— bish. Jos. xvi 145. xxxv 395. xlv 771 

—— capt. Basil (N) lviii 24 

—— capt. R. (N) lii 316. liv 106] 138 

— Cath. xvil24] ~ 

col. xxiv 60] 

— Cooper, mail robbed by, xxv 202] 

Durance, legacy to, xii 179] : 

Francis, xi 524 

— G, xliii 458 

—— H. lvi 337 

—— James, xlv 829, 831. hi 418 

— Jos. xliv 771 

—— Mary, murder of, lvii 15 

— rev. xiv 119 

—— rey. James, xlix 1015. li 840, 865 

— Rich. xvii 110] xxiv 173] xxviii 200] 

— sir James, li 166 

—— T. murder of, lix 93 

— Walter, lix 234 

Halladay, Steph. xl 388 

Hallam, H. lxi 466 

Haller, xxii 5 

Albert, bar. ii 459. ix 96. xxi 216] 
xxvi 28. xxxix 379. xl 367, 368 

.... account of, xxxii 1 

Gottlieb Em. xxxii 12 

Hallet, S. prosecuted for selling an imita- 
tion of coffee, Ix 75 

Halleton, Leicestersh. fire at, xxxviili 38 

Halley, Dr. Edmund, iv 120] 43. vii 69. 
viii 6] 23, 25. xi 258] xiv 2] xviii 128] 
xx 25. xxviii 58 

.. his life, ii 283 

Halliday, capt. Christ. (N) xxvii 264] 

Dr. xxvi 84 

Hallilay, capt. J. G. (A)191* 

Hallion, du, vii 167 : 

Hallowell, adm. sir Benj. x1 143. xli 75, 83. 
xliii 248] xlv 535, 538. xlix 665*, 667°, 
669*, 674*. 11 513. lv 146] 181 

Benj. jun. ix 159] 

Halo, curious, vi 106] 

Halman v. Whitmore, lvii 296 

Hals, Frank, vii 51. xv 28 

Halsey, Jos. executed for murder on the 
high seas, ii 76, 78 

Halsted, adm. sir Lawr. W. 1 270* 

Halstein, count, xv 78*] 

Haly, Dr. J. xiv 164] 

—— Phebe, abused as a witch, xii 123] 

Hamangkubuana, sult. of Java, ly 329 

Hamberg, Matthias, one of the bail for 
Wilkes, xiii 92] 

Hamburg ; ammunition for the allies con- 
signed to, iii 109] 




Hamburg: complaint of the French, iii 110) 

.... severe frost at, iv 186] 

.... collection for the sufferers in Germany, 
iv 187] 

...» loan extorted by Denmark, v 15] 

.... chamber of insurance established at, 
viii 68] 

. subscription for the sufferers by fire at 
Konigsburg, viii 112] 

..++ acknowledged a free imperial city in a 
treaty with Russia and Denmark, xi 40] 
.... inundations at, xiv 84*] 130] 131] 

137] 139] 

os 3] alarmed by an antiquated claim, xvi 

.. ++ duty on sugar sent into Germany im- 
posed by the k. of Prussia, xvi 155] 

.... order to the merchants not to supply 
the piratical states of Barbary with war- 
like stores, xviii 83] 

.... seizure of Napper Tandy and others 
at, x1 101, 102. xlii 74] 

.... political societies at, xli 179 

.»-» Russian edict respecting, xli 278 

.... obliged to give up two authors to the 
French, xlii 75] 

.... Prussian army marched into it’s terri- 
tory, xliii 101] 

..+. Danes take possession of, xliii 107] 
249, 252 

“1 their troops withdrawn, xliii 116] 259, 

ss e+ distressed state of, xlv 423. 1 130*. li 

..+. compelled by Buonaparte to insert an 
article against England in the gazette, 
xlv 715, 734, 762 

.... seized by the French, xlviii 200 

.... confiscation of British manufactures, 
xlviii 200. 1 130* 

.-«. decree against trade in W. India com- 
modities, xlviii 747 

.... annexed to France, liii 127] 

.... tyranny of the French, liii 45 

.+ +. restrictions on the press, liv 34 

..-- freed from the French, lv 118] 

.. + again abandoned to them, lv 124] 

«+e. it’s independence restored, lvi 101] 

.-.. exchange réopened, lvi 38 

... part of the property of the bank re- 

stored by France, lviii 156 

..-. trade of, lix 4. Ixi 13 

..+. vessels taken by pirates from Barbary, 
lix 45 
.. inerease of the garrison, lxi 27 

Hamden, P. Ix 359 

Hamed Agen, ‘Tripolitan ambassador, x 

Hamel; du. 

Hamer, capt. 


See Duhamel 
(N) xxvii 10] 
(M.P.) xxvii 86] 
(painter) viii 93] 
adm. C. Powell, xxxix 80 
—— adm. sir C. xlii 213] 73. lii 37 
——— adm. sir E, xlii 76, lix 50 


Hamilton, adm. sir E. court martialon, xliv 
364, 365 
Alex. (Amer.) xxix 299) xxxv 
44, xliv 356 
archdeacon, xv 95] 
———— Bingham Walter, lvii 75 
bish. Hugh. iv 129] 
b.gen. xx 145] 168*] 
capt. (N) lvi 195 
——. capt. H. (N) xlii 69 
———. C. xxiii 177. xxxiii 473) 
col. lv 118} 
col. (Amer.) xxiv 131] sn 
—_— Douglas, 8th duke, xxi 162] xxiii 
2. xxxiii 33] xlv 381 
duchess of, letter from Pope to, 

vii 222 

Gavin, xxxv 22 

gen. A. (Amer.) xlvi 404 

Gerard, liii 363 

—_— Harriet M. convicted of child 
stealing, lix 213 

James, iv 171] 184] 

James, Ist duke of, xxi 

4th duke, xxix 96] 

———— vise. 1 9] 16] 

James George, 7th duke of, x 


.... succession to the Douglas estates de« 
cided against him, xii 76] 
- J. xxxiii 21] 
——— lady C. xliii 26 
——— lady (of sir W.) xliv 375. xlviii 
419. xlix 808 
———— lieut. C. (E. I.) xlix 835 
———— 1. col. Christ. lvi 145, 205 
—_—_—— I. gen. sir J. liii 204. liv 207, 220. 
lv 229 
——— lord Archibald, xlvi 6, 110. xIviii 
102. xlix 102. 192] li 111, 112, 151. iii 
49] 41] 128. liv 41] 53] 73) 112] lv 15) 
49} lvi 128] Ivii 7] 52] lviti 54] Ix 46] 
50] 62] lxi 46] 67) 
———— Margaret, liv 116 
miss, maid of honour to the em- 
press of Russia, xxxi 28 
P. shot in a duel, xliv 356 
rev. Dr. murdered, xxxix 17 
rev. Hugh, xxxviii 406 
rev. J. ix 110] 
———— rt. hon. lady Ann, xlv 926 
Sackville, xxvi 354] 
Sam. xlv 366. xlix 456 
—_——— sir W. xii 100] xiv 120] xv 66] 
207] xlii 42. xliii 39. xliv 541. xlviii 
419. lvii 293 
.... accounts of eruptions of Vesuvius, x 
_ 201] xii 66. xiii 68. xxiii 72. xxviii 55 
.... Copleian medal to, xiv 160] 
.... journey to mount Etna, xiv 71 
.... on the soil about Naples, xv 62 
.... earthquakes in Italy, xxvi 48, 58 
— T. A. xiii 516 
———— W. (painter) lviii 54 
——— W, litt 523, 528, lviii 447 



; f HA 

Hamilton, W. F. lvi 335, 336 

W. Gerard, iv 88] 164] xxxix 
41. x1 326, 337 

Hamman, sheik, xxix 17 

Hammersley and Moreland, action against 
for usury, xxix 207] 

Hammersley, Hugh, xiv 161] xix 198] 

Hammersmith, pretended ghostat, xlvi 358 

Hammerstein, gen. xlv 284 

Hammett, ald. sir Benj. xxvii 268] xxx 
222] xxxvii 198] x1 208] 

+++. fined for refusing to serve the office of 
mayor, xxxix 53 

«++. resigns, xl 82 

Hammond,  xxxix 173] 38 

— capt. Graham Eden (N) xlvi 


capt. sir And. Snape (N) xx 134] 
xxii 145] xlyii 100. lii 452 
col. Rob. letters from Cromwell 
to, viii 51 
Dr. H. xii 133 
G. xl 182. xlv 659 
James, x 221. xxii 171 
———_— ]. gen. F. T. liv 82 
rev. Dr. Gilb. xi 113] 
T. (parish clerk) xvi 246 
W. xxviii 189 
Hamouda bey, xliv 619, 621 
Hampden, vi 266. xiv 23, 38. xxi 243 
— J. xv 106] xvii 289 
T. Qnd vise, xii 129] 156] xxvii 


Hampshire, distemper among the horned 
cattle, xii 159] 

«+++ money paid for destroying cattle to 
prevent it’s spreading, xiii 238] 

Hampstead. See Hamstead 

Hampton, fire at, lvi 45 

Hampton Court, cartoons removed from, vi 

---- paintings removed from Kensington 
to, vii 88] 

---. gardens, xxxvili 450 

Hampton, gen. (Amer.) lv 189] 217, 
219, 221, 233 

rev. James, xxi 189] 

Hamstead, Chicken-house on the hill, a re- 
ceptacle for thieves, ix 63] 

«-»- clerk dismissed by the rector for kiss- 
ing a bride in the church to whom he 
had stood father, and restored by manda- 
mus, xix 117] 

«++- riots and robberies at the fair, lxi 55 

os proceedings of the French at, iii 

Hanbey, T. xi 138] 

Hance v. Stone and others, lviii 279 
W. xlix 854 

Hanchett, capt. (N) lv 187 

Hanchyry, Bano, xlviii 790 

Hancock, capt. J. (N) xlvi 541, 557, 559 

J. (of Boston) xi 240] xviii 18] 

20) 66] 126*] 133*] 262] 265] xix 264] 

xx 34] 297] xxi 334] xxviii 262] 


Hancock, hon, T. vii 116] 
R. murder and piracy, x 95] 
Hand, gen. Edw. (Amer.) xxiii 392] xxvi 

Handbills, curious, viii 60] . 
+e.» person punished for distributing, xxiv 

«++. seditious, xlii 33, 42 

Handby, W. Ix 52 

Handcock, J. Greg. xlvi 827 

Handel, G. F. ii &6. xii 211. xx 42. xxxi 
192. 1.107* 

ee account of, ili 9 

«++. monument of, v 93] 

+++. commemoration of, xxvii 331] xxviii 
203] xxix 205] 

Hands, man born without, xxxv 28 

Haneefa, xxxiii 475] 

Hanfield, Benj. xlix 368, 370, 375 

Hanger, col. See Coleraine, lord 

Hanging, artful frustration of, ii 88 

---+ unsuccessful attempt to frustrate, xxix 

. egies of a rope breaking thrice, xlvi 


--.- from curiosity, xlviii 404 

«++» ineffectual from length of rope, xlix 
430. 1x 187 

-... tossing up for, liv 57 

-.++ extraordinary occurrence, lvi 77 

Hangman, old, convicted. of horse-stealing, 
xlviii 389 

Hankey, ald. J. Pet. xlix 429, 448 

Jos. xv 102] 

———— sir T. xiii 71] 151] 

Hanmer, sir T. xviii 213. xix 41a 

Hannay, I. col. Alex. xxvi 37] - <* 

Hannibal, i 312. xxv 18. xli 62] xlii 325 

-...+ his course over the Alps, li 763 

Hanno, xxii 25. xxxix 434. xlii 482 

Hannokes, Sus. accused of witchcraft, ii 73 

Hanover: threatened by the French,i 5 

--.. convention of Closterseven, i 19, 27, 
185, 193, 201, 209, 228 

++. conduct of the French in, i 26 

--.. the French expelled from, i 34 

...» loan to the king as elector of, i 103 

---- French decree for administering the 
revenues of, i 182 

»-+- French complaint of the breach of the 
convention, i 185 

«-.. George II’s debts to be paid by his 
successor,.iv 133] 

.».- declaration of marsh. Broglio to the © 
inhabitants, iv 277] 

++. fifteen horses from the stud at, brought 
to the king’s mews, viii 89] 

. «+. diminution of a tax in, xv 82] 

-»+- complaints of Austria against, xvii 24] 

.... donation from the king to the soldiers 
at Gibraltar, xxvi 217] 

«++. treaty with France, xxxvii 130] 

-+ ++ proclamation of the elector, xxxvii 262 

+.++ his answer to the demands of the em- 
peror, xxxviii 280 


' wa 

Hanover: letter from the elector to the 
emperor, xxxix 235 

++. invaded by the k. of Prussia, xliii 106] 
287] 250 

‘4... note to Prussia to withdraw it’s troops, 
xliii 260 

---- seized by the French, xlv 283, 394 

“gs conduct of the French in, xlv 416, 


“rg stud sent to England, xlv 435, xlvii 


a the king’s private treasure saved, xlv 

«++. proclamation by the king, xlvii 618 

-... letter of Bernadotte to the executive 
committee, xlvii 639 

«+s» proclamation of gen. Don, xlvii 716 

-+..- evacuated by the allies, and taken pos- 
session of by Prussia, xlviii 132 

‘se Prussian proclamation, xlix 657 

»+-. annexed to Prussia, xlviii 157, 676, 

‘e+ declaration of the elector on the con- 
duct of Prussia, xlviii 161, 692° 

---. seized by the French, xlviii 199 

---. money saved from, xlviii 413 

‘s+. annexed to Westphalia, lii 238 

eos ae at of the French from, lv 163] 

-++» principality of Hildesheim annexed 
to, lv 172] 

‘»».. duke of Cambridge appointed gover- 
nor, lv 172] 100 

-.-.- erected into a kingdom, lvi 102] 455, 

-»-- representative government adopted, 
Ivi 103] 444 

e+«. Speech of the minister to the States 
General, lviii 107] 

e+.» treaty with Holland, lvili 127] 

aoe. affairs of, lviii 136] 

«e+ order of knighthood, lviii 137] 

° Diet| of subsidy with G, Britain, lvili 

‘e».. appropriation of the episcopal domains 
of Osnaburgh and Hildesheim, lx 93 

‘es. Change in the high court of appeal, Ix 

‘e+. ordinance respecting the arrears of the 
public debt, lx 166 

ee. abolition of torture and exculpatory 
oaths, lx 185 

e+. Various reforms, Ixi 183] 

‘s+. censorship of the press, Ixi 156 

Hanoverian troops sent for to England, i 5 

»«.. money allowed for, xxxv 1005, 74. xxxvi 
118. xxxvii 117 

‘aes estimate of charges, xxxvii 109 

Hansard, Providence, executed for forgery, 
xlvi 396 

T. C, lii 343. 1x 360 

Hanse towns. See Germany, and the re- 
spective places 

Hanson, capt, James, killed in a duel, xxiii 



HA © 

Hanson, J. iii 105 

Jos. convicted of a riot, li 267 

Timothy, viii 143” 

Hanway, capt. J. Bean, lix 179 

— Jonas, v 99] ix 120] xxviii 210] 
xxxii 350] xxxiv 16 

«.+. character of, xxix 31 

Hanworth, fire at, xxxix 18 

Happiness, apparent, of human conditions, 
vii 200 

Happy Dick, xii 127] 

Hapsburg, elevation of the house of, to the 
imperial throne, xlii 305 

Hapschutz, gen. xli 247] 

Harberton, Arthur, Ist vise. xxxi 311] 313] 
314] 317] 

Harbledon, fire at, lv 75 

Harbord, gov. xvii 143] xviii 94] 

sir Harbord, ii 143. ix 150] xxvii 

W. vi 283 

Harbours, invention for breaking booms or 
chains laid across, xxxi 224] 

Harcourt, col. G. W. R. xlvi 220 

count d’, xi 30 

——- duke d’, iv 153] vi 120] vii 8] 9] 
xiv 93*]| 102] xxxvii 167 

— G. Simon, 2nd earl, xxi 303] xxii 

st 343] 348] xxiii 330] 331] 333] xxiv 

289] xxix 163 

J. xxvii 225] 

xxxvii 13 

~—~—— Simon, Ist earl of, viii 202] xv 
66] 69] 87] 120] 144) xvi 233] 238) xvii 
poird 270) xviii 266] xix 124°] xx 165] 

-+-+- appointed lieut. gen. and gen. gov. of 
Ireland, xv 132] xvi 63] 

W. 3rd earl, xx 7] 

Hardacre, T. lv 319 

Hardcastle, W. liv 315 

Hardegg, gen. count, lvi 8] 

Harden, capt. ii 89 

Hardenberg, bar. xxxvii 60. xlvii 140. 
xlviii 156, 683, 688. xlix 447. 1xi 188] 

Hardenn wv. Causton, lx 295 

Hardi, gen. xl 147 

Hardicanute, x 278 

Hardie, Dav. xli 401. xlii 380 

Harding, Rich: found guilty of forgery, 
xlvii 421 

— T.v76] 

Hardinge, capt. G. N. (N) xlvi 379, 534 

—_———. G. xix 236] xxviii 133] xxxi 80] 
roy 40] xxxvii 157) 161] xliii 11] xliv 


——— Mrs. 

1. col. sir H. li 25. iii 208, vii 

Nich. i 383. ii 177. iii 189] 
Hardouin, fath. xxv 17 
Hardwicke, capt. xlix 836 
Phil. Ist earl of, xili 68] xxi 
89] xxii 209] xxvi 178] xxxi 127] xxxiv 
164, xxxv 266. xxxvi 241] xlvi 719. 
xlviii 29, 1 27 





Hardwicke, Phil, 1st earl of, character of, 
vii 279. xx 15. xxxiii 288] 

+. +. account of, xxxiii 279] 

Phil. 2nd earl of, iii 205] 244] 

241,242. vii 58] viii 80] xxi 235, 236, 

243. xxviii 186. xlix 787 

Phil. 3rd earl, xxxv 15] xxxvii 
190] xxxix 193n] xlii 145] xlv 300, 316. 
xlvi 6, 22, 45, 145, 390. xlvii 12. xlix 
418. liv 30] lvi 130] lvii 21 

+++ lord lieut. of Ireland, xliii 18. xliv 193 

T. xiii 170] 

Hardy, adm. sir C. i 113. v 108] 109] x 
206] 208] xxi 181] xxii 156] xxiii 14] 
49] xxiv 1] xxv 158] 

capt. sir T. Masterman, xlvii 237. 

xlviii 365. xlix 807. lv 184] lvi 181] 

202, lvii 159 

— capt. (N) xxxvii 67,75 

Francis, liii 357, 363 

gen. (French) xliv 217 

J. stabbed by Dan. M‘Ginnis, xxvi 

194] xxvii 236] 

James, executed for a robbery, v 95] 

Josiah, iv 99] 

Rob. lix 235 

Sarah, li 308 

T. xxxiv 72. xxxvi 268] 278] 14. 
Xxxvii 158] xxxviii 28] xli 157 

esse trial of, xxxvi 278] 36, 2b. xli 160 

Timothy, murders his brother-in- 
law, xxix 224] 

Hardy, le, C. liii 508 

Hardyman, m. gen. Fred. lvii 215 

Hare, (brewer) xxiii 48* 

—— (the Leveret, of Hurstmonceaux) 
xlvi 416 

—— bish. France. v 10. xxx 2 

—— couns. liii 92] 143 

—— Mich. 1xi 191 

—— Rich. (brewer) xix 169] 

Hares: poulterer fined for having, vi 56] 
+... conviction for having in possession 
quashed in the King’s Bench, xii 153] 

«++. one suckled by a cat, xxxi 50 

-.-- reared after being taken out of one 
that was shot, xlvi 421 

++. extraordinary chase, xlix 517 

+++» one caught in Marybone, | 110* 

«++. one chased by a flock of geese, 1 120* 

Harescombe, fire at, xxxiy 15 

Harford, (Amer. loy.) xxx 138] 139] 
xxxii 99] 

—— H. xiv 160] 

—— miss Franc. M. xiv 160] xv i20] 
xix 198] xxiii 238] xxvii 192] 

Hargrave, couns. xix 236] 

eet. | 87° 

Harispe, d’, gen. liv 153] 236. lv 146, lvi 
12] 159, 183 

Harker, Agnes, liii 106 

Dorothy, and others, v. R. Lons- 
dale and others, xi 155] 

Harkimer, gen.  (Amer.) xx 160] xxi 112] 

Harland, adm. sir Rob, xxi 312] xxii 63] 
93] 121] 155] 284) z 




Harlay, pres. de, iv 31. xi 47] 

Harleian MSS. in the British Museum,vi 140 

Harlewood, Rog, lvi 336 

Harley, (actor) xlvi 794 

hon. ald. T. iv 95] 301] vi 144] vii 
51] x 145] xi 82] xii 141] xiii 134] xiv 
68] xv 145] 146] xvi 90] 97] xviii 115] 
175] xx 167] xxvii 268] xlvi 441 

«+. sworn a member of the privy council, 
xi 115] 

++. pulled out of his chariot by the mob 
when going up with an address, xiii 111] 

maj. Rob. xxviii 174 

sir Rob. See Oxford, earl of 

Harlingen, in Friesland, fire at, xiv 69] 

Harman, Caleb, murder of, xxxviii 1 

——— capt. Edw. lix 579 

Jeremiah, lii 461, lxi 314 

J. xix 136] 

Harmer, J. lxi 359 

Harnage, maj. xxiii 65 
Harness, Dr. xliv 8202 
—— I. col. xlv 557 

Harnois, Laville, xxxix 51] 68] 80] 

Harold, king, xxvii 64. xlvi 59 

---.- character of, x 7 

Harefoot, x 278 

Harfagre, xiii 40, 42 

Haron, van, xv 211 om 

Haroun al Raschid, iv 157. xxi 171. xxxviii 
483. xli 11] 

Harpe, J. Franc. de Ja, xxviii 198] xxxvii 
132*] xlii 3497. xliv 87 * 

Harper, capt. (N) lv 112] 224 

-col, xxv 44] 51] xxvi 5] 

— H. xli 408 

— sir W. v 84} 

Harpocrates, xii 222 

Harpoon, gun. See Whalefishery 

Harpur, lady Frances, xxxiv 23 

Harrach, count, xxx 53] 

Harrier, Edw. xlvi 834 

Harrington, xxxiv 422 

C. 3rd earl of, xix 201] xxii 

149] xxiii 129] 162] xxvii 199] xxx 87] 

xly 379. lii 264* 

countess, xlvi 355 

Dr. H. x 249. xvi 253, xviii 

153. xxxv 53 

J.xxi 158 

— J. xxi 211, 214 

James, ix 37] xxxiii 258 

J. T. lx 576 

lieut. (N) xxv 121] | 

— W. (N) xlii 72 

sir H. xii 149 ; 

— sir J. xii 148, 150, 151, 189, 

190, xviii 153. xxxii 141. Ixi 450 

sir James (t. R. III) xii 191 

W. Ist earl of, viii 2 : 

—— W. 2nd earl of, vii 113] 149] 
viii 57] 202] 

Harriot, J. xxxix 408. xliv 774. xlv 829 lix 4 

Harriots, xxiv 206 

Harris, Tatlock v. on an accommodation 
bill, xxxi 207] 




xxi 188] 
jun. lii 242* 
Ann, xlv 368 
capt. (N) lii 264 
C. xxxii 326] 332] 
Christ. xxxiv 154 
Dan. executed for robbery, xiv 75] 
— Dr. G. xix 236] xxxviii 14 
Eliz. xlviii 418 
Gabriel, xiii 128] xiv 98] 
gen, G. xli 60] 99, 242. xlvi 62. li 



G. xlii 383 

James, xxi 185. xxiii 240] xxiv 148, 
155, 159, 186. 

+++. account of, xliv 743 

James, jun. See Malmesbury, earl 

James, (saddler) lix 196 

J. convicted of the murder of B. 

Stapps, xlix 388 

J, xlvi 433 

J. Potter, v. rev. J< Craven for crim. 

con. xix 120] 

Joseph, 1 100*. lvii 319 

lieut. H. (N) lvi 285 

maj. xxii 49] 

Mary, iv 70. xxix 202] 

rev. Dr. J. x 185 

—— rev. Dr. W. ix 201 

Sarah, murder of, lv 74 

sir James. See Malmesbury, earl 

—— sir T. viii 126] 

Susannah, v 95] 

T. x 106] xi 136] xiii 180] xxi 188) 

xlvi 795 

Timothy, xxxix 407. lvi 335 

—— W. found guilty of forgery, xiii 

W. murder of, lix 9 5 

Harrison, (clerk of the London Assur- 
ance) tried for forgery, xx 200] 215] 

(singer) xxix 206] 

——— Benj. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] 
xviii 265] xxiv 258] 

——— capt. (N) ii 90. iv 66] vii 109] 
viii 196] 198] x 209] 
couns. xlvili 381 

Davy. distressed state of himself 
and crew, ix 183] 

——_—— gen. (Amer.) lv 181] 188] 
135, 215, 445 

—__——- G. xlv 78. liii 3] 

——— J. xvi 89] xvii 110] xxvii 187] 
xxx 203] xxxvi 242] 252] xxxvii 172] xl 
210] xliii 124] 

J. v 76] 99] vi 77] viii 7) 114- 
82. xix 129] 

.... vewards to,~v 99] vi 65] 180] vii 99] 
yili 129. xvi 109] 229] 

-».. four of his watches ordered by the 
king of Sardinia, viii 154] 

e+e. accaunt of, xx 24 

rev. xviii 108] 

—— rev. Jos. Ixi 105] 53 

——— sir T, iv 122] vii 55] xix 121) 

W. xx 209. Ixi 322 



Harrison, W. (son of J.) vii 66) viii 115 

—— W., boy murdered by, xxxv 16 

Harrow, spire of the church damaged by 
lightning, vi 61) 

ar (the flying highwayman) ° vi 

Harrowby, Dudley, Ist earl, xxx 84] Xxxiii 
232. xxxiv 153] xxxv 149] xxxvi 207] 
213] 234] xl 229] xli 225] xlii 142] xliii 
181] xlv 179. xlvi 600. xlvii 68, 93, 187, 
216, 562. xlviii 683, 688. xlix 16]. 136) 
43] 120] 121] li 49, 114. lii 6, 146. liv 
87] 88] £17] 131] lv 53] 54] 90) lvi 120) 
lvii 20] lviii 21] 32] lix 65] Ix 75] 133) 
Ixi 42] 43] 144] 155] 

Harrower, G. lviii 275 

Harry, W. his deposition of murders at sea, 
x 95] 

W. lx 360 
Harsch, gen. i 49, 53, 59, 60, 159 
Hart, xlvi 92 

(actor) vi 181. xxxvi 297 

—— ald. J. xvii 132] xix 124] xx 182] 
—— capt. G, (N) xli 88 oh 
couns. xlix 525. lvii 268. lviii 280, 

—— Lackford, xl 177 
— J. van der, iii 127] 
—— Naphthaly, xliii 468 
— sir J. xl 179 
— W. x1 390. xi 57 
Harte, H. Cashel, lvii 9 
Hartlepool, turbot fishery at, lvii 47 
Hartley, new harbour opened at, vii 56] 
Hartley, v. Harriman, lix 189 

executed for coining, xii 152] 
xvii 159] 

m. gen. xxv 22] xli 60] 

David, xvii 136] 253] xviii 110*] 
11i] 132] xix 116*] 191) 44] xx 171] 
xxi 7]] 198*] 210. xxvi 339] xxvii 186] 

———— Dr. David, account of, xviii 29 

——— James, Ixi 100 

—— lady Louisa, xli 39 

———— |. col. Wincheombe H. xxiv 200°] 
xxxiii 111] xxxiv 203] 205] 

Hartop, J. xlvii 853. xlviii 955 

— sir E. xliv 20 

Hartsinck, xxxix 204] 

Hartson, Hall, xv 192 

Hartwell, capt. (N) xxxv 37 

Harty, Rob. liii 132 

——— W. murder of; lvii 70 

Hartz, cavern in the, deseribed, i 331 

Harvard college, America, burnt down, vii 

.... legacy for a professorship of Oriental 
languages, vii 116] 

Harvest home, ancient mode of celebrating, 
1 265 

Harvey, adm. Aug. J. See Bristol, earl of 

——— adm. J. xxxix 80 

———— adm. sir Eliub, xxxvi 74. xlvii 236, 
lii 257* 

——— adm. sir H. xxiv 6] xxxvi 92, 
xxxvii 33, xxxix 89] 91] 78, 80 




Harvey, adm. T. xliii 112. xlix 663* 
——— Beauchamp Bagnall, x1 163] 55 
— capt. B.(N) liv 139] 206 
capt. Edw. (N) lii 301 
capt. James Watson, (N) Iviii 41 
— capt. J. (N) xxxvi 92. xlvii 429, 

——— Dr. W. xi 258] xii 97 
Gabriel, (v. consul, Oporto) iv 104] 
hon. T. xvi 75] 102] 
——— Jos. lvii 321 
J. Springett, li 279 
——— 1. col. J. lv 188] 158, 235 
maj. T. B. 11452, 454 
maj. gen. ix 93] xii 132] 133] 
xviii 134] xxxiv 484 
sir Eliab, vi 272 

Harville, M. de, i 88 

gen, d’, xxxiv 92] 116] 120) xxxv 

_ Harwood, col. _—_—xivi 382 
Dr. Busick, xlix 941 
J. xxxiii 27] xxxiv 11 

———— W, xxxiy 77 

Harzan, card. xxv 204] 

Hascar, Eliz, murder of, x 110] 

Hase, H. xlix 482, 528. liv 41. lv 379 

W. xiiii 454 

Haselrig, sir Arth. xxviii 171 

Hasenclever, Pet. vi 116] 

Hashuysed, Lew. Dietrich, naturalized, xii 

Basle, count, xxvi 206] 

Haslem bey, xxiii 54 

Hassan Ali, xxxiii 2, 14, 99 

bey, xiii 34] 38] xvi 18] 27] 29] 
xxvii 24] xxviii 153] xxx 7] 21] xxxi 
179] x1 258. xli 32) 91 

-... account of him, xvi 28] 

—_— (vice admiral) executed, xxx 

Sabah, iii 57 

Hasse, major, _ ii 233 

Hassell, J. lii 650 

Hasselquist, Fred. iv 145. viii 137. ix 122. 
xi 120n. xxxviii 399 

Hasselt, van, xlvii 191 

Hassenfratz, xxxv 149 

Hastenbeck, battle of, i 19 

Haster, von, mad. xlix 431 

Hastings; Edw. lord Loughborough, xv 7 

lady Eliz. vii 88] 

marg. of. See Rawdon, lord 

Patr. pilloried, xix 130] 

W. lord, vi 43 

Warren, xx 255] 245. xxi 33. xxvi 
3) xxvii 69] 173] 230] xxviii 94] 4. xxxi 
275) xxxii 57] xxxiii 239, 376] 454] 480] 
xxxiv 19] x] xlii 474. xliii 202] xlviii 100, 
110. li 228, 236, 279. lv 59] , 

+++ account of, xxxiii 236 

-.»» new code of laws for India preparing 
by, xvii 167] 

+++» sends an ambassador to Thibet, xxi 34, 
xxxii 55. xlii 470 



Hastings, Warren, letters from the teshoo 
lama, xxi 42. xxxii 55 

.... his conduct censured in parliament, 
xxv 188] 2 

.».. vote of the directors for removing him 
rescinded by the proprietors, xxv 225] 

.... his conduct toward Cheyt Sing, xxvi 6] 

.... charges against, xxvii 54] xxviii 125] 
xxix 149] 

.... Arabian horse and mare presented to 
the king, xxvii 203] 

+++. petitions the Commons to be heard in 
his defence, and have a copy of the 
charges against him, xxviii 132] 

.... letter written by him, and read by 
maj. Scott to the Commons, xxix 163] 
«++» impeachment of, xxix 170] xxxix 


.... taken into custody, xxix 171] 

..-. brought to the bar of the H. of Lords, 

.... his answers delivered in, xxx 140] 

.. ++ trial of, xxx 148] 197] xxxi 159] 163] 
276] xxxii 101] xxxiii 231, 233, 152] 
xxxv 144] xxxvi 152. xxxvii 205] 

«++. proposal of the Commons to proceed 
on each article separately opposed by his 
council and refused by the Lords, xxx 

.... expenses of his trial, xxx 263] xxxi 
159] 285] xxxii 278] xxxiii 143] xxxv 
106. xxxvi 119. xxxvii 205] 118, xxxviii 
108. xxxix 170. x1 205, 206. xli 196 

++.» petitions the Commons against Mr. 

Burke accusing him of crimes not laid in 

the impeachment, xxxi 160] 

.-- complaints in the House of Commons 

against certain paragraphs in newspapers, 

xxxi 164] 

..-. speech to the high court of parlia- 
ment, xxxi 276] 

..-- debate on the effect of dissolution of 
parliament on his impeachment, xxxiii 

++. addresses the court, and petitions the 
H. of Lords, to close his trial during the 
session, xxxiii 233. xxxv 144] 

..«~ his defence, xxxiii 233 

+--+. acquitted, xxxvii 205] 111 

.... character of, xxxvii 207] 

..-. expenses of his trial, and an annuity 
of 5,000], voted him by the E. India 
company, xxxvii 22, 34 

Hasy Asifs, xxxv 297 

Hatch, Dr. James, lx 276 

Hatchell, couns. lvi 13 

Hatchett, C. lii 263*. liii 468, lyiii 605. Ixi 

Hat-dyers, strike for wages, xiii 74] 

Hately, Jos. xliv 776 

Hatfield, in New England, answer to the 
circular of the select men of Boston, xi 
73") 243) 

Hatfield, __ executed for forgery, xliv 456, 
xly 421,"428 


Hatfield, G. xxiv 200] 

Hatherington, Hannah, iv 155] 

Hatry, gen. xli 132] xlii13] 

Hats, xii 137, 141 

+++. tax on, xxvii 304] 

Hatsell, H. xv 190] lvi 114] 

J. xiii 238] xxix 265] 

Hatter, W. liv 103] 

Hatters: petition the king for redress, the 
business being engrossed by foreigners, 
viii 65] 

-... strike for wages, xi 107] 

-.-. act for settling the hours of labour 
and fees for apprentices, xx 185] 

Hatton, v. Hooley, xvi 74] 

G. xlviii 639. 1 190* 

hon. Edw. Finch, viii 83] 105} 

sir Christ. ii 323 

‘Hatzfeldt, prince, xlviii 196 

Haugwitz, count, xxxvii 109. xlii 261, 263. 
xliii 101] 105] xlv 680. xlvii 166, 187. 
xlviii 157, 163, 688, 803 

Haussonville, count d’, v 48] 264-6] 

Hautenville, Hugh 8. 1 190* 

Hauterive, d’, xlviii 785 

Hautpoult, gen. xlvii 148, 160. xlix 13 

Havannah, described, v 37] 

«+++ expedition against, v 36] 
ee. taken, v 43] 
.... several ships lost on the voyage home, 
v 122] 

-... restored to Spain, v 239] 

wees articles of capitulation, v 259] 

«+e. the bishop banished to Florida, vi 

».s. money taken there carried to the 
Bank, vi 62] 

+++. prize goods taken there, vi 78] 

.... distribution of the prize money, 7d. 
vii 64] 

++. repayment of duties imposed by the 
earl of Albemarle demanded, vii 104] 

.... sentences of the Spanish officers there, 
viii 85] 

.»-. fortifications much strengthened, x 
113} xii 11) 

.... British ships fired at, x 123] 124] 

e+.» hurricane, xxxv 2 

Havard, W. (actor) xii 229 

Haverford West, great influx from Ireland 
into, xl 52 

Havering, J. de, xxvi 108 

Haversham, lord, xxi 244 

Haviland, col. iii 58] 59] 

Havre de Grace, violent and long-continued 
storm, xvi $1] 

Hawes, Dr. W. xviii 99, 117. xix 196] xx 
109. xlv 398. xlvii 389, 426 

Jos. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] 
xviii 265] 

Hawke, adm. Edw. lord, ii 22, 100, 104, 
127, 128, 131, 132. iii 66] 131] 258] iv 
121] v 90] 100] x 98] 206] 207] xii 123] 

_ xiii 158] 205] xiv 45] 66] xv 206] xviii 
27. xxi 208"] 312] xxii 108) 154] xxv 


152] 226*] xxvii 10. xxx 100] xli 360, 
361. xlvii 755, 756, 757 ; 

Hawke, adm. Edw. lord, driven from his sta- 
tion off Brest, ii 51 

«+++ defeats Conflans, ii 52, 263 

+++» pension to, ii 131 

hon. Chaloner, xx 200] 

Martin Bladen, 2nd lord, xxx 100] 
120] .xxxi 304] xxxiii 152] xxxiv 29. 
xxxvil 190] 113, 115 

Hawker, capt. (N) xxv 108] 

—— — capt. Edw. (N) lii 297 

—1. col. S. xlvi 393 

Hawkers, Jew taken up for hawking hats in 
London, x 102] 

Hawkes, T. xxxiii 27] xxxiv 11 

——— W. xlvi 826, 1 138 

Hawkesbee, Franc. vii 49 

Hawkesbury, lord. See Liverpool, earl 

Hawkeswood, W. his master poisoned by, 
xlix 528.1 30* 

Hawkesworth, Dr. J. i 409. ix 287. xvi 1, 
267. xviii 26. xxxiii 264] xxxvii 131°] 

+++. account of, lii 536 

-... character of, xviii 53 

Ilawkey, lieut. (N) killed, li 465, 466 

Hawkins, _viii 175] xxxv 117] xlvii 861 

adm. sir J. xi 65 

———- A. liv 488 

———— Benj. xliii 456 

—_ Caesar, iii 142] vi 146] 147] ix 60] 
71] xi 196] xiii 168] xix 233] 

capt. (N) li372 

— corp. H. tried for killing a man 
in a riot, xii 120] 

Isaac, xlii 384 
——— J. Isaac, xlv 831. liii 266, lviii348 
— Pennel, ix 71] xi 196] xiii 168] x1 



xiii 139] 

— rey. W. xxvi 107 

— Rich. France. xly 828, xlix 856. 

lyiii 348 

Sarah, xl 176 

— sir Christ. xlvii §10 

sir J. xix 165, xx 214] 152. xxii 

213] 222] xxxiii 447] x1 326. lii 536 

sir Rich. iii 122. ix 192. xiv 2] 

Hawkinson, sir G. xviii 181] 

Hawks, money found in the craw of one, 
]iii 24 

Hawks, G. xlix 860 

J. lx 359 

Hawksbee, vii 49 

Hawksley, J. xxxix 408 

Hawkwood, sir J. xvii 45 

Hawles, sir J. xv 190] 

Hawley, |. gen. Hen. viii 4 

-... copy of his will, ii 348 

S$. action against for tithes on his 
brewhouse, ix 112} 

Hawtayne, capt. (N) lii 301, 302 

Hawthorne, C. Stewart, xlvi 6. xlviii 56 

Haxthausen,"gen. lvi 47] 

action for tithe of cider, 




Haxup, James, ix 63] ‘ 

Hay, salt recommended in stacking in wet 
weather, ix 117] 

+++. Simple and easy method of making, 
Xviii 129 ? 

--+« fires from it’s heating, xxi 196] xlvii 

«+e from carrot leaves, xlii 395 

+++» experiment in making, xliii 473 

Hay, (ch. just. Canada) xvii 75] 

—— capt. Adam, xvi 128] 

——Dr. _ iv 88] lyii271 
—— hon. Edw. ii 80 
— 1. col. xli 79 

— lord. See Kinnoul, earl 

—m.gen. ly 197, 203, 222. lvi 27] 

— rev. Ixi 125] 

— Rich. xi 225. xlix 1000 

— Rob. Auriol, 3rd lord, xxxiii 154] 

— sir G. ix 105] xvii 112] xix 160) 198] 

_xx 161] xxi 168] xxxiii 286] 

Haycock, J. convicted of setting fire to 
ricks, lix 219 

Haycraft, v. Creasy, xliii 20, 37 

Joseph, xl 386 

Haydon, fall of the bridge, xlix 354 

Haydon square, fire in, xxxix 14 

Haydon v. Maden, xxxiv 21 

Haye, J. executed for murder, xl 31 

Hayer, lieut. Rob. (N) xliv 528 

Hayes, falsely called Watts, v. Watts, Ixi 219 

(mus. Dub.) x 63 
(surg.) xx 189 

Benj. xii 67] xiii 118] 

capt. J. (N) liv 282. lvi 172] 158. lvii 

122] 138 3 

C. vii 31 

C. indicted for libel, xliv 355 

Dan. ix 232 

—— Dr. Phil. xxxv 32 

James, xxxvi 93. x1 176 

J. xii 403 

lady, 1x 38 

rey. S. xviii 167] xxvi 200] 

sir James, xxi 21 

sir H. Browne, xliii 14, 31 

——~ T. (surgeon) xxxix 429 

Haygarth, Dr. J. 1x 606 

——_— W. lvi 573 

Hayley, ald. G. xvii 155] 156) xviii 86] xxi 
203] 204] 210] xxii236] xxiii 226] xxiv 


W. xxiii 206, 211-14, 229. xxiv 
169. xxv 188. xxxii 137. xlv 901, 918 

Haymakers round London, collection for, iv 

Hayman, France. viii 1947] xi 199] 

Haymarket, fire in the, xii 131] 

——~——- theatre. See Theatres 

Haynes, col. Isaac, (Amer.) executed, xxv 

H. viii 62] 

—— Patrick, executed for murder, xl 33 
—— S. lx 52 



Haynes, T. sudden death of, on hearing his 
son was drowned, x 91] 

Haystack, Louisa of the, xliii 6 

Hayter, bish. xli 356 

rev. J. xl 180 

Hayti: ancient inhabitants of, xxxv 280 

e--- account of, lii 758 

«++ settlement of the buccaneers in, iv 1 

«+++ reports of insurrections in, ix 2] 

«++» British vessels ordered by the French 
governor to depart in 48 hours and some 
seized, ix 54] 

+... disturbances in, xii 47] 113] xvi 133] 

+++. earthquakes in, xiii 130) 136] 137] 
151] xiv 110] xviii 125] 

++. injuries done by a storm, xviii 174] 

«... effects of the French revolution, xxxii 
137] xxxiii 41] xxxiv 72] ' 

«.-. three different colonial assemblies 
chosen, xxxii 138] 

ee 7 the Mulattoes first take up arms, xxxii 

eee» proceedings in France respecting, 
xxxiv 73] 76] 

+++. general assembly held, xxxiy 73] 

e 7° members embark for France, xxxiv 

‘se horrible barbarities, xxxiv 76] 79] 


«+++ decree of the National Assembly, 
XXxiy 77] 

+++» this resisted by the whites, xxxiv 78] 

+++ general revolt of the Blacks and Mu- 
lattoes, xxxiv 79] 

+++.» concessions of the whites, xxxiv 80] 

+... the war renewed, xxxiv 81] 

eees commissioners from France, xxxiv 82] 

--.. Jeremie and the Mole taken under the 
penne of the British forces, xxxv 

«++. proclamation of 1. col. Whitelocke, 
xxxv 196 

-.+. three men of colour admitted as depu- 
ties in the French convention, xxxvi 109] 

»+.. correspondence with the French gene- 
ral, xxxvi 174-6 

«++. proclamation of brig. gen. Whyte, 
xxxvi 170 

+... submission of the free men of la Pe- 
tite Riviere, xxxvi 177 

+++. money paid to French proprietors, 
xxxvii 118 

+--+ Superiority of the Blacks and Mulat- 
toes, xxxviii 192] 

+++. proclamation of maj. gen. G. Forbes 
to the Spanish planters, xxxviii 134 

-. «+ French proclamation, xxxviii 235 

... Santhonax recalled, xxxix 55] 

+. attempts of the French in, xxxix 92] 

+++ great mortality in, xxxix 2, 110 

+. bills drawn on the treasury from, 

xxxix 110 ’ 

+++» evacuated by the British forces, xl 


——--—— French also, id. 


Hayti: grants to sufferers, xlii 163, 166. 
xliii 189. xliv 585 

«+++ Toussaint l’Ouverture appointed gene- 
ral in chief, xlii 275 > 

L go ipes from him to Buonaparte, xliii 

+++» proclamations by him, xliii 362, 365 

soe —__ Buonaparte, xiii 371 

e+e- gen. Leclerc appointed to the govern- 
ment, xliii 372. xliy 210 

---+ French expedition to, xliv 66, 74, 90, 
91, 209, 366, 389, 681-94 

«+++ importance of, xliy 210, 389. 

es oo revolt against the French, xliv 

eons 88 conduct of the French, xliv 
471. xlv 329, 366 

e+». expulsion of the French from, xlv 
290, 329, 541. xlvi 195 

«+++ bloodhounds sent from Cuba, xlv 431 

«-+» Dessalines proclaimed emperor, xlvi 

es. cruelties at, xlvi 408 

e+. proclamations by Dessalines, x]vi 714, 

cease aan Of gen. Ferrand, xlvii 

e+e. constitution of, xlvii 739 

«++. Dessalines put to death, and succeed- 
ed by Christophe, xlviii 241. xlix 658- 

e+» new constitution, xlix 229, 705 

«+e. trade with G. Britain, xlix 232 

+--+» address to neutrals respecting trade, 
xlix 660 

»++. Christophe and his wife crowned king 
and queen, liii 164] 

--.. his fleet blockaded by a British squa- 
dron, iii 93 

+++ defeated by Petion, liv 212] 

+++. attempt of France to recover it, lvi 

«+s. equipage of the king, lvi 105 

-. ++ funeral of one of the royal family, lvi 

«++. Court Calendar, lviii 100 

Hayward, Ichabod, xxix 223] 

———— Rich. executed for cutting and 
maiming, xlvii 369 

Haywood, G. lvi 336 

maj. xiv 133] 

Thos. ii 112 

Hazard, G. x 95] 

Hazeland, W. vi 64] 

Hazledine, J. xl 387 

W. xlvii 432. Ixi 302 

Hazlit, Rob. convicted of robbing the mail, 
xiii 139] 

Head, extraordinarily large, xii 87 

+++» practice of flattening, lviii 498 

Head, James, convicted of arson, Ixi 205 

—— J. 1lxi 304 

Headach, remedy for, xix 133 

Headfort, T. margq. of, xliv 402. xlyi 414 

Heald, Benj, ix 60] 



Heald, couns. 1xi 221,279 

Mary, executed for poisoning her 
husband, ly 31 

Health, on preserving from the effects of 
dews and damp air, iii 120 

+++. See also Seamen 

Healths, antiquity of drinking, iv 155 

Healy, Cath. lviii 26 

Heard, E. lxi 303 

—— sir Isaac, xxviii 207] xxxiii 16] 
xxxviii 12. xlvii 38]. 1 184* ; 

Hearne, capt. xxxix 34 

S. lxi 39, 88 

——— T. v 257. viii 261. xv 139. xix 159, 
xx 145, xxvi 102. xxxviii 325 

Heart, structure of the, xl 367 

Heat, great degree men and animals are 
capable of supporting, xi 91. xix 84 

-..- difference of colours in imbibing, xii 

---. of different places, xix 81. xxx 53, 57 

+-+-- power in animals and vegetables of 
producing, xix 87 


enduring, | 118 

+++» patent for communicating to the air in 
rooms, xxxvi 348 

+--+ experiments on, xxxix 423. xliii 467 

+++. means of confining, xxxix 423 

«++. elementary. See Caloric 

Ager” used for tanning leather, v 92. ix 

«++. makes excellent tea, li 840 

«++» useful in feeding stock, 75. 

Heath, xlyii 398 

abp. Nich. xiv 144. xxxiii 367] 

col. (Amer.) xviii 128*] 

J. xxv 216] xxvi 207] xxxi 198] 

xxxviii 29, xlv 382. xlviii 94. xlix 484, 

491.1 16*. lv 277, 291. lvii 271 

James, xvii 502 

Luke, executed for murder, ly 74 

maj. gen. (Amer.) xxiv 21] 

rey. Dr. x1 50 

Heathcoate, James, lviii 349 

—— Jos. lix 234 

Heathcote, Rob. xlvii 374 

sir Gilbert, xxxiii 288] xl 210] 
liv 217] lvii 6] 24. 1x20] 

Heathen gods. See Deities 

Heather, J. Beak, xxxiii 8] 

Heathfield, Franc. Aug. 2nd lord, xxxv 49] 
1 278* r 


G, Aug. Ist lord, v 39] vi 78] 
vii 64] ix 62] 86] 99] xxii 327] xxiv 7] 
170] xxv 104] 112] 169] 231*] 209] 258) 
280] xxvii 236] xxix 208] xxxiv 134 

-.-. resigns all his employments in Ireland, 
xviii 106] 

. monument in St. Paul’s, xxxv 174] 
-+.. tower to the memory of, xxxv 49 
Heaton, bish. iv 15 
Eman.’ lvi 336 
Heaviside, J. xlv 381 
Heber, Reginald, xlvi 907 


Heberden, Dr. T. xi 76. xii 189] xvi 105. 
xliii 17 
Dr. W. vi 146] 147] viii 174. xi 
86. xix 81. xxi 190. xxx 212] 57 
--.. on the difference of rain at different 
heights, xiii 72 

"e+e. account of, xliii 15 

---. character of, xliii 16 

Hebert, = xxxvi 113] 

mad. xxxvi 126] 

Hebner, G. murder of, xxxviii 25 ; 

Hebrew, it’s affinity to other languages, ix 
302. xxviii 107. xlvii 887 

+. ++ poetry, xxii 188 

Hebrides, account of the, xxxv 281 

Hecateus, v 146 

Heckewalder, rev. J. xliii 441 

- Hecla, mount, eruption of, xi 104] 
_ Hedeman, 

ii 234 

Hedges, transplantation of, xiv 119 

+++. proper method of raising white thorn, 
xv 112 

Hedges, J. and M. convicted of defrauding 
government, xlv 465 

Hedouville, gen. x1 248] xlii 43] 69] 73] 
162] xliii 243] xlv 681 

Hee, Dr. xv 124] 

Heemskirk, adm. xxvi 203 

Heeren, prof. A. H. L. xli 422. xliii 478 

Heidegger, J. H. iii 16, 17. xviii 221 

Heidelberg, MSS. restored to the library, 
lvii 99. lviii 25 

++ ++ university, lx 484 = 

Heilsberg, battle of, xlix 171 

Heinault, presid. See Henault 

Heine, de, A. F. lii 418 

Heinsius, (pensy.) xvii 38. xxi 243 

Dan. xiv 222n 

Nich. xiv 222 

Heiresses, carried off, xx 199] xliii 14, 31. 
xlv 459. lviii 34 

one discovered in a servant, xl 4 

++.. One runaway with bya man of seventy, 
xlv 424 

++.. Tun away with, lii 254 

Heister, gen. — xix 170*] 177*] 

Helen, iii 8 { 

Helena, empress, xiii 45, 49 

Heligoland taken by the British, xlix 686* 

+... grant for the lighthouse, lii 424 

Hell, fath. Maximilian, xxxix 388 

Hellebore, horses poisoned by, Iviii 191 

Hellespont, xviii 239 

Hellicar, C. Jos. lix 82 

Hellichins, capt. xv 54] 69*] 

Hellick, James Fred. robbery of Mr. Har- 
riotson, xi 130] 

owes his extraordinary escape, 7b. 

Hellot, J. vii 123 

Helmes, rey. Leon. Troughear, (just. of 
peace) action against for false imprison- 
ment, xiv 136] 

Helmont, van, Francis, xxxiii 253) 

van, J. B. x 89, 98, xii 104. xxiii 

107. xxviii 75, xxxiii 252] ; 


Helmsley, Tim. viii 67] 

Helotes of Sparta, iii 4 

Helsingius, xv 62] ies 

ele, borough of, reincorporated, xvii 

Helvetius, Claude Adrian, xiii 174. xv 66] 
xx 187, 189. xxxviii 344 

Hely, 1. col. Patrick, killed, xl 124, 137 

Heming, Jas. iv 235] 

Hemlock, virtues of, iii 105. iv 112, 114, 

++. persons poisoned by eating the roots 
for parsnips, ix 75] 

Hemlock-dropwort, effects of the root, x 98 

+++. persons poisoned by, xxiv 181] 

Hemmings, vi 180. xxxviii 511 

G. xiviii 416 

Hemp, preparation of, xii 116 

+... new kind of, xiv 145] xlii 38 

+++ damaged by frogs, xvi-144] 

+++» substitute for, li 865 

++». new mode of preparing, lvii 505 

Hemskirk, old, v 89] 

Henault, pres. C. J, F, viii 8. xi 36. xx 33. 
xxxi 12 

-... character of, xxxi 14 

Henbane, effects of the seeds of, x 97 

Henchman, xliii 202] 203] 

Henckell, James, xlix 852 

Henderson, Alex. master of the Isabella, 
murdered, xii 102] 144] 

capt. (A) lii 620, 674, 733 

col. (Amer.) xxv 191] 

J. (actor) xxi 196. xxvii 246] 

Mary, found guilty of obtaining 

vee for the suppression of a libel, xl 



— W. xlii 386 
W. (Amer.) liv 439 

Hendon, marriages at, xi 156] 

Hendy and Hendy, v. Hendy and others, 
lvii 263 

Henexa, don Juan Diare, ix 18] 

Hengham, Radulphus de, xxii 134 

Henin, d’, gen. xlv 541 

Henkel, count, lvi 3] 

Henley, Morton, lord, xxxiii 16] xxxiv 197. 
Ix 140] 

Rob. See Northington, earl 

S. murdered, xviii 170] 

S. xlv 454 

sir Rob. iii 205] iv 63] 

T. xlvi 391 

Henly, W. xxi 92. xxii 62 

Hennepin, fath, ii 390, 391 

Hennert, prof. xli 337 

Henniker, J. 2nd lord, xlvii 389 

Henrietta Maria, queen, xii 36. xxi 240. 
xlix 879, 882 

Henriot, gen. xxxi 215*] xxxv 261] 277] 
xxxvi 159] 161] 

Henriquez, John, ii 219 

Henry, emp. of Hayti. See Christophe 

I, iv 179, 238. vy 90] 165, x 10, 13, 

15, 270, 303. xv 132, xvi 102] xix 154 



Henry I, speech of, xvii 145 

I, emp. (the Fowler) x 274 

II, i 393n, vii 179. x 1. xiv 261. xvi 
262. xxiii 167, xxxi 98. xxxiii 449] 

-.». his disputes with Becket, iv 302 

«+. character of, x 17, 267 : 

II, of France, xi 53, xii 164. xiii 
102. xix 150 

——— emperor, xii 161. xlii 483 

— Ill, i 455, 457. vi 144. viii 203. x 
303. xiii 105, xx 126. liii 539 

«+e« charter of, x 143. xxvii 62] lv 87 

of France, iii 52-5, 182. vii 170, 
171. ix 57. xi 47] xiv 164 

-——— IV, ii 411. iv 179. vi 148, 268, 271, 
275. viii 151] 75. xvii 117] xx 132. xxvii 
67. xxxv 42] xlvi 61, 820. lvii 33 

»».-- his body thrown into the Thames, x 

emperor of Germany, i 392 

of France, i 486. iii 55. iv 158] 
29. vii 170. xi 23, 36. xii 36, 203. xiii 140, 
143, 148. xiv 47. xv 15. xxix 200°] xxxi 
124. xxxii47. xxxiv 87] xxxviii 207] lvi 
61] 81. lx 117, 118 

---~ letter to mad. de Gramont, viii 8 

V, vil77. x 43. xv 76] xvi 83. xxii 

173. xxvii 67. xxxi 188. xlii 421° 

emperor, xiii 106 

VI, iii 87. vi 177, 269, 271. ix 69] 
x43. xii 133] xv 141, 238. xix 214. xxvii 
175] 68. xxxi 77] 86] 92) xlviii 377. liii 
534, 539 

«...» Tules for his education, xxx 104 

—— VII, i 263, 469, 470. iii 100] iy 179. 
vi 64n. vii 175: viii 203. ix 39] xiii 86*] 
xiv 130] 144. xv 239. xvii 45, 152. xxi 
140, 168. xxvii 69. xxviii 1l]1z,. xxxiii 
189. x1 440 

«++. instructions respecting his intended 
wife, iv 198] 

VIII, i 265, 465, 480, 495. ii 84. iv 
175. v 90] vi 71] 97n, 177, 271. vii 58] 
viii 201. ix 40] F88. x 23, 298. xi 157] 
48. xii 55*] 59*] 60*] 73] 149] 237] 30, 
40, 135, 136, 191, 270. xiii 136] 149. xiv 
65*] 215] xv 118, 162, 240. xvii 203] 144. 
xviii 146, 147. xix 185] xx 165] 170] 132, 
143. xxi 140, 168. xxiii 173”. xxiv 10. 
xxiv 194. xxvi 113. xxvii 21] 69, 74. xxviii 

« 112. xxviii 364] xxxv 44. xl 57. xliii 15, 
492. xlv 111. xlvi 372. lv 34, 278 

«++. his order for the supply of lady Lucy’s 
table, i 266 

..-. action on the statute 32nd of, vii 69] 

.... letter to Mrs. Coward, xxxiii 366] 

——— prince, son of James, xiii 188. xxvii 

.... orders respecting his household, xlv 

——— the Lion, duke of Bavaria, i 393n. 
xxi 6] 

—— capt. (A) liv 68] 194] lv 340 

——— capt. (Fr. N.) xlviii 584 

—— Dr. W. lix 233 



Henry, H. lvi 201] 

Patrick, (Amer.) xli 302 

Pet. (chem.) xl 370 

P. jun. (memb. of Congr.) xvii 218] 

xviii 265] xix 19] 

rev. Dr. Rob. xxxviii 459. x1 433. 
lii 694 

«+++ account of, xxxiii 303] 

——— rev. Dr. W. iii 76, 78 

T. xxviii 70, 74. xxxii 88. xxxiii 

341] xlvii 873 

W. vi 108] 

Hensey, Dr. Florence, i 85, 93 

«+-. his trial, i 97 

+s. respited, i 100, 102, 113, 116 

-... pardoned, ii 1J1, 125 

Hensham hall, burnt down, xvi 100] 

Henshaw and Hadfield v. Atkinsons, lvii 

——— Rob. (bailiff of Southwark) xvii 

Hentzner, Paul, xxiii 167 | 

-... his description of the court and per- 

son of Elizabeth, i 263 
—_——. Theobalds and Non- 

such, i 264 

eee the manners of the 
English, i 266 ‘ 

Hepburn, J. Newbolt, lii 293 

Hepburne, col. xlv 405 

Rob. xxxiv 134 

Heppenstall, J. xlvi 826. xlvii 848 

——__—— T. ]x 361. 1xi 300 

Heraclitus, iv 153, 154 

Heraclius, prince of Georgia, iv 116] vii 
158] ix 3] xii 29] xiii 26] xx 186*] 169] 
Xxvi 220] xxvii 35] 38] 

-+.. letter from Jos. Ameen, x 207 

Heraldry. See Blazonry 

Herat, city of, lviii 619 

Herba Florida, de count, ix 19] 

Herbelot, d’, xxiii 59. xxxvii 75*] 

Herbert, v. maj. Duff, xxxiv 39 

—— bar. xxx 204] 

col. xxvi 197 

—-— Edw. (Irish giant) i 323, 329 

—-— Edw. lord, i 481, 494. x 23. xiii 51. 
xxiv 10. xxxiii 365] xlvii 397 : 

++-. a well-known anecdote of him impro- 
bable, i 495 by 

e+e. character of, xii 40 

+» life of, xiii 248 

H. A. lii 15, 138. liv 37] 

—-—— hon. capt. C, (N) x] 144. xlix 114. 

——~ a harvest home, i 

——— hon. €.116 
—— hon. W. xlvii 998, 999. liv 26] lvii 
626, 627 

—-— lady Harriet, xxxiii 9] 
—— lady Lucy, xlii 429 
—w- lord. See Pembroke, earl 
rey. G. xxxvi 424 

sir Edw, xi 51 



Herbert, sir Philip. See Pembroke, earl 
sir T. xxxvii 75*x] 

Watkin, executed for robbery, xlix 

W. xlvi 873 

von, (Austr. emb. to the Porte) 
xxx 25] 

Herculaneum, discoveries at, iii 67] 162] v 
14], 145, 151. viii 75] 184. xi 143. xv 
112] xxxvi 366 ’ 

-+e» paintings at, iii 162. vi 163, xxiii 166. 
xxv 182 

...- account of the discoveries presented 
to Oxford and Cambridge by the k. of 
Naples, v 82] 

-.++ how buried, vi 70. xv 63 

+... prints of the paintings presented to 
the university of Edinburgh by the k. of 
Spain, vii 58] 

«++» observations on, viii 182. xv 65 

.... MSS. at, viii 186. liii 105. Ixi 91 

Hercules, ancient paintings of, iii 165 

Grecian, v 136 
torso of, viii 180. xii 133. xiv 155 

Hereford, fall of the West tower of the 
cathedral, xxviii 201] 

«»+. repair of the cathedral, xxxv 3 

--«~ triennial meeting at. See Music meet- 



Hereford, Edw. 12th visc. xxii 348] 

G. 13th visc. xxxi 298] 304] 

Roger, 2nd earl of, xx 177] 

W. ist earl of, xxiv 118 

Hereida, gen, li 12 

Hergest, lieut. (N) xl 484 

Heriot, col. _liv 136 

Herissant, Dr. L. A. P. xii 28]. xxxiii 343] 

Hermachus, viii 187 

Herman, xlviii 732 

Hermann, (stereotype printer) xl 22 

—— gen. xxxiii 97. xli 304] 108 

T. C. lvi 542 

Hermeias, ix 146 

Hermes, xi 141 

Hermias, xix 204. xxxi 164 

Hermione, capture of the, v 44] 92] 97] vi 
88] vii 79] ix 83] 

«+e Sales and nett proceeds of, vi 163] 

«++» mutiny on board, xl 4, xlii 27. xliv 
368, 369, 390. xlviii 458 

«++» recapture of, xlii 69 

Hermit and man of the world, dialogue be- 
tween, xii 203 

---- of Montemignaio, xiii 141] 

Hermitage, fire at, xxxv 57 

Hernandez, Dr. Franc. xxix 125 

Herne, ald. sir W. xxxix 35 

——— Mrs. murdered by a Russian soldier, 
xiii 88] 90] 

Herod, vi 172. xxviii 123 

T. xlix 866 

Herodotus, iii 6, 156. vi 165, 169. vii 188. 
viii 179. ix 140. x 164. xi 158. xiv 142. 
xv 134. xxiii 229. xxxviii 463, 465. xxxix 
433. xli 422, xlii 481 



Heron, Ralph, killed by falling with a bal- 
loon, xxviii 209] 

sir Cuthbert, xlv 832 

sir Rich. xxx 214] 

sir Rob. liv 21. lvii 20. Iviii 172 

T. x 143] 

Herquiada, L. executed for murder, 1 21* 

Herrasty, don And. lii 185 

Herrenschwald, xliv 234 

Herrera, de, Jos. Man. lviii 160] 

Herreras, de, Ant. xx 220n. lii 747 

Garcia, lvii 119] 

Herries, 1. col. J. lvi 102 

Herring, abp. T. xvi 200, 201. xix 39. xx 

«+e» account of, vi 8 

——— Eliz. burnt for murdering her hus- 
band, xvi 131] 

Herrings, Dutch mode of curing, xlvi 834 

+». grant for loss sustained by cargoes of 
Swedish, xlviii 638 

ess. great number taken on the Irish 
coast, lii 281 

«+s. cured in the Dutch mode, liv 505 

++» great number on the coast of Cumber- 
land, and some way up the Eden, lvi 47; 

--+. well cured at Portsmouth, lxi 6, 7 

--.. sent to the E. Indies, Ixi 18 

++. See also Fishery 

Herrnhuth, explanation of, ix 269 

Herrnhuthers. See Moravians 

Herro, lii 214 
Herschel, miss Car. xxxv 48 
sir W. 7d. 

e+.» new planet discovered by, xxvi 41, 42 

.» +» dark and lucid disk and periphery mi- 
crometers, xxvi 42 

cies church struck by lightning, vi 


+++» large sum given fora piece of ground, 
xlvii 374 

«+s. E. India college at, founded, xlviii 
404 ‘ 

e+e. disturbances at, 1 139* 

++ chapel consecrated, lvii 59 

Hertford, earl of, viii 8 

Francis, Ist marq. of, vii 108} 

viii 44] 134] 185] 264] ix 60] 107] 108 
230-3] x 147] xi 59] 178] 155. xii 19] 
195] 122] xvi 74] 95] xviii 82] xxi 242] 
xxv 195] xxvi 175] xxxi 298] 304] 

+++» freedom of Cork presented to, ix 59] 

— Francis, 2nd marq. of, xxii 170] 

xxiii 127] 196*] 33. xxiv 199*] xxvii 74] 

xxxy 40] 49] 77] xxxvi 95. xxxviii 6. 

xxxix 31. xlviii 445 

— Isabella Ann, march, of, xxvii 

W. marq. of. ii 467 
Hertmannsdorff, maj. xxxiv 26) 
Hertzberg, count, vi 214] xxxiii 12, 17 
sak ae J.M. (pretended dauphin) xlvi 
Hervey, adm. Aug. J. See Bristol, earl 
——— capt. W. xxvi 24 


Hervey, couns. xi 152] 

——- E. xxvii 268] 

gen. W. xix 148] 

H. xxxiii 436] 

—— J. lord, xxii 171. xli 475 

J. Aug. lord, xxxv 286] 186. xl 

181. xlii 94] 
——— lieut. (N) xlvi 532 
—— I. col. liv 230 
Mrs. charged as aiding a rape, 
xi 71] 
—— rev. James, vii 57 
Rob. lx 360 

Hervilly, count d’, xxxiv 40] 44] 45] 46] 
xxxvii 70] 166 

Herwyn, xlii 13] 

Heseltine, James, xxxvi 4. xlvii 101 ; 

Hesiod, iv 180. vii 187. xviii 235”, 236n. 
xxiv 105 

Hess, J. G. liii 399 

Hesse, Adam Fred. xxviii 178 

Emanuel, xlii 383 

G. suicide, xxx 207] 

Hesse Cassel: landgrave of, i 50, 230. ii 61. 
iii 73] v 166] 169] vi 176] 178} vii 163) 
viii 238] ix 203] xiii 237] xxxv 47 

+++ treaty of subsidy with France, i 186 

<i taken possession of by the French, ii 

convention with, ii 61, 71 

e+. the new landgrave increases his forces 
in British pay, iii 11] 

-+.. the French driven out of, iv 8] 

+++ evacuated by the allies, iv 12] 

+». incursions of the allies into, iv 28] 

+++. Cassel, besieged by the allies, v 49] 

eee —— surrendered, v 50] 

¢+++ prince, married to the princess royal 
of Denmark, vii 102] 

«+++ coffee prohibited as deleterious, ix 80] 
xvi 121] 

+++» prince Charles married to the youngest 
sister of the k. of Denmark, ix 120] 

«++» equity of punishment in, xvi 121] 

+++ contributions to the military chest re- 
turned, and other benefits allowed during 
the service of the troops in America, xix 

«++. imposition on his part submitted to 
by ministers, xx 70] 

«+.» a fresh imposition, xx 88] 

+++. the new elector of different principles 
from his father, xxviii 50] 

++. invested with the order of the Garter, 
xxviii 207] 

s+.. the estates of count Lippe Schaum- 
bourg seized by, xxix 199] xxxi 52] 

e+.» treaty with the landgrave, xxix 315] 

xxx 89] 261] xxxvi 148 

. — France, xxxvii 130] 247, 


+... estimated charge of troops, xxxvii 

+++» allowance to, for extraordinaries in the 
late American war, xxxvii 118 



Hesse Cassel: taken possession of by the 
French, xlviii 199 

«+s insurrection in, xlix 2n 

«+++ memorial to the assembly of the states, 
lviii 138] 

Hesse Cassel, prince C. of, xxx 186] 188] 
xliii 107] 249, 259, 260. lv 167] 

Hesse Darmstadt, outrage committed at 
Wetzlar by the troops of, vi 85] : 

++» prince and his family visit England, 
xiii 137] 

«++. estimated charge of troops to G. Bri- 
tain, xxxvii 109 

e+e. treaty with, xxxviii 128 

-... lotteries suppressed, lviii 157 

+... treaty of subsidy with G. Britain, lviii 

Hesse Homberg, prince of, killed, lv 122] 

—— F. J. L. C. A. landgrave 
of, 1x 25 : 

«++. married to the princess Elizabeth, Ix 

Philipsthal, prince of, xlviii 136, 

137, 144, 588 

Rhinfels, a prince of, killed in ac- 
tion against the Tatars, xxviii 145] 

Hesse, le Grue, li 308 

von, lv 125] 

Hessenstein, count, xv 60] 62] 

Hessiam bey, ii 118 

Hetherington, rev. W. xxi 216] xxxix 32 

.++. charity for the blind, xvii 105] xxxi 

Hevelius, J. ii 284 

Hevey, charged with forgery, xxv 198] 

Hewet, xviii 103] 

Hewett, J. viii 208] 

——— Rich. murder of Sarah Osbell by, 
xiv 96] 105] 

Hewgill, col. xxxvi 6 

Hewitt, gen. sir G. xlix 355 

Martha, J. Chapman executed for 

robbing, xiv 141] 

— serg. viii 81] 

——-— T. murdered by poachers, xxii 
238] xxiii 210] 

Hewlett, rev. J. xxxviii 12 

Hewley, sir J. vi 287 

Hews, Rob. xxiv 206 

Hewson, W. xxvi 29 

..-. Copleian medal to, xiii 166] 

Hexham, riot at, iv 82] 

.... bridge over the Tyne, x 137] 

Hexham abbey, fire at, lx 130 

Hey; xi 81] 

— xxxi 202] 

Heyde, gen. iv 36] 

Heydon, J. (astrologer) xii 50 

maj. i 58 

Heygate, ald. W. 1 95*. liii 76 

Heyne, C. G. xxviii 206] liv 99 

+++. account of, lvii 429 

Dr. Benj. lv 498. lix 571 

Heyrick, Rob. xlii 405 

—— sir W. 7. 


Heytesbury, fires at, viii 99] xl 103 

Heywood, capt. (N)xlvi 549. liii 161] 
326. lv 25 
———- dean xxv 131 

—— T. x 215 

Hibbert, ald. G. xlv 378 

——— G. xlix 114. 182] lii 145. liii 34] 

Hiccough, violent, xii 113] 

Hickes, capt. (N) iv 173] 

Dr. G. vi 140. xvii 125x. xxi 187. 

xxiii 159 

W. leaves his property to the 
Marine society, v 111] xii 113] xv 118] 

Hickey, xvii 198 

—— J. xxi 214] 

Tim. executed for murder, xl 31 

Hickling, S. Sandy, xli 401 

Hickman, Dr. H. xv 6 

sir W. 2b. 

Thomas, ii 19]n, 199 

Hicks, capt. T. (N) xxvii 264] 

Hicks’s hall to be pulled down and rebuilt, 
xxi 162] 167] xxii 222] 

Hickson, G. See Higgins, Edw. 

Hieroglyphics, iti 151, 153, 156, 157. x 
139. xxxiv 441. xxxv 361 

Hierta, gen. xxx 194*] 

Hiffernan, Dr. Paul, account of, xxxvi 255 

Higden, H. xix 141} 

- Ralph, xxi 230 

Higgin and Harrison v. Harrison, lvii 262 

ee Dr. Bryan, xvi 89] xxii 115. xliv 


—— Dr. W. xxv 91 

—— Edw. x 67] 128] 145] 

—-— G. charged with an intent to as- 
sassinate the king xxxviii 17 

J. vi 90] 

J. (Amer.) xxxv 333 

lieut. J. Lewis, (A) xl 131 

— Matth. li 280 

T. li 281 - 

Higgins de Vallener, don Amb. xl 495 

Higginson, G. M. lix 235 

— T. convicted of a nuisance for 
keeping a place for boxing, cockfighting, 
&c. iv 123] 

Higgs, Eliz. charged with poisoning E. 
Fleming, xvi 136] 

——rev. vi 74] 

Highfield, xxi 235 © 

Highgate, fall of the tunnel, liv 55 

Highmore, Ant. xlv 359 

— Jos. (painter) xxiii 205] 

Highstreet, And. v 88] 

Highton, G. ly 25 

Highwayman, flying, iv 189] 

ba letter from a repentant one, 
xliii 508 

«+.» See also Robberies 

Highwaywoman, xxii 224] 

_ Higson, W. executed for the murder of his 
son, xxvii 229] 

Hijar, duke of, 1 169] 

Hilbrands, Tammie, ii 89 



Hildebert, bish. viii 295 

Hildesley, bish. Mark, xlii 311 

Hill v. Gray, lviii 291 

—— v. Pell and other magistrates for forci- 
bly entering his house to search for 
papers, xix 158] 

xlv 734 

— Aaron, iii 14. xi 63] 

-+-- directions for cultivating vines in 
America, ii 382 

+++. remedy for dysentery, iv 122 

— Ant. lvi 337. Ix 359 

—col. xx Wij 

— Edmund, xv 213] 

— Eliz. murdered, liv 92 

— Fran. Brian, lii 304 

— J. (capt. letter of marque) xxvi 129] 

— Jos, lxi 303 

~— |. col. sir Dudley St. Leger, liv 209 . 

— lord Arthur, lvii 182 

— maj. XxXxvii 67 

— rev. Dan. xxviii 83 

—rev. Rowland, xv 113] xxxviii 507. 
xviii 384, 407. lv 14 

— Rob. account of, ii 294. xx 194] 

-— Rowland, lord, xliv 429. 1 260*, 263*. 
li 22, 52, 184, 372, 451, 469. lii 191, 195, 
208. liiti 119] 219. liv 145] 146] 149] 
150] 154] 207, 219, 237. lv 36] 141] 142] 
146] 147] 152] 165, 169, 175, 190, 228, 
240. lvi 12] 17] 138] 159, 163, 168, 175, 
183. lvii 178. lx 402. Lxi 400 

— S. xlix 859. Jiii 267 

— serg. G. xv 136] 

— sir G, Fitzgerald, xlii 146. xliii 157] 1 

— sir John, ii 461. iv 127. v 72] 85] vi 
106. vii 110. xii 241. xviii 181] xxii 
53. xxxiii 449] 450] 

+++. account of, xviii 61 

— sir Rich. xxxi 145] xxxvii 154] xxxviii 
507. xxxix 257] xlii 148] xliv 168 

— W. (carp. in navy) xxxiii 33] 

— W. executed for burglary, xl 57 

Hill street, Berkeley square, fire in, xxxv 


Hillary, sir W. liv 291 

Hillas, maj. J. shot in a duel, lviii 318 

Hillegras, Mich. xxxv 326, 327 

Hiller, gen. li 205, 211, 390. lv 164] 

Hillier, J. murder of, xii 70] 93] 

Hilliers, d’, gen. See Baraguay 

Hillinger, gen. xlvii 163 

Hills, formation and dissolution of, xxi 110 

Hills, Isaac, transported, x 129] 

—— J. xxv 120 

—. T. 1xi 299 

Hillsborough, Wills, Ist earl of, viii 65] xi 
252] xii 75] xv 85] xyi 63] xvii 142] 
xix 233] xxiii 37] 108] 258] 298] xxxi 
311] 313] 314] 

.-.-. appointed seeret. of state for the Ame- 
rican department, xi 69*] 76*] 

+++» for the subsequent earls, See Down- 
shire, marq. 



Hillyar, capt. James (N) xliii 99. liii 215. 
lvi 173] 197] 177 

Hilton, C. lxi 304 

Mary, convicted of poisoning her 
husband, xv 94] 

Hilversum, near Utrecht, fire at, ix 113] 

Himkoff, Alexis, xvii 151 ; 

f Iwan, zd. 

Himmut bahadur, xlvi 227 

Himsel, Dr. iv 89 

Hinchinbrooke, lord. See Sandwich, earl 

Hinchliffe, bish. J. xii 82] xiv 94] xv 95] 
xvi 89] xxiii 330] xxxvi 4 

Dr. H. J. liii 307. liv 401. lv 

378. lvi 368. lvii 335. lviii 423. lix 248, 

Ix 398. 1xi 397 

J. xi 399 

Jos, xlviii 958 

Hinchman, Sar. v 132] 137] 

Hinckley, Dr. x 134] 

J. xlvi 834, lvi 100 
Hind, rey. Dr. xiv 108] 
Hindes, Mary. See Hyndes 

Hitomi G. executed for murder, xxxiv 


———+.—— Rob. x1 390 

Hindon, corrupt practices at, xviii 89] 155] 
xix 120] 137] 143] 150] 

Hindoos, account of the, xx 245. xxv 32. 
xxvi 82] 101] xli 505 

..-. laws of the, xlii 479 

Hindostan. See East Indies 

Hinuber, gen. Ivi 189 

Hip, dislocated, reduced by being thrown 
from a horse and dragged in the stirrup, 
liii 140 : 

Hippesley, J. (actor) xxxiii 35] 

— sir J.v 51 : 

-— sir J. Cox, xxxiii 240, 241. xxxix 
34, xlv 407. xlix 826. lii 136. lv 30] 31] 
lix 50] 15 

ese» correspondence with card. York, xlix 

Hippocrates, viii 159. xlv 172. lviii 471 
Hippopotamus, account of the, ix 127. x 

Hird, Dr. xxiv 15 

Hire, Dr. Ph: de la, x 115 

— Ph. de la, vi 127. x 106. xvi 119 

Hirschfeld, capt. xxix 44] 

Hirtzel, xliv 241 

Hislop, capt. (A) xxv 89] 

1, gen. sir T, xxxviii 70. xliv 619. 
liii 75] lv 105] Ix 181] 186] 

Hispaniola. See Hayti 

Hissey, John, ii 78 

Hist, J. C. iii 236] 237] 

History, philosophy of, ix 131 

ese. first writers of, ix 134 

--.« fabulousness of, ix 136. xi 157 

«+++ on modern writers of, xi 160 

«++ uncertainty of, xi 161 

eee sais and manner of writing, xi 163, 1 

Hitchcock, James, xlii 384 



Hitchcock, farmer, directs his body to be 
placed in a coffin, slightly nailed, in his 
barn, viii 86] 

— Rob. executed for parricide, xxi 


Hitchell, J. vi 95 

Hitchen, Isaac, xlviii 438 

Hitchens, 11112 

Hitchins, rev. Mal. vy 115] xliii 435 

Hivia, don Gulierres de. See Real Trans- 
porte, Marq. del 

Hoadley, bish. Benj. iv 99] vi 8. xix 36. 
xxix 158. xxx 1 

e+-. Memoirs of, v 6 

rey. Dr. J. xix 36 

--» life of, xix 38 

Hoag, T. (Amer.) xlvi 404 

Hoard, W. xliii 455 

Hoare, H. xv 133] xxii 58 

rev. Dr. Joseph, xliv 419 

S. lxi 363 

sir R. Colt, 1 154 

Hoath, aged persons at, i 96 

Hoaxing, xlix 512. lii 291. lviii 80 

Ke hon. G. See Buckinghamshire, 

hon. H, xvii 142] xxvii 186] xxxv 

—~— hon. Mrs. xxiii 205. xxix 203] 
Xxxiv 28 , 

— — hon. Rob. See Buckinghamshire, 

lord (gov. of Madras) xli 50] 

Hobbes, T. of Malmesbury, xi 258] xxxi 
133. xxxiii 258. 1 89] 

Hobhouse, H. lx 12 

— J. Cam, li 254. Ixi 86 

sir Benj. xxxix 189] 248] 253] 
“x1 189] 1912] 200] 212] 234] xli 224] 
xlii 124] 131] 140] 142] xliii 31] 127] 
xlv 115, 172, 217. xlvi 30. xlviii 107. 
xlix 89 

Hoblyn, Rob. xlv 462 

Hobson, adm. xvii 88] 

—— C. xlvii 850, zd. 

J.P. xivii 371 

——— rev. Xxxiii 27] 

Hoche, gen. xxxv 283] xxxvi 5] xxxvii 
70] 73] 90] xxxviii 79] 198] 47. xxxix 
38] 66] 88] 247] 299. xl 42] 157] 167. 
xli 104] 166. xliv 218. xlv 579 

Hochkirchen, battle of, i 56 

Hockley, fire at, xxiv 197] 

Hodge, A. W. executed for the murder of a 
slave, liii 55 

Hodges, J. xlvii 366 

-— sir James, ii 106. iv 302] x 70] 
72] 73] 148] xi 186] xii 149] xiii 164] 
xvii 119] 163] 

——_— W. xx 234. 

Hodgetts, Booth, xlv 831 

Hodgson, xi 222] 

——— Dr. W. xxxv,47. xlin 7 

— gen. S. iv 15] 296] viii 201] 

Luke, x1 68 



Hodgson, Peter, lix 175 
——- T. xviii 364 
——— very rev. Dr. Rob. liii 398. lvii 40 
W. fall froma cliff in the snow, 
x 72] 
Gordon, and Debonair, overpay- 
ment to the Excise by, xvi 229] 
Hodson, G, xxxix 407. xliv 772 
——— R. xxxvi 278] 
Hody, rev. Humph. xx 151 
Hoff, affair of, xlix 10 
Hoffer, And, li 220. Ivi 571 
Hoffley v. Collier, lv 309 
Hoffman, iii 83. vi 123, 124 
——— Christian Gothold, i 248, 251 
——. D. i 334 
Fred. xxxviii 403 
———— M. xlvi 409 
———— (a peasant) disturbance excited 
by, in Sweden, ix 9] 
——-— executed, ix 10] 
Hogan, J. execution of, xiv 148] 
——murder of Mr Orell’s servant 
by, xxvii 230] xxviii 193] 
maj. li 127, 147 
Martin, lieut. Johnstone murdered 
by, lv 65 
Hogarth, W. v 22, 204, 255. vi 232, 236. 
vii 108] xix 40. xxxiv 9. xxxvii 120*] 
xxxix 7, 377. xlii 351. xliv 374 
«.-. memoirs of, vii 62 
Hogendorp, count, Ixi 192] 
Hogg, James, xlix 975 
Hoggan, (capt. of the Lyme) iv 154] 
Hoghton, sir H. xxii 123] xxxii 74] 
Hogs. See Swine 
Hohenlinden, battle of, xlii 208] 
Hohenlohe, legion of, lxi 82 
prince of, viii 134] xxxi 167] 
xxxiv 119] xxxv 282] xxxvii 110. xlviii 
189, 194, 196 
princess, mysterious disappear- 
ance of, xli3l 
Hohenzollern, gen. count, xli 287] xlii 

prince of, li 205, 391 

Holagow khan, iii 59 

Holbein, Hans, v 255. xix 185] xxiii 224n. 
xxxv 43 

Holberg, Lewis bar. 1 21 

+++. account of, ii 290, 291 

Holborn, fires in and near, x 138] 148] 150] 
xiii 100] xli 13. lv 49. lvi 10. lvii 96, 
97. lviii 143 

Holborne, admiral, i 29, 101. xv 80] xlvii 

. capt. sir Alexander, xv 79] 80] 
Holbourne, sir Rob. xi 61 
Holburne, F. xiii 205] 
Holeke, count, xi 152] 
Holcroft, T. xxviii 45. xxxvi 278] 39, 414 
Holden, Rich. lix 235: 1xi 310 
Holder, —_xvii 138] xxvii 194] 
——— Rob, xxv 196] 
Holderness, —_ countess of, xiii 71] 
Parr I, 


Holderness, Rob. 4th earl of, ii 230. iii 
205] xi 178] xiv 94] xx 26] 

Holdsworth, Arthur, xxvii 268] 

Phil. lix 362 

—— Steph. xlvii 375, 390 

Hole, J. lvii 71 

—— Rich. xxxii 148 

Holemberg, S. xliii 455 

Holford, G. 1 221* 

-———— Peter (master in chancery) ix i17] 
xiii 122] 

Holinshed, Raphael, xxi 157, xxiv 143 

Holkar, Jeswunt Row, xxv 7] xlvi 198, 201, 
205, 408, 414. xlvii 7, 196, 206, 521. 
xlviii 252, 704, 706, 708. liii 166] Ixi 

—-—- Mulhar Row, lx 182] Ixi 200] 201] 

Holker, Laur. xxv i196] 

Holl, Benj. xxxii 336] 

Holland: inundations in, iii 72] xii 164] 
xiii 172] lviii 94 

+e» tulip mania in, viii 50 

ee 5 me spirit prevalent in, xxvili 


e+ powers of the stadtholder, xxviii 73] 

«+++ manners and customs, xlvii 921 

«+.+ memorials to the States-General, on 
their trade with the French colonies, i 
144, ii 205 

+++» memorial of the French ambassador 
on a bounty on Dutch herrings, i 147 

«... the same in answer to gen. Yorke’s, 

«+++ memorials of the merchants complain- 
ing against the English, i 149, 151, 153, 

+++. ————-— of the princess regent on 
an augmentation of the land forces, i 

. 150 

-... the princess regent’s answer to the de- 
putation of merchants, i 151 

--.. her speech to the Stateg-General, 74. 

-».- letter from the States-General to the 
states of Holland and West Friesland, i 

«++. State of, at the commencement of 
1759, ii 5 

«... Dutch ship taken by two English pri- 
vateers, ii 58 

-» ++ on the decease of Ann, princess dow- 
ager of Orange, prince Lewis of Bruns- 
wick appointed representative of the 
captain-general, ii 59 

-» +. resolution to fit out 25 men of war, li 

+»-- Notification, that this would be con- 
sidered as a declaration of war, ii 63 

«ses petition of the merchants to the States- 
General on the English captures, ii 71 

+,» several Dutch ships condemned, ii 73 

- instructions of the ministers sent to 

England, ii 75 

-. ++ Ship liberated, but cargo condemned, 
ii 79 


Holland: on appeal, cargo also liberated, 
ii 75 

+--+ convoys appointed, ti 80, 81] 

++-- Insolence of a Dutch capt. and repa- 
ration made by the States, ii 127 

«++. warlike stores conveyed to France 
through, ii 128 

---- letter from the earl of Holderness on 
a complaint of piracy, ii 230 

e++- speech of the deputies to the king, 
and his majesty’s answer, ii 231 

ee-+- memorial of gen. Yorke on the con- 
mo of warlike stores to France, ii 

ee+. memorial of the French ambassador 
on the detention of warlike stores, ii 248 

e++- proceedings of the States. of Holland 
against those of Groninguen, ii 257 

«+.. Boscawen’s answer to the complaint of 
his searching Dutch ships, ii 266 

e+-. marriage of the prince of Nassau 
Weilburgh, iii 77] 

eevee attempt of the Dutch to engross the 
saltpetre trade in the E. Indies, iii 113] 
235] 237] 

e++. engage three of our Indiamen in the 
river Hoogly, iii 114] 

e+ ++ their land forces defeated by ccl. Ford, 
iii 115] 

+++. regulations of the fishmarkets, iii 170] 

++» the States-general offer Breda for the 
negotiation of a peace, iii 204] 

e+ ++ Memorial of gen. Yorke on the pro- 
ceedings in the F. Indies, iii 237] 

«+.. Ships lost in three months, iv 59] 

«++. claim of Dutch money in an English 
packet taken by the French, iv 67] 

«+.. increased trade of, iv 72] 

*++.s Money conveying in the Naarden wag- 
gon seized by the French, iv 117] 

«++. murderer who had sought refuge in, 
delivered up to the French king, iv 126] 

e++~ Ships employed in the herring fishery, 
iv 130] 

e+e. memorial of the French ambassador 
on the capture of la Felicité, iv 268] 

«++. speech of sir J. Yorke on delivering 
his credentials, iv 274] 

++.» answer of the States-general, iv 275] 

---. number of British marched through 
on their return home, vi 52] 

ess. convention with the States-general for 
their passage, vi 53] 

+--+ prince of Orange takes his seat in the 
States-general, vi 62] 

+.» the Dutch called upon to give up the 
places in Sumatra put into their hands 
by d’Estaign, vi 66] 

«s+. Algerine captain beheaded for taking 
a Dutch vessel, vi 112] 

+... Tumour of extraordinary movements 
in the E. Indies, vi 116] 

+... recruiting for the Scotch regiment in 
the service of, vii 70] 

¢+e. proceedings in the E. Indies, viii 15] 



Holland: the prince of Orange of age to 
assume the stadtholdership, ix 6] 73] 

«++. demand of an old debt by the king of 
Prussia, ix 70] 

+++. present by the states of Holland to 
the stadtholder, ix 73] 

ote to prince Lewis of Brunswick 
Wolfenbuttel for his care in the stadt- 
holder’s education, id. 

.--- most of the departments visited by 
the young stadtholder, ix 98] 

+++ marriage of the stadtholder with the 
princess royal of Prussia, x 4] 130] 136] 
138] 146) 

-..- punishment of several persons for 
plundering a wreck, xi 85] 

+... prosperous state of, xii 10] 

«.-. disputes with Austria respecting the 
Netherlands, xii 35] 

+eee complaint of injustice to a British 
subject at Surinam, xii 125] 

-».. the French king desires ships under 
Corsican colours to be treated as pirates, 
xii 127] 

+... importation of cattle encouraged, xii 

«+++ State of the distemper among the . 
cattle, xii 166] xiv 147] 

».+- dispute with the elector Palatine on 
the navigation of the Rhine, xiii 46] 
111] ; 

«+++ remittances from France to, xiii 89] 

-+-. general pardon of deserters, xiv 92] 

+++» Officer wounded at a review, xiv 111] 

-+.. public prayers for the cessation of 
sickness among the cattle, xv 65] 

.. ++ great dearth in, xv 70] 

..+- Claim of an antiquated debt by Prus- 
sia, xvi 8] 

+... commercial failures in, xvi 9] 69] 91] 

+». attempt of a soldier to get money of 
the stadtholder by a false story of a con- 
spiracy against his life, xvi 70] 75] 

«+.. variance with Morocco settled, xvi 86] 

.... augmentation of the army, xvi 91] 

«... four men-of-war hired by the k. of 
Portugal, xvi 115] 

.... lights on the Meuse to be continued in 
summer as well as winter, xvi J19] 

-»+. present to the k, of Poland, xvi 127] 

.... agreement with France for a mutual 
exemption from the droté d’? aubaine, xvi 

..-. war declared by the emperor of Mo- 
rocco, xvii 42] 

+++. bumber of sponsors for the young 
prince of Orange, xvii 101] J 

..-. complaint against the regulations in 
Austrian Flanders, xvii 174] 

.... war declared against Morocco, xviii 86] 

«s+ exportation of arms and ammunition, 
without a license, prohibited, xviii 104] 

-».. friendly disposition toward America, 
xix 183*] 



Holland: charter of the E. India company 
renewed, xix 192*] 

«+++ remonstrance to, on trading with Ame- 
rica, xx 187] 289] 

«+++ memorial in answer, xx 291] 

+++ answer to a memorial of count Wel- 
deren on Dutch ships seized, xxi 314] 

+... three memorials from the merchants 
to the States-general, xxii 412] 

+*.- memorials from sir Jos. Yorke, xxii 
aid 425] 428] 430] 431] xxiii 342] 373] 

«+.» French memorial, xxii 422] 

wees orders respecting the vessels 
of the United Provinces, xxii 423] 427] 

e+-- resolutions respecting the squadron of 
Paul Jones, xxii 429] 

-.. affair of count Byland’s convoy, xxiii 

++. British proclamation, that the Dutch 
had forfeited all claims to the benefit of 
their treaty with England, xxiii 207*] 

«+.. invitation from Russia to join the 
armed neutrality, xxiii 346] 

++.. treaty with America, xxiii 356] 

++.. neutrality of St. Martin violated by 
the British, xxiii 374] 

-... British manifesto, xxiii 876] xxiv 

+++. answer to it, xxiv 292] 

++. visit of the king of Sweden to, xxiv 

--.. St. Eustatia taken, xxiv 102] 

++.. W. India fleet captured, 7d. 

+++» surrender of Surinam, xxiv 103] 

++.. vessels detained by order of British 
council released, xxiv J67] 

+++. money remitted to the duke of Rich- 
mond for the use of Dutch prisoners in 
England, xxiv 170] 

++. treaty with France for the protection 
of the Cape &c. xxiv 172] 

+-.. memorial of the emp. of Russia on a 
mediation with Britain, xxiv 310] xxv 
204] 298] 

ome to the Swedish court claim- 
ing the interference of the armed neu- 
trality, xxiv 311] 

eee mediation of Sweden, xxiv 

+++- various settlements in the E. Indies 
taken, xxv 90] 

++». Several E. Indiamen captured, xxv 
110] 111] 

+++» defeat off the Dogger Bank, xxv 119] 

+... St. Eustatia and Surinam retaken by 
the French, xxv 194*] 195*] 

+++. independance of America acknow- 
ledged, xxv 206) 

+--+ Settlements on the coast of Africa 
taken, xxvi 115] 

«+«» negotiation of peace, xxvi 133] 

+... reward for discovering the authors of 
a political libel, xxvi 193] 



Holland : several officers of the Scotch bri- 
gade quit the service on a new oath being 
required of them, xxvi 194] 

+++. pay allowed these by the British 
government, xxvi 308] xxvii 298] 344] 
xxviii 249] xxix 264] xxx 261] xxxi 
284] xxxii 276] xxxiii 141. xxxiv 147. 
xxxv 104. xxxvi 118. xxxvii 116. xxxviii 
106. xxxix 167, xl 203, xli 193. xlii 
16]. xliii 185. xliv 576, 579. xlv 622. 
xlvi 578. xlvii 585. xlviii 634. xlix 725*. 
li 537 

...+» preliminaries of peace, xxvi 319] 

-».. definitive treaty, xxvii 194] 

.»-. feeble and distracted state of, xxvii 6] 

.«.. barrier of the Netherlands resumed 
by Austria, xxvii 7] 

.... claims of the emperor on, xxvii 101] 

.... Gissensions between the aristocratic 
party and the stadtholder, xxvii 102] 
xxviii 64] 

.... duke of Brunswick resigns his ofiices, 
ab. ib. 

--.. plenipotentiaries sent to Brussels, xxvii 

«++. seizure of the fort of Old Lillo by the 
Austrians, and other encroachments, 2b. 
.»-. mediation of France requested, xxvii 


«so claim of Austria to the navigation of 
the Scheldt, xxvii 106] 112] 

+++» emperor’s ultimatum, xxvii 107] 

.... new demands on his part, xxvii 108] 

..-. answers to his claims, 2). 

»es. dispute respecting Maestricht, xxvii 
111] 135] 

.... two Austrian vessels stopped on the 
Scheldt, xxvii 115] 116] 

+». preparations for war, xxvii 117] 

.. +. application to France fora general, 2b. 

.... the country near Lillo inundated, xxvii 
119] 204] 205] 

.-.- Russia takes part with the emperor 
against, xxvit 120] 

«s+. ambassadors sent to Vienna, xxvii 

+... negotiation with the emperor under 
the mediation of France, xxvii 135] 

.... treaty with the emperor, xxvii 136] 

aiefere of alliance with France, xxvii 
137] xxviii 65] 7 

.... punishment of peasants rioting in 
favour of the prince of Orange, xxvii 

.... letters from the k. of Prussia in favour 
of the prince of Orange, xxvii 319] 364] 
xxviii 76] 

«+.» quarrel with Venice, xxviii 46] 

.... appointment of the marsh. de Maille- 
bois to command the army, xxviii 64] 

.-.. interference of France in the politics 
of, xxviii 66] 

-+.. the stadtholdership rendered here- 
ditary in the house of Orange, xxviii 67} 


Holland: complaints against the stadt- 
holder, xxviii 68] 

-..» his wishes for inquiry eluded, xxviii 

«+.» consequence of arming the burghers, 
xxviii 70] 

+... the stadtholder deprived of the go- 
vernment and command of the garrison 
of the Hague, xxviii 75] 

.»«. his body guards taken from him, xxviii 

mie woe oath of allegiance required from 
the army, xxviii 78] 

.+ +. meeting of the states of Holland and 

_W. Friezland at the Hague, xxviii 80] 

.+.. riot on the pensionary of Dort’s pass- 
ing through the stadtholder’s gate, xxviii 

eee Solent dissensions in Utrecht, 74. 

«... letter from the new king of Prussia, 
xxviii 84] 284] 

-».. courier from Berlin to London stop- 
ped, xxviii 86] 

.»e. flight of the armed burghers from 
Hattem and Elbourg at the approach of 
the regulars, 7b. 

.» +. fresh claims on by the emperor, xxviii 

.++. E. India company much distressed, 
xxviii 169] 

-»+» medal struck on the league 
France, xxviii 196] 

.... letter from the stadtholder to the 
states of Holland, xxviii 282] 

...- mediation of Prussia and France, xxix 

«++ proposal of the states of Holland, xxix 
5] - 

«++. the negotiation abruptly broken off, 
seis 7] 

+.» democratical government established 
in Utrecht, xxix 9] 

fluctuations in the conduct of various 
states, xxix 10] 

«e+. attempt to suspend the offices of stadt- 
holder and admiral general, xxix 12] 

+++. a majority of the people in favour of 
the stadtholder, xxix 13] 

.... the governments of Rotterdam and 
Amsterdam overturned by the armed 
burghers, xxix 18] 19] ' 

-... Utrecht refuses it’s contribution to 
the provincial states, xxix 19] 

+... proceedings of the States-General and 
council of state, xxix 20] 21] 

»».. engagement between a few of the 
troops of the state of Utrecht and of the 
armed burghers of the city, xxix 22] 

.... troops of the state of Holland marched 
into that of Utrecht, xxix 25] 

.... the stadtholder takes the field, 26. 

++-- manifesto published by him, xxix 


«... violent conflicts at Amsterdam, xxix 




Holland : majority of the troops go over to 
the stadtholder, xxix 27] 

..+. the princess of Orange arrested in her 
way to the Hague, xxix 30] 

».+- memorials from the k. of Prussia to 
the states of Holland and the States- 
General on the occasion, xxix 34] 35] 278] 

«eee the French king condemns the con- 
duct of Holland, xxix 35] 

..+- terms of the satisfaction demanded, 
xxix 36] 

..-~ hostile preparations of Prussia, xxix 37] 

.«+. Wyck and Harderwyck taken by the 
stadtholder, 7d. 

..+. the province of Zealand declares in 
his favour, 2d. 

+++. emigrations to Ostend and Prussia, 
xxix 39] 40] 

«+.» French officers and men sent clandes- 
tinely to assist the republicans, xxix 41] 

+... Prussian army enters, xxix 42] 

.... Gorcum taken, xxix 43] 

.. +. general panic, xxix 44] 

.... Utrecht abandoned, xxix 46] 

..+» revolution at the Hague, xxix 49] 
«... an express despatched to France to 
decline any farther assistance, xxix 50] 
.».. the country round Amsterdam inun- 

dated, xxix 51] 

«++. ashort truce granted it, xxix 52] 

..-. Successful attack on the approaches to 
Amsterdam, xxix 56] 

+». second cessation of arms granted, xxix 
61] : 

++.» capitulation of the city, xxix 62],254] 

+++» violent conduct of the soldiery at Bois 
le Duc, xxix 225] 

..-. the stadtholder requests a body of 
Prussians to winter in Holland, xxix 225] 

publishes a general 

amnesty, xxix 226] 

...+» letter from the d. of Brunswick to the 
commissioners from Amsterdam, xxix 

«e+. letters from the princess of Orange to 
the duke of Brunswick, xxix 254] 256] 

-.e- the duke’s answer, xxix 256] 

..++ memorial of sir J. Harris offering the 
mediation of Great Britain, xxix 280] 

«++» declaration and counterdeclaration of 
G. Britain and France, xxix 282] 

-+++ prayer for George III during his ill- 
ness, Xxx 253] 

.... treaty of alliance with G. Britain, xxx 

..++ act of guaranty of the stadtholder- 
ship, xxx 278] 

.»+. money lent by the British government, 
xxxi 1517] 

Ages ri of the French revolution, xxxiv _ 

.. +» application of the British minister for 
refusing an asylum to any who may be 
concerned in the death of the French 
king, xxxiv 186 



Holland: invitation to join Austria and 
Prussia, xxxiv 312 

+++. memorials from lord Auckland, xxxv 
131, 133 

«++» memorial from lord Auckland, and the 
Austrian minister, xxxv 137] 138] 159, 

«. ++ French declare war against, xxxv 241] 

e.+» invaded by Dumouriez, xxxv 242] 

-. ++ farther progress of the campaign, Xxxv 

e+.. manifesto in answer to the proclama- 
tion of Dumouriez, xxxv 14] 

--.. declaration of the prince of Orange to 
their high mightinesses, xxxv 148 

+... endeavours of the stadtholder to ex- 
cite the people to oppose the French, 
xxxvi 41] 226, 229, 232 

»... Charges against the house of Orange, 
xxxvi 42] 

. yaad of subsidy with Prussia, xxxvi 

‘sees convention with G. Britain, xxxvi 160 

+++. Navigation of the Scheldt declared 
free to British vessels, xxxvi 176 

+». proclamation by the states of Holland 
and W. Friesland, xxxvi 230 

.... declaratory answer of Overyssel, xxxvi 

+++» proclamation of the magistrates of 
Amsterdam, xxxvi 232 

«++. petition of certain citizens, for which 
they were imprisoned, xxxvi 232. xxxyii 

.... increase of the French faction, xxxvii 

+». the French armies pass over the 
frozen rivers, xxxvii 46] 

-.-. fepulsed by the British, xxxvii 46] 

We ins British forces obliged to retreat, 
xxxvii 48] 54] 

.... flight of the stadtholder, xxxvii 51] 4, 
200, 201 

«--- general submission to the French, 
xxxvii 51] 202 

..+. proceedings of the French, xxxvii 71] 

-... treaty with France, xxxvii 130] 182 

-... loss of the Cape of Good Hope, xxxvii 
138] 66 

-»«. delegates from the republic of Batavia 
not acknowledged by the British minis- 
ters, xxxvii 3 

++. list of the navy, xxxvii 104 

++. money from sale of prizes, xxxvii 140 

«++. documents relating to the revolution, 
xxxvii 200-15, 217, 224, 225 

+++. removal of effects to G. Britain re- 
fused by the latter, xxxviii 5] 

++-- conduct of France toward, xxxviii 

+++. disputes on form of government, 
xxxvyiii 177] 



Holland: war declared against G. Britain, 
xxxviii 177] 

.-- fleet intended to retake the Cape of 
Good Hope captured, xxxviii 194] 81 

-».«+ Ceylon and other settlements in the 
E. Indies taken, xxxviii 194] 75, 90 

«+». Demerara taken, xxxvili 70 

«++. order in council for sending merchan- 
dize to under licence, xxxviii 136 

-+-- decree of the National Assembly for 
tee a privileged church, xxxviii 

+++. prohibition of British manufactures, 
XXXvili 184 

+++» proclamation for a National Assembly, 
Xxxvili 186 

ooh — for manning the navy, 
Xxxviii 188 

+. = a tee against G. Britain, xxxviii 

et ease manifesto against, xxxviii 

+++. this revoked, xxxviii 212 

+» +» Ships in Russia dismissed, and arrival 
of others prohibited, xxxviii 214 

-»-. address of the French Directory to 
the Convention, xxxviii 249 

++.. Naval preparations, xxxix 98] 

-»-. defeat of it’s fleet, xxxix 100] 75 

-»«. all the provinces consolidated into one 
republic, xl 77] 

-... the heads of the opposition arrested, 
xl 80] 

eee. measures taken for suppressing the 
public voice, x] 81] 

ait proposal of a union with France, xl 

++.. tyranny of the ruling party, xl 83] 

«++» quarrel between gen. Daendels and de 
la Croix, xl 84] 

..-- conduct of Daendels approved by the 
French Directory, x1 85] f 

»»+- de la Croix sent to France and the 
Dutch Directory suppressed, xl 85] 

+++ proclamation of the ministry on as- 
ae the government pro tempore, xl 

-.-. British expedition to, xli 300] 77, 86, 
101, 126, 135, 255, 298. xlii 105] 107] 

+. fleet surrendered, xli 303] 82, 87, 
138, 140. xliv 586 

eeee Surinam taken, xli 311] 121 

-».. the ambassador to the Porte sent away, 
xli 275 

+++. representation to the French govern- 
ment, xli 293 

+... proclamation of the prince of Orange, 
xli 298 

Meee — of gen, Abercrombie, xli 

.. +.» Curassoa surrendered, xlii 215] 78 

++. treaty with France, xlii 282 

....- Molucca islands taken, xliii 287] 

..+. St. Eustatia and Saba surrendered, 
xliii 128 


Holland : constitution of the Batavian peo- 
ple, xliii 320 

«+++ proclamation of the directory on pre- 
senting it for the acceptance of the peo- 

ple, xliii 324 

+++. ——__—+— of the new constitution, 
xliii 329 

«++ letter of the stadtholder to the mem- 
bers of the former government, xliii 33] 

he ae of peace with G. Britain, xliv 

+.+. war renewed, xlv 183, 395, 398, 647 

«+.. seizure of all British subjects in, xlv 
395, 417 

+++» Demerara and Essequibo taken, xlv 539 

«++. Surinam taken, xlvi 138, 395, 543 

-... condition of, xlvii 191, 637 

»... Speech in the legislative body, xlvii 

.-+. new constitution of, xlvii 673 

-.s. Speech at the opening of the session, 
xlvii 676 

-+.. proclamation relative to trade with G. 
Britain, xlvii 679 

«+... resignation of the grand pensionary, 
xviii 697 

.... Lewis Buonaparte made king of, xlviii 

«+++ proclamation by him, xlyiii 698 

«ss» treaty with France, xlviii 214 

..+. State of, xIvili 215 

«+++ Cape of Good Hope taken, xlviii 233, 

«s.. new constitution, xlviii 699 

.... Curassoa taken, xlix 252, 645 

«+... squadrons in the E. Indies captured, 
xlix 650, 672* 

-... decree for shutting the ports, 1 6*, 

.... British expedition to the Scheldt, li 
223, 456, 474, 481, 485, 501, 516, 532, 
533. lii 433 

.... Flushing surrendered, li 224, 490, 492 

«-.. island of Walcheren evacuated, li 

«++. proclamation respecting commerce, li 

e«.. treaty with Buonaparte, lii 233 

.-.. abdication of Lewis, lii 233, 512 

»... address of the deputies to Buonaparte, 
lii 513 

..+.» annexed to France, lii 237, 504 

««.. Amboyna and Banda taken, lii 265, 

+. « visit of Buonaparte to, liii 131] 

«++. imperial decrees, liii 132] 

+++» revolution in, lv 160] 165] 236 

«+... embarkation of the prince of Orange 
for, lv 95 

-+-- number of Dutch prisoners in G, Bri- 
tain, lv 96 

a proclamations by W. Frederick, Iv 


e+e» unsuccessful attack on Bergenopzoom, 
lyi 11] 169 



Holland: new constitution referred to the 
nation, lvi 30] 390 

+++. evacuation of the Netherlands by the 
French, lvi 95] 196 

sees meeting of the States-General, lvi 95] 

«+.. the Catholic Netherlands united to, 
lvi 96] 424, 425 

-+.«. Some of it’s colonies restored by G. 
Britain, lvi 98] 

-.+. regulations respecting the Belgic pro- 
vinces, 7. 

«+++ decree against the slave-trade, lvi 54 

+++ visit of the emp. Alexander, lvi 60 

+.«- Sailing of an E. Indiaman for Batavia, 
lvi 90 

+++. speech of the sovereign on taking the 
oath to the constitution, lvi 392 

«++. the seventeen provinces of the Ne- 
therlands erected into a kingdom under 
the prince of Orange, lvii 93] 97] 395 

+++» New constitution, lvii 96] 

+. +. address of some of the Belgian pre- 
lates to the king, lvii 98] 398 

-... the king crowned at Brussels, Ivii 99] 

+++. an estate at Waterloo conferred on the 
duke of Wellington, 7d. 

««.. king’s speech on opening the session 
at the Hague, lvii 160] 402 

+... the hereditary prince married to the 
grand duchess of Russia, lvii 100] 

revival of trade, Ivii 11 

-.+. convention with G. Britain, lvii 345, 

«+++ proclamation on the return of Buona- 
parte, lvii 376 

a indemnity to be paid by France, lvii 


+... financial report, Iviii 119] 

+++. proposal for inserting the speeches of 
members in minutes of the proceedings 
of the legislature, lviii 121] 

«++» plan of a uniform system of weights 
and measures, 7b. 

+++. accession of the king to the Holy Al- 
liance, lviii 122] 

+++. decree respecting the papal authority, 
Iviii 123] 

+++ restraints on the press with respect to 
foreign sovereigns, 7b. 

-++.» treaty with Algiers, lviii 124] 398 

oes. ——++ Spain, lviii 124] 395 

+++. commercial regulations, lviii 125] 

«sss treaty with Hanover, lviii 127] 

«+s. new corn law, !viii 128] 

»... treaty with G. Britain and Russia, lviii 

— G. Britain, lviii 365 

++.. assembly of the States-General, lix 

+++» regulations of the tea trade, lix 140] 

+++. memorial of Catholic bishops respect- 
ing the Belyic universities, lix 39 

-. +. Speech of the king to the States-Gene- 
ral at Brussels, lx 166] 

e+e report on the customs, Ix 13 



Holland: treaty with G. Britain for the abo- 
lition of the slave trade, lx 228 

-..- law respecting trade with Sweden, lxi 

--+. king’s speech on opening the session 
at the Hague, lxi 193] 

++». aggressions in the Malayan Archipe- 
lago, lxi 216] 

«+++ printer fined for publishing the pro- 
Samet of a Spanish insurgent, Ixi 

Holland, New. See Wales, New South 

Holland, baroness, v 83] 

—— capt. tried for a libel, iv 70] 

—— C. ix 247. x 259, xii 239 

Dr. H, liii 426, 494, 569. lvii 446, 

498, 499 

Dr. Philemon, xii 48 

— G. xlii 383. xliv 772 

——-- H. xxxii 250] 

=———— H. Fox, Ist lord, ii 365. v 62] vii 
128] 47. viii 183] x 106] xii 139] 199] xx 
973) xxii 175. xxiv 199*] 278] xxv 309] 
xxviii 297] 197, 198. xxix 141. xxxii 329] 
Xxxiii 289] xlvii 88, 99, xlviii 389 

+--+. resigns, i 10 

--.- his political views, i il 

-...- Teturns to office on a coalition of par- 
ties, i 13 

++.. a public defaulter, xii 139] xxiv 2792] 
xlviii 618 

.es will of, xvii 137] 

--.. character of, xx 16 

—— _ H. Rich. 8rd lord, xxxix 10. xl 
202] 205] 209, 211, 216, 220. xli 165] 
183] 185] 2U0] 228] 18, 208, 208. xlii 84] 
100] 107] 109] 117] 125] 126] xliii 5] 33] 
45] 168] xliv 47, 110, 135, 157. xivii 109, 
116. xlviii 3lx, 85, 93, 179x, 249, 262, 
842, 1049, 1051, 1053, 1091. xlix 162, 468. 
1 9] 20] 43] 113] 236. lii 60, 146. liii 18] 
26] 27] 48] 58} 83] 11. liv 35] 51) 68] 2. 
70) 86] 117] 122] 126] 221] 363. lv 7] 11] 
89} 210] lvi 117] lviii 21] 51] 32] 90] lix 
33] Ix 3] 6] 30] 2b. 33] 61 | 75] 91] 92] 125] 
128] 132] 136] 140] 148] lxi 8] 9] 76] 
127] 135} 139] 145) 148) 149] 150] 157] 

J. xxv 43] xxxili 240. xxxiv 198] 

lord (t. J. I) xxi 240 

——— Peter, xxiv 200] 

——— Rich. iii 125] 

——— Stephen, 2nd lord, xvii 137] xliii 

Hollar, Wenceslaus, xii 37, 140. xvi 81 

Holles, Denzil, lord, xii 42. lii 441 

Hollick, Francis, x] 386 

Hollingrake, J. Ixi 303 

Hollingshead. See Holinshed 

Hollingworth, W. 1 109 

Hollins, Elias, xlvii 372 

W.H, executed for the murder of 
E. Pilcher, lvi 55 

Hollis, couns. xlvii 355 

T. xv 160 

+++ character of, xvij 83] 


Hollis, T. Brand, xviii 89] xix 137] 143] 
150] xxxiv 77 
Hollister, Lawrence, xliv 775 
sionoway (judge) viii 177] xiv 250, 
adm. J. xxxvii 61 
——- J. murderer of Mr. Steele, xliv 
464. xlix 368, 374, 378 
———. J. Peter, lvi 325 
maj. C. xliii 235] 95 

Rob. convicted of a libel, xix 


Holly, custom of placing in churches at 
Christmas, xlix 899 

Hollymore, capt. death of, on a day pre- 
dicted by his mother, xii 151] 

Holman, J. lviii 36 

Jos. G. xxxiv 1, 474. x1 448 

Holme v. Smith, lvi 319 

Holmes, iv 152 

——— adm. ii 37, 39, 245. iii 257] iv 70] 
97] 141] v 196] 

commodore, i 36, 87 

—_—— J. xxiii 179. lx 52 

—— J. (watchmaker) xxxv 295 

maj. viii 114 

——— maj. gen. vi 46 

——— rey. Dr. Rob. xxxv 33 

sir G. lix 11 

sir Jos. xxxvi 364 

sir Rob. zd. 

——_-_—. W. lvi 146] 

Holroyd, 1. col. —- xxiii 164] 310] 

sir G. Sowley, li 271. liii 247. lix 
167, 181. lx 120, 265, 266, 307, 332. Ixi 
212, 213, 272 
Sus. executed for poisoning her 

husband and two children, lviii 522 

Holstein, disputes between Russia and Den- 
mark respecting, adjusted, xi 40] 

. ceded to Denmark, xvi 31] 4] 148] 
.... annexed to that kingdom, xlviii 213 
Holstein, duke of, 11 233 
Holt v. Meddoweroft, lvii 303 
(Irish rebel) x! 165] 

(printer) xxxv 53 

—— couns, liv 285 

—— James, killed by a soldier, lxi 248 

— — lord chief justice, viii 176] xiii 163. 
xxii 209] xxvii 206] xxxviii 44] lii 102. 
liii 249 : 

—— Rich. convicted of forgery, xi 165] 178] 

Rich. murder of, xvi 108] 134] 

Holwell, J. Z. xvi 107. x! 92 

.... defends Calcutta, i 13 

.... his account of the black hole, i 279 

+... account of the religion of the Gentoos, 
ix 307 

Holy Alliance, lviii 3] 122] 381. lix 121] Ixi 
130, 135 

Holyhead, grants for improving the har- 
bour, lii 424. Ix 422. Ixi 419 

.--- fire on board a steamboat, Ixi 49 

Holywell, woman drowned in St. Winifred’s 
well, xlviil 371 

Homed, gov. xxv 94] 
Homberg, W. vi 92. x 127 
Home v, Webber, lv 274 
—-— Alex. 9th earl of, vi 77] 
—— col. lvii 176 
—-—H. See Kames, lord 
rev. J. xlvi 793 os 
—— sir Everard, xxviii 204] xxx 54. xxxii 
68. xxxvi $16, xlii 358. xlvii 833. ii 262*. 
lv 21,56 a 5 
Homer, v 36, 136, 137. vii 187. viii 236. ix 
178. x 176, 315. xiv 174. xv 137. xvii 165, 
169, xviii 178, 222, 229. xx 162. xxiii 164. 
xxiv 146, 204. xxvi 184, xxix 197. xxxit 
58. xxxviii 468. xl 427. lvi 465 
.... Splendid edition of, liii 141 
Honfrey, sir Jere, lv 29 
—— T. 1xi 300, 302 
Homicide, justifiabie, cases of, liv 115. lv 20 
Hommel, gov. of Batavia, viii 94 
Hompesch, baroness, xxxv 7 
— Ferdinand, bar. x1 275. xlv 246. 
xlviii 446 
Hondt, de, xxix 219*] 223°] 224*] : 
Honduras, adjustment of the dispute with 
Spain respecting, v 60] 239] 
++.. complaint of our logwood cutters 
against the governor of Yucatan, vil 
- ++» amicable professions of the new gover- 
nor, viii 99] p 
.s. complaint of the baymen against the 
French, ix 56] 
+... famine produced by the locusts, xiv 
«... fresh complaints of the Spaniards, 
xxiii 19] 
«+++ expedition to, xxiii 211°] 
-+.. fort Omoa carried by storm, xxiii 
eee. adjustment of the rights of the log- 
wood cutters, xxvi 334] 
+++. convention with Spain respecting li- 
mits, xxvili 262] xxix 111] 
. disastrons hurricane, xxx 193] 
---- mode of felling mahogany, lii 620 
-... Indians of, lii 674 
.--- British settlement, lii 733 
---. climate, lii 733 
Hone, gen. (Span.) Ixi 257] 
—— Nath. viii 194%] xi 199] 
—— W. Ix 3] 
-... trials for libel, lix 171, 173, 174. 1x 4) 
6] 7) 
Honey, experiments on, xxxviii 408 
+++. great scarcity of, lviii 157 
Honeydew, great fall of, in Ireland, v 93] 
+... two kinds of, xi 95. xlvii 840 
Honey-guide. See Cuckow, honey 
Honeyman, S. (ventriloquist) xx 44 
Honeysuckle, American, xxxiv 39 
ek Filmer, xxvii 228] 268] xxxviii 

— gen. Rich, viii 201] xxvii 228 
oe sir J, xxxiii 13] xliti 29 



Hongo, Fran. Secardi, drinker of distilled 
water, xi 9] 

Honiton, fires at, viii 125] xxxix 44 

---+ thanks to their members for their con- 
duct, xiv 90] 

Honorius III, x1 410 

Honthorst, Gerard, xii 36 

Honyman, capt. Rob. (N) xlix 642 

Hood nd Sharpe, sir J. Carr vers. 1 83* 

—— adm. Alex. See Bridport, vise. 

adm, sir S. xxxix 97] xl 143. xli 28] 
75, 83. xliii 249] 253] 125, 127. xliv 436. 
xlv 533, 537, 540, xlvi 138, 543. xlviii 
231. 121) 11 53 

= capt = §@N))xxn199)] 

—— H. 2nd vise. xxxii 208] 

hon. 1. col. lvi 168 

—— S. xlviii 639. 1190* 

Sam. Ist vise. ii 74. xxiv 107] 
117] 126] 165] xxv 139] 196*] 212*] 211] 
xxvii 174] 180*] 190] xxviii 104] xxix 
154] 167] xxx 210] xxxii 208] xxxiii 216, 
8i] xxxiv 160] 161] xxxv 275] 283] 171- 
3. xxxvi 225] 247] 57, 80, 95, 148, 151. 
xxxvii 6, 43. xxxix 235] xl 8] xlvi 67, 
581. xlix 397. liii261 

Hooght, van der, xi 154 

Hoogly taken by the English, i31 

Hook, James, xv 206 

Hooke, Nath. xii 62 

Rob. ii 284, 286. v 71 

eae J. vi 17. xvi 72, xxxiii 457] xxxiv 

Hooley, E. xvi 74] 
a9 Ann, murder of her infant by, xxxviii 

—-— Otho Christ. von der, i 165 

Hooper, Edw. i112. xv 87] 

Erasmus, liv 82 

James, lix 5, 12, 39, 49 

S. xxxiii 21] 

Steph. xli 403. xlii 385. sliii 458. 
xlv 827. xlviii 959. 1ii 419 

W. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] xviii 


Hooton, murder of S. Stockton by, xii 74] 

Hoozuanas, account of the, xxxviii 249 

Hop, ti 230 

Hope and Co. of Amsterdam and Hoare 
and Co, of London ». the assignees of 
Fordyce and Co. xvii 170] 

Hope and Co. Ixi 128, 398 

(lord advoc.) xlvi 91, 106 

—— adm. sir W. Johnstone, xxxvi 92. xli 
80. 1 220* 

—— capt. G. (N) xlvii 551 

—— capt. H.(N) lvii 138 

—— Charlotte, xiv 160] 

col. Alex. xli 142 

——— Dr. J. (botanist) ix 86] x 94] 

——— hon. gen. sir J. See Hopetoun, J. 
Ath earl 

—-— I. gen. J. liv 230, 236 

—~— maj. xliii 235] 

——~> sir W, xiy 263 


Hope, T, xxiii 197] lviii 291 
Hopetoun, J. 2nd earl of, ix 110] 
——_— James, 3rd earl, xxvii 189] xxix 
145] xxx 120] liv 8 
J. Ath earl, xli 79. xliii 90, 92. 
li 5, 22, 52, 363, 476. lii 76, 435. lv 222, 
230, 240. lvi 18] 27] 165, 186 
Hopken, count, xvi 50] xxxi210] 
Hopkins v. Sawyer, xxxiii 31] 
ald. Benj. xix 121] 154] xx 187] 
191] xxi 189] xxii 234] xxxix 376 
ald. J. xxv 228] xxxiv 31, 101, 

(prompter) viii 286 
comm. (Amer.) xix 158*] 181*] 
rey. W. lx 265 

— Steph. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] 
xviii 265] 

Hopkinson, W. 1x 361 

Hoppner, J. xxi 214] 

—— Mrs. xvi 118] 

———_ R.. By |x 153 

Hops, toll-free markets granted to Canter- 
bury and Maidstone, ix 126] 127] 

ose re quantity brought to London, ix 

-..- prices of, ix 142] 144] x 130] 136] 139] 
xiv 102] xlix 720*. li 650 

+». duty on, xiii 177] xix 203] xxii 197] 
xxxviil 48. xliv 124 

-+.. damages for unmarketable, xix 139] 

«++ cloth from the stalks, xxxiv 11 

a - bill respecting tithe of, proposed, xxxv 

-» ++ action for tithes, xxxix 5 

+... actions against planters for nonfulfil- 
ment of contracts, xliv 373 

-... large quantity bought at Frankfort, 
lix 130 

Hopson, Dr. C. R. xxxvi322 

— gen. ii 11, 14, 94 

Hopton, ii 142 

Ralph, lord, ii 322. xii 44. xvi 206 

Horace, i 435. iv 32. vii 186, 207, 240. viii 
937. xiv 137. xy 227. xx 212. xxi 220. 
xxiv 156, 204. xxxiii 2602] 262] 265] 
xlvii 768. 1i 913 

«++. imitations of, v 206, 224, vi211. xii 
237. 1221 

+--+. his Art of Poetry, xxxvi 301 

.... translations from, xli 460 

Horgan, Tim. xlix 515 

eer” insurgent king of Hungary, xxvii 

Horlach, xxxiv 29 

Horn, count, xxxiii 81. xxxiv 26. Ixi 448 

Hornblower, Jabez Carter, xlii 380 

Jethro, x1 389 
— Jonath. x1 387. xlvii 849 
Hornby, xxxii 91 
capt. — (N) liii 197 

W. xxv 188] 

-.-. charges against, xxvii 54] 
Horne, bish. Rob. xv 121, xxxi 213] 
——— couns, |xi 278 

Horne, count, xxx 78] 
maj. xxi 165] 

rev. J. See Tooke 

W.A., esq. executed for the murder 

of a bastard 35 years before, ii 130 

.. account of him, ii 368 

.... his forfeited estate given to the duke 
of Devonshire, who surrendered it to 
capt. Horne, a distant relation, iii 77] 

Horneck, C. xix 142] 

Hornemann, xxxix 405 xli 38. xlii 482 

Horner, Fran, li 170. lii 126. liii 43] 295. 
lv 211] Ivi 135] 137] 162] lvii 8] lviii 7] 
41] Ixi 27] 

—— Sir J. xxi 159 

—— W. lx 361 

Hornets, horse stung to death by, xlix 480 

Horningtoft, fall of the steeple, xxxix 2 

Horns, woman with, xii 95 

«++. conveyance of intelligence by, xlv 790 

Horrox, Jerem. iv 192] 

—— W.xlv 828. xlvii 850 

Horsburgh, James, lii 691 

Horse patrol, expenses of, xlvii 589,591. 
xlviii 637, 639. xlix 730*. 1 184*. li 536. 
lii 424 

Horse-chesnut, uses of the, xii 116, xlix 871 

Horse-dew. See Orsedew 

Horse-hoeing. See Agriculture 

Horse-stealing, seven gipsies convicted of, 
ix 129] 

-«.. persons executed for, x 122] xvi 92] 
xviii 113] xxxiii 36. xxxviii 9. xlii 43. 
xlvii 392, 412 

a convicted of, xti 147] xiii 95] 

96] 141] 158] xiv 86] xv 94] xviii 130) 

xix 139] 179] 182] xx 205] 212] xxii 208] 

219] 227] xxiii 231] 238] xxiv 199] x1 7, 

23, 72. xlviii 389 

+».. women convicted of, xx 183] 184] 
xxxiii 14] 

.. +» boy about 13 convicted of, xx 183] 

.+.. manselling one he had hired, convicted 
of, xxiii 200] 


acquitted, xxxii 201] 
.... curious detection of, xlv 424 
Horsefield, Dr. T. lviii 577 
Horseley, W. vi 91 
Horseman, Walter, murder of, xxviii 196] 
W. li 258 
Horsemanden, Dan. (Amer. loyal.) xx 13] 
Horsemanship, feats of, iv 98] 
Horseracing, in France, xix 131] 
——— match of 100 miles for 1000 guineas, 

xliv 375 

... steeple match, xliv 379 
.... action to recover a wager, lvii 288 
..+» English, at Vienna, lviii 60 
--»» Seealso Races 
Horses, distemper among, iii 67] xiii 70] 
.... one killed by an adder in his throat, 

iii 128} 

. race from Colchester ta Whitechapel 
church, iv 99} 


Horses: extraordinarily small, iv 163] viii 
117] 118] 
+++. Indian mode of feeding, iv 7. xv 86 
«s+ ground furze given to, vi 52] xiv 110. 
xxxi 77 
«+++ on the velocity of, vi 63 
«sss unsound, actions respecting, vii 93] 
xxxili 31] xlvi 365 
s+. two sold ata shilling a pound, viii 79] 
++» burnet acure for the grease, viii 143 
e+ carrots good food for, viii 150 
+..« method of making them lie down in 
the stable, viii 162 
pe number bought by two swindlers, ix 
»++- method of fattening quickly, ix 166 
e... distemper fatal to in Europe and 
America, x 151] 159] 
»+ +» one cut for the stone, xi 201] 
«.-- man killed by one he had treated 
brutally, xii 89] 
ee-- —— found guilty of breaking open a 
stable and killing one, xiii 140] 
».+- extraordinary leaps, xiv 140] 
«++» improved cart breed, xiv 107 
-.+» breeds in England from early times, 
xiv 261 
«++. number exported from England, xvi 
esos Sales of, xvii 162] xviii 126] xxxiv 10. 
xliv 376 
-... death of one from a ballin the intes- 
tines, xviii 144] 
«+. Stolen for dogsmeat, xix 179] 
«++. boiler of, indicted for a nuisance, xx 
«+.. death of old Mask, xxii 221] 
«+». death of one 38 years old, xxvii 237] 
+... taxes on, xxxi ]51] 286] xliii 194. xlvii 
594, ib. liv 105] 
«+.» death of Eclipse, xxxi 200] 
-+.. livery-stable-keeper cannot detain for 
keep, though an innkeeper can, xxxii 225] 
-. +. several poisoned, xxxiv 10. liii 51. liv 
-... legs of one broken in runninga race, 
Xxxv 29 
---- persons bitten by, xxxviii 15. xxxix 57. 
xlviii 375 
«.s- men killed by, xliv 45]. xlviii 455 
+--+» Egyptian, xliv 727 
«+a. one rode to death, xlv 435 
-++. poisoned by eating yew, xlviii 461 
.... Stones in the intestines, xlix 457 
+... one stung to death by hornets, xlix 480 
.-.. one killed by a toad getting into the 
windpipe while drinking, 1 29* 
+++ poisoned by hellebore, lviii 191 
+++ post, tax on, xxvii 346] 
++. action respecting the duty, xxxi 196] 
* ,.+. duty let to farm, xxix 133] xxxiii 1 
Horsey, Sam. Bath king of arms, x 162] 
Horsfall, James, xviii 103, 117. xix 196] 
Horsford, col. xlv 553 
Horsham, lady married to a man under 


sentence of transportation to cheat her 
creditors, viii 141] 
Horsley, child stolen, lx 186 
— bish. S. xvii 79. xviii 177] xxviii 
202] xxix 36. xxxii 74] xxxiii 247, 248. 
xxxiv 155) xxxv 91] 93] xxxvi 215] 
xxxvii 113, 115. xxxviii 30] 38, 512 ». xl 
191. xlii_ 143] 145] 150] 151] 156] xlv 
111, 136. lviii 52) 
sir J. xiv 144 
——_—. W. xix 123] 
Horsleydown, fires at, xxvii 233] xlvi 442 
Horst, gen. xii 34] 
Hort, Josiah G. ii 143 
Hortensius, xxx 143] 
Horticulture, successful, iii 74] 
Horton, xix 135] 
capt. J. S.(N) xl 121 
Horwarth, gen. _—-vi 74) 
Hosack, Dr. Day, lviii 470 
Hosier, adm. xlv 373. xlvii 25 
James, xlv 372 
Hosiery, patent for an addition to the stock- 
ing frame, xxvi 205] 
Hosking, Sim. lix 234 
Hoskins, xxxiv 160] 
— couns. xxviii 150 
Hospital, W. F. A. marq. de I’ vii 31 
Hospitals, proofs of the benefit of, v 82] 
++» regulations of, vii 70} 7] 
++. Spanish, | 66 
.... See the particular ones under their 
respective names 
Hossein bashaw, xvi 18] See Hassan bey 
Hoste, capt. sir W. (N) xlvii 546, xlviii 144, 
595. liii 95] 194. lv 111] 112] 208, 224 
Hoste, 1’, vi 103] 
Hosty, Jordan, murdered bya gang on Saf- 
fron hill, xxxiv 4, 13 
Hotbeds, improvement of, vii 114 
Hotchkis, lieut. J. (N) xli 404 
Hotham, adm. hon. sir H. xlvii 548.11 397. 
liv 189] 216. lvii 137 
adm. sir W. xxxix 78. lvii 515 
bish, J. xxxi 313] 314] 
——— gen. G. xx 26] 
——— lady Dorothy, xl 54 
—— lady Gertrude, xviii 114] 
— sir Beaumont, xvi 198] xviii 222] 
xxiii 215] xxxvi 24. xl 54 
— sir C. xv 67] 207] xvi 198] 
— sir Rich. xii 89] 196] xxiii 227] 
xxvii 194] 268] xlii 33 
W. Ist lord, xx 174*] xxi 233*] 
xxii 43] xxiii 229*] xxiv 34] 107] 180] 
xxv 106] 138] 227*] 165. xxxvii 138] 60. 
xxxix 80 
Hothouses, oak leaves recommended for, 
xx 120 
+... not unknown to the Romans, lii 667 
. man suffocated in one, lvi 91 
Hottentots, account of the, xxxv 282, 285. 
xliii 542. lvii 466. lxi 61, 332 
-+ +. mission to the, 1 34 
Hotz, col. xlyiii 145 



Hotze, gen. xxxviii 138] xli 238] 241] 
258] 262] 267] 268] 

Houchard, gen. xxxiv 124] xxxv 273] 280] 
xxxvi 199 

Houdetot, vise. xxvi 245] 

Houdon, liii 82 

Hough, xiIvi791 

bish. J. account of, vi 13 

Houghton, fire at, xxxi 229] 

Houghton, Edw. xlvi 385 . 
——— maj. xxxiv 401. xxxv 290. 
xxxvi 12. xxxix 399. xli 495, 496, 497 
maj. gen. Dan. liii 106] 206, 207 
— sir Harry, xxvii 268] xxix 119] 

xl 330 

— T. lviii 310 

Houlditch, J. xlix 855 

Houldsworth, H. lvii 320 

Houls, J. i 112 

Houlston, Dr. xi 102] xix 53] xx 112n. 
xxi 131. xxiii 119, 142. xxiv 196] 

Houlton, capt. (N) action against for 
illegally confining Mr. Monro, vii 113] 

Houndsditch, fire in, x 162] 

Hounslow heath, powdermills blown up, i 
85, 104, 118. xiii 149] xv 65] 66] xvii 
115] 152] xxxviii 2. liv 90. lv 70 

+... land purchased for the exercise of 
cavalry, lxi 421 

House, Sam. xxvii 231] 

Housebreaking, See Burglary 

Housekeeping expenses at different periods, 
xlii 94 

Houseman, Rich., committed for the mur- 
der of Dan. Clark, i105. ii 351 

+++» mob on his acquittal, ii 107 

Houses, duties on, i 135. ix 206] xxi 142] 
172*] 229] 293] xxii 251] xxxix -133,] 

«+--+ mischiefs done by the fall of, v 73] vi 
77) 110) 116] x 56] 156] xii 127] xvii 
143] xviii 115] 131] xxxvii 25. xxxviii 
24. xlii 24, xliv 375. xlv 465. xlvi 400. 
xlvili 445. 1ii 292. liii 42, 58. liv 100. lv 
30. Ivi 23, 37. lviii 140, 163 

e+ fall of, i101. viii 93] xxxix 48. xl 66. 
xli 40 

“ee unfinished, xviii 131] xxxvi 37 
-.-- cheap and easy method of constructing, 
for the recovery of the sick, viii 134 
---- danger of inhabiting too soon, x 91 
+«-- smoky, causes of, xx 112 
«++« blown down, xxii 230] 
+++» treasure found in, xlvi 420 
+--. double windows and double walls 
recommended, xxxix 425 
+++» See also Buildings 
| Houses of Correction, See Penitentiary 
| houses 
| «-+. —Industry, See Workhouses 
Houssaye, la, gen. xlix 173 
Houston, (mezzotinto engr.) xviii 151] 
G. liv 275 
1. gen, sir W. liii 199 
Houtin, Adrian, ix 44 
Hoveden, Rog. de, ii 410, x 273 



How, James, xliv 777 

Howard, B. E. See Norfolk, duke 

—— capt. H. (mil.) xl 9 

—— card. T. xlii 430 

C. and Frances, claim to property 

of a relation that died in France, vii 141] 

Dr, L. i 266 

—-— E. C. lv 321. lvi 337 

——— gen. sir G. iy 25] viii 201] xvii 
139] xxii 211] xxiv 70] 

H. xxxiv 78 

hon. C. x 43, xii 184 

——— hon. Edw. xxi 207 

—— J. xvii 100] xxii 15”. xxiii 34, 206. 
xxviii 87. xxxvi 419. lii 141, 143 

«+.. letter to the subscribers for a statue 
and a fund, xxix 248] 

++«+ account of, xxxii 12 

++». character of, xxxiv 350 

«.++ monument to be erected at Cherson, 
1xi 86 

—-— lady Marg. xxiv 10 

—— lord W. xii 42 

——m. gen. See Howard of Effing- 
ham, A. K. 

—-— Mary, murder confessed by, xxii 

Mary, visc. Andover, xl 54 

—— Philip, xxxix 487 

S. xviii 236] 

——— sir G. xxvii 268] xxxv 77] xxxvii 

——— sir Rob. ii 303. xxviii 164 

—-— T. xliii 454 

—— W. li 544. lvi 337 

—-—— de Walden, J. Griffin, lord, xxvii 
290] : 

— of Effingham, Al. Kenneth, 11th 

lord, liii 198, 221. liv 22]. lv 199, 222, 

242. Ivi 186 

~ R. 10th bar. : See 

—— T. 8th bar. § See 
Effingham, earl 

——_—_______—_ W. Ist bar. xlvi 855 

— of Escricke, lord, xiv 25 

Howarth, couns. H. xvi 195] xviii 222] 228] 
239] xxii 219] 229] xxiii 271] xxiv 2172] 
xxvi205] xlix 115 

—— ]. gen. G.1i 455, 472 

Howden, Gordon, xlix 859 

——-— Rob. x1385 

Howe, Ixi 452 

—— Charlotte, lady, her letter to the 
freeholders of Nottingham, i 73 

Emanuel Scrope. 2d vise. xlvii 751 

G. killed in attempting an escape 

from a crimping house, xxxvi 24 

G. Aug., visc., killed in America, i 

72. ii 31, xlvii 756 

uh monument of, v 94] 

gen. sir W. ii 40, 41. v 39] xviii 

132*| 134*] 135*] xix 33] 148*] 153*] 

159*] 166*] 175*] 140] 164] 193) xx 2] 

7] 12] 114] 139] xxi 39] 63] 132] 214*] 

217*} 823] 335] xxii 87] 137] 211] xxiv 


rind xxv 304] 62, xxxii 315] 323] xxxvi 

Howe, gen. sir W. entertainment given to on 
his departure from Philadelphia, xxi 264] 

J. convicted of robbery and murder, 

xvi 135] 

maj. gen. Rob. (Amer.) xxii 32] 35] 

xxiii 391] 

— Rich., earl, i 66, 69, 100, 101.ii 114, 
132. iii 131] 146] vi. 4] x 207] xix 166*] 
140] 193] xx 133] 212] xxi 63] 153] 
220*] 226°] 323] 335] xxiil] 87] 118] 
134] 135] 137] 155] 165] 343] xxiii 
123] xxiv 175*] 278] 328] xxv 158] 
164] 167] 223*] 227°] 240°] 219] 225] 
261] xxvi 199] xxvii 72] xxviii 103] 
xxx 99] xxxiv 146, xxxvi 17. xxxvii 18. 
xxxviili 41. xxxix 208] 21)] xliv 361, 
540. xlvii 566 

s+. circular to the governors in America, 
and declarations to the people, xix 257] 
xx 292] 294] 295] 

... correspondence with Dr. Franklin, xx 

.» +. thanks of parliament to, xxvi 196] 

.... defeat of the French fleet, xxxvi 282) 
15, 16, 86, 90. xxxviii 41. xxxix 80 

...» account of, xli358. xlvii 751 

Howell, J. v 138] 

—— Rob. xlvi 420 

T. xxxiv 452 

W. Ix 361 

Howgate, J. Ixi 304 

Howick, fire at, lvii 79 

Howick, lord, See Grey, earl 

Howland, Mrs. v 7 

Howley, bish. W. lv 88. lviii 9. Ix 140] 

Howleglas, adventure of, viii 197 

Howorth, H. xxxiv 78 

Howse, Edw. xxv 196] 

Rob. punishment of, for swindling, 
xlvi 399 

Hoxtable, Marg. liv 18, 129 

Hoy, T. xxxiii 329] 

Hoya, defeat of the French at, i 34 

Huart, bar. d’, v 256] 

Hubball, 'T. lv 320 

Hubbard, Francis, executed for murder, 
xxxiv 13 

James, xxxiii 12] 43] xxxiv 35 

.--. hung for forgery, xxxv 9 

—— T. iv75] 

Hubert, xxxv 266] 

Nich. iv. 307-9 

Hubertsburgh, peace of, v 63] 247] vi 

Huck, Dr. xxiv 89 
Huckell, W. vi 88] 
Huckings, xxxi 71 

Hucks, Mrs., men suffocated in her beer 
cellar, i 96 

Huddart, Jos. xli 404. xlii 383, xlvi 827. 
xlvii 371, 853. xlviii 955 

Huddersfield, inundation at, xx 195] 

Hauddlestone, Theoph, drowned at a lord 

mayor’s show with his wife and two sons, 
xii 149] 
Hudlestone, J. xliv 268. xlviii 107 
-—— Lawson, xlii 386 

Hudson, xxxvi 294, x1 206 

Hudson, comm. Ixi 257] 
Jef. account of. v 58 | 
J. liv 314. lxi 72, 222 4 
sir C. xiii 79] 4 

——— T. (painter) xxxii 143 { 

—— W. xviii 43, xxxv 25 

Hudson’s bay, Indians of, xiv 18 ¥ 

...» French expedition to, xxvi 115] 

Tue and cry, viii 30] 

Hue, Francis, xxxv 135 | 

Huerme de la Mothe, iy 109] 

Mpet. bish. P. D. iii 150. vii 254. xiv 173, 

Huger, gen. (Amer.) xxiv 66] 

Hugeget, rev. xxx 125 

Huggins, Edw. liii 63. Ix 113] 114], 

———- W. xviii 184] 

Hughan, T, xlix 118. li 412 

teh we (of the Circus) indicted, xvi 

Hughes, adm. sir Edw. i 88. iii 100] xxi 
166] xxii211] xxiii 11] xxv 2] 56] 74] 
83] 90] 107] 268] xxvi 40] 65] 81] 105) 
111] 249] xxvii 259] 

—— adm. sir Rich. xvi 117] xxv 227*] 

225] xxvi 258] 

brig. gen. xlvi 138, 544, 548 

——— capt. C. (N) xxvi 258] xxvii 263] 

——— capt. Rob. ix 80 

—~— capt. James, xxvi 58] 244] 

Eleanor, executed for murder, 

xxxviii 25, 26 

Hugh Evan, xxvii 182] 

Hugh Rowland, xxvii 182] 

J. vi 307. liv 103 

——— J. (poet) xv 229. xix 40 

—— rev. Edw. xlvi 813 

——— rev. Jos. xlvi 374 

——— Rich. xxxi 262] 

—— T.S.1i 315 

Hughson, J. xxviii 289] xxx 266] xxxii 329] 

Hugo, |. col. xxv 113] 

Hugon, xlii 166] 

Huguenin, v, Thornton, for assault, xliv 368 

xxxiv 55] 

— Simon, xliv 777 

Huguenots, massacre of, at Toulouse, iii 

«++. massacre by, 2d. 

Hugues, count de Ja Mothe d’, i 148 

— Victor, xxxvi 283] 182. xxxvii 
134] 184—187. xxxix 128] 1i 366 

Huillier, l. gen. lvi 183 

Huish, fire at, xlix 447 

Huish, R. lx 359 : 

Hulin, gen. xlvi 160, 628. liv 177] lvi 20] 

Hulks, grants for convicts in, See Campbell, 
Duncan, also xxviii 250] 251] 

..2. on the Thames, hard labour in, , 
substituted for transportation, xix 163] 



Hulks: escapes from, xx 178] xxi 206] 210] 

«»--» insurrection of convicts at Portsmouth, 
xxviii 198] 

..-. attempt to escape from, xlvii 402 

Hull, act for the recovery of small debts, v 89] 

+--+ petition to parliament on the American 
stamp act, ix 35] ~ ; 

«+++ canal communication with Liverpool, 
ix 50] 

ee». dock opened, xxi 202] 

«+-- riot on account of the price of pease, 
xliv 428 

++. increased trade of Ix 139 

Hull, (music.) xii 215 

gen. W. (Amer.) liv 199] 241, 444, 

lvi 177] 

J. xxix 46 

——maj. 1265* 

—— 7. (actor) xvi 249. xx 198 

Hullock, serg. lix 178 

Hulme, Dr. Nath. xxi 137 

James, xlix 477 

Hulse, gen. sir S. xli 115 

m. gen. liv 233 

rey. J. 1i 257 

Hulsen, gen. _—ii 9, 27, 46; 111 30] 31] 43] 
45] 46] 47] 

Humberston, col. T. Mackenzie, xxii 236] 
xxiii 310] xxvi 85] 94] 287] 290] 

Humbert, gen. x1 165] 141, 235. xliii 243] 
xliv 215 

Humboldt, Alex. de, 1 118. li 851, 854, 
924, 936. lvi 493. 1x 439, Ixi 551, 553 

Hume v. Oldacre, lviii 277 

—— Alex. xxi 175] 

David, iv 305, 308; 314, 3167. xiv 
163, 255. xv 162. xix 176] xx 131. xxiii 
214, 248. xxix 187. xxxii 79] xxxiii 380] 
xxxvii 40*] xxxviii 374. xlii 61] xliii 5] 
410. xlviii 260. 1 239, 260. 1i 950 

«+--+ remarks on his history of England, iv 
301, 308. x1 432. 1vi 471 

-»-- account of his life and writings, xix 
27. xx 6 

---» letter to A. Smith, xxxvii 43*] 

«+++ character of, liii 357 

7a Francis, measles inoculated by, i 


Jos. li 866. Ixi 69] 70] 

—— prof. D. lii 694 

—— sir Abraham, xxxiv 9 

—— W. Hoare, lx 34 

Humfries, Isaac, xxxvi 321 

Humming birds, xxv 101. xxix Jin 

Humphreys, (boxer) xxx 199] xxxi 
199] 206] 

— C. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] 

xviii 265] 

————— Edward (pickpocket) executed 
xxxii 204] “yeaa aa i 

—— G. xxxiii 27] xxxiv 15 

Humphries v. lord Camelford, xli 21 

—— lieut. T. (N) xlvii 810 

Hungary, earthquake in, vi 83] 

ees» girl found wild in, x 86] 



Hungary: bad condition of fortified places 
in, xi 123] 

.. +» dissatisfaction excited by the emperor’s 
reforms, xxvii 128 

+++. insurrection of the peasantry, xxvii 

..+- change in the form of government, 
Xxvil 128] 229] 

+++. regalia removed to Vienna, xxviii 48} 

...» the crown restored, xxxiii 5, 6 

courts of justice removed from Pres- 

burg to Buda, xxviii 160] 

alteration of the emperor’s conduct 
toward, xxx 54] xxxiii 5 

-.-. articles proposed to the new king to 
sign, xxxiii 19, 22 

«+» unquiet state of the country, xxxiii 8, 20 

.. ++ coronation of Leopold, xxxili 23 

..+» resolution of the states on the proposi- 
tions of the emperor, xxxviii 287 

«+s» proposals of the emperor, and answer 
of the diet, xliv 246 

Hungary, empress queen of- 
and Maria Theresa 

Hunger, preservatives against, ii 421 

Hungerford, fire at, xlviii 405 

Hungerford market, fire in, x 83] 

Hungerford, sir T. xxxiii 70] 

Huningen, fortress of, demolished, lvii 114] 

See Austria, 

Hunsdon house, i 483 

Hunt, attempt to defraud, ix 52] 
—— capt. (N) iv 64] xiv 7] 43] 47] 
xxxvi 81 

—— couns. lix 200 

——— H. lviii 190. Ixi 103] 105] 110] 106, 
270, 271 

—— J. liii 243. liv 277 

Joseph. 1 221*. lit 129 

—— Leigh, liii 243. liv 277 

—— prof, T. xi 148. xix 26 

rev. Dr. lviii 447 

—— Rich. xliv 775 

—— W. xli 404 

—— W.townclerk of Stratford upon Avon, 
xii 102] 

Hunter, adm. J. xxxi 257] xxxiii 69] xxxv 
811. xxxix 25. x1 465. lv 525 

——— ald, sir Claud. Steph. xlvi 422, 431. 
xlix 492. lili 126. lx 346 

——— capi. (N) xlvi 434 

—— Dr. Andr. xx 94.xxvi 84. xxxii 91. 
xli 407, 417 

—-— Dr. W. v 97] viii 174. xi 120] 
199] xiv 85. xv 84, xxvi 211] 2 

..»- on the large fossil bones of America 
xii 71 

..«. account of, xxvi 25 

«... his museum, xxvi 32. xlvii 357 

——-— Henry, ii 143 

——— J. (Amer.) 1i 508 

—— J. xxiv 173] xxviii 201] 

—— J. xxxii 341] 

— J, viii 174. xvii 70. xxiii 133 xxv 

65, xxvi 29. xxvii 29. xxviii 204] xxx 


212] 58. xxxii 68. xxxiv 483, xxxvi 316, 
336. xlvi 802. 1i 248 

Hunter, on the digestion of the stomach 
after death, xvil08 

eeee power in animals and vegeta- 
bles of producing, xix 87 

+++» wolf, jackal, and dog the same species, 
xxix 38. xxxi 41 

ps on the temperature of the Earth, xxx 

eee» account of, xxxv 50 

++.» museum of, xxxv 51. xli 196. xlviii 
639. 1 182* 

——l.col. xlv 549 

—— Mrs. J. xlvii 985, 986 

—— rev. Dr. H. xxxviii 362, 389, 394. 
xlii 433 

——— rev. T. xiii 253 

—— T. lvii 23 

Hunting: fox chased into a coalpit, ii 69 

+++. stag pursued over a precipice by the 
hounds, ii 132 

+++» grand hunt at Wurtemburg, vii 54] 

e+e. Strenuous foxhunters, vii 97] 

..+» fox hunted with a cub in her mouth, 
xii 95] 

+. action for breaking down fences in fox- 
hunting in Scotland, xvii 95] 

e+». ancient manner and laws of, in Wales, 
xxiv 139 

..-- actions on the right of following game 
xxviii 205] li 312. liv 135, 136. lviii 277 

.+»» hare chased into a house, xlviii 354 

.... fox-chace joined by four mail coach 
horses in their harness, xlix 371 

on foot, liii 17 

...- hare chased over a cliff and killed with 
several of the hounds, liii 122 

...~ lions in the E. Indies, lv 1 

.... rabbits by a trained fox, lv 3 

.+«- person killed by a stag, lvi 97 

Huntingdon, spirited resolutions of the 
county, xxiv 141] 

Huntingdon, F’. 10th earl of, iii 147] xii 
100] xiii 63] 67] 70] 197] 199] xvi 199] 
xviii 153. xxv 157] xxxi 298] 304] 

——— H. 3d earl of, xxi 236. xlvi 


—— Henry of, x 17 

rey. W. xxii 210] 

—— Selina, countess of, xiii 62. xv 
134] xxii 214] xxiii 214] 

Huntingfield, Josh. Ist lord, xlvii 354 

Huntingford, T. murdered by his wife, Ix 

Huntington, gen, J. 

W. lv 47 

Huntley, G. marq. of, xxxiv 30. xli 302] 
xlii 1. 11 476, li 435 

Huntley castle, fire at, xlv 387. 

Hurd, bish, R. ii 450. v 14. xii 69] xx 26] 
9. xxiii 258] xxiv 177] xxv 199] xxxvi 
301. 1260. lix 498 

Hurford, W. xxv 195] 

Hurley, Eleanor, liii 9 

(Amer.) xxiii 392] 


Hurlock, xvii 167] 
Hurricanes. See Storms 

Hurry, Edm. Cobb, xlv 829 
Hurry Punt, xxxiv 211] 
Hurst v. Halford, xliv 445 
Rob. xly 114° xlvi 112 
Hurstmonceaux castle, xlvi 416 
Husbandry. See Agriculture 
Husbands, not liable for goods bought bya — 
a except necessaries, xiv 106] xlvili 

«++ action against the Bank for not allow- 
ing one to transfer stock in the joint 
names of himself and wife, xv 113] 

+++. action against one for credit given to 
the wife, liii 63 

+++ punishment of one for deserting his 
family, lvii 72 

Huske, lieut. gen. will of, iv 21 

Huskisson, W. xlviii 383. xlix 402. 1101] | 
222". li 93, 97, 169. lii 341. liii 23] liv 
59] 77] 107] 218] ly 43] 1xi 272 

Hussey, C. murder of Mr. Bird and his 
housekeeper by, Ix 14, 93 

(couns.) ix 149] 

maj. gen, sir J. xlvii 884 

rey. Dr. xli 39. xlv 580, 584 

—— W. (city solicitor) vi 144] 

W. (M.P.) xxv 141] xxvii 268] 
xxviii 117] xxxii 84] 86] xxxiii 262. 
xxxv 85] 169] 179] xxxvi 207] xxxvii 
at 218} xxxix 129] 191] 193n] xliii 

Hutcheson, prof. Francis, xxxi 133. xlii 235] 

Hutchings, S. xlvii 853. xlviii 955 

Hutchins, (Security bank) xxxix 204] 

rev. Dr. xxxili 276] 

rey. J. xlv 443 

T. (Amer.) xxix 55 

Hutchinson v. Dinwiddie for bills accepted 
on his recommendation, xivi 398 

xlvi 750 

—— capt. xlvii 520 

capt. J. H. (A) lviii 62, 329 

col. xlvili 1097 

————— hon. Christ. Hely, xlv 189, 203, 
210. xlvi 6, 11, 23, 48, 66. 69. xlvii 10. 
li 160, 167. liii 10] liv 9] Ixi 153) 

James, executed for several 

murders in Jamaica, xvi 112] 

J. (a beggar and pickpocket) 

xiv 87] 

-— J. (philos.) life of, iv 36 

—— J. (resid. at Anjengo) xxvi 294] 
—— J. Hely, lord, xli 115, 118. xliit 
231] 239] 240] 89. xliv 8, 27, 42, 183, 
586, 606, 807, 859. xlvi 1l4n, 374, 904. 
xlvii 93. xlix, 84. 134] 58] li 235. Ix 401. 
Ixi 399 

Lucy, xlviii 1097, 1100 
—— maj. killed, xxvi 85] 
— maj. xliii 35 
—_—_—_— rev. Julius, xlviii 1097 
~———.— Rich. Hely, See Donoughmore, 


Hutchinson, rt. hon. J. Hely, xxi 185] 
xxviii 23] xliv 709” 
+... character of, lili 364 
—— T. ix 159] xvi 133] xvii 107] 
133] 201] 227] xviii 184] xix 159] xxiii 
Huthington, Steph. xxv 205] 
Hutt, capt. J. (N) xxxvi 87, 90. xlvii 429 
Hutte, 1. col. li 233 
Huttes, de, murdered, xxxii 53] 
Hutton, abp. Mat. xi 17 
B. liv 17 
eapt. viii 60] 
—— Dr. C. xxxii 71. xxxviii 362 
— Dr. James, li 936 
T. xxxiv 15 
W. li 5438. lii 417 
—— W. (ant.) xxxiii 27] 36] xxxiv ld. 
xliii 385. 
Hoxelles, marsh. d’, xxi 244 
Hoxham, Dr. J. iii 94. vii1J0. viii 159. ix 
111, 113, 162. liv 489 
Huxtable, marg. liv 18, 129 
Huygens, Christian, viii 113, 114. ix 91. 
xxii 138 
Hyat Sahib, xxvi 93] 287] 
Hyde, Adams (pirate) ii 75, 79 
—— Ann, queen of England, xii 36 
bish. xi 76] 
Heng See Clarendon, earl 
Hen. jun. See Cornbury, vise. 
—— J. ii76 
—— J. (judge) xv 139] xvii 104] 
—-— Lawrence, See Rochester, earl 
lord, See Clarendon, T. (Villiers) 
earl of 
rev. Dr. T. v 56n, 103, 108. xxiii 



G. Hooten, x1 179 

W. xxiii 260] xxiv 229] xxix 211] 

Hyder Ali, xi 101] 153] xviii 162] xxv 3] 
7) 30] 31) 40] 53] 79] xxvi 3] 41] 52] 
78) 344] xxvii 50] 187*] xli 62] 

oe account of, xi 66*] xxvii 18, liii 411, 


a+» Wars with, xi 66*] xii 48] xxiv 191*] 
xxv 34] xxxiv 193] 

++-« his judicious conduct, xii 49] 52] xxv 
78] xxvi 61] 

»-++ bursts into the Carnatic, xxv 60] 
xxxvii 208] 

+... his death and character, xxvi 88] 

---- tomb of, xlv 400 

—— beg khan, xxxiii 233 

—— Sahib, xxxiv 216] 

Hydrogen, carburetted, xxiii 111 

Hydrophobia, cure of, iv 12] 

+++. remedies for, viii 126] 131] xxxiii 
358] : 

+++. Supposed shocking case of, ix 57] 

several persons bitten by wolves in 

France seized with, x 77] 

+++, Suicide of a person attacked with, x 


Hydrophobia, cases of, xi 134] 98. xix 181] 
xxi 195] xxvi 224] xxxiii 331] xlvii 393. 
xlix 517, 931. 1112* 

.-.. trials of various remedies, xi 98 

+... persons tried for smothering a boy 
affected with, xv 121] 

+... observations on, xxxix 397 

+++.» prevention of, 1 10* 

Hyena, spotted, lvii 491 

Hygrometer, slowly sensible one, xxix 88 

Hymans, Marcus, xlvi 824 

Hyndes, Mary, child drowned by. xi113] 

———— Montague W, shot, 1 85* 

Hyndford, earl, xiv 204] 

Hypericum campodarense recommended as 
a vermifuge, iv 127 

Hyrre, adj. gen. H. iii 235] 

Hythe, fire at, xlviii 418 


Tbberville, M. d’ xix 194] 

Ibbetson, archdeacon, i 90 

———- J. xxxvii 8 

Ibrahim, aga, Tripolitan ambassador, xvi 

bashaw, xiii 95 
bey, xxiii 54. xxviii 153] xl 150] 
258. xli 15] 21] 39] xliii 224] xliv 730, 
731. liii 148] 
—— Ennasch, xxxiv 371 
— kiaja, iv 122] 
Ice, evaporation of, iii 90 
--.. burning glass made of, vi 55] 
«++» easy process for making, xviii 130 
...- on the formation of that in the ocean, 
xxvii 16] 
.+». on windows, li 845 
-».. Greenland or polar, lix 529 
-+.. accidents from the breaking of, See 
Ice-house, natural, xii 96 
Ice-islands, on the formation of, xx 87 
Hnelpsite Geyser spring described, yi 95. liii 
-».. yoleanoes and hot springs in, xxiii 92. 
liii 495 
. island rising out of the sea near, xxvi 
++» tremendous 
XXvViii 60] 
«-.. volcanic island raised near, xli 394 
+... state of education and literature in, liii 
. religious service, liii 438 
---.- character of the people, liii 439 
. rural affairs, lit 439 
.. ++ Sulphur mountain, liii 490 
.... ascent of the Snaefell Jokul, liii 492 
Ichneumon, xxyiii 49 
Ictinus, lviii 454 
Identity, difficulty of ascertaining, xlvi 404, 

natural conflagration. 


Idra, quicksilver mine of, adventure in, x 
—— people of, liv 469 
Iffland. Ix 488 
Tgelstrom, bar. xxxii 307] 
Ikin, James, lx 361. lxi 299 
Tlay, island of, strange retreats in, xvii 144 
Ibert, ii 143 
Ilchester, convictions for bribery at the elec: 
tion, xlv 119. xlvi 383 
Ilchester, Maria, countess of,1 16* 
Mlegitimacy, writ of ejectment on the plea 
of, xx 180] 
—— trials on the ground of, xlix 
533. lili 253, 263. liv 291. lv 254 
Mlingworth, R.S. li 296 
Tiluminati, xxxiv 67] 
Illuminations, fire occasioned by, xlvii 429 
Illyrians, xxxviii 465 
Imagination, force of, ii 378 
— compared with memory, xxvi 
125, 280 
Imhoff, bar., i 46. ii 233 
+++» defeats the French at Meer, i 47 
Impeachment by the Commons not abated 
_ by dissolution of parliament, xxxiii 231 
Impey, J. xliv 447 
maj. Mich. shot in a duel, xliv 363 
sir Elijah xi 67] xv 147] xvii 104] 
xxv 188] xxvii 57] xxix 150] 152] 157] 
xxxi 159] 163] 275] 
«++» resigns his office, xxix 224] 
-+++ impeachment of, xxx 172] 
Impostors, to excite charity, i 86 
++ee pretended Lapland conjuror, i 274 
+++. conjuror committed to Bridewell, ii 
-... at Bristol, iii 161] 
e+-- one prophesying the recovery of the 
Holy land by shepherds, iii 173 
«++. pretended Messiah at Prague, iv 74] 
ee. at the carnival at Paris, iv 81] 
aee- prophets at Cologn, iv 100] 
«+. pretended count, iv 81 
-.+. one of the French king’s guards pre- 
tending to be wounded by an intentional 
assassin of the king, v 68] 
+.++ boys voiding pins and needles, v 113] 

e+e» Cock-lane ghost, v 142] 

e+. boy of Bilson, v 66 

+... pretended grandson of the chev. St. 
George, vi 53] 

«++. female,at Coventry &c. ix 119] 

«..»pretended Peter III of Russia, x 12] 
153] xvi 5] xvii 11] xviii 155*] 

«+++ pretended clergymen, xii 93] xliii 30 

+... pretended sister of the queen xvi 113] 

«+++ alchymical, xx 174] 

+... Werta, pretended Albanian prince, 
xxx 45 

«++. gitl pretending to haye been stolen by 
gipsies, xliv 410, 414 

«».- bank notes obtained by one calling 
himself the hon, H, Howard, xliv 437 



Impostors: (the same) under the name of 
the hon. col. A. Hope married to Mary 
of Buttermere, xliv 456, 469 

+. pretended dauphin, xlvi 772 

...- hen laying eggs with writing on them, 
xlviii 371 

++. picture dealer, 1 73* 

-+.. Ann Moore, the fasting woman, 1115". 
ly 37 

Impressment, actionagainst three Middlesex 
justices for, li 303 

«+++ See also Navy 

Imprisonment, false, cases of, ii 128. vi 87] 
vii 112] viii 80] ix 94] xi 63] xiii 74] xv 
116] 117] xvi 183] 149] xvii 168] xix 139] 
xli 20. xlvi 384. liv 93. lv 284. Ivii 307. 
lix 181. Ixi 200 

+++. charge to a Dublin jury in a case of, 
vii 127] 1 

«++. action for, brought by a lunatic, xiv 

+... four justices of peace convicted of 
wilful and malicious, xiv 156] 

+... action against three Middlesex justices 
for,li 303 

+++» action against a rev. justice, lviii 313. — 
Ixi 265 

-+++ Solitary, observations on, lii 143 

Improvisatori, xxiii 21. lvi 466 

Impudence, ii 469 

Incarnagao, F. G. da, 11 211, 219 

Incendiaries, xlviii 441. lvii 71,75, 76. lix 
219. Ix 87 

Incest, cases of, vi 64] viii 219] xvii 85] 
Iviii 262 

Inchiquin, Murrough, 
Thomond, marq. 

W. 4th earl, xv 206] 
Incledon, C: xxxvi 15 
capt. (N) xxxvi 74 

Tnclosure, See Enclosure 

Income tax, xli 174] 179] 182] 19, 200. xlii 
154, xliii 18, 142 

«++ petition for it’s repeal, xliv 93 

--.. repealed, xliv 123 

**** revived, under the name of property 
tax, xlv 192, 633. xlvii 594. xlviii 70, 72, 
646. Ivi 106. lvii 25] 

++. action for a vexatious surcharge, lii 
539 4 

+.«» person imprisoned for nonpayment, lii 

..+. king’s property exempted, xlviii 73 

+... returns of, li 322. lii 495 

+++. causes relative to, liii 78, 79. lvi 302 

e+ petitions against, lviii 7] 22] 24] 

«s+ repealed, lviii 26] 
Incontinency, women committed to house of. 
correction for, xlix 353 i 
Indelicacy to females, persons convicted of, 
xlvii 390, 406 

Indian ink, ix 153 

Indian tale, ii 435 

Indictments, erasures in, by & grand jury, 
xii 68] 

5th earl, See 



Indictments, picking out flaws in, xii 68] 

-.. action for malicious, xiv 136] 

«++. flawsin, xiv 162] xvi 68] xlix 523 

Indies, See East Indies, and West Indies 

Indigo from E. Florida, xiv 127] 

«++» Saxon blues, xv 106 

«+++ yellow from, xv 106 

ge E, Indian manufacture of, xxxvi 361, 


+++» improvement in the preparation of, 
xliv 761 

Industry, instances of, xlvii 809, 863 

Infantado, duke of, 1143] 147] 169] 116*. 
li 12, 178. liv 159] lvi 68] lxi 28, 69, 

Infantado Escocquitz, | 241* 

Infants, See Children 

Inflammation, See Combustion 

Influenza, instances of, y 82] xlv 368 

Informations, amendment of, defended, xi 
95] 125] 

eee» €X Officio, liii 27] 

Informers, one found guilty of sending 
threatening letters, xlvi 412 

Ingant, chev. _—xiii 69] 

Ingelstrom, gen. bar. xxxvii 26] 

Ingenhousz, Dr. J. xi 176] 179] xii 65] 
xxiv 53. xxxiii 325] xxxix 4237. xli 33. 
xlvi 804 

+++. Oa new inflammable air, xxiii 11) 

e+e» account of, xli 33 

Ingersol, Jared (Amer.) xxix 299] 

Ingleborough mountain described, iv 100 

Ingleby (emp. of the conjurors) | 14* 

Ingleden, J. lxi 301 

Tnglefield, capt. J. N. (N) xxv 209*] 155. 
xxvil23] xxxvi 80 

——— sir Franc. ix 59 

Inglis, bish, C. xxxi 271] 

age capt. (N) xxiv 246] xxv 202] xxxix 

—— m. gen. sir W. lv 172, 194, 200 
—— sir Hugh, xxvii 187] xliii 198] lv 

Walter, xliii 454 
Inglish, capt. Rob.(A) killed, ii 133 
Ingoldsby, xxviii 171 

Ingram v. captors of St. Eustatia, xxviii 

Dale, xxxv 19 
—— James, xlvii 854. xlviii 956 
lieut. W. (N) lvi 178 
— sir Arth. xxi 178 
W. murdered by poachers, lviii 9 
Ingulphus, abbot, li 285 
njunction, cases of, li 305 
Ink, printers’, v 111] 
— writing, ix 158. liii 505 
ancient, xxix 91 
pene navigation, See Canals and Naviga- 
opting capt. H. (N) xlii 74. xlvii 436, 541, 

Tnnes, calamities of the family of, xvii 41 
Innes, capt. (N.) iv 132} 140] 
Parr 1, 



Innes, Gilbert, xxxv 135] 

—— |. col. James, x1 139 

——— m. gen. Hi. xliv 421 

Innis, J. executed for murder, xlv 362 

Innkeepers, immoderate charge of, v 104] 

-... fined for not having wie over their 
doors, x 134] 

-».. sued for property stolen from travel- 
lers, xxvi 221] li 275. lvii 295 

..-. action against for obstructing a travel- 
ler, lvi 29 

Innocent II, x 15, 274 

——— III, iii 171 iv 100]vi 161. x1 409 

——- IV, i 456. xx 126 

X, xxxiii 245] 

XI, xvi 56] 

XII, xxxi 7. xlii 418 

XIII, xvi 56] xxxi 9 

Inns of court, origin of, 1457 

»..- admission to the bar refused to a per- 
son in orders, xxii 215] 



toa per- 
son who had taken the benefit of an act 
of insolvency, xxiii 234] 

Inquisition, rise of the, iii 171 

abolished in France, iii 173 

+ «. autos de fe at Lisbon, iv 171] viii 138] 
212] x 131] 

+++ witnesses to be confronted with the 
party accused in Spain, viii 68] 

-..-list of persons and their sentences at 
an auto de fe at Lisbon, viii 212] 

.-.. abolished in the Milanese, xviii 148*] 

eee. ————— at Modena, xxiv 13] 

. chief of, at Rome, assassinated by the 
mob, xxviii 210] 

.. +» abolished in Spain, lv 153] 

.... reestablished there, lvi 73] 

.... confiscation of goods to it’s profit abo- 
lished by the pope, lviii 134] 

Insanity, extraordinary cases of, iii 71. viil 
113] xi 104] 174] xxi 207] xxix 220] 
xlviii 401. xlix 43), 493 

»»«e from love, xxxiv 27 

+... person seized with in a stage coach, 
liv, 47 

.... instances of, liv 81, 82, 112 

Insects, mischiefs done by, iv 104] 113] v 
97. vi Sl. xxvi 62. xxvii 38. xli 39. xlvii 

.... leave off eating, when about to lay eggs 
or change their form, v 54 

wee. methods of destroying, vi 107-9. xi 
112. xxix 81. xxxvii 93*] xlii 386, 390. 
xlvii 842. liv 46 

.... one that is oviparous, viviparous, and 
impregnated for several generations, vili 

ss. advantages that might be derived from 
the labours of, viii 140 

.. +» figs fecundated by means of, viii lol 

.... means of preserving plants from, xvi 
134. xxv 116. xxx 101. 1 68* 

ees» minute, found high in the air, xviii 




Insects ; parliamentary reward for a powder 
for destroying, xxiv 272] 

«+++ remedy for stings of, xxxiii 362] 

---- on hops destroyed by lightning, xl 70 

+++. paper manufactured by, xlvii 1018 

e++» utility of some, xlix 840. li 844 

--.. See also under their respective names 

Inspiration, Scripture, v 241 

Instinct, xxx 67 

Insurance, chamber of, established at Ber- 
lin, viii 68] 

«+.-~ another at Hamburgh, viii 68] 

++-. not recoverable unless the ship be sea- 
worthy, viii 108] 

«++, action to recover back, where a ship 
was wilfully sunk, ix 71] 

eee. On lives, act for regulating, xvii 123} 

--«- actions on, xxvi 198] lvi 299, 300, 301. 
lvii 296. Ixi 191, 277 

-... See also Fire-offices 

Interest of money, rates of, lxi 476 

Inundations, of the Rhine, iii 72] xii 164] 
xiii 172] lviii 91, 94. lix 59 

— 4000 heuses at Canton, and a 
city in a neighbouring province destroyed 
by, viii 92] 

«+». Avignon by the Rhone, viii 142] 

++.. of the Usk, in Wales, ix 155] 

e-.. at Montauban, ix 196] 

e+e. of the Thames and on the coast, x 46* 

+... in various parts of the United King- 
dom, x 57] 138] xi 162] 163] 164] 166] 
xiii 164] 167] xiv 152) 155-60] 163] 
165] xvi 127] xvii 154] xxxiv 14, 37, 
38. xxxix 48. x1i 8, 29, 31, 34. xlvi 384. 
xl viii 429, 431, 463. lii 285. liii 123, 124. 
Ivi 19. lviii 5, 7, 106 

eeee in New England, x 76] 

--.. extraordinary in Surry, x 97] 

e+. by the rising of rivers in Yorkshire 
and Scotland, x 115] 
+++ at Manchester, x 137] 

-+-++ in Derbyshire and Cheshire, x 138] 

---. in Tyrol, x 150] 

«++. at Leeds, and other places, xi 71]-3] 

e+.» near Mentz, xi 147] ; 

--.. of the Tweed, xi 149] 

--.- in Kent, xi 179] 

+++. In various parts, xi 188] 191] 

«+s. in Holland, iii 72] xii 164] lviii 94 

-... in Dominica, xii 164] 

--.. in the south of France, xiii 97] 

---- in various parts of Germany, xiv 
83*] 103] 120] 129] 130] 131} xviii 90] 

_ xxviii 59] xlvi 404. liii45, 121. lv 86. 
Iviii 46, 50, 78, 83, 101 

«++» in the Netherlands, xiv 65] xxxix 2 

ove. at Riga, xiv 113] lvi 31 

- ia Virginia, xiv 128] Ix 79 

«ee» at Aix, in Provence, xiv 151] 

«++. at Newcastle xiv 155] 

2+e» at Inverary, xv 126] 

++. in the Tyrolese, xv 131] 145] 

+++. in Monmouthshire, xv 134] 

e+e» near London, xvii 106] 



Tnundations: near Aberdeen, xvii 151] 

++ ++ in Wales, xviii 148] 

«+++ in Oxfordshire, xviii 155] 

-» +. in Scotland, xviii 163] xxv 202] 

».+. on the Dutch coast, xviii 172) 

++. at Canterbury, xix 115] 

+++. at Shepton Mallet, xix 175] 

«++. at Petersburgh, xx 186*] 202] 

«+e at Huddersfield, xx 195] 

+++» in Dauphiny, xxi 207] 

*,.. inN. America, xiv 128] xxviii 195] 
lv 89. Ix 79 

++.» in Portugal, xxx 203] 

.... in the E, Indies, xxx 238] Ivi 203] 96 

«+ ~ in Cuba, xxxiii 37 

».». at Venice, xxxv 1 

«+.- at Cheshunt wash, xxxvi 39 

--.. at Glasgow, xxxvii 46, xxxviii 4 

«+. at Moffatt, 1 119* 

+++. at Galashiels, 1 120* 

o+. in Italy, liii 144 

.... in Switzerland, lviii 91, 102. lix 58 

Invau, M. d?, xx 40 

Inverary, inundation at, xv 126] 

Inverness, earthquake at, xii 155] 

«+». explosion of gunpowder, xliii § 

Inverness, lord, xxvi 160 

Ionian republic established, xlii 216] xliv 

«++. convention between Russia and the 
Porte respecting, xlii 278* 

++.» insurrections in, xliii 287] 

+++. proceedings of the French, xlv 764-6 

«..+. French troops conveyed to in Russian 
ships, xlix 276 

-... French garrisons surrendered to the 
British, 1i 228, 580 

--.. treaty between G. Britainand Russia 
respecting, lvii 407 

sees plague in, lviii 150] 

+e» proceedings in, lviii 150] 393. Ixi 

---- charter ratified by the regent, lix 

«+e. insurrections, Ixi 197] 

Ippolito, count Franc. xxvi 58 

Irby, hon. capt. F. P. (N) lv 106] 139 

Ireland, peopled by Celts from Britain, iv 

«++. ancient state of, vi 257, 261 
+--+ policy of England toward, vi 258 
- invasion of the Danes, vi 261 

+... some acres of bog fallen into a lough, 
x 103] 

eee affairs of, t. Eliz. xi 53 

.++- journey in 1599, into the north of, xii 

-»+- pay and clothing of the army in, t.- 
Eliz. xii 150 

+++. parliament of, xv 235 

oe a rh ra of Christianity in, xvi 

«+s. ancient mss, xvi 259, 261. xlv 936 

+++» English invasion of, xvi 262 

ees» money granted for charts of, xviii 245] 



Ireland : resemblance of manners between 
the Irish and Biscayners, xxiii 28 

«..» Anglosaxon colony in, xxxi 98 

«+++ ancient intercourse with the Pheni- 
cians, xxxi 100 

«.«+ history of the stage, xxxi 110 

«++. compared with Hungary, xxxiii 247 

+++ gold mine in, xxxvii 36 

«+». characterof the Jrish, xliii 408. lii 749 

«+++ English officers recruiting there with- 
out leave, i 80 

«++. the king at arms ordered by the par- 
liament to deface arms borne by those not 
entitled to them, i 80 & 

e+-- act for importing provision from, i 
106, 107 

e+ eighteen children clothed and educa- 
ted for twelve pounds a year, ii 66 

«+.» fishery on the N. W. of, ii 92 

oe a oo from - Dublin to the Shannon, ii 

e+» French prisoners removed from Kin- 

, Sale into the country, ii 124 

e+ +» message from the lord lieutenant to 
ie parliament on a threatened invasion, 

e+. address of the parliament in conse- 
quence, ii 125 

on as temporary run on the Dublin bankers, 

+++. great take of fish in Galway, zd. 

--.. riot in Dublin on account of an ex- 
pected union with England, ii 129 

e++. resolution of the parliament against 
the exportation of live cattle, ii 130 

e+. address of the Roman catholics of 
Corke to the lord lieut. on the successes 
of his majesty’s arms, ii 265 

«++. descent of Thurot, iii 56} 

+««+ Shock of an earthquake felt at Wick- 
low, iii 70] 

«+++ message from the lord lieut. to the 
commons announcing an intention to 
increase the forces there, iii 72] 

++». answer of the commons, 2d. 

-+-« thanks of the commons to the captors 
of Thurot’s squadron, and to 1, col. Jen- 
nings, iii 79] 80] 

+++. trial of persons for insulting members 
of parliament, iii 111] 

+++» parliament dissolved by proclamation, 
iii 147] 

«+++ forces in, iii 255] xi 109] 

+++ parliament summoned for, iv 97} 

++-- Sums granted by the parliament of, iv 
179} vi 160] xvii 101] xxi 186] xxv 
179] for the expenditure after the Union 
See Supplies 

+++» pensions on, iv 180] vi 112] xii 158] 

-+++ national debt of, iv 180] 

«».+-Supply granted to his majesty, iv 180] 

+++. protestant working schools, benefac- 
tion to, xi 18 ~ 

«++~ bill for limiting the duration of par- 
liaments in, iv 189] xi 83°] 



Ireland: speech of the lord lieutenant on 
opening the first parliament of George 
IIL, iv 251] ; 

.+.. plan for moderating the excessive price 
of coals in Dublin, v 68] 

.... address of the parliament for an in- 
crease of salary to the lord lieutenant, v 
73 ‘ 

me ie of the lord lieutenant, v 74] 

.... offer to raise five regiments of papists 
for the service of Portugal stopped by the 
parliament, v 76] 

..-- resolution respecting a false report 
with regard to a bill returning from Eng~ 
land, v 82] 

..-. Tiots by Levellers, or White Boys, v 
84] vii 100] xviii 92) 146] 170] 176] 
xix 147] 

Hearts of oak, vi 101] 
Hearts of steel, xv 86} 121} 
Defenders, xxxv 1. ,xxxviii 1. 

xxxix 17, 

.... increase of the linen manufacture, v 
86] xv 146] xvi 223] 

--.. fall of honeydew in, v 93] 

«+e Seizure of butter from, vi 87] 

.-.- silk sold for ready money, seized on 
delivery, recovered by the seller, vi 92] 

.... mischiefs of a violent storm, vi 104] 

..-. regulations respecting vessels carry- 
ing passengers, vi 105] 

«+.» proceedings in the House of Commons 
respecting public money, vi 112] 

+». alleged trick of English retailers to 
prevent the importation of provision 
from, vi 120] ; 

+... speech of the lord lieut. on opening 
the parliament, vi 196] 

.,.. address of the parliament to the king, 
vi 198] 

.»«» his majesty’s answer, vi 199} 

..-. proclamation for the free importation 
of salt provision from, vii 103] 

++s« charge to a jury on a trial for false 
imprisonment, vii 127] 

.».. benefitted by the American stamp act, 
viii 55] 

+... heavy rains in, viii 61] 

«+. several White-boys killed and taken 
viii 105] : 

«+. Sheriffs and commons of Dublin re- 
solve to instruct the city members to 
endeavour to procure the duration of, 
parliaments to be shortened, viii 148] 

..+- motion toaddress the king on the great 
increase of pensions negatived, viii 152] 

-... speech of the lord lieutenant on open- 
ing the parliament, viii 264] 

+»e« addresses of the two Houses to his 
majesty, viii 266] 
lieutenant, viii 267] 268] 

see» bill for shortening the duration of 
[eae passed by the Commons, ix 



to the lord 



Treland: coinage of halfpence for, at the 
Tower, ix 75] 

-e-- address of the citizens of Dublin to 
their representatives on the bill for 
shortening parliaments being lost in 
England, ix 98] 

&-+e allowance of gum duty free to, ix 209] 

»» ++ address of the Commons to the king 
on a bill for shortening parliaments, ix 

‘eee his majesty’s answer, ix 230] 

--«- address of the Lords to the lord lieu- 
tenant, zd. 

eee. Commons, ix 231] 

eee. Speech of his excellency on closing 
the session, ix 232] 

ell regulations for the army in, x 

‘ees. engagements with smugglers, x 112] 

eo. cattle slaughtered bya mob to prevent 
their exportation to England, x 120] 

e.+- votes of the Commons on the great 

amount of pensions, x 155] 

‘eves on the great 
increase of the civil list, x 156] 

eo king and reyal family prayed for by 
the catholics for the first time since the 
Revolution, x 160] 

e+ sums paid to absentees, x 16]] 

+.-» speech of the lord lieut, on the meet- 
ing of parliament, x 235] 

--+« addresses of the Lords and Commons 

to his majesty, x 236] 
to the lord lieut. x 238] 239] 

e+ bill for limiting the duration of parlia- 
ments passed, xi 83"] 68] 

ees. augmentation of the army negatived, 
26. 109] 

e+e. computed expense of elections of 
members of parliament, xi 136] 

eee» Speech of the lord lieut. on closing the 
session of, xi 278] 

e+» proclamation for dissolving parliament, 
xi 279] 

e+. addresses of the two houses to the 
lord lieut. xi 279] 230] 

‘e+. Sale of the clothworkers’ company’s 

. estate, xi 120] 

ae eee opened, xii 141] 231] xiii 

«-.. rt. hon. J. Ponsonby chosen speaker, 
xii 141] 

ee». proceedings on the bill for augment- 
ing the army, xii 156] 236] xiii 85*] 

e+» protest of certain lords on a motion 
respecting protests, xii 176] xiii 88"] 

se. grant for improving the communica- 
tion with by way of Holyhead, xii 221] 

‘ee. Speech of the lord lieut. on opening 
the first limited parliament, xii 231] 

‘eo. address of the Lords to the king, xii 232] 

NeoGeo —— the Commons, xii 233] 

‘were ene Lords to the lord lieut. xii 



Ireland : address of the Commons, xii 235] 

.» ++ Speech of the lord lieut, on proroguing 
parliament, and ordering his protest to 
be entered on the journals, xii 236] 
xiii 87*] 

+++. money bill sent by the privy council 
to the Commons rejected, but another 
passed, xiii 86"] 87*]} 

«+++ the Commons forbid the entry of the 
lord lieutenant’s speech on their journals, 
xiii 88*] 

+++» resolutions of the merchants of Dub- 
: aa the prorogation of parliament, xiii 

+++» motion in the British House of Lords, 
to know who advised the prorogation, ne- 
gatived, xiii 104] 

+++» officers ordered to join theirregiments, 
xiii 166] 

«+++ embargo on provision, except for Eng- 
land, xiii 172] 

«+++ riot at Belfast, xiii 173] 

+++» petition from Dublin on the proroga- 
tion of parliament, xiii 232] 

+--+ alteration in the list of privy counsel- 
lors, xiv 137] 

+++» speech of the lord lieut. on opening 
parliament, xiv 242] 

+++ addresses of the Lords and. Commons 
to the king, xiv 242] 243] 

to the lord lieut. xiv 244] 


e+. the king’s answer to the address of 
the Commons, and their address in reply, 
xiv 246] 

+++ protest of the Lords against the thanks 
for continuing lord Townshend, xiv 246] 

+++» letter of the speaker to the Commons 
on resigning the chair, xiv 248] 

«+++ resolution by the Commons against 
the advisers of the increase of commis- 

’ sioners of the revenue, xv 81] | 

+++ resolutions on some members being 
fined for not attending on grand juries, 
xv 86] 

«++. revenue bill recommitted after being 
passed in consequence of mistakes in 
transcribing, xv 92] 

»»++ Speech of the lord lieut. on opening 
parliament, xv 225] 

.»-. addresses of both houses to the king, 
xv 226] 227] 

abit to the lord lieut. xv 228] 

.+ +. speech of the speaker to the lord lieut. 
on presenting a bill of supply, xv 230] 

SHO. of the lord lieut. on closing 
the session, 2d. 

os.» emigrations to America, xvi 96] 128] 

..-- decrease in the linen manufacture, xvi 
118] 128] 

«».. deficiency of the revenue, xvi 130] 

e+». Stamp duties laid, and money to be 
raised by life annuities, xvi 153] xvii 86] 




Treland : letters respecting a proposed tax 
on absentees, xvi 217-20] 

«--- speech of the lord lieut. on opening 
parliament, xvi 233 

.+.. addresses of both houses to the king, 

xvi 234] 235] 

«-«+ decrease of the linen trade, xvii 102] 
153] 175] 

++s- addresses of the parliament to the 
king, xvii 266] 267] 

to the lord lieut, xvii 268] 

to the lord lieut. xvi 238] 


se+- encouragement of the fisheries pro- 
posed in the British parliament, xviii 
113*] 111] 

+--+. to be allowed to exporta certain quan- 
tity of clothing to America, xviii 111] 

-+-- seizure of arms and ammunition at 
Rush, xviii 161] 

++.» priests cruelly used by the Whiteboys, 
xviii 170] 

++-- proposal for 4000 troops to be sent 
abroad from, agreed to by the Commons, 
xviii 175] xix 124*] 

for replacing them by fo- 
reign protestants rejected, xviii 175] xix 

«++. money bill rejected because returned 
from England with alterations, xviii 188] 

e+e speech of the lord lieut. on opening 
parliament, xviii 266] 

«+++ beef shipped for Bordeaux in defiance 
“3 pee from the lord lieut. xix 

e+-- great addition to the peerage, xx 26] 

-» ++ Speech of the earl of Buckinghamshire 
on being appointed lord lieut. xx 285] 

«... addresses of the Lords and Commons 
to the king, xx 286] 287] : 

to the lord lieut. xx 288] 


e+. committee of the British Commons on 
the trade of, xxi 172*] 176*] 181*] 191*] 

«+++ proposal for granting indulgences to 
the Catholics, xxi 174*] xxviii 7] 

«++» acts passed, xxi 186] xxviii 77] 

«+++ Speech of the lord lieut. on proroguing 
parliament, xxi 305] 

+--+ distresses of, xxii 123] 

«+s. attempts to reli¢ve them, xxii 125] 

+++. inquiry into the aflairs of, promised, 
xxii 161] 

++-. resolutions against importation from 
G. Britain, xxii 209] 222] xxiii 23] xxviii 

ae 1 (8A 

-. ++ bill for allowing the growth of tobacco, 
and it’s exportation, xxii 210] xxiii 23] 

++.» endeavours to obtain a free trade, xxii 
233] xxviii 2] 

ase for granting a free trade to, xxii 

+++. speech of the lord lieut. on opening 
parliament, xxii 352] 



Ireland: addresses on the occasion, xxii 
353] xxiii 36] 

+.» discontents in, xxiii 21] 45] 50] 

«+s» military associations, xxiii 24] 

.... relaxation of the laws against Catho- 
lics, xxiii 25] 

+++. thanks of the Lords to the volunteer 
associations, xxiii 36] 

«++» Short money bill, 2. 

»» «+ motions for a censure on ministers for 
their conduct toward, xxiii 57] 65] 

«+s. ministers’ propositions for velief to, 
xxiii 77] 

«++. export of woollens from, xxiii 196] 

+.» speech of the lord lieut. on closing the 
session, xxiii 337] 

.»>« Meeting at Dublin on it’s manufactures 
being refused admission into Portugal, 
xxiv 177] 

.... alarm of an invasion and spirited con= 
duct of the volunteers, xxv 116] 

.++. measures forming for rendering it in- 
dependent of the British legislature, xxv 

..-- message from the lord lieut. on the 
discontents of the nation, xxv 179] 

..-- address to the king in consequence, 

«++» the lord lieut. informs the parliament 
of the measures adopted in England, 

«. e+ address to the king, 7d. 

..+- sum voted for raising 20000 Irish sea- 
men, xxv 179] 

ons — for purchasing an estate 
for H. Grattan, 74. 

..-- fencible regiments to be raised, xxv 

«++. Subscription for a national bank, xxv 
228] xxvi 198] 

«s+- settlement offered to emigrants from 
Geneva, xxv 222] xxvi 198] 203] 351], 

«+e. this scheme abortive, xxviii 24] 

.».. act of the British parliament for ve- 
moving doubts respecting the exclusive 
rights of the Irish parliament and courts 
of law, xxvi 146] 

«+s. National bank opened, xxvi 208] 

«+++ embargo on ships laden with provision 
taken off, xxvi 216] 

+++ Speech of the lord lieut. xxvi 356] 

.... addresses to the king, xxvi 357] 359] 

lord Heut. xxvi 360] 


+... printer of the Volunteers Journal 
charged with high treason, xxvii 200] 

+... sentence of the high sheriff of the 
county of Dublin, xxvii 208] xxviii 9] 

+++. proceedings against three magistrates 
who convened the county of Mayo to con- 
sider of a parliamentary reform and elect 
delegates to a national congress, xxvii 

«++. address of the delegates to the people 
of, xxvii 326] 


Ireland: meeting of W. India merchants 
and planters on the importation of pro- 
duce into, xxvii 335] 

«++. speech of the lord lieut, xxvii 351] 

«++» resolutions on commerce, xxvii 359] 
xxvili 132] 

+++ petition against them from Manchester 
to the British parliament, xxvii 362] 

+++. retrospective view of it’s internal 
state, xxviii 2] 

+++. meeting of the volunteers on the sub- 
ject of parliamentary reform, xxviii 3] 

e+e constitutional acts, xxviii 37] 

+++. attempt to induce the volunteers to 
disband, xxyiii 4] 

3... meeting of delegates from them, 7d. 

e+». measures of reform proposed by the 
convention, 7b. 

e++- bill for reform rejected, xxviii 5] 

«+. address of parliament to the king on 
the occasion, 7b. 

‘sees counteraddress from the delegates, 

eee change in the administration, xxviii 

«+. bill for reform again rejected, xxviii 

eee. meeting of the citizens of Dublin, 
petition to the king, and address to the 
people, 7d, 

e--- proposal to admit the Roman catholics 
to vote for members, 7d. 

«ee.» former act in their favour, xxviii 77] 

eee petitions for reform objected to both 
by the duke of Rutland and Mr. Pitt, 
xxviii 8] 

«++. disunion among the volunteers res~ 
pecting the catholics, zd. 

»+-- meetings of a national congress, é). 9] 

e+» high sheriff of Dublin prosecuted, 
xxviii 9] 2 

eee» attachments against magistrates who 
called the meetings in different counties, 

«++. printers and publishers of newspapers 
prosecuted, xxviii 10] 12] 

«+. third bill for reform rejected, 7d. 

e--. attempt to relieve the distresses of 
the manufacturers, ¢d. 

««.. a mob breaks into the H.of Commons, 
xxviii 11] 12] 

e+. bill for securing the liberty of the 
press by preventing the publication of 
libels, xxviii 12] 

e+. nonimportation agreements strenuous- 
ly revived, ¢b. 

2+» the lord lieut. publicly insulted. 2d. 

«++. ministerial plan for adjusting the com- 
mercial intercourse with G. Britain, 
xxviii 13] 

e--. act passed in England on the subject, 
xxvii. 16} 

e+e. a similar bill brought into the Irish 
parliament, xxviii 22] 



Ireland: bill dropped on account of the 
smallness of the majority, xxviii 24] 

+++. insurrection in Connaught, xxviii 

+++» Speech of the lord lieut. on opening 
the parliament, xxviii 256] 

of the speaker of the Com- 

mons on presenting the money bills, xxviii 


of the lord lieut. on closing 
the session, xxviii 258} 

of the lord lieut. on opening 
the parliament, xxix 275] 

of the speaker of the’ Com- 
mons on presenting the money bills, xxix 



of the lord lieut. on closing 
the session, 2b. 

+++. attack on an illegal distillery, xxx 

-+.- anniversary of William III celebrated 
with unusual solemnity by the lord lieu- 
tenant, xxx 218] 

+++. the king’s illness announced by the 
lord lieutenant on opening parliament, 
xxxi 309] 

+++ proceedings of parliament on the 
king’s illness, xxxi 138] 310] 

---- address to the prince of Wales after 
yeene an unrestricted regeney, xxxi 141] 


«++» protest of certain peers against the 

address, xxxi 310] 

Se against the 
resolutions of right to declare a regent, 
xxxi 313] 

can against the 

vote of censure on the lord lieut, xxxi 

+++» refusal of the lord lieut. to transmit 
the address, xxxi 312] 

+++» answers of the prince of Wales to the 
address, xxxi 314] 315] 

+++» address of the H. of Commons in con- 
sequence, xxxi 316] 

+++. protest of certain lords against the 
address of thanks to the prince of Wales, 
xxxi 317] 

«++» Speech of the lord lieut. announcing 
the king’s recovery, xxxi 318] 

«+--+. address of congratulation from the 
Lords, xxxi 319] 

oo. from the 

H. of Commons, xxxi 320] 

+--+. speech of the lord lieut. on proro- 
guing parliament, xxxi 321] 

marq. of Buckingham recalled, and 
earl of Westmorland appointed lord lieut. 
xxxii 104] 

+++. speech of the lord lieut. xxxii 307] 

+... addition to the address in answer to 
the speech from the throne negatived in 
both houses, id. 

+++. protest of the Lords, 2, 308] 

++. Motion against increasing the com- 


missioners of revenue and dividing the 
boards, negatived, xxxii 104] 

Treland : motion for the advisers of the in- 
creased pension list, negatived, xxxii 

sees ——— for a representation to his 
majesty on the same subject, negatived, 

on vise. Strangford’s being de- 
prived of his pension, negatived, 74. 
+++ strong protest on the subject, 2. 
ees great riots at the elections, xxxii 205] 
+++ Speech of the speaker of the Commons 
ea presenting the bills of supply, xxxii 

e+.. Speech of the lord lieut. on closing 
the session, xxxii 311] 

-e+..J. Butler’s claim to the earldom of 

Ormond proved, xxxiii 14] 

«++. address from the Roman catholics of 
Kerry to the lord lieut. xxxiii 47] 

«++» Speeches of the lord lieut. xxxiii 155] 

«eee resolutions of grand juries against the 
measures of the catholic committee, 
xxxiv 37 

«+++ Subscription of catholics for purchas- 
ing land in America, 7b. 

oe. riot of weavers, xxxiv 38, ¢). 

_ ees. State in 1748 and 1792 compared, 

xxxiv 106 

---- speech of the lord lieut. at the meet- 
ing of parliament, xxxiv 169 

e++- Speech of the speaker of the Com- 
mons on presenting the bills of supply, 
xxxiv 170 

of the lord lieut. on closing 
the session, zd. 

parliament, xxxv 186] 206 

«+++ bill for the relief of the Roman Catho- 
lies, xxxy 186] 

---- act for establishing a militia, xxxv 

++. addition to the regular forces, 7. 

«++ convention bill, 74. 207] 

eo. alien and traitorous correspondence 
bills, xxxv 188] 

«.+» libel bill on the principle of Mr, Fox’s 
passed, xxxv 188] 

--.. Civil list establishment, 2. 

--.. limitation of pensions, zd. 

++-- exclusion of certain placemen and 
pensioners from the H. of Commons, 7d. 

+++» Support of commercial credit, 24. 

+++» proceedings of Defenders, xxxv | 

+++» protest against the convention bill, 
xxxv 207 

oe gs uppech on closing the session, xxxv 

on opening 

+++» bill for a reform in the House of Com- 
mons thrown out, xxxvi 8 

prt yep on opening parliament, xxxvi 

closing the session, xxxvi 


Treland : view of the state of, xxxvii 222] 

+++ attempt to redress grievances res- 
pecting tithes unsuccessful, xxxvii 

«..- the catholics petition the king, xxxvii 
223] 16 

+e.» concessions to them, xxxvii 224] 

++. earl Fitzwilliam appointed lord lieut. 
xXxxvii 224] 

-+.. addresses to him, 7d. 

..+» his speech on opening parliament, 
xxxvii 157 

..+. large supplies granted, xxxvii 224] 

ee bill for the relief of catholics brought 
into parliament, xxxvii 224] 226] 17 

ese. earl Fitzwilliam dismissed, xxxvii 
225] 144. xl 156] 

..-. numerous addresses to him, xxxvii 

ee. various tumults, 7), 

+.» general mourning, xxxvii 226] 

-... tergiversation of members of parlia- 
ment, 7b. 

++. resolutions of the catholics of Dublin 
against a union with G. Britain, xxxvil 

--.. earl Camden’s speech on proroguing 
the parliament, xxxvii 159 

+e-. French expedition against, xxxviii 
198] 47. xxxix 223] 71 

«+. horses pressed for the use of the army, 
xxxviii 47, 48 

«e+ riots and murders by Defenders, 
xxxvili 1. xxxix 17 

-»+. speech of earl Camden on opening the 
session, xxxviii 177 

se. ———_— on closing it, 

xxxviii 179 

oe — on the meeting 

of parliament, xxxviii 180 

+s. proclamation of parts in disturbance, 
xxxviii 182 

«+.» loan for, xxxix 142] 

«++. State of, and debates on it in both 
houses of parliament, xxxix 223-48] 

«»+» report of the secret committee of the 
Lords, xxxix 28, 29 

.... rentals of nonresident noblemen, 
xxxix 31 

«+. arms seized in, Xxxix 38 

eee. execution of W. Orr, xxxix 51, 55 

+.+. petition from the county of Down, 
xxxix 55, 89 

+... report of the secret committee of the 
Commons on the papers seized at Bel- 
fast, xxxix 145 

«s.. memorial of the catholics to the lord 
lieut. xxxix 151 

+... message from the lord lieut. on the 
negotiations for peace being broken off, 
xxxix 257 

atte —— on the disturbances in Ulster, 
xxxix 258 

seee on the failure of raising the 
supplies, xxxix 259 


Ireland: message from the lord lieut. on the 
seizure of papers in Belfast, xxxix 260 

+ee+ proclamation of gen. Lake, against 
United Irishmen, 7d. 

-.-. lord Bellamont’s protest on the sub- 
ject, xxxix 261 j 

«+. proclamation of lord Cavan, ib. } 

—— of the lord lieut. xxxix 

«++» speech on proroguing parliament, xxxix 

eee opening the session, xl 228 

«-.. State of Catholic and Protestant par- 
ties, xl 153] 

+++» society of United Irishmen, xl 154] 

«+e. associations of Orangemen, x! 155] 

«--. Defenders, z/. h 

«-.. act for suppressing political meetings, 

---.- emissary from France, xl 156] 

«+... meeting at Belfast, x1 158] 

-...- motion for reform of parliament nega- 
tived, x1 159] 

.-.. secession of the Whig party from the 
House, id. 

e+.» debates in the H. of Lords on the dis- 
turbances, xl 161] 

«+++ martial law proclaimed, xl 230, éb. 

«+.» Several conspirators seized, xl 162] 

-... Naas attacked by the insurgents, xl 

e+». the insurgents repeatedly defeated, 

-»». Wexford taken by them, 7. 

+... the insurgents defeated at Vinegar 
hill, and Wexford retaken, xl 164] 126, 

-.-. defeated again near Ballinahinch, xl 

----lord Camden succeeded by lord Corn- 
wallis, 2. 

e+. general pardon, with few exceptions, 
offered, ib. 

+++» message from the lord lieut. xl 231 

---- French force landed in, xl 165] 

-... debates in the British parliament on 
the state of, x] 222] 

«-+- Offers of British militia to serve in, xl 

-+.. great influx of persons into Wales 
from, xl 52 

--.. insurgents executed, xl 55, 65 

-+.. resolutions of prisoners in France, xl 

declaration of Roman Catholics in the 
North, éd. ' 

++. assignats issued by the rebels, xl 79 

++,. yeomanry guilty of murder acquitted 
by a court martial, x] 90 

++.. State prisoners allowed to leave the 
country, xl 101 

e+.» persons excepted from this leave, 7d. 

French invasion of, x1 137 

-».. report of the committee of the Com- 
mons on the insurrection, x! 159 




Ireland: proclamations &c. on the same, 
x1 228-36 

«+++ speech of the lord lieut. on proroguing 
parliament, xl 231] 

«+++ paper found in the archives of the 
provisional French government, x] 235 

«++. union with G. Britain proposed, xli 

rejected by the parliament, xli 

-... addresses on the subject, xli 3. xlii 
-».. claims for losses in the rebellion, xli 32 
«+++ report in the British Commons on the 
United Irishmen, xli 150 
«++. Speech of the lord lieut. on opening 
parliament, xli 243 
guing it, xli 245 
e+-- debates on a union with G. Britain, 
xlii 113] 
«+++ annuities voted by parliament as com= 
pensations for loss of offices by the union, 
xlii 145 
-++- speech of the lord lieut, at the meet- 
ing of parliament, xlii 185 
ose. ————= on returning the resolutions 
respecting a union, xlii 187 
on proroguing parliament, xlii 

on proro- 

«+++ protest in the H. of Lords against the 
union, xlii 200 
on reporting the union propo- 
sitions, xlii 202 
against a legislative union, 

xlii 204 

+++. union with G. Britain, xliii 40] 43] 
xliv 190 

-++- difliculties respecting catholic eman- 
cipation, xliii 118] 

«++» grants for various purposes, xliii- 148] 
See Supplies in the respective years 

-++~ bill for continuing martial law in, xliii 

--«» lawless state of, xliii 158] 166] 179 

+++» grants for various purposes after the 
Union. See Supplies for 1801 and subse- 
quent years 

+» ++ duties on various articles, xliii 195 

+.» view of the affairs of, xliv 190 

-.+» plan for preventing disturbances, xliv 

+++» agricultural improvements, xliv 408 

++. bounty to militiamen, xlv 99 5. 

+». insurrection in, xlv 202, 294, 414, 424, 
427, 428, 432, 433, 437. xlvi 6, 43, 145 

+++. correspondence between the lord chan- 
cellor and the earl of Fingal, xlv 575 

+... grant for building and rebuilding 
churches in, xlv 625 

+... bill for suspension of the Habeas Cor- 
pus act, xlvi 6 

-... bill for continuing martial law, 7d. 

-.-. offer of militia to serve in G. Britain, 
xlvi 64, 597 



Treland: augmentation of the militia, xlvi 
70, 72, 73, 78 ' 

«+. state of, xlvi 145 

-».. Orangemen, xlvi 146 

---- catholic meetings, xlvi 148 

.--- stoppage of cash payments, xlvi 149 

-» +e grant for presbyterian ministers, xlvi 

+++~ continuation of the habeas corpus sus- 
pension act, xlvii 9, 35, 43 

...- Roman catholic petition, xlvii 61, 89, 

..e» Roman catholic barrister refused ad- 
inission to the ecclesiastical courts, xlvii 

«+». abuses in the management of the 
revenue, xlviii 75 
-»+- corn trade with G. Britain laid open, 
xlviii 81 
«++. Threshers suppressed without re- 
course to the insurrection law, xlviii 263 
-... bills for suppressing insurrection and 
preventing disturbances in, xlix 246 
«*.- prayers against the persecutions of 
the catholics in, decreed by a French 
bishop, xlix 460 
--.. act for enforcing the residence of the 
clergy, 1121] 
-. +. riots of Thrashers, 1 52*. liv 31, 98 
---- great increase of expenditure, li 89 
«..- insurrection act repealed, lii 157 
«++» other acts relating to, 2b. 
+++» petition to the king for the repeal of 
the union, 1ii 274 
«»+- intended delegation of the catholics, 
liii 12] 89) 
..-. bill for interchanging it’s militia with 
the British, liii 51] 
-... trials under the convention act, liii 
91] 131 
«».. catholic and other. dissenting soldiers 
not to be prevented from attending their 
own places of worship, liii 5 
+++» Carayats and Shanavests, liii 21 
++. riots in, liii 25, 117, 149. liv 149. lv 
41, 48, 57, 100. lvi 40, 62. lvii 141] 4, 
103. lviii 107, 175 
-... new catholic committee appointed, liii 
78, 120 
+++. sentry murdered, lili 80 
| «... arrest of the catholic delegates, liii 
87, 143 
+... arrival of Irish priests from France, 
liii 92 
+++» Irish labourers in England, liii 106, 115 
risage of wine purchased of the earl 
of Ormonde by government, liii 131 
+++ proclamation against unlawful assem- 
blies, liii 300 
| +*. catholic petitions, liii 302. liv 133] 
134] 342. lv 1] 26 
+++. letter to the catholic bishops of, from 
those of N. America, liii 340 
+++. report of the commissioners on drain- 
| ing the bogs, liii 502 
| «reo aggregate meeting at Cork, liv 12 


iatiand : report of a treasonable association, 

iv 13 

«++» eight persons burnt to death by a 
mob, liv 59 

+++ aggregate meeting at Dublin, liv 86 

+++. proceedings against catholic delegates, 
liv 268 

«+. State of education in, lv 10 

+++. affrays between orangemen and ribbon- 
men, ly 41, 48. lvi 40, 62 

+... murders in, lv 41, 90, 93. lvi 61, 62, 
81, 94, 101, id. 118, 114. lvii 70, 97 

-+++ letter from the catholic bishops ‘to 
their clergy, lv 349 

---- bill for the better execution of the 
laws in, lvi 159] 

-+.+. —— for the preservation of the peace, 
lvi 160] 212] 

+++. —— for the redress of assaults, lvi 

«+. disturbed state of, lvi 215] 70, 73-4, 85 

+++- suppression of the catholic board, lvi 
217] 42 

+++. various depredations in, lvi 97, 99, 

«+++ judge Fletcher’s charge to the grand 
jury of Wexford, lvi 513 

catholic meeting, lvii 142] 

+++. emigrants from, lvii 41 

«+.» Statement of fairs, lvii 105 

o+.. State of, lviii 47] 37, 44, 86, 115, 119, 
402. Ix 33 

ee. exchequer consolidated with that of 
England, lviii 59] 

-+.. family of nine persons burnt to death, 
lviii 175 

«.. acts for the preservation of the peace 
in, lix 43] 92] 

++.» murders and robberies in, lix 2, 3, 77, 
79, 87. 1x 267. 1xi 18 

+... synod of Ulster, lix 53 

-.-- contagious fever, lix 77, 80, 85, 125, 
127. Ix 105 

--++ imports and exports, Ix 407. Ixi 404 

-+-- certain baronies declared ina state of 
disturbanee, Ixi 107 

+++» houses &c. burnt, Ixi 235 

e++s girl transported to America, lxi 283 

Treland, S. xxxviii 12. xliii 475 

Trenzus, ii 320 

Treton, H. (son-in-law of Cromwell) xvi 77. 
xvii 37. xxxvii 121*] 124*] 

Imham, lord. See Carhampton, earl 

Tron, on the rusting of, ix 189 

---- duty on, proposed, xlviii 71, 74 

Tron, cast, strange effect of seawater on, v 
75. vii 77] 

++ ++ —— appearances on converting it into 
malleable, xxxiii 309] 

+++. —— heated toa cherry red may be 
cut with a saw, lv 9 

saree employed for paving roads, lviii 

-++. malleable, patent for a new method of 
making, iv 73] 

Tron ore, white, found in Canada, xi 142] 


Tron works: riots of persons engaged in, 
lvii 89, lviii 165, 173, 174 

«+e distress of the workmen, lviii 95, 98, 
110, 131 

-... this in part removed, lix 2 

Troncutter, J. Indians murdered by, xi 88] 

Tronside, Gilbert, xxxiv 77 

Irtisch, ancient building on the banks of 
the, x 139 

Irtischstrom in Siberia, earthquake at, viii 


iret C. vise. xiv 201] xvii 163] xxi 

Irvine, prof. xix 88 

Irving, Dr. C. xx 255] 

+... reward for making seawater fresh, xv 
98] 212] 

J. Rob. xlvii 848 

T. xxxiv 140 

Trwin, Christ, ii 114. vi 100] vii 99] viii 86] 

e+. trials of his marine chair, ii 114. iv 

eee reward to, v 99] : 

—— Eyles, xxiii 40, 187. xxx 10. xxxvi 

maj. gen, sir J. ix 74] 91] xi 120] 
xxii 211] 

Isaacs, Hyman, executed at Ostend for 
forging Bank of England notes, xx 167) 

Isaiah, xxii 188 

TIszeus, xxxix 501. xlvi 732 

Tsakow, gen. xii 14] 

Isbister, Caleb, xlii 381 

Ischia, island of, xv 79 

Tsdwell, Isdwell, killed in an attempt to 
escape from prison, xxxvii 13, 25, 28 

Tsenburg. See Ysenburg 

Ishmael bashaw, xli 36] 97 

Isidore, ii 413, 414 

Isinglass, made in England, iii 67] xvi 122 

«»-. French method of making at Cape 
Breton, v 95 

«+.» Russian, xvi 122 

Isis, xi 140 

-«.-. worship of, vi 165 

+++. temple of, discovered at Civita Vec- 
chia, ix 49] 

Islam, etymology of, xxxiii 4787] 

Islands raised by volcanoes, i 92. xxv 84. 
xxvi 57, 75. xli 395 

«++. formation of, xi 72. xv 79, 81 

«++. floating, liii 12 

Isle of Bourbon. See Bourbon 

—France. See Mauritius 

+--+.» — Man. See Man 

Islett, Jos. 1i 544 

Islington, new road from, to Old Street, 
opened, iv 129] 

Islip, J. (abbot) xxxvi 12 

Tsmael aga, xxxi 143 

bashaw, xli 36] 97 

bey, xxxi 173] x1 258. xlii 217] 

Ismailoff, maj. gen. Mich. y 226] xi 24] 

Ismailow stormed by the Russians, xxxiii 
99, 15] 



Isman Abou Ally, xxiii 46 
Isnard, XXXIV 34] xxxvili 149] 
Isouf cawn, viii 14] 
Isquierdo, don Eug. xlix 277. 1131] 
Israeli, d’, J. xxxvii 131*] xxxix 435 
Issues recommended in gout, iv 123 
Italian language, xvi 193, xx 161 
+++. origin of, xlii 443 
Italinski, xlviii 209 
I tab, treaty for preserving the peace of, 


+++. supposed remnant of the Cimbrians 
in, iii 48] 1xi 517 

--.- face of the Earth throughout, vi 69 

e+ famine in, vii 83] ix 136] 151] x 52] 

+++. general prayers for the cessation of 
the rains, ix 121] 

++. earthquakes in, xi 195] xix 161] xxiv 
183] xxvi 48, 58. xlviii 449. lxi 39 

+». Character of the modern ‘Italians, xi 
4, 11, 254. xxiii 1-24, xxiv 32. xxv Il. 
xxxii 44 

«+--+ proceedings of different states on the 
appearance of a Russian fleet in the 
Mediterranean, xii 39} 

e+. exorbitant power of the clergy re- 
ducing in, xiii 55] 

nose economlca) genius of the Italians, xiv 


«+++ disturbances in, xviii 180] 

«+++ descriptions of, xx 156. Ixi 511-23 

«+++ modern poets, lvi 464-7 

+++. poetical rehearsers and improvisatori, 
xxiii 21. lvi 466 

«+++ attempts at draining the Pontine 
marshes, xxviii 42] 

«++. Appian way recovered, 7). 

ee.» Cicisbeism, xxxii 45 

«+. invaded by the French, xxxviii 86] 

+++ republic of Cispadana, xxxviii 276 

ge Cisalpine republic, xxxix 18] 45] 

+.» vicissitudes of this, x1 106] 

-»-. addresses of Buonaparte to the Cis-~ 
alpine and Ligurian republies, xl 108] 

+++» additions to the Cisalpine, xl 111] 

+.» regulations of this proclaimed, xl 112] 

..«. interference of the French, xl 113] 

«++ treaties between France and the Cis- 
alpine republic, 2b. 

..-- refusal of Austria to acknowledge the 
Cisalpine ambassador, x1 114] 

.+-+- constitution of the Ligurian republic, 
x1 117] 118] 

«++. contributions raised in the Cisalpine 
republic on it’s refusing a treaty proposed 
by France, x] 257 

+++» campaign of 1799 in, xli 276] 

.... capitulation of the French in the 
Roman territories, xli 128 

.. «+ Russian proclamations, xli 278, 279 

..+. Situation of the French and Austrian 
forces in, xlii 172] 181] 

--..- various engagements, xlii 182] 

--.. Genoa surrendered, xlii 188] 



Italy: Buonaparte crosses the Alps, xlii 

eaee ane Barre taken, xlii 191] 

«-+.+ Sorea carried by assault, xlii 192] 

..-,» Austrian division at Romagna cut to 
pieces, zd. 

--.- Milan evacuated, zd. 

| .-.- Pavia entered, zd, 

--.. Placentia taken, xlii 193] 

e+e. battle of Montebello, 7d. 

Marengo, 7d. 

+». armistice established, xlii 195] 277 

«... Milan surrendered to the French, xlii 


«».- Tuscany taken possession of by them, 
xlii 197] xliii 64] 

+». British officer imprisoned at Cesena- 
tico, xlii 197] 

-... Austrians defeated at the Mincio, xliii 

+++» armistice concluded, xliii 68] 

+++. insurrections in Tuscany and Pied- 

mont, xliii 69] 
xliii 72] 

+... Buonaparte made president of the 
Cisalpine republic, xliv 77, 648 

+++. it’s name changed to the Italian re- 
public, xliy 81 

«+. new constitution for it, xliv 642 

cae eaten of the republic, xliv 

---. address of the vicepresident, xliv 650 

++,» letter to Buonaparte, xliv 651 

--.» British subjects in, seized, xlv 424 

-..- Buonaparte assumes the title of k. of, 
xlvii 135, 720 

«++. order of knights of the Iron Crown 
instituted, xlvii 137 

+++. campaign in, xlvii 161 

-».. passage of the Adige by the French, 
xlvii 162 

+++. defeat of the Austrians at Caldiero, 
xlvii 163 

oe A surrender of an Austrian detachment, 

«++. retreat of the archduke, zd. 

+--+. capitulation of the corps of Jellachich 
and Wolfskehl, xlvii 165 

oe by prince Eugene, xlvii 

ee expeditions to, xlyiii 142. li 

retreat from Verona, xliii 

in Naples and Sardinia, 

+++» Venetian territories annexed to the 
kingdom of, xlviii 217 

---- order of the Iron Crown established, 
xlviii 218 

+++. Seizure of the papal territories by 
Buonaparte, 1 239] 46", 47*, 368*. 1i 241 

---- old method of computing time abo- 
lished, li 321 

+++» proceedings in, liii 145] 

+++ inundations in, liii 144 


Italy A proceedings in, lyi 12] 32] 170) 148, 

e+. territories of the king of Sardinia 
restored, lvi 83] 

»»+- Genoa annexed to Sardinia, lvi 84] 

«e+» Lombardy and the Venetian terri- 
tories annexed to Austria, lvi 85] 

«++. the Italian regiments marched into 
Germany, lvi $6] 

e+e, their place supplied by Austrian 
troops, 7d. 

+++» the papal territory threatened by 
Murat, lvii 74] 

+».+ his call upon the Italians to assert 
their independance, lvii 75] 369 : 

+++. restoration of the papal territory, lvii 

+... robbers in, lxi 52, 59, 60, 66, 70 

-.-- Austrian and French treatment of 
compared, xi 505 

itch, persons poisoned by an ointment for, 
viii 147] 

«+-- remedy for, xviii 119 

Iturbieta, margq. of, vii 78 

Itzenplitz, gen. 1168, 169, 170. ii 27, 46 

Ivan (Wassilowitz) II of Russia, xxxi 28 

III of Russia, vii 15] xiii 1 

+++. assassinated, vii 17] 

Ivernois, sir Francis d’, xxvi 351] xxxiv 
318. xxxvi 1947] lvi 94] 

Ives, Edw. xvi 55, 57, 61 

—— T. executed for coining, xvii 110] 112] 

—— Ysbrandt, lix 493 

Ivory, game of, xlviii 388 

Izard, gen. (Amer.) lv 219 

Izquierdo, don Eug. xlix 277. 1 131] 

Izzard, Ann, 1 35* 


Jabal, iii 1697 

Jackal, the same species as the dog, xxix 
38, xxxi 41 - 

Jackman, W. tried for murder, xIvii 398 

Jacks, James, xliv 774 

Walter, xxxiy 22 

Jackson, xlv 680. xlviii 691. xlix 257, 
264, 731. lii 256 

killed in a duel, iii 98] 

(N) xlvi 549 : 

—— col. xliii 163] 

couns. Rich. xxiii 239] xxvi 208] 

——-—— Dr. Rob. xxxv 337 

——— Edw. iii 65] xlviii 957 

—-—— gen. And, (Amer.) lv 446. lyi 194] 
452. lvii 124] Ix 175] 76. 1xi 234] 141 

—-— H.x1 111, 236. xliv 358 

Humph. xvi 122. xviii 167] 

James Grey, xlvi 358. li 784, 854, 

885, 887, 962 

——— J. xlvi 784. xlviii 590 

—— J. and James, misers, xxi 193] 

—-—— J, (advocate gen, of Jamaica) xxix 



Jackson, Jos. executed for forgery, xlvi 403 

—— lient. S. (N) xliii 129 

———— m. gen. Al. Cosby, Ivii 198 

——— Marg. xlv 380 

——— Mary, two daughters drowned by, 
xlix 429 

rev. Dr. Cyril, xiv 94] xx 26] 

~———_—— rev. Dr. T. xxvii 233] 

rev. Rich. xlii 43 

——-— rey. W. xxxvii 18. xxxvili 11. xl 
156] 162. xli 165. xlix 806n 

.... charged with treason, xxxvi 12. xxxvii 

———— Rich. liii 267 

S. xxxiv 70 

~——-— sir G. (judge advocate) xxii 255] 

sir J. lvii 35 

——— T. (swindler) x 126] 

——_—— W. execution of, xiv 115] 

——_— W. xliii 457. xlviii 158” 

——-—— W. (Amer.) xxix 299] 

——— W. (music.) xxxi 263] x1 358 

Jacob, Giles, xii 59 

Jos. xlv 827 

—— sir Hildebrand, thoughts on various 
subjects, iv 195 

Jacobi, vii 77] 

bar, xxxiii 72. xlix 41, 42 

Jacobs, J. xxv 196] 

Jacque, James, xxxiv 78 

Jacques, Greenaway, action against a man 
for taking toll on a towing path, viii 52] 

Jactitation of marriage, cases of, xvi 75] 
102] xix 198] xx 214] liv 287-9, 292. Ixi 

Jadoon Row, xlv 559 

Jaffa, taken by the French, xli 24] 

...«» abandoned by them, xli 36] 58] 

..-- massacre of the prisoners at, xli 94. 
xliv 807, 809n, 857 

Jafier Ali cawn, xi 136] xiv 208] xxii 187. 
xxx 152] xxxi 160] 

.... raised to the musnud, i 32. vii 34] xvi 
105*] 107*] 

+++. presents an uncommon animal to lord 
Clive, ii 119 

«+. deposed, iy 57] vii 36] 

«++. proclaimed subah of Bengal anew, vii 

eee cas with, vii 188] 190] 

... letter to his majesty, viii 98] 

«.+. his death, viii 22] 

Jaffray, J. xxxvi 94 

Jagellon, grand duke of Lithuania and king 
of Poland, x 13] 

Jago, rev. Rich. x 232, 235. xxiv 179] 

Jahne, prof. —_—1xi 63 

Jahnus, general, i 41, 50 

Jails. See Prisons 

Jain, liii 423 

Jamaica, account of, xxxv 421 

+++. public papers and records returned 
from Kingston to St. Jago de la Vega, i157 

«++» divided into three counties, 2b. 

sees insurrections in, iii 11J] 1238] 126] 


128] ix 80] x 88] xii 110) xix 167] xx 

Jamaica: regulations to prevent distur- 
bances, iii 124] 

py treaty with the revolted Negroes, iv 

«s+ Spacious cave in, iv 172] 

«s+. powder magazine of fort Augusta fired 
by lightning, vi 113] 

oe lad to the Spanish trade there, vii 

«..+ this removed, vii 107] 

-.+- dispute between the house of assem- 
bly and the governor on privileges, viii 
107] 179] 

.».«. stamp duty laid on by the assembly 
injurious, ix 36] 

«».. violent shock of an earthquake, ix 
118] 123] xxiii 293] xxiv 35] 

«... acts respecting the trade of, ix 210] 
xvi 231] 

--«. Greenwich hospital burnt, xi 160] 

-..- honours paid to gov. Trelawney, xvi 
221] 222] 

+++» petition and memorial from the as- 
sembly to the king in council, xviii 101*} 

osce of the merchants and planters 
to parliament, xxiii 92] 120] 339] 

+s. protest against it, xxiii 94] 121] 

+... hurricanes at, xxiii 292] xxiv 35] 163) 
171] xxviii 214] liv 211] 128. lvii 77-9. 
Ixi 11 

«+++ puzzolana found in, xxviii 94 

..+. laws passed in favour of slayes, xxx 

++» heat of wells and springs in, xxx 50 

«s+. monument to T. earl of Effingham, 
xxxiy 3 

++ breadfruit plants introduced, xxxv 22 

«++. war with the Maroons, xxxvi 284] 
xxxvii 135] xxxviii 60] 

..-. bloodhounds employed in it, xxxvii 
136] xxxviii 60] 

.... conduct pursued toward them, xxxix 

«eee fires in, xxxvii 30. lvii 45 

.. «. disputes with the lieut. gov. xliv 262, 
694-700. xlv 336. xlvi 196 

.-..- speech of 1. gov. Nugent on proro- 
guing the assembly, xlvi 604 

«... resolutions of the house on this speech, 
xlvi 706 

..«» letter from lord Camden on preachers 
in the island, xlvi 707 

«e+. proceedings respecting intercourse 
with America, xlvi 708, 709. xlviii 81 

.-.. sword voted to adm. Duckworth, xlvi 

«++. prorogation of the assembly, xlvi 
710 f 

.... attempt to excite insurrections in, xlix 

+... service of plate yoted to adm. Duck- 
worth, xlix 368 

see €ditors of newspapers punished for 



ecensuring the assembly on the occasion, 
xlix 368 

Jamaica: dissenting preachers to be licensed 
and take the same oaths as in England, liii 

++.« resolutions respecting the supplies, liv 

se» Splendid dissenting establishment in, 

Wi 75 

++. resolutions of the house of assembly 
against the slave-registry bill sent over 
to the prince regent, lvii 130] 

_ e+. murder of lieut. Calthorpe by Negroes, 
in an affray, lviii 77 

«++. ports opened for provision, Ixi 11 

«e+» little volcano in, 1xi 11 

«+.. persons transported for bringing slaves 
to, lxi 72, 222 

James I, i 489, 493. ii 84. iv 172. v 25, 151. 
vi 271, 275-7. ix 49, 51, 57, 189. x 275. xi 
78°] 83*] 43, 58, 64, 67, 164. xii 137. xiii 
90] 188. xiv 262. xv 99] 1, 3. xvi 154] xxi 
94] 6, 18, 146, 238-40. xxiv 237] xxvii 
70. xxix 115. xxxii 346] xxxiii 27, 44, 
258. xxxv 59. xlii 235] 417, 418. xliii 24] 
494. xlix 877, liv 512. lviii 302 

«+» letter from the duke of Buckingham 
to, v 50 

«+++ character of, xii 32 

-.« letter to sir J. Harrington, xii 151 

«-+» his reception at Cambridge, xxi 177 

«--- original letters of, xxxvii 124*] xl 
422, 423 

II, i 260. 11277, 287. iii 28. vi 147] 
13, 47, 250, 254. vii 58] 50n. viii 98] 102] 
x 44, 47. xi 148] 238] xii 36, 58. xiii 79*] 
81*] 195. xiv 142] 26, 32, 35, 247. xvi 
197, 256. xvii 70] 133] 186. xxi 243. xxii 
186. xxiii 143] xxiv 227] xxv 129. xxvi 
164] xxxi 124] 8. xxxii 67] xxxiii 176. 
xxxiv 137] xlii 430. xliii 486] xlvi 96. 
xlix 826. 1241 

.» + character of, iii 181. xxvi 5 

«++» services done at the coronation of, iv 

+++» revenue of, xvii 175] 

*s+++ Stopped at Feversham, xxxv 350 

—— I, of Scotland, xlix 148x. 1 160 

LJ, of Scotland, xxxvii 113*] xxxix 

——IV, of Scotland, viii 102] xxxviii 
Ab9. xlv 917. xlix 1487. 1161 
os V, of Scotland, ix 46. xlix 148”. 1 

(travel.) lix 479 
— capt. (A) xlvii 531 
—— capt. (N) xlvi 550 
— Dr. Rob. xix 129] 
—— H. liv 315 

J. liv 92, 1xi 303 

maj. xlv 7942 
—— maj. T. ix 159] 
—— Rob. Jacques, xlviii 437 
—— 5§. lv 320 

—— W. Vv 68 


James, W. xvii 110] xxi 175] xxii 235] 
James street, Bedford row, fire in, xvii 90] 
Jameson, couns., lix 193 
1. col. (Amer.) xxiii 384] 
Jami, (Persian poet) See Jaumi 
Jamieson, rev. Dr. J. 1 252 
Janagee, rajah, vii 259 
Janin, Ant. murdered, xv 90] 93] 
(surgeon) xvi 132 
Janina, French officers arrested by the ba- 
shaw, xli 81] 
bashaw of. See Ali bashaw 
Jansenists, conduct of, during the plague at 
Marseilles, iii 32 
+++» protected by the parliament of Paris, 
vii 5] 
ase Origin of, xxxili 244] 
Janssen, sir Abr. viii 58] 
— — sir Steph. Theod. viii 58] x 137] 
xi 120] xix 121] 
——_—— W. viii 58] 
Janssens, Corn. iii 109] xxv 151 ‘ 
gen. xlviii 233, 579, 580, liii 
168] 227 
Japan: mode of making paper from bark 
in, v 87 
+...» death of the emperor, xiii 142] 
--.. Tatarian expedition against, xiv 1927 
«+.» cultivation of tea, xv 99 
«++» method of using tea, xv 101 
«+e» account of, xxiii 66, lviii 529 
.+. state of agriculture in, xxxv 316 
«+++ Dutch and Chinese only admitted to 
trade in, liv 135 
.+.. captivity of some Russians, lx 492 
Japanning, methods of, xxv 68. lix 570 
Jaques, Rob. convicted of a conspiracy to 
defraud, xxxii 210] 
Jarchi, R.S. vi 141 
Jardine, Nich. (miser) x 100] 
Jarlsberg, count Wedel, xlii 247. xliii 103] 
Jarrett, Julian, lvii 32] 
Rich, xlviii 387 
Jarrold, Dr. T. xlix 1012 
Jarrow, in Durham, church founded A.D. 
674, vi 112] 
Jarvis, couns. xlix 449 
D. (surg.) xl 133 
Jasmine, Cape, a beautiful scarlet dye, xiv 
Jassert, xiii 138] 
Jaucourt, count, lvii 63] 83] 
Jaumi, (poet) xxvii 136. xxxvii 76*] 
Java, extraordinary fish, viii 94 
»»-- account of the people, xvi 45. lviii 
ese volcano in, xvili 143] lix 22 
. earthquakes in, xvi LO1] xvili 143] 
«-++ poison tree of. See Poison tree 
.. conquest of, liii 167] 225. liv 5] 212] 
lv 197] 128 
..++ proclamation of the lieut. gov. Iv 
..-. restored to the Dutch, lvi 98] 
eee attack on the rajah of Boni, lvi 203] 


Java: volcanic eruptions of mud and salt, 
lviii 585 

+++» conduct of the Dutch, lxi 216-31] 

«+. disturbances in, Ixi 81 

Jay, G. executed for piracy, xl 22 

— J. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] xviii 
265] xxv 321] xxvi 134] 339] xxxvi 256] 
41, 247, xxxvii 171. xxxviii 171] 290, 

—— J. lii 443 

Jayadeva, xlvii 957 

Jayne, W. xxxiii 358] 

Jealous, C. xxi 199] 

Jealousy, dreadful effects of, viii 85] 86] 

Jeans, James, xlviii 958 

Jebb, capt. J. (A) lix 186 

couns, lvi 320. lix 204 

—— Dr. J. xvii 95] xxviii 198] li 777 

—-—— Dr. Sam. ix 60 

sir Rich. xv 114] 120] xx 192] xxvii 
334] xxix 214] 79 

er a Christian, boy murdered by, xxxv 

—— Dr. xxvii 3823] 
Humph. xli 400 
——_ judge, xii 59. xiii 195. xiv 33, 35, 
249, xxxiv 171) lii 285 
miss ,xi77] 
Jefferson, J. xxix 151 
Mrs, (actress) xxiii 246 
T. (mem. of Congr.) xviii 265] 
xxviii 260] xxxiii 33] xxxviii 208] xliv 
263. xlv 338. xlvi 439, 710. xlviii 239, 
242. lii 253. lviii 615 
«+s elected vice president, xxxix 7 
«+++ elected president xliii 2 
+++. inaugural speech on his reéelection, 
xlvii 734 
—— rev. Joseph, xlviii 372 
Jeffery, J. xlviii 97, 98 
Rob. lii 255", 264*, 278, 283 
Jefferys, sells red baize dresses to the 
Cherokees, vi 102] 
—-— Nath. xliv 120 
«<++ ¥, commissioners of the prince of 
Wales, xxxviii 5 
Jeffray, couns. Ix 311, 314 
Jeffreys, G. xix 40 
Jeflries, Edw. xxxiv 70 
Bar “ti shot in St. George’s fields, xi 
Jehaundaur shah, xxviii 6, 7 
Jeian Mehemet, xxvii 27] 
Jekyll, xxiii 205. xxx 186 
——— Jos. xxxii 103] xxxv 175] 180] xxxvii 
160] 228] xxxviii 33] 49] x1 197] 228] 
xli 196] xlvi 95. liii 261 
——— lady Ann, xvii 253] 
sir Jos, xvii 252] xxxili 281] 
Jellacheick, gen. —_-xli 250] 259] 270] xlvii 
165. xlviii 673 
Jellaleddin, emp. See Akbar 
Jellicoe, Adam, xxiv 329] xxviii 177. xxxii 
341] xlvii 72, 104, 109, 563 
——— 5, xvii 563 


Jemappe, battle of, xxxiv L115] 
Jena, battle of, xlviii 191 
Jenghis khan, x 140. xiv 192”. xv 2] xx 
171. xxii 42. xxiv 8. xxvii 79. xxx 156 
* xh 506 
er Dan. of St. Thomas, (Amer,) xxi 

Jenkins, xxiil 65 
(M.P.) xxxvi 208] 
(tall banker’s clerk) xl 36 
capt. (A) lv 142, 148 

H. xxviii 61, 65 
+++» account of, xii 94 
rev. J. xix 144] 
sir Leoline, vi 265. xiv 31 
Jenkinson, Ant. xxxiii 368] 
— capt. Vroxholme, xxv 110] 252 
C. See Liverpool, earl 
David, xxix 265] 
———— hon. C. Cecil Cope, 1 221* 
Jennens, Rob. xl 52 
—-— W. ib. 
Jenner, Dr. Edw. xxx 58. xlv 357, 375. 
xlvii 403. xlviii 97, 405, 408. liii 61 
---- parliamentary rewards to, xliv 182 
583. xlv 630. 1 183* 
— Dr. Herb. lvii 268. lviii 247, 250. 
256, 264. Ixi 286 
Rob. xxx 223] 
Jennings, (Chiliby) 1 124* 
—— col. iii 56] 80] 
——— David, xxix 250] lii 284 
H.C. 1xi 299 
— J. xxv 204] 
——- J. (of Bermnda) ix 127] 
James, and his family, murdered, 

| 24* 

Rob. xlv 404 

Jensdatter, Christiana, executed for poison- 
ing her father, lv 35 

Jenyns, Soame, iv 88] xix 166, 204 

Jephson, capt. Rob. xxx 194, xxxvi 420 

—— serg. xiv 100] 

Jepson, J. xl 391 

Jeremiah, i 269 

Jerningham, Angela, xlii 430 

Edw. xxiv 184. xxvi 200. xxvii 
145, xxxviii 513 

Jeromi, Dilly, murder of, lvii 56 

Jerrard, adj. gen. J. xlv 555 

———— James, Ix 265 

Jersey: allowance of coals duty free to, ix 

--.. riots at, xii 148] 

--.. earthquake felt, xvi 95] 

+++. attempts of the French on, xxiii 11] 
43] xxv 96] 

..e» grant for inquiring into the laws of, 
xxxvi 119 

+++. proclamation by the states, xxxvi 167 

-» +. gallant extinction of a fire in the pow- 
der magazine, xlvi 39] 

«s+. order in council for an election of 
jurats, lv 69 

eevee episcopal visitation, lx 92 


Jersey, E. Ist earl of, v 176 
Frances, countess of, xxxvii 14 
G. Sth earl, xxxix 57, xlix 82.137] 
liv 25. Ixi 148] 149] 150] 
G. Bussey, 4th earl, xxiii 330] 

W. 3rd earl, ix 267 

Jerusalem, description of, xliv 795 

--+. pilgrimage to, proposed by the ex- 
king of Sweden, lvii 13 

Jervaise of Tilleberry, iv 169 

Jervas, C. xviii 222, xxxii 143 

Jervis, adm. sir J. See St. Vincent, earl of 

couns. li 275. lvii 295 

T. xlv 55 

Jervoise, T. Clerke, liii 260 

Jessamine, vii 113 

Jesser, ii 91, 92 

Jessop, xxxi4 

couns. ]xi 207 

rev. W. xvii 214 

Jesting, fatal consequences of, xxix 223] 

Jesuits: their establishment in Paraguay, 
i 362. xlvii 1043. 1 40. lii 743 

«++. proceedings in France in the 17th 
century, xxxiii 243] 

«+++ implicated in the attempt on the life 
of the king of Portugal, ii 67, 69, 70, 80, 
210, 218 

--.. all their estates and effects in Portu- 
gal sequestered, ii 70 

--.. wealth left by fath. Pepe, ii 101 

--.. decision of the congregation appointed 
by the pope to examine the affairs of the 
Portugueze, ii 114 

-+-. proceedings against them in Portugal, 
ii 121 

-..«. those banished received by the pope, 
ii 129 

«+-~ design of, on America, iii 24 

-++- conduct of, during the plague at Mar- 
seilles, iii 32 

---. banished from all France except Tou- 
louse, iii 175 

«++» missionaries allowed to be sent from 
Spain to Paraguay, iv 67] 158] 

e+». trial to determine whether the whole 
order be answerable for the debts of each 
house, iv 107] 113] 

«++. prohibited from trading (in France ?) 
iv 113] 

s a S. America arrived at Lisbon, iv 

+». farther proceedings against in France, 
iv 157] 185] v 116) x 32] 

++++ number in France, iy 172] 

+++. expelled from France in opposition to 
the king, vii 5] 

eee edict dissolving the society in France 
for ever, vii 114] 

++-- the institution confirmed and approv- 
ed by a decree of the pope, viii 68] 

+++» the pope’s bull in favour of, suppressed 
in France and Portugal, viii 138] 

+++. fath, Poyans arrested at Madrid for a 

pamphlet on the expulsion of the order 
from France, ix 146] 
Jesuits: expelled from Naples and Parma, 
x 5] 33] 154] xi 75] 87] 
Spain, x 27] 80] 81] 


+++. assigned causes of this, x 23] 

+++. ordinance respecting them, x 30] 

-+-- refused admission into the ecclesiasti- 
cal states, x 31] 

+++. sent to Corsica, x 52] 113] 

++. expelled from the Spanish colonies, x 
33] xi49*] 

+++. admission into the Austrian Nether- 
lands prohibited, x 101) 

+++. complaints of the viceroy of Peru 
against, x 137] 

«++. treasure found in their college at Bar- 
celona, x 142] 

++. resort of, to the ecclesiastical states, 
x 165] 

+++» memorial of the pope respecting, 7b. — 

+--+ attempt for their restoration in Spain, 
xi 49*] 50°] 

e+e at a congregation held at Rome the 
abolition of the order proposed, xi 52*] 

+++» expelled from Malta, xi 53*] 87] 

their writings prohibited, xi 55*] 


«++. attempt of the women of Faenza to 
fire their college, xi 56*] 

«+++ expelled from Corsica, 7b. 

+++ attempts to abolish the order, xi 57*] 

-+.. their estates in Naples confiscated, 74. 

. +» five sent in irons from St. Catharine’s 
to Lisbon, xi 67} 

+++. church and convent of, at Rome, 
claimed by the k. of Naples, xi 74] 

»» + distribution of the work against, print- 
ed at Lisbon, not permitted in Sardinia, 
xi 75] 

».++ Money sent to Rome for the relief of 
those from Spain, xi 189] 

---- cool reception of the general by the 
new pope, xii 37] 

»+-» forged bull for the suppression of the, 
xiii 150] 

«+++ house at Nanci restored to them, xiv 

+... seminary at Rome shut up, xv 133] 

+... abolition of the order, xvi 54] 132] 
143] 149] xvii 138] xviii 9. lviii 378 

++.» protected in the Prussian dominions, 
xvi 47] 155] xix 126] 

.... charges against them, xvi 54] 

.. +» banished from Rome, xix 185] 

--.. the order restored, lyi 81] 438. lvii 
120] lviii 6, 378 

-.-. very aged one, lvi 88 

+.-. reception of novices commenced at 
Rome, lvi 99 

-»-+ banished from Petersburgh and Mos- 
cow, lviii 147] 

»..- reéstablished at Friburg, Ix 124 

Jewel, xx 207] 

Jewellery, curious crown for an E. India 
nabob, viii 151] 

Jewels left by a lady in the pocket of a 
post-chaise, ix 61] ; 
ee value of those of one lady at court, ix 

«++. action for the value of diamonds re- 
turned after being used, xviii 177] 
Jewesses, two baptized, xxiii 239] 
Jewish synagogue, legacy to the, v 108] 
Jews, separation of one, i 113 
++». intended present of Hebrew MSS, to 
Charles IJ, iii 34 
e++» ceremony instituted by Charlemagne, 
iii 170 
»«+s massacre of, at Verdun, iii 174 
---- effects stolen at the bombardment of 
Dresden sent away by, iv 67] 
+++ privileges anciently granted to in Co- 
. chin, v 105 
e+e» oracles of the, vi 173 
e+e tribe of, at Patna, vii 59] 
e+ in Poland alarmed at a report of a law 
to restrict their marriages, viii 63] 
e+» vindication of God's choice of the, viii 
+++ dedication of their new synagogue in 
Duke’s place, ix 131] 
e+e threatened by the populace at-Vienna, 
ix 136] : 
«+++ pamphlet published at Paris in their 
favour, x 164] 
+++. Slaughter of, by the Greeks in Poland, 
xi 19} 
+++» barbarous treatment of one, xii 93] 
+++» Subjected to a mortifying ceremony at 
Rome, xii 169 
e++- areward advertised by the synagogue 
for the detection of receivers of stolen 
goods, xiii 90] 
+++ expelled from Russia, xiii 167] 
+++. allowed a synagogue at Copenhagen, 
xiv 110] 
«++. those concerned in the robbery and 
murder at Mrs. Hutchins’s publicly ana- 
. thematized in the synagogue, xiv 160] 
+--+ treatment of, in the Polish provinces 
annexed to Prussia, xvi 45] 
+++ one robbed and ill treated at Birming- 
ham, xvi 119] 
e+» much harassed in Poland, xviii 154*] 
134] 161] 
e+. tax imposed on at Brussels, xviii 129] 
+--+ assault on one, xix 132] 
e+e Several killed by the breaking down of 
a floor at a wedding, xix 149] 
ee++ divorce of a priest, xxi 207] 
+s. treatment of, by the captors of St. 
Eustatia, xxiv 105] 308] xxv 140] 
eee» proceedings in favour of in Austria, 
xxvii 5] xxviii 159] 
++» prayer for. the king during his illness, 
Xxx 252] 
a favours conferred on by Leopold, xxxiii 


Jews: admitted to academical degrees, xxxii 
24 : 

«++. Synagogue in Leadenhall street conse 
crated, after being repaired and beau 
tified, xl 62 

++. number of synagogues in London, xlv 

+++ convocation of, at Paris, xlviii 218 

+++. anciently settled in the E, Indies, xli 

eee» deputation to the new king of West 
phalia, 1 13* 

e++» in Cochin, 131 ~ 

+++» treatment of, by the Moors, li 791 

++. included in military levies in Den 
mark, lii 238 : 

+++. consistory established at Rome, liii 95 

«++. wealthy one in Turkey, lvi 88 

e»+» Russian edicts respecting converts t 
Christianity, lix 27 

«+++ proposal to transact business at Naum- 
berg instead of Leipsic, lx 71 ’ 

‘aden persecution in Germany, Ixi 

+++ persecution in Turkey, lxi 59 

Jewsbury, T. xliii 451 

Jewster, Joseph, convicted of personating a 
man to transfer property in the funds, ix 
69] 78] 

Joan of Arc, monument erecting to, lxi 75 

France, vii 167 

Job, ix 138 

Jobbins, W. executed for arson, xxxii 222] 

Jocelyn, Rob. vise. liii 54] liv 3] 

Jodderell, Paul, xii 112] 

Jodutha, a Saxon idol, xiii 106 

Joel, Dr. Raphael, xxxiii 24 

Johannot, — xxxvii 87] 

John, king, i 457. ix 39] x 270, 303. xvi 
ae 262. xxvii 62] xlii 2. xlvi 816. lv 

eee character of, xxxvi 278 

«+++ tomb opened, xxxix 38 

king of France, v 8] vii 169. xvii 135. 
xxix 305] 

—— II (Casimir) of Poland, x 19] xxxvii 

——— III (Sobieski) of Poland, xxxi 7. xxxv 

—— IV, of Portugal, ii 222 

—— V, of Portugal, ii 219 

—— VI, of Portugal, xli 246. xlix 280, 

—-— archduke, xlii 206] 208] xiii 59] xlvii 
154, 162, 165, 166. 11205, 214 

—— of Austria, don, iii 49, 50 

—— of Gaunt. See Gaunt 

the Quaker. See Kelsey 

1. col. H. Ivi 189] 245 

rev. Dr. xli 391. xlix 884 ~ 

John street, Spitalfields, fire in, lyii 44 

Johnes, col. T. xxxix 177] xl 209] 212] xlii 
105] 140] 1221* 


Johns, Amb, Bowden, xlix 853 
J. lviii 255 
lieut. James, (A) vi 90] 
Johnson, (actor) iii 218 
—_— (boxer) xxxi 199] 206] 258] 
xxxiii 1] 

(machinist) li 260 

—— B, xlvii 864 

C.H. li, 296 

——-— Corn, (painter) See Janssens 

Dr. S. vii 61. viii 38, 311. ix 194. 
x 252, 265. xi 223. xvii 33. xviii 213. 
xix 104, 223. xx 145, 198. xxi 185, 191. 
206. xxii 27,29, 48, 175, 179. xxiii 247x. 
xxv 203. xxvi 218] 189. xxvii 202] 107. 
xxxi 36, 99. xxxji 124. xxxiii 261] 263] 
290] xxxiv 450. xxxv 46, xxxvi419, xxxvii 
33* | 120*] 133*2] xxxviii 369. xxxix 495. 
x1 326, 469. xli 368, 449. xliii 403. xlv 
768, 769. xlvi 784. xlvii 750. lii 537. 
Iii 74, 599. lviii 475, Ixi 45 

+++» pension to, v 96] 

+++. on dramatic unity, viii 233 

«.-~ funeral of, xxvii 209) 

aisle character of, xxvii 16, xxviii ] 

e.+- monument of, xxxii 247] 

+++» account of, xxxiii 431] 

--.. letter on the death of friends, xliii 506 

col. Guy, xviii 139] xxiii 209*] 

——-— col, sir J. xx 145] 160] 

Esther (Stella) account of, viii 15. 
Xxxii 35 

——- Francis, lviii 37 

——— gen. H. xl 163] 126 

——— sen. sir W.i 302. ii 30, 39, 122, 
191. iii 58] 60] vi 24) 32] vii 44] 179] ix 
9) 122] xi 74, xxiii 209*] 

-»». defeats the French in N, America, i 4. 

-+.- takes Niagara, ii 34 

+++. onthe N. American Indians, xvi 85 

—— Godschall, xxvii 347] 

——— gov. (Minorca) xiv 184] 186] 

H. xxxix 408 

——— H. Allen, xlviii 411 

James (1. gov. of Nevis) iv 99] 

———— James (architect) 1 184* 

—-— James, lviii 247 

——— Joel (architect) xii 120] 

—-— John, murder of, iii 93] 40 

—— J. liii 128. 1x 346. Ixi 299 

—-— Joseph, Ixi 106} 108] 110] 106 

———— Joseph (bookseller) xiii 66] 1 84° 

t we convicted of a political libel, xl 58, xli 

| ——— Judge (Ireland) xlvii 392 

Maria, x] 7 

—— Mrs, (Swift’s Stella) memoirs of 
viii 15. xxxii 35 

rev. Rich. xlii 43 

——— Rich. his resolute defence against 
an Trish mob, xv 86] 

Rob. convicted of forgery, xvi 152] 
xvii 82] 83] 

——— Rob, (chemist) xl 386 

Johnson, S, xxv 59] 
T. xxvi 223] xlv 827. xlvi 826. xlvii 
852. xlix 856 
T. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218} xviii 


—— W. xlii 380, 382. xliii 452, Ixi 302 

——— W.S. (Amer.) xxix 299] 

Johnston, (secr, of state, W. IJ) xxx 213 | 

——. Ar. xxxix 90 

———— col. (Amer.) xx 167*| 

—— Dr. J, xlii 364 

J. liv 26. lx 51 

m. gen. W, lvii 223 

Rebecca Anny, xlix 516 

sir Alex. lviii 200 

Johnstone, comm. xxiv 106] 241] xxv 
106] 199] 201] xxvii 193] 208] 225] xxviii 
205] 212] xxix 205] 

— gov. G. xv 143] 145] xvi 109] 
xviii 118] xix ]13*] xx 107] xxi 218] 323] 
335] xxii 20] 21] xxvii 177] xxxiii 143] 
xxxiv 145, xxxviii 368 

--.. letter to Mr. Laurens, and his answer, 
xxi 339] 

H. Erskine, xlviii 411, xlix 430 
——_ hon. And. Cochrane, xliv 261. lv 
16] 18] lvi 145] 146] 325 

J. xviii 119] xxxiv 145 
—lieut. | (A) murder of, lv 65 
1. col. G, xlviii 593 
1. gen, W. Souter, xliy 398 
m. gen. G. lvii 187 
— Mrs. (actress) xlix 430 
sir G. xliv 63. xlv 23, 81, 98, 
189. xlvi 83, 90,110, 114. xlvii 4, 101. 
xlviii 101. xlix 66, 83, 91, 138, 139. 1 69] 
221*. liv 17] 

sir James, xxix 119] xxxii 81] 


sir J. L. ly 52] j she. 
Joints, lameness of, cured by pitcoal, iit 

Joliba, river, known to Herodotus, xli 422 

Jolliffe, W. xxvii 200] xxviii 122] xxxi 131] 
xxxvii 156] 172] x1 212] 

++-- convicted of distributing papers to in- 
fluence the minds of a jury, xxxiii 45] 

Joly, de, xxxiv 39] 235 

Jomelli, Nich. xvi 185 

Jomsburg, ancient Danish colony, xiii 35 

Jonas, (slight of hand man) xvi 124 

Jones v, Jones, li 275 

viii 155. x 82] xii 74] 

(t. Eliz.) xxi 9, ae 

—— Archib. xlviii 961. li 5 

—— bish. G. Lewis, xxxi = 313] 314) 

—— capt. (art.) xx 166*] 
—— capt. (mil.) xlviii 410 
—— capt. (N) xliii 129 

—— capt. R. (N) xliii 129, 133 

——— capt. Rob. (convict) xv] 17] 121] 126) 
capt. Theoph, xxvii 263] 

—— Edw. murder of, ix 105] 

—— Edw. T, xxxyiii 445 

Eliz, xxxyili 34, 36 




. 9, Valet 
ri Eliza, convicted of stealing lace, xliv 

—— Evan, li 275 

—— France. v. J, 
false claim, ix 94 

—-— Fred, Edw. xlyi 792. lvi 117 

gen. — xxii 148] 

gen. (Spanish) 1 200} 

—— H. xxxvi 263 

e+e account of, xxxvi 284 

—--— hon, capt.C. See Ranelagh, C. 5th 
vise. x 

——— Inigo, v 258. vi 180. xvi 145. xxiii 
150n. xlii 12. xlix"878, lix 492 

wees life of, v25 

—— James, xlviii 961 

J. v Jesus coll. Oxon, ix 72] 

—— J. murder by, lvi 24 

J. xxvii 334] xlvii 847. xlviii 957. li 
867. lii 417. liv 315. Ix 361. 1xi 72, 222 

—— J. Gale, xxxvii 47. xxxviii 9. xli 
162. lii 92, 98, 110, 112, 252", 259*, 265", 
267*, 292, 358 

e+e trials of, xxxix 21. lii 343 

Lawrence, banker’s clerk robbed by, 

xxxv 43, 47, 58 

1. col. J. T. liv 201 

lieut. C, (E, I.) shot by lieut. Best, 
xlv 435 

——Tieut. G. (N) x) 153, 155 

—— maj. R. xxxiii 114] 

—— m. gen. Oliver, 1i 235 

—— Mary, foundling apprentice, ill treat- 
ed, x 190] 191] 

miss Mary, murder of, xiy 126] 129] 

—— Nath. murder confessed by, xi 93] 

—— Owen, (schoolmaster) xi 57 

—— Paul, xxi 176] 177] xxii 232] 311] 
429] 430] xxiv 297] xxx 63] xxxiv 30 

—— rev. W.1118 

—— Rich. (Happy Dick) xii 127] 

—— Rob. xii 126] 159] 164] 

-———- Rob. (att. gen. N. Carolina) iv 99] 

——— sir Harford, lii 301. liii 119 

—— sir T. lii 443 

—— sir W. xv 196,198, 200,201. xvi 60. 
xix 27. xxvii 280] 1387. xxix 178. xxxiii 
378n] xxxvi 38, 424, xxxvii 147*] xxxviii 
378, xxxix 498. x] 235] 418. xli 461, 504, 
512. xliii 412, 478. xlvii 960. lviii 526 
529, lix 501 

eee account of, xxxix 499. xlvi 719 

—— Theoph. xlix 821 

pee 02 T., transportation rejected by, xxxiv 

—— T.v, Meredith and Pritchard for a 
malicious indictment, xiv 136] 

T. xli 206] xlii 142] xliii 16] 28] 38) 

——.T. (iron founder) 1xi 299 

—— T, (japanner) xvii 849, li 543 

—— T. (druggist) xlii 371 

—— T. Tyrwhitt, xlvi 55 

—— Todd, xlvii 113, 116. xlix 418 

—== Valentine, li 104, 280 

Rule, for arresting ona 




Jones, W. (fath. of sir W.) xix 26 

+++ account of, xlvi 719 

—— W.(F.R.S.) vii 34, 37 

—— W. xxviii 182 

—— W. (marsh. of K. B.) lvii 9] 

—— W. (millwright) xl 387 

—— W. Todd, xliv 411 

Jongh, de Maurice, lvi 335 

Jonson, Ben, v 15, 27, 219. vi 179. x 212. 
xiii 107, 219. xxi 184. xxii 29, 59. xxiii 
156. xxx 176. xxxi 190 

«+. character of, ii 309 

Steingrim, liii 427 

W. lvi 337 

Jonville, lix 519 

Joosten, Dr. viii 105 

Jordan, (bookseller) xl 58. xli 7 

Dorothea, (actress) xxx 184, xli 464, 

1i 260 

Edw. lvii 319 

— Edw. robbed to a large amount, xiii 

Mary, xlix 910 

Rich. viii 86] 

Jordano, Lucca, xxv 179 

Jorden, J. Stubbs, lvi 336 

Jortin, Dr. J. i 463. xvi 200”. xlv 769. 1 

Joseph I, of Portugal, v 233] 244] xx 177*] 

II, of Germany, xii 103} 111] 115] 
xiii 136] xviii 134] xxiv 181] xxxi 166] 
179] xxxiii 3,5, 9, 10, 26, 30x, 36, 47, 517, 
54, 259. xxxiv 85] 125] 176] xxxv 52] 
xxxix 885. xlii 422, 431 

«++. crowned king of the Romans, vii 62] 

«+.. succeeds to the empire, viii 2] 123] 

-».. married to the princess Josepha of 
Bavaria, viii 57] 

.».. letter to his sisters on the death of his 
father, viii 123] 

«+... named coregent of his mother’s here- 
ditary dominions, viii 272] 

«+e busied in reforms, xi 34] 35] xxvii 2] 
xxix 204"] 195] 

+.» visits Rome and his Italian states, xii 

-».. interviews with the k. of Prussia, xii 
34] 125] xiii 42] 148] 

+++ devotes one day every week to receive 
petitions and complaints from his sub- 
Jects, xiii 42] . 

-+.» letter to count Papini, xiii 85] F 

e+.» present of an infallible styptic from 
the pope, xiv 144] 

«++. conduct and character of, xvi 42] xxvii 
2] xxx 28] 37] xxxi 45] xxxiii 6, xli 

e+». Visit to France, xx 187*] 

e+e» his life saved by a bricklayer’s la- 
bourer, xxvii 245] " 

«+. disease and death, xxxii 251] xxxiil) 

IV, patriarch of Chaldea, ix 112] 

Joseph aga, xlix 191, 193 

Josephine, empress, xlvi 175, 662, xlvii 


144, xlviii 217. xlix 15. 1150] 170] li 284, 
lii 508. lvi 401. lviii 266 
Josephine, empress, account of, lvi 42 
ee» divorce of, li 244, 747 
++» funeral of, lvi 41 
Josephus, Fl. vi 172, 173. ix 147. x 147, 
164. xiv 174 
Jotham, T. xliii 456 
Joubert, chev. Ixi 10 
gen.  xxxviiil04] xxxix 6] 27] 
62] xl 4] 261, 275. xli 266] 277] 293]295] 
xlii 8] xlvi 156 
: Jourdain, xxxiv 10] 
Jourdaine, Shaw, and Co. li 100 
Jourdan, Camille, xxxviii 149] xxxix 59] 
xli 11] 
marsh. xxxv 274] xxxvi 5] 22] 48] 
xxxvii 72] 75] xxxviii 126] xxxix 1] 54] 
55] xl 4] xli 144] 238] 244] 248] 278] 
262. xlii 12] xlvi 176. 1i 469. lv 143] 168. 
lvi 49] 
Journal des Scavans, xxxiii 450] 
Journeymen require protection against mas- 
ters, iv 175 
---- punished for combination, viii 79] xlvi 
394. lviii 5, 37, 75 
Jovellanos, de, don G. M. xlviii 1092, 1 168] 
229] lii 161 
Jovian, emp. xix 5 
Jowett, Josh. xlvi 825 
Joy, couns. lviii 284 
Joyce, capt. (N) liv 137] 23 
lieut. col. xvii 37 
: rev. Jeremiah, xxxvi 268] 278] 14, 

Joyeuse, Villaret, adm. xxxix 84] xliv 90, 
210, 212, 689 

Joynerain Gosaul, xxvi 169 

Joynt, O. liv 31 

Juan, don George, i 362. li 948 

Jubal, iii 1697 

Jubb, Rich. xlvii 849 

Jubilee of the battle of Lepanto, xiv 147] 

++. universal, for six months granted by 
the pope, xix 118] 

«+--at the commencement of the 50th 
4 of George III’s reign, li 239, 337, 

+++ in celebration of the peace, and of the 
accession of the house of Brunswick, lvi 


Jucatan. See Yucatan 

Judd, W. xiii 155] xviii 271] xix 170] 

Judea, present appearance of, ix 122 

Judge advocate general, house for, xlvii 587 

Judges, the Commons address the king to 
increase their salaries, i 98, 132 

+++» annual sums granted for this purpose, 
i132. 11177 

‘e++- on the choice and duties of, iii 184 

+++. their office not to be vacated on the 
demise of the crown, iv 79] 243] 

eves Office of, viii 113] 

e+» Strictures on the conduct of, xiii 135 
xiv 26] 30] ; 



Judges: tampered with by the crown, xiv 
31] 32] 

«s-. one refuses to record the verdict of a 
jury, xiv 151] 

+. Salaries augmented, xxii 215] 328] 
333] li 171 

-.-. one punished for altering a record, 
xxii 134 

-»+» offer of a military guard to, at the 
time of the riots, xxiii 215] 

«»-. methods of obviating their indepen- 
dence, xxvi 177] 

...- not independent of the crown, xxxiv 

«s+. on their appointment to the cabinet, 
xlviii 27, 28-33 

--.. spirited conduct of one, 1 274 

.. +. mistake in passing sentence, liv 48 

Judicial combats, origin of, xxi 162 

Jugglers, ix 101] 

Jukes, (surg.) xlvi 393 

Julia, wife of Septimius Severus, v 103] 

—— don T. xxvi 120] 

Julian the apostate, vi 175. xii 155, xxxvili 

Julien, xxxvili 150] 

Julien de Tholouse, xxxvi 118] 

Julius II, pope, v 23, xiv 164. xv 116, xviii 

—— III, xlviii 840 

—— Albertus, xli 379 

—— duel with Mr, Graham, xxxili 31] 

Julyan, J. xxxiv 391 

Jungum, liii 421 

Juniper, uses of, xlii 377 

Junius, letters of, xiii 115] 117] 121] 129] 
164] 165] 172] 

Franciscus, xxiii 159 

Junot, marsh. xli 29] xlviii 226. xlix 
281. 1197] 219] 222] 262*, 270*. li 14, 
16, 27, 47, 62, 213, lii 182, 183, 192. liii 
104] 199. liv 167] 

Jupiter Ammon, temple of, xlii 482 

Juries : power of, viii 113] 

+» ++ on trial by, xi 270, 271 

e+.» consequence of their extinction in 
Sweden, xi 272 

»e.. interference of judges with, xiii 135] 
xiv 26] 30] 31] 151] 

+s». mistake of a foreman in delivering a 
verdict, xx 205] 

«++. punishment of a summoning officer for 
corruption, xxi 167] 

.... act infringing the rights of, xxviii 121] 

.--+ conviction of distributing papers to in- 
fluence, xxxiil 45 

es. criminal information for the same, Ixi 

es. cases of a juryman fainting, and one 
in a fit from drunkenness, xxxiv 21 

«+.» escape of a juryman after being locked 
up, liii 99 wa 

4... one released on petition after being 
ioaieer up some time, liv 17 



Juries: act for trial by in civil causes in 
Scotland, lvii 7] 318. Iviii 12 

.--- disagreement on a verdict, lix 164, 

Jurieu, adm, Lxi 99 

Jurin, Dr. James, xix 46 

Jussieu, xxxii 3 ; 

Jussuf bashaw, xxxi 168] 171] xxxiii 103. 
xxxiv 17: xliii 207] liii 134] 

Justamond, = xvi80] 

—- J. 0. xix 11, 14, 71. xxiv 24, 
28, 75 

Justice, summary, 1 75* 

Justice, J. liv 316 

Justices in eyre, office abolished, lix 42] 

—— — of the peace. See Magistrates 

Justin, emperor, xxv 6 

Justin Martyr, xix 5 

Justinian, i454. xxx 202 

.... character of, xxv 5. xxx 4 

Juvenal, vi 174. xxiii 419] 437] 441] 


K, final, on the rejection of, xvii 199 

Ka Hing, emp. of China, xli 39 

Kaanijes, (Indian chief) vii 180] 

‘Kaas, adm. xiii 44] be 

Kempfer, Engelb. v 86. xv 99. xviii 32. 
xxiii 59, 60. xlvi 801. lyiii 532 

Kafra Taura, xli 499 

Kaim, gen. —x i 280] 285] xlii 173] 

Kaiserslautern, battle of, xxxvi 37] 

Kalbe, gen. baron (Amer.) xxiii 231°] 

Kalckreuth, marsh. xxix 48] xxxv 265) 
282] xxxvi 9] 205, xxxvii 110. xviii 194, 
xlix 23. liv 168] 

Kalitchetl, count, xliii 79] 

Kalkreuth, gen. xxxiv 111] 

Kalling, count, xv 56] 58] 62] 

Kalm, Pet. xiv 190 

«.+- his account of the cataract of Nia- 
gara, ii 388 

-... on the natural history of N. America, 
xiv 93-102 

Kalmucks. See Calmucks 

Kamenskoi, 1. gen. xlix 24, 25, 27,171, 175 

marsh, xvii 5] xxxi 172) 175] 
xlvii 173, xlviii 204, 205. liii 134] 

Kames, H. Home, lord, xvii 93, 97, 167. 
xxxvii 44*] 

Kamsin. See Wind, hot, of the deserts 

Kamtschatka, account of the parts of Ame- 
rica near, iv 104 

e... the country described, vii } 

«-.. natives of, vii 3 

habitations, vii 5 

-+.. furniture and utensils, vii 6 

--.. employments of the two sexes, vii 8 

«+. methods of dyeing, vii 9 

e+» dress, 2b, 

e+... diet and cookery, vii 11 

».-. mode of travelling with dogs, vii 12. 
xxvii 92 



Kamtschatka; mode of warfare and wea- 
pons, vii 14 

-+ + religion, vii 16 

«+e» conjurors, vii 17 

.. +. friendship and hospitality, 2b. 

+««- courtship, marriage, &c. vii 18 

«+++ diseases and remedies, vii 20 

-+ +» funerals, vii 21 a 

-... visited by two strange vessels, xxii 

es. animals of, xxvii 39 q 

.--. mode of hunting the bear, xxvii 94 

Kane, B. lviii 32 

Kang Hi, emp. of China, xli 40 ; 

Kanguroo described, xxxi 98. xxxii 78 
xxxv 311 

Kant, Imman. xxxiv 67] 

Kapsiewitz, gen. lvi 7] 

Kapustas, Xxxvii 32] 

Kara Kallpacks, i 269 

Karen, fath. Francis, lvi 81] 

Karnac, ancient palace of, xlii 410 

Karschin, An. Louisa iv 187] viii 274, 276 

-... account of, viii 42 

Kasan, See Casan 

Kaskaskias, surprise by the Americans, 
xxii 15] 

Katarinenburg, gold mines of, vii 93 

Kater, H. lxi 319 

Katrington, T, xxxvii 113*] 

Kauflinan, And. xlix 854 

Kauffmann, Angelica, xvi 146] 

Kaulban, gen, de. xxxi 197*] 

Kaunitz, count, i 157, 215, 222. ii 346. xi 
139] xv 25] 

——— gen. xxxvi 18] 

—— prince, xi 7] xxi 14] xxvii 106] 
xxix 224°] 286] xxxiii 10, 72, 221] 
xxxiv 15] 285, 290, 297, 299, 300, 310 

Kavanagh, James, robbery and murder by, 
lviii 196 

Kay, James, xlii 320 

M. xlvii 395 

Kaye, ii 143 

—— Jos. xlviii 615 

—— rev. Dr. xxv 199] 

—— rev. sir Rich. xxxvi 11 

Kean, (actor) lvii 71. Ix 42 

Keane, m. gen. sir J. lvii 122] 123] 142, 

Kearney, don Juan, Ixi 69, 83 

Tyan E. convicted of high treason, xlv 

Kearsley, G. vi 185] vii 87] 88] 108] 113] 
viii 59] ; 
Keate, G. xi 216. xxx 37. xxxix 36 
T. xxv 206] 
Keating, ensign 
— H.1i 421 28 
———— J. supposed to be bewitched, xii 
_———— m. gen. H. S, lii 263, 298, 314 
Keats, adm. sir R. G. xliii 252) 127. 
xlviii 584. xlix 257.120] 21] 32] 216] 
237] 88*. li 477, 492, 11173, iti 114) 

vi 113] 


Kebeel, T. serg. at law, inventory of the 
goods, chattels, &c. of, xi 134 
Keddie, T. Hamilton, xlvii 847 
Kedington, xiv 77] 
——— R. xxvi 92 
Keefe, Patrick, liv 59 
Keeling, W. vii 69] 

Keen, xxi 245 
Keenan, T.. executed for treason, xlv 437 
Keene, xxxv 173 

Benj. xxvii 263] 

bish. Edmund, xiii 102] 145] 

C. xxxv 173. x1 180 

—— capt. (N) lii 301 

——— H. (architect) xv 115] 

Whitshed, xlv 123. xlix 145. lvii 51) 

Keertes, J. lix 12, 39 

Kehelin, in Poland, burnt down, vi 97] 

Keill, Dr. James, iii 120. viii 23 

Keir, James, xlvi 783. xlviii 958 

— lieut. W. (A) x1 47. xliii 23 

m. gen. sir W.G. Ix 183] Ixi 203] 

Keith, Alex. murdered by his wife and son, 
ix 132] 

capt. shot by Dr. Storer, xx 162] 

—— Dr. G. Skene, xlvii 588 

—— earl marsh, G. iii_95] 126] iv 67] x 
69. xvi 277 

-... resigns the government of Neufcha- 
tel, xi 65] 

—-— gen. sir Rob. Murray, xv 78] 80] 
103] 109] 207] xix 141] xl 130 

G Keith, visc. xxvii 268] xxxv 283] 
xxxvil 138] 66, 71, 74, 75. xxxviii 194] 
84, xxxix 81. xli 75. xlii 173] 181] 183] 
188] 198] 215] 220] 9, 223, 231-3, 245, 
274. xliii 29] 72] 94] 221n] 233] 248] 
7, 88, 94, 101, 108, 110. xliv 8, 42, 388, 
421. xlvi 142, 419, 548, 561. lvii 85) 35, 
52, 189, 293 ; 

— — marsh. James, v 190. x 69. xii 18] 

xx 188] 

+... enters Bohemia, i 9 

+... killed, i 57 

«++. account of him, 74.1276 

sir Basil (gov. of Jamaica) xvi 84] 
xix 167] xx 257] xxxi 270] 

Keld, W. (farmer) funeral of, xi 141] 

Keller, Gothard, iv 101] 

Kelleram, xxix 166] xxxvii 112 

Kellermann, marsh. xxxiv 105] 106] 108] 
111} 113] 114] 117] xxxv 265] xxxvii 
73) x1 131] xlvi 176, xlvii 155. 11 213 

———— _junr. xlii 194] 1 223] 265*, 
270*.1i 175, 377, 744. lii 184 

Kellie, Archib, 7th earl, xxvii 189] 

T. 9th earl, xlvi 432 

Kello, J. forgery by, v 104] 139] 

Kelly, capt. (N) xxxvi 74 

capt. Hinton, lvi 16 

col.  xxvi 108] xxvii 256) xxxiv 
199] 203] 

——col. Ilvil4 

—-— col. W. lviii 228 

Kelly, vii 279 
Edw. xvii 51 
—-— Hugh, xx 171] 
lieut. (A) xliii 100 
—— Mich. xxix 206] 
miss, lvi 14. Iviii 29, 325 
Mrs. xx 198 
—— T.1i 420 
—— W. executed for murder, xv 124] 
Kelsey, James, executed for forgery, xxxiii 

J. (John the Quaker) xii 57 

Kelynge, W. xi 68] xiv 121] 

Kemble, Edw. xxxix 35. lii 362 

—J. P. xxix 168. xxxiv 9. xxxvi 
415. 1i 323, 348. lii 242". lix 606 

—— C. xlv 912 

——— Steph. xliv 825 

Kemmis, couns. ly 269 

———— m. gen. James, | 265* 

Kemp, A. Facer, xxv 195] 

Benj. xxxiii 9] 

rev. T. Read, lviii 53 

Rob. lviii 349 

—— T. executed for stealing notes out of 
letters, xxxviii 9 

T. xxvii 268] 

W. and his family poisoned, vi 


Kempe, _ (actor) vi 180 

Kempenfelt, adm. xxiv 170] xxv 124] 
149] 150] 161] 164] 222*] 223°) 224*] 
226*] 207] xxvi 201] 

gov. xxv 226*] 

Kempis, T. a, xiv 223 

Kempster, capt. G. (mar.) lii 452 

Kempt, m. gen. sir Ja. xli 79. xliii 107. 
xlviii 592. liv 208. lv 197, 201, 222. lvii 

Kempthorne, capt. Jas. (N) xxv 229] xlvii 

capt. W. (N) lviii 236 
Ken, bish. See Kenne 
Kendal duchess of, xv 188] 189] xvii 20. 
xx 23 
Fred. lv 295 
Jos. lvi 337 
Larcum, viii 123, xx 26. xxxii 

Kendrick, Jos. robbed by his servant, x 
Kenmare, T. 4th vise. i 331. v 76] xxviii 
9] xxxiii 47] 
erry Valentine, Ist earl, xxxix 72, 
Kennaway, sir J. xxxiv 223] 
Kenne, bish. 'T. xiv 247 
Kennedy, Archibald, lord, Ix 293 
—_— capt. (A) iv 158] 
capt. shipwreck of, xii 190] 
— capt. Archib. (N) iii 101] 142] 
——_—— Dr. Gilbert, xxiii 241} 
——_— James, lviii 115 
———— J.ii 115 
maj. Arthur, Ixi 35 



Kennedy, Matt: and Patr., murder of ‘a 
watchman by, xiii 74] 76] 84] 91] 92] 
100] 103] 109] 118] 161] xiv 96] 

Kennet, executed for the murder of his 
wife, xv 90] 

Kennett, ald. Brackley, ix 115] xiv 108] 
xvii 155] xviii 119] xx 194] 202] xxi 
203] xxii 227] xxiii 229] xxiv 183] 

ae bish, White, xi 67. xviii 144. xxiv 
J : 

farmer, xii 92] 
Rob. and H. xlviii 417 
Kenney, rev. Edw. xxxvi 355 
. Kennicott, Dr. Benj. xv 149] xlix 894 
«+-- pension to, v 105] 
e-.+ his collation of Hebrew Bibles, xi 146 
e+» yearly donation from the stadtholder, 
xiv 157] 
Kenny, 1. col. xlvi 235 
Kenrick, Archib. lvii 320 
Dr. W. xxii 218] xxxviii 339 
Kensington gardens, xxxviii 450 
Kensington, J. Pooley, xlv 443 
Kent, great damage done by a storm, vi 95] 
«+s petitions from, xii 156] xiii 90} 
+--+ address from, xii 193] 
Kent, = 1i 260 
——-—— Benj. of Boston, xi 237] 
—— capt. (A) iii 23 
Edw. duke of, x 144] 152] xiii 168] 
171] 173] xxvi 196] xxxv 36. xxxvi 68, 
79. x1 93. xliv 377. 1 83 (2nd) lii 263". 
pes Ix 82, 401, 2d. lxi 27, 399, 400, 

eevee establishment of, xli 194, 205. Ix 62 

«+e marriage of, lx 89] 77 

eee. addition to his income, Ix 90] 

«+e» grant from admiralty droits, 1x 63 

»+ee loan to, 7b. 

«+e birth of a daughter, lxi 35 

—— J. xix 1. liii 265 

J. (architect) xli 400 

—— Martha, 1 121* 

Nath. xxxiv 386, xlii 398 

—— T.ii 75, 76. xlviii 957 

—— W. v 258. xxiii 171. xlvii 851 

Kentish, R. xlvii 853. xlviii 955 

— T.xlv 830 

Kentish town, fire at, lvii 96. lviii 244 

Kenton, Benj. xlii 17 

Kenyon, G. 2nd lord, 1 4] liv 64] 

Lloyd, Ist lord, xxiii 207] 239] 
xxiv 2177] 226] xxix 239] xxx 219] xxxi 
134] 196] 349] xxxii 224] 225] xxxiii 
233, 12] 20] 31] 45] xxxiv 159] 170] 4, 
25, 44, 45, 50, 165. xxxv 152] 8, 9. xxxvi 
37, 121. xxxviii 20, 23, 26, 114. xxxix 
175. x1 58, 67, 94. xli 8, 18. xlii 23. xliii 
16, 21, 37, 45. xlviii 30. xlix 355. lvi 
108] 298, 300. Ix 145] 

«++. character of, xliv 182 

Roger, xxxvi 40 

Keon, Rob. executed for the murder of G, 
N. Reynolds, xxx 196] 

Keough, xl 163] 55 



Kepler, J. ii 283, 473. iv 192] 193] xiv 
174, xxxiii 250] 

Keppel, adm. G. xxiv 143] 

—— Aug. lord,i 75, 96. ii 58, 74: iii 
100] 148] iv 15] 148] 296] v 38] 121] 
ix 137] xiv 90] xviii 25] xxi 172] 203} 
xxii 55] 91] 95] 112] 119] 135] 155] 165] 
344] xxiii 123] xxiv 142] 158] 173*] 
201] xxv 130] 157] 188] xxvi 157] 37 

«+.» his report of taking the island of 
Goree, ii 63 

e+e. trial of, xxi 2)5] xxii 104] 108] 198] 
235] 254] 

e+.» memorial of several admirals to the 
king on the subject, xxi 310] 

e+. Critical circumstances under which he 
took the command, xxii 55] . 

e+e illtreatment of him, xxii 62] 

oa thanks of both houses to, xxii 110] 


safer : and freedom of London to, xxii 
199] 200] 296] 

+++ correspondence relative to his trial, 
xxii 286] 

---. first lord of the admiralty xxv 177] 
xxvi 175] 

—-—— bish. Fred. viii 72] x 184] xi 221] 
xiii 70] 102] 197] xvi 109] 

gen. W. v 39] xxi 201] 

—— hon. C. James, lix 90 

Ker, J. Bellenden, xlix 428, 634 

— rev. Dr. J. xix 145] 

Kerguelin, xviii 186] 

Keriel, sir T. xxix 101 

Kerim khan, vi 109] viii 107] xii 2] xvi 
30] 133] xvii 10] xix 191*] 

Kermes, natural history of, xxiii 100 

Kerr, adm. lord Mark Rob. xl 149, 155, xlvii 

— capt.  (N) lii 300, 30 

— Dr. ilix 567 . 

— James, xxv 66 

— 1. gen. J. Manners, 1 80* 

Kersaint, xxxv 229] 

Kersemacker, Cornelia, lvii 32 

Kershaw, J. lyi 335 

Kerslake v. the Westminster Life-insurance 
office, xliii 45 

Kervelegan, gen, xliv 215 

Kerveyseau, gen.  xliv 213 

Keswick and it’s environs, iv 103, xlviii - 


Kett, xlv 422. xlvi 380 

Kettering, fire at, ix 146] 

Ketzon, gen. 157 

Keughe, Matth. xl 126 

Kew, new bridge at, i 93 

Kewley, James, lix 234 

Key, James, xlviii 958 

-—— J. the first person born in Pennsyl- 
vania, x 143] 

Keyling, xiv 31 

Keylock, (place seller) li 125, 149, 308 

Revs great number stolen by a mad woman, 



Keyse, _ vii 80] ¢ 

Keysler, J. G. xix 105. xx 143 

Khuleei khan, hadjee, murdered, xlv 362 

Kichi, count, xv 44] 

Kidby, Dr. iii 138 

Kidd, Alex. acquitted of a charge of mur- 
der, xix 160] 

—— capt. (N) xix 135] 

Kidder, bish. Rich. ix 145 

Kidgell, rev. proceedings against for non- 
residence, ix 105] 

Kien Long, emp. of China, xl 451, xli 39 

ey gen. xlvii 149, 168. li 205, 

Kiev, account of, lix 484 

Kilby, J. lvii 320 

Kileannohca (Indian chief ) iii 235] 

Kildare, Gerald Fitzg. earl of, i 483 

——marq. See Leinster, duke 

—— T. Fitzg. earl of, xxxi 113 

Kilkenny, cavern near, xvi 94 

Killarney, lake of, described, i 323 

Killeen, Arth. James, lord, liv 134] 86 

Killigrew, (t. Eliz.) ii 323. xxi 10 

Hen. vi 180 

T. xliii 475 

Killing and slaying, convictions for, XVil 
146] 158] xxii 227] xxiv 200] 

Kilmainham hospital, grants for, xliii 185. 
xliy 577. xlv 623. xlvi 578. xlvii 585. 
xviii 634. xlix 725*. 1 189* 

Kilmanseck, bar. iii 14, 15 

Kilmorey, Francis, 12th visc. xl 164] 

— J. 10th vise. ix 80 

Kilpatrick, col. Alex. xxvi 212] 

Kilwarden, Arth. Ist visc. murder of, xlv 
307, 309, 415, 419. xlvi 397 

+++» character of, xlv 312 

Kilwenmersh, Francis, xxiv 204 

Kimbar, xxxvii 24] 

Kimber, capt. J. false charge of murder 
against, xxxiv 22 

Kimoes of Madagascar, xxxiv 358 

Kincardine, earl. See Elgin 

Kinder, Rob. lviii 347 

xxv 119] 122] 

Kindsbergen, adm. 
King, Abel, xlii 9 
abp. W. vii 54. xviii 30 

—— adm. sir Rich. xxvi 45] 46] xxvii 
263) xxxviii 37 : 

adm. sir Rich. jun. lvi 194 

Ann, murder of, iv 54 

—— bish. Walker, xxxix 363, 364 

—— capt. E. D. (N) xliii 112, 118, 121 

—— capt. James, (circumnavigator) xxiii 
218] xxvii 9, 92, 149 

—— capt. James, (N) xxvi 207] 259 

—— capt. Ph. Gidley (N) xxxi 256] xxxii 
228] xxxiii 19] 75] x1 458 

or capt. W. (N) xlviii 598, 603, xlix 

—— C. ix 263 

—— col. (Amer.) lx 76 
couns. xlix 533. liv 96 
—— Dr. W. xxi 146, Ixi 446-52 



King, Edw. lxi 482 

Harriet Marg. x1 179 

—— hon. capt. (N) lvi 72 

—— hon. col. G. See Kingston, 3rd earl 

James, vi 161] xxvii 187] 

—— J.xliv 438 

Peter, Ist lord, vii 55, 280 

—— Peter, 6th lord, xii 125] 203] xiii 
118] xxii 343] 348] xxiii 330] 331] xxv 
96. xxxiii 233 

— — Peter, 7th lord, xl 205] 216. xli 208. 
xlii 109] 118] 125] xliii 169] xlv 68, 121, 
124, 131, 148. xlvi 12, 41, 61. xlvii 16, 
30, 5]. 179] 112] liii 6] 82] 76. lvii 22. 
Iviii 9] 1x 16] 35] 36) 91] Ixi 139] 148] 
149] 150] 154] 

prince. W. ii 143. xiii 210. xviii 58 

+++ epitaph, by himself, vii 75 

rev. Dr. J. Glen, xxi 94. xxvii 75 

Rich. vi 88] 

—~— Rufus (Amer.) xxix 299] xl 227. 
xliii 262. xliv 617. xlvi 97. xlviii 2467, 

—— sir J. Dashwood, liii 29 

—— T. ii 195, 196. liv 307. viii 301 

——— T. acquitted of a charge of murder, 
xix 160] 

—— T. 5th lord, x 184] xi 221] xiii 70] 
197] 199] xiv 90] 252] xvi 243] xvii 
274] xix 255] xx 280] 283] 

—— T. (actor) x 246, 258. xiv 112] Xviil 
211. xx 199. xxi 200. xxiii 209. xxv 
199, xxviii 144. xliv 405 

W. hanged for robbing and maiming, 
viii 110] 214] 

——- W. (tinman) xli 402 

—— W. R. Wale, xlviii 959. lv 320 

King street, Rotherhithe, fire in, vi 82] 

Covent Garden, fire in, xvii 118] 

Southwark, fire in, lv 99 

Kinglake v. Norman, li 321 

Kings. See Sovereigns 

King’s-bench prison, riots in the, xiii 164] 
165] xiv 71] 102] xxvii 194] 

«ee. assumed jurisdiction in, xxii 216] 

.--~ application from prisoners enlarged by 
the riots, xxiv 166] 

+» grants for repairing, xxiv 272] xxxix 
170. xlii 164. xlvi 582. xlvii 591 

.... attempts to escape from, xxvii 199] 
xxviii 196] xxxili 19] 

.-.. new regulations, xxxii 204] 

«++. account of the old, xxxii 30 

... forged assignats seized, xxxiv 3 

+e plot to blow up, xxxiv 45. xxxv 9 

.... fire in, xli 26 

.... See also St. George's fields 

Kingsborough, visc. See Kingston, earl 

‘Kingsbury, Dr. ii 328 

Kingsby, gen. count, xxxvi 76 

Kingsland, G. 5th visc. v 76] 

— Matth. 6th. vise. lvii 6 

Kingsland road, fire in, xiv 118] 

Kingsley, gen. ii 233, iii 66] 133] 148] 


Kingsman, Long, xxxiv 78 

Kingsmill, adm. Rob. xxxiv 2. xxxviii 47. 
xl 2, 144 

Kingston on Thames, settlement for sup- 
plying the poor with cheap coals, i 383 

--.. act for the improvement of, xvi 111] 

upon Hull. See Hull 

Kingston, Eliz. duchess of, xii 82] 86] xix 
159] xx 164] 195] xlix 806 

«++. declared not the wife of Mr. Hervey, 
xii 73] . 
«+s. indicted for bigamy, xvii 169] 170] 
Xviii 123] 187] xix 133] 231] xxx 213] 
+++. Suit of lady Meadows against, xviii 
133] xxiii 208] 

+++» her marriage with Mr. Hervey esta- 
blished, xxi 168] 

» ++. account of, xxx 213] 44 

Evelyn, last duke of, viii 204] 
xvi 142] xvii 162] 170] 

«+.» validity of his will established, xxiii 

G. 3rd earl, xxxix 56. x1 29, 127. 

xlii 202, 209 

l. col. — xx 298] xxii 149] 

Rob. 2nd earl, xxxix 55 

Kington, 1. col. P. xlix 689* 

Kinnaird, C. 8th lord, xlv 56, 198. xlvii 8, 
42, 75, 119. 1279. liv 142 

G. 7th lord, xxvii 189] xxix 146] 
xxxi 298] 304] xxxiv 77. xxxv 144] 
xxxviii 12 

Kinnoul, Rob. 9th earl, xxx 298] xxxi 298] 
304] xxxii 98] xxxiii 223. xxxv 54] 69} 
xxxvii 149] xxxix 199] xli 228) xliii 171] 

T. 8th earl of, iii 86] 103] vii 
128] xiii 243] xliii 137} xlix 1016 

——— T.R. 10th earl, | 279 

Kinsey, James (mem. of Congr;) xvii 218] 

Kinsky, marsh. xl 26 

Kiow. See Kiev 

Kippis, rev. Dr. And. xxxiv 78. xli 354 

«+-. account of, xxxvii 3Y 

Kirby, Cranley T. viii 110] 214] 

Christopher, xii 36 

Eliz. shot, liii 91 

J. ix 115] 

Kirch Denkern, battle of, iv 25-7] 141} 

Kircher, Ath. i 333. iii 133. vi 93. xi 129. 
xvi 118, 119, 120. xvii 64x. xxi 104. xxii 

Kircudbright, J. 7th lord, xvi 99} 101] 

Kirk, capt. (N) iJll 

+++. action against for impressing a city 
waterman, xx 186] 

—— Matt. xvii 118 

Kirkaldy, limestone quarries at, iii 98 

Kirkby, rev. J. xxxviii 320 

Kirke, James, xvii 186 

Kirkham priory, xxv 203] 

Kirkley, Ralph, xxxiv 9 

Kirkman, ald. J. xiv 84] 117] 121] xvi 104] 
xix 158] xxii 218] xxiii 226] 227] 

J. lix 233 

Kirkpatrick, capt, J. Achilles (A) xli 320 



Kirkpatrick, 1. col. W. xli 242 

Rob. lv 268 

Kirkwall, J. vise. lx 254 

Kirton, ancient church to be taken down, 
xlvi 386 

Kirton, G. vii 95] 

Kirwan, Rich. xxxviii 389, 407 

— T. liv 133] 

-+«» trial of, liv 268 

Kirwood, Rob. xlv 827 

Kishennai Wuddiar, maha rajah, xli 63] 

Kistna, river, account of, xl 375 

Kitagusta (Indian chief) iii 235] 

Kitchen, H. xxi 202] 

Kitchens, economical, x1 397 

Kitchingman, J. xiii 170] 

Kite, boy’s eyes tom out by one that was 
shot, ix 63] 

--++ child killed by one, xlii 13 

Kite, ald. sir Rob. xv 126] 

Kittoe, capt. Edw. (N) 1i 477 

Klaproth, von, Mart. H. xlv 840, lii 662 

——-. lvi 534 ' 

Klarich, Dr. viii 83] 

Klebeck, gen, xxxi 179] 

Kleber, gen. xxxvi 34] 60] xxxviii 127] xli 
23] 30] 38] 95, 259. xlii Qn] 2) 73) 91) 
giv 23, 222, 223, xliii 29] 33] 206} 218] 

+++. assassination of, xlii 233. xliii 220] 
xliv 869 

Klein, Dr. J. T. iv 84-6. xlix 834 

———-— Sella xlvii 148. xlix 11 

Kleist, (suicide) liii 143 

capt. xxix 48] 

gen. ii 28, xx 188] Iv 123] 130] 

132] 134] Ivi 6).16] 

maj. Chs. Edw. von, (poet) painting 
to his memory, placed in the garrison 
chureh at Berlin, iv 176] 

Klenau, gen. xli 281] 295] xlii 173] 208) 
xliii 60] 62] xlvii 697. lv 170] 

Klengling, gen. xlvi 627 

Kleyn, capt. Kemp Janssen, xxix 265] 

Klingenstierna, prof. vii 33 

Kloest, bar, Jacobi, xlviii 691 

Klopstock, F. T. letter to the French Na- 
tional Convention, xxxiv 63] 

Knapp, couns, xlix 488, 523 

Knapping, J. xlvi 848 

Knapton, lord, xii 82] 

Knatchbull, lady Lucy, xlii 429 

— sir E. xxxiv 156] xxxvii 153] 

Kneebone, Eliz. lvi 274 

Kneller, sir Godfrey, x 247. xv 31. xxiii 
221. xxxii 143 

-+.. memoirs of, vii 49 

Knigge, bar. xxxix 383 

Knight, adm. sir J. xxxvi 81.-xxxix 77 

adm, sir Joseph, xvi 205} 

capt. (N) lvii 191 

—— C. xlvii 406 

—— Dr. Gawin, xxii 98. xxxv 256 

E. (actor) lviii 326 

Edw. ii 106 



Knight, H. divorced, xiv 81] 

H. xlv 445 

1. col. li 119 

Mary, convicted of the murder of 

her son, xxi 198] : 

Rich. Payne, xxvii 268] xxxiv 78. 

xlix 958. lviii 450 

sir J. vi 274 

T. xxiv 171] 

T. ii 143 : 

T. And. xxxvii 89*] xliv 781. xlvi 

842, 848n. xlvii 826. xlviii 927, 932. xlix 

366. 1i 827. 1ii 667. liv 501 

W. lvii 300 

Knighthood, orders of, iii 178. xl 415 

.»-. new order in the Palatinate, xi 64] 

— in Saxony, xi 171] 

— in Denmark, xiv 77] 

in Sweden, xv 69*] 

——-—— in Italy, xvii 137 

++.. ———-—— in Portugal, liii 120 

in Prussia, lv 20 

in Hanover, lviii 137] 

+++. origin of the order of the Garter, xvii 

+++. ancient manner of creating knights 
of the Bath, xxi 141 

«++ origin of, xxi 160 

Knightley, Harriet, attempt to murder, xxi 
168] 183] 

Knighton, murderer and suicide, lx 28 

Knights of Nova Scotia, or St. Andrew, xviii 

——— of St. John of Jerusalem. See Malta 

— of St. Patrick, creation of the order, 
xxvi 196] 

+++. ceremonial of investiture, xxvi 280] 

—- of the Bath, installations of, iv 115] 
xv 108] xxii 210] xliv 405. xlv 388 

++. prince Frederick appointed principal 
companion, x 162] 

+++. appointments of, xiv 76] 138] xv 66] 
103] 106] 113] xvii 139] xxv 223*] xlvi 
432. lvi 78 

«+.. entertainment at Ranelagh by, xlv 

++ list of, xv 206] 

-+-. expulsion of one, lvi 74 

-+.. extension of the order, lvii 139] 134 

——-— of the Garter, prince Ferdinand 
elected, ii 107 

++. investiture of p. Ferdinand, ii 144 

+++. —————_——- the margq. of Rocking- 

ham and earl Temple, iii 71] 

+++. ————_——_ prince W. and the ear] 

of Bute, v 86] 125] 
- installations of, v 105] xiv 127] 216] 
ip 222] xxxiii 16] xIvii 379. 1ii 257*. liv 
+++» Several admitted to the privileges of, 
without installation, xliii 2] 

+++. elections of, vii 66] xi 196] xiv 74] 
80] xxv 206] xxx 203] xxxii 227] xxxv 
28. lvi 73 

+++. emp. Alexander elected, ly 55 




Knights of the Garter: investiture of the 
princes of Wales and Brunswick and earl 
of Albemarle, viii 152] 

«+.» investiture of the duke of Cumber- 
land, x 161] 
burgh, xiv 115] 

.. lord North, xv 97] 

landgrave of Hesse 

— bish. 

of Osna- 

Cassel, xxviii 207] 
oe — duke of Leeds 
and earl of Chatham, xxxii 227] 
A eee sir C. Whitworth, 
xxxvi J 

wee. the d. of Beaufort, 
m. of Abercorn, and earls of Pembroke, 
Winchelsea, and Chesterfield, xlvii 355 
...— emp. Alexander, 
lv 64 

oe — king of Prussia, 
lord Liverpool, and lord Castlereagh, lvi © 

46, 47 

eee — k. of the Nether- 
lands, lvi 77 

of the Thistle, investiture of the 
earl of Carlisle at Turin, xi 81] 

«+.. investiture of prince William Henry, 
xiii 89] 

Pri the earl of Northing- 

ton, xvi 127] 

— of Windsor, poor, ordered to re~ 
side, xiv 138] 

Knightsbridge, fire at, xxxvi 6 

Knipe, J. Noble, xi 123] x 

Kniphausen, Dodo H.,, bar., i 90. iii 205] : 

Knipperdolling, (Anabaptist enthusiast) xii 

Kniveton, sir Gilb, xi 61 
Knobelsdorff, gen. bar. xlviii 168, 809, 812. 
xlix 41 
Knobloch, gen. iv 34] 36] 
Knolles, Rich. xxiii 231 
Knollys, sir Francis, xxxv 14 
Knot, Nath. viii 146] 
Knott, W. throwing a knife at his wife 
killed his son, xlv 423 
Knowle castle, fire at, lx 2 
Knowles, adm. sir C. vi 113] viii 201] 158n. 
xiii 159] 174] xvi 32] xviii 49. xli 359. 
xlvii 751, 752 
adm. sir Francis, xlvii 755 
James, xli 402 
———_ J. ]xi 78 
——_——. maj. lx 184] 
Rob. escape of, from prison, xix 
Knowlton, T. liii 486 
Knowlys, Newman, li 270, 333. Ix 263, Ixi 
200, 232 
Knox, And, or Rich. iv 176] 75 | 
—— gen. x1 248] 1i 280 
—— gen. H. (Amer.) xxiii 391] 
J. character of, liv 453 
—— m. gen. J. xli 128, 136 
—-— rev, Dr. Vicesimus, xxiii 178, 181 



Knox, rev. Dr. Vicesimus, insulted at 
Brighton theatre, xxxv 39 

—— W. xxiv 255] 

Knyphausen, gen. xix 170*] 179*] xx 
128] xxi 221*] 270) xxii 3] xxiii 224*] 
xxiv 15] 

Knyvett, (singer) xxix 206] 

Koczinski. See Kosinski 

Koehler, gen. xliii 223] 

Koenig, Fred. lvii 319 

Koerner, _lvi 571,572 

Kolben, Pet. xxiv 38 

Koller, col. ~~ xv 74*] 

Kolli, bar. lii 497 

Kollowrath, gen. xlvii 168. li 205 

Kolontai, count, xxxvii 31] 

Konigsberg, in Prussia, great fires at, vii 
110] viii 112] xii 105} 111] liii 74 

«+-- population of, xxi 217] 

Koningsegg, marsh. count, iv 96] xvii 16 

Koops, Matthias, xlii 381, 383, xliii 452 

Korff, baron, xlix 19 

Korsakow, gen. xli 267] 268] 

Kosciusko, gen. xxxvii 16] xxxix 32, xlviii 

.... letter to the emperor Paul, xl 94 

-+«. address to the Poles in behalf of Buo- 
naparte, xlix 664 

Kosinski, king of Poland carried off by, 
xiv 82*} xxvii 98 

Koster, J, Theod. xliii 456. lix 399 

Kotzebue, Aug. von, xlvi 754, 772. iviii 35 

-+.. assassination of, lxi 185] 

Kouli khan, Thamas, iv 6. viii 107] ix 29] 
120] x 209, xvi 28] xxxv 357, xxxix 
500. xliv 357. xlvi 735. xlvii 952 

«+s account of, xvi 60. liii 581 

.-.. two letters of, liii 580 

Koumiss, method of making, xxx 84 

«+. Virtues of, xxx 88 

Kourakin, prince xiii 135. li 411 

Koutousoff, gen. xlvii 168 

Krahil bey, x! 258 

Kraken, inquiry concerning the, xiv 81 

Kraschininikoff, prof. iv 104. xxvii 93z 

Krasiowna, Marg. vi 97 

Kray, gen. xxxviii 138] xxxix 38] xli 278] 
285] 296] xlii 172] 176] 200] 

Krazewski, xvii 18] 

Krazinski, xi 13] 17] xii 32] 

Kreschetnichow, gen. xi 13] 16] xxxv 227 

Kressel, xxi 161] 

Kretzchmar, Peter, viii 61] 

Kristna, river. See Kistna 

Krogh, gen. von, lvi 40] 

Kronus, the Grecian deity, x 156 

Krudener, mad. lviii 56. lix 67 

Kruse, adm. xxxiii 68 

gen. lvii 178 

Krusemark, count, xlviii 170, 685 

Krusenstern, count, liv 135. Iviii 531. 
lx 579 

Kublai khan, xiv 1922 

Kullian Sing, xxix 166] xxxvii 112 

Kunig]l, gen, lvi 196 



Kurakin, prince, xxxix 4, liv 169] 

Kurile islands, xli 485 

Kurreem khan, Ixi 498 

Kuster, xiii 106 

Dr. Ludolph, xi 152 

Kutsma, J. See Kosinski 

Kutuchtu. See Lama 

Kutusoff, Ivan Paulovitch, xliii 12, 429 

——_—— gen. xxxiii 104, liii 135] liv 173] 
175] 178] 182] lv 114] 121] 32, 388 

Kutzleben, bar. xxv 194] 

Kydd, Stewart, xxxvi 278] 39 

Kylock and Co, prosecution of, li 149. See 

Kymer, Dr. Gilbert, xxi 26 

Kynaston, (actor) ‘xxiii 152 

——— T. xi 68] 

++ee Y. Hawley for tithes, ix 112] 

L. P 
in J. Bapt. vi 69. xi 208. xxiv 38. xxxv 

Labatut, gen. lv 192] 

Labedoyere, col. lvii 57] 87] 
Laberius, xxiv 181 

Labienus, vi 170 

Laborde, gen. 1 222] 259*, 262* 
de, Alex. li 799-816, 943 
Labouchere, P. C. lii 236 

Labrador, don Pedro, 1 153] 229* 
Labyrinths, ancient, of Crete, xxxi 91, 93 
Lac, distinctions of, lix 569 

Lac insect, xxv 66. lix 567 

Lac, capt. de, iii 220] 
Lacaille. See Caille, de la 
Lacane, xxxv 280] 

Lace, Buckinghamshire, iv 160] 
-.++ Dresden, imitation of, v 86] 
+++. finished with knitting needles, vii 80] 
«+.. method of separating gold and silver 
from, without burning, ix 167 
«+++ French, found concealed in a ship’s 
buoy, x 62] 
«+». manufacture of, introduced into Lon- 
don, xviii 121 
-... French emigrants employed in mak- 
ing, xxxvi 21 
- gold. See Gold 
Lacedemon. See Sparta 
Lacepede. See Cepede 
Lacey, suicide of, xlvi 368 
capt, T. (A) xliv 56] 
—— capt. T. (engineers) xliii 208] 235] 
gen. don Lewis, lii 171, 173. liii 120] 
liv 145] lix 118] 119] 
Harriet, xliv 561 
Lacombe, James, vi 33 
St. Michael, xl 126] xli 114] 
Lacon vw. Mosenau, | 73* 
Lacosta, gen. lvi 168 
Lacroix, lix 118] 
Lacrosse, adm. xliii 363. xliv 221, 365 
Lactantius, v 145, 149 
Lacy, _lviii 288 



Lacy, (pat. Drury L.) xvii 83] xxiii 236 

—— marsh, (Russ.) iii 16] 27] 43] xii 3] 
xxxiii 17 

J. (actor) vi 181. xxxvi 297 

—— marshal, count (Austr.) xxx 49] 53] 
xxxilii 6 

Willoughby, xxii 83] xxii 50 

Ladbroke, sir Rob. i101, 105. iv 95] 124] 
301] viii 117] ix 74] x 145] xi 82] 167] xii 
112] 200] xiii 99] 105] 108] xiv 163] 190] 
xv 67] xvi 90] 149] 

.. +» extraordinary conduct of, xiii 111] 

Ladd, pretending to be bewitched, v 


Lade, couns. xi 152] 
Ladies, mobbing in St. James’s park, ii 99 
Ladrizabel, gen. liii 18) 
Ladrone islands, manners and customs cf 

the, xi 12 
Ladvocat, prof. J. Bapt. xi 152 
Ladyard, col. (Amer.) killed, xxiv 126] 
Ladybird, utility of, xlix 840 
Lestrigons, v 136 
Lafiin, J. lvii 103 
Lafontaine, Fred. saltpetre maker, xii 221] 
Laforest, xviii 163 
Laforey,adm. xxx 104] xxxv 271] 
adm. sir F. xxxvii 137] li 458 
adm. sir J. i 71. xxvi37 
commissioner xxxi 264] 
Lagarde, gen. _—xiii 19] lvii 92] lxi 167] 
Lagny, T. F. de, 185* 
Lagosta, island of. See Agosta 
Lagrange, xli337 
—— xliii 210] 233] 234] 96. 

Laguerre, vii 54 
Laharpe, gen. killed, xxxviii 92] 
J.F. See Harpe 
Lahorie, gen. liv 177] 
Lahoussay, gen. liii 111] 
Lahoz, gen. xl 114] xli 290] 
Laidley, Dr. J. xxxiv 403. xxxix 399, xli 497 

Laidlaw, xlix 730*. 1 185* 
Laignelot, xxxviii 150] 
Lainé, _lvii 91] lviii 116] 1xi 445 

Laing, Dav. vi 78 

—— Malcolm, xxxiv 77.1 129* 

Laird, capt. David, (N) xxxii 316] 320] 

Lajollais, xlvi 155, 617, 628 

Lake, bish. xiv 247 

— F.G. 2nd vise. Ix 402. 1xi 400 

— Gerard, Ist visc. xxxix 38, 269. xl 
164] 165] 126, 138, 215. xlv 340z, 552. 
562. xlvi 82, 206, 213, 221, 238. xlvii 
204, 207, 361,518. xlviii 252, 702-8 

—— hon. capt. W. (N) xlvi 561. lii 255*, 
are 283 

—— |. col. G. Aug. Fred. xlv 563. xlvi 
330 g v 563. xlvi 

— rev. A. xlvii 371 
— W. viii 176] 

—— Warwick, xxxi 221] 
Lalande. See Lande, de la 
Lalham, Pet. Meyer, li 296 



Lallemand, gen, xxxvi 225, xli 97. lv 167] 
lvii 58] 84] 

Lallier, xxxvi 121] 

Lally, gen. T. Arthur, count, i 76, 106. ii 
53, 95, 96. iii 63] iv 55] 56] 290] 291] vi 
5] xx 171] lviii 481 

«+s. repulsed at Tanjore and Madras, ii 54 

«++. intercepted letters from, ii 224. iv 

--.«. sent to the Bastile, v 109] 

«+++ rigorous proceedings against, ix 8] 9] 

++» execution of, ix 9] 93] 

«+++ account of, ix 80 

--«. letters from, ix 83 

M. xxv 42] 46] 49] 60] 68] 69] xxvi 

56] 58] 86] 

—— Tollendal, xxxi 213*n] 238*] 241°] 
252*] 256*] xxxii 36] 38] 39] 57] xxxiv 
28] xxxv 194] lvii 63] 64] 

Lama of the Mungals, or Kutuchtu, x 39 

——-— Tonguts, or Dalai lama, x 
41. xxi 33. xxiii 59 

Tayshoo, xxi 33. xlii 470 

«... letters to Mr. Hastings, xxi 42. xxxii 

Lamanon, Rob. Paul, xli 391 

Lamarque, xxxiv 42]° 
Lamb, forgery by, xxx 195] 
——— hon. xli 462 

hon. G, lxi 74] 83] 7 
hon. W, xlix 36, 151. 1i 50. liv 49] lix 

——J.col. drowned, lvi 76 
—— T. xxxvi 322 
—— and Cock, Messrs. xxxiv 145 
Lamballe, princess de, xxxiv 58] xxxv 16 
Lambard, Multon, xxxi 193] 
Lambarde, W. xiv 123 
Lambart, lady Eliz, xxxiv 29 
Lambe, T. xxviii 189 
W. murdered by J. Legge, xliii 35, 

Lambert, Aylmer Bourke, 1154 
——— capt. H. (N) lv 105] 131 
—- col. ii 71 

count de, xli 24 

——_ Dan. xviii 370, 413. 11287 
G. viii 1942 
maj. gen. J. xvi 75. xxviii 165 
m. gen. sir J. lvii 123] 141, 159, 

rev. James, viii 105] 
Rich. xlviii 956 
T. ii 142. xlv 430 
Lamberti, marq. de, v 33 
Lambertini, card. Prosper. See Benedict 
Lambese, prince de, xxxi247*] xxxii 127] 
xxxiv 32] ‘ 
Lambeth: debates on charging the arch- 
bishop to the poor rate, xviii 151] 182] 
+++. cause decided against the parish, xix 
vig: a at, xxxvi 3. xlviii 433, xlix 470. 


Lambeth: resolutions on the war, xlv 413 

«+«. riot at pulling down an old building, 
Iviii 47 

Lambie, James, xli 403 

Lambton, J. G. lvii 4] 5] lix 60] 1x 38] 42] 
123] Ixi 140] 

W. H. xxix 132] 134] xxxiv 160] 
76. xxxv 88] 94] 149] xxxvi 276] xxxvii 
158] 168] 219] xxxviii 32] 43] 

Lameness from contraction, remedy for, iii 
116, 118 

+++. cured by fright, 1 42* 

Lameths, xxxiii 141”, 164. xxxiv 21] 

——— Alex. xxxiii 166. xlii 1607] 

——— C. xxxiv 43 

Lamoignon, M. de, xxix 202] xxx 216] xxxi 
6] 11) 16) 35) 

Lamont, capt. 

rey. J. lvii 309 

Lamorlui, gen, xxxiv 119] 

Lamotte, Ant. Houdart, xl 66 

Lamplighters, found guilty of stealing oil, 
xlviii 436 

Lamps, experiments on the expense of 
burning chamber oil in, viii 163 

Lana, France. de, xxvi 65 

Lanark, new village near, xxxiv 27 

Lancashire, cavern in, iii 104 

-+-. Narrow escape of a man on the seven- 
mile sands, ix 55] 

«+.» numerous cases of manslaughter in, 
xxxix 43 

Lancaster, petition from, on the American 
stamp act, ix 35] 

Lancaster, C. vi 140 

—— Edmund, earl of, xx 15] 

J. duke of. See Gaunt 

——-— Joseph, | 143. liii 51. Ixi 147] 

W. (highwayman) shot, xxxix 

(A) xxvi 108) xxvii 


Lancey, Peter, killed in a duel, xiv 164] 

Lancisi, J. Maria, vi 162 

Lancy, gen. Oliver de, xx 13] xl 220] xlviii 
79. xlix 100. 1 135*. lii 129 

Land, great increase in value of, xii 86] 

---. fall in it’s value, Ivii 144] 16 

.... gained from the sea, xxx 93, xxxv 16. 
xlvi 848. 1iii 85 

«+s. subsidence of, in various places, xli 


“ae shine aan of, by draining, xlviii 


-.-. removed by natural causes. See Phe- 
nomena, natural 

«+++ See also Ground, and Landlords 

a grant for the board of, xxxiii 

Lande, J. J. F. dela, vi 77] xii 199. xviii 
138. xxxi 43. x]i 334. xlii 6. 1i 948 

Landells, Jos. xliv 777 

Lander, W. xli 405. xiv 363 

Landhen, col. xxxiii 35 * 

Landivision, brig. gen. ix 83 

Landlord and tenant, law of, xvi 150] 


ieee patriotic speech of one, xviii 
+++. rent spontaneously reduced by, lvi 73, 
86. lvii 88 
-++- generosity of one, lvii 93 
Landrey, siege of, xxxvi 15] 
Landshut, battle of, iii 14] 
Landtax, at 4s. in the pound, i 133. vii 31] 
«++. reduced to 3s. x 41*] 221] | } 
«+. raised to 4s. again, xiv 40] 226] 
+++ Sums raised by, since the Revolution, 
v 150] 
es. on the equalization of the, xxi 174 
«+++ produce of, xxxiii 120] 122] 
«++. irregularity of, and it’s cause, xxxv 
ee tf grant to pay sums assessed for, xxxvi 

-.-- bills for the redemption of the, x1 206] 
xli 194] xlviii 651 
«+++ See also Commissioners 
Lane, xv 79] 89] xvii 147. xx 180] 
—— G. Fox, v 82] 
—— J. iv 137] 
—— 1. col. xlviii 599 
—— Nath. v. a schoolmaster for injury to 
his son, xix 149] 
Sarah, indicted for marrying four 
husbands, vii 113] 
—— —— convicted of robbing her lodg- 
ings, ix 52] : 
—— Tim. xliii 454 
Lanerick, lord, xxi 243 
Lanesborough, Brinsley, 2nd earl, xiv 247] 
—_—_—— Jane, countess of, xliv 439 
———— —— Rob. Herbert, 3rd earl, xxxi 
313] 314] 317] 
Lanfranc, abp. xv 127. xxi 222 
Lang, col. = xxvi 107] 246] 
David, xlviii 437 
—— Gilbert, Ix 362 
Isaac, a mountebank, convicted on the 
lottery act, xiv 139] 
T. lvi 17 
Langara, adm. don Juan, xxiii 202*] xxxv 
184. xxxvi 225] 59 
Langbaine, rev. Dr. Gerard, xx 2 
Langdale, sir Marmaduke, xlvii 884 
——— T. xxiii 230] 238] 261] 271] xxiv 
169] xxvii 225] 
Langdon, rear adm. W. i 83. xxvii 236] 
-———— J. (threatening letter) iv 63] 
———— J. (mem. of Congr.) xviii 265] 
xxix 299] 
Langeoy, M. de, xxv 138 
Langeron, chev. de, iii 33 
gen. xlvii 168. liii 136] liv 182] 
lv 136] 137] lvi 2] 14] 
Langford, fire at, xlviii 411 
Langford, (auctioneer) ix 65] 69] 71] x 99] 
xii 226, xviii 98] 
lieut. Fred. (N) xliii 130 
Sarah, ill treatment of a girl by, 
x 97] 1380] 
Langham, R, viii 202” 


Langham, sir J, ix 145] xi 121] 
——— sir James, xi 121] xxvii 206] 
Langles, xxxi 218] xl 461,486, 487 
Langley, fire at, xxxv 95 
Langley, T. de, vi 144 
Langlois, gen, xxx 25] 
Langman, G.and J. poisoned, liv 33 
Langridge, H. murder of Mrs. Sex by, lv 


Langrish, sir Hercules, xxxi 161, xxxvi 8 
Langton, Bennet, xxxiii 443] 471] x1 326 
————_bish. Walter de, xxv 127,131 
Dan. xxxix 409 2 
Language, influence of, on opinions, vii 207 
+++. on accent, xxvi 127 ! 
.... standard of pronunciation, xxvi 129 
+++» primitive, xxix 37 a 
ee peculiarities of the Lapland, ii 

+--+. consanguinity of, ii 363. ix 302, xv 
192] xxviii 107. xlvii 887.1 254 

-++- on monosyllables, ii 433 

+... ancient Oriental, v 111. xli 506,510 

«++.» Chinese, iii 151, vi 198. xxxiv 491 

-... on their suitableness to music, x 194 

»» ++ Biscayan and Basque, xiii 247 

---. American, xvi 88 

e+.. Cornish, xviii 157 

+--+. corruptions of, xx 144 

«+e. remarks on, xx 160. xxi 183. xxxi 99 

+++. Specimens of that of an Anglosaxon 
colony in Ireland, xxxi 102, 108 

---- hints on studying, xxxviii 335 

e+». arbitrary changes made in, xl 480 

+.» Welsh, xlvii 886 

«++.» extent of the Gaelick, xlix 1003 

+--+ Scottish, 1257 

-... English, and others. See English, &c. 

Languet, J.B, J. (vicar of St, Sulpice) life 
of, vi 14 

Languish, sir H. xxix 165 

Langworth, b,gen. _—‘ili 451, 472 

Edw. (Amer.) xix 260] 


xxxv 215] xxxvii 86] 109] 


lyii 65] 83] 

Lannes. See Lasnes 

Lansberg, rey. Phil. iv 192] 

Lansdowne, G. Granville, visc. ix 67. xv 
229. xx 208. xxv 205 

—————_H. 3rd marg. lii 57, 148, 298. 
litt 14] 56) 85] liv 31] 50] 104] 362] 1v 
46] 62] lvi 107] 135] 136] lvii 27] lviii 9] 
25] 40] 58] 1x 33] 34] 91] 128] 1xi 3] 13] 
41] 86] 121] 132] 137] 145] 148] 149] 

++«» See also Petty, lord H, 

———— J. H. 2nd marg. of, xxxv 6] 40] 
49} xxxvi 240] xxxix 190] 248] 

W. lst marg. of, vii 129] ix 48] 

x 158] xi 68°] xii 63] 149] 78. xiii 70] 

197] 199] xiy 17] 252] xvi 89] 118] xvii 

278) xviii 249] 251] xx 79. xxi 168*] 

207*] 303] xxii 161] 167] 342] 343] 350 

xxiii 57] 78) 81] 100] 127] 150]330] 331] 

383] xxiv 290] xxv 146] 157] 184] 186] 


187] 206] 282] xxvi 136] 176] 32. xxvii 
149] xxix 101] 102] xxx 119] xxxi 102] 
xxxiii 225. xxxiv 171] xxxv 16] 18] 36] 
37] 54] 69] 130. xxxvi 183] 219] 232] 
238] 244] 248] 253] 257] 260] 275] 151. 
xxxvii 149] 176] 183] 190] 195] 153. 
xxxviii 14] 17] 44] 69] 73] xxxix 163] 
164] 182] 237] 241] 250] 262] 31. x1 167] 
xli 163] 167] 227] 33, 355, xlv 148, xlvi 
29, 733. xlvili 22, 260 

Lansdowne, W. Ist marq. of, secretary of 
state, xxv 177] 

«++» first lord of the treasury, xxv J82] 

e+e resigns, xxvi 168] 

.... character of, xlix 186 

+.» his MSS. purchased for the British 
Museum, | 3*, 183* 

Lansperg, fire at, xi 117] 

Lanterns, invention of, xvii 1232 

Lanue, xli 90] 

Lanusse, gen. — xiii 228] 229] 91, 92. xlv 

Lanwerenhagen, victory of the French at, 

Laocoon, statue of, ix 228 

Lapause, de, iii 221] 

Lapeuo, don, Man. lii 216 

Lapenotiere, capt. J. J. lii 303 

Lapi, J. Jer. vi 162 

Lapis lyncurius, mushrooms produced from, 
viii 101 

Lapisse, gen. li 472 

Laplace, xvi 173 

Lapland, pretended conjuror from, i 275 

-... hunting, economy, and trade of, ii 329 

+++. cultivation of the Swedish part, iv 61] 

..++ woods set on fire, xv 119] 

--.. two females and two rein deer brought 
to England for a wager, xxxi 210] 

_e+ee hatives of, xliv 734, 885. lv 477 

+++. game brought to London from, lwviii 

Laplume, gen, _—xliy 215, 219 

Laporte. See Porte, la 

Lapouchin, mad. xiii 152 

Lara, Benj. fraud by, xxxvi 33 

Larache, bombarded by the French, viii 

Larch, recommended, xiv 118. lxi 548 

Larche, de, ii 225 

Larcom, capt. T. (N) xxxvii 65 

Lardeau, Sarah, xxxii 13 

Lardner, Dr. Nath. ix 145 

——— Ephraim, ii 108 

Lareveilliere Lepaux, xxxvii 86] 109] 116] 
xxxvili 111] xxxix 63] 76. x1 18. xli 314] 
316] xlii 5] 
... character of, xxxvii 117] 

Lariviere, xxxvil 109] 

Larkin, xxx 159] 

capt. —_ (E, Indiaman) xlix 355 

M. lvi 337 

Larks, white one, xlix 850 

+++. number alighting on a yessel in the 
Trish channel, lvi 3 


Laroche, capt. Christ. (N) xlix 463 
James, xix 231] 
gen, xxxviii 129] 
Lenvir, xxxix 63 
Laroche-Jacquelin, xxxvi 90] 98] 106] 
Larrey, Dr. liv 490 
Isaac de, xvi 67 
—— M. de la, i151 
Larssen, vid4 
Lartigue, col. Pierre de, i 244 
Lary, J. murder committed by, xii 131] 
Lasalle, gen. xlviii 196. 1 211] 
Lascars, statue of queen Ann, in St. Paul’s 
churchyard, mutilated by one, xii 131] 
«++ religious procession of, xlvii 376 
Lascelles, Edwin, xii 96] 121] 122] 208] 

gen. xxxi 226] 

—— H. vise. xlv 2, 82, 140. xlvii 105. 
xlviii 13. lvi 165] Ix 85] 

Peter, (supervisor of India affairs) 
xv 134] xvii 110] 

Lascy, gen. xlviii 134 

Lasiere, xxxvi89] 106] 

Laskard, Phoebe, v 141] 

Laskaroff, xxvii 25] 

Lasnes, marsh. xli 23] 33] 93. xlii 2] 192] 
193] xlv 321, 371. xlvi 176. xlvii 146, 155, 
159, 168. xlviii 190, 192, 205. xlix 24, 
171.1232] 11198 

Lasource, xxxiv 44] xxxv 280] 

Lassalle, W. H. xlviii 958. lviii 348 

Lasso, Orlando di, xxxi 190 

Lasteyrie, - li 837 

Laswaree, battle of, xlv 559. xlvi 229 

Latakia, earthquake at, xxxviii 33 

Latham, x 89] 

—--— Dr. J. xxvii 412 

—— Frances, lii 331 

——— J. xlviii 411 

Lathropp, xliv 437 

Latimer, bish. Hugh, xiv 133] xv 116 

Latitude, instrument for ascertaining, x1 

lx 47 

xxxvii 86] 

G. xlviii 410 

Latouche-Treville. See Treville 

Latour, Chat-Zot, xli 95] 
—— gen. xxxiv 104] 

Jos. lx 153 

Maubourg, gen. xxxvi 48] xxxviii 
139] liii 105] 203 

Latour Taxis, prince of, liv 134 

Latourneur de la Manche, xxxvii 116] xxxix 
54] xl 6] 

Lattem, col. xxxiv 98] 

Latter, Mrs. xx 175] 

Latterman, gen. xli 280] 285] 

Laud, abp. W. ii 320. v 26, xvii 34, xxi8 - 

Lauder, brig. vii 68 

—— sir J. xli 367 

—— W. xxi 206 

si al James, 7th earl, xxvii 189] 1 


Latorre, gen. 


Lauderdale, James, 8th earl, xxiv 183*] 

xxvii 70] xxix 142] xxxi 120] xxxiii 154] 
xxxiv 29, 77, 164. xxxv 37] 54] 69] 130. 
xXxxvi 231] 238] 247] 248] 254] 260] 266] 
275] 276] 144, 151, 152. xxxvii 150] 176] 
196] 200] 201] 221] 144, i. 153, i. 155. 
xxxviii 14] 17] 19] 29] 30] 55] 70] 73] 12, 
111. xxxix 35. xl 5. xlvi 432. xlviii 181, 
256, 257, 409, 413, 450, 744. xlix 42, 58, 
62, 162, 468. 1 9] 2b. 21] 42] 56]81] 120] 
liii 23] 80] 84] 87] 11. liv 10] 34] 38] 42] 
142. lv 46] 65] lviii 32] 40] 42] 64] 65] 
lix 34] 47] 1x 16] 17] 29] 32] 33] 35] 75] 
92] 127] 128] 136] 140] Ixi 4] 148] 149] 

—— John, duke of, xxxvi 364 

Laudohn, marsh. G. F. i 50, 53, 54, 59. i125, 
45. iii 13] 14] 15] 18] 19] 26-29] 46] 49] 
iv 32]'33] 138] v 24] vi 97] xxi 23] 28] 
34] xxx 47] 211] xxxi 167] 174] 177] 179] 
xxxii 215] xxxiii 3, 4, 6 

eee» death of, xxxili 16 

«++ account of, 7b. 

—— gen. xxxix 27] 

Lauffer, J. Rudolph, xlii 78 

Laughter, xxxi 133, 136 

Launay, de, xxxi 249*] xxxii 9] 

Launsee, gen. xlii 229 

Lauragais, count de, xii 212 

— mad. de, xvii 5 

(porcelain manufacttrer) vii 


a Dr. French, xxx 149] xxxix 364. 
xl 179] 198] xli 214] xlii 121] xliii 50] 
156] xliv 38, 52, 105, 107, 139. xlv 36, 
45, 55, 116, 203, 206, 207, 211. xlvi 10, 
25, 31, 47, 66, 109. xlvii 25, 65, 80, 96. 
xviii 104. 1 77] 88] 222* 

——- J. (Amer, judge adv. gen.) xxiv 


Laurens, col. (Amer.) xxiv 131] 135] 
xxv 132] xxxv 6 

—— H. (Amer.) xxi 218*] 274] 335] 
xxii 22] xxiii 229] 356] xxv 132] 321] 
xxvi 134] xxxv 6 

-»-- letter from gov. Johnstone and answer, 
xxi 339] 

«+++ taken at sea and committed to the 
Tower, xxiii 229] xxiv 142] 259] 322] 
xxv 147] 

+++. his petition to the House of Commons, 
xxiv 322] xxv 148] 

Laurent, chey. iii 160] vii 76] 

——— gen. xxxvi 184 

Laurenti, xlvi 807 

Laurie, adm. sir Rob. xlvii 224, 527, 530. lv 

Gilbert, xv 131] 

—— maj. __iiv 155] 

Lauriston, gen. _xliii 276] 33, xliv 30. 
xlviii 151. liv 178] lv 122] 

Laussat, xlii 20] 

Lauzun, count de, xxiv 166 

— duke de, xix 131] xxiii 11] xxiv 

130] xxvii 198] 



Laval, gen. liii 113] 181. liv 237 

Lavalette, de, gen. escape of, from pri- 
son, lvii 108. lviii 329 

Layater, J. C. xxxiii 385] 394] xxxv 50. 
xlii 433 

«+.» death and character of, xliii 3, 388 

Layaux, gen. Steph. xxxvi 174, 175, 177 

Lavaysse, gen. d’Auxion, lvi 201] 

Lavender, J. lix 361 

-————_ Steph. lxi 207 

Lavington, Dr. ix Lil 

——— J. executed for forging his bro- 
ther’s will, xv 93] 

———— Ralph, lord, xlviii 83x 

Lavistal, count, liv 159] 

Lavoisier, A. L. xxviii 80. xxxix 389 

Law, importance of it’s study to the nobi- 
lity, i 452 

«e+. Struggle between the common and 
civil law in England, i 453-6. x 288 

e»-+ proper mode of education, i 457. xxxiii 
379} 380] ‘ 

«+++ Prussian code of, vii 110] 

e»-- Scotch, remarks on, viii 228] xviii 
189] xl 439, xlix 148.1 137*. 11170 

eee criminal, xiii 163. xxiv 28] xv 92] 
116] xvi 111] xxiii 277] xxxvi 38. xli 
309. 1117] lv 8] 1xi 336 

eres of nations, XXXVii 172°] liv 194] 

«+e maritime, xlii 52] 1xi 476 

«+.» charges to the public, xlvii 586 

-+e Statute, revision of, lviii 84] 

Law proceedings. See the cause of the ac- 
tion or the names of the parties 

Law, ix 75] 

— (planter in Tobago) spirited con- 
duct of, xxiv 113] . 

—— bish. Edm, xvi 91] xvii 95] xviii 30. 
li 776 

EE a G, H. xxiv 171] lv 56] 57] lix 

—— couns. lix 163 

— Dr. xliv 709n 

— Dr. Peter, xvii 186 

— Edw. See Ellenborough, lord 

— E. lviii 14] 

— J. (Missisippi) i 241. xvii 3, xxx 213. 
xliii 276] 

---- account of, xxiv 24 

—— of Lauriston, bar. iv 56] 57] viii 14] 
ix 100] 

—— rev. W. iv 98] xxxiii 276] 

Lawes, couns. xlvii 422. xlix 410, 470, 523. 
1 16*. lv 301 

Lawford,adm.J. —-xli 88, 135 

ts Ann, charged with witchcraft, xii 

Lawless, capt, —_ (N) lii 295 

Lawley, capt. xxxiii 27] 

sir Rob. xxvii 268] xxxiii 27] xlvi 

Lawrence, capt. Effingham, xlviii 419 
capt. (Amer.) lv 406 
Chauncy, xxxiii 457] 

Dr, French, See Laurence 

Lawrence, Dr. T, x 184] xxvi 27. xxxiv 

Eliz. 1 119* 

Isaac, xi 221] 

———— J. xliv 775 

Joseph, xli 1 

—+ maj. gen. Stringer, iii 112] 120] 
xx 173] 

«»+» his statue placed in the India house, 
vii 93] 

«+.» pension to, x 102] 

Paul, iii 99] 
rey. Dr. S. xxxviii 361 
sir Soulden, xxxvi 4]. xxxviii 
114. xli 15. xliv 560. xlvi 359, 373. xlviii 
94, xlix 366. li 274 
sir T. lviii 291, 292. lxi 20 

— W. ii 120, 130 

Laws, sumptuary- See Dress 

Lawson, li 145 

b. gen. 

Dr. J. v 55 

——— gen. (Amer.) xxiv 66] 

H. xlviii 979 

sir Gilfred, xviii 717 

——-— sir Wilfrid, xlvii 435. xlviii 405 

—— W. xlvi 844 

Lawsuits, lviii 162 

Lawton, J. lvii 320 

— rev. Dr. xiv 160] 

Layard, Dr. Dan. Pet. xii 86. xv 213] xxvi 
28. xlvii 589 

—— rev. C. Pet. xviii 167] 

Layer, couns. _—-vii 279 

Layton, xxxiv 3 

Lazaret at Chetney hill, xlvi 582. lii 423 

Lea, Abner Cowell, xliv 771 

— sir H. xvi 247 

Leach, couns. lvii 275 

Dr. W. E. |x 436 

Dryden, xxii 49 

.... v. the king’s messengers for arresting 
him as the supposed printer of the North 
Britain, vi 115] viii 101] 145) 

J. xxxiv 78. xliv 774. xlv 828 

Rob. murder of, 1 31* 

sir J. lx 321, 322, 336 

Leachlade, tithe cause decided in favour of 
the vicar, ix 72] 

Lead, duty on ore recovered from the 
miners by the duke of Devonshire, iv 

es caution against smelting houses, iv 87 

.... method of detecting in wine or other 
matters, v 93 . 

«+». mine discovered in Durham, ix 69] 

——- Swaledale, xi 155] 


xliii 101 

” iii 137) 

«.« antidotes against, xxi 131 , 

++ duty on exportation, xxvii 304] xliii 

«+.» poisonous effects of, lili 552 

Lead, white, modes of making, lv 496 

ane: street, fires in, xliv 441. liv 128, 
lvii 39 



Leaf-brass. See Orsedew 

Leake, capt. (art.) xliii 235] 

James, xiii 130] xxxvi300 

J. Martin, xxxiv 134 

1. col. xxiv 132] 

Steph. Mart. ii 144, vii 175 

Lear, col. (Amer. lvi 182] 

Leary, James, executed for murder, lv 55 

—— Jeremiah, x] 16, 38 

Leases, decision on the phraseology of, xx 

---- long, xlix 533 

---- action selating to, lix 191 

Leatham, Hannah, lv 2 

Leather, heath used for tanning, v 92. ix 

sista in for tanning without bark, vi 139 

++e» great rise in the price, xi 185] 197] 

-».- Turkish method of dyeing, xi 115 

..»- hardened for various purposes, Xxxxv 

«-.. tax on, liv 102] 

«... Indian mode of preparing, liv 484 

Leatherhead, riot with the soldiers at the 
fair, xlv 440 

Leavefield, J. xvi 145] 

Leaves. See Trees 

Leavis, W. xxvii 202] 

Leballor, Pedro, 1 285* 

Lebas,  xxxvi 158] 161] xxxvii 187 

Lebeuf, ab. J. xii 157 

Lebon, Joseph, xxxvii 79] 88] 

Lebrun, xlii 64] xlvi 176. Ixi 435 

Lechmere, (M.P.) xxxviii 47] 

— capt. W. (N) xlvii 541 

Leckie, Dan. ix 80 

gen. (Fr,) 1 210] 

Gould Francis, | 267. 1i 970 

Leclerc, gen. _ xiii 372. xliv 90, 210, 213, 
220, 681. xlv 332, 430 

Lecointe-Puiraveaux, xli 93] 

Lecointre,  xxxii50] xxxvii 82] 
Lecor. See Cor, le 
Lecoulteux, xli 96 


Lecourbe, gen. —_ xi 242] 250] 261] 266] 
xlii 199] 207] xliii 58] 61) 

Ledwich, (Irish reb,) x1 163] 

Ledyard, J. xli 499 

«s+. account of, xxxii 16 

Lee, river, new cut into the Thames opened, 
xiii 146] 

Lee, (M.P.) xliv 21 

—— ald, W. xix 154] xxiii 196] xxv 227] 

—— Arthur, (Amer.) xxi 173] 342] xxii 

— capt. (N) xiv 107] 
—— col, (Amer.) xxiv 66] 80] 95] 96] 
xxv 191] 

— couns. Arthur, xvili 55] 242] 262] 

— couns. J. xii 150] 155] 156] xiv90]91] 
97] 100] xviii 124] 222] xix 236] xxiii 
214] xxiv 183] 217] xxv 182] 186] xxvi 
167] 175] xxvii 147x. 

xxxlii 286] 

— Dr, Arthur, xvi 85 

— rr. 


Lee, E. xlyii 95 
—— farmer, killed by his own bull, i 98 
—— fath. Roger, xlii 426 
—— gen. C. v 32] xviii 141*] xix 159°] xx 
ri xxi 145] 221*] 224*] xxv 227] xxxvi 

+++ taken prisoner, xx 7] 

e+ ++ court martial on, xxi 226*] 

gen. (Amer.) liv 198] 

— James, lviii 347 

James and Patrick, iii 76] 

—— J. convicted of forgery, xxvii 178] 

—— J. (patent) xxxix 406 

—— lady Eliz. viii 33 

— l. gen. J. lv 90 

— lord chief just. xxvii 282] 

—— Matt. Allen, xlvi 360 

—— Mrs. (actress) ix 248 

‘Nat. xi 166 

—— Rach. Fan. Antonina, abduction of, 
xlvi 359, 360, 372 

rev. Dr. Harry, xxxi23l]_ - 

— Rich. H. (Amer.) xvii 218] xviii 265] 

—— Sam. hanged for forgery, iv 169] 

—— sir G.i 105. xxxvii 171 

——sir T. vi 265 

a executed for burglary, xliv 429, 

—— T. executed for murder, xi 155] 

—— W. tried for cutting his wife’s throat, 
vi 89] 115] 

—— W. (Amer.) xxiii 356] 366] 

—— W. (clerk of pleas, King’s Bench) xxi 
199] 1 222* 

Lee Boo, prince, anecdotes of, xxx 37 

- epitaph of, xxx 44 

Leech, xxxv 47 

J. iii 107] 

Leeds, inundation at, xi 71] 

«+--+ general infirmary, xi 177] 

«++» fire at, xxxviii 38 

«+ reform meeting, Ixi 103] 

+.» temporary barracks at, lxi 98 

Leeds, Edw. xxxii 13 

—— Franc. Godolphin, 5th duke, xx 25] 
26] xxii 203] 214] xxiii 111] 113] 330] 
333] xxiv 292] xxv 165] 296] xxvii 72] 
xxviii 263] xxix 111]213] xxx 196] xxxi 
263] xxxii 98] 227] 139. xxxiii 214, 16] 
xxxv 36] 69] xxxvi 231] xxxvii 150] 227] 
i” 115. xxxviii 29] xxxix 263] x1 210, 

—— G. W. Fred, 6th duke, xlv 379 

—— T. 4th duke, xx 210] 

Leef, capt. (N) xlii 742, 75 

Leek, sir Franc, xxxiii 366] 

Leekey, v. the London dock company, xliv 

—-— Gabr. xviii 271] xxiii, 201] xxv 

Leekins, comm. 

Leemius, xxiv 58 

Lees, xxix 139] 

J. coroner’s inquest.on, Ixi 114] 267 

Lefevre, gen. ] 203] 232] 368*, li 18 

xliii 96] 




Lefevre, marsh. xxxvi 35] xxxviii 127] xlii 
11] 23] xlvi 176. xlix 8, 19, 169. li 16, 
206, 333. lvi 49] 
—— Shaw, xliv 100, xlv 115, 120 
tg Raine’s, to portion maidens, i 85, 

«++. Of a citizen of Berne to prevent 
dearth, i 382 

e+-- 1000/. each to nine dissenting congre- 
gations, v 78] 

«+e» to students of Lincoln’s inn, vi 55] 

«... from a woman to a surgeon to cut her 
throat, viii 158] 

>». towards a fund for soldiers and seamen 
and their families, ix 145] 

++.. duties on, xxxi 286] xlvii 60, 594 

Legard, sir Digby, ix 88] xiii 100] 

Legendre, xxxv 190] xxxvi 118] 152] 
159] xxxvii 113] 119] 

Leger, xxxiv 1927] 

Leger Belair, gen. See Belair 

Leggatt, Mary, confined in a madhouse by 
her husband, xiv 78] 

Legge v. Legge, for ill treatment, xix 195] 

——— adm. sir Arth. Kaye, xlvii 541 

commod. Edw. xli 359. xlvii 751 

—— James, W. Lambe murdered by, xliii 
35, 36 

rt. hon. H. Bilson, ii 107. iv 87] 88] 
vii 128] ix 63] xx 83] xxx 2. xxxiii 284 

e++- public money in his hands, i 140. ii 
190, iii 198] vi 186] 

Legh, (travel.) lviii 592 

Leghorn: visit of the grand duke and 

uchess to, ix 111] : 

«++. Storm at, xiii 86] 

«+e earthquake felt at, xviii 81] 

+++ Seized by the French, xxxviii 102] 244. 
xxxix 335 

o. " aa possession of by the British, xl 

oF yielded to the French, xlii 197] xlii 

5 2 

Legislation, observations on, xxxviii 516 

Legrand, gen. xli 23] xliii 60] xlvii 169. 
xlix 12. 

Lehardi, xxxv 280] 

Lehman, G. iv 69] 

Lehrbach, count, xli 141] 267. xlii 176] 

Lehwald, gen. 120,26 

oe ps his gallant battle with the Russians, 

Leibnitz, Godf,, vi 127, 128. xi 132. 
xiv 256. xv 38, 181. xx 34, 37. xxx 9. 
xxxviii 346 

++++ monument of, xxxiii 14 

Leicester: riots on account of the price of 
provision, xxxiv 19 

an 5 pore of an ancient building, xlviii 

«++ fire at, xxxvii 44 

+«.. humane society, xlvii 426 

Leicester, G. earl of, See Townshend, 

Joceline, earl of, xxiv 197] 
Paar I, 


Leicester, John, earl of, xxiv 197] 
Lettice, countess of, xi 57, 58 
—R. Dudley, earl of, v 151. viii 
202. ix 61. x 22. xi 57, 61. xxi 9, 236, 
237, 240. xxvi 120 

Sim. Montfort, earl of, xx 126, 


Leigh, C. xxi 192] 

Dr. C. xii 95 

—— rev. Egerton, viii 174 

—— Rob. convicted of forgery, xvi 152] 
xvii 82] 83] 85] 

—-— serg. Rich. viii 88] xi 152] xii 67] 
68] 72] 92] 105] 150] xiii 99] 165] xiv 98] 

sir T. xi 58 

—— T. xxi 8, 234 

Leighton, ald. sir W. xlvi 418. xlviii 446, 

—— Burgh, liv 136 

—— sir Rob. xlviii 445 

Leinster, James, Ist duke, character of, liii 

W. Rob. 2nd duke, xiv 247] xvii 

274] 276] xxiii 36] 133] xxv 223] xxvi 
196] xxxi 140] xxxii 105] 106] 310] xxxv 
208. xl 225] 210, 211. xlii 20), 204, 

-»+. breakfast given to the friends of, x 

Leipsic: taken by the imperialists, iii 45] 

-e«- laid under contribution, by the Prus- 
sians, iii 49] 

» ++. Strike of the tailors at, vi 109] 

..-- Buonaparte defeated by the allies at, 
lv 136] 

++. taken by the allies, lv 138] 

-..- anniversary of the battle celebrated, 
Ivi 94, lix 99. Ixi 86 

--.. revival of the fair, lvii 79. lviii 74, 
157. Ix 72. 1xi 5, 38, 78 

«.+« complaint of the Jews, Ix 71 

-.- this redressed, Ix 102 

Leisseigues, adm. x]viii 229 

Leitch, David and J. drowned, xlvii 771 

Leith hill, near Dorking, fine prospect from, 
viii 76 

Leith, 1. gen. sir James, 1i 8, 371. lii 195» 
312. liv 208, 230. lv 199, 203. Ivii 128] 
193, 219. lviii 161] 56 

sir Alex. xxi 190] xxii 218] 234] 
xxxvi 26 

Leland, Dr. T. i 458. xiv 112] xvi 83, 255. 1 
265. lili 391 

J.xv 139, 141. xviii 157. xxi27. xxi 

135. xxiv 157. xlv 858 

rev. Dr. J. vii 262 

Lelievre de St. Remy, xlvi 623 

Lely, sir P. vii 51, 52. xii 142. xxiii 219. 
xxxli 143 


xxxix 312 
(state prisoner) xliii 7 
Lemau, sir W. xxvii 265] 268] xxviii 104] 
W. xviii 121] ies We 
Lemaur, col. Manuel. li 326 




Lemercier, xlii 13] 21) 
Lemerer, xxxix 80] 313 
Lemarois, xxxvili 124] 

Lemery, N. iii 83. xxxv 415 

Lemming, account of the, xii 95 

Lemnos, besieged by the Russians, xiii 37] 

Lemoine, col. J. xlviii 593 

gen. xli 148] 

H. xlvii 804 

Lemon, J. xlv 56 

Jos. shot by a soldier, lv 66 

Lempriere, W. xxxiii 237] 

Lenczno, fire at, xviii 131] 

Lend, della, Innocenzo, xlii 383 

by ort J. convicted of rape, xvi 120] 

sir T. H. xlviii 426 
Lenormand, xlvii 861 
Lenox, C. earl of, xi 67 
col. See Richmond, C. 4th duke 
countess of, xv 7 
lord G. iv 151] xxxi 265] 
Lens, J. xlix 941 
serg. J. liv 291. lv 263. lvi 296, 307. 
lviii 296, 300, 301, 304. lix 187. lx 298, 305 
Lenton, J. ii 325 
Lentulns, gen. xi 39] 65) 183. xix 165] 
Lentz, i 236 
Lenz, G. T. xliii 453, 455 . 
Leo X, v 23. vi 162.°ix 188. xi 164. xii 
132. xiv 164, xvi 194m, xl 415. xlviii 
836. liti 130] lix 113] 
Leodatus, i 491 
Leon, Fernandez de, lii 163 
Leoni, de, Leoni, liii 93 
Leopard, killed at Bow, iv 172] 
«+++ child’s arm torn off by one at a fair, 
lviii 189 
Leopold, I, emp. vii 50x. ix 11. xlii 487 
——— II, emp. vii 61] viii 116] 196] xii 
38] 103] xviii 148°} 116] xxviii 44] xxxi 
35. xxxii 28] xxxiii 12, 19, 55, 58, 71n, 
72, 90, 213] 218] xxxiv 85] 176] 304. 
xxxv 52] xli 130] 
«++» accession of, xxxiii 8 
«++. chosen emperor and crowned, xxxiti 22 
+... crowned king of Hungary, xxxiii 23 
.... character of, xxxiii 8, 19, 75 
e+e death of, xxxiv 86] 
——— archduke, xxxiii 23 
«... death of, xxxvii 30 
prince, See Cobourg Saalfeld 
Lepage, Penelope, ix 80 
——— Sarah, 76. 
Lepaux. See Lareveilliere 
Lepqua, a Chinese painter, i 319 
Leprotti, Dr. vi 162 
Lerchenfeld, baron, lv 173} 
Leridan, jun. xlvi 157 
Lerma, duke of, viii 199] 
Leroux, Jacob, xl 67 
Leroux de Ja Ville, 
Lesage, xxxix 298 
Lescalier, xiii 365. xliv 222 
Leschenault de la Tour, lviii 579 

xxxiv 235 

Lesdiguieres, marsh. character of, xxvi 3 
Leseure, xxxvi89] 106] ° 
Leslie, Andr. v. the countess of Rothes, 
xvii 102] J 
capt. (N) xxiv 6] 
Charlotte, Ixi 35 
col. Matth. xxv 14] 25] 
gen. xix 175*] 178*] xxiv 54] 
66] 77] 119) 
James, duke of Rothes, v 44 
lord. See Rothes, earl 
rev. C. xii 57 
Rob. xxxvi 354 
Less, rev. xxviii 206] 
Lesseps, de, xli 485 
Lessing, G. E. xxxii 115 
Lessingham, J. liv 293 
Lessly, sir J. xxxvii 121°] 
Lessow, gen. xv 43] 
Lester, W. x] 386. xlii 379. xliii 452. xliv 
775. xlvii 847. Ixi 300 
Lestoc, count and countess, xiii 154 
gen. xlviii 205. xlix 5, 6, 175 
Lestrange, col. xl 164] 
lcol. Lx J07] 
— sir Rog. iii 269. xi 165. xx 42, 
xxxv 375 

Lethbridge, sir T. B. lii 98 

Lethieulier, Smart, iii 128] v 150 

Lett, lieut. J. (N) xxvii 264] 

Letterbox, lion’s head, at Button’s, xlvi 

 Letter-writing, remarks on, ii 432 

Letters. See Alphabets 

Letters: heads of the act to prevent frauds 
and abuses in franking, vii 131] 

-... extent of franking, vii 133] xlvii 42. 
xlviii 451, 646 

+». aets respecting postage of, viii 191] x 
225) xxvii 304] xliii 194. xlvii 594. 
xlviii 462. liv 103] 

+++. persons convicted of stealing notes 
out of, ix 144] xvii 171] xviii 85] xix 
182] xx 213] xxii 227] 237] xxiii 231 
xxxiv 43. xxxviii 9. xlii 42, 45. xIv 396. 
xlvii 433. lix 216 

+... no extra charge for delivery allowed, 
xi 65] xvi 110] xvii 162] 

+.-- action against a postmaster for not 
delivering without an extra charge, xiii 
128] xiv 98] 

+... progressive increase of the revenue 
from postage, xvi 225] xxxviii 48 

--.. regulation respecting those from India, 
‘xviii 133] 

++. action against the postmaster-general 
for a note stolen out of one, xxi 167] 

..+- acts to regulate franking, xxvii 304] 

- xxxvil 179] 

-... for the continent to be sent to Cux- 
hayen, xxxvil 5 

oh pessings attempt to defraud by, xl viii 

seve encendiary, li 262 



hele threatening : trial of Barnard for, i 

-... at Bath, ii $1] 

+--+. men set in the pillory for, ii 99 

---- to Mr. Bray, iv 63] 

- «+e On abolition of vails, iv 77] 177] 

+++. to W. Goddard, iv 78] 

--+» by a servant maid at Charlton, iv 99] 

«.-- from the Gospel legion, iv 121] 

+++. toa lady at Waltham Abbey, iv 189] 

-...» tothe dean of Westminster, xiii 92] 

+++. man executed for writing, xix 145] 

+++. man convicted of writing, xxi 214] 

ees» capt. J. Major to sir W. Musgrave, 
xxii 208] 212] 

-+-» lieut. J. Craggs to miss Clavering, xxii 

Lettice, rev. Dr. J. xxxvi 282 

Lettsom, Dr. J. Coakley, xxiii 187. xxxv 
55. xlvi 382. xlviii 405 

«+++ account of the tea tree, xv 99 

Leucadia. See St. Maura 

Leuthen, battle of, i 24 

_ Levant, company of merchants trading to. 
See Turkey company 

Levat, gen. xlvi 627 

Lever, sir Ashton, xxii 135, xxvii 75. x.cxii 

Leverege, (singer) xxx 195] 

Leveson, sir Rich. xi 61 

Levet, Dr. Rob. xxvi 189 

Levi, S. David, xliv 467 

Levilleharnois. See Harnois 

Bet gen. the chev. de, iii 6] 9] 57] 218] 

Lewchew, island of, lix 419 

Lewell, J. xliv 778 

ewes, ancient monument discovered at, 
xlvii 427 

- Lewin, R. xxvii 187] 


T. xxv 208] 

Lewines, x1 162. xli 166 

Lewis, k. of Etruria. See Tuscany 

‘ k. of Holland. See Buonaparte, 


k. of Poland, x 13] xxxvii 36] 

-—— VI (le Gros) x 272 

+... Character of, x 13 

- VII (le Jeune) x 14 

— VIII, x] 410 

—— IX, (St.) vii 169, 177 

—— XI, xiii 102. xiv 45. xxi 224, xxix 
186] xxxiii 189. xlii 491 

—— XII, xiii 102, 143, 149. xxv 143 

—— XIII, iii 87. ix 9. xv 180. xxix 
186] xxxiv 54] xliv 639 

+«.. character of, xiii 5] 

— XIV, iv 254] 32, 121. v 27, 36, 155, 
176. vi 40. vii 50n, 171. viii 205, 206. 
ix 7, 8, 69. x 3] 47. xi 164, 172. xii 43, 
54, 165. xiii 143, 144, 159. xiv 246. xv 
16, 180. xvi 197. xvii 180. xix 88] 149. 
xxii 57] xxiii 100. xxvii 111] xxviii 66] 
xxix 180] 305] xxx 9. xxxi 7, 124, xxxii 


67] 149] xxxiii 10, 243] xxxiv 2x] 3] 
54] 88] 89x] xxxvi 70] xxxviii 487. xxxix 
58] xliii 419. 11890. lii 568. Ixi 601 
Lewis XIV, character of, xvi 67 
XV, v 233] viii 206. x 51. xiii 
105] 115] 133] xiv 67] xvii 174. xx 39. 
xxvii 117] xxix 180] xxx 48, xxxiii 1]. 
xxxiv 54] 88] xxxvili 487. xli 334. lvii 
440, 441 
«++ plot to carry off, vii 73 
---. court of, ix 1 
..» character of, ix 3,6. xvii 27] 
..« iniquitous conduct of, xiii 49] 51] 
.... death of, xvii 26] 121] 
.... particulars of his life, xvii L : 
XVI, xiii 105] 107] 115] 195, xvii - 
122] xix 33. xxiii 10] xxix 180] xxxi 
23] xxxii 20] xxxiii 133, 139, 152, 183] 
189] 207] 213] xxxiv 12] 18] 24) 34] 
48] 192] 35, 185, 186, 197-202, 209, 233, 
278. xxxv 5. xxxvi 129] 162n] xli 478. 
xliii 140] xliv 639. xlix 827. li 761. lvi 
51] Ix 49 
«s+. accession of, xvii 27] 121] 
eee. flight of, xxiii 165, 158]-182] 
...-» Geclaration on the occasion, x xxiii 168, 
169, 172] 
«+e note to the National Assembly, xxxiii 

..+. accepts the constitution, xxxiii 200, 
203, 190] "eys te 
.... appears in public and is received with 

applause, xxxiii 204 
.... letter from his brothers, xxxiii 208] 
..-» obliged to take refuge in the National 
Assembly, xxxiii 41] 
..+. provisionally suspended and committed 
to close custody, xxxiii 47] 60] 
+... remarks on the proceedings against 
him, xxxv 38] 45] 
.... trial of, xxxv 190] 195] 
.... condemned to death, xxxv 217] 
. +» appeals to the nation, 2d. 
..-. execution of, xxxv 223] 
«+. Character of, xxxv 224] 228] 1 21 
..» will of, xxxv 133 
... his remains removed to St, Denis, lvii 
SES Piece dt obsequies, lviii 108] 
XVII, xxiv 196] xxviii 26] xxxii 
43] 120] xxxiii 168, 185. xxxiv 305. 
xxxv 195] 222] 265] 136, 173. xxxvi 84] 
xxxvii 190] xl 8] lvi 51] 
.. +» death of, xxxvii 94] 27 
.+ +» pretended, xlvi 772 
—— XVIII, xxxiii 167, 183]. xxxiv 12] 
263. xxxvii 67] 35. xxxix 51] 77] 310, 
326, 327. x1 8. xli 78] xlii 69] 164] 167] 
xlv 232, 656. xlvi 428. xlix 729. 1 93*. 
lyii 589. lviii 4. Ix 49, 466 , 
... letter to the abp. of Paris, xxxvii 253 
.. —-— tothe pope, xxxvii 253 
++ proclamation of, xxxvii254. 
..-. expelled from the Venetian territories, 
xxxvili 99] 


Lewis XVIII: shot atin Germany, xxxviii 

++-- acknowledgement of the new pope, 
xli 277 

-++- ordered to quit Russia, xliii 278] 

+++» protest against Buonaparte’s assuming 
the title of emperor, xlvi 680 

«++» arrival in England, xlix 51% 

-..+ death of his queen, lii 288 

-... address to the French, lv 390 

«++» restoration of, lvi 25] 

+++. entrance into London, Ivi 32 

+++. departure from England, lvi 29] 35 

«++» arrival in France, lvi 29] 36 

-... entrance into Paris, lvi 49] 

«».- declaration on the return of Buona- 
parte, lvii 379 

«++. flight to Lisle, lvii 63] 

-.+- return to France, lvii 70] 382] 393 

archduke, li 205 

Ann, lv 255 

——— capt. Merryweather (Amer,) Ivili 
487, 534-6 

— col. viii 140] 

Dr. W. xvi 106] 122 

Edw. xlviii 651 

Franc. (mem. of Congr.) xviii 265] 

Frankland, lviii 28] 350] 1x 71] 

J. executed for drowning his daugh- 

ter, xiv 135] 

J. xxviii 201] xliv 773. lvii 321. 

1x 360, 74. 1xi 304 

Jos. xliv 77} 

Marianne, xlviii 651 

Matth. Gregory, xxxix 445 

Perceval, x 99] xlviii 651 

rev. Dr. W. vii 119. viii 109, 111, 

165. ix 159. xii 95] xvi 106] 122 

S. murdered by James Williams, xi 

—— 5. li 422 
sir Watkin, xvi 74] 83] 90] 109] xix 
155] 169] 195) 201] xxi 202] xxiv 192] 
194] xxv 195] xxvii 186] 189] 224] xxxi 
156] xxxii. 93] xxxiv 46. xxxv 174] 
xXxxvi 277] xxxviii 22. x12. xlvi 441 
.... thanks of the Common Council, xix 

Livery, xxi 204] 

T. accused of piracy, ii 75, 76 

~_——. W. executed for forgery, xvii 158] 

W. (brewer at York) vii 69] 

W. lviii 548. Ix 360, 24. Ixi 304 

Lewisham, lord. See Dartmouth, earl 

Lewsly and Co. v. Cam and Co. for wool 
burned in the seller’s warehouse, xx 

Lexington, affair of, xviil 126*] 

Ley, J. xl 177 

— J. H. li 536 

Leyborne, gov. xv 85] 

Leycester, Dr. Hugh, xxvii 280] xlv 124, 
xlvii 87, 102, 112. 1 222* 

— Ralph, xxviii 198] 


Leyden, vessel laden with gunpowder blown 
up, xlix 360 
Leyden, bar. xxvii 135] 
——— Dr. J. xliv 839. xlix 895. li 648 
-+++ character of, liv 457 
——— Jacob von, xliv 467 
Leyonhufoud, bar, Axel Gabriel, xv 248] 
Leyrit, Duval de, ii 224. ix 81, 82 
Leyser, Dr. xviii 4 
Leyton, J. (groom to James I) xvi 124] 
Lhwyd, Humphrey, xxvi 117 
Liancourt, duke de, xxxi 253"] xxxii 15] 
147] xxxiv 20] xlii 69] 
Liart, Matt. xiii 170] 
Libavius, i 334 
Libel: not a breach of the peace, vi 141] 
vii 174] viii 176] 
+++. protest in the House of Lords against 
taking away privilege in cases of, vil 
++. ‘Droit le Roy, all the Prerogatives | 
attributed to the kings of England,’ 
burnt by order of parliament, vii 51] 
«s+. remarks on, viii 175] lix 164 
---- law of, xiii 117] xxvii 281] xxxiv 170] 
..+. Strictures on the conduct of judges, 
xiv 26] 
. maj. Seott reprimanded for, by the H. 
of Commons, xxxii 102] 
.-.- rights of juries in cases of, xxxiii 272. 
xxxiv 170] 62 
---- law analagous to that of Mr. Fox 
passed in Ireland, xxxv 188] 
e+++ person conyicted of obtaining money 
for the suppression of one, x] 49 
- new act respecting, Ixi 128] 143] 
150] * 
.- charges of, Ixi 70 
- on queen Elizabeth and the duke of 
Anjou, xxxiv 422 
.... trials for: Dr. Shebbeare, i 99, 115 
.. +. Sutton v. capt. Holland, iv 70] 
..+» Ph. Thicknesse on lord Orwell, vii 
«... chev. d’Eon on count de Guerchy, vii 
-. several prosecutions by information, 
vii 87] xviii 149] : 
. author of the Whisperer, xiii 100] 
.... Onslow v. Horne Tooke, xiii 89] 134] 
-++. attorney v. the printer of a newspaper, 
xiv 77] 
-+.- capt. Elphinstone v. the St. James’s 
Chronicle, xvii 134] 
.... on the Revolution, xvii 164] 
«++. — ald. Kennet, xviii 119] 
+».. — the earl of Bristol, xviii 128] 
.-- publisher of the Crisis, xix 135] 
...+. publisher and author of the Rat-trap, 
e--. lord Bolingbroke v. the Morning 
Chronicle, xix i58] 
+». forcible entry of a house to search 
for, id. 



Libel, trials for: nonsuit in consequence of 
the variation of a single letter, xix 161] 

+++. Several printers for an advertisement 
by the Constitutional Society, xix 197] 
201] xx 167] 

+... J. Robinson, v. H. S. Woodfall, xx 

«+++ Whitechapel butcher for a ballad on 
another’s daughter, xxii 219] 

«+.. rev. H. Bate (Dudley) for one on the 
duke of Richmond, xxiii 209] 216] xxiv 

++.. Several printers for one on the Rus- 
sian ambassador, xxiv 184] 

«+-. on Burke by H. S. Woodfall, xxvii 

.... dean of St. Asaph, xxvii 280] 

«-.. on lord Loughborough by J. Walter, 
xxviii 198] 

++. lord G. Gordon, xxix 239] 

+++. on Mrs. Fitzherbert by Dr. Withers, 
xxxi 229] xxxii 213] 

+++. the prince of Wales, duke of York, 
and duke of Clarence, by J. Walter, xxxi 
229] xxxii 195] xxxiii 11] 

-.+- both the printer and the proprietor of 
the World prosecuted for a libel on earl 
Cowper, xxxii 211] 

.... Godfrey on Crowder, xxxiii 12] 

«++» Morning Post on lady E, Lambart, 
Xxxiv 29 

eves on G, Rose, xxxiv 29 

«es. T. Paine, xxxiv 50 

».-- Jamés Ridgway, xxxv 22 

--». H. D. Symonds, 2d. 

Serer Holt, printer of the Newark 
Herald, xxxv 53 

-.-. lord Abingdon, on Mr. Sermon, xxxvi 
40. xxxvii 7 

«... seditious, Redhead Yorke, xxxvii 47 

«--- on the constitution, J. Reeves, xxxviii 
42] 20 

«++. on the king, D. J. Eaton, xxxviii 26 

+-.+~ Jos. Johnson, xl 58. xli 7 

sree Jordan, 2b. 7b. 

«++. J. Cuthell, xli 8 

.... rey. Gilb, Wakefield, xli 8, 21 

-... Perry, Vint, and Ross, on the emp. of 
Russia, xli 22 

«+++ Spence, xliii 20, 2. 

«+.. C, Hayes, xliv 355 

-.. Allen M‘Leod, xliv 394, 395, 416 

+... J. Delaney v. Jones, xliv 424 

«..-» Aris v. Dickie, xlv 394 

«++. J. Peltier, on Buonaparte, xlv 600 + 

«..- W. Cobbett, on officers of state in Ire- 
land, xlvi 390 

oun Plunkett, Ue Cobbett, xlvi 390 

--+. adm. Berkeley v. the publishers of 
the Royal Standard and Political Register, 
xlvi 396 

+++» onlord St. Vincent by the Sun and 
True Briton newspapers, xlvii 364 

oo. by J. Budd and 

W. Blagden, xlvii 396, 403 


on Harding, Oaks, and 

Libel, trials for : 
Heath, xlvii 

Willington, bankers, by 

.... on lord Moira by Ambrose Charles, 
xlviii 455 

.... — sir Manasselh Lopez by 
xlviii 458 

+... — the College of Physicians by Dr. 
H. Campbell, 1 11* 

+++. — his majesty’s government by G. 
Beaumont, li 257, 273 

«s+. — the duke of Sussex by W. Horse« 
man, li 258 

«. +. — the earl of Leicester by the Morn- 
ing Herald, li 288 

.... — the king by the Morning Chronicle, 
lii 257* 

+4. 0n government by W. Cobbett and 
others, lii 264*, 340, 343 

«+++ by J. Gale Jones, lii 343 

-.-. on lord Castlereagh by P. Finnerty, 
lii 343. liii 18, 240 

«+++ — the military by E. Roche, liii 18 

..«. tending to excite rebellion in Treland, 
by Walter Cox, liii 30 

.... J. Drakard, iii 58, 244 

.... J. Collins, on commissioners of pro- 
perty tax, liii 58 

.... H. White, on the distribution of 
honorary medals, acquitted, liii 123, 244 

.... J. and Leigh Hunt, liii 243, liv 277 

.... J. Magee, on the magistrates of Dub< 
lin, liv 271 

+... Dan. Lovell, liv 274 

.... Benjafield v. Wheble, liv 284 

.... Hugh Fitzpatrick, on the duke of 
Richmond, lv 14 

.... T. Creevey, on R. Kirkpatrick, lv 268 

.... J. Magee, on the duke of Richmond, 
lv 269 

.».. rey. J. Greig on the schoolmaster of 
Dalmeny, lvi 18 

.».. Mrs. Clarke on the rt. hon. W. Fitz 
gerald, lvi 308 

.... sir N. Wraxall on count Woronzoff, 
Ivii 290 

.... lord Blayney on the duke of Sorren- 
tino, lvii 293 

..-. 1. gen. Gore on C. P. Wyatt, lviii 294 

wees T. Jon. Wooler, lix 163, 165 

--.- James Williams, lix 167 

-.+. W. Hone, lix 171, 173, 174 

..-. T. Allanand A. M‘Kay on T. Stewart, 
Ix 311 

..-- Mary Ann Tucker on R. Gurney, Ix 

ARC Scammel on Sophia Stak, Ixi 227 

»--» Rich. Carlisle, lxi 260, 261 

.... See also the names of the parties 

Liberty, tree of, planted at Boston, xi 243] 

.... tree dedicated to, xi 254] 

.... planted at Dundee, xxxiv 44 
... intention to plant at Kennington, 
xxxiv 45 

Libraries, catalogue of the Vatican, v 87] 




Libraries : catalogue of the Escurial, v 88] Light, Edw. lviii 349 

x 53] 

.-++ writings of the ancient Greek church 
in the Medicean, viii 189 tc 

«»+- Arabic MSS. in the Escurial, xiii 96 

«+e» the king’s, xxxix 3 

«++. at Stutgard, xxxix 32 

+.» Alexandrian, xliii 532 

«+++ of Monte Cassino, liii 95 

-.-. Ambrosian at Milan, ancient MSS, 
discovered in, lvii 86 ; 

«+» Palatine, works taken from Heidelberg 
restored, lviii 25 

e+e» Sales of, iii 100] xxxiii 9] 19] 460] 
xxxix 3. xl 35, 58. xliii 21. xlvi 364, 1 
3*. liv 85 % 

Licences, i 137. ii 181. viii 241] xxii 214) 
xxiii 320] xxvi 309] xxvii 304] 347] xxix 
267] xxxix 133] xliii 196 

Licetus, Fortunius, xii 197 

Lichfield. See Litchfield 5 
Lichtenstein, xvili 4, ly 482. lvii 466, 

—————— prince C. of, xxi 29] xxx 33] 
47] 211] xli 296} xliii 612] 

—_—_—-— prince J. of, xlvii 168. xlviii 
130. 11 205, 217, 705 

———_—— prince Maurice of, xlvii 176 

Lidane, Patrick, iii 75] 

Liddal, Mr. and Mrs., Dunmow flitch of 
bacon given to, vii 81] < 

Liddell, sir H. G. Ravensworth, xxxiii 48] 

Liddon, lieut. (N) Ixi 33 

Lidyard, b. gen. lii 230 

Liege, revenues of, vi 52] 

++. election of a bishop of, vi 71] 

«++. proclamation against gaming, xxx 

«++. taken by the French, xxxiv 120] 
Life, how misspent, ii 424 
«+++ Shortness of, iv 178] : 
+++. apparent happiness of conditions of, 
vii 200 
-+.- caution respecting an inference of 
the length of from parish registers, viii 
+++. probabilities of, xv 204] 
-... true enjoyments of, xx 183 
«+++ vicissitudes of, x1 91 
---. action on an insurance, ly 302 
Life annuities. See Annuities 
Lifeboats, xxxiv 10. xliii 14. xliv 183m. 
xlvii 417 
+++. seamen saved by, xli 1]. xlii 18, 24. 
xliv 183. xly 355, 832 
+++. parliamentary reward to the inventor, 
xliv 183 
+... One upset and several men drowned, 
liii 4 
Life-insurance offices, action against one, 
xliii 45 
Lifford, James, Ist vise. xxxi 311] 313] 
314] 317] } 
——— James, 2nd visc. xliv 3 
Light, doctrine of, xv 232 

Lighthouse on the Smalls, xix 169] 
+++. improvements in lights, xxi 190] xxxv 

+++.» persons suffocated in one, xxxiii 2] 
+--+ Eddystone. See Eddystone 
- on the island of Anholt, xli 42 

+++» — Walney island burnt down, xlv 468 

«++. at Heligoland, lii 424 

Lightning : extraordinary effects of, v 95) 
ix 96] xlviii 442 

+++. wood preserved from injury by tar 
and lampblack, ix 156 

+++. Security against, xvi 167 

+++» improvement in conductors, xxxv 330 

+++. Steeples demolished by, ii 84. xlvi 
395. lviii 102 

+++. persons killed by, ii 102. iii 116] vi 
90] vii 80] viii 103] ix 117] x 105] 110] 
7b. 126) xi 134] 148] 162] xii 123] 130] 
xiii 143] xv 85] 102] xvi 111] 126] xvii 
109] xviii 112] 159] xix 170] xxi 191] 
192] xxiii 222] 227] 241] xxix 214] 
XxXxi 213] 214] 215] 219] xxxii 209] 67. 
xxxvii 31. xlvi 379, 396, 398, 402, 408. 
xlvii 393, 409. xlviii 364, 408, 424, 427, 
428, 430, 431, 433, 434, 439. lii 273, ib. 
liii 59, 89, 109. liv 30, 79. lv 53. lvi 67. 
lviii 134 

«+e» persons struck blind by, ti 103. xvi 
125] xxxvii 31. x] 67. xlv 408. xlvii 393. 
xlyili 429. lii 273. lvi 67 

«++» Ships fired by, x 89] xiv 139] xl 68, 
xliv 367. xlviii 424 , 

- +++ houses injured by, ii 103, 110. iv 143] 
ix 117] x 97] 110) 126] xii 121] xvi 98] 
108] 125] xviii 159] xxi 175] 192] xxiii 
217] 227] xxv 210] xxvi 201] xxxi 213] 
215) xxxii 225] xxxiv 19. xxxvi 23. xli 
13. xlv 394, 395, 459. xlvi 378, 383. 
xlvii 393, 409, 418. xlviii 385, 405, 430, 
434. 1ii272. Iv 94. lvi 67 

+++» buildings fired by, iii 116] 119] 142] 
vi 113] vii 81] 110] ix 110] 117] x 93] 
111] xi 103] 148} 160] xii 135] 146] 
157] 167] xvi 95] 125] xvii 109} 140] 
151] xviii 170] xix 170] xxi 192] xxii 
227] xxiv 196) xxvi 205) xxxi 214] 
Xxxii 209] 229] xxxiv 14, 19. xxxvi 18. 
xxxviii 15. xxxix 38, xlv 382, 383, 408, 
44], xlvi 396, 402. xlvii 405, 418. xlviii 
24 $20 433, 434, 440. liv 77. lviii 106. 
ix ] 

+... trees shattered by, iv 135] xvii 131] 
xxxi 214] xxxvi 18. xlvi 379, 383, 384, 
427. xlvii 393, 409, 418. xlviii 425, 426, 
434. liii 122. lv 38 

---. churches injured by, iv 136] 142], vi 
61] vii 80] ix 118] 122] x 81] 93} 126] 
xi 162) xiii 74] xvi 125] xvii 140) xviii 
91] xix 170] xxiii 230] xxxii 229) xxxiii 
3] xxxvi 18. xlvi 394, 395. xlvyiii 426. 
lv 38. lviii 16]. lix. 15. Ixi 5, 50) 

«++» animals killed by, iv 142] viii 112] ix 
117] 118] 122] xiii 148] xvi 98] 111] 



xvii 13] 151] xviii 155] 159] xxi 192] 
194] xxiii 222] xxvi 210] xxxi 213] 214] 
xxxvi 18, xxxvii 31]. xl 67. xlivy 456. 
xlv 383, 394, 439. xlvi 395, 396, 398, 
408, 427. xlvii 409. xlviii 422, 424, 426, 
427, 428, 430, 433, 434, Jii 273, liii 109. 
liv 77. lv 53 

Lightning: deaf persons restored to hear- 
ing by, ix 96] xiv 143] 

ot deep hole made in the earth by, xi 

«+.. carriage of the prince royal of Sweden 
struck by, xii 136] 

-+.. palsy cured by, xiii 80 

-+«+ town of Reichenbach reduced to ashes 
by, xvi 115] 

«+. vessels sunk by, xvii 139] lviii 134 

e+e. Ships struck by, xxxii 224] xli 13. 
xlviii 364, 424, 430. liv 30 

ese. persons injured by, xxxii 230] xxxiv 
14. xxxvi 19. xlv 408. xlyi 395, 398. 
xlvii 409. xIviii 442. lii 272, 273. liv 30, 
80, lv 53, 94. lvi 67. lviii 161 

e+,- stones in the ground fused by, xxxii 

«-.. buildings injured by, xliii 30, xlvii 
405. xlviii 433. 1 123* 

+++. persons struck by, without material 
injury, xxxiv 14, 19. xlv 383, 384, 394, 
395. xlvi 394, 402. xlvii 410. xlviii 422, 
423, 429. lii 272. liii 89 

«++. cow struck blind by, xlvi 396 

«+-- earth torn from several graves by, 
xviii 425 

+++.» steamboat struck by, lviii 141 

Ligne, prince de, x 113] xxx 190. xxxi 
166] xxxiv 107] 

Lignery, de, ii 210. v 251] 

Ligny, battle of, lvii 549 

Ligonier, vise. xvi 72] 
——- col. ii 144, 233, 269-72. iii 
176] 177] 

marsh. J. vise. ii 106, iii 255] iv 
83] vii 38. ix 51] xvii8 

Liguria, republic of. See Genoa, and Italy 

Lilburne, col. J. vii 58] 

Liley, T. xxii 87 

Lilford, T. Ist lord (previous to 1798, See 
Powys, T'.) xl 173] 

T. 2nd lord, Ixi 133] 

Lilijestrable, = xxxiv 26 

Liljehorn, 1. col. Xxxiii 81. xxxiv 12, 26 

Lillo, G. xix 43 

Lilly, J. xii 3] 

—— W. (astrologer) xii 49. xvii 52 

+++. account of Charles I by, xvii 34 

Lily, W. xv 116 

Lima, shocks of an earthquake at, iv 189] 

Limax, spinning, xxxiii 329] 

Limbourg, Dr. de, xxiv 101 

Limbs, artificial, xxxv 334 

Limehouse, fires at, xviii 102] lvi 99 

Limehouse hole, calamitous fire at, xii 141] 

Lime-kilns, persons destroyed in, xi 141] 
xlix 449 



Limerick, Edm. H. Ist earl, xl 161) xiii 
145. xliii 170] xliv 10. xlv 57, 122, 125, 
161. xlvi 2,14, 64, 103. xlvii 106. xlix 
162. 1 37] liv 85] 1x 136] 

Limesey, bish. Rob. de, xxv 127 

Limestone quarries at Kirkaldy, iii 98 

--.. rocks, twisted, xxv 172 

++. vein of sand high ina vast rock, 1 159 

Limoges, ancient French coins found at, viii 

Linacre, Dr. Thos. i 464. xv 116 

Lincken, gen. xli 270] 

Linckewitz, chev. xlii 40 

Lincoln: model of Great Tom to be hung 
up in an ancient building, x 127] 

+++. the custom of setting open the doors 
of the cathedral on public occasions to 
be discontinued, 7. 

+++- communion plate of cathedral stolen, 
xlvii 407 

++.. debate on the subject of national edu- 
cation, liv 21 

Lincoln, C. xxv 196] 

Edw, Ist earl of, xxiv 13 

(Amer.) xx 167*] 171*] 
xxii 181] 208*] xxiii 219*] 

——— H. 2nd earl of, xv 1 

H. 7th earl of, xxv 309] xxviii 



hon. Benj. (Amer.) xxx 76, 80 

lord. See Newcastle, duke 

— T. 3rd earl of, xv 4 

Lincolnshire, enclosure of Holland fen, xii 

.... horse raised for k. Charles, xxxvi 363 

Lincoln’s inn, legacy to students of, vi 55] 

«s+ action against the society for poor 
rates, xvii 169] 

..«. entertainment of Charles the second, 

xliii 475 
Lind, Dr. xi 195] 118. xv 116] 139] 
xvi 1302 
—-ecapt. (N)xlvii2i9 
Lindembrock, vii 167 
Linden, Dr. D. W. iv 87, 152. vi 126 
rev. v 143] 
Lindenthal, |. col. xliii 101 

Lindesey, sir Dav. xxi 233 
Lindet, xxxvii 84] 
Lindholm, Wm. of, ii 358 
Lindley, T. xvii 1052 
Lindo v. captors of St. Eustatia, xxviii 205) 
Alex. xlv 430. lv 255 
Lindolff, Dr. vi 126 
Lindsay, adm. sir J. viii 119, 120. xii 53] 
124] xiv 88] xv 87] 207] xxii 121] xxvii 
195] xxx 106] Z 
———-capt. —- xxvi 110] xxvii 257] 
Cath. xxxiv 20 
James, vi 88] 
——— J. liii 266 
— sir David, xiv 194] 
——— W. x1 180 
Lindsey, Albemarle, 8th earl, lix 54 
—-—— capt, iv 89] 



Lindsey, lady Charlotte, lvi 72 

——— rev. James, xxxviii 362 

—-— rev. Theoph.’s chapel in Essex 
street opened, xvii 111] F 

Line, action for an assault on performing 
the ceremony of ducking, xliv 458 

Linen, ink for marking, xiv 127 

.... tax on British, xxvii 304] 

Linen manufactory. See Scotland, and Ire- 

Lingan, gen. (Amer.) murdered, liv 198] 

Lingard, Rob. iii 142] 

Linge, Bern. van, v 15] 

Lingfield, miss, xxi 92 

Lingford, J. lvii 32] 

Lingham v. Hunt, xliv 474 

Linguet, S, N. H. xx 164 

Liniers, gen. xlviii 239. xlix 210, 221, 641. 
17*, 92*. li 418 

Linley, T. xix 152] 

- T. jun. drowned, xxi 195] 

Linneus, C. ii 374, 376, 474. iii 128, 131. 
iv 145. v 57. vii 114] 132. viii 6] 114) 
95, 98, 144. xii 188] 110. xiii 54. xviii 
43, 44n,. xix 51, 57. xxi 216] xxiv 66, 
xlvi 749. xlvii 824 

eee fable by, ii 423 

«+. prize gained by, iv 74] 

«+s» his dream, iv 181 

.».- anecdotes of, xliv 884 

-.++ compared with Buffon, li 901 

Linnet, sitting, at the end of January, vi 

Linois, adm. xliii 249] 251] xliv 213, 
436. xlv 282. xlvi 17, 116, 131, 140, 21), 
410, 551. xlvii 219. xlviii 231, 402. Ivii 
128] 220 

Linsing, lieut. col, xx 137] 

Linsingen, 1. gen. C, count, xlix 702*, 704*. 
liv 226] 

Linton, C. miurdered, xxvii 196] 197] 200] 

lord. See Traquair. earl 

Lintot, Bern. xviii 222 

James, xix 1380] 

Linzee, adm. Rob. xxxvii 60 

capt. S. Hood (N) xlvii 541 

Lions : man’s finger bitten off by one in the 
Tower, v 105] 

«++. hunted, lv 1 

+... two killed in the E. Indies, lviii 83. lix 

Lioney, M. his cause against the Jesuits, iv 
107] 113] 

Manet> whelps two young, in the Tower, ii 

«+++ two others whelp one each, iii 123] 

»+++ horse in a mailcoach attacked by one, 
Iviii 164 

Lippe-Buckeburg, count la, ii 233. y 86] 
165] 179] 238] ix 57] xlviii223 

: as the command in Portugal, y 

+--+ his son drowned in the Tagus, xvi 


Lippe-Buckeburg, count la, estates seized by 

the landgrave of Hesse Cassel, xxix 199] 
xxxi 52] 

+++. restored on the interference of the 
king of Prussia, xxxi 53] 

Lippi, x117 

Lipsius, Just. ii 413. v.149 

Lisbon: earthquakes at, i 349, xix 118] 
xxxiv 3. xxxv 34. Ivili 22 

+++. subscription at the British factory for 
French prisoners, iv 157] 

«+++ autos da fe at, iv171] viii 138] 212] 
x 131] 

sees fire af, vii 83] 

«++» Roman coins found, vii 109] 

+... Smart shock of an earthquake, viii 60] 
xi 132] xv 89] 

+++ col. Graveron shot, ix 56] 

-. +» all the idle boys about the street sent 
to the arsenal, ix 121] 

+e. arrival of treasure at, xii 85] 

«++. murder of foundlings, xv 120] 

+++.» boat with the earl of Findlater and 
others overset in the Tagus, xvi 115] 

+++. casket of valuable jewels found in the 
ruins caused by the earthquake, xix 118] 

+++» population of, xxi 217] 

-.++ made a free port, xxxviii 210 

1G, aflray with the British soldiers, xxxix 

+++ assassinations at, lv 38 

.. +» church of St. Julian burnt down, ]viii 152 

-.-+ sudden storm at, lyiii 178 

Lisburne, Wilmot, Ist earl, xiii 205] xxv 

Liskeard, slight shock of an earthquake felt 
at, ii 73 

a pee between two regiments at, xix 


+++. negotiations for peace at, xxxix 181- 
228, x15] 

Lisle, col. (Amer,) xxiii 231*] 

——— hon. Mrs. lv 24] 25] 

—— J, Ist lord, xiy 247] 

——— ]. col. Rob. lvi 201, 206 

—— J.N. de, xli 837 

+.» on Irwin’s marine chair, iv 137 

—— sir G, xii 47 

Lisle street, fire in, lii 292 

Lismore, Cornelius, Jst lord, xxxii 310] 

Cornelius, Ist vise. xlii 202 

Lister, Dr. Martin, xxxiii 4 

T. lv 37 

W. lvi 337 

Liston, Rob. xxxix 287. xlv 142, 164, 395, 

rey. H. lv 320 

Litchfield, account of, xxv 126 j 

esse eminent men educated at, xliv 719 

..-. Stained glass window in the cathedral, 
xlvii 417 

Litchfield, G. H. earl of, iii 245) v 106] vi 
67] 70] viii 204] xi 72] xiii 152] xv 87] 
115] 132] 133] xvi 63] xxiii 216] 

H. C. xlviii 638 



Litchfield, J. convicted of rape, xii 112] 

W. executed for robbery, xii 142] 

Litchfield, man of war, lost on the coast of 
Barbary, ii 64] 104. iii 95] 125] 132] 

Literary forgeries, xix 185 

Fund, xlv 407. xlvi 380, 394. xlvii 
375, 417 

—— property. See Copy-right 

Literature, general intercourse of men of, 
x 7] 

«+e. State of in England at the Reforma- 
tion, xv 116 

+++. of the middle ages, xxiv 189 

-..+» debasing influence of military govern- 
ments on, li 949 

Litherland, Peter, xlii 383. xliy 773 

Rich. lix 235 

Lithgow, W. xvii 47 

Lithuania, annexation of, to Poland, x 13] 

+++. Spirited manifesto against Russia, xii 



Litta, card. lvii 142] lviii 51] 

Little, J. miser, xl 35 ~ 

—— rey. Dan. xxx 91 

—— W. (American) murder of, xxxviii 4 

Little Go, a species of lottery, xlviii 388 

Littledale, couns. lix 178 

Littlehales, capt. Bendall Rob. (N) xlv 

Littlejohn, capt. (N) xxxvii 62 

Littlepage, T’. convicted of stealing naval 
Stores, xxvi 204} 

Littleton, E. J. lix 57] 

See also Lyttelton 

Liturgies, xlix 890 

Liverpool: association for the defence of, 
ii 123 

+... number of vessels belonging to, taken 
by the French, iii 127] 

+--+. billfor enlarging the harbour of, v 89] 

+++» number of ships arrived at, vi 92] 

«++.» 100/. presented by the corporation to 
the Society of Arts, viii 111] 

+... petition on the American stamp act, 
ix 35] 

ee.- canal communication with Hull, ix 50] 

..-. Ships entered inward and cleared out, 
ix 76] 

«++. custom-house robbed, ix 109] 129} 

«.-+. observatory erected, ix 133] 

+.+- petition of the freemen and inhabi- 
a and protest of the corporation, xiii 

+++» money collected for the sufferers by 
fire at Antigua, xiii 73] 74] 

+++. jail set on fire, xiii 95] 

-... theatre established, xiv 102] 

+++» riot of sailors, xviii 146] xix 44] 139] 

+++. Subscription to raise a regiment for 
America, xx 215] 

+++ fires at, xxxvii 4. xxxviii 36. xxxix 10. 
xliv 448. xly 437. xlvii 421. xlix 426 

+++. petition to be allowed to erect bat- 
teries and prepare other means of defence, 
xl 228] xliii 244) 

Liverpool: persons drowned, xl 70 
+++ riot at the election, xliv 424 
° Fag of prince Rupert, xlvii 
+++» cost of a visit of the prince of Wales 
~ and duke of Clarence, xlviii 445 
+++» O.P. riot at the theatre, lii 292 
+». accidents from a girl’s fainting at a 
confirmation, liii 89 
e+». arrival of a ship from the E. Indies at, 
- lvii 64 
mischiefs from an alarm of fire at the 
theatre, lvii 71 
+++» increase of population, lvii 9S 
+++» action against the trustees of the docks, 
lviii 282 
++. right of the justices to imprison in 
the county jail, lviii 310 
«++» brandy stolen from the government 
vaults, lix 75 
«-.. typhus fever at, lix 84 
e+.. trick of smugglers at, lix 86 
+++ arrival of a steam vessel from Ames 
rica, Ixi 41 
Liverpool, C. Ist earl of, xii 217] xvi 63] 
74] xxii 304] xxvii 68] xxix 66] 102] 
110] 140] 246] xxx 119] xxxi 143] 37. 
xxxiv 155] 192. xxxv 36] 69] xxxvi 239] 
244] 247] 255] 260] xxxvii 176] 190] 
191] xxxviii 73] xxxix 150] 181] 193n] 
198] 234] 240] x1 203] xli 183] xlii 86] 
xlvi 12. 1 139* 
Rob. Banks, 2nd earl, xxxiv 137] 
149] xxxy 24] 153] xxxvi 245] 249] 
250] 262] xxxviii 10] 63] xxxix 248] xl 
199] 213] xli 213] xlii 104] 130] xiiii 
189] 22, 263. xliy 8,9, 21, 51, 99, 105, 
107, 119, 129, 131, 186, 140, 152, 239, 
264, xlv 14, 35, 44, 66, 83, 90, 93, 120, 
130, 140, 141, 142, 144, 157, 165, 175, 
193, 195, 196, 199, 203, 209, 210, 218, 
224, 652. xlvi 4,26, 41, 42, 60, 64, 80, 
81, 104, 105, 113, 119, 163, 600, 603, 
657. xlvii 3, 13,18, 35, 52, 63, 87, 90, 
107, 108, 116, xlviii 8, 9, 19, 26, 61, 897, 
99, ill, 246, 250. xlix 33, 55; 97, 111, 
134, 142, 150, 157, 164. 18] 20] 21] 38] 
44] 51] 54] 56] 81] 86] 112] 127] 227] i 
29n, 32, 48, 52, 56, 113. lii 2, 9, 28, 58, 
150, 230, 523. liii 4] 10] 13] 14] 18] 36] 
80] 84] 85] liv 2] 35] 38] 68] 69] 81] 84] 
87] 114] 118] 121] 126] 131] 163] 215] 
221) 346. lv 38] 46] 51] 54) 62] 85] 88] 
ab. 91] 200] 210] vi 41] 107] 117] 121] 
134] 135] 138] 164] 206] 208] 213] 214] 
47. Ivii 4] 6] 10] 14] 20] 382] 51] Iviii 9] 
20] 21] 40] 42] 44] 63] lix 25] 34] 42] 
47 | 55] 72] 1x 3] 17] 29] 32] 33] 34] 35] 
7A} 91] 92] 126] 127] 131} 133] 137] 
129] 141] Ixi 4] 8] 9] 13] 23] 25] 42] 62] 
121] 126] 
Livesay, capt. (slave ship) xlviii 422 
Livia, xxii 166 
Living, abp. 

xv 126 
(Amer.) xlvi 163, 632 

oF pe Phil. (mem. of Congr.) xviii 

———— Rob. (mem. of Congr.) id. 
Rob. R. (Amer, secr.) xxvi 264] 

— W. (mem, of Congr.) xvii 218] 
265] xxix 299] 

Livio, Tito, xxi 27 

Livius, G. xxxiv 78 

Livonia, claim of Russia to, iv 100] 

+--+ resolution of the nobles to abolish the 
servitude of the peasants, Ix 102 

Livy, vii 186. ix 136, 146. x 151. xi 161. xv 
138. xvi 193. xxiii 211. xxxviii 470 

++-- lost decades of, xii 146. xv 150] 

Lizards, observations on, x 77. lx 569 

Llewellyn, last prince of Wales, xlix 821 

Llewellyn, Hugh, xxxii 195] 

J. liv 283 

xviii 41 

bish. W. vi 13. xiv 247 

———- capt, Herbert, xxviii 242] 

-—— Cath. hung for horsestealing, xxxiii 


col. xxxiv 216] 
David, ix 55 
— Dr. Pierson, vii 60 
E. xv 206 
gen. Vaughan, xlvii 400 
J. xviii 157. xxiy 324] xxv 310] 
xxxviii 383 
1. gen, Vaughan, liii 621 
rev Dr. Ph. xxxii 205] 
rey. Evan, xix 123] 
Rob. v 198, 204, vii 111] 60, 239. 
xvi 246. xxxvi 299 
— §. v. T. Cooper for defamatory words, 
xxiii 217] 
Sarah, executed for robbing her mis- 
tress, xlii 11. xlviii 413 
T. xxvii 110 
T, prosecuted for sedition, xxxiy 44. 
xxxv 7 
W, v 144] 
Lloyd’s coffee house, subscription for widows 
and orphans of seamen killed, xxxix 14 
«+.» fund on an extended scale, xlv 408, 
418. xlvii 391, 402, 435. xlix 43 

Lluyd, bish. Humph. xlix 999 

Edw. xvi 260 

Loads, J. murderer of M. Adams,i 101 

Loadstone. See Magnet : 

Loans, to the king, as elector of Hanover, i 

«+». for the various sums borrowed on ac- 
count of the British dominions. See the 
supplies for the different years 

«++. proposal of lord North to make good 
the losses of subscribers, xxi 171*] 

«++. extraordinary profit on one, xxiv 183*] 

+--+. one by subscription, called the loy- 
alty, xxxvili 44, xxxix 143] xlvii 373 

-». in the latter half of the 18th century, 
xli 182 

Lobau, gen. count, lvii 179 

Lobb, Dr, Theoph. iii 116-8. iv }25, 126 



Lobkowitz, prince, xvii 17 

prince Joseph, xxvii 229] 

Lobsters, smell of, destructive to rabbits 
and weevils, xix 171] 

+++. man drowned in attempting to catch 
one, xxix 2}9] 

Loch Lomond, xvii 85 

Lochiel, xliv 829 

Lock hospital, benefactions to, xi 18. xii 
107] xvi 124] 

Locke, xl viii 447 

J. i 492. v 176. -vi 187. viii 216, 248, 

ix 37] 39] 38, 69. x 46] 293. xi 166. xiii 

160. xx 34, 186. xxvii 281] xxxiii 258. 

xxxv 152] xxxviii 39, xli 355, xlii 224] 

xlvii 391 

rey. J. lviii 313 

Rich, lyi 25 

T. 11422 

Locked jaw, case of, ix 113 

. cured by electricity, xi 70 

Locker, James, committed for running away 
with a ward of Chancery, xlv 424 

Locket, J. xlii 383 

Lockhart, adm. sir J. i 79. ii 90. xxiv 170] 
xxv 101] 103] 224*] 

+++» Silver cup and salver presented to him, 

——— J. Ingram, liii 41 

Lockington, — murder of Alice Martin by, 
xvi 81] 

— J. convicted of forgery, xvii 
146] 159] 161] 

Lockman, Arabella Dorothea, x! 176 

Locks. See Canals 

Lockwood, T., murder of, i 107 

Lockyer, capt. Rich. (N) lvii 153 

J. xiviii 442 

Jos. Tolson, sale of his coins, ix 

Locusts, used for fruit in Arabia, ix 123 
«... American, x 103 ’ 
..-. devastations by, xiv 163] xxiii 224] 
xxix 65. lx 570 
---. of Africa, lvii 496 
+... a swarm in Poland, lviii 80 
. swarms in Germany, lviii 83 
-.-. in the E. Indies, lx 569 
Locust-tree, xviii 92 
Lodge, Dr. T. x 215 
Edm. xlvii 366 
Lodi, battle of, xxxviii 93] 
Lodi, count, xxxiii 25 
duke of. See Melzi 
Lodore waterfall, xlviii 1027 
Loeschman, David, liii 267 
Loewenhorn, von. capt. xli 395 ‘ 
Lofft, Capel, xxxiii 24] xlii 11, 318. 11274 
Loft, m. gen. J. H. lii 36, 50, 51, 55, 73 
Loftus, Adam, iy 18 , 
gen. W. xlv 193. xlvi 6, 10, 60 
lord. See Ely, marq- 
Logan, (Ind. chief) xxix 151 
Logan and others v. Willan and others, lx 



Lo Lo 
Logan, Mich, xli 401. xlv 831. xlviii 958. London: claim of 2s. 9d. in the pound for 

liv 315 

Loggin, miss, iv 247 

Logic, a dog can make a syllogism, xii 41 

Logie, C. (consul in Morocco) xxiv 170] xl 

Logier, J. Bern. lvi 336 

Logwood cutters. See Honduras 

Lohrasp, lvii 521 ; 

Loison, gen. 1 220] 222] 259", 262°. lii 186, 
198. liii 186. lv 133] 

Lolbiniere, xvii 75] 

Lolley, Martin, liv 109 

Lollius Urbicus, xlix 1003 

Lolme, de, J. Lewis, x] 436 

Lomas, J. executed for murder, liv 53, 

Lombard, xviii 164 

——— Pet. xxi 223, 226 

Lombard street, fire in, 1x 165 

Lombardi, D. France. xv 80 

Lombardy, proclamation of Buonaparte to, 
XXXvili 238, 240 

++». declaration respecting the Swiss, xxxix 

«+». annexed to Austria, lvi 85] 

«++. fiscal system of Austria, Ixi 505 

Lomenie, de, card. xxxiv 49] xlii 349z 

London: riot temp. Hen. VIII on May day, 
iv 175 

. oe of, in Henry TI’s time, vii 

«++» part of a leaden pipe conveying water 
formerly from Bayswater, dug up in the 
Strand, viii 103] 

+--+ curious sculpture over the gate of the 
poorhouse in Shoe lane, ix 107] 

+++» practice of birdcatching, xi 81 

«++. on the pump water of, xi 86 

+++. collection of papers on the rights of 
the city, xii 145] 

-»«- index of the by-laws since Elizabeth 
to be printed, xii 145] 

»+-. money left to be lent out to young 
tradesmen, xii 147] 178] 

+++. State of Smithfield market for forty 
years, xv 193] 

+-+- picture of, by Raynal, xix 64 

*...- heat of, compared with that of Edin- 
burgh, xix 81 

+++ decision on the extent of the suburbs, 
xx 185] 

-.-- population of, xxi 217] liii 97 

+... comparative table of the population of, 
xxv 229] 

--++ mean heat of, xxx 57 

«+. antiquity of, xxxii 102 

+.«. letter from Elizabeth’s council to the 
lord mayor on a libel, xxxiv 422 

«+.- remarkable gardens near a century 
ago, xxxviii 450 

--+- influence of cold on the health of the 
inhabitants, xxxviii 472 

a of provision in ancient times, 1 

tithes, lv 278 

+++» lengths of the different bridges, lviii 132 

-+-+ temporary wooden bridge burnt, i 89] 
ix 135] 

+++. thanks of the city voted to sir John 
Barnard, i101, 102, iv 80] 

-.-- colours taken at Louisbourg put up in 
St. Paul’s, i 108 
-+. address to the king on the prince of 
Wales coming of age, ii 98 

«+. false alarm of a French invasion, ii 101] 
++ money raised for building a bridge at 

Blackfriars, ii 103 

+++ lioness whelped in the Tower, ii 104. 
iii 123] 

«++» thanks of the committee to Mr. Pater- 
son, for procuring the act for the new 
bridge, ii 105 

+++» subscription for a bounty to volunteers, 
and freedom of the city offered them, ii 
106, 115, 120. iii 111] 

.+.. thanks of the king to the city on the 
occasion, ii 107 

-».. nonfreemen allowed to work on Black- 
friars bridge, ii 107 

«+--+ surplus of subscription for it, 7d. 

-+ +» address to the king on the taking of 
Quebec, ii 119, 250 

.. +» plans for Blackfriars bridge, ii 146 

-+-- petition to parliament for leave to 
widen several streets, iii 66] 106] 171] 

++.» mischiefs of the hard frost, iii 67] 

«+++ collection for clothing French - pri- 
soners, iii 73] 

»+.. meeting of Blackfriars bridge commit- 
tee, iii 74] 

+++ petition to the Commons to continue 
the prohibition of the distillation from 
corn, iii 80] 

«».. reports of hospitals under the care of 
the city, iii-90] 91] iv 89] v 81] vi 73] vii 
70] viii 78] ix 84] 85], x 84] xi 91] xii 91] 
xv 95] xvi 94] xvii 108] xix 132] xxiv 
173] xxvi 203] xxxv 18 

+... report of the plague being in, iii 116] 

«.-. sales of the city gates, iii 122] 125] iv 

.... toll at Bartholomew fair abolished, iii 

... petition to parliament to take down 
Gresham college and form a street on it’s 
site, iii 134] 

.... first stone of Blackfriars bridge laid, 
iii 143] 

.... frauds of the fishmongers, iii 164] 

«++. openings to be made in, iii 171] 

..+. passages to be improved and enlarged, 

.... history of the brewery in, iii 173] 

«e+» address of condolence and congratula- 
tion to George III, iii 240] 

.... contract for building in Fore street, iv 


London: agreement for the carpenter’s 
work of Blackfriars bridge, iv 63] 

+++. the common council petition the king, 
that the mayor, aldermen, common-coun- 
cilmen, and their successors, be the com- 
missioners of the lieutenancy for the city, 
iv 71] 

ees.» part of the London workhouse to be 
fitted up for prisoners from Ludgate, iv 
72) 148] 

-+-- little flow of tide at, iv 79] 

+... members of parliament chosen for, iv 
95] xi 82] xiii 127] xvi 149] 151] 154] 
xvii 155] 156] xxiii 226] 236] xxiv 192] 
crs xxvii 186] xxxvii 10, xxxviii 22. xliv 


e+. price of a coalmeter’s place, iv 101] v 
115] xi 181] xviii 104] 

«+e. mischiefs from driving cattle about the 
streets, iv 106] xxxvii 36. xlii 147] lx 

«+. price of a cornmeter’s place, xi 

---- freedom of the city presented to A. 
Onslow, iv 106] 122 

oe to the duke of 

York, iv 120] 136] 137} x 208] 

— to lord chief jus- 

tice Pratt, vii 51] 

———— to the duke of 
Gloucester, viii 98] 153) 

tS of 
Brunswick, viii 150] 

oo cess FOF 
Cumberland, x 69] 

Do SS ee rt. hon, C, 
Townshend, x 100] 

aaaes - king of Den- 

mark, xi 177] 178] 
oe. ——— ——_ ——- J. Dunning, 
xiii 155] 

aris —___---———— rev. Dr. R. 
Price, xix 126] 

Norton, xx 18] ] 

pel, xxii 199] 200] 

sir Fletcher 

adm. Kep- 

eves ———_ adm. Rod- 
ney. xxiii 201] xxiv 198] 
sia The —_ adm. lord 

Hood, xxv 211] 

adm, sir F. 

i; ‘s. Drake, 7d. 
"Pitt, xxvii 179] 224] 
. " wallis, xxxvi 10 
“Dianem, x1 38 

Berry, x1 87. xli 19 

the r. h. W. 

lord Corn- 

adm. lord 

capt. sir E. 

.. adm. sir Jas. 
Saumarez, xly 374 

xlvii 403 

Dr. Jenner, 


London: freedom of the city presented to 
adm. lord Collingwood, xlvii 430 
adm. lord 

Northesk, 2b. 
Strachan, 7d. 

Hardy, xviii 365 

dle, lii 254* 

«+-- conduct of the lord mayor on the in- 
solvent act, iv 113] 124] 

-.++ collections for the distressed hay- 
makers, iv 120] 

++. money paid for the city remembrancer’s 
place to be returned, and the place to be 
in the gift of the common council for the 
future, 2b. 

«... addresses the king on the taking of 
Belleisle, iv 123] 

-... first stone of Blackfriars bridge laid, 
iv 124] 

-«.. City road opened, iv 129] 

++.» invitation of their majesties and the 
Te family for Lord-Mayor’s day, iv 

+++. great number of ships arrived in, iv 

«| ata to ships by a hurricane, iv 


++». their majesties and the royal family 
entertained at Guildhall, iv 176] 235] 

+... address to the king, to sit for his pic- 
ture to be placed in Guildhall, and to 
have his statue in the Exchange, iv 

adm. sir R. 

——-. capt. T. M. 
—— G. L, War- 

picture, id. 

«++. account of the lord mayor’s show and 
entertainment of their majesties at Guild- 
hall, iv 235] 

«+s. bill of fare on the occasion, iv 242] 

+... address to the king on his nuptials, iv 

++. his majesty’s answer, 2b. 

«. +. address to the queen, 2d. 

-... her majesty’s answer, iv 299] 

+++. proceedings on the resignation of Mr. 
Pitt, iv 301] 

+... act to prevent thefts by persons in 
bum-boats, v 88] 

es». new ring of bells at Bow church, v 

+... Jonathan’s coffeehouse a market for 
government securities time out of mind, 

.... lady fair in Southwark, and shows &c. 
at Bartholomew fair, prohibited by the 
common council, v 90] vi 100] 

-... dissenters not liable to serve the office 
of sheriff, v 92] 

«... Cherokee chiefs in, v 92] 93] 

...+» address to the king on the birth of the 
prince of Wales, v 98] 

+++ his majesty’s answer, v 99] 

queen to sit for her 




' LO 

London: letter to 
treaty for peace, v 101] 

»+.. sudden rise of the Thames, v 105] 
e-.. letter to the lord mayor, on the reco- 
very of Newfoundland, v 107] ae 
Rae on signing 

the preliminaries of peace, v 108] 

«++. mischiefs done by severe frost, v 119] 

oe " opposition to the cider act, vi 35] 151] 

oone SRF of the d. of York, and 
princes of Mecklenburgh, by the lord 
mayor, vi 55] 

«eee high tides at, vi 56] vii 99] x 46*] 
xviii 90] xxxiii 6] xlviii 463, 464, liv 130 

e»-.» Tiot of the sailors to rescue some 
women of the town, vi 62] 

---» proclamation of peace, vi 63] 

+++. increase of, shown by the importation 
of coals, vi 64] 

«.-- great entertainment by ald. Beckford 
on Easter Monday, vi 67] 

---- public entry of the Venetian ambassa- 
dors, vi 69] 

«»-. thanks of the corporation of Exeter to 
the common council, for it’s opposition to 
the cider act, vi 72] 

»... address on the peace, vi 76] 202] 

+--+ conduct of the populace on the occa- 
sion, vi 76] 

+... procession of merchants with an ad- 
dress on the peace, vi 77] 

--- plan for the distribution of justice in 
the vicinity settled by the acting magis- 
trates, 7b. 

«--- baker fined for serving bread short of 
weight to the prisoners in the Poultry 
compter, vi 78] 

+++. Seizure of Irish butter, vi 87] 

-... address to the king on the birth of his 
2nd son, vi 94] 

e+. violent storms, vi 95] xv 85] 128] 
xxxvi 22. xxxvii 41, 42. xlv 467, 468. 
xlvi 360. xlvii 402, 418. xlviii 423, 429. 1 

«--. riot of Spitalfields weavers, vi 105] 

+... escape of prisoners from Whitechapel 
jail, 2d. 

«++. horse patrol established on the roads 
near, vi 107] 

«+. petition to the Commons for repealing 
the excise relating to cider, vi 110] 

+++. Tiot at burning the North Briton, vi 
144] vii 51] 

«++» motion in common council for thanks 
to the sheriffs in Wilkes’s affair negatived, 
vi 144-5] 

+++» representation of the city to it’s re- 
presentatives on the cider act, vi 151] 

+++. petition to the Commons against it, 

Lords, vi 152] 

cco king, th. 

+++. address of the merchants and traders 
on the peace, vi 204] 



the lord mayor, on a London: thanks to their representatives on 

the business of general warrants, vii 51] 

.-.. freedom of the city to lord chief jus- 
tice Pratt, and his picture requested to 
be placed in Guildhall, vii 51] 88) 

+...» procession of the silk-weavers to state 
their miserable condition to the king, vii 

+++. Swine improperly fed seized by the 
magistrates, vii 64] 

»»-- several journeymen tailors taken up 
by a party of masters, vii 66] 

.-- spire of St. Bride’s shatteréd by light- 
ning, vii 80] 99] 

»»«» increase in the value of land near, vii 

«++» complaints respecting Blackfriars 
bridge declared by the committee to be 
unfounded, vii 91] 

«... scaffolding of St. Bride’s broken by 
the wind, vii 99] 

«+s» the merchants petition lord Halifax 
on the high price of provision, vii 103] 
«+.. number of Germans brought over by 
a foreign adventurer on pretence of send- 
ing them to N. America, vii 145] viii 98] 

xxxil 27, 28 

+++. glance at the new ministry in an ad- 
dress to the king on the birth of his third 
son, viii 46] 

-.+. Theod, Janssen elected chamberlain, 
viii 58] 

«++ floor of the court at Guildhall gave 
way at a crowded trial, viii 58] 

«+.» petition to the Commons on the dearth 
of bread, viii 60] 

-+-++ curious handbill circulated on the 29th 
of January, 2b. 

++. riotous assemblage of fellows pretend- 
ing to be distressed weavers, viii 89] 

«+.» stoppage of the exportation of wheat 
po | followed by importation, viii 


+++. weavers relieved by a collection, id. 

+--+ petition from the sufferers by fire at 
Konigsburg, viii 112] 

«++. eagerness for building at, viii 113] 

+... address to his majesty on the birth of 
a 3rd prince, vi.i 125] 185] 262] 

+++» reception of this address said to have 
been a subject of debate, viii 126] 

+... motion in the common council that all 
the members should be possessed of a 
certain qualification, viii 135] 

+++. new sewer at Fleet ditch completed, 
and Bridewell bridge taken down, viii 136] 

-» ++ 500/, presented to the Society of Arts, 

--.. action against a farrier, that had been 
employed by the contractor for artillery 
horses, setting up in the city, i. 

a lottery office keeper, 
not being free, viii 137] 

+». great fire at the corners of Cornhill 
and Leadenhall street, viii 143] 


London: petition to parliament on the Ame- 
rican stamp act, ix 35] 

++. girl offered for sale upon Change, ix 
51] 52] 93] 

e+e» man caught shooting bullets from a 
yes at the heads in Temple bar, ix 

-e-- contested election to the rectory of 
Blackfriars, ix 53] 69] 

«++. robberies near, by lighthorsemen, ix 
59] 69] 

e+e. Number of Spitalfields weavers dis- 
charged for want of employment, ix 61] 

«+. large seizure of tea at an inn, ix 62) 

«e+. rejoicings for the repeal of the stamp 
act, ix 68] 69] 77] : 

s+» person convicted of unduly acting as a 
broker, ix 69] 

e-.- man summoned for retailing fish at 
Billingsgate, ix 72] 

e++. prince of Wales appointed captain ge- 
aan of the Artillery Company ix 73] 


ees. brewer foiled in an attempt to deprive 

a publican of his licence with his house, _ 

ix 82] 

e+». grand entertainment at Drapers’ hall 
by the American merchants, ix 87] 

e+.+ dugs of several cows cut off in Step- 
ney fields, ix 93] 

e+.. butcher fined for forestalling sheep, 
ix 94] 

*+.. commissioners appointed for carrying 
into execution the bill for better paving, 
&c. ix 95] 96) 98] 

e+ court of common council recommended 
no licence to be granted for holding any 
public assembly likely to corrupt the 
morals of youth, ix 96] 

«++» benefaction to the sufferers by fire at 
Montreal, zh. 

«+... Sunday toll at, ix 98] 

»«.. large mackerel sold, 2d. 

«-+ collection for the haymakers on ac- 
count of the wet weather, ix 102] 

-.-- sale of the fine house in Philpot lane 
built for Mr. Uhtorff, ix 104] 

ses inquiry into the right of government 
over the five city hospitals, ix 108] x 

«... place of keeper of Woodstreet comp- 
ter given by sheriffs Trecothick and Ken-~ 
nett, ix 115] 

..+ 4000 chaldrons of coals importable for 
the poor at a lower duty, ix 119] 

ees. arrival of Indian chiefs and their 
wives, ix 122] 

«e+» address from the W. India and Ame- 
rican merchants to the marq. of Rocking- 
ham out of place, ix 124] 

-.-. stock transferred by the committee of 
Blackfriars bridge to the Watermen’s 
compariy as a compensation for the ferry, 
ix 134] 137] 

++. Subscriptions of different companies 


for the sufferers by fire at Barbadoes and 
Montreal, ix 134] 

London: address to the king on the high 
price of provision, ix 135] exe 

... -—— on the birth of a 

princess, ix 143] 228] 

-+ ++ legacy toward a fund for soldiers and 
seamen and their families, ix 145] xi 

+--+ benefaction to the sufferers by fire at 
Barbadoes, ix 148] 

+.++ memorial by Mr. Evans on the frauds 
in measuring coals, ix 153] 

‘if ed subscription for the poor, x 50) 


«+s. plan for raising money for different 
improvements, and redeeming the toll on 
Blackfriars bridge proposed, x 50] 51] 

++. private burials from lock-up houses, x 
61] 69] 

«ss presentment of a house for B. India 
recruits in Chancery lane, x 68] xi 123] 
+++. actions brought against persons not 
a for buying and selling stock, x 

+... cattle killed in one year, x 76] 

- importation of corn, x 79] 107] xi 115] 

xxxviii 99. xlvii 417 

+++. provision seized by the mob in it’s 
way to market, x 85] xv 90] 91] 

++e. &@ guinea a quart given for green pease 
Le a city company at the end of May, x 

++.» piece of plate presented to J. Pater- 
son, esq. x 100] 

«+. 5th arch of the bridge allowed to the 
proprietors of the water works, x 100] 

++. Jew taken up for hawking hats, x 102] 

e+. duty of 6d, a chaldron on coals grant- 
ed for various purposes, 2. 

«+.. attempt of a country overseer to sell 
a girl in, x 117] 

«++. court of common council would not 
admit a deputy to act for the chamber- 
lain, x 137] 

--.. order for apprehending vagrants, x 

«+.» thanks of the common council to the 
four members, x 145] 

.... address on the birth of a 4th prince, 
and the death of the duke of York, x 
147] 234) 

100/, presented by the court of alder- 
men to the widow of ald. Cockayne, x 
149] : 

+++» petition to the House of Commons on 
the high price of provision, x 149] xi 

-... additions to the salaries of the recor- 
der and common sergeant, x 159] xlv 

-».. address on the shortening of public 
mournings, xi 59] 

+... fishermen found guilty of assaulting 
the waterbailiff’s deputies, xi 80] 



London: election of members, xi 82] 

---- riot at the Middlesex election, xi 86] 

+. ++ windows of the Mansion house demo- 
lished, 2d. 

ess» court of common council order a 
prosecution of the rioters, 7b. 

«e+. aflrays at Wapping among the coal- 
heayers, xi 93] 96] 99] 101] 108] 

+++. entertainment of the prince of Monaco 
at the Mansion house, xi 93] 

++..+ halfpenny loaf, in black crape, fixed up 
at the Exchange, xi 96] 

«+s.» riots of the seamen for an increase of 
wages, xi 105] 106] 115] 158] 

«++. Watermen prefer complaints to the 
lord mayor, xi 107] 
«++. mob assembled and broke the windows 
of the Mansion house, xi 110] 
++.. COalheavers, meetings for 
wages, xi 108] 111] 

+-.. money extorted by pretended coal- 
heavers, xi 113] 

»-.. butter stopped in it’s way to, 7d. 

+--+. affrays between the sailors and coal- 
heavers, xi 114) 119-21] 129) 

e..~ the lord mayor sworn a member of the 
privy council, xi 115] 138} 

-»-. small-arms lodged in the Tower for 
security, 2. 

«i.. engagement between the coalheavers 
and the military, «i 124] 

«++» several coalheavers found guily of 
murder, xi 136] 137] 139] 

«-.. very heavy rain, xi 163] 

++. visit of the k. of Denmark, xi 167] 

e+. premiums for herrings brought to 
Billingsgate, xi 176] 

«ee. address to his majesty on the birth of 
a 2nd princess, xi 185] 
«++. cordwainers’ company petition to have 
the drawback taken off leather, xi 197} 
+«.- act of com. council for regulating the 
watch, xi 202] 

. bc J. Wilkes elected alderman, xii 65] 


--.. his admission objected to, xii 72] 92] 

---- lease of the Finsbury estate, xii 70] 

---. instructions to representatives, xii 73] 

+«.. meeting at the King’s Arms to sign 
an address to his majesty, xii 80] 81] 84] 
88] 195] 

+.+- proposal to move Fleet market to the 
site of the Fleet prison, and the prison to 
that of Ely house, and make a street 
from Black Friars to the north road, xii 
81) xiii 131] 

+++ treatment of the loyal addressers, xii 
84] 207 

rise of 

+++» expense of improvements in, xii 85] 

+++.» attemptat a loyal address, xii 88] 

++», acts for the improvement of, xii 92] 
xiv 81] 

+» ++ lord mayor requested to call a common 
hall to consider of the state of affairs, xii 
94] 95] 99] 



London : restrictions of the right of petition- 
ing, xii 99] 

+... at the election of sheriffs the livery 
agree to petition the king, xii 109] 110] 
113] 114] 200] 

«+s. rescue of a general from the sheriff ’s 
officers, xii 182] 133] xiii 97] 

-- contested election for lord mayor, xii 
133] 137] 139] 140] 

+... attempts of the city officers to mislead 
the livery, xii 133] 134] 

+... resolutions of the livery in common 
hall after the election of the lord mayor; 
xii 139] 

-... thanks to deputy Paterson for his his- 
torical collection of papers evidencing 
the rights of the city, xii 145] 

+++. index to the by-laws ordered, 2d. 

«++. precept from the secretary of state to 
the sheriffs, to execute persons at a place 
different from that in the record of the 
sentence, xii 151] 154] 159] 181-7] 

«+.. 500/. ordered by the common council 
for the sufferers in Antigua, xii 161] 

+««s warm altercation in the court respect- 
ing ministerial influence, 2b. 

-».. the lord mayor declines admitting the 
guards into the city at the execution of 
the cutters in Spitalfields, xii 162] 

«+e. correspondence between the lord 
mayor and secretary at war on soldiers 
passing through the city, xii 187] 

eee petition to the king, xii 201] 

... narrative of what preceded it’s pre- 
sentation, xii 200] 

+... address, remonstrance, and petition, to 
the king, xiii 79*] 80] 25. 92] 199] 

+++. petition to the Commons against any 
farther duty on carriages, xiii 78] 

«+++ frequency of burglaries in, 2b. 

. Splendid entertainment of members of 
both houses of parliament by the lord 
mayor, xiii 81] 

++. Several windows broken for not illu- 
minating, xiii 83] 

+... in consequence of the late address, the 
goldsmiths’ company resolve, that their 
liverymen be not summoned to a meeting 
at Guildhall without it’s express consent, 
xiii 84] 92] 107] 156] xiv 80] 148] xv 
104] 110] xvi 188] xvii 101] xviii 88] 
124] 136) 

..+. Similar resolutions by the companies 
of weavers and of grocers, xiii 83} 86] 
92] xiv 80] 148] xv 104} 110] xvi 188] 
xvii 101] 

-++. another grand entertainment by the 
lord mayor, xiii 93] 

. address, petition, and remonstrance, 
on the answer to the former, xiii 105] 
106} 201} 203) 

.++. ——— on the birth of a princess, 
xiii 109] 111] 132] 251] 

.... thanks of the common council to lord 
Chatham for his conduct in parliament, 
xiii 115] 



London: statue voted to ald. Beckford, xiii 
125] 146] 

+++» proposal from the lords of the treasury 
to have the Fleet prison removed to St. 
George’s fields, xiii 131] 149] 

‘eeee court of common council on the 
orphan bill, London workhouse bill, his 
majesty’s answer to the address, and the 
conduct of the recorder, xiii 132] 133] 

eee. account of the seizure of Falkland 
Pea sent to the master of Lloyd’s, xiii 


‘ee+» application to the lord mayor to back 
press warrants, xiii 148] 

ee» censure on the recorder, xiii 149] 

e++- he is voted unworthy the confidence 
of the city, and never again to be advised 

. with, xiii 154] 

‘eee Serg. Glynn to be retained on all 
future occasions, xiii 155] 163] 

e+. court of conservancy held and five 
bills of indictment found for encroach- 
138]. at Durham Yard, xiii 155] 156] 

«e+ lieut. brought before the lord mayor 
for impressing men without a constable, 
xiii 157] 

ese+ an impressed journeyman barber 

oriene by ald. Wilkes to be discharged, 

ee.» bricklayer fined for taking up pave- 
ment without leave of the commissioners, 

ee. address, remonstrance, and petition, 
xiii 163] 164] 205] 

«++» letter from the lord mayor to the lords 
of the admiralty, and answer, xiii 203] 
204] ; 

e+. bounty to seamen, xiii 163] 205] 

«+e queries of the lord mayor on press 
warrants, and answers of counsel, xiii 

e+ ++ proceedings in the House of Commons 
in the case of printers, xiv 63] 184] 

e+e record in the lord mayor's court erased 
by the House, xiv 66*] 188] 

«-., ald. Oliver committed to the Tower, 
xiv 68*] 84] 90] 91] 189] 

«:.. thanks to the lord mayor and the two 
aldermen, and committee appointed to 
manage their defence, xiv 68*| 189] 

e+s- the Jord mayor committed to the 
Tower, xiv 69*] 85] 90] 91] 97] 189] 

ee. act for an embankment at Durbam 
yard without any regard to the rights of 
the city, xiv 70*] 79] 95] 97] 

e+». important regulation at the corn- 
market, xiv 65] 

e+ +. pressgang taken before the lord mayor 
for beating a drum in the city, xiv 67] 

---- lord mayor and sitting alderman re- 
fuse to back press-warrants, 2d. 

e+e press warrants backed by ald. ‘Harley, 
xiv 68] 

«+++ Motion of censure on him in the com- 


mon council, and another to discontinue 
the bounty to seamen, 7b. 

-... letter from the secretary of state on 
the convention with Spain, xiv 70] 

---- resolution to prosecute any peace 
officer executing a press-warrant, and the 
justice who backed it, 7d. 

-+++ companies obliged to obey the lord 
mayor’s precepts for a common hall, xiv 

«+++ resolution to defray the expense of 
ald. Oliver’s table, xiv 84] 

«--- soil of the embankment at Durham 
yard claimed by the dean and chapter of 
Westminster, id. 

+--+ several persons beheaded in effigy on 
Tower hill, xiv 89] 

«+.. another procession of a similar kind, 
xiv 91] 

+++. committee of the ward of Broad 
Street on their alderman’s refusing the 
mace to wait on ald. Crosby and Oliver, 
xiv 102] 

«ee» petition to the king on the embank- 
ment at Durham yard, xiv 102] 253] 

+++» money to be vested in the funds as a 
security in lieu of matters respecting the 
Bridge-house estate, xiv 102] 

+++. the court of common council and city 
officers to attend the aldermen on their 
enlargement, xiv 103] 

+.» proceedings on their release, xiv 104] 

..»- address of the ward of Bassishaw to 
the lord mayor, xiv 105] 

.+-- prosecution of the speaker of the H. 
of Commons proposed, xiv 112] 

«.»- address on the birth of a prince (all 
the gentlemen declined the honour of 
knighthood) xiv 113] 255) 

«++. demand of a per centage on Black- 
friars bridge by Mr. Mylne, xiv 114] 

«».. dispute between the grocers’ company 
and the abp. of Canterbury on the pre- 
sentation to Bow church, #4. 

«+. election of sherills, xiv 117] 121] 

+++. address, petition, and remonstrance, 
xiv 117] 122] 123] 192] xv 82*1] 

«ss» court of escheats, xiv 125] 

«++» declaration of sheriffs Wilkes and Bull 
that they will not admit a military force, 
xiv 142] 

«++» election of a Jord mayor, xiv 145-8] 

.. ++ Sheriff Wilkes declared no poll should 
be published, xiv 145] 

.... informations of disfranchisement filed 
against the master and wardens of the 
three refractory companies, xiv 148] 

+». Sale of city marshal’s place, 76. 

.... thanks of the city to sir R. Ladbroke, 
and Messrs. Trecothick, Townshend, 
Sawbridge, Baker, and Martin, for their 
conduct in parliament, xiy 190] 

«s+ resolution to provide a table for the 
lord mayor in the Tower, and his letter 
declining it, xiv 191] 



_ London: letter from the sheriffs on the re- 
port of the interference of the military at 

an execution, xiv 193] 

«++. cups voted to ald. Crosby, Wilkes, 
and Oliver, xv 68] 

-» +. Silver tickets issued by the carpenters’ 
company to it’s liverymen for admission 
into Guildhall at elections, xv 72] 

ee. request to summon a common hall, to 
give instructions to the representatives 
on a bill for shortening parliaments waved 
by the lord mayor, xv 74] 78] 

++» he agrees to call a court of common 
council, xv 75] 77] 

e+». subscription for reducing the high 
price of provision, xv 79] 86] 

-»-. high price of coals, xv 85] 

+++» petition to the commons for importa- 
tion of corn, xv 90] 

+... riot on account of the price of bread, 
xv 95] 

es» application of the tailors for an in- 
crease of wages, ib. 

«++. encouragement of the mackarel and 
herring fisheries, xv 100] 

--.- 400/. given to the sufferers by fire at 
Grenada, xv 109] 

«++» State coach presented by the Russia 
merchants to the empress, xv 128] 

==. price of milk raised, xv 129] 

e+.- methodist missionaries to America as- 
semble on a stage on Tower hill, xv 133] 

+... vote of censure on the late lord mayor, 
xv 138] 

-»-. restriction of the salary of recorders 
accepting offices from the crown, 2d. 

---- riot at Guildhall, xv 147] 

++.» twelve new aldermen in four years, 
xvi 70] 

«+.- address on the birth of a 6th prince, 
xvi 73] 

+--- lord mayor v. Barnes and Golightly 
for insuring lottery tickets, xvi 80] 

«+.- ata common hall petition for redress 
of grievances voted, xvi 82] 86] 209] 

+»-- resolution to elect no member who will 
not sign an engagement to endeavour at 
shortening the duration of parliaments, 
xvi 83] 

+++.» motion of ald. Sawbridge for a bounty 

on foreign wheat, xvi 84] 

«++. petition to the H. of Commons against 
lotteries, 7b. : 

++. Silver tickets issued by the cook’s 
company for the admission of their livery- 
men to Guildhall, xvi 99] 

+++» importation of coals into, xvi 103] xxi 
161] xxxvii 133 

| «s-. petition to the H. of Commons against 

the E. India bill, xvi 104] 214] 

«++. motion to address the king on the 

ior of a princess of Gloucester, xvi 

| «s+ 1000/7. a year granted to the recorder 

, during pleasure, xvi 110] 

Parr I, 


London : 200/. a year additional granted to 
the common sergeant, xvi 110} 

.... message from the committee of the E. 
India company respecting the India bill, 
xvi 212] 

-+++ Guildhall refused for drawing the 
Adelphi lottery, xvii 84] 

«s+ petition to the Commons for leave to 
make a canal from Moorfields to Waltham 
abbey, xvii 96] 

+-+. address on the birth of a 7th prince, 
xvii 99] 

+--+ two-wheeled car drawn by men not 
allowed in the streets, xvii 110] 

«+s. precautions to prevent any but livery- 
men having access to Guildhall at elec- 
tions &c. xvii 116] 

+++» petition against the bill respecting the 
navigation of the Thames, xvii 118] 

--.. address to the king to withhold his as- 
sent to the Quebec bill, xvii 129] 130] 

«+e» election of the bailiff of Southwark, 
xvii 138] 

+++» declaration signed by four of the can- 
didates for, xvii 155] 

.».. J. Wilkes chosen mayor, xvii 155] 

++». nonresident partner in a warehouse 
not liable to serve as constable for the 
ward, xvii 169] 

e+.» petitions on American affairs, xviti 
50] 52] 71] 83°] 89*] 112*] 251] 267) 

ee.» the city informed, that no address from 
the lord mayor and aldermen, except in 
their corporate capacity, would be re- 
ceived on the throne, xviii 113*]- 107] 
xix 39] 

+... meal-weighers examined on account 
of the price of corn, xviii 86] 

+». watchhouse in Moorfields broken open, 
and a prisoner rescued, xviii 89] 111] 

.».. thanks to lord Chatham for his moving 
aconciliatory bill toward America,xviii 91 

..+. places of head and under marshal 
should not be sold, xviii 92] 

«.-- settlement respecting the under mar- 
shalmen, xviii 123] 

.».. proceedings at burning pamphiets 
voted libels, xviii 95] 

.... thanks to the peers and commoners 
who voted against the New England 
fishery bill, xviii 104] 

«+. petition and remonstrance on Ameri- 
can affairs, xviii 106] 

.»-~ bounties for assistance at fires offered 
by St. Dunstan’s in the West, xviii 111] 
-».. daughter of a tradesman trepanned 

and sent abroad, xviii 136] 

.»+- motion in common council for an 
answer to the address from New York 
negatived, xviii 139] 140] 

++». smuggled goods not to be seized with- 
out a warrant from a city magistrate, xviii 



London: proclamation for suppressing re- 
bellion and sedition, xviii 149] 

+++» drum beaten by a recruiting party in 
the Old Bailey, xviii 158] 

-+e- letter from the American congress, 
xviii 163] 

xviii 167] xix 252] 

+++ alteration in the mode of printing the 
Sessions Paper, xviii 174] 

-».. thanks to Mr. Wilkes, and a present 
of 100/. for the care he took of the plate 
and furniture at the mansion house, xviii 

++. humble address and petition to the 
king, xviii 255] 

«+.. address of merchants and traders to 

the king in support of the proseedings 

against America, xvili 269] 

se liverymen to the same pur- 

pose, xviii 271] 

--.~ fresh address and remonstrance to the 
king, xix 39] 

+... the king refuses to receive it on the 
throne, xix 40] 

e+-+ consequent resolutions: the address 
ordered to be published in the papers; 

and a copy of the address and of the 

resolutions presented to the king by the 
sherifis, 2d, 

+++» instructions to the members, 7b. 

-+.. address from the corporation received 
on the throne, xix 41] 

-»+» letter from the committee of New 
York, zd, 

«+.. thanks to the earl of Effingham on 
his throwing up his commission, xix 43] 
+. ++ petition of the W. India merchants 
in the prohibitory bill, xix 111] 


-»-. ald. Hopkins elected chamberlain, xix 
121] 154] 

«+++ list of chamberlains since the Reyo- 
lution, 76. 

+--+» aldermen not exempt from the office 
of churchwarden, xix 125] 

“ganar and petition to the king, xix 


«+++ ——-— on the birth of a 4th princess, 
xix 134] 

«+++ proposal to increase the allowance to 
the lord mayor, xix 135] 169] 190] 

+--+. damages recovered from the company 
of wharfingers for goods damaged on 
board their lighters, xix 148] 

+++- committee for receiving voluntary con- 
tributions for the soldiers serving in Ame- 
rica, xix 164] 

+++. receipt and expenditure of various 
mayors, xix 169] 

«+++ bell erected in Smithfield to be rung 
at opening and closing the cattle market, 
xix 173] 

«++. allinterludes &c. prohibited at Bar- 
tholomew fair, xix 176] 

petitions to the Lords and Commons, ° 


London: one of the Jord mayor's watermen 
pressed, xix 193] xx 28] 
+ method of burying the poor, xix 119 
«+++ disputes with the admiralty on press- 
ing seamen, xx 28] 167] 174] 176] 177] 
178] 186] Yee 
+--+ petition against the bill for securing 
persons suspected of treason, xx 62] 168] 

++. act to enable the city to purchase the 
tolls of the Thames west of London 
bridge, xx 179] { 

+--+. action against the penny-post to decide 
the extent of the suburbs, xx 185] 

capt. Kirk for impress- 
ing a waterman, xx 186] 

++. governor of Bethlem and Bridewell 
charged with appropriating bread, &c, to 
his own use, xx 201] 203] 

«+.. two old sheriffs sworn to execute the 
office till two others are elected, xx 

e+.. petition from the creditors of alder- 
man Wilkes, xx 206] 208] 

+e.» Speech of the lord chancellor to sir J. 
Esdaile, the new lord mayor, xx 208] 

+--+ motion for a pension to ald. Wilkes 
negatived, xx 209] 

+++» Subscription for American prisoners, 
xx 216] xxi 79] 162] 4 

“ays effect of the American war on, xxi 


+++ Associated Livery (in favour of minis- 
ters) xxi 82] 

«+++ court called on raising men for govern- 
ment, xxi 83] 162] 

+... address, petition, and remonstrance 
on the American war, xxi 84] 170] 306] 
xxii 53] 

+++. private subscription for raising men, 
xxi 85] 163] 

+»+- petitions to the Commons for money 
for the Sessions house, Newgate, and a 
ah from Bishopsgate to Barbican, xxi 

+++» election of marshals, xxi 175] 

+--+ nonsuited in an action against people 
landing fruit at Black Friars, xxi 195] 

...+. Mr. Baker’s motion for thanks to it’s 
representatives, xxi 203] 204] 

++.» motion of censure on the lord mayor 
for refusing to put it, xxi 204] 

.».. farther censure on him, xxi 210] 

+++. appointment of a deputy in conse- 
quence of the ill health of the recorder, 

--.- vote of thanks to sir J. Esdaile nega- 
tived in the Common Council, but carried 
in the court of aldermen, xxi 210] 211] 

+++. painting proposed as a memorial of 
lord Chatham, xxi 213] 

«+++ proceedings on the death of lord 
Chatham, xxi 240] 

«+++ Tiots on the acquittal of adm. Keppel, 
xxii 198] 201] 



patos number of empty houses in, xxii 

»»». action against the inhabitants of Finch- 
ley for toll on hay in Smithfield, xxii 
220] e 

+... resolution that the salary of the re- 
corder be 600]. a year in future, xxii 

+. +» Serg. Adair elected recorder, xxii 229] 

-++- assault on the city officers, xxii 231] 

e»-- J. Wilkes elected chamberlain, xxii 
234] 235] 

++». Statue to the memory of lord Chatham, 
xxii 238] xxv 223] . 

-»+. thanks to the duke of Richmond and 
lord Shelburne, xxiii 81] 

+++ letters of thanks to all the peers who 
voted for their motions, xxiii 82] 

+». orders to disarm all persons not belong- 
ing to the militia or carrying arms under 
the royal authority, xxiii 197*] 266] 

+».»» question on the right of the common- 
councilmen to be governors of the royal 
hospitals, xxiii 195] 207] 

-++- impressment of a freeman, xxiii 200] 

---- claim of the oyster-meters confirmed, 
xxiii 201] 

---- thanks and freedom of the city to 
adm. Rodney, 4. 

+... message to lord Shelburne after his 
duel, xxiii 204] 

+++. publicans to appear in person to re- 
new their licenses, xxiii 206] 

«++. v, inhabitants of Richmond on the 
soil of the Thames, xxiii 210] 215] 

+++» thanks of the common council and 
freedom of the city voted to judge Gould, 
xxiii 216] 217] 

-».- address of thanks to his majesty for 
aid to suppress the riots, xxiii 219] 

«++. expense of the soldiery to, xxiii 220] 

++». motions in common council on the ex- 
penditure of the lord mayor, xxiii 229] 
xxiv 183] 

«-»- action against the lord mayor for 
yoeencs at the riots, xxiii 230] 231] xxiv 


+«+- motion for paying the costs of an 
alderman refusing to serve as church- 
warden, xxiii 23] ] 

++». limitation of the expenses of courts 
of conservancy, id. 

+... vacancies in all committees to be 
filled up at a second court. 24, 

«+ «+ court of common council to inspect all 
bills drawn upon the corporation, 2b. 

-+++ 10 money to be paid ont of the cham- 
- without special direction of the court, 

++++ correspondence between the secre- 
taries of state &c. and the mayor and 
aldermen, relative to the riots, xxiii 264] 

++ trials of the rioters, xxiii 271] 

++-- meeting of delegates from the asso- 
ciated counties, xxiv 194*] 



London ; 1000/. ordered for the relief of the 
sufferers in the W. Indies, xxiv 171] 

+.++ money to be raised by the inhabitants 
for the damage in the riots, xxiv 197] 
xxv 199] 

-»-. address, petition, and remonstrance to 
the king, xxiv 199] 320] 

.».. subscription for the widows and chil- 
dren of the persons lost in the Royal 
George, xxv 227*] 

«».. resolutions in common hall on the 
king’s declining to receive their address 
on his throne, xxv 195] 

+++ approbation of the committee of cor- 
respondence with the counties 7d. 

+++. new committee appointed, 7d, 

+... protest against the hall, xxv 196] 

..-. address on the change of ministry, 
xxv 205] 297] 

«++. Tobberies attended with cruelty to 
be reported to the king without delay, 
xxv 220] 

++. notice given of expected peace, xxv 

«+. the chapel to be converted into a jus- 
tice room, xxv 228] 

-».- 1002. ,voted for prisoners at Christmas 
instead of soliciting benefactions, 2b. 

++.» letter to the lord mayor on the pros- 
pect of peace, xxvi 158] 

++. cessation of hostilities 
xxvi 196] 

-.-. address on the peace, xxvi 197] 

++» arrival of many foreign nobility, xxvi 

-».. free cornfactors entitled to a duty on 
corn consigned to them, xxvi 206] 

-» +. address on the birth of a princess and 
majority of the prince of Wales, xxvi 

.... proclamation of peace, 2d. 

...» thanks to ald. Newnham, 1. m. xxvi 


.... acknowledgment of the timely inter- 
ference of the H. of Lords for the pre- 
servation of the constitution, xxvii 

..+. Secondary of the Compter suspended 
for levying an execution on the E. India 
company without authority from the 
sheriffs, xxvii 184] 

.... insurance offices against, for money 
paid for houses burnt in the riots, xxvil 

.»+. commissioners for the shoptax refuse 
to qualify themselves, xxvii 236] 

.+.. action against Mr, Watson for obstruct- 
ing the navigation of the Thames by a 
floating dock, xxviii 200] 

..-. address to his majesty on his escape 
from assassination, xxviii 259] 

.. +» claim of jurisdiction over Southwark, 
xxx 214] 


to the rt. h. W. Pitt, xxvii 


London: complaint of the crowded state of 
the prisons, xxx 223] 

eeee Citizens free of tolls on the exporta- 
a3 goods from any English port, xxxi 


++». address to the king on his recovery, 
Xxxi 321] 
xxxt 322] 

+++. J. Silvester chosen common sergeant 
during pleasure, but the restriction re- 
scinded as illegal on the next court day, 
xxxii 211] 

+++» action against a person for the fine for 
refusing to serve as sheriff, xxxii 221] 

+... address on the Spanish convention, 
xxxii 305] 

. i money allowed the chamberlain, xxxiii 

queen, on the same, 

e».. subscription for the Poles, xxxiv 3], 
41, 101, 102 

wee. address on the peace with Tippoo 
Sultan, xxxiv40 ~ 

+++. militia to hold themselves ready to 
suppress tumults, xxxiv 46 

+--+ meeting at Merchant Tailors’ hall, in 
support of ‘the constitution, xxxiv 49 

+++. meetings of the wards, xxxiv 96, 97 

»+-- petition against the duty on coals, 
xxxv 164] 

eo» bounty to seamen, xxxv 2 

s+ sale of the office of city remembrancer , 
xxxv I] 

«+++ how supplied with milk, xxxv 375 

+++» manufacture of bricks, xxxv 378 

+++. Supply of house and early grass lamb, 

++» proclamation of the lord mayor res- 
pecting riots, xxxvi 25 

++. militia new modelled, xxxvii 213] 

+++» West Indiaman driven through the 
bridges and grounded off Somerset house, 
Xxxvii 3 

++.. contested elections for the Common 
Council, xxxvii 48 

+»-~ petition to the Commons for peace, 
xxxvil 105. xxxviii 5] 

e+.. sheriffs ordered to attend the barons 
of the Exchequer in consequence of de- 
ficient returns, xxxviii 16 

«+.. Instruction to members to move a cen- 
sure of ministers for sending money to 
the emperor during the sitting of parlia- 
ment without it’s consent, xxxviii 46 

+++. letter from Mr. Pitt to the lord mayor 
on the subscription ‘oan, xxxviii 94 

es. address to the king on the rupture of 
the negotiation for peace, xxxix 7 

«+s. notice to the lord mayor of the land- 
ing in Pembrokeshire, xxxix 8 

+++. resolutions of merchants and bankers 
on the stoppage of the Bank, xxxix 9 

+++. petitions to the king to dismiss his 
ministers, xxxix 15, 83 

vs» the king refuses to receive the petition 


LO : 
of the livery on his throne, xxxix 15, 20, 

London: interview of the sheriffs with his 
majesty on the subject, xxxix 21 

.++. resolutions of the livery on it, xxxix 22 

«.+. number of aliens in, xxxix 20 

«+. votes of censure on the lord mayor, 
xxxix 22, 28, 85 

-... lord mayor’s answers to requisitions 
for a common hall, xxxix 23,27 

ee». resolutions at a common hall, xxxix 
27, 84 

++ ee contested election for sheriffs, xxxix 35 

--., sir B. Hammett fined for refusing to 
serve the office of mayor, xxxix 53 

«++» ald, Clarke elected chamberlain, xl 2 

..».- voluntary subscription for the defence 
of the country, xl 7, 20, 85 

«++. guards set over the New River, and 
Hackney and London bridge waterworks, 
x1 31 

+... attempt to abolish Bartholomew fair, 
x1 57 

.... sword of adm. Blanquet presented by 
adm. Nelson, xl 87 

..«» sword voted to lord Nelson, and free- 
dom of the city to capt. Berry, xl 87. xli 

-.». resolutions of a meeting on raising 
part of the supplies within the year, xl 


-»+-new church of St. Martin Outwich 
consecrated, 7b. 

«+». old well discovered in Cornhill, xli 
10. xlii 9 

e+. subscription for a piece of plate for 
the American com. Truxton, xli 11 

«+... treasure from Spanish prizes lodged in 
the Bank, xli 40 

+... subscription for the industrious poor, 

-... sword presented to lord St. Vincent, 
xli 41 

+... parliamentary grants for survey of the 
Isle of Dogs, plans of docks, &c. xli 196. 
xlii 165. xliii 144. xlv 625. xlvi 580, 583. 
xlvii 591. 1184* 

-+.- act for wet docks in different places, 
xlii 158] 

«eee commotions on account of dearth, xlii 
212] 34 

+++ petition to the Commons for peace, xlii 

-.«. new dock at the Isle of Dogs begun, 
xlii 24 

-... seditious handbills 
monument, xlii 33 

«++. petition to the king on the dearth, xlii 
39, 40 

++. attempt to collect a mob on Kenning- 
ton common, xlii 42 

+++. State of the poor, xlii 117. xliii 17] 
18] 144, 145 

seo. tithe cause, xliii 15 

e+» income of, xliii 18 

posted on the 



London: supposed increase of, xliii 18 

+... Notice of the convention with Russia, 
xliii 24 

-»+. the True Blue on Tower hill burnt, 
xlili 35 

e+.» petition for repeal of the income tax, 
xliv 93 

+++» proclamation of peace, xliv 181, 396 

-»++ Notice of signing the definitive treaty 
sent to the lord mayor, xliv 382, 383 

-» +» disagreement between the lord mayor 
and sheriffs respecting the entertainment 
at Guildhall, xliv 394 

-+.. inquiry into the state of mendicity, 
xliv 580. lvii 575, 594 

.... Settlement of disputes with France an- 
nounced by a pretended government mes- 
senger, xlv 127, 385 

«+. address to the king on his escape from 
traitorous designs, xlv 373 

--.. sword and freedom presented to adm, 
Saumarez, xlv 374 

+++ State bed at the Mansion house, xlv 

+++. Members instructed to oppose the 
property tax, xlv 402 

«+.» Common Council resolve to raise 800 
men for the public service, ¢d. 

° —. of Farringdon without, xlv 


esc —— of a meeting of merchants 
in the Exchange, xlv 411 

+++. thanks of Common Council to the 
lord mayor, xly 458 : 

-»+.» Salary of the recorder increased, 7. 

+++ resolutions of Common Council on a 
proposal of thanks to Mr. Addington, xlvi 

«+++ progress of the new docks, xlvi 353 

«... Commercial road, xlvi 354 

«+. number of places of worship in, xlvi 

+. +. new oyster bed in the Medway claimed 
by the corporation, xlvi 414 

..+» letter from lord Nelson, xlvi 415 

-».. thanks to capt. Maitland and lieut. 
Yeo, xlvii 401 

«++» dams of the canal at Blackwall burst, 
xlvii 407 

«++. enlargement and regulation of Smith- 
field market, and new street from Fleet 
market to Islington proposed, xlvii 420 

+++. repair of St. Dunstan’s church, xlvii 

+++. monument to lord Nelson voted, and 
swords and freedom of the city to the 
three admirals under him, xlvii 430 

«++. sword and freedom of the city to capt. 
Hardy, xlviii 365 

-.--address to the king to remove lord 
Melville, xlvii 616 
Trafalgar, xlvii 617 

+».. monument to Mr, Pitt in Guildhall 
voted, xlviii 16, 368 

on the victory of 



London: sheep brought by the canal to 
Paddington, xlviii 411 

e+-- horse patrol round, xlviii 637. See 
Horse patrol 

+... address to the king on the formation 
of a new ministry, xlviii 675 

+++. motion for a petition to parliament 
against the catholic bill negatived, xlix 3 

-».. address to the king on changing his 
ministers, xlix 420 

sh ow —— to the duchess of Brunswick, 
xlix 468 

+... answer to it’s petition for an inquiry 
into the convention of Cintra, | 224] 

-».. grand dinner to the Spanish deputies, 

-+.. subscription to assist the Spaniards, 1 

++» action against the London dock com- 
pany for the right of gauging, li 270 

«.-- celebration of the jubilee, li 339 

-++- resolutions on the corrupt disposal of 
places brought to light by col. Wardle, li 

on the waste of lives and 
treasure in the late military enterprises, 
li 532 

+++. address to the king on the occasion, li 

-+e» answer to it, lii 57 

-+ +» bounties on fish brought to, li 537 

.+++ petition to the Commons against lord 
Wellington’s annuity, lii 35 

..+. Tiot on the imprisonment of sir F. 
Burdett, lii 105 

--.. resolutions on the imprisonment of 
sir F, Burdett, 1ii 357 

+» +» petition to the Commons for the re- 
lease of sir F. Burdett and Gale Jones 
rejected, lii 110, 359 

«++» resolutions on the occasion, lii 249* 

.... a second received, lii 110, 249* 

.... refusal of the king to receive an ad- 
dress on the throne, lii 243* 

--+~ resolutions in consequence, lii 244* 

+.» the address, lii 245° 

.... address from persons styling them-~- 
selves an adjourned meeting of livery- 
men, lii 250* wel ie 

++. resolutions of the ward of Farringdon 
without, lii 252* 

.... petition against granting a pension to 
lord Wellington, lii 257° 

..++ Meeting and countermeeting on the 
power of imprisonment claimed by the 
Commons, lii 260* 

..-- copy of the proceedings of the livery 
delivered to sir F. Burdett, in the Tower, 
by the sheriffs and a deputation, ¢d. 

«++ court of common council on the pro- 
ceedings of the H. of Commons, lii 264* 

.... swords presented to adm. lord North- 
esk and sir R. Strachan, lii 271 

.».. monument of lord Nelson in Guild- 
hall, Hi 281. liii 48 


London : committee on extending the time 
of election and qualification of aldermen, 
lii 284 : 

.+-. Statue of George III to be placed in 
the council chamber, ii 284. lvii 38 

.«.. the Jord mayor to continue in office on 
account of the king’s illness, lii 284 

+... address to the regent, liii 11] 

ses» expenses of improving the port de- 
frayed by the public, liii 307 

+... bill fora nightly watch, proposed, liv 
20] 333 

++ illuminations for the victory at Sala- 
manca, liv 104 

«+-. address to the princess of Wales on 
the conduct pursued toward her, Iv 99] 

++. new prison for debtors in Whitecross 
street, lv 47 . 

-... several bakers fined for false returns 
of the price of flour, lv 80 

«. 4s illuminations on the abdication of Buo- 
naparte, lvi 29 

.... address of congratulation to the king 
of France, lvi 35 

+++. illuminations on the arrival of the 
emperor of Russia and the king of Prus- 

’ sia, lvi 45 

.. +. civic banquets to them, lvi 48, 552 

o»++ peace proclaimed, lvi 52 

-... entertainment of the duke of Welling- 
ton, lvi 59 

+. assize of bread repealed, lvii 53] 

e+. assessment of the Mansion-house to 
the poor rate, lvii 40 . 

: “a petitions against the property tax, lviii 

«++. game brought from Lapland, lviii 25 

+++. Subscription for rebuilding the Pro- 
testant church &c. at Copenhagen, lviii 

+++» public houses and shows at Bartholo- 
mew fair shut at midnight, lviii 136 

-... difficulties from persons refusing plain 
silver, lviii 145 ; 

++.» projects for the improvement of, Iviii 

+++. ald. Wood rechosen mayor, lviii 180 

+... riot in Spaefields, viii 190, 200 

-».»+ address on the distressed state of the 
country, lviii 417 

-+-« the regent’s answer, lviii 419 

+... applications for a license for a debating 
society, lix 33, 40 

+++.» lord mayor’s show forborne on account 
of the death of the princess Charlotte, 
lix 109 

+++» resolutions of common council on the 
transactions at Manchester, Ixi 110] 

ses. address to the regent on the occasion, 
Ixi 111] 

ess. remonstrance to the lord mayor on 
his refusal to call a common hall, lxi 

_ 112) 

+++» Southwark bridge opened, }xi 20 



London, (gardener in the 17th cent.) 
xxxviii 450, 454 

on bridge : temporary wooden burned 

.+.. opened for foot passengers, i 90 

++.» grants of parliament toward, i 91. ii 
173. iii 186] v 183] viii 237] 

«+. attempts to fire, i 106 

..-- 5th arch allowed to the proprietors of 
the waterworks, x 100] 

« cost of repairs, xiii 176] 

«... tolls on, xiv 94] 

..+. damaged by a W. Indiaman driving 
through, xxxvii 3 

-.+- history of, xxxix 418 

a damaged by the mast of a barge, xl 

London docks : action against the company 
for damages, xliv 354 

.... foundation stone laid, xliv 417 

«+e progress of, xlvi 353 

-.., opened, xlvii 358 

+++. general inspection of, xlvii 395 

--.. action against by the city on the right 
of gauging, li 270 

.» +. robbery of a vessel in, liii 86 

..-. man killed by the machinery, lv 26 

London Female Penitentiary, lix 368 

London hospital: collections for, ii 86. iii 
93] iv 104] vi 68] vii 57] viii 73] ix 84] 
x 86] xi 92] xii 91] xiv 94] xv 89] xvi 
92] xvii 109] xviii 110] 

+++. benefactions to, v 108] vi 67] 109] vii 
81] viii 141] ix 102] 106] xi 18. xii 107] 
xv 89] 123] 126] 

-++« second wing building, xv 89] xvii 109] 

i Institution, new building for, lvii 

London lying in Hospital: collections for, i 
93. ii 89. iv 114] viii 109] x 75] xiii 
119] xvi 104] xix 135] 

+++. report of, v 94] 

«++. bevefactions to, v 68] ix 106] 117] x 
168] xi J19] 

++. first stone laid, xiii 154] 

London Workhouse, part to be fitted up 
ree the prisoners from Ludgate, iv 72] 


«++. legacies to, vii 81 

Londonderry, Rob. 2nd marq. xl 159. xlii 
113] xliii 154] 162] 165] 167] xliv 30, 
105, 156, 179. xlv 3, 18, 78, 97, 107, 142, 
187, 196, 203, 204, 211. xlvi 7, 8, 19, 30, 
36, 43. 66, 69, 72, 79, 82, 90, 93, 110. 
xlvii 24, 51, 61, 63, 64, 71, 82, 103, 110, 
114, 223. xlviii 15, 29n, 42, 44, 51, 56, 
85, 89n. 107, 255n, 256. xlix 40, 43, 73, 
77, 92, 94, 96, 163, 164, 245, 684. 1 21] 
32] 53] 84] 107] 110] 111] 113] 115] 
221*. 112, 8, 38, 43, 44n, 50, 58, 63, 70, 
79, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 122, 126, 
151, 152, 157, 160, 223, 225, 239, 399, 
421, 422, 504, 517, 914. lii 18, 34, 59, 
77, 80, 109, 136, 259°, 341, 523. liti 20]. 
18, 240. liy 41] 49] 57] 68] 76] 77) 82] 


83] 92] 93] 114] 116] 117] 120] i. 124] 
125] 130] 169] 191] 216] 222] 349, 420, 
442. lv 2] 3] 7] 16] 17] 18] 19] 20] 21] 
22] 24] 29] 57] 58] 61] 62] 91] 92] 95] 
ib. 202] 204] 205] 207] 210] 211] lvi 17] 
25] 85] 118] 133] 140] 142] 144] 148] 
149] 150] 151] 164] 166] 167] 47. lvii 9] 
10] 11] 13] 21) 24] 31] 33] 50) 51] 52] 
74] 90] 23, 81, 360, 371, 410, 588, 601. 
- lviii 3] 5] 11] 12] 26] 29] 30] #4. 34] 37] 
43] 45] 53] 54] 55] 56 | 57] 59] 87] lix 6} 
12] 14] 26] 28] 37] 41] 52] 57] 58] 73] 
82] 83] 97] 53. Ix 9] 10] 18] 22] 26. 23] 
39] 48] 53] 81] 84] 85] 86] 122] 123} 
125] 129] 141] 145] 150] 146. lxi 10] 11] 
16] 20] 22] 31] 33] 45] 50] 54] 70] 73] 
76] 78] 81] 84] 85] 87] 124] 130] 141) 
150] 151] 153] 154] 158] ¢6. 
Londonderry, Rob. 2nd marq. mission to 
the continent, lv 102 
Long, C, xxxiv 132, 144. xxxvi 93. xxxvii 
125. xlvii 559, xlviii 43. xlix 94, 1 221°. 
lv 50] : 
Dudley, xxix 165} 
—— Edw. xlvi 87 
—— Elisha, lv 22 
—— J. xxxiii 290] 
lieut. (N) xxv 95] 
—— m. gen. Rob. Ballard, liii 210, 221. 
liv 221 y 
Paul, Ivii 10 
rey. Dr. Roger, ii 174, 175. xi 189] 
—— S. xxxiv 78 
—— sir James Tylney, xxvii 268] lv 276 
de, xxxiii 180 
Long Acre, fire in, xv 111] 
Longa, gen. lii 210. lv 140] 190, 222, 229. 
lxi 58 
Longevity, observations on, xxviii 61 
«+.» instances of, i 91, 96. ii 67, 68, 78, 
81, 84, 87, 94, 98, 101, 110, 115, 116, 
132, 369. iii 65] 66] 76] 77] 82] 88] 90] 
100] 110] 126] 127] 132] 143] 146] 149] 
153] 160] 162] iv 69] 78] 92] 105] 118] 
130] 144] 156] 162] 163] 174] 182} 190] 
191] v 68] 73] 78] 84] 88] 92] 96] 102] 
106] 114] 120] 122] 123] vi 54] 61] 67] 
74] 79] 87] 93] 98] 104] 109] 114] 122] 
vii 49] 55) 61] 62] 72] 78] 91] 95] 102} 
108] 111] 117] viii 64] 70] 77] 96] 108) 
116] 127] 134] 142] 148] 159] ix 49] 71] 
81] 92) 97] 101] 102} 104] 113] 121} 
131] 140] 147] 151] 159] x 55] 67] 80] 
87] 95] 106] 114] 115} 125] 135] 143] 
168] xi 67] 74] 76] 77) 90] 104] 117] 
118] 133] 134] 148] 162] 175] 182] 191) 
203] 91. xii 71] 78] 87] 98] 106] 111] 
120) nit 136] 147] 158] 165] 94, 97. 
xiii 70) 77] 88] 102] 114] 115] 124] 133] 
134] 143] 144] 150] 160] 168] 176] xiv 
72) 79] 89] 100] 101] 111] 120] 121] 
130] 138] 146] 152] 157] 158] 165] 166] 
xv 71] 80] 88] 97] 103] 112] 120] 125] 
- 129 sil 143] 154] xvi 72] 79] 87) 97) 
106} 116] 123) 130] 139] 145) 146} 150) 


156] xvii 88] 98] 107] 117] 124] 133] 
139] 144] 154] 167] 176] 86. xviii 87] 
96] 114] 115] 127] 128] 151] 163] 180] 
xix 119] 123] 129] 137] 157] 176) 181] 
190] 204] xx 170] 175] 179] 189] 207] 
212] 216] xxi 165] 174] 180} 185] 193] 
208] 212] 216] xxii 204] 214] 218] 221} 
228] 232] 237] 240] xxiii 197] 198] 201] 
205] 210] 214] 218] 221] 225] ost 232] 
236] 240] 241] xxiv 165] 190] 193] 202} 
xxv 197] 204] 221] 224] xxvi 195] 197] 
203] 209] 212] 220] xxvii 182] 186] 200] 
233] 236] 238] 242] xxviii 38] 197] 201] 
202] 205] 207] 208] 212] 215] 61, 64.- 
xxix 195] 198] 201] 227] 229] xxx 196] 
200] 204] 206] 210] 213] xxxi 197] 203) 
205] 210] 232] xxxii 194] 195] 196] 199] 
209] 219] 226] 231) xxxiii 13] 35] xxxiv 
3, 16, 20, 39, 43, 46. xxxv 5, 25, 26, 36. 
xli 12, 28. xliv 467. xlv 372, 380, 394, 
426. xlvi 365, 371, 376, 383, 391, 397, 
404, 418, 428, 436, 442. xlvii 360, 375, 
391, 394, 396, 410, 417, 424. xlix 372, 
517, 519. 12%, 5*, 42%, 158. li 272, 285. 
liii 167. liv 25, 183. lv 49, 54, 124. lvi 74, 
75, 88, 141 

Longevity, circumstances favourable © to, 
xxxvi 407 

Longfield, col xliii 164] 

Longford, E. Mich. 2nd lord, xxii 59] xxxi 
311] 313] 314] 317] 

——— T. Ist earl, liii 55] liv 215} 

—— T. Ist lord, xii 178] xiv 247] 

Longhurst, J. lvi 337 

Longinus, xix 142. xx 2. xxiv 146 

Longitude : trials of Harrison’s timekeep- 
ers for the discovery of the, v 76] 99] viii 

.... acts respecting the discovery of the, v 
80] xiii 108] xxiii 218] 

.».. rewards given by the board of, v 99} 
vii 99] 

. es. ——-—— to J. Harrison by parliament, 
vi 65] xvi 109] 229] 

»..- commigsioners from France, to assist 
the Royal Society in reporting on Mr. 
Harrison’s timekeeper, vi 77] 

«.+. voyage for trial of means of ascertain- 
ing, vi 99] 

..-- board held for determining the merit 
of three methods, vii 99] 

..». 10007. advanced to Mr. Witchell, viii 

aes eitastsace of a Nautical Ephemeris 
directed, 24. 

+-+. proceedings relative to the discovery 
of, by means of timekeepers, viii 113 

.... trials of instruments, x 96] 124] 141] 
xviii 84] 

. recommendation of timekeepers, xxvii 

.».. variation of the compass an uncertain 
guide, xxvii 158 

Longman, J. xliii 451 

Longmore, Josiah, xliii 454 


Longolius, v 149 

Longprie, de, iv 139-141] 

Longstaff, Han. liv 288 

Longuet, rey. murder of, lix 11 

Longueville, capt. iv 157] 

——_———. Rich. vise. li 421 

W, ii 468 

Lonigen, Edw. executed for murder, xxix 

Lanedab James, Ist earl of. See Lowther, 
sir James 

Rich. and others, Dor. Harker and 

others v. xi 155] 

W. earl of, xxxix 111] xliv 407. 

xlv 424. xlviii 360, 1 114°. lvi 164] 

W. (mariner) xli 405 


Loo, Andreas de, xxi 237 

Loof, Dr. A. J. xxxiii 363] 

Looker, W. lvii 261 

Loon, account of the, xxxviii 392 

Looney, Dan. iv 184] 

Loosemore, W. xli 406 

Lopez, Diego, ii 223 

fath. liii 124] 

gen. xiii 60] 

sir Manasseh, xlviii 458 

-... convicted of bribery, Ixi 210 

Lord Howe island, xxxiii 66] 

Lords, House of : it’s importance as a judi- 
cial court, i 452. xxvi 178] 

«+... duties of members, xxxvii 177*] 

«+++ privileges of the house, lii 94 

«-.. charges of perfecting index to jour- 
nals, xxxvii 118, xxxix 169. xli 196, xliii 
144. xliv 583. xlv 625. xlvi 580. xlvii 
589. xlviii 637. li 536 

---- grants for printing journals, xxxviii 
107. xlii 166] 1i 537. lii 424. Ix 422 

«++. grant for printing index to journals, 
}xi 419 

--+- grant for printing bills, reports &c. lx 

---- grant for completing MS, journals, 
xlii 165 

+--+ money issued to the chairman of com- 
mittees, xliii 144, 190. xliv 580. xlv 625, 
xlvi 580. xlvii 588. xlviii 637. xlix 730*. 
1 185*, 1i 537, 1ii 423 

«++. grants for attending committees, xlvyii 

+++. grants for indexes to the journals, xlvii 

589. lii 423 

+++ ——— to the counsel of the chairman, 

xlviii 637. xlix 729%. 1184*. lii 423 

eee —— to the serg. at arms, ‘xlix 730*. 
1 185%. 1i 537. lii 423 

+++ grant for printing calendar of the jour- 
nals, lii 424 

+++» -——— for preparing journals, 2d. 

«+++ number of appeals and writs of error, 
liv 89 

++» form of addressing petitions to, lvi 136] 

e+e bill for obliging debtors to surrender 
their estates, ii 90 



Lords, House of ; message from the king on 
a threatened invasion, and calling out the 
militia, ii 92 

-+.. the sessions opened, and the prince of 
Wales took his seat, ii 126 

-. ++ address the king on the success of his 
arms, ii 259 

bee on the king’s speech, ili 250] 

---+ his majesty’s answer, iii 252] 

+++. address in answer to the speech on the 
judges, iv 243] 

iv 248] 

++. his majesty’s answer, iv 249] 

-++» address on the king’s speech, v 181] 

+++ his majesty’s answer, v 182] 

«+.. address on the king’s communicating 
the preliminaries of peace, v 231] 

+++. his majesty’s answer, v 232] 

+».. address the king on his communication 
of the intended marriage of the princess 
Augusta, vi 115] 

+++. petition of the city of London against 
the cider act, vi 152] 

++«» proceedings in, respecting the cider 
act, vi 153) 

+++. address on the king’s speech, vi 193] 

+++. his majesty’s answer, vi 194] 

+... protest against taking away privilege 
of parliament in case of libel, vii 24] 

+++. proceed against Wilkes for a breach of 
privilege, vii 25] 

+++. appeal from Scotland on the right of 
presenting ministers to the churches of 
Edinburgh, vii 56] 

+++. regency bill passed in, viii 40] 

+++. attorney brought before the house for 
arresting a peeress, viii 67] 

+++. address on the king’s speech, viii 254] 

+». his majesty’s answer, viii 255] 

+++. protests against the repeal of the 
American stamp act, ix 46] 

-+-- address on the king’s speech after the 

holidays, ix 217] 

—- to the king’s speech, 

osee at the 
meeting on account of the high price of 
provision, ix 221] 
-».- order the clergy to give an account of 
the number of catholics in their parishes, 
x 106] 109] ; 
+++» protest against rescinding the E. India 
dividends, x 180] 
+. +. address on the king’s speech, x 231] 
-++. the E, India company petitions against 
the bill restricting it’s dividends, xi 64] 
++.» protest against the 2nd bill for re- 
stricting the E. India dividends, xi 219] 
-.- address on the king’s speech, xi 273] 
+++» great debates on certain parts of it, 
xii 64] 
+++. address. on the king’s speech, xiii 
«+e. debates on the decision of the Com- 
mons on the Middlesex election, xiii 65°] 




Lords, House of: motion on the law of 
elections, xiii 66*] 

+++. motion tending to control the power 
of the house as a check on the Commons, 

«+.» adjournment to enable lords to con- 
sult the journals refused, xiii 68*] 

-... strong protests against both motions, 
tb. 193] 195] 

«++» concurs in the address of the Commons 
on the city remonstrance, xiii 84*] 248] 
«++. motion to reverse the adjudication of 
the Commons in Wilkes’s case, xiii 92°] 


+++» protest on it’s being lost, 7. 136] 

.+-» motion of censure on the advisers of 
the king’s answer to the London remon- 
strance, xiii 93*] 

for an address for a dissolution 
of parliament, xiii 94*] 

+++. resolutions on American affairs moved, 
and negatived without any defence on the 
part of ministers, 76. 

++. petition of Mungo Campbell for a 
writ of appeal refused, xiii 74] 

++» motion for an address to be informed 
who advised the prorogation of the Irish 
parliament negatived, xiii 104] 

---- address on the king’s speech, xiii 253] 

.... fresh motion on Wilkes’s case nega- 
tived, xiv 25] 

+... animadversions on the courts of jus- 
tice, 2b. 

+++. notice by lord Mansfield of a call of 
the House, xiv 34] 

.... informs the house he had left in the 
hands of the clerk a paper containing the 
unanimous judgment of the Kings’ Bench 
in the case of Woodfall, xiv 35] 

+++. an inquiry thus evaded, 7d. 

+-.. motion for an address to quicken our 
defensive preparations, xiv 37] 

++». proposal to clear the house, 2d. 

e+». great uproar and confusion ensues, 

++e~ several of the lords quit the house, 

+++» members of the Commons bringing up 
a bill ordered to withdraw, xiv 33] 

ee motion for adjournment carried, xiv 


+».. Several lords protest, 2. 

.. +. the House closed against strangers for 
the remainder of the session, xiv 39] 

+++.» protest against the address of thanks 
on the convention with Spain, xiv 53] 

the Durham yard em- 
bankment bill, xiv 71*] 

+»-. petition from London against this bill, 
xiv 95] 97] 98] 

+. decision on the claim to the Anglesey 
peerage, xiv 98] 

+++» address on the king’s speech, xv 219] 


marriage © bill 


Lords, House of: royal 
brought in, xv 91*] 

«+e. warm debates on it, 7b. 

-+.. protests against it, xv 92*] 232] 

-+-- bills for relief of dissenting ministers 
from subscription thrown out in, xv 101*] 
xvi 94°] 89] 

-+-- complaint of it’s behaviour by the 
Commons, xv 104*] 

-»-- corn bill, and another for penalties on 
killing game, returned to the Commons 
with alterations, xv 105*] 

...+- decree of lord Camden, in the cause 
Rolfe v. Paterson for breaking up ground, 
reversed, xv 75] 

..+. decree in the cause lord Pomfret and 
T. Smith reversed, xv 84] 

«.+» claim of W. Sinclair to the earldom of 
Caithness admitted, xv 97] 

.... address on the king’s speech, xv 223] 

-.+.+ protest against the E. India restrain- 
ing bill, xv 236] xvi 83*] 

debates on it, xvi 80°] 

.... bill for regulating the affairs of the E. 
India company, xvi 103*] i 

«s+. protests against it, xvi 103*] 104*] 
240] 243) 

..-. address on the king’s speech, xvii 

-.-. bill for altering the government of 
Massachusetts Bay, xvii 71] 

..e» protest against it, xvii 74] 270] 

the bill for sending 
persons to England for trial, xvii 74] 

«.-» bill for the government of the pro- 
vince of Quebec, xvii 74] 77] 

.... motion for admitting strangers to hear 
their debates, xvii 170] 

.»+. address on the king’s speech, xvii 
264] xviii 42] 

«+++ protest against it, xvii 276] xviii 43] 

contention with the Commons on the 
exclusion of members put an end to, 
xviii 46] 

+++. motion of lord Chatham for recalling 
the troops from Boston, xviii 47] 

-... his conciliatory bill, xviii 58] 

-...- conference with the Commons on an 
address on American affairs, xviii 71] 

«+. petitions from the merchants of Lon- 
don, and the W. India merchants and 
planters, 2d. 

.... debate on a point of order, 2d. 

«++» previous question moved, xviii 72] 

+.+. concurrence in the address of the 
Commons, xviii 77] 

..+. protests on the occasion, ib. 248] 

-.. bill for restraining the trade» and 
fisheries of America, xviii 89*] 

.+-+ petition against it from the London 
merchants, 7d. 

+... garbled state of documents laid before. 
them, xviii 91*] 




Lords, House of: the bill extended to five 
other provinces and returned to the Com- 
mons, xviii 92°] 

+++» protest against it, 2b. 

+... the amendment rejected by the Com- 
mons, and the bill passed in it’s original 
state, xviii 93* 

++.- memorial from the general assembly 
of New York, xviii 116*] 

+... petition from the province of Quebec, 
xviii 117*] 

-+-+- printer of a newspaper ordered to be 
taken into custody, xviii 91] 

«+++ proceedings against two pamphlets 
voted libels, xviii 94] 

+++ appeal on the inheritance of T. San- 
some, xviii 95] 

vee in the cause Nicol and Davis 
against Verelst, xviii 97] 

in a tithe cause Bree v, Chap- 

lin, id. 

+... address of condolence on the death of 
the queen of Denmark, xviii 117] 

«+++ petition from the common council of 
London, xviii 167] xix 252] 

«++» debate on the address on the king’s 
speech, xix 69] 

esse protest against it, xix 74] 252] 

++.» motion on the Hanoverian troops, xix 

ons " for examining Mr. Penn on the 
authenticity of the petition from Congress 
to the king, xix 93} 

««.«.» his evidence, xix 95] 

+++» motion, that the petition of Congress 
was ground for a conciliation, xix 96] 

rie for accounts of the forces in 
America, xix 103] 

«+.» indemnity bill thrown out, xix 117*] 

..+.» debates on the prohibitory bill, 7d. 

+++ protest against it, xix 120*] 

eee. debate on the treaties for foreign 
troops, xix 133*] 

«++. protest in an unusual form against the 
address, xix 137*] 

«++» duke of Grafton’s conciliatory motion, 
xix 139*] 

-» ++ motions respecting licenses granted to 
carry goods to America, xix 142*] 143*] 
«++. appeal from Scotland, Campbell and 

Co, v. Shepherd and Co. xix 190] 
oe Ireland, on the will of 
Jackson, xix 195] 
-+». debate on the king’s speech, xx 34] 
+.» protest against the address, xx 42] 

.... bill for letters of marque and reprisal 
passed with the alteration of a single 
word, xx 53] 

--..- debates and address on increasing the 
revenues of the crown, xx 78] 81] 86] 

e+ protests against it, xx 86] 87] 282] 

+++» lord Chatham’s motion for an address 
for reconciliation with America, xx 1]0] 



Lords, House of: appeal Eliz. Ross v. Da- 
vid, xx 171] 

-... address on the king’s speech, xxi 49] 

+++. protest against it, xxi 296] 

-««+ motion for papers, xxi 63] 

.... further proceedings, xxi 75] 

+... motion respecting the treatment of 
American prisoners, xxi 79] 

-+-. debate on troops raised without au- 
thority of parliament, xxi 90] 99] 

«++» attendance of the judges may be re- 
quired by any noble lord, xxi 99] 

---- motion for papers negatived, xxi 101] 

+... complaint of erroneousness and de- 
fectiveness of papers delivered, xxi 103] 

«... inquiry into the state of the nation, 
xxi 121] 124] 145] 147] 150] 153] 155] 

...«. letter from gen. Gates to lord Thanet, 
xxi 145] 

«+++ motions rejected by the previous ques- 
tion, xxi 149] 150] 151] 

.. +. American conciliatory bills, xxi 154] 

++.. message from the throne on the treaty 
between France and America, xxi 164*] 

--+. address inanswer, xxi 299] 

-+-- motion for an address for recalling our 
forces from America, xxi 201*] 

«+++ motions on naval affairs, 7b. 202*] 

+++ motion for an address on the state of 
the nation, xxi 203*] 

«++. death of lord Chatham, xxi 205* 

-..- protest on the rejection of the address, 
xxi 207*] 

«++. motion for attending the funeral of 
lord Chatham negatived, id. 

-..+. debate on the Toulon papers, 7d. 

«+++ protest against the annuity to the heirs 
of lord Chatham, xxi 209*] 

-++» motion for an address on the nonper- 
formance of the convention of Saratoga, 
xxi 210*] 


—_————— —— for deferring the 

prorogation of parliament, 7d. 

«+++ appeal of J. Horne (Tooke), xxi 181] 

+...» motion for an address to the king to 
disavow a passage in the manifesto of the 
American commissioners, xxi 300] 

+++» protest on it’s being negatived, xxi 

..+. debates on the king’s speech, xxii 80] 

aan on the manifesto and proclam- 
ation of the American commissioners, 
xxii 88] 

+++ protest on the subject, xxii 91] 339] 

..+. inquiry concerning the engagement of 
the 27th of July, xxii 93] 

wae into the state of the navy and 
conduct of the admiralty, xxii 153] 

«++. protests on the subject, xxii 159] 343] 

+... inquiry into the management of Green- 
wich hospital, xxii 159] 

++» secession of the minority, xxii 160] 



Lords, House of: motions for inquiry into 
the affairs of Ireland, xxii 161] 

+... amendments to the address on the 
Spanish manifesto moved, xxii 165] 345] 

«--. protest on the subject, xxii 168] 346] 

+... protests against the extension of the 
impressment of seamen, xxii 171] 348] 

«+... modification of the militia bill, 2. 

-... debate on the king’s speech, xxiii 

a asian on it, xxiii 322] 

«++. motion for a censure on ministers for 
their conduct toward Ireland, xxiii 57] 
sees for an economical reform of the 

civil list, xxiii 72] 
on the army extraordinaries, 

xxiii 79] 

obits for taking into consideration 
the public expenditure, xxiii 81] 100] 

+++. protest on it’s being negatived, xxiii 
113] 326] 

++». petition from the merchants and plan- 
ters of Jamaica, xxiii 120] 

.... thanks of, to adi. Rodney, xxiii 122] 

»«.- Summoned by lord Shelburne for an 
inquiry into the removal of lords Pem- 
broke and Caermarthen from their lieute- 
nancies, xxiii 127] 330] 

---- motion for a list of places and pensions 
rejected, xxiii 158] 

..-- debates on the contractors bill, xxiii 

«++. protest on it’s being negatived, xxiii 
181] 332] 

+++. proceedings at the time of the riots, 
xxiii 193*] 194*] 334] 

+++. motion on lord Ambherst’s ordering 
the inhabitants of London to be disarmed, 
xxiii 198*] 
--+. bill to restrain papists from educating 
protestant children rejected, xxiii 199*] 
«+.. Motion on the engagement between 
lord Rodney and count de Guichen, xxiii 

+... address on the king’s speech, xxiv 
156] 283] 

+++. message from the throne on the rup- 
ture with Holland, xxiv 172*] 287] 

+++. protests on the subject, xxiv 173*] 
287] 289] 

...-. motion for an inquiry into the conduct 
of the navy, xxiv 189*] 

+... loan hill, xxiv 190*] 

+++. protest against it, xxiv 191*] 290] 

..+. address on the king’s speech, xxv 130] 

+.» protest on the occasion, xxv 295] 

+++ motion for deferring the third reading 
of the malt and land tax bills till after 
the recess, xxv 148] 149] 

.++. motion relative to the execution of 
col. Haynes, xxv 155] 

on lord G, Sackville’s being 

raised to the peerage, xxv 165] 


Lords, House of: protest on its being ne- 
gatived, xxv 167] 295] 

++«« motion on the capture of lord Corn- 
wallis, xxv 172] 

+. message from the throne on the affairs 
of Ireland, xxv 178] 

+... act for disqualifying revenue officers 

- from voting at elections, xxv 180] 

+++. act for disqualifying contractors from 
sitting in the H. of Commons, xxv 180] 

«+. Subject of the new ministry discussed, 
xxv 186] 

-... thanks to adm. Rodney, and all the 
officers and men in the fleet, xxv 208] 
+... debates on the king’s speech, xxvi 

142] 143] 

e--.» address on it, xxvi 314] 

«... debates on the peace, xxvi 166] 

. «+. motion on loans, xxvi 176] 

on putting the great seal into 
commission, xxvi 177] 

-+.. thanks to lord Howe for the relief of 
Gibraltar, xxvi 196] 

---- decision in favour of the cornfactors 
against the corporation of London, xxvi 

+++ petition against the duty on receipts, 
xxvi 207] - 

-.-. message from the king on an esta- 
blishment for the prince of Wales, 2. 

«... address on the king’s speech, xxvii 
58] 306] 

«++. censures of ministers, xxvii 59} 

“Seage Fox’s India bills rejected, xxvii 


«. +» resolutions censuring the proceedings 
of the Commons, xxvii 92] 

«... address to the king, xxvii 309] 

-.-- motion for copies of orders of the 
directors on the debts of the nabob of 
Arcot, xxvii 181*] 

++.. address on the king’s speech, xxvii 

- +++ protest on the E, India regulation bill, 
xxvii 317] 

«++. address on the king’s speech, xxvii 

-+-- alteration introduced into the mutiny 
bill, xxviii 108] 

+... bill for transferring duties on wines 
to the excise, xxviii 120] 

..+. bill for commissioners of the woods, 
forests, and Jand revenues of the crown, 
xxviii 122] 

«+» bill to amend Mr. Pitt’s India bill, 
xxviii 137] 

+++. address on the king’s speech, xxviii 
255] 269] 

+.» question whether representative peers 
of Scotland could continue to sit as such 
after being created peers of G. Britain, 
xxix 93] 

«i A heey on the commercial treaty, xxix 

ers, m———= On the bill for consolidating 

the duties of customs and of excise, xxix 
109] j 

Lords, House of : debate on the convention 
with Spain respecting the Moschetto shore, 
xxix 111] 

«-.. insolvent debtor’s bill rejected, xxix 

+++ motion relating to Scotch peers created 
British peers, xxix 145] 

«+e» impeachment and trial of Mr. Hast- 
ings, xxix 170] xxx 140] 148] 197] xxxi 
159] 276] xxxii 101] xxxiii 233, 239, 

152] xxxv 144] xxxvii 205] 

«+e» debate on the king’s speech, xxx 87] 

++.» address on it, xxx 268] 

«+-. debate on a promotion of admirals, 
xxx 99] 

+++. proceedings on the India declaratory 
bill, xxx 118] 

e+e. protest against it, xxx 120] 295] 

+++. debate on incorporating corps of arti- 

» ficers in the army, xxx 122 

-.-. bill for regulating the conveyance of 
slaves from Africa, xxx 136] 

+++ proposal of the Commons to proceed 
on each charge against Mr. Hastings 
separately, rejected, xxx 165] 

----+ protest on the occasion, xxx 168] 

+++. proceedings on the king’s illness, xxxi 
69] 72] 75] 98] 122] 126] 127] 137] 

e+e Tight of the prince of Wales to the 
regency asserted and denied, xxxi 72] 75] 

++ «+ conference requested by the Commons, 
xxxi 98] 

+++. committee on the state of the nation, 74. 

+... report of the committee of precedents 
said to be full of misstatements, 74. 

+++» resolutions of the Commons agreed to, 
xxxi 104] 296] 302] 

«++. protestagainst them, xxxi 104]297 ]303] 

+»-- motion for the resolutions to be pre- 
sented to the prince of Wales and the 
queen by a committee of both Houses 
agreed to, xxxi 126] 

e+». announcement of the king’s recovery, 
xxxi 137] 138] 142] 

«++» address of congratulation, xxxi 143] 

—— to the queen, 

xxxi 143] 

-» «+ bill for the relief of dissenters nega- 
tived, xxxi 148] 

e.+. —— for transferring the duties on 
tobacco from the customs to the excise, 
xxxi 157] 

«».. address on the king’s speech, xxxii 65] 

-... address to the king on his message re- 
specting the affair of Nootka Sound, xxxii 
98] 286] 

+++. motion for papers, and another for the 
date of the first communication, nega- 
tived, xxxii 98] 

«++» resolutions respecting the trial of Mr. 
Hastings, xxxii 101] 

ses. complaint of gen. Burgoyne against 


maj. Scott for a libel on the managers, 
xxxii 102] 

Lords, House of: address on the success of 
the late negotiations, xxxiii 225 

-»+» motions on the war in India, xxxili 

.... bill for the relief of Roman Catho- 
lies, xxxiii 247 

-+.- debates on the Russian armament, 
xxxiii 255 

«+» Canada division bill, xxxiii 269 

+++.» motion for a finance committee nega- 
tived, xxxiii 279 

«+e. protest against an amendment in the 
libel bill, xxxiii 153] 

-»+. debates on the Russian negotiation, 
xxxiv 133] 135] 

-»-- Westminster police bill, xxxiv 159] 

---+- Mr. Fox’s libel bill, xxxiv 170] 171] 

--.-. answers of the judges to questions on 
the law, xxxiv 62 

.++ bill for the abolition of the slave trade 
rejected, xxxiv 155] 

-... bill for the relief of dissenters in Scot- 
land, xxxiv 167] 

+++» protest against the address on the 
proclamation against seditious doctrines, 
xxxiv 161 

a protest against the libel bill, xxxiv 

+++. address on the king’s speech, xxxv 15] 

++.» alien bill brought in, xxxv 35] 36] 

+++. proposal to send an ambassador to 
France, xxxv 36] 

+++ correspondence between lord Grenville 
and Mr. Chauvelin laid before the house, 
xxxv 54] 128 

«++. protests against the address on the oc- 
casion, xxxv 128, 130 

+++. message from the king on the French 
declaration of war, xxxv 68] 133 

-».. debates on the slave trade, xxxv 89- 

+++ message from the king on the employ- 
ment of Hanoverian troops, xxxv 101} 

+++ bill for preventing traitorous corres- 
pondence, xxxv 119] 

+».. motion on a memorial of lord Auck- 
land at the Hague, xxxv 142] 

++.- committee on elections of Scotch’peers, 
xxxv 144] 

«++. bill for amending the law respecting 
imprisonment for debt rejected, xxxv 

«+.. bill for the relief of Catholics in Scot- 
land, xxxv 147] 

-.+- debate on the king’s speech, xxxvi 

-+«. debate on landing foreign troops in 
the isle of Wight, xxxvi 203] 

+++. protests on the subject, xxxvi 140, 

«+++ question of the slave trade, xxxvi 215] 

-... abolition of the foreign slave trade. 
negatived, xxxvi 216] 



Lords, House of: motion for peace with 
France, xxxvi 219] 

sss. debates on the requisition of public 
subscriptions by ministers, xxxvi 238] 

ove on the enlistment of French- 
men, xxxvi 244] 

on our foreign alliances, xxxvi 

247] 5 

..+- motion against farther interference in 
the concerns of France, xxxvi 248] 

...» the lord chancellor refuses to read the 
preamble to the resolution, 70. 

..-. the resolution expunged from the 

_ journals, 7. 

+» debate on the Prussian subsidy, xxxvi 

.».- motion on the conduct of ministers to- 
ward America, xxxvi 257] 

«++. resolutions for terminating the war 
with France negatived, zd. 

-.-. protest on the subject, xxxvi 147 

«++. motion respecting the trials of Muir 
and Palmer, xxxvi 266] 

+.» protest on the subject, xxxvi 146 

«.-» secret committee on the Constitutional 
and Corresponding Societies, xxxvi 275] 

+++. protests against the Habeas Corpus 
suspension bill, xxxvi 276] 143 

.... address to the king for granting him 
additional power to suppress attempte 
against government, xxxvi 276] 

«+.» protest against a vote of thanks to 
lord Hood, xxxvi 151 

.»-. debate on the king’s speech, xxxvii 

.... habeas corpus suspension act renewed, 
xxxvii 164] 

+. protest against it, xxxvii 164] 143 

-».. debates on the Austrian loan, xxxvii 
176] 201] ‘ 

++.» motion against interference in the in- 
ternal affairs of France negatived, xxxvii 

.+.». protest on the occasion, xxxvii 141 

+++.» motion that no form of government in 
France should preclude a negotiation ne- 
gatived, xxxvii 187] 191] 

for a vigorous prosecution of 

the war carried, xxxvii 189] 

that the government of France 
is no obstacle to peace rejected, xxxvii 

«+++ protest on the occasion, xxxvii 144 

+++. motion for a committee on the state of 
the nation negatived, xxxiv 194] 

eens for a general peace negatived. 
xxxvii 200] 

-+-- debate on bill for introducing artillery 
into the militia, and allowing the men to 
enter into the navy or artillery, xxxvii 

«+++ protest against it, xxxvii 151 

«+--+ debate on the establishment of the 
prince of Wales and payment of his debts, 
xxxvii 220] 



Lords, House of: motion for an inquiry 
into the dismissal of earl Fitzwilliam, 
xxxvii 226] 

-+«» protest on the occasion, xxxvii 144 

«--- protest against the new treason Dill, 
xxxvii 152 : 

».++ debates on the king’s speech, xxxvili 

sedition bill, xxxvii 

+--- proceedings in consequence of a stone 
thrown at the king’s coach, xxxviii 16] 

++.» conference with the Commons and ad- 
dress to the king, xxxviii 17] 

-... bill for better securing the king’s per- 
aa and government, xxxviii 17] 18] 29] 


++.» protest against it, xxxvili 32] 

-»-. bill for preventing seditious meetings, 
xxxviii 44] 45] 

+... vain opposition to an irregular vote of 
credit and disapprobation of fictitious 
bills, xxxvili 55] 

—-—- to the legacy duty, 
XXXviii 56] 

-... motion for papers relative to former 
resolutions for reforms negatived, xxxviii 

.... discussions on the state of the nation, 
XXxviii 73] 

+. bill for relief of indigent curates, 74. 

..+- debate on the king’s speech, xxxix 

++-- protest against the address, xxxix 
110] xxxviii 120 

---- messages from the king on the subject 
of peace and the rupture of the negotia- 
tions, xxxvili 123] 124] 

-... debates on the occasion, xxxix 149] 

--+- motion for peace, xxxix 160] 

..+- lord Oxford’s protest on the occasion, 
and extraordinary conduct toward him, 
xxxix 173 

-+.. message from the king on the stoppage 
of the Bank, xxxix 180] 

+++. committée on the subject appointed, 
xxxix 193] 

+... committee on the causes of the pre- 
sent embarrassments, xxxix 194] 96 

..«» resolutions moved by the duke of Bed- 
ford rejected, xxxix 195] 

+++» motion for inquiry respecting the in- 
yasion of Ireland, negatived, xxxix 230] 

«.+- motions for inquiry into the state of, 
negatived, xxxix 238} 

«++.» motions for an address for the removal 
of ministers, negatived, xxxix 249] 261] 

++.. protest on the occasion, xxxix 265] 

---. debates on the king’s speech, xl 

+++. protest against the address, xxxix 230, 
xl 170] 

for peace negatived, xxxviii 


Lords, House of: debates on the negotia- 
tions at Lisle, xl 174] 

»+-- conference with the Commons on an 
m7 on the occasion requested, xl 

»-.. debate on the double assessed tax bill, 
x] 202] 

«+s. protest against it, xl 205] 220 

«++. landtax redemption bill, xl 213] 

e+e. protest against it, x] 214] 210 

«+e» debates on the state of Ireland, xl 
223] 224] 

«+++ protest on the rejection of an amend- 
ment to an address on the subject, xl 
225] 210 

eees bill for accepting offers of militia re- 
giments to serve in Ireland, xl 226] 

e+e protests against it, xl 227, 22: 

«++ Esten’s divorce bill, xl 230] 

«+-. resolutions on the subject of divorce 
agreed to, xl 231] 

e+.» motion for an address for the removal 
of ministers, xl 238] 

e+e protest on it’s rejection, xl 240] 209 

+++. protests on the rejection of the motion 
for a change of system in Ireland, x] 212, 

+++» debates on the king’s speech, xli 162] 

eee -——— income tax, xli 182] 

e+.» habeas corpus suspension bill renew- 
ed, xli 200] 

«--- debates on a proposed union with Ire- 
land, xli 226] 227] 228] 

«+e. protest on the subject, xli 205 

---- B. Flower, printer, fined for reflecting 
on the speech of the bish. of Llandaff, 
xli 18 

«++. protest against the treason forfeiture 
bill, xli 209 

the militia reduction 

bill, 2d, 
tension bill, xli 214 
»+.. message from the king with papers re- 
lative to proposal of peace, xlii 76] 77] 
eee. ————_ —_—_—_——_ on the Russian 
troops in Guernsey and Jersey, xlii 76] 
e..- debate on employing German troops, 
instead of Russian, xlii 100] 
on the expedition to Holland, 

the militia service ex- 

xlii 107] 

e+e. —— on union with Ireland, xlii 117] 

«... habeas corpus suspension act renewed, 
xlii 125] 

++e+ debates on the scarcity, xlii 133] 134] 

+-+.- reports of committees on it, xlii 128, 

ee+e bill respecting monastic institutions 
lost, xlii 143] 

«++. — for the better observance of Good 
Friday, xliii 146] 

«+++ bills to prevent adulterers from inter- 
marrying, and to punish adulterers, xlii 
148] 151] 154] 


Lo : 
Lords, House of : bill for restraining petsons — 

in a state of insanity, xlii 158] “3 
+++. message from the king on the union 
with Ireland, xlii 181 sp a 
+++. address to his majesty with the amend- 

ed resolutions on the subject, xlii 190 
+++. address on the king’s speech, xliii 3] 
+++ committee on the scarcity, xliii 16] 

19] 20} 21] ; 
«++. law of a maximum negatived, xliii 22] 
«+++ motion for papers relative to the eva- 

cuation of Egypt negatived, xliii 33] 
+++. debates on the king’s speech to the 

first imperial parliament, xliii 43] 
++. committee for assigning seats to the 

peers in the new houss, xliii 48] 
+++» motion for an inquiry into the conduct 

of ministers, xliii 121] 
cine for a call of the house nega- 

tived, xliii 122] 
++. debates on act for suppressing rebel- 

lion in Ireland, xliii 168] 
+++ habeas corpus suspension bill renewed, 

xliii 175] 
+++» secret committee on the report of the 

committee of the Commons on seditious 
practices, xliii 175] ’ 
- +++ motion for inquiry into the state of the 

nation negatived, xliii 186] 
++». address on the king’s speech, xliv 3 
«+++ convention with Russia and prelimi- 

naries of peace with France laid before 

the house, xliv 7 
-.+. information required respecting the 

treaty of Madrid, xliv 9 
«++. debates on the peace, xliv 9, 41, 125, 

131, 134, 137, 141 
on the convention with Russia, 

xliv 43 

+++ questions on the sailing of the Brest 
fleet, and our state with regard to Spain, 
xliv 98 

++.» debate on the debt of the civil list, 
xliv 110 

a oa on the militia bill, xliv 166 
--+- bill for relief of the clergy from 
vexatious prosecutions mentioned, xliv 
- notion for papers respecting India, 
xliv 179 
+++ protest against the malt bill, xliv 605 
+++ debate on the king’s speech, xlv 4 
«+. motion for papers on the assumptign of 
the government of the Carnatic, xlv 37 
..+. debates on the malt duty bill, xlv 56, 
.... bill for appointing naval commission- 
ers, xlv 60 
- renewal of the bank restriction Dill, 
xly 67 
«+». message on the situation of the prince 
of Wales, xlv 69, 80 
. address of congratulation to his ma- 
jesty on his escape from the machinations 
of traitors, xlv 69 



Lords, House of: bill for lengthening the 
time of exercising the militia, xlv 80 

«+++ prince of Wales’s annuity bill, xlv 84, 

+++. message on the military preparations 
of France and Holland, xlv 87, 88, 646 

--.-- motion for a return of artificers em- 
Bloyed in the dock yards withdrawn, xlv 

«+». act against maiming, wounding, child- 
murder, and arson, xly 109 

«+. bill for relieving the clergy from vexa- 
tious prosecutions, xlv 110, 186 

++. bill for giving commissions in the mi- 
litia to half pay officers, xlv 112 

«+». debates on the Irish bank restriction 
bill, xlv 121, 124 

++.» Markham’s divorce bill, xlv 123 

---. bill for relief of insolvent debtors 
withdrawn, xlv 125 

++. adjournments in expectation of a rup- 
ture with France, xlv 129, 130, 136 

e+.- motion for inquiry into the state of the 
finances negatived, xlv 131 

e+. message on the rupture with France, 
xlv 141, 647 

-++- motions for papers, xlv 142, 143 

--.. debates on the negotiation, xlv 145 

ana on the conduct of ministers, 
xlv 160, 176 

-++.» resolutions moved, xlv 650 

».-- plan for increasing the defence of the 
country, xlv 184, 189 

«+» levy in mass bill, xlv 199 

++. message on the Irish insurrection, xlv 
202, 648 

e+. bills for trying rebels in Ireland by 
martial law, and suspending the habeas 
corpus act there, xlv 202 

--«. address on the king’s speech, xlvi 2 

++» Irish habeas corpus suspension and 
martial law bills, xlvi 12 

-+-.- volunteer exemption bill, xlvi 25 

«+. conversations on the king’s illness, 
xvi 41, 43, 50 

+++. volunteer consolidation bill, xlvi 60, 

«++» Message on the offer of the Irish mili- 
tia to serve in G. Britain, xlvi 64 

+.++ motion for a committee on the defence 
of the country negatived, xlvi 68 

++-- motion for papers on sending orders to 
India carried against ministers, xlvi 73 

--+» Irish militia offer bill, xlvi 73, 78 

++ ++ Irish militia augmentation bill, xlvi 78 

++-- motion for inquiry respecting the de- 
fence of the country postponed, xlvi 80, 
82, 84 f 

+» ++ thanks to the civil and military officers 
in India, xlvi 82 

-»++ debate on the additional force bill, 
xlvi 102 

+++» corn-trade bill, xlvi 105 

«+++ petition against judge Fox, xlvi 108, 
109. xlviii 99 



Lords, House of; Ailesbury election bill, 
xlvi 112 

--.- address on the king’s speech, xlyii 2 

+++ lord St. Vincent asks for inquiry into 
his conduct, xlvii 13 

-++. debate on the rupture with Spain, 2d. 

+++ motion for the repeal of the additional 
force bill lost, xlvii 29 

+... renewal of the habeas corpus suspen- 
sion act in Ireland, xlvii 43 

-+-- motion for a committee on the defence 
of the country negatived, xlvii 51 

+--+. division on a new clause in the mutiny 
bill, xlvii 58 

+++» petition of the Roman Catholics, xlvii 

---- resolutions on the state of the navy 
negatived, xlvii 61 

+++. militia enlistment bill, xlvii 63 

«++» request of the Commons for the at- 
tendance of lord Melville referred to a 
committee of privileges, xlvii 87 

+++. conference with the Commons, and 
lords Harrowby and Melville permitted 
to attend the committee, xlvii 93 

-+.- motion for a committee on the state of 
the navy, negatived, xlvii 99 

for an address to the king on 
the state of Ireland, negatived, xlvii 105 

+++» message from the king on continental 
connections, xlvii 107, 108, 606 

+++ Trotter’s indemnity bill, xlvii 116, 117 

-++. bill for compensation to the Athol 
family, xlvii 117, 119 

+++. protest against it, xlvii 117 

-».+ debate on the king’s speech, xlviii 9 

+++» motion against summoning a judge to 
the privy council negatived, xlviii 27 

++. repeal of the additiona! force bill, 
xlviii 57 

-.+. debates on the new army regulations, 
xl viii 61 

---» American intercourse bill, xlviii 85 

+++ resolutions on the court of session in 
Scotland, xlviii 94. xlix 148 

ve trial of lord Melville, xlviii 109, 124, 


«+++ publication of the proceedings pre- 
vious to passing sentence forbidden, xlviii 

++. debate on the king’s speech, xlix 32 

.... thanks to sir J. Stuart and the officers 
and men under him, xlix 46 

-»+- debate on the negotiation with France, 
xlix 52, 55 

--+. bill for the abolition of the slave trade, 
xlix 110, 120 

---. Mr. Whitbread’s poor biil rejected, 
xlix 134 

«...- Statement of the circumstances that 
led to a change of ministry, xlix 140 

+++ conversation on the Catholic question, 
xlix 142 

~~~ bill for the better regulation of courts 
of justice in Scotland, xlix 148, 164 


Lords, House of: motion against pledges 
given by ministers to the king, negatived, 
xlix 160 

-».. thanks to sir S. Auchmuty and adm. 
Stirling, xlix 164 

+ +++ debate on the king’s speech, xlix 237 

++ bill against granting offices in rever- 
sion negatived, xlix 248 

+++» protest on the occasion, xlix 467 

++ «+ debate on the king’s speech, 1 2] 

++ee protests respecting the seizure of the 
Danish fleet, 1 9] 

+. +. thanks to the officers employed in the 
expedition, ] 20] 21] 

«+++ motion for the substance of communi- 
a respecting Denmark, negatived, | 

eee for an address to keep the 
Danish fleet from decay, negatived, 1 41] 

eeee — inculpating the 

expedition, negatived, 1 48] 

—_——- approving it, 

carried, 1 50] 

+++. conversation on the detention of Da- 
nish vessels, 1 50] 

+++» motion for papers negatived, | 53] 

resolutions on the detention of Danish 
vessels, negatived, 1 54] 

«. ++ debates on the orders in council, 1 79] 
86] 89] 

«++» American intercourse bill, 1 86] 

«+++ committee on the mutiny bill, | 112] 

+++» bill to prevent grants in reversion, 
negatived, 1 116] 

aan ‘a bill of limited duration passed, 

e+.» bill for the better administration of 
justice in Scotland, | 118] 

++.. — for granting superannuations to 
Scotch judges, 1 119] 

e»+- bill for relief of the poorer clergy, 
rejected, 76. 

+++. motion for a return of livings above 
4007. a year, 1 120] 

1502. a year, 1 121) 

++ ++ conversation on the affairs of Spain, | 

«+++ debate on the king’s speech, li 27 

se ampion for thanks to sir A. Wellesley, 
li 48 

e+.. thanks for the battle of Corunna, li 

«. +. thanks to r. adm, de Courcy and sir S. 
Hood, li 53 

+++» motions on the campaigns in Spain and 
Portugal, li 89 

--..- militia completion bill, li 113 

+++ Scotch judicature bill, li 170 

-.«. debates on the king’s speech, lii 2 

+--+. motion of thanks to lord Wellington 
and the army for the battle of Talavera, 
lii 27, 28 

eee vote of thanks to Jord Gambier and 
the fleet, lii 39 

—— or livings under 



Lords, House of: motion for an address to 
his majesty for the advisers of his answer 
to the city of London negatived, lii 57 

«++. bill against granting offices in reyer- 
sion rejected, lii 122 

+++» motion for a committee on the Catho- 
lic petitions negatived, lii 136 

«++. vexatious arrests bill, insolyent debtors 
bill, and Scotch judicature bill, passed, lii 

--.- address to his majesty to take farther 
steps with foreign powers against the 
slave trade, lii 146 

+. ++ committee on the bill for the relief of 
the clergy, 2d. 

++. address to the king for a return of 
churches, lii 148 

+++ resolutions on the affairs of Spain ne- 
gatived, 7b. 

---- resolutions on the state of the nation 
negatived, lii 149 : 

++. proceedings respecting a regency, liii 

+++. debate on the bill for issuing public 
money, liii 4] 

+++. protest against it, liii 5] 

+... debate on the regent’s speech, liii 9] 

+++: debates on Mr. W. W. Pole’s circular 
Pr pi the Irish Catholics, liii 12] 14] 

+++. commercial credit bill, liii 23] 

++. bills restricting capital punishments, 
liii 26] 

«+++ Motion respecting ex officio informa- 
tions, negatived, liii 27] 

+++. report and resolutions on the arrears 
of appeal and Chancery causes, liii 31] 

+... distillery regulation bill rejected, liii 

++. Others on the subject passed, 7b. 

+... debate on further relief to Portugal, 
liii 36] 

+++. bill for amending the Toleration ‘act 
rejected, liii 47] 

-... bill for the interchange of the British 
and Irish militia, liii 52] 

+... petition of the Irish Catholics, liii 55] 

+»... conversation on the subject of assas- 
sination, liii 77] 

-»+. bill respecting gold coin and Bank 

notes, liii 80] 81] 85] 36] 
- resolutions on a circulating medium 

ordered to be printed, liii 87] 

.... address on the regent’s speech, liv 2] 

..- prohibition of distillation from grain, 

liv 10] 

«... motion for a committee on the state of 
Ireland negatived, liv 29] 

.... temporary bill against offices in rever- 
sion, liv 34] 

...- frame breaking and Nottingham peace 
bills, liv 38] ; 

..«. protest against the former, 76. 

.... renewal of the gold coin and Bank 
note bill, liv 42] 


Lo ’ 
rae House of: protest against it, liv 

«++» motion for an address to the regent to 
forman efficient administration negatived, 
liv 43] 

oelve for a committee on the orders 

in council negatived, liv 50] 
e+e bill for abolishing sinecures rejected, 
liv 54] 

«+++ motion for a committee on the Catho- 
lic claims negatived, liv 64] 

m ‘eB committee on the orders in council, liv 


«+.. conversation on Mr. Henry’s secret 
mission to the United States, liv 68] 

+». motion for papers on the subject ne- 
gatived, zd. 

e+» assassination of Mr. Perceval, liv 75] 

e+. conversations on the formation of a 
ministry, liv 84] 85] 87] 

++.» proceedings respecting the riots in 
certain manufacturing districts, liv 113] 
117] 385 

»».- motion for taking the Catholic ques- 
tion into consideration at a future period 
negatived, liv 120] 

+... bill to explain and amend certain acts 
respecting dissenters rejected, liv 121] 

e+. bill on ex officio informations nega- 
tived, liv 123] 

»»+. bill for more effectually preventing 
the escape of French prisoners, liv 125) 
+». conversation on the overtures of Buo- 

naparte for peace, liv 126] 

ee». address on the regent’s speech, liv 

e+e relief of the sufferers in Russia, liv 221] 

-».- bill for appointing a vicechancellor, ly 

+» e» Shoplifting bill rejected, Iv 11] 

e+». conversation respecting the princess 
of Wales, lv 24] 

+++. motion on the conduct of the war in 
the peninsula, ly 35] 

America, lv 38] 

e+.» finance bill, lv 46] 

e+. Sinecure bill rejected, lv 47] 

--.. curates stipend bill, lv 53] 

+++» bill for regulating ecclesiastical courts, 
ly 56] 

.--. act for the relief of persons impugn- 
ing the doctrine of the Trinity, lv 57] 

+++» proceedings respecting the renewal of 
the E. India company’s charter, lv 60] 
62] 65] 315 

+++- protest against the bill, lv 65] 

+++. treaty with Sweden, lv 85] 

---. address in answer to the regent’s 
speech, lv 200] 

+++» question on a declaration of the allies, 
lv 210) 

---- long adjournment, 7d. 

+ inn to a farther adjournment, lvi 
Parr I. 

— with 


Lords, House of: conversation respecting 
Norway, lvi 117] 

«++. motion for an address to the regent 
on the subject, negatived, lvi 118] 

protest on the occasion, lvi 122] 

+». bill to suspend and discontinue pro- 
ceedings against nonresident clergy, lvi 

«+++ corn exportation bills, lvi 130] 

-.+.- addresses on the slave trade, lvi 132] 
134] 135] 346 

-.+» debate on the address of a petition 
from the Quakers, lvi 136] 

+.+» provision for the duke of Wellington, 
lvi 137] 

-.+» Irish seditious meetings bill, lvi 163] 

are on the peace with France, lvi 

° einen on the regent’s speech, lvi 

«+++ motion for an account of militia regi- 
ments not disembodied, lvi 207] 

+... bill for amending the Irish peace pre- 
servation act, lvi 213] 

e+.» motion for adjournment, lvi 214] 

+».. motions on the transfer of Genoa to 
the king of Sardinia, lvii 4] 18] 

e+» corn bill, lvii 6] 

«+. bill for trial by jury in civil causes in 
Scotland, lvii7] 318 

++» regent’s message on the landing of 
Buonaparte in France, lvii 10] 

-... motion for papers on the subject nega- 
tived, lvii 13] ; 

- “ype on the peace with America, lyii 

-+ ++ bill against lending money to carry on 
the slave trade rejected, lvii 27] 

«+++ motion for a committee on the Catho- 
lic petition negatived, lvii 30] 

message of the regent on treaties of 
subsidy with foreign powers against Buo- 
naparte, 26. 

«++» debate on it, lvii 32] 

+». regent’s message on the marriage of 
the duke of Cumberland, lvii 50] 

«+.» motion on the military establishment, 
lviii 8] 

address on the late treaties with fo- 
reign powers, lviii 20] 

+++. protest against it, lviii 21] 

+... acts for the detention of Buonaparte, 
lviii 31] 32] 

++. protest, lviii 32] 

«+.» Bank loan bill, lviii 40] 

«+s. continuation of the Bank restriction 
bill, lviii 42] : 

+... motions on the unconstitutional em- 
ployment of the soldiery, Iviii 43] 44} 

....» Catholic petitions, lviii 53] 

...- bill for the regulation of the civil lisf, 
lviii 58 | 

++. bill for a new silver coinage, lviii 63] 

ve protest against it, lviii 65] 





Lords, House of : committee on the statute 
book, lviii 84] 

«+++ conference with the Commons desired 
on the subject of the attack on the regent, 
lix 3] 

+.» debate on the regent’s speech, 7. __ 

e+. regent’s message on dangerous combi- 
nations referred to a secret committee, 
lix 5] 

e+» report on it, lix 6] 

«+++ petitions from T. Cleary, lix 20] 23] 

+++ habeas corpus suspension bill, lix 23] 
30] 71] 

«+++ protest against it, lix 26] 

---- seditious meetings bill, lix 33] 

eee» protest against it, lix 34] 

---- bill for the abolition of certain offices, 
lix 42] 

«+e» civil services compensation bill, 74. 

+--+. issue of exchequer bills for local and 
temporary relief, lix 47] 

«+-- motion for a committee on the Roman 
Catholic question, negatived, lix 53] 

on lord Sidmouth’s circular, 
rejected, lix 61] 

e+.. regent’s second message on dangerous 
combinations referred to the same com- 
mittee as before, lix 65] 

+++ report of the committee, 76. 

«++. habeas corpus suspension act con- 
tinued, lix 71] 

+. bill for the better regulation of select 
vestries, lx 3] 

as-- repeal of the habeas corpus suspension 
act, Ix 3] 6] 

e+. address on the regent’s speech, lx 3] 

e+-++ papers on the state of the country re- 
ferred to a secret committee, Ix 9] 

e+.. report on them, lx 24] 240 

».» motion for an account of bank notes in 
circulation, lx 16] 

«+. conversation on the resumption of cash 
payments, 2b. 

‘eee indemnity bill, lx 29] 30] 

eee. protest against it, lx 38] 

‘ee. privately stealing in shops bill nega- 
tived, lx 61] 

'e aoe; restriction continuance bill, lx 

‘ee. regent’s message on the royal mar- 
riages, Ix 84] 91] 

e a3 return of incomes of the princes, lx 


e+++ motion for correspondence on aliens 
and passports negatived, lx 125] 

‘eeee alien bill renewed, lx 126] 129] 

eee petition of recent proprietors of the 
Bank of Scotland to be heard by counsel 
rejected, Ix 127] 

eeee Dill for building new churches, Ix 

‘es-- —— for punishing the purchasers of 
game, Ix 136] 

lop , —— for amending the regency act, 


Lords, House of: bill respecting the edu- 
cation of the poor, lx 147] » 

++.. return of persons committed for trea- 
son &c,, or whose papers have been 
seized, Ix 51 

»».- address on the regent’s speech, lxi 3] 

++. bill for the care of his majesty’s per- 
son, Ixi 8] ; 

«++. royal household bill, lxi 23] 

+++» consolidated fund produce bill, Ixi 41] 

+». report of the committee on the Bank 
restriction, lxi 42] 

.-+. Bank restriction bill passed, Ixi 55] 

---. Roman Catholic claims, Ixi 60] 63] 

e+ bill to prevent enlistments and equip- 
pent ot vessels for foreign service, Ixi 


ees reversal of lord E, Fitzgerald’s attain- 
der, lxi 84] 

--.. address to the regent on the slaye 
trade, Ixi 86] 

--++ debate on the regent’s speech, Ixi 117] 

-+-- documents relative to the proceedings 
at Manchester, lxi 124] 

+++ bill for taking away the absolute right 
to imparle or traverse, Ixi 126] 

+++» blasphemous or seditious libels bill, 
Ixi 128] 143] 

«+++ protests against it, lxi 147] 148] 149] 

--.. bill for preventing military training, 
Ixi 129] 134] 

«++. motion for inquiry into the state of 
the manufacturing districts negatived, Ixi 

++,» Seizure of arms bill, lxi 138] 

+++ protest against it, 2b. 

++. seditious meeting bill, lxi 154] 

++ee protest against it, Ixi 156] 

Loredo, capt. _ tried for wilfully casting 
away his ship, viii 109] 

Lorena, lady Marg. de, ii 211 

Lorentz, Rich, xlix 854 

Lorenzini, xlvi 798 

Loretto, taken by the French, xxxix 16] 

«+e. relics there sent to France, xxxix 20] 

+++. image of the Virgin restored, xly 354 

Lorges, marsh. de, xiii 52] 

Loring, capt. J. (N) xlv 456, 543 

Loriot, his cement of the ancients, and arti- 
ficial stone, xvii 105 

Loris, account of the, xxviii 50 

Lorkin, T. xxi 240 

Lorrain, card. xy 188. xxi 237 

—— duke of, xxii 17 

Francis II of, xv 209” 

——— prince Charles of, i 15, 409. y 117] 
ix 16. x 117. xvii 7 

Joseph of, xlii 201] 

—— princess of, xiii 123] 

Lorraine, Claude, xiv 158. xv 147. xxiii 

Lort, rev: Dr. Mich. xxxi 83. xxxii 225] 

--+- Sale of his library, xxxiii 19] 

Losado, gen. lv 202 

Losch, F. murder of his wife, lx 140 


Losh, James, xxxiv 78 
—— W. lvii 320 
Losing, bish. Herebert, xv 131 
Losme, maj. de, xxxi 249*] 
Lossack, adm. G. xxxviii 90 
capt. W. (N) liii 215 
Lossett, W. concerned in stealing a bag of 
Jetters, xv 93] 
Losson, gen. xvii 18] 
Losymthal, count of, iv 102] 
Loten, gov. (Dutch) xli 5 
Lothario, duke of Saxony, xiii 106 
Lothian, lieut. (N) xlvi 434 
W. 4th margq. of, viii 202] xi 181) 
xiii 67] xvii 160] 163] 
—— W. 6th marq. lix 32 
W. J. Sth marq. xxi 202] xxvii 
189] xxxi 298] 304] 
Lott, _ poisoned by his wife, xii 117] 
— T. xxxvi 364 
— Vander, xii 90 
Lotteries, sums raised by, i91, 133. v 158] 
159] vi 33] 181] ix 205] x 221] xi 265] 
xii 222] xiv 227] xx 271] xxi 288] xxii 
331] xxiii 314] xxiv 273] xxv 289] xxvi 
308] xxvii 303] 346] 347] xxviii 252] 
xxix 267] xxx 127] 264] xxxii 279] xxxiii 
144] xxxiv 144] 149. xxxv 111] 107. 
xXxxvi 120. xxxvii 119. xxxviii 108, xxxix 
174, x1 208. xli 199. xlii 168, xliii 192, 
193, xliv 589. xlv 632. xlvi 586 
ee+ drawings of, i 113, 114, 116. x 149] 
155] xvii 98] xviii 171] xix 114] 191] 
xxxv 15 
e+. asa bonus, ii 130, 179. iii 191] xv 215] 
xvii 255] xxiv 184*] 
«.+. two ina year for the first time, vi 33] 
34] 181] 
-++. nonfreemen not entitled to keep an 
Office in the city of London, viii 137] 
+... ticket given to a child unborn, a prize 
“i 10007. the day after it’s birth, ix 
«+. prize found in an old bureau, x 108] 
«++» success of a ticket prayed for, x 148] 
«+++ pockets picked of tickets, x 149] 
+++. Successful purchasers in, x 158] liii 
+.+. tickets sold under the price given to 
government, xii 151] 
.a+-- very few orders from America, xii 
e+++ ona new plan, xiii 101] 
Vis jab convicted on the act, xiv 
ba insurance of tickets deemed legal, xvi 

ees petition of the city of London against, 
xvi 84] 

+«+- attempts to defraud insurance offices, 
xviii 128] 183] 

.. ++ fraud of an insurance office, xviii 133] 

«rs» attempt to prevent insurance, xviii 

vee rage for, xviii 188, xx 206] xxx 127] 


Lotteries: action to recover money on in~ 
surance, xix 184] 

+++» man convicted of altering the number 
of a ticket, xx 168] 176] 

++.» various schemes for getting money by, 
xx 206] 

«++. new clauses in the act respecting, xxi 
173] 231} 

-.. diminution of offices, xxi 195] 

--.- origin of, in England, xxi 145 

«+ suppressed, xxi 146, Iviii 157 

+. ++ opposed, xxxiv 144] 145] 

.++« mischiefs of, xxxiv 144] 1 

---. suicide from loss by insurance, xxxiv 

«++. scheme for preventing insurance, xxxv 

«+++ forfeited money returned, xxxvii 118. 
xlv 630 

e»-- high price of tickets, xl 26 

«... charges of, xli 195, 2b. xlii 164. xlv 
627. 1 183*. lx 423 

---- actions to recover shares in prizes, xliv 
472. lvii 299 

«++. a species of, called Little Go, xlviii 

«+.» Observations on, li 84 

Lottery, Adelphi, xvi 117] xvii 84] 98] 135] 

——— ald. Boydell’s, xlvi 366. xlvii 358 

—— French, xlii 45] xlvi 754 

Museum, xvi 100] xviii 115] 128] 


Lottum, gen. xxix 42] 

Loubere, de la, xxiii 59 

Loud, T. xliv 773 

Loudon, gen. xli 243] 

—— J. Ath earl, i 29. xvii 163} 

——- James, 2nd earl, xiv 39 

rey. xv 103 

Lough Lane. See Killarney 

Loughborough, lord. See Rosslyn, earl 

Louis. See Lewis 

adm. sir T. xl 143. xlvi 548. xlvii 
234, 551, xlviii 211, 230. xlix 662*. 1 

—— bar. lvi 61] lvii 83] 

—-— gen. xlv 552 

Louisa, Ann, princess, xi 112} 114] 

—-— Maria, empress, lii 232, 506 

—-— Maria, of France, enters the con- 
vent of St. Dennis, xiii 92] 115] 

—-— of the haystack, xliii 6 

—-—— queen of Prussia, lvi 572 

——— Spain, | 240* 

Louisbourg, expedition against, i 28 

-... capture of, i 70 

.»-. public thanksgiving for the taking of, 
i 106 

.... colours taken there placed in St. Paul’s 
cathedral, i 108 

«... articles of capitulation, i 177 

. state of the garrison, i 178 

.... return of the English killed and 
wounded, zd. 

+. the fortifications destroyed, iii 150] 



Louisiana, ceded by France to Spain, viii 69] 

«.-. ceded to France, xliv 82, 264. xlv 338 

e»-- Sold by it to the United States, xlv 
338. xlvi 195. xlvii 735 

«+.+ account of, lix 465 

Loureiro, Dr. J. xxxviii 5 

Louth, Oliver, 10th lord, xii 178] xiv 247] 

T. 11th lord, xlii 202, 204. liii 66 

T. earl of, xxxi 43 

Loutherbourg, P. J. de, xxiv 200] 

Louvain, university reéstablished, xxxiii 27 

«+. university suppressed, xxxix 53 

Louvaine, G. lord, xliv 4. 1 221* 

Louvet, J. Bapt. xxxvii 86] 119] 125] 

Louvois, xix 185 

Lovat, Sim. lord, v 157] vi 236. xx 240] 
xxxv 263 

Love, effects of, on different characters, 
xxxi 122 

e+e. insanity from, xxxiv 27 

«+e. Observations on, xxxiy 457 

Love in a Village, action for pirating, xi 

Love, ald. xxix 114] 

— And. murder of, 1x 138 

— James, viii 284 

—— Lovelace, xxvii 198] 

Loveden, Edw. Loveden, xxxi 106] xxxiii 
232. xxxv 24] 

Lovelace, Rich. xxxi 153 

Loveletter, Turkish, vi 305 

Lovell, —- xii 139] 

Dan. convicted of libel, liv 274 

W. executed for arson, xv 93] 

———and Holland, lord. See Egmont, 

Lovelocks, xxiii 220 

Low, G. executed for robbery, xii 142] 

Isaac, (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] 

Lowder, J. xi 303 

Lowe, suicide of, xxii 207] 

Edw. executed for arson, xxxii 222) 

—— G. liii 266 
Gr7 m. gen. sir Hudson, lvii 193, 204. lxi 
—— Mauritius, xiii 170] xxxv 46 
Lowendah!, marsh. count, ix 19, 21, 26. xii 

18] xvii8 

de, xxii 48] 
Lowenhaupt, count, xxxi 186] 191] 
Lowenstein, prince » if 29] 
Lower, sir W. xii 140 
Lowin, (actor) vi 180 
Lowitz, prof. xxxviii 408 
Lowndes, C. xii 217] 
- Rawlins, xvi 86] xx 40] 
Rich. iv 160] 
Thos. ii 174, 175 
W, xii 242 
Lowositz, battle of, i 9 
Lowquay, Standish, xlix 448 
Lowten, T. liii 123 
Lowth, bish. Rob. xiy 220. xxi 191, 208, 
« xxii ‘188. xxxili 449) xlviji 1078 



Lowth, bish. Rob. account and character of, 
xxix 35, xxx 1 

C. ix 80. ~~ 54, xxix 35 

tev. W. xxx 

T. H. xiii 123] xvi 118] xix 160] 
xxx 2 

Lowther, rev. H. ix 88] 

——— sir Jas. iv 77] xi 98] xiii 139] xix 
81] xx 90] 92] 167] xxi 200°] xxiii 150] 
xxiv 235] xxv 143] xxxiv il. xliv 407. 
xlviii 875, 880 

»»+» proceedings to deprive the duke of 
Portland of former crown property, xi 
78*] xiv 56] 59] 154] 155] xix 183] 

+++» duel with capt. Cuthbert, xxxiv 24 

«eee Will of, xliv 407 

———_ W. lii 298 

sir W. See 

—— vise. (from 1798 to 1807) § Lons- 
dale, earl : 

Loyalty loan. See Loans 

Lozano, Francisco, lx 440 

Lozelli, countess, xvii 155] 

Lozinga, bish. Rob. de, xxviii 201] 

Lubeck : application of the k. of Denmark 
for a loan, xvi 48] 

+++» Prussians defeated by the French in, 
xlviii 197 

+++ evacuated by the French, lv 167] 

wwe persecution of the Jews, lxi 190] 136 

Lubomirski, as xi 20] 25] xv 39] 

Luc, de. See Deluc 

Lucagnolo, xiv 53 

Lucan, i 317. vi 170, 174. ix 178. xxv 206 

C. Ist earl of xxxi 210] 

lady, xxiii 235 

Patrick, earl of, xxxi 210] 

Rich. 2nd earl of, xxxvi 121. xliii 

Lucas, Ant. (comm. of excise) xv 123] 

——— adm. Engelbert, xxxviii 88. exe: 
80, 81 
— couns. xi 137] 152] xii 67] xvi 195] 
xviii 161] 228] 237] 239] 242] 
Dr. C. iv 107] 115] ix 53] xiv 153] 
xv 67] xxxvi 256. xl 324 
Jer. Mr. Hodges killed by, xviii 
J. Rob. xlvii 847 

—— lieut. R. (A) vi 90] 

— maj. Rich. xxvi 37] 

——- Martin, xxxy 15 

——— S. xlvi 825 

sir C. xii 48 : 

Lucca, revolutionized by the French, xli 

«+. heavy contributions raised by them, 
xlii 197] 

e+. assigned to Maria Louisa, infanta of 
Spain, lix 123 

Lucchesini, fath. xv 20 

—— marquis, xxxiv 313, 347. xliii 

: 80] xlv 671, xlviii 163, 168, 202, 813. 
xlix4l ~~ 


Lucci, count de, xli 84 
Luccock, J. xli 401 
Lucerne, profitableness of, vit 48] xiii 124 
Luci, Simon de, vii 169 
Lucian, i 46]. vi 176. xv 118. xix 1. xxii 
167. xxxv 397, 398 
Lucilla, xxv 12n 
Lueius, king, ix 187 
Luckepoor, earth swallowed up at, vii 83] 
Luckner, marsh. iv 25] v 25] xxxiv 91] 
pl 93] 98] 99] 101] 102] 104] 110] xxxv 

++. taken into the French service, vi 85] 

Lucombe, W. xvi 107 

Luconia. See Manilla 

Lucretius, vii 186. viii 179. xlili 382. 1 4 

Lucrine, Mary Lydia, xxi 189] 

en, fall of part of the steeple, xlix 

Luddites. See Nottingham and Riots 
Ludgvan, church damaged by lightning, iv 

Ludlam, Isaac, executed for high treason, 
_ lix 102] 

James, xlix 358 

——— rev: W. viii 123, 129-32 

sir G. xix 121] 

——— W. xlviii 460. xlix 358, 370 

Ludlow, Edw. xli 406 

——— gen. Edm. i 325 

—-— G. D. (American judge) xvii 96] 

G. James, 3rd earl, xliii 88, 92. 

xlvi 432. | 21] 

maj. lvii 210 

—— Peter, Ist earl, xlii 202, 204, 209 

Ludlow, distillery pulled down by the col- 
liers, ix 149] 

Ludolph, Job, xxvii 81 

Ludovici, D. i 334 

Ludwig, J. an extraordinary character, i 247 

Luff, H. xlix 533 

Lugar, ii 322 

Lugen, W. tried for the murder of a black 
infant, ii 77 

Lugo, card. de, xlvii 1017” 

Luhorne, Mary, a wretched miser, ix 122] 

Luke, lieut. (N) lvi 155 

Lukin, Lionel, xliii 456 

Lullin, Ami, xxxiv 318 

Lully, J. Pet. xii 165 

—— Peter, i 275 

Raymund, xvi J312 

Lumbert, Rich. xlii 379. xlvii 854 

Lumisden, And, xxvii 111. xxxviii 516. 
xxxix 421 

Lumley, hon. capt. T. xxvi 43] 45] 74] 256] 

lieut. gen. sir W. xlix 165, 687*. li 

458n. liii 207, 209 

T. xxxvii 124 

Lumm, sir Franc. xxxiii 4517] 

Lumsden, J. xly 552 

Lunardi, Vincent, xxviii 209] 

Lunatics. See Insanity, and Madhouses 

++s+ criminal, expense of confining and 
maintaining, lx 421, Ixi 420 

Lundi, M. xxii 405] 
Lungs, cases of extraneous bodies forced 

into, ix 114, 116 
Lunsdon, Edw. elected freeman of Mor- 
peth, v. the steward of the court leet, x 

Lunsford, col. — x lvi 857 
Lupton, J. xlix 378 

——— rev. Dr. W. vi9 

Lusack, lieut. (N) xliii 263] 

Lusby, James, murder of, xii 131] 
Lushington, ald. W. xxxvii 213] 10. xxxviii 
24] 22. xxxix 139] xl 192] 197] 201) 

capt. (N) xli 359. xlvii 

Dr. Steph. lvii 268. lviii 250, 
256, 264. Ix 255. Ixi 269, 286 

————— sir Stephen, xxxiii 111] xxxvii 
34, xliii 198] 

Steph. Rumbold, 1 32] li 34. 

lv 61] Ix 74] 

— W. xxxiv 78 

Lusi, count de, xxxi 203] 

Lusieri, Tita, liii 523. viii 447 

Lusignan, xxxiii 164 

gen. xli 280] 

Luther, ix 46, xii 8. xxxv 160] Ivt 112. 
lix 84 ; 

e+-+- character of, xxvi 22 - 

«+++ provision for the descendants of his 
brother, lx 12 

(M.P.) vii 129] ix 188 

Lutterloh, H. apprehended for treason, 
xxiv 162] 184] 241] 

Luttly, W. B. xli 19 

Luttrel, capt. James, xvi 180] xxiii 211*] 
xxv 274] 

—-— col. H. Lawes, xii 67*] 68*] 86] 89] 
100] 202] 203] xiii 198] xiv 153] xv 
174] xvi 85] 91] xviii 161] 

——— hon. James, xvi 137] xxi 144] xxvii 
268] xxviii 104] 

lady E. xxxix 14 

—— T. xx 51] xxi 57] 144] xx 97] 

Lutwidge, capt. Skeflington (N) xvi 108] 

——— H. xix 14] 

———— lieut. (N) xliv 377 

Lutz, Ant. xliv 367. xlv 953 

Lutzen, battle of, lv 12]] 

Luxemburgh, chey. de, xxv 97] xxxi 255*] 

—————- duke de, xxxi 31] 239*] 

———_———— marsh. xii 54 

Luxury: remarks on, iii 194, 199. xxxviii 

+--. absurdity of declamations against, viii 

Luynes, card. de, x 75] 

——-— grand constable, i 494, xiii 52 

Luzerne, count de, xxx 216] xxxi 246*] 
xxxli 146] xxxiii 9] 

——-— marg. de la, xxx 195] 

Lycurgus, iii 1 

Lydgate, J. xxi 21, 24, 26, 153, 231 

Lydiard, capt. C. (N) xlviii 605. xlix 645, 

Lye, capt. — (N) liii 179 

— rev. Edw. xliii 33 

Lyell, G. assassinated at Madrid, lviii 118 

Lygon, W. See Beauchamp, earl 

Lying, fatal consequences of, xli 450n 

Lying-in Charity for Married women at 
their own Habitations, collections for, vii 
57] xii 91] xv 96] 

-. +» benefactions to, xii 89] 

Hospital in Aldersgate street. See 

London Lying-in hospital 

- — Brownlow street. 
British Lying-in hospital = 

—~— hospitals, act for regulating, xvi 

pean, fis taken to relieve the poor, viii 


«+=. money granted to repair the cob, xxxv 

Lymer, don M. li 365 

Lynar, count i 194, 197, 198, 209-11, 
229-31, 234. xxxiii 1] 

Lynch, xvi 260 

— Dr. xlvii 434 

Judith, lxi 283 

sir W. xv 207] xvi 69] 

T. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] xviii 

266] ; 

Lynde, hon. Sam. vi 76 

Lynedoch, T. lord, xlii 215] li 3, 11, 12, 
138, 475. lii 165, 303, 436. liii 112} 181. 
liv 146] 147] 149] 201, 207. lv 143] 145] 
146] 149] 151] 165] 168,170, 175, 179, 
190, 197, 198, 210, 221. Ivi 4] 11} 97] 
a 153, 156, 169, 196. Ix 402. Ixi 60, 


Lynn, action against a citizen of London 
for port dues, xxxi 207] 

«+s. riot of seamen on account of wages, 
lvi 103 

Lynx, described, v 55. xxxvii 83°] 

Lyon, Edm. Pusey, xlvi 708 

—— J. forgery by, xxxv 52. xxxvi 3. 
XxXvii 22 

Joseph, xlix 853 

Matth. (Amer.) found guilty of sedi- 

tion, xl 96 

m. gen. sir James, 1 265* 

—— rev. Dr. ix 287 

+—— Sheba, Ixi 236 

—-— du, broke on the wheel for the mur- 
der of his brother, vi 108] 

Lyons, reception of Buonaparte at, xliv 78 

e+. extraordinary attempt at robbery and 
murder, xliv 443 

e+.. population of, xliv 473 

--+- disturbances at, lviii 108] lix 107] 

Lyons, abp. of. See Fesch, card. 

——— Denis, lix 77 

Israel, viii 112] xvi 102] xviii 128] 

——— J. receiver of stolen goods, xv 67] 

—— Lyon, convicted of shooting at T, 
Goodall, xxi 191] 206] 


Lys, Peter, xlvi 391 
Lysaght, capt. xx 254] 
Lysons, Dr. D. xiii 64 
rev. D. xxxvii 116*] 118*] 119%] 
xxxviii 511. xlii 407. lii 671, 678 
S. xxxix 479. lii 671, 678 
«++» account of, Ixi 461 
Lyster, Rich. lviii 152 
Lyttleton, bish. C. v 55. vii 102. xi 75. xiv 

— G. Ist lord, iv 240, 242. v 17, 
152n, 196. ix 293. xi 143] 221] xii 243. 
xiii 70] 197] 199] xiv 257. xv 236] xvi 
89] 258. xvii 125] 229. xix 119] xx 131. 
xxiii 214. xxy 56. xxxiii 442] 449] 
xxxvi 277m. xlii 32. 1xi 454 
me a correspondence with Voltaire, iv 
«++» — life of Henry the second, x 266 
«++. memoirs of, xvii 24 
aa pone of a journey into Wales, xvii 
---- letters to his father, xvii 171 
«+.» character of, xix 21 
gov. W. H. iii 61] v 76] viii 117 
.+.. his negotiation with the Cherokees, iii 
+... — treaty with them, iii 233] 
hon. W. H. xlix 162. 1 3)] li 
140. lit 36, 90, 107. liv 53] lx 22] 56] 
Ixi 22] 

lady, xi 70] 

sir Edw. xxxix 199n] 

sir T. xvii 25, 171 

T. 2nd lord, xvii 95] 125] 170] 
29. xix 93] 
W. H. 3rd lord, x 124] 


po eek J. xxiii 237] 260] xlix 855. Ivi 


————. J. (attorney) liv 311 

Mabillon, J. v 145 

M‘Adam, Quintin, xlviii 958 

Macan, col. xly 560. xlvi 230 

Macanaz, de, lvi 78] 

M‘Ardell, James, viii 1942] 

M‘Arthur, col. (Amer.) liv 245 + 

J. xxxv 173. xxxvi 80 

maj. xxiv 86] 

—————— rev. Donald, | 133* 

Macartney, capt. (N) xxv 121] 123] 

—_——— ib. 

-—_—<— G. earl, xii 156] xv 103] 113] 
207] xxii 202*] xxv 268] xxvi 42] 113] 
Xxvili 92] 192] xxxiv 179] xxxix 175] 
458. x] 12. xli 221. xliii 202] xlvi 949. 
xviii 861. lix 494 

..+. duel with Mr. Sadlier, xxvii 230] 

»».- annuity from the E. India company, 
xxviii 201] 

«s+» duel with gen. Stuart, xxviii 203] 

James, lii 631 


Macaulay, ald. G. Mackenzie, xxvii 177] 
——— Cath. xii 224. xviii 240] xxvi 5. 
xxvii 243] 
+++. Statue to, in St. Stephen’s Walbrook, 
xx 199] 215] 
«s+. account of, xxxiii 24] 
Dr. G, ib. 
rey. Kenneth, vii 22 
Macaw, aged, xi 178] 
Macbean, capt. (art.) ii 233, 234 
Macbeth, x 17. 1 279 
M‘Bride, Dr. Dav. vii 128. xviii 84, xix 
117. xx 103. xxi 117, xxviii 79 
—— adm. J. iv 155] xv 78*] 101] 
xxiii 203*] 290] xxiv 199] xxv 221] 
226] xxvi 201] xxviii 101] 104] xxix 
91] xxx 104] xxxi 265] 
Neale, xlv 460 
M‘Callum, 11299 
M‘Can, executed for mutiny, i 81 
. executed for treason in Ireland, 
x] 165] 

T. Townley, xxxiv 45 

M‘Carr, col. 1 3* 

M‘Carthy, Dennis, Ix 359 

——— J. J. Alex. lyii 320. 1x 359, 361 

M‘Carty, Donald, i 330 

——— Owen, xxxii 230] 

—— Patrick, iii 133] 137] 

M‘Carty-Mores, i 330 

M‘Causland, Rich. xxviii 52 

M‘Clelland, James, 1x 269 =~ 

M‘Cleod, J. executed for murder, xi 179] 

Macclesfield, G. 2nd earl of, ii 141. iii 127, 
ae v 130. vii 57] 35, 37. xi 258] xlvi 


— G. 4th earl, lx 140] 
T. Ist earl of, vii 279. viii 23. 
xx 1, 3. xxxiii 281] xlviii 29, 110 
..-. death of, xx 4 

M‘Cleverty, capt. __xlii 73 
M‘Cluer, lieut. (N) xxxiii 345] 
M‘Clure, capt. 7b. 

- gen. (Amer.) lvi 145 
M‘Coard, T. xlix 448 
M ‘Cormick, C. xxxix 456, 4952 
—— maj. (Irish volunt.) xxvii 


M‘Corry, J. 1x 111] 

weit miss, murder of, xx 156] 166*] xxi 

M‘Crie, rev. T. liv 453 

M‘Cririe, murder of, liv 143 

M‘Cummins, capt. (A) xlv 405 

M‘Daniel, Mich. iii 75] 

M'‘Donal, sir Jas. ii 142 

reals, (keeper of a madhouse) vi 

Ames, iii 126] 
capt. C. (N) lv 112] 225 
xli 303] 304] 309] 78, 

Flora, xxvii 107. xxxii 199] 
——— gen. (Am. loyal.) xix 156°} 
xxii 179) xxiii 209*] 

———. col. 



M‘Donald, James, 1 16] 221%, lv 51] 52] 
]xi 4] 76] 158] 
— J. murder of, x 79] 
—lieut.col. xlv 534,561. xlvi 281 
——— G. lv 144 
xliv 400 
—— Malcolm, murdered, lv 9 
marsh. x1 69] 127] 131] xli 
148] 151] 277] 288] xlii 11] 209] xliii 
59] 69] Wii 177. litt 110] 114] liv 171] 
ly 115] 122] 132] lvi 5] 19] 66) lvii 57] 
87] lviii 5 
Patrick Randal, murder of, xxviii 
199] 235] 
sir Alex. xxxiii 451] 
— sir Archib. xviii 239] xxiii 239] 
XXvii 68] xxxiii 45] xxxiv 44, 45, 50. 
xxxv 112] xliv 560. xlv 404. xlvi 359, 
xIviii 94, 438. 185°. 11 274, 275, 295. Ix 
401, 402, 1xi 347, 399, 400 
sir James, xxxvii 47*] 
— T.1i 92 
lord of the isles, xxxiv 436 
..-. establishment for the household of, 
xvii 143 
M‘Donall, capt. Rob. (N) xxvii 263] 
M‘Donell, J. liv 214 
M‘Donnell, father and son, instance of inte- 
grity in youth, and vigour in old age, xv 

ic ES 

col. James, xlix 676*. lvii 176 
Mace, Cassia, lviii 176 
M‘Eavies, a nest of swindlers, xviii 398 ° 
M‘Eligot, gen. ix 80] 
M‘Farlane, |. gen. sir Rob. li 458. Iv 174] 
lyi 33] 191. lvii 79] 163 
— Rob. 1 259 
——W. convicted of attempt to de- 
fraud underwriters, xliv 568. xlv 387 
M‘Farquhar, Colin (bookseller) xviii 138] 
M‘Findley, capt. C. xvi 116] 
M‘Gacher, capt. v 117] 
M‘Genis, Dr. xxxiv 3 
M‘Gie, Peter, ix 97] me 
M¢Gill, sir J. Dalrymple Hamilton, xxiii 239] 
T. 1108. liii 562 
M‘Gillivray, (Creek chief) xxxv 40 
M‘Ginnis, Dr. Dan., J. Hardy murdered by, 
xxvi 194] xxvii 236] 
———-—— Edw. and Jane, executed for a 
robbery at Mr. Adair’s, ix 107] 
M‘Glashan, C. Ixi 94 
—— W. robbery by, Ixi 1 
M‘Grath, Cornelius, iii 79 
M‘Gregor, capt. Rob. (A) xlv 553 
— Janet, iii 118] 
Rob Roy, xvii 40 
sir Gregor, lviii 160] lix 160] 
Ixi 256] 257] 
—— the name suppressed, xvii 85 
M‘Guire, Edw. found guilty of murder in a 
duel, ly 310 
gen. (Austr.) i 54. ii 10. iti 17] 
ix 80] 

Isabella, murder of, liy 101 


M‘Guire, W. x 80 

Machell, T. 1xi 301 

M‘Henry, James (Amer.) xxix 299] aM 

Machiavel, N. i 237. xxv 23, 211. xxxiil 
258. 1239] 

+++. account of, xv 18 

Machin, J. vii 37 

Rob, A. xlvi 934 

Machlachlan, J. xlvii 873 

M‘Intosh, gen. (Amer.) Ixi 145 

Mack, gen. bar. xxxv 246] xxxvi 6] 13] 
21] xl 73] 128] 131] 261. xJi 147] 151) 
xliv 540. xlvii 147, 149, 662, 697, 707. 
xlviii 213, 673 

Mackaroff, adm. xli 298] 

M'‘Kay, Alex. Ix 311 

Mackay, v. Dunnant for an assault, vi 82] 

capt. (A) iii 25 

—-— Donald, lviii 115 

gen. xxix 265] xxx 262] 

G. xxii 133] 239] 314] xxiii 199} 

J. xxxiv 37 

——— rev, David, li 334, 852 

——— Rob. lviii 314 

——_— W. lviii 115 

M‘Kean, James, murder of C, Cavendish 
by, lviii 3 

——T. (mem, of Congr.) xvii 218] 
xviii 265] 

M‘Kell, xiii 142] 

M‘Kellar v. Bellamy, lvii 299 

——— capt. J. (N) xl 123 

M‘Kendrie, XXXii 222] 

M‘Keuzie, _ (engineer in Turkish service) 
xxxiii 102 

Alex. xliii 545 

capt. Adam (N) xlviii 586 

— G. C. (N) li 277, 372 

Kenneth, (A) xxvii 204] 






T. (N) xxvii 263] 
See M‘Leod, lord 
——~— Dr. Alex. xx 70 
—————— Murdoch, ix 99 
— H. xxxii 115. xlvi 522, xlvii 
962n. lii 691 
———- James, | 2* 
K. 1ii 423 
——— Lewis, xlvii 962 
——-— lieut. Colin (A) vi 90] 
1. col. lv 130 
——_—_——_ ]. gen. Alex. xxvii 68. xxxviii 
88. xlix 202, li 460 
m. gen. 

————. col, 

lv 145 
J.R. 1i 184, 469, 472 
Kenneth, lvi 153 
— Rob. xxxii 315] 

sir G. xxxii 97. xxxiv 434. xlix 


G Stuart, liii 426, 490, 498, 
M‘Keon, Martin, lix 203 
M‘Kercher, —_iv 72] 

—— Dan, v, Peacock, on a legacy, 
xiii 170) 



Mackerel, large, at Billingsgate, ix 98] 
--+- Sold at 14d. each, xi 120] 

«+++ great number caught, xlviii 420 
«+++ prices of, xlviii 420. lv 27 
M‘Kerrass, |. col. xlix 364 
———— maj. W. xiii 90 
M‘Kerrell, J. and R, liii 287 

Mackey, capt. v118] 

—— gen. xxx 262] 
Rob. xx 216] 

Mackie, ]. col. liii 163] 

M'‘Kin, P. liv 31 

M‘Kinley, capt. G. (N) li 397 

— lieut. J. (N) xxv 252] 

M‘Kinlie, Pet. murder and robbery at sea 
by, viii 233] ix 75] 

M‘Kinnon, maj. gen. __ killed, liv 145) 

Mackintosh, Angus, xxxiv 436 

lady, li 648 

— sir James, xxxiv 77. xxxvii 
160] xlv 600, 698. liii 53. lv 210] 211) 
Ivi 11)] lvii 4] 20) lviii 55) lix 31] Ix 
21] 128] 1xi 47] 72] 76] 150] 151) 

Macklin, C. xviii 213, xxxvi 300. -xxxix 
42. xliv 825 

«++» his Love Alamode pirated, xiii 168] 

++«» expelled from Covent Garden by a 
party, xvi 149] xvii 90] 118] 127] xviii 
95] 117] 

«+++ uv. Colman, xxvii 180] 

++. his last performance, xxx 195] xxxix 

couns. liii 52 

Mackreth, sir Rob. xx 193] xxxv 22. xl 

Mackworth, xv 143] 

—— miss, xl 6 

sir Digby, Ixi 16 

Macky, J. xv 53 

Maclaine, Donald, murderer of W.. Allen, 
in St. George’s fields, xi 109] 112] 113] 
151] 152] 233] xiv 196] 198] 

Harriet Ann, x! 179 

Maclane, Laughlin, xvii 29 

Maclaughlan, Peter, murderer of W. Allen, 
xi 234] xiv 196] 198] 

Maclaurin, Dr. J. C. x] 92 

Maclaury, Donald, (murderer of W. Allen) 
xi 109] 112] 113] 151] xiv 196] 

Maclay, James, executed for murder, xxxix 
97, 33 

M‘Lean, Alan, murder of, xlvii 357 

—— b. gen. noe y 

——— col. Allan, xxxiv 145 

Francis, xix 6] xxi 162] xxii 


— maj. iii 149] 

M‘Leane, Donald. See M‘Laine 

Maclellan, capt. Dunbar, (N) xxvi 69] 


lieuts J. See Kircudbright, 
M‘Leod, Allen, convicted of two libels, xliv 

394, 416 
capt (A) axxiv 2257) 



M‘Leod, col. = wi 154 

—— Alex. liii 227. lv 128 

Norman, xxvi 86] 94] 103] 

287] xxxiv 78. xxxviii 50] 61] 

— Patrick, xlviii 144, 592, 595, 

918. xlix 204, 674*, 680* 

Donald, xxxi 224] 

Janet, or Kath., fasting woman, xv 
93. xx 68 

—— J. lix 419 

———lieut  (art.) xxiv 68] 

—— lord, xxi 162] 213] xxv 57] 60) 
72) 80) 

——_ maj. xlvi 223 

M‘Mahon, col. sir J. li 145. liv 7] 8] 56) 

————. T.. murder of, lv 74 

— W. xliii 457 

M‘Morine, 1. col. —_ 1x 183] 

M‘Mullen, J. xlii 70 

“M‘Murchard, Arth, xvi 83 

M‘Naghten, Edm. Alex. xliii 159] xlv 188. 
xlvi 96 

M‘Nally, couns, xliv 463. xlv 427. lvi 321. 


lix 210 
M‘Namara, —Ixi 451° 
adm. James, xlv 380, 381 
Dan. xxxiv 145 
J. executed for treason, xlv 
363, 369, 371 
—_ miss, conversion of, xvii 155] 
— W. lviii 348 

M‘Naughtan, James, xlvii 853 

M‘Naughton, J. iv 176] 

+++. account of him, iv 73 

M‘Neil, 1. col. xliv 272 

M‘Nevin, Dr. W. xl 158] 11], 162, 166, 
236. xli 166 

M‘Nichol, Mich. murder of, lvi 101 

Macomb, gen. (Amer.) lvi 190] 

Maconochie, Alex. lix 28] Ix 46] 49] 

————_ Allen, xxxii 55. liv 7, 291. lv 

M‘Pherson, capt. J. xviii 189] 

——— Jas. viii 94] xv 54] xxx 209, 
xxxvili 8. 1 242 

--»- on the antiquity of the poems of 
Ossian, iv 158 

«++. his poems of Ossian, iv 276. xxxviii 
367. 1 266 ; 

«+-~ account of, xxxviii 366 

James Roy, ix 71] 

—_— sir J. xxvii 230] xxviii 200] 
xxix 168] xxxii 287] xxxiii 480] xxxiv 
196] 225| xxxix 172] 176] xliii 202] li 
233, 236 

M‘Quarie, m. gen. Lachlan, lv 520. Iviii 194 

M‘Queen, R. xxxvi 8 

Macquer, Jos. vii 119. xxii 70. xxx 85 

M‘Quin, T. transported for trading in 
slaves, ly 97 

M‘Quirk, convicted of murder at the Mid- 
dlesex election, xii 67] 69] 75] 76] 

«++» pardoned, xii 8] ] 228] 

«++» indicted for the murder of 
kins, xii 88] 101] 

», Hop- 


M‘Rae, Alex. xlix 519. lvi 325 
capt. xxxii 199] 
Macre, J. xiii 146] 
M‘Rea, miss. See M‘Crea 
Macready, W. (actor) xlviii 440 
W. xivi 794 
Macrobius, x 162. xxx 121 
Mad cat, several persons bitten by, xvili 

Mad dogs, numerous in London, iii 127] 
+++» prevalence of alarms of, iii 209 
. +» See also Hydrophobia 
Madagascar, all the eastern coast settled 
and fortified by the French, xiv 88] 
e++- current between it and the coast of 
Africa, xvi 86] 
.... dwarfish race in, xxxiv 358 
-+. anecdote of a princess of, xliii 398 
Madai Row, xxv 5] 8] 
Madajee Scindia. See Scindia 
Madalinski, count, xxxvii 26] 31] 
Madan, bish. Spencer, xxiv 201] 224] 
col. Martin, xxiv 201} 
——- Mrs. th. 
Patrick, condemned for a robbery, 
and said to be innocent, xvii 140] 141] 
146] 169] xxvii 204] 
rev.,Martin, xxiv 201] xxxii 205] 
xlii 332 
Madariaga, adm. J. Ign. xiv 11] 233] 
Madden, m. gen. sir G. Allan, liii 210 
Madder, on the culture of, i 351. xl 31 
Maddison, iv 76] v 92] 
—— rey. James, xliii 470 
Maddox, (wire-dancer) viii 41, xxiii 
—~——— couns. xiv 97] xix 236] xxiii 207] 
J. shot for desertion, iii 142] 
Rich. lix 78 
Maddox street, fire in, xix 156] 
Madeira: violent shock of an earthquake 
at, iv 132] Iviii 24 
-... increase and mortality of the inhabi- 
tants, xi 76 
+... remarks on, xii 189] xlviii 858 
2+.» several ships lost, xvii 91] 
»»+.» produce and exports, xlviii 860 
..-- taken under the protection of G,. 
Britain, xlix 282 
Madely, W. lvii 321! 
Madhouses, instances of the abuse of, iv 
76] xiv 78] xv 90] xlviii 400 
+++. proceedings in parliament respecting, 
vi 158] 
.... keeper and others found guilty of im- 
prisoning a lady, vi 56] 
+... prosecutions of keepers and others, x¥ 
117] 142] 
-».. acts for the better regulation of, xvii 
123] 240] xxii 202] 
.+ ++ action against a keeper, lv 284 
+--+ action against an unlicensed keeper, lv 

Madison, James, jun. (Amer.) xxix 299] xt 
299. li 697, lii 253, 519. liii 352. liv 194) 



424, 443, ly 5] 393, 409, 450. lvi 422, 
449, 451. lvii 126] 363, 428. lix 144] 

Madness. Sce Insanity 

Madoc ap Owen Gwynedd, discoverer of 
America, ix 300 

Madox, T. xvi 1492 

W. A. li 157, liii 85 

Madras: unsuccessfully besieged by the 
French, ii 54 

«sss printing office erected at, vii 114] 

«+e. several large stills making for distilling 
water there, xii 108] 

+.» theatre opened at, xix 164] 

e+. lord Pigot deposed, xix 189] 

.-+. hurricanes and famine at, xxvi 81] 82] 
liii 167] 50 

++» attempt to raise cochineal at, xxxi 221] 

Madrass, G. naturalized, xi 201] 

Madrid: catalogue of the Arabie MSS. in 
the Escurial published at, v 88] 

... regulations of the men’s dress, ix 15} 

«... monopoly of the supply of provision, 2d. 

e+e. public lamps fixed, 7d. 

e+. Tidts in consequence, 2b. 

e+e» magnificent Sun of gold and jewels 
presented to the royal chapel by the king, 
xi 63] 

e».. account of the Arabic MSS. in the 
Escurial, xiii 96 

---. new academy under the title of Friends 
of their Country, xix 187*] 131] 

«+e» population of, xxi 217] xxix 226] 
xxxv 60 

+e. paintings in the palace, xxv 177 

oss. picture of, 1 63 

e+e Situation of, li 948 

ee«. assassination of G. Lyell, king’s mes- 
senger, lviii 118 

Madura, great pagoda, xxxii 98 

Maelstrom, account of the, xiv 82 

Maestricht, powder magazine blown up, iv 

+... dispute between the emperor and the 
Dutch respecting, xxvii 111] 135] 

«+-- sieges of, xxxv 243] 244] xxxvi 60] 

Maffei, marq. xlii 445 

Magad’ha, country of, li 895 

Magault, Dr. xv 16 

Magaw, col. (Amer.) xix 179*] 

Magdalen hospital : ii 424. iii 67] lix 368 

«+e. subscription for founding, i 96 

e+. opened in Goodman’s fields, i 104 

+... collections for, ii 87. iv 80] v 75] vi 
63] vii 63] ix 92] x 80] xii 91] xvi 95] 
xvii 116] xix 140] 

ees. account of, ii 166 

«+.» benefactions to, vi 67] 79] viii 73] 87 
141] ix 102] 117] xi 135] 18. xii 107 
xvi 124] xxvii 202] 

e+e report of the, vii 59} 

+--+ queen declares herself it’s patroness, 
viii 87] 

++. gift toward building a new house, x 
52) 53] 

eee» new house, xii 107] 119] 



np J. convicted of libel, liv 271, Iv 
: rev. Dr. W. xliv 705. xlvii 794 
Magellan, Ferd. vi 2] x 185, xi 13, xxxii 


J. Hyacinth de, xxi 132. xxxii 

Streights of, surveyed, xxviii 34] 

Magiel, And. xlix 509 

Maginnis, Dan. executed for murder, lx 268 

Magistrate of Middlesex v. a magistrate of 
Westminster for false imprisonment, vii 

Magistrates: whether a secretary of state 
be a justice of the peace within the mean- 
ing of the act 25 G. II, viii 88] 

-... those of Westminster to wear as a 
distinction a gold shield with the arms of 
Westminster and emblems of magistracy 
suspended from a ribbon on the breast, 
viii 153] 

«+++ a country justice offended at not being 
worshipped, and at being worshipped too 
much, xvii 150] 

+++. convicted of a misdemeanor; xix 155] 
Ix 277 

+++ action against one, for forcibly enter- 
ing a house, xix 158] 

+++» motion against one, for refusing to 
compel two persons charged with being 
ee catholics to take the oaths, xix 


-. ++ act for payment of costs in complaints 
determined out of sessions &c. xxi 173] 
+... punished for enrolling a bill thrown 

out by a grand jury, xxii 134 

++. convicted of impressing a freeman of 
London, xxiii 200] 

+++. Woman committed by one for disturb- 
ing in execution of office, xxxiii 30] 

+++. Office of justice of peace, xxxiv 156] 

. warrants forged, xxxiv 24 

+++. cautions to, xxxvii 178*] 

«+++ damages against a mayor for assisting 
officers in breaking open a public house 
to get to their quarters, x] 24 

gti —— for impressing a dis- 
senting minister, 1 133* 

+--+. convicted of abuse of authority and 
oppression, liii 66. lviii 313 

-.+. convicted of illegally obtaining a 
license for a public house, ly 313 

+»+- one heavily fined for disregarding a 
judge’s order to prevent a duel’ in Ire- 
land, lix 69 

«+ +« girl kidnapped by one in Ireland, and 
transported to America, lxi 283 

Magliabecchi, Ant. ii 293 

-.+. compared with R. Hill, ii 297 

Magna charta, ix 37] 39] xl 436 

Magna Urbiea Augusta, vii 54] 

Magnan, battle of, xli 280] 

Magnay, ald. Christ. liii 76 

Magnes, Mrs., child stolen by, liv 6 

Magnetic needle. See Compass 



Magnetism, experiments on, xliii 470 

Magnets, toothach cured by, viii 83] 137] 

-.-- Theumatic pains removed by, viii 

++. artificial method of making, xxii 98 

Magniac, Fry, li 420 

Magnus IV, of Norway, viii 74 

abp. J. xiv 229 

Dr. T. vii 176 

Olaus, xiv 229 

Magnuson, Finner, liii 431 

Magra, Perkins, xxxy 295 

Magrath, J. xi 283 

Mahdajee Scindia. See Scindia 

Mahé, chev. xlvi 135 

Maher, J. liv 504 

Matthias, lx 274 

Mahi, gen. liii 120] 

Mahie taken, xxv 54] 

--e restored to the French, xxvi 326] 

Mahogany tree, lii 620 

Mahomet, xiv 180. xxii 39 

+-.. character of, xxx 6 

+... religion of, ix 216. xxxiii 477] 1 175. 
li 885 

o i renegadoes from Christianity, xxiii 

ese. death of, xxxi 126 
his daughter Fatima, xxxi 


+...» new sects among his followers, xli 67] 
Ivii 460, 461 

II, xix 6 

V, viii 158] 

VI, 1 75* 

Ali khan, iv 290] 291] 6. v 238] 
xvii 172] xx 95] 252] xxvi 344] xxvii 
1852] xxix 29n. xxxviii 376] xliv 269, 
278. 194] 

bashaw, xliii 235] 94. liii 146] 

— bey Aboudaab, xv 18] xxix 17. 

x1 258 
Cossim khan, vii 189] 190] 
~—— effendi, xlix 192 
Reza khan, xiv 207] xxx 154] 

xxxiv 224] 

Mahon, col. xlix 220 

Edw. xlvii 366 

lord. See Stanhope, C. 3rd earl, 
and P. H. 4th earl 

Mahony, count, _ ix 80] 

Mabrattas: account of the, v 105. ix 21] 
xxv 4] xlvi 198 

«... defeated by general Carnac, ix 21] 

«+s. War with them, xxv 9] 

+++« peace concluded, xxvi 76] 289] 343) 

++«- customs and manners of the, xxix 27 

+++- productions and peculiarities of their 
country, xxix 74 

+... engaged in the war against Tippoo, 
xxxiv 200] 205] 

Maiben, J. lii 418 

es battle of, xlviii 142, 591, 921, xlix 




Maidstone, desperate attempt to escape 
from jail, viii 121] 

.++» toll-free market for hops granted to, 
ix 127] 

Maiha-maiha, Iviii 476 

Mail, robberies of the, i 81. xii 82] 87] xiii 
79| 2b. 84] 96] 130] 134] 135] 138] 139] 
142] xiv 148] xv 83] 93] 114] xvi 110] 
xviii 152] xxiii 220] xxv 201] 202] 214] 
xxxiii 16] 36] 40] 41] xxxiv 1, 42, xxxv 
15, 40, x1 22. xlii 43. xliii 46. xlix 417. 
Nh liv 122, 126, 131. lviii 13. lix 79, 


+++. attempt to rob, frustrated by a new- 
invented carriage, xiii 143] 147] 

+++. attempts to rob, liii 50. lv 9. Ivi 97. 
lvii 57, 69. lviii 113 

Mail-coaches : races between, xliv 406. Ixi 

.. +. overturned, xly 400. 1 119°. lv 54, 
66, 69, 104. lviii 104. Lxi 57 

+... Tun away with, lv 89 

.--- horse in one attacked by a lioness, 
lviii 164 

---- patent, lxi 51 

.... Various new arrangements, lxi 80 

Mailla, fath. de, xix 187 

Maillant, xli 96] 

Maillard, xxxli 47] 48] 

——- frere, xiii 144 

Maillardez, de, C. xlvi 634 

Maillebois, marsh. count de, xiv 89] xxvii 
117] xxviii 64] 84] 

————__ marq. de, x 36] xvii 11. xxiv 


Maillet, Bened. de, ix 143. xxxiv 443 

Mailly, mad. de, xvii 5 

marsh. de, xxxiv 40] 

Maiming, case of an Irish militia serg. at 
Bristol, liv 105 

...+ See also Coventry act 

Maina, letter from Buonaparte to the chief 
of, xxxix 340 ; 

«+. letter from the patriarch to Buona- 
parte, x! 137] 

.«-« character of the people, xli 318 

Mainadue, de, Dr. J. Boniot, xxxix 19 

Maine, Rob. v 76] 

Maine de Bizan, Ixi 443 

Mainoni, gen. xli 243] 

Maintenon, mad. de, ix 2, 7. xv 13. xix 
149. xxxi 125. lii 569 

Mainville, . xxxv 280] 

Mainvillete, capt. d’Apres de, vii 40n, 41 

Mainwaring, xi 168 

———_— G. Boulton, xlvi 400, 403, 407. 
xl viii 369 

——_—_—— W.. xxvii 188] xxxiii 221. 
xxxiv 144] xxxvi 30. xxxix 257n] xli 
199] xliv 185, 425, 429. xlv 37. xlvi 
397. xlvii 54. liv 312 

Mairan, J. J. dO. de, ii 289. iii 91. iv 92. 
xiv 89] xxx 50 

Maire, Jacob le, vii 106. xi 208 

Maison, gen. lv 123] lvi 11] 32] 


Maisons, pres. de, xx 33 
Maistre, le, ii 142 
—— le, C. lv 70 
Maitland, b. gen. xlvi 138, 543 
capt.  (N) iv 71] xxv 222*] 
——— — Fred. Lew: jun. (N) xlv 401. 
xlvi 414. xlvii 225, 401, 536. lii 302. lvii 
84] 189 

— Rich. (art.) ii 132 

—— C. poisoned, xxiii 225] 

hon. capt. Ant. (N) lviii 235 

—— — gen. Alex. xxiv 202] 

—l.col. xxii 31] 185] 208*] xli 79 

lieut. gen. sir T. xxxiv 129] zd. 

77. xxxv 40] 77] 108] xxxvi 200] 207] 

250] xl 248] xliii 113. xliv 157. xlv 23, 

40, 219. xlvi 38, 71. 1 8*. liv 153] 154] 

237. lv 175] lviii 150] 393. lix 47] 521. 

}xi 195] 196] 198] 

lord. See Lauderdale, earl 

m. gen. sir Peregrine, lvii 175,180 

W. xxxii 105. xlix 875 

W. (secr. to Mary) xlvi 855 

Maitre, le, attempt to assassinate the 
king, xxxviii 17 

— Steph. Cesar, xvii 104] 

Maittaire, Mich, x 80 

Maize, vegetates after long keeping, xxxii 

Majendie, Lewis, xxxiv 384 

Major, capt. James, xxii 208] 212] 

—— Dan, xxxiii 329] 

—~— prof. J. ix 46 

Makooa Negroes, account of the, lvii 527 

Malachowski, count, i 164, xi 25] xxxiv 345. 
xxxvii 3] 19] 

Malagrida, Gabriel, ii 212, 219 

+--+ burnt, iv 171] 

Malartie, gen. — x li 237 

Malayala, xlix 390 

Malays, character of the, xii 1. xxvi 15 

Malbon, capt. J. (N) xlv 420, 539, 846 

Malbone, J. his vessel burnt, x 152] 

Malcolm Canmore, k. of Scotland, ix 109] 

Malcolm, (gardener) xviii 32 

adm. sir R. xlv 464. xlvii 55). Ivi 
183] 222, 236. lvii 146, 153 

———— b. gen. sir J. xlviii 702, 706. liii 
580. liv 457. lv 468. lvii 453, 460-4. lviii 
640. Ix 182] 188] 

—_—— capt. (N) lii 302, 311 

J. tarred and feathered at Boston, 

xvii 127] : 

W. xxxvii 107*] 

Malden, freemen of, convicted of bribery, 
vi 90] 116] 

+». land gained from the sea near, ix 100} 
++. Newcharter, liii 139 

Malden, visc. See Essex, earl 

Male, xxxili 28] 

—-— lieut. (N) iv 156] 

~-—— S. executed for robbery, xv 127] xvi 
77) 78) 

Malebranche, i 369. vi 183, 184, ix 38, x 
95, xiv 256, xli 445 



Malerti, count _ii 233, 269 

Malesherbes, C. W. de Lamoignon, xxxv 
205] 218] 219] 136. xxxvi 146} ' 

Malespina, don. Alex. xxxi 220] 

Malher, gen. xlvii 149 

Malherbe, F. de, iv 29. xv 180 

—— Fontaine de, xix 190 

Malhorte. See Malerti, count 

Maliciously shooting. See Shooting 

Malim, W. xii 30 

Maling, capt. J. Jos. (A) li 120 

Malisset, vili 95] 

Malkin, Dr. Ben. Heath, xlvi 739 

Mallartie, xl 255 

Mallet, —_ (astron. at Upsal) x 201] 

— (M.P.) vi 264, 265 

capt. _—‘diii 465 

Celesia, xvii 205” 

David, viii 86] ix 291-8, xxii 61. 
xxxvili 331. xliv 715 

e+. account of, xxiii 241 

gen. liv 177] 

Mrs. (wife of D.) liii 360 

— Paul Hen. xiii 32, 40, 86-93. xxi 220 

Mallet du Pan, xxxiv 31] xlii 347 

Mallinkrodt, ]xi 24 

Malmesbury, James, Ist earl of, xiv 41] 47] 
xv 65] xxii 211] xxviii 92] xxix 280] xxx 
272] xxxi 217] 298] 304] xxxvi 93. xxxvii 
13, 109. xxxviii 189] xxxix 148] 150] 
155] 163] 183. x1 6] 40] 158] 172] 176] 
x1 181. xlii 93] xliv 28, 32, 187. xlix 61 

Malmsbury, William of, x 5, xxi 157 

Malo, xxxix 51] 

Malo, St. See St. Malo 

Malone, Edmund, an Irish giant, iii 80 

Edmund, (author) xxiii 146. xxviii 
142. xxix 168, xxxii 247] xxxix 490. liii 

Malony, J. Bapt. condemned to perpetual 
imprisonment for unlawfully exercising 
the functions of a popish priest in Surrey, 
x 120] xiv 115] 

Malouet, xxxi 214*] 241*] 253°] xxxii 
32] xxxiii 206. xlvi 87 

Malpighi, Dr. Marcellus, xi 258] 

Malt, infusion of, an antiscorbutic, vii 128 

- consumption of, in England, ix 127] 

Malt-tax, i 132. ii 178. iii 191] 192] v 158] 
170] vi 180] vii 163] viii 241] ix 204] x 
221] xi 265] xii 222] xiii 239] xiv 226} 
xv 213] xvi 230] xvii 254] xviii 245] xix 
250] xx 270] xxi 288] xxii 230] xxiii 
313] 320] xxiv 273] xxv 289] xxvi 308] 
xxvii 302] 345] xxviii 251] xxix 266] 
xxx 130] 263] 264] xxxi 286] xxxii 279] 
xxxiii 230, 144] xxxiv 149, 150, 2b. xxxv 
107. xxxvi 120. xxxvii 119. xxxviii 108. 
xxxix 173. x1 207. xli 198. xlii 155. xliv 
124, 605. xlv 632, 633, 634. Ix 387. Ixi 

ae es of duty, xl 104 

-++. penalties for evading the tax, xlviii 
462. liii 44 

-+»+ War duties on relinquished, lviii 26] 



Malta: not the place of St. Paul’s ship- 
wreck, xviii 142 

a grand attack on by the Turks, xix 

+e» importance of, xli 108] 

+++. conspiracy of the Turkish slaves on 
board the galleys, iii 97] 

«+++ Turkish admiral’s ship carried into by 
some Christian slaves, iii 152] iv 77] 

+++ preparations against the Turks, iv 101] 
103] 110] 114] 

eee manifesto of the Turks against, iv 109] 

-.+- knights in the Austrian dominions 
forbidden to join their brethren, iv 117] 

.. +» the knights summoned permitted to 
return home, iv 172] 

«++» Jesuits expelled from, xi 53*] 87] 

+» letter from the emp. of Morocco with 
some Tuscan slaves, xii 12] 

+--+. capture of some Barbary vessels, xii 

-». refuses to join the Russians against 
‘the Turks, or admit more than three or 
four of their ships at a time, xiii 87] 

«s»» account of, xvi 188. xlv 943 

e+» Singular storm at, xvi ]91 

+.«. two Turkish ships taken, xviii 137] 

.s» rising of the people at, xviii 158] 

oss» engagement with an Algerine squa- 
dron, xxix J93] 

-»» large Algerine galley taken, xxix 200] 

«».. agent of the French republic refused 
admission, xxxv 188 

al by Buonaparte, xl 125] 134] 

++.» insurrection against the French, xl 

+>+e the emperor Paul elected grand mas- 
ter, xli 78} 

+»++ manifesto of the grand priory, xl 275 

«++» protestation of the grand priory of 
Russia, xl 276 

++.» declaration of the emp. Paul, xl 277. 
xli 280 

+++ taken by the English, xlii 215] 

«+++ embargo on British vessels in Russia 
on account of, xlii 259. xliii 77] 233 

-»e. article for it’s restoration, xliii 227. 
if 83, 95, 137, 143, 150, 156, 610. xlv 

+++» Petersburg made the temporary capi- 
tal of the order, xliii 248 

+++. the order nearly suppressed, xliii 248. 
xliv 248 

+++. deputation from the inhabitants, xliv 
365, 388. xlv 144, 239 

+++ field officers ordered to join their re- 
giments, xliv 455 

+++ proceedings respecting, xliv 145. xlv 
239, 254, 257, 274, 652, 738 

. FS i apr of a magazine, xlviii 427, 

+++. an academy of commerce at, suggested, 
1i 970 : 

+s.» plague at, lv 174] 

Maltby, xxxiv 15. 11143, 145 



Maltby, capt. W. (N) xiv 8] 47] 232] 

T. xliv 775 

Malte-Brun, lvii 584 

Malthus, rev. T. R. xlix 117, 129,1010 © 

Malton, fire at, xlviii 395 

Malton, James, (engraver) xlv 419 

Malus, xxxiv 123] 

Malvasia, count, xxv 183 

Malvern, extraordinary phenomenon at, iy 


Malzi, J. lyiii 347 

Mama Ocollo, xx 226 

Mamachi, fath. xii 39] 

Mamalukes. See Egypt 

Mammoth, found on the borders of the 
Frozen ocean, | 19* 

Mammotb’s horns, x 85 

--.. bones, xi 74. xii 72. xly 461. lviii 192 

Mamoun, caliph, xv 170 

Man, mighty good kind of, iv 210 

+s. Of extraordinary size, vi 122] ix 121 
xv 97] xvii 88] xviii 128] xxvi 200] xxvii 
198] xxxii 23]] xliii 26. xlvi 381. xlviii 
371, 413. li 287 

-.-~ faculties of, vi 182. x 312. 1 85* 

«+++ varieties of, ix 218. xvii 102. xx 52. 
xxxiy 358. lvi 500. Ix 441 

“gs one who chewed the cud, x 136] xxxii 


eee Social, x 307 

«+e. natural state of, x 308-12 

«».+.instance of increase in height after 
thirty, xiii 251 

+++» passing for a female physicians xv 97] 

+++ passions of, xvii 189. xxx 156. xlii 434 

--.. unable to distinguish colours, xx 72 

+++. changes in the national character of, 
xx 187 

eo.» wild, xxi 116 

«»-. several left on a desolate rock, xxii 
195] xxx 201] 

+s. instances of a reversed position of the 
intestines, xxx 204] lvi 501 

+... passing for a woman, xv 97] liii 42 

«+». Observations on, xxxiii 84 

«++. duties of, xxxvii 174*] 

.. «+ of extraordinary powers, xlv 380 

«.e. old, extraordinary performances of, 
xlvi 426 

«+++ numerous occupations of one, xlvi 435 

«++» propensity of one to the savage state, 
xlix 904, 906 

.».» several clasp knives swallowed by one, 
1i 265 

.».. earth eaters, li 854 

.... family with supernumerary fingers and 
toes, lvi 498 

«+e. milk furnished by, 1x 440, 441 

.-.. of letters, perplexities of one, xlvii 932 

Man, isle of: orders of council against 
smuggling, vii 92] 

+++ Subscriptions for the promulgation of 
the Gospel, and distribution of books of 
devotion in the Manks tongue, viii 61] 

«»-. George III proclaimed king of, viii 



Man, isle of : acts respecting, viii 244] 245] 
249] ix 209] x 227] xiv 227] lix 66 

«+--act for annexing it to the crown, vili 

«+e rights reserved to the duke of Athol 
and his heirs, 2). 

e+. description of, viii 70 

e+, rates of postage, x 225] 

++.» high court of Tynwald held, xiii 126] 

+++ linen manufactory in, xiv 77] 

ee-- expense of commissioners to inquire 
into it’s state, xxxv 105 

e+. grants for Douglas harbour, xl 205. 
xlii 165 

‘eee farther compensation to the duke of 
Athol, xlvii 108, 111 

eee- character of the people, liv 471 

e+e. new code of criminal law, lix 66 

eoee Tiot, lix 67 

Man, v.the rev. Davis, lxi 265 

Manach, M. __ iti 98] 

Manasseh ben Israel, rabbi, xiv 223 

Manaux, Jean, murder of, ii 86 

1 capt. G. W. (mil.) 1 109*. li 272. liii 


Manchester : inundation at, x 137] 

e+» bill for licensing a playhouse at, xviii 

«++ Subscription to raise a regiment for 
America, xx 215] 

e+e» earthquake at, xx 78 

e+e meteorological register, xxiii 123 

eeee petition against the Irish resolutions, 
xxvii 362] 

re. fires at, xxxi 212] 214] xxxiii 15] xli 
14, xliii 5, xlvi 371. xlvii 355. lv 23, 

e+. riots at, xxxiv 48. xl 21. 1 47*, 51*, 
54°, 58*, 63*, 64*. li 267, liv 49. Ix 91, 
121, 128. Ixi 106] 118] 

e+. accidents from driving a coach into 
the river, xl 99 

eee» mischiefs from an alarm at church, 
lvii 33 

---- meeting for a petition against the sus- 
pension of the Habeas corpus act, lix 67] 
74] 19. Ix 4] 

«+e. disturbances at, Ix 152] 90, 100, 103, 
123. Ixi 58, 87, 270 

+++. discharge of persons imprisoned for 
treason, lx 12 

-.+- reform meetings at, lxi 103] 106] 

yeaa inquest on J. Lees, ]xi 114] 

+++. thanks of the regent to the magis- 
trates and yeomanry, Ixi 125 

Manchester, C. Ist duke of, iii 14. v 176. 

—— G. 4th duke of, viii 201] xiii 

63] 67] 70] 197] 199] xiv 90] 252] xvii 

170}, 276) xix 75] 120*] 234] 255] xx 

277] 280] 283] xxi 164*] 168*] 303) xxii 

156] 342] 343] 348] 350] xxiii 330] 331] 

333] xxvi 323] xxix 112] xxx 122] 

—— W. 5th duke, lv 195] lviii 164] 
Ixi IL 

Mancinforte, card, xxiv 16]] 


Manchineel, crimson dye from the fruit of, 
ix 109] 
Mancini, mille de, vi 40 
Mancino, lieut. ii 81 
Manco Capac, xx 226 
Mandat, xxxiv 36] 38] 39] 
Mandelort, capt. xlvi 369 
Mandeville, xlv 730 
capt. xxv 90] 
Mandrin, xiv 49] xix 185 
Mandslay, H. xlvii 852 
Manesse, Roger, xlii 486 
Manesty, xlvi 440 
Manfredine, _— xii 253 
Mangel wurzel, cultivation of, xxix 79 
Manheim invested by the French, xli 134] 
«+++ account of, Ix 487, 489 
Manheis, gen. lvii 164 ¢ 
Maniacs. See Insanity 
Manifesto of the duke of Marlborough on 
landing in Bretagne, i 102 
--.- of the court of France, i 200 
o++. ——— Turks against the Maltese, iv 
+++. ——— empress of Russia on the death 
of prince Ivan, vii 183} 
Manilius, Marcus, xiv 173 
Manilla: description of the islands, vi 2] 
+... expedition against, vi 5] 7] 
+++. the place taken and ransomed, vi 13] 
-+-. distribution of prize-money, vii 100] 
++++ payment of the ransom bills refused 
by Spain, vii 114] 138] ix 5] xiv 50] 
«+++ prize ship cause decided against the 
Spanish claimants, viii 117] 
«++. great loss of the 79th regiment in it’s 
return from, ix 104] 
++. action respecting the prize money, xi 
+s++ eruption of a volcano, lvi 120. lvii 
510 ' 

Mankind, essay toward a history of, xiv 193 
++. happiest period in the history of, xix 

-.+- original country of, xli 507 

--+. increase of. See Population 

Manley, capt. Robt. viii 120, 121 

—— comm. (Amer.) xx 195] 

couns. xxvii 280] 

—— Edw. li 543. ii 417 

——— James, xliii 455 

——— maj. xxxvi 69 

Manmidwife, charge of murder against, xlix 

Mann, abbe, xlii 419 

adm. xv 85] 129] 

capt. (N) xxiv 25} 

James, lx 51 

sir Horace, xxvii 268] xl 173] 

sir Horatio, xi 152. xii 99] xv 207] 

Manna, production of, xiv 83 

Manners, modern country, iv 205 

«+. resemblance of the Gothic and heroic, 


-».. national causes of the changes in, v 



Manners: general corruption of, xiv 139] 
xxi 165 
---- rebuke of a Sicilian nobleman to an 
English gentleman, xvi 192 
e+e patriarchal, xxii J61 
--++ observations on, xlvi 942 
Manners, capt, = (N) lvi 174] 
gen. xii 305] 106 
— lord C. H. Somerset, xliv 

— hon. J. xxiii 222] 
lord Rob. xxv 197*] 211*} 208] 
xxvi 187 
+++. character of, xxvi 35 
lord W. xv 101] xxiii 223] 
—— Rob. 1 221* 
-———— T. lord, xliy 101, 114, 121, 438. 
xlv 77, 598. xlviii 94. xlix 447 
Mannert, xXxxviii 462, 465, 466 
Manning, rey. Owen, xxv 96, xxxi 84, xliii 

———— W. xxxix 202] 204] xlvi 88. xlix 
116. liv 218] xi 31] 

Manningham, m. gen. li 21, 371 

sir Rich, xi 121] 

Mannooch, |. col. F. F. lvi 285 

Manoel, don Agostinho, ii 222 

Mansell, bish. W. Lort, liii 54. lviii 37 

——-— lady, decree in favour of her claim 
of jointure against the heir at law, ii 130 

lieut. (A) vi 113] 

——— maj. gen. J. xxxvi 75, 76 

—— sir Edw. ii 130 . 

—-— sir Rob. liii 487 

——— sir W. xiii 65] 

Mansfield, capt. C. J. M. (N) xlv 398 

———— David, 2nd earl of. See Stor- 
mont, D. 7th vise. 

sir James, xi 95] xvii 85] xviii 

88] xix 143] 236] xx 190] xxiii 207] xxiv 
172] xxvi 210] xxx 149] xlviii 94. xlix 
471. 1 16*. 1i 286, 288, 427. liv 307. lvi 
304, 306, 307. lvii 308. 1x 401, 402, lxi 
399, 400 

W. Ist earl of, i197, 99, 105. iv 
107] 119] v 89] 146] vi 87] yii 50] 75) 
79] 86] 87] 93] 111] viii 59} 71] 108] 
109] 148] ix 63] 96] x 151] xi 65] 100] 
113] 121] 123] 125] 156] xii 80] 103] 
113] 154] 155} 185] xiii 115] 120] 125] 
129] 134] 160] 163] 165] xiv 34] 731 91] 
112] 113] 150] xv 69] 90) 104] 106] 110] 
113] 116-119] 136] 175] xvi 80] 89] 99] 
100] 101] 118] 119] 182] xvii 86] 96] 
125] 134] 135] 164] 168] 169] xviii 95] 
417] 119] 123] 125] 128] 130] 153] 178] 
177) 228| 242] xix 120] 143] 149} 151] 
152] 158] 191] 195] 197] 199] 200] 233] 
xx 176] 180] 186] 189} 191] 210] 212] 
is; 234] 240] 5, 19%. xxi 167] 170] 180] 
187] 191] 195] 199] xxii 201] 209} id. 
216) 221] 239] xxiii 200] 204] 211] 212] 
213] 218] 257] 261] 272] 299] xxiv 166] 
167] 179] 236] xxv 180] 194] 200] 212] 
xxvi 195] 198] 207] 211] 221) xxvii 181] 


192] 205] 226] 227] 291] xxviii 196] 
212] 213] xxix 205] 244] xxxiii 307] 
380] xxxiv 170] xxxv 16. xxxvi 202} 
xxxvii 171. xlviii 27, 28, 121. 1 119). Hi 
274. lv 460. lvi 287, 295. lvii 289 
Mansfield, W. Ist earl of, defends his grant- 
ing an order for amending the informa- 
tion in Wilkes’s case, xi 95] 125] 
«+». appointed to supply the place of lord 
chancellor in the House of Peers, xiii 68] 
.--- his doctrine of libel, xiii 117] 
-.-. this arraigned and defended, xiv 26] 

.... evades an inquiry into his conduct, 
xiv 35] 

-... resignation of his office, xxx 207] 241] 

«..+ account of, xxxv 260 

—_—_—__—— W. 3rd earl, xlix 237. li 287 

Manship, J. xvii 110] xxvii 187] li 421, 


Manslaughter, convictions for, ix 52) xiii 
141] 158] xvi 93] xvii 148] xviii 110] 
115] xx 192] xxiii 212] xxv 213) xxxi 
210] xxxviii 28, 34. xlii 20. xliv 377, 
437. xlv 424. xlvii 420.1 85*. 11309. liv 
35. lvi 26, 76. lvii 1, 28. lviii 34-36, 170. 
1xi 90, 248 
..- charges of, xii 139] xlix 500. liii 7. 
lvii 102, Ixi 57, 90 

..«. frequent in Lancashire, xxxix 43 

Manso, G. B. vi 17, 22, 25, 26 

Manson, J. li 422 . 

Rob. 7d. 

Mansour, sheik, a new prophet, xxvii 244] 
xxviii 51] 146] xxx 15] xxxiii 105 

-... defeated by the Russians, xxviii 146] 
xxx 16] 193] 

Manstein, gen. Christ. Herm. xx 37 

..+- his account of prince Menzikoff, xiii 


... — anecdotes of the Russian court, 

xiii 133 

Mant v. Peyton, lvi 295 

—— rey. Rich. xlv 767 

Manteufel, gen. i 48. ii 24. iii 11] 

Manton, J. lii 417 

—— Jos. xxxix 407. xlv 830. xlviii 960. 
lii 418. lv 320. viii 347. Ix 359 

——— W. lix 234 

Mantua : riot at, iv 77] 

.»+» several Jews killed by the breaking 
down of a floor at a wedding, xix 149] 
--«. besieged by the French, xxxviii 99] 

105] 110} xxxix 5] 

-... the siege raised, xxxviii 105] 

+».. surrendered to the French, xxxix 

oe a suioe of the garrison for want of 
pay, xl 58] 

. invested by the Austrians and Rus- 
sians, xli 281] 

--.. surrendered, xli 293] 31 

Manuden, fire at, lviii 54 

Manuel, xxxiv 27] 30] 37] 52) xxxw 
194] 215] 217] 229] 265) 280) 


Manufacturers: one fined for paying wages 
by a note, xviii 83] 

++.» general distress of, xxxv 135] 

+eee duties of, xxxvii 181*] 

---- seducing to go abroad. See Mechanics 

Manufactures, observations on, xxii 113, 157 

ee imported from France, xliii 


Manure, action to recover a horse seized in 
a narrow-wheeled cart of dung, decided 
in favour of the gate-keeper, vii 92] 

-»»- different kinds of, xv 108, xxxvi 308. 
xlix 872 

~-«- effects of mud as, xxxv 331 

ees quick and easy method of converting 
weeds into, xl 393 

e+e. experiments and observations on, xli 
406, 415, 417. xlviii 965 

Manuscript, Alexandrian, ii 413 

Manuscripts stolen from a public office by a 
woman employed to sweep the rooms, vi 

e.«. Sales of, xlv 393. 13%, 183° 

«++. ancient, xlix 892, 894. liii 95, 105, 
531. lvii 86 

Manvers, C. Herb. 2nd earl, xlix, 238. lii 
36. Ixi 117] 

Manyard v. Gilbert, lii 334 

Maouna, island of, xli 486 

«+. massacre of M. de Langles, xli 487 

Mapes, archd. Walter, xvii 216 

— sugar from the, viii 141] xxxiii 


«> +. culture of in Scotland recommended, 
li 841 

Maples, capt. J. F. (N) lv 112] 209 

Maps, project of one on a large scale, 
xxxiv 419 

Mapson, viii 112] 

Maquila, (N. Amer. chief ) xxxii 288] 

Mar, lord, xxi 244. xxvi 162 

—— Masahod de la, xxix 265] 

Mara, mad. xxix 206] 

Maraldi, vii 39, 427 

Maranti, xv 80 

Marat, xxxiv 21] xxxv 131] 218] 255] 258] 
Xxxvii 83] 

«++» assassinated, xxxv 266] 33, 35 

Maratti, Carlo, xvi 164. xxxix 493 

——— Faustina, xxxi 165 

Marble, on staining, iii 133 

+++» ancient paintings on, iii 164. v 150 

«+++ formation of, xxi 107 

Marbeeuf, count de, viii 106] xi 59*] 64*] 
xii 42] xiii 54] xiv 94*] 128] 

Marbois, xxxiv 308 

—— Barbé, lvii 109 

Marbot, gen. xlii 182] 

Marceau, gen. xxxv 253] xxxvii 73] 
XXXvili 139] 

or Ammianus, vi 175. xix 1. xxii 

Marcello, Venetian noble, xii 166 

Marcellus, xv 164 

———-~— II, pope, xlviii 840, 841 



March, earl of. See Richmond, C. 5th duke 
lord. See Queensbury, W. 4th duke 
Rich, xlvi 824 
Marchall, J. xlviii 957 
Marchand, viii 14 
— gen, xlix 170. lii 198. lvii 57] 
Marchant, le, m. gen. liv 147] 151] 227,231 
Marche, count de la, xiv 92*] 93°] 
countess de la, x 75] 
Isabella, countess of. See Isabella 
—— dela, J. Francois. See St. Pol de 

Leon, bish. of 
——— la, gen. xxxyv 252] 
Marchesi, xxxii 158 
Marchmont, earl of, viii 71] 79] xiv 

202] xvii 163] 

earl of, ix 293 

Patrick, Ist earl of, xiv 39 

Marchont, gen. li 509 

Marco Polo, vii 254. xiv 191m. xxi 32. xxiii 
59n, 61. xxx 84 

Marcoff, lord Arcadi de, xxvi 323] xxvii 

Marcus Aurelius, xiii 49 

Mare, Nich. de la, xv 163 

Marefoschi, bish. sec. to the coll. de Propn- 
ganda, xi 151 

Marengo, battle of, xlii 193] 

Mareschalchi, xlvii 720 

Maret, Hugues B. xxxiv 190. xxxv 196n] 
232] xl 6] xliv 629. xlvi 677. xlix 7. liv 
166] 168] 313, 420. lv 117] lvii 60] 

Margaret de Waldemar, v 2167 

queen of Malcolm Canmore, ix 

queen of Sweden and Denmark, 
xxxiii 43 

Margarot, Maurice, xxxiv 72. xxxvi 8, xli 

«+. tried for sedition, xxxvi 2, 3, 6 

Margate, tower in commemoration of a con- 
flict between the Danes and Saxons, x 

«s+ sea bathing infirmary at, xxxviii 27. 
xlviii 441 

++». damage done by a storm, xlii 40 

«».+» four persons drowned off, xliii 36 

.... child killed by falling from the cliff, 
lix 78 

Margetts, W. ii 169 

Margraf, And. Sig. vii 119 

Marguerite, count de, xxxii 15] 

Maria Antonietta, queen of France, xii 35] 
xiii 102] 105] 107] 110] 313] 123] 195. 
xxvili 26] xxix 239] 245] xxxii 44] 46] 
49] 52] 54] 120] xxxiii 10, 169, 173, 205, 
1667] 172] xxxiv 20] 35, 185, 186. .xxxv 
222] 268] xxxviii 3. 1132n] lvi 91. lviii 

ee. affair of the necklace, xxviii 202] 204] 
xi 17 

e... trial and execution of, xxxv 276] 49 

«+». solemn dirges for, xxxv 52, 53 

+++ her remains removed to the abbey of 
St. Denis, lvii 56] 


M f 

Maria Josepha Louisa, queen of France, | 
93*, 105* 

Maria Louisa, empress of France, lii 232, 
506. liii 128] 32. lvi 24] lwii 116] lviii 

Maria Theresa, queen of Hungary, viii 123] 
ix 1]. xi 139) xiii 110] xvi 72. xxiii 3] 
xxviii 48] xxix 8. xxx 26] xxxii 34] xxxiii 
8, 22, 57. xxxix 385 

esse letter to her daughters on the death of 
her husband, viii 125] 

to her daughter on her mar- 
riage to the dauphin, xiii 195 

-»ec her death and character, xxiv 11] 
xxix 10 

Charlotte, of France. Sce 
Angouléme, duchess 

Marian islands. See Ladrone islands 

wens Galante, surrendered to the English, 

e+. restored to France, v 237] 

-... surrendered to the English, | 237] 

Mariette, xv 16 

Marigaud, xl 26] 

Marigny, marq. de, xvii 109 

Marine chair invented by C. Irwin, ii 114. 
iv 137 

Marine Society. See Society 

Mariner, W. lix 449 

Marines, sentence of a lieut. for sending a 
challenge to his superior officer, xxxii 204] 

+++. epithet of royal given to, xliv 398 

+++ number on board each ship increased, 
1 51* 

+++ observations on the corps, li 115 

«++. companies of artillery, lix 354 

Marini, J. B. xxii 29. xlviii 843 

Marino, gen. lxi 242] 246] 

Marion, b. gen. (Amer.) xxiv -80] xxv 

Mariotte, Edm. iii 81, 82. xxxiii 329] 

Marius Caius, vii 162. x 151. xxi 163 

Markets, action respecting right of, xxv 

Markham, (t. J. 1) xxi 13 

———— abp. W. xiv 94] 106] xx 26] xxi 
209*] xxxi 134] 349] xxxiii 295] xxxvii 

---- account of, xlix 789 

——— adm. J. xxxvi 74. x] 154. xlv 35, 
54, 124, 127. xlvi 39, 55. xlvii 47, 100. 

_ xlviii 97, 98. li 102. lix 36] 

Gervase, xxvii 717” 

— James, drowned, xi 112] 

rey. G. xliv 399.xlv 123 

W. xxvi 13] xxviii 133] 

Markhame, Isabella, xii 253. xxi 214 

Markland, capt. (N) lv 209 

— Edw. Ix 59 

— Jerem. xix 169] 

«++. account of, xix 45 

«+++ epitaph, xxi 190. xliii 16 

Markoff, Alexei, xxvii 160 

—-——- count, xlv 327, 671, 764. xivi 162, 
193. xlix 7, liii 136] 
Parr I, 

Marks, J. x1 390 
Markwood, col. xxxix 139] 
Marlay, bish. Rich. xxxii 106] xlii 202, 
204, 209 
ee Caroline, duchess of, xxxvi 

C. 2nd duke of, i 46, 66, 67. 
xlvii 755 

.. «+ his death and character, i 62 

ee i oy on landing in Bretagne, i 

-... threatening letters to, i 121 

G. 3rd duke of, iv 147] viii 

110] ix 142] xii 150] xv 115] 133) xviii 
87] xlv 379 

.... elected knight of the Garter, xi 196] 

ee debt of the city of Oxford paid by, xii 

G. 4th duke, liv 85. 1x 336 

J. duke of, iii 51] 139] vJ91. 
vi 149. vii 50. viii 102] 8. x 143] 154] 46, 
47, 49. xi 186] xii 64. xiii 159. xvi 72] 
xviii 25. xix 114*] xxi 244. xxii 18. xli 
167] xliv 715. xlvi 48. xlvii 103. li 226, 
950. lvi 137] lvii 70] 

--.. character of, 1 258. xvii 37 

Sarah, duchess of, viii 7. xii 

62. xxiii 244 

.--- Swift’s character of, i 259 

--++ letters from, xxix 157 

Marley, m. gen. Bonnet, lvii 209 

Marliere, la, gen. xxxiv 120] 121] 

Marlow, Christopher, xiii 107. xxiv 205 

— Jeremiah, viii 141] 

——— Rich. xl 388 . 

Marmont, marsh. xxxviii 114] 277. xlii 2] 
47] xlvii 146, 164. xlix 194, liii 107] liv 
147] 149] 207, 220, 229, 232, 234. lv 36] 
122] lvi 3] 14] 16] 24] 49] lvii 63] 363 

Marmontel, J. F,. xviii 212, xxviii 198] xli 

.+». censure of his Belisarius, x 163] 

.... character of, xlii 347 

Marmotte, account of the, iv 84. xxxii 80 

Marnhull, nunnery at, searched for arms, 
xly 418 

Maroons, wars with the, xxxvi 284] xxxvili 
135] xxxviii 60] xxxix 129] lvi 202] 

«+e» sent to Nova Scotia, xxxix 150] 

...- removed to Sierra Leone, xliv 259 

«++» expenses of this, xliv 587 

..«+ character, habits, and manners of, xlv 

«++. See also Jamaica 

Marot, Clem. xiv 228 

Marpurg, surrendered to the French, iii 2] ] 

+++» surprised by gen. Bulow, iii 34] 

.... attempt of Breitenback on, iv 9] 

.-«.+ blockaded, iv 10] 

Marr, _ his wife, child, and shopboy, mur- 
dered, liii 138 

Marriage, observations on, i 380, 381. vi 
204. xv 6. xxvi 222. xxxiii 405] xxxv 

463 a8 a license eight years old, iv 81] 



Marriage: ceremonies, iv 299, 300. vii 18. 
xxi 53. xxii 43, 45. xxv 41. xxix 111, 115, 
129, xxx 20. xliv 455, 739. xlv 796. xlvi 
988. xlvii 780. 131, 53, 82. lvi 478. Iviii 

«++» law of, in Scotland, v 66] vi 166] 

--«. legal restraints on, impolitic, vi 165] 

«+ a state of felicity, vi 204 

+... actions for breach of promise of, ix 
75] xi 97] 155] xix 138] 200] xxi 187] 
xxii 203] xxiii 218] xxxiii 29] xliv 371. 
xviii 421. 1ii 336, 1x 286, 295, bxi 273 

ev. the ceremony performed a third time 
for one couple, ix 77] 

«e+» woman married in her shift, ix 106] 

ess conviction of perjury to obtain a li- 
cense, x 48*] 

e+. of an old woman to her daughter’s 
suitor, x 59] 

e+». trials on Scotch marriages, x 60] xii 
72] liii 258 

»+- deferred, extraordinary case of, x 63] 

ees. Of the grand signior’s daughter, seven 
years old, to her second husband, xi 70] 

e»». old man and young woman, xi 76] 
148] 182] xii 77] 106] 136] xiii 77] 150] 
160] xv 112] 125] xvi 145] xvii 98 

+++. Woman married seven times, xi 77] 

eee odd, xi 117] xlix 353] 

«+». Old woman and young man, xi 133] 
139] 148] xii 71] 77] 120] 127) xv 88] 
xvii 88] 153] 

+++. donations at Hendon, xi 156] 

-»«. ladyand her footman, xii 153] 

+... mar married ten times, xiii 77] 

.-.. fortune promised with a daughter, but 
never given, xiii 140] 

.. +. a fortune with a wife no unreasonable 
expectation, xiii 175 

«++. new law respecting, in Denmark, xiy 

«++. act for prohibiting between adulterers, 
xiv 86] 

e+. of 80 years duration, xiv 89] 146] 

«+++ modern grievances of, xiv 197 

ee. curious cause arising out of a mar- 
riage settlement, xv 84] 102] 

+++. man married sixteen times, xv 97] 

ree. act regulating marriages of the royal 
family, xv 178] 

«+. death on the wedding night, xvii 161] 

sudden, on preparing for a 
seventh marriage, xvii 166] 

++» legacy of 50U0/. to portion ten young 
women to be chosen by the executors, 
xviii 97] xix 182] 

«++. woman married three times as a man, 
xx 191] 

eee. left handed, xxii 45 , 

..+. hardships of the act of George IJ re- 
stricting, xxiv 198*] 

e+e. act to remedy them passed, xxiv 

---- another act rejected by the Lords, 
xxiv 200*]} 



Marriage: of an infant, application to 
Chancery on, xxiv 197] 

+++.» young shoemaker tricked into, by a 
blind woman, xxvii 222] 

-+.. testimony of a wife to criminate a huse- 
band inadmissible, xxx 197] 

»».. advice to a new-married man, xxx 149 

+»-. of wards of the court of Chancery, 
xxxii 200] li 341, 345 

..-- trial of R. V. Perry for stealing miss 
Clarke, xxxvi 10 

«++. curious relationships from, xxxix 2 

«++» young ladies forcibly carried off for 
the purpose of, in Ireland, xl 20. liii 9. 
lviii 34, 143 

. indictment for a conspiracy to effect, 

xliv 377 

-... hasty, of a young lady of fortune to a 
journeyman fa xlvi 425 

ah interrupted at the church door, xlviii 

-+.. Gaughter of a nobleman to a gardener, 
xlviii 454 

-»-. man of 70 without legs, xlviii 454 

+». after a walk of 240 miles to Gretna 
Green, xlviii 462 

-... of a sailor in custody of a pressgang, 
1 18* 

-.+. prevented by the sudden death of the 
bridegroom, | 122* 

+. ++ disputed on the ground of insanity, lii 
334 ‘ 

«++ with a sister-in-law annulled, liii 136 

+++» with a prisoner in a foreign country 
not valid in France, liv 153 

+... of anillegitimate minor, case of, liv 

+++.» Suits to annul for undue publication of 
banns, lvii 277, 279 

«..+ catholic priest indicted in Scotland for 
marrying a catholic and protestant, Ilvii 

-.-. With a daughter-in-law annulled, lviii 

«... feast, expensive, lx 573 

-... Suits for nullity of. See Jactitation 

Marriot, Mrs. xv 30 

—— couns. lii 338 

——— Dr. xi 176] xvii 75] 

sir James, xxiii 204] 232] xxv 207] 
xxxii 201] xxxiv 51. xxxv 7, 58 

Marroce, A. J. F. lix 235 

Marrois, gen. xlix 25 

Marryat, couns. xlix 449. lv 293. Iviii 299, 
313, 314, 1x 291. Ixi 188, 193, 261 

———- Jos. lii 145. liii 74] lv 96] lvi 
132] 1x 115] 117] 1xi 75] 160] 

Mars (planet) approximation to the Earth, 
ix 124] 

Mars, Mrs. Ann, v. a proctor of Cambridge 
for false imprisonment, viii 80] 

Marsan, countess de, x 75] 

Marsden, rev. S. lix 459 

—— W. xxvi 8, 15, 17, xxvii 81, xxviii 
106, xlvii 118 




Marseilles: letter from H. bish. of, on the 
plague there, iii 31 

--.- bankruptcy for 20 millions of livres at, 
xii 47] 

+++. heavy rain at, xv 127] 

+++.» quarrel between the townsmen and 
officers of the garrison, xvii 89] 

.+-. ship of 110 guns offered by, and a 
sum of money for seamen’s families, xxv 

.... manifesto to the French nation, xxxv 

..++ population of, xliv 473 

Marsh, bish. Herbert, li 282. 1xi 60] 

G. xvi 117] xxxii 350] 

rey. Edw. Garrard, xlvili 411 

T. liv 315 

Marsh farm, fire at, lviii 193 

Marsh Holud, vii 81] 

Marshal, gen. i 24 

J. xiii 381 

lieut. G. ii 62 

Marshall, capt. (N) xxii 59] 
gen. J. (Amer.) x1 244] 280 
G. W.1 114* 
H. lix 511 ‘ 
James, executed for murder, xxix 
—— J. lii 418 


Joseph. xv 241. xxiv 324] 
—— lieut. T. A. (mil.) xlvii 377 
R. xlviii 639. 1 190* 
serg. S. liv 31. lv 295 
W. xxvi 62. xlv 379 
———— W. an aged tinker, xxxiv 46 
Marshalsea prison, riot in the, xi 157] 
.--. old Surrey jail purchased for a court 
and prison, xli 196 
--.- grants for repairs &c. xlii 165. xliii 
190. xlv 629. xlvii 591. lii 423 
Marsham, C. See Romney, C. Ist earl 
— Rob. xx 116. xxv 123 
sir J. xxxviii 328 
Marshes, noxious effluvia of, xvii 77, 79 
Marsigli, L. F. iii 84, 86 
Marsland, Peter, xlvii 852, 74, xlviii 959 
Marston, J. xlv 771 
Marsyn, Fran. iv 198] 
Marten, sir H. liv 612 
Martens, bar. lvi 42] 
Fred. iii 88 
Martial, v 148. vi 166. viii 294. xxiv 204. 
xly 43, 47x. lii 667 
+--+. criticisms on a passage in, x 80 
Martilliere, la, gen. xlii 181] . 
Martin V, pope, lix 39 
Martin v. Petrie, for adultery, xxxiii 46] 
executed for robbing the mail, 
xxxiv 42, xxxv 15 
(Amer.) xlv 627 
(astrolog.) xliii 27 
(painter) xxxvii 4 
Adam, xxxii 329] 353] 
adm. sir G. xlii 72. xlvii 436, 541, 
li 417, 511, 530, liv 281 


Martin, adm. sir T B. 1i 465 
Alice, murder of, xvi 81] 
Ann, iv 96] lviii 168 
Benj. xii 226 
C. xlix 905, 906 
col. xliii 163 
——-—\— Fleming, (eng.) xi 80 
Dr. J. lix 499 
Edw. xlvi 826 
Francis, xxxix 9 
G. ii 102 
H. xlix 138. lii 123. lili 37] ,38] 
lviii 16 
James, xxix 168] xxxii 81] 93] 
xxxiv 140] 78. xxxvi 277] xxxvii 215] 
218] xxxviii 26] xli 209] xliv 6, 106. 
xlv 121 
J. xxxv 47, xxxvi 278] 41 
J. A. (Dane) burglaries by, xi 188] 
xii 66] 
Joseph, x 155] xii 125] 203] xiii 
120] xiv 88] 90] 122] 190] 195] 
Josiah (goy. N. Carolina) xvi 106] 
xix 32] 156*] 
m. gen. Claude, xxxvi 361, xliv 371, 

.... account of, lviii 481 
Matt. forgery of a will by, xiv 143] 
162] xv 65] 


xliii 144, xlv 629. lvii 575 

——- Nich. xlv 418 

Peter, 11 255 

Rich. xlvii 13, 62, liv 84] 85] 

S. vi 110] 143] xv 102] 

T. xv 99] 

T. (ant.) xxiii 163 

T. (sadler) xliv 774, 777 

—— W. ix i14. xlvii 848 

don. See Empecinado (The) 

don Lewis, xviii 223 

Martindale, H. xxxix 14 5 

Martindell, m. gen. sir G, lvii 133] 209 

Martineau, J. lvii 320 

—— Pet. zd. 

—— Ph. Meadows, xxvii 29 

Martinelli, F. xviii 148*] 147] 

Martinengo, abbot of, xxi 286 

Martinet, gen. xlv 950 

Martinetti, col. iv 144] 

Martinez, capt. Estuan Jos. xxxii 289] 

don Juan, liii 118] 

Martini, bar. de, xxix 208*] 

Emanuel, xli 431 

Martinico: fort in Grande Anse bay des 
stroyed, i 97 

.».- described, ii 11 

+s» unsuccessful attempt on, ii 12 

asses memorial of the governors and lieu- 
tenants to the general of the French 
islands, ii 208 

...- forts destroyed and ships cut out of a 
bay, iv 78] 

es. expedition against, v 33] viii 240] 

wee. taken, v 34] 35] 

».+» ceded to France, v 237} 


Martinico: papers relating to the conquest 
of, v 249-59] 

eee quick passage from Africa to, viii 95] 

«++ earthquakes in, ix 145] xviii 102] 

++». account of a storm at, ix 194] x 94] 

+++» English schooners with provision seized 
at, x 120] 

e+.» no English vessels allowed to enter, x 

++e greatly infested with ants, xviii 168] 

«+.» hurricane at, xxiv 34] 

++.. attacked in conjunction with the 
French royalists, xxxv 271] 

sees taken, xxxvi 68 

«+s. British manifesto and supplement, 
xxxvi 165 

+++. proclamations respecting 
tions, xxxvi 172, 2b. xxxvii 184 

sees restored to France, xliv 609 

-».. retaken, li 429 

+s. insurrection of Negroes, liii 162] 

«.+. again restored to France, Ivi 53] 413 
s+» revolt in favour of Buonaparte *p- 
pressed by a British force, Ivii 128] 193 
Martinieri, Ant. Aug. Bruzen de la, xvi 


Martins, a number rendered torpid by cold, 
xlviii 405 

Martiville, de, 

Martyn, C. xiii 85] 

— prof. T. xxxviii 531 

Martyr, Peter, xxvi 31. xxxv 308, 420 

Marum, van, Dr. xlv 840 

Marvell, And. xxiii 242. lii 102 

Marx, Dr. xxli 122 

Mary de Medicis, v 59 

—— landgravine of Hesse Cassel (daughter 
of George I) xv 69] 

——— I, queen, ix 54, 188, 189. xii 237] 
136. xiv 133] xv 6, 120, 240. xxiv 12. 
xxvii 70. xxxi 127] xlii 422. xlviii 841 

MI, iii 183. vii 50%. viii 102] xxiii 
221. xxxvi 298 

«++ character of, iii 181 

—— queen of Lewis XII, xii 29 

—— queen of Scots, ii 493z. viii 102] ix 
49, 52. xi 67. xv 99] 8. xx 21], 236. 
xxiv 237] xxx 192, xxxi 158. xlviii 

---. letter to queen Elizabeth from, ii 323 

---- inquiry into her case, iv 305. xxix 

«+» account of her execution, xii 184 

-+»» funeral of, xiv 131 

.--. letters to the duke of Norfolk, xxi 11 

«+. agreement for meeting Elizabeth, xlvi 

—w— C, queen of France 

‘ ‘3a her father’s letter of advice to her, iv 


—— princess (duch. of Gloucester) xix 

ae lvili 96] 108. Ix 402, 24. 1xi 400, 


ii 382 

Marybone, act for improving, xvi 104] 
Marybone street, fires in, xii 116] lviii 75 




Maryland, proceedings on the arrival of the 
Boston port bill, xviii 6] 

«+.. demur to the declaration of indepen- 
dence, xix 165*] 

Marzoni, Aloys. Maria (gen. of the Minor 
friars) xviii 148] 

Mascovy, Dr. J. J. v 85 

Maserano, prince, xiv 42] 46] 77] 238] x 
105) xviii 218] 

Masetes, Franc. xvii 75] x1 86 

Mash, xxxvii 118 

—— T. B. lvii 24] 

Masham. See Romney, earl 

Mask, prisoner transported from Spain in 
one, xliv 249 

Maskelyne, rev. Dr. Neville, iii 143] 164] 
vi an 96] 99] viii 7] 127. xxii 94n. xxiii 

-.-- Copleian medal to, xviii 177] 

-... on the attraction of mountains, xix 68 

++ ++ expected return of a comet, xxviii 58 

Mason, capt. Fran. (N) xlvi 54) ‘ 

—— H. (A) xlix 655 

— T. C. (packet) liii 132 

C. iii 143] v 81] viii 112] 

— col. xxvi 109 

Franc. xxii 64, xxxi 57 

J. 1xi 303 

Kender, xxxiv 131, 145, 74. 146 

Monk, xxii 234] 

— Philip (large man) xv 96 

rev. J. (enthusiast) xvii 51 

prof. iv 92 

W. See W. (poet) 

Rob. xlv 828 

sir J. i 456 

oss epitaph of, xvi 158 

Valentine, xi 134 ; 

:W. (poet) ii 451. v 188. x 22]. 
xviii 38, 161, 197, 199, 202, 226. xx 210. 
xxiv 205. xxv 195. xxvi 181. xxxii 88, 
145. xxxiii 431] xxxviii 865. xliii 463. 
xlv 767. xlvi 917 

---- account of, xxxix 25 

W. convicted of a robbery at the 
duke of Devonshire’s, xxx 208] 215] 

Masonry, free. See Free-masonry and 

Masque given to queen Elizabeth by the 
earl of Essex, i 492 

Masquerades, xi 177] xiii 100] xiv 140] 

--+.+ information against a person for, xiv 

Massachussets bay: monument to lord 
Howe by the province of, v 94] 

+++. Speech of gov. Barnard, ix 176] 

.... address in answer, ix 179] 

++. act passed for compensation to suffer- 
ers and indemnity to offenders disallowed 
by the king, x 158] 

«+». circular letter to the other colonies 
proposing a common union against the 
late acts, xi 68*] xii 53*] 

e»-+ altercations between the governor and 
assembly, xi 68"] 



Massachussets bay: complaints of the as- 
sembly, xi 70*] 

«... petition for a repeal of the revenue 
acts, xii 53*] 

«++. acts of the representatives declared 
by parliament illegal, xii 54*] 

++.» petition to the king against the gover- 
nor, xii 129] 

«+e. charges against the governor could 
not be supported, as the Assembly had 
not been suffered to sit, xiii 76], 

-+.. assembly refuses to act out of Boston, 
xiii 152] 

+... letters from the governor and deputy 
governor to England sent over by the 
agent for the colony, xvii 46] 201] 

+... petition and remonstrance to the king 
in consequence, 7d. 

--.. bill for altering the government of, 
xvii 69) 237] 271) 

-... resolutions at Marshfield against the 
conduct of Boston, xvii 103] 

+... new council chosen, xvii 153 

-..-. letter from the assembly of, to lord 
Dartmouth, xvii 201] 

.... articles of impeachment against chief 

justice Oliver, xvii 224] xviii 4] 
-.-. act for the impartial administration of 
justice, xvii 238] 274] 

«. +. the assembly dissolved, xviii 4] 

' ,... arrival of the new governor, 7d. 

.... the new assembly adjourned to Salem, 
xviii 5] 

-... address of the council to the governor, 
xviii 7] . 

+++. proceedings on the meeting at Salem, 7d. 

+... the assembly dissolved, xviii 8] 

-.+. address of the town of Salem to the 
governor, tb. 

..-- address from the justices. of peace of 
Plymouth county, xviii 14] 

«++. protest against riots by the gentlemen 
of Worcester, 2b. 

as + paieg to open the new courts, xviii 

.... meeting of delegates of Suffolk county, 
xviii 18] 

«-+-. writs for general assembly issued by 
the governor, and then countermanded 
by proclamation, xviii 20] 121*] 

s+. meeting of the assembly notwithstand- 
ing, 2. 

-.-. it’s resolutions have the force of laws, 
xviii 22] 121°] 

+++. new provincial congress, xviii 124*] 

++++ removed to Watertown, xviii 129*] 

«++. address to the British people on the 
affair of Lexington, ib. 

+++» paper currency issued, 74. 

+++ town of Falmouth burnt, xix 34] 

++++ letters of marque issued, xix 35] 

-+«- act for the regulation of navigation 
and commerce, xxvii 356] 

+++» report of a committee of the house on 
the embargo, li 667 



Massachussets bay: remonstrance to Con- 
gress.on the war with G. Britain, lv 409 

«+++ Speech of gov. Strong, lvi 178] 

+... complaints of the legislature, and pro- 
posal to revise the constitution, lvi 193] 

Massaniello, xxvii 177 

Massaredo, adm. Jos. 1 168 

Massena, marsh. xxxvi 178. xxxviii 104] 
122] xxxix 6] 24] 26] 62] x1 60] 40. xli 
238] 250] 252] 260] 330. xlii 174] 177] 
179] 188] 197] xlvi 176. xlvii 161, 660. 
xlviii 135, 145. 11 206. lii 184, 318, 515. 
liti 102] 111] liv 154] 

Massenbach, col. 1x 467 

Massereene, Clotworthy, 2nd earl xxxi 216] 

Massey, col. J. xxxii 205] 

—— Edw. xliv 773. 1i 543. lvi 337 

—-— gen. Eyre. See Clarina, lord 

——— pretended lord, xxxiii 12] 

rev. xlvi 414 

Massillon, xiii 146 

Massimi, marg. x1 50] 

Massy, Hugh, lvi 24 

Hugh, 3rd lord, xlii 202, 204, 209 

Masters, ald. v 103] 

T. Hewet, executed for the murder 
of his mistress’s daughter, xxxi 200] 

Masterson, W. vi 168] 

Masulipatam taken from the French, iii 

Matha, col. xxix 48] 

Matcham, G. xlv 827 

Matchem, J. strange charge of robbery 
against, xvii 129] 135] 

Mathea, lvi 63] 

Mather, capt. W. (N) xlvi 541. Iv 100 

-—-— rev. Dr. lix 385 

Mathew, Dan. xii 192] 

gen. xix 179*] xxii 186] 

hon, Montague, xlix 165. 1 16] lii 
103. liv 120] 

Mrs., funeral of, xxiv 187] 

Mathews, W. viii 123 

Mathias, emp. xxi 10] 

— T. J. xviii 151 

Mathieu, gen. xl 131] liv 146] lv 176 

Mathiolus, Andr. viii 102 

Mathison, James, convicted of forgery, xxii 
211] 318] 

Matilda, empress, x 16 

-..- character of, x 21 

—-— princess. See Caroline Matilda, 
queen of Denmark 

Matlock, petrified stratum from the water, 
xviii 95 

Matra, gen. v 113] 

-+-+ defeated by the Corsicans, vi 49] 

Matre, J. P. le, alias Matra, cenvicted of 
robbing the Ashmolean Museum, xx 

Matricides, vy 95] xvi 135] xvii 114] 144] 
xviii 154] 

Matrisylva said to be a remedy for hydro- 
phobia, viii 126] 131} 

Matson, capt. R. (N) xl 1 

Mattei, card. = xxxix 10] 11] 
Matterface, Abr. xlix 857 
Mathei, C. Fi xxiv 160-2 
Matthew of Westminster, ii 410 
Matthew, Felton, lv 319 
Matthews, (Dulwich hermit) “murdered, 
xliv 474 
— adm. 'T. xiii 238] 
capt. xxvi 292] 
—— Benj. xliv 414 
——— David, liii 266 
——— Dr. lvi 73 
-————— farmer, murder of, x 93] 
gen. xxvi 85] 286] 
—— Maurice, (French) 1 233] 
——— H. 1xi 302 
——-—_ James, xxxv 1327] 
J. murder by, lvi 20 
——— lieut. J. (N) xxx 13 
—__——— R. murder of, iii 126] 130] 65 
——— sir Toby, i 492 
—_-——— W., Mr. Cook and his family 
poisoned by, xii 131] xiii 79] 
Matthey, James Fred. xlix 852 
Matthias, J. xii 9 
Mattinson, rev. 
Mattocks, Grace (harbourer of thieves) 
xxix 228] 
Isabella (actress) x 257, xvi 249. 
xxxiii 418] xxxv 411 
Matuonlin, iii 158 
Maty, Dr. Mat. vi 65n. viii 151] xi 68. xii 
80, 88, 110. xiii 68. xiv 10, 71, 81, 85. 
xv 62. xvi 80] 134. xvii 80. xviii 177] 
xix 176] xxvi 31 
rey. Paul H. xxix 3 
Maubert, ii 234 
.... anecdotes of, ii 344 
Maubeuge, battle of, xxxvi 4] 
Maude, hon. capt. J. A. (N) li 514. lix 561 
T. Holme, Iviii 180 
Maudlay, H. xlix 858 
Mauduit, Israel, viii 90 
de, col. xxxii 137] xxxiv 74] 

Maugendre, ii 225 

Maughan, rev. W. xlvii 432 

Maulde, de, xxxiv 200 

Maule, J. xxxix 408 

Maullin, Rich. xlii 380 

Maund, J. a constable, impressed, xx 176] 

Maundy, kept at Greenwich by queen Eliza- 
beth, xiv 128 

Maunsell, capt. (N) lii 301 

Mauntie, Mary, Ix 38 

Maupeau, chancellor, xiv 92*] xvii 29] 

+--+ Suicide of his son, xxxi 222] 

Maupertuis, chev. iv 126] 

—— P. L. Morceau de, x 59, 65. xli 
22. xliv 885. xlv 393. xlvi 809 

«»-- his character of the k. of Prussia, i 

eee Quarrel with Voltaire, xvii 175. xx 37 

Maurelle, don Franc. xxiv 20 

a frugal curate, viii 



Maurepas, count de, ix 4, 20, 22. xiv 191. 
xvii 28] 5. xxiii 10] xxviii 26] 

--+- character of, xxviii 26] 

— gen. (Negro) xliv 217 

Maurice, bish. of London, xv 130 

——— capt. J. W. (N) liii 193 

—-—- Evan, convicted of forgery, Xv 

-»-- pardoned, xv 145] 

——— Job. xxxv 19 

prince, xlvii 896 

——— prince of Orange, xii 36. xvii 178. 
xxviii 65] 

—— rev. H. xvii 51 

— T.xxxvii 147*) xlv 914. xlvi 
920, 925 

Mauriceau, xxiii 137 

Mauritius: nutmegs and cloves planted, 
xiv 90] 

«++ account of, xxv 174. xliii 443 

...«. character of the women, xliii 397 

«+e» taken from the French, lii 263. liii 171 

«+++ yellow fever at, lvii 46 

«+s fire in, lix 8 

..+.« hurricane at, Ix 37 

+++ proclamation respecting the slave 
trade, lxi 122 

Mauro Cordato, xxx 7] 

Maurojeni, prince, xxx 43] xxxiii 102 

Maurus, Rabanus, vi 141 

Maury, card. xxxiii 191, 195m, 206, 172] 
xxxiv 20] Iviii 43 

Mausereaux, C. murder by, lv 49 

Mausoleum, to Mrs. Pelham, xxxvi 16 

Mauvoir, Jos. Lodin du, compensation for 
the loss of his ship, xxviii 250] 

Maw, lieut. Castleton, xliv 458 

T. fi 421 

Mawbey, sir Jos. xii 78] 108] {115] 125] 
141] 162] 163] 203] xiii 72] 118] 225] 
xiv 78] 196] xvi 141] xviii 153] xix 208 
xxiv 201] xxvii 202] 268] xxxii 81] 209 
xlvii 855 

Mawby, m. gen. Sebright, lvii 132] 173, 

Mave, J. liv 522-41 

Mawhood, 1. col. C. xi 93] xx 18] 

Mawman, Jos. xlix 455. 1i 953n 

Mawson, bish. Matthias, xiv 145] 

Max, Mary, xx 199] 

ry a defeat of the Prussians at, ii 47. vi 

Maxey, Dinah, poisoned, lv 38 

Maximi, card. v 147 

Maximian, iii 168, 169 

Maximilian, I, emp. xiii 110] 

II, xvii 52 

.-. character and reign of, xxxvii 1*] 

archduke, xxiv 8] xxviii 49] 

Maximinius, iii 80. vii 106. xiii 46 

Maxims, addressed to young ladies, xxxii 

eee. economical, xxxv 368-71 

Maximum. See Price 

Maxwell, lvii 579 


Maxwell, capt. (N) xlvi 544. lv 62 
— J. (N) lii 300 
Murray (N) 1ii 306. liv 136] 
203. lviii 24, lix 426 
col. xxvi 115] 
C. W. lviii 163] lix 181. 1x 



gen. (Amer.) xx 122] xxi 
220*] xxiv 16] 

G, xxxiv 392 

J. xxii 148] 

1. col. xxxiv 203] 204] 209] 
214] 218] 

Patrick, killed, xlv 557. 

xlvi 218 

—- maj. xxv 113] 

—_—_—_—— CC. W. li 467 

May, Bap. ii 304. xv 31 

— l. col. sir J. liv 201 

—— T. character of, ii 312 

May-games, celebration of, iv 174 

Mayaffre, capt. = xxvi 20] 

Mayano, don Juan de, ii 388 

Maybury, action against creditors of, for 
seizing on delivery silk sold for ready 
money, vi 92] . 

no J. convicted of murder, xlix 408, 

Maydestone, Clem. x 162 

Maydwell, J, xxvi 198] 

Mayence. See Mentz 

Meyer, Jos. W. xlvi 828 

prof, xxvili 206] 

Tobias, ii 459. vi 100] viii 6] 

Mayers, col. J. P. lviii 55 

Mayersfeldt, gen. xxxi 196*] 

Mayhew ». the rev. J. Lock, lviii 313 

Maynard, capt. (A) xxiv 70] 

—— C. convicted of robbing the but- 
tery of Bennet coll. Cambridge, xvii 113] 

C. 2nd vise. xxxi 298] 304] 

—— sir J. vi 278 

Mayne, J. xlix 988 

sir W. xvii 81] 

T. vi 164] 

Mayo, island of, light-keeper and his family 
suffocated, xxxiii 2] 

Mayo, J. 4th earl, xlii 145 

lady, xv 117] 

Mayow, Phil. Wynell, 1xi 282 

Mazagan, taken from the Portuguese by the 
Moors, xii 11] 12] 

Mazarin, card. Jul. iv 29. v 156, ix 4, 9. 
xi 21-31, 34. xii 37. xxviii 21 

«+++ character of, xi 24 

Mazaros, gen. xxxv 282] 

Mazeas,ab. iii :135. xii 135 

Mazeppa, hetman, vii 186] xiii 30, xxv 18. 
xxxili 106 

Mazio, bish. Praffaele, 1x 68 

Mead v. Young and Co. on a bill of ex- 
change, xxxii 224] 

Dr. Rich. iv 43-5, 84-6. vii 46, 52, 

69, 131. x 80. xviii 236] xix 120”. xxyii 

31, xxxiv 445, xxxix 370. xlvi 720 



Mead, Mrs. (mother-in-law of J. Wilkes) 
xii 67] 
T. lili 265 
Meade, hon. I. gen. Rob. xlix 204, 670* 
Meadley, G. Wilson, li 773. lvi 469 
Meadow saftron. See Saffron, meadow 
Meadowbank, lord. See Maconochie, Allen 
Meadows. ‘See Agriculture 
Meadows, col. xxiii 162] 
lady, v. the duchess of Kingston, 
xviii 133] xxiii 208] 
m. gen. W. xxii 43] 205*] xxv 
106] 112] xxvi 41] xxviii 205] xxxiii 
111] xxxiv 199] 200] 202] 213] 218] 
Mrs. murdered by her husband, 

xlii 18 

sir Sidney, xxxii 19 

Mealmaker, G. convicted of sedition, xli 

Mealtimes of the ancient Romans, iv 294, 

——_-__—_——_ middle ages, vii 177 

Meares, lieut. J, (N) xxxii 287] xxxiii 225. 
x1 480 

——— Rob. xlii 382 

Mears v. Shipley, xv 89] 

—— capt. vi 96] 

W. xxix 42 

Measles, inoculation for, i 96. xlvi 783 

---- not confined to man, xlix 847 

Meason, Gilbert, li 257 

Measures: conviction of trustees of tolls 
of a manor for not having a proper stand- 
ard, xi 91] 

.... agreement of the Gloucester farmers 
to use the Winchester bushel, xii 66] 

«++. ancient, xxxii 163 

..-. onauniform standard of weights &c. 
xxxiv 154. xxxvi 354. lvi 356. Ixi 315 

.+++ inequality of standards, xxxviii 427 

-.. attempt to suppress a meeting in 

Scotland for the equalization of, liii 136 

Meat, sugar recommended for preserving, 
v 91] 

--.. modes of preserving, viii 155. xxi 99, 
138. xxxviii 406 

Meath, J. 10th earl of, xlii 202, 204, 209 

Meautys, T. xxv 135 

Mecca, caravan of pilgrims from, attacked 
by the Arabs, i 80 

Mechain, P. F. A. xxviii 59n. xlv 394 

Mechanics, trials for seducing to go abroad, 
ix 63] xi 191] xx 175] xxvii 227] 7, 11332 

.... order of council for putting the laws 
in force against any leaving the country, 
x 159] 

+». on cottages for, xlvi 829 

.... trial for preparing to leave the king. 
dom, li 333 

Mecklenburg: duke of, joins the confeder- 
acy against Prussia, i 15 

+++. laid under contribution by the Prus- 
sians, iii 49] 

+++ said to have made a composition or 
treaty with the king, 76, 

Mecklenburg : account of, iv 206] 
Mecklenburg Schwerin: Prussia proposes 
part of Cleves in exchange for, xvi 8] 
" .... seized by the French, xlviii 199 
Mecklenburg Strelitz, duke of, v 98] lviii 
178 ; 
«+.» elected knight of the Garter, vii 66] 
-+.. prince Charles of, vi 86] xiv 116] 
Ernest of, xiii 121] xv 90] xvii 


coe. —-— G. Aug. of, xii 84] xvii 144] 

+++ two princes of, entertained by the lord 
mayor of London, vi 55] 

++. two young princes of, arrive in Lon- 
don, xi 184] 201] xii 100] 

«++. See also Charlotte, queen 

Medalle, Mrs. (daught. of Sterne) xviii 50] 

Medals, not always proofs of facts, xi 162 

sale of, xvi 73] 

+... Apamean, xviii J39. xx 133 

+--+. counterfeit, xx 136 

Mede, rev. Jos, xii 50n 

Medhurst, G, xli 401. xlii 383. xliii 
455. |x 359 

Medici, family of, xv 208 

Cosmo de, xii 200. xv 209 

Ferdinand de, xii 201. xv 208” 

Francis de, xii 200, xv 208% 

— Julio de. See Clement VIT 

Lorenzino de, xv 2087 

Lorenzo de, xvi 1932. xxxvii 27*] 

162*} xlviii 830 

Mary de. See Mary 

Piero de, xlviii 831 

Medicines, stamp duty on, xxvi 309] 

Medina, marq. of, xxiii 203*] 

Medina Celi, duke of, viii 199] 

Mediterranean, attempt to explain the 
ae setting into at the Straits, iii 80, 
8 - 


+e» passes, new ones to be issued, viii 66] 

Medlicott, James Dowling, lv 302 

Meadows, sir Sidney, xiv 263 

Medusz eaten by some of the S. Sea island- 
ers, xvi 8 

Meek, Ephraim, xvi 77] 

—— W. xlii 145. xlix 941 

Meer Cossim. See Cossim Ali cawn 

— Jaffier. See Jaffier Ali cawn 

— khan, xlvii 519 

— Sahib, xxv 60] 66] 87] 

Meerfeldt, gen. xlvii 157, 170. lvii 43 

Meerman, Gerard, ii 141, 266. v 96] 

Meggot, J. See Elwes 

— sir G, xxxii 19 

Mehée de Latouche, xlvi 162 

Mehemet bashaw, xii 21] 

Mehemet bey Aboudaab, xvi 25) xviii 157*] 

Meheux, J. 1 184* 

Mehmet, L. M. secretary to the duchess of 
Kendal, xv 189] 

Meigs, col. (Amer.) xx 118] 

Meillerave, marsh. de la, xi 21 

Meiners, prof. Christ, xliii 388 

Meissen taken by the imperialists, iii 45] © 


ME 2 

Meissen: laid under contribution by the 
Prussians, iii 49] 

Mejan, xli 77 

Mela, Pomponius, ix 192 

Melas, gen. xli 278] 281] 295] xlii 172) 
177] 180] 192] 196] 209] 277 

Melbourne, Eliz. visc. xlvi 927 

Melchior, lxi 99 

Melchisidecians, viii 1902 

Melcombe, G. Bubb, lord, iv 240. vi 57] 
xxxiii 290] 

-+.- public money in his hands, i 140. ii 
190. iii 198] vi 186] xxviii 182 

Meleda, in the Adriatic, the place of St. 
Paul’s shipwreck, xviii 142. liv 474 

- account of, liv 473 

Melek Mehemmet bashaw, xxxiv 17 

Melguer, Dav. iii 89 

Melhado, don Fern, liv 209] 

Melli, vi 465 

Mellin, Jos. fraud on, ix 69] 

Mellish, (contractor) viii 151) xiii 151] 
xviii 159] xix 113] 195] 

C, jun. viii 208] 

—_— J. xl 27 

———- miss, xxviii 201] 213] 

——— S. xliv 778 

— W. ix 84] xii 217] 2b. xiv 111. 
xxiv 163] 323] 1 94*. lviii 38] 39] 

Mello, de, (Portuguese amb.) ix 134] 

Nuno de, iv 171] 

et Castro, Mart. lord de, v 234] 


Mellor, G. executed for murder, lv 5 

T. convicted of rape, xii 112] 117] 

Melmoth, W. i 483 

Melons, extraordinary production of, viii 

raised on tan, ix 108] xi 112 

+++. extraordinary, xxi 192] xlviii 431 

Melvillades, li 767 

Melville, gen. Rob. iii $7] iv 138-40] vii 
110. x 88] xxvii 184] 

«+++ account of, li 755 

Jane, viscountess, xlvii 73 

+——- H. Ist vise. xxv 180] 188] xxvii 47] 
68] 72] 73] 78] 169] 180*] 182*] xxviii 
125] 127] 136] xxix 85] 152] 153] 159] 
xxx 108] 116] xxxi 120] 158] 159] xxxii 
84] xxxiii 232, 240, 242, 248, 254, 279, 
442] xxxiv 127] 129] 140] 149] 152] 
153] 154] 155] 159] 178] #. 24, 184. 
xxxv 11] 21] 31] 38] 63] 77] 88] 100] 119] 
166] 169] 172] 174] 175] 45. xxxvi 236) 
243] 251] 257] 264] 265] 268] 272] 28. 
xxxvii 151] 167] 171] 187] 191] 204] 217] 
108. xxxviii 28] 38] 57] 61] 67] 511. 
xxxix 121] 126] 144] 159] 192] 226] 229] 
257] x1 177] 186] 193] 200] 217] 218] 
73,188. xli 188] 192] 198] 204] 217] 225] 
150. xlii 87] 105] xliii 15] 37] 77m] 120] 
126] 187] 191] 196] 204] 163. xliv 139, 
155, 267. xlv 147, 162. xlvi 81, 103, 136, 
141, 979. xlvii 85, 53, 62, 76, 83, 87, 93, 
99, 104, 115, 117, 214, 222, 656, 616, 


xIviii 17, 23, 76, 93, 94, 101, 234, 256, 
260. xlix 143, 163n, 392, 398, 826, 1016, 
1 112] 119] 11 426. lii 39. lv 40) ‘ 

Melville, H. Ist visc., character of, xliii 
120] 133] 

--+. pension from the E. India company, 
xliii 9 

+... charges against, xlvii 67, 72, 82, 109, 
215. xlviii 118, 606 

-+.. erased from the list of privy counsel- 
lors, xlvii 88 tf 

.... address to the H. of Commons, xlvii 

ess. trial of, xlviii 109, 605 

-.-- votes on it, xlviii 624 

»+s. expense of his impeachment, xlviii 
638. xlix 729*, ib. ib. 730*. 1 182*, 2b. 
184*, ib. ib. ib. 

Rob. Saunders, 2nd vise. xxxv 27. 
xlvii 101. 1 92] 221*, 223*. 11171. lid], 
55, 120. liii 40] 128. liv 111] 361. lv 39] 
lvi 205] 

Melzi, duke of, xliv 82, 648, 651. xlvii 720. 
xlix 783. Ixi 441 

Memel, interview of the emp. Alexander 
and the king of Prussia at, xliv 250, 422 

Memmia (Sardinian insurgent) xliii 72] 

Memnon, statue of, xxviii 106 

Memory, instances of extraordinary, viii 88. 
ix 105] xv 129] xxxix 12 

+++. on improving the, xxiii 178 

++-- compared with+imagination, xxvi 125, 

Men. See Man 

Menai, grants for surveying the straits of, 
xlv 625, 628, 629 

Menander, vi 212 

.».. translation from, x 25) 

+++. epistle to Glycera, xxxiii 407] 

Menard, gen. x] 25] xli 259] 

Mendicity of the metropolis, inquiry into, 
xliv 580 

Mendip, lord. See Ellis, Welbore 

Mendizabell, gen. li 509. liii 111] liv 154] 
221. lv 140] 177, 202. Ivi 182 

Mendoza, Dan. xxx 198] 184. xxxi 206] 
xxxiv 17 

— don, (Spanish ambass.) ix 59 

———_-_—— Ant. de, xx 183*] 

Mends, capt. R. (N) lii 302 

Mendy, rev. ii 101 

Menestrier, fath. Cl. Fr. xxviii 11]. xxxi 186 

Mengs, sir Ant. Raph. xxv 177 

Mennis, sir J. xii 46 

Mennonites, xii 14 

Menou, gen. xxxii 145] xxxvii 105] xiii 
220] 233. xliii 219] 229] 100, 102. xliv 
403, 863. xlv 952 

Mentel, J. xxxvi 379 

Mentz, bar. Breidbach chosen abp. and 
elector, vi 87] 

++.» cathedral fired by lightning, x 93] 

+++. inundation near, xi 147] 

+++ bar. d’Erthal, chosen abp, and elector, 
xvii 138] ; 


Mentz: two convents abolished at, xxiv 
+++. commencement of reform, xxviii 50] 
«+++ letter from the k. of Prussia, xxxvi 
-... besieged by the French, xli 132] 
-... treaty with G. Britain, xlii 242 

Menzies, (botan,) xxxi 230] 
lieut. (N) xlvii 356 
maj. xlvii 521 

sir Rob. xxx 13] 

Menzikoff, prince, account of, xiii 20, xxv 

Meppen, taken by the French, iv 30] 

Mercandier, on the uses of the horse-ches- 
nut, xii 116 

Mercati, And. xxxiii 3] 

Mercator, N. iii 87 

Mercer, gen. = (Amer,) xx 19] 125] 

Merceron, Jos. lx 277 

Merchant, Abraham, lyii 44 

Merchantmen, complaint of their miscon- 
duct, i 111. iy 132] 

Merchants, duties of, xxxyii 180*] 

Merci, count, xvii 16 

Mercie, C. xliv 772 

Mercier, xxxvii 128*] 

——— Lewis, murder of M. Moudroit by, 
xx 204] 213] 

le, gen. xlii 7] 27] 

Mercurialis, Dr. Jerome, x 89 

Mercury. See Quicksilver, and Poison 

Mercury (planet) transits of, xii 154] xliv 

Merey, count de, vi 53] xx 179] 

field marshal, count, xi 21 

Mercy-Argenteau, Florimond count, xxvi 

Meredith, vii 112] viii 64] 

sir J. xiv 136] 

————_—— W. iii 39. xii 72] 103]. xiv 
196] xv 173] xvii 101] xxi 175*] 192*] 
195*] xxiii 188] 

Meres, xxi 25 

sir T. vi 267 

Merfeldt, gen. count, xl 46. xlii 202) xliii 

Merian, mad, M. §, iii 132 

Merie, count de, ii 238 

Meriton, H. xxviii 224] 

Merle, gen. ] 21) ] 

Merlin, xxxvi 151] xxxvili 150] xxxix 
85] xl 285, 290. xli 113] 314] 316] xlii 
5] 48] 55) 

Mermaids, pretended, xviii 127] li 334, 
335, 852 

Merrey, C. lx 52 

Merrick, rev. James, vi 236 

Merriman, B. ix 88] 
— Nath. xlvi 824 

Merriot, fire at, liii 44 

Merrit, Amos, xvii 141] 146] 170] 171] 
xviii 83} 3 

Merritt, Mrs. in danger of being buried 
alive, yiii 83] 84] 


Merritt, R. xlvi 791 

Merry,  xxxii 299] xliii 275] 

Ant. xlii 244. xliii 94] xlv 164, 

224, 653. xlix 264 

Chandler, liii 25 

J. xxv 197] 

Mrs. xli 354 

—— Rob. xxxviii 504 

«... account of, xli. 353 

Merryfield, James, ii 90 

Merryweather, T. x1 401 

Mersan, xxxix 313 

Mersch, vander, gen. xxxii 30] 31] 

Mersennus, xxxiii 250] 

Mersey, S. Ix 359 

Mertian, B. L. lvi 336 

Merton, parliament of, i 455 

Mervin, Ant. iv 179] 

Mesmot, — xiii 75] 

Mesnil, gov. du, vii 8] 9] 

Messala, Mare. Valer. iv 156, xxxix 421 

Messiah, prophecies of the, vi 187 

Messier, (astron.) iv 137. vi 72] ix 75] 121) 
x 96] xii 126] xiii 118] xiv 100) xviii 
188] xli 337 

Messina, earthquake at, xiii 145] 

Mestvin, last duke of Dantzic, xv 31] 

Mesurier, ald. Paul le, xxvii 187] 194] xxix 
136] 150] xxxix 25. xl 2. xlv 443. xlvi 
431. xlvii 434 

Metals: curious effects on a person dissolving 
in aqua fortis, i 358 

-+-- melting points of, v 82 

++.» regeneration of, in mines, vii 123 

..-- coloured rings on, from electric ex- 
plosions, xii 76 

e+» new, of extraordinary lightness, 1 89 
++» peculiar alloy of, lv 498 

Metaphysics, xiv 182, 255 

Metastasio, i 422. viii 287, 289. xviii 64. li 

e++s on the musical drama, x 218 

+++» account of, xvi 68. xxxvili 533 

Metaxa, count, xiii 30] 123] 

Metcalf, ald. (of Woodstock) xlvi 416 

—— Fred. Mich. xlix 931 

——. J. xiv 90] 

——— Phil. xxxii 247] 

——— sir T. Theoph. xlii 33. xliv 64, xlv 
98, 107. xlvi 84. xlvii 65. 1i 420 

Metelin, description of, xxxii 50 

.... singular custom at, xxxii 5] 

Meteorological registers, xxiii 123” 

-..- See Weather 

Meteors, fiery, i 116. ii 58, 134. iv 67] 72] 
941175] v 89] 109] 114] vi 51] 72] 98] 
106] vii 47] 87] viii 87] 117] 134] 135] 
145] xii 67] 70] xiii 68] xix 162] xxvi 
214] xxviii 211] xli 32. xlv 457. xlvi 414. 
xlvii 426. xlviii 427, 451 

ey of black dust in Zetland, i 

>... during a slight shock of an earth- 
quake, ii 73 
eee. at Stockholm, ii 88 

ME . 
Meteor : luminous, seen in Scotland and in 
France, vi 106] 
«+.» luminous arch, viii 79] 
+... much mischief done by a2 luminous 
body rising from water, x 127] 
---.- luminous, xviii 116] xxv 210] x1 83. 
xlv 387. liii 3. lviii 147, 148 
Methill, in Fife, grant for improving the 
harbour, xlvii 591 
Methodists: riot at Kingston, at a preach- 
ing, iii 82] 
---. threatening letter from, iv 121] 
- +. pretensions of the, v 243 
e+..- corp. Bell taken up for preaching in 
an unlicensed meeting-house, vi 58] 
+++» annuity deed obtained by a preacher 
from a religious enthusiast cancelled by 
the lord chancellor, vii 112] 
+... quarrel in Moorfields between two 
preachers, x 104] ; 
+... Six students at Oxford expelled for, 
xi 81} 
a murder by an itinerant preacher, xii 
+.+. a preacher flogged through Glouces- 
ter, xii 108] 
+++. Seven missionaries to America assem- 
ble ona stage on Tower hill, xv 133} 
«+... several petition against the bill for 
relieving dissenters from subscription, 
xvi 94*] 
ah obedience preached by, xix 
«s+» origin of the, xxxiii 276] 
..-. address from the conference at Leeds 
xxxv 81 
..+» lady killed by walking over a preci- 
pice on returning from a chapel, xl 6 
«... numbers of, xl 63. xlviii 362. li 322. 
lvi 67. lvii 15 
.... grand conferences, xlviii 432. lvi 67 
++» applications to license preachers, xlix 
+++ persons at a meeting killed by the fall 
of the roof, lii 271 
++» mansion purchased fora public school, 
liii 97 
«... end of the world prophesied by one,. 
liii 107 
«++. preacher hanged for poisoning his two 
brothers-in-law, liv 33 
+--+. youth murdering his mistress, liv 92 
... fraud of one, lv 14 
.+ +» action for an assault ona preacher, lv 
.... wealthy member of parliament turned 
preacher, lviii 53 
+.» gentleman convicted of allowing per- 
sons to attend divine service in his house 
with his own family, lviii 170 
«++. person convicted of fieldpreaching, 
lviii 310 
Methuen, Paul, lvi 140] 14]] 142] 144] 
lviii 34] Ix 85] 
Metrodorus, xv 220 



Metternich, count, xli 131] 1217] 1i 174. lv 

Mettrie, Julien Offray de la, xxxii 8 

Metyard, Sarah, and her daughter, executed 
for murder, v 95] 132] 

Metz, fire at, ix 110] 

Meun, J. de, xxi 225 

Meurs, taken by the French, i 14 

Meux, xxxiv 4, xxxix 47. lvi 93 

H. vii 24 

Mexborough, J. Ist earl, xv 206] xviii 118] 

Mexico: whence peopled, xiv 192” 

--.. plague at, xvi 106] 

«+. ancient inhabitants, xix 1] 

-»-. modern people, xix 12, lii 602. lili 

+++» mines, xx 84 

+++. ancient state of, xx 219 

dress and ornaments, xxix 116 

religion, xxix 118 

rites at the birth of children, 

xxix 196 

marriages, xxix 129 

funeral rites, xxix 131] 

«++. the viceroy deposed, li 654 

+--+. description of, lii 598 

«++» military constitution of, liii 456 

+--+ progress of the revolution, liv 209] 

Meyer. See Mayer, Tobias 

gen. i 169 

—— Jer. iv 137] viii 194%] xi 199] 

Ph. James, xliv 773 

prof. viii 43 

— W. lviii 394 

Meynel. iv 118] 

Meyrick, Dr. Rich. v 226 

——— James, (army agent) xxiv 255] 
xxxiv 131, 144 

——— I. gen. T. lvii 85 

Mezerai, Fran. Eudes de, vii 254. ix 40 

Meziriac, Claude, i 466. iii 266 

Mezo, J. instance of his probity, viii 138] 

Mezzotinto, invention of, xii 35 

Miackzinsky, gen. xxxv 248] 

Mice, extraordinary number in the fields 
near Bridgewater, x 159] 

..-~ litter found in a blackbird’s nest, xii 

.--. swarms of, in Bohemia, xv 143] 150] 

«++. ravages by, xvi 144] 

.. +. bills torn to pieces by, lvi 17 

Michael Angelo. See Buonarotti 

Aug. iii 99] 

‘Michaelis, prof. J. D. xxix 74. xxxiii 35] 
xliii 529 

— J. H.xi 154 
Michall, G. ]xi 299 
Michaud, gen. xxxvii 51] xliii 687] 

Michaux, —_xliii 479 
Michel, xxvi 210] 
—— rev. xlvi 783 

Michell, capt. F. T. (N) lviii 236 
C, xxxviii 516 
Lewis, iii 205] 
rey, J. viii 123 

Michell, T. lvi 337 
—— W. lvii 320 

Michelson, gen. xxxi 197*] xlviii 209 

Michie, J. xvii 110] xxx 202] 223] 

Michon. See Bourdelot 

Mickle, W. Julius, xiv 215 

Mickmacks, an American tribe, iii 99] 

Mico, Jos. vi 88] 

Micoud, chevy. de, xxii 43] 

Micrometers, xxvi 42} 

Midacritus, xiv 138 

Middle ages, satire of the, xiii 105 

Middlemen, mischievous, xliii 23n] 

Middlesex : subscription for raising volun- 
teers, ii 112, 113 

..+- Wilkes’s election for, xi 85] 86] xii 

dete — letters to the electors, xi 107] 
127] 182] 

-+.. election of a member in the room of 
Mr. Cooke, xi 193-5] 197] xii 67] 88] 

-+.- instructions to the members, xii 66] 

++.. meeting of the freeholders on the ex- 
pulsion of Mr. Wilkes, xii 74] 

«++. Mr. Wilkes reélected, 2. 82] 83] 90] 

++.. meetings for supporting the freedom of 
election, and maintaining their rights and 
privileges, xii 90] xvi 98] 

-..- col. Luttrel declared the sitting mem- 
ber, xii 100] 

+++.» petition to the king, xii 102] 197] 

aa general discontent of the nation, xiii 


«++. motions respecting the decision of the 
Commons, xiii 64] 65*] xiv 26] 

+++» remonstrance to the king, xiii 87] 90] 

-... engagement of the candidates for, xvii 

«».. address of the justices to the king in 
support of the measures against the 
Americans, xviii 160] 

+++ county meetings, éb. xxiii 194] xxiv 

eee» petitions for reform, xxiii 87] 194] 
xxiv 201] 

«+. address on the peace, xxvi 197] 

++. petition against lotteries from the 
grand jury, xxxiv 145] 

+s. agriculture of, xxxvi 304 

+... petition to the king for peace and the 
dismissal of ministers, xxxix 86 

+... petitions to the Commons respecting 
the election, xlv 37 

.... address to the king on the state of 
affairs, xlv 419 

.+ «+ reports of the election committee, xlvi 
397. xlvii 53. xlviii 369 

.... Sheriffs committed to Newgate, xlvil 

«+s. meeting in behalf of the Spanish 
cause, | 93* 

«...+ petition to the Commons respecting 
sir F, Burdett rejected, lii 110, 259° 

»+.. countermeeting at Freemasons tavern, 
lii 261* 




ii Pas : a second petition agreed to, lii 

-+ ++ Seealso Brentford and Wilkes 

Middlesex hospital, collections for, ii 86, iv 
104] v 82] vi 74] 

«s+» donations to, iy 126] ix 117] xii 107] 
xv 154] xvi 100] 

Sn for a new wing to, viii 

«++. donation for a cancer ward, xxxiv ] 

Middlesex, earl of, xxx 165 

—— lord, iii 17 

Middleton », Blake, xli 20 

earl of, (t. J. II) xvi 197 

(surg.) vi 147] 

——-— adm. sir C. xxviii 104] xxx 105] 
xlvii 76, 222 

G. 4th vise. xxiii 65] 

H. (Amer.) xvii 218] 224] xviii 


H. 5th lord, xxxvii 113, 115 
H. 6th lord, lvi 297. lviii 273 
——-— hon. C. xvi 197 
J. xii 406 
Mrs. xlii 155 
xxix 150] 157] xxxi 39. xlv 



————— rev. Dr. Conyers, viii 179. xi 
257. xx 7. xxxi 218} xlii 32. xliii 16 

rev. Erasmus, xxiv 231] 

Midwife, convicted of murdering a child 
born imperfect, liv 96 

Miers, J. liv 314 

Mifflin, T. (Amer.) xvii 218] xxvii 319] 
xxix 299] 

Mignard, xv 16 

Mihil. See Miles, Rob. 

aes limitation of the pope’s power at, 
x 6] 

-... visit of the emperor Joseph, xii 34] 

+++ inguisition abolished, xviii 148*] 

e+. certain religious orders suppressed, 
xxv 193] xxvii 17] 

e+. ancient constitution and laws restored 
by Leopold, xxxiii 24 

«+... castle reduced by the French, xxxviii 

«++. proclamation of Buonaparte, xxxviii 

rns order of nobility abolished, xxxviii 

«+» entered by the allies, xli 284] 287] 

+... surrendered to the French, xlii 196] 

e.+- coronation of Napoleon as king of 
Italy, xlvii 723 

+» ++ severe restraints on the press by the 
emperor of Austria, 1x 102 

Milans, gen. lix 118] 119] 

Milardovitch, gen. See Miloradowitz 

Milbanke, adm. sir Mark, iv 77] xxii 256] 
xxv 225*) 227*] 226] 

sir Ralph, xxxiv 78. xxxyii 158] 

xxxix 258] xliv 115. xlv 78 

Mildew, xx 92 

Mildmay, sir Antony, i 486 

Mildmay, sir H. P. St. John, xxxix 57. xli 
169] xlii 138] 142] xlv 124. xlvii 60, 82, 
84. lvii 283 

Miles, keeper of a madhouse at Hoxton, 
vi 159] 
—— col. xxiv 228] 

—— Rob. murdered by his brother R. ix 
129] x 75] 

—— sir Jonathan, xlviii 432, 437 

+...» vote of censure on, xlix 494 

—— W. Aug. x1 177 

Milford, (Surrey) fire at, lviii 91 

Milford haven, seventy-four gunship launch- 
ed at, viii 105] 

Milford, S. xlii 1 

Milhaud, gen. xlvii 156, 159. 1 53*. lvi 3] 

Militia: persons found guilty of high trea- 
son for obstructing the act, i 89, 92 

«+.. reviews of, i 112. ii 100. iv 174] 

-».. grants for the, i131. ii 175. iii 188] v 
157] 169] vii 162] viii 238] ix 203) xxi 
287] xxii 326] xxiii 309] 310] xxiv 269] 
270) xxv 287] xxvi 305] xxxv 105, 26. 2b. 
xxxvi 118, 7b. 2b. xxxvii 117, ¢b. xxxviii 
106, 75, xxxix 168. xl 203, 204. xli 193. 
xlii 162-3, 169. xliii 186. xliv 579. xlv 
623. ixlvi 578. xlvii 585. xlviii 634, 635. 
xlix 725*, 726” , 

++.» arms sent from the Tower for, ii 78 

++. State of, in July 1758, ii 273 

«++. riot at Hexham concerning, iv 82] 

«+.» Middlesex clothed and marched off to 
quarters, iv 110] 

+++ act to explain and amend former acts, 
v 79] 

«+. other acts respecting, v 88] 

-+.» heads of the act of 1764, vii 129] 

+... damages recovered by a man flogged 
without a court martial, viii 149] 

+ riot at Chirk concerning, xiii 71] 

-..+ Nottinghamshire fined upward of 2000/. 
for not raising, xvii 81] 

+++. new act respecting, xix 83] J14*] 

++.» address from the Devonshire, xix 85] 

++. bill for doubling it’s number, xxii 

++. attempt toadd volunteer regulars from 
Ireland to the Anglesey militia, xxv 200] 

«+». order for disbanding, xxvi 198] 

-.«+ for Scotland proposed, xxxv 175] 

...- for Ireland, xxxv 187] 

«++. precedency of the regiments decided 
by lot, xxxv 13 

++., augmentation of the, xxxvi 234] 

-.-. act for augmenting and improving it’s 
discipline, xxxvii 212] 151 

--.. —— for introducing the use of artil- 
lery, and allowing privates to enter into 
the artillery or navy, xxxvii 213] f 

-».. two of the Oxfordshire shot for mu-. 
tiny, xxxvii 23 
... two others hung for stealing flour, 
xxxvii 24 

..++ threatened opposition to the laws pre- 
vented by yeomanry cavalry, xxxyiii 40 


Militia: supplementary, xxxix 120] xli 

xxxix 2 

«.-- corps of cavalry, xxxix 120] 

++ee Tisings in Scotland against the act, 
xxxix 44, 52 

---- acts for allowing the supplementary to 
enlist in the army, xl 217] xli 312] 

+++. act for accepting offers of regiments 
to serve in Ireland, x] 226] 

«++. duke of Norfolk dismissed from the 
command of the W. York, xl 9 

+... private found in a well at Horncliif, 
xl 102 

-.-. protest against the reduction of, xli 

service, xli 214 

-».- Supplementary, reémbodied, xliii 246] 

«--- plan for the regulation of the, xliv 
128, 166 

.... disbanded, xliv 393 

+... act for lengthening the time of exer- 
cise, xlv 80 

«+s. called out and embodied, xlv 91, 646 

--.» act for giving commissions to halfpay 
officers, xlv 105, 107, 112 

«++. supplementary called out, xlv 155 

«++» quaker imprisoned for refusing to be 
sworn or find a substitute, xlv 433 

...-. offer of Irish to serve in G. Britain, 
xlvi 64 

se+. meeting of officers in parliament at 
the Thatched House, xlvi 71 

---. bill for reducing to it’s original esta- 
blishment, xlvii 58, 61, 63 

...-. large fortunes left to three privates, 
xlvii 404 

--.. act for suspending the ballot, xlviii 


— riot on account of, 

~ extension of it’s 

regulating the rank of officers, 

+++» —— respecting the pay of, zd. 
+++. — for recruiting the army from and 

raising supplementary, xlix 245 

«++» local, 1 114] 115] liii 31. lv 205] lvii 
307 m 

+++. act for completing, li 107 

+++. prices paid for substitutes, lii 282 

+».. act for interchanging British and 
Irish, liii 51] 

+++. persons summoned for refusing wages 
to their servants while training for the 
local, liii 7 

+++. action of a serg. of local against his 
col. and adjutant for false imprisonment, 
liv 93 

+++. serg. in the Irish, maimed at Bristol, 
liv 107 

++. acts for extending their voluntary ser- 
vices, ly 202] 204] 205] 

«... term of service of substitutes, lv 306 

+++. disembodied only in part, lvi 207-10] 
355-6. lvii 3] 



Milk, action by a milkwoman against a cow- 
keeper for mixing water with his milk, 
xii 108] 

++e+ price of, xv 129] 

«++. vinous liquor prepared from, xxx 84 

Mill, J. ii 176 

rey. Dr. J. xi 152 

Millachip, J. impressed, xx 174] 176] 177] 
178] 186] 

Millar, And. xix 31. xx 8. xxiii 246 

And. v. Taylor, on copyright of 

Thomson’s Seasons, xii 92] xiii 131} 

Mrs. xxi 210 

T. xvi 150] xvii 82] 92} 102] 

Millard, J. robbery of, lviii 103 

Millbank, fire at, xlviii 441 

Miller v. Rice, recovers money given for a 
stolen bank note, i 81 

xxi 175] 

capt. Ralph Willett (N) xxxix 97} 
xl 143. xli 28] 70, 98x 

——— C. on transplanting wheat, xii 112 

C. xxv 19n, 22n 

——-— gen. lii 194, 317 

James, lvii 319 

J. (printer) xiii 129] xiv 65*] 70°} 
88] 92] ‘ 

oss» case of, xiv 63] 106] 184] 

--.. action against by lord Sandwich, xvi 
100] 178] xvii 102] 

+++. prosecuted for libel, xix 201] 

J. 1xi 78 

—— lady, xix 43. xxiv 183] 

—— |. col. F. M. lviii 228 

—— Philip, viii 97, 148, 148. xii 112. xiv 
163] liii 483 ‘ 

.+-- on the culture of madder, i 350 

—— Ralph, Ixi 78 

—— rev. James, xiv 196 

rev. Peter, xxxv 294 

S. xlii 379. xliii 457. xlv 828. xlvii 

851, 853. xlviii 955, 958 

sir J. Rigges xxxii 89] 

Millers, convicted of adulterating flour, lvi 


xvi 118] 
dean Jeremiah, xxiv 174] lxi 457 
Rich. xvi 69] 
—— T. xlvi 372 
Millet, African, recommended, viii 153 
.... sugar from the stalks of, viii 154 
Millichius, i 466 
Millington, J. lviii 347 
—— sir T. ii 473 
Million Bank. See Bank 
Millis v. Flower, lii 336 
Millot, ab. Cl. Fr. Xav, xiii 159. xiv 45, 47 
Mills, maxims for the improvement of, iii 
-... set on fire by velocity, iv 77] 
«..» ancient, xxvi 122 
++.» injuries from the machinery of, xlvii 
364, 417. xlviii 361, 371,452. liii 44. lvi 96 
«++. actions respecting, li 321. Ix 296 
seo» See also Windmills 



Mills, Abraham, xxxviii 383, 385 

And, lvi 289 

C. xxx 202] li 422 

—— J. xii 81] lvii 320 

J. executed on the Coventry act, 

xxvi 210] 

lieut. (A) vi 159] 

Mary, ii 108. xlviii 400 

—— Miss (actress) ix 248 

—— Mrs. confined in a madhouse, xv 90] 
142] xlviii 400 

—— R.S. viii 99, 101 

—— sir C. xxxi 261] 

—— T. B. 1xi 299 

—— W. ix 76 

W. jun. xxi 175] 

Milman, sir Francis, xxx 224] xlii 45, xlvii 

Milne, adm. sir David, lviii 102] 233 

Benj. liv 315 

—— Dr. xlvi 393 

Rob. (archit.) See Mylne 

Milner, capt. A. (N) 1 103* 

Dr. T. iii 121] 

maj. Gamaliel, xl 9 

~—_— rev. Dr. xvii 31 

rey. Dr. Isaac, xvii 97] 

rev. Dr. J. xxxv 53. xlii 144] 148] 

xlviii 421. xlix 897. lii 136. 1v 101] 

rey. Joseph, ix 75] 

sir W. xxvii 187] xxxv 159] xxxix 

W. xiii 381 
Milnes, Rich. Slater, xxvii 187] xxxiv 

Rob. Pemberton, 1 12] 30] liii 9] 

Miloradowitz, gen. xiv 77*] xlvii 168, 
174. liv 178] 179] lv 117) 122] 132] 

Milsington, T. C, vise. xliv 358 

aga i 329. ii 434. iv 33. v 23, 250, 255. 
vi 185. vii 186, 189, viii 83, 238. ix 178. 
xii 120] xiii 100n. xv 218, 238. Xviii 2037. 
xxii 29, 184”, xxiii 168. xxiv 156. xxv 
191. xxvi 132, 145, xxxiii 258, 269. xxxvii 
133*]n. xliii 535. xlv 774. xlvi 787. xlix 
127. 1 23. liii 434 

e+». examples of different kinds of verse 
from, i 337 

eee. picture of, iii 109] 

vee defence of himself against the charge 
of frequenting brothels, i iii 36 

e+. on his Paradise Lost, and P. Regained, 
xxli 29 

+++. monument to, set up in Cripplegate 
church, xxxv 41 

ooo Ce W. visc. 1 11] 62] li 110, 160. lii 

33. liii 71] liv 80] 220] 104. vi 209) Ivii 

26] viii 21] 22] 43] 45] 55] 59) lix 35] 
42] xi 153] 

lord, v 82] 

J. Ixi 300 

Jos. lord, xiii 70] 197] xv 235] xvi 
218] 243] 245} xxxi 267] xxxvii 114 

-—— lord (Irish) v 82] 

——— (Scotch judge) xli 367 


Milton, rev. W. xlvii 853. xlviii 955 
W. xxxix 409 
W. visc. See Fitzwilliam, earl 
Milward and Co. lace manufacturers, iv 
——— J. v. Harrison, for running down 
his vessel, xii 113] 
Rob. lvii 30 
Milwood, T. shot for a ghost, xlvi 358 
Mina, gen. lii 210, 211. liii 115] 116] 120] 
liv 147] lv 145] 146] 175. lvi 75] 7] 159 
«» +. character of, liii 353 
—-— gen. (S. Amer. ) lix 161] 
Minchin, Humphrey, xxxv 77] 
Mind, importance of an inquiry into the, 
vii 190 
s+. observations on, lii 143 
Minden, taken by the French, ii 16 
«»«. battle of, ii 17, 233. iii 2] 
Minehead, fire at, xlii 25 
Mineral, new, v 74 
Mineral polypus, 26. 
— waters. See Waters, mineral 
Mineralogical collections, lii 263*, 424 
Mines: contrivance to prevent the firing 
of, iii 148 
.+- of gold and silver in Siberia, vii 71] 
_ xvi 33] 82] 
+++» Of copper and silver at Angliari, x 67] 
»+. of Fablun, fire at, xi 104] 
+ fall in of part of one in Sweden, xi 
+ number of persons employed in, xii 
+--+ new sort of military, termed a globe 
of compression, xiii 21] 
«+». of Mexico and Peru, xx 84. xxvi 165. 
xlvii 1005, 1008. lvi 88 
+++. Superstitions respecting, xlvi 983 
«+. Submarine, xlvii 861] 
- men buried several days in one, lv 
«+. fall into one, lviii 36 
+--. men suffocated by the smoke of a 
steam engine, lix 17 
. See also Gold, Silver, &c. 
Mingay, couns. xxxii 211] xxxvi121 

Mingerode, col. xx 137] 

Mingrelia, submission to Russia, xxvii 35] 

Miniature portraits, introduction of the 
fashion of wearing, xii 86] 

Minifie, Rebecca, indictment of serg. Best 
for an assault, xlvi 399 

Ministry, changes of, i 10, 12. iv 44] v 46] 
vi 40] viii 43] ix 48] xi 75*] xii 63] 64] 
xiii 63] xvi 63] xix 93] xxiii 37] xxv 
167] 176] 177] 182] xxvi 168] 175] xxvii 
71) 72) 75] 143] xxxi 149] xxxiii 16] 
xxxv 44] xliii 119] xlv 177, 218. xlvi 29, 
84, 121, xlvii 215, 216, 222. xlviii 21, 
261. xlix 140, 423. 11939, 541, 542. lit 
1. liv 87] 129] 

+ee» character of a great minister, i 449 

«e+» virtues of Caligula’s horse, xiii 192 




Ministry: coalitions of parties to form, 
xxvi 150] 155] 165] 174] xxvii 278] xxix 
14]] xlvii 215. xlix 797 

--.. lists of, xlvi 122n, li 541, 542. lii 425. 
liii 274. liv 323, 324. lv 326. lvi 342. lvii 
326. lviii 354. lix 241. 1x 367 

Minorca: French expedition against, i 5 

2+. taken, 2b. 

--.. restored to G. Britain, v 61] 238] 

-«.. pearl-ashes imported from, viii 138] 

---- Magnificent present from the empress 
of Russia to the Greek church in, xiii 

..+- treatment of Ant. Fabrigas by gen. 
Mostyn, xvi 183] 149] 

..+- Hanoverian troops sent to, xviii 270] 
xix 64] 75] 

++.» invaded by the French and Spaniards, 
xxv 114] 

---- attempt to corrupt the governor, xxv 

«-+» surrendered, xxv 219*] 227*] 

«.-. account of the siege of fort St. Philip, 
xxv 241] 

---. ceded to Spain, xxv 334] 

..-- surrendered to G. Britain, xl 248] 

+... restored to Spain, xliv 421 

..+» proclaination of the governor, li 533 

Minors, interest recovered on money re- 
ceived for, ix 115] 

Minos, xxxi 94. xxxviii 468 

Minotaur, xxxi 92, 93 

Minshew, xiv 1287. xxxv 347 

Minstrels, ancient English, viii 199. xxxi 

Mint, grants for extraordinary charges, iii 
190] xxviii 250] xxx 262] xxxii 277] 
xxxiii 143] xxxiv 148. xxxvi 120. xxxvii 
118. x1 205. xli 195. lx 423 

«++. annual allowance for, iv 85] v 156] 

«+. marks on coin, iv 167 

--.. coinage of halfpence for Ireland, ix 75] 

e+... ———— Silver, xxix 197] 

.... trial of the pix, xxxi 230] 

+++. robbery of, xli 1, 8,9, 21 

e+ +« new copper coinage, xlviii 403 

+++. premises for a new, xlviii 637 

-... expense of building, 75. 638, 2d. xlix 
729*.1.181*. li 537. lii 423 

-.-. gold and silver coined since the re- 
storation, lii 421 

+--+ fire in the, lvii 84 

+++. gas lights, lix 92 

+++. See also Coin 

_Minting, Mary, murder of, lx 26 

Minto, Gilbert, earl of, xxiv 278] 328] xxvii 
69] xxix 152] xxx 172] xxxi 106] 149] 
xxxiii 248. xxxvi 95, 7b. xxxvii 155, 278. 
xxxvili 115] 135. xli 233] xlii 213] 215. 

. xliv 138,541, 606. xlv 60, 262. xlix 828. 
li 231. lii 262, liii 167] 176, 225. liv 4] 
136, 187, 457 

se++ appointed gov, gen, of India, xlviii 
257. xlix 355 


Minto, Gilbert, 2nd earl, Ixi 148] 149] 
Miolis, gen. xlii 182] 1 368* 
Miomandre, de, xxxii 53] 
Miquelon, I. of, ceded to France, v 236} 
xxvi 324] 
.-+- Settlers there, ix 70] 
«»«.- taken by the English, xxxv 271] 
+... taken again by them, xlv 420 
Mir Cossim. See Cossim Ali cawn 
— Jaffier. See Jaffier Ali cawn 
Mirabaud, xiv 180 
Mirabeau, Honore Gabriel, count de, xxvii 
20] xxxi 209*] 214*] 225*] 228°] 235¢] 
243*] 256*] xxxii 29] 33] 36] 38] 42] 46] 
48] 56] 59] 61] 62] 128] 130] 144] 146] 
xxxili 130, 133, 135, 150, 210, xxxiv 21] 
4 xxxv 198] 199] 203] xxxvi 81] xxxix 
«.-. illness and death of, xxxiii 151, 268] 
Victor Riquetti, marq. de, sent to 
the castle of Vincennes, iv 82] 
Mirabel, gen. xxxvi 64] 
Miracles, modern, xxxii 195} 
Miraculous cures, xi 206. xxx 123 
Miranda, gen. xxxiv 105] 2b.n] 108] 113 
114] 117] 120] 121] 122] xxxv 243] 245 
xxxix 84] xlviii 234, 239. xlix 45, 206, 
392, 398. liii 159] liv 208] 209] 
Mirepoix, duke de, iv 254] ix 23 
marchioness de, xxx 181 
Miromesnil, xvii 164] xximg02] 
Mirowitz, lieut. Bas. vii 16] 17] 106] 186] 
Mirth, xxxi 133, 136 
Mirza, xlvi 727 
—— Abdoola beg, xxvi 25] 
—— Abu Taleb khan, lii 681, 684, 749 
Mehedy Ali khan, li 236 
—w— Secunder Jahjah. See Nizam 
Misers, xv 88] 112] 120] xvi 130] 156] xviii 
103] 114] xxi 193] xxxi 231] xxxii 19. 
xxxv 277. xxxvi 26, 31. xl 35. xlviii 387. 
lviii 177. Ixi 7 
.+.. singular account of one, ii 346 
.-.. miserable death of one, v 69] 
..-. female, ix 122] xi 118] xvi 130] xxxi 
232] xxxii 19. xxxvi 32. lviii 13 
.... father and two sons, x 100] 
..-. death of one from want, liv 97 
Misery, effects of habit on, ix 197 
Misnia. See Meissen 
Misset, maj. xlix 202, 665* 
Missionaries, report of, 1 27-34 
«... fire at the printing office at Seram- 
pore, liv 34 
«... Catholic in China, lvii 137] lviii 170] 
«... to New Zealand, lix 460 
Mississippi, claim of the French to, i 2 
..«. journey up from Mobille, x 114] 
.... Settlement of the Spaniards at the 
mouth of, xii 11] 
. «+. Law’s scheme, xxiv 25 
Missouri, river, lviii 536 
---. territory, lix 476 
Mist v. sir W. Rawlins, Ix 250 
Mistake, xiv 203 


MO 4 
Mitchel, v 13] 
—— col. lvii 178, 187 
—— Dr. xvi 82 

——— James, xli 403 

Jos. xlvii 803 

—— Sam. xx 175] 

Mitchell, adm. sir And. xxvi 70] 254] xxvii 
263] xli 301] 303] 80, 86, 138. xliv 74, 
553, 586 

—— capt. W.(N) xxxix 78 

Ellen, forcible abduction of, xl 

H. iv 116 
James, xliv 773. lvi 71 
J.P. lvii 63 
Mary, ill treatment of, by the 
Brownriggs, x 140} 141] 190] 
rey. J. iv 100. viii 123. xxii 74, 

R. transported, v 95] 

Richard, executed for stealing a 

note out of a letter, xvii 171] xviii 83] 

xxi 167] 180] 

Rich. drowned, xxxvii 20 

sir And. x 52] xvi 88] 

ee-- his account of a shower of black dust, 
i 349 

S. Wylde, executed for the mur- 

der of his daughter, xlvii 354 

————- W. lvi 310 

Mitchelot, Christina, v 61 

Mitchelstown, fire at, lviii 27 

Mitford, R. lii 424 

— sir J. (lord Redesdale) xxxiii 247. 
xxxv 15] 40] 173] xxxvii 151] xxxviii 43] 
xxxix 1932] 204] xli 180] 199] xliii 124] 
37, 46, 99. xlv 316. xlvi 44, 45, 48, 390. 
xlvii 92. xlix 112, 113. 144] 116] li 427. 
liii 56] 84] lv 7] 53] 54) lix 72] Ix 32] 

«+e» correspondence with the earl of Fin- 
gall, xlv 575. xlvi 147 

—— W. xxiii 382] xxxiii 381] xxxiv 
145, 146 

Mithras, xxx 119 

Mitrowski, gen. xxxi 167 

Mittau, fire at, xxxi 193] 

Mitton, vi 288 

Jos. soldier of the Bank piquet, con- 
victed of an assault, xxx 219] 

Mo nin Sima islands, Ix 590 

Meee fort taken by the Spaniards, xxiv 

Mocenigo, Alvise, elected doge of Venice, 
vi 71] 

Modec, adm. Xxxili 69 

Modena: limitation of the power of the 
clergy, xi 55*] 

--+. lays claim to Ferrara, 7b. 149] 

e+e inquisition abolished, xxiv 13] 

++. invaded by the French, xxxviii 96] 

-.» feudal rights abolished, xxxviii 276 

-... the Brisgaw assigned to the duke as a 
compensation for his duchy, xxxix 46] 

eaee death of the duke, xlv 454 



Modena, duke of, i 188. ix 23 

.... imprisonment of his eldest son, vi 

.... anecdote of the duchess, ix 23 

Moderator, motion for an attachment against 
the publisher of the, vi 111] 

Moderns, on the extraordinary cleverness 
of the, iv 204 

Moellendorf, marsh. —_- xxi 26] 28] xxix 
218] xxxvi 10] 37] 205. xxxvii 110. xlviii 
188, 193, 685 

Moerner, count, xlix 255 

Moffatt, inundation at, 1 119* 

Moffatt, capt. J. xvii 110] xxvii 187] 208] 

——— J. forgery by, xxix 208] 

Moffett, Dr. —_-viii 146] 

——— Dr. (Amer.) xviii 184] 

Mogadore, ships from, burnt for fear of the 
plague, xlii 137] 165, 166 

Mogg, Molly (of the Rose) ix 81] 

Mohammed, See Mahomet 

Mohee Oodheen, liii 51 

Mohr, marsh, lvii 76] 

Mohringen, affair of, xlix 6x, 7 

Mohun, (actor) vi 181 

Moira, Eliz. countess of, xxvi 84 

Francis, 2nd earl. See Rawdon, lord 

J. 1st earl, xiv 247] xxxii 106] 310] 
lili 372 

.... character of, liii 386 

Moivre, de. See Demoivre 

Moldavia: the Poles pursued into by the 
Russians, xi 16] 17] 

ag the Russians become masters of, xii 

-»«. the hospodar beheaded, xxi 189] xxx 

sees devastated by locusts, xxiii 224] 

++. suddenly lost, and suddenly recovered 
by the Turks, xxx 43] 

.... invaded by the Russians, xlviii 209 

Moldovani Ali bashaw, xii 23] 29] xiii 39] 

Molé, xlviii 219 

Moles, W. lix 305 

Molesworth, Dr. Coote, vi 75] 

Mary, viscountess, vi 75] 

Mrs. A, xlviii 432 

Rich. xxviii 289] 179. xxxiv 

xiv 247] 

—— Rob. Ist. vise. xxiv 105 

sir W. xxxi 133] 

— W. xxxviii 389 

Moleville, See Bertrand 

Moley, Jane, xl 178 

Moliere, capt. i 100 

2) Bi Pi de; 11 4610 xvi leo) Six 

Molinari, xvii 117] 

Moline, J. Sparks, lvi 336 

Molineux, sir Thos. i 326, 527. iii 80 

Molinists, xxxiii 244] 245] 

Molisson, Jane, extraordinary case of, iii 71 

Moliterno, prince of, xli 152} lvi 87] 

Rich, Nassau, 4th vise. vi 75] 



Molitor, gen. xlviii 151. 1ii 270 

Moll, Bern. Paul, baron, i 215 

Molle, W. Ixi 48 

Moller, capt. A. xli 88 

Mollerston, Fred. xlvii 847 

Molleson, Eleanor, x1 176 

———- W. xxxiv 134 

Mollet, 1 120 

Mollien, lvii 60] 

Mollitor, gen. xliii 59] xlvii 164 

Molloy, capt. Ant. Jas. Pye, (N) xxiv 128] 
xxxvii 18 

C. xxiv 278] xxv 311] 

Neale, trial of him and his wife for 
the supposed ill usage of their daughter, 
vi ol 3 

-++« letter on the subject, vi 57 

Moloch, x 157 

Moltke, count, xi 152] 164] xiii 44] 

Molucca islands, earthquakes in the, vii 96] 

--.. taken by the British, xliii 287] 

Molyneux, (boxer) liii 110 ” 

—_— sir Francis, xiii 68} xxix 17]] 

vise, See Sefton, earl 

— W. convicted of arson, xxxvi 31 

Mombazon, prince de, i 94 

Mompesson, H. x 90] 

T. 7b. 

Monaco, prince of, x 132] 203] xi 87] 91] 
93] 112] 120] 

Monagas, gen. lx 18 

Monaldeschi, vi 40 

Monarch, elective, letter to one, vii 14] 

Monarchs. See Sovereigns 

Monasteries, suppression of, xvi 146, xxvii 
20] xlvii 904 

Monboddo, Jas. Burnet, lord, xxi 164] 186. 
xxxiv 490. xxxviii 509. xli 22 

e+e account of, xli 367 

Moneceau, gen. _—— x li 101 

Moncey, marsh. xlvi 176. 1 197] 201] 231] 
lvi 28] 49] 

Beek Christoph. 2nd duke of Albemarle, 
xv ol 

G. Ist duke of Albemarle, ii 466. 
ong 52, 54. xvi 75. xxviii 164, xlix 883, 

+++» character of, 1 58 

+++» terms offered to, xxviii 168 

+++. letter from Charles II to, xxviii 173 

sir C. lx 70] 

Monckton, col. xxi 166] xxii 315] 

hon, capt. —_—iiv 138] 

— col. H, xxi 224*] 

— gen. Rob. ii 38, 41, 42, 242. 
v 251] 254] 259] viii 241] x 127] xv 134] 
xvi 109] 117] 

+--+ commands the expedition against the 
French W. India islands, vy 33] 

hon. J. xlviii 441 

Rob. (gov. N. York) iv 99] 

——-— sir Phil. account of, xlvii 883 

Monclar, xxxiv 240] 

Moncrief, col, xxxiv 32. xl 149 

couns. Ix 313 
Parr I, 



Moncrief, hon. Stewart, xxix 197] 

Moncriefte, maj. xxii 210°] xxiii 228°} 

Monerif, F. A. P. de, xxxi 119 

Mondonville, xii 165 

Mondovi, battle of, xxxviii 89] 

Moneron, battle of, xxxvi 16] 

wae person convicted of extorting, ix 

.... found in an old desk, ix 85] xxxvi 14 

chair, x 62] xlviii 404 

——— bed, xi 68] 

o4ise a chest of drawers, Ix 260 

«+e. way to have plenty, xxxv 368, 369, 

-++. nature of, xxxix 178] 

changes of value, lxi 493 

e+es paper, xlii l1n] 

Money, capt. (N) lvi 224, 227. lvii 148, 

capt. (A) iv 98] xxii 149] 

J. vi 135] viii 101] 145] 

—— maj. = xxvii 237] 

Money-brokers, rule against one for using 
a nobleman’s name without his authority, 
xix 192] 


_Money-lenders, knavery of, xvii 104] 

Moneypenny, 1. col. Mich. xxxvii 68, 70. 
xliv 526 

—_———— maj. iv ]58] 
Monges, xli 391 
Mongez, xxviii 198] xxxiv 52] 217. 

xxxix 21] xl 17] 66] xli 14] xlii 2] 80] 

Moaien prosecutions against persons con- 
cerned in dropped, vi 82] 

»»+. authors of the, vii 73] 
.... actions for illegal proceedings respect 
ing, vii 73] 80] 87] 112] viii 88] 101) 
Monjoy, murder of M, d’Escombas by, 
vi 60 

Monk, Eliz. xxxviii 29 

—-— gen. See Monck, G. 

—— J. xxxv 58 ‘ 

Monkeys, accounts of, xiv 102. xlix 843 

Monkeysbread. See Baobab 

Monkhouse, xvi 96 

Monks, benefits of, in ancient times, xiii 

.... character of, xxxix 388 

Monkshood, effects of, x 98 

Monkton, capt. J. (N) xxxvii 65 

Monmouth, James, duke of, xiv 25, xxi 243. 
xxxvi 365. xlviii 1034 

—-— Rob. (Cary) earl of, xii 138 

Monmouthshire, inundation in, xv 134] 

...» mountains of, xliii 446 

Monnestier, near Briangon, fire at, xvii 115] 

Monnet, gen. li 224, 490, 746. lii 21 

Monnier, xxxix 7] 194] 

le, Pet. C. account of, xli 334 

Monosyllables, essay on, ii 433 . 

Monro, Alex. convicted of shooting at miss 
Wyat, xlix 484, 492 

col. xxi 72, 76 

Dr, Alex. xxvi 26, 29 




Monro, Dr. Alex. jun. xxxv 334, xlii 386 © 

——— Dr. Donald, xii 110. xxxi 60 

—— Dr. J. vi 158] xiv 86] 

——— J.v. capt. Houlton for illegally de- 
taining him, vii 113] 

—— sir Hector, viii 9] 10] 11] ix 30] 
xxii 175] 211] xxv 59] 60] 63] 80] 81] 87] 
90] xxvi 40] 65] xxxvii 208] xlviii 366 

-... his son killed by a tiger, xxxv 31 

—— sir Hugh, xlv 420 

Monroe, (Amer.) xlviii 249 

——— James (Amer.) xxxvi 172] xxxviii 
173] xl 243] 292. liii 153] liv 440. lv 4} 
5] lix 151] Ix 171) 21, 61. 1xi 237] 21, 

«+» chosen president, lix 144] 

Jos. Jones, Jix 151] Ix 20 

Mons, declaration of the people of, xxxiv 

Monsambert, M. xxx 281] xxxi 13] 

Monsey, Dr. Messenger. See Mounsey 

Monson, b. gen. _— xvii 518 

——— brig. gen. G. iii 64] 163] xxv 11] 
xxvii 54] xxix 165] xxx 159] 1787] 

J. 2nd lord, x 155] xi 221] xiii 70] 

———- hon. col. W. xlvi 222 
Monsoon. See Wind 

Monster, person so called. See Williams, 

«++. Hackney, xlvii 390 

Monsters : dog with a turkey’s gills, ii 378 

ae. girl with a hare’s face, vii 61] 

...+.- children wanting a hand, 7d. 

«.-~- Negroes without a thumb, and with 
toes like a lobster’s claw, vii 78] 

-»+. man with 12 fingers and 12 toes, vii 

. ‘eat with 14 toes and 14 fingers, viii 


+++. —— without arms or shoulders, 7d. 

+--+ girl with two faces, two backbones, and 
two breastbones, viii 76] 

e+e calf with two heads, vili 115] xxiii 

.»+- boy and girl joined together at the 
breast, viii 116] 

---- extraordinary, xiii 134] 

«++. child with a double head, xxxii 68 

+e» dog with two noses, xlviii 412 

e.-. cat with eight feet and two hinder parts, 
1 24* 

«».. calf with eight legs and two heads, 

«+s. —= with three legs, 1 65* 

«+e» partridge with three wings, | 129* 

«+.» hairy man, 2b. 

.. ++ boy with three legs, three arms, and a 
body studded with excrescences resem- 
bling fingers and thumbs, 74. 

-+.. foetuses without hearts, li 823 

Mont Blanc, journeys to the summit of, 
xxx 144, lix 502 

Montagne, iv 119] 

Montagu, adm. sir G. xxxvi 86. xlvii 436 


aaa, adm. Rob. xxvi 258] xliv 527. xlv 

Basil, lviii 280. 1xi 356 
capt. (N) i 88 
James (N) xxi 213] xxv 93] 

xxxvi 87 
—_—— — W.A. (N) xxxiii 289] lii 310 
Dor. lady dow. burnt to death, 

xvii 81] 
Edw. xxx 207] 241] 
-——— Fred. viii 208] xxv 182] xxxi 106] 
—— G. 4th duke of, xii 89] xx 26] 
xxix 66] xliv715. See also Cardigan, G. 
Ath earl 
hon. Fred. xxxii 82] 100] 
—— J. duke of, viii 30. xiii 159 
——— lieut. gen. sir C. xiv 76] xv 207] 
lord C. Greville, ix 125] 
———— Mrs. Eliz. xiv 237. xvii 205. xviii 
208m. xix 24, 191m. xxvi 134, 200. -xli 
369. xlii 31. lvi 461 
sir H. xxxii 96. xxxiv 433 
Montague, xxi 243 
— vise. xxi 235 
vise. xlii 429 
adm. J. xv 117] xxii 2] 256] 
—— Ant. 7th vise. xxxv 51 
col. iv 50 
col. xxxvi 323 
———— E. Wortley, v 130, 13]. x 164] 
129. xi 123. xliii 529.171 
.. «+ anecdotes of, xix 34 
— E. Wortley, sen. ix 81] 
— Eliz. duchess of, xxvii 125] 
Fred. xxii 123] xxvii 69] 
——-—. G.S. 8th vise. xxxv 43, 51 
———— H. vii 149] 
James, xv 190] 
lady M. W. v 100] vi 239, 290. 
xviii 219. xxii 171. xxvi 190. xlii 32, xlvi 
es... On marriage, vi 204 
.... letter from, ix 216 
—— Matth. xxix 67] xxxiii 225, xlix 
61. liv 17] 49] 
rt. hon. Fred. xxix 165] 170] 
xxxi 161] 273] 
—— Walter, xxi 240 
Montaigne, Mich. xii 41x. xiii 255. xli 446 
Montalembert, bar. de, lvii 192 
Montalvo, count de, xix 131] 
Montanti, Ant. vii 272” 
Montanus, xxii 166 
Montauban, inundation at, ix 196] 
Montauro, fath. Albert de, lvi 88 
Montausier, mad. de, ix 63 
Montebello, duke of, See Lasnes 
Montbret, Coquebert, xlv 228 
Montbrun, gen. 1 253] liii 186 
Montcalm, gen. i 30, 82, 106, 180, 300, ii 
36, 39, 40, 242. iii 104] 105] xxi 72 
ws. killed, ii 42 
..-. hisepitaph, v 266] 267] 
Monte, Pet. de, xxi 27 
Monte Libretti, duchess of, xix 44 




Montebello, battle of, xlii 193] 

Montechiaro, prince of, xli 253 

Montefiore, xlviii 444 

Monteille, M. de, xxiv 173] 

Montejo, count de, 1 191] 

Montemar, duke de, xvii 6, 16 

Montenegrins, insurrection of the, x li] 
153] 163] xi 27] 

«+.» account of the, xxx 10 

Montenero, fire at, xi 173] 

Montenotta, battle of, xxxviii 88] 

Monterey, count de, xxvii 111] 

Montespan, mad. de, xxxi 125 

Montesquieu, C. de Sec. bar. x 317. xiii 
160. xiv 159, 256. xv 178. xvii 219] 
221] xviii 168. xx 164. xxii 17. xxxii 
79) xxxiii 258. xxxviii 23] 337, 344, 
346. xxxix 199] xl 14] xliii 409. xlviii 
28, 29 

e+». anecdotes of, i 239 

e-.. Essay on Taste, i 311 

«++ letter on Bolingbroke, iii 189 

«++» letters supposed to be written by, xiii 

oe. character of, xxxi 12. liii 361 

e+.» miscellaneous thoughts by, xli 443 

J. Bapt. de, xxxi 229*] xlii 


Montesquiou, abbe de, Ivi 56 

gen. de, xxxiv 93] 107] 318. 
xxxvii 140] 

Monteverde, gen. liv 208] lv 194] 

Montevideo, taken by the English, xlix 213, 

eee given up, xlix 221, 223 

Monteynard, margq. xvi 126] 

Montezuma, xiv 192n. xxvi 10x. xxviii 113 

Montfaucon, Bern. de, v 133, 150. vi 166. 
xv 138. xliii 485 

Montford, (actor) vi 181 

Montfort, Denys de, lvii 539 

——__ H. 3rd lord, xlvii 398 

Simon, count of, x] 409 

——— T. 2nd lord, xxxi 304] 

Montgelas, bar. xlvi 163, 639-41. xlvii 707, 

Montgolfier, lv 496 
—_——_—— P. F. lviii 348, 2d. 

—— Steph. James, xxvi 215] 65. 
xxxiv 47]. xli 30 
Montgomeri, count de, xix 150 
Montgomery, Alex. xlix 474 
gen. Rich. iii 61] 62] xviii 
171] 189] xix 4] 14] xx 160] xxxiii 266. 
lxi 152 



+++» epitaph of, xviii 189] 

-» + character of, xix 15] 

— G. ii 100 

James, xlvii 986, 990. lit 725- 
30. lv 551, 558. viii 641. 1xi 557 

— |. col. Rob. xlv 380, 381 

maj. killed, xxiv 126] 

rt. hon. James, xxix 197] 

sir G. xxxvii 27 

———— H. liv 6] 



Montgomery, sir James, | 223". li 112 

Monthermer, lord, xxix 39 

sy in France, hospital burnt down, 
ix 71 

Monti, gen. marq. de, vii 85] 

Montigney, capt. (F.N.) iv 157] 

Montijo, conde de, lii 163 

Montlivant, count de, lviii 113] 

Montlosier, xxxiii 1952 

Montluc, J. xix 33 

Montmorency, duke of, xxxiii 164. xlii 49] 

Laval, monseigneur de, xxx 


Montmorin, count de, xxxviii 31 

marq. de, xxix 181] 195*] 

de St. Herem, count, xxix 
281] 282] xxx 216] xxxi 246*] xxxii 
25] 145] 301] xxxiii 165, 168, 193] xxxiv 
18] 20] 58] 

Montour, capt. ii 192 

Montpensier, duke de, xlii 3 

madlle. de, xvi 68 

Montreal described, iii 59] 153] 

e++- expedition against, iii 58] 

«++. surrendered to the English, iii 59] 

«s+ fires at, viii J15] ix 96] 134] 144] xi 
119] xlv 400 

--+- complaints against the soldiers there, 
ix 90] 

+++. attempt to surprise, xix 5] 

a... taken by the Americans, xviii 171] 
xix 7] 

Montresor, capt. (N) lvii 153 

— l. col. J. xxi 265] 269] xxii 145] 

xxxii 315] xli 61] 

1. gen. sir H. T. lvi 33] 190 

maj. gen. T. G. xliii 99 

Montrichard, gen. xly 677 

Montrose, transactions relating to the burgh 
of, Ix 46] 

Montrose, James, Ist margq. of, ix 89. xii 


— Ist duke, xxxiv 425 

—__—_———— _ 3rd duke, xxxi 134] 
143] 162] 163] xxxiii 225. xxxix 193] 
xlii 101] xliii 43] xlv 69, 80. xlvi 63, 
64, 102, 105. 1 87] lii 105. Ix 24] 29] 

nieces: island, account of, xxxv 426 

«++ conspiracy of the Negroes at, xi 131] 
141] ; 

«... taken by the French, xxv 201*] 

.... restored to G. Britain, xxvi 325] 

..-- sulphur pit, liii 470 

Monument (The) suicide by leaping from, 
lii 249* 

Monypenny, Dayid, lviii 253 

Monzani, ‘'ebaldo, xlix 860 

Moodajee Boosla, xxv 16] 22] 75] 88] xxvi 

Moody, J. (actor) ix 248 

Moon: no sensible heat from, x 115 

---- instrument for lunar distances, xviii 


Moon: great eclipses of the, xix 168] 

---- mock. See Paraselene 

Moon, T, Jad murdered by, lv 66 

Moor, xiv 126] 127] 

Ann (fasting woman) li 247 

——- sit Hy xnfol 

Moorcroft, W. xlii 381 

Moore, viii 105] 

—— abp. J. xxxi 134] 349] xxxiii 43] 
44] x1 190. xlii 133] 

adm. sir J. ii 11, 13, 75, 113, 226, 

227, 230. iii 82] xi 177] xv 207] xxi 

312] xxvi 198 

adm, sir Graham, xl 146. xlvi 143, 

424, 555 

Ann, | 115*. ly 37 

Benj. vii 58] 

Blunder, ix 88] 

capt. Edw. (privateer) xxiii 291] 

C. 1 229* 

—— couns. lx 286 

—— Dr. J. xxiii 1, 7, 12. xxxiv 450. 
xxxv 218] xlii 322. lviii 532 

Edw. xvii 23. xxxvi 299 

xxi 285] 

Francis, xliv 239, 240, 677, 678, 
681: xlv 164, 673. xlix 353 | 

—— gen. (Amer.) xix 156*] 

Hannah. See More 

Isaac, xxxiv 38 

—-— James, xlvii 394. li 122, 25 

—_— J. xxxiv 96 

1. col. James, xlviii 594 

——- |. gen. sir J. xl 126. xli 302] 304] 
102, 109, 115. xliii 230] 88, 92, 99, 107. 
xliv 859. xlvi 432. xlviii 146. 1 197] 
221] 225] 234] 237] li 52, 57, 68, 138, 


173. lit 3, 4, 12, 19, 33, 163, 201. Iv 88], 

lix 604 
-+.. his expedition to Spain, li 2, 42, 173, 
363, 368 
--.. — death, li 21, 371 
e... monument in Spain, li 317 
---- extract from his last letter, 1i 368 
.+-- correspondence of J. H. Frere, li 409 
-—— Mat. xxxvi 278] 
Peter, xliii 203] xIvi 96, 97, 112, 
403. xlvii 54. li 102. 1ii 90. liv 315 
rev. H. xlix 967, 968 
Sam. vi 164] 
S. 1 189* 
—— sir J. H. xxxi 165 
T. xviii 271] Ix 274 
T. (poet) xlix 983. lix 544, lv 613, 

Moorfields, fire in, xxxvi 9 
Moorhouse, J. xlvii 850 
1. col. xxxiv 207] 
Moorsom, adm. sir R. xxxi 199] xlvii 550 
capt. C. R, lviii 236 
Sarah, xxxv 13 
Mootaub khan, xxxiii 113] 
Morales, gen. lx 47 
Morality, reflections on different subjects 
of, vit 194 


ee sentiment of, natural to man, & 
-... state of different, in different countries 
and at different periods, xviii 168 
Morand, gen, _—xiiii 233] xlix 25. Iv 118] 
——— Sauv. Franc., iii 118. iv 96. vii 
89] xiii 78 
Morande, de, xx 189] xxxv 265] i 
Moravia, invaded by the k. of Prussia, i 40 
- insurrections in, xviii 151*] 178] 
+--+. abolition of slavery, xxvii 13] 
Moravians, Negroes in the W. Indies con- 
verted by, xl 69 
«+++ Gustavus IV refused admission, liv 

++.« mission to Africa, lv 482 ' 
Moray, France. 8th earl, xiv 204] xxvii 189] 
xxxviii 44] 
sir Rob. P. R. S. xi 258] 
Mordaunt, gen. sir J. viii 201] xv 206] 
— J. Istlord, xxxiii 367] 
J. Ist vise. xxviii 170 
lady Mary, x1 179 
— sir C. ii 142. xv 115] 
Mordecai, Eleaz. Manass. viii 77] 
Morden college, benefaction to, xv 123] 
Morden, lord. See Yorke, C. 
More, Charles, v 138] 
—-— Francis, xiv 126] 127] xv 196] 
H. vi 90 
Hannah, xvi 236. xviii 207. xix 206. 
xxxiii 461] xli 440. xliii 6 
— — rev. Dr. H. xi 258] 
— J. xii 137 
—— S. xlviii 639 
—— sir J. i 470, 472 
—— sir T. i 468, 475. xv 116, xxiii 173” 
-+.«. account of his life, i 468 

Moré, xlii 181] 
Morea. See Greece 
Moreau, (farmer) xxiv 99 

——— gen. (St. Domingo) xlix 658 

xxxvi 24] 36] 55] xxxvii 73] 
xxxviii 126] xxxix 1] 37] xl 4] xli 279] 
982] 288] 293] 294] xlii 9] 11] 175] 190] 
199] 208] xliii 57] 69] 73n] xlvi 155, 
165, 617, 625. lv 88. Ixi 425 : 

---- death of, lv 131] 76 

- monument to, Ix 116 

—-— mad. xliv 203. xlvi 157. lv 89 

—-— (coune. of ancients) xli 96] xlvi 

Morelli (singer) xxxvi 15 

Morellos, gen. liv 209] 210] Iviii 160] 

Moreno, don Joseph, xxv 103] 227*] 

—-— don Juan, xxv 241*] xliii 252] 

don Moriano, lii 522 
Moreri, Lewis, xi 162- 
Moreton, J. lvii 228 
lord Ducie, vii 28 
sir W. vi 67] 
(noted highwayman) ix 62] 
capt. (A) xlvi 220 



Morgan, C. xiv 264 
——C. Dav. one of the murderers of 
W. Powell, xiii 65] 85] 96] 
col. xxvi 30] 
—_———_— (Amer.) xxiv 55] 
James (t. C. 1) xlvii 903 
couns. xvii 85] xxii 219] xxiii 

——— Dr. J. (Amer.) xxix 53 
————H. murder of C. Linton, xxvii 

197] 200] 201] 

—— Howell, xxxiii 48] 

James, xiv 187] 188] 

——-— Lewis Evan, xvi 139] 

——— I. gen. C. xlix 372 

Maurice, xxxviii 512 

——-— Mrs. xliv 445 

——-— Rich. convyieted of robbing his 
master, xv 98] 102] 

—— Rob. lvii 259 

sir C. xlvii 434 

——— sir H. (buccaneer) xvii 56 

——-— T, capt. Bolton tried for the mur- 
der of, and acquitted, vi 64] 

———. W. murder by, xiv 126] 129] 

Morgarten, battle of, xlii 485 

Morgeon, gen. See Cruz Morgeon 

Moriarty, capt. (N) xxvi 123] 

Morice v. the bish. of Durham, xlvii 373 

couns. Burton, lii 314 

Morichelli (singer) xxxvi 15 

Morier, James, xlii 234? lii.270. liv 462, 
516, 520. Ixi 533 

Mories, xlii 234 

Morillo, gen. liii 221. lv 229, 241. lvi 78] 
lvii 127] lyiii 157] lix 161] Ix 19, 47, 
48. Ixi 241] 246] 

Morison, sir Rich. xv 1 

Morisotus, vii 254 

Moritz (conjurer) 1 14* 

Morla, don T. xlii 215] 273, 274. 1 192] 
230] 234] 235] li 10, 16, 358. lii 13. lvi 42] 

Morlachia, adjustment of the boundaries 
between Austria and Venice, xx 162] 

«+++ people of, xxi 43 

+++» superstitions, xxi 49 

+ +++ Manners, xxi 51 

Morland, G. | 73* 

Sam. vii 279 

W. xl 176 

Morlat, gen. | 232] 

Morley, bish. G. ii 316, 318 

— J. convicted of gambling, Ixi 104 

—— J. earl of, xxxi 264] xxxix 163] 6. 
xli 233] xlii 82] xlv 142. xlvii 98. xlix 
162, 248. 135] 42] 112] 69*. lii 294. liv 
42. Ixi 154] 

— lord, xiv 151 

——m.gen. _lvii 133] 

Mornard, 1185] 

Morner, count, liii 142] 

Mornington, Garret, Ist earl of, xiv 247] 
xxxi 3IJ] . 

—_-— Rich. 2nd earl. 

ley, marq. 


See Welles- 



Moro v. Brooke and others, lv 308 

Morocco: peace with, iv 77 

.... the ambassador’s house foreibly enter- 
ed on pretence of his detaining a chair- 
man’s wife, vii 74] 

..-. letter from the emperor claiming in- 
demnification for a ship lost on our coasts, 
vii 81] 

.... threatened rupture with Denmark, 
viii 85] 

.... the ambassador had his audience of 
leave, x 87] 

..-. Offers of the Portuguese, x 128} 

«++. peace with Portugal, xii 11] 

.... conduct of the emperor, xii 12] 156] 

+... minister sent over tn consequence of 
our consul’s withdrawing from Tetuan, xv 

.... all Christians ordered to quit Tetuan, 
xv 142]- 

.... variance with Holland settled, xvi 86] 

--.- war with Spain, xvii 36-8] 278] xviii 

143*] 146*] 

os .. ———— Holland, xvii 42] xviii 139] 

.... present from our king, xvii 159] 

---- navy of, xviii 84] 

-... war declared against Algiers, xviii 

.... terms of peace demanded by Spain, 
xviii 125] 145] 

.... presents from Holland accepted, yet 
the war continued, xviii 139] 

..-. four zebecs taken by two Spanish fri- 
gates, xix 180] 

..-. treatment of the British consul, xxiv 

...- British envoy to, xxvi 204] 211] 

+. treaty with America, xxviii 258] 

. circular to the European consuls on 
the character of the English, xxx 295] 

..-. character of the emperor, xxxi 19 

---. women of, xxxi 17 

.. +. account of, xxxiii 237] 241] 

++» people of, li 784, 964 

see. city of, li 854 

..+. trade of, 1i 962 

...-. state of slaves in, li 964, 967 

.... treatment of Christians, li 966 

..«. reyolt in, lxi 50, 73 

Morosini, vi 69] 76] 

J. xxi 104 

Morousi, prince Demetrius, liv 192] 

Morpeth, right of the freemen to elect 
others decided, x 109] 

G. visc. xxxix 110] xlv 372. xlviii 
104, 170, xlix 34, 36. liv 32] lvi 112] 

Morrey, Eliz. executed for the murder of 
her husband, liv 52, 53, 106. lv 31 

Morrice, ii 467, 468 

— vol 

Humphry, ii 99 

Morris, (Amer.) xxii 20] xxxviii 172] 

— Ann, xlix 870 

Ant. lii 282 


Morris, Arthur, lii 258*, 356. lv 294 

capt. (N) xix 16]*] 156] 

T. xxix 184. xxx 187 

C. lii 424 

col. iti 100] xxiii 163] 

——— cornet C, xviii 130] 

-——— Edw. 1 31] 222° 

Gouverneur (Amer.) xxix 299] 
gov. xxii 201*] 

J. (of Pensylvania) xxi 335] 

J. xlvi 743. lvii 24 

Jacob (Amer.) liv 439 

James, 1xi 78 

Lewis, ix 296. xlvi 745, 983 

—— (memb. of Congr.) xviii 265] 
—— miss (actress) xi 239 

rev. Dr. xv 99] 

Rich. viii 146] xlvi 746 

Rich. indicted for shooting at Mr. 
Parkinson, xiv 69] 85] 

Rob. xiv 161] xv 120] xix 198] 
xxiii 238] 239] xxv 212] 213] xxvii 192] 
Rob. (Amer.) xxix 299] 

Theod. xxii 148] 

T. xxxili 319] 

Valentine, xv 80] 

W. iii 117, 118 

Morrison, xlvi 91, 106 
capt. (N) xliii 99 
col, x 131] 

———-——- Jos. M. lv 190] 233. lvi 182] 

lieut. Neal (N) xxvii 260n] 

m. gen, xl 215 

rev. Rob. lix 490 

T. x1 176. lvii 335. lviii 423. lix 


Morrow, W. convicted of robbing Messrs. 
Drummonds, xxvii 203] 

Morse, described, Ix 563 

Morson, Rich. xlvii 406 

Mortality: annual bill of, i 12], 135. iii 
164] iv 59] 191] v 123] vi 122] vii 117] 
viii 159] ix 160] x 168] xi 204] 205] 
xii 165] xiii 177] xiv 166] xv 154] xvi 
156] xvii 176] xviii 192] xix 204] xx 
216] xxi 217) xxii 240] xxiii 241] xxiv 
202] xxvi 296] xxvii 293] 338] xxviii 
244] xxix 259] xxx 256] xxxi 278] xxxii 
268] xxxiii 147] xxxiv 153. xxxv 100. 
xxxvi 112. xxxvii 135. xxxviii 101. 
xxxix 156. x] 197. xli 191. xlii 180. xliii 
181. xliv 571. xlv 618. xlvi 564. xlvii 
580. xlviii 627. xlix 426, 719*. 1 289*. 
1i 546. ii 411. liii 269. liv 317. lv 322. 
Ivi 338. lvii 322. lviii 350. lix 237. Ix 
363. 1xi 305 

e+. bills of, for Amsterdam, ii 68, 134. iii 
164] iv 191] v 123] vi 123] viii 159] ix 
160] x 169] xi 204] xiv 166] xv 154] 
xviii 193] lvii 111 

Dublin, iii'163] iv 191] v 

193) viii 159] 
ease Norwich, xxxviii 48 
eves ——-—-—— Paris, ii 68, 134, iii 164] 


vi 123] vii 117] viii 160] ix 160] x 169 
xi 204] xii 165] xiii 177] xiv 166] xv 154 
xvi 156] xviii 193] xxi 165] 

Mortality: bills of, for Vienna, ii 68. iii 69] 
164] iv 191] vi 123] vii 117] xiv 166] 
soe. ————— various places, iii 69] 77] 
163] 164] iv 59] 191] v 123] vi 123] 
vii 117] viii 159] 160] ix 160] x 168] 
169] xi 204] 205] 76. xiii 176] xiv 166] 

xv 155] xvi 157) xvii 176] xx 217] 

-..- of foundlings at nurse, i 94 

-.«» London table for forty years, xv 197] 

-. bill of, for France, at different periods, 
xvi 67] 

+.» extraordinary instance of, xlv 375 

Mortar impenetrable to moisture, xiv 121 

of the ancients, xvii 105 

Mortemarty de, col. xxxvii 166 

Mortier, marsh. xlv 283, 394. xlvi 160, 176. 
xlvii 154, 156. xIviii 199, 213. xlix 27, 
29, 172. li 16, 175, 186, 497. lii 158, 
182, 207, 209. liii 102] lvi 4] 14] 49] 
lvii 58] 

Mortification: consequent to taking a large 
dose of tincture of myrrh, cured by cin- 
chona, i 360 

eee. with loss of limbs attacking a whole 
family, v 67 

«ee. new species of, xix 98 

++. use of fermenting cataplasms in, xx 

Mortimer v. Robinson, lvi 317 

Dr. xxxiii 363] 

Edm. xlix 825 

— Hans Wintrop, xviii 109] 155] 
xix 182] 

Mortlock, capt. L. M. (N) xl 122. xli 2 

Morton, Cath. countess of, 1 111* 

——~— couns. vii 50] ; 

—— Dr. C. vii 157. xi 70, 72. xii 109, 
xiii 64. xvi 94, xxvi 62 

—— Dr. Rich. xxx 72 

——— G. lviii 347 

—— G. 16th earl, xxvii 189] xxviii 
90n] xxix 97] 147] xxxi 143] xxxv 69] 
xxxvii 149] 113, 115. xxxix 35. liv 35] 

— J, (memb. of Congr.) xvii 218 

—-— James, earl of, iv 306 and foll. ix 
61. xvii 41. xxix 195 

14th earl of, vii 34, xi 81] 
181] xii 82. xiii 68 
. elected president of the Royal Society, 

vii 57] 
prof. TAL 
——-—— Sholto C. 15th earl, xi 181] 
Morville, _lii 247 
Moryson, sir Rich. xxi 235 
Mosaic work, xix 105 
Mosart, Sim. de, vii 142] 
Moscati, xxiv 53 
Moschus, ix 259 
Moscow : orphan house at, viii 95] 
e+e» plague at, xiv 79*] 
«eee riots at, xiv 79*] 153] 
«see palace to be rebuilt, xvi 82] 




Moscow : fires at, xvi 128] liv 174] 

+--+ population of, xxi 217] 

+». dwarfs and fools kept in noblemen’s 
houses, li 788 

+... entered by the French, and burnt, liv 
174] Ivi 60 

seee university of, lvi 60 

+++ rebuilding of, lvii 102 

--.- the university redpened, Ix 135 

Moseley, Dr. Benj. xxiv 88. xlix 517, 931 

— sir J. xxv 211] 

Moser, G. Mich. viii 1947] xi 199] 

Joseph, xlvii 354, 424. xlix 370 

Moses, vii 186 

Moskwa, battle of, liv 173] 

——— prince of. See Ney 

Moss, bish. C. xxv 123. x1 92 

—— dean Rob. vii 43° 

Jane, x 63] 

—— Lawrence, Ixi 242 

W. convicted of manslaughter, xlvii 


-—— W. xviii 184] xxi 214] 

Mosse, capt. J. R. (N) xliii 112] 185] 82 

- Dr. iv 179] vi 161] 

Mostyn, adm. viii 62] 

--+» sails for America, i 3 

—— gen. ii 144, 272. iii 24] xvi 183] 

—— lady, xv 74*] 78*] 

—-— sir Roger, xxii 141. xxvii 268] 

Mothe, Huerme de la, iv 109] 

Motherby, Dr. G. xxxv 36 

Motion, perpetual. See Perpetual motion 

Motraye, xxvii 16 

Mott, Isaac Rob. lix 235 

Motte, A. H. de la, iii 268. iv 32. vii 187 

-++- character of, xlii 309 

count de la, xxviii 203] 

countess de la, xxviii 203] 204] 

—— H. F. de la, guilty of treason, xxiv 
161] 184] 239] F 

Motteaux, J. xxvii 187] 

Motteville, mad. de, vi 38 

Motz, H. xliii 146 

Mouat, James, xxix 265] 

Moubray, adm. R. H, xlix 663* 

Moudroit, Valence, murder of, xx 204] 211] 

Mould, capt. James (N) lviii 235 

Jos, liv 289 

Moulin, Dr. du, ii 420 

Moulins, gen. — xi 316] xlii 16] 

Moulsey, powdernills blown up, xiv 142] 

Moult, J. xiii 108. xvi 129. xlvi 839 

W. lvi 336. lvii 320. lix 233, Ix 
360, 361 

Moultrie, col. 

Mouncey, gen. xliii 68] 

Moungals, i 269, 270 

Mounier, —_xxxi 214*] 228*] 232*] 241* 
243*] 252") 256°] xxxii 35] 36] 39] 46 
49] 52] 56] 57] 58) 

Mounsey, capt. (N) lv,162 

(Amer.) xix 163*] xxii 


Mounsey, Dr. James, curious case of the 

cn ag of dissolving metals in acids, i 

—— Dr. Messenger, xiii 151] xxx 
224] xxxiv 381. xlii 32 

————. J. (of Patterdale) xxxv 277 

Mounsher, capt. Eyles (N) lii 301, 302 

Mount St. Michael, French state prison, 
xix 148 

Vernon, Ixi 530 

Mount street, Grosvenor square, fire in, xii 

Mountain, bish. Jacob, xxxv 19 

——_—_— rev. Josh. 7b. 

Mountaine, bish. xii 55 

Mountains, heights of, xxii 95 

«e+e basaltic, xxiii 96 

Mountcashell, Steph. Ist earl, xiv 247] 

—————— Steph. 2nd earl, xlii 202, 204, 


Mountebank, convicted on the lottery act, 
xiv 139] 

Mount-Edgcumbe, G. Ist earl, i 109. viii 
204] x 112] 207) xvi 63] 117] 205] xxxii 
65] 158 

——_—___—_———_ Rich. 2nd earl, xxix 
203] xxxii 65] 158. xxxviii 12] 

Mountflorence, maj. x1 280 

Mountjoy, C. J. 2nd vise. See Blessington, 

Luke, Ist vise. xl 165] 

Mountjoye, col. xxxv 245] 250] 

Mountmorres, Hervey Redmond, 2nd visc, 
xii 178] xiv 94] xvii 155] 158] xxxi 311] 
313] 314] 317] xxxvi 375. xxxix 3], 

Mountnorris, Arth. Ist earl of, xv 104] xvii 
27. xxxi 311] 314] xxxiv 18 

— Franc. bar. xvi 203 

—_————__ G. 2nd earl, xxxviii 19, 24 

Mountrath, countess of, ix 116] 

Mountstuart, lord. See Bute 

Mourning, yellow worn for, 1 480. xii 135 

- court, usual duration of, shortened, iv 

66] 80] 101] x 161] xi 59] 

Mourtray, capt. J. (N) xxii 256] xxiv 2] 
181] xxv 159] 

Mouschin Pouschkin, count, xiii 136, xxxi 

Mouse. See Mice 

Mousson Oglou, xiv 75*] 77*] xv 16] 17] 

«+++ prudent conduct of, xvi 12] 24] 

Mouthion, gen. ] 153] 246* 

Moutholon Semonville, count, lvii 84] 85] 

Mowing for a wager, viii 103] 

Moxa, use of, x 127 

Moxo, gen. lviii 157] 

Moy Troy, iii 231] 

Moya, Jos, xxiii 101 

Moylan, bish.  —- xxxix 72. xlv 579, 584n 

Moyle, sir T. x 160 

Moyse, gen. xliii 366. xliv 212 

Moysey, Abel, xxvii 187] 

Mozarabs in Spain, xxxiy 373 



Mozart, J. C. W. T., xxii 84. xxxiii 48] 
Ixi 7 

Muck, running a, xvi 48 

Muckenfuss, Mich. x 151] 

Muckinghall, fire at, liii 90 

Muckile, lieut. (N) xxv 113] 

Mudford, W, lii 568, 586 

Mudge, capt. (A) xlv 549 

——— Zach. (N) xlv 545. lii 298 

—-— Dr. J. xx 117, xxi 127 

T. viii 123 

«+» reward to, xxxv 175] 

— T. x1 179 

Muhlenberg, gen. 

Muir, xx 191] 

col. Grainger, xxvi 9] 37] 

T. xxxvi 263] xli 156, xlyii 788 

+++ transported for sedition, xxxv 189] 40, 
59. xxxvi 3, 6, 146. xxxix 14. xli 9 

Muirhead, rev. G. lviii 170 

Mulcaster, capt. (A) xvi 128] xxv 98] 

~——— (N) lvi 197 

Muley Mustapha aga, iv 186] 

Mulgrave, Constantine, Ist lord, xvii 163] 

—— J. 2nd lord, xvi 102] 

107] 138] xvii 163] xviii 128] xxi 21). 

xxv 150] 153] 162] xxvii 72] 174] 1797] 

xxviii 205] xxix 160] 168] xxx 104] 

— H. Ist earl, xxxi 134] 145] 216] 
xxxii 66] xxxiv 154] xxxv 40] 77] 283] 
xxxvi 250] xxxvii 150] 190] xl 169] xli 
165] xlii 108] 127] 151] 157) xliii 47) 
xliv 17, 47, 145. xlv 147, 16], 185. xlvi 
81,103, 105. xlvii 14, 32, 53, 92, 108, 
132. xlyiii 9. xlix 162, 164. 19] 20) 39] 
44] 60] 11 49. lii8, 39, 60, 77 

Mulhearn, J. lvii 3 

Mulinaer, de, xliv 232 

Muller, Dr, C. Eb. xxxiii 361 

gen. xli 267] 

Jurgan, ii 75 

Kendrick, ii 120, 180 

Verner, xxxi 27 

W, liii 267 

Mullins, (pedestr.) viii 119] 

Mulso, Edw. xxiv 325] 

miss. See Chapone, Mrs. 

Mulwaggle, battle of, xii 50] 

Mumbo Jumbo, xi 209 

Mummy: extraordinary discovered in 
France, v 70 

«++. from the Canary islands, vii 95] xvi 

«+e. examination of one, viii 174. ix 140 

--+ Visit to the pit of Thebes, viii 592 _ 

Muneaster, J. Ist lord, xxxi 145] 

Muncer, See Muntzer 

Munchausen, baron, i 223 

Munckley, Dr. x 134] 

Munday, sir T. xi 221] 

Munden, seized by the French, iii 24] 

Munden, Jos. (actor) xxxyi 257, 1 108* 

viceadm. xli2 

Munder, C. property acquired by, xvi 123] 

Mundus, vi 176 

(Amer.) xxiy 121] 



Mundy, ii 143 

——— capt. G. (N) xlix 708* 

Mungall, J. v. a customhouse officer, x 78] 

Munich, Atheneum for young Greeks at, 
lviii 137 

Munich, marsh. count, ix 118] xii 3] 18] 
xiii 15] 137, 157. xiv 74°] xxx 68] 

+++. account of, xxvii 165 | 

Munn, Dan, executed for murder, lix 64 

Munro, duel with Mr. Green, xxvi 219] 

b. gen. T. lx 187] 

capt. Rob. xliv 526 

J. 1x 361 

1. col. li 229. liii 166] 

Munster: taken by the French, ii 16 

-. ++ besieged by the allies, ii 21 

-.+- surrendered to them, ii 49 

-..- seized by the Anabaptists under Boc- 
cold, xii 10 

..-. the archduke Maximilian bishop of, 
xxviii 49] 

..-+ Prussian note to the chapter on the 
death of the archbishop, xliii 279 

+++» protest against the declarations of 
Prussia and France, xliii 282 

-+.+ proclamation on the entrance of the 
Prussian troops, xliv 652 

Munster, count, xlviii 159 

Munter, Dr. xv 124] 

Muntz, xv 16 

G. PF. lviii 347 

Muntzer, T. xii 9 

Muraire, xxxiv 488] 

Muralt, M. de, ix 36 

Murat, mad. lvii 78] 79] 168, 173 

—~— marsh, xli 18] 23] 30] 42] xlii 2] 
1]] 192) xliii 69] 79] 243] 334. xlvi 159, 
165, 176, 623. xlvii 146, 155, 159, 168. 
xl viii 163, 190, 192, 194, 196, 204, 217, 806. 
xlix 6, 8, 172, 255. 1 132] 143] 147] 159] 
168] 186] 197] 226°, 246*. lii 250. liv 
171] 1764 lv 114] 137] lvi 12] 32] 86] 
lvii 73] 163, 206, 208, 233, lviii 132] 

+++. perfidy of, xlviii 158 

+... made king of Naples, | 239] 89* 

+++. joins the confederacy against Napo- 
leon, lvi 12] 

++++ his wavering conduct, lvii 74] 

+--+ declares for Buonaparte, lvii 75] 

++++ proclamation to the Italians, lvii 369 

++. his ill success, lvii 76] 

-+.. lands in Corsiea, lvii 79] 
es returns to Italy, is taken, and shot, lvii 

+++» his body dug up and burnt, lvii 100 
bey, xxiii 54, xxix 1437. x1 150] 
258. xli 18] 28] 39] 502. xlii 217] 228. 
zi 209] 212] 215] 224] 236] xliy 429, 

+++ character of, xxviii 152] 

Muratori, L. A. xii 161, 255 

Murcott, J. murder of, vi 54] 58] 

Murder : innocent persons exeeuted for, ii 
360. v 131] vii 89] 

+++. appeals for, xiii 100] xiv 74] 115] 



Murder: attempts to, v 72] 93] vii 68] xi 61] 
137] 140] 222] xiii 96] xiv 65] 85] xv 130] 
xvi 110] 150] xvii 82] 84] 92] 102] 110] 
114] 132] xviii] 52] xxi 168] 183] 191197] 
xxx 221] xli 9. xlii 20. xliii 1. xliv 443, 
457, 461, 462. xlix 407, 416, 484, 492. 
liv 117, 309. lvi 104. Ivii 32, 89. lviii 
29, 325. lix 89. lx 58. 1xi 251 

«+++ indictment of an ambassador for a 
conspiracy to, viii 71] 

«+. action for a malicious prosecution for, 
viii 91] 

---- Strange infatuation respecting, x 164] 

..-. of Anne Wood and Rob. Broome, i 

«+++ — Theodore Wentworth, i 99 

-++- — Martha Adams, i 101 

«+++ — Dan. Clark, i 105. ii 105, 351 

2+-. — Thomas Lockwood, i 107 

2+++— a newborn infant, i 107 

--.. by two footpads in Holborn, i 109 

-+.. of the capt. and crew of the Peggy by 
two Genoese, ii 64 

«++ — Mrs. Walker by her niece, ii 72, 82 

«++. — several persons by a Negro, ii 73. 
iv 145] 

e+. —D. Davidson and J. Edwards by 
the commander of a West Indiaman, ii 76 

. +... —a black infant, ii 77 

--.. — the children of farmer Ewer by 
poison, ii 83 

--.. — J. Walker, ii 85 

«++. — Jean Manaux by his fellow prison- 
ers, ii 86 

»-.- — Mr, Elcock, ii 87, 111 

«++. — Mrs. Saxby, ii 107 

- — Mary Mills’s bastard child, ii 108 

+++» — achild by a maniac, ii 112 

+... — bastard child by W. A. Horne, esq. 
ii 130, 368 

«+.- — Dun, ii 360 

pene — Little Isaac, a travelling Jew, iii 


++» — N, Revell, of Gainsborough, iii 77] 

«... —a soldier by his wife, iii 92] 

«+++ —an English sailor by a Portuguese, 
iii 92] 

++.» — Mr. Johnson by earl Ferrers, iii 
93] 40 

+.»+- — Rich. Matthews by Stirn, iii 126] 
130] 65 

+++. — J. Parry, by a sailor, iii 130] 

---- — the wife of W. Odell, a soldier, by 
her husband, 74. 

+++. — W. Talbot by P. M‘Carty, iii 133] 

----—R.Seull by — Bruluman, iii 157 

+++» — Mary Allen, iv 125] 

+++. wanton, by a marine at Bristol, iv 

«++ of Mrs. Parrot by her husband, 7d. 

+--+» — bastard children, by the mothers, 
ib. v 95| vi 91] ix 89] xiv 87] 95] 136] 
xv 126) xvi 92] xvii 85] 123] xviii 186} 
xix 138] 139] xxi 178] 179] 194] xliii 


15. xlv 421. xlvi 417, 420. xlviii 371, 
445. ly 23. lvi 85, 102. 1xi 229 

Murder : of bastard children, by the father, 
xviii 152] 

.... of men by their wives, iii 92] vi 71] 
72] viii 81) 219] ix 132] x 59] xii 117] 
xiii 73] 76] xiv 131] xix 138] 182] xxi 
196] xxxvi 13. xxxix 16. liv 52. lv 34. 
]x 14] 

+.» — miss Knox by J. M‘Naughton, esq. 
iv 176] 77 

«+++ — capt. Shanks by D. Looney, iv 184] 

«++» — his master by Rob. Greenstreet, 7b. 

+++. —a master’s mate of the Burford, iv 

«--- — Ann King by T. Gardelle, iv 54 

+++ attempted at Paris, v 72] 

by a young gentleman on a 
servant who refused to marry him, v 93] 

...- of Ann Nailor, a parish apprentice by 
starving her, v 95] 132] vi 55] 

++.. — Mrs. Costard by her son, v 95] 

«... — J. Mureott, vi 34] 58] 

..+. pretended of T. Morgan, vi 64] 

..-. man killed in the pillory, vi 67] 

..-- child strangled by a girl for crying, vi 

...» Several persons convicted of, 7.72] — 

+... men poisoned by their wives, See 

.... and robbery by a highwayman, vi §3] 

-... of a tollman at Marybone turnpike, vi 

+++» —— man in the road to Ratcliffe Cross, 
and another in the Mile-end road, vi 106] 

-».. Kemp and his family, and Devanny 
and his family, poisoned by C. Wright, vi 
107] 108) 

.-. of the drivers and passengers of a 
stage coach in France, vi 108] 

+++. — others in France, 7b. 

-... —J. Beddingfield, vi 168] 

+... — M.d’Escombas by M. Monjoy, vi 60 

-... —a burgher of Douay by a French 
officer, vii 53] 

-..- girl burnt at Monmouth for murdering 
her mistress, vii 68] 

--.. of JT’. Carey, vii 93] 

.. +. — women by their husbands, iii 130] 
iv 169] viii 82] 85] ix 57] 77] 147] x 
47*] 116] xiii 137] xiv 86} xv 90] xviii 
152] 153] 154] xix 137] 183] xx 184] 
xxi 187] 194] xxiii 198] 210] xxix 213] 
xxxi 196] xxxiii 5] 13] 37] xxxiv 33. 
xxxv 56. xl 85. xlii 13. xliv 451. xlv 
356, 372, 431. xlvii 396, 405. xlix 516, ] 
55*, 72*. liii 40, 42, 82. liv 139. ly 67, 
93, 95. lvi 31, 104. lvii 29. lix 65. lx 28, 
140. Ixi 3] 

.... three dragoons executed at Warwick 
for, viii 82] 

.... young man executed at Welsh Pool 
for the murder of his sweetheart, 74. 

. infant murdered by his father in a fit 
of religious madness, viii 113] 


Murder: suicide after an attempt to, viii 
147] ‘ 

e+. of T. Ogilvy by his wife and brother, 
viii 219) 

e+++ — the master, passengers, and part of 
the crew of the brig Earl of Sandwich, 
viii 233] ix 75] 87 

-..+ barbarous of a son by his father near 
Whitehaven, ix 55] 

+++» bride torn to pieces by her husband in 
France, ix 57] 

eee. Of a farmer by a young man intimate 
with his wife, ix 65] 

---- — his wife and two children by W. 
Whittle, ix 77] 89] 

ees» — a gardener in Bedfordshire, con- 
fessed some months after by the murderer, 
ix 82] 

+++. — Mary Booty, #4. 

+--+ innocence persisted in by persons 
executed for, 7b. 1 72* 

e+e. — Mr. Woty by J. Richards, ix 85] 

e+e. a foreign captain found guilty of a 
murder aboard his ship, ix 89] 

«+.. of the keeper of Maidstone jail, 2d. 

e+ee — an apprentice girl by the master 
and mistress, id. 

e+». — Edw. Jones, disclosed after fifteen 
years, ix 105] 

«++» — the owner and mate of a sloop be- 
longing to Antigua, ix 107] 

e+e» — a lady at Valenciennes by her 
chambermaid, ix 125] 

«+e» —E. Franklin, gardener to Dr. Crane 
by W. Seymour, ix 128] 

«+++ — two Indian women, in Burlington 
county, ix 129] 134] 

«+++ — Rob. Miles, or Mihil, by his brother 
Rich. ix 129] x 44] 

+++. — Alex. Keith by his wife and son, 
ix 132] 

+++. — different traders by the Indians, ix 

++. wife starved by J. Williamson, x 47*] 

«.+- two children poisoned by a servant, x 

-»-. of Wilson, of Harrington, by his wife, 

+++. —a mate of a slaveship and others by 
J, Wynne, al. Power, x 64] 

+++» — R. Williamson by R. Rymes, x 74] 

«++. — Mr. Whitehead, jailer at Chester, 
x 79] 

«--. — Mr. Griffiths by footpads at Hollo- 
way, x 79] 87] 88] 

«++. —J. M‘Donald and his brother-in- 
law by Alexander Grant, x 79] 

eee» — her daughter by Joanna or Agnes 
Dougal, x 88] 136] 

o».. — farmer Matthews, x 93] 

e... — the master and mate of the slave- 
ship Williams, x 95] 120] 

eee» by the guardian of the Cordeliers at 
Sisteron, x 96] 



Murder : of Eliz. Hascar by Patr. Dawson, 
x 110 

+++.» and rape at Lyons, x 113] 

+++. of Mary Clifford by J. Brownrigg and 
his wife, x 117] 119] 192] 

+++. — N. Tuers by a Negro, x 144] 

“3 Philpot, by his son, x 151] xi 


+++» man drowned ina well in an attempt 
to murder his wife, x 155] 

+++. of a marine by a soldier at Portsmouth, 
x 159] 

o ibd) Bridget Burling, at Cambridge, x 

+++. — W. Ridley, a watchman, by Dan. 
Asgood, xi 61] 

+++. — Wallington by his son, xi 65] 97] 

+++. a young Neapolitan lady by the 
viscount Choiseul, xi 74] 

+++» — ten Indians by Fred. Stump and J. 
Troncutter, xi 88] 

+++. — a woman near Yeovil, confessed by 
Nath. Jones, xi 93] 

«+++ —'a Jew, by one Curtis, on Herman 
hills, in Wiltshire, xi 97] 

+++. several persons by a madman at Bow, 
xi 98] 

+++» — two butchers in Dublin, xi 109] 

«y+» child drowned by a woman who could 
not make it fond of her, xi 113] 132] 

-»+. of ensign Schlosser and his servant, 
xi 118] 

+++» — Mr. Oldham, near Matlock, xi 119] 

-+-. —J. Beattie, a seaman, in an affray 
with the coalheavers, xi 129] 

+++» — two children by a girl of 13 in Ba- 
varia, xi 133] 

+++.» — Ab. Winkelmann, xi 140] 

+++. — S. Lewis by J. Williams, xi 154] 

«++. — Mr. Petty by T. Lee, xi 155] 

++++ — Edw. Fitchett, xi 157] 

+». —a lady at Palermo by her daughter- 
in-law, xi 171] 

++++-— the keeper of Clerkenwell Bride- 
well, xi 179] 

«+++ — W. Pimlot, xi 185] 

+++. —herson Isaac by a woman whose 
husband’s name was Abraham, xi 187] 

+++. — Mr. Clarke at the Middlesex elec- 
tion, xi 197] xii 67] 76] 

e+. — J. Hillier, xii 70] 93] 

. “S4 — 5S. Stockton by one Hooton, xii 


«+++ — Officers by smugglers, xii 94] xiii 
101] xix 145] 180] xx 201] 

.».. — G. Hopkins at the Middlesex elec- 
tion, xii 101] 

«+e. — Alex. Henderson of the Isabella, 
xii 102] 144] 152] 156] 

+++. — children at nurse, xii 127] 

«++. — Marg. Phipps by W. Taunton, xii 

--.. — James Lusby, xii 131] 

+++. — the sieur Beguin by the sieur Che- 
lais, xii 135] 



Murder; of lord ,Eglinton by Mungo 
Campbell, xii 143] xiii 74-6] 219] 

«--.0f Deighton, supervisor of Excise, 
xii 152] xvii 139] 

sees — W. Powell, by W. Williams and 
others, xiii 65] 85] 91] 96] 141] xiv 86] 
xvi 142] 

eee of Portpool lane, by his wife, 
xiii 73 

«--. —J. Bigby, a watchman, by the Ken- 
nedies, xiii 74] 76) 84] 100] 103] 109] 
118] 161] xiv 68] 96] 

e+e.— Mr. Watts, a planter in Jamaica, 
by his wife and overseer, xiii 76] 

e»++ — a woman at Esher by a Russian 
soldier who lodgedin her house, xiii 88] 90] 

e+.. — Mr. J. Bishop and his boat’s crew 
by smugglers, xiii 101] 

aioinie Shaw, coming from Sadler’s 
Wells, xiii 103] 116] 

++». — a dragoon by a smuggler, xiii 104] 

e+... — the courier of the duke of Dorset 
by a ferryman near Naples, xiii 106] 

e+..— Mr. Venables and Mr. Rogers by 
footpads near Stepney, xiii 110] 128] 
129] xiv 108] 115] 

«+-. — @ countryman by a dragoon at a 
public house, xiii 127] 139] 

«+. by J. Purcell, of a woman with whom 
he cohabited, xiii ]28] 129] 

-+.. of Mr. Smith by a Scotch sergeant, xiii 
135] xiv 31] 32] 73] 74] 115] 

++. child drowned by his grandmother, xiii 

-++- of farmer Shirdin and his family near 
Dublin, xiii 155] ¢d. 

«++. — a woman who threatened to turn 
her landlord’s son out of doors, xiii 173] 
-+. —col. Fanning, in N. Carolina, xiii 

.+.. barbarous, near Halifax, xiv 65] 

++... — his cabin-boy by vapt. Ferguson, xiv 

+++. J. Foy killed in an affray in Shore- 
ditch, xiv 68] 69] 

+++. attempt to kill Mr. Parkinson, jun. xiv 
69] 85) ; 

++. of Mrs. Johnson by H. Gale, xiv 86] 

++.. — W.Smith, by Luke Atkinson, xiv 87] 

+++» — Sarah Osbell by a Hackney coach- 
man, xiv 97] 105] 

+s.» — Clark by the Spitalfields cutters, 
xiv 96] 122] 193] 

+--. — Jos, Slew, at Mrs. Hutchins’s, © 

Chelsea, xiv 1]4] 153] 160] 161] 210] 

+++. — misses Jones and Gough by W. 
Morgan, xiv 126] 129] 

+... of three sons of a farmer in Kent, xiv 

+++. — his daughter, by J. Lewis, by drown- 
ing, xiv 135] 

--.- — Francis Best by J. Child, xiv i136] 

--.» — Mrs. Nightingale by an insane son, 
xiv 140] 

+++» by a butcher at Carlisle, xiv 149] 



Murder: of Snook, a hackney coachman 
by Wilcke, a German, xiv 152] 

«».. Of the rey. Morrell by a mob in 
Treland, xv 86] 

. rg Ant. Janin by Ant. Welps, xv 90] 

-... — his wife by Kennet, ié. 

apprentice by T. Daws, xv 94] 

«++. — ashoemaker by Jud. Whalin, xv 97] 

«+. — R. Wilcocks by his brother, xy 
115] * ' 

++.» — foundlings at Lisbon, xv 120] 

+++. — several children bya cannibal, xy 

«eee — R. Dyer by W. Kelly, xv 124] 

++.» — an officer at Nola by a surgeon, xy 

+-.. —achild by exposing it, xv 126] 

++2. — T. Osling, xv 135} 

sees — W. Gill, 2d. 

«+++ — Colin Watson, xv 144] 

+++. — a young man by his brother, at 
Toulouse, xv 144] 

»--. — Binsteed Goffrey, near Portsmouth, 
xvi 80] 

+++. — Alice Martin by 
xvi 81] 

+++ executions for, xvi 93] xvii 113] 149 
xviii 113] 153] xix 182] 183] xx 133} 
184] xxi 194] xxiii 210] 

---- Of Mrs. Conybeare and her two 
daughters, xvi 108] 

+++e — Mr. Rich. Holt, xvi 108] 134] 

v++» — Obadiah Rolleson, xvi 112] 135] 

+>». — several persons in Jamaica by 
James Hutchinson, xvi 112] 

+++. — Chaloner, by his son, xvi 131] 

+++. — a turnpike-gate keeper near Coven- 
try, xvi 135] 

++ «+ — Mrs. Oven by an insane son, 76. 

eeee — T. Cole, xvi 136] 

-».. — farmer Wingfield, on the Hammer- 
smith road, xvi 136] 144] 

-».. — Adam Trustley by his son-in-law, 
xvi 144] 

«... — Mr. Cater attempted by 
lard, xvii 84] 110] 

«++» — bar. Waldeck, xvii 84] 

«+.. — J. Bonynge, by his son, xvii 89] 

..+. —a man from jealousy, xvii 115] 

--.- — Tantarum George, a travelling 
tinker, on Blackheath, xvii 124] 

«2+. — Mr. Scott at Mile-End, xvii 140] 

.. +.» farmer’s son shot by his father taking 
him for a housebreaker, xvii 142] 

.-.- — Mr. Chydon, and his wife by house- 
breakers, xvii 143] 

+++. rape, and robbery, of M. Dufry, xvii 

aaron A Jane Kennedy, by a soldier, xvii 

Aros ba a natural child by the father’s wife, 
xvii 149] 

..++ — Eliz. Rainbow, by lieut.J. Bolton, 74. 





Murder : of Mrs. Vickars, xvii 171] xix 139] 

«.-. of a stablekeeper in Paris by his son, 
xvii 172] 

-.+- desperate, committed by an old man 
on being charged with theft, xviii 82] 

e--- of Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson at Dept- 
ford, xviii 104] 

+++. — capt. Jos. Spence, at sea, xviii 

«++. — Mrs. Campin, of Wanstead, xviii 

esse — Bulmer, by her husband, xviii 

e--- — And. Nunn, by J. and James Stick- 
wood, xviii 154] 

«++. — Mrs, Tucker, by her husband, id. 

seer Framery, by her son, 76. 

nies ae aman by his brother-in-law, xviii 

-»-. — W. Barbut and S. Henley, xviii 

--..— Ambrose Power, by Whiteboys, 
xviii 176} 

+++. — Sarah Norfolk, by her husband, xix 

wees Ryan, by his wife, xix 138] 

«eee — J. Boardingham, by his wife and 
her paramour, 76. 

+++.» — an infant, by her father, xix 139] 

--.-— Jos. Pearson, xix 145] 180] 

++. — M. Cath. Sophia Duarzey, by Peter 
Tolosa, xx 168] 

-++» — Ann Smith by S. Thorley, xx 184] 

«++. — a young girl by her uncle, xx 197] 

«++. —— pedlar near Salisbury by two 
soldiers, 26. 
«+s. - Valence Moudroit by Lewis Mer- 
cier, xx 204] 211] 213] 
+»+. — Mr. Saunders by 

+--+. — the servant of Mr. Keys at Enfield, 
xxi 171] 

ese. —a young girl by three others, xxi 

oe.» — Roger Knight by his mother, xxi 

e+. — Francis Pickwell by T. Robinson, 
xxi 202] 

«++. — aman by a pressgang, xxii 204] 

+... — one of a pressgang by G. Easthop, 
xxii 204] 

«+.. — miss Reay by the rev. Jas. Hack- 
man, xxii 206] 207] 

---- — an Irish haymaker by three others, 
xxii eee 

. Barnet by Mary Adey, xxii 

357) Vy SAaEY y 

+++. corporal shot in apprehending some 
housebreakers at Coxheath, xxii 231] 
---. of Mr. and Mrs. Cheney, xxii 237] 
. — T. Hewitt by four poachers, xxii 
“"938] xxiii 210] 
«+++ — Mrs. Garrett, by her husband, xxiii 

Banger, xxi 

INDEX TO siliatiitheslaihaitcs’ 

wa of J. wake yf smugglers, xxiii 


--+- of R. Curson by T. Dill, xxiii 237] 

---- G, Silvestini, capt. of a Venetian ship, 
in by a shot from a privateer, xxiv 

+». of a manin Eagle and Child alley, 
xxv 201] 

+++. — J. Hardy by Dan. M‘Ginnis, xvi 
eed xxvii 230] 

«++. — C. Linton, in Bedfordbury, xxvii 
196] 197] 200] 201] 

- boys on a rejoicing day in Duke’s 
"place shot by a coffeehouse keeper, xxvii 

+... charge against capt. Kenneth M‘Ken- 
zie, for that of a private at Cape Coast, 
by blowing him from a cannon, xxvii 

204] 246] 

++. young gentleman’s throat cut while 
shaving by a journeyman barber, xxvii 

-... of Jos. Higson, by his father, xxvii 


... — the servant maid of Mr. Orell, of 
“Charlotte street, by J. Hogan, xxvii 235] 
xxviii 193] 

---.»— his father and mother, by James 
Ennis, xxvii 241] 
-s00 — Walter Horseman, xxviii 196] 

.-. — P.R. M‘Donald and another gen- 
"tleman, xxviii 199] 235] 

— Mr. Burt of Godstone by an im: 
" postor, xxviii 199] 

— a poor woman at Lampeter, xxviii 

: — J. Dunn, in Ireland, xxix 194] 

..++ —asailor on the Portsmouth road by 
three others, xxix 201] 

«+. — Mary Harris by W. Owen, xxix 

202] . 

. Dr. J. Elliot tried for an attempt to 
"murder miss Boydell, xxix 211] 

..-. of his wife by a sepoy at Madras, xxix 


. by a Turk on board a French passage 

boat, xxix 223] 

-.-. of J. Aggus, by his brother-in-law, 

xxix 224] 

..+. — the porter and housekeeper of the 

“abp. of Dublin, xxix 228] 

.... — G.N. Reynolds by R. Keon, xxx 


... — rey. W. Norman by his insane 
"brother, xxx 216] 

oe Woodcock by her husband, 

Sond Williams by Cornelius Carty, 

....—a woman passing along the Strand, 
xxxi 202] 

OO Mean beautiful dancer at Bologna, xxxi 

.... —— constable by Gordon, jun., xxxi 





Murder: conspiracy to accuse a master ofa Murder: of Eliz. Monk, by her master, 

ship of, xxxi 229] 

++. of aforeigner near Belfont by three 
foreign seamen, xxxii 197] 200] 

».. — his mistress’s daughter, by T. 
Hewet Masters, xxxii 200] 

ee ; — Ann Quailn, by her husband, xxxiii 

---. — D. Chartoris, xxxiii 11] 

«+++ — Martha Pritchard, by her husband, 
xxxiii 13] 

+--+. — Winifred Taylor, by her husband, 

-- sf —a postboy near Warrington, xxxiii 


+--+ —a boy by another, xxxiv 1 

«+++ — Jordan Hosty by a gang on Saffron 
hill, xxxiv 4, 13 

+++. at a house of ill fame in Birmingham, 
xxxiv 18 

+... at sea, false charges of, xxxiv 22, 23. 
xlv 401 

--++ of S. Burn Cowie, at sea, by G. Hind- 
marsh, xxxiv 23] 

Robins, by her husband, xxxiv 

Dingles, by her husband, xxxiii 

-.-. — his wife and son by J. Upton, xxxiv 

++.» — Mr. Silva and his servant, xxxv 
2,5 fe 

+++. ——— T. Ward by two footpads, xxxv 


++.. —a boy by two others, xxxv 16 

«--. —S. Waddy, xxxv 21 

tee Withy, by her husband, xxxv 

Derrig, near Ballymore, xxxv 

----— the rev. Butler, xxxv 58 

~--.— Mr. Slaughter, in Clifford’s inn, 
xxxv 61 

+... — Sarah Nichols, by her father and 
brother, xxxvi 10 

oe Reed, by his wife and her 
brother, xxxvi 13. xlv 432 

+--+» — a constable apprehending a foot- 
pad, xxxvii 2 

«++» — Maria Bally by J. White, xxxvii 
23, 32 

«-.. —an old man and his wife at Kew, 
xxxvii 26 

sss» — Eniington by Ann Broadrick, 
xxxvii 29 

«++. —a gamekeeper’s assistant, 2d. 

+--+ — two Irish labourers, xxxvii 47 

«++. — Mr. Harman, in Ireland, xxxviii 1 

---- — W. Little, at sea, xxxviii 4 

«+++ — an infant by it’s mother, xxxviii 8 

«+++ — Mrs. Sawyer, xxxviii 13 

----—marg. de Gripier de Moncroe de 
Laval, xxxviii 25, 26 

«++. — G. Hebner in a house of ill fame, 

XXXviii 29 

+--+. of Mrs. Lamb by her insane daughter, 
XXXviii 37 

-+.. — David Brewer, watchhouse keeper, 
xxxvili 45 

‘wear J. Wood by T. Oliver, xxxix 11, 

es eer Mary Beck by W. Suffolk, xxxix 

+++. — Dr. Hamilton and Mrs. Waller by 
Trish Defenders, xxxix 17 

--.. and robbery of Mr. Fryer in Islington 
fields, xxxix 27, 33 

-+.. of Mary Cox by M. T. Phipoe, xxxix 
57, 152 

+++. — capt. Pigot of the Hermione and 
ten other officers by her crew, xl 4. xliv 
368, 369, 390 

+++. —an evidence against the insurgents 
in Ireland, xl 20 

«++» — Mr. Doolan of Baveelt in Ireland, 
xl 22 

«+++ — J. Mellish, by footpads, xl 27 

«++« — Terence Sheel, by an officer of the 
Fermanagh militia in Dublin, xl 29 

+++- — col. St. George, and Jasper Uniacke, 

esq. x1 32 

—— Watts, in Drury lane, xl 36 

Millar by lieut. Daw- 

-.. — lieut. 
son, xl 58, 62 
++++ — capt. Wilcox of the Lady Shore 
and others, xl 60. xli 41 
at — Mrs. Gardie by her paramour, xl 
2 ~ 
++.. — W. Sneyd, in Ireland, xl 79 
«+++ — Mrs, Bond, by her husband, xl 85 
-.-. T. Dogherty by some privates of the 
Irish Yeomanry, xl 90 
+++. — capt. W. Brown, xl 96 
-++- — Mrs. Meadows, by her husband, 
xlii 13 
-.+.—— P. Wainwright attempted by T. 
Smith, xlii 20. xliii 1 
+e. — S. Fussell by Edw. Wilmot, xlii 
+--+. — a peace officer at Nottingham, xlii 
++. —amail-coach guard near Shooter’s 
hill, xlii 43 
... — H. Glynn, by T. Potter, a smuggler, 
xiii 45 
+--+. — 5. Glew, by two young women, xiii 
«+. — W. Lambe by James Legge, in 
Chelsea college, xliii 35, 36 
+++. — T. Barry, in Dublin, xliii 42 
ose Price, in Ireland, xliii 179 
«+. — a woman, her infant, and four other 
persons, by a sailor at Newfoundland, xliv 
..-. — Benj. Armstrong by gov. Wall, 
xliv 363, 364, 560 
«+» — Mrs. Eustace and her servant at 
Dublin, xliv 370 




Murder: of Mrs. Davison and her servant 
at Dublin, xliv 378 

+++» child burnt to death by it’s insane 
mother, xliv 427 

«+++ of a boy at Bombay for a few jewels, 
xliv 437 

e+.» — Mr. Steele, on Hounslow heath, 
xliv 464. xlix 368, 374, 378 

o+ee — miss F. Tebbutt, xliv 471 

‘ ‘aad Matthews, the Dulwich hermit, xliv 

«+++ — lord Kilwarden, xlv 307, 309, 415, 
419, 437 

«+». — the mayor of a village near Bou- 
logne, with his wife, daughter, niece, and 
maid-servant, xly 353 

«++» wife and child drowned by G. Foster, 
xlv 356 

eee of J. Price, by J. Innis in Greenwich 
hospital, xlv 362 

eee» — the Persian ambassador and four 
of his servants at Bombay, xlv 363 

me ot a Jew, by a peasant in France, xlv 


see» — G. Bingham by D. Wells, xlv 380 

+++ — the rajah of Jyepour, xlv 423 

chee Hanlon, shot in seizing an insur- 
gent in Dublin, xly 432 

«++. Ant. O’Reilly, of Benison lodge, 
Westmeath, xlv 436 

-+++ Fr. Smith convicted of, for shooting a 
supposed ghost, xlvi 358 

+++» grandchild murdered, and wife and 
daughter stabbed, by T. Callaby, xlvi 378 

+++. of a seaman on board the Leda, by the 
armourer, xlvi 385 

th Sarah Mitchell by her father, xlvii 

. a Alan M‘Lean by J. Campbell, xlvii 

esse — J. Rogers by Eliz. Barber, xlvii 

coe Oldroyd, by his son, xlvii 396 

-»-- + Ann Fisher by her husband, xlvyii 
396, 405 

+++. — T. Arles by W. Moss, xlvii 420 

eeee — Isaac Blight by R. Patch, xlvii 
421. xlviii 390, 395 

+... death of J. Archer from excessive 
flogging, xlvii 426 

«ee. of W. Baker, by poachers, xlvii 435 

«e+. — Mrs. Head and her son, xlviii 354 

«+s and rape, xlviii 360 

«++. Of a Chinese sailor by another on 
board an E, Indiaman, xlviii 422, 427 

+++. — a girl of the town in St. George’s 
fields, xlviii 436. xlix 412 

+++» = another in Angel court, Charing 
Cross, xlviii 441 

+++. — W. Broad by J. A. Nardi and S. 
Grandi, xlviii 453, 459 

+++. and robbery of W. Begbie, xlviii 454. 
xlix 471 

e+e. Of three of.his children by G. Allen, 
xlix 362, 416 


Murder: of W. Williams, xlix 366 
+++» of a lad of thirteen by another of six- 
teen, xlix 371 ‘ 
eee» — Benj. Stapps by J. Harris, xlix 

«ee. — Mrs. Pooley by J. Maycock, xlix 
408, 414 

sees — W. Chivers by W. Duncan, xlix 

+++» — Thomasin Ward by A. Schostock, 
xlix 416 

+e-« prevented by a waggoner, xlix 416 

«--. of Susannah Wilson by J. Robinson, 
xlix 418, 464 

+++. two daughters drowned by Mary Jack- 
son, xlix 429 

+». at an Italian inn prevented by the 
sagacity of a dog, xlix 446 

+++. Of two women at Manilla by a Malay, 
xlix 479 

«+e» — Mr. Hummerstone and Mrs. War- 
ee by T.. Simmonds, xlix 505, 512. 1 
1 * 

«e+. — capt. Sargent, in apprehending a 
thief, xlix 513 

Jordan and six children by the 
Indians in America, xlix 910 

++.+ — F. Romaro by L. Herquiada, 1 21* 

eeee — J. Jennings, of Jamaica, with his 
housekeeper and five children, 1 24* 

+++. — R, Leach by G. Tapp, 1 31* 

«+e. — farmer Sledger and his wife, 1 37° 

«+e. — D. Williams by W. Williams, | 49* 

«»+. — Mr. Joachim, near Camdentown, | 

«++. — Mrs. Gilchrist, ] 72° 

-.+-. C, Angus tried for that of miss Burns, 
and acquitted, 1 98* 

«+. of farmer W. White, | 138* 

++». — capt. J. B. Balderston, 1 139*, 140* 

«eee — T. Ebrall by a life-guardsman, lii 

«++» — J. Bolding by a number of Irish- 
men, lii 273 

+... — father, mother, brother, and two 
sisters, by a girl in France, liii 13 

e+e. —a sergeant of marines by two pri- 
vates, liii 39 

«+.. — his wife, by James Fallan, liii 40 

+++. — Eliz. Gould, by her husband, liii 42 

«+e. -— a Negro slave by A. W. Hodge, 
litt 55 
... and robbery of count Scharosch, liii 

.. ++» Marfell killed by | Bennet on being 
caught with his wife, liii 78 

«... of a sentry at Dublin, liii 80 

.... Ann Tucker starved by her husband, 
hii 82 

«.-.and robbery of Mr. Wylde, by a foot- 
pad, liii 112 

+... waterman shot by a marine in Ply- 
mouth harbour, liii 114 

.»..of a planter’s child by a Negress in 
revenge for a severe flogging, liii 123 




Murder : of C. Snell by the guide of some 
runaway French prisoners, liii 124 

es-. Of Marr, his wife, child, and shop- 
boy, liii 138. liy 5, 16 

oelbe Williamson, his wife, and ser- 
vant, liii 141 

e».- — the hon. S. Perceval by J. Belling- 
ham, liv 75] 71 

+... — gen. Lingan bya mob at Baltimore, 
liv 198 

e+ee — a woman at Waterford, liv 12 

-... and rape of a child, liv 18, 129 

e--- of Mr. Batley, near Wellington, Shrop- 
shire, liv 27 

-»+- J. Fieldsend acquitted of that of Jos. 
Falkingder, liv 34 

+++. of Jos. Mycock by his brother, liv 36 

-»+. — Eliz. Carter and her father by E. 
Thrower, 7b. 

ed Green by his father, liv 38 

«++» — Dugald Campbell by Hugh M‘In- 
tosh, 7b. 

«.«- — Isaiah Falk Valentine by 
liv 43, 48 

e«+» — G. Morrey by his wife and servant, 
liv 52, 53, 106, lv 31 " 

«++. wife and seven children of P. Keefe 
burnt to death in Ireland, liv 59 

«+. of Mr. Horsefall by the Luddites, liv 
62. lv 98] 4 

+.» — Mr. Trentham by the same, liv 63 

+-+- — Eliz. Hill by J. James, liv 92 

+++. — count and countess d’Antraigues at 
Barnes, liv 94 

«+». —achild born imperfect, liv 96 

---- — Isabella M‘Guire by W. Brown, liv 

«-.. — James Dean by liv 115 

«++. — Mr. Sergerson, in Ireland, liv 118 

-.-- —a farmer’s wife, near Kingsbridge, 
Devon, liv 128 

----—F.Bruce and his housekeeper, liv 129 

«.»- — capt. Keith, of the Adventure, and 
others, liv 132, 136 

sone Chaplin, by her husband, liv 139 

----— J. M‘Cririe, by M‘Lellan, liv 143 

«++. —serg. of marines by lieut. Gamage, 
liv 144 

«+»-— Wiggin, near Bridgenorth, liv146 

+++. — several persons ina riot in Ireland, 
liv 149 

+++. and rape of Hannah Latham, lv 2 

+++. of Malcolm M‘Donald by a Spanish 
sailor, lv 9 

+++. — Mr. Sex by H. Langridge, ly 13 

«+. — Mr. Webband servant, near Frome, 
by Rudduck and Carpenter, lv 15, 20 

++.. — Legue, a French prisoner, by Tar 
diff, another, ly 18 

+++» to conceal a robbery by the ‘nephew of 
a British peer at Lisbon, lv 38 

---- of two English soldiers, and subse- 
quently a Portuguese, at Lisbon, 7d. 

«++» — Mr. Bonar and his wife, at Chisle- 
hurst, lv 39, 71 




Murder : by ribbonmen in Treland, lv 41 

«++. of a widow at Woodford, by W. Corn- 
well, lv 42 

«++. — Agnes Watson, lv 46 

+++. —amarine, bya French prisoner, ly 49 

«»-- — Edw. Clifford, near the Foundling 
hospital, lv 54 

+++» — lieut. Johnstone, by Martin Hogan, 
lv 65 

e+++ — Jos. Leman, by a soldier, ly 66 

. = — Mrs. Britain by her husband, ly 

«++. — gen. Zadera by his servant, ly 70 

+»+. — the rey. N. Westcombe, lv 72 

».-- — Sarah Harris by Luke Heath, ly 

eee. — T. M‘Mahon by M. Griffin, 2d. 

«++ — P. Goulding by a deserter, Iv 78 

+-+. — R. Glover and his wife by their 
son, lv 79, 95 

+.+. — awaterman at Portsmouth by three 
French prisoners, lv 81, 82 

— the crew of an American vessel at 
Vancouver’s island, ly 83 

.. ++. — three Chinese in an affray at Shad- 
well, lv 85 

«+. — militiaman near Clonmell, lv 90 

«+.- — Mary Bate by her husband, ly 93 

«eee — Francis Smyth, lv 93 

tree Gibson by her husband, ly 95 

Presto, lv 96 

+++. — the footman of misses Gompertz, 
near Vauxhall, lv 99 

e+.. — J. Allen, near Penzance, ly 103 

++... —a female pauper by a lunatic, lvi 1 

. Varney by J. Matthews, lvi 20 

«+... — Mary Pritchard by J. Jones, lvi 24 

+».. —a constable assisting sheriff’s offi- 
cers in Cornwall, lvi 29 

«++. — Mary Bryan by her husband, lvi 

+... and robbery of W. Fowler by a foot- 
pad, lvi 48 

«--. of Eliz. Pilcher by W. H. Hollins, lvi 

+... — Mr. Long, of Ardmale, in Ireland, 
lvi 61 

++-.—a daughter of C, Crowley, in Wa- 
terford county, lvi 62 

ose. — Mrs. Noyce, at Fawley, lvi 65 

«.«.— miss M. A. Welchman by James 
Mitchell, lvi 71 

«++. — Bryan O'Reilly, of Ryefield, lvi 81 

«+. — Jane Ware by J. Hack, lvi 82 

«.-+ — EI. Dobbins by T. Sharpe, lyi 89 

Gallavan, in Treland, lvi 94 

+. +. — W.Belsham by W. Seymour, lvi 95 

«»+. — Mrs. Eaton by her husband, lyi 


ip Hardy, a tithe proctor near 
Cashel, lvi 113 

-»-. — Corry Hurst, a revenue officer at 
Ballyshannon, lvi 114 

+++ — four children in France by their 
brother, lvi 117 


Murder: of a man unknown, and his body 
packed in a hamper to be sent to Edin- 
burgh, lvii 2 

+++. of Mary Hall, at Dagnall, lvii 15 

«++» — Mrs. Metters, at Whitchurch, near 
Plymouth, lvii 17 

+++» J. Sanderson, drowned by Eliz. Pres- 
ton, lvii 27 

a of Jane Waghorn by her husband, lvii 

. ee — Several boatmen by smugglers, lvii 

ee+e — Dilly Jeromi by three Negroes near 
Portsmouth, lvii 56 

----— Mr. Keen, on the boulevards at 
Paris, lvii 66, 67 

e... — W. Harty, near Clonmell, lvii 70 

---.— Mr, W. Baker, of Lismacue, lvii 
97. lviii 412 

«-+. — the syndic of Pizzo, in Calabria, lvii 
100 : 

e+. —C. Dines, gamekeeper, lvii 105 

«+s. — serg. Cavendish by James M‘Kean, 
lviii 3 

e+---— W. Ingram by poachers, lviii 9 

e+ee — Mrs. York by T. Reason, Iviii 40 

«+++ — lieut. Calthorpe by Negroes, at Ja- 
maica, lviii 77 

++e.s — 4 person near Liverpool, lviii 81 

e++. — two girls by a deaf and dumb man 
in France, lviii 92 

ees. — G. Lyell, at Madrid, lviii 118 

«oe. — J. Draper, near Enfield, lviii 125 

e+ee—— capt. Johnson, of the Creole 
schooner, lviii 136 

«++. —a farmer in Ireland for defending 
his daughter, lviii 143 

++.- — mad. Blanquemont de la Force by 
a stagecoachman in France, lyiii 159 

e+e. Lynchy, with his family of eight 
persons burntto death in Ireland, lviii 175 

-+>0 of col. Newman, in Ireland, lviii [82 

----—farmer Howard and his house- 
keeper, lviii 189 

+++. and robbery at Cullenstown, lviii 196 

«++» presumed, of a woman at Greenwich, 
lix | 

«+++ Of Dennis Murphy, in Ireland, lix 2 

e+». — Jd. Rath, in Ireland, id. 
«-«. and robbery of Mr. Pennington, near 
Birmingham, lix 8 : 
oe —— W. Harris, Ledbury, 
lix 9 

esses Of rev. 

«+++ —capt. Miller by capt. Fleming, a 
lunatic, lix 28 

-«-- — two children by their mother, lix 
35, 36 

es. — Jos. Deshayes by Owen Anderson, 
a lunatic, lix 37 

é a and robbery near Manchester, lix 38, 


«+. of several by a gang of Sicilian pirates, 

lix 51, 52 

Longuet, near Reading, lix 



Murder: of J. Payne, Mrs. Hall, and hig 
wife, by Dan. Munn, lix 64, 65 

«ee. Of Croker by Hawkins, near 
Shepton Mallet, lix 76 

+++. — Rich. Maddocks by J. Wakefield, 
lix 78 

“ge — farmer Howard, near Uxbridge, lix 


---.— T. Hall and his housekeeper, at. 
Theddlethorpe, lix 93 

.... and robbery of R. Baker, lix 100 

eee Of | Channel and his housekeeper, 
at Godalming, lix 118. Ix 305 

+++. chimney sweeper and his wife tried 
for the murder of an apprentice, lix 305 

--.. of Mr. Bird and his housekeeper at 
Greenwich, lx 14, 93 

«+s. — Mary Minting by W. Haitch, Ix 


«».. — And. Love by Mat. Clydesdale, 1x 

e.-. — M. A. Losch by her husband, Ix 

---. — T. Huntingford by his wife, lx 141 

ods om J. T. Taylor, near Hornsey, 1x 

+++. — G. Balfour by E. Bradley and 
others, in Ireland, Ix 267 

«+++ — Norton Butler, lx 268 

-»». — Sarah Wark, near Belfast, lxi 12 

+++. —  ~ Weems, by her husband, lxi 31 

+++. — Wiltshire, by his brother, Ixi 

«++. — Mary Ann Albert by Robt. Dean, 
lxi 217 

«++. —serg. Watson by E. Broadbent, a 
private, lxi 232 

Murderers, brief issued by the pope to de- 
prive them of sanctuary, viii 120] 

+++. extraordinary surrenders of, xxx 221] 
xlvi 417, 420. lvi 24 

- extraordinary, xlv 372 

Murdoch, J. xiv 159 

—— W. xli 404.1 131. lii 418 

Mureau, M. L, A. Milet, xli 476 

Murfree, maj. (Amer.) xxii 192] 

Murhard, fire at, viii 126] 

Murillo, Bart. xxv 178 

——— gen. lv 169, 171, 190. lvi 12] 160, 

Muris, J. de, xxxi 187 

Murphy, Arth. v 22. xxxvi 300. xxxviii 371, 
402. xxxix 371. x1 356. liii 406 

—— capt. N. lvi 179 

—— couns. xii 67] 68] xvi 195] 

——— Dennis, murder of, lix 2 

Hugh and Christian, executed for 
coining, xxxi 203] 

——— James, xxxix 406 

——— James Cavanagh, lvi 335 

——lieut.col. ili 63] 

—-—~ Patrick, convicted of rape, xxxvi 

_ Knighton by her husband, Ix 


Murray, adm. G. x! 102. xliii 112] 116] 85. 
xlix 214, 687*, 691° 
——— Alex. xi 113] 151] 198] xviii 55x 
.... charged with the murder of W. Allen, 

xi 110] 
—— Alex. (ant.) 1 69, 80, 243 
———_ bish. G. lvi 23. lix 67 
—— capt. (A) xxxvi 76 
——— capt. J. (A) xxviii 242] 
——— capt. Peter, (A) 7. 
——— capt. W. (A) xlvi 530 
—_——. C. (actor) xliii 47 
C. (secretary to various societies) 
xviii 409 
col. J. xli 325n. xliii 217] 237] 
94. xlvi 212 
Fanny, xxi 179] xxxiii 289] 
gen. James, ii 42, 244. iii 6] 58] 
59] vi 159] xxv 115] 169] 216*] 225] 
241] xxvii 344] xxxiii 34 
++. defeated by the French at Sillery, iii 
ee action against for imposing duties at 
Quebec, xi 73] 
hon. gen. James, xxi 162] 
Hugh, | 190 
James, earl of, iv 306 and fol. ix 
46. xxix 189 
—— J. lii417 
—— Jos. count de, xxix 227*] 230*] 
285] 288] xxxi 39] 
—— lady Augusta, x] 179. xlili 153, 
xlvi 363 
.».. married to the d. of Sussex, xxxvi 4, 

1. col. E. J. M‘Gregor, |x 185] 
— _ |. gen. sir J. lv 141] 145] 144, 176, 
180, 183 
lord J. xxi 162] xxiv 270] 
m. gen. J. lv 190] lvi 144. lvii 

maj. gen. sir G, xlix 707*.1270*. 
li 373, 451. lvi 167. lx 155 

—_——_ Matth. xli 403. xliii 456. xliv 776. 
lvi 336 


Mungo, xxiv 198] 
tea prof. J. A, xxxiii 25] 
———-rev. Dr. vi 217] lwvii 10 
—-— sir James, xxii 49] xxxvi 250] 
xxxviii 510 

sir J. M‘Gregor, viii 114 

sir Patrick, xlix 155. 1 223* 
 —— W, vans, xii 300, 301, 302. xlii 

Murray’s islands, account of, lvii 542 
| Murzafa Jing, vii 256 
Museus, xxiv 204 
Musalpinus, account of the, iv 84 
Musa, method of bringing to flower, vii 114 
Muszus, v 140 
Muscar, = 133 
mee silk, crab lodging in it’s shell, ix 

(Maseles, men supposed to be poisoned by, 
Parr I. 

Muscles, on the poisonous effects of, v 72 
Muscles (the), contraction of, cured by elec- 
tricity, xxi 92 

«++ Observations on, xlvi 879 
Muscovy glass. See Tale 
Muselli, J. And. xxxvi 109 
Museum. See British Museum 
——— Cox’s. See Cox, and Lottery 
———— Pio-Clementinum, xli 340 

Thoresby’s, sale of, vii 58] 
Musgrave, Dr. 8. xiii 69] xxiii 22)] xxvi 

— G. xi 146] 

m. gen. T. xx 135] xxiii 162] 

xxxiv 204 

— sir Christ. vi 272 

sir Rich. xliv 411 

sir W. xxii 208] 212] xxxiv 134 

Mushet, David, xlii 384. lvii 321 

Mushrooms, persons poisoned by, viii 134] 
xiii 167] xvii 140] xxiii 225] xlvii 422. 1 
114*. lvii 2 

+... produced from a stone, viii 101 

-.+. remedies for the poison of, xlvii 422 

Music, extraordinary aptitude for, in child. 
ren, vi 79. xxii 75, 84 

+++» regular plan of, vi 192 

«+.. on cathedral and parochial, vi 194 

«--- on the suitableness of languages to, x 

«--. French, 2b, xyi 183 

Greek, x 195. xii 153 

+++. comparative history of French and 
Italian, xii 153 

+--+. curious concert, xii 164 

«.».. Modern, xii 211. xv 183 

.-.. inordinate passion for in the courts of 
Germany, xvi 183 

+... it’s connexion with poetry and pro- 
phecy, xix 188 

oe a ge in favour of copyright in, xx 

-... introduction of, into church service, 
xx 152. xxxi 185 

.. +» history of, xxxi 183 

.... Egyptian, xxxi 184 

--+. power of, lvii 18 

Music meeting, at Gloucester, xii 129] 

——— at Hereford, v 103] viii 126] 

xi 166] 

at Norwich, xliv 456 

—— at Worcester, iv 156] vii 
97] x 127] xix 179] 

Musical drama, x 218 

——-— glasses, remarks on, iv 149, 151 

———— instruments, xvi 187. xxx 16. xxxi 
185. 1138. lii 533 

notes, x 162 

instruments and library, sale of, 
xxxili 9] 

Musk, virtues of, iv 121 

Muskau, in Upper Lusatia, fire at, ix 94] 

Muskerry, J. T. F. 2nd lord, xlviii 599 

Musquetie, capt. liii 1 

Musquito shore. See Florida F 


Musschenbroeck, Pet. x 122, xlvi 797 
Mussel, Ebenezer, viii 102] 
Mustapha IIT, xlix 920 
—— IV, xlix 191.] 239] 75* 
Mustapha aga, xliii 209] 
——— bashaw, xli 42] 74] xliii 211] 217] 
—— Bayracter, xlviii 210, 1238] 74*. 
lvi 88 
Mustel, xvi 89 
Musto wv. Sutcliffe, lx 330 
i act respecting persons standing, xv 

e+. case of, xx 213] 

«++» See also Peine forte et dure 

Mutiny : fifteen seamen condemned for, i 78, 
80, 81 

«+. in the Savoy, ii 117. iv 147] xix 123] 

«++. of a regiment embarking for the E. 
Indies, iii 75] 

e+. at Gibraltar, iii 148] 

-... E. India recruits in the Savoy, vi 68] 

e+e at Quebec, vi 159] 7 

-.-. E. India company’s soldiers, viii 77] 

ose a board the Little Will, xviii 134] 

-».. Highlanders, at Edinburgh, xxi 202] 
xxii 230] 

«»-. on board a privateer, xxiii 204] 211] 

«ee. Of sepoys, xxv 73] 

e+.» crews of two sloops refuse to go to the 
W. Indies, xxvi 199] : 

«+e. Of other seamen at Portsmouth, 2d. 

«++. seamen executed for, xxvi 213] xxxii 

+++. on board an African ship, xxxi 229] 
xxxii 193] 

ove — the Bounty, sloop of war, 
xxxii 252] xxxiv 26, 38. lvii 514 

e+.. at Limerick, xxxiv 36 

eee at Quebec, xxxv 36 

we " in the Oxfordshire militia, xxxvii 

ee. in the first fencible regiment, xxxvii 

e+. in regiments ordered to be draughted, 
xxxvii 33, 34 

e+. in the fleet, xxxix 208] 214] 22, 23, 26, 
28, 31, 33, 34, 35, 38, 50, 239-51, 254-6. 
xl 12 

«++.» marines shot for attempting to excite 
at Plymouth, xxxix 37 

e+.. on board the Hermione, xl 4. xlii 27, 
69, xliv 368, 369, 390. xlviii 458 

eee» lieut. Petersen shot by lord Camelford, 
x1 10 

e+. on board the lady Shore, x1 60 

see. ——— the Danae, xlii 6 

Be Bantry bay, xliv 355, 356, 357, 361, 

»».. marine executed for at Portsmouth, 
xliv 357 

e».. S. Fagan, of the Resistance, shot by 
lieut. Lutwidge, xliv 377 

> oa a black regiment at Dominica, xliv 


_—— Edw. xix 76. xxiii 115. xxix 88 


Mutiny: on board the Gibraltar, in the 
Mediterranean, xliv 476 

«+. sepoys at Vellore, xlviii 253. xlix 233, 

.... regiment of Negroes at Demerara, | 

Mutscheteria, Monica, great abstinence of, 
xvi 104] 

Muxedabad, fire at, vii 83] s 

Muy, chev. de, iii 23] 25] 

gen, count de, xiv 89] 

— margq. of, xvii 126] 

Muzuffer Jung, xxix 153] 155] 

My Hearty. See Wright, Edward 

Mycock, B. executed for the murder of his 
brother, liv 36 

Myddelton, Rich. xlvii 432 

Myers, gen. sir W. xlvii 228, 530 

1, col. sir W. liii 207 i 

— T. (acct. gen. Bengal) xli 231 

Myersbach, Dr. xxiy 179] 

Mylius, col. xxxiv 104] 

Mylne, Rob. iii 74] 95) 143] iv 124] xiii 
122] 154] 176] xiv 114] 154] xxviii 95 

Myonet, rev. Dr. J. xx 216] xxi 168] 

Myris, Lewis, xli 340 

Myro, xxiv 150 

Myron, xxxviii 468 

Myrrh, mortification after taking a large 
dose of tincture of, i 360 

Mysteries. See Religion, heathen 

Mytens, Dan. v 58 

Mythology, Gothic, xi 21], 213. xiii 86. li 
.. of the ancients, xvii 232 

Mytton, gen. xxvi 109 


Nacton, riotous attempt to pull down the 
house of industry at, viii 116] 

Nadasti, gen. i 25 

Nadin, Jos. li 267, 319. liv 86. Ixi 106] 

Nadir shah. See Kouli khan, Thamas 

Nagle, col. xxviii 145] 

Nagles, marq. de, xvii 5 

Nailer, Ann, murder of, v 95] 132] 

Nairne, xxvi 21 

capt. J. xlviii 701 

Cath. trial of, for incest and mu 
der of her husband, viii 219] 

sees escape of, ix 76] 99] 

Nairs, liii 420 

Naish, Edm. Ix 361 

Najiem ul Dowla, ix 22] 

..». conditions on which he was supporte 
in the succession, ix 23] 

Najub khan, xliv 454 

Names, observations on, ix 184.1 160 

+... etymologies of, ix 301 

--.+. necessity of discriminating, 1 248 

Namur, taken by the French, xxxiv 11¢_ 
120} hfs) 



_ Nana Row, xxv 5] 

——, xxv 10] xxvi 80] 343] xli 

Nanac Pautra, lv 469 

Nangle, C. executed for forgery, xvii 159] 

miss, burnt to death, xxii 218] 

Nansouty, gen. xlv 284. liv 172] 

Nanswydden, fire at, xlv 462 

Nantucket, education and employment of 
the inhabitants, xxv 52 

Nantz, floods at, vi 77] 

«++. theatre burnt down, xxxviii 33 

Napier, capt. C. (N) liii 96] lv 107] 162 

—— capt. (N) Ivi 243 

col. Mark, lv 110] 188 

Francis, 5th lord, xv 103] 

7th lord, xxxv 144] 

—— I. col. Alex. xlv 952n. xlix 703* 

—— |. col. G. T. liv 200 

Naples: crown of, ceded by Charles III to 
his third son Ferdinand, ii 253 

++-- nuns complain to the king of being 
almost starved, iv 82] 

+++. punisnment of a farmer general for an 
iniquitous plot against a young woman, 
vi 114] 

«++. two villages washed away, and the 
town of Castellamare deluged by water 
a a mountainous rock that burst, vii 

ee. famine in, vii 83] 

«+.. deaths by an epidemic there, viii 74] 

e+e. Slight earthquake in the Terra di La- 
vora, viii 92] 

+++. storm followed by an inundation and 
fall of a mountain, viii 102] 

eo snow knee-deep in the streets of, ix 


«+. sickness prevailing at, ix 70] 

+... expulsion of the Jesuits from, x 5] 
33] 154] 

+++. banishment of the prince de Spacca- 

torno, x 77] 
«-.. intended marriage of the king, x 135] 
139] 161] 

es. Superstition of the people, x 202] 203] 

+++. the king seizes the duchies of Bene- 
vento and Ponte Corvo, xi 53*] 
+++. claims the duchies of Castro and Ron- 
ciglione, xi 54*] 
+++.» measures for reducing the powers and 
numbers of the clergy, xi 57*] 58*] 
+++. church and convent of the Jesuits at 
Rome claimed by the king of, xi 74] 

++++ books of all kinds written by Jesuits 
prohibited, xi 102] 

+++. arrival of the queen in Italy, and en- 
tertainments on the occasion, xi 115] 
117] 123] 133] 139] 143] 147] 

+++» excessive drought, xi 173] 

tae suppressed for better ships, xi 

+». Statue erected to St. Januarius, xi ]89] 
+++. great mortality from smallpox, xi 203] 
xiv 147] 



Naples: it’s destruction by an earthquake 
predicted, xii 99] 

«++. courier of the duke of Dorset shot by 
a ferryman, xiii 106] 

«++» large body of soldiers intend to plun- 
der the city on a rejoicing night, xiii 

e+e. Soil of, xv 62 

.. ++ Benevento restored to the pope, xvi 57] 

«+s. Climate of, xvi 112 

++. restrictions of the power of the pope, 
xviii 148*] 

+++. population of, xxi 217] xxiii 13 

+ manners of, xxiii J2. xxv I1 

eeee defects of the laws, xxv 13 

.... Mare Piccolo, shellfish, coral, &c. xxv 

.-.- British squadron visited by their ma- 
jesties, xxvii 195] my 

«.«. described, xxvii 175 

--.. catacombsat, liv 89 

--.. attention of the king to a naval force, 
xxviii 43] 

«.++Jjoins the confederacy against France, 
xxxv 242] 

.--+ levy of troops, xxxvi 225. xxxviii 214 

+... Suspension of arms concluded with 
the French, xxxviii 102] 

+++» peace with France, xxxviii 115] 227 

+.» treaty with the pope, xxxviii 212, 213 

-... threatened rupture with France, xl 
71] 123] 

-.+. assessment of the clergy, xl 124] 

++.» other measures for increasing the army, 

+++» treaty with Austria, xl 126] xli 263 

-++- obliges the French to quit Rome, xl 

+--- repeated victories of the French, xl 
131] xli 147] 

- manifesto on the rupture with France, 
xl 273 

.+». insurrections of the people and massa- 
cres of the French, xli 147] 149] 

-+ +. surrender of Capua, xli 150] 

..-» flight of the king to Sicily, 76. 

.... malecontents in the capital, xli 151] 

.... Tising of the Lazzaroni against them, 

++» the city taken by the French, xli 153} 

.... charge of the Lazzaroni, xli 154] é 

.... the city evacuated by the French, xli 

4 eet at to card. Ruffo, xli 291} 

...- lord Nelson refuses to accede to the 
capitulation, xli 292] d 

.... the forts obliged to surrender, xli 292] 

...: Capua and Gaeta surrendered, xli 292} 

+... great numbers executed, xli 292] 

. +. insurrections in, xliii 72] 

.... journey of the queen to Petersburg, 
xliii 79] 340, 341 5 

+++» treaty of peace with France, xliii 299 


Naples: edict respecting state prisoners, 
xliii 344 

+++» treaty with France, xlvii 664 

-++. decree respecting commerce on the 
arrival of an English and Russian squad- 
ron, xlvii 734 

++» English and Russian forces admitted 
into, xl viii 133 

+».. the Russians retire to Corfu, the Eng- 
lish to Sicily, xlviii 135 

«+++ invaded by the French, id. 

+++» flight of the king and queen to Sicily, 
xlviii 136 

-++. character of the queen, 7d. . 

«+++ Joseph Buonaparte proclaimed king, 
xlviii 138, 217 Me 

-... insurrections in various parts, xlvili 
137, 139 

---. Capri taken and garrisoned by the 
English, xlviii 14], 589 

+++. landing in Calabria, 2d. 

--++ battle of Maida, xlviii 142, 591 

.... the French expelled from both Cala- 
brias, xlviii 143, 595 

.... Gaeta surrendered to them, xlviii 144 

«+++ Calabria recovered by them, xlviii 145 

«+» character of the insurgents, xlviii 146 

++» barbarities on both sides, 7b. 

+++. cause of Buonaparte’s animosity to 
the queen, xviii 420 

++-. Murat made king of, 1 239] S 

-... British expedition against, li 222, 456 
-.. most of the convents and religious or- 
ders suppressed, li 321 

«+--+ descent on the coast of Calabria, lv 

+... island of Ponza taken, zd. 

.. ++ treaty with Austria, lvi 13] 88] 344 

+. ++ conduct of Murat, lvi 86] lvii 73] 369 

.+.+ proceedings in, lvii 163-72, 297, 232, 
360 : 

-.-. restoration of Ferdinand, lvii 78} 181, 

----+ bomb vessel sunk in the harbour in a 
storm, lvii 97 

.-.. restitution of money paid the Alger- 
ines, lviii 104] 132] 

oe plague in, lviii 132] 93 

..«. Sicilian journals prohibited, lviii 152] 

--.-» demand of the Americans for property 
confiscated by Murat, zb. 

-».«. theatre of San Carlo burnt down, [viii ° 


«++. banditti, lviii 97 

«»+- commercial convention with G. Bri- 
tain, France, and Spain, lx 60 

-++. decree respecting the coin, Ix 68 

«-.. See also Sicily 

Napper, Dr. xvii 56 

Narbonne, gen. xxxiv 97] 302. xxxv 
194} 200] 

count de, lv 128] 

Narborough, sir J. iv 139. xiv 3] 15. xvi 

Nardi, J. And, xlviii 453, 459, xlix 386 



Nardius, Joannes, viii 179 

Nardus Indica, xxxii 66 

Nares, archd. Rob. xxxv 410 

——— Dr. James, v 97] 

—— J. xlvii 423. xlviii 400. xlix 467. lviti 

— — Mr. justice, vi 88] 145] vii 73] xi 
130] xii 105] 150] xv 69] xvi 71] 118] 
191] xvii 96] xxii 205) xxiii 223] xlix 

Narrain Row, xxv 6] 

Narses, xxx 5 

Narwhal, bottom of a ship pierced by one, 
xv 125] 

Nash, ald. W. xiv 108] 145] 146] 147} 148] 
149] xv 74] 75] 95) 
... vote of censure on, xv 138} 

—— capt. James (N) xlviii 411 

—- gen. (Amer.) xx 137] 

—— J. (architect) xxxix 406 

—_ lieut. (N) xxvi 122] 

—— miss, xxxiv 249n : 

rev. Dr. Treadway, xxx 125 

— R. iv 71] xx 175] 

.... epitaphs on, iv 47, 48 

+... account of, v 37 

—— T. xv 118] 

W. xx 193] 199] 201] 

Nash mill, fire at, lv 90 ~ 

Nasif pacha. See Nuzuff bashaw 

Nasmyth, Dr. vi 89 

Nassau, representative government esta- 
blished in, lvi 103] 

..+- union of the reformed and Lutheran 
churches, lix 69] P 

——— (Providence island) fire at, Ixi 1} 

harbour. See New Providence 

Nassau, prince of, xix 131] xxiii 11] xxv 96] 
xxx 58] xxxi 198*] xxxiii 69 

Nassau Ufingen, affray on an attempt to 
perform the Protestant service in a Ca- 
tholie church, xviii 130] 

Nassington, fire at, xxxvi 20 

Natalia, princess of Russia, xxviii 4 

Natches, account of the, xiv 19 

---- extirpated by the French, xiv 19x. 
xxii 28] 

Nation, J. xli 5 

National debt, state of, 1 138. ii 186. iii Hig 
v 162] 176] vi 187] vii 169] ix 198) x 
214] 228] xi 259] 260] xiv 220] xxviii 
252] xxxili 131] xxxix 90, 111-17. xl 
200. xlii 147, 149. xlv 620. xlviii 67. xlix 
5i1, 529. liii 314, 315. liv 408, 409. lv 
3386, 387. lvi 376, 377. lvii 348, 344. viii 
431, 433-5. lix 257, 260-62. Ix 412-14, 
420. Ixi 409-12, 417 

«++. charges of management, xlix 529 

+--+ progress of, xx 260) xxi 292] xxii 
334] xxiii 319] xlii 147 

«+. plan for reducing, xxviii 111] 

«+. inefficacy of this plan, xxxi 151] 152] 

+». commissioners for reducing. See Com- 

e+e. progress of the plan for paying off, 


xxxiii 18] 33] xxxiv 46, xxxix 95. xlix 
511. lviii 431, 432, lix 257-9. Ix 391, 
415-19. xi 410-16 

National debt: grants towards it’s reduc- 
tion, xxxv 106. xxxvi 120. xxxvii 118. 
xxxviii 108. xxxix 172. x1 206. xli 197. 
xlii 166. xliti 190. xliv 587 

Nations: origin of the vices and virtues of, 
i 241n 

e+. on the antiquity of, ix 131 

«»+- customs and opinions of the ancient, ix 

e+. wealth of, xix 24] 

-».+. changes in the character of, xx 187 

«++. causes of the decay of, xx 189 

«++. on the right of foreign interference in 
internal disputes, xxx 87] 

e+. causes of the character of, xliii 409 

--..- characters of various, li 788 

potty history, defence of the study of, ii 


phenomena. See Phenomena, Me- 

teors, Earthquakes, &c. 

productions, curious, on a pond in 
Dorsetshire, ii 108 

+»-- on the preservation of, in spirits, xv 

Naturalization, observations on, lv 190] 46 

Nature, difficulty of discriminating the 
three kingdoms, xiv 167 

e+.» Science of, xxiv 78 

«... advantage of a taste for the beauties 
of, xxiv 163 

e+». State of. See Man 

Nauendorf, gen. — xi 268] xlii 204] 

Naugerio, xxxvii 31*2] 
Naunton, sir Rob. ix 56. xxxii 96. xxxiv 

Nauntons v, Leman, xviii 121] 
Naussers, account of the, lvii 483 
Nautical Ephemeris, computation of, order- 
_ed by the Board of Longitude, viii 112] 
Naval engagements. See Seafights 
—— exploits: the Rose burnt by capt. 
Hervey at Malta, i 104 

-+.. vessels driven ashore near Brest, i 


«--. recapture of the Friendship by the 
mate and a boy, ii 117 

++.» yacht belonging to the French admiral 
cut out of Brest, 2. 

+++. express brought from the Brazils in'a 
Jongboat of 12 tuns with 7 hands, ii 

«++. recapture of the Four Sisters by the 
master, iii 72] 

of the Good Intent, iii 96} 

«+++ French brig cut out from under a bat- 
tery at Belleisle, iii 108] 

e+» Turkish admiral’s ship taken by Chris- 
tian slaves, iii 152] 

++++ forts destroyed and ships cut out of a 
bay in Martinico, iv 78] 

++. French vessels cut out of Cumberland 
harbour, iv 97] 



Naval exploits: privateer cut out of Dun- 
kirk road, iv 155] 

.... Friendship retaken by the mate and 
two men, iv 159] 

--.- various in boats, &c, xiii 263] 133. 
xlix 656, 708*. li 456, 465, 513, 532. Iii 
297, 306, 316. lili 96] Ivi 174] 

---- Fame retaken by a boy, liii 127 

Naval stores, persons found guilty of having 
in possession, xliii 24. xlvii 394, 395 

Navandorf, gen. xxxviii 140] 

Nee don Juan, bish. of Albarazzin, vii 

Navarro,adm. _ viii 197] 

Remy Dr. P. M. Toussaint, xxi 130. xxiii 

Navigation, origin of, xii 142 

+++ duty on freights, xxv 290] 

———— of the river Stort, xii 143] 

Swale, xiii 108] 

———— Clyde, xiv 81] 

inland. See Canals 

Navigators islands, xli 485 

Navy: complaint of the seamen of the Na- 
mur, i 78, 80, 81 

«+. hot press for, i 99 

---- money in hands of treasurers of, i 140. 
ii 190, iii 198] xxiv 278] 

«ees debt of the, i 141, 142. ii 188. iii 199] 
vi 185] xiii 238] xxxiii 131] xxxiv 147. 
xl 183] 

«+. Chaplains formerly excluded from the 
wardroom, i 441 

-++- benefits of the act to enable the men 
to remit money to their friends, ii 77 

+++ press warrants, ii 80. xiii 147-9] 157] 
158] xx 167] 

--» guardships manned by draughts from 
Greenwich hospital, ii 80 

«+. escape of impressed men from a ten- 
der, ii 89 

--.. bounties to seamen and landmen, ii 91 

+... resistance to press-gangs, i 99. ii 103. 
xiii 149] 174] 

-. ++ damages against a capt. for a ship lost 
from pressing men, ii 109 

«+s. seamen and marines voted for, ii 127 

-... ships of the enemy taken and destroy- 
ed during the war, ii 130 

e+. —— lost, ii 13] 

+++. capt. of a French frigate challenges 
an English one, and then declines the 
battle, iii 71] 

.... State of the, iii 257] iv 190] xix 190] 
xxvi 157] xxxiii 2132. xxxix 3. liii 50 

-»+. capt. cast in damages for burning a 
man’s house, and detaining the owner on 
board his ship, iv 106] 

.... the Alarm coppered by way of experi- 
ment, iv 177] 

---+ damages against a lieut. for impress- 
ing a master of a vessel, v 85] 

-+++ proposal for employing the seamen 
about to be discharged in the whale- 
fishery, yi 59] 


Navy: boatswain of the Africa chaired 
through Portsmouth and presented with 
a gold chain by the crew, vi 72] 

Pembroke chaired by 
the crew and presented with a gold call 
and silver cup, vii 50] 

e+.» contract for victualling, vii 56] 

"a steps taken for the benefit of the, vii 

eee. @ capt. cast in damages for loss of 
prize money from his neglecting to rate a 
man as quartermaster, vii 79] 

++.. claim of prize money for captures in 
the E. Indies, vii 92] 
«+.. damages against a capt. for confining 
a gentleman on board his ship, vii 113] 
ee.. half pay granted to chaplains, vii 161] 
viii 239] 

++.. officers in the American colonies made 
to act as customhouse officers, viii 18] 

e+.. wax candles recommended for, and 
employed by one admiral at his own ex- 
pense, viii 158 

++. crew of the Dolphin, on their return 
from the voyage round the world, re- 
warded with double pay, ix 104] 

++.. petition for the same after her 2nd 
voyage, xi 122] 

++. damages against a commodore for im- 
pressing the owner of a vessel, ix 112] 

captain for seizing a 
ship and cargo in America, ix 157] 
«+.» the old Monmouth broken up, x 98] 
«+e. half pay of lieutenants declared by 
the Commons to be insufficient, x 220] 
++.. regulations of uniforms, xi 63] xxvi 
193] xlix 681*. lii 309 

+» .. Guadaloupe frigate, a crack ship, xi 

++. fifty boys clothed and equipped by sir 
J. Fielding, xiii 149] 

+... men pressed in the Thames seize the 
tender, run her ashore, and escape, xiii 

-+.- bounties to seamen, 

xiii 150] 151] 

+» .. attempt to impress a man in a church © 

while marrying, xiii 161] 

e+. queries on impressing seamen, and 
opinions of counsel, xiii 232] 

++. bottom of a 74 filled with nails in one 
night, xiv 69] ' 

«+.» grants toward paying off the debt, xiv 
35} xvii 254] xix 250] xx 265] xliv 582 

+++. petition of the captains for an increase 
of half pay, xvi 92*] 

«. ++ annual survey of the, xviii 129] 

= sph seasoned ina new mode, xviii 

«... Swiftsure of forty guns with two mortar 
beds, xix 158] 

«+.» explosion of gunpowder on board the 
Marlborough, xix 170] 

+++» freeholder, in the service of the Navy 
board, impressed, xxi 185] 



Navy: memorial from several admirals to 
the king on the trial of adm. Keppel, 
xxii 108] 

“<— 9g. of impressment, xxii 170] 

«+++ lieut. and midshipman fined and im- 
prisoned for entering a shop to impress a 
man, xxii 198] 

«+++ pressgang indicted for murder, xxii 
204] 215] 

++.. man execnted for murdering a man 
who attempted to impress him, xxii 204 

+e.» judge’s warrant to bring impressed 
apprentices before him, xxii 209] 

+++» capt. of a merchantman, who had re- 
tired on a fortune, impressed at Bristol, 
xxii 221] xxiii 223] 

«+s» persons entitled to vote for a member 
of parliament exempt from impressment, 
xxii 254] 

+++. returns of the, xxiv 174] 263] xxix 
201] xxxv 61.11%, 109*. liv 24. lviii 176 

+++ two captains broke, xxiv 181] 

«+++ crews of two sloops refuse to go to the 
W. Indies, xxvi 199] 

--.. Other disturbances among the seamen, 
ib. 200] 

-».. large body of seamen proceed to the 
Admiralty, and thence to the palace, to 
know when their arrears would be paid, 
xxvi 203] 

+++. masters appointed to look after and 
make reports of the ships in ordinary, 
xxvi 210] 

+++. three seamen executed for mutiny, 
xxvi 213] 

Brie a refused leave of absence, xxix 

mane regulations of promotion to flags, xxx 

«+++ debates in parliament on certain pro- 
motions, xxx 99] 

«++. half pay cannot be alienated, xxxiii 20] 

+ oe to seamen, Xxxv 2. xxxix 

oe -. plans for obviating impressment, xxxvii 

2) P 

government circular on manning, 
xxxvii 108 

..+- number of officers, xxxviii 49. x] 104, 
xliv 369. liv 119 

-++. levy from parishes for manning pro- 
posed, xxxix 120] 

+.++ inadequacy of it’s pay, xxxix 207] 

- +++ other causes of complaint, xxxix 208] 

+... mutiny at Portsmouth, xxxix 208] 22, 
23, 26, 28 

vee. ————— the Nore; xxxix 214] 31, 33, 
34, 35 

ovee — Cape, xxxix 50. xl 12 

«+s» petitions of the seamen and papers 
relative to the mutiny, xxxix 239-51, 
254-6 x 

«++. observations on it, xli 163, 176 

-+ «+ bill for suspending protections, xl 227] 


NA : 

Navy: Hermoine carried into la Guayra by 
her crew, xl 4. xlii 27, 69. xliv 368, 369, 
390. xlviii 458 

«e-- Danaé carried into Brest by her 
crew, xlii 6 

ee. mutiny at Bantry bay, xliv 350, 356, 
357, 361, 553 

oe ao establishment, xliv 401. lviii 

.»+. mutiny on board the Gibraltar, xliv 

«++» increase of half pay, xliy 575 

.»+~ additional pay to warrant officers, xliv 

s+» appointment of commissioners to in- 
quire into abuses, xlv 54, 60, 61, 124 

+++. capt. and purser convicted of con- 
spiracy to defraud, xlv 391, 402 

«++» contractors convicted of conspiracy to 
defraud, xly 465 

++» charge of mismanagement, xlvi 128 

«+... Seaman drowned in attempting to es- 
cape a pressgang, xlvi 383 

- +++ number of men in the, xlvii 7 

«ses generosity of a sbip’s crew to a com- 
rade convicted of desertion, xlvii 372 

.».. damages against a capt. impressing a 
“an belonging to a Greenland ship, xlvii 


++. death of a seaman from excessive 
punishment, xlvii 426 

«++. increase of pay, xlviii 64. lix 344 

++.» purser convicted of fraud, xlviii 371 

++. grant to the seamen who fought at 
Trafalgar, xlviii 638 

+++» proportion of marines increased, 1 51* 

---- number of ships taken from the ene- 
my in, | 86* 

«++. action against a magistrate for send- 
ing a dissenting minister into, | 153* 

+... capt. broke for marooning a seaman, 
lii 255* 

+.++ Negro chops off his hand to escape 
from, liii 34 

+++» prize to the Diana retaken by the pri- 
soners and again recovered, liii 137 

+++. frauds, liv 11 

++.» orphan suckled by a goat, liv 93 

++.» court martial on a Jandman for maim- 
ing himself, liv 129 

+... man executed for stabbing his officer, 
liv 141 

«--- lieut. executed for killing a serg. of 
marines, liv 144 

+--- several men drowned in an attempt to 
escape from a tender in Lough Neagh, 
liv 152 

+++. marq. of Sligo tried for seducing men 
from, liv 279 

++++ girl killed and two men wounded by a 
pressgang, lv 20 

+++. address of the admiralty to the fleet 
on the termination of hostilities with 
France, lvi 344 ; 

+++ Sickness in the W. Indies, lviii 196 



Navy: regulations proposed by the admi- 
ralty, lix 337 

+++. pay of navy and army officers com~ 
pared, lix 348 

-.». Suit respecting head-money, Ix 287 

.... Claim of a flag officer to an eighth of 
the bounty allowed for capturing a slave- 
ship, Ixi 285 

»».. grants for the. 
each year 

.... reviews of. See Portsmouth, and Ply- 

Navy-bills, funded, vi 180] viii 242] ix 93] 
xxxix 144] 

Nayler, sir G. lvii 136 

Naylor, Ann, murder of, v 132] 

J. xviii 957. lii 418 

maj. T. xxvi 37] 

Nazari, ab. ix 119 

Nazir Jing, vii 256 

Neale, xx 233] 

adm. sir Harry Burrard, 1i 434. lii 

38, 311 

sir C. lii 443 

T. xxxii 3)2] 

Nearchus, xxxiii 17]. xxxix 431 

Neave, Rich. xxiii 384] xxiv 173] 328] 337] 
xxv 314] xxvii 184] xxviii301] 200, xxxii 
329] 356] 

Neck, sir Josh. van, xv 67] 

Neckar, James, xxiii 99] xxix 179] xxx 
216] xxxi 201*] 210*] 221*] 226*] 230*] 
231*] 235*] 238*] 245*] 252*] xxxii 4] 
25] 26] 29] 38] 137] 150] xxxiii 132, 
135. xxxiv 50x] xxxvi 260] xxxvii 149] xl 
111) xli 355, xlix 109. xi 428 

«».. made director of the finances in France, 
xix 185*] xxiii 11] xxviii 28] 

«+.» recalled to office, xxxi 34] 

++» banished the kingdom, xxxi 246*] 

es» recalled, xxxi 257*] 

ees» resigns, and quits France, xxxii 154] 

Nectarines, produced on a peach-tree, vi 
73. liii 487 

Nedson, J. 1xi 304 

Need, maj. gen. S. xlvii 521 

Needham, gen. See Kilmorey, F. vise. 

— James, ly 319, 2d. 

Turbeville, iv 88 

+... onan ancient bust at Turin, v. 130. 
vii 153 

Neerwinden, battle of, xxxv 245] 

Negapatam, taken by the British, xxv 90] 

Negroes: several persons murdered by one, 
ii 73. iv 145] 

..+. remarkable change of colour in, iii 

..»- on the slavery of, iii 263. xviii 173. 
xix 168. liv 477 

+».. revolted, treaties with, iv 76] 

«+.. conspiracies and insurrections of, iii 
111] 123] 126] 128] iv 160] v 76] vi 84] 
ix 80] x 88] xi 69] 131] 141] xii 110] xv 
9] 146] xvi 54] xix 167] xx 27] xxxvi 
283] xliii 8. xliv 260, 412. xlvii 1063. 

See the Supplies for 



xlviii 241. 149". liii 162] 36, lvi 202] Iii 
87-9] 161] 55, 77. Ixi 235] 41 

Negroes: contrivance of one for saving a 
ship in distress, vi 110] 

e+» white, vii 78] xxx 14 

e+.» Without a thumb, and toes like a lob- 
ster’s claw, vii 78] 

-»+. instances of fidelity and affection in, 
viii 67] ix 91] xix 169 

*+.++ one ordained a priest of the church of 
England, viii 72] 

e+e crimson dye discovered by, ix 109] 

--.- character of those in the French is- 
lands, ix 35 

«+.» number purchased in a year in Africa, 
xii 114] 

e+.» Ships seized by, xii 136] xiii 98] 104] 
xiv 1]0] 

‘eee sales of, xv 77] xxxv 14. xlviii 854 

e.- case of Somerset, xv 110] xxi 163] 

«+++ absolute freedom of, in Britain, first 
decided in Scotland, xxi 163] 

++. action against a Liverpool captain for 
kidnapping one, xxii 201] 

+++. one elected a corresponding member 
of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, 
xxviii 177] 

e+e» particoloured, xxix 53 

»».. extraordinary powers of calculation of 
one, xxx 220] 

--.- treatment of in the British W. Indies, 
xxxili 233] 

ee++ law of the French convention respect- 
ing, xxxvi 215] 

ees» present to a French emigrant officer 
from a female he had formerly emanci- 
pated, xl 57 

e+,» number of Moravian converts in the 
W. Indies, xl 69 

e.-. planter executed for the murder of his 
slave, liii 55 

«++ instances of cruelty to, liii 55, 63. liv 
479. Ix 111] 113] 116] 454 

«++» vessel owned and entirely manned by, 

--+-- infant murdered in revenge fora se- 
ae flogging ordered by it’s father, liii 

-+.- mutual attachment of two slaves, liii 

«+++ boy about to be drowned for want of a 
purchaser, lvi 89 

eoee Makooa, lvii 527 

Negroni, card. xi 57*] 

———— J. Bapt. doge of Genoa, xiv 72] 

Neild, James, xx 233] 

Neilson, J. 1xi 300 

——-—— Sam. xl 162] 101, 236 

Neipperg, gen. count, lvii 76] 88] 

Neiss, siege of, i 60 

++ ++ fall of the new barracks, xiv 147] 

Nelson, (botan.) xxxii 253] 254] 

adm. Hor. vise. xxxvi 81. xxxvii 

6h. xxxix 94] 96] 97] xl 72] 248] 3, 

ASI. wis 83] 112] 150} 171] 292) 36, 76, 



82, 86, 128. xlii 19, 42, 72. xliii 247] 
275n] 7, 39, 133. xliv 18, 48. xlv 4, 60, 
391, 597. xlvii 220, 232, 429, 568, 617. 
xlviii 8, 69, 454. xlix 113m, 397. 1 18*, 
181*. li 51. lvi 67. lvii 293 

Nelson, adm. Hor. vise. victory of Aboukir, 
xl 126] 139] 87,96, 142. lvi 68 

«++. rewards conferred on him and his 
family, xl 148] 87, 88, 220. xli 172] 19, 
38. xliii 185] xlvi 1142. xlwiii 405, 638, 
641, 652. xlix 367 

+++. arms granted to, xl 97 

«++ attack on Copenhagen, xliii 110] 81, 

«e+. attacks on the flotilla at Boulogne, 
xliii 265] 129 

+++. letter to the lord mayor of London, 
xlvi 415 : 

+--+ pursnits of the French fleet, xlvii 221, 

oe Victory of Trafalgar, xlvii 234, 541, 549 

++» death of, xlvii 236, xlix 807 

++ee monuments to, xlyii 430. 1 129%, lii 
281. liii 48. lviii 3] lix 71 

e+e» funeral of, xlvii 487. xlviii 353, 354, 
638. xlix 730*. 1 184* 

+++ last official letter of, xlvii 546 

+--+ Will of, xlviii 419 

ald. G. viii 145] 

Benj. drowned, xlvi 434 

Frances, viscountess, xlviii 641. Ix 

401. lxi 400 

Horatia, xlviii 420. wlix 808 

Jos. xliv 772 

—— Rob. ii 284 

S. xl 168 

W. earl, xlviii 405, 638, 652. xlix 
367. Ix 402. Ixi 400 

Nennius, xxxvi 367 

Nepean, lieut. gen, Nich. xxxv 28 

—-— sir Evan, x1 179. xlii 216, xlvii 9, 
35. 1 222° 

T. silver medal to, ix 101] 

Nero, i 315. vil72. xix 141, 239. xxxvi 388 

Neroo, gen, xlii 181] 

Nerva, xix 2388 

Nerves, circulation of a fluid in the, ix 95 

++++ @ new invention, xlii 440 

Nesbit, Charlotte, x 48"] 

col, xxxix 159 
Dr. xxiii 293) 
gen. xix 154*] 
Rob. x 48*] 

W. xxxiv 146 

Nesfield, rev. W. lvii 82 ; 

Ness, van, W. P, (Amer,) xlvi 406 

Nesselrode, lvii 589 

Nest, Mary, suicide, liv 145 

Nestor, Casimir, xxxiv 345 

Netherland, Ann, i 93 

Netherlands: intended exchanges between 
France and Austria to form a new bar- 
rier, xii 35] 

«+. this stopped by the interference of 
Holland, 7, 



Netherlands: regulations respecting trade, 
xii 35] 

.... inundations in the, xiv 65] xxxix 2 

«... Searcity in, xv 80] 

ees. punishment of an engrosser of corn, 
xv 83] 

-+.. distemper among the cattle, xvii 81] 

--.. visit of the emperor, xxvii 6] 

--.. farm in, described, xxxv 314 

-+.. for the affairs of their separate divi- 
sions, See Austria, France, or Holland 

Netterville, J. 6th vise. liii 91] 92] 143 

Nettles, thread made from, iii 123 

Nettleship, T. 1 185*. lii 423 

Neufchateau, Franc. xli 254] xlvi 173, 185 

Neufchatel : disputes on the punishment of 
the dead, iv 115] 186] . 

---- the k. of Prussia chosen sovereign by 
the people, xi 37] 

e++. dispute with their governor, 2). 

+... the sieur Gaudot assassinated, xi 38] 

«+e. punishment inflicted on, xi 39] 

e+». earl marshal Keith resigns the govern- 
ment, xi 65] 

». ++ proclamation of the council of state, 
xxxvii 216 

+++. united to the Swiss confederacy, lvi 

Neufchatel, prince of. See Berthier 

Neufville, J. de, xxvii 356] 366] 

Neufvilles, bankruptcy of the, vi 102] 

Neuhoff, bar. See Theodore k. of Corsica 

Neumann, Caspar, xvi 122n. xxx 85 

Neustadt, fire at, lix 90 

Neutrals. See Commerce 

Nenwied, prince Maximilian of, lix 106 

Neve, Peter le, ix 147] 

Nevil, Jacob, xxxviii 384 

Nevill, capt. (N) xlv 538 

Neville, abp. G., installation feast of, iii 

James, lix 233 
—— J. xlix 498 

.——— R. ] 223* 

W. lvi 336 

Nevinson, Dr. C. D. lix 44 

Nevis: account of, xxxy 425 

«+--+ conspiracy among the Negroes, iv 160] 

«++. the stamp act resisted there, viii 56] 

+++. taken by the French, xxv 201*] 278] 

+++. restored to G. Britain, xxvi 325] 

+». attacked by the French, xlvii 221 

Neyot, gen. xlii 163] 

New, J. esq. vi 67] 

New Brunswick, money granted for, xxvii 
300} 344] xxviii 250] 2b. xxix 264] 265] 
xxx 262] xxxi 284] 285] xxxii 277] 278] 
xxxiii 142] xxxiv 148. xxxv 106. xxxvi 
119. xxxvii 117. xxxviii 107. xxxix 169, 
x1 204. xli 194. xlii 164, xliii 188. xliv 
584, xlv 629. xivi 582, xlvii 587, 589. 
xlviii 636. xlix 729%. 1 185*. li 535, lii 
422. Ix 421. Ixi 418 


New England: earthquake felt in many 
parts of, ili 92] 

-.»» Harvard college burnt, vii 116] 

+... arrival of the news of the passing of 
the stamp act first there, and proceedings 
in consequence, viii 50] 

-+-- potashes manufactured in, viii 115] 

-.-- extraordinary Indian sickness in, viii 

..+.- inundations from the melting of the 
snow, x 76] 

--.. act for restraining the trade and 
fisheries of, xviii 79} 

-... importance of the fisheries. of, xviii 

-+-+ progressive increase of trade, xviii 
90*] , 

..-- donation from the Supporters of the 
Bill of Rights, xviii 99] 

.... State of Plymouth county, xxxvi 25 

New Forest, bow and quiver found in the, 
xv 127] 

New Hampshire, money granted for pro- 
vision and stores furnished to the troops 
raised for the last war, xiv 226] 

New Holland, grant for a settlement in, 
xlviii 638 

--+. See Wales, New South 

New Jersey, overrun by the British troops, 
xix 180*] 

+... exportation of slaves forbidden, Ix 

New London, Connecticut, police exercised 
there, viii 76] 

New Orleans, taken possession of, by the 
Spaniards, xii 11] 

++.» insurrections at, xii 70] liii 36 

New Providence, Nassau a free port, xviii 89 

New River: sales of shares in the, ix 63] 
xiii 138] 

--+. fire at the company’s offices, xii 163] 

+++ new office of, xiii 122 

-. ++ report of it’s being poisoned, xxxv 8 

++». guards set over, xl 31 

+++. bank broken down near Hornsey house, 
x1 78 

New York : benefactions to the infant col- 
lege at, ii 113. v 104] vi 63] 

.» + Society of Scotch merchants offer em- 
ployment to poor women, iv 183] 

..+- money collected by briefs for the col- 
lege, vii 67] 

«s+» congress on the stamp act appointed 
to meet at, viii 53] 

-.+- Society of Arts, for the encouragement 
of home manufactures, instituted at, viii 
55] 67] xi 70] 

..+.« manufactures approved by the society, 
ix 62] ; 

+... market established for the sale of 
home-made manufactures, 7d, 

++. solemn thanksgiving for the repeal of 
the stamp act, ix 104] 

e+. damages against a captain in the navy 
for seizing a ship and eargo, ix 157] 


New York ; compensation to maj. T. James, 
ix 159} 

+++ act for providing for the British troops, 
different from that of parliament, passed 
in the assembly, x 40] 87] 

+.» the assembly prohibited from passing 
any act till the terms of the act of par- 
liament had been strictly complied with, 
x 40] 

«+s. new manufactories establishing, x 66] 

eee. paper distributed exciting to resist- 
ance, xi 75] 

+++» resolutions against importation from 
G. Britain, xi 236] 

+++ papers printed reflecting on the assem- 
bly, xiii 75] 

+». inhabitants agree to import goods from 
England, xiii 142] 

++-. South Carolina in consequence breaks 
off all connection with, xiii 159] 

«++. handbill on the importation of tea, 
xvii 88] 

e+.. government house burnt down, xvii 
96] 109] 

e+-- house of one of the judges burnt 
down, xvii 96] 

«+». tea thrown into the sea, xvii 132] 

es-+ proceedings on the receipt of the 
Boston port bill, xviii 6] 

+++. Tepresentation from the general as- 
sembly to the Commons of G. Britain, 
xviii 115*] 124*] 

«+++ memorial to the Lords and petition to 
the king, xviii 116*] 124*] 

+e» letter to the city of London, xix 41] 

+++» expedition against, xix 165*] 

+++. the army lands on Staten island, xix 

+++ landing on Long island, xix 169*] 

«+++ the city abandoned, xix 175*] 

+++» nearly consumed by fire, 7b. 

+++ Skirmish at White Plains, xix 177*] 

+++ fort Washington taken, xix 179*] 

++ fort Lee evacuated, xix 180*] 

e+e. equestrian statue of the king thrown 
down, and the lead converted into bullets, 
xix 158] 

+++ Several of the inhabitants address lord 
and gen. Howe, xix 185] xx 13] 

++». danger of the British troops from the 
severity of the winter, xxiii 224*] 

-» +» board of Associated Loyalists at, xxiv 14] 

++. evacuation of, xxvi 221] 

«+++ convention of all the states at, to form 
a new constitution, xxix 289] 

+++» motion for abolishing the titles of ex- 
cellency, &c., negatived, xxxvi 9 

+++» yellow fever at, xly 450 

+++. convention of* delegates from the 
counties, and resolutions against the 
war, liv 436 

New Zealand. Sve Zealand, New 

Newark, lord ? xiv 202] xxxv 144] 

——visc. See Manvers, earl 

—— W. xxxi 189 



Newbery, J. xvii 31 

Newbolt, J. H. xlii 140] xliv 170 

Newbottle abbey burnt down, xiii 67] 

Newburgh, in Germany, robbery of the 
convent, xv 127] 

Newburgh, Ant. James, 4th earl of, allow- 
ance to, xxix 139] 

James, Ist earl, lii 445 

Newbury, rising at, on account of the price 
of wheat, ix 124] 

«++ robbery of the Bank, lvii 104 

Newby, Mrs. A. xlvii 389 

W.v 111) 

Newcastle : fire at, iv 84] 

-... collection of the sons of the clergy. 
See Sons of the Clergy 

.... large steam-engine at, vi 66] 

++» riots of the colliers, viii 130] xviii 100] 

-.+» Ships cleared out, xi 204) xiii 177] 
xiv 166] xv 155] xvi 157] xvii 177] xix 
203) xxi 161) xxii 239) 

.... gold and silver said to be found near, 
xii 95] 

«+++ petitions from, xii 151] 
.«. resolution of the company of barber- 
surgeons against receiving any gift from a 
candidate for parliament, xiv 111] 

oes» inundation at, xiv 155] 

++.» dispute of common right between the 
freemen and corporation, xvi 124] 126] 

«+++ election, xx 173] 

.+.. petition for a removal of ministers, 
xxi 170*] : 

+++ alarm from typhus fever at, xlv 458 

«++. discoveries on digging, li 263 

+... riots at, xxvii 232] lvii 76, 82, 330. 
Iviii 73 

Newcastle, H. Fiennes, duke of, xi 187] xii 
65. xviii 123] 143] xix 231] xxv 309] 
XXvili 182. xxx 213] 5 

———— J. Holles, duke of, vi 149. xii 63 

— T. Fiennes, xxiii 226] 228] xxiv 

T. Holles, duke of, i 91. ii 113. 
iii 205] 244] 245] iv 76] 87] 120] v 46] 
47] 62] 76] 82] 120] 126] vii 128] viii 
73] 185] 7. ix 75] 214. xi 81] 186] 187] 
17. xviii 24. xx 4. xxiv 190*] 291) xxxiii 
282] 1iii 384. Ixi 460 

o.+- resigns, i 10 F, 

.... returns to office on a coalition of 
parties, 1 13 wat 

. Tesigns again, v 47 

..+. letter to the vicechancellor of Cam- 
bridge on the addresson the peace, vi 202] 

.... lord privy seal, viii 44] 

.... his funeral, xi 187] 

.... account of his life, xii 63 

— W. Cavendish, duke of, xi 67. 
xii 39. xiv 262 

Newcomb, rev. T. xix 39. xlviii 890 

— T. xiv 73n 

Newcome, capt. H. (N) xxvii 263] xxxvii 

Newcourt, Rich, xxxviii 462 



Newdigate, sir Roger, iii 246] xv 173] xxii 
123] xxiii 216] 

Newell, J, iv 144] 

Newfoundland ; fishermen on a small island 
near, massacred by the Eskimoes, iv 187] 

e+.. taken by the French, v 48] 

+++. retaken, 2b., 107] 264] 

.... importance of the fishery, v 56] 

..«- French fishery allowed on a part of 
the coast, v 236] xxvi 324] 328] 330] 

«++. papers relating to the recovery of, 
from the French, v 264 

e+. coast and islands annexed to the 
government of, vi 209] 

+... report of the satisfactory conduct of 
the French, vii 102] . 

...» French boats and men seized by gov. 
Palliser, viii 118] 

+++.» great injury from a sudden rise of the 
sea, xviii 157] 

+... act for preventing the Americans from 
fishing at, xviii 79] xix 49] 

«++. method of salting and drying cod, xxi 

.»+» money granted for the civil establish- 
ment of, xxix 264] xxx 262] xxxi 285] 
xxxii 278] xxxiii 142] xxxiv 148 xxxv 
106. xxxvi 119. xxxvii 118. xxxviii 107. 
xxxix 169, 170. xl 204. xli 194. xlii 164. 
xliii 188. xliv 584. xlv 629. xlvi 582. 
xlvii 587. xlviii 636. xlix 729%. li 535, 
lii 422. Ix 421. Ixi 418 

+. +. increase of the fishery, xxx 128] 

«... State of itat different periods, xxxiv 

«++. decrease of it, xxxv 61. Ixi 6 

.... ravaged by the French, xxxviii 194] 

..+. men murdered by the natives, liii 83 

+++.» numerous emigrants from Ireland, lvii 

e-e- fires in, lviii 32, 33. lix 52, 120, 121, 

«... seal fishery successful, 1xi 40 

Newgate : attempts to escape from, i 97. 
xxi 175] 

..« fire in the pressyard, v i03] 

++.» escapes from, ix 62] xx 181] 194] xxv 
212) Iviii 174 

-... first stone of the new jail laid, xiii 

-».. reports of, xv 155] xx 194] Ix 5, 180 

«+s. Tiots in, xx 196] xxxiv 42. lviii 129 

+... cost of rebuilding, xx 206] xxiv 272] 
xxv 289] xxvi 306] 

+... ward appropriated to debtors disposed 
to work, xlviii 422 

«+. fall of two watchmen from the top of, 
xlviii 458 

Newgate street, fires in, xviii 99] xxxiii 11] 

Newham, Paul, xli 403 

Newhaven, W. lord, xxii 128] 

Newland, Abraham, xlyii 562. xlix 482, 
518, 528 

capt. xvi 106 

Edw. robber shot by, xvi 146] 



vii 110 

ald. W. x1 85. xlii 39. xliii 32 

——— capt. J. N. (N) liii 100] liv 2 

murdered, lviii 183 

——— Francis, xix 155] 

——  hcol. J. 1.91" 

rev. H, C. C. xlix 855 

Rob. xlviii 960 

———_ T. x!v 363 

Newmann, (chem.) See Neumann 

Newmarket, 1000 miles rode in less than 
1000 hours by a young woman, i 93 

+++ fire at, xviii 100] 

++ ++ racehorses poisoned, liii 51 

Newnham, ald. Nath. xvii 161] xix 125] 
Xxiii 226] xxiv 193] xxv 195] 225] xxvii 
186] 189] xxix 73] 123] xxxiv 46. xxxvi 
277] xxxvii 213] xlii 33 

- +. thanks of the city to, xxvi 219] 

— capt. T. (N) xxvii 264] 

— couns. ix 149] xxix 198] 

———— James, xvi 72] 

- lord, xvi 74 

— Nath. xxxii 12 

rey. drowned in Pen park 

hole, xviii 99] 

— sir Edw. xviii 163] 

Newport, sir J. xlvi 66, 71, 112 xlvii 9. 
xlviii 26, 75, 123. xlix 85, 86, 138, 163. 
1101] 1186, 89, 95. lii 35, 130, 138. liii 
16] 41] 70] liv 8] 83] 87] 109] lv 49] 
lyi 165] lviii 30] 47] 61] lix 74] 83] Ix 
39] 60] 70] 71) 

Newsham, rev. T. xlviii 363 

Newspapers: cross readings of, ix 221-4 

+++. printers summoned before the House 
of Commons, xiv 81] xlvii 77, 79-85 

«+++ number printed, xviii 191] 

+.+. taxes on, xxxi 151] 286] xxxix 141n] 
xliii 195 

-+- complaintsin the House of Commons 
against some, xxxi 164] 
. = first publication of, in England, xxxvi 

+++. proprietors of the Telegraph v. those 
of the Morning Post for imposing on 
them a forged French paper, xxxviii 26 

-.+. bill for regulating the proprietors and 
publishers of, xxxviii 228] 

.... Daily Advertiser sold to the pro- 
prietors of the Oracle, xl 78 

-+++ persons fined for keeping rooms for 
reading, xl] 80, 81 

..+. bill proposed for preventing the pub- 
lication of interlocutory or ea-parte pro- 
ceedings, xlviii 93 

..++ remarks on publishing proceedings on 
trials during their course, xlviii 94, 111 

---- actions for libels, See Libels 

Newstead, Rob. lviii 310 

— T. xlv 829 

ay T. xxxvi 442. xxxviii 47] xliii 23n] 
v 29 

er ald. (of Leicester) legacies by, v 


-———- col, 



Newton, bish. T. iv 88] 

xxxvi 147] 

——— France. Milner, viii 1947] xi 199] 

—_— J. F. xxxviii 12 

——- rev. T. xlvii 751 

Rob. xv 35 

——-——- sirl, ii 286, 473. iv 40-2, 46. v 

. 50. vi 127, 128. vii 35, 26, 44, 50, 54, 
190. viii 6] 23. xi 258] xii 42, 76, 226. 
xiii 160. xiv 18]. xv 38. xvii 147. xx 
34, xxxii 203] xxxviii 346. xlviii 1077. 
xlix 899. li 763 

«s+. account of, xv 34, 36. xix 24. xxxii 

-+s- experiments confirming his doctrine 
of gravitation, xix 65, 68 

W. xxxii 161 

Ney, marsh. xli 273] xlii 201] xliv 239, 
457, 678. xlvi 176. xlvii 146, 150, 154, 
165. xlviii 190, 194, 198, 204. xlix 6, 8, 

~ 170. 1 197] 231] li 175, 180, 186, 397, 
489, 498, 509. lii 183. liv 166] 179] lv 
121] 122] 133] 135] 136] Ivi 19] 49) lvii 
59] 87] Iviii 379 

e+e tried and executed, lvii 92] 100 

mad. la maréchale, lviii 379 

Niagara, fall of, ii 32 

«eee described, ii 388 

fort, ii 32 

e+.» besieged, ii 33 

«.-. surrendered, ii 34 

--++ importance of, ii 388 

Nibbes, ii 142 i 

Nibe, in Jutland, burnt down, viii 95] 

Nicanor, the grammarian, ii 413 

Nicarleby, in Finland, all the inhabitants 
except one insolvent, xi 41] 

Nicephorus, vi 174 

Nicetas, xxiv 189 

Nichas, ii 194 

Nicholas V, pope, ii 406. xlviii 833 

——— archduke of Russia, lviii 187 

—— with the long beard. See Jourdan 

(see. to C. 1) xvi 207, 211 

—-— A. executed for stealing notes out 
of letters, xlv 396 

capt. of the Prince of Bevern, iv 

—= ol. 


—— Edw. 

—-— J. Liddiard, lix 459 

Nicholes, J. xi 221} 

Nicholl, J. xii 217] 

— sir J. xxxvii 170. xliii 265. xlvii 
24, xlviii 246. 1 83] 222°, 1i 273, 345. 
liv 28] 214] 290, 293, 308. lv 256, 259, 
281. lvi 276, 279, 282, 284, 285, 290. vii 
256, 258, 260, 262-5, 267, 273, 278, 282. 
lviii 246, 248, 251, 252, 256, 262. lix 57] 
lx 331. Ixi 220 

Nicholls, capt. James, v. gov. Verelst and 
others, xviii 97] xxi 191] 

v. Nicholls, lvi 278 

- (M.P.) xxix 150] 170] 

adm. H. xxxvi 92 

xxi 24]. xxviii 160. lix 


Nicholls, J. convicted of forging bank notes, 
li 254 
Nichols, Dr. Frank, iii 141] 142] xiii 64, 
xxvi 26 
J. xxvi 153, 155. xxxiii 470] 
xxxviii 529. xlii 405, 406. xlv 377. xlvi 
861. 110° 
———. J. (M.P.) xxxiv 78. xxxviii 510. 
xxxix J]40] 218. xl 174) 185] 189) 195] 
205] 220] xli 181] xlii 103] xliii 14] 38) 
127} xliv 105, 120, 180 
———.col. vi 194] 
Morgan, xlii 381 
——— Sarah, murdered by her father and 
brother, xxxvi 10 
Nicholson, Augusta, li 341 
———— bish. vi 140 
Christoph. xviii 163] 
col. Rob. xlv 539 
— James, charged with a murder 
fifteen years before, ix 105] 
lieut. J. (N) xlvii 541, 576 
Marg. attempt to assassinate the 
king, xxviii 233] lv 20] 
Nich. lxi 190 
———— Phil. murder of Mr. and Mrs. 
Bonar by, lv 40, 71 
sir W. ix 101] 
— W. xxxiii 328] xlivy 776. xlix 
852. lii 630, 660, 662. liv 490, 494 
Nickleson v. Fortescue, for loss of a ship 
from pressing men, ii 109 
Nicknames, remarks on, xlv 47 
Nicol, G. xxix 210] xxxix 3, 15 
James, v. gov. Verelst for cruel 
treatment, xviii 97] xxi 191] 
Nicolai, xxxiv 216] lv 532 
Nicolas, xxxii 53) 
Nicolini, iii 14 
Nicolls, col. Jasper, li 371, 490. lvii 133] 




gen. Oliver, xxxviili 193] 81. 1 

— 1. col. Gustavus, lvi 202 

———- rev. v9 

Nicols, T. 1 22* 

Nicolson, bish. W. liv 515 

Nicot, J. xlii 417 

Nicrembergius, Euseb. vi 92 

Niebuhr, xxvili 11]. xxxii 168, xxxiv 
370, 372, 396, 398, 438-41 

Neidrich, Paul, naturalized, xi 201] 

Niemecewitz, xxxvii 32] 

Niepee, I. C. lx 360 

Nieuport, siege of, xxxvi 40] 

Niger, on the course of the, xxxv 295, 297. 
xli 498. lvii 576 

Nightengale, Benedict, xxxviii 462 

Nightingale, capt. (N) iv 90] 

—— Mrs. murdered by her son, xiv 

Nightingall, 1. gen. sir Miles, 1 260%, 263°. 
li 52. liti 187, 198. lvi 203] Ix 181] 
Nightshade, persons poisoned by, v 85] 
103} xxiii 223] 


Nightshade, effects of, x 96, 98 
Nile : it’s: water extremely wholesome and 
delicious, viii 106 
«++ sources of the, xxxii 173. xlii 482 
+++» account of the, xxxiv 396. xliv 755 
Nineveh, Land of, a fragment, xxxvi 382 
Ninius, i 324 
Ninon l’Enclos, xix 185, xx 31 
Niqueza, Madalena de, v 60 
Nisbet, J. xxx 196] 
Walt. xxvii 184] 
Nisida, island of, xv 79 
Nismes, persecution of the protestants at, 
lvii 87} 92] lviii 108] 114] lix 80, Ixi 
++. assassination of gen. la Garde, lvii 
Nithesdale, earl of, escape out of the Tower, 
xxxiv 424 
Nitre. See Saltpetre 
Nitrogen, effects of, on animals, xxxix 393 
Nivernois, Mancini, duke de, v 48] 101] 
104] vi 65} 77) vii 85] viii 151] x 48*] 
xi 155. xvii 11. xx 189] xxx 181. 
xxxviii 354. liii 392 
«».-+ Speech on delivering his credentials, v 
«++» account of, x1 35 
--+» character of, liii 372 
Nix, G. xlvi 720 
Nixon, G. (Amer.) xxiii 369] 
Nich. lxi 390 
rev. J. iii 167. v 141 
---- on the use of glass in windows by the 
ancients, v 14], 145 
Nizam Ali kban, ul Dowlah, or ul Mulk, 
xxv 16] 33] 41] xxvi 345] xxvii 52] 
xxviii 8. xxxiii 240, 242, 117] xxxiv 
197] 198] 200] 205] 208] 216] xli 49] 
58] xlvi 197, 213 
Mirza Secunder Jahjah, xlvi 214 
Noailles, count de, xiii 107] 
countess de, ix 58] 
duchess de, xxxiv 36 
—— duke de, xx 176] xxxi 31] xxxiv 
285, 300, 304, 307, 308, 310, 311 
——— gen. xlv 545 
marq. de, xix 187] xxi 159} 299] 
——— marsh. (le, viii 2. ix 5, 112 
viscount de, xxiv 135] xxv 194] 
xxxii 17] 
‘viscountess, xxxvi 147] 
Noakes and others v. Sandwell, lx 260 
Nobbes, T. ix 80 
Nobility, ancient and modern, vii 167 
«++. ideas of wandering tribes respecting, 
x1 427 
++++ observations on, lix 380 
Nobkissen, rajah, xxxvii 112 
Noble, James, xlvii 851 
—— Mark, x1 390.’ xlix 857 
W. A. lvi 336 
Nobrega, fath. lit 744 
Noek, 8. lix 233 
Noe], vil 

Noel, xxxv 234] 
gen. ii 71 
hon. C, lviii 170 
hon. justice, 
Nogais, i 269 
Nogarolla, gen. count, xlvii 696, 707, 711 
Nogues, gen. xlv 290, 533 
Nokes, (actor) vi 180 
Nolan, couns. lviii 71. lx 262 
Nolhae, xxxiv 261] 
Noli prosequi, case of, xiv 106] 
Nolken, bar. xvi 127] xxiv 317] 318] 
Nollekens, Jos. v 86] xxxiii 33] lviii 139 
Nollet, ab. J. A. x 122 
+++. account of an elephant at Naples, iv 

ii 111 

+++. curious phenomenon observed by, iv 

Nonius Balbus, viii 185 

Nonsense, history of, x 201 

Nonsuch, palace of, i 265 

Nonvicke, bish. xliv 215 

Noodt, van der, xxix 220*] 

Noon, T. li 544 

Noort, Oliver, x 188 

Nooth, Dr. xv 83. xxx 56 

Norbury, capt.  (N) iii 160] iv 71] 

J. Ist lord, xxxiv 24, xliii 159] 

xlv 426. liii 21. lv 302 

Norcrosse, rey. lvii 111 

Norden, Fred. xxxiv 396 

—— J. xlix 876 

Norfolk, abolition of vails in, ix 49] 

+++. attempt to raise men for government 
produced a petition against the war, xxi 
85] 130] 

Norfolk (in Virginia) burnt by the British, 
xix 31] 

Norfolk, Bern. Ed. 12th duke, xxxiv 78. 
xxxvi 12], Ixi 113] 

— C. 10th duke of, xi 120] xxi 310] 

—— Ch. I 1th duke, xxi 309] 310] xxiii 
215) xxiv 158] xxv 176] xxvi 172] xxvii 
75} 78] 171] xxviii 90] xxix 98] 172] 
xxx 119] 168] xxxi 298] xxxiii 13] xxxv 
16] 36] 37] xxxvi 151. xxxvii 189] 201] 
226] 114, 144, 153. xxxviii 15] 29] 56] 
14. xxxix 162] 180] 194] 249] 52. xl 
169] 225] 5, 9, 209, 211, 228. xiii 7] 
xliv 145. xlv 5, 57, 59, 148, 393. xIvii 4, 
87, 106. xlviii 111. xlix 114. 1 4] 9] 21] 
32] 126] lit 151. liii 78] liv 84] 

— E. 9th duke of, iv 169] vi 56} xi 

258] xiii 68] xvii 163] xxiv T1 

— H. 6th duke of, viii 174. xx 132 

— 7th duke of, xxxviii 450. xlii 


——— J. Ist duke of, xi 258] 

J. Mowbray, duke of, xxx J}. 

S. executed for the murder of his 
wife, xix 137] 

—— T: 3rd duke of, xxi 9, 284. xxxi 

——— T. 4th duke of, i 480. xx 132, xxi 
11, 236 



Norfolk, T. 5th duke, x 44 

agai he island, settlement on, xxxiii 66] 

+++ description of, xxxiii 72 

Norkitten, battle of, i 20 

Norlitz, gen. xlvii 176 

Norman, rey. W. murdered by his brother, 

xxx 216] 

Rich. lviii 14 

—— Rob. vii 255 

Norman Cross, barracks for French prison- 

ers at, xxxix 21 

Normanby, H. Const. vise. Ixi 59] 

Normandy, conquest of, by Rollo, xiii 40 

Normans, character of the, x 5 

Noronha, count de, li 180 

Norreys, lord. See Abingdon, earl 

Norris, (Manchester just.) 1xi 107] 
(singer) xxix 206] 

adm. sir J. viii 2, lix 338 

Ant, iv 275 

C. xxix 206] xxxii 219] 

J. iv 127] 275 

rev. xxvii 64 

rev. J. xxxvi 424 
(gardener) viii 148 

bish. Brownlow, xvii 109] xviii 87] 

xxiv 177] xxxvii 29. xlii 143] 144] xlvii 




Dudley, xxxiv 78, 88, 89 

Fred. lord, iv 87) viii 184] xiii 160] 
xiv 17] 115] 201] xv 86] 97] 109] 130) 
131] 173] xvi 75] 118] 217) xvii 101] 103] 

* 109) 111] 112] 155] xviii 55) 110*] 173] 
19. xix 120] 123] 159] 180] xx 191] xxi 
208] 245] 246] xxii 199] xxiii 28] 196*] 
193] xxiv 148] 157] 174*] 173] 178] 244) 
278] 279n] xxv 141] 143} 153] 170] 172] 
181] 309] xxvi 138] 144] 149] 171] 174] 
205] xxvii 89] 172] xxviii 104] xxix 108] 

, 116] 140] xxx 205] xxxi 73] 89] 112] 
122] 130] 131] 135] 148] 37. xxxiii 237. 
xxxv 28, 33. xxxix 259] xlviii875, 1089. 
xlix 158, 797. lii 52, 97 

e+ e+ appointed chancellor of the exchequer, 
xi 75") 
also, xiii 64] 

e+ conciliatory motion regarding Ame- 
rica, xviii 95*] xix 20] 

sees retires from office, xxv 176] 

-»+» home secretary, xxvi 174] 

«s+ message from the king demanding the 
seals, xxvi 223] xxvii 71] 

gov. lix 618 

Pea See Guildford, earl 

rev. G, xxxi 83. xxxiii 19] 

Rob. viii 127] 

«++. extract from his will, xvi 200] 

Roger, xxxi 190 

T. x 213 

North Britain, rule obtained against the 
publishers and supposed printers of, vi 


first lord of the treasury 



North Briton, damages for false imprison- 
ment recovered by the printers, vi 88] 

+++. proceedings respecting the, vi 135- 
47] vii 18] 50] 51] 87] 108] 171] 172] viii 
59] 65] 145] xi 127] 

.... extra No. 4, xi 120] 122] 188] 

..«+ Nos. 50 and 51, xi 122] 124] 156] 184] 
196] xii 69] 107] 153] xiii 110] 

.++» origin of the, xviii 49 

North Cape, xliv 890 

North pole, act for encouraging adventurers 
to penetrate to, xviii 187] 

«++. expedition toward, Ix 63, 71, 141, 143, 

Northall, capt. J. (A) ii 132 

Northampton, benefaction to the poor of, ix 

vee. fire at, xxxiv 4 

+++. petition for barracks, xxxv 44 

ess. hew charter to, xxxvili 12 

Northampton, = marq. of, xxi 10 

C. marq. of, xxix 67] 

Spencer, 2nd earl of, xxi 

——— 8th earl of, ii 141. 
iv 177] ix 148] 
Northampton chapel, Clerkenwell, monition 
to shut up, xxii 198] 
Northamptonshire, shocks of an earthquake 
felt in, xi 59] 
Northcote, James, ly 457 
Northern passage, act for promoting the dis- 
covery of, xviii 187] 
Northesk, Ann, countess of, xlvi 785 
W. 7th earl of, xxxix 216] xlvii 
430. lii 271 
Northfleet, fire in the dockyard, xlviii 443 
Northington,. Rob. Ist earl of, ix 48] xii 
159] xvi 127] xx 5. xxi 163] 248] xxvi 
178] xxxiii 284] 
——— Rob. 2nd earl, xxvi 356] xxvii 
182] 317] xxviii 186 
.... lord lieut. of Ireland, xxvi 175] 
Northon, S. v 75 
Northorpe, Edw. xix 182] 
Northumberland, resolutions of a meeting 
of deputy lieutenants, thatlord lieutenants 
should reside in their counties, xl 37 
Northumberland, earl of, xiv 33 
— earl of (t. Eliz.) xxi 


earl of, (t. C. 1) xx 17n 
————— Ann, duchess of, xi 120] 
xiii 71] 83] 

——_—— Elizabeth, duchess of, xix 

—_——_ —— 

—_——— H. Algernon, 5th earl of, 
xxi 24 

-— Hugh, Ist duke of, vi 62] 
99] 105] 199] xi 86] 165] xiii 70] 157] 
197] 199] xiv 151] xv 87] xvii 32, 144. 
xix 197] 180] xxii 222] xxiii 192] 257] 

+++ his speech on opening the Irish par- 
liament, vi 196] 



Northumberland, Hugh, Ist duke of, grand 
illumination on the king’s birth-day, vii 

.--- letter from an Armenian to, x 204 

— Hugh, 2nd duke, xiii 160] 
xvi 90] xvii 155] 158] xviii 127*] xix 

170*] 176*] 180*] 168] 201] xxi 49] 190] 

xxviii 997] xxx 203] xxxi 298] 304] xl 

38, 42. xli ll. xlii 24. xlv 834. xlvi 40, 

416. xlvii 372 

— Hugh, 3rd duke, xlviii 
449. xlix 120 

——____—. J. Dudley, duke of, xxi 



Siward, earl of, x 17 

— Tosti, earl of, x 7 

Waltheof, earl of, x 17 

Northumberland house, fire at, xxiii 202] 

North-west passage, attempts to discover. 

__ See East Indies 

Norton, col. (Ind. chief ) lviii 296 

couns, xxiii 271] xxiv 2177] 

gen. J. Chapple, xlvii 114. 11130 . 

hon. Fletcher, xxix 197] 

J. xly 830. xlix 859 

——. sir Fletcher, vi 145] vii 50] 5)] ix 

149] xi 125] 137] xii 84] 92] 115) xiii 
64] 100] xiv 105] 187] 106] xvi 90] 91] 
xvii 93] 97] xviii 39] xix 256] xx 91] 93] 
180] xxiii 146] 170] 174] xxiv 145] 156] 
xxviii 205] xxx 120] 167] lii 95 

.--- freedom of London to, xx 181] 

«».- Speeches to the king, xx 283] 284] 
xxiv 145] 

Norton street, fire in, xlix 425 

Norway : fall of a mountain in, iii 98] 

..- decree for the preservation of elks, iii 

+s» disturbances in, viii 115] 

«++. large piece of silver ore dug up, ix 

»++» cannon and mortar foundry erecting, 
xv 130] 

«+++ extraordinary imposts converted into 
a free gift, xv 149] 

+++ famine in, xxviii 60] 

--.. account of the peasantry, xxxviii 347 

«++. offered by Buonaparte to the k. of 
Sweden, xlix 255.1 304*n 

-.-- invaded by the Swedes, | 312* 

-... ceded to Sweden, lvi 38] 

+». asserts it’s independence, lvi 39] 

+... proclamations of the regent, lvi 385, 

+s.» declared in a state of blockade by G. 
Britain, lvi 41] 117] 

---. Christian, prince of Denmark, pro- 
claimed king, lvi 42] 

++.. terms proposed by the allies, and corres- 
pondence respecting them, lvi 43] 430-7 

«+++ proclamation of the king of Sweden, 
lyi 426 
Sweden, lvi 44] 428 

«++» hostilities commenced, lyi 45] 

—— crown prince of 



Norway : a convention signed, lvi 46] 438 

-... Christian resigns his crown, lvi 47] 

+++. union with Sweden, lvi 48] 

...- declaration of the king of Sweden, lvi 

..-.- circular from the k. of Denmark, 2d. 

....» proclamation of the k. of Sweden, lvi 

.... king’s speech, and answer of the diet, 
lviii 145] 

.-.. national bank established, lviii 146] 

+... extensive earthslip, lviii 39 

. coronation of Charles John at Dron- 
theim, Ix 115, 121 

++.. convention with Denmark, Ixi 154 

--.. See also Denmark 

Norway, Mr, and Mrs. iii 151] 

Norwich: annual marriage portions at, v 

.... food at, v 107) 

. instructions to it’s representatives on 
the dearth of provision, ix 150] 

.... fires at, ix 154] xv 137] lviii 61 

+--+ cause between Jer. Berry, attorney, 
refusing to serve as sheriff, and the city, 
x 106] 

+... memorial of the battle off Cape St. 
Vincent, xl 3 

.... statement of weather at, xlii 46 

+. +.» music meeting at, xliv 456 

...+. old brass cannons burst, xlv 422 

+... riots at, lviii 69, 74 

+++. presentment of the grand jury on re- 
ports of secret societies, lix 40 

Norwood, bish. xvi 143 

Mary, burnt for poisoning her 
husband, viii 81] 

Nosegays, prices paid for, xvii 109] 

Noses, lost, supplied, xxxvi 341 

Noseworthy, J. his will set aside for idiotcy, 
Xxxvili 27 

Nost, van, ii 78 

Nostitz, gen. xxvii 229] 

Notes, mock, in imitation of those of the 
Bank, liii 48 

+++» under one pound, convictions for utter- 
ing, lvii 5 

--.. of hand. See Promissory Notes 

Notre, le, i 312. xxiii 171 

Nott, capt. (N) killed, xxiv 109] 

capt. Franc. J. (N) xliv 628 

—— Mary, executed for murder, xxxvili 
25, 26 

Nottingham: riot on a sergeant ill using a 
soldier, xii 106] 

....Tiots of the framework knitters, xxxii 
222] liii 93] 129. liv 35] 113] 11, 16, 17, 
29, 385. lvi 37, 85, 92 

..+. riots on account of the price of pro- 
vision, xxxiv 17. xlii 143 

.... Tiots at the election, xliy 185, 424, 
428. xlv 100, 122 

+++ fireat, xliv 469 

++». disturbances at, lx 26] 


Nottingham, explosion of gunpowder in a 
barge on the canal, Ix 133, 134 

Nottingham, Chas. Howard, earl of, i 494% 

countess of, ¢4. 

—_—_—__—— Dan. Finch. earl of, xxi 243 

«.-. Swift’s character of him, i 261 

—_—_—_—_— Heneage Finch, earl of, vi 


Nottinghamshire, fines levied for not rais- 
ing militia, xvii 81] 

.«.. petition for reform, xxvi 199] 

Nouffer, madame, xx 80 

Nourse, capt.  (N) xvii 362. Ivi 225 

J, (bookseller) xxiii 210] 

sir C. xxviii 208] 

Nova Colonia, taken by the Spaniards, vi 

Nova Scotia, limits of, undefined, i2 

-».. mastered by the English, i 4 

«..- grants for the colony, i 129. ii 171, 
174, iti 187] v 155] 167] vi 179] vii 160] 
viii 238] ix 202] x 218] xi 262] xii 219] 
xiii 236] xiv 223] xv 210) xvi 227] xvii 
252] xviii 244] xix 250] xx 268] xxi 286] 
Xxii 329] xxiii 312] xxiv 271] xxv 289] 
xxvi 306] xxvii 300] 301] 344] xxviii 250] 
ab. xxix 264] 265] xxx 262] xxxi 284] 
285] xxxii 277] 278] xxxiii 142] xxxiv 
148. xxxv 105. xxxvi 119. xxxvii 117, 
118. xxxviii 107. xxxix 169. xl 204. xli 
194. xlii 164, xliii 188. xliv 584, xlv 629, 

* xlvi 582. xlvii 587. xlviii 636. xlix 729". 
1185*. 11535. lit 422, Ix 421. Ixi 418 

«+s. damages against a navy captain for 
detaining a man on board his ship and 
burning his house, iv 106] 

«+.» guaranteed to G. Britain, v 235] 

... islands annexed to, vi 209] 

«.+. collieries opened in, vii 107] 

.+.. gift of the king to the Protestant dis- 
senting ministers in, xiii 164] 

ess petition to the H. of Commons for a 
poundage on imports, xviii 173] xix 121*] 

e-.. neutral French of, xix 14 

s... academy at Windsor opened by the 
bishop, xxxi 193] 271] 

as.. provision for Highland emigrants at, 
xxxv 106 

-+-. grant to reimburse losses by the whale- 
fishery, xxxv 106 

Novels, modern, xv 184 

Noverre (dancer) xxii 52 

Novi (in Bulgaria) siege of, xxx 47] 

—— (in Italy) battle of, xli 294] 

Novosiltzoff, bar. xlvii 140, 645, 650, 705. 
xlviii 657, 781 

Nowell, dean Alex. xi 51 

rey. Dr, xv 79] 

Nowland, (bankrupt) xivi 398 

Nucella, Tim. xxxiv 145 

Nudjeef Cooley khan, xxv 34] xxvii 47] 

Nugent, capt. (N) xxiii 214*] xxxvi 73, 79 

—— Dennis, executed for rape, xl 96 

Dr. Christoph, xviii 180] x1 320, 



Nugent, Dr. Nich. liii 462, 470 
—_—_— Dr. T. ix 64] xii 145. xiv 52 
—-—— gen. (Austrian) ly 164] lvii 76] 
163. lviii 132] 28 
——— gen. sir G. xl 215, 235. xliv 261, 
694. xlvi 604, 706. xlviii 82. | 278* 
G.earl. See Buckingham, marq. 
G. lord, xlv 918. Ivi 161] lviii 43] 
——— Patrick Rooney, xl 388 
Rob. earl, xvi 87] xxi 172*] xli 


——— sir Nich. li 421, 423 

Nuisance, man convicted of, in keeping a 
place for boxing, cockfighting, &e. iv 

.... man beating feathers in the street, xiii 

.+.. copperworks near Liverpool, xiii 96] 

.+.. action against a chemist, xiv 135] 

.... indictments for, xiv 135] xx 204) lvii 
300. lviii 276 y 

.... action to abate, lviii 273 

Nullum tempus act, xi 78*] 146] xiv 56] 

Numa, vii 1587. xiv 180, 229% 

Numerals, Roman, origin of, i 344-6 

Numeration, modes of, lii 747 

Nummaria, a preservative of corn against 
worms, iv 134 

Nun, J. vi 168] 

Nuncomar, rajah, ix 23] xxv 37. xxx 154] 
158] 174] 176] xxxi 159] 168] 

a imprisoned on a charge of treason, ix 


..- account of his execution, xxx 177] 

Nundoolol, xxxvii 112 

Nunez, count Fern. | 169) 

Nunn, maj. xlvii 221, 391, 530 

Nuns, at Naples, complain of being almost 
starved, iv 82] 

“ letter from one to mad. Pompadour, ix 

.... convent in Dorsetshire searched for 
arms, xlv 418 

ier» Cornwall, xlvii 898. Ivi 17 

see Norfolk, xlvii 405° 

...++ white veil taken by a young lady at 
Clonmel, lvi 73 

Nuremburg, laid under contribution by the 
Prussians, v 53] 

.... claims of Prussia on, xxxviii 131] 142] 

«.-- submission to Prussia, xxxviii 220. 
xxxix 356 

Nutmeg, effects of eating too large a quan- 

- tity, x 107 

»e+. Said to be discovered in Tobago, xi 

Nutrition. See Food 
Nux, de la, iv 136 

Nuzuff bashaw, xlii 238. xliii 208] 216] 
Nykke, bish. xxi 24 

Nyl-ghau, described, xv 84 

Nyren, J. xlvii 800 




Oake, capt. (N) lviii 88 

Oakely, lieut. (N) xxv 251] 

Oakes v. Wiggins, lxi 188 

—— gen. sir H. xl 150. xliii 92, xliv 376. 
xlvii 99 

Oaks, large, i 116. iii 117] vii 88] x 130] 
xiv 144] xviii 91] xxxi 212] xlvii 400 

«...» extraordinary new species, xvi 107 

«++. the leaves preferable to bark for hot- 
houses, xx 120 

ees Old, xxxi 212] lv 77 

---. found buried in the ground, xxxviii 
42. liii 63 

+«+. culture and growth of, xlv 836 

«... Fairlop burnt, xlvii 400, 405 

Oates, Titus, vi 264, x 44, 45. xxxii 128] 
xxxv 8] 

«... character of, xii 58 

Oath of the Amphictyons, i 462 

«++. various oaths, iv 172 

Oatlands, fire at, xxxvi 15 

Oats supposed to be changed into rye, ii 

Obelisks at Rome, xii 126 

Oberea, queen, xvi 25. xxxii 157 

Oberg, gen. i 55 

Oberne, mille, vi 49 

Obrescow, Russian resident at the Porte, xi 
27] 30] 34] xiv 85*] xv 14] 16] 

O’Brian, sir Lucius, xv 92] 

O’Bryen, adm. Edw. xxxix 77 

- capt. (N) iv 78] Ivii 136] Lxi 


lord James (N) xlv 534 
D. xxxiv 78 
lieut. G. (N) vi 179 
—— lord (t. C. II) xxxvi 365 : 
ane erecting at Edinburgh, xix 
——— Royal, at Greenwich, resolu- 
ty of the Royal Society respecting, vi 
Obsidian stone, v 1417 
Obsonville, F. d’, xxviii 45, 49, 50 
Oby, in Siberia, earthquake felt at, v 87] 
~O’Callaghan, m. gen. hon. sir R. W. xlviii 
592. lv 171 
Ocana, battle of, li 196. lii 152 
Occa rex Ontor. viii 156] 
Occleve, T. xxi 22 
OnaTy rey. S. an Indian preacher, xi 
Ocean. Sce Sea 
Ochotsk, voyage from Calcutta to, 1x 577 
+++. account of, Ix 578 
Ochs, Xxxvill 78 - 
Ochterlony, capt. 

—_————- co]. 

(A) ii 122 
Ivii 212, 228 
m. gen. sir David, lvii 133] 213, 
229, 237. lviii 167] 228. 1xi”203] 
Ockley, rey, Sim, xxxviii 326 
Parr I, 


O’Coigley, James, convicted of treason, xl 
16, 17, 38, 45. xli 201] 167, 172 
O’Connel, col. Maur. C. xl vii 220, 391, 531. 
lvii 195 
——— couns. lii 274. lv 273. lvi 216] 
217] Ivii 142] 11 
O'Connor, xvi 258 
— xxviii 197] xxxvii 33 
xxxix 246] 6 
—— Arthur, 7. xl 157] 16, 17, 38, 
101, 161, 168, 236. xli 201] 18, 166. xliv 
430. 1ii 107 
capt. (N) lvi 197 
———. C. xlv 939. xlvi 364 
rev. Dr. xlv 936 
— Roger, lii 107. lix 203 
Oconoeca (Indian chief) iii 235] 
Octavius, prince, xxii 203] 
Oczakow, xii 17] 
«++. attempt of the Russians on, xii 17] 18] 
-.. siege of, xxx 66] 
.».. taken by the Russians, xxx 67] xxxi 
O’Daly, col. Pedro, li 356 
Oddi, card. ix 146] 
Odell, W. iii 130] 
Odenatus, xix 143 
Odenwald, account of the, Ix 472 
Odericus Vitalis, xxi 157 
Odessa, made a free port, but it’s opening 
deferred, 1x 50 
«++. opened, 1xi 57 
Odin, xi 211, 213. xiii 38, 87, 92. 
Odo, abp. of Cant. See St. Odo 
Odoacer, xxx 201 
O’Dogherty, l. col. = Ixi 7 
O’Donnel, gen. count iii 47] ix 80] 

— gen. =: if 175. Li 115] liv 153] 
236, 1xi 60 
— gen. See Abisbal, count 
O’Donogue, gen. ]i 483. lv 156] 

—__—— mj. liv 51 

O’Dun, don James Bern. v 203] 

Occolampadius, xxii 5 

Oeder, von, Dr. G, C. xxxiii 25] 

Oenomaus, vi 173 

Oesophagus, ruptured, xxv 69 

Oettingen-Spielberg, dispute with the Teu- 
tonic order, viii 139] 

Oeyras, count d’, x 124] 

O’Farrel, don Gonzalo, 1 168] 186] 192] lil 

Offa, king of Mercia, xiii 104. xvii 123. 1 

Official reports, instance of the falsity of, i 
118 ; 

Offord Cluny, fire at, vi 82] 

O’ Flaherty, i 324 

Ogden, capt. (Am.) xiv 109] 

Pet. V. (Amer.) xlix 695 

rey. Sam, xxi 174] 

W. lix 19. Ix 51 

Ogé, James, xxxiv 75] 76] 77) ‘ 

Ogilvie, Alex. charged with bigamy, ix 76] 



Ogilvie, b. gen. xxxv 271] 

—— capt. xix 135] 

——— capt. J. E. (A) xviii 599 

—— lieut. Patrick, executed for incest 
and murder, viii 219] ix 77] 

—— 1. col. James, lvi 147 

prof. W. xxxviii 47”] xliii 237] 

T. murder of, viii 218] 

——— See also Nairne, Cath. 

Oginski, count, xxx 48 

Oglander, sir W. xlviii 366 

Ogle, xlix 495 

adm. sir Chaloner, xli 359. 


v 103] 

—— Edw. xliii 144 

— G. xix 119] xliii 159] 

— H. M. |x 360 

Ogleby, Rob, v 122] 

Oglethorpe, Eliz. xxxiv 145 

— gen. J. E. iii 22. xxvii 238] 717. 



burnt to death in Newgate, 

— James, xxxiv 145 
Oglou, hadgi Mahomet Kialep, Iviii 151] 
Mousson. See Mousson 
Paswan. See Paswan 
O’Gorman, couns. liv 86. lv 101] - 
O’Grady, sir Standish, lviii 26, 189 

O’Halloran, 1. col. lviii 228 
O’Hara, li 145 

—— C. lii 136 

— capt. (N) x 88] 

(N) massacred with six 
others on the isle of Arguin, xii 134] xiii 

—- gen. C. xxi 265] xxiv 66] 70] 
xxxv 284] xxxvi 225] 67 

——— gov. xi 149] 
——- H. xlvi 407 
——— Mrs. x 88] 

O'Higgins, gen. Bernardo, Ix 45, 1xi 169 

O’Hogan. See Hogan 

Ohsson, d’, 147 

Ohthere, xvi 152, 156 

Oil, of use in stilling waves, and rendering 
objects in the sea visible, iii 97] iv 141. 
xviii 173] 70 

+++» methods of purifying, iv 142. v 94 

---. from beech mast recommended, xi 

«++. from the arachis hypogea, xiii 109 

ee+- a remedy for the poison of the viper 
&e. xxxiii 362] 

«-.- action of oxyds and earths on various 
kinds, x1 370 

«+-- medicinal properties of, xl 402 

Oil-mills, ancient, xxvi 122 

O'Kelly, col. ? Dennis, xviii 126] xxxi 200] 
xxxvii 121*] xliv 455 

———— Patrick, xxxvii 121*] xlii 11. xliv 

Olafson, Eggert, liii 484, 494 

— Olaf, liii 437 

Olaus Verelius, iy 236 



Old age. See Longevity 

Old Bailey, number of prisoners tried in 20 
years, xii 143] 165] 

+--+ apparatus for ventilating and fumi- 
gating, xv 132 

+++» new sessions house opened, xvii 156] 

--.. fire in, xviii 142] 

Old Bailey, sessions, i 99. ii 117, }119. iii 
130] iv 65] 77] 96] 108] 127] 169] 184] 
v 67] 71] 81] 86] 95] 104] 116] vi 51] 
58] 68] 77] 88] 100] 106] 115] vii 47] 
51] 74] 88] 99] 104] 113) viii 58] 71] 
79] 91] 110] 136] 150] ix 52] 69] 84] 
96] 113] 132] 144] 153] x 47*] 61] 87] 
98] 109] 129] 141] 158] xi 61] 77] 93] 
113] 137] 165] 179] 196] xii 67] 75] 
101] 112] 130] 142] 160] xiii 68] 76] 
100] 115] 128] 147] 158] 169] xiv 69] 
79] 95] 108] 123] 143] 152] 162] xv 67] 
79] 82] 98] 107] 117] 128] 134] 147] 
xvi 68] 77] 95] 107] 119] 132] 144] 152] 
xvii 82] 96] 131] 123] 135] 146] 157] 169] 
xviii 83] 92] 115] 130] 137] 159] 167] 
186] xix 117] 122] 133] 145] 163] 179] 
187] 197] xx 168] 177] 182] 192] 200] 
205] 212] xxi 168] 190] 191} 202] 206] 
214] xxii 195] 199] 208] 212] 219 ] 226] 
237] xxiii 195] 200] 206] 212] 227] 231] 
238] 276] xxiv 163] 180] 184] 191] 199] 
xxv 201] 208] 224] xxvi 194] 197] 204] 
207] 211] 217] 223] xxvii 203] xxviii 
193] 206] xxix 195] 210] xxxi 196] 202] 
222] xxxii 194] 197] 204] 207] 210) 216] 
222] 226] 227] xxxiii 2] 7] 14] 18] 37) 
41] xxxiv 2, 38. xxxv 8, 24, 42. xxxvi 
30. xxxviii 17, 25. xxxix 26, 33, 37. xl 
2, 7, 37, 59, 80. xlvii 366. xlix 356, 492. 
lii 249*, 257*, 259%, 264%. lix 95 

Old Ford, k. John’s castle blown down, xlii 

Old maids, legacy to build an hospital for, 
xiii 88] xiv 146] 

«.++ legacies to, xx 175] 

--+- story of one, xxix 152 

Old Man of the Mountain, iii 57 

— Nick, origin of the name, xx 143 

Old street, fire in, xiv 147] 

Oldenburgh, ceded to Russia, and then pre- 
sented to the duke of Holstein Eutin, xvi 

.... seized by Buonaparte, liii 139] 

Oldenburgh, duchess of, lvi 28, 55 

Oldenlandia umbellata, seeds sent to the 
W. Indies, xxxi 222] 

Oldfield, maj. T. xl 148] xli 73 

Oldham, murdered near Matlock, xi 

J. lx 360 

Oldroyd, Benj. executed for parricide, xlvii 

Oldys, W. xii 82. xxiii 155. xxxiii 21 

Olearius, Adam, xiv 225 

O’Leary, rev. Dr. xli 39 

Oliphant, J. H. xlvii 371 

Olivarez, count duke of, xi 32 

Oliveda, d’, Lewis, 1 219] — sir Neale, 2b. 
Oliveira, col. chev. de, viii 63] O’Neil, fath. xlvi 48 
Oliver, (spy) Ix 12] 
adm. Rob. Dudley, xlvi 140, 406, 
549, 550 Patr. iii 132] 
- ald. Rich. xii 143] xiii 127] 164] xiv rt. hon, J. xxxi 140] 

63] 83] 84] 104] 117] 121] 131] 184] xv O’Neill, C. H. St. John, earl, lviii 65 

68] xvi 90] 98] 140] xvii 94] 155] 156] ——— lieut. W. (A) Ixi 215] 

xix 115*] 125] xxi 203] 204] 210] xxiii Ongley, Rob. Henley, Ist lord, xxvii 187] 

193*] xlviii 892. lii 95 —— T. xlii 13 
«+++ spirited conduct of, xiv 67*] Onion, J. Iii 419 
.-.- sent to the Tower, xiv 68*] 90] 91] Onions, culture of, liv 501 

100] 189] +++. a quantity of imported spoiled by salt 
..-- declines being sheriff with Wilkes, water, lv 98 

xiv 95] Onslow, adm. sir Rich, xxxvili 72.°xxxix 
-:.-. letter to his friends who requested 100] 75. li 283 

him to stand for the mayoralty, xxi 200] Arthur, i 383. vi 264. xi 72] xiii 
++. resigns his gown, xxi 211] 77*] xxi 6. xxxii 83] xxxiv 134. lvi 114] 
.... thanks of the common council to, xxi lix 60] 

213] ___ sees resigns his office of speaker, iv 84] 
.... resigns his seat in parliament, xxii .,.. pension to, iv 103] v 88] xxxii 83] 

218] .... freedom of London to, iv 107] 122] 
G. Ist earl, xx 86] xxiii 121] xxv 

gen. li 358 
Hugh, earl of Tyrone, xii 149, 189 

And. sec. of Massachusett’s bay, viii 
90. ix 159] xvi 133] 201] 96 

Tsaac, i 488. v 152. xxi 1] ,.-. action against H. Tooke for a libel, 
J. an eccentric miller, xxxv 25 xiii 89] 162]165] xiv 96] 97] 

Jos. Ixi 244 

Laver, xlv 831 

lieut. (N) xlvii 535 

rev. xviii 87] 
Rich. 3rd bar. xv 206] f 
serg. Arthur, xlviii 437. lvii 289. 

Peter (painter on glass) v 15] lviii 279, 313. xi 160] 
—— xvii 156] 224] xviii 4] xix T. 2nd earl, 1i 283 
159} Ontario, lake, vessels on, x 95] 
rev. vl2 Oossaun Sing, xxvi 11] 20] 37] 
Rich. xiii 127] Opera house, sale of the, xxi 188] 
T. xiv 94] ...~ law suits respecting, xxvii 205] xlix 
T. (ieut. gov. of Massachusett’s 509 
bay, xvii 153] .... burnt down, xxxi 211] 
T. murder of J. Wood by, xxxix 1], .... persons trampled to death in a crowd, 
16 xxxiv 1 
W. xxxiii 363] .... aflray between the guards and gentle- 
Olivera, marq. xi 153 men’s servants, xxxix 14 
Oliveri, Dr. xliv 468 -... action against the proprietor for re- 
Olivet, d’, Jos. Thoulier, xxxvili 335 fusing admission to a lady of the town 
Olivier, pres. xv 77] with a silver ticket, xl 7 
Olla Podrida, extracts from, xxx 132, 140 .++- benefit toward the subscription for de- 
Ollam, Fodla, vi 261 fence of the country, xl 20 
Olmutz, besieged by the king of Prussia, i .... curtain obliged to be dropped at 12 
4l o’clock on Saturday night, xlvii 395 
«+e the siege raised, i 42 .... train of gunpowder laid in, li 262 
O’Lugair, Dubthah, xvi 257 Ophir, signifies a gold mine in Sumatra and 
Omai. See Omiah Malacca, xii 3 
Omar effendi, iv 119] .. +. Situation of, xxxii 168 
Omdut, ul omrah, xxvii 52x] xliv 269, Opie, J. xlvii 418, lvii 626 
Omeer, 272. 193] 94] —— Mrs. xliyv 851 , 
O’Mealey, Dr. Ix 116] Opinions, influence of language on, vii 207 
O'Meara, Barry, 1xi 241 Opium, effects of, x 97 
gen. lili 12 ..~» eaters of, xxxix 368, 395 
——rev.Dr. 11143 Oporto, sudden rise of the river, xvii 174] 
Omiah, xvii 136] 137] 144] 161] xviii 129] Opossum, xiv 100 
xxxi 230] Oppenheim, Mayer, lii 419 
+++» account of, xvii 61 Oracles, dissertation on, vi 169 
Ompteda, col. —lvii 178 Oram v. Fromont and others, lix 188 
Omychund, i 278, 285, 286. vi 78] —— Aaron, Ixi 91 
O’Neal, Dan. xvi 225] ——— rev, R, iii 73 

2n 2 


Olive, J. (of Osarsit ey 97 O’Neale, gen. don. Carl. Felix, xxxiii 37] 


Oran, magazine fired by lightning, xiii 167] 

-e.. earthquake at, xxxii 223] ha 

Oran outang, account of the, ix 104. lili 

Orange, hereditary prince of, See William 
Fred. king of the Netherlands 

House of, grants to the, xlv 629 

—-—— princess of, xliv 427 

——— Fulda, prince of, xlviii 193 

Orange lodges in England, lv 92] 102] 

Orantia, don Frane. de, lix 161] 

Orchard, col. xxxix 88] 

Orchards, management of, xlvi 841. liv 

Orchis root, on the preparation, culture, and 
use of, xvi 128.xlvi 838 

Ord, Craven, xli 430 

— W. xlix 152. 1i 90 

Orde, adm. sir J.'xli 35. xlvii 226. lii 36 

—-— hon, xxviii 13) 24] 

—— rev. xviii 416 

Order, cause of the pleasure it gives, i 312 

Ordinaire, ab. xliii 437, 439 

Ordnance debentures funded, vi 181] 

.--- new battalion added to the artillery, 
and small addition to the pay of subal- 
terns, xiv 40] 

...» land purchased, xlyi 083, 584 

Ordrup, near Copenhagen, fire at, xl 85 

Orduna, don Frane. de, xiv 162] 

O'Reilly, Ant. murdered, xlv 436 

——— Bryan, murder of, lvi 81 

capt. (N) Ivi 165 
count v 30) xii IL) xviii 
144*] xxii 202] 
gen. xlii 181] 193] xlvii 170 
-—- lieut. killed in a duel, xlv 436 

Ores, apparatus for examining, iv 152 
Orford, earl of. See Russel, and Walpole 
Orfyreus, wheel of, vi 127, 128 

Organs, invention of, xxxviii 483 

Orgill, Sim. xlix 854. lvi 30 

Oriani, xxxviii 102] 

Origen, vi 173. xiv 176 

Oriuna, iii 169 

Orkney islands, grant for relief of the in- 
habitants, xlvi 582 

Orleans, chev. d’, xxxi 125 

——-—— Gaston, duke of, xvi 68x 

—-— Henrietta, duchess of, xviii 4 

Lewis, duke of, life of, v. 1 

———— Louisa Maria Adelaide, duchess of, 
xxxix 59] 84] 

———— Philip, regent, duke of, v 1, 49. vi 
14. ix 8. xii 65, xv 179. xvii 2. xxii 21. 
xxx 213. xxxi 125. 1xi 448 

— Lewis Ph. duke of, vi 67] vii 49] 

x 210] xi 192] xiii 49] xiv 92*] xvii 30] 


— L. P. Jos. duke of, xi 192] xvii 50] 

xix 131] 167] xxii 63] xxvi 73. xxvii 

182] 198] 200] xxix 124] 183] 197*] xxx 

205) xxxi 3] 30] 243°] 246*] xxxii_ 128} 

xxxili 133. xxxiv 116] xxxve 143] 16, 

168, xxxvi 164] 



Orleans, L. P. Jos. duke of, his conduct in 
the revolution, xxxi 209*] 214"] xxxii 13] 
42] 55] 151] xxxv 217] 

...+. obliged to retire to England, xxxii 61] 

+++. executed, xxxv 281] 

—_—— L. P. (present) duke of, xxxv 250] 
265] xlii 3. lii 221. lviii 106 

Orleans, isle of, ii 35 

Orloff, bar. v 19] 

count Alexis, ix 118] xiii 29] 36] 
37] xvi 21] xviii 156*] 135] 138] xxx 
58] x1345, 350 

.. +. generous conduct of, xiii 37] 

Gregory, ix 118] xv 14] 16] 

xvi 34] 143] xxi 96 

Wolodimer, x 9] 200] 

gen. lvi 42] 

Orme, Rob. xlv 422 

Ormond, Jas. Ist duke of, ii 306. xii 54. 
xvi 76. xxviii 18, 22. xxxviii 471 

James, 2nd duke of, character of, 
viii 10. x 50 

J. 16th earl, xxxiii 14] 

——— Walter, marq. of, liii 131 

Ormrod, R. 1xi 300, 303 

Ormsby, lieut. C. C. (N) xlvi 588 

Orosius, xvi 152, 156. xvii 124 

Orpheus, v 140. xxi 209 

Orpington, fire at, lv 87 

Orr, W. execution and dying declaration of, 
xxxix 51, 00 

Orrery, J. 2nd earl of, lxi 447 

Rog. Ist earl of, v 51, xii 46 

Orry, (French comptroller gen.) ix 5 é: 

Orsedew, action against a merchant for im- 
porting, ix L10] 

Orsi, card. F. Jos. xii 169 

Orsini, card, x 34] 

Orsova, siege of, xxxi 181] 

Ortelius, Abr. iii 87. vii 254 

Orthes, battle of, lvi 163 

Orton, Mrs. (dairywoman) xxxviii 532 

S. executed for forgery, x 47*] 

T. lviii 310 

Orus, xi 141 

Orves, adm, d’, xxv 83] 107] 123] 271) 
xxvi 41] 

Orville, d’, vii 96, 154. viii 103 

Orvilliers, adm. count d’, xxi 198] xxii 63] 
113] xxiii 13] 

Orwell, Frane. lord, vi 72] 91] vii 58] 

Osbaldiston, bish. Rich. vii 82] 

Osbeck, xiv l 

Osbell, Sarah, murder of, xiv 96] 105] 

Osborn, adm. i 76 

.... thanks of the house to, i 118 

capt. E. O. (N) xxxviii 90 

—— H. lv 320. lviii 348 

J. xlix 153 

lord Francis, xliv 48 

W. H. lix 235 

Osborne, xlix 927 

——— G. Cumming, liii 52 

——— hon. C, lviii 189 

See Leeds, F. G, duke of 

onsen LOFG. 



Osborne, sir G, xv 106] xxii 145] xxx 106] 
xl 177 

- — T. lvii 33 

Osborne street, fire in, xli 41 

Osiers. See Willows 

Osiris, xi 140 

Osler, T. lii 419 

Osling, T. murder of, xv 135] 

Osman, sult. viii 158] 

- aga, xlii 71 

bey, Birdisi, xliii 224] xliv 731 

bey, Tambourgi, xliii 286] 97. xliv 

726, 731 

effendi, xv 14] 

Osmond, x] 280 

Osnaburg, death of the bishop, iv 69] 

.».- George III’s second son chosen to sue- 
ceed him, vii 45] 

---- administration of the revenues during 
his minority disputed, viii 139] 

+». order for suppression of the Jesuits, 
xvi 149] 

:+.. ceded to the k. of G. Britain on cer- 
tain conditions, xliv 661, 668 

«+.» seized by the French, xlv 284 

Ossenberg, Hen. Christian, i 165 

Ossian, poems of, iii 227, 228, 253. iv 270- 
5, 282-6. xvi 70. xlix 519. lvi 465. lviii 

----on the authenticity of, iii 254, iv 158, 
277. viii 94] 1 266 

Ossification, extraordinary cases. of, iii 76, 
78, 80 

Ossonville, xli 90] 

Ossory, T. earl of, xii 35 

-.+. his quarrel with the duke of Bucking- 
ham, ii 306 - 

«+.. character of, xii 54 

See Upper Ossory 

Ossulston, C. Aug. lord, xliv 402. xlvi 112. 
lii 102 

Ossun, d’, mad. xxxiii 1667 

Ossuna, duke of, xlviii 1080. 1 169] 

Ostade, Adr. van, xiv 158 

Ostein, count, xv 74*] 

eet sudden rise and fall of the tide, x 

+» +. declared a free port, xii 35] 135] xxiv 
181] xxvii 11] 

+++ lighthouse erected and pilots stationed 
for the guidance of ships, xv 129] 

+... restrictions respecting exportation, 
xvii 172] 

+... trade with Trieste, xviii 165] 

_++++ E. India company, xix 188*] xxviii 


+++ new basin at, xix 193] xxvii 11] 

ee-. flourishing commerce of, xxvii 10] 

--+- Charles VI obliged to relinquish his 
India company there, xxvii 109] 

. eet of the new company, xxviii 

+++. expedition against, xl 121, 131, 255. 
xli 118] 

Osteocolla, dissertation on, x 118 

Ostermann, count, xiii 137, xxvii 185] 
xxviii 4. xxxi 29 
— count lv 132] 
Osterman, F. J. d’, vi 109 
Ostoloza, don Blaz de, lvii 455 
Ostrich, account of the, iii 90. lvii 293 
Ostrolenka, battle of, xlix 17 
O’Sullivan, James, lvii 9 
Oswald, bish. of Worcester, xvi 138 
capt. (N) xli 83 
James, iv 87] 
1. gen. sir J. xlviii 593. xlix 204, li 
531. lii 262, 304. lv 170, 197, 199, 207 
Rich. xxv 321] xxvi 134] xxxvii 


Oswald’s lyre, iv 149 

Oswego, fort, 113 

.... taken by the French, 2d. 

Osymandyas, xxviii 104 

Otaheite, discovery of, hy capt. Wallis, xi 
127] xvi 272 

.-+. named by him k, George’s island, xi 

-+.. native brought to France, xv 49 

«+. description of, xvi 1 

«++. women of, xx 67 

«++» naval force of, xx 240 

«+.» military exercise, xx 243 

+++. account of the natives, xxvii 6 

..+. province ceded to the English mission- 
aries, xl 79 

e+.» State of, 1 27 

Otassite, ili 235 | 

Otheothea (Otaheitan) xvi 26 

Otho the Great, i 392 

Otis, hon. James, of Boston, x 166] xi 240] 
255] xii 146] 

Otoo, 1 27 

Otranto, duke of. 

Ott, xlii 174) 

See Fouché 

_ Otterleck, van, Six, lviii 119] 

Otters, xiv 100. xlvii 394. xlix 355 

-... tamed, | 56* 

Ottery, St. Mary, fire at, x 71] 

Ottis, hon. James (Amer.) See Otis 

Ottley, Rich. xlviii 958 

Otto, capt. (mil.) xlv 422 

gen. (French) xlii 214] 215. xliii 29] 
275] 33, 265. xliv 181, 289, 397. xlv 165, 
298, 652 

— gen. (Germ.) xxxvi 19] 75. xlii 174] 
182] 192] 193] 

Otto van Guericke, i 333 

Ottoberto, 1 392 

Ottoboni, card. iii 12. 

Ottovi, gen. xlii 181] 

Otway, adm. R. W. xliii 82 

———_—— W. Albany, li 477, 486, 496 

m. gen. sir Loftus W. liii 204, 210 

T. v 218, xi 165. xxiii 156 

Oubril, d’, Pet. xlvi 161, 178, 631, 642. 
xl viii 165, 178, 186, 208, 729. 773, 796 

Ouconnostota, iii 219] 235] 

Oude. See Begums 

Oudinot, marsh, xli 241] 250] xlii 180) 

xx 134 

181] xliii 66] xliy 373. xlvi 167. xlvii 148, 

160, 169. xlix 17. li 206. liv 170] ly 122] 

lvi 9] 28] 
Oughton, capt. James, (N) xli 80, 88 ~ 
—_ gen. sir Jas. Adol. xxi 202] xxii 
Oughtred, W. xii 41 
Ould, Fielding, xix 131] 
Oultremont, C. N. Alex. d’, elected bish. 
of Liege, vi 71] ‘ 
Ourang outang. See Oran outang 
Ourry, capt. (N) iv 150] : 
Ouseley, sir Gore, lii 270. liii 119, 121. liv 
213] ly 198] 
sir W. xxvii 75") ii 270. liii 121 
- Ralph, xxxi 42 
Outou (Otaheitan) xvi 23 
Ovaclie, 1 39. lii 163 
Ovale, Alph. d’, vi 93 
Ovary, extraordinary case of foetus in, v 70 
+++. dropsy of, xxvii 29 
Oven, Jos. his mother murdered by, in a fit 
of insanity, xvi 135] 
T. executed for the murder of El. 
Price, xvii 113] 
—— W. murder by, xxix 202] 
Overbury, sir T. xii 38, 138 
Overell, J. Ixi 205 
Overend, H. xxxix 409 
Overseers, punishment of one for disiniss- 
ing a servant in labour and cruelty to 
her, xlvi 398 
Ovey, T. x1 391 
Ovid, i 327. v 23. ix 198..x 220. xvi 118. 
xvii 130. xxi 26, 1389. xxiv 142, 180, 
Owen, capt. sir E. W, Campbell Rich (N) 
xlv 435. xlvi 189, 549, 557. xlviii 744. 
li 476, 493 
—— David, lix 89 
——Dr. —§ ix 296 
—— J. xxxviii 351-3 
—— lieut. W. Fitzwilliam (N) xlix 672* 
—— rey. Goronwy, account of, xlyi 745 
——— sir J. xxvi 109 
—— W. xlv 876. lix 235 
Ower, in Dorsetshire, fire at, x 99] 
Owhyhee, presents from, to the king, xxxix 

Owl, short-eared, xv 169 

Owry, capt. xi 75 

Ox-gall, preparation of, lii 653 

Oxen. See Cattle 

Oxenham, T. xxxix 407 

W.. Ix 57 

Oxford : mayor and others reprimanded by 
the House of Commons, xi 221] 

«-.. debt of the city paid by the duke of 
Marlborough, xii 123] 

«+s. acts for improving, xiv 81] 86] 135] 

«+». old coins found, xiv 142] 

--+. house of industry, xv 97] 

--.. hurricane at, xvi 148] 

e+.. inhabitants requested by the mayor 
not to give alms to beggars, lvi 102 



Oxford, university : thanks of the king of 
Prussia for the new volume of Clarendon’s 
History, ii 105 

«+++ History of the Discoveries at Portici 
presented to, by the king of Naples, 2b. 

-.-. installation of John earl of Westmor- 
land, ii 140 

-++- address to the king on the success of 
his arms, ii 264 

. «+. thanks of the king of Spain for Claren- 
don’s History, iii 100] 

---- addresses the king on his accession, iii 

«s+. ————-— princess dowager of Wales, 
iii 247] 

+++ prize subjects, iv 148] v 101] vi 65] 
xi 72] xxxiii 11] li 249 

++.» prizes awarded, v 92] xviii 133] xix 
159] xxvi 210] xxviii 203] xxx 205] 
xlyiii 410, 1i 296 

+++ account of the discoveries at Hercula- 
neum presented to, by the king of Naples, 
v 82] 

.. ++ addresses the king on the peace, vi 67] 

++» legacy to poor scholars of Queen’s, vii 

-.+. Jones v. Jesus College, ix 72] 

-++. prizes established by the lord chan- 
cellor, xi 72] 

+... students expelled for methodism, xi 81] 

-»+» loyal address, xii $2] 193 

+e+. ew statute to regulate academical 
habits, xiii 128] 

.+-. bust of the k. of Denmark presented 
to, xiii 138] 

«-.. observatory erected at, xv 115] 

- ++. ancient customs, xv 139 

sees enccenia at, xvi 118] 119] 

-++. Vinerian professorship to be retained 
three years for sir R. Chambers on his 
going to India, xvi 119] 

-+.. Stained glass windows in New College 
chapel, xvii 152] 

-+». legacy for eight sermons annually 
against dissenters and heretics, ft 127] 

+... annual commemoration, xix 159] 

---. robbery of the Ashmolean museum, 
xx 184] 

--.. fire in Queen’s college, xxi 215] 

-+.. visit of their majesties, xxvili 208] 

Austrian princes, 7), 

-... time for D.C.L. reduced to eleven 
years as at Cambridge, xxxi 210] ; 

-».» fall of the old oak at Magdalen, xxxi 

eo. altarpiece at New College restoring, 
xxxi 213] ; 

+... installation of the duke of Portland, 
xxxiv 39,.xxxv 32 

...+» legacies to, xxxviii 7 

---- Latin Bible and New Testament 
printed for the French emigrant clergy, 
xxxvili 39 ; 

+e+. remarks on, xxxviii 326 



Oxford, university: decision respecting 
Guernsey and Jersey fellowships at Pem- 
broke, xlvi 418 

...-fires at Christchurch, li 264. liv 21 

...- contested election of chancellor, li 346 

«.+- commemoration, lii 268 

-... number of residents, liii 59 

...- foundation of Magdalen hall and col- 
lege, liii 533 

-... visit of the emperor of Russia and the 
king of Prussia, lvi 47 

.... Statement of printing by, lvii 74 

Oxford; Aubrey (Vere) 20th earl of, xxxvi 
364, 365 

Edw. (Harley) 2nd earl of, vi 140 

Ath earl of, vi 154] 

—— 5th earl of, xxxix 160] 175. 

xl 205] 5, 217, 220. xlii 30 

(Vere) 17th earl of, xii 137 

—-—\ H. (Vere) 18th earl of, 7b. 

J. (Vere) 16th earl of, xxiv 15 

—__—— R. (Harley) earl of, iii 100] v 169, 
176. vi 4, 140. viii 10, 277. ix 71, 289n. 
xiii 159. xviii 23. xix 204] xxi 244. xxiv 
24. xxxix 182] lxi 447 

..«- character of, viii 0. xii 60 

«... letter from Swift on the death of his 
daughter, viii 309 

Oxford market, fire in, lviii 151 

street, fires in, xxiii 202] xxxiv 2 

Oxfordshire, earthquake felt in, liv 21 

Oxley, (mail robber) xxxiii 40] 41] 

J. 1x 583. Ixi 539 

Oyras, count d’, iv 135] 

Oysters, breed crossed, xliv 353 


Paca, W. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] 

Paccard, Dr. xxx 144. lix 502 

— Mich. xxxii 58 

Pace, dean Rich. xv 116 

W. (mem. of Congr.) xviii 265] 

Pa-cete, 1 27 

Paché, xxxivy120]123]217. xxxv229] 149] 

Pachierotti (singer) xvili 63. xxxii 158 

Pacific ocean, discoveries in the, xi 127] xii 
88] xiv 129] xl 477. xlix 915. lvii 542, 
545. lviii 31. Ix 588 

Pack, m. gen. sir Denis, xlviii 580. xlix 
643, 688*. 1 265*. li 490. lii 312. liii 

+186, 198, liv 199, 229. lv 170, 177. lvi 

182. lvii 175 

Paddington, cattleand haymarketat, xliv 414 

---» fire at, xlvi 371 

«+++ church robbed, lvi 75 

Paddon, _— (organist) Ixi 300 

——— lieut. Silas H. (N) xlii 77 

Paderni, Camillo, viii 189 

Padua, tree of liberty planted at, xxxv 8 

Paduans, spurious medals, xii 196 

Paesiello, xxiv 161 

Paez, gen. lxi 243] 246] 

Page, J. vi 109. viii 73) ix 61] 



Page, lady, xxvii 31 

—— T. Hyde, gold medal to, ix 100] 

—— W.x1 101 

—— Wm.., tried for several highway rob- 
beries, i 82 

Pagerie, la, li 284 e 

Pages, de, xxxiii 535] 

Paget, adm. sir C. xlvi 369. liii 87 

C. ix 59, xxi 236 

capt. (N) xxxvii 137] 

gen. sir Edw. xl 148. xliii 92. li 5, 

451, 454. lii 318. liv 156) 

H. 9th lord. See Uxbridge, earl 

H. W. 10th lord. See Anglesea, 
marq. ' 

——— rev. T. xi 258] 

sir Arthur, xlvy 678, 1 69*. lii 259x 

T. 3rd lord, ix 59 

W. Ist lord, xxxiii 364] 

W. 5th lord, xvi 205 

Pagoda, description of one, xxxti 98 

Pablin, gen. count, xliii 98] xlix 6. lv 134] 
Ivi 8} 

Pakvis, Pet., Scotch ferry-boat picked up at 
sea by, xvi 146] 

Pailhés, viii 109 

Pain, capt. calamitous fire at his house, ix 

Paine v. Fleming for impressing him, xlvii397 

xvii 102] 

—— Derych, iv 18 

James, xiv 127] 

—— Rob. Treat (mem. of Congr.) xvii 
218] xviii 265] 

—— T. xxxiii 429] xxxiv 7] 62] 165] 
172] 39. xxxv 11] 196] 218] 1. xxxvi 
147] 266] 415. xxxvii 160] xl 159, 332, 
336, 337. xli 159. xlii 232] xiii 38). li 
258n. 1xi 264 

.... trial for libel, xxxiv 50 

.-.. booksellers prosecuted for selling his 
works, xxxv 22, liv 272. Ixi 260 

Paint, noxious on board ships, viii 62] 

..+. persons killed by sleeping in a freshe 
painted room, xvii 141] 

Painters, proper education of one, vii 269. 

...- bill of one, xiv 140] 

..++ preparation of pannels and canvas for, 
xlviii 978 

Painting: encaustic, of the ancients, ex- 
periments concerning, iii 185, 141. xv 
16. xxix 82 : 

.... other methods of the ancients, iii 162 

.... inquiry into the beauties of, iii 249. ix 

.+.. ancient, on marble, covered with glass, 
v 150 

.... on glass, art of, not lost, v 151 

.... in England, anecdotes of, v 254 

2. essay on, vii 268 

.-.. allegorical, vii 276-8 

...-. on the expression of the passions in, x 

.... in fresco, xvi 162 

.. +» See also Royal Academy 


Paintings: sales of, i 92. v 89] xiv 137] 
xvii 115] 117] xxii 228] xxviii 109. 
xxxiv 9. xxxix 7, 10. x1 58. xlii 13. xliv 
374, xlviii 412. 1124*. lviii 54 

.+++ in oil, method of transferring, i 383 

---- at He¥culaneum, iii 162 

+++ premiums awarded for, iii 89] iv 99] 
vii 67] viii 93] x 82] 

+». actions for the price of, lv 300, 301. 
lviii 291 

«++. removed from Kensington to Hampton 
Court, vii 88] 

e+» one presented to Lonis XV bya Jesuit, 

e+ee prices paid for, xv 3). Iviii 292 

aie offered for, lviii 172 

«+. old, method of washing and varnish- 
ing, xvi 136 

e+.. ancient, at Windsor, xviii 147. 

-. +. in the palace at Madrid, xxv 177 

-..-. of the ancients, xxxv 372 

Paisley, riots at, Ixi 109] 106 

Paisley, xxi 165] 

es Jos. liii 9 

Pakenham, capt. Edw. (N) xxxvii 35 

———— hon. adm. T. xxiii 214*] xxiv 
249] xxxvi 92 

capt. W. (N) liii 100] 139, 


liv 131 

—m. gen. sir Edw. Mich. xiii 
113. xlv 534. liv 230, 236. lv 171, 174, 
194. lvi 167. lvii 122] 123] 141 

Palacio, margq. de}, li 173 

Palafox, don F, 1 208] 229] 253°, 

285*. lii 

/———— don Jos. 1 198] 201] 230] 250*. li 

173, 198, 354. lviii 19] 

Palatinate, Lower. See Rhine 

Upper. See Bavaria 

Palatine family, account of the, xii 33. xxi 6] 

Palatines brought to London by an adven- 
turer on pretence of providing for them 
in America, vii 145] 

Palermo, account of, vii 155 

-... method of preserving the dead at, xix 

Palermo, count, ly 174] 

Paley, archd. W. viii 105] xxxvi 443. xxxix 
489. xlvi 879, 884. xlvii 915. lvi120] 

eee account of, li 773 

Palice, march. de la, xx 41 

Paliere, H. suicide, lviii 66 

Palilia, iii 1692- 

Palingenius, Marcellus, xv 121 

Palk, Rob. (gov. of Madras) ix 92] x 109] 

sir Lawrence, xl 226] 

Palladio, And. ii 397. v 25. xxxviii 7 

Palladius, v 143 

bish. vi 26] 

Pallas, prof. P. S, xi 190] xxiv 73. xxx 85. 
xxxvi 274, xlii 419. xlv 785, 814. xlvi 

Pallavicini, card. ix 146] 

—-—-—— Gaspar, xx 212, 213 



Pallavicino, Sebast. viii 60] 

Palliser, adm. sir Hugh, vii 102] viii 118] 
xiii 145] xvi 117] xviii 28. xix 115. xxii 
63] 92] 96] 136] 198] 200] 284] xxiii 
123] 227") xxiv 241] xxvii 10. xxxi 
200] xxxvii 14. 1 274, 275 

+++. charges against adm. Keppel, xxi 215] 
310] xxii 257] 

+++. remarks on his conduct, xxii 71] 

+++ resigns his places, xxii 111] 200] 

+++» appointed governor of Greenwich hos- 
pital, xxiv 156] 157] 1737] 

Palm, C. F. liv 136 

——— the bookseller, murder of, xlviii 164, 
439. liii 77] 

-» ++ his letter to his wife, xlviii 439 

Palmer, v 152n 

——— capt. Edm. (N) xlix 666*. lvi 173] 
176, 225, 227. lvii 189. lviii 235 

J. (N) lii 298 

C. N. lviii 89] 

——— col. C. lvi 210] 333 

—— Ebenezer, xlii 382 

——_ Edw. lx 342 

Elihu, lxi 262 

——— Eliz. xlix 470 

——— G. H. Ixi 301 

—— Hannah, xliii 4 

——— James. xlix 858 

—— J. v 86] 

—— J. (actor) xxi 197. x1 448 

«++. account of, xl 73 

J. (comptr. of Postoffice) xxxix 5, 

1 58* 

J. (farmer) xl 387. xli 405 

——— J. (comm. N, S, Wales) xlv 625 

—— J. H. lx 361 

——— Mat. (of Pisa) xxxvi 378 

——— Peregr. iii 246] 

—-—— rev. T. Fysche, xxxvi 263] 

...-~ transported for sedition, xxxv 189] 40, 
59, xxxvi 3, 6 

—-— sere. xlix 525 

—— W. (actor) xxxi 208] 

—— W. V. lyii 320 

Palmerston, H. 2nd vise. iv 231. xiii 109] 
205] xxi 210. xxv 96. xxxiv 9 

H. J. 3rd vise. 1 220*. liii 37. 

liv 219] lviii 11] 12] 13) Ix 54] 55] 57] 

58] 58. 1xi 69] 

lady, will of, iii 33 

Palm-trees, encouragement for planting in 
high latitudes, vii 136 

eee vinous liquor from, xlvii 775 

eee utility of, lix 575 

Palmstierna, bar. Nils, the Swedish Cato, 
ix 8)] 

Palmyra, fall of, xix 142 

Palnatoko, governor of Jomsburg, xiii 35 

Palsgraye-head court, fire in, xiii 106] 

Palsy cured by egg-liquor, iii 118 

——— lightning, xiii 80 

Paly, sieur de, xiii 89] 

Pamfili, card. ix 146] xxiv 161] 



Pamphilii, card. _—iii 13 

Pamphilus, xxi 139 

Pan, xi 141 

+++. Supposed statue at Rome, a Polyphe- 
mus, xv 96] 

Pane, Romanus, xlii 417 

Panin, count v 19] vii 187] xi 144] xii 
27-29] xiii 13] 20] xiv74*] xvi 32] 34] xvii 
14] xviii 138] xxvii 25] x1 350. xli 290 

Panisot, gen. xlii 182] 

Pannonians, xxxviii 465 

Panse, Ophelot de la, xv 47x 

Pantaleone, musical instrument, xvi 187 

Panter, J. Leach, xlix 730* 

W. lix 235 

Pantheon, at Rome, account of the, ii 403 

---- defence of the alterations lately pro- 

* posed in, ii 408 

in Oxford street, opened, xv 69] 

«+++ burnt down, xxxiv 2 

Pantoga, F, de la Veray, li 358 

Panton street, fire in, xxxv 26 

Panton, W, xxxvi 250 

Paoli, Clement, xi 62*] xii 44] 

——— Giacinto, x 36] 37] | 

—— Pascal,illl. ii 82. iv 144] v 113] 
vi 49] vii 110] 115] viii 106) ix 56] x 
37] 38] 123] 165] xi 3] 160] 161] 181) 
184] xii 42] 43] 110] 114] 149} xiii 71] 
xxiv 77. xxxiii 199, 458] xxxv 254] 266] 
286] xxxvi 95. xlix 991 

-++- his able defence of Corsica against the 
French, xi'59*] 

+s. speeches to the Corsicans, xi 64*] xii 
42] 44] 

«-.. present from the bey of Tunis to, xi 
153] , 

+--+ cuts his way through the French and 

escapes to Leghorn in an English ship, 

xii 44] 

letter to B. Trecothick and S. 
Vaughan, xii 97] 

«+. arrival in London, xii 132] 

+++. presented to his majesty, xii 133] 

+++» dog brought over by, 7. 

+++ picture of his majesty presented to, 
xliv 540 

Paper: made of rags, antiquity of, v 96] 

-.-- from the bark of the paper mulberry 
tree, v 86, 87 

+++» embossed, made in England, vii 58] 

+++. engine for cutting rags, xiii 144] 

+... large size, xviii 153. 1159 

+++» duty on, xxiv 281] xxvii 304] xxxvi 
212) xliii 194 

+++. additional duties repealed, xliv 100 

«++ from willow bark, xxx 96. | 

«+++ patent for whitening materials of, 
xxxiv 416 

«+++ incombustible, xxxv 24 

+» fabricated by insects, xlvii 1018 

Papers, mischiefs of seizing, viii 28] 

Papilla, gen. xxx 48] 

Papini, count Nich, letter from the emperor 
Joseph to, xiii 85] 



Papirius Cursor, L. iv 156 

Papjoy, Juliana, xx 175] 

Pappenheim, von, Aug. xlvi 637 

Papyrus, account of the, ii 409 

Paracelsus, vi 126. vii 191. xxxiii 247] 

Parachutes, cat let down with one, xliv 432 

«+s. descents with, xliv 450. lvii 70 

Paraclete, convent of the, xi 169 

Paradise, Dr. J. xxxvii 49 

Paraguay, establishment of the Jesuits in, 
i 362. xlvii 1043 

++. Sixty Jesuit missionaries allowed to 
be sent from Spain, iv 67] 158] 

-+.. revolution in, Ix 541, 551 

Paramaribo, inhabitants of, li 794 

Paraselene, seen in Wiltshire, v 75] 

at Dantzic, viii 66] 

in Sweden, xlv 365 

Parchment, antiquity of, ix 139 

«».» method of recovering old writing on, 
xv 115 

Pardo, don J. B. Ix 47; 48 

Pardoe, J. xxil75]  * 

+... action against for refusing to serve as 
sheriff, xxxii 221] 

Paré, Ambr. iv 82 

Parenti, signora, xxix 82 

Parents: cautions to, iv 81] 

..+- tradesman summoned for suffering his 
mother to be maintained in a workhouse, 
viii 130] 

-. ++ lawrespecting illtreatment of, xvii 126] 

+++ accidental finding of a son, 1 32* 

Pareto, lvii 19] 

Parga, cession of, to Ali bashaw, Ixi 194] 

Parhelia, iv 92. xviii 110] 

Parilon, David, convicted of manslaughter, 
li 809 

Parini, lvi 465 = 

Paris : impostors at the carnival, iv 81] 

++ «+ actress of the Comic Opera carried off 
by a person of distinction, iv 99] 

-+.. abuses of the Foundling hospital, iv 

+++ penny post, iv 184] 

«++» establishment of hackney chaises pro- 
posed, 2d. 

+++. attempt to murder at, v 72] 

-... Englishman at Bordeaux, a comedy on 
occasion of the peace, acted at, vi 66] 

«+e» Palais royal burnt down, vi 67] xli 2- 

«... building and consecration of the 
church of St. Sulpice, vi 14 

.» +. maison de ]’Enfant Jesus, vi 15 

.. «» from one fifth to one third of the chil- 
dren born there sent to Phe Foundling 
hospital, vii 117] xviii 193] 

.... one third of the people die in an hos- 
pital, vii 117] 

.. +, old regulations of the brewery in, vii 

..+. restrictions on building at, viii 113] 

eee diet to the poor on account of the 
severity of the weather, ix 58] 


Paris : quarrel between the parliament and 
archbishop, ix 99] 

«+-. post-horses not to be furnished at, or 
within twelve leagues of, without an order 
from the king, ¢d. 

.. +. failure of a great house at, ix 142] 
..+- aflray between some musketeers and 
soldiers of the guard, x 75] 86] 
-.-+ English gentleman run through the 

body, at the Tuileries, x 85] 

.--. extraordinary robbery of the arch- 
bishop, x 112] 

-.++ censure of Marmontel’s Belisarius by 
the faculty of Theology, x 163] 

-.+++ custom for the mayor to visit the royal 
family daily when ill, xi 61] 

«+... new invented fowlingpiece presented 
to the king, xi 103] 

«.+- cause gained by a goldsmith against 
the farmers general, xi 144] 

«+e inflammatory papers stuck up, xi 187] 

-.-. asort of Vauxhall opened at, xii 111] 

..-- the Luxembourg fitting up, xii 146] 

-.+.- suicide of a banker after tearing to 
pieces a bill of exchange presented for 
payment, xii 163] 

..+- numbers killed or crippled at the mar- 
riage of the dauphin, xiii 113] 

+.+. attempt to evade the tax on heads, 
xiv 136] 

+... several persons poisoned at an eating- 
house, xv 82] 

-.. fire at the Hotel Dieu, xv 153] xvi 65] 

«... gang of robbers and murderers styled 
Parasols, xvi 96] 

«++» Sickness after opening a grave, xvi 

«+» riots about the palace, xvii 151} 

-... fire at the Palais, xix 116] 

+... Caisse d’Escompte established, xix 

«--+. population of, xxi 217] 

+... Caisse d’Escompte stopped payment, 
xxvi 218] 

«..- Lyceum opened at, xxviii 198] 

«++. ceremony of blessing the colours of 
the army, xxix 204] 

---. tax on articles entering taken off, 
xxxiii 158 

++. society of atheists at, xxxix 54 

«+» thick fog at, xxxix 55 

---. antique horses from Venice, x1 69. lvii 
90] 102 

---- concordat published with great solem- 
nity, xliv 393, 394 

+++» number of English at, xliv 443 

..-- Halle au Bled burnt down, xliv 459 

«++» population of, xliv 475, liii 144 

-.+. establishment of the protestant church 
at, xlv 364 

+++. great mortality at, xlv 368 

e--. account of, xlvi 754. 1i 889 

-+-. luxury of, xlviii 1008 

e+-- Dew bridge and other public works, 
xlix 273 


Paris : finishing of the Louvre and grand bas 
relief, xlix 254 ; 
-»+.+ Several persons burnt at a ball, lii 268 
--++ defeat of the French army covering, 
lvi 20] 
«+. entered by the allies, lvi 21] 
--+» foreign potentates at, lvi 38 
+. entered by the allies a second time, 
Ivii 71] 
.++ preparations of Blucher to blow up 
the Jena bridge, lvii 83} 
+... the Louvre stripped of it’s foreign 
spoils, lvii 89] 81, 99, 586, 601 
..-+ English chapel opened at, lvii 50 
+++. papers relative to the convention for 
the evacuation of, lviii 378 
+.+-+ ordinance respecting the debts of the 
city, lix 105} ’ 
+... persons killed at the Russian moun- 
tains, lx 82 
..++ celebration of the festival of St. Lewis, 
Ix 116 
«... arrival of the Persian ambassador, Lxi 
13> * 
+++. number of suicides, Ixi 47 
«.-. number of English at, lxi 71 
Paris (anc. actor) xxiv 18] 
gen. lv 146] 240. lvi 12] 160 
—— Mat. ii 410. xxi 223 
Parish officers not justifiable in taking a 
sum to provide for a bastard, xlvii 363 
Park, Mungo, xxxix 401. xl 232] xli 316, 
461, 493. xlvi 97. xlix 835. liv 105. lvii 
573, 576. lviii 42 
«+. character of, lvii 445 
— sir James Allen, lix 223. Ixi 202, 204, 
205, 207, 2382, 233, 234 
Parke, couns. xlix 449. 1 69%. li 271, 298, 
303. lii 334, 336. liii 252. liv 302. lv 
268, 274, 278. lvi 300, 2. 313, 318, Iii 

W. lvii 262 

poisoned, xlix 528. 1 30* 
adm. Christ. xxiii 214*] 
Hyde, xix 255] xxii 30] xxiii 
215*] 226*] xxiv 188] xxv 119] 123] 
161] 164] 

sir Hyde, xxiv 34] xxv 123] 

xxxvii 63. xlii 69. xliii 109] 185] 22, 81, 
85, 255. li 51. lii 38 

———— P. iv 149] xix 156*] 159*] 
169*] 181*] 156] xxii 39] xxiii 211*] 
219*] xxiv 27] 107] 116] xxv 224*] 215] 
216] xxx 107] xxxvii 20. xxxix 232] 
xlix 397 
- adm. sir W- xxxvi 91, 92, xliii 42 
bish. S. xxvi 158 
capt. E. T. (N) xliii 269] 271] 129 

Hyde (N) lvi 190] 246. lvii 139 
——_—_—__——- sir Peter (N) lvi 187] 223 
——___——. W. (N) 1i 398. lii 107, 297 
D. J. lvii 25 
Edw. ix 80 1 
Leslie, tried for shooting Eliz 
Kirby, liii 91 y 




Parker, lord chief bar. sir T. v 92] ix 106] 
110] xi 155] xv 146] xliv 724 

lord chief just. @ See Macclesfield, 
lord chancel. t T. Ist earl 

—— rev. Dr. xxx1 227 

Rich. xxxix 215] 33, 35, 37, 245 

..-- hung for mutiny, xxxix 217] 35 

sir Harry, v 89] 

T. executed for coining, xxxii 204] 

—— xliii 451. xliv 774. 1xi 300 

Zephaniah, lviii 13 

Parkes, S. li 305 

W. xiiii 456 

Parkhurst, bish. J. xxx 130 

Parkinson, Frank, lv 320 

— James, xxxii 59 

J. viii 148. xxii 87 

jun., of Broxbourn, shot at by 
R. Morris, xiv 69] 85] 

— T. xlii 379. xliv 771 

—_—_—_— W. lv 297 

Parkyns, T. Boothby, xxix 79 

Parliament: supposed necessity of influ- 
encing by pecuniary motives, i 11, 12 

.».. treatment of, by Elizabeth, iii 152 

..-. Slavishness of, in Charles II’s time, 

..-- articles consumed at dinner by the 
voters of a small borough, iv 101] 

..-- blending distinct matters in one act 
objectionable, vi 153] 

-... privilege of, vii 21] 172] xxvii 151] 
liii 247 

..-. military officers dismissed apparently 
for their conduct in, vii 33] 

..+. mischievous management of proroga- 
tions, vii 176] 

«+e. lord Camden on privilege of, viii 174- 

..-- member of the Swedish called to ac- 
count by his constituents for a large sum 
of money found in his possession, ix 10] 

---. it?s power limited, ix 38] 

oa of acts passed in a session, xi 

«+. Satirical account of the business of, xi 

«++. humorous list of candidates, xi 203 

+++. propriety of constituents instructing 
members, xii 73] 

«-+. gentleman requested to become a 
aaa in the 17th century, xii 162. xxi 

+++. each house a check upon the other, as 
well as upon the king, xiii 67*] 

-... the Lords hereditary guardians of the 
rights of the people, 24. 

---- dissolved by William III in conse- 
quence of an address from Kent, xili 

++.. act to prevent delay of justice by rea- 
son of privilege of, xiii 108] 229] 

+++. ——— regulate the trials of contro- 
verted elections, xiii 226] 


Parliament: mischief of lengthening the 
duration of, xiii 159 
i 2 ancient agreement with a member, xiv 
«+. recommittal of a bill in consequence 
of mistakes in transcribing, xv 92] 
+... remarks on bills of indemnity, xix 
..- to connect any thing else with a money 
bill unconstitutional, xxix 110] 
right of election, xxxvii 175*] 
«-.. grant for purchase of the office, xxxviii 
-+.. payment for rent of it, x1 206 
-.. expenses attending it, xli 196. xliii 
144, xliv 580. xlv 625. xlvi 580. xlvii 
++.» virtual representation, x] 201] 
-+.. Septennial act, xli 86] 
-+.. grants for indexes to rolls, xli 196. li 
536. lii 423 
+... ——— for printing and binding copies 
of acts, xlv 626. xlvi 580. xlvii 587. 
xl viii 639. 1x 422. 1lxi 419 
.-.. grant for completing the purchase of 
buildings for the accommodation of, xlv 
-... grants for printing and stationery, xlvi 
583. xlvii 586, 589. xlviii 637, 639. xlix 
728*, ib. 1 181*, 182%. li 535, 536, Vii 
+... ——— for officers of the two houses, 
xlvi 583. xlvii 589, 590. xlviii 637. xlix 
727*. 1181*. li 536. lii 423, 2d, lxi 420 
++. grant for printing Mahratta war 
papers, xlvii 589 
+. grants for printing journals &c. xlvii 
590. xlix 728*, 2b. . 
— reprinting journals, in- 
dexes, and reports, xlvii 590. xlix 728* 
.... number and duration of from 1761 to 
1807, xlix 455 

+».. grants for printing and delivering 
votes, &c. xlix 728*, 7b. 

+++. petitions fora reform of. See Com- 

.«.- works about the houses of. See West- 
minster hall 

-... message from the king for a supply to 
the king of Prussia, i 79 

--., act to allow the importation of -salt 
provision from Ireland, i 106 

+... it’s meaning disputed, i 107 

-»+. opened by a speech from the lord 
keeper, i 114 

-... acts for encouraging the growth of 
madder, i 351 

++. duties on dry goods, ii 77 

+... various acts, ii 78, 84, 97, 98, 131. iii 
71) 92] 105] 153] 159] 

«+s. speech at the prorogation, iii 208] 

.... first of George IIT opened, iii 147] 

++.. act for better supplying London and 
Westminster with fish, iii 166] 



Parliament: the king’s speech, iii 248] 

«++. additional duty on beer.and ale, iv 65] 

++» various acts, 7b. 79] 85] 

+e sessions closed, iv 85] 

-+«+ dissolved, iv 87] 

e+e various acts, iv 182] 183] 

e+. king’s speech on the salaries of the 
judges and rendering their offices for life, 
iv 243] 

woes on putting an end to 
the session, iv 244] 

on opening the session 

of 1761, iv 246] 
Spain, iv 303] 

eee various acts, v 69} 75] 79] 88] 118] 

«++» strange blunder in an act, v 81] 

e«-- Whole of the grants made by the par- 
liament ending in 1761, v 161) 

.... king’s speech on closing the session, v 
of 1762, v 179] 

«++» various acts, vi 64] 65] 68] 71] 

«eee prorogued, vi 71] 

.»+- bill to prevent fraudulent votes at 
country elections, 2. 

e+e» Various acts, vi 116] 

ese» heads of an act granting additional 
duties on wine and vinegar imported, and 
a duty on cider and perry, vi 147] 

+. «- act to explain and amend it, vi 150] 

+. ++ —— respecting bread made for sale, vi 

.» ve king’s speech on closing the session, 
vi 191] 

sfsfele on opening the session 
of 1763, vi 192] vii 20] 

es». proceedings respecting the North 
Briton, vii 20} 171] 

«s+» debates on the question of privilege, 
vii 21] 172) 

see various acts, vii 47] 56] 63) 64] 65] 

«.+» money advanced for the land-carriage 
fishery, vii 49] 

4. orders the Droit le Roy, all the pre- 
rogatives attributed to kings of Eng- 
land, to be burnt by the common hang- 
man, vii 5] ] 

+... prorogued, vii 65] 

ewes beads of the militia bill, vii 129] 

alain — bill to prevent abuses in 
franking letters and packets, vii 131] 

————_— act for regulating build- 
ings, vii 134] 

+s. inquiry into the cause of the high 
price of provision, vii 136] 

«+. king’s speech proposing a regency 
bill, viii 39] 256] 

+++» Joint address of both houses in answer, 
viii 257] 

+s. petition of the silk-weavers against 
foreign silks, vili 41] 

«++. various acts, viii 60] 64] 72] 79] 80] 
87] 88] 90] 

on declaring war against 

on opening the session 



Parliament : king’s speech on opening the 
sessions earlier than usual on account of 
American affairs, viii 150] © 

. «++ remarks on the supplies for 1765, viii 

++. abstract of the regency bill, viii 259] 

.... king’s speech on closing the session of 
1765, viii 261] 

ese. ————_ calling it on account 

of American affairs, viii 263] ix 34] 

e+e» meeting of, ix 34] 

++. Opposition address on the speech ne- 
gatived, ix 34] 35] 

.... king’s speech on the meeting after 
the holidays, ix 35] 216] 

«+++ petitions from the trading and manu- 
facturing towns, 7b. 

.... from the agent for Jamaica on the im- 
policy of a stamp duty, ix 36] 

«+++ —— Virginia and Georgia, ib. 

-... debates on the right of taxing the 
colonies, ix 37] 

«++» question of the authority of the legis- 
lature over the colonies in all cases car- 
ried in the affirmative, ix 44] 

.. «+ bill passed in consequence, ib. 194] 

+++» debates on the repeal of the stamp 
act, td. 

.... the repeal carried, ix 46] 194] 

+++ bill to indemnify those who had in- 
curred penalties on account of the act 
passed, ix 46] ; 

«+. cider act repealed, 7d. 

e+» bill passed for opening free ports in 
several parts of the W. Indies, ix 47] 

«+++ old duty on windows and houses re- 
pealed and a more equitable assessment 
made, 2b. 

«os. resolution on the illegality of general 
warrants, 70. 

.+.. various bills, ix 66] 77] 83] 90] 94] 

«+.» king’s speech on the prorogation of, 
ix 104] 219] 

We on calling it on account 
of the high price of provision, ix 148] 
220] x 44] 

eee Various acts, ix 152] 

+++. acts for the preservation of timber- 
trees, underwood, &c. ix 193] 

-«.» bill of indemnity for the embargo on 
corn brought in, x 44] 

2+» the bill passed after warm debates, x 

..+ bill for restraining all acts of the as- 
sembly of New York brought in and 
passed, 2b, 

.. +e land tax reduced, x 41*] 

«.+. debates on India affairs, 7d. 

..+» bill passed on the subject, x 43*] 

.... — for regulating the qualification of 
voters in trading companies, 7d. 

Aton — - India dividends, 

eee, debates on it, x 44°] 



Parliament: various acts, x 61] 72] 81] 7. 
91] 92] 104] 106] 156] 160] 221] 

..+- king’s speech on closing the session, x 

of 1767, zb. xi 76°] 

..-- fresh bill for restraining E.° India 
dividends, xi 77*] 78*] 

».+. motion to extend James’s limitation 
of the Nullum tempus act, xi 78*] 

+++ put off to the next session, xi 83*] 

-»++ speech on the close of the session, 7. 


opening the session 

-+-. dissolved by proclamation, xi 81] 270] 

+++. session of 1768 opened in May by 
commission, xi 84*] 102] 270] 

+++ provision bills renewed, xi 84*] 114] 
189] 201] xii 49*] 

«+... various acts, xi 64] 73] 79] 

e+. Seamen petition for an increase of 
wages, xi 111] 

+++ glass-grinders and tailors petition for 
the same, xi 115] 

.»-~ king’s speech on opening the session 
in Nov. 1768, xi 184] 272] xii 64] 

+++. Various acts, xi 200] 

«++. joint address of both houses, xi 271] 

«.-- great debates in both houses on the 
address on the king’s speech, xii 64] 

«++» various acts, xii 49%] 

_ «+++ debate on Corsica, xii 51*] 

».+- motion for papers on the employment 
of soldiers during the riots, 7d. 

on American affairs, 

xii 52*] 

..-. debates on America, 7).-61*] 

..-- petition from Massachusetts for a re- 
peal of the revenue acts, xii 53*] 

...- king’s speech on the prorogation of, 
xii 73*] 

+++. vavious acts, xii 71] 83] 85] 91] 98] 

».+- joint address of both houses on Ame- 
rican affairs, xii 73] 227] 

++-- Speech on proroguing, xii 100] 229] 

esos opening, xiii 59] 244] 

5 — to the address moved, xiii 


Baas rejected, xiii 63] 

-... the king’s answer to the address, ib. 

+++» speech on the prorogation of, xiii 95*] 

+++ lords who have pledged themselves to 
endeavour for the restoration of the rights 
of election, xiii 70] 

+++» various acts, xiii 73] 80] 86] 91] 107] 

+++. joint address of both houses on the 
city remonstrance, xiii 84] 

os ne on opening, xiii 162] 252] xiv 

| «++. various acts, xiii 166] 171] 172] 173] 

| 226-9] xiv 81] 85] 94] 104] 

+».. spirited debates on the addresses in 
answer to the speech, xiv 18] 

+++. motion for an address for Spanish 
papers, xiv 21] 


Parliament: liberal supplies granted unani- 
mously, xiv 40] 

e+-- convention with Spain respecting 
Falkland’s islands announced to, xiv 46] 

«+++ motion for papers, 7b. 

- complaint of deficiency among them, 
xiv 47] 

«++. inquiry whether France had interfered, 
xiv 48] 

+++» censure of the convention, 7d. 

+... defence of it, xiv 51] 

«+. address of thanks carried 
houses, xiv 52] 53] 

e».. act for an embankment at Durham 
yard, xiv 70*] 

+++ Speech on proroguing, xiv 72*] 104] 

+e. ——-——— opening the session, xv 

84*] 218] 
-. royal marriage bill originated by a 
message from the king, xv 90*] 178] 221] 

«-+- affairs of the E. India company agi- 
tated in. xv 101*] 

«++. il will between the two houses, xv 

.... king’s speech on closing the session, 
xv 105*] 221] 

+++. various acts, xv 74] 79] 88] 92] 101] 
105] 107] 

+++. speech at opening the session, xv 142] 
222] xvi 68*] 

2--- various acts, xv 145] 147] 148] xvi 
83] 88] 90] 100] 104] 111] 116] 

+--+ Speech at closing the session, xvi 108*] 
117] 233] 

«+++ Speech at opening, xvii 50] 259] 

+++. message from the throne on the pro- 
ceedings at Boston, xvii 58] 

«+++ Speech on closing the session, xvii 78] 

see Various acts, xvii 89] 101] 106] 119] 
122] 125] 128] 130] 

-.++ dissolved by proclamation, xvii 152] 
276] xviii 38] 

+++» speech on opening, xvii 165] 263] 
xviii 59] 

e.+- various acts, xvii 171] xviii 92] 101] 
102] 107] 122] 124] - 

ees. Speech on closing the session, xviii 
119*] 256] 

--+. message from the king recommending , 
that Buckingham house be settled on thé 
queen, and Somerset house be appro- 
priated to public uses, xviii 105] 109] 

.+.» speech at opening, xviii 167] 269] xix 

3c eee acts, xviii 175] 1821 187] xix 
128] 142] 143] 144] 

.».» address of the two houses on Ameri- 
can aflairs, xviii 247] 

++. protests of lords against it, xviii 248] 

in both 

249 | 
«++» Speech at closing the session, xix 144*] 
144] 256] : 

»+-- handbill respecting America delivered 
to the members of both houses, xix 117] 

Parliament ; speech at opening, xix 188] 
xx 31] 275] 

s+. Various acts, xix 192] 195] xx 171] 
173] 179] 181] cb. 182] 184] 185] 

«++» partial secession of opposition, xx 48] 

--.-. speech at closing the session, xx 112] 


opening, xx 210] xxi 40] 


Seals closing the session, xxi 210*] 

“a various acts, xxi 171] 173] 176] 183- 

«+++ Speech at opening, xxii 75] 336] 

---- motion for the farewell proclamation 
and manifesto of the commissioners, xxii 

«++. speech at closing the session, xxii 172] 

e+.» various acts, xxii 198] 202] 205] 210] 
214] 215] 219] 239] 

«++. message from the king on the Spanish 
war, xxii 344] 

+++ speech at opening, xxiii 37] 321] 

is - after the riots, xxiii 

195*] 333] 
on closing the session, xxiii 

199*] 336] 

««.. various acts, xxiii 202] 211] 214] 218] 


++.» proclamation for dissolving, xxiii 337] 

«+e» Speech on opening the new, xxiv 149] 
201*} 314] 

e+e various acts, xxiv 337 | 

«+e. Speech at opening, xxv 127] 291] 

+s. act of George I respecting Ireland re- 
pealed, xxv 179] 

«+s. various acts, xxv 180] 308] 

e+e« Speech at proroguing, xxv 189] xxvi 

closing the session, xxiv 

«+++ ———— opening the session, xxvi 

138] 311] 

ose. ———- proroguing, xxvi 180] 318] 

e+e» Various acts, xxvi 208] 224] 366] 

+++. Speech at opening the session, xxvii 
58] 305] 

ate proroguing previous to dis- 
solving, xxvii 315] 

-... dissolved, xxvii 99] 

+++. speech on the meeting of the new 
parliament, xxvii 147] 315) 

yiilere at the close of the session, 
xxvii 170] 317] 

sees opening of the second 
session, xxvii 171] 348] 

«see prorogued by proclamation, 

+++» petition from Manchester against the 
Trish resolutions, xxvii 362] 

+++s various acts, xxvii 365] 366] |. 

e+» address to the king on the commercial 
Oo eae respecting Ireland, xxviii 




Parliament: speech on opening the session, 
XXxvili 89] 254] 

closing it, xxviii 137] 259] 

+++ various acts, xxviii 301] 

+++- Speech on opening the session, xxix 
66] 268] 

+;-- address on the commercial treaty, 
xxix 103] 

P ‘s ee on closing the session, xxix 

+++» various acts, xxix 319] 
+++. speech on opening the session, xxx 
83] 267] 

closing it, xxx 271] 

«eee Various acts, xxx 298] 

+++» proceedings in consequence of the 
king’s illness, xxxi 69] 89] 105] 287- 
306] : 

+++. addresses to both houses on the re- 
gency business from some places, and 
pe against it from others, xxxi 

«+++ opened by a commission under the 
great seal, xxxi 129] 306] 

+++. opened by commission on the king’s 
recovery, xxxi 142] 306] 

petition of the E. India company to 
add a million to it’s stock, xxxi 159] 

+++. prorogued by commission, xxxi 164] 

+++ various acts, xxxi 208] 282] 

e+e regency bill, xxxi 343] 

+...» king’s speech at opening the session, 
Xxxil 65] 281] 



closing it, xxxii 104] 

message on the affair of Nootka 
Sound, xxxii 285] 

«++.» report of the committee for inspecting 
the buildings adjoining Westminster hall, 
Xxxii 247] 

«+e various acts, xxxii 273] 

+++» Speech on opening, xxxiii 150] 

+++.» papers on the Spanish convention de- 
livered to both houses, xxxiii 222, 223 

+++» messages from the king on the war be- 
tween Russia and the Porte, xxxiii 251, 

oo on the govern- 

ment of Canada, xxxiii 261, 151] 

+++ Speech at closing, xxxiii 154] 

+... various acts, xxxiii 144] 

+.+. speech on opening, xxxiv 127] 156 

.... actof, read from the pulpit, xxxiv 173] 

«+.» various acts, xxxiv 11, 14, 150 

-.+.- Speech on closing the session, xxxiv 
175] 165 

.. «- proclamation for the meeting of, xxxiv 
166. xxxv 3] 

+++. Speech at opening, xxxiv 167. xxxv 

184] 166 

--.. various acts, xxxv 109, 110 

+++. Speech at opening, xxxvi 180] 138 

on closing the session, xxxv 



Parliament: speech at closing the session, 
xxxvi 281] 145 

ess various acts, xxxvi 135 

--~» speech at opening, xxxvi 152. xxxvii 

Beas closing, xxxvii 230] 137 

++.. various acts, xxxvii 119 

«+++ Speech on opening the session, xxxvii 
138. xxxviii 10] 

Bos closing it, xxxviii 73] 117 

+--+ various acts, xxxviii 101, 109 

+++. speech on opening the new, xxxviii 
118. xxxix 105] 

+... various act8, xxxix 163 

++. Speech on closing the session, xxxix 

bes a opening, xxxix 229. xl 166] 

closing the session, xl 240] 


+++. proceedings of lords of the treasury 
relative to economical arrangements in 
public offices, xl 173 

«+++ various acts, x] 193 

«+++ speech on opening the session, xl 218. 
xli 161] 

.... thanks to lord Nelson and his fleet, xli 

fleet, xli 172] 

+++. monument in St. Paul’s voted to capt. 
G. Westcott, 2b. 

«++. message respecting a union with Ire- 
land, xli 204] 

++». address on it, xli 233] 

---- bill for reducing the supplementary 
militia and provisional cavalry, xli 234] 

---- speech on closing the session, xli 211 

--.. early meeting of, xli 312] 

---- speech on the occasion, xli 312] 212 

«++ various acts, xli 312] 185 

»++» Speech on proroguing, xlii 159] 182 

+... Various acts, xlii 172 

«--. Speech on opening the session, xlii 
183. xliii 2] 

Bs ts concluding the last session of 

t ?: British parliament, xlii 184. xliii 


+... various acts, xliii 16] 17] 

-..-. Speech at the first meeting of the im- 
perial parliament, xliii 42] 207 

--.. bills of indemnity, xliii 178] 179] 

..-. act for the relief of insolvent debtors, 
xliii 182] 

eens preventing arrests for debts 
contracted in France before the revolu- 
tion, xliii 182] 

---- act for stopping proceedings against 
clergymen for nonresidence, xliii 182] 

. i 9 oe es by commission, xliii 204] 

sir J. B. Warren and _ his 

+++» Various acts, xliii 196 
+... Speech on opening, xliii 210. xliv 2 
closing the session, xliv 180, 

+++» reward to Dr, Jenner, xliy 182 



Parliament: reward to H. Greathead, for his 

life-boat, xliv 183 

-.-- number of new members returned, 
xliv 436 

.»-- list of members, xliv 546 

..+. various acts, xliv 591 

onal new parliament opened by commission, 
xlv 2 : 

---. the king’s speech, xliv 607. xlv 3 

+++. speech at closing the session, xlv 212 

-- +» various acts, xlv 633, 634 

-... speech at opening, xlvi 1, 596 

aelte closing the session, xlvi 113, 
599 . 

«+. various acts, xlvi 587 

-++. Speech at opening, xlvii 1, 605 

Ee prorogued by commission, xlvii 118, 


++. various acts, xlvii 595 

+++. opened by commission, xlviii 8, 654 

--.. American intercourse indemnity bill, 
xlviii 83 

-... American intercourse bill, xlviii 84 

---- Tortola free port bill, xlviii 89 

-.-- bills for checking the slave trade, 
xlviii 90, 92 

+... address to the king on the subject, 
xl viii 92 

.. +» bankrupt laws amendment bill, xlviii 

---- insolvent debtors bill, 7d. 

+... witness declaratory bill, xlviii 94 

e+.» prorogued by commission, xlviit 108, 

.... message from the king on the conduct 
of Prussia, xlviii 160, 689, 690 

«+.» dissolution of, xlviii 262, 451 

+... Various acts, xlviii 641 

++.. treaties laid before, xlviii 656-72 

++. Supplementary papersrelative to them, 
xl viii 673 

+ «+ new, opened by commission, xlviii 826, 
xlix 31 

-.«. papers relative to the negotiation with 
France laid before, xlviii 708-91 

--.. closed by commission, xlix 165, 704 

+... Dew, opened by commission, xlix 236 

...+. Speech from the throne, xlix 237, 709 

+... Various acts, xlix 735*, 737* 

---. closed by commission, xlix 725 

---- speech from the throne, 1 2] 296* 

+... act for regulating the powers of modi- 
fying the stipends of the Scotch clergy, 

Sota enforcing the residence of the 
Trish clergy, 2b. 

+--+ prorogued by commission, | 128] 332* 

+++. various acts, | 291* 

+++» opened by commission, li 26, 680 

+... closed by commission, li 172, 707 

~+.. various acts, ]i 557 

+... opened by commission, lii 2, 430 

++.» prorogued, lii 151, 432 

+...» could not be further prorogued in con- 
sequence of the king’s illness, and ap- 

pointed the prince of Wales regent, lii 

Parliament: various acts, lii 324 

«++. resolutions respecting a regency. liii 1] 

e--- these presented to the queen and 
prince of Wales, liii 6] 

«+» the prince’s answer, liii 275 

«+.» the queen’s answer, liii 276 

«++. opened by a commission under the 
great seal, liii 6] 

«+e» regency bill, liii 6] 276 

«++. opened by commission from the vre- 
gent, liii 9] 281 

.e«ee various acts, lili 230, 297 

e+e prorogued by commission, liii 298 

e+e. petition of the Catholics of Ireland, 
liii 302 

e+» Opened by commission, liv 1] 326 

«+s. report on the king’s health, liv 6} 

«+++ closed by commission, liv 127] 383 

e+e. dissolved, liv 135] 

++e- Meeting of the new, liv 214] 

+++» Speech from the throne, 74. 394 

+++. procession at opening, liv 147 

«+e» various acts, liv 257 

++ee Speech at closing, lv 96] 366 

eees ———— opening, lv 200] 369 

«eee various acts, lv 244, 313-5 

«++» meeting and farther adjournment of, 
lvi 107] 

ees Speech at proroguing, lvi 168] 352 

opening, lvi 204] 353 

+e» Various acts, lvi 261, 333, 334 

+++ speech at proroguing, lvii 54] 329 

«+e» Various acts, lvii 240, 318 

+--+ speech at opening, lviii 1] 387 

«+s» message from the regent on the mar- 
riage of the princess Charlotte, lviii 32] 

-++- speech at closing, lviii 90] 394 

e+e» various acts, lviii 337 

«+++ speech at opening, lix 1] 

closing, lix 98} 

e+. various acts, lix 224 

e+ee Speech at opening, lx 1] 

closing, lx 151] 

eee» various acts, lx 351 

+++» opened by commission, ]xi ]] 

«+.» regent’s speech, Ixi 2] 

«+s. speech at closing the session, Ixi 101] 

opening the session, lxi 116] 

eee» various acts, Ixi 289 

+... for the proceedings of the two Houses 
given separately. Sce Lords, and Com- 

Parliament of Merton, i 455 

Parlour, Mary, iii 84] 

Parma: inoculation of Ferdinand prince of, 
vii 114] 

»»+- don Philip, duke of, died of the small- 
pox, though he had had it before, viii 

e+... expulsion of the Jesuits from, x 5] xi 
52*] 75] 87] 

-» +» limitation of the pope’s power, x 5] 
xi 51") 


Parma: the pope issues his brief against, 
xi 51*] 

_ «e+ it?s authenticity professed not to be 

credited, xi 52*] 

+++ application from different courts to the 
pope to revoke it, xi 53*] 

«+. this refused, xi 54*] 

-+-- effects of the brief suspended by the 
new pope, xii 37] 

«e+. marriage of the duke to the arch- 
duchess Amelia, xii 118] 

+++. monument to Friendship erected, xiii 

+++ armistice with France, xxxviii 92] 

e+e» peace with it concluded, xxxviii 115] 

---» Lewis, prince of, inaugurated king of 
Etruria, xliii 334-7 4 

..+. taken possession of in the name of 
the French republic, xliv 641 

++. government assumed by Maria Louisa, 
lviii 393 

Parmegiano, xxv 151 

Parmentier, Ant, Aug. xxii 99. xxxiv 389. 
xlix 871 

-+.. account of, lvii 437 

cae archd. T. vy 183. xii 60. xiii 220, 

——- Peter, lvi 292 , 

sir H. xlviii 75. 1i 89, 169. liii 16] 
51] liv 41] lvi 127] 162] 76. 163] lvii 29] 
Iviii 49] 51] 52] 53] 61] lix 51] 92] 94) 
Ixi 7] 70] 

—— sir J. xli 215] xlii 116) xliii 161) 
xlvi 724 

Parole, French prisoner having broken, 
sent back by the king, i 81 

Peal duke del. 1 168] 11.197, lii 163, Iv 


Parquet, gen. xxxiv 92] 

Parr, capt. T. (N) xxxviii 70, 71 

gov. J. xxvii 301] 

queen Cath. burial place and time of 
the death of, xxx 125 

e+++ account of, xxx 128 

rev. Dr. 8. xxxiv 492] xxxviii 11. xlv 
769. xlvi 723. xlviii 482. 1 265n 

— T. iv 144] xxviii 61, 65. xxxiv 43 

+.» dissection of, xii 97 

— W. xlviii 958 

Parrhasius, vii 276. ix 229 

Parricides, ix 132] x 151] xi 65] 97] xvi 
131] 136] 144] xvii 89] 114] 172] xxi 
179] xxvii 241] xlvii 396. liti 13. lv 35, 
79, 95. lix 118. lx 305 

Parrish, J, xxxix 409. liii 511 

Parrot, rey. xvi 180] 

Rich. murderer of his wife, iv 169] 

Parrots: extraordinary one, xliv 455 

++. anecdote of one, xlix 1272 

+++. one shot after escaping from a ship- 
wreck, liv 131 

Parry, his account of the fire on board 
the prince George, i 307 

(singer) xxix 205] 

— = 


Parry, adm. xvii 111) 

capt. (N) x 124] : 
-— (N) Ix 156. Ixi 33, 98 
———-'Dr. ix 56 

; Edw. xliii 198] 

—— gov. David, xxxii 201] 

—— J. murdered, iii 130] 

—-— J. xxvii 268] 

—~— Peter, ii 100 

—— rev. Dr. Rich. xxiii 210] 

—— T. xxx 202] xlviii 409 

—— W. xxvii 206] : 
‘Parsees. See Parssees 

Parslow, capt. v. Sykes for adultery, xxxi 

229] , 

col. jii 100] 
Sa el: v 196] 
oe preservation of by drying, xxix 

+++. culture of, liii 508 

Parson, W. xxx 238] 

Parsons, Dr. James, iii 135. iv 84. v 55. x 
74, 79. xviii 29 

Dr. J. xxiii 216] 

—— Eliz. v 147] 

fath. Rob. xlii 424 

Francis (noted thief) ix 63] 

—— gen. S. H. (Amer.) xx 122] xxiii 

—— J. ix 86] xlv 459 
—— J. White, xlvi 383 
“as lady, robbery of, xvii 160] 
———— lieut. (N) xlv 456 
——— Rich. extraordinary case of, ix 191] 
——— Rob. xxxi 189 
——— sir Lawrence, xxxvii 225] xlii 113] 
xliii 155] 161] 162] xlv 99, 103 
—— sir W. xxvii 334] xxxix 443. xliv 
379. liii 105 
——— White, xlv 119. xlvi 383 
- W. xlviii 1069, 1070 
W. (F.R.S.) xxx 181, 182 
Parssees, v 104, 106. lv 465. lix 577 
Parthenians, iii 8 
Partington, xxi 92 
——-—— T. Walley, xxiii 382] 
Partis, xxxli 24 
Partnership, action against a man for money 
received by his partner, xxi 174] 
Partridge, Oliver, town clerk of Hatfield, 
_N.E. xi 246] 
W. v 139] 
Partridges, tame, | 5* 
+++. one with three wings, | 129* 
Party spirit, mischiefsof, i 28, 369 
| «++. credulity, i 370 
| Pascal, Blaise, xxxviii 337 
| Pasfield, Rob. xvii 49 
Pasley, adm, sir T. xxv 108] 202] xxxvil7, 
87, 89, 91, 92. xxxvii 8 
Pasquier, baron, lvii 83] 
Steph. xlvi 828 
ogre y bay, islandsin, lvi 18)] 202. 
Passell, W. executed for murder, xvi 93] 
Parr [. 



Passeri, bish. xl 64] 

Passerot, xxxiv 450 

Passiflora, fruit ripened in Yorkshire, vi 

Passingham v. Lloyd for some valuable es- 
tates, xxxvi 26 

— col. Rob. xlvii 365, 403 

Passion, effects of, xIvii 397. liv 35 

Passionei, card. v 87] xi 149, 151. xii 184 

Passions. See Man 

Passman, J. xxxix 407 

Passmore, T. xlvi 824 

Paste, Chinese, lvii 505 

Paston, J. xxix 99, 103, 107, L11. xxx 114 

Pastoret, xxxix 57] 84] 

Pastourel, John, vii 169, 170 

Paswan Oglou, x! 136] 1372] xli 74] 82] 
xliii 223] 287] ‘xliv 25). xlviii 210 

Patagonians, v 61. ix 104] x 185. xi 68. xiv 
10, 14, 268. xxvi 10 

Patch, Rich. murder of J. Blight by, xlvii 
421, 428. xlviii 390, 595 

Patent rights, actions for infringing, ix 67] 
xxvi 205] 

Patents, lists of, xxxiii 358] xxxiv 415, 416. 
xxxix 406. xl 385. xli 400. xlii 379. xliii 
451. xliv 771. xlv $27. xlvi 824. xlvii 847. 
xlviii 955. xlix 852. 1 135. 1i 543. ii 417. 
liii 265. liv 314, lv 319. lvi 335. lvii 319. 
Iviii 347. lix 233. Ix 359. Ixi 299 

Paternoster row, fires in, xiii 66] xxxv 57] 

Paterson, projector of the Bank of Eng- 
land, xxxix 178] 

capt. W. xi 83] 

capt. W. (N) Iviii 235 

gov. W, xxviii 57. xxxi 51. xl 465 

J. and son, Rolfe v. for breaking 
up ground, xv 75] 


—— John, i 10]. ii 105. iv 80] x 50] 

100] xi 82} 167] xiii 149] 154] xxii 148) 

J. suicide, xlix 445 

1. col. T. xxxvi 69 

rey. founder of the colony of 
Darien, xxx 209 

rey. Dr. Alex. lyiii 128 

Rob. executed for highway rob- 
bery, xi 178] 

Sam. v 152n 

Sim. lviii 249 

————- W. (Amer.) xxix 299] xlvii 399 

Pateshul, Hugh de, xxv 131 

Patkul, J. xv 48] 

Patna, taken by the English,. vii 39] 

-»-. retaken, 7b. 

-..- massacre of the English prisoners, vit - 
43] xlv 782 

-.». taken by maj. Adams, vii 43] 44] 

«+. tribe of Jews at, vii 59] 

Paton, Rich. xxiii 382] xxiv 324] 

—— T. xxxix 408. xlii 383 

Patriarchal customs and manners, xxii ]61 

Patrick, bish. Sim. ix 142 

Patrick square, fire in, xlv 355 

Patriotic fund. See Lloyd’s 

Patriotism, not a Christian virtue, xix 167 
Patriza, margq. |vi 99 
Patrona bey, xlii 70 
Patten, And. liv 315 
col, Pet. xlv 162 
Patterson, convicted of an attempt on 
his own daughter, viii 79] ix 84] 
xxx 161] 
gen. J. (Amer.) xxiii 392] 
ee 1974 
———— R. (Amer.) xxxv 331 
—— Rob. xlviii 363 
Patteson, J. xlvi 105 ni 
Pattison, gen. xix 168*] xxii 188] xxiii 
Pattle, T. jun. xxvii 177] 208] 
Patton, (surg.) xix 118”. xx 93 
adm. Philip, xxiv 174] 
Patty, T. xlix 856 
Paul,emp. of Russia, v 19] 224]225] xxxviii 
201] 43. xxxix 4, 32, 55. x1 14, 45, 94. 
xli 75] 165] 189] xliii 97] 224] 278] xliv 
198, 246. xlv 232. xlvi 162. lvi 81] 
+. Strange regulations by, xxxix |. xliti 
+++» coronation of, xxxix 31 
---- libel on, xli 22 
.»-- grand master of the order of Malta, 
xli 78] 280 
+++ account of, xliii 114] 9, 416, 429 
--++ his death, xliii 114] 115] 9 
+++. challenge to the potentates of Europe, 
xliii 2 
—— I. pope, xii 158. xvi 55] 
—— Ill, pope, xii 128. xiv 55. xvi 194x. 
xl 415. xlviii 839, 840x 
—— IV, pope, xlviii 841 
— Ann, v 132] 
— Dr. xxxvii 171 
—fath. See Sarpi 
—— Nath. (E. India capt.) xiv 140] 
lieut. (N) xlii 78. xlvi 550 
—— Nich. xliv 777 
sir G. O. lxi 380 
Paulet, Dr. xi 175. xlix 847 
Pauley, J. suicide, xlvi 368 
S. J. lvii 320 
Paulian, fath. xii 93 
Paull, J. xlvii 111, xlviii 100, 460. xlix 144, 
425, 633. 130° 
Paul’s wharf, fire at, xii 130] 
Paulucci, marq. lv 115] 
Paulus, Peter, xxxvii 52] 207] xxxviii 10 
Paulutskoi, maj. —_iv 107 
Pauly, J.S. lviii 348. lix 233 
—— S. J. lviii 348 
T: S. lvi 337 
Paumier, Pet. xxxii 314] 
Paupers. See Poor 
Pausanias, ii 397, 398. iii 6, 165, 166. vi 
170, 171. xxx 123. xxxi 93. xxxviii 468. 
lviii 454 
Pausus, account of the, xlvii 824 
Pauvilliers, Jard, xlvi 172 
Pauw, Corn. de, xxii 932 



Pavilliard, rev. xxxvili 331 

Paving, 100 sq. yards done in less than nine 
hours by a merchant, viii 86] 

+++ cast iron employed for, lviii 142 

Parma? Basil, murder of his master by, 
v 70 

Pawnbrokers, convicted of usury, x 157] 
xvi 119] 

+++. money lent on plate bought with a 
forged note recovered by one, xvi 99] 

Payne, xxx 214] 

adm. J. Willet, xxvi 258] xxix 204] 

xxXvi 92. xxxvii 13 

G. shot in a duel, lii 277 

James, viii 1947] xxxi 232] 

J. xxix 106 

J. xiii 66] 

Jos. extraordinary case of, iii 68 

lady, xxx 197 

—— l.gen. sir W. li 451, 470 

—— Oliver (bookseller) xli 9 

Rene, xxii 236] 

——- sir Ralph, xiv 76] xv 129] 207] xvii 

—-— T. (bookseller) account of, xli 9 

W. xxi 175] 

Paynter, W. xxxii 336] 341] 

Pazzi, conspiracy of the, xxxvii 27*] 

Peace, when only to be expected, iv 2] 

-... of Versailles, v 233] xxvi 322} 331] 

.... proclamations of, vi 63] xxvi 217] xliv 
181. lvi 52 

.»+. of Hubertsburgh, v 63] 247] vi 213} 
xiii 69] xiv 16] 

«++. — Teschen, xxiii 5] xxvii 125] 

«++. — Luneville, xlii 270 

«++. — Amiens, xliv 94, 608 

++» grand celebration of, lvi 67 

«++ See also Treaties 

Peace (The) articles of, exhibited against a 
lady by a noble lord, x 60] 

----in cases of challenge, xii 103] xlvii 
395. xlviii 458. xlix 367 

Peace, prince of the, xlvi 702. xlvii 14, 121, 
122. xlviii 221, 222. xlix 277, 278. 1 130] 
142] 147] 33*, 227%, 231%, 241° 

Peach, Sam. xvii 110] xxiv 173] 

Sus. viii 29 

Peache, James, xlix 856 

Peacock, Francis Heylon, M‘Kercher v.. for 
a legacy, xiii 170] : 

—— G. liv 294 

S. xxxiv 433 

Peake, capt. W. (N) lv 108] 

——— sir Rob, iv 50 

Pearce, (boxer) xlix 516 

bish. Zach. iii 19. xvii 154] xix 
199] 26, 233. xx ldn 

+++. account of, xx 1 

J. x1 388 industrious cottager, xlvii 809 

Peard, capt. S. (N) xlii 72 

Pearl-ashes, imported from Minorca, viii 


Pearl-ashes, patent for, xxxiii 358] 
Pearl-muscle described, xli 387 
Pearls: in the lake of Killarney, i 325 
«+e artificial, vi 28 
«... fishery for, in Scotland, viii 131] 
<iapie at Ceylon, xli 380. xliv 749 
-.-.- Observations on, xli 389 
Pearsall, T. liv 314 
Pearse, capt. (N) lvi 244 
J. 1ii 460 
Pearson, (gardener) xxxviii 455 
——— capt. Rich. Harrison, (N) xlv 392. 
lx 309 
——— capt. sir Rich. (N) xxii 232] 309] 

xl 4 

C. Ixi 108] 

H. S. xlvii 371 

James, xliv 774. liii 196 

Jos. murdered, xix 145] 

Jos. (doorkeep. H. of Com.) xxiv 
225] : 

1. col. T. lv 189] 233. lyi 200, 211, 

rev. xxviii 201] 

—— T. xxvi 171. xlviii 960 

——— W. lx 258 

Peartrees, bearing for the 3rd time in one 
season, ix 145] 

...- management of, liv 504 

Pease, green, a guinea a quart given for, at 
the end of May, x 94] 

«++. prices of, xiv 101] xlv 394 

Peat, James, xlvii 393 

Pechaux, gen. lv 134] 

Pechel, Aug. 1x 400 

Pechlin, gen. xv 56] 

—— m. gen. bar. xxxiii 81. xxxiv 26 

Peck, Francis, xii 139 

Pecke, Roger, xvii 143] 

Peckham, ald. Rob. xx 203] xxiv 193] 

———abp. xlix 821 

—— couns. xvil183] xviii 237] xxiv 
183] 243] 

——_ J. Randall, x1 390. xlv 829 

v 152n 


Peckoyer, W. xlvii 372 

Pecquet, intend. gen. of forests, viii 138 
Pedder, W. xlix 860 

Peddie, maj. J. lviii 42 

Pedley, Rob. xxiv 17i] 

-Pedrazuela, Jose, liii 118 

Pedron, _xlvi 222 

Peeke, Mrs. burnt to death, lvi 2 

Peel, G. xiii 107 

— Rob. lii 11. lvi 159] 160] 162] 163] «5. 
212] 213) lviii 48] 52] lix 43] 52] 93] 53. 
1x 56] 58] 121] 131] 146] Ixi 1] 20] 44] 
53] 65] 

— sir Rob. xlv 116, 155. liii 70] 287 

—— W. Ixi 4] 

Peers, ald. Rich. xii 149] xiv 92] 108] 

sir C, xi 164] 

Pegess rev. Dr. S. xx 142, xxx 249] xlix 

Peimeck, H. xliv 772 


Peine forte et dure, xiii 163 

+++. act respecting, xv 92] 

Peirse, H. xxvii 268] 

Pekin, population of, xxi 217] 

e+.. account of, xxxix 469 

-+.. fire at, xlv 441 

Pelage, = xlvi 715 

Pelagie, xliv 221, 365 

Pele, J. Bapt. executed for a plot against 
the marquis of Pombal, xviii 165] 

Pelew islands, Antelope packet shipwrecked 
on, xxx 37 

+++ Visits to, xxxiii 345, xxxv 38 

Pelham, C. Anderson, xxxvi 16 

H. xix 238] xxxiii 283] xxxix 


lord. See Chichester 
—— sir T. xlvi 857 
T. (M, P.) See Chichester, T. 2nd 

—— T. lord, iv 88] v 82] xi 187] xvii 
102] xix 93] xxxi 298] 304] xxxv 49. xliv 
7, 98, 125. xlv 8, 57, 60, 98, 129, 130, 
141, 143, 145, 218, 254n 

Pell, xix 158 

—— serg. lv 261. lviii 300. lix 187, 188. Ix 
265, 2b. 283, 339. Ixi 188, 210, 224, 227 

Pellatt, Apsley, xlix 859 

Pelleport, marq. de, xxxi 250*] 

Pellerin, Jes. xix 181] 

Pelletier de St. Fargeau, xxxv 229] 

Pellew, adm. sir Edw. See Exmouth, vise. 

—— Israel, xxxviii 37, 38 

capt. (N) lv 6 

Fleetwood (N) xlix 672*. lviii 

Pelley, M. Pleville le, xv 111] 
Pelly, capt. C. (N) xlvi 379, 534 
Peltier, J. xlv 230, 659. lvi 200] 
-..- trial for libel, xlv 600 
Pemberton, v 76] 
— couns, xliv 439. lxi 278 

Isaac, ii 194 

——— Jeremiah, ix 59] xxviii 250] 
judge, xiv 33, 35 
rey. Dr. lvi 313 
sir Fran, lii 443 
Pemble, col. Charles, viii 11] 
Pembroke, Eliz. countess of, xliii 48 
G. Aug. 11th earl, xxiii 86. xxix 
40. xlvii 355. 1 63] 278*, 279*. lvii 21. lviii 

‘AH. 9th earl of, v 152n 
H. 10th earl of, ix 72] xii 114] 
xiv 263. xxii 343] xxiii 113] 127] 298} 
330] 333] xxiv 289] 290] xxv 296] xxvi 
166] xxix 39. xxxi 4]. xlix 827 
Ph. 4th earl of, iv 167] v 28. xiii 
177, 178. xviii 153. xxix 115 
—__—— T. 8th earl of, v 28, ix 69: xx 
43. xxxiv 425 
W. Ist earl of, xi 51, 52. xii 137. 
xxxili 367] 
W. 3rd ear! of, v 28. xii 138. xiii 

PE ; 

Pemphigus, observations on, xxx 70 

Pen park hole, rev. Newnham drowned 
in, xviii 99] 

Pena, gen. —_ 1 200) liii 112] 114] 181 

Pendleton, Edm. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 
218] xviii 265] 

—————_ N. (Amer.) xlvi 406 

Pendrill, C. xlv 363 

Pengelly, serg. vii 279. xxxiv 281] 

Penguin, description of the, xiv 88 

Penitentiary houses : at Wymondham, xxviii 

-+ +. plan proposed for, xxxv 170] 

..-» grant for business relative to, xxxvii 

++ 2. ———— purchase of ground, xli 197 

+.» at Millbank, lviii 93. lix 368. Ix 422, 
ib. xi 420 

Penn, goy. J. xviii 12] xix 45]93] xxxvii 

—— J. xxxiv 134, Ix 400. ]xi 399 

—— Juliana, xiy 110] 

—— rey. James, v 144] 

Rich. xviii 262] xxi 108] Ix 361, 400. 

lxi 399 

T. xlii 283 

—— W. xxxiv 134. xli 64] 

«+ losses of the family by the American 
revolution, xxxii 99] 

Pennant, T. xiii 83. xv 88x, 93,167. xvii 
38, 83, 85, 87, 88, 140, 143, 144, 185. xviii 
71. xix 47, 124. xxii 138. xxiv 38, 63, 
131, 134, 139. xxv 126, 131, 135. xxvi 
107, 109, 110, 119. xxvii 39, xxxii 102, 
106. xxxvi 298. xl 105, 375. xli-5. xliii 
474, xlvi 379, 802. lv 77 

+++. account of, xlvi 748 

Penne Villamur, count, liii 203, 208, 211, 

Pennsylvania: disputes between the go- 
vernor and assembly, vii 84] 

+++. lawless conduct of the back-settlers, 
viii 107] xiv 109] 

.-.. the governor refuses to call a general 
assembly, xviii 12] 

-.+» meeting of delegates and their resolu- 
tions, 76. 

---- advertisement from a Prussian officer, 
xviii 126] 

+. ee instructions to delegates, xviil 186] 

«.++ demur to the declaration of indepen- 
dence, xix 164*] 

+++. pamphlet expressive of the principles 
of the Quakers, xix 117] 

++. resolutions of the Assembly on the 
two British bills, xxi 334] 

eeee —— on proposals for peace from 
G. Britain, xxvi 130] 

+... criminal law of, xxxvi 38. xli 309 

. disturbances in some of the Western 
counties, xxxvi 253. xli 303 

-.«» Negro slavery legal in, xliv 379 

Penny, capt. Taylor (N) xxii 256] xxv 208*] 

Edw. viii 194] xi 199] xii 107] 

—— J. lvi 337 



Pennycuicke, And. (actor) xxiii 152 

Pennyman, sir James, xiv 90 

Penrose, adm. sir C. V. lvi 18] 165, 183. 
lvii 173. lviii 238 

Penryn, lord, xxvii 3352] 

Pensacola: ceded to G. Britain, v 240] 

-+.-- mortality among the troops there, viii 
148] ix 62] 

+++» quassia tree there, ix 76] 

..+. five Spanish register ships driven 
ashore near, x 52] 

-+-- British subjects to have no intercourse 
with New Orleans, x 101] 

«+++ taken by the Spaniards, xxiv 99] 

.--» Indian talk, xxxvi 250 

++. seized by an American force, lx 76 

Pensions granted since 1791, xl 176 

Penthievre, L, J. M. duke de, xxxv 15 

Penton, G. xlv 832 

Pentraeth, Dolly, xviii $58 

Penwarne, hi4is ~ 

— J. 1x 361 

Pepe, fath. ii 191 

Pepler, G. lv 379. Ivi 369. lvii 335. lviii 
423. lix 249. lx 399. Ixi 397 

Pepper, duties on, xliii 193 

---. fabricated, Ixi 51 

Pepperbox, letter from, to the Saltbox, xli 

Pepperel, lieut. ii 133 

Pepusch, Dr. J. C. vi4. xx 42 

Pepys, ii 143 

——— Sam. (P. R.S.) xi 258] 

—— sir Lucas, xxxi 294] xlviii 447. xlix 
938. lv 288 

Perceptive faculty, vi 182 

Perceval, hon, capt. G. J. (N) lviii 236 

———— — Jane, lx 402. lxi 400 

————_—- Spencer, xxxiv 50. xxxix 22, 
43. x1 200] xlii 105] 143] xliii 32] 174] 
xliv 177. xlv 36, 55, 155, 600, 613. xlvi 
10, 47, 56, 76, 107, 110. xlvii 69, 81, 
103, 109, 112, 118. xlviii 53, 57, 62, 85, 
89n. xlix 71, 75, 80, 85, 86, 97, 136, 
138, 154, 239, 240, 247, 358. 1 15] 23] 
75] 84] 87] 95] 100] 102] 119] 122] 136*, 
221*, 222%, 223". li 51, 80,85, 94, 101, 
125, 126, 135, 140, 141, 149, 153, 157, 
159, 164, 166, 171, 399, 969. lii 1, 22, 
26, 33, 36, 45, 51, 54, 57, 63, 73, 77, 85, 
90, 92, 97, 101, 103, 105, 106, 108, 109,, 
116, 122, 123, 124, 125, 131, 138, 140, 
145, 245, 259*. liii 1] 3] 11] 14] 16] 21] 
25] 30] 33] 35] 39] 41] 55] 59] 70] 72} 
79] 86} 146] 279] liv 3] 4} 7) 8},9] U1) 
15] 21] 25) 26] 33] 40] 42] 53] 56) 58] 
59] 60] 62] 72] 79) 129] 346. ly 16] 18) 
23] Iviii 453. 1x 144] 

-++« assassination of, liy 75] 71, 304 

lord, See Egmont, earl 

Rob. xvii 50 

———— Spencer, lv 251 

Perchard, ald. Peter, xl 31. xlvi 418, 421. 
xlvii 376, 430. xlviii 444 

Percival, capt. Rob. (A) xliv 749 



Percival, Dr. Edw. Ix 610 

— Dr. T. xiii 108. xvi 128. xix 133. 
xx 78, 183,185, 195. xxii 112. xxiii 120. 
xxiv 163. xxviii 61. xxxvi 323. xlvi 838 

«eee account of, xlvii 794 

- J. application for his pardon, xii 


Poses bich, T. viii 196, 199, 261, 310. xxi 
220. xxiii 148z. lxi 457 

— — capt. Algernon (N) 

gen.earl. See Northumberland, Hugh, 

2nd duke 

hon. capt. W. H. (N) lvi 194] 

Jeremiah, xxv 196] 

——— lady Mary, xlii 425 

lord Algernon. See Beverley, earl 

——— rev. W. xxxviii 27 

Perecciani, card. ix 146] 

Perée, adm. xlii 72 

Pereire, sieur, ii 72. iv 186] 

Peretti, card. ix 146] 

Perez, Antonio, i 493 

Perfect, H. transported for obtaining mo- 
ney under false pretences, xlvi 426 

Pergen, eount de, xv 30] 

Pericles, iii 159. liii 527 

Periere, teacher of deaf and dumb, xv 

Perignon, marsh. xlvi 176 

Perigord, count de, xxxi 7] 21] 

Perin, emigrant school at, xxxix 364 

Perino de la Vagua, ii 406 

Perjury, unmarried woman found guilty of, 
in receiving a pension as an officer’s 
widow, ii 129 

«s+ persons accusing a ship-captain of 
murder convicted of, vi 65] 

--.. persons pilloried for, vi 79]-Ivi 115 

.... trial of Ph. Cart. Webb for, vii 75] 

i... Jos. Alexander, a Negro, convicted of, 
x 48°] ~ 

+... attorneys convicted of, xii 127] xxvii 
247) xxviii 205] 213] 

~,... Josh. Dudley convicted of, xv 107] 

...+. conviction of, on the Hindon election 
petition, xix 120] 150] 

-.-. trials for, xix 179] xliii 19. xlviii 426. 
lii 331 

«+s. convictions of, xx 215] xlv 401, 418. 
xlvii 395 

.+..Cbrist. Atkinson, the contractor, found 
guilty of, xxvi 211] 220] 222] 

Perkins, Benj. Douglas, xl 386 

capt. J. (N) xliii 123. xlv 456 

-——— Christ. xlvii 848 

——— Dr. Elisha, xl 386 

—-— Louisa, convicted of child stealing, 
lix 126 

Perks, J. lx 359 

Pernée, adm. xli 32] 

Pernetty, Dr. xxxiii 386] 393] 

Pernety, dom. Ant. Jos. xiv 14, 86, 102 

Pérouse, J. F. Galaup de la, xxxi 218] 258] 
xxxv 7. xl 461. xli 391, 476 

See Prudhoe, 


Pérouse, J. F. Galaup de la, his expedition 
to Hudson’s bay, xxvi 116] xli 477 
. character of, xli 477 
Perpetual motion, remarks ona, vi 126-9. 
xvii 248] 
Perponcher, gen. Ivii 175 
Perrai, don Kimenes, xxix 196] 
Perreau, Dan. xviii 126] 139] 
---- trial of, xviii 222] 
——-— Rob. trial of, 26. 
+++. execution of the two brothers, xviii 
Perrers, Alice. See Pierce 
Perrin, xli 97] 
v. Blake, xv 69] 
Perring, ald. sir J. xl 3. xlili 32. xlvi 414, 
xlix 508. lix 33 
— — Peter, xxv 188] xxvii 53] 
—— R. xlix 508 
Perrins, (boxer) xxxi 258] 
ee Anquetil du, v 104] xxxix 500. xli 
D6 ‘ 
- account of his voyage to India, v 103 
aes me the works attributed to Zoroaster, 
vil , 
xlvi 20], 206, 209, 222, 

—— gen. 
224, 228, 229 

Perrot, J. hanged for concealing his effects, 
iv 169] 170] 63 

J.xxxii 353] 

—— judge, ix 88] xii 149] xiv 100] 
xv 70] 

—— sir J. life of, xi 48 

Perry, method of making, xlvi 847 

--+- See also Cider 

Perry, = x!vii 377 

—_— C. executed for piracy, xxxiv 23 

commod. (Amer.) lv 218, 445 

—— Eliz. xxiv 197] 

—— James, lii 257* 

—— J. convicted of libel, xli 22 

——  R. V. xxxvi 10 

—— W. li 303 

Perryn, sir Rich. xx 232] xxii 199] xxxv 
47. xxxix 155. xlv 364, xlvii 424 

Persepolitan characters, xliii 477 

Persetti, chev. xix 175] 

Persia: diminutive cattle imported from, 
iv 59] 

«+ disturbances in, iv 116] 147] vi 109] 

+s. tranquillity of, under Kerim khan, 
viii 107] : 

«--- British settlement on the Wolga for 
trading to, about to be revived, ix 120] 

---- siege of Bassorah, xviii 158*] 

-... war with Turkey, xix 191*] xx 186*] 

++.. ancient state of, xxi 170 

.... character of the natives, xxv 39, 48. 
xxxii 4], lvii 464 

. war with the Turks, xxvii 38] 

.... ambassador to G, Britain murdered at 
Bombay, xlv 362 

+... war with Russia, xlviii 212, liii 170] 
lv 198] 


Persia: peace with Russia, lx 118, 119 

-... col. M‘Carr stopped in his passage 
from India, 1 3* 

«+.» alliance with France, 7b. 

..-. ambassador from, lii 243*, 247*, 249°, 
264*, 270. 1xi 533 

.. +. treaty with G. Britain, liv 213] 

---- religious sects in, lvii 454, 460, 461 

-+-- moolahs, or Mahometan priests, lvii 

«.-. Russian embassy to, lix 93, 95. 1x 

Persian gulf, islands discovered in, lix 561 

Persian Letters, i 240 

Person, J. gallant conduct of, xiv 151 

Perspiration, effects of, xxiv 92 

Pertaud, capt. Jacques, lii 309 

Perth: ruins of the ancient capital of the 
Picts discovered near, x 72] 

eee. fire at, xxxv 23 

---+- old parliament house taken down, liv 

---. riot of militiamen, lv 17 

Peru: report of a revolution in, ix 18] 

+++. complaint against the Jesuits, x 137] ° 

«+ e+ mines, xx 84. xlvii 1005, 1008 

«++. ancient state, xx 226 

e-+. revolt in, xxiv 194] 

---- account of, xlvii 1002 

+++» people of, xlvii 1013 

+». natural productions, xlvii 1017, 1018 

---- blockade of, lxi 154 

Peruke-makers petition to the king on ac- 
count of so many people wearing their 
own hair, viii 64] 

Pery, Edm. Sexton, vise. xlii 202. liii 367 

---- character of, liii 369 

Pesce, Nicolo. See Colas 

Peshal, sir J. xv 97] 

Peshawer, account of, lvii 524 

Pest, greatly injured by a flood, xviii 90] 

. pe 3 Ee, gang of robbers, liii 

Pestonjee Bomanjee, lix 577 

Peter I, of Portugal, ii 223 

—— Il, v 221] 

—— I, of Russia, v 17] 18] 22] vii 2] 
50n. ix 14] x 20] 21] 140. xii 158] xiii 
3] 5] 20, 30, 135. xvi 5] xvii 8] xix 20. 
xxii 215] xxiv 159. xxviil64. xxviii 41] 
ae 69] xxxiii 106. xli 76] li 788. lvi 

0 - 

e+e,» account of, ii 289. xiii 13. xv 33, xxxi 

---- Statue to, xi 160] 

S ef letter after the battle of Pultowa, xxxi 


—— IT, of Russia, xiii 20. xxviii 3 

—— Ill, of Russia, v 12] 16] 17] 20] 
227] vii 3) x 12] 153] 163] xi 27] 184. 
xiii 153, 156. xv 51] xvi 5] xvii 11] 
xviii 155*] xxxiv 381. xxxix 4. xl 347. 
sxliii 426, 429 

——— the Cruel, of Castile, ii 





Peter the wild man of the Hartz, x 47*] 
xxvli 43 

Peterborough, C. H. earl of, v 94] viii 202] 
204] xxvii 225] xxxi 304] xl 205) liii 
489. lx 283 

-- ++ funeral of, lx 284 

gen. C. earl of, vi 3, 197. x 
61. xviii 221. 1 99* 

Peterel, stormy, found inland, | 122* 

Peters, G. xxviii 200] xlvii 424 

H. xlvii 99 

rey. Hugh, xii 55. xvii 37 

Rich. (Amer.) lii 624 

Petersburgh: calamity of a mild winter at, 
ii 74 

.++- fall of a newly built church tower, iii 

overs aes establishments founded for boys 
and girls of family, vii 90] 

.-.. grand carousal at, ix 117] 118] 

++. fires at, xiv 13] 123] xxiii 225] 

++. galleys fired by lightning, xiv 139] 

++... mortality from smallpox, xvi 92] 

+... general inoculation ordered, id. 

.... grand exhibition of a siege, xvi 143] 

«+. inundation at, xx 186*] 202] 

+... commerce of, xx 182] 

++.» population of, xxi 217] 

-... grand gala on peace with Sweden, 
xxxiii 86 

«++ observations on, xxxiii 872 

-.+. display of Turkish trophies, xxxili 

«+++ regulations of dress, and of mourning 
for the empress, xxxix | 

+++. college of midwifery established at, 
xXxxix 53 : 

«+.» Humane Society established at, xl 17 

+++» public accommodations at, xliii 391 

«».. American company, lviii 31 

++. Panopticon burnt, lx 54 

Petersham, Massachusetts, dedication of a 
tree of liberty at, xi 254] 

Petersham, visc. See Harrington, earl 

Peterson, licut. (N) shot by lord Camel- 
ford, xl 10 : 

——— W. lvii 93 

Peterwaradin. See Waradin 

Pether, W. xlvi 826 

Petion, gen. xlix 229, 659. lii 758. liv 212] 
lvi 199] 200] Iviii 158] 

Jerome, xxxii 46] xxxiv 21] 24] 
26] 27] 29] 30] 32] 35] 37] 38] 51] 52] 
55] 75] 84] 210. xxxv 265] 

Petit v. Addington, xxxiii 30] 

Ant. xviii 151] 

—Dr. viii 174 

Petitions: of P*** earl of C. to the king, 

.--. of Posterity to the dean and chapter 
of Westminster, i 376 

.... restrictions of the right of petitioning, 
xii 99] xxiv 228] 238] 

»» ++ various on the state of affairs, xti 197- 
206] See George IIT 



Petitions: consequences of the right of 
petitioning, xiii 162] 

.... from lord Chesterfield to the king, 
xvii 182] 

e+..- Names surreptitiously added to, lviii 

Petrarch, Franc. v 23. xv 201. xvi 194. xix 
175] xxi 229. xxiv 157, 181. xxviii 

Petrasch, gen. xxxviii 140] xli 268] xlii 

Petre, fath. xiv 249 

—— hon. J. v 78] 

Rob. Ed. 9th lord, v 78] xiii 57. 

xviii 115] 61. xix 52. xxi 309] 310] 

Rob. James, 8th lord, liii 484 

Petrecono, gen. Xxxvi 82 

Petres, W. xxxiii 367] 

Petri Genoese. See Cappunccino 

Petrie, Martin v. xxxiii 46] 

W. li 230 

Petrifactions : of human bodies, iii 78] xii 

«+, by seawater, iii 98, 99 

«+e» one dug up in White Friars, vi 96 

--.. Stump of a tree with the root petri- 
fied, vii 105] 

e+. beehive, x 117 

---» Stratum at Matlock, xviii 95 

..-- formation of, xxi 107 

--.» curious of a bull, liii 124 

Petrifying spring, xlvii 394 

Petroleum, lake of, liii 462 

oe» Springs, lvii 498 

Petronius Arbiter, xix 1 

Pett, Grace, vi 95 

Pettet, capt. Rob. (N) li 473 

Petticoat lane, fires in, xli 21. xlvii 411 

Petty, murdered by T. Lee, xi 155] 

—— lord H. xlvii 35, 47, 69. xlviii 10, 
26, 67, 76, 79, 85, 97. xlix 70, 83, 89, 93, 
94, 95, 96, 99, 103; 104, 109, 120, 140, 
144, 157, 242, 617, 680, 684, 690. 1 15] 
75) 83] 87] 102] 111] li 54, 64, 82, 83, 
167. See also Lansdowne, H. marq. 

sir W. xxiv 105. xxxviii 362. xliii 
18. xlvii 857 

«+s. last will of, iv 16 

-+» his account of himself, 2d. 

Peturson, Sigurdar, liii 434 

Petworth, steeple to be taken down, x] 421 

Petyt, W. xx 131 

Pewsey, bridge at, xxxix 47 

Pewter, on the composition of, xlii 387 

Peynier, xxxiv 74] 

Peyre, xli 47] 

Peyrilhe, M. xxvi 28 

Peyron, gen. xlix 185. liv 166] 

Peyssonel, xiv 184. xxx 34] 
Peyton, capt. (N) i 306, 307, 310 
(N) lvi 295 
J.(N) xl 143 

—— ensign, “ii 122, 123 
—— rev, Algernon, lviii 310 
. xliv 401 

—— sir 


Pezzo, Marco, iii 148] 

Pfaffendorf, battle of, iii 28] 

Pfiffer, gen. xxii 95% 

Pfuhl, von, gen. xlviii 157, 684, 688 

Pfutschner, bar. iv 28 

Pfyfter, col. xliv 237 

Phantasmagoria, xliv 387 

Phantasms, ly 532, 

Pharamond, vii 166 

Pheasant, poulterer prosecuted for having 
a tame one in his possession, vi 83] 

Phelippeaux, xxxvi 118] 

col. xli 29] 70, 74 

Phelps, S. 1 138 

Phengites, stone, v 141, 143 

Phenomena, natural: sinking in of the 
ground in Sweden, iv 166] xxxv 14 

--.. extraordinary noise and smoke at 
Great Malvern, iv 170] 

«++. uncommon iris, iv 9} 

+++. ground removed, instances of, vii 52] 

+++. mountainous rock in Naples burst, 
and the water issuing from it swept away 
two villages, vii 55] 

--..- land in the E. Indies swallowed up, 
vii 83] 

-.. bed of the Ayr, in Scotland, left dry 
for half a mile, viii 59] 

---- substance resembling human hair on 
an oak plant, viii 62] 

-».. fall of a mountain in Italy consequent 
to an inundation occasioned by a storm, 
viii 103] 

«... Singular appearance in the Sun, ix 

.... some acres of bog fall into a lough in 
Galway, x 103] 

..-. man and his wife and four horses 
killed near Amiens by something ascend- 
ing out of the earth, xii 146] 

.... breaking of the Solway moss, xiv 159] 
165] 215] 

.... extraordinary opening of the earth 
near Quebec, xiv 164] 

-... earthslip at Ober-Olm, xv 87] 

-... fallof part of a mountain in France, 
xxvi 202] 

..»-. general destruction of seeds by a pesti- 
lential mist, xxvii 234] 

.... sudden explosion in sinking a well, 
xxviii 211] 

-.-. bursting of a bog in Tipperary, xxx 

.--. large current of water from a moun- 
tain in America, xxx 76 

.».. moving of a bog, and formation of a 
lake, in Galway, xxxi 42 

..-. sinking of a large spot of ground near 
Hereford, xxxv 18 

wats — two spots of ground in 
Norfolk, xxxv 40 

— a village in Switzerland, 

‘ xxxvii 33 
.... oaks found buried in the ground, 
xxxvili 42 


Phenomena, natural : cottage overwhelmed 
near Plymouth, xxxix 4 

... submarine forest, xli 371 

.» es chasm in the side of Bredon hill, xiii 

.... fall of the cliff at Folkstone, xliii 7 

.... earthslips during a storm near Bath, 
xlvi 384 

.... sinking of a mountain in America, 
xlvi 423 

.... fall of the summit of Rosenberg in 
the Alps, xlviii 448 

.... earth sinking, and a lake formed, in 
Germany, liv 104 

«+. sinking of the ground at Uberlingen, 
ly 19 

.+.. sliding of a large piece of ground in 
Norway, lviii 39 

.... earthslip in Switzerland, lviii 103 

.... lake formed in Valais, lx 73 

Pherecrates, xii 154 

Phidias, xiv 153. xxxviii 468. liii 527. lviii 

Phigalia, lviii 454 

Philadelphia: petition of the ministers to 
the governor against encouraging dissipa- 
tion, iv 171] 

«+... benefaction of the king to the colleges 
in, v 104] 

Bo princess dow. of 
Wales to the same, vi 63] 

“ay collected by briefs for the sanie, vii 


«++. proceedings on the stamp act, viii 55] 

o»+» memorial against it, ix 63] 

..+. resolution on it’s repeal, ix 114] 

.... address to the Delaware pilots on the 
importation of tea, xvii 87] 

eee. proceedings on the receipt of the 
Boston port bill, xviii 6] 

.+.. congress retires to Baltimore, xx 13] 

... Several leading men flee to New 
York, xx 14] 

.... troops sent by Washington to quell the 
opposition, 72. 

.... taken possession of by the British, xx 

.... evacuated by them, xxi 220*] 

.... Mischianza on the departure of lord 
Howe, xxi 264] 

.... rules of a club at, xxii 159 

...- bank established at, xxiv 20] 

.. + pestilential fever, xxxv 49, 60. xxxvi 
38. xliv 460 

ws» jail of, xli 309 

.... water brought from the Schuylkill, 
xliii 8 

Philanthropic Annuity Institution, xlviii 460 

Reform. See Society, Phi- 

Philemon, xxxiii 407] 409x] 
Philidor, And. (chess player) xxix 205] 
xxxi 37 
plays three games at once blindfold, 
xxxli 196] 




Philip of Macedon, i 458. xv 154 

—— J, of France, vii 169 

——- I, of Spain, vii 78 

—— II, of Spain, i 489. ix 32. x 22. xii 
137. xv 7, 120, 240. xvi 55] xix 243. xx 
47] xxx 5. xxxiii 48, 56. xxxv 35] xlii 
422, xliii 75] 

—— III, of France, vii 169. xi 46] 

—— III, of Spain, xxvi 202. xxxiii 56 

—— IV, of France, vii 169, 170 

— — IV, of Spain, xxv 178. xxvii 108] 
xlii 422 

—— V, of France, vii 167 

—— V, of Spain, iv 254] v 22)] 30, 31. 
xvii 1, 2. xxxii 42] xxxvi 272, lviii 

—— VI, of France, vii 167, 169. x17] 

—— of Worcester. See Bradsa, P. de 

Philippine islands. See Manilla 

Philippo, (Armenian) Turkish method of 
dyeing leather, xi 114 

Philippon, gen. liv 147] 103 

Philippus, Quintus Marcus, iv 156, xxxix 

— Marcus Julius, the elder, xx 
134, 135 

the son, viii 75] 

Philips, iti 95] x 118] 141] xlv 375 

ca Sr Ambrose, xvi 20]. xviii 222. xix 
v0 . 

———— capt. (N) iv 66] 

—— T. xxii 216] 

—— gen. ii 233, 234. xix 154°) xx 
145] 149] 165*] 168%] xxii 150) xxiii 
65n. xxiv 77] 79] 87] 89] 90] 91] 

H. xxiv 272] ; 

ee ee 

—— P. xlvii 374 

——_— R. lvi 837 

——_— sir Rob. vi 271, 276 

——— S. jun. xxvii 359] 

—-— T. ix 58 

Mansell, xlvii 400 

Philipstade, in Sweden, fire at, xviii 122] 

Philipsthal, de Paul, xliv 771 

Phillimore, capt. J. (N) lvi 172] 161 

Dr. Jos. Ix 79] 131] 

Phillips, Benj. convicted of perjury and 
conspiracy, xlv 401 

— Claudius, x 253 

Constantia, viii 87] 

— G. lv 64] 

gov. Arthur, xxxi 257] xxxii 

228] 78. xxxiii 19] 66) 68) 71} 72) xxxiv 

26. xxxv 171] 28. xl 458 

— H. (auctioneer) xlvii 374 

J. xlviii 957. xlix 859 

messrs,. li 545 

P. 1x 359 ’ 

sir Rich. bart. xii 103) 

———— (bookseller). xlviii 
xlix 457, 465. 184*. 1i 285, 305 

——__—. Tixlv 363 

—— WIBslvinedh 

Phillot, 1. col. H. lvi 21) 




Philo, Byz. ii 421 
— — Jud. v 148. ix 147. x 164 
Philodemus, xxxvi 367 
— of Gadara, viii 187 
Philology, xxiv 187 
Philopenus, v 147 
Philos, iii 159 
Philosopher, The ignorant, x 210 
Philosophers, ancient, xix 5. xxiv 149. 
xxxili 257 
«++. modern, xxxiii 258 
-.+. injustice of charges against, xxxviii 

Philosophers’ stone, xxv 90 

Philosophical attention and sagacity, xx 185 

Philosophow, gen. xiii 44] 

Philostratus, liii 426 

Philp, James (Scotch judge) 1 274 

Philpot v. Mortlock and another, Ix 269 

——— Ephraim, parricide, x 151] xi 97] 

1. col. Philip, xlvii 520 

Phiope, M. Theresa, robbery of J. Courtois 
by, xxxvii 21 

+++. executed for murder, xxxix 57, 152 

Phipps, col. H. See Mulgrave, earl 

Con, xv 190] 

hon. Aug. xxxix 149 

Marg. murder of, xii 129] 

T. sen. and jun. executed for 
forgery, xxxi 222] 

Phipson, J. W. 1xi 303 

Phlegemand, abp. of Canterbury, xv 126 

Phocas, emperor, ii 406 

Pheenicians, alphabet of the, iii 150) 

Pheenix of Colophon, xxxi 155 ‘ 

Phosphorus, Canton’s, xii 113 
in — bottles, mode of making, lii 


Phylarchus, x 151 

Physicians : none but prescribing to be ad- 
mitted members of the college of Edin- 
burgh, viii 94] 

---- quarrel between the fellows and licen- 
tiates of the London college, x 131] 134] 

«... decided in favour of the fellows, xi 
100] xiv 112] 

+++. modern, xxxiv 445, 448 

....- observations on, xxxvii 179*] 

---- inquiry into the state of vaccination 
to be made by the college, xlviii 97 

Physiognomy, history of, xxxiii 384] 

..-.» observations on, xlii 433 

Pia, xviii 120] 

Piaggi, fath. Ant. xxviii 56 

ee the Herculaneum MSS. viii 

Piatotti, abb. xxxiii 122 

Pie nic entertainments, xliv 376 

Picadilly, fire in, x1 31 

Picard, J. viii 24. xvi 119 

Piccolomini, card. ix 146] 

Pichegru, gen. C. xxxv 283] xxxvi 5] 16] 
33n| 55) xxxvii 48] 72] 76] 85) xxxix 
54] 64) 302, 312. x} 4] 111] xli 90) xiii 
160n| xlvi 155, 617, 625. liii 77] 

Pichegru, gen. C. imprisoned, xxxix 77] 
xlvi 156 
.... charges against, xxxix 79] 
»+.. character of, xxxix 79x] 
--.. death of, xlvi 164, 379, 638 
Pichon, xli 30] 
Pickard, (boxer) xxxi 260] 
Pickering, col. iv 50 
col. Timothy, xxxviii 127, xxxix 
287. xl 279 
T. Abree, lvi 336 
xxiv 201 
col. ald. W. xxiv 190] xxv 195] xxx 
215] 216] xxxviii 22 
Pickford, lieut. C. (N) xlvi 529 
Pickles, cautions respecting, xviii 82. xxxix 
Pickles, J. xlix 366 
Pickmore, capt. F. (N)1 8* f 
Picolomini, commands an Austrian army in 
Bohemia, i 9 
Picote, sheriff of Grandbruge, vi 144 
Pictet, M. A. xxxiii 61, 65. xli 352. 1 120. 
lvi 359 
Picton, brig. gen. xly 538 
gen. sir T. xliv 619. xlvi 369. lii 
191, 312. liii 186, 198. liv 147] 199, 208. 
ly 147] 170, 190. lvi 153, 163, 183. lvii 
175, 555 
.... trial of, xlviii 375, 400. 1 59*. Ivii 
Picts, ruins of their ancient capital dis- 
covered near Perth, x 72] 
Pictures. See Paintings, and Portraits 
Picturesque, what, xxxi 170 € 
Picus, J. prince of Mirandola, xii 47. 
xxxvii 169*] 
Pideock, W. xxxiv 11 
Piddington, James and Wm. ii 119 
Piddock, Jos. executed for coining, xvi 91] 
Pidgeon, T. xlvii 850 
Pie, extraordinarily large, vi 59] 
Pie, sir Walter, mast. of the Court of Wards, 
xv 5 
Piedmont. See Sardinia 
Piepen, vander, J. F. xxxiii 360] 
Pierce, Alice, xxxiii 65] 69] 73] 
Ant. and brother, xJix 521 
—— capt. R. shipwreck of, xxviii 224] 
clerk of the court of requests at 
Trowbridge, mandamus to restore, x 90] 
Jeremiah, ix 80 
—— J. xlviii 701 
Pierce’s styptic, x 102] 
Piercy, capt. T. (N) xxii 232] 
W. lix 234 
Pierpoint, Hezekiah Beers, xli 400 
sir H. xi 67 
W. vi 278 
Pierre, la, A. J. x1 244 
Pierrepont, capt. (N) xxxvi 74 
H. xviii 669 
hon. Evelyn H. xl 190] 
Piers, sir J. Bennet, xiviii 417. xlix 372. 
1 80° 



Pierson, Ant. xvii 37 

— gen. sir Rich. xxv 99] 

——— maj. xxv 98] 

Pietro della Valle, viii 179 

Pigeonhouse, person executed for robbing, 
xlvii 412 

Pigeons, prices of, iii 159] 

«+. match at shooting, xlviii 419 

eee Carrier, viii 92 

N. American, lix 467 

Pignarelli, | beheaded for satirizing the 
Roman see, xv 92] 

Pignatelli, count, 1 150] 1i 7,8 

— gen. lvii 76] 

marq. i 104. iv 91] 

———- prince, xix 131] 

Pignotti, lvi 464 

Pigot, xiv113] 

—— A. xxiii 384] xxiv 328] 337] xxv 
314] xxviii 301] 200. xxx 149] xxxii 
329] 356] 

adm. Hugh, xxi 312] xxii 104] 131] 
xxv 214*] 222] 224] xxvi 258] xxx 86] 

—— capt. (A) xxxvi 75 

— (N) lvi 174] 

— H.(N) murdered, x] 4. xlii 27. 

xliv 390 

James, (N) xxv 110] 

—— C. xxxvi 18 . 

gen. sir Rob. xviii 134*] xxi 231*] 

——— G. lord, ii 54. iv 290] vii 80] ix 83] 

_ xx 99] 253] xxii 131] xxiv 176*] xxvii 
51] 183*] 

«++. deposed, xx 101] xxii 239] 314] xxiii 
199] xliv 587 

«++ death of, xxi 165] 

—— m. gen. xlii 215] 81 

—— sir Arthur, xxxiv 23, 77. xlviii 62, 
85, 91, 109, 112, 367, 620. xlix 147, 415, 
525. 1 78] lii 26. liv 37] 39] lvi 209] 
lvii 275. lix 30] 

Pigott, committed for sedition, xxxv 47 

Pigou, Fred. xvii 110] xliv 763 

Pigs. See Swine 

Pike, large, iii 90] viii 62] xlvi 394 

Pike, adm. bar. (Swede) lvi 45] 

—— gen. (Amer.) lv 180] 

—l.col. (Amer.) lv 134 

— Lyon, xlvi 826 

— miss, xlili 14, 31 

—— maj. Zebulon Montgomery (Amet.) liii 
445, 454, 456 

Pikes, persons taken up for making, 1xi 78, 103 

Pilati, xxix 4 

Pilatre. See Rosier 

Pilau, Christina, vii 177 

Pilchards, abundant fishery of, liv 111 

Pilcher, Eliz. murder of, lvi 55 

Pile, W. xlii 9 

Pilkington, col. And. lvi 181] 190] 203, 
246, 256 

Pilkington, W.1 85* 

Pill, fire at, xlviii 434 

Pillory, man killed in the, vi 67] xxiii 207] 
208] 209] 215] 



Pilnitz, congress at, xxxiii 71, 79, 210] 

211] xxxiv 23] 86] 292. xxxv 399] xxxvii 

Pimento tree, xxxv 310 

Pimlico, fires at, xlii 1. xlviii 416 

Pimlot, W. murder of, xi 185] 

Pinar,.count del, liii 125] 

Pinchbeck, Christoph. x 90] xxvi 200] 

Pinchent, C. and James, murdered at sea, 
viii 233] 

Pinckard, Dr. G. xlviii 854 

Pinckney. See Carr, alias Pinckney 

————. C. (Amer.) xxix 299] 

- gen. C. Cotesworth (Amer.) xxix 
299] xxxviii 173] xl 243] 280. lviii 132] 
1. col. (Amer.) li 889 
W. (Amer.) xlviii 249. lii 259. 
liii 150] : 

Pindar, xv 179, 226. xxv 84. xlvi 895 

Peter. See Wolcot, Dr. J. 

Pindemonte, lvi 465 

Pine, resinous, recommended for sandy 
plains and heaths, viii 138 

— wild (a parasitic plant) xlv 802 

Pine, iii 89] 

Pineapples brought to perfection in a com- 
mon sitting-room, ix 60] 

--.. large, xlvii 432 

Pinet, sen. xxxvi 183 

Pingano, Sim. convicted of forgery, killed 
in an attempt to escape, viii 121] 122] 

Pingo, Benj. xxxvi 5 

—— T. vii 104] viii 93] ix 49] 88) xiti 

Pingré, Alex. Guy, x 96] 

Pinhorn, J. xxv 195] 

Pinkerton, J. xxxviii 12. xlvii 809, xlviti 
1001, 1008. 1 259. lii 231% 

Pinnel, Edw. convicted of piracy, xii i102] 
144] 152] 156] 

Pino, gen. li 200, 356 

Pins, three discharged at the shoulder, 
after being swallowed, xiii 64 

Pinto, chev. xx 173] 

—— don Eman. (grand master of Malta) 
xvi 85] 


T. ii 252 

—— I. de, xvii 187 

Pinuela, don Sebastian, 1 168] - | 

Pinzon, V. Y. lii 739 

Pio, col. 1i 356 

Piombino, de, Sebastian, xlvi 433 

Piozzi, Gabriel, xxxiv 222 

Mrs. xxviii 1. xxx 149, 189. xxxi 
36. xxxii 42, 71, 160. xxxiii 447] 468] 
xxxvi 400, 419. xli 353 

Pipon, capt. (N) xliii 264] lvi 171] 158. 
lvii 518 

Piquet, adm. de la Mothe, xxii 63] 200*] 
xxiii 215*] 225*] xxv 106] 115] 124] 
160] 163] 

Piracy: acts of, i 104, 110. ii 78, 83. v 76] 

- TMaurder of capt. Forman and his crew 

by two Genoese, ii 64 

«eee rewards offered by the merchants for 


persons convicted of plundering neutrals, 
ii 78 

stab slave-ship seized by J. Wynne, x 64] 

+++. master and crew of a schooner of St. 
Thomas’s in the W. Indies murdered, lvii 

---- by the masterand crew of the William, 
Delano, of Liverpool, lxi 75, 96 

«--. trials for, ii 75, 120, 131. xv 144] 
xxiii 204] 232] 

Pirates: six taken into custody, ii 60 

o+-- executions of, ii 78, 131. xiv 162] xviij 
171] x1 22 

«+.. several pirate vessels in the W. Indies, 
vi 83] lv 193] lvii 30, 90. lviii 149. Ix 
173] Ixi 12, 14 

--.+. several taken at Hastings, xi 189] 

--.. five taken in Yorkshire, xii 102] 144] 
152] 156] 

e+.- the Black Prince run away with, xii 

«. +. twelve convicted of robbing a Dutch 
hoy, xii 144] 152] 156] 142] 

«+.» condemned, xxv 207] 208] 216] 

-..» Arabian, liv 462 

**.. river, lviii 63, 64, 175 

«+. a gang of Sicilian, lix 51, 52 

Pirneu, xxix 203] 

Pisani, xlviii 791 

Pisistratus, xl] 427 

Piso, Carolus, xxx 71 

Pisquitomen, ii 191. 

Pistowski, col. lvii 53 

Pitcairne, Dr. David, xxvi 34. xxxix 36. 

———— W. x 130] xviii 32. xxvii 183] 

(mar.) xviii 126*] 135*] 

Sa xxxiii 19] 

Pitcairn’s island peopled by mutineers of 
the Bounty, lvii 514 

Pitcoal, efficacy of, against lameness, iii 118 

Pitfield, (farm.) xxxiv 38 

Pitfield street, fire in, xlix 470 

Pithou, Franc. vii 167 

Pitiscus, S. v 147 

Pitman, capt. xiv 19x 

Pitmilly, lord. See Monypenny, Dav. 

my re dean and chapter of Gloucester, xi 

— Ann, liii 386 

— C. lvii 320 

— gen. sir W.1 81 (2nd) 

—— James C. xxi 247] 

— Rob. xxx 1 

— Sophia, xlviii 443 

— T. xvii 171 

—— T. See Camelford, lord 

— W. xxxiii 77 

Wm. earl of Chatham, ii 446. iii 143] 
205] 219] 211. iv 49] 88] 164] 257-65] 

| 281) 215, 243. v 5] 46] 62] 115] 185] 
266] vi97] 110] vii 86] 128] viii 102] 
184] ix 61] 63] 130] 212, 214. x 223] xi 
75* | 68] 255] xii 63] 64] 225] xiii 70] 
197) 199] xiv 13] 17] 40) 252] xv 216. 
xvi 63) xvii 44] 11, 27. xviii 17. xix 78] 




xx 45] xxi 49] 75] 76] 77] 90] 168*] 
206] 205. xxii 163] xxiv 200] xxv 187] 
57. xxvii 151] xxix 81] xxxiii 10, 219, 
284] xxxiv 355, 356. xxxv 152] 273. 
xxxvi 28]. xxxvii 150*] xxxviii 14] 36] 
xxxix 198] 369. xl 209] 229] xli 365. 
xliili 134] 137] xliv 828. xlv 17. xlvi 
124, 941. xlvii 755, 756. xlviii 14, 260, 
618, 873. lii 62. liii 361 

Pitt, Wm. earl of Chatham, his short 

ministry, i 10 

---- his political views, i 1], 12 

-»+- returns to office on a coalition of par- 
ties, 113 

-. +» his answer to the French proposals for 
peace, iv 23] 

---. proposes a declaration of war against 
Spain, iv 42] 

+++.» opposed by a majority of the council, 
iv 43] 

+.» his speech on the occasion, 2d. 

eee» resigns, iv 44] 

«++. a pension conferred on him, and a 
title on his wife, iv 45] 

+... clamours on the occasion, 7. 

«e+. character of, iv 47] xviii 18, xx 18. 
xxi 186*] 

-.-- letter to a gentleman in the city on 
his resignation, iv 300] 

-.+. the gentleman’s answer, 7d. 

«+--+ proceedings of the common council on 
the occasion, iv 301] 

--.. addressed from various places, iy 303] 

+... correspondence with R. Allen on the 
Bath address on the peace, vi 206-8] 

-... Statue of, placed in the Exchange at 
Cork, vii 76] ix 90] 

-..« legacy from count Algarotti, vii 85] 

R. Allen, vii 95] 

---- his return to office proposed by the 
king, viii 43] 

--.-. legacy from sir W. Pynsent, viii 61] ix 
111] xiii 112] 120] xiv 103] 

«-.. created visc. Pynsent and earl of Chat- 
ham, ix 48] 

+... made lord privy seal, 2d. 

+... subsriptions for statues to, in several 
of the American colonies, ix 114] 

«+.» obliged from ill health to relinquish 
attention to business, x 45*] 

---.- Monument dedicated to by 
Amherst, xi 255] 

+... censures the decision of the Commons 
on the Middlesex election and the general 
conduct of administration, xiii 66*] 

-.+- moves to reverse the adjudication of 
the Commons on Wilkes’s case, xiii 92*] 
102] 197] 

+++. —-—a censure of the advisers of the 
king’s answer to the London remon- 
strance, xiii 93*] 

«++. ——— to address the king to dissolve 
the parliament, xiii 106] 

-».. thanks of the common council of Lon- 
don for his conduct in parliament, xiii 115] 


Pitt, Wm. earl of Chatham, new motion on 
the Middlesex election, xiv 26] 
«++.» remarks on the improper conduct of 
judges in cases of libel, %. 
-+-- motion for recalling the troops from 
Boston, xviii 47] 
-+.. conciliatory bill with respect to Ame- 
rica, xviii 58] 
-... thanks of the city of London voted on 
the occasion, xviii 91] 
e+. action against H. S. Woodfall for a 
libel, xix 161] 
-+»- motion for an address to the throne to 
a, reconciliation with America, xx 
«++ death of, xxi 186*] 205*] 238] 
«+». the Commons vote him a public 
funeral, and a monument in Westminster 
‘abbey, with an annuity of 4000/. to the 
heirs of his title, and 200002. to pay his 
debts, xxi 187*] 238] 
«+++ protest against the annuity in the H. 
of Lords, xxi 209*] 
+++. statue of, in Guildhall, xxi 208] xxii 
238] xxv 223] 
¢».. a painting proposed by the Common 
Council of London to perpetuate his 
memory, xxi 213] 
e+». proceedings of the city of London re- 
specting, xxi 240] 
«++» funeral of, xxi 243] 
+++» part taken by, on a proposal for his 
coming into the ministry professed to be 
from lord Bute, xxi 244] 
++. letters to his nephew at college, xlvi 
890, 942 
W. junr. xxv 132] 185] 195. xxvi 168] 
XXVii 59] 68] 70] 75] 76) 83] 89] 148} 
168] 171] 177*] 186] 187] 189] 247] 
265] xxviii 5x] 14] 92] 95) 120] 122) 
123] 128] 135] xxix 69] 71] 87] 103] 
111] 118] 122] 125] 132} 140] 150] 154] 
158] 161] 166] 168] xxx 86] 88] 93] 104] 
105] 108] 115] 122} 125] 132] 134] 136] 
145] 170] 171] 172] xxxi 144] 147] 149} 
154] 161] 216] 263] xxxii 66] 71] 73] 
74] 80] 91] 93] 95] 99] 100] xxxiii 10, 
208, 210%, 222, 224, 227, 249, 253, 256, 
263, 265n, 269, 272, 273, 82] xxxiv 128] 
130] 131] 132] 141] 143] 144] 151) 152] 
155] 163] 164] 175] 177] 196} 146, 191, 
193, xxxv 4] 37] 42] 45] 54] 75) 88] 89] 
101] 109] 111) 131] 132] 140] 165] 169] 
173] 182] 232] xxxvi 186] 195x] 200] 
203] 206] 207] 208] 210] 212} 213) 214] 
234] 236] 240] 241] 246] 262] 264] i. 
265} 268] 274] 276] 281] 21. xxxvii 68] 
152] 154) 163] 167] 169] 170] 171] 173) 
178] 184] 193] 199] 200} 204] 216] 217] 
228) 34. xxxviii 9] 12] 21) 32} 34) 37] 
45] 47] 49] 52] 64] 71] 94, 112, 510, 511. 
xxxix 117] 125] 131] 1384] 136} 138] 
141] 152] 169] 172] 187] 190] 192] 193] 
198] 200] 203] 204} 205} 212] 217] 229) 
247) 249] 256] 34, 83, 119, 364. xl 178] 


181] 184] 186] 191] 194] 197] 205] 206] 
208] 214] 220] 221] 227] 233) 234) 48, 
95. xli 174] 181] 188] 189] 194] 197] 
200) 207] 210] 214] 215] 216] 225) xiii 
97] 101] 118] 137] 140] 157] 207. xliii 
12] 29] 31} 50] 51] 123] 125] 128] 130) 
143] 157] 173] 187] 279) xliv 4, 31, 104, 
113, 125, 127, 136, 151, 400, 827. xlv 5, 
8, 26,27, 43, 94, 150, 157, 173, 179, 182, 
187, 194, 196, 199, 277. xlvi 18, 33, 35, 
40, 42, 50, 55, 56, 65, 72, 75, 78, 88, 90, 
91, 92, 94, 99, 105, 108, 109, 114m, 118, 
119, 128, 141, 403, 430, 768, 945. xlvii 
4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 26, 29, 36, 41, 46, 2d. 48, 
49, 55, 58, 60, 66, 68, 72,74, 77, 78, 80, 
81, 84, 86, 88, 96, 98, 99, 102, 104, 109, 
110, 111, 114, 118, 377, 556. xlviii 42, 46, 
66, 77, 80, 81, 90n, 233, 234, 419, 618, 
1057. xlix 38, 39, 45, 57, 100, 143, 1877, 
244, 392, 398, 827. 1 5] 8] 105] li 91, 
93, 99, 161, 168, 413, 778. lii 134. liii 
56] 57] liv 359. lv 40] 460. Ivi 165] 166] 
lvii 20] lviii 9] 23] lxi 272 

Pitt, W. junr. character and conduct of, 
xxxiii 256. xliii 137] xlviii 11, 13, 873. 
xlix 790, 795. lii 525 

.-.. letter on a supposed negotiation 
between lord Bute and his father; xxi 

+... advocates the bill for the reform of the 
civil list, xxiv 183*] x1 333 | 

..+- motion for a committee on the repre- 
sentation, xxv 181] 

. chancellor of the Exchequer, xxv 

-e«. resigns, xxvi 172] 

..e- first lord of the Treasury and chancel- 
lor of the Exchequer, xxvii 72] 

.» +. his first India bill, xxvii 79] 

+... —-reasons for continuing in office in 
spite of the vote of the H. of Commons, 
xxvii 85] 87] 

.»-. address of the meeting at the St. 
Alban’s tavern, xxvii 87] 

..-. commutation act, xxvii 152] 200] 

.. «+ his second India bill, xxvii 165] 180*] 
317] xxviii 92] 136] 241) xxx 112] xl 
335, xlviii 256 

+++. motions for a reform of parliament, 
xxvii 189*] xxxv 151] 160] 

... change of opinion on the subject 
xxxiv 349] 375] xxxix 255] 259] x1 334. 
xliii 139] 

«... general review of the finances, xxvii 

..-. thanks of the city of London to, xxvii 

ran sect of London to, xxvii 179] 

-. +. smuggling boats burnt at Deal, xxvii 

...+. answers to the W. India merchants, 
Xxvii 536] 

.+.. objects toa reform of the Irish par- 
liament, xxviii 8] 



Pitt, W. junr. plan for reducing the national 
debt, xxviii 111] xxxi 151] 152] 

.... charged with treachery by the friends 
of Mr. Hastings, xxviii 136] 

«s+» plan of consolidating duties, xxix 

++.» letter to the W. India planters, in 
answer to their resolutions, xxix 257] 

' .... proceedings on the king’s illness, xxxi 
69] 73] 83] 85] 89] 106] 128] 

-.++ letter to the prince of Wales, xxxi 

--+. quarrel with lord Thurlow, xxxiv 177] 

--.. plan for procuring seamen without im- 
pressment, xxxvii 172] 

»+.- scheme for establishing a precedent 
for granting public money without appli- 
cation to parliament, xxxvii 214] 

.- +. this followed up, xxxix 134] 136] 

+++. motion in the Irish parliament for his 
impeachment, xxxvii 225] 

-©++» impolitic conduct of, xxxviii 5] 6] 

---- duplicity of, xxxix 195] xli 217] 

«+++ correspondence and interview with the 
Bank on the drain of cash, xxxix 118-45 

++-- duel with Mr. Tierney, xl 227] 43 

-+-. difficulties respecting catholic emanci- 
pation, xliii 118] 

+--+ his resignation, xliii 119] 129] 

+--+ extraordinary address to the Ivish 
catholics, xliii 119] 

+». subscription for a statue, xliv 184 

».-- celebration of his birthday, xliv 184, 
827, 828 

«+--+ hegotiation of the minister with, xlv 
177, 213 

--.- chancellor of the Exchequer again, 
xlvi 84, 123. xlvii 214 

---- bill of indemnity for improper appii- 
cation of public money, xlvii 105 

«+++ illness of, xlviii 8, 881. 111 523 

eee» death of, xviii 11, 883, lii 525 

---++ honours paid to his memory, xlviii 13, 
16, 368. lv 30 

«-.» funeral of, xlvili 373, 638 

«++ will of, xlviii 383 

+--+. and Fox, parallel between, xlviii 916 

>++» monument of, lv 63 

—— W. Morton, xxxviii 432. xlviii 443 

Pitt, fort. See Quesne, fort du 

Pitta, Rocha, xlvii 1053 

Pity, remarks on, vii 204 

Pius, II, xi 207 

—— III, xvii 45 

—— IV, xlviii 841 

—— V, vi 162 

—— VI, xviii 147*] 177] xxv 203] xxvii 
17) xxviii 42] xxxix 13] xli 79] 283] 31, 
36, 38, 39, 42, xliv 378. xlix 826 

«+++ character of, xl. 44] xli 337 

+++. Sale of his library, xl 35 

++ «+ account of, xJi 337 

— VII, xlii 198] 23, 33. xliii 302. xlvii 
723. 1 191) 220n] 239] li 455. liii 341. 
Iyi 80] 217] lviii 378. lix 120] Ixi 20 



Pix, trial of the, iv 167 

Pizarro, Franc. xx 218 

Pizzoni (Venetian resident) xxiii 299] 

Place, Franc. vy 152n. xlviii 958 

Placentia, dispute concerning, settled by the 
k. of Sardinia, vi 48] 214] 

Places, ls. poundage on, i135 

+++» action to recover money paid to pro- 
cure, xvi 118] 

++. persons defrauded of money under 
pretence of procuring, xvi 147] xvii 158] 
xx 172] xlviii 363. li 308 

---- man convicted of offering a bribe to 
obtain one, xliv 467 

-... for life, or lives, account of, xliv 532 

Placket, J. v 95] 

Plague, remarks on the, xix 120z 

eee. at Smyrna, i 11]. iii 116] xxiv 187] 
lvi 202] 42, 78, 96 

-.-- false report of, in London, iii 116] 

- inoculation for, iv 186] 

-..- in Venetian Dalmatia, vii 114] xxvii 

+.«. at Aleppo, vii 102. xxvii 238] 

ee anecdotes of, vii 105 

..«- irregularity of the infection, 7. 

.» «+ at Constantinople, viii 96] ix 99. xiii. 
166] xxi 203] xxiii 9] xxiv 175] xxv. 
217] xxvii 188] xxxiv 17. liv 192] lv 
199} 35. lix 74 ; 

«+ee account of the, ix 99 . 

ee+» precautions taken to prevent it’s im- 
portation, xiii 158] 161] 

---- in Turkey, xiv 78*] 

.... at Moscow, xiv 79*] 

--.. in Poland and other places, xiv 140] 

at Sniadin, xv 122] 

«»..- number of persons dead of in Russia, 
xv 155] 

-... fumigating powder for the prevention 
of, xv 110 

.... at Bagdad and Bussorah, xvi 29] 30} 

-.+- — Mexico, xvi 106] 

es-- — Cairo, xxiv 187] xliii 225] 

+. +. — Spalatro, xxvii 188] 

..-. extensive ravages of the, xxviii 59] 

»+-. remedy for, xl 402 

..-- Ships and cargoes burnt for fear of, 
xlii 137] 165, 166 

+.«+ in Barbary, 1i $87. 1x 79; 144. Ixi 15,. 
26, 31, 36 

-».. at Malta, lv 174] 

«+2» — Gozo, lvi 38 

«++. — Damietta, 7b. 

-+-- — Naples, lviii 132] 93 

eeee — Corfu, lviiid 32] 

eee. — Tripoli, lvili 631 

eee» — Alexandria, lx 17 

«eee — Venice, Ix 153, 169 

Plampin, adm, Rob. 1xi 240 

Plancins, ili 87 

Plane tree recommended, xiv 118° 

Planets, arrangement of the, xiv 178 



Planets, new, discovered, xxvi 41, 42 

Planmann, x 201] 

Plant lice. See Aphis 

Planta, chevy. de, xi 183 

Joseph, xvi 80] xix 194] xxviii 52. 
xxxv 358. xlii 305, 308, 482. 1 3* 

Plantagenet, Geoffrey, x 272, 273 

————— Rich. son of Richard the 
Third, x 159 

Plants: methods of taking off impressions 
of the leaves of, v 111] xii 123 

-++- multiplication of species, vi 73 

e»-- method of preparing, vi 106 

+++» quicksilver collected from one, vii 

-+.+. a valuable species of, viii 97 

+--+. notice of several that may be of great 
utility, viii 141 

e-.- to make them produce fruit and flowers 
in winter, ix 165 

eee. juices of, do not circulate, xvi 89 

«+--+ means of increasing the fruit of, xvi 

-»-. elder a preservative against insects 
and flies, xvi 134 

e+» Dutriment of, xx 94. xli 407, 417 

+++» poisonous of Africa, xxxi 54 

«++. Supposed perceptivity of, xxxvi 323 

a: compared with animals, xxxvi 333. 1 


«+. on the succession of, xlvi 884 

++» direction of the radicle and germen, 
xlviii 927 

+++. in blossom in January, xlix 837 

e++. power of enduring cold, 1 117 

—— heat, 1118 

+. +. Origin and formation of roots, li 827 

+++ geography of, li 931 

. — of taking care of at sea, lii 


e++- See also Seeds 

Planudes, iii 266 

Plaskett, J. liv 314 

—-— Rich. xlv 551 

Plata, river, xlvii 1023 

Plate, duties on, i 136, 137. xxvii 304] 

++.. prices of, at different times, xi 136 

«++. act respecting fraudulently. making, 
xvi 111] 

re actions for selling not standard, xviii 


+++. man convicted of forging the hall 
mark, xx 168] 

Platen, gen. _iv 33] 34] 36] xxx 188] 

Platerus, vii 106 

Platina, history of, vii 119 

“hg eS of, with other metals, viii 


+--+ effects of nitre on, xxxix 392 

Plato, ii 473. v 160. vi 171. vii 188, 254. 
viii 44. x 173, 252. xiv 178. xviii 42. xxi 
27. xxiv 149. xxviii 158. xxxiii 258. 
xxxiv 177n] xxxix 168] xli 445. xlii 

+++» dialogue in the manner of, xi 180 



Plato, modern disciples of, xxxix 438 

Platoff, gen. xlix 18, 21. liv 179] lv 115] 
135] lvi 3] 

Platow, abp. xliv 356 

Platt, Ebenezer Smith, sent to Newgate on 
a charge of treason, xx 168] 188] 

eee discharged, xxi 172] 

Josh. xix 203] 

rev. W. F. lx 277, 282 

Plautus, iv 171. v 24. xlii 443 

Player, W. (just. of peace) action against 
for false imprisonment, xiv 136] 

Playfair, rev. J. 1 4n, 256. 1i 936. lvi 359 

+++. account of, Ixi 462 

—— W. xxxiv 67m] xlii 385. lviii 195 | 

Pleasants, C. convicted of forgery, xi 97] 

Pleasing, art of, xxxi 119 

Plees, W. xliv 777 

Plegmond, abp. vi 33 

Plenderleath, 1. col. C. lv 235 

————_ maj. W. S. xl viii 592 

Plenty, W. xlii 384, lviii 347 

Pleville, xl 6] 

Pleydell, sir Mat. v 28 

Plica polonica, case of, xv 118] 

- account of, xxvii 37. xxxviii 403 

Plimley, C. lxi 299 

Pliny, C. S, ii 396, 404, 421. iii 105, 135, 
164, 166. iv 85, 142, 156, 170, 171. v 
141, 147, 149, 151. vii 117, 254, 269n. 
viii 179.. ix 228. xi 128, 132, 144. xii 
127, 130. xv 16, 81, 177. xvi 161. xvii 
72, 73, 242. xviii 71. xix 1392, xx 139... 
xxi 114, xxiii 103. xxv 182. xxxiii 367] 
371] xxxiv 383, 447. xxxv 306, 373. 
xxxvili 4672, 468. xxxix 421. xlvi 808, 
953. lii 667. liti 426 

the younger, x 201] xii 67. xv 63. 
xix 136m, 14]. xxiii 79, 165. xxx 4x 

Plomer, xii 89] ; 

ald. W. xvii 132] xviii 188] xxiv 
193] xxv 195] 204] xli 36 

Plotho, baron, i 176 

Plotina, xxv 12” 

Plots, real and fictitious, in Sweden, i 40 

Plott, Dr. Rob. viii 201. x 99, 100. xxiii 

Plough, wheel, turned into a drill, x 88] 

Ploughing matches, xl 93. xlviii 367 

Plowden, Franc. xlix 858 

—— R. C. li 421 

Plucknett, T. James, xliii 452. xlvii 851. 
xl viii 959 

Plumbe, ald. S. xiv 117] 121] 148} xv 110} 
Xvi, 188] xvii 101] xviii 88] 124] 136] 
xix 158] 180] xx 202] xxi 203] xxv 

Plumer, sir T. xxix 172] 198] xxx 148] xl 
38. xlviii 112, 120, 613, 616, 620. xlix 
111, 137. 1118] 222*. li 346. lii 56, 71, 
97, 131, 138, 189. liii 3] 26] liv 49, 274, 
278, 284. lv 9] 18] 21] 46] 51] 37, 286, 
291, 300, 306, 308 

—— W. xxxix 193n] xlvii 55 

Plumpudding, large, xlix 476 



Plumtre, Ann, ly 482 

archd. C. xix 39 

Plumtree, rev. Dr. xii 123] 

Plunket, his remedy for cancers pur- 
chased by Guy, iii 112 

— gen. ix 80] 

Plunkett, W. Conyngham, xlvi 390. xlix 
158. lv 29. lvi 116] 1x 121] 

Plutarch, i 248. iii 2. v 143. vi 170, 174, 
175. vii 267. x 158, 213.xii 153. xiv 
178. xx 166. xxi 170. xxiii 211. xxxiii 
381] xxxv 242. 1 263 

Plymley, archd. Jos, xlvi 828 

Plymner, T. tried for the murder of J. 
Etheridge, ix 52] 

Plymouth: Eddystone lighthouse 
pleted, ii 118 

+... water brought to, by sir F. Drake, 
commemorated annually, iv 144] 

e+-+ marine that was reprieved for desert- 
ing shot through a mistake, ix 133] 

.-.. the Fame bilged on the rocks in the 
Sound but got off, xi 69] 

++. new dock opened at, xiv 68] 

---. act for improving, xvii 101] 

.... diving vessel lost at, xvii 245] 

---- attempt to set fire to the dockyard, 
xxii 195] 

e+. riots of seamen, xxvi 200] 

.... plan for fortifying, xxviii 94] 

---- grants for repairing Catwater harbour, 
xxix 265] xxx 263] xxxiii 142] xlvii 

+... Naval review at, xxxi 264] 

-.-. foreigner taken up on suspicion of 
being a spy, xxxii 220] 

+++. extraordinary flux and reflux of the 
tide, xxxv 34 

«».. fires at, xxxvii 48. xlvi 441. xlvii 401 

+... attempt to excite mutiny among the 
marines, xxxix 37 


'.-.. capt. Drew and eleven others drowned, 

xl 2 

---- hurricanes at, xli 7. xlvii 427 

-... O. P. riot at the theatre, lii 291 

+... fire in the dockyard, liv 83 

-... breakwater in the Sound, liv 102. 
xi 9 

Plymouth, Other Lewis, 4th earl of, v 118] 
xiii 199] 


Plympton, Pet. xxi 208] 

Poachers, See Gamekeepers 

Poaching strictly forbidden to excisemen in 
Scotland, xii 144] 

Pochin, W. xxvii 268] 

Pocklington, capt. Rob. (A) xl 47. xliii 23 

Pocock, admiral sir G.i 3). ii 53, 95, 96, 
99. iii 64] 132] 154] 257] iv 115] v 36] 
78] 122] 259] 264] vi 76] xv 207] 

+++. vote of thanks &c. to, from the E, 
‘India company, iii 132] 

--++ his statue placed in the India house, 
vii 92] 

Other Hickman, 5th earl, xxxiii 

Pocock, bish. Rich. See Pococke 
Dr. E. iii 151, vii 136. xxx 62. 
XXXviii 326 
G. lii 417 
W. xiii 381. xlvii 854. xviii 956 
Pococke, bish. Rich. ix 138n. x 135, xi 

173. xxxi 92, 93. xxxiv 443 

Podhoriczani, gen. xi 14] 
Poe, count, lix 60 
Pcestum, ruins of, x 137 
Poetry : Languedoc rules for, iii 174 
+++. prizes for, at Toulouse, iii 174, 175 
++. on the beauties of, v 247 
eeee Turkish, vi 298 
eee. elegiac, x 220 
«+++ epic poem sketched by Pope, xii 177 
e+e Arabic, xiii 98 
. oar history of, xxi 227. xxiv 141, 
+++» sublimity in, xxvi 130, 223 
+... didactic, xxxvii 130*] 
---- observations on, xl 426 
Poets laureat, first institution of, xxi.139 
metaphysical, xxii 27 
Poggi, de, Ant. Cesari, xlii 383 

Pohlman, indicted for place selling, li 

— col. xlv 556 

Poincey, de ii 210 

Poinsot, gen. xlii 185] 

Pointer. See Poynter 

Pointhouse, James, xix 182] 

Pointz. See Poyntz 

Poviet, Pet. xxxiii 253] 

Poison: landanum taken by mistake, iii 
154] xlv 396 

sees ———— given purposely, lv 46, 60 

taken ineffectually, iv 61 

-.-. antidotes against sublimate, iv 127. 
xxi 130 

+. +. children poisoned by bearsfoot, v 72] 

+++. persons poisoned by muscles, v 75] 
72. 14* ; 

+.-. by deadly nightshade, v 85] 103] xxiii 

+e.. — arsenic on bread and butter laid 
for rats, v 99] 

oieiiets in a dumpling, lvii 3, 48 

--- Janet Ronald indicted for administer- 
ing to her sister, vi 78] 

«++. two children by nuts bought of a 
quack, vi 96] 

.... two families in Ireland, by C. Wright, 
vi 107] 108] 

+... several persons in France, vi 108] vii 
100] xv 118] xvii 89] : 

«+++ men poisoned by their wives, vi 71] 
72] viii 81] 219] x 118] xii117] xv 94] 
xvii 89] xxi 196] xxxix 16. Iv 32, 45, 
59, lviii 322 

+++. persons poisoned by mushrooms, viii 
134] xiii 167] xvii 140] xxiii 225] xlvii 
422. 1114*. lvii 2 ; 

+++» gentleman poisoned by broth boiled in 
a vessel in which verdigrease had been 


used for the pickle of cucumbers, viii 

Poison: persons by an itch ointment, viii 

«+.» persons by hemlock roots eaten for 
parsneps, ix 75] 

+++. ———— medicines taken by mis- 

take, ix 82] xv 98] xix 189] lvii 46. lviii 
46, 83, 176, 187 

«+. cattle by yew, lvi 105 

---+ Sheep by yew bark, ix 97] 

---» horses by yew, xlviii 461 

«+++ persons by drugs sold through mistake, 
x 55] 

«-.-. two of Mr. Porkington’s children by a 
servant, x 59] 

«++. girl poisoned by a stonecutter at 
Knightsbridge, x 116] 

+--+ Wives poisoned by their husbands, x 
118] liii 46. liv 116 

+-- effects of, on the common sensory, xX 

«++. by the juices of a toad, xi 105] 

»+-. — copper vessels. See Copper : 

e--. Mr. Cook and his family by W. 
Matthews, xii 13)] xiii 79] 

«+.» Indian, for arrows, xii 280 

+++. by water-parsnep, xiii 118] 

+++. administered to the monks of all the 
Servile convents at Cortona, xiii 159] 

«+. Several persons killed by poison laid 
for rats, xv 82] liii 3 

«+». Ed. Fleming, esq. poisoned by spring 
pottage, xvi 87] 136] 

«++. man and his wife by W. Passell, xvi 

-+++ Mrs. Gladwin and her two ehildren, 
on board an Indiaman, xvi 110} 

«s+. children by their mother, xvii 89) lviii 
322. 1xi 229 

++. a Jew, with his family, by his son, 
xvii 114] 

-.+. infused in the liquor given some 
women at a dance, xviii 81] 

e--- missS Butterfield acquitted of killing 
Mr. Scawen by, xviii 233] 

«+e» by quack medicines, vi 96] xviii 236] 

+++. number of persons in the sacramental 
wine, by a gravedigger, xix 179] 
---- death supposed. from swallowing: a 
spider, xx 166] 
++. Mrs. A’Court, 

«++ Of fishes, xx 93 

---+- children. by parents, xxi 197] 

+++. antidotes against, xxi 130. xxiii 119 

«+e» by the roots of hemlock-dropwort, 
xxiv 181] 

+eee Experiments with, xxxix 393 

+++. from pickles impregnated with copper, 
xxxix 43] 

cries spiders and other insects in a 
teakettle, xli 14 

la oxen by a painted gate, xlviii 

by her footman, xx 



Poison: Mr. Parker by his servant, W. 
Hawkeswood, xlix 528. 1 30* 

+... by wine at an inn, liii 13 

+++. man by poison prepared for his wife 
and children, liii 32 

«+s. racehorses at Newmarket killed, liii 
51. liv 95 

+++. by lead in spirit, liii 552 

«++. G. and J. Langman, by their brother~ 
in-law, liv 33 

+++. a Dane by his daughter, Iv 35 

«-+» Dinah Maxey and her daughter, lv 38 

---. cattle by meadow sation, lvi 75 

+... Eliz. Fenning executed for an attempt 
to, lvii 48 

+++. arsenic in a bottle of wine, lvii 51 

--.. Jarge quantity taken habitually, lviii 1 

«+. child by sulphuric acid, lxi 229 

Poison tree of N. America, xiv 93 

Java, xxxix 395. xlix 841. 

Iviii 577 

Poissonnier, Dr. Pet. Is. viii 95] xi 195] xii 

Poivre, le, xii 1, 4. xiv 90] xviii 32 

Poland: king of, from policy declines a 
treaty with Austria and Russia, but 
tacitly engages to act conformably to it, 

+... assembles an army at Pirna, i 8 

.. +. Saxony entered by the king of Prussia, 

.-+. instructions of the states of Courland 
and Semigallia to their deputy on the 
election of a duke, i 164 

+... universalia for assembling a general 
diet, i 166 

+++. general Wobersnow's incursion into, ii 

+++. declarations of count Dohna, on enter- 
ing with Prussian troops, ii 231 

++. diet broken up after a protest against 
any determinations while foreign troops 
were in the kingdom, iii 133] 

+». proposals for peace, iv 3] 228] 

.... answer to, v 229] 

.... tumult at the diet on the election of a 
marshal, v 107] 

«+.. death of the king, vi 44] 105] 

+... constitution of, vi 44-7]. 

+... interference of Austria, Prussia, and 
Russia in the election of a king, vi 47] 
vii 3] 

+... memorial of the empress of Russia 
delivered to the resident, vi 215] 

..+.@ Native elected to the crown, vii 3] 

“53 ee by an army of Russians to 
support his election, vii 11] : 

.... a Prussian army on one frontier, and a 
Turkish on the other, 2. 

+s. parties in, vii 12] 

-+s. protest against the diet, 2b. 182] 

.... the ambassadors of France, Spain, and 
Austria retire, vii 13] des: 

++. prince Radzivil and count Branitzki, 


defeated by the Russians, flee into Tur- 
key, vii 13] 

Poland: judicious proceedings of the diet, 2b. 

..+- letter from the k. of Prussia to the 
newly elected monarch, vii 14] 

+»-- the dukedom of Courland settled on 
the Biron family by the diet, and the in- 
vestiture of Charles of Saxony declared 
null, vii 84] 

+--+. an instrument giving the title of em- 
press of all the Russias to the tzarina, and 
another giving the title of k. of Prussia, 
to Frederic II, being signed by the re- 

‘ public, they both renounced for -them- 
selves and successors all claim to any of 
the Polish provinces, vii 94] 95] 

-+-- coronation medals of the k. struck in 
England, vii 104] ix 49] 

+++. prize offered for a new code of laws, 
vii 110] 

+++. secret article respecting, in a treaty 

between Russia and Prussia, vii 18) ] 

.. ++ memorial of the Porte respecting the 
election of a king, vii 152] 

»--- speech of the king after his election, 
vii 183] 

B..2. proposals from the Russian and Prus- 

sian ministers, viii 62] 

-... those regarding religion rejected, 7. 

+... the prince of Courland does homage 
to his majesty, viii 63] 

+.-- the Jews alarmed by a false report 
respecting their marriages, 7b. 

---- the king’s election acknowledged in 
form by the pope, viii 95] 

the court of Vienna, viii 148] 

Saxony, viii 156] 

«+. State of, ix 6] 

+--+. attempts to revive the treaty of Oliva 
in favour of the dissidents, ix 11] 234] 

+... answer of the king to the Russian 
minister, ix 13] 

+... origin of the disputes with the dissi- 
dents, x 12] 

«++. causes of the ascendancy of the Catho- 
lies tn, x 17] 

«+e» Senate of, x 18] 

+--+ confederations of the dissidents, x 22] 

+++. the empress of Russia augments her 
forces, and remonstrates in their favour, 
x 2378] 

++.. declarations of Prussia and 
powers, x 23] 

+... confederations of the Catholic male- 
contents, x 24] 

+++. extraordinary diet summoned, id. 

++. it’s tumultuous proceedings, x 25] 

+++.» some of the members taken into cus- 
tody by the Russians, x 26] 27] 

++.. acommission appointed to settle the 
affairs of the dissidents, x 26] xi 8] 

+++» reported terms of settlement, x 27] 
154] 163} a 
Pant I, 





Poland : calamitous state of, xi 4] 

-»++ proceedings of the grand commission, 
xi 8] 

Boe eee treaty with Russia, 7. 

+++» jurisdiction of the nunciature sup- 
pressed, xi 9] 

.»++ protests against the proceedings, 7b. 

+--+.» contributions fixed, and a coinage or- 
dered, 7d. 

treaties with Russia and Prussia re- 
newed, xi 10] 

..+. the articles passed by the high com- 
mission ratified by the diet, and the diet 
closed, 7b. 

act noble conduct of the grand marshals, 

-... the dissidents immediately oppressed 
and the whole nation in a state of disturb- 
ance, xi 1] ] 

«++. confederacy formed in Podolia, xi 12] 

ae z= several other confederacies formed, xi 

---- Lublin set on fire by the Russians, 
and the Russians driven out of the city, 

---. the Russian general Podhoriczani de- 
feated, xi 14] 

..+» the confederate army cut to pieces, 

.. + attempt to obtain assistance from Sax- 
ony, zd. 

.. +» various bloody conflicts, xi 15] 

«++ Potocki, defeated by the Russians, es- 
capes into Turkey, 7d. , 
... ——+— joins the confederates of Bar, 

xi 16] 

.+.» successes of the Russians, xi 17] 

...- the townand castle of Bar taken, 26. 

..-+ Cracow besieged by the Russians, xi 
18] 20] 

+... savage insurrections of the Greek pea- 
santry, xi 18] 23] 

.-.. Cracow taken by storm, xi 21] 

-».- wretched state of, xi 22 

.... town of Zwaniec pillaged and burnt by 
the Turks, xi 23]-24] 

Se = confederates in Lithuania defeated, xi 

..-» manifestoes issued by the confederates, 
xi 25] 

.. ++ fresh confederacies and barbarities in 
the winter, 7b. 

...+. large gold medal struck, xi 65] 
-.+-aparty of Russians cut to pieces by 
some hulans, xi 126] : 
...- unhappy state of, xii 5] 18] 19] 32] 

xiii 41] xiv 80*] 

.... fresh confederacies and bloody engage- 
ments with the Russians, xii 30] 

.. +. Savage conduct of the latter, xii 33] 

+--+ application of the king to the guaran- 
tees of the treaty of Carlowitz, xii 32] 

ne plague breaks out in, xiii 41] 



Poland: lines of Austrian and Prussian 
troops drawn along the frontiers, xiii 42] 
«+e partition of, in agitation, xiii 43] xiv 
83° | 

e+. the king carried off, xiv 82"] xv 73] 
xvi 129] 133] 134] 140] xxvii 97 

....» Austrian army marched into, xiv 85*] 

--+« Prussian troops sent into, xiv 86*] 

e+ these, the k. has notified to the states 
of Holland, have no hostile purpose, xiv 

..-+- dismemberment of, xv 2] 20] 151] 

---- nefarious conduct of the king of Prus- 
sia in, xv 21] 

+. the citadel of Cracow surprised by the 
confederates, xv 26] 

2»«« Tyniec surrendered to the Austrians 
in preference to the Russians, xv 27] 

«++. royal salt-mines seized by the Aus- 
trians, 2d. 

-+.. manifestoes of the three powers, xv 
28] 250} 

---- counter manifesto from the king and 
senate, xv 34] 253] 

++» conduct of the partitioning powers 
with respect to a diet, xv 42] 

+++ vain appeal to ancient friends, xv 44] 

.-.. declaration of the imperial minister, 
xv 255] 

.... answer of the court of Warsaw, Xv 

+. State of at the close of 1773, xvi 2] 

«--- circular of the king for calling a 
senate, xvi 35] 

+... articles prepared by the ministers of 
the partitioning powers, 26. 

-+.. answer from the king and senate to 
the memorials, xvi 36] 

e+. ineffectual application to the guaran~ 
teeing powers, xvi 37] 39] 

.... restrictions of the diet, 7d. 

«.+. attempt to assemble a diet at Cracow, 

...- threats of the k. of Prussia, 2b. 

-... extreme licentiousness of the troops, 

+++. proceedings at the diet at Warsaw, xvi 

oe A ea tg against them at Cracow, xvi 

---- government new modelled by the three 
powers, xvi 40] xvii 16] 19] 

++. extraordinary treaties, xvi 41] 

e+. oath required by the empress of Rus- 
sia, xvi 69] 

+++. present to the king from the Dutch, 
xvi 127] 

---- encroachments of Austria and Prussia, 
xvii 17] 

---- battle with the Prussians, xvii 18] 

++.» under the sway of Russia, xviii 153*] 

«++. the Jews much harassed in, xviii 154*] 
134] 161] 

e+. the dissidents protected, 7d. 161] 

++e« deficiency of schools in, xviii 86] 



Poland: nine old women burnt as witches, 
xviti 173] 

-+-- act of confederation of the diet at 
Warsaw, xix 174] : 

+++. Slavery abolished in the Austrian part 
of, xxv 211] _ ‘ 

e+-» supposed union with Austria and Rus- 
sia against Turkey, xxx 2] 

+++» passage of Austrian troops through, 
refused, xxx 31] 

declaration of Prussia on the intended 

alliance with Russia, xxx 293] xxxi 60] 

answer to it, xxx 294] xxxi 61] 

--+- politics of the Russian party defeated, 
xxxi 57] 

-++. great augmentation of the army, xxxi 
59] 61] 

-... the king deprived of the direction of 
the army, xxxi 61] . 

.... the empress of Russia desired to with- 
draw her troops, xxxi 62] 

«+++ question put to the king, 7. 

++» his answer to it, xxxi 63] 

+++» new declaration from the k. of Prussia, 
ib, 341] 

-+-. alliance proposed by Sweden, xxxi 64] 
Xxxili 4 

+++ renewed connexion with the Porte, 74. 

+++. ambassadors sent to several courts, 
xxx1 65] 

+++. complaints against the emperor of 
Germany, i6. 

+++. conduct of the neighbouring powers, 
xxxiii 108, 110 

revolution in, xxxiii 110. xxxiv 18) 

xxxvii 1] 

3 ay constitution of, xxxiii 122, 125, 


be j it’s effects on foreign powers, xxxvii 

-- «+ the king of Prussia requires Dantzic 
and Thorn as the price of his friendship, 
xxxiii 114 

.+.. debates on the succession to the crown, 
xxxili 116 

--.+ subscriptions opened in England for, 
xxxiv 31, 41, 101, 102 

...». Russian declaration of war, xxxiv 329 

--.. answer to the Russian declaration, 
xxxiv 339 

-+.- invaded by the Russians, xxxiv 333 

2 Pied of the king to the army, xxxiv 

.++. circular from the king and assembled 
states to the nation, xxxiv 335 

+... applications to Prussia for assistance, 
xxxiv 345-8 

...+. act of adherence to the constitution by 
the king, xxxiv 348 

«s+. partition of, xxxv 139] 176] xxxvii 20] 

«+++ declaration of the k. of Prussia on 
marching troops into, xxxv 219 

«+«e protest of the republic, xxxv 221 

-... Austrian declaration, xxxv 226 



Poland : Russian ukase, xxxv 227 

...-. Prussian declaration, xxxv 229 

.»-. Russian declaration and other docu- 
ments, xxxv 231-8 

-.-. decree empowering the diet to treat 
with Prussia, xxxv 239 

«+--+ protest against the partition, xxxv 

«++. progress of the revolution recapitu- 
lated, xxxvii 1] 

++.. arming the people opposed by the 
nobles, xxxvii 7] 

«+.» application to Prussia for assistance 
fruitless, xxxvii 9] 13] 

.... Austria refuses assistance, xxxvii 9 

+... invaded by the Russians, 74. 

«+--+ two successful engagements with the 
Cossacks, xxxvii 11] 

+++, Various engagements, xxxvii 14] 

-»-- the constitution overturned, xxxvii 18] 

--+- diet of Grodno, xxxvii 21] 

++». rising against the Russians, xxxvii 26] 

-».. Warsaw besieged by the Prussians, 
xxxvii 29] 

---- defeat and capture of Kosciusko, 
xxxvii 30] 

+... Prague taken by the Russians, xxxvii 

«+». surrender of Warsaw, 7b. 

+... review of the history of, xxxvii 33] 

-+.. Russian manifesto, xxxvii 277 

-+.. attempts of the French to excite in- 
surrections in, xlviii 203 

+++. address of Kosciusko in behalf of Na- 
poleon, xlix 664 

«+s. great drought in, liii 84 

-.-. general diet assembled for the re- 
storation of, liv 170] 

+++. annexed as a kingdom to Russia, lvii 

+++. Cracow declared a free and neutral 
city with a small territory annexed, lvii 

«+++ proclamation of the k. of Prussia on 
resuming his part, lvii 383 

+++. every male subject of Russia, from 20 
to 30, to serve as a soldier, lviii 149] 

+++- representative government in the Aus- 
trian part, lix 134] 

+++» Scotch colony in, lix 60 

+++.» new constitution, lx 37. ]xi 79 

«+. - Speech of the emperor on opening the 
diet, lx 52 

-... German emigrants to, Ixi 24 

--.- Russian emigrants, Ixi 31 

«+. liberty of the press abolished by the 
emperor, lxi 79 

Poland, prince Charles of, i 164 

Polaski, gen. (Amer.) xxii 184] 208*] 213*] 

Polden, capt. (N) x1 147 

Pole, adm. sir C. Morice, xxv 251] xxxix 
210] xlv 55, 124. xlvi 52. xlvii 47. xlix 
118. li 100, 115, 116 

—— card. Reginald, xii 136, xxiv 12. xlii 
422. lii 671 


Pole, C, xxix 265] 

col. xlvi 785 

—— Mrs. xlvi 785, 787 

—— Peter, xl 27 

—— W. struck off the list of privy coun- 
sellors, xiv 137] 

W. Wellesley, xliv 155. xlvi 9. xlix 
145. 1 221*, 223*. li 101, 116, 157. lii 105, 
137. liii 12] 16] 89] liv 198} 109] 124] lv 
275, lvi 212] lvii 21, 85. lviii 62] 64] Ixi 

Poleni, marq. xlvii 746 

Poles, approximations to the, lix 556 

Polesworth, Roman coins found at, v 111] 

Polhill, (M.P.) xxiii 227] 
lieut. xxvi 29] 
Poliar, col. x] 419 

Policarp, or Policarpio, Jos. See Azevedo 

Police: exercise of, in the American colo- 
nies, viii 76] 

oe seein on that of the metropolis, lix 

+++» man executed for shooting at an offi- 
cer, xli 9 

+++. expense of the Thames office in Wap- 
ping, xli 196. xlii 164, 165, 25. xliy 580. 
xlvi 583. xlvii 588. xlviii 637. xlix 729*. 
li 536. lii 424 

--+. changes in the offices, xliii 1 

+++ excess of expenditure above the allow- 
ance, xliv 586. xlv 630 

+-+.- grants for the office in Bow street, 
xlvi 583. xlvii 586, 589. xlvili 637, 7. 
638. xlix 726*. 1 181*. li 536. lit 422 

..-. expense of offices. See also Baldwin, 
J.and W.; Colquhoun, P.; and Graham, 

Polignac, card. M. de, iii 150. iv 84, 85. viii 

«--. character of, xxxi 6 

chev. de, his account of the Cal- 
mucks ard Cossacks, i 268 
count de, xxxi 255*] 

Poligne, marq, de, xxix 215] 

Politeness, xxxiii 449] 

Politiano, Angelus, xv 116. xvi 194, xxxvii 

«++. character of, xxxvii 30*] 

Political squibs, vii 128] viii 183] 

——.— writer, characteristics of an im- 
partial one, i 451 

Politics, observations on, xxxiii 257 

Polland, Mat. executed for burglary, xiv 
130] 132] 

Pollard (a fraudulent bankrupt) Till v. xlvi 

W. convicted of arson, Ilvi 72 
Pollen, col. G, Aug. xxxix 168] 258] xl 13, 
1 27*, G1* 
rev. G. xxv 96 
Pollio, Asinius, vi 172 
— — Publius Vedius, ix 65] 
Pollius Felix, xxv 173 
Pollnitz, bar. v 33 
+++ history of, viii 64 


Pollock, Allan, xlix 858 

— couns. ]xi 271 

G. (Amer.) xlix 698 

—— J. lviii 26 

W. xliii 144 

Pollon, chev. de, xxvii 203] 

Pollux, Julius, xv 134 

Polo, See Marco : 
Polverel, xxxiv 82] xxxv 271] xxxvi 

Polwhele, rev. Rich. xlv 858 

Poly, baron, xxxix 51] 

Polyandry, xx 248 

Polybius, v 1695. viii 302. ix 136. xi 162. xv 
134, 164 

Polycletes, iii 164 

Polydore Virgil, ii 410 

Polygamy, general in Asia, xx 248 

eee arguments against, xxvi 222 

-+.. in N. America, lviii 488 

Polygnotus, iii 164, 166. xxiv 150 

Polyphemus, xv 96] 

Polypus, vi 31 

Pomarre, 1 27 

Pombal, marq. of, xx 179*] 195] 

ee plot against his life, xviii 165] 

»+.- condemned to perpetual imprison- 
ment, xxii 232] 

Pomerania, invaded by the Swedes, i 20 

e+. the Swedes retreat from, i 26 

-»+- ceded to Denmark, lvi 38] 

e+e given to Prussia, Ivii 112] 

e+. application of the nobles for the re- 
vival of the feudal system rejected, Iviii 

Pomeroy, G. x1 387 

rev. Dr. 

Pomet, Pet. xvi 1227 

Pomfret, countess of, xliii 5 

—— G. 2nd earl, viii 202] 204] xiii 137] 
138] xiv 90] xv 84] 136] 147] 

G. 3rd earl, xliii 5. liv 48 

—w— Henrietta Louisa, countess of, ii 
143. xii 59n. xvi 196 

Pompadour, mad. ii 2]. xvii 10. xix 185. 
xxxi 251*] 

«e+. memoirs of, viii 55. ix 1 

Pompeii, discoveries at, viii 74] 156] ix 80] 
100] xxvi 122. xxxvi 365. xlii 414. li 
878. lv 87. lix 35 

«++ observations on, viii 183. xiii 69. xv 65 

Pompey, vi 165, xix 137 

Pompey’s pillar, observations on, xi 123. 
xxiii 187. xliii 528. xliv 803, 805 

Pondicherry, island raised by a volcano 
near, i 92 

eee besieged by the English, iv 54] 

eee taken, iv 56] vii 52] 

e+e. papers relating to the surrender of, 
iv 290-2] " 

e+». application of the seamen respecting 
prize money, vii 92] 

«+e. again besieged by the English, xxiii75] 

eevee Surrendered, xxii 179] 

eevee restored to the French, xxvi 326] 

ly 68 


Pondicherry : again taken, xxxv 272] 
. ++ importance of to France, xlvi 210 
Ponds, method of draining in level grounds, 
Xxxv 393 
Poney, chev. liii 218 
Poniatowski, count x1 13 
count Stanislaus Augustus, a 
candidate for the crown of Poland, vii 
«++» elected king, vii 13] 
-+ee See Stanislaus Augustus IT 
————_— _ prince, li 206. lv 96 i 
princess, sister to the king, x 

110] 113] 
————-—— prince Joseph, nephew to the 
king, xv 120] xxxvii 10] 30] 
—_——_—- —— brother to the king, xvi 
85] : 
—__—_-—— —-—- Mich. brother to the 
king, xxxvi 31 
Poninski, prince, xviii 135] xxxii 215] 
Pons, liv 117 
Ponsonby, G. xxxii 105] xlvi 54. xlvii 70, 
73, 96. xlviii 26. xlix 447. 111] 24] 47] 
57| 61] 64] 88] 126] 223*. li 35, 44n, 58, 
65, 79, 84, 97, 154, 167. lii 16, 26, 36, 
54, 57, 71, 82, 107, 136. liii 1] 14] 16] 22] 
36] 54] liv 8] 13] 18] 33] 58] 72] 76] 84] 
85] 90] 93] 217] 218] 220] 222] lv 4] 15] 
21} 29) 34] 51] 91) lvi 112) 137] 149] 
210] 213) lvii 12} 15] 23. lviii 14] 23] 40] 
61] 62] 86] lix 5] 80] 33] 48] 58] 59) 
hon. col, F. C. liv 235 
m. gen. sir W. lv 175. lvii 177, 
rt. hon. J. xv 92] 
...». chosen speaker of the Commons in 
Ireland, xii 141} 
«».. his letter to the Commons on resign- 
ing the chair, xiv 248] 
(of Imokilly) W. Brabazon, Ist 
lord, xxxi 139] 140] xxxvi 8. xliii 162] 
(of Sysonby) lord. See Besbo- 
rough, earl 
Pontano, xv 80 
Pontcysylte aqueduct, xlvii 430 
Ponte Corvo, seized by the king of Naples, 
xi 53*] 
———-—- prince of. See Bernadotte 
Ponteack, chief of the Ottawawas, account 
of, viii 48 
Pontefract, ancient coins found near, xiv 
Ponteney, W. xlvi 392 
Ponthieu, de, J. lii 301 
Pontifex, J. lxi 302 
— W. x1 390 
Pontissara, bish. J. de, xxi 222 
Pontius, xv 29 
Pontoise, damage by falling of the cliff, x 
Ponton, Dan, xii 65*]} 
Pontoppidan, bish. Eric. iv 116] 127] xiv 
82. xxiv 50, li 257 
Ponza, island of, taken, lv 107] 161 


Pool, petitions on American affairs, xviii 

---- fire at, lv 30 

Pool, sir W. xxix 96x 

Poole, Benj. xxvii 72 

J. lix 233 

—— Jos. xxxii 336] 

—— M. lxi 301 

Pooley, Anna Maria, murder of, xlix 408, 

——— B. improperly stamped note stolen 
out of a letter, xlii 45 

couns. lvii 302 

Poolo Penang. See Prince of Wales’s Is- 

Poor: subscription for supplying them with 
cheap corn at York, i 79 

-».- establishments for supplying them 
with cheap provision and fuel, i 382, 383 

..»- hardships of the, ii 297 

--.. attention due to, and best method of 
providing for them, iv 193 

e+e. Steps taken to relieve at various 
places, viii 92] 

++.. hoards of paupers, viii 158] 1 76*. 
lviii 13 

++. attempt of an overseer to sell a girl to 
the plantations, x 117] 

-+-. death of several gentlemen after an 
examination of some at Salthill, xvi 96] 
¢+.. actions respecting rates, xvii 96] 169] 

liii 29 

++.» increase of the rates, xviii 81] xxvii 
243] xlii 118 

«+». return of rates, xx 259] 

«+. returns of their state to be made, xix 
144] 160] 

--.. address of the governors of St. An- 
drew’s Holborn, and St. George’s Blooms- 
bury, xix 242] 

iat method of burying, in London, xix 

+++.» observations on the, xxii 156. xxxix 
481. xlii 117. xlix 128. 1 128, lvii 594, 
lviii 605. 1xi 30” 

«+.» distresses of the, xxiii 185. xlii 118. 
xliii 18] 19] 

e+e. act of Elizabeth, xlii 118. xliii 18] 

«++. — to relieve poor housekeepers from 
rates, xliii 185] 

+++. actions respecting settlement, xliii 28. 
Ixi 195 

«+++ grants for expenses of returns, xlvi 
583. xlvii 588. xlviii 639 

+++. grants for printing returns, xlvii 589. 
1 182° 

«+++ number of offices held by a pauper, 
xlviii 457 

a: A open sa of general education, xlix 

eee refusal of overseers to relieve, liii 

++.» report on parish apprentices, lvii 557 
-++. new law respecting these, lviii 151 
+ «»-reports on the laws, lix 263, lxi 319 



Poor: act respecting the education of the, 
Ix 143] 

«++ report on the education of the, lx 374 

-..+ See also Workhouses 

Poor Joe all alone, x 115] 

Poor, gen. (Amer.) xxiii 210*] 

Poorun Ker Cushoo, xxxii 57 

Pope: card. Rezzonico elected, i 102 

.... his brief on conferring on the empress 
queen the title of Apostolical Queen of 
Hungary, i 163 

-.-. his proceedings respecting the Jesuits 
of Portugal, ii 114, 129 

++. tight of temporal jurisdiction assumed 
by, iii 171 

.... limitations of his power, x 5] 6] xi 3] 
51*] 54*] xvi 9] 43] 66] xviii 148*] xix 
136] xxvii 5] 17] xxviii 157] 

+++» remonstrances to Spain and Naples on 
sending the expelled Jesuits to his do- 
minions, x 31] 33] 

+... desired to withdraw his nuncio from 
Poland, xi 9] 

+... refuses to withdraw his brief against 
the duke of Parma, xi 45] 53*] 54*] 

.... Avignon and the Venaissin seized by 
the French, 74. xii 115] 

+.» issues a brief against Parma in which 
he claims it’s sovereignty, xi 51*] 

«+++ proposal in a congregation to abolish 
the order of Jesuits, xi 52*] 53*] 

-.+» Benevento and Ponte Corvo seized by 
the k. of Naples, xi 53*] 

.... the duchies of Castro and Ronciglione 
claimed by the king of Naples, xi 54*] 

.»+. the duchy of Ferara claimed by the 
duke of Modena, xi 55*] 

+.» forces raised, 75. 

«.+. attempt of the women of Faenza to 
set fire to the Jesuit’s college, xi 56*] 

..». threat of France, xi 79] 

.. +. refusal of the Bourbons to receive his 
letters, xi 148] 

-ee» death of, xii 33] 36] 71] 

.-«. card, Ganganelli elected, xii 36] 

.... his answer to the demands made on 
him, xii 37] 

.»..» reforms acceded to by him, xii 38] 

.... improvement of his aflairs, xiii 55] 

.».. grant of a universal jubilee, xiii 97] 

.... infallible styptic presented to the em- 
peror of Germany by, xiv 144] 

...+ suppression of the Jesuits by the, xvi 
54] 132] 

.... Avignon and Benevento restored, xvi 

..«+ death of Ganganelli, xvii 40] 

..-~ card. Braschi elected, xviii 147°] 

... universal jubilee granted forsix months, 
xix 118] 

»..» plot to kill, xix 202] “ 

«++. edict for diminishing restraints on 
trade, xx 182] 

-eee Visits Vienna, xxvii 17] 



Pope: his authority disputed by the elector 
of Cologne, xxxi 54] 

ees great abridgment of his power in 
France, xxxiii 139 

ae monitory letter to the king, xxxiii 

++. refuses to receive the French ambas- 
sador, xxxili 155 

««ss excommunicates the national bishops, 

++. burnt in efligy at Paris, xxxiii 156 

++«. letter from Lewis XVIII and answer, 
xxxvii 253 

»-+. inyasion of his territories by the 
French, xxxviii 101] 

»»«+ breaks his armistice with them, xxxviii 

ee. his impolitic conduct, xxxviii 116] 

++.-. treaty with Naples, xxxviii 212 

e+.» letter to the faithful Catholics in 
France, xxxviii 277 

e+.. edict on the reception to be given to 
the French, xxxviii 278 

«++. refusal to accept the conditions dic- 
tated by the Directory, xxxviii 279 

e+.» his forces march toward Romagna, 
xxxix 5] 

e+.. Buonaparte’s proposal of peace, xxxix 

e+.» deserted by the Catholic powers, xxxix 

«+++ attacked by the French, xxxix 14] 

eeee his country subdued, xxxix 15] 

e«ss peace with France, xxxix 16] 328 

«+++ conduct of the French toward, xl 43] 
48] 56] 74] 

«««. obliged to quit Rome, retires to Sienna, 
x1 58] 

e+-- carried to France, xli 283] 

«+++ his death and funeral, xlii 48] 

e+» election of card. Chiaramonte, xlii 198] 

e--- greater part of his dominions restored 
by Austria, 2, 

«+ +» convention with France, xliii 281] ] 302. 
xliv 200 

° Pte ed to the French abps. and bps, xliii 

+++ answer of those in London, xliii 312 

-.+» decree of absolution to certain French 
bishops, xliv 651 

«++. Summoned to Paris to crown Buona- 
parte, xlvi 184, 436 

---- allocution to a secret consistory pre- 
vious to his setting out, xlvi 686 

on his return, xlvii 727 

«+++ his territories seized by Buonaparte, 
1 239] 46* 47*, 368*, 1i 241, 701 

his protest, 1 79*, 102* 

«+++ nuncio with several emigrants sails 
from England for the Brazils, 1 65* 

«+--+ declaration against Buonaparte, ] 314* 

e+. carried prisoner to Avignon, li 241 

eos» protest, li 455 

se+- excommunication of Buonaparte, li 



nig concordat with France, lv 120] 389, 

+. +. abolition of the inquisition in Spain 
opposed by his nuncio, ly 154] 

-.++ his return to Rome, lvi 37] 80] 

++. restores the order of Jesuits, lvi 81] 

e+e» revival of festivals, lvi 82] 

++«+ secret: societies, freemasons in parti- 
cular, prohibited, 7d. 

«++. various monastic societies restored, 
ib. 441 

++.» restoration of territory to, lvii 119] 

+++» letter to the Irish Catholics, lvii 142] 
viii 51] 

++. insecurity of his states, Iviii 133] 

+++. torture prohibited in inquisitorial 
proceedings, lviii 134] 

concordat with Bavaria, lix 125 

+++ decree respecting acquisitions of na- 
tional property in the Bolognese, lix 128 

..++ bull against Bible societies, lix 244 

«+.» beatification of the late queen of Sar- 
dinia, lx 49 

++». refuses to recognize several bishops 
proposed by German sovereigns, Ix 68, 

+++. complaint of the French ecclesiastics, 
Ixi 172] 

Pope, A. iii 15, 18,225. v 191. vii 52, 53, 
56. x 45, 47, 61. x 220. xi 165,174. xii 
237,244. xiii 204. xiv 255. xv 230. xvii 23. 
xviii 24, 42, 57,178, 221, 222. xxiii 180, 
244, xxv 192, 209. xxxiii 258] xxxv 261. 
xxxvi 285. xxxvii 119*]133*2] x1497. xliii 
381. xlv 771. xlvii 391. xlviii 1074. 1 23. 
lvi 464 

«s+ versification of, v 248. xxv 207 

ess» character of, xxv 206 

«+ letter from lord Bolingbroke, vi 196 

to the duchess of Hamilton, vii 


+++. anecdotes of, xii 60. Ixi 446 

-+-. unfortunate young lady celebrated by, 
xii 176 

++«« design for an epic poem, xii 177 

+.» other poems planned by, xii 183 

—— Benj. xxi 190] xxii 218] 234] xxxvi 

J. xlix 408 

—— miss (actress) xxx 194 

Mrs. (actress) xxxiv 475. xxxvi 264, 
Xxxix 18 

++. account of, xxxix 18 

—— rev. Alex. xvii 139 

sir T. xv 6, 116. xxxii 206] xlv 770 

—— W. lv 821. lvii 321. 

Pope’s-head alley, fire in, xxi 212] 

Popham, adm. sir Home Riggs, xl 121, 131. 
xli 106. xliit 95] xliv 812. xlvi 561. xlviii 
9, 232, 233, 234, 577, 596, 602, 637. xlix 
43, 210m, 211, 217, 615, G41, 707*. 121] 
22] 221*. li 225, 477. 1ii 38, 47, 55, 76, 
85, 309, 435. liv 149] Lxi 223 

«+++ made a knight of Malta, xliii 78] 



Popham, adm. sir Home Riggs, court mar- 
tial on, xlix 388 

capt. (N) lvi 180] 

capt. W. (N) lviii 236 

——_—— Edw. ii 142 

Jos. iv 130] 
———_ maj. W. xxv 39] xxvi 15] 18] 29] 
sir J. vi 269, 276, 279 

Popkin, Thos, ii 143 

Poplar, fire at, lviii 198 

Poplars, profit of, xiv 118 

Population, increase of, iii 191. xliii 18, xlix 
1010. liii 63 

»-.. causes of a diminution of, iii 193 

.... the strength of a state, iii 196, 203 

+++. of various places, xxi 217] 

ose grants for preparing abstracts of, xliv 
580, 583. xlv 625 

-+.. grant for taking anaccount of, xliv 580 

os ao for copies of the abstracts, xliv 

---.- observations on, xlix 1010, 1012 

«--- checks on, li 902 

Porcelain, China, vi 29. xxxi 48 

«...- Reaumur’s, vi 29 

«--+ remarks on European, vi 103 

e»-» English, vi 104. xliv 778 

e+. French, vii 101] 

«... Prussian, 7d. 

«++. Derbyshire, xliv 778 

Porchester, lord. See Carnarvon, earl 

Pordage, rev. J. xii 51 

Porden, miss Iviii 640 

Porelintje, xliv 467 

Porlier, gen. 1ii 285. liii 115] lv 202. Ixi 69 

+... insurrection and execution of, lvii 116] 
Lh ea 

Porphyry, iii 156. vi 166. ix 146. xxiii 57 

Porpoise, observations on the, x 79. lviii 

Porpora, iii 16, 17 

Port Patrick, grants for repairs of, xliv 580, 
583. xlv 628. xlvi 580 

Porta, J. Bapt. viii 102 

—— prof. Henrico a, xi 152, 153 

Portail, M. du. See Duportail 

Portal, prof. Ant. xvii 120 

Portalis, 1 240] 

Portarlington, J. Ist earl, xxxii 104] 106] 

Porte, Mrs. vi 111] 

xxxv 198] 203] 

Porten, Cath. xxxviii 320 

James, xxxviii 322 

+ sir Stanier, xxiv 185] 240] 

Porter charged with a robbery for taking 
from a shop counter a parcel, payment 
for which was refused, viii 117] 

prosecuted for imposition, 1 16* 

Porter. See Beer 

Porter, capt. (N) ii 120 

H. lix 213 

J. xivi 826 

1. col. G. xxxix 173] 

miss Ann, See Williams, Renwick 

———a la, 

Porter, sir James, ix 99. 1 47 
sir Rob. Ker, li 788, 789 
Steph. murder and piracy, x 95] 


W. xlvi 522. lix 51 

Porteus, bish, Beilby, xi 18, 19. xxxi 227] 
xxxiv 155] 24, 47. xxxvi 216] x1 95. xlii 
146] 150] 151] 156] xlvii 394, 419. xlix 

+... character of, liii 392 

capt. (A) xvii 63] 21. xxxvii 


force James (stock broker) xiv 208] 

Portington, col. Rob. xlvii 885 

Portland, stump of a tree with the root 
petrified found in a quarry at, vii 105] 

Portland, Marg, duchess of, xii 37. lyi 461 

W., Ist earl of, vi 256. xii 59 

———— W. H. Cavend. 3rd duke, vii 178] 
x 184] xi 221] xiii 197] 199] xiv 90] xv 
235] xvi 68] 243] 245] xvii 274] 276) 
278] xviii 249] 251] xix 255] xx 167] 280] 
283] 120. xxi 121] 303] xxii 342] 343] 
348] 350] 351] xxiii 198] 223] 330] 333] 
xxiv 289] 290] 292] xxv 182] 185] xxvi 
171] 224] xxvii 86] 87] 90] 265] 317] 
xxviii 123] xxix 123] xxx 220] 298] xxxi 
131] 298] 304] xxxiii 154] xxxv 36] 
68] xxxvii 152] xxxix 364. xli 2238] 
xlii 141, 143. xliii 5] 10] xlvi 418. 
xlvii 215. li 125, 142, 239, 517. lii 257°, 

-... illiberal proceeding of ministers to 
transfer part of his crown estates to sir 
James Lowther, xi 78*] xiv 56] 59] 154] 
155] xix 183] 

-»+. lord lieut. of Ireland, xxv 179] 205] 

.... first com, of the treasury, xxvi 175] 

.--- chancellor of Oxford, xxxiv 39. xxxv 

————. W.H. C. Scott, 4th duke, xxxv 
40] xlvi 112. li 143. 1xi 25 

Portlock, capt. (N) xxxv 6. xli 307] 36 

Portman, sir Hugh, xii 190 

sir W. vi 272 

Porto Novo, battle of, xxv 85] 

—— Rico, ineffectual attempt on, xxxix 

... taken, | 237] 
. improvements in the state of, lv 194] 

Portraits, Kneller’s prices for, vii 53 

.... action against a son for cutting one of 
his mother to pieces, xvii 113] 

-... observations on, xxv 151 

Portsmouth: riots of seamen at, i 85. xxvi 

.++ fires in the dockyard, iii 119] xiii 132] 
133] 135] xiv 13] 137] 141] 161] xv 96] 
100] xx 30] xlviii 462 

-.+- high tides at, vi 54] xxxviii 3 

«++ publican’s house nearly demolished by 
some sailors whose comrades had been 
arrested, ix 63] 

+»e. nine dockmen drowned in a gale in the 
harbour, xii 147] 

Portsmouth : Russian man-of-war taken into 
the yard to be cut down, xiii 67] 
..-- naval reviews at, xvi 111) 112] 117] 
202] xxi 178*] Ivi 54 
«++. act for improving, xix 142] 
.... machine for setting fire to the dock- 
yard found, xx 163] é 
...- new fortification at Stokes bay, Xxiv 

ee» loss of the Royal George, xxv 225*] 
219] 226] xxxi 217] 

«ss. mutinies of seamen at, xxvi 199] 
xxxix 208] 22, 23, 26, 28 

.. +» plan for fortifying, xxviii 94] 

«.» insurrection of convicts, xxviii 198] 

.... machine for making cables, xxxiv 28 

«+e. improvements in the dockyard, xl 51 

«... grant for the docks, li 536 : 

«++. affray between watermen and Irish 
militia, liv 35 

-»«. arrival of a French flagship, lvi 31 

«.- examination of the wreck of the Royal 
George, lix 42 

Portsmouth, Louisa de Querouaille, duchess 
of, xiv 26. xxxvi 298 

Portugal, character of the people. 

«++ attempt to assassinate the king, i 112, 
118. ii 66 

report of the secretary of state on the 
occasion, i 118 

«++. execution of several of the conspira- 
tors, ii 69. xxxiv 33 

+... assassinations in, ii 81 

--.-. decision of the congregation appointed 
by the pope to examine the aflairs of the 
Jesuits there, ii 114 

eee» proceedings against the Jesuits, ii 121 

«++ legalsentence of the conspirators, at 
large, ii 210 

+++ remarks on this sentence, ii 222 

«+++ execution of the conspirators against 
John LV, 7d. 

.» +. the English ambassador apologizes for 


the destruction of the French ships oi! 

Lagos, iii 103] 

«e+. the king’s brother married to his 
niece, the princess royal, iii 109] 

«+. dissatisfaction of the pope with, iii 

«++. many Portuguese leave the ecclesias- 
tical states for Naples, iii 146] 

e+. contractors with the king for diamonds 
released from their contract, zd. 

-... three natural brothers of the king im- 
prisoned for concern in the late conspi- 
racy, iii 149] 

--.. adm. Saunders sends a ship to Leg- 
horn to convey the Portuguese from Italy, 
iii 150] 

«--- Goa said to be taken by the blacks, iv 

oe AOS ie learning a new exercise, iv 

ee.» deficiency of the revenue, 7d, 




Portugal : new companies, iv 135] 

«+++ threatened by Spain, v 6] 

«+++ causes of it’s weakness, v 7] 

..++ memorials of the French and Spanish 
ambassadors, iv 8] 9] 

..++ firmness of the king, iv 8] 

-.-. war declared by France and Spain, v 
10] 218] 219] 

++. it’s state with respect to a war, v 28] 

.--+. assistance afforded by Britain, v 29] 

--.. invaded by the Spaniards, id. 

-..» Miranda taken, 7d. 

i aed progress of the invaders, v 


--«. the Spaniards checked, id. 

.--. Almeida taken, 76. 

-»++ gen. Burgoyne enters Spain, and sur- 
prises Valentia de Alcantara, v 31] 

P oes a Spaniards surprised by col. Lee, v 


+... attempt to raise five Irish regiments 
for, v 76] 

+++. money granted by parliament for the 
assistance of, v 169] 

+++. papers relative to the rupture of 
France and Spain with, v 203-22] 

«++ declaration of war against Spain and 
France, v 217] 

++.» treaty of peace with France and Spain, 
v 233] 244-5] 

+++» Nova Colonia taken by the Spaniards, 
vi 16] 

»+.- unsuccessful attempt to recover it, vi 

+++.» handsome conduct of the king to the 
British officers on their leaving Portugal, 
vi 86] 

+++. policy of, viii 4] 

++. sentence of the persons concerned in 
the assassination of the chief judge of 

the Cape Verd islands and others, viii 

63] ; 

«. +. bullin favour of the Jesuits suppressed 
in, vili 138] 

+». regulations respecting the trade to 
Rio Janeiro, viii 156) 

-++- decree to prevent the clergy from ob- 
taining estates by will to the prejudice of 
the heirs, ix 136] 

gs Azores placed under one governor, ix 

+...» injurious conduct toward Britain, x 6] 

+++» viceroy of Goa arrested on his arrival 
in the Tagus, x 53] 

+++.» presents from the k. of France to the 
son of the princess of Brazil, x 103] 

«++. offers of ransom and tribute to Moroc- 
co and Algiers, x 128] 

++». joins the common cause against the 
pope, xi 54*] 

++.. five Jesuits sent home in irons from 
St. Catharine’s, xii 67] 

«++» bull for a third of ecclesiastical reve- 
nues to rebuild and repair churehes, xi 



Portugal: peace with Morocco, xii 11] 

«++ politics of, 7b. f ; 

.-+. reported attempt on the king’s life, 

---- marriage of widows above fifty prohi- 
bited, xii 157] : 
-»+- Moorish vessel taken by ships unin- 

formed of the peace, xii 164] 

++ ill government of, xiii 10] ; ie 

--.. unfriendly conduct toward Britain, xiii 
11] 136] xvii 173] : 

+--+ reconciled to the Holy see, xiii 136] 

.... insurrection of the slaves in the Bra- 
zils, xv 9] 54] 

.... disputes with the natives on the coast 
of Africa, xv 151] t 

+»-. Suppression of religious houses, xvi 
53] 67] 

+... restrictions with regard to slavery, 2. 

«+. four men-of-war hired from the Dutch, 
xvi 115] 

+... duty on American tobacco taken off, 
xvii 173) 

«+. arrival of treasure ships, xviii 143] 

-... disputes with Spain in S. America, xix 

.. «+ death of the king, xix 186"] xx 177*] 

«++» decree respecting American vessels, 
xix 260] 

+» +. menaced by France and Spain, xx 28] 

eee alee of the royal family, xx 177*] 
178*] 170] 

--.. view of the late reign, xx 178*] 

...» change of affairs, xx 179*] 

-.». dastardly conduct in S. America, xx 
182*] 183*] 

«+. submission to Spain, xx.183*] 184*] 

+». treaty of peace with Spain, xxi 169] 

++». the queen refuses to jcin the armed 
neutrality, xxiv 7] 

..-. connected with Spain by a double mar- 
riage, xxviii 38] 41) 

.... treaty of alliance with France, xxviii 

«+++ commencement of reform in, xxviii 

---- remarks on the Methuen treaty, and 
conduct of toward G. Britain, xxix 69] 
70) 72) 86) 88] 

+++. commercial treaty with America, xxix 

++.» inundation in, xxx 203] 

+... madness of the queen, xxxiv 9, 32 

-.-. birth of a princess, xxxv 22 

+++» Lisbon made a free port, xxxviii 210 

-.-. manifesto against the Dutch, xxxviii 

+++. this revoked, xxxviii 212 

«--.- grants of money to, xxxix 172, 180. 
xliii 190, 209. xliv 590 

«-+. treaty of peace with France, xxxix 

 .... this not ratified, xli 100] 

Portugal: decree of the prince of Brazil 
declaring himself regent, xli 246 
+++. treaty of alliance with Russia, xli 281 
«--. war declared against by Spain, xliii 
256] 346 
-- e+ counter declaration, xliii 348 
-».. treaty of peace, xliii 258] 349, 351 
«+++ invaded by the French, xliii 259] 
-..- the British take possession of Madeira, 
xliii 260] 
-.-. treaty with France, xliii 260] 293. xliv 
8, 11, 85 
-+.+ money and stores sent to, xliii 145, 146 
---- conduct of Buonaparte toward, xlv 
252, 324, 371. xlvii 192 
eee. State of, xlvili 222 
+++ British squadron arrives in the Tagus, 
xlviii 223 
++. division of, by the treaty of Fontain- 
bleau, xlix 278 
«+--+ demands of Buonaparte, xlix 279 
«+++ embargo on it’s ships in France, 7d. 
-... the prince regent withdraws with the 
royal family to Brazil, xlix 280, 527, 713*, 
775, 778 
-.-- entered bya French and Spanish army, 
xlix 281 
«+ -. insurrection against the French, 1 219] 
-. ++ British force landed, 1 221] 
---. attack of the French at Roleia, 1 222} 
«++ battle of Vimiera, 1] 222] 262* 
+++ evacuated by the French, 1 223] 117*, 
+++. convention of Cintra, 1] 117%, 125*, 
265*. li 27, 38, 54 
+» ++ campaign in, li 177, 179 
-.-- retreat of the French from Oporto, li 
179, 450 
++«+ proclamation by marsh. Beresford re- 
specting the false reports of the French, 
li 376 
+++. money paid by G. Britain, li 535. lii 
422, liii 35] 
al peeing for arming the nation, li 
+e». gen. W. Carr Beresford appointed 
field marsh. and commander in chief of 
the army, li 683 
--++. gen. Wellesley appointed commander 
in chief while commanding the allied ar- 
mies, li 712 
«see State of, 11954 
-- «+ Siege of Almeida, lii 186 
+++» proclamation by Massena, lii 186, 515 
lord Wellington, lii516 
++. Situation of the British forces, lii 190 
....+ these joined by the Portuguese, lii 191 
++ee retreat toward Lisbon, lii 194 
--++ battle of Buzaco, lii 197, 312 
+++. the country deserted and every thing 
carried off or destroyed, lii 199 
«++» general relief of the fugitives at Lis- 
bon, 1ii 200 
+++» Succours sent from England, lii 201 


Portugal: lines of Torres Vedras, lii 203 
«-. distressed state of the French, lii 205 
«+++ capture of a body of French at Coim- 

bra, i316, 
rigs parliamentary grants to, liii 35] 37] 

- ++. Subscriptions for the relief of, liii 37] 
apr retreat of the French, liii 102] 189, 
e.-- affair of Sabugal, liii 103] 
-««« battle of Albuera, liii 105] 
«++ State of the army, liii 108] 
e«+» conduct of the French in, liii 188 
-+«» edict against persons leaving the king- 
dom, liii 346 
+» State of, liv 163] 
e+++ renewal of the treaty of amity and 
commerce with Russia, liv 163] 
eeee treaty of peace with Algiers, lv 420 
e+. State of, lviii 131] 
«+. conventions with G, Britain relating 
to the slave trade, lviii 356, 357, 358 
«+s. despatch respecting the restoration of 
the Jesuits, lviii 378 
e+. decree of the regent respecting Bra- 
ail, lviii 382 
+++. revolution attempted, lix 126] 
e+e» treaty with France, lix 243 
«++» prohibition of the slave trade N. of the 
equator, lx 162] 
Portugal, father, ii 122 
‘Portuguese, character and manners of, xxxi 
25. xl 356 
Posidippus, xvi 245 
Posse, bar, ix 10] ‘ 
Possidonia, ruins of, x 137 
Post, iv 76 
—— Frederic, ii 194 
Postage. See Letters 
Postel, J. lvii 321 
Post-horses, duty on, xxii 253] 
ee» act for farming it, xxix 133] 
Post-oftice, abuses in the, xxix 135] 142] 
«+e robbery of, xxxi 198] 
e+e attempt to rob, xxxiv 6 
e+. improved revenue of, xxxix 5. 
141. lii 495, liii 61] 
Postle, Joseph, iii 73 
Potaen, Guy, | 37 F 
Potash, a metallic oxyd, 1 89, 93 
Potashes manufactured in N. England, viii 
115] x 60] 
«++. methods of making, xv 107. xxiii 120 
Potatoes: large, ii 72. ix 96] 
«+++ means of preserving from injury by 
frost, vi 132 
»«+» begun to be cultivated in Sweden, vii 
+++ introduction of into Enrope, lvii 439 
e+. produce of, ix 101] xiii 111. xxviii 86 
-+«. observations on, xiii 114 
+++. uncommon variety from Germany, xv 
«ee. the leaves a substitute for tobacco, 
xvii 102] 




Potatoes: method of raising early, xvii 118 

--.. method of making bread from, xxii 
99. See also Bread 

«++. different sorts compared, xxvii 50 

+. ++ Spirit distilled from, xxx 96. xxxvii 

++. cultivation of, xxx 102. xxxvi 307. xlix 

+... cause and cure of the curl, xxxii 83 

«++. bills for encouraging the culture of, 
xliii 180] 181] 

oe important uses of, xlviii 962. xlix 870, 

++.+ prejudices against, lvii 440 

Potemkin, gen. Paul, xxvii 185] 

—— prince, xiv 75*} xvi 14] 15) xvii 
14] xviii 138] xxiv 161, 162. xxvi 212] 
xxvii 185] xxviii 147] 133. xxx 6] 15] 19] 
63] xxxi 172] 179] xxxiii 65, 96, 97, 102, 
106, 15] 42) xliii 419. 114 : 

«..+.- character of, x] 348 

Pothoff, celebrated carilloneur, xvi 175 

Potocki, count Stanislaus, xxxiii 113. xxxiv 

— Ignatius, xxxvii 32] 

——— marsh. count, xi 13] 15] 16] 17] 
19] xii 32] xiii 18) xxxv 224 

Potomai (Otaheitan) xvi 26 

Potsdam, xvi 181 

Pott, archd. Jos. Holden, lvi 22 

— Dr. J. H. vii 120 

-— Percival, xvii 100] xix 98. xxvi 29. 
xxx 212] 

---. account of, xxx 224] 

— T. liii 266 

Potter, v 196] 

abp. J. vi 10. vii 267” 

rev. Rob. xxx 193 

T. a smuggler, executed for shoot- 
ing a man, xlii 45 

Potterie, de la, v 255] 

Pottinger, Ed. xxxix 90 

oo Rich, xliv 772 

Potts, capt. of the J. Cesar, W. India- 
man, iv 153] 

secretary of the Post office, xi 


James, xlii 384 

—— T. lvii 320 

Pouget, Dr. Jos. liv 287 

W. P. tb. 

Pouguet, pere, iv 31 

Poulaine-Grandpré, xli 95] 

Poule, fath. xxxix 68] 

Poulet, adm. lord H. xliii 116] 

lady Nassau, xx 27 

sir Amias, ix 58 

Vere, 3rd earl, xxvii 188] 

Pouletier xxxiii 25] 

Poulterer, prosecuted for having hares in 
his possession, vi 56] 

abi — for having a tame phea- 
sant, vi 83] 

Poultry injured by damaged corn, vii 83] 

Poultry (The) fire in, xlvii 362 


viii 23 
J. xvii 45 
Poupeliniere, mad. la, ix 21 
Pouqueville, F. C. lvi 489 
Poussielgue, gen. xli 260. xlii 223, 231 
Poussin, Nich. vii 188, 273, 378. x 217. xv 
146. xvi 164 
Povah, rev. Dr. R. liv 295 
Powdermills blown up, at Hounslow, i 85, 
104, 118. xiii 149] xv 65] 66] xvii 115 
152] xxxviii 2. liv 90. lv 70 
—— Waltham abbey, 
viii 148] xliii 14. liii 134 
—- Feversham, x 
46*] xiii 144] xxviii 250] xxxi 223] xliv 
444, xlix 484. ]ii 249". lix 91 
—_——————_ = Ewell, xi 109] 
——— Moulsey, xiv 142] 
————-—— in Picardy, xix 173] 
at Epsom, xx 195} 
a Dartford, xxxii 
221] xxxvi4l. xxxvii 1. xxxviii 33. xli 3. 
xlvii 399, 7b. 






Battel, x1 42. xliii 

on Twickenham com- 

mon, xli 25 

at Rosslyn, xlvii 424 
Toulouse, lviii 52 
Brandywine, in 

America, lx 50 
Powel, (puppetshowman) v 210 
brig. gen. xx 168*] 
col, xlvi 227 
Sarah, a foundling, ill-treated, xiii 

Powell, vi 274 
(prompter) 1i 260 
Foster, his journies to York, xvi 
150] 151] xxxii 214] xxxiv 29 
++. lost a wager to run two miles in ten 
minutes, xxi 210] 
ate of 112 miles in 24 hours, xxix 

+... lost a wager to walk from Canterbury 
to London and back in a day, xxxii 

-.-- walked a mile in nine minutes, and 
ran it back within six, xxxiv 32 
ae J. xxiv 278] xxv 309] xxviii 289] 
- Jos. 1 119* 

Joshua, xxiv 324] 

ona vi 140] viii 177] xiv 250, 

—— Mrs. (widow of the actor) xiii 130] 

Rich. xxxvii 4] 

Rob. fraudulent transfer of stock by, 
xiv 76] 95] 109] 162] 208] xv 65] 

—— W. murder of, xiii 65] 85] 91] 96] 
141] xiv 86] xvi 142] 

W. (actor) ix 261. x 106] 253. xi 

137) 258. xii 289. xiv 235. xix 237] xxii 

54. xxxvi 300 

W. (com, council.) xl 57 



Power, effect of repeated application of, 
xviii 74 

Power, xlix 837 

Ambrose, murdered, by whiteboys, 

xviii 176] 

Ann, suicide, lvii 36 

capt. (N) lvi 195 

David, 1 95* 

Edw. iv 114] 

James, xliii 451. xliv 774 

J. xx 105. 1i 421 

m, gen. sir Manley, liv 208. lv 172. 

Ivi 213 

rev. James, lviii 36 

Rich. xxxii 205] 

Rich. (judge) xxxvi 7 

Powerscourt, Edw. 2nd vise. liii 374 

—_—_-—— R. 3rd vise. xii 178] xiv 247] 

———_—— R. 4th vise. xxxi 313] 314] 
xlii 202, 204, 209 

Powis, Edw. (Clive) earl, xli 236. xliv 272. 
xlvi 82, 203. liii 2 

—— Eglin, xix 204] 

G. E. H. A. (Herbert) earl, xxx 298] 

Powle, vi 269 

Powlet, capt. H. (N) xxxvi 72 

W. P. xxxiv 78 

Pownall, gov. T. xxx 119. xxxvii 100*] 

— J. villi) 

Powney, Rich. vi 250 

Powys, T. xv 190] 

T. xx 64] xxi 140] 142] xxv 143] 
173] 180] 181] xxvii 83] 84) 265] 268} 
xxix 82] 84] 85] xxx 112] xxxi 88] 111] 
133] 136] xxxii 81] xxxiv 130] xxxv 22] 
59] 156] xxxvi 207] xxxviii 33] xxxix 
1937] See Lilford, lord 

Poyans, fath. ix 146] 

Poyer, col. v 37 

Poynder, J. xlvii 371 

Poynings, xiii 86" ] 89*] 90*] xv 235 

Poynter, G. land recovered from the sea, 
xxxv 16 

——— rev. Dr. lvi 216] lvii 142] lviii 51] 
lxi 7 


xlvii 885 
S. xvii 25, 173 
Steph. lii 302 
Pozzo di Borgo, Carlo Andrea, xxxvi 96 
—_————_—_ gen. lvii 178. lix 125] 
Prado, don Juan de, v 259] 264] 
Praed, W. xxvii 263] 
—— W. Mackworth, lvi 369. lvii 336. lviii 
424. lix 249. Ix 399. lxi 397 
Prague, battle of, i 16 
... siege of, 1 17 
Prames fitting out in France, iv 126] 
Praslin, duke de, vi 59] xi 74] 
Pratt, Benj. iv 99] li 421 
—— Charles, earl Camden, iv 189] vi 94] 
vii 51] 52] 75] 79] 87] 112] viii 111] 149] 
ix 73) 108] 112] xii 186] xiii 63] 67] 70] 
197] 199] xv 75] 76] xvi 89] xvii 95] 125] 
278] xviii 117*] 249] 251] xix 234] xxi 
303] xxii 197] 342] 343] xxiii 330] 331] 


xxiv 290] xxvi 180] xxviii 121] 205] xxix 
66] xxx 120] xxxi 75] 100] 125] 127] 
xxxiv 171. xxxv 268 
Pratt, Charles, earl Camden, his speech in 
the case of Wilkes, vi 139] viii 174] 179] 
--.» his charge to the jury, vi 145] 
----freedom of various places presented 
to, vii 51] 
“a picture placed in Guildhall, vii 51] 

«+++ — speech on being presented with the 
freedom of the city, vii 55] 

e+. made a peer, viii 45] 

«++. his opinion on general warrants, viii 
146] Ke 

+++. grand procession on his opening the 
courts as lord chancellor, ix 148] 

ese Speech against the decision of the 
Commons on the Middlesex election, xiii 
65*] : 

e+.. arraigns the conduct of some of the 
judges, xiv 27] 36] 

«+++ president of the council, xxv 177] 

——— Eliz. xi 157] 

—— H. xlviii 960 

—— hon. J. Jeff. See Camden, marq. 

—— Mrs. her body burnt agreeably to her 
will, xii 133] 

—— rev. xiv 241 

rev. Josiah, xlvi 873 

—— S. lvii 320 

—— §S, Jackson, xxiv 177. xxvii 139. xxxi 
156, xxxix 34, xlv 889. xlvi 991 

Pratten, capt. (N) i94 

T. illegally nominated constable by 
a select vestry, x 45*] 

Prayer, form of, for the king during his in- 
disposition, xxx 251] lii 420 

after his reco- 

very, xxxi 249] 

Praying machines, lvi 475 

Preaching. See Clergy 

Preber, a German Jesuit, account of, iii 22 

Precedency, duel with knives between two 
French ladies of quality respecting, xv 

Precocious talents, instances of, ili 131] hii 
60. liv 507. lvi 115 

—— puberty, iii 147] 

Precop, lines of, stormed by the Russians, 
xiv 74*] . 

Premare, fath. lix 497 

Premislaus, king of Poland, xv 31 

Premiums to farmers, manufacturers, and 
artists, utility of, viii 156. x1 405 

Prendergast, Rob. lvi 97 

Prerogative court, suits in, xiii 77] 169] xv 
76] 110] 

Prerogatives of the crown, 

Prescot, capt. H. (N) lii 301 

(Amer.) xviii 128*] 

——— Dr. Kenrick, xxxitii 276] 

——— gen. Rob. xix 8] xx 125] xxii 43] 

« 48] xxv 196*] xxxvi 68, 78, 172 

See Britain, 

ee L 



Preselyn, xlii 13] 

Presnitz, fire at, liii 89 

Presle, Duvergne de, xxxix 313 

Press, liberty of, in Sweden, x 8] 

eee. ————— Denmark, xiii 44] 166] 
liii 106 

oe remarks on, xiii 162] xiv 
59] xxxv 40] xxxviii 521. lii 97 

--+- restraints on in Sweden, xvii 91] 

--++ Trish act respecting, xxviii 12] 

+++» restrictions on in Austria, xxvili 159] 

France, lii 239 

Wc —_——- the British dominions, 
liii 37] 39] Ixi 128] 130] 143] 150] 158] 

Pressing of seamen. See Navy 

Pressing to death, remarks on, xiii 163 

+++. act respecting, xv 92] 

Pressland, capt. T. (N) xl 147. xliii 101 

Prester John, xxi 171. xxiii 61 

ye riot at the election, xii 100] xiv 

«e+e jubilee guild at, xliv 446 

+++ fire at, xlvii 435 

Preston, capt. T. xiii 175] 211] xvii 228) 

e+. case of, xiii 142] 170] 215] 

e+. trial of, xiii 218] 

(Amer.) xxiv 64 

Eliz. extraordinary suicide of, lvii 


—— col. 

———— Grant, lvi 336. 1x 361, 1xi 301 
xix 5] 
—-—— rev. J. xii 41 
—— Rich. lix 216 
—-— T. lix 5, 39, 49 
W. (linen draper) xv 99] xxv 

—— maj. 


—_— W. xxiv 179 

———— W. (M.R. 1. A.) xxxi 132 

W.S. lix 216 

Pretender. See St. George, chev. 

Pretyman, bish. G. xv 79] 89] xxxvi 16. 
xxxix 82. xlviii 880 

Prevost, capt. (N) xlix 687* 

——— gen. xvi 137] xxii 30] 35] 180] 
207*] xxiii 218*] 

J. Baptist, executed for ‘murder, 
xl 60. xli 41 

——— J. F. xxxiv 318 

——— lieut. col. xxii 181] 

——— I. gen. sir G. xlv 534. xlvii 220, 
391, 530. liv 69] 199] 241, 252. lv 178] 

* 134, 135, 142, 148, 183, 212, 215, 216, 
219, 233. Ivi 177] 190] 144, 174, 198, 
212, 256 

——— m. gen. W. Aug. lv 181 

——— rev. T. lviii 299 

Price of various articles in old times, xi 
134. xxiii 163. xxxv 345 

..-. causes of rise of, xliii 8] 1)] 

.... law of a maximum, xlii 20] 

Price v.“Moritz, 1 14* 

——-—— Sandys, lvi 298 

and Kent ». Worthington, lvii 253 

forgery by, xxviii 195] 
murdered in Ireland, xliii 179 


Price, ald. sir C. xl 1. xliv 388, 392, 394. 
xlv 198, 361, 407, 442, 458, xlvi 24. li 

Benj. xxiv 104 

—— col. Herbert, xlvii 896 

—— Dr. J. transmutation of quicksilver 
by, xxv 90] 

ensign, suicide of, xliv 433 

—-— J. persons saved from drowning by, 
XxXviii 7 

—— J. murder of, xlv 362 

—— Jos. lvi 336 

—— lieut. T. (mar.) iii 102] 

—— R. xxv 113. lvi 335 

rey. Dr. Rich. xv 204] xvii 79. xx 
260] xxxii 77] xxxiv 8] 175] xxxv 253. 
xl 337 ] 

«.. freedom of London to, xix 126] 

»+-. account of, xxxiii 16] 

—— Rich. lieut. gov. of Kinsale, xix 147] 

sir C. xxii 172 

—— Steph. xlviii 962. lvii 321. 1x 360 

—— W. v 152. xxviii 186 

Pridden, J. fined for selling a North Briton, 
xi 188] 

— rev. J. xlv 443 

Priddy, Abr. xlix 520 

Pride, J. duel with W. Carpenter, xxxviii 

Prideaux, brig. gen. 

++. killed, ii 33 

— dean Humph. ix 139 

Edmund, xvi 225] 

Prie, march. de, v 34 

Priesthood, on the indelible character of 
the, xliii 502 

Priestley, rev. Dr. Jos. xv 232. xvi 227. xvii 
79. xix 87. xx 79. xxi 90, 133. xxiv 52, 
55, 80. xxviii 74. xxxii 73] 77] xxxiii 
325] 429] xxxiv 62] 63] x1 337. xliii 4612 

++. on coloured rings on metals from elec- 
tric explosions, xii 76 

+..«+ Copleian medal to, xvi 150] xvii 147, 

e+e. ON marsh effluvia, xvii 77 

++-- his house burnt down by rioters, xxxiii 
26] 35] 36] xxxiv 128] 15, 35 

+++ addresses to, on the occasion, and an- 
swers, xxxiii 84-7 

+. ++ letter from Dr. Franklin, lix 379 

W. xxxiv 25 

Primatt, rev. Dr. —xix 176 

Primero, game of, xxviii 109, 110, 115 

Primogeniture, on the law of, xxxviii 523 

Primrose, lady, Ixi 448 

— — sir Archib. xxxiv 16 

Primrose street, fire in, xlvi 413 

Prince Edward’s island. See St. John’s, is- 
land of 

Prince of Wales’s island, xli 63] xlvii 371. 
lviii 626 

Princetown (New Jersey) college and li- 
brary destroyed, xx 13] 

Pring, capt. Dan. (N) lv 217. lvi 190] 215 

Pringle, adm, T, xx 3) xxxvi 92. xxxviii 90 

ii 30, 32 



Pringle, lieut. (N) xxvii 2607] 

———— m. gen. sir W. H. lv 190, 196. 230. 
lvi 160 

—-— sir J. i 349. viii 88. ix 71] x 112. 
xi 196] xiii 75. xiv 133] xvi 81] 150] xvii 
77, 147. xviii 177] 68, 74, 86. xix 193] 
30, 76, 114, 116, 117, 120n, 133. xx 186. 
xxi 32, 130, 137. xxiv 89. lii 12. lix 

..-- medals presented to by the emperor, 
xii 65] 

. resigns the presidentship of the Royal 
Society, xxi 212] 

——-—— Sophia, executed for forgery, xxix 

———— Walter, pres. of Dominica, drown- 
ed, xi 124] 

Prinsep, ald. J. xlv 53, 66, 204, 205, xlvi 
441. xlviii 107 

Printed stuffs, duty on, xliii 194 

Printers, informations against several, xlvii 

..+» convicted of a conspiracy, lii 293 

-... acts respecting, liii 37] 38] 

.-.. several journeymen taken up for print- 
ing almanacs, Ixi 94 

Printing, 'Tamulian types sent to the E. 
Indies, vii 114] 

...» invention of, xxxvi 377 

. Stereotype, x] 22 

Prints, indictments for selling wicked and 
obscene, v 107] vi 51] xliv 468 

»- ++ from copperplates in colours, x 149] 

-... method of cleaning, xli 409 

Prior, Edw. xli 405 

—— G. Ix 361. lxi 302 

—— Mat. v 176. xi 165, 168. xii 61. xv 
220. xvi 249. xxi 244. xxvi 153. xxxvii 
133*n] x1 205] 

»- + life of, ix 68 

Prisoners, escape of, from France, iv 68] lv 

«--- escape of French, iv 112] xxii 210] 
xlix 494. liii 43, 45, 50, 124. liv 125] 8, 
41, 89, 100. lv 73, 80 

«.-- escape of, from Whitechapel jail, vi 

-». act for securing the health of, xvii 123] 

+... —-— relieving from detention for 
fees, xvii 242] 

++. escape of, from a transport, xix 185] 

American, xxi 200] 

+... centinel shot by another ina riot of, 
xxxix 54 

+++. escape of, from custody, xl 19 

«eee State, liberated, xliii 7 

-. + stolen goods purchased from, xliii 28 

- one ina mask, xliv 249 
- one shot in attempting to escape, xlv 
454 p 

++» quarrel between, on Buonaparte’s 
birthday, | 87* 

-»+. plan for facilitating the escape of 
French, lii 1992 


Prisoners : attempts of French to escape, lii 
282. liv 138. lv 10, 15, 49, 81, 82 

¢+++ number in G. Britain, liv 90. lvi 82 

e+++ persons convicted of aiding in the es- 
cape of French, liv 103 

+»+- healthiness and treatment of French, 
liv 105 

e+e riotat Dartmoor, liv 113 

+++. a prison ship fired by a Frenchman, 
liv 128 

e--- a Frenchman released and sent home, 

e+-- marriages of French not deemed valid 
in France, liv 153 . 

«+++ man saved from drowning bya French, 
lv 38 

-2.. funeral of a French officer, ly 94 

---- destitute state of the wives of several, 
lvi 3 

«+e» number of French sent home, lvi 82 

+++. seven Americans shot in attempting 
to break prison, lvii 28 

Prisons, attempts to escape from, i 97, 99, 
100. iii 147] 151) viii 121] ix 76] x 58] 
xvii 127] xviii 98] xix 122] xxi 175] xxiv 
179] 191] xxvii 199] xxviii 196] 198] 
xxxiii 19] xxxiv 41. xxxv 17. xxxix 5. xl 
68. liii 90. Ivii 28, lviii 129. lxi 47 

+++ escapes from various, vi 105] ix 76] 
78] 89] x 71] 79] xiii 80] 164] xiv 71] 
xviii 171] 174] xix 152] 164] xx 181] 
184] xxv 212] xxxi 202] xxxii 32. xxxiii 
41] 7%. xxxiv 11, 424. xxxvi 12. xxxvii 
13, 28. xl 23, 69, 84. xliii 25. 128". iii 
25. lvii 8] 108. lviii 174, 329 

e++- committee of the H. of Commons for 
inquiry into abuses, xvii 100] 106] 

+++. broken open, xviii 88] 89] 111] 

e+ +» extraordinary case of a man executed 
fourteen years after assisting in an escape 
from, xxvii 245] 

+--+ money distributed in several by a per- 
son unknown, xxviii 211] 

+--+ county fined by a judge for defects in, 
xXxxi 224] 227] 

«+++ convictions for aiding escapes, xxxvii 
28. x1 23 

«++ report of a committee on, lxi 363 

Pritchard, Edw. executed for the murder of 
his wife, xxxiii 13] 

— J. xiv 136] 

-— Mary, murder of, lvi 24 

Mrs. i 406, 433. iv 265. xi 224, 
xv 22]. xviii 213, xxii 60. xxxiii 438] 

-«-- character of, xi 35 

— W. xliii 453 

Pritchers, J. his wife accused as a witch, v 

Prittle, col. (Amer.) xviii 128*] 

Pritty, T. xliv 775 

Pritzler, b. gen. Ix 185] 

Privy council, sacredness of the persons of 
the, viii 31] 

e+». lord mayor of London, sworn in, xi 
115] 138] 




Privy council, appeals to, from Quebee, xi 

Prize-money, payments of, iv 118] vi 78] 
88] 163] vii 64] 92] 100] ix 82] xl 21. 
xliv 356. xlvi 581 

+++ person executed for fraudulently ob- 
taining, xlviii 458 

Prize-questions, of the Agricultural Society 
of Carniola, xi 76] 

--.. of Berlin, iy 180] 181] v 115] 116] vii 
116. viii 156] 

+++. — Besancon, iv 177] 

«++. — Bordeaux, ix 137] 

+++. — Cambridge. See Cambridge 

«++ — Haerlem, iv 165] v 107] viii 105] 

«++. — Lyons, iv 181] 

«++. — Oxford. See Oxford 

«++. — Paris, iv 183] vii 77] viii 105] 

- ++. — Petersburg, iv 127] v 77] 

+... — Royal Humane Society. See Socie- 
ty, R. H. ; 

+++» — Society of Arts. See Society of A. 

Proby, capt. (N) iv 151] 

comm. C. xvi 117] 

Proclamations, royal, force of, xiv 63] 88] 
92] 121] 131] 

Proclus, xi 131 

Procopius, xxv 6. xxx 4x. xxxvi 375 

Proctor, H, lii 282 

m. gen. H. liv 214. Iv 179] 181] 

186] 188] 137, 155, 215, 220 

sir W. Beauchamp, iv 115] ix 84] 

pre 86] 193] 194] 197] xii 67] 79] xv 


—— T. xxvi 223] 

W. li 544 

Procyon, iii 169n 

Prodigies, xii 202 

Progeny, numerous, ii 61, 200. iii 96] 101] 
107] 118] 149] iv 105] 144) vi 67] 122] 
vii 55] 62] 111] viii 86] 87) 96) ix 97] 
131] x 65] xi 190] xii 73] xiv 79] 100] 
130] xv 71] 112] xvi 72] 106] xvii 85] 
124] 133] xviii 96] xix 119] xx 203] xxi 
212] xxii 221] 237] xxiv 187] 193] xxv 
204] xxvii 182] xxx 200] xlvi 437. 1] 42* 

Prometheus, xii 145 

Promissory notes, action on one, xiii 140] 

+++ action on one lost, xvi 100] 

Propertius, x 220 

Property, acquired by persons in low life, 
x 114] 155] xii 158] xiii 70] xv 129] xvi 
123] 139] xx 170] xli 33. xlii 17. xlv 393, 
xlix 406 

+++. See also Beggars 

-«-.. nature and origin of, x 289 

tax. See Income tax 

Prophecies, modern, iv 100] xii 99] xv 104] 
xviii 88] xxviii 214] 11266 

Prophetess, modern, lviii 26 

Prophets, modern Arabian, xxvii 244] xxviii 
51] 146] xxx 15] 

—_— English, xxxvii 10. liv 29 

American, lvii 58 
Proserpine, v 138, xvi 118 



Prosidippus, xv 2)9 

Prosorowski, gen. 
13] 20] 

Prospect, uncommonly grand, in England, 
viii 76 

Prosper Alpinus, viii 177 

Prosser, Abel, convicted of barbarously 
treating a Jew, xii 93] 

— J. xlii 385. xlviii 961 

Prostitution of a girl proposed by her mo- 
ther, ii 86 

Protestant Association, xxiii 33] 190] 193] 
256] xxiv 231] 

Protestants, treatment of, in France, lvii 
87] 92] lviii 108] 114] lix 80. 1x 79. Ixi 

.... term to be disused in Prussia, lix 73 

Prother, }. col. Ix 187] 

Protheroe, Edw. lviii 87] lx 85] Ixi 140] 

— sir H. lviii 167 

Protogenes, ix 228 

Prouzut, fath. Ignatius, xxxviii 344 

Provara, gen. xxxviii 88] 

Provence, count de, xxix 189] xxxv 200] 
xxxvi 86] 

--.». declaration as regent, xxxv 136 

--«s See Lewis XVIII 

Provera, gen. xxxix 8] xl 127] 

Provins, Guyot de, vii 264 

Provision, prices of, ii 131. iii 143] iv 189] 
vii 56] 57] 103] viii 153] 9, 203, 204. ix 
134] x 130] 148] xi 172] 137, 138. xiii 
15}] xiv 100] 102] 104] xvii 143] xix 
195] xxi 163] xxxii 107, 108. xxxv 348. 
Xxxvii 122, 123, 197. x1 94. xli 186: xlii 
94. xliii 17] 496. xlvi 876. xlvii 582. xlviii 
372, 629, xlix 720*. 1 158, 159. 1i 650. lii 
429. See also Corn, Bread, and Dearth 

-».. parliamentary inquiry into the causes 
of the high prices of, vii 136] 

' ...+. public prayers on account of the high 
prices, ix $7] 

-+-- risings on account of the price of, vii 
103] ix 119] 124] 135] 137-40] 142] 143] 
147] 149] x 39] 47*] 74] 84] 85] 148] xi 
90} 113] 118] xiv 93] xv 90] 91] 109] 
xvi 65] 67] xxxi 204] xxxiv 17, 19. xxxv 
21. xxxvii 24, 25. xlii 212] 34, 141, 143, 
xliii }] liv 1382] 46, 52, 55, 56, 104, 109. 

_ lvii 140] lviii 60, 65, 67, 192 

+»-- general scarcity of, ix 121] xv 70] 

++». address to the king from the city of 
London on the high price of, ix 135] 

+++» petition to the Commons from the 
same, x 149] 

¢++« Causes and consequences of the high 
price of, x 165. xv 193] 

+++» plans for preventing scarcity, xi 194, 

xii 17] 21] 27] 28) xiii 

--+. Subscription for reducing the high 
price in London, xv 79] 86] 
+++. prices fixed at different times, xlili 

Provost, bish. | (Amer.) xxviii 213} 



Provost, Peter, xiv 161] xix 198] 

Prowse, adm. W. xlvii 541, 567 

T. vi 90] 

Prudentius, ix 148. xv 121. xvii 129 

Prudhoe, Algernon, lord, lv 19 

Pruen, lieut. (N) xxvi 289] 

Prussia, foundling hospitals in, v 100] 

-».. academy for fifteen young noblemen 
established by the king, viii 85] 

- soldiers of, ix 176 

+++» population of, xvi 155] 

-».. the king supposed to be unfriendly to 
England, i 6 

sees treaty with, 1 6 

-... rise and progress of the house of Bran- 
denburg, ib. 

«+++ lays claim to Silesia, i 7 
.. treaty for partitioning, i 7,8 

«+. the king enters Saxony, i8 

--.» defeats the Austrians at Lowositz, i 

-++. enters Dresden, and takes up his win- 
ter quarters in Saxony, 2b. 

.. +. two French armies march against him, 
i 14 

+--+ proceeded against in the Aulic coun- 
cil, ib. 

«+++ put under the ban of the empire, i 

+--+. various states in arms against him, 74. 

--.. his sole assistance, 24. 

+++. victory before Prague, i 16 

«++. siege of this city,ii17 ~ 

--.- defeat at Colin, i 18 

.+ ++ ill consequences of this, 7b. 

++.. invaded by the Russians, and others 
of the confederates, i 20 

-++. State of the king at this period, 7. 

-... his preparations fora battle, i 21 

+++. victory at Rosbach, i 22 

Leuthen, i 25 

conquest of Pomerania, i 26 

+++ recapitulation of events, i 27 

treaty of subsidy with, i 40. ii 3, 71 

«... Schweidnitz retaken, 7b. 

.-.. the king invades Moravia, i 41 

+... lays siege to Olmutz, 7b. 

-... raises the siege and proceeds into Bo- 
hemia, i 42 

+... prince Ferdinand crosses the Rhine 
in pursuit of the French, i 43 

++.» the enemy defeated at Crevelt, i 44 

«+.. the Rhine recrossed, by a detachment, 
and Dusseldorp taken, i 45 

.+«» the Hessians Gefeated, i 46 

.... the Hanoverians defeat the French at 
Meer, and join the English forces, i 47 

+++.» prince Ferdinand recrosses the Rhine, 

-... the Russians enter Brandenburg, i 48 

+... the king retreats from Bohemia, 26. 

+... conclusum of the Aulic council against 
the allies of, 1 50 

+... the Russians defeated at Custrin, i 52 




Prussia: the king marches into Saxony, and 
joins prince Henry, i 53, 54 

e»-. surprised and defeated at Hochkir- 
chen, i 56 

+++» marches into Silesia, i 59 

+++. the enemy being expelled returns to 
the relief of Saxony, i 60 

ese» review of the campaign, i 62 

ie he king’s conduct in Saxony censured, 

---+ 100,000/. remitted to, i 80 

e+» present of 1000/. from miss Wynd- 
ham, i 86 

+++ letter imputed to the king of, i 205, 
219 : 

‘ state of, at the beginning of 1759, ii 

«. +. plan of the campaign, ii 9 

e+» incursions into Poland and Bohemia, 
ii 9 

+++» Bamberg and Wurtzberg laid under 
contribution, ii 10 

«--- misconduct of the Prussians at Bam- 
berg, 7. 

e+e difficult situation of, ii 23 

«ee defeated at Zulichau, ii 24 

e+» battle of Cunnersdorf, ii 25 

+++» the Prussians again defeated, ii 27 

«++. the Russians obliged again to retreat, 
ii 28 ~ 

+++ Prussians defeated at Maxen, ii 47 

e+ «+ again at Meissen, ii 48 

eves State of, at the close of 1759, ii 55 

++. convention with, ii 60, 125, 204 

-+--atax of ten per cent laid on popish 
ecclesiastics in consequence of a similar 
tax by the pope on those of Hungary, ii 

eee Officers on parole ordered from Berlin 
to Spandau, ii 94, 250 

+++. conspiracy of deserters to set fire to 
Berlin, ii 109 

«+. the king’s desire of peace, in concert 
with England, declared to the foreign 
ministers at the Hague by prince Lewis 
of Brunswick, ii 129, 130, 267. iii 3] 

+++. State paper in answer, ili 203] 

«+. declarations of count Dohna on enter- 
ing Poland, ii 231 

e+». difficulties of, iii 11] 

+++. the king’s plan of defence, iii 13] 

«++. Landshut taken, 7d, 

«e+» Prussian army defeated and made pri- 
soners, iii 14] 

«++. Glatz taken, iii 15] 

«e+. the king deceives marsh. Daun by a 
feint against Silesia, and attacks Dresden, 
iii 16] 

«++» Daun obliges him to raise the siege, 
iii 17] 

«++» Breslau attacked by the Austrians, iii 

«ses march to Lignitz, iii 26] 

e+e» Daun attempts a surprise, iii 27] 

eeee Laudohn defeated near Lignitz, iii 28] 



Prussia: junction of the king and prince 
Henry, iii 30] 

«s+. the Austrians defeated in Saxony, és. 

+s.» intercepted letter of the king, iii 31] 

--+- Russians and Austrians enter Bran- 
denburg, iii 43] 

.+.-. Berlin taken, iii 44] 

+--+. the enemy leave Brandenburg, iii 45] 

oe :. Saxony recovered from the Prussians, 

e+e Stainville enters the duchy of Halber- 
stadt, ab. 

«++. the Russians invest Colberg in Pome- 
rania, 7b, 

«+s the Swedes push forward in W. Pome- 
rania, iii 46] 

-++. Laudohn enters Silesia, 7d. 

»... the king advances up the Elbe, 2d. 

«+s. battle of Torgau, iii 47] 

«-** the siege of Colberg raised, iii 49] 

--.. the Russians retire into Poland, 7d. 

++. the Swedes compelled to evacuate 
West Pomerania, id. 

.... farther advantages of the victory, 74. 

+--+ State at the close of the campaign of 
1760, iii 50} 

«+++ money paid to, rather a tribute than a 
subsidy, iii 52] 

+.-- new treaty with, iii 154] 205] 

-.-. the king’s letter to Stanislaus on the 
offer of Nanci for treating of peace, iii 

-»+» declaration to such German states as 
may furnish the emperor with men or 
money, iii 208] : 

«ess memorial of the king of Poland, on 
the treatment of Saxony, 7. 

-»++ barbarous treatment of the marche of 
Brandenburg, iii 210] 

++ answer to this complaint, iii 217] 

+.++ negotiations for peace, iv 4] 272] 273] 

«s+» inactivity of the king, iv 31] 

«++ Platen destroys the Russian maga- 
zines in Poland, iv 33] 

«.«+ Schweidnitz taken by Laudohn, iv 35] 

-.-.- Platen defeated, iv 36] 

--+- Treptow taken, 7b. 

..+» Colberg surrendered, 7d. 

.. +» reduced state of the king, iv 37] 

«+++ conspiracy to carry off the king, iv 

e.++ dangerous state of, v 2] 11] 

-.«+ joined by Russia, v 14] 

+++» peace with Sweden, 726. 

«se. Opening of the campaign, v 15] 

.. ++ Successes against the Austrians, v 16] 

..+- conduct of the new empress of Russia 
toward, v 22] 

.».» marsh. Daun pushed back, v 23] 

.. «+ Schweidnitz invested, 7d. 

.... Laudohn defeated, v 24] 

eee» Schweidnitz taken, v 52] 

...- Austrians defeated at Freyberg, v 53] 

see. cessation of hostilities for Silesia and 
Saxony, #0, 


Prussia: Nuremburg laid under contribu- 
tion, v 53] 
«++» peace with Austria, v 63] 247] vi 213] 
«» +» extraordinary proclamation by the go- 
vernor of Freyberg, v 110] 
--.- desirous of a native succeeding to the 
crown of Poland, vi 47] vii 3] 
«e+. the king’s letter to his minister at 
Ratisbon on the peace, vi 66] 
~ eeee the king’s arrival at Berlin, vi 73] 
e+e. proceedings of the king since the 
peace, vi 97] 
---- arrival of a Turkish internuncio, vi 
eee. state of, vii 3] 
e..- attention of the king to the welfare of 
his subjects, vii 77] 
ee» Frederic William, presumptive heir to 
the throne, betrothed to the princess Eliza- 
beth of Brunswick Wolfenbuttel, vii 94] 
«+. the king signs a disclaimer of all pre- 
tensions to any part of Polish Prussia, the 
republic, by a written instrument, giving 
him the title of k. of Prussia, vii 95] 
eee» porcelain manufactory established in, 
vii 101] ix 91] 
«++. bank established at Berlin, vii 109] 
«+--+ military punishment to be restricted 
to soldiers, 25. 
eee an exclusive right to purchase salt- 
petre granted to, bythe empress of Russia, 
vii 109] 
ee. code of laws, vii 110] 
«++. treaty with Russia, vii 181] ] 
 es-- proposals to the Polish diet, viii 62] 
»» «+ E. India company established at Emb- 
den, viii 132] 
«»-. edict for respiting the payment of 
debts in Silesia and Glatz, viii 139] 
+.» demand of an old debt from the 
Dutch, ix 70] 
»++- marriage of the princess royal to the 
stadtholder, x 4] 
-.-- declaration in favour of the Polish 
dissidents, x 23] ‘ 
«++» augmentation of the army, xi 36] 
«++» barracks to be erected in different 
parts, 7d. 
--.- liberal donation to distressed land- 
holders in Silesia, xi 36} 
ee. disturbances in the principality of 
Neufchatel, xi 37] 
e++« prohibition of foreign manufactures, 
«+++ political state of, xii 7] 
«+. line of troops drawn along the frontiers 
of Poland, xiii 42] 
«+.. attack on Dantzic, xiii 43] 
«++» troops marched into Polish Prussia, 
xiv 86*] 
es. the king has notified to the States- 
general that his troops are solely to keep 
out the plague, xiv 88] 
ee-- policy of, in the partition of Poland, 
xv 5) 
Parr I, 


Prussia: manifestoes on the dismember- 
ment of Poland, xv 28] 251] 255] 

+ee- parts of Poland annexed to, xv 31] 

+++ robbery and oppression of Dantzic and 
Thorn, xv 38] 42} 

-+.. tobacco farmed toa Frenchman, xv 71] 

«+». association for maritime trade, xv 145] 

+». claim of an antiquated debt from Hol- 
land, xvi 8] 

e+. proposals of an exchange for Meck- 
lenburg, 2d. 

«++. conduct of toward Poland, xvi 36] 44] 
xvii 17] 

eee. treaty with Poland, xvi 41] 

+. «+ military regulations, xvi 44] 

«++. treatment of the Jews in the new ac- 
quisitions, xvi 45] 

«++» conduct toward Dantzic and Thorn, 
xvi 46] xviii 156] 165] 

+++ protection of the Jesuits in, xvi 47] 
155] xix 126] 

+e planks and staves purchased by Bri- 
tish merchants at Dantzic stopped by, xvi 
127] 133] 

«+++ maritime preparations, xvi 133] 

-.-- duty imposed on sugar sent from Ham- 
burg into Germany, xvi 154] 

«++. general appointment of schoolmasters, 
xvii 25] 

«+++ horses for the army purchased in Tur- 
key and Tatary, xvii 25] 

«++ duties on sugar, xvii 105] 

e-+. order for cultivating all the waste 
domains, xvii 173] 

oss. new regiments of grenadiers to be 
raised, 2b. 

«»-- merchants forbidden to frequent the 
fairs at Leipsic, xviii 120] 

+++. Ships senf to Spain for salt by the 
king, 26. 

«++ forces of, xix 203] 

+.+- interference against the emperor’s 
pretensions to Bavaria, xxi 13] xxiii 2] 

«++. preparations for war, xxi 19] 21] 

-+-+ speech of the king to his officers, xxi 
21] 177] 

-~e+ invasion of Bohemia, xxi 24] 

-.-. retreat from it, xxi 33] 

«+. attack on Austrian Silesia, xxi 34] 

«+++ presents to the officers for equipment, 
xxi 178] 

aye pay and allowance of provision increas- 
ed, zd. 

--+- manifesto on the war with Austria, xxi 

e».. negotiations for peace, xxiii 4] : 

++. Opposition to the election of prince 
Maximilian to the coddjutorships of Co- 
logne and Munster, xxiv 8] 

++.» Visit of prince Henry to Petersburg, 
xxiv 10] 

e+. admitted into the armed neutrality, 
xxv 211] 

e+e. Visit of prince Henry to Versailles, 
xxvii 121] 


Prussia: interference to prevent the ex- 
change of Bavaria for the Austrian 
Netherlands, xxvii 127] 130] 

+««+ military force of, xxvii 244] 

.. +» letters from the king in favour of the 
prince of Orange, xxvii 319] 364] 

from the empress of Russia on 
the navigation of the Scheldt, xxvii 352] 

..-+ decease of Frederic the Great, xxviii 
84] 161] 

.-.. letter from the new king to the States 
General on the subject of the stadtholder, 
xxviii 84] 284] 

.... the use of the German language in- 
stead of French restored at court and in 
public transactions, xxviii 165] 

«++. French collectors of taxes generally 
superseded by Germans, xxviii 166 

-++. prohibition of writings against reli- 
gion, 2b. 

«++» law against duelling, and court of 
honour established, xxviii 167] 

«s+. punishment of a counsellor of the 
regency for corruption, xxviii 206] 

..+. treaty of alliance and commerce with 
America, xxviii 260] 

.--. mediation in the affairs of Holland 
offered, first with England, afterward with 
France, xxix 3] 

«++. Strong memorial from the king to the 
states of Holland on the arrest of his 
sister, xxix 34] 277] 278] 

o ae to the states general, xxix 

«+e» terms demanded, xxix 36] 

+. hostile preparations, xxix 37] 

a Renta of emigrants to, xxix 


.».. letter from the king to the States 
General on recalling his ambassador, xxix 

e+» joins G. Britain in protecting Sweden, 
xxx 196*] 

...- declaration to Poland on it’s intended 
alliance with Russia, xxx 293] 

- a+» answer to it, xxx 294] 

«++ obliges the landgrave of Hesse Cassel 
to relinquish the estates of count Lippe, 
xxxi 53] 

«++. interference in the affairs of Poland, 
xxxi 57] 341] 

eee. defensive alliance with G. Britain, xxxi 

ee. alliance with Turkey, xxxiii 4 

«--. congress of Pilnitz. See Pilnitz 

-.-- requires the cession of Dantzic and 
Thorn, xxxiii 114 

ss. alliance with Austria, xxxiv 225, 312 

-.-. declaration of war against France, 
xxxiv 225 

«++. joint memorial with Austria against 
the French revolution, xxxiv 236 

-.-. overtures for negotiation with Du- 
mouriez, xxxiv 313 

-e»»» memorial to the Porte, xxxiv 325 


\ PR 

Prussia: Dantzic annexed to, xxxv 21 

.... loan at Amsterdam, xxxv 61 

«+.» declarations respecting Poland, xxxv 
219, 229 
xxxv 226 

-+«. jealousy of Austria, xxxvi 7 

+. conferences with the French under 
pretence of exchange of prisoners, xxxvi 

— to the city of Dantzic, © 

.».. credulity of the British ministry in 
subsidizing, xxxvi 12] 251] 280] xxxvii 
149] 173] ¥ 

ee ee of subsidy with, xxxvi 157. xliii 

.+«« patent for opening a loan in a coin of 
inferior money, xxxvi 197 
.»«» letter to the elector of Mentz, xxxvi 
..«. declaration to the diet of Ratisbon, 
xxxvi 201 
+++» memorial to the circles of the Lower | 
Rhine and Westphalia, 7d. 
..+- declaration against arming the people, 
xxxvi 204 


—— to the states assembled at 

Frankfort, 2d. 

+++» letter to the prince of Saxe Cobourg, 

xxxvi 205 

PN aa on his secession, xxxvi 

to the diet on his retract- 
ing it, xxxvi 209 
to the circles of the 
Upper Rhine on his contingent, 74. 
.++. answer to the declaration of the circles 
in favour of peace, xxxvi 224 
ang troops ordered to return to the Rhine, 
..+. refuses to support the Polish consti- 
tution, xxxvii 12] 
+++. insidious policy of, xxxvii 21] 
+++. Separate peace with France, xxxvii 
58] 178, 227. xxxviii 221, 288, 289 
sa Megan. of troops employed by, xxxvii 
+-+» declaration to the German states on 
the peace with France, xxxvii 227 
.+-. claims on Nuremberg, xxxvili 131] 
.... obliged to retract it’s pretensions, 
xxxviii ]42] 
+++. convocation of the neutral states of 
Germany, xxxviii 218 
-+.. regulations respecting the French in, 
xxxvili 219 
+... submission of Nuremberg to, xxxviii 
220. xxxix 356 
+++. rescript respecting the territories on 
the.left bank of the Rhine, xxxviii 221] 
.... letter of convocation to the united 
states of northern Germany, xxxix 349 
.... declaration on the proceedings of the 
French agents, xxxix 353 
«se provisory regulations for the provinces 
on the left bank of the Rhine, xxxix 354 



Prussia: complaint of the proceedings of 

~ the Aulic council, xxxix 355 

---. letter from the elector of Saxony on 
ped illegal conduct of Prussia, xxxix 

+». order on the illtreatment of the peo- 
ple by the military, xl 6 

-+.. declaration on occupying Ritzebuttel, 
xlii 257 

---- notes from the British minister on the 
occasion, xlii 261 

«++. answer to them, xlii 263 

«+.» treaty with America, xlii 290 

+++» French negotiations with, xliii 80] 

.+.. notes from and to the British minister 
= the armed neutrality, xliii 229, 237, 


----accedes to the armed neutrality, xliii 

99] 100] 250 

- «++. vessel with naval stores, xliii 101] 

-».. takes possession of Cuxhaven and the 
bailiwick of Ritzebuttel, 24. 

«+. invades Hanover, xliii 106] 250, 254 

e+ +» promises to evacuate it, xliii 116] 257 

-».. this at length performed, xliii 287] 

«++ interference against any new elections 
to the ecclesiastical states of Germany, 
xliii 279 

«+++ Visit of the emperor Alexander to 
their majesties at Memel, xliv 250 

--++ extraordinary favour shown to by Buo- 
naparte, xliv 252 

*- age with France and Bavaria, xliv 

--.++ Munster taken possession of, xliv 652 
+--+. verbal declaration to the diet on the 
seizure of the duke d@’Enghien, xlvi 656 
-+.. note from the British minister on the 
seizure of sir G. Rumbold, xlvi 705 

---. Selfish and deceitful policy of, xlvii 

---- acknowledgment of Napoleon as em- 
peror, xlyii 685 

-.++ proclamation by the magistrates of 

- Anspach respecting the passage of troops, 
xlvii 706 

:.-. treaties with France, xlviii 132, 157, 

.--+- effect of it’s elevation on the German 
empire, xlviii 153 

+.+- impolicy of it’s conduct, xlviii 155, 

+++. seizure of Hanover and exclusion of 
oo shipping, xlviii 159, 676. xlix 

+.-+ consequent proceedings on the part of 
G. Britain, xlviii 160, 677, 689 

---. rupture with Sweden, xlviii 162 

---. artifices of, xlviii 168 

«+-- conduct toward G. Britain, xlviii 170 

+++. manifesto against France, xlviii 800 

«+.» war with France, xlyiii 187, 811-18 

.... defeat at Auerstadt, xlviii 188 

++. Surrender of marsh. Mollendorf’s 
corps, xlviii 193 




Prussia: defeat of prince Eugene of Wir- 
temberg, xlviii 194 

++.» flight of the king, xlviii 195 

--+. Buonaparte enters Berlin, i. 

ee Sasi tate of prince Hohenlohe, xlviii 

are defeat of Blucher at Lubeck, xlviii 

+++» his surrender, xlviii 198 

++.. extraordinary surrender of various 
strong places, 2b. 

+++ armistice refused, xlviii 202 

+++ negotiation for peace, 76. 684 

+++. Buonaparte’s terms of an armistice, 
xlviii 202 

+++ resistance of some of the garrisons, 
xlviii 203 

.. +. farther defeats, xlviii 205 

memorial to G. Britain after the battle 
of Austerlitz, xlviii 683 

+++. retreat of the king and queen to 
Memel, xlix 5 

++. State of it’s force, ib. 

+++e impolicy of, xlix 35, 42 

+++. treaty with G. Britain, xlix 712 

+++. armistice with France, xlix 176 

«++. peace of Tilsit, xlix 177, 714 
++ money advanced by G. Britain, xlix 
245, 728* 
+++ proclamation of the king to the peo- 
ple of Silesia, xlix 667 

after the battle of Fried- 


land, xlix 668 
«+-~- answer to the Austrian offer of medi- 
ation, xlix 730 
«+-- ports shut against British vessels, xlix 

+++» letter from the k. to the magistrates of 
Berlin and staff of the guard, xlix 740 

--.. declaration against Sweden, 1 309* 

+++. answer to it, 1 312* 

+--+» letter from the k. to the magistrates of 
Berlin, li 677 

+... State of, liii 139] 

+++. obliged to join France, liv 167] 

-. +» treaty with France, liv 418 

.. +» entered by a Russian army, lv 388 

+++ joins the allies, ly 116] 

«++.» proposes a mediation, lv 117] 

+++» treaty with Russia, id. 

Austria, lv 130] 

see ts he with G. Britain, lv 201] 

---« order of the Iron Cross instituted, Iv 20 
Va Kah of the continental system, lv_ 
+. ++ military regulations, lvi 104] 
«++, alterations in public worship, 2b. 
-.+. additional articles to the treaty with 
France, lvi 419 
-- + treaty with Denmark, lvi 445 
‘epee of Saxony assigned to, lvii 106] 
-» +» other alterations in the state of, lvit- 
107] 108] 
2 42 


Prussia: Swedish Pomerania and Rugen 
ceded to, lvii 112] 
e...+ proclamation on the return of Buona- 
parte, lvii 375 
e+. convention with G. Britain, lvii 377 
«.-- proclamation on resuming the Polish 
provinces, lvii 383 
---- address to the inhabitants of Dantzic 
&c. lvii 384 
ee. treaty of peace with Saxony, zd. 
eee proclamation to the inhabitants of 
Prussian Saxony, lvii 386 
e»-- decree respecting the representation 
of the people, lvii 387. Ixi 166 
‘e+. indemnity to be paid by France, lvii 
e+» pay for it’s armies, lvii 614 
e+e Holy Alliance, lviii 3] 381 
_ eee discussions on the representative con- 
stitution, lviii 137] lix 134] 
eeee restraints on the press, lviii 137] Ixi 
2» +s application of the’ nobles of Pome- 
rania for the revival of the feudal system 
rejected, lviii 110 
«+++ convention respecting Buonaparte, lviii 
o+-. circulars to the Evangelical clergy, lix 
73, 96 
ec... Tiots at Breslaw, lix 75, 76, 80 
---- encouragement of Jearned travellers, 
lix 105 
++. loan contracted for by Mr. Rothschild, 
Ix 55 : 
ee. Organization of the states to wait the 
king’s pleasure, lx 67 
eee Several fortresses constructed, lx 89 
e--+- commercial treaty with Denmark, Ix 
eee. proceedings in, lxi 187~9] 63 
©-+ee circular to it’s ambassadors respecting 
the decrees of the diet, lxi 162 
Prussia, prince Henry of, i 18, 40, 48, 49, 
53, 54, 56, 59, 159, 160. ii 10, 28. iii 13] 
15] 19] 26] 30] v 15] 23] 52] 53) xix 
165] xxi 23] 25] 34] 
eeee enters Bohemia, ii9 
e+.» his march into Saxony, ii 45 
e+e. defeats gen. Vehla, ii 46 
e+ Visits Russia, xiii 43] xiv 86*] xxiv 
oeee ——— Versailles,xxvii 121] 
prince Lewis of, xlviii 165, 188, 
190, 195 
——— William of, lvi 15} 
Prussian blue, methods of making, v 96 
Pryce, xxxvii 86°] 
Prynne, W. vi 277. xii 139, 191, xvii 37. 
xxiii 220 
‘e+ character of, xii 45 
Przybyszewsky, gen. xlvii 168, 176 
Psalmanazar, G. xxxiii 464] 
---- will of, vi 43 
e+ee account of, vii 66 
Psaro, capt, xxxiii 94 



Psilli still in existence, ix 125 

Psomka, vii 213 

Ptolemy, Claudius, xi 158. xxxviii 466 

Lagus, xxx 119, xxxiii 407] 

——— Philadelphus, v 219. xliii 530 

Public, enlightened, xxxix 435 

Public offices, report on, xl 173 

' «++ proposed to be abolished, xl 174 

Publicans : brewer foiled in an attempt to 
take away the licence of one with his 
house, ix 82] ‘ 

e+». punished for suffering tippling, xviii 
83] . 

«++. to appear in person to renew licences 
in London, xxiii 206] 

«++. damages obtained against officers for 
breaking open a house to get to their 
quarters, xl 24 “ 

+++. person convicted of illegally obtaining 
a license, lv 313 

Puccini, Xxxv 22 

Puckeridge, _ (musical-glassman) iv 1o1 

Puddledock, fire at, liii 7 

Puente, don Phil. Ruiz, xiv 8] 239] 

Pueyridon, xlix 641. Ixt 233] 254] 

Puffendorf, S. bar. iii 263. ix 37] 39] x 
293. xxxvii 174*] lvi 119] 

eee life of, ix 37 

Pugatscheff (Cossack) xvi 5] xvii 4] 11] 

---- execution of, xviii 154"] 85] 

Puget, gen, xlvi 369 

Peter Paul, xv 153] 

Pugh v, the duke of Leeds, xx 210] 

ald. Evan, xviii 271] xx 201] xxii 

218] 222] 227] xxiii 194] xxiv 235] 

J. xxix 31. lvii 320 

Pugilism. See Boxing 

Puigblanc, don Ant. lvii 1] 

Puisaye, = xxxvii 67] xxxviii 69] 

Pujet, marq. de, xxxiv 40] 

pee sir (Polish conspirat.) xvi 133] xxvii 

(gen. in Amer. serv.) xx 130] 
xxii 5] 7 

Pullen, li 125 

Puller, Christ. xxx 203] 

G. xxxiv 70 

Pulley, gen. xlvii 164 

Pullien, rev. S. iii 131 

Pulling, capt. J. K. (N) drowned, xl 2 

——~~— W. convicted of rape, xv 132] 

Pulo Leat, island of, lix 447 

—— Penang. See Prince of Wales’s island 

Pulteney, Dan. x 143] 

——- D. xxx 178] 

—— Dr. Rich. xiii 36 

——- gen, ix 93] x 145] xlix 787 

«eee his will, x 143] xxxvi 300 

sir James Murray, xli 197] 

302] 304] 308] 79, 106, 135. xlii 106] 

213] xliii 186] xlv 943. xlvi 60. xlvii 

55, 114. xlviii 53. xlix 81, 96, 97, 107, 

690. 1 222*. li 130 Baws 
hon. Wex po 

sir W. xxxiii 224, xxxvii 216] 



Xxxvill 23] xxxix 126] 136] 140] 176] 
191] 202] 204] xl 187] 209] 210] 220] 
xli 190] xlii 103] 137] 146] xliii 124] 
181] 202] 204] xliv 59. xlv 93, 102, 114, 
156. xlvii 400. xlix 787, 1000. 126*. lv 

visc. vi 62] xlix 786 

W. xxviii 119] xxx 112] 119) 
xxxi 105] 137] 161] xxxiii 248. xxxv 

++. professorship of agriculture instituted 
in the university of Edinburgh by, xxxii 

— W. earl of Bath, xi 247. xx 4n. 
xxxiii 282] xxxvi 300. xlii 32. xlix 786 

-... character of, viii 13. xx 13, 15x 

Pulteney street, fires in, xliv 379 

Pumkin, large, xlvi 434 

Pumps, directions for, xiv 126 

-... See also Water, and Ships 

Punctuation, history of, ii 413 

Punic inscriptions in Canada, xxiv 127 

Punishment. See Crimes 

Puppet-show blown up, xv 136] 

Hes isle of, remarkable antiquity in, x 
14] 2 

Purcell, Dan. xxxi 213] 

H. xii 211. xxxi 190 

—-— J. executed for murder, xiii 128] 
129] 4 

—_— J. liii 34 

Purchas, rev. Sam. xxi 87 

Purefoy, T. tried for shooting col. Roper, 
xxxvi 24 

Purling, Ch. xxviii 242] 

— J. xxvii 268] 

~ Purple dye of the ancients, iii 124. vi 27 

Purseram Bhow, xxxiv 211] 213] 216] 217] 

Purver, Ant. xx 199] 

Purvis, adm. J. C. xxv 224] 1 186] 66%. lii 

Pusio, vii 106 

Puteanus, E. ii 413 | 

Putkammer, gen. _ ii 27 

Putnam, gen. Israel, xviii 129*] 141*] 169*] 

Putrefaction of the juices and humours of 
animal bodies, x 109 

---. fixed alkalis prevent, xxxvili 406 

Putta, bish. xx 155 

Putten, vander. See Puteanus 

Puttenham, G. xxi 25 

Puysegur, count de, xxxiv 40] 

Puzey, marq. de, xlii 1607] 

Pye, adm. sir T. xi 131] xiv 133] xv 82] 
xvi 117] 205] xxii 255 

— C. xvii 212 

— comm. court martial on, i 85 

— H. ii 143 4 

— H. James, xxxiii 410] 412] xxxiv 467. 
xxxv 399, 400. xxxvi 41], 412. xxxvii 
145*] 146*] xxxviii 12, 492, 493. xxxix 
442, 443. xl 442, 443, xli 457, 458. xlii 
450, 452. xliii 513, 514, xliv 822, 823. 
xlv 909, 910, xlvi 380, 895, 897. xlvii 



947, 948. xlviii 1030, 1032. xlix 955, 
956, 960. 1 201, 202. 11.904, 905, lii 699, 

—— rev. Dr. xxiv 66 

sir Rob. xlvii 885 

—~— Walter, xlvii 898 

Pyeman, gen, | 92* 

Pym, his papermill fired by an appren- 
tice, iv 114] 

—— capt. S. (N) lii 266, 315, 318 

— France. 1 16] 

—— J. xxviii 12, 13. 

Pyman, G. J. x1 244 

Pynsent, rev. sir Rob. xiii 112] 

——— sir W. viii 61] ix 111] xiii 112] 
120] xiv 103] xlv 384 

-.+. Obelisk to the memory of, xlv 385 

Pyramids, of Egypt, xxxiv 439. Ix 602 

Pyrennees, earthquake in the, viii 89] , 

-... description of the, | 137* 

Pyrophorus, xxxvii 77*] 

Pyrrho, xiv 258 

Pyrrhus, k. of Epirus, vi 172 

Pytches, J. xlv 10 

Pythagoras, x 162,210. xv 142. xlvi 893 

Pytts, prior Walter, xlii 422 


Quacks, proneness to apply to, iii 213 

..+» children poisoned by gingerbread nuts 
bought of, vi 96] 

«++. remarks on, xiv 178 ; 

«.-. action for damages against one, xliv 

Quadra, xl 486 

Quadrado, maj. gen. Pedro, xl 152 

Quail, — death from passion, lv 79 

Quailn, Barth. executed for the murder of 
his wife, xxxiii 5] 

Quails, abundant in Judea and the neigh- 
bouring deserts, ix 130 

Quakers: general observations on, xxv 52 

«++. a female baptized, i 84 

.-+. windows of one broken for not illumi- 
nating, ii 98 A 

++. address to George III on his accession, 
iii 247] 
iv 299] ; 

+e. epistles from the yearly meeting, iv 
12, xxxv 79 

.. +. address the king on the peace, vi 77] 

+» seven females go to see the king and 
queen come to court, viii 109] 

+++ petitions on American affairs, xviii 
85*] 111*] 96] 99] 

.»+. Several in America took up arms, 
xviii 141*] 

++. oath refused by, in a criminal cause, 
xviii 188] 

+++» address to Congress against the slave 
trade from, xxvi 219] 



Quakers: petition to the H. of Commons 
* against the slave trade, xxvi 350] 

. «+» French decree in favour of, xxxiii 150 

e+. petition for relief from imprisonment 
for tithes, and allowing their affirmation 
in criminal cases, xxxviii 73] 

-+.. one imprisoned for refusing to serve 
re find a substitute for the militia, xlv 


-+.. address to the prince regent, liv 378 

«+s. petition to the Lords on the slave- 
trade, lvi 136] 

Qualifications, E. India stock lost by a per- 
son. transferring to create a vote, xv 

Qualities, positive and relative distinguish- 
ed, xli 445 

Quanin, gen. killed, xxxviii 88] 

Quans, account of the, lv 474 

Quantz, xvi 275 

Quarantine, persons convicted of breaking, 
iii 116 

‘es. orders respecting, iv 60] vi 62] 110] 
xiii 168] xxvi 212] xlvii 363. Ixi 91 

'.... Tripoline ambassador and _ others 
placed under at Leghorn and Marseilles, 
xi 145] 

Quarantotti, lvi 216] 

Quarles, Franc. v 255 

——— W. xxxvii 225 

Quarram, Mary, convicted of drowning her 
grandson, xiii 141] 

Quarrel, Justice (timber-merchant) x 86] 

Quarrell, xlv 749n 

Quassia wood, viii 114] xii 110 

-... tree found at Pensacola, ix 76] 

Quebec: description of, ii 36 

+--+ expedition against, ii 35 

-+«. battle of, ii 39 

«++. surrendered, ii 42 

e-.. articles of capitulation, ii 247 

«.+. the French attempt to retake, iii 6) 

“ee ee the siege raised, iii 9] 

eee» Mutiny at, vi 159] 

«++. boundaries of the government of, vi 

++». complaints of oppression, viii 115] 

«+e. arrival of bish. Briand, ix 133] 

eo. damages against the governor for im- 
posing duties on, xi 73] 

-».- appeals from, to the privy council, xi 

.... extraordinary opening of the earth, 
xiv 164] 

«... act for the better government of, xvii 
74] 239] 

.... address of Congress to the inhabitants 
of, xvii 218] 

e... duty on imports, xvii 257] 

++. the Lords from, xviii 117*] 

— Commons, xviii 118*] 
--e- American expedition against, xix 8] 

151*] " 

-.-- failure of the American attack on, 

xviii 189] xix 13} 



Quebec : discontents in, xix 9] 

+... the siege raised, xix 152*] 

-+«» bishop appointed, xxxv 19. xxxvi 119 _ 

«+e» fire at, lvii 64 

+++» made an archbishopric by the pope, 
lxi 36 

«++. lumber trade, Ixi 51 

Quebec street, fire in, xlvii 366 

Quechantareo, 1 37 

Queckford, Eric Gustavus, xix 181] 

Queen street, Cheapside, fires in, xlvi 442. 
xlvii 435 

Queensberry, Cath. duchess of, xv 220, xvi 
249. xxvii 125. x1 364 

————-—— Charles, 3rd duke, x1 364 

James, 2nd duke of, xxix 95] 

———-——. W. 4th duke, xiv 113] xvii 
106] 163] 87. xxvii 189] xxix 66] 98] 
Le xxxi 304] xxxiii 5. xlv 379. xlviii 

Quelpeart, island of, xli 482 

Quentin, col. G. lvi 210] lvii 15 

.... court martial on, lvi 329 

Querfurt, fire at, xxvi 213] 

Querin, Dr. xxxil 251] 

Querini (Venetian amb.) vi 69] 76] 

Quesada, don Juan Nepom, de,*x! 151 

Quesnay, Dr. Franc. xvii 176] xxxvyii 48°] 

Quesne, margq, du, i 93 

-... taken in the Foudroyant, i 88 

Quesne, fort du, built by the French, i 2 

.-.. gen. Braddock defeated and slain, i 4 

-+ ++ invested by the Indians, vi 27] 

s+» reinforced by col. Bouquet, vi 31] 

J. le, xi 123] 

Quesnel, xxxiii 245] 

Quetzalcoatl, xxix 118 

Quevedo y Quitano, bish. Pedro, |] 165] 

Quey. See Cattle c 

Quicksilver, frozen, iv. 89. v 78. xxxi 195] 

«+» collected from a growing plant, vii 

een virtues of a decoction of, xviii 119 

.... transmuted into the precious metals, 
xxv 90 7 

+... large quantity of muriat taken, lviii 1 

Quigley, (Irish reb.) xlv 297, 304, 313, 
315. See Coigley 

Quilting in looms by Spital-fields weavers, 
viii 67] ; 

Quin, Edw. xlix 387 

James, iv 266. v 214m. viii 284. ix 
58] xviii 54. xxii 55. xxiii 236, xxvii 125 

+++» account of, ix 75 

—— T. James, ix 80 

—— Windham, lii 44. Ix 3] 

Quinette, baron, lvii 70 

Quinteaguen, | 38 

Quintilian, ii 413. iii 250. v 36, 227. ix 
147. x 162. xiv 156”. xix 188. xxi 221. 
xxiii 179. xxxii 127. 1255 

Quintus Curtius, xx 247. xxxiii 77 

——— Icilius, v 35. xxix 5- 

Quirk, Edw. convicted of murder at the 
Middlesex election, xii 67] 69} 


Quiros, xx 237 
Quitano, bish, See Quevedo 
Quito, city of, xxviii 391 
«+s. earthquake at, xxxix 48 
Quo warranto, restriction of the law, xxxiii 
Quotation, xxxiii 459] 


Raa Kook, xxxv 38 

Raab, battle of, li 214 

Raab, miss —_- xxxix 387 

Rabanus Maurus, xvii 126 

Rabaud de St. Etienne, xxxii 14] 25] 34] 
43] 47] 54] 110] xxxv 281] 

Rabbits, act for the preservation of in war- 
rens, viii 189] 

+++ smell of lobsters noisome to, xix 171] 

+++. suckled by a cat, lvii 76 

Rabelais, xxxv 380, 397 

Raben, lord chamb. (Denmark) xv 78*]} 

Rabo, fath. x 124] 143] 

Rabutin, Rog. See Bussy 

Raccoon, xiv 101 

Races: extraordinary, xlv 422 

e--- Mrs. Thornton and Mr, Flint, xlvi 
A412. xlvii 412. xviii 367 

ABS ——— and Buckle, xlvii 412 

wees foot, xlix 498 

++» between two stage coaches, | 86*. liv 7 

-.+» action respecting, liii 

Racine, xiii 146. xxviii 125 

W. H. Ix 266 

Rack, E. xxvii 39 

neat caught in a wood in Cheshire, liv 

Radcliffe, fire at, xxxvi 19, 36 

Radcliffe, C, See Derwentwater, earl 

——_ Dr. J. vii 53. xxxiv 445, 446 


rev. Dr. 

— Steph. xxiv 240] 

Raddeck, S. apothecary, xii 111] 

Rademaker, Jos, xliii 145 

Radford, J. (farmer) liberality of, xliii 21] 

Radicofani, earthquake at, xx 208] 

Radish, extraordinary, ii 66 

Radnor, Jacob, 2nd earl, xix 11J] 190] 
234] xxi 303] xxii 342] 343] 348] 351] 
xxiii 113]. 330] 331} 333] xxxi 128] 
xxxvi 141. xxxvii 213] 114, 115, 152. xli 
211. xliii 122] 171] xliv 167. xlvi 928. 

liv 76] 
W. Pleydel, Ist earl, vii 178] xiii 
70] 197] 199] xiv 253] xv 236] xviii 94] 
xix 120] 
Radnor forest, extensive fire in, xlii 29 
Radstock, adm. W. Ist lord, xxiii 287] 
Radzivil, prince, vii 12] 13] x 24-6] xi 8] 
11] 14] 23) 24] 26] xy 44] xxx 46. xxxvii 
8] xl 345. xlix 447 
Rae, Dav. See Eskgrove 
Rafael v. gov. Verelst, xix 120] 

xxxiv 421] xxxvii 4*] 
XXXviii 38 

Raffield, J, lix 234 
Raffles, sir T. S. lv 128, 330. lviit 516. Ixi 
---+- protest against the aggressions of the 
Dutch, Ixi 216] 
Ragaboy. See Ragonaut Row 
Ragnor, Jos. ly 320 
Ragoba. See Ragonaut Row 
Ragojee Boosla, xxvi 79] 345] xlvi 605 
Ragonaut Row, xxv 6] 9] 21] 31) 33] 37] 
xxvi 78] xxvi344] xxvii 47] 54] xxix 25 
Ragusa, Russian manifesto respecting, xviii 

-+.. Seized by the French, xlviii 150 
-+-- account of, liv 473 
Raikes, T. xxx 203] xl 23. xlvii 104, 561 
Raillery, xxi 180, 182 
Railton, T. xxiv 176] 
Railways: upwards of 55 tuns drawn by 
one horse, xlvii 408 
--+. Surrey, 7b. 
sees trials of horses on, xlix. 357 
---- accidents, lvi 84 
«+++ Tiot on account of, lvii 26 
Rain, red, in Germany and Holland, vii 
-.. least falls at the greatest height from 
the ground, xiii 72 
+++. extraordinary, xvii 91 
«+.» See also Weather 
Rainbow, bish. Edw. xvii 48] 
———- Eliz. murdered, xvii 149] 
Rainbows, lunar, vii 47] xii 131] 132] xix 
180] xxxi 221] 
Raine, Jonathan (couns.) li 267. 1x 303 
rev. Dr. Matt. xxvi 210] 
Raine’s hospital, i 85, 93. xxxiv 20 
...~ benefaction to, x 168] 
Raines, Rob. xlvi 827 
Rainier, adm. Peter, xxvi 251] 258] xxvii 
263] xxxviii 91. xli 56] 64] 232. xliv 277, 
528. xlvi 73, 131, 140. xlvii 219. i 50°. 
capt. (N) li 372 
—— P.(N) lvi 171] 158 
Rainsford, maj. gen. vi 136] xxiii 310) 
Nicolls, xxxiv 77 
Rainsforth, Sam. high constable of West- 
minster, xiii 144] 146] xiv 67] 194] xxiii 
260] xxiv 225] 228] : 
Raisins, duty on, xliii 193 
Raithby, couns. Ixi 280 
Raleigh, sir W, xii 38”, 278. xiv 144. xxi 
13, 238. xxiii 214. xxiv 103] xlviii 1108. 
lvii 439 
- verses by, v 196 
..«» character of, xii 31 
.... letter to prince Henry, xiii 188 
Raley, W. xl 390 
Ralle, col. xix 178*] 180*] xx 14] 
Ralph de Diceto, ii 410 
——— James, xxvi 5 
. +» case of authors, v 174 
Ram rajah, xxv 5] 22] 
Ram, xxi 166 
—— lieut. W. A. (N) xlix 808 


Ramage, capt. Edw. (N) xxxviii 90 
——— Smith, found drowned, xlv 383 
Rambaud, gen. killed, xli 33] 
Rameau, J. P. xii 165 
Ramel, xxxix 77] 
gen, lxi 167] 
Ramey, Mrs. drawings with a hot poker, 

xiv 121” 
Ramirez, don Alex. lv 194] 
gen. lvii 127] 
| Ramjeewaun, xxvi 21] 
Ramler, C. W. xxviii 166] 
Ramond, xxxiv 84] 
baron, lxi 10 
Ramousky, x 200] 
Rampon, gen. xli 30] xliii 91 
Ramsay, Allan (painter) xi 103] 
——— capt. Rob. (N) lvi 224, 236 
col. xliii 146 
Dav. xxxiv 29 
—— rev. James, xxxi 215] 
———— sir G.xxxi 199] 
Ramsbottom, J. lii 301 
———_— R. id. 
Ramsden, capt. J. xlii 37 
Rich. xxvi 210] xxviii 198] 
sir T. xlvii 369 
vessel impelled by steam, xxxv 

Ramsgate, act for improving, xv 92] 
++. waterspout at, x1 57 
--- fall of part of the cliff, lix 123 
Ramus, Peter, i 466 
Ramusio, J. B. xx 220%, 2252 
Ramzay, de, ii 247 
Ranby, couns. xii 156] 
J. iii 142] 
Rancé, ab. de, ix 232 
Rancliffe, G. A. H. A. 2nd lord, lxi 140) 
Rand, Cater, xli 400 
Randall, viii 154] ix 53) 
(printer) xviii 171] xix 201] 
James, vi 88] 
—— J. xxxiii 8] 
—— Joseph, xxxi 219] 
—— Nich. ii 117 
prof. xii 235 
—— Rob. xxviii 179 
——— T. xix 182] 
——. W. xviii 367 
Randan, duke de, i 26, 186 
..-. his honourable conduct, i 26, 35 
Randolph, bish. J. xxxviii 510. li 143. liv 
295. lv 53] 2d. 
D. M. lii 418. liii 265 
— Edm, (Amer.) xxxvi 246 
Ranelagh, gardens at, xxxviii 451 
«++ house, 2b. 
---. entertainment at, by knights of the 
Bath, xlv 394 
Ranelagh, C. 4th vise. xxxi 311] 314] 317 
———. C. 5th vise. xxxii 228] 
lady, vii 50 
Rangeley, J. lviii 348 
Rangoon, fire at, lvi 203] 



Ranken, rev. Dr. Alex. xliii 396 

Rankin, miss, xxviii 20]] 213] 

——— T. new method of tanning leather, 
ix 96] ase 

Rann, J. xvii 135] 157] 165] 

Ransom, v. Fish, lxi 200 

Ransome, J. lviii 349 

—- Rob. xlv 831. 1i 544 

Ranson, capt. (Amer.) xxii 13] 

Rantzau, — count, xv 74*] 

Ranuzzi, marq. di, 1 69 

Ranzonet, sieur, musical watch by, xiii 166] 

Rape, persons convicted of, v 95] vi 87] 91] 
ix 129] xii 112] xiii 169] xv 132] xxi 
202] xxii 219] xxiii 212) xxxvi 31. x1 
80. xliv 430 

eee. attempts to commit, vi 68] viii 79] 
ix 84] x 96] xi 97] xii 93] xiii 95] xiv 
78) xv 122] xvi 66) xxi 179] xl 23. 
xlix 357, 432. liv 129 

e+e» executions for, vi 96] xii 117] xxxix 
ae 53. x1 23, 96. xliv 435. xlv 423. xlviii 


+++.» attempt to rescue a man at Kenning- 
ton, vi 96] 

+»..0n a woman of 91 by her grand- 
daughter’s husband, viii 82] 

+++. and murder in France, x 113] xv 132] 

.--. lord Baltimore charged with, xi 70] 
84] 234] 

+++ acquittals of, xi 234] xii 93] xx 200] 
xxii 195] xlix 470. lix 196 

«+... miss Boss by J. Lennard, xvi 120] 

---. of M. Dufry, xvii 144] 

+++» —a child by her grandfather, xx 199] 

father, xlix 516 

+++. ————— by the rev. Benj. Russen, 
xx 205] 207] 215] 

+--+. and murder, xlviii 360, liv 18, 129. 
lv 2 

+++. Suicide on a charge of, xlix 448 

-+++ prosecution for a false charge of, lix 

Rape-threshing, viii 259 

Raper, Matt. xv 133. xxx 24 

Raphael, i 317. ii 406. iii 250, 252, iv 150] 
v 256. vii 52, 273, 276. ix 227. x 217. 
xi 221. xiii 148. xiv 52, 189. xv 145. xvi 
160. xxv 148, 183. xxxviii 19. xxxix 10. 
x1 35. xlii 12. 1i 307 

+++. cartoons brought from Hampton court 
to Buckingham house, vi 116] 
«e+ ——— copied by sir J. Thornhill, 
xlii 12, 31 
Rapin de Thoyras, vii 175. viii 299. xxiii 
214. xl 232 : 

Rapinat, —- x1: 102] xli 113) 

Raposo, capt. Franc. xl 387 : 

Rapp, gen. xliv 233. xlvii 175. xlix 19, 
169. 1ii 240. liii 139] , 

Rasly, Mrs. iv 174] 

Rastadt, fire at, xxiv 196] 

-+«- congress of, xli 122] 129] 236] 253] 

cco Oo 

— ee 


Rastadt, assassination of the French depu- 
ties, xli 255] 270-3 
Rastrick, J. U. lvi 336 
Ratcliff cross, fire at, viii 125] 
highway, fire in or near, xvii 119] 
Ratcliffe, C. xli 165 
J. x 96] 
sir Edw. xxi 177 
J. xvii 185 
Rath, J. murder of, lix 3 
Rathborne, capt. Wilson (N) xlvii 548 
Ratisbon, prince Clement of Saxony chosen 
bishop of, vi 79] 
e+e. State of society at, vi 291 
«+. mill on the Danube, belonging to the 
bishop, destroyed by the Bavarian troops, 
x 13]] 

Ratisew, gen. prince, xxx 16] 

Rats : one caught by an oyster, ii 123 

e+. receipt to kill, v 113] 

---- method of taking, vii 148 

ee pee of an infant’s face eaten by, xlv 

..-. nest found by a terrier, xlix 445 
«+. drunken man’s toes eaten off by, li 

Rattlesnake, cure of a person bitten by, ix 

Rauch (sculptor) lvi 572 
Raudan, duke de, vii 101] 

~ Raudont, J, Ivii 319 

Rauert, Pet. naturalized, xii 84] 
Rauthmell, iv 102 
Raven, nest with fledged young in Decem- 
ber, iii 162] 
in a church window, supported 
by a bough stuck on with dit, xviii 

tame, xlviii 445 

Ravenet, Sim. Fran. xxvi 31 

Ravensworth, lord, xix 142] xxxv 263 

Rawdon, Francis lord, xxiii 231* | 233*] 
xxiv 58] 80] 89] 121] xxv 155] 190] 
xxvii 1817] xxix 111] 138] xxx 99] 102] 
123] xxxi 98] 154] 209] 298] 304] xxxii 
98] xxxiii 225, 269, 279. xxxiv 155] 
159] 167] 173] 378. xxxv 18] 144] 287] 
xxxvi 27] 90] 250] 94. xxxvii 227] 33, 
113, 115. xxxviii 44] 73] xxxix 180] 
234] 238] 250] 264] xl 161] 223] 211. 
xli 228] xlii 107] 202, 204, 209. xliii 122] 
168] 182] xliv 16,111, 377. xlv 37, 67, 
68, 84, 88, 125, 132, 137, 149, 184, 190, 
426, 450. xlvi 22, 103, 380. xlviii 26. 
xlix 143. 1 9] 36] 113] 120] 278*, 281*. 
li 28, 33, 48, 52. lii 7, 149, 260*. liii 12] 
251. liv 85] 7b. 88] 89] 90] 131] 285, 
362. lv 24] 25] lvii 235. lviii 286. Ix 
188] Ixi 199] 

_ «ses libel on, xlviii 455 

Rawlins, rev. Ix 116] 118] 
Sarah, iv 144] 

sir W. xlvii 54, Ix 250 
Rawlinson, xv 89] 
———+— Abraham, xxvii 268] 



Rawlinson, ald. sir Walter, xvii 99] xx 182] 
194] xxvii 268] 

——— Dr. Rich. xxi 146 

———_ H. xxvii 268] 

— Isaac (stagecoachman) xl 6 

— James, xl viii 959 

Ray, J. iii 105. vii 137, xvii 99. xviii 157. 
xxii 88. xxiv 63 

Raybould, W. xlii 381. lix 235 

Raydzinski, xi 17] 

Raykou, Gaspard, vi 97 

Raymond, xxxiv 84] 

—_—— (actor) xlv 911 

gen. xl 248] 

— lord chief justice, xii 120] xiv 

32] 34] xxxiii 281) lix 164 

M. iv 55n] 

— Victor Amadee, attempt to mur- 
der, xlix 407 

Raynal, ab. W. T. ix 88. xix 11, 14, 64, 71, 
125, 168. xxxviii 10. xliii 394. 1xi 529 

—— M.J.iii170 . 

Rayner, Peter, taken up for a robbery, 1xi 


Rayneval, Gerard de, xxviii 282] xxix 3] 

Raynor, capt. (N) xxi 233°] 

Raynouard, lyi 57] 1xi 443 

Raynsford, capt. R. (N) xlviii 461 

Raynton, xxxvili 454 

Raza Saib, iv 290] 291] 

Razamowski, count, xxx 74] 

Razumoffsky, Alexey Gregorievitch, xl 345 

Read, v 90] 

capt. (A) xxxiv 211] 212] 

Fletcher, xlix 364 

—— G. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] xvili 
265] xxix 299] 

—— J, lii 424, 7b. lvi 336. 1x 361 

(of Woolwich) xxxv 329 

—— sir J. xxxiii 30] 

Reader, J. compensation to, for an iron 
foundry in Jamaica, xxxi 285] 

Reading, convictions for bribery at, xi 

-».. money to be lent to young tradesmen, 
xii 147] 

Reading, Lambert, executed for a burglary 
at Copped hall, xviii 141] 

Real Transporte, marq. del, v 259] 264] viii 

Reason, T. murder of Mrs. Yorke by, lviii 


Reasoning of animals, xii 41 

Reaumur, René Ant. Farch. iv 136. vi 83, 
103, 105. viii 96, 107, 140. x 123. xii 89, 
xv 11]. xxiii 103. xlvii 838 

«+e account of, vi 26 

Reay, Eric, 7th lord, xlvii 395 

—-— miss, murder of, xxii 206] 207] 

Rebecca, W. xxv 109 

Rebentesch, maj. gen. vi 97] 

Rebow, Isaac Martin, xxiv 196] 

Recamier, mad. xlviii 909 

Receipts, stamp duty on, xxvi 207] 309] 
xxxiii 230, xxxix 13 



Receivers of stolen goods, xxi 179] xlii 45, 
xliii 24, 28 

Record, alteration of, at a judge’s chambers, 
allowable, xi 125] 

++. erasure of one by the H. of Commons, 
xiv 66*] 

Recorder (musical instrument) xvii 652 

Reculver, fall of part of the cliff, xlyi 416 

Recupero, canon, xiv 72. xv 83. xvi 115, 
118, xviii 134 

Rear passage of the Israelites across, x 

Redbeard, capt. See Rudbart 

Redbourne, fire at, xlvii 422 

Redburn, W, shot in St. George’s fields, xi 
137] 227] 

Reddall, capt. Ambr. (N) xxvi 258] 

Reddell, Isaac Hadley, xlii 383, 384, zd. 
lviii 349 

Reddish, 8. xviii 213, xxxvi 263, 291 

Reden, col. G, bar, xlix 702* 

Redesdale, J. Ist lord. See Mitford 

Redhead, J. xxvii 52] 

Rob. xlv 460, 465 

Reding, Aloys, xliv 225, 229, 241, 436, 679 

——— gen, ] 200] li 181 

—-— Jer. James, li 152 

Red-Lion street, fire in, lvii 96 

Redman, Dr. J. lviii 471 

Redmond, (Irish reb.) xlv 297, 313 

Redmont, Patr. hanged, and afterward res- 
stored to life, x 51 

Redmund, Davis, lviti 347 

Redshaw y, customhouse officers for enter- 
ing his house to search for smuggled 
goods, xii 95] 

Reed, ald. Rich. xxxiii 364] 

capt. _ iv 138]* 

—— gen. Jos. (Amer.) xxii 20] 21] xxiv 
19] 76] 

——— Isaac, xlii 350, 351 

—— James, lii 105 

—— Jos. xliv 788 

Mrs, xxxvi 13, xlv 482 

—— Sarah, iv 67 

Reede, bar. xxxiii 17 

Rees, rey. Dr. Abr. xxxviii 23, xlvi 744 

— Lewis, xlvi 744 

—— Rich. xlix 859 

Reeve, Edw. vi 55} 

W. xlix 503 

Reeves, capt. 

J. xxxiv 92, 135. xxxv 3] 93] 
xxxvi 119. xxxviii 41] xlviii 904 

+++. prosecuted for a libel, xxxviii 42] 20 

1. col. lv 147 

Rob. convicted of forgery, x] 2, 33, 

47. xli 197 

W.T. P. lv 257 

Reformation (The) xlii 228] 

-. +. secular celebration of in Germany, lix 
73, 84, 97 

Reformed religion, the Calvinistic so called 
in Germany, x 14] 


(artillery) killed, xxv 



Reformers, female, lxi 104] 106] 70 
. radical, Ixi 103] 100, 106 . 
Refuge ‘for the Destitute, xlviii 453. lix — 
367. 1xi 363 

Regatta at Oatlands, xviii 143] 
5 on the Thames, xviii 216] xix 


Register office, attempt of a crimp to get a 
man from one, x 60 

Regnaud, Cecilia, xxxvi 135] 

gen. Jiii 119 

Regnault, _—_xlvii 62 

Regner, Lodbrog, xiii 93 

Regnier, vii 247, xii 244 

xlii 13] xlvi 677 

- gen. xli 23] xlii 228, 
211] 213] 220] 234] 91. xliv 401, 403, 
407, 862. xlv 952. xlvii 165. xlviii 1 
142, 144, 591, 595. lii 159, 184, 
198, lv 122] 

Regrating, what, ix 224] 

+++ conviction for, xlii 23, xliii 22] 

Regulus, ix 136. xi 162 

Rehausen, xxxviii 175] 247 

Rehbinder, Swedish baron, punished for a 
libel on the king, xiv 67 

Rehe, S, xli 401 

Reible, gen. 1. 210] 

Reichard, lvii 584 

Reichenbach, reduced to ashes by light- 
ning, xvi 115] 

«+++ convention of, xxxiii 17, 65, 89 

Reichstadt, duchy of, conferred on the son 
of Buonaparte, lx 92, 97 

Reid, col. ix 54] 

—— James, li 42] 

—— J. impudent attempt to defraud, x 

— J. tried for attempt to defraud under- 
writers, xliv 568 

—— lieut. (N) xxv 202] 
— |.col. xxxiv 2257] 
—— N. vii 66] 

—— prof, T, xxxviii 39 

Reidesel, gen. baron, xix 154*] xx 145] 
150] 151] 165°] 166*] 168*] xxiii 65x 

———— baroness, xxiii 69 

Reille, gen, xlii 181] xlix 17. li 356. lv 

Reilly, H. Stephens, xxviii 9] 

James, suit to cancel an annuity 
deed obtained by him from a religious 
enthusiast, vii 112] 

Reimbold, col. = xxvi 248] 

Rein deer, ii 337. xxiv 57 

«++» struck dead by lightning, viii 120] 

++. capable of living in England, xxiv 

Reinhard, xlii 42] 64] 

Reinnie, capt. xli 87 

Reischach, baron i 148 

Rejangs of Sumatra, xxvi 8 

Reland, prof. Hadrian, xxii 168 

Relationship, complicated, xlix 519 

Relhan, Dr. .. ix 80 


Religion ; general remarks on, iii 205, 214, 
215 - 

«+++ nature and advantages of, iv 191 
oeee meprecnions for, xiii 170. xx 168. xl 

+++ political, of princes and states, xvi 

+--+ on indifference in, xviii 165 

«++.» attempts to overturn, xxxv 279] 

heathen, xxxii 109. xli 509 

mysteries of the, y 138, vii 

-... See also Deities 
Mexican, xxix 118 
natural, iii 189. xli 507 
of the Hindoos. See Gentoos 
——— of the Singhs, ly 472 
of Zoroaster, v 113-29. xli 507. lv 

revealed, no motive for attacking in 
England, iii 189 

e+. enemies of, v 239 

«+-. advantage and necessity of, vii 262 

Rembrandt, vii 51. xxv 182 

«e+» anecdotes of, xv 29 

Remon, gen. liii 114] 

Remora of the ancients, xxi 1lJ]4 — 

Remusat, Dr. Abel, lx 588 

Renaudot, Eus. v 142, 145. xxiii 63n 

Rendorp, lord of Marquette, xxix 11} 

Renealmus, iii 105 

Renhausen, xxxvili 175] 247 

Renier, Polo, doge of Venice, xxxi 201] 

Rennecamp, gen. xii 19] 

Rennell, maj. James, xxiv 39, xxxv 295. 
xxxvili 512. xli 427, 493. xlii 481. li 
831. lvii 579 

very rev. Dr. T. xxi 190] xlv 444 

Rennie wv. Cropper, xi 204 

capt. J. (N) xliii 9 

J. xlvii 359. Ivii 36. lviii 152. Ix 

Renny, capt. C. (A) killed, xlix 214, 653 
Renoux, Isaac, v. Ferres, for pushing him 
out of Jonathan’s coffee-house, v 89] 
‘Renovales, gen. liv 154] 
Rensselaer, van, m. gen. liv 445 
Rent, point of practice on an action of 
~ trover for, xvii 128] 
Rentjes,adm. xxxix 80 
Repington, bish. xxi 222 
fe marsh. prince, ix 12] x 27] 78] 
54] xi 8] 10] 14) 17] 21] 22] 25) xii 
24) xiv 76*] xvi 13] xvii 7] xix 192*] 
141) xxiii 4] xxvii 185] xxx 64] xxxi 
172] 179] xxxiii 100, 104. xxxix 4. lv 
172] lvi 105) 
Repninsky, gen. xlvii 174 
Reprisals, right of, Ixi 476 
Republics. See Government 
Reresby, sir J. vi 288 
Respiration of fishes, xxiv 55 
Resurrection-men, xix 128] xx 214] xxii 
195) xxxvi 9. x1 21. xlyiii 371, 372 


Retford, East, disputes in the borough of, 
xxxix 6 
Retort, xlix 498 
Retz, card. de, xi 27. xxii 39 
Reubel, xxxix 63] 76] xli 113] 
+... character of, xxxvii 116] 
Reul, de, xxix 289] 
Reuss, gen. xlii 202] © 
prince de, xxxiii 17 
Reveillon, xxxi 215*] 
Revell, Nath. iii 77] 
Reventlau, count —xiii 44] xvi 31] 
Revenue, fraud on the, xly 460, 465 
+++. regulations to prevent fraud, xlyiii 76 
.- ++ See also Britain, Taxes, and Supplies 

Reverchon, xxxvii 122] 

Revett, Nich. vi 247. xxxii 161. xxxvii 

Reviczki, xlvi 730 

Revolution, The, x 45] 48] xxxii 69] 70] 
71] xxxv 152] 

+++. celebration of it’s centenary, xxx 219] 
220] 249] 

+++. annual commemoration of, carried in 
the thine ii rejected in the Lords, xxxi 

Revolutions, common causes of, xxxyi 30] 

Rewalling, Sarah, vi 44, 45 

Rewbell, __ xli314] 316] xlii 5] 

Review on Bagshot heath, xxxiy 31 

Reviews, literary, xxxiii 450] 

Rey, gen. liv 148] ly 210 

Reyna, lyi 35] 

margq. de la, li 483 

Reynell, H. xlvii 422 

lieut. xxiii 65 
Reynier, gen. See Regnier 
Reynolds, __ (Irish spy) xl 162] 


liii 101] liv 2 

———- capt. N) killed, xxy 272 

xxvi 45] 46] On ; m 
——— _(N) xxi213] 
— (N) xxv 93] 

G. (N) lii 303 
couns, liv 311 
Dr. H. Revel, xxxi 295] xxxix 

F. iv 123] 

——— G, Nugent, murdered by R, Keon, 
xxx 196] 

James, punishment for swindling, 

xlvi 399 

J. xi 107, 112. xii 115 

J. xii 80] xiii 94] xiv 145] 187] 
xvi 94] xvii 141] xviii 240] 

+++. v.a brewer for forcibly taking away 
a Gd containing his client’s papers, xiii 


sir Josh. v 113] xi 199] xiii 194. 
xvi 140] xvii 33, 198. xviii 184] xix 
223. xxi 206, 209. xxii 147. xxiii 223. 
xxiv 200] xxv 193. xxvii 17m. xxix 164, 
xxxi 213] xxxii 247] 142. xxxiii 4467] 
466] xxxix 490. xl 326, 337. lvii 623. 
Iviii 172 


Reynolds, sir Josh. discourse at opening 
the Royal Academy, xii 208] 

see» discourses at delivering the prize 
medals, xiv 161] 152. xv 144. xvi 160, 
xxv 146 

e+, resignation of, xxxii 195] 142 

«+.» Character of, xxxiv 6. lv 457 

e+e. funeral of, xxxiv 8. 

«+e will of, xxxiv 9 

W. xii 405 

Reynst,adm. _van, xxvii 115] 

Reyss, Dr. J. xlviii 409 

Reyssel, gen. van, xxix 27] 

Rezasail, iv 290] 

Rezewuski, count, xxxvii 9] 

Rezzonico, card. Charles, elected pope, i 

card. xvi 66] 

————— prince, iv 150] 

Rhamanie, battle of, xliii 229] 91. xliv 863, 
xlv 950 

Rhazes, xii 85 

Rheinhardt, xlv 715, 734 

Rhelan, Hester, xiv 161] : 

Rheumatism cured by the magnet, viii 157] 

--.» American remedy for, ix 167 

Rhine, inundations of, iii 72] xii 164] xiii 

Rhine: Palatinate of the, new order of 
knighthood, xi 64] 

«+e dispute of the elector with the magis- 

trates of Aix la Chapelle, xii 34] 77] 

oon. —_——_ with the Dutch 
on the navigation of the river, xiii 46] 

«e+. Succession of the elector to Bavaria, 
xxi 4] 

+++. Suppression of the free-masons, xxviii 

Rhinoceros, double-horned, x 79. xxxv 

e+. hunting the, lix 564 

+--- account of the, Ix 565 

Rhode island: money bills of 1762 called 
in, and others issued, x 95] 

»... king’s schooner boarded and destroyed 
by smugglers, xv 117] 126] xvii 45] 

ee-- action against the lieut. for seizing a 
boat laden with rum and sugar, xv 151] 

+» real estates of various persons forfeited 
as traitors by the assembly, xviii 184] 

«... the island taken possession of by gen. 
Clinton, xix 181*] 

--.- attacked {by the French and Ameri- 
cans, xxi 230* 

«++ lord Howe arrives with his fleet, xxi 

ess. an engagement prevented by a’ tem- 
pest, xxi 233*] 

e+e. retreat of the Americans, xxi 236*] 

Rhodes, Dennis, 1x 52 

Jos. lix 5 

——— S. xxxv 327 

aie xxxiii 168] xxxiv 35] 40] 




Rheederer, character of, xlii 12” 

Rhubarb, true Turkey, in flower at Nor- 
wich, ix 93] 

«++. on the growth and method of curing, 
x 84. xxxii 87. xxx'v 381. xlii 371 

«+e large root of, xiii 151] 

Rhuddlan castle, town, &c. xxiv 131 

Rhus vernix, curious effects of, xiv 93 

Riall, m. gen. Phineas, lvi 177] 18]] 182] 
148, 199, 203, 206 

Riario, Girolamo, xxxvii 27°] 

card. Raffaelle, 2b. 

Ribands, tax on, xxvii 304] 

Ribas, adm. xl 346 

Ribaupierre, col. xlvii 698 

Ribbing, count, xxxiii 81, xxxiv 26 

Ribble, in Lancashire, sudden cessations of 
the flow of, xvii 172] 

Ricard, gen. lvii 117] 

Ricardo, Day. lxi 152] 

Ricardos, gen. = xxxv 167. xxxvi 63] 

Ricci, Lawrence, gen. of the Jesuits at their 
suppression, xvi 57] 

+++- account of, xix 60 

+e» protestation left by, xix 62 

—— Sebastian (painter) xxxvii 117*] 

Riccioli ili 82. xxii 95 

Rice: culture of, xxxv 318 

—— attempted in England, 

xliii 459 

e+-- used in bread, xxxvii 95*] 

-%.. use of as food, xxxviii 443 

Rice, cashier of the Bank, action against 
him on a note stolen from the mail, i 81 

count, xxi 211] xxii 204] 

—— G. iv 88] 

—— J. executed for forgery, vi 69] 

burnt to death in a limekiln, xlix 


Rich, xiv 34 

capt. sir T. (N) spirited conduct of, 
xix 167] 

— Christ. 

— Dan, ix 80 

— gen. sir xi 70] 

—— H. Pye, xxxvi 178 

J. (actor) iii 17. ix 76. xxii 51. xxiii 
235. xxvii 125 

—— sir N. xxxi 87] 

—-— Peter, xix 121] 

—— Rob. xi 70] xvi 77. xvii 28 

Richard I, x 271, 275, 280. xiv 145”. xviii 
a8] xix 152, xxi 146. xxiii 224”. xxvii 


—— II, vi 275, 277. viii 302. xii 135. 
xvi 83. xix 185] xx 132. xxi 137] 168. 
xxvii 67. xxxi 77] xli 428. xlvi 820 

——- II, vi 43. vii 58] x 159. xi 79*] 
xii 191. xxi 240. xxii 134. xxvii 69. 
ly 87 

xxiii 234 

of Cirencester, viii 31. xiv 142 
prior of Hexham, xvi 138 

xxxvi 178, 180, 181 
xxvii 280] xlvii 356. 

Richards, couns. 
li 279, 341 



Richards, J. executed for an attempt to 
murder Mr. Woty, ix 85] 129] 
J. (painter) xl 71 
James, xlii 381 
sir Rich. lvii 295, 303. lviii 258, 
287, 308, 309. Ix 37, 302. lxi 1] 
Richardson v. Burnet, xliv 406 
adj. Francis, xviii 240] 243] 
—— capt. (N)liii 98) 
— C. (N) xlvi 545? 1i 495 
— H. (N) xlviii 588 
————_F. lviii 349 
—______—- J. executed for murder, xiii 
110] 128] 129] 
J. (agent) xxiv 279] 
J. (judge) lvii 313. lviii 283, 
311. lix 175. 1xi 252 
(optician) xxxix 408 
(orientalist) xvii 227. xxi 



168. xxii 39 
Jos. xxxiv 78 
—_—__—— Mis. (widow of S.) xvi 150] 
prof. W. lii 694 
——— Rich. xxiii 382] 
S. iv 259. xxxviii 515 
sir G, xlv 534 
Steph. impressed, xx 167] 
— T. xliv 774 
Richborough castle, xliii 474 
Richelieu, card. ix 4, 9. xi 2]. xiv 164. xv: 
180. xix 185. xxix 180] 186] xxxiv 3] 
- xxxvili 205] xliv 639 
.+»» character of, xi 32 
marsh. duke de, i185, 193, 194, 
196-8, 209-11, 210, 231, 233, 234. viii 
48] ix 6,22. x 61. xiii 124] xxi 4 
..-» sent against Minorca, i 5 
«..-. supersedes d’Etrees, i 19 
.--. his progress, i 20 
«..+» his misconduct, i 26 
«+ ~» recalled, i 34 
duke de, Ivii 83] 89] 93] 410. 
lviii 112] 116] lix 125] 
Richepanse, gen. xxxix 298, 302. xlii 204] 
208] xliii 58] 60] xliv 222 
Richer, x 124 
Richeri, adm. xxxvii 139] xxxviii 194] 
198] xxxix 227] 236] 
Riches, Eliz. vi 168] 
Richman, Edw. a hoarding pauper, viii 158] 
Richmond, duchess of, ix 58] xvii 24 
bish. Rich. xvi 75] 
C. 2nd duke of, v 16. xviii 61. 

liii 484 

C. 3rd duke of, ii 233, 270. vi 
81] ix 48] x 184] xi 221] xiii 94") 70] 
104] 197] 199] xiv 13] 21] 252] xv 87] 
119] 235] xvi 89] 109] 2. 153] 243] 245) 
Xvii 274] 276] 278] xviii 249] 251] xix 
72) 96] 133*] 235) 255] xx 192] 280] 
283] xxi 52] 75] 99] 116] 121] 146] 147] 
150] 167*] 201°] 203*] 207*] 209°] 297] 
303] xxii 153] 159] 165] 238] 242] 243] 
343] 348] 350] xxiii 72] 81) 132] 198*] 
210) 216] 330] 331] 333) xxiv 172*] 




170] 289] 290] xxv 155] 186] 188] 206] 
295] xxvi 143] 177] xxvii 69] 72) xxviii 
94] 97n] xxix 102] 147] 171] xxx 123) 
166] xxxi 101] 143] 154] 158] 264] 
xxxii 73] xxxiv 29, 32. xxxv 36] 152] 
xxxvii 169. xliv 148, 582. xlv 147, 379. 
xlvi 103 
Richmond, C. 3rd duke of, school for artists 
opened by him, i 84 
+.» libel on, by the rev. H. Bate, xxiii 
209] 216] xxiv 183] 
e+.. master-general of the ordnance, xxv 

— C. 4th duke, xxxi 208] 215] lii 
277. liii 12] 300. lv 14, 73, 269. Iviii 
405. 1x 401. 1xi 399 
C. 5th duke, lv 221 
— Henry Fitzroy, duke of, xxiv 10 
James Stuart, duke of, xvi 211 
Richmond : trial for a right of way through 
the park, i 89 

sees Way opened, i 94 

-.+. decision against a right to a carriage 
and bridle-way, iii 67] 

.».. new bridge at, xvi 129] 

-..» claim to the soil of the Thames inva- 
lid, xxiii 210] 215] 

Richmond (America) theatre burnt down, 
liv 4 

Richmond-house, Privy gardens, 
down, xxxiii 46] 

Richter, J. xxxvi 278] 14, 41. 1xi 300 

Rickards, W. lxi 196 

Rickard’s Castle, between Hereford and 
Salop, salubrity of, x 71] 

Ricketts,  (garden.) xxxviii 455 

—— capt. (N) xxxix 92] xlii 198] 

———— Trist. Rob. lvii 160 

Ricon de Vallemont, vii 106 

Riddell, capt. R. (N) lviii 235 

——— Rob. xxx 130. xxxiv 436. xxxv 
360. xxxvi 426 

sir James, lii 274 

——— T. xxxvii 121*] 

W. xxx 210] 

Ridding, Mary, convicted of childstealing, 
lxi 256 

Rider, Job, xlvii 849 

—— sir Dudley. See Ryder 

W. first knitter of hose, xii 137 

Ridge, couns. J. xvii 198. xxi 207 

J. lviii 286 

Ridgley, Rowland, tried for coining, xxi 
215] xxii 200] 203] 

Ridgway, James, sentence for libel, xxxv 


Jonath. lvii 320 

Ridicule, xxxi 132 

Riding. See Equitation 

Ridinghouse lane, Marybone, fire in, xxxiv 

Ridley, bish. Nich. xiv 133] 
— sir Matt. White, xxvii 268] xxix 
87] xxx 139] xxxvi 212] lvii 51] lix 32] 
33] 37] 58] 1x 53] 54] 55] 131] 


Ridley, W. a watchman, murdered, xi 61] 

Riesbeck, bar. xxix 3 

Riese, gen. xxi 29] 

Riga, fire at, xi 145] 

ee.» inundation at, lvi 31 

-+.- exports from, lvii.98 

Riga, Pet. de, vi 141 

Rigaud, gen. xxxix 92] x1 248] lii 759 

Rigby, Rich. xi 76*] 171] xiii 112] xxi 
187*] 239] xxii 197] xxiii 37] 134] 138] 

xxiv 148] xxviii 289] 178. xxxiv 145. 

xlili 201. xlix 806 

Righellini, D. iv 147 

Right, trial of a writ of, xliii 29 

Rights, two sorts of, xi 269 

Riley, Edw, xliii 458 

Ring, J. xlviii 409 

Ringing. , See Bells 

Ringrose, vii 80] 

Ringwood, fire at, xlv 466 

Rio de la Plata, account of the republic of, 
Ix 528 

Rio Janeiro, regulations respecting the trade 
to, viii 156] 

-»-- letter from Dr. Solander at, xii 188] 

+++» description of, liv 528 

«+.» Protestant chapel at, Ixi 68 

Riolan, prof. J. vii 106 

Rioms, adm. Albert de, xxxii 145] 

Riot act, xxiii 284] 

Rioters, trials of, xxiii 271] 

Riots: indictments for, xlix 521.1i 267 

e+ + Sailors at Portsmouth, i 85. xxvi 199] 

e+s- various, 1 89, 92 

° “ae pulled down near Norwich, i 

«+++ at Manchester, i 105 

in Dublin, on account of an expected 
union with England, ii 129 

«++. at Kingston, on the preaching of a 
methodist, iii 82] 

«++ English and Portuguese sailors at 
Stepney, iii 92] 

ee+- Spanish and Portuguese sailors there, 
iii 95] 

e+» at Mantua, iv 77] 

e+. concerning the militia, iv 82] xiii 

«+++ by Irish reapers at King’s Langley 
and in the isle of Ely, iv 147] 

+++. on May day temp. Hen. VIII, iv 175 

«++» by Levellers or White Boys in Ire- 
land, vy 84] vii 100] xviii 92] 146] 170] 
176] xix 147] 

«++.» at Drury-lane theatre, vi 52] 

... » — Covent Garden, vi 56] 

+++. Sailors at Williamsburgh in Virginia, 
vi 61] ; 

«++. at Westminster election, vi 62] 

--»- Of sailors to rescue some women of the 
town, vi 62] 99] 

eves in Duke’s place, consequent 
to 30] having his pocket picked by a Jew, 

sees at Mrs. White’s, Spitalfields, on the 


execution of a man for robbing her house, 
vi 96] 
Riots: in Dublin, on the importation of a 
large quantity of French silks, vi 98] 

«++» by Hearts of Oak in the N. of Ireland, — 

vi 101] 

«- +» Spitalfields weavers, vi 105] 

ve Sailors, said to be defrauded by a re- 
gister-office keeper and a publican, vi 

«+». at Edinburgh, owing to a scarcity of 
meal, vi 120] ; 

+... — burning the North Briton, vi 144] 
vii 51] 

«++. — Douay, in consequence of a citizen 
being murdered by a French officer, vii 

+++. — a butcher’s in Whitechapel, on the 
execution of a criminal against whom he 
was a witness, vii 74] ; 

«++. —at the Morocco ambassador’s, 7. 

+++. at Ranelagh, by gentlemen’s servants 
on the affair of vails, vii 74] 

+++ on account of the high price of provi- 
sion, vii 103] ix 119] 124] 135] 137-40] 
142] 143] 147] 149] x 39] 47*] 74] 84] 85] 
148] xi 90] 114] 118] xiv 93] xv 90] 91] 
95] 109] xvi 65] 67] xxxi 204] xxxiv 17, 
19. xxxv 21. xxxvii 24, 25, xlii 212] 34, 
141, 143. xliii 1] xliv 428. liv 132] 46, 
52, 55, 56, 104, 109. lvii 140] lviii 60, 
65, 67, 192 

e+. assistance of the military as part of 
the posse comitatus in suppressing, viii 42] 
x 40] 

«--. at Battlebridge, by a number of fel- 
lows pretending to be distressed weavers, 
viii 89] 

-..«+ — Nacton, to pull down the house of 
industry, viii 116] ix 90] 

..»» Dublin jail broken open by soldiers 
and Liberty boys, viii 120] 

+++ colliers at various places, viii 130] 
xviii 100] xxxi 204] lvit 26. lviii 13. lix 
15. lxi 76, 80 

...» Sailors at Portsmouth on a publican’s 
arresting some of their comrades, ix 63] 

-..» Weavers near Cork, x 92] 

---+. in Edinburgh on a seizure for rent, x 

eee, at Troyes, x 98] 

..+. actions for damages occasioned by, x 
99] 115] 

-.-- gig-mill destroyed by shearmen, x 

+++ cattle slaughtered by an Irish mob, on 
pretence of exportation to England, x 

~ 120) 

+++ of Spitalfields weavers on account of 
reduction of wages, x 139] xi 57] 2b. 68] 
139] 157] xii 111] 124]-132] 136] 137] 
138] 142] 151] 159] 160] 161] 

+... weavers in Brick lane, x 158] - 

+++. in yarious parts of the kingdom, xi 



Riots: sailors and keelmen at Shields and 
Sunderland, xi 92] 

«+++ inoculation house near Peterborough 
pulled down, xi 93] 

-+.- coalheavers at Wapping, 2b. 96] 99] 
101] 108] 114] 119-21] 124] 129] 136] 
137] 139] 222] xii 129] 

++-- seamen for increase of wages. See 

+»-- in St. George’s fields, xi 108-13] 136] 
137] 151] 152] 227] xii 61] 

e++s Sawyers, to pull down a sawmill at 
Limehouse, xi 108] xii 66] 

e++s at Dublin, on the murder of two but- 
chers, xi 109] 

«»-+ damages recovered of the hundred, 
xi 154] 

«++. in the Marshalsea, xi 157] 

+++» proclamations against, xi 277] xii 229] 

«+++ in Drury lane, xii 72] 

«++. Spitalfields throwsters, xii 81] 

+++. ona loyal address, xii 84] 87] 

-... at Bath, on choosing a master of the 
ceremonies, xii 89] 126] 127] 

+... — Nottingham, ona sergeant ill using 
a soldier, xii 106] 

eo-. — Glasgow, xii 120] xxiii 30] xxix 
219] xxx 209] lviii 115, 173 

e+ee — Jersey, xii 148] 

«-.- in Spitalfields after an execution, xii 
160] : 

+++. journeymen hat dyers, xiii 74] 

-.-- in the King’s-bench prison, xiii 164] 
165] xiv 71] 102] xxvii 194] xxxiii 19] 

+++» at Belfast, xiii 173] 

2+.- — Moscow, xiv 79*] 153] 

«++. — Raygill, in Yorkshire, xiv 90] 

+++. — Dumfries, on account of dearth, 
xiv 93] 

+»+. and man murdered at Bethnal green 
by the cutters, xiv 96] 

-+. at Guildhall, xv 147] 

--.. Sailors at Greenwich, xvii !23] 

---- English against the Irish haymakers 

_ hear the Edgware road, xvii 134] 135] 

«+e at Paris, xvii 151] 

++.» after the execution of Coleby and 
Jones, xvii 165] 

«++. at Sheffield on rising the price of coals, 
xvii 168] 

«++. soldiers at Dublin, xviii 88] 

+-.. Sailors at Shields and Sunderland, 
xviii 100] xxvii 232] 

anes Liverpool, xviii 146] xix 44] 

«++, in St. Giles’s on the seizure of smug- 
gled goods, xviii 162] 

+++. at Vauxhall, xix 116] 

---- — Shepton Mallet, xix 161] 

+++» in Prussia, on the burial of a suicide 
in a churchyard, xix 173] 

++-. — Newgate, xx 196] xxxiy 42. lviii 

+++» on account of the Catholics, xxii 197] 
xxiii 23] 30] 192] 215] 220] 230] 233) 


. RI 
236-8] 254] xxiv 169} 197] 200] 272] 
Hh 199] xxvi 307] xxvii 225] xxxv 

Riots: on the acquittal of adm. Keppel, 
xxii 198] 

-» « in Lancashire, xxii 233] 

+++» — Dublin, xxii 234] xxvii 197] 198] 
199] xxviii 11] xxxvii 12 

«+++ of seamen at Plymouth, xxvi 200] 

«e+ affray between Chinese and Lascars in 
Stepney fields, xxvii 242] 

++.. at Aberdeen, xxvii 243] 

-+-- framework knitters at Nottingham, 

| Xxxii 222] liii 93] 129. liv 35] 113] 11, 
16, 17, 19, 29, 385. lvi 37, 85, 92. Iviii 
100, 161. lix 132 

-... at Birmingham on the celebration of 
the anniversary of the French revolution, 
xxxiii 25-29] 34] 35] 36] 37] 84-7] xxxiv 
128] 166] 11, 15, 35, 68 

». +. Shoemakers in London, xxxiv 5 

++». at Birmingham, in consequence of a 
murder in a house of ill fame, xxxiv 18 

++. in May Fair, in consequence of a 
number of servants being taken up for 
having a dance on the king’s birthnight, 
xxxiv 23, 24 

arg si Edinburgh, xxxiv 24. xxxvi 11. Ix 

++». weavers in Ireland, xxxiv 38, 7d. 

+... at Dundee, xxxiv 44 

«+++ — Manchester, xxxiv 48. x] 21. 1 47°, 
51*, 54*, 58*, 63*, 64". 11267. Ix 91, 121, 
128. 1xi 106] 58 

--+- Irishmen, near Oxford street, xxxv 

+++. officers at Brighton theatre, xxxv 39 

+... at Bristol, on account of the Bridge 
toll, xxxv 45 

e+e- — Streatham, xxxvi 13 

+++. 0n account of crimps, xxxvi 24, 25, 
30. xxxvii 2, 29. xxxviii 7] 13 

«+... on draughting men into different regi- 
ments, xxxvii 33 

--.. of Defenders, xxxviii 1 

++. ata public house in Cow cross, xxxviii 

+++. on account of the supplementary mili- 
tia, xxxix 2 

+++. at Thelwall’s lecture, at Derby, xxxix 

..+- by Irishmen in Holborn, for the corpse 
of a female, x] 18 

.-+ by Irish recruits in Somerstown, xl 

.. at Maidstone, on the trial of O’Connor 
and others, xli 18, 2b. 23 
+++. ON account of an enclosure Dill, xli 
++». in Coldbath-fields prison, xlii 211] 28 
----— Wych street, xliii 14 
+»ee on Tower hill, xliii 35 
+++. soldiers at Leatherhead fair, xly 440 
+++» between Connaught and Munster men 
at Poplar, xlvi 409 


Riots: between Lascars and Chinese in Rat- 
_ ¢liffe highway, xlviii 450 
«eee in Moorfields on a country girl being 
yin into a house of ill fame, xlix 

«+e Lascars in Wapping, | 13* 

oe» thrashers in Ireland, 1 52*. liv 31 

e--- onsir F, Burdett’s imprisonment, lii 
105, 257*, 258* 

«++» herring-fishermen on the coast of Gal- 
way, lii 282 g 

e++- seamen on board the packets at Fal- 
mouth, 1ii 288 

e+» in Ireland, liii 25. liv 19, 31, 98, 117, 
149. lv 41, 48, 57, 100. lvi 40, 62. lvii 
141] 4, 103, lviii 107, 175 

eee excavators of a canal for want of 
change, liii 47 

e+» foreign sailors at the London docks, 
liii 105 

e+ +. in various manufacturing districts, liv 
113] 131] 19, 28, 32, 39, 51, 54, 56, 58, 
60, 62, 75, 78, 79, 83, 86, 88, 97, 110, 
112, 114, 149, 153, 385. lv 98] 3, 4, 348. 
Ivi 30, 31, 37 

«+.» between Irish militia and watermen at 
Portsmouth, liv 35 

«+++ at Manchester, originating from a pro- 
posed address to the regent, liv 49 

e+e Sentences of several rioters, liv 78, 84. 
lv 98] 6 

ecoe of French prisoners, liv 113 

eee» militiamen at Perth, lv 17 

e+e. at Duxbury hall, lv 42 

ee». among the Chinese at Shadwell, lv 85 

e++- On an attempt to increase the assess- 
ment of the income tax, lvi 106 

+++. at the theatre in Dublin, lvi 106, 117 

+++» before the parliament house &c. on 
account of the corn bill, lvii 6] 140] 19 

ne keelmen at Bishop Wearmouth, lvii 

«ee beggars, in Westminster, lvii 40 

e+e» men employed in the iron works in 
een &c. lvii 89. lviii 165, 173, 

eee- in various parts of the country, lviii 
93] 13, 67, 69, 74, 76, 78, 79, 90, 100, 
a aah, lix 5, 15. 1x 240-9. Ixi 31, 35, 


+++. at Lambeth marsh, on the expiration 
of a lease, lviii 47 

«+++ tanners at Bermondsey, lviii 51 

eee in Spa fields, lviii 190, 200. lix 7] 14] 

«+e. at Breslaw, lix 75, 76, 80 

e+ee — Worcester, lix 91 

eeee — Paisley, 1xi 109] 106 

eee. — West-end fair, Hampstead, Ixi 55 

eee — Rochdale, Ixi 248 

eee» — elections. See Elections, and the 
respective places 

Riou, capt. Edw. (N) xxxii 254] xxxvi 73. 
xliii 112] 185] 82, 84. xlv 419 

— Steph. x 146 

Ripaud, xlii 410, 412 



Ripperda ,J. W., xvii 173 
e+. character of, lv 
Rippon, T. xlix 528 
Rist, 145] 79] 
Ritson, Jos, xlv 437 
Rittenhouse, Dr. David, xx 13] 
«+e. account of, xxxviii 31 
Riva, J. xiv 138] 
Rivarol, xxxv 198] 
Rivaux, gen. xlvii 169 
Rivers: Tatarian mode of crossing, i 273 
---.- use of furze_in fencing the banks of, 
v 91 . 
«+++ that disappear and reappear, vii 98 
+++» new channels opened by, viii 138] liv 

e+. sudden cessations of the flow of, xvii 
172] xxxix 4 

e+e. Owners of land adjoining navigable 
ones have no claim to the soil below high- — 
water mark, xxiii 211] 

e+e. deltas of, xxiv 41, 45. Ivii 584 

+++» annual overflowings of, xxiv 47 

eee» bore in, xxiv52 

++. action for placing a stell across, xxvi 


diverting water, lvii 303 

e+. Some of the most considerable, Ivii 

Rivers, Ant. Widville, earl, xxix 113. xxx 

eee account of, 1 475 
Savage, earl, x 45 ; 
Duncan, Dr. Smollet’s Strap, xiv 


—— G. Ist lord, xxx 126 

G. 2nd lord, lviii 301 

James, xl 177 

sir T. xxxiv 15 

Riversdale, W. 2nd lord, xlii 204, 209 

Rivett, (Bow st. off.) xlix 493 

James, xl J01 

Riviere, a, xxxiv 19] 57] 

—_— margq. de, lvii 205. Ixi 21 

Rivington, capt. Rob. xlii 367 

Rivoli, battle of, xxxix 6] 

Rix, W. xvii 163] 

Roach. T. xlv 400 

Roache, capt. David, xii 89] 

+--+. tried for the murder of capt. Fergu- 
son, xviii 237] xxvii 204] 

Roads, observations on, viii 168 

«+.» ancient Roman, xiv 134 

«++. plough for throwing up the sides of, 
xviii 122] 

«».. new, from Huntingdon to Godman- 
chester, xix 171] 

Roard, J. L. xlvii 860 

Robarts, Abraham, xxx 202] xliii 198] 

lvi 211] 

Rob Roy. See M‘Gregor 

Robb, col. li 56 

Robberies: W. Page convicted at Roches- 
ter, 1 84 

ave OfL odgings by a dashing female, i 10 

—_—- col. 



Robberies : and murder by footpads in Hol- 
born, i 109 

«++. gang at Thaxted, in Essex, ii 69 

«+.- Of the customhouse at Limerick, ii 

---- at Mrs. Lloyd’s, Devonshire square, 
iii 74] 77] 94] 

e++- of the Mount of Piety, at Rome, iti 
118] iv 181] 

+++. sheets stolen by a lodger at an inn, ili 
147] ao 

++.» guard shot asa supposed highwayman, 
iv 76] 96] 

is of Mr. Gammon by Dumas, iv 80] 

---- — lord Perceval by the same, iv 52 

ee» bya servant and arson to conceal it, 

iy 113] vi 92] viii 150] 

-+-» highwayman shot on Clapham com- 
mon, iv 160] 

-»-- of the Bath stage waggon by the mail 
guard, iv 184] 

+e» flying highwayman, iv 189] vi 71] 

++-- persons inducing others to commit, 
and accusing innocent men of, for the 
sake of the reward, v 75] 

«++. of Mr. Faye, v 95] 

-»-+ Sugar stolen off the quays by J. Cox, 
vi 51] 

---- highwayman shot by a person in the 
Portsmouth machine, vi 56] 

..- of furnished lodgings, vi 69] ix 52] xl 

ere boy of fifteen executed for shoplifting, 

vi 77] 

+e. and murder by a highwayman, vi 83] 

.».. Coventry gang, vi 91) 

+++. MSS. stolen from a public office by a 
woman employed to sweep the rooms, vi 
a 2 

wees at Mrs. White’s, vi 96] 

»»-- Of the charity box of a masonic sociec- 
ty, vi 99] 

---. three men transported for robbing the 
box*of the club to which they belonged, 
vii 68] 

-.+- hundred of Ouse and Darwent sued 
for, vii 69] 

see+ Servant girl suspected of stealing 

spoons taken away by a rayen, vii 76] 
++». at lord Harrington’s, vii 113] 149] 
*+.. innocent persons convicted of, viii 71] 

xv 72] xix 124] xxxi 194] xli 450n. 

xlvii 355 
«++» club for instructing boys in, viii 72] 
+++» maiming to rescue an accomplice, viii 

110] 214) 

e+. porter charged with, for taking up a 

parcel the porterage of which was re- 
fused to be paid, viii 117] 

«+.» woman tried for robbing a sailor, viii 


+++.» waterman executed for robbing a boat 
on the Thames, ix 51] 
Parr f, 



Robberies: near London by lighthorsemen, 
ix 59] 69] 78] 84] 

e+e. gentleman’s pocket picked by F. Par- 
sons, ix 63] 

eee» highwayman tricked by a farmer’s boy, 
ix 64] 

e«+. money stolen by a girl by advice of 
her father, ix 69] 

-»+» Of Maskal Brocklesby on Barnes com- 
mon, ix 85] 

e+e at Mr, Adair’s, ix 107] 

-.-- highwayman shot near Towcester, ix 

-»-- saddlebags, containing 160/.in money, 
stolen at an inn in Penrith by Marg. 
Davison, ix 128] 

+++. money-box of a club stolen by Rich. 
Martley, 2d. 

sees custom-house at Liverpool, by J. 
Smith, ix 129] 

ees Mr. Scott, S. Carolina, ix 145] 

.--. collier robbed of 5s. and got a guinea 
in return, ix 151] 

oes. execution of Walker and Johnston, 
footpads, x 47*] 

---. footpad shot in the Greenwich road by 
Mr. Whitworth, x 69] 

-... and murder by footpads at Holloway, 
x 79] 87] 

+e. punishment of a tin-miner by-~ his 
fellows for stealing silver spoons when 
searching for corn, x 84] 

-»+- extraordinary of the abp. of Paris, x 

aa ‘qr by a gang on Towerhill, x 

+». atrocious in N. America, x 122] 

-..- M. Bussy by his steward, x 136] 

++ es gang of apprentices, x 145] 

-+.. ineffectual forgery of a reprieve, x 

»»«- pockets of several brokers picked of 
lottery tickets and money, x 149] 

+++. in public houses, persons executed for,’ 
x 151] 

+... at the London Assurance office, xi 75] 

++». andarson at gen. Conway’s, xi 78] 106] 

+e» extraordinary escape of J. F. Hellick 
at Dover, xi 130] 

..+- highwayman shot by the guard of the 
Exeter coach, xi 180] 

-.+- of Dr. Pigot, near Cranford bridge, xi 

-+ +, — Mrs. Rogers, near Hamstead, 7d. 

-.-. — Josiah Hodgkins, by G. Williams, 
xii 100] 

-se. — Mr. Jessop, by Stackhouse and 
Litchfield, xii 142] 

oss -— Mr. Savory, by H. Godwin, xii 142] 

-»-. — Mr. Tomlinson, in London field, 
xii 147] 

+»+- two men killed attempting to plunder 
a West-Indiaman in the Thames, xiii 73} 

a oe footpad shot dead on Blackheath, 


and a highwayman wounded soon after by 
the same gentleman, xiii 93] 
Robberies: two highwaymen shot by the 
By of a stage coach, xiii 120] 
a A plate at Mr, le Merr’ $s, xili 124] 
. J. Frith convicted of stealing a trunk 
F vith 140/. from his mistress’s chamber, 
xiii 139] 
«+. of Messrs. Harris, at Taunton, by G. 
Shepherd, xiii 141] 
e+.. executions for, xiii 153] xiv 65] 75] 
136] 141] 157] xv 72] xvi 66] 68] 77] 91] 
122] 142] xvii 123] 134] 158] 171] xviii 
83] 112] 113] 137] 159] 186] xix 117] 
122] 133] 182] 183] 198] xx 163] 165] 
195] xxi 179] 07 183] 206] xxii 222] 

237) xxiii 195] 207] 212] xxv 202} xxvii 
194] xxxi 203} xxxii 204] xxxiii 25] 
xxxvi 6. xxxviii 28. xxxix 43, 44, xl 23, 
24, xlii 45, xliv 435, xlvii 369. xlviii 403. 
xlix 363. lvi 76, 77 

---- convictions of, xiii 169] xiv 131] xv 
147] xvi 66] 74] 110] 134] 148] xvii 82] 
121] 132] 140] 147] 148] xviii 130] 159] 
xx_ 163] 177] 194] 200] 205] xxi 168] 
202] 206] xxii 195] 200] 219] 226] 237] 
238] xxiii 200} 206] 231] 288] xxiv 163] 
180] 184] 199] xxv 201] 224] xxxiv 5, 
30. xxxvi 30. xxxix 26, 33. xl 23, 37, 72, 
80. xlviii 438. xlix 492. 1xi 35 

..++ money stolen by two chimney sweepers, 
xiv 77] 

..-+ footpad taken in the Kent road by col. 
Desaguliers, xiv 95] 

.+- of Mrs. Chancellor, xiv 108] 115] 

eees —a party from Vauxhall, on the 
water, xiv 112] 

.-+- a footpad run through the body and 
taken by capt. Croker, id. 

..-. of W. Agnew, esq. of Kilwagter, xiv 

. pickpocket sent to Newgate within 
three hours after being acquitted, xiv 

e+. 3. Eyre, a man of property, trans- 
ported for stealing paper at Guildhall, 
xiv 146] 152] 1 53] 

.--- two half-guineas stolen out of a letter, 
xv 67] 

e+e extensive by a gang of porters, xv 80] 
938] 102] 

oes. one shot by a passenger in the New- 
castle coach, xv 91] 

e+e. of sir Rowland Wynne, xv 99] 

. lad tried twice for robberies by a per- 
son resembling him, xv 127] xvi 77] 78] 
oe. of jewels coneealed during the trou- 

bles in Poland, xv 134] 
oe. — Dr. Dodd and his wife, xv 147] xvi 
*"66) 68] 

«... two London riders shot by footpads in 
Lancashire, xvi 79] 

e+e R. Arlett hanged for the robbery of 

:, D. Chase, xvi 86] 


Robberies ; Mrs. Tonge sentenced to trans-— 
portation for stealing lace in a shop, xvi 
eae 100] 
: gang of robbers and murderers in Pa- 
"ris, xvi 96] 
+++» several of the queen’s jewels stolen by 
Sarah Wilson, xvi 113] a 
++. of a Jew at Birmingham, xyill9] 
— Mr. James’s chambers by W. Da- 
~ vidson, xvi 132] 7 
. 400/. in bank notes stglen from a dea-" 
“Ter. in horses by W. Cox, xvi 132] 144] 
+++. bargeman shot in an attempt to roba 
henhouse at Old Windsor, xvi 141] 
- Supposed robber found dead in a chim- 
“ney, xvi 142] 
= ne shot by farm. E, Newland, xvi 
+++. at Mr. Cooper’s, at St. Albans, xvi 
153] / 
«+++ Woodford church, 24. 
+--+ and murder, several instances of, xvi 
155] xxxi 196] xxxvi 6 
- of the buttery of Bennet coll. Cam- 
bridge, xvii 113] 1 
. — capt. Chilcot and his wife, after — 
being shipwrecked on the isle of Angle- — 
sey, xvii 113] 148] 
+++» and attempt to murder J, Darleson by — 
his apprentice, xvii 114] 
+++. Strange charge of, xvii 129] 135] 
«+. attempt of Amos Merrit to save P. 
Madan by taking his crime upon himself, 
xvii 141] 146] a! 
++. Of prince G. 
xvii 144] 
- rape, and murder of M. Duafry, 7d. 
---. drunken man shot as a highwayman, 
xvii 145] 
---- highwayman shot by the ‘ie of the 
Stamford stage, ib. 
+++ on board the Favourite, baat) Scott, 2. 
-».. of Mr. Floyd, in the Knightsbridge 
coach, xvii 158] 165) 
. at lady Parsons’s, Dublin, xvii 160] 
..+. highwayman shot on Hounslow heath, 
and several of the gang apprehended, 
xvii 161] 
«+s. of Mrs. Joanna Stephens, xvii 167] 
+++e gang of charity-schoolboys pickpock-_ 
ets, xvii 169] 
. another gang of young 
i cite 480, 492 
. of Mr. Brower, on the ss) to En- 
"field, xviii 82] 
. «sata milliner’s in Pall Mall, xviii 83] 
+++ highwayman shot by Mr. Nuthall, 
xviii 97] 
+... at the house of Mr. wérnandens xVili 
+++. — Mr. Crayle’s, in Bond street, xviii 
.... — the Court of Requests, Southwark, 
“xviii 110} 

A. of Mecklenburgh, 




Robberies: at Mr. Berry’s during a thunder- 
storm, xviii 112] 

+-»- aclerk executed for robbing his mas- 
ter, xviii 115] 

+--+ maid’s pocket cut off on keeping a 
door chained against robbers, xviii 119] 

+--+ diamond cross stolen from lord Stor- 

_ mont at court, xviii 132] 

--+. of the Norwich stage, the guard being 
killed after he had shot three of seven 
highwaymen, xviii 182] 

«-.. attempt to defraud under pretence of, 
xviii 185] 

«++» highwayman shot on attempting the 
Norwich coach, xix 1]5} 

«+--+ man caught in a trap ina garden, xix 

ese» extraordinary, at Dublin, xix 175] 

ee». of the lord mayor near Turnham 
green, xix 177] xx 163] 

«++. restitution after two and twenty years, 
xix 178} 

+++» highwayman attempting the Derby 
coach shot on Finchley common, xix 179] 

oes —— shot by lord Berkeley’s 
servant, xix 186] 

«++. of several country parish churches, 
xix 199] 

«++. sir G. Warren’s jewel cut from his 
ribbon at St. James’s, xx 163] 

«+++ of Rob. Hughes in the Islington stage, 
xx 182] 

«+++ — the Ashmolean Museum, xx 184] 

ores Neapolitan ambassador in his 
carriage in Grosvenor square, xx 187] 

+++» — aman by his daughter at the in- 
Stigation of her schoolmistress, xx 197] 

«+++ dashing female in a shop, xxi 164] 

--.. of James Boult in the Staines stage, 
xxi 168] 

»».«. blind butcher convicted of, xxi 179] 

+++. at col. Edmonds’s, xxi 188] 

«++. curious charge against sir Alex. Leith, 
xxi 190] 

«+++ of Messrs. Bartlet and Co. by their 
clerk, xxi 199] : 
---- child taken out of the mother’s arms 

and robbed of it’s clothes, xxi 206] 

+++. Of a public house, and death of the 
landlord in consequence, xxi 207] 

«+s» box of lace rescued from a robber by 
_ a@milliner’s apprentice, xxi 214] 
-.+- box of drugs stolen from Mr, Sharpe’s 

carriage, xxi 215] 

«++. of a banker’s clerk on presenting a 
bill for payment, xxiii 221] 
«+-- W, Copping by Marg. M‘Lachlan and 

Mary Allen, xxiii 231], 236] 

+++. two silver spoons stolen by a young 
gentieman at a tavern, xxv 201] 
++-- at Mrs, Fortescue’s, Tottenham green, 

xxv 216] 

--.. attended with acts of cruelty to be 

reported to the king without delay, xxv 



Robberies : conviction of stealing naval 
stores, xxvi 204] 

+++» Messrs. Drummonds by W. Morrow 
their clerk, xxvii 203] 

«+++ at Mrs, Abercrombie’s, xxvii 225] 

«-.- — col. Arabin’s, xxvii 226] 

-... large sum stolen from under a Smith- 
field salesman’s pillow, by a woman in 
man’s clothes, at a public house on the 
Rumford road, xxvii 239] 

-. +. several by J. Hodgson, xxix 202] 

«++. of the Edinburgh bankby — Brodie, 
xxx 207] 

+--+» valuable medals from the duke of 
Devonshire’s, xxx 208] 215] 

+» ++ post-office at Dundee, xxxi 198] 

--.. Adam Stymack by his son, xxxii 

-»+. two young gentlemen from Vauxhall 
by a waterman and another, xxxii 210] 
-.-- of H. H. Townsend by G. Barrington, 

xxxii 216] 

---- lord Dungarvon falsely charged with 
by a woman of the town, xxxiii 1] 

+++. two highwaymen, Carter and Parsons, 
wounded and taken, xxxiii 7] 

e»++ plate at Buckingham house by J. Bel- 
ville, xxiii 8] 

-+++ by footpads at Enfield highway, and 
Cheshunt, xxxiii 23] 25] 

+++. two in one night by footpads on the 
Epsom road, xxxiii 24] 

«.-. a lad by two others near Saltpetre 
bank, xxxiii 25] 

«+e. at Mr. Goodman’s, in the Strand, 26. 

---. man shot for a robber by mistake, 
xxxili 34] 

+... capt, Kingsmill’s trunk cut from be- 
hind his chaise, xxxiv 2] 

+++. attempt to rob the p. of Wales in the 
drawing room at St. James’s, xxxiv 3 

++. attempt to rob the post-office at Exe- 
ter, xxxiv 6 

.--. marq. of Huntleynear Cranford bridge,, 
xxxiv 30 7 

-+++ by footpads near Stafford, xxxv 9 

-... under sheriff of Northamptonshire of 
the commission for opening the assizes, 
xxxv 13 

+«.. abp. of Tuam’s plate, xxxv 15 

+--+. col.and R. Dundas, by footpads near 
Dartford, xxxv 27 

-».+ Messrs. Howarth and Montolicu, on 
Epping forest, xxxv 33 

-... capt. Bellamy, near Epsom, xxxv 37 

"R Mr. Brumen, on Epping forest, xxxv 


«.++ banker’s clerk at a house in Hatton 
garden, xxxv 43, 47, 58 

-«.. Saffron Walden church of Prayer- 
books, xxxvi 30 

..+. maj. Dundas and two others by foot- 
pads near Slough, xxxvii 20 

wa . J. Courtois by M, T. Phipoe, xxxvii 



Robberies : at Mr. Ardesoif’s, Hampstead, Robberies: man-shot stealing lead froma 

xxxvii 36, xxxviii 9 

..-- gentleman hustled in Cornhill and 
robbed to a great amount, xxxvii 48 

+.» highwayman shot by lord Strathmore, 
XXXix 6 

.... Edw. Whitten by J. Green and G. 
Mason, xxxix 16 

«+. at Mrs. Taylor’s, Norton street, xl 1 

.... of Rich. Terry by P. Buck, on the - 

highway near Rippon, xl 24 

.».. and murder of Mr. Mellish on Houn- 
slow heath, x1 27 

.»-- of Mr. Greenwood, by a highwayman, 
near Kentish town, xl 30 

«es. — Mr. Stow, by a highwayman, near 
Reading, x1 50 

-+-. —an agent of Mr. Fleming, on Houn- 
slow heath, xl 51 

«+e. — Mrs, Gordon, near Sevenoaks, x] 51 

..o. — Dr. Pitcairn, by footpads, near El- 
tham, 7. 

..«. Mr. Dearling hustled and robbed on 
London bridge, x1 56 

.... by two footpads near Langley Broom, 
x1 58 

.++- rev. Dr. Green, by a soldier, near 
Steyning, xl 79 

.--. J. Dressins, king’s messenger, by foot- 
pads, near Saxmundham, x1 80 

.+++ Mr. Mackintosh, by footpads, on the 
road to Leatherhead, x1 83 

«... of the Mint, xli 1, 8, 21 

- communion plate and cash at the 

clerk’s of St. Andrew, Holborn, xli 3 

.+. false charges of, xli 33. xlviii 422 

+» es Exeter bank, xlii 1 

several churches in Italy, xlii 6 

++.» Mrs. Syer, by her servant, Sarah 
Lloyd, xlii 11. xlviii 413 

e+. of coins and medals in King’s college, 
Cambridge, xlii 12 

-»e. three gentlemen, by footpads, near 
Shooter’s hill, xlii 45 

--ee at the House of Lords, xliii 32 

«.+» children of their clothes, xliv 354, 456. 
xlvi 380. liii 44 

e+. contest of col. Sullivan and his ser- 
vant with two footpads, xliv 360 

»»-» hon. Mr. Bowes near St. Martin’s 
church, xliv 381 

° a at Mrs. Sowerby’s by Eliza Jones, xliv 


e+++ and murder, extraordinary attempt at, 
xliv 443 

-». charge of, by the keeper of a bawdy 
house, xliv 453 

-+.. attempted at Mr. Maryan’s, Lombard 
street, xliv 457, 461 

e+e. resisted by Mr. Orrell, xly 398 

«+e. of the Hampstead stage, 7d, 

---. earl of Athlone of his plate by a foreign 
servant, xlv 399 

we oe on the §, Carolina bank, xlv 


roof, xlv 402 

«++. mad, Demidoff robbed of a coronet of — 

emeralds by the countess of Schwiechelt, 
xlvi 365 killed in attempting to rob a 
rookery, xlvi 385 

++. of F. Cooke, a blind sailor, by R. 
Howell, xlvi 420 

++ ee — dowager lady Dacre, xlvi 422 

++s. — a waggon with treasure by two of 
it’s escort, xlvi 435 

-»+. barley meal and malt stolen from 
Langdale and Co, xlvii 372 

-»+- bar of gold stolen out of a Spanish 
prize in Perry’s dock, xlvii 377 

++». man of great property publicly whip- 
ped for stealing meat from an inn, xvii 

e+-- communion plate of Lincoln cathedral 
stolen, xlvii 407 

.» +» large quantity of copper stolen from 
Mr. Williams’s works in Buckingham- 
shire, xlvii 418 

«+++ nautical clock, from col. Beaufoy’s, 
Hackney Wick, xlvili 354 

..++ of the long coach from Dublin to the 
Pigeonhouse, xlviii 410 

.. +. prints stolen from the British museum, 
xviii 420 

-+.- Mrs. Forsyth’s jewels stolen, xlviii 

«++. and murder of W. Begbie, porter to 
the British Linen company at Leith, 
xlviii 454 

«++. a person of above 600/. in notes, xlix 

-»-. of Mr. James Spencer, of Ponders 
End, b. 

-»+- turnkey’s pocket picked by a prisoner 
at the bar of the Old Bailey, 7. 

««-+ Mr. Bates, of Ulcomb, xlix 362 

..-¢ of a stage waggon attempted in St. 
Giles’s, xlix 432, 482 

++» curious, at Eynsham, xlix 479 

..-- footpad shot near Dublin, curious case 
of, xlix 481 

..-. man killed in a river stealing eels, 
xlix 500 

»+++ of capt. Cheetham, at the White-horse 
cellar, xlix 509 : 

.+-+ Shot near Chichester, xlix 513, 514 

..+» French prisoner on parole by his com- 

rade, xlix 514 
.+- child burnt in a house set on fire to 
conceal, xlix 526 
e+e. at the Royal Exchange, | 23* 
-»». at sir V. Gibbs’s, 1 48* 
«+. footpad shot near Dublin, 1 104“ 
«++ of Martha Kent by her mistress, 1 121* 
-s«. new mode of getting into houses, 1 
eee» Of St. Paul’s cathedral, lii 295 
»+e- Mr. Forshaw, by footpads, near Liver- 
pool, liii 12 



Robberies : woman robbed and stripped near 
Petersfield, liii 17 

“s+. young man by five footpads on the 

Wandsworth road, liii 18 ; 
.» +. Mr. Barwise bya gang on the Dul- 
wich road, liii 19 

 .... Mr. T. Rogers by two footpads near 

Basingstoke, 2b. 

e+. at Caxton prevented by a stage coach, 
liii 25 

e+» by an attorney’s clerk at Lynn, liii 43 

e+. gang taken in Shropshire, liii 44 

e+e. extraordinary, by a footpad on Houns- 
low heath, liii 81 

ee-- ornaments of the coflins of the ancient 
dukes of Brunswick stolen, liii 85 

+++» bullion &c. stolen froma ship in the 
London docks, liii 86, 

«++. extensive at Buckingham house, 1111104 

-.». and murder of Mr. Wylde by a foot- 
pad near Croydon, liii 112 

+++. attempted at Mrs. Martin’s, Bury 
street, liv 8 
liv 15 

+». gang of robbers discovered in Wales, 
liv 26 

+e. attempted at Mr. Johnston’s, near 
Welling, in Kent, liv 26 

«+e. Mr. Standen, by two soldiers, near 
Hastings, liv 29 

e+e. serg. Ives, by several fellows, who cut 
off a piece of his tongue, liv 30 

eee. judge coming out of church at Rea- 

—— Mr. Pryor’s, Borough, 

ding in grand procession robbed, of his _ 

watch, liv 31 

-,-e and murder at Edinburgh on new- 
year’s night, liv 38 

+++ gang of robbers at Derby, liv 43 

-».. and murder of Isaiah Falk Valentine 
by Wyatt, 7d. 

--»- Eliz, Collier by three gipsies near 
Horsham, liv 44 

«+.» Newry fly coach, liv 46 

+++. by agang in the isle of Wight, liv 87 

«... large quantity of silk and ostrich fea- 
thers stolen from a hoy, liv 92 

_«+-.Mr. Butler, by two footpads, near 

Mallow, liv 107 . 
e+e, at Mr. Barker’s, at Sowerby, liv 118 

- »... 2 banker’s clerk in Dublin robbed of 

1900/. which he had stolen from his em- 
ployers, liv 122, 140 

+»-+ Mr. Thorley, by a footpad, near Rich- 
mond, liv 133 

. a by footpads near Liverpool, liv 

+++ various in the North, liv 153 

+++ Several in Bristol, lv 10 

«++. and murder by the nephew of a Bri- 

tish peer at Lisbon, lv 38 

«+e» request of one to be hanged, lvi 25 

+++. and murder of farmer Fowler by a 
footpad, lvi 48 
+++. man shot by a spring gun, lvi 91 


Robberies: artful, of Mr. Cropland, at 
Highgate hill, lvi 104 
e+. action against a barony in Ireland to 
recover money, lvi 319 
«++. two French fishermen near Canter- 
bury by six soldiers, lvii 6 
«++» farmer Filthorp, near Barnet, lvii 17 
-.»- man killed robbing a garden at Hamp- 
stead, lvii 62 
+s. jewellery stolen from the countess of 
Antrim’s, lvii 88 
«+e. the bank at Newbury, lvii 104 
e+. at Mr. Kean, cornfactor’s, Bankside, 
Ivii 110 
+». — misses Radnidges’, Bath, lviii 9 
-»+. hoy carrying dollars to an E. India- 
man at Gravesend plundered of seven 
chests off Greenwich, lviii 63, 64 
- and murder near Liverpool, lviii 81 
«+e. of J. Millard, at Limehouse, Iviii 103 
-.«» Mr. Yates’s near Liverpool, lviii 128 
-».. Mr. Sharp, bya gang of footpads, near 
Wrotham, Iviii 139 
--.» Mr. Lyster and the march. of Water- 
ford, on the Alps, lviii 153 
+++. gang taken at Saffron Walden, lviii 
++. Gravesend luggage boat, lviii 175 
es ate murder of col. Newman, Iviii 
] © 
———- at Yewsley, lviii 189 
—— Cullenstown, lviii 196 
———-— near Birmingham, lix 8 
——— at Ledbury, lix 9 
near Reading, lix 11 
———— Manchester, lix 38, 

e008) SS 


+.» Rundell and Bridge of jewels to a 
great amount, lix 49 

-».. brandy stolen from the government 
vaults in Liverpool, lix 73 

--.. and murder of R. Baker, near Wells, 
in Norfolk, lix 100 

eee at Mr. Davies’s by a dancing master, 
lxi 1 

es+- numerous, at West-end fair, Hamp- 
stead, lxi 55 

-.+- of a postchaise driver by a person 
taken up to ride in it, Ixi 103 

«++. number of keys stolen by a mad 
woman, Ixi 256 

«e+. of the mail. See Mail 

->+. by breaking open houses. 

Robbers, anathemas denounced against in 
the middle ages, xii 147 

e+. gang taken in a cavern near Bristol, 
xlvii 364 

- ++. notorious one taken near Cork, liii 17 

e+». numerous gangs on the continent, liii 
61, 96, 99, 109 

---- simplicity of one, liii 87 

-... extraordinary suicide of one, liii 88 

«... one killed unintentionally, lili 10k 

Robbins, Jonath, xlii 19 

See Bur- 


Robbins, Josias, xlviii 960 
——— T. xxvi 76 
Robe, col. sir W.1 26]*, 264*. liv 211 
Roberjot, —-x li 181] 256] 267 
Robert I, of Scotland, xiii 87] 1 162 
II, of Scotland, 1 160 
IL, of Scotland, 1160, 161 
brother of Henry I, xvii 145. xix 


of Gloucester, xxi 154 
Robert, gen. lv 146 

M. xxvi 67, 71 

Roberts, ii 106. xxx 205] x1 69 
——— arch. J. xxxviii 29 

capt. (N) xxiv 251] xxxi 230] 
Ivii 153 
—— ¢. liv 115 
——— Dr. xvii 225. xviii 41 

Edw. xxviii 185. xxxiv 145. lv 378. 
Ivi 368. lvii 335. lviii 423. lix 249. Ix 399. 
Ixi 397 



H. (just. of peace) action against 
for false imprisonment, xiv 136] 

——— Hugh (returning officer of Shore- 
ham) xiv 74] 75] 240] 

—-— James, xliv 778. xlv 830 

—— J. xvi 149] 151] 154] xvii 156] 
xviii 162] xl 176. xliii 198] lv 320. Ixi 

——— J. executed for forgery, xxxviii 26 

—— Jos. lvi 336 

——— l. col. G. J. lvi 333 

—-—— maj. W. xxvi 35] 

———- Mary, murdered, xviii 114] 

Peter (city remembrancer) xii 113] 
200] xxi 242] 

—— rey. Dr. Rich. xlv 385 

—-—— §. xl 385, 389. 1i 861 

T. xlviii 410 

Robertson, poisoned by landanum taken 
through mistake, iii 154 

— Archibald, xxxiv 131 

capt. (A) xxxiv 221] 

——-— col. G. Duncan, xlviii 592. lv 


Dr. W. ii 489. xii 8, 14, 21, 24, 
27,254. xix 31. xx 49, 84, 99, 214. xxii 
198] xxiii 30] xxix 187. xxxiii 20] 367] 
368] xxxv 30, 40, 420, xxxvii 23"] xxxviii 
373. xlix 1000. 1 277. lii 747 

«++. account of, xliv 711 

— J. xix 203] liv 303 

J. (engineer) xlii 384 

James, (engineer) 7d. 

lieut. gen. James, xix 180] xxii 

148] 150] xxiv 15] 90] 

— miss, xliii 12, 20, 37. xvii 398 

-.+» action against a bookseller, xliv 415 

o+.. ————_ —— Oakley and others for 
goods taken from her house at Black- 
heath, xliv 433 

— Mrs. xii 109 

rey. Jos. lx 258 

Robespierre, Maximilian, xxxiv 21) 75) 77) 
84] xxxv 190] 194] 215] 255] 280] xxxvi 



32] 70] 95) 113] 127] 184. xxxvii 82] 
xxxviii 148] 149] 10. xlv 223 

Robespierre, Maximilian, zenith of his — 

power, xxxvi 145] 
«eee first check to it, xxxvi 150] 
.... he and several of his adherents ar- 
rested, xxxvi 157] 
‘ses. execution of, xxxvi 161] 21 
..- character of, xxxvi 162] 21 ; 
Robilliard, capt. (N) liv 140] 225 
Robinia, useful species of, viii 97 
Robins, suicide after murdering his wife, 
xxxiv 25 ; 
Benj. vii 46. xviii 26 
W. Lewin Tugwell, li 423 
Robinson, xi 124] xxi 245. xliii 29 
—_ (bookseller) xiii 172] 
(Irish judge) xxvii 200] 
— abp. Rich. See Rokeby, lord 
— bish. J. liii 484 

capt. (A) snicide of, xvi 85] 
capt. (N) iii 160, xxiv 128] 
capt. (N) lii 304 

- Cath. Gertrude, xJ 177 

- col. xl vii 396 

——- col. Bev. xxiii 390] 
col. W. lvii 232 
couns. xi 152] lix 169. Ixi 265 
——- Dr. Nich. xviii 128] 
———— E. (Amer.) xxxv 333 
G. Abercrombie, li 420 
—_—— hon. Fred. J. 1134. liv 49] Ivii 5] 
20, 22. Ix 146] Ixi 20] 110 
J. murder of S, Wilson by, xlix 
418, 464 
J. xx 191] xxxvi 276] xxxvii 166] 
215] xliv 476. xlviii 1089 
James, tried for piracy, xxiii 232] 
—__—- ——— convicted of aiding the 
escape of French prisoners, liv 103 
———— w. gen. sir F. P. lv 170, 197, 199, 
202, 241. lvi 213 
Mary, convicted of stealing child- 
ren’s clothes, xliv 456 hy 
; Mary (Perdita) xli 353, 354, xlii 
Maurice, xxxviii 24] 28] 
——— rev. J. xxv 96 
——— rev. Rob. xxxiv 373 
Sam. xix 121] 
——— sir Christ. liv 280, lviii 245, 262. 
lxi 269 
sir Leonard, xix 121] 
—— sir T. viii 204] 
—_———— T. lii 419 
—_—— T. (bailiff of Oxford) xi 221] 
———— T. convicted of feloniously killing 
Frances Pickwell, xxi 202] 
———— T. (Westm. magistrate) xxxix 14 
———— W. (peruke maker) xliii 458 
———— W. (surveyor to the city hospitals) 
x 168] xi 120] 
—_—— W. xlvii 371 
W. (V.S.) 11 249 
Robison, 1. col. W. lviti 280 


Robison, prof. J. xxxi 60. xlii 12%] 
Robson, Rich. Bateman, xliii 9] 38] xliv 
106. xlviii 79. xlix 103 
T. lvii 38 
Robyns, maj. J. (mar.) lvi 224, 226 
Rochambeau, count de, v 26] xxiv 2i] 78] 
123] xxxiv 91] 92] 96] 97] 98] 99] xxxvi 
282] 68 J 
——___-—— gen. D. xliii 67] xliv 213, 217. 
xly 332, 430, 543, 545, 547. xlvi 369 
~ Rochaumont, card. de Ja, xviii 131) 
Rochdale, riot at, Ixi 248 
- Roche, Eugenius, convicted of libel, liii 
J 18 

gen. liv 153] 236 
James, xlv $29 
T.M. found guilty of treason, xlv 

Roche, de, li 418 
———— la, Ant. count, i 476. xxix 112 
(Moldavian resident at War- 
saw) xi 17] 
Rocheblave, gov. Phil. xxii 15] 
Rochechovart, de, xxii 63] 
Rochecovart, marq. de, xi 45] 
Rochefocauld, Franc. duke of, vi 204. xy 34. 
xxi 183. 1 262 
: duke de, xxxi31] xxxii 147] 
xxxiii 164. xxxiv 27] 212. lxi 10 
, or-seaha abortive enterprise against, i 
Rochefoucaud, card. xi 172. xxxi 239*] 
Rochester, fires at, xi 200] xiv 81] 
«-.. fall of part of the castle wall, xlviii 

Rochester, J. (Wilmot) earl of, ix 652, 67 
a Lawrence (Hyde) earl of, xxxv 

‘ 1 
Rochford, W. H. 4th earl of, ix 16] xii 64] 
76] 110] 134] 200] 228] xiv 44] 46] 70] 
238] xv 81] 99] 100] 102] xviii 238] 239] 
xix 54] 55] 93] 156] xx 210] liii 488 

—— W. H. Sth earl, xxix 67] 

Rochfort, Arthur, action against for adultery 
with his sister-in-law, ii 98 

G. x 58] 

—_——— Walter, liii 267 

Rochia, Joseph, his family buried in the 
snow, 1297. viii 85 

Rochler, gen. xxxiii 61 

Rochon, ab. x 124] xxxiv 358 

_ Rock, Dr. (quack) xx 212] 

Rocke, rey. J. x1 60 

Rockingham, C. marq. of, iii 71] viii 45 
204] 279. ix 48] x 184] xi 75*) 147] 221] 
xii 50*] 82] xiii 70] 197] 199] xiv 17] 90] 
xv 235] xvi 62] 218] 220] 243) 245] xvii 
44] 274] 276) 278] xviii 71] 249] 251] xix 
69) 117*] 120*] 255] xx 34] 48] 86] 277] 
280] 283] xxi 146] 167*] 303] xxii 83] 
88] 161] 171] 342] 343] 348] 350] xxiii 
53) 62] 108] 120] 122] 132] 330] 331] 
333] xxiv 189*| 190*] 289] 290] 292] xxv 
149] 214] 295] xxxi 131] xxxv 268. xxxix 
41. xl 327, 334. xlviii 175. liii 384 


Rockingham, C. marq. of, first lord of the 
treasury, viii 44] 

.... address from the London merchants to 
him when out of place, ix 124] 

.+« several other addresses, ix 126] 131] 

.... remarks on his administration, ix 212, 
213 X 

.«e» character of, xviii 14. xxv 214] 

... new administration formed by, xxv 

.... his death, xxv 182] 

.++. mausoleum in memory of, xxx 212] 

Rockley, J. convicted of ravishing his grand- 
daughter, xx 198] 

Rocks, artificial, manufacture of, a trade in 
China, i321 

Rocque, Bart. vii 47] viii 6] 141, 169% 

Roddam, adm. Rob. xxii 256] 

Roddy, xvi 260 

Roden, Rob. 2nd earl of, x1 163] 139 

Roderick, king of Spain, xlviii $45 

Rodgers, com. (Amer.) liii 

Rodney, adm. lord, ii 22, 103. ii 109, 113, 
132. iv 165] v 33] 251] 254] 259] x 
206] xiv 153) xviii 27. xxiii 225*] 226] 
228] xxiv 25] 101] 111} 164] 308] xxv 
99] 138] 158] 160] 164] 195*] 197°] 
202*] 194] 208] 252] xxviii 205] xxx 
105] 107] xxxi 298] 304] xxxii 76. 
xxxiii 245. xlv 794. xlvii 760, 764. xlviii 

.... flat-bottomed boats driven on shore 
by, iii 122] 

..-. thanks of parliament to, xxiii 122] 

..-. relief of Gibraltar and defeat of Lan- 
gara, xxiii 201*] 

-... freedom of London to, xxiii 203] xxiv 

-+». victory over de Grasse, xxv 204*] 

ze sae continued to his heirs, xxxv 

..». Monument in St. Paul’s, xxxv 174] 

Czsar (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] 
xviii 265] 

——— C. A. (Amer.) lx 528 

G. 2nd Jord, xxxiv 134 

————— 3rd lord, xlviii 652. 1x 400, 
402. 1xi 399, 400 

Rodoan kiaya, xxix 16 

Rodolph, emperor. See Rudolphus 

Rodrigo. See Roderick 

Rodt, Maxim. bar., elected bish. of Con- 
stance, xviii 186] 

Roebuck, Dr. J. xix 81. Ixi 464 

———— J. xlix 857 

Roederer, Pet. Lew. xlii 282*. xliii 120n] 
xliv 241, 243, 404 

«+» See also Rheederer 

Roemer, Olaus, viii 24 

152] liv 

Roesner, xl 35 
Roger, (secr. to count de Guignes) xviii 

—— hish. of Salisbury, xv 182 
—- J. lv 260 



Rogers, Abr. lviii 348 i 

capt. (N) xxxvi 68, 73 

T. (N) 11 417. liii 110] 

commiss. vii 111 

Jamerson, xlix 355 

J. xxviii 224] 
murder of, xlvii 393 

—-— Jeremiah, conduct of the Spaniards 
in the W. Indies to, x 89] 

maj. account of an Indian chief, 
viii 48 
rev. J. xxii 223] 

S. xxxiv 78. lvi 335 
S. (poet) xxxiv 479. xxxvii 154*] 


—— T. xxxiv 78. xlviii 436. lv 321 

W. L. lxi 30 z 

Rohan, card. de, xxviii 198] 203] xxix 193] 
Ixi 17 

chevy, de, i 94. xvii 180 

——— prince Charles de, xli 286] 

Victor de, xli 286] 296] xlii 
173] xlvii 165 

Rohillas, extermination of the, xxv 32] 
xxvii 54] 

... charge against Mr. Hastings negatived 
by the Commons, xxviii 135] 

Roi, le. See Roy 

Roize, gen. xliii 231] 91, 92. xlv 952 

Rokeby, Math. 2nd lord, xlii 31 

-.-. account of, xlii 43 

— Rich. Ist lord, xliv 7092 

Roland, xxxiv 15] 21] 25] 52] 63] 64] 
65] 67] 217. xxxv 209] 215] 229] 265] 
56. xli 158 

——— mad. xxxv 281] 56 

Roleia, battle of, 1 222] 259" 

Rolet, Dr. xxxii 196] 

Rolfe, W. xxxix 406 

Rolle, J. lord, xxvii 268] xxix 125] xxxi 
130] xxxii 158. xlix 237. liv 215] 4 

Rolleson, Obadiah, murder of, xvi 112] 

Rolleston, maj. (vol.) xlvi 355 

Rollin, C. v 227. xi 159. xiv 164, 180 

Rollo, conquest of Normandy by, xiii 40 

—w— And. lord, iv 58] 138] 140] 

Romaine, rev. W. ix 53] 69] 87] xxxvii 28 

Roman antiquities, extracts from letters 
concerning, ii 395 

+++. coins, iii 168. iv 157. v 102] 111] vii 
54] 67] 71] 88] 109} viii 75] ix 70] 

--e+ festivals, iii 168 

--..+ antiquities found in Northumberland, 
iv 70] 

---. drinking vessels, ix 65] 66] 

Roman catholics : address of those of Corke 
on the success of the British arms, ii 
«. actresses denied the rites of Chris- 
tians by, iv 109] 

+++. act for enrolling deeds and wills made 
by, v 89] 

++. galleyslave condemned to be burnt for 
throwing the host on the ground, ix 


Roman Catholics: causes assigned for their 
ascendancy in Poland, x 17] 
e+++ account of the number in every parish © 
to be taken, x 106] 109] - > 
eeee man tried for unlawfully exercising 
the functions of a priest in Surry, x 120] 
xiv 115] 
+++. the king and royal family prayed for 
in Ireland by, for the first time since the 
revolution, x 160] 
+++ exorbitant power of the clergy gradu- 
ally reducing in Italy, xiii 55] 
+++» Motion for an information against two 
magistrates for refusing to compel two 
persons to take the oaths, xix 191] 
«++» new oath framed for in Ireland, 2d. 
+. bills for the relief of, xxi 189*] 184} 
xxiii 254] xxviii Jn] xxxv 147] 187] 
Xxxvi 211] xlix 134, 421 
ee. address to his majesty, xxi 309] 
+++» associations against relaxing the laws 
respecting, xxii 194] 
ese. riots against, xxii J97] xxiii 28] 30] 
192] 220] 230] 233] 236-8] 254] xxiv 
169] 200) 272] xxv 199] xxvi 307] 309] 
XXvii 225] xxxv 19 
+++ relaxation of the laws against, xxiii 
25] 254] 
++» bill to restrain them from educating 
protestant children lost, xxiii 197*] 199*} 
+++- conversions of, xxiii 215] xxix 217] 
lili 77. vii 6. lviii 36 
+++» test, or oath prescribed to, xxiii 255] 
«+++ penal laws against, xxiii 34 
+++ prayer for the king during his illness, 
xxx 253] 
+++. address on the king’s recovery, xxxi 
«+--+ petition tothe H. of Commons, xxxi 
+++» loyal address from those of Kerry to 
the lord lieut. of Ireland, xxxiii 47] 
+++» memorial of the English to W. Pitt, 
xxxiii 82] 
- proceedings of in Ireland, xxxiv 37, #2. 
ate a bill for the relief of, in Scotland, xxxv 
+»-- address of the Irish to his majesty, 
xxxv 187] 
-+. relieved from a double land tax, xxxvi 
- memorial of the Irish to the lord 
lieut. xxxix 151 
eeo« Irish, declaration of, x] 61 
+++ admissions to monastic institutions in 
G. Britain, xlii 138] 
++. religious establishments on the conti- 
nent by the English, xlii 419 
--+- correspondence between lord Redes- 
dale and the earl of Fingal, xlv 575 
+s. petitions to both houses of parliament, 
xlvii' 61, 89, 93. liii 302. lvii 29] lviii 
49] lix 49] Ixi 55] 
«+s» address to their Protestant fellow sub- 
jects, xlix 626 


Roman Catholics: in India, 1 29 
«s+» charges against, lii 133 
.. «» letter from the bishops of N. America 
to those of Ireland, liii 340 
«++» proceedings respecting, liv 64] 119] 
133] lv 26] 99] 44. Ivii 29] lviii 49] lix 
49] Ixi 55] 60] 63] 
.-.- letter from the Irish prelates to their 
clergy, lv 349 
«» +. disunion among the Irish, lvi 215] lvii 
+. priest indicted for marrying a Catholic 
and Protestant, lvii 309 
«».. laws of foreign states respecting eccle- 
siastical matters, lviii 436 
+e Schools for Irish poor in London, !xi 
--+» See also Ireland, and Pope 
Roman empire : nations that completed it’s 
destruction, xii 256 
-+-. State of, in the height of it’s pros- 
perity, xix 134 
-»«. division of the, xxx 199 
---- ravages of, xxx 201 
--. fall of, in the West, xxx 204 
Romana, margq. of, xlviii 222. xlix 22. 1 
201] 216] 230] 232] 88*, 96". li 2, 8, 14, 
17, 19, 23, 44, 72, 189, 317, 365, 396, 
399, 671, 672, 717. lii 13, 163, 207. liii 
Romance, introduction of, into Europe, xxi 
Romanelli, abbé, liv 89 
Romano, Julio, i 318. xiii 203 
Romans, ancient, private life of the, iv 

 ese2 ——— buildings of the, viii 75] 
esse their order of battle, li 764 
- s+22 ——-— arrangement of their rowers, 
li 766 
eece hothouses not unknown to, 
lii 667 
—— modern, xxiii 7. xl 66] 

Romans, Bern. (Amer.) xxix 83. xxxviii 

Romanzo, sign. a Corsican, duel with a 
French duke in defence of the British 
character, x 91] 

Romanzow, count, xxxiii 228] xlix 256. 1 
351%. 11410. liv 168] 

—— field marsh. iv 33] 36] xi 18] 
25] xii 13] 17] 20] 24] 27] 28] xiii 13] 
xiv 76%] xv 13] 16] xvi 13] 15] 16] 17] 
83] xvii 5] xviii 156*] 138] xix 165] 
xxx 64] 

Romaro, F. murdered, | 21* 

Romart, Jac., tried and executed for mur- 
der, i 99 

Rombaud, gen. killed, xli 93, 94 

Romberg, col. xxix 43] 

Rome, ancient: benefit of the censors to, 
iii 196 

«+++ much fable in the account of, vii 158. 
ix 136. xi 157, 161 

+++. on the comitia of, vii 158 


Rome, ancient: government of, vii 159 

«++. condition and manners, when first 
pillaged by the barbarians, xix 1 

«++» revenues of, xix 137 

--.- Sce also Roman empire 

Rome, modern: description of, xxxii 47 

eeee jubilees, xli 345 

«+ ee letters from, on the Pantheon, ii 403 

ee» population of, iii 107] iv 191] xxi 217] 
xxiii 224] 

esses robbery of the Mount of Piety, iii 
118] iv 181] 

«e+» gold and silver ores found in the 
mountain Polino, iv 96] 

e»e- new Mount of Piety erected for the 
aid of the Maltese, iv 114] 

«+++ antiquities discovered at, iv 126] vii 
90] 106] viii 61] ix 111] x 123] xiv 
149] xx 193] 

«++. first instruments for measuring time 
at, iv 156, 292 

-+.. catalogue of the Vatican library, v 87] 

+++» purchases at, for the king, v 112] 

e+e. insalubrity of the city and it’s envie 
rons, vi 160 

+--+ part of the treasure in the castle of 
St. Angelo taken out on account of the 
famine, vii 83] 

e+e. brief of the pope depriving murderers 
of sanctuary, viii 120] 

oes. the pope refuses to acknowledge the 
son of the late chev. St. George, ix 6] 

+++» superiors of certain colleges banished 
for having received him with the same 
honours as a sovereign, ix 96 

»» +.» printing types in the college de Pro- 
paganda, ix 112] 

-e.. thirteen cardinals made, ix 146] 

+++. disasters of the church under the 
present pope, x 163] xi 51*] 

+++. church and convent occupied by the 
a claimed by the k. of Naples, xi 

»+-- inoculation introduced at, xi 138] 

+++» fire in the Vatican library, xi 173] 

+e. no altar to be erected in the streets on 
any festival, xi 180] 

-.-» the streets cleared of vagabonds and 

workhouses provided, xii 37] 115] 

-es great sickness at, xii 146] 

- +» very hot summer, xii 88 

+e antiquities of, xii 124. xxxix 421 

.-. the Jews subjected to a mortifying 

ceremony, xii 169 

ee-- insurrection of the galley-slaves at 
Civita Vecchia, xiii 150] 

+++. execution of two murderers at, xiii 

«+++ women forbidden to appear at church 
with their faces uncovered, xiii 175] 

.--+ Pignarelli beheaded for satirizing {the 
see, xv 92] 

-+ ++ Jesuit seminary shunt up, xv 133] 

»+-- suppression of the order, xvi 132] 


Rome, modern : regulations for the clergy, 
xviii 148*] 

«++» several labourers burnt in a wooden 
cabin in the marshes, xviii 105] 

«..- search in the Tiber for antiquities, 
xviii 149] lxi 59 

«++ poetess crowned at, xix 175] 

.«+» Jesuits banished from, xix 185] 

ésse high inquisitor assassinated, xxviii 

«ss» artists suspected of French principles 
ordered to quit, xxxv 22 

«+e» entered by the French, xxxix 15] 

«+++ bold conduct of the populace, x1 46] 

«-+. depreciation of paper money, x1 47 | 

-... tax upon ecclesiastics, 2. 

«ss.» insurrection, xl 49] 

«+.- the French ambassador 
Florence, x! 51] 

«++ French army marches to, xl 52] 

e... revolution at, zd. 
«+» contributions demanded by the French, 
x1 56] ; 
«+. different conduct of the French officers, 
x1 59] 

«... insurrections at, x1 59] 61] 68] 70] 

eee. eight cardinals arrested, x1 62] 

«+. vicegerent of the pope appointed at, 
x1 64] 

«+s. persecution of the clergy, xl 72] 

«+s. imperious conduct of the French, xl 

«... the French withdraw at the approach 
of a Neapolitan army, xl 130] 

eee» Sales at, x1 35 

«+ badges of orders to be burned, 2d. 

-».. address of the artists in favour of lord 
Bristol, x1 40 

ses. celebration of 
France, xl 41 

«.s» the Vatican church robbed by the 
French, xlii 6 

..-. arrival of the new pope, xlii 23 

---- decrees of Buonaparte’s new govern- 
ment, li 307. lii 241 

..«.» annexed to France, lii 502 

«ee. consistory of Jews established, liii 95 

ess. new mode of lighting abolished by the 
pope, lvi 82] 

+++ works of art restored to, lvii 81. lviii 

retires to 

it’s federation with 

.... Visit of the emperor and empress of 
Austria, xi 23 

-... numbers imprisoned at, Ixi 39 

Rome, G. xviii 184] 

Romeiro, Jos. ii 210, 215 

Romien, A. xlv 322, 765, 766 

Romilly, lady, Ix 148, 149 

—— sir S. xxxix 22, 43. xlvii 355. 
xlviii 93, 109, 615. xlix 145, 147, 153, 
509, 525. 1 117] 1185, 139, 169, 279. lii 
47, 55, 100, 103, 107, 131, 137, 140, 141, 
144, 252°, iii 25] 31] é. 39] 11. liv 20) 
27] 33] 37] 62] iv 8] 9] 10] 11] 12] 20] 
55] 56) 2792 lvi 108] 110] 112] 164) 



208] 210] lvii 3) lviii 54] 55] 280, 288. 
lix 29] 30] 32] 63] 64] 82] Ix 3] 12] 39) 
#6. 60] 61] 110] 114) 115) 116] 118] 122] 
125] 135] 150] 

Romilly, sir S. suicide of, Ix 146 

Romney, C, Ist earl, xv 87) xxiii 123] xxvii 
89] 268] xxviii 104] 123] xxix 134] xxxi 
137] 161] 164] xxxii 66] 84] xxxvi 204] 
xxxix 250] 262] xli 165] 28. xlii 84] xliii 
6] 122] xliv 9, 167. xlv 113. xlvi 62. 
xlvii 52 

C. 2nd earl, xlviii 443. lviii 170 

——— 4G. (painter) viii 93] 

Rob. 2nd lord, vi 95] xiii 70) xv 
87] xvi 96] 

Romulus, vii 158”, 162. xiv 180 

Ronald, Janet, indicted for administering 
poison to her sister, vi 78] 

Ronalds, Hugh, lx 561 

Ronciglione, duchy of, claimed by the king 
of Naples, xi 54* ] 

Rondeau, gen. lvii 127] lviii 158] xi 255) 

Rondeaux, viii 138 

Roofs, fall of, lv 70 

eee adm. sir G. vi 72] xvii 88] xxx 

gen. xxxiv 401 

maj. iv 124] 

sir Giles, xxxvili 6. xliv 560. xlvi 
559. xlviii 94 

Rooker, _v 136] vi 55] 

——. Edw. viii 194n] 

——— J. lx 335 

Rooks, young, in November, viii 146] 

-.-- man killed in an attempt to steal, xlvi 


*xv 89 

Roose, xv 27 

Roper, col. — shot in a duel, xxxvi 24 

Ropes, strength of, vi 27 

-+«- from Bengal hemp, xlii 38 

Roquemont, de, commander of the city 
guard of Paris, x 86] 

Rore, Cipriano di, xxxi 190 

Rosa, gen. xli 81] 

Salvator, xvi 164 

—— della, don Em. ii 252 

Rosamel, capt. (F.N) liv 137] 

Rosamouski, v 19 
Rosbach, battle of, i 22. xlviii 195 
Roschmanny, lv 163] 

Roscoe, W, xxxiil 397] xxxvii 27*] 30°] 
id 159*~62*] xl 448. xlii 454. xlix 

Rose, capt. (N) xliii 112] 84 

——— C. convicted of manslaughter, lvii 

—— Francis, convicted of forgery, xxxvi 

—— G. xxiii 382] xxviii 189. xxxiv 159] 
160] 29. xxxv 166] 172] xliii 147] 144, 
152. xliv 403, 828. xlv 123, 195. xlvi 
112,114. xlvii 42, 86, 99, 108, xlviii 78, . 
85, 884. xlix 83, 95, 100, 133, 633, 1 53] 
84] 221*. 1i 93, 95, 167, 280, 1ii 83, 123, 


452. iii 43] 68] liv 18] 67] 92] lv 50] 
Ivi 127] 129] 165] lvii 24] 
- Rose, G. H. 1 221* 
Hugh, li 280 
rev. J. xl 95 
—— §.xl1177 
sir J. W. xxiii 207] xli 2, xliv 560. 
xlv 458 
—— Theodore, xliii 152 
—— W. G.1 184* 
W. Stewart, Ixi 501, 511 
Rose street, Covent Garden, fire in, xvii 

Nei], 3rd earl, xvii 163} xxvii 
Roseberry, Archib. J. 4th earl, lvii.283 
Roseingrave, W. xix 133] 
Rosemary lane, fire in, xlv 375 
Rosen, count Axel, lvi 40] 
Rosenberg, count, viii 197] 
prince baron, li 205, 392 
Rosenburg, gen. xli 262] 270] 
Rosencrantz, count xiii 44] xxviii 57] 
Rosenhagen, v 92 
Rosensteil, xli 256] 
Roses, method of making ottah of, xxxi 60 
Rosetti, C. xxix 15, 18” 
——— gen. lvii 208 
Rosey, xlvi 163x, 165, 623 
Rosia, anchoress, ii 358 
_ Rosicrucians, xxxiii 246] 254] 
Rosilly, adm. xlvii 234. 1 186] 192] 
_ Roslanley, Wells, xix 189] 
_ Rosoman, xiv 112] 
Ross, xxiii 56. xxv 113] xxvii 79] 230] 
xxviii 109] 
— adm. sir J. Lockhart. See Lockhart 
— Alex. xliv 778 
— bish. J. xxiv 173] xxxviii 335 
—— capt. (N) xlv 547, lvii 104 
(N) lx 156 
col, J. 1 265* 
— David, i 433. x 238, xx 171] xxi 179] 
Xxxii 219] 
/ —— G. (Amer.) xvii 218] xviii 265] 
—— G. convicted of libel, xli 22 
— G. liv 84 
—— James, pilloried, ii 99 
Tyrrel, xl 179 
—m. gen. Rob. xlviii 592. lv 192, 199, 
Ivi 183] 187] 164, 218, 225, 226, 229, 
230, 237 
— O’Donaghoe, i 325 
—— prof, J. xx 166] 
— Ralph (Gore) ear] of, xxxii 310] 
— sir James, xvii 218 
—— and Ogilvy, messrs., xxxiv 145 
aye Laurence, earl of, liii 14] 83] liv 

Rossi, C. xxiv 200] xliii 145 
de, Portia, vi 17 
Rossignol, gen. xxxviii 150] 
Rossiter, ald. James, x 50] xiv 102] 
col. xlvii 885 
Rosslyn, powder-mills blown up, xlvii 424 



Rosslyn, Alex. Ist earl of, ix 149] xii 155] 
156] xiii 232) xiv 46] 80] xxii 239] 256} 
xxiii 217] 236] xxiv 199] xxv 194] xxvi 
166] 167] 178] 205] 223] xxvii 181*] 
203] 227) xxviii 110] 121] 122] 137] 
201] 212] xxix 97] 110] 205] xxx 120] 
166] 205] 221] 298] xxxi 72] 157] 227] 
298] 304] xxxiii 269, 29] xxxiv 159] 11, 
21, 25. xxxv 36] 44) 54] xxxvi 240] 
248] 266] 276] xxxvii 113-5, xxxviii 29] 
45] 40. xxxix 151] 186] 264] 34, 42, 
364. x] 230] xli 187] 15. xlii 143] 144] 
158] xliii 21] 135] xliv 148. xlv 149. 
xlviii 29. xlix 1000. li 80, 114. lii 59. 
Ivii 289 

«+... his charge to the jury on the riots, 
xxiii 277] 

-... action against Walter for libel, xxviii 

——-—- countess of, lvi 23 

James St. Clair, 2nd earl of, xxix 
157] xxxi 132] xIvi 525. xlviii 224, 
226, 683*, 699*. 121] 1i 476. ii 436. liv 
38] 42] Iviii 171. lix 65] Ix 34] 128} 
147] 148] Ixi 148] 149] 150 

Rostam (persian hero) xxi 170 

Rostan, de, ix 120 

Rostallan, gen. xli 127 

Rostopschin, count, xli 290, liv 174] 

Rotch, Benj. lviii 348 

Rothallier, marsh, count, lvii 183 

Rothelin, de, abbe, xxxi 9 


* Rotheram, Dr. J. xiii 174] 

— rev. J. xiv 67. xxxi 218] 

Rotherhithe, fires at, viii 97] x 86] xii 158] 
xvii 119] xviii 164] xxxiii 36] 

Rothersy, lieut, (N) xlii 6 

Rothes, gen. J. 8th earl of, iii 255] vi 119] 

G, W. 10th earl, xlv 440. lix 3] 32 

James, duke of, See Leslie 

Jane Eliz. countess of, xvii 102] 

Rothschild, N. M, lx 55 ‘ 

Rottenburg, 1. gen. Francis, baron, xli 123, 
4 sad lii 436. Iv 186] 134, lvi i191] 


Rouchon, — xli 91] 94] 
Rouelle, viii 179, xiv 141] 
Rouge, col. iv 141] 

Rouget, gen. liv 154] 
Rouille, ii 210, v 254] 
Roulands, James, xxxii 352] 
Round court, fire in, xv 136] 
Roupel, couns. lyiii 280 
Rouquet v. Sherborne, lix 187 
Rous, couns, xxix 198] xxx 110] li 427 
Rob. xviii 98] 
—— sir J. xvi 100] xx 117. xxv 175] 
——— T. B, xvii 110] xix 132] xxiv 179*] 
178] xxx 177] xxxiv 78 
Rouse, C. W. Boughton, xxvii 268] 127 
Rousin, gen, —-xxxv 277] 
Rousseau, xlii 13] 
J. Bapt. (poet) xxxvii 133*n] 
xxxvili 345, 513 
- J, James, ii 479. v 160, 227, viii 


215,216. ¥ 173, xi 197. xiii 233, xiv 256. 
xviii 7, 64. xix 50] 32. xx 35. xxxiii 193. 
xxxiv 462n. xxxviii 343, 487. xlvi 933. 
1 261 
Rousseau, J. James, Voltaire’s character of, 
iv 208 
e+e» on instructing children by fables, v 

.»-. letter to the syndic of Geneva, vi 86] 
«++. character of, by himself, vi ; 
-+>» cantata from, vi 211 , 

..-- his Letters from the Mountain ccn- 
demned to be burnt in Holland, viii 60} 

e+e. repairs to Berlin, viii 155] 

-+» his originality disputed, viii 156] 

e+.» on French music, x 194 a 

-»-. paper left on his table on quitting 
Bourgoin, xii 193 

ss his first arrival at Paris, xxv 25 

eee» Sequel to Emilius, xxvi 171 

of Toulouse, editor of the Journal 
Encyclopédique, xiii 149 

Rouswell, col. xxv 128 

Rouvellet, J. D. R. xlviii 422, 426, 437 

Rouviere, dela, _iii 161] iv 132] 163) 

Rouvroi, gen. xxxi 167 

Rouz, A. lxi 300 

Rovedino (singer) xxxvi 15 

Roveray, xxvi351] 

Roverella, card. xl 62] 

Roviere, Franeis Maria, x66} 

++«» chosen doge of Genoa, viii 60] 

Rovigo, duke of. See Savary, gen. 

Roviras, col. liii 115] 

Row, W. xl 388 

Rowan, Archib. Hamilton, xxxix 145. xl 
156] 162. xli 157, 159, 166 

-. +» tried for sedition, xxxvi 4, 6 

eves escape of, xxxvi 12, 33 

e+.» pardoned, xlvii 402 

lieut. F. (A) xlv 534 

Roweroft, ald. T, xlv 443. xlix 387. 1 135* 

Rowden, Phil. xx 201] 202] 

Rowe, J. lvi 38 

—— Milward, xxiy 324] 

——Nich. x 221. xi 166. xii 6). xviii 
222. xxv 206 

T. xviii 86 

Rowell, v 152 

G. Turner, executed for murder, lv 
59, 63 

Rowland, capt. _ (N) lvi 236 

Francis, iv 291] 292] 

Rowlands, bish. H. ix 72] 

— rev. H. v 146, ix 296 

Rowley, vii 44 

— adm. sir C. xlviii 589. liv 136] lv 

111] lvi 192 
———— Joshua, i 88. xxii 200*] 
204*] xxiii 215*] 226*] 229*] xxiv 27] 
33] xxvi 206] 259] 

—————.—. Josias, xlvii 45]. xlviii 
582, 603. 111 264, 266, 314. lili 173. liv 
5] 141) Ivi 170] 148, 192, 194 

———— capt. S. C. (N) liv 157] 208 




Rowley, friar T. xviii 195. xix 155, 162, 
211. xxxii 207] aie 

«+s. on the poems ascribed to, xix 155. 
xxi 153. xly 773. xi 457 

G. xxiii 382] 

sir W. lvii 23 

Rowntree, T. xl 386. xlvi 824. xlvii 850 

Roxburgh, Dr. W. xlv 821. xlix 833, lii 
619. Ix 566 

— Rob. Ist earl, xxi 242 

Qnd duke of, v 16 

— W. 4th duke, liv 85 

Roxton, T, lviii 348 

Roy Dolub, i 32 

— Radicum, xxx 178] 

Roy, gen. (French) xli 148] 159] 1i 206 

—— maj. gen, W. xxxii 212] 

«++ Copleian medal to, xxxii 212] 324] 

— de, gen. Ivi 3] 

— le (Fr. eng.) xxi 116 

(son of Julien) invented bad sails, 

vi 109] 

(surgeon) xxi 113 

Julien David, ii 397, 398. xxiv 


Peter, x 96] 141} 

Royal Academy of Arts: institution of, xi 

--+. opened, xii 65) 

.... illumination in honour of the king’s 
birthday, xii 106] 

e»s. prize medals, xii 128] 151] xiii 
170] xviii 184] xxi 214] xxvi 223] xli 

so. discourse at opening, xii 208} 

+» lectures by the prof. of anatomy, xiii 
xiii 152] 

++. apartments in Somerset house granted 
to, xiv 68] 

+++» discourses at delivering the prize 
medals, xiv 161] 152. xv 144. xvi 160. 
xxv 146 

sees Officers elected, xxiv 200] xxv 228] 
xxvi 223] xlvii 418 

«+.» present to, xlii 31 

-... dispute respecting the appropriation 
of funds, xlv 459 

—-— Circus, See Theatres 

—— College of Surgeons, grant to, Iii 
423 en 

+e» grant for building a hall, xlvii 588 

aintete a building for a museum, 
xlviii 639. 1 182* 

—— Exchange, 
open, | 23* 

—~-— fumily, pensions to wet nurses, xvii 

—— of architecture, 

several offices broken 

.. additions to income of the younger 
branches, xlviii 80 

.... provision for the princesses, liy 333 

—— George, loss of the, xxv 225*] 219] 
226] xxvi 201] 211] lix 42 

——— Institution, xlii 6 


RU ‘4 
Royal Institution, plan for improving, li 

- Military Asylum, xlii 162. xliii 21, 
186. xliv 585. xlv 623. xlvi 578. xlvii 586. 
xlviii 637. xlix 725*. 1 181*. li 130, 535. 
lix 335. Ix 422. xi 70] 418, 420 
College, xliii 186, 209. xliv 
585. xlv 373, 623. xlvi 578. xlvii 586. 
xlviii 637, xlix 725*. 1 181*. li 535, lix 
329. Ix 422. 1xi 69] 70] 418, 420 
Naval Asylum, xlvii 591. 1 183%. li 
537. lii 424 in 
«++s visit of the queen and princesses, lvii 

Royalty theatre. Sce Theatres 

Royle, capt. (A) xvii 523 

Royston, James, xlix 852 

—-— Phil. vise. 1 27*, 61* 

Rozier, ab. Francis, xix 65. xxxii 58 

Pilatre de, xxvi 70 

«+-- death of, xxvii 328] 

Ruan Lanyhorne castle, xlv 858 

Rubbish, indictment for injury done by 
leaving in the street, v 90] 

Rubens, sir P. P. iii 252. v 25. vii 51, 277. 
ix 225. xv 147. xvi 164. xxv 179. xxxix 
491.1 125* 

---- anecdotes of, xv 25 

Rubinelli, (singer) xxix 206] 

Rubruquis, xxiii 59 

Ruchel, gen. xxxvii 110. xlviii 189, 192 

Rucker, J. Ant. xxvii 184] 

—_—— J. Pet. vi 116] 

Rudbart, capt. xlii 252, xliii 88] 

Rudbeck, gen. bar. xv 56] 60] 62] xxiv 66 

———— Olaus, ii 331. xliii 413 

Rudd, xliv 581 : 

Marg. Carolina, xviii 130] 139] 222] 

«+e. trial of, xviii 228] 

Rudder, xxx 126 

Ruder, Hindoo deity, xxvii 129 

Rudge, James Horatio, 1 221 

Rudolphine tables, iv 192] 

Rudolphus I, emp. xlii 305, 308, 485 

Ii, emp. xiv 227x. xvii 52 

Rue, de la, C. xxxii 109 

Ruffhead, Owen, xii 62, 176, 177. xviii 42. 
xlix 786 

Ruffin, x1 270. xli 69] 70] 116] xlix 17. 
iti 113] 181 

Ruffo, card. xli 277] 291] xlviii 136, 138 

Rugen, ceded to Prussia, lvii 112] 

Ruggeri, abp. xiii 194 

aut, gen. xxxiv 107] 110] 

Ruiz, Pedro, xlviii 376 

Rule, James, damages against, for arresting 
on a false claim of debt, ix 94] 

— —— his nurse murdered by, lvi 1 

Rulhieres, de, xl 14 

Rullecourt, baron, xxv 96] 

Rumball, J. xlvii 366 

Rumbold, sir G. xlv 734 

++-- Seizure of, xlvi 183, 428, 433, 705. 
xlviii 801 

———— sir T, xviii 109] xix 126] xx 105] 



xxv 45] 51] 188] xxvii 48] 49] 183*] 301] 
Xxxvii 208] xlvii 68 

-+ +. charges against, xxvii 51] 

Rumford, fire at, xxxvii 22 

Rumford, Benj. count, xxxiv 404, xl 397. 
xlii 130] 133] 

Be , Re on heat, xxxix 423, xliii 

---- donation to the Royal Society for a 
prize medal, xl 2 
Rummer tavern, damages given to the mis- 
tress for being dragged to prison by mem- 
bers of the Society for Reformation of 
Manners, vi 57] 
Rumohr, bar. Ixi 52 
Rumphius, Dr. G. E. lviii 579 
Rumsey, col. xiv 28, 31 
— T. xxiv 279] xxxii 351] 
Rundle, bish. T. xix 36. xlii 311 
+++. account of, xxxi 1 
—— H. lvi 38 
Runjeet Sing, xlvii 523 
Runnington, serg. C. xlvii 363. Ivii 40 
*Runnymead, subscription for a column in, 
xxx 220 
Rupert, prince, xii 35, 54, 191: xxv 128. 
xlvii 375 
Ruppia, fire at, xxix 218] : 
Rupture surgeon, imposition of one, vi 57] 
Rurick, grand duke of Russia, xxii 215] 
Rusby, convicted of regrating, xlii 23. 
xliii 22] 
Rusca, gen. x1 131] xli 153] 
ie Dr. Benj. xxviii 70. xxx 220] xxxvi 

«+++ account of, lviii 470 

—— J. (surgeon) xliii49 

—— Rich. Ixi 119 

Rushcomb house burnt down, xxxiv 10 
Rusher, Phil. xliv 775 

Rushworth, (M.P.) xxxi 84] 

J. iv 173. xvii 37. xxviii 172 
Russar, Abdul, xxiii 45 

Russel, xxi 166] xlvii 395 

- (Amer.) liv 313, 442. lv 4] 

— (Irish reb.) executed, xlv 298, 

adm. Edw. earl of Orford, xix 182] 

xxii 65] xxxix 236] 

adm. T. Macnamara, xxvi 259, xlix 

686*. 1 93* 

bish. J. xxi 223 

Dr. Alex. iii 121] 75. ix 142. xii 

82, xxiv 20. xxxvii 10"] 

Dr. Patrick, xii 82. xxxii 63 

+--+ account of the earthquakes in Syria, 
iv 95, 98 

e..- Arabian mode of inoculation, xii 82 

Edw. xi 110] 151] xiii 104] xviii 


James, xxxiv 144 

Jonath. (Amer.) lvi 192] 

lady Caroline, i379 

7 is oe Rachel, xiv 33, xlii 12, xlili 



Russell, lord J..xxxiv 78, 88, 89. lviii 2] 10] 
Ixi 157] ’ 
lord J. (1766 to 1802) See Bedford, 

lord W. x1 226] xliii 185] xlvii 48. 

lvi 180 

rey. G, xiii 210 

Rich. will of, xxvii 202] 226] 

sir Francis, ix 317 

sir W. See Bedford, duke 

T. xxxiv 11 

T. xl 101 

T. (poet) xxxi 165 

W. lord, vi 273. xii 53. xiv 23, xxxv 

8] xlii 12 

W. lix 234 

W. (coal agent) xi 222] 

W. (of Showell green) xxxiii 27] 
xxxiv 11, 35 

Russel street, Bloomsbury, fire in, xxxix 


Covent garden, fire in, xviii 
Russen, rev. Benj. executed for a rape, xx 
205] 207] 215] 
Russia: formerly tributary to the Tatars, 
---.- rules of assemblies in, iii 214 
eee memorial in answer to the Teutonic 
order on it’s claim to Courland and Semi- 
gallia, iv 100] 
pee supplied with furs from England, iv 
o» «» supposed first classic printed in, v 87] 
«+e» discovery and conquest of Siberia, vi 
-++- differences with China, vii 93 
+++. discovery of the Aleutian islands, viii 
eees punishment of adultery in, viii 95] 
e+ ++ Soldiers of, ix 175. xlix 924. lviii 161 
+++. manners and customs, xiii | 
+... tyranny of the government, xiii l, 117, 
138, 152, 154 
---. Slaves of two kinds, xiii 2 
e+e. priests, xiii 3 
e+ «+ anecdotes of the court, xiii 133 
++». massacre of the Swedish envoy to the 
Porte, xiii 137 
+.» barbarous punishments, xiii 15], xxvii 
eoee the knoot, xxvii 118 
..+. prevalence of drunkenness in formerly, 
iii 215. xv 150 
«+e. Climate of, xxi 94 
-+-. flying mountains, a winter diversion, 
xxi 100 
+e. progress of civilization in, xxiv 159 
«ee literature of, xxiv 160 
ese. penal laws, xxvii 119 
+++. prisons, xxvii 120 
++. introduction of Christianity, xlii 315 
«+ distribution of the inhabitants, lvi 542 
+.» population of, lvi 544-52 
e+ee manufactures of, lvii 67 


Russia : revenues, lviii 161 
++. Subsidized by the English, i 5 
«++» reasons for the alliance with, i 6 
«+++ confederates against Prussia, i 7 
+++» sends an army to invade it, i 15 
+... it’s armies enter ducal Prussia and 
Lusatia, i 20 
«... defeat the Prussians at Norkitten, 74. 
-.+.- the Russians retreat, i 26 
«+++ dissatisfaction of the empress, i 40 
+++ the Cossacks and Calmucks make in- 
cursions into Silesia, i 42 ° 
e-.. the Russians invade Brandenburg, 
and besiege Custrin, i 48, 5] 
ee defeated there, i 52 
---. retreat toward Pomerania, i 59 
«++. retire with disgrace, 7b. 
-... declaration delivered to all the foreign 
ministers at Petersburg, i 161 
++. politics of, ii 5 
---- progress of it’s forces, ii 10 
». +» they advance toward the Oder, ii 23 
«.++ battle of Zullichau, ii 24 
+++» Crossen and Frankfort taken, 7b. 
«++» reinforced by 1200 horse and 8000 foot 
under Laudohn, ii 25 
+... theirintrenchments forced by the king 
of Prussia, 2d. 
--.. the Prussians at length defeated, ii 
«++ junction with the Austrian army, ii 28 
e+e. retreat into Poland, ib. 
+++. reported fresh treaty with the empress 
queen, iii 4] 
-+.. it?s armies enter Silesia and Pomerania, 
iii 26) 
+++. pass the Oder, iii 27] 
«+e» retreat across, iii 29] 
«.-. enter Brandenburg, iii 43] 
«+» invest Colberg, iii 45] 
«+++ forces employed by, iii 110] 
+... declaration on the proposal of peace, 
iii 203] 
+++. proposals for peace, iv 3] 272] 
«+s. one army marched toward Pomerania, 
another toward Breslaw, iv 32] 
++. besiege Colberg, iv 33] 
+... their magazines in Poland destroyed, 
«+s retire into Poland, iv 34] 
e+, waste Brandenburg, 7d. 
-+. take Treptow, iv 36] 
.. «+ Colberg surrenders, @. 
.... take up winter quarters in Pomerania, 
iv 37] 
.. «+ death of the empress Elizabeth, v 11] 
+++ politics of, v 12] 
..++ proposals of Peter ILI for peace, v 13] 
.-.. joins Prussia, v 14] 
. actempts the recovery of Holstein, v 
. revolution in, v 17] 222] 
-.-~ conduct of the empress toward Prussia, 
v 22] 



Russia: papers relative to the revolution in, 
v 222] 

+++. the empress desirous of a native suc- 
ceeding to the crown of Poland, vi 47] 

«+, attention to the British ambassador 
and count Mercy, vi 53] 

-.+» general invitation to all foreigners, 
except Jews, to settle in, vi 59] 74] 

-..- Courland taken possession of by the 
Russian troops, vi 60] 

«s+. misapplication of the money intended 
for settlers, vi 74] 

«+++ inquiry made into the conduct of the 
war, vi 97] 

«++. present of dressing plate to the tzarina 
from the English merchants, vi 107] 

--.- memorial from the empress delivered 
to the Polish resident, vi 215] 

eee. State of, vii 2] 

+++. sends an army into Poland to support 
Poniatowski, vii 11] 

a+. two bodies of Poles defeated, vii 13] 

---- disturbance in, vii 14] 

e+.» assassination of Ivan, vii 17] 106] 

-+.. manifesto of the empress on the occa- 
sion, vii 185] : 

+... all claim to any of the Polish provinces 
renounced by the tzarina on being ac- 
knowledged empress of all the Russias, 
vii 94] 

---+- an exclusive right to purchase saltpe- 
tre granted to the k. of Prussia, vii 109] 

-».. treaty with Prussia, vii 181] 

---- conduct of the empress, viii 5] 

«++. proposals to the Polish diet, viii 62] 

---- these supported by an armed force, ix 

eee Daiainive alliance with Austria against 
the Turks, ix 53] 

.»-- British settlement on the Wolga, for 
trading to Astracan and Persia, about to 
be reviyed, ix 120} 

+. treaty of commerce with G. Britain, 
ix 123] 

---- formation of a new code of laws, x 10] 
129] xi 87] , 

«+s. proceedings in support of the Polish 
dissidents, x 23] 78] 

«++. war with Turkey, xi 1] 5] 

+... the Austrian territories violated by, 
xi 7] 

+--+. commercial treaty with Poland, xi 8] 

---- various engagements with the confe- 
derated Poles, xi 13] 21] 24] 

+--+. violation of the Turkish territories, 
xi 16] 17] 29] 

+ ++» Cracow taken by storm, xi 20] 21] 

a ania against the Porte, xi 23] 

++» line of troops formed along the Turk- 
ish frontiers of Poland, xi 25] 

+++» declaration on the war with Turkey, 
xi 26] 202] 283] 

+++. number of men to be furnished to com- 
plete the armies, xi 27] 



Russia: the Poles pursued into Tatary, Balta 
stormed, and Turks and Tatars massacred 
with them, xi 29] ° 

-+- the resident in Turkey sent to the 
Seven Towers, xi 30] 

--++ on the representation of the British 
and Prussian ministers removed to the 
keeper’s house, xi 34] 

+++ disputes with Denmark respecting 
Holstein adjusted, xi 40] xvi 31] 

«+.» treaty with Hamburgh as a free im 
perial city, 2d. 

-»++ gentlemen allowed to appear at court 
without swords, xi 78] : 

+... progress of the waragainst the Turks, 
xii 2] 

+... navy sent from the Baltic into the 
Mediterranean, 2). 129] 

.... the frontiers harassed by the Tatars, 
xii 13] 

-+ +. State of it’s armies in the spring, id. 

«+ fresh contributions raised, xii 14] 

+++» new council appointed, 7. 

+++. insists upon money or men from her 
allies, 7b. 

-+-- irruption of the Tatars, 76. 

--.. attack and defeat of the Turks near 
Choczim, xii 16] 

+». retreat of prince Gallitzin across the 
Niester, xii 17 

+++» actempt upon Oczakow, 7b. 

---- battles between the Calmucks and 
Cuban Tatars, xi 18] 

--«. forbids the Poles to remain neutral, 
xii 19] 

++. Other severe battles near Choczim, xii 
20] 21] 

+++. siege of Choczim raised again, xi! 21] 

ie pe retreat across the Niester, 7). 

+++. attempts of the Turks to cross the 
Niester, xii 24] 25] 

zie Choczim abandoned by the Turks, xii 


»».. the provinces of Moldavia and Walla- 
chia overrun, xii 27] : 

+++. Spirited manifesto of the Lithuanians 
against, xii 30] 

+». manifesto of prince Gallitzin, 70. 

++.» Savage treatment of the Poles, xii 33} 

+++. conduct of the Italian states on the 
appearance of it’s fleet in the Mediter- 
ranean, xii 39] xiii 28] 

-»»- the fleet to rendezvous at Spithead, 
xii 137] 

+++. Squadron in the Sound, xii 157] 

-.+» contract at Gibraltar for supplying the 
Mediterranean fleet, xii 164] 

-... remarks on the progress of it’s mari- 
‘time state, xiii 2] 

.... harassing warfare during the 
xiii 12] 

+++. forces of, xiii 13] 

«+++ opening of the campaign, xiii 14] 

+++ battle at the Larga, xiii 16] 



Russia: battle between the Pruth and the 
Cahul, xiii 17) 

-.+. siege of Bender, xiii 20] 

++ee the place stormed, xiii 21] 

+++ the Budziac Tatars submit to Russia, 
xiii 25] 

eves Siege of Ibrailow, id. 

-» ++ Kilia Nova and Bialogrod surrendered, 

«++» Winter quarters, xiii 26] 

+++ arrival of the fleet in the Mediterra- 
nean, xiii 27] ’ 

«»+- insurrection of the Greeks excited, 
xiii 28] 

+e. the fleet reinforced by adm. Elphin- 
stone’s squadron, xiii 34] 

«ees naval engagement, 7d. 

e+e. a Russian and a Turkish flagship 
blown up together, 7d. 

eee. the whole Turkish fleet and town of 
Cisme destroyed, xiii 35] 

«+.. the fleet unable to pass the Darda- 
nelles, xiii 38] 

«+. State of at the close of the campaign, 
xiii 1] 8] 

ees. views of, xiii 5] 6] 

---- loans negotiated with foreign powers, 
xiii 8] 

ee.» man-of-war taken into Portsmouth to 
be cut down, xiii 67] 

e++» mortality among the scamen, xiii 69] 

e+ee English marine exercise taught on 
board the ships at Portsmouth, xiii 75] 

e+.» Jews expelled from, xiii 166] 

e+». Magnificent present from the empress 
¥ ae Greek church at Port-Mahon, xiii 

e+e» difficulties of continuing the war, xiv 73* 

«+++ Turks driven out of Giurgewo, 7d. 

-+..- invasion of the Crimea, id. 

eee lines of Precop stormed, xiv 74*] 

+-.- the Turks every where defeated, xiv 

eos Giurgewo retaken, zi, 

«+++ the Russians repulsed in an attack on 
it, xiv 76*] 

s-e- the Turks defeated in different en- 
gagements, xiv 77*] 

eee» Giurgewo taken again, 7d. 

-++- Mediterranean fleet, xiv 78*] 134] 

eve- plague and consequent riots at Mos- 
cow, xiv 79*| 

eee price of peace demanded by, xiv 80*] 

e+e partition of Poland, xv 4] 25]] 255] 

eee. army assembled on the frontiers of 
Sweden, xv 8] 

+ee- Negotiations with Turkey for peace, 
xv 13] 16] xvi 11] 

e... treaty with the Crim Tatars, xv 16] 

eee policy with respect to Poland, xv 24] 

«+.. manifesto on thé dismemberment of 
Poland, xv 28] 

«s+» parts of Poland annexed to, xv 30] 

«+». importation of foreign gold coin, ex- 
cept Dutch ducats, prohibited, xv 107] 


Russia: persons forbidden to speak on reli- 
gion, politics, or affairs of state, xv 107] 
e+e punishment of forgers of bank bills, — 
xv 152] 
e+». number of persons dead of the plague, 
xv 155] 
--«- State of, at the close of 1773, xvi 2] 
+++» revolt of the Cossacks, xvi 5] 19] xvii — 
4] 11] 
sees ——— in Kasan, xvi 5] ; 
cee oe with Turkey fruitless, xvi 

e+-- refuses a prolongation of the armis- 
tice, xvi 13] 

«+.» frequent encounters on the Danube, id. 

e+.» the river passed, xvi 14] 

+++» the march to Silistria greatly harassed 
by the Turks, 2d. 

++ attack of Silistria, and retreat from it, 
xvi 15] 18] 

e+. repass the Danube, xvi 16] 18] 

+++. campaign in Bulgaria, xvi 17] 

+++» attempt on Varna, 2d. 

«+ trifling engagements in the Black sea, 
xvi 20] 

+++ Operations in the Levant, 74. 

e+e» conduct toward the Venetians, xvi 21] 

--+- plunder of Christian vessels, xvi 22] : 

ae emigration of the Torgut Tatars, xvi 


++e+ suspicions of Sweden, xvi 30] 31] 

e--+ cession of Holstein to Denmark, xvi 
31] 4] 148] 

«e+ Marriage of the grand duke, xvi 32} 
137] 146] 

e+e. attention to the fleet, xvi 32] 

--+» disappointment in Georgia, xvi 33] 

«++» discovery of silver mines in Siberia, 2d. 

+++» public spectacles, 2b. : 

++. attention to commerce, 7b. 

+++» discontents, xvi 34] 

++». conduct toward Poland, xvi 36] 

«ee. More commodious dwellings for the 
peasantry ordered by the empress, xvi 

Laide 7 with Turkey, xvii 2] 7] 

-+.. attempts of the Tatars defeated, xviid] 

+...» the army crosses the Danube, 2d. 

e+.» prisons thrown open, and exiles re- 
called from Siberia, on the conclusion of 
peace, xvii 8] ; 

+». cessation of an engagement between 
two armies on the arrival of the news, 
xvii 9] ws 

+= proceedings of Pugatschelf, xvii 11] 

.«-- Schism in the church, xvii 12] 

.. ++ defeats of Pugatscheff, xvii 13] 

-»+» he is taken, and conveyed to Moscow 
in an iron cage, xvii 15] 

«++. several men-of-war wrecked in the 
Archipelago, xvii 152] 

se Sway of, in Poland, xviii 153*] 

--.. execution of Pugatscheff, xviii 154°] 

.... diminution of taxes, xviii 155*] 120] 

sees Mitigation of punishments, 72. 



Russia : money advanced to the proprietors 
in the provinces late, in rebellion, xviil 

«+s restrictions taken off, xviii 120] 

-«.. other regulations, 76. 

.--- demur of an admiral to salute the Bri- 
tish flag at Spithead, xviii 129] 4 

«++. manifesto respecting Ragusa, xviii 

e-.- diminution of taxes in White Russia, 

e»+- encouragement of trade in the Black 
Sea, 7b. 

e+» rewards bestowed on account of the 
war, xviii 138] 4 

«+,» attempts at improvement, xix 189*] 

e+.» wastes colonized, 2d. 177] ] 

e+.» death of the grand duchess and mar- 
riage of the grand duke, xix 190*] 165] 
-.-. several in the suite of the ambassador 
to Turkey embrace Islamism, xix 141] 
---- visit of the grand duke to the king of 
Prussia, xix 165] 

«++. commercial house on a large scale 
opened at Constantinople, xix 177] 

_e+-. revenue of, xix 203] xx 186*] 170] 

-+-. fresh disputes with Turkey, xx 184*] 
xxiii 7] xxvii 23] 

«»..» disturbances in the Crimea, xx 185*] 

ess progress of, xx 186*] 182] 

+... visit of the king of Sweden to, xx 
186*] 187] 195] 

e+. interference in the German war, xxiii 

+... disputes with Turkey settled, xxiii 9] 
xxvii 39] 

«++. armed neutrality formed by, xxiii 
205*] 347] xxiv 300] 

++-+~ invitation to the Dutch to join it, xxiii 

e+. interview of the empress with the 
emperor of Austria, xxiv 10] 

«++. Visit of prince Henry of Prussia to 
Petersburg, 7d. 

«+.» punishments of printers for libels on 
the ambassador, xxiv 184] 

«+++ memorial to the states general on a 
mediation with Britain, xxiv 310] xxv 
204] 298] 

«+++ augmentation of the navy, xxv 193] 

«++. mediator for peace, xxvi 132] 

«++. the Crimea and Cuban annexed to, 
xxvi 212] 363] xxvii 35] 

«+++ manifesto on the occasion, xxvii 36] 

answered by the Porte, xxvii 

37) . 

eee» treaty of commerce with Turkey, 
xxvii 39 

eevee accommodation between the 

two powers, xxvii 39] 
++» takes part with the emperor against 
_ Holland, xxvii 120] 352] 
+++ jealousy excited by it’s connexion with 
Austria, xxvii 121] 
Pant I. 


Russia : seconds Austria in it’s proposed ex- 
change of the Netherlands for Bayaria, 
xxvii 126] 

e+-- expeditions to explore by land and 
sea, xxviii 139] 140] é 

---- canal for uniting the Baltic with the 
Caspian, xxviii 140] 

e+e+ commercial treaty with Austria, xxvili 

eee. ——— France, 7. 

e+ that with G. Britain suffered to expire, 

-... war with the Tatars, xxviii 143] 

«... grand preparations for a coronation of 
the empress in Taurida, xxviii 146] 

«-.. these set aside in consequence of the 
war, xxviii 148] 

+++. Stoppage of the trade with China, 
xxviii 149] 

---- bank for lending money established by 
the empress, 7b. 

e+». troops marched into Courland to se- 
cure a free election, xxviii 151] 

++.- ambassador at the Porte sent to the 
Seven Towers, xxix 215] 

e-.. State of the navy, xxix 216] 

e+e» manifesto against Turkey, xxix 312] 

+.» terms proposed to, xxx 9] 

.... the Turks declare war, xxx 10] 

«+». Turkish manifesto, 7b. 

e-.» Russian, xxx 13] 

«++. man-of-war driven to Constantinople, 
xxx 14] 

ee. defeat of sheik Mansour, xxx 16] 193] 

e--- ——— the Turks at Kinburne, xxx 

«+» Austria left to sustain the burden of 
the war, xxx 40] 

e+» siege of Choczim, xxx 44] 

e+». warlike preparations directed toward 
the Black Sea, xxx 57] 

+.+» disposition of the European powers 
toward, xxx 59] 

-... ample preparations for the siege of 
Ockzakow, xxx 64] 

e+». naval engagements on the Nieper, 
xxx 64] 65] 248] 

e+e» Slege of Ockzakow, xxx 66] xxxi 196] 

e-.. note of the ambassador to the Swedish 
ministry, xxx 285] 

e+e. war with Sweden, xxx 68] 

«+e manifesto, xxx 76] 289 F 

e+.. engagements in the gulf of Finland, 
xxx 77] 79] 242] 247] 

-» «+ Swedish convoy taken, xxx 79] 

--.. designs on Finland, xxx 80] 

-... the disaffected army of Sweden pro- 
poses an armistice, xxx 188] 

e+e» declaration of Prussia on the pro- 
jected alliance with Poland, xxx 293] 
xxxi 59] 

+++» progress of the war with the Turks, 
xxxi 172] 

«+++ profuse rewards of the captors of 
Ockzakow, ab, 


“Russia: attempts on Egypt, xxxi 173] 
«+.» recommencement of hostilities in Fin- 
land, xxxi 195*] 
-..- Hogfors taken, xxxi 198*] 
«+. desperate seafight near, 7b. 
os. plot to set fire to the fleet when at 
Copenhagen, xxxi 201] 
+... quadruple treaty with Austria, France, 
and Spain, xxxi 338] 
«++. proposals for peace from Turkey, xxxiii 

«+e Successes of the Swedes, xxxiii 67 

«+e galley fleet at Frederickshall destroyed, 
xxxiii 68 

----the fleet attacked in the harbour of 
Revel, ib. i 

--.. the Swedes obliged to retreat, 2b. 

+... engagements between the fleets, xxxiii 

---- haughtiness of the empress, xxxiii 65 

«++. treaty of peace with Sweden, xxxiii 
65, 71, 86. xxxii 306] 

«-+ island of Zia taken and fortified, xxxiii 

«+++ squadron in the Archipelago destroyed 
by the Algerines, xxxiii 93 

+++. engagements in the Black Sea, xxxiii 

«e+» Turks defeated on the borders of the 
Cuban, xxxiii 97 

+++ Ismailoff carried by storm, xxxiii 100 

other successes, xxxiii 104 

---- treaty of peace with Turkey, xxxiii 
106. xxxiv 328 

Pilnitz. See Pilnitz 

---. declares her disapproval of the con- 
stitution of Poland, xxxiv 329 

++.. answer to the declaration, xxxiv 339 

invasion of Poland, xxxiv 333. xxxvii 


«++. French ambassador ordered away, 
xxxiv 312 

ee.» treaty of commerce with G. Britain, 
xxxv 241] 

-. +» land in the Crimea assigned to French 
emigrants, xxxv 2 

«+» loan at Amsterdam, xxxv 61 

-... declaration to Sweden on the trade of 
neutrals, xxxv 175 

+... answer of Denmark to a similar de- 
claration, xxxv 183 

~ Ha Es respecting the French, xxxv 

' «... ukase and declaration on the partition 

of Poland, xxxv 227, 231 

-«.. further proceedings, xxxv 233-8 

+. +. aggrandizement of, xxxvi 221] 

«e+. propositions to the Porte, xxxvi 242 

«++. conduct toward Poland, xxxvii 22] 

---- treaty of defensive alliance with G. 
Britain, xxxvii 272 

* hr ee respecting Poland, xxxvii 

+++» death of the empress Catharine, 
XXXviii 199] 



Russia: proclamation respecting Dutels 
ships, xxxviii 214 

++-. note to Spain on it’s treaty with 
France, and answer, xxxviii 215, 216 

to the foreign ministers at Stock- 
holm on the nonadmission of the Swedish 
ambassador, xxxviii 217 

oe r conduct of Paul on his accession, xxxix 

+++. commercial treaty with G. Britain, 
Xxxix 268 

-+.. note to the German states, xxxix 349 

+... ukases on the importation of French 
and Dutch goods, xxxix 360 

e+e. prince of Conde’s army taken into the 
service of, xl 8 

+.» restrictions of the press, xl 59 

+++. entrance of strangers prohibited, xl 

.+++ Students in foreign universities ordered 
home, 7. 

+++ provisional treaty with G. Britain, xl 
223. xli 76] 188] 215 

+++» proclamation for the protection of 
British trade to the Baltic, xl 237 

«--. treaty of alliance with Turkey, 7d. 

+... declaration of war against Spain, xli 
78] 291 

»..- answer to it, xli 292 

+++. Squadron sent to codperate with the 

British fleets, xli 79] ‘ 

see. ———————_ join the Turks, xli 

.. +. army marched to Germany, xli 141] 
143] 266 

-... Subsidized by G. Britain, xli 188] 195, 
208. xlii 165 

«++. army joins the Austrians in Switzer- 
land, xli 267] 

---- defeated by Massena, xli 269] 

..+. its army ordered home, xli 273] 

.... this order countermanded, 7b. 

+++. Small squadron sails to the Mediter- 
ranean, xli 298] 

«.+. embargo on Hamburghers, xli 278 

«... this revoked, xli 281 

.. + Danes prohibited admission into, 74. 

+. treaty of alliance with Portugal, 2d. 

e+. ——— with Sweden, xli 286 

«-.. declaration to the German states, xli 

+... return of it’s army to Poland, xlii 171] 

...» Clandestine departure of the chargé 
@’ affaires from England, xlii 40 

+... embargo on British ships and seques- 
tration of property, xlii 257 

+... army collected in expectation of a 
rupture, xlii 258 

«.«. the embargo taken off, 7b. 

«.-. dissatisfied with Austria, xliii 77] 

.»+. refusal to admit an ambassador from 
Vienna, xlii 258. xliii 77) © 

..+. declaration on an armed neutrality, 
xlii 259 : 

+++» quarrel with G. Britain, xliti 77] 


RU ‘ 
Russia: fresh embargo on British ships on 
account of Malta, xlii 259. xliii 99] 233 
.... British ships ordered to. be burnt in 
consequence of two escaping, xlii 259. 
xliii 99] 

..-- order respecting debts from British 
merchants, xlii 260. xliii 99] 

---. convention with Sweden for an armed 
neutrality, xlii 266 

-» +» accession of Denmark to it, xliii 229 

+... treatment of British subjects in, xlii 

--.. convention with Turkey respecting the 
Seven United Islands, xlii 278* 

.»-. money demanded from Turkey, xiii 

-.-. embassy to France, xliii 78] 79] 340 

---- Visit of the queen of Naples, xliii 

79) : 

+++» death of the emperor Paul, xliii 114] 

«+++ pacification with G. Britain, xliii 116] 
24, 212-18, 256, 257, 343 

.... treaty with France, xliii 281] 291 

«-.. gaming for money forbidden to arti- 
zans and domestics, xiii 35 

-.-» money from G. Britain, xliii 146, id. 

+... exportation of merchandize to Prussia 
prohibited, not to reach G. Britain, xliii 

-+.- proclamation of Alexander on his ac- 
cession, id. 

++. ukase on the order of Malta, xliii 248 

«... other ukases, id. 256 

--.. treaty with Sweden, xliii 338 

+... circulars respecting the foreign minis- 
ters of France, and the agents of the 
Batavian republic, xliii 342 

--.. declaration relative to British pro- 
perty under sequestration, xliii 343 

oe ; . ukase for the union of Georgia with, 

.«~. treaty with Spain, xliv 248 

-.»» complaints of France against, xlvi 181 

«+-.+ correspondence of the French minister 
on the execution of the duke d’ Enghien, 
xlvi 642-54 

oe reat with G. Britain, xlvii 139. xlyiii 

+--+ War with France. See France 

--+- French note in reply to Mr. Novosilt- 
zofi’s to the court.of Berlin, xlvii 650 

+». declaration to Austria respecting a 

proposal of peace with France, xlvii 686 

'-«. Cattaro taken possession of, xlviii 150 

«++. treaty with France signed by d’ Ou- 
bril, xlviii 179, 185, 733, 796 
-..- it’s ratification refused, xlviii 181, 773, 

---- proclamation of the emperor, xlix 666 

«++» troops take possession of Warsaw, 

_ xiviii 203 : 

pee. obliged to retreat, xl viii 204 

+. ++ defeated by the French, xlviii 205 

+++. Tupture with Turkey, xlviii 207, 790. 
xlix 188 



Russia: -war with Persia, xlviii 212, liii 
170] lv 198] 
.» ++ peace with Persia, Ix 118, 119 
+++. various actions with the French, xlix 
6. See France 
«++. proposal of Buonaparte for peace, xlix 

«++» armistice concluded, xlix 176 

«+s. peace of Tilsit, xlix 177, 276, 720 

..»+ the Dardanelles blockaded, xlix 201 

.». defeat of the Turkish fleet, xlix 202 

++ee armistice with the Turks, 2). 741 

«+e. party inimical to G. Britain, xlix 271 

-.-» declaration of the emperor against G. 
Britain, xlix 272 

+++» mouths of the Cattaro relinquished to 
France, xlix 276 

.»-- French troops conveyed to the Seven 
Islands in it’s ships, xlix 276 

«.-. embassy to China stopped at the great 
wall, xlix 455 

.... decree respecting foreigners, xlix 738 

i: declaration against G. Britain, xlix 


«+++ counterdeclaration, xlix 769 

...-» declaration against Sweden, 1 300* 

..«» seizure of Finland, 1 237] 301* 

+++» convention with Sweden, | 237] li 670 

~--- squadrons in the Baltic blockaded by 
the British, 1 237] 

+++. preparations on the side of Turkey, 1 

+«.. official papers respecting, 1 241*-46*, 
351*-4*, 364* 

oe - surrender of the fleet in the Tagus, 1 
at Al: 

«+.» peace with Sweden, li 245, 726 

-... war with Turkey, li 245. lii 251. liti 
134] liv 182] 

«++ edict respecting neutral commerce, li 

.. «+ proclamation to the inhabitants of Gal- 
licia, li 701 

sees decree relative to the finances, lii 517 

...- differences with France, liii 136] 139] 
liv 168] 

.... freer intercourse with China refused, 
liii 172] 

-».. renewal of the treaty of amity and 
commerce with Portugal, liv 163] 

.... invaded by Buonaparte, liv 167] 184] 

-+.. peace with Turkey, liv 168] 183] 192] 

a deat with Sweden, liv 183] lv 87] 


++. treaty of alliance with G, Britain, liv 
171] 183] 381 

.«-+ battle of Borodino, or of Moskwa, liv 

oe sw ee burnt on the entrance of the 
French, liv 174] 450 

«+.. Navy sent to winter in British ports, 
liv 176] 

...- Murat defeated by gen. Kutusoff, 76. 

.. ++ Moscow evacuated, 2b. 178] 



Russia: retreat of the French, liv 176] 185] 
lv 114] 

«+. grant of the British parliament, and 
private subscriptions, for the relief of the 
sufferers, liv 221] 223] 

e+. treaty with Spain, liv 430 

++. proclamations respecting the French, 
liv 431, 432, 453. lv 114] 388 

-. +. treaty with Prussia, lv 117] 

---. fresh campaign, lv 119] : 

«++. armistice with the French, lv 125] 

e+» treaty with Austria, Iv 130] 433 

».+- interview of the allied sovereigns at 
Prague, lv 130] 

ee... conventions with G. Britain, lv 201] 
202] 354, 347, 361 

---. two colossal pillars to be erected with 
the cannon taken from the French, lv 

gg of peace with France, lv 408, 


oe. ——— — Denmark, lv 459 
---. Poland annexed to as a kingdom, lvii 

«+e convention with G. Britain, lvii 394 
-. «+ treaty with G. Britain respecting the 
Tonian islands, lvii 407 
aa indemnity to be paid by France, Ivii 

«+e pay of it’s forces in France, lvii 6)4 

«+++ Holy Alliance, lviii 3] 148] 381 

e+. Jesuits banished from Petersburgh and 
Moscow in consequence of their prose- 
lyting spirit, lviii 147] 

e+». every male in Poland, from 20 to 30, 
to serve as a soldier, lviii 149] 

«... treaty with G. Britain and Holland, 
Iviii 362 

++». convention respecting Buonaparte, lviii 
lviii 377 

e-.- regulations for the discharge of the 
public debt, lix 128] 

e+e. imperial commercial bank, lix 129] 

«++. proposed tour of the emperor, lix 130] 

e+e» decree respecting the settlement of 
foreign colonists, 2b. 

«++. proceedings at Constantinople, lix 142] 

«++. treatment of sectaries, lix 23 

oa edict respecting converted Jews, lix 

— of subsidy with G, Britain, 

’ 0 number of new schools established, lix 

eeee embassy to Persia, lix 93, 95. Ix 119 

e+. ministry of public instruction united 
with that of ecclesiastical affairs, Ix 3 

--.- free port of Odessa declared not yet 
open, Ix 50 f 

«... order for quarantine, Ix 50 

of recruits, Ix 116 

«-.. System of mutual instruction intro- 
duced into the army, Ixi 34 

e++» monastic schools in, Ixi 546 

cree ———— le 


ar Constantine, grand duke of, xxii 
1 ‘ ‘ 
Rust, J. xxii 58 
Rasta ‘ See Rostam 
Rustat, Tobias, xxxvii 116*] 
Ruston, T. xxix 87 | 
Rutchester, Roman coins &c. found at, ix 
70] 114] 
Rutherford, x 106] xi 136] xxxvi 300 

gen. (Amer.) xxiii 231°], 

— T. lviii 47 

Ruthin, xl viii 1108 

Ruthven, hon. capt. J. viii 196] 

J. lv 321, lxi 302 

- lord, xlii 235] 

Rutland, €. 4th duke, xviii 151] xix 135] 
xxi 42] xxii 169] xxiii 330] 331] xxv 222] 
296] xxvi 183. xxvii 72] 198] xxviii 5x} 
8] 12] 256] 257] 258] xxix 226] 275] 
xlviii 880, 881 

-+-- lord lieut. of Ireland, xxvii 182] 

——— J. 2nd duke, xxvii 71” 

—— J. 3rd duke, xiii 199] 

—— J. H. 5th duke, xli 1. xliv 792. xlvi 
67. xlix 465. liii 36. lviii 17i 

Mary Isabella, duchess of, xxix 
165, xxxiv 28 

—— Rog. earl of, 1 492. ix 63 

Rutledge, (Amer.) xix 174*] 

—_ Edw. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218} 

xviii 266] 

J. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] 
xviii 266] xxiii 369] xxix 299] 

———- W. ix 60] 99] 

Rutt, J. T..xli 8. xlv 360 

W. xi 303 

Rutty, Dr. J. vii 128. xviii 128] 85 

Ryan, (boxer) xxxi 199] 206] 

capt. Dan. Fred. killed by lord E. 

Fitzgerald, xl 42 

capt. Edw. Mich. (A) xl 47. xiii 



capt. Luke (Amer.) xxiv 174] 196] 
xxv 207] 208] 216] 

—— James, xlvii 848 

Lacy, ix 75, 76 

—— Marg. executed for the murder: of 
her husband, xix 138] 

Mary Ann, executed after her third 
conviction, xili 153] 

—— Mich. liii 9 

—— Philip, lviii 252 

Rydel, bish. Geoffry, xvi 142 

Ryder v. Chambers for a note of hand lost, 
xvi 100] 

taken up on a charge of treason, 

xxiv 152] = 

hon. Dudley. See Harrowby, earl - 

—— rt. hon. Rich. xliv 48. 1 222*. li 2, 
54, 141, 142, 284. liii 51] liv 16] 20] 35] 
36] 81] lv 32] 

—— sir Dudley, xxx 241] xxxv 265, 
xxxvii 171 t 




Rye, harbour opened, v 94] - : 

Rye, used in Germany as a substitute for 
coffee, xi 87 

«... diseased, poisonous effects of, lviii 188 

Rye, sir Rob. xxxvi 364 

Rye-house plot, xiv23 _ 

-Rylance, Rich. his house injured by light- 
ning, x 97] 

‘Ryland, J. xxxiii 27] 35] xxxiv 15 

—-— T. lv 320 

W. Wynne, forgery on the E. India 
company by, xxvi 201] 206] 211] 

Ryley, C. Rubens, xxi 214] 

Rymer, T. vii 251. xix 199 

Rymes, Rob. hanged for murder, x 74] 

Ryssel, gen. van, xxviii 88] 

Rzackzinski, Gabr. iv 84-6 

Rzewicki, bar. xv 253] 255] 

Rzewuski, count x 26) 


Saadut Ali khan, xxvi 23] 
Saalfeldt, fire at, liii 81 
Saavedra, abp. Francis, | 343* 
—— don Mig. de, 1 185] lii 163 
Sabathier, gen. 1 211] 
Sabatiere, ab. xxxi 3] 
Sabbath. See Sunday 
Sabbath-breaking, instances of, xix 119] 
s,s persons convicted of, liv 120 
Sabin Guerai, xxvii 25] 28] 
Sabina, empress, lviti 457 
Sabine, James, ji 303 
Sabinus, Pomponius, xv 117 
Sables, xli 378 ; 
Sabran, capt. de, ii 239 : 
Sabrina island raised from the sea, liii 32, 
113. liv 485 
Saccaram pundit, xxv 10] 
Sacchini, A. M. G. xvi 185 
Sachen, gen. lv 116] 
Sacheverell, vi 267 
Dr. H. i 260, xii 64. xx 44. 
_ xxx 167] 

Sack, bar. von, li 794, 798, 843, 844 

Sacken, bar. lvi 2] 15] lix 106 

Christ. Fred. 1 165 

ina J. (Eskimo) lviii 129, 135, Ixi 

Sackville, hon. Eliz. xxvi 197 

lord G. i 101. ii 18. iii 77] 90] 
107] xix 123] xx 239] 257] xxi 101] 
176] 208] xxii 198] 298] xxiv 146] 254] 

' xxv 141] 144] 167] xxix 113] xlix 786 

«++.» dismissed from all his offices, ii 111 

+++. applies for a court martial, ii 131 

-s+ ++ his short address to the public, ii 267 j 

ve++- ——sentence, iii 95] 178] 

«+e Statement of his case, iii 175] 

«++. change of name, xiii 73] 

*+++ appointed to the American depart- 
ment, xix 93] 

+++» raised to the peerage, xxv 165] 295] 



Sackville, sir Edw. xiii 249 

Sacrifices of human victims, x 150, xxix 
119, 121, 133 

Sacrilege, persons convicted of, xvii 83] 

e+. at St. Paul’s, lii 295 

---. — Paddington, lvi 75 

Sacro catino, account of the, vi 167 

Sacy, de, i 240 

Saddanund, xxvi 32] xxxvii 111 

Saddle, new, for the use of dragoons, xviii 

Saddos khan, xxvi 53] 

Sade, de, maj. liv 544 

Sades, chev. de, xlv 743 

Sadi, Eddin, xxxiv 196 

Sadler, sen. (aéronaut) xxvii 234] iii 
87, 94, 114. liv 89, 102, 125. lv 77, 92. 
lvi 88. lviii 150 

—-—— Sarah, xlvi 420 

—— Wyndham, lv 77. lvi 69, 78, 84. 
lvii 50 

Sadler’s Wells, sale of, xiv 112] 

ac dreadful catastrophe at, xlix 501, 518, 


Sadlier, Ant. xxv 58] 59] xxvii 52] 230] 
Saemund, liii 569 
Saemundson, J. liii 437 
Saffron, ship burnt by it’s heating in the 
hold, ix 158] 
: meadow, cattle poisoned by, lvi 

Saffron hill, fire at, xii 105] 

Sagaleen, island of, xli 483 

Sage, capt. de, v 76] 

le, xxxvii 86] 109] 

Sago powder, ix 110] 

---» how obtained, xii 3 

Saguntum, ancient theatre-at, xli 431 

Sahib, rajah, iv 290] 291] 

—— Guerai, xx 185*] xxvi 364] xxx 6] 

Sahid Saheb, xxxiv 200] 201] 

Sailcloth, act respecting, i 135 

Sainfoin, observations on, xiii 129 

Saing, C. xiii 144] 

Sainsbury, ald. T. xxi 211] xxii 218] xxiii 
229] xxv 195] xxviii 210] 

—————. Jane, xx 214] 

Saint, T. xliv 778 

St. Alban, xxv 133 

St. Alban’s, fire at, xlv 439 

St. Alban’s, Aubrey, 4th duke, xxxi 304] 
xxxix 18.. xlvii 396 

—— C. Ist duke, xxxvi 297 
—— 2nd duke, xxxiv 425 

G. 3rd duke, xix 144] 

———— H. Jermyn, earl of, xii 37. 
xxxvi 364, 365 

—— Hugh de, xxxviii 462 

—— Ulicke, earl of. See Clanri- 

St. Allicandre, prince, v 87] 

St. Amarante, mad. xxxvi 147] 

St. André, xxxv 190] xli 158 

—_——-—— Nath. xix 197] 

St. Andrew’s city and university, xlix 1016 



St. Asaph, vise. See Ashburnham, earl 

St. Athanasius, xxi 27. lix 171, 174 

St. Aubin, marq. xxv 75 

xliv 786 

St. Aubyn, sir J. xx 192] 

St. Augustine, i 315, 469. 
xvii 124, lvi 533 

St. Aulaire, _Ixi 167] 

St. Austin’s hospital, vii 70] 

St. Bartholomew’s, ceded by France to 
Sweden, xxviii 28] 

---. taken by the British, xliii 112, 115 

St. Bartholomew’s hospital, reports of, iii 
90] iv 89] v 81] vi 73] vii 70] viii 78] 
ix 84] x 84] xi 9]] xii 91] xv 95] xvi 94] 
xvii 108] xix 132] xxiv 173] xxvi 203] 
xxxv 18 

«++. benefactions to, iii 125] vi 98] 109] 
vii 81] viii 141] ix 106] x 168] xii 107) 
xv 123] 126] xlii 17 

St. Cas, affair of, i 69 

St. Catharine’s, Jesuits sent to Lisbon in 
irons from, xi 67] 

«see taken by the Spaniards, xx 182*] 

-+«+ restored to Portugal, xxi 169] 

St. Cecilia, vi 243 

St. Chad, xxv 126 

St. Christopher’s, account of, xxxv 425 

«+. Sickness at, iii 68] 

eens “lines expelled by the Spaniards, 

ae stamps burnt by the populace, viii 

6] ; 


v 140. ix 48, 

«+++ some members of the general assembly 
expelled, but reélected by their consti- 
tuents, xiii 69] 

«+e fire at Basseterre, xix 177] 

e+.» taken by the French, xxv 195*) 278] 
xxxv 430 _ 

e+... restored to G. Britain, xxvi 325] 

«++. attacked by the French, xlvii 221, 534 

St. Chrysostom, ix 150, 152 

St. Clair, gen. ili 98 

Ar. (Amer.) xx 148] 153] 

xxiii 391] 
St. Croix, isle of. See Santa Cruz 
St. Croix, Bigot, xxxiv 234, 235, 282 
card. Prosper, xlii 417 
chev. de, iv 17] 293] 296] 

———- marq. de, xix 131] 

St. Cyr, marsh. xl 40. xlii 173] 199] xliii 
259] xlvii 163, 165. li 200. liv 176] lv 
130] 170] lvii 83] Ixi 23 

St. David’s islands, xlix 916 

St. Dominic, x! 410 

St. Domingo, city of, taken by the a 
li 228, 461 

St. Dubritiug, i ii 357 

St. Dunstan, xv 125. xvii 125x 

St. Elizabeth, duke de, x 135] 

St. Elphege, xv 125 

St. Eustatia: hurricanes at, ix 155] x 53] 
xxiv 34] xxviii 210] 

«e+ earthquake in, x 54] 

e-ee taken by the British, xxiv 101] 



St. Eustatia: violent proceedings of the 
captors, xxiv 104] xxv 138] 

++e+ petition of the Jews, xxiv 308] 

«++. convoy from intercepted, xxv 105] 
160] 163] 

«+. defence of the captors, xxv 139] 140] 

+++. surprised and retaken by the French, 

xxv 194*] 

--.. British claimants of property in, xxv 


+++. action against the captors, xxviii 205] 
++.» taken by the French, xxxvii 134] 
++.. surrendered to the British, xliii 123 
+. restored to the Dutch, lvi ‘98 J 
St. " Evremond, character of, xxxiii 267] 
St. Florent, xlii 166] 
St. Florentin, count de, ii 72. iv 186] ix 4 
St. Foix, G. F. P. de, xii 202 
St. Fond, Faujas de, xxiii 88. xxvi 65. 
XXxili 390] 
St. Foy, xxxv 204] 
St. Francis, relics of, discovered, lxi 15 
St. George, chev. Charles Edw. viii 153] ix 
96] 15, 17, 19, 20. xv 119] xix 43. xlix 
827. 1xi 448 
«+++ the pope and other powers refuse to 
acknowledge his title, ix 6] 91] 
«++. marriage of, xv 90] 119] | 
».++ his distresses and escape, xxvii 107 
+++ death and funeral of, xxx 200] 255] 
«+. character of, lxi 449° 
——— chev. James Ed. Prantis;.. vi 
Rei. 50. viii 153] 
- pretended grandson of, desires circum- 
"cision at Constantinople, vi 53 
»- «+ death of, viii 152] 
«+» his funeral, vili 205] 
— col. murdered, xl 32 
St. George, fort. See Madras 
St. George’s fields, riot in, xi 108-13] 136] 
137] 151] 152] 227) xii 61] 
-++. reduction of the guard, xi 120] 
--+.- the guard removed, xi 164] 
++. fires in, xlv 423, xlvi 376 
St. George’s hospital, benefactions to, vi 
84] ix 117] xi 18. xii 107] xiv 148] xv 
154] xvi 100] xxxi 193] xxxviii 15 
St. Germain, count de, i 14. iii 10} 20] 
21] 23] xviii 188] xix 184*] xxiii 10] 
—_——_—— duke de, | 168] 
M. de, xxiii 54 
St. German’s, J. earl of, xlvii 2. liii 9} 
St. Giles's, fire in, liti 111 
———— new chapel, xlvii 419 
St. Gille, (ventriloquist) xvi 214 
St. Giorgio, card. xlviii 832 
St. Gregory, xvii 124 

. St. Guthlac, xvii 130 

St. Helena: astronomers sent to, for et 
serving the transit of Venus, iii 143] iv 

e.+. best method of making the island, vi 

«++ general order at, xxxvi 168 
.» +» breadfruit trees left at, xl 495 



St. Helena, Buonaparte conveyed to, lvii 
85] 104, 219 

St. Helens, Alleyne, Ist bar. xxv 315] xxvi 
134] xxxi 138] xxxii 294] xxxiii 213, 
35] xxxvi 176, 178. xxxix 58, xl 181. 
xliv 53, 615. xlv 652, 678. 1x 140] 

St. Hilaire, (bot.) lv 490 

—__— gen. xlvii 169. xlix 12. lvi 183 

St. Huberti, mlle., liv 95 

St. Huruge, xxxii 36] 41] xxxiv 702] 
136] 481] 

St. Isidore, xi 144, xlviii 845 

St. Isidro, xlviii 845 . 

St. Ives, (Hunts) riot on an attempt to in- 
erease the assessment of the income tax, 
lvi 106 

St, Jago, don Pedro, xxiv 33] 

St. Jago de la Vega, shock of an earthquake 
at, vi 61] 

St. James, xlix 390 

St. James’s palace, treasonable paper stuck 
against, and another found on the back 
stairs, xi 113] 

«+e. fires in, xlix 360. 1i 256 

.... colours in the court seized by a 
stranger, lvii 14 

St. James’s park, mobbing ladies in, ii 99 

-.-- porter in a bag-wig and ruffles paraded 
in, iv 125 

»»+- large Turkish cannon placed in, xlv 

+++ bridge over the canal and pagoda, lvi 68 

--. large mortar from Cadiz, lviii 120 

St. James’s square, legacy for a statue of 
William III in, xlviii 397 

St. Januarius, xii 69, 70 

St. Jerome, viii 154 

St. John, v 241. xlix 894 

St. John, col. x 131] 

— gen. Fred. xlv 553, 560. xlvi 82, 
225, 230 

—— Hector, xxv 52, 99 

H. ii 143 

— Beauchamp, 12th lord, xxiii 
227*] 258] 333] xxxi 304] xxxviii 25 

————— vise. Bolingbroke. See Boling- 

hon, capt. H. xxiii 227*] 

—— lord chief just. xxi 94] 

—— Patrick, robbery of lady Parsons 
by, xvii 160] 

St. Andrew, 13th lord, xxvii 187] 

xxix 161] xli 216] 186] lix 33] 

sir Harry, vi 116] 

——— Oliver, xxxi 9]] xxxv 360 

St. John, island of (or prince Edward’s 
island), ports declared free, vii 89] 

oe ad of council respecting grants, xi 

+--+. arrival of the officers of government 
and several settlers, xi 180] 

+++» grants! for, xx 268] xxi 286] xxii 
329] xxiii 312] xxiv 271] xxv 289] xxvi 
306] xxvii 300] 344] xxviii 250] xxix 
264) 265] xxx 262] xxxi 285] xxxii 278] 


xxxiii 142] xxxivy 148. xxxv 106. xxxvi 
119. xxxvii 117. xxxviii 107. xxxix 169. 
xl 264. xli 194. xlii 164. xliii 168. xliv 
584. xlv 629. xlvi 582. xlvii 587. xlviii 
636. xlix 729*. 1 185*. li 535. lii 422. 
Ix 421. Ixi 418 
St. John’s, Canada, taken by the Americans, 
xviii 170] 
St. Julian, count, xlii 206] xliii 63] 
St. Just, xxxvi 117] 151] 159] 161) 
xxxvii 84] 
St. Keven, steeple shattered by lightning 
in service time, xiii 74] 
St. Kilda, account of the island of, vii 22 
St. Kit’s. See St. Christopher’s 
St. Lawrence, gulf of, all the islands in, 
ceded to G. Britain, v 235] 
++. the French allowed to fish in, v 236] 
xxvi 324] 
St. Lawrence, _ ii 139 
St. Leger, b. gen. xx 145] 156] 157] 
160] xxi 76] xxiv 110] xxxi 221] 
col. xlv 553. 1i 231 
M. 1xi 299 
Mrs. (actress) xlix 425 
St. Loo, capt. (N) iv 78] 
St. Lowe, sir W. xi 67 
St. Lubin, M. xxv 12] 25] 

“St. Lucia: surrendered to the British, v 


--.. restored to France, v 238] 

+... taken again by the British, xxii 43] 

+... hurricane at, xxiv 33] 

+.» attempt of the French cn, xxiv 110] 

«++. again restored to France, xxvi 325] 

.... taken again by the British, xxxvi 282] 

--.. the British compelled to evacuate, 
xxxvii 134] 

«»-- retaken, xxxvili 193] 74 

---. again restored to France, xliv 609 

“3 taken again by the British, xlv 290, 


St. Luke, M. v 92] 

St. Luke’s hospital, collections for, v 99] vi 
93] vii 92] 

»»»- benefactions to, vi 109] vii 81] viii 
141] ix 102] 106] 117] x 168] xi 18. 
xii 107] xvi 87] xxxi 193] xxxviii 25 

St. Malo, expeditions against, i 66, 68 

+... high tide at, vi 66] 

«+.» flat-bottomed boats burned, xxiv 197] 

St. Marc, marq. de, xxi 3 , } 

St. Marino, account of the republic of, xi 
205. xxxvii 15*] 

++. address and presents from Buonaparte, 
xxxix 2] ] 

St. Marsan, count de, lvi 83] 

St. Martin, pope, xxi 221 

St. Martin de Font, count, xxx 195] f 

St. Martin’s in the Fields new burying 
ground, xlvii 419 

.... grants for the poor, li 536. lii 422 

St. Martin’s island, captured by the British, 
xliii 113, 117 

St. Martin’s le Grand, fire in, xii 130] 



St. Mary Ottery. See Ottery 

St. Matthew, genealogy of Christ no part of 
his Gospel, vi 142, 144 

St. Maura, island of, earthquake at, xiii 69] 

«... taken by the British, lii 262, 304 

St. Mery, xxxi254*] xliv 641 

St. Michael, island of, xxii 64 

++. earthquake at, lii 272 

St. Michael. See Lacombe 

St. Neot’s, fireball fell near, vi 106] 

St. Nicandre, _ prince de, x 77] 

St. Nicholas, xix 165 

St. Odo, xv 127 

St. Ovary, bar. xx 130] 

St. Pancras, act for erecting a workhouse, 
xlv 114 

St. Patrick, vi 261. viii 76. xvi 257 

St. Patrick’s school, Soho, xlvi 441 

St. Paul, v 148, 241. vii 186. ix 149. x 
133. xi 15]. xviii 142. liv 474 

St. Paul, Hippolitus, iii 131] 

St. Paul’s: colours taken at Louisbourg 

placed in, i 108 

we fall near 90 feet down the stairs, ix 


+++. application to the Royal Society for a 
security from lightning, xii 84] 

«+.. Statue of queen Ann mutilated by a 
Lascar, xii 131] 

e+. clock said to have been heard strike 
thirteen at Windsor, xiii 124] 

e+. experiments on the weight of the at- 
mosphere made at, xiv 154] 

e+. pictures to be painted for, xvi 139] 

++». colours taken at Martinico placed in, 
xxxvi 14 

eee. Monuments in, xliii 185] 145. xlvii 
429, 433. xlviii 255 

e+. anniversary meeting of charity chil- 
dren, xlv 392. xlvi 39] 

«++. money made by showing the prepara- 
tions for Nelson’s funeral, xlviii 353 

---- church plate stolen, lii 295 

«+. thanksgiving for the peace, lvi 57 

St. Paul’s churchyard, fires in, xv 106] lvii 7 

St. 31 ’s school, exhibitions increased, xv 

e+e+ public orations at, xlv 383 

St. Peter’s, at Rome, i 317 

St. Pierre, ab. J. H. B. de, xxxviii 394. 1266 

e-.. causes of the changes in national man- 
ners, v 153 

— L. de, xv 74] 89] 

St. Pierre, isle of, ceded to France, v 236] 
“xxvi 324] 

e+. unfounded complaint of the conduct 
of the French at, vii 102] 

e... taken by the English, xxxv 271] 

+... taken again by them, xlv 420, 539 

St. Pol de Leon, bish. of, xxxviii 39. xliii 

St. Priest, 

xxxi 246*] xxxii 25] 
count de, lvi 2] 16) 
St. Quintin, Rich. murder and robbery at 
sea by, viii 233] ; 


St. Saforin, —_ de, ix 12] 
St. Saviour’s churchyard, fire in, xlix 387 
St. Sebastian, siege of, lv 146] 148] 149} 
150] 189, 197, 198, 210 
St. Simon, xiv 14 
— col. lvi 185 
duke de, lii 574, 586 
—— marq. de, xxiv 127] 
St. Stephen, k. of Hungary, i 163 
St. Susanne, gen. xlii 199] 207] 
St. Theobald. See Theobald, abbot 
St. Theodore, duke of, xlviii 138 

- St. Thomas, v 3 

———— Christians of, v 105 

— island of, ports declared free, 
vii 89] 

«+.» surrendered to the British, xliii 117 

‘eee. hurricane at, lxi 71 

St. Thomas’s hospital, reports of, iii 90] iv 
89] v 81] vi 73] vii 70] viii 78] ix 84] x 
84] xi 91] xii 91] xv 95] xvi 94] xvii 108] 
xix 132] xxiv 173] xxvi 203] xxxv 18 

+++. report from, on a rumour of plague, 
iii 121] 

ee. benefactions to, vi 109] vii 81] 95} 
viii 141] xii 107] xv 123] 126] 

St. Vallier, de, bish. of Quebec, vi 14 

St. Vincent, count (Austrian) 1 226] 

J. earl of, xiii 145] xiv 133] xv 
111] xxv 221*] 223*] 249] xxxvi 282] 
72, 79, 166, 172. xxxvii 134] 216] 184. 
xxxix 94] 223] xl 139] 153. xli 35, 41, 
197. xlii 76. xliii 7, 33. xliv 18, 582. 
xlvi 51, 128. xlvii 62, 73, 100, 412, 566. 
xlviii 223, 226, 419, 420, 645. xlix 113, 
397. 1 29] 38] li 27. lii 3. lx 401. Ixi 

++. defeat of the Spaniards by, xxxix 94] 
223] 73, 80 fe 

++» asks for inquiry into his conduct, xlvii 

eee libels against, xlvii 364, 396, 403 

++» charges against, xlviii 97, 98 

St. Vincent de Paul, liv 456 

St. Vincent’s: account of, xxxv 424 

«+e. surrendered to the British, v 35} 

«+e ceded to G. Britain, vy 238] 

«+. Sale of crown lands in, vii 57] 

e+. claim of a noble lord to, judged in- 
valid, vii 57] 

e+e. expedition against the Caribbees, xv 
149] xvi 83*] 89] xvii 54] 

ees. treaty with them, xvi 92*] 245] 

e+e. cinnamon cultivated at, xvi 89] 

e+e petition from the officers at, xvi 104] 

++.» Surrendered to the French, xxii 201*] 

e+. hurricane at, xxiv 33] 

«+. attempted by adm. Rodney and gen. 
Vaughan, xxiv 101] 

-- +. restored to G. Britain, xxvi 325] 

e--. grant for purchasing lands in, xxviii 

... insurrection of the Caribbees, xxxvii 
135] 168 en 

.-+» Capitulation of the French, xxxviii 80 


St. Vincent’s, eruption of a volcano, liv 65, 

St. Vitus’s dance, cured by electricity, xxii 

St. Wilfred. See Wilfred, abp. of York 

Sainthill, Edw. x 223} 

Saive, M. de, xxiv 99 h 

Sal ammoniac, Egyptian method of making, 
iv 145 

Salabat Jung, v 238] xx 97] 

Salaberry, de, 1. col. lv 189] 219 

Saladin, sultan, iii 58. xii 263 

Salamanca, battle of, liv 149] 151] 229 

Salamander, account of the, v 75. xlvi 805 

Salandra, duke della, xli 76 

Salcedo, don Domingo de, xviii 145] 

Salcette, gen. xli 81] 

Salcombe, liv 489 

Saldanha, ab. de, xvi 116] 

Sale, G. xvi 141 ; 

Salep, new mode of preparing, xiii 108. xvi 
129. xlvi 839 , 

+++. utility of, xi 120. xvi 129. xlvi 839 

Sales. See under the respective articles, or 
the names of the owners of them 

Salford. See Manchester 

Salic law, origin of the, vii 166 

clause in the, xiii 102 

Salicetti, xxxvili 240, 279 

Salignac, madlle. de, v 64 

Salis, C. de, xv 96 

—-— card. de, xxviii 197] 

—— rev. de, xv 96 

Salis Marschlins, Ulysses von, xxxvii 83*] 

ea vane of the steeple blown down, 

++. fall of an elm in the close, v 91] 

prs society for an annuity to widows, vi 

2+ legacy for the endowment of Wyndham 
college there, viii 86] 

«++. attempts to break out of jail, x 58] 

«++. ew infirmary, x 130] 

+++ antiquities found, xv 83] 

+. «+ boy bishop of, xix 165 

eoee fire at, Xxili 230] 

«--. large beam across the choir taken 
down, xxxi 226] 

Salisbury, capt. | (N) xxxvi 74 

— countess of, (t. H. VIII) i 4812 

James, marq. of, xxxii 65] xxxv 

28. xlii 18 

Matilda, countess of, xlix 825 

Rob. (Cecil) earl of, i 491. xviii 

153, 155. xxxiii 258 ; 

sir Rob. lii 103 

Thos. (judge of the high 

on of admiralty) ii 73, 75. ix 151] xii 


W. (Cecil) earl of, lviii 302 
W. (Mountacute) earl of, xiv 

ay plain, progress of culture on, xlvii 

Salisbury square, fires in, xlvii 434, lii 271 

Salkeld, maj. — xvii 521 
Sallee, English vessel taken by a cruiser 
from, ii 104 
++». bombarded by the French, viii 106] 
Sallesar y Corvetto, don Francis‘ de, exe- 
cuted for assassination, ix 125] 
Sallicetti, Carlo, xii 45 
Sallies, S. choked by a soal, xxxiv 33 
Sallust, vii 106. xxiii 211 
Salas rhingrave of, xxix 16] 33] 37] 46] 

—w— Braunfels, widow of the prince of, 
married to the duke of Cumberland, lvii 
50] 145] 61 

Salmasius. See Saumaise 

Salmon, large, iii 116] 

..e- why found with empty stomachs, v 53 

.... patent for curing with spices, vi 87] 

-.-- method of increasing the fecundity of, 
vii 77] 

Salmon v. Atkinson and others, lx 327 

—— Eliz. xliv 447 

R, lvi 337, lvii 319. lix 233, 7b. 236. 
Ixi 302 

Salogast, vii 166, 167 

Salomon, maj. xiv 118] 

Salonica, wretched state of, iv 154] 

Salsette, island of, ancient temples in, v 

Salt: benefit of to cattle, vii 81, 138. xix 

«+++ recommended in stacking hay, ix 117] 

e+++ foul, allowed to be used as manure, x 
225] xi 267] 

es. duties on, xxiii 320] xxv 290] xxvii 
346] xlvii 594 

«+e. method of purifying, xxx 82 

obtaining soda from, xl 

eeee differs in quality, xlvi 835 
+++» remarks on the duty on, xlvii 42, 48 
a prices of, xlvii 582. xlviii 629. lii 

esse mode of procuring in Java, lviii 585 

—— Glauber’s, process for making, vii 147 

—— mines in Poland, xxvii 35 

eee in Spain, lviii 587 

—— works, in Cheshire, lii 678 

Salt, H. lvii 527-37 

—— M.S. li 421 

Saltash, borough reincorporated, xvii 126] 

Salter, J. xxxv 1312] 

sir J. xii 137] 

Saltero, don, xli 2 

Saltersford, lord. See Courtown, earl 

Saltonstall, comm. (Amer.) xxii 195*] 

“Saltoun, Alex. 15th lord, xxvii 189] 

Al. G. 16th lord, lxi 3] 

Saltpetre: premium for the manufacture of 
in England, vi 72] ‘ 

«++. methods of making and refining, vi 
121. vii 142. xxi 131. xxiii 105 

«.+. new process for obtaining, vi 122 

e+e» analysis of, vi 124 


Saltpetre: an exclusive right to purchase 
in Russia granted to the k. of Prussia, 
vii 109] 

..-- grant to encourage the making of, xii 

«+e effect of, on gold and platina, xxxix 

Salts, medicinal, duty on, xxv 290] 

Salts, de, ii 143 

Salusbury, T. xxvi 121 

Salutation, modes of, xlvi 977 

Salvage, actions for, lviii 298. Ix 325. lxi 
213, 268 

Salvator Rosa, xiii 148. xliv 374 

Salviati, abp. Franc. xxxvii 28*] 

card. xv 162n. xlviii 840 

Salvini, ab. Ant. Mar, vii 272z 

Salvius, vi 36, 37 

Samanides, dynasty of the, xxi 171 

Samano, gen. Ixi 245] 

Sambacca, margq. della, xix 187] 

Sambaroa, eruption of a volcano at, lvii 37 

Samborne, Mary, legacies by, xvi 87] 

Sambroke, sir Jeremy, xxiii 1732 

Samiel, hot wind, so called, ix 121 

Sampson, capt. elephant brought from 
Bengal to his majesty, vil00]_ . 

couns. xl 18 

James, robbery and arson by, xi 
78] 106] 109] 

rev. T. viii 161] 

———. W. xlviii 957, 961. lvi 337. lx 
361 f 

Samson, capt. _ account of his shipwreck 
in the Doddington, i 287 

Samuels (Dutch Sam) xlix 465, 474 

San Carlos, duke of, 1 241*. lvi 70] lviii 17] 

San Juan, gen. 1 233] 235] li 10, 12 

San Martin, gen. lix 160] 

Sanadine, capt. (N) xliii 133 

Sanchez, don Juan, lii 210 

t gen. Julian, liii 198. lv 146] 165, 

5 : 

Sancho, Ignatius, letter to Sterne onsla¥ery, 
xviii 173 

Sanchoniathon, iii 157. xx 3 

iy a abp. W. vi 250. xiv 248. xxxviii 


Sanctamand, bish. xxi 221 

Sanctorius, xxiv 89 

Sand, gold and silver in most, viii 109 

Sandamala, in Sweden, sinking of the village 
of, iv 166] 

Sandby, Paul, viii 1942] xi 199] 

rev. iii 244] 

T. xi 199] 

Sandemans, J. T. liii 124 

Sanders, B. lv 321 

J. Rich. xlix 385 

——— W. his son shot by, xliv 437 

Sanderson, ald. sir James, xxvi 199] xxxiii 
38] xxxiv 43, 46. xxxv 5] 95] 133] 

J. lvii 27 

Mat. Taylor v. for a nuisance, 

xiv 135] 



Sandford, Edw, xiii 122} 

—§ Isaac, xlii 379. xliii 458. xlviii 
962. xlix 855 ; 

——— rev. Dr. xxi 88 

Sandiford, xviii 151] 

Sandilands ». E. India company, lvi 307 

Sand-martin, vii 109 

Sandon, capt. Huxley (A) li 119, 128, 133 

Huxley, v. count Duroure for crim. 
con. xxvii 205] 227] 

——— Ralph, lvi 325 

Sands, Dr. — xiii 225 ’ 

Sandt, assassin of Kotzebue, lxi 186] 
189] 163 

Sandwich, J. 4th earl of, vi 42] vii 128] xii 
217] xiv 44] 45] 201] 205] xv 67] xvi 
100] 178] xvii 102] 144] xviii 87] 129] 
xx 51] xxi 208] 209] 211. xxii 74) 133) 
206] 343] xxiii 88] 112] 122] 227°] 260] 
xxiv 156] xxv 150] xxvii 334] xxviii 
123] xxx 101] we, 304] xxxiii_ 220. 
xlix 787. 156. lii 54 

+» ..+ motions of censure on, xxii 112] 153] 

«++. inquiry into his conduct, xxv 151] 

157] 1671 

—_ J. 5th earl, xviii 87] 

Sandwich islands, account of the, lviii 476 

«+e. Natives of, xxvii 13 

-.-. persons killed at, xxiii 194] xxvii 15]. 
xl 484 3 

-.-. cession of, to G. Britain, xl 490 

Sandys, ii 143 

Barbara, xxxi | 

col. Martin, viii 202] 

Edwin, 2nd lord, xiii 101] xxxvii 

113, 115 

F. lvi 298 

Sam, Ist lord, iv 88] xiii 93] 

Sangallo, da, Giuliano, xlviii 833, 839 

Sangerhausen, defeat of the Hessians at, 
i 46 

Sangster, J. xix 199] 

Sannazarius, vii 278. xiv 161. xvi 194. xxiv 

Sanpoo. See Burrampooter ‘ 

Sansome, T. curious law case in consequence 
of his death, xii 94] xviii 95] 

Santa Colonna, count, | 169] 

Santa Cruz de Ja Sierra, i 362 

eee. island of, fire in, xi 181] 

.... surrendered to the British, xliii 120 

Santa Cruz, in S. Barbary, shocks of an 
earthquake at, iv 154] 

Santa Fe, earthquake at, xxvii 244] 

Santa, count Pietra, xlviii 1079 

Santander, gen. lxi 242] 

Santasophia, Dr. Jerom, ix 119 

Santerre,  xxxiv 46] 52] xxxv 195] 221] 

Santeuil, J. Bapt. xv 21 

Santhonax, xxxiv 82] xxxv 271] xxxix 55} 
xl 249] xli 113] 

Santochildes, gen. lii 210. liv 236 

Santon Court, fire at, lvii 71 

Santorini, island of, xv 31 



Santorini, island of, enlarged by a submarine 
volcano, xvi 78] 

Santos, J. dos, xxxii 169 

Sanxter, W. xl 387 

Sanxy, xviii 234] . 

Sanz, Dr. Mig. Jos. liv 208] 

Sapieha, prince, xxxv 224 

Sapineau, gen. xlii 7] 

Sappho, xv 226, xxxii 50 

++. fragments from, iii 238. xii 235 

Saragossa: theatre burnt down, xxi 216] 

++» description of, 1 201] 

e+. Siege of, 1 203] 

+... 2nd siege of, li 197 

Sardinia: king of, settles the dispute con- 
cerning Placentia, vi 48] 214] 

--.. four of Harrison’s watches ordered by, 
viii 153] 

e+. the k, refuses to allow a Portuguese 
work against the Jesuits to be distributed 
in his states, xi 75] 

---- the earl of Carlisle invested with the 
order of the Thistle by the king at 
Turin, xi 81] 

«+. claims upon Genoa, xii 40] 

*+++ princess married to the count de Pro- 
vence, xiv 103] 109] 

e+» death of the king, xvi 57] 80] 

+++. quarrel with Venice on a point of 
etiquette, xvii 40] 

«+++ encouragement of commerce, xvii 151] 

«++. dispute on the conversion of a British 
infant, xvii 155] 

° 4 Austrians forbidden to recruit in, xxx 

++» war declared by France, xxxiv 107] 

«++. letter to the Swiss on the invasion of 
Savoy by the French, xxxiv 319, 320 

+-- Subsidized by G. Britain, xxxv 241] 
xxxvi 207] 118. xxxvii 117. xxxviii 70] 
106. xliii 146 

«+.» French repulsed, xxxv 244] 286] 

«--. Successes of the French, xxxvi 70] 
72) xxxviii 89] 

e+e peace with France, xxxviii 90] 262 

+++ death of the king, xxxviii 39 

«+++ conduct of France toward, xl 119] 

+++ the king obliged to relinquish Pied- 
mont to the French, xl 130] 274 

+... his protest against them, xli 277 

+. «» insurrection in, xliii 72] 

+--+ C. Emanuel resigns his title to his 
brother Victor Emanuel, xliv 248 

-.». Italian territories restored, lvi 83] 

+... Genoa annexed to, lvi 84] 

oe Beceanity to be paid by France, lvii 

e+e. Trestitution of money paid the Al- 
gerines, lviii 104] 
aa with G. Britain, lviii 363, 

+++. law respecting primogeniture and 
feudal rights, lix 142] 

+~«+ beatification of the late queen, lx 49 

Sargans, burnt down, liv 24 

- SA 
Sargent, capt. (A) murdered, xlix 513, 

W. (N) lvi 177. lviii 235 
J. xxxiii 231. Ivi 369. lvii 336. 
lviii 424. lix 249. 1x 399. Ixi 398 
Sarignon, iv 294] \ 
Sarmento, J. de Castro. See Castro 
Sarpi, fath. Paul, xxiii 213 
Sarrao, don Francis, ii 252 
Sarrazin, gen. xl 14]. lii 184n, 264* 
Sarria, marq. de, v 29] 
Sarsfield, count de, xxxi 210] 
gen. Me Lucan, Patrick, eari 


_—_ (Span.) liii 111] 

Sartine, ‘de, viii 105] xiv 81] -xxi 37] 
198] xxii 203] xxiii 11] 232] xxiv 241] 

Sartorius, Urb. lix 235. 1xi 300 

Sass, gen. de, liii 135] 

Saturday, xvii 192 

Saturn (the deity) xi 141 

Sauer, gen. xxi 29] 
Saugnier, xxxiv 394 
Saul, Wallachian resident at Warsaw, xi 


Saumaise, Cl. de, ii 414. v 143, 149. vi 37. 
xiv 222, 228 

Saumarez, adm. sir James, xxxvii 137] 65. 
xliii 247] 249) 252] 274) 124, 126. xliv 
8, 436. xlv 374, 435. li 456, 464. lili 

---- annuity to, xlv 108. Ix 401. Ixi 399 

capt. Phil. (N) xviii 26, 27 

ae, T. (N)i 113 

Saunders, adm. sir Chs. i 100. ii 30, 35, 37, 
39, 130, 132, 248. iti 150] 257] iv 21] 
23]109] 115] 151] 262] 264] v 196] x 
206] xiv 90] 207] xviii 192] xxvii 10 

... his spirited attempt to join Hawke, ii 
51, 128 

+ees Memoirsof, xviii 26  . 

capt. Rich. iii 79] 

Cornelius, execution of, vi 96] 

Dr. W. xxv 104 

Edw. xxxviii 92 

G. lx 86 . 

Mich. Decker, xxvi 206 

Rob. xlii 470 

Saurau, Francis count, xxxix 341 

Saurin, serg. W. xlii 116] liv 124] 

Saurnel, capt. ii 64 

Saussure, H. B. de, xxii 94. xxx 144. lix 

«+e account of, xli 330 

Sauvage, ab. Boissier de, xi 94, 95 

Dr. Franc. Boissier de, xxx 72 

Savage state. See Man 

Savage, C. vi 109] 

H. xvii 110] 

J. ix 58 

James, xx 201] 202] 

Rich, xxxiii 437] 

Savannah, resolution to destroy the town 
and shipping, xix 259] 

eves Siege Of, xxii 208") 



Savary, gen, xlii 19] xlvii 167, 717. xlviii 
199, xlix 8, 17, 171. 1135) 151] lvii 84] 

Nich, xxviii 97, 102, 118, 121, 124, 

. 328. xxix 15n, 197. xxxi 3, 91, 93, 143 

Savery, T. Field, lvii 321 

Savigny, Horatio, xlii 380 

Savile, Ann, xii 94 

H. xxxvi 365 

sir G. iii 146] xi 147] xii 96] 121] 
122] xiii 207] 208] 210] xiv 196] xv 87] 
xvi 95] 98] xvii 55] xviii 101*] 118*] 
102] xix 114*] xxi 189*] xxiii 88] 116] 
120] 167] 194*] 196*] 256] 260] xxiv 

~ 185*] 194*] 200*] 237] xxv 181] xxx 
212) xxxi 271] xxxv 152] liii 81] 

ee. address to his constituents, xxiii 399] 

«++. character of, xxiii 38. xxxi 271] 

sir Harry, ii 319. xv 122 

Savilla, Saveria (singer) death of, xxix 197] 

Savonarola, Girolamo, character of, xxxvii 

Ess: collection at the German Lutheran 
chapel for the prisoners in the Fleet, xi 

--.- donation from the king toward a 
church for the reformed German pro- 
testants, xiii 164] 

--+~ determined to belong to the crown as 

: parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, xviii 

eee fire in the, xix 124] 

«+++ attempt to escape from, xxiv 179] 

Savoy, duchy of, invaded by the French, 
xxxiv 317, 319 

Amadeus VIII of, xxii 11 

-—— Charles Emanuel of, xxii 8 

—— Philibert Emanuel, duke of, xv 10, 

Saw-mill, worked by wind, erecting at Lime- 
house, x 85] 159] 

eee. pulled down by rioters, xi 108} 

Sawa, marsh." xiv 118] 

Sawbridge, ald. J. xii 74] 89] 91] 102] 
109] 139] 149] 161] 184] 186] xiii 86) 
90] 106] 150] 160] 225] xiy 94] 105] 
145] 147] 190] xv 74] 78] 82] xvi 69] 
84] 98] 140] xvii 55] 93] 97] 155] 156] 
xviii 100°] xix 143*] 177] 187] 192] 
245] xx 163] xxi 203] 204] 210] xxii 
236] xxiii 199°] 198] 226] 236] 259] 
xxiv 158] xxv 181] 195] xxvii 180*] 
186] 189] xxix 136] xxxii 93] xxxiii 24] 
xxxiv 78 

e--- account of, xxxvii 8 

J. jun. ii 143 

—_——_- W. lxi 303 

Sawdon, T. xliv 776 

Sawoisky, col. de, i170 

Sawyer, adm. Herbert, xxii 204*] 

———~—\ sir Herb. xxxvi 74, liv 197] 
248. lv 264 

Herb. vi 164] 

Mrs. murder of, xxxviii 13 

— sir Rob. vi 276. xiv 33 

T. executed for piracy, xviii 170] 


Saxby, xix 169] 190] 
Rob., executed for murder, ii 107 ~ 
Saxe, different branches of the house of, 
lviii 28 
Saxe Cobourg, prince of, xxx 25] 38] 44 
xxxi 166] 175] xxxv 244] 250] 273] 274 
29, 157. xxxvi 4] 20] 28] 45] 47] 225] 
246] 258] 148, 205, 212 
—— prince ’ Leopold of. See Co- 
bourg Saalfeld 
Saxe Gotha, princes of, xi 156] 161] 
«++. duke elected knight of the Garter, 
Xxxli 227] xxxiii 16] 
+». enters into the confederacy of the 
Rhine, x! viii 200 
Saxe Hilburghausen, prince of, i 22 
—— Teschen, duke of, xxix 213*] xxxiii 
25] xxxiv 107] 118] 1257] 
Weimar, new constitution of, viii 142] 
lix 138] 
-+ liberty of the press in, lix 128. Ix 5 
—— Weimar, duchess of, xlix 926 
duke of, xiviii 189, 192, 197, 
200. xlix 928, 929 
Saxe, marsh. iv 172] ix 6, 16, 21, 26, 171, 
173. xix 20. xxv 19, 138 
——~—— chev. de, xi 171] 
Saxelbye, J. Swift, xlvi 825 
Saxo Grammaticus, xiii 33 
Saxony : proceedings of the king of Prussia 
“ 1 8, 9, 33, 53, 60, 64. xvi 187, 188 
wees entered by prince Henry, ii 46 
e+» distress of, iii 9] 
«+ e+ recovered from the Prussians, iii 45] 
+++- memorial of the elector on the treat- 
ment of, iii 208] 
wee declaration to England and Prussia 
respecting peace, iv 272] 
«+s. counterdeclaration, iv 273] 
e+ +» death of the elector, vi 47] 216] 
- augmentation and improvement of the 
army, x 35] 
++. the young elector assumes the govern- 
ment, x 36] 
+++» new order of knighthood, xi 171] 
«ee State of, xvi 187 
oes proposed neutrality rejected by Aus- 
tria, xxi 22] 
e+e toleration of Catholics, xxvii 13] 
«++. congress of Pilnitz, xxxiii 71. See 
- the elector proposed as successar to 
the crown of Poland, xxxiii 116 
e+e defensive armament, xxxvili 280 
«+++ treaty of alliance with France, xlviii 
194, 195. xlix 672 
«++. Frederic Augustus IV declared king 
by Buonaparte, xlviii 200 
«++» his proclamation to the Poles, li 708 
eee. —————~ Saxons, li. 709 
ee+- joins the French, lv 122] 
+.. proclamation on quitting Dresden, ly 

ees» part of his army joins the allies, lv 



Saxony : the king and all his court taken in 
Leipsic, lv 138] 

...- prince Repnin appointed governor of, 
lv 172] 

«... taken possession of by Prussian troops, 
lvi 105] 457 

+... Temonstrances of the king against the 
division of his territory, lvii 105] 364 

.»-- mutiny of the troops at Liege, -lvii 

++. part assigned to Prussia, lvii 106] 

+... treaty of peace with Prussia, lvii 384 

«+e» proclamation of the k. of Prussia to 
the inhabitants of the part allotted to 
him, lvii 386 

--.». address of the k. of Saxony to the 
same, lvii 387 

-.. treaties of settlement, lviii 370, 371 

-»-- request of the states for the old con- 
stitution to be confirmed, lix 123 

+... marriage of the prince royal to the 
archduchess Caroline of Austria, lxi 80 

See also Poland 

Saxony, prince Charles of, vi 216] vii 84] 
xi 171] xv 23] 

——— prince Clement of, vi 79] xi 36] 

prince Frederick of, vi 216] 

e+.» death of, vi 47] 

—~— prince Xavier of, iv 29] vi 47] 

Say, rev. S. xvi 77. xxvii 147 

Sayenqueraghta (Indian chief) vii 180] 

Sayer, capt. G. (N) xlix 656. lii 300, 304. 
liii 229 

couns. xii 128] 

Sayre, Steph. proceedings on a charge of 
high treason, xviii 239] xix 53] 

e+.» action against lord Rochfort, xix 55] 
156] xx 210] 

Sczevola, Quintus Mutius, i 453 

Scagg, T. lvii 5i 

Scala, Ant. de la, xii 161 

Scald head, remedy for, xviii 119 

Scalds. See Burns 
Scales, Ant. Widville, lord. See Rivers, 

Scaliger, Jos. Justus, xiv 173, xvii 234. xxiii 
62. lvii 99 

—— Jul. Cezs, vi 92, 166. x 214 

Scandal, melancholy consequences of, liv 65 

Scandalum magnatum, actions of, xiv 87] 
xvi 100] 178] 

Scanderbeg, xlviii 140 

Scandinavians, ancient, xiii 32 

Scantlebury, Rich. li 544 

— acts for improving, vi 65] xxi 

+--+. petition for reform, xxvi 199] 

Scarborough, G. Augusta, 5th earl of, xxvii 
aia 298] xxxi 298] 304] x19, 211. 

Jane, convicted of stealing a 
note out of a letter, lix 217 

Rich. 2nd earl of, viii 2 

++.» character of, xx 20 

Rich. 4th earl of, vii 178] x 



184] xiii 70] 197] 199] xiv 252] xviii 249} 
251] xix 255] xx 280] xxi 303] xxii 342} 
343] 348] 350] xxiii 330] 333] 

Scarcity. See Corn 

Scarlatti, Dom, iii 12 

Scarlett, James, xlix 1]1, 115. liv 280. lvi 
299, 316. lvii 286, 292, 294, 297. lviit 
273, 292. lix 175, 181, 189. 1x 251, 252, 
256, 277, 290, 292, 303, 329. Ixi 188, 19}, 
201, 266 

Scarron, Paul, ix 2. xvii 197 ' 

Scarsdale, Nath. Ist lord, viii 204] ix 88] 
xxi 121] 

Scarth, Mich. xlvi 827 

Scaurus, Marcus, iii 160. v 142 

Scavoir vivre club, xv 150] 

Scawen, duel, xvi 131] . 

W. trial of miss Butterfield for poi- 
soning, xviii 233] 

se. action to set-aside his will, xx 161] 
xxiii 220] 

Scepeaux, marq. xlii 7] 

vise. xxxvili 84] 275 

Scepticism, xiv 257 

Schaeffer, Pet. xxxvi 378 

Schaghin Gheray, xxvi 364] 

Schamans, xxiii 57 

Schanek, adm. J. xlv 846 

Scharapoff, Steph. xvii 151 

Schartzfeld cavern described, i 331 

Schartzfels castle taken by the French, iv 

Schaub, sir Luke, sale of his pictures, i 

Schauenberg, gen. 

Scheele, C. W. xxiv 78 

Scheemaker, v 86] 94] vii 93] 

Scheffer, bar. iv 273] 

(chem.) vii 119 

J. 1xi 304 

Scheldt, navigation of, claimed by the em- 
peror, xxvii 106] 112] 352] 353) " 

e-.. that of it’s mouths given up, xxv 
136] Y 

..-. remarks on the right of navigating it 
to the sea, xxxv 118, 121 

Schele, bar. von, vii 55] ‘ 

Scherer, gen. xxxvii 73] xxxviii 144] xli 
277] 282] 

Scheuchzer, xxi 104 

Schill, col.  xlix 179. 1i 213 

Schiller, Fred. xliv 454 

Schimmelmann, bar. xi 152] ; 

Schimmelpenninck, R. J. xli 297. xliv 73. 
xlvi 637. xlvii 676. xlviii 698 , 

Schinderhannes, (famous robber) xliv 
454 : 

Schinner, Matth. liii 399 

Schladen, baron, lix 106 

Schlegel, prof. xliii 90] 

Schlippenbach, gen. xxvii 16 

Schlosser, Dr. J. A. viii 94 

Schmalcalder, C. xlix 853. lv 319 

Schmeling, miss iii 131] 

Schmettau, count 160 

x] 29] 33] 102] 106) 



sc / sc 
Schmettau, count, burns the suburbs of 271] xlvii 696, 707, 709. lii 268. liv 171 

Dresden, i 61, 167 
———— 1. gen. killed, xlviii 193 
Schmidt, Dr. James, x 107 
—_——- J. lii 418 
J. Gottl. Fred. xvii 852 
maj. xi 251] 
Schneider v. Heath, lvi 304 

xix 113] 

J. H. naturalized, xi 201] 
—— prof. xliii 480 
Schobell, capt. (N) lv 97 
Schoen, Martin, xlviii 829 
Scherer, gen. xxxvi 39] 
Scheerls, volcanic, xli 392 
Scholes, Benj. lx 51 
Scholey, ald. G. xlvi 402. xlvii 434. lv 80 
Schollheins, lieut. col. i 88 
Schomberg, capt. Alex. Wilmot (N) 1 137* 
————— capt. C. M. (N) liii 100] 216, 


— capt. sir A. (N) viii 117 
—_—-—— count, lays claim to Hamburg, 
xvi 8] 

Dr. Isaac, xxiii 205] 
— Fred. Arn. duke of, xiv 143. 
xxvili 32 

prince and princess of, lx 61 

Schonenburg, van, iv 126 

srs for artists at the duke of Richmond’s, 

Schoolmasters, one indicted for killing one 
of his scholars, xiii 159] 

+... action against one for neglect, xix 149] 

Schools, Lancasterian, | 143 

-... engraved slates for, li 860 

Schopping, i 164 

Ser ee And. convicted of murder, xlix 


Schreder, i333 

Schramm, gen. 


xlix 24 

xxiv 196] 
C. xxxiv 45 
Schreeder, gen. count, xxxiii 33, 34 
Schreerer, gen. xxxix 62] 
Schulemberg, count, 

80] xlviii 159, 196 
Schultens, prof. Alb. i246, 247 

i 232. ii 141. xli 

Schultz, Benj. iv 92] 
— gen. xxxil97*] 
Schumacker, xi 152] 

Schuppach, Mich, (Swiss water doctor) xxii 

Schurmann, Anna Maria, xiv 223 
Schutorff, gen. xli 106 

Schutz, capt. (A) xxiv 70] 

J. v. F. for adultery, xiv 159] 
—_—— J. G. xxviii 224] 

Schuwalow, count, xvii 14] 

Schuyler, col. Pet. i 106 

gen. Phil. xviii 141*] xix 4] xx 

Phil. P. xi 70] 
Schwartz, prof. Josh. ix 42,43 
Schwartzenberg, marsh. prince, xli 245] 



190] ly 116] 130] 134] 138] 170] Wit 
450. lvi 3] 8] 16] 18] 24] lvii 81) 

Schwegeld, bar, 1 229 ; 

Schweidnitz besieged by the Austrians, i 
20 : 

e+. taken, i 23 

--+. retaken by the,Prussians, i 40 

+++. blockaded by the Austrians, iii 26] 

«+e the blockade raised, iii 30] 

«++. taken by Laudohn, iv 35] 

e+.» defeats of Daun near, v 16] 23] 

+++» invested by the Prussians, v 23] 

»++» Surrendered, v 52] 

Schweighaeuser, prof. J. xxxvi 7 

Schwerin, marsh. enters Bohemia, i 9, 16 

---. killed, i 16 

++ picture to his memory placed in the 
garrison church at Berlin, iv 176] 

«+... monument to him at Berlin, xii 105] 
xx 188] 

Schwiechelt, countess, found guilty of steal- 
ing a coronet of emeralds, xlvi 365 

Sciaim bey, liii 147] 

Sciarra, capt. of banditti, vi 24 

Science, classification of, xlii 224] 

Sciences and Arts, comparative excellence 
of, xxxiii 397] 

parte. islands, grant for the relief of the, 
x 91 

++. report on the, Ix 136 

Scindia, xxv 7] 21] 22] 29] 37] xxvi 9] 37] 
77] 80] 291] 343] xli 241. xliv 282. xlv 
556. xlvi 83, 198, 2112, 233, 236. xlvii 6, 
64, 197. xlviii 252, li 233, 235. liii 166] 
lv 12. Ixi 200] 201] 208] 498 

.. «+ treaty with the E. India company, xlvi 

.«+. fresh treaty, xlviii 702 

Scio, earthquake in the island of, x 66] 

Scipio Africanus, i 312. xiv 179 

——- Nasica, iv 156. xxxix 422 

Scirrhus, observations on, iii 112 

Sclater, Dr. xxi 167] 

Scolfield, Benj. ancient coins found by, xviii 

Scopas, xxxviii 468 

Scoresby, W. jun. lv 487. lix 529 

Scory, chev. _—-vii 106 r 

Scot, capt. (Amer.) xl 288 

Scotland: extent of the Roman conquests 
in, xiii 133] 

..«. Highlanders of, xiv 40. xvii 38. xx 82. 
xlii 313 

. wild cattle, xvii 87 

++.. remains of the Picts’ houses, xvii 139 

.... Highlands of, xx 82 

...« vitrified forts, xxi 146 

.... survey and map of, xxxii 212] 

1... conduct of England toward, xxxiii 43 

«+. price of corn at various periods, xxxiii 

.... late use of torture in, xxxiv 434 

.... combat between M‘Phersons and Da-’ 
vidsons, xxxiv 436 



sc sc 
Scotland : effects of the union on, xli 218] Scotland: grants of money for debts &c. 

xliii 43] 
-+-++ antiquities in, xxxy 360 
«++. ancient state of, xxxvii 112*] xlix 
“ht poetry of, in the 16th century, xxxviii 

+++» population of, xliii 25] liii 98, 273. liv 

ee. ancient inhabitants, xlix 998 

«++. introduction of the names of James 
and Charles into the royal family, 1 160 

--. the forts along the coast ordered to be 
put into the best state of defence, ii 121 

--+- commencement of the year in, ii 412 

+--+ ancient feudal constitution of, ii 490 

+--+ meeting of the nobility and gentry of 
Scotland for abolishing vails, iii 66] 

«--- linen cloth for sale stamped in, iii 
118] 163] vi 67] 119] x 72] xvi 224] 

---- oath of security of the church taken 
by George ITI, iii 138] : 

++. principals of the law of, iii 263 

--.. herring fishery, iv 63] ix 108] x 227] 
xvii 145] xxiv 198] xlii 109. xliii 17] 

--.. law of marriage in, v 66] vi 166] xii 
72] liii 259. 1x 258 

«+.. no prisoner for debt or crime in three 
shires, v 87] 

«+. grants to discharged soldiers and sai- 
lors settling in, vi 118] 

e+.. riots in, vi 120] x 92] xii 120] xiv 93] 
xvi 65] 67] xxiii 30] xxix 219. xxx 209] 
Iviii 115, 173, 192. Ixi 109] 

«+.. marriages of Englishmen in, vii 48] x 

«+e+ gems found in, vii 52] 

«...- sale of forfeited estates in, vii 58] 

e+..+ magistrates of Edinburgh complain of 
recruiting for the Dutch service on ac- 
count of the scarcity of hands in, vii 70] 

«+. letter from the king to the general 
assembly of the church, viii 89] 

+... act regulating the issue of banknotes 
in Scotland, viii 90] 

«++» pearl-fishery in, viii 131] 

+++» very fine thread manufactured in, viii 

«+--+ encouragement offered to a colony of 
manufacturers there, viii 147] 148] 
+++. remarks on the laws of, viii 228] xviii 
189] x] 439. xlix 148. 1 137*. 11 170 
«+s» punishment of a minister convicted of 
_ adultery, ix 107] 
+... cudbear collected for dyeing, ix 117] 
-+-+ ports opened for importation of corn, 
ix 143] 
'.«.+. meeting of the general assembly of 
the church, x 90] 
++.. poaching strictly forbidden to excise 
officers, xii 144] 
--+- E. India company’s officers recruiting 
in the Highlands, xii 163] 
*+++ numerous and extravagant addresses 
from, xiii 57] 

on the forfeited estates, xiii 237] 

ee roads and bridges, 

xiii 238] xiv 225] xv 212) xvi 228] xvii 
251] xviii 245] xix 250] xx 267] xxi286] 
xxii 328] xxiii 311] xxiv 271] xxv 289] 
xxvi 308] xxvii 300] 343] xxviii 251]. 
xxix 265] xxx 262] xxxi 284] xxxii 277] 
xxxiii 141] xxxiv 147. xxxv 105. xxxvi 
118. xxxvii 1]7. xxxviii 106. xxxix 169. 
x1 206. xli 196. xlii 163,165. xliii 189. 
xliv 586. xly 628, 2b. 629. xlvi 582. xlvii 
587, 590. xlviii 637, 639. xlix 727*, 729*. 
1 181*. 1i 537. 1ii 424, 2b. 1xi 420, 421 

+++. emigrations to America, xiv 80] xvi 
92] 121] 127] xvii 119] 137] xviii 134] 
160] lvii 35. lix 109 

«+e. proceedings at the election of a par- 
liamentary peer, xiv 200] 

«++. money granted for losses by prevent- 
ing the spread of the disease among 
cattle, xiv 225] xv 212] 

+s. first masquerade in, xvi 67] 

.... decrease of the linen manufacture, xvi 
118] xvii 98] 

«+. great distress in, xvi 144] 

.... action of damages for breaking down 
fences by foxhunting, xvii 95] 

.. bill to enable the Ayr bank to grant 
bonds instead of annuities, xvii 105] 119] 

+-- great scarcity of money in, xvii 150] 

.-+. list of peers to be elected sent down 
by ministers, xvii 160] 163] 

.. + plan for the recovery of drowned per- 
sons, xvii 163] 

ees Pe wr of agriculture in, xviii 
11 : : 

.- +. abolition of slavery in, xviii 122] 123] 

.... bill for the establishment of a militia 
brought in, xix 140*] 

.... addresses from the church of, xix 148] 

»»-- abundance of money in, xix 164] 

.+ +. act for the better preservation of game, 
xx 185] 

..+. regiments raised for government, xxi 
85] 162] 

.... absolute freedom of Negroes first de- 
cided in, xxi 163] 

«es. action against the proprietors of a 
bank, xxi 195] 

++e» public fast on account of the progress 
of infidelity and encouragement of po- 
pery appointed by the synod of Glasgow 
and Ayr, xxi 206] 

. ee. public fast on account of abounding 
sin and the melancholy state of affairs 
Spite by the synod of Dumfries, xxi 

..+. grant for fencible regiments, xxi 287] 

.... associations against relaxing the laws 
respecting Catholics, xxii 194] xxiii 27] 

.+.. proceedings on this subject, xxiii 26] 

.++- riots on the occasion, xxiii 28] 256] 

...++ partiality of ministers to the soldiery 
of, xxiii 161] 


Scotland; action against the commissioners 

_ of customs for bounties on the herring 
fishery, xxiv 198] 

e+. money given for relief of the poor, 
xxvi 217] 
«++. act for granting forfeited estates to 
the heirs of the proprietors, xxvii 365] 
e++- maleadministration of the royal bo- 
roughs, xxix 197] xxxiv 162] xxxv 174] 
Ix 46] 1xi 67] 

eee» members of the college of justice 
exempt from poor rates, xxx 196] 

++. engagements between boats from New- 
haven and Preston Pans respecting an 
oyster fishery, xxx 202] 

e+». the king and royal family prayed for 
in the episcopalian churches, xxx 205] 

«+.- centenary of the Revolution appointed 
a day of public thanksgiving, xxx 219] 

«+. earthquakes felt in, xii 155. xxxi 227] 
li 255. lviii 121-4, 572 

e+e State of, xxxili 218 

e-.. bill for the relief of dissenters, xxxiv 

---. tree of liberty planted at Dundee, 
xxxiv 44 

«++. convention of burgesses for reform, 
xxxiv 98, 99 

as ve for the relief of Catholics, xxxv 

«+++ duty on coals carried coastwise taken 
off, xxxv 166] 

«s+» ——— spirits increased, xxxv 167] 

-.++ bills for a militia, xxxv 175] xxxix 

«.+» prosecutions for sedition, xxxv 189] 
xxxvi 263] 2, 26.3, 6, 8, 9. lix 102] 

-... woollen manufacture, xxxv 2 

... trials for high treason, xxxvi 28, 34, 
xxxvii 17 

«+. licenses on distilleries, xxxix 133] 

-... Tisings against the militia act, xxxix 
44, 52 

--.. seditious proceedings in, xli 156 

e+-. grants toward an inland navigation, 
xlv 629. xlvi 582. xlvii 590. xlviii 636. 
xlix 729*. 1 182*. li 536. Ix 422. 1xi 421 

-.+«. association for promoting the defence 
of the frith of Forth and Scotland in ge- 
neral, xlvi 522 

«+s. proceedings respecting the Court of 
Seana, xlviii 94. 1118] 119] 1i 170. lii 

e.». act for regulating the powers of the 
commission of teinds, 1 121] 

e+». case of Sabbath breaking in housing 
corn on a Sunday, | 126* 

e+. dissenting minister impressed by a 
magistrate, 1 133* 

eee Educationin, 1 272. lvii 573 

«++ grant to surveyor of roads, li 537 

e+. augmentation of stipends of the cler- 
gy, lit 146. liv 8 

«. +. bill drawn by the gov. of fort George, 
lii 424 



Scotland: subscription for the poor of Ha 
milton, liii 38 

-++- attempt to suppress a meeting for the 
equelintion of weights and measures, liii 

+++. claim of the clergy to exemption from 
taxes set aside, liv 104 

---- election of peers, liv 142 

---. act for trial by jury in civil causes, lvii 
7] 318. lviii 12 ; 

«.+. two duellists sentenced to pay a fine 
to the Lunatic Asylum, lvii 17 

‘ees barbarities on turning out tenants in 

Sutherlandshire, lvii 35 

. eb ponseorstian of a Catholic bishop, Lviii 

+++ colonists settled in Poland, lix 60 

e+. discharge of several persons impri- 
soned for treason, lix64 - 

«++. regalia found in the chest in the castle 
of Edinburgh where they were said to be 
deposited, Ix 10, 25 

---- convictions for celebrating unlawful 
marriages, lx 258 

+++» several harbours injured by a storm, 
lxi 85 

*+e+ management of the poor, lxi 326 

Scott, (Amer. judge) li 503 

—_—— (att. gen. Irel.) xxii 234] 

(F. S. A.) xviii 157 

—— Alex. xx 21] ~ 

—— Claude, xxxvii 103*] xxxix 159. xlii 

—— capt. 

3 P 


(N) xiv 90] xix 161°] xxxvi 

—— — G. (N) lii 301 

—— — Hercules (A) xxxvii 67, 70 

—-— — Jonathan (A) xxviii 4 

—-— —S. (N.) xvii 153] 

—— — W. xxviii 242] 

—— C. Stewart, lvii 41 

—— col. xlii 33.1 91] 

— — lvi 174, 206, 210 

couns. xliv 395. li 280 

—— David, xxx 202] 223] xxxix 146] xliii 
198] xlvii 74 

—— gen. (Amer.) lvi 205 

—— G. Lewis, xviii 62. xxiii 382] xxiv 

-—— James, lix 30, 3] 

J. vii 73] xliv 778. 1x 361 

—— J. killed at a coalpit, xlix 419 

—— J. case of defective sight, xxii 64 

—— J. (secr. to lord Nelson) xlviii 454 

lieut. Archib. (A) xxvi 16] 

——l.col. 1x 182] y 

maj. J. xxviii 94] 130] xxix 150] 

163] xxxi 159] 2d. 164] xxxiii 78. xxxvii 


--+. reprimanded by the Commons for 2 
libel, xxxii 102] 

—— Mich. xlviii 1036 

miss xvii 205 

—— misses, two, drowned, xlii 30 

——— Mrs, (actress) li 262 





Scott, Mrs. (wet nurse to the prince of Sea: instances of land gaining on the, iii 

Wales) v 98] 
—— Reginald, xx 44 
rev. v 111] xviii 134] xlviii 355 
~—— rev, Dr. xlix 808 
rev. Dr. James, xxii 221] liii 63 
rev. G. convicted of defamation, xl 


rey. J. xxxviii 12 

—— rev. T. E. liii 83 

—— Rich. xliii 452 

—sirJ. See Eldon, lord 

sir Walter, xliv 838. xlv 926, liv 458, 
lvii 618, 620 

—— sir W. xxvii 192] xxx 149] xxxi 
227] xxxii 247] xxxv 173] xxxvii 170. xlii 
142] xliii 86] xliv 53,175. xlv 2, 64,111, 
115, 123, 156. xlvi 5. xlvii 96, 10). xviii 
246, 422, 1033, 1036, 1042, 1043, 1044, 
1046. 1 222*, 203-16. lii 703-10. liii 255, 
257, 259. liv 27, 278, 287, 289, 312. lv 
55] 56] 264, 266, 278. lvi 123] 126] 292, 
294. lvii 285, 297. lviii 264. Ix 130] 255, 
272, 287, 310, 327. lxi 213, 269, 275, 287 

—— T. xxii 236] xxv 195] xxvii 268] xlix 

W. xlvii 852 
Scottish Hospital, xviii 181] 
Scotto, iil 87 
Scottone, N. xxxiv 1 
Scrafton, Luke, xii 53] 132] xiv 69] 
Scrimshaw, Sam. ii 99 
Scripture, qualifications of a commentator 
on, iv 186 
+++. inspiration of, v 241 
«++. ancient MSS. of, vi 140. xlix 892 
e+.» 0 epic poems from, viii 237 
«... disputed passage in John, xlix 894 
«.«» New Testament translated into Chi- 
nese, lvi 100 
«».- number of Bibles and Testaments 
printed at Oxford and Cambridge, lvii 74 
Scrofula, remedy for, xxxvi 357 
Scrope, (t.C.I and II) 1 238 
—— capt. Joshua (yeomanry) xxxviii 40 
T. xi 155] 
Scudamore, lord, xlvi 842, 844, xlvii 898 
Scull, Rob. iii 157] 
Sculpture, historical account of, xxxviii 468 
«--. marbles brought from Greece by lord 
Elgin, lviii 446! 
+,.. Agina marbles, lviii 453 
eee Phigalian marbles, ib. 
Scurvy, remedies and preventives of, vii 
128, xxxi 71 
lax, xxxix 433 
Seythians, manners and customs of the, i 
ae xxiv 3 
¢ gaining on our coast, retiring from 
the French, iii 134] - i 
"+2 currents in the, iii 80, 86. xxvii 156. 
Ti 288, 1xi 39 
«+++ Observations on that near the North 
pole, iii 87 
+++ petrifactive power of, ili 99 
Parr I, 

100, 101 
--+. use of oil in smoothing and giving 
light, iii 97] iv 141. xviii 173] 70 
.+.. means of procuring fresh water at, iii 
121. iv 140. viii 95] xi 118 
s+. security against want of provision, xi 
120. xvi 129 
...- luminousness of the, xiii 74. lii 633 
-.-» milky appearance of spots in the, xvi 
106. lii 636, 637 
.... sudden high rise of, at Newfoundland, 
xvili 157] 
-.-.» heat of the Gulf-stream, xxv 59 
- infirmary for bathing erected at Mar 
gate, xxxvili 27 
+++ extraordinarily clear, x1 50 
sie: = surface lower than formerly, xli 
-... ebbing and flowing of the. See Tides 
-.«. land gained from. See Land 
--+. water of. See Seawater 
Sea-anemone, vii 49] 
Sea-fencibles, xlvii 223 
Sea-lions, xiv 86 
Sea-snakes, xiv 82. li 257 
Seabury, bish. S. (Amer.) xxvii 232] 
Seafights, ancient, x 275. xxv 143 
oes ya a the Adventure and Machault, 
«++ off Cape Francois, i 79, 83 
gee adm. Osborn and du Quesne, 
+++. ——+— the Dorsetshire and Raison- 
nable, i 94 
+++. ——-— Boscawen and de la Clue, ii 
23, 112 
«se. ——-—— Hawke and Conflans, ii 52, 
e+ ++ ——+— Pocock and d’Ache, ii 53. iii 
+e-- ———— the Buckingham and Floris- 
sant, ii 61 
sai —— Vestal and Bellona, ii 74 
---- Danaé taken by the Southampton and 
Melampe, ii 83 
-.++ la Mignonne taken by the Aolus, 74. 
-».. Count St. Florentin taken by the 
Achilles, ii 85 
+++. Duke de Chartres taken by the Wind- 
sor, ii 87 
. capture of ]’Arethuse, ii 90 
Ae: pi Velour taken by the Favourite, ii 
.. ++ between the Hercules and a French 
man of war, ii 120 
eee. ——— Elliot and Thurot, iii 57 
eee two French privateers and 
the Thames, iii 79] 

e+.. ——-—— the Flamborough and Bid- 
deford, and la Malicieuse and l’Opale, iii 

«se. ——-— three E. Indiamen and seven 
its ships in the river Hoogly, iii 



Seafights: between the Hardwick Indiaman 
and a French frigate, iii 115] 

«+++ Vestal taken by the Unicorn, iv 64] 

oe ” between the Seahorse and le Grand, 

+» + capture of la Brune, iv 66] 

+». between the Richmond and Felicité, 
iv 68] 268] 

«++» capture of the Warwick by the Mi- 
nerva, iv 70] 

«++. four French frigates from Cape Fran- 
gois taken or destroyed, 2d. 

«+. capture of |’Entreprenant by the Ven- 
geance, iv 90] 

- ’Oriflamme by the Isis, iv 


-»-. Tuscany blown up in an, engagement 
with the Duke de Biron, iv 114] 

«+. French E. Indiaman taken by the 
Prince George, iv 138 

«+.. capture of the Achilles and Bouffon, 
iv 151] 

++.. six French privateers beaten off by 
the Cesar, iv 153] 

«+++ Prince of Bevern taken by a French 
privateer and the erew massacred, iv 154] 

«+++ the Lyme taken by five French pri- 
vateers and the capt. thrown overboard, 2b. 

nee a Courageux taken by the Bellona, iv 

+--+ between the Hampden Packet and 
eleven Spanish privateers, v 106] 

«+++ Manilla galleon taken by the Panther 
and Argo, vi 13] 

«+». between the Irish and Danes, vi 262 

«s+. the Glasgow and comm. Hopkins’s 
squadron, xix 158"] ; 

«».- with the Americans on lake Champ- 
lain, xx 4] 5] 

«+++ Renown and Languedoc, xxi 233*] 

---- Preston and Tonnant, 2d. 

«+». Isis and a French flagship, 2d. 

«.-. a French 80 gun ship defeated by the 
Jupiter and Medea, xxi 213] 

«--- Arethusa and Belle Poule, xxii 59] 

»».- Alert and a French schooner, xxii 

eee Keppel and d’Orvilliers off Usbant, 
xxli 63-71] : 
+--+ sit E. Vernon and mons. Tronjolly off 
Pondicherry, xxii 176] 
«--- Byron and d’Estaing off Grenada, xxii 

e-++ Fly sloop and two French cutters, xxii 

«++. Sancte Ineas taken by the Amazon 
and Ranger privateers, xxii 228] 

«+++ Serapis and countess of Scarborough 
taken by the Bon Homme Richard, Al- 
liance, Pallas, and Vengeance, xxii 309] 

ee+e Quebec and la Surveillante, xxii 312] 

e+. adm. Rodney and don Juan Langara, 
xxiii 202*] 

ee. capt. Cornwallis and de la Motte Pi- 
quet, xxiii 225*] 



Seafights: adm. Rodney and count de 
Guichen, xxiii 226*] 229*] 

.+++ la Capriceuse taken by the Prudente 
and Licorne, xxiii 287] 

«+++ la Nymphe by the Flora, xxiii 289] 

..+- le Comte d’Artois taken by the Bien- 
faisant, xxiii 290] 

.. +» Fame privateer and five French letters 
of marque, xxiii 291] 

-... Arbuthnot and de Ternay off the 
Chesapeak, xxiv 78] 

-»«- Hood and de Grasse off Martinico, 
xxiv 108] 

«+». Graves and de Grasse in the Chesa- 
peak, xxiv 128] 

++». marq. de la Fayette taken by the En- 
dymion, xxiv 182] 

++.» Maro Deur taken by the Flying Fish, 
xxiv 188] 

-+..adm,-Hyde Parker and the Dutch off 
the Dogger bank, xxiv 188] xxv 119 

+++. la Magicienne taken by the Chatham, 
xxiv 197] 

++. the Hercules and Mars taken by the 
Artois, xxiv 199] 

oe Tt eam taken by the Zephyr, xxiv 

..++ Nonsuch and Languedoc? xxiv 248] 

«-.» Flora and Crescent with the Castor 
and Brill, xxiv 248] 

RPT ies, taken by the Congress, xxiv ~ 


-.+. Atalanta and Trepassey taken by the 
Alliance, xxiv 253] 

+... com. Johnstone and Suffrein in Port 
Praya, xxv 107] 

--+.+- Hood and de Grasse in Basse Terré 
road, xxv 196*] 

-» ++ Rodney and de Grasse, xxv 204*] 208* | 

+»++ Foudroyant and Pegase, xxv 221*] 
-... the Duc de Chartres and ]’Aigle, xxv 

«--- London and a Frenchman, xxv 229] 

+++. Success and Santa Catalina, xxv 250] 

»... Sir Edw. Hughes and M. Suftrein, xxv 
268] 272] xxvi 44] 47] 66] 72] 111] 249] 

-... Mediator with la Menagere and four 
others, xxv 274] 

.... Coventry and Bellone, xxvi 70] 254] 

.-- Hector with lAigle and la Gloire, 

xxvi 128] 

-» ++ Ruby and Solitaire, xxvi 258] 

...- Leander and a French 74, td. 

..-- Magicienne and a French frigate, xxvi 

«+++ Hussar and la Sybille, 2b. 

... - Ranger taken by a fleet of Mahrattas, 
xxvi 289] 

..-. Russians and Swedes in the gulf of 
Finland, xxx 77] 79] 242] 247] xxxi 

.-.. French defeated by lord Howe, xxxvi 
282] 15, 16, 86, 90. xxxix 80 




Seafights: la Blanche and la Pique, xxxvii 

-... adm. Hotham and the French fleet in 
the Mediterranean, xxxvii 60 

e-.- lord Bridport and the French fleet off 
Port l’Orient, xxxvii 64 

«+.. defeat of the Spaniards off cape St. 
Vincent by sir J. Jervis, xxxix 94] 223] 
73, 80 

Be oe ——— Dutch by adm. Dun- 

can, xxxix 99] 75, 80 

eeee French at Aboukir by 
adm, Nelson, xl 139] 142 

««-- Wolverene and two French 
xli 2 

«++. PInsurgente taken by the American 
frigate Constellation, xli 11 

e+. le Guillaume Tell taken by the Foud- 
royant, xlii 19 

ee ge Kent taken by la Confiance, xlii 



e+» Swiftsure taken by a French squadron, 
xliii 248] 

e+. Linois attacked by sir J. Saumarez in 
Algeziras bay, xliii 249] 124 

+++ Sir J. Saumarez and the French and 
Spanish fleet off Cadiz, xliii 253] 126 

+». Elgamo taken by the Speedy, xliii 

---- Pickle, armed tender, and a Spanish 
schooner, xliy 528 

«-.» la Chiffonne taken by la Sibylle, xliv 

--+» PAffronteur taken by the Doris, xlva91 

--.. defeat of Linois by a fleet of E. India- 
men, xlvi 140, 551 

_e»+- squadron of Linois beaten off by the 

Centurion, xlvii 219 
-..- Arrow sloop and Acheron bomb taken 
by two large French frigates, xlvii 219 
---- 8ir Rob. Calder and adm. Villeneuve, 
xvii 230, 540, 567 

++. victory of Trafalgar, xlvii 234, 541, - 

549, xlviii 638. lviii 3] 

+++. Dumanoir’s squadron captured by sir 

’ Rich. Strahan, xlvii 239, 547 

---» Arrow sloop and Acheron bomb cap- 
tured by two French frigates, xlvii 524 

..-. Cleopatra taken by la Ville de Milan, 
-xlvii 527, 528 

«++» adm. Duckworth and Leisseigner, 
~ xiviii 229 

eg frigate and Foudroyant, xlviii 

+... Pomona taken by the Arethusa and 
Anson within pistol shot of a Spanish 
fort, xlviii 604 

«++. Seahorse and three large Turkish 
ships, 1 105* 

+++. Spartan with a large frigate, sloop, 
brig, cutter, and several gunboats, lii 306 

+++- five French frigates and six armed 
vessels defeated by four frigates under 
capt. Hoste, liii 95] 

«+++ President and little Belt, liii 152] 


Seafights : brave defence of the Cumberland 
against four French privateers, liii 6 
Amphion and three other frigates 
against eleven French and Italian vessels, 
liii 194 
+++» English and French frigates off Ma- 
dagascar, liii 214 
+++. Alceste and Active with la Pomone 
and another frigate, liv 136] 203 
ee». Rivoli taken by the Victorious, liv 
138] 213 
---- Rosario and Griffin with 12 brigs and 
a lugger, liv 139] 205 
++. President and Belvidere, liv 197] 
-.+- Guerriere taken by the Constitution, 
liv 200] 248 
«+++ Frolic by the Wasp, liv 203] 251 
+++- Macedonian by the United States, liy 
203] 255 
-+.- Java by the Constitution, lv 105] 131 
-.-- Amelia and a French frigate, lv 106] 
wr Peacock sunk by the Hornet, lv 108] 
..». Chesapeake taken by the Shannon, lv 
109] 184 
-..- Argus by the Pelican, lv 111] 209 
... Reindeer by the Wasp, lvi 174] 
--.- l’Alemene by the Venerable, lyi 171] 
«++. la Terpsichore by the Majestic, lvi, 
172] 158 
«++. la Clorinde by the Eurotas, lvi 172], 
161 : 
«++ Etoile by the Hebrus, lvil73] 176. 
--.» Essex taken by the Phcebe and Cherub, 
lvi 173] 177 : 
«+++ Primrose sloop and duke of Montrose 
packet by mistake, lvi 27 
+» «- President frigate taken by the Endy- 
mion, lvii 122] 138 
Seaforth, lord, xxi 202] 
- Francis Humberstone, lord, xliv 

Seagage, vii 48 
Seahorse. See Morse 
Seal, xviii 15]] 
Sealing wax, methods of making, ix 157. 
xxv 68. lix 570 : 
Seals, one caught in the Elbe, near Magde- 
burg, iv 105] 
e608 the Severn, xiii 152] 
+... modes of catching, lx 557 
Sealskins, dressed, duty on, xii 222] 
Sealy, E. lii 423 
Seamen, society for the velief of those in. 
the merchants’ service, at Glasgow, i 96 
+++» methods of preserving the health of, 
ii 416. ii1 158] iv 139. vii 128, 131, 132. 
viii 62] xii 87] xix 114, 117, 2b. xxvii 155 
++» persons executed for forging wills of, 
“iv 142] viii 121] 136] xli 9 
«+++ persons convicted of personating to 
receive their wages; vi 106] vii 88] viii 
71] ix 69] 78] 93] xxvii 194] xxxiv 30, 
xxxvi 30. xlviii 416 ’ 



Seamen: distress of those of the Eagle, 
upset at sea, viii 60] 

«+++ great mortality on board an E. India- 
man, viii 108] 

«+++ woman tried for robbing one, viii 136] 

ose. —————~—-— personating the widow 
of one, viii 150] 

e+e. distress of a sloop from Antigua, ix 

«oe riots on account of wages, xi 92] 105] 
106] 115] 168] xviii 100] xxvii 232] lvi 
103. lvii 140] 76, 80, 82, 330 

+++. petition the king for a rise of wages, 
xi 105] 107] 

eevee ——— parliament, xi 111] the E. India service apply for an 
increase of wages, xii 79] 

e+ several seized with blindness near the 
Line, xv 66] 

++.. damages against an E. India captain 
for cruelty, xvi 71] 

++.» four, left on East Spitzbergen, xvii 151 

«+e. gallantry of one, xxiii 214*] 

++.. wages recovered by French prisoners 
doing duty, xxvi 207] 

++ es verdict in favour of an E. India cap- 
tain flogging a boatswain for neglect of 
duty, xxxi 198] 

» ++. character of British, xxxix 221n] 

e+» one shot in attempting to escape from 
an armed ship, xlviii 412 

é... action against a captain for ill-treat- 
ment, xlviii 422 

e+. ——— for salvage of the lives of, lviii 

+++. wages vecoyered at the Thames police 
Office, Ixi 94 

«+. discharged in a foreign port, wages 
ae passage expenses recovered by, Ixi 


«+++ damages for improperly impressing. 
See Navy 

+++ impressment of, &c. See Navy 

Searles, James Sturman, xlv 832 

Seasickness, labour brought on by, xlix 354 

Seaton, Christ. viii 1947] 

G. xxxvii 169 

gov. Jaines, xxxvii 168 

ety ae strange effect of, on cast iron, 
v 75 

«+++ effect of drinking, asa medicine, ix 111 

promotes putrefaction, xiii 75 

---- fresh water obtained from, by freezing, 
xix 76 

+... use of in agriculture, xxxvii 85*] 

Seaweeds, gigantic, xvi 104 

Sebastiani, gen. xlv 150, 166, 258, 321, 677, 
740, 765, 941. xlvii 160. xlviii 208, 793. 
xlix 194. li 176, 182, 196, 466, 469. lii 
31, 154, 171. liii 108] 115] 203. lv 124] 
lvi 6] 

-. ++ his report, xlv 742 

Sebright, sir J. vi 206] 207] xliv 821. lii 25 

Seced»r-, sect of, xlix 1926 

Sechelles, de, vii 73 




Sechelles, Herault, xxxvi 119] xxxviii 342 

Seckendorff, bar. xviii 163] 

———— count, xxix 9 

Secker, abp. Thos. i 9]. xi 149] xii 120] 
xiii 162 

+++. account of, xi 16 

Seckford, T. xlvii 394 

Second sight. See Sight 

Secondilla, vii 106 

Secretary falcon, xlv 809 

Secretary of state: importance of the cha- 
racter of, viii 31] 

«+... whether a justice of the peace within 
aie meaning of the act 25 G. II, viii 88] 

«+. paid for a house for the office of one, 
xli 196, xlviii 637 

+++.» grants for extra charge of messengers, 
xlvi 583. xlvii 587. xlviii 638. xlix 726°. 
1181*. 11 537. lii 423, 1xi 419 

+++. grants for contingencies, xlvi 583. xlvii 
587. xlviii 638. xlix 726". 1 181*. 1i 536. 
lii 423. Ixi 419 

+... a@ third for the war department ap~ 
pointed, lviii 36] 

. “aay office abolished at the peace, Iviii 

ape — revived again, #5. 

+++. vain attempts to abolish it, lviii 36] 
lix 47] 

Secta Cunda, volcanoes opened in the hills 
of, vi 61] 

Seddon, xi 138] 151] 

——— rev. J. xlvii 795 

Sedges, cautions against the use of, iv 128 

Sedgwick, Mary, lx 361. lxi 301 

Sedition, what, viii 30] 

+». charges of and trials for, xxii 235] 
xxxiv 44, xxxv 189] 7, 25, 28, 40, 47, 54, 
59. xxxvi 2, 2b. 3, 6, 8, 9, 12. xxxix 4, 43, 
lix 102] 

«+.. acts respecting, xxxvii 153. xxxviii 101 

-++- proclamation against assemblies, xxxvii 

Sedley, sir C. ix 65x 

sir C. viii 208] xxxv 51 

Sedmoratzky, gen. xli 105 

Sedmy Palaty, or Seven Palaces, ancient 
building in eastern Tatary, x 139 

Seduction, actions for, xiii 141] 170] xix 
160] 183] xxxiii 15] xliv 390. xlvii 365. 
xlviii 418. 1i 292. lviii 267 

«s.. curious charge of, xlix 372 

Sedulius, Caecilius, xv 121. xvii 130 

Seeajee Guickwar, xxvi 343] 

Seeds, experiments on the preservation of, 
iii 127-131. xi 80] xii 108. xli 408 

«++. Means of causing their germination in 
the driest seasons, viii 137 

+... duration of the germinative faculty 
in, lv 490 

Seetoo, lxi 498 

Sefton, C. W. Ist earl of, xii 79] 

W. 2nd earl, lviii 277 

Segar, J. 5, xx 92 


Seggs. See Sedges 
Seguier, pres. lvii 91] 
Seguin, xx 134 
Seguirat, xlii 166] 
Segur, count, xxxiv 155, xliii 394. xlvii 
133, 626 
| Seid Ali bey, xlii 70 
Seidlitz, gen. ii 27 
Seiler, count, Austrian amb, xii 65] 
Seiné, scheme for clearing the mouth of 
the, xxix 203] 
. Selby, capt. W. (N) fii 301, 311 
——serg. xix 195] 
Selden, John, i 454. ii 311. ix 37] 39] x 
277. xxxvi 374. xlvi 984 
«+.» character of, ii 310 
«++. his Mare clausum, liv 512 
Self-tormenting, folly of, xiii 186 
Selim ITI, sultan, xxxi 169) 171] 181] xxxiii 
2, 99. xlix 190. 1 74*, 75* 
++». account of, xlix 920 
Guerai, khan, xiv 74*] 
Selkirk, Alex. xxviii 140 
Dunbar Hamilton, 4th earl, xiv 
202] xxi 177] xxvii 189] xxxi 298] 
xxxiv 30 
—— T. 5th earl, xlix 468. 1 44] li 114 
Sellard, W. murder of, xxxv 16 
Sellars, Peter, lvii 35 
W. xxxix 407. x] 386. xliii 455. 1vi336 
Sellers, J. tried for the murder of T. Yates, 
xxxvili 34, 35 
Sellon, rev. W. x 80] xxii 198]}214] 222] 
xxiii 214] 
-—-— Baker J. lviii 47, 51 
Selsey, James, Ist lord, xlvii 435 
Seltz, conferences at, xli 254] 
Selwin, T. vi 88] 
Selwyn, couns. xxiii 239] 
G. Aug. xiii 109] - 
 «+2- account of, xxxiii 4] 
Semaphore at the Admiralty, lviii 85 
Semigallia, claim of Russia to, iv 100] 
+... See also Courland 
Semler, prof. J. S. xi 155 
Semonville, count, xxxiv 322, 324, 325, 326. 
_ ii 237 
Sempill, Hugh, 15th lord, xxxiv 74 
«.+. dismissed from the army, xxxiv 47 
Semple, G. iv 179] 
j (swindler) xxxviii 46, x1 


Rob. li 790, 793, 878, 953. liv 464 
Senac, Dr, de, xxiv 90. xxxiii 231] 
‘Seneca, i 464. v 142-4, 146. xii 142: xiii 
238. xiv 164. xxiv 204 
Senefelder, J. Aloysius, xliii 455 
Senegal; account of, i 75. xxxiv 394 
+... expedition against, zh. 
+++. gum exported to Holland and Flan- 
ders, ii 75. iii 154] 
+... retained by G. Britain, v 61] 238] 
eee ety among the troops there, x 

s+«« sums granted for, x 218] 220] xi 263] 


xii 219] xiii 236] xiv 225] xv 210] xvi 
227] xvii 25|] xviii 245] xix 250] xx 
268] xxi 286] xxvi 306] 
Senegal : war with the k. of Baragh, xi 149] 
+. taken by the French, xxiii 11] 
«... ceded to France, xxvi 325] 
.... surrendered to the British, li 467 
Senesino, iii 16 
Senhouse, capt. (N) lvi 202 
lieut. W. W. (N) xlil21. xlv 397 
——_— maj. __ xi 98] 
Senior, Jos. xliii 463 
Sensia, gen. xliy 223 
Sensitive plant, peculiar kind of, xxvii 32 
Sentiment, production of, i 316 
Sentius Saturninus, iv 157 

. Seppings, sir Rob. xlvii 870 

Septeuil, xxxiv 17. xxxv 203] 212] 

Septimius Severus, ii 405, 408. viii 75] 

Septinsular republic. See Ionian republie 

Sepulveda, J. Genes de, xxix 122n 

Serajah Dowlah. See Surajah D. 

Serampore, fire at, liv 34 

Serao, Dr. xv 68, 83 

Serapis, frustum of a statue of, at Arles, xxx 

Sercey, adm. xli 237 

Serenus, ii 288 

Seringapatam : sieges of, xxxiv 208] 217] 
xli 61] 

+++. taken by assault, xli 62] 99 

Serjee Rao Ghautka, xlviii 253 

Sermon xxxvi 40. xxxvii 7 

Serocold, capt. (N) xxxvi 81 

Serpentine river, extraordinary swelling of, 
xl 69 

«+.» chaise overset in, xl 79 

Serpents, one found in a new laid hen’s 
egg, ix 119 

.... fascination of, ix 125. xli 50). li 794 

-.-- of the E, Indies, xxviii 45 

.. +. poisonous, of Africa, xxxi 51 

Serra, J. Correa de. See Correa 

Serra Capriola, prince of, xli 78] 

Serres de, lxi 167 

Serres de St. Claire, capt. lvii 32 

Serret, capt. (N) li 372 

Serrihodna (Indian chief ) vii 180] 

Serrurier, marsh. xxxviii 107] xxxix 8] 
24] xli 159] 280] 284] xlii 11] xlvi 176. 
lvi 49] 

Servan, xxxiv 21] 25] 52] 98] 101] 
xxxv 200 

Servant, J. lx 359. lxi 304 

Servants: meeting at Edinburgh for abol« 
ishing vails, iii 66] 

.«.. several pressed, iii 106] ; 

.... threatening letter on the abolition of 
vails, iv 77] 

++. families alarmed by, iv 99] 

.. +. cautions to, respecting fires, iv 103] vi 

++. curious account of a female, vi 51] 
..»- Tiot at Ranelagh on account of the 
abolition of yails, vii 74] 



Servants: resolution in Norfolk for abol- 
ishing vails, ix 49] ‘s 

++». extraordinary treatment of one, xii 

+++. action for ill-treatment of, xiii 72] 

++» ancient orders for, xviii 153. xlvi 861 

-+ ++ duty on male, xx 185] 249] xxii 251] 
xxvii 346] 347] liv 105] i 

» Sele Pi for length of service, xxiii 

+++» duty on female, xxvii 346] 347] 

+++. this repealed, xxxiv 150 

e+e. taken up ata dance, xxxiv 23 

«++. several bank notes entrusted to one 
stolen, xxxiv 27 

+++. act against giving false characters to, 
wb. 7 

e+. legacies to, xlii 24 

«..«. dismissal of one in labour, xlvi 398 

Servetus, Mich. xv 188. xxii 6 

Servia, cruelties and revolt in, lvi 106] 

Service, Grace Eliz. lvii 321 

Servin, ii 343 

Servius, Maur. Hon. v 138 

Servius Tullius, li 877 

-- ++ policy of, vii 159 

Sesostris, xxxviii 328 

«+. Obelisk of, xxxiv 455 

Sessop, Smith, lii 286 

Settlements, trials respecting, xxx 197] 

Sevagi (Mahratta) xxv 4] 

Seven United Islands, convention between 
Russia and the Porte respecting, xlii 278". 
See lonian republic 

Severino, San, don Dom. ii 252 

Severus, emp. iv 162. xviii 139, xx 134. 
xxii 166. xliii 483 

Sevigne, march. de, xix 37. xxxvi 298 

++ letters to count de Bussy, xvii 177 

Seward, Abraham, li 544 

——— Anna, xxiii 195. xxvii 146, xli 
A460, 461, 466. xlyi 781, 785 

——— ©. liii 267 — 

—-— Dr. ii 142 

——— W. xxxvii 7*] 15*] 150") xli 428, 

---- account of, xli 351 

Sewell, xxxii 209] 

Rob. xxx 54. x] 234] 

S. xviii 184] 

sir J. liii 307. liv 401. lv 378. lvi 

368. lvii 335. lviii 423. 1x 401. 1xi 399 

sir T., master of the rolls, xii 108 

Sewers, those of Rome constructed by a 
very ancient people, xii 129 

e+. action against the commissioners of 
sewers, xxii 221] 

Sextus Empiricus, xiv 176, 258 

Seychelle islands, xxv 177. lviii 622 

Seychelle, Moreau de, lyiii 622 

Seylink, Jose, xxxii 220] 

Seymour, three children of, burnt, lvii 87 

; adm. lord Hugh, xxxvii 66. xli 
311) 121 . 


Seymour, capt. C. F. (N) li 487 
ei ——— sir Mich. (N) liii 255, Iwi — 


— Edw. ii 305. vi 266 , : 

H. assault of lord Falkland on, — 

xxxii 226] 

J. xxxiii 33] 

lord H. xxi 241 

————-— H. 1 223* 

Rob. | 223*, 2b. id. 

——— m. gen. R. A. lix 101 

queen Jane, ly 34 - 

—— T. (lord high adm.) 

— See also Conway 5 

Seze,de, xxxv 205] 206] 217)” 

Shabah Guerai, xxx 18] 

Shabeni, xxxiv 400 

Shackleton, James, xlviii 957 : 

Shadows, coloured, experiments on, XXXv1 
342 . 

Shads, capt. (N) xviii 108] 

Shadwell, fires at, vi 88] viii 88] x 108] xi 
123] xvi 120] xxxix 55. xlviii 432, éd. lv 
89. lvi 91 

Shadwell dock, fire at, vi 99] 

waterworks, xi 123] 

«+.» fire at, xxxix 55 

Shadwell and Shadwell 

——— T. ix 67. xxi 191 

Shaftesbury, report on the election, xviii 



See Sudley, 7 

v. Shadwell, lvii 

+++. actions for bribery at, xviii 155] xix 

eh tbitias Ant. Ashley, Ist earl of, ii 
468. v 178. xiv 23. xv 30. Ix 7] 

—_-——_——_ Ant. 3rd earl of, viii 224. xi 
167. xviii 161. xxvi 145. xli 439. xlii 
233] 112 

———_—___— Anth. 4th earl of, iv 83] 174] 

———-—— Ant. Ashley, 5th earl, xxxi 
304] xl 211 

— Cropley Ashley, 6th earl, 

221*. liv 2] 

Shaftoe, Jennison, ii 100. iv 118] 

Shah goest, a rare animal, ii 119 

Shah Abbas. See Abbas- 

— Allum. See Allum 

—— Nadir. See Kouli khan 

— Zaddah. See Zaddah 

Shairp, sir Steph. xlii 272. liv 78] 

Shakerley, Eliz. xxvii 7] : 

Shakespear, ald. J, xiv 145] xv 131] 132] 

—— J. xxvi 169 ‘ 

W. 1ii 419 : 

Shakspeare, i 431. v 213, 219, 252, 253. vi 
179, 180. vii 186. viii 38, 82, 233, 311. 
xi 165. xii 101] 221, 226, 245. xiii 165, 
219. xiv 237, 256. xv 227. xvii 73. xviii 
213. xxi 185. xxii 59, 60. xxiii 146. xxiv 
204. xxvi 132. xxxvi 257. xlii 350, xlv 
372. xviii 852 ; 

.--. destruction of his house and mulberry 
tree, iii 122] 


*Shakspeare, walnut tree before his father’s 
door cut down, viii 113] 
sees his character as a poet, viii 313 
+... essay on the learning of, x 212 
«+++ jubilee, xii 102] 128) 129] xiii 145] 
_ xxii 56 
++». his ghost compared with that of 
#schylus, xii 172 
«+. compared with the Greek and French 
dramatists, xii 283 ° 
«-+«- anecdote of, xiii 107 
ee. French translation of, xix 190, 191 
».+.» pretended play of, acted, xxxviii 1] 
..«. sale of plays of, xxxix 3 
Shamans. See Schamans 
Shamey, rabbi viii 134] 
Shand, W. lviii 349 
Shane’s castle, burnt down, lviii 65 
Shannon v. Brandon, lx 286 
—-— Dr. Rich. xl 385, 388 
—— Mich. lii 419 
Rich, 2nd earl, xiv 247] xxvi 196] 

xxix 66] 

Shaples, Rich. killed by falling from a chim- 
ney, xlvi 406 

Shark, dog deyoured and man killed by, xxvii 

+». several caught off Brighton, xxvii 
» 24) 

++. caught in the Thames, with the watch 
of a youth, drowned off Falmouth two 
years before, in his belly, xxix 227] 
«++ leg of a boy bitten off by, xlv 417 - 
«+e» caught near Plymouth, liy J01 
+++» man killed by, lix 42 
-—— African, killed on the coast of Ire- 
land, vi 106) 
—— basking, xvii 87. xliii 13. 1 65*, 126*, 
129*, Jy 42 
Sharman, W. xxvii 328] 
Sharp, abp. J. vi 11 
———— James (of St. Andrew’s) xvii 186 
——— Clement, xli 403 
Granyille, xxxiv 145. xlvi 373 
——— James, xxv 196] lviii 139 
——— miss, xliv 434 
—— rev. his account of the fire on 
board the prince George, i 306 
—— Rich. xxxiv 78. | 51 
——— Sam, x 164] xi 12, 251. xxvi 27. 
xxxi 34 
——— W. (surg.) xviii 78 
Sharpe, Jos. lix 27 
—— rev, Dr, Gregory, xxix 37 
—— T. executed for murder, lyi 90 
— W, ix 228) 
rs, Xxxix 10 

Sharples, James, xliv 772. xlvi 827 

Sharplys, T, xxi 146 
Shasta, or Shaster, ix 308 
Shaw, Jones »., xlix 418 
xxxiii 40] 
A. lvi 337 
—-— ald. sir James, x] 82. xlv 443. xlvi 
418, 421, xlvii 424,435 lyii 25 j19] 


Shaw, col. J.1i 119 

‘—— Dr. G. xxxiii 331] xlvii 820. xviii 


Peter, xxxix 36 a 
T. yii 136, ix 138, xx 91, xxii 


—— Eliz. xlii 24 ‘ 

—— G. abbot of Paisley, xvii 186 

—— Josh. lvii 320 

—— maj. xxvi 94] 287] 290] 

rev. G. x)vi 797 

—— rev. Stebbing, xli 421. xliii 402 

——— Rob. liii 34] lx 119] 

sir James. See ald. 

T. (bookseller) xviii 94] 

Shawana, Ben, Indian chief, xi 89] 

Shawls, manufacture of, xxi 40. lvii 520 

Shea, capt. (United States rebel) xxix 204] 

Sheaffe, m. gen. sir Roger Hale, liv 202] 
252. lv 180] 135, 148, 217 

Sheale, Rich. viii 261 

Sheares, H. and J. executed for rebellion, 
x] 162] 165} 43,65, 165. xli 166 

+++. account of, xl 65 

Shearman, Dr. W. liii 554 

Shears, D. T. lx 360. 1xi 299 

Shebbeare, Dr. J. tried for a libel, i 99 

«++ his sentence, i 115, 116 

-++. trial of the sheriff for it’s imperfect 
execution, ii 71 

Shee, xxix 153] 

-—— Annesley M‘Kercher, li421_ , 

col, xlv 4 

——— J. Annesley, Ji 420 

—— Mart. Archer, lvii 623, 625 

Sheep: very prolific ones, iii 85] viii 84] 
xlv 387. xlvi 368. xlvii 364, xlyiii 383, 

-. +. grains used for fattening, iv 134 
.... English smuggled over to France, vii 

+.+- management of, in Spain, vii 77. xiii 
95. 11 833 

«+e extraordinary distribution of fat in 
one, viii 67] 

»»e- feed of, viii 150 

-.-- from the E. Indies introduced into 
Holland, viii 155 

-»-- buried in the snow, ix 64] 78] x 68] 
hs - 

.--+» killed by cold after shearing, xxxvii 
---- poisoned by the bark of a yew tree, ix 

-... small breed from Shetland, ix 127] 
+... compositions for marking, ix 154 

‘e+e. perishing with cold recovered by 

rum, x 57] 
«++» prices given for, xi 166] xiv 110] 107 
+++» propositions circulated in France for 
improving the breed, xii 206] 
-+«+ improved breed of, xiv 105 
«+e» cause of the rot in, xiv 107. xxiy 101 
«++ several lambs killed by eating mint 
roots, xxvi 220] 


Sheep: on the scab in, xxvi 100. xxxi 70. 
xxxiv 420 
~ o+.. management of, xlii 402. xlix 872 
_ +++» remarkably fat, xxxv 323 
ose cure for the water in, xxxviii 449 
++es number destroyed by a fire in Radnor 
forest, xlii 29 
ee.. killed by drinking freely after a great 
drought, xlv 423 
eeee wager to find out the mother of each 
lamb in a flock of 200 ewes separated 
from them, xlvii 392 
ees gadfly of, xlvii 816 
ee. brought to Paddington by the canal, 
xlviii 411 
ee» worried by dogs, xlviii 445. 1 138%, 
liii 95, 107. 1vi 103. lix 190 
‘ee-- smothered in crowding over a ditch, 
xlix 488. 1 41* 
ees. Observations on, xlix 1030 
--.. lambs killed by a cat, 1 37* 
e+». rational conduct of a ewe, 1 109 
-.e. broad-tailed Tunisian, lii 624 
Sheepshearing at Woburn, xliii 2]. xliv 415. 
xlvi ¢ 
Sheepstealer throttled by his prey, v 122] 
xxxvii 48 
Sheepstealing, convictions for, xiii 96] xvi 
110] 136] 148] xl 23 
e+. executions for, xxxviii 13, xxxix 43. 
xliii 29 
Sheering, fire at, xlv 383 
Sheerness, supply of water found, xxv 218] 
++. erection of a prison at, lii 424 
Sheffield: act for an assay oflice at, xvi 
+++. rejoicings at the retreat of the duke 
of Brunswick, xxxiv 42 
«++. general infirmary, xxxv 41 
Sheffield, Ann, countess of, xlviii 447 
- E. lvi 337 
J. Ist earl of, xxxiii 265, 269. 
xxxiv 152] 153] xxxv 23] 169] xxxvii 
216] xxxviii 319, 379. xl 210] xlv 69, 
379. li 27 
lady Douglas, wife of the earl of 
Leicester, xi 57 
W. and Jos. executed, xx 181] 
Shelburne, J. Fitzmaurice, earl of, iii 77, 

W. earl of. See Lansdowne, 
Sheldon, (surg.) xxvi 211] 
——. col. (Amer.) xxiii 388] 

Sheldrake, Tim. xxxix 406. lv 320 

Shellfish, xxv 86 

Shells, growth of, vi 26 

Shelton, T. lix 3860, 362. Ixi 344 

Shelvocke, G. x 190 

Shenstone, W. i 428, 434. ii 460. iv 244, 
246. vi 242. vii 64, 65, 224. x 222. xiv 
237. xxi216. xxxvii 132*] Ixi 454 

«+++ On gardening, vii 214 

Shepheard, sir. Fleetwood, xi 175] xxi 19) 

Shepherd, = -xxxiv 5. xlvii 422 


Shepherd, couns. xxxi 224] lix 171 > 
——— G. executed for robbery, xiii 

Jack, xliii 25 
— prof. xi 189] 
——— rev. G. liv 296 
—_— S. B. lvi 27 

sir S. xlvii 68. 1 14%, li 312. lit 
288. liii 250. lv 277. lvi 111] 209] 298, 
306, 307. lviii 86] 305. lix 31] 61] 63] 
102] 163, 166, 168, 171, 173, 179, 183. 1x 
3] 5] 6) 38] 39] 317, 318, 336, 342. Ixi 
51] 52] 71] 

Sheppard, sir Fleetwood. See Shepheard 

Shepperdson, d 

viii 73 

Shepton Mallet, riot at, xix 161] 

+++» inundations at, xix 175] 

Sherard and sir S. H. Clarke v. Sherard, 
lvii 266 

Sherborn, strangers coming into to be ino- 
culated to be prosecuted, x 118] 

+++» account of the castle, xiv 143 

Sherbrooke, |. gen. sir J. C. li 183, 451, 
469. lii 159. lvi 189] 202, 244 

Sheridan, xxi 188] 

C. Francis, xxi 28, xxvii 168. 

xlviii 419 


+. «+ character of, viii 36 

Mrs. xxvii 138, 139 

R. Brinsley, xix 152] xx 178] 197. 
xxii 176. xxiii 209. xxv 141] xxvii 68] 
xxviii 95] 104] 117] xxix 121] 126] 128] 
140] 144] 150] 160] xxx 96] 117] 129] 
169] 171] 220] 196. xxxi 98] 114] 130] 
137] 145] 151] xxxii 70] 89] 93] 95] xxxiii 
254, 255, 273. xxxiv 144] 145] 159] 162] 
165] 77, 100. xxxv 13] 19] 30] 37] 66] 
91] 106] 137] 149] 164] 174] xxxvi 186] 
212] 235] 237] 238] 241] 242] 244] 257] 
262] 264] 265] 270) 272] 280) xxxvii 151] 
152] 156] 167] 173] 193] 213] 43. xxviii 
10] 26] 28] 32] 38] 43] 56] 61} 66] 111. 
xxxix 121] 126] 139] 192] 200] 204) 212] 
256] 118. x1 192] 200] 221] 222] 226) 5, 
78, 333, 447. xli 204] 207] 213] 214] 216] 
223] 225] 464. xlii 103] 105] 123] 142] 
147] 148] xliii 13] 31] 84] 51) 128] 154] 
173] 518. xliv 6, 51, 100, 120, 129, 158, 
171, 179. xlv 41, 47n, 56, 78, 83, 90, 95, 
106, 110, 114, 115, 119, 186, 188, 197, 
203, 205-7, 209. xIvi 29, 53, 98, 109, 110. 
xlvii 42, 48, 79, 85, 86, 110, 113, 115, 
119. xlviii 42, 103. xlix 120, 140, 145, 
247. 1 45] 63] 93] 124] li 45, 262. 1ii 87, 
91, 97,100, 103. liii 11, 48, liv 5) 14] 19} 
21] 90] 91) 124] 126] 

.... funeral of, lviii 102 

sir R. lvii 30 

—_— T. ii 326. iv 268. viii 41 

++. pension to, v 107] 

Sheridine, James, xxxvii 100*] 

Sheriff: found guilty of a contempt for not 
executing a sentence properly, ii ZL 



Sheriff: fined for not taking care that a Shetland: grant for relief of the inhabitants, 

man who had been hung was dead, ii 

e+. decision that dissenters are not liable 
to serve, appealed against, v 92] 

«+». precept from the secretary of state _ 

directing an execution ata place different 

_ from that in the record of the sentence, 
xii 151) 154] 159] 181-7] 

+».~ duties of, xxxvii 183*] 

++. deficient in regard to accounts, xxxvili 


+++. liable for extra fees taken by his officer, 
xl 67 

_ ¢+e» action of trespass for improper seizure, 
li 285 ‘ 

Sheriff, under, charged with neglect on a 
man’s being killed in the pillory, xxiii 
208] 209] 

Sheriff’s officers: attachment against one 
for arresting a person late at night with- 
out notice, and refusing to wait for bail, 
x 102] 

++. convicted of an assault, xii 132] 

+++. action against for false imprisonment, 
xv 116] 

+... ——— against the sureties of one by 
the sheriffs for money received by him, 
xvi 101] 

++.» resistance of a Portuguese to, xvi 141] 

+... action against gen. Gansel for firing 
at, xvi 191] 

+++. one imprisoned for an illegal arrest, 
xix 168] 

+++. assaults on, xxiii 196] lvi 29 

+... man shot by one in an attempt to 
escape, lvii 98 

Sheriffsin 1781 and following years, xxiv 202] 

. xxv 197] xxvi 235] xxvii 217] 252] xxviii 
222] xxix 235] xxx 233] xxxi 247] xxxii 

_ 245] xxxiii 63] xxxiv 61. xxxv 74. 
xxxvi 55. xxxvii 58. xxxviii 68. xxxix 
69. x1 119. xli 68. xlii 67. xliii 79. xliv 
523. xlv 531. xlvi 520. xlvii 516. xlviii 

- 875, xlix 885. 1177*. 11 540. 1ii 416. liii 
169. liv 185. lv 126. lvi 142. lvii 132. 
lviii 226. lix 150. 1x 207 

«s+. Money paid to, for convictions of 
felons, &c. xlvi 583. xviii 638. xlix 726*. 

> 1181*. li 537. 1ii 422 

Sherlock, viii 98] 

bish. T. iv 137] v 8x. xx 4, xxxii 

e 126 
+++. account of, v 9 
rey. Martin, xxiv 29, 31, 32 
Sherman, Roger (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] 
_ xviii 265] xxix 299] 
Sherwin, J. viii 208] 
Sherwood, xix 160] 
T. forgery of a power to transfer 
stock, xx 216) xxi 168] 183] xxxiv 25 
penend: small breed of horses in, viii 

sere —— 


-—-~ sheep in, ix 

xlvi 582 

2+» extremely wet season, liv 130 

«+. extensive cod bank discovered, Ix 145. 
lxi 107 

Shields, two vessels burnt at, ix 71] 

.. ++ Tiots at, xviii 100] xxvii 232] lvii 77, 
80, 330. Ixi 76, 80 

Shine, J. an impressed journeyman barber, 
ordered to be discharged by ald. Wilkes, 
xiii 157] 

Shinglar, rev. J. lviii 466 

Ship news for 1765 (a political squib) viii 

Shipley v. Mears, xv 89] 
xlv 394 
bish. Jonath. xxi 303] xxii 342] 
xxiii 330] 333] xxiv 292] xlvi 727 
«++.» prosecution of, for a libel, xxvii 280] 
Shipley, capt. Conway (N) xlvi 383, 543 
m. gen, sir C, xlvi 545. 1 9°, lvii 

—— W.1115] 
Shipman, Rich. convicted of conspiracy, xlv 


— Mich. lx 298 

Shippen, v2] vii 280 

Joseph, xi 142] 

Ships burnt at sea, i 94, 307. vi 58] 84] x 
152] xviii 177] xix 133] xxvii 177] xl 
56. xlii 9. xliv 454. lvi 78 

-+-- burnt in harbour, i108. ii 60. ix 71] 
158] xii 146] xxii 223] xxvi 106] 294] 
xxvii 260] xxviii 202] xxx 215] xxxv 54. 
xxxvii 19, 77*] xl 58. xli 25. xlii 35. lv 
61, lvi 84, 86. lvii 27. lviii 15 

«++. new pumps for, iii 112] xi 158] 

«++. one made to move ina calm, or against 
a moderate wind, iii 151] 

o»-. preservation of their bottoms from 
worms and weeds, iv 124] 

-+.. first sheathed with copper, iv 177] 

«+e double-bottomed, iv 17x — 

++. Sail faster by night than day, v 84] 

-... new invented sails, vi 109] 

---- contrivance of a Negro for saving one, 
vi 110] : 

es. action against the underwriters of a 
ship voluntarily leaving convoy given in 
their favour, vii 75] 

prs: noxiousness of paint on board, viii 

«++. if not seaworthy, owners answerable 
for the loss of goods, not underwriters, 
viii 108] 

+... trials for wilfully casting away, viii 109] 
xliv 467. xlv 387 

-..- Of less than 100 tuns seizable for 
taking spirits on board, viii 110] 

+s». Wages recovered by the crew of one 
burnt by order of the gov. of Bencoolen, 
ix 151] 

+... one burnt by saffron heating in the 
hold, ix 158] 

«++ curious model in miniature, x 65} 


Ships: machine for measuring the way of, 
x 103] 
«ee» the Dolphin burnt by a boy stealing 
rum, x 152] 
+e. action against the capt. of an E. India- 
man for beating and confining the sur- 
geon, x 159] 
ee Defiance, E. Indiaman, blown up, xi 

«+ «+ one blown up off Bende Abassy, xi 118] 

+++» Necessary precautions, xi 1222 

eee. run down, xii 113] xviii 97] liii 23. 
Iwii 38 

e+». actions for running vessels down, xii 
113] xviii 97] Ixi 274 

e+.» navigable model of one, xii 147] 

ee. action for goods detained on the plea 
of desertion, xii 161] 

eee. ancient weighed up near Newcastle, 
xiii 137] 

e+». cement for the bottom of, xiv 144] 

«+.. apparatus for procuring fresh water 
and baking biscuit at the same time, xv 

. idles of one pierced by a narwhal, 
xv 125] 

e+.» Ona new construction, xvi 137] xlii 18. 
xlviii 873 

e+. action for detaining one, xviii 113] 

e+e chest of gold lost overboard at Do- 
minica, xviii 143] 

e+». act to prevent fire among at Bristol, 
xix 142] 

e++. a Dublin packet run down by the Hawk 
tender, xix 186] 

«+. distress of the Hopewell W. Indiaman 
for provision, xix 203] 

e+. action against owners for a debt in- 
curred by the master, xx 186] 

«+s method of removing when the bottom 
is damaged, xxiii 126 

e--. large, xxv 143 

«+. one to go against wind and tide, xxxii 
197] xxxv 10) 

eee. quantity of gold found in an old 
Spanish prize, xxxiii 9] 

“a experiments on stopping leaks, xxxiii 

e+++ improvement of the chain pump, 2d. 

e++e plan for stopping the progress of fire 
in, xxxv 329 

eeee Amphion blown up at Plymouth, 
xxxviii 37, 38 

e«++ Ambuscade sunk by a plank starting, 
xliii 24 

e+- distress of the Chichester on her pas- 
sage from Jamaica, xliv 814 

ees. fire on board the Hussar, xlv 354 

e+e. tunnage duty on, xlv 634 

ee. advantages of sliding keels, xly 844 

++ frigate sunk at the Nore and wayed up, 
xlvi 851 

eee» quick passage, xlvii 401 

° oe for destroying at anchor, xlvii 


Ships: double hulled, xlvii 855 
+++. method of suspending instead of 
lifting, xlvii 870 
+++. one in ordinary at Portsmouth sunk, 
xl viii 463 ie " 
+++ men convicted of stealing an anchor 
and cable, xlviii 423 ; 
..+. master and owner prosecuted for starv- 
ing passengers, liii 9 
Be on to sail against wind and tide, liii 

+--+ master of one killed in consequence of 
a refusal to bring to, liv 110 
«+. engine for destroying, lvi 86 
+++. action to recover money advanced on 
one by misrepresentation, lvi 304 ; 
-... —~+— for demurrage, &c. xi 204 
+... Struck by lightning. See Lightning 
+--+. wrecked. See Shipwrecks 
+1+.———— plundering. See Wrecks 
..+. See also Sea, and Salvage 
Shipwreck: men of war saved from, by 
lashing a gun to two small anchors, ii 126 
+++» extraordinary escape from, xiv 131] 
«+++ prevented by the use of oil, xviii 173] 
+++.» means of saving persons in case of, xl 
34, 1 109%. 11 272. liii 518 
-... boat for saving persons in case of. See 
«... plunder after. See Wrecks 
Shipwrecks: Nancy of Boston, i 80 
-»++ Dublin Trader, i 113 
.» «+» Doddington E. Indiaman, i 287, 297 
.... Litchfield, on the coast of Barbary, ii 
» 64, 104. iii 95] 125] 132] iv 77] 
..+~ Ruby transport, ii 71 
«+. Dolphin, capt. Barron, ii 104 
--.- Sarah and Molly, capt. Cox, ii 105 
-»++ Dutch ship destroyed near Mount’s 
Bay, iii 69] 
-+.+ Ramilies, on the Bolthead, iii 73] 106) 
.»+- Anne and Mary, of Galway, iii 75] 
.».+ Howlet, of Boston, iii 106} 
..+. Francis, on Fortaventura, iii 109] 
.»+» Conqueror, on Nicholas island, Ply- 
mouth, iii 148] 
. an Algerine, at Penzance, id. 
..-- the Dublin’s tender, at St. John’s, iii 
.».- number of Dutch in three months, iv 
5 : 

.+.. Silver dish and stand found in an old 
wreck, iv 99] 

.-.» Griffin, sloop of war, off Bermudas, iv 

.... Biddeford, near Yarmouth, iv 189] 

..+ of lieut. col. Elliot on the isle of Sable, 
v 65] 

+.+. — the Zenobie on Portland beach, v 


..-. an English’ship at Havre de Grace, v 

..+. a cartel from New York, v 91] 

-..-. la Minerve off Villa Franea, v 113] 
«+++ Phoenix slaveship, v 117] 


SH fs 
Shipwrecks: several vessels returning from 
the Havannah, v 122] vi 65] 
«+.» the Admiral Pocock, vi65]_ ¢ 
«... — Hanover packet from Lisbon, vi 
114] viii 80] 
«+.» — first ship with settlers for Florida, 
vi 119 

‘2... — Albion E. Indiaman off the N. 

- Foreland, viii 58] 

«+.+ — snow Nancy of Bristol, ix 109] 

“+.. —= Eagle, capt. Rogers, from Dublin, 
ix 153] ' 

«+. crew of a vessel overset saved by capt. 
Baker of the Ravensworth, ix 155] 

ar cs distress of the Peggy of New York, ix 

s+ Devonshire sunk by dropping on her 
anchor after her cable was cut by the ice, 
x 48*] 

-++- five Spanish register ships driven 
ashore near Pensacola, x 52] 

---» lord Clive, outward bound E. Indiaman 
off Boulogne, x 67] 68] . 

.... Pitt, on the coast of Barbary, x 83] 

+. sloop Fanny, capt. Henderson, x 105] 

«...» Falmouth, E. Indiaman, x 110] 

«+++ a Dutch E. Indiaman off the Texel, x 
155] xi 85] 

+++ brig Sally, capt. Tabry, x 211] 

-... lady Agatha, from Hamburgh, in Yar- 
mouth roads, xi 179] 

«... vessel at Eccles, 7d. 

«+-. of the Wager near the straits of Ma- 
gellan, xi 261 

+» five vessels off Calais, xii 70] 

..+. in the harbour of Alexandria, xii 86] 

--.. brig John, of Boston, xii 95] 

.... True Blue of Liverpool, xii 138] 

....- Mercury, onthe Goodwin sands, xii 152] 

-+.. vessel of Whitehaven, capt. Kennedy, 
xii 190] 

-.-. Good Intent near Robin Hood’s bay, 
xiii 92] 

.... Lord Holland E, Indiaman in her pas- 
sage from Bengal to Madras, xiii 93] 

--.. Betsy, capt. Watson, xiii 122] 

-... Jamaica, capt. Talbot, off the Color- 
adoes, xiii 127] 

..-»- Berwick, W. Indiaman, xiii 149] 

..-- Neptune, from Newfoundland, xiii 151] 

..-. Swift, capt. Farmer, on the coast of 
Patagonia, xiii 152] 

+... Grocer, on the Spurn rocks, xiii 171] 

.. +. Belfast Trader, on the point of Girvin, 

....- Aurora lost on her passage to India, 
xiv 69] 83] 88] 107] 

-.+.» Samuel, W. Indiaman, in Lancaster 
bay, xiv 89] 

..+, Oriflamme, Spanish galleon, on the 
coast of Chili, xiv 99] 

-... Granby, near Halifax, xiv 113] 

..-+ Margaret, Thrasher, from Newfound- 
land, on the Scilly rocks, xv 67] 


Shipwrecks: three Venetian men-of-war, 
xv 79] 

es. two Spanish men-of-war at Anguilla, 
xv 129] 

-.+- Brotherly Love, near Dover, xv 142] 

-»-- Newfoundlandman, at Lydd, 7d. 

-.++ Dispatch, sloop of war, xv 144 

-..+ Libertas, of Stockholm, off St. 

xv 150 

.-» Verelst, E. Indiaman, xv 186] 

»+. a vessel from Philadelphia on’ the 

coast of Wales, xvi 71] 

-» ++ Indecisive of Bourdeaux on the Isle of 
May, xvi 71] 

«+++ Queen of Naples, off Newhaven, xvi 78] © 

‘eh register ship from the Havannah, xvi 


«++» l’Apollon, off the Land’s end, xvi 100} 

«- +» at Alexandria, xvi 107] 

se Charming Jenny, near Holyhead, xvi 
136] - 

ou oe eee Dutch E. Indiaman, xvi 

several at Madeira, xvii 91] 

-» ++ Mansfield, E. Indiaman, xvii 104] 

... Of the Charming Jenny, on the isle of 
Anglesey, xvii 113] 148] xviii 113)' 

Royal Captain E. Indiaman, xvii 

--.. —— Elizabeth, on the Welsh coast, 
xvii 146] 

+++. — great part of a Russian squadron in 
the Archipelago, xvii 152] 

++.- — several vessels on various parts of 
the coast, xvii 163] 165] 171] xxii 193] 
230] xlv 832 

--+. — the Kirby Hall, on the bar of 
Oporto, xvii 175] 

Port Morant, on the Hogsties, 

xviii 125] 

+... — several packets and other vessels 

in the Irish channel, xviii 166] 

e+..—the Cranbrook, on the Goodwin 
sands, xviii 172] 

wy Unity, with Hanoverian troops, 

on the isle of Rhe, xviii 174] 

tee. — Abby, on the Stags, xviii 185}: 

+»..——— Rockingham transport, in 
Robert’s cove, near Cork, xviii 187] 

-. on various parts of the coast, xxii 


.... London E. Indiaman, xxii 193] 214]: 

+++e Ship from London to Quebec run dow 
by the Russel, xxii 232] ; 

...+ York E. Indiaman, xxiii 127 

.... Swede near Margate, xxiii 129 

..-. several in the W. Indies, xxiv 33] 
171) 174] 

....» General Barker, E. Indiaman, xxiv 168] 

...- three Spanish transports from Cartha- 
gena, xxiv 195] ; 

.+ «+ French cartel at Plymouth, xxv 194] 

».-- Dankbaarheyt, Dutch prize, xxv 202] 

+++» Solebay off Nevis, 7. ° 

.+«. the Blonde, xxv 219] 



Shipwrecks: several in the passage home 
from the W. Indies, xxv 222] 226] 155. 
xxvi 121} 

+». the Centaur, xxv 155. xxvi 123] 

«.+- Earl of Hertford E. Indiaman and 
several vessels at Madras, xxvi 82] 

«+++ Count Belgioioso E, Indiaman off 
Dublin bay, xxvi 199] 206] 

«++» Grosyenor E, Indiaman on the coast 
of Africa, xxvi 202] xxxi 211] 

e+e Nancy packet, at Scilly, xxvii 183] 

e+e» Charming Molly, from Bermudas to 
Turk’s island, xxviii 195] 

«ss» eleven Swedes on the coast of Essex, 
xxviii 196] 

+».. Spanish galleon at Paniche, xxviii 198] 

«see St. Austle, at Newhaven, xxviii 214] 

e+e Halsewell, E. Indiaman, at Seacombe, 
xxviii 224] 

«++. Severn packet, in Bengal river, xxix 

«+» Hartwell, E. Indiaman, at the Cape de 
Verd islands, xxix 216] 252] 

o«+- Ganges, E. India country ship, xxx 

e+e. Vansittart, E. Indiaman, in the straits 
of Billoton, xxxii 197] 262] 

«+++ numerous on the French and Dutch 
coasts, xxxii 226] : 

eee W. Indiaman, off Dublin, xxxii 228] 

e+e» Charlemont, Dublin packet, on the 
coast of Wales, xxxii 228] 

»-.. the Guardian, on an ice island, xxxii 

ah Foulis, on her passage to India, xxxiv 


e+ + two Dover packets at Calais, xxxiv 42 

--.- Winterton, E. Indiaman, at Mada- 
gascar, xxxv 37 

nay at Brighton and other places, xxxvi 

e+e. Several of the outward bound W. 
India fleet on the coast of Dorsetshire, 
xxxvii 44-6 

ee» London, 
XXXviii 38 

+e. Pallas, in Plymouth sound, xl 24 

e+-- John and Thomas, at Whitehaven, xl 

transport, at Ilfracombe, 

«+. Several at Halifax, N. S. xl 88 

«++ Colossus, at Scilly, xl 102 

-»«. the Matilda, in the Pacific Ocean, xl 

.. +» la Lutine on the coast of Holland, xli 
313] 36 

-- ++ Bee, near Poole, xli 5 

«++. three Scotch W. Indiamen, in Dublin 
bay, xli 6 

«+e Bon Ordre, at Plymouth, xli 7 

--.- on the Herd sand, xli 11 

--e. of the Infoedfretten, xli 395 

othe Repulse, near Ushant, xlii 6 

+++. —-—— Mastiff, near the Cockle sands, 
xlii 9 

eee. at the mouth of the Tyne, xlii 18 



Shipwrecks: Marlborough, off Belleisle, 
xlii 42 iy 

«+++ Dictator, W. Indiaman, on the coast 
of Treland, xliii 4 ; 

«++» Invincible, on the coast of Norfolk, 
xliii 9 

«+++ Margate hoy between Birchington and 
Reculver, xliv 366 

«.«+ Fair American off the Isle of Wight, 
xliv 436 : 

e+«+ Vryheid, Dutch E. Indiaman, near 
Hythe, xliv 467 

+++. Juno, Spanish frigate, lost on her pas- 
sage from Porto Rico, xliv 472 

ae ian W. Indiaman, at Margate, xlv 


-..+ Hindostan, E, Indiaman off the Cul- 
vers, xlv 355 

«+++ Meanwell, at Camberough, ib. 

+++ Reliance, near Gardenstcwn, xly 382 

1 Resistance, at Cape St. Vincent, xlv 


+. ++ la Minerve, off Cherbourg, 76. 

«+++ Seine, near Schelling, xly 419 

«+++ Victory, at Liverpool, xlv 437 

--.. Nautilus, on the Ladrones, xlv 441 

»- «+ Circe frigate, xlv 458 

«++.» vessel off Elmer, xlv 467 

e+e. ——— off Rustington, 7. 

«+++ la Suffisante, at Cork, i. 

-«-. several at Scarborough, xlvi 361 

..++ Apollo, and near forty sail of her con- 
voy on the coast of Portugal, xlvi 378, 

«++. Romney, on the Haak sand, xlvi 433 

«+++ Venerable, in Torbay, xlvi 

-».. Doris, frigate, xlvii 353 

+++.» Constance cutter near Galway, xlvii 

++.» Abergavenny, E. Indiaman, off Port- 
land, xlvii 361. xlviii 409. xlix 498, liv 

«++» Thomas and Hannah on the coast of 
Norfolk, xlvii 410 

«+» Aurora transport, on the Goodwin 
sands, xlvii 435 

«---» Lady Burgess, E. Indiaman, at the 
Cape de Verd islands, xlviii 416 

«.-.- King George, Dublin packet, near 
Hoyle bank. xlviii 444 

.-.. several of the Jamaica fleet, xlviii 452 

-...+ small vessel at Plymouth, xlviii 259 

---. the Athenienne, on the Esquerries 
rocks near Tunis, xlviii 461 

«++. Schooner Charles, off Portland, Ame- 
rica, xlix 459 

«+.» Felix, schooner, in the bay of St. 
Andero, xlix 507 

«++» Sydney, in Dampier’s straits, xlix 907 

«... Anson frigate, near the Land’s end, 


-++» Rambler, of Leith, on the coast of 
America, | 8* 

«e+. Agatha, of Lubec, near Memel, 1! 27°, 


Shipwrecks: a Scotch wherry on the island 
- of Huskar, | 96* 
-+.. the Britannia E. Indiaman on the 
Goodwin sands, li 831 
«».. the Pallas and Nymphe, near Dunbar, 
lii 294 
eese — Satellite, in the Channel, 2b. 
e+e» — Elizabeth, extra Indiaman, off 
Dunkirk, lii 296. liii 12 
«»-- —— Hero, Grasshopper, and other 
ships, on the Haak sand, liii 100] liv 2 
«».. ——St. George, Defence, and other 
ships, on North Jutland, liii 101] liv 1 
«.-- —— Minotaur, on the Haak sand, liii 1 
«+++ Dutch vessel, in Westgate bay, liii 2 
e+. vessel on Margate sand, zd. 
--+. Romulus in Clonderalaw bay, liii 4 

- eee» Traveller, in the Mersey, 26. 

«-.» Pandora, on the Scaw reef, liii 19 

«++» Amethyst, at Plymouth, liii 20 

«+. on the coast of Anglesey, liii 21 

«... several ina hurricane at Madras, liii 

«++. Gobiten of Gefle, in the North sea, liii 

«+e brig William in the Humber, liii 86 

+... Adamant, of Newcastle, on Sable 
island, liii 100 

«+++ vessel laden with port near Rotting- 
dean, liii 112 

+++ galliot Anna, near Killala, liii 114 

«++ brig near St. Ives, liii 115 

«+-- Pomona frigate on the Needles, liii 

«++. the Newport, in the Bristol channel, 
liii 123 s 

».». Justitia of Frederickshall, in the North 
sea, liii 132 

«++ Saldanha, on the coast of Ireland, liii 
139. liv 131 

= “hs Manilla frigate, on the Haak, liv 137] 

-».. Laurel frigate, in Quiberon bay, liv 

«++» vessel at Happisburgh, liv 28 

«+++ Fly packet, near Liverpool, liv 32 

«++» the Irlam, on Tuscar rock, liv 77 

+++» Polly, of Boston, liv 98 

«+.» Centinel gun brig and several of her 
convoy on the island of Rugen, liv 127 

++» Alban cutter, at Aldborough, liv 152 

gs brig Charles, on the coast of Africa, 

«++. several in the Mediterranean, lv 5, 6 

+--. Isabella, on the Falkland islands, lv 

--.. Greek vessel with some English pas- 
Sengers in the Black sea, lv 34 

«++. Dedalus frigate, on a shoal near Cey- 
lon, lv 61] 

Sabie sloop, at Newfoundland, lv 

sae “eg fishing boats and other vessels, 
Vl 9, 
4+» Queen, transport, at Falmouth, lyi 4 



Shipwrecks: Baring, transport, on Bear 
island, lvi 92 

».. of a transport on the desert island of 
Anticosta, lvi 102 - 

++.» several on various parts of the coast, 
lvi 108-12 

«++» l’Amitie on Portland beach, lvi 113 

.... Amphitrite, in the Atlantic, lvi 116 

...+. Margaret, in Cullean bay, lvii 4 

«»+ Clifton, at Newfoundland, lvii 33 

..-» Arniston transport, near cape Lagul- 
las, lvii 41 3 

+... several W. Indiamen off Newfound- 
land, lvii 65, 68 

..-. Sir W. Curtis packet at Ostend, lvii 

-».. Eclipse, smack, off Yarmouth, lvii 

+... a bomb vessel in the port of Naples, 
lvii 97 

--,. Greyhound packet on the Culver sands, 
Iviii 6 

++» Leipsic brig on Yarmouth bar, 7. 

«+++ Seahorse transport in Tramore bay, 
lyiii 15, 17 

++» Lord Melville transport and Boadicea 
brig, near Kinsale, lviii 18 

.... Balance, French transport, at Jersey, 
lviii 49 

«eee Ister, frigate, near Cape de Gat, lviii 

+s. « several vessels on different parts of 
the coast, lviii 134,135, 136 

...+ Barbadoes, of Liverpool, on the rocks 
of Scilly, lviii 180 

...- Harpooner, transport, at Newfound- 
land, lviii 183 

..+. Inverness, in the Shannon, lix 13 

«+e» vessel between Guernsey and Cher- 
bourg, lix 82 

...» Bergetta, in Carmarthen bay, lix 90 

RA a and Mary, on the Willeys, lix 

«..» Lantaro, on her passage to America, 
lix 109 

+.» Alceste, on the island of Paulo Leat, 
lix 432 

«s+. in the Greenland seas, lix 550 

--.. Fidelity, at Shetland, lx 4 

ies Leander, on the coast of Scotland, Ix 


-» +» Cabalva, E. Indiaman, on the island of 
Cargados, lx 83 

+. «+ Triton, of N. Shields, on her passage 
from America, lxi 6 

+++. several at Whitehaven, lxi 62 ' 

+.» Mysore, E. Indiaman, off the coast of 
Cochin, Ixi 65 

s+. several vessels on the coast of Aber- 
deenshire, Ixi 85 

Shipwrights, in the king’s yards, dissatis- 
faction among them, xviii 153] 168] 

Shirauz, description of, xxxii 39 ‘ 

Shire lane, fires in, xix 178] xxiv 161] 

Shirley, adm. T, xxx 104] 

Shirley, gen. fort Oswego built by, i 13 
gen. T. xxv 198") 278] 

——— James, xxii 60 
lady Barbara, iii 39 
— Elizabeth, wife of sir Rob. 

xii 37 

——— —— Frances, xvii 24 

rt. hon. Rob. ii 143 

—— sir Ant. xii 37 

—— — Francis, 7. 

— Henry, iii 39 

— Rob. xii 37 

——— W. ii 222 

Shirreff, 1. col. W. xxxii 315] 

Shoales, J. executed for piracy, xiv 162] 

Shoberl, Fred. lvi 534 

Shobrook, fire at, xliv 431 

Shoe lane, fire in, xii 163] 

Shoemakers, letter from the widow of one, 
xvi 87] 

«e+. combination to raise wages, and riot, 
xxxiv 9 

«.-- dispute respecting apprenticeships, 
xlii 321 ) 

Shoes, peculiar kind of, xlv 803 

Shooter, Eliz. forgery of her. will, xvi 121] 
132] 145] 

Shooting, maliciously, persons condemned 
for, ii 117. xlii 43. xlix 484, 492 

Shoplifting. See Robberies 

Shops, tax on, xxvii 346] xxix 131] 249] 
xxx 132] 

s-- tax taken off, xxxi 145] 

+--+ parochial, propriety of establishing in 
the country, li 86 

Shore, Jane, letter to the king, vi 43 

J. xlix 916 

S. xxxiv 78 

—— — jun. id. 

—— sir J. xxviii 200] xxxix 499. See 
Teignmouth, lord 

ey a fires in, xxxvi 40, xli 24, xlviii 


Shoreditch church, marriages &c. at, ix 87] 

Shoreham, corruption of the electors, and 
proceedings thereon, xiv 54] 74] 75] 240] 

«+. act for improving, xv 92 

Short, James, iv 119] 197] viii 119, 121. x 
200] xx 120 

Dr. T. xi 201] 

Shorter, ald. sir J. x1 470 

—— Edw. xl 389. xlii 379. xlv 828. xlvii 
847. xlix 860. liii 265. lx 359 

Shortland, capt. J.(N) xxxi 256] xxxii 80 

Shotwell, W. xlix 857. li 543 

Shovel, sir Cloudesley, ii 115. vi 72] xvii 
88] lx 136 

Shower, of black dust, at Zetland, i349 

ae i yellow powder, at Bourdeaux, iv 

+++. — insects mingled with rain, in Po- 
land, xiii 76] 
eoee ———— at Selborne, xlvii 845 
eee See also Rain 



Shrewsbury, benefaction to the infirmary, 

ix 117] } 
+++» new bridge at, xii 110] 
+++» cause gained by the freemen against 

the corporation, xv 104] xvii 162] 
«+e fires at, xvii 107] lili 121 

+» earthquake felt at, xxiv 163] 

»..++ house of industry at, xxxvi 40 
Shrewsbury, C. duke of, xxi 243, 244 
«++ character of, x 43 

; Eliz. _ countess of, ii 323, xi 


———— Francis, 5th earl of, xxxiii 364] 

———— G. 4th earl of, xviii 150 

———_—— G. 6th earl of, xi 67. xxi 13 

G. 9th earl of, xlii 427 

G. 15th earl of, xxi 310] 

J. 2nd earl of, xvii 45 

Shrike, manners of the, xliii 441 - 

Shropshire, earthquake in, xvi 207] 

-++- distressed state of the collieries, Ixi 


Shuckburgh, sir G. xxii 95n,. xxvii 268] 
xxx 214] Ixi 317 

Shuldham, adm. lord, xv 148] xix 167*] xxi 
312] xxvi 37 

Shumshere bahadur, xlvi 228 

Shuter, Edw. (actor) xix 194] 

Shutterel, (actor) vi 181 

Sibbald, sir Rob. xvii 46 

Siberia, talc of, vi 95 

++. discovery and conquest of, vi 155 

..-. gold and silver mines in, vii 71} xvi 
33] 82] 

-++- extracts from ab. Chappe’s journey to, 
vii 89. xiii 1 

«+++ people of, xiii 4. xxix 34 

Sibille, —_-xlii 181] 

Sibley, S. Ixil 

Sibthorp, Dr. J. xxxviii 7 

Sibthorpe, Humph. xxvii 268] 

-—————— Redmond, a water-drinker, ix 

Sicignano, duke de, suicide of, xxxv 30 

Sicily, grant of, to Edmund, 2nd son of 
Henry the third, xx 126 : 

++. character of the people, liv 466 

«+ «+ nobility of, liv 468 

-+« coral fishery, liv 494 

+++ volcanic eruption in, vi 81] 

+e. insurrections at Palermo on account of 
dearths, xiv 134] xvi 58] 

«++. banditti of, xvi 62 

«++» oppression of the government, xvi 192° 

.... troubles appeased, xvii 39] ; 

+++. account of the two Abruzzoes, xxvii 

...+ money paid to the king, li 535. Iii 422. 
liii 313 

«++. attempt of Murat on, lii 250, 316 

«.». State of, lili 145] 

«++. French conspiracies in, liv 191] 
,.. the king resigns his authority to his 
son, liv 191] 414 


Sicily : new constitution framed, liv 191] 

e+» conduct of the queen, liv 191} 192] 

~ Iv 174] 
+++. the king abdicates, lv 174] 
«++. the queen retires to Sardinia, 2. 
+--+ Various attempts of the factious, 7b. _ 
+++» the government resumed by Ferdi- 
nand, lvi 88] 4 
.--- his declaration respecting it, lviii 400 
++-+ gang of pirates, lix 51, 52 Jit 
+++ treaty of commerce with G. Britain, 
lix 152 : 
+--+ See also Naples : 
Sickanowicko (grand marshal of the Polish 
confederates) xii 30] 
Siddon, W. xxxix 407 
Siddons, Mrs. xxix 170. xxxvii 154*] x|viii 
441, liv 545, 547. lyiii 54 
Sidi Mahomet, emp. of Morocco, character 
of, xxxi 15 
—— Tahar Fenis. See Tahner Fenish 
Sidmonth, H. visc. xxviii 90n] xxx 118] 
125] xxxi 149] xxxii 35] 57] xxxiv 150] 
135. xxxvi 152. xxxix 173] x] 191] 196] 
xlii ad 132] xliii 42] 124] 152] 174] 
183]186] 188] xliv 5, 29, 35,58, 62, 63, 68, 
ib. 99, 106, 107, 111, 115, 120, 123, 130, 
134, 136, 158, 174, 175, 180, 182, 193, 
197, 430, 467. xlv 17, 26, 34, 44, 47x, 
_ 48, 53, 54, 55, 66, 76, 82, 84, 89, 98, 108, 
118, 124, 125, 126, 137, 142, 154, 172, 
183, 187, 192, 194, 197, 206, 211, 564, 
xivi 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 22, 25, 31, 32, 48, 54, 
59, 72, 74, 81, 83, 88, 90, 98, 113”, 118, 
121, 125n, 127. xlvii 15, 29, 31, 53, 91, 
100, 109, 116, 128, 214, 215, 216. xlviii 
23, 26, 35, 56, 262. xlix 57, 92, 112, 139, 
142, 162. 1 4] 9] 40] 41] 44} 50] 54] 82) 
113] li 29, 49, 111. lit 8, 147. litt 19] 
47) liv 30} 70] 113] 114] 117] 120] 122] 
125] 131] 348. Iv 17] 66] 308. lvi 8 
355. lyii 25. Iviii 44] 45] 46] lix 3] 5 
23] 30] 34] 62] 65] 71] Ix 3) 6] 7) 9] 
34] 42] 126] 127] 128] 129] 12. 1xi 107] 
119] 128] 134] 143] 154] 

“+++. appointed minister, xliii 123] 

Banter ier with Mr. Pitt, xlv 177, 

+s. resigns, xlvi 84 ; 

«.-- circular letters, lix 60] 5. Ixi 114] 

Sidney, Algernon, xii 53. xiv 23, 35. xxxiii 
258. xxxvi 276] 

..»« Character of, lvi 469 

col. T. xxiv 197] 

—— sir Philip, i 399. v 28. viii 261. ix 
oF 275, xxi 237, xxvi 221. xliii 493. lix 

wees character of, x 22. xii dl 
aay oo of, xlvii 912 
Siege of Prague, i 17 
vib == Sehweldnitz, 1 20, 25, v 23] 
meee. Olmutz, i 41 
wate ae tee 48, 5] 

weer — Neiss, 1 


Siege of Louisbourg, i 70 
+++. — Niagara, ii 33 
«+++ — Munster, ii 21, 49 
-++. — Madras, ii 54 
«+++ — Quebec, iii 6] xix 9) 151*] 
«+++ — Dresden, iii 16] 
-.-. — Colberg, iv 33] 36) 
«»+. — Havannah, v 38-43] 
«++. — Manilla, vi 8] 
«++. — Cracow, xi 18] 20] 
«.«- — Choczim, xii 16] 20]21] xxx 43] 
«.+. — Bender, xiii 20] 
.. os — Silistria, xvi 14-15] 18] 
+-+. — Savannah, xxii 208"] 
-»+»- — Charlestown, S. Carolina, xxiii 218*] 
esse — Gibraltar, xxiii 201*] xxiv 5] xxv 
99] 112] 227*] 258] 264] 
.+-+» — fort St. Philip, Minorca, xxv 216*] 
241] - 

..-» — Cuddalore, xxvi 107] 112] 
.. ++ — Dubicza, xxx 4 
«+++ — Novi, zd. 
see — Ockzakow, xxx 66] xxxi 196] 
.-+- — Belgrade, xxxi 177] 
..+. — Bender, xxxi 180] 
+e» — Orsova, xxxi 181] 
..-. —Seringapatam, xxxiv 208] 217] xli 
61 ; 
..-. — Maestiicht, xxxv 243] 244] xxxvi 
60] ia iter 
«+. — Valenciennes, xxxv 253] 
e+e» — Landrecy, xxxvi 15] 
ees — Sluys, xxxvi 36] 
«ee — Nieuport, xxxvi 40] 
.. +. — Warsaw, xxxvii 29] 
..++ — Mantua, xxxyiit 99] 105] 110], 
xxxix 5] 
«.+. — Acre, xli 26] 70 
+ee+ — Genoa, xlii 179] 
«.++ — Dantzic, xlix 20, 23 
«s+. — Saragossa, | 203] li 197 
--..- — Gerona, li 199 
«... — Cadiz, lii 164 
e+-- — Tortosa, lii 178 
+--+. — Ciudad Rodrigo, lii 183. liv 144] 
+... — Almeida, lij 186 
«+++ — Badajoz, liv 146] yp 
«eee — St. Sebastian, Iv 146] J48] 149] 
150] 189. 197, 198, 210 
Sieges of the ancients, xxv 140 
Sieniawsky, bish. of Culm, x 20] 
Sienna, earthquake at, xl 47, 70 
Sierra Leone company established, xxxiii’ 
279. xli 329 
. it’s capital increased, xxxiii 45] 
-... accounts of it, xxxiv 33, 46. xxxv 4, 
35. xxxvi 1, 31. xl 237] xliv 257 
.» ++ expense of removing black people to, 
xxxv 106 Shy 
..- settlement plundered by the Frerich, 
xxxvii | j 
.--- grants for, xxxvii 118. xlii 166. xliii 
190. xliv 586. xlvi 583. xlvii 591. xlviii 
ay a li 535. lii 422, 423, Ix 421, 
Ixi 41 


Sierra Leone, grants for the expense of 
Maroons, xliv 587 

e-«. desirous of relinquishing it’s charter, 
xviii 457 

Sieyes, ab. xxxi 214*] xxxii 20] 30] xxxiv 
20] xxxvi 260] xxxix 68] xli 316] 258. 
xlii 2] 8] 16] 36] 55] Ixi 428 

s+. character of, xxxvii 116] xlii 9] 

Sigault, xxi 112 

Sigebert, king of France, xiii 101 

Sigfuson. See Saemund 

Sight. See Eyes 

second, xx 82 

Sigmund, emperor, xv 32] xxi 9] xl 

~———-—— Augustus, k, of Poland, vii 213, 
x 13] 17] 

—_ ie I, of Sweden, and III of Poland, 

e+e. Character of, x 17] 

Sigmond, Jos. xlii 385 

Signey, And. lvi 99 

Signs, tradesmen’s, xiii 181] 

Sikhs. See Singhs 

Silbury hill, Wilts, x 142, 143 

Silesia, king of Prussia lays claim to, i 7 

++. taken possession of by him, 2d. 

«++. entered by the Austrians, i 20 

e+e» their successes, i 23 

eee battle of Leuthen, i 24 

«+++ recovered by the Prussians, i 25 

ee» edict for a respite of debts in, viii 139] 

«+e. abolition of slavery in the Austrian 
part, xxvii 13] 

Silhouette, Stephen de, ii 6. xvii 13 

Silistria, siege of, xvi 14-15] 18] 

Silk, new kind from America, iii 131 

eeee ———— in France, iv 163] 

eee» quantity produced in Georgia, y 104] 

eee. Sold for ready money, and seized on 
delivery, value recovered by the seller, 
vi 92] 

e+e. Tiot on account of French imported 
into Dublin, vi 98] 

e+» from cobwebs, vi 27 

«ee» procession of the Spital-fields weavers 
to complain of the injury done them by 
smuggling French silks, vii 63] 

«» ee Manufactory in Denmark, vii 107] 

+e». numerous body of Spital-fields wea- 
vers petition against foreign silks, viii 41] 

ee. action for seizing Spital-fields as fo- 
reign, ix 106] 

«+. action against patent painters of for 
spoiling, x 99] 

e+» bounty on American raw, xii 225] 

e..+. from muscles, xxv 89 

eee duty on, xxvii 304] 

«+++ method of cleaning silks, xlix 870 

Silkworms fed in the open air in France, v 

e+. bred in S, Carolina, viii 76] xv 74] 
eo... Observations on, xxxiii 319] 320] 
Sill, maj. _—killed, xx 175*] 
Sillans, chev, de, xxv 222*] 


Sillery, battle of, iii 7 1 ' 

Sillery, xxxiv 59] xxxv 280] 

Sillery Brulart, countess de, xxiv 129, 
XxXviii 483. xlii3 

Silliman, gen. (Amer.) xx 116] 

Silvacanne, mad. de, iii 78] 

Silveira, gen. liii 102] 

Silver, method of imparting a gold colour 
to, v 97 

ee+- great reflective 
lished, viii 112 

-... large pieces of ore from a mine in 
Norway, ix 120] xii 197 

eee prices of, xi 136, xii 65] 

+++.» mines in America, xxvi 165 

power of, when po- 

eves ———— Cornwall, xli 1]. xliii 435. — 

liii 126 
eve» See ulso Plate 

Silvering, new method of, inyented in | 

France, vii 114] 

Silversmiths. See Plate 

Silversparre, bar. lii 244 

Silvester II, pope, xxviii 48] 

———— J. xxxix 407 

—— sir J. xxix 212] xxxii 211] xlvi 
359. xlix 377, li 270, 346. lii 293. lvii 
302. lix 359 

Silvestini, Giralmo, killed by a shot from a 
privateer, xxiv 197] 

Silvestre, xlv 380 

Silviera, gen. 1i 177. lii 194, 204 

Simbschen, gen. xliii 60] 62] 

Simcoe, |. gen. xxiv 119] xlvi 59. xlviii 
223, 224 

Simeon, J. x1 196] xli 180] xliv 175, 1 222" 

Simes, lieut. Jeremiah, xxvi 16] 

Simier, ii 323 

Simkin, xl vii 378 

Simmonds, G. xlvi 825 

— T. two ladies at Hoddesdon mur 
dered by, xlix 505, 512. 1 16* 

Simmons, Dr. S. Foart, xvii 80. xxvi 25. 
xxix 212] xxxiii 331] xxxiv 389, 392. 
xxxv 337. xxxvi 336. xxxvii 20. liv 11] 

—_ Rob. lviii 181 

— W. lviii 348 

Simnel, Lambert, xv 239 

Simolin, de i 164, xxiv 310] 315] xxvii 
185] xxxiii 165] 

Simon Dunelm. v 1502 

Simon, _(engr. coins) xliii 405 

xxxvi 126 

col. 1xi 87 

gen. (Fr.) xli 30] 1ii 199 

Stuckey, xviii 84, 86 

Simondsbourn, rectory of, divided, liii 63 

Simone, card. xxiv 161] 

Simonelli, card. _ix 146] 

Simoom. See Wind, hot of the deserts, 

Simplicius, xiv 174. xxiv 189 : 

Simpson v. Taylor, on a refusal of admis- 
sion to the Opera house, xl 7 

ii 143 

——— Alexander, lviii 127 

—~-—- capt. Slingsby, xlviii 701 


Simpson, Christopher, xlviii 403 
Dr. Francis, xxiv 199] 
Edw. xlii 38) 
James (Amer.) xxiv 255] 
J. xlyii 432. liv 316. Ix 361. Ixi 
302, 303, 2b. 
——— Jos. executed for robbery, xii 142] 
Mary, ix 80 
Redmond, xxvii 334] 
——— Rob. xli 242 
sir Edw. xxiv 199] 
T. iv 114] v 87] i 
«++. account of his life and writings, vil 

‘ade ty 

Sims, Dr. James, xlv 359 : 

Sinai, journey to the written mountains in 
the desert of, x 128 

Sinclair, G. liv 9] 1xi 6] 

| James, xiii 133] 

| —maj. massacre of, xiii 137 

—— Oliver, xiv 215] 

: R. xxxiii 115] 

serg. xliii 230] 

—— sir J. xxvii 188] 268] xxix 148] 
xxxiv 496, xxxv 168] xxxvi 305. xxxvii 
96*] xxxviii 50] 413, 438. xxxix 189] 

* 218) x1 177] 180721. xli 169] 172] 179] 
xlv 850. xlix 792n 

—W. See Caithness, earl of 
inecure places, reports on, lii 478. lix 307 
-.». conferred in spite of the report, liv 

--s. abolition of some, lix 42] 
ingers, church, old choir of, xlvii 432 
nghs, account of the, lv 468 
Pingieton, lord chief just. xxxvi 285 
- Mark, xliv 72. 1 221* 
Miavin, adm. xlix 20]. 1 223] 271* 
inigaglia, fair of, xii 167 ¢ 
inking fund, produce and application of 
the, i 142. iii 200] v 154] 155] 168] ix 
208] x 222] xii 223)]224] xiv 228] xvii 
254] 256] xx 270] 272] xxi 291] xxii 334] 
xxiii 317] xxiv 276] 278] xxv 289] xxvii 
303] 345] 346] xxviii 252] xxix 266] 267] 
++» money to be taken from, vi 33] 34] 38] 
vii 31] 166] 
++.» Money granted to replace sums taken 
from, vi 178] vii 159] viii 238] ix 201] 
202] 203] x 218] 219] xi 263] 264] xii 
220] xiii 237] xiv 225] xv 212] xvi 228] 
lee xxii 329] xxiii 312] 313] xxvii 

+s» remarks on the, viii 251] xxxiii 208. 
ag for prolonging it’s eflects, xxxiv 
++» two sinking funds to be consolidated, 
xliv 124 

tt, J. xlviii 390 
card, of. See Schinner, Matth. 
ion college, anniversary meeting, xxiv 176] 
ud, kauja, vii 188] 
mes. See Surnames 
, account of the, xvi 112, lvii 499 

Paar I, 



Sirr, maj. x] 42. xlv 432 

Sisland church struck by lightning, iv 136] 

Sisson, Jeremy, iv 13 

Sisteron, murder and arson by the guar- 
dian of the Cordeliers at, x 96] 

Sitteram Rauze, xxv 73] xxvii 52] 

Siward. See Northumberland, earl 

Sixteen-string Jack. See Rann, J. 

Sixtus IV, pope, xii 170. xxxvii 27*] 

V, pope, vi 23, 162, vii 83] xii 126. 
xvi 56] xviii 5. xl 

Siyab ghush described, v 55 

Skeene, gen. xxiv 112] 

maj. lviii 193 

Siem, gigantic, found near Sunderland, 
i 89 

silat in Cornwall, iv 88] 

«+e. near Canterbury, i 115. iii 121] 

++ «+ —— Hythe, iii 111] 

«+--+ gigantic, under the Charter house, vi 


vi 159 

in Fullwell hills, Durham, 

+++. —————— found in various places, vii 
106, 107 

Secs near Ancona, viii 140] 

+++. near Pocklington, Yorkshire, x 139], 

+++. in Stockbury valley, xiv 133] 

+++ gigantic, in Ireland, xxxii 210] 

+++» supposed of earl Douglas, xxxix 49 

+++. two near Hitchen, xliii 5 

F = near Camden, in Gloucestershire, xlvi 


Skelton, J. (poet) xxi 24, 139 

—— J. lviii 179 

Skenkius, vii 106 ; 

Skerret, m. gen. J. B. liii 121] liv 144] 154 
51, 194, 195, 238. iv 201. lvi 11] 170 

Skiddaw, account of, xlviii 1028 

Skidmore, J. xli 404 

Skilling, W. liii 131 

a air supposed to come from the, xxiv 

Skinner, ald. T. (t. Eliz.) xliii 50] 

—— ald. T. ix 63] xxv 195] xli 33, 35. 
xlv 419 

——- capt. (N) iii 101] 102] 

capt. Jos. (A) xlvii 1002 

C. iv 99] 

——— Dr. Steph. xiv 128” 

T. ix 63] xxv 195} 

Skinner street, fire in, lv 26 

Skioldebrand, gen. lv 167} 

Skipp, J. xxx 126 y 

Skipton, in Craven, steeple injured by light~ 
ning, ix 118 

Skipwith, sir T. G. xxvii 268] 

Skirving, W. xxxix 25. xli 157 

.... tried for sedition, xxxvi 2, 6 

Skrine, xliii 443 

Skynner, capt. Lancelot (N) xli 36 

——— lord chief baron, xxiii 221] 274] 
275] xxvii 208] xxix 110} 

Slack, Christian and Mat., Moravian mis- 
sionaries, ix 269 




Slack, two of the name, executed for horse 
stealing, confessed having cut off the 
dugs of cows in Stepney fields, ix 93] 

‘Sg et attempted by their father, ix 

—— J. executed for piracy, xxxiv 23 

T. Cartwright, lvii 96. lviii 244 

—— W. ix 69] 

Slade, H. lx 316 

J. xxvili 177 

=]. gen. J. 1i 373. liii 186 

Rob. xlix 387 

Slander, action for, lvi 295 

Slater v. a surgeon for mistreating a broken 
leg, x 108] 

—+— J. xivi 824. xlvii 850. lii 419. lvi 336 

Joseph, xxxix 407 

Slates, engraved for schools, li 860 

Slattery, James, liii 21 

Slavery, injurious consequences of, iii 194 

s+. existing so late as 1775 in Scotland, 
xviii 123] 

s... observations on, iii 263. xviii 173. xix 
168. liv 477 

«+. impolicy of, xviii 174, xix 168 

--.. abolished in Austrian Poland, xxv 211] 
xxvii 13] 
and Bohemia, xxvii 13 

-e»- reéstablished in the French islands, 
xliv 224 

«ee proceedings for it’s abolition in S. 

America, liv 76. lv 192] 
lon, lviii 200 

Slaves: crew of the Litchfield ransomed, ii 
104. iii 95] 125] 132] iv 77] 

ees ree of Spanish from Algiers, iii 
129 ‘ 

«... conspiracy of the Turkish on board 
the Maltese galleys, iii 97] 

---- Turkish admiral’s ship taken by, iii 

«+e labour of, dear, iii 193 

. +. insurrection of, at Algiers, vi 60] 

--.. attempts to get possession of a slave- 
ship, vi 108 

«++. not necessary to produce sugar, xii 5 

e+e. escape of, from Algiers, xv 130] xix 

Silesia, Moravia, 

in Cey- 

---» laws passed in favour of, xxx 206] 

++» emancipations of, xlii 339, 342 

+++. in the bay of Honduras, lii 622, 735, 

--++ petition against a general registry bill, 
lviii 87 

e.-. treatment of in Brazil, lix 413 

-.+. condition and treatment of in the W. 
Indies, lx 109] 

-+«+ See also Negroes 

Slave trade, remarks on the, iii 263."xlix 121 

e+. on preserving health on board ships in 
the, vii 131 

»--- duty on Negroes exported from Ja- 
maica, ix 210] 


Slave trade, duty on a imported i 
Dominica, ix 210] 
+++» ships cut off by the natives, xv 70] 
---+ free black seaman sold as a slave, xxi 
---+ address to Congress against by th 
Quakers, xxvi 219] 
«+++ petition of the Quakers to the H. o 

+++. proceedings for the abolition of, xx 

Ixi 85] 10, 122 

.«. bills for regulating the middle p 

sage, xxx 135] 300] xxxi 149] xl 237] 

-+.. twelve propositions on, xxxi 268] 

+++ French society of Friends of the Ne 
groes, xxxii 136] 

«+e vessels employed in, xxxiv 128 

+++. number of slaves imported into W 
India islands and exported, xxxiv 129 9) 

«++. compensation to the owners of ship 
xxxiv 148 

+++. captures of ships concerned in, Iii 
108. lvi 78 

e+e prohibited at Buenos Ayres, liv 76 

«.+- Negroes rescued from slaveships, li 
89. lv 97 

++. factory at Masutedo destroyed, lv 97 

.«+. persons transported for carrying o 
lv 97. lvi LOL. 1xi 72, 222 

.+.. prohibited in Holland, Wvid4 

-..- declaration of the plenipotentiaries ai} 
Paris respecting, lvii 358 

+... persons indicted for carrying on, lis 
179. Ixi 197 

«++. Spanish ships captured, Ix 79] 

...» prohibited by France, Ix 154] 155] 

tee — on the N. of the Equato 
by Portugal, lx 162] 

«eee State of, Ixi 57 

.».. claim of an admiral to one third o 
the bounty allowed for capturing ships 
Ixi 285 ; 

Slawatz, baron, i 263 

Sledger, farmer, and his wife, murdered, | 


Sleep, case of preaching in, iii 68 

e+e» essay On, viii 83 

.»-- long, cases of, xlv 372. xlix 478.1 31° 

...- See also Somnambulism, and Dreams 

Sleight of hand. See Jugglers 

Sleigh, Dr. xvii 29, 31 . 

Slew, Jos. murder of, xiv 114] 153] 154 
160] 161] 210) 

Slight of hand. See Jugglers 

Sligo, Howe Peter, 2nd marq. liv 279 _ 

—— J. lst marq. xxxi 311] 313] 314] 317 
xliv 138. xlv 69, 113, 124, 149. xlvi 
64, xlvii 760 

Desesmabavesee REGISTER. 

Slingsby, sir T. sii 39 7 
Sloane, sir Hans, i 253, 256, 351. 11288. v 
60. vii 45, 48, 107, 136. x 86, 140. xi 258] 

94. xii 72, 76. xiii 54, 109. xix 49, 57. 
xxii 88. xxiii 104. xxxii 201] 3. xxxvii 
36*] xli 2 

Slocombe, Nich. found guilty of personating 
his father to sell stock, xi 165] 178] 

Sloper, col. iii 177) 

gen. xxviii 200] 

Jos. two half-guineas stolen out of a 

letter by, xv 67] 

sir Rob. xxxi 227] 

W. iv 88} 

W. C. xxvii 268] 

) Slug, spinning, xxxiii 329] 

Sluys, siege of, xxxvi 36] 

Small, Dr. W. "lili 407. xlvi 783 

—— J. gov. of Christ’s hospital, x 130] 

Smallpox, remarkable sequelz of, i 253 

-...- deaths from, xlv 357, 416. xlvii 426. 
xlix 938 

ees at Copenhagen, iii 148] 
iv 116] 

++++ progress of inoculation in Sweden, iv 
72] xi 183] 

.«+ benefit of inoculation, v 78] xvii 25] 

ee mischiefs of inoculation, xlv 357. | 



—— Naples, xi 203] xiv 

e+-- regulations of inoculation in France, 
vi 85 

«es. Turkish mode of inoculation, vi 296% 

«++ medal in honour of inoculation struck 
at Stockholm, vii 77] 

«».. another at Parma, vii 115] 

+... report of the faculty of Paris against 
inoculation, viii 74] 

+».» persons forbidden to be brought to the 
Hague to be inoculated, 2. 

e+ caught a second time, viii 111] 

-+.. in a woman of 80, who had nursed and 
Jain with her own children when in the 
disorder, x 53] 

+++» prosecution threatened for bringing 
into a town to inoculate, x 118] 

+-.+ question of inoculation debated by the 
faculty of Paris, xi 66] 

«++» inoculation house near Peterborough 
eevee down by a mob, xi 93] 

— introduced at Vienna, xi 
*"j02] 179] 181] xii 65] 

———— a Rome, 21-198) 

«+++ on the suppression of, xi 175 

«--. modes of inoculation in Africa, Wales, 
and Asia, xii 80-6 

«++» new mode of, xv 133] 

«++. mortality from at Petersburgh, and 
inoculation commanded, xvi 92] 

4" death of the k. of France from, xvii 

«+++ communicated to the foetus, xxiii 133. 
xxv 65 
»»e» characteristic of, xxiii 135 


Smallpox: remarks on inoculation, xxiv 
112. xlix 938 

+++ means of preventing pits, xxv 50 

+--+. means of exterminating, xlv 356 
.. number of persons blind from, xlvi 
388. 1 30* 

++. injurious effects of, xlix 938. 1 30* 

- not.confined to man, xlix 847 

Smallpox hospital, collections for, ii 88. iii 
86] iv 101] v 78] vi 71) vii 57] viii 78] 
ix 86] xi 102] xii 91] 

-... benefactions to, ix 102] 117] xi 18. xii 
107] xiv 116] xxvii 202] 

peony inoculation hospital opened, x 

. + benefaction to, xi J8 

Smart, Christ. i 438. vi215. xiv 111] xxii 
60. xxxiii 419] 

e-.- account of, xxxiii 256] 

G. xlii 382. liy 315. lvi 336 

J. xlviii 639. 1190* 

Smeathman, xlviii 937 

Smeaton, J. ii 118. xiii 142] xvii 79. xviii 

- difference of temperature at Plymouth 
“and the Eddystone, tii 94 
---- maxims for the improvement of mills, 
ili 126 
- account of, xxxv 255. x] 362 
Smellie, Dr. W. xiv 127. xxvi 26 
W. xxx 67 
Smelt, i 86 
—— Leonard, xiv 94] xx 26] 
—— 1. col. W. lvi 211 
Smethurst, James, xliv 777 
Smidt, 1. gen. xlvii 159 
Smirke, Rob. 1i 250, 324 
Smith v. Rose, for money spent at an wleo- 
tion, xxxiv 160] 
iii 18, 19. xxv 59] 78] xxxiv 15 
account of the lake of Killarney 
by, i 323 
(actor) ix 252. xviii 213 
(music. ) xxii 59 
—— Aaron, xiv 31 
—— Abel, lii 298. liv 116} 
Adam, i ii 484, xix 241. xx ]1. xxxii 
212] xxxiii 30”. xxxviii 482] 379. xli 
181] xliii 15) xlix 106x, 786, 793 : 
... life and character of, xxxvii 37*] 
—— adm. xli 360. xlvii 752 
adm. sir W. Sidney, xxxvi 58, 62, 
xxxvii 137] xli 22] 28] 83] 3, 70, 91, 259. 
xlii 216] 220] 70, 228, 231, 934, xliti 29] 
31] 33] 190] 206} 221] 227] 229] 233]101, 
109, 111, 196, 208. xliv 12. xlv 34, 101, 
209. xlvi 138, 389, 540, 903. xlvii 118, 
426. 855. xivili 140, 144, 588, 594. xlix 
195, 280, 527, 662", 714*, 715*. 1 39] 68] 
92*. lii 268. liv 17] Ivii 515, Ixi 431 ‘ 
. taken prisoner, xxxviii 13. xlix 929 
+... escape of, x1 36. xlii 167] 
-.-- present of plate from the Turkey cc com- 
pany, xliv 388 
eee a. to, xlvi 1142, Ix 401. 1xi 399 





Smith, ald. xx 201] 

—— — Christ. xlix 465. 195%. li 285. 
lix 92 

-— Josh, Jon. lix 33 

—— — T. lii 243*, 357 

—— Ann, xxiv 163] 

capt. xxxii 196] 

(A) ii 271. iii 177] 

(N) ly 210 

—— —— Benj. charged with forgery, xi 
61) xii 81] 

= =— E. ‘Tyrrel (N) xxxi:199] 

——— —— James (N) iv 60] 64] 

—— — J.S. (N) xxvii 263] 

—— —— Sidney (Amer. N} lv 152 

—— C: lxi 302 

—— Charlotte, xxvii 141, 142. xxviii 149. 
xxxiv 473. xlix 965 

col. xi 66*] 101] xii 49) xvii 115] 
170] xviii 126*] 

—— — J. (vol.) xlv 443 

—— — Matth. xxxviii 3 

——— — W. (Amer.) xxvii 230] 234] 

—— Dr. Jos. xix 41x 

—— — sir James Edw. lvi 56 

—— — W., xxiii 311] xxiv 272] 

—-—— Eaglestield, xxxix 393 

—— Edmund, xxii 48x 

—— E. James, li 420 

—-— Egerton, xliii 454, liii 266 

—— Eliz. xlvii 398 

——— Francis, convicted of murder, xlvi 

—— Fred. convicted of robbery, xlix 356 

—-— gen. J. xlvii 2)1, 518, 521 

—— — Rich. xviii 89) xix 137] 143] 
150] xxiv 179*] 196*] xxv 188] xxvii 56] 
xxxv 130] xxxvii 215] xxxviii 50] 51] 

—— G. iii 90] xix 181] 

—— — executed for burglary, xxx 214] 

—-— — (couns.) liii 74] lv 197] 

—— Gerard, ii 365 

——— Hannah, executed for robbery, xi 

—— H. curious bigamy of, ix 69] 

—— James, murder of capt. Baldeston by, 
1 139", 140* 

—-—— James, xliv 44). Ivii 319 

——— Jasper, speech of, to a judge, xiii 

~ 185] 
—— J. iii 90] 

—~— — lii 482 

—— — (M.P.) xlix 37. liv 36] xi 150] 

—— — will of, iv 147] 

— convicted of pulling down a saw- 
mill, xii 66] 

——— — (sheepstealer) suicide of, xvi 136] 

——— — executed for returning from trans- 
portation, xxxiii 24] 

——— — (E.I. director) xvii 110] xxiv 
173] xxviii 201] 

—— — charged with intent to assassinate 
the king, xxxviii 17 bi 

e—— — (bookseller) sentence of for a polis 
tical pamphlet, xxxix 7 



Smith, J. (of Oulston) xliii 41 
— (jeweller) lv 70 
— H.(M.P.) See Smyth 
— Prince, xlviii 1054, 1055. liv 273 
—and Eliz. executed for the mur- 
der of their daughter, liv 37 
Jos. child of, drowned by Mary 
Hyndes, xi 113] 
— xli 404. xliv 776 
Joshua (Amer.) xxiii 390] 
lieut. H. (N) xliv 777 
1. col. xliii 100 
—— —_ H. xlviti 592 
James Webber, lvii 188 
—— I. gen. J. lvii 2] 
Margaret, xlviii 44) 
Mrs. confined in a madhouse,vi 158] 
maj. H. lix 157 
—— gen. Lionel, lix 157. Ix 181] 
Nath. xvii 110] xxv 205] xxvii 


Nathan, x] 390. Ix 361 
Overman, vii 68] 

Peter, lviii 189 

Pierce, xxxvii 59*] 

prof. Christian, lviii 199, 200 
e+. account of, lx 434 

Rene, vii 54 

rev. ix 53] 

———. — Benj. xix 25 

——— — Dr. Rob. xi 69] xx 117 

R. iii 232] 

—— Rich. lvii 320 

(Amer.) xvii 218] xviii 265] 
——— —— Uarpenter, xxxiv 78 

Rob. xxvii 268] xxxv 75] lx 362 


——— —— (Amer.) li 694. lii 254 

S. xxvii 186] 189] xxxii 78. lv 319 
— xlv 363 

Sarah. 1 30" 

—— sir Rob. xxiv 158] xxvii 268] 
——  — T. xv 120 

— W.C. lix 68 

Speacer, xl 88. xliii 29] xlvi 163, 
165, 622. 1 68] 

T. alias Harding, v 76] 

— conyicted of a highway robbery, 
ix 84] 113] 

— executed for murder, ly 4 
—v.the earl of Pomfret, foralead . 
mine, xiii 137] 133] xv 84] 136] 147] xvi 


— iii 121] 

— Scott, xliii 30 

Theoph, attempt to murder P, 
Wainwright, xlii 20 

--.. Suicide of, after shooting his wife, 
xliii 1 

W. murdered by L. Atkinson, xiv 

peels — of Chichester (painter) vii 108] 

—(M.P.) xxxi 137] 148] xxxiy 

78, 101. xxxvii 204] xxxviii 52] 111. 

xxxix 140] 143] 190] 258] x1 199} 235] 

236] 238] xli 180] xlii 103] 104] xliv 



170. xlv 155, 193, 194. xlvi 87. xlvii 78, 
95. xlviii 441. 182] 11 86. liii 34] liv 21] 
28] 121] lv 56] 205] Ivii 52] lviii 25] lix 
30] 31] 

Smith, W. (treas. of Ordnance) xliii 145 

Smithfield, state of the market for forty 
years, xv 193] 

Smithson, Isabella, vy 119] 

Smoke, conversion of, into useful matters, 
xxxiv 415 

Smoking, mischiefs of, xlvi 395, 419 

Smollett, Dr. Tobias, xii 224. xiv 146] 166] 

xxxix 3717. x1 433 

+++ account ef, xviii 45 

1. col. xli 79 

Smugglers: adulteration of tea by, vii 105] 

+++. engagements with, in Ireland, x 112] 

200. —————_———_- at sea, xi 181] xii 

112] xiv 80] xix 135] 

+++. murder of officers and others by, xii 
94] xix 145] 180] xx 201] xxiii 223} xlii 
45. lvii 55 

«+++ custom house boat run down by, and 
all the crew drowned, xiii 101] 

+++. Pelham cutter plundered and run 
ashore by, on the coast of Wales, xiii 


«++» dragoon murdered by, xiii 104] 

+++» Schooner destroyed by at Rhode island, 
xv 117] 126] xvii 45] 

«++. attack of, on Blackfriars bridge, xxi 

«++. one shot in Fetter lane, xxi 184] 

e++- engagements with, xxi 192] xxiii 205] 
210) xIv 369 Ixi 106 

+++ two dragoons shot by, xxiii210] ss, 

++++ pardoned on entering cr procuring 
men for thé navy, xxv 207] 

+++. rescue of, in the way to prison, xxix 

+++. convictions of assisting, xl 72 

ee Te ; attempt to export swordblades, 
ii 98 

+++. great seizure of tea and brandy at Fal- 
mouth, v 106] 

+++. orders of council against, with a par- 
ticular view to the isle of Man, vii 92] 

*+-. actions against officers for an assault 
in searching for smuggled goods, viii 81] 
xiii 88 | 

DE entering 

houses under pretence of searching for, 
viii 109] xii 93] 95] xiii 88] xvii 81] 83) 
xix 184] 

++«. lady fined 200/. for a French cambric 
handkerchief, ix 53] 

«++» large seizure of tes at an inn in Lon- 
don, ix 62] 

+++. action against officers for breaking 
open a box to search for, ix 79] 

avon —— an officer for seizing 
Spitalfields silks as foreign, ix106] xiii 72} 

«+++ vessels burnt for, x 57] 112} 

++++ French lace found concealed ina ship’s 
buoy, x 62] 



Smuggling: action against an officer for 
seizing a fishing boat, x 78] 

«++. brandy and tea found under a cargo of 
coals, x 112] j 

«+e. Severe laws against in Sweden, xi 41] 

+++. action against officers for illegally’ 
searching a boat, xii 100] 

++.» Officer prosecuted for stopping a young 
man with a bundle, and firing at him, 
xiii 144] 

«... the whole stock in trade of a laceman 
seized by four custom-house officers, xv 

-++- complaint of the cabinet-makers of a 
great quantity of goods imported under 
the privilege of foreign ambassadors, xv 
100] 105] 

+... large seizure of goods impo: ted by the 
Venetian resident, xv 113] 116] 

+++. Seizure of lace and silks worth more 
than 15,8007. made in Kent, xvi 539] 

+++» prosecution of officers for illegally 
searching a house, xvii 81] 83] 

- Seizure at a coffeehouse in the city, 
xviii 145] 

Anise of gold shipped for Boston, 
xviii 146] 


in St. Giles’s and consequent 
riot, xviii 162] 

+++. action to recover the value of sinug- 
gled goods, xviii 170] 

+++. Seizure of money shipped on boarda 
man of war for America, xviii 185] 

+++. action against officers for detaining a 
woman who refused to be searched, xix 

des ————-—— for illegal seiz- 

ures, xxi 186] xxiv 199] 

«++- large seizure in the Fleet prison, xxi 

aliens ——— Hampshire, xxi 208] 
».-+ convictions for selling prohibited hand- 
kerchiefs, xxii 225] 
+++. acts to prevent, xxii 252] xxvii 152] 
+.+. precautions against in Japan, xxiii 67 
. action on bills for tea sold for the pur- 
pose of, xxv 200] , 
- +. Seizure of sugar from Tortola import-— 
ed as British, xxvi 222] 
-...» Deal boats burnt, xxvii 223] 
--.. American yessel seized at Dunkirk, 
xxvii 234] 
.... large seizure brought to Southampton, 
xxix 204] 
-.+. Ships seized at Hull for smuggling 
wool, xxix 218] 
-» «+ Dover mail coach seized for smuggling 
lace, xxx 207] 
«++. money gained by returned, xxxiy 41 
«++. dressmakers convicted of having in 
possession contraband articles belonging 
to ladies of distinction, lvi 86 
«++ lace &c. seized in boats with vegeta- 
7 and fruit from France, lvi 91. lyiii 


Smuggling :\ extensive in ordnance store- 
ships at Woolwich, lviii 46 
«se silks seized at the lodgings of the 
gunner of an Indiaman, lviii 48 
e+ by achief mate of an Indiaman, lviii 
«+. ingenious mode at Liverpool, lix 86 
+--+» caution respecting unfounded inform- 
ations against persons and vessels, lx $2 
«+++ under pretence of dunnage, Ix 271 
esses persons convicted of conspiring to 
make a false charge, Ixi 232 
Smyrna: fires at, vi 109] xv 131] xxxviii 
13. liii 67 
+++. cruel diversion with storks, xi 210 
«... Greeks massacred by the runaway 
Turks, xiii 36] 
es. deputation to the Russian commander, 
xiii 37] 
++». earthquake at, xxi 193] 
-».. plague at, i 111. iii 116] xxiv 187] lvi 
202] 42, 78, 96 
e».. the theatre and factories burnt, and a 
number of Christians murdered, in con- 
sequence of a Janissary being killed, 
xxxix 17 
++». governor beheaded, lviii 151] 
Smyth, (M.P.) xlv 119 
col. James Carm. lvi 17]. lvii 178 
Dr. C. iii 80 
Francis, murder of, lv 93 
gen: (Amer.) lv 178] 
J.H. xxvii 268] xxviii 90x) lviii 

rev. W. xlvii 995, 996. xlviii 1063, 

1064, 1067, 1068. liii 593 

T. xlii 383 

Smythe, Benj. lix 234 
: rev. H. xlii 405 

sir Syd. Staff. vii 69] xi 84] xii 93] 
xiii 68] 88] 140] 163z. xiv 138] xv 136] 
xviii 136] 233] xx 215] 

Snails, insect infesting, vi 27 

«+++ do not survive the loss of their heads, 
xv 89 

e+e reviviscence of, xviii 84 

-..+. hardiness in resisting heat, xviii 86 

Snakes: number dug out of the ground in 
winter, iv 90] 

e+. one caught in a cage after swallowing 
two birds, iv 129] 

--+- large in Guiana, xii 91] 

«ses method of preserving, xii 115 

«++. of N. America, xiv 95. xxv 99 

--.. Of the E. Indies, xxviii 45 

«++» number killed in a dunghili, xxxvi 26. 
xlvi 417 

+++. one found by a woman in her bed, 
xlvii 419 

«++» See also Serpents 

Snakes (water) x 78. xiv 82. xxviii 45 

Snape, rev. Dr. And. v 8% 

Sneezing, origin of the custom of saluting 
on, xii 145 



¥ 165 



Snell, Powell, ii 143 

—~— Christ. murdered, liii 124 

Sneyd, Eliz. xl 177 

—— Jeremy, xl 177 

J. xvi 89] xli 408 

—— W. murder of, x] 79 

Sniadin, plague introduced into, xv 122} 

Snow: three persons buried five weeks 
under, i 297. viii 85 

++. Slidings of, from the Alps, viii 85 

+-.. Sheep and cattle buried in, ix 64] 78] 
x 68] xxi 178] 1 127* 

.... experiment to ascertain what quantity 
of rain it equals, x 83 

- +++ persons lost in, ix 68] x 50] 53] xi 69] 
xiv 71] xlv 465. lviii 47, 182 

+++. a substitute for eggs, xiii 174] 

«se. very deep. See Weather 

- ++. in May, xxxviii 19 

+.» person buried eight days in, xli 459 

e+» fidler buried in, xlix 518 

«++. recovery of a man found in, liv 35 

++» great fall in October near London, Ixi 

Snow hill, fire on, xi 68] 

Snow, W. convicted of murder, decided by 
the 12 judges to have been guilty of 
manslaughter only, xx 183] 

Snowden, W. lix 234 

——-_ W. F.. li 545 

Snuffbox, musical, x 107] 

Soane, J. xxxii 250] xxxviii 510. xlv 630 

Soap made without boiling, iv 145 

+.» to wash with salt water, xlviii 418 

-... made by steam, 1 138 

Social principle, advantages of the, viii 227 

Societies, various, in Ireland, for parlia- 
mentary grants to, after the Union. See 
Supplies, head Ireland 

Society, civil, observations on, x 307 

«++ progress of, 1 190 

—-— Academical, in Chancery lane, lix 
33, 40 

African, xxxv 295. xxxix 399 

Agricultural, at Leicester, xxxiv 51 

at Manchester, xxiii 


——— Cockburnspath, xlviii 

American, for Propagating the Gos- 
pel among the Indians, vii 116] 
Amsterdam, for the Recovery of | 
Drowned Persons, xi 147] xv 198] 
Antigallican, xiv 98] 
Bath, for the Encouragement of 
Agriculture, &c. xxvi 91-101 
Benevolent, of St. Patrick, xliv 377. 
xlvi 374. xlvii 373 
British and Foreign Bible, xlvi 373 
Constitutional, xviii 149] xix 87] 
197] 201} xx 167] 211] 234] 240] xxxiv | 
73. xxxvi 266] 
—_—_—_—_-—-——--—- for the Counties of 
Durham, Northumberland, and Newe 
castle on Tyne; xvi 85) 



Society, Corresponding, xxxvi 266] See 
Soc. London Corresponding 

—— Dublin, xliii 188. xliv 583 

ss. premiums given by, v 113] vi 118] 
viii 150. ix 154] 

«++. bust of the earl of Chesterfield placed 
in it’s meeting room, xii 79] 

—— Egyptian, viii 30 

Farming, in Ireland, after the Union 
See Supplies 

—_— for Bettering the Condition of the 
Poor, Iviii 605 ; 

for Parliamentary Reform. See S. 
of Friends of the People 

— Promoting Christian Knowledge, 
vii 114] viii 61] 127] ix 117] xi 18. xxiii 
26] xxix 217] 

«-.« letter to, from lord Grenville, on it’s 
interference in elections, xlix 624 

—-——. in 

the Highlands of Scotland, donation to, 
xxxiii 14] 

Fisheries in Scotland, 

xxxiii 219” 

— Protestant Schools in 
Ireland, grants to. See Supplies, under 
head Ireland, after the Union. 

s+. benefactions to, vi 67] viii 93] ix 

——_—————— the Knowledge and 
Practice of Christianity in Ireland, xlv 

——— Propagating the Gospel in 
Foreign Parts, ii 113. xxiii 325] 

«++. benefactions to, vi 61] 67] vii 82] ix 
ret 117] xi 18. xiii 134] xiv 116] xv 

: —the Discharge and Relief of 

small Debtors, xvi 99] xxi 162] xxxv 

146] xlv 125 

Extermination of the Small- 
pox. See S. Royal Jennerian 

—————— Prevention and Punishment 

of Frauds, xxiii 212] 

————— Reformation of Manners, 
damages given against, vi 57] 
: — Relief of Insolvent Debtors, 
at the Thatched House Tav. See above 
Soe. for the Discharge &c. 

— Relief of the British Troops 

in Germany and Canada, iii 67] 127] 

———. of Widows 

Orphans of Medical Men, xlvi 426 

— Suppression of Vice, xlviii 
388, 459. 11 86. Ixi26i 

—— Hibernian Marine, xviii 134] 

—— Highland, liii 136. lviii 4, 114 

—— Lancashire Humane, xxxiii 354] 

—— Lichfield Botanical, xlvi 784 

— Linnean, lvi 66° 

London Corresponding, xxxiv 70. 
xxxvi 266] xxxvii 37, 43, 47. xxxviii 7] 
40) xxxix 39. xliii 175) 

~~~ London Union, lix 20] 

ommmere Manchester Constitutional, xxiv 70 




Society, Manchester Reformation, xxxiv 70 

Marine, ii 424. v 71] 

-« +» benefactions to, ii 71, 84, 115. iv 69] 
v 111) xii 113] xiii 172] xxi 203] xlii 17 

«+++ disposal of boys at the peace, vi 118] 
vii 92] 

+++. new house for, xvi 96] 

at Bristol, xxvii 241] 

Medical, of London, apparatus for 

the recovery of drowned persons pre 

sented to, xviii 120] 

Merry, of Seven Troubadours of 

Toulouse, iii 174 

of Agriculture, at Paris, xlv 379 

——__—_—_—__— for the East Riding 
of Yorkshire, xiii 100] xxiii 196] 207] 

of ‘Ancient Britons, collections for 
the school, vi 61] xviii 97] xxv 201] 
xxvi 197] © 

+--+ benefactions to, viii 71] xi 77] xii 78] 
xvi 79] xvii 98] 

-+-+ Natural History published by, vi 61] 
62] viii 104] 

of Antiquaries, xxiv 174] 

—_———. Scotch, xxiii 239] 

——of Artists of G. Britain, incorpo- 
rated by royal charter, viii 60] 194] 

ees. Visits of the king to the exhibition and 
donations to, x 97] xi 174] 

--.. foundation of the new academy laid, 
xiv 127] 

of Arts, xxvi 84 

«++. premiums proposed by, ii 152. iv 113] 

vi 72] 116] vii 58] 148. viii 150. xii 65) 

++. premiums awarded by, i 102. ii 57, 

91, 92. iii 89. iv 95] 99] 137] v 86] 90] 

95] 113] 118] vi 63] vii 48] 58] 66] 80] 

viii 93] ix 49] 88] 110] 126] 153] x 60] 

82] 113] 141] 159] xi 87] 115. xii 95] 

97] xiii 68] 93] 138] xv 74] 83] xvi 89] 

xviii 87] xxiv 163] xxvi 76, 82. xxvii 55. 

xxxi 60, 66. xlv 836. xlvi 848. li 287, 

860, 865. lii 650, 653, 655. liii 486 

---- exhibition of pictures, iv 126] 

--+- correspondence with the Academy of 
Sciences at Paris, iv 153] 

«+++ money advanced by, for supplying the 
metropolis with fish, iv 175] vii 49] viii 
88] ix 90] x 49] 

+++ main beam of it’s roof broken, v 86] 

+++» resolution to give only honorary pre- 
miums to members, vii 74] 

---- 100/. presented to by the corporation 
of Liverpool, viii 111] 

- Specimens of Norway timber sent over 
to America by, viii 115] 

«+.» 500/. presented to, by the city of Lon- 
don, viii 136] 

+... new building for, xiv 163] xv 87] 

Edinburgh, xlix 1000 

———— at Hamburgh, viii 148] 

—— Constitutional Whigs, Indepen- 

dent, and Friends of the People, xxxiy 

0 ; 

carom of Foole, vii 218 


Society of Friends of Foreigners in Dis- 
tress, liii 49 
SS Freedom, xvi 108] 
Friends of the Freedom of the 
Press, xxxiv 90. xxxvi 278] 
———— People, xxxiv 
163] 76-90. xxxv 98. xxxvi 278] 
«e+» petition for reform of parliament by, 
xxxv 150] 82 
Jovial Brethren, x1 409 
— St. Patrick. See Soc. 
. volent, &c. 
Supporters of the Bill of Rights, 
xii 79] 81] 88] 92] 107] 143) xiii 71] 80) 
» 94] 142] 159] xiv 93] 
e-+- letter to the Commons of S. Carolina, 
xili 224] 
... secession from, and new society formed, 
xiv 94] 
++«- donation to Boston and the fishermen 
of New England, xviii 99] 
of United Britons, xliii 176] 
Philanthropic, xlvi 403. lix 367 
--.. benefactions to, xlii 17 
—_—_—___——-—— of Hamburgh, xli 179 
Revolution, xxx 220] xxxiv 72 
-. + letter to Dr, Priestley, xxxiii 84] 
————— at Norwich, xxxiv 70 
Royal: account of the, xxxviii 362 
«++. gold medals adjudged by, iii 149] vii 
45. viii 146] xiii 166] xiv 160] xvi 150] 
xvili 177] xix 194] 117. xxiii 236] xxx 
222] xxxii 212] xxxv 257 
- +. council of, ivy 181] xxv 227] xxx 223] 
..- French commissioners to assist in the 
examination of Harrison’s timekeeper, vi 
.»» resolution to secure and publish the 
observations made at Greenwich, vi 81] 
«++. earl of Morton elected president, vii 






«.-. k. of Poland elected a member, ix 

----. Dr. Bevis appointed Latin secretary, 

»++- medal presented by his Polish majesty, 
xi 65] 

«+... oak plants from acorns preserved in 
wax presented to, xi 80] 

«-.. k, of Denmark elected a member, xi 

«..+ pictures, busts, and prints belonging 
to, xi 258] 

e+. address of thanks to his majesty, xvi 
81} i 

ees. Sir Jos. Banks elected president, xxi 

ee sate in memory of capt. Cook, xxvii 
19 . 

e+e. count Rumford’s prize medal, xl 2 

es.. museum of, xli 2 

«eee present of books from the National 
Institute, xliii 83] 

=——— Royal Humane, xviii 208] xix 125] 
BxXx¥ 14, xlyi 282. xlvii 382 


é 80 
Society, Royal Humane, plan and reports of 
the, xviii 99 
+++. medals distributed by, xix 196] xl 56 
«+e. one on the same plan projected at 
Northampton, xxxi 225] : 
++.+ another at Leicester, xlvii 426 
«++ donation from the British factory at 
Petersburg, and a similar society esta- 
blished there, x! 17 
+++» prize questions, xlv 398 
Royal Jennerian, for the Extermi- 
nation of Smallpox, xlv 360, 377, 416, 
469. xlvi 387. xlviii 405. 1 25* 
Salisbury, for an Annuity to Widows, 
vi 78] 
Sheffield Constitutional, xxxiv 84 
Whalley Agricultural, liii 7. 
Society islands, account of the arreoy, xx 63 
Socorro, arg. del, 1 186] 
Socrates, i 464. xiv 180. xix 172. xxxv 245, 
«+++ compared with Christ, v 160 
Soda, method of obtaining from salt, x] 394 
e+. a metalic oxyd, | 91 
++ «+ lake of, in S. America, lviii 600 
Soddington, antiquities at, xlix 897 
Soderini, — xlviii 832 
Socnesad: chief magistrate of Stockholm, 
xv 62] 
Sofala, the land of Ophir, xxxii 170 
Soho, near Birmingham, account of, xliii 

Soissons, magazine blown up, lvii 75 
Soissons, Olympia Mancini, countess of, iv 

Solander, Dr. D. C. xi 150] 180] xiv 124] 
129] 131] 133] 145] 150} 154] xv 108) 
116] 189] xvi 80] 106] 25, 43, 96, 101, 
105, 273, xviii 33, 78, 93. xix 84. xx 

+++» letter from, xii 188] 

Solano, don Jos. xxiv 25] 99] xxv 158] 222] 

marq. xlvii 553. 1 186] 66* 

Solano de Luque, Dr. France. viii 108 

Solari, count Cesar, turned hermit, xiii 

Soldiers, on preserving the health of, in hot 
climates, yii 132 

Solicitors struck off the roll for maleprac- 
tices, xvii 139] 140] 

Soliman II, xii 23. xxvii 22] 

——— aga, xli 34] 95 

—-— sheik, xi 118] xxix 213] 

the sublimate eater, lviii 1 

Solis, card. de, xxviii 38] 

—— don Ant. de, xxviii 39] xxix 134% 

Solomon, a Georgian prince, xiii 26] 

— Job Ben, a Phooley,.x 159 

Solomon’s Judgment, resemblance of, in the 
island of Elephanta, i 336 

Solon, xi 231. xlviii 871 

Solstitial points, xiv 178 

Soltikoff, count, ii 23, 26, 28. xi 25] 131 
xvi 16] xvii 5} 14] xviii 138] xix 166), 
Sxvil 185] xxx 44] 64) xiii 248 y 


Solway moss, rupture of, xiv 159] 165] 215] 
Sombreuil, count de, xxxvii 70] 35. xxxviil 

madlle., xxxiv 45] 

Someraw. See Somers 

Somernelos, gen. 1 236] 

Somers, a German deserter, massacre of 
the English at Patna by, vii 43] viii 9] 
ix 22] 30] 

C, (Cocks) lord, xxxvii 113, 116 

—— J. (Cocks) lord, xlix 33 

J. lord, v 176. vii 50, 284. xi 258] 
xviii 23. xxi 243, 244. xxvii 77] xxxiii 
285] xxxv 266. xlii 205. 1xi 146] 

«-.» Swift’s character of him, i 257 

Somers-town, riots at, xl 67 

«ee. road from Southampton row stopped 
up, xl 84 

Somerset, petition to the king, xii 142] 

Somerset, C. 6th duke of, iv 37, 39. vi 202] 

——— Edm. Beaufort, duke of, xxx 111 

— Edm. Beaufort, duke of, xxix 114 

~———— Edw. Ist duke, xiv 144. xvi 145 

—— Edw. Adolphus, 11th duke, xxxviii 
12. xliii 3] lii 269 

Frances, countess of, xliii 488 

duchess of, xvi 196, 198 

—— gen. lord C. H. 1 221%, Ix 596 

lord G. C. lviii 167 

———— m. gen. lord Rob. Edw. H. xxxvii 
14, 1 221*. liii 211. lvi 164, 181 

sir T. xiii 253 

(the Negro) case of, xv 110] 


Somerset house, history of, xlix 874 

---- large quantity of cockleshells found 
over a ceiling, xix 132] 

«e+. grants for rebuilding &c. xxiii 312 
xxiv 272] xxv 289] xxvi 307] xxvii 3014 
345] xxviii 250] xxix 265] xxx 262] 
xxxiii 142] xxxvi 119. xl 205, 206. xlii 
166. xliv 587. xly 628 

+... estimates for, xxxii 197] 

Somerville, capt. (N) lvi 224 

— P. (N) xliii 269] 272] liv 

Dr. T. xxxiv 356 

J. 15th lord, xl 21, 93, 403. 

xliv 413, 772 

—— Philip de, xli 421 

— Rob.1 96 

W. xxi 217 

Somis,Dr. viii 85 

Somme, a goldsmith of Paris, gains a cause 

_ against the farmers general, xi 144] 

Sommonocodam, xxiii 58 

Sommoriva, gen. xlii 174] 197] xliii 63] 

Somnambulism, cases of, iii 72. liii 119. lv 
101. lvii 72 

+++» dangers of, v 80] x 152] 

Somner, W. x 143. xvi 137 

Sondes, Lewis, Ist lord, viii 201] x 184) xiii 
0 xxv 311] xxxi 304] xxxii 332] xxxiyv 

Sonnerat, 1118 , 
Sonnestein, surrender of the fortress of, i 54 



Sonnini, xli 308, 420. xlix 889z 

Sonnino, town of, to be destroyed, lxi 60, 
66, 70 

Sons of the clergy, anniversary of, and col- 
lections for, i 90. ii 89. iii 100] iv 108] 
v 84] vi 76] vii 74] viii 87] ix 87] x 88] 
ib. xi 105] 106] xii 101) xiv 108] xv a 
xvi 7 xvii 118] xviii 119] xix 141 
xxiv 177] xxv 208] xxvii 233] xxvili 
202] xxxi 208] xxxv 24. xlvii 392 

+++» benefactions to, iii 106] iv 108] v 108] 
xiii 134] xiv 116] 

..-. collections for, at Bristol, iv 156] ¥ 

105] viii 125] ix 132] x 119] xi 164] 

+s. ———————- at, Newcastle, v 102] 

viii 127] x 128] xi 164] xii 129] xiv 

138] xv 127] xviii 156] 

Sooffees, account of the, lvii 461 

Sophia Aliexiefna, sister of Peter the Great, 
xxvii 164 

—-— Charlotte, Ist queen of Prussia, xxx 

-—— Dorothea, empress of Russia, xxxix 
53. xlv 373 

———— princess, xx 208] 212] lx 402, 7b, 
Ixi 400, 401 

——_——_-—_— (wife of George I) xxi 244 

Scphocles, ii 481. xii 226, 287. lix 493 - 

Soppitt, H. (E. India crimp) convicted of — 
confining a person, x 85] 96] 

Sorba, marq. de, Genoese minister in France, 
sudden death of, xv 65] 

Sorby, J. lviii 348 

Sore], Agnes, xxxi 124 

Sorrentino, duke of, suicide, xli 23 

— duke of, action against lord 

Blaney for libel, lvii 293 

—— Ign. xv 66. xxiii 87” 

Sorrento, account of, xxv 172 

Sotelo, Joaq. Mar. li 693 

Sotheby, adm. T. xlii 42- 

—— W, xxxiii 161. xliii 450 

Sotheron, adm. Frank, xlviii 588 

Soto, de, L. B. xlvyiii 844 

Sotomayor, duke of, 1 169] 

Sottin, x1 89 

Soubise, prince de, i 43, 45, 55, 63, 190, 
233, 409. ii 55, 67. iv 25] 27-9] v 24] 
27} 48] ix 5, 27. xvii 11 

-.-. leads an army against the Prussians, 
i 14, 20 

-.-++ defeated at Rosbach, i 22 

.»-. defeats the allies at Lanwerenhagen, 
i 55 

Souham, gen. lii 175 

Soult, gen. Pierre, lv 190 

—— marsh. xii 270) xiii 180] 182] 
xlvi 176. xlvii 146, 149, 160, 168. xlviii 
190, 192, 194, 197, 205. xlix 8, 25, 170. 
li 14, 16, 19, 70, 175, 179, 186, 195, 363, 
369, 374, 376, 489, 498. lii 19, 21, 30, 
154, 182, 184n, 207, 285, lili 105] 107] 
111] 82, 203. liv 146] 154] 207, 220. lv 
36] 140] 147] 189. lvi 18] 26] 167, 185, 
lyiii 120, Ixi 172] 


Soup, cheap, xxxix 441 
Soupire, de, ii 225 

South, Dr. Rob, xii 43 

South America f See America, S. 

——. Caroli L 
Wales, &e, Carolina, S. &c. 

Southampton, passage wherry sunk, ix 152] 

+++ act for providing for the poor, xvi 104] 

Southampton, C. Ist lord, xxiv 245] xxxi 
298] 304] 

———_——_ --—— H. 4th earl of, i 377, 488n 

«+e letter from the earl of Essex to, i378 

—— T. Wriothesley, earl of, ii 
467, 468. xvi 212. xxxiii 364] 1238 

Southcombe, Benj. xlix 854 

Southcote, judge, xxii 134 

Philip, xxiii 177 

Southcott, Joanna, li 266. lvi 70, 76. lvii 
289. lix 6. Ixil 

e«». account of, xlviii 1015 

ee». death of, lvi 116 

ese» Will of, lvii 31 

—_—— Jos. xlviii 1023 

Southern, G. ix 97] 

T.v 218. xxii 60. xxiii 156 

Southern continent, remarks on a, xx 87 

Southerton, J. xlvi 412 

Southerwood, Eliz. xlvii 365 

Southey, Dr. Rob. xxxviii 506. xxxix 444. 
xlvii 979, 982. xlviii 1015, 1026. lii 550, 
cate 711, 714, 738. lv 541. lvii 615. lix 


Southgate, rev. Rich. xxxvii 6 

South-Sea company, government debt to, i 
139. ii 187. iii 197] v 163] 177] vi 188] 
vii 170] ix 199] x 215] xi 260] xiv 221] 

---+ forgery of aletterof attorney for the 
sale of stock, vi 69] 

«++» dividend of, viii 59] 

---. stock sold by Rich. Slocombe in the 
name of his father, xi 165] 178] 

---- grants to for deficiency of profits, 1x 

. 400. 1xi 398 

Southwark : abolition of the fair, v 90] vi 

e+. rotation office, opened, x 137] 

«+e. instructions to the members, xii 78] 

--+. petitions to the king, xii 141] 163] 
xxiv 200] 

ee +e lection of a bailiff. xvii 138] 

e+.- court of requests robbed, xviii 110] 

«+e. petition for reform, xxvi 198] 

«+e. the jurisdiction disputed between the 
corporation of London and Surrey magis- 
trates, xxx 214] 

e+e. petition to the Commons for peace, 
xxxvii 106 

Southwell, sir Rich. i 481. xv 7 

——— Rob. xi 58 

T. G. Ist vise. xxxv 46 

—— W. x1 389. xlix 856 

Southworth, T. xlv 832 

Souville, Dr, xxxiv 389 

Bouza, de, T. xxxv 37. lii 743 

. J, M, xlyi 634 


Souza, de, Diego, liii 162] 
Sovereigns: instance of a father and son 
reigning in succession 122 years, viii 134] 
Sane aunt advice of one to his son, ix 51] 
++. advice to, xiii 188 
+. faith of, xv 25] 38) 51] 
.-.- blindness of, xvii 190. 1 264 
Sowden, capt. R. C. (N) xliv 418 
Sowerby, Ann, burnt for poisoning her hus« 
band, x 118] 
—l.col.  xxxvi 69 
Soy, Chinese, method of preparing, xlvi 852 
Soyer, gen. xlii 7] 
Sozomen, ix 151 
Spa, proclamation against gaming, xxx 203] 
Spa fields, riot in, Iviii 190, 200. lix 7] 14] 
Spaccatorno, prince de, x 77] 
Spagnolet, xxv 178 
Spaight, Rich. Dobbs (Amer.) xxix 299] 
Spain : account of, 1 174] 137*. 1i 946 
+++. account of the sheep of, and their 
management, vii 77 
+++. fishery on the coast of Barbary, vii 
124, viii 119] 
+--+ particulars relating to, ix 116. xlviii 
1081, 1092. 1 63 
-- + soldiery of, ix 176 
---- famed for dancing, xiii 243 
«++» Biscayan language, xiii 246 
. +. Shocks of an earthquake felt, xvi 100] 
+... ancient mines of, xix 138 
---- character of the Biscayners, xxiii 25, 
31. 168, 11 805 
ates and manners of the Spa- 
niards, xxvi 4. xxxi 23. 1i 799-816 
+++» produce of American mines, xxvi 165 
‘encore ee of the Morescoes from, xxvi 
- mulberries and silk in, xxxiii 319] 
e+e canals in, xxxiii 355] 
«+++ Mozarabs of, xxxiv 373 
+++ ancient, account of, xxxviii 462 
++. population of, 1i 945 
+++ Salt mines in, lviii 587 
-... origin of the disputes with respecting 
N. America, i 2 
+++. consequences to be apprehended from | 
the death of Ferdinand, ii 2 
+... melancholy of the king on the loss of 
his queen, ii 65 
+... death of the king, ii 110 
-».+ Charles III proclaimed, ii 121 
-- ++ funeral procession of the king, ii 145 
.... the prince royal declared incapacitated 
for the throne, it 251 t 
-..+ the king’s abdication of the Two Sici-| 
lies in favour of his third son, ii 252 
>». Statement of the forces of, iii 76] 
«+.» debts to the crown remitted, iii 89] 
e+.» debts of the late king to be paid, 76 
viii 139] xii 87] 
e+. demand of a restitution of slaves from 
Algiers, iii 129]° 
eyee death of the queen, lil 14¢] 




Spain: introduced into the negotiations for Spain: likely to remain under the influence 

peace by France, iv 22] 260-1] 265] 

.... this conduct extraordinary, iv 41] 

..-- haughtily defended by the Spanish 
ambassador, iv 42] 

+++. proceedings of our ambassador, iv 49] 

++-. conduct of the Spanish minister, 2d. 
50] 281) 

++. treaty with France, iv 51] 52] 278) 

-... rupture with England, iv 53] 281-290] 

«.«. the German evolutions introduced 
among the troops, iv 67] 

+++. young lady of large fortune married 

_ to an Englishman, iv 72] 

--.. livery servants forbidden to 
swords, iv 121] 

+++. punishment of a clerk of the treasury 
for forgery, iv 126] 

«+.. Speedwell, English cutter, taken by 
the French in Vigo harbour, iv 127] 

+».. duty on salt, to defray the expense of 
paving Madrid, and making roads to Bar- 
celona, Cadiz, Valentia, and Galicia, iv 

--.. British residents afraid of offending 
the Spaniards by illuminating on their 
majesties’ coronation, iv 176] 177] 

-»-. approaching rupture with England, iv 


-.+. Spaniards captured in French ships, 
iv 190], 

«+++ Navy of, id. 

+++ note delivered by the conde de Fuentes, 
iv 281] 

«++. answer to it, iv 282] 

.... orders for the detention of English 
ships, iv 285] 

«..-- declaration of war against, 7b. v 5] 65] 

———_ — by, iv 288] 

.... threatens Portugal, v 6] 

..-. declares war against her, v 10] 

«++. invasion of Portugal, v 29] 

-... checked by the British, v 31] 32] 

--+. loss of the Havannah, v 36-43] 119] 

-... capture of the Hermione, v 44] 92] 
97] vi 88] 163] 

«+... preliminary articles of peace signed, 
v 108] 

..... the son of don Velasco created marquis 
de Fort Moro, v 119] 

+++. Ships taken during the war, v 122] 

+... Summary of papers relative to the 
rupture with, v 185-203] 

++. papers relative to the rupture with 
Portugal, v 203-22] 

«-.. treaty of peace, v 233] 

+... capture of Manilla, vi 8-13] 

--«. ransom of the place, vi 13] 

+... Manilla galleon taken, vi 14] vii 80] 

+... Nova Colonia taken from the Portu- 
guese, vi 16] 

gat neces | attempt to recover it, vi 

+++» convention with the k. of Sardinia 
respecting Placentia, vi 214} 

of France, vii 10] 

sss» prints of the paintings at Heroula- 
neum presented by the king to the uni- 
versity of Edinburgh, vii 58] 

.... infanta Maria Louisa married to the 
archduke Leopold, vii 61] viii 116] 196] 
+--+ complaints of logwood cutters against 
the governor of Yucatan, vii 82] viii 99] 
+... conduct toward an English vessel in 

the Mediterranean, vii 98] 

.++. payment of the Manilla ransom bills 
refused, vii 114] 138] ix 5] 

.... backwardness of, to do justice to Bri- 
tain, viii 2] . 

.... beneficial trade carried on between it’s 
colonies and ours, viii 19] 

«».. udfortunate check to this, ¢d. 

«++. no criminal process to be carried on, 
even by the Inquisition, without confront- 
ing the witnesses with the party accused, 
viii 68] 

° et Louisiana ceded by France to, viii 69] 


e+. a society for the improvement of agri- 
culture established at Corunna, viii 74] 

+... sentence of the persons concerned in 
giving up the Havannah, viii 85] 

-+.. capt. Glass thrown into prison at Lan- 
cerota, viii 119] 

-+.. arrival of treasure ships from Ame- 
rica, viii 120] 140] : 

++. marriage of the prince of Asturias to 
the infanta Louisa of Parma, viii 196] 

-... report of a revolution in S. America, 
ix 2] 

++. submissiveness of the king to France, 
ix 4 

++. attempt to change the dress of the 
nation, ix 14] 

.... Other obnoxious measures of the 
government, ix 15] 

. riots at Madrid in consequence, 7b. 

.+.. remonstrance of the insurgents, xii 

Pole Ai king grants the demands of the 
rioters, ix 16] 

.... the king retires privately toAranjuez,ib. 

-+e. fresh riots ensue, 20. 

.. +a message sent from Aranjuez and a fa- 
vourable answer reccived from the king, 
ix 17] 

.... the marq. of Squilacci and his family 
quit the kingdom, zd. 

.... the king returns to Madrid, ix 18] 

.... petitions to the king to revoke the 
pardons he had granted, ¢. 

- report of a revolution in Peru, 2d. 

. remonstrances on the communication 
with Gibraltar being shut up by gen. 
Crillon, ix 91] ~ 

«s+. marg. of Eusenada ordered to retire 
from court, and 10000 troops with can~ 
non posted round the capital, ix 99] 

roe» Geath of the queen dowager, ix 120} 


Spain: British vessels seized at Salturtuda, 
ix 127] 

«++ fath. Poyans arrested for a pamphlet 
on the expulsion of the Jesuits from 
France, ix 146] 

¢«++ expulsion of the Jesuits from, x 27] 
80] 81] 

ees» ordinance against them, x 30] 185] 

. Eitan from the king to the pope, x 


HF nit proceedings in 8. America, x 

e+e. treatment of British ships in the W. 
Indies, x 89] 105] 123] 124] 125] 

++» negotiation for settlers in from Russia 
and Germany, x 101] 

2+. British subjects in Pensacola to have 
no intercourse with New Orleans, x 101] 

«--. conduct toward G. Britain in the W. 
Indies, x 165] 

-+-- endeavours to circumscribe the power 
of the clergy, xi 48] 

«+++ power of the Inquisition over the press 
limited, xi 49*] 

+++. attempts to restore the Jesuits, 7b. 50°] 

- +++ a French company authorized to work 
the gold mines in Andalusia, xi 50*] 

es. attempt to encourage manufactures, 7d. 
xvii 39) 

e+e» Greeks migrating from Corsica to, xi 


+... Algerine taken by three xebecks, xi 

+++ money sent to Rome for the relief of 
the Jesuits, xi 189] é j 

-++. increase of it’s navy, xii 11] 

+e» Settlement at the mouth of the Missi- 
sippi, 7b. 

«ee» large Algerine xebeck taken, xii 164] 

+... seizure of Falkland’s islands, xiii 9] 
116] 147] xiv 8] 

»se. warlike preparations, xiii 10] 76] 

sees Negotiation with, xiv 21] 41] 46] 

-» ++ British seamen kept in prison by, xiv 

au Tule to the British flag, xiv 153] 

..-» insurrection in Chili, xv 10] xvi 53] 

.. «+ prohibition of cottons, xv 66] 

.--- French naval officers imprisoned at 
Cadiz for smuggling, xv 87] 

«++.» maritime preparations of, xvi 51] 

.. +» bickerings with the Barbary states, 
xvi 52] 

_ sees ill will toward England, xvi 53] 

es» war with Morocco, xvii 36] 278] xviii 

++. restrictions of the inquisition, xvii 39] 

+++ claims Toracola, or Crab island, xvii 

ne a eaite flota from S, America, xvii 

+. +» proceedings against the British in the 
E, Indies, xvii 143] xviii 94] 

«++. preparations against the Algerines, 
xvii 149%} & 



Spain: the Spaniards defeated, xviii 144*] 

«+s. terms of peace demanded from Mo- 
rocco, xviii 125] 145] 

«+s» arrival of treasure ships, xviii 143] 

+++. it’s ports opened to the Americans, xix 
182*] 261] 

+++. increase of forces in the W. Indies, 
xix 185*] 

+++. disputes with Portugal respecting 8. 
America, xix 185*] xx 182*] xxi 169] 

«++» tendency to improvement in, xix 186°] 

+++» voyages of discovery, xix 187*] 146] 

+++. marriage of the king’s brother, xix 

«+++ four Moorish zebecs taken, xix 180] 

+» +. treaties with Portugal, xx 182*-4*] 

«+++ capture of the Morning Star on the 
Moschetto shore, xx 255] 

«e+. treaty of peace with Portugal, xxi 
169] : 

+++» manifesto &e, against G. Britain, xxii 
162] 344] 359] 363-89) xxiii 18] 

eee» Ships taken, xxii 228] 232] 233] xxiii 

++. orders for reprisals on, xxii 361] 

+.» lays siege to Gibraltar, xxiii 10] 

.. ++ British vessel taken in the bay of Gib- 
raltar before the war, xxiii 19 

+++ insidious conduct in America and the 
W. Indies, xxiii 207*] 

«+e. answer to Russia on the armed neu- 
trality, xxiii 350] 

«++. attempt on the vessels in Gibraltar 
bay, xxiv 6] 

++ee financial difficulties of, xxiv 12] 

+++. expedition against W. Florida, xxiv 
23] 98] 

-++. considerable force sent to the W. 
Indies, xxiv 25] 

«+. disasters of the fleet, xxiv 99] 

«+s. revolt in Peru, xxiv 194] 

-++. expedition against Minorca, xxv 114] 

++. attempt to corrupt the governor, xxv 

.» +» the island surrendered, xxv 219*] 

-+.- generous behaviour to the garrison, 
xxv 220*] 

+... grand attack on Gibraltar, xxv 227*] 

...- military force of, xxv 203] 

.... Bahama islands surrendered to, xxv 
215] xxvi 115] 

«++. preliminaries of peace with G. Bri- 
tain, xxv 819] xxvi 182] 186] 154] 

.+.. definitive treaty, xxvi 331] 

-o.. treaty with Turkey, xxvii 35] 

.+.. bombardments of Algiers, xxvii 41] 

+... more than two horses or mules in a 
carriage in a town prohibited, xxvii 245] 
xxvili 33] 

.. +. bull feasts prohibited except in par- 
ticular cases, xxvii 245] xxviii 32] 33] 

ess tendency ta reform in, xxviii 30) 


Spain: failure of the project to colonize 
the Sierra Morena with Germans, xxviii 
i ) to revive it with the addition 
of Swisses, and Frenchmen, xxviii 32] 
+-«- survey of the coasts, xxviii 33] 
of the streights of Magellan, 

xxviii 34] 

---- attention to the navy, 7. 

.»-- Royal Philippine company established, 
xxviii 35] 

«++ ports of the Philippine islands opened 
to all nations, 7d. 

+++.» discontents in S. America, xxviii 36] 

+++. present of a superb tent to the grand 
signor, xxviii 37] ; 

«»». connexion with Portugal by a double 
marriage, xxviii 38] 

«. +» convention with G. Britain respecting 
limits in the bay of Honduras, xxviii 262] 
xxix 111] 

-.+- ambassador from Turkey, xxx 22] 

».«- Charles IV proclaimed, xxxi 194] 

+++» coronation of the king, xxxi 254] 

-++- quadruple treaty with Russia, Austria, 
and France, xxxi 338) 

yea treatment of British ships on the N. 

W. coast of America, xxxii 95] 287] 
--«- claims the assistance of France, xxxii 
143] 301] 303] 
»... declaration on the affair of Nootka 
Sound, xxxii 292] 
«++. Memorial of count Florida Blanca, 
xxxii 294] 
-+.- Mr. Fitzherbert’s answer, xxxii 298] 
+«.+ the count’s reply, xxxii 299] 
»..- declaration and counter declaration, 
* xxxii 300] 
++.- convention with G. Britain, xxxii 303] 
. 9 suminary of the dispute, xxxiii 208 - 
Dose Sada of revolution in, xxxiii 157, 

+++. Severe edict respecting foreigners, 
xxiii 199, 35] ; 

«... design of the French to revolutionize, 
xxxiv 113] j 

+... French declare war against, xxxv 244] 

--.-. Successes against the French, xxxv 

+++. valuable register ship taken, xxxv 23 

«+.. St. Jago prize cause, xxxv 58. xxxvii 
6. x1 21 

«+. declaration of war against France. 
xxxv 16] 

+++. manifesto of the king’s sentiments 
toward France, xxxv 210 

«++. invasion of the French, xxxvi 63] 

‘s++. @ body of Walloon guards deserts to 
the enemy, xxxvi 68] 

+++. contributions demanded from the rich, 
the clergy, and persons in office, xxxvi 
70) 234 

«++ address to the people, xxxvi 235 

+++» peace with France, xxxvii 61] 63] 


Spain: contributions demanded from the 
military religious orders, xxxvii 221 

.. +» French proclamations to the Guipus- 
coans, xxxvii 226 

..». treaty with America, xxxvii 286 

eeee ——— with France, xxxvii 297 

«-e- letters of marque issued against, 
xxxvili 138 

+++ declaration of war by, xxxviii 195 

-..-. answer to it, xxxviii 141 

-»+.- note from Russia on it’s treaty with 
France, and answer to it, xxxvili 216, 
216 ‘ 

«++. treaty of alliance with France, xxxviii 

= island of Trinidad taken, xxxix 89] 

«+». naval preparations against G, Britain, 
xxxix 93] 94] 

---- defeat off cape St. Vincent, xxxix 94] 
223] 74 

+++. bombardment of Cadiz, xxxix 96] 

w- : unsuccessful attack on Teneriffe, xxxix 

+... trade with the British W. Indies al- 
lowed under certain restrictions notwith- 
standing the war, xxxix 234 

++.. proclamation for a loan on tlie revenue 
of tobacco, xxxix 358 

«..- prohibition of British merchandize, 
xxxix 359 

ie French project of revolutionizing, x! 

...- Minorca surrendered to G. Britain, xl 

+». the Hermione carried into la Guayra 
by her crew, xl 4 

+... it’s ambassador ordered to quit Con- 
stantinople, xli 70] 276 

Russian declaration of war, xli 78} 


«+e answer to it, xli 292 4 

..-+ British troops land near Ferrol, xlii 

+--+. complaint of the British violation of 
neutral flags, xlii 252. xliii 87] 

---- declares war against Portugal, xliii 
256] 346 

— counter declaration of Portugal, xliii 

. 348 

‘sees treaty of peace, xliii 258] 349 

+eee ——-— with France, xliii 299. xliy 85 

«ee. ——— with Russia, xliv 248 

+.+» property of the knights of Malta in, 
annexed to the royal domains, 7d. 

+++» prisoner ina mask transported from, 
xliv 249 

«+++ conduct toward the United States, xliv 

+++» treaty of peace with G. Britain, xliv 

+++ orders in Council for the detention of 
Spanish ships, xlvi 608 

«++. treasure ships captured, xlvi 143, 555, 
xlvii 126 


Spain: protest against the transfer of 
Lodtsiana to the United States, xlvi 195 
e«-- order for the seizure of British 
property, xlvi 699 

e-«. declaration of war against G. Britain, 
xlvi 699. xlvii 2, 126 

«++» address of the prince of The Peace to 
the forces and people on the war, xlvi 702 

e--. famine in, xlvii 390 

+++. works suppressed by the Inquisition, 
xlvii 391 

«+s British declaration of war, xlvii 608 

e-e- State of, xlviii 221 | 

és troops sent to join the French army 
in the north, xlviii 222 

ese- Buenos Ayres taken by the British, 
xviii 235, 446, 596, 602 

° Faia Ayres retaken, xlviii 238, xlix 

ess. disputes with America, xlviii 242 

«++ capture of Monte Video, xlix 213, 652 

e... Monte Video given up, xlix 221, 223 

. eess intrigues of Buonaparte, xlix 276. 1 

es. pretended conspiracy of the prince, 
xlix 277, 752 

eee Maldonado taken, xlix 640 

ess declaration respecting neutral com- 
merce, xlix 768 

«+s» preparations of the royal family for 
emigration, 1 131] 

ée.. commotions at Aranjuez, 1 131] 142] 

¢+es papers respecting, 1 226*-40", 246* 

e+» Charles IV abdicates in favour of his 
son, | 132] 143] 

e+. Murat enters Madrid, 1 133) | 

«+» Ferdinand repairs to Bayonne, | 135] 
147] 33*, 35* 

ae “wees seized by the French, | 140] 

--.- St. Sebastian, Figueras, and Pampe- 
luna, séized by them, | 141] 

ence ae seized by the populace, 1 142] 

-.e~ his release, | 147] 148] 33* 

eee» Charles IV and his queen arrive at 
Bayonne, | 149} 

ess. abdication of Ferdinand demanded, 1 
151] 36* 

e+.» renunciation of the crown by Charles 
and Ferdinand, 1 154] 44* 

ee.. the queen of Etruria ordered to 
France, and consequent disturbances at 
Madrid, 1 158] 

«+e all the rest of the royal family ordered 
to Bayonne, | 161] 

«+s. assembly of the notables convened at 
Bayonne, | te, 

«+s. Joseph Buonaparte appointed king, 1 
165] woe y 
«+--+ he repairs to Madrid, 1 170] 183] 74° 

ie ae ’ ] 183] 74°, 
ees general risi ainst the French, 1 
180] 183] <i : 



Spain: papers respecting it, 1 248°-57" 
320°-29", 333" 44", 366" —_— 

+». provincial juntas established, 1 187] 

s+e. junta of Seville, 1 188] 322", 336* 

eee. peace and amity with England, 
Sweden, and Portugal, 1 193] 331*, 336* 

«+. deputies sent to South America under 
the protection of a British frigate, 1 194] 

»».. deputies sent to England, 1 194] 321* 

ss» ready assistance afforded by G. Bri- 
tain, 1 192] 194] 1 136*, 137* 

«+s. opening of the campaign, | 198] 

-.. battle of Baylen, 1 200] 

---- Moncey repulsed from Valentia, 1 201] 

-+e. siege of Saragossa, 1 203] 

.... retreat of the French, 1 208] 

+++. the French repulsed from Gerona, 1 

.... the Spaniards defeated at Medina del 
Seco and Cabezon, | 211] 212] 

..».. Madrid evacuated by the French, 1 
213] 75*, 79*, 86* 

.... Romana and his troops leave Germany 
and reach Corunna, | 216] 88* 

«+++ central junta formed, | 228] 

+... invaded by Buonaparte in person, 1 

ees. battle of Tudela, 1 232] 1i 9n 

+... surrender of Madrid, 1 234] 

+++» proceedings in regard to the colonies, 

-».. imprisonment of the royal family in 
France, 1 49*, 131* 

-».- grand dinner at the London tavern to 
the Spanish deputies, | 77* 

+... protest of don Lewis and his consort 
against the renunciation of the crown, 1 92* 

«+.. two French soldiers killed at Madrid, 

+...» heroism of an officer in Germany, | 

+--+ Subscriptions raised for, 1 155* 

..-- Buonaparte’s speech to the magis- 
trates of Madrid, 1 282* 

new constitution for, | 


+++ precautions to be taken against the 

French, | 333* 

»»- proclamation by the supreme junta, 

1 344* 

.... British army sent to, li 2 

+... great misrepresentations of it’s state, 

«++. character of the junta, li 6 

-.-.Tetreat of the British army, li 363, 
368, 370 

..«- battle of Corunna, li 21, 370 

..-. Capitulation, li 374 

+--+ Temarks on the campaign, li 65, 173, 

.... progress of the French, li 175 

-+.. Gallicia evacuated by them, li 176. 

a+ ++ defeat of Cuesta at Medellin, li 177 

ee ihe we evacuated by the French, li 


Spain: panic of the Spanish army at Bel- 

shite, li 181 

a battle of Talavera, li 183, 193, 400, 

-... the British army retires to Portugal, 
li 186 : 

oe+« defeats of {the Spaniards, li 196. lii 

--»» capture of Saragossa, li 197 

«+++ Siege of Gerona, li 199 

+e the Cortes convened, li 202 

ssse documents relative to the campaign, 
li 353-65, 368-75, 396, 397, 400-10, 482, 
489, 496, 497, 509 

e+-~ capitulation of Rosas, li 356 

eo Madrid, li 357 

+++ battle of Tudela, li 358 

sss. proclamation of the junta, li 407 

---- decrees of Buonaparte, li 670, 672 

++. letter from the junta to the marq. 
Romana, li 671 

+«+s proclamation of the junta, li 677 

«+s. treaty with G. Britain, li 678 

««.. decrees of the junta, li 682 

«.+. proposal to treat with the French, and 
answer of the junta, li 693 

red: proclamation by marsh. Augereau, li 


oo Joseph on the retreat 
of the English, li 715 

+-.. orders for convoking the Cortes, li 
717, 739 

-... certain taxes abolished, li 719 

+». all the horses in Upper Spain fit for 
military service put in requisition by the 
ie and the rest to be maimed, li 

---.- conduct of the people toward the Eng- 
lish, li 956, 960. lii 13, 22 

.... address of the junta after the defeat 
at Ocana, lii 152 

«+.. attempt to defend the Sierra Morena, 
lii 153 

+++. passage of the French over it, 7. 

--.- Grenada surrendered without resist- 
ance, lii 154 

«+. Malaga taken, lii 155 

+++» manifestoes of Joseph Buonaparte, lii 
156, 158 

+++. Surrender of Seville, lii 157 

«++. retreat of the junta to Cadiz, lii 159 

3 Tg extraordinary conduct; lii 160, 161, 

+-.. retreat of the duke of Albuquerque to 
Cadiz, lii 162 

+... British troops received into the isle 
of Leon, lii 163 

+++ regency appointed, zd. 

--.. siege of Cadiz, lii 164 

+++s treatment and death of the duke of 
Albuquerque, lii 166, 168 

+++. attacks on the French in the moun- 
tains of Alpuxarra, lii 171 

+++ expedition against Moguer, lii 172 

+++» attempt on Malaga, lii 174 


Spain: battle of Hostalrich, lii 175 

-s.. castle of Hostalrich taken, lii 177 

»».. Lerida taken, 7d. 

«»..» fortress of Mequinenza taken, 7d. 

conspiracy at Valencia, lii 178 

siege of Tortosa, 7b. 

Astorga taken, lii 182 

---» siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, lii 183 

. —— Almeida, lii 186 

attempt on Badajoz, lii 209 

+... guerillas, lii 210 jt 

--.. election of deputies to the Cortes, lii 

-».. meets at Cadiz, lii 215, 280 

«+.. liberty of the press, lil 216 

«++. Hew regency appointed, lii 218 

+... decree for-convoking another Cortes 
issued by Joseph, 7b. 

--.. arrival of the duke of Orleans, lii 221 
+. revolutions in the American provinces, 
lii 223. liii 158] 

«+s. weakness of the regency, lii 225 

2... Soldiers shot by the French, and this 
retaliated, lii 285 

-... address of the junta to the French in, 
lii 515 

.-.. Badajoz surrendered to the French, liii 



4 — besieged by the allies, liii 105] 
+... Siege of Tarragona, Jiii 110] 116] 
-... Olivenza surrendered, liii 111] 

«..«. battle of Barrosa, liii 112] 181 R 
-... Figueras taken by surprise, lfii 115] 
surrendered to the French; 


liii 118] 
-».+ blockade of Ciudad Rodrigo raised, 
liti 119] Ms 
«++. Surprise of Girard at Arroyo del Mo- 
lino, liii 119] 219 

-.-- Murviedro taken by the French, liii 

..-. Valencia invested, liii 121] 

..+. proceedings of the Cortes, lili 122] 


---- French troops in, liii 56 

-es» murders committed by a man styling 
himself royal commissioner, liii 118 

---. account of the guerillas, liii 134 

.--.- battle of Fuentes de Honor, liii 198 

aie — Albuera, liii 203 

+++ money advanced to, liii 313 

e++- address of the council of regency on 
the anniversary of the 2nd of May, liii 
321 : 

«.+.- decree with regard to seignories, liii 

+++. endeavours to excite suspicion of the 
British, liii 337 

new constitution, liii 845 ° 

. «es Valencia taken by the French, liv 143] 

...- French repulsed at Tariffa, liv 144] 
194, 195 

.... Ciudad Rodrigo taken by storm, liv. 
145] 198 os 

+ ee successes of the French, liv 146] 



Spain: Badajoz taken, liv 146] 207 

.++» battle of Salamanca, liv 151] 229 

«++» surrender of Madrid, liv 152] 153] 236 

«e+» retreat of the French from Cadiz, liv 

«+++ Bilboa, Seville, and other places, eva- 
cuated, liv 154] 238 

+++» attempt on Burgos, liv 155] 

+++. retreat of the allies, liv 156] 

«+e» proceedings of the Cortes, liv 158] 

+e» Change of the regency, liv 159] 

e+e» address of the new regency, liv 415 

«+s. certain branches of the royal family 
excluded from the succession, liv 160] 

«e+. lord Wellington appointed by the 
Cortes commander in chief, liv 162] 

e+. decree of Buonaparte for appropriat- 
ing effects in the province of Valencia, 
liv 165] 

«++. proceedings in the S, American pro- 
vinces, liv 205] 

e+». some nuns and friars from Valencia 
obliged to take refuge in England, liv 85 

-» «+ decree for the meeting of the Cortes, 
liv 423 

eoes treaty with Russia, liv 430 

s+» conduct of the war in, lv 35] 

+++» proceedings in, lv 140] 

ed pereee repulsed at Castella, lv 142] 

eee battle of Vittoria, lv 143] 168 

es.. retreat of the French army into 
France, lv 145] 146] 165 

«+e» hasty retreat of sir J. Murray from 
Tarragona, lv 145] 176 

«+s siege of St. Sebastian, Iv 146] 148] 
149] 150] 189, 197, 198, 210 

+++» Pampeluna surrendered by the French, 
Iv 151) 227 

+++» inquisition abolished, lv 153] 

«++ opposition of the clergy to this, 2d. 

«s+. new regency appointed, lv 154] 

«+. abolition of the inquisition opposed by 
the pope’s nuncio, 2d. 

«+.. proceedings against him, lv 399 

«».. the nuncio sent out of the kingdom, 
lv 155} 

«+-- close of the extraordinary Cortes, lv 

«.-. attempt to remove the government to 
Madrid, lv 157] 

ee». the regency removed to the capital, 
lvi 34] 

e+e» treaty between Ferdinand and Buona- 
parte, lvi 34] 

‘ae refusal of the regency to admit it, lvi 


«+. restoration of Ferdinand, lvi 35] 67] 

e+e» parties, lvi 68] 

«+.» Ferdinand refuses to accede to the 
constitution, and annuls the decrees of 
the Cortes, lvi 68] 402 

+» his entry into Madrid, lvi 70] 

ese. decree respecting emigrants, lvi 71] 

ese civcular to the American colonies, 2d, 


Spain : address from the university of Sala’ 
manca, 7), 
++.» inquisition réestablished, lvi 73] 
«+.. torture abolished, 7b, 
+++. the pope’s nuncio recalled, 7b. 
«++» discontents in, lvi 74] 
++.» tribunal of the apostolic nuncio, 4. 
++.» bands of robbers, 7d. 
++. insufficiency of the prisons, lvi 75] 
+++.» emigrations, 74. 
++.» insurrection in Navarre, 26. 
-+.. rights of territorial and manorial lords 
restored, lvi 76] 450 
+++. council of the Mesta restored to it’s 
functions, lvi 77] 
+.» limited amnesty published, lvi 78] 
++.» arbitrary proceedings, 7d. 
+++» expedition for S. America, 2b. Ivii 
. Lo cana of the state prisoners, lvi 
».++ Lierida, Mequinenza, and Mauzon, 
evacuated by the French, and the garri- 
re surrounded and made prisoners, lvi 
see treaty of peace with France; lyi 423 
+... Some tefugees delivered up by the 
1. gov. of Gibraltar, lvii 1] 
-.. State of, lvii 115] 
++. proclamation by the inquisition, lvii 
++++ insurrection and execution of Porlier, 
lvii 116] 117] 1xi 69 
«»«+ armies marched into France, lvii 117] 
.+«» violent conduct of the king on the 
aries acquitting persons accused, lvii 
-++» expedition to S. America, lvii 127] 
+» protests against the decisions of the 
congress at Vienna, lvii 388 
.»-. indemnity to be paid by France, lvii 
+» +» conduct of Ferdinand toward G. Bri- 
tain and the patriots, lviii 17] 
«++. conduct of the Cortes. lviii 19] 
-+». treaty with Holland, lviii 124] 395 
.-.. State of, lviii 129] 
+++. marriages of the king and don Carlos 
131] princesses of Portugal, lviii 130] 
«++. the treasury shut for payments, but 
kept open for receipts, lviii 130] 
«+e. conspiracy at Madrid, 76, 
1+. religious orders to be employed in 
education, 75. 
..« réestablishment of the Jesuits, 2b. 
.. ++ political imprisonments, Iviii 131] 
..+- general pardon with numerous excep- 
tions, 2). 
,... disputes with N, America. lviii 152] 
..+. many vessels taken off the Canary iss 
lands, lviii 149 
.. +. four titles given for sale te a convent 
of monks, lviii 188 



Spain ; continuance of the slave trade, lix 

«e.. edict for abolishing it, lix 122] 
e+e disturbances in, lix 116] 118] 
ess» prohibition of books, lix 117] 
e..- bill for a subsidy from the clergy, lix 
eee Settlement respecting the queen of 
Etruria, lix 121] 
e+e joins the Holy Alliance, 24. 
e+» decree relative to tobacco, lix 122] 
e+». interference of the European powers 
on the invasion of Montevideo from Bra- 
ail, lix 124] 
e++- treaty with G. Britain respecting the 
_ abolition of the slavetrade, Ix 18] 215 
e»-- conduct toward G. Britain, Ix 22] 
e+e. complaints of owners of captured 
slaveships, 1x 79] : 
eee royal pardon in consequence of the 
+e of the king and his brother, lx 
++. four free ports established, Ix 159] 
«+e financial regulations, 7d. 
---- ports of deposit established, lx 160] 
es foreigners taken in arms in America 
ag treated as rebels, Ix 161] 73. Ixi 
e+e+ note to the allies respecting 5. Ame- 
-Tica, lx 161] 84 
°+.. changes in the ministry, lx 162] 125 
«+». conduct toward N, America, Ix 172] 
e+.» Success of S, American cruisers, lx 91. 
Ixi 10, 11 
+++ bull granting the revenues of vacant 
benefices to the state for two years, Ix 102 
»»+- royal decree against certain books is- 
sued under the authority of the grand 
inquisitor, lx 163 
ecee death of the queen, lx 186 
ty lp ei [emcee late king, lxi 178] 
+.» spread of disaffection, lxi 178] 10 
| «+e» bands of robbers, Ixi 178] 4 
| «++ mutiny at Cadiz of the troops intend- 
ed for S. America, Ixi 179] 
e+. marriage of the king, Ixi 180] 79 
«+++ amnesty on the occasion, |xi 99 
+++. Negotiation with the United States re- 
specting the Floridas, 1xi 234] é 
«+. attempt to obtain transports in France 
for the expedition to S. America, lxi 8 

| s+.. treachery of the government toward: 

_ it’s subjects, id. 
s+». Yigorous conduct toward emigrants, 
Ixi 28 
e+. infant Francis Paul married to the 
| princess Charlotte Louisa of Naples, lxi 

+««« books prohibited, Ixi 39 

«++» Lancasterian schools, ]xi 69, 82 

«+.» Jesuit missionaries to be sent to S, 
| . America, ]xi 86 
| «++. treaty of settlement and limits with 
|. the United States, Ixi 170 
| Spalatro, plague at, xxvii 188) 
i Part Le 




Spalding, xxvi 206] 
Spallanzaui, prof. Laz. x1 377. xlvi 805 
«.-. mistake of, xv 89 
Spang, a maniac, gets to the apartment 

of the princess Elizabeth, xxx 206] 
Spanheim, bar, Ezekiel, xx 134. xlviii 1077 
Spaniard, incombustible, xlvi 769 
Spanilles, battle of, xxxvi 64] 
Spannochi, gen. xxxviii 245 
Spar, ornaments manufactured from, xliv 


Sparke, bish. Bowyer Edw. xxvi 210] liii 

Sparkes, Jos. xvii 110] xxiv 173] xxviii 

Sparks, Isaac (actor) xix 137] 

Sparmann, Dr, And. xx 74 

Sparrow, Fred. lvii 300 

xxxii 13 

—_—— W. xliv 463 

Spartans, account of the, iii 1 

«++ barbarity of their government, x 309 

Spartian, xii 135. xiv 78 

Spavin, Rob. (secr. to Cromwell) xvii 37 

Spear, Gershop, vi 130 

Spearman, Rob. iv 36 

Specht, gen. xx 145] 168*] 

Spectacle, méchanique, xviii 191] 

Spectacles, rules for the choice of, xxxii 92 

Speechly, W. xx 120 

Speer, W. xliv 776. xlix 853 

Speir, Archibald, lii 303 

Spellard, quart. mast. xxxii 214] 

Spelman, Edw. xxxviii 325 

—— sir H. x 270, 298, xi 258] xiv 1281: 
xvi 147 


——— ie 

Xxxill 275] 
(dentist) ix 71] 

capt, Jos. murdered at sea, xviii 

—— Dr. xxv 92 

rev. Jos. ii 293. iv 225, 226, xxiii 
171. xxxviii 365 

Spencer, capt. (N)lii 310 

gen. sir Brent, xli 105. xliii 228} 
238] 88, 93, 100. 1 192] 221] 66", 250°, 
265*. 1i 47, 48, 52, 58. 1ii 191.111 187, 

—-—— Georgiana, countess of, xlv 439 

—— G. J. 2nd earl, xxv 170] 182] xxxi 
298] 304] xxxv 36] xxxvi 47] 203] xxxvii 
149] 150] 190] xxxviii 15] xxxix 151] 
164] 210] 215] 232] 241] 264] 31. xli 36, 
352. xlii 108] 351. xliii 46] 121] xliv 1, 
137, 606. xly 56, 57, 88, 129, 149, 215. 
xlvi 63, 81, 102, 727. xlvii 15, 31, 53, 91. 
xlviii 26, 773. xlix 362. liii 5] 57] lv 18] 
Ix 323 

«+.» character of, xliii 133] 

——— hon. capt. R. (N) lvi 194] Ivii 144, 
156, 161 

hon. W. Rob. xliv 825. liii 608 

— — Hugh, xlvii 878 

J. iv 63] xliii 455 

J. ist earl, ix 143] 

303] xxii 226] 342] 343] 59 


xiii 100] xxi 


SP ST a 
Spencer, lord C. xiii 205] xxvii 83] Spital fields : correspondence between the 4 
—_—— — E.H. J. xxxvii 36 sheriffs and the ministry on executing two ' 
— F. A. xlviii 9 rioters at Bethnal green, xii 181-7) : 
— — R. xviii 109 ese barrack built, xii 186] x & 
—— J. xh 20, #. 177, 180. lix 12] ..-- evidence murdered by the cutters;xiv 
Spendlove, maj. = xvili 135*] 96] 122] 193] © : +5) ae 
Spengler, gen. xxviii 86] 2+++ person convicted of cutting, xxv 201] 
Spenser, Edm. xv 227. xvi 145. xxv 191. Spitzbergen, account of, lix 539 Mm. 
lv 541 —_—_—_—_~ East, four sailors resident six 9 ' 
ermaceti, discovery and manufacture of, ears on, xvii 151 i 
ie 33] ‘ : spa Dr. James, xxiv 154, xxxii 162. xliii 9 * 
Spershott, James, ed, aia 485 guy - i 
Spey, grant toward a bridge over the, xlvii_ Spoors, J. x . fi 5 
Psat” ; Sporeken, gen, i 196, ii 233. ii 20) iv I - 
Spicker, J. x 155] 8] 11] 12] v 25] mh 
Spider, aquatic, xv 91 ++» defeats the enemy at Langensaltze, iv 
- Spiders, death after swallowing one, xx 166] 10] " > 
«+.» natural history of, xlvii 820 +++» defeated at the Dymel, iv 24] _a- 
Spiders webs, silk from, vi27 - -».. letter from prince Ferdinand on re-~ 9 
Spielmann, bar. xxxiii 17 signing to him the command of the armyy 9» 
Spiggett, Christ. xi 175] v 123] f - 
Spikenard, true, xxxii 66 Spork, gen. xxxix 30] |S 
Spilbergen, G. x 189 Spragge, adm. sir Edw. xii 55 § 
Spiller, J. xviii 271] —— col. iit 129] 
Spilsbury, capt. (N) lvi 180] Sprains, speedy relief for, iii 116 : : 
—— Jonath. v 113] Spranger, capt. J. W. (N) xxxvii 69, 75. li 9S 
Spina, Alex. xvii 170 530, liv 280 
Spine, treatment of luxation of, iv 128 Sprat, bish. T. xi 166. xviii 226 ' 
Spinelli, card. xi 151 Spratley, W. lvi 335 ‘ ove 
Spinluff, miss Eliz. li 421 Spread, H. miss Mitchell earried off by, xb § & 
Spinnage, maj. ix 59] 20 , . 
Spinning wheel, improved, vii 66] Sprengporten, baron, xliii 78]1308%% = 9 
Spinola, card. opened before he was dead, sat accidents from, xi 106] 1x 86, 
xvi 133 123 , 
Spinosa, Bened, ix 29}. xiv 256 ++. robber shot by, lvi 91 
Spira, Francis, vii 212 Springs, periodical, xvill7 
Spires, J. highwayman, executed, x 139] Sprot, Mark, xlvii 67. xlviii 615 , 
Spiritoff, adm. xiii 34] Spry, adm. sir Rich. x 131] xvi 117] 205] 

Spirituous liquors, duties on, iii 193] v 173] Dr. Edw. xi 70 
ix 210] xxiii 320} xxv 290] xxix 267] m. gen. _ liv 231. lv 197, 203 
xxx 264] xxxiii 229. xxxv 167] xxxix Spunging houses not deemed prisons under § 

188%] xlii 171 the insolvent act, viii 111] 
¢++» not to be taken on board ships of less .... the contrary doctrine held in some 
than a hundred tuns, viii 110] places, viii 134] 
ss. damages against the governor of Que- Spy, taken and executed in France, 1 58* 
, bec for imposing duties on, xi 73] Squibb, G. lx 317 ‘ 
e++. drawback on, xi 268] Squilacci, — marq. de, iv 289] ix 14) x @- 
e--» method of preserving subjects in, xv 29) xii 212] 213 ‘ 
111 «++ obliged to quit Spain, ix 17] 
«ses act respecting retailing, xvi 111] Squinting, new case in,, xxi 88 
«++. treatment of persons who have drunk Squire, bish. Sam. viii 72] xxix 36 
_ to excess, xxiii 142 Squires, capt. (N) xxiv 181] Tok. 
+++» from potatoes, xxx 96, xxxvii 88*] Squirrels, great number killed in America, 
++». from carrots, xxxii 9] ii 88 j : 
+++. increased consumption of whiskey in .... various species of, lviii 553 j 
‘ Treland, iii 18 Squissatago, Indian chief, ii 197 (og 

+++. rendered poisonous by lead, liii 554 Staader, gen. xli 247 : 
Spital fields, riots in, x 139] 152] 158] xi Stabia, antiquities discovered at, xxvi 122 
_ , 57) tb. 58] 68] 139] 157] xii 81] 111] Stables, J. xvii 110] xxi 175] xxviii 2004 
124] 132] 136] 137] 138] 142] 151] 159] xxix 163] ee 
160] 161] 162] Stacey, J. xxxiv 70 nee 
++». soldiers quartered in the church, xii Stachief, de, (Russian resident in Tur- 
137 ‘ key) xxiii 10] xxvii 25] ihe 
«ve funeral of the soldier shot by the Stackhouse, Jos, executed for robbery, xii 
rioters, 7%, 142] nT 




Stackpoole, capt. (IN) Ivi 41 

——— Jos. indicted for shooting at 
Mr. Parker, xx 184] 

Stade, Hans, lii 550, 564 

Stadion, count de, xxxiv 185, 186. xlvii 166. 
xlviii 662 

Staedel, 1x 469 

Staehlin, Jacob, xxxi 27, 34 

Staél, baron, xxxvii 129] xxxviii 175] 248 

baroness, Ixi 425 

Staffa, island of, xv 139] xvii 88 

Statford, (Irish reb.) xlv 315 

—_— earl of, xiii 70 

visc. xiv35—- 

—— G. Granville, 2nd marg. xxxi 143] 

_ xxxv.37] 235] xlvi 80, 82, 84. xlviii 445. 
xlix 160. lyii 35 

Granville Leveson, Ist marq. xxix 

aR 199n] xlv 379. See also Gower, 


sir Edw. xxi 236 

oe W215 

Staffordshire, distress in the iron works and 
collieries, lviii 95, 98, 110, 174 

-++. this in part removed, lix 2 

ane person killed by one in hunting, lvi 


lvi 102 
Stage-coach, one proceeding some miles 
without a driver, vii 46] 1 115* 
e+, overturned, xi 177] xlii 46. xlv 392, 
399, 400, 455. xlvii 356. xlviii 434. xlix 
= liv 7. lv 104. lvi 67. lvii 44. 1x 90. Ixt 

- confinement, 

---- masters cast in damages for coachmen’s 
driving away without the passengers, xiii 
129] 1x 327 

e+» Hertford broke down with thirty-four 

_ persons, xiii 145] ’ 

«ees Number of, xviii 191} 

+++. actions against proprietors for da- 
mages, xxiii 199] liv 7. lv 66, 69. lvii 52. 
Ix 256. 1xi 204 

+++. acts for limiting the number of out- 
side passengers, Xxxii 274] 

«+. violent driving, xl 5. xlix 418, lviii 

161. Ixi 90 

«+s» passengers killed under gateways, xlii’ 
‘10. lvi 96 a eet 

«++. two persons killed by one overloaded, 

«es. persons run over by, xlvi 400. 1xi 90 

«+++ broke down, xlvi 432 

+. +» races between, | 86*. liv 7. lviii 158 

“van ana introduced into France, lviii 

«++ See also Carriers, and Robberies 

Stahl, G. Ern. vi 123 

Stahremberg, count, i 229. ivy 272] xxxiv 
ap xxxv 138] 159. xlviii 7n, 674. 1 63} 

Stainer, _ (mus, instr. maker) xxxiii 9] 
Staines, ald. sir W. xxxiv 96, xli 33, 35. 
xlii 39, 40, 38, 39 ‘ 



Staines, capt. sir T. (N) lvii 516 

Stainsfield, J. vi 63] 

Stainville,; gen. _— iii 35] 45] v 25-7] 

de. See Choiseul, duke 

Stair, James, Ist vise. xxx 213 

—— J. 1st earl, xxxiv 89x] 1155 

—— J. 2nd earl of, vi 48. viii 2. xxi 244 

—— J. 5th earl, xiv 66] 201] xvii 160] 

—— J. 6th earl, xxviii 207] 

—— sir G. 1 157 

Stak, Sophia, lxi 227 

Staker, Mary Ann, xlv 431 

Stalker, lieut. J. xxvi 16] 

Stallwood v. Tredger, lvii 279 

Stambke, couns. iv 155] 

Stamford, G. Harry, 5th earl, xii 70] 197]- 
xv 235] xvii 278] xix 255] xx 283] xxii 
343] xxiii 330] 120 

Harry, 4th earl of, iv 123] 229 

Stammering cured, xlvi 783 

Stamp duties, ii 183-5. iii 192] v 175] viii 
241] 244] 245] 248) 249] x 225] xi 268] 
xix 144] xxiii 320] xxv 212] 290] xxvi 
207] 309] xxvii 304] xxxi 151] xxxix 
1417] xli 200. xliii 195, 196. xlv 634. xlvi 
586, 587. xlvii 594. xlviii 644, 646. 1 96] 
lvii 54] 

..». on the colonies in America, vili 241] 

+++. in Ireland, xvi 153] xvii 107] 

++. net produce of, xxxiii 137] xxxvii 123. 
lii 496 

..-» stamps of large amount, xlyii 400 

++. extensive forgery of, in Ireland, lvii 93 

..e» forgery of, lvii 313 

Stancliffe, J, liii 267 

Standen, sir Ant. xii 189 

T. liii 79 

Standert, Osborne, xxxii 336] 

Standish, bish. H. xv 118 

sir 42 

T. 2b. 

——— Townley, lviii 454 

Standley, Jos.iv 118] _ 

Stanfell, capt. F. (N) li 301 

Stanfield, S. xxxix 408 

Stanford moor, mount on, opened, ix 132} 

Stanford, Francis, xlii 429 

Stanger, Dr. Christ. xliii 16 

Stangerode, battle of, iv 12] “eed 

Stanhope, adm. sir H. E, xlix 401, 713*. 

1 : 

Arthur, xvi 198] 
capt. (N) xxii 31] 
T. i 88. iv 148] 149] 

——— C. 3rd earl, xvii 155] 158) xxii 
100. xxiv 172*] xxviii 104] xxix 110] 
xxx 220] xxxi 72] 1438] 148] xxxit 
197] xxxiti 154) xxxiv 135] 155] 
xxxv 18] 54] 68].90] 142] 130. xxxvi 
244] 248] 266] 275] 16, 140, 143, 146. 
xxxyii 150] 182] 141. xlit 127] 159] xiii 
455.xliv 14). xlv 141, 143, 146. xlvi 105. 
yh 52, xlix 854, 11 278, Vii 147, 151, Mii 



18] 29] 48] 52] 80] 81] 85] 86] 87] 77, 
297. liv 84] 114) 117] 122] 42, lv 39] 40] 
Ivii 7] 18] lviii 84] 
Stanhope, C, 3rd earl, character of, lx 433 
Charles, iii 109] 
C. (son of Philip) xvi 199] 
Grisel, countess, liv 42 
——— hon. lieut. Aug. lviii 328 
*— maj. C. Bankes, account of, 
li 770 

—— Lincoln, li 454 
— sir W. xii 156] xv 106] 
James, Ist earl, vi 48 
lady Hester, xlviii 880, lviii 69 
—— Lovell, xvi 88] 198] 
—— Mrs. Eugenia, xvii 237 
Philip, 2nd earl, xiii 199] xvii 
278] xviii 249) 251] xxi 303] xxii 342] 
e+. v» Messrs. Adams, xxvii 199] 
Philip (son of Arthur) xvi 198] 

—— eee 

(nat. son of lord Chester- 
field) xvi 199] xvii 23, 237 

(son of the preceding) xvi 

P. H. 4th earl, xlix 87. 1 222*, 

223°. li 278. liv 42 

Spencer (M.P.) Sce below Walter 

—— sir W. xvi 200} 

Walter Spencer, xxvii 268] xliv 

A xlvi 105. xlvii 60, 82. xlix 116, 

W. (nat. son of sir W.) xvi 200] 

Stanhope street, fire in, lv 58 

Staniforth, Rich. executed for stealing a 
note out of a letter, xxxiv 43 

Stanislaus I, of Poland, i 268. iii 204] 208] 
ix 62] 67] xi 132] xiii 53] xvii 4 

--++ his letter to his daughter on becoming 
queen of France, iv 23 

«+++ moral reflections by, vii 194 

e+. On the apparent happiness of human 
conditions, vii 200 

~ Augustus II, vii 116] xv 34] 251] 
xxx 3] xxxiii 987, 111, 114, 88] xxxiv 
345, 348, xxxvyii 10] 17] 23] 31] 8. xxxix 
1. xl 90] 44 

«++s election of, vii 14] 

++. coronation medals, vii 104] ix 49] 

«+++ his speech to the people, vii 183] 

oe. elected F. R. S. ix 152] 

«+++ Speech to the diet on the affair of the 
dissidents, x 26] 

«++» carried off by some of the confederates, 
xiv 82*] xv 73] xvi 129] 133] 134] 140] 
xxvii 97 

+++. character and conduct of, xl 12 

Stanley, lived 30 years after losing both 
his legs and one arm in an engagement, 
xvii 153] 


(king of the gypsies) executed 

at Ilchester, xxxvi 26 si el 

—— (plenipotentiary) ivy 5] 41 
118] 160} 258] 259] 266] 267] iid 



Stanley, col. T. xlv 76 

———— Edw. Smith, lord, xlv 108. xlvii 
115. xlix 86. liv 67] 

—— 6G. E. xlvi397 

——— Hans, iv 88] 114] xxix 39 

——— James, xxxix 149 

J. liii 64 

J. (mus.) iii 19. v 64n, 65x 

-~——_— J. lord, viii 75 

maj. T. xxiii 162] 

—— Rob, J. xlix 857 

——— Sarah, convicted of stealing money, 
ix 69] 

sir J. T. lix 84 

——~— sir T. Massey, lvii 288 

——— T. xxvii 268] xxxv 23] xxxvit 217] 
xxxviii 23] 43] 

Stannus, capt. J. (Mar.) xlviii 489 

Stanton, maj. xxii 148 

—— W. viii 73] 

Stanton St. John’s, fire at, xxxv 29 

Stanwell, rejoicing at the loss of an enclo 
sure bill, x 68] 

Stanwix, gen. ix 153] 

ese+ curious cause arising out of his mar 
riage settlement, xv 84] 102] xvi 119] 

Stapfer, —xlv 671 

Staphorst, Nich. and Jac. van, xxiii 370) . 

Stapleton, Rich. xxiv 206 

sir T. iii 39 

Stapps, Benj. murdered, xlix 388 

Staray, gen. xxxiv 119] 

Starbaek, Abigail, xl 176 

——- S$. w. 

Starbuck, xxxvi 119 

Starch, potato, xxii 99. xxxvii 101*] 

eee» Observations on, xxxvii J01*] 

--+- from horse chesnuts, xxxvii 108" ] 

«++» Substitute for, xxxviii 444 

+++. use of wheat in making, prohibited, 
xlii 173 

Starck, 1. col. lvii 220 . 

Starke, gen. J. (Amer.) xx 159] xxiii 392] 

Mariana, xlii 414 

Starkie, xiv 77] 

Stars, tremulous motion of, xxxi 43 

Starvation, deaths from, vi 110] x 57] xvi 
153] xxvi 207] xxvii 243] liii 3 

«++. children found in a state of, xxvii 

State, T. iii 102] 

States. See Nations 

Stationers company, exclusive claim to al- 
manacs set aside, xviii 126] 

Statius, tii 251. xvii 65. xxii 167. xxiv 181 

Staton, T. xl 388 

Statter, J. liii 267 

Statues, leaden, adapted to gardens, vii 217 

+++ gigantic, in Easter island, xx 150 

---. Sale of Alcibiades’s dog, xxi 174] «+ 

e1e+ ——-— the Discobolos, xxxv 24 

Staunton, sir G. Leonard, xxxiv 179] 189] 
xxxix 458 ( gat 

— sir G, T, xxxix 477, lvii 137] lviii 



Stavorinus, lix 514 

Stawell, H. Stawell Bilson, lord, xxxi 304] 

Steam, employed for heating and drying, | 

+++. soap made by, 1138 

«-++ mischiefs from an explosion of, ly 12 

Steam-engines, patents for, iv 73] 

-... large at Walker colliery, vi 66] 

-+-- applied to navigation, xxxv 10] lvi 
106, 115. lvii 504. lviii 42, 79, 141. lix 24, 
45, 101, Ixi 20, 41, 48, 49, 64 

+... Steamboats lost on lake Champlain, 
Ivii 79. Ixi 64 

«++. mischiefs from, xlvi 432. lili 22. lv 26. 
lvii 50, 90, 510. lix 17, 24, 45, 54, 55. 
Ixi 27, 48, 64, 105 % 

«+». one sent to Peru, lvi 88 

+... regulations for steamboats, lix 60 

Steam-vessels, lvi 106 

Steare, imprisoned for publishing a 
North Briton extraordinary, xi 188) 

Steatoma, extraordinary, in the thorax, xxv 

Stebbing, rev. Dr. H. xx 2 
Steding, Curt, xli 290 
Stedingk, count, lv 167] ° 
Stedink, bar. xxxi 197*] 
Stedman, C. xxxvi 436 
— capt. J. Gabriel, account of, xxxix 

rev. T. xlvii 803 

Steel, method of making, xxx 91 

+... Observations on, lx 599 

Steel, Jerem. liv 315 

— Jos, xlvii 854. xlviii 956 

Steele, murder of, xliv 464. xlix 368, 

sir Rich. v 177. xi 167, 168. xii 61. 
xviii 185. xxv 211. 1 76* 
-++- character of, xlii 311 
T. xxx 130] xxxviii 53] 64] xlix 


Steers, Edw. xlii 380. li 544. lvi 336 

Steevens, G. xviii 213. xxiii 146. xliv 788. 
xlv 372 

«++. account of, xlii 350 

Steffani, Agost. iii 13, 14 

Stehelin, m. gen, E. lvii 221 

Steigentesch, bar. lvi 42] 

Steiguar, xl 27] 31] 

Steinberg, Ant. vi 38 

—— bar. i 222, 229. xv 152 

Steinkopff, rev. C. Fred. xlvi 374 

Steller, G. W. iv 104. xli 379 

Stenson, W. Iviii 348 

Stent, H. tried for attempting to murder his 
wife, lxi 251 

Stefano, head of the Montenegrina, x 11] 
153] 163] xi 27] 

Stephanoff, F. xviii 184] 

Stephen, king, i 455, vii 58) x 14, 17, 274, 
279. xiv 143 

' «+++ character of, x 15 

—_—— king of Poland, ix 17] 
——~— 3t. king of Hungary, xxviii 48] 



Stephen, _xiii 163] xiv 72] 121] 155) 

=~——— James, lii 46, 66, 103, 145. liii 29] 
75] liv 25) 93] lv 10] lvi 110 

Stephens, (A.S.S.) xxiv 6 

_— Alex. lv 458 

——— capt. (N) killed, xxv 272] 
xxvi 46] 

——- Edw. xlv 827 

gen. (Amer.) xxiv 66] 

——— H. xx 139. xxii 166 

——— Mrs. Joanna, iv 125. vii 45, ix 
163. xvii 167] xviii 29 

_— S. Ivii 22 

—— sir Phil. xx 174] xxv 161] xxxii 
219] xlvi 5 

—-——— T. ]xi 194 

———— W. xviii 181] 

Stephenson, col, B. C. xi 9 

———_ G. vii 320 

J. tried for the murder of Mr. 

Elcock, ii 87, 111 

—— Jos. lii 418 

sir W. viii 145] xii 149] xiii 

99] 106] 111] 164] xiv 92] 105] 108] 148) 
xix 124] 1 265 : 

Stepney, coins of the commonwealth dug up 
at, xili 142} 

Stepney, G. xxi 244 

Stepney causeway, fire at, xxxv 33 

Sterling, col. — xix 180*] xxii 194*] 

E. v 73] 

—-—— gen. lord (Amer.) See Stirling 

—— J. will of Eliz. Shooter forged by, 
xvi 121] 132] 145] 

Sterne, abp. Rich. xviii 50 

Lawr. iv 105] ix 130] xi 82] 227, xii 
196. xviii 25. xlii 233] xliv 169 

eee Character of, iii 247 

e@sen anecdote of, Vili 83] 

«see letters from, xvii 18]. xviii 173 

e+. account of, xviii 50 

Be A go to, from Ignatius Sancho, xviii 

++ «+ comments on, xxxv 379 

Stetenhoff, gen. xxxiv 116] 

Stettin, surrendered by the French, lv 170] 

Steuben, gen. baron, xxiv 42] 119] 

Steven, capt. J. (N) xliv 814 

Stevens, adm. ii 99. iv 54] 55] ix 83 

——— Alex. (archit.) xxxviii 5 

Ben. lvii 321 

—-— G. Alex. xxvii 202] 

——— J. xliii 451 

—— J. Cox, xlvii 851 

—— rev. xxxii 200] 

Stevenson, x 102] 

—~ ald. sir W. xxxvii 9 

————— capt. James (N) sliii 99,101, 

——— col. 
219, 233 

——-— Dr. 

xlv 556. xlvi 204, 216, 

xxxiii 273] 

———— G. retaken after escape from 
prison, xxxi 202] 

———— J. xliii 458, |vi 102 


Stevenson, W. xiv 236. lix 61 
Steward, J. bottle thrown fram the gallery 
of Drury Lane into the pit by, xlvii 363 
J.P. A. lv 49] 
——— maj. (Amer,) xxii 192] 
—-— Walter, ix 
Stewart ». Gale, for goods delivered on the 
order of a clerk, xxix 198] 
(painter) xli 349 
(prof. of math. Aberdeen) ix 86] 
Alex. lix 17 
—— b. gen. Rich. x1 150. li 451, 470 
—— capt. J. (N) 1 105* 
——+ — J. P. (N) liv 140] 226 
—— C. lii 749 
C. W. Vane, lord, 1221*. li 18, 51, 
75, 364, 368, 451. liii 106} 244. lv 84. vi 
2] 119] lvii 163 
David, xliii 457 
‘gen. sir James, xl 214 
hon. gen. sir W. xliii 116] 185] 85, 
92. xlix 204, 673*, 703*. lili 186, 204. Iv 
190, 194, 196, 229. lvi 12] 163, 168 
——— J. xxi 32 
J. (M.P. Irel.) xxxi 140] 
lieut. Hew (N) xlvi 561, 562 
1. col. xxxvi 68 
Peggy, 1 228 
—— prof. Dugald, xxxiv 4] xliv 711. xlix 
243. 1i 767 
Rob. and his three sons suffocated 
in a well, x 156] 
—— sir J. xii 76] xlvii 10 
mF sir James, pardon of, xiv 163} xv 

— —— — (lord adv.) xxx 213 

(bart.) xlvi 92 

T. vii 67] Ix 311 

Stickland, H. iv 81] 

Stickwood, J. executed 

Stile, J. iv 198] 

Stiles, rev. Dr. Ezra, lix 389 

Stille,dsaac, ii 191 

for murder, xviii 

Stillingfleet, Benj 11472. vii 48] vi 6) xxiv 

eeee On augury, iv 180 

ees. account of, xix 46 | 

——--—— bish. Edw. xi 166, xix 46, xlix 

—— rev. Edw. xix 46 

Stills, house damaged by the bursting of a 
private one, xlviii 446 

“a seizures of, in Ireland, lvii 103. Iviii 

vane Scotland, lvii 42. Iviii 

‘ges. dutieson, See Spirituous liquors 

e+. See also Distillery 

Stinton, rev. Dr. xi 18, 19 

Stirling, adm. sir C. xxiv 251] xliii 249] 
125. xlyii_ 436, 541; 568. xlix 164, 165, 
212; 655. liv 211] 

ereeeerr And, xxxiv 79 

weve caph  — «N) 1x 885 


Stirling, gen. = xx 134 
—— lord (Amer.) xix 172°] 174] 

xx 14] 122] xxiii 225°] 391] 

maj. xliii 230] 

Rob. lix 234 

Stirn, F. D. murder of Matthews by, iii 
126] 130] ; 

+++. poisons himself, iii 130] 66 

+--+. account of him, iii 59 

Stobzus, vii 2667 

Stobo, J. xliv 441 

Stock v. Harris for not delivering letters 
without an extra charge, xiii 65] xiv 98] 

—— J. benefaction to poor clergymen, 
xxxii 193] 

—— J. lii 267* 

Stockdale, J. xxxviii 6 

Stocker, W. Ivi 335 , 

Stockholm, grand entertainment by the 
Russian minister in honour of the prince’s 
marriage, x 53] 

»»+. lady of the Russian resident insulted, 
xi 99] 

e+e population of, xxi 217] 

é ee xxvii 167. xliv 874, lix 

-... fire at, xliv 876 
-».. plunder of the Ritterholm church, lix 
Stocking manufacturers. 
for obbers, new regulations among, xxxiii 

See Framework 

Stockland, fire at, 1 41* 
Stocks, person convicted of personating 
another to receive money in, ix 69) __ 
++.. action against persons not being bro- 
kers for buying and selling for their 
friends, x 68] 

eee. prices of, xxii 250] xxiii 307] xxiv 
267] xxv 286] xxvi303] xxvii 296] 341] 
xxviii 247] xxix 262] xxx 259] xxxi 281] 
xxxii 271] xxxiii 146] xxxiv 152. xxxv 
108. xxxvi 136. xxxvii 121. xxxviii 110. 
xxxix 162. x1 199. xli 189. xlii 179. xliii 
277] 183. xliv 386, 573. xlv 619. xlvi576. 
xlvii 583. xlviii 632. xlix 723. 1290*. li 
538. lii 426. liii 270. liv 318, lv 323. lvi 
339. lvii 323. viii 351. lix 238, Ix 364, xi 

.... navy and exchequer bills funded. See 
Exchequer, and Navy-bills 

-++. unclaimed dividends proposed to be 
taken by government, xxxiii 228, 231 

«++, petition against this, xxxiii 65] 

sss. Statement of unclaimed dividends, 
xxxili 136] 

«+++ man convicted of personating another 
to receive his dividend, xxxiv 

..++ great depression of, xxxix 148] 

.-.. tricks of gamblers in, xlv 127, 385, 
lvi 19, 325 

«+e» See also Annuities, and Forgeries - 

——~ French, price of, xlviii 63) 

Btockton, bridge at, xi 373} 



Stockton, address of congratulation on the 

success of his majesty’s arms, xx 167] 
Stockton, Sam. murder of, xii 74] 
Stockwell, supposed witchcraft at, xv 65] 
Stoddard, J. or W. murder of, xi 179] 
Stoddart, Dr. J. Ivii 268 
Stoeger, ab. xxix 218°] 
Stoffeln, gen. xii 16] 20] 

Stokes, couns, xlix 533 

«xl 57 

Stokoe, J. court martial on, Ixi 240 

Stokton, J. W. xxiii 356] 366] 

Stolberg, gen. v 52] 

Stomach,digestion of the, after death, xvil08 

‘Stone, artificial, xvii 105 ~ 

Stone in-the bladder: lemon juice recom- 

mended against, iv 125, 126 

+s. fallacy of pretended remedies, vii 47 

--.. Dr. Chittick’s medicine, ix 159 

+++. wild carrot recommended, ix 163 

ess. extraordinarily large, xi 193] 

eee. See also Caleuli 

Stone, xxi 166] 77. xxxyi 13 

——abp. xx 8. liii 369, 387 _ 

—— And, iv 88] x 52] 

—— Edm, vii 3] 

—— James, xv 108 ; 

— J. Hurford, xxxiv 77. xxxviii 111. 
xli 166 - } 

——. Nich. v 27 

—— rev. Francis, li 273 

—— T. (mem. of Congr.) xviii 265] 

— T. in love with the princess royal, 

xxix 219] 220] 3 

—— W. xxxviii 115 

«++» trial for treason, xxxviii 111 

W. lix 235 

Stone-eaters, iv 111] xii 93, 94. xv 96] 

Stone-quarries, men killed by stones falling, 
ly 91 

Stonehenge, v 26. 1i 872 

...» fall of one of the trilithons, xxxix | 
“= by elasticity and compressibility of, xxii 

sain { 

«ss. one with the property of changing 
r in water, v 74 
_ Stoney, capt, And. Robinson, xx 161] See 
- Bowes 

Stonhewer, xviii 161 
Stook, Dr. J, xxxiii 360 
topford, adm. sir Rob. li 435. lii 38. liii 
169) 229. liv 213] 
m. gen. sir Edw. lii 302. ly 222, 
iyi 27] 166, 187 : 
visc. See Sete, earl 
Stoppani, card. — xviii 
Stops. See Punctuation 
Storace, signora, xxix 206] 
Storch, H. xliii 391 
Storck, Dr. iv 112. v 106) 
vias pF the virtues of hemlock, iii 105, iv 

women Peter, xly 890 



Store street, Long Acre, fire in, xliv 452 

Storer, Francis, execution of, xxvii 247] 

rey. Dr. tried for shooting capt. 
Keith, xx 161] 

Storey, adm. S. xli 87, 138 

Storks, cruel diversion with, xi 210. xvii 

7 : 

+++. particulars relating to, 1 108 

Stormont, David, 7th vise. iv 4] 258] vii 55. 
xi 102] xii 70. xv 132] xvi 63] 71. xvii 
163] xviii 132] xxi 37] 172] xxiii 37] 
192] 202] 258] 379] xxiv 172*] 185] 312] 
315] xxv 156] 161} xxvi 142] 175] xxvii 
181°] 189] xxviii 110] 137] xxix 79] 93] 
98] 110] xxx 88] 120] 167] xxxi 72] 99] 
125] 157] xxxii 99] 202] xxxiii 269. 
xxxiv 155] xxxv 17] 36] 54] 69) xxxvi 
180] 216] 248] 254] 269] xxxvii 150 
176] 183] 227] 114, 115. xxxviii 4 
20] 29] 376 a 

Storms: on various parts ef the coast, i 
112, ii 77. v 106] vi 114] viii 143] x 55] 
xiii 171] 175] xiv 152] 160] xv 128] 
xxvii 240] 241] xxxvi 34. xxxvii 4. lviii 
158. Ix 39, 46. lxi 8, 62, 63, 85, 86, 91 

- in Denmark, ii 101, iv 67] 

+++. at Kircaldy, ii 102 

+».. in London and various places, iii 72] 
73] 76] 79] 132] x 46*] xiv 148] xvi 73] 
108] xvii 154] xviii 88] xxxii 223] 224] 
229] xxxvi 22. xxxvii 41-43. xl 80. xlvii 
402, 418, 129*. liv 130. lvii 27 

«+-. in the isle of Ely, iii 116] 

+++. — Hampshire, iii 118] 

+». hurricane at the isle of France, iii 
153] : 

---. at Leeds, iv 60] 

+++. Of hail and thunder, iv 126] 129] 145] 
148] 161] v 7i} vi 61] 90] é. 95] vii 81] 
viii 99] ix 74] i17] 141] 142] x 111) 
114] 126] xi 117] 126] 149] 176] xii 
114] xv 85] 102] xvii 151] xviii 112] 
159] xix 153] xx 211] xxxi 29] 219] 
xxxii 213] 224] xxxiv 14. xxxvi 18, 22. 
xxxviii 40. xlii 30. xlvi 428. 1 83. lii 
272, 273. lvi 66. lviii 102, 112. 1xi 49, 52 

«+.» of wind near Durham, iv 127] 

+».. Violent in N. America, iv 188] xl 88 

.... typhons in S. Carolina, iv 93. v 89] 

..+. of wind and snow, v 70] 

»--- violent of hail and wind confined to a 
space three quarters of a mile long and 
25 yards in breadth, vi 58] 

..-. of hail, vi 82]. ix 118] xvi 114) 115] 
121] xvii 123] xviii 119] xix 128] liii 
59. lviii 78, 92 : 

.... violent of wind and lightning, vi. 93] 
xxiii 230] : 

Fat in almost every part of the 
three kingdoms, vi 104] 

aaa thunder, vii 80] xi 162] xiii 
137] xxxvii 31. xliii 21, 30 

tees succeeded by an inundation 

hued he fal} of & mountain, vill 



Storms: thunder, in Kent, viii 103] 

»»..» hurricanes in the W. Indies, viii 112] 
ix 155] 156] 157] x 52] 54) 94] xi 202] 
xv 140] xxiii 292] xxiv 30] 171) xxviii 
210] 211] 214] xxix 222] xxx 193] xxxv 
2. xliii 31. xlvi 429. liv 211] 128, lv 
195] lvii 77. lviii 141. lix 101. Ix 153] 
145. lxi 3, 11, 70, 102, 103 

-+e- of hail at Sundridge, viii 116] 

es. typhon in France, yiii 134] 

++ hurricanes in the Archipelago, ix 80] 
158] xvi 105] 

-. +» violent of wind and hail in the Nether- 
lands, x 114] 

.... thunder accompanied with deep snow, 
xi 103] 

-.-. heavy rain. See Weather 

ess. violent hurricanes in N, America, xii 
154] xiii 133] xlvi 430 

«... on the coast of Italy, xiii 86] 

—— Ireland, xiii 167) xv 


«~~ signs of a hurricane, xiv 101 

--«» in Scotland, xvi 72] 

-... violent, at Havre, xvi 81] 

..«+ hurricane in China, xvi 102] 201] 

---- violent in various places, xvi 105] 
107] 125) 127] 133] 148] xvii 91) xviii 
165] xix 192) xxii 193] 230] xxiv 34] 
xxv 209] xxvi 218] 219] xxxii 230] 
xxxv 12. xxxvi 18. xxxviii 3, 22, 27. 
xli 6, 7. xlii 42. xliii 39. xlv 382, 467. 
xlvi 360. xlviii 361, 364, 412, 413, 
423, 426, 427, 429, 431, 459, 461. liii 2. 
liv 133, 134. lvi 107 

«s+» extraordinary squalls of wind, xvi 106, 
xlix 363 

«+++ uncommon hurricane at Malta, xvi 191 

+. indications of, xvii 82 

«+. violent on the coasts of England and 
Holland, xviii 171) 

»..- hurricane off Newfoundland, xxv 222] 
xxvi 122 

e.-. hurricanes at Madras, xxvi 81] liii 
167] 51 

eves ————— at Venice, xxvi 202] 

—— at Liverpool, xxvi 216] 

eves —— at Plymouth, xli 7. xlvii 427 

-.«. extensive prevalence of, xxviii 59] 

--.. at Dublin, xxxi 194] xliv 469 

-+.. hail with severe cold at Midsummer, 
xxxvii 27 

e+. at Glasgow, xxxvii 46 

-.+. thunder, with keavy rain in very small 
extent, xlv 396 

«... sudden, lviii 178 

--.. hurricane at the Mauritius, lx 37 

=es9 —— in Sweden, Ix 58 

Storr, capt. (N)i 88 

Stort, river, made navigable, xii 143] 

Story, Enoch, xxii 148 

——— Jos. girl forsaken by for her richer 
mother, x 59] 

—— W. ix 159} 

Stosch, bar, jij 168. ix 65} xi 144 


Stott, capt.  (N) xiv 162] xv 77} 
Stoughton, H.1i 420 — 
Stourdza, baron, Ixi 17 
Stourton, tower to the memory of Alfred 
erected near, xv 133 
Stourton, W. 15th lord, xxi 310] 
Stovin, l. col. sir Fred. lvii 146 
m. gen. lvi 257 
Stow, couns. vi 88] 145] vii 50] 74] 
nage’ vi 140. viii 200. xvi 137, 150. xlix 

Stowe, temple and obelisk at, v 96] 

Strabane, inundation at, lviii 7 

Strabo, vi 174. x 133, 139. xi 124. xv 80. 
xviii 42, 179, 235n, 236n, 241. xxii 95. 
xxiii 57. xxiv 162. xxviii 97. xxix 65. 
Xxxili 367] xxxviii 465. Ixi 517 

Stracey, E, xlviii 637. 1 184*, Ii 543. lii 

Strachan, W. liv315 

Strachy, H. xix 140] xxx 107] 

Strada, iii 16. xvii 73 

Strafford, T. earl of, xii 177] xvi 203. xvii 
is xxiii 154”. xxviii 13. xxx 165] xliii 

Strahan, adm. sir Rich, xxxvii 137] xlvii 
239, 430, 547. xlviii 80. li 224, 475, 476, 
485, 492. lii 51, 55, 59, 76, 271. liii 241. 
Ix 401. Ixi 400 

«+e. reply to lord Chatham’s statement, 
lii 437 > 

——— And. | 221* “ 

—— W. lix 384, 386 

Strahlemberg, viii 97 

Straights, rev. J. xix 36, 38 

at powder magazine blown up, xiv 

++». besieged by the French, xlix 27, 657". 

«ses Surrendered, xlix 184 

Strand, fires in the, xii 88] 89] xiv 76] 1x 35 

Strand inn, xlix 875 

Strange, Dr. J. xliii 21 

—— Lydia, li 293 

sir J. (lawyer) xxxv 263 

——_— sir J. (M.P. t. Ed. IV) xiv 134 

———— sir Rob. iv 150] v 87] xxvi 31 

Strangford, Lionel, 7th vise. xxxii 105] xlii 
202, 204, 209 

Percy Clinton Sydney, 8th vise. 
xlix 280, 527, 713". 1 14] 92°. 1i 58, lii 
231. liii 161] 324. lv 192] 1xi 194] 

——_——. T. Ist viscount, lvi 469 

Stransbury, Abr. Ogier, xlvii 850 

Strasburgh, death of a number of the garri- 
son, xiv 112] 

+++. consequences of the French revolu- 
tion, xxxvili 352 

Stratford upon Avon, Garrick elected an 
honorary burgess, xii 101] 

«eee jubilee at, xii 102] 128] 129) 

Stratford, Ferd. iii 148 

—— Francis Paul, xiii 122] 

Strathmore, J. 9th earl, xvii 162} 

—— J. 10th earl, xxxix 6. xlvj 381. 

Ixi 137] 138] 


Stuart, gen. sir J. lili, 230] xlv 677, 743, 


Strathmore, Mary Eleanor, countess of, 

~ xviii 219. xx 161] 167] xxvii 225). XXViii 
213) xxix 209] xxx 205] xxxi 20)] xxxii 
204) xxxviii 23 

«++» divorced, xxxi 201] 

Straton, Alex. xliv 619 

Stratton, G. xx 254] xxii 133] 239] 314] 
xxiii 199] xliv 587 

G. (ironmonger) xliii 455, Ix 359 

eect, col. xli 251] 286) 

Streatham, riot at, xxxvi 13 

Street, J. vii 321 

Streete, serg.  vi273 

Streets, persons fined for leaving rubbish 

_ in, viii 145] 

Strehbla, affair of, iii 30] 

Stretch, v 210 

tretcher, J. absconds with money belong- 

-ing to his employers, xiii 116] 

Stretton, J. executed for robbing the mail, 

xiii 134] 

tricker, gen. 

Strickland, adm. xiv 251 

1. col. xli 76 

Stringer, gen. (French) xxxiv 1057] 

Strode, J, xix 162] 

lieut. gen. W. xiii 161] 

Stroehling v. sir G. P. Turner, ly 300 

Strogonoff, count, xxix 34, xlviii 731 

Strong, capt. xiv 2] 

—— gov. (Amer.) lvi 178] 

Stroud river rendered navigable by a new 
contrivance, iii 142 

+++ remarks on this, iii 144 

aoatans H. executed for murder, xiv 96] 

teed Fred. count, xi 152) xv 71*] 

_ 185] xix 185*] 

e+e» Seized, xv 74*] 

ee» executed, xv 77*] 186] 

(Amer.) liv 198] 

trusenfelt, gen, 
utt, A. R. Ixi 304 
J. xxvii 268] 
——— Jos. xiii 170] xliv 461 
art family, xlix 1000. 1 162 
+++. character of, ii 277 
e+e fault of the, i iv 301 
- xxviii 200] li 3, 10 
And. xlix 826, 829. liii 382 
capt. . xxv 19] 20] 29] 37] 
lord G. (N) 1i 473. Iv 238 | 
—— W. (N) li 486, 492 
xxiv 70] 94] 
xxv 190 
James, xxvi 108] xxvii ta 
xxxiv 200] 216] 219] xxxviii 76 
comm. Keith, xxv 119] 
Dr. D. (Amer.) xlii 343 
Dr. Gilbert, xxix 188 
Ferd. Smith, li 545 
n. James, xx 100] 254] xxii 314] 
xxv 80] 86] 89] xxvi 65] 106) 246) xxvii 
255) xxviii 109] 203] xl 101. xli 47] 
xliy 277. xlyi 204 



746, 951. xlviii 134, 141, 146, 588, 594, 
595. xlix 615. li 47, 222, 457, 530. lii 
28, 250, 303, 306, 316. liv 543 

wees thanks of parliament to, xlix 46, 47 

gov. xxii 37] 

hon. gen. sir C, xl 248] 147. xliii 
77] 187] 226] xlvii 99. xlviii 224, lw 
123] 130] lix 125. 1x 21] 

—— hon. J. xi 90] xv 86] 

James, xlv 830 

James, (trav.)v 94] vi 1, 247. xxiv 
154, xxxii 16]. xxxvii 125*] Iviii 458 

—— J, xxxiii 13 

——— Peter, xlvii 77, 79-85. lili 266 

—— rev. James, xxxi 215] 

—— Rob. xlii 380 

Stubbe, Dr. H. xii 477 
Stubbs, col. _—liv 228. lv 172 
—— G. xv 84 

—— H. liii 266 

rev. G. anecdotes of, xix 36 

Stucco, patent, xxii 115 

Studwick, C, xxviii 201) 

Stukeley, Dr. W. vii 43. x 143. xiv 137. 
xxxi 212] xlvii 862 

«++. medallic history of Carausius, iii 168 

---- memoirs of, viii 29 

Stump, Fred. Indians murdered by, xi 88] 

Stumpel, J. H, C. de, vii 147] 

Stura, persons buried in the snow in the 
vale of, i 297 

Sturgeon. caught in the Thames, ii 86, 112. 
xviii 104] xliv 388 

- use of the intestines, xvi 128 

Sturgeon, maj. liv 201 

T. W. liv 314 

Sturges, Josh. lviii 249 

—-— rey. Dr. J. xhi 144] 

—— W. xlv 35, 55. xlvi 30 

Sturleson, Snorro, liii 569 

Sturman, W. executed for arson, lvi 311 

Sturminster, shock of an earthquake felt at, 
iv 6 

Sturmius, Dr. Christ. xi 258] 

——- J. C. vi 94 

Sturt, C. xxxviii 41] xxxix 218} 229) 253] 
xli 6. xlii 38. xliii 186] xliv 126 

—— Mrs. xxxix 14 

Sturtly, fire at, xiii 79] 

Sturton, Walter, xxviii 110 

Sturz, xi 152] 

Stutterheim, gen. xxi 23) xlvii 171 

Style, on simplicity of, vii 186. xxvi 143 

+++. professional, xiv 247n 

+++» observations on, xvii 239. xxvi 143. 
xxxii 124, xxxviii 345. xliii 1367] 

Styles, W. Ixi 301 

Stymack, Adam, repeatedly robbed by his 
son, xxxii 210] 

Styptic, wonderful, xiv 144] 

Stzaray, gen. xxxviii 138] xli 238] 

Suard, xxxvili 376 

Suas, gen. xlvii 164 

Sublime, on the, xxyi 130 


Suchet, marsh. xlii 182] xlvii 169. xlix 10, 
17, 25. li 181. lit 177. iii 110] 116] 119 
liv 143] 146] 154] 85. ly 142] 146] 148 
150] 144, 176, lvi 18] 26] 36] 167, 175, 
185. lvii 85] 

Suchorzewski, xxxtii 124 
Suchtelen, von, gen. liv 186] 
Suckling, capt. Maur. (N) i 83. xxi 199] 

—— sir J. x 212. xii 46 

Sudaras, xvi 50 

Sudbury, action for bribery at, xii 80] 

+++» property of the corporation taken in 
execution, lv 77 

Sudermania, duke of, xxx 77] 242. xxxi 
196*] xxxiii 69, 82 

Sudley, chapel at, xxx 127 

Sudley, lord. See Arran, earl of 

T. lord, xxx 127 

Sué, = xxviii 198] 

Suenonius, bish. Brynjolfus, liii 569 

Suetonius, i 315. iv 157, 294. v 138. vi 172. 
xv 136, xxx 4n, xxxvi 388 

Sueur, Eust, le, xv 146. xxiii 226 

Suez, taken possession of by Buonaparte, 
xli 46 

«++. taken by a small British force, xliii 

eeee evacuated, ib. 

Suffield, Harbord, Ist lord, xxix 66 

W. Ashton, 2nd lord, lii 301 

Suffocation, recovery from, vi 131 

«++ See also Animation, suspended; and 
Drowned persons , 

——-——— deaths from. See Death 

eared distemper among the cattle, xvii 

e+e Several fires in, lviii 61, 65 

+++» riots in, lviii 67, 70 

Suffolk, C. Brandon, duke of, xii 29. xviii 
150. xxxiii 364] 

duchess of, xv 7 

—-—— H. 12th ear! of, ii 142. xiii 70] 197] 
199] xiv 46] 71] 113] 115] xv 80*] xvi 
89] xix 141] xxi 245] 313] xxiii 36] 

J. 15th ear] of, xxxi 298] 304] xxxiii 
13] xxxvii 114, 115, 153. xxxviii 48] 

_ xxxix 249] 262] xl 210, 211. xli 182] 
200] xliii 6] 2. 7] 45] xliv 179. xlv 58, 
184, 190. xlvi 12, 26, 68, 103. xlvii 30, 
105, 153. 11 130. lii 28, 151 

—— J. de la Pole, 2nd duke of, xxix 96 

—-~— lady, xvii 27. 1xi 460 

—— Mich. earl of, xxix 96n 

T. Ist earl of, ix 205 la Pole, Ist duk 

eeee death of, xxix 99, 103, 104 

——— W. executed for the murder of Mary 
Beck, xxxix 16 

Suffras, Gregory, xv 123] 

Suffrein, adm. de, xxiv 106] xxv 101] 107] 
110] 123] 270] xxvi 41] 65] 110] 249) 
xxvil 193] 198] xxx 223] 

Sugar, recommended instead’ 
preserying meat, y 91} 


of salt for 


8U | 
Sugar : made from the maple in N. Ameriea, | 
viii-141] xxxiii 352] 
---~ from the stalks of African millet, viii 154 
+++» Slaves not necessary to produce, xii 5 — 
+++» duty on, xxiv 28]] xxxiii 229. xxxix 
133n] xli 200. xliii 193. xlv 633, 634, 
xlviii 71 4 t 
«+++ quantity imported and exported, ly 
328, 329 Vitae ‘ ; 

e+.. prices of, xlvii 582. xlix 720". 1i 650, 
lii 429 

++.. history of, xxxv 307. xxxviii 456 

+++» expense of publishing returns of price, 
xxxviii 107. xl 206. xli 197. xlii 165. 
xliv 580, 584. xlv 629. xlvi 588. xlvii 
589. xlviii 638. xlix 730%. 1 185*, lii 423 

-..- Hindoo method of culture, xlv 821 

Sugar bakers, combination of journeymen, 
lviii 37 

Suger, abbot, x 14. xxxvi 277n 

Suhn, P. F. xxix 1 : 

Suicide prevalent in Kamtschatka, vii 4 - 

+++ thoughts on, vii 194 

Suicides: journeyman barber at Wands- 
worth, i 99 ’ 

«++. man from Tower wharf, i 107 

«+++ lady at Clapton, iii 160] 

«... Mrs. Cook, after murdering her two 
children, iv 190] 

«+.. attempts at, iv 61, 62. vi 83] ix 94] 
103] xv 143] xvii 88] xviii 152] xxii 
227) xxxiii 32] xxxv 9. xxxviii 14. xxxix 
11, 1 116*. liv 44, 53, lvi 56. lvii 18, 93. 
lxi 19 i 9 

e+.» Mr. Rooker, vi 55] 

+++. extraordinary in Norway, vi 123] 

+++» deserter and his wife, viii 141] 

.-.- Howard after failing in his attempt to 
murder Mr. Wedd, viii 147] Frees 

«+... of a marine, who felt he had an ‘un- 
conquerable propensity to theft, 74. 

+... Hemmings, a journeyman carpenter, 
because his wife, whom he had sold, 
would not return to him, ix 75] " 

++.. Surgeon’s apprentice, by poison, after 
seeing some men hanged, ix 78 

+... young man at Ilford whose banns were 

forbidden to be published, ix 87] ‘ 

esse a Servant, on a large legacy being left 
her, ix 107] 

-... labourer in the isle of Wight, ix 124] 

.... of Mr. Pernel on his wedding day, ix 

«+. collar-maker of Diss, after cutting his 
wife’s throat, ix 147] 

--.. E. India recruit, x 56] 

-... T. Davers, x pe sade 

«++.» gentleman on feeling symptoms of hy- 
drophobia, x 85] Ni es 

«ss. a farmer after killing a 
dent, x 87] 

+++» man burning himself in France, x 107 

ee+e Of a man by dashing his*head against 
a wall after murdering his wife, x 117 

eve, and murder in the Bastille, x 150 

boy by acci- 

} $U 

Suicides: of 2 woman on her husband’s 

being threatened with an arrest, x 159] 

_..- to avoid starving, xi 60} 

--. old woman through jealousy of a 

young husband, xi 139] 

vee Rich. Webb, in New Ludgate, xi 186} 

‘isan undertaker at Rochester, whose 

house was burnt, xi 200] 

+++ young lady near Dartford, xii 89]- 

..- of a Frenchman in consequence of a 

dream, xii 145]. 

++. —— banker at Paris, xii 163] 

+». — two lovers at Lyons, xiii 122] 

+. —a Piedmontese, at Grenoble, after 

“stabbing two persons when charged with 

a robbery, xiii 127] 

es. letter from one, xiii 161] 

+++ of a young married woman, Xiv 96] 

++» — col. le Febvre, xiv 147] 

++ Jud. Whalin, confined for murder, xv 97 ] 

++. —a young waterman after striking his 

sister in a passion, xv 117] 

+. after an attempt to murder, xv 131] 

xvii 132] 

+++ young woman at Margate throwing 

-herself from the cliff, xvi 68] 

ses Bret by thatry 2 of rank for not being 
marry an inferior, xvi 85] 

i capt. Robinson, 70. 

++. a Hessian capt. of cavalry after haran- 

“guing his soldiers, xvi 115] 

+. lady in Cornwall throwing herself fromm 

a cliff, xvi 123] 

... a convicted sheepstealer, xvi 136] 

++. &4man committed for felony, xvii 131] 

. +. a farmer in Ireland after killing three 

of his children, xvii 139] 

+.. two young spendthrifts, xvii 143] 

+-. a highwayman on finding himself 

known, xviii 82] 

+». a clerk in the Seal office, xviii 101] 

+-- after committing murder, xviii 144] 

“xxi 204] xliv 433. 1 55*. liv 70, 90, 91, 

al lvi 82, 104. lvii 29. 1viii48, 197. Ix 

- journeyman saddler, at Congleton, xix 

ies riot in Prussia on the burial of one in 
. a churchyard, xix 173] 
43:3 oo convicted of horsestealing, 

ee of a Aay locked up by his mother for 
peering, xxi 172] 

Lowe, accused of arson, xxii 207] 
-.. from religious melancholy, xxiii 202] 
++. E, Chamberlayne, from supposing him- 
) self not qualified for a post conferred on 
‘| him, xxv 206] 
+++ J. Mackintosh, junr. after squandering 
‘ oo acquired in the E. Indies, xxvii 


|,.+. young man and woman near Hammer. 

I) smith, xxvii 232) 

+++ servant girl, by opening the femoral 
artery with 6 fleam, xxyii 236] 



Suicides: a forsaken wife in France after 
murdering her child, xxvii 236] 
eee. young man in the Champs Elysées, 
«++. woman on the death of her Taree 
brothers, xxvii 245] 
eee Price, taken up for forgery, xxviii 
. lady Cath. Boccabadati marchionese 
Capacelli, xxviii 210] 
+++» gentleman under arrest, xxix }96] 
«+e. G. Hesse, xxx 207] 
«+++ a young French gentleman at Degas 
wich, xxxi 200] 
oisies M. Maupeau, at Brighton, xxxi 229), 
+s. miss Fineh, and a servant maid at her 
persuasion, xxxii 196] 
..-. ina Jane near Kensington common, 
xxxiii 30] 
.a young gentleman behind Bedford 
“house, Xxxili 32] 
.... James Sutherland, xxxiii 34] 
+++» uncle and niece on board an E. India. 
man, xxxiii 39] 
.».. ofa person ruined by lottery i insurances, 
xxxiv 1 
. T, Turner, a bankrupt, near Oxford, 
" xxxiv 10 
evice Robbins after murdering his wife, 
xxxiv 25 
. J. Upton after murdering his wife and 
** son, xxxiv 33 
eas Mendez, nephew of Mr, Silva, 
xxxv 5 
..+. bailiff of Mr, Adam, xxxv 9 
---- attempted by F. Hubbard convicted of 
forgery, xxxv 9 
+... in Hyde Park, xxxv 17 
.... duke de Sicignano, xxxv 30 
«.«» Aloze, deputy of the French conven- 
tion, xxxv 49 
«++. Lawrence Jones, imprisoned for rob- 
bery, xxxv 58 
- judge Power, xxxvi 7 
«+. James Watkins after murdering hhis 
brother-in-law, xxxvi 13 
«s+. rev. W. Jackson, xxxvii 18. xlix 806n 
-+-- recruiting officer at Hay, xxxvili 22 
--+. near Brompton, xxxviii 32 
. Mr. Macpherson on Enfield chase, 
xxxviii 38 
++ ++ man ina wood near Edmonton, soceviso 
--.. col. Frederick, xxxix 11 
-R.M. T. Chiswell, xxxix 12 
++e+ Rob. Thornton, xxxix 37 ‘ 
.-+- H. R. viscount Mountmorres, XXXIX 4 
Bruister, xxxix 50 
. D. Anker, x! 37 
sibs 8 Frenchman, who desirés a candle to 
be made of his fat, and presented burning 
to his faithless mistress, x1 49 
++++ Jos, Greenway, committed for forgery, 
x1 57 



Birks, sadler, Haymarket, x} 58 
Gardie, at New York, x1 72 

604 INDEX 

Suicides: ald. Trueclock, Dublin, xl 91 
++. ata public house in Southampton, xl 

«+» duke of Sorrentino, xli 23 

«+.» female servant of Mr. Goldfinch, xli 29 

es. sir G. Dunbar, xli 37 

e+». watchmaker, by walking into the 
Thames, xli 38 

«ese Je Skrimshire Boothby Clopton, xlii 

.+.) aman apprehended for murder, xlii 28 

+... hairdresser at Brussels after commit- 
ing murder, xlii 33 

«+++ Theop. Smith after shooting his wife, 
xliii 1 

«+--+ Maurice Williams, at the Hummums, 
xliii 47 

+++ @ sailor imprisoned for six murders, 
xliv 354 . 

s+ lieut. T. Barnes, in the W. Indies, 
xliv 400 

.... W. Ford, on board an E. Indiaman, 
xliv 416 

.. +. a labourer on finding his wife in bed 
with a Lasear, xliv 424 

oe» Of ensign Price after murdering capt. 
Garvey, xliv 433 

«+++ Mr, Camp, at Brighton, xliv 465 

.. «+ farmer’s servant charged with robbing 
his master, xlv 377 

+++. Mr. J. Pauley, xlvi 368 

«+e» Mr, Lacey, 2b. 

»»«» @ young woman seduced and deserted, 
xlvi 386 

«eee cobler in Marybone, xlvi 397 

e+e young lady, by throwing herself from 
a window, and subsequently of her mother, 
xlvi 409 

eee. young man by throwing himself into 
the Thames, 7d. 

«++» miss M, Champante, xlvi 410 

e+ ++ young woman at Gateshead, xlvi 418 

M‘Kay, xlvi 419 

«+++ young lady at Liverpool, xlvi 422 

+++» Mr. Sowerby, xlvi 434 ‘ 

Darwin, xlvi 788 

eeee Tiffin, xlvii 358 

+... an old man at Castle Cary, xlvii 364 

«. +» R. Edwards, xlviii 362 

«++» poor woman at Holywell, xlviii 371 

-es- extraordinary of Eliz. Trout, xlviii 

ess. aman conveying to prison, xlviii 389 

a dairymaid at Bayham Abbey, xlviii 


ah 'ee-tev. Wood, xlviii 411 

».+- extraordinary of a woman at Black 
Friars bridge, xlviii 412 

++. one of the marines who shot Byng, 
xlviii 453 

«+». father of nine children at an inn in 
Andover, xlix 353 . 

-+++@ man on the morning appointed for 
his marriage, xlix 354 

e+e» Mr, Marsham, Pimlico, xlix 384 


Suicides: clerk in the Bank, on being re= 
fused money by his mother, xlix 386 
+++» Susannah Birkwood and Mrs. Cutty, } 
xlix 407 a 
eee+ W. Birkett, xlix 418 “4 
«ee. J. Paterson, xlix 448 s 
+++ passenger on the voyage from Leith 
London, xlix 469 f 
see J, Neville, xlix 493 P 
+++. French prisoner after robbing his 
comrade, xlix 514 
+++» capt. Alcot, xlix 533 
«--. Mary Carpmeal, | 10* 
+++. at Bristol, 1 20* 
+. of a seaman at Spithead about to b 
flogged for theft, ] 23* . y 
«+++ — Mr. L, a stockbroker, of Cornhill, 
1 29* 
oees — James Paull, | 30* 
+++» — Mr. Bowden, | 48* 
e+e. — a madman, after murdering his} 
newly married wife, 1 55* ) 
tt at a Negro and his wife in America 
Oo o 


Thorne, surgeon of the Port) 
Mahon gun brig, | 78* { 
e+e. Sir J. Piers, after that of a clergyman 
whose daughter he had seduced, | 80* 
«++» Mr. Alexander, of Berlin, in the 
King’s-Bench prison, 1 117* - i 
Man, hairdresser, Pimlico, 1 139* 
+++. & young woman in consequence of a 
child under her care being drowned, 
140* ’ 
+++» Lyon Levi, by leaping from the Monu- 
ment, lii 249* ‘ 
+++» hon. W. F. Eden, lii 257* , 
«+e» Sellis, the duke of Cumberland’s 
valet, lii 262*, lv 21 
«+e Abr. Goldsmid, lii 279 
«+++ Hannah Taylor, with her infant tied to 
her side, liii 23 
+++» Mohee Oodheen, second son of Tippoe 
Sultan, liii 51 
e+e. a robber in Paris afraid of being’ 
caught, liii 88 ’ 
«++» 1. col. Mantzen, after being ruined at 
a gaming table, liii 135 
--++ J. Williams, taken up for murder, iii} 
142. liv 5 
<a von Kleist, and mad. Vogel, liii 14 
Kelner, of the Postoffice, liv 14 
+--+. a gentleman at Ottley, liv 28 
..+» Mr. Oldknow, after murdering his twog 
children, liv 70 
«»-- Mr. Hyne, of Plymouth, after murder: 
ing two of his children and shooting his 
wife, liv 90, 91 ° 
«+. corporal Green, after shooting a young 
woman, liv 117 
«+s. porter of messrs. Wilkinsons, afteig 
robbing his masters, liv 121 » 
. a footpad, liv 134 
5 sash . Allen, after robbing his master, li 



| # SU 
uicides : three female servants, at Brasted, 

liv 145, 146 


Sulkowski, prince Ant. xv 43] xviii 135] 

,«. capt. R. Yates, lv 11 

> ahs Garrick, lv 12 

,-. 1. gen. sir W. Erskine, ly 19 

,«e Mrs. Gordon, lv 38 

..- Roger Brograve, lv 43 

... W. Glover, under sentence for parri- 
cide, lv 95 

.. J. Hack, aftercommitting murder, lyi82 
+. young woman drowning herself with 
her infant, Ivi 102 

+» lord Ffrench, lvi 103 

se Eaton, after murdering his wife, 
lvi 104 

-. an Ingusch girl about to be sold, lvi 

+++ marsh. Brune, lvii 87] 
«+ Sarah Sylvester, lvii 9 
+. Eliz. Preston, drowning herself with 
her mistress’s grandson, vii 27 
.+. W. Waghorn, after murdering his wife, 
lvii 29 
--- capt. Serres de St. Clair, at Paris, lvii 

..~ Ann Power, lvii 36 

--» merchant? after loss by gaming, lviii 23 
«+ Mrs. Papillon, of Mons, after drown- 
ing three of her children, lviii 48 

~» H. Paliere, lviii 66 

..» extraordinary of a young lady at a 
boarding school, Iviii 131 

soe J. Hadley, lvili 138 

+». Sarah Wild, after poisoning three of 
her children, lviii 197 

.-. J. Harriot, lix 4 

++. capt. Fleming, lix 28 

.». Ann Graham, lix 35, 36 

«+. capt. von Achen, lix 41 

iss two female servants at Holloway, lix 


.-- sir Rich. Crofts, lx 22 

nee Knighton, after murdering his wife, 
Ix 28 

+. W. Haitch, charged with murder, Ix 30 
eee sir S. Romilly, Ix 146 

ts ae and. Launcelot Younghusband, Ix 

++. E. Emerson, after a reprimand from 
her mistress, Ixi 3 

+++ numbers at Paris, lxi 47 

uidas, ii 413. vi 174 

h Dowlah, vii 44] ix 24] xii 52] xxv 

33] xxvi 3] 

++» joins Cossim Ali against the English, 

viii 9} 

+++ his ill success, viii 9-14] 

+++ joined by the Mahrattas, ix 21] 

++» surrenders himself to gen. Carnac, ix 


r— R, J, xxxvi 333 

Sullivan, capt. T. B. (N) lvi 224, 236 

col. xliv 360 
Dr. Franc. Houghton, xv 239. xx 

177 ; 
gen. (Amer.) xix 155*) 172°] 
xx 15] 128) xxi 230*] xxii 2] xxiii 2087] 
xxiv 76] 
G. found in a well, x1 102 

——— J.(memb. of Congr.) xvii 217] 

Lawrence, xxi 175]. xxv 188] 
], col. sir H. lvi 187 

— Steph. xxxvii 112 

Sully, M. de B., duke of, ii 343. xi 36. xxvi 

Sulphur burned in casks to preserve wine, 
iv 89 

«++. observations on, xl 382 

Sulphurcous medicinal water, artificial, xxxvi 

Sulpicius, Servius, i 453 

Sulpitius, J. xv 117 

Sulzbach, J. (early printer) xv 72 

Sulzer, J. G. xvii 165, 166 

Sumatra, account of the interior of, xxi 81. 
Ixi 232] 

---» Rejangs of, xxvi8 

- Malays of, xxvi 15 

«+. people of the Batta country, xxvi J7 

«+s. earthquake in, xl 20 
+.» camphor tree of, Ix 565 

Summerfield, Mrs. xl 70 

Summers, W. lv 32] 

Sumner, xxix 169} 173] 

xlvi 723 

(Amer.) xxv 191] 

G. xxxvii 218] 

G. Holme, liv 77] Ivi 112] lix 60] 


——— gen. 

Ix 87] 
Sumpter, gen. (Amer.) xxiii 251*] 234*] 
xxiv 93] 87] 96] 
Sumptuary laws, rigidly enforced in Sweden, 
_ x7] 
«++. in Spain, xxvii 245] 
«++. See also Dress 
Sumroo, begum, xlv 556 
Sun, spots on the, ix 92] xi 176] xiii 158] 
xxxv 4. lviii 80, 143, 160, 598 
«++. singular appearance in the, ix 120 
-»+. convenient mode of viewihg the spots 
on, xiii 158] 
ese. Setting at sea, xviii 97 
Sun. See Hemp 
Sun Tavern fields, fire in, xlvi 381 
Sundzy, action by a butcher against persons 
for forcibly entering his house on, and 
“taking away his meat, vi 83] 
+s. act to prevent profanation of, xxiv 338] 
+++» proclamations for due observance of, 
xl 229] 
.... declaration on the subject, xl 18 
+++. proceedings of the bish. of London, 
xlvii 894 
Sunday schools, one informed against as @ 
conventicle, liii 82 


Sunderland, riots of seamen at, xviii 100] 
xxvii 232] lvii 76, 82, 330 
-- «+ large E, Indiaman built at Southwick, 
x1 22 
e+» 8ea extraordinarily clear, x] 50 
e+. tolls of the iron bridge, xlvii 428 
oe C, 3rd earl, xx 43, xxi 244, xxix 

«++ Swift’s character of, i 260 

———— lady, lvi 46] 

————— R. 2nd earl of, v 176, xiv 249, 
xxi 244 

Sunderlin, Rich. lord, xlii 202, 204 

Sundridge, Kent, hailstorm at, viii 116] 

aang allowances to various clerk», 


Superfeetation. See Births 
Superstitions, various, ii 73. iii 113] 120] iv 
169, xi 208. xii 85] xvi 48-52. xxi 49. 
xxxv 290. xxxix 467. xli 383. xliv 752. 
xlv 791. xlvi 983, 132. lvi 491 
---- instances of, x 202] 203] xxxii 14. 
xxxvii 126*] xliii 496. xliv 753. xlvi 754. 
xlix 475, liii 140, liv 110. lvii 1, 90, 102. 
lviii 97, lix 6 
Superunda, lieut. gen. count, v 261] viii 85] 
Supplies, and Ways and Means, from the 
Revolution to the end of the year 1763, 
vii 155 
eee from 1722 to 1797, with deficiencies 
and overplusses, xxxix 160 
Supplies for 1758, i 91, 127 
eves —~ 1759, ii 128, 171 
Se) 1760, iii 182] 
eeee —— 1761, v 151] 
eres —— 1762, v 164) _ 
92.8¢.- 5 1763, vi 175] 
CS id 1764, vi 189] vil 30] 157] 
eeee —— 1765, viii 236] 
eee0 1766, ix 200} 
686) So 1767, x 216) 
eves — 1768, xi 261] 
eeee — 1769, xii 218] 
oeee — 1770, xiii 234] 
eves — 1771, xiv 222] 
eee —— 1772, xv 209] 
Pr. i 1778, Xvi 226] 
eves — 177A, xvii 250] 
esos 1775, Xvili 244] 
«eve ~~ 1774 and 1775 compared, xviii 
eve. —— 1776, xix 249] 
+++ —— 1775 and 1776 compared, xix 251] 
eee —— 1777, xx 265] 
oeee —— 1778, xxi 283] 
eves —— 1779, xxii 325] 
» eves —— 1780, xxiii 308] 
aoe. — 1781, xxiv 183*] 268] 
eevee — 1782, xxv 287] 
eves —~ 1783, xxvi 304] 
oeee — 1734, xxvii 297] 
ave. — 1785, xxvii 342] 
eoes —— 1786, xxviii 117] 248] 
weae —~ 1787, xxix 263] 
svee m= 1788, xxx 260) 



Supplies for 1789, xxxi 

eevee —— 1790, xxxii 276] 

---- 1791, xxxiii 141] 

eevee —— 1792, xxxiv 147 

eeee —— 1793, xxxv 102] 104 

eeee —— 1794, xxxvi 117 

+e ee — 1795, xxxvii 116 

sen oo 1796, XXXVili 44, 106 

eves —— 1797, xxxix 132] 141] 166 

«vee —— 1798, xl 182] 214] 202 

eves —— 1799, xli 192 | 

+ eee — 1800, xlii 160 

e+ee —— 1801, xliii 38] 184 

ooee —— 1802, xliv 574 

e+ee —— 1803, xlv 50, 621 . 

eoee —— 1804, xlvi 577 

eeee —— 1805, xlvii 36, 377, 584 : 

e+e. —~ 1806, xlviii 68, 633. xlix 731° - 

eves —— 1807, xlix 724*, 732* 

és as —+ 1808, 195] 179° 

eeee —— 1809, li 81, 535 

-.- —= 1810, 117117, 118, 422 

eves —— 1811, liii 59] 304-15 

eves —— 1812, liv 96] 398. lv 375 

oees —= 1813, lv 66] 71] lvi 365 r 

seee — 1814, lv 206] lvi 153] Ivii 332 

eeee —= 1815, lvii 38] 48] lviii 70] 420 © 

eee- —— 1816, lviii 70] lix 246 

e+ ee —— 18)7, lix 86] Ix 396 

«eee —— 1818, lx 96] 1xi 394-424 

ooee ——~ 1819, 1xi 93] ian 

.... for farther particulars see Commons, 
House of, under the heads budget, and 
committee of supply : 

Surajah Dowla, takes Calcutta, i 13 

+e defeated, i 31 

+++ deposed, i 32. vii 34, xvi 105*] 107°] 
xxx 152] 

Surat, taken by the English, ii 54, 132 

--«- factory there restored to the French, 
xxvi 326] 

account of, ly 536 

Surgeon, culpable conduct of one on a coro- 
ner’s inquest, vi 173] 

«++. damages against for mistreating a bro- 
ken leg, x 108] 149] : 

e+» action against the capt. of an E. India- 
man for beating and confining, x 159] 

Surgeons, Royal College of. See Royal’ * 

Surgery, professorship of military esta- 
blished at Edinburgh, xlviii 451 , 

Surinam : treaty with the revolted Negroes 
at, iv 76] 3 

eee Phe ee of the Negroes, xv 9] 
i : 

-. ++ surrendered to the British, xxiv 103] 

-+-+ retaken by the French, xxv 195*] * 

.... taken by the British, xli 311] 121)” 
+++. taken again by the British, xlvi 138; 

395, 543 

-++. Indians of, li 798 
eee fishes of, li 843 ei 
-+-. restored to the Dutch, lyi 98] 

Surman, J, vii 188] a 

Surnaid Sing, lvi 202] 


* sees lo 

- Surrey, earl. 

Surnames, origin of, vit 176 

«-.- ridiculous misapplication of, xii 193] © 
Surprise, a cause of pleasure, i 315, 319 
«+++ progress of, i 316 

ae general meeting of the county, xii 

«++ petition to the king, xii 125] 203] 

address, xii 196] 

e--» address, petition, and remonstrance, 

~ xiii 117] é 

e+s. a New Sadler's Wells refused at the 
quarter sessions, xiii 132] 

sees petition for reform, xxvi 199] . 

«++» resolutions against subscriptions at 

. the requisition of ministers, xxxvi 237] 

+++» reasons why many horses should not be 
demanded from, xliii 486 

See Norfolk, duke 

— Henry Howard, earl of, i 480. xxiv 
194. xlv 773 

s+. account of him, i 480. xxiv 9 

---. his fair Geraldine, i 482. xxiv 11, 13 

_ Surrey dispensary, benefaction to, xxvii 
208] TY, 9 

Surrey street, fire in, xiii 163] 

Surveyors, action against one for loss fron. 
his overvaluing an estate, lxi 188 

Sussex, Ann, countess of, ix 201, 205 

Aug. Fred. duke of, xvi 69] 78] 

| ‘xviii 163] xxviii 206] xliv 604. xlvi 363. 
li 285. liv 65] lvi 214] 1x 401, 402. Ixi 
137] 139] 147] 148] 149] 157] 399, 400 

sss. married to lady Augusta Murray, 
xxxvi 4, 23 

++++ money granted to, xliv 585 

sees income of, Ix 62 : 

+++. grant from the admiralty droits, 1x- 63 

7 H. (Ratcliffe) 10th earl of, xxxiii 

T. (Lennard) 17th earl of, ix 205 
T. (Ratcliffe) 11th earl of, xxi 13 
Sutcliffe, Rob. liv 477, 

— — Tim, lx 330 : 
a Eliz. countess of, xiv 84] xxxiv 

—_————. James, action against gen. Mur- 
ray, xxvii 344] : 
sss Suicide of, xxxiii 34] - 
—+——_ J. lv 320. lx 361 
——— maj. xxii 195*] 
Mrs, Sinclair, 1i 121 
—_—— T. lvi 335 
= W. 17th earl of, vy 152] 166] vi 
«++. death of him and his countess, ix 109] 
rlandshire, cruelties in expelling te- 
nants from farms, lvii 35 
Suttie, capt. C. xviii 172] 
Sutton ». Barkworth, lviii 298 
—— ventilator invented by, vii 46 
—— abp. C. Manners, xliv 386. xlvii 93, 
366. xiviii 8, 418, 1 120] 121) liii 49] liv 
295. lv 53] 57] lvi 126] 136] 1x 132) 133] 
—— adm. Evelyn, xxvi 221] xxvii 193] 
208] xxviii 212) xxix 205) x1 177 



Sutton, adm. S. xlyi 556 

Baptista, v 152 

Dan. xi 93] 

G. charged with arson and writing 

incendiary letters, ix 66] i 

hon. J. xxvii 268] xlvii 482 

J. lix 129 

lord G. xvi 88] 

—— Mich. li 280 

—— Ralph, xlviii 961. liv 314, lvi 335 

-—— rev. Rob. xlii 384 

r. hon. C. M. lii 298. liii 32] liv 63] 
lvi 211] lix 57] Ix 128] Ixi 1) 

+.» speech to the regent on presenting the 
bill of supply, Ixi 99] 

—— sir Rich. xi 68] xxiv 150] xxx 178} 

—— — Rob. lvi 461 

——. — T. lv 64] 

—— T. Manners. See Manners, lord 

—— Willy, tried for the murder of miss 
Bell, iv 70] 77] 

Sutton Pool, grant for piers at, xl 206 

Suwarrow, marsh. count Alex. xvi 17] xvii 
5] xxx 18] xxxi 167] 172] 176) xxxiii 
100. xxxvii 30] xli 143) 265] 269) 273] 
281] 31,279. xlii 171] 172] xliii 33, 424 

..e- account of, xlii 16,113 

«es. Character of, 1 16 

Suwarrow islands, lviii 31 

Suzannet, gen. xlii v 

Suzzo, prince Alex. xlviii 790 

Swabey, Dr. Maurice, xlix 729*. 1 182°. lvii 
268. lviii 245, 247, 250, 256, 262, Ix 254 

Swaby, fire at, lvii 75 

Swaffield, capt. W. xxxviii 37 

G. xxiv 329] xxviii 177. xxxii 


Swaffham, fire at, xviii 174] 

Swaine, Edwin, killed by W. Ward, xxxi 
206] 210] 

Swainton, capt. (E. Indiaman) xlviii 416 

Swale, river made navigable, xiii 108] 

Swaledale leadmine cause, xi 155] xiii 137] 

Swallow sloop, after parting with the Dol- 

_ phin in the straits of Magellan, arrives 
at Spithead, xii 83] 

Swallow, R. xxxv 41 

Swallowe, xxi 99 

Swallows, appearance of, in January, iv 69} 

--.. one seen on the wing in Yorkshire in 
November, iv 181] 

+.. torpidity of, xxiv 65 

«».. Sagacity of, liii 113 

Swammerdam, Dr, J. vii 103] ? 

«+. experiment of his on bees, i 346 

Swan, (Dubl. just.) x1 42 
—— (printer) xlix 474 
Swanberg, xlv 394 

Swanly, capt. (A) xxvi 109 

Swann, H. xxxiii 78 : 

Swans, death of, from oil on the Thames, 
xii 130] ' 

se oat one shot in Cumberland, xviii 

eee Stolen from the Serpentine, liii 20 


Swanson, J. 1 86 

Swartd, Klaas Henderike, ii 75 

Swartwout, 5. xlix 695 

Swartz, — (missionary) xxxi 53 

Swatara, grotto of, xxxv 294 

Swearing, profane, convictions for, iii 146] 

Sweating sickness, viii 91 

Sweden: board of health, xxxv 25 

e+ +» gentry of, xliv 877 

«++» ladies, xliv 878 

-+ee dinner party, 7d. 

«++. state of, xliv 879 

-+-+ travelling in, xliv 880 

«++ joins the confederacy against Prussia, 

eee» the Swedes invade Prussian Pomera- 
nia, i 20 

e+. their retreat, i 26 

«++. plots real and fictitious in, i 40 

are es Swedes advance and again retreat, 

eee. advance into West Pomerania, ili 46] 

+++ defeated near Passewalk, iii 49 

-+ee evacuate Pomerania, 2b. 

e+» proposals for peace, iv 3} 

e+e address of the house of peasants on 
the culture of Lapland, iv 61] 

«++» Smallpox inoculation in, iv 72] xi 183] 

e+. Sinking of the village of Sandamala, 
iv 166] 

«++. declarations of France to respecting 
peace, iv 269] 270] 

e+.» peace with Prussia, v 14] 

«+. State and policy of, vii 2} 

eeee herring fishery in, vii 61] 

e+. potatoes begun to be cultivated in, vii 

e+» proposal from France for payment of 
the arrears of subsidies to, viii 63] 

e+». reward for the discovery of the author 
of an obnoxious work, viii 68] 

+++» earthquakes in, viii 106] 110] xvi 79] 
xvii 91] 

«+++ amnesty in favour of the persons ex- 
ited for an attempt to render the crown 
absolute, viii 132] 

e-+. new treaty with, attempted by France, 
ix 5] , 

ees» matrimonial alliance with Denmark, 
26. 81] 146] 147] 

«+e commotion excited by a peasant in, ix 

e+e. proceedings of the diet, ix 10] 

---- revenues of the clergy abridged, 7d. 

eee peasant called to account by his con- 
stituents for a large sum of money in his 
possession, ix 10] 11] 

eee. artificers seduced from iron-works in 
Scotland, ix 63] 

eee. treaty of friendship with G. Britain 
and other powers, ix 74] 

oe restriction of luxury in, x 7] 77] xiii 

ees. enlargement of the liberty of the 
press, x 8] 



Sweden : annual produce of the mines, x 

«+++ course of exchange fixed, x 142] 

e+. distracted state of, xi 41] 

«++. rigorous laws against smuggling, ¢d. 

«+». the king requires the senate to call an 
immediate meeting of the diet, xi 42] 

-++.- on it’s delaying this abdicates the go- 
vernment till a diet shall be called, 7b... 

«+.. all public functions suspended, xi 43} 

e+». orders issued by the senate, to which 
no obedience is paid, 7d. 

-. +» the magistrates of Stockholm threaten 
to convene the order of burghers, xi 44] 

eee the senate at length consents to call 
the diet, 7. 

«+» the king resumes his authority, 7. 

ess. public begging prohibited, xi 69] 

«+» consequence of the extinction of trial 
by jury in, xi 272 

.»+- disputes between the king and senate, 
xii 8] “ea 

«+++ all the senators except two degraded 
by the diet, and condemned to pay the 
extraordinary expenses of the meeting, 
xii 9] 

+--+. treaty of subsidy with France renewed, 
xii 10] 

e+e» height of party in, xii 85] 

eeee carriage of the prince royal struck by 
lightning, xii 136] 

ees» money allotted by the states for two of 
the princes to visit foreign countries, xiii 
45] xiv 86*] 

ee» death of the king, xiii 46] 

«++. funeral of the queen dowager, xiii 121] 

ee++ part of the arrears of France paid, 
xiv 87*] 96] 

ees» conduct of the king on his accession, 
ib. 88*] 116] 117] 

«. + firmness of the diet, xiv 89°] 

«» e+ proclamation of Gustavus, xiv 88] 

e+e» revolution in, xv 7] 51] 130] 243-50} 
xxi 28 

++e+ ancient state of, xv 46 

ess» new order of knighthood instituted, 
xv 69*] 

«+++ restriction on the importation of salt 
in foreign countries taken off, xv 152] 

..++ Russia suspicious of, xvi 30] 31] 48) 

«s+» dearth in, xvi 49] 84] 

«+++ warlike preparations, 2b. xvii 26] 

»»+» treaties with the Porte renewed, xvi 

Fratye | oe to credit, xvi 50] 69] 

oe. refusal of the king to permit distilla- 
tion from grain, xvi 92] 

+»« restraints on the press in, xvii 91] 

-» +. emigration forbidden, xvii 128] 

«++ Whaling company established, xvii 131] 

ee+- notice that private debts contracted. 
by the royal family would not be paid by 
the state, xvii 141] 

see. regulation of the saltpetre manufac« 
ture, xviii 18)] 



Sweden: consuls ordered to inquire what 

Swedesare settledin foreign countries and 

the reasons of their emigration, xix 125] 

«.-+ the king visits Russia, xx 186*] 187] 

«.-+ papers on the armed neutrality, xxiii 

es. the king visits Holland, xxiv 11] 
+++» Claim of assistance by the Dutch on 
__ the rupture with Britain, xxiv 311] 
4s. proffered mediation between G. Bri- 
tain and Holland, xxiv 317 
eee» Certain commercial advantages granted 
to France, in exchange for the island of 
- St. Bartholomew’s, xxviii 28] 
s+. refusal of corn from Livonia, xxviii 
— 168 ‘ 
see diet assembled at Stockholm, 74. 
 .s.. torture abolished, xxviii 169] 
.--. war with Russia, xxx 68] 285] 286] 
287) 291) 
+--+. engagements in the gulf of Finland, 
xxx 77] 79] 242] 247] 
ees convoy taken by the Russians, xxx 79] 
++. manifesto against Russia, xxx 80] 
eee disaffection among the troops, xxx 81] 
hon of the Danes into, xxx 82] 
ee 1 

: eee 


---- charged with designs upon Norway, 
xxx 182] 
ane king’s visit to Copenhagen, xxx 
" .++- the disaffected troops propose an ar- 
 mistice with Russia, xxx 188] 

+++ attempt of the senate to assemble the 

* states, xxx 189] « 

_.++ the king rouses the Dalecarlians, xxx 
++ee temperate conduct of the invading 
_ . army, xxx 193°] © 
«see Stromstadt and other places surren- 
_ dered, xxx 194*] 195*] 
+. the surrender of Gottenburgh pre- 
vented by the arrival of the king, xxx 
195*] 3 
_ «e+ the city saved by the intervention of 
G. Britain and Prussia, xxx 196*] 
_ «+-- Norwegian convoy taken during an ar- 
mistice, xxx 201*] 
see. the Danish army withdrawn, xxx 
* 202°] 
«++. declaration of Denmark and counter- 
~ 4 ‘declaration, xxx 292] 

«++. difficulties of the king’s situation, 

_ xxxi 183] 

«+» calls a meeting of the magistrates and 
‘most respectable citizens of Stockholm, 
xxxi 185] 

++.» meeting of the dict, xxxi 186] 

+++» violent conduct of the nobles, xxxi 187] 

++ Several of them seized and imprisoned, 
xxxi 188] 

«++. many of the officers concerned in the 
“mutiny seized, id. 

+++. humerous resignations, id, 

Parr I, 

. 609 

Sweden: the senate abolished and a new 
court established, xxxi 189] 

++». speech of the king, xxxi 334] 

«+e. sentences of the officers, xxxi 192] 

---. Mr. Elliot’s statement to the court of 
Denmark, xxxi 193*] 336] 

+++» renewal of the campaign in Finland, 
xxxi 195*] 

-... Hogfors taken from the Russians, xxxi 

e+e. desperate seafight near, 7d. 

+++ alliance with Turkey, xxxiii 3, 67 

«+++ the king calls some of the burghers 
and some of the clergy to sit in his coun- 
cil, xxxiii 66 

eeen Extensive taxation, 2b. 

«.+.» Successes against the Russians, xxxili 

-.-.» the Russian galley fleet at Frederics- 
holm destroyed, xxxiii 68 

---- attack of the Russian fleet in Revel, 

ees the Swedes obliged to retreat, 2). 

+» - engagements between the fleets, xxxiii 

«++. treaty of peace with Russia, xxxili 65, 
71, 86. xxxii 306] 

+++. invasion of France projected, xxxiit 
71n, 77 

eee. assassination of the king, xxxiii 79 

-.+. British declaration on the trade of 
neutrals, and answer, xxxv 174 

os ce ah declaration on the same, xxxv 

«++. convention with Denmark for the de 
fence of commerce, xxxvi 238 

--». declaration of G. Britain and Russia 
against sending provision or ammunition 
to France, xxxvi 241 

+++» recognition of the French republic, 
xxxvii 129] 

e»+. conduct of France toward, xxxviii 
175] 247 

---- refusal of Russia to admit it’s ambas- 
sador, xxxvili 217 

e+. treaty with Russia, xli 286 

+++. complaint from Spain of the use made 
of a Swedish vessel by the British to cap- 
ture Spanish ships, xlii 252-6. xliii 87] 

++». convention with Russia for an armed 
neutrality, xlii 266 

«..- speech of the king on his first meeting 
the diet, xlii 279* 

-».. capture of a convoy by the British, 
xliii 86] 

+... embargo on vessels in British ports, 
xliii 103] 233, 234 

«++. several vessels captured, xliii 103] 

.... island of St. Bartholomew taken, xliiz 

«++» embargo on British vessels taken off, 
xliii 258 

+++» convention with G. Britain, xliii 220 

«++. notes on the armed neutrality, xliir 
244, 246 



Sweden: treaty with Russia, xliii 338 

e... protest against foreign interference in 
the affairs of Germany, xliv 256, 667 

ene the seizure of the duke 
d’Enghein, xlvi 182 

ee of France toward, xlvi 183, 

e+» French journals and future publica- 
tions prohibited, xlvi 183, 698 

ees. note to the diet on the assumption of 
the title of emperor of Austria by Fran- 
cis, xlvi 697 

‘ees note to the French minister at Stock- 
holm on Buonaparte’s assuming the title 
of emperor, zd. 

e+e. conduct of, xlvii 190 

e-.. declaration on joining the Russians, 
xlvii 719 

e+. rupture with Prussia, xlviii 162, 686 

«++ overtures from France for a separate 
peace refused, xlviii 213 

- «+. conventions with G. Britain, xlviii 668- 

+ 72 

e+. Stralsund besieged by the French, 
xlix 27 

«+. the French obliged to retreat, xlix 28, 

eves armistice concluded, xlix 29, 30 

---- conference between the k, and gen. 
Brune, xlix 183, 727 

e+. hostilities renewed, xlix 183 

--.+ Stralsund surrendered, xlix 184 

--+- capitulation of the army, xlix 185 

+++» subsidy to, xlix 245 

«+++ Buonaparte’s offer of Norway refused, 
xlix 255 

«+«- money to be paid to the captors of the 
second convoy, xlix 730* 

e+e. war with Russia, 1 237] 138*, 300°, 
301*, 303° 

e+» British forces sent to the assistance 
of, 1 237] 

«.+» Danish declaration against, 1 307* 

e+e answer to it, 1 310* 

«-.»- Prussian declaration against, 1 309* 

«« ++ answer to it, ] 312* 

proclamation on entering Norway, 1 


«+e» convention with G. Britain, 1313* 
e+ Gustavus IV deposed, and his uncle 

yi ag chosen king, li 244, 685, 700. lv 
e+.» peace with Russia, li 245, 726 
ae» decree of nonintercourse with G. Bri- 

tain, lii 518 
e++e money paid to the king, li 535 
ee++ proclamation of Charles XIII on as- 

cending the throne, li 707 
e+» pension to be allowed Gustavus and 

his family, li 714 
«++. crown prince elected, lii 243, 254* 
«-.~ his sudden death, lii 243 
«++» murder of count Fersen, lii 244 
ata ata chosen crown prince, lii 



Sweden: declaration of war against G. Bri- 
tain, lii 249 j 

«eee state of, lii 141] a 

+» ++ Bernadotte appointed regent, liii 39 

+++ occupation of Pomerania by the 
French, liv 165] 186] 

---- treaty of alliance with G. Britain, liv 
171] 187] 382 ; 

«+++ ——— with Russia, liv 183] lv 87]396 

«+++ conduct toward France, liv 186] 

++». decree respecting commerce, liv 187] _ 

+++. treaty with the regency of Spain, liv 

«s+. Speech of the prince on the king’s re- 
suming his functions, liv 410 

+++ treaty of concert and subsidy with G. — 
Britain, lv 85] 123] 350 q 

+++ war with Denmark, ly 167] 168} 436 

-+.. treaty with Denmark, lvi 38] 379 

-... Norway annexed to, lvi 38] 

+... Speech at the meeting of the diet, lvii 

«+e State of, lviii 145] 

+... conspiracy against the crown prince, 
lix 131] 

«++ decree against luxuries, lix 132] 

--+. opening of the diet, lix 133 

e+-- new towns building, lix 108 _ 

-+.. declaration on the currency, Ix 2 

«++. death of the king, Ix 15 | 

«+++ Charles John (marsh, Bernadotte) pro- 
claimed king, lx 16 

«++. speech to the states, Ix 93 

++e+ correspondence between Gustavus IV 
and Bernadotte, Ix 98 

+++. commercial treaty with America, lx 

+» ++ difficulties in paying the compensa- 
tion to Denmark, !xi 194] 

+++. commercial regulations, ]xi 25 

Sweden, prince Charles of, xv 54] 68*] 

—_—— Frederic Adolphus of, xv 

54] 69*] : 

——— ~——— Oscar of, lix 132] 

Swedenborg, Emanuel, bar. xxxiv 462n. xli 

Sweeny, J. xl 101 

Sweeting, H. xlviii 372 

Sweetman, J. xl 101, 236 

Swieten, van, iii 113. viii 107. xxiii 136 

Swift, dean, i441. iv 103] v 176, 209. vi 3, 
4. viii 36, 291, 303. ix 287. x 242, 244, 
xi 168. xii 40, 61,216. xv 172. xvi 128] 
xviii 151] xx 209. xxv 213. xli 330. 
xl viii 1074. lii 545 

+++ characters by, i 256. v 40. viii 7, 10, 12 

remarks on his writings, i 256. xi 167 

«++. anecdotes of him, ii 326. Ixi 447 

«.+.» his defence of the church of Eng- 
land, vy 162 ¢ 

..». on good-manners and good-breeding, 
v 166 

«++» memoirs of Stella, viii 15 

+» e+ resolutions when he came to be old, 
viii 22 


Swift, dean, on the education of ladies, viii 

----» hints on good manners, viii 226 
sees proofs of the antiquity of the English 
language, viii 252. ix 302 
| sees Maxims controlled in Ireland, viii 304 

.» +s letter to lord Oxford on the death of 

his daughter, viii 309 
_ »+«+ his conduct to Stella and miss Van- 
_ homrigh, xxxii 35 
—— Dean, xl 18, 101 
—— Deane, viii 303. ix 302 
—— Rich. viii 81] 
—— Theoph. xxi 214-16. xxxi 215] 
W. robbery near London by, ix 59] 
Swimming, watermanand his dog leap from 
the centre of Westminster bridge to 
swim to Lambeth, viii 116] 
.».. hints for learning, xx 123 
Reine Art of, XXXV 367 
.... leap from Blackfriars bridge, xliii 19 
Swinburne, H. xxv 11, 81, 86, 89, 172. xxvii 
170. xlv 385 
_ Swindlers: several horses obtained by two 
for bills of no value, ix 72] 
.».. cattle obtained in the same way, ix 
«+. two deemed guilty of robbery, x 126] 
.-.. action on a note obtained by one, xviii 
+. convictions of, xix 178] xlvi 399. 1 69* 
«.. attempts at revenge by, xxiii 212] | 
sees at Oxford, xxiii 233] 
.... by pretended banking houses, xxv 
+». lottery tickets paid for by a check of 
no value, xxxvi 33 : 
+++» one in the character of a naval officer, 
x1 82 
---- at Blackheath, xliii 12, 20, 37. See 
Robertson, miss 
«++. bank notes obtained by one, xliv 437 
“ee. gang of, xlviii 398. lvi 26 
-.-. extraordinary trick of, 1 ]12* 
....- action by one for defamation, lviii 297 
Swine, large litter, iii 117] 
-+«« large, iii 142] xvi 77] xlviii 372, 386, 
394. xlix 372. 1 12*, 37* 
-... seized for being kept in paved streets, 
iii 161] 
' «s+. one living after the extirpation of a 
large portion of the intestines, vi 76 
',+es improperly fed, seized by the magis- 
trates, vii 64] 
+++» prolific sows, x 68] xi 164] 
eeee OD feeding, xv 96 
eo found buried near a pond, xxxi 

+++. supply of London market, xxxvii 

+++. fatal consequences of a child’s seeing 
one killed, xl 

++.- management of, xl 391. xlviii 375 

+++» sows udders imported from Sicily, 
xliv 375 



Swine: child partly eaten by one, xlvi 434 

«+++ One swimming out to sea, xlix 491 

--». sow affected with dropsy, 1 58* 

«++. one buried by the fall of a cliff found 
alive above five months after, liii 59 

.. +» four driven in a carriage, liii 122 

-+ +. two children killed by a boar, lix 106 

Swinfen, Dr. xxxiii 434] 

Swinton, Antony Daffy, xlviii 435 

——-— Dr. Peter, grant to compensate the 
damage done to his estate in Chester in 
the rebellion, x 219] 

—— J. xxiii 239] 

—— lord, 1 119] 

Swithin’s alley, fire in, lviii 53 

Switzerland: troop of the canton of Schwitz 
sesaien from the French service, viii 


+++. man sawed in two for rape and mur- 
der, xv 132] 

+... earthquakes in, xvii 122] 166] 

celebrated water doctor, xxii 1 

+++. general state of the cantons, xxii 13 

«++. account of the Vallais, xxii 89 

ee.-+ history of the union and character of 
the democratic cantons, xxxiv 361 

-... treatment of cows in, xl 341 

«+. political condition of the Levantine 
valley, xl 352 

«++» history of the confederacy, xlii 483 

== sees respecting France, xxxiii 183, 

«++» address of the French Convention, 
xxxiv 281 

letters from the k. of Sardinia and an- 
swer, xxxiv 319, 320 

---- letter of the Helvetic congress to the 
king of the French, xxxiv 323 

-++. note from the British plenipotentiary, 
xxxv 202 

. eee answer to it, xxxv 204 

-..+ acknowledgment of the French repub- 
lic by the Protestant cantons, xxxvii 130] 

.. +. village of Weggis swallowed up, xxxvil 

«+++ rupture with France threatened,xxxviii 
78] 200-4 

.»-- note from the British minister to the 
senate of Berne, xxxviii 205 

-.- dismissal of Mr. Wickham required 
by France, and papers on the occasion, 
xxxix 266-8. xl 21] 

«+. declaration of the administration of 
Lombardy respecting, xxxix 335 

«+» machinations of the French, xl 20] 

. invaded by them, xl 25] 

.»++ want of resolution and unanimity, xl 

eee greed ib. 

.» +» the Swiss defeated through treachery, 
x1 28] 29] 

..-» Fribourg and Soleure taken, x1 29] 

..+. defeat of the Swiss at Berne, x1 30] 

..++ league of the democratic cantons, xl 



Switzerland: desperation of the Unterwal- 
Hi and a small body of Schweitzers, xl 

esse treated as a conquered nation, x] 35] 

«+++ public and private character of the 
nation, x1 86] 

ees tyranny of the French in, xl 101] 

se». law against petitioning otherwise than 
individually, x! 102] 

«++. treaty with Francé, xl 105] 251 

«++» declaration of the council of Berne, 
xl 246 

a of the Bernese deputies, xl 

eee» proclamation of the French general, 
xl 249 

ees decree of the legislative body of Hel- 
vetia, xl 250 

e+. insurrections in, xli 252] 259] 

--.. Schaffhausen taken by the Austrians, 
xli 252] 

«+.» the French expelled from the Grisons, 
xli 259] 

‘ge cok progress of the Austrians, xli 

es.. treaty of commerce with France, xli 

«es. union of the Grisons with the Helve- 
tic republic, xli 274 _ 

«++. hew Helvetic constitution, xliii 331. 
xliv 225 $ 

e+ «+ decree of the ancient legislative body, 
xliii 332 

«+e. letter from the deputies of the small 
cantons to Buonaparte, xliii 333 

-.« Valais annexed to France, xliv 90, 226. 
lii 237 

e+e. ——— termed a republic, xliv 251 

oes. anew constitution surreptitious! yfram- 
ed by the partizans of France, xliv 225 

-.-- confederacy of Schweitz, Uri, and Un- 
terwalden, xliv 226 

...+- union of other cantons, xliv 228 

»++. attempt to support the new constitu- 
tion by force, xliv 228 

«-+» proclamation of the ancient govern- 
ment of Berne, xliv 230 

-.+. proclamation of Buonaparte, xliv 233, 

e+e. answer to it, xliv 236, 672 

oa ape geet: proposed by the diet, xliv 

-..» invaded by the French, xliv 239, 678 

-.«. dissolution of the diet, xliv 240 

-+-. deputies ordered to France to prepare 
a constitution, xliv 241 

«++. State papers relative to the transactions 
in, xliv 668-81 

+++. numerous emigrations from, xlv 365. 
lviii 38, 50, 66, 78 

eos distressed state of, xlv 365 

--+» British subjects seized, xlv 424 

ee++ landamman of the Helvetian republie 



v. the Bank of England and other, xlvii 

Switzerland: letter from Buonaparte to the 
landamman, xlvii 619 mal 
‘i fall of the summit of Rosenberg, xviii 
» 448 4 
ose arn again annexed to France, lit 
23 ‘i 

++ entered by the allies, 1v 171] _ 

sa ar government of Berne restored, 
v 172] ; ; 

-+ + declaration of neutrality, lv 441 

«++. proclamation of prince Schwartzen- 
berg, lv 450 

+++. federal compact betiveen nineteen cam- 
tons published, lvi 91] 446 

+++. Opposition of Berne, lvi 91] 

+... dissentions among the cantons, lvi 92] 

eee. final settlement, lvi 93] 

«+.» Geneva, Neufchatel, and the Vallais, 
united to, lvi 93] ape! 

+». conduct on Buonaparte’s return to 
France, lvii 112] 

»++» fortress of Huningen demolished, lvii 
114] 101 Bi 

--.. note from the allied powers, lvii 380 

«++. answer of the diet, lvii 382 + 

+++. proceedings of the diet, Iviii 143] 

et tribunal of censorship at Friburg, lviii 

«+++ regulations of the press, Iviii 91 

..+. inundations, Iviii 91, 102. lix 58 

e+e release of slaves, Iviii 174 

eee distressed state of, lix 25 

e+. lake formed in, lx 73 

++ Jesuits reéstablished at Friburg, Ix 124 

«++» eruption of a volcano, Ixi 26 

«+. federal diet at Lucerne, Ixi 47 

Swords, complaint of their inconvenience 
by the Russian courtiers, xi 78] ; 

-++. method of renewing the flowery grain 
of Persian or Damascus blades, Ix 599 

Syde, Dr. xxxi 53 

Sydenham, capt. G. lix 155, 572 

— Dr. T. xli 449n 

——-— lieut. xxi 166] 

— St. Barbe, viii 146] 

— sir G. xi 66 

Sydney, lord, xii 77] 

fag arom See Sidney 

——— T. Ist visc. xxvii 72] 181*] xxx 
223] xxxi 149] xxxiii 66] 68] 71] xxxiv 
159] xxxvi 231] xxxvii 227] 114, 115. 
xxxix 193n] 

Sydow, viii 126] 131] 

Syeds, J. xlvii 853. xlviii 955. xlix 858 

Syer, sir W. xliv 458 

Sykes, Parslow v. for adultery, xxxi 229] 

—— capt. (N) xlvi 550 

—— Christ. xxiii 207] 

—— P. lv 75 

—— Peter, xxxii 353] 

——— sir M. M. liv 302 

—— T, lvi 337 



Sykes, W. xviii 108] xix 126] 182] 
Sylla, lix 511 

lly, gen. xlv 951 
Sylva, maj. da, viii 63] 
Sylvabelle, de, vii 35 
Sylvester, C. xlvii 850, 2d. lvii 321 
-————. Sarah, lvii 9 

sir J. xlvi 359. See Silvester 

Symbolical characters of the Egyptians and 

Chinese, iii 153, 156 
Symes, col. Rich. xxxvi 72, 79 ° 
maj. Mich. xlii 302, 464 
Symmachus, pope, lix 120] 
Symmetry, @ cause of pleasure, i 314 
Symonds, xxi 103 
Dr. J. xxxviii 510 

— H. D. sentence for libel, xxxv 22 
—— W.(t. H. VII) xxxiii 366) 

Symons, capt. J. iv 64] 
Symmons, J. xxxi 41 

_ Sympathy, theory of, ii 485, xx 169 


-.«. is extensive powers over the human 
frame, viii 80 

Symphysis pubis, section of the, xxi 113 

Syna Sahib Souba, xxvi 345] 

Synge, Edw. xviii 134] 

Synonymes, xxxvi 400. liii 571 

Syracuse, account of, vii 154 

e... siege of, by the Romans, xv 164 

Syria, earthquakes in, iv 96. xxxviii 33 

_ e+. famine in, vii 102 

+++.» plague in, 2d. 

«-.- natural history of, xxix 60 

«++. account of, xxix 200 

+--+ Druses of. See Druses 

Sztary, gen. xxxiv 119] xlii 202} 204) 


Taanjaqua (Indian chief) vii 180] 
Tabares, don Diego, viii 85] 
Tabasheer, account of the, xxxii 63 
Tabby, for building, what, Xxxiii 237n) 
Tabernacle walk, fire in, xvii 162] 
Tachenius, Otto, x 99 
Taciturnity, xxviii 134 
Tacitus, i 243. iv 159. v 165. vi 171, 172. ix 
144. x 148. xiii 33, 255. xiv 166n. xxi 
163. xxx 47, 121, 124. xxxii 103. xxxvi 
376, 388. xxxviii 526. xlix 1004. 1 259 
adamar, R. W. xl 244 
len, gen. xv 66] 
Taddy, serg. lx 296 
Tadell, Eliz. liv 311 
Tadman, W. xviii 87] xxv J07 
Juan, xvii 1008 
Taft, T. 1x 359 
Tagaanadie (Indian chief) vii 180] 
Taganoondie (Indian chief ) é. 
Tagashata, ii 192 
Tahir bashaw, xliii 235] 94 
Tahner Fenish, ambassador from Moroeco, 
xvii 128] 159 
Tahourdin, Peter, li 146, 420 



Taille, capt. de, iv 294} 

Tailor bird, account of the, xiii 83 

Tailors: settlement of journeymen’s wages, 
vi 109] vii 47] xliii 2 

e+ee Strike of, at Leipsic, vi 110] 

e+ee Several journeymen taken up by a 
party of masters, vii 66] 

+--+ sentence on them for a combination, 
viii 79] 

+++» petition parliament for an increase of 
wages, xi 113] 

«+. application to the London magistrates 
for an increase of wages, xv 95 

' Talaru, chev. de, ix 58] 

march, de, ib. 
Talavera, battle of, li 183, 193, 400, 469, 
496. lii 28 

Talbot, _—_xliv 187, xlv 733 

adm. sir J, xlyii 224, 526, xlix 663". 

liv 138] 215 

bish. James (cathol.} xlii 431 

W. xi 17. xiii 162. xvii 2062 
(A) vi 113] 
(N) xiii 127] 

Cath. xi 18. xiii 161. xvii 206 

— C. Ist lord, vii 280, 283 

——— C. Chetwynd, 2nd earl, lix 65] 94 

col. R. xxv 221} 

; Francis, convicted of burglary, xvi 


———~ capt. 

J. xxxi 2 

lieut. J. H. (N) xviii 604 
Mary, refuses pardon on condition 
of transportation, xxxii 227} 

rey. Edw. xi 17, 18, xiii 162. xvii 


sir Gilbert, xvii 45 

Wm. murder of, iii 133] 137] 

W. Ist earl, iv 108] vii 148, vin 
202] 204} xi 178] xii 84] 

Talbotson, sir Rich. xxxvi 365 

Tale found in Siberia, vi 95 ~ 

Talhouk, Sheik, xxix 148 

Taliessin, the British bard, xl 416 

.+-. translation of an historical song of his, 
11 870 

Talk, W. sheriff of Wilts, xii 123] 

Tallard, marsh. xiii 159. xxv 216] 

Talleyrand Perigord, xxxiii 268] xxxiv 20] 
x] 243] 247] 280. xli 69] 114} 302. xiii 
5] 64] 74] 77] 209, 292. xliii 280] xliv 
239. xlv 224, 654, 682, 761, 942. xlvi 
153n, 164, 630, 642. xlviii 9, 130, 174, 
218, 708, 813. xlix 56. 1 150] 170] lvi 
22] 25] 28] lvii 75] 83] lxi 429 

Tallien, xxxiv 55] xxxv 218) xxxvi 
152] 156] 174] xxxvii 83] 113) xiii 

«... character of, xxxvii 118) 

Tallow, large quantity found m a mass under 
the foundation of two, old: houses in 

Trinity lane, xvi 142] j 
Tally court, grant to officers for fees, xlyii 

Talon, xxv 198] 203} 


: TA 
Talot, xlii 24] 
Tamaahmaah, lviii 476 

Tamera, gen. xxxiii 96 os 

Tamerlane, i 269. x 140. xv 2] xxiii 7] 
xxvii 128, 136. xxx 6] 156] lviii 640 4 

er) bis types sent to the E. Indies, vit 

Tancred, Christ. legacy to students of Lin- 
coln’s inn, vi 55] 

«++. commemoration of, ix 59] 

——- sir T. xvii 81] 

Tandy, James Napper, xxxiv 24, 35. xl 
145, 281. xlv 57, 254n, 374 

.. ++ refusal to pay the reward offered for 
apprehending him, xxxiv 35 it 

.... seized at Hamburgh, xl 101. xlii 74] 

+. Set at liberty, xliv 369 

Tanfield, lord chief bar. ii 314 

Tangier, earthquake at, xvi 101] 105} 

.... plague at, Ix 144 a 

Tanjore, extinction of the kingdom of, xvil 
106] 115] 172] 

.++» pretensions of the nabob of Arcot to, 
xxvil 50] 

Tankard xxx 207] 

Tankerville, C. 3rd earl, viii 176] 

——— C. 4th earl, xiii 70] 197] 199] 

xiv 252] xviii 249] 251] xxi 303] xxii 
342] xxiii 330] xxix 138] xxxiii 12] 

Tanner, xxxv 342 

—— C. lxi 302 

Tanners, riot at Bermondsey, lviii 51 

Tanning, substitutes for oak bark in, v 92. 
vi 139. viii 66] ix 96] 

.»+. improved methods of, xxi 117. xxxvii 

++.. action against an unqualified person 
exercising the trade, xxxiv 10 

Tannis, fire at, lvii 74 

Tanucci, marq. de Bernard, xix 187] 

Tape worm, remedy for the, xx S0 

Tapestry, xix 109 

. sale of, xl 35 

Taplin, Mrs. (actress) xxx 194 

Tapp, G. murder of R. Leach by, 1 31* 

Tar, efficacy of, against foul air, x 160] 

.... extracted from sawdust and shavings, 
xvii 370 

«+-. coal. See Coals 

‘Tar-water, vi 4 

Taranto, description of, xxvii 171 

Tarantula, account of the, xiv 84. xxv 89. 
xxxv 305. xlvii 821 

Tarascon, earthquake felt at, vi 90] 

Tarempou and Serinda, history of, xxx 159 

Tarentum, duke of. See M‘Donald, marsh. 

Tares, on the culture of, xlix 866 

Target, xxxv 205] xlii 3492 

Tarleton, gen. Banastre, xxiii 220*] 223*] 
233*] 234*] xxiv 53] 55] 66] 70] 119] 
130] xxxiii 2] xxxiv 149] 152] 78. xxxvii 
168] 215] xxxviii 11] 50] xxxix 128] x! 
219] 172} xlv 40, 103, 108, 120, 199. 
xlyi 45, 56, 88. xlviii 43, 44, 53, 1111] 
1H} 60, ii 19, 26, 82, liv 4] 6] 111) 


Tarquinius Priscus, xii 129 
Superbus, vii 163 bop. 
Tarragona, stormed by the French, liii — 

116] : 
Tarrakanoff, princess, xl 345 
Tarrubia, fath. Jos. v60 
Tarshish, situation of, xxxii 168 
Tartary. See Tatary 
Tartini, Jos. xii 166 : 
Tascher, Stephanie, lviii 266 
Tasker, rev. W, xlii 4 ; 
Tassie, xlvii 358 
Tasso, Hercole, vi 24 4 
Torq. ix 178. xiv 230. xx 162. xxiv 

146, 182. xxv 173. xxxiv 476 
.+-. life of, vi 17 AS 
Taste, Essay on, by Montesquieu, i 311 
..+. Observations on, xxii 147. xxvi 136, 

Tatarian lamb, x 27 
Tatars, of Scythian origin, i 268 
.»e- account of them, 7d. xxiv 3. xlv 785. , 

xlvi 974. lvi 475-88 
.. +. their remedy for diseases, i 272 
..++ mode of crossing rivers, 1 273 
+++. military expeditions, 76. ‘ 

. visit of the khan to the Grand signior, 

viii 120] 

«.+. curious particulars of some remote 
nations and tribes of, x 23 HON 
..+. Crim Gueray restored to the dignity 
of khan, xi 31] ; 
«+o of Kasan, xiii 16 
«++. emigration of the Torguts, xvi 30] 
.--- religion of the, xxiii 97, 59 
.-. ancient burial places of, xxvii 75 
.... war with Russia, xxviii 143] 
--.- method of making koumiss, xxx 84 
...» conduct of a khan on the death of his 

eldest son in battle, xxxi 172] 

Tatary, ancient building in the wilds of, x 

+++ ancient monuments in, x 140 
«+e.» mission in, 1 32 
See also Crimea 
Tatary, Budziac. See Bessarabia 
Tate, brig. gen. xxxix 73, xli 104] 

—— James, xliv 775 

Tatem, G. xvii 110] xxiv 173] xxviii 201) 
xxx 202] 

Tatham, W. xliv 778 

Tatin, C. xxxvii 93*] 

Tatlock v. Harris on an accommodation bill, 

xxxi 207] 

Tatooing, operation of, xvi-3, 30 

.. e+ common in Africa, xxx 18 
Tatouche (N.W. Amer, chief) xxxii 288] 
Tattersal, xxxiv 29 

——— capt. Nich, xlviii 363 
——- Gabriel, ¢b. 

rev. i 413 
—— Rich. liv 284 
Tatum, capt, W, (A) xlv 534 
Tatwin, abp. of Canterbury, ii 4]0 
Taube, C, F, count de, iy 8} 



Tauentzein, gen. xlviii 188, 190. lv 133) lvi 

Taunton, bill for a market, and cleansing 
and lighting, xi 201] 

«+s. assizes adjourned to Wells on account 
of a fever there, xvi 86] 

sees fire at, xli 10 
_ Taunton, 

xxxyv 32 
couns. lix 186. Ix 319 
W. executed for murder, xii 129] 
Taurida, description of, xli 377 
Tauris, earthquake at, xxiii 210] 
Tavares, maj. gen. Diego, v 261] 
Tavast, baron, xlix 657*. 1 304* 
Taver, gov. (miscalled sieur de Traver) v 77] 
“teat Eliz, march. of, xi 196] 248, xxii 

—-——— Francis, pres. marq. of, liv 74] 
lxi 79] 123] 
Tavora, marchioness of, ii 69, 210 
marq. of, ii 70, 210 
reese account of the family, ii 213”. xx 
Tawney, sir Rich. xi 22)] xxviii 208] 
T. xxxix 13 
Taws, capt. (A) xxii 212*] 
Taxation, representation essential to, by 
our constitution, ix 38] 
+... this denied, ix 39] 
ee. in England, xii 86] 
++e remarks on, xxxviii 115 
Taxes: grants to the royal family to be ex- 
empted from, iv 85] 
.+.. from 1776 to 1781 inclusive, xxiv 281] 
+++ produce of, xxxiii 119] 137] 140] xxxiv 
131, 136-46. xxxv 102. xxxvi_ 113. xxxvii 
123-32. xxxviii 95-7. xxxix 91-3, 116, 
157. xlii 150, 154. xlii 142, 143. xlvi 566. 
1 111*, 179*. lii 492. liii 304-11. liv 404. 
ly 375, 382. lvi 365, 372. lvii 332, 339. 
lyiii 72] 427. lix 246, 253. 1x 382-4, 426. 
Ixi 394-401 
++. collectors absconding, 1 126*. lv 14 
prosecuted, lviii 308 
+++» See also the respective articles taxed, 
and Supplies, in the tables of which the 
deficiencies of the taxes may be found 
Tayeto (Otaheitan) xvi 43 
Taylor and others v. Diplock, lvii 272 
xxi 190] xlv 124 
(bookseller) See Millar, A. 
(Opera house) xl 7, 78 
jun. (anchorsmith) death of, v 67] 
—— Albini, xlii 145, 146 
Allan, lviii 347 
—— archd. J. xix 45 
Benj. Ix 361 
Benj. v. Sanderson for a nuisance, 
xiv 135) 
bish. Jeremy, xlv 899 
Brook, xxxix 38. xlix 261 
——— capt. N) i 87. iv 78} 
——-— capt, B, W,(N) 116138, liy 138] ly 163 

Francis, marq. of, x 239, 245. xi 




Taylor, C. executed for the murder of his 
wife, xxxiii 13] 
C. W. 1 67] 69] 
chev. x 69 
Eliz. trials of, for murder, xv 126] 
—— Ellen, viii 93] 
Hannah, suicide, liii 23- 
H. xlix 533, 1xi 300 
—— Herbert, xxxix 38 
James, xiv 143] liii 7 
J. convicted of forgery, xlii 7 S 
J. murder of Mr. Smith by, “xiii 
135] xiv 31] 32] 73] 74] 115] 
J x 95] lvi 337. lvii 321, 2. 
——— J. recovered in Bedlam, xi 174] 
J. attempt to murder his wife and 
child, xxx 221] 
J. (of Bordesley hall) xxxiii 27] 
35] 36] xxxiv 11,15 
-—— Jos. lvii 319. 1xi 266 
lieut. H. (N) killed, liii 28 
——_|. col. xlvii 518 
-———__—. C. 1] 264* 
———_ J. xli 318 
maj. xxxiv 1927] 
m. gen. sir Herb. liv 56] Ix 179 
Mary, xv 221. xlii 429 : 
Mary Ann, li 129, 133, 138 
Mich. Angelo, xxix 150] xxxiv 144] 
145] 78. xxxv 23] 40] 44] 76] 111] xxxvi 
234] 252] x1 226] xli 180] xlii 106] xliii 
_ 162] 172] xliv 176. liii 30] 31] 
Peter, xxv 311] lvi 337. lvii 319 
Phil. lviii 349. 1x 360 
rev. Dr. J. xxi 190. xlvii 795 
Rich. liv 135 
Rob. v. the proprietors of a stage- 
coach, xxiii 199] 
Rob. Paris, xxv 311] 
Silas, xxvi 117 
Simon, xlix 1132 
sir R. xxvi 309} 
——— T. xxxix 438 
Walter, xl 385 
W. xlix 509 
W. medal from the Soc. of Arts to, 
ix 88] 
W. (grazier) ix 92] 
W. (mayor of Yarmouth) xxxvii 108 
W. drowned, xxxix 38 
Tcherin, Galdan, vii 93 
Tchernicheff, gen. See Tschernicheff 
Tchitschegoff, gen. See Tschitschagoff 
Tea: dealers convicted of adulterating, i 
111, 112. Ix 342 
.... Paraguay, i 362 
.... adulteration of, by smugglers, vii 105] 
..+- substitute for, from Georgia, ix 115] 
.... alteration respecting the duties desired 
by the E. India company, x 43*] 226] 
sees tree in full flower in England, xiv 151] 
.. ++ duties on, xv 114] xxxix 1327] xlii 
17]. xliii 194, xlviii 71 
+++» quantity in the E, India warehouses, 
xy 149] 


Tea: account of the tree, xv 99. xliv 763 

--.. act to prevent frauds of dealers in, xx 

ees. commutation act, xxvii 152] xxx 263] 

e+» quantity exported from China, xxvii 

-.+- method of curing, xliv 764 

+++ quantity made in China in a year, xliv 

++. consumption of, xlix 405 

«+++ heath, recommended, li 840 

«+++ plant introduced into Brazil, lvii 50 

e+-- committee of dealers on the adulter- 
ation of, Ix 45 

+--+ See also Smuggling 

Teahan, bish. Gerard, xxxiii 47] 

Tearman, Laur. v 76] 

Teasdale, xiv 148 

Tebbutt, miss F. murder of, xliv 471 

Tecumseth, lv 221 

Tedbury, fall of the old church at, xiii 

Teede, R. J. xviii 218 

‘Teedyuscung, ii 191 

Teepuscung, 7d. 

Teesdale, capt. (N) lv 129 

Teeth: transplantation of, v 71 

e+++ cut by a man of ninety, vii 78] 

+++» means to facilitate cutting, viii 83] 

«++. cut with extraordinary irregularity, 
viii 96] 

«+++ cut by very old persons, viii 127] xyii 
144] xxvi 197] xxxi 232] 

e+e large fossil, xi 74, 75 

+++ filed and dyed black, lviii 524 

+++ painin, See Toothach 

Teheran, description of, liv 516 

Teichmeyer, prof. x19 

Teignmouth, J, lord, xxviii 200] xxxix 499. 
xli 504. xliii 202] xlvi 719 

Telegraph, invention of the, xxxvi 48] 

e+» erected at the Admiralty, xxxviii 4 

near Exeter burnt, xlviii 446 

Telescopes, best composition for the mirrors 
of, xx 117 

Telfer, W. xliii 451 

Telford, T. xlvii 430. 1xi 59 

—— W. ]xi 89 

Tellier, fath. le, xxxiii 245] 

Mich. le, xiv 183 

Telling, S. liv 136 

Telser, G. xxxiii 9] 

Temler, xi 152} 

Temperance, advantage of, xxxv 245 

Tempest, capt. xxxii 22 

J. xxvii 268] 

sir H. xxxvi 31 

Templar, J. 1 102* 

Temple, range of buildings to be erected 
Sh, ground taken from the river, xviii 

e+e» Old regulations, xlvi 873 

e+e. bullets fired in at windows at different 
times, xlix 466 

Temple, Ann, countess, xii 149] 


i { 


Temple, capt. (N) xlvii 426 4 

—— earl, after Rich. See Buckingham 
marq. ‘ : 

——-— lieut. Franc. (N) xlv 401 

——— R. (A) vi 90] 

— gov. J. xvi 152] 

——— rev. xvi 124] 

—-— Rich. earl, iii 71] iv 44] 160] 164] 
v 96] vi 110] 138] 139] 152] 155] vii 86] 
128] 178] viii 184] ix 63] x 184] xi 221] 
xii 149] 150] 156] xiii 70] 197] 199] xiv — 
17] 84] xv 236] xxi 168*] 

——— sir J. xxxviii 452 

Rich. xvii 25. xxv 55 ; 

W. v 176. ix 195. x 300. xi 
166. xxii 413] xxiii 169. xxvi 144. xxxii 
35. xxxvili 452. xl 454. xlvi 835. xlviii 
29. xlix 162, 1239 

——— W. xvi 103] 109] 

Templeman, Dr. Pet. iv 143, v 226. vii 187. 
ix 130] xii 136] 

Templer, James, xlv 846 

Temples, subterraneous one, at Elephanta, 
1 335 ; 

+... remarks on those of the ancients, 
ii 395 

«++. circular, xlviii 988 

Tenant, miss (singer) xlv 438 

Tenants, stepping goods of, before rent due, 
illegal, xvi 150] 

-»+- of more than 10/. a year must give 
half a year’s notice, xlvii 372 

-- +. notice to pay in gold, liii 77 

Tench, gen. W. xxxi 55 

Tencin, card. de, ix 4 

Tenedos, xviii 243 

Teneriffe, mummy from, xvi 66] 

«eee Peak of, xvi 105. xli 391. Ivi 504 

++. attempt on the island, xxxix 97] 

ees. account of, lvi 501 

-... fire at, lviii J 

«+++ See also Canary islands 

Tengnagel, xviii 76 

Teniers, xiv 158. xv 28. xlii 13 

Tennant, xlv 780, 821, 882, 908 - 

—— C. x] 385. xli 402 

J. executed for robbery, xIvii 369 
Smithson, xxxvili 511. xxxix 389, 


«+... account of, lvii 433 
Tennison, abp. T. vi 12, 13. xxxvi 298 
Tentyris. See Dendera 
Tenures, singular, xli 421. xlii 406 
Teplow, v 19] 
Teratu, New Zealander, xvi 40 . 
Terence, vii 186. vii 226. xxxvi 300 
Tereoboo, lviii 476 
Termes, on the genus, xlviii 937 
Terminus, xiv 229 
Ternate, voleano in, xiv 120] 
e+. escape of the king imprisoned by th 
Dutch, xxv 111] “a 
-... surrendered to the British, xliy 527 
Ternay, chey. de, v 50] xxiv 21] 36] 78] ' 
127} xxxv 159] 



Terray,ab. xvii 29] 13 
4+. memoirs Of, xx 40 
Terret, W. Ixi 400 ye 
_ Terrick, bish. Rich. xvi 89] xxix 36. xxxvii 
Al pea 
Terrier de Monciel, xxxiv 210 
Territt, hon. W. liii 307. liv 401. lv 378, 
‘lvii 335. lilt 423. lix 248. Ix 401 
Terry, Hen. ii 353 
_ Tertullian, v 147. ix 150 
Tessi, Mauro, vii 85] 
Tessier, ab. xli 413. xlii 374 
Tessin, count, ix 10] 
Test of acids and alkalis, xxvii 27 
Test act, observations on the, xxvi 155. xxix 

«eee See also Dissenters 

estament. See Scripture, and Bible 
estimony. See Witnesses 
_ Tetrodon electrical, xxviii 57 
Tettenborne, bar. Iv 118] 124] 135] 167] 
lvi 10] 
Tetuan, British consul’s entertainment of 
the Moors, iv 130] 
-... all Christians ordered to quit, xv 142] 
Teulon, G. li 420 
Teush, Fred. vi 88] 
Teutonic order, answer to it’s claims of 
Courland and Senegallia, iv 100] 
»»+- dispute with the house of Oettingen- 
Spielberg, viii 139] 
_ Teviot, trysting tree, on the banks of, des- 
troyed, xlviii 385 
Tew, capt. (A) xxii 193*] 
rev. Dr. xifi 134] 
Texier, le, xxxiv 28, xliv 401, 402 
Teynham, H. 10th Jord, xxi 310] 
H. 11th lord, xxxi 298] 
Thackeray, Dr. xlvi 721 
Thaherians, dynasty of, xxi 171 
_ Thales, xvii 170. xviii 138 
_ Thaliarchus, xli 460 
Thamas Kouli khan. See Kouli khan 
Thames : human skulls dug up from the site 
of Blackfriars bridge, viii 83] 
«s+. very different from what it was former- 
ly, viii 83] 
«+... number of dead fish in, supposed from 
the hot weather, viii 125] 
«++. crossed in a butcher’s tray, ix 113] 
+... extraordinary inundation from, 
Surrey, x 97] 
+++» portion left uncovered for two tides, xi 
“s... mischief from gales of wind in, xiv 
147] 148] xix 116] xli7 
“«... grand sailing match, xix 153] 
+... bill for improving the navigation, xx 
" 4... frozen over, xxxi 195] 196] lvi 11, 12 
--«. tunnel under, at Gravesend, projected, 
xi 59. xiii 6 
ase See also Vides 
mer street, fires in, xxxvi 34, xlii 2, 3, 
vi : 




Thane and abthane, on the titles of, xxx 
130. xxxiv 435 

Thanet, countess of, xi 113] 

—-— Sackville, 8th earl, xiii 70] 197] 
xvi 100] xix 255] xx 283] xxi 145] 

—_—_———_— 9th earl, xxxvi 151, 152. 
x1 216. xli 18, 7b. 23, 208. Ixi 139] 148] 
149] 150] 157] 

Thanksgiving: public, for the taking of 
Louisbourg, i 106 

«+s. for the cessation of the distemper 
among cattle, ii 66 

+++ —— Successes in Canada and a plentiful 
harvest, ii 119 

«+++ on account of peace, vi 74] xxvii 196] 
xliv 408. lvi 57 

e+. in Scotland, in commemoration of the 
Revolution, xxx 219] 

-... for the king’s recovery, xxxi 147] 205] 

— naval victories, xxxix 80 

victory of Aboukir, xl 96 

—— of Trafalgar, xlvii 433 

---- for an abundant harvest, lii 419 

«++» for the peace, lviii 7 

Thayendanega. See Brandt, Jos. 

Theatres: description of that of Bacchus 
at Athens, the first ever built, iii 159 

+++. size of ancient, iii 160 

+.» that of Regilla covered, iii 161 

e--. ancient at Ferentum, iii 167 

+--- riots on an attempt to refuse half 
price, vi 52] 57] 

«+e. fires at, xv 100] xxi 216] xxxi 211] 
212] xxxviii 33. xlvii 410. 1 106*. li 259. 
liv 4. lviii 27. lix 64 

e+. old English, xxiii 146 

--+- fall of one at Bury, xxix 210] 

+++. ancient at Saguntum, xli 431 

«+.- mishiefsS from an alarm of fire, xliv 
45). xlix 501, 518, 521. ly 16. lvii 71 

+++. death from a wound by the wadding of 
a musket, xliv 461 

“ e: establishment of in England, xliv 


e+e prices of admission, li 349 : 

sah Log killed by falling from the gallery, 

-«+» persons taken up for hissing at Berlin, 
lvi 112 

——-~— Covent Garden, riots at, vi 57] xvi 
pt xvii 90] 118] 127] xviii 95) 117) li 


«+e dale of, x 106] 

+.» forcible entry of, xi 136] 

+++» cause between the proprietors ‘of, xiii 
130] xiv 155] 

---- profits at, xxiii 239 

«++. gentleman shut in, and falling from 
the boxes in his sleep, xxix 197] 

-+ ++ compliment to the queen on the king’s 
recovery, xxxi 205| 

«+++ bottle and glass thrown on the stage 
from the gallery, xliii 47 

F ye appearance of master Betty, xlyi 

Theatres: Covent Garden, Jukes in- 
dicted for an assault on H, E. Johnstone, 
xlviii 4)1 5 
«+++ burnt down, | 106* 
eeee rebuilt, li 249 
«++ opening of the new house, li 323 
+e» description of it, li 324 
eee O. P. riots, li 238, 346. lii 242° 
Drury lane, riot at, vi 52] 
«eee beautified and improved, xvii 160] 
eee» bill for better securing the charitable 
fund, xix 128] 
«e+. sale of Garrick’s share in, xix 152] 
«++» size of the new house, xxxvi 11 
«++. decision of the suit between the cre- 
_ ditors and proprietors, xliv 370 
e+.» bottle thrown from the gallery, into 
the pit, xlvii 363 
e+ ++ in Chancery, xlix 510 
-+«. burnt down, li 259 
Dublin, riots at, lvi 106, 117 
Haymarket, purchased by Colman, 
xx 162] 
«++» persons trampled to death, xxxvi 5 
—— Liverpool, O. P. riot at, lii 292 
——— Manchester, xviii 440 
Plymouth, O. P, riot at, lii 291 
Royal Circus burnt down, xlvii 410 
-+.- in Chancery, xlix 510 
Royalty, justices of the Tower 
hamlets fined for discharging actors com- 
mitted as rogues and vagabonds, xxxi 
Theatrical entertainments: effects of, on 
manners, ii 479 
«++. taxon persons frequenting proposed, 
vi 89] 
«eee ancient, xii 161, 162 
+++. players at Bourdeaux imprisoned for 
announcing a piece called the Honest 
Criminal, xiii 86] 
e+ Venetian, xxiii 2, 4 
+s» history of, in Ireland, xxxi 110 
+... German, xxxii 115 
e+. of Cochin, xlviii 866 
---. Striking effects of, lvi 89 
See alsy Drama 
imitation, essay on, x 173 
Theatricals, private, xvii 81] xxix 203] 
xxxiv 5 
Theban legion, iii 168, 169 
Thebes (Egyptian) ancient and present state 
of, xxviii 97 
.... tombs of the kings, xxviii 102. xlii 412 
-»-. Memnonium, xxviii 103 
-+e. Mummy pits, lviii 592 
+++. antiquities at, Ixi 546 
Thebesius, xl 367 
Thefts, petty: coals pocketted by a man at 
the Bank, v 69] 
Thellusson, C. xxxix 150 
—————— G. Woodford, xxxix 150. xliii 
19, li 151, 419, 42), 422 
Pet, xxxix 36 
seoe Will Of, xxxix 148, xli 15 



Thellusson, Pet. Isaac. See Rendlesham, — 
roe J. xxxv 59. xxxvi 268] 14. xxxvii 
wees trial of, xxxvi 280] 40. xli 160 
.... riot at his lectures, xxxix 15 
Themistocles, xx 142 4 
Theobald, abbot, (abp. of Canterbury) i 454. — 
xv 126 
— Lewis, ix 67. x 213. xviii 213 
Theobalds, palace at, i 264 
Theobalds, James, xix 56 
T. executed for a mail robbery, 

xv 93] 
Theocritus, x 220. xii 226. xiv 186 
..«. translation from, x 225 
Theodora, empress, xxx 5 
Theodore, abp. of Canterbury, xvii 121 
————— king of Corsica, i 443. xxxix 11] 
«+e life of, iii 25 
————- of Heraclea, v 6 
of Mopsuestia, v 6 
.... author of Greek annotations on the 
Psalms, 7b. 
— count, men raised for the India 
company by, xiv 88] 
Theodoric, xxx 201 
Theodosius the Great, vi 142. viii 81. ix 
151. xii 260 
—_— the Younger, vii 166 
Theoloky, bar. lviii 150] 
Theophilus, bish. of Alexandria, vi 176 
Theophrastus, xi 128 
Theophylact, ix 149 
Theopompus, xiv 186 
Theosophists, xxxiii 246] 
Theroigne de Mericourt. 
Theseus, v 136. xxxi 94 
Thessalonica, earthquake at, xxvi 221] 
.. +. antiquities at, xxxvii 125*] 
Theutobochus rex, a giant, vii 107 
Thevangna. See Loris 
Thevenard, xxxii 146 
Thevenot, Melchisedec, ix 141. xx 91 
Thevet, And. xlii 417 
Thibaudeau, xxxvii 86] 109] xxxix 71] 
84] 302. xliii 313 
Thibet: polyandry practised in, xx 248. 
xxi 37 
..+. account of the kingdom of, xxi 82 
+e» people of, xxi 35 
«... Teligion, xxi 36, xxiii 57 
trade, xxi 39 
..» embassy to, xlii 470 
Thicknesse, G. (mast. of Paul’s school) xii 
115] xxxii 236] 
—— Phil. vi 91] vii 58] 118. xxxiv 

See Mericourt 

Thiebault, gen. xlii 181] 1 265* 
Thierheim, marsh. xxvii 229] 
Thierry, bar. C. P. Ixi 304 
Thieves, extraordinary one, xlv 372 
3 79" of boys, xlviii 459, xlix 480, 
eyes Scheme for detecting, xlix 489 




Thieves, lock for detecting, xlix 508 
Thirlby, bish. T. xxxiii 367] 

Thirst, preservatives against, ii 421 

ee» excessive, cases of, xxxiv 386 
Oe aa Articles. See Church of Eng- 

Thistlethwayte, Rob. xxvii 268] 

-Thistlewood, Arthur, lix 13, 39, 49 

Thiville, count de, Jos. Gaston J. Bapt. xlii 
382. xliii 451 

Thodey, J. punishment of, for swindling, 
_xivi 399 

_ Thoelden, Aug. Fred. xliv 777 

Thomas, ald. Nath. xvii 110] xix 180] xx 


Ant. Leonard, xxxviii 345 
—-—— bish. J. xv 207] xvii 154] 
(N) xlvii 546 
f (Amer.) xviii 128*] 
D. xlix 631. 1i 543 
—— Dr. x 134] 
Cann Elizabeth (Corinna) account of, x 

Evan, escape from prison, x 79] 
G. convicted of forgery, xlii 35 
——— gen. ii 93, 94. xvi 136] 
——— H. xxviii 185 

—— J. xliv 774 

-——— Il. col. 

killed in a duel, xxvi 

_—— M. lxi 303 

——— Mrs. Eliz. (sister of lord Amherst) 
xi 256] 

'——~— Peregrine Francis, xxxiv 145 

Phil. lix 234 

Rees, xlvii 400 

—— sir Edm. iv 88] 

W., an accomplice in the murder 
of Mr. Powell, executed for a robbery, 
xvi 142] , 

Thomason, Edm. x] 391 

— Edw. xli 405. xliv 775. xlv 831. 

li 543 - 
Thomé, xlii 23] 
Thomond, earl of, xvii 101] 

— Murrough, Ist marq. of, xxv 
221] xxvi 196] xxxvii 20 
Thompkinson, J. executed for highway rob- 
bery, ix 84] 
Thompson v. Harris, lviii 273 
adm. S. xxx 103] 
sir C. xxxvi 68, 74. xxxix 


—_—_——+— T. Boulden, xxxix 97] 
xl 103, 143. xliii 112] 185] 82. 1 221*. 
lii 452 
Alex. xxxiii 422] xxxviii 513 
Archib. xliii 458. xlix 855, 856 
——— Beilby, xxvii 268] 
capt. (N) xlix 642. lvi 195 
(W. Indiam.) ii 109 
———— , (secr. of Am, congress) See 
—— Dr, W. xxvi 20 
arn Edw, xlvi 824 



Thompson, Ephraim, xxix 227] © 
— gen. (Amer.) xix 164°] 

H. xlix 860 
H. (surg.) xix 94 
Horatio Nelson. See Nelson 
J. 1xi 304 
lieut. And. (N) xlii 72 
James (N) xxvii 2602] 
——— 1. col. W. lvii 133] 228, 237 
miss lvi 84 
Q. D. xlvii 371 
rev. xix 157] 
Rog. (printer) xiv 63] 88] 183) 

Simeon, xlvii 847 

—— sir Benj. See Rumford, count 
C. xvi 198] 
— TT. xxxiv 160] 78. xxxvid 158) 

x1 195] 

——_——. W. i 413. ii 357 

and Coates, wine forfeited for 

mixing Port with Cape, Ixi 280 

Thomson, Alex. 1 123 

Archib. lix 235 

——-—C. (sec. Am. congr.) xvii 166] xviti 
262] xix 259] 264] xxiii 397] 

—— couns. xlix 525 

———- Dr. T. lv 454. lvii 433, 505=9. 
lviii 470, 572 

G. esq. ii 73 

H. xxxviii 114 

———— James, (poet) i 420. iv 160] ix 
78. xii 92] xiii 131] xv 179. xvii 27. xxi 
217. xxiii 199, 243. xxvi 134. xlii 320 

.--» his monument, v 85] 

—— James, xlv 829, lvi 335. lvii 319° 
]xi 302 

———-. J. lvi 337 

————- rev. Dr. 

xxxiv 497] 

—_—_—— W. xxiii 199 

——— Rob. xliii 123 

—— sir Alex. xliv 437. xlv 421, 594. 
xlviii 94. liv 280 

——— W. convicted of robbing and at- 
tempting to murder J. Darleson, xvii 114] 

Thoresby, Ralph, v 152 

.... Sale of his museum, vii 58] 

Thorkelyn, prof. Grim, 1 259n. liii 431 

Thorlakson, Jonas, liii 433, 434 

Thorley, See Thorsley 

——— brig. maj. xl:137 

Rob. liv 133 ; 

—— S. executed for a murder with 
peculiar barbarity, xx 184] 

Thorn, treatment of, by the king of Prussia, 
xv 42] xvi 46] 

.... cession of, demanded by him, xxxiii 
114, 118 

.... address of the k. of Prussia, lvii 384 

Thorn, gen. count, xxxiii 15, 16 

Thornapple, effects of, x 98 

Thornbrough, adm. sir Edw. xxv 219] xl 
145. xlvi 379, 415 

Thornbury, rev. N, xxxviii 12 

Bea capt; W, executed for forgery, x 



Thornhill, Cooper, xxxviii 532 
feat of horsemanship, 


Alicia, xlvii 412 

ese. race with Mr. Flint, xlvi 412. xlvii 
412. xlviii 367 

——— Bonnell, iii 216. vi 243. vii 60. 

x 215n, xi 108] 230. xxxvi 299. xlv 769 

col, T. xliv 368, xlvi 816. xlvii 
412. 1vi 84. lvii 30 

———— col. W. lvi 219. lvii 123] 142 

— Dr, Rob. J. xliv 407. xlvi 925n. 

xlix 980 
- Edw. xlviii 170, xlix 42, 259. 
liv 186] 

——_——__ H. xxxili 280. xxxix 202] xl 
237] xliii 145. xlviii 457. xlix 83, 93, 
96. 1i 94, 98. lii 122. liii 23) 

— J. vi 76] xii 196] 

— 1. gen. W. lx 79] 

—— Rob: xliii 203] xliv 66. xlvii 65. 

xlix 116. 1 92] li 420, 421. lv 64] 103] 


— Rob. suicide, xxxix 37 

S. xxvii 186] xxx 203] xxxiii 
931, xxxv 111] xxxix 204] xl 23. xlii 
135] xlvii 73. Ix 74) 

—___-— and Power, xliii 146 

Thorold, sir 125] 

Thoroton, rey. sir J. lviii 171 

——. T. 1 221* 

Thorp, S. xx 206] xxiii 195] xxv 195] 
211 api 

hori Dr. Rob, Iviii 295, 296, lix 184 

—— W. executed for murder, lv 5 

Thorsley, beehive invented by, viii 161 

Thorus, baron de, xxxi 173] 

Thorvaldson, lili 438 

Thorverton, fire at, Iviii 82 

Thott, count xili 44] 

Thou, Ja. Aug. de, ix 52 

Thoughts on various subjects, iii 205. iv 

.++» what, in the fine arts, xvii 166 

Thoulouse. See Toulouse 

Thouret, xxxv 299 

Thouvenot, col. xxxiv 115] 313. xxxv 

—— gen. xxxv 250] 

Thrale, H. xii 78] xviii 159] xxi 207, xxiii 
227} xxxi 36. xxxiii 457] 

Thread made from nettles, iii 123 

pid extremely fine made in Scotland, viii 

-..«» machine for spinning gold or silver, ix 

Threadgold, W. lviii 348 

Threshing, machine for, v 68 

eves sixty bushels of pulse threshed by 
one man in twelve hours, viii 73] 


Threshing, accident from, liii 44* (ak 

Throckmorton, sir J. xxxiv 78. liii 72 

sir W. xlvii 883 

Throgmorton street, fire in, xv 98] 

Throsby, C, lxi 88, 544 

Thrower, E. executed for 2 murder com- 
mitted 18 years before, liv 36 

Thuanus. See Thou, J. A. de 

Thucydides, ix 99. xi 160. xxv 144 

Thugut, baron, x1 27, 46, xli 254] 25}, 265, 
xlii 213] 223. xliii 73] 

Thulemeyer, bar. Fred. W. ix 70] xxviii 
260] xxix 3] 34] 

Thunberg, Dr. Ch. Pet. xx 74, xxiii 66. — 

xxxv 282, 285, 316 
Thunder, Edw. xlvii 847 

mark, xvi 47} 

Thureau, gen, xli 296] xlii 177] 180] xliv 

90, 226 

Thuriot, —_ xxxvii 89] 

Thurles, fire at, xliv 441 

Thurloe, J. xii 51, xxviii 165 

Thurlow, bish. T. xxiii 258] xxv 204] 

—— E. lord, xi 106] 125] xiv 46] xvi 
178] 181] xviii 187] xx 234] 241] 244] 
xxi 185] xxiii 37) 299] xxv 177] 180] 
185] xxvi 167] 169] 180] 198] xxvii 69] 
72) xxviii 110] xxix 97] 110] 112] 136] 
145] 172) xxx 119] 120] 165] 167} xxxi 
72] 76] 101] 157] 201] 349] xxxiii 272, 

43] 45] 466] xxxiv 155] 159] 177] 24, © 

165. xxxy 44] xxxvi 216] 249] 275) 
xxxvii 113, 115. xxxviii 29] 45] xxxix 
251n] x1 204] xlii 155] xliv 9, 133. xlviii 
432, 875. lv 20] 460 
Thurmn, _—_ count, xxxix 341 
maj. L. Im. li 366 
ii 22, 118, 119, 123, 127, 128. 

iii 80] 

---- expedition of, iii 55] 83) 

e+. takes Carrickfergus, iii 56] 

.... killed, and his squadron captured, iii 

-»+« his conduct when off Scotland, iii 80] 

e+. anecdotes of, iii 28 

gen. xiii l77) See Thureau 

Thursby, J. Harvey, ii 143 

Thury, Cassini de, vii 39 

Thyer, rev. 1221 

R. ii 468 

Thynne, etymology of the name, vii 176 

Thynne, lord G. xlix 151, 1 221* 

— J.1222* 

Tiberius, emp. iv 171. vi 176. xix 239, xxii 
166. xxxvi 389n 

Tibullus, vi 166. x 220. lvii 430 

Tice, J. xvii 124] 

Tichborne, sir Benj. xxi 19 

— sir H. ix 202 

Tichinka, 1 12 

Tickell, H. xlii 382. xliii 453 

——-—— Rich. xxv 199 

sir Nich, xxi 9, 235. xxvi — 
122. xxix 190. xliii 491 of 

condemned to death in Den- — 








Picked 7. v 200, xxii 173 

Tico wa, described, i 73. xx 147] 

+++ expeditions against, i 72. ii 31 

-.-- the English defeated there, i 73 

-+-- abandoned by the French, ii 31 

an taken by the Americans, xviii 131*] 

+++. abandoned by them, xx 126] 149] 

Tides, early, in the Thames, iii 134] 

-+-- low in the Thames at flood, iv 79] 

-... extraordinary flux and reflux at various 
places, iv 137] 142] vi 99] vii 50] viii 59] 
ix 67] x 126] 127] 151] xiii 137] xvii 
160] xxxv 34. liii 62. liv 88 

-.-. extraordinarily high, vi 54] 56] 66] 
vii 99] viii 92] x 46*] xiv 73] xvii 124] 
xviii 88] xxxiii 6] xxxviii 3, 44. xlviii 

463, 464. xlix 496. 1 126*. 111285. liv 130. 
lix 100 

_.+-. in the straits of Gibraltar, vi 90 
'..+. lowin the Thames and high at Ostend, 

vii 103] 

..+. very low in the Thames, viii 104] xi 
92] xv 122] 

-... remarkably low, xviii 208] 

Tidmarsh, Jos. xli 401 

Tidore, escape of the king imprisoned by 
the Dutch, xxv 111] 

Tidy, lieut. (N) xlii 73 

_ Tierney, G. xxxiv 77. xl 184] 185] 19i] 

205) 208] 222 | 227] 5. xli 174] 177] 181] 
189] 190] 195) 198] 200] 224] xlii 103] 
104] 105] 106] xliii 31] 51] xliv 53, 65, 
68, 114, 119. xlv 66, 82, 109, 217. xlvi 
48, 51, 77, 362. xlvii 68, 69. xlviii 95, 98, 
261, 615, xlix 95. 1 24] 84] 102] 11 74, 
155. ii 38, 48, 51, 89. liv 15] 25] 26] 41] 
117] lv 24] 45] Iwi 113] 117] 212] Iii 
22] 24} 52] lviii 5] 12] 15] 16] 35] 36] 
43] 57] 59] lix 47] 60] lx 11] 631 70] 73) 
74| 76] 84] 89] 141] }xi 7] 12] 13] 17] 
20] 27) 32] 35] 40} 41] 45] 54] 71] 78] 
89] 91] 122] 130} 143] 

-»-. duel with Mr. Pitt, x] 227] 43 

..+.- treasurer of the navy, xlv 177 

T. vi 164 

Tiffin, gov. (Amer.) xlix 693 

Tigers, man carried off by one through a 
fire, xxix 203] 

«++. men seized by, xxxv 31. lix 11 

.-.. broke loose, xlv 440. liii 101 

.... combats with, 1 87*. lvi 120 

.--. killed by a crocodile, 1 96* 

.... boat attacked by one, liii 97 

«... man’s arm lacerated by one in the 

Tower, liii 133 

+++. one caught in a trap, lxi 66 

Tighe, Edw. xxx 195 

—— Mrs. liii 601, 603 

——— R. v, Jones, xlii 44 

W. liii 604. liv 49] 

Tigris, account of the, xxxvii 75*] 

Tilbury, new road to London projected, 
xiviii 426 

Tilbury, Horace, lord, xvi 75 



Tildesley, T. xxxii 250] 

Tiles. See Bricks My 

Tilghman, Mat. (mem. of Congt.) xvii 218] 
xviii 265] 

Tilingius, Matthias, v 75 

Till v. Pollard, a fraudulent bankrupt, xlvi 

Tillard, capt, S. (N) liv 485 

Tillet, vi 82. xi 91. xix 86 

_—— du, vii 167 

Tilling, Rob. iii 77] 94] 

Tilliot, du, xlviii 998 

Tillotson, abp. J. i370. vi 10. xi 166. xxvi 
143, xxxvili 453, 454 

Tilly, count, lii 159 

—— gen. lv 190. lyii 99 

Tilson, m. gen. _‘1i 470 

Tilney, earl, viii 200] 

Timzus, xv 80 

Timbe. : means of rendering more dura- 
ble, vii 138. xii 98] xviii 167] 

oo. ——_—__- _—____—— less combus- 
tible, vii 140 

+++» methods of colouring, vii 140 

+++. compositions for preserving, ix 155 

a rendered both hard and fiexible, xit 

+++ cultivation of, xxxyi 309 

«+e» observations on dry rot, xlvii 864 

«.+. preservatives against dry rot, xxxvii 
92*] xlvii 869 

e+. duties on, xltii 193 5 

...- various kinds in New S. Wales, xlvi 

eee. Specific gravities of, xlvi 8227 

-.-. method of ascertaining it’s value while 
growing, | 101 

..-- charred by the Romans to preserve it, 
li 257 

«+e See also Trees 

Timbrell, Hen. vii 69] 

Time, first instrument for measuring, iv 156 

.... Roman method of computing, xxxix 
42). 11321 

«.., difference of old and new style, xlii 46 

.... era of Alexander used by the primi- 
tive Syrian church, xlix 893 

+++. new instrument for measuring, 1 136 

.... divisions of, liii 441 

Timepiece, curious, xvii 248] 

Times, character of the, iii 211 . 

..+. folly of being dissatisfied with, iv 198 

..-. modern, the best, xiii 148 

Timins, capt. J. F. xlvi 410 

Timms, col. Rich, xxxii 19, 24 

Timotheus, xii 154 

Timothy grass, viii 143 

oe f See Tamerlane 

Timur shah Abdallah, xliv 357 

Tin, ancient trade to Britain for, xiv 138 

Tindal, D. xlv 363 

Dav. cast in damages for erecting a 

fence obstructing the view of the fields 

from another’s house, viii 149] 


Tindal, Mat. v 162 

Nich. vii 175 

T. lvi 336 ul 
Tinian, island of, xvi 272 

-.-. said to have a Spanish settlement, 

xviii 112] 
(N) iii 71) 79) viii 117] 

Tinker, capt. 
ix 78 

Tinkler and Mountford, lviii 271 

Tinlot, xxxii 36] 

Tinmouth, fortifications to be repaired and 

_ barracks built, i 86 

Tipperary, fire at, x1 3] 

Tippin, capt.  xxxii 287] 

Tippoo Sahib, (sultan) xxv 61] 66] 84] 88] 
xxvi 56] 86] 291] xxxiii 239, 111] xxxiv 
129] 190] 192] xxxvi 341. x1 135] xli 66, 
242. xlii 4. xliv 10, 32. xlv 400. xlvi 199. 
liii 51. liv 10. lviii 483 

ee»- sends an ambassador to Turkey, xxx 

eee ncaa detained and put to death 
by, xxxiv 207] 

e+e. peace with, xxxiv 171 

«+. reception of his hostage sons, xxxvii 7 

«++. embassy to the isle of France, xl 255. 
xli 49] 239 

.. +. letter from Buonaparte, xli 11] 48] 

«eee death of, xli 62] 100 

«. es character of, xxxiv 191] 192] xli 62] 

e+» causes of the war with, xli 221 

...+ letter to the French directory, xli 237 

«..» account of, xli 320 

Tiptoft, earl, i 475, 479 

Tir Oen, i 490 

Tiranna (Spanish actress) xlviii 1079 

Tisdall, Phil. character of, liii 367 

Tisiano, And. xx 169] 

Tissenhaven, count, xliii 78] 

Tissey, J. xi 246 

Tissot, Dr. S. A. D. xxxix 26, 378 

qiicheele marq. See Portland, duke 
Pk prevent the culture of madder, i 

e+». actions to set aside a composition for, 
viii 101] xv 81] liii 16 . 

eves to recover on lands formerly 

belonging to a priory, ix 72] 

————— in London, ix 112] 

eee liberal offer of a French clergyman, x 

«++. action against a farmer for carrying in 
his corn without giving notice, x 80] 

ese» actions for, xiii 139] xv 119] xviii 97] 
133] xix 182] xxii 22]] xxiv 165] xxvi 
209] xxviii 195] xxxvi 23. xxxix 5. xl 94. 
xliii 15 

e+. Observations on, xxxvi 395. xxxviii 
524 : 

e+e causes relating to, xlvi 395. lili 94. lv 
278. lvii 304. lviii 299 

ches oenat of a select committee on, lviii 

eves See also Hops 


T 0 

Titian, v 89] 24. ix 31, 227. xii 170. 
202. xv 147, xvii 117] xxv 148, 180. 
182. 1 124* r 

Titius, x 293 

Titledeeds, danger of showing, lix 19] 

Titles to land, pretended, action on the — 

statute against buying, vii 69] 
Titley, legacy to Cambridge university, xi 
Titsingh, Ix 589 
Tittamy, Moses, ii 191 
Titteux de Terenar, gen. J. lvii 30 
Titus, col. vi 273. xii 53% 

— — Vespasian, vii 109] xii 128, xiii 49. — 

xiv 184 

Tiverton, fire at, xxxix 46 

Toads, found alive in solid bodies, iv 82: 
xvi 84] xxxiii 342] 343] 

+++ poison from one, xi 105] li 285 

Toaldo, Jos. xlii 362 

Toasts, curious proceedings, and action at 
law, in consequence of a gentleman’s re- 
fusing to drink one, xvii 168] 

Tobacco: substitute for, xvii 102 

++. on cultivating and curing in England, 
xxii 105 

«ss. duty on, xxiv 281] xxv 290] xlvili 71. 

liv 102] lv 67] 1xi 97] | 

++. duty on transferred from the customs 
to the excise, xxxi 154] 1xi 96] 

-.+» history of, xlii 417 

Tobago: ceded to G. Britain, v 238] 

«+». sale of crown lands in, vii 57] 

.+«. the nutmeg tree said to be discovered 
in, xi 126] 

.... first cargo of sugar from, xiii 145] 

.... taken by the French, xxiv 111] 

.»+» ceded to France, xxvi 325] 

++. taken by the English, xxxv 270] 

.... insurrection of the Negroes, xliv 260, — 

..» restored to France, xliv 609 
..+. again taken, xlv 291, 535 
Tobe, count, ii 233 
Tobin, capt. G. (N) lv 113] 44, 227 
——— James, xviii 146] 
J. W. liii 64 
Tobit, xi 142] 
Tobolski, city of, vii 92, 96 
Todd, Ant. xvii 165] xxix 139] 
—— capt. And. (N) xxxviii 90 
—— J. xlv 828 
—— rey. H. J. xiii 535 
—— T. xxxix 407. xliii 454. 1xi 299 
Toddy, method of making, xlvii 775 
Tofts, Mary, vi 54] xix 137] 
Toghill, Steph. shot in a scuffle with a 
gamekeeper, lvii 62 
Tokanio, ii 193 
Toke, John, ii 143. xiii 103] 
Tokens issued instead of coin, liii 109 
Toland, J. v 26 
Toledo, Pet. James di, xv 72, 75 


Toleration, prevalence of the spirit of, xix 






Toleration act, bills for amending, rejected, 
liii 47] liv 123] 

.»-» bill to explain and amend, liv 120] 22, 

Toll, J.C. xli 290 
—— T.E. bar. xlviii 673 
Tollemache, hon. capt. J. xx 209] 
— lady Bridget, xx 209] 
Toll-master, at Hampton bridge, .action 
against for seizing a horse that had passed 
through the water, x 96] 
Tolly, de, gen. xlix 10. liv 167] lv 122] 123] 
128] 130] 
Tolstoy, count, xlix 23 
Tomazow, gen. lvii 102 
Tombs, his servant and two of his 
daughters poisoned by taking arsenic sold 
for cream of tartar, x 55] 
Tombuctoo, xxxv 295, 297 
Tomkins, D. D. (Amer.) lix 144] 
Lucretia, liv 287 
P. W. xxiv 163] 
Tomkinson, Rich. xlviii 959 
Tomlin, capt. R. (A) xlviii 594 
Tomline, bish. See Pretyman 
Tomlins, 1218 
——— T. xxv 197] xxvi 219] 
Tomlinson, capt. Nicholas (N) xxxviii 73 
: Rich. Jones, ly 321. lvii 320 
Tommis, Rob. executed for murder, xii 
152] xvii 139] 
Toms, Peter, xi 199] 
Tomson, rey. Paul, xxi 178 
Tone, Theob. Wolfe, xxxix 145. xl 154] 
156] 165] 159, 162. xli 166 
«+++ account of, xl 97 
—— Sweney, li 42]. See Toone 
Tongaislands. See Friendly islands 
_ Tongataboo, account of, lii 528. lix 449 
Tonge, Mrs. transported for shoplifting, xvi 
95] 100) 
Tongue, structure of the, xlvii 83: 
Tonkin, xlv 858 
Enoch, lviii 348 
Tonnere, duke de. See Clermont-Tonnerre 
Tonson, Jacob, xviii 222. xxiii 245 
Tontine, money raised by way of, viii 71] 
xxxi 150] 286] xxxii 100] 
Tonyn, gen. xxxviii 19 
—— l. col. G. Aug. li 118, 128, 133 
Tooke, And. xxxiii 276] 
—— Edw. xlvi 382 
— rev. J. Horne, xi 151] 232] xii 67] 
74] 91] xiv 121] xvii 97] xix 201] 202] 
xxxvi 268] 14. xxxviii i111. xl 5. xliii 
161] 173] 181] 3. xlvi 382. xlviii 904. 
xlix 633, 793 
«++. action against by hon G. Onslow for a 
libel, xiii 89] 134] 162] 165] xiv 96] 97] 
«+s. quarrel with Wilkes, xiv 68] 93] 108] 
++. brought before the H. of Commons 
for a libel on the speaker, xvii 93] 
ae ade eceuted for libel, xviii 149] xx 211] 
234] 240] xxi 181] 
+++» on the construction of certain English 
particles, xxi 183 



Tooke, rev. J. Horne, refused admission to 
the bar, xxii 215] ~ 

+++ candidate for Westminster, xxxii 208] 
XXXViii 23 

.».. address to the electors of Westminster, 
XxXxili 217 

.+ ++ petition to the H. of Commons, xxxiii 

«se Fox v. xxxiv 16 

.--+ tried for high treason, xxxvi 279] 37. 
xli 160 

.»+- correspondence with commissioners of 
income tax, xli 19 

..+. debate on his inadmissibility to the H. 
of Commons, xliii 183] 

..+. tomb of, lii 282 

...- character of, lv 458 

—— rev. W. xxvii 75. xxxvii 77*] xl 

' 345, 348. xli 377, 378. xlii 315 

—— W. xiii 80] xiv 94] xvii 92] 

Tookey, Sarah, lviii 35 

Toolsie Bhye, Ixi 204] 

Toone, Sweeney, li 421, 422 

Tootahah (Otaheitan) xvi 23, 25 

Tooth. See Teeth 

Toothach, cured by the magnet, viii 83] 112 

Toovey, capt. W. (A) ii 349, 350, 351 

— Eliz. ii 348, 350, 351 

1. col. J. ii 349, 351 

Topacajohua. See Centeotl 

Topaz, extraordinary, xlix 524 

Topham, (strong man) xxvii 72 

——_ J. xxxiv 433. lii 443 

maj. Edw. xxx 187. xxxii 211] - 
19. xxxviii 449. xl 332. xlvi 816 

.... prosecuted for a libel on earl Cowper, 
xxxii 211] 

Topin, gen. lv 171 

Toplitz, battle of, lv 132] 

Topping, couns. xlix 531. liv 295, 302. Iv 
285, 309. lvi 29, 289, 295. lvii 288. lviii 
270. lix 170, 177. lx 4] 250, 257, 281 

Toracola. See Crab island 

Toreen, xiv 1 

Torfeus, Thermodus, xi 211. xviii 1972 

Torgau, taken by the imperialists, iti 46] 

«+. battle of, iii 47] 

Torguts. See Tatars 

Tories. See Whigs 

Toro, margq. del, lv 193] 

Torpedo, experiments on the, xv 135] xlvi 

...- account of the, xlvi 797 

Torquemada, xx 2202 

Torre, sieur, xii 111] 

de la, fath. xii 66. xxv 83 

della, duke, xli 152] 

Torre Manzanares, marchioness of, xlviii 

Torregiani, card. xi 57*] 151 

Torrens, m. gen. sir H.1 265° 

Torrero, don Jos. v 203] 

Torriano, capt. xxvi 99] 286] 292] 

Torrington, adm. lord, xxxix 236] 

G. Ist visc, xxii 114] xlvii 250 
Ix 136 



Torrington, G, 4th vise. xiii 70] 197] 199] 
xiv 252] xv 235] xvi 243] xvii 278] xviii 

249] 251] xix 255) xx 283] x1 180 

G. 6th vise. lv 95 

. lieut. (Russ. navy) xiii 151] 

Torso of Belvedere, description of, viii 180. 
See Hercules 

Torstenson, gen. vi 35 

Tort, (sec. tocount de Guignes) xviii 218] 

Toetiaes young, found near Fordingbridge, 


xlv 40' 

Tortola, Road harbour made a free port, 
xlviii 89 

--++ planter executed for the murder of 
his slave, liii 55 

e+e hurricane at, lxi 103 

. Tortosa, siege of, lii 178 

Tortuga, settlers on, extirpated by the Spa- 
niards, iv 2 

e+e. Settled again by the French, iv 3 

Torture, uncertainty of confessions extorted 
by, ii 224 

+++ abolished in France, xxiii 226] xxiv 

Aree Sweden, xxviii 169] 

+++ late continuance of the use of in G, 
Britain, xxxii 96. xxxiv 433, 

«-«- inflicted on a British subject in Trini- 
dad, xlvi 369. xlviii 375 

«++. infliction of, in a conquered island, 
not allowed by a British governor, li 761 

Toscanella, coins of Eugenius IV found at, 
ix 100] 

Tosinode, don Vincent, xxviii 33] 

Torrero, lii 216 

Torres, de, Lozano, Ixi 28, 82 

Tosti, brother of Harold, x 7 

Tothill, H. Daw, xiii 120] xiv 103] 

Totila, vi 161 

Totness, G, earl of, xxxii 96, xxxiv 433 

Tott, baron, xiii 39] xvii 6] xviii 107] 
1 46, 56, 71 

count, xv 150, 152 

Tottenham, fire at, xlix 527 

Tottenham-court road, fires in, xlviii 389. 
xlix 408 

Tottleben, gen. count, iii 43] iv 32] 33] vi 
98] xii 28] 119] xiii 26] xviii 155") 

---- wealth of, xvi 101] 

Totty, adm. xliii 108] 116] 9 

Touche, de la, H. Bosnier, viii 112 

la, adm. xliii 243] 

Touchet, S. vii 162] 

Touhy, rev. Dr. lviii 26 

Toulon, taken possession of by the English, 
xxxv 275] 283] 171, 184. xxxvi 250] | 
82 (2nd) 

«++» evacuated, xxxv 284] xxxvi 209] 57 

«+++ money granted for ships taken and de- 
stroyed, xlvi 67, 581 

Toulongeon, xxxv 201] 

Toulouse: account of, iii 170 

«+++ judges there forbidden to use the pro- 
ceedings by brefs interdits, viii 74] 

» +++ remonstrance of the parliament on the 
affair of Calas, viii 84 


TO f 

Toulouse : attempts to frustrate the decree _ 
against it, xi 161] ‘ . 

+++» Opposition of the parliament to the 
National Assembly, xxxiii 134 

-++» explosion of powdermills at, lviii 52 

Toulouse, Raymond, count of, x1 409 

Toulouse-Lantree, xlvi 627 

Tour and Taxis, prince of, i231 

Tour, de la (painter) i 243 

—— gen. le Maitre, xxvii 18 

—— la gen, xxxiv 117] 

Tour du Pin, de la, xxxii 25] 146] 

Tour Maubourg, la, — gen. xlix 173 

Tourelles, de, xxxvi 73 

Tournaments, i 476. xi 52. xiv 144. xxi 

«+e origin of, v 134, 137. x 274. xxi 162 

Tournay, battles of, xxxyvi 17] 21} b: 

Tournefort, Dr. Jos. Pitton de, vi 92. viii 
148, 151, x 100. xi 91. xiii 73. xxxi 92, 
93. xxxii 3 

Tournelle, de la, mad. xvii 5 

Tourneur, le, xix 190 

Tournon, card, xix 187 

Tourville, de, adm. v 75 

Toussaint, Frane. Vine. viii 85] 

Toussaint 1’Ouverture, xxxix 93] xl 248] 
xli 234] xlii 275. xliii 365. xliv 207, 215, 
366, 427, 441, 682, 693. xlv 329, xlviii 

++. account of, x1 249] - 

-+ +» letters to Buonaparte, xliii 361 

.+++ character of, xliv 211 

-+-++ death of, xliv 220, 245 

Touzel, Edw. gallant conduct of, xlvi 391 

Tower of London, fire in the, xvii 81] 

Tower, capt. J, (N) 1 86* 

Tower-royal, fire in, x 127] 

Towers, J. lviii 349. lix 233 

——— rev. Dr. Jos, xxx 9. xxxiv 73, 



T. xxi 203] 
Towgood, J. xxxiv 78 
Townley, C. xxxii 167. xlvii 590 
Jane, lvii 31 
rev. James, xxii 6] 
W. liii 38 
Towns, Janet, xxxiv 16 
Townsend, Chauncy, xiii 114 
— Francis, lv 65 
J. xviii 82n. xxxiii 319] 355] 
— rev. Jos. xxxix 47 : 
Townshend, ald. James, xii 74] 75] 79] 91] 
103] 109] 139] 149] 184] 186] xiii 90] 
99] 106} 112] 150] 164] 225] xiv 68] 94] 
105] 145] 147] 152] 190] 196] xv 82] 
106] 174] xvi 98] 142] xix 169] xxii 217] 
xxiii 226] xxv 195] 211] xxix 168] 
«s+. chosen lord mayor, xv 131] 132] 
«+++ declines going to St. Paul’s on the 30th 
of January, xvi 71] 
C. xxviii 186 
C, 2nd vise. xxv 56 
C, 3rd vise, charity school 
, opened by, vi 51j 



Townshend, Dr. T. alchymist to the king, 
xix 190] 

G. Ist marq. ii 40, 41, 128, 
243, 247. iv 98] vi 86] x 139] 235] 238- 
40] xi 130] 279] 225. xii 141] 231] 237) 
xiv 137] 242] 246] 248] xv 113] 144] 
147] 225-31] xix 148] xxi 303] xxii 342] 
343] 348] 350] 351] xxiii 258] 330] 331] 
333] xxiv 292] xxix 172] xxxi 298] xxxv 
_ 18) xxxvi 239] xxxvii 114, 115. xli 227] 
xlii 118] xliii 164] 
«++. his picture requested by the city of 
Dublin, xi 99] — 
«+-.- appointed master gen. of the ordnance, 
xvi 63] xxvi 175] 
: duel with lord Bellamont, xvi 72] 

————. G. 2nd marq. xi 174] xxxiv 

———— 6G. Ferrars, 3rd margq. li 288 

hon. C, xxxiii 5] 

hon. T. i 91. ii 105. iv 103] v 

26n] 92] viii 83] 105] 184] xi 75*] xxiv 

278] 279n] xxv 309] 

J. lix 361 

Jos. Copestake, liii 128 

l.col. H. killed, v 26] 

—__—_——_ -——— Roger, killed, ii 31 

+--+» monument of, v 109] 

————— lord C. death of, xxxviii 21 

————— lord Fred. 2d. 

—-—— lord J. xxxiv 161] xliv 826. 
xlviii 899 

———— rt. hon. C. v 225. vii 128] ix 

_ 48] x 100] xi 75*) xviii 62x. xxiv 278] 

Biel xxv 309] xxvi 175] xxxvii 45*] 



«+. character of, xviii 20 

rt. hon. J. xxiv 158] 172] xxv 

182] xxx 210] 

— T.jun. xiv 196] xvii 98] 198. 

xix 124*] xxii i162] xxiii 122] 138] 198] 

xxiv 147] 158] xxv 182] 

viscountess, xiii 146] 

W. executed for firing into a 
Venetian vessel and killing the captain, 
xxiv 197] ¢ 

Townson, xxv 154] 

Dr. Rob. xxxvi 323. xxxix 384 
racey, James, legacies by, xvi 87] 

Trade of neutrals, discussion of, i 144 

+++.» accounts of trades published by the 
Parisian Academy of Sciences, viii 7] 

sees freedom of, xxii 157 

«+++ interest allowed a wholesale dealer 
after the usual term of credit, xxx 205] 

Tradescant, J. xvi 81 

Trafalgar, Horatio, visc. xlix 367. | 13* 

Trafford, capt. (A) 11267 

Trail, capt. Donald, xxxiv 23 

Traill, Dr. T. Stewart, lviii 587 

Trajan, xiv 184. xv 52] xix 238 

Trance, cases of, iii 68. xi 184] xvi 106 

_ xvii 82] 

Tranefield, col, xxx 194*] 

Pant I, . 

Tranquebar, Danish mission at, xvii 172] 
Translation, remarks on, xx 2 
Transportation: men executed for return- 
ing from, vii 74] xi 188] xii 117] xiii 124] 
xiv 85] xv 132] 133] xvii 159] xviii 92] 
113] 159] xxxiii 8] 24] xlviii 458 
+++. trial of a person returning from, viii 

e+. persons convicted of returning from, 
ix 02] xii 67] xvi 66] 68] 145] xix 133] 
xxiii 200] xxxii 227] xxxix 26, 33 

»ee- persons sent into, ix 134] 

+++. capt. and crew of a ship murdered, 
and the convicts escaped, ix 150] 

---- distress of a convict ship, xi 105] 

+++ list of persons under sentence of, to 
be sent from all the jails to the secretary 
of state, xviii 184] 

e+e» persons sentenced to, not to be de- 
tained till the following assizes before 
sent off, xix 139] 

-.-. act for altering the mode of punish- 
ment of persons sentenced to, xix 144] 
163] See Hulks; Convicts; and Wales, 
New South 

+++» crew of a transport confined, the ship 
run aground, and the convicts got off, 
xxvi 215] 

+++» conspiracy of convicts frustrated, xxxii 

+++» pardon on condition of, refused, xxix 
195] 199] xxxii 227] xxxiii 37] xxxiv 5 
oe. accepted after 

refusal, xxxiii 18] 

++.» remarks on the delay of, xxxv 169] 

«++. report of committee of the Commons 
on, lv 518 

Trant, b. gen. lii 313, 317. liv 312 

Trappe, la, return of the monks of, lviii 

Traquair, C. 7th earl, xxi 309] 310] 
countess of, xxxiv 424 
J. 1st earl, xxi 242. 
Traun, marsh. count; xvii 16, 17 
Trautsmandorff, count, xxix 230°] xxx 235] 
xxxi 40] xxxiii 31, 39 
Trautson, in Bohemia, fire at, xi 178] 
Travancore, attacked by Tippoo sultan, 
xxxiv 197] 199] 
-..» letter from a French captain to the 
minister of at Aleppo, xli 239 
«++. Christian churches in, xlix 889 
-. ++ lawful princess restored, liii 166] 
Traveller (The) an oriental apologue, viii 
Travellers, pedestrian, iv 174] xxxii 214] 
«+.» proper objects of attention to, v 157 
«++» remarks on, xi 250. 11953 
Travelling, expeditious, xv 109] i 
Travendal, prince of. See Christian VII 
Travers, 1153 
—— Benj. xlv 361 
—— J. xxviii201]_— 
lieut. Rob, (N) xxvii 264] 
tee maj, Rob, 1 264" 


Travers, 5. xlvili 398 » 

Travis, arch. G. viii 73] 

Traylman, J. ii 299 

Treacher, J. xi 221] 

Treason, law of, xxiii 281] xxiv 226] 236] 
xxxv 112] 114] xxxvii 152. xxxviii 17] 
44] xlv 598 

-+++ bills to amend the law rejected, lv 11] 
12, lvi 112] 

e+» reports of the committee on treason- 
able practices, xliii 174 

+ bill to alter the punishment, lvi 112] 

charges of : Dr. Florence Hansey, 
i 85, 93, 97 

+++ person near Hythe, ii 123 

«+++ Steph. Sayre, xviii 239] xix 53] 

«++» Ebenezer Platt, xx 168] 188] 

Dowling, printer of the Volunteer 
Journal in Ireland, xxvii 200] 

«+». tev. W. Jackson and others, xxxvi 12, 

«ee. D, Carco, xl 69 . 

«es. col. Despard and others, xliv 465, 466 

«+». several in Seotland, lix 64 

»+-. several persons discharged without 
trial, Ix 52 

—~—— indictments for, lix 49 

trials for: obstructing the militia 
act, i 89 

e+e Florence Hensey, i 97 

«eee H. F. Delamotte, xxiv 161] 184] 

«ees David Tyrie, xxv 216] 

«+++ members of Constitutional and Corres- 
ponding Societies, xxxvi 278] 36, ib. 37, 
39, 40, 41 

e+». R. Watt and D. Downie, xxxvi 28, 29, 
34. xxxvii 17 

ese» rey. W. Jackson, xxxvii 17, 18 

aeis O’Connor and Griffin, xxxvii 

«+s. W, Stone, xxxviii 111 

--.- J. O’Coigley, A. O’Connor, J. Binns, 
J. Allen, and J. Leary, xl 16, 17, 38. xli 

a+» col. Despard and others, xlv 70, 363, 

-».. E. Kearney and others, xliv 424, 427, 
428, 437 

R. Emmett, xlv 482 

«-«. James Watson, lix 102] 

+... Several at Derby, lix 102] lx 4] 25] 

< York, lix 72. lx 27] 

Treasure, subterraneous, strange report of, 
1 40* 

Treasury, amount of bills drawn on, xxxix 
110, 159 

«++. appointment of two new lords, a vice- 
ap and deputy vicetreasurer, Iviii 


Treaties: of subsidy with Russia, i5 

«-.. with Prussia, i 6, 40, 218. ii 3, 71, 
125, 204, iii 154] 205] xxvii 131] xxxi 

+++ between the k. of Prussia and q: of 
Hungary, i7 




Treaties: of Petersburg between the q. of 
Hungary and empress of Russia, i 7, 

+++ of Versailles between France and Aus- 
tria, i8 

-+.+ of subsidy between Hesse Cassel and 
France, i 186 
England, ii 61, 71 

es for preserving the peace of Italy, ii 

and — 

--+- of Turin for fixing the limits of France 
toward Italy, iii 123] 

a between France and Spain, iv 51] 

2) ae 

«+++ of peace, in 1762, vy 233-49} 

++.+ various renewed and confirmed by the 
treaty of peace in 1762, v 234] 

+++. Of peace between Prussia and the em- 
press queen, v 247] 

e+». between Russia and Prussia, vii 181] 

--.- of friendship with Sweden and other 
powers, ix 74] 

«ees Of Oliva, ix 11] 234] x 19] 

-+-- of Aix la Chapelle, xvii 8 

«+--— Worms, xvii 18 . 

--+. with the landgrave of Hesse Cassel, 
the duke of Brunswick, and the prince of 
Hesse Cassel, for troops, xix 130* ] 133*] - 

++. of Westphalia, xxi 8] 

«+++ — Pavia, xxi 11] 

e+» between France and America, xxi 340] 
xxii 432] xxvi 346] 

+++» of peace between Austria and Prussia, 
xxiii 5] 

+++. armed neutrality between the northern 
powers, xxiy 300] 

«+++ Of peace in 1783 at Versailles, xxvi 

«++. of Munster, xxvii 108] 136] 

+++ Barrier, xxvii 109] 

--+- of Berlin, for maintaining the indivi- 
sibility of the empire and rights of the 
Germanic body, xxvii 131] 

---- of Fontainebleau between the emperor 
and the Dutch, xxvii 136] 

+++- Of alliance between France and Hol- 
land, xxvii 137] 

+--+ of commerce with France, xxviii 171] 
a xxix 67] 71] 73] 82] 86] 87] 89] 98] 


«++. of Utrecht, xxix 92] 98] 

+++. with the landgrave of Hesse Cassel, 
xxix 315] xxx 89] 

+... of the Hague, xxx 272] : 

«+++ quadruple between Russia, Austria, 
France, and Spain, xxxi 338] 

="5 hooves G. Britain and Prussia, xxxi 

«++. of peace between Russia and Sweden, 
xxxii 306] 


see with the k. of Prussia on his daugh- 
pe marriage to the duke of York, xxxiv 
195 ; : 

with Tippoo Sultan, xxxiv 




Treaties: between Austria and Prussia, 
xxxiv 225 

oeee ——— Russia and Turkey, xxxiv 

e+e Of subsidy between G. Britain, Prus- 
sia, and Holland, xxxvi 157 

ae with the duke of Brunswick, xxxvi 

+++. between France and Prussia, xxxvii 
178. xxxviii 232 

*+.+ of alliance between the French and 
Dutch republics, xxxvii 182 

++. Of defensive alliance between G. Bri- 

fain and Austria, xxxvii 269 

ee G. Bri- 

tain and Russia, xxxvii 272 

e--- between G. Britain and America, 
xxxvil 294, xxxviii 126. xl 226 

eee Spain and France, xxxvii 
297. xxxviii 228 

+... with Hesse Darmstadt, xxxviii 128 

e--- of Campo Formia between France 
and Austria, xxxix 45] 48] 342, x1 244, 
xli 235] 805 

2+. Of navigation and commerce with 
Russia, xxxix 268 

nei France and the pope, xxxix 

eine —— Portugal, xxxix 

. 331. xli 100] 

++.. provisional with Russia, xl 223, xli 
76] 215 

«++» between Russia and Turkey, x1 237 

wee France and the Helvetic re- 
public, xl 251. xli 247 

evs. —~+—— Austria and Naples, xli 263 

oss. ———— Russia and Portugal, xli 281 

Sweden, xli 286. 


xliii 338 

see Of subsidy with Mentz, xlii 242 

.-~-- between France and the Batavian re- 
public, xlii 282 
America and Prussia, xlii 


+++» of Luneville between France and the 
empire, xlii 270 

++. between France and Russia, xliii 291 

ec sr Turkey, xliii 292. 
» .xliv 627 
eee —— Portugal, xliii 293 
wes. —4——— the two Sicilies, 
xliii 295 

Bavaria, xliii 297 
Spain, xliii 299 
Algiers, xliii 300 
the Pope, xliii302 
+++. ———— Spain and Portugal, xliii 349 
«++. of Amiens, xliv 94, 608 

«++. between France and Tunis, xliv 619 
——- Wurtemburg, xliv 

SD ge ed 

“es er 

tess —— the prince of 

, Orange, xliv 627 

+... ——-—— the E. India company and 
Ragojee Bhoonsla, xlvi 605 


TR , 

Treaties: between the E. India company and 
Scindia, xlvi 606 a 

+++, between France and Naples, xlvii 

+++. of peace between France and Austria, 
xlvii 668 

with Russia, xlviii 656 

«se. —— Austria, xlviii 662 

ose. —— Sweden, xlviii 668, 669, 672 

+++. between France and Saxony, xlix 672 

»+e. of Memel with Prussia, xlix 712 

+... of Tilsit between France and Prussia, 
xlix 714 

xlix 720 

..-- of Vienna betiveen France and Austria, 
1j 244, 733 

«»+» — London with Spain, li 678 

we s beimecn Russia and Sweden, li 726. lv 

—— Russia, 

+++. Of peace with Russia, liv 381 
————-——_ Sweden, liv 382 
..+- of Berlin between France and Prus- 
sia, liy 418 
+++ between Russia and Spain, liv 430 
coos Turkey, liv 435 
+» +. of concert and subsidy with Sweden, 
lv 350 
+++» between Portugal and Algiers, lv 420 
+++. ——— Austria and Russia, lv 433 
+... ——~—— Sweden and Denmark, lvi 
379 ‘ 
«».. of Chaumont between G, Britain, 
Austria, Russia, and Prussia, lvi 387 3 
«+++ between the allies and Buonaparte, lvi 

«» +. of Paris between the allies and France, 
lyi 408-19 

«++. Of peace between France and Spain, 
lvi 423 

a Prussia and Denmark, Ivi 

++». of peace between Denmark.and Rus- 

sia, lvi 459 
—- with America, lvii 352 

++.» quadripartite of Vienna, lvii 366 

-.«. Of peace between Prussia and Saxony, 

lvii 384 

-»-- between G. Britain and Russia res- 
pecting the Jonian islands, lvii 407 

o+e. definitive, of Paris, lvii 410 

». ++ between G. Britain, Russia, and Hol- 
land, lviii 362 

«+. with Sardinia, lviii 363 

eee. —— Holland, lviii 365 

..-. of accession of various powers, lviii 

-++. of subsidy with various powers, lviii 
371, 373-7 

+++. of commerce with Sicily, lix 152 

«++» between France and Portugal, lix 

«++. with Spain for the abolition of the 
slave trade, lx 215 : 

.++» —— Holland for the same, Ix 278 
2s 2 


Treaties: of commerce between Sweden 
and America, lx 236 

»e.. between Buenos Ayres and Chili, lxi 

«++ of settlement and limits between Spain 
and America, ]xi 170 

.Treby, Paul Treby, xxxiv 420 

sir G. xiv 34. lii 251* 

Trecothick, ald. Barlow, ix 84] 87] 115] xi 
82] xii 97] 113] 133] 137] 149] 200) xiii 
99] 106] 120] 122] 154] 163] 164] 204] 
ee 83] 105] 108] 189] xvi 90] 109] xvii 

«e+. explanation of his conduct, xiii 162] 

«+. thanks of the city to, xiv 190] 

Tredway, lady Letitia Maria, xlii 429 

Trees: implement for rooting up, v 92] 

e+e» uses to which their leaves may be ap- 
plied, vi 137 

e+. act for the preservation bf timber, 
underwood, &c. ix 193] xvi 91] 

e+. subterraneous, x 101-3. xxxii 199] 

«+e. advantages of planting, xiv 111 

ig on planting, xvi 94. xxxvi 


e+e. utility of washing and rubbing the 
stems, xx 116. xxv 123 

«++. On planting barren lands with, xxvi 

e++- composition for curing injuries and 
defects in, xxxiv 351] 

«ee On grafting, xxxvii 89*] 

, nteeeane of the sap in, xlii 376. xlvii 

eee. On the inverted action of the alburn- 
ous vessels, xlviii 932 

: ‘aie found in the centre of one, xlix 

Treilhard, gen. lv 190 

Trelawney, bish. sir Jonath. xiv 248 

gov. sir W. iv 76] xvi 84] 

+» +. honours paid to his memory in Jamai- 
ca, xvi 221] 222] 

sir H. xvi 240 

Trembley, Abr. viii 96 

Tremeere, James, xliii 457 

Tremignon, M. de, xxv 108] 

Tremillier, ii 225 

Tremouille, duke de, vii 101] 

Trench, Rich. See Clancarty, earl 

Trenchard, J. v 177. xi 167 . 

sir J. vi 286. xiy 27 

Trenck, Fred. bar. imprisonment and es- 
cape of, xxx 26 

«+e guillotined, xxxvi 147] 

Trent, taken by the French, xxxviii 112] 

e++. recovered by the Austrians, xxxviii 

° ta taken again by the French, xxxix 

Trent, gen, hii 194, 204 

‘Trentham, xviii 55 

Trenton, destruction of the public library 
at, xx 13) 




Trephanopoli, xl 138] A 

Treptow, taken by the Russians, iv 36] 

Trespass, cases of, xlix 477. lviii 277, 279 

Tressan, count de, vii 89] 

Tres-Tallion, 1xi 167] 168] 

Trevannion, J. xiii 225] 

Trevelyan, sir J. xx 173] xxvii 268] 

Trevenen, capt. James, xxxii 214] 

Treves, prince Clement of Saxony chosen 
elector, xi 36] 

++.» pastoral letter from the archbishop 
selector, xxviii 49] 

Treves, xxix 139] 

Treville, adm. Latouche, xliii 271] 273] 
275n] 82 

Trevisa, J. xxi 230 

Treviso, duke of. See Mortier 

Trevithick, Rich. xliv 773. lvii 321 

Trevor, bish. Rich. xiv 116] xxxi 218] . 

«+.. character of, xiv 67 

lord, x 184] xiii 70] 197] 

Rob. xxiv 325] 

T. xv 190] 

Trial by battle abolished, Ixi 51] 

Trials, by combat, xiii 103. xxxvii 113"] 

«++. Civil. See the cause of the action, 
and the names of the parties 

++-- criminal, See the names of the par- 
ties, and the respective crimes ! 

Trichinopoly, powder magazine blown up, 
xv 126] 

Triers. See Treves 

Trieste: trade with Ostend, xviii165] 

+.+.» money advanced to the merchants by 
the emperor, xxv. 210] xxvii 16] 

.+.. the harbour enlarged, and port de- 
clared free, xxvii 14] 

«+. road made from Vienna, xxvii 15] 

-... E. India trade established, 7d. 

«... obstacles to it’s trade, 7d. ne 

.... bankruptcy of the E. India company, 
xxvili 47] 

+... taken by the French, xxxix 26] 

Trigantius, fath. ix 147 

Trigge, l. gen. T, xxv 413] xli 120, xliii 
112, 123, 146 

rev. T. vi 111] x 143] 

Trimbuckjee Dainglia, lix 154. lxi 205] 

Trimlestown, Nich. lord, xxxix 151 

Trimnel, bish. C. i 260 : 

Trincomalee, taken from the Dutch, xxv 

--..- captured by the French, xxvi 70} 
bia ag taken by the British, xxxix 89] 
8 ‘ 

-... ceded to G. Britain, xliy 609 

.«+. infliction of torture in, xlvi 369 | 

«++ conspiracy of the Negroes, xlviii 241 

eee» fire in, 1 55* 

.» +» grant for public buildings, lii 424 . 

-» +. administration of justice in, liii 74] 

ss. petroleum lake, lili 462 

«+. the council dissolved, lv 196] 

ber Malagrida’s doctrine of the, iv 


Trinity, act for the relief of persons im- 
pugning the doctrine of the, lv 56] 
Trinity-house, bounty to seamen from the, 
xiv 68] - 
---. elder brethren not exempted from 
office of overseer, x] 59 
.... elder brethren elected, xlviii 419 
Trip, gen. lvii 178 
Tripoly: ambassadors from, ii 118. xvi 

«+e earthquake felt, iii 86] 
+++. advertisement of the ambassador 
against giving his servants credit, ix 50] 
-.-. departure of the ambassador, x 155] 
‘see visit to this country and Tunis recom- 
mended to the Swedish academy by the 
envoy, xvi 80] 
+++. Money granted to pay the debts of a 
- -consul, xxxvi 119 © 

. «+ attack of the Americans on, xlvii 371 

-. +. plague at, lviii 631 

Tripp, Rob. lix 233 

‘Triptolemus, v 139, 140 

Tritton, H. lxi 304 

Trodd, xviii 241 

Troil, Dr. xv 116] xxiii 92, 96 

Trolhetta, canal of, xliv 873 

Trollope, adm. sir H. xxv 220] xxxix 75 

; capt. (N) liv 139] 

Tron, mile., xix 185] 

Pevachet, F. D. xxxiii 172] xxxv 205] 218] 


Tronchin, Dr. iv 33, 35. vii 114] x 62, 
70. xxi 1 

«+s. Statue erected to at Parma, and medal 
struck in honour of, vii 114] 

Tronjolly, M. xxii 176] 

Troon harbour completed, lxi 25 

Trophonius, cave of, vi 171 

Trotter, xx 192] 193] 

Alex. xlvii 67, 72, 82, 115, 116, 

17, 390, 556. xlviii 110, 113, 606, 612, 

—— Coutts, x1 176. xlviii 614. 1x 283 
J. Barnard, liii 401 

maj. W. R. xlix 653, 655, 688* 
James, committed for contempt of 
the H. of Commons, xlv 109 

J. xlvii 853. xlviii 955. lv 319, 
320 fe 

Rob. xlviii 614 

——— T. (engraver) xlv 372 

Troubridge, adm. sir T. xxvii 259] xxxix 
97] x1 139] 143. xli 28] 292] 75, 83, 128. 
xlix 650 

—— capt. sir E. T. (N) xlix 650. 

* Wii 151, 159 

Troude, capt. (Fr. N) xliii 253] 

Troup, Isaac, xlv 426 

arity Eliz. extraordinary suicide of, xlviii 

Trouts, method of increasing the fecundity 
vii 77} 

eee tame, ] 106" 

«ses large, liii 112 


Trouvé, x1 89] 113] 116] 
Trowbridge, mandamus to the court of re- 
quests to restore the clerk, x 90] 
Toy rev. Dr. xlv 579, 580. lyi 78. Ivii 

W. executed for robbery, xii 147] 
Troye. capt. (mar.) ii 62 
Troyes, riot at, x 98] 

Truelock, (ald, Dublin) xl 91 
Truguet, adm. xxxiv 107] xxxv 244] 
Trumbull, xxxix 10 

Truscott, comm. xlv 335 

Trustley, Adam, murdered by his son-in- 

‘law, xiv 144] 

be nature and immutability of, xiv 


Truxillo, earthquake at, iii 108} 

+++ eruption of a volcano near, viii 112) 

Truxillo, gen. 1 185] 

Truxton,com. (Amer.) xli 11 

Tryon, capt. ix 151] 

gov. W. xiii 70] xv 99] xix 186] 

255] xx 115]. 116] 175*] xxi 63] 215*] 
xxii 190] xxiv 15] 

Tschekin, lieut. vii 186] 

Tscherkassk, account of, lvi 534 

Tschernicheff, gen. liv 119] 124] 

Tschiffeli, viii 153 

Tschitschagoff, gen. xli 105. lv 116] 

Tschitschakofl, adm. xxxiii 69 

Tuan hadjee, xlvii 778 

Tubbs, J. (lord mayor’s waterman) im- 
pressed, xix 193] xx 174] 

Tucagee Holkar, xliy 282 

Tucca, xvi 1932 

Tuck, capt. (A) li 120 

Tucker, Benj. lx 136 

— capt. (N) lvi 173] 178 

Edw. (N) lii 310, 317 

col. J. G, P. xlix 653, 655 | 

—-— dean Josiah, iii 144, 146. xix 204. 
xl 332 

«+++ account of, xli 354 

—— J. (tanner) xxxvii 94*] 

——l.col. 1 261*, 265° 

ae J. lvi 203, 211 

——— Mary Ann, indicted for libel, 1x 

——— Reginald, executed for the murder 
of his wife, xviii 154] 

S. convicted of murdering his wife, 

liii 82 

——— W. tried for nonappearance to a 
commission of bankruptcy, xlix 521 ; 

Tuckey, capt. James Hingston (N) xlvi 
820. viii 42, 199 

Tucuman, province of, i 362 

Tudela, battle of, li 358 

Tudele, Benj. de, iii 85 

Tudor family, iv 30] 

Owen, ix 300 

Tuers, N. murder of, x 144] 

Tufa, what, xv 65 

Tufton street, fire im, ly 58 

Tugwell, Lewin, xxvi 76 

_ tu 

Tuite, Francis, Mr. Goulding murdered by, 
lv 78 

Tulip mania in Holland, viii 50 ne 

Tull, Jethro, iv 167] 133. vi 135. viii 6] 
149. xx 94 

~+.. anecdotes of, vii 27 

— John, iv 167] 175] 

— Rob. executed for robbing a boat on 
the Thames, ix 51] 

Tulloh, 1. col, Alex. lv 229 

Tully. See Cicero ‘ 

(cons. at Tripoli) xxxvi 119 

Tulpius, xvii 81 ‘“ 

Tumbull, col. (Amer. loyal.) xxii 33] 

Tumours. See Steatoma 

Tumuli opened, at Aldfriston, vi 159 

near Wareham, x 70] 

in Gloucestershire, xxiv 

198] xlviii 450 

in Wiltshire, 1 154 

—_——_— in Sussex, liv 81 

Tunbridge Wells, fire at, iv 63] 

Tunestrick (quack) xv 173 t 

Tunis, subjected to the Porte in the 16th 
century by Barbarossa, xii 23 

«++. account of, liii 562 

..-. letter from the dey to George III on 
his accession, vi 42 : 

«+. no Christian vessels to be captured ex- 
cept within certain limits, viii 96] 

ee.. presents from the dey to gen. Paoli, xi 

eeee pi with France, xiii 54] 

«se. all the Greeks at,-arrested, xiii 128] 

--.. present to the king from the bey, xvii 

aje ete ze with Venice, xxviii 46] 

«+e treaty with France, xliv 619 

---. proceedings of the Americans against, 
lvii 125] 

.- revolution in, lvii 138] 

+.» plague at, lxi 15, 26, 36 

Tunnell, T. xlix 495 

Tunstall, bish. Cuthbert, iii 100] xv 116 

——- W. xi 405 

Tupia (Otaheitan) xvi 8, 25, 41. xx 241 

Tupinambas, lii 550, 562 

Turberville, Eliz. and Frances, xxiv 165] 

—_—_— _G. xvi 156n 

Turbilly, marq. de, viii 99, 145 

Turbots, number caught off Hartlepool, lvii 

Turcellin, Horace, iv 157] 

Turcoin, battle of, xxxvi 19] 

Turcq, le, = xi 31] 

Turenne, marsh. xi 22, 31. xvii 178, xxviii 
_ xxx 190. xxxiv 89] xliii 57] Ivi 


Turettini, C. 1 87(@Qnd)yn 

Turgot (ance. hist.) xxi 157 

adm. xxxv 275] 

-A. R. J. xviit T51*] 

xxxyli 48*] xly 898. Ivii 440 

veer appointed controller of the finances, 
xviii 149°} 

xxxv 407, 



Turin : earthquake felt at, x 66] ' 

+++. dispute between the students and th 
police, xxxiii 23] ‘ 

+.» possession of the citadel given to the 
French, xl 122] 

+++. surrendered to the imperialists, xli 

+++. university shut, xli 31 

Turketul, li 285 

ae : threatened disturbances in, iii 


e»-. admiral’s ship mastered by Christian 
slaves and carried into Malta, iv 77] 

eee yee seized for not paying tribute, 
iv 9 

++-+ preparations for an expedition against — 
Malta, iv 101] 103] 

++. manifesto against the Maltese, iv 109] 

«+. collection of astronomical books sent 
to the grand signor, vi 59] 

«+++ manners and customs of, vi 294 

+++» memorial on the election of the king 
of Poland, vii 182] 

-.+. character of the emperor, viii 5] 

++.» Several punished for state crimes, Vili 

+++. the Tunisians allowed to take vessels 
only within certain limits, viii 96] 

-++~ grand vizir beheaded, viii 107] 

+++» revolt in Georgia, 2b. 158] ix 3 

+s» visit of the khan of the Tatars to the 
Grand signior, viii 120] 

++» revolts in Egypt and Cyprus, ix 3] 

+++. conduct of the grand signior to a 
Venetian traitor, ix 126] 

eee. Soldiers of, ix 176. xlix 189 

«+.» religion of, ix 216 
+++ conduct of the sultan, x 10] 

+++. encouragement of printing, x 11} 

«++. weakness of the state, 7b. 53] 

-+.- insurrection of the Montenegrins, x 
11} xi 27] 

«++. dragoman of the British consul at 
Aleppo imprisoned, x 112] 

+++» galley with treasure from Africa taken 
by a Corsican and a Maltese, x 114] 

e+e. war with Russia, xi 1] 5] 

++. it’s territory violated by the Russians, 
xi 16] 17] 

e+. town of Zwaniec, in Poland, burnt; xi 
23] 24] 

+++. army assembled between Clioczim, 
Bender, and Ockzakow, xi 25] 

os fe engagement with the Montenegrins, xi 

+. treaty with them, xi 28] 

---. the town of Balta taken by the Rus- 
sians, and Turks, Tatars, and Poles put 
to the sword, xi 29] 

-».. bashaws of the European provinces 
pee to march troops toward the Nies- 
ter, 7. ; 

ee+» grand vizier deposed, xi 30] 

e+-- Russian resident sent to the Seven 
Towers, id, 34] : 


Turkey : the late khan of the Tatars reésta- 
blished, xi 31] 
«+s the new grand vizier resigns, 2d. 
+... manifesto on the war with Russia, 2. 
-»-. celerity of the preparations for war, 
xi 31) 
+... conduct of the sultan, xi 32) 
+... Splendour of the preparations, 7. 
+--+» disorderly conduct of the Asiaties, 7d. 
«+.» Christians required to deliver up their 
arms, xi 33] _ 
_ éss. contribution required from the Jews, 
Greeks, and Armenians, 2b. 
«++. speech of the grand signior to his new 
_ © -vizir, xi 190] 
; oe dangers of the war with Russia, xii 2] 

+--+. Naval assistance from Morocco and the 
_ States of Barbary, xii 12] 
‘sees position and distress of it?s grand 
army, xii 13] 
+.s«e wife and daughter of the Austrian 
resident occasion an alarming riot, xii 15] 
~ 16] 105] 
++.» war declared against the king of 
Poland, xii 18] 
sees disorderly state of the army, xii 19] 
e+.. prudent conduct of the vizir, 7. 
#+.. engagement near Choczim, xii 16] 20] 

«+». prudent conduct of the vizir causes 

~ his dismissal, xii 22] 

».». Caraman bashaw and his selictar cut 
to pieces, xii 23] 

ae to cross the Niester, xii 24] 

+4. the army retires tumultuously toward 
the Danube, xii 26] j 
++. Choczim abandoned, xii 27] 
«++» Moldavia and Wallachia overrun, 7d. 
+s. fresh preparations for war, xii 29] 
+... the new vizir removed, 7d. 
«+». wealth of the late vizir, xii 157] 
#4. proceedings during the wihter and 
spring, xiii 11] 
++-- Wallachia and part of Moldavia re- 
covered, xiii 12] 
see. Opening of the campaign, xiii 16] 
ass. defeat at the Larga, i. 
»-.- another severe defeat, and retreat to 
the Danube, xiii 18] 
«+++ Bender taken, xiii 21] 
«+.~ farther losses, xiii 25] 
‘34. winter quarters, xiii 26] 
 4%.s insurrection of the Greeks, xiii 28] 
s+. engagement with the Russian fleet, 
nha sh lly d 
vs.. Turkish fleet tota estroyed, xiii 
35) 151) ¢ 7 
+++. fortifications of the Dardanelles 
Strengthened, xiii 39] 
tees revolution in Egypt, tb, 
yt. State of, at the conclusion of the cam- 
paign, xili 6) 9) 



Turkey : justice to Greeks, xiii 167] 
... the Crimea evacuated, xiv 75*] 

-... Giurgewo retaken, 7. 

«... the Russians repulsed in an attack on 

it, xiv 76*] : 

o-+. —————_ victorious in various en~- 
gagements, xiv 77*] 

--.. Giurgewo surrendered, 2d. 

«+.» ravages of the plague, xiv 78*] 

--.. deplorable state of, xiv 80*] 

+++. superb clock for the grand signior, xiv 

++. negotiations with Russia for a peace, 
xiv 13] 16] xvi 11} 

+... armistice refused by Russia, xvi 12] 

+... judicious conduct of the campaign, 
xvi 12] 

++. State of, at the opening of the congress 
at Bucharest, xvi 23] 

+++. prudent conduct of the vizir, xvi 24] 

.»-- Dardanelles fortified by a French rene- 
gado, xvi 25] 

«+.. Ali bey’s final expedition against 
Egypt, 2d. 

«++. four years’ revenue remitted from that 
country, xvi 26] 

«+ troubles in Syria, xvi 27] 

«+s attempts by sea, 76. 

+. «+ fatality of the plague in, xvi 29] 

«+.» State of at the close of 1773, xvi 7] 

-- +. death of the grand signior, 7. xvii 3] 

e+» peace with Russia, xvii 2] 7] 

.- +» character of Mustapha III, xvii 3] 

»+.. exertions of Abdul Hamet, xvii 4] 

-... insubordination and desertion of whole 
armies, xvii 6] 

.... cessation of an engagement between 
two armies on the news of peace arriving, 
xvii 9] 

+... piracies of the Greeks in the Archi- 
pelago, 2b. 

-.+. hadgi Osman bashaw put to death, 
xvili 105] 

».«. military school under European teach - 
ers established, xviii 107] 

-..» reforms in, xviii 135] 

+. two ships taken by the Maltese, xviii 

..+. obstrtiction to Russian vessels passing 
the Dardanelles, xviii 139] 

+... changes in the ministry, 7. 

+++. war with Persia, xix 191*] xx 186*] 

-..- Christians allowed to repair their 
churches, and then the churches demo- 
lished, xix 114] 

+++. great rejoicings at the birth of a son 
of the sultan, xix 173] 

..+. fresh disputes with Russia, xx 184*] 
xxiii 7] xxvii 23] 

es++ these settled by the mediation of 
France, xxiii 9] xxvii 23] 

e+e disturbances in Egypt, xxiv 190} 

ebee in pga) tb. 

eee» disordered state of, xxvii 22] 



Turkey : services of Hassan bey, xxvii 24] 

.... objection to Russian consuls, xxvii 24] 

aaa ascii aspect of Austria, xxvii 28] 
... memorials from Austria’ and Russia, 
xxvii 32] 

.- ++ hospodar of Wallachia strangled, 7d. 

.... tolerance of the sultan, xxvii 33] 

..-. demands of Russia, 25. 

ae — Austria, xxvii 34] 

+. treaty with Spain, xxvii 35] ; 

..+.» Russian manifesto on taking possession 
‘of the Crimea and Cuban, xxvii 36] 

e+e. answer to it, xxvii 37] : 

..+. the Venetians in league with Russia, 
xxvii 38] 

-»+e disturbances in Egypt, 7. 

«++. attacked by the Persians, 2b. 

«+++ Natolia invaded by Heraclius, %. 

«.-- treaty of commerce with Russia, xxvii 

++. new treaty of accommodation, 7b. 

sss. accommodation with Austria, xxvil 

++. present of a grand tent to the sultan 
from the king of Spain, xxviii 37] 

«+s. new prophet, xxviii 51] 145] 

«+». extravagant demands of the emperor 
of Austria on, xxviii 53] 

«+e. appeal to the people on the conduct 
of Russia, xxviii 151] 

«++. rebellion of the bashaw of Scutari, 
xxviii 152] 

eee. expedition against Egypt, xxviii 153] 
xxx 7] 

+... the French Encyclopedia translated by 
order of the sultan, xxviii 154] 

. embassy to the emp. of Germany, 

xxviii 214] 

+... the Russian ambassador sent to the 
Seven Towers, xxix 215] 

-+e. State of the navy, xxix 216] 

++.» manifesto against Russia, xxix 311] 

-+.. threatening aspect of the congress at 
Cherson, xxx 3] 

--.+. terms proposed by Russia, xxx 9] 

+--+. counterterms, 76. 

-... declaration of war, xxx 10] 

-... manifesto against Russia, 7d. 

+++. countermanifesto, xxx 13] 

..-.~ Russian man-of-war driven to Constan- 
tinople, xxx 14] 

-.. ill success by land and sea, xxx 15] 
17] 18] 193] 

e++.+ great power given to the vizir, xxx 20] 

«++. ambassador from Tippoo sahib, xxx 


—— sent to Spain, #3. 

---+ France declines assisting, xxx 23] 

-+.. demand of the intentions of Austria, 
xxx 25] 

+. +. treacherous attempt of the Austrians 
on Belgrade, xxx 29] 

ees. the Austrians repulsed at Gradisca, 

_ xxi} : 



Turkey: Dresnick and other small places 
taken by them, xxx 31 

+++ Austrian declaration of war, xxx 31] 

+++. refusal of Venice to join the alliance 
against, xxx 32] 

++» repulse and defeat of the Austrians at 
Dubicza, xxx 34] 

rigs judicious conduct of the vizir, xxx 

+++. attack of the 
Rohattin, xxx 38] 

+++. sudden loss and recovery of Moldavia, 
xxx 43 

e«« Siege of Choczim, 7b. 

+++.» invasion of the bannat of Temeswar, 
xxx 46] 

+++. Surrender of Dubicza, xxx 47] 

—— Novi, xxx 48] 

+e. division under Papilla defeated, id. 

-+e» Mitrouski and the Veteranishohle 
taken, xxx 50] 

+++. advantages gained over the grand 
army, xxx 51] ; : 

++e. On the approach of winter the army 
quits the bannat for Belgrade, xxx 52] 

+--+ Vipalanka retaken by the Austrians, 
xxx 63] 

+++» an armistice concluded, 7d. 

+--+ manifesto offering to assist the Hun- 
garians in the recovery of their liberty, 
xxx 54] 

++. disposition of the European powers 
toward, xxx 57] 

: Fe engagements on the Nieper, xxx 64] 

prince of Cobourg at . 

+++. Siege of Ockzakow, xxx 66] xxxi 196] 

-»»+ clamours against the vizier, xxxi 168] 

-... death of Abdul Hamet, xxxi 169] 

+... it’s disastrous consequences, xxxi 171] 

-++. Gradisca taken, xxxi 174] 

«+++ defeat by the Austrians near Focksan, 
xxxi 175] 

-.«. other defeats, xxxi 176] 179] 

+++ Siege and capture of Belgrade, xxxi 

-. ++ Bender taken, xxxi 180] 

++. Other fortresses surrendered, id. 

+++. attacked by the Persians, xxxi 180] 

«++. the Austrians repulsed from Orsova, 
xxxi 181] 

+++. New coin struck to encourage the sol- 
diers, xxxi 196] 

+++. critical state of, xxxiii 2 

«++. alliance with Sweden, xxxiii 3, 67, 90 

+++ proposals for peace to Austria and 
Russia, xxxiii 3 

++. alliance with Prussia, xxxiii 4 

-. +. fortress of Orsova reduced, xxxiii 15 

«. + Austrians defeated at Giurgewo, 7d. 

ees. treaty with Austria, xxxiii 17, 25 

«+. strenuous exertions, xxxiii 91 

eee. conduct toward Greece, xxxiii 92 

ace island of Zia seized and fortified by 
the Greeks, 7. 


Turkey: the Grecian squadron destroyed by 
the Algerines, xxxiii 93 
..-. Batal bey defeated, xxxiii 97 
..-. life of the sultan attempted, xxxiii 99 
«+--+ storming of Ismailow, xxxiii 100 
«+s other losses, xxxiii 104 
«++. treaty of peace with Russia, xxxiii 
106. xxxiv 328 
+... reported rejection of our mediation, 
xxxiv 138] 
sees grand vizir deposed, xxxiv 17 
..+» Austrian memorial on the French revo- 
_ lation, xxxiv 324 
+e.» Prussian on the same, xxxiv 325 
«++ resolves to remain neutral with respect 
to France, xxxiv 326. xxxvi 24] 
+--+. Russian propositions respecting Po- 
land and France, xxxvi 242 
«-.. note of the British ambassador, 7d. 
SS ambassador sent to G. Britain, xxxvii 

+++. revolt of the bashaw of Widdin, xl 
136] 137] 

_ se. invasion of Egypt by the French, xl 

eeee War declared against France, xl 151] 
272. xli247 - 

* .«e. present from the grand signior to lord 

Nelson, x1 88 | 

e+e. treaty of alliance with Russia, xl 237 

+... note tothe French Directory on the 
occupancy of Dalmatia and Istria by the 

_ Austrians, xl 266 

«s+» memorial on the expedition to Egypt, 
x] 267. xli 70] © 

+... manifesto on the occasion, xl 268. xli 

-... French answer to it, xli 115] 
+++» correspondence with Tippoo sultan on 
it and the English, xli 66] — 

' «e-» presents to the grand signior, xli 3 

+++. the Dutch ambassador sent away, xli 

... address to the French army in Egypt, 

---. the Spanish minister sent away, xli 

---. treaty with G. Britain, xlii 217] 
+++ convention with Russia respecting the 
Seven United Islands, xlii 278* 
oe sum of money demanded by Paul, xliii 

es peace with France, xliii 279] 292. xliv 

aes. reduced state of, xliv 251 

_ «+s. navigation of the Black sea open to G. 

Britain, xliv 619 
+++. treaty with France, xliv 627 
Us character of the principal officers, xliv 

++.» answer to the notification of Buona- 
parte being made emperor, xlvi 679 

+++. compelled by Russia not to acknaw- 
ledge his new title, xlvii 195 

«sss State of, xivii 194 



Turkey : war with Russia, xlviii 207, 790. 
xlix 188 

e+.. sends an embassy to Paris and agrees 
to receive an ambassador from France, 
xlviii 208 

«+s» appearance of a British squadron, 
xlviii 211 

++ ee revolution in, xlix 191, 742 

«ee. passage of the Dardanelles by a 
British squadron and some Turkish ships 
destroyed, xlix 195, 662*. 1 67] 

.+.. the British squadron obliged to return, 
xlix 199, 659* 

-.«. the Dardanelles blockaded by a Rus- 
sian fleet, xlix 201 

es. unsuccessful attack on the Russian 
fleet, xlix 202 

e+e armistice with Russia, xlix 202, 741 

«.. Alexandria surrendered to the Eng- 
lish, xlix 202 

' «e+ declaration of Buonaparte respecting 

the restoration of it’s provinces, xlix 670 
e+«. preparations against the Russians, 1 

«+.» another revolution in, ] 238) 74* 

e+.» war with Russia, li 245. lii 25). liii 
134] liv 182] 

=... troops sent against the Wauhabites 
and Servians, lii 252. liii 147] 148] 

+++. all the vessels at Trieste placed in se- 
questration, lii 259* 

«++ massacre of the Mamalukes, liii 146] 

«++. maritime-force sent against Ali Mol- 
lah, of Heraclea, liii 148] 

* peace with Russia, liv 168] 183] 192] 


«+++ proceedings in, lv 199 

«+s. revolt of the Servians, vi 106] 

«+. treaty with them, lviii 150] 

+s. affairs in Asia, lvi 202] 

«+++ Mecca and Medina recovered from the 
Wauhabites, lvii 138] 

+++. reception of a French ambassador, 
Iviii 151) 

fe ee with respect to Russia, lix 


¢+++ commotions at Constantinople, lx 126 
++.» disputes with foreign ambassadors on 
the right of punishing culprits, lxi 21 
«++» changes in the ministry, Ixi 64, 65 
--.. execution of the managers of the mint, 
lxi 84 
Turkey company, public money. advanced 
to, xii 221] xiii 237] xiv 225] xv 212] 
xvi 228] xviii 244] xxii 328] xxiii 311] 
xxiv 271] xxv 289] xxvi 306] xxvii 300] 
343] xxxvi 120, xxxviii 108. xl 205. xli 
194. xlii 166. xliii 190. xliv 586 *.. 
.-- lord North chosen governor, xix 120] 
. +» present of plate to sir W. S, Smith, 
xliv 388 
———_—_—-——. new, at Berlin, viii 96] 
Turkeys, method of rearing, xi 114 
Turkish ambassador, xlii 29 
Turkow, gen. xlix 26 



Turks, ancient weapons of, x 273 

.--- defence of Malta against, xix 245 

sass Character and manners: of, xxv 39, 
xxxi 4, 143. 144, 45, 175 

eee harems of, xxxvii 10*} 

sees Women, xxxvii 14*} 15] 

eee» dresses of, xxxix 368 

sees progress in literature, xl 343 

.+s propriety of their expulsion from 
Europe, | 177 

Turks islands, conduct of the French at the, 
vii 97 

e+e. account of them, 7. 

e«ei taken possession of in the name of 
George III, ix 62] 

ee keeper of @ madhouse, vi 

Turlone, card. assassinated, xxviii 210] 

Turmean, J. liii 267 

Turnbull, Dr. A. iv 124 

——- gov. xxi 216*} 
- James, Mint robbed by, xli 1, 8, 

J. jun, xlii 385 
Turner #. Umferril for an assault, xliv 380 
xxxvii 74°] 
ald. S. ix 84] xi 195] xii 94] 95] 
99] 112] 200] xiii 99) xix 169] xx 170) 
sir Barnard, xxiv 190] xxv 
195] xxvii 189] 
bish. Francis, xiv 247. xv 43 
—— capt. J.(N) xxxviii90 
: Sackville, (A) xvii 146] 
— S. xlii 470 
- C. xii 123] xiii 207] 
—— Dr. W. xxii 87 
James, xxiv 324] 
John; iii 118] 
—_—— xii 379. 1x 360. 1xi 303 
- J. R. convicted of forgery, xlvii 366, 

Jos. lviii 348 
maj. i121, 147 
—— Mrs. xii 38n. 138 
rév. Dr. Jos. xlviii 880 
sir Gregory Page, xxxix 258] lv 
300, 301 
sir J. xiv 115 
T. suicide, xxxiv 10 
— T.(ironmonger) x1 390 
+—— W. executed for high treason, lix 

W. xiii 379, 382 

Turnips, extraordinarily large, ii 71. xi 

sss. naper, culture of, iv 127] 

eas. Useful in making bread, vi 133 

+. prevention of the fly, ix 165. xi 112. 
xiv 121. xxix 77. xlix 872 

«sis Cabbage. See Cabbage 

«+e. management of, xiv 109 

-..4 insects injurious to, xxvi 62 

+++ method of preserving from frost, xxvii 
62, xlix 862 

vere ON the culture of, xxix 77. xxxvi 307 


‘Tuscany : earthquakes in, x 67] xiv 71] 
. sees churches to afford sanctuary only to 


Turnor; Edm. xxxiv 378 , my 

Turnpike acts, viii 103) xix 144] liv 87. 

.++» convictions on, i 112. vii 93] xii 160) 

Turnpikes, tollmen murdered, vi 93} : 

.... actions respecting tolls, xlvi 402. li 324 

Turpentine procuted in England, lii 655 

Turpin, xxi22) 

chev. de, xxxviii 275 

Turpine, marq. xlii 7] 

Turquoise, what, vi 28 

Turreau, gen. xlix 476 

Turrell, Franc. lviii 347 

Turtles, imperted, iii 127] . 

.-.- One taken on the coast of Devonshire, 
vii 92] 

«++. observations on, x 77 

Turton, Dr. J. xxxix 36. xbii 45 4 

sir T. xlix 6}, 100, 156. 193] 222°. 

li 85, 86, 108, 113, 140, 167, lii 15, 84. 
liii 41] liv 17] 49] 110] 

——\ W. his house blown down, xvi 143] 

debtors, xii 38] 

.».. regulations for admission into menas- 
teries, xviii 148*] 116] 

«+e. violent storm, xx 211] . 

+++. Strange edict respecting the disposal * 
of the dead, xxviii 

.... heads of the new criminal code, xxix 

«++ insurrection in, xxxiii 9 : 

-... the French minister sent away, XXxv 
286] 187 

«+++ memorial of the British minister, and 
answer, xxxv 186, 187 

«++. peace with France, xxxvii 128] 

s+. edict of neutrality, xxxvii 222 

.... entrance of the French into Leghorn, 
xxxvili 244 

.+.. complaint of Buonaparte against the 
governor, xxxviii 245 

--.- convention with Buonaparte respect- 
ing Leghorn, xxxix 335 

.».. the duke obliged to take refuge in 
Leghorn, x1 130] 

-+.+ Leghorn taken possession of by a 
British force, 7d. 

«-. war declared by France, xli 244] 

bese ea obliged to retreat from, xli 


+... again taken possession of by the 
French, xlii 197] xliii 64) 

-.-- Lewis, prince of Parma inaugurated 
under the title of king of Etruria, xliii 

ee treatment of him by Buonaparte, xliyv 


«+s. his death, xlv 402 i 

.... his son to have a portion of Portugal 
with the title of king of Northern Lusi- — 
tania, xlix 278 

«.s. Buonaparte assumes the government, 
and appoints Engene Beauharnois yicer 
roy, xlix 279 


“Tuscany, settlement respecting the queen 

| of Etruria, xlix 121] 

Tuscar rock, lighthouse built on, liv 133 
usser, T. xxxiv 128z. lii 670 

| Tutolmin, gen. Timothy, xxxvii 277 — 
Twedaie, G. 6th marg. xiv 202] 204] xvii 


G. 7th marq. xxxix 20. xlvi 432 
£—— G. 8th marq. lvi 181] 200. lix 32 
fant, J. 4th marq. of, vi 62] 
—— J. xxxviii 12 
Tweddell, J. xxxii 197] xxxiv 77 
weed, new bridge over the, vi 77] 
‘Tweedale, capt. Jaines, xlii 37 
dy,  -xlvii 560 : 
MEE aera powdermills blown up, xli 25 
ghtivees, ii 191 
peight, nature, causes, and uses of, viii 77 
‘Twining, Rich. xliii 203] xliv 267, 388. 1x 46 
Twisden, Roger, ii 143 
4 ir Roger, ii 142, 143 
Twisleton, col. —_ xxiii 198*] 
‘——_——__ ven. Dr. T. James, xliv 471 
(N) xxvi 155] 
—— W. (N?) xxxiv 146 
—— Horace, liv 545 
.—— l. gen. W. xl 59 
— Rich. xviii 11, 92 
Twisselton, col.  xxvi 109 
Twitchell, Patience, xxix 223] 
Tyawr, sheik, large caravan plundered by, 
xvii 01} . 
ho. See Brahe 
Tychsen, prof. xliii 478 
Tye, iii 83] 
—— Joseph, convicted of sedition, xxxix 4 
ee: 1. col. sir J. M, lvii 150 
er, adm. C, xiii 274] 
— — T. executed for forgery, xxxii 224] 
=~ W. viii 194] 
: — (of Woodhouselee) xxiii 239] 
mewell, G. v 100] 
yndale, W. sale of a copy of his Testa- 
ment, iii 100] 
émouth priory, 1 50* 
l'ynte, sir C. Kemys, ii 142 
Typhon, xi 141 
-Tyrawley, marsh. James, lord, v 30] ix 93] 
xvi 123} xxxvi 257 
‘Tyrconnel, ‘Talbot, earl of, vi 254. xii 
177] xxii 18 
- —— G, 2nd earl, xx 18]] 
Tyre, W. abp. of, vi 168 
Tyrer, Kinsey, a bankrupt, tried for not 
_ ‘surrendering, ix 52] 
ie, David, convicted of high treason, 

Twiss, capt. 

Tyrol: inundations in, x 150] xv 131] 145] 
+++. earthquake in, xv 145] - 
oa proclamation of Buonaparte, Xxxvili 


Bers — of the archduchess of 
Austria, xxxviii 280 

ss. invaded by the French, xxxix 27] 

+++» the French expelled from, xii 260] 




Tyrol: revolt against the Bavarians, li 218, 
220, 333, 431 

.++- proclamation of prince Eugene, li 738 

+--+. inclination to return to the dominion 
of Austria, lv 163] 

+... insurrection in, ly 172} 

Tyrone. See O’Neal 

— earl. See Waterford, marq. 

Tyrrel, adm. Rich. i 97. vi 99] 

3... honourable anecdote of, i 97 

--.. his engagement with the Florissant, ii 

ees. —~ monument, xiii 119] 

James, xx 131 

S. lvi 335 

sir James, xiv 151 

Walter, xxxvi 276 

Tyrteus, x 220 

Tyrwhit, T. xxxiii 295] xliv 394, xlv 80. 
Ixi 457 

Tyson, Dr. E. v 71 

Franc. J. v. Clarke, xvii 119] 

Tytler, Al. Fraser, lord Wodehouselee, li 

W. xxix 187 
Tzetzes, xi 180. xxxi 93 

Uberlingen, sinking of the ground at; lv 

Ubilé, rev. J. C. Ix 104 

Udell, gen. | (Amer.) xix 172*] 

Udena, ruins of, xlviii 993 

Udino, Jacomo, ii 406 

Udney, Rob. xxvii 184] 

Uffington house, fire at, lix 54, 59 

Ugolino, count, tragical fate of, xiii 194, xvi 

Ukraine, xiii 30 

Ulam Smolenzko Czernznigorff, i 275 

Ulanus, gen. xlvii 175 

Ulcers, foul, utility of carrots in, xix 100 

Ulloa, don Ant. xv 66. xlii 419 

Ulm, capitulation to the French, xlvii 151, 

Ulman, C. G. convicted of procuring arti- 
ficers to go abroad, xi 191] 

Ulphilas, xxiii 157 

Ulpian, v 147 

Ulrica, queen of Sweden, xii 65, xv 50] 

Ulysses, xxxiv 143 

Umfreville, Edw. v 135] xi 197] 

—— sir Rob. xxxi 251] 

W, ib. 

Ummer Sing Thappa, lvii 134] 228 

Underwood, Ann, lvii 31 

—— rev. xxii 62 

Ungern, gen. xvi 17] 

— gen. baron, xxxix 4 

Uniacke, Jasper, murder of, x1 32. 

Unicorn, fossile, i 332 

ooo. in Tatary, x 31 

eee probably exists in Africa, xliii 543 ~ 



Union, count de l’, xxxvi 64] 

Unioh street, Westminster, fire in, xlvi 

Unitas Fratrum 2 

United Brethren eer pravians 

United States of America: the thirteen 
British provinces declare themselves in- 
dependent under this title, xix 165*] 

+++ articles o° confederation, xix 264] xx 

+++» ports of France and Spain opened to, 
xix 182*] xx 27] 

es. receive nilitary stores, officers, and 
engineers, from France, 7d. 

.»- friendly disposition of other powers, 
xix 183*] 

-+-- difficulty of recruiting the army, xx 

--.. foreigners in the service, xx 130] 

+++ Oath of allegiance, xx 297] 

«+++ preliminaries of peace with G, Bri- 
tain, xxv 321] xxvi 134] 148] 154] 161] 

++» definitive treaty, xxvi 339] 

e+. ratification of it, xxvii 318] 

«+ letter from sir G, Carleton to Congress 
on the disposition shown by the Ameri- 
cans toward the loyalists, xxvi 265] 

«+++ limits of, xxvi 340] 

«+. right of fishing, xxvi 341] 

eee. treaty with France, xxvi 346] 

.»ee order of Cincinnati, lix 380 

+++ observations on the emblematic eagle, 
lix 383 

---- Dr. S, Seabury consecrated a bishop 
in Scotland, xxvii 232] 

-». three bishops eonsecrated in England, 
xxviii 213] 

+. treaty of alliance and commerce with 
Prussia, xxviii 260] 

+.» letter from the emp. of Morocco on 
the treaty with, xxviii 288] 

e+e. commercial treaty with Portugal, xxix 

+... attemp; to raise a rebellion in 
xxix 204] 

e+e punishnent of adultery, xxix 223] 

-.-- articles of a new constitution trans- 
mitted to Congress by a convention of all 
the states at New York, xxix 289] 

ees» trade to China, xxx 220] 

«... Catholic bishop appointed, xxxi 224] 

e+. compensation to the Penn family, xxxii 

se-- debt of the, xxxii 205] xxxix 3. xlvi 

«+.» president’s speech at the meeting of 
Congress, xxxiii 223] 

e+.» war with the Indians, xxxiii 223] 

ees. taxon spirits, xxxiii 224] 

«+.. new city for the seat of government. 
See Washington, city 

eee» New loans, xxxiii 225] 226] 

es. reelection of Washington and Adams, 
xxxv 1 



United States of America: individuals 
sue either the United States, or any par-— 
ticular state, and vice versa, xxxv 24 _ 
+... charges of the civil list, xxxv 44 
+++ revenues of, xxxy 44. xxxix 3. xliy 
460. xlvi 439. xlviii 241, 681. lv 407, 
448. lix 154] 1xi 185 ‘ 
--.+» loan at Amsterdam, xxxv 6] 
+++» proclamation relative to the war in 
Europe, xxxv 211 
suspending the French 
vice-consul, xxxv 212 ve 
+++ address of the president, xxxv 214 
+e. Message to Congress on the conduct 

of the European powers, xxxv 218. xxxvi_ 


«++. ambassador sent to the French repub- 

lic, xxxvi 172] 

+» +. offensive conduct of G. Britain, xxxvi- 


e+. envoy extraordinary to G. Britain, 
xxxvi 41 te ; 

+...» Official proceedings on the subject, 
xxxvi 244-52 

.»-- disturbances in some of the western 
counties of Pennsylvania, xxxvi 253, 
xxxvii 142] é 

+++ excise on distilleries, xxxvii 142] 

«+++ defeat of a body of Indians, xxxvii 

esos treaty with Algiers, xxxvii 282 

—— Spain, xxxvii 286 

xxxviii 126. xl 226 
+... speech of the president, xxxvii 300 
.... dissatisfaction of the French, xxxviti 
170] 304-18 

+++» presentation of the colours of France, 

xxxvili 290 

..+. the president declines giving the re< 

— G. Britain, xxxvii 294. 

presentatives a copy of his instructions to” 

Mr. Jay, xxxviii 290 

.... his address on retiring from office, J 

XXxviii 293 

«+.» the president’s address on the meet- 
ing of Congress, answer, and reply, xxxviii 

«. ++ J. Adams elected president, xxxix 7 

+++. T. Jefferson elected vicepresident, 74, 

+++» money to be paid by G. Britain, xxxix 
es x] 206. xli 195, 197. xlvi 582. xlvii 

es» letter from gen. Washington on the 
differences with France, xxxix 276 

---- the president’s address.on the meeting 
of Congress, answer, and reply, xxxix 

«++. message on the boundary line with 
Florida, xxxix 283 

e+... ———— on the state of the frontiers, 
xxxix 284 : 

ees. impeachment of W, -Blount, xxxix 

ess. correspondence with the British en- 
vay, xxxix 287-8 

meeting of Congress, xxxix 289 

«»-- conduct of France toward, xl 241] 

«+++ preparations for defence, and reprisals 
on the French, xl 246] 

e+-» exports, xl 62. xliv 460. xlviii 241 

e. Matth. Lyon convicted of sedition, xl 

--.. address on the meeting of Congress, 

«+. boundary of the British possessions, 
xl 321 

e+. French frigate captured, xli 11 

++.. fresh embassy to France, xli 300 

++. president’s speech at the meeting of 

_ Congress, xli 302 

*+.. convention with France, xlii 282", 

_ xliii 83] 

«».. treaty with Prussia, xlii 292 

++. president’s speech at the meeting of 
Congress, xlii 298 

ae legacy toward a university, xlii 340, 


---- embassy from Denmark, xliii 86] 
+.» Mr. Jefferson elected president, xiii 

«++. correspondence on the capture of a 

_ vessel by a British cruiser, xliii 263, 264 

C3 president’s address to Congress, xliii 

«++» message to both houses, xliii 354 
ee putes with the Barbary states, xliii 

..+. population of, xliii 356. xliv 460. liii 
> 83 

+++» duty on British shipping ‘taken off, 
xliv 105 

+++ message to Congress from the presi- 
dent, xliv 263, 701 

---- negotiation with France respecting 
Louisiana, xliv 265 

«+++ hostile proceedings of Spain at New 
Orleans, xliv 265. xlyv 338 

om pemeaton with G. Britain, xliv 266, 

+++. purchase of Louisiana, xlv 338, xlvi 
439, xlvii 735 

+--+ banks in, and their capitals, xlvi 440 

_e+-- message from the president, xlvi 710 

¢--- attack on Tripoli, xlvii 371 

+++. inaugural speech of Mr. Jefferson, 

_ -xivii 734 

sees State of, xlviii 241 

+++. treaty with Tripoli, xlviii 242 
++» difference of conduct toward England 

and France, ib. 

«++. disputes with Spain, xlviii 242, 680 
«+-. complaints against G. Britain, xlviii 
~ 244, xlix 228, 718 
+++ boxing match between two members 

of Congress, xlviii 365 
| #+++ Message of the president, xlviii 678 
oe preparations, xlviii 680, 


United States of America: address qn the United States of America: message res. 



pecting the violation of neutral rights, 
xlviii 682 

+++. proclamation for apprehending the 
one of certain British vessels, xlviii 

e+. treaty of commerce with G. Britain, 
xlix 353 

«.-+ message from the president, xlix 673 

one's respecting G. Britain, xlix 679 

++». messages on Burr’s conspiracy, xlix 

+++» proclamation on the attack of a ship of 
war by a British frigate, xlix 718 

++». message from the president, xlix 763 

...» vessels taken by the French, 1 7* 

a Laie repeal of the embargo, li 

...- restoration of intercourse with G, 
Britain, 1 432, 697, 702 

++. this revoked, li 714 

-... deserters from a British frigate taken 
into custody and then discharged, li 503 

«+ee differences with Frince, li 653, 715 

..+- papers relative to the embargo, li 655 

+... correspondence between Mr. Erskine 
and Mr. Smith, li 694 

+.» message of the president, li 702 

e»-- conduct of France, lii 24]. liii 152] 
29, 349 

-»+. differences with &. Britain, lii 253, 
519. liii 10] 149] 348 

‘,+e+ revocation of the elicts against France, 

lii 519 
+... complaints against Denmark, liii 143] 
++s. occupation of W. Florida, liii 150] 

..»- French privateer burnt at Norfolk, liii 

.».. letter from the catholic bishops of, to 
those of Ireland, lii: 340 1 

«+.» president’s message, liii 347 

.... British orders in council conditionally 
revoked, liv 66] 312, 338 

---+ absolutely revoked, liv 94] 87, 379, 440 

es. war with G. Britain, liv 94] 196] 430 

+... subjects of complaint, liv 424 

.... Berlin and Milan decrees professedly 
annulled with respect to, liv 167] 423 

+++. warlike resolutions, liv 193] 194] 

«+s. budget, liv 193] 

... conduct of France, liv 195] 203] 437. 
ly 410, 448 

.-.. Belvidere and her convoy attacked by 
the President, liv 197] j 

+... invasions of Canada, liv 199] 202] 
252 : 

«+... fort Detroit surrendered, liv 199] 241 

..-- armistice concluded with gen. Dear- 
born, liv 199] 

.» +. it’s ratification refused by the presi- 
dent, 2b. 

ose. expressions of an antigallican spirit, 
liv 201] 436 



United States of America: president's 
‘speech, liv 202] ; 

++» overtures for peace, zd. 

é.-- blockade of the Chesapeak and Dela- 
ware, liv 204] 

«+++ resolutions at New York against the 
war, liv 436 

+e» correspondence between sir J. B. War- 
ren and Mr. Monroe, liv 440 

+++- president’s message on meeting Con- 
gress, liv 

«++ treatment of slaves in, liv 477 

ees» Causes and origin of the war with G. 
Britain, ly 2] 178] 330 

bee parties in, lv 5] 

cat on the conduct of the war with, lv 

«+++ expeditions against the coast, lv 109] 
110] 183] 187 

e+e reelection of Mr. Madison, lv 177] 
+e repulse of gen, Smyth, and retreat of 
“ gen. Dearborn, ly 178] 134 

F) Ta fe blockade of the coast, lv 

+++ British licences to trade to the W. 
Indies offered to the eastern states, zd. 

«+e» president’s message, ib. 

+++ defeat and capture of gen. Winchester, 
lv 179] 135 

“ake a at Ogdenburgh carried, lv 180] 

e+ capital of Upper Canada taken, lv 180] 
isej 49 PP \ 

«+: fortress of Mbbille surrendered, lv 

+++ mediation of Rassia accepted, id. 

aeee affair on the Mami, ib, 

+++ Fort George taken, lv 182] 184 
oe on Sackett’s harbour, lv 182} 

ose» two vessels taken on lake Champlain, 
lv 154 

«+++ defeats on lake Ontario and Burling- 
ton heights, lv 183] 158 

---- capture of a detachment under col. 
Boerstler, lv 183] 212 

e+ + clandestine intervourse with the block- 
ading ships maintained, lv 184] 

ee». attempts to destroy the British ves- 
sels, ib. 

e+e. War taxes and loan, lv 185] 

«++. a naval establishment on lake Ontario 
destroyed, ib. 

e+e farther proceedings on the lakes, lv 
186] 187] 188] 216 

e+. attack on fort Sandusky, lv 187] 

+++ retreat and defeat of gen. Proctor, Iv 
188] 220 . 

+++» gen. Hampton defeated in an attempt 
on lower Canada, lv 189] 

e+++ gen. Wilkinson defeated, i). 233 

«++. principles of the Americans at va- 
Tiance with the law of nations, and conse- 
quent retaliations threatened on both 
sides, lv 190] 


UN . 

United States of America: speech of Mr, 
Madison on being rechosen, lv 393 

++ +« the president’s message, ly 405 

*++- remonstrance on the war from the 

* state of Massachusetts, lv 409 

+». other complaints against the govern- 
ment, lv 414 ; 

e+e message of the president, lv 444 

eee progress of the campaign, lv 445 

os.» capture of fort Niagara, lvi 176] 144 

e--» general Hull defeated by m, gen. Rial, 
lvi 177] 146 

+++. American villages burnt by way of 
retaliation, lvi 177] . 

«+e. negotiations for peace, 7. 191] 

e+e. Speech of gov. Strong on the parti- 
ality to France, lvi 178] 

retreat of gen. Wilkinson, lvi 178] 174 

++.» repeal of the embargo and nonimpor- 
tation acts, lvi 179] 

«+. blockade extended, ib. 351 ‘ 

«++» fort Oswego stormed, lvi 179] 196 

«».. attempt on Sandy creek repulsed, lvi 

+++. proclamation by the president respect- 
ing the blockade, 2b. 422 

e+» fort Erie taken, lyi 181] 

«+. actions at Chippaway, ¢b. 182] 199, 

es. islands in Passamaquoddy bay taken, 
Ivi 181] 202 

«+++ mutual exchange of the hostages kept 
for retaliation, lvi 181] 

+++- repulse of the Americans at Chippe- 
way, lvi 182] 204 

+++. expedition against Washington, lvi 
183] 206] 218 

«+++ proclamation of the president on the 
occasion, lvi 449 

«»-. fort Washington destroyed, lvi 185] 
222, 241 

+++. capitulation of Alexandria, Ivi 186] 

e+. attack on a body of militia at Bellair, 
Ivi 187] 

++». expedition against Baltimore, 2b. 229, 

«++. two schooners taken, lvi 189] 209 

«eee attempt on fort Erie, 7b. 7b. 

ees. country on the eastern side of the 
Penobscot taken possession of, lvi 189] 
244, 254 

---. attack of Plattsburgh, lvi 190} 213 

«. ++ Sally from fort Erie, lvi 191] 257, 

«s+» complaints of the state of Massachu- 
setts, and proposal to revise the constitu- 
tion, lvi 193] 

+». issue of treasury notes and new taxes 
proposed, 2). 

»-«. fort Brie evacuated, lyi 194] 

«+. British expedition to Louisiana, 2. 

«+e preparations for defence, lvi 194] 

oe». peace with G. Britain, Ivi 195] 260. 
lvii 124] 352 


oer. UN 
United States of America: number of pri- 
soners in England, lvi 82 

e+» message of the president on the meet- 

ing of Congress, lvi 451 
«+++ President frigate taken, lvii 122] 138 
--+. failure of the attack on New Orleans, 
Ivii 122] 141, 155 

_ e+» fort Mobille taken, lvii 123] 159, 161 

+--+ regular force to be kept up in time of 
peace, lvii 124] 

e+.» treaty with the Creeks, id. * 

e++- expedition against the Bar states, 
lvii 125] 422 ey x 

+++. commercial convention with G. Bri- 
tain, lvii 125] Iviii 383 

«++. message from the president, lvii 126] 

e«.. naval transactions in the Chinese seas, 
lvii 135] 

e«.. president’s message to Congress on the 
peace, lvii 361 

+s. message of tlie president on the meet- 
ing of Congress, lvii 422 

++.» demand on Naples for property con- 
fiscated by Murat, lviii 132] 

e+. bill for carrying into effect the com- 
mercial treaty with G. Britain rejected 
by the senate as superfluous and uncon- 
Stitutional, lviii 152] 

«.. treaties of peace with the Indians on 
the N. W. frontier, 2d. 

e+e disputes with Spain, 2b. 154] 

e+». State of manufactures, lviii 153] 

«+++ measures for restoring the legal cur- 
rency, 7b. 

«+++ president’s message, Iviii 154] 

es ++ message on the trade with G. Britain, 

dix 144] 

»--- J. Monroe elected president, and D. 
D. Tomkins vicepresident, id. 

-+-- president’s speech, 76. 

».-. his message on the state of the nation, 

_ lix 151] 

---- diminution of force on the lakes, lix 
151] 69. lx 68 

«+. expedition against E. Florida, lix 153] 

---- establishment at Galvestown, 7). 

». +» British officers proceeding to S. Ame- 
rica imprisoned for a breach of neu- 
trality, lix 108 

$35 war with the Seminoles, Ix 170] Ixi 

++-. report to the senate on it, ]xi 140 

+». message from the president on open- 
ing the session, Ix 171] 

«+++ conduct of Spain, Ix 172] 

+... state of Illinois added to the union, 
lx 179] 

s+». report on the army and it’s distribu- 
tion, Ix 1 

+++ establishment at Amelia island sup- 
pressed, lx 8 

+++. regniations of commerce with G. Bri- 

' tain, Ix 21, 60. 

+++» capture of Pensacola, lx 76 

+++. commercial treaty with Sweden, Ix 236 


United States of America: refiisal to ac- 
knowledge S. American constils, 1xi 233] 

---- difficulties respecting the Floridas, Ixi 

+--+ conspiracy of Negroes in Georgia, Ixi 

+++ objection to admit Missouri as a state 
for not allowing a clause against slavery, 
1xi 235] 

«+++ number of slaves in, Ixi 236] 

++» journey of the president, 1xi 21 

++. Speech of the president after a pro- 
gress through the country, lxi 237] 

«+... conduct toward emigrants, lxi 238 

«+++ report of the committee on the affairs 
of the Bank, 1Ixi 12 

-... frigate fitting for a yoyage round the 
world, lxi 29 

»+ee convention with G. Britain, Ixi 119 

«++» treaty of settlement and limits with 
Spain, lxi 170, 176 

+--+. Speech of the president on opening 
Congress, lxi 176 

«+e. yellowfever in. See Fever 

Universities, cause of the neglect of ‘the 
study of common law in ours, i 453 xs 

«+. instructions to a student, xlvi 890, 892 

Unnatural crime, persons punished for at- 
tempting to extort money by threats of 
charging with, ii 99. xix 130] xxii 199] 
208] 237] xlvii 366. xlviii 416 

«+++ persons convicted of attempts, iv 166] 
xlv 460 . 

+++ attempts to extort money by charging, 
xxi 205] 

e+e. persons convicted of, yi 67] vii 68 
xv 117] 121] 126] xix 198]. xx 163] 165 
xxiii 207] lii 280 } 

disisie executed for, xlviii 438. xli 
496, 500. li 293. liti 28 ~* 

---- men killed in the pillory, vi 67] xxiii 
207-9] ’ 

Unsworth, J. vi 99] 

Unwin, rev. W. xlvi 886 

Upholsterer, extraordinary charge for a bed, 
liv 48 

Upper Ossory, J. earlof, xvi 218] xxiii 37] 
65] xxvii 58] 187] xxxiv 9. xxxix 106] 
193] Ix 9] 

Upsal, fire at, ix 99] 

Upson, J. suicide, xvii 131] 

Upton, (witness against Crossfield) 
xxxviii 17 

— col. J. xxv 10] xxvi 78] 343] 

hon, col. A. P. ly 172 

J. suicide, after murdering his-wife 
and son, xxxiv 33 ' 

Urban IV, xx 130. xl 411 

-V, xii 163 

VUI, ii 406, 407. iii 133, xxiv 34. 
xlii 418. xlviii 848 

—— d’, m. gen. sir B. liii 208. liv 229, 

Urbino, duke of, vi 20, 21 

gen. li 693 


Urdeneta, gen. 1xi 242] 
Urf, lieut. gen. ii 233 
Uria y Llano, don Man. li 396 

- Uriel, the angel, invocation of, vi 146 
Urijo, marg. of, lii 226 
Urim and Thumminm, vi 173 
Urine, diabetic, experiments on, xix 99 
Urns, ancient, v 150. vii 105] xiii 114] 
Urquhart, capt. viii 148] 
—— Rob. x 94] 
Urquijo, don, xliv 249. 1 168} 
Ursel, duke d’, xxxiii 32, 52, 53 
Usbecks, i 269 
Usher, abp. James, viii 295, 297. xi 150. 

xvi 257. xxxvi 367, 374 
Arland, xxxi 113 

—-— capt. vi 75] 
— —-__—sCOW(N?) Iv111) 
Mary, lviii 257 

— — rey. Dr. H. xxxi 43 

Usury, trials for, iv 71] v 119] viii 108] x 
157] xii 158] xiv 111] xv 90] 116] xvi 
119] xxvi 213) xxix 207] xxxvi 26. lv 

eves Extraordinary, xxxix 22 

.--+ report on the laws respecting, 1x 373 

Uther Pendragon, xxv 134 

Utica, ruins of, xlvi 358 

Utrecht, defect of the treaty of, i2 

eee Validity of the treaty disputed in a 
French court of law, vii 142] 

++. election of an archbishop declared 
void by the pope, xi 143] 

Uva ursi, ix 118 

Uvedale, adm. S, iv 71] xxx 104] 

——— Dr. Rob. xxii 87. xxxviii 453 

Uwarrow, gen. xlvii 175 

Uxbridge, H. earl of, xxi 209"] xxvii 334] 
xxxv 14. xlvi 813. li 144. lii 339 

——— H. W. earl of. See Anglesey, 


Vacarius, Roger, i 454 

Vacaro, Francis, xi 84] 

Vacca, Flaminio, ii 406 

Vaccination, parliamentary reward to the 
discoverer, xliv 182 

eeee progress of, xlv 356, 373, 377, 469. 
xlvi 393. xlvii 401, 404. xlviii 384, 405, 
462. liii 61 

-++- inquiries concerning, by the college of 
physicians, xlviii 97, xlix 933 

e+. comparison with smallpox, xlix 938 

«+++ reports of it’s failure, 1 25* 

ee. national establishment, li 255, 536. Ix 
422. Ixi 420 

eo rely Ant, convicted of forgery; viii 

Vadier, xxxvi 152] 173] xxxvii 82] 86] 

Vahabies. See Wahabies 

Vaillant, J. Foy, xx 134 

Paul, ii 99, xi 68] 



Vaillant, le,  xxxviii 349, 398. xl 374. 
xli 393 

Vails. See Servants 

Vaisse, Gober la, v 127] mene 

Val, prof. du, history of, ii 27 

Val-Montmorenci, countess de la, iii 117] 

Valadi, Godf. Izarn, marq. de, xxxix 438 

Valais. See Switzerland 
Valazé, xxxv 203] 280] 51 
Valdez, lii 163 ; 

Vale, v. O’Brien and Simpson, 1xi 224 
Valence, gen. xxxiv 108] 112] 118] 119] 
120] 122] xxxv 245] 
Valencia, disturbances in, lix 116] , 
Valenciennes, siege of, xxxv 253] xxxvi 40] 
Valens, xix 6 
Valenti, card. xlvii 746 
Valentia, lord. See Mountnorris 
Valentin, gen. xliii 233] 
Valentine, Benj. lii 441 
' —— Isaiah Falk, murdered, liv 43, 

Valentinian I, xxx 199 

II, vii 71] 

Valerius Maximus, xxi 26 

Valette, capt. xli 18] 

——— fath. de la, iv 107] 113] 

———— la (grand master of Malta) xix 245 

Valide, sultana, xlix 921, 924 

Valiere, duke de la, iv }85] xv 65] 

+» letter from Voltaire, xiii 143 

mad. de la, xxxi 124 

Valine, Roi de, executed for poisoning se- 
veral persons, vii 100] 

Valkyriur, xi 2112 

Vallance, J. Ivi 335. lvii 319 

Vallancey, col. C. xvi 260. xviii 85. xxxi 98, 
xliii 480. xliv 820 

Vallée, sieur, paint for walls, iv 151] 

Vallet, L. F. lx 359 

Valletort, vise. See Mount-Edgeumbe, earl 

Valline, J. rioter executed at Bethnal green, 
xii 159] 181-7] 

Vallisneria, a curious plant, xv 98 

Vallisnieri, Dr. Ant. vi 86-8 

Vallotton, maj. C. xxv 260] 

Valotti, fath. Martini, xii 166 

Valour, not a Christian virtue, xix 166 

Valpy, rev. E. xxxvili 12 

Valsamaki, a Venetian consul, treachery of, 
ix 126] 

Valton, W. li 464 : 

Valtravers, Rodolph, xv 83] 

Vanbrugh, sir J. xii 61 

Vancouver, capt. G. (N) xxxvii 35. xxxix 
5. xl 476 

J. x1 476. xliv 776. lvi 336 ’ 

Vancouver’s island, crew of. an American 
murdered at, lv 83 

Vandamme, gen. xli 108. xlvii 169, lv 124] 

Vandelli, prof. Dominic, x1 391 

Vandeleur, col. T. Pack, xlv 560, xlvi 224, 
228, 230 ’ 

wanes COUNS, lviii 318 


-Vandeleur, maj. gen. sir J. Ormsby, xlvii Vassal, H. xl 391 

§22. liv 199. lv 172. lvii 178 
Vandeput, capt. (N) xii 103] 
— sir G. xviii 55 
Vandercleft, H. W. lvi 337, zd. 
Vandercombe, xlix 358, 359 
Vanderduyn, xxxvi 36] 
Vandergucht, Benj. xxxvi 32 
Vandermassen, gen. lv 171 
Vandermere, J. Byron, xx 178] 

_ Vandermersch, gen. xxxiii 41, 51, 53 

Vandernoot, xxxiii 4], 54 
Vanderveld, gen. xliv 234 
Vandille, M. ii 346 
Vanduke, H. R. xlix 532 
_ Vandyck (article of dress) xii 139 
Vandyck, sir Ant. v 255. vii 51. xii 37. xiii 
202. xv 25, xxv 151, 179. li 254 
Vane, Fred. x 143] 
Raby, id. 
—— sir H. xii 42. xxviii 171, 1 238 
—— —— sen. xxi 242, 243 
Vanhomrigh, miss, xxxii 35 
Vanhope, gen. Ivii 178 
Vansittart, xliii 108] 
—— gov. iv 57] vii 36] 38] 189] 
viii 185] xii 53] 132] xiv 69] 107) 
«+e. present of an Indian boat to his ma- 
jesty, xi 159] 
G. xxix 150] xxxviii 49] 
H. xxviii 242] xxxiii 236 
Nich. xliii 108] xliv 107. xlix 
85. 1i 83, 98. liii 43] liv 60] 95] 112] 121] 
131] 217] 218] 221] lv 42] 43] 46] 55] 
66] 206] lvi 108] 109] 112] 128] 129] 
137] 153] 210] lvii 7] 8] 23] 25] 35] 52) 
lviji 2] 5] 22] 23] 24) 25] 26] 38] 39] 41] 
61] 66] 86) lix 45] 58] 60] 84] Ix 9] 16] 
62] 64] 65] 70] 71] 76] 79] 94] 119] 130] 
131] lxi 28] 30] 33] 36] 38] 39] 40] 41] 
46] 47] 70] 87] 90] 91) 133] 154] 153] 
— rev. Dr. xvi 118] 
Vansommer, chev. letter from Voltaire to, 
xi 183 
Vantroscke, col. xxviii 234] 
Varennes, Billaud, xxxvi 157] 173] xxxvii 
82] 86] 90] 
Varicourt, murdered, xxxii 53} 
Variety, pleasure of, i 313 
Varignon, Peter, vii 39 
Varius, Lucius. See Varus 
Varley, Rich. xxxix 407 
Varlo, capt. ‘li 452 
Varney, murder of, lvi 20 
Varnish, amber, ix 156. xiv 124 
+»«. cheap for coarse woodwork, xi 114 
s+» copal, xiv 122 
Varrenius, maj. xxvi 108] 110] 
Varro, iv 156. x 163. xxiv 105 
Varty, Jon. lii 419 
Varus, vii 160. xvi 193” 
Vasari, xxv 149 . 
Vasconcello, gen. lyi 164 
Vashon, capt. _(N) liy 212] 
Vasquez, fath, Xavier, xi 151 
Parr I, 




J. ix 130) 

1. col. S, T. xlix 653, 655 

Sam. monument of, ix 130] 

Vatrin, gen. xlii 173] 

Vats. See Brewery 

Vattel, Emer de, xxxvii 174*] xlvi 61. lvi 
119] Ixi 233] 

Vauban; marsh, Seb. le P. de, iii 202. viii 
205. xix 188 

Vaublane, _xxxiv 35] xxxix 84] 

Vaubois, gen. xxxviii 123] xlii 215] 81 

Vaudois, account of the, xiii 43 

e+++ parliamentary grants to ministers, xlvi 
583. xlvii 586. xlviii 638. xlix 726*. 1 

Vaudreuil, margq. ii 91, 247. iii 57-59] 150] 
218] 267] xxiii 11] xxv 124] 204*] 212*] 
199} xxvi 115] 

Vaughan, (M.P.) xxxiv 148] xxxvi 214] 

- (M.P. t. C. II) vi 272 

Dr. C. Rich. xxx 205] xlii 45. 1 

Edw. hung for coining, xiv 115] 
—— gen. sir J. xix 159*] 175*] xx 
175*] xxii 188] xxiii 226*] 296] xxiv 32] 
10)] 112] 308] .xxv 140] 195*] 194] 
xxviii 205] xxxvii 184 
G. lviii 314 
hon. Wilmot, ii 143 
Rich. W. first forger of Bank 
notes, i 84 
Rob. xxxvi 367 
——— Sam. xii 74] 80] 97] 153] 155] 24; 
xxv 195] 
———— serg. xxxix 22. xlix 455. lix 186. 
Ixi 197, 203 
——— sir John, ii 3]1 
————— W. xxvi 221] 
Vaugirard, count de, lvii 128] 193, 226 
Vauguyon, duke de la, viii 151] x 75] 
xxvii 105] 
Vaupaliere, mad. de la, xiv 239 
Vaux, count de, iv 11] xii 43] 45] 
Grant, visc. de, xliii 397, 398, 443. | 
135. li 543 
—— de la, ab. Bricquet, xvii 119 
Vauxhall, riot at, xix 116] 
--.. fireat, xlii 22 
.».. lamplighters convicted of stealing oil, 
xl viii 436 : 
.--~ festival in honour of the battle of Vit- 
toria, lv 50 
Vauzlemont, de, xxxiv 45] 
Vazie, Rob. xliii 451. xlix 452 
Vedas, or Veds, sacred books of the Hin- 
doos, ix 308. x1 418 
Vega, Felix de. See Lope de 
—-— Francisco de la, the fish-man, x 
86 ‘ 
—— Lope de, xxiv 33. xlviii 1049-59, 
+++. account of, xlviii 842 
Vegesac, gen, bar. xlix 184, lvi 46] 
Wexeaaie fly, vii 110 


Vegetables, means of preserving from in- 
jury before frost, vi 132 
+++. method of drying for food, xviii 126. 
xxix 87 : 
+++. experiments on, with respect to the 
power of producing heat; xix 89 
+». fossil remains of, xli 374 
Vegetation : extraordinary radish, ii 66 
++. extraordinary turnip, ii 71 
-- +» large potato, ii 72 
+++. thoughts on, ix 110 
++» importance of water, xii 104 
+... effects of electricity on, xxiii 196] 
+++. of old seeds, xxxii 78 
Vegetius, xxv 138, 141 Y 
Vehab, Abd al. See Wahaub, Abdool 
Vehla, gen. ii 46 
. Veiss, gen. x1 25] 
Velasco, don Lewis de, v 42] 119] vi 2] 
Velasquez (painter) xxv 178 
Vella, don Jos. de, xxiv 194] 
Velley, ab. vii 166. xiii 42, 43, 101-5 
——— maj. T. xli 417 ; 
Veloze, don J: J. xlvii 1060 
Venaissin, county of, when given to the 
pope, xi 46] 
--. seized by the French, xi 45] 
Vendosme, duke de, xxii 22 
Venegas, don. Fran. liii 158] 
——— gen. li 176; 183, 189”, 195; 466, 
_ 469. lii 31; 160 
Venereal disease, Chinese remedy for, xiv 3] 
+++. antiquity of, xxvi 31 
Venetians, character and manners of the, 
xxiii 1. xxxii 45. Ixi 519 
Venice: public entry into London of the 
ambassadors extraordinary from, vi 69] 
-» ++ Alvise Mocenigo elected doge, vi 71] 
-... bargain with the Algerines for fifteen 
ships to trade freely in the Mediterra- 
nean, vi 92] 
eee. Entertainments given the duke of York 
at, vii 143} 
«++. procession and thanksgiving on account 
of slaves ransomed, viii 68] 
-.-- funeral of the great chancellor, ix 
-.-- decree to enlist soldiers only for six 
years, ix 80] 
+. interest of the Bank reduced to four 
per cent, ix 101] 
.-.- treachery of a consul in Turkey, ix 
oe ‘cena with the dey of Algiers; x 5] 
«+. the prince of Wurtemberg entertained 
with a bull-fight, x 77] 
gondola race, x 103] 
«++. insurrection in Dalmatia, x 153] 163] 
+++. limitations of the papal authority, xi 
56*] xviii 148*] xix 136] 
+.. restrictions on religious orders; xi 64] 
+++ pensions to cardinals abolished, 7d. 
ere» threatened by the Porte, xii 29] 

—— 2 


VE 5 
Véhice: eittance et the Risin Héét into 
it’s ports prohibited, xii 39) 4 
..+. theatre struck by lightiitig, xii 123] 
aes fire at, xit 140] paaue 
«+e. neutrality of, xiii 123). 
v2. conduct of the Russians toward) xvi 
21) , 
++. pope's bull, conferring two abbeys 
on a nonresident refused, xvi 66] 
sees encroachment of Austria on it’s ter- 
ritories, xvii 23] er 
.--. affront taken by the k. of Sardinia, 
xvii 40] Sead: 
Cte ee Giustiniano crowned doge; xviii 
«++. Senterice of Balsamo and Tisianio, xx 

+++ brother of the abp. of Spalatro assas- 
sinated in the street, xx 199] 

«+++ population of, xxi 217} 

.... arrest of the resident, xxiii 299] 

-. +» hurricane at, xxvi 202] : 

.... leagued with Russia against Ttitkey, 
Xxvii 38] “ee 

+++. quarrel with the Dutch, xxviii 46] 

e+e+ War with Tunis, xxviii 46 ’ 

.» +» refuses to join the alliance against the 
Turks, xxx 32] : 

-+ee death of the doge, xxxi 2017 

+++. inundation at, xxxv 1 

«++. envoy from France, xxxvi 225, 226 

..+. Austrians pursued into it’s territories 
by the French, xxxviii 98] 

.... address of Buonaparte, xxxyiil 242 

.+++ rupture with France, xxxix i 337 

..+. taken by the French, xxxix 42] _ 

«++. part of it’s territories seized by it’s 
friend Austria, xxxix 44734100 

—_—__—_——_.___ taken posses- 

sion of by France, xxxix 45] 

... the remainder, with the city, assigned 
to Austria, 2b. 

.... Strictures on the treatment it expe- 
rienced, xxxix 48] ne 

..-. contributions imposed by the Fretich 
on certain merchants, xxxix43 

++. manifesto of Buonaparte against, 
xxxix 337 > 

.. +» antique horses carried to Paris, x1 69 

«++ blockaded by the British, xlviii 597 

.... naval preparations at, 1 5* . 

.. +. all it’s territories annexed to Atistria, 
lvi 85] v 

...- antique horses restored, lvii 90) 102, 
590 : 

s+. plague at, Ix 153, 169 

«++. conduct of the Austrian government 
toward, Ixi 501 

esse festivals; lxi 519 

Venn, J. xlviii 453 _ 

—— rev, H. xix 36 od 

Venner, T. (Millenarian) xii 56 

Ventilators, iii 119. vii 45, 46, 47, 48, 131. 

Mbp peso anecdotes of, xvi 214. xx 


Venus, fine antique statue of, found near 
Colonna, i 99 
«-.» de Medicis, xx 190] lviii 3 
(the planet) expeditions to observe 
the transit of, iii 143] 144] iv G0] 64] 
- 69] 
 eeee Satellite of, iv 119] 121] 
+.+. Observations of the transit, iv 120] 
164] 197] 
«+. transit of 1639, iv 192] 
--.. orders of the empress of Russia for 
observing the transit, x 200] xi 67] 
+++. other preparations for observing, x 
201] xi 40] 67] 150) xii 86] 
+».. observations of the transit, xiii 89] 
Venus’s flytrap, xviii 93 
Venuti,ab. = de, iii 167. v 147, 150. xx 

Vera, liv 158] 

—— Peter de; vii 95] 

Verandrier, xiv 191 

Verchetsel, x 68 

Verdegris, substitute for, in dyeing black, 
xxvi 82 

Verdi Ali khan, xxx 152] 

Verdier, gen. —-xxxix 340. xli 18] 1 207] 

li 200 
xlii 166] 
— S. lii 443 
Verdun sur Garonne, storm at, ix 118] 
Vere, C. xx 193] 
_ — sir Francis, account of, xi 61 
—- —Hhorace. See Tilbury, lord 
Vereker, col. C. xlv 103. xlvi 69. 1223* 
Verelst, gov. H. xvii 170] 171] xxvi 167 

Nicol and Davis v, for cruel treat- 
ment, xviii 97] xxi 190] 191] 

-. +» Rafael v. xix 120] 

Vergennes, count de, xvii 126] xxv 315] 
xxvi 241] 323] 347] xxvii 134] 137] xxix 
181] xxxi 170] xl 135 

_ Verger, capt. ii 264 

Vergin, Job Bern, ii 381 

Vergniaux, Xxxiv 19] 25] 28] 52] xxxv 
265] 280] 

Verheul, adm. xlviii 2147. lv 162] lvi 32] 
ermifuges. See Worms 

_ Verner, prof. David, xlvii 767 

Vernet, Jos. (painter) xxxi 232] ‘ 

erney, , earl, xii 156] xl 327, 332 

— St. Maure; xliv 225, 227, 233, 

ii 203 
— | (actor) ix 248] xii 215 
—— adm. Edw. xli 359. xlvii 752 
+++. monument of, vi 72] 
—— adm. sir Edw. xvi 205] xxii 176] 
xxvii 227] 
—— bish. E. Venables, xliii 18 
G. G. V. lii 33 
—— G. Venables, Ist lord, v 82] x 155] 
H. Venables, 3rd lord, xxvii 141] 
James, vi 72] 
J. xiviii 637_ | 
—— Rich, xxix 167 

_ Vernon, 


Vernoy, du, xxxii 2 . 
Verona, massacre of the French at, xxxix 

Veronese, Paul, x 217. xv 147. xxv 153, 

Verpoil statuary, i 81 

Verres, Caius, xxviii 150] xxx 143] 

Verrio, Ant. xxxii 143. xxxviii 116*] 

e+e. anecdotes of, xv 30 

Verse, English, on the quantity or measure 
of, 1 337. xxvi 214 

«+++ On monosyllabic, ii 433 

Verses complaining of the hardness of the 
times stuck on the statue of James at 
Whitehall, viii 98] 

Versification, remarks on, v 248 

Vertaillac, count de, xxxiii 41] xxxiv I1 

Vertue, G. i 488. v 254. xii29. xxiii 218, 
226. xxiv 11 

Verulam, James Walter, earl, lii 2 

lord. See Bacon 

Verulamium, xxv 131 

Verus, Lucius, lvii 86 

Vesci, T, Ist visc. xlii 202, 204, 209 

Vescont, lieut. L. (N) xliii 133 

Vesey, col. J. A. lii 264* 

Vespasian, ii 399. x 164. xi 123, 124, xix 
239. xxix 123 ; 

Vesprit, Ant. XXXViii 452; 455 

Vespucci, Amerigo, lii 740 

Vestries, select, nomination of constables 
by, invalid, x 48*] 

Vestris, mad. (actress) xxi 1 

—— mons. | 227 

Vesuvius, eruptions of, iii 67] 86] iv 74] 96] 
ix 91] 98] 115] x 98] 135] 142] 201] xii 
66. xiii 87] 148] 175] 68] xiv 119] 124] 
xv 63. xix 117] xxii 224] xxiii 72. xxix 
193] 215] xxxvi 16, xlvi 439. 11 322. liv 
84, lvi 1. lviii 119 

+++ the top fallen in, iv 74] 75] 

+++ proposal for a fund to indemnify per- 
sons against future eruptions, iv 75} 

«.-. eruptions from threatened, viii 156] 
xviii 186] : 

oss renee account of eruptions of, viii 

«2». on the towns destroyed by,.viii 182 

e..» observations on, xv 62 

.... flow of lava from Somma, xxiv 177] 

«s.. account of, xxv 81. xxviii 55 

+... compared with Etna, xl 377 

Veterani, card. ix 146] 

—— gen. xxx 50] 

Veterinary college, grants for, xxxvii 118: 
xxxviii 108. xxxix 171. xl 206. xli 195. 
xlii 166, xliii 190. xliv 586, xlv 630. xlvi 
583. xlvii 590. xlviii 639. 1 182*. lii 424. 
Ixi 421 

Vial,gen.  xli 18] 31] xlv 245, 652 

Viala, James, extraordinary and sudden 
growth of, vii 107 

Viano, J. de, vi 93 

Vibraye, duke de, xlii 49] 69} 

Viano, J. de, vi 93 
27 2 


Vic, M. de, xxi 241 

Vicarius, Dr. Jac. France. xlii 418 

Vicar’s Tale, xxx 132 

Vice and immorality, ironical defence of, 
xxx 140 

Vicissitudes. See Fortune 

Vickars, Mrs. murder of, xvii 171] 

Vickery, Abr., Carvick v. on a bill of ex- 
change, xxvi 198] 

—— J. lix 361 

Vicramaditya, xlvii 958 

Victor Amadeus, first king of Sardinia, 
xvii 14. xxxviii 39 

——— I], xxxviii 39 
Emanuel, x] 131] 275. xliv 248 
Victor, Benj. viii 273 ey 
marsh. xxxix 8] 14] xli 282] xlii 
194] xlix 7, 172, 179. 1 233] li 176, 179, 
180, 182, 186, 195, 466, 469. lii 30, 157, 
158, 161, 171. lili 113] 115] 181, 203. liv 
144] 176] 179] lv 116] 119] lvi 5) lvii 

Victory, rudder of the, found off Brighton, 
ix 133] 

Victualling bills funded, vi 180] viii 242] 

Victualling office contracts, ii 131. iv 189] 
vii 56] viii 151] xiv 102] xxxvii 122, 

es. removed from Tower hill to Deptford 
and Somerset house, xxvii 239] 

-+-- bills on, not paid when due, xlvii 560 

Vicuna, account of the, liv 490 

Vida, Mare. Hieron. xiv 16]. xxxvii 3)*x] 

Vidal, col. xi 178] 

Vidalin, bish. Geir, liii 432 

J. lili 436 

Vienna: court of, vi 292 

++.» paint forbidden to ladies at, ix 60] 

++.» Shocks of an earthquake felt at, ix 
123] 136] xi 75] xvii 92] 

+... the Jews threatened by the populace, 
ix 136] 

-.-. foreign fruits produced in the garden 
at Schoenbrunn, x 131] xi 103] 

«++ introduction of inoculation, xi 102] 

-+«+ medal struck on the occasion, xi 202] 

«+. open house for all, who can prove, 
that they have been of any service to the 
state, kept by a rich gentleman, xv 125] 

¢+ee popular diversions in, xvi 177 

«++. powder magazine blown up, xxii 218] 

+». Visit of the pope, xxv 203] 

e++. prostitutes confined to four distinct 
buildings, xxviii 160] 

e... eating-houses at, »xxviii 358 

riot on the French ambassador’s dis- 
playing a tricoloured flag, xl 26. xli 253] 

---- congress of sovereigns at, lvi 104] 89, 

esse Second congress at, lvii 93] 102] 116] 

Vienne, ancient monument at, xliii 480 

Vieussens, Raymond, xl 367 

Vigani, prof. vii 44 

Vignolle, gen. xxxix 62] 



Vigo, French despatches carried off by an 
English prisoner at, i 300 

Vigodet, gen, lv 192] 

Vigor, Mrs. xxvi 218] xxviii 3 

Villa Campo, gen. lii 178. liii 115] lv 142] 

—— Franca, magazine fired by lightning, _ 
xvi 95]. 508: 

Franca, prince of, xvi 62) xvii 39] 

—— Rica, description of, liv 532 

—— Vicensis, marq. of, | 236] 

Villalpandus, x 146 

Villalva (Spanish capt.) xii 19 

Villani, J. xii 162 

Villaret, brig. gen. killed, xlii 186] 

— Joyeuse. See Joyeuse 

Villars (a quack) xiv 179 es 

marshal de, xiv 179. xvii 6, 16. xxii 
57] lviii 170 

Villaumez, adm. xlviii 229, 232. xlix 394 

Villavicienzo, don Juan de, lvi 72] 74] 

Ville, ab. de la, xvii 22 

—— gen. de, 1 49, 53, 59, 60, 159 

— M. de la, iv 294] 

Villagagnon, mad. de, xiv 239 

Villegas, gen. Hipp. de, Ix 45 

Villeharnois. See Harnois 

Villele, de, lxi 166] 

Villemur, gen. i196 

Villeneuve, adm. xlvii 221, 225, 230, 543 

Villeroi, marsh. xv 130] 

Villetard, xlii 13] 

Villette, gen. lv 190 

march. de, xxi 2 

—— margq. de, xiii 223. xxi 4 

Villettes, 1. gen. W. A. xxxvi 80 

«++.» account of, 1 81 (2d) 

Villiers. See Buckingham, duke 

——— co]. Edw. xvii 133] 

hon. G, li 283. lii 130, 448 

lord Francis, ii 298, 299 

——— Louis, ii 210 

rt. hon. J. C. ] 222* 

visc. See Jersey, earl 

-——— W. viscount, iv 88] 

Villoliani, xii 152] 

Villoni, Guinard, executed for robbery, 
xxxii 204] 

Villot, xlvi 617 

Vimiera, battle of, 1 222] 262* 

Vince, rey. S. xviii 93] xxxviii 509 

+... Copleian medal to, xxiii 236] 

Vincent, capt. R. R. (N) xlvii 525 

——— dean W. xxxix 431 

—-——- farmer, his house robbed, i 90 

—-— mm. gen. J. lv 182] 183] 188] 134, | 
158, 213, 221. lvi 144 

—-— rev. Dr. Nath. xii 141 

——— sir Francis, xii 1]5] 125] 203] xiii 
118] xxiv 201] xxxix 12. xlviii 173 | 

—-— sir Rich. xxxix 12 

Vincent, de, baron, lvi 97] 425. lix 125] 

Vinci, Leonardo da, x 216, xxv 182 

+...» character of, xxxvii 9*] 

Vine, lieut. G. B. (N) Ix 400 

——— Steph. vi 160 



Vinefretters, xi 96 

Vinegar, additional duties on, vi 147] 

+++. suspension of certain proceedings of 

__ the excise respecting, Ix 139 

Viner, C. x 287 

—— Martha, liv 146 

Vines, directions for cultivating in America, 
ii 382 

-+.- Burgundy grape, as standards, suc- 
ceeding in England, iii 74] liii 486 

---~ culture of, in the Crimea, xlv 814 

++e+ plucking off leaves injurious, xlv 819 

+++ extraordinary, xlix 497 

Vines, Ann, child dropped into a copper of 
boiling water by, xlii 20 

Vinesauf, Geoffrey de, x 271, 275, 280 

Vineyards in England, iii 74] liii 486 

Vins, gen. de, xxi 28] xxx 25] 

Vinson, ab. lviii 114] 

Vint, J. convicted of libel, xli 22 

Vintages, abundant, xviii 168] 

--.. failing, lvi 96 

Violante, mad. (ropedancer) xxiii 239 

Violetti, signora, xix 237] See also Garrick, 
Mrs. * 

Violin, valuable, 1 108* 

Viomenil, bar. de, xxxiv 40 

Viosmenil, de, col. xxxvii 166, 

Viotti, J. B. x1 17 

Vipers, oil a remedy for the bite of, xxxiii 

-».. deaths from the bite of, xlvi 417. lviii 

Virgil, i 317, 430. v 36, 138. vi 171, 172, 
178. vii 186, 266.. viii 237. ix 178. x 220. 
xvi 193. xxiv 156, 204. xxvi 131, 133, 
xxxii 109. xxxix 23] xlvi 81i 

Virgin islands, account of the, xxxv 426 

Virginia: money voted for promoting the 
culture of, iv 145] 

-.-- affray between some English and Spa- 
nish sailors, vi 6] 

-+++ proceedings on the stamp act, viii 53] 

+++» Cherokees murdered in, viii 140] 

++.. petition from the agent of, against the 
stamp act, ix 36] 

+++. several persons poisoned by Negroes 
in, xi 69] 

++.» violent hurricane, xii 154] 

+++ inundation in, xiv 128] 

+-+- Opposition to the appointment of a 
bishop, xiv 144] 

+... forgery of paper currency, xvi 102] 

+... the day of the commencement of the 
Boston port bill ordered to be kept as a 
public fast, xviii 5] 

oe ‘4 the assembly in consequence dissolved, 

+++. meeting of delegates and their reso- 
lutions, xviii 13 

+++ provincial congress assembled, xix 17] 

abe powder remoyed by the governor, xix 

+++» thveats of the governor, xix 19] 

Virginia: his family retire on board a man 
of war, xix 20] 

+++. general assembly convened by the go- 
vernor on lord North’s propositions, #. 

+++. magazine rifled, xix 21] 

-.-. the governor goes on board the man of 
war, ib. 

+.-- mutual complaints of the governor and 
assembly, xix 22] 

-+-- lord Dunmore refuses to come ashore 
to pass any bills, and requires the legis- 
lative council and house of representa- 
tives to come to him on board the Fowey, 
xix 25] 

+» ++ convention of delegates appointed, xix 

«+e. small vessels armed and equipped, and 
a predatory warfare carried on by the go- 
vernor, xix 27] 

+++. attempt to burn Hampton, 24. 

+++» martial law proclaimed, and the eman- 
pena of all slaves joining the forces, 

«++. action at the Great Bridge, xix 29] 

+++» several loyalists take refuge on board 
the ships, zd. 

-.-- townof Norfolk burnt, xix 31] 

.-» disasters of the loyalists and Negroes, 
xix 158*] 
aw by Phillips and Arnold, xxiv 

-+ee reward to gen. Washington, xlii 340 ~ 
- vi legacy to Liberty-hall academy, xlii 
--.. grain trodden out in, xlii 390 
«+++ conspiracy of slaves, xliii 8 
Viri, count de, vi 65] 
Viriatus, xxvi 5- 
Virues, gen. Joachim, liv 162] 
Visconti, ab. E. Q. x1 63] xli 340 
——- ab. J. B. xv 96] 
Galeazzo, xii 161 

Vision. See Eyes 
Visme, Lewis de, xvi 150] 
Vitelli, Van, xv 68 

Vitalis, Odericus, x 272 

Vitellian, pope, xvii 121 

Vitellius, xix 239 

Vitruvius, ii 397. iii 138, 159, 163, 167. iv 
156. v 25. vi 166, x 139, 147. xxv 141 

Vittoria, battle of, lv 143] 50, 168 

Vittoria (actress) iii 12 

Vivarez, Francis, xxiii 240] 

Vives, de, gen. J. Mig. li 353 

Vivian, And. xliy 773 

J. xxxiv 161] 

——— m. gen. sir R. H. 1i 277. lv 241. lvi 
163, 180, lvii 178 

Vivier, xlii 430 

Vivres, xxxvi 161] 

Vizeram Rauze, xxv 73] xxvii 48] 

Vizier Ally, account of, lx 572 

Vobeaustrauss, fire at, vi 85] 

Vogel, mad, suicide, liii 143 

Voisin, Gilbert de, xiv 91°] 


Voiture, Vincent, xv 222. xxxvii 133*7] 

Volcanoes : islands raised by, i 92. xxv 84. 
xxvi 57, 75. xli 395. xliii 439, liii 32, 113. 
liv 485. lvi 40 

»+.. in the E. Indies, vi 61] xiv 120] 

-. +. eruptions in Sicily, vi 81] xxiii 91) 
xxix 215] liii 142, liv 24 ; 

near Truxillo, viii 112] 

ce in Banda Neira, ix 94] 111] 

»-+. in Hungary, x 165] 

«++. eruption of mount Hecla, xi 104] 

+++. water thrown up by, xv 66 

+++. eruption in Flintshire, xvi 76] 

».-- submarine, xvi 78] xliii 439, liii 32. 
ivi 40 

++». eruption in Guatimala, xviii 136] 

ese — Java, xviii 143] lix 22 

e«.. remarks on the eruptions of, xliii 437 

«++. eruption in St. Vincent’s, liv 65, 90, 

————_ — Manilla, lvi 120. lvii 510 

peice Sambaroa, lvii 37 

ee. very small one in Jamaica, Ixi 11 

oe» eruption in Switzerland, Ixi 26 

eeee See also Vesuvius 

Volney, C. F. C. de, xxix 15, 56, 60, 135, 
143, 196. xxxvii 149] 

Volta, xxxvii 61*] 

Voltaire, i127, 2402, 400, 412, 484. v 46x. 
vii 101] 167, 209. viii 235. ix 137] x 316. 
xi 216. xii 211. xiii 223. xv 13, 39, 40. 
xvi 67, 68”. xviii 7, 45, 48, 212. xix 50] 
20n. xx 171] 164, xxiv 146. xxyii 148. 
xxviii 151, xxix 5. xxx 14. xxxi 251*] 35. 
xxxii 8, 10. xxxiii 444] 445] xxxv 398. 
a 169*] xl 72] xlvi 750. lix 117] 

af character of, i 237. v-48. xxi 5. xxiii 

e+e. origin of chivalry, iii 176 

++.. application to the king for leave to go 
to Paris, iv 96] 

«+». his letter to ab. Trublet, iv 31 

ee. the abbe’s answer, iv 32 

e-.. letter on the granddaughter of Cor- 
neille, iv 33 

‘ee. correspondence with lord Lyttelton, 
iv 33-6 

e.»- character of Rousseau, iv 208 

«+++ edition of Corneille’s works by, v 102] 

--.. remarks on his writings, v 48. xiii 
149. xiv 160 

eee» his evasive denial of works published 
in his name, viii 60} 61] 

+». bis poem on the death of the dauphin, 
viii 151] 

e+ epigram on, viii 35 

«+.» answer to his remarks on God’s choice 
of the Jews, viii 207 

e++.- On the absurdity of declamations 
against luxury, viii 248 

e»-- Dictionnaire philosophique burnt at 
the execution of a young man for blas- 
phemy at Abbeville, ix 116] 

ee». on the antiquity of nations, ix 13] 



Voltaire, Henriade of, ix 179 

+... letter to the k. of Denmark, x 86] 

+... anecdotes of, x 59. xxxiii 27 

«++. preface to the tales of W. Vadé, x 190 

+++. his ignorant philosopher, x 210 

+++. punishment of persons for selling his 
Man of Forty Crowns, xi 180] 

»»-- character of different nations by, xi 

+++» on history, xi 157, 160° 

+++. — the suppression of the smallpox, 
xi 175 . 

-... dialogue in the manner of Plato, xi 

-.-. letter to the Russian ambassador at 
Paris, xi 182 

aie —_— chev. Vansommer at Lon- 
don, xi 183 

.-+. rebuilds the church of Ferney, xii 70] 

...- Dialogue between a Hermit and Man 
of the World, xii 203 ; 

+... on Forms of Government, xii 205 

.+3. defence of Shakspeare against, xii 283. 
xix 19] 

-..» did not understand English, xii 283 

-... letter to the duke de Richelieu on his 
being styled brother by the general of the 

Capuchins,-xiii 124] 

«+e. ———— de la Valiere, xiii 143 

+++. ————_—_ editor of the Journal 
Encyclopédique, xiii 149 

++.» adventures of Scarmentado, xiii 169 

«++» On quacks, xiv 179 " 

+++. strictures on the System of Nature, 
xiv 181] 

oe ‘. on Montesquieu’s Spirit of Laws, xv 

+++. — flattery, xv 179 

+++. dream by, xv 188 

»+«» letter to lord Chesterfield, xvi 217 

+++ quarrel with Maupertuis, xvii 175. xx 


-» +» letters to the k. of Prussia, xvii 177. 
xix 33 
xvii 177 

+... lines under a print of, xix 119] 

++. letter on literary forgeries, xix 185 

+++. letters on a French translation of 
Shakspeare, xix 190, 191 

«++. memoirs of, xx 31 

+++. on languages, xx 160 

+. «+ his reception at Paris and death, xxi 1 

+...» Statue of, xxii 155 

- death of, xxi 1 

--.. remains of, transferred to St. Gene- 
vieve’s, xxxiii 192 

Voltelen, xxx 85 

Volunteer corps: regulations respecting, x1 
183. xlv 428. xlvi 23, 29, 362, 363, 368, 
402. xlvii 429. xlviii 50, 62, 63. 1 114) 
115] lv 368 

++.» reviewed by the king, xli 22, 24, 28. 
xlii 17, 18. xlv 446, 450 

++. inspected by his majesty, xli 24 

from the empress of Russia, 



Volunteer corps: grants for, xli 193. xlii 

162, 169. xliii 186. xliv 576, 579, 586. 
xlv 623. xlvi 579. xlvii 585. xlviii 635. 
xlix 725* 

-»-. observations on, xli 452. xlvi 5, 16, 
17, 56. xlvii 8, 114, 6. xlviii 50. xlix 76. 
lix 328 

e+» resignation of certain officers, xliii 22 

».-~ reviews of, xliii 25. xlvi 424. lvi 52 

--. the king’s thanks to, xliii 36 

++». thanks of the H. of Commons to, xlv 207 

+++. number of, xlv 288, 450, 452. xlvi 17, 
571, 572, xlvii 8. xlix 679 

+--+ general fast, xlv 442 

Volunteers, one killed in a sham fight, xlv 

++ presentations of colours, xlv 464. xlvi 
354, 388, 535 

Ra fined for nonattendance, xlvii 405 

+». resolutions of the Louth, xlviii 455 

++.» E. India brigade disbanded, lvi 94 

+. cavalry of the midland and northern 
counties to hold themselves in readiness 
to assist the magistrates, Ixi 91 

Vooght v. Winch, Ix 296 

Vossius, Gerard, xiv 223% 

Isaac, ix 192. xiv 223, 228 

Voting, Roman modes of, vii 165 

foutes, messrs. of Amsterdam, v. the E. 

India company, xxix 199] 

Vrilliere, duke dé la, xiv 67] xviii 219] 

Vukassovitch, gen. xli 251] 281] 

Vulliamy, Justin, viii 123 

Vullié, Courtaud, x1 66 

Vulparius, prof. And. vi 93 [ 

‘ie instructions of one to her young, i 


Vyasa, xlvii 955 

Vyner, Rob. xxi 196*] xxxi 70] 

Vyner, Rob. jun. v. Ph: Bullen, xi 155] 
Vyse, gen. Rich. xxxvi 27] xlvi 525 

W. H. liv 3] 


Wachsell rev. _—vii 145] xxxii 28 
Wachtendonck, gen. x 35] 
Wachtmeister, count, xxx 78] xxxi 191] 
Waddilove, Rich. xlix 378 

ae —— very rev. Dr. Rob. Darley, xliv 

Waddington, Marg. xxix 46 
—— Rob. iii 143] iv 164] vi 96] 
— S. Ferrand, xxxix 35. xl 1 
-.-. convicted of forestalling hops, xlii 25. 
xliii 2, 5 
+++. actions against planters for nonfulfil- 
ment of contracts, xliv 373 
Waddy, S. murder of, xxxv 21 
i 243 


Wade, xxi 
capt. (A) xlv 56L. xlvi 231 
marsh. viii 3, 4 

'T. xix 243] liii 267 
Wadstrom, C. B. xli 107] 1082] 


Wadstrom, C. B. account of, xli 326 
Wadsworth,.gen. Amer.) liv 202] 252 
Wafer, capt. Lionel, xlix 844 
rey. J. H. beheaded, xxiii 218] 
Wagenheim, gen. ii 233 
Wager, adm. sir €, xiii 54, xv 123] xix 49. 
xxiv 71, liii 489 
Wagers. See Bets 
Waggon with low wheels under the body, 
trial of, vii 65] 
»++. Set on fire by friction, i 96. xix 153] 
-.. ————— by the carelessness of the 
driver, xxiii 201] 205] 
++, conviction for leaving in the street, 
xlvii 395 I 
Waggon and carts, duty on, repealed, Xxxiv 

Waghorne, capt. (N) xxv 226%] 219] 
W. murderer and suicide, Ivii 
29 ; 

Wagner, xx 187] 191] 192] 

Wagram, battle of, li 216 

Wagstaffe, J. xxvii 50 ! 

————— rey. 1, protestant chaplain to 
the chev. St. George, xiv 72] 

T. xlvi 43] a 

Wahabies, account of the, lii 681. lvii 461 

»+»» defeats and dispersion of, lvii 138] Ix 
181. lxi 9 

Wahaub, Abdool, xli 67] lii 681 : 

Wainwright, capt. (N) lii 306, lvi 224, 

Loekhart, xlix 532 : 

————— Peter, attempt to murder, xlii 
20. xiii 1 

Waistell, C. 1101 

Waistcoat, cork, ii 419 

Waithman, ald. Rob. xxxix 22. xl 58.1 95*. 
lii 249*, 257* 

Waix, iii 80, 83 

Wake, abp. W. vi 12. viii 30. xix 39. xx 2. 
lxi 460 

———~ Kyd, convicted of misdemeanor, 
xxxvill 6, 17 

sir W. xxxii 13 

Wakefield, J. lix 78 

— rey. Gilbert, xix 125] xxi 190] 
xxxix 58. xl 58. xli 7. xliii 83. xlv 366, 

-«.. account of, xliii 377 

.. + trial for libel, xli 8, 21 

— rey. T. xliii 33 

T. xiii 454 

Wakeman, J. xxxiv 11 

Wakes, origin of, xviii 143 

Walcot, ii 142 

1. col. xiv 28, 31 
Waldeck, _ prince of, ii 236 
———— gen. xxix 42] 

Waldegrave, adm. See Radstock, lord 

— G. Ath earl, xviii 94] | 

G. 5th earl, xxxvi 18 
——_—_——— hon. capt. W. (N) li 514 
James, Ist earl, Ixi 

1. gen. J. 3rd earl, ii 144, 233. 
vii 66] ix 89] 


Waldegrave, lady, xv 84*] 128] 
——_—_—— rev. Dr. -xxxvili 327 
Walden, Joseph, xv 80] 

—-—~ lord, xiii 253 

Walderen, lady, xix 157] 

Waldhausen, gen. v 27] 

Waldo, sir Tim, xii 89] 196] xiv 78] 

Wale, m. gen. sir C. iii 163] 

—-— Sam. prof, of perspective, viii 1947] 
xi 199] xii 107] 

Walerino, xxix 195] 

Wales: armed force of, in 1588, iii 179 

-- -- remarkable bridge in, vii 147 

---+ general character of the people ,in 
Henry II’s time, x 1 

+++ inoculation, an ancient practice in, xii 

+++ act to discourage suits in the courts at 
Westminster respecting, xvi 104] 

e++- travels in, xvi 200. xvii 160. xlvi 

«++» State of, in the 15th century, xvii 131 

- several independent companies raised 
for government, xxi 86] 
- sessions of the bards and minstrels, 

xxii 138 

-++» earthquake felt in different parts of, 
xxiii 228] 

e+e ancient mode and laws of hunting in, 
xxiv 139 

- games, xxvi 109 

--.+ lordships marchers, xxvi 110 

+++ population of, xliii 170-3. liii 273. liv 

e+ «+ mountains of, xliii 446 

e+. ancient MSS., xlv 876 

e+e people of, xlyi 98] 

++. Superstitions, xlvi 983 

«+++ ancient buildings, xlvii 876 

+++. language, xlvii 886 

+++ objection by parishioners to a clergy- 
man ignorant of Welsh, lix 108 

Wales, New South: convicts sent out to, 
xxx 205] 

eo+- money granted for, xxx 262] 7b. xxxi 
284] 285] xxxii 277] 278] xxxiii 142) 72. 
143] xxxiv 148, 2). xxxv 106. xxxvi 119, 
wh. xxxvii 118, 2b. xxxviii 107, 108. 
xxxix 169, 170,171. xl 204, 205, 2b. xli 
194, 195, 196. xlii 164, 2. 165, 166, 7d. 
xliii 144, 76. 188, 189. xliv 584, ib. 586. 
xlv 625, 628, ib. 629, 630. xlvi 579, 582. 
xlvii 586, 587, 589. xlviii 636, 637, id. 
xlix 729%, ¢b. 730". 1 184", 185*, zh. li 
535, 536, ib. lii 422, 423, 1x 421, 422. 1xi 
418, 419 

ee» accounts of the new settlement, xxxi 
256] xxxiii 19] 66-79] xxxiv 26. xxxv 
28. xxxix 20, xl 458. xlii 43. lvi 41. 
Iviii 193. 1x 583. 1xi 88-90, 539 

ee. natural history of, xxxi 55. xxxv 311] 

ee+. expense of the settlement, xxxiii 75] 
xxxv 170] lv 532 | 

e+» mortality among convicts, xxxv 171] 

ees rope manufactured at, xxxviii 33 



Wales, New South; mutiny of recruits and 
convicts on board a transport, x1 60 

+++. manners of the natives, xl 351 

+++ copper coin provided for, xlii 165 

++. escape of convicts from, xliii 15 

+++.» various kinds of timber in, xlvi 820 

«+e. Several women allowed to go out to 
their husbands, xlix 362 d 

-+ ++ importation of mother-of-pearl direct- 
ly from, not allowed, liv 100 

«+++ Teport of committee of the Commons, 
lv 518 

-.«+ great drought in, lvi 41 

+++ quick passage from, lvii 108 

+++. dispute between the governor and 
chief justice, lvii 108 

Wales, Fred. prince of, y 39. vii 48. ix 79, 
81. xii 60. xvii 26. xix 39. xxv 56 

——— Henry, prince of, xii 30, 33,37 

princess Charlotte of, xxxviii 1. xlix 
460. liii 11. lv 343, 345. Ix 402 

«+++ confirmation of, lv 102 

--.. flight from Warwick house, lvi 218] 

++. marriage of, lviii 32] 96] 57, 389 

+++. income and outfit granted, lviii 33] 

-+-. death of, lix 109. Ix 1] 23 

«++. funeral, lix 110 : 

——— princess dowager of, iii 245] 247] iv 
124] v 102] vi 70] viii 40] 41) 127] ix 
75) xi 115) 161] 175] xii 77] xiv 145] 
245. xv 114] 99n, 220. xxxviii 363 

-+.. benefaction to the colleges of Phil- 
adelphia and New York, vi 63] 

--.. sets off for Germany, xiii 116] 

-. +» returns to England, xiii 157) 

-. +. her death, xv 72] 

+--+ — children, xv 73] 

«ees —— funeral, xv 179] 

«--. sale of her jewels &c. xvi 73] 

Wales, Joseph, xlviii 423 

rev. W, viii 112] xiy 17. xli4 

Walford, fire at, xliii 46 

Walford, couns. lxi 205 

—_—. J. lvii 10 

xxxv 331 

—-—— T. xxxv 331 

Walgrave, fath. Francis, xlii 427 

Walinski, xiii 186 

Walkenshaw, Mrs. lxi 450 

Walker, Adam, xvi 94. xxxiv 78 

——— adm. James, xxxix 77. xlv 542 

——— capt. ii 130 

——_——_—— Benj. (N) lii 297 

——— Dr. ix 147] xxxiii 276] 

—— Dr. J. xlvi 387 

——— Edw. xliii 454 

—— G. R. xlix 10] 

++» executed for forgery, xlviii 416 

——— James, iv 159] 

——— James, v. the mayor of Leeds, xv 

——— J. xliii 457. liv 286. lix 235 

John, murder of, ii 85 

leg bitten off by a shark, xlv 






Walker, Jos.v. R. Chapman, for money paid 
to procure a place, xvi 118] 

—-— Jos, C. xxxi 110 

—— lieut. H. (N) killed, xlix 657* 

m. gen. sir G. Townshend, ! 264*. 
liv 128, 208. lv 190. lvi 163 

—— Mrs. murder of, ii 72, 82 

Ralph, xlviii 959 

rev. Dr, xlviii 1074 

— _(botan.) iii 107] 

——— Rob. xxviii 177. xliv 777. xlviii 

str Edw. xvi 206 

.—_—— serg. xii 67] 68] xix 236] 

—_—— T. recovered after losing part of 
the brain, vi 75 

T. (of Montreal) capt. Disney v. 
for a malicious prosecution, xi 63] 

—— T. (of Mickleham) xvi 128] 

— —— T. (of Manchester) xxix 80] xxxiv 
48, 70. xxxviii 34] 

——— Timothy, xvii 133] 

—-—— W. action against four justices for 
false imprisonment, xiv 136] 

Walkier, Mrs. v 65 

Walkinshaw, miss, xlix 827 

Wall, gen. Rich. iv 49-53] 281] v 186] 
219] vi 113] xxii 127 

— gov. Joseph, xxiv 246] 

--.. executed for murder, xliy 363, 364 

.... trial of, xliv 560 

— Mich. liv 19 

— W. lix 235 

Wallace v. Good, Ixi 277 

——_—— adm. sir James, xx 175*] xxii 208*] 
xxiii 12] xxiv 248] 

..-. libel and assault on, xxvi 210] 

——— capt. saves the crew of the 
Nancy, i 80 

couns. (Irish) lix 208 

—_—_—_—_—_— James, vi 88] 145] vii 50] 
73] viii 179] ix 149] xii 150] 156] xiv 
208] xviii 123] 124) 228] xix 236] xxii 
256] xxvi 167] 175] liii 408 

G. iii 263 

lady, xxx 203] 186 

———-]. col. xlv 557. xlvi 235 

——— W. xvii 186. xxxix 454, xlii 324. 
li 221 

.... monument to, lvi 74 

T. xxxv 6] xxxvi 200] xliv 64. 

xlv 102, 119. xlvi 83. 194] 221*. 1ii 114. 

liii 41] liv 111] 

xli 438 

Wallachia : submits to the Russians, xii 27] 

-+«. State of, xiii 14] 

-.-. people of, xx 47 

..+- hospodar strangled, xxvii 32] 

+++» portion ceded to Austria, xxvii 41] 

+++» invaded by the Russians, xlviii 211 

Wallajah, 1 94] 

Waller, (secr. R. S.) xi 258] 

capt. Jacob, (N) xxxviii 90, xxxix 

—— T. 

—— couns, xii 155] 


; WA 

Waller, Edm. vi 264. xiii 202, 204. xv 228. 
xxii 29 

---. character of, ii 318. xxii 180 

———— James, iv 19 

Tah rev. Dr. James, xxiv 176] xxxvii 

——-— sir Hardress, i 325. iy 21, 50 

—_——-— W. xlvii 896 

Wallerius, _ iii 133. xii 104 

Wallingford, Rich. of, xxii 135 

Wallington, Sam. his father murdered by, 
xi 65] 97] 

Wallis, Albany, xxii 197] xxxix 34 

ald. H. xlii 9 

bish. xxxvi 373 

capt. —_ (circumnavig.) xi 129] xiv 
11. xvi 87, 266, 272. xx 235. xxxii 219] 

—————— James (N) xlv 397 

Dr. J. ii 284, 287. xi 258] xxxviii 


gen. (Austrian) xviii 178] xli 245) 

——_— sir C. viii 2 

Joseph, xliii 451 

and Troward (solicitors) xxix 170] 

Wallow, lieut. (N) xlvii 358 

Walls, one removed whole, ii 104 

+... paint for, iv 151 

-. +» cement for securing against damp, xlix 

Walmesley, E. lii 424 

—— Gilb. xxii 48. xxxiii 436] 

+... two letters to the rev. Mr, Colson, viii 
37, 38 

Walmoden, gen. xxxv 273] xxxvi 25] 
xxxvii 48] xlv 284. liv 134] 167] - 

Walmsley, W. xliv 776 

Walney lighthouse burnt down, xlv 468 

Walpole, col. xxxvi 284] xxxix 129] 

gen. xlviii 53 

——-— G. 3rd earl of Orford, xii 200] 

---~ character of, xlv 777 

——-— hon. R. xlvii 354 

————. T. x] 177, 181 

—-—— Horatio, Ist lord, xi 168. xvii 173 

—— Hor. 4th earl of Orford, v 25, 58, 
151, 225, 254. vii 49. viii 280. x 47, xii 
230. xiv 238. xv 208, 209, 220. xvi 247, 
249. xviii 36, 227. xxiii 164, 218, 226. 
xxvi 221. xxix 167. xxx 219] xxxi 298] 
xxxili 419] 4467] xxxiv 51”] xxxviii 16. 
xxxix 444, xl 424, 456. xliii 486. xlvi 
816. xlix 819 

.. + letters from, lxi 454 

——— Hor. 5th earl of Orford, vii 178] 
xxviii 190 

——— ]. col. L. T. xl 164 

——— rev. Rob. lii 696 

Rob. Ist earl of Orford, i 262. v 
177. vii 58. viii 13-15. ix 13, 71. xi 167. 
xv 188] 189] xvii 5, 6, 21, 27. xyiii 23, 
56. xix 204} xx 4, 197. xxi 245. xxxiii 
282] x1 353. xlvi 124. liii 388. Ixi 459 

++» letter to George II from, ix 208 

«eee character of, xx 11 

sees account of, xl 470 


Walpole, sir Edw. xv 206] xxviii 185 

T. xv 113] 
(M.P.) xix 132] 

Ann, v 91] 

——— Benj. liv 39] 

——— capt. (A) xlvii 518 

—— J, convicted of bigamy, xviii 137] 

J. (F.R.S.) xv 135] xviii 84, xxxvii 
69°] xlvi 799 

—— |], col. F xliv 726, 732, 742, 755, 
805. xlv 943 

rev. Dr. xlix 88 

W. v 249 

Walsingham, comm, Boyle, xxii 255] xxiv 

Melesina, countess of, xvii 20 
——— sir F, ii 325. vi 179. xxi 237, 
240, 241 
eee life of, ix 53 

—_————. T. ii 410, 411, 415 

— T.2nd lord, xxv 156] xxvii 
181*] xxix 171] 172] xxxi 128] xxxii 
99] xxxiii 165. xxxv 16] xxxvii 113, 
115, xxxyiii 13] xl 178. xliii 48] 144, 
xlviii 637. 1 185*, lii 423. 1x 402 

—_—__—- W. de, xxxviii 462 

Walter, abbot of Westminster, xxi 224 

J, 11310 

J. (bookseller) xxxix 13 

J. convicted of libel, xxviii 198] 
xxxi 229] xxxii 195] xxxiii 11] 

Waiters, J. lvi 337 

Waltham, W. xlvi 366, 392 

Waltham Abbey, powder-mills blown up, 
viii 148] xliii 14, liii 184 

—— Cross, gang of housebreakers 
taken, Ixi 207 

Walthambury, fire at, xxi 196] 

Walthamstow, fires at, x1 103. xlvii 434 

Waltheof, See Northumberland 

Walther, gen. xlvii 147, 160 

Walton, bish. Brian, xxxvi 373 

—— capt. (N) hiii 20 

—— H, vii 91] 

——— Isaac, lvi 336 

——— Maria, convicted of bigamy, Ix 

——— Mary, lviii 262 

——— W. Iii 592, 594, 598, 757 

Walworth, parish of, v. the commissioners 
of Sewers, xxii 221] 

eee fire at, xlil 

Walworth, sir W. xi 138] 

Walwyn, James, xxviii 104] 

Wandewash, taken from the French, iii 63] 

«+e. battle of, 2b, 

Wangenheim, col. xxvi 108] 
gen. ii 17. iii 35) 45] 
maj. xv 90] 

Wangford, fire at, liv 152 

Wannughiila (Indian chief ) vii 180] 

Wansford, fire at, xlvii 427 

Wanstead iy 3s robbed, x1 86 

+++. action for right of way through the 
park, ly 275 4 


Wanughsissae (Indian chief) vii 180] 
Wapping, fires at, iv 106] viii 102] xix — 
aah xxii 202] xxiv 167] xxxvi 19. lviii — 

veces daha ee See London 

Wapping wall, fires at, xvili Ys I avi 354 

..+ See also Shadwell 

War of 1756, causes of, i 2 

sees a vulture’s opinion of, i 372 

e+e Victories do not decide the fate of 
nations, iii 1] 

--.-. captures before a declaration of, iv 

+.» beneficial to no party, ix 3} 

+++, on the general principles of, and the 
different armies of Europe, ix 169 

«++» new inventions, x 128] 

+++. military machines of the ancients, 
xxv 137 

+++ ancient modes of, xxv 140 

+++» remarks on, xxxv 42] 51) 

+++. changes in the conduct of, xlii 232] 

War duties, xlviii 70, 71 

Waradin, great fire at, xix 134] 

Warbeck, Perkin, xv 239 

Warburg, action at, iii 23] 

Warburton, bish, W. i 430. v 138, 239. vi 
178. vii 263, x 213, 214, xit 69] xviii 
213. xix 41n, xx 8. XXX 3. xxxil 109. 
xxxili 440] 449] xxxiv 492, xxxv 268. 
xli 358. 1 260 

+++. answer to Voltaire on God’s choice of 
the Jews, viii 207 

e+ ++ monument of, xxiv 190] 

2 Dr, xlix 358. lv 284. lix 

——— H. lviii 349. lix 233 
———— |. col. Aug. lv 157 
Peter, lii 418 
sir Peter, xlvi 429 
x 102 
bish. Seth. vii 36. xii 42 
C. W. xxxiv 415 
col. (Am.) xviii 128°] 
—— Dr. J. ix 143 
—— Francis, lx 52 
—— gen. Artemus, xviii 141*] 
—— hon. J. W, xlix 138. 1 62] Hii 12. liit 
15] liv 52] 56] 81] 
—-— J. Sharren, xlii 386 
-—— Joseph (boxer) xxxi 260] xxxiv 17 
—— Joshua, ii 132. iii 111] iv 185] viii 
73] ix 61] xxxiv 446 
- preparation of his medicines, vi 109- 



—— Mary, xlii 426 

—— Phil. xi 221] 

—— Rob. xxxvii J71*] xlvii 77. xlix, 245. 
1 220*, 11 92, 101, 115. lii 55, 56 

—-— Sam. (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] 
xviii 265] 

——— T. shot by footpads, xxxv 9 

——~—- Thomasin, murder of, xlix 416 

—-— W. xxiv 325] ’ 

—— W. (boxer) xxxi 260] 


Ward, W. (boxer) convicted of manslaughter, 

xxxi 206] 210] a 
i: shot by the guard of a stage, xiii 

Warde, 1. gen. sir H. xl 122. 1i 373. liit 173 

‘Wardell, T. xxxvi 278] 

Warden, G. xliii 145 

Wardle, Gwyllym Lloyd, li 117, 131, 147, 
Hg 296, 302, 399. lii 242", 254*, 259*, 

Wardour street, fires in, xlv 410. lvii 87 
Wardrobe, W. (surg. navy) sentenced to 
death for striking his commanding officer 
- __ on duty, xxx 218] 
Ware, great bed at, viii 98] 
Ware, Jane, murder of, lvi 82 ay 
; Rees m, gen. C. xlv 553, 560, 561, xlvi 

—— Rob. xxxi 113 
sir James, xvi 257. xxxi 113n. xlv 938 
_ Wareham, fire at, v 95] 
»-.. bill for rebuilding, vi 71] 
Warens, mad. de, xxxiv 466 
Wargentin, Pet. x 201] 
Wargotsch, bar. iv 297] vi 97] 98] 
Warham, abp. W. xv 125 
Waring, G. xliii 453 
Holt, new method of tanning lea- 
ther, ix 96] 
Wark, Sarah, murder of, lxi 12 
Warkworth, fire at, liii 44 
Warley common, grant for land, xlviii 639 
Warltire, xxi 137 
Warnefried, Paul, xvi 156 
og Dr. Ferd. i 468, 

444, iv 277+ vi 

Edw. jun. xlv 830 

—— J. iii 

Jos. xiii 70. xxiii 130 

W.x215 : 

Warrants, general, case of, vi 135] 145) vii 
18] 19] 26] 51] viii 26-32] 146] 

Warre, James, xlvi 418 

J. Ashley, lyiii 13] 1x 56] 

Warrel, W. Ixi 302 

Warren, adm. sir J. Borlase, xxvii 268] 
xxxvii 69] 137] 33, 35. xxxviii 68] xl 
165] 144, 146. xli 172] xlii 213] xliii'71] 
233] 247] 263] xliv 428. xlv 55, 257, 
681. xlviii 230, 231, 402. liv 251, 440. lv 
4] 178] 187, 217, 336 

—— bish. J. xxxi 145] xxxiv 165. 
xxxvil 113, 115. xxxviii 29 

—— capt. S. (N) xlvii 541. 1i 456 

—— C. xxxiv 78 

—-—~+ couns. liv 297. lvii 268 

Dr. xviii 30 

———-— Jos. (Boston) xi 237] xviii 
136*] xx 125] 

——— Rich. ix 117] xxx 212] xxxi 
107] 287] xxxix 36 

«+++ account of, xxxix 36 

_—_——. W. x 159 

—— J. li 544 

Jos, (Amer.) lii 419 


Warren, lady, v. sir G. xv 110]. 
rev. Dr. vi 8 ss 
—— sir G, iv 115] xv 111] 207] xx 
163] xliii 29 
—_———— W. xii 148 
——— T. li 860 
——— (English adventurer of the 14th 
century) xxxvi 134] 
Warrender, sir G, Iviii 13] 15] 16] 36]: Ix 
51] 52] 54] Ixi 133] 76. 134] 
Warris, W. xlvi 826 
Warsaw, fire at, x 78] 
«... siege of, xxxvii 29] 

Warstone, Julius (miser) xviii 114] 
Wartensleben, gen. xxx 46] 49] xxxviii 

Xviii 133] . 
prof. ii 142. iv 228, xv 6, 116. xvi 
145. xvii 121. xviii 42. xx 212. xxi 21, 
24, 26, 139, 153, 219. xxiv 9, 14, 141, 
191. xxvii 134. xxviii 136, 138. xxix 
159, 160. xxx 167, 168. xxxi 148. xxxii 
131, 132, 140, xxxiii 442] xlii 5, xliii 
535. 1xi 457 if 
+++. account of, xxxii 205] xlv 767 
rey. Ant. xxxii 206] xlv 767 
—— Dr. Jos. xxv 209. xxxii 206. 
xlii 5. xliii 381. xlvi 928. xlvii 355. xlix 
813. lii 537 
Warwick, action on the right of market at, 
xxv 211] 
Warwick v. Scott, lvi 301 
Ant. shot in a scuffle, xliv 381 
: col. (Amer. ) xxiii 390] 
———— E. H. (Rich) earl, xviii 222. xxi 

Francis, Ist earl, xvi 127] 
— G. 2nd earl, xxxvii 114, 115. xiii 
19] 20] 21] xlviii 418 
Henrietta, countess of, xxix 167 
H.R. 3rd earl, lxi 3] 
Rich. Beauchamp, earl of, xxx 
Warwick lane, fire in, xxii 222] 
Wasemski, prince, xxvii 185] 
Washington, city of, xxiii 225] lviii 613. 
lxi 526 
+»-. taken by the British, lvi 184] 206] 219 
«+.. message from the president on the 
public buildings and furniture, lx 20 
Washington, Bushrod, xlii 343 
—— col. xxili 55] xxiv 66] 82] 
xxv 191] 

G. xvii 218] 9. xix 9] 33] 139*] 
147*] 168*] 172*] 177*] 259] xx 3] 7] 
14] 18] 34] 164*] xxi 132] 215*] 219°] 
xxii 3] 20] 188] 207*] xxiii 216*] 225*] 
xxiv 15] 29] 37] 78] 122] xxv 281] xxvi 
241] 265] xxvii 177] xxix 289] xxx 79. 
xxxiii 266, 223] xxxv 160] 212. xxxvi 
81] 244, 442. xxxvii 143] 304. xxxviii 
128, 290. xl 6, 310. xlviii 1008. liii 11. 
lix 383 u 

«++. appointed commander in chief, xviii 


Washington, G. surprises a detachment at 
Trenton, xx 15] 

«+.. attack on German Town, xx 135] 

--++ proclamation against such as subscribe 
the declaration of the British commis- 
sioners, xx 297] 

-... follows the British army from Phila- 
delphia, xxi 220*] 

+e» proceedings respecting major André, 
xxili 384] xxiv 40] 

+++» mutiny in his army, xxiv 74] 76} 

+... intercepted letter from, xxiv 256] 

.-s- letter from sir G. Carleton, and 
answer to it, xxv 30]] xxvi 130] 

+e. circular letter on resigning his com- 
mand at the peace, xxvi 266] 

.--- farewell orders to the armies, xxvi 

+... address of his officers to, xxvi 277] 

«+e reélected president, xxxv 1 

sss. resignation of, xxxvili 202] 

«+e» address to Congress, xxxvili 203n] 

..+» character of, xxxviii 204] xli 348 

-.-- letter on his resignation, xxxviii 

+» his address to the people on the ocea- 
sion, xxxviii 293 

«s+ letter to the Congress on the differ- 
ences with France, xxxix 276 

«++» dedication to, xxxix 437 

eee command of the American army ac- 
cepted by, xl 246] 317 

«+++ death of, xli 350 

«+e» funeral of, xlii 1 

seee will of, xlii 338 

«. +» reward to, xlii 340 

++. removal of his body, lviii 26 

Wasps, man killed by swallowing one, xi 

.».. death from shoemaker’s wax applied 
to a sting on the temple, xlix 489 

Wassenaar, bar. iv 275] xxv 69] xxvii 

_— baroness, xxix 32] 

W. H. xxxiv 189 

Waste lands, report of the committee on, 
xxxix 410 

«... cultivation of, xlvii 400. xlix 867 

Watches : repeating, set in a ring, vii 78] 
xiii 173] 

...- Without barrel, chain, or fusee, vi 79] 

eee Curious, xii 100] 

e+e. musical, xiii 166] 

+++. action for putting a false name to, xx 

- ++. antiquity of, xxii 135 

Watchmen, man hanged for wounding one, 
xlviii 367, 441 

«+. duties of, xlix 367 

+».. one stabbed in attempting to secure a 
thief, xlix 432, 445 

Water: methods of preserving, ii 419. vi 
103] vii 130. xliv 785 

sees Means of correcting, when putrid, ii 
419, vii 13] 



Water: methods of procuring fresh from 
salt: iii 121. iv 140. viii 95) xi 195] 118. 
xii. 87] xv 67] 98] xix 76 

+... girl nourished a long time by, v 61 

-... machine for raising by wind, vi 83] 

hes shown to be compressible, vi 74] viii 

... machines for procuring fresh from salt 
to be fixed in all French men-of-war, vii 

«+-. machines for raising, viii 92] 166. ix 
88] xii 152] xxvi 87 

+.+. means of purifying, xi 88. xlviii 982 

---. effect of, on vegetation, xii 104 

«++. discoverers of, xv 96 

.»«. boiling disposes it to freeze, xviii 68 

+... expansive force of, on freeaing, xxxii 

Water colours. See Colours 

Watercourses, action respecting, li 321 

Water-doctors, xxii } 

Bieri Sn longevity of one, xiv 165] 

Water-gilding, prevention of ill 
from, xxv 120 

Water-hemlock, effects of, x 98 

Teese children poisoned by, xiii 

Waterburg, gen. (Amer.) xx 5] 

Waterford, G. de la Poer, Ist marq. xxvi 
196] xxix 66] xxxi 312] 313] 314] 317] 

— Susan, marchioness of, lviii 153 

Waterford, address to the king on his re- 
covery, xxxi 323] 

--ee fire at, xli 41 

..» fire in the cathedral, lvii 81 

Waterhouse, capt. R. xlv 427 

Watering-places, fashion of visiting, xii 209. 
Xxxviii 476, 478 

Waterloo, battle of, lvii 66-8] 111, 174-9, 
552, 554, Ixi 17 

Waterman and his dog leap from the centre 
arch of Westminster bridge to swim to 
Lambeth, viii 116] 

Waterman, sir G. viii 136] 

eae : complain to the lord mayor, xi 
107] , 

+-+. rowing match at Kew, xi 151] 

«+e disputes with, xviii 161] xx 215] 

«+.» fares altered, xlv 385 

-.+. to wear badges in their hats, 72. 

Wate, mineral, apparatus for making, xxi 

Waters, E. xlix 509 

Rich. liv 316 

Weenies in Cumberland, iii 95, xlviii 


«-.. in Scotland, xi 159] 

«+ «+» — Dorsetshire, xi 172] 

+e +e at sea, xx 90 

«+e on Clapham common, xxv 210] 

«eee at Ramsgate, xl 57 

«++» in Cornwall, xlviii 453 

.. «+ — Yorkshire, xlix 429 

Waterworks, See the different places 



Waterworks, iron pipe burst, liv 138 
Watford, fire at, lvi 70 
Wathen, sir S. 1i 274 
Watkins, capt. Fred. (N) xlii 78 
——+-— James, suicide, xxxvi 13 
John, ii 60 
——lieut.  (N) xxxvii 137] 
—— T. xxxiv 360, 364 
Watkinson, xvii 104] 

— Benj. vi 88] 
Dr. xix 196] 
————— rev. vi8 
Watrin, gen. xlii 193] 
Watson, _—_—-v 83] xvi 120] 
——— adm. C. iv 56] 
++» takes Angria’s principal fort, i 13 
«++. his successes in Bengal, i 31 
wees his death, 133 
«+++ monument of, vi 81] 
Agnes, murder of, lv 46 
———ald. Brook, xxvii 179] 186] 189] 

xxix 85] xxxii 93] xxxv 14. xxxvi 94. 

xxxix 35, 159. xliii 2. xlv 409 
e+. votes of censure on, xxxix 22, 28, 

«s+. refusals to convene a common hall, 

xxxix 23, 27 
—— bish. Rich. xii 85] xiv 167. xvii 

147. xxii 63. xxv 224] xxix 98] xxx 87] 

xxxi 122] 304] xxxvi 358. xxxvii 189] 

x1 58, xli 230] 18, xliii 383. xlvi 62. lili 


capt.  (N) xxiii 229*] 

W. wrongfully charged with 

piracy, iv 170] : 

Colin, murder of, xv 144] 

ii 233. xxxii 212] 

James, ly 128 . 

—— Dr. Rob. xix 243. xxvi 1, 3, 4, 
202. 17, 34-40, 107 

gen. J. W. T. xli 20 

J. xxi 139. 1i 308 

J. executed for mutiny, xlii 27 

James, vi 335] viii 145] Ixi 242 

jun. lix 12, 39 

sen. lviii 190, 200. lix 102] 

4, 5, 18, 39. Ix 51 

1. col. xxiv 80] 84] 

———— Mary, legacy to, xlii 24 

——— Matt. Mark, xlviii 404 

— — rev J. xliii 30 

—— Rich. murdered, vi 91] ~ 

——— serg. James, xxxvi 277] 

sir Charles, iii 86] 

sir W. i 360. iv 112. v 85. vii 110. 
ix 49] x 128. xi 123. xii 112. xiii 109. 
xiv 154] 83. xvi 82, 122 

—— T. shot by the guard of a stage, 
xiii 120] 

—— T. lix 359 

———— W, 1 185°. lit 423 

——_—~ W. (couns.) li 270 

—_——— W. (serg.) shot by a private, Ixi 232 

arr capt, James |\(N) xxvi 68] 74] 251) 

——- col. 



Watt, C. 1xi 301 

—v— James, xxi 151. xxvii 27. xxviii 80. 
xliii 404. xlvi 783. 1 132. 1i 334 

«++. account of, lxi 464 

Rob. tried and executed for treason, 
xxxvi 28, 34 

—— W. xlviii 452. lii 419 

Watteau, Ant. xiv 158 

Watterdorff, gen. 1 92* 

Watteville, de, gen. xliv 228, 232 

————_—— m. gen. Lewis, xlviii 593. lv 
220. Ivi 191] 256 

Watts, (garden.) xxxviii 451, 454 

—— capt. (N) li 473. lii 304 

— — David Pyke, xlii 17 

—— Dr. Isaac, vi 79. xlvii 804 

—— G. xxxiv 145 

—— Harry, xxxix 408 

Joseph, xli 400 

—— Margaret, xi 93] 

—— rev. Dr. W. xxxvi 377 

—— T. xii 107] 

Wauchope, m. gen. Patrick, xlix 204, 670* 

Waves. See Sea 

Wax tree, xlv 804 

Waxwork, in the gallery at Florence, xvi 

Way, ii143 

— H. B. lii 655. lv 497 

— 1. col. sir G. H. B, 1i 180 

Way, trials for right of, i 89. iii 67. lv 275 

Wayne, gen. (Amer.) xx 131] xxi 225*] 
xxii 192] xxiv 74] 120] xxxvii 144] 

Wayneflete, bish. W. xxxi 212] liii 533 

Ways and means. See Supplies 

Weapons, ancient, x 271, 273 

...- American, lviii 491 

Wearg, sir Clem. vii 280 

Weasel, Brasilian, described, ii 366 

Weather: large quantity of sea water frozen 
in a ship’s hold, i 83 

.... extraordinary fog in Connecticut, i 90 

«..» large quantity of rain in London, i 


-+.. forward spring, ii 72, 81. iv 68] xxxii 
194] xlvi 364 

..+» mild winter at Petersburg, ii 74 

«+s mischief by floods, ii 101 

.-.. severe cold in Germany, iii 9 

.».. mild winters, iii 159] 162] xlix 360, 
837. liii 487 

...-. heat of, in Georgia, iii 92 

.... difference of temperature at Plymouth 
and the Eddystone, iii 94 

+». Squalls of wind often confined to a 
small space, 7b. 

.... severe cold in S. Carolina, iv 105] 

..-. thick fogs in London, iv 183] x 149] 
xi 148] lv 103. lix 2 

at Wigton, i 

«ss. ——— in different places, xxxix 55 

.. «» cold at Petersburg, iv 89. v 78, 80 

.-++ floods in several parts of England, v 
107] ix 66) xxxii 194] 

bb le severe frost ih 1762, v 119] vi 

«+++ heavy snow in the neighbourhood of 
Florence, vi 73] 

eeee floods at Nantz, vi 77) 

-+.. mild autumns, vi 103] 112] viii 146] 

e+- heavy rains, vii 48] viii 61] ix 121] 
xi [163] 164] 185] 188] 191] xiii 136] 
167] xv_ 126] 127] xix 175. xxv 217] 
xxxi 213] 215] xxxiii 37] xli 29. xliii 21. 
xlv 396. xlvi 384., lili 59, 123. lviii 78, 
83, 92, 94, 106 

eee Severe winter in 1756 in Syria, vii 102 

eevee Severe cold in Feb. 1765, viii 66] 

+++ great fall of show all over England, 
viii 71] 

ee severe cold on the continent; ix 56] 58] 

eee extraordinarily deep snow in Notting- 
hamshire, ix 64] 

«+e rain freezing, ix 64] 66] 

«+++ great rains in Italy, ix 121] 

---- mild close of 1766, ix 154] . 

ees. sevete cold 1767, x 49] 50) 54] 55] 
84] 94] 99] 

-+-- snow in Derbyshire in June, x 97] 

coon ——_-—_ agdin in the 

beginning of October, x 137] 

«++. retardation of the harvest in the 
North, x 138] 

«+++ Severe frost and deep snow, x 161] 
162] 165] xi 57] 58] 66] 69) i01] xix 
114] xli 6. liii5. lvi 4-13, 18, 21, 31 

e+-- coldness of different winters, xi 59] 
66] 94. xix 114] 

arise very hot summer in Italy, xi 171] xii 

nef rainy summers, xi 201] 202] lviii 79, 

«eee mildest winters in the. South severest 
in the North, xii 88] 

e+ee severe cold in 1771, xiv 74] 76] 99] 

Be show, xvi 76] xli 13. xlviii 386. 

ane st ie a in 1774 early severe, xvii 173] 

-2s+ very hot simmer in Sweden, xix 175] 

«+++ heights of the thermometer, xxi 190] © 

xxii 220] xxxii 209] xxxy 34, xlvi 416. 
lvi 48 

e+. Severe and late cold; xxv 207] 

+44. succession of severe and irregular 
seasons, xxviii58] 59] 

«+--+ Severe winters, xxxi 193] 195] lvi 4- 
13; 18, 21, 31, 75. lix 15,18 

«++. metereological registers for 1790 and 
following. years, xxxii 272] xxxiii 135] 
xxxiv lol. xxxv 103. xxxvi 137. xxxvii 
134. xxxviii 105. xxxix 165. xl 198. xli 
190. xlii 178. xliii 206. xliv 603, xlviii 
365. liv 235, lv 327. lvi 348, lvii 327. 
lviii 355. lix 242, Ix 368. 1xi 308 

-».. alteration in the seasons; xxxv 10] 

3.2. state of, at Norwich; xlii 46 

es. indications of, xlii 362 


Weather: very dry years; xlv 423. Sée 

also Droughts é 

-».. late snow, xlvii 390 

e+». early snow, lxi 79 

-. + great heat, 1 68*. liii 87; 88 

+--+ continued wet, liv 130. lviii 83; 92, 114 

e+.» cold summer, lviii 79 

«++ early cold, lviii 182 

Weavers: Spitalfields, method of quilting 
in looms invented by, viii €7] 

+++. Tiot near Battlebridge by a number of 
fellows pretending to be distressed; viii 

ats "loan tise discharged for want of em- 
ployment, ix 61] 

«+.» riot of, near Cork, x 92] 

-+«- riots in Spitalfields on [account of the © 

reduction of prices, x 139] xi 57] 2. 
139] 157] xii 111] 124] 132] 136] 137] 
138] 142] 151] 159] 160] 162] 

+++» quarrel between the narrow and en- 
gine, x 152] xi 57] 58) 68] 

+. riot in Brick lane, x 158] 

+++. one found guilty of shooting a woman 
through the hand for protecting her hus- 
band, xii 162] 

«++. act for regulating wages within five 
miles of London, xvi 117] 

sees Tiot of, at Glasgow, xxix 218] xxx 

«+++ Tiots on account of prices at Manclies- 
ter, 147*, 51*, 54", 58*, 63", 64°. Ix 91, 

+s. distressed state of, liv 23 

«+e riots at Carlisle, Ixi 31, 35, 36; 41 

+++. disputes respecting wages, Ixi 54 

-++. convicted of conspiracy to raise wages, 
xi 242 

--++ See also Spitalfields, and Silk 

Webb, capt. J. viii 149] xvi 201] 

col. ii 270 

Dan. iii 249. v 247. vii 2742. ix 225 

—— E. xxxviiil2 

gen. i380. viii 201] xxi 72 

J. v 28; 29. Ix 88 

J.executed for plundering a wreck, 
xxv 219] 

—v— Mrs. benefaction to Christ’s hospital, 
xiii 166] : 

—— Phil. Carteret, i 102. ii 57. iii 131. 
vi 88] 136] viii 179] xii 49*] 50*] 65*] 
151] xxxiii 284] 

++» trial of, for perjury, vii 75] 

—— Rich. suicide, xi 186] 

Webbe, xxxv 32 

J. xliv 273 

Webber, C. viii 184 ; 

—capt. (A) lv 274 

—— J. lix 52] 

Rob. transported, ix 135] 

Webster, capt. (A) v 39 

———_ Il. col. xxii 192] xxiii 220°] 
233*] xxiv 59] 66] 70] : 

———. Rowland, lvii 82 

sir Godfrey, xxxix 10 

| Wei 



Webster, xl 178 
Wedd, attempt to murder, viii 147] 
xi 147] xxvii 187] " 

——— maj. killed by the overturning 
of the York stage, xi 177] 
—S.1i284 _ 
Wedderburn, Alex, See Rosslyn, earl 
———~—_ brig. gen. David, xiii 72] xvi 

120] xxv 10] 46 
James, Ix 315 
maj. iv 141] 
Wedding rings, iv 299 
Wedel, Dr. Wolfgang, xxxiv 3842] 
gen. i 48, 54, 60, 62. ii 24, 25, 

Wedell, gen. xliii 101] 1 199] 200] 
praierced, Josiah, Xviii 34, xxi 210. xxxiv 

++-. account of, xxxvii 5 
2 Ralph, xlviii 961. li 545. liii 

: -T.xxxiv56 

Week, W. shot in a riot, xi 96] 
Weekes, C. xxvii 300] 

—— Jos. xlii 382 

Weeks, lieut. J. (N) liv 219 

-—— Mary, ill usage of, xvii 116] 
Weems, T. niurderer of his wife, lxi 31 

Weert, Sebald de, x 189. xiv 2] _ 

Weevils, use of tobacco against, iv 136 
os smell of lobsters a remedy for, xix 

. other preservatives against, xXxvli 
8 * 

Wegg, S. xviii 177] xix 194] 

Weichsell, Eliz. xxi 179] 

Weigel, prof. Erh. ix 38 

Weights. See Measures 

Po ; yon and Levi, execution of, xiv 

+++. account of their trial, xiv 210] 
—— Stalpart vander, x 98 

- Weimar, fire at, xvii 124] 

See Saxe Weimar 
Weimar, gen. _ vi 35_ , 

Weir, capt. _ (N) liv 140] 225 

Dan. xvii 110] 

—— Dr. J.1x 276 

Weiser, Conrad, ii 192 

Weisner, Le (mem. of Congr.) xvii 218] 

xviii 26. 

Weisse, C. F. xxxi 167 
man, gen. xi 15] 16] 17] xii 27) 
xiv 73"] 77*] xvi 14] 15] 
---- killed, xvi l6] 
Welby, H. (reels xvii 49 
ele capt. (A) xxxiv 216 
—— Edm. viii 146] - 
J. lix 233 

| —— Mary, attempt to hang her own 

Coch Ivii 32 
elchman, miss M. A. murder of, lvi 71 
Weld, x Se cnieed 
ee _ Isdaié, x1i 309, 348 ‘ 
—— Rich, xxxiv 78 | 


WE , te 
Welderen, count, xxi 314] xxii 419] xxiii 
ay 374] 379] 380] xxiv 299] 312] xxv 

Weldon, James, xxxix 409. xliii 452 
Welfus, count Altdorf, i 392 
Well, Dr. J. xix 157] 
Wellclose square, fire in, xxxiii 46] 
Weller, W. xlii 382 
Welles, Rich. xxviii 186 
Wellesley, col. See Wellington, duke 
os hon. H.1 222*..1i 399. liii 126] 

m. gen. See Wellington, duke 

Rich. liii 9] ph 

Rich. margq. xxvi 196] xxxi 311] 
313] 314] xxxiv 153] xxxv 159] xxxvi 
184] xxxviii 38] xli 54] 99, 220. xliii 
200] xliv 60, 278. xly 340n, 552. xlvi 
116, 197, 201, 213, 237. xlvii 65, 196, 
962. xlviii 106, 260. 1 33] 223*. li 188, 
239. lii 2, 9, 30, 149, 160, 236, 259, 257°, 
500. lili 36] 78] 150] liv 17] 30] 49] 65] 
81] 84] 25. 85] 87] 90] 120] 129] 215] 
346. lv 35] 60] 200] Ivii 13] 17] Iviii 17] 
lix 24] Ixi 118] 

+s. annuity to, xliii 2 rt 

-».. thanks of parliament to, xlvi 82 

.... Statue at Calcutta, xlvi 238 

.».. charges against, xlvii 111. xlviii 100. 
xlix 144. 190] 92] 94] Fw 

.... his return to England, xlvii 209. 

sir Arthur. See Wellingtot, 

sir H. xli 242. xliv 279. 1276 
W.P. T.L. See Pole, Welles- 





Welledley’s islands, account of, lvii 545 

Wellings, T. xviii 271] xxv 197] 

Wellington, Arthur, duke of, xliii 94. xlv 
557. xlvi 204, 232, 605. xlvii 200, 207. 
xlyiii 104, 106. xlix 246, 700%, 702*. 1 
225] 125%, 223%, 258+. 1i 4, 37, 39, 46, 
50, 56, 60, 122, 130, 176, 212, 226, 235, 
450, 466, 482, 497. lii 8, 9, 18, 20, 21, 
25, 49, 160, 184, 312, 316, 318. lili 119] 
121] 120. liv 163] 215] 216] 394. lv 36] 
900] 50. lvi 211] 67. Ivii 83] 96] 67, 102, 
111, 182, 226, 328, 410, 549, 587. Iviii 
19] 113, 170. Ix 146, 432. Ixi 129 

..+- thanks ef parliament to, xlvi 82, 238. 
li 48. ii 27 

.. ++ liberation of Poonah, xlvi 205 

..-+ marches to Ahmednughur and Auran- 
gabad, xlvi 215, 216 Layer Tbe 

.... defeats Scindiah at ASsye, xlvi 217 

the allies at Argaum; Xlvi 

234 li 

wee. rewards to, xlvi 238. lii 35, 124, 257°. 
liv 158] 217] 121, 332. vi 137] 138] 60. 
vit 50] 99] 1x 402, i. i. 1X1 290, 400, 
ib. ib. oi 

.... his arrival iri Portugal, 1 220] 

..++ second arrival there, li 179 

.. + battle of Talavera, li 183, 193; 400, 
469, 496 



Wellington, duke of: proceedings after the 
retreat from Talavera, lii 190 

e.+- retreat of Massena from Portugal, liii 
102] 185 

ee-- proceedings in Spain, liii 197, 219. 
liv 144] 198, 207, 219, 227. lv 36] 140] 
165, 189, 221, 227 

¢s.- appointed commander in chief of the 
Spanish armies, liv 162] 

e+e. entrance into France, lv 151] 221 

e+. complaint of the conduct of the re- 
gency toward him, lv 156] 

e+ee visit to Lisbon, lv 6 

e+. Various engagements in France, lv 228, 
o Ivi 12] 17] 26] 152, 159, 163, 175, 


e+» answer to the thanks of the Commons 
delivered in person, lvi 138] 

eee arrival at Dover, lvi 55 

«eee entertained at Guildhall, lvi 59 

—— at Carlton house, lvi 63 

. nee takes the command in Belgium, lvii 


ee++ battle of Waterloo, lvii 67] 174-9, 
552, 554 

ee»e letter on the reclamation of plunder 
from the French, lvii 90] 

a —-— to the mayor of Brussels, Ivii 

«+++ proclamation from Malplaquet to the 
French, lvii 392 

ees» correspondence relative to the conven- 
ae for the evacuation of Paris, lviii 

«+++ report of an attempt to assassinate at 
Paris, Ix 18 

+++ order of the day on taking leave of the 
allied troops, Ix 155 

Wells, means of expelling foul air from, viii 
147] x 157] xix 196] xxxv 333 

e+» persons suffocated in, ii 223. iv 159] 
vii 108] x 156] 160] xi 161] liv 127 

ee-- accidents in sinking, xxviii 211. xlv 
469. xlix 516 | 

eve falling in while cleaning, lvi 85 

Wells (city) mandamus to the corporation 
to restore serg. Burland to the office of 
recorder, x 55] 

Wells, adm. J. xxxix 78 

——— D. executed for murder, xlv 380 

—— Dr. W. C. xxxvii 61*] xliii 16 

—— H. v. Watling, on right of common, 
xxi 196] 

——— rev. Dr. Edw. xxii 168 

—-— Steph. xliv 774 

—— T. li 544 

he 5 Ant. executed for murder, xv 90] 

Welsden, Mrs. xxxiii 1] 

Welsh Charity School. 
Ancient Britons 

Welsh (The) | See Wales 

Welsh, maj. iv 151] 152] 

sir Rich. xlv 374, 419 

xxxi 199] liy 285 

See Society of 




Welwood, Dr. James, ix 57, 63 
Wemyss, capt. (N) lvi 195 ty 
—_ Francis, 6th earl, xxix 147] xxx _ 
207) xlix 838 sf 

— Francis Charteris, 5th earl, xxix — 

Wens, filled with gravel and small stones, , 
xiv 165] 
«++. large, extirpated, xxi 186] 
+++ cure for, xlii 395 
Wentworth, (highwayman) xxxiv 26 
— E. Ist vise. xiv 98] 
T. 2nd lord, xxi 235 
Weregin, Feodor, xvii 151 
Werneck, gen. xlvii 150 
Werner, lvi 112 : 
——— Abr. G, lviii 50 v 
gen. iii 43] 49] v 23] xxi23] 
Wesel, besieged by the prince of Bruns- — 
wick, iii 35] a 
++ the siege raised, iii 38] 4 
Wesket, J. convicted of a robbery at lord — 
Harrington’s, vii 113] 149] viii 57] ¢ 
Weskett, J. vi 88] 
Wesley, C. (musician) xxii 84 
—— rev. C, xiii 62. xxxiii 276] 
—_———— J. xiii 62. xxxiii 13] li 781 
++ se extracts from his journal, v 243 ; 
«+++ account of, xxxiii 276] 
S. id. 
—-—— S. (musician) xxii 84 
Wessenberg, baron, Ix 122 
West, xviii 36, 227. xix 228 
adm. J. 1i 532 
-—— C. Rob. xlviii 958 
Dan. lviii 348 
—— Gilbert, xvii 28. xviii 229” 
«++» account of, xxv 55 
—— James, xi 173] xxxii 352] xxxiv 78 
—v-— James, killed in attempting to rob a 
rookery, xlvi 385 
—-— Mat., attempts to escape from jail, i 
—— Mrs. xx 192] 
Rich, xviii 36 
— — Rob. (fath. of sir B.) xix 181 
sir Benj. xi 199] xii 106} 36. xvi 
140] xix 181] xxxiii 48, xxxix 10. xlii 

—— T. Beverley, xlviii 615 

—— W. robbery of lady Parsons by, xvii 

—— W. lviii 348 

West Ham, benefaction to the charity school, 
ix 102] 

West India docks, Blackwall, xlii 24. xliv 
428, 429, 441. xlvi 353. xlviii 426, li 

«ss coffer dam burst, lii 281 

-.+. fall of roofs of warehouses, lv 70 

West Indies: history of the buccaneers, iv 

sees treatment of Negroes in, xxxili 233] 

+. extirpation of the natives by the 
Spaniards, xxxv 419 



West Indies: account of the British islands, 
~xxxv 421 

«»». natural productions, xlv 802 

+++. acts respecting, i 136 

»++- prosecution of the war there, ii 11 

++». attempt on Martinico, ii 12 

«++ attack on Guadaloupe, ii 13 

+++. Surrender of Guadaloupe and the 
small islands adjacent, ii 14, 226, 227 

..+- Marie Galante surrendered, ii 15 

e+». proclamation at Antigua for raising 
men for an expedition against Guada- 
loupe, ii 93, 94 

---- two French ships taken, with Dutch 
ships under their convoy, ii 102 

..+. Guadaloupe sugars to be entered as 
British plantation, ii 108 

.--- subscription at Slaughter’s coflee house 
for the sufferers by the fire in Covent 
Garden, ii 132 

-.-. number of French privateers taken, iii 

«+.» flag of truce trade with the French, 
iii 219] 

»+»«- Dominica taken from the French, iv 
58] 13841] 

+... two French frigates taken, and two 
destroyed, iv 70] 

+--- French vessels cut out of Cumberland 
harbour, iv 97] 

+... English ships from Monte Christi, 
condemned at Jamaica, ordered to be 
restored, iv 127] 

e+». French property conveyed in Dutch 

bottoms, iv 145] 

bias expedition against the F. islands, v 

«+.» Martinico taken, v 34] 
+... Grenada, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent’s 
surrendered, v 35] 
et at against the Havannah, v 
--.. attack on the Moro fort, v 39] 
«+.. English battery set on fire, v 40] 
++.» distress of the British troops, id. 
«+. the Moro taken, v 42] 
+... the Havannah surrendered, v 43] 
+.» cessions at the peace, v 58] 
++.» right of cutting logwood in the bay of 
Honduras, v 60] 
ses Settlement of, at the peace of 1762, v 
«+++ several pirate vessels in, vi 83] 
s+». right of customhouse officers to rum- 
mage ships with a light decided, vi 
«+-- proclamation for the sale of crown 
lands in by auction, vii 57] 
Ric complaints of our logwood cutters, vii 

«++ Officers of the navy sworn as custom- 
house officers, and some Spanish vessels 
seized, vii 84] 

e+-- Danish ports in St. Thomas’s and St, 
John’s declared free, vii 89] 
Parr I. 



West Indies: conduct of the French at the 
Turks islands, vii 97] 

«+++ checks to the Spanish trade removed, 
vii 107] 

e+». exertions of the French in the, id. 

++» colonial duties, vii 164] 166] 

-++- Officers of the king’s ships appointed 
to act as custom-house officers, viii 18] 

+++» mischiefs of this, 7. 21] 

>+++ proceedings with respect to the stamp 
act, viii 56] 

+++. instructions for the allotment of the 
ceded islands, viii 75] 76] 

++». importance of preserving woodlands 
in, viii 76] 

+++. encouragement of emigrants to, by the 
French, viii 94] 

+++. adjustment of disputes between our 
os cutters and the Spaniards, viii 

++. hurricanes in, viii 112] ix 155-7] 194] 
x 52] 54] 94] xv 140. xxiii 292] xxiv 
30] xxviii 210] 211] 214] xxxv 2. xiliii 
31. xlvi 429. liv 211] 128. lv 195] lvii 
77. lviii 141. lix 101. Ix 153] 145. Ixi 3, 
11, 70, 102, 103 

+++ restrictions on foreign ships approach- 
ing the shore suspended by the French, 
viii 132] 

«ees Coals 

+++ bill passed for opening free ports in, 
ix 47] 

++«. Supposed number of men capable of 
bearing arms in, ix 60] 

«+-- Turks island taken possession of in 
the name of the king, ix 62] 

--+. British salt vessels seized by the 
Spaniards, ix 127] 

«++. curious observations in a voyage to, ix 

+++ earthquakes in various parts, x 53] 54] 
xxiii 293] xxxiii 37] 

.... treatment of British vessels by the 
Spaniards, x 89] 105] 123] 124] 125] 

-..- conduct of the French and Spaniards 
in, x 165] 

---. Salary of the goy. of the Leeward 
islands, xi 151] 152] 

+++. engagement with a French smuggler, 
xii 112] 

---- master of a ship charged with selling 
his apprentice, xiv 65] 

+... numerous captures by the Spanish 
guau Ja costas, xv 81] 

+... expedition against the Caribs in St. 
Vincent’s. See St. Vincent’s 

ees. pension granted out of the 4} per 
cent Leeward island duties, xvi 124] 

.»-- Toracola, or Crab island, claimed by 
the Spaniards, xvii 111] 

«++. petition of the merchants and planters 
to the H. of Commons on American 
affairs, xviii 62] 


imported from Canada, ° viii 


West Indies: trade of, xviii 104*] 

«... Jamaicamen cutting wood on the 
island of Cuba seized by the Spaniards, 
xviii 104] 

«++. memorial from the merchants and 
planters for stopping distillation from 
grain, and lowering the duties on rum, on 
account of the dearness of lumber in con- 
sequence of the disturbances in America, 
xix 123] 

+++. great distress from this cause, xx 26] 

»s «» Several ships taken by the Americans, 
xx 27] 

s..s survey of the French islands, xx 201] 

-.+. Morning Star seized by the Spaniards, 
xx 255] 

++. disputes on the 43 per cent duty, xxi 

+++. the principal merchants wait on lords 
North, Germaine, and Sandwich, to re- 
monstrate on the want of protection, xxi 
208] 209] 

a... petition of the planters and merchants 
to the king, xxi 312] 

«+s» defenceless state of, xxii 36] 

-».. adm. Byron unable to provoke d’Es- 
taing to an engagement, xxii 199*] 

.+ «+ both squadrons reinforced, xxii 200*] 

-..- adm, Byron convoys the merchantmen, 

--.. surrender of St. Vincent’s, xxii 201*] 

++. capture of Grenada, ¢d. 

+++. engagement between the fleets, xxii 

«+.. arrival of a Spanish squadron and 
junction with the French, xxiv 25] 26] 

ae i tremendous hurricane, xxiv 30] 163] 

.+ «+ proceedings there, xxiv 101] 

.-. disputes between the merchants and 

adm, Rodney, xxiv 104] 

++.» petition from the merchants on the 
danger of the islands, xxiv 201] 319] 

-... sale of lands in the ceded islands, xxiv 

--.- St. Eustatia, Demerary, and Essequibo 
retaken, xxv 194*] 195*] 

--.. St. Christopher’s taken, xxv 195*] 
+++. adm. Hood gains the anchorage at 
Basse Terre from de Grasse, xxv 197*] 
++.» again puts to sea without obstruction, 

xxv 201*] 

«... Nevis and Montserrat taken, 7d. 

«++. junction of Rodney and Hood, xxv 

»... convoy from Brest escapes the British 
fleet, xxv 203*] 

+++» engagement between Rodney and de 
Grasse, xxv 204*] 

-.+» Bahama islands taken by the Spa- 
niards, xxvi 115] 

++ ee successful attacks of the Spaniards on 
the Moschetto shore, xxvi 119] 

». +» Bahama islands retaken, xxvi 260] 

eee thanks of the gentlemen interested in 



the conquered islands, with a piece 6f 
plate, to the marg. de Bouille, xxvii 183] 

West Indies: meeting of nerchants on the | 
Irish resolutions, xxvii 335] ¢ 

«+++ memorial to the treasury on the com- — 
mercial treaty with France, xxviii 286] _ 

---- letter from Mr. Pitt in answer to it, | 
xxix 257] j 

+++ resolution of the captains not to take 
any seamen without a certificate of good 
behaviour, xxix 218] aq 

«++. Scheme of fortifying the islands, xxx | 
96] xxxi 143] . 

++.+ effects of the revolution on the French } 
islands, xxxii 1386. xxxiii 130, xxxiv 68] 7) 
xxxvi 215] 283] 

++-. number of slaves imported and ex- J 
ported, xxxiv 129 % 

+++. French islands captured, xxxv 270] 
271] xxxvi 282] 68 

++. Various exports, xxxv 428, xliv 531 | 

-+.. Sickness and mortality among the } 
troops, xxxvi 283] . 

++. disturbances in, xxxvi 283] xxxvii 
134] 168, 185 ’ wa 

.».. the merchants trading to Grenada and }- 
St. Vincent’s petition the Commons for | 
relief, xxxvii 216] . 

«--- loan granted them, xxxix 170. xlil 
176. xlv 116. xlviii 653 

+++ proceedings of the French in, xxxvii 

+++. successes in, xxxviii 70, 74, 80. xxxix 
89] 92) . 

+++. refusal of the planters to arm a body J 
of Negroes, xxxix 92] 

+... complaint of great expense to little 
purpose, xxxix 128] ‘ 

»... Spaniards allowed to trade under cer- 
tain restrictions notwithstanding the war, }. 
xxxix 234 , 

..+- Negroes converted by the Moravians, 
xl 69 

-+.- Danish and Swedish islands captured, 
xliii 114] 112 | 

...- reestablishment of slavery in the 
French islands, xlivy 224 

+.+. Valuable plants introduced into the 
Caribbee islands, xliv 463 

- imports into G, Britain from the con- 
quered colonies, xliv 53] 
+-e+ great defalcation in accounts and othe 
abuses, xlv 420. xlviii 77, 401 : 

-++s appearance of a French squadron in, 
xlvii 220, 227 

.. +. restrictions of intercourse with Ame 
rica, xlvi 708, 709. xlviii 81 

+++. imports into, xlvili 872 _ 

«+.» French islands taken, 1 237] 

.-++ Danish islands taken, | 8* 5 

++-- plan for the relief of the planters, | 

«+. Martinico and the city of St, Dominge}. 
taken, li 228, 429, 461 

+++» Guadaloupe taken, lii 262 

est Indies: swarming with American 
privateers, liv 21] ] 
».- piratical vessels in, lv 193] lvii 90. 
Iviii 149. Ix 173] 1xi 12, 14 
-+.. British vessels allowed to trade to 
Porto Rico, lv 195] 
+++. affairs in, lvi 199] lvii 128] 193, 219- 
28. lviii 161] 

.... fatal sickness in men-of-war, lviii 196 
»-- ordinance in the city of Savannah 
' against teaching people of colour, even if 
free, to write or read, lix 122 
+-- condition and treatment of slaves in, 
lx 109] 
est street, Soho, fire in, xlvii 421 
estall, W. lvii 544 
estcar, xliii 46 
estcombe, rev. Nich. murdered, lv 72 
estcott, capt. G. Blagd. xl 148] 143 
++» monument in St. Paul’s to, xli 172] 
xlvii 433 
J. murder of, x 95] 120] 
= sig gen. xxxiv 32] xxxvi 93] 
oak capt. T. (N) xliii 364 
C. Callis, xxxvi 236] xli 200] xlii 
105] xliii 127] 158] 164] xlvi 104. liv 
110] lv 55] lvi 124] lvii 52] lviii 27] 30] 
estfield, Mary Faussett, liv 289 
estmacott, Rich. 1 87 (2nd), 88 (2nd). li 
273, 316. lviii 81 
estmeath, G. Fred. 7th earl, xxvi 196] 
xxxviii 8. xliv 13 

—— T. 6th earl of, xiv 137] xxvi 

Westminster : petition of posterity to the 
dean and chapter of, i 376 

--.. subscription for raising volunteers, ii 
112, 113 

«» «+ swine seized for being kept in, iii 161] 

++++ Opposition to the fishmarket, iii 165] 

+» «+ warehouses opened for the sale of fish, 
iv 166] 

+... act for paving, lighting, and cleansing, 

_ v 88] 168] vi 71] vii 158] 

«++» cause between the dean and chap. and 
the parishioners of St. Margaret’s con- 
cerning the painted window, v 90] 

»... riots at an election, vi 62] 

+--+ new court-house in King street, vi 64] 

+++. epitaph in St. James’s churchyard 

ol by the bishop to be effaced, vi 
ur fire in Surrey street, in the Strand, viii 

+++. Strand and St. James’s street new 
paved and signs removed, viii 110] 

+--- fire in Theobald’s court, Strand, viii 

+++. magistrates to wear a gold shield with 
the arms of the city and emblems of 
magistracy suspended by a ribbon on the 

breast, viii 153] 

«+++ inflammatory papers stuck up in 
various parts, xi 113] 



Westminster: instructions to representa- 
tives, xii 70] 

+++ petition to his majesty, xii 125] 126] 
159} 202] 

-.. remonstrance to him, xiii 85] 

.... threatening letters to the dean for not 
making a passage through Dean’s yard, 
xili 92] 

.--. sir R. Bernard elected for, without any 
expense, 101] 

«+++ high constable and his assistant con- 
fined by some of the horse guards, xili 
144] 146] xiv 67] 

.++« heads of a remonstrance, xiii 160] 

-..- dean and chapter claim the soil of 
Durham-yard embankment, xiv 84] 

+... action against a king’s messenger for 
an assault at a meeting of the electors, 
xiv 90] : 

++. delay of sir W. Lewis in offering him- 
self a candidate, xix 201] 

+++. petition to parliament, xxiii 198] 

+... ——— and remonstrance to the king, 
xxiv 200] , 

he os to the Commons against bad 
halfpence, xxvi 196} 

..+» high bailiff makes no return on the 
plea of a scrutiny, xxvii 1477] 174] 191] 
279] xxviii 204] 

«.-. election, xxxii 208] xxxiii 216, 217, 
80] xxxvili 23 

»+e police bill, xxxiv 156 

+.++ patroles appointed 
xxxiv 48 

..+. parish meetings, xxxiv 97, 98 

-.-- Meeting to petition against the new 
treason and sedition bills, xxxvii 43 

«++» collegiate chapel of St. Stephen, xxxviii 

++.» petition to the king to dismiss his 
ministers, xxxix 15, 87 

.-. grants for repairing St. Margaret’s 
church, xli 195. xliv 586 

.... entertainment in honour of the peace 
by the club in Bond street, xliv 401, 

..+. grant for repairs at the old Chapter 
house, xlvi 582 

.... grant for the purchase of buildings in 
St. Margaret’s street and Palace yard, 
xlvii 590, xlviii 638. xlix 728*. 1 182*, 

.... grant for the purchase of ground and 
buildings for a new court house, xlvii 

.... address for an inquiry into the con- 
vention of Cintra, 1 117* 

.... grants for improvements, li 537. lit 
424. lxi 42) 

+. riot at sir F. Burdett’s imprisonment, 
lii 105 

.. ++ petition for the release of sir F, and 
parliamentary reform, lii 107, 258* 

..+» letter to sir F. Burdett, lii 354 

.--+ improvements in, lyiii 178 

in St. Anne’s, 


Westminster Abbey: cost of Henry VII’s 
chapel, vii 175 

«+. alteration in the choir, xix 184] 

«++. accident at the funeral of the duchess 
of Northumberland, xix 196] 

--+- monument to be erected in, xliii 186] 

+e fire in, xlv 405 

+... vepairs of Henry VII’s chapel, | 183*. 
lii 423. 1xi 421 

Bridge, cost of, xiii 176] 

«+++ money granted by parliament to main- 
tain, xiv 223] xvi 228] xix 250] Ix 

+++~ houses near, pulled down, xlvi 397 

— Hall, part of the battlement 
blown down, xiii 171] 

»-+- report of the committee for examining 
the buildings adjoining, xxxii 247] 

+++. attempt to set fire to the house of 
Commons, xxxiv 18 

-»-- work done to the house of Commons, 
xxxv 106, xlii 41 

xxxvi 119. x1 205, Jii 423 
+--+ old paintings in St. Stephen’s chapel, 
xlii 41 
«++. new house of Peers built, xliii 48] 
«+++ house of Peers robbed, xliii 32 
+++- grants for works about the houses of 
parliament, xliii 144, 189. xliv 580, id. 
587. xlv 628. xlvi 582. xlvii 591. xlviii 
638. xlix 727*. 1 182%. lii 424 
Infirmary, benefactions to, vi 
84] ix 117] xii 107] xiv 116] 
+++. collection for, xvi 88] 
Lying-in hospital begun, viii 
118] ying Pp gun, 

+++. benefactions to, xii 107] xxvii 202] 
xxxviii 15 

bi ie Races (a political squib) vii 

of Peers, 

Westmorland, countess of (t. C. I) xxi 242 

J. 10th earl of, xxiv 156] 
xxxli_ 307] 311] xxxiii 155] xxxiv 36, 
169, 170. xxxv 186] 28, 206. xxxvi 154. 
Xxxvii 227] xxxviii 45] xli 228] xlii 
118} 154] xliii 169] xliv 18, 11], 147. 
xlv 113, 136. xlvi 63. xlvii 16, 30, 117. 
xIviii 61. xlix 114. 1 113] li 53, 114, 421. 
lii 60, 105. liii 5] lvii 27] 1xi 77] 

ee aire lieut. of Ireland, xxxii 104] xliv 


- Jane, countess of, xxiv 13 

— Sarah Ann, countess of, xxv 
218] xxxv 26 

T. 8th earl of, ii 105 

2s installation of, at Oxford, ii 140 
Weston v. Reay, for assault, xliii 44 
—— H. forgeries by, xxxviii 14, 19, 26 
Rich. xlii 391 

T. (actor) xix 119] 237] 

J.T. and G. mail robbers, xxv 206] 
208] 212] 214] 

W. xlix 905, 906 

Westphalia, Vhemic court of, xxxix 440 


WH _ 
Westphalia, kingdom of, under Jerome Buo-- 
naparte, xlix 178, 179 
+++. New constitution, xlix 7$3 
.... conspiracy against Jerome, li 331 
Westwich, capt. J. indicted for murder, x 
Westwood, J. lv 320 
Wetenhall, Adam de, xxvi 108 
Wetherall, 1. gen. Fred. Aug. liii 168] 227 
— R. xlviii 639 
Wetherell, C. xlix 509, 525. lv 9] Ivi 124 
Ix 319 | 
— J. vi 160] 
rev.Dr. _ vicechane. of Oxford, 
xi 177] xii 82] 193] xiii 152] xv 115] 
Wetstein, prof. J. J. xi 152 | 
Wetzlar, outrage committed by the troops 
of Hesse Darmstadt, vi 85] 
Wetzlar, C. Abraham, xli 33 | 
Wexford, shock of an earthquake felt at, v 
+++. taken by the rebels, xl 163] 
+++. evacuated by them, xl 164] 
Weymarn, gen. _vii 187] 
Weymouth : sudden rise and fall of the sea 
at, vi 99] 
+». visits of the king to, xxxi 260] xxxviif 
32, x1 84 
+++» naval fete given to their majesties, xlvi} 
418 | 
..-- act for regulating votes, liv 48] 
Weymouth, T. 3rd vise. Sce Bath, marq. of 
Whale, great northern, or Greenland, de 
scribed, xxxiii 335] lv 487. lx 560 . 
+++. driven ashore at the isle of Wight, i 
«+++ killed near Donnegal, iii 116] 
---. ashore near Swansea, iv 88] 
—— Newcastle, iv 123] 
Nairn, in Scotland, i 


+++. Several males on various parts of ou 
coasts, v 83] 

«++. two caught on the Essex coast, vi 116]f 

--.. thirty two caught near the island of 
Rona, vii 105] 

sien is near Whitstable in Kent, v 

«++ taken off Yorkshire, xx 199] 

+++e ashore near Liverpool, xxxii 209] 

+++. particulars in the anatomy of, xxxviiiff 

+--- caught in Southampton water, x1 85 § 

+... driven on a shoal in the mouth of the 
Humber, xlvi 417 

++». ashore in the frith of Forth, 1 123* 

«++. caught in the Thames, li 268 

«++. @ great number on the Scotch coast.) 
liv 111. lix 98 

+... caught within the Needles, ly 79 

+.» Stranded in Solway frith, lix 85 

..«. different species of, Ix 560 

Whalefishery, i 106. iii 129] iv 148] v 101] 
vi 96] vii 92] xi 204] xxx 128] xl 59 
lvi 79, Iviii 133, Ix 557 

Whalefishery: action by the party first 
striking a whale to recover half it’s value, 
xlix 526 

++» proposal for employing men and 
_ officers discharged from the navy, vi 59] 

++-- in the river St. Lawrence, vii 59] 

«++ act for continuing the bounty on tun- 
nage, xiv 104] 227] 

*+e gun-harpoon invented, xv 68] 83] 

++. company established in Sweden, xvii 

eee» from Nantucket, xviii 84*] 

+». acts for encouraging, xviii 114*] xix 

-» +.» Southern, xxi 126] lvi 75 

«.-- Nova Scotia, xxxv 106 

haley, journey on foot to Constanti- 

nople, xxx 216] xxxi 210] 

Whalin, Judith, suicide, xv 97] 

halley, Marg. vi 64] 

rev. Peter, x 215 

harfingers not liable for goods till they 

have passed the king’s beam, iv 119] 

Wharton, J. xxxiv 77. xxxv 149] 173] lv 
Phil. duke of, account of, vi 46 

——— lord, xxi 238 

—_ Rich. xlix 152. 1 86. liv 59] 

Rob. convicted of horse-stealing, 

xv 94] 
——- Sam. xv 113] 
sir Miles, xlii 313 
T. Ist lord, xxxiii 367 
T. marq. of, iv 37, 44. vi 47 
--.. Swift’s character of, i 260. v 40 
Whately, = xvi 152] 
couns, T. xiv 115] 
G. xxxii 13 
Whatman, J. xviii 153 
Wheat: produce of a single grain, iii 149] 
: viii 67] xii 112. xxv 109, xxvi 217] xlviii 
404. 167* 
+... new method of grinding, viii 95] 
e--. field of 17 acres without any grain in 
the ear, ix 123] 
see. Sown in spring after turneps, x 61] 
e+.. Siberian, xviii 150] 
-+-- great advantages of setting, xviii 125 
++. on dibbling, xxvii 49 
-».. means of preventing smut in, xxxix 
+».. on the glutinous part of, xli 413 
+... parliamentary grant for cleansing 
smutty, xlii )66 
+++. annual price of from 1595 to 1800 in- 
clusive, xliii 167 
+++. increase of, xlviii 404, 442 
’.. -. found in the centre of a tree, xlix 378 
+++ Spring, utility of the true, xlix 865 
+++ analysis of different sorts, xlix 866 
«+++ See also Corn ‘ 
Wheat, Steph. executed for robbing a boat 
on the Thames, ix 5)] ‘ 
Wheatley, Francis, xliii 22 
G, xviii 224] 



Wheatley, Hugh, witness against Mr. Orr, 
confessedly perjured, xxxix 55 

Wheble, J. (printer) xiv 63] 88] 92] 121] 
131] 183] liv 284 

Wheeler, capt. (N) iv 109] 

——- David, lix 235. lx 360 

Edw. (supervisor of India affairs) 

xv 134] xvi 75] 2)3] xvii 110] xxvi 11] 
xxvii 230] xxix 168] xxx 159) 

H. lvi 289 

——- prof. xiii L01n 

rey. J. xlvi 892 

—S. executed for burglary, xviii 


——— sir G. xxiv 154. xxxii 162 

Wheels, for carriages, observations on, viii 

Whelps, Ant. executed for murder, xv 93] 

Whem, James, v 104] 

Mera J. abbot of St. Albans, xxi 

Whichenor, tenure of, xli 421 

Whidbey, Jos. xlvi 851 

Whig club, meeting of the, xl 41 

Whigs and tories, xix 47] xxxvii 5*] 

---- character of a whig, xlviii 457 

«s+. many averse to a reform of parliament 
liv 74] 

Whinyates, capt. T. (N) liv 251 

Whirlwind : bell glasses taken up by, v 94] 

«+. violent, near Chelmsford, xi 159] 

+... Silk lawn carried four or five miles by, 
xii 102] 

Tha stripped frem a church by, xiii 


«+e Near York, xvi 143] 

«+++ in Somersetshire, xviii 141] 

+++. — Worcestershire, xviii 148] 

---. at Oundle, xxxi 214] 

-.+. violent in Prussia, xxxix 44 

e-. in Cornwall, xlvi 427 

++». near Norwich, xlvii 419 

e+e- at Andover, xlviii 417 

++». near Cirencester, li 305 ‘ 

-+.. in Derbyshire, liii 54 

Whishaw, J. lvi 369. Ivii 336. lviii 424. lix 

Whisperer, author of, indicted, xiii 100] 

--+- vender punished, xiv 74] 

Whist, grand match, xlviii 418 

Whiston, rev. W. ii 287. iv 42. 1 262 

Whitaker, (bookseller) xviii 118] 

rev, Dr. T. D. )xi 78, 482 

rev. E. W. xlviii 453 

rev. J. xiv 134, 137. xviii 143. 
xx 131. xxiii 157. xxix 186. xxxvii 127*] 
xlv 858 

—— serg. 
165] xlviii 453 

Whitbread, S. xxix 87] xxxii 12. xxxiv 
136] 142] 149] 166] 77. xxxv 26] 49] 
88] 149] 159]. xxxvi 200] 247] 252] 
xxxvii 204] xxxviii 43] 49] 6. xxxix 201] 
213] 223] x1 197) xlii 92] xliii 50) 127] 
156} 158] 167] xliy 8, 125, xlv 19, 41, 

vi 88] xii 89] 150] xiii 

662 » 

130, 142, 152. xlvi 30, 36, 78, 91, 93, 
107. xlvii 67, 72, 75, 78, 82, 85, 88, 101, 
104, 109, 115, 117. xlviii 45, 112, 457, 
607, 620. xlix 62, 71, 119, 128, 156, 247, 
ee 497, 634, 1 13] 18] 31] 40] 41] 57] 59) 
64] 85] 126] li 51, 84, 86, 96, 126, 155, 
158, 160, 167, 168, 265. lii 20, 26, 34, 
37, 51, 53, 56, 57, 61, 74, 84, 103, 108, 
136, 143, 252*, 279. liji 10] 16] 19] 23] 
41] 51] 55] 70] 78] II. liv 3] 4] 7] 16] 
17] 33] 49] 68] 73] 76] 77] 83] 93] 115] 
116] 121] 125] 126] 127] 216] 222] lv 5] 
16] 17] 18] 20] 21] 22] 24] 25] 50) 94] 
95] 96] 204] 205] lvi 108] 112] 114] 123] 
125] 132] 137] 140] 142] 143] 144] 145] 
166] 210] lvii 2] 3] 12] 21] 23, 105, 307. 
Ix 144] 
Whitbread, S. sen. account of, xxxviii 24 
Whitby, great part of the old abbey blown 
down, vi 114] 
e+. houses carried away by a flood, ix 
132] yh Ve 
Whitby, capt. H. (N) xlviii 701. liii 197 
——— James, xliii 456 
Whitchurch, G. Gresley S. lix 82 
White substances, great reflective power of, 
viii 112 
White, Abijah, xvii 103] 
— Ann, xlviii 445 
—— bish. (Amer.) xxviii 213] 
-—~ T, xiv 248 
capt. i113 
———"0. 1p, 129) 26" 
a Dro W. xxxii74 
Elihu, xlviii 961 
G. xx 268] xxvii 301] xxix 265] 
—— H. liii 123, 244 
H. Kirke, xlvi 933. 11 917-20 
J. (chemist) vi 109, 112% 
(printer to k, William) xii 78] 
convicted of coining, xv 128] 
xxxiv 164", xlii 385. liii 266, lv 
320. lvii 319 
murder of Maria Bally by, xxxyii 

23, 32 
—— (surg:) x] 463 
James, executed for burglary, i 90 
——— James (author) account of, xli 11 
Joseph, xxvii 301] xlvii 563. Ivi 


jun. xxvii 301] 
Leonard, xlviii 367 
Mrs. riot at her house, vi 96] 
Peter, born deaf, dumb, blind, and 
without legs or arms, xi 203] 
rev. C. H, xlix 990 
rey. Dr. Joseph, xxvii 128, xliii 527. 
li 264 

xxxi 50. 

Gilbert, xxiv. 73. 
XXxviii 392. xlvii 845 

S. xlix 990 

——~— Rob. (engraver) vii 54 
— (Indian chief) ii 196 
Rowland, i 492 

—— sir Nich. xxi 11 


White, sir T. Ix 318 
Taylor, ii 111 
——— T. Angell, xliii 451 
—— W. murder of, 1138* 
—————— murder of Maria Bally by, xxxvii 
23, 32 

———— (potter) iv 95] 
(just. of peace) action against | 

for false imprisonment, xiv 136] 

-— Edwards, executed for the mur- 

der of farmer Wingfield, xvi 136] 144] 

Walter, executed for burglary, i 90 

Whitechapel, fires in, xi 102] lv 63. Ixi 91 

Whitefield, rey. G. xxiii 219, xxxiii 276] li 
781 4 

+++ collection at his Tabernacle for the 
sufferers at Boston and the Protestants in 
Prussia, iv 71] 

«++. epitaph of Mrs. Whitefield, xii 100] 

«++. anecdote of, xiii 168] 

--++ memoirs of, xiii 58 

-.«« letter from Dr. Franklin, lix 378 

Whitefoord, Caleb, xxv 324] xxxvili 512. 
x1 177 

White-friars dock, fire at, lii 241* 

Whitehall; standards and eagles taken from 
the enemy carried to the chapel, liii 56. 
liv 123. lviii 7 

Whitehaven : act for supplying with water 
and repairing the harbour, v 89] 

«++ mischief done by a high tide, xiv 73] 

+++ landing of an American privateer, xxi 

-+«. falling in of ground over an old col- 
liery, xxxiii 3} 

--++ collieries at, xxxvi 326 

Whitehead, capt. G. (rev.) xlviii 383 

—- Dr. T. xxxiii 278] 

J, xlix 850 

———_—— Levi (noted runner) xxix 198] 

Mich. lvi 29 

— Paul, xvii 176] xix 233. xx 
201. xxiii 235. xxxiii 437] 

«+++ account of, xviii 54 

+.+. interment of his heart, xviii 59. 

S. xlviii 364 

W. (poet) i 392, 395, 396. ii 

447, 448. iii 225. iv 218, 220. v 215, 216, 

218. vi 222, 223. viii 57] 271, 272. ix 

267. xi 222, 229. xiii 201, 224. xiv 218, 

233. xv 207] 205, 222. xvi 238, xvii 217, 

226. xviii 194. xix 202, 203, xx 196, 

197, 206. xxi 192, 193. xxii 169, 170. 

xxiii 193, 194. xxiv 167, 168, xxv 186, 

187. xxvi 179, 180, xxvii 131-3. xxviii 

146. xxix 163. xxxiii 438] 

W. lix 59 

Whitehill, J. xxv 51] 77] 188] xxvii 53] 

Whitehouse, S. wife sold by, xvi 130] 

Whitehurst, J. xxii 68. xxviii 61 

Whiteley, Jos. xxiv 173] 

Whitelocke, Bulstrode, ix 184, 187. xv 68*] 
147. xxiv 57 . 

gen. J.xxxv 196. xxxvi 174. 

xliii 32] xlix 216, 405, 687*. 1 7* 


— 1. 


Whitelocke, l. gen. J. trial of, xlix 221. 1 

Whiteway, Martha, xi 77] 
Whitfield,  v76 
——. G. (apothecary) iii 121] 
H. xxxviii 20 
—— W. lvi 336 
ert: Eleanor, tried for bigamy, xlviii 

Whitham, G. lx 362 

Whiting, Mich. liv 33 

Whitmore, Edw. sudden change of fortune, 
xxvi 207] 

—— J. ]i 346. lii 460 

sir T. xv 206] 

—_———— T. xxvii 268] 

Whitney, Han. iv 170] 

rev. Peter, xxx 79 

Whitstable, act for the preservation of the 
oyster fishery, xxii 198] 

Whittam, G. xxxviii 107. xliii 144. 1 183* 

——— W. (messenger to the H. of Com- 
mons) xiv 66*] 92] 106] 187] 

Whittemore, Amos, xli 403 

Whittingham, col. sir S. Ford, li 7 

m. gen. ly 145 

Whittington, Rob. xxi 139 

—_—.— sir Rich. ]xi 470 

T. xlviii 361 

Whittle, France. lii 301 

—— W. murders his wife and two chil- 
dren, ix 77] 89] 

Whitton, Edw. iv 65, 72 

—— J. xlii 38] 

Whitty, ii 91, 92 

Whitworth, C., footpad shot by, x 69] 

Ist earl, xxxiii 102. xli 216. 
xlii 249, 250. xliii 95] 233, 420. xliv 187, 
541. xlv 129, 130, 139, 166, 227, 252, 
261, 376, 379, 677, 682. Ivi 217) 42. 
lviii 402. lix 95 

.... lord lieut. of Ireland, lv 73 

sir C. xv 87] xxi181] 

Whole Duty of Man translated into Ice- 
landie, liii 436 

Whorwood, Broome, vi 273 

Whyte, m. gen. J. xxxvi 170. xxxviii 194] 




sir T. xv 120 

Whytock, Patrick, xlviii 957 

Wickananish, (N.W. Amer. chief) xxxii 

Wickham, capt. (A) xxii 212*] 

- W. xxxviii 78] 125. xxxix 150] 
266. x1 21] xlii 201] xliii 145. xliy 179. 
xly 99. xlyii 116. xlix 164, 418 

——— — of. See Wykeham 

Wickliffe, J. vi 142. xxi 230. lvi 533 

Wicquefort, de, ix 55 

Widegate alley, fire in, xi 177] 

Widows, society at Salisbury for an annuity 
to, vi 78] 

+++ petition of one to the king, xl 49 

Widville, Eliz. xxxi 203) 

——— sir J. xxx 


Widville, sir Rich. i 475 
Wieden, gen. (Amer.) xxiy 130] 
Wielitska, salt mines of, xxvii 35 
Wielopolska, marchioness, xv 45] 143] 
Wier, Dan. (commissary gen.) xxxii 316] 
—— (supervisor of India affairs) xv 

Wife. See Wives 
Wigan, fire at, xxxvi 29 
Wigenstein, gen. xxxv 199] 
Wigglesworth, J. xxxiv 134 
Wight, isle of, account of the Needles, xiii 

-... fortresses in, xxiv 118 

«+++ history and antiquities of Carisbrook 
priory, xxiv 121 

«++. —-—— &c. of the oratory of Burton, 
xxiv 126 

---. fire in, xlviii 441 

Wigmore, ix 57 

Cath. xlii 429 

Wilbarston, riots in consequence of enclos- 
ing, xli 27 

Wilberforce, W. xxvi 148] xxvii 186] xxix 
84] xxx 133] xxxi 149] 268] xxxii 81] 
101] xxxiii 243, xxxiv 63] 145] 155] 
159] 22. xxxv 22] 85] 88] 89] 169] xxxvi 
213] xxxvii 153] 186] 196] 203] xxxviii 
25] 43] 73] 507. xxxix 130] 140] 174] 
1932] xl 173] 179] 231] xli 199] 234] 
xlii 123] 132] xliii 26] xliv 38, 170, 175. 
xly 20, 43, 103, 116, 205, 208, 359. xlvi 
52, 83, 85, 92, 97. xlvii 71, 74, 85, 86, 
87, 102, 114, 115. xlviii 15, 73, 74, xlix 
87, 117, 120. 162] 85] li 113, 124, lii 36, 
47, 74, 103, 142. liii 75] 521. liv 52] 59] 
62] 77] 2. $0] 93] 115] 222] ly 53] lvi 
130] 133] 165] lvii 26] 28] 52] 130] lviii 
11) 87] 88] 89. lix 48] 94] Ix 21] 61] 
109] 117] Ixi 50] 85] 16 

Wilbraham, Roger, xxx 142] 

Wilcocks, bish. Jos. iv 89] xx 4 

Jos. vii 157 
Rob. murdered by his brother, xv 

Wilcox, Ann, xli 406 
capt. murder of, x] 60. xli Al 
Jos. xxxiv 455 
Rich. xliii 453, xliv 771. xlviii 957, 


T. 1xi 303 

Wild, Jonathan, xvii 40. xviii 56 

Jos. lx 360 

— -— Sarah, poisons herself and three 
children, lviii 197 : 

Wild fowl, great abundance of, xlvi 44] 

Wild street, fire in, xxiii 194] 

Wilde, W. xliii 452 

Wilder, James, attempts to discoyer a NeW. 
passage, xv 154] 

Wildey, H. xli 402 

Wildley, Mrs. xxxiii 14] 

Wildman, (t. C. I) xxviii 1€5 

—_—_— (bee master) ix 130] 143] 

153] xi 101, 103, 113 


Wildman, maj. xiv 26 

Wilds, Rob. drugs infused in the drink of 
some women at a dance by, xviii 81] 

Wilford, capt. J. (A) li 895 

——— col. Francis, xlvii 962 

——— Edw. xxviii 182 

— J, convicted of horse-stealing, ix 

———— miss (actress) ix 253 

Wilfred, abp. of Canterbury, xv 126 

——— abp. of York, v 150. xv 127. xvi 

Wilkes, John, iv 69] xliii 455 

John (ald.) vi 107) 231, 236. vii 
87] 128] 61. viii 17] 32] xi 82] 103] 
151] 255] xii 66] 67] 70] 80] 100] 225. 
xiii 102] 106] 132] 142] 149] 157] 160] 
161] xiv 92-5] 105] 131} 145] 162] xv 
111] 121] 131] 174] xvi 85] 98] 104] 
109] 140] 142] xvii $3] 152] xviii 101*] 
93] 145] 149] 174] 185] xix 121] 127) 
136] 154] 179] xx 187] 191] xxi 72] 

© 171*] 196*] 189] xxiii 196*] 198] xxiv 
198] xxv 181] 195] xxvii 188] 206] xxix 
167]. xxxii 221] 31. xxxiii 451) 458] 
469] xxxix 58. xl 2, 328. xliii 260x] 
xlviii 891. 111 95. lv 460 

«».. taken into custody as supposed author 
of the North Briton, vi 7i] 135] 

---.- celebration of the king’s birthday by, 
vi 80] ‘ 

.-.-- duel with S. Martin, vi 110] 143] vii 

»e»» proceedings respecting the North Bri- 
ton, vi 135-47] vii 18] 50] 88] viii 174] 
xi 121] 

-++. retires to France, vi 147] vii 24] 

«++. Outlawed, vii 25] xi 106] 121] 

«... tried for publishing the North Briton 
and the Essay on Woman, and found 
guilty on both charges, vii 50] 88] xi 

eee legacies to, vii 91] viii 61] xii 107] 
xvi 103] 109] xvii 88] xviii 163] 

«se. letter to the duke of Grafton, ix 182] 
xii 59] 

».+- speech to the livery of London on 
losing his election, xi 82] 

-»-. letter to the solicitors of the treasury, 
xi 83] 

..+» reputed letter to the king, xi 84] 

«++.» elected member for Middlesex, xi 85] 

iecutes appearance before the court of 
King’s Bench, and speech on the occa- 
sion, xi 93] 

+++» burnt in effigy at Edinburgh, xi 99] 

++». Surrendered and a writ of errour 
granted, 2b. 

.... bail refused, xi 00} 

«+. case of his outlawry argued, xi 106] 

«.«. letters to the electors of Middlesex, 
xi 107] 127] 182] 

ee outlawry reversed, xi 121] xxxy 




Wilkes, John (ald.) arrest of judgment to 
be argued, xi 121] 125] 

«+. alteration of the record not allowed by 
the judges to be stated on the, back of it, 
xi 125] 

e«.. sentence of, xi 127] 

+++. application for a writ of errour, 7d. 

++.- motion to withdraw his demurrer to 
the plea and reply of lord Halifax, xi 130] 
xii 105] 150] 

review of his case, xii 57] 

«+. petitions the House of Commons, xii 
49*] 64*] 71] 72] 

.»++ publishes a letter from the secretary of 
state to a magistrate, with remarks, xii 
64*| 72) 

+++ expelled the H. of Commons, xii 65*] 

«++ reélected, and consequent proceedings, 
xii 66*-73*] 74-6] 82] 83] 89] 100] 202} 
xiii 56] 64] 65*] 92*] 197] xiv 26] 53] 
xvi 90] 91] 94] xvii 55] xxv 181] 

ese» elected an alderman, xii 65] 70] 

+++. objections made to his admission, xii 

++. subscription for, xii 73] 

+.» sentence of a man for 
dows on his birthday, 7. 

«+++ presents from the Society of Support- 
ers of the Bill of Rights, xii 79] 143] 

++». money subscribed to pay his debts, xii 

ose pa of his first fine, xii 91] 

«++. Statements of his debts, xii 107] xiii 

«e+» verdict against lord Halifax,’ xii 

-.«» discharged from prison, xiii 92] 94] 

«s+.» sworn in as alderman; xiii 99] 

»+++ opinions of counsel on the subject, 7d. 

. Pag discharged by, xiv 63] 184] xv 


+.+- proceedings of the H. of Commons 
against him on the occasion, xiv 69*] 83] 
84] 188] 

«++. quarrel with J. Horne (Tooke) xiv 
68] 93] 108] 

+» ++ appointment to the sheriffalty, xiv 94] 
117] 121) 

».-. ald. Oliver declines being sheriff with 
him, xiv 95] 

-... letter to the livery from him and 
sheriff Bull, xiv 142] 

+... message to the lord mayor desiring 
him to give no French wine, xiv 149] 

-... letter to sir F. Norton renewing his 
claim to his seat, xvi 91] : 

.. +. his application to the officers of the 
house, xvi 94] 

«+. order from the sheriffs to attend the 
H. of Commons as member for Middle- 
sex, xvii 86] 91] 

breaking win- 

- e+e chosen lord mayor, xyii 156] 156] 




Wilkes, John (ald.) elected member for 
Middlesex in the new parliament, xvii 
157] 167] xviii 39] xxiii 226] 

e+». Sturgeon sent as a present to the king, 
xviii 104] . 

e-+. grand entertainment at the Mansion 
house, 2d. 

e.-. orders the city marshals to attend 
Smithfield regularly for the prevention of 
iniquitous practices and ill treatment of 
cattle, xviii 105] 

+++. cautioned not to speak to the king on 
going up with a petition, xviii 106] 

»»». thanks of the guild of merchants in 
Dublin, xviii 156] 

e»+- speech at Guildhall on going out of 

office, and renouncing the usual twelve- 

semi exemption from business, xviii 

++. thanks for his conduct, with one dis- 
sentient voice, and a vote of 100/. for his 
care of the furniture at the Mansion house, 
xviii 175] 

«++. receipt and expenditure of his mayor- 
alty, xix 169] 

+... his creditors petition the court of Com- 
mon Council, xx 206] 208] 

+--+ motion for a pension from the city 
negatived, xx 209] 

«+.» elected chamberlain, xxii 234] 235] 

«++. address to the Middlesex electors, 
xxvii 275] 

+++ account of, xxxix 369 

T. ix 287. lii 546 

Wilkie, (printer) xix 201] 

James, xxvi 26. liii 108 

rev. Dr. W. character of, 13 

Wilkins, bish. J. xi 258] xxxviii 362 

—— Dr. C. x1 419. xlvi 364. xlvii 962 

—-— Dr. David, liv 515 

Rich, xii 179] 

—-—- Stephen, xli 402 

——— T. (printer) xix 36, xxix 241] xxx 
208] } 

Wilkinson, capt. 

(N) xv 152] xxvi 126] 
P. (N) xlv 354 
—— David, convicted of forgery, xl 

18, 33, 47 
————— Dr. Abraham, xxxvi 304 
gen. (Amer.) xlix 692. lv 

189] 217, 233. lvi 178] 174 
——-— Jacob, xxv 205] 
J.xli 402, 403. lv 255 
——-— Jones, lv 255 

miss iv 233 
— Pinckney, xix 139] 141] 
rev. Edw. xviii 29 
—_—. W. xlvii 852 
Wilks, C. lv 321 
—— dame Jane, iv 69] 
—-— I. col. Mark, liii 411, 415, 418 
Rob. (actor) iii 216. vi 181 
Willard, Abijah, xxxii 314] 
—~-— rey, Jos, xxx 76, 79 




Willaumez, adm, See Villaumez 

Willes, judge —- xii 93] 149] xiv 135] xv 
67] 69] 121] 126] xvi 101] xix 139] 143] 
xxiii 211] xxiv 183] xxvi 221] xxvii 
247] 291) xxxiii 281] 

Willet, col. (Amer.) xx 161] 

Willey, Walter, viii 147] 

William I, ii 410. ix 35. x 268, 300. xiv 
143, xv 54. xvi 148, xx 181. xxvii 64, 
xl 435 

e+». character of, x 7 

—— Il, x 269, 303. xv 83] 130. xvi 
149. xix 155. xxxviii 461 

«++. character of, x 10. xxxvi 276 

IIT, i 260, 261, 370. ii 286, 326. iii 
173] 242] 182. iv 124] 243] v 38, 176. vi 
35] 72] 154) 174] 181. vii 50, 52. viii 
31] 102] 225. ix 208] 69. x 224] 44, 47, 
49. xi 73*] 78*] 238] 240] xii 69*] 83] 
58. xiii 93*] 161] 159. xiv 2] 229] xv 
32, 53. xvi 123] 229] xvii 52] xix 79] xx 
81] xxi 190*] 184] 243-5. xxii 114] xxiii 
103] 198*] 36, 220. xxvi 164] 177] xxvii 
175] xxviii 67] xxx 115] 218] xxxi 72] 
93] 101. xxxii 346] 36. xxxiii 7] 285] 
xxxvili 206] x1 179. xlix 827. lii 14, 445 

e+. his continental policy, iii 51 

«+. character of, iii 181 

«+. legacy for a statue of, in St. James’s 
square, xlviii 397 

ee I, prince of Orange, xiv 222. xxviii 


V, p. of Orange, xlviii 167. lv 161 }* 
95, 443. Ivi 392. lvii 99] 100] 

«see flees to England, xxxvii 51] 4 

-. + declarations issued by, xxxvii 217 

-.+. proclamation by, xli 298 

-» ++ letter on leaving Hampton court, xliii 

to the members of the former 
government of Holland, xliii 331 

---- indemnity promised him, xliv 15, 29, 
96, 2b. 125, 135, 613, 614, 626. xlv 199 

--. treaty with France, xliv 626 

»+.. appointed sovereign of the Nether- 
lands, lv 443 

aoe — king of the Netherlands, 
lvii 93] 97] 

«- +» elected knight of the garter, lvi 73, 77 

— of Malmesbury, xvii 122 

William Frederic II, king of the Nether- 
lands, xxxvi 16] 34] xli 103. xliv 457. lv 
189. lvii 93] 175 

....» married to the grand duchess of Rus- 
sia, lvii 100] 

Williams, xv 124] 
———-__ robbery and murder of, xxxi 
ship of copper, xxxi 211] 
—— extraordinarily strong man, 
lviii 57 

adm. W Peere, xxiii 289] xxiv 
——- adm, sir T. lii 204 
—— ald, Rob, xxxix 36 

Williams, capt. i301 
wa? (art.) ii 234 
— +— R. (N) xlii 74”, 75 
— col. (Amer.) xxiy 66] 

(in the» Austrian service) 


xli 252] 260] 

—— — sir W. liii 104] 

C. shot with his own gun, ix 105] 

——— C. lii 419 

——— couns. lyii 268. lviii 274, 311 

——— Dan. lii 267* 

David, xxxiv 63] 

David, murder of, | 49* 

Dr. Rich. reward for green and 

yellow cotton dye, xvi 111] 230] 

Edw. xlvii 876 

G. executed for a highway rob- 
bery, xii 100]. 

———— (puppetshowman) blown up 
with his pudleute, xv 136 

—-—— Helen Maria, xxxiv 75n] xl 352, 
455, xli 326, lvi 493, lvii 586. 1x 438 

— James, executed for murder, xi 

——- judgment for libel, lix 167 
——— J. xliv 773. lii 419 
J. concerned in the murder of 
Mr, Powell, xiii 141] xiv 86] 
J.executed for robbery, xvii 171] 
xviii 83] 
J. murderer and suicide, liii 142, 
liv 5, 16 

J. (bookseller) special verdict 
against, vii 87] 108] viii 59] 

«+--+ a handsome collection made for him 
while in the pillory, viii 65] 

.... fined for selling a North Briton Extra- 
ordinary, xi 188] 

«+e libel against C. J. Fox, xvii 135] 163 

———- J. (minera] engineer) xxi 146 

J. and Jos. xli 405 

J. Foster (master of the brig 
John) xii 95] 

——_ J. 8. li 421 

lieut. C. (A) vi 90] 

l.col. _—‘diii 198 

——_——-— __ (mar.) Iv 188 

maj. xviii 135*] 

Edw. xx 165*] 170°] xxxii 

Maurice, suicide, xliii 47 
Mrs, ii 128 
Mrs. Anna, xxvi 218] 
——— Renwick, xxxii 207] 208] 
---- trial of, xxxii 223] 296] 227] 264] 
rev. Dr. J. xl 45 
—— rev. H. 1 22* 
—— Rich. lix 235 
S. xlix 856 
serg. J. 1i 273 
—— sir J. xvi 117] 
Roger, i 489 
W. lii 441 
—_—— Peere, iv 17] 108] 
———- T. xlyi 813 


bey W. murder of D. Williams by, 1 

—— murder of W, Powell by, xiii 
65] 94] 
—— murder of, xlix 366 
—— (recluse) xvi 78] 

————— convicted of keeping rooms 

for reading newspapers, xl 80 
Williamson, (Amer.) xxvi 243] 
———- capt. (A) x1 123 
— J. (N) xxxix 77. xl 1 
——--—— Dr. J. xlviii 990 : 
gen. Adam, xxxv 27 1} xliii 32] 

Hugh (Amer.) xxix 299] : 
J. executed for starving ta 
wife, x 47*] 49] 
—— J. xlix 510 
Kirkpatrick, xli 369 
1. gen. G. xvii 146] xxiv 199] 
rev. Alex. iii 75 
— Rich. murdered by Rob. Rymes, 
x 74] 


S. xlix 852 

—— sir Joseph, ix 69. xi 258] xvii 48 
Willis, bish. Rich. v 8 

Brown, v 257 

Dr. Rob. Darling, xxxi 225] 

James, xxxix 401 

lieut. (A) duel with maj. Impey, 
xliv 363 

R. lxi 303 

rey. Dr. Francis, xxxi 107] 225] 


+++» pension to, xxxii 100] 

+--+. Sent for to the queen of Portugal, 
xxxiv 9, 32 

rey. James, xlix 800 

sir R. xxviii 165 

Willmore, T. xliii 453 

Willot, gen. xxxix 64] 77] xli 90] 

Willoughby, capt. N. J. (N) lii 265, 298, 
308, 314, 318 

—— hon. T. viii 208] 

Willoughby de Broke, J. P. 6th lord, ii 141. 
vi 154] xii 103] xxiii 258] 

J.P. 7th lord, xxvii 

—— of Parham, Hugh, lord, xlvii 

Willows, paper from the bark of, xxx 96 

«+.» culture of, xxxvi 310 

Wills, curious, ii 348. iii 83. iv 74] 16, 21. 
xii 133] 137] 178] xv 126] xvi 123] 139) 
200] xvii 166] 176] xviii 59. xxxiii 14] 
xxxv 25, 51. xli 28. lviii 485 

++. extraordinary, xiii 170] xv 143] xxvii 
226) xxx 224] xxxix 148. xli 15. lvi 22. 
lvii 31 

---- forged, xiv 143] xv 93] xxxviii 19. 
xlviii 416. xlix 520 - 

«++. disputes at law on, xix 195] xxxviii 
16, 27. xlvii 373. xlviii 421, 432. 1 100*. 
eh 260. liv 307. lv 254. lvi 274-89. lvii 
253-76. lvili 24455. Ix 330 

-~-. duty on wills and probates, xxxi 286] 


Wills, effects of birth of a child on, lvii 

++. one destroyed in a fire, lviii 244 

---+ See also Legacies 

Wilmer, B. xviii 78 

Wilmington, earl of. See Compton, Spencer 
- Wilmot, capt. (N) xli 73 

—— David, xv 91] xxiii 236] 275] 
Edw. murder of 8. Fussell by, xlii 

25, id. 
Edw. Coke, xlix 859 
J. xxvii 268] xxxii 100] xxxv 338. 

sir Edw. iii 141] 142] iv 43 

sir J, Eardley (judge) iv 52. v 
92] vii 69] viii 59) 179) x 108] xi 
71] 73] 74] 134) 144] xii 100] 111) 
gal 161] xiii 71] 75) 116] 164] xiv 

+++ pension to, xiv 88] xliv 723 | 

«... account of, xliv 718 

Wilms, H. lix 235 

Wilshamstead, Bedfordshire, fire at, xiii 

xl 180 

Wilshire, J. convicted of highway robbery, 
xxxv 33 
W. xiiii 5 
Wilson v. Myersbach, xxiv 179] 
- and others v. Balfour, liii 251 
Alex. xlvii 852 
Ann, money found in an old desk 
by, ix 85] 
Benj. Ix 361 
Benj. (F-R.S.) iii 149] iv 128] xii 
85] xxii 98. xxx 52 
bish. Christ. xxviii 123] xxxi 298] 


bish. T. xlii 343 , 

(bookseller) vi 82] 98] 

..-- his action against the king’s messen- 
gers, vii 80] 112] viii 64] 

capt. (A) ii 233 

— H. xxx 37 

—— James, (mar.) xix 132] 

— Jonath. xlviii 419 

T.x 143] 

—— T. (yeomanry) xxxviii 40 

— C. (mem. of Congr.) xviii 265] 

C. xlix 869 

Charlotte, 1 138* 

Christ. xliv 773. xlviii 960 

couns. xlix 533 

Dan. lviii 348. lix 234, 235. Ix 


G. iv 162] 

Gavin, xxxv 334 

gen. sir Rob. xliii 96. xliv 801, 807, 

810, 855, 865. xlv 15], 940. 1 241*. li 
183, 467, 483, 489, 498, lii 25, 204, 207, 
317. liii 221, 244. liv 212, 221. lw 34, 
197, 202, 222. lviii 61, 329. Ixi 52] 74] 

.... medal from the emp. of Germany, xl 
46,47. xliii 23 

-+.. order of Maria Theresa, xliii 23 

Hugh, xl 101 



Wilson, Isaac, lyi 335 
J. iii 82] xxxiv 78. xli 22n] xliv 
775. lvi 369. lvii 336. lviii 424. lix 250. 
lx 400. Ixi 398 
J. convicted of forgery, ix 52] 78] 
Jacob, lvii 320 ‘ 
James (mem. of Congr.) xviii 265] 
xxix 299] 
Joseph, xx 45 
lady Francis, lvi 22, 283 
lieut. T. (N) xxvii 260x] 
—— l. col. sir James, liv 208 
rev. Dr. T. iv 148] v 92] 101] vi 
65] xii 103] xiii 85] xiv 94] 122] 125] 
xx 199] 215] xxxiii 24] 
rey. Edw. xlviii 880 
rev. Steph. xlv 372 
Rich. liii 266 
Rich. (painter) viii 1447] xi 199] 

xxv 209] 
———_-—- (serivener) xviii 225] 227] 
Rob. xlv 827 
S. money left to the city of London 
to be lent to young tradesmen, xii 147) 

Sarah, after being transported for a 

robbery in the palace, passes herself for a 

sister of the queen, xvi 113] 

Senhouse, xxxiv 145 

sir J. xxxiv 177] 25. xxxv 14, 51 

sir W. xxv 129 

Susannah, murder of, xlix 418, 464 

T. xxiv 203 

—— T. (engin.) xliv 776 

——— T. (Navy office) xlvii 67, 77. xlviii 

—— W. xiii 453. xlix 470 

Wilton, fires at, xii 121] xiii 87] 

Wilton, Joseph, v 102] viii 194] ix 91] 
106] xi 199] xlv 461 ; 

Wilton house, v 28 

Wiltshire, petition to his majesty, xii 123] 

Wiltshire, murder of, lxi 41 

Wimar, xlii 13] 

Wimpey, Jos. xxvi 100. xxxi 72 

Wimpfen, gen. li 217 

Wincanton, fire at, xxxvi 30 

Winch, R. 1xi 300 

Winchelsea, manufacture of cambrics at, iv 
178] vi 100 

Winchelsea, C. 3rd earl, xx 43 

Dan. 7th earl of, x 184] xi 


— G. Sth ear! of, xxxi 209] xxxviii 
48n] xxxix 193n] xlvi 849. xlvii 355. 
Iviii 462 

—_—_————. Heneage, 2nd earl, xiv 72 

Winchester : body of Canute discovered at, 
ix 107] 

prize medals, xiii 122] 
. rebellion of the students, xxxv 17 

-+++ expense of examining the state of the 
king’s house, xl 206 

+++» musical festival, xlv 438 

-.«» children, unless at the breast, not to 


be admitted with their mothers into the 
Bridewell, Ixi 51 
Winchester, gen. (Amer.) lv 179] 185 
—— W. Ist marq. xxxiii 367] xliii 


Wind: hot, of the deserts, ix 121. xxix 
58. lv 75. lviii 618 

ss.» new mode of measuring it’s velocity, 
x 81 

+.» ancient names and distinctions of the, 
Xviii 235 

sees effect of, on narrow seas, li 831 

+++ monsoon, lvii 488 

eee See also Storms 

Windebank, Francis, xxi 242 

Winder, gen. ¢Amer.) lv 160. lvi 182] 184] 

—— rev. xiii 80 
Windham, (sculptor) xl 3 
—— rt. hon. W. xxvii 186] 274] 

xxviii 104] xxix 135] 158] xxx 139] 144] 
xxxi 88] 107] xxxii 79] 92] 247) xxxiii 
247, 471] xxxiv 159] 165] xxxv 9] 26] 
40] 53] 94] 156] 175] 179] xxxvi 200] 
238] 252] 265] 272] xxxvii 67] 153] 156] 
157] 168] 173] 198] 212] 109. xxxviii 
26] 42] 50] 68] xxxix 127] 228] 364. xl 
181] 189] 191] 205] 236] xli 190] 223] 
290] xlii 104] 123] 141] 146] 351. xiiii 
35] 64] 121] 189] xliv 5, 35, 36, 105, 
108, 129, 151, 168, 177, 541. xlv 15, 25, 
A3, 44, 53, 90, 101, 102, 108, 120, 142, 
155, 182, 185, 187, 188, 195, 203, 204, 
205, 208, 211. xlvi 5, 9, 10, 11, 15, 24, 
30, 33, 36, 41, 47, 57, 58, 65, 68, 69, 73, 
77, 79, 89, 93, 94, 100, 107, 110. xlvii 6, 
10, 42, 43, 50, 73, 79, 82, 83, 84, 96, 110, 
114, 115, 118, 398. xlviii 13, 15, 26, 40, 
43, 44, 45, 46, 58, 104, 455, 775. xlix 34, 
46, 47, 74, 78, 119, 165. 1 15] 17] 21] 
29] 47] 78] 101] 110] 1i 62, 76, 103, 108, 
109, 110, 112, 113, 134, 155, 165, 306. 
- ii 84, 38, 45, 72, 88, 92, 138, 141 
e+ character of, xliii 132] 
e+e monument of, lvili 139 
Windimore, Mrs. xi 76] 
Windmill street, fire in, xxxix 53 
Windmills: person killed by one, ix 77] 
e+» one removed entire, xi 164] 
-... Set on fire by velocity of motion, xlvii 
372, 373 
«++» indicted as a nuisance for being too 
near a highway, xlix 462 
Windows, duties on, i 135. v 70] 172] ix 
206] . 
oe appeals against extra assessments, Ixi 

«+. antiquity of glass in, v 141. Ixi 485 

Windsor: cause respecting the tolls of the 
bridge, decided in favour of the corpora- 
tion, vii 91] 

-»«» freedom of, conferred on the dukes of 
Gloucester and Cumberland, x 161] 

ee a injury done by a heavy rain, xi 164] 


Windsor: ancient painting in the castle, 
xviii 147. xix 185] 
+++. machine for raising water froma deep 
well, xxvi 87 
e+e. St. George’s chapel finished, xlii 40 
«++» expenses of the great park, xliv 541 
. ye grand entertainments at, xlvii 367, 
we report on the state of the forest, li 

«++» coffin of a woman and child in card. 
Wolsey’s chapel, lii 284 

«++. mausoleum begun by the cardinal, 
finished, liii 139 

Windsor, _ lord, vii 147, 148 : 

capt.  (N) xxii 92] 93] 284] 

—_ Phil. (mast. navy) xxiv 253] 

Windt, de, gov. of St. Eustatia, x 95] 

Wines: British not to be retailed without a 
licence, 1137 

«... sulphur burned in casks to preserve, 
iv 89 

«+++ method of detecting lead &c. in, v 93. 
xli 410 

«+ «+ duties on, vi 147] 183] xxi 293] xxiii 
320] xlviii 644. lv 67] 

++.» certain duties transferred from the 
customs to the excise, xxviii 120] 

..+. method of giving an agreeable flavour 
to, ix 130 

+++» receipt for a rich and pleasant, xii 123 

+s» Canary above a century old, xiv 163] 

«-+» American, xv 74] 

+++. twelve bottles drunk by a mare in a 
journey to York, xvi 128] 

«++» rules for constructing cellars for, xix 

+++. quantity of British made, xxxv 60 

+. duties on declared permanent, xlviii 71 

-« +. Madeira, xlviii 860 

«+s. exchequer cause on a cask drifted 
ashore, 1i 350 

.... forfeited for mixing Port with Cape, 
Ixi 280 : 

Wingaerde, van, D. J. de Lange, xxxvii 

Wingfield, farmer 

, murder of, xvi 136] 

—— Nicholas, ii 75, 79 

Thomas, ii 75,76 ~ 

Winkelmann, ab. J. v 132. viii 180, 182 

«..«. on the torso of Hercules, viii 180 

«+++ — Herculaneum and the adjacent sub- 
terraneous towns, viii 182 

«+. — the influence of climate on the 
polite arts, viii 250 ' 

-.+- murder of, xi 140] 

Winn, J. S. xvii 82 

Winschingrode, capt. _ iii 175-7] 

Winsloe, col. T. ix 131] 

Winslow, gen. iii 106] 

———— James Benignus, xxxii 3 

Winsor, Fred. Alb. xlvi 825. xlix 855, 1 134, 
liii 265, 266. liv 316 

Winstanley, xvii 1452 



Winter, capt. Joseph, (art.) ii 132 

G. xxix 77 

H. Julius, lvii 319 

James, xlix 854 

————— Je lix 235 

Nath. li 281 

—— T. xliii 454 

———de,adm.  xxxix 99] 75. xl 51. 
xli 139, 140. xliii 245] 275x] xliv 249. 
lili 101] liv 4, 23 

Winterbottom, rev. W. convicted of sedi- 
tion, xxxv 54 ; 

Winterfeldt, ]. gen. iv 176] xix 166] xx 188] 

Winterslow house, private theatricals at, 
xvii 81] 

++. burnt down, zd. 

Winthorp, Benj. xxv 205] xxx 203] 

Winthrop, adm. Rob. xl 125. xli 89 

Winthuysen, adm, don Xavier, xl 3 

Wintringham, sir Clifton, viii 137] ix 71] 
117] xi 196] xiii 171] xxxvi4 

Winwood, Edw. iv 103] 

sir Ralph, xxi 238. xxix 115 

Winzingerode, bar. xlvii 159. liv 175] 176] 
lv 120] 121) 137] 161] 8. lvi 8] 11] 14] 

Wirtemberg. See Wurtemburg 

Wise, (garden.) xxxviii 450, 454 

—— capt. W. F. (N) lviii 235 

—— J. xlvi 849 

—-— rev. Francis, xxxi 84 
—- T. xi 221] 

Wiseman, Mary, xlii 427 

W. xiii 428 
Wishart, W. liii 23 

Wishaw, J. lx 399. 1xi 398 

Wit, v 251. xxi 179 

Wit, J. de, xxvii 114] xxviii 66] xliii 25] 

Witch, weighed against the church Bible, 
ii 73 

+++. several tried by ducking, iii 113] 120] 
xix 158] 

++. pretended, in Kent, v 112] 

——_—— in Cambridgeshire, xii 123] 

137] : 

»»». nine old women burntin Poland, xviii 

+... five condemned to death in Hindostan, 
xliv 471 

«. +» pretended, in Ireland, xlix 475 

eee —— convicted of frightening a 
girl into giving her money, liii 93 

~».+- old woman burnt in Flanders, lvii 90 

--.- pretended, in France, Ix 106 

Witchcraft, charges of, v 112] 66. xii 130] 
xlii 405. liii 100. liv 110 

.... advantages of avowing, xlvi 985 

Witchell, G. vii 99] viii 7] 

+--+. money advanced to by the board of 
longitude, viii 112] 129 

Witham, W. See Whittam 

Witherby, H. Edw. xlvii 852 

— T. xliii 455 

Withering, Dr. W. xxxiii 28] xxxti 67 

Withers, Dr. Phil. xxxi 228] xxxii 213] 

wrens Je XXV 195] 



Withers, lieut. (N) xliit 114 

—-— sir F. lii 251* 

W. xlv 400 

Witherspoon, rev. Dr. J. xxii 366] xxiv 76] 
lii 1442 

Withy, Rich. liv 315 

Witlow, C. lvii 321 

Witnesses, testimony of such as expect re~ 
wards admissible, xxiii 277] 

«+e. no one obliged to answer a question 
tending to degrade himself, xliv 470 

e+.» not excused from answering questions 
that may subject them to civil actions, 
xlviii 94 

Witte, Dr. C. liii 60. lvi 115 

Wittgenstein, gen. xxxiv 92] liv 172] 
176] lv 115] 119] 121] 130] 134] lvi 3} 

Wittman, Dr, W. xliv 757, 795 

Witton, Yorks. fire at, xxxviii 35 

Wittwer, T. N. lii 424 

Witty, Rich. lii 418 

Wives : man married to his seventh, iii 132] 

«++.» two married in three days, ix 69] 

os» Sales of, ix 75] x 99] xvi 130] xlvii 
405. xlviii 370. xlix 378 

.».. man who had had sixteen, xv 97] 

--.. character of one, xv 127] 

-.-- actions for debts contracted by, xix 
117] xxxii 211] lvi 296 

+--+. action to recover money given by one 
without her husband’s knowledge, xx 183] 

-.-. articles of reconciliation between a 
man and his wife, xxxvii 118*] 

--.. ill treatment of, xl 62, 63. xliv 421. 
xlviii 436 

«+++ damages to one for the loss of a hus- 
band, liv 8 

-.«» evidence admissible against husbands 
in some cases, Ixi 251 

Wlasseif, capt. vii 186] 187] 

Whieck, Jacob, lix 245 

Woad, culture and management of, liii 511 

Wobersnow, gen. ii 9, 24 

Woburn Abbey, pictures at, xliii 486 

-+-- Sheepshearing. See Sheepshearing 

Woburn place, fire in, xlv 446 

Wodehouse, ii 142 

—— adm. Phil. li 513 

col. Edm. xliy 4. lix 71. Ix 3] 

————— hon. Mrs. xvi 99] 

Wodehouselee, lord. See Tytler 

Woden. See Odin 

Woffington, Mrs. (actress) xxii 5J. x1 325 

--.. account of, xxiii 239 

Woide, rev. Dr. C. Godfrey, xxxii 205] 

Wolckamerus, Dr, J. G. viii 101 

Wolcot, Dr. J. xix 221. xxii 172. xxx 188. 
xxxi J68. xxxii 131, 157, 159. xxxiii 
413] 419] 427] xxxv 403, 404. xxxvii 
32n] 149*] xxxviii 25, 507. xli 473. 1226 

.... action against for crim, con, xlix 449 

Wolesly, sir Charles, ii 303 

Wolf, the same species as the dog, xxix 38, 

xxxi 41 
Wolf, Dr. —_—-vii 142, xi 98 


Wolfe, capt. G. (N) 158". lii 309 
——— gen. James, i 70, 71. ii 30, 451, 
452. iii 140] v 96] 266] vi 239. xviii 

+». his expedition against Quebec, ii 35 

eee falls sick, ii 39 

e+» his death, ii 41 

eve delicacy of the populace toward his 
mother, ii 43 

«+++ his body landed at Portsmouth, ii 126, 

«+e placart issued by him on his arrival in 
the St. Lawrence, ii 240 

«--- his letter giving an account of his 
difficulties, ii 241 

«+e» character of, ii 281 

he statue to his memory at Boston, iii 

esses Monument at Westerham, iii 99] 
«.-.» Sarcophagus in Westminster abbey, xvi 

—-— Henrietta (mother of the gen.) ii 
43, viii 93] 127] 

—— rev. Rich. xlv 307, 309, 416 

Wolfenbuttel, taken by the French, iv 29] 

eo... evacuated by them, 7d. 

Wolfskehl, gen. xlvii 165 

Wolinski, count, xv 102] 
Wollaston, (painter) xx 43 
— Dr. v 67 

xlix 852. lii 263. lvi 358. Ixi 314, 319 

— rev. W. xviii 164. xxxiii 380] 
xliii 17 

Wolley, adm. T. xxxviii 81 

Wollstonecraft, Mary, xxxiv 457, xxxvii 
160] xxxviii 347 

«++» account of, xxxix 49 

Wolsely, capt. C. (N) xxvi 258] 

——— sir C. Ixi 104] 105] 109] 53 

Wolsey, card. i 470, 472. iv 175, 176. xv 
117, 162, xvi 145. xviii 150. lit 284. liii 

-.- entertainment of French ambassadors 
at Hampton court, xlii 407 

Wolters, Marg. xl 177 

Wolverhampton, riot at, lvii 89 

Wolves: attacks of mad ones in France, iii 
117] x 77] 

«s+. danger of keeping tame, xiii 104 

«++» postchaise attacked by two near Bou- 
logne, xliv 367 

-«s. one killed attacking a woman and child 
in France, lviii 155 

-».- number killed in France, lix 105 

-+«- children attacked by, Ixi 61 

Woman, good sort of, iv 213 

ass» Strong, xlvi 769 

+.++ reported pigfaced, lvii 16 

Wombwell, capt. J. (mil.) xl 9 

— G. xxi 175] 

Woman to let, xlviii 387 

Women, education of, ii 424, v 236, xxiii 
181. xli 440 

eree large, vii 91] 108] 

Dr. W, Hyde, viii 174. xlvi 824. 


Women, paint forbidden to at Vienna, ix 

+++ on the use of paint by, xlv 901 

+++. passing for men, instances of, iv 143] 
144] 170] ix 116] 144] xii 148] xiv 71] 
xvi 111] xx 191] xxii 224] xxv 221] 51. 
xxxv 19. xlvii 360. xlix 463, 516. lv 3. 
lvi 98. lvii 64 

+++» money saved by one from daily labour, 
ix 121] 

«++» two found in a deplorable condition in 
a house in Bristol, x 97] 

+++. divorce obtained by one for ill-treat- 
ment, x 157] 

+++. one with horns, xii 95 

+++. one said to be delivered of two eggs, 
xii 197 

+++ one convicted of cruelty to an appren- 
tice, xiii 94] 

os fasting, xv 93 

+++» one burnt to ashes in an extraordinary 
manner, xviii 78 

+++» honesty of a poor widow, xix 118] 

«+++ heroism of an American, xxi 79 

e+e Customs and characters of, in the East, 
xxii 39. xxxvii 10*] 14*] xlv 882. Iii 

«+.+ burning with their husbands, See 

. ae French and English compared, xxiv 


++ liable to serve parish offices, xxx 204] 

ees» Cautions to, xxx 156 

+++. Maxims addressed to young ladies, 
xxxii 118 

+++ on the character of, xxxiv 457 

+++ — propriety in, xli 440 

oes — Sensibility, xli 441 

+++. — the occupations of, xliii 509 

+++. of 70 reported to have suckled a child, 
xlvi 383 

--++ one with a large beard, xlvi 761 

-.. . condition of, in different countries, xlvi 
951. lii 684 

«+e» without legs or arms, li 264 

-. ++ female officer in the Spanish army, lii 

Wood. See Timber 

Wood, forgery by, xv 67 

——— adm. sir James Athol, xlvii 119 

ald. Mat. xliv 775. lii 243", 245°, 
252*, 266". lv 97. lviii 136, 145, 169, 
174, 180, 191. lix 33, 92, 109 

—-— C. vii 119 

—— capt. Benj. (N) iii 89, 90, xi 58 

— — capt. C. (N) xxvi 45] 74] 256] 

—— col. xii 50] 

sir G, A. lvi 171. lvii 178 

Mark, x1 190] 

—— couns. xxvii 192] xxix 247] xxxiii 
29] xxxvi3d 

Enoch, xlix 859 

—— G. charged with piracy, xii 124] 
125 ; 

——- G, liv 20 


Wood, H. (statuary) xi 401 
—— James, xlii 380. lvi 336 
: J. xiii 126] 
_ e++» appointed governor of Man, viii 96] 
* J. shot by T. Oliver, xxxix 11, 16 
ai. executed for treason, xlv 363, 369, 
——— (machine maker) xlv 829 
——— iv 73] lvi 335. lvii 319. lviii 347 
lieut. W. (N) xxvi 252] 
1. col. W. lvi 220 
—— l. gen. J.S. lvii 133] 209 
Marg. murder of her child, xlvi 417, 

——rev. = x xxiii 14. xlviii 412 
Basil, liii 16 
Dr. James (vicechan. Camb.) lix 
29, 43 

—— Rob. liv 22 
—— Rich. iv 134 
—— Rob. (Seer. to 1, Egmont) v 101] 
108] \7in. vi 99] 136] 145] xviii 178, 
229, xxxii 168. xlii 481 
—— sir G. xlix 477. 11275. liv 101. lviii 
326. lix 175, 191. Ix 332, Ixi 244, 250 
sir W. xxvii 71 
—— T. (of Littleton) vi 73 
_ —— T. (miller) case of, xv 94 
—— W. li 503. lvii 320 
——— 4, Antony, xiv 154] xv 139. xvi 81 
Wood street, fire in, xliii 20 
Woodbury, col. | (Amer.) xx 167*] | 
Woodchester, Roman antiquities discovered 
at, xxxix 479 
Woodcock: uncommon ones, iii 85] xlvi 
 ... valuable diamond found in the stomach 
of one, viii 153] 
.-. three just fledged taken near Ross, ix 
atcha ones in England, xii 99] xiii 

.-.- nest of one in Berkshire, xlviii 404 

Woodcock, iv 118] 

——- Fliz. buried in the snow, xli 

» 450 

Elbrough, xxxiii 5] 

Sarah, cr ord Baltimore 
with a rape, xi 70] 84] 2 

—_—_— W. executed e xB murder of 
his wife, xxxi 196] 

Wooddeson, rey. _— xiii 377 

Woodfall, G. 1xi 95 

H. Sampson, xvii 195. xx 237] 
xxix 245] xxxv 57, 271. xlix 456 

«++. trial for printing Junius’s letter to the 
king, xiii 117] 164] xiv 35] 

«+++ committed for a libel on the speaker 
of the H. of Commons, xvii 93] 96] 97] 
«+e. found guilty of a libel on the revolu- 

tion, xvii 135] 164] 
«+++ actions against for libels, xix 161] xx 
191] xxvii 197] 
W. found guilty of a libel, xvii 
135] 164) xix 158{ 


Woodford church robbed, xvi 153] 
Woodford v. Thellusson, xlie15 
ees (Am. col.) xix 29] 
archdeacon Matth. xxxix 149 
col. Alex. G. liv 233 
——— Emperor J. Alex. xxxix 149, li 
———— lieut. J. (N) xlix 685* 
——-_ sir R. J. lv i197] 1x 400 
Woodger, Eliz. liv 96 
Woodhouse, James (poetical shoemaker) vii 

++» account of, vii 64 
— J. xvii 110] xxi 175] xxvii 177] 
xxx 202] 


J. (engineer) xlviii 957, lwviii 

Jonathan, xlv 827 

Woodhouselee, lord. See Tytler 

Woodington, 1. col. xlvi 219 

Woodley, gen. (gov. of the Leeward 
Islands) xi 151] 

———-. W. xxvii 184] 

Woodman, Rich. liii 266 

— T. B. xxxvi 321 

Woodrow, 161 

Woods. See Forests 

Woods, Ann, murder of, i 86 

Edw. xli 404 

G, xlv 830. liv 471 

James, xlix 857 

W. lvii 137 

Woodthorpe, H. lii of 247* 

Woodville, Dr. W. xlv 359 

Woodward, Dr, J. iv 37-40, 44. vii 69. xii 


————_H. (actor) x 256. xvi 241, xx 

179] 27n, 287. xxii 60 
rev. Rob, lix 196 

—— Susan, 76. 

Wool: value of some sold, but not removed 
from the sellers warehouse, recovered, xx 
216] ' 

..+. fall in the price of, xxiv 196] 

+». Ships seized for smuggling, xxix 218] 

-.-. bill to render more effectual laws 
against smuggling, xxx 124] 

.... attempt to improve in France, xliii 33 

-+++ importations of Spanish, xlviii 398 

.. Spanish, li 837 
. shorn, spun, dyed, made into a coat, 
“and worn, in one day, liii 72 

Woolbert, Dederic, xvii 141] 

Woolcombe, _ (surg. Plymouth) ix 113 

J. v. customhouse officers for 
breaking open a box to search for smug- 
gled goods, ix 79] 

Woolridge, ald.. xix 155] xxii 218] xxiii 
212] xxvi 198] xxvii 205] 

..-- removed, xxv 228] 

+++ charges against, xxvii 206] 

capt. J. (N) xl 157. 11434 

Woolf, Arthur, xlv 830. xlvi 826, xlvii 851. 
liii 266 

Woolfe, J. jun, xxxii 250] 


Woollen manufactory, in Denmark, vii 107] 
in Yorkshire, xiv 219] 
xxiv 203] xxvi 204] li 270. liii 49. Iviii 
60. 1xi 27 

——_——_—. in Scotland, xxxv 2 

———- yarn, conviction of exporting, xxxi 

Woollens, method of cleaning, xlix 870 

Wooller, T. Jon. trial for libel, lix.163, 165 

Woolley, E. |xi 301 

Nicholson, viii 86] 

Woolmore, J. xlvii 371 

Woolwich: medals to the cadets at, ix 

++ fires in the Warren, ix 129] xliv 404. 
xlvii 402. lv 47: Ivi 54 

s+. experiments tried at, x 128] 

.. «. Shipwrights indicted for conspiring to 

' yaise wages, xviii 153] 

.+-- laboratory blown up, xxii 231] 

«ss» name of the Warren changed to that 
of royal arsenal, xlvii 400 

.--- grant for land, xlviii 639 

..-- machine for bending timber blown up, 
lv 12 

-... extensive smuggling at, lviii 46 

Woorden, sir Jo, xxxvi 364 

Wooster, gen. xix 16] 152"] xx 116] 

Woots, xli 119] 

Wootz (steel) of India, 1x 6017 

i tae : explosion of gunpowder at, v 


e+e collection at the music meeting. See 
Music meeting 

«+». act for improving, xiv 81] 

+++. contested election, xix 132] 

«...k, John’s tomb opened on repairing 
the cathedral, xxxix 38 

ees Tiot at, lix 91 

Worcester, Edw. earl of, xxxiv 433 

— H. Ist marg. of, v 28. xii 39. 

xxxii 96 

—marq.of. See Beaufort, duke 

Worcestershire, freeholders petition on the 
rights of election, xii 122] 

Worde, Wynkyn de, xxiii 228 

Wordsworth, Josh. lviii 347 

—_—. W. xlv 931. xlviii 1058, 1059, 

Worzge, lieut. col. i 75. i1 63 

Workhouses, improved, xxxvi 40 

Worksop house, burned down, iv 169] 

-... stables burned down, xiii 68] 

Worlidge, xxvi 31 

Wormius, Olaus, xii 197, 198 

Worms: extraordinary cases of, iii 73, xlix 

«..- remedies for, iv 127. v 72] xviii 119. 
xx 80. xxxvi 357 

++. children poisoned by taking bearsfoot 
for, v 72] 
for, vi 96} 

eev+ Marine, vi 89 

ame gingerbread nuts 



Worms : from the orifice of the arm in bleed- 
ing, vili 138] : 

«+e from a child’s eye, viii 147] 

...- death of calves from, x 141] f 

Wormwood, Walter, an envious defamer, 
xxxii 12] 

Woronzoff, count, 

i 40. xxxiv 341] vii 

—- countess, xiii 1 

gen. lvi 11] 

Worsdale, James, epitaph of, x 127] 

Worship, divine, action for nonattendance 
on, lix 192 

Worsley, sir Rich. xxiv 118, xxxii 19 

T. Caryll, xlix 477 

Wort, antiscorbutic virtues of, xix 115, 117 

weee See Malt 

Worth, capt. J. A. (N) lii 302. Ivi 155 

Worthington, rev. Hugh, lvii 253 

Worthy, James, 1x 290 

Wortley,  (M.P.) ii 114 

——— Stuart, liv 79] 83] 84] 89] lv 21] 
94] lvi 142] 150] 166] Iviii 11] lix 83] 

Wotiacks, vii 95. xiii 18. xxix 34 

Wotton, rev. W. xix 42 

—— sir Harry, i 485, 49]. xxi 238 

T. (bookseller) xxiii 245 
(attorney) attempt to murder, ix ~ 



85] 129] 
—— rey. W. viii 283. xvii 230. xxxiii 13] 
Woulfe, Pet. xv 106 
Wounds: extraordinary recoveries from, 

xxii 7] xxx 80 
«++. gunshot, on the treatment of, xxxv 

.... rendered fatal from the introduction 
of putrid animal matter, | 66* 

Wrangel, bar. H. G, xlviii 363 

——- gen. vi 35 

Wrangham, rev. Francis, xxxii 195] 197] 

Wratten, J. executed for treason, xlv 363, 
369, 371 

Wraxall, Jane, x1 177 

sir Nath. W. xviii 63. xix 148. 
xxvii 97. xxix 4. xxxiii 162. xxxiv 3n] 
xxxvii 1*] xli 308 

- ++. suit against for libel, lvii 290 

Wray, Dan. xxviii 186 

—— J. See Ray 

—— sir Bourchier, iii 151] 

-——. Cecil, xii 79] xiii 207] xxi 181*] 
xxvii 174] 190] xxxiii 80] 

Wrecks, plundered, i 113. xvii 113] 148] 
xviii 113] 154] xxv 219] liii 4, 114. lix 
14, 90 

Wrede, gen. xlvii 179. 11 206. lv 136] 139] 
lvi 3] lvii 81] 

Wren, wood, xxxvi 322 

Wren, Christ. xi 258] 

—— dean Christ. 7d. 

—— sir Chr. ii 284, v 258, viii 136] x 
150. xi 258] xvi 140 

Wrench, xx 192] 193] 

Wressael castle burnt down, xxxviii 6 

Wright,  lvi22 



Wright, = (distil.) sued for penalties, ix 

v. Wardle, li 296 

— Adan, Ixi 90 

ald. T. xx 191] xxii 218] 227] xxiii 

194] x1 31 

Alex. xxiii 239] 

Atkins. See below, J. A. 

_— capt. J. (N) xli 72. xliii 221] xlvi 
389. xlvii 6, 118, 427. xlix 929. liii 77] 

C. two families poisoned by, vi 107] 


col. Alexander, xlviii 432 

Dr. W. xxv 60 : 
—_— Edw. (notorious thief) xlyiii 457 
—— F. B. lix 31 

James, iv 99] v 86. xii 75] 

James, executed for robbery, xi 

— J. executed for burglary and mur- 
der, xiv 87] 
J. tix 29 
J. Atkyns, xlvi 94. xlvii 79, 81 
Jos. convicted of coining halfpence, 
xvi 144] 
Jos. xxi 214] 
Jos. (painter) xxxix 45 
rey. J. lix 29 
Rich, lix 234. Ixi 302 
sir G. xlvii 849 
James, xxi 244] 252] 261] xlvi 

— Martin, viii 177] x 30]. xiv 
250. xvi 148 
— Nathan, xviii 119] 
Sampson, xviii 228] xxiv 225] 

xxxiii 41] xxxiv 41 

T. xliii 453. li 335 

T. (gunsmith) xv 76] 

W. Ivi 283 

Wrigley, James, ii 123 

Wriothesley, col. sir J. x 131] 210] xxi 265] 

—_—_—-—— sir T.. xviii 149 

Writ of right, cases of, xvii 119] xxiv 197] 

Writing, modes of, vi 198. ix 188. xliii 

---- books and materials for, in the East, 
ix 138 

«+++ boustrophedon, in ancient Irish MSS., 
xvi 261 

vsee See also Style 

Writings, old, methods of renovating, iv 
152. xv 115. xxix 91 

Written mountains in the desert of Sinai, x 

Wroe, Mrs. charged with publishing libels, 

Ixi 70 
Wrongs, two sorts of, xi 269 
Wrottesley, H. lvi 150] 1x 130] 
—— sir J. xlili 8] xlv 9. xlvi 43, 70 
Wroughton, ix 12] 235] 
— (actor) xxxi 150, xxxix 21 
Wuchetig, lieut. xxxi 45] 
Wulfsig, bish, of London, yi 32 
Wulfstan, xvi 152, 156 
Pant I, 

Wungen, in Luneburg, swept away by a 
flood, liii 121 
Wunsch, gen. ii 46. vi 97] xxi 31] 
Wurmser, bar. xvi 147] xxi 34] xxxv 282] 
xxxvi 5] 225] xxxvii 76] xxxviii 99] 
128] xxxix 5] xli 22 
Wurtemburg: the city taken by the im- 
perialists, iii 45] 
«so. treaty with France, xxxviii 222 
+++. rescript of the emperor on the subject 
of peace, xxxviii 284 
--.. subsidized by G. Britain, xli 265] 
+++. treaty with France, xliv 625 
+... new regulation of ranks, liii 128 
--.. treaty with Austria, lv 164] 
+++ new constitution proposed by the king, 
Ivii 102] 
+ the states refuse to accept it, 2. 
+.» contest with the king on the subject, 
Ivii_ 103-5] 
++ farther disputes .between the king and 
the assembly of the states, lviii 139] 
.» +. death of the king, lviii 140] 
+++. economical reforms by his successor, 
+++. State prisoners set at liberty, 7d. 
--.- meeting of the states, lix 136] 
e+e riot, 2d. 
-... the states dissolved, lix 137] 
«--. regulation of the finances by the king, 
lix 138] 
.»«- constitution framed by the king ac- 
cepted by various places, lix 66 
«+s» New constitution, lxi 184] 
-... emigrations from, xi 40 
Wurtemberg, duke of, renews his treaty of 
subsidy with France, ii 49 
.»»» defeated at Fulda, zd. 
..« his musical extravagance, xvi 185 
—- duke Alexander of, lvi 12] 
king of, See Frederic C. W. 
and Frederic W. 
————-—— prince Eugene of, ti 27. iii 
46] iv 33] 36] xlviii 189, 194, 197. lvi 

Lewis of, xvii 16 
Paul of, [xi 27 
royal of, See Frederic 

William, king of 

——— queen of. See Charlotte Au- 
gusta Matilda 

Wurtschen, battle of, lv 122] 126] 

Wutgenan, gen. iv 25] 26] 

Wyat, Emily, wounded by a pistol in Fleet 
street, xlix 484, 492 

—— James, xxiii 224. xxvii 333] xxxi 
213] 226] xxxii 250] xxxviii 510, xliii 
144. xlv 373 

—— Matthew, xxxviii 12. xliv 778 

—— M. C. Ix 361 

—— sir T. i 482. xxiv 13; 197 

—— sir I’. jun. xv 7 

Wyatt, C. xliv 776, 785. xlv 832 

C, Perkins, lviii 294 

J, I, lyii 319 



Wyatt, 8. xlii 382 

Walt. H. xlix 853 

Wych street, fires in, xiii 99] 108] 109] 
128] xvii 83] 

Wyche, Pet. iii 121. viii 6] 141, 148 

Wycherley, W. v 15, 17, xxii 60. xxiii 219. 
xxxvi 299 

«+++ curious particulars of, ix 63 

Wycomb, West, new chureh built by lord le 
Despencer, vi 87] 

Wycombe, lord. See Lansdowne, margq. 

Wydville. See Widville 

Wyke, G. xlyii 854. xlviii 956. 1x 359, 561 

Wykeham, W. of, vy 119] xxx 3, xly 773. lv 

Wylde, lieut. Rob. (A) vi 90] 

Wymondham, penitentiary house at, xxvili 

Wynd, H. xxxiv 438 

Wyndham, (judge t. C. 11) xxxiii 30] 

— hon. C. W.1 222° 

the k. of Prussia, i 86 
-+«- leaves the bulk of her fortune to en- 
dow a charity at Salisbury, viii 86] 
—rt. hon, W. See Windham 
sir W. yiii 175} ix 293. xxxv 


— T. vi 57] 

Wyndymore, Mrs. xv 71} 

Wyngaarden, de Langer, xlvii 191, 637 

Wynkyn de Worde. See Worde 

Wynn, Glynn, xxvii 268] ~ 

sir Watkin Williams. See Wynne 

Wynne, C. Watkin Williams, xlv 172. xlvi 
112. 11 153. ii 37, 51, 65, 103, 106. liv 
56] 61] lv 15] 49] 50] 93] 204] lvi 122] 
Iviii 10] 12] 37] 48] lix 57] 58] 83] Ix 
82] 1xi 68] 74] 75) 

J. executed! for piracy and murder, 

x 64] 69] 

Mrs. xxii 84 

rey. J. iii 76] 

—— sir J. xvii 151 

sir Rowland, xv 99] xxvii 178°] 

sir Watkin Williams, xxvii 334] xlii 
29. xhii 48] xlviii 53 

.... feast at his coming of age, xiii 94] 

sir W. xix 236] xxvii 292] xxxiv 
31*. xxxvi 23 

Wyoming, settlement of, xxii 8] 9] 

.... destroyed, 8-14] 91] 

Wythe, G. (chairman of the House of Bur- 
gesses in Virginia) xiv 144] 

Wythen, sir Francis, lii 443 

Wyvill, bish. Rob. xiv 144 

rev. Christ. xxv 282] xxvii 172] 


Xavier, prince, of Saxony, iii 23] v 25-7] 

Xenophon, iii 5. xiv 260. xv 133, xxxiii 
258, 380] 431] 

Xerxes, xi 160 


miss Barb, presents 1000/. to, 

Xeuxis, ix 229. xiv 15 
Ximenes, card. xi 157. xxxiv 376 
..-. account of, xii 14 
don Francis (grand master of — 
Malta) xvi 85] 5 
Francisco, li 655 

Y. ‘ 

Yacht, large, lix 61 
Yale college, lix 389, 390 
Yanaqueo, | 37 
Yanina. See Janina ‘ 
Yapp v. Sanders and others, lyii 259 
Yarborough, C. lord, Ixi 139] 148) 
Yarker, Adam, lviii 92 ‘ 
Yarmac, a Don cossack, adventures of, vi 
Yarmouth: contested election of mayor, x — 
+++. answer to government circular on 
manning the navy, xxxvii J08 
«++. Dutch Sunday kept at, lvi 88 
+++» French and Dutch fishing boats at, lvii 
+++. naval pillar at, lix 71 
Yarmouth, countess of, vi 68] 
— earl of. See Hertford, marq. 
——-—— France. C. earl of, xlviii 165. 
176, 177, 722. xlix 55, 60. Wii 111. liv 
89] Ix 339 
Yates, capt. R. (A) suicide, lv 11 
—— couns. vi 88] 145] 
—— James, xlviii 438, 439 
—— lieut. T. shot, xxxyiii 34, 35 
—— Mrs. M. A. ix 265, xx 197, xxix 
203] xxxviii 15 
—— rev. Rich. xlv 856 
—-— Rich. iv 234. xviii 126] xxi 188] 
xxxvili 15 
—— sir Joseph, x 126] xi 127] 155] 196] 
xii 100] 158] xiii 120] xiv 87] xv 69] 
. +. character of, xiii 52 
Yea, sir W. xxii 224] 
Year, ancient manner of dating it’s com- 
mencement, ii 410 : 
Yearsley, Aun, xxix 177 
Yeast, methods of making, xi 142] xxxii 
88. xliii 463 
+++. economical use of, xy 109 
- method of exciting fermentation with- 
out, xxviii 74 
. Self-perpetuating, xxx 103 
Yeates, Edw. starved to death, xvi 153] 
Yeldham, Moses, xxx 203] 
Yelland, J. (N) xliii 82 
Yelverton, Barry. See Avonmore, vise. 
Yenn, J. xxxii 250} 
Yeo, Rich. viii 194%] xii 128] 
sir J. Lucas (N) xlvii 401, 536, xlix 
527. li 366. lv 182] 183] 186]' 188] 15), 
pa 213, 216, 218, lvi 179] 197, 214, Ixi 
Yeomanry cavalry. 

See Volunteers 



- Yeomans, R. xxvi 200] 

Yeovil, fire at, lvii 70 

Yerinaloff, gen. lix 93, 95 

Yester, fire at, xxxix 20 

Yew, sheep poisoned by the bark of, ix 97] 

.... horses poisoned by, xlviii 461 

---. cattle poisoned by, lvi 105 

Yong, capt. . x 85] 96] 

Yonge, Philip, xxviii 242] 

sir G. viii 125] xiv 90) xviii 108] 
xxi 161*] 193*] xlv 628 

—— de. Sce Younge 

Yorek, d’, gen. liv 175) ly 115] 116] 122] 
123] 136] 138] lvi 2} 15] 

York: subseription for supplying the poor 
with cheap corn, i 79 

---- benefaction to the county hospital, v 

«+++ subseription at the breaking out of the 
rebellion, vi 10 

+++» mild weather at Christmas, ix 154] 

>... painted window put, up in the cathe- 
dral, xii 75] 

--.. thanks of the citizens to their repre- 
sentatives, xii 123] 

--.. foundation of a building, and leaden 
coffin, found near Micklegate, xii 148] 

+... Roman inscription and coins found, xiii 

+... subscription for the sufferers by the 
inundations, xiv 163] 

--.'. address approving the American mea- 
sures, xix 186] 

eoee on the taking of Charlestown 
and suppression of the riots rejected, xxiii 

«+++ petition for reform, xxvi 197] 

+... thanks to the minority against the 
commutation act, xxvii 200] 

+++. curious law respecting the canonries, 
Xxxix 26 

+... painted glass window presented to the 
minster, xlvi 432 

-..» freedom to ear] St. Vincent, xlvii 412 

York, Edward, duke of, i 66, 101, 110. ii 
103, 104, 114, 118. iii 89] 100] 142] 146] 
iv 98] 112] 120] 165] 177] 189] 147. v 
88] 90] 100] 105] 108] 109] vi 55] 70] 
97] 100] viii 72] 111) 127] ix 69] 75] 
84] 93] 130] 141] x #5] 111] 138] sli 
361. xlvii 755. xlix 805 

o++« presentation of the freedom of London 
to, iv 120] 136] 137] 

eee. his reception abroad, vi 107] 119] vii 
94] 96] 143) viii 98] x 107] 118] 

+«+- *— death and funeral, x 131] 141] 
144] 203] 204] 

+.» particulars of his life, x 207] 

...+. his income, x 21]] 

—— Frederic, duke of, xx 26] xxii 211] 
xxiv 161] xxvii 195] xxx 195] 223] xxxi 
75| 127) 128] 138] 298] 304] xxxiii 12] 
43] xxxiv 134, xxxv 242] 252] 265] 272] 
xxxv 106. xxxvi 14] 15] 25] 27] 55] 208] 
250) 6, 15, 75, 76, 168, 171, 233, xxxvii 


47] xxxix 222] 252. xl 187. xlif 9. xliif 
21, 383. xliv 119, 668. xly 569. xlvi 43, 
388 xlvii 418. xlviii 25, 405. 1124, 299, 
lii 242°, 259°, 263". liv 130] 81, 98, 329. 
Iv 94] 50. lvi 333. lx 71, 400, 402. Isi 
399, 401, 76. 

e+ ++ born, vi 94] 

-+ + chosen bish. of Osnaburgh, vii 55] 
+++. medals given on this occasion, viii ]18] 
+++» administration of the temporalities 

during the minority disputed, viii 139] 

++.» inoculated, ix 71] 81] 

+++» made principal companion of the Bath, 
x 162] 

++++ —>— knight of the Garter, xiv 115] 
+». duel with col, Lenox, xxxi 208] 
siya nel on, xxxi 229] xxxii 195] xxxiii 
-... Marriage of, xxxi 42", 48*, 52°. xxxiii 

37] 38] 43] 44] xxxiv 142] 195 
++» establishment of, xxxiv 143] 
+++ expedition to Holland, xli 303] 103, 
126, 135 
- inquiry into the conduct of, li 117 

+++ resigns, li 141 

‘ eee by the prince regent, liii 

+++. care of the king's person entrusted 
to, Ixi 8] 10] 

—-— Frederica C. U. C, duchess of, xxxiv 
142] 134. xxxv 2. Ix 400. Ixi 399 

+++. entertainment at Oatlands, | 38* 

——— Hen. Bennet, card. viii 153]- ix 28. 
xxx 200] 255] 

e.+- account of, xlix 825 

—— Rich. duke of, xy 238. xxix 111. 
xxxi 81] 86] 

Yorke, (M.P.) xxvii 86] xxxi 143] xl 
192] xliii 32] 

adm. sir Jos. Sydney, lii 301, 303. 

lix 36] 

bish. James, 1 95* 

C. xxxiy 159* 

H. Redhead, xlviii 458 

««e found guilty of a seditious libel, xxxvii 

47. x1 23. xli 160 

hon. C. vi 109] xi 132] xii 92] 128] 

xiii 63] 67] 68] 99] 201. xix 41 

hon. C. Phil. xxxv 20] xly 24, 38, 

99, 102, 108, 185, 193, 195, 205, 208, 

218, xlvi 8, 11, 17, 22, 23, 29. 35, 42, 46, 

55, 64, 68, 70, 76, 78, 93. xlvii 61. xlviii 

52, 53. 1 16] li 123. lit 24, 36, 51, $7, 

92, 93, 105, 124, 303. liii 15] 20] 76] liv 

5] 83] lv 12] 21] 26] lvi 111) 112) lwvii 
21. lix 50] 

J. iv 88} 
marshal sir Jos. ii 127. iii 204] iv 
4] 62] 68] 115] 256] 258] 274] 275] vii 
53] xi 155. xv 121] 206] xvi 118] xxiii 
356] xxiv 295] xxvi 170] 

. +» his memorials to the states general, i 
144, ij 205, 255. iii 237] xii 125] xx 289] 
xxii 421] 425] 428-31] xxiii 342] 373] 


Yorke, marshal sir Jos. 

See also Dover, 

sir W. xix 189] 
Yorkshire : description of a rape threshing 
in, viii 259° : : 
+++. address of the high sheriff and grand 
jury to their representatives, xii 96] 
eres petition from, xii 205] 
<-++ proceedings at the county meeting, 
xiii 206-10] xiv 16] 
e+. statement of the woollen manufacture, 
xiv 219] xxiv 203] xxvi 204] li 270. liii 
49. lviii 60. xi 27 
ees. petitions for reform, xxiii 85] 108) 
338] xxv 307] xxvi 197] 
eee resolutions of the meeting, xxiii 193] 
eeee —— of the committee of asso- 
ciation, xxiv 140] 
«+.- Second address to the electors of G. 
Britain, xxv 282] 
»»-- resolutions of the grand jury respect- 
ing the scarcity, xlii 139 
e+». meeting on the transactions at Man- 
chester, Ixi 113] 
Young, (surg.) xviii 234] 
uv. Wright and another, Ixi 202 
and Co., Mead v. on a bill of ex« 
change, xxxii 224] 
adm. James, xxi 312] xxiii 228] 
—— W. xvi 66] xxxvi 80. xxxix 
210] 215] 
Ann, xliii 452 
—— Arthur, xii 97] xiii 111, 130. xiv 
10422]. xxiv JO1. xxvii 50. xxxii 10] 
120] xxxiv 495. xxxvi 304, 383. xxxvii 
95*] xxxviii 523, xli 205] xlii 130] 133] 
ib. 1384] 7. xliii 473. xlv 850, xlvii 371. 
xlviii 965. xlix 128, 860 
col. lv 152 
Dr. G. xvi 89} 
Dr. T. 1xi 319 
Dr, W. (a Welsh physician) xii 53 
—— G., lviii 347 
James, li 544 
J. a crimp, convicted, x 85] 
—— lady, xv 221 
—— Lake, xxv 196] 
- ——— lieut, Walter (N) xx 180] 
maj. —- xxxiv 203] 
miss (actress) See Pope, Mrs. 
miss Sally, burnt to death, xiv 82] 
rey. v 18, 19 
—— Dr. Edw. xii 6]. xx 208 
eee. character of, lvi 461 
eee. life of, viii 31 
Dr. Matth. xliv 7102 
Gawin, xvii 185 
Rob. xliii 451 
sit G. xix 125] xxxv 77] xxxix 38 
——_—— W. vii 246. xxvii 183] xxxv 25] 
85] 88] 159] xxxvi 213] xxxix 258] xl 
174] 235] xli 180] xlii 132] xliii 400. 
ae 156, xlvi 28, 31, 927, 928. xlvii 45, 


Young, sir W. appointed governor of Do- — 
minica, xiii 129] xvii 129) pe 

—— sir W. li 761 

T. xi 70] 

——— W. xviii 93. 1 183* 

Younge, miss (actress) xix 232. xxi 201 

——— sir Peter, xxi 179 _ 

de, __ tried for selling guineas, lii 
242", 271. liii 76 

Younger, Rich. xlv 832 - | 

Younghusband, J. and L. brothers, suicide ~ 
of, Ix 155 e 

Younie, James, lviii 348 

Youssouf bashaw, xli 74] xlii 223 

Youth and age contrasted, iii 189 

Yriarte, gen. iii 115] 

¥sed Mahomet, xxvii 25] 27] 

Yysenburg, prince of, i 45, 55, 56 

Yucatan, complaints of our logwood cutters 
against the governor of, vii 82] 

.. +. friendly professions of the new gover- 
nor, viii 99] 100] 

Yusuf bashaw, xli 74] xlii 223 


Zabiello, xxxiv 124 

Zacagnius, Laur. Alex. vi 146 

Zach, F. bar. xli 334 

gen. xlii 194] 

Zackaw, iii 10, 14, 19 

Zacutus Lusitanus, Dr. viii 108 

Zaddah, shah, iv 56] vii 35] 37] viii 9] ix 
28] xxx 153] xxxi 160] 

Zadera, gen. murder of, lv 70 

Zaller bey, xiii 34] 36] 

Zajoncheck, count, xxxvii 31] 

Zalada, card. Ji 877 

Zambeccari, count, xxvii 227] 

.. +» killed by falling from a balloon, liv 120 

Zanartu, gen. Mig. Ix 45 

Zanciu. See Burrampooter 

Zante, earthquake at, x 142] 

«+.» petroleum springs in, lvii 499 

Zaporavia, republic of, xiii 29 

Zaremba, marsh. xv 26] 

Zarmanas, or tii 426 


Zarrabini. Sce Flaminio, J. Ant. 

Zastrow, general, i 34, 196, 231, 233. iv 35] 
v 27] vi 97] 

Zayas, gen. liii 113] 208 

Zayoncheck, gen. xlix 25 

Zayr, r. Sce Congo 

Zealand, New, people of, xvi 27. lix 460 

e+e natural productions of, xvi 100, 1xi 6 

-. +. boat’s crew killed and eaten, xvii 136] 

ee wants of, xxii 110 

Zedwitz, count of, lvi 105 

Zekerman, Andres, murder and robbery at 
sea by, viil 233] ix 75] / 

Zeltner, xl 104] 

Zemaun shah, xli 50] 63] 69] xliv 357, 1 
9 1i86 


Zeno, Apostolo, xvi 75 
eee- account Of, xxxviii 346 
—— the Stcic, xxiv 149 
Zenobia, ix 144 
+++. account of, xix 142 
Zenteno, gen. Ix 45 
Zetland, shower of black dust in, i 349 
Zeuxis, iii 165. xiii 203n 
Ziegenhayn taken by the French, iii 24] 
--.. blockaded, iv 10] 
~+-~ blockade raised, iv 12] 

Zierenberg, French troops surprised there, 

iii 33) 
Ziethen, general, i 42, iii 47 
——— gen. ly 134] Ivii 66] 174, 549 
Zimmermann, Dan. lvii 1 
—— Dr. J. Gs xviii 4. xxv 69 
«..- account of, xxxix 378 
Zinghis. See Jenghis khan 
Zink, Jacob, liv 315 
Zinore, account of, lv 539 

Zinzendorf, Lewis count, memoirs of, v 32 
——N, L. count, iii 108] ix 269. 

xxxiii 277] 
Zittau, taken by the Austrians, i 20 
Zoblocki, xi 15] 
Zodiac, divisions of the, xiv 175 
Zoffani, xv 108] xxviii 5x 
Zondadari, abp. Ant, Felix, xli 431 

Zorndorf, battle of, i 51 
Zoroaster, v 104. xli 506 



»-+-remarks on the works ascribed to, v 

109, 110, 112 

+.» twoof the name, lv 465 
Zosimus, ii 405 

Zouceato, G. count of, xli 280 

Zouch, lord president, xxvi 119 
—— rev. T. y 92] 

Zoutman, adm. xxv 119] 122] 161] 
Zuboll, Plato, xxxviii 200] xxxiii 94 
—— prince, xliv 247 

—— Valerian, xxxviii 200] 
Zuccares, Francisco, xi 199] 
Zucchiro, Taddeo, xxi 11, xxviii 109 
Zuinglius, xxii 5 

Zulichau, battle of, ii 24 

Zumarraga, bish. xxix 122n 

Zummo, Crejetano Julio, xvi 196 

e+e religion of, v 113-29. xli 507. ly 463 

Zurich, number of persons poisoned in the 

sacramental wine, xix 179] 
«+ ee account of, xxxvi 270 
Zurlo, xli 152] 

Zutphen, fire in one of the barracks at, xvi 

Zweybrucken. See Deux Ponts 
Zwinglius, Ulrick, liii 399 
«+e» character of, 74, 










Asgortr, Mrs. W. da. xlviii 467 

Abercrombie, Mrs. Rob. da. lix 136 

—_—_—— hon. Mrs. Jas. son, xlv 47]. 
da. xlvii 441 

Aberdeen, counts. da. 1 141. 1i 547. son, lx 
190. da. 1x 193 

Abergavenny, counts. son, xxviii 216] xxx 
234] xxxi 234] 

Abingdon, counts. son, xii 168] da. xvii 177] 

son & h. xxiv 203] da. 

xxviii 215] xxx 226] 

—— son, | 142. da. 1i 548. son, 
lix 137. son, lxi 109 

Aboyne, counts. son, xx 218] da. xxxviii 49. 
xxxix 59. xli 44. son, xliv 479. xlviii 
465, 1141 

Acheson, hon. Mrs. son, xix 206] 

viscounts. son & h. xlviii 469 

Achmoody, Mrs. twins, xix 205] 

Ackland, lady Harr. son & h. xxi 217] 

Acland, lady (sir T, D.) son, xxix 229} li 
547] lili 145. liv 156. da. Ivi 12], da. 
Vviii son, Ixi 108 

A’Court, Mrs. W. A. son, lvii 115 

Adair, Mrs. Alex. son & h. 1 142 

Adam, Mrs. W, son, xxxiii 48] 

Adams, Mrs. J. son, xlv 471 

lady (sir W.) da, lvii 114 

Addington, Mrs. H. son, xxxi 233) da. 

— xxxvili 50. da. xliv 478 5 

Agar, hon. Mrs. C. B. son, xlvii 442 

de I’ Age, counts. da. xliv 480 

Agnew, Mrs. J. da. xliii 50 

Ailesbury, lady, son, xlvi 444 

ag Mrs, lieut. col. son, xlv 475. xlviii 

Ainsley, lady C. son, x1 106. xlvii 442 

Albemarle, counts. da. x1 105. son, xlii 47, 
xliti 51. xlvi 447. li 547. da. xly 472, 
xlviii 468, son, liii 145. lvi 121. lvii 114 

Alcock, hon. Mrs. da. xliv 480 

Alexander, Mrs, J. da. lv 107. son, lvii 113. 
da. lix 136 







Allan, Mrs. H. son & h. xlvii 440 

Allerdyce, Mrs. Alex. da. xxxviii 50. xli 43 

Altamont, counts. son & h, xxx 225] 

Althorpe, lady, son & h. xxv 230] 

Amayand, lady (sir G.) son, xvi 158] 

Amcotts, lady, (sir Wharton) da, xlvi 443 

Amherst, lady, da. xliii 50. son, xliv 479. 
xlv 475. xlvii 440. xlix 5388 

Ancaster, duchs. da. vii 118] 

Aneram, counts. da. xiii 179] 

son, xlii 47. da. xlix 538 

Anderson, lady, (sir C.) son & h. xlvi 448. 
da. lix 136 

——— (sir Jas.) da. lviii 201 

Andover, viscts. da. xlvy 474. son & h. xlvi 
478. da. xlix 538. son, li 547 

Angerstein, Mrs. J. da. xliv 477 

Anglesea, counts. son & h, xii 168] 

marchs. son, lviii 202. 1x 190 

Anhalt, Bernburg, princes. son, xvi 158] 

Annesley, Mrs. Arthur, twin da, lii 415 

(maj. gen.) son, lvii 116 

Anson, lady George, son, Ix 192 

—_————- (sir G.) da lviii 201 

———+— (sir W.) son, lviii 204. lix 134. 
da. Ix 190 

Mrs. (col.) son, 1 142 

T. son & h. xxxvii 50. son, 
xxxvili 50. da. xliv 478 ; 

-——— viscts, da. xlix 537. two sons, 1 142, 
da. lvi 123. da. Ixi 109 

Anstruther, Mrs. col. son, xlv 472 

lieut. col. son & h. xlvi 

443. da. xlvii 438. son, xlviii 473 

lady (late sir J. Carmichael) 
son, Ix 190 

———— Mrs. J. son, xxxii 232] 

Antrobus, Mrs. son, xlviii 464 

lady, son & h. xxxii 231) son, xxxiii 


a ee 

Arbuthnot, hon. Mrs. da. xliv 127 
Arbuthnot, viscts. son, xlviii 467. da, xlix 
538. Wii 146, Iwii 115 


Arcedeckne, Mrs. Chaloner, da, xxi 218] 

Arden, lady, da. xxxi 233] xxxii 232] son, 
xxxvi 42. xxxvii 49. xli 44 

Archer, lady, son & h. xiv 168] 

Arden, Mrs. P. son, xxviii 216] 

lady, son, xxxiv 5] ‘ 

Argyle, duchs. da. xviii 193] son, xx 218] 

Armitage, lady, da. viii 162] son, xi 207] 

Armytage, lady (sir G.) da. xxxi233] xIlii 67 

Artois, counts. da, xix 206] son, xxi 217] 
da. xxv 224] 2 

Arundel of Wardour, lady, da. vii 118] 
xiii 178] 

Arundel, hon. Mrs. da. vi 124] son, xxix 

lady, da. xli 548. son, liii 146. 
Ivii 115 
Ashbrooke, viscounts, da. ix 161] son, xi 
207] da. xiv 168] son, xvi 158] xix 207] 
— counts. da. xlv 473 
viscts. son, xlvi 448. da. xlix 
538. lvii 114 
Asliburnham, counts. da. vi 124] viii 162) 
da, lvi 122 

Ashburton, lady, son, xxv 231] 

Asbhurst, Mrs. (jtist.) da. xvi 159] 

—— lady (sir W. H.) son, xxi 218] 
xxii 241] xxv 231] 

————. Mrs. W. H. da. lix 134 

Ashley, lady, son, vii 118] 

—————— son, xlv 474 

Astell, Mrs. W. da. liii 146. liv 155, son, 
lvii 116 

Astley, lady Anne, son, xliii 67 

—_—_——__—_ (sir Edw.) da. xii 167] da. xvi 
158] son, xxiv 204] 

Asturias, princes. son, xiv 168] da. xviii 193] 
xx 218] xxii 246] son, xxiii 241] xxx 

Atkins, Mrs. J, son, xlvi 448 

——_—_— alder.) son, li 547. da. ly 107 

_ Athol, duchs. da. vii 118] xii 167] xviii 

194] son, xxvi 226] xxvii 249] xxx 226] 

son, xli 43 

Auchterfordle, lady, son & h. liv 155 

Auckland, lady, son, xxxiii 48] xxxvii 49. 
xli 44. da. xlii 48 

Audley, lady, son, lxi 109 

Austin, Mrs. Edw. da. xlviti 472 

Austria, archds. son, xviii 194] 

Avonmore, visets. son, lvii 113. da, id, 115 

Aylesford, counts. da. ix 161] xxvii 249] 
son, xxviii 215] xxxi 283] da. xxxiii 48] 
son, xxxiv 50. twins, son & da, xxxix 58. 
son, xl 105. twins, xli 44. da, xlviii 464 

Aylmer, lady (sir Fitz.) son, xiii 179] 

Aynsley, lady C. son, xli 44. da. xliv 480 

Babington, Mrs. T. son, xlv 470. xlviii 467 
Baden Durlach, princes. da. xxv 231] 
Baden, princes, twin da. xix 206] 

—-— grand-duchs, da. liii 146 

Bagot, lady, da. vi 124] ' 
— son, xix 205] xx 217] da. xxiii 
241] xxvii 249] 


Bagot, lady, son, 1 141. da. li 548. son, lij_ 
415. liii 145. liv 156. da, lvi 123. son 
Ivili 202. da. 1xi 109 

—— Har. son, li 547. 

106. da. lviii 203. son, Ix 191 

hon. Mrs. da. vii 118] 

———- son, lvi 121 

Bagott, lady (sir W.). da. xi 206] son, xvi 

Bagshaw, lady (sir W. C.) da. lii 414 

Baillie, lady Charl. da. xliii 50. liv 164, 
son, xlvi 446. xlvii 44] q 

———— N. da. xliv 479 

Mrs. (lieut. col. Hugh) da, xlvi 446 

————— (col.) son, xlv 479 

Baily, lady S. son, xlv 473 

Baird, lady, da.ix 161]. 

hon. Mrs. son, xlv 470 

Baker, Mrs. W. da. xxxii 234] son, xxxiv 
51. xli 43. da. xliii 49. son, xliv 477 

lady (sir F.) son & h, lviii 202 

—— son, lix 135 

Balcarras, counts. da. vi 124 

— son, xxvi 225] twin sons, — 

liv 154, ly 


xxviii 235] 

Balders, hon. Mrs. son & h, xlvi 443 

Balfour, lady Eleanor, da. lix 134. son & h. 
Ix 192 

——— Mrs. (maj. gen.) son, lviii 204 

Balgonie, lady, son, xxvii 249] xxviii 216) 
da. xxxi 234] son, xxxiii 49 

Ballard, Mrs. (capt. S.) da, xlvi 444] 

—— (rear-adm.) da, lvii 115 

Bampfylde, lady, da. vii 118] 

Banbury, counts. da. xl 106. son, xlii 48. 
da. xliv 480. liv 127. xlviii 464. xlix 538, 
1142. liii 146 

Bandon, counts. son, xlv 470. xlvii 438 

Bankes, Mrs. H. son, xxix 230] 

Banting, Mrs. da. xl 106 

Bantry, lady, son & h, xlii 48, son, xliii 51. 
xlix 538. lil 414 

Barclay, Mrs, C, da. lviii 203 

— lady (sir Rt.) son, xlv 473. xlvi 447 

Barde, counts, son, xlix 538 

Bardon, Mrs. Rowl, da. xlix 539 

Barham, lady Car. son, xlvi 440 

Baring, Mrs. Alex. da. lvi 121 

———__—— G. da. lii 415 

Barlow, lady Cath. son, xlv 474 

— (sir G.) son, xlix 538 

Barnard, hon. Mrs. son, liv 155 

Barnes, lady Georg. da. liii 145 

Barnton, hon. Mrs. son, xliv 477 

Barrington, lady Amelia, da. xv 156 

viscounts. son, lyi 123 

Barrymore, counts. da. xi 206. son, xvi 158 

Bath, marchs. da. xliii 67. son, xlv 474. 
xlvii 437. liii 145 : 

Bathurst, Mrs. da. vii 118] ix 161] 

hon, Mrs. son, xlvi 446 

Bavaria, electrs, palatine, twin da. xliii 51 

—— queen, da.lii4lo ‘ 

—-—— prines, da. liii 146. son, liv 154 

Bayham, lady, da. xxix 230. xxxiii 49 


Bayley, Mrs. C. da. xlviii 470 

Baynes, lady (sir Christ.) son, xlix 538 

Beatson, Mrs. (maj. gen.) da. lvi 124, lviii 
201. son, lix 135 

Beauchamp, viscts. son, xviii 194] 

Beauclerck, lady Cath. son, vii ] 18] xiii 167] 

— lady W. da. xlii 47. son, xliii 
49. da. xliv 477. son, xlv 472. da. xlvi 
445. son, xlvii 442. da. xlviii 473. son, 1 

_ 142. da. lii 415 

Beaufort, duchess of, son, ix 162] xi 207] 

xiv 167] da. xvi 157] xvii 177] xvii 

215] xxiii 241] son, xxvii 210] xxix 230] 

xxx 236] 

-——— duchs. da. xlvi 445. liii 146 

Beauharnois, Mad. da. liv 155 

Beaumont, Mrs. (col.) da. xlv 474 

Beckford, lady Marg. da. xxviii 215] 

Beckwith, Mrs. (lieut. col. S.) da. xlv 475 

Bedford, duchs. son, xlvi 445. xlvii 438. 

xlix 537. 1 142. da, ii 414. liv 155. son, 

ly 106. lviii 201. lix 135. xi 108 

—-—— hon. Mrs. da. lviii 202 

Bedingfield, lady (sir Rd.) son, xlv 473. 

xlvii 437 : 

Beecher, Mrs. (capt ) da. xlvi 447 

Beechey, lady (sir W.) twins, xliii 68. son, 

xlv 472. xlviii 469 

Beevor, Mrs. Hor. da. 1 141 

Begg, counts. da. xliv 478 

Belfast, counts. son, xxxix 58 

Belgrave, viscts. son, xxxvii 49. da. xliii 

49. xliy 478 

Bellamont, counts. son, xxi 218] 

Bellasyse, lady, da. x 169] xiii 178] 

elmore, counts. da. xlviii 468 

Bennet, hon. Mrs. A. da. ix 162] 

—  H. Grey, da. Ix 190. 

son, lxi 08 

Benson, lady F. son, xxx 226] 

Bentinck, lady C. da. Iviii 202. son, lix 137 
— F. son, xlix 538. da. liii 145 

viii 162] 

son & h. xiv 473. son, 
_xivi 448. xivii 441 

enyon, lady F. A. son, xxvii 210] 
Beresford, lady A. da. xlvii 439. lii 415 
——  G. da. lvii 113 

(adm. sir J.) da. lviii 202. 

lix 136 
— Mrs. Horseley, son & h. liii 146. 
da, lvi 122 
Berkeley, counts. son, xlii 47. da. xliii 50. 
ih. 68. xly 471. son, xlvii 440. da. xlix 
538. son, Ix 192 
hon. Mrs. son, xIviii 465 

Bernard, lady, son & h. xxx 226] 

viscts. da. lv 107 
— Mrs. Scrope, son, xxxili 49] 
Bernal, Mrs. R. da. lx 192 
Berney, Mrs. 7’. T. son & h. lv 105 
Berry, duchs. of, da. Ixi 109 
Bertie, lady B. da. xiv 167], 
Best, Mre. (serj.) da. xlvi 445 


——hon. Mrs. J. son, vii 118] da. 


Betty, Mrs. da. xlvi 446 

Beverley, counts, da, xxxvi 43 

Berwick, lady (sir R.) son, xiii 178] 

Biddulph, Mrs. J. xlviii 464 

Bingham, lady (sir T.) son, x 170] 

Birch, Mrs. (Dr.) son, xlvii 437 ‘' 

Bishopp, lady (sir Cecil) son & h, xxvi 225] 
da. xxxiii 49 

Blachford, lady Isab. da. lv 105 

Blackburiie, Mrs. J. da. xxvii 249] son; 
Xxxii 232] 

— J. 1. da. liv 155. son & h. 
lix 135 

— W. twin sons, xv 156 
Blackett, lady (sir W.) son, xlvii 437. da. 
xlviii 47]. son, 1141: ly 105. lvit 115 
Blackford, Mrs. (lieut. col.) son, xlviii 467 

Blackstone, Mrs. (Dr.) da. xlviii 468 
Blackwood, hon. Mrs. (capt.) son, xliv 478 
——— da. lv 105 
—_—____ ___—— Henry, da. xlyiii 467 
—_—_——. Hans, da. xlviii 467 
Blair, lady Hunter, son, lvi 123. lix 134 
Blakiston, lady (sir Matt.) da. lv 106 
Bland, hon. Mrs. son, lvii 113. da. lviii 201. 
son, lix 1384 : 
Blandford, marchs. da. xxxiv 51. xxxvi 43. 
son, xxxviii 50. da. xl 106 
Blaney, lady, son, xiii 179] 
—___——- da. xlii 48. son, xlv 470 
Blantyre, lady, da. lvii 113. lviii 202. son, 
Ix 193 
Blaquiere, lady Harr. son, lvii 113 
hon. Mrs. Peter de, son, Ixi 109 
Gonna — B. son, xl viii 470 
Bligh, lady Theod. da. xliv 480. xlvii 440 
Blois, lady, da. vii 118] son & h. ix 161] 
da. xxiii 242] 
Blount, lady (sir Walter) son & h. x 170), 
Blundell, Mrs. W. son & h, liii 145 
Boddington, Mrs. J, da. xlviii 464 
Boddlington, Mrs. Sam. da. xxxv 63 
Bolingbroke, viscts. son & h. vi 124] 
Bolton, duchs. da. xi 207] 
Bonham, Mrs. H. da. liii 145 p 
Booth, lady (sir R. G.) son & h, xlvii 440 
Boothby, hon. Mrs. son, lx 190 
Bootle, Mrs. E. W. da. xlvii 438 
Boringdon, lady, son, xlviii 466. da. lvi 122 
Borough, hon. Mrs. da. xlvii 441 
Bosanquet, Mrs. S.son,xlviii465 
Boscawen, Mrs, (hon. and rev. J. Evelyn) 
da. lix 135 
Boston, lady, da. xix 205] son & h. xx 218] 
xxii 240] xxvi 225] xxx 225] xxxi 233] 
da. xxxiv 51 ; 
Bosyille, Mrs. (maj. gen.) son, lvii 114. da 
lviii 203 

(hon. Godfrey) son, lix 136 

‘Boucher, Mrs. (capt.) son, xlv 471 

Boughey, lady, da. liv 155. son, lvi 124 
——— (sir J. F.) da. lix 134. son, 
Ixi 109 

(sir J. P.) Son, 1vi 124, viii 




Bourke, lady (sir J.) son, Ixi 109 
Bouverie, lady B. son, xxi 218] 
hon. Mrs. Edw. son, x 171] 
— P. da. lvii 113 
Mrs. (hon. and rev. J. Pleydell) 
son, lix 136 
Bowen, Mrs. (capt.) son, xlv 469 
Bowyer, lady (sir G.) da. li 548. son, lv 105. 
lvi 123 
Boyce, lady Am. Soph. son, lix 136 
Boyle, hon. Mrs, da. xlv 472. son, xlviii 466 
———_————- Courtney, da. li 547. 


son, lvi 122 

lady, son, xliv 477. da. xlv 472. 
xvii 440 

Boyne, viscts. son, xvii 177] 

Boyntun, lady, son, xx 217] xxi 217. da. 
xxx 225] 

Brabazon, lady, da. vi 124] 

————— hon. Mrs. son, xi 206] 

Bradford, Mrs. W. M. son, xlviii 466 

Bradstreet, lady (sir S.} son, Ivii 115 

Brand, hon. Mrs. (lieut.-col.) da. liv 154 

Brazils, prines. da. xi 207] xvii 177] xxxi 
62] son, xxxvii 49. da. xxxix 59. son, 
xliv 450 

Breadalbane, counts. da. xxxvii 49. son, 
xxxvili 50 

Bridges, lady, son & h, ix 161] son, x 170] 
xii 167] 

—_——_-———. (sir Brook) son & h. xliii 50, 
son, xliv 480, xlvi 446 

—— (sir H.) son, lviii 203 

Mrs. Brook, son & h. xliii 68 

Bridgman, lady, son, viii 162] 

— hon. Mrs. J. son, xlv 471 

Bridgeman, lady Lucy, da. xxxix 59. xii 
44. twins, son & da. xliii 49 

Bridport, lady, son & h. lvi 124, da. lix 134, 
Ix 190 

Brisco, lady (sir Walt.) son, xlix 538 

Bristol, counts. da. xlvi 445. xlvii 441. son, 
1 142, lili 145. lvi 123, lviii 202 

Broderick, Mrs. (lieut.-gen.) son, lvii 116 

Broke, lady (sir Phil.) da. lix 135 

Brome, lady Louisa, da. x1 106. xliii 49 

visets. da. xlvi 448 

Bromley, lady (sir R. H.) da. lvi 123, son, 
Ivii 116 

Brooke, Mrs. (maj.) da. xlvi 448 

lady (sir Rich.) son, lix 157 

Brooks, hon. Mrs. da. ly 106 

Broughton, lady (sir T.) son, x 170] da. xi 

Brown, Mrs. H. da. xlviii 472 

Browne, hon. Mrs. Denis, son, xlv 472 

Browne, hon. Mrs. G. son, xlvi 445 

— Mrs. (lieut.-col.) son, xlvii 442 

Brownlow, lady, son, xxii 240] xxiii 242] 
de. xxv 231] son, xxvii 249] da. xxix 
2299] xxxiii 49] da. xxxviii 50. xli 43 

da. lili 145. son, liv 156. 

lv 106, da. lxi 109 

a Cath. son, xliv 479 

——-——- Mrs. (col.) son, xlvii 440 

Bruce, lady, da. vi 124] viii 162] son, xvi 

———-— twin da. xxxvi 42. da. xxxix 
59, xli 43. xliii 67. son & h, lvi 448 , 

Brudenell, Mrs. son, xii 167] 

— Rt. da. xli 44 

Bruhl, counts. son, xi 207] xv 156] 

Brunswick, princes. son, ix 161] da. xi 206] 
son, xiv 168] da. xv 157] 

———- son, xlvi 447 

Brydges, lady J. A. da. lv 105. son & h, Ivi 
125. da. lvii 116 

Buccleugh, duchs. son & h. xi 206. da. xii 
167. xiii 179. son, xv 156. da. xvii 177. 
son, xix 205. xx 217. da. xxiii 242 - 

—_—_——_——. da. Ivi 122 

Buchan, lady, son, Ixi 109 

Buchanan, lady Janet, da, xlviii 464. son, 
-xlix 538 

hon. Mrs, da, xlix 538. son, liv 

Buckeridge, Mrs. (col.) xlvii 439 
Buckingham, counts. da. xi 206] 
Buckinghamshire, counts. da. x 169] son & 
h. xvi 158] . 
Budd, Mrs. H. son, xlviii 467 
Buller, Mrs. (lieut. col.) son, xlvii 439 
Mrs. (col.) da. lit 415 
Bulley, Mrs. Ashb. da. xlviii 466 
Bunbury lady (sir H.) da. Ix 192 
lady Sarah, da. xi 207] 
Buonaparte, mad, Jerome, son, xlvii 439 
Louis, son, xliv 480 
—_—— Lucien, son, ly J00 
Burdett lady, da. vi 124] 
——_—_ (sir F.) son, xlii 48. da. xlvi 
445, xlviii 472. lvi 121 
—_—_—_—_ (sir W.) da. xlv 472 
Burford, Mrs. (rev. J. W.) da. li 547 
Burges, lady, da. xxxix 58 
Burgess, Mrs. J. B. da. xxxvi 42 
lady, son, xxxviii 50 
Burghersh, lady Susan, da. xi. 207] xiii 178] 
lady, son, lyiii 201, 1xi 108 
Burgoyne, lady (sir Mont.) son & h, xxxviii 

Burke, lady (sir J.) son & h. ly 105. lvi 124 

Burnaby, lady (sir W.) son xii 168] 

Burnet, lady, son, Ixiii 50 

Burnett, lady, son, xliii 68 

——— Mrs. (lieut. col.) da. xlv 473 

Burr, Mrs. (maj. gen.) da. xlvii 439 

———— (lieut. gen.) son, lviii 203 

————— (gen.) son & h, lili 145. da, liv 

Buwrel, lady (sir W.) da. xxxi 233] 

Burrell, lady, son, liv 154 

(sir C. M.) son lvi 123 

hon. Mrs. Drummond, son & h, 

Ix 190 
——— Mrs. P. R. D. da. li 548 
Burton, lady (sir F. P.) son xii 168] 
hon, Mrs. son, xlviii 469 
Busk, Mrs. R. son, xl viii 467 
Bute, marehs, da, xliii 50, son xlv 469 


Butler, hon. Mrs. C. son, lvii 115 
Mrs. hon. H. da. lv 107.son & h. 
lviii 201 7 
— hon. Mrs. da. lvii 113, lviii 202. da. 
lix 134 
(hon. J.) son, lvii 114 
Isaac, son, lviii 205 

—— Mrs. Weedon, son, x] viii 467 

— lady H., son, xvi 157] 

lady (sir Thos.) da. lx 191 

‘Butt, Mrs. (capt.) da. xlvi 433. son, ib, 442 

‘Byng, hon. Mrs. son, xi 206] xxiv 204] 
xxvii 210] da. xxx 225] 

Byron, hon. Mrs, son, xiii 178] 

—— lady, da. lvii 116 


‘Cadell, Mrs. T. son xlviii 472. da. li 547. 
son, lii 514 

Cadogan, lady, da. xxi 218] xxiv 204] xxviii 

Beanie, Mrs. (rt. hon. G.) son, xliii 49. 
xliv 480. da. xlvi 443. liv 156 

Caithness, counts. son, xxxii 232] da. xxxiv 
50. son xxxix 59. xli 47. xlii 47. xliii 69. 
1 142 

Caldwell, lady, da. xii 167] 

Call, lady Louisa, da. lix 134 

(sir W.) da. xlix 538 

(sir W. P.) son, lvii 114 

lady, da. xxx 225] xxxvi 43. xl 


Calvert, Mrs. (maj. gen.) da. xlvi 447 

Cambridge, duchs. son, ]xi 108 

Camden, counts. da. xxxvi 42. son & h. 
xli 43 

Cameron, Mrs, (col.) da. xliv 477 

: —  D. two da. & son, xlix 538 

Campbell, Mrs. Alex. da. xlv 471 

Dune. da. xviii 472 

lady Carol. son, xxxiv 50 

Charl. son, xlii 47. xliii 49 

C. son, x1 105. xliii 50, da. 

xlvii 441 
—_—_- — Mrs. (brig. gen.) da. xliii 69 
——— lady (brig. gen. sir J.) da. lix 136 

— Mrs. (major) da. xlv 470. son, 
— xivi 445 
ees (col,) da. xlv 269 

—— —— (adm.) da. xlvi 447 

‘Capel, lady Carol. da. xlvii 438, liii 145, son 
ly 106. lvii 114 

— — hon. Mrs. J. son xlv 470 

W. son xlvi 444, da, xIvii 



Carberry, lady, son, vi 124] ix 161] 
Carew, lady (sir H.) son, Ix 192 
— Mrs. Reg. Pole. da. xxxii 231] da. 
xxxili 49] xxxviii 50 

——— (rt hon. R. P.) da. li 547 
——-—— R.S. son & h. Ix 190 
Carey, Mrs. (maj. gen.) da. lviii 201 
Carleton, hon. Mrs. da. x1 105 

lady (sir Guy) son, xxiii 241] 

M. son, xvi 157] 

Carlisle, counts, da, xiv 168] son & hy xvi 



163] da. xvii 178] da. xix 205] xxiii 242] 
XXvi 224] son, xxxvii 50 

Carlow, lady, son, xxiii 204] 

Carmarthen, marchs. son, xviii 194] da. xix 
206] son xx 218] 

Carmichael, lady (sir T. G.) da. vi 122 

lady Gibson, son, lix 136 

Carnegie, lady <sir D.) da. xxix 239] xxx 
225] xxxii 232] son, xliv 478 

——— Mrs. (maj. gen). da. lvi 121 

Carr, lady C. son & h. xliv 47 

Carrington, lady, da. xxxix 58 

(sir Edw.) son xlv 470 

Carrol lady (sir W.) son, lix 137 

Cartwright, Mrs. W. R. da. lv 106. lviii 203 

Cary, hon. Mrs. da. vii 118] 

Carysfort, lady da. xxv 230] xxx 225) xxxi 
253] son, xxxii 232] 

Cassan, lady A. son, liv 154 

Cassel (Hesse) princes. son, xliv 127 

Cassilis, counts. da. xxxviii 50, xxxix 59. 
xli 43. son, xliv 478. xlvii 439 

Castlestewart, lady, da. xxvi 226 

———-——- counts. son lii 414, lvii 116. 
da. Ixi 108 

Castries, duchs. son, xlix 538, da. liv 154 

Catalani, mad. son li 547 

Catheart, lady da. xxxiii 49] xxxviii 50. son, 
xlv 472 

-————— hon. Mrs. da. xl. 106. xlvi 445. 
xlvii 441. lvi 122 

Cavan, counts. da. xviii 195] son, xxvi 225] 

da. xxvii 249] son, xxxi 233] 
—- da. lvii 114. son, lvii 116, Ix 

Cavanagh, lady Eliz. son & h. lvi 122 
Cavendish, lady Cath. da. lix 134 
—— E.son & h. xxv 224] 
— G. H. da. xxix 230] son, 
xxxi 234] da. xxxiv 50 xxxvii 49, xlv 472 
G. son, xiii 50 ae 

Mrs. F.C. son & h. lix 136 

Caulfield, hon. Mrs. St. Geo. da. xlv 471 
Cayley, lady?(sir G.) son, xliv 478. da. lvii 113 
de Chabot, lady Isab. son. lii 416 
Chad, lady A. son & h, liii 146 
Chadwick, lady C. son & h. xxxv 62 
Chambers, lady (sir Chas.) son & h. Iviii 203 
(sir Sam.) da, xlviii 469 
Champagne, Mrs. (lieut. col.) son, lv 107 
Champneys, lady (sir T’.) son, xii 167] 
Chandos, duchs. da. xxi 218. xxii 241 
Chaplain, lady Betty, da. vi 124] 
Charlemont, lady, son & h. xviii 193] 
—— counts. da. xlvii 438 
Charleville, viscts. son, xliii 30 
Charteris, hon. Mrs. da. xliii 68 

Chartres, duchs. son xvi 158] xviii 194] 

twin da. xx 217] son, xxii 241] 

Chayter, Mrs. lieut. col. da. xlvi 445 

Chesterfield, counts. da. xlii 48. son & h. 
xlvii 439 

Chetwynd, viscts. twin da. xl. 106, son, xlil 
48, da. xlivy 477, son, xlvi 448 


Chewton, lady, da. xxvi 225] son & h. xxvii 
Choiseul, marchs, son, xxxiii 48] 
Cholmeley, lady (sir Moxt.) son, xlviii 436 
Cholmondeley, hon. Mrs. da, vi 124] 
———_——. counts. son & h. xxxiv 40. 
son, xlii 47 
Christie, Mrs. Jas. da. xlviii 466 
Chichester, counts, da. xlviii 467 da. liii 
146. da. Jvi. 122. son, lvii 118 
Childers, hon. Mrs. son, x1 105 
Chinnery, Mrs, Brod. son, xlvi 445 
Clanricarde, counts. son, xliv 480 
Clanrickarde, marchs. da. xlii 47 
Clarence, duchs. da. Ixi 108 
Clarges, lady (sir T.) da. xxi 218] 
’ Clarina, lady, son, xlvii 441 
Clarke, lady (sir G.) da. lvi 121 
—— (sir Simon) da. lvii 113 
Mrs. W.S. son, li 548 
Clavering, lady A. da, xxxi 233] son, 
xxxviii 50 
Clay, Mrs. (maj. gen.) da, lvii 116 
Clayton, lady (sir W.} son, xliii 50 
Cleaver, Mrs. (bp. Chester) da. xxxiii 48] 
xxxvii 49 
Clerk, lady (sir G.) son, lyii 114, son, Iviii 
—— lady, da. lix 15 
—— lady (ld. justice) son, Ixi 109 
Clifden, lady, da. xxxvi 42. son, xxxix 58 
Clifford, lady, son, xlv 470 
hon. Mrs. son and h, xxxii 231] 
da. lix 134 
Clifton lady, (sir Gerv.) son, xi 206] xii 168] 
da. xiv 168] xvi 158] 
Clinton, hon, Mrs. son, xliv 126 
——— Mrs. col. son, xlvi 446 
Clive, lady, da. vii 119] son, xii 168] 
aaa S0N, XXvili 215] xxix 232] 
- —— Lucy, son, lx 193 
Clonbrock lady, da. xivii 410 
neurry, lady, da. xlvi 448, son & h. 
xlvii 488. da. ly. 105. lvii 114. son, viii 
Clonmell, counts, da. xlvii 442. xlviii 472. 
liv 156. lvi 124 
son & h. lix 134. Ix 190 
Clonmore; lady F. da, lix 135 
Clutten, Mrs. (col.) son, xxxix 69 
Coburg, duchs. son, Ixi 108 
Cock, Mrs. Theop. son, xxxy. 62 
Cockburn, lady, (sir G.) da, xxvi 226] xxx 
Cockburn, lady (r. adm. sir G.) da, lviii 
201. lix 135 

— (sir Jas.) son, xvi 158] xix 
206] xxiii 242] 

Cochrane, hon. Mrs. da. lvi 122 

lady, son xviii 195] 

——— lady (sir T. J.) da. lvii 115 

Cocks, hon. Mrs. col. son, lvi 122 

Codrington, Mrs, Christ. son & h, xlvii 438 

—— hon. Mrs. da. li 548. liv 154. 

son, lv 106, lvi 124 


* Courtenay, lady. son, xi 207] 


Cogill, lady (sir J.) da. Ixi 109 

Coke, Mrs. (col.) son, xlvii 439 

Colborne, Mrs. N. R. da. liv 154 

Cole, lady E. da. lviii 202 

—— F. son, lix 136. da. lx 192 

(sir Lowry) da. lviii 202 

Collin, Mrs. son, xlviii 466 

Colquhuon, lady (sir Jas.) da. xxxii 232 
i — Mrs. Jas. son, xlvi 443. xlvii 

Colville, hon. Mrs. son & bh. vi 124] 
lady (sir C.) son, lvii 113. son, Ix 

hon, Mrs. da, lvii 116 

Compton, lady, son, xxx 225] xxxii 231) 
da. xxxiii 49] 

counts. son & h. lviii 202. da. lix 

135. son Ix 192 
lady, (sir Walt.) son, xiv 167] 

Mrs. H.C. son & hb. lv 106 

Congreve, Mrs. Rd. son, xlviii 464 

Conway, Mrs. hon, col. son, xx 217] 

Conyers, lady Har. da. xi 206] 

Conyngham, viscts, son, xxxvii 49 

—— counts. da. xli 43. son, xlvii 

441. xlix 538 

Mrs. (col.) da. xlvii 440 

Cook, Mrs. (aged 64) da. xlviii 465 - 

Cooke, lady Caroline, da. lix 135 

Mrs, son, xxxv 62 

Cookson, Mrs. (maj. gen.) da. lvi 123. son, 
Ix 190 

Coombe, Mrs. (alderm.) son, xxxix 58 

Comper lady A. A. son, xlix 538.1 142, lii 

Coote, lady (sir Chas.) son, lvii 114 

— (sir H.) son, lviii 203 

Corbett, lady, sir Rd. son & h. lv 105 

Cork, counts. son’& h. viii 162] da. ix. 16i] 
son, xii 168] 

son, xli 44. xlii 48. xlv 471. 
da, xlvi 443. xlviii 470, son, liv 154 

Cornwall, hon. Mrs. da. xliii 49 

lady (sir G.) da. xvi 157] xxxi 

Cornwallis, counts. da. xii 168] son, xvii 178] 
marchs. da. xlix 537 
— hon. Mrs. da. xvii 177] son, xxiii 


Corry, visets. son & h. xliii 51. xliv 126 

Cosby, lady, da. xxxvi 42 

Cotton, lady A. M. son, xliv 477. xlv 473. 
da. ly 105 

Cotton, lady, sir C. son, xlii 48. xliii 51 

—___—_-——. sir J. Hynde, twin sons, vii 
118] twin sons, xii 167] 

Coventry, counts. son, viii 162] 

Courland, duchs. da. xxiv 203] xxvi 225] 
xxxv 63 

— Mrs. (T. Peregrine) son, lv 105. 
lvi 124 

Courtoun, counts. da. liii 146 

Oe counts. son, xix 207] xxi 218] xxii 

Cowper, counts. son & h. xlviii 467. son, li 

Ald. liii 147. lviii 202 
€ox, Mrs. (col.) son, xlvi 448. xlviii 466 
Cradock, Mrs. (gen.) son & h. xli 44 
Cranley, viscts. da. Ixi 108 
Craven, lady B. son, xi 206] 

———— da. xii 167] son, xxii 240] 

——- counts. son, li 547, da. lvii 114 
Craufurd, Mrs. (lieut. col, R.) son, xly 469 
Creighton, hon. Mrs. (col.) da. xliii 67 

(lieut. col.) son, xlvi 
— 446 . 

Cremorne. lady, son, lvii 116. lix 136 

Crespigny, lady S. son, xxxi 233] xlviii 465 

Crighton, Mrs, Alex. da. xlvii 441 

) Cringletie, lady S. lix 135 

Crofton, lady C. da. lviii 202 

—_—_—_—_-— (sir Edw.) son & h. xlyiii 468 

Croke, lady (sir Alex.) son, lviii 204 

Crookshank, Mrs. (lieut. col. C.) son, 1xi 

Crosbie, Mrs. (col.) son & h. xlv 470.— (brig. 
gen.) son, xlvii 437 : 

Crowe, hon. Mrs. J. son, lvi 122. Ivii 122 

Cuffe, lady A. M. son & h. lix 135 

—— (sir Wheeler) da. lvii 113 

Cumberland, duchs, son, 1xi 108 

Cuming, Mrs. (col. Gordon) son, xlvi 444 

_ Cunningham, lady (sir W.) son, xii 168] 

(sir W.) son, xxii 232] 

da. xxxviii 50 
Cunninghame, Mrs. (maj, Jas.) son, xlviii 470 
Cunliffe, lady, da. xi 206] 

Currie, Mrs.. W. son, xxxix 58. da. xlviii 
470 ; 

——-—- (capt.) da. xlvii 489 
Curtis, lady, son, lix 135 
Curzon, lady Charl. son, xxxiii 51] 
—-— Mrs. (col.) da. xlvi 447 
—— hon, Mrs. H. son, liv 156 
Cust, lady, da. xiv 167] 
— Mrs. (hon. and rey. H. C.) da. lix 135. 
Ix 192 
_ Cuyler, Mrs. (gen.) da. xlvii 441 

‘Dalhousie, counts. da. xi 207] xii 168] 
son, xiii 178. xv 156] 

son & h. xlviii 469 xlix 
538 da, lii 415. son, liv 154 

Dalkeith, counts. da, xxxviii 50. son, xl 

‘105. da. xlii 48. son, li 547 

Dallas, lady, da. xliii 50 

4) Mrs. G. son, xxxix 59 

— Mrs. R. da. xlvi 446. xlyii 442. 

pealiyiple, lady, (sir C.) son, Ivii 114. Ix 

+ 19 

da. xxxiv 51 

Dancer, lady (sir A.) son, lvi 122. lviii 203 
_D’ Arce, lady Caroline, son, Ix 19i 

Darell, lady (sir Hen.) son, lix 134 
Darling, Mrs. (maj. gen.) da. Ix 191 
Darlington, counts. son, ix 161] da. xi 206} 
Darnley, counts. son, x 170] da, xi 207] son, 
xii 168] xiv 167] 

(sir Hugh) son, xxvii 249] 



Darnley, counts. da. xxxiv 50, yxxvili 60 

Dartmouth, counts. son, viii 161] ix 161] 
x 171] xvi 157] da. xvii 178] 

Dartrey, lady, da. xx 218) 

Dashwood, lady, (sir H.) da. xxv 281] xxvii 
249] xxix 230] xxxii 232] son, xxxvii 49 

Mrs, G. son, lviii 204 

Davie, lady (sir J.) twin sons, xxxix 69. da. 
xliv 479 

Davis, Mrs. (col.) da. xlvi 443 

Dawson, Mrs. G, twins, xlvi 439 

G. R. son & h. lviii 204 

—_—_———. J. H. M. da. xlviii 471 

——-—— hon. Mrs. da. lix 135 

Dayrell, Mrs. Rd. son, xlviii 466 

Deans, Mrs. (vice-adm,) da, xlvii 440 

Decken, baroness, da. liii 147 

Deerhurst, lady, da. xxyii 249] xxix 230] 
son xxxi 233] xxxiii 48. da. xxxvi 42. 
xxxix 58 : 

viscts. da. xli 44, xliii 51. 2b, 69. 

liv 154 

Deering, lady, (sir E.) son, ix 161] da. xv 
156] son, xix 205] 

De Grey, hon. Mrs. da, xvii 177] 

Delaware, counts. son & h. lvi 121. son lvii 

Delme, lady B. son, xviii 194] 

Denman, Mrs. T. son, lx. 192. Ixi 109 

Denmark, prines. royal, da. xi 207] 
a —— da. xxvii 209] son, xxxiv 


—_—_—_—— royal, da. xlvii 439 

Denmark, queen, son, xi 206] da, xiv 167] 

Dennison, Mrs. J. son, xliii 50. da. xliv 
479. son, xlvi 444, liii 146 

Denny, hon. Mrs. son, Ix 192 

Dent, Mrs. J. da. xliii 50. 76. 69. son, xliv 
A479, xlv 475, xlviii 471 

Denys, lady (sir G. W,) da. lvi 122, son, vii 
115. lix 137. da. lx 193 

Derby, counts. da, xix 207] 

— da. xli 43. son, xlii 47. da. 

xliii 49 

Desanges, lady, son, Ix 193 

Desborough, Mrs. (lieut. col.) son, xlviii 470 

(maj. gen.) da. lvi 122 

Desparre, madame, two das. & son, xl 106 

le Despencer, lady, da. xxxv 62. xxxviii 50. 
xl] 106. son, xliii 50. da. xlv 470. xlvii 
438] son, xlix 538 

Devonshire, duchs. da. xxvi 225] xxvii 249] 
son & h. xxxii 231] 

Deuxponts, duchs. son, xix 205] 

De Vaux, lady (sir C.) da. Iviii 201 

Dick, lady, son & h. vi 124] 

(sir Keith) da. lvi 123 

Dickinson, Mrs. W. son, xlvi 444, liv 156. 
lv 105. da. lvi 124. lix 135 

Dickson, lady (sir A. C.) son, lvii 114. lix 

Diede, bavons. da. xvi 157] 

Digby, hon. Mrs. da. x 170] xv 156] son, 
xix 206] 

—v-— lady, son, vii 118] da. xv 155 


Dillon, Mrs. (col. H. A.) son, lii 414 

hon. Mrs. (col.) son, lv 107 

Disney, Mrs. J. son, lii 415 

Dixie, lady (sir W. Ww. ) son & h. lviii 204 

Dolben, aly da. vii 138] 

s. J. E. son, xxiii 242] 

Domville, Mie W. da. 1 142 

Don, Mrs. Alex. son, lviii 202 

Donegal, counts. da. viii 162] x 170] xi 
206] son, xii 168] xiv 167] xviii 193] 

—-—— marchs. son, xli 43. xlvii 442. lvi 

Donne, lady, son, xxxix 58 

Dorset, duchs. da, xxxiv 51. xxxvii 49, son, 
xliv 126 

Douglas, hon. Mrs. Arch. son, xvi 157] xviii 

———— 50n, xliv 126 
—— lady, Carol. da. xlviii 467. xlix 538 
——_——_—_-— (sir C.) da. xx 218] son xxii 
—— E. son & h. xxxiv 51 
—— Eliz. (rev. C.) da. lix 136 
—— Grace, son xxxii 232] 
(sir G,) son & h. xxxiv 51 
——__———_-—— (lieut. col. sir How.) da. liti 
145. son, lv 106 
—_——_ —_ (sir J.) da. xliii 49 
——_————— (sir Jas.) son, lix 137 
—— son, xlv 474 
Isab, da. lviii 204 
———. marchs, son & h. liii 145 
———— Mrs. C. son, xix 206 
(rev. Chancellor) son, xlviii 



Downe, lady, son, vii 119] vili 162] da. ix 
161] xi 207] son, xv 156] xxii 240] 

son, xlvi 443. lit 414 

Downshire, marchs. son & h. liv 155. da. 
lvii 114, son, lviii 203. da. lix 136. son, 
Ixi 109 

Doyle, Mrs. licut. col. da. xlviii 464 

Doyley, lady sir J. son, xxxvi 42 

Drake, Mrs. 'T. T.son & b. lviii.201. 
191, da. Ixi 109 

———-— W. da. xxvi 224] 

Draper, lady (sir W.) da. xiv 167] xvi 158] 

Drinkwater, Mrs. (col.) da. xlviii 470 

Drogheda, counts. da. ix 161] son, xiii 178] 
da. xiv 168] xix 207] 

Drummond, lady A, 8. son, liv 155. da, lx 

—_—— C. son, xlv 471, xlvi 444, 
xviii 464, xlix 588. lvi 122 
——— fk, da. lvi 122. 
son, 2b. 115. lviii 203 


son, lx 

lv 107. Ix 191 

— Mrs. G, son, xxv 231] da. xxvi 

———_—— GH. son, liv 155 
Dryden, lady (sir J.) son, xxxvi 42. xxxviii 
0 é 

Paver, lady (sir Jas.) son, lii 414, da, Ix 

Ivii 113. 
Harr. son & h, liii 145, da, 


Dubois, lady Cath. da. x 169] 

Ducie, lady, da. lvii 116 

Duddingston, Mrs. (adm.) son, xlvi 448. 
xl viii 469 

Duff, , hon. Mrs. son, viii 162] 

—— Alex. son, lvi 122 

— lady (sir J.) da. xlix 539 

— A. W. da. liii 147 : 

Dunfries, counts. dow. son, xiii 178] 

—_———-— da. xv. 157. xvi 158] son, 
xix 207] da. xxi 218] 

Dunbar, lady (sir Archib.) da. xxxvii 49 

———— da. lix 13 

- (sirJas.) son & h. Ixi 109 

Dunboyne, lady, son & h. xliii 51, xlix 538 

Duncan, viscts. son & h. xlvii 441. da. 1 142, 
lii 414, son, liv 154 

Duncannon, - viscounts, son, yh 225] da. 
xxvii 249] Lia's 

—_————— son, siti 50 

——— lady, son, lvii 115 

Duncombe, lady Alic. P. da. Ivi 124 

—_—_-——— Charl. son, xxxviii 50. da. 
a 43, son, xlii 47. da. xliv 126, son, xlviii 


Mrs. C. son& h. xxxviii 50 

lady Charl. son, lix 134 

Dundas, lady Charl. da. xxix 230] xxxii 

—~ Eleonora, da. xxvii 249] son, 
xxxiv 50 
— (sir Rt.) da. xvii 177] 
hon. Mrs. da. xlv 473. xlvii 488. lvi 

122. Ivii 114, 

son & h. 1xi 109 

—_—— Lawr. son, xli 44. da. xliti 
69. xlv 472. son, xlviii 471 

——— Rt. son, xlviii 472. da. 1 

141. lviii 203 
————— (hon. and rey. T. L.) son, Ix 195 
—— (gen. F.) son, xlvii 441. li 547. 

lix 134 
Dungannon, viscounts. son, xl 106 
—_—— ——_—_— — da. lix 134 
Dunlo, viscounts. son & h. xlv 473. 

xlvii 488 
Dunmore, counts, son, xiii 179] 
Dunne, lady, son, xlvii 438 
Duntze, lady sir J. son & h. xlviii 470 
Dupre, Mrs, Jas. son & h. xlv 471. 



da. lit 

Dutton, hon. Mrs. J. son & h. xlvi 445. da. 
xlvii 440 
Dyke, lady Dixon, son, vi 124] viii 162] 
"lias Mrs, lieut. col. son & h. xlv 471, xlvi 

Dynevor, lady, da. xli 43. son, liv 155 
Dysert, counts. son & h. Ix 192 

Earlsfort, lady, da, xxix 230] 

Easton, Mrs. C. son & h. xxv 62 

Ebrington, viscounts. son, Ix 191 

Eden, lady (sir Fred. M.) da. xl. 106, xlii 
48, son, xlvi 446. 1 142 

man (sit J.) day xvi 197] xxii 241) 

a -) 


Settee tone” 




Eden, Mrs. W. da. xxvii 210] son, xxviii 

Edgecumbe, lady, son, vii 118] 

Edmonstone, lady, da, Ivi 121. Iviii 201 

Edwards, Mrs. G. N. son, xxvi 226] da. 
xxxili 49] xxxvii 49 

Egerton, lady (sir T.) da. xiii 178] xv 155] 
xx 218] son, xxiii242] 

—-— Mrs. (maj.-gen.) da. lvi 123 

———- Wilbraham, son, 1. 141. lviii 

203. da. 1x 191 

Eglintoun, counts. da. xxx 225] 

Egmont, counts. da. vi 124] son, viii 162] 
da. xii 167] 

Egremont, counts. son, vi 124] xvii 178] 
_ Elgin, counts. son & h. vi 124] vii 118] ix 

161] xi 206) xii 167] da. xiv 167] 

— son &h. xlii 47. da. xiii 50. 
son, xlvi 443. da. xlviii 464. son, liii 146. 
Ivi 121. da. lvii 116 

Elibank, lady, son, lix 134 

Ellenborough, lady, da. xlvii 438. son, li 
547. da. liv 154 

: Elliot, lady Harr. da. xxviii 215] 

(sir W.) son, xxxviii 50, xl 105. 
xliv 477. ‘xlvii 441 
Mrs. (col.) son, xlvi 448 
——— (lieut.-col.) son. xlviii 465 
-— hon. Mrs. (capt.) da, lviii 204 
Ellis, hon. Mrs. C. da. xliv 127 
—— Mrs. W. B. two sons & da. xlix 537 
Ellison, Mrs. Cuthbert, da. lix 136 
Elphinstone, hon. Mrs, W. da. xxxiv 50 
Ely, marchions. da. liti, 145. son & h. lvi 
121, lvii.114. lviii 202. lix 136. da. Lxi 
England, Mrs. (lieut.-gen.) son, xlviii 468 
Enniskillen, counts. son & h. xlix 537. li 
547. da. liii 146. son, Iv 106. lvii 114 

_ Errol, counts. son, xv 156] 

— da. x1 106. son, xliii 49. da. xlv 

————— son, lix 135. da. Ix 192. Ini 

_ Erskine, lady, da. viii,i62] 

— Harr. da. lvii 116 

Hen. da. lvi 121 

hon. Mrs. son, xlvi 446 
—___.——_ D. da. lvi 121 

D_M. da. xlvii 465. Iv 105, 
son, lix 134. da. 7.191. 

E. S. 8S. son, lii 414 

H. da. xviii 194] son, xxvi 


Espinasse, hon. Mrs. da. xliv 479 

Essex, counts. son, xi 206] xii 167] xviii 
193] xix 206] 

Estcourt, Mrs. T. G. da. xlvii 438. son, liv 
154. da. lvi 125 

Etruria, queen, da. xliv 127 

Everett, Mrs. W. da. xlviii 471 

Euston, counts. son, xl 105. xlvi 444 

—— son, lxi 109 

Exeter, counts. son & h. xxxvyii 49 

Eyre, lady, da, ly 106, lvii 113. lix 136 
Paar II, 

Fagg, lady, (sir J.) son, xliii da: 50. xlvii 

Falmouth, viscounts. da. xxvii 249] son, 
xxix 230] xxxii 231] da. xxxiii 49] 

son, liii 246 

Fane, lady E. da. xxvii 249] xxix 230] 
xxxiv 51 

— hon. Mrs, da. xxiii 241] son, xxvi 226] 
xxxii 231] 

———————_ (lieut.-col.) son, xxxv 62 

Farnworth, Mrs. son & h. xlviii 471 

Fauquire, Mrs. T. da. xxxy 63 

Fawcett, Mrs. H. son, xlviii 470 

Fellowes, lady (sir Jas.) da. lx. 190 

hon. Mrs. Newton, da. x] 106 

Fergusson, lady, son, lviii 203 

De Ferrars, lady, son, xxiii 242] 

Fetherston, lady Eleanor, da. lix 136. son & 
h. Ixi 108 

Fielding, viscounts. son & h, xxxviii 50. xl 
106, xli 44 

lady FE. son, lii 414 
hon. Mrs. (capt.) da. xvi 157] 

xviii 193] 

— Mrs. (comm.) da. xix 206] 

Fiach, hon. Mrs. C. son & h. xxiii 241] 

Fingal, counts. da. vi 124] vii 118] son, viii 
162] xiii 178] 

Figgas lady (sir J. Judkin) da. lix 135. Ix 

Fitzgerald, lady (sir Maur.) son & h. xly 
472. xlviii 468 

—-— Robt. twin da. xli 43. da, 

xlv 470 

—— Mrs. R. son, xxxv 62 

— hon. Mrs. Maur. da. lvi 125 

— Mrs. da. liv 154 

Fitzgibbon, lady, son & h. xxxiv 50 

Mrs. da. xxix 230] 

Fitzharris, viscts. son, xlix 538. lv 106 

Fitzherbert, lady (sir H.) son & h. 1. 142. da. 
liii 145. liv 155. son, lvii 114. da. lviii 204. 
son, lx 191 

Fitzmaurice, lady M. son, xxi 218] 

Fitzroy, lady, A. da. xxxiv 51 

——— — C. da. xlv 470. son, xlvii 440. 
da. 114] 

—— hon. Mrs. (col.) son, vi 124] xii 
168] da. xiv 167] son, xvil58] xxii 241] 

a son, xliv 480 

————— Mrs. W. son, xliv 480. xlv 470. 
xlvii 442. 1. 141 

Fitzwilliam, counts. son & h. xxviii 215] 

Fletcher, lady sir H. son, lvii 113 

——— Mrs. E. da. xlviii 472 

Fludyer, lady, da, xxxvii 50 

— M. son, xxxix 59. da. xli 44. 

Harr. son, liii 145. da. liv 


- Henry, son, xlvii 437. 

son, xlv 475 
—_—_—_——-—— (sir Sam.) da. xl 105. son, xlii 
48. da. xliv 477 
eas lady, da, xlix 438, liy 105, son, Lyi 122 




Foley, hon. Mrs. &. son & h, xxxiii 49 

Folkes, lady (sir M.) da. xx 217] xxii 

—~—-— Mrs. W. Browne, son & h. ixi 108 

Folkestone, viscounts. son, vi 124] ; 

—_— —_—_—_——_—_ (a. xliii 50. xlvi 444. 
son, lvii 115. da. lix 134. Ixi 108 

Fonblanque, Mrs. J. da. xlvi 448 

Forbes, lady, son, viii 162] xii 168] 

———— da. xxxiv 50 

—__———- son, xlviii 472. da. lv 106. lviii 

—— hon. Mrs. (lieut.-col.) xxxviii 50 

(maj.-gen.) son, xlv 471. 

xlvi 445 
Mrs. C. son, lv 105 
——— W. son & h. xlviii 471] 
Ford, lady (sir Fras.) da. xxxvii 49. x1 106. 
xlii 48 
(sir Fras.) son & h. 1x 192 
Forester, lady Cath. da. xlii 127. son, xliii 
50. da. xliv 479. xlvii 438. son, xlix 538. 
da. 1i 518. son, liii 147. lv 105 
Louisa, da. Iviii 201. 
Fortescue, hon. Mrs. son & h. xxvi 224] 
lady, da. viii 162] xiii 178] xxix 


Forward, Mrs. W. son, xliii 69 

Foster, lady H. son, lvii 115 

Foulis, lady (sir W.)son, xxxii 231] da. 
xxxiii 49| xxxiv 50 

Fowke, lady (sir F. G.) son & h. lviti 202. 
son, lx 191. lxi 109 

sts T. da. xxii 241] 

Fox. hon. Mrs. da. xii 168] 

———- Steph. son, xvi 159] 

col. son, Xxxiii 49} 

lady Ann, son & b. xxx 226] 

Frampton, lady H. son, xliv 477. da. xlviii 

Francis, Mrs. P. da. li 547 

Frankland, lady, da. xi 206] 

Fraser, lady A. da. Ivii 114 

———-— (sir W.) da xlix 538 

Frederick, hon, Mrs. da. xvii 178] 

lady (sir J.) da, xxix 229] xxxii 

231] son, xxxiii 49] ‘ 

Freeling, Mrs. F.son, xlix 538, da. li 548 

French, lady, da. lvili 203 

Gage, lady, da. xvi 158} 

————— M. A. son, lii 415 

—— Mrs. (gen.) son & da. xi 206] 

viscounts, son & h, xxxiii 49] 

ass son & h. lvi 121 

Galabin, Mrs. C. P. son, xviii 464 

Gallitzin, princess, son, xiii 179] 

Gallini, lady Betty, da. vii 118] twin sons, 
ix 163] 

Galloway, counts. son, xvii 177] xviii 193] 
da. xix 206] xxiii 242] son, xxvi 226] 

—_——_-—-——_ son, xlix 539. lvi 12] 

Galway, viscounts. da. xxiii 241] xxvii 210] 
son, xxix 250] xxxi 233] xxxix 58] 

— son, liii 146, da. liv 155 

Gamon, lady Amel. da. xxxix 58 

Gambier, lady (sir Jas.) son, lvi 122 

Gardener, hon. Mrs. (capt.) da. lv. 106 

Gardiner, lady son, Ix 192 1xi 108 

hon. Mrs. Herb. son, li £47. da. 

liv. 155 

———-—. Mis. Luke, son & h, xxv 

Gardner, lady, son & h. lii 414. da. lii 415 

hon. Mrs. Herbert, da. liii 145 

—_——_——_-—— (lieut.-col. W. H.) son, lix 

———— Mrs. (rear-adm.) da. lvii 115 

Garlies, lady, da. x 170] son, xi206] da. xii 

—-— viscounts. da. xlii 48. 

Gascoyne, Mrs. maj.-gen. da, xliv 478. sen, 
xlvii 458 

Geary, lady (sir W.) son, lii 415. lviii 202 

Germaine, lady, son, xiii 179 

hon. Mrs. G. da, Ivii 115. son, lix 

son, xlvii 


Germany, empress, son, xxxv 62. da, xxxvi 
42. xxxvii50. x1 105. xli 43. xliii 49. 
son, xliv 480. da. xlvi 445. son, xlvii 

Gibbons, lady, son, vii 118] 

—————- sir J. da. ix 161] 

Giddy, Mrs. Davies, da. lvii 202 

Gideon, lady (sir Samp ) da. xiii 178] son, 
xiii 179] da. xvi 158] son, xviii 194] 

Gifford, lady (sir Duke) xliii 69 

(sir Rd.) da. Ix 192 

Gilbert, Mrs. (col.) son, xly. 474 

—— Mrs. Giddy Davies, da. lix 134 

Gill, lady H. da. x1 105. xlii 47. son, xliii 
68. xliv 126. son, xlvi 445 

Gipps, Mrs. G, da. xxiv 204] 

G. da. liv 154 

Glandore, lady, da. xxv 231] 

Glasgow, counts. son, xxix 233] xxxi 233] 
da. xxxii 252] xliii 50. son, xliv 480 

Glegg, Mrs. J. B. da. lvi 121 

(maj.-gen.) da. lvii 114 

Glentworth, viscts. son & h. Ji 547. da. iii 
146. son, lv 106 

Gloucester, duchs, da. xvi 158, xvii 177. 
son, xix 205 

Glynn, lady (sir G.) son, xlvi 447 

——(sir Rd. Carr) son, xxxiii 48] 

da. xliv 478. son, xlix 538 

Gold, Mrs. (capt.) son, xlviii 468 

Goldsmid, Mrs. Is. son, 1. 141. li 548. lii 

Goold, lady Charl. son, xlviii 
da. lvi 124. lix 136 

—_——— 4G. da. liii 147 

Goodricke, rey. H. xliii 74 

Gordon, duchs. da, xi 207] son & h. xiii 
178] da. xvii 177] son, xix 207] xxvii 

—— lady (sir J.) da. xlv 473. xviii 

Ivi 122, 

——_ — (sir J. A.) da. lix 135 




Gordon, lady (sir Orford) da. lvi 124 

Mrs. W. son, liii 145. liv 154 

— Duff, son, lvi 123 

—— lady (sir W. Duff) da. lix 136 

Gore, lady (sir J.) son, liv 155. da. Ivii 115, 
lix 134. Ix 192 

Goring, lady (sir H.) son, xxi 218] 

Gormanstown, viscts. da. xlyii 441 

Gort, viscts. son, Ix i91 

Gosford, counts. da. liii 147 

Gosling, lady, son, vi 124] 

Gosselin, Mrs. (rear-adm.) da. Ivii 116 

Gossett, Mrs. J. R. son, liv 154 

Matt. son, xlviii 468 

Goulburn, Mrs. H. son, lviii 202 

Gould, lady Charl. son & h. xlv 473, son, 
lii 415. da, lv 105 

Gower, lady, da. xii 167] xiv 167] 

G. L. da. liv 155 

H. L, son, lvii 114 

—— ——-W. L. da. 1. 142 

hon. Mrs. Leveson, son, xvii 177] 

Grafton, duchs. son, vii 118] xiii 178] da. 
xiv 167] son, xvi 158] da. xviii 194] son, 
xxvii 249] da. xxviii 216] 

Graham, lady Cath. da. xxviii 215] xl 106. 
a 50. son, xliii 69. da. xlv 472. xlviii 


son, vii 118] da. viii 162] 

— (sir Billing.) son, ix 161] 

(sir B. R.) son, lvi 123. da. 

lvii 115. lix 136 

(sir Jas.) da. xlvii 489 

——___— (sir Rt.) da. liv 154. son & h, 
Iv 106. son, lix 137 
marchs. son & h. xxviii 215] 
Mrs. (col.) son, xxxix 58 
—-———. (maj.-gen.) son, lv 104 
Granada, counts. son, xliii 68 
Granard, counts. da. xv 156] xvi 158] son, 
xxvi 225] da. xxix 250] son, xxxiii 49] 
Ixiii 50 

Granby, march. da. xix 207] son, xxi 217] 
xxii 240] 

Grant, lady (sir Alex.) da, xxxvi 42 

—— (sir C.) da. lviii 204 

(sir Jas.) da. xvii 177] son, xxvi 

225] xxix 230] 

—— (sir Suffolk) da. xvi 157] 

da. xliii 49. xlvi 447 

Mrs. (col. G.) da, lv 107 

_ Grantham, lady, son & h. xxiv 204] son, 

xxv 231] xxvi 226] 

— da. xlviii 467. son & h. 
xlix 538. son, lii 414. da. lviii 204 

Granville, viscts. son, lviii 203 

Graves, lady, son & h. xlvi 444. da. xlvii 
442. xlix 538. liv 155, Ivi 121. son, lviii 
201. da. lix 135. son, Ix 192 

Gray, lady, son, xiii 179] 

Mrs. maj. da. xlviti 470 

Green, hon. Mrs. son. xliii 67 

Grellet, Mrs. F. twins, 1. 142 

2 Grenfell, hon. Mrs. da, xxxiv 127, xliv 479 

xly 475, xlvii 441 

Grenville, lady, son, xv 156] 

Gresham, lady (sir J.) da. xiii 178] 

Gresley, lady (sir N. B.) da. x] 106 

Greville, lady Charl. son, xl 105. xliii 51 

Grey, lady, da. vii 118] son & h. viii 162] 

—-— counts. son, xliv 477. da, xlvi 444, 
son, xlix 537. 1. 141. li 547. 1ii 415. Iw 

—— hon. Mrs. C. son, xliv 480, xlvii 440 

————__--———. son, Ix 190 

——— de Wilton, lady, da. xxx 226] 

——— Mrs. de, (hon. and rey. A.) son, Ivii 

——~— hon. Mrs. de, son, xix 206] 

da, xlv 472. son, liii 


—— de, Mrs. T. son, xvi 158] 

———— son, xlvi 446. xlvii 440 

Grifliths, Mrs. (lieut.-col.) son, xlvi 447 

—_ (inaj.-gen. G.) da, Ix 191 

Grimshaw, Mrs. (lieut-col.) son, xlvi 446 

Grimston, hon. Mrs. W. son, xxvii 249] 

viscts. son & h. xviii 194] da 

xix 207] xxi 217] 

son & h. li 547. 
414. son, liv 154. da. lvii 113 

Grosvenor, lady, son & h. viii 162] son & h. 
x 170] son, xi 206] 

Grove, Mrs. E. da. xxxv 63 

Guilford, counts. da. xxxv 63. xxxix 58. 
xl 106. son & h. xliii 49 

Gunning, hon. Mrs. son, xli 43. xlii 48. 
xliii 49. xlvi 466 

Gwynne, Mrs. Sackville, da. xli 44° 

da. hii 


Haddo, lady, son, xxxii 231] 

Waggerstone, lady (sir Carnaby) da. xviii 

Hale, lady Theod. son, Ivi 123. da. lviti 202 

——- Mrs. J. son, xxxi 233] 

Hales, lady, da. viii 162] 

Halkerton, lady, da. x 169] 

Halkett, lady Kath, son, lviii 202. lix 135. 
Ix 191 

—-— Mrs. (capt.) da. xlviii 464 

(maj.-gen.) son, lvi 124 

Hall, Mrs. B. son, liv 155 

— lady Hel. da. xxxvi 43. xliii 50 

Halliday, lady E. da. xliii 50. xlvi 443. 
son & h. xlvii 442. son, xlviii 465. lix 

Hallifax, lady (sir T.) son, xvii 177] 

Hamilton, duchs. son, xi 207] 

——~— lady Arch. son, xiii 178] da. 
xvii 177] 

—— (sir Hew. D.) da. xliii 53 

— visets. son & h. liii 145. da. liv 
154. son, lv 106 

————_——. Mrs. (col.) da. xlvi 443 

—___—_——_——_ HH. da. lvii 115 

Hammett, Mrs. J. son &h. xliv 478 

Hammick, Mrs. 8. L. son, xlviii 467 

Hammond, lady (sir A.) da. xxiv 203] 

— Mrs. (col.) da.1. 142 

Hanmer, Mrs, J. son, xlvi 443 
2x 2 




Hanney, lady (sir Sam.) da. xxx 225] 

Hanning, Mrs. W. da. xlviii 470 

Harbord, lady (sir Harb.) son, xxiv 204] 

—— hon. Mrs. E. son & h, lv 106. da. 
lviii 202 

Harborough, counts, son, x 169] 

Soca — da. xli 44. xliii 49. 

xliv 478 

Hardenburg, baroness, da. xii 167] 

Hardy, lady (sir C.) da. xiii 167] 

Hardwicke, counts. da. xxxvi 42. son, xxxix 
59. xlii 47 

Harley, lady Lou. son, xliii 50 

—— hon. Mrs. son, xvi 157] xvii 178] 

Harper, Mrs. two sons & da. I. 141 

lady, son & h. vi 124] 

———— (sir H.) son & h. xxxiv 5). 
da. xxxv 62. son, xxxvii 49, xliii 50. xlv 
473. xlvii 438 

Harrington, counts. son & h. xxiii 242] 
son, xxiv 204] da. xxvi 226] son, xxix 
230] xxxii 232] da. xxxiii 49] 

——— lady (sir J.) da. xli 43. xlv 471 

Harris, hon. Mrs. son, lviii 202 

Harroughby, lady, son, xx 218] 

Harrowby, counts. da. liii 145 

Hnptieg, lady Louisa, da. xl 106. son, xlii 

Harvey, lady, da. x] 106. xliii 50 

Harwarden, viscts. da. liv 156. lv 107 

Haslewood, Mrs. W. da. xlviii 471 

Hatton, hon. Mrs. G. Finch, da. xxxii 231] 
son & h. xxxiii 49 

—-— lady Geor. Charlotte Finch, da. lviii 

Havarden, viscts. son & h. lix 1383 

Hawke, lady, da. xxvi 224] son, xxix 230] 

—-— hon. Mrs. E. H. son, xlvi 443 

Martin, son, Ivii 116 
Mrs. M. B. son, xvii 177] son, xx 

Hawker, Mrs. (gen.) son, Ivi 122 
-———— (maj.-gen.) son, Iviii 202 
Hawkins, lady (sir J.) son, xlvii 442. lii 414. 
Ivi 122. lviii 203 
Mts. C. son, xxxv 62 
Hay, lady James, son, lvii 115. da. lix 135. 
lx 192 
Mrs. (col.) da. xlv 472 
Hayes, lady (sir J.) son, xlv 471 
Head, lady (sir J.) son & h. xlvii 437 
—— Nirs. (maj.-gen.) lvi 124 
Heathcote, lady (sir Gilb.) son, xvi 158] 
——— (sir Gilb.) son & h. xxxvii 
49. son, xxxviii 50 
Henderson, lady (sir J.) da. xxv 230] 
Heneage, Mrs. (col.) son, xlvii 442 
hon. Mrs. da. liv 136 
Henniker, hon. Mrs. da. xliii 69 
Henry, lady Emily, son & h. xliv 478. da. 
xlvii 440. son, xlviii 471. da. liii 145 
Herbert, lady E, son, xv 156] 
——- da. xxxii 231] 

M. da. xliv 477. xlix 538. lvi 

Herbert, Mrs. (hon. and rev. G.) da. lviii 

Hereford, viscts. da. xxvii 249] xxviii 216] 
a son & h. xlix 528. son, li 
547. Vii 415. 1x 190 
Hertford, counts. son, vi 124] 
Hervey, lady, da. xliii 50. son, xlv 470 
Hesilridge, lady (sir A. Grey) son, lx 190 
Hesketh, lady (sir T. D.) son, xlvi 442 
Hesse, princes. da. xi 207] son, xii 167] da. 
xvi 157] 
—_——-—— son, xlviii 470 
Hesse Cassel, princes. da. xiv 167] son, xv 

—— son, xliv 479 

Hesse Homburg, prines. son, xviii 194] 

Hesse, Philipsthal, da. xiv 167] 

Hewitt, Mrs. (maj.-gen.) da. xlv 474 

Heyland, Mrs. Langford, da. xxxv 62 

Hill, hon. Mrs. da. vii 118] 

—_—_———— R. son, xlvi 443. da. xlvii 

— lady (sir Rowl.) son, xxvi 225] 

——— (col. sir R. C.) son, Ix 190 

— Mrs. J. son, xlviii 468 

Noel, da. xix 205] 

— lady Har. son, xliv 479 

Hillsborough, counts. son, xxxiv 50 

Hinchinbroke, lady M. son, xxi 217] 

Hinchinbrooke, lady, da. xi 206] son, xvi 
157] da, xviii 195] 

——~— viscets. son & h. liii 146 

Hinton, lady, da. xxvii 249] 

—_—— viscts. son, xxviii 215] or 

Hippesley, lady (sir J. C.) da. xxiii 242 

uber nie. J.C. son & h, xxxii 240) 

Hoare, hon. Mrs. son, lvi 122 

—— Mrs. W. H. son, xlix 539 

Hobart, hon. Mrs. son, xx 218] 

—— G. da. xiii 178) xv 156} 
son & h. xv 159] 

Hobhouse, Mrs. B. da: xliii 49. xlv 470. 
son, xlvi 444. da. xlviii 466. 1 142. lili 146 

H. da. 1i 548 

Hodge, Mrs. (capt.) da. li 547 

Hodgson, lady (sir R.) son & h. xliv 477 

Hodson, Mrs. Jas. son & h. xxx 226] 

(sir Rt.) son, xlvi 444 

Hogs, lady M. da. xiv 168] xvi 158] 

———— son, xviii 194] 

Holdsworth, Mrs. A. H. son, lvii 114 

Holford, Mrs. G. son, lx 191 

Holland, hon. Mrs. da. liii 146 

— lady, son, xlii 126. xliv 477. da. 
xlviii 465. liv 155 

Holmes, lady (sir L. T. W.) da. lvi 124. 
Ixi 108 

Holroyd, Mrs. G. S, da. xlviii 470 

Hoste, lady Harriet, son, Ixi 108 

Home, counts. da. xi 207] xvi 158] 

Honywood, lady (sir J. C.) son, lii 414, liv 
154. Ivi 121. Iviii 202 

Hood, lady C. da. liii 147, lv 106 

———— (sir Alex.) son & hy lyiii 208 
da, lx 190 






Hope, hon. Mrs. Alex. da. liii 146 

Mrs. son, liy 155 

lady, da. xiii 206] xiii 178] xv 156] 
son, xxiv 204] 

———— da. lvii 114 

— (sir Alex.) son; lvi 122. da. lvii 

114. son, lviii 203 

Ann, son, xliii 49. son, xliv 479 

—\— Charl. son, xxxvii 49. xlvii 
437. xlix 538 

—_——— (sir J.) son, l. 14] 

—— Mrs, Alex. da. liv 155 

—— (gen.) son, xlv 475 

—— (maj.-gen.) son, lviii 203. da. 

lvii 113. son, lviii 203 

(maj.-gen. sir J.) son, lx 190 

T.son, l. 142 

Hopetoun, counts. da. vi 124] son, viii 162] 
da. ix 161] son, xii 168] da. 156] xvi 

son, Iviii 203. lix 156 

Hopwood, hon. Mrs. da. lvi 122 

Horner, Mrs. col. da. xlviii 467 

Horton, lady M. da. xxx 234] 

eee) lady (sir Hung.) son & h. xix 

———_—__ (sir Hungerf.) son & h. xlvi 
447. da. xlviii 471. lvii 113. son, lix 134 

Hoste, lady (sir W.) son & h. lx 190 

Hotham, lady (sir B.) da. xviii 194] 

———— Mrs. (baron) son, xx 217] da. xxi 

Houblon, Mrs. J. A. da. liv 156. son, lvi 
123. lviii 203 

—— J. H. son, xlviii 470 

Howard, lady C. da. xliv 479. xlv 474. xlvi 
448. son, lvii 115 

—_—_——__—— E. son & h. xxxiii 49 

hon. Mrs. son, xliv 477 

—— Mrs. H. da. xlvi 446. son, xlviii 
470. da. liv 154 

Howe, lady, da. x 171] 

Hudson, Mrs. C. T. son & h, liii 147 

Hughan, Mrs. T. son, liii 146 

Hughes, Mrs. (Jieut.-col.) son, xlviii 471 


lyiii 204. lix 137 

Hulse, Mrs. C. son, lviii 203 

Hume, Mrs. Alex. son, xlviii 469 

Hunloke, lady (sir H.) da. xiii 179] son & 
h. xvi 157] 


son, xlv 474 

(sir W.) son & h. liv 155 

Mrs. W. da. xliv 479 

Hunt, Mrs. Rt. son, xviii 469 

Hunter, hon. Mrs. (capt.) da. xlvi 444. 

xlvii 440 

— Mrs. (alderm.) son, xlviii 469 
—- (brig.-gen.) son, xlv 473 

W. da. xliv 479 

Huntingdon, counts. son, lx 192 

Huntingfield, lady, son, Ix 190 

ema hon. Mrs. A. Hely, son, lviii 

—— lady (sir R,) twins, xxvi 224] 

(col.) son, lv 105, da. lvi 123. 

Hutchinson, Mrs. (lieut.-col.) son, xlv 47. 
da. xlvi 447 

James, lady E. son, viii 202 

Jardine, lady (sir Alex,) son, lvii 115 

Ibbetson, lady (sir Jas.) da. xiii 179] 

Idle, Mrs. J. da. li 547 

Jekyll, Mrs. Jos. son, xlvi 443 

Jenkinson, hon. Mrs. da. liv 155 

Mrs. C. da. xlviii 466. liii 145 
Jephson, hon. Mrs. son, xlv 470. da. xlvii 438 
lady (sir R. M.) da. lvii 114. son, 

lix 185 

Jerningham, lady (sir G.) da. liii 145, son, 
liv 155. da. lvii 115 

Mrs. G. son, xl viii 465 

Jersey, counts. da. xii 167] son & h. xvi 
158] da, xxii 241] son, xxxvii 49 

——— son &h. 1]. 14]. 1ii 415. Iii 
114, lxi 109 

Jervis, lady (sir C.) son, xxxii 231] 

Iichester, counts. son, xlv 470. da. lvi 121. 
son, lviii 201. lix 134 

Tkerrin, viscts. da. liv 155 

Ingilby, lady (sir J.) da. xxxii 232] son, 
xxxiv 51. da. xxxvii 49 

Inverary, counts. son, xli 44 

Jocelyn, viscts. da. xxx 226] 

——— da. lv 107. Ivi 124. son & 
h. lviii 201. son, Ix 191 

Jodrell, lady (sir Rd. Paul) son & h. 1x 191 

Johnson, hon. Mrs. son, xix 206] 

- Mrs. Jos. three da. 1. 141 

Johnston, lady (sir W.) da xlvii438, da. 1, 

Johnstone, lady (sir J.) da. xlvii 441 
——— (sir John Lowther) son & h, 
liii 145 

———— Mrs. (gen.) da. xlvi 444 

Jones, lady (gen. sir Rd.) da. lix 137 

hon. Mrs. (capt. Alex.) da. Ivii 115. 
lix 136 

—— Mrs. (maj.-gen.) da. lvii 114 

— T.T. da. xli 44. son, xliv 477, 
da. xlvii 438 

Jordan, Mrs. son, xliv 477 

Irby, hon. Mrs. F. son & h. xlviii 468 

——— Mrs. (hon. and rev. P. A.) son, Ix 

—-— hon. Mrs. son & h. xliv 479 

da. lix 134. lix 137 

Irwin, viscts. da. viii 162] ix 161] 

Isham, lady (sir Just.) son, xvii 178] xx 

Kaye, lady Am- son, xliii 50, da, xliv 480. 
son, xlvii 437. da. xlviii 470. son, lvi 
122. lvii 115 

Keane, lady (gen. sir J.) son, lvii 113. Iviii 

Keith, lady, da. li 548 

Kemp, Mrs. R. son, liv 155 

Kennaway, lady (sir J.) da. xli 43. son, xliy 
477. xvi 445. xlvii 440. da. xlviii 469 

Kennedy, lady, son, lviii 203. 1x 191 

———— Mrs, son, xxiy 204] 




Kensington, lady, son, xx 218] 

—-son, xlii 126. xliv 478. da. 
xlvi 445. son, lii 414. da. Iviii 202. lix 136 

Kent, duchs. da. lxi 108 

Kenyon, lady, son & h. xlvii 438, da. xlix 
538. 1. 142. son, liv 154 

——— hon. Mrs. T. son & h. xlvi 445 

Ker, lady Selina, da. lvii 113 

Kerr, lady Mark, son, lvi 121. da. lix 135 

— Robert, da. lix 135 

Kerrison, lady (sir Edw.) da. lix 137 

Kildare, marchs. son, vi 124] viii 162] 

Kilmaine, lady, da. xxxviii 50 

Kilvington, hon. Mrs. son, lix 136 

King, hon. Mrs. da. xlv 474 

C. son, lvii 114 

(col.) son, 1, 142 

J. W. 1x 190 

R. son, xlvi 444 

—— lady, son & h. xlvii 438. da. xiviii 
466. son, liii 145. da. lvi 123 

Kinloch, lady (sir Alex.) da, xlvi 446. son 
& h. xlvii 440 

Kinnaird, lady, son & b. xxiii 242) da. xxiv 
204] son, xxv 231] xxx 225] xxxi 243] 
xxxiii 49] 

— lady, da, 1. 142. son, lii 414. 

lvi 122 

Kinnoul, counts. da. xxv 225] 

Kinsale, lady, son, ix 161] 

Kirkwall, visets. son & h, xlv 478. son, xlvii 

Kitchingman, Mrs. Val. da. xlyiii 472 

Knatehbuil, lady, son, xi 206] 

(sir E.) son, xliv 477. 
xlv 473. lvi 122. lviii 202 

Knightly, lady, da. lviii 202 

Knowles, lady (sir C. H.) son, xlv 472. 
xlvi 448. xlviii 466, son, Ix 190 

Knox, hon. Mrs. G. son & h. xlvii 441. son, 
xlviii 471 

——— Mrs. (lieut.-col.) son, xlv 470 

— (col.) son, xlyii 439 

————— 0. V. son & h. lvi 124 

T. son, lviii 204, da, Ix 191 

Kutzleben, haroness, da. xxv 231] 


La Call, lady, da. liv 154 

Lackington, Mrs. G. son, xlviii 472 

Lake, hon. Mrs. Warwick, son, lviii 204 

—-— lady (sir Jas.) da, xiii 178] son, xvii 
177] da. xxi 217] son, xxviii 215] 

— son, |. 142. da. Iv 106. 

lix 134 
Lamb, lady C. son. xlix 638. da. li $47 
Lambert, Mrs. (capt.) son, xlv 471. xlyiii 

470. da. 1. 142 
— lady, (sir H.) xliv 477 
Lambton, lady, son, x 169] 

—__——— A. son & h. xxxiv 50 
——— Louisa, son & h. Ix 190. da. 

xli 108 
Lanesborough, visets. son, xiv 167] 
aa hon. Mrs. Chas, da. lix 137, Ixi 


Langford, Mrs. (capt. G.) son, xlvi 443 : 

Langham, lady, da. xi 206] son, xii 167] 
xiv 167] da. xvii 178] son, xix 206] xxii 

——__—_—- (sir J.) da. lviii 204. Ix 
192 : 
xlvii 440 

Langley, Mrs. Arnold, da. xxxix 59 

Langrishe, Mrs. (rev. dean) da. xlviii 468 

Lansdown, marchs. son & h, Jiii 145. son, 
Iviii 201 

Langton, Mrs. (col. Gore) son, xliy 477. 
da, xlviii 466. son, lii 415 

Lauderdale, counts. son, vii 118] viii 162] 
da. xiii 179] 


Law, hon. Mrs. C. da. Ivii 113. Iviii 201. 
lix 136 

Mrs. Edw. da. xli 44 

Lawley, rt. hon, Mrs. son & h. Ix 191 

Lawson, lady (sir J.) son, xliii 49 

Lascelles, hon. Mrs. H. da. xlvi 444 

Latouche, lion. Mrs. Peter, da. lix 154 

Lechmere, Mrs. (rear-adm.) da. lii 414 

Lee, Mrs. Chas. Dillon, son & h, xx 218] 

Lee, Mrs. Edw. son, xlv 474. xlviii 469 

Leeds, duchs. son, xxxi 234 

—_—— da. xliii 50. son, liv 154 

Lees, lady (sir Hare.) son, Ivi 121. da. lvii 

Leeson, hon. Mrs. Rt. son, Ivii 113 

Lefevre, Mrs. C. S. son, xliv 479 

Legard, lady, son, vii 118] 

Legge, hon. Mrs. H. 8. B. da. xxiii 242] 

da. Iviii 202 

lady Fran. da. lili 146. son, lyiii 203 

Leicester, counts. da. xxvii 210] xxix 230] 

———— lady (sir J. F.) son & h, liii 146 

Mts. H. A. son, xxxv 62 

Leigh, hon. Mrs. da, xxxviii 50. xlvi 444 

— lady (sir Eger.) da, xxxi 233] 

Leighton, hon. Mrs. son & h, xlyiii 467. da. 
lv 107 

(sir W.) da. xliii 49, xlvi 
Mrs. Jas. son, xliv 480. xlvi 445. 

da. xxxii 232] xxxiii 

lady (sir T.) son & h. Iv 107 
———- Mrs. (maj. gen.) son, xlvii 438 
Leinster, duchs. da. xv 156] xx 217] xxii 
241] son, xxvi 225] da. xxix 230] xxxi 

son & h. xxxiii 49] son, 

xxxv 62. xxxviii 50 

————— son, Ixi 118 

Leith, lady Aug. son, li 547 

Lemon, lady C. son, liii 147 

sir W. da. xxxi 233] 

Lennard, lady Har. da. xlvi 443 

—— (sir T. B.) son, xliv 478 

Lenox, lady C. da. xxxii 232]. son & h. 
xxxiii 49] da. xxxiv 51] son, xxxix 69, 
xliii 49. xliv 478. xlv 474 

—_— ———— G. son, vi }24] 

=~ Mrs. (gen.) da, xlyi 448 





Leslie, lady, da. xxxiii 48] xliii 50. xlv 472 

F. son, xxxiv 51 

Lester, lady, son & h. vi 124] 

Lettsom, Mrs. 8. F, son, xlviii 486 

Levinge, lady, son & h. liii 145. son, ly 107. 
lvi 124. Ix 190. da. tb. 198 

Lewes, lady (sir Watkin) son, xvi 157] 

Lewisham, viscts. da. xxvi 226] son, xxvii 

Ley, lady F. da. lii 415. son, liv 155 da. lv 
107. son, lvii 113. Ixi 108 

Liddell, lady (sir T. H.) da. xl 105. son, xlv 
470. liv 155, da, lvi 121. son, lvii ‘ii, 
lx 190 

Lieven, counts. son, Ixi 109 

Limerick, counts. da. xliii 69. xlv 470 

Lifford, lady, da. xii 167]. 

Lincoln, lady, da. xix 206] son, xx 218] da. 
xxvi 225] son, xxviii 215] da. xxxiii 46] 

Lindsay, counts, da. 1ii415. liv 155. Ix 192. 
son, Ixi 109 

—— Mrs, (rear-adm.) da. Ix 190 

—————— (hon. Hugh) son, xliv 479 

Lindsey, counts. son & h. lvi 123 

——— viscets. son, lvii 115. lviii 204 

lady (sir D.) da. xi 206] 

Linzee, Mrs. adm. da. lvii 116 

Lismore, lady, son, xxix 230] 

viscts. da. liii 146 

Littlehales, lady E. son & h. xlviii 471. da. 

liii 146 

da. lvi 122 

Littleton, Mrs. E. da. lix 135 

J. da. lvi 124 

Lloyd, Mrs, W. son & h. xlviii 472 

Loft, Mrs. (maj. gen.) son, lii 154. liv 154. 
(lieut.-cen.) son, lvi 123. lvitli 201 

Loftus, lady E. son, xxxiii 48] xxxiv 50 
xxxvii 49. xlv 471 

Long, lady M. da. Iv 105. lyi 121. Ivii 115. 
son & h. lviii. son, lix 136 

Jane. son, xlv 473. da. xlvii 438 

(sir J.T.) da. xxxi 233] xxxiii 

—— Mrs. Beeston, da. xxxv 63 
Longford, counts. son & h. lix 136 
Lorraine, lady (sir W.) son, xxiii 243] 
son, xlvili 469 
Lothian, marchs. son, xviii 194] xix 207] 
son, lviii 204. Ix 192 
Loudon and Moira, counts. da. xlviii 465. li 
547. liv 154 
Louis, lady (sir J.) da. lviii 202 
Louvaine, lady §. xxx 225] xxxii 231] 
da.xliv479. son, Ixy 474. da. 
xlvii 438. son, xlviii 466. 547, son, 
lili 146, da. lv 105. son, lix 186 
Lowe, lady, son, lviii 204 
Lowndes. Mrs. W. son, liii 146 
———_——_-— _ W. S. son, lvii 115 
Lowther, lady Aug. da. xxxiii 49] ' 
E. da. xli 48. son, xlv 474 
Eleanor, son & h. Ix 190 
——— Mrs. (col.) da. xlv 475 
~——————— Jas, da. xxxiii 49] 

Lucan, counts. son, xliii 50 

Lucene, Mrs. D. xlvii 441 

Ludlow, lady, da. vi 124] 

Lukin, Mrs. (capt.) son, xlvi 443 

(rear-adm.) da. lvii 114 

-—— (adm.) son, Ix 193 

Lumley, hon. Mrs, F. son, xxx 225 

Lushington, lady (sir H.) son, 1. 142. liii 
145. lvii 115 

—— Mrs. 5S. R. da. lviii 202 

Lusi, counts. son & h. Ixi 108 

Lyndsey, lady, da. viii 162] 

Lysaght, hon. Mrs. son, lix 136. Ix 192 

Lysons, Mrs. Dan. son, xlviii 465 

Ladue lady S, da. lviii 201. son, lix 134. 
x 191 

Mrs. (governor) son, viii 162] 
E. J, da. lv 106 

Maberly, Mrs. J. da. lx 190 
Macclesfield, counts. son, ix 16J] xii 168] 
M‘Chintock, lady E. da. lv 107. lvii 115 
Maedonald, hon. Mrs. Arch. son, xlv 473. 
da. lv 105. son, lvi 123 
lady (sir Alex.) 

son, xXvili 


—— son, xxv 231] xxviii 215] 

xxx 225] xxxi 233] 

da. lyi 121 

oo Car, A. da. lv 106, lix 136. 
“son & h. 1xi 108 

Louisa, son, xxvii 209] da. 

XXxii 2382] 

—— Mrs. maj. son, xlviii 469 

Macdonell, Mrs. Alex. son & h. xlviii 468 

mG spERY, lady (sir J.) da. lvii 115. lix 

Mackenzie, lady (sir Alex.) da. lviii 202. 
son & h. lx 190. Ixi 109 
(sir Hector) da. xliii 49. 

son, |. 142 
—— (sir Jas. W.) son & h. lvi 


— (sir Roder.) da. ix 161] 

Car. da. ix 161] 

— Mrs. (col. R.) da. xlvi 446 

Mackworth, lady (sir Digby) son, xlvi 447. 
xlviii 470 

———— hon. Mrs. Stewart, son & h. Ix 

Maclean, Jady Marg. son, xxxix 59. xli 43. 
xlii 47. xliv 127 

-— Mrs. (col.) son, xlvi 446 

Macleod, lady Annab. son, xliv 480. liii 146 

—— lady Emily, da. xl 105 

M‘Mahon, lady (sir W.) son, Ivii 116 

Maconochie, lady (sir J.) son, lx 192 

Magens, hon. Mrs. Dorien, da. xliii 63 

Mahon, lady, da. xix 205] xxiii 241] xxvii 

visets. son, xlvii 437. xviii 465 

Mainwaring, lady, son & h. xlvi 447 

—- Mrs. G. B. son, xlviii 467 

Maitland, hon. Mrs, (col.) son, xlv 471. xlyi 


Maitland, Mrs. (col.) son, xlv 474 
———_—__— J. da. xlviii 468 
viscts. son, xxvii 209] xxviii 215] 
xxxi 233] 

Malcolm, Mrs. (rear-adm.) son, lvi 12]. 

———— lady (sir J.) da. lvi 121. Ivii 115 

—_—-——-—— (sir Pulteney). son, lix 137 

Mallet, lady (sir C. W.) son, liii 145 

Manchester, duchs. son & h. vi 124] son, xi 
206] xii 168] da. xiii 178] son, xvii 178] 
da, xx 218] 

——— da. xxxvii 50. xxxix 59. 
son & h. xli44. da. xlii 47. xlv 471. xlvi 

Mann, Mrs. (Jas.) son & h. xliv 477 

Manners, lady, son & h.}x 192 

——_——_—— (sir W.) son xxxvi 43 

—-—-————— - Louisa, da. xxiii 242] 

———— Mrs. C. son, xlviii 471 

Manning, Mrs. W. son, xxxv 62. xxxvii 49. 
xxxvili 50. xliii 49 

Manningham, Mrs. (brig. gen.) xlvi 445 

(lieut. gen.) da. xlviii 

Mansell, Mrs. (Dr.) twins, xlv 471 
Mansfield, counts. da. x1 106. xli 47. son, 

ib. 48. da, xlv 473. xlvii 487. xlviii 465. 

xlix 538. son, liii 145. da. lvi 122. Iviii 

——— Mrs. J. da. xxxix 59 
Manvers, counts. da. lxi 108 
March, counts. son & h, Ix 190. da. Ixi 108 
Markham, hon. Mrs. J. son, xlv 470 
——-—— lady M. da. liv 155. son, Ivi 121 
—_——— Mrs. (bp. Chester) da. xv 156] 
——-——-— (rev. archd.) son, xlvii 

Marlborough, duchs. son, vi 124] ix 161] 

da. xii 168] son, xiii 179] da. xvi 158] 

xxvii 249] 

Marryat, Mrs. (Jos.) Ivi 123. lix 136 
Marsham, hon. Mrs. J. da. xxxiv 50 

—— (Dr.) son, xliii 50. da. 
xlv 470. son, xlvi 448 

— viscts. da. xlix 538, son & h, li 

142. da. li 548 
Martin, lady M. son, xxxi 234] 

— (sir N.) son, xliii 50 
Mason, hon. Mrs. son, xlviii 468. da. lvii 

Massarene, counts. dow. son, lvi 122 
— visets. da. lviii 202 
Massey, hon. Mrs. G, da. xlvi 446 
— lady, son, xiii 47. do. xliv 477 
Matchem, Mrs. son, xlviii 468 
Maule, hon. Mrs. W. son. xliii 67 
Mawbey, lady, son, ix 16]] da. xv 155] son, 

xvi 168] da. xix 205] xx 218] xxii 241] 
Maxwell, lady Ann, da. xliii 51. xlvii 438 
Heron, son, xlvii 437 
son, xlv 473. da. lix 136 
(sir W.) son, xiii 178] da. 

xxviii 215] 
~ Mrs. (capt.) da. xlvi 442 
(col,) son, xlvii 441 


¢ s 
Meade, hon. Mrs. P. son, xliv 476, 480. da. 
xlvi 444 3 
——__= > RB da, Wii 345 ‘ 
——-—— (maj. gen.) son & h. lii _ 
415 vi 
Meath, counts. son, xliv 480. xlv 474, _ 
xlvii 440 4 
Mecklenburg Strelitz, princes. da. xii 168] 
son, xv 156] xvii 178] da. xix 205] xxii — 

—————— duchs. of, son, lxi — 


Melbourne, lady, son, xxii 240] da; xxix 
229] da. xxxi 233] 

Melgund, lady, son, lvi 121 ( 

Melville, hon. Mrs. J.T. L. da. lv. 106. Ivii 
116. son, lix 134. Ix 192 

Mends, Mrs. (capt.) da. xlv 473 

Menzies, lady, son, lix 156 

Mercer, Mrs. (maj-) son, xxxv 62 

Mesnard, de, counts. son, li 547 

Methuen, Mrs. P. da. lvii 114. lviii 203. 
son, Ix 190 

Mexborough, counts. son, xxvi 225] da. xxxi 

_ 233] 

Middleton, lady, da. vii 118] son, viii 162] 

baroness, da. xxxi 233] 

viscts. da. xlv 471 

lady (sir W.) da. xxvii 250] 

Midlane, Mrs. W. son. xlviii 467 

Milan, archduchs. da, xxvii 210] 

Milbank, Mrs. M.son & h. xi 108 

Milbourn, lady, son, xiii 178] 

Mildmay, lady (sir H. P. St. John) son, 
xxxvii 50 

— (sir H.) son, xlii 47. xliv 
478 xlvii 439 

Milford, Mrs. J. son, li 548 

Miller, lady (sir T.) son, xxvi 225] 

(sir W.) son, xxxiii 51] 

Mills, lady (sir T.) da. xix 206] 

Mrs. G. G. son, xlvi 447 

Milner, lady (sir W.) lvii 113 

Milnes, Mrs. R. S. da. xliii 50 

Milsington, viscts. son, xv 156] twins son 
& da. xvii 177] son, xix 207] 

son, xxxviii 50 

Milton, lady, da. xlix 538. lv 106. son, lvii 
115. da. lxi 108 

Miltown, counts. da. xvi 158] 

Minto, counts, da, Ivii 115, son, lix 135. Ix 

Mitford, Mrs. son, xlvi 445 

Moira, counts. son, xlix 538. son & h. 114i 

Molesworth, lady (sir A. O.) son, lv 106. 
da. Iviii 20]. son, Ix 191 

Molineux, lady, son, xv 156] 

Molyneux, Mrs. (maj.-gen.) son, lv 107 

— —— visets. da. xxxiii 51] 

Moncek, viscts, son & h. }viii 201 

Moncrieff, Mrs. (maj.-gen.) xlvii 441 

Monckton, Mrs. (hon. W.) son, xlvii 438 

Money, Mrs. W. T. lix 135 

Monke, visets. da. lvi 122 

Monro, lady, son & h. vi 124] 




Monro, lady (sir Alex.) da. xxxiv 50. xxxvi 

— Mrs. (col.) da, xlvi 443 

(brig. gen ) son & h. xlvii 439. 
da. xlviii 467 

Monston, lady, son & h. xxvii 249] 

Montague, lady C. da. xi 206] 

— son. xii 168] 

Montalembert, baroness, son, liv 155 

Montgomerie, lady, son, liv 156. son, lviii 

Montgomerie, lady A. son & h, liii 145 

Montgomery, lady E. da. liv 155 

— (sir H.C.) son, liii 146. 

da, liv 156. son, lvi 121. da. lix 134 

——— Mrs. son, xviii 194] 

Montrose, duchs. da. xxxiii 49] xxxiv 5] 

son &h. xli44, da. xlvii 
439. son, xlix 537 

Moore, Mrs. Rt. da. xlvii 441 

Moray, counts. son, xi 206] twin sons, xiv 
167] son, xvi 157] 

. da. lv 106. son, lvi 125 

Mordaunt, lady, da. lv 105 ; 

Moreton, lady F. son, xliv 477. da. xlvii 

Morgan, lady (sir C.) da. xliii 69 

——_— FP. xxvii 210] 

Mrs. C. da, xliii 50 

_ Mornington, counts. son & h. vi 124] 
Morpeth, viscounts. son & h, xliv 477. da. 

xlv 472. xlvi 445. son, 1. 141. da. 1i 548. 

son, lvi 121 

lady Georg. son, xliv 477 

Morris, hon. Mrs. da. lvi 124. lix 137 

Mortlock, lady, da. lix 134 

Mosley, lady (sir O.) son & h. xliv 448. da. 
xlviii 471. 1. 14]. 11 547. 1ii 415. Iv 106. 
lviii 204. lvi 124. Ix 191 

Mostyn, lady (sir Rog.) twin da. xiv 167] 
son, xix 207] 

hon. Mrs. T. son, xix 205] 

Mountcashel, viscounts. son, xvi 158] 

— counts. son & h. xxviii 51] 
son, xxxv 62. xlii 48 

Mount Edgecumbe, counts. son, xxxix 58, 
da. xlii 47 

Mountflorence, lady, son & h. xi 206] 

Mountjoy, viscts. son, lvi 106 

Mountnorris, counts. son & h. xliv 479 

Mountstewart, lady, son, xi 207] xiii 178] 
xviii 194] 


lady, son & h. xxi 218] 

viscounts. son, xxxvi 42 

Mulgrave, lady, son & h. xxxix 59. da. xli 
48. xlii 48. son, xliii 51. da. x!v 470. 
xlvi 445. xlvii 440. son, 1. 142. 11 548 

Munkhouse, Mrs. (rev. Dr.) da. xlviii 473 

Munster, counts. twin da. Ix 192 

Murray, hon. Mrs. A. son, lv 106. lix 136. 
Ixi 136 

——— _H. da. liii 145 
———_——— _ da. lvi 123 
Oliph, son, xlvi 445, da, 

xlviii 468 

Murray, lady Chas. da. vi 124] 
———--—  E. son, lvi 123. da. lix 135 
-— Geo. son, xxxvili 50 

— (sir J.) da. xliv 477. son & h. 
xlv 472 

— M. son, xliii 50. da. xlv 470. 
son, xlvi 447. da. xlvii 442. xlviii 472 
— Sarah, da. liv 154. ly 105, Ivi 
122. lvii 114. son, lx 192 
— Mrs. capt. G. son, xlv 471 
— J, da. xlviii 465 
inte lady (sir J. C.) son, xli 44. xliv 

Myers, lady M, son, xlv 472. da. xlvi 446 

Napier, hon. Mrs. (capt.) da. Ix 191 

lady, son, xxviii 216] da. xxxi 233] 

son, xxxvi 42] xxxix 59 

(sir W. M.) son, Ix 193 

Naples, queen, da. xvi 158] son, xviii 193] 
da. xviii 195] son, xx 218] da. xxii 240] 
son, xxv 230] da. xxvii 210] son, xxx 
226] xxxxii 232] xxxiv 50, da. xxxv 62 

Nares, hon. Mrs. da. xlvi 446 

——— lady Charl. da. x1 105. son, xli 44 

Nasmyth, lady (sir Jas.) da. xlvii 440 

Nassau-Weilburg, prines. son, xviii 194] da, 
xix 206] 

Nead, Mrs. (maj.-gen.) son, lix. 137 

Neaye, Mrs. Rd. son, li. 548 

Nelthorpe, lady (sir J.) son & h. xvi 158] 

Nepean, Mrs. (brig.-gen.) son, xlviii 470 

Nesbitt, Mrs. (maj.) son & h. xlviii 465 

pore hon. Mrs. G, N. son, xxxiv 50. xly 

Neville, hon. Mrs, da. xxvi 224] 

lady Charl. son, lix 134. Ix 191 

———-—— son, xxvii 229] 

——-— Mrs. (rev. H.) son, 1i 548 

—_——_—— R. A. son & h. xxvi 226] da. 
xxxly 51 

Newborough, lady, son & h. xliv 477 

Neweastle, duchs. son, 1.142. son & h. liii 
146. da. liv155. twin sons, lv 107. da. 
lvii 113. son, lix 135. da. Ix 192. Ixi 108 

Newman, Mrs. R. W. da. lviii 203 

Newnham, hon. Mrs. G. L. da. lix 136 

Newport, viscounts. son & h. Ixi 108 

Nicholson, lady (gen. sir W.) son, lvii 113 

Nicolay, barons. da. ly 105, son, Ivi 192. 
da. Ivii 115 

Nightingale, lady (sir C.) son, Ivii 114, lviii 

Noel, hon. Mrs. son & h. lvi 123 

Fred. son, lviii 203 

—— Mrs. G. E. da: xxx 225] 

(hon. & rev. Ger.) da. xlviii 471. 

lix 135 
Nolken, barons. son, xxvi 225] 
Norman, lady E. da. xlvii 439. xlviii 472. 
son, ]. 141. Ivi 123. Ix 190 
— Mrs. G. son & h. xxxv 62 
North, lady, son, ix 161] xx 218] xxxiy 50 
—— Mrs. (col.) son, xxxii 232] 
-———-— G. A. son, xxviii 218 


Northcote, lady (sir Stafford) son & h. 
xxxiv 50 
Mrs. (maj.) son, |. 142 
Northesk, counts. da. vii 118} son, xi 206] 
xvi 158] 


— da, xxxvi 42. xxxix 59. xlii 

——— son, xlix 538. da. lili 146, 
son, lv 105 

Normanton, counts. son & h. Ix 192 

Northumberland, duchs. son, xxix 232] da. 
xxxiii 56j son xxxiv 51 

Nugent, lady (sir G.) son xlix 538. da. Iiii 

Mrs. lieut.-gen. son & h., xliv 480. 
da. xlv 473 

Oakley, lady (sir C.) son, xxxviii 50. xliii 
49. xliv 479 

O’Brien, lady, Edw. da. lyiii 201 

———- lady (sir E.) son & h. xlii 48. xliii 
49. lvi 123.da. lviii 202. da. lix 156 

—-— Mrs. (maj.) son, xlvii 440 

O’Connor, Mrs. (eapt.) da, xlvi 446 

Ogilbie, lady (sir Dav.) son & h. xlvi 448 

Ogilby, lady da. xlviii 465. son, lvii 115, 
lviii 204 Ixi 109 

Ogilvy, lady, da. lx 190 

Mrs. (capt.) son, xlv 471. xlvi 443 

Ogle, Mrs. (col.) son, xix 206] 

Ommaney, Mrs. (capt. H. M.) da. |. 141 

O’Neale, Mrs. twins, xv 156] 

Onslow, hon. Mrs. son, lvi 122, lviill6 da. 
lyiii 204 

lady (sir Hen.) d. Ixi 109 

Mrs. (col.) son and da. xliv 479. da. 

xlvi 447 

(gen.) da. lvi 123. lyiii 205 

(lieut.-gen.) da. lix 137 

(rev, A.) son, lii 414 

Orange, princes. da. xiii 179] son, xv. 156] 
xvii 177] xxxiv 51 

Sates son, lix 134 

Orde, lady (sir J.) da. xliii 50. son, xlv 472. 
da. xlviii 466 

— Mrs. T. son, xxxi 234] 

lady Lou. son, xlvi 444 

Orleans, duchs. da. lyiii 201 

Orleban, Mrs. Rd. son & h. xl viii 467 

Ormerod, Mrs. G. da. li 548 

Ormsby, Mrs. (maj.) da. xlvi 447 

Qsborn, Mrs. K. da. xlviii 464 

Osborne, lady (sir G.) son & h. xv 157] 

———_— F. Godolphin, son, xliii 50, 
xliv 478. xlvii 44 

Franc. son, lvi 123 

Ossory, counts. da. xiii 178] 

Ossulton, lady, son & h. lii 414 

Oswald, lady (maj.-gen. sir J.) xlyii [15 

—— da. Ix 190 

Otway, lady (sir Loftus) da. lvii 115 

Mrs. (capt.) da. li 448 

—- Mrs. H. da. xlviii 466 

——— (rear-adm.) son, lyii 114. lyiii 
203, da. lix 136 



Owen, lady (sir Hugh) son & h. xxv 231) i 
— (sir J.) da. lv 106. son Ivii 118 
Mrs. W. son & h. xlviii 467 ik 
Capua lady (sir H.) da. xlvi 446. xlviii 

Oxford, counts. da. xxxviii 50, son & h. xlii- 
ve da. xliii 5). xlvii 437. 11547. son, liii — 

Packington, lady (sir Herb. Perrot) da. vi 
124] son, ix 161] 

Page, lady, da. xxvii 210] 

Paget, hon. Mrs. Berkeley, son, xlvii 442. 
xlviii 468. liii 146 

C. da. lvii 114 

lady, da. xvii 178] son, xxi 218] da. 

xxiv 204] xxvi 225] 

son, xlv 471. da, xlyi 443, son, 

xlvii 437 

— Harr. da, lix 135. Ixi 108 

Palle. lady E. son, xtiii 49. xlvi 445. xlviii 

—— (sir L. W.) son & h. Ix 190 

———— M. son, xxxiii 48] : 

Palmer, hon. Mrs. J. da, liv 155. da.lvi 124 

lady (sir J.) son, xii 167] xiv 168] 

xvi 158] 


son, lx 192 

Parker, hon. Mrs, da xlv 470 

lady (sir Hyde) son & h. xlv 472. 

da. xlvii 441 

—— (sir P.) da. xvi 157] 

son, lvi 121 

Mrs, (capt.) P. da. li 548 

Parkyns, lady (sir T.) da. xli 43 

— Mrs. T. B. da. xxxiii48] xxxiv 50 
xxxvii 49 

Parma, duchs. son, xiii 179] xvi 158] 

prines. son, xxvi 225] 

Parnell, lady Car. son & h. xlvii 439 

Parsons, lady B. twin sons, vii 118] 

(sir Lawr.) son, xivii 441 

Patterson, Mrs. (rear-adm.) son, lviii 202 

Paul Mrs. J. P. da, xxxv 63 

Paulet, counts. son, xxxviii 50 

lady Henry, da. lvii 114 

Paxton, lady (sir W.) son, xlviii 470 

Payne, lady (sir J.) da, xliii 51 

Peacocke, lady (sir N.) twin da. lvi 121 

— Mrs. (lieut.-col.) da. xlvi 443 

Peel, lady (sir R.) da. xly 472 

Pelham, Mrs. C. A. d. xxvi 224] 

hon. Mrs. son, li 547 

C. A. son, liv 154 

T. da. vii 118) son, ix 161] 

lady, son & h, xliv 478. da. xlv 473. 
son, xlvi 446 

Pell, hon. Mrs. da. lviii 202 

Pellington, viscts. da. lvi 123 

Pellew, hon. Mrs. Fleetwood, son, Ix 193 

—— —--— (capt.) da. Iviii 202 

lady (sir E.) son, xli 44 

Pembroke, counts. da. xvi 158] 

— son, lii 415. da, lv 105, 


lyi 123 

Penn, lady Juliana, da. vii 119] 

Pennyman, lady (sir Jas.) twins xxi 217] 

Perceval, hon. Mrs. Spence. son, xlv 470. da. 
xlvi 443. son, xlix 538 

—~— lady, da. xii 167] 

——— E. da. Ix 190 

Percy, counts. da. xxiii 242] xxiv 203] xxvi 


Mrs. Hugh, da. li 547. lii 414. son 
ly 106. da. lvi 123 

—— lady Algernon, da. xix 206] son, xxi 
218] da. xxvi 224] twin sons. xxvii 209] 

‘))Perring, Mrs. (aldm.) da. xli 44 

Perrot, lady, son xxvi 226] 

Peshall, lady (sir J.) son & h. xxiv 203] 

) Petre, hon. Mrs. da. xxxi 233] xxxiii 56] 

xl 106. xlv 475 . 

(maj.) son, xlvii 442 

lady, son, vi 124] ix 161] xii 167 

———— da. xl 105. son, xliv478. da. 1. 

———— da. lviii 202. son & h. lix 137 

Peyton, lady (sir H.) son, xlvi 445. xlvii 

Phillimore, Mrs. (Dr.) son, Ix 192 
Phillips, lady, son. 1. 141 

Phillips, lady (sir Rd.) da. li 548 

Phillips, Mrs. C. A. da, xlviii 468 
Pierrepoint, Mrs. (capt.) son, xlv 472 
— hon. Mrs. C. H. son, xlvii 440 
Pigot, lady (sir J.) son, |. 141 

—— Mrs. (col.) da. xix 206] 

Pilkington, lady (sir T.) da. xlvi 446 
Pirouelles, Mrs. son and two das. xliv 478 
Pitt, hon. Mrs. J. da. ix 161] 

— Mrs. T. son&h. xviii 193] + 
Plumer, Mrs. T. (vice-chanr.) son, ly 106 
Plummer, Mrs. T. W. da, xviii 468 
Plunkett, hon. Mrs, E. son, xlvi 447 
a (lieut.-co].) xlviii 467 
Plymouth, counts. son, vii 118] viii 162] 
—_—_—_——_—— son, xxix 283] da. xxxix 

Pococke, lady, da. vii 118] 
Pole, hon. Mrs. da. xxxiy 50 
—— lady (sir C.)da. xlv 473. xlvii 440 
(sir J. W.) son & h. xxv 231] son, 
xxix 229] 
(sir W.) da. xlvii 439, Iyi 123. 
son, lviii 202 
(sir. W. T.) son, lx 192 
Polignac, counts. de son lix 136 
Pothill, Mrs. G. da. 1. 141. son, 1i 438 

Pollington, viscounts. da. 1. 142. son, liii 147. 

. da. ly 105. lvi 123. son, lviii 201. lix 134. 
Ixi 109 
Pomeroy, hon. Mrs. J. xlyii 441 
Pomfret, counts. son, xi 206] 
Ponsonby, hon. Mrs. G. son, lvi 121 
lady Barbara, son, lvii 115. da. lix 

—— S. son, lviii 201 
Popham, lady (sir Home) son xliii 50. da. 
xlvi 443. xlvii 4388, son, lyi 155 
—>——— Mrs. (capt.) da, xlvi 443 



Popham, lady Edw. da. li 438 

Porchester, lady, son, xxiii 242] xxxiy 50 

da. xl 106. son & h, xlii 
47. son, xliv 477 

Porter, lady (sir Stew.) son, xviii 194] 

Portland, duchs. son & h. xi 206] da. xviii 
194] son, xiii 178] xiv 167] 

ae son, xvii 178] da, xxi 217] 
son, xxiii 242] 

Portman, Mrs, E. B. son, xli 44 

Portsmouth, counts. son xii 167] 

Portugal, Infanta Mariana, son, xxviii 215] 

Poulett, counts.son, xxxiii 49] da. xliii 51 

Powerscourt viscounts. son, vii 118] da, xiii 
179] twin sons, xv 156] 

-——————_—— da. xlv 470. xlvi 447. 
ly 107. son, lyii 113 

Powlett, hon. Mrs, T. O. son & h. lviii 201. 
son, Ix 190 

Powys, hon. Mrs. F. son, 1. 142. lvi 122 

Mrs. (rey. T.) 2sons & 1 da. lii 414 

Poyntz, hon. Mrs. da.xlv 470, son, xlvii 437 

Mrs. W.S. son, xliii 49 

Prescott, lady (sir G.) da. xlviii 466, Ivi 121. 
son, lix 134 

Prettyman, Mrs. (bp. of Lincoln) son, xxix 

Prevost, lady, son, liii 147 

Mrs. (gov.) da. xlv 472 

Price, Mrs. Ru. son, xlviii 468 

Primrose, Mrs. J, 2 sons & 1 da. xl 106 

viscounts, son, li 548. lii 415. 

liv 154 

Pringle, lady (sir Jas.) da. xxiii 242] son, 
xxv 230] 

son, lviii 203 

Proctor, lady Beauchamp, da. vi 124] vii 119] 

(sir T. B.) da. xxii 241] 

Prussia, prins. roy. son, xiii 178] xvi 158] 
xvii 178] xxvi 225] 

(Ferd.) son, xiv 168] xix 207] 

xxii 241] 
—_ (Lewis) son, xxxvii 49 
queen, da. xli 44. son, xliii 50. da. 

xlv 470. son, xlvi 448. da. li 548 
Puleston, Mrs. R. son & h. Ivi 121 
Purves, lady (sir Alex.) da. xxv 225] 

Pym, Mrs. (capt.) son & h. xlvi 443 
Pytches, Mrs. J. da. xlv 471 

Queensbury, counts, da. liii 145 
—— marchs. da. ly 105. lvi 122. lix 

135 © 
Quin, hon. Mrs. W. H. lvi 124 
—— lady Georg. da. lviii 201 
— hon. Mrs. Windham, son & h. liv 155 

Radnor, counts. da. ix 161] xiv 167] 
—————_——— da. xxi 217] son, xxiii 242] 
- xxiv 203] da.xxv231] son, xxvi 249] xxx 
Raikes, lady, J. M. son, li 414 
Ramsay hon. Mrs. da. xlv 475. xlviii 470. 
xlix 538 

lady (sir W.) son, xlviii 464 

Ramsden, hon. Mrs. da. Ix 190 Ross, Mrs. Day. son, xlvi 447 ff, 
Ranelagh, viscounts. son, xi 206] Rothes, counts. son, xvii 178] da. xviii 194] 
——_—_—_—— da. Ix 190. Ixi 109 xx 218] son, xxvi 226] rh 
Rawlins, Mrs. C. son, li 547 —_—_—— da. lix 135 q 
Raye, lady Am. son, xlv 475 Round, Mrs. J. son, lviii 202 I 

Raymond, Mrs. (col. W.) xliv 479 

Reade, lady (sir J. C.) son & h. Ivi 1238. 
son, lviii 201. da. lix 135 

Reay, lady son & h. ix 161] da. xi 206] 

Rechauson, Mad. de, da. xlvii 440 

Redesdale, lady, da. xlvi 444 

Rendlesham, lady, da. lix 136 

Repton, hon. Mrs. son, lx 193 

Reynolds, Mrs. (maj.-gen.) da. liv 154. son, 
lv 105. lviii 204 

Rice, hon. Mrs. E. da. xlviii 467 

Rice, lady Theod. son & h. lvi 125 

Rich, lady (sir Rt.) son, xvii 178] 

Richardson, lady E. son, xlvii 441 

Richmond, duchs. da, Ji 548 

Rickards, Mrs. R. da. lviii 202 

Riddell lady F. B. son, lii 414. da. lviii 202 

— (sir. J. B.) da. xviii 469 

Ridley lady (sir R. W.) son, xxi 217] xxiii 
242] xxv 231] 

da.|lvi 121. son, lix 1085 

Ridge, Mrs. Rt. son, xlvi 444 

Rigby, Mrs. E. da. xlvii 442 

Rivers, lady (sir H.) da. lv 106, lvii 116 

(sir R.) son, lvi 123 

——— da. lix 135] 

Riversdale, lady, son, xli 43 

Roberts, Mrs. (col.) da. xlvi 442 

Robinson, lady (sir G,) son, ix 161] x 169] 

———_—— Helena, da. lvi 122. son & h, 
lviii 203 

Ix 192 

Sarah, son, lviii 203 

Rodney, hon. Mrs. son & h. xxv 230] da. 
xxviii 215] 

-——~— (col.) son, xxvii 209] xxvii 

249] xxxi 233] xxxii 232] xxxiii 49] 

lady Cath. da. xxxiii 48] 

——-— (sir G. B.) da. xii 167] 
242] son, xxvi 225] 

da. xxxv 62. 

xxxix 58. x1 105. xli 43 

Lou. son, xliv 477 

— da. xlv 472 

Rolles, Mrs. (capt.) son, xlviii 465 

Rollo, hon. Mrs. Roger, son, xlvii 439 

——-+— son, xliii 70 

Romilly, lady, son, lii 414 

Romney counts. da. liv 159 

Reokwood, Mrs. Rt. Gage, da. xlviii 469 

Roper, hon. Mrs. son, vii 118] viii 162 

Rose Mrs. G. H. son, xi 44. xliii 49. xvii 
439. liii 146 

Rose, Mrs, Joseph, da. x! viii 468 

Roseberry, counts. da. xxii 240] son, xxvi 

Ross, lady (sir C.) son & h. xlv 470 

Qieut.-col. sir Hew) son, lix 136. 
da. lx 193 
M. son & h. liv 154 
——— Mrs, (capt.) da. xvi 444 


xxxvii 49, son, 

Rous, lady (sir J.) da. xxxii 231] son 
xxxvii 49. xxxviii 50. da. xli 44. son, 
xlii 47 

— son, xlvi 444. da. |. 141 

Rowland, lady (sir R.) da. xi 207] 

Rowley, lady (adm. sir C.) da. lwii 113 ‘ 

(sir W.)son, xxxviii 50, xlii 47 

Mrs. (capt.) son, xlviii 465 j 

Roxburgh, duchs. da. lvi 122. son, lviii 203 

Rule, lady (sir W.) da. xlv 473 

Rumbold, lady (sir Geo.) son, xxxii 232] 

(sir T.) da. xxxi 234] da.f 

xxxiii 49] 

—— son & h. liii 147 

Rushout, lady Carol. da. xlv 474. lvi 121 
Russell, lady G. W. da. Ix 191 

J. son, xxx 225] xxxii 231] 
son, xxxiv 51 

W. da. xlv 470. son & h. Ixi 

Russia, emprs. son, xl 105, da. xlviii 471 
grand-duchs. son, xxii 240] da. xxvi f 

226) xxvii 210] 
tae — (Alex.) da, xli 43 
Rutland, duch. son, xxiii 242] xxiv 204] 
xxvi 225] da. xlii 47 
son & h. xlix 538. son & h, f 
lv 106. son, lvii 114. lix 137. Ix 193 
Ruthven, lady M. son, xx 218] 
———— — son, xxix 230] 

Ryder, hon. Mrs. (bp. Gloucester) da. lix | 

134. son, Ix 192 
H. son, xlv 474. xlviii 472 
R., son, |. 141 
xliii_ 68. 

——_— —_—_— da. xlv 470. 

xlvi 447 
—-— lady Sus. da. xxxviii 50 

Sabine, Mrs. (maj.) son & h. xlvi 448 

Sackville, lady G. da. vii 118] 

St. Albans, duchs. son, lvii 113. son, lx 193 

St. Antonio, counts. son, lvii 115 } 

St. Asaph, lady, son & h. xxvii 249] son, 
xxviii 215] son. xliii 49 

—— visets. li 548. da. liv 154 

St. Aubyn, lady, da. xii 167] 

St. George, lady H. F. da. xliii 50, xlv 47). 
xlvii 440 

—_—— Mrs. T. da. xlviii476 

St. John, Mrs. (hon. lieut.-gen. F.) son, liv 
154. da. lv 105. lvi 122 

— hon. Mrs. H, da. lvi 122. son, lviii 
201. da. lix 136 

——— lady da. vi 124] son, vii] 18] da. viii 

———— da. xxv 231] son & h. xxvii 
209] da. xxvii 249] xxviii 215] 
— (sir H.) son, vii 118] 
(sir H. P.) son, xxix 230] 
———_— (sir P.) da, xxx 225] 

St. John, lady, son & h. liii 146. son, lv 
106, da. Ix 190 

St. Leger, hon. Mrs. son, lvi 122. Ivii 113. 

lviii 201 

lady Charl. son & h. Ix 192 

Mrs. A. B. son & h. xlviii 472 

t. Paul, Mrs. (maj.) da. li 547 

insbury, Mrs. (rev. H.) son xlviii 470 

lis, de, counts. son, liii 146. son, lvi 122 

lisbury, counts. da. xxvii 215] xxxi 233] 

son & h. xxxiii 48] 

lady (sir John Salisbury Piozzi) 

son & h. lx 190 

Itoun, lady, da. xxxi 233] son, xxxiii 49] 

anderson, lady (sir J.) da. xxxviii 50 

Sandys, lady (sir E. B.) son, liv 155. da. lix 

—— T. da. xxv 230] 
Sardinia, queen, twin da. xlv 474 
Saville, Mrs. Albany, son & h. lviii 201. 
son, lix 134 
}Saumarez, lady (sir Jas.) son, xli 44, da. 
xliv 47, xlv 474 
woe T. son, xlvi 447 
Savoy,duchs. son, vii 118] viii 162] 
Saxe Gotha, duchs. son. xv 157] xvii 178] 
Saxony, electress, da. xxv 230] 
Say and Sele, lady, son. x1 105 
Scarborough, counts. son, xii 168] 
Scarsdale, lady, son, viii 162] 
Schomberg, Mrs. (capt.) son, xlv 475. 
xlvii 441 
Scot, Mrs. (gen.) da. xvii 177] 
Scott, hon. Mrs. J. son, xlvii 442 
Mrs, (maj.-gen.) da. xviii 193] 
—-——-— (rear-adm.) son, lvii 115 
(capt. M. H.) son, xlvi 444 
Sefton, counts. son, xlii 47. da. xliv 477. 
472. son, xlvii 437 
—_——-- da. xliv 126. 



xlv 472. son, 
xlvii 437 

Selkirk, counts. son & h. vi 124] son, ix 
161] x 171) 

————— son & h. li 547, da, liii 145. 
da. lix 134 

Senhouse, lady (sir Jos.) son. xliv 479 

Sewell, lady E. son, xvii 177] 

— (sir T.) da xvii 177] 

Seymour, lady Horatio, sou, xxxix 58 

———_ Hugh. da. xxxvii 50. x1 106 

W. son, xi 206] 

Mrs. H. son & h. xix 207] 

—— (maj.-gen.) son, lvi 123 

(lieut.-col.) son, xlviii 464 

Shaftesbury, counts. son, xi 207] 

—— — son, lv 105 

Shannon, counts, da. ix 169] xi 206] son & 

h. xiv 167] 5 

da, xlix 5388. liv 156. lvi 
122. son. lvii 115 

Shaw, lady (sir J.) son & h. xxvi 224] 

——— son, xlvi 447 

da. xxxvii 50 

Mrs, Rt. son, xlvii 437. lvi 124 

Shawe Mrs. W, C, son, xxxvyiii 00 


Sheafle, lady (major.-gen. sir R.) son, lvii 
115. da. lix 134 

Shee, lady (sir G.)son, xliv 478. da. xlvi 445 

Sheffield, lady, son, xliv 477 

Shelburne, counts. son, xi 207] xxiii 242] 
da. xxiv 203] 

Shelley, lady (sir J.) son, liv 154. lv 107. 
da. lix 137 

Mrs. J. son & h. xiv 167] 

lady (sir J.) son, xv 156] da. xix 205] 

Sheppard, lady M. son, lvi 121 

Sherard, lady, da. xxxvii 50 

Sheridan, Mrs. R. B. son, xxxviii 49 

T. son, xlviii 464 

Shirley, hon. Mrs. W. da. xxvii 249] 

Shrewsbury, count. son, xliv 479 

Shuckburgh, lady (sir G. A. W.) son, xxxii 

Simcoe, Mrs. (lieut.-gen.) da. xlvi 446 

Simkinson, Mrs. (rev. J.) son, li 548 

Simpson, hon. Mrs. J. son, xlvi 448. da. 
xlviii 465. son, lv 106 

lady A. da. xvi 157] 

Mrs. J. F. son, xlviii 465. da. 1. 
142. ii 415 

Sinclair, lady (sir John) son, viii 162] xv 

— (sir J.) da. xxxiii 49. xxxviii 
50. son, xxxix 59. xliii 50. xlv 472. xlvi 
447. xlvii 442. 1. 141. iii 145 

———-—— (sir J. Gordon) da. lviii 204 

Skinner, Mrs. (col.) da. xlvi 443 

Skipwith, lady (sir Grey) da. lvi 121 

Sligo, marchs. da. lviii 204 

Slade, Mrs. (brig.-gen.) son, xlvii 439 

Sloane, lady Gertr. son, xlix 538. da, lvi 
121. jvii 114, son, lix 135 

Smith, hon. Mrs. da. xlvi 445. liii 146 

—-— lady A. Culling, son, xliv 126 

—-—— — (sir C. Lorr.) son & h. xxv 230] 

— FE. son, lviii 201 

(sir J.) da. xix 205] son, xx 217] 

da. xxii 240] xxv 230] 

(sir J. W.) li 548. son, lv 105 

(sir Rt.) da. xxv 231] 

—_-——— (sir W.) da. xxxviii 50 

—— Mrs. G.son, xxxvii 50 

— G. son, xlvi445. 1i 547. lii 416. 

liv 155. lwii 113 

J.son, liv 154. da. lvi 103. son, 


Iviii 201 

J.J. son, xlviii 465 

Sam. da. xxxii 231] son, xii 43 
— Spencer, da. lxi 44 

T.da. xxx 225] 

Smyth, lady (sir E.) son, xxix 230] 
vee — da. liv 155 

E. son, lvii 113. da. lix 133. 
Ix: 192. Ixi 109 

Geo. son & h. xxviii 215] 
Smythe, lady (sir J.) da. Ivili 2038 

Sneyd, hon. Mrs. son, liv 155 

Somerset, duchs. d. xlv 474 

—— lady Arth. son, lv 106 
eres (', la, XXX 232] 


Somerset, lady, Fitazvoy, da. Ivii 114. son, 
lviii 202, lix 135 

Henry, son & h. xlviii 472 

John, da. Ix 191 

——_--—_—— _ W. da. Ivi 121. son, Iviii 202 

— da. lvi 121 

da. lviii 204 

Somerville, lady (sir Marcus) son, xlv 474 

Sommerfield, Mrs. 2 sons & 1 da. x1 106 

Sondes, lady, son, xi 206] 

son, xxxviii 50, da. xlii 47 

— da. liii 145 

Sotheby, lady M. A. da. liii 146 

Southampton, counts. son & h. xlvi 447 

lady, da. xlv 474 

Southwell, viscts. son & h. xliii 50 

Sparrow, Mrs. J. G. da. 1. 142 

Spencer, counts. da. xii 167 

—__——— da. xxxi 233] son, xxxiii 49] 
x1 105. xli 44 

—— lady Chas. son, vi 124] 

—— E.son, xxxviii 50. da. xxxix 


— Fr. son, xliv 480. xlvi 443. da. 
xlvii 439. 1 142 

——— viscounts. da. viii 162] 

Stack, hon. Mrs. son & h. xlvi 444 

Stahremberg, counts. son, xliii 49 

Stane, Mrs. (rev. J. B.) da. xlviii 472 

Stamford, counts. da. xii 167] son, xvi 158] 
xvii 178] da. xx 218] 

Stanhope, hon. Mrs. son, xxix 230] 

Stanley, hon. Mrs. da, xli 44. xliii 68. twin 
sons, xliv 480 

lady, da. vi 124] 

——— son & h. xlv 47]. da. xlvi 444. 
xlvii 439. son, xlviii 472. da. xlix 538 

— (sir J.) da. xv 158] son &h, 

xvili 194] son, xxii 240} 

— (sir J. T.) da. lv 107 

— (sir T.) son, ix 162] 

(sir fT. M.) son, lit 414 

——_—_-—— (sir T. S. M.) da. xlix 539. 1. 

Stapleton, lady (sir T.) son, ix 161] da. xi 
206] son, xiii 178] 

Starke, Mrs. (maj. R. J.) son, xlviii 464 

Stavordale, lady, da. xv 159] 

Steel, lady (sir R.) son & h, xliv 473 

-—— Mrs. son, xlv 470 

Steele Mrs. T. xxxii 232] 

Stephens, Mrs. (capt. G. H.) son, xlv 472. 
da. xlvi 448 

Stephenson, hon. Mrs. da. xlvi 445 

lady Luey, son, lviii 204 

Steward, lady Henry, son & h. xlv 472. son, 
xlvi 446 

son, xliv 480 

Stewart, hon. Mrs. E. son, 1. 142. iii 145 

wee Keith, son, xxvi 224 

———_ Montgomerie, da, xliv 
480. son, xlviii 470 

day evi 249) 

(brig.-gen.) son, xviii 



Stewart, lady Caro]. son. xlvii 439 a 
—— Kather. da. lix 135 a 
—- M. son, xlvi 447 = 
—-- da. xlii 47. son, xliv 128 ; 
Stillingfleet, lady Sarah, twin da. viii 162] 
Stirling lady (sir J.) son, xl 477 1: 
Stodart, Mrs. (Dr.) twins, li 548 ) 
Stopford, lady M. son, xxxix 59. xliv 480, 9 
da. xlvii 437. xviii 465 4 
viscts, son, viii 162) ; 
a son & h. xxxiii 49] da. lvii 

116 son, lix 135 : 
Stormont, lady, son & h. xix 205] son, xxiii — 
242] xxiv 203] xxvii 210) da. xxxi? 
934] | 
Stourton, hon. Mrs. E. son, lvii 113. da. } 
Iviii 201 | 
lady, da. xxv 230] son, xxix 230]_ 
xxxii 232] 

—————— son, lx 192 
Strachan, Jady (sir Rich.) son & h. lv 105, 
da. Ivi 122. lvii 115 
Mrs. (vice-adm.) da. lvi 122 
Strangeways, hon. Mrs. M. son, liii 146 
Strangford, visets. son & h. Ix 191. da. Ixi 
Strathaven, lady, son & h. xxxiv 40. son, 
xxxvi 42 
Strathmore, counts. da. xi 206] son, xii 167] 
xiv 168] xvi 157] da. xx 218] son, xxv 
Strickland, Mrs. Walter, da. xlviii 466 
Strong, lady, son, 1. 142 
Stronge, lady (sir Jas.) son & h. liii 146 
Mrs. Jas. da. lvi 123 
Strutt, lady C. da. xl 105 
Stuart, hon. Mrs. P. (lieut.-col.) son, Ivi 121. 
da. Ivii 115 
—— lady H- da. xlvii 441. son, 1, 142 
——_—— Jas. da. lxi 108 
(sir Simeon) da. viii 162 
(sir Simeon) da. lix 134 
Mrs. da. xxvi 224] 
viscts. son & h. xlix 538 
Sturt, lady M. A. da. xxxiv 51. son, xxxvii 
49. da. xliii 49 
Sudley, viscts. da. xiii 179] 
Suffolk, counts. da. ix 169] 
son, xxi 218] son & h. xxii 


Sulivan, Mrs. (R. Jos.) son, xxxiii 49] 
xxxvil 49 

Sullivan, hon, Mrs. L. da. lvi 121. son, lvii 

— son, lix 155 

Har. da, xxxvii 49. son, xl 

106. xli 44 

- (sir Rd.) son, xlvi 446 

Sumner, Mrs. G. da. xxxii 232] son, xxxiv 
1. xxxviii 50 

Surrey, counts. son, lx 190 

Sutherland, counts. da. vii 118 

son & h. ‘xxviii 215. 
son, xliii 50. xlv 472 

Suttle, lady, son, xxxix 59 




Sutton, lady (sir Rd.) da, xvii 177] son, xix 

—— Mrs. C. M. son, lvi 122 

(rt. hon. C.) son, lvi 122 

(rear-adm.) da. xlviii 467 

Sweden, queen, son, xxi 218] xxv 231] 

— son & h. xli 44. da. siliii 
50. son & h. xliv 480. da. xlvii 437. xlix 

Swinburne, lady (sir E.) son, ix 169] xi 

Sykes, Mrs. (Christ.) da. xlviii 467 

——— (J.B. D.) da. xlviii 467 

Symes, Mrs. (lieut. col.) da. xlvii 439 

Synge, lady (sir Edw.) da, Jvi 121 


Talbot, counts. da. xliii 50. son, xliv 478. 
xlv 474. xlvii 437. xlviii 466. lii 414. liv 
155. lvi 121. lix 187. lxi 109 

——— hon. Mrs. F. son & h. xvi 157] da. 
xxii 241] son, xxiv 203] xxv 231] 

lady E. da. xxxix 59. son, x] 105. 

xlii 68. da. xlvi 447. son, li 548, lii 154. 

liv 154. lvii 113 

—(rear-adm. sir John) son & h. 
1xi 109 

——-— lady M. da. xlviii 470 

Tancred, lady (sir T.) son, xxiii 242] xxiv 

201. Ix 192 
Tankerville, counts. da. xv 156] xvii 177] 
son, xix 206] xxi 218] da, xxiii 242] xxvi 
225] xxix 280] xxx 226] xxxiii 48] 
Tavistock, marchs. son & h. viii 162] son, 
ix 161] 

da. liv 154. son, viii 

——_——- ——— son, li 547 
Taylor, lady Jane, son, li 547. da. lili 146. 
son, lvyi 123. Ix 191 
Lucy, son, liii 147 
——_—— (sir J.) son, xxii 241. xxvi 226 
—— Mrs. (C. W.) son & h. lix 134 
————-—— (lieut.-col.) son, xlvi 444 
——__—.— (col.) da. xlvii 439 
Teignmouth, lady, da. xliv 477 
Temple, lady, da. vi 124] 
—-—— counts. son, xxxix 58 
—-— lady (sir Gren.) son, xliii 50 
—-— hon. Mrs. son, xxxviii 50 
Templetown, lady, da. xliii 50. son, xliv 
479. da. xlix 537. son, lii 415. lviii 203 
Tennant, hon. Mrs. son, xlviii 467. liv 
Thanet, counts. da. xi 206] son, xiii 178] xx 
Thellusson, Mrs. P. J. twin sons, xl 105 
Thomas, hon. Mrs. da. xlvi 445. xlviii 468. 
son, lvi 122. lviii 206 
—— lady (sir Ben.) da. xvi 157] 
——_ Mrs. J. F. da. xli 43 
Thompson, lady (sir T. B.) son, xliv 479. 
xlvi 444 
Thorne, Mrs, B. son, xiv 167] 
son & h. xvii 178] 
Thornton, Mrs, C. G, da. xlviii 472 

Thornton, bon. Mrs. 

203. lix 135 

— Mrs. H. da. xliii 50. 

480. da. 1. 142 

——— Sam. da. xxxiii 48 

Thorold, lady (sir J.) son, xix 206] xxiv 
203] da. xxvi 224] son, xxix 233] xxxi 

E. son, liv 155. lviit 

son, xliv 

sir J. H. son & h. lviii 202 

Thorpe, lady Susannah, da. xxxiii 49] 

Thurlow, lady, son, vi 123, viii 202. lix 

Mrs. (bp. Durham) da. xxix 230] 
Tichborne, lady (sir H:) son, xxxi 233] 

’'Timson, Mrs. H. da. xxxv 63 

Titchfield, marchs. son & h. xxxviii 50, da. 
x1 105. son, xli 44 

Todd, Mrs. F, da. xlviii 472 

Tollemache, lady Brid. son, xvii 178] 

Tomline, Mrs. W. E. da. liv 154. son, Iv 
105. lvi 121 

Tooke, Mrs. T. son, l. 141. lii 414 

— W. da. 1, 142. 1i 548 

Topp, Mrs. (Rd.) da. xlviii 465 

Torpichen, lady, son, vi 124] 

Torrens, lady (sir H.) da. lvii 113. son, lviii 

Torrington, lady, da. ix 161] xi 206] xvi 

viscts. da. lvii 114. son, Iviii 
204. Ix 191 

Tottenham, lady Robert, (bp. of Killaloe) 
da. lix 134 

Townley, lady, son, vii 118], 

——— Mrs. C. da. xxiii 241] 

Townsend, hon, Mrs. T. son, vii 118] da. 
viii 162] son, xi 207] da. xv 156] xvi 
159] xxiii 241] 

— lady, son, xxvii 249 

Mrs. C. da. xxv 231] son, xxix 
229] xxxi 232] da. xxxvii 49 

Townshend, lady, son, xii 167] da. xviii 
193] son, xxi 218] 

—_——_Mrs. J. T. da. xxxiv 50 

Towry, Mrs. (capt.) son, xlv 473 

Trapaud, Mrs. F. P. son, xlviii 466 

Traquair, counts. son, xxiti 203] xxvii 210] 

Trelawney, lady (sir H.) son & h, xxiii 


Tremayne, Mrs. (J. H.) son, Ix 190 

Trevelion, lady (sir J.) son, xiii 178] 

Trimbleston, lady A. da. lviii 203. son, Ix 

Trollope, lady (sir J.) da. xli 43] son & h. 
xlii 47] da. xlv 471. xlvi 446. xlix 537. 
son, lvi 122. lix 135 

Trotter, lady R. son & h, lyiit 203 

——— Mrs. Coutts da. li 547 

Trowbridge, lady (sir T.) son, Ix 193 

Tuckington, Mrs. Jas. da. xlvi 443 

Tuekit, hon. Mrs. son, lix 135 

— G. J. da. Ix 191 

Tudway, Mrs. J. P. da. xlix 537 

Tufnell, Mrs, W. son, xlviii 471 

Turner, lady (sir C.) da, xxv 231] 




Turner, lady (sir G. P.) son, xxxi 233] 
xxxiii 49} 

———— (sir J.) son, xxxviii 50 

———— Mrs. Edm. da. xlvi 443 a 

Turnour, Mrs. (hon. and rev. A.) son, lvii 

—— hon. Mrs. E. J. son, xlvi 447. da. 
xlviii 467. li 547. 1ii 415. son, lv 105 

Mrs. Edm. son, li 547 
viscts. da. xxv 231] son, xxvii 209] 

da. xxvii 250] son, xxix 229] 

son &h, lii414. da. liii 146 

Turton, lady (sir T’.) da. xxxviii 50 

Tuscany, duchs. da. x 169] son, xii 167] 
son, xv 156] xvii 178] xviii 205] da: xx 
217] son, xxii 241] da. xxiii 242] son, 
xxvi 226] xxx 225] da. 2b. 225] 

Tweedale, marchs. da. xxxiv 50. son, xxxv 
62. xlii 47 

—— da. lix 134. Ix 191. Ixi 


Twining, Mrs. R. da. xlviii 468 
T. son & h, xlviii 472 
Twisden, lady (sir R.) da. xxiii 241] 
son, liv 154 
Twisleton, hon. Mrs, J. T. da. xxxi 233] 
T. J. xii 44. da. xlv 



Mrs. sop, xii 167] 

Twopenny, Mrs. twin da. xxxiv 62 

Tynte, Mrs. C. K. da. xlviii 468 

Tyreonnel, lady, son, xx 217] son & h, xxv 

Tyrell, Mrs. (Tim.) son, lii 414 

Tyril, lady (sir J.) da. viii 161] 

Tyrone, counts. son, xv 156] 

Tyrrel, lady, da. yi 124} 

Valentia, viscts. da. xv 156] 

Vallancey, Mrs. (lieut.-gen.) son, xlv 275 

Valletort, viscts. da.fxxxiii 49] xxxiv 51] 

Vandeleur, lady I. da. xliv 477 

Vane, hon. Mrs. da vii 118] 

lady (sir F. F.) da. xliv 477 

—— C. son, xix 207] 

Vanneck, hon. Mrs. son & h. lv. 106. da, 
lviii 204 

Vansittart, hon. Mrs. da, xvii 178] son, xxii 

———_— son, lvi 122 

Varreux, counts. da. xlvi 488 

Vavassour, Jady (sir H. M.) son & h. lvi 
122. da. lviii 203 

——— Mrs. (maj.-gen.) son 

Vaughan, hon. Mrs. da. xxxvii 50 

a —(col.) son, xli 43. xlv 

———- — J. da. xlvii 438. lii 
414. son, liii 146. da. lv 105 

Mrs, (serj.) son & h. li 547 

Vere, lady E. Hope, twin da. lviii 202 

Verelst, Mrs. (gov.) da. xix 205] 

Vernon, hon. Mrs. Venables, da. xi 206} 

roe lady, da, xxx 225] xxxi 232] 

& h. li 

Vernon, lady, A. da. xxxv 63 

a (bp. Carlisle) son, x1 106 — 

Verulam, counts. son, lviii 203. 1x 192 : 

Vesey, Mrs. (maj.) da. xxxix 59 

Villiers, hon. Mrs, G. son, xliii 49. xliv 477 
da. xlv 471. son, xlvii 437. 1. 141. lix 1385— 

——-——— J. da.’ xliv 126 

Vincent, lady (sir F.) son, xxiii 242] da. 

xxxi 233] 
—_—-—- son & h. xlv 471 
Vivian, lady (maj.-gen. sir H.) da. Ivii 


Uxbridge, counts. da. lvii 114 

Vyner, lady Theod. M. son, xxxi 233] da. 
xlvi 442 

Vyse, Mrs. (capt.) son, lv 107 

—- (It.-major Howard) lix 134 

Wake, lady (sir W.) da. xiii 178] xvi 157] 
son, xviii 194] 

—_———— son & h. xxxiii 49] 

——- da. lvii 113 

Waldegrave, counts. da. xxvii 249] son, 

xxix 230] da. xxxi 234] 

son, lviii 201. da. 190 

——— hon. Mrs. de. lv 106. son, lviii 
202. lix 136 

Wale, lady (sir C.) da. lviii 202. son, lix 

Wales, princes. da. xxxviii 49 

Walker, lady Mary, son, vii 118] da. xvii 

Walmoden, baroness, da. xiv 166] 

Walmsley, Mrs. C. son, xlviii 470 

Walpole, hon. Mrs, R. da. viii 162] xix 

oe son & h. xxvi 225] 

lady, da. xxvi 225] 

—— son, lv 105. lx 191 

—— Marg. da. xlvi 447. son, 
xlvii 441 

Walter, lady M. son, xii 167] 

Ward, hon. Mrs. (col.) son, xlviii 470 

——— lady Arab. da. xlii 47 

—-— Mrs. Rt. son, xlvii 438 

Warde, Mrs. St. A. son, xlviii 473 

Wardlaw, lady A. son, lv 106. da. Ix 191 

Warneford, hon. Mrs. da. xlv 474 

Warr, counts. de la, son, lix 134, da. Ix 

Warren, lady (sir J. Borl.) son & hb. xxv 
231] da. xxviii 215] xxxii 251) 

Warwick, counts. son, xxii 240] xxiii 242] 
da. xxix 230] 

— — son & h, Ix 191 

Waterford, marchs. da. xlix 538. son, liii 
145. lvi 122. lvii 114. Iviii 203. da. Ix 

Watson, hon. Mrs. da. xxix 229] 

Se Lewis, da. xxxii 232] 

son, Xxxiv 50 

— lady, da. xxxix 58 
——_—__.— (sir C.) da. x] 105. xiii 49 
Webb, lady, da. vi 124] son, x 170] 
~~ la xliy 126 

Webster, lady F. W. son, lvii 115 

————-- (sir Godf.) son, lviii 203. da. 

1x 190 

Wedderburn, lady (sir Dav.) son, xlvi 447 
ilbourgh (Nassau) princs. da. vii 118] 

viii 162] 

eel, bon. Mrs. da. lix 136 

Wellesley, lady (sir Arth.) son & h. xlix 

_ 587. son, xlix 539 

Ps C. son, xlvi 446 

Em, son, xlvi 446. da. xlviii 

- Mrs. T. L. P. son & h. ly 106, 
son, lvii 115. da. lx 191 p 
ellington, hon. Mrs. da. liii 146. son & h. 
— Iv 106. da. lx 191 j 
‘Wellman, hon. Mrs. son, lvii 113 
emyss, lady E. son, x 170] 
counts. da. lviii 201 

erninck, hon. Mrs. son, liii 145. da. liv 
~ 154. son, lvi 121. lix 115 
Westmeath, counts. da. xlvii 439 
—_— -— son & h. Ix 193 
‘Westmoreland, counts. da. xv 156] son, 
_ xxvii 209] xxvii 249] da. xxxv 62. xilili 
- 49. son, xliv 477. xlvii 440 
Weymouth, viscts. da. vi 124] son & h. viii 
161] da. x 170] xi 207] xii 167] son, xiii 
_ 178) xv 157] da. xxi 218] | 

heatley, Mrs. (lieut.-col.) da. xlvii 439 

hichcote, lady (sir T.) da. xxviii 215] 

son, xxix 230] da. xxx 226] son, xxxiv 
«+50. xxxvi 43. da. xxxviii 50, xlv 472. 
"son, xlviii 464 

son, lii 414 : 
—— Soph. da. lvii 115. lix 

‘Whitbread, Mrs. Sam, son, xxxi 233] xxxviii 

White, Mrs. (maj.-gen. F.) son, liii 146 

M. son, liv 156. lv 107 

W. da. xxxv 62 

— three da. xlv 475 

- Whiteford, lady, son, vii 118] 

——___________ (sir J.) son, xviii 194] 

_ Whitmore, Mrs. I’. son, ly 106 

_ Whitshed, Mrs. (vice-adm.) da. xlvii 440 

_ Whitsfoord, Mrs. (col.) son, 1, 142 

_ Wigley, Mrs. Edm. da. xxxix 59. xliii 50 

Wigram, lady (sir Rt.) son, xlviii 472. da. 

liv 154 

/ ——— Mrs. (col. R.) son, xlv 474 

‘ — Rt. son & h. lv 106. da. lvii 
114, lviii 203 

Wigton, counts. da. xv 156] 

Wilberforce, Mrs. W. son, xliv 480. xlvii 

Wilbraham, lady A. son, lvii 114 

Wild, Mrs. (col.) son, xlv 472 

Wilder, Mrs. (maj.-gen.) da. lvi 123 

Williams, lady (sir Rt.) da. xlv 473. son, li 
547. da. liv 155. son, lix 137 

——- Mrs. R. da. lv 107 

Williamson, lady (sir Hedworth) da. xlv 

Pant II, 



Willoughby de Brooke, lady, son, vi 124] 
da. xii 167] son, xvii 178] xx 218] da. 
xxi 218] 

—— of Erésby, lady, son & h. xxv 
230] da. xxxii 231] 

—————. Jady (sir C.) da, xlvi 448. xlviii 

———— Mrs. H. da, lviii 201. son, lix 

Willyams, Mrs. (rev. Cooper) son, xlviii 

Wilmot, lady (sir R. M.) son, I. 142 

Wilmot, Mrs. J. son, xxvi 224] 

Wilson, hon. Mrs. son, xxxi 233] 

——— lady (sir T. M.) son, xlvi 444. da. 
xl vii 440 

————_ (sir Rt.) son, xlvii 439. liv 

———— son & h. Ix 193 

——— Mrs. (rear-adm.) da. xlvi 442. viii 

—————— son, xxiii 242] 

Wilton, lady, son, xlv 475 

Winchester, marchs. son, xliii 50. xliv 479. 
xlv 473. xlvi 446, da. xlvii 440. xlviii 
472. son, lii 414 

Windham, Mrs. W. da. xlviii 466 

Wingfield, lady C. son, xli 43. da. xliv 480. 
xlvi 446 

Winn, hon. Mrs. son, 1. 142. da. lvi 122. son, 
lviii 202 

lady Allanson, da. xxx 226] 

—-— Mrs. (hon. Baron) xii 167] 

Winnington, lady (sir T.) son, lvi 121 

’ Winterton, counts. son, xii 167] da. xxv 

———— son, xxxiv 50. xxxviii 
56 ¢ 
Wirtemberg, prines. da. xxvi 224] xxvii 
209] xxvii 248] 
—— duchs. da. xl 105 
Wiseman, lady (sir W.) son, lviii 201 da. 
lix 137 
Wodehcuse, hon, Mrs. J. da. xlvii 438 
—_——_———_—— son, lvi 122 
————— lady (sir Alex.) xii 168] 
Wolfe, lady (sir Jac.) da. x 170] xiv 168 
Wollaston, Mrs. (rev. H. J.) son, xlviii 471 
Wolseley, lady (sir R.) son, xviii 193 
Wombwell, lady A: son, xxxiv 50 
Wood, lady Caroline, da. xliv 127. 
A44, lyi 123. lviii 202. lix 137 
(sir F. L.) son & h. xli 43. son, 
xlii 48. da. xlv 479 
Woodley, Mrs. W. son & h. xxxv 62 
Worcester, marchs. son & h. xxxiv 50. son 
ab. 51. xliv 478 
Worseley, lady (sir R.) da. xxiv 204] 
Wortley, lady Carol. Stewart, son, xliii 49. 
da. xly 274. son, xlvii 439. da. li 547 
Wraxall, Mrs. N. W. son, xxxiv 51 
Wrottesley, lady Caroline, da, lvi 121. son, 
xlix 538. da. lx 199 
——_ (sir J.) son & h. xiv 168] 
oo >= ON, lii 414 


son, xlvi 




Wurtemburg, prines. son, xiii 178] xv 156] 

Wykham, Mrs. P. 'T. da. xlviii 470 

Wyndham, Mrs. T. son, xxxiv 51 

Wynn, lady Harr. W. da. Ix 192 

(sir Rowl.) son & h, xviti 194] | 

Wynne, lady, son, xv 156] xvi 159] xviit— 
194] da. xx 217] xxii 240] xxiii 242] © 
son, xxvi 225] xxviii 215] 

——— hon. Mrs. H. W. da. lvi 124 

——— Mrs. C. W. da. liv 155 

———oo W. W. da. xlix 537 

Wynyard, Mrs. Montagu, son, xlvi 445 

Yarde, Mrs. F. B. da. xxxv 62 

Yarmouth, counts. son & h xlii 47 ; 
Yeo, lady (sir W. W.) son, 1. 141. lvi 121. 
da. lvii 113 
Yellowly, Mrs. J. da, lit 414 
York, hon. Mrs. son, xliv 476 
Yorke, bon. Mrs. C. son & h. xi 206] 
lady E. da. xxvi 225] xxxi 252] 
(sir Jos.) son & h. xlvii 439. da. 
liii 147 

Mrs. Phil. da, xix 206] son & h. 
xxvii 209] 

Young, Mrs. (adm.) da. lvii 113 

————-~— (capt.) son, xlii 471 

— (maj.) son, xviii 470 


Appy, sir J. to miss Gordon, xix 207] 

—— W. to daughter of marq. Wellesley, 
xl viii 482 

Abercorn, marq. to lady Cec. Hamilton, 
Xxxiv 52 

Abercrombie, G. to miss Dundas, xli 44 

= —— hon. Jas. to miss Leigh, xliv 

—— Rt. to Eliz. Douglas, lviii 
Aberdeen, earl, to lady Cath. Hamilton, 
xlvii 447 
Abernethy, J. to Susan Harris, xlviii 478 
Abingdon, earl, to miss Warren, xi 208] 
to Emily Gage, xlix 540 
Abney, W. Wotton, to miss Richardson, 
xivui 476 
Aboyne, earl, to lady M. Douglas, xvii 179] 
Acheson, Arth. to miss Pole, xvii 179] 
aie hon. col. to miss Sparrow, xlvii 

eae capt. G. to miss Acklam, xlviii 
C 2 

Ackland, sir T.D. te miss Hoare, 1. 144 
Rt. to Caroline Tyler, lix 139 

sir J. Palmer, to Martha Gibbes, 

Ix 194 
ie Peter, to miss M, C. Topham, xlvii 
ae T. to da. of earl Dehester, xiii 
A’Court, W. A. to Maria Bouverie, }. 145 
Adam, W. to miss Elphinstone, xx 220] 
ae J. Quincy, to miss Johnson, xxxix 
——— maj. G. B. to miss Lovelace, xlvi 
— W. D. to miss Mayow, xlvi 449 
——— F. to miss M. S. Manly, xlix 541 
aT: Dr. to Mary Anne Cockayne, liii 
8 : 
Adderley, Chas. Clem. to Anna Maria Har- 
topp, liii 148 
Affleck, sir Edm. to Mrs. Smithers, xxx 
Age, hon, and rev. miss Flower, xxxiv 

Agar, hon. C. B. to miss Hunt, xlvi 453 

Agar, capt. to Marg. Lind, liii 149 

Agnew, sir Stair, to miss Nasmith, xviii 

sir Andr. to Madelene Carnegie, tviii 

Aghrim, lord, to miss Munter, xxxi 235} 

Aked, W. to miss Faweit, xix 210} 

Albemarle, earl, to miss Miller, xiii 180] 

to hon. miss Southwell, 

xxxiv 52 

Aldborough, earl, to miss Henniker, xxix 

Alexander, James, to hon. Mrs. Bruce, lv 

Allcock, maj. T. to Carol. St. Leger, xliv 481 

Allen, J. to lady F. Turnour, xlviii 488 

—— Hensleigh, to Gertrude Seymour, liv 
161 ; 

Altamont, earl, to hon, Louisa Howe, xxix 

Althorp, lord, to miss Bingham, xxiv 204] 

Althorpe, viset. to Esther Acklom, lvi #25 

Amcote, sir Wharton, to miss Am. Camp- 
bell, xlii 49 

Amherst, sir Jeff. to miss Cary, x 171] 

lord, to counts, Plymouth, xlii 


Amos, Jas. to mrs. Mitchell, 1. 143 
Amyand, sir G. to miss Cornwall, xiv 169] 
Amyott, Thos. to miss Colman, xlviii 477 
Ancram, earl, to lady H. Hobart, xxxv 63 
——— to lady H. Montague, xviii 


Anderson, rev. sir C. to miss Nelthorpe, 
xliv 484 

Andover, lord, to miss Coke, xxxviii 52 

to hon. miss Dutton, xlv 

Anderson, sir J. C. to Caroline Shaw, lvii 
Angerstein, J. to miss Lock, xlv 46 
Anghrim, viset. to miss Eden, xlii 49 
Anglesea, earl, to hon. miss Lyttleton, x 
Angus, Mr, to miss Treadway, xviii 197 
Annesley, hon. Mr. to miss Grove, ix 162] 

Annesley, hon, G. to hon. miss Courtenay, 
xxxii 234] 

— capt. M. J. to miss Smith, xlv 

- —— W. to miss E. F. Reynell, xlviii 

_ -——— hon. Arth. to Eliz. Mahon, lvii 


- F. C. to Mary Radcliffe, lv 
_ Anson, lieut.-col. to lady C. Primrose, sxlii 

sir W. to Louisa Dickenson, Ivii 116 
visct. to hon. Cath. Phillips, Ixi 

110 | 

eh, margrave, to lady Craven, xxxiii 
_ Anstruther, lieut.-gen. to lady B. Ogilvie, 
viii 163] 
Mr. to miss Pattersou, xxi 219] 
sir J. to Jessie Dowan, lix 137 
q ‘Apsley, lord, to Georgina Lennox, xxxi 
_ Arabine, capt. W. to miss Molyneux, xx 
_ d’Aragon, chev. to miss Mitchell, xlvi 449 
_ Arbucle, Jas. to lady Soph. Jocelyn, xl 
S 6107 

Arbuthnot, visct. to miss Ogilvy, xlvii 446 
r rt. hon. C, to Har, Fane, lvi 

Arden, Rd. Pepper, to miss Wilbraham 
Bootle, xxvii 211] 

lord, to miss Wilson, xxix 230] 

rev. oy, to miss Hamar, xviii 197] 

-d’Arembers, duke, to madlie. Lauragais, 
xvi 159) 

_ Armestead, W. to miss E. Godfrey, li 549 

_ Armstrong, C. to miss Wood, xlvi 449 

—— G. to Mar. Swymmer, xIviii 


Armytage, sir G. to miss Harbord, xxvi 

to miss Bowles, xxxiii 

' 52) 

Arran, earl, to miss Underwood, xxiii 243] 

Arthur, T. to miss Smith, xlv 476 

‘Arundel, lord, to miss Conquest, vi 125] 

——— sir J. toSarah Ame Sharpe, xliii 51 

—.— hon. capt. to lady M. Grenville, 
liii 147 

Arundell, Jas. Ever. to hon. miss Arundell, 

xxvii 250] 

 Asgill, sir C. to miss Ogle, xxxii 233] 

_ Ashbrook, visct. to miss Friend, xliv 481 

Kk to Emily Theop. Metcalfe, 

Be liv 59 
Ashburton, lord, 

_—-xivii 448 

_ Ashby, Harry, to miss Bell, xiviii 491 
Ashford, Mr. to miss Bechinal, xlvi 453 
Ashley, ’hon. Cropley, to lady A. Spencer, 

XXxvill 52 
C, Gordon, to hon. Jane Newcomen, 

to miss Cunningham, 


Ix 193 



Ashurst, sir W. to miss Whalley, xv 157] 

W. Hi. to miss Mosley, xlviii 491 

Ashworth, maj. gen. to Mary Anne Rooke, 
Ix 139 

Astley, F. D. to miss Buckler, xviii 200] 

J. to miss Browne, xxxi 235] 

sir Jacob, to Car. Geor. Dashwood, 
lxi 110 

Aston, sir Willoughby, to lady J. Henley, xv 

hon. and rev. Walt. to miss Hames, 
xliv 482 
Athlone, earl, to miss Hope, Ix 139 
Athol, duke, to lady J. Catheart, xvii 183] 
————— to lady Macleod, xxxvi 43 
Atkins, J. to miss Barnaby, xlv 479 
E. M. Atkins, to Anne Cook, xlviii 

Atkinson, Jos. to Sarah George, liii 147 

Atty, capt. to Harr. Whichcote, xlix 541 

Aubrey, Rd. to miss Digby, xxiii 243] 

J. to miss Carter, xxvi 228} 

Audley, lord, to miss Delavel xxiv 205] 

to Mrs. Moorhouse, xxxiv 52 

Aust, G. to hon. Mrs. Murray, xlv 479 

Austin, John, to Mrs. Collier, xlviii 486 

Awsiter, Rt. to miss Crowther, xlviii 486 

Aylesbury, earl, to lady A. Rawdon, xxx 

Aylesford, earl, to hon. Louisa Thynne, xxiv 

Aylmer, lord, to miss Whitworth, xvii 178] 

——_—_—— to Louisa Call, xliii 52 

——— col. to miss Harrison, xlix 439 

Babington, T. G. hon. Aug. Jul. Noel, lvi 

Bacon, sir Edm, to miss Beauchamp, xxi 

Baddeley, maj. J. to miss Smith, xl vii 443 

Bagot, Rd. to hon. miss Howard, xxvi 227] 

lord, to hon. miss Fitzroy, xli 45 

hon. to miss Pole, xlviii 453 

hon. and rey. to lady Harr. Villiers, 

xlviii 491 

lord, to ladv Louisa Legge, xlix 539 

Bailey, lieut. col. to miss Silke, xlvii 446 

—— capt. W. W. to Mary Hibertson, 
xl viii 485 

Builivant, P. to Anne Hussey Coles, xlviii 

Baillie, John, to Anne Wilson, xlviii 483 

Baird, lieut. col. to hon. miss T'onson, xliv 

Baird, capt. to miss Dixon, li 549 

Baker, sir Fred. to Harr. Simeon, lvi 125 

G. to Mary A. Andrewes, liy 158 

rey. G. Aug. to Soph. Sherston, liv 

H. H. to hon. miss Ingram, xxxi 

J. to lady St. Aubin, xxv 233] 
Rd. to miss Trafford, xxxix 60 
W. to miss Conyers, xviii 199] 
Balcarras, earl, to miss Dalrymple, xxiii 




Balders, C. M. to hon. miss Hare, xlv 479 

Baldwin, capt. to miss Baker, xxxix 61 

Rt. to Maria Baldwin, xlviii 458 

Baldwyn, C. to mrs. Palmer, xviii 196] 

Balfour, James, to lady Elean. Maitland, 
lvii 116 

Balgonie, lord, to miss Thornton, xxvii 

Ball, lieut. to miss Hamilton, xviii 201] 

Ballendon, lord, to Mrs. Cuming, xxix 231] 

Balston, W. to miss Valance, xlviii 435 

Baltimore, lord, to miss Caldwell, xxxvi 43 

Bampfylde, C. W. to miss Moore, xix 208] 

Banbury, earl, to Charl. Blackwell, xxxvii 

Banks, Jas. to Mary Barnard, |. 143 

Bantry, lord, to miss Hare, xlii 48 

Barclay, sir Robt. to madame de Cronstadt, 
xliv 482 

——_—— G. P. to Maria Boulton, lii 413 

Barham, Jos. F. to lady Car. Tufton, xxxiv 
53 4 

Bariatinsky, prince, to hon. miss Dutton, 
xlviii 477 

Baring, H. to miss Bingham, xliv 482 

Barker, sir Rt. to miss Holloway, xxii 242] 

— J. Fisher, to miss Watson, xlviii 

Barlow, Fras. to lady C. Brabazon, xli 45 

Hugh, to miss Crespigny, xxxiii 


— capt. J. to miss Knott, xviii 198 

Barmont, rev. C. Drake, to lady Boynton, 
xlvii 444 

Barnard, lord, to lady Cath. Powlet, xxix 

gs rey. T. to hon. Sarah St. John, lvii 

Baron, capt. to miss Heron, xi 208] 

Barrett, rev. J. to miss Slade, li 550 

Barrington, Fitzw. to miss Marshall, xxxi 

—+~———— hon. and rev. Dr. Shute, to 
miss Guise, xvii 180] 

Barrymore, earl, to Jady Am. Stanhope, x 

ene to miss Coghlan, xxxvii 50 
Bastard, J. P. to miss Martin, li 549 
— capt. John, to Frances Wade, lix 
Bateman, J. to counts. Ross, xiii 181] 
Rowl. to miss Denny, xxxii 234] 
Bates, capt. to Harr. Smith, xlviii 476 
Bathurst, capt. to miss Ashby, xiii 181] 
Ben. to miss Call, xlvii 445 
capt. to Marianne Wood, 1}. 143 
col. to lady Cath. Stewart, Ivii 116 
Baugh, capt. T. P. to miss Scott, li 549 
Bayland, rey. J. to miss Clarke, xlix 639 
Bayly, capt, P. to miss Colepeper, xxxiii 
02 . 

C. N. to lady Sarah Villiers, xli 46 
Baynes, sir Edw. to miss Lambert, xl 107 
Bayntun, And. to lady M. Coventry, xx 220] 
Beadon, Rd, to miss A’Court, xlyii 440 

Beamish, W. to hon. M. de Courcy, lvi 126 

Beauchamp, lord, to miss Windsor, xi 207] 

——_—__—_——-to lady J. A. J. Shepheard, 
xix 209] 

-—— W. H. to miss Davis, xxxii 

Beauclerk, hon. Aub. to lady Cath. Pon; 
sonby, vi 125] 

to lady Diana Spencer, 
xi 208] 
——— and rev. H. to miss Drum- 
mond, xiii 179] 
—— lord W. to Carter Thelwall, 
xxxiii 51] 

——————. to miss Nelthorpe, 
xli 45 
— Fred. to Charl. Dillon, Iv 

Beaufort, duke, to miss Boscawen, ix 162] _ 
Beevor, rey. Miles, to miss Beevor, xxxiil 

Thos. to miss Hare, xxxvii 52 

Becher, W. Wrixon, to miss O'Neill, xli 

Becket, John, to lady A. Lowther, lix 137 

Beckford, W. to lady Marg. Gordon, xxvi 

—— Horace, to miss Rigby, 1]. 143 

Beckwith, sir T. Sidney, to Mary Douglas, 
lix 188 

Bedford, duke, to lady G. Gordon, xlv 477 

Bedingfield, sir Rd. to miss Jerningham, 
xxxvii 51 

Belfast, earl, to miss May, xxxvii 52 

Beleeve, viset. to hon. miss Egerton, xxxvi 


to hon. lady Eliz. M. L. 
Gower, Ixi 112 

Belhaven, lord, to miss Campbell, vii 119 

Bell, Jas. to hon. Louisa Fitzroy, xxxii 54 

Bellamount, earl, to lady Em. Fitzgerald, 
xvii 181] 

Bellasis, G. H. to miss Maude, xlvii 449 

Bellasyse, lord, to miss Lamb, ix 162] 

reise W. to miss Cholmondeley, xxvi 

Belocher, J. to lady J. Leslie, xviii 200] 

sr a earl, to miss Bloomfield, xviil 

——__—_——-—- to miss M‘Coy, xlv 479 

Bempdé, R. J. V. to miss Scott, xxxvii 50 

Bennet, hon. J. Astley, to miss Conyers, liii 

— R. Grey, to miss Russell, lviii 


Benson, rey. E. B. to lady F. A. Sandys, 
xxvi 228] 

Bent, Dr. to Frances Heathcote, liv 161 

Bentinck, lord C, to miss Seymour, 1. 145 

Charles, to lady Abdy, lviii 


—— Edward, to miss Cumberland, 
xxv 233] 

W. to hon. Aug, Pierrepoint, xliv 





Bentinck, lord W. C. to hon. miss Acheson, 

xlv 476 
Bentley, Rd. to Jas. Hannam, xlviii 486 

y Bere, M. B. B. to miss Leigh, xlvi 449 

Beresford, lord G. to Harr. Schulz, 1, 146 

—— hon. J. to miss Montgomery, xvii 
_ 180] 
sir J. P. to Har, Eliz. Pierse, lvii 

Marcus, to lady F. A. Leeson, 

xxxiii 50] 
rev. W. to lady A. Bennett, xlvi 

Berkeley, Aug. Fitzh, to Mary King, lvii 

sir G. H. to miss Sutton, lvii 117 
hon. J. C. to Charl, Lenox, xxvii 

Berkely, John, to miss Compton, xvi 160] 
Bernal, Ralph, to Anne E. White, xlviii 477 
Bernard, visct. to lady Soph. Poulett, li 550 
sir Thomas, to Charl. Mat. Hulse, 
lvii 117 
——— Thos. Tyringham, to Soph. Charl. 
Williams, Ixi 111 
Bernes, Jas. to miss Hulse, xv 158] 
Berney, sir J. to hon. miss Neville, xxii 
Berrendale, lord, to miss Leizh, lv 109 

_ Bertie, lord Brownlow, to miss Layard, xii 

Bertram, W. to miss Lockhart, xx 221] 
Berwick, lord, to Soph. Dubochet, liv 157 
Best, sir W. to miss Jackson, xi 208] 
Bethel, Christoph. to miss Sandys, xi 208] 
Bettersworth, J. to miss Reynolds, xviii 
ermine capt. to lady Han. Grey, xlix 
Beyrogh, Edw. J. to hon. miss French, lii 
413 y 
Bevan, Fred. to miss Buxton, xlviii 475 
Biddulph, Rt. to miss Middleton, xliii 52 
Bigland, Ralph, to miss Lerimer, xlviii 479 
te hon, to lady E. Bellasyse, xxxvi 
Binning lord, to lady Soph. Hope, xxii 241] 
to lady M. Parker, xiiv 483 
Birch, rev. C. to miss A. Seymour, xxiv 


—— Dr. to miss Gordon, xlvi 449 

——— lieut.-col. to Ethelred A. Reynard- 
son, xlviii 480 

Bishop, sir Cecil, to miss Southwell, xxv 

Bishopp, H. to miss Badcock, xliy 481 

capt. to lady C. Townshend, xlvii 

Bissell, Austin, to miss Eykyn, xlvi 449 
Bisson, chevalier, to miss Burdett, lii 413 
Biven, W. to Charl. Hodson, xlviii 489 
Blachford, J. to Anne Grattan, lvi 124 
Blackburne, J. Ireland, to miss Bamford, 
liii 148 
Blackett, gov, to miss Brownjohn, xix 208] 

Blackford, R. P. to miss Barrington, xxi 

Blackwood, hon. H. to miss Gore, xlv 477 

sir Jas. to hon. miss Foster, xliii 


Blair, sir Day. Hunter, to miss Mackenzie, 
lv 108 

Lambert, to miss Stopford, li 550 

Blake, sir miss Phipps, xxxi 237] 

Blanchford, 1B. Pope, to lady Isab. Fitzroy, 
liv 160 

Blandford, marq. to lady S. Stewart, xxxiii 

Blaney, lord, to miss Tipping, xi 267] 

— to lady Jane Stewart, Ixi 


Blantyre, lord, to Fanny Rodney, lv 108 

Blaquiere, sir J. to miss Dobson, xviii 200] 

— hon. col. W. to lady Harr, 
Townshend, liii 150 

hon. Peter Boyle, to Eliza 
Roper, Ix 194 

Blayney, lord, to hon, miss Alexander, 
XXX villi 52 

Bleadon, John, to miss Mead, xlviii 482 

Blencowe, Rt. to miss Robinson, xxxi 237] 

Blenkarne, rev. Jas. to G, S, L’Heureux, 
xviii 481 

Bligh, Thos. to lady Theod. Bligh, xxxii 

hon. col. W. to lady Soph. Stewart, 

xl viii 482 

Rd. to Eliz. Bligh, lix 140 

Blonder, T. D. to da. of lord Stourton, liv 

Blois, C. to miss Price, xxxi 234] 

sir J. to miss Thornhill, vi 124] 

to miss Ottley, xv 157] 

Blount, sir Chas. Burrell, to Elvira Blount, 
xliii 52 

Henry, to Eliza Petre, lix 138 

sir Walt. to miss Riddell, xxxiv 54 

Bloxam, W. to miss Burnett, xlv 476 

Blunden, sir J. to miss Helsham, liv 157 

Blunt, R. C. to miss E. F. Mercer, 1i 550 

— — sir Walt. to hon. miss Aston, ix 163] 

— — Walter, to miss Gatehouse, xvii 181] 

Bode, baron de, to miss Kynnersley, xviii 

Boddam, R. H. to miss Tudor, xxxiii 50] 

Boevey, T. Crawley, to A. Page, xlix 540 

Bolland, W. to Eliz. Bolland, lii 413 

Bolton, Henry, to miss Raymond, xvii 152] 

capt. sir W. to miss Bolton, xlv 477 

lord, to hon. Mat. Carleton, lii 412 

Bonaparte, Louis, to madame Beauharnois, 
xliv 481 

Bonar, T. to lady Gascoigne, xlix 541 

Bond, T. to miss Bewicke, xxiv 205 
to miss Read, xlv 476 

Wm. to miss Pottinger, xlviii 491 

Bondell, baron, to miss Devisme, viii 163] 

Bonnel, W. F. to Anna Collins, |. 146 

Boothby, capt. W. to miss Jenkinson, xlvii 


Bootle, Edw. Wilbraham, to miss Taylor, 
xxxviii 51] 

Boringdon, lord, to lady Aug. Fane, xlvi 

to miss Talbot, li 550 

Borsse, maj.-gen. to Mary Anne Woodham, 
lvii 116 : 

Borthwick, lord, to miss Drummond, xvii 

Bosanquet, Jas. to mrs. Grady, xxxii 234] 

Boscawen, hon. and rev. J. E. to Cath. E. 
Annesley, vi 125 A 

— W. to miss C. Ibbetson, xxviii 


Bouchier, gov. to miss Foley, xviii 196} 

Bover, Thos. to hon. miss Seymour, xxvil 

Boultbee, Jos. M. to lady Eliz. Townshend, 
lvii 117 

Bourke, hon. Jos. to miss Gardiner, xli 45 

— and rey. Rd. to Fran. Fowler, 
xxxvii 50 

Bourne, W. S. to Anne Bowles, 1. 143 

Bouverie, rt. hon, Mr. to lady Lucy Graham, 
xx 223] 

—— hon. B. to miss Arundell, xxii 


—— Mr. to lady Cath. Murray, 

xxv 232] 

——__——_——- Edw. to miss A. Ogle, xxvii 

— D. P. to miss L. May, li 

——— rey. Edw. to Fran, Charl. Courte- 
nay, liii 150 

—hon. and rey. Fred. Pleydell, to 

Eliz. Sullivan, lvi 124 

——— Phil. P. to Maria A’Court, 
liii 150 

Bowdler, rev. T. to Pheebe Cotton, xviii 

——— Thos. to Mrs. Trevenen, xlviii 

Bowen, lieut. C. to miss Hardy, xlvi 451 

Bowes, col. to miss Johnson, xlvii 445 

hon. G. to miss Thornhill, xlvii 446 

Bowles, rev. to miss Hales, xiii 180] 

Bowles, H. B. to mrs. Aickin, xlviii 475 

—~ W. to miss Frankland, xxii 241] 

Bowyear, T. Kynwood, to mrs. Le Geyt, 
xl viii 487 

Bowyer, Mr. to lady Downing, xi 209] 

—— sir W. to miss Baker, xix 211] 

—-——_-——. G. to miss Donelas, |. 146 

Boyce, H. P. lady Am. Soph. Spencer, liv 

Boyd, J. to miss Harley, xxvii 210} 

—— Jas. to miss Douglas, xliv 481 

——— sir J. to Harriet Boyd, lx 194 

Boyle, visct. to miss Ponsonby, vi 125] 

Boynton, sir Griff. to miss Heblethwaite, xi 

wore FB. to miss Bucktrout, lyii 117 

to miss Parkhurst, xxxii 


Boys, W. to Eliza Sayer, xlviii 489 

Bracebridge, W. to miss Holte, xviii 199] 

Bradford, sir T. to mrs. Ainslie, lx 194 

ah igus T. Gord. to miss Blaauw, xxxviii 

Bramwell, G. to miss Bidwell, xlviii 491 

rl hon. H. to miss Pyne Crosbie, xlviii 

T. to miss Roper, xiv 168] 
Tapadan, —— to miss De Symmonds, xlviii 
Breadalban, earl, to miss Gavin, xxxv 63 
Brent, John, to Susan Kingsford, xlix 540 
Bridges, sir J. to miss Elliot, viii 163 

ae Brook, to hon. miss Fowler, viii 

B. W. to miss Foote, xlii 49 
Brook W, to miss Hawley, li 

——-— rev. B. H. to Jane Hales, xxxvii 51 
Bridgeman, Orlando, to hon. miss Byng, 
xxx 227} 

hon. Orlando, to Selina Need- 
ham, lix 139 
J. to miss Wortley, xxvii 210] 
Bridgman, rev. G. to lady Lonisa Boyle 
xxxiv 53 
Briggs, rev. J. to Isab. Ekins, xlviii 483 + 
Jas. to miss Vincent, li 550 
Brisco, E. to lady A. Gordon, xxviii 251] 
sir Walt. to miss Lester, xlviii 489 
Broadhurst, J. to F. Hurst, lvii 118 
Broadley, J. to miss Bloxam, xlvi 455 
Bromhead, Ben. to miss Hunt, xlviii 483 
Bromley, sir R. to miss Wilson, liv 159 
Brook, sir Arth. to miss Foord, xviii 
Brooke, rey. C, to Char. Capper, li 550 
—-—— Hen. to Mrs. Hume, xlviii 487 
———— Jas. H. to miss Patton, xlvii 444 
———— Rd. to miss Cunliffe, xxiii 243] 
rev. T. to Isab. F. Brooke, xlviii 


——— T. Langf. to miss Boughton, xxxii 

———— maj.-gen. to Mary Nichols, lvii 117 

——— and Warwick, lord, to lady Monson, 
Iviii 206 

Broome, rt. hon. Edw. to miss Downman, 
xlvi 453 

Brougham, Henry, to mrs. Spalding, Ixi 

Broughton, capt. to miss Broughton, xliv 

Broughton, H. to hon. miss Pigot, xlix 540 

sir T. to miss Wicker, ix 163] 

rev. sir T’. to lady A. Windsor, 

xxix 231] 
Browne, hon. Mr. to miss Dillon, xx 220] 
Brown, Barwell, to miss Cofien, xxxv 63 
Fras. J. to Fran. Richards, xxxvili 


J. Armitage, to Jane E, Mayor, 
xlvili 485 
== Rd, to miss Williams, xlviii 486 

Brown, Tim. Yeates, to Mary A. Goldsmid, 
liv 158 ‘ 
a Wylde, to miss Whitmore, xxxv 

_ Browne, gov. to Charl. Inglis, xvii 179] 
_ —-— F. J. to miss Baring, xxxiii 50] 
; G. to Jane Cony, xlviii 478 
- 7, Is. Hawk. to miss Bodlington, xlvii 

_ ——-— lieut.-col. to miss Wolseley, xlv 


—_—_— to miss Clayton, xly 480 
—-— sir T. to Henrietta Seymour, xii 
Brownlow, lord, to miss Hume, lii 413 
earl, to Caroline Fludyer, Ix 194 
Bruce, Carstairs, to hon. E. C. Rollo, xli 46 
Jas. to miss Dundas, xix 209] 
Thos. to Clem. Dundas, xlix 540 
Bruhl, count, to miss Chowne, xxxviii 52 
to counts. dow. Egremont, x 

Brunswick, pr. Fred. to prs. Soph. Wurtem- 
burg Oels, xi 208] 

Brydges, col. J. W. H. to lady Isab. A. 
Beresford, liv 158 

ae duke, to lady B. Montague, x 

Buchan, earl, to miss Fraser, xiv 169] 

_ —— sir J. to Laura Wilks, lix 139 

_ Buchanan, Jas. to lady J. Sinclair, xlvii 

© 445 

— lieut. to Harr. Smith, xlviii 479 

— rey. Dr. Claud. to Mary Thomp- 

son, lii 412 

Buck, W. to miss Hardacre, xlviii 475 

Buckinghamshire, earl, to miss Connolly, 
xiii 180] 

to miss Glover, ]xi 

Buckworth, lieut.-col. J. F. to lady M. 
Payne, liii 147 
Buggin, sir G. to lady Cecilia Gore, lvii 117 
Bulkely, Jas. to miss Hare, xxxv 63 
Bulkeley, lord, to miss Warren, xx 220] 
rev. —— to lady F. Mordaunt, viii 

Buller, J. to miss A, E. Nixon, xlvii 449 
John, to Harr. Hulse, lvi 125 
Buonaparte, Louis, to madlle. Beauharnois, 
xliv 481] 
Burdett, sir W. B. to miss M, Reynett, xlii 

Burgess, rey. Bryant, to miss Rutton, lii 

——~—— Chas. Montolieu, to lady M. Mont- 
gomerie, lvii 116 

—-— Jas. Bland, to hon. miss Noel, xx 
sir J. Bland, to lady Mary Fordyce, 
liv 160 p 
— rey. Jas. to lady C. E. Beauclerk, 
xliv 483 
Burgh, rey. T, Jobn, to Anne Hutchinson, 
liii 148 



Burgh, sir U, to Maria Bagenhall, lvii 

Burghersh, lord, to lady Sus. Gordon, x 

lord, to miss Pole, liii 149 

Burgoyne, col. J. to miss Johnstone, xv 

sir J. J. to Charlotte Head, Ix 

= Montague, to miss Hervey, xxiii 
244] ~ 

— sir Mont. to miss Burton, xxxvi 

Burke, John, to Eliz. M. Caleraft, liv 158 
Burland, J. B, to mrs. Gordon, xlvi 449 
Burnaby, sir W. Chaloner, to miss E. Moli- 
neux, xxvi 228] 
Burnel, hon. L, M, to miss Daniell, xlix 
Burnett, Ben. to Eliz. Burnett, liv 157 
ae C. Fassett, to miss Barons, xlviii 

J. to miss Hayes, xlyi 450 
—~—— W.S. to miss Hickling, xlviii 480 
Burrard, sir H. to miss Neale, xxxvii 51 
Burrel, sir C. M. to hon, miss Windham, I. 

Peter, to lady Pris. Bertie, xxii 

Burrell, hon. P. Rt. to hon. miss Drum- 
mond, xlix 540 

Burrows, maj. to miss Seward, xlix 541 

Burrowes, sir Kildare, to miss Higginson, 
xii 169] 

Burton, Fras, to miss Halhead, xxx 226] 

hon. Fras. Nath. to hon. Valentia 
Lawless, xliii 51 

Bury, visct. to miss Fran. Steer, lviii 205 

Bushby, capt. J. to miss Bushby, xlv 475 

Bushe, John, to lady Hare, lix 138 

Bushel, Ben, to miss Tomlin, 1. 146 

Buswell, Rt. to mrs. Wright, xlviii 474 

Bute, marq. to miss Coutts, xlii 49 

to lady Maria North, Ix 194 

Butler, Mr. to miss Langdale, xxii 242] 

lieut.-col. A. to miss Menzies, xlv 

Anth. to miss Lemon, xlvyii 443 
John, to lady A. Wandesford, xii 


hon. Aug. to miss Danvers, xxxiv 
—— H. to Anne Harrison, liii_ 149 
—_—_—_—_—— J. W. to Grace L. Staples, xlix 

C. to lady Sarah Butler, liv 
Edm. to lady Har. Butler, xi 

—and rey. P. to Mar. Soph. 
Vernon, xviii 479 
— Pierce, to miss Roth, xvii 183] 
Simon, to miss Lynch, xxxvii 
mw rey, T, to miss Stout, xxxy 63 




Butler, Thos. to Fras. Clarke, liy 157 

W. to hon. miss Massey, xxxi 237] 
W. to miss Bacon, xlviii 484 
Buxton, Dr. to miss Travers, lii 413 
thre count F, to hon. mrs. Naylor, xli 


Byng, capt. G. to Fran. Barlow, liii 150 

——— hon. J. to miss Forrest, x 171] 

—— lieut.-col. J. to miss Mackenzie, xlvi 

Byron, capt. to lady Amel. D’Arcy, xxii 
242] , 

Mr. to hon. miss Talbot, xxvii 210] 
lord, to Anne Isab. Milbank, lvii 


Caddell, Rd. to miss Southwell, xlviii 485 
Cadogan, lord, to miss Churchill, xx 221] 
hon. and rey. to mrs. Bradshaw, 
xxv 233] 
hon. G. to Honoria L. Blake, lii 
Calander, col. to lady E. Macdoneld, xx 
Caleraft, J, to miss Hales, xxxii 233] 
Calder, sir Jas. to miss Odiarne, xi 209] 
—— H. to miss Osborne, xxxi 234] 
— H.R. to lady Fran. Sel. Pery, 
Ixi 111 
Caldwell, lieut. to miss Blackett, xv 158] 
Ralph, to miss Isham, xlvi 448 
Caledon, lord, to lady Carol. Yorke, liii 150 
Call, sir W. P. to lady Lou. Forbes, xlviii 
Callaghan, Ger. to Louisa Marg. Clarke, Ix 
Calvert, Nich. to hon. miss Pery, xxxi 234] 
Cambridge, C. Owen, to hon. Mrs. Coch- 
rane, xxxi 234] 
Cameron, C. to lady M. Hay, xxxi 236] 
Campbell, hon. Mr. to lady Eliz. ‘Thynne, 
lviii 206 
capt. to miss Meadows, xi 209] 
-_———— gen. to mrs. Knox, 1. 144 
sir Alex. to Marg. Coldstream, 

lviii 206 
Dugald, to miss Kingsley, xlviii 


Dunean, to lady Ramsay, xxxiy 

sir Guy, to Fran. Eliz. Burgoyne, 
lix 137 

maj.-gen. H. to miss Crawfurd, 
xviii 197] 
——— J. to lady Car. Howard, xxxi 

J. to miss Hay, xlv 478 
——— lord J. to miss Campbell, xlvi 

J. H. to miss Ouvry, xxxix 61 

lord W. to miss S. Izzard, vi 125] 

capt. W. J. to Anna Maria Vin- 
cent, lix 139 

Cane, Hugh, to lady Blackistone, xix 210] 

Canning, rt. hon, G, to miss Scott, xlii 48 

Capel, hon. capt. B. T. to Harr. Cath, | 
Smyth, lviii 205 ; 

maj.-gen. hon. E. to Donna Moretti, 

lvi 127 

hon. T, to lady Carol. Paget, xxxiv 


Carberry, lord, to miss Watson, xxxiv 53 

——- and rev. W. to miss Salter, xlv 

Card, Henry, to miss C. Fletcher, 1i 549 

Cardigan, earl, to lady E. Waldegrave, 
xxxiii 50] 

Carew, sir H. to miss Palk, xlviii 488 

Reg. Pole, to miss Yorke, xxvii 211] 

a hon. Reg. P. lady Car, Lyttleton, 

1, 14 

Rt. Shapland, to Jane Cath. Cliffe, 

lviii 207 

sir T. to miss Smallwood, xx 220] 

a i lieut.-col. P. to miss Hewett, xlviii 


——+— maj.-gen. to Caroline Smith, lvi 125 

Carleton, lord, to miss Matthew, xxxvii 52 

Carlton, Fras. to miss Montgomerie, li 550 

Carmarthen, marq. to lady Am. D’Arey, 
xvi 161] 


to miss Anguish, xxx 

Carmichael, sir T, G, to Janet Dundas, 
xlviii 474 

—-——--—-— to hon. Anne Napier, 
lviii 205. 

Carnegie, sir Day. to miss Elliott, xxvi 227] 

Carr, sir J. to miss King, liii 148 

-~— hon. W. Hay, to miss Elliott, xxxviii 

Carrick, earl, to miss Taylor. xvii 181] 

Carrington, sir Edm, to Paulina Bath, xliii 

Carroll, sir W. Parker, to Emma Soph. 
Sherwill, lix 137 
Carrow, Rd. to miss Elton, xlviii 490 
Carter, Edw. to Mary Carter, li 550 
Samps. to miss Copplestone, xviii 


J.(M.P.) to Joanna Maria Smith, 

lviii 207 | \ 

sir W. to miss Jellicoe, xvi 162] 

Cartwright, W. R. to Julia Frazer, ii 412 

Cary, Edw. to miss Fleming, xix 207] 

Carysfort, lord, to miss Osborne, xvii 179] 

—--— to miss Grenville, xxix 231] 

Caslon, W. to miss Bonner, li 549 

Cassan, Step. Tottenham, to lady Lucy Hall, 
xlviii 476 

Castell, rev. W. to miss Dennis, xlviii 475 

Castlehaven, ,ear], to Mrs. Cracraft, xix 

Castlestewart, lord, to miss Lill, xxv 233] 

Cathcart, hon. & rev. A. to miss Freemantle, 
Xxxli 233] 

sir J. to miss Hamilton, vii 119] 

Cator, John, to miss Mahon, xlviii 487 

Cavan, earl, to miss Gould, xxv 233] 

— to Lydia Arnold, lvi 126 




‘Cave, sir T. to lady L. Sherard, xxxiii 51] 

Cavendish, C. C. to Susan Cath. Gordon, lvi 

——-— lord G. to lady B. Compton, xxv 


H. to miss Cooper, xxxi 237] 

—— capt. H. I. C. to Sarah Fawkener, 

liii 150 

— hon.H.F. C. to Mrs. Howard, 
Ixi 110 

—_—_——-——- J. to lady A. Gore, xliii 52 

W. to miss Leslie, xlix 540 

to miss O’Callaghan, xlix 



Caulfield, Jas. to hon. Har. Crofton, xlviii 

Caunton, Geo. to Lucy Ellicot, xlviii 491 

Cayley, rev. Digby, to miss Robinson, xvii 

— J. to miss Cayley, xviii 196] 
Cecil, H. to miss Vernon, xix 209] 
Challoner, Rt. to dau. of lord Dundas, xlvii 

Chalmers, sir W. to Mrs. Scott lvii 117 
Chambers, Rd. to Har. Newman, xlix 539 

W. to miss Thompson 1. 145 
Chamberlayne, Edw. to miss Walter, xlvi 

Champernowne, Arth. to miss Bullet, xlviii 
Champneys, sir T. to miss Cox, xi 208] 
T.S. to miss Mostyn, xxxiv 52 
rev. W. B. to Martha Stable, 

———— W, to miss F, Bishopp, xlviii 

xlviii 479 
Chandos, duke, to miss Major, x 172] 
——— to mrs. Elletson, xx 220] 
Chaplin, Chas. to Caroline Fane, liv 160 
Chapman, Anth. to miss Carey, xxii 242] 
—_—— T.W. F. to miss Zeiltzke, xlviii 
Charlemont, earl, to miss Hickman, xi 208] 
to miss Berningham, xliv 

Charmilly col. de, to miss Blackwood, xli 

Charrington, Nich. to miss Nicholls, x1viii 

Chartres, duc de, to miss Coghlan, xlvii 

Chartley, visct. to miss Gardiner, xlix 539 

Chatham, earl, to hon. miss Townsend, xxvi 

- Cheape, T. to miss Stewart, vi 125] 

ca Ant. to miss Newcombe, xlvi 

52 bs 

Cheevers, Christoph. to hon. Frances Nu- 
gent, xii 170] 

Chenevix, Rd. to counts. Ronault, liv 159 

Chesshyre, capt. to miss Sandys, xlv 477 

Chester, lieut.-col. to miss Clinton, xli 46 

Say” ear], to miss Thistlethwaite, xx 


Rt. Jos. to miss Polhill, xlvii 447 . 

pe ea ear], to lady H. Thynne, xli 

Chetwynd, hon. G. A. to miss Stapylton, 
xxvi 228] 

Chichester, sir Arth. to Charl. Williams, lxi 

—Jord Spence. S. 
Stewart xxxvii 52 

Choiseul, count, to hon. Mar. Char. Parkyns, 
lix 138 

Cholmondeley, earl, to lady G. C, Bertie, 

 xxxili 50] 

Cholwick J. B. to miss Dunke, xx 219] 

Christian, Edw. to miss Walmsley li 550 

Christie, Rt. to miss A. Newton, xlviii 483 

Churchill, Mr. to lady Lou. Greville, xiii 

to lady Har. 

lieut.-col. Horace, to Em. Anne 
Finucane, lix 140 
rev. J.C. to lady Dorothea Wallop, 
lviii 204 
———— W. to counts. Strafford, xlv 479 
Cipriani, Philip, to mrs. Waller, li 550 
Clanbrasil, earl, to miss Foley, xvii 180] 
Clanricarde, earl, to miss Powlett, xxvii 
Clanricarde, earl, to miss Burke, xlii 49 
Gis rey. T. G. to Harriet Daniell, xlix 
Clarges, sir T. to miss Skreen, xx 222] 
Clark, W. to miss Cowdray, xl viii 489 
Clarke, rev. Edw. Dan, to Angelica Rush, 
xlviii 476 
——-~ Geo. to miss Dicey, xlviii 487 
J. Plomer, to Anne M.C, Nelthorpe, 
xlviii 477 
Ralph, to miss Mount, xlviii 485 
Reader, to miss Pinhorn, li 549 
Rd, to Philippa Tymms, xlviii 485 
sir S. Houghton, to Cath. James, lvi 


rey. sir W. H. to miss Cartwright, 

xxxiv 53 

—-——— W. §. to miss Cartwright 
xxxiv 53 

Clavering, lieut.-gen. to miss Yorke, xv 159] 

Clay, rev. W. to lady Burrell, xxxix 60 

- Clayton, Jas. to miss Penn, xvii 181] 

John, to Jane Buchanan, xlviii 491 

sir Rd. to miss White, xxii 242] 

- W. to lady Fermor, x 172] 

Cleaver, rev. Dr. to miss A. Wynne, xxx 

Clements, col. to miss Webb, xiii 180] 

Clementson, J. to Eliz. Turton, lix 139 

Clephane, brig.-gen. to Letitia Bold, xlviii 

Cliffden, visct. to lady Car. Spencer, xxxiv 

Clifford, capt. to Eliz. Townshend, lv 109 

——-—— hon. to hon. miss Langdale, xxiii 

—-~— Mr. to miss Weld, Ix 194 
C. to lady A. M, Arundel, 

xxviii 251] 


Clifford, G. to Mary Coney, liv 158 

de Clifford lord, to miss M. Bourke, xxxi 

Clifton, sir Jervas, to miss Lloyd, ix 162] 

Clinton, col. to hon. Lou. Holroyd, xxxix 

lieut.-col. H. to hon. Susan Charteris, 

xli 46 

lord, to Fran. {sab. Poyntz, lvi 126 

Clive, capt. to hon. miss Archer, xxxii 254] 

—— sir Edw. to Judith Clive, vi 125] 

— hon. Rt. Hen. to lady Har. Windsor, 
Ixi 110 . 
—— lord, to lady Hen. Herbert, xxvii 210] 

——lord, to lady L. Graham, lx 193 
Clonbrock, lord, to hon miss Blake, xliv 
Cloncurry, lord, to miss Morgan xlv 476 
—— to mrs Leeson, liii 149 
Clonmell, earl, to lady C. Greville, xlvi 453 
—_ to lady H. Greville, xlvii 443 
Clonmore, visct. to lady Ceci] F. Hamilton, 
Iviii 205 
Clough, J. W. to Eliz. Broughton, xxxvii 51 
Cloyne, bish. to miss Benson, xix 212] 
ae? hon. Basil, to mrs. Lawrey, liv 

capt, to Ross Whishart, liv 156 

lord, to Anne Gilchrist, xvii 182] 

to Cath Corb. Barnes, Ix 194 

Cockburn, lieut.-col. to hon, Marianne De- 
vereux, xliii 52 

capt. F. to miss Sandys, xlvi 454 

sir Jas. to miss Ayscough, xii 

Cockeril, Chas. to hon. Harr. Rushout, 1. 

Cocks, hon. col. to lady Eliz, Marg. Yorke, 
lvii 117 
hon. J. S. to miss Nash, xxvii 250] 
Phil. to miss Herbert, liv 162 
Reg to Anne Cocks xliv 482 
Thos. Somers, to Agnes Carew, lv 

Codrington, W. to miss Ward, xix 210] 
Coffin, capt. to miss Larkins, |, 148 
—— sir Isaac, to Eliz. Greenly, liii 148 
Cogan, rey. I. W. to miss S. Parker, xlviii 
‘Coghlan, col. to miss Broughton, xlix 541 
Coher, J. to hon. miss Marsham, xxxiv 53 
Coke, Edw. to miss Colhuon, .xxxiv 52 miss Wilmot, xlviii 478 
Colborne, N. W. R. to miss Steele, 1. 144 
. Cole, C. N. to miss Abdy, xiii 181] 
sir C. to lady Mary Talbot, lvii 117 
Galbraith Lowry, to lady Fran. 
Harris, lvii 117 
—— J. Webb, to miss Collier, xlviii 475 
Thomas, to lady E. H. Stanley, xxxvii 

Coleman, G. A. to Rosa M, Bayley, liv 162 
Coles, rev. T. H. to miss Oliver, xlvii 448 
Collett, rev. R. to miss T. M. Smith, 1i 550 
Collins, Chas, to miss Forman, xxxix 61 


Collier, sir G. to miss Fryer, xxiv 205} 

Colquhuon, W, to Helen Colquhuon, xvii 
178] 1 

Colston, lieut.-col. Alex. to miss Warring- 
ton, xlv 476 ' 2 

Colthurst, sir N.C, to miss Latouche, xxx 

———— Nich. Cosway, to Eliz. Vesey, 
Ixi 112 

Colvile, sir Chas. to miss Bonel, lv 108 

Colvill, hon. I. to miss Ford, xxxii 234] 

Colville, hon, sir G. to Jane Mure, lx 193 
lord, to lady E. Macfarlane, xi 209] 

W. to Eliza Farren, xlviii 479 

Colyer, C. to miss S. M. Pratt, xxv 231] 

Combe, Chas. to P. Georges, xlix 539 

H. to Anne St. Barbe, lii 413 

— H. to Eliz. Harris, lii 413 

Taylor, to Eliz. Gray, 1. 143 

maj. W. M. to Eliza Barclay, liv 159 

Combermere, lord, to miss Greville, lvi 125 

Compton, Anthony, to miss Hume, xii 169] 

——— lord, to miss Smith, xxix 231] 

earl, to Marg. Clephane, lvii 118 
H. Combe, to Charlotte Mills, lii 


' Conde, prince de, to prins. Monaco, |. 146 

Congreve, lieut..gen. to mrs. Eyre, xlvi 

Conolly, V. to Matilda Dunkin, xliv 481 

Constable, Marmaduke, to Octavia Hale, xlix 

Conway, hon. capt. to miss Delme, xvi 160] 

a to lady Hor. Waldegrave, 

xxviii 250] 

— lord G. Seym. to lady A. Kennedy, 
xxxvil 52 

Conyers, H. J. to Harriett Steele, lix 137 

Conyngham, viset. to miss Denison, xxxvi 

Cooke, Mr. to miss Dysart, xv 158] 

—-— sir G. to miss Middleton, xiii 180] 

—— T. J. to lady Am. Murray, xxxi 234] 

Cooper, rey. Blackley, to miss Bacon, }. 145 

col. to miss Honeywood, xlvii 442 

Josh. E. to miss E. Lindsay, xliii 

Coote, C. to Car. Lucy Douglas, lii 413 
—-— sir Chas. H. to Carol. Eliz. Whalley, 
lvi 126 
——— sir Eyre, to miss Bagwell, xlvii 447 
Cope, sir C. to miss Bishop x 171] 
lient:-col. Rt. Camden, to Mary Eliot, 
liii 148 
Copley, capt. to lady C, Hamilton, xli 45 
serj. to Mrs. Thomas, lxi 110 
Corbet, J. to Anna Leighton, xvii 182] 
Cork, earl, to hon. miss Coventry, vii 119] 
to hon. miss Monckton, xxviii 


Cornish, rey. G. to Harriet Wilmot, Ixi 

Cornthwaite, Jos. to Agnes Wollaston, xlviii 

Cornwallis, earl, to miss Jones, xi 208] 

Cornwallis, hon. & rev. to miss Mann, xiv 

Jas. to miss Dickins, xlvi 454 

Corry, A. L. to lady Har. Hobart, xxiii 


visct. to lady Juliana Butler, xlii 49 

Corsellis, Matt. to miss Utterson, 1. 144 

Coryton, J. T. to miss Gower, xlv 478 

Cotes, John, to hon. Lucy Courtney, xx 221] 

ter, sir Jas. to miss Keerney, xv 159] 

rell, Sam. to mrs. Lee, xlviii 475 

ttrell, rev. Clem. to Georg. Adams, xlviii 


Cotton, rev. Alex. to.miss Houblon, xlix 

—_ col. to lady A. M. Pelham Clinton, 

xliii 51 

- Mr. to miss Aston, xv 158] 

Lynch, to miss Robins, xlvi 454 

~ Willoughby, to hon. Aug, Coventry, 
xlviii 478 

Couchet, I. L. to lady Fleming, xlvii 448 

Coventry, earl, to Barbara St. John, vii 119] 

Coville, Rt. to miss Asgill, xxviii 251] 

Coulson, H. to lady Tracton, xxxiv 53 

Coulthurst, Jas. to miss Warren, 1. 144 

de Courcy, hon. capt. to miss Blennerhasset, 

xxviii 251) 

Courland, duke, to princs. Youssapow, xvii 

— 179) 

Courtenay, Mr. ‘to lady H. Leslie, xlvi 454 

——— rev. to lady M. Howard, xvii 178] 

S. to miss Conliffe, xxv 233] 

Coussmaker, col. to hon. miss Southwell, 
xxxii 234] 

Cowper, earl, to miss Gore, xviii 197] 

————— to hon. miss Lamb, xlvii 446 

John, to miss Cope, xxiii 242] 

hon. E. S. to Cath. Philips, 1. 144 

Cox, John, to miss Axtell, xlviii 487 

— rev. Rt. to miss Leycester, xlix 540 

Crampton. Dr. J. to Charl. White, xlviii 

Cranburn, visct. to lady M. Hill, xvi 160] 

Cranley, visct. to Mary Fludyer, Ix 194 

Cranston, lord, to miss Montolieu, xxxiv 54 

Cranswick, W. to Jane Setterington, xlviii 

Craven, earl, to Lou. Brunton, xlix 541 

hon. W. to lady B. Berkeley, x 

Crauford, col. C. to duchs. Newcastle, xlii 

Crawford, James, to miss Gage, xxxiv 52 
Stewart, to Caroline A’Court, lix 


Crawley, Sam. to Theo. Vyner, lix 138 
Cremorne, lord, Anne Whaley, lvii 117 
Crespigny P. C. to miss Scott, xxvi 227] 
| W. C. to lady S. Windsor, xxviii 


Crewe, hon. col. to miss Hungerford, xlix 

ait J. Fred, to hon, Harriett Smith, Ixi 



Crickett, C. to miss Kortwright, ly 108 

Cripps, J. M. to miss Rush, xlviii 473 

—— rev. H. to Judith Lawrence, liv 159 

Croft, Mr. to miss Smythson, xxiv 205] 

rey. Jas. to Charlotte Sutton, liv 161 

capt to miss Plumer, xlvii 445 

Crofton, hon. sir Edw. to lady Charl. Stewart, 
xliii 52 

—— H. R. to Mary Hemsworth, liii 

Crosbie, sir E. W. to Mrs. Dodd, xxxii 

visct. to miss Sackville, xx 222] 

Crosier, capt. to miss Pearson, xliv 483 

Crosse, to miss Newby, xix 208] 

Crossthwaite, Dan. to miss Westray, xlviii 

Cruise, W. P. to Helen Meridyth, liv 160 

Crutchley, Geo. Hen. to miss Burrell, xviii 

Cruttenden, rev. W. C, to Theophila Mills, 
xl viii 480 

Cufle W. to lady A. Morice Sherrard, lviii 

Cullum, rev. T. G. to miss Eggers, xvii 447 

Cumberland, to miss Hobart, xxvii 211] 

Cumberland, duke, to princes. dow. Salms, lvi 

‘Cumming, Alex. P. to miss Grant, xvi 161] 

sir W. G. Gordon, to miss Camp- 
bell, lvii 118 

Cunningham, C. to Frances Call, xlviii 480 

—— col. to miss M. Thurlow, xliii 


—— sir W. to miss Myrton, xi 208] 

—— to miss Greme, xli 46 

Cunynghame, lieut.-col. to F. miss White- 
foord, xlvii 446 

Currey, maj. to Anna M. Tappenden, xlix 

Currie, Rt. F. to miss Ravenscroft, xlviii 

Curry, capt. R. to miss Blachford, xlvi 449 

Curtis W. to miss Lear, xlv 479 

Curteis, W. to miss Hains, xlviii 479 

Curwen, Mr. to miss Stanley, xlvi 453] 

Curzon, hon. A. to miss Grosvenor, ix 162] 

Asheton, to mrs. Trecothick, xx 


Penn, hon. miss Howe, xxix 231] 

hon. Rt. to miss Bishopp, 1. 145 

Cust, sir Brownlow, to miss Drury, xili 

— to miss Bankes, xviii 

hon, & rev H. C. to Anna M. Need- 
ham, lviii 205 
W. to Soph. Newnham, Ixi 111 
Cuthbert, capt. to miss Willock, xlv 477 

Dacre, lord, to mrs. Wilmot, Ixi 111 

Dalbiac, Chas. to miss Dutton, xlvii 449 

———— capt. to Elean. Shelley, xlviii 482 

Dale, capt. Hastings, to miss Patterson, 
xviii 488 


Dalhousie, earl, to miss Glen, x 172] 

to miss Brown, xlvii 445 

Dalkeith, earl, to hon. Harr. Townshend 
xxxvii 50 

Dallas, Robt. to Justinia Davidson, xliv 485 

Dalrymple, lieut.-col. to miss Warrender, 
xviii 482 

—— maj. Adol. J. to Anne Graham, 

liv 159 

— sir Day. to miss Brown, vi 125] 

— D. to miss Ferguson, xiii 


— hon. miss Harland, xxvi 

—sir Hugh, to miss Leighton, 
xxvi 227] 

a Jas. to counts. dow. Hadding- 
ton, xxxvili 51 

John, to miss Johnson, xxxvii 



—_——--——. hon. J. G. to miss Manners, |. 

—_— sir J. Pringle, to Mary Rush- 

worth, xlix 540 

— Rt. to miss Howard, xxxvii 52 

Daly, Dennis, to lady H. Maxwell, xxiii 

— Peter, to miss Mae Evoy, xlviii 476 

Dalyell, sir Rt. to miss Graham, xvi 160} 

D’Amboise, visct. to Louisa Barwell, lvii 

Damer, hon. Mr. to miss Conway, x 171] 

— Lion. to miss Jansen, xxi 219] 

Danby, W. J. to Anne Cater, lii 412 

Danne, brig.-gen. to miss White, xliii 52 

Danvers, hon. Aug. to miss Sturt, xliv 129 

— Butler, to miss Freemantle, 
lvii 118] 

D’Arcy, lieut.-col. to lady Cath. Georg. 
West, lix 139 

Darell, sir H. V. to miss Becher, li 249 

Darley, W. to miss Farran, xlviii 491 

D? Arley, sir W. to Jul. Fras. Hodges, xlvi 

Darling, maj. to miss Cameron, xlix 540 

Darlington, earl, to Eliz. Russel, lv 109 

Darnley, earl, to miss Stoyte, ix 162] 

to miss Brownlow, xxxiii 52] 

Dashwood, Bateman, to hon. Georg, Pel- 
ham, liii 149 

— Fras. to lady A. Maitland, xxxv 


— G. to Marianne Rowley, lvii 
— sir H. to miss Graham, xxiii 

— J. King, to miss Broadhead, 

xxxi 237] : 
— rev. ——— to da. of ear] Banbury, 

vii 119] 
Davey, W. to miss A. Thornton, li 549 
Davie, sir J. to miss Stokes, vi 125] 
Davies, col. to miss M. Blair, xlv 477 
—-— Edw. to miss F. Jones, li 249 
——--—— W, to miss Seymour, xlvii 449 


Davis, rev. D. W. to miss Akhurst, li 549 — 
— H. to Anna Barrett, xlviii 484 
Davis, Hart. to CLarlotte Dundas, lv 108 
sir J. to miss Lemon, xxxviii 52 
rae capt. H. P. to Charlotte Doyle, li 
Davy, sir Humph. to mrs. Apreece, liv 15 
Dawson, Mr. to lady Car. Stuart, xx 222] — 
—-— G. R. to miss Peel, lviii 204 i 
srev. H. to Fras. Powell, xlviii 491 
——— H. Overton, to miss Mariell, xlvii 
——— J. to miss Whitby, xlviii 488 4 
Deacon, Thos. to miss Durand, li 550 a 
Dean, R. B. to miss S. Owen, xlviii 485 
Deane, sir R. T. to miss Fitzmaurice, xviii 

Debbing, Clement, to lady Char. Butler, 
xviii 474 
Deering, C. to miss Farnaby, xiii 180] 
Deerhurst, lord, to lady Cath. Henley, xx 



hon. col, T. F. to miss Haynes, lvii 

— to miss Pitches, xxvi 226] 
visct. to lady M, Beauclerk, liti 

Deere, sir Edw. to miss Winchester, viii 

De Lacy, rey. Thos. to miss Moutray, xlviii 

Delancey, sir W. to Magdalen Hall, lvii 117 
Delaval, lord, to miss Knight, xlv 475 
-— Thos. to miss Watson, xi 208] 
Delaware, earl, to miss Lyell, xxvi 227] 
—--—- tolady Eliz. Sackville, lv 108 
Delme, Peter, to lady Carol. Howard, xii 
Delvin, lord, to lady Emily Cecil, liv 158 
Denbigh, earl, to lady Halfard, xxvi 228] 
Denmark, prin. Chris. Fred. to prines. 
Charl. of Mecklenburgh, xlviii 481 
princes, roy, to prince of Hesse, liv 


Denny, Anthon. to hon. Mary Patriner, lix 

Barry, to miss Morgell, xxxii 234] | 

sir Edw. to miss Day, xxxvii 51 

Dent, W. to miss Dent, xlviii 483 

Denton, Sam. to Helena C. Paas, xlviii 475 

Derby, earl, to miss Farren, xxxix 60 

Dering, Cholm. to miss Yates, xxxi 236] 

Edw. to miss A. Hale, xxv 232] 

Dernigny, Cholmeley, to miss Hale, li 550 

Desborough, lieut.-col. to thiss Vivian, xlv 

Desbrowe, Edw. to miss C. Hobart, xxxi | 

Despencer, lord, to miss Eliot, xxxiii 51] 

Des Veeux, rev. H. to Fran. Dalrymple, liv 

Devaynes, W. to miss Wiseman, xlviii 474 

Devon, W. to miss Heath, xlii 49 

ae duke, to lady Eliz, Forster, li 

euxponts, prince C. to princess Amel. 
of Saxony, xvii 179] 

*Henin, gen. to Elean. Dickson, xlviii 478 
ick, Jeremiah, to Harriett Le Coq, li 450 
ickenson, J. to A. Grove, lii 413 

ickinson, W. to miss Smith, xlv 478 
ickson, vice-adm. to miss Willins, xli 46 
sir Jerem. to Jemima Brooke, Ix 

rev. Rd, to miss Chatterton, xl viii 
igby, hon. Mr. to miss Gunning, xxxii 
and rey. to miss Cox, ix 162] 
————_———. C. to miss Mellier, 
} xviii 195] . 
———-adm. to mrs. Jauncy, xxvii 
| 211) 

—— capt. Hen. to viscts. Andover, xlviii 
— lord, to miss Fielding, vi 125] 
—~ lord, to miss Knowler, xiii 181] 
rev. W. to hon. miss Digby, xlv 475 
Dighton, Isaac, to miss Wathen, xlviii 485 
ban” rey. Jos. M. to miss Haliday, xlviii 
Dillon, hon. C, to miss Mulgrave, xix 211] 
—— H. to miss G-ant, xxxii 233] 
H. Aug. to miss Brown, xlix 

— capt. to da. earl Litchfield, xiv 

—— Luke, to lady Marg. Aug. De 
Burgh, xxvii 250] 
— Mervin, to miss Goddard, xviii 196] 
Inaj.-gen. to Letitia.Eliz. Knox, lvi 
— 126 

Dimsdale, Jos. to Mrs. Beck, xix 208] 

Ditton, sir C. to lady Car. Scott, xlv 478 

Dixie, sir Willoughby W. to Bell Anna 
Adnutt, Ivii 118 

cr adm. Manley, to miss Jeffreys, liii 

Kennet, to miss Dennison, xlviii 


Dobbs, Rd. to miss Obins, xxxiv 53 

Dods, rey. J. to miss Swayne, li 249 

Doily, sir J. to mrs. Coates, xxiii 243] 

Dolben, J. I. to miss Hallet, xxii 242] 

——-- sir W. to mrs. Scotchmer, xxxi 

Domville, sir Crompton, to Helen Sarah 
French, lvii 119 

rev. H. B. to miss Russel, xlviii 


W. to Maria Solly, xlvi 540 
Donally, lord, to miss Trant, xliv 482 
Donegall, earl, to miss Godfrey, xxxii 234] 
a maj.-gen. to miss Markham, lwvii 
Donovan, Mr. to miss Vanneck, lix 138 
Dorien, col. to miss Le Clere, ]. 143 
Dorset, duke, to miss Cope, xxxii 232] 
Doughty, Rt. Lee, to miss Powis, xix 208] 
Douglas, Mr, to lady F, Scott, xxvi 227] 




ee hon. capt. to miss Lascelles, xxvii 

—— sir Alex. to miss Carnagy, xvili 

—_—— hon. Arch. to lady L. Graham, xiv 
169] i 

capt. Arch. to miss Crosbie, xvii 


——— Chas. to lady Isab. Gore, lviii 205 

——— hon. Fred. Syly. North, to Harriet 
Wrightson, Ixi 111 

G. to lady G. Stewart, xxxi 236] 

—— H. A. to Eliz. Dalzell, liv 162 

——_——- sir J. to Marianne Bullock, lvii 118 

———— Sylvester, to hon. miss North, xxxi 

Downay, hon. and rey, W. H. to Lydia 
Heathcote, liii 148 

Downe, visct. to miss Burton, vi 125] 

——— John, to Anne Kelson, lii 413 

——— lord, to Lucy Scott, xxxvii 50 

to miss Ainslie, xliii 51 

—-— visct. to Louisa Maria Welstead, 
lvii 118 

Downman, capt. to Lucy Holmes, xlvi 451 

Downshire, marq. to lady Maria Windsor, 
liii 150 

Doyle, maj. F. H. to miss Milner, xlvi 451 

Doyne, Mr. to mrs. Uniacke, xlvii 446 

Drake, Mr. to miss Hussey, xxi 219] 

Fras. to miss Mackworth, xxxvii 50 

sir Fras. to miss Onslow, xxx 226] 

H. to Anne Fras. Mately, 

xxxvii 53 

T. Tyrwhitt, to Barb. Car. Annes- 
ley, lvi 126 

———— W. to miss Ives, xxiv 205] 

Draper, sir W. to miss De Lancey, xiii 181] 

Drayton, J. to miss Wells, 1. 145 

Drissen, baron, to miss Aiken, lviii 206 

Drogheda, carl, to lady A. Conway, ix 162] 

Dromore, bp. to miss Smith, xv 197] 

dean of, to Katherine Ker, liv 161 

Drummond, And. to lady M. Percival, xxiv 
205] ; 

—-——_—— rey. Aur. to miss De Visme, 

> 233] 2 ! 

—————- capt. A, to lady Charl. Men- 
zies, xliii 51 

———.—. rev. E. H. to miss Auriol, 
xxxili 51] 

—— G. to miss A. Shotter, xxiv 

—————— maj.-gen. Gordon, to miss M. 
Russel, xlix 540 

———— H. to miss Dundas, xxviii . 
—___—_———— to lady Hen Hay, xlix 539 
J. to lady S. Fane, xxx 228] 
——~ to Barbara Chester, xlviii 

——_———. Mortimer, to lady Emily Percy, 
1, 144 , 
———--—— P. A. to miss Milnes, xviit 200] 

p—reen R, Ay to miss Harley, xxiy 205] 




wef Rd. Vere, to miss Vandeput, xix 


Duearel, Phil. J. to Lucy Crossman, }. 145 

Ducie, lord, to miss Ramsden, xvii 179] 

to mrs. Child, xxxiii 50] 

Duckworth, sir T, to miss Buller, }. 144 

ab and Ward, visct. to mrs. Baker, xxx 


Duff, adm. to mrs: Morrison, xxiv 206] 

—— hon. Alex. to miss Skene, xviii 199] 

Jas. to miss Manners, xli 46 

Dua capt. to lady E. Birmingham, xxii 

lieut.-col. to miss Bligh, xli 45 

T. to miss Elwes, lii 412 

Duigenan, P. (LL.D.) to Mrs. Heptenstall, 
xlix 540 

ape sir Nath. to miss Ward, xxvi 

Dumfries, earl, to miss Crawford, xiv 169] 

Dummer, T; to miss Har. Bishopp, ix 162] 

ee ge sir Arch. to miss Cumming, xxxvi 

peeves lord, to miss Macnamara, xvi 

Duncan, viset. to miss Dalrymple, xlvii 442 
Duncannon, lord, to da. of earl Spencer, 
xxiii 244] 
—— visct. to lady M. Fane, xlvii 

Duncombe, Chas. to lady Charl. Legge, 
xxxvii 52 

———~— P. D. P. to lady Alic. Lambert, 
ly 107 

Dundas, hon, Mr. to lady C. Beauclerk, 
xxxix 59 

——— C. to miss Whitley. xxv 231] 

—— sir Day. to miss Delancy, xlix 540 

——rt. hon, H. to lady Jane Hope, 

xxxv 63 

Jas. to hon. Mary Tufton, lv 108 

— hon. and rev. L. to Mary J. Bous- 
quet, lviii 206 

—— Rt. to miss Dundas, xxix 231] 

— te miss Saunders, xxxviii 5f 

——— col. 7. to lady E. Home, xxvii 210 

— —— rt. hon. W. to miss Mackenzie, lv 

Dundonald, earl, to Mrs. Mayne, xxx 227] 

——_——-——- to Anne Mar. Plowden, 
Ixi 110 

Dungannon, visct. 
en 52 

Dungarvon, visct. to hon. Isab. Hen. Poyntz, 
xXxxvil 52 

Dunsany, lord, to miss Smith, xlii 49 

Dunsmore, maj. to miss Jane Scott, xlvi 

Dunster, H. to Mary Evans, xlviii 482 

ee John, to miss Warburton, xlviii 


Duntze, sir J. to miss Doroth. Carew, xlvi 

——-— J.N. to miss Cockburn, xxxiv 53 

Dupre, James, to miss Maxwell, xliii 51 

to hon. miss Fitzroy, 

Durban, capt. to miss Wilcocks, xxxix 60 

Durham, rear-adm. sir Phil. to Ann Isab_ 
Henderson, lix 139 

——— capt. to lady C. Bruce, xli 45 

bp. to miss Stonehewer, xi 208] 

-— (Egerton) to miss Bouchier, 
xxv 232] 

Durrant, sir T’. to miss Steenbergen, xli 46 
Dutton, hon. Mr, to miss Gubbins, xlv 476 
: J. to hon. miss Legge, xlv 


Dyer, sir G. R. to Eliz. Standerwick, Ivi 

Dyke, col. to Louisa Lemon, xliy 481 

—-— W. to Hannah Richards, xlviii 476 

Dynevor, lord, to hon. miss H. Townshend, 
xxxvi 43 

Dyott, brig.-gen. to Eleanor Thompson, 
xl viii 474 

Dysart, visct. to lady A. Brown, xxvii 251] 

—— earl, to miss Lewis, xxxiii 50] 

— to Cath, O’Connor, lix 139 

Eastwick, Sam. to hon. miss Hawke, xxxv 

Ebrington, visct. to lady Susan Ryder, lix 
139 eal 

Eden, sir Fred. to miss Smith, xxxiv 51 

—— sir J. to miss Thompson, vii 119] 

J. to miss Johnson, x 171] 

Morton, to miss E. Henley, xxvi 

—— Rt. hon. to miss Calvert, viii 163] 

—— hon. Thos. to Ann Horseman, lv 109 

—— W. to miss Elliot, xix 211] 

Edgecumbe, hon. Rd. to lady Soph. Hobart, 
xxxi 234] 

Edmonstone, sir Arch. to miss Heathcote, 
xxi 219} 

Edmunds, col. to miss Kelly, xix 209] 

Edwards, sir C, to miss Howard, xxxix 60 

John, to miss Martin, xlviii 490 

Egan, capt. to miss Blaquiere, xlviii 482 

Egerton, lieut.-col. to miss Trowbridge, li 

hon. and rev. to miss B. Lowther, 
ix 162] 
rev. Dr. (bp. Durham) to miss 
Bouchier, xxv 232] 
——— J. W. to miss Haynes, xxvi 226] 
rev. Phil. to miss Dupre, xlvi 453 
sir T’. to miss Asherton, xii 170] 
W. Tatton, to miss Payler, xlv 479 
Wilbraham, to miss Sykes, xlviii 
Eglinton, earl, to da. of lord Glencairn, xiii 
————_-——. to miss Twisden, xxvi 228] 
Ekins, rev. C. to miss Ford, xlvii 449 
———— Rt. to miss Malet, liv 160 
Eld, John, to hon. miss Smythe, xlix 541 
Eliot, hon. J. to miss York, xxxii 233 
Ellice, Edw. to lady A. Bettesworth, li 550 
Elliot, col. to miss Lettsom, xlvi 449 
——— sir Gilb. to miss Amyand, xx 218] 

pile, hon. Gilb. to Mary Brydone, xlviii 
— W. to miss Robinson, liv 157 
——— to Susan Mordaunt, lvi 126 
—— G. H. to Mary Slay, liv 157 

W. to miss Russell, xxxii 233] 
nie, C. to hon. miss Hervey, xl 107 
_—— Geo. to miss Parker, xliii 52 
—— Wellbore, to miss Stanley, viii 163] 
al lord, to lady Carmichael, xlviii 

W. to miss Fullerton, xvii 180] 
Elton, Abrah. to miss Durbin, xix 212] 
_ Elwes, Rt. Cary, to hon. Car. Pelham, xxxix 
Elvington, J. H., to Jas, Reed, xlviii 487 
’ oY earl, to miss Bonfoy, xviii 199] 
-- marq. to miss Dashwood, lii 412 
v ie earl, to lady C. Paget, xlvii 
| _ Ennismore, lord, to miss Lathom, liv 157 
_ Erne, lord, to miss Hervey, xix 208] 
em Hen. to lady Broughton, xii 
* Errol, earl, to miss Blake, xxxii 232] 
———— to Har. Somerville, lviii 206 
_ Erskine, lieut.-col. to lady Louisa Paget, 
xliii 51 
_ —-— Dav. to miss Elphinstone, xiv 478 
= hon. H. to miss Fullerton, xiii 



H. to miss Shipley, li 550 

hon. H. to Mrs. Erskine Munro, 
xlvii 442 

rev. H. D. to lady Harr. Dawson, 

lv 108 
—— hon. T. to miss Moore, xiii 180} 
—- to Henr. Eliz. Troul, lvi 
m. 126 
_ Esdaile, Mr. to miss Hadfield, xviii 196] 
{i E. J. to miss Drake, li 549 
@ _ Essex, earl, to miss Bladon, x 171] 
_ Estcourt, T. E. to hon. miss Grimstone, 
me xvil82] ~ 
_ Este, Lambton, to miss Smith, xlv 476 
. Etherington, H. to miss Cave, xvi 160] 
: et rey. E, to hon. miss Bradshaw, xlv 
P| F. to H. Locke, 1i 549 
_ —— G. to miss Parnell, xlvii 447 
——— maj. G. to miss Spalding, li 549 
— — G, Freke, to lady Carberry, xlviii 

T. B. to Charl. Simeon, lvi 125 
Evelyn, sir Fred. to miss Turton, xii 170] 

_ Everett, W. to miss Ellis, xlvi 453 
Every, sir H. to miss P. Moseley, x1 107 
Euston, earl, to lady Horatia Waldegrave, 

xxvii 211] 

————_—— to Mary Berkeley, liv 159 
Exeter, earl, to miss Cheatham, xiii 180] 
——————- to duchs. Hamilton, xlii 49 
Eykin, sir J. to miss Browning, xviii 196] 
Eyre, baron, to miss Southwell, xxxiii 50] 
—— Chas, Nath. to miss Pyke, xlviii 490 



Eyre, rev. J. to miss Armytage, xxxii 233] 
— Jas. to Penel. Phipps, xlviii 


Thos. to lady M. Bellasyse, xix 210] 

Fairford, lord, to miss Sandys, xxviii 251] 

Fairlie, sir W. Cunningham, to Anne 
Cooper, lix 193 

Falkland, visct. to miss Auton, xliv 483 

Falls, Jas. to miss C. Herries, xxiv 205] 

Falmouth, visct. to miss Crewe, xxvii 21]] 

-—— to Anne Barker, lii 413 

Fane, hon. col. to miss Lowe, xxxi 236] 

maj. to J. Mills Jackson, lviii 206 

—— hon, Mr. to miss Batson, xxi 215] 

J. to lady E. Parker, xvi 161] 

Fanshawe, J. Chas. to Frances D. Carring- 
ton, xlviii 474 

Farnaby, sir C. to Eliz. Morgan, lii 414 

Farnham, earl, to mrs. Upton, xiv 169] 

Farquhar, T. H, to Sibille Rockliffe, li 

Farquharson, col, 
Ixi 110 

———— J. to Mary Anne Grant, liv 

Farrer, Jas, W. to hon. mrs. Scott, liii 149 

Farrington, W. to miss Bootle, xxxiii 51] 

a ia earl, to miss Cheshyre, xxxiii 

Fauquier, W. to Marg. Fisher, xlviii 477 

bis ig Walter, to hon. mrs. Butler, lviii 

Fearn, John, to Harr. Thomas, 1. 146 

Fearnley, Rt. to miss Milner, xlviii 485 

Featherstone, T. J. to lady Eliz. Howard, 
lviii 207 

Featherstonhaugh, sir T. to miss C. Witney, 
Xxv 232] 

Feaver, rev. G. to miss Adney, xlviii 473 

Fellows, James, to Eliz. James, lviii 204 

Fellowes, hon. Newton, to miss E. Sherard, 
xxxvil 50 

W. H. to miss Benyon, xlvii 447 

ae ee M. de, to miss Von Reinach, xlviii 


Fenton, James, to miss Ibbetson, xxi 218] 

—— Thos. to Ann Spode, 1. 145 

Ferguson, lieut-col. to miss Monroe, xl 106 

— Finely, to hon. miss Maclellan, 

xxxvii 51 

—+— J. to Georgiana Ribton, liv 159 

— Jas. to miss Varley, xlviii 473 

Fergusson, maj. to hon. Henr. Duncan, xlvi 

Ferrand, brig.-maj. to miss Twiss, xlvii 

Ferrers, lord, to miss Ellicot, xx 222] 

earl, to miss Mundy, xli 46 

——— Edw. to lady Harr. Townshend, lv 

Ferry, J. G. to lady Jane Halliday, xliv 

Field, sir C. Ventris, to mrs. Lill, xl 107 

Fielding, C, to miss Finch, xv 157] 

to Rebecca Colquhuon, 




Fielding, capt. C, to lady E. Talbot, xlvi 
450 + 

sir J. to miss Sedgley, xvii 181] , 

visct. to miss Powys, xxxiii 50] 
Fillingham, Rt, to miss Burne, 1. 143 
Filmer, rev. F. to Mary A. Close, xlviii 486 
ee hey .visct. to lady S. Hamilton, xlv 
Finch, hon. Mr. to miss Wynne, xxi 220] 
—————  W. to miss Brouncher, xxxi 


rey. Pinkstan A. to miss Smith, 
xlviii 485 

Fisher, lieut. to Maria Forster, xlviii 490 

de Fite, M. to miss Edgecumbe, xviii 197] 

ie capt. to hon. miss Conolly, xiii 

— Gerald, to Cath. Obrien, lv 108 
Mia lord H. to miss Boyle, xxxiii 


Hamilton, to lady Charl. Raw- 
don, lvi 125 

— sir J. F. to Bridget Eyre, liv 

————. Maur. to lady A. Fitz-Maurice, 
vii 119] 

——-—— rt. hon. Maurice, to miss La- 
touche, xliii 52 

Jord, Rt. Steph. to miss Field- 
ing, xxxiv 53] 

Fitzgibbon, rt. hon. J. to miss Whalley, 
xxviii 251] 

Fitzharris, visct. to hon. miss Dashwood, 
xIviii 481 

Fitzmaurice, hon. J. to hon, miss Lyttleton, 
viii 124] 

— J, J. to Mrs. Moore, lviii 

T. to lady M. Obrien, xx 


ct ee lord Chas. to miss Mundy, xxxvii 

C, to lady i*. Stewart, xli 44 

——— lieut.-gen. hon. C. to mrs. Claver- 
ing Savage, Iviii 206 

——— hon. G. F. to miss Keppel, xxvii 

———— H. to lady A. Westley, xxxii 

— and rev. lord H. to miss Carol. 

Pigott, xlii 49 

lord W. to Georg. Raikes, lviii 206 

——~— hon. col. W. to lady E. Fitzroy, liii 

Fitzwilliam, earl, to lady C. Ponsonby, xiii 

hon. T. to Agnes Macclesfield, 
xxiii 243] 

Flack, J. M. to lady J. S. Fleming, xiv 168] 

lé Fleming, sir Dan. to miss le Fleming, 
xlix 539 

Fleming, lient.-col. E. C. to Charl, St. 
Leger, lxi 12 

G. to lady Leigh, xlix 540 

col, to miss Mills, xviii 195] 

Fletcher, sir Rt. to miss Pybus, xvii 183] 

Flood, Fred. to lady Jul. Annesley, viii 163] _ 

Flower, James, to Mary J. Stirling, lviii 

Fioyd, lieut.-gen. to lady Denny, xlvii 447 

Fludyer, sirSam. to miss Weston, xxviii 251 ] 

Foley, hon. E. to miss Hodgetts, xxxii 233] 

———_—— T. to hon. miss Stanhope, xix — 

—— T. to lady Lucy Fitzgerald, xliv 482 

———. Edw. to lady M. Coventry, xxi 220] 

—-— lord, to lady Cec. Fitzgerald, xlviii 

Foljambe, F. F. to lady M. A. Lumley, xxxiv 

to miss Thornhaugh, xvii 181] 
Folkes, sir Mart. to miss Turner, xviii 200] 
Folkestone, visct. to lady dow, Feversham, 
viii 163] 
Folkstone, lord, to miss Mildmay, lvi 125 
———- to lady C. P. Clinton, xiii 

Forbes, hon. H. to miss E. Preston, xxxvii 
——— lord, to lady Georg. Berkeley, ix 
————_— to lady Sel. Rawdon, xxii 242] 
sir W. to hon. miss Sempel, xxiii 

Ford, sir Fras. to Eliza Brady, lix 140 

—— rev. H. to miss Yates, xxiv 206] 

Fordyce, Alex. to lady M. Lindsay, xiii 

Forester, Cecil, to lady C. M. Manners, xlii 

Forrest, Mr. to miss Lowther, |. 145 

roe Fras. to lady Louisa Vane, lv 

Forsteen, W. to mrs. Cotton, xlviii 490 

Forster, J. to miss Wynch, xx 220] 

——~—-— Rd. to miss Baynton, xvi 159] 

———— TT. to Sarah Holiand, liii 147 

——— W. B. to lady Cath. Tourner, xxi 

Fortescue, hon, Mr. to hon, miss Grenville, 
xxv 232] 

capt. to lady Ackland, 

xxxvii 51 

— rey. J. G. T. 
Ackland, liv 159 

Forward, hon. W. to miss Caulfield, xxix 

Foster, rev. I. to miss St. John, xlviii 474 

J. T. to miss Hervey, xix 212] 

W. to Mary Anne Bagshaw, lix 138 

Foulis, sir Jas. to miss Dallas, xxxtii 51] 

————— W. to miss M. A. Turner, xxxi 

Fowke, sir Fred. Gust. to Mary Anne Hen- 
derson, lvii 118 

———— T. to miss Woolaston, xv 158] 

Fowler, Mr. to lady Fowler, xv 159] 

—— B, F. to Mary Allison, xlviii 476 

Fox, hon, col, H, to miss Clayton, xxviii 

to Fras. Henr. 


Foy, capt. to hon, S. Courtenay, xIvi 455 
Frampton, Jas. to lady H. Strangeways, xli 

ae Steph. to lady M. Fitzpatrick, ix 

Beebe, sir Phil. to Emma Watkins, lvi 
eo J. Gilb. to mrs. Stevenson, xlviii 

Franco, mr, to miss Acquilar, xv 158] 

— Ralph, to miss Ludlow, lix 138 
Pk rear-adm. F. to miss Braddyll, lv 
Frankland, Rd. to miss Godfrey, xlviii 486 
rev. Rog, to miss Colvill, xxxiv 

os Rt. to Louisa Anne Murray, lvii 

— T. to miss Smelt, xviii 196] 
Fraser, maj. to miss Roland, xlix 539 

Chas. to Jane Hay, lix 138 

Rt. to lady A. Maitland, xlix 539 
W. Ogilby, to miss Preston, xlviii 


Freeland, J. to mrs. Palmer, Ixi 110 

Frecling, Fras. to miss Gay, xlvii 447 

Freemantle, col. to miss Ongley, xxxit 

Freke, J. to lady E. Gore, viii 163] * 

—-— sir J. to lady Cath. Gore, xxvi 227 | 

French, Fred. Stuart, to hon. Helena Arden 
Perceval, lviii 204 

G. to miss J. Currie, xlix 540 

rey. J. to Emily Magenis, liii 149 

Frere, rt. hon, J. U. to lady Errol, Iviii 

Frisk, C. Gust, to miss R. Davis, xlviii 489 

Fuller, maj.-gen. to Miranda Floyd, lvii 

——— J. Tryton, to mrs. Elliot, xix 209] 
—— Osborne, to lady Blois, viii 164] 
Fust, sir J. to mrs, Hamilton, xvi 160] 

Gage, maj. H, to miss Skinner, xxxi 234] 
»— Thos. to miss Fitzherbert, xxii 242] 
—— sir Thos. to miss M. Fergus, xxvi 228] 
sir T. to Charl. Campbell, xxxviii 52 
T. to lady M. A. Browne, li 606 
visct. to miss Foley, lv J08 

Galton, S. T. to miss Darwin, xlix 539 
Galway, visct. to miss Matthew, xxii 24}] 
—_———— to mrs. Drummond, xlv 477 
Gamon, sir Rd. to lady Amel. Cooke, xxxvili 

Garatt, W, A. to miss Stephen lii 412 

Garlies, lord, to miss Dashwood, vii 119] 

Gardiner, sir Rt. W. to Caroline M. Macleod, 
lviii 206 

col. td hon. miss Wrottesley, xxii 

sir J. W.S. to miss Moseley, xlix 
Gardner, capt. to miss Pyers, xlvi 449 
———— hon. Herb, to miss Cornwall, slyi 
Parr Il, 

Gardiner, rey. C. to miss Swayne, xlviii 484 
Garnier, G. to lady 8. Delme, xxxvi 43 
Garrick, capt. to miss Leivh, xxiii 244] 
—— N. E. to miss Blunt, |. 143 
Gascoine, sir T. to miss Montgomery, xv 
Gaskell, Dan. to miss Heywood, xlvii 475 
Gatacre, lieut.-col. to miss Lloyd, xlvii 444 
Gates, Iohn, to lady Beaumont, xi 208] 
Gavin, Dav. to lady Maitland, xiii 180] 
Gay, sir P. R. to miss Coxe, xi 208] 
Geary, rev. Peter, to miss Judd, xlviii 479 
—-— sir Wm. to mrs. Dering lii 412 
Gelburn, Munbee, to hon. miss Chetwynd, 
xxv 232] 
Gent, maj.-gen. to miss French, xlv 475 
George, Chas. to Emma Butcher, xlviii 489 
Germaine, hon. Geo. to miss Pearce, lvi 
Gibbons, John, to miss Tr ylor, xxxvii 52 
W. to miss Watson, xiv 169] 
Gibbs, Phil. to miss Knipe, xlix 539 
Gibson, Cha. to miss Stanley, lii 162 
Gideon, sir Samp. to miss Wilmot, ix 163] 
Giddy, Davies, to M. A. Gilbert, 1. 144 
Gifford, Duke, to miss Maddock, xxiv 204] 
Gilbert, sir Rog. to dow. lady Clarges, ix 
Gilbert, T. to miss Cranford, xx 219] 
Gilchrist, Hor. to miss Theed, xlviii 475 
Gill, capt. to lady H Fleming, xxxvi 43, 
Gipps, G. to miss Lawrence, xxxiv 62 _ 
Glandore, earl, to mrs. Ward, xx 222] 
Glasgow, lord, to lady E. Hey, xxx 226] 
Glasse, rev. J. to miss Martin, xlvii 443 
Glege, J. B. to Anne Parker, liii 148 
Glendoure, capt. W. to lady Johnstone, lviii 
Glentworth, lord (bp. Limerick) te mrs, 
Crump, xxxiv 53 i 
Gloster, Arch. to miss Thompson, xlvii. 
Glyn, sir G. to Cath, Powell, xxxviii 51 
Glynne, sir Steph. to miss Bennet, xxi 

———— Rd. to hon. Mary Neville, 
xl viii 477 
Godby, J. H. to miss Bell, 1. 146 3 
Goddard, Ambrose, to miss Williams, x1x 
Godfrey, C. to miss Thurlow, xvi 450 
Peter, to miss Rowley, xxxii 234] 
Gomm, sir W. to Sophia Penn, Ix 194 
Gooch, sir T. to miss Birtles, xiv 170] 
— — TT. Sherlock, *o miss Whittaker, 
xXxxviil 3] 
—W— W. to miss Villa Real, xviii 196] 
Goodeve, J. to miss Hurry, xlviii 481 
Goodlake, Thos: to miss Mills, xlviii 4€4 
Goodwin, capt. to Caroline Smelke, liv 


Goodwyn, J. W. to miss E. Flower, li 550 

Goodyere, sir Rt. to miss Pits, xiii 151] 

Goold, G, to lady C. Browne, xliy 481 

Gordon, duke, to miss Maxwell, x 172] 




Gordon, col. to miss Bamfylde, xxiii 242] 
—— lord A. to duch. dow. Athol, x 
-——_—— hon. Adam, to miss Maxwell, xliv 
— Alex. to counts. Dumfries, xii 
——— G. to miss Elmstie, xlviii 475 
~—-—— sir J. to miss Mylne, xviii 196] 
—— Jennison, to miss Hatton, xxiv 


—— lieut.-col. J. W. to mrs. Bennet, 
xlvii 448 

as sir Orford, to Frances Browne, lv 

W. to lady M. Philips, xix 210] 

W. to miss Cornwell, lii 412 

Gore, (bp. Elphin) to miss Friend, ix 163] 

sir. J. to miss Montague, 1. 145 

hon. miss Hales, xl 107 

Goring, sir H. to miss Fisher, xx 222] 

Gormanstone, visct. to miss Robinson, xvii 

Gormanstown, lord, to hon. miss Southwell, 
xxxvi 43 

Goslin, Geo. to miss Newcome, xix 208] 

Gosling Wm. to hon. Charl. de Grey, xlviii 

Gough, sir H. to miss Carpenter, xxvi 227] 

Gould, col.C. to hon. miss Dormer, xxxiii 

Edw. to lady Bar. Yelverton, xviii 

Gower, earl, to lady S. Stuart, xi 208] 

lord Grenv. Leveson, to lady Harr, 

Cavendish, li 55] 

hon. J. L. to miss Boscawen, xvi 


W. Leveson, to miss Gresham, xlvi 

Grafton, duke, to miss Wrottesley, xii 169] 

Grabam, maj. to Maria Lambert, liv 160 

——— marq. to miss Ashburnham, xxvii 

—-—— B. to miss Whitworth, xxvii 250] 
sir Billingham, to miss Hudson, vi 

to lady Car. Montagu, xxxii 
- 3 

——~— rev. F’. to miss Paley, 1i 549 
H. E. to Eliz. Leeds, Ixi 11] 
——— J. to lady Holburne, xvii 182] 
sir Jas. to lady Cath. Stewart, xxvii 

——— sir Rt. to Eliz. Young, lii 412 
—- Sandford. to Carol. Langston, Ixi 
—_—— Thos. to da. lord Catheart. xvii 183] 
rey. W. to miss Cave, xxxix 61 
Granby, marq. to lady M. IJ. Somerset, xviii 

J. R. G. to F. C. Campbell, Ixi 

Grant, Alex. to miss Gray, xviii 198] 
—— sir Arch, to mrs, Millar, xiii 180] 

Grant, sir Arch. to miss Macleod, xxxvi 43 

——— col.F.W. to Mary Anne Duna, liii 

—v— capt. J. to miss H. P. Nixon, xlix 541 

—— Jas. to Helen P. Nixon, 1. 143 

Grantham, lord, to lady M. Grey, xxiii 


Grantley, lord, to miss Midgley, xxxiii 52] 

Grantown, lord, to miss Macnamara, xlix 

Gratton, H. to miss Fitzgerald, xxv 233] 

Graves, R. C. H. to hon. Cassandra Twisle- 
ton, xlviii 474 

lord, to lady M. Paget, xlv 477 

Greathead, Edw. to Mary Eliz. Glyn, liii 

Green, Geo. to miss Unwin, xviii 478 

Greenhill, J. to miss Bovet, xlix 540 

Greenock, lord, to miss Mather, Ixi 110 

Greenwood, Thos. to miss Munden, xlviii 

Gregor, Fras. to Jane Urquhart, xxxvii 52 

Gregory, Dr. O. G. to miss Beddome, li 

Grenfell, C. P. to lady G. I. F. Molyneux, 
Ixi 111 

at hon, G. to miss Nugent, xviii 

Gresham, sir J. to miss Clayton, 

Gresley, N. B. to miss Gresley, xix 207] 

sir Nigel Bow. to miss Garway, 
xxxviii 51 

Greville, col. to miss Graham, xxxiii 52] 

lord, to miss Peachy, xiv 168] 

Chas. to lady C. Bentinck, xxxv 

— to lady H. F. Cole, xlvii 


———H. F. to lady Lambert, xlvii 444 
col, Rt. Fulton, to counts. Mans- 
field, xxxix 61 
Grey, capt. to miss Whitbread, xxxvii 51 
— lord, to miss Charteris, xxxix 61 
to lady H. Bentinck, vi 125] 
hon. Booth, to miss Mainwaring, xxv 
-—— Booth, to lady Soph. Grey, li 550 
hon. & rey. Edw. to miss C, Crofts, li 
: H. to miss Des Veeux, liv 160 
—— J. to miss Wickett, xviii 195] 
—— Wm. to Anne Jervoise, lix 138 
hon. W. B. to miss Price xliv 481 
de Grey, miss Irby, xv 157] 
—- hon. lieut.-col. to miss Methuen, 
xlvi 450 
—— & rev. miss North, xliv 


Grieve, J. W. to hon. mrs. Sidney Bowles, 
Ixi 111 

Griffin, sir J. G. to miss Clayton, viii 163] 

Griffinhoofe, Ben, C. to miss Sax, xlviii 

Griffiths, capt, to lady Wilson, xxxviii 51 




Griffiths, lieut.-col Darley, to miss Hankey, 
xlv 479 
Grimes, Geo. to miss Lawton, xlvi 449 
Grinsel, Pascoe, to hon. Georg. St. Leger, x1 
Grimston, hoz, mr. to miss Soph. Hoare, 
xxxi 226] ‘ 
visct. to miss Walters, xvii 181] 
Grimstone, hon, J. W. to lady C. Jenkinson, 
xlix 540 
T. to miss Legard, xxiii 243] 
le Gros capt. J. to mrs. Lempriere, xlvi 
454 - 
Grosvenor, col. to miss Heathcote, xxxix 59 
— lord, to miss Vernon, vii 119] 
Rd. to miss Drax, xxx 227] 
_ Grote, G. to miss Peckwell, xxxv 64 
Grove, Chafin, to miss Kent, xliv 482 
Edw. to miss Hartopp, li 549 
Jos. to miss Goldie, xlv 475 
W. C. to miss Grove, xix 211] 
Groves, major.-gen. to miss Blackstone, xliv 
482 ‘ 
Grundy, rev. J. miss A. Hancock, 1i 548 
Guedes, Isaac, t6 miss Moore, xviii 196] 
Guilford, earl, to miss Coutts, xxxviii 51 
————— to Maria Boycott, lii 413 
Gumbleton, capt. H. C. to miss Massey, 
xxxiv 52 
Gundry, Nath. to miss Palmer, xviii 167 
Gunning, Thomas, to Charlotte Fuller, lv 
Gurlt, Jos. to Louisa Brandram, 1. 143 
Gurney, H. to miss Barclay, li 550 
Gutch, rev. Rt. to miss James, lii 413 

Haddington, earl, to miss Gascoigne, xxviii 
216] P 

Haggit, rev. J. to miss Peyton, lii 413 

Hale, W. to miss Grimston, xx 220] 

Hales, Edw. to miss Lucy Darell, xxxi 234] 

—— sir Edw. to miss Palmer, xxxii 234] 

——— John, to miss A. Scott, xx 220] 

Phil. to miss Smith, xviii 195] / 
T. Pym, to mrs. Coussmaker, vii 


——— Rt. to miss Turner, xv 158] 

Haley, J. to mrs. Richardes, xlvii 448 

Halford, sir C. to miss Farnham, xii 169] 

Halifax, rev. R. F. to miss Ricketts, xlv 480 

dr. S. to miss Cooke, xviii 199] 

Halimand. Geo. to miss Princep, xlix 541 

Halkett, John, to lady Cath. Douglas, Ivii 

Hall, Fred. to mrs. Barclay, xlviii 474 

— sir Jas. to lady Helen Douglas, xxviii 

— he. to miss Maltby, xlviii 479 

Hall, T. D. hon. to miss Lysaght, xlv 477 

Hallam, Hen. to miss Elton xlix 539 

rey. to miss Roberts, xviii 198] 

Halliday, Thos. to Maria Morrice, xlviii 

Halsted, capt. to miss Pellew, xlv 480 

Halton, sir W. to miss Garner, viii 164] 

Halyburton, hon. D. G. to miss Leslie, xlix 

' 640 

Hamilton, duke. to miss Burrel, xxi 219] 
lord, to miss Douglas, li 550 

Arch. to lady H. Stewart, viii 

hon. capt. to miss Chamberlayne, 
vi I25] 
: Augustus, to miss Hyde, xlvii 
Chas. to miss Lucret. Prosser, xx 


hon. C, to Frances Calvert, xvii 
— sir C, to miss Drummond, xlv 


— Edw. to miss Macnamara, xlvi 
Geo. to miss Newman, xlviii 484 
hon. Gust. to miss Somerville, 

xvi 160] 
————. H. to miss Campbell, xxxix 61 
sir Hen, D. to miss Duncan, xlii 
J. to hon. miss Hamilton, xiii 
J. J. to miss Copley, xxii 242] 
———— J. Wallace, to hon. Georg. Vereker, 
lix 139 
sir Rt. to miss Heathcote, xxi 


Sam. to Car. Marg. Heath, lii 


sir W. to miss Harte, xxxili 52] 

Hammerton, Jas. to miss Chamberlayne, 
xlviii 477 

Hammet, John, to miss Woodford, xliii 51 

Hammond, rev. F. T. to Maria Lovelace, 
xlviii 486 

— W. P. to miss Carr, xxxii 233] 

Hamond, “capt. Grah, Edm. to J, Kimber, 
xlviii 492 

Hampden, Trevor, to miss Greene, xi 208] 

visct, to miss Brown, xlvii 446 
Hanh, Capel, to lady Mackworth, xxxix 

Hancock, J. to miss Quincy, xviii 199] 

Handfield capt. G. to miss Smyth, xix 208] 

Hanham, rev. sir James, to Eliza Paley, lvii 

sir W. to miss Drax, viii 164 
Hankey, sir Rd. to Mary Higgins, liv 162 
Hanmer, lieut.-col. to miss Bucknall, 1. 144 
Thos. to miss Kennyon, xxii 242] 
Harbord, hon. E. to hon. miss Vernon, li 
hon. W. A. to lady Carol. Hobart, 
xxxiv 53 
Harborough, earl, to miss Cave, x 172] 
— to miss Robertes, xv 158] 
Harcourt, hon. col. to mrs, Lockhart, xxi 

J.S. to miss Henniker, xlii 49 
Hardcastle, rey. 8, to counts. Mexborough, 
xxiii 243) 
3a 2 




Harding, rev. mr. to lady Compton, xvii 182] 
Rt. to miss Wray, xxiii 243] 

Hardinge, mr. to Jady Gore, xl 107 

Hare, Jas. to miss Hume, xvii ]78] 

rey. KR. to Anne Frankland, liii 149 

—— hon, W. H. to miss Bough, xlviii 485 

Harford, fi. to miss Pigou, xxxiv 53 

——— Henry, to Esther Rycroft, xlviii 

——-— Scandred, to Louisa Davis, liv 160 

Hargood, adm. W. to Maria Cocks, liti 147 

Harland, sir Rt. to miss Vernon, xliii 51 

Harley, hon. and rey. J. to miss Vaughan, 
xili 179) 

Harpur, sir H. to miss Hawkins, xxxiv 52 

Harriot, maj. J. H. to miss Pf. Jordan, xlix 

Farrington, earl, to miss Fleming, xxii 242] 
——-——— sir Edw. to miss Wade, xlvi 449 
Jas. to mrs, Moore, xix 


rey. mr. to hon. miss Fortes- 
cue, xxi 220] 

Harris, hon. and rey. Alf. to miss M, Mark- 
ham, liv 160 

Geo. to Christabell Chambers, 1, 144 

Jas. to miss Amyand, xx 220] 

Harrison, Jolm, to miss Kay, xlvi 461 

to Lucy Har. Price, xlix 

Hart, J. to miss Spencer, xviii 198] 
Sam. to miss Cory, xlviii 478 
Hartley, Winchcombe, H. to hon. Louisa 
Lumley, x1 107 
Hartopp, Edw. to Anne Elean. Wray, |. 144 
Hartwell, sir F. to miss Aldridge, liv 157 
OR hon, cpl. to miss Beckford, xvii 
—-— D. W. to miss Johnstone, li 549 
—~-— T. A. to miss E. Dodd, xlviii 491 
hae rev. J, D, to miss Dixon, xlviii 
eae G. W.F. to lady G. C. Graham, lvi 
Hawarden, viset. to Jane Bruce, liii 149 
Hawke, hon. Edw. to miss Hervey, x1 107 
M.B. to miss Turner, xiv 168] 
Hawker, rev. T. to miss Vincent, xlvi 454 
Hawkins, J. to miss Colbourne, xxii 241] 
sir J. to miss Surtees, xlvi 452 
Hawley, H. to Mar. Cath. Shaw, xlviii 490 
Hay, capt. to lady F. Hay, xvii 179] 
Adam, to miss Harpur, xv 155] 
—— sir Alex. to miss Hay, xvi 160] 
—— Edw. to miss Murray, xxxii 233] 
—— C. P. to Helen Rae, liv 159 
—— rt. hon. Jas. to miss Forbes, ly 109 
-—— hon. W. to miss Bell, xxxiv 51 
Hayes, capt. J. to miss Pye, xlviii 474 
ih hips: Dr. G, to miss F, du Puy, xlvi 
Head, sir Edm, to miss Western, xxxviii 51 
——— Fras. to miss Stepney, xxii 242] 
——— rev. sir J. to miss Walker, xliii 52 
——— W, J. to hon. miss Pratt, xxiii 243] 

Headlam, rev. J. to Maria T. Wilson, xlviii 

Heathcote, capt. G. to miss Lyell, li 549 

— sir Gilb. to miss Hudson, xiii 


——_—— to miss Manners, xxxv 

a= rev. Gilb. to miss Wall, xlvii 

———— — Rt. to miss Searle, xlix 539 

——_——— It. to lady E. Lindsay, lvii 116 

rey. mr. to miss Parker, xv 158 

Heneage, Thos. to bon. Arab, Pelham, xliv 

Henderson, J. to miss Robertson, xxiv 205] 

Henley, Jos. Warn, to Georgiana Fane, lviii 

Henry, J. Jos. to lady Emily Fitzgerald, 
xliii 51 

Henson, Cheselden, to miss Masters, xlviii 

sir T. to miss Meadowes, xi 209] 

Herbert, hon, capt. to lady C. Montague, 
xviii 198] : 

to miss Head, xlviii- 

lord, to miss Beauclerk, xxix 231] 
If. to lady E. Wyndham, xiv 

hon. W. to hon. Letit. Allen, xlviii 


Hercuber, maj. Adol, to miss Turner, xliv 

Hereford, sir Jas. to mrs. F. Hopton, xxiv 

————. visct. to miss Tracy, xvii 180] 

to miss Cornewall, xlvit 


Heron, Patr. to lady B. Cochrane, xviii 200] 

Rt. to miss Mann, xxxiv 51] 

Herring, R. to miss Morgan, lii 413 

Hervey, capt. to lady Louisa Nugent, xxvii 

—— hon. Felton, to miss Elville, xxii 

—— lord, to hon. miss Upton, x1 107 

Hesilrigge, sir T. M. to Letitia Wodehouse, 
liii 150 

Hesse Cassel landgr. to princes. Schwedt, 
xvi 159] 

Tlewett, maj.-gen, to Lou. Majendie, Iviii 

—-— hon. and rev. to miss Pomeroy, xix 

Hewitt, hon. mr, to miss Strettle, xvi 161] 

— and rev. J. to miss Moore, xxii 

Hicks, W. to miss Chute, xxxv 64 
Hill, Ben, Edi. to miss Braithwaite, xlviii 
—— Noel, to miss Vernon, xi 209] 
—— Rd. to miss Mytton, xlviii 478 
—— sir Rowland, to mrs. Powis, xix 211] 
Hillary, sir W. to Amelia Tobin, ly 109 
Hillsborough, earl, to lady Stowell, xi 209] 




Hillyard, Rt. D’Arcy, to miss Dering, xii 

Hinchinbroke, lord, to lady E. Montague, ix 


xlvi 451 
Hinton, visct. to miss Pococke, xxv 232] 
Hippesley, J. Coxe, to miss Stuart, xxiil 



——- to lady M, Paulet, xv 

visct. to lady Louisa Corry, 

sir J. Coxe, to mrs. Hippesley 
Coxe, xliii 51 

Hoare, C. to miss Robinson, xxxii 233] 

Hen, to miss Deering, |. 143 

Rd. Colt, to hon, miss Lyttleton, 

xxvi 228] 

W. H. to miss Noel, xlix 539 

Hobart, lord, to hon, E. A. Eden, xli 45 

hon. G. Vere, to miss Maclean, xliv 

—— rt. hon. Rt. to mrs. Adderley, xxxiv 
Hobe, baron, to miss Bazley, xi 208] 
Hobhouse, H. to Harr. Turton, xlviii 476 
Hobson, Josh. to Jane Pulsford, |. 146 
Hodges, capt. to miss F. Deane, xiv 169] 
—-— Nath. to miss Hodges, xx 220] 
Hodgson, T.. to Isab. Hamilton, xlviii 492 
M. B. to miss Sowerby, xlvii 447 
Hogg, T. to da. lord Lauderdale, xiii 179] 
Holder, capt. to miss Troy, xlv 475 
—— J. H. to liz. Hewitt, 1. 145 
SSS to Anne Ekins, liv 157 
Holdsworth, A. H. to miss C, H. Easta- 
brooke, xlix 540 
Hole, rev. J. to Sophia Brassey, xlviii 486 
Holland, Dr. Sam. to miss Erskine, xliv 481 
Hollinsworth, G. L. to miss Stokes, xlix 
Holman, mr. to miss Hamilton, x1 106 
Holmes, rev. G. to miss C. J. Williams, 
~ xlix 540 
— Gilb. to Lydia Sanderson, lii 


sir L. Worsley, to A. Delgarno, ly 

———\ W. to lady Strange, xlix 540 

Home, lord, to miss Ramsay, xi 208] 

earl, to miss Coutts, xxxii 233] 

— to lady E. Montague, xl 108 

Hommey, M. F. to miss Henry, xlviii 483 

Hompesch, baron, to miss Christian, xlii 49 

Honeywood, J. to miss Courtnay, xxii 242] 

Hood, sir Alex. to miss Bray, xxx 227] 

to Amel. Anne Bateman, 

lvii 118 
F. Wheeler, to miss Hammond, xlvi 

hon. Sam. to lady Charl. Nelson, lii 

Hooper, Thos. to miss Newton, xxi 219] 
Hook, James, to Harriet H. James, xlviii 
Hope, hon, Alex, to miss Brown, xlyii4 8 

Hope, hoh, maj.-gen. to miss Wedderburn, 
xlv 476 
——— capt. G. to lady J. Johnstone, xlv 476 
——— rear-adm. G. J, to Georg. Kinnaird, 
lvi 126 
—~— hon. col. J. to miss E. Hope, xl 107 
— Jas. to lady B. Carnegie, ix 168] 
—— sir J. to miss Wedderburn, xlvii 446 
—-— Thos. to Lou. Beresford, xlyiii 477 
—— W. to miss Corrie, xviii 195] 
Hopetoun, earl, to lady B. Leslie, x 172 
Hopkins, B. Bond, to miss Knight, xxxiii 

capt. to miss Chamberlaine, |. 144 

Hopkins, sir F, to Eleanora Thomson, liii 

Hoppwood, J, R. G. to miss Byng, xlvii 448 

Hore, Wake, to hon. Mary Ji. Ruthven, 
xlviii 488 

Hornby, capt. to miss Burgoyne, lvii 116 

— Kdm. to lady Cath. Stanley, 

XxXvili 52 

— Jeffery, to hon. miss Stanley, xv 

Hornor, T. Strangeways, to miss Hippesley, 
xlvii 446 

Hort, sir J. to miss Aylmer, xxxi 237] 

Horton, Josh. Syd. to mrs. Whorwood, 1. 

——— Thos, to hon, miss Stanley, xxii 

——— T. to lady M. Gordon, xxxi 235} 

— sir Watts, to miss Stanley, xxi 219] 

Hoskyns, sir Hung. to miss Stanhope, xvii 

—— to miss Phillips, xlv 
Hoste, sir W. to lady Har. Walpole, lix 138 
Hotchkin, C. to mrs. Fisher, xviii 198] 
Hotham, col. to miss Dyke, xxxi 235] 
sir H. to Fran. Anne, da, of lord 
Rous, lviii 206 
— maj. Mont. to miss Bird, xlvii 


capt. W. to miss Jeynes, xlvi 450 

Houghton, lieut.-col. to miss Thurlow, xli 

Howard, B. E. to lady E. Bellasyse, xxxi 

C. to miss Coppinger, x 172] 

Chas. to miss Scudamore, xiv 

—— hon. C. H. to lady Charl. Gower, 
Ivii 116 
lord Effingham, to miss K, Proc- 
tor, viii 164] 
hon, maj. Fred. to miss Lambton, 
liii 149 
sir Geo. to lady Effingham, xix 
———- H. to hon. Maria Mackenzie, ix 
Howe, hon. eol. to miss Conolly, viii 163] 
Hudson, C, T; to miss Pepperell, xliv 




Hudson, sit Chas. G. to miss Holford, xlviii 
Hughan, T. to miss Milligan, liii 147 
Hughes, rev. C. to miss Knatzhbull, xviii 
H, to miss A. Smyth, xlviii 482 
———_ J. to miss Hardy, xxiv 206] 
Hulse, Edw. to miss Lethullier, xii 169] 
W. Fisher, to Doro. Cricket, xlviii 

Humboldt, Henry de, to Charlotte Carter, 
ly 108 

Hume, Abrah. to miss Egerton, xiv 169] 

Jas. to miss Grant, xlviii 474 

Jos. to miss Smith, xlv 477 

W. Hoare, to miss Dick, xlvi 454 

Humphreys, Salisb. P. to miss Morris, xlvii 

Hunloke, sir H. to miss Coke, xii 170] 

———— T. Windsor, to miss Eccleston, 
xlix 540 

Hunter, capt. Pat. to hon. Jane Rolle, 
xxxvii 50 

Huntingtield, lord, to miss Blois, lix 137 

Huntly, marq. to miss Brodie, lv 109 

ar rev. T. Toller, to miss Smith, xviii 


Hussey, capt. to hon. miss Walpole, xx 221] 

———— W. to miss Byrne, xvii 181] 

Hutchinson, hon. C. H. to miss Bond, 
xxxiv 54 

Hutton, rev. G. to miss Gladwin, xlvii 445 

Hyde, rev. Arth. to Fran. Crofton, lix 139 

-—— J. to miss Seymour, xvi 161] 

Jabat, Mr. to miss Bridgens, x] viii 480 
Jackson, Dr. C, (bp. Kildare), to Mrs. Cope, 
xx 219] 

F. J. to madle. Dorville, xlv 479 
— sir G. to mrs. Day, lvi 126 
—— rev. Jas. Leon. to Louisa H. 

Wollaston, xlviii 474 
Postle, to miss Burcham, xlviii 
Rd. to Eliz. Sanby, lii 413 
Jacques, Thos. to miss Davies, xl viii 490 
Jarnac, count de, to miss Smith, xx 219] 
Jarrett, Herb. miss Berners, xxxv 63 
Jason, rev. Jas. to mrs. Bovet, xlv 477 
Tbbetson, sir Jas. to miss Caygill, xi 208] 
— mr. to miss Manners, xlviii 485 
Jefferey, Barth. to miss Molesworth, xlvi 
Jekyll, Joseph, to miss Sloane, xliii 52 
Jenkin, rev. H. to miss Evelyn, xxiv 205] 
Jenkinson, hon. C.C. C. to Julia Evelyn, 
lii 413 
———-— Rt. B. to lady Louisa Her- 
vey, xxxvii 50 
Jennings, Ben, to viscts. Dudley & Ward, 
Xxxii 233] 
oe Edw, to miss Middleton, xlvi 

wes W, to miss Wright, xlv 479 
Jersey, earl, to miss Twladen, xiii 180] 

Jervis, sir J. to miss Parker, xxvi 228] 

Jessopp, J. Sympson, to Eliza Goodrick, 
xl viii 476 

Jessey, E. to Matilda Morris, xlix 541 

Ikerine, visct. to Anne Wynne, liii 149 

Ilchester, earl, to miss Digby, xxxvi 43 

to Caroline Murray, liv 157 

Inchiquin, earl, to miss Palmer, xxxiv 53 

Innes, sir Jas. to miss Wray, xii 169] 

Innis, sir Wgto miss Parsons, xvii 179] 

Inge, W. P. to lady E. Stewart, xl 106 

Inglis, lieut.-col. to Char, Eliz. Ainslie, 
xlviii 486 

Rt. to miss Biscoe, xlix 539 

Ingram, H. to Anne Moore, xlviii 484 

Jocelyn, visct. to hon. Mar. Stapleton, lv 

Jodrell, H. to miss Wayland, xliv 483 

Rd. Paul, to Carol. Amel. King, lvi 

Johnson, rey. C. Thos. to Lucy Anne Blois, 
lix 139 
sir J. to miss Watts, xvi 160] 
Rd. to miss Courtenay, xxxiv 52 
R. Aug. to lady L. Taylor, xvi 
sir T. to lady A. Rollocks, vi 162] 
W. to Charl. Consett, lii 418 
Johnston, Sam. to Hester Napier, xvii 

— sir W. to Maria Bacon, xliv 484 
Joliffe, Hylton, to lady E. R. Shirley, xlvi 
453 . 

John, to miss Hylton, xii 170] 
Jones, maj.-gen. to miss E. A Williams, xli 

—— Jacob, to miss Keysali, xxxix 61 
—— rev. Dr. J. to dow. visets, Ashbrooke, 
Xxxli 232] 
— J. to lady Har. Plunkett, lix 139 
ae rev. H. Prowse, to miss Shafto, ‘xlvii 

mr. to miss Rees, xlviii 475 
— T. to miss Tennant, xlvili 480 
—— sir T. to miss Fitzgerald, xxiv 204] 
Walter, to miss Iremonger, xlvii 448 
—— T. T. to miss Williams, xxvxiii 50] 
—— J. G. to miss F. Brent, li 549 
——— sir W. to miss Shipley, xxvi 227] 
Joscelyn, visct. to miss Bligh, xxx 226] 
Irby, hon. capt. to Fran. Wright, lviii 205 
——— Fred. to miss Methuen, xviii 197] 
F. P. to miss Drake, xlv 479 
G. to miss Drake, xliii 52 
—_—_—— and rev. P. A. to P. A. Cres- 
' pigny, lvi 126 
Irvin, lieut.-col. P. to lady E. St. Laurence, 
xxviii 216] 
Irvine, capt. C. to miss Diana Gordon, xxxii - 
Isham, Justinian, to Mary Close, liv 158 
Vere, to miss Chambers, xli 45 
Jadd, Sam. to Lou. Woollett, xlviii 488 
Judson, my. to miss Cawdron, xlviii 486 
Tyeson, Henry, to Jessy Graat, lix 139 




Kaye, rev. sir R. to mrs. Mainwaring, 
xxxiii 52] 

Kearney, H. J. tolady Aug. Brydges, xxi 

Keating, rev. Dr. J. W. to Mary A. Hob- 
son, liv 160 
Keir, L. G. to miss Bellamy, 1. 146 
Keith, sir Bas. to miss Warren, xvi 160] 
lord, to miss Thrale, ]. 143 
Kemble, C. to miss De Camp, xlviii 482 
Kemp, David, to miss Colquhoun, xlv 478 
T. Read, to miss Baring, xlviii 483 
Kenmare, earl, to Aug. Anne Wilmot, lviii 

Kennedy, visct. to miss Allerdyce, lvi 125 

Kennet, Brackley, to mrs. Smith, xviii 197] 

Kennion, Thos. to Martha Winter, lii 413 

eit sir Egleton, to lady Soph. Lygon, Ix 

Thos. to miss Bell, xvii 182] 

Kenyon, hon. T. to miss Lloyd, xlv 476 

Keppel, lady E. to marq. Tavistock, vii 

Ker, capt. to miss Hay, xlvii 445 

David, to lady Selina Stewart, lvi 124 

— sir Jas. J. to miss H. Charlewood, xlix 

Kerr, lieut.-gen. J. Manners, to miss Davies, 
lvi 126 

— sir W. G. to Rebecca Jackson, liii 149 

Kerry, earl, to mrs. Daly, xi 208] 

Kettle, John, to miss Mackenzie, xlviii 488 

Key, W. C. to miss Down, li 549 

Kid, col. Alex. to mrs. Hay, xlvi 453 

Killala, bp. to mrs. Obins, xIvii 446 

Kilcoursie, visct. to miss Coppin, liii 148 

Killeen, lord, to Louisa Corbally, lix 140 

Killmorey, visct. to miss Cotton, xxxiv 52 

Kindersley, G. to miss Adam, i. 144 

King, lord, to lady H. Fortescue, xlvi 450 

, Jas. to hon. miss Creighton, xxvi 

—— John, to miss Moss, xxxiv 52 

peer John Rd. to Martha Litchfield, xlviii 

hon. P. to miss Tedcroft, xvii 183] 
capt. Rd. to miss Duckworth, xlv 

Kingston, duke, to miss Chudleigh, xii 169] 
— L. H. to Fran. Soph. Rooke, liv 

Kington, J. to miss Barrett, xlvi 452 
one lord, to miss Fitzgerald, xii 

_ Kinnaird, lord, to miss Ransom, xx 221] 

to lady Cecilia Fitzgerald, 
xlviii 478 
visct. to Marg. Kennedy, lix 140 
Kintore, earl, to Juliet Renny, lix 139 
Pat mr. to Thomasine Beaumont, xlviii 

Kirkpatrick, T. to miss Sharpe, xlvi 450 
oo at visct, to hon, miss Blaquiere, xliv 

Kirwan, Nicholas, to mias Kelly, xlviii 491 

Knatchbull, Edw. to miss Hugessen, xxiii 
——_——- to miss Honeywood, xlviti 

486 M 
to miss Hawkins, xliii 


—— Wyndh. to miss Knatchbull, 
xxxii 233] , 
Knipe, J. A. to da. sir W. B. Rush, liv 161 
Knight, J. to hon. miss Wynn, xlvii 448 he 
Robt. to hon. miss Dormer, xxxili 

Knightly, sir C. to miss Hervey, lv 109 
Knollis, hon. and rev. F. to miss Halifax, xv 
158] - 
Knowles, sir C. H. to miss Johnstone, xlii 
Knox, Arth. to lady M. Brabazon, xxiv 206] 
hon. C. to mrs. Fletcher, xlvi 495 
———— G. to miss Staples, xlv443 
——rt. bon. G. to Harr, Fortescue, liv 
—— T. to miss Stuart, lvii 117 y 
hon. Vesey, to miss Gisborne, xxxiv 

—— W. to miss Ferguson, liii 148 
Kutzleben, baron, to hon. Doroth. Wrottes- 
ley, xxiii 244] - 
Kynaston, Roger, to Georgiana Oakley, xlvi 

Labrottellaire, Wm. Fras. count de l’Age, 
to Sarah Palmer, xliii 52 

Lade, Mich. to lady Cranston, xvi 161] 

Lafargue, rev. mr. to miss Torkington, xvii 

Laffe! rev. Athan. to miss Jenkins, xlvili 

Lake, col. to lady Graham, xlii 48 

—— — sir Jas. to miss Crowther, vii 119] 

Jas. to miss Turner, xlvi 452 

Lamb, rev. G. Aug. to Julia L. Bancroft, 
xlviii 481 

sir Pennington, to miss Milbank, xii 

hon. W. to lady C. Ponsonby, xivii 


‘Lambe, hon. G. to Caroline St. Jules, xlix 


Lambert, maj.-gen. sir J. to Jane Morant, 
lyiii 206 

Lambton, maj. G. to lady L. Lyon, vi 125] 

— mr. to lady Louisa Grey, lviii 207 

hon, W. H. to miss Cholmonde- 

ley, liv 156 

Lamont, W. to S. A. Crickett, xliv 482 

Lane, Jas. Fox, to hon. miss Pitt, xxxi 

Lanesborough, earl, to miss Latouche, xxiv 

Lang, sir T. to miss Turner, xviii 198] 

Langdale, hon. mr. to hon. Charl. Clifford, 
lix 137 

ee W, Wass, to miss Peacocke, xly 





Langford, capt. to miss Ramsbottom, xlv 
Langham, sir W. fo miss Vane, xxxvii 52 
Langley, Rd. to hon. miss Willoughby, xxvii 
Langton, Bennet, to counts. Rothes, xiii 
———— Peregrine, to miss Massingberd, 
xliv 482 
Lansdown, i Fara to lady Gifford, xlvii 445 
Lardner, W. to Marg. Watson, xl viii 486 
Lascelles, Edwin, to lady Flemming, xiii 
lieut. to miss Gould, xxxvii 50 
Latouche, P, to hon. C. Maude, xviii 487 
Lauriston, lieut.-col. to miss Cranfuird, xvii 
Law, hon. C. Evan, to Eliz. Soph. Nightin- 
gale, liii 148 
Edw. to lady Octavia Stewart, lv 
Lawley, P. B. to hon. Carol. Neville, lix 
Lax, Rt. to Sarah Salmon, xlviii 490 
Laycock, rey. Phil. to Lydia Baring, xlviii 
Leyton, I. to Jemima Plumptree, liv 161 
Leach, J. to miss Rush, xlv 476 
Leacock, Jos. to Cath. Rashleigh, 1. 143 
Leake, J. M. to mrs. Lacy, lii 412 
Lee, rey. F. to miss Ball, xlyi 451 
sir W. to lady E. Harcourt, vi 125] 
Leeds, sir W. to Eleanor Rowley, Ixi 115 
Lees, John, to counts. Anv ersley, xlix 539 
—— sir Harcourt, to Soph. Lyster, liv 
161 - 
Leeson, Beaumont, to miss Easton, xlviii 
——- hon. Rt. to Grace Head, xxxvii 52 
— W. to miss Buchanan, xxxvili 


Lefevre, Chas. Shaw, to Emma L, Whit- 
bread, lix 138 

Legard, sir J. to miss Aston, xxv 232] 

Legge, hon. G. Aug. to Honora Bagot, 
xxxvii 53 

FIChEaRes to miss Musgrove, xi 208] 

hon. H. 8. B. to miss Curzon, xxii 

Leicester, H, Aug. to miss Smyth, 
Leigh, lieut.-col. to hon. miss Byron, xlix 
—sir Egerton, to mrs. Beauchamp, 
xxx 227] 
Egerton, to miss Stratton, li 55] 
——— G. J. to miss Blackburne, xlv 478 
Jas. Hen. to hon. miss Twissleton, 
xxviil 217] 
rey. W. to miss Proud, xl viii 473 
Leighton, lieut.-col. to bon. Lou. A. St. 
Leger, xlvii 447 
sir 'T. to Sylvia Brandon, liii 156 
Leinster, duke, to hon, miss St. George, 
xviii 200] 


Leinster, duke, to lady Char. Aug. 'Stan- 
hope, Ix 194 

Leith, Alex. to miss Cope, xviii 196] 

.-col. sir A. to miss Thorpe, lviii_ 

Lendon, rev. A. to miss Seyer, xlviii 473 
pent lieut.-col. C. to lady C. Gordon, xxxi 


Leslie, lord, to hon. miss Pelham, xxxi 235] 
—— to miss Campbell, xl 107 
J. to miss Hyde, xlvi 449 
lieut.-gen. hon, J. to miss Cuming, 
lviii 206 
Lethbridge, maj.-gen. to mrs. Fowler, lvi 
Lewis, J. to miss Frankland, xxi 219] 
sir J. to miss Kirkpatrick, xlix 541 
Matt. to miss Sewel, xvi 159] 
T. Frankland, to miss Cornewall, 
xlvii 443 
Ley, J. H. to lady Fras. Dor. Hay, li 550 
Liddel, H. G. to miss Steele, xvi 159] 
Liddell, sir IT’, I. to Maria Simpson, xxxviii 
Ligonier, col. to miss Pitt, x 171] 
lord, to lady M. Henley, xvi 162) 
Lincoln, earl, to miss Conway, xviti 197] 
————— to lady A. M. Stanhope, xxv 
Lindores, lord, to miss Reeve, xxxi 235] 
Lindsay, lord, to miss Pennington, liii 150 
——-—— hon. Hugh, to miss Gordon, xli 44 
——— lieut.-col. J. to miss Craigie, xix 
Lindsey, maj.-gen. to miss J. Baillie, liv 
Linsingen, W. F. to miss Studd, lv 108 
Linthorne, Benj. to lady Lester, xlviii 478 
Linton, lord, to miss Ravenscroft, xvi 161] 
Lippincott, H. to miss Jefiries, xvii 179] 
Liston, Rt. to Henrietta Marchant, xxxviii 
Little, J. to miss Carruthers, xviii 490 
Littlehales, sir E. B. to lady E. Fitegerald, 
xlvii 447 
Littler, Thos. to miss Ladbroke, xvii 181] 
Littleton, E. 'T. to da. of marg. Wellesley, 
liv 162 
Livinge, sir Rd. to hon. E. A. Perkyns, lii 
Llandaff, lord, to lady Cath. 
xxvil 210] 
earl, to miss Coghlan, xli 45 
Lloyd, mr. to miss Harman, xxxix 61 
sir E. to miss Yonge, xxii 242] 
Herbert, to mrs. Bacon, xii 170] 
———- rev. J. to miss Roddam, xliv 483 
J. M. to Eliz. Carr, liv 161 
W. to miss Harvey, xlvi 453 

lord, G. to Louisa Fred. Rodney, lx — 


Thos, to miss Whitworth, xviii 
Lockwood, Thos. to miss C. M. Sutton, xxxi 
236] | 


Loftus, col. to lady E. Townshend, xxxii 

W. to miss Macqueen, xlviii 484 

Lomax, Jas. to miss Clarke, xlviii 478 

Long, C. to miss Phipps, xiv 169] 

—— sir J. T. to hon. Harr. Bouverie, xviii 

—— Rd. to miss Wray, xxviii 216] 

—— Walter, to Mary Anne Colquhoun, 
Ixi 111 

—— sir W. to miss Morgan, lix 140 

Longford, earl, to lady Georg. Lygon, lix 

visct. to miss Rowley, xi 208] 

Loraine, sir W, to miss Campart, xli 46 

Lorraine, Lambton, to Bell Algood, xix 

sir W. to Hannah Algood, xix 

Loscombe, Wintringham, to Cath. Russel, 
xlviii 486 

Loveden, Pryse, to hon. mrs. Agar, x1 107 

Loughborough, lord, to miss Courtenay, xxv 

Louth, lord, to da. of lord Dunsany, |. 144 

Louvaine, lord, to Louisa Wortley, xliii 52 

Law, Geo. to miss Still, 1. 145 

Lowe, sir Hudson, to mrs. Johnson, lvii 

— — Peter, to Louisa Butler, liii 147 

Lowndes, W. to miss Hanmer, xlviii 486 

W. F. to Caroline Strickland, liii 

Lowther, hon. C. to lady Elean. Sherrard, 
lix 138 

Jas. to lady E. Fane, xxxii 234] 

Ludlam, Jas. to miss Lyley, xlviii 484 

———— W. to miss Parker, xJviii 490 

Lumley, capt. to miss Beresford, liv 158 

sir C. to miss Kynaston, xvi 162] 

———- hon. Fred. to miss Boddington, 
xxviii 216] 

—— F. to Jane Bradley, Ixi 110 

— and rey. to miss A. M. 

Herring, xxvii 251] 9 

S. H. to miss M. H. Tahour- 

din, xlviii 491 

sir W. to mrs. Cotton, lix 

Lusada, E. B. to miss Goldsmid, xlix 539 
Lutterel, hon. H. L. to miss Boyd, xix 210] 
Luttrel, J. Fownes, to miss Drewe, xxv 
233] : 
Luttrell, capt. to miss Olmius, viii 163] 

_———— hon. Temple, to miss Gould, xxi 

Lutwyche, capt. to miss Thomas, xix 211] 
Lygon, hon. J. Reg. to lady Charl. Scott, lvi 

Lyndsay, sir J. to miss Milner, xi 209] 

Lyon, hon. ‘I’. to miss Wren, xvii 180] 

Lysaght, hon. G. to Eliz. Knight, lii 413 

—— to Eliz. Anne Foulkes, viii 

Lyttleton, hon. mr, to mrs, Peach, xv 158] 

Lyttleton, hon. W. TH. to lady Sarah Spen- 
cer, lv 108 

M‘Allister, Matt. to miss Brodie, xliv 484 
Macartney, A. C. to miss Woollet, xlviii 

—sir G. to lady J. Stewart, xi 

M‘Bride, capt. to miss Folkes, xviii 198] 

M‘Carthy, Dennis, to Anne Power, liv 156 

M‘Clintock, J. to lady E. French, xlvii 445 

Macdonald, hon. capt. A. to miss Campbell, 
xliv 483 

——sir Alex. to miss Bosville, xi 


Archib. to lady Louisa Gower, © 
xx 222] 

hon. capt. Archib. to miss 
Campbell, xliv 483 
maj. J. to miss Chambers, xli 

—— Jas. to miss Sparrow, xlvii 448 
James, to lady Soph. Keppel, 
Ixi 111 
——— W. to miss Miller, ]. 144 
— mr. tolady Caroline Edgecombe, 
liv 157 
—— maj. to miss Graham, xlvii 445 

M‘Dougall, adm. to miss Wright, xlviii 483 

Macdougall, sir H. H. to Isab. Douglas, xxv 
232] ; 

M‘Donough, capt. to miss Plunket, xviii 

Macgregor, capt. to miss Parry Jones, xlviii 

Maczuire, lieut.-col. L. tomiss E. H. Camp- 
bell, xlix 341 

M‘Kay, gen. to miss Cox, xiii 181] 

Mackenzie, col. to miss Andrews, xlvi 454 

mr. to lady Car, Stanhope, viii 



sir Alex. to miss Mackenzie, liv 

——— G.5, to Mary M‘Leod, xliv 

Hector, to miss Chalmers, 
xxi 220] 

mr. to miss Grant, xix 207] 

M‘Kenzie, sir Rod. to miss Colquhoun, vii 

Mackinlay, mr, to miss M. Cates, xlviii 

Mackinnon, lieut.-col. to miss Call, xlvi 453 

Macklethwaite, Godf. to mrs. Booth, xlviii 

Macklin, capt. T. miss Moore, li 55} 

Mackworth, sir R. H. to miss Miers, xxxiy 

Macleod, capt. to lady Am. Kerr, xxvi 226] 

maj-_ to lady Arab, Annesley, xliii 

M‘Lereth, lieut.-col. to miss Steele, xlix 
M‘Mahon, rt. hon. W. to miss Shaw, lvi 




Maconochie, Alex. to miss Blair, xlvii 445 
Madan, maj. W. C. to miss Falconer, xxxv 

—— Dr. Spencer (bp. Peterborough) to 
miss Vyse, xxxvili 52 , 
Maddocks, J. E. to miss F. Perryn, xxiv 

Maddox, Alex. to mrs. Gwynne, lx 139 
—— Jos. to Eliz. Welton, xlviii453 
Madocks, J. E. to hon. miss Craven, xXXiv 

Magennis, R. to mrs. Dashwood, Ivii 117 
Magnay, C. to Harriet Burdon, xlviii 476 
Mahon, lord, to hon. miss Pitt, xvii 183] 
— to miss Grenville, xxiv 205] 
hon. T. to Cath. Topping, liii 150 
visct. to hon. Cath. Smith, xlv 477 
Maitland, Alex. to miss Gordon, xlviii 488 
— Ebenezer, to miss Ellis, xlii 49 
J. to miss Maxwell, xliv 482 

sir Pereg. to lady Sarah Lennox, 

lvii 118 

hon. capt. P. to counts. Rothes, 
xvii 182] 

Thos. to miss Matthew, xix 210] 
lieut.-col. to miss Crofton, xlv 

visct. to miss Todd, xxv 233] 

Malcolm, rev. G. to Helen Little, xlviii 485 
Malcolm, maj. to Jane Oliver, xlviii 489 
Malden, lord, to mrs. Stephenson, xxviii 

Males, W. to lady Pilkington, lvi 125 
Malkin, maj. to miss Spode, xIvii 449 
Mallet, sir C. W. to M. Wale, xli 46 
Malpas, visct. to Caroline Campbell, liv 

March, earl, to lady Caroline Paget, lix 138 
Marjoribanks, E. to Geor, Latour, 1. 145 
Man, Edw. to miss Desborough, xlviii 491 
Mann, Hor. to lady Lucy Noel, viii 163] 
Manners, C. to mrs. Clark, xlv 478 

= J. to lady Lou. Manners, xlviii 

lord, to hon. Jane Butler, Ivii 118 
W. to miss Whicott, xxvi 227] 
Mannock, sir T. to miss Browne, xxiii 243] 
a: lieut.-col. to miss Bruce, xlvii 
Mansel, W. to miss Bell, xxxii 234 
Mariscotti, marq. to lady Soph. Butler, 
xxix 231] 
Markham, Mr. to miss Sutton, xxxi 236] 
——— Osborne, to lady Mary Thynne, 
xlviii 480 
Marriot, rev. Dr. to miss Cave, ‘xx 219] 
—-—— lieut.-col. to Anne Becket, liii 147 
~ W. to M. A. Keene, xlviii 482 
Marsh, rev. G. W. to miss S. Halt, li 548 
— Herb. to miss Lecarriere, xlix 


— W. to Maria C. Tilson, xlviii 
Marshall, J, to miss Baldrey, slyiii 476 

Marsham, lord, to miss Pitt, xlviii 487 
hon. C, to lady F. Wyndham, xix 

Martin, capt, G. to miss Bentinck, xlvi 45 
sir G. to miss Locke, lvii 117 

H. W. to miss Powell, xxxiv 53 

sir Mord. to miss Evir. Smith, viti 


— to mrs. North, 1. 145 

Mason, Fras. to hon. Selina Hood, xlvii 445 

Massarene, earl, to mad, Barrier, xxxi_ 
237] : 

Massey, hon. Edw. to miss Villiers, xxxvii 

— G. to miss E, Scanlan, xxxiv 

rey. G. to miss Frodsham, lii 412 

Hugh Dillon, to miss 8. Hankey, 

xxxviii 51 

lord, to miss Barton, xxxiv 52 

Master, rev. S. to miss Mosley, xxxii 234] 

Matthias, rev. Dan. to Eliz. Lafont, lii 413 

Matthison, Gilb. to miss Farquhar, xliv 

Maude, hon, capt. J. A. to Albina Broderic, 
lix 139 

sir Cornw. to miss Monk, xxi 219] 

hon. T. R. to hon. F. A. Agar, xl 

Maunsell, T. Phil. to Car. Eliza Cockayne, 
liti 148 
—— T. Ridgate, to miss Daly, 
xxxvii 53 
Maxwell, capt. to miss Martin, xlviii 490 
————— maj. to miss Fordyce, xlv 476 
G. to miss Gage, xix 211] 
rey. H. to lady A. Butler, xl 107 
sir J. to miss Colquhoun, vii 119] 
J. to hon, miss Annesley, xxxi 

lieut.-col. J. to miss Heron, xliv 
——— sir W. to miss Stewart, vii 119] 
Mawbey, Jos. to miss Henchman, xxxviii 

Maynard, lord, to mrs. Norton, xix 210] 

Mayow, Phil. to Eliz. Deane, xlviii 483 

Mayne, Rt. to miss Otway, xviii 197] 

Mead, Rd. to miss De Courcy, xvii 182] 

Meade hon. col. J. to Uriana Ward, lviii 206 

& rev. P. to Elizab. Percy, xliii 


Meadows, Chas. to Anne Mills, xvii 179] 

— R. J. to Mary Dupré, liv 160 

Meath, earl, to lady M. A. Meade, xiiii 52 

Mellish, lieut.-col. to da. of march. Lans- 
downe, liv 160 

Melville, hon. J. T. L. to lady Am. Sop. 
Spencer, liv 160 

———— capt. White, lady Cath. Osborne, 
lxi 110 : 

Menzies, Arch. to miss Rutherford, xix 211] 

Mercer, G. to miss Henderson, xix 212] 

Merry, Ant, to mrs, Leathes, xly 476 

ervil, hon. Marm. to miss Morgan, vii 
Mesnard, count de, to miss Blundell, xlviii 
etcalfe, capt. to miss Vane, xxxvii 50 
Rd. to miss Stephenson, xix 208] 
ethold, H. to miss Eden, xxxii 233] 
ethuen, P. C. to miss Gooch, xix 208] 
exborough, earl, to miss Stephenson, xxv 
eynell, Hugo, to hon. miss Ingram, xxv 
Micklethwaite, Nath. to lady M. W. Walde- 
grave, xlvi 449 
Middleton, J. to Mary Burroughs, xviii 
Peter, to hon. Juliana Stourton, 
liv 159 
sir W. to miss Monck, xvii 179] 
visct. to hon. F. Pelham, xxi 

—__—_————- to miss Benyon, xxxix 61 
Millard, capt. to lady Riversdale, xxxiv 54 
Milbank, to lady Aug. Vane, lix 138 
———— miss Chambers, xviii 200] 
Milbanke, Ralph, to hon. miss Noel, xx 
Milburn, J. to lady M. Harley, vii 119] 
Mildmay, sir H. to miss Bouverie, li 550 
P. St. John, to Maria Bouverie, lv 
Miller, sir J. Riggs, to lady Davenport, 
Xxxvii 52 

———- to miss Beauchamp, 

xliii 52 

maj. to miss Every, xlvi 451 

Millibank, J. to lady C. Wentworth, vii 

Millington, lord, to miss Lascelles, xiii 

Mills, C. to miss Digby, lii 412 

—— sir Chas, to miss Morehead, xlii 48 

T. to miss Moffat, xvii 182] 

Milne, C. to miss Dyke, xxxiii 51] 

Milner, maj. to miss Clements, xlv 478 

rey. R. K. to miss Richmond, xlviii 

W. to miss H. Bentinck, li 549 

——— sir W. to miss Sturt, xix 212] 

Milnes, John, to lady Rachel Bruce, xxi 

on visct. to lady M. E. Bertie, xxxv 

Milton, visct. to hon. miss Dundas, xlviii 
Miltown, earl, to miss French, xi 208] 
Mitchel, col. to miss Fane, xlv 478 
Mitchell, sir J. to miss Bruce, xiv 168] 
—— hon. Sam. to Mary Flood, 

——— maj. to lady H. Somerset, xlvi 451 
gt ig Bertram, to Frances Vernon, xlviii 
Mitturne, H. to Hon. Richardson, xlviii 480 
Moira, earl, to counts, Loudon, xlyi 482 




ee ce sir A. O. to miss Browne, li 

a —— hon. R. to hon. miss Jones, xxxv 

aa Sra sir Capel, to miss Adlereron, ix 

sir W. to miss Ourry, xxviii 

Capel, to miss O’Donel, xxvii 

— visct. to hon, Eliz. Craven, xxxiv 
to lady Isab. Stanhope, xi 
209] y pe, 

Monck, hon. C. J, R. to miss B. Wellington, 
lix 140 

visct. to lady F. French, xlviii 484 

Monckton, hon, W. G. to miss Handfield, xlvi 

Monkton, rear-adm. to Eliza. P. Phipps, Ix 

Moncrieff, sir H. to miss Robertson, xv 

— Jas. to miss Robertson, 1. 144 
— sir T. tolady E. Ramsay, xxviii 

Day. to Helen Mackay, Ixi 

maj.-gen. to miss Dewar, xlvii 


Meng Kyrle, E. to miss French, xlviii 


Monts J. Berkeley, to Mary Stephens, lii 

Mourin, baron, to miss Murtin, liv 161 

Monro, Jas. to miss Martin, xlvii 448 

Monroe, sir J. to lady C. Murray, xxxix 60 

Monson, lord, to miss Capel, xx 221] 

— to lady S. Saville, xlix 340 

Montague, lord C. to miss Ballmer, viii 164] 

James, to Letitia Crole, lii 412 

gen. to dow. lady Grandison, vi 


— hon. to miss Buckingham, xxxii 

—-lord, to da. lord Douglas, xlvi 

— visct. to miss Manby, xxxix 59 

Montfort, lord, to miss Blake, xv 157] 

Montgaillard, Louis, to miss Norman, xlvi 

Montgomery, Hugh, to miss Acheson, xxi 

———_-—\— sir Jas. to lady Eliz. Douglas, 
xviii 484 

a —— to Helen Graham, 
Iviii 205 

——-—— Rd. to miss Livingstone, xvi 

Moor, col. F. to mrs. Pulling, xliv 481 

— — T. to miss Grey, li 548 

Moore, rev. G. to lady Maria Isab. Hay, 
xxxvil 51 

—————~-— to Harriet Bridges, xlviij 488 

-——=- Geo, to Lou, Brown, xlix 340 


Moore J. H. to dow. lady Dunboyne, xliii 52 

———hon. Ponsonby, to hon. miss Moore, 
xi 209] 

rey. Rt. to miss Bell, xlii 48 

—— capt. to miss Janssen, xvii 182] 

——— maj.-gen, to Cecilia Watson, lix 137 

Moray, Jas. to miss Erskine, xlviii 478 

Mordaunt, rev. C. to miss Musgrave, xvii 
180] : 

C. to miss Chester, xxxv 63 

John, to Eliz. Prowse, xii 168] 

Moreland, T. to lady Caldwell, xvii 181] 

Morgan, sir C. TI. to Sydney Owenson, liv 

G. to lady Hotham, liv 161 

——— rev. J. to miss Freeman, xlviii 489 

—-— Steph. to miss Bannister, xlviii 

——— col. to lady I’. Sherrard, xix 208] 

—— rev. Dr. to miss Underwood, xlviii 

Morier, J. P. to Horatia Seymour, lyi 126 

Morlet, dr. M. Theod. to Constance Ingilby, 
Ixi LIL 

Mornington, earl, to mad, Roan, xxxvi 43 

Morpeth, lord, to lady Georg. Cavendish, 
xliii 51 

Morris, Edw, to miss Erskine, xlvii 443 

J. to Henrietta Musgrave, xvii 180] 

Mr. to miss Fox, xlviii 473 

Morison, maj. Alex, to Jane Carnell, 1. 145 

Morrison, maj.-gen. E. to lady Carol. King, 
xlii 48 

Morrough, J. to miss M. Plowden, li 548 

Morton, hon. T. to lady F. Herbert, xxxix 

ear], to Susan Eliz. Baller, lvi 126 

Moses, J. to miss Cave, xvi 159] 

Mosley, sir Osw. to miss S. A. Every, xlvi 

Moss, rev. mr. to miss Roberts, xviii 198] 

Mostyn, C. B. to miss Witham, xviii 197] 

—— sir Rog. to miss Wynne, ix 162] 

—-— T. to hon, miss Roper, xvi 160] 

Mountain, rev. J. to Frances Brooke, liv 161] 

Mounteashel, lord, to lady Hel. Rawdon, xti 


Mount Earl, vise. to mrs. Blennerhasset, 
Ivii 205 “ 

Mountjoy, visct. to mrs. Brown, liv 159 

Mountstuart, lord, to da. lord Windsor, ix 

Moysey, Abel, to Charl. Bamfylde, xvii 

Muirhead, J. G. to lady J. Murray, xxvii 

—— earl, to hon, miss King, xxxiii 

Mulgrave, lord, to miss Cholmley xxix 231 j 

————— to Sophia Malling, xxxvii 

Mullet, John Lewis, to miss Baring, 1. 143 

Mundy, C. G. to miss Massingberd, xlviii 

——— E. M. to, lady Middleton, xxx 226} 


Mundy, E. M. to Mrs. Barwell, liii 150 
cea hon. Alex. to miss Oliphant, xly 
—-—— Alex, to miss Lindsay, xvi 160] | 
to miss Ogilvie, xxiii 244] 
——— lord C. to miss Aynsley, xxxyv 63 — 
—w— hon. C. to miss Law, xliv 483 ; 
“are lord Fras, to lady A. M. Percy, 

G. to miss A. C. Grant, xxiii’ 
244] { 
ai aia G. to lady Sar. Mar. Hay, liii 
148 , 
——— lord H. to miss Kent, xxviii 251] 
——— sir Jas. to baroness Bath, xxxvif 
43 | 
—— J. to miss Callander, xliii 52 
Jas. Pat. to miss Rushworth, xly 



W. to miss (visets. Boyne), Hamil- 
ton, xii 168] 

—-—-lord W. to miss Hodges, xxxi 

sir W. to miss Mackenzie, xiii 179] 

——— capt. to da. of duke Athol, 1. 144 

—— maj.-gen, to hon. miss Phipps, xlix 

Musgrave, Christ. to hon. miss Archer, 
xxxii 234] 

J.Chardin, to miss Filmer, xxxiii 


Myers, Thos. to lady M. C. Neville, xliv 

rev, Dr. to mrs. Parfect, xviii 

Nagle, capt. Edm. to mrs. Blackman, xl 

Napier, lord, to miss Clavering, xxvii 210] 

hon. capt. C. to miss Hamilton, xx 


— G, to lady C, Lennox, xxiv 


maj. W. to Caroline Fox, liv 157 

—— hon. W. J. to miss Cochrane John- 
ston, lviii 205 

lieut.-col. to Mare. Craig, liv 161 

Nares, rev. Edw. to lady Georg. Spencer, 
xxxix 60 

Nash, mr. to miss Darker, xviii 195] 

Naylor, mr. to miss Wyne, xiv 169] 

Needham, F. J. to Jane Gunn, lvi 124 

Nesbit, to miss Manners, xx 219] 

maj. to miss Blake, xlvii 445 

Neville, hon. G. to miss Walpole, xxix 231] 

———-—  & rev. G. tohon. Charl. Legge, 
lviii 205 miss Robinson, xxiv 206] 
Rd. to lady Jane Cornwallis, 

Ixi J10 
visct. to Mary Anne Elcock, lv 107 
mr. to miss Greville, xxiii 243] 
Newberry, C. to miss Archdall, xlvii 446 
J. to miss Cleaver, xlviii 475 
Newhurgh, earl, ta miss Webb, xxxi 236] 

ewcastle duke, to miss Munday xlix 540 
_° rey. I’. to Charlotte Winter, xlviii 
ewcomen, Chas. to hon. Cath. Newcomen, 
Ix 194 

ewdigate, sir Rog. to miss Mundy, xix 

ewman, rev. Hor. T, to Char. Eliz. Daly, 

ewnham, lord, to hon, miss Vernon, viii 

co maj. S. G. to Priscilla Graham, liv 

Rt. Wm. to Mary Jane Denne, lv 

—— visct. to Georg. Eliz. Moncrieffe, 1x 


ewton, J. to miss Seymour, xix 200] 

icholls, Rt. to miss Frankland, xxi 219]; 

T. to miss H. Rivaz, li 550 

rae lieut.-col. to miss Russel, xlvi 

icoll, T. to Eliz. Caruthers, lix 140 

ightingale, sir C. H. to miss Dickinson, 

xlvii 449 

‘ixon, Rt. to Henrietta Ram, liv 157 

oel, C. N. to miss Welman, li 549 

hon, Chas. Noel, to miss Grey, lix 138 

— W. Middleton, to Anne Yates, lix 


capt. to miss Woodley Ivii 118 
& rey. Dr. to miss Boothby, xi 


olken, baron, to mrs. Le Maitre, xxii 242] 

orman, Rd. to lady E. Manners, x! 107 
-— W. to miss M. Sparrow, lii 412 

ormanby, visct, to Maria Liddell, lx 194 

ormanton, lord, to lady Diana Herbert, 

lyiii 205 

North, Dudley, to hon. miss Pelham, xliv 


Fountain, to miss Strutt, xvi 162] 

— hon. G. to miss Hobart, xxvii 25] J 

& rev. Dr. to miss Bannister, xiv 


rey. F. to miss Harrison, x1 107 
orthampton, earl, to miss Hougham, xii 

orthcote, sir S. S. to miss Baring xxxiii 50] 
orthmore, Thos. to miss Eden, 1i 550 
Nugent, lord, to miss Paulett, ly 109 

Obert, baron, to miss Parkins, lvii 117 

O’Bierne, rev. mr. to miss Stuart, xxvi 

O’Brien, adm. Edw. to mrs. Bradby, |. 144 

lord Edw. to miss Methuen, lvii 117 

hon. capt. E. to hon. miss Hotham, 

xlvii 443 

Stafford, to miss Noel, |. 14 

O’Carroll, mr. to miss E. O’Carroll, xx 220] 

Odell, rt. hon. col. W. to Anna Maria Finu- 
cane, Ix 194 

Ogilby, sir Day. to miss E. Duncan, lvi 125 

Ogilvie, lord, to Clement Drummond, liy 161 



Ogilvy, Alex. to miss Napier, xlvi 448 
hon. Donald, to miss Morley, lvii 

Ss pe sir W. to lady Maria Fitzroy, lii 
Ogle, H. M. to Isab. Fisher, lviii 204 
Ogle, W. O. W. to mrs. Staples, liii 148 
Oks D. to miss Wedderburne, xlviii 

E . to miss Stirling, xxxii 233] 
Oliver, capt. to miss Lane,xlviii 473 
R. D. to miss Sexton, xlvii 446 
O’Loglin, maj. to miss Dupré, xli 46 
O'Neil, John, to hon, miss Boyle, xx 221] 
Ongley, lord, to miss Burgoyne, xliii 52 
hon. S. H. to miss Monnox, li 550 
Onslow, rev. A. C. to Eliz. Winnington, liv 

lieut.-col. D. to hon, miss Petre, 
xxxviili 52 

M. R. to iniss Seton, xlvii 449 

hon. T’. to miss Elliker, xix 212] 
—~—— to Mrs. Duncombe, xxvi 


—-— Cranley, to miss Hillier, liv 

mr. serj. to lady Drake, xliii 51 
Orange, prince of, to princes. Prussia, x 
to princs. Sophia of 
Prussia, xxxiii 52] 
Ord, H. L. to miss Duff, xviii 196] 
— sir J. to miss Frere, xxxvi 43 
— Thos. to mrs. Broderick, xxvii 211] 
— W. to miss Scott, xlv 475 
Orde, col. to lady Louisa Jocelyn, xliii 51 
—-— lieut.-col. Jas, to Margaret Beckford, 
lili 148 
——— maj.-gen. to Harriet Bevan, liii 149 
Ormond and Ossory, earl, to miss Price 
Clarke, xlvii 444 
OReilly, James, to miss d’Arabet, liti 147 
Osbaldiston, Humph. to miss Pennington, xv 
Osborn, J. to miss Davers, li 550 
Osborne, to miss Ward, xlvii 445 
sir G. to miss Bannister, xiv ] 68] 
——- to lady Hen, Finch, xxi 


T. to miss Smith, viii 205 

Ossory, bishop, to miss Smythe, xi 209] 

earl, to hon. miss Liddel, xii 169] 

Ossulstone, lord, to madle. de Grammont, 
xlviii 484 

Oswald, R. A. to lady Lilias Macqueen, lix 

Ottley, Rd. to miss Young, xlv 479 

Otway, H. to miss Cave, xxxii 252] 

Owen, Arth. to miss Thursby, xvii 151} 

—— Hugh, to miss Colby, xviii 199] 

——— to miss Owen, xxix 230] 

Oxford, earl, to miss Scott, xxxvi 43 

Pack, sir Dennis, to lady Eliz, Beresford, 
lviii 206 


Pack, sir L. V. to mrs. Hartopp, lvii 118 
Packenham, hon. col. to hon. Emily Staple- 
ton, lix 140 

Paget, sir Arth. to lady Aug. Fane, li 549 
——— hon. Berkeley, to miss Grimstone, 
xlvi 454 
—— sir Edw. to lady Harr. Legge, 
lvii 116 
—— T. to miss Pares, xlix 539 
lord, to lady C. Villiers, xxxvii 52 
Paley, Rt. (M. D.) to miss Paley, xlix 439 
— to lady M. Bligh, xxxi 

Palmer, Astley, to miss Cullum, xviii 200] 
C. to lady M. Sinclair, xlvii 449 
sir J. to Charlotte Gough, xi 208] 
— J. R. to miss Altham, xxxiii 

capt. to Caroline Popham, lix 

———— to lady E. Vaughan, {xxxiv 


rey. mr. to miss Payne, xxxii 233] 
Palmerstone, visct. to miss Poole, x 172] 
—— to miss Mea, xxvi 226] 
lord, to miss Sullivan, liv 156 
Parke, capt. to miss Browne, xviii 199] 
Parker, capt. G. to Harriet Butt, xxxvii 5] 
sir Hyde, to miss Boteler, xxv 231] 
adm. sir Hyde, to miss Onslow, xlii 


rey. H. H. to miss Knowles, |. 143 
J. to miss Robinson, xii 169] 
Montague, to miss Newcomb, xlviii 

a at hon. T. to miss Edwards, xxxviii 
—— sir W. G. to miss Still, I. 145 
lord, to miss Drake, xxiii 243] 
hon. lieut,-gen. to lady C. Dormer, 
xxv 232] 
Parkinson, J. to Frances Foster, liv 157 
Parkyns, sir T. to miss Boultkees, xxxviii 


Thos. Boothby, to miss James, 
xxvi 229] 
Parnell, H. to hon. miss Dawson, xliii 52 
Parr, Dr. to miss F. Robson, li 549 
Parry, Thos. to mrs. Berrington, xIviii 48] 
Parslow, capt. to miss Wolff, xxxiv 54 
Parson, J. to miss Chetwynd, xvii 179] 
Paston, Jas. to miss Fontana, xvi 160] 
Paterson, Geo. to miss Gray, xix 212] 
Patrick, Dr. Rt. to miss Gardiner, xlvii 444 
Paul, rev. S. Woodthorpe, to Charl. Dolben, 
xlviii 487 
—— sir Ones. to mrs. Turner, xv 158] 
Paulet, earl, to lady Smith Burges, lviii 206 
lord H. to Maria Ravenscroft, lv 


pe rey. W. to Maria Highmore, xlviii 

aan John, to hon. mrs. Hyde, xxxix 

Ralph, to madle. Kobell, x 172] 


ig brig.-gen. to hon. miss Quin, xl 

Paynter, W. to miss Northcote, xvi 161] 

Peach, Sam. to Amel. Baillie, xlviii 476 

Peachey, lieut.-col. to miss Carter, xlv 478 

Peacock, Ant. to miss Wilson, x]viii 475 

Peacocke, lieut.-col, to miss Morris, xlv 

Pearson, rev. T. to'mrs. Hyde, xlviii 480 

Peat, rev. sir Rt. to miss Smith, lvii 119 

Peel, E. to Emily Swynfen, liv 156 

—— sir Rt. to miss Clarke, xlvii 448 

—— W. Yates, to lady Jane Moore, }xi 111 

Pell, serjeant, to da. of St. John Bletsoe, ly 

Pelharn, hon. C. Anderson, to miss Simp- 
son, xlviii 485 

— G. to miss Rycroft, xxxiv 54 

—— H. to miss Cobb, xxx 228] 

—— — lord, to lady M. Osborne, xliii 52 

Pelleve, Rob. de, to Charl. Butts, xvii 179] 

Pelly, capt. C. to miss Bullock, xlvi 451 

Pennant, David, to miss Louisa Peyton, 
xxxv 64 

Ne oe re Se ee 

G. H. D. to Eliz. Bouverie, lvi — 

125 ; | 
Thos. to miss Mostyn, xx 219] 
Peploe, rev. S. to miss Roberts, xvii 182] 
Pepys, Dr. to lady J. Evelyn, xv 159] 
sir Lucas, to miss Askew, ly 108 
W. W. to miss Dowdeswell, xx 220] 
Perceval, hon. E. to miss Haworth, xviii 


M. H. to miss Flower, lii 413 

hon. J. to lady Eliz. Ay Brude- 
nell, lviii 206 
Spen. to miss Wilson, xxxii 


visct. to miss Wynn. xxxiv 52 
Percival, Edw. S. to miss Sutton, xxxii 233] 
lord, to miss Paulet, viii 163] 

Percy, lord Algernon, to miss Burrell, xviii 

—— hon. Hugh, to miss Manners Sutton, 
xlviii 479 

—— earl, to F. Julia Burrell, xxii 241] 

—— to lady Char. Flor. Clive, lix 138 

Perkins, Aug. to miss Warren, xxii 242] 

— Shirley, to mrs. Walker, xlviii 480 

Perrott, lieut.-col. T. to miss Davies, liii 

Perry, H. M. D. to miss E. M. Bedford, li 

—— J. Adlington, to Fras, Colebatch, 
xl viii 489 

Pestel, P. to mrs. Godfrey, 1. 143 

Peter, J. to miss Herries, xxiii 244] 

Petre, hon. mr. to miss Howard, xxviii 216] 

—— lord, to miss Bedingfield, lvii 117 

Pett, rev. Dr. to miss Andrews, xlvi 453 

Petty, lord H. to lady S. Strangeways, I. 

Peyton, sir H. to mrs. Bradshaw, xlv 477 

r——~ Yely, to mrs. Calvert, xvi 159] 



capt. to miss Hornby, Ixi 111 . 




Phelps, Edm. to counts. Antrim, lix 138 

Philips, Jacob, to miss Berry, xlv 479 

Phillimore, W. to miss Thornton, xlix 539 

——-— Wm. Rt. to hon. Sarah Hanley 
Ongley, xxxiti 51] 

Phillips, Owen, to miss Scourfield, xlvi 455 

—-—— C. M. to miss H. Ducarel, xlix 

——— John, to miss A. F. Shawe, li 550 

—— J. R. Spencer, to Anna Maria 
Tyrell, liii 148 

Nath. to Marg. Hibbert, lii 412 

~—_—— Step. to hon. Jul. M. Petre, xlvii 

———— §. M. to Charemile Grant, liv 161 

Phipps, hon. Aug. to miss Thellusson, 
xxxiv 53 

Wathen, to baroness Howe, liv 161 

igen hon. C. H. to miss Eyre, xlvi 


rt. hon. H. Manvers, to lady 
Soph. Cecil, Ix 194 
hon. P. S. to mrs. Edwards, lii 

Pierse, H. to miss Monson, xx 221] 
sir J. to Eliz. Pierce, lvii 119 
Piggot, W. to miss Wolseley, xi 208] 
Pigot, Chas. to miss Cope, xviii 193] 
hon. capt. to miss Wrottesley, xii 

Pigott, rev. J. D. to Fanny Bevan, xlviti 

lieut.-col. to miss M. Monckton, 
xxxvili 52 
Pilleau, Hen. to miss Franklin, xlviii 473 
Wwerty Chas. to Martha Dumaresque, xlviii 
Pitman, rev. Sam. to miss Bell, xlviii 486 
Pitt, W. Aug. to miss Howe, vi 125] 
Pittman, rev. mr. to miss E. 8. Deane, xv 
Pix, mr. to miss Sisson, xlviii 491 
Place, Edw. to lady A. Gordon, xxix 231] 
Platt, capt. to mrs. Boucher, lii 412 
Plumer, W. to miss Hamilton, xxxiii 52] 
ree Hen. to miss Newcombe, xlviii 
maj. to miss Gunning, xlv 480 
ha earl, to hon, miss Archer, xxx 

to lady M. Sackville, liii 

Pochin, Geo. to miss Dixie, xix 211] 

G. to miss Norman, liii 148 

Pocock, sir G. to mrs. Dent, vi 125] 

Pogson, col. T. to Emily Myers, xlviii 481 

Pole, Chas. to miss Buller, xxxvii 52 

sir J. W. to miss Templer, xxii 241] 

W. to miss Templer, xlvi 452 

—— W. Wellesley, to miss Long, liv 157 

de ati count, to miss Campbell, lviii 

Polkemmet, lord, to miss Sinclair, xlv 476 

Waa R. B, to Frances Crispe, xlv iii 

Pollen, sir J. Walter, to Charl. Eliz. Craven, 
Ixi 112 

Pollington, visct. to lady A. Yorke, xlix 540 

Polworth, lord, to lady Arab. Grey, xv 158] 

Pomfret, earl, to miss Draycote, vii 119] 

———_—- —— to miss Brown, xxxv 63 

Ponsonby, hon. col. to hon. miss Fitzroy, 
xlix 439 ; 

-— Chambrey B. to lady H. Taylor, 

xxxili 51] 

hon. G. to miss Gledstanes, xlix 


— J.B. to lady F. Villiers, xlv 476 

Poole, sir Fern. to miss White, xv 159] 

Popham, E. to miss S. Fenwick, li 549 

— Steph. to miss A. Thomas, xvii 

Porchester, lord, to miss Ackland, xxxviii 

Porter, col. to counts. Grosvenor, xliv 483 

Fras. Blake, to hon. Rose French, 

lii 415 

sir Rt. Ker, to princess Scherbatoff, 

liv 157 

Stan. to miss Wiboult, xvii 182] 

Portland, duke, to lady D. Cavendish, ix 

Portman, E. B. to Mary Hulse, lviii 205 

Portsmouth, earl, to miss Fellowes, vi 125] 

—_—__—_———- to miss Norton, xli 46 

to miss Hanson, lvi 124 

Pott, C. to miss Cox, li 550 

Poulett, hon. capt. to miss Dallas, liii 150 

Powell, mr. to counts. dow. Aldborough, 
xliv 128 

G. to lady A. Stratford, xxi 220] 

Thos. to mrs. Dew, xlviii 476 

—-— W. E. to Laura Edwyna Phelp, liii 

Power, sir Manley, to Anne Evans, Ix 193 

Powerscourt, visct. ‘to lady Cath. Meade, 
xxxi 236] 

— earl, to miss Brownlow, xxxvili 

51 : 

— viset. to lady Fran. Jocelyn, lv 

Powis, hon. & rev. Fred. to miss Gould, xlix 

Powlett, hon. mr. to lady Cath. Lowther, lvii 

Pownal, Jas. Edw. to miss Gage, 1. 145 

Pownall, gov. to lady Fawkener, viii 163] 

Pratt, hon. mr. to miss Molesworth, xxviii 

Prescott, capt. to Mary Anue E. D’Auvergne, 
lvii 118 

Preston, hon. mr. to miss Aston, xvii 179] 

— W. to miss Foulis, xix 211] 

Prestwich, J. to miss Hall, xix 208] 

Prettyman, rev. G. T. to Amelia Tower, lvi 

Prevost, lieut.-col. to Henr. Hamilton, xlviii 

Price, capt. B. to lady Maria Bowes, xxxi 

736 . 



Price, Howell, to lady Aylmer, xxix 252] 
—-— Nich. to hon. miss S. Pratt, xxii 242] 
—— Ralph, to miss Hardy, xlvii 447 
—— Rd. to miss Heyman, xtvii 445 
Uvedale, to lady C. Carpenter, xvii 

180} ‘ 

— — rev. W. to miss Davies, lii 413 

Prideaux, Humph, to miss St. Aubyn, xxxii 
233] ; 

Priestley, Rd. to Eliz. Paley, 1. 146 

Primrose, visct. to Harriet Bouverie, 1, 144 

Pringle, lieut.-col. to miss Eliot, xlviii 479 

Proby, hon. G. L, to Isabella Howard, 1x 

Proctor, G. to miss Hale, lii 413 

——-— sir T. B. to miss Palmer, xxi 219] 

——— W. Beauchamp, to miss Gregory, 
liv 158 

Prosser, rev. Theoph. to miss Newport, li 

Protheroe, Jas. to Caroline Choppin, xlviii 

Prowett, rey. C. to Cecilia Wolseley, lii 159 

Prowse, capt. T. to miss Mudge, xlviii 476 

Prussia, prince W. to prines. Hesse Hom- 
burg, xlvi 449 

Pulteney, sir W. to mrs. Stuart, xlvi 448 

Purling, J. C. to miss Middleton, xlviii 488 

Purvis, adm. to mrs. Dickson, xlvi 452 

sir A. to miss le Blane, ix 163] 

——— Alex. to miss Home, xviii 197] 

Pusey, hon. Phil. to lady Lucy Cave, xxxix 

Pye, lieut.-col. C. to miss Douglass, xlvi 453 

Pym, Fras. to lady James L. Melville, lviii 

Pyme, R. C. to miss Pizzie, li 550 

Quin, Val. R. to lady F. Strangeways, xx 
-—— hon. R, to Emily Smith, lv 109 

Radcliffe, John, to lady F, Howard, xi 208] 

Radcliff, rev. Walter, to A, Emma Franco, 
liv 156 

Radnor, ear], to miss Duncombe, xx 219] 

Raikes, rev. H. to miss Whittington, li 549 

Rainsford, gen. to miss Molyneux, xxxi 234 

Raitt, Chas. Fred. to Lou. Crichctts, xlix 

doy iy comte, to mad. Adelaide, xiv 

Ram, Steph. to lady C. Stopford, xvii 180] 

Ramsay, sir Alex. to miss Russel, liii 149 

— G. to hon. miss El. Fraser, 

xxviii 251] 

Thos. to miss Steele, li 549 

W. to miss Biscoe, xxxviii 52 

Ramsden, sir J. to hon. miss Shepheard, 
xxix 231] 

— J.C. to Isabella Dundas, ly 125 

Rancliffe, lord, to lady E. Forbes, xlix 540 

i ac rev. Herb. to Jane Wilson, xlviti 

Ranelagh, visct, to miss Stephens, xlyi 452 

Ranelagh, visct. to Caroline Lee, liii 150 

Rashleigh, W. to Carol. Hinxman, Iviii 126 

Rathbone, W. to miss Freneb, xlvii 449 

Rattray, lieut.-col. D. to Marian. Hamilton, 
lv 108 

Rawdon, lady C. to Jos. Henry, vii 119] 

hon. J. to miss F’. Hall, xxxiv 54 

Rawlins, J. F. H. to miss Baker, xlv475 | 

Rawlinson, Walter, to miss Ladbrooke, xii 

Rawson, John, to Eliz. Markland, xlviii 

W. to miss Priestley, xlviii 489 

Ray, major, to miss Dalton, xlvii 442 

Raynsford, Nicolls, to miss Souter, xxiv 

Read, sir Jas. to miss Rowley, ix 162] 

Reade, capt. to miss Hoskyns, li 549 

sir John Chandos, to Louisa Murray, 
lvi 124 

Redesdale, lord, to lady F. Percival, xlv 477 

Redfern, mr. to miss M. Green, li 550 

Redlynch, hon. C. to miss Haine, xxix 23] ] 

Reed, G. to miss Oakley, xlvii 449 

Relhan, Dr. to lady Harte, xv 159] 

Remington, F. to lady Ann Brown, xlviii 

Rendlesham, lord, to Anna Soph. Tutnall, 
lviii 205 

Rep G. Stanley, to hon. Eliz. Scott, lix 

Reshall, C. J. to miss Martin, 1. 144 

Reynardson, Jacob. to miss Cust, xx 221] 

Reynolds, F. to miss Provis, xvii 182] 

— sir Fred. to miss Townshend, 

xxiv 206] 

7 maj.-gen. to Mary Hunter, iti 

Riall, maj.-gen. to hon. miss Scarlett, 1xi 

R. D. to miss Copland, xlix 

Rice, Thos, to lady Theod. Pery, liii 149 
Rich, capt. to miss Lethbridge, xlviii 490 
Richards, G. to miss F. Kettrilby, li 548 
————- Thos. to mrs. Edwards, li 549 
Richardson, J. to miss H. Hudson, xlvi 452 
\W. to counts. Winterton, xxxiil 

Rickets, E. J. to hon. miss Twisleton, xxxii 

G. W. to miss Mildmay, xxxtii 92] 
Rideout, rev. J. to mrs. Dring, lii 413 

Ridley, sir Matt. to miss Colborne, xx 221] 
Matt. White, to miss Hawkins, xlv 


Nich. to miss Atkins, xxxii 254] 
Ritchie, W. to Sarah Pitcher, xlviii 483 
Rivers, rev. sir H. to miss Eales, liv 158 

Riversdale, lord, to miss C, St. Leger, xli 

Robbins, N. to miss Massy, liv 162 
Roberts, sir T. to miss Walton, xlviii 492 
Robertson, lieut.-gen, to Marg, Menzies, 
lviii 208 


Robertson, P. T. to Mary Parker, lii 412 
Robinson, hon. Fred. to miss Harris, xxvii 

— rt. hon. Fred. to lady Sarah 
Hobart, lvi 126 
J. to hon, miss Clive, xxv 232] 
Jas. to miss Chorley, xlviii 487 
Rt. to miss Kirby, xix 209] 
Robson, col.. to Mrs. Seymour, xlv 478 
—-— T. to Cath. Young, xlviii 475 
Roche, Phil. to hon. Anne Plunkett, xlv 478 
Rochester, bp. (Thomas) to lady E, Yeates, 
xviii 196] 
Rochford, hon. mr. to miss Mervin, vii 119] 
———_—__——. Rt. to miss Smyth, xxxi 

234] - 
Rochfort, col. to miss Mann, xliii 71 
Roden, earl, to miss Orde, xlvi 451 
Rodney, capt. to miss Harley, xxiv 205] 
lord, to Charl. Georg. Morgan, 1Ixi 

—-—— hon. Mortimer, to Sarah Withy, 
lvii 117 
capt. Rt. to Anne Dennett, 
lxi }11 
Roe, Wm, to miss Thomas, xviii 200] 
Roebuck, baron, to Maria Jul. Blake, lvii 
Rogers, Geo. to miss Coombes, xviii 197] 
J. to miss Bassett, xix 211] 
Rolleston, Launc. to miss Chetwynds, |. 146 
Rollo, lord, to miss Moray, viii 163] 
—— to Agnes Grieg, xlviii 480 
Romney, rev. J. to miss Kennal, xlviii 490 
Roper, T. C. to miss Fludyer, xvi 159] 
Rose, Geo. H. to miss Duncombe, xxxviii 5] 
—— rev. J. to miss Babington, li 549 
——— sir J. W. to miss Fenn, xxxvii 53 
Roseberry, lord, to miss Ward, vii 119] 
— earl, to miss Vincent, xviii 197} 
ee to hon. miss Anson, Ixi 1] 1 
Rosehill, lord, to miss Ricketts, xxxi 234] 
Ross, earl, to miss Clements, xvi 161] 
capt. to hon. miss Browne, xl 107 
sir C. to lady M. Fitzgerald, xli 45 
Hen. Dalrymple, to miss Graham, 
lviii 206 
capt. Jas. to miss Tredgold, xxi 220] 
— rev. Dr. to miss Sibthorpe, xvi 159] 
—— maj.-gen. to miss Gunning, xxxvil 52 
Rosse, lieut.-col. to miss Brownrigg, liii 150 
Rossmore, lord, to lady Aug. Charteris, Ixi 
Rothes, earl, to Jane Maitland, xi 208] 
Rothesay, ear], to miss Lloyd, vi 125] 
Rous, sir J. to miss Wilson, xxx 226], 
—— to miss Whitaker, xxxiv 52 
T. Bates, to Charl, Owen Salisbury, 
liii 148 
Rouse, C. W. B. to miss Hall, xxv 232} 
Rowley, bon. Clotworthy, to miss Crosbie, 
xviii 195] 
——— capt. C. to Eliza King, xxxix 61 
or Siegmond, to Lucy Gardner, xlviii 
Parr Il. 

Rudd, rev. J. to mrs. St. Clare, xv 159] 

Rudsdell, lieut.-col. to miss Biscoe, xlviii 

Rumbold, sir G. to miss E. Parkyns, li 549 

———_ T. to miss Law, xv 157] 

Rushdall, Rt. to miss Bonner, xlviii 479 

Rushout, hon. and rev. G. to lady C. 
Stewart, xlv 475 

Russel, sir J. to miss Carey, xvii 182] 

lord J. to hon. miss Byng, xxviii 

Russell, lord W. to lady C. Villiers, xxxi 
Ruthven, hon. Jas. to lady M. E. Leslie, 
xix 211] 
lord, to miss Campbell, lv 109 
Rutland, duke, to lady E. Howard, xli 45 
Ryder, hon. and rev. H. to Sophia Phillips, 
xliv 484 
—— hon. R. to miss Skinner, xli 40 
Braye sir NeJson, to Marg. Mandeville, 
Ryley, John, to Cath. Coxe, xlviii 489 
Ryves, G. F. to miss Arundel, xxxiv 51] 

Sablonkoff, gen. to miss Angerstein, xlvi 

St. Alban’s, duke, to miss Manners, xliv 483 

St. Asaph, lord, to hon. miss Thynne, xxvii 

to lady Charl. Perey, xxxvii 
St. Barbe, J. to miss Thomas, xlviii 475 
St. Clair, sir Jas, to miss Bouverie, xxxi 
St. George, chev. to princes. Stolberg, xv 

A. French, to hon. Henrietta 
St. Lawrence, xliii 51 
Thos. to hon. miss Acheson, 

xix 210] 
oo Germains, earl, to Harriet Carew, Ixi 
St. John, hon. col. to miss Bladen, xiv 
St. John, lieut.-col. to Lavinia Breton, 
xxxvii 51 
lord, to Emma Whitbread, xxiii 
—————— hon. Fred. to lady M. Kerr, xxx 

Geo. to miss Collins, xxvi 

== H. to miss Mildmay, liv 159 
sir H. P. to miss Tucker, vi 125] 
SSS to miss Mildmay, xxviii 


St. nenie keen lord, to lady Birmingham, xx 
St. Leger, col. B. to lady Mansel, xvi 160] 
—— hon. Hayes, to lady Char. Esth. 
Bernard, lviii 205 
— rey. J. to miss Williams, li 549 
St. Martin de Front, count, to lady Fleet. 
mad xlvi 454 


Salm Salm, prince, to counts. Horion, xviii 


Salmon, Jas. to miss Munday, xlviii 474 
Salton, lord; to Cath. Thurlow, lvii 117 
Saltoun, lord, to miss Fraser, xxvii 210] 
Salusbury, sir T. to hon. mre. King, vi 

cae Edw. to Joanna Daubenny, xlix 

Samson, capt. to Ann Story, xlviii 476 
sea rey. Geo. to miss Willet, xxxix 

Sanders, Dr. Jas. to miss Hardie, xlviii 484 
Sanderson, sir J. to miss Skinner, xxxvii 
Sandford, col. to lady Rach. Macdonnel, xx 
———— E. A. to Henr. Langham, lix 139 
Sandys, E. H. to miss Fagg, xx 219] 
Miles, to miss Dalrymple, xxxii 

rev. R. to lady F. A. Aslong, xxiv 

Sargent, J. to miss Smith, xlvi 454 

Savage, Fras. to lady Har. Batler, xlviii 

Savill, Thos. to miss Savill, xlviii 487 

Saville, Albany, to Elean. Eliz. Wray, lvii 

—— hon. R. L. to hon. miss Willoughby, 
xxix 231] 

Saunders, W. to miss Rolleston, 1. 145 

Sawyer, C. to Henr. Bowyer, lii 16) 

Saxony, Elector, to princes. Deuxponts, xii 

Saxony, prince Albert, to archduchs. Mar. 
Christ. Austria, ix 162] 

roy. to archduchess Austria, 

Ixi 112 

Say and Sele, lord, to hon. miss Eardley, 
xxxvi 43 

Sayer, Steph. to miss Noel, xviii 195] 

Schmeiman, baron, to Sophia Elton, xlvi 

Schomberg, capt. A. W. to miss Smith, xlvi 


Scott, hon. mr. to miss Ridley, xlvi 462 

——— maj.-gen. J. to lady M. Hay, xiii 

~—— J, M. to lady A. Brabazon, xlv 476 

—-— sir J. to miss Graham, xxxiv 53] 

—— J. to mrs. Nesbit, xxv 231] 

—-— rt. hon. sir W. to marchs. Sligo, lv 

—— rear-adin. 

Seabright, sir J. to miss Knight, ix 162] 

Searle, J. H. to miss Jodrell, xlvii 446 

Sedley, Geo. C. to miss Warren, xliv 483 

Selkirk, earl, to miss Wedderburn, xlix 540 

Selsey, lord, to hon. Anna Maria Irby, lix 

Selwyn, rey. Towns. to Charlotte Soph. 
Murray, liv 159 

Sempil, hon. G. to miss Clive, vii 119] 

to mrs. Crouder, xlvii 



iden hon. Geo. to mrs. Jodrell, xviii 

——— lord, to miss Mellish, xxix 230] 

Senhouse, sir 4. to miss Asley, xxix 232] 

Serral, rev. 5. to Harr. Digby, 1. 145 

Seton, sir W. to miss Lingertwood, xviii 

Seymour, capt. G, F. to Georg. Berkeley, 
liii 148 

Horace, to Eliz. Mallet, Ix 193 
lord Rt. to hon. miss Chetwynd, 
xlviii 478 



Webb, to miss Bonnell, xii 


to miss Maltravers, x 

—- to miss Clitheroe, x] 108 

Shaftesbury, earl, to miss Webb, xxviii 251] 

Shaftoe, R. E. to miss Eden, xlv 479 

Edw. to miss Garthorne, xlvii 447 

Shakespeare, Arth. to miss Ridley, xx 219] 

Sharpe, Ben. to Anne Kennet, lii 413 

Rd. to mrs. Sherwin, |. 146 

Thos. to Frances Sibley, xlviii 486 

Shaw, Euclid, to miss Saunders, li 551 

-—— miss H. Eade, li 549 

—— sir J. to miss Monson, xxv 232] 

—— Rt. to Alice Eade, xlix 540 

Shawe, Rd. to miss French, xlviii 473 

Shee, Geo. to miss Young, 1. 143 

Sheffield, lord, to hon. Lucy Pelham, XxxviL 

to lady A. North, xl 106 

sir Rt. to miss Newbolt, Ixi 109 

Shelburne, ear], to lady Soph. Carteret, viii 

tolady L. Fitzpatrick, xxii 

Sheldon, G. to counts. dow. Daun, xxxi 236] 

Shelley, sir J. to miss Woodcock, xviii 195 

Shelly, Tim. to miss Pilford, xxxiii 52] 

Shepherd, rev. G. to miss Wetheral, xlix 


Sherard, lord Philip, to Eleanor Monckton, 
xxxili 51] 

Sherbrooke, sir J, C. to Katharina Pyndar, 
liii 149 

Sheridan, R. B. to miss Ogle, xxxvii 51 

—————. T.. to miss Callander, xlvii 448 

- sir W. W. to Lou. Mary Addison, 
lviii 204 

Shewen, lieut. to miss Parker, xlvii 443 

Shipley, lieut.-col. to Charl. W. Wynn, xlviii 

Shipwith, sir T. G. to miss Shirley, xxvii 

Shirley, Evelyn, to miss Wollaston, xxiv 

— H. I. to lady M. Primrose, 1. 

hon. T. to lady Anderson, xvi 160] 

———~— Washington, to lady Sarah 
Lennox, xxiv 206] 

—— capt. to miss Ward, xxiv 205] 

_ Shrewsbury, earl, to miss Hoey, xxxiv 53 




Shuckburgh, John, to miss Craven, xii 170] 
—_ sir G. to miss Darker, xxv 

Shuter, T. A. to Sarah F. Valpy, lii 412 
Shuttleworth, rev. Chas. to hon, Mary Cock- 
burn, xix 211] 
Siddons, Henry, to miss Murray, xliv 482 
Sidenham, capt. to mrs. Bunbury, xlv 480 _ 
aK lord, to miss St. Laurence, Xvi 

visct. to lady C. Clements, xliv 481 
Silk, Geo. to Mary Fortune, xlviii 484 
Simpson, J. to lady Ann Lyon, xi 208] 
Sinclair, lord, to miss Chisholme, xliv 481 

— to Isab. Chatto, lviii 206 
—- hon. James, io Eliz. Tritton, Ixi 
~ 110 

sir J, Gord, to Anne de Courcy, liv 


J. to hon. miss Macdonald, xxx 

Rt. to lady Mad. Gordon, xxxi 

Sitwell, E. S. to miss Wheeler, xx 220] 

sir G. to Susan Tait, lx 194 

Slade, rev. J. to Augusta Law, liv 158 
Slaughter, H. to viscts. Montague, xlii 48 
Sligo, marq. to lady Esth. De Bourg, lviii 

Slingsby, sir T. T. to miss Slingsby, xxiv 

Sloane, W. to lady Gert. Howard, xviii 481 

Sloper, lieut. to miss Kent, xxxviii 52 

W. C, to miss Shipley. xvii 183] 

Smailles, Rd. to Eliz. Beal, xlviii 477 

Smelt, W. to miss Stanhope, xix 212] 

Smith, capt. Carrington, to hon. C. J. But- 
ler, xli 45 

Cullen, to hon. miss C. Eardley, 

xxxiv 53 

Culling, to lady A. Fitzroy, xli 45 

Dav. to miss Murray, xv 157] 

— sir Drum. to lady Sykes, xlvii 445 

D. H. to miss Voase, xlviii 473 

sir Edw. to hon. miss Clifford, ix 


to miss S. Dawkins, xlvi 
453 } 

Stanley, to Eliz. Duggin, 
lxi 112 

Edw. Godf. to miss Huish, xlviii 

~_— F. M. to Caroline Nepean, liv 158 

G, (M.P.) to miss Morley, xxxiv 

sir H. to miss Elmore, lvii 117 

J. to miss Shirley, xxv 232] 

capt. J. tolady Dudley and Ward, 
xxxiii 52] : 

sir J. to miss Morland, xlii 48 

J. Webber, to miss Simeon, xlix 


rev. Jos. to miss Bernard, xxii 242] 
Nich. to miss Anderson, xix 209] 
Octay, Hen. to Jane Cooke, lxi 111 

Smith, Peter 
liv 158 
Robt. to Susannah Watson, xlviii 

(M.D.) to Henrietta Erskine, 


Rt. to miss Steinman, |. 143 

to Jul. Pemberton, lii 412 
—— R. P. to Eliz. Breton, xli 112 

sir Skeffington, to miss Dally, xxv 


Thos. to hon. miss Hutchinson, 
xxxili 51] 

W. to miss Pigott, xlviii 484 

sir W. Sydney, to lady Rumbold, li 

——— hon. mr. to miss Tylee, xlv 476 
lieut.-col. to miss Cantelo, xlvi 453 
to lady Georg. Fitzroy, xxi 219] 
to miss Stevens, xlviii 481 
Smyth, Chas. to miss Vandeput, xxii 242] 
J. H. to lady Eliz. A. Fitzroy, lvi 


sir Rt. to miss Blake, xix 211] 
lieut.-col. to Sarah Wilson, liii 150 
Smythe, Edw. to miss Holford, xxiv 206] 
Sneyd, Nath. to Anne Burgh, xlviii 482 
Walter, to hon. miss Bagot, xxviii 

rev. W, to mrs. Cecil, xxxiii 52] 
Soams, capt. H. to mrs. Leich, xlix 540 
Sober, capt. C. to mrs. Bytheca, xlviii 486 
Solly, S. R. to miss Hammond, li 550 
Somerset, capt. to miss Heathcote, lix 138 
duke, to lady C. xlii 48 
lord A. to dau. of visct. Fal- 
mouth, |. 144 ; 
Chas. H. to hon. miss Courte- 
nay, xxx 227] 

Edw. to hon. Lou. Courtenay, 

xlvii 448 
——— Fitzroy, to Emily Har. Pole, 
Ivi 126 

W. G. H. to Eliz. Molyneux, 
lv 108 
- W. to mrs. Greig, liv 158 
Somerville, sir H. to hon. miss St. Leger, xv 
; —— hon. co]. to miss E. Lethbridge, 
vi 125] 

hon. Hugh, to miss Digby, xxi 
Ae sir Marcus, to Marianne Mery- 
dith, xliii 52 
Sotheby, capt. Chas. to Jane Hamilton, 1xi 

rear-adm. to lady M. A. Bourke, 
xlviii 475 
Southampton, lord, to miss Seymour, xliv 
484 . 
Southwell, visct. to miss Berkeley, xli 45 
Spaen, baron, to lady Lou. King, xlv 480 
Spalding, I. to Mary Ann Eden, xlix 541 
——_—— John, to Mary A. Eden, 1. 143 
Sparrow, Rt. Bernard, to hon. miss Acheson, 
xxxix 60 
Speke, ae to miss Andrews, li 950 


Spencer, earl, to lady Georg. Spencer, xvii 

at ol lord Fras. to lady F. Fitzroy, xliii 

— hon. J. to Eliz. Spencer, xxxii 

232] wi 

— lord Rt. to hon. mrs. Bouverie, lili 

Spicer, capt. to miss Prescott, lii 412 

Spinetto, marq. to miss Campbell, lvi 125 

Spooner, Abrah. to miss Lillington, xxxix 60 

-— Isaac, to miss Gough, xiii 179] 

— Rd. to miss C. Wetherell, xlvi 455 

Spread, capt. R. D. to hon. Emily Wing- 
field, lix 138 

Stafford, E. S. to miss Palmer, xix 210] 

rev. J. to Eliz. Thompson, xlviii 


Stanhope, lady, to capt. Jones, xvi 159] 

hon. Fitzroy, to miss Wyndham, 

1. 145 

Stanley, lord, to lady B. Hamilton, xvii 

——— Edw. to miss Fleming, xvii 181 

-—— to lady Mary Maitland, Ix 


—_—— J. T. to hon. miss Holroyd, xxxviii 

Stanton, I. to mrs. Francis, xlviii 475 

ie he Rd. to miss Montgomery, xlviii 

Stapleton, J. T. H. to hon. miss Fitzroy, lvi 
sir T. to miss Fane, viii 164] 
— hon. T. to Maria Wynne, lviii 
Stavordale, lord, to miss Grady, xv 158] 
Steele, lieut.-col. to lady £. Montague, Ixi 

Parker, to miss Verity, xvi 161] 

sir Rd. to miss D’ Alton, xl 107 

Steiger, baron de, to miss de Tasset, lii 413 

Stephens, Jas. to mrs. Boyd, xlvi 451 

Stephenson, B. C. to miss Rivers, xlvii 445 
to miss Gay, xlvii 445 

C. to lady Lucy Pery, lviii 205 

——R. to miss Stephenson, xlix 


Stepney, sir Thos. to mrs. Russel Manners, 
lv 108 
Stevens, rev. J. to miss A. M. Norton, li 
— Rt. to miss Mason, xlviii 483 
— R. J. 5S. to miss Jeffery, lii 412 
Steward, rev. mr. to miss Alderley, xlviii 
By oes, hon. capt. to miss Hyndmam, liv 
——-~— Dr. to lady Shelley, xxxii 234] 
*hon. mr. to lady Amel. Hobart, 
xxxvi 43 
— col. C, to lady Cath: Bligh, 
xlvi 452 
—- Edw, to hon, Cath. Charteris, 
xlvii 449 


Stewart, hon, Jas. H. Keith, to Henr. Anne 
Madan, Ixi 111 

Montgomery, to Cath. Honey- 
man, xliii 52 

——— Euph. M‘Kenzie, xiv 168] 

Robt. to lady S. Conway, ix 162] 

—— Rt. to hon. miss Pratt, xviii 197] 

——-— lord, to lady F. Vane Tempest, Ixi 

Stirling, C. to miss Grote, xxxi 237] ; 

Stile, sir Chas. to hon. miss Wingfield, xiii 

Stokes, Stanley, to miss Manton, xlviii 488 

Stone, And. to miss Baynton, xxii J41] 

Stoney, A. Robinson, to counts. Strathmore, 
xx 219] 

Stopford, rear-adm. to Mary Fanshawe, li 

visct. to lady M. M. Scott, xxxiii 
Stoner, capt. to miss Butler, li 550 
Storey, J. to Lonisa Gay, liv 157 
Storks, Rt. to miss Brooke, li 550 
Stormont, lord, to miss Cathcart, xix 209] 
Stovin, sir F. to Anne Eliz. Sitwell, lvii 
Stourton, hon. Edw. to Maria Fox, lv 108 
Strachan, sir R. to Louisa Dillon, liy 158 
Strange, T. Andr. to miss J. Anstruther, 
xxxix 61 
Strangford, visct. to mrs. Browne, lix 139 
— earl, to miss Bowes, x 177] 
Strawbenzee, col. to miss Buckle, xlvii 

Strickland, H, E, to miss Cartwright, xliv 
Thos. to miss Lawson, xxxi 

— W. to miss Cholmley, xxi 219] 

Strode, W. to mrs. Finch, xlv 477 

Strutt, J. Holden, to lady E. Fitzgerald, 
xxxi 234] 

Jedediah, to Susannah Walker, lii 

Stuart, hon, col. to miss Douglas, xlvi 450 
—-— capt. to miss Anson, xlix 539 
———_— to miss Sullivan, xlix 540 
—— maj. to Maria Smith, xlix 541 
hon. A. to Soph. Isab. Conyngham, 
lvi 124 
—-— Andr. to miss Stirling, xxxii 234] 
—— sir C. to lady E. Yorke, Iviii 205 
lord Hi. to lady Gertrude Villiers, 
xliv 482 
— sir H. to Georg. Fran. Gunn, lvii 

J. to miss Coutts, xxi 220] 
—— col. Jas. to lady M. H. Campbell, vi 

lord James, to miss Tighe, Ix 194 
sir Sim. to miss Olmius, xxxi 235] 
-——— hon. W. (bp. St. David’s) to miss 
Penn, xxxviii 51 
lord W, to hon, Georg, Maude, xlviii 




Stuart, hon. mr. to miss Bertie, xxi 219] 

Stubbs, Geo. to miss Esdaile, xx 221] 

Sturt, Chas, to lady M. A. Ashley, xxx 

Sturgeon, Rt, H. to miss S. Curran, xlvii 

Style, sir C. to miss Whatman, xxxvi43 

Suckling, Maur. to hon. Maria Walpole, vii 
119] by 

Sudermania, duke, to prines. Holstein, xvii 

Sudley, visct. to miss Tyrrel, xxix 232] 

Sulivan, Laurence, to hon. miss Eliz. Tem- 
ple, lili 150 — 

Sullivan, capt. to miss James, 1. 143 

sir C. to Jean Anne Taylor, Ix 

John, to miss Hobart, xxxi 235] 
Surtees, Aubone, to miss Honywood, xtiv 
J. to miss Hawkins, xlvii 442 
— W. to miss Lewis, xviii 199] 
Sussex, earl, to miss Vaughan, xxi 218] 
Sutherland, capt. to miss L. Colebrooke, 
xxxi 237 | 

A. R. to miss Mills, 1. 143 
Suttie, sir Jas. to miss E. H. Hamilton, 
| xxxiv 52 

Sutton, hon. C. to miss Thorston, xxi 219] 
Manners, to Charl. Denison, 

liii 149 

lord G. to miss Peart, xi 207] 
——~— J. to miss Hotham, xxxiii 50] 

sir Rd. to Mary Eliz. Burton, xli 

——— R.N. to Georgiana Sutton, liv 158 
sir T. M. to miss Copley, xlv 479 
——— T. W. to miss E. Gray, xlix 540 
fel Spelman, to Sophia Le Grice, xlviii 
Swale, Thos. to mrs. Sharpe, 1. 145 
Swinburne, sir J. to miss Bennet, xxix 231] 
Sykes, Fras. to miss Monckton, xvii 182] 
—w— Mark, to miss Masterman, xxxvii 
——— sir Mark Masterman, to Mary Eliz. 
Egerton, lvii 126 
— J. to miss Abdy, I. 144 
anal Thos. Powell, to miss Rootes, xliii 

——— W. to miss E. Luscombe, |. 144 

Taafe, count, to miss Bellew, xv 157] 
Taddy, rev. J. to Cath. Latham, lii 413 
ay Crauford, to Susan Campbell, xxxvii 
Talbot, capt. 
xxxvili 51 
: earl, to miss Lambert, xlii 49 
—— hon. mr. to lady C. Hill, xix 209] 
to miss Clifton, xxxi 235] 
neg rey. C, to lady E. Somerset, xxxviii 
—-— Geo, to miss C, Drake, xxxi 234] 
———— Jas. to miss Rodherd, xlyi 456 

to lady E. Strangeways, 

Talbot, John, to Maria Talbot, lvi 125 

Matt. to Anne Bourke, liv, 157 

— visct. to hon. miss Curzon, xlti 

Tancred, sir Thos. to miss Smith, xix 211] 

T. to miss Crewe, xlvii 445 

Tankerville, earl, to miss Colebrook, xiv 

Tarpleys T. G, to lady C. Mackenzie, xvi 

Tate, rev. to miss Moore, xxiii 244] 

Tavel, rev. G. to lady Aug. Fitzroy, liii 150 

bal ree: marq. to lady M. A. Stanhope, 
1, 145 


a to lady E. Keppel, vii 119] 

Si ay W. P. to miss Townsend, xlviii 

Taylor, sir J. to miss Haughton, xxi 220] 

to lady Louisa Stanhope, xxxviii 51 

lieut.-col. to miss Baker, xlv 477 

C. W. to Charlotte Thomson, |}. 

F. to hon, Juliana Cavendish, lviii 


sir Herb. to Charl. Albin. Disbrowe, 
Ixi 112 

— rev. John, to miss St. Leger, xlix 

Mich. Ang, to miss Vane, xxxi 
236] . 

Teasdale, Rd. to mrs. De la Chaumette, 
xlviii 488 

bi sir H. to miss Lambert, xxxiii 

H. VY. to counts, Antrim, xli 


Temple, ear], to lady Mary Campbell, Ixi 

—— to lady A. E. Brydges, xxxviii 


—— E. D. to miss Honeywood xlix 539 
———— sir Grenville, to mrs. Manners, liv 
159 } ; 

Templer, col. to lady Sinclair, xii 169 

Jas. to miss Buller, xix 212] 

Templetown, lord, to lady M. Montague, 
xxxviii 52 

Tenant, W. to hon. Char. Pelham, xlvi 

Tenison, T. to lady F. King, xlv 477 

Teynham, lord, to mrs. Davis, xv 159] 

Thanet, earl, to miss Sackville, x 172] 

Thewles, brig.-gen. to miss Ravenscroft, xlvil 

Thomas, rev. dr.(bp. Rochester) to lady E. 
Yeates, xviii 195] 

Thomas, Edw. Bevan, to Martha Beaumont, 
1. 145 

—-—— sir J. to miss Owen, vi 125] 

——— Inigo F. to miss Peirse, xxxix 61 

to hon, miss Broderick, xlv 

Thomlinson, J. to miss Chad, xlv 477 
‘Lhampson, to miss F. Stodart, 1. 145 . 
ao -—— sir T. B. to miss Raikes, xli 44) 




Thompson, W. G, to Eliz. C. Barker, xlviii 
Thornborough, adm. to miss Jeynes, xliv 

Thornhill, Geo, to miss Hawkins, xxiii 244] 
Thornton, col. to miss E, Causton, xlviii 
—— Claude, G. to Frances Smith, 
xlviii 477 
H. to miss Sykes, xxxviii 51 Eliza Parry, xlix 539 
———_ T. Lee, to miss Reeve, xvii 180] 
Thornycroft, Edw. to viscts. Barrington, 
liv 157 
Thorold, rey. G. to miss Baugh, xlvi 450 
whorls, J. Hayford, to Mary Kent, liii 
Thorp, J. to lady Han. Char, Hay, lvii 117 
Throckmorton, sir Rt, to miss Heywood, vii 
Thutly, Edw. to miss Thompson, xxviii 
T. to Fran. Lyon, liii 148 
lord, to Mary C. Bolton, lv 109 
Thynne, lord John, to Mary Anne, Master, 
xliii 51 
Tichborne, H. Jos, to miss Burke, xlviii 

Tighe, R. M. to miss Macdermot liii 147 
Timms, J. F. to Eliz. Anderson, 1. 144 
Timperton, Jos. to miss Kyte, xlviii 489 
Titchfield, marq. to miss Scott, xxxvii 52 
Tobin, capt. to mrs. Dulf, xlvi 451 
Tollemache, hon. J. to lady B. Lane, xvi 


Tomline, W. E. to Fran. Amlet, liii 148 
Tomlinson, Nich, to miss Ward, xxxvi 43 
Tonyn, capt, to miss Rudge, xlvii 443 
Tooke, W. to Amel. Sheen, xlix 540 
Torpichen, lord, to miss Inglis, xxxvii 50 
Torrens, maj. H. to miss Patten, xlv 477 
Torrington, visct. to lady L. Boyle, viii 163] 
ait aaa Nich. Loft. to miss May, xxi 


hon. Wilbr. to miss Lewis, xvi 

— lord Rt. (bp. Killaloe) to hon. 
Alicia Maude, xlix 539 

Toulmin, mr. to miss Galloway, xlviii 490 

Tournour, hon. E. to miss Hayman, xl 107 

BOT Gri > J. miss Richardson, xli 

Townley, Rt. to miss Newing, xlix 539 
Townsend, Gore, to lady E. Windsor, xix 


hon. J, to miss Poyntz, xxix 231] 
— Rd. Orpen, to Anne Mullens, 
liii 147 

— lieut.-col. to miss Scott. li 549 
Townshend, lord Chas. to lady Eliz. Loftus, 

liv 157 
= rey. E, to miss Milner, xxxi 
r + H, Hare, to miss C, Lake. xxxi 
R87} 7 

Townshend, Hen, to mrs. Hilh, xlviii 474 ~ 
——-— Jas. to hon. miss Hare, vi 125] — 
lord Jas, to Eliz. Wallis, lv 108 
hon. to hon. miss Southwell, 
_ xxxii 203] A 
——_—_——— capt. to miss Gladwyn, xxxii 
233] 3 id 


Tracy, hon. H. to miss Weaver x 172] 
Trail, Jas. to lady Janet Sinclair, xxvii 211] 
Travers, Rt. to miss Gunning, xii 169] 
Trecothick, ald. to miss Meredith, xiii 180] © 
Jas. to miss Edmonstone, xx 

visct. to miss Montgomery, xvi 


Trelawney, C. to da. of lord Belfast, lv 109 
sir H. to miss Brown, xxi 219] 
Hamelyn, to miss Rogers, xlviii 


Tremayne, J, H. to Car. Matilda Lemon, lv 

Trench, hon. Rt. to hon. Letit. Dillon, xlvii 

Trenchard, W. to lady H. M. de Burgh, 
xxxii 233] 

Trent, Maur, to miss Colquhuon, xix 211] 

Trevalyan, rev. G. to miss Neave, liii 50 

——— J. to miss Wilson, xxxiii 51] 

Trever, hon J. to miss Burton, xvi 160] 

Trimlestown, lord, miss A. Eustace, xxxix 

Trollope, sir J. to miss Thorold, x] 107 

Trotter, B. A. Coutts, to Margaret Gordon, 
xliy 482 

Trowbridge, sir T. to miss Cochrane,{lii 413 

Truscott, J, to miss Gorwyn xlvii 443 

Turner, dr. to miss Blois, xlvii 443 

sir Greg. O. P. to Anna Eliza Bay- 

field, Ix 139 

T. to miss Blake, xlvi 450 

capt. C. to miss Stevenson, xlvii 

Turnour, hon. Adolph, to Jessie Dewar, liv 

visct. to miss Chapman, xxiv 206] 

Turnton, T. E. M. to Louisa Brown, liv 

Turville, F. F. to Barb. Talbot, xxiii 243] 

de Tuyll, baron C. to miss Gildemeester, liii 

Tweedale, marq. to lady Sus. Montague, 
Iviii 205 

Twisden, sir J. to Cath. Jud. Coppard, liii 

—w—— sir Rog. to miss Welldash, xxii 

Twisdon, sir J. P. to miss Geary, xxv 232] 

Twisleton, miss Turner, xi 207] 

Twysden, sir W. to miss Wynch, xxviii 250} 

Tyndale, rev. T. G. to miss Earle, li 549 

Tyrconnel, earl, to lady F. Manners, xv 
158] : 

———~ to miss H, Delayal, xxiii 


cere eco £0 Sarah Crowe, lix 140 




_ Wadd, W. to miss Mackenzie, xlviii 482 

Wadman, Fras. to miss Comyns, xviii 195] 

Wake, sir W. to miss Sitwell, xxxii 233] 

Wakefield, Fras. to Eliz. Wakefield, 1. 146 

Wainewright, Arnold, to Louisa Crooke, 
xlviii 485 

Wainwright, Thos. to miss E. Kevill, li 549 

Pere sre, lieut.-col. to Eliz. Whitbread, liv 

Wale, sir C. to miss Brent, lvii-117 

Walford, Rd, to miss Berry, xl vi 451 

Walker, to lieut.-col. A. to Barbara Mont- 
gomery, liii 149 

— Chas. to miss Curwen, li 550 

Dayid, to miss Ryan, xxxix, 59 

Hen. to miss Abney xviii 487 

mare W. Wheatley, to miss Melvin, xlyviii 

Wallace, Colin, to miss Briggs, xviii 196] 

——— Rt. to miss Forbes, xlvii 448 

sir T. to miss Maxwell, xv 158] 

sir Thos. to miss Gordon, xxvi 228] 

——-—- rt. hon. T, to viscounts. Melville, 
lvi 124 

Wallis, col. B. to mrs. Bosville, xliv 482 

Woop, hon. Coulson, to miss Keatinge, xliv 


Walmesley, J. to miss Long, liv 160 

Walmoden, gen. to miss Wangenheim, ix 

Wall, lord, to mrs. Chamberlayne, xlviii 

—— to Marg Falkener, liv 159 
Hor. to miss Churchill, xxiy 205] 
L. T. to hon. miss Clive, xxx 227] 

— Rd. to miss E. Hammet, xxxiy 52 

hon, Rt. to Diana Grosett, xxiii 


hon. Rt. to miss Stret, xxvii 250] 
Thos. to lady Marg. Percival, xlv 


wee? rey. dr. to Eleanor Newcome, liv 

Waltham, lord, to miss Coe, x 171] 

Warburton, sir Pet. to miss Alice Parker, 
xxiv 205] 

Ward, Geo. to miss Madan, xxiv 204] 

E. M. to lady Matilda C. Stewart, lvii 

— — hon. W. to miss Bosyville, xxiii 244] 
mr. to lady Arab. Crosbie, xxvi 227] 

Valentia, visct. to miss Cavendish, xxvi 229] 

Vandeput, sir G. to miss Grey, xv 158] 

Vandeleur, J. O. to miss C. Glasse, li 549 

ee Jos. to miss Hitch, xviii 

Vane, hon. C. to miss Wood, xix 208] 

—— Raby, to miss Eyres, xi 208] 

Vegneck, hon. Geo. to miss Lovelace, ii 

sir Josh. to miss Thompson, xx 
woos to miss Arcedekne, til 


Vanneck, hon. T. to Mary Anne Palmer, 
lviii 206 

Vanaitetts lieut.-gen. to miss Harris, Ix 

————— Arth. to miss Hanger, xvi 161] 
col, Ar. to hon Carol. Eden, xlyiii 


—— rey. E. to miss Gardiner, xlvii 

rt. hon, Nich, to hon. Cath. Eden, 
xl viii 483 

Vardon, Chas. to Maria Patterson, xlviii 479 

Vaughan, dr. H. to hon. Eliz. Barb, St. 
Jobn, xxxvii 50 

—— sir R. W. C. to miss Mostyn, xliy 


W. to miss Weld, xlv 480 

———- hon. Wiln. to miss Shafto, vi 124] 

——— serjeant, to da, of lord St. John of 
Bletsoe, xlv 480 

Vaunmall, chev, to miss Dumolin, xlvii 447 

Udney, lieut.-col. to miss Fitzhugh, liv 160 

Me Sie: Jos, Hope, to lady Eliz. Hay, lv 

Vereker, rt. hon. C. to miss Palliser, lii 412 

Vernon, hon. & rev. E. V. to lady A. L. 
Gower, xxvii 210] 

Geo. to W. Henr. Brady, 1. 145 

hon. H. to miss Sedley, xxii 241] 

Hugh, to miss Cullum, xvi 172] 

rey. L. to hon. Carol. M. Pheachey. 

lvii 118 

mr. to lady Eliz. Bingham, lvii 117 

Vertue, Steph. to miss A. Brent, li 549 

Vesey, G. to miss Latouche, xxxii 234] 

ee J.(M. D.) to Henr. Mar. Grant, liv 

Villette, M. to miss Edgecumbe, xiii 180] 

Villiers, hon. G, to hon. miss Parker, xl 107 

- G. W. VY. to Elean. Nasmyth, liii 


rt. hon. J. C. to miss Forbes, xxxiii 


lord, to miss Conway, xv 157] 
—— to lady Sarah Fane, xlvi 450 
Vincent, sir F. to miss Muilman, xxii 242] 
to Jane Bouverie, xliv 481 
——-— Rad. to lady More, xiv 169] 
—~—— capt. to miss Norman, xlvii 446 
Upton, hon. F. G. to miss Howard, xlix 539 
Uxbridge, earl, to Elean. Campbell, Ixi 110 
Usher, sir C. to miss Wyndham, ix 163) 
Uvedale, W. C. to miss Johnston, liv 160 
Vyner, mr. to lady T. M. Ashburnham, xxx 
Vyse, major, to miss Howard. xxiii 243] 

Wardlaw, lieut.-col. to Anne Lake, liv 159 

———- Rt. to lady Anne Lindsay, liii 

Waring, capt. H. to miss Franks, xlvii 444 

Warneford, rey. 8, W. to miss Loveden, 
XXXvill 52 

Warkworth, lord, te sade A, Stuart, vii 119] 

Warner, capt, to miss Shipley, xlyi 46 




Warner, Edward, to miss Stanard, xlvii 445 

——-— Geo. to miss Stanard, xlvii 445 

——-—— Wm. to miss Stanard, x]vii 445 

Warre, lieut.-col. to Selina A, Maling, liv 

Warren, sir G. to miss Bishop, vii 119] 

-—-——-— B. to Caroline Clavering, 
xxiii 243] 

Warwick, col. to miss Price, xliv 128 

earl, to miss Vernon, xix 210] 

Washington, mr. to miss Challiner, xvii 179] 

Meri marq. to lady S, Carpenter, xlvii 

bi cae Thos. to Anna Bryant, xlviii 


Watson, sir C. to miss Jul. Copley, xxxi 

—-—— C. to miss Corry, xlvii 447 

——-— Edw. to Marg. Bathie, liv 158 

——— rev. Rd. to miss Knight, lviii 204 

Wauchope, J. to Eliz. Macan, liv 160 

Webb, D. J. to hon. miss Monck, liv 161 

E. to miss Guise, xlix 540 

sir Thos. to hon. miss Dillon, xli 45 

pb ir sir Godf. to Charl, Adamson, lvi 

Jas. Wedderb. to lady F. C. 
Annesley, lii 414 

Wedderburn, sir J. to lady Marg. Ogilvie, 
xii 170] 

———— to miss Dundas, xxiii 

Wedderburne, And. to hon. Lou. Eden, 
xlviii 481 
beh piboate Thos. to miss B. Smith, xxxix 
Weichsell, mr. to miss Rovedino, xlvi 452 
bi a C. Hope, to miss Dunbar, ix 
——— J. to miss Bowman, xix 212] 
Weld, J. to hon. Julia Petre, liv 159 
Welde, E. A. to miss Norris, lii 412 
Weldon, W. to miss Cufle, xxxiv 53 
Wellesley, sir Arthur, to miss Pakenham, 
xl viii 477 y 

———— Hl. to lady Georg. Cecil, lviii 

——— hon. mr. to lady E. Cadogan, 
xliv 482 
Wells, vice-adm, J. to Jane Dealtry, lvii 117 
——— W. to lady Jane E. Proby, lviii 205 
Welmar, Thos. to Charl. Marg. Noel, lv 107 
Wenman, lord, to lady E. Bertie, ix 163] 
Wentworth, lady C. to J. Millibank, vii 119] 
a lord, to miss L, Packington, xli 

——— visct, to counts. Ligonier, xxx 
Werninek, rey. dr. to hon. mrs. Wynn, li 


West, col. to lady R. Grey, vii 119] 

hon. F. to miss Michell, xxxiv 52 

~— Fred. to miss Middleton, x] 107 

~~ Jas. Eldridge, ta miss Ashburnham, 
xlyi 454 

West, Martin J. to lady Mar. Walpole, lix 

Westby, Nicholas, to hon. Emily Walde- 
grave, lvii 118 

Westerholt, count Chas. to Harriet Spencer, — 
Ixi 112 

Westmeath, earl, to lady E. Moore, xxxix 

Westmoreland, earl, to miss Saunders, xlii 

Weston, maj. T. to miss Cooksedge, xlviii 

Whalley, sir J. to miss Newcombe, xxix 

Wharton, F. to lady A. Duff, li 550 

J. to miss Lambton, xxxii 234] 

Thos. to lady Soph. Duff, xvii 

Whateley, rey. T. to Isab. Soph, Pepys, lv 

Whatton, H. Watkinson, to miss Daniell, 
xl viii 491 
Wheate, sir Jac. to miss Shaw, xxvi 226] 
Wheatley, J. to miss Miller, xlvi 450 
Wheble, Wm. to miss Talbot, xliv 483 
Wheeler, Edw. to miss Dunford, xxiv 205] 
Jonah, to Eliz. Browne, lvi 124 
Whichcote, mr. to lady J. Sherard, liv 157 
Whiston, W. to miss Hart, xlviii 478 
Whitbread, Sam. to lady M. Cornwallis, xii 

———— to miss Grey, xxx 226] 
White, capt. to mrs. Mowbray, xlv 477 
Chas. to miss Bernard, xvii 183] 
rey. C. H. to Eliz. Wise, lii 414 

J. to miss Heathcote, xviii 200] 
Jos. to miss Chamberlayne, xlviii 


col. Thos. to hon. Juliana Vereker, 
Ixi 112 
Simon, to miss Newenham, xliv 


Whitewick, Humph. to Mary Turner, xlviii 

Whitmore, W. W. to miss Bridgman, lii 412 

Whittaker, Chas. to Eliz. Horrocks, liv 156 

Whitworth, lord, to dow. duchs. Dorset, xliii 

Whytt, Eben. Alex. to miss Gordon, xlviii 

Whyers, H. to Anne Nelson, xlviii 477 

Wiggins, Matt. to miss Morris, xl viii 488 

Wiggons, Thos. to miss Kinnaird, xxii 242] 

Wigley, Edw. to Anne M. Meysey, xxxvii 

Wigram, R. to Selina Hayes, liv 160 

Wigstan, J. to miss Lake, xxxii 234] 

Wigton, earl, to miss Child, xii 170] 

Wilberforce, W. to miss Spooner, xxxix 59 

Wilbraham, Geo. to lady Anne Fortescue, 
lvi 126 

Wilcken, capt. Barlo, to baroness de Bue, 
xlyi 450 

Wilcox, J. Hillhouse, to Marg. Wathen, 
xlyiii 483 




Wild, Humph. to hon. Christ. Clifford, liii 

Wilgress, rev. I, T. to miss Scoones, xlviii 

Wilkie, capt. to miss Hales, xlvii 444 

Wilkins, Walt. to Eliza Devereux, xlviii 

Wilkinson, dr. to Eliz. Smith, lii 415 

— Jas. to miss Craig, li 550 

rey. T. C. to Eliz. Porret, 1. 144 

Wilks, lieut.-col. to miss Taabman, lv 107 

Willes, John, to Charl. Floyer, xxxvii 51 

Willett, J. Willett, to miss Wilson, xlvii 446 

Williams, capt. to counts, Barrymore, xxxvi 

sir Booth, to miss Fonnereau, vi 
—————. Edw. to miss Rily, xx 220] 
J. to miss Thomas, xx 220] 
—————. (M.P.) to miss Currie, xlv 479 
rev. J. to Eliza Cooke, xlviii 491 
sir Rt. to miss Hughes, xli 45 
T. W. to Cath. Beaumont, |. 145 
W. Peere, to Fras. Doroth. Blen- 
cowe, liii 147 

Williamson, maj.-gen. to Sarah Crampton, 
Ivi 125 

—— rev. J. P. to miss F, Taylor, 
xlviii 477 

Willoughby, H. to Charlotte Eyre, Ivii 117 

—— hon. T. to miss Chadwick, xiii 


Wilmot, J. to miss Sainthill, xix 208] 
— J. E. to Eliz. Em. Parry, 1. 144 
——— sir Rt. to hon. mrs. Byron, xxvi 

—-—— to miss Grimston, xxxviii 

Wilson, sir Edw. to Arab. Wilkinson, xi 207] 

Griffin, to miss Hotham, xlvii 445 

air H. to lady F. E. B. Bruce, sli 


I. to miss Irwin, xlviii 492 
hon. J. to miss Adair, xxx 227] 
rev. J. to miss Kelsick, xlviii 489 
—-— Montagu, to miss Hobart, xxvii 211] 
Rd. to hon. miss Townshend, xxii 

to Eliz. Fountayne, xxiv 204] 
-——_— sir T. M. to miss E. Smith, xli 46 
— ieut. to miss Hebburn, xviii 477 
Winchester, marg. to miss Andrewes, xlil 
Windsor, hon. H. to miss Copson, x1 107 
Wingfield, hon. and rev. E. to Lou. Joan 
Jocelyn, Ixi 110 
——_—-— W. to lady C. Digby, xxxviii 52 
Winn, sir G. Allanson, to miss Blenner- 
hasset, xxvi 228] 
——— mr. baron toda. of sir Rowl. Winn, 
viii 163] 
Winnington, Edw. to miss Foley, xix ang 
Winstanley, Clem. to miss Parkins, xvii 180] 
Winterton, earl, to miss Armstrong, xxi 

bie earl, to mrs. Bodicote, xxxvit 


Winthorpe, capt. to miss Ferbrace, xlvi 455 

Wirtemberg, prince, to princess roy. Eng- 
land, xxxix 60 

ea sir W. to Cath. Mackintosh, liv 

Witham, Fras. to mrs. Hatton, xlviii 478 

Wither, capt. H. B. to miss Frith, xlvi 453 

Wodehouse, E. to Lucy Wodehouse, li 549 

— John, to miss Berkeley, xii 169] 

J. to miss Norris, xxxviii 52 

——_—_—— rey. mr. to miss Nourse, xviii 

Wollaston, Fred. W. to Lucy Strachy, lix 

Wolley, capt. T. to miss Franklyn, xlvi 450 

Wolseley, C. to miss Clifford, xxxiv 54 

———— to Anne Wright, liv 159 

Wolstenholme, Edw. to Arabella Ward, liii 

Wombwell, sir G. to lady A. Bellasyse, 
xxxiii 51] 

Wood, lieut.-col. to lady Carol. Stewart, 
xliii 52 

sir F. L. to miss Buck, xl 106 

C. T. to Jane Thorold, liv 156 

rey. Manley, to miss Boone, xlviii 

—-—— Thos. to miss Williams, xix 209] 
Woodcock, J. to miss Hotham, xl 108 
Woodford, lieut.-col. to counts. Westmore- 
land, xxi 220] 
Woodgate, lieut. to hon. lady Lambert, xlvii 
Woodhouse, Chappel, to Amelia Oakley, 
lii 156 
— hon. and rev. R. lvii 119 
Woods, G. to Sarah Hamilton, liv 156 
Woolcombe, J. M. to Anna Elean, Louis, 
liv 158 
Worcester, marq. to lady C. Leveson, Gower, 
xxxili 51] 
—.— to Geo. Fred. Fitzroy, lvi 


Worthy, lieut.-col. Stuart, to lady Car. 
Creighton, xli 45 

Worsley, rev. Jas. to Soph. Pinhorn, lii 413 

sir Rd. to miss Fleming, xviii 


Wray, sir Bouchier, to da. of sir Rt. Palk, 
XXvili 250] 

Wright, G. to miss Maclane, xxxviii 51 

— John, to miss Lawson, xxx 234] 

Wrottesley, sir J. to hon. miss Courtenay, 
xiii 180] 

to lady Carol. Bennett, 
xxxvii 51 

oe to hon. mrs. J. Bennet, 
lxi 110 

Wurtemburg, prince, to duchs. Oldenburg, 
lviii 204 

Wyatt, C. B. to miss Rogers, xlvii 444 

Woe hon. C, to lady Anne Lambton, 
xliii 61 




Wyndham, capt, H. to Eliz. Somerset, liv 

rt. hon. W. to miss Harford, 
xxvii 211] 

to miss Cec. For- 

rest, xl 107 
Wynn, C. W. W. to miss Cunliffe, xlviii 476 
hon. G. to miss E. M. Majendie, xlix 

—— H. W, W. to hon. Hester Smith, ly 
——— Thos. to lady C. Bellasyse, xliii 52 
—— sir W. W. to lady Hen. Somerset, xii 
Wynne, capt. to miss Barton, xlvi 449 
Owen, to lady Sarah Cole, xxxii 

—-— T, to lady K. Percival, ix 163] 
C. W. G. to Sarah Hillyard, liv 158 
sir W. W. to lady Har. Clive, lviii 

137 : y 
to miss Grenville, xiv 

Wythe, John, to Anne Henniker, lix 139 

Wari F, Buller, to miss Halliday, xxxiii 

Yarmouth, earl, to miss Fagniani, x1 107 
Yates, Jos. to miss St. John, xxix 231] 
—— J. L, to Arab. Reinagle, liv 157 

Yea, W. W. to miss Newman, xxvi 227] 
Yellowly, Dr. to miss Tyssen, xlviii 484 
Yonge, Mr. to miss Newport, xlviii 484 
—— sir G. to miss Cleeve, viii 163] 
ven duke, to princs, roy. Prussia, xxxiii 

Yorke, C. to miss Manningham, xxxii 233] 
Pie sir Jos. to baroness Boetzelaer, xxvi 

Jos. Sid. to miss Rattray, x1 107 

-—— sir J, Sidney, to marchs, Clanricarde, 
lv 108 

Young, capt. to Mary Jeynes, liv 159 

Sam. to miss Briggs, xliv 481 

—— W. to miss Lawrence, xx 22] ] 

sir W. to miss Talbot, xxxv 63 

Younger, maj.-gen, Osw. to Charl. M. 
Aynsley, liv 156 


Asgot, rt. hon. Chas.—lord Colchester, lix 
141. See Colchester. 

Abbott, hon. Chas.—privy couns, xliii58, re- 
corder, Oxford, 61 

mr. just.—lord chief just. k. bench, 
Ix 196 

Abdy, J. R.—sher, Essex, ]i 540 

Abercorn, earl — vise. Hamilton, xxviii 

John James, earl—gov. Donegal, 
&e. xxxii 235] marg. Abercorn, xxxii 

Abercrombie, lieut.-gen. J.—gen. xv 161] 

————— col. Rob.— groom of bed- 
chamb, to duke of York, xxix 233] 

——_—_—— Ralph — maj.-gen. xxix 
234] col. 6th foot, xxxiv 56, knt. of bath, 
ibid. knt. of bath, xxxvii 57, col, 2nd 
drag. xxxviii 55] privy couns. Irel. xl 
108, command, of forces, N. Britain, 

———-— R.—gov. Forts George and 
Angustus, xl 116 

— lieut.-col. John—col. xlii 49, 
maj.-gen. xlvii 455 

———-— lieut.-gen. sir J.—kt. grand 
cross bath, lvii 119 

Abercromby, col. Rob.—maj.-gen. xxxii 

————-— lieut.-gen. sir Rob. — goy. 
Edinburgh Castle, xliii 61, gen. xliv 487 

Mary Anne, lady—baroness 

Abercromby, xliti 58 

~~ hon, J...comm, in chief, &e, 
Madras, liy 162, do. Bengal, liy 167 

Aberdeen, Geo, earl-kat, thistle, 1, 178 

Aberdeen, earl—plenipo. Vienna, ly 112, 
vise. lyi 127. priv. counce. lvi 128 
Abergavenny, earl—knt. thistle, lvi 127 
Abney, S. B.—sher, Leicesters. xxxix 69 
Aboyne, col. Geo, earl (militia)—col. army, 
xl 114 
——— earl—baron Unit. King. lvii 120 
Abrahams, brev.-maj.—major, Ixi 115 
en maj.gen. Wm.—lieut.-gen. viii 

——— Wm.—sec. legation, Sicily, xliii 61 

——— sir W. P, A.—sher. Wilts. liv 185 

———— Wm.—envoy Barbary, lv 110, do. 
Sicily, lvi 128 

— — sir W.—privy coun. lix 141, plenipo. 
Naples, 1xi nye 

Acheson, sir Archib.—privy couns. Irel. 
xiii 183] baron Gosford, xix 217] 

Achmuty, lieut.-col. Sam.—col. xlii 49 

Ackland, sir T. D. bt.—sher. Devon. li 540 

———— P. P.—sher. Somerset, lv 126 

Acland, lieut.-col. W. P.—col, xlv 488, brig.- 
gen. lii 323 ; 

John—bart. Ix 196 

Acton, N. L.—sher, Suffolk, xxxi 248] 

Adair, maj. B, (mar.)—lieut.-col. xxxv 68 

Alex.—sher. Suffolk, xxxiv 61 

James—serjt. at law, xvii 116] re- 

corder, London, xxii 229] 230] 

Rob.—ambass. Ottoman Porte, li 
552, 553 

Adam, Wm.—treas. &c. ordnance, xxii 
xxvi 232] 

comer om state couns, Scotland, xlyiii 
496, bayon excheq, do. lyi 128 




Adam, Wm.—chanc. great seal to pr. of 
Wales, xlviii 493 

Adams, maj. Alex.—lieut.-col. xliv 486 

—_—_—  G. H.—lieut.-col. 1.175 

James—arch. to board of works, xii 


56. xlvi 455 
Wm. D.C, L.—comm. peace, Amer, 
lvi 128 
Adare, lord—visc. Mount-Earl, lviii 207 
Addenbroke, J. P.—inspect. field officer, 
volunteers, xlv 490 
Adderley, Thos.—treas, 
Dublin, xv 162] 
Addinbrooke, J. A.—sher. Worcester, x1 120 
Addington, Hen.—speaker H. Commons, 
xxxi 239] privy couns. 74, commiss. treas. 
exchegq. xliv 490. xlv 491, commiss. India 
affairs, i). xlv 490, visc. Sidmouth, xlvii 
452. See Sidmouth. 
— hon. Hen,—commiss. excheq. 
_xliii 56. chancellor excheq. 25. commiss. 
India affairs, 57 
—— J. H.—commiss. treasury, xlii 
55, commiss. treas. excheq. xliv 490, joint 
paymast.-gen. of forces, xlv 480, M. P. 
Harwich, éb. priv. couns. 482, commiss. 
India affairs, xlviii 494 
H.—secret. legation, Lisbon, 

— commiss. admiralty, xliii 

barrack - board, 

lvi 127 

Adeane, maj.-gen. James—lieut.-gen. xxxvili 
53] general, xliii 52 

Adolphus, Frederick, prince—knt. garter, 
xxvili 218] baron Culloden, earl Tippe- 
rary, and duke Cambridge, xliii 62 

Affleck, capt. Edm.—bart. xxv 235] 

lieut.-col. James—col. xl 108, maj.- 

gen. xlvii 450 

Phil.—rear-adm. blue, xxix 234] 
adm. white, xxxii 237| vice-adm. blue, 
xxxv 65, commiss. Admiralty, xxxv 66, 
vice-adm. red, xxxvi 44, 45, lord Admi- 
ralty, xxxvi 47, adm. blue, xxxvii 56, do. 
white, xli 47 

Agace, Dan.—sher. Berks. xlv 531 

Agar, hon. C. B.—dep. recorder, Oxford, 
xliii 61 

— sher. Cornwall, li 541 

——— Chas.—baron Somerton, Irel. xxxvii 
57, commiss. appeals, excise, xlii 52 

—— rey. Chas.—dean, Kilmore, viii 165] 
bp. Cloyne, xi 210] archbp. Cashell, xxii 

—— hon. Geo.—baron Callan, Irel. xxxii 

James—commiss. revenue, Irel. xiv 
172] baron Clifden, do. xix 217] 

—-— John, privy couns, Irel. xxxi 241] 

W. E.—commiss. customs, xix 220] 

Agnew, col. Montgomery—gov. Carlisle, 
xxxiv 57, maj.-gen, xxxyv 68, lieut.-gen. 
xl 108, gen. xlv 487 - 

-——-- maj, P, A, (E. Ind. Co. sery,)~~ 
brey, lieut-col, B, Indies, xiii 6} 

Ainslie, majgen. Geo.—col: i3th regt- 
xxxi 239] lieutegen. xxxviii 53. gen. 
xliii 52 

lieut.-col. G. Rob.—inspect. field- 

officer, xlv 490, gov. Dominica, liv 164 

Robert, ambass. to the Porte, xviii 
204] bart. xlvi 462 

Airey, lieut.-col. G.—assist. quart.-mast.- 
gen. Irel. xlv 486 

Aiskell, Fras,—consul, Malaga, vi 127] 

Albemarle, Geo. earl—knt. garter, viii 
152] gen. xv 161] 

—— Wm. Cha. earl, mast. buck- 
hounds, xlviii 495 

ene rev, Cha.—archd. Chichester, xliv 


Thos, treas. Ordnance, lii 557 

Aldborough, visct.—earl, xx 222] 

Aldersey, Sam.—sher. Cheshire, lviii 226 

Alexander, Jas.—baron Caledon, xxxii 236] 

rev. Dr. Nath. bp. Clonfert— 

bp. Killaloe, xlvi 460 

Wm. bart. 1i 615 

maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xlii 49 

Algood, James—sher. Northumb. xxyiii 

Allan, Alex.—M. P. Berwick, xlv 483 

—— Thos.—commiss. customs, xxi 224] 

Allen, Andr. jun.—consul N, Hampshire, 
&e, xlvii 453 

—-— lieut.-col. A.—bart. lxi 113 

Geo. Edw.—sher. Somerset, lvi 142 

—— J.—secr. commiss, Un. States, xlviii 

—— — ward. Dulwich coll. liii 153 

Carter — rear-adm. white, xxix 
234] do. red, xxxii 237] vice-adm. white, 
xxxv 65, adm. blue, xxxvii 56, adm. 
white, xli 47 

—-— J. H.—sher. Pembroke, |. 178 

——— Rd.—consul, Spain, liv 166 

—— capt. Wm,—rear-adm. blue, xxxv 65, 
vice-adm. do. xxxvi 45, do. white, xxxvii 
56, adm. blue, xli 48 ; 

Alms, Jas.—vice-adm. blue, lii 322, do. 
white, liv 165 

Alsop, Rob.—pres. Christ’s Hosp. Lond. 
xvii 140] 

Altamount, earl— marq. Sligo, xlii 55 

Althorpe, lord, commiss. treas, xxv 234] 

visct.—commiss. excheq. xviii 



Alvanley, baron—serjt.-at-law, and chief 
just. Com. Pleas, xlili 58 

Amecotts, Wharton—bart. xxxviii 53] 

Amherst, maj.-gen. sir Jeflery—knt. bath, 
iv 115] lieut.-gen. viii 164] do, Guernsey, 
xiii 185] do. ordnance, xv 163] privy 
couns. 164] baron Amherst, xix 215] gen. 
and staff officer, xxi 222] 

Jeffery, lord—baron Amherst, xxx 

230] field-marshal, xxxviii 55] lord bed- 
ehamber, xliv 486 

lord—priyy coune. lyii 121 

wommnnne GO], Jeifery~—maj.-gen, x1 108 




Amherst, John—rear-adm. white, xiii 185] 
vice-adm. blue, #. do. white, xix 213] 
adm. blue, xxi 221] 

lieut.-col. Wm.—groom bedch. to 

duke of Gloucester, viii 166] aid-de-camp 

to his majesty, ix 165] lieut-gov. St. 

John’s, Newfoundland, xvii 189] maj.- 

gen. and staff-officer, xxi 222] lieut.-gen. 

xxii 243] 

hon. W. P.lord—envoy extr. Sicily, 

1. 197 

Amphlet, John—sher. Worcestershire, xlvii 

Amsinck, Paul—agent for Hanse Towns, xv 

Amyand, Claudius—commiss. customs, vi 
127] receiver-gen. land-tax, Lond. and 
Midd, viii 164] 

Geo.—bart. vii 121] 

Ancaster, Peregrine, duke—master of horse, 
ix 167] gen. xv 161] 

———- Rob. duke—lord lieut. Lincoln, 
xxi 224] 

Brownlow, duke—lord lieut. Lin- 
coln, and privy couns. xxii 245] 

Ancram, earl—lord lieut. Roxburgh, liv 

André, W. L.—bart. xxiv 207] 

Andrew, R.—sher. Northampton. li 540 

dr. S, G.—dean of Canterbury, li 


Andrews, Joseph—bart. ix 165] 

Anderson, maj. Andrew (E. Ind. Co, serv.) 
—brev. army, E. Indies, xlii 

capt. Alex.—major, lvii 451 

Jas. Caleb—bart. liv 167 

hon. J. W. A.—bart, xl 113 

maj. Walter—(E. Ind, Co. serv.) 
lieut.-col. xl Lil 

Annesley, lord—visc. Grenrawley, Irel. ix 

-———— rev. lord, C. M.—to rural deanry 
of Bocking, Essex, xlv 487 

hon, Rich.—privy couns. Irel. xl 

115, commiss. excise and cust. do. xli 52 

hon. Rt.—consul, Antwerp, lvii 




———— maj. Arthur—lieut.-col. xiii 43 

Anson, lieut.-col. Geo.—aid-de-camp to the 
king, xlvii 450, brig.-gen. lii 323 

lord—first lord admiralty, iv 88] 

Thos.—baron Soberton, and vise. 
Anson, xlviii 494 

—— lieut.-col. Wm,.— col. xlvii 456, lieut. 
gen. lili 152 

Peat John—auditor public accts. xlviii 


Anstruther, John--solicitor-gen. to prince of 

ib xxxv 64, justice Carnarvon, &c. 

oS — knt. xxxix 62, bart, x! 
113, privy couns. xlviii 501 
—-— — commissary, Edinbureh, 

xli 51 

er ney maj.-gen. Rob,—lieut.-gen. viii — 

— col. Rob.—baggage-master, &c. 
N. Brit. xl 113 a > 
——— Kob.—lieut.-col. xli 52, dep. 
quart. mast, gen. to forces, 54, adjut.-gen. 
Trel, xliv 489, col. xlvii 451 - 
Rob.—conjanct. elk. to bills in 
Regist. Off. Scotl. xlviii 499 
—— —brig.-gen. lii 323 
——_——— — recorder, Bombay, liv 163 ; 
Anthony, Mich.—sher. Berks. xxxviii 68 
Antoine, W. L.—sher. Beds. xxx 233] 
Antrim, Randal Wm. earl—privy couns. 
Irel, xxviii 218] marg. Antrim, xxxi 240] 
Antrobus, Edm.—bart. lvi 130 
G. C,—secret. legat. Unit. States, 

lviii 208 

—— maj. Hugh—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Aplin, capt. Peter—rear-adm. blue, xli 48, 
do. white, xliii 54, do. red, xlvi 458, vice- 
adm. red, 1. 174,, lii 321 

Apreece, T. H.—bart. xxv 236] 

Apsley, lord. See Bathurst, Hen. 

—-— Hen. lord—tord treasury, xxxi 240} 
commiss, for India affairs, xxxv 66, privy 
couns, 2b. 

lord, commiss. for India affairs, liv 
166. lvi 128. lviii 208 

Arabin, lieut.-col. J. D.—col. xliv 488 

col. W. J.—maj.-gen. x1 108, lieut,- 
gen. xlvii 450 

Arbuthnot, Chas. consul-gen. Portugal, xli 
7 , ambass. Turkey, xlvi 460, privy couns. 



C. G, J.—page to his maj. liv 

capt. Marriott —commiss. navy, 
N. America, xviii 204] rear-adm. white, 
xxi 221] vice-adm. blue, xxii 243] do. 
white, xxiii 247] do. red, xxix 234] adm. 
blue, xxxv 64 

Archdall, lieut.-col. Mervin—col. xl 109, 
maj.-gen. xlvii 450, lieut.-gen. liii 151 

Archdeckne, Chaloner—sher. Suffolk, xxxix 

Archer, col. John—maj.-gen, xxxv 68, lieut.- 
gen. xl 108 

— W. C.—maj.-gen. xliv 487 

Arden, Chas. Geo.—lord admiralty, xxxi 
240] xxxvii 55, xxxvii 58, privy 
couns. xliii 56, commiss. India affairs, 
57, baron Arden, xliv 490, 491 

baron—mast. mint, xliii 56 © 

rev. F. E,.—Paston, vise. Norfolk, 

xlviii 498 

John—sher. Cheshire, xxxii 246] 

—— R. P.—one of his majesty’s counsel, 
xxiii 246] solicitor-gen., xxvi 235] knt. 
and privy couns. xxx 229] master rolls, 
7b. baron Alvanley, xliii58 | 

Argyll, duke—gen. horse, viii 164] 

duchess, baroness Hamilton, xix 215] 

Argyle, Geo, duke—col, 3rd foot guards, 
xxv 955] 





Argyll,gen. John, duke—field-marsh. xxxviii 

Arkwright, sir Rich.—sher. Derby, xxix 235 ] 

— Rich.—sher. Derby, xliii79 

Armiger, maj.-gen. Rob.—lieutegen. vill 

Armit, John—sec. board ordnance, xxxi 241] 
Armitage, sir Geo.—sher. Yorks. xxxiii 64] 
Armstrong, col. Bigoe—maj.-gen. viii 165] 
_ lieut.-gen. xv 161] col. 8th foot, 163] 

—— Edm.— groom privy chamb. 

xxxvi 44 

— maj. G. A.—lieut.-col. xlii 50] 
inspect, field officer volunteers, xlvi 456 _ 
John — privy-couns, Irel. xxxt 



col. Rich,—maj.-gen. xlv 488, 
lieut.-gen. li 555 

Armytage, sir Geo.—sher. Yorks, xxxiii 64] 

Arnald, rev. W.—sub-preceptor to pr. of 
Wales, & bp. Osnaburgh, xix 216] canon 

_ Windsor, xxii 245] 

Arnold, Dr.—advoe. admiralty, liii 154 

Arran, earl—knt. St. Patrick xxvi 230] 

“Asgill, capt. Chas.—equerry to duke York, 
xxx 228] 

col. sir Chas.—maj.-gen. xl 108, 
lieut.-gen. xlvii 450 

Ash, Rob.—sher. Wilts. xxx 233] 

Ashburnham, earl—privy couns. & keeper 
great wardr. viii 166] groom stole, &c. 

~ xviii 204] 
— sir W.—sher. Sussex, xliv 524 
Ashburton, lord— chance. Lancaster, xxv 238 | 
Ashby, John —prothonotary Denbigh & 
Montgomery, xix 221] 

Ashe, W. P.—bart. xxxvii 57 

Ashhurst, Wm—knt, & judge King’s Bench, 
xiii 184] 

Ashley, hon, Cropley—clk. deliveries ord. 
xix 043 

J.—sher. Northampton, xxx 233 

T. Duckingf.—sher. Merioneth, lviii 


Ashurst, sir W. H.—commiss. great seal, 
xxii 231] xxxiv 56 

W. H.—sher. Oxfords. lii 416 

Ashton, sir Willoughby—usher black-rod, 
Irel. xxvi 232] 

Askew, Adam—sher. Northumber. x! 120 

- G. A.—sher. Northumber. xlii 67 

Astley. F. D.—sher. Cheshire, xlix 385 

xxix 232] 

Aston, lieut.-col. dervey—groombed-chamb. 
pr. Wales, xxxvii 55 

H. H.—sher. Cheshire, Ix 207 

Rich.—serjt. at law, knt. & judge 
King’s Bench, viii 165] lord commiss. 
feat seal, xiii 181] 

Athol, John duke—baron Murray, & earl 
Strange, xxviii218] gov. &c. Isle of Man, 
xxxv 65, col. xl 114 

Atkinson, John—Somerset herald, xxxii 44 

Aubrey, John--commiss, Adm, xxv 236] 

J. E.—equerry duke Cumberland, 

xxvi 229] commiss. treas. xxvi 235] xxviii 

Aubrey, maj.— inspect. field officer volunt, 
xlvi 455 

R. G.—sher. Brecon, xlii 67 

—-— Rich.— dep. lieut. Glamorgan, 
xxxvii 56 : 

—— Thos. Digby—sher. Bucks. lvii 182 

Auchmuty, Rob. judge vice-adm. court Bos- 
ton, N. Eng. xi 212] 

Auchmoutty, Sam.—knt. xlv 483, command. 
Isle Thanet, 486. prov. gov. Fort St. Geo. 
liii 153, knt- bath, liv 162 

Auckland, lord W.—baron, xxxv 66, joint 
postmast.-gen. x1 111. postmast.-gen. xliii 
56, presid. committee trade, xlviii 492, 
493, joint commiss. to treat with United 
States, xlviii 498 

Audrey, J. sher. Wilts, xxxiii 64] 

Augustus, Fred. prince—knt. garter. xxiii 
218] baron Ashlow, earl Inverness, & duke 
Sussex, xlili 62 

Auriol, capt. Chasx—major, xliii 61. lieut.- 
col, xliv 489 

J. P.—sher. Oxford, xxxiii 64] 

Aust, Geo.—joint-under-sec. state, xxxii 
235] commiss. gen. musters, & sect. Chel- 
sea hosp. xxxvii 58 

Austen, Edw.—sher, Kent, xliii 80 

H. E.—sher. Surry lii 416 

Auvergne, hon. Mich. de Courcy Phil. vice- 
adm. red, lv 112 

Averall, Dr. John.—dean Emily, Ivel. viii 
164] do. Limerick, ix 164] 

Aveling, Thos.—sher. Camb. xliv 523 

Averne, col.. Thos.—maj.-gen. xxxviii 53] 
lieut.-gen. xlv 487 

Awdry, John—sher. Wilts, xxxiii 64] 

Aylesbury, Thos. Bruce, earl —lord-lieut. 
Wilts, xxiii 244] chamb. househ. 249] knt 
thistle xxviii 220] treas. queen’s househ. 
xxxiii 56 

——_ lord—knt. thistle, Ixi 113 

Aylesford, Heneage, earl—lord- bedchamb. 
xx 225] 

Aylett, sir W. maj.-gen. liii 152 

Aylmer, capt. John. rear-adm. blue, xlvi 
ane do. red, xlvii 456, vice-adm. red, liv 

——— maj. lord,—lieut.-col. xliv 486 

Arthur—lieut.-cel. xlii 50 

Ayrie, G.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Ayton, J.—sher. Bucks, lii 416 

Aytonne, lieut.-col.—col. x] 111 

Aytoun col. Roger—maj.-gen. 
lieut,-gen, liii 151 


xlvii 450, 

Baber, rev. H. H.—extra assist. librarian 
Brit. Museum, xlviii 501 

Backhouse, T. J.—maj.-gen, liii 152 

Bacon, Anth,—sher. Glamorgan, xlviii 576 

—— Edward—commiss, trade, iv 88] vi 

Badcock, Lovell—sher. Bucks, xxxvii 58 

T, 8, —sher. Bucks, li 540 




Baddeley, John—assist. barrack-mast.-gen. 
xlv 486 

Bagot, hon, Chas.—commiss. treaty Paris, 
lvi 128, envoy United States, lvii 119 

—— rev. Lewis—commiss. Christ church, 
Oxford, xiv 174] LL.D. and dean Christ 
Church, xix 221] bp. Bristol, xxv 234] 
bp. Norwich, xxvi 232] 

Rich.—commiss. excise, viii 164] 

——- sir Wm. bart. — baron, xxiii 247] 

Bagshaw, W. C.—sher. Derby. xlvii 517 

Bagwell, maj. John—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

rev. Rich.—dean, Clogher, xlvii 453 

Wm,—joint-muster-mast. gen.Irel. 
xlix 546 

Baillie, surgeon, Alex. — assist. inspect. 
Russian hosp. xli 54 

lieut.-col. Cha.— col. xlii 49 

capt.—lieut.-goy. Greenwich hosp. 

xvii 185] 

dr.—phys. to his maj. liii 154 

- lieut.-col. sir Ewen (B. Ind. Co. 

serv.)—col. xl 111, bart. liv 166 

maj. Hugh.—lieut.-col. xlii 50, in- 

spect. field officer volunt. xlvi 457 

maj. John (E. Ind. Co. serv.)—lieut.- 

col. E Indies, xlii 51 

col M. H.—maj.-gen. x] 113 

Wm.—commiss. stamps, xvi 165] 

Bailward, Sam,—sher. Somerset. xxxv 75 

Bain, Andrew, M. D.—physician extr. pr. 
Wales, li 555 

Bainbridge, maj. John, lieutz-col. xlii 50 

Bainbrigge, Thos.—sher. Stafford, xliii 80 

Baines, Thos.—sher. Rutland. xxviii 222] 

T. F.—sher. Rutland, lix 140 

Baird, col. David—maj.-gen. x1 118, lieut.- 
gen. xlvii 455, bart. li 552, lieut.-gen. lii 
323, gov. Kinsale, Ixi 113 

——- maj. Hen.—lieut.-col. xlii 49 

—- sir J. G—inspect. field officer volunt. 
xly 489 

Baker, Ant. St. John—sec. leg. Amer. liii 
164, secret. commiss. with America, lvi 
128, consul Unit. States, lviii 207 

——- Edward—consul Tripoli, x 172} 

——- Geo. M. D.— bart. xix 218] phys. in 
ord. to his majesty, xxix 233] 

G.—sher. Northum. lvii 132 

——- J.—sher. Worcest. liv 185 

——-J. jun.—sher. Worcest. xxx 233 

——-~ P. W.—sher. Dorset, xxix 235 

-—— Rob.—hbart. xxxviii 53 

Sam.—sher. Rutland, lvii 132 

——-— T.—at.-gen. Grenada, &c. xvii 186] 

—— lieut.-col. Thos.—col. xlii 49 

Balders, capt. C. M.—maj. xlv 486 

Baldwyn, G.—cons.-gen. Egypt, xxviii 217] 

Balcarras, lord—second in mil.command E. 
Indies, xxvii 251] 

Alex. earl—col. 63rd foot, xxxi 

241] lieut.-gov. Jamaica, xxxvi 47, maj.- 
gen. xl 108, gen. xlv 487 

James Stewart, earl — maj.-gen. 

xxxv 68 

Balcomb, capt. John—maj: xlv 489 

Baldock, W. H.—sher. Kent, lx 207 

Balfour, col. James—maj.-gen. xxxvi 46, 
lieut.-gen. xliii 53, gen. li 555 

— Nesbitt—maj.-gen. xxxv 68, 

lieut.-gen. xl 108, gen. xlv 487 

capt. Rob.—maj. x1 109, lieut.-col. 

xlv 488 

lieut.-col. Wm.—col. xlv 488 

Ball, capt. A. J. (R. N.)—command. order 
St. Ferdinand, &c. xliii 55, 58, commiss. 
navy, ib, 62 ; 

Ballinghall, D.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Balmain, James — commiss. excise, Scotl. 
xxix 232] 

Baltinglass, baron John—see Aldborough, 

Bamford, Wm.—sher, Lancashire,xxix 236] 

Banatyne, W. M.—lord session, Scotl. xli 50 

Banbury, col. Wm. earl—maj.-gen. xliv 487 

Band, John—sher. Somerset, xliii 80 

Bandinell, rev. James—public orator Oxford, 
xix 215] 

Bandon, Francis lord—visct. Bandon, Irel.. 
xxxvii 58 

Banes, Christ.—bart. xliii 59 

J.F.W. de—lieut.-gov. Pr. Edward’s 
Island, xlvi 460 

Bangor, lord Bernard—visct. Bangor, Ir. 
xxiii 248] 

Banks, James—consul Galicia & Asturias, 
vi 127] 

Joseph—presid. Roy. Society, xxi 
211] 212] bart. xxiv 207] knt. bath, 
xxxvii 57, sher. Lincoln, xxxvi 56 

-—— Hen.—commiss. customs, vi 127] 

—— sir Hen. knt.—presid. Christ’s hosp. 
Lond. xvi 165] 

Bantry, lord—visct. Ire]. xlii 55, earl, viii 

Barber, col. Lucius (Irish art.) col. army xl 

maj.-gen. Lucius—lieut.-gen. xlvii 


Wm.—sher. Devonshire, xxxv 74 

Barclay, col. John (mar.)—maj.-gen. army, 
xxxviii 53] lieut.-gen. xlv 487 

—-—- Thos.—consul-gen. E. states Amer. 
xli 47 

Barfoot, Thos.—sher. Rutland. xxxv 75 

ar Cha. lord—first lord adm. xlvii 


Baring, Francis—bart. xxxv 66 

Barker, Cha, D. D.—chaplain to pr. Wales, 
xlv 485 

col. James—maj.-gen. xxxviii 53] 

lieut.-gen. xlv 487 

John—rear-adm. white, xiii 185] do, 
red, xviii 202] 

———. J. R.—sher. Gloucester, xxxix 62 

sir Rob. knt.—bart. xxiv 207] 

rev. W. A.—master Woodbridge 

gram. sch. xlix 541 

rey. mr.== principal Brazen Nose 

coll, xx 225] 




Barlow, G. H.i—bart. xlv 485, knt. bath, 
xviii 500 
f G. T.—sher. Anglesea, lyi 143 
— col. John—col. 61st foot, xvi 163] 
capt. Rob. (R. N.) knt. xliii 50 
Barlowe, lieut.-col, J. J.—assist. inspect. 
-army of reserve, xlv 486, dep. inspect.- 
gen. lili 152 
Barnard, capt. A. F.—major, xlvii 452 
John—commiss. stamps, vi 126] 
———-sir Rob.—recorder Bedford, xiv 


dr.—provost Eton College, viii. 

rey. T.—bp. Killaloe, xxiii 244] 
T. T.—sher. Bucks, lviii 226 
Barnardiston, rev. dr—prebend, Peter- 
borough, xii 171] 172] 
Barne, Barne—commiss. taxes, xxxiii 53] 
xl 112 
Miles—sher. Suffolk, xxxii 246] 
Snowden—lord of treasury, li 557, 
-commiss, of treas. excheq. lii 320, com- 
miss. treas. liii 154 
Barneby, John—sher. Herefords. xxxix 69 
Barnes, maj. Edw.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
sir Edw. knt.— inspect. field officer 
volunteers, xlv 492 
rev. F.—master of Peterhouse, 
Cambridge, xxx 229] 
Henry—sher. Monmouths. xxxviii 

—— lieut.-col. John—colonel, xliv 487, 
dep. barrack-master, Canada, xliii 56 

maj.-gen. — lieut.-gen. Leeward 
Islands, lv 112 

Barnet, col. Chas.—maj.-gen. xliii 53 

Barnford, Rob.—sher. Chester, 1. 173 

Barre, Isaac—joint vice-treasurer Irel. xi 

hon. Isaac—treas. navy, xxv 234] 
paymast. land forces, 236] 

Barret, Bryan—sher. Surrey, xliii 80 

E, M.—sher. Herefords. lvi 142 

Barrington, hon. Daines—commiss. stores 
Gibraltar, xx 224] Welch judge, xxi 

—— Jonah, LL.D.—knt. xlix 544 

Barrington, hon. capt. Sam. rear-adm. 
white, xxi 221] do. red, 2. vice-adm. 
blue, xxii 243. do. white, xxiii 247] 
adm. blue, xxix 234] gen. mar. forces, 
xli 52 

hon. and rev. Dr.—bp. Llan- 
daff, xii 171] canon Windsor, xix 221] 
bp. Salisbury, xxv 236] bp. Durham, 
xxxiii 54] 

oo vise. Wm.—commiss. and chane. 
treasury, iv 87] 88] secret.-at-war, viii 

Barrow, Chas.—bart. xxvi 234] 

——— J.—consul, Biscay, lix 140 

——-— lieut.-col. Tho,—lieut.-col. 5th W. 
India reg. xliv 492, col. Honduras, zd, 
col. 1, 175, maj.-gen, liii 152 

Barry, maj. David—lieut.-col xlii 50 

J. H. S.—sher. Cheshire, xxxv¥ii 58 

hon. J. Maxw.—lord treas. Ixi 118 

R. H.—bart. Irel. xxxi 240] 

Bartholomew, Leo.—sher. Kent, xxxii 246] 

Bartlam, Francis—clerk of wardrobe, xviii 

Barton, col. Cha.—maj.-gen. xliv 487 

maj. John (E. Ind. Co. sery.)— 

brey. lieut.-col. in army, E. Indies, xlii 

51, lieut.-col. xlv 489 

capt. Matt.—rear-adm. blue, xx 

224] do. white, xxi 221] do. red, id. vice- 

adm. blue, xxii 243] do. white, xxiii 

247] adm. blue, xxix 234] do. white, 

xxxv 64 

Rob.—rear-adm. blue, liv 165 

Barwis, Jackson—sher. Essex, xxxviii 68] 

Basset, Francis—bart. xxii 245] baron de 
Dunstanville, xxxviii 54] 

Bassett, lieut.-col. sir Rich. knt.—col. at 
Honduras; xliii 58, col. xliv 488, lieut.-col. 
6th W. India reg. xliv 492 

—_—— maj. Tho.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Bastard, T. H.—sher. Dorset. liv 185 

Bastide, maj.-gen. J. H.—lieut.-gen. xiii 

Bateley, Wm.—commiss. navy, vii 120] 

Batemau, Hugh,—sher. Derby. xxxiv 61, 
bart. xlviii 501 

——— lieut.-col. John (E. Ind.) col. xl 

———. R.—sher. Derbys. liv 185 

Wm.—commiss. navy, vii 120] 
comptroller storekeepers’ accounts, xvi 

Bates, Joah—commiss. victualling office, 
xix 214] 

——— Ralph—sher. Northumb. liv 185 

Bateson, Rob.—bart. Ix 195 

Bath, baroness Henrietta Laura—countess, 
xlv 490 

Batha, J. M. de—bart. Ire). xliii 60 

Bathurst, lord Allen—earl, xv 162] 

hon. Apsley—revers. patentee of 
elk. of crown in chancery, xiv 173] clk. 
dispensations, xx 224] 

Benj.—out-ranger Windsor Forest, 
vi 129] 

Benj.—sec. legation, Sweden, xlvii 

hon. Cha.—master mint, xlviii 

—_—— mr.—clk. briefs in chancery, 
xiv 173] clk. faculties, &c. xix 212] 

—_—— Hen. judge common pleas— 
commiss. great seal, xiii 181] baron 
Apsley, and lord chancellor G. Britain, 
xiv 170] revers. patentee of elk. of crown 
in chancery,-xiv 173] earl and lord high 
steward G. Britain, xix 213] president of 
the council, xxii 245] 

earl—commiss. India affairs, 
xxxvii 57, do. xliii 57, presid. council of 
trade, xlix 542, 543, sec. state, li 555, 




sec. state, liv 164, comm. Ind, affairs, lvi 
128, do. lviii 208, knt. garter, lix 141 
Bathurst, rev. Hen.—canon Christ Church, 

Oxford, xviii 203] 
- Dr. Hen.—bp. Norwich, xlvii 453 
rev. H.—Ashby rect. Norfolk, 
xlviii 498 
Hen. commiss. adm. xxvi 235] 
col. Jas.—gov. Virgin Islands, lviii 

‘John—clerk engrossments, &c. 
great seal, xiv 173] 
maj.-gen. Peter—lieut.-gen. XXXV 
68, general, xl 108 
Bathwick, maj. John—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
Batson, E: B.—sher. Dorset. xxxvi'56 
Batten, Jos. A.—prine. East Ind. Coll. lvii 
al dr.—_chancellor of Lincoln, xxxv 

Baugh, lieut.-col. Lancelot—aid-de-camp 
to his majesty, xiv 174] maj.-gen. xxii 
243] lieut.-gen. 76. 

Baxter, Alex.—commiss. orders in council, 
Xxxvii 57 

Bayham, J. Jefleries, visct.—lord treas. 
xxxi 240] 

——— John Jefferies—visct. xxxv 66 

Bayley, Dan.—consul-gen. Russia, liv 166 

lieut.-gen. H.—goy. Guernsey, lviii 


mr, just, Jobn—knt. 1, 175 

Baynes, Arthur—dep. commiss. stores, 
Mediterranean, xliv 491, 492 

— maj. Edw.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Baynton, sir A.—sher. Wilts. xliv 524 

Bayntun, Edw.—consul Tripoli, xv 164] do. 
Algiers, xix 220] 

H. W.—rear-adm. blue, liv 165 

Bazeley, John—vice-adm. blue, xli 48, do. 
white, xliii 54, do. red, xlvi 458 

Beaby, Tho.—sher. Herefords. xlii 67 

Beach, M. H.—sher. Gloucester, xxxiii 64] 

Beachcroft, rev. R. P.—Blunham rect. 
Bedford, xlviii 502 

Beadon, dr, Rich.—bp. Gloucester, xxxi 238] 
do. Bath and Wells, xliv 489 

Bean, John—sher. Sussex, xxx 233] 

er Edw.—chief justice, Chester, xxx 

———  P. R.—commiss. accts., Leeward 
Islands, xl 114 
Beard, Wm.—Welch judge, xviii 203] 
Beash, Jas.—sher. Staffords. lii 169 
Beauchamp, visc.—lord treas. xvii 184] 
— lord—earl, lvii 120 
Beauclerc, hon. W.—sher. Lincolns. 1. 178 
Beauclerk, lieut.-col.—gov. Pendennis Cas- 
tle, xvii 189] 
lord A.—col. mar. lii 323, rear 
adm. blue, liii 153, do. white, liv 165 
Beaufort, duke—master of horse to her 
majesty, xi 212] lord-lieut. Monmouth, 
xiv 175] 
nnn om nt. garter, xxviii 218] 

lord-lieut. Brecon, xxix 233] do. Leices- 
tershire, xxix 235] Radcliffe Trustee, 
Oxford, xxxv 66 
Beaufort, Hen. Cha. duke, baron Bottetout, 
xlv 484, Jlord-lieut. Monmouth and 
Brecon, xlv 490 
duke — constable of Brianfels, 
&c. liv 164 
a J. H.—sher. Northampton, xlviii 
Beaulieu, earl—high steward, New Windsor, 
xxvili 218] 
Beaumont, R. H.—sher. Yorks. xxxv 75 
Beaver, capt. Peter—major, xlii 53. lieut.- 
col. xliii 53 
Beavan, Thomas—sher. Radnor, xxv 198] 
Beche, maj. Tho. de la—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
Becket, J.—judge advoc. gen. lix 141 
Beckett, J.—bart. lv 111 
Beckwith, col. Geo.—maj.-gen. xl 113, 
lieut.-gen, xlvii 455, gov. Barbadoes, 1. 


lieut.-col. F. A. F.—col. xliv 

sir S.—knt. C. Bath, lviii 207 

Bedford, John, duke—keeper privy seal, iv 
180] presid. privy council, vi 130] chan- 
cellor Dublin Univ. viii 168] xi 174] 

—_———__—— — privy couns, xlviii 
494, lieut.-gen. Irel. ib. 

Beechey, Wm,—knt. x1 113 

Beevor, Tho.—bart, xxvi 235] 

Behr, baron—prime minister, Hanover, xiv 

Belcher, John—lieut.-goy. Nova Scotia, iv 

ery capt. John—major of brigade, xl 


Belford, lieut.-col. Gustavus—col. xl 109 

Belgrave, Geo.—sher. Rutlands. xxix 236] 

Rob. vise.—lord Admir. xxxi 240] 

commiss. India affairs, xxxv 66. xxxvii 

57, privy couns, 24. lord-licut. Flints. xl 


——. W.—sher. Rutlands. xxx 233, 

Belhaven, lord—one of the 16 Peers Scotl. 
lxi 113 

Bell, H.—maj.-gen, liii 151 

——— maj.-gen. John—lieut.-gen. xxii 243] 

—— capt. John—major, xl 112, brev. 
lieut.-col. in army, India, xlv 491 

Matt.—sher. Northumb. xxxix 60. 

Iviii 236 

maj. Rob.—jlieut.-col. xlii 50, lieut.- 
col. E. Indies, xliv 490, inspect. field 
officer volunt. xlv 492 

Bellaers, A. W.—sher. Rutlands. li 540 

Bellamont, Cha. earl, Irel.—hbart. G. Brit. 
xvii 185] privy counsellor, Irel. 188] 
post-mast.-gen. Irel. xxxi 239] 

Bellars, John—sher. Rutlands. xxvi 236] 

Bellasis, col. John (E. Ind. Co, serv.) —maj.- 
gen. inarmy, E. Indies, xliii 56 

Bellasyse, T. N.—sher. Yorks. liv 416 

Belleisle, Ralph, visc.—earl Ross, xiv 175] 




Bellingham, Wm.—commiss. admir. xxxii 
234] bart. xxxviii 53, commiss. navy, 
xliii 62 

Bellis, maj. F. W. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. E, Indies, xlii 51 

Belmore, Armor Lowry, visc. Irel.—earl 
Belmore, xxxix 63, 64 

Bendish, col. Rd.—maj.-gen. xiii 183]. 

Bennett, hon. col. H. A.—maj.-gen. xl 113, 
lieut.-gen, xlvii 455 

——— James—sher. Somersets. xli 69 

—— John—judge King’s-Bench, Irel. 
xxix 233] 

——. John—sher. Wilts. x1 120 

——— rev. J. L.—Lechlade vic. Glouces- 
ter, xlviii 502 

Bennet, dr. Wm.—bp. Cork, xxxii 237] do. 
Cloyne, xxxvi 44 

Bensley, Wm.—bart. xliii 59 

Benson, col. Geo.—maj.-gen. xliii 53 

————. John—-patentee of subpcena office, 
xv 163] clerk journals, H. of Comm. xix 

——. T. S.—sher. Surrey, liv 185 

——— T.—sher. Cumberl. lvi 142 

Bent, Jeff.—ch. just. N. S. Wales, lvi 127 

_ Bentham, maj. Wm.—lieut.-col, xlii 50, 
maj.-gen. liii 152 

Bentinck, maj. lord Chas.—lieut.-col. xliv 
492, capt. in Coldstream guards, zd. 

lord Chas.—treas. househ. liv 166 

Cha.—gov. Surinam, li 551 

Hen. esq.—gov. Grenadines, xliv 
485, lieut.-goy. Demerara, &c. xlviii 492, 
do. li 551 

lord Wm. Cav.—clk. of pipe, xxvi 

——  licut.-col. Wm. lord—aid-de-camp 
to the king, xl 109 
col. lord Wm,—maj.-gen. xlvii 
450, maj.-gen. lii 323, Env. Extr. Paler- 
mo, liii 150, lieut.-gen. liii 151 
Wm.—vice-adm. blue, lii 323 
rev. W. H. E.—prebend West- 
minster, li 555 
Bentley, sir John—vice-adm. blue, xiii 184] 
aa 185] gov. Greenwich hosp. xiv 
Benyon, John—sher. Cardigan, xxvi 236] 
——— R. P. W.—sher. Berks, lviii 226 
Berdmore, Dr. Scrope—pro-vice-chane. 
Oxford, xxxv 68 
Beresford, C, E.—sec. commiss. stamps, 
xiii 59 
— lord Geo.—comptr. househ. liv 


xliv 485 


dr. G. de la Poer—bp. Kilmore, 

hon. John—commiss. excise, 
Irel. xiii 183] privy-couns. G. Brit. 
xxviii 218] 

— lieut.-col. John—col. xlii 49 

— rey, lord John Geo.—bp. Cork, 
xlvii 453 

Parr II, 

sir J—bart. lyi 127 

Beresford, lieut.-gen. Mareus—lieut.-gen. 
ordnance, xlii 54, col. xliii 53, brigadier- 
gen. Caribbee Islands, xliv 490 

rev. Wm.—bp. Dromore, xxiii 
245] do. Ossory, xxv 235] 

— col. W. C.—maj.-gen. |. 174, 
lieut.-gen. lii 323 
—& lieut.-gen. sir W. C.—baron 
Beresford, lvi 127 
— adm.—knt. comm. bath, Ixi 

Berkeley, Fred. Aug. earl—lord-lieut. Glou- 
cestershire, ix 164] 
hon. Geo.—col. marines, xxxvii 
— capt. Geo.—rear-adm. blue, 
xli 48 

G. C.—mast. surveyor ord- 
nance, xxxi 238] rear-adm. white, xlili 
54, do. red, xlii 458, adm. blue, lii 321 

Berkley, Norborne—baron Bottetout, vii 

Bernard, sir Fras—commiss. excise, Irel. 
xvi 162] 

col. Geo.—maj.-gen. 
lieut.-gen. xlv 487 
major—mast. jewel office, xxvi 

Xxxvili 53] 

Tho,—dep. commiss. 
xvii 189] 
Wm.—sher. Bucks, liii 169 
Berner, C.—sher. Suffolk, 1x 207 
Berney, T. T.—sher. Norf. lv 126 
Berniere, lieut.-col. Hen. de—col. xlvii 
Berresford, hon. John—commiss. excise and 
cust. Irel. xli 52 
Berry, capt. Edw. R.N.—knt. xl 117 
Bertie, col. Albemarle—maj.-gen. xxxv 68, 
lieut.-gen. x1 10S, gen. xlv 487 
capt. Albemarle—rear-adm. white, 
xlvi 458, vice-adm. red, lii 321, bart. liv 

of musters, 

lieut.-gen. lord Rob.—capt. and col. 

2nd horse-guards, xix 219] 

capt. Tho.—rear-adm. blue, |. 174, 
rear-adm. white, lii 323, rear-adm. red, 
liii 153, (sir T.) vice-adm. blue, lv 112 

Berwick, Joseph—sher. Worcesters. xxv 

Sanee Es earl—privy couns. viii 166] 
postmaster-gen. 7b. 

Best, Wm. Drap.—judge K.-Bench, Ix 

Bettison, Jonas—sher. Notts. xxxvii 59 

Belts, rev. mr.—Savilian prof. Oxtord, viii 

Bevan, Henry—sher. Shrops. xxxvii 59 

Rich.—commis. appeals in excise, 
xlii 52 

Bewicke, Calverley—sher. Northumber. xxv 

Bickerton, capt. Rich.—knt. xvi 164] bart. 
xxi 222] rear-adm. blue, xxix 234] do, 
white, xxxii 237] 




Bickerton, capt. sir Rich.—xear-adm. blue, 
xli 48, do. white, xliii 54, do. red, xvi 
458, vice-adm, white, xlvii 456, commis. 
admiralty, xlix 545. 1. 175, vice-adm. red, 
li 556, maj.-gen, marine forces, lii 320, 
commis, admiralty, lii 320, adm. blue, 
321, lieut.-gen. marines, Ix 195 

Biddulph, Benj.—sher. Herefords. xlv 53] 

—— sir Theo.—sher. Warwicks. xlii 

Bigge, C. W.—sher. Northumber. xliv 523 

Bigland, Ralph—norroy king of arms, xvi 
164] clarencieux king of arms, xvii 187] 
garter king of arms, xxiii 245] 

— — Ralph, jun.—Richmond Herald, 
xxiii 245, norroy king of arms, xliv 483 

Biggs, H.—sher. Wilts, lili 169 

Rob.—vice-adm. blue, xli 48, do. 

white, xltii 54 

capt. Sam.—rear-adm. white, xxxvii 

Bilcliffe, col. Joseph—maj.-gen. E. Indies, 
xxxviii 54] ~ 

Bilke, Edward—sher. Surrey, li 540 

Billingsley, Edw.—sher. Norfolk, xxix 236] 

Bindley, James—commiss. stamps, viii 164] 

——-—— Jobn—commiss. excise, vi 126] 

Bine, Hen. esq.—sher. Surrey, xxxiii 64] 

Bingham, sir Cha. bart.—baron Lucan, Irel. 
xix 217] 

John—baron Clanmorris, Irel. xlii 

-—_—— lieut.-col. Rich.—co]. xlv 488 
———. capt, R. T.—major, xlvii 452 
rev. Wm.—archd. London, xxxi 


Binning, lord—privy coune. lyi 128, comm. 
India affairs, 7b. lviii 208 

Birch, Geo.—sher. Staflords. xlv 532 

rey. Geo.—Great Woolston 

Bucks, xlviii 502 

Kich.—North Fambridge rect. 

Essex, xlvii 454. 

col. Sam.—major-gen, xxix 234] 

rey. Sam,—rect, St. Mary Woolneth, 

London, |. 172 

maj. Tho,—assist. quart.-mast,-gen. 
xlv 483 

Bird, capt. Hen.—major, xli 54 

———_—— — major, xlvii 452 

Birt, Rd.—sher, Surrey, lyi 142 

Biscoe, Elisha—sher. Monmouthshire, xxvi 


Elisha—sher. Oxfords. xlvii 517 
at Cha.—his majesty’s procurator, xlvi 

—— rév. H.—Ordleigh vic. Essex, xlix 

Bishoppe, H.—inspect. field officer volunt. 
xlv 493 

Bissett, Jas.—col. mar. liv 165, rear-adm. 
blue, lv 112 

——-— brev.-maj. Rob.—assist.. quart.- 
mast.-gen. to troops under sir W. Howel, 


Blacheney, col. Grice—maj.-gen. xxxvi 46. 

Blachford, B. P.—comm. Admir. lvi 128 

Black, Sam.—recorder, Leeds, xix 219} 

major Sam. (E. Ind, co. serv.)— 

lieut.-col. xl 11] 

dr. Wm,.—first physician to the king, 
Scotland, xxxii 235] 

a John, jun—sher. Oxfords. xxxi 

5 ae John—sher., Southampton, li 

Bhaett sir Wm.—sher. Northumber. xlix 

Blackistone, sir Matt.—bart. vi 127] 

Blackstone, Wm,—a knt. and judge King’s- 
Bench, xiii 183] 

Blackwell, maj. J.—lieut,-col. xliv 480 

Blackwood, dame Dorcas—baroness Duf- 
ferin and Claneboye, Ivel. xlii 53 

~ capt-—equerry to duke Glou- 

cester, vil 12] ] 

hon. Hen,—bart. lvi 128 

——-—— capt. hon. Leeson—major, xlvii 

———_—— Rob.—bart. Irel. vi 130] 

Sick adm.—knt, comm. bath, Ixi 

Blades, Hugh—sher. Notts, liv 185 

Blagden, Cha,—physician to hosp. N. Amery 
xviii 205] 

Blagrave, John—sher. Berks. xxxiv 6] 

Blair, Cha.—consul-gen. Naples, xlvii 454 

capt. John—major, xlv. 489 

—— J. H.—bart, xxviii 218] ; 

Rob. esq.—solicitor for Scotland, xxxi 
241) dean of faculty, Scotland, xliii. 60,. 
pres. college of justice, Scotland, 1. 176 

——— Wm.—commiss, stamps, viii 167] 
clk. privy council, x 173] commiss. privy 
seal, xi 210] 

Blake, Cha.—knt. xlv 482 

capt. Jas.—rear-adm. white, xli 

lieut.-col. John—col. x1 109, briga- 
dier-gen. in Egypt, xliii 62 
J. H.—baron Wallscourt, Irel. xlii 


Pat.—bart. xv 162 

lieut.-col, R. Di—col. xliv.487 

Blakeney, maj.-gen. Grice—lieut.-gen. xliii 
53, col. 4th garrison. batt. xliv 493, gen. 

li 555 

———— J.— inspect. field officer volunt. 
xlv 491 

lord—knt. bath, iv 115] 

Bland, maj. Joseph, (EK. Ind. co. serv)— 
lieut.-col. EF. Indies, xlii 51 , 

— J. F.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

maj.-gen. Tho.—lieut-gen. xxxviii 

53] gen, xliii 52 

Tho.—sher. Worcesters. xlix 386 

Blandford, George, marquis— baron Spen- 
cer, xlviii 495 

-Blane, Gilbert, M.D.—physician in ord. to 

pr. Wales, xlviii 500, bart. liy 166. 

- Blane, dr. Wm.—phys. to duke Clarence, 

xxxi 238] 

Wm.—sher. Berks. xlix 385 

Blaney, col. lord Cadwallader—maj.-gen. 
viii 165] lieut.-gen. xv 161] 

lieut.-col. And. lord—col. xlvii 450 

Blanket, capt. John—rear-adm. white, xli 
48, do. red, xliii 54 

Blaquiere, lieut.-col. John—sec. French em- 
bassy, xiv 173] do. lord-lieut. Irel. xv 
163] knt. bath, xvii 187] collector of 
aulnage duties, Irel. xviii 204] 

Blaquiere, sir John, bart.—baron de Bla- 
quiere, Irel. xlii 53 

Blashford, maj. W. H. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lient,-col. in army, E. Indies, xlii 51 

Blathwayte, col. Winter—maj.-gen. xxix 

Blayney, rev. Benj.—Hebrew professor, 

Oxford, xxix 235] 

Blennerhasset, Rowland—bart. li 554 

Bligh, col. hon. Edw.—maj.-gen. xlvii 450, 
lieut.-gen. liii 151 

R. A.—adm. red, lv 112 

capt. R. R.—rear-adm. blue, xxxii 

47, do red, xxxvii 56, vice-adm. white, 

ti do. red, xliii 54, adm. blue, xlvi 

rev. Rob.—dean of Elphin, xi 211] 
—— Wm.—zgov. New 8S. Wales, xlvii 

W.—rear-adm. blue, litt 153, do. 

red, lv 112 

Blizard, Wm.—kant. xlv 482 

Blois, sir Chas.—sher. Suffolk, lviii 226 

Blomberg, rev. Fred. Wm.—clk. of closet 

A es Wales, 1. 172, prebend Westm. 


Blomefield, capt. Benj.—major, xlvii 452 

—— Tho.—bart. xlix 546 

—— maj.-gen. sir T. bart.—lieut.- 
gen. lii 321 

Bloomfield, lieut.-col.—gent. attend. on pr. 
Wales, 1. 177, equerry, &c. liv 163, secr. 
age Cornwall, lviii 209, privy purse, 
ix 141 © 

col. Tho.—maj.-gen. xlv 488 
Blosse, sir R. L. sher. Glamorgans. liii 169 
Blount, Geo.—commiss. taxes, x 174] 
Bloxam, Matt.—knt. xlii 53, alderman, xlv 
Bluet, Peter—sher. Devons. xliii 79 
Blundell, col. Bryan—maj.-gen, x1 113 
Blunden, John—baron, Irel. ix 163] 
maj. Overington—lieut.-col. xlvii 
Blunt, James—sher. Southampton, lvii 517 
Boag, lieut.-col. James—iieut.-col. artil. 
liv 486 - 
Boardman, lieut.-col. J. H.—col. x1 109 
Boate, H. E.—sher. Denbighs. xlv 532 
Boddenham, John—sher. Radnor, xli 69 
Boddington, John—sec. board ordnance, xx 
225) | 
Bodenham, John—sber. Radnor, xli 49 



Bodley, W. H.—batch. physic, Oxford, 
xlviii 497 

Boger, capt. Rich.—rear-adm. blue, xlvi 
458, do. red, xlvii 456, vice-adm. blue, 
1. 174, do. red, liv 165 

Boland, major Edw.—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

Boldero, rev. G.—Ixworth cur. Norfolk, 
xlviii 503 

Boles, maj. Burnaby (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. E. Indies, xlii 51 

Bolland, Wm.—common pleader, city of 
London, xlvi 457 

Bolton, Harry, duke—privy couns. ix 167] 
gov. Isle of Wight, 2b. vice-adm. do. x 
173] adm. blue, xiii 184] do. white, xviii 
201] gov. Isle of Wight, and lord-lieut. 
Southampton, xxv 234] 

lieut.-col. Rob.—aid-de-camp to the 
king, xlvi 450 

— Thos. lord—lord-lieut.Southampton, 

xlii 51 

Bomesteer, Dan.—consul, Carthagena, vii 
120] consul, Sicily, Malta, &c. xviii 204] 

Bond, James—sher. Kent, xxx 233] 

Nathanael —commiss. excheq. xliii 

56, commiss. treas. excheq. xliv 490, xlv 

491, privy couns. 492, presid. board of 

trade, xlvi 457, advocate gen. forces, 

xlviii 495 

Phineas—consul and commiss. United 
States, xxviii 219] consul gen. Amer. 
xxxv 65 ; 

——— rey. W.—dean, St. Faghnan, xv 163] 

—— John—sher. Cardigan. xlvi 521 

Bonham, Hen,—sher. Southampton, xxxvi 

lieut.-col. Pinson—col. xlvii 456, 
maj.-gen. liii 152, gov. Surinam, liv 164 
Bonjonnar, major John (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
—lieut.-col. xl 111 

Bonney, rev. H. K.—prebend. Lincoln, xlix 

Bonsal, Thos. sher. Cardigan, xxxvii 59 

Bonsall, Thos.—knt. xxxvii 58 

Bontein, James—knt. xl 114 

Boone, Thos.—gov. S. Carolina, iv 99] com- 
miss. customs, xii 172] 

"Booth, T.—sher. Northampt. Ix 207 

Lewis—inspect. field-officer volunt. 
xlv 492 
rey. Livingston—Gwennap vic. Corn- 
wall, xlviii 496 
Rich.—sher. Northamptons. xxxiv 56 
Rob.—sher. Cambridge, lvii 132 
maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
Boothby, col. sir Wm.—maj.-gen. viii 165] 
lieut.-gen. xv 161] col. 6th foot, xvi 166] 
Boothby, Wm.—comm. transp. service, liv 
Bordes, maj. Breon, lieut.-col. xlv 489 
Boringdon, lord—earl of Morley, lvii 120 
Borland, James—assist. inspect. Russian 
hosp. xli 54. assist. inspect. hosp. xliii 61 
maj. J. L.—tlieut.-col, xliv 489 
Borough, Rd,—bart, lv JIL 




Borradaile, Wm.—sher. Surry, xlvi 521 

Borner, Wm.—sher. Sussex, xliii 80 

Borthwick, col. Wm. (avt.)—maj.-gen. army, 
xl 108, lieut.-col. xlv 489 

— maj.-gen. Wm,—lieut.-gen. xlvii 


Bosanquet, J.—sher. Herts. xliv 523 

Sam.—sher. Monmouth. lvii 132 

Boscawen, hon. gen. Geo.—second in com- 
mand on Irish establishment, viii 165] 

Geo.—sher. Flints. |viii 227 

hon. and rev. dr.— prebend. 

Westm. xx 224] 

hon. miss —sempstress to the 
queen, xxx 230] 

——— Wm.—commiss. bankrupts, xix 
214, 215] 

roe lord Fred.—tord bed-chamb. xxiii 

Boswell, Bruce—marine store-keep. &c. 
Bengal, xxxv 66 

——~— C. J.—lord session, Scotl. xli 50 

Botfield, T. sher. Salop. lx 207 

—— W. sher. Shrops. xlviii 575 

eae major Archibald—lieut.-col. xliii 

Kottetourt, lord—gov. Virginia, xi 211] 

Boucherett, Ayscough—sher. Lincoln. xxxvii 

Bouchier, lieut.-col. John—col. xlvii 456 

Boughton, sirC. W. R.—commiss. for audit- 
ing public accts. xlii 50 

— Edw,—sher. Hereford. xxviii 


— lieut.-col. G. C. B.—col. xlii 49, 
sir G. C. B. maj.-gen. xlvii 455 

eos Joseph—sher. Warwick. xxvii 


Boulton, Matt.—sher. Stafford. xxxvi 56 

——~—~ Hen.—sher. Surry, xxvi 236] 

~———-— capt. Rob. R. M.—knt. xlv 484 

Boureard, Christ.—assist. commiss. gen. on 
continent, xl 115 

Bourchier, C.—sher. Herts. xxx 233] 

—— James—sher. Herts. xxxiv 61 

Bourke, John—commiss. excise, Irel. xiii 
183] baron Naas, xix 217] 

——— rev. Jose ph—dean, Killaloe, xi 211} 
do. Dromore, xv 160] bp. Leighlin and 
Fernes, 162] 

— dr. J. D.—archbp. Tuam, &c. xxv 
236] privy couns. Irel, 237] 

Bourmaster, capt. John—rear-adm. blue, 
xxxvi 46, do. red, xxxvii 56, vice-adm. 
white, xli 48, do. red, xliii 54, adm. blue, 
xlvi 457 

Bourne, W. S.—commiss.  treas. 
xlix 543, 545, 546, comm, 
Ivi 128 

Boutelin, maj. sir James—lieut.-col. xliv 489 

Bouverie, hon. Edw.—groom bedchamb. to 
a Wales, xxix 233] commiss. trans. xlv 

Ind. affairs, 

Edw. jun,—sher. Northampt. xlii 


Bowater, capt. Edw.—rear-adm. blue, xlvi 
458, vice-adm. red, lii 323, do. white, liii 

maj. Geo.—licut.-col. xlv 489 

col. John (mar.)—maj.-gen. army, 
xxxviii 53] lieut.-gen. xlv 487 © 

Bowden, mr.—mast. horse, Irel. x 173] 

Bowen, C.—sher. Glamorgan. xxiv 203] 

capt. Geo.—rear-adm, blue, xli 48, 

do. white, xliii 54, do. red, xlii 458, vice- 

adm. blue, xlvii 456, do. white, 1. 174, do. 

red, ]i 550. adm. blue, lii 321 

Geo.—sher. Pembroke. xlv 532 

H. W.—sher. Pembroke. xlviii 576 

James—commiss. transports, xlv 485, 

do, 1i 553, comm. transp. service, liv 166, 

do. lv 111 

lieut. John—fourier to the army, N. 

Amer, xix 218] 

Jonathan—sher. Radnor, xxiv 203] 

W. W.—sher. Pembroke, xxxiii 64] 

Bowens, maj. Hugh—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Bower, Forster—king’s counsel, xxix 233] 

Bowes, lieut.-col. B. F.—col. xlvii 450, 
brig.-gen. lii 323 

hon. Thos.—sher. Leicester, lii 416 

Bowey, sir T, C.—sher. Gloucester. 1, 178 

Bowie, James, gent.—assist. commiss. stores, 
&c. Leeward Islands, xl 115 

Bowlby, Thos.—commiss. excise, vi 126] 
comptroller army accts. xix 220] commiss, 
gen. xxili 246] 

Bowles, Cha.—sher. Surry, xxxvi 56 

George—sher. Essex, xxvii 252] 

capt. Geo.—major, xlvii 452 

John—commiss. resp. orders in 
council, xxxvii 57 

—— Wm.—sher. Wilts. xxv 198] 

rev. W. L.—prebend. Salisbury, xlvi 


Bowser, maj. T. (E. Ind. Co. serv.)—lieut.- 
col. xl 111 

Bowyer, sir Chas.—vice-adm. red, xxxvii 56 

——— Geo.—col. marines, xxix 234] 

——-— capt. Geo.—rear-adm. white, xxxv 
65, vice-adm. blue, xxxvi 45, bart. 46 

—-— sir Geo.—adm. blue, xli 48 

——— capt. Hen.—dep. adj.-gen. Ire]. xix 

——— brev. maj.-gen. Hen.—lieut.-gen. 
Leeward Islands, xl 114, lieut.-gen. N. 
Amer. xlii 52, command. forces, Charib- 
bee Islands, xlvii 455, lieut.-gen. xliv 

J. W.—commiss. excise, vi 126] 

T. B.—sher. Dorset. xxxviii 68] 

rey. mr.—upp.gramm. mast, Christ’s 
Hosp. xix 218] 

Boycatt, rev. mr.—St. Andrew’s rectory, 
Norwich, xlviii 502 

Boycott, capt. Chas.—maj. brig. xl 112 

Boyd, John—bart. xviii 202] 

—— col. Rob.—maj.-gen. xv 161] 

—— lieut.-gen. sir Rob.—goy. Gibraltar, 
xxxil 238] gen, xxxy 67 

Boyd, Rob.—justice Court K. Bench, Trel. 

xxxili 54] 
Boyden, Sam.—sher. Bedfords. xxxi 247] 
Boyle, Bellingham—commiss, excise, Irel. 

xiii 183] 
maj. Chas. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—lieut,- 
col. E. Indies, xlii 51 
hon. C.—comm. transp. 
166, do. lv 111 
David—solicitor-gen. Scotl. xlix 544, 
just.-clerk, do. liii 154, lord of sess. do. 
liii 151 
Boyles, Chas.—col. marines, |. 174, rear- 
adm, blue, li 556, do. white, lii 323, do. 
red, liv 165 

Boys, Sam.—sher. Kent, xxv 197] 
4 capt. W. H.—majer, 1. 175 

Brabazon, Anth.—bart. Irel. xxxix 64 
_ Brace, maj. Jas.—assist. barrack-mast.-gen. 
— -xilvi 455 

Bracebridge, Abrm.—sher. Warwicks. li 
Bradford, lord—earl Salop, lvii 120 

maj. Thos.—lieut.-col. xlviii 53, 

inspect. field-officer, volunt. xlvi 497 
“eae hon. A. C.—groom bed-chamb. 
liv 1 

serv. liv 

Francis, esq.—sher. Derbys. 
xlviii 575 

lieut.-col. Lawrence—col. xlv 

maj. Sam. (E. Ind. Co. serv.) 
—lieut.-col. xl 11] 

— Thos.—commiss. taxes, vi 126] 
sec. to the treasury, x 173] lord of admi- 
ralty, xv 161] 

Bradstreet, col. John—maj.-gen. xv 161] 

sir Sam.—commiss. great seal, 

Irel. xxxi 238] 

Brady, col. Thos.—brigadier-gen. Leeward 

Islands, xl 115 

Wm. (Irish art.)—maj.-gen. 

army, x! 108 

Bradyll, col. Wilson—groom of bedchamb. 

liv 163 

Brag, maj. James—lieut.-col, xlii 50 

Bragge, Chas.—privy couns. xliii 62 

Bramston, Wither —sher. Southampton, 
xxxvli 59 

Branden, baron—vise. Crosbie, Irel. xiv 

Brandling, Chas—sher. Northumb. xxiv 

Brandreth, H.—sher. Bedfords. lviii 226 

Branscomb, James—knt. xlix 544 

Brassey, R. J.—sher. Essex, lv 126 

Brathwaite, Rich.—rear-adm. white, xxxii 
238] vice-adm. blue, xxxv 65, do. red, 
xxxvii 56, adm. blue, xli 47, do. white, 
xliii 53 

Bray, mr. Edw.—sec. to trustees British 
Museum, xlviii 496 

— — rey. dr. Thos.—canon of Windsor, xix 

maj. Wm.—lieut.-col, xlix 489 




Braybrooke, lord—lord lieut. Essex, x1 109 

Brazier, John—knt. xlii 53 

Breadalbane, John, earl—keeper privy seal, 
Scotl. viii 168] vice-adm. do. xix 220] 

—___—_—— lieut.-col. John, earl—col. xliv 

— earl—state-couns. Scotl. xlviii 
Breidbach, baron—archbp. and elect. Mentz, 
vi 87] 

Brenton, E. B.—dep. judge-advocate, N. 
America, xli 52 
Jableel—rear-adm. blue, xliii 54, 
bart. liv 166, nav. comm. Cape of Good 
Hope, lvi 129 
Brereton, C. T.—sher. Cheshire, ]. 178 
rey. J.—prebend. Salisbury, xlv 
O. S.—constable Flint Castle, &c. 
xviii 203] 
lieut.-col. Rob.—colonel, xliv 488, 
brigadier-gen. Caribbee Islands, xlv 452 
Brett, Chas. esq.—lord admir. xxv_ 234] 
commiss. admiralty, xxv 236] xxvi 235] 
sir Pierey—lord admir. ix 167] 
vice-adm. blue, xiii 184] do. white, 
185] do. red, xviii 201] adm. blue, xxi 

221] We 

Tim.—commiss. navy, vii 
comptroller navy accts. xvi 165] 
Brettell, John—sec. commiss. stamps, xvi 

Brewere, W. S.—sher. Northumb. li 540 

Brewster, John—sher. Radnor, xlii 67 

rev. John—Redmarshal rect. Dur- 

ham, xviii 498 

Brice, maj. Alex.—lieut.-col. 1. 175 

Brickenden, R.—sher. Hants, xxx 233] 

Brickwood, John—commiss. resp. orders 
council, xxxvii 57 

Bridges, sir B. W.—sher. Kent, li 540 

——_—— F. W. T.—sher. Herefords. xxv 

Bridgman, sir Hen. bart.—baron Bradford, 
xxxvi 46 

Bridport, Alex. lord—adm. white, Xxxiii 
56, vice-adm. xxxviii 52, baron Bridport, 
Great Britain, xxxviii 54, lieut.-gen. mar. 
forces, xli 52, viset. Bridport, xlii 52 

Bright, lieuti-col. Rich. (mar.)—col. army, 
xl 109, maj.-gen. xlvii 550, lieut.-gen. lit 

Brigstock, W. O.—sher. Cardigan, XXXVI 

Brine, James—rear-adm. red, xliii 54, vice= 
adm. white, xlvi 458, adm. blue, li 555, 
do white, lii 321 

Brinley, Geo.—commiss. gen. in Brit. N. 
Amer. xli 52 

— lieut.-col. Thos.—col. xlvii 450 

Brisbane, capt. Chas.—knt. xlix 544, gov. 
St. Vincent, 1. 177, and of other adjacent 
islands, 7d. 

John, rear-adm. blue, xxxii 238) 

do. red, xxxv 65, vice-adm, blue, XXXVi 





45, vice-adm. red, xxxvii 56, adm. blue, 
xli 47, do. white, xliii 53 

Briscall, rev. Sam,—chaplain to forces, lii 

Brisco, John—bart. xxv 236] 

sir Walt.—sher, Cumberl. lv 126 

Briscoe, Geo.—sher. Staffords. xlix 385 

Bristol, Geo. Wm. earl—ambass. Spain, i 
99] privy couns. and lord lieut. Irel. ix 
166] lord privy seal, xi 212] groom of 
stole, and first lord of bed-chamb. xiii 181] 

Aug. John, earl, rear-adm. blue, 
xviii 202? do. white, xx 224] do. red, xxi 
221} vice-adm. blue, 7b. 

Bristow, rev. John—Cotgrave, rect. co. 
Notts. xlviii 498, 499 

Sam.—sher. Notts, xli 68 

Broadhead, maj. J. J.—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

Broadhurst, John—sher. Derbys. xxxiii 

Brock, lieut.-col. Isaac—col. xlvii 456, maj.- 
gen. lili 152, extra K. B. liv 166 

Brockman, J. D.—sher. Kent, xxxiii 64] 

Broderick, col. Jobn—brigadier-gen, in 
Mediterranean, xliii 57, col. command. 
‘infant. xliv 491 

Brodie, W. D.—consul at Malaga, xxxiv 57 

re At Dr. Chas. archbp. Cashel, xliv 


lieut.-col. hon. John—col. xliii 53, 
gov. Martinique, li 558 
Wm.—commiss. treas. excheq. 
xlv 491, do. lii 820, iii 154, comm. cus- 
toms, liv 156 

Brogden, Jas.—comm. excheq. liv 166, do. 
Iv ltl 
Brograve, Berney—bart. xxxiii 54] 
Broke, P. Vere—bart. lv 11! 
Bromhead, lieut.-col. Gonville—col. xliii 53, 
__ inspect, field-officer volunt. xlv 493 
Bromhill, Wm.—patent customer of the 
ports of Southampton and Portsmouth, 
xiii 184] 

Bromley, capt. Henry—major, xlv 486, 
lieut.-col. 488 

Hen —sher. Worcesters. li 540 

sir R. H.—sher. Notts. Iviii 226 
Bronwin, capt. John—major, xvii 451 

Brook, Thos.—sher. Cheshire, lii 416 
Brooke, Arthur—bart. Irel. vi 131] privy 

couns. Ire]. xiii 183] 

—— Geo.—sher. Shrops. liii 169 
——-— C.—M. P. for Ichester, xlv 483 
——— rev. John—Whittlesford vic. xlix 

——— J. C.—rouge croix pursuivant at 
arms, xvi 165] Somerset herald, xxv 221] 

———— sir Rich,—sher. Chester, xxix 235] 
——-~— Rich. B. de Capell—bart. xlv 485 
———— sir R.—sher. Flints. lvii 133 
—— — sir Rd.—sher. Cheshire, lix 140 
—-— T. H.—sec. to government St. 

Helena, xliv 485 

~———-— T, L.—sher. Chester, xxxix 62 

————— maj» Wm,—lieut.-col, xlii 50 

Brooke, col. B. R. de Capell (militia)—col. 
in army, xl 114 

Brookes, Wm.—sher. Cardigans. liii 169 

Brooks, lieut.-col. John—lieut.-col. com- 
mand. milit. xliv 485 

——— Geo.—sher. Beds. xxxviii 68] 

Reeverk, Stamp—commiss, excise, xviii 

Reson, maj.-gen. Joseph—lieut.-gen. xxxv 

Broughton, sir C. W. R.—auditor public 
accts. xlviii 499 

- lieut.-col. J. D.—col. xlii 49, 
inspect. field officer volunt. xlvi 455 

Brown, Alex.—consul, Drontheim, xvi 164] 

maj. Archibald (E: Ind. co. serv.)— 

lieut.-col. xl 111 

Arthur—prime serjt.-at-law, Irel. 

xliv 484 

Chas.—sher. Denbighs. xxxi 248] 

C.—sher. Flints. xxxii 246] 

lieut.-gen. E. M.—gen. xxxviii 53] 

——— Edw.—sher. Lincolns. xxx 233] 

Geo.—sec. and proy.-mast.-gen. Ber- 

muda Islands, ix 167] 

—commiss. excise, Scotl. xxix 

—— ee, 


rev. dr, Jemmatt—bp. Elphin, xv 
160] archbp. Tuam, xviii 202] 

——— capt. John—rear-adm. blue, xxxvii 
57, do. red, xli 48, vice-adm. blue, xliii 
54, do. white, xlvi 458, do. red, xlvii 456, 
adm. blue, 1. 174 

maj. John—lieut.-col. xlii 50, assist. 

quart.-mast.-gen. xlv 483 

John—sher. Gloucesters. xliii 80 

capt. J. H.—major, xlv 489 

Montfort—iient.-gov. West Florida, 
vii 121] gov. Bahama Islands, xvii 184] 

——~ W.—rear-adm. blue, liii 153, do. 
white, liv 165 

Wm.—sher. Cumberland, lviii 226 

Browne, Chas.—maj. xliy 488 

F. J.—sher. Dorsets, xxvi 236] 

—— lieut.-col. Gore—col. xlvii 450 

——-—— Hen.—sher. Herts, xlv 531 

——-— J. H.—sher. Shrops. xxvi 236] 

——— —sher. Dorsets. ]viii 226 

——— lieut.-col. John—lieut.-col. com- 
mand. staff corps, xliv 489 

-——— sir John—baron Kilmaine, Irel. 
xxxi 241] 

——-— J. E.—hart. Irel. xxxix 64 

——— lieut.-col. Lyde—lieut.-col. 21st 
foot, xliv 490 

———rey. dr. Rich.—regius prof. of 
Hebrew, &c. Oxford, xvii 188] 

——— R.—mjj.-gen. liii 152 

——-— R. B. H.—sher. Shrops. ]. 178 

———- Thos.—clarencieux king of arms, 
xvi 164] garter king of arms, xvii 187] 

——-— capt. Thos.—major, xli 58—lieut.- 
col. xliii 58 


T,.—vice-chan. Camb. liii 





Browne, sir Valent.—baron Castle Rosse, 
and visct, Kenmare, Irel. x] 110 
———— maj.-gen. Win.—lieut.-gen. 

—— capt. Wm.—gov. Upnor Castle, xxi 

—— Wm.—2ov. Bermudas, xxiv 207] 

——— W.—sher. Cumberl. xxxii 245] 

Brounlow, dr. bp. Worcester—bp. Winches- 
ter, xxiv 208] 

John, lord—lord-lieut. Lincoln, 
li 551, an earl, lvii 120 

Brownrigg, capt. H. F.—assist. quart.-mast.- 
gen. xly 484 

col. Rob.—maj.-gen. xliv 487, 

quart.-mast.-gen. xly 482 

= lieut.-gen. R.—gov. Ceylon, liii 


sir R.—bart. lviii 207 
— col. Thos.—maj.-gen. E. Ind. 
co. xl 111 
lieut.-col. Thos. — dep.-quart.- 
mast.-gen. Irel. xli 50, xliii 62, colonel, 
xliv 487 
Bruce, Burnet—dep.-judge-advoc. &c. N. 
Britain, xliv 485, comm. Edinb. liii 154 
capt. Chas.—major, xlv 489 
—— rev. H. H. A.—bart. xlvi 460 
John—historiographer to E. India 
C0. xxxv 67 
major Rob. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 111 
Stew.—bart. liv 166 
loré Thos.—earl Aylesbury and 
privy counsellor, xix 216] See also Ayles- 
———— maj.-gen. hon. Thos.—resid. maj.- 
gen. Irel. xxviii 218] 
——-— Thos.—lieut.-gen, xxxviii 

Brudenell, G. B.—clerk board green cloth, 
viii 167] 

— hon. James—baron, xxiii 247] 

— maj.-gen. Thos.—lieut.-gen. viii 


— hon. miss Avg.—maid honour, 
xxx 230] 

Bruere, G. J.—gov. Bermuda Islands, vii 

Bruhl, capt. Geo.—major, xlv 489 

Brummell, Wm.—sher. Berks. xxx 233] 

Brunton, Nathan—rear-adm. red, li 556, 
vice-adm. blue, lii 323, do. red, lv 112 

Brunswick, hered. prince—knt. garter, viii 

Brusby, James—consul, Madrid, ix 165] 
Bryan, Thos.—sher. Rutlands. |. 178 
Brydges, Sam. Egert.—bart. lvi 130 
Buccleugh, duke—gov. bank, xxvi 230] 
- — knt. Garter, xxxvi 44 
col. Hen. duke—col. army, xl 

duke—lord-lient, Edinb, liv 163 

— Oels, Wm. duke—lieut.-gen. li 

Buchanan, col. Alex.—brig.-gen. Leeward 
Islands, xlii 52 
J.—consul, N. York, lviii 207 
oo sir John—sher. Beds. xxxiv 

lieut.-col. Wm,—col. xliv 488 
Buckingham, marquis—knt. garter, xxviii 
218] lord-lieut. Trel. xxix 235] 
————_—_——_ — lord-lieut. Bucks. lv 
—— marchs.—baroness Nugent, 
Trel. xlii 55 
Buckinghamshire, earl—lord-lieut. Irel. xix 
Rob. earl—chane, duchy 
Lancaster, xlvii 452, joint postmast.-gen. 
xlviii 494, secret. state, liv 163, chancel. 
Lancast. liv 164, comm. Ind. affairs, liv 
166, lvi 128 
Buckle, Matt.—rear-adm. white, xiii 185] 
do. red, 2. vice-adm. blue, xviii 202] do. 
white, xix 213] do. red, xxi 221] adm. 
blue, xxiii 246] 
Buckler, rey. dr.—custos archivorum, Ox- 
ford, xx 223] 
Buckley, maj.-gen. Felix—lieut.-gen. xxxviii 
53] gen. xliii 52 
Buckner, capt. Chas.—rear-adm. blue, xxxv 
65, vice-adm. blue, xxxvi 45, do. white, 
xxxvii 56, adm. blue, xli 48, do. white, 
xlvii 456, do. red, 1. 174 
dr.—archd, Chichester, xxxiv 58, 
bp. do, xxxix 63 
Buckworth, rey. dr.—prebend. Canterbury, 
xviii 205] 
————— Theoph.—sher. Lincolns. xxix 
Bugh, lieut.-col. Edw.—aid-de-camp to the 
king, xl 109 
Bulkeley, visc.—lord-lieut. Carnarvon, xxv 
———. John—knt. xxxvii 
Anglesea, xxxvii 59 
——— Rt.—sher. Anglesea, lviii 227 
Bull, Dan.—commiss. appeals, excise, ix 
167] commiss. taxes, x 174] 
Buller, Edw.—col. marines, xlvii 457 
rear-adm. Edw.—bart. 1. 176, rear- 
adm. white, li 556, do. red, lii 323, vice- 
adm. blue, liv 165 
—-— Francis—king’s counsel and Welch 
judge, xx 225] judge king’s bench, xxi 
Dy 2 

58, sher. 

——— maj. F. W.—lieut.-col. xliii 53, aide- 
de-camp to the king, lii 321 

Buller, James—sher. Cornwall, xl 120 

——-— — commiss. adm. xlix 543, 
1, 175, lii 320 

Buller, Jas.—vice-adm. white, liii 152 

Jas.—clerk privy coun. liii 153 

John—lord adm, viii 166] 

—— —— sen. lord treasury, xxiii 246] 

—— —commiss. treasury, xxvi 235] 

rev. W.—canon Windsor, xvi 166} 

dean Canterbury, xxii 236] 




Buller, Wm. chafe-wax, in chancery, xxi 

capt. Wm.—maj. xlii 50 
mr.—commiss. excise, xxxii 235] 
Bullock, Joseph—sher. Bucks xxiv 202] 
—dep. commiss.-gen. xl 115 
Bullot P. de Meuron—lieut.-col. xliv 487 
Bulteel, John—sher. Devon, xlix 385 f 
capt. Rawley — rear-adm. blue, li 
556, rear-adm. white, lii 323, do. red, liv 
Bulwer, lieut.-col. Wm. Earl—col. xlii 49 
Bunbury, maj. E. H.—assist. quart.-mast.- 
gen. xlv 483, lieut.-col. xlvi 455 
Hen.—compt. army accts. xix 220] 
groom bedchamb. duke of York, xxix 233] 

——_ T. C.--sec, extr. embass. Spain, 
vi 130] 

sir T. C.—sher Suffolk, xxx 233 

capt. W. H.—maj. xl vii 452 

Buntem, capt. sir James-—maj. xl 117 

Burch, Wm.—commiss. customs Amer. x 

Burdon, G.—rear-adm. blue, liii 153, rear- 
adm. white, liv 165 

Burges, Geo. —compt.-gen. customs, &c. 
Scotl. xi 209] 

J. B.—bart. xxxvii 58 

J. S.—bart. xxxv 66 

Burgess, J. B. commiss. privy seal, xxxvi 45 

dr. Tho.—bp. St. David’s, xlv 485, 
bp. Bristol, 491 

Burgh, W. E.—privy couns. Irel. xx 225] 
ch. baron excheq. do. xxv 236] 

Burghersh, lord—enyoy Tuscany, lvi 128 

Burgoyne, col. John—gov. Fort William xii 
172] compt. Chester, xiii 184] maj.-gen. 
xv 161] lieut.-col. 14th drag. xvi 165] 
lient.-gen. Amer. xix 214] 

Burgoyne, col. sir John—col. 23rd drag. 
xxiv 209] 

— lieut.-cen. John—command.-in- 

chief Irel. xxv 235] privy council do. ibid. 

—— Montague—chamber. excheq. xv 


sir Montague—inspect. field officer 

volunt. xlv 492, lieut.-col. xlvii 450 

—— Roger—commiss. vict. office, 
xv 163] 

Burke, hon. Edm.—paymaster-gen.xxv 234] 
xxvi 231] 

Thomas—bart. Irel. xxxix 64 

Burland, mr. serj—baron excheg. & knt. 
xvii 185] 

Burlton, Wm.—sher. Leicester, xlix 885 

Burn, maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xl 111 

Burnaby, rear-adm. sir Wm,—bart. x 174] 
vice.-adm. white, xiii 184] do. red, 185] 

Burne, R.—maj.: gen. liii 152 

Burnet, James—lord session, Scot]. x 172] 

——— lieut.-col. John—col. xlvii 456 

Rob.—knt. xxxvii 56 

Burnett, maj. Joseph—lieut.-col. x] 112 

——— J.—maj.-gen, liii 152 

Burnett, lieut.-col. W.—aide-de-camp to the 
king, xlv 489 

Burnston, Roger—sher, Cheshire, xlii 67 

Burnton, G.—col. mar. ly 112 

Burrard, col. Harry—maj.-gen. x1 108, 
lieut.-gen. xlvii 449, bart, xlix 546 

Burrel, Merrick—bart. ix 164] 

Burrell, hon, Lindsay—see. Legation, Dres- 
den, xlviii 492 ; 

——— Peter—surveyor-gen. of his majes- 
ty’s honours, &c, xii 171] 

Peter—knt. xxiv 208] dep. great 
ai zhid. baron Gwydir, xxxviii 

——-— lady P. B,—baroness Willoughby, 
xxiii 244, 245] 

—— Wm. LL, D.—commniss. excise, xvii 

——— W.—sher. Northumb. liii 169 

Burroughs, Wm.—bart. xlvi 462, puisne 
judge, Fort William, x] viii 492 

———— H. N.—sher. Norf. lix 150 

Burrow, James—knt. xvi 163] 

John—sec. to gov. of Minorca, vi 

Burrowes, capt. John—maj. xl 112 
Burrow, T.—sher. Carnarvon, lviii 227 
Burt, J. H.—sher. Staflords. xlvii 517 
— W. M. esq.—goy. Leeward and Carib. 
Islands, xix 220] 
Euite, Francis—comptr. salt duties, xvi 

Fran, puisne judge Chester xxx 229] 
5: hon. F, N,—lieut.-gov. Lower Canada, 

Jas.—sher. Kent. lii 416 

John—sher, Devons. xli 68 

col. N. C.—maj.-gen. x] 108, lieut.- 

gen. xlvii 450 

col. Ralph—maj.-gen. viii 165] 

Rob.—knt. xlii 53 

——_-—— —sher. Shrop. xlvi 521 

Wm. commiss. excise, xi 126] 

—— commiss. barr, Ire]. xix 218] 

Bury, C. W.—baron Tullymore, xxxix 64 

—— Edward—sher. Bucks xliii 79 

—— R. J.—+rear-adm. blue, lii 322 

—— R.J.—yrear-adm. white, liii 153 

Busby, rey W. B.—prebend Windsor, xlv 
486, dean Rochester, 1. 173 

Bush, Thos.—sher. Wilts, xliii 80 

—— W. B.—sher. Suffolk, xlii 67 

Busk, Wadsworth —attorney-gen. Isle of 
Man, xvii 188] 

Bute, John earl—sec. of state, iv 89] ranger 
Richmond park, 124] first lord treas. v 87] 
knt. garter, 105] trustee British Museum, 
viii 165] lord-lieut. Glamorgans, xxxvii 
55, ambass. Madrid, xxxvii 56, visct. 
Mount-joy, earl Windsor, and marq. Bute, 
Xxxviil 52 

Bute, marq.—trustee Brit. Museum, xlii 50, 
state couns. Scot]. xlviii 496, lord-lieut. 
Glamorgans. Ivii 119 

Butler, maj, sir E, G.—licut.-col, xliv 488 




Butler, rey. Geo.—head master Harrow 
school, xlviii 454 

maj. James—lieut.-col. xlii 50, su- 

perint. gun depart. mil. college, xliv 485, 

comand. do. xlv 482, It.-gov. do. liii 153 

rey. dr. John—chaplain to his maj. 
xix 221] bp. Oxford, xx 224] bp. Hereford 
xxx 228] 

Butler, J. B.—dep. commiss.-gen. Nova 
Scotia, &c. xli 52 

Butson, dr. Christ.—bp. Clonfert, xlvi 461 

Butt, rev. J. M.—Oddingley rect. Wor- 
cester, xviii 503 

Butter, maj. Arch.—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

Button, Z.—sher. Essex, xxxiv 6] 

Buxton, R. J.—bart. xlii 54 

T. F.—sher. Essex, xxxi 248] 

Byam, A. W.—sol.-gen. Grenada, xvii 186] 

Edw.—judge vice-adm. court An- 
tigua, xix 219] 

Byde, col. John—equerry duke Clarence, 
xxxi 238] 

John — mast.-household pr. Wales, 
XXxxvii 55 | 

Byng, John—commiss. stamps, xxv 236] 

Byres, Rob.—consul Memel, xviii 203] 

Byron, hon. John—goy. Newfoundland, xii 
171] rear-adm. blue, xviii 202] do. white, 
xx 224] do. red, xxi 221] vice-adm. blue, 
b. do. white xxiii 247] 

Rich.—gent. usher privy chamb. 

xxxvi 44 

Cadogan, Chas. Hoare, lord—vise. Chelsea 
and ear] Cadogan, xlii 55 

C. S.—master mint, xii 171] 

dr.—inspect.-gen. mad-houses, xix 


Caernarvon, Hen. earl—master horse, xlviii 
494, privy couns. 7did. 

Cahir, lord—earl Glengall, lviii 207 

Cailloud, John—sher. Oxford, xxxv 75 

Cairneross, sir Jos.—knt. comm. bath, lviii 

ie earl — postmast.-gen. Scot. liii 

Caleraft, John—sher. Dorset. xxxiii 63] 

col, John—maj.-gen. xliv 487 

—— John—elk. ordnance, xlviii 494 

J. C. L.—sher. Lincolns. lx 207 

maj.-gen. Thos.—stafl-officer, xxi 


Calder, maj.-gen. sir Hen.—lieut.-gov. Gib- 
raltar, xxxii 238] 

- capt. Rob. (R. N.)—knt. xxxix 62, 
rear-adm. blue, xli 48, do. white, xliii 54, 
vice-adm. blue, xlvi 458, do. white, xlvii 
456, adm. blue, lii $21, do. white, lv 112, 
rear-adm. red, xliv 487 

Caldwell, capt. Benj. —rear.-adm. white, 
xxxv 65, vice-adm. blue, xxxvi 45, do. 
red, xxxvii 56, adm. blue, xli 48, do. 
white, xlvi 457 

maj.-fen,—lieut.-col. Amer. xix 


oe sir James—commiss. stamps, vi 
Caledon, James, lord—visc. Caledon, xxxix 

Call, John—bart. xxxiii 54] 

sir W. P.—sher. Cornwall, xlix 385 

Calland, capt. Geo.—maj. xlii 50 

Callender, Geo.—inspect. field officer volunt. 
xlvi 456 

———— John—bart. xl 113 

Calley, Thos.—sher. Wilts, xlix 386 

Calmady, C. H.—vice-adm. red, xliii 54, 
adm. blue, xlvi 457 

capt. Everitt —rear-adm. blue, 
xxxvi 46, do. red, xxxvii 56, vice-adm. 
white, xli 48 

Callow, maj. John-—lieut.-col. 3rd drag. 
xxxiv 57, lieut.-gov. Quebec, xli 52 

Calthorpe, sir H. G.—baron Calthorpe, 
XXXviii 54] 

Calvert, Felix—sher. Herts. x] 120 

—— col. Hen.—adjutant-gen. xli 47 

——-——— Harry — maj.-gen. xlv 488, 
lieut.-gen. lii 321 

—— sir H,—hbart. lx 196 

—— Peter, LL. D.—dean arches and 
judge prerog. court Canterbury, xxi 224] 

Cambridge, Adolphus Fred. duke—privy 
couns. xliv 484, lieut.-gen. 485, col. in 
chief German legion, 491, col. Coldstream 
reg. xlvii 454, gen. 1.174, chane. univ. 
St. Andrews, liii 152, field-marshal, lv 

Camden, lord—lord chancellor, ix 165] 

—— Cha. lord—presid. council, xxv 
234] earl Camden, & visc. Bayham, xxviii 

——— Jefferies, earl —lord lieut. Irel. 
xxxvii 55, knt. garter, xli 52, prine. sec. 
state, xlvi 459, commiss. for India affairs, 
xlix 543, lii 320, presid. privy council, 
xlvii 454, xlix 542, lord-lieut. Kent, 1. 
175, marq. liv 166 

Cameron, capt. Allan—maj. brigade, xli 47 

lieut.-col. Allen—col. xlvii 450, 
brig.-gen. lii 323 
C.—gov. Bahama islands, . xlvi 

458, 459 
Donald—sher. Essex, xxxiii 63] 
Ewen—bart, lvii 120 
Lew.—consul, Cagliari, Ix 195 
maj. Rob.—brev. lieut.-col. E. 

Indies, xlii 51 

col. W. N.—maj -gen, E. Indies, 
xliii 56 ; 
Campbell, col., Alex.—maj.-gen. xxxvi 46, 

lieut.-gen. xliv 487, brig.-gen. lii 323 
lieut.-col. Alex.—col. xlv 488 
sir Alex. — bart. lvi 129, knt. 

comm. bath, lix 140 

col. Allan—maj.-gen. xxix 234] 
A.—lieut.-gen. lili 151 
Arch.—session clk, registers, &e, 
xxi 220] 221] 


Campbell, Arch.—lord session, ]i 522, lord 
justice Scotl. lv 110 

lieut.-col. Arch.—col. 21st foot, 

xxxiv 57 

—col. xl 108, 
maj.-gen. xlvii 450 
——— capt. Arch. (84th foot)— maj. 
xlvii 452 
maj. Cha.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
capt. Colin—maj. xlv 489 
lieut.-col. Colin—col. x1 109, maj.- 
gen. xlvii 450 
maj. David (E. Ind. co. serv.}— 
lieut.-col. x] 111 
Dugald—lieut.-col. xlv 489 
———- col. Dugald (E. Ind. co. serv.i— 
maj.-gen. xl 11] 
Duncan—commissar. of commiss. 
Stirling, xx 225] 
maj. Dunean—(mar.) xxxv 68 
col. Duncan—maj.-gen. xlvi 487 
lord Fred. —keeper privy seal, 
Scotl.; privy counsellor, viii 165] sec. 
lord-lieut. Irel. x 173] commiss. for India, 
xxxiii 53] treas. M. Temple, xlv 493 
Geo.—vrear-adm. blue, xliii 54, do. 
white, xlvi 548, vice-adm. blue, xlviii 501, 
do. white, li 556, do. red, lii 321 
—— lieut.-col. Guy—bart. lvi 129 
——— adm. sir G.—groom bedchamb. lix 

Hay—pres. college justice, Scotl. 
xxxi 241] 
—— N. Hay—bart. |. 176 
col. Hen.—maj.-gen. xv 161] 
lieut. col. H. F.—aid-de-camp 
to king, xlv 489, brig.-gen. lii 323 
——. Hugh —aid-de-camp to 

Elay —solicitor-gen. Scotl. xxvi 

king, x1 109; 

James—col. x1 109, maj.- 

gen. xvii 450 

maj. James (E. Ind, co. serv.) 
lient-col, xl 111, col. xliii 53 
—— —lieut.-col. xlv 490 
—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 
J. lieut.-gen. liii 151 
Jas.—bart. Ix 196 
John, jun.—lord session, Scotl. vi 

—__—_—— — gov. Milford Haven, xxiii 
245] 246] 
capt. John—rear-adm. blue, xxi 
221] do. white, ¢. vice-adm. blue, xxii 
243] do. white, xxiii 247] do, red, xxix 
col. John—maj.-gen. xxii 243] 
— maj.-gen. xxix 234] 
maj.-gen. John—lieut.-gen, xxix 

John—lord Cawdor, xxxviii 54] 
col. John (mar.) maj.-gen. xxxviii 
oo (mil.)—col, army, xl 114 


Campbell, maj. John—lieut.-col. xliti 53 
—lieut.-col. xliv 486 
maj.-gen. John—lieut.-gen. x1 

——_ maj. John—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 
maj.-gen. J. T.—lieut.-gen. xxxv 
68, gen. xl 108 
capt. L. C.—dep. adjutant-gen. 
Portugal, xl 114 
Pryse—lord treas. ix 165] 
———— maj. Rob—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
capt. Rob.—maj. xlv 487 
——— maj. Rob.—lieut.-col. xlv 489 
lord Wm.—capt. gen. and gov. 
Nova Seotia, ix 165] gov. South Carolina, | 
xvi 164] 
— Wm.—gov. Bermudas, xxxvii 54] | 
capt. Wm.—maj. xlv 489 
maj.-gen. — gov. Madras, xxvii 

Camps, Wm.—sher. Camb. xxix 235 
Canning, Geo.—commiss. India affairs, xli 
49, treas. navy, xlvi 460, prine. sec. state, 
xlix 542, commiss. India affairs, 543, lviii } 
208, ambass. Portug, lvi 128 
Canning, Stratford—sec embassy to Turkey, 
li 553, envoy Switzerl. lvi 129 

ar rev. W. G.—chaplain of forces, lii 

Capoll, capt. Philip—maj. xlvii 452 

Capon, capt. John—maj. xl 112 

Capellen, baron von de—honor. knt. com. 

bath, lviii 209 
Capper, Rich.—comntiss. coach office, xviii 


Carberry, F.—plumasier to the king, 1. 175 

Carden, Craven—bart. Ire]. xxix 234] 

Cardigan, Geo. earl—marq. Monthermer, 
and duke Montague, ix 166] see Monta- 
gue, duke 

James earl—gov. Windsor Castle, 

xxxili 53] 

earl—high stew. Windsor, xlv 484 

Cardonnel, Nansfield — commiss. customs, 
Seotl. vi 129] 

Carew, sir H.—sher. Devons. 1. 178 

—-— Rich.—sher. Kent, xxxvi 56 

hon. R. P.—privy couns. xlvii 452 

Carey, dr. Wm.—prebend Westm. li 551, 

Carhampton, Hen. Lawes, earl—lieut.-gen. 

ordnance, Ire. xxxi 240] lieut.-gen. xxxv 

68, lieut.-gen. staff, Irel. xxxvi 44, com- 

mand. forces, Irel. xxxviii 55, mast.-gen. 

ordnance, do. xxxix 62, gen. x] 108 
Carleton, co]. Guy—brig.-gen. Amer. ix 167], 

maj.-gen. xv 161] gov. Quebec, xvii 189] 

gen. xix 214] knt. bath, 218] gov. Que- 

bec, xxviii 218] 
sir Guy—lord Dorchester, xxviii 


Hugh—chief just. com. pleas, Trel. 
xxix 233] privy couns. there, 7Jéd. com- 
miss. great seal, Irel. xxxi 238] baron 
Carleton, Irel. xxxi 240] 




Carleton, Hugh, baron—vise. Carleton, 

xXxxix 64 

col. Tho.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68, 
lieut.-gen. xl 108, gen. xlv 487 

Carlisle, maj. Cha. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 

_ lieut.-col. x1 111 

Fred. earl—knt. thistle, xi 81] 
privy couns. xx 224] treas. household, 
2). commiss. for peace in N, Amer. xxi 
222] first lord trade, xxii 245] lord-lieut. 
Trel. xxiii 247] lord steward househould, 
xxv 235] privy seal, xxvi 231] knt. 
garter, xxxv 66, lord-lieut. E. Rid. of 
Yorks. &c. xli 49 

Carlyon, Tho.—sher. Cornwall, xliv 524 

Carmarthen, marquess—baron Osborne, xix 
215] chamberl. of her majesty’s house- 
hold, xx 226] lord-lieut. and cust. rot. 
Yorks. xxi 223] lord-lieut. E, Riding 
Yorks. xxv 234] ambass. to France, xxvi 
229] prince. sect. state, xxvi 235] gov. 
Scilly, xxvii 251] high steward Kingston- 
upon- Hull, xxviii 218] 

Carmichael, lieut.-col. H. L.—col. xliii 53, 
brig.-gen. Leeward Islands, xliii 56, 
brig.-gen. Jamaica, xlv 480 

—— rt. rev. Wm.—archbp. Dublin, 
viii 165] 

Carnarvon, James, marquess—lord-lieut. 
Southampton, xiv 170] 

Carnegie, maj. hon, Geo.—liecut.-col. xlii 

lieut.-col, John—col. x1 109 
maj. Nich. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
brev. lieut.-col. army, E. Indies, xlii 51 
Carpenter, col. Benj.—maj.-gen. viii 165] 
lieut.-gen. xv 161] 
Cha.—dep. receiver-gen. Corn- 
wall, 1. 174 
Jas.—rear-adm. blue, liv 165 
Carr, J.—sher. Northumb. lv 126 
Thos.—sher. Sussex, xii 67, knt. xlii53 
Carreg, R. T,—sher. Carnarvons. 1. 178 
Carrick, earl—repres. Peer, Irel. lxi 113 
Carrington, C. E.—ch. just. Ceylon, xliii 
56, knt. 60 ‘ 
— G.—sher. Bucks, lix 150 
— Rob. baron, Irel.—baron Car- 
rington, xxxix 63, pres. board Agricul- 
ture, xlii 55 
— rey. mr.—prebend Exeter, xviii 
Carruthers, lieut.-col. Fras.—col. xlv 488 
Carstairs, J—sher. Cambridge, liv 184 
Carter, lieut.-col. Arth.—col. xl 108 
John—knt. xvi 164] 
rev. J.—Upton vic. Lincoln, xlviii 


maj. Wm.—lient.-col. xlvii 451 

T,—sher. Northamptons. xl viii 575 

rev. T.—dean Tuam, lv 111 

Carteret, hon. Hen. Fred.—postmast.-gen. 
xxv 235] do, xxvi 231] xxviii 219] xxix 

Cartier, John—sher, Kent, xxxi 248] 

Cartwright, J.—consul Turkey, lxi 114 

col. Wm.—maj.-gen. xliv 487 

maj. W. R. (Northampt. Yeom. 
cavalry)—lieut.-col. xliv 493 

Carvagh, Geo.—baron, lx 196 

Carver, rev. John—prebend. Worcester, xx 

Cary, Edw.—privy counsellor, Ire]. xiit 

— col. Geo.—maj.-gen. viii 165} lieut.- 
gen. xili 183] 

Cary, capt. Peter—assist. inspect. army of 
reserve, xlv 486 

Wm.—sher. Stafford, 1. 173 

Carysfort, lord John—knt. bath, iv 115] 
lord Adm. vi 128] 130) 

Jno. Jos. lord—earl Carysfort, 
Irel, xxxi 240] keeper rolls, Irel. 2d. 
privy couns. do. 241] minister at Berlin, 
xlii 52, baron Carysfort, G, Brit. xliii 55, 
privy couns. xlviii 494, joint post.-mast.- 
gen, 2b. 

Casamajor, Louis—sec. legation, Lisbon, li 
554, secret. embass. Portugal, lvi 129, 
secret. embassy, Russia, lvii 120 

Justinian—sec. legation, St. 
Petersburgh, xli 49, sher, Herts, xlii 

Casberd, mr.—judge, Wales, lxi 113 
Cassilis, earl—one of sixteen peers of Scot- 
land, xix 220] 
— earl—state couns. Scotland, xlviii 
496 ; 
Castleman, Hen.—assist. barrack-mast.-gen. 
xli 53 
— maj. John—lieut.-col. xliv 488 
Castlereagh, Rob. vise.—earl Londonderry, 
xxxviii 55] keeper privy seal, Irel. 
xxxix 62, privy-couns. xl 117, com- 
miss. exhceq. Irel. xlii 54, xiii 
54, commiss. India affairs, xliv 490. 
xly 490. xlvi 460. xlix 543. prince. 
sec. state, xlvii 454. xlix 542, see. state 
foreign affairs, liv 162, sec. state, liy 163, 
comm. Ind. affairs, lvi 128 
Castlestewart, lord—visc. Castlestewart, 
Ire]. xxxvi 43, an earl, do. xlii 55 
Castro, maj. Hen. de (E. Ind. co. sery.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 111 
Caswell, Geo.—sher. Herts. xlix 385 
Caswall, Tim.—commiss. excise, xxxi 241] 
Cater, John—sher. Kent, lv 126 
Cathcart, D.—state couns, Scot], xlviii 
496, lord sess. lv 110 
lord Cha.—ambass. Russia, xi 
210] xix 220] privy couns. 211] high 
commiss. gen. assembly, Scotl. xvii 185] 
lerd—col. 29th foot, xxxiv 58, 
maj.-gen. xxxvi 46, lieut.-gen. xliii 53, 
order of thistle, xlvii 457, baron Green- 
ock and vise. Cathcart, xlix 546, ambass. 
Russia, liv 164, an earl, lvi 127 
Wm. Shaw ld.—privy couns, x1 

Catherow, J.—Somerset herald, ly 11} 




Cator, John—sher. Kent, xxiv 202] 

Caulfield, capt. J. E.—major, xl 109 

Causton, rey. Tho.—prebend Westminster, 
xli 49 

Cavan, col. Rich. earl—major-gen. x] 113, 
insignia order of crescent, xlv 484, lieut.- 
gen. xlvii 455 

Cave, Sam. M.D.—physician to forces, xli 

Cavendish, lord Cha.—trustee Brit. Mu- 
seum, xvi 166] 

————  mzaj.-gen. lord Fred.—lieut.-gen. 
xiii 183] field-marshal, xxxviii 55] 

— lord Geo.—lieut. and cust. rot. 
Derbys. ix 164] 

—— sir Hen.—privy couns. xxii 

James—commiss. barracks, Tre]. 
xix 218] xxvii 251] 
— hon. John—commiss. treas, xxvi 

lord John—lord of treas. viii 

166] chance. excheq. xxv 234] xxvi 231] 

lord treas. ib. 

— Sarah — baroness Waterpark, 
xxxiv 57 

Cawdor, col. John lord (militia)—col. army, 
xli 51 

Cayley, John—consul-gen. in Russia, xxix 

Wm.—commiss. excise, vi 126] 

Cecil, hon. James—treas. household, xxiii 
246] See Salisbury, earl of 

Cerjat, maj. Cha.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Chad, Geo.—commiss. of appeals, excise, 
ix 163] 

George—bart. xxxiii 54] 

—— G. W.—secret. legat. Unit.-States, 
Ivii 119, do. Netherl. lix 140 

Chalenor, W.—sher. Shrops. xlii 67 

Chalmers, Alex.—commiss, clk. of commiss. 
of Murray, xxvi 229] 

——— capt. John (E. Ind. co. sery.)— 
brev.-major, E. Indies, xlii 51 

Chambault, maj. Fred. de—lieut.-col. xii 

Chamberlain, Hen,—cons.-gen. Brazils, lvi 

Chamberlayne, capt. Chas.—rear-adm. blue, 
xxxvii 56, do. white, xxxix 62, vice-adm. 
blue, xli 48, do. white, xliv 487, do. red, 
xlvi 458 

——— E. J.—sher. Gloucest. xlvii 

—_——. Geo.—see. to tax-office, xvii 
Staines—sher. Essex, xxxv 

Chamberlin, John—sher. Notts, xxxi 248] 
Chambers, Rich —sher. Herefords. xxxiv 

—— Rob.—puisne judge E. Indies, 
xvi 165] knt. bach. xx 224] ch. just. at 
Fort William, Bengal, xxxiii 52] 

Chambers, Sam.—sher, Kent, xli 68 

Chambers, Wm.—comptroller gen. bd. of 
works, xii 171] 
Chamier, Anth.—dep. sec.-at-war, xv 160] _ 

Dan.—commiss, stores, N. Amer. 

xvii 183] 

Champagné, col. Forbes—maj.-gen. xlv 488, 
lieut.-gen, lii 321 

—— co]. Josiah—maj.-gen. xlv 488, 
lieut.-gen. lii 321 

Champernowne, O.—sher. Devon, liii 169, 
equerry, liv 162, bart. liv 166 

Champneys, rev. H. W.—Welton vic. York, 
xIvili 501 

Tho. Orchardleigh Som.—hbart. 

x 172] 

———- T. S.—sher. Somersets. xlii 

Chandos, duke—privy couns. xviii 203] lord 
steward of household, xxvi 235] 

Changuion, Phil.— consul, Sicily, xiv 
Chaplin, Cha,—sher. Lincolns. xxvii 

Chapman, A.—sher. Dorsets. xxx 233] 

rey. dr. J.—presid. Trin. Coll. 
Oxford, xix 215] pro-vice-chan, Oxford, 
xxxv 68 

——— ool. Rich.—maj.-gen. xlv 488, 
lieut.-gen. 11555 
lieut.-col. sir Tho.—col. x] 109 
Wm.—clk. of crown, K.-Bench, 
[re]. xix 218] 
Charlemont, James, lord vise.—earl Charle- 
mont, Irel. vi 131] 
Charles IIT Spain, proclaimed, ii 121] 
Theodore, elect. palat.—elector of 
Bavaria, xxi 4] 161] 
Charlett, R. B.—sher. Worcesters. xxvii 
Charleville, Cha, Wm. visc.—earl, Irel. 
xlviii 493 
Charlton, Edm.—sher. Worcest. lv 126 
John—hospital surgeon, N. Amer, 
xviii 201] 
St. J.—sher. Salop, xxxii 246] 
T. R—maj.-gen. liii 151 
Wm.—sher. Shrops. xlix 385 
Charter, James—comptr. cust. and collect. 
of lights, Exeter, xvi 163] 
Chatfield, Allen—commiss. resp. orders in 
council, xxxvii 57 
Rob.—sher. Surrey, xlvii 517 
Chatham, earl—lord privy seal, ix 165] xi 

John, earl—commiss. admir. xxx 

229] privy couns. xxxi 238] lord admir. 
xxxi 240] do. xxxiii 54, lord privy seal, 
xxxvi 47, pres. of council, xxxviii 55] 
master ordnance, xliii 60, lieut.-gen. xliv 
487, mast.-gen. ordnance, xlix 543, gov. 
Jersey, 545 ? 

Chatterton, James—bart. Trel. xliii 60 

Chaworth, G,—sher. Notts, xxxii 246] 

— J,—sher. Notts, lii 416 





Chaylor, lieut.-col. Hen.—col. xlii 49, 
inspect. field officer, volunt. xlv 492 

Cheap, rev. And.—preb. York, xix 221] 

Tho.—consul, Madeira, vi 127] 

Cheere, sir Hen. knt.—bart. ix 165] 7 

Cheney, lieut.-col. Rob.—aid-de-camp to 
the king, xlvii 451 

Chere, Chas. M.—sher. Cambridge, lv 126 

Cherry, P.—third judge Madras, lvii 120 

Cheslyn, R.—sher. Leicest. liv 185 

Chester, lieut.-col. Harry—col. li 555 

——-— Peter—capt.-gen. and gov. West 
Florida, xiii 182] 

Rob.—receiver of tenths, xvii 183] 

Chesterfield, earl—master mint, xxxi 241] 
joint postmast.-gen. xxxii 235] post- 
master-gen. xxxvi 46, mast. horse to his 
majesty, xl 110 

Berrie: sir John—sher. Cheshire, xxxi 

Chetwynd, Geo.—clk. in ordinary privy 
council, xv 164] 

— sir Geo.—hart. xxxvii 55 

lord—clk. privy coun. lii 323 

Chichester, sir Arth.—sher. Devons. lviii 


J.—sher. Devons. xxx 233] 
J. P.—sher. Montgomery, xli 


earl—postmast.-gen. lvyi 128, 

do. lviii 208 

Child, capt. Smith—rear-adm. white, xli 48, 

- do. red, xliii 54, vice-adm. blue, xlvi 
458, adm. blue, lii 321 

Childers, lieut.-col. J. W.—col. xliv 487 

Chinnery, rev. dr. Geo.—bp. Killaloe, xxi 
224] bp. Cloyne, xxiii 244] 

Cholmley, Hen.—sher. Yorks. xlvii 517 

— Montague—sher. Lincolns. xlvii 
517, bart. xlviii 495 

Cholmondeley, G. J.—commiss. stamps, 
xxiv 208] commiss. excise, xxv 236] 
chamb. to prince Wales, xxxvii 55 

rev. Hugh—dean Chester, 

xviii 492 

hon. lieut.-gen. James— 

gen. xiii 182] gov. Chester, 7. 184] 

———— Thos.—sher. Cheshire, 

xxxii 61 

——— earl—minister, Berlin, xxv 
236] capt. yeoman guards, xxvi 252] priv. 
couns, 7/. commiss. for his maj. property, 
liv 162, marquis, lvii 120 

Cholwich, J. B.—sher. Devons. xxiv 202] 

Chorley, Alex.—commiss. victual.-office, xv 

Christian, Edw.—chief just. Ely, xlii 55] 

capt. H. C.—equerry to duke 

Clarence, xxxi 238] rear-adm. blue, 
xxxvii 57, knt. bath, xxxviii 52] rear- 
adm. white, xxxix 62 

Christie, capt. Ar.—major, xlv 489 

——— lieut.-col. Gabriel—quarter-mast.- 
gen. Canada, xix 214] lieut.-gen, xxxv 
68, gen, xl 108 

Churchill, col. Geo.—major-gen. xl 113, 
lieut.-gen. xlvii 455 
maj. Horace—lieut.-col. x1 110, 
maj.-gen. liii 152 
Joshua—commiss. salt, vi 131] 
W.—sher. Dorsets. xxv 197] 
Wm.—first groom bed-chamb. 
&c. to pr. Wales, xxxvii 55 
major—equerry to pr. Wales, xxix 

Clancarty, earl—pres. commiss. for control 
of trade, liv 166, master mint, 7b. ambass. 
to prin. Orange, lv 112, postmast.-gen. 
lvi 128, kt. grand-cross bath, lvii 119, 
baron Unit. Kingd. lvii 120, ambass. 
Netherlands, lviii 208 

Clanricarde, earl—privy couns. Irel. xxv 

Hen. earl—marquis of Clan- 
ricarde, Irel. xxxi 240] 

———— earl—reversion of title to 
daughters, xlii 55 

lieut.-gen. John, earl—gov. 
Hull, xliii 59, gen. xlv 487 

Clanricardie, maj.-gen. sir J. T. earl— 
lieut.-gen. xl 108 

Clanwilliam, lord visc.—earl, xix 217] 

Clare, visc.—joint vice-treas. Irel. xi 211] 
xvi 162] xviii 204] earl Nugent, xix 

John, earl, Irel,—baron Fitz-Gibbon, 
Gr. Brit. xli 52 

Clarence, Wm. Hen. duke—privy couns. 
xxxi 239] rear-adm. blue, xxxii 239] do. 
red, xxxv 65, vice-adm. blue, xxxvi 45, 
do. red, xxxvii 56, adm. blue, xli 48, do. 
white, xliii 53, adm. Fleet, liii 154 

Claremont, Wm. Hen. earl—gent. bed- 
chamb. to pr. Wales, xxxi 240] 

Clarendon, earl—postmast.-gen. xxviii 219] 

Clark, John—goy. Senegambia, xix 219] 

capt. John—major, xlvii 452 

John—his majesty’s solicitor, Scot. 

xviii 495 

lieut.-gen. Rob.—gen. xxxv 67 

Clarke, col. Alured—major-gen. xxxii 235] 
col. 60th foot, xxxiii 54] (sir Alured) gen. 
xliv 487 

— lieut.-col. Edw.—col. (E, Ind. co. 

serv.) xl 111 

Geo.—sher. Oxfords. xliii 80 

capt. John, navy—knt. xv 161] 

J. sher. Leicesters. xxx 233] 

J. P.—sher. Northampt. lvi 142 

rev. J. S.—librarian to pr. Wales, 

xlvii 454, do. pr. Reg. liv 164 

—— Rob.—dean Tuam, xviii 204] 

lieut.-col. Tho.—aid-de-camp to his 

majesty, xvi 165] 

lieut.gen. Tho.—col. 

XxXxiv 590, gen. xxxvili 53] 

Thos.—sher. Shrops. xliii 80 

maj. Tredway—lieut.-col. xliv 490 

—— Wm.—lieut.-col. xliv 488, bart, 

xlvi 4605 maj.-gen. xlvii 450 

30th foot, 




Clarke, Wm.—sher. Devon. xxxvii 58 

W. W.—sher. Berks, liii 169 

Clarkson, rev. ‘Townley—Swavesey vic. 
Cambridge, xlviii 497 

er Wik C. J.—sher. Northumb. xxxvi 

— lieut.-col. H. M.—col. xliv 488 
col. H. M.— inspect. field officer 
volunt. xlv 487 
—— John—maj.-gen. viii 165] 
gov. Landguard Fort, xiii 182] lieut.-gen. 
#/. 183] command.-in-chief, India, xvii 
184] knt. bath, xix 220] 
——- sir J. T.—sher. Northumb. lix 
Clay, T.—maj.-gen. liii 152 
H.—sher. Warwicks. xxxii 246] 
maj. J. G.—lieut.-col. xliii 53 
Clayton, John—sher. Suffolk, xxxviii 69] 
= Wm.—sher. Carmarthen, xxxvi 
maj. Wm. (E. Ind. Co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 111 
sir Wm.—sher. Bucks, lvi 142 
Cleaver, dr. Euseby—bp. Cork and Ross, 
xxxi 238] bp. Leighlin, 239] archbp 
Dublin and bp. Glandelagh, li 554 
rev. dr, Wm.—bp. St. Asaph, 
xviii 500 
Cleaveland, col. Sam.—maj.-gen. xxii 243] 
lieut.-gen. xxix 234] 
Clement, prince Saxony—bp. Freising and 
Ratisbon, vi 79] 
Clements, J.—rear-adm. blue, lv 112 
Rob.—gov. Donegal, xxiv 208] 
baron Leitrim, Ire]. xxvi 233 
Clephane, col. W. D. M*Lean—maj.-gen. 
xliii 53 
lieut.-col. David—col. xlv 488 
Clerk, James—baron excheq. Scotl. li 

—— John—solicitor-gen. to pr. Wales for 
Scotl, xlvii 457 

-——— Ld. just.—rector Univ, Glasgow, lvii 

——— sir G.—comm. admir. lxi 112 

Clifton, C. C..—sher. Brecon, lix 151 

Clifden, visc. and baron Hen. Welbore, 
Irel.—to take the surname and bear the 
arms of Ellis only, xlvi 457 

Cliffe, brev. lieut.-col. Walter—adj.-gen. E. 
Indies, x1 110, colonel, xliy 487, inspect. 
field off. volunt. xlvi 456 

Clifford, Thos. Hugh—bart. lvi 129 

Clifton, Nath.—sher. Gloucesters. xlvi 520 

Rob.—sher. Montgomery, Xxxiv 



——lieut.-gen. sir Hen.—gen. xxxv 
67, gov. Gibraltar, xxxvi 45 

—— lieut.-col. Hen.—adj.-gen. E. Ind. 
xliv 491, col. xlv 488 

—-— lord John—gent. bed-chamber to 
pr- Wales, xxiv 207] 

—— lieut.-col. W. H.—col. xliii 53, 
brigadier-gen, Madeira, 61 


Clive, Edmund, lord, Irel.—baron Clive, G 
Britain, xxxii ~ 

Edw. baron—baron Powis and Her 

bert, vise, Clive and earl Powis, xlvi 459 

hon. maj. Rob.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Clonard, lieut.-col. count Sutton—col., xlvii 

be pic visc.—earl Clonmel, Irel. xxxv 

Close, maj. Barry (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
lieut.-col. xl 111, bart. lix 166 

Clowes, Cha.—sher. Bucks, xxxvi 55 

Sam.—sher. Lancashire, li 540 

Cludd, Wm.—sher. Shrops. lvi 142 q 

Clutterbuck, Tho. jun.—sher. Herefords. 7 
xxiv 202] ' 

Coates, col. James—major-gen, xxxii 235] ’ 
gen. xliv 487 

Cobb, Cha.—rear-adm. white, li 556 

Cobham, Al.—sher. Berks, xxxii 245] 

Coburg, Saxe, duke—knt. grand cross bath, 7 
lviii 208 

——— Leopold prince—field-mar- 

shal, lviii 208 

Cochrane, capt. hon. A. F.—rear-adm. blue, 
xlvi 458, vice-adm. do. li 556, goy. Gua- | 
daloupe, lii 320,321 | ; 

sir Alex.—rear-adm. white, lii 
322, adm. red, lv 112 

Cock, T. T.—sher. Essex, xxx 233] 

Cockburn, Alex.—consul, Lower Saxony, 
&c. xli 47, envoy Hanse towns, lvii 119 

Arch.—baron excheq. Scotl. xxxii 

——— G.—comm,. Span. Amer. Tiii 153, 
rear-adm. blue, liv 165, (sir G.) comm.- 
in-chief, Cape, lvii 120, knt. grand cross 
bath, Ix 195, comm. high adm. 7d. 

sir James—barrack-master, xliii 
57, gov. Curacoa, xlix 544, do, Bermuda 
Islands, liii 151 

Cockburne, col. Geo.—maj.-gen. xlv 488, 
lieut.-gen. lii 321 

Cochell, Wm.—serj.-at-law, xxix 233] 

lieut.-col. Wm.—lieut,-col. 
foot, xliv 492, col. xlv 488 

Cockérell, Chas.—bart. li 554.—sher. Glou- 
cest. lvi 142 

Cooksedge, T.—sher. Suffolk, xliv 524 

Cockshutt, Jonah—sher. Leicesterse xxxi 

Codrington, Chr.—sher. Gloucesters. xxxv 


—— Edw.—col. mar. lv 112 

Coffin, col. John—maj.-gen. xlv 488, lieut.- 
gen. 1i 555 a 

capt. Isaac—commiss. navy, xliii 
62, rear-adm. white, xlvi 458, bart. xlvi 
459, rear-adm. red, xlvii 456 

—___——_—_ J. P.—assist. quart.-mast.- 
gen. xlv 485 

—— T. A.—commiss. acets. in Brit. N. 
America, xliv 485 

Coggan, John—sher. Essex, 1. 178 

Coghill, John—bart. xxiv 207] 

Joghlan, capt. Edward—major, 1. 175 

~ lieut.-col. Roger—col. xlvii 451 
Yoke, d’Ewes—dep. recorder Grantham, 
xlvii 453, do. Newark, xlviii 495 

D. P.—M. P. Notts. xlv 485 

— W.—puisne judge, Ceylon, li 555 
olby, col. John (militia)—col. army, xli 49 
John—sher. Pembrokes. xlix 386 
J.—sher. Caermarthen, lviii 226 
Jolchester, lord. See Abbott 

oldham, James—sher. Norfolk, 1i 540 

‘ole, hon. lieut.-col. J, L.—colonel, xiii 53 
rev. J.—vice-chan. Oxford, liii 154, 
liv 166 

mn Thos.—sher. Camb. and Hunt. xxxv 

ollet, John—consul Genoa, xix 220] 221] 
Collier, capt. sir Geo, knt.—rear-adm. white, 
xxxv 65, vice-adm. blue, xxxvi 45, knt. 
xlix 545 

sir G. R.—bart. lvi 128 

sir G, F.—hbart. lvi 128 
ollingwood, capt. Cuthbert — reay-adm. 
white, xli 48, do. red, xliii 54, vice-adm. 
blue, xlvi 458, baron Collingwood, xlvii 
456, do. red, 7d. augmentation of arms, 
xlix 544 


Collins, lieut.-eol. David—colonel, 1. 175 

Edw.—sher, Cornwall, xliii 80 

capt. John—knt. xxvi 253] 

—— major John (E. Ind. co, serv.)— 

lieut.-col. xl 111 

maj. Rich.—lieut.-col. 1. 175 

capt. Stephen—major, xlii 50 

Collinson, C. S.—sher. Suffolk, xliii 80 

Collis, capt. Wm.—major, |. 175 

Colloredo, count—archbp. Saltzburg, xv 

ee hon, maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xvii 


Colman, maj. E. E,—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

—-— lieut.-col. F. J.—lieut.-col. 
foot, xliv 492 

Geo. serj. at arms H. of Commons, 
xviii 204] 205] 

——— rev. J,—Swafield rect. Norfolk, 
xviii 498 

———— rev dr.—master Benet Col]. Camb, 
xxi 223] vice-chane. Camb. xxxv 68 

Coloony, Chas. baron—earl Belmont, x 173] 

Col poys, John, esq.—rear-adm. white, xxxvi 
45, vice-adm. blue xxxvii 56, knt. bath, xl 
110, vice-adm, red, xli 48, adm. blue, xliii 
53, commiss. admiralty, xlvi 459, treas. 
Greenwich hosp. xlvii 453, adm. red, li 
555, gov. Greenwich hosp. lviii 207 

Colquhoun, Arch,—his majesty’s advocate, 
Scotl. xlix 543 

—— James—hbart, xxviii 218] 

—— Patr.—consul-general, Hanse 

Towns, lyii 120 

Edw.—sher. Northumber. xxix 

—— Hen.—sher, Northumber. xxxv 





Colston, maj. Alex.—lieut.-col, xiii 53 

Colvill, maj.-gen. Chas.—lieut.-gen. xiii 

Colville, lieut.-col. hon. Chas.—col. xlvii 

—-~— sir C.—knt. grand cross bath, lvii 

Colyer, major—equerry duke Cumberland, 
xli 54 

Combermere, lord—comm. in chief, Barba- 
does, lviii 209 

Commerell, J. W.—sher. Sussex, xlv 

Compting John—sher. Southampton, xxxix 


Thos.—shier. Shrops. xxxiv 61 
Caney. Rob,~—commiss. appeals, excise, vi 
————--— commiss. appeals,. excise, 
xlii 52 

Congreve, col, Wm.—maj.-gen. xliv 487, 
lieut.-gen, army, 1. 175 

W. lieut.-col.—equerry 3rd guards, 

lili 150 

Wm.—sher. Berks. 1. 178 

Coningham, lord vise. Hen.—vice-adm. Ul« 
ster, xii 171] 

Connybeare, rev. J. J.—prof.. poet. Oxford, 
liv 163 

Conway, rt. hon. Henry Seymour—privy 
couns. and prine. sec. state, viii 160] col. 
horse guards, xiii 185] gen. xv 161] govs 
Jersey, 7b. 163] command in chief, xxv 
254] field-marshal, xxxv 67 

‘hon. Hugh—master robes, &c. pre 
Wales, xxix 233] 

—-— maj. James—lieut -col. xlii 50 

—— J. M.—sher. Anglesea, xxxviif 

——— Thos.—dep. comptr. excise, xvii 
183] 184] 

Conyngham, maj. Dan. (E. Ind.-co. serv: — 
lieut.-col. xl 111 

lieut.-col. Francis, earl—col. 

xlii 40 

col, Geo,—maj.-gen. E. Indies, 
xxxvili 54] 

———_——- Hen. visct.—baron Conyngham, 
xiii 248] visct. Mountcharles and earl 
Conyngham, xxxix 63, knt. St. Patrick, 
xlii 55, marquis, lviii 207 

———. — bart. 1. 176 

Cook, maj. J. W.—lieut.-col. xliv 493— 

—— T. under sec. for. affairs, liv 163 

Cooke, Bryan—sher. Denbighs. xxxvi 56 

Christ —sher. Kent, xlv 531 

Edw.—under sec. mil. dep. Irel. 

xxxviii 54] 

Geo.—paymaster forces, ix 165] 

joint agent and sol. invalids, x 173] 
——— — consul Tripoli, xix 220] 

—— col. Geo.—col. army, xl 115 

—— G.—maj--gen. liii 152 

—— maj.-gen. sir G,—lieut.-gov. Ports- 
mouth, Ixi 114 





Cooke, maj. John— inspect. field officer 
volunt. xlvi 456 

—— Joseph—sher. Rutlands. xlv 532 

rev. J. C.—Swilland vic. Suffolk, 
xlviii 503 

Cookson, capt. C. N. (art.)—major army, 
xlii 51 

——— Geo.—major, xlii 50 
John—commiss, coach office, xviii 

Comets hon. C. A.—clerk Ordnance, xlix 

Grey—visc. treasury, viii 167] 

—— sir Gray, bart.—commiss. treas. 
xxvi 231] privy couns. xxxviii 53 

J.—sher. Beds, liv 185 

J. G.—sher. Notts, xxvi 236] 

rey. dr. Wm.—archd. and preb. 

York, xix 221] 

rev. Wm.—rect. Wadingham, 
St. Mary’s, and Lincoln, |. 173 

Coote, Chas. Hen. — commiss. barracks, 
Irel. xxx 229] commiss. Impress. xxxi 
239] commis. excise and cust. Irel. 
xli 52 

col, Eyre—maj.-gen. E. Indies, and 
knt. bath, xiv 174] col. 37th regt. xvi 
163] maj.-gen. xl 108, (sir Eyre) insignia, 
order of the crescent, xliv 489, col. 29th 
foot, 492, lieut.-gen. xivii 449 

Cope, maj. E. R.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

dr. Walter, dean Dromore—bp. Clon- 
fert, xv 160] 

Copley, Joseph—bart. xxi 224] 

serj.—solicit.-gen. Ixi 113 

Corbet, Andrew—inspect. field officer volunt. 

xlvi 456 

— sher. Shrops. xl 120 

—_—-— — bart. 1. 176 

Corbet—bart. xxviii 218] 

Edw.—sher. Merioneth. xxxiv 61 

Corbett, John—sher. Shrops. xxxv 75 

Cork, Edm. earl—lieut,-col. 4th foot, xliv 
492, maj.-gen. xlvii 450, lieut.-gen. liii 

Cornish, Sam. vice-adm. blue—bart. ix 163] 
vice-adm. red, xiii 184] 

——. — rear-adm. blue, xxxii 238] 
do, red, xxxv 65, vice-adm. blue, xxxvi 
45, do. red, xxxvii 56, adm. white, xliii 

Cornwall, C. W.—lord treas. xvii 184] chief 
justice in eyre, xxiii 246] speak. H. 
Commons, and privy couns. xxili 247] 


——- rev. F. H. W.—dean Canterbury, 
xxxv 65, bp. Hereford, 1. 175 

Cornwallis, earl—lord bed-chamber, viii 
166] aid-de-camp to the king, 167] chief 
justice in eyre, south of Trent, ix 167] 
constable of the Tower, xiii 185] lieut.- 
gen. Amer. xix 214] knt. garter, xxviii 
218] marquis Cornwallis, xxxiv 57, gen. 
xxxv 68, lieut.-gen. and gen. gov. Irel, 
xl 113, plenipot, Amiens, xliii 62 

Cornwallis, hon. and rt. rey. dr. Fred. bp 
Litchfield—archbp. Canterbury, xi 211} 
privy couns, ib. 212} 

— hon. and rey. James—prebend. 

Westm. xiii 185] LL.D. and dean Can- 

terbury, xviii 202] dean Windsor, xxxiii 

55] do. Durham, xxxvi 44 

— hon. Wm.—col. mar. xxix 234] 
rear-adm. white, xxxv 65, vice-adm. blue, 
xxxvi 45, do. red, xxxvii 56, rear-adm. 
Gt. Brit. xxxviii 53, adm. blue, xli 48, 
do. white, xlvi 457, do. red, xlvii 456, 
vice-adm. Unit. Kingdom, lvi 127 

Corry, lieut.-col. Edw.—col. xliv 488 

—— Isaac—surveyor-gen. ordnance, Irel. 
xxx 229] 

47, privy couns. 53, commiss. excheq. 
Trel. xlii 54, xliii 54 
——  L. A.—baron Belmore, Ivel. xxiii — 
Trevor—commiss, Dantzic, xix 214] 
knt. 2b. 216] 

Coryton, John—sher. Cornwall, xxv 197] 
Cosby, D. A. S.—resident, court of Den- 
mark, vi 131] lord Sidney, &c. xi 21i] 
Philip—col. marines, xxix 234] rear- 

adm. white, xxvii 238] vice-adm. blue, 
xxxv 65, do. red, xxxvii 56, adm. blue, 
xli 47, 48, do. white, xliii 53 
Costello, capt. Thos.—major, xlv 489 
Cotsford, Edward—sheriff Devons. xxxiv 61 
Cotter, James—bart. Irel. vi 129] 
Cotterell, John —sher. Herefords. xxxii 
——— J. G.—bart. xlvii 455 
Steph.—commiss privy seal, xxxvi 


Cottle, Thomas—sol.-gen. Leeward Islands, 
iv 99] 

Cotton, capt. sir Chas. bart.—rear-adm. blue, 
xxxix 62, do. red xli 48, vice-adm. blue, 
xliv 487, do. white, xlvi 458, adm. blue, 
1. 174, do. white, lii 321 

rev. dr. Geo.—dean Chester, xxix 


Josiah—inspect. field officer volunt. 

xlv 490 

J.—sher. Kent, xxix 236] 

capt. Rowland—rear-adm. white, 

xxxv 65, vice-adm., blue, xxxvi 45 

lieut.-col. Stapleton —col. xlii 49, 

maj.-gen. lii 323, extra K. B. liv 100, 

baron Combermere, lvi 127 

T. Shep.—sher. Bucks. lv 126 

Cottrel, Steph.—clerk ord. privy council, x 
174] keeper privy council records, xv 

Coulson, capt. Forster—major, xlvii 451 

Countess, capt. Geo.—rear-adm. blue, li 
556, do, white, lii 322 

Courcy, capt. hon. John de—major, xlvii 

kon. Mich, de—rear-adm; red, 
556, vice-adm. blue, lii 922 

hon. Isaac—chanc, excheq. Irel. xli_ } 




Courtenay, rt, rev. H. R.—bp. Exeter, xxxix 

— John, esq. —commiss. treas. 
_ exchegq. xlviii 493 
— dr. Reginald—bp. Bristol, xxxvi 

— sir Wm.—visct. v 82] 

— Wm. visc.—lieut.-col. Axminster 

volunt. xliv 484 
———— — commiss.-gen. Minorca, 

vi 128] 

Hartley Row, Hants.— 

patentee Subpeena office, xv 163] 

rev. Wm. and Wm. Courtenay, 

jun.—patentees Subpeena office, xxi 222} 

T. P.—secret. commis. India 
affairs, liv 165 

Courtney, John—master surv. ordnance, 
xxvi 232] 

- Courtown, James, earl—priv. couns. Jrel. 
xvii 189] gent. bed-chamber, pr. Wales, 
xxiv 207] baron Saltersford, Gt. Brit. 
xxxviii 54] 

earl—capt. band pens. liv 164 

Cowel, J. C.—inspect. field officer volunt. 
xlv 487 

Cowell, col. Andrew—major-gen. xl 113. 
lieut.-gen. xlvii 455 

Cowper, rev. dr. Chas.—prebend. Durham, 
xxii 245] 

—— col. Spencer—inaj.-gen. xxii 243] 
lieut.-gen. xxix 234] 

Cowslade, John—commiss. appeals, excise, 

~ vi 126] 

—usher privy chamber, 

Xxxii 238] 

Cox, Chas.—sher. Gloucesters. xxviii 222] 

— Geo.—mast. New College School, Ox- 
ford, xlviii 502 

—— G. V.—superior bedel of law, Oxford, 
xlviii 497 

—— capt. Hen.—major, xlvii 452 

—— major Sam. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—lieut.- 
col. xl 111 

— capt. Wm.—major, xvii 451 

—equerry duke Gloucester, vii 

aco Wm.—canon resid. Salisbury, 
xlvi 457, archdeacon, Wilts. 7b. 461 
Coxhead, Thos.—knt. xxxv 65 
Coxon, Thos.—consul, Alicant, vi 127] 
Cozens, Arthur—sher. Dorsets. xlix 385 
Cracherode, Mordaunt—lieut.-gov. Fort St. 
Philip, Minorca, vi 128] 129] 
Cracroft, John—sher. Lincolns. xxxix 69 
Craddock, col. J. F.—1naj.-gen. x1 108 
Cradock, rt. rev. dr. John, bp. Kilmore, 
archbp. Dublin, xv 160] 
J. F.—knt. bath, xlv 482, lieut.- 
gen. xlvii 450, gov. Cape Good Hope, liii 
151, baron Howden, lxi 114 
Craig, lieut.-gen. Francis—gen. xxxv 68 
—— col. J. H. C.—maj.-gen. xxxvi 46 (sir 
J. H.) lieut.-gen. xliii 53, gov. Canada, 
&a xlix 545, col, 78th foot, li 554 
Part II, 

Craig, col. Peter—maj.-gen. xxxv 68, lieut.- 
gen. x1 108, general, xlv 487 

Craiggs, col. —groom bed-chamb. prince 
Hen. Frederick, ix 166] lieut.-gen. and 
gov. Sheerness, xxi 222] 

Craigie, John—dep. commiss.-gen. Canadas, 
xli 52 

Cramp, Benj.—sher. Rutlands. xxxi 248] 

Crampton, J.—sher. Derbys. lii 416 

oe lord—comm. board controul, Ix 

Cranburn, lord visc.—lord lieut. Herts. xiv 

Cranfield, James—gov. Bermudas, xxxvi 46 

Cranstoun, lieut.-col. hon. Geo.—col. xlvii 

foe Shaftoe—sher. Northumber. xlv 

Crauford, capt. Chas.—groom bed-chamb. 
duke York, xxix 233] 

col. Chas.—lieut.-goy. Tynemouth 

and Clifford’s Fort, xli 47 

Jas.—sec. legation, Copenhagen, 
XXXxv 67 

sir James—minister Lower Saxony, 

xl 115 

————  Pat.—knt. xx 223] 224] 

lieut.-col. Rob.—adjutant-gen. E. 

Indies, xliii 61 

——_——_————- — from 60th} to 
86th foot, xliv 485 
Craufurd, maj.-gen. C.—lieut.-gen. lii 321 
sir James—minister Denmark, 
xliv 486 
lieut.-col. J. C.—col. xlvii 456, 
brig.-gen. lii 323 
lieut.-col. Rob.—col. xlvii 456 
Craven, capt. hon. H. A. B.—major, xlv 489 
Thos.—rear-adm. blue, xiii 185] 
Wm. lord—lord-lieut. Berks. xxviii 


lieut.-col. Wm. lord—aid-de-camp 
to the king, xl 109, visc. Uffington and 
earl Craven, xliii 59, maj.-gen. xlvii 450, 
lieut.-gen. liii 151, lord-lieut. Berks. lxi 

rev. Wm.—master St, John’s, Camb. 
xxxi 238] 

Crawford, lieut.-col. earl—col. xl 112, maj.- 

gen. xlvii 450, lieut. and sher. Fifeshire, 
xlix 544 
Jas.—commiss. orders in council, 
xxXvii 57 
lieut.-col. Rob.—dep. quart.-niast.- 
gen, Irel. xl 112, major, xlv 489 
Dr. Stewart—physician to the 
forces, xli 53 
rey. Wm.—archd. Carmarthen, 
xxxv 68 
Crawfurd, Alex.—bart. xxiv 207] 
Jas.—agent for Rotterdam, xxi, 
224] ; 
——_ R.—maj.-gen. liii 152 
Crawley, capt. Edm.—rear-adm. blue, 1i 056 
a white, lii 322, do, red, liv 169 




Crawley, S.—sher. Beds. lix 150 

Creighton, Abrm.—baron Erne, Ire]. xi 211] 
See Ere, bason. 

53 —— maj. hon. John—lieut.-col. xliii 

lieut.-col, hon, John—gov. Hurst 
Castle, xliii 61 : 

Cremore, Thos. visc.—baron Cremore, xxxix 

Crespigny, Claude Champ. de—bart. xlvii 

———— C. F. sher. Brecon, liv 185 

C. P.—sher. Brecon. xxxviii 69] 

Creswell, rey. F.—Waldingfield Magna rect. 
Suffolk, xlix 542 

Creuze, John—sher. Surrey, xxx 233] 

Crew, lieut.-col. John—col. xliii 53 

ey hon- col. John (milit.)—col. army, x1 


John—baron Crewe, xlviii 494 

Crispin, J.—consul Oporto, liv 164 

Crocket, H.—sher. Staffords. lvii 132 

Croft, John—bart lx 196 

Crofton, Morgan—bart. Irel. xliii 60 

Croker, lieut.-col. Jas—col. xlvii 450 

Cromwell, Hen.—rear-adm. blue, xliii 54, 
do. white, xlvi 458 

Cropley, hon. Ashley—elk. deliveries ord- 
nance, xlvi 455 

Crosbie, col. Chas, —maj.-gen. xxix 234] 
gen. xliv 487 

lieut.-col. J. G.—col. xlii 49 

col. Wm.—maj.-gen. xxxvi 46 

lord, vise.—earl Glandore, xix 217] 

Cross, Rich,—sher. Somerset, xxvii 252] 

Crosse, rev E.—mast. gram. school, Col- 
chester, xlviii 497 

J. G.—sher. Essex, xxvi 236] 

Thos.—sher, Beds. xxxv 74 

ana? Walter—comptr. excise, Scotl. xix 


Crowe, col, Rob. (milit)—col. army, xl 115 

R.—sher. Yorks. ly 126 

Crowgey, maj John—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

Croxall, Edw.—sher. Warwick. xxxviii 69] 

Cuff, James—commiss. and overseer bar- 
racks, Dublin, xv 162] commiss. barracks, 
Trel. xxvii 251] xxx 229] 

—— hon. Jas.—baron Tyrawley xxxix 64 

Cullen, Rob—lord session Scotl. xxxviii, 55] 
lord justiciary, Scotl. xli 51 

capt. W.—maj. xli 54, lieut.-col. xlii 

Cullum T, G.—Gloucester king arms, xiv175] 

Cumberland, H. R. H. Hen. Fred. duke— 
privy coun. ix 167] knt. garter, x 174] 
rear-adm, white xiii 185] vice-adm. blue, 
2b. 2b,] adm. blue, xxi 221] 

—— H. R.H. Ernest Augustus, duke 

(see Eyrnest)—privy couns. xli 50, col. 

5th light drag. xliii 56, gen. ). 174, field- 

marshal, lv 112 

dr.—bp. Clonfert, vi 129] bp. 

Kilmore, xv 160] 

Cuming, maj. Jas,—lieut.-col. xlv 489 

Cumming, Jas.—rear-adm. white, xxxvi 45, 
vice-adm. blue xxxvii 56, do. red xli 48, 
adm.-blue, xliii 53 

lieut.-col. J. G.—col. xliii 53, in- 
spect. field offi. volun. xlv 491 

rey. J.— prof. chem, Cambr. lvii 

Cumins, maj. Alex.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
Cunningham, lieut.-col. Fras,—lieut.-gov. 
Hull xliii 59, 60 
—— col. Jas.—gov. St. John’s New- 
foundland, xiii 182] maj.-gen. and gov. 
Barbadoes xxiii 244] 
— lieut.-gen. Rob,—gen. xxxv 
67, command.-in-chief, rel. xxxv 67 
Wm.—prov. marsh. N. Amer. 
xix 218] 
sir Wm,.—state couns. to pr. 
Wales, xxxviii 54] 
Cunninghame, col. Geo.—maj.-gen. xliv 487 
col, Rob,—maj.-gen. xv 161] 
Cunliffe, sir Foster, bart.—sher. Denbigh. 
xxix 236] 
Cunyngham, sir D. maj,-gen.—lieut.-gen. 
viii 165] 
Cunynghame, col. David—brig.-gen. W. Ind. 
xliii 55 
——_——_— sir. W. A. bart.—clerk 
comptr. board green-cloth, xxii 244] 
Cure, Capell,—sher. Essex, xli 68 
Currey, capt. W. S.—dep. quart.-mast.-gen. 
in Canada, xlv 49] 
Currie, J.—sher. Herts. liv 185 
Curties, rev. Whitfield — Burwash rect. 
Sussex, xlviii 502 
Curtis, sir Roger—rear.-adm. blue, xxxvi 
45, bart. 46, rear.-adm. red xxxvii 56, 
vice-adm. white, xli 48, do, red xliii 54, 
adm. blue, xlvi 457, adm, red, lii 321 
Curtoys, Joseph—consul at Barcelona, xviii 

Curzon, Assheton—baron Curzon, xxxvi 46, 
vise, xliv 485 

Curzon, hon. Hen.—col. mar. li 556, rear- 
adm. blue, lii 322, rear-adm. white, liii 
153, do. red, ly 112 

Cust, ie Brownlow—baron Brownlow, xix 

———  John—speaker H. Com. iv 175] 

— dr. Rich.—dean Lincoln, xxiv 209] 

—— rev. dr.—dean Rochester, xxii 244] 

Cuthbert, David—commiss. excise, Scotl. 
xi 209} 

Cuyler, col. Corn.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68, lieut.- 
gen. xl 108, gen, xlv 487, bart. lvi 128 

lieut.-col. Hen.—inspect. field offi. 

volun. xlv 491 : 

Jacob—dep. commiss. stores, Domi- 
nica, xl 113 J 

Czernichew, count—ambass. from Russia, 
xi 84] 

Dacre, G. jun.—sher, Southampton, xxxii 

——— W.—sher. Cumberland, xxv 197 

Dacres, capt. J. R—rear-adm. blue, xli 48, 
do. white xliii 54, vice-adm. white, xlvii 

maj. Wm. lieut.-col. xliy 488 

Dakins, rev. W. W. LL.D.—chaplain forces, 
li 319 

Dalby, Wm.—sher. Essex, xxv 197] 

Dale, Rob.—sher. Derby, xxviii 222] 

Dalhousie, earl—high commiss. Scotl. xxiv 
208] commiss. police, Scotl. xviii 202] 
high commiss. church Scotl. xx 223] xxv 

lieut.-col. Geo, earl—col. xJii 49, 
extra knt bart. ly 111, baron Unit. Kingd. 
lyii 120, gov. Nova Scotia, lviii 208, gov.- 
gen. Cape G. H. lx 196, gov. Canadas, &c. 
lxi 114 

Dalkeith, Carolina, counts.—barons. Green- 
wich, x 173] 

col. Chas. earl—col. army, xl 

Chas. Wm. earl—baron Tynedale, 
xlix 544 

Dallas, sir J.—judge com. pl. lv 111, chief 
just. com, pl. lx 196 

Rt.—sol.-gen. lv 110 

——— maj. Thos. (E. serv.)—lieut.- 
col. xlii 51 

Dalling, John—gov. Jamaica, xx 225] 

lieut.-gen. John—bart. xxvi 230] 

Dalrymple, sir David bart.—lord justiciary, 
Scotl. xix 216] 

David—lord session, Scotl. xx 

224] 225] 

lieut.-col. Geo.—col xliii 53 

sir _Hew.—maj.-gen. xxxvi 46, 
lieut.-gen. Guernsey, xli 54, lieut.-gen. 
xliii 53, bart. Ivi 129 

Hugh. knt. xxii 244] 

——— sir H. D,—M. P. Ayrshire, xlv 


— maj. Jas (E. Ind. co. serv.) lieut.- 
col. xl 1]1 
—sir John—baron excheq. Scotl. 
xix 215] 



John — rear-adm. white, xxix 
234] do. red, xxxii 237] adm. blue xxxvii 
56, vice-adm. white xxxv 65 
sir J.—maj.-gen. liii 152 
col. Rob.—maj.-gen. xiii 183] 
lieut.-col. Sam.—col. xlii 49, 
maj.-gen. xlvii 455 

lieut.-col. S. P.—col. xl 109, 
maj.-gen. xlvii 450 
Wm.—capt. command. infantry, 

xix 219] 
col. Wm.—groom bedch. duke 
Clarence, xxxi 238] 
—— maj.-gen. Wm.—lieut.-gen. xxxv 
ae Ben. xl 108, lieut.-gov Chelsea hosp. 
xl ll 


W.—inspect.field offi. volun. xlv 

vise.—minister Poland, xxv 234] 
Dalton, Nath.—sher. Somerset. xxix 236] 



Daly, sir Geo.—his majesty’s prime serjt, at 
law, xli 47 

St. Geo.—privy couns. Irel. xlii 55, 
baron excheq. do. xliii 60, just. king’s 
bench, do. xlv 491 

Dalzell, capt. R. A.—major, xlii 54, lieut.- 
col. xlv 489 

Damer, hon. Lionel—sher. Dorset. xxvii 

Dampier, Hen.—puisne judge, K. bench, 
lv 110 

rey. dr. Thos. prebend. Durham, 
xiv 171] master Sherborne hosp. xvi 163] 
dean Durham, xvii 185] bp. Rochester, 
xliv 491] do. Ely, 1. 176 

Dana, maj. D. K.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Daniel, N. C.—sher. Dorset. 1. 178 

Daniell, John—comptr. salt duties, xxix 235] 

Darby, lieut.-col. Christ.—col. xlv, 488 

Edmund—sher. Hert. 1i 540 

capt. Geo.—rear-adm. white, xxi 

221] vice-adm. blue, xxii 243] lord ad- 

miralty, xxiii 246] vice-adm. white 2. 

247] rear-adm. G. Brit. xxiv 209] vice- 

adm. red, xxix 234] 

capt. H. d’Esterre, rear-adm. blue, 
xlvi 458, vice-adm. blue, lii 322, do. 
white, liii 153 

Darell, Lionel—bart. xxxvii 55 

Darke, John—sher. Worcester, xxiv 203] 

Darley, capt. Edw.—maj. xlvii 452 

D’ Arley, capt.Wm.—knt. order Constantine, 
xliii 63 

Darling, capt. Hen.—assist quart.-mast.-gen. 
xlvi 456 

—— lieut.-gen. sir J—gen. xxxviii 53] 

Darlington, Hen. earl—mast.-jewel offi. vi 

——— Wm. Harry, earl—lord-lieut. 
Durham, xxxv 67 

Darnley, earl—groom stole pr. Wales, xxxvii 

Darrah, maj. Chas.—lieut.-col. li 555 
Darrock, maj. Duncan—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
Dartmouth, earl—lord-steward househ. xxvi 
xlvi 460 

— Wn. earl—privy couns. viii 166] 
commiss, trade and plant. 167] prince. sec. 
state, xv 162] first lord trade, 2b. keeper 
privy seal, xviii 204] 

Dashwood, sir Francis—lord Le Despencer, 
vi 128] keeper king’s wardrobe, 129] 
lord-lieut. &c. Bucks, 130] see Despencer 

—~—— J. R.—sher. Norfolk, xxxvi 56 

D Aubant, maj.-gen. Abr.—lieut.-gen. xliv 
487, col. commandant 491 

Daubeny, rev—arch-deacon, Sarum, xlvi 

Daubuz J. T.—sher. Essex, lx 207 

D’ Auvergne, capt. Philip,prince Bouillon— 
rear.-adm. blue, xlvii 457 

Davenport Davis—sher. Cheshire, xxvi 235] 

é — Rich.—sher. Bucks. xxxi 247] 
pd 2 

Geo. earl—lord chamb. househ. 




Davenport, Thos.—serjt. at law, xxvi 232] 
knt. 233] 

W.—sher. Cheshire. xxiv 202] 
— W. Y.—sher. Shrops. xxxvi 56 
Davey, sir John—sher. Devon. xliv 523 
lieut.-col. Thos.—lieut.-gov. Van 
Diemen’s land, liv 162 
Davidson, dr. Arch.—dean order thistle, and 
chapel roy. Scotl. xxxiv 56 
a J.— consul, New Orleans, lviii 

Davie, maj. Humphry—licut.-col, xliii 53 

rev. J.—mast. Sid. Suss. col. Camb. 
liii 153, vice-chance]l. Camb. liv 167 

Davies David—sher. Cardigan. xliv 524 

Davies, John—sher. Carmarthen, xxvi 236] 

J.—sher. Merion. lii 416 

sher, Cardigan, lix 150 

Matt.—sher. Cardigan, xxxii 246] 

lieut.-col.—aid-de-camp to the king, 

lii 321 

Wm.—sher. Merioneth. li 541 

Davis maj. Hen.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

H.—sher, Pembroke. lxi 112 

—— rey. J.—living King’s Langley, Herts. 
xlix 541 

—— M.—sher. Dorset, xxxiv 61 

——— Sam.—sher. Hereford. xlviii 575 

——col. Thos. — maj.-gen. xxxviii 53] 
lieut.-gen. xlv 487 

mr. Wm—prine. clerk in treasury. x 


W.—sher. Radnor. lvii 133 

Davison, Alex.—treas. ordnance, xlviii 494 

Thos. — collector gen. customs, 
Jamaica, xiii 182] 

Davy, sir H.—bart, Ix 196 

—-— Martin. M. D.—master. Caius col. 
Camb. xlv 484 

eh E. J.—secret legat. Florence, lvii 

Rich.—auditor public accts. xlviii 
499, 500 

Daws, Thos.—sec. to lord Geo. Germaine, 
xix 216] 

Dawson, Chas.—consul Biscay, Ix 196 

——— lieut.-col. Edw.—col. x] 109 

——~— Edw.—standard bearer band gent. 
pens. xlviii 500 

maj. Rich.—lieut.-gov. Isle of Man, 
xx 224] 

———— maj.-gen. Rich.—lient.-gen. xl 108 

——— Thos.—baron Dartrey, Irel. xiii 

—— W.—consul, Maryland, lviii 207 

——— W. H,—haron Dawson, Irel. xiii 

Day, John—advocate-gen. Bengal, xix 221] 
knt. xx 224] 

—— Sam.—sher. Somerset. xxxix 69 

Dayrell, R.—sher. Bucks, xxix 235] 

——-~— Rich.—sher Bucks, 1. 178 

Deane, capt. hon. J. T.—maj. xlv 489 

~——— hon, capt, Rob,—rear-adm. white, 
xli 48 

Deane, sir R T.—baron Muskerry, Irel. 
xxiii 248] 

col. W.—maj.-gen, xiii 183 

Deans, Rob.—rear-adm. red, xliii 54, vice- 
adm. blue, xlvi 458, adm. blue, lii 321, 
do. white, liv 165 “ 

Deare, col. Geo.—maj.-gen. E. Ind. xxxvili 

Philip—auditor pub. accts. xlviii 
499, 500 

Dearling, Wm.—sher. Sussex, liii 169 

Debank, Simon—sher. Stafford. xxxiv 61 

Debbeig, col. Hugh—maj.-gen. xxxv 68, 
lieut.-gen. x] 108, gen. xlv 487 

Debits, T. esq.—sher. Hereford. xliv 523 

De Burgh, col. J. T.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68 

Decardonnell A. M. L.—sher. Northumb. 
Xxxviii 68] 

De Crey, lieut.-col. hon. Geo.—aid-de-camp 
to the king, 1. 175 

Deerhurst, Geo. lord —lord-lieut. Wor- 
cester 1. 177 

Deering, Cha.—commiss, taxes, xvi 164] 

De Grey Tho.—lord trade, xx 224 

hon. and rev. Thos.—Fawley rect. 
Hants, xlviii 508 

Wm. knt. and chief-just. com. 
pleas, xiv 170] privy couns. 171, baron 
Walsingham, xxiii 247] 

Deighton, rev. Wm.—Winburgh rect. Nor- 
folk, xlviii 496 

Delabere, T. B,—sher. 

Delancy, Jon.—commiss,-gen. Virginia, xl 

De Lancey, lieut.-col. Oliver—dep. adj.- 
gen. forces S. Brit. xxxii 237] 

Delane, Cavin—king’s serj. at arms, xviii 

Delaval, Dan.—agent, Rotterdam, &c. xv 
164] resident at Denmark, xvii 187] 
envoy, Copenhagen, xxi 223] 

Delaval, lieut.-col. Fras,—inspect. field offi. 
volunt. xlv 492 

sir F. B.—knt. bath, iv 115] 

sir J. H.—baron Delaval, Irel. 
xxvi 233] lord Delaval, Northumb. xxviii 

Delawarr, earl, lieut.-gen.—gen. viii 164] 
chamberlain to her maj. xi 212] lieut.- 
gen. xiii 183] 

Delawar, earl—lord bedchamb. xxxi 237] 
238] lv 11 

Delme, maj. Fred.—lieut,-col. xlii 49 

Denby, maj. Wm. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—lieut.- 
col, xl J11 

Dennet, John—sher. Sussex, xlvi 521 

— Cha.—consul Civita Vecchia, xlv 

Denny, Barry—bart. Irel. xxiv 209] 

Dennis, Geo. — assist.-barrack-mast.-gen. 
xlvi 456 

maj. Humphry—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

-——— James—baron excheq. Ireland, xi 
211] baron Tracton, xxiii 248] 

Gloucester. xlix 





ennis, Peter — bart. x 174] rear-adm. 

white, xiii 185] do. red. 74. vice adm. 

blue, xviii 202] do. white, xix 2]3] do. 

red, xxi 221] 

dr. Sam.—prov. vice-chanc. Oxford, 
xxxv 68 

Dennison, W. J.—sher. York. 1, 178 

Denton, Thos. — sher. Cumberland, xxxi 

Denys, Geo. W.—bart. lv. 111 

Pet,—sher. Northampt. liv 185 

Derby, Edw. earl—lord-lieut. Lancashire, 
xiv 173] chance. Lancaster, xxvi 233] 

Edw. earl—chanc. Lancaster, xlviii 


De Ross, Charlotte, baroness—to assume the 
name and arms of De Ross, &c. xlviil 499 

Desaguliers, col. Thos.—maj.-gen. xv 161] 

Desart, lord Otway—visc. Desart, Irel. xxiii 

— vise.—earl Desart, Irel. xxxvi 43 

Desbanes, lieut.-col. J. F. W.—col. x1 109 

Desborough, F. T'.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Desbrisay, Thos.—lieut.-gov. St. John’s 
Island, xii 171] 

—_—. T.— maj.-gen. liii 152 

Despard, col. John—maj.-gen, x1 114, lieut.- 
gen. xlvii 455 

Despencer, Francis lord le—joint postmast.- 
gen. ix 168] 

D’Esthal, F. C. J. baron—archbp. and elect. 
Mentz. xvii 138] 

Desvoeux, Charles—bart. Ire]. xxix 234] 

' Deugenan, dr. Paul—king’s advocate, adm. 

court, Ire]. xxxii 237 | 

Devaynes, Wm.—dep. chairman East India 
co. xx 223) 

Devisme, David—sher. Bucks. xxvi 235] 

Devonshire, Wm. duke—lord high treas. 
Trel. ix 163] lord-lieut. Derby, xxv 236] 

duke — lord-lieut. Derby, liii 
153, high stew. do. liii 154 

Dew, Tomkyns—sher. Hereford. xxvi 236] 

—-— —sher. Hereford. lix 150 

Dewar, maj. David—tieut.-col. xliv 488 

Dick, sir John—comptr. army accounts, xxiv 
208] xxxvi 44 

Dicken, Thos.—sher. Shrops. xli 69 

Dickens, lieut.-col. R. M.—col. xlii 49, maj.- 
gen. xlvii 455 

——— capt. S. T.—maj. xlvii 452 

Dickenson, maj. H. L.—lieut.-col. xlii 49 

Dickenson, J. M.—superintend. king’s gar- 
dens, vi 129] 130] 

Dickin C. S.—sher. Sussex xxxix 69 

Dickins, John—sher. Montgom. xxxviii 69] 

Dickinson, Wm. jun. — commiss. adm. xlvi 

Dickson, Arch.—rear-adm. white, xxxvi 45, 
vice-adm. blue xxxvii 56 do. red, xli 48, 
adm. blue, xliii 53 

lieut.-col. James (E. Ind. co, serv.) 

col, xl 11] 

col. John—maj.-gen. x! 113, lieut.- 

gen, xlvii 455 

Dickson, rev. Wm. bp: Down and Connor 
xxvi 234] 
Wm—vice-adm. blue, xxxvi 45, 
do. white, xxxvii 56, adm. blue, xli 48 
lieut,-col. Wm.—col. xlv 488 
col. Wm.—lieut.-goy. Cork, 1. 173 
Digby, rev. Chas.—prebend St. George’s 
Windsor, 1. 172 
Edw. earl —lord-lieut. Dorset, 1. 

Hen. lord—commiss. adm. vi 128} 
an English baron, viii 167] lord-lieut. 
Dorset, xiv 172] vise. Coleshill and earl 
Digby, xxxii 238] 

hon, Julia—maid of honour, xxxii 


capt. Rob.—col. mar. xviii 202] 

rear-adm. blue, xxii 243] vice-adm. blue, 

xxix 234] do. white, xxxii 237] groom 

bedchamb. xxxiii 54] vice-adm. red, 

xxxv 64, adm. white, xxxvii 56 

hon. Stephen—groom bedchamb. pr. 

Wales, xxiv 207] mast. St. Katherine’s, 

Tower, xxx 229] 

hon. and rey. dr.—dean Worcester, 
xii 171] do. Durham, xx 225] 

Dilkes, John—rear-adm. white, li 556, do. 
red, lii 322, vice-adm. blue liv 165 

O’Brien, lieut.-gen.—gen. xv 161] 

col. 50th infantry, xvii 184] 

lieut.-col. W. T.— maj.-gen. xlvii 


W. T.—maj.-gen. liii 151 

Dilley, John—sher. Beds. xxvi 235] 

Dillingham, B. G.—sher. Norfolk, xxxi 

Dillon, maj. A. R.—lieut col. xlii 50, assist. 
quart.-mast.-gen. Irel. xlv 486 

Chas.—privy couns. Ire]. xvii 188] 

lord visc.—constable Irel.xxxix 

62, knt. of St. Patrick, xl 112 

- col. Edw. (Irish brig.)— army, 

xliii 61, 62 

lieut.-col. Francis (Irish Brigade)— 

col. in army xliii 62 

John—bart. Irel. xliii 60 

Rob.—baron Clonbrock, Irel. xxxii 

Dinwoody, W.—sher. Monmouth. xxxii 246] 
Dirom, lieut.-col. Alex.— xliv 
Disney J.—sher. Dorsets. lx 207 
lieut.-col. Moore—col. xliy 488 
Wm.—payanast. recruiting districts 
xl 117 
D’Ivernois, Francis—knt. xxxvili 53 
Dixon, Archibald—bart. xliv 491 
Edw. sher. Worcester. xli 69, lviii 


rey, Jas.—dean Downe, xi 211] 

Manley—rear.-adm. white, liv 322, 

do. red, liii 153, do. blue, lv 112 

capt. Wm.—rear-adm, blue, xxxv 63 

Dobben, sir Wm. — yerderer Rockingham 
forest, viii 168] 




Dod, Edm.—rear-adm. red, xli 48 vice- 
adm. blue, xliii 54, vice-adm. white, xlvi 
458, adm. white, lii 321 

— capt. Edm.—rear-adm. blue, xxxix 

—— F. esq.—inspect. field offic. volunt. xlv 
—— capt.-lieut. Tho.—maj. in Turkey, xl 
116, see. to gov. garrison, Gibraltar, xlvi 

Doddington, John— fourth portcullis pur- 
suivant of arms, xxiii 245] 3 

Dodgson, rev. dr. Chas—bp. Ossory, viii 
165] bp. Elphin, xviii 202] 

Dods, rev. R.—Fleet rect. Lincoln. xlix 542 

Dodsworth, maj. Geo.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Dolphin, T. V.—sher. Gloucester, xl 120 

Domett, Wm.—col. mar. xliii 54, rear-adm. 
blue, xlvi458, commiss. admiralty, 1. 175. 
lii 320, vice-adm. blue, 1i 556, do. white, 
lii 322, liii 152, commiss. office lord high 
adm. liv 163, commiss. admiralty, liv 166, 
lv 110, vice-adm. red, lv 112, knt. comm. 
bath, Ix 195 

Domville, 1. Compton—bart. lvi 130 

Wm. lord may.—bart. lvi 128 

Don, col. Geo.—maj.-gen. xl 108, lieut.- 
gen. xvii 450 

Donald, Rob. esq.—lord provost Glasgow, 
xix 220] 

Donaldson, maj. Rich.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Donegall, Arthur, earl—baron Fisherwiek, 
xxxii 236, marq. xxxiii 54) 

Donegal, G. A. marquis—privy couns. Trel, 

xlv 482 ‘ 

Donkin, col. Rob. — maj.-gen. xxxvyi 46, 
lieut.-gen. xliii 53, gen. li 555 

——— S.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Donoughmore, Rich. Hely, lord—vise. Do- 
noughmore, xxxix 64, commiss. excise and 
cust, Irel. xli 52, col. xlii 49, an earl, Irel. 
xlii 55, maj.-gen. xlvii 455, joint postmast. 
gen. Irel. xlviii 496, privy couns. iJ. 497 

Dorchester, lieut.--gen. Guy, lord—gen. 
xxv 67, col. 4th drag. xliv 491 

Dorchester, Geo. ear]l.—lord-lieut. Dorset. 
xlv 485 

Dore, Peter, Rich. Herald—Norroy king 
of arms, &¢e. xxiii 245] 

Dormer, C. C.—knt. and mast. ceremonies, 
xxii 245] 

Dorrington, capt. Thos. — maj. xlv 486, 
lieut.-col. 489 

Dorrien, J.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Dorset, John Fred. duke—privy couns. and 
lord-lieut. Kent, ix 163] 

duke—privy couns. xxv 234] ambas- 
sador France, xxvi 235] lord steward 
househ. xxxi 241] 

Doughty, Geo.—sher. Suffolk, xxxv 75 

Douglas, sir Alex.—physician to forces, N. 
Brit. x1 114 

teen and Clydesdale, Alex. marquis— 
Bony coyns. xlylil 497, baron Dutton, 

00, 601 

Douglas, And. Snape—seer. Palermo, lv 110 

Arch. maj.-gen. — lieut.-gen, viii 

164] 165] ’ 
col. xl 114 

sir A. S. knt.—col. mar. xxxix 62 

—-— A.S.—sec. legation, Sicily, li 551 

Billy—rear.adm. blue, xliii 54, do. 
white, xlvi 458, vice-adm. blue, xlvii 456. 
do. red, lii 321, adm. blue, lv 112 

—- sir Chas.—rear-adm. blue, xxix 

——— Dan.—sher. Lincoln, xxviii 222] 

—— lieut.-gen. Dav. — gov. Tynmouth, 
li 553 

——G. S.—secret legat. Sweden, liv 
165, do. Florence, lvii 119, do. Berlin, 
lvii 120 

sir Jas.—vice adm. blue, xiii 184] 

vice adm. white, 185} red, xix 213] adm. 

blue, xxi 221] bart. xxviii 218] 

James— consul-gen. Naples, xxii 

—baron Douglas, xxxii 236] 


capt. Jas.—rear-adm. blue, xli 48, 
rear-adm. white, xliii 54, do. red, xlvi 
458, adm. blue, lii 32] 

—_ Jas. Sholto—consul Morocco, lix 

—— rev. dr, John—canon residentiary 
St. Paul’s xix 221] bp. Carlisle and dean 
Windsor, xxix 234] registrar order garter, 
xxx 228] bp. Salisbury, xxxiii 54] 

Douglas, lieut.-col. John—aid-de-camp to 
his maj. xviii 204] maj.-gen. xxii 243] 
lieut.-gen, xxix 234] col. 5th drag. guards 
xxxi 241] 

—— (marines) — knt. 

xlii 52, equerry duke Sussex, xliv 492, 

maj.-gen. liii 152 

-—— hon, John—commiss. transports, li 

553, liv 166 

— capt. J. L.—vear-adm. blue, xxxvii 
57, rear-adm. red, xli 48, vice-adm. blue, 
xliii 54, do. white, xlvi 458, adm. white, 
lii 321 

——— adm, Leigh—adm. white, lii 321 

——— maj. Pat.(E. Ind. co. serv.) —lieut.- 
col. xl LIL 

—— col. Rob.—maj.-gen. xxxviii 53] 

——~— Rob.—col. xlii 487 

—-—— maj. Rob.—licut.-col. xliv 489, in- 
spect. field offic. volunt. xlv 490 

Silvester—king’s counsel, xxxv 65, 
commiss. India aflairs, xxxvii 57, baron 
Glenbervie, Irel. xlii 55, gov. Cape Good 
Hope, éb. 

——— maj. Wm. —licut.-col. xlii 50 

—_—— Wm.—hart. xliii 60 

— inspect. field offi, volunt. xlv 


rev. Wm.—precenter Winchester 
pry xlyi 461, prebend Westm. xlix 

~wevemm capt, sir W, Hi-réareadm, white, 
xlyi 458 




Douglass, maj.-gen. Stuart—lieut.-gen. xxxv 

Dover, gen. Joseph, lord—col. Ist life- 
guards, xxxi 238] 

Dowdeswell, dr. E, C.—rect. Langham, 
ey xlix 545, canon Christ Ch. Oxford, 
AB | 

—— Wm.—privy couns, and chanc. 

exchequer, viii 166] 

Wm.—gov. Bahama Islands, 

xXxxix 64 


maj.-gen. W.—lieut.-gen. lii 


Downe, J. C. B. vise. Irel.—baron Dawnay, 
G. Britain, xxxviii 54] 

Downes, T.—sher. Herefords. xxx 233] 

Downs, Wm.—ch. just. King’s-Bench, Irel. 
xlv 491 

Downshire, Mary, marchioness of—lady 
Sandys, baroness Ombersley, xliv 490 

Doyle, capt. Cha.—maj. brigade, xl 115 

———  F. H.—maj. xlvii 452 

maj. J.—sec. to pr. Wales, xxxiii 


Doyle, col. John—brig.-gen. Gibraltar, xl 
114, maj.-gen. xliv 487, lieut.-gov. Guern- 
sey, xlv 484, to wear insignia of order 
of Crescent, 486, bart. xlvii 455 

— maj-gen. W. E.—col. 53rd foot, 
XXXvili 55] 

lieut.-col. 456, 
maj.-gen. liii 15] 

D’Oyley, Christ.—dep. sec.-at-war, vi 125] 
commiss.-gen. and chief muster-master, 
xix 216] comptroller army accounts, xxiii 

Wm.—col.- xlvii 

rev. M.—Lewes archdeaconry, 
xlviii 498 

D’Oyly, col. Francis—maj.-gen. xxxvi 46, 
lieut.-gen. xliii 53 

Geo. Christ.—advoc. Cambr. liii 

Doyne, rey. Cha.—dean Leighlin, viii 164] 
Drage, John—sher. Camb. xxviii 222] 

* Drake, sir Francis—lord of adm. xxxi 240] 

Francis—minister Venice, xxxv 64, 
do. Genoa, 67, sec. Jezation, Copenhagen, 
xxxii 239] envoy extr. to elector Pala- 
tine, xli 50, minister to do. xliv 490 

rear-adm. F. S.—bart. xxv 235] 
rear-adm. red, xxix 234] do. blue, xxiii 

capt. F. W.—rear-adm. blue, xxi 
921] do. red, xxii 243] vice adm. blue, 
xxiii 247] do. red, xxix 234] 
Draper, capt. Edw.—major, xlv 487 
col. sir Wm.—maj.-gen. xv 161] 
Dreschel, Bar.—lieut.-gen. liii 151 
Dresser, John—sher. Suffolk, li 540 
Drew, John—sher. Sussex, xxxiii 64] 
Drewe, F. R.—sher. Devons. xxvi 236] 
T. R.—sher. Dorsets. xliii 79 
Drinkwater, lieut,-col. J,.—commiss, of 
accts, to forces under el R, Abercrombie, 
#1 68, compte, army accounts, Wit 164 

Drogheda, Cha. earl—maj.-gen. Ordnance, 
Trel. xiii 182] maj.-gen, 183] maj.-gen. 
on the staff, Irel. xiv 173] marquis Drog- 
heda, xxxiii 54] gen. xxxv 67, baron 
Moore, G. Brit. xliii 55 

Drozier, capt. E. W.—major, xlvii 451 

Drummond, maj.-gen. Duncan—lieut.-gen. 
xli 51 

—— rey. dr. E. H.—Rampton pre- 

bend, Southwells, Notts. xlviii 498 

brev. lieut-col. Gordon—col. 

xl 113—maj.-gen. xlvii 450, lieut.-gen, 

liii 151, knt. comm. bath, lviii 208 

—— Jas.—lord Perth, baron Drum- 

mond, xxxix 63 

Jas,—commiss. deposit. lvii 


xliv 487 

maj.-gen. John — lieut.-gen. 

maj.-gen. J.—lieut.-gen. lii 321 
—— Wm.—ambassador Turkey, xlv 
481, permission to wear insignia- of order 
of Crescent, 486, privy couns. xlvi 461, 
envoy extr. Sicily, xliii 59 
oa John — postmaster Lincoln, xlviii 

capt. Thos.—rear-adm. white, xlvi 
458, vice-adm. blue, 1. 174, do. red, lii 

—— capt. W. O’Brien—rear-adm. blue, 
xlvi 458, vice-adm. do. lii 322, do. white, 
liiti 153 

Drusina, Lewis—consul at Memel, xl 116 

Dryden, J.—sher. Northamptons. xxxv 75 

——— John—knt. xxxv 65, 66, bart. 
XXXvii 05 

Duberley, Jas,—knt. xlv 482, sher. Cam- 
bridges. xlv 531 

Ducie, Matt. baron Ducie of Morton, Staf- 
ford—baron Ducie of Trotworth, Glou- 
cester, vi 128] 

Duckenfield, sir Nat.—inspect. field off. 
volunt. xlv 490 

Duckworth, capt. J. T.—rear-adm. white, 
xli 48, rear-adm. red, xliii 54, knt, bath, 
59, vice-adm. blue, xlvi 458, gov. New- 
foundland, lii 320, adm. blue, 321, adm. 
white, lv 112, comm. chief, Plymouth, 
lvii 119 

adm. T.—vice-adm. blue, lii 


Dudley, rev. H. B.—chane. of Ferns, with 
rect. of Kilscoran, xlvii 454, Killglass 
rect. xlviii 503, bart. liv 167 

Duff, A.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Jas.—knt. xxii 244] maj.-gen. xxxvi 

46, lieut.-gen. xliii 53, gen. 11 555. bart. 

lv 111 

Jas.—consul, Cadiz, xxxii 235] 

—— Rob.—rear-adm. blue, xviii 202] gov. 
Newfoundland, 74. rear-adm. red, xix 
213] vice-adm. blue, xxi 221] do. red, 
xxiii 246] 247] 

Duke, Heutcol, G,-inepeot, field off; 
volunt, xlv 487 


Dumaresque, John—knt. xly 482, major, 
xlv 486, lieut.-col. xlv 489 

Dumaresq, John—advocate-gen. Jersey, lii 

— Thomas—rear-adm. white, xxxvi 
45, vice-adm. blue, xxxvii 56, do. red, xli 
48, adm. blue, xliii 53, 54 

Dunbar, sir Jas—dep. judge-advocate, N. 
Britain, xi 210] 

sir Jas.—bart. lvi 128 

—— capt. J. R.—major, xlii 50 

Dunbar, T.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Duncan, Adam—rear-adm. blue, xxix 234] 
rear-adm. white, xxxii 237] vice-adm. 
blue, xxxv 65, xxxvii 56, baron visc. 
Duncan, xxxix 63, adm. white, xli 47 

Hen.—commiss. navy, xliii 62 

Wm. M.D.—bart. vii 121] 

Duncannon, vise.—lord admi. xxv 234] 
commiss. do, xxvi 231] 

Dundas, hon. C. L.—private sec. to lord- 
lieut. Irel. xxxvii 55 ; 
— — col. David—commiss. barracks, 
Trel. xxx 229] major-gen. xxxii 235] col. 
22nd foot, xxxiii 53] gov. Landguard 
Fort, xlii 51, gen. xliv 487, knt. bath, 
xlv 485, command. forces in G. Brit. and 

Trel. 1i 552, bart. lvi 130 
lieut.-col. Fran.—aid-de-camp to 
the king, xxxv 68 
—_ maj.-gen. Fras,—lieut.-gen. Cape 
Good Hope, xliii 60, lieut.-gen. army, 
xliv 487 
= gen. Fran.—gov, Dumbarton castle, 
lix 140 
rt. hon. Hen. lord advoe. Scotland, 
—joint keeper of the Signet, xx 223] 
treas. navy, xxv 236] treas, navy, xxvi 
235] chance. St. Andrew’s, Scotland, xxx 
228] commiss. for India affairs, xxxiii 
54] xxxv 66, cust. rot. for Middlesex, 
xxxv 67, xxxvii 57, prince. sec. state, id. 
keeper privy seal, Scotl. xlii 52 

— soi Lawrence—vice-adm. Shetland 
an rkney, x 173] privy couns. xiv 
174] y ] privy 

—— Philip—M.P. for Gatton, xlv 481 

——— col. Ralph—major-gen. xxxii 235] 
gen. xliv 487, gov. Duncannon Fort, xliv 

Rob.—lord advocate, Scotl. xxxi 
241] joint clerk of regist. of seisins, 
Scotl. xli 53, ch. baron excheq. xliii 57, 
commiss. for India affairs, xlix 543, 1i 553, 
first commiss. do. li 556, conjunct clk. to 
bills in Register’s office, Scotl. 2. com- 
miss. India affairs, lii 320 

———— col. Tho.—maj.-gen, xxxv 68 

Kerr sir Tho.—baron Dundas, xxxvi 

hon. Wm.—privy couns. xlii 53, 

commiss. for office lord high adm. liv 163, 
commiss, adm. ly 110 

-—~——-— Wm.—commis. India affairs, xliij 
57. xliv 490, sec,-at-war, xlyi 460 


Dungannon, Arthur, visc.—commiss. excise; 
Irel. xiii 183] : 
Dungarvon, lieut.-col. Edw. visc.—aid-de~ — 

camp to the king, xl 109 
Dunkin, Wm.—judge at Fort William, Ben- 
gal, xxxiii 53] knt. tb. i 
Dunlo, W. P. K. vise.—earl Clancarty, xlv 
482, commiss. India affairs, xlvi 460 
Dunlop, col. An.—brig.-gen. W. Indies, xlv 
—— lieut.-col. Jas.—col. xlv 488 
Dunmore, earl—goy.-in-chief, New York, — 
xii 172] gov. Virginia, xili 185] peer 
Scotland, xix 213] gov. Bahama Islands, 
xxix 233] 
Dunn, lieut.-col. James (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
col. xl 111 
Dunne, col. Edw.—maj.-gen. xlv 488, lieut.- 
gen. lii 321 
Dunning, John—solicitor-gen, xi 
baron Ashburton, xxv 234] 
Dunstanvyille, Francis, baron de—baron 
Basset, xxxix 63 
Duntze, John—bart. xvii 188] 
Duperry, capt. Cha.—major, xlii 50 
Duppa, Tho.—sher. Radnor. xxxi 248] 
Dupplin, lord, and jord Kinnoul, lord lyon 
king-at-arms, Scotl. xxxviii 55] 
Dupré, rev. Edw.—dean of Jersey, xliv 491 
———— Mich.—2nd mast. Berkhamp- 
sted free-school, xlviii 495 
Tho. B. A.—head-mast. Berkhamp- 
sted, free-school, xlviii 495 
Durand, Jas. maj.-gen.—lieut.-gen. viii 


J. H.—sher. Surrey, xxxv 75 
D’ Urban, maj. Benj.—superint. jun. depart. 
milit. coll. xlv 482, lieut.-col. xlvii 401 
Durbin, John—knt. xxi 221] 
Durell, Tho.—dep. commiss.-gen, on conti- 
- nent, xl 115 
Durham, Chas.—rear-adm. blue, lii 323, do. 
white, liv 165 
lient.-col. Jas.—col. xliii 53 
sir P. C-—knt. comm, bath, lviii 
Duric, G.—consul-gen. Norway, lvii 119 
Durnford, Elias—lieut.-goy. West Florida, 
xii 171] 

rev. dr.—prebend. Winchester, 
xvii 184] 
Durno, James—knt. xli 48 
Durrant, Tho.—bart. xxvi 234] 
Dury, maj.-gen. Theod.—lieut.-gen. xiii 

Dusseaux, col. Joseph—major-gen. xl 113, 
lieut.-gen. xlvii 405 

Dutens, lieut.-col. P. J. J—col. xlii 49 

Du Val, rev. mr.—sec. duke Gloucester, vii 
121] canon Windsor, xy 159] 

Duval, col. Tho. (mar.)—maj.-gen. army, 
xxxviii 53] 

Duvernette, maj. Abrm.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Dwyer, T. M.—collectoy customs, Jamaica, 
xvii 187] 




Dyer, G.—maj.-gen. liii 182 

lieut.-col. sir John, bart.—equerry to 
pr- Wales, xxiv 207] 

—— col. sir J. S. bart.—groom bedchamb. 
pr. Wales, xxix 233]. 

—— maj. Sam. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—lieut.- 
col. xl 111 

Dykes, J. B, D.—sher. Cumberland, xviii 

Dymoke, rev. John—Sancte Crucis prebend, 
Lincoln, xlviii 502 

——— Lewis—sher. Lincolns. xxxi 248] 

Dynevor, Geo. lord—lord-lieut. Carmarthen, 
xlvi 460 

Dyot, Rich.—sher. Staffords. x1 120 

col. Wm, — brig.-gen. Caribbee 
Islands, xly 485 

Dyott, lieut.-col, Wm.—col. xlii 49, aid-de- 
camp to his majesty, xliv 489 

Dyson, rev. C.—prof. Anglo-Sax. at Oxford, 
liv 164 

—~-— Jeremiah—commiss. trade, viii 167] 
lord treas. x 212] cofferer of his maj. 
household and privy couns. xvii 184] 

Eames, John—commiss. for taxes, xvi 164] 

Eardley, sir Sampson—baron Eardley, Irel. 
xxxi 241] 

Eardly, lieut.-col. hon. Wm.—col. xlv 488 

Earl, T. H.—sher. Berks. xxxiii 63] 

Earle, Jas.—knt. xlii 53 

-— col. Tho.—maj.-gen. xiii 183] col. 
28th reg. foot, xvi 165] 

Earlsfort, John, lord—vise. Clonmel], Irel. 
xxxi 240] 

Eamer, John—knt. xxxvii 56 

Eaton, J. W.—sher. Flints. lx 208 

Eccles, Henry—attorney-gen. Barbadoes, 
xi 211] 

Eddington, Wm.—inspector of out-port col- 
lectors’ accounts, xv 164] 

Eden, Morton—minister plenip. Bavaria, 
&c. xix 219] 220] at Copenhagen, xxii 
244] at Dresden, xxxi 239] envoy extr. 
Berlin, xxxiii 55] ambass. Spain, xxxvi 
44, privy couns. 47, minis. Vienna, 2d. 

sir F. M.—baron Henley, Irel. xli 


—— Robert—gov. Maryland, xix 219] 

—— Wm.—auditor Greenwich hosp. xiv 
171] 172] lord trade, xix 204] commiss. 
‘for peace in N. Amer. xxi 222] prince. 
sec. to lord-lieut. Irel. and privy couns. 
do. xxiii 247] lord trade, 249] 

hon. Wm.—privy couns. xxvi 251] 

vice-treas. Irel. iJ. ambassador, Spain, 

xxix 234] baron Auckland, I[vrel. xxxi 


lieut.-col. Win.—assist. quart.-mast.- 

gen. xlv 483, maj.-gen. liii 152 

hon. W. F. E.—sec. to commiss. 
treating with United States, xlviii 499 

Edgar, rey. John—Spexall, rect. Suffolk, 
xlix 541 

Edge, T. W.—sher. Nottinghams, xlyi 620 

Edgecumbe, Fred.—comm. vict. bd. liii 

—— lord George—privy couns. viii 
166] treas. household, iJ. rear-adm. red, 
xiii 184] vice-adm. blue, 185] capt. of 
pensioners, xv 164] vice-adm. white, xvi 
164] do. red, xix 213] adm. blue, xxi 
221] vise. Mount-Edgecumbe and Vale- 
tort, xxiv 207] 

Edmeston, col. Wm.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68, 
lieut.-gen. xl 108 

— lieut.-gen. W.—col. xliv 493, 
gen. xlv 487 

Edmonstone, Arch.—bart. xvii 186] 

Edward, Edw.—rear-adm. white, xliii 54, 
do. red, xlvi 458, adm. blue, lii 321 

——— capt. Rowland—major, xli 53 

———- prince—duke of York, iii 89] See 
York, duke of 

prince—knt. comp. St. Patrick, 
xxvi 230] col. army, xxviii 218] knt. 
garter, 7b.—col. 7th foot, xxxi 238] lieut.- 
gen. xxxviii 52, duke of Kent and Stra- 
thern, &c. xli 50 

Edwards, capt. Edw.—rear-adm. blue, ‘xlix 
48, adm. do. lii 321 

———. E.—sher. Denbighs. lviii 227 

Geo.—sher. Bedfords. xlvi 520 

H. H. — prebend. Westminster, 

xlv 484 
John—sher-. Flints. xxviii 223] 
John—sher. Merioneth, xlvii 517, 

x1 208 
John—sher. Montgom. Ix 208 
L. P.—sher. Merioneth, 1. 178 

——— capt. Rich.—rear-adm. blue, xxii 

243] do. red, xxiii 247] vice-adm. red, 

xxxv 64 
Rob.—vice-adm. white, xxix 234] 
maj. Rowland—lieut.-col. xlii 49 

Sampson—rear-adm. blue, xiii 

54, do. white, xlvi 458, vice-adm, blue, 

xlviii 501, do. white, li 556, do. red, Nii 


Sam.—sher. Gloucesters. xxxvii 

major Tho. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 

lieut.-co]. xl 111 
Tho.—sher. Montgomerys. li 541 
T. M.—sher. Flints. xli 69 
Wm.—lord Kensington, xix 217] 
Wm.—sher. Denbighs. liv 186 

Effingham, earl—dep. earl-marshal, xx 225] 

treas. household, xxv 234] 

Egan, maj. Anth,—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Egerton, hon. Ariana Marg.—queen’s bed- 
chamb. woman, xxviii 217] 218] 

——— rt. rey. dr. bp. Bangor—bp. 
Litchfield, xi 212] bp. Durham, xiv 172] 

rev. dr.—prebend Durham, xvi 

John—sher. Cheshire, xxxv 74 
maj.-gen. J, W,—lieut,-gen, xliv 





Egerton, lieut.-col. Wm.—lieut.-gov. Scilly, 
xviii 203] 

—— Wm.—sher. Chester, 1. 173 

Hglinton, Arch. earl—maj.-gen. xv 161] 
peer Scotl. xix 216] gen. xxxv 67 

Hugh earl—baron Ardrossan, 
xlviii 494, state couns. Scotl. xlviii 496 

Egmont, Cath. countess—baroness Arden, 
xiii 183] 

John, earl, Irel—an English baron, 
v 82] lord adm. vi 130] viii 166] vice- 
ren ix 166] lord-lieut. Somerset, xvi 

Egremont, earl—prine. sec. state, iv 48] 

—lord-lieut. Sussex, Ixi 114 

Eldon, lord—lord chance. xliii 56, high 

_ steward Oxford, 62, lord chance. xlix 543 

Elford, Wm.—bart. xlii 54 

Elgin, earl—envoy extr. Brussels, xxxiv 57, 
minister Berlin, xxxvii 57, 58, ambass. 
Turkey, xli 49, privy couns. 51, col. xliv 
488, permission to wear the insignia order 
crescent, xlv 48], lieut. and sher. Fife- 

shire, xlix 542 

countess dowager—governess to prs. 
Charlotte, xxxix 62 

Eliot, E. J.—commiss. treas. excheq. xxv 
236] commiss. India affairs, xxxv 66 

—— capt. Jas.—town-major, Berwick, xix 

Wiig M. D.—knt. xix 216] bart. xxi 



hon. Wm.—sec. legation, Berlin, xxxiii 
55] see. embassy. United States, xxxv 67, 
minister Ratisbon, xxxviii 55] commiss. 
treas. excheq. xlix 543, 545, 546, lii 320 

Eliot, gen. G. A.—Iknt. Bath, xxvi 229] 
baron Heathfield, xxix 233] 

Ellenborough, Edw. lord—chanc. excheq. 
xl viii 492 

Ellerker, col. Edw.—maj.-gen. E. Indies, 
xxxviii 54] 

Elliock, lord—dep. gov. bank, Scot], xxvi 

Elliot, Edw.—commmiss. trade and plant. 
iv 88] 

hon. E, J.—commiss. India affairs, 
xxxvii 57 

-—— F, P.—auditor public accts. xlviii 499, 

—+— col. Geo.—maj.-gen. xlv 488, lieut.- 
gen. li 655 

Gilbert—commiss. treas. iv 87] 

sir Gilbert—baron Minto, xxxix 63 

Grey— clerk privy council relating to 

trade, xxviii 219] 220] 

G. A. maj.-gen.—lieut,-gen. viii 165] 
command,-in-chief, Ivel. xvii 186] privy 
couns. do. 188] gov. Gibraltar, xix 213] 

—— maj. Hen.—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 

—w— Hugh—wminister Bavaria, xvi 166] 
at Berlin, xix 220] envoy extra, Dresden, 
x¥xXiii 55] do, Naples, xly 48! 

seene Hugh--gov, Barbadoes, xlix 544, do, 

— Haeward Sslands, |, £77, 1) 052 

Elliot, John—vice-adm. West Florida, 

-— —col. mar. xxii 244] 

- adm. J.—gov. Newfoundland, xxviii — 


——- John—adm. white, xli 47 

—— maj. Walter—lieut.-col, xliv 488 

hon. Wm.—lord adm. xlii 53 

—— Wm.—commiss. adm. xliii 46, privy 
couns, xlviii 494 

W.—sher. Warwick. xxx 233] 

—— lord—earl St. Germain’s, lvii 120 

E. J.—commiss. treas. xxvi 235] 
xxviii 219] lord of treas. xxxi 240] 

—— maj. Geo. (mar.) lieut.-col. xxxv 68 

John—rear-adm. red, xxix 234] vice- 
adm, blue, xxxii 237] do. white, xxxv 64, © 
adm, blue xxxvii 56 

—— O. E.—sher. Berks. xliii 79 

—— Wm.—maj. command. Roxburgh yeo- 
manry cav. xliv 491 

hon. Wm.—sec. lord-lieut. Irel. xlviii 


W. E.—sher. Notts. xliii 80 

Ellis, Hen.—gov. Nova Scotia, iv 99] 

—— rev. J.—prebend York cath. xlvi 459 

—- col. J. J—maj.-gen. x] 113 

— Owen—sher. Flints. li 551 

— Rog.—sher. Flints. lvi 143 

Welbore —vice-treas. Irel. viii 166] 
xiii 182]xvi 162] treas. navy xx 224] 
prine. sec, state, xxv 234] baron Mendip, 
xxxvi 46 

Ellison, lieut.-gen. Cuthbert—gen. xv 161] 

Cuthbert—sher. Northumberland, 1. 


Rich.—sher. Lincoln. xxxv 75 

Ellkins, rev..Chas.—canon resid. Salisbury, 
xlvi 457 

Elmslie, John—Swedish vice-consul, Gib« 
raltar, x1 110 

Elphinston, Alex.—advocate sheriff depute, 
Aberdeen, xx 225] 

Elphinstone hon. capt. G. K.—treas. &e. to 
duke of Clarence, xxxi 238] 

col. Hoone—maj.-gen. xiii 183] 

gen. xxxv 67 

lieut -col. 

Howard — bart. lvii 


lieut.-co. J. lord—col. 
xlii 49, maj.-gen. xlvii 455 
sir Keith—knt. bath, xxxvi 44, 
rear-adm. white, #6. 45, vice-adm. blue, 
xxxvii 56, baron Keith, xxxix 62 
Elrington, rev. T.—prov. Trin. coll, Dubl. 
liii 154 
maj. T. G.—lieut. col. xliii 53 
Elton, Abrm.—sher. Somerset. xxxiii 64] 
—-—— Tsaac—sher. Gloucester. xxxvi 56 
——— J. M.—sher. Devon. lvii 132 
Elwes, Geo.—sher. Berks liv, 165 
———- John—sher. Gloucester. xli 68 
—<-+» lieut.-col, J. T, H.—coal. xliv 488 
mou R, C,--sher, Northampton, xliy 

y, earl—marq. Ire]. xlii 55, baron Loftus, 
G, Brit. xliii 55 
émbury, John—sher. Gloucester, xxxiv 61 
gland, col. Rich.—maj.-gen. xxxviii 53] 
lieut.-gov. Plymouth, xlv 486, lieut.-gen. 
xlv 487 
glish, Wm.—treas. salt office, xvi 164] 
niskillen, Wm. vise. — earl Enniskillen, 
| xxxi 240] baron Unit. King. lvii 
mnismore, lord—visct. Ennismore and Lis- 
towel, lviii 207 
ys, John—sher. Cornwall, xxxviii 68 
——— —inspect. field offi. volunt. xlv 
resby, lady Willoughby de—lady of bed- 
chamb. to prins. Wales, xxxviii 54] 
the, baron John—visc. xxiii 248] earl, 
xxxi 240] 
rnest, Aug. prince—knt. garter, xxviii218] 
duke Cumberland, &e. xli 50, lieut.-gen. 
army, 5], see Cumberland 
ane R. E. baron—vise. Lorton, Ire]. xl viii 
Erroll, Wm. Hay, earl—knt. marshal Scotl. 
xlvii 453. comm. gen. assem. church, 
Scot]. lix 140, lx 195 
Erskine, hon. David (lord Cardross)—sec. 
embassy, Spain, ix 167] 
— sir Hen. maj.-gen.—lieut.-gen. viii 
sec. to order of thistle, viii 

hon. Hen. — lJord-advocate, Scotl. 
my 232] king’s advocate, do. xlviii 

capt. Hen.—dep. 

Good Hope, xli 52 

maj. Hen.—lieut.-col. xlv 489 

lieut.-col. Jas—col. xlii 49, aid-de- 

camp to the king, xliii 55 

col. John — maj.-gen. E. Indies, 

xxxvili 54] 

sir J. St. Clair—brig. and adj.- 

gen. Portugal, xxxviii 55] maj.-gen. army, 

x1 108, lieut.-gen. xlvi 450 

Mary Hen.—precedency granted to, 

xJiii 57 

Thos.—king’s counsel, xxvi 232] at- 

torney-gen. to pr. Wales, 234] pr. 

Wales, xliv 486, baron Erskine, xlviii 493, 

privy couns. 7. lord chane. ib. 

col. sir Wrm.—maj.-gen. xxii 243] 

lieut.-gen. xxix 234] bart. xxxiii 54] col. 

xliii 53 

Wm.—sher. depute, Orkney and 
Zetland, li 553 

Erving, G. W—Amer. consul, London, xliii 

adj.-gen. Cape 

Espinasse, maj. H. W.—lieut.-col xliv 489 

Essex, earl—lord-lieut. Hertford. vii 121] 
lord bedcliamb, xxv 235] 

—— Geo, earl—lordplieut, Hereford, xliy 

Essington, oapt, Wm, rearendm, blue, slyl 



458, do. red, 1. 174, vice-adm. blue, lii 
322, do. white liii 153 

Este, lieut.-col. C. W.—col. x1 109, maj.-gen. 
xlvii 450 

Etherington, Hen,—bart. xviii 204] 

Eustace, maj.-gen. Cha. lieut.-gen. xli 51 

Hen.—lieut.-col. xlv 490 

Euston, Geo. Hen. earl—lord-lieut. Suffolk, 
xxxii 235] ranger St. James’s and Hyde 
parks, xxxvi 44 

Evance, Thos. — recorder Kingston upon 
Hull, xix 220] 

Evans, capt. Geo.—maj. xlv 489 

Griffith—sher. Merioneth, xxx 234 

— G. F.—sher. Northampton. 1. 178 

Cha.—sher. Anglesea, xlvi 521 

Herb.—sher. Cardigan. xxv 198] 

Hugh.—sher. Anglesea, lii 416 

——— H.—sher. Cardigans. lvii 133 

——— H. P.—sher. Radnor, xliii 80 

capt. John—rear-adm. white, xxii 

243, vice-adm. blue, xxiii 247] do. white, 

xxix 234] do. red, xxxii 237] adm. blue, 

xxxv 64 

maj. J. T.(E. Ind. co. sery)—lieut.- 

col. army, E. Indies, xlii 51 

capt. J. W.—maj. xlii 50 

K.—sher. Herefords. lviii 226 

Rob.—sher. Merioneth, xxvi 236] 

capt Rob.—maj. xlvii 451 

Thos. equerry to his maj. xiv 173] 

T. B.—sher. Norfolk, xxxviii 68) 

Wm.—sher. Anglesea, xl 120 

rev. mr.—master Holy Ghost chapel, 
xix 221] 

Evelegh, col. John—col.-command. xliv 491, 
maj.-gen. 1. 175 E 

Eveleigh, lieut.-col. John—col. xlii 49 

Evelyn, Alex.—sher. Kent, lviii 226 

col. Wm.—maj.-gen. xiii 183] 

Evered, J.—sher. Somersets. lx 207 

Everitt John—knt. xlii 53 

—sher. Beds. xlii 67 

Every, sir Edw.—sher. Derby. xxvi 236] 

———— sir Hen.—sher. Derby. xlvi 520 

Ewart, dr. John—phys. forces in Ceylon, 
x1 110 

Joseph — envoy extr. Berlin, xxx 
229] minister do, xxxi 240] 

Ewer, rt. rev. dr. John bp. Liandafl—~bp. 
Bangor, xi 212] 

Ewing, capt. Pat.—maj. x1 110 

Exeter, Hen, earl—marq. xlii 55 

Exmouth, lord (see Pellew, sir E.)—knt. 
grand-cross, bath, lviii 208, vise. ibe 

Eyre, A. H.—M. P. Nottinghams. xlv 484 

Geo.—sher. Wilts, lvii 132 

capt. H S.—maj. xlvi 455 

—— Jas.—recorder London, vi 67] knt. 
and baron excheq. xv 163] chief baron 
excheq. xxix 232] commiss. great seal, 
xxxiy 56, privy couns, #2, ch, just, eom, 
pleas, xxxy 65 

vom Johin—baron Eyre, Uwel, x 914) 




Eyre, capt. J. T.—maj. xlv 490 
Eyton, Edw.—sher. Denbigh, xxxv 75 

Fagan. Rob.—consul, Sicily, &c. li 553 

Fage, lieut.-col. Edw.—col. xlii 49 

Fahy, lieut.-col. Jas. command. invalids, 
Jersey, xliii 55 

Fairfax, sir W. G. col. mar. xli 48, rear-adm. 
blue, xliii 54, do. white, xlvi 458, vice- 
adm. blue, xlviii 501, do. white, li 556, 
do. red, lii 321 

Falcon, John—consul-gen. Algiers, xli 52 

Falconer, Jonathan—rear-adm. white, xxix 

———- J.—consul, Leghorn. lyi 129 

Falconberg, earl—lord bedchamb. xx 223] 
lord-lieut. N. riding Yorks. 225] 226] 

* Falkener, Tho.—sec. and clerk crown, N. 
Carolina, iv 99] 

Falkiner, F. J.—bart liv 167 

Falkner, Thos.—sher. Rutland, xxvi 252] 

Falmouth, Geo, Evelyn visc.—ch. just. eyre, 
N. Trent, xxxi 240] capt. pens. xxxii 235] 

Hugh, vise.—gen. xv 161] 

Fancourt, capt. R. D.—rear-adm, blue, 1. 
173, do. white, 1i556, do. red, lii 322, 
vice-adm, blue, liv 165 

— St. John—maj.-brig. xl 113 

Fane, capt. Cha.—maj. xlvii 451 

—— Hen.—commiss. salt office, vi 131] 
keeper his majesty’s private roads, &e. xv 
161] 162] 

lieut.-col. Hen.—aid-de-camp to the 
king, xlvii 450, maj.-gen. lii 323 

Fanning, col. Edmund—maj.-gen. xxxv 68, 
xxxvi 46, lieut.-gen. xli 51 

Edw.—lieut.-gov. N. Scotia, xxvi 

———— lieut.-gen. Edw.—gen. 1. 174 
Fanshaw, Rob.—commiss, navy, xliii 62 
Farley, Jas.—maj.-gen. lili 152 
Thos.—sher. Worcester. xxxvi 56 
Farmer, Geo.—bart. xxii 245] 
rev. dr. master Eman. coll. —vice- 
chance. Camb. xviii 205] prince. librarian 
Uniy. xxi 223] canon resid. St. Paul’s, 
xxx 228] 
Rt.—maj.-gen. liii 152 
Farnell, Martin—sher. Derby, xxxi 247] 
Farnham, Barry, earl—privy couns. Irel, 
xxxviii 54] 
E.—sher. Leicester, lvii 132 
Rob. lord—vise. Farnham, Irel. 
vi 129] gov. Cavan, xxii 243] 
Farquhar, lieut.-col. F. W.—dep. inspector 
gen. recruiting service, xliv 489 
R. T—gov. Mauritius, lili 151 
dr. Walter—bart. xxxviii 52, phys. 
pr. Wales, xlii 52 
Farquharson, J. J.—sher. Dorset. li 540 
i maj.-gen, Anth.—lieut.-gen.xliv 
———'— Anth.—bart. lx 196 
—— W.—sher. Lancashire, ly 126 
Fast, Wm.—~bart, ix }64] 

‘ Featherstonhaugh, C, 

Fauconberg, earl—col. York mil. xxxi 241) 

Faulkener, Wm.—fort-adj. Fort Aug. xi 

Faulknor, Jonathan,—rear-adm. red, xxx! 
237] vice-adm. blue, xxxv 65, do. red, 
xxxvi 44, 45, adm. blue, xxxvii 56 

————_——_————_ — rear-adm. white, xlvii 
456, 457, do, red, 1. 174 

capt. John—rear-adm. blue, xlvi 
Fauquier, Cha.—queen’s page, xli 47 
Fran.—sher. Warwick. xli 69 

Faverham, Fras.—rear-adm. white, liv 165 

Faweett, rev. mr.—prebend Durham, xxi 

Fawcett, col. Wm.—lieut.-gov. Pendennis |- 
castle, xiii 184] gov. Gravesend and Til- | 
bury, xix 219] 

lieut..gen. Wm.—knt. bath, xxviii 
220) col. 3rd drag.-guards, xxxiv 57, maj.- 
gen. xxxvi 46, gen. xxxviii 53] gov. Chel- 
sea hosp. 55] privy couns. xli 47 

Fawkener, Wm.—clk. extraord. privy counc. 
vi 131] clk. in ordinary, do. xxi 224] 

- Wm.— minister Portugal, xxviii 
220] envoy extraord. Tuscany, xxix 232] 

Fawkes, Walter—sher. Yorks. xxxi 248] 

col. Walt. (mil.)—col. army, xl 115 

Fayerman, F.—rear-adm. blue, lii 322 

Fead, maj.-gen. G.—lieut.-gen. lii 321 

—— capt. lieut. R.—maj. in Turkey, x] 116 

S.—sher. Cumberl, 

xlvii 517 
capt. H. R.—maj. xlvii 461 
Fector, J. M.—sher. Kent, xlvii 517 
Fedden, J.—sher. Lancash. lx 207 
Fell, David—sher. Oxford, xxxii 246] 
— capt. Joseph—maj. x]vii 451 
Fellowes, capt. P. I.—maj. x! 110 
Fenn, sir John—sher. Norfolk, xxxiii 64] 
Fenton, John—provost marshal, Nova Scotia, 
xv 160] 
Fenwick, maj. John (E. Ind. co. sery.) lieut.- 
col, xl 111 
capt. Wm.—maj. xlvii 451 
Ferdinand, prince Brunswick—knt. garter, 
ii 107] 108] 
Ferguson, Andrew —bart. Irel. xliii 60 
——— lieut.-col. D. C.—col. xlii 49 
—— John—rear-adm. white, xliii 54, 
do. red, xlvi 458, adm. blue, lii 321 
Neil—advoeate to sher. depute 
Fife and Kinross, xli 50 
R. C,.—maj.-gen. lii 323 
col. R. F,—inspect. field offic. 
volunt. xlv 490 
Fergusson, Geo.—lord session, Scotl. xli 51, 
lord justiciary, do. 1. 176 
— Jas. comm. Edinb. liii 151 
— capt. John—rear-adm. blue, xli 

Ferrars, lord de—eapt, gent. pensioners, xxv 
235] privy counc, xxv 235] xxvi 235] 
Ferreir, col. Hay—maj.-gen, xliy 487 


7erres, Washington, earl—rear-adm. white, 
xviii 202] vice-adm. blue, xix 213] do. 
white, xxi 221] 

ferrier, Alex.—consul, Rotterdam, &c. lix 

col. James—maj.-gen. x1 113, lieut.- 

gen. xvii 455 

maj. Jas.—lieut.-col. xliv 491 
J.—rear-adm. blue, lii 322, do. 

red, liv 165 

ettes, Wm.—bart. xlvi 459 

french, dame, Rose—baroness Ffrench, 
Trel. x} 111 

ield, rev. mr.—under-master 

Hosp. xix 219] 

—surgeon to hospitals, N. Amer. 

xviii 205] 

ielden, John—sher. Cheshire, xlv 531 

ielding, John—knt. iv 163] 

iennes, rev. Chas.—prebend. Westminster, 
xxx 229] 

ife, Jas. earl of—baron Fife, xxxii 236] 

earl—lieut, &c. Banff, lv 110 

inch, hon. Chas.—sher. Denbigh. xxv 


hon. col. Edw.—maj.-gen. xliii 55 
W. C.—rear-adm. blue, xxxvi 

Finlay, Hugh—dep. post-master gen. N. 
Amer, xvii 184] 
inne Wm.—dep. commiss.-gen. Irel, xlv 

Fish, John, esq.—vear-adm. blue, xliii 54, 
do. white, xlvi 458, vice-adm. red, lii 321, 
adm. blue, lv 112 

Fisher, B. maj.-gen, liii 151 

brev. col. Gerritt — brigadier-gen. 

xlii 54, maj.-gen: xliii 53 

Jas.—paymaster recruiting district, 

xlv 486 

rey. John—bp. Exeter, xlv 486, do. 

Salisbury, xlix 544 

John—commiss. barracks, xlix 546 

rey. Phil.—master charter h. xlvii 


Fitch, H. W.—sher. Dorsets. xxxii 246] 

Fitzgerald, maj. Aug.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

— lord Chas. — muster-mast.-gen. 
Trel. xxxiv 56, privy couns. do. xxxv 65, 

' year-adm. white, xli 48, lord Lecall, Irel. 
xlii 55, rear-adm. red, xliii 54 

Edward—commiss. stamps, Irel. 

xxxi 239] 

— lord Hen.—joint postmast.-gen. 

Irel. xlviii 496 

capt. Jas.—maj. xli 53, dep. 

adjutant-gen. Mediterranean, xliii 63 

—— John—sher. Flints, xxx 234] 

capt. J. F.—major, xlv 489 

Maurice—commiss. excise and 
cust. Irel. xli 52, commiss. excheq. do. 
xliii 55. xlvi 461 } 

———— lord Rob.—sec. French embassy, 
xxxi 238] 

——-— lord R, S,—-minister Swiss Can* 





tons, xxxiv 56, envoy extr. Copenhagen, 
xxxvii 57, do. Lisbon, xliv 492 
Fitzgerald, maj. Thos.—lieut.«col]. xl 110 
T. K.— bart. Irel.—xliii 60 
—— right hon. W.—chanc. excheq. 
Irel. liv 165, comm. treas. lv 11] 
Fitzgibbon, John—attorney-gen. Ire]. xxvi 
235] lord chancellor do. xxxi 239] lord 
Fitzgibbon, 74. vise. Fitzgibbon, xxxyi 44, 
earl Clare, xxxvii 57 
Fitzharris, visc.—commiss. treas, excheq. 
xlvi 459, gov. Isle of Wight, xlix 545 
Fitzherbert, Alleyne—vesident Brussels, xx 
223] minister Petersburgh, xxvi 233] 
privy couns. xxix 235] privy couns. Irel. 
ij. minister United Provinces, xxxi 238] 
baron St. Helen’s, Irel. xxxiii 53] 
sir H.—sher. Derbys. lvii 132 
Thos.—rear-adm. blue, xxxii 
238] do. red, xxxv 65 
—w— — sher. Herts. xliii 80 
Wm. — commiss. Trade, viii 




—_—_——_——— — bart. xxvi 235] 

Fitzmaurice, hon. Thos.—sher. Denbigh, 

xxiv 203] do. Flints. xxv 198] 

Ulysses—lieut.-gov. St. Vin- 
cent’s, ix 167] 

Fitzpatrick, hon. Edw.—sec. duke Portland, 
xxv 235] 

—— lieut.-col. Rich.—privy counc. 

Irel. xxv 235] sec. at war, xxvi 232] privy 

couns. 75. maj.-gen. x] 108, gen. xlv 487, 

sec. at war, xlviii 493 

col, Rich.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68 * 

Fitzroy, lady Ann—lady bed-chamb. duchs. 
York, xxxiii 55] 

——— col. Chas.—aid-de-camp to his 
majesty, ix 165] major-gen. xv 161] col. 
pe drag. 163] baron Southampton, xxiii 

—— col. hon. Chas.—maj.-gen. xlv 488, 
lieut.-gen. lii 32] 

Chas. lord—maj.-gen. x1 108, 
lieut.-gen. xlvii 450 

——-— lord F.—secret embassy France, 
lvi 128 

—-— hon. capt. Geo.—groom bed-chamb. 
to pr. Wales, xxvi 234] xxix 233] 

——— rev. lord Hen.—prebend. Westm. 
xlviii 501 

Fitzsimmons, capt. Garrett—major, xlvii 

——. J. H.—major, xlvii 452 
Fitzwilliam, John, maj.-gen.—lieut.-gen. viii 

—— earl—cust. rot. Peterborough, 

xxvi 232] presid. council, xxxvi 45, lord 

lieut. Irel. 47 

brey. col. Wm. earl—col. x1 112 

——_—_—_— W. W. earl —lord-lieut. W. 
Riding Yorks. x1 110, presid. privy counc. 
xlviii 495, custos rot. Peterborough, 2b. 

Fleming, rey, Alex,—chaplain in ord, Scott, 
xli 63 




Fleming, hon, C. Elph.—col. mar. liv 165, 
rear-adm. blue, lv 111 

Jobn—bart. vi 127] 

J.—sher. Southampton, lix 150 

R. S.—sher. Herefords. xlvi 520 

——— capt. Thos.—major, xlvii 451 

——— Wm.—clk. privy seal, xvi 164] 

Fletcher, lieut.-gen. Hen.—gen. xxxv 67 

sir H.—sher. Cumberl. lii 322 

J. R.—maj.- gen. liii 152 

L. W. V.—bart. xxviii 218] 

capt.-lieut. Rich.—major, Turkey, 

sir Rd.—bart, liv 167 

T.—sher. Staffords, xxx 233] 

Flint, maj. Wm. (E. Ind. co. sery.)—lieut.- 
col. xl 111 

Flockhart, John—keeper gen, register horn- 
ings, xxi 224] 

Flood, Fred.—bart. Ireland, 
commiss. Impress, xxxi 239] 

Hen.—privy couns. Irel, xvii 188] 
joint vice-treas. do. xviii 204] privy couns. 
xix 219] 

Figysts rt. hon, Chas. lord mayor—bart. li 


Floyd, maj. John, 2lst drag.—lieut.-col. 
23rd drag. xxiv 209] 

—— col. John—maj.-gen. xxxvi 46, lieut.- 
gen. xliii 53, gov. Gravesend, lv 109, 
bart. lviii 207 

Flucker, Thos.—sec. Massachusett’s Bay, 
xili 185] 

Fludyer, Geo.—sher. Rutlands. lvi 142 

ie sir S. B.—sher. Monmouths, lvi 

Foley, E. T.—sher. Hereford, lvii 132 

J. H,—sher, Pembroke, xxxvii 59 
Ralph—bart. x 173] 

rey. dr, Rob.—dean Worcester, xxi 

x1 116 

xxiii 245] 


Thos.—baron Foley xix 215] post- 
master-gen. xxvi 231] 

——~-—- — col. mar. xlix 545, 
rear-adm, red, lii 322 
Foljambe, F. F.—sher, Yorks. xxix 236] 
Folkes, Martin—bart. xvii 186] 
sir M. B.—sher. Norfolk, xxvi 236] 
Folkstone, Wm. lord vise,—baron and earl 
Radnor. viii 167] 
Fonblanque, T’.—consul, Dunkirk, lviii 209 
Fooks, capt. Wm.—rear-adm. blue, xxxix 62 
Foote, Rob.—sher. Kent, lvii 132 
Forbes, maj. Benj.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
hon, Fras. Reg.—secret. legat. Por- 
tugal, lix 141 
capt. Geo. visc.— major, xlvii 452 
col, Gordon—maj.-gen. xxxvi 46, 
lieut.-gen. xliii 53 
— James—maj.-gen. xliv 487 
John—commiss. adm. iv 88] adm. 
white, xiii 184] 
——_—— — capt.-gen. and gov. Bahama 
Islands, xxxix 62 
sir John—barrack-master, xliii 57 

Forbes, John—sher. Merioneths. xlv §32 

J. commiss, transports, ly 111 

lord, maj.-gen.—lieut.-gen. viii 164] 

Ford, Francis—bart. xxxy 65 

dr. James—phys. extr. to the queen, 

xxx 228] 

~ John—sher. Somersets. xxiv 203] 

— vice-adm. blue, xxxvii 56 

——- maj. John—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

Randle—sec. appeals, &c. xvii 183] 

Rich.—knt. xliii 63 

Foresti, Spiridion—his majesty’s resident, 
Seven Islands, xlv 485 

Forrester, capt. Francis—major, xlv 490 

ae? Anth,—chief baron excheq. Irel, ix 

——— James, chief just. Ely—king’s 
serjeant, xv 161] 

——— maj. James—assist. quart.-mast.- 
gen. Irel. xlv 486 

——— maj. Nich.—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 

——— Thompson—surgeon to hosp. N. 
Amer. xviii 205] 

rey. Wm—bp. Cork, xxxi 239] 

Forsyth, Thos.—sher. Rutlands. xxxvi 56 

Fort, G. Y.—sher. Wilts. xlii 67 

Fortescue, Edw.—Ulster king at arms, &c. 
Tre]. xxix 232] 
— Hugh, lord—lord ‘lieut. Devon. 
xxx 229] earl Fortescue, &c. xxxi 240] 
col. North Devon milit, xxxiv 57 
Jas.— privy couns. Irel. xiii 

maj. W. C.—lieut.-col. xlii 49 

hon. W. H.—baron Clermont, 
Trel. xiii 183] 

Fortrey, James—commiss, navy, viii 164] 

Fortrose, Kennith, lord visc.—earl Sea- 
forth, xiv 174] 

Forward, Wm.—privy couns. Irel. xxxv 65 
Foster, A. J.—minister legation, Sweden, |. 
177, env. extr. United States, liii 150 
Aug.—sec. legation, United States, 

xlvi 460 
rev. dr. John—canon Windsor, xv 

John—privy couns. Irel. xxii 244, 
do. G. Brit. xxviii 218] lord justice Irel. 
xxix 234] gov. Louth, xl 111, commiss, 
treas. excheq. Irel. xlvi 461, chanc. 
excheq. do. 461, 462, commiss. treas. 
excheq. xlix 545, 546, do. England, lii 

———— Margaretta—baroness Oriel, Irel. 
xxxii 236] 

rev, Wm.—bp. Kilmore, xxxii 236] 

Fothergill, rev. dr. Thos.—prebend. Dur- 
ham, xviii 203] 

Fotheringham, maj. Geo. (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
—lieut.-col. xl Lil 

capt. Thos.—major, xlvii 452 

————_-——_ rev. —archdeacon Coventry, 
xxi 223] 

Foulis, sir W. bart.—sher. Yorks. xliv 524 

Foulkes, Bromfield—sher. Flints. xxxvii 59 




Fountain, rev. Thos.—prebend. Worcester, 
xvii 185] 

Foveaux, maj. Joseph—lieut.-col. xliv 483 

Fowke, Francis—sher. Radnor. xxxvii 59 

F. G.—bart. lv 111 

Thos.—knt. xxii 244] 

Fowle, W. sher.—Wilts. lv 126 

Fowler, rev. dr. Rob. prebend. Westm.—bp. 
hhh xiv 172] archbp. Dublin, xxi 

rev. Rob.—dean St. Patrick’s, xxxv 
68, bp. Ossory, lv 110 

Fox, lady Caroline—baroness, v 83] 

hon. C. Jas.—lord admir. xiii 182] do. 

treasury, xv 164] sec. state, xxv 234] 

Xxvi 231] privy couns. xlviii 492, princ. 

sec, state, 493, commiss. India Aflairs, 7b. 

gov. charter house, 496 

lieut.-gen. hon. Edw. — commander 
Mediterranean, xliii 61 

— hon. Hen.—lord Holland, vi 127] 

— maj.-gen. hon. H. E.—lieut.-gen. xli 
51, lieut.-gov. Minorea, 52, command. 
forces, Irel. xlv 484 gov. Portsmouth, lii 

—— James—sher. Yorks, xlvi 521 

—— John—sher. Beds. xl 119 

—— Foy, Geo.—consul Stockholm, lv 109 

Framingham, capt. Flaylett—gov. Fornelles, 
Minorca, xli 51 

Frampton, James—sher. Dorsets. xxxv 75 

—— Rob.—capt. Fort St. Philip, 
Minorca, vi 129] 

Francis, rey. C.—prebend. Salisb. xlviii 496 

sir Philip—knt. bath, xlviii 500 

———— capt. R. S.—maj. xl vii 451 

Frank, — M. D.— inspector hosp. forces, xlii 

Frankfort, lord—commiss. excheg. Irel. xlii 
54, xliii 55. xlvi 461, visct. lviii 207 

Frankland, Fred.—comptroller excise, vi 

——— Hen.—vice-adm. blue, xlviii 501, 
do. white, 1i 556, do. red, lii 321 

sir Thos.—adm. blue, xiii 184] 

do. white, xviii 201 



— sher. York, xxxiv 

Wm.—sher. Sussex, xxv 198] 

Franklin, rev. H.—Barford rect. Norfolk, 
xlviii 503 

Joseph—sher. Bucks. xlv 531 

Franks, J. H.—sher. Leicest. lvi 142 

Fraser, capt. Andrew (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
—brev. major, E. Indies, xlii 51 

A.—tear-adm. blue, liii 153 

C. H.—sec. embassy, Madrid, xxxi 

239] minister Lower Saxony, &c. xxxii 


lieut.-col. Erskine — inspect. field 
officer volunt. xlvi 456 
Hen.—sec. legat. Petersburgh, xxix 

col, John—col. command. infantry, 
xlii 485 ¥ 

Fraser, brev. lieut.-col. John—col, xlii 55 
col. J. H.—major-gen, xliii 53 

Simon—maj.-gen. xxxviii 53] 
lieut.-gen, Portugal, 55] lieut.-gen. xlv 

Thos. gent.—barrack-master, Fort 

George, xlii 50 

Wm. M. D.—phys. extr, pr. Wales, 
xlviii 500 

Frazer, M.—lieut.-gen. lii 323 

col. Simon—maj.-gen. xv 161] col. 

Tist foot, xix 216] 

Wm.—commiss. privy seal, xi 210, 

under sec, to lord Weymouth, and Gazette 

Writer, xiii 184] commissary, Inverness, 

xx 224] 

—— — bart. xlviii 501 

Frederick, H. R. H. prince—bp. Osnaburgh, 
vii 55] knt. bath, xi 162]. See Osna- 
burgh. Capt. and col. 2nd troop horse 
grenadier guards, xxv 234] See York, 
duke of 


sir Chas,—knt, bath, iv 115] 
— maj. E. B.—assist. barrack-mast.- 
gen. xlvi 456 
———- John—commiss. customs, vi 127] 
ix 165] 
- col. Marisco— major-gen, xiii 
183] gen. xxxv 67 
- capt. T. L, rear-adm. blue, xxxix 
62, do. red, xii 48 
Freeman, lieut.-col. Q. J,—dep. barrack- 
mast.-gen. Irel. xli 50, col. xliii 53 
Strickland—sher. Oxfords, xxxvii 


Freeling, dr. Thos.—church of lady Yesters, 
Edinb. xlviii 500 

Freemantle, col. J.—dep.adjut.-gen. Jamaica, 
Ixi 114 

—— T. F.—lordadm. xlviii 500, rear- 
adm. blue, lii 322, do. white, liv 165, knt. 
grand cross bath, Ix 195 

Freke, John—bart. Irel. xi 211] 

—— col. John — maj.-gen. xxxviii 53] 
lieut.-gen. xlv 487 

French, capt. Anth.— major, xlvii 452 

Charles—bart. Irel. xxii 244] 

——— lieut.-col. Joseph—colonel, xly 488 

——— sir R. L.—knt. comm. bath, lviii 

Frere, Barth.—sec. legat. Lisbon, xliii 61 
sec. embassy, Spain, li 553, do, Porte, liii 

—-— J. H.—minister Portugal, xlii 54, 
envoy ext. Madrid, xliv 492, privy couns. 
xlvii 452, envoy extr. Prussia, xlix 544, 
do. Spain, 1. 176, 177 

Frewen, John—sher. Leicesters. xxxiii 64] 

Frewin, Rich.—commiss. customs, xxviii 

Frith, major Rob. (E, Ind. co. serv.) lieut - 
col. xl 111 

Sam.—sher. Derbys. xxiv 202] 

Froome, maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 

Fuentes, count de—Spanish ambass. i 97] 




Fullarton, John—sher. Warwick, 1. 173 
— Wm.—sec. embassy France, xx 


Fuller, lieut.-col. Fras.—col. xl 108, maj.- 
gen. xlvii 450, lient.-gen. liii 151 

Fuller, col. Fras.—brig.-gen. Newfoundland, 
x1 115 

H.—attorney-gen. Trinidad, lvi 129 

John—sher. Sussex, xxxviii 69] 

maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 

Fullerton, Wm.—commiss. government Tri- 
nidad, xliv 490 

Furbar, ‘John—col. —maj.-gen viii 165] 

Fursmann, Mich.—Danish consul in Eng- 
land, xx 223] 

minty Thos. jun—M. P. Boston, xlv 

Fyers, maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

—— W.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Fyffe, capt. Thos.—maj. x1 112 

Gage, lord vise. (Irel.) — paymaster pensions, 
viii 166] baron Gage, xxiii 247] 

lieut.-col. Hen. vise. —col. xl 110, maj.- 

gen. xlvii 450 . 

maj.-gen. Thos,—commander-in-chief, 
N, Amer. vii 21] lieut.-gen. xiii 183] gov. 
Massachusetts, and vice-adm. there, xvii 

—— hon. W. H. G. visc.—baron Gage, G. 
Brit. xxxii 238] 

Gaisford, J.—sher. Wilts. xxxv 75 

rev. T.— Greek prof. Oxf. liv 


Galbraith, Jas.—bart, liv 167 

Gale, lieut.-col. H. R. col. x1 110, maj.-gen. 
xlvii 450, lieut.-gen. liii 151 

Galloway, earl—commiss. police, Scotl. xvii 
183] knt. thistle, xviii 205] 

John, earl— baron Steward, G. 
Brit. xxxviii 54] 

Geo. earl.—lieut. and sher. princ. 
Wigtoun, xlix 543, rear-adm. blue, lii 

Galway, visc.—master buckhounds, viii 166] 
envoy extr. Ratisbon, xxvi 230] 

Gamball, Wm. commiss. barracks, Dublin, 
xv 162] 

Gambier, Jas.—comptr. victuallers’ accts. 
xvi 164] rear.-adm. blue, xxi 221] do. 
red, xxii 243] vice.-adm. blue, xxiii 247] 
vice-adm. red, xxix 234] col. mar. xxxvi 
45, lord adm. xxxvii 55, 58 

capt. Jas. — rear-adm. 
xxxvii 56 
capt. Jas,— maj. of brigade, xl 


Jas.—vice-adm. blue, xli 48 do. 
white, xliti 54, do. red, xlvi 458, com- 
miss. admiralty, 459, xlix 543, baron 
Gambier, 546, consul-gen. Portuguese, 
S. Amer, |. 174, knt. 7d. consul-gen. Hol- 
land, lvi 128 
— —consul-gen, Lisbon, xlv 

Gambier, Sam.—commiés. navy, xliii 62 

adm. lord—adm. white, lii 32], 
comm. peace Amer. lvi 128, knt. grand 
cross, bath, Ivii 119 

Gammell, lieut.-col. And.—col. xlii 49 

Gamon, Rich.—bart. xxxvii 55 

Ganganelli, card.—pope Clement XIV. xii 
36] 37] 102] 

Gansell, col. Wm.—major-gen. viii 165] 
lieut.-gen. xv 161] 

Garbet, F.—sher. Radnor, xxxii 246] 

Garden, Francis—lord justiciary, Scotl. xix 

—-— col. Rob.—inspect. field off. volunt. 
xlv 487 

Gardener, J.—sher. Camb. xxxviii 68 

Gardiner, J. W. esq.—bart. xxvi 229] sher. 
Southampton, xxvii 252] 

—— Luke—privy couns. Irel. xxiii 
248] 249] baron Mountjoy, do. xxxi 240 

——— Wm.—nminister Warsaw, xxxiii 55 

- maj.-gen. Wm.—lieut.-gen. xli 
51, gov. Kinsale, xliii 61 

Gardner, Alan—commiss. adm. G. Brit. and 
Trel, xxxii 234] lord adm. xxxiii 54] 
rear-adm. blue, xxxv 65, vice-adm. 
blue, xxxvi 45, bart. 46, lord adm. 47, 
vice-adm. white, xxxvii 56, adm. blue, 
xli 48, lord Gardner, Irel. xlii 55, baron 
Gardner, xlviii 501, adm. red, |. 174, 
rear-adm. white, lii 322, do. red, liii 153, 
viscount, lvii 130 

— hon, F. F.—rear-adm. blue, liv 


maj. John (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. x] 111 

sir J. W. S.—sher. Southampton, 
lii 416 
Sam.—sher. Oxfords. xxxvi 56 
lieut.-gen. Wm.—gov. Kinsale, 

xliv 484 n 
W. Dunn—sher. Cambridges. liii 
Garlies, lord John—commiss. trade, xv 

Garlike, Benj.—sec. legation, Berlin, xxxviii 
55] sec. Russian embassy, xliii 59, minis- 
ter, Copenhagen, xlvi 460 

Garnett, rev. John—canon Windsor, xxxv 64 

———— rev. John—dean Exeter, lii 319 

Garnons, Rich.—sher. Flints. xlvi 521 

Rich.—sher. Caernarvon, xlvii 

Garrett, Wm.—sher. Southampton, xliii 80 

Garrick, N. E.—lieut. of yeomen of guard, 
xlviii 499 

Garrow, Edw.—sher. Herts. xlvi 520 

-———— Wm.—king’s couns. xxxv 65, at- 
torney-gen. pr. Wales, xlviii 493, solicitor- 
gen. liv 166, (sir Wm.) attorn.-gen. lv 
112, ch. just. Chest. lvi 127, puisne 
baron excheq, lix 141 

Garstin, maj. John (E. Ind, co. serv.)—— | 
lieut.-col. x1 111 

—— capt, J, By—major, xlvii 452 




Garstin, Rob.—sher. Beds. li 540 

Garth, maj.-gen. Geo.—col. xxxiv 57, lieut.- 
gen. xxxvili 53] gen. xliii 53 

col. Tho.—maj.-gen. x1 108, col. Ist 
drag. xliii 55, lieut.-gen. xlvii 450 

Garthshore, Wm.—commiss. adm. xliii 56 

ets Rd. Oliveesher. Yorks. lviii 

Gascoyne, Bamber—commiss. trade, vi 128] 
lord adm. xxii 244] . 

col. Isaac—maj.-gen, xliii 53 

Gason, W. F.—sub-brigadier and cornet 
horse-guards, xvii 204] 

Gaussen, S. R.—sher. Herts. xxxii 246] 

Gayton, Clark—rear-adm. white, xiii 185] 
do. red, xviii 202] vice-adm. white, xix 
213] do. red, xx 221] 

——— George—rear-adm. red, xxxvi 45, 
vice-adm. white, xxxvii 56 

Geary, Fras.—vice-adm. red, xiii 184] adm. 
blue, xviii 201] do. white, xxi 221] 

Geils, col. Tho.—maj.-gen. E. Indies, 
xxxviii 54 

Gell, capt. John—rear-adm. blue, xxxv 65, 
vice-adm. blue, xxxvi 45, do. white, 
xxxvii 56, adm. blue, xli 48 

Gent, col. Wm.—maj.-gen. xliv 489 

George, Rupert—knt. xlv 484, commiss. 
transports, 485, bart. li 554, comm. 
transp. serv. liv 166, do. lv 111 

Gerald, dr.—chaplain in ord, to his majesty, 
Scotl. xli 46 

Germain, lord Geo.—baron Bolebrooke and 
vise. Sackville, xxv 234] 

Germaine, lord Geo. Sackville—prine. sec. 
state, xviii 204] 

Geyte, capt. C. W, Le—maj. xlvii 451, 452 

Gibbard, Wm.—sher. Beds. xxvii 252] 

Gibbs, Philip—bart. xvii 186] 

maj. Sam.—lieut.-col. xliv 486 

Vicary—knt. xlvii 453, chief bar. 
excheq. lv 111, judge comm. pl. liv 164 

Gibbings, maj. Edw. (E. Ind. co, serv.)— 
brev. lieut.-col. xlii 51 

Gibbon, Edward—lord of trade, xxii 244] 

——— sir W. bart.—commiss. sick and 
hurt, xxxi 238] 

Gibbons, sir John—knt. bath, iv 115] 

Gibson, A.—consul Dantzic, viii 209- 

lieut.-col. Tho.—col. xliv 488 

Gideon, Sampson, jun.—bart. ii 89] 

Gidom, J. S.—rear-adm: red, xxxvi 40, 
vice-adm. white, xxxvii 56 

Giffard, Hardinge—chief just. Ixi 113 

Gifford, sir R.—solic.-gen. lix 141, attorn.- 
gen. Ixi 113 

capt. Wm.—major, x1 117 

——- brey.-maj. Wm.—dep. adj.-gen. 
Malta, xlv 482 ‘ 

Gildart, Rich.—sher. Staffords. xxvi 236] 

Gillanders, maj. John (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 111 

Gillies, Adam—state couns. Scoitl. xlvili 496, 
judge Sess, Scotl, liii 154, lord just. Scotl. 
liv 163 
Pant II, 

Gillson, W.—sher. Rutlands. lii 416 

Gilmour, sir Alex.—clk. board green cloth, 
viii 166] 

oat J. B.—consul, Rhode Island, Ix 

rev. W.—Church Pulverbach rect. 
Salop, xlviii 502 

Gilson, J, C.—sher. Rutlands. lviii 226 

W.—sher. Rutlands. xliv 524 

Gilufh, S. F.—sher. Essex, xlv 531 

eh John Chas,—sher. Derbys. Ix 

Gisborne, col. Jas.—maj.-gen. xiii 183] 

Dr. Tho.—extra~ phys. to he 
majesty, xxxv 66 

Glandore, John, earl—keeper Rolls, Irel. 
xxxi 240] 

Glanville, Fr.—sher. Cornwall, xxxv 75 

Glasgow, maj. Geo.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

——- G.— maj.-gen. liii 152 

col. Geo, earl—col. in army, xl 

114, lieut. and sher. Renfrewshire, lii 
320, baron Unit. Kingd. lvii 120 

Glass, maj. Andrew—lieut.-col. xliv 490 

Glassgow, brev. lieut.-col. Geo,—lieut.-col. 
xliv 484 

Gledstanes, lieut.-col. Albert — quarter- 
mast.-gen. Leeward Islands, x1 117, adj.- 
gen. do. xli 51, col. xlv 488 

Gleed, J.—solic. excise, Scotl. liv 162 

Glegg, maj. Berkenhead—lieut.-col. xliv 


John—sher. Cheshire, xxx 233] 

J. B.—sher. Cheshire, lvi 142 

Gleig, bp.—primate Epis. Ch. Scotl. Iviii 

Glenbervie, lord—paymaster-gen. forces, 
xliii 56, commiss. India affairs, 57. xliv 
490. xlv 491, pres. comm. of trade, 62, 
surveyor-gen. woods and forests, xlv 480. 
xlix 546 

Glencairn, col, Wm. earl—major-gen. xiii 
Glentworth, E. H. lord—keeper privy seal, 
Trel. xxxvii 57, vise. Limerick, xlii 55 
Glerawley, Fran, Chas. visc.—earl Annesley 
Trel. xxxi 240] 

Gloag, dr. Wm.—his majesty’s almoner, 
Scotl. xli 46 

Gloster, Arch.—advocate to forces, Leeward 
Islands, xl 110 

Gloucester, H. R. H. duke of—col. 13th 
foot, ix 164] keeper Cranbourn Chase 
lodge, &c. x 174] maj.-gen. forces and 
col. 3rd foot guards, xi 209] col. ist. do. 
xiii 182] lieut,-gen. 183] chance. Univ. 
Dublin, xiv 112] warden New Forest, 
170] gen. xv 161] 

—— — duke—field-marshal, xxxv 67 

Wm. Fred. duke of—col. 3rd 
foot-guards, xlviii 497, gen. 1. 174, field 
marshal, lviii 208 

Glyn, col. Tho. (militia)—col. xl 115 

Glynn, E. J.—sher. Cornwall, xli 69 

sir R, Chart, xlii 54 





Glynn, mr. serjt.—recorder, London, xv 
138] 139] 

Glynne, sit Steph.—sher. Flints. xliv 524 

Godfrey, E, $.—clk, peace, co. Notts. xlviii 

T. J.—sher. Kent, xliv 625 
Godsal, P. L.—lieut. of band of pens, xlviii 
Goldie, A. J.—maj.-gen. liii 152 
col. Tho.—maj.-gen. xxxviii 53] 
lieut.-col. xlv 489 
Golden, Edw.—sher. Berks. xxxi 247] 
Golding, Edw.—commiss. India affairs, xliii 
57. xliy 490. xlv 491, commis. treas. of 
.  excheq. 7d. 
Goldsworthy, Philip—equerry to his majes- 
ty, xxx 229] 
—— major-gen,—col. Ist drag, 
guards, xxxvi 44 
— maj.-gen. Phil. —lieut.-gen. 
xli 51 
Gomm, Wm.—sec. Dutch embassy, xxx 
Gooch, sir Tho.—sher. Suffolk, xxvii 252] 
lieut,-col. Wm,—col, xlii 49 
Wm.—inspect. field off. volunt. xlv 


Goodall, dr. Joseph—prebend St. George’s, 
Windsor, |. 173 

——-— 58. C,—rear-adm. blue, xxxii 238] 
do. red, xxxv 65, vice-adm. blue, xxxvi 
45, do. red, xxxvii 56, adm. blue, xli 48, 
do, white, xliii 53 

Goodenough, G.°T.—commiss, taxes, xl 

— dr. Sam.—dean, Rochester, 
xliv 492, bp. Carlisle, 1, 172 

Goodfood, J.—sher. Somerset, lviii 226 

Goodlad, R.—sher. Southampt, lx 207 

Goodlake, Tho.—sher. Berks. xxxv 74 

Goodricke, sir John—privy couns. xvi 165] 

Goodwin, Cha.—sher. Denbigh, xxvi 236] 

Goold, Francis—bart. Irel. xliii 60 

Gordon, col. lord Adam—major-gen, xv 
161] gov. Tynemouth, xxi 222] com- 
mand.-in-chief, Scotl. xxxi 239] gen. xxxv 
67, gov. Edinburgh, xxxvyiii 55] 

— Alex. duke—keeper great seal, 
Scotl. xlix 544 

—— Alex.—knt. xlii 53 

——— rev. Alex.—chap]. Fort St. George, 
N. Brit. xxxix 63 

——-— maj.-gen. And.—lieut.-gen. Jersey, 
xli 54, lieut.-gen. xliii 53 

——— Archb.—consul, Havre, lviii 209 

A. P. C.—bart. xlvi 459 

——-—— maj.-gen. Benj. —lieut.-gen. xxxviii 
53] gen. xliii 52 

Cosmo—baron excheq. Scotl., xx 


——-— maj. David—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
rey. G.—Horbling vic. Lincoln, 
xlix 542 ; 
——- rev, Geo.—dean Exeter, li 552, 

dean and resid, Lincoln, lii 819 

Gordon, H. M.—quarter-master-gen. E. 
Indies, x1 110, maj.-gen. liii 152, lieut.- 
gov. Jersey, lviii 208 

——— maj. Jas. (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
brev. lieut.-col. xlii 51 

John—assist. commiss, stores, Do- 
minica, xli 46 

——— maj. John—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

———-— _John—inspect. field off. volunt. 
xlvi 45], 

——— maj. John—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 

——-— sir J. W.—sher. Lincolns. xxvi 
236] bart. 1x 196 

—— col. Rob. — command.-in-chief, 

Bombay, xvii 184] 

Rob,—lieut.-goy. Berbice, lii 320, 

secr. embass. Netherl. ly 112 

Rob,—sher. Gloucesters, liii 169 

——-—— sir Sam.—bart, vii 121] 

——— Theo. M. D.— princ. inspector 
hosp. lii 319 

—--— Wm.—minister, Ratisbon, vii 120] 
envoy extra, Denmark, viii 165] minis- 
ter, Brussels, 168] knt. bath, xviii 201] 
clk.-comptr. board of green cloth, xxiii 

—— Wm.—commiss. victualling off. xv 
163) ‘ 



lord Wm.—vice-adm. Scotl. xix 

maj.-gen, Wm,—col. 7] st foot, xxxi 


lieut.-col. Wm, — assist.-quarter- 
mast.-gen, India, xlv 484 . 
——— hon. Wm. —lieut.-gen, xxxv 68, 
gen. xl 108 
7 lord Wm.—receiv.-gen. Cornw. lix 

lieut.-col. Willoughby—dep. adjut.- 
gen, Jamaica, xlv 482, dep. barrack-mast.- 
gen. xlvi 455 

—— duke — kat. thistle, xviii 201] 
keeper seal, Scotl. xxxvi 45 

—-— hon. col.—greom bedchamber, xviii 

Gore, maj. Arthur—lieut.-col. xliv 492, do. 
33rd foot ibid. 

—— Francis—inspect. field off. volunt. xlv 
490, gov. Bermuda, xlvii 452, gov. Up. 
Canada, xlviii 495 

———- Hen.—baron Annaly, Irel. xxxi 241] 

John—fort-maj. fort St. Philip, Mi- 

norca, vi 129] 

col. John—maj.-gen. viii 165] lieut.- 

gen. xv 161] col. 6th foot, xvi 163] 

John—solicit.-gen. Irel.—ch. just. K. 

B. Ire]. vii 121] baron Annaly, &c. yiii 


sir J.—rear-adm. blue, ly 112 

—— sir Ralph—baron Gore, Irel. vii 121] 
vise. Belleisle xi 211] See Belleisle, vise. 

—— rt. rev. dr.—bp. Elphin, viii 165] do. 
Limerick, xv 160] 

— maj. Ralph—inspect. field off. volunt. 
xlv 487 

Gore, maj, Rich. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—lieut.- 
col, army E, Ind. xlii 51 

—— Wm.—inspect. field off. volunt. xlv 

_ 487 

—— W. O.—sher. Shrops. lix 150 

Goreham, col. Jose ph—maj.-gen. xxxii 233] 

Gorford, W.—sher. Yorks. lvii 132 

Gorges, rev. Rob. LL,B.—dean, Kilmac- 
duagh, xiv 174] 

Gorham, maj.— lieut.-gov. Placentia, xiii 

» 182] 

Gorringe, W.—sher. Sussex, xlviii 575 

Gosford, Arthur, visc.—gov. Armagh, xxxiii 
53] privy couns, Irel. xxxv 65, earl, do. 
xlviii 493 

Gosselin, maj. Gerrard—lieut.-col, xlii 49 

Gough, lieut-col.—knt. lviii 208 

Goulbourn, Hen,—commiss. peace Amer. 
lvi 128 

ee Cha.—knt. xxii 244] bart. xxxiv 

capt, Davidge—rear-adm. blue, xlix 
545, do. white, li 556, do red, lii 322, 
vice-adm. blue, liii 153 

sir Hen,—judge common pleas, xiii 

E. T—sher. Notts. xxxiv 61 

- John—sher. Dorsets. xlvii 517 

Gowdie, lieut,-col. Fras. (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
col. xl 111 

Gower, capt. Erasmus—knt. xxxiv 57, rear- 

adm. white, xli 48, do. red, xliii 54, vice- 

adm. white, xlvi 458, adm. blue, li 55, 

do. white, lii 321 

Granville Leveson, earl — lord 

chamb. of his majesty’s household, vi 

129] lord presid. of council, x 174] knt. 

‘garter, xiv 171] pres. privy coune. xxvi 

234] marq. Stafford, xxviii 217] 

earl—ambass. France, xxxli 236] 

privy couns. xxxii 236] 

Geo. Granville Leveson — baron 
Gower, xli 49, lord-lieut. Stafford, 53, 
lord tveas. xlii 53, privy couns. xlvi 461, 
ambass. St. Petersburgh, 2b. .xlix 544, 

- sec,-at-war, li 553, viscount Granville, 
lvii 120 

J. L—commiss. adm. xxvi 229] 
235] rear-adm. blue, xxix 234] do. white, 
xxxil 237] 

— lieut.-col. J. L.—col. xlii 49, maj.- 
gen. xlvii 455 

Gowslade, John—gent. usher, xvii 188] 

Grace, maj. Oliver—lieut.-col. xli 53 

Greme, Alex.—commiss. for sale of lands, 
W. Indies, vii 120] 

capt. Alex.—rear-adm. white, xxxvii 

56, do. red, xxxix 62, vice-adm. red, 

xliy 487, adm. blue, xlvi 457, do. white, 

1. 174, do. red, lv 112 

col. Day. — major-gen. viii 165] 
lieut.-gen: xv 161] | 

Grafton, duke—prine. sec. state, viii 166] 

first lord treas. ix 165] chance. uniy. of 

Camb. x 212] lord-lieut. Suffolk, xii 171] 


knt. garter, 74. keeper privy seal, xiv 
172] ranger Salcey Park, id. comptr. 
green-wax office, &c. xviii 187] 
Grafton, Hugh Hen. duke—lord privy seal, 
xxv 234] 
Graham, brey. maj. C. 
Edinb. castle, xlv 485 
James — bart. xxvi 229] sher. 
Cumberl. xxxvii 58 
marquis—commiss. treas. 
xxvili 219] privy couns. and pres. of 
commee. of trade, xxxi 240] paymaster- 
gen. forces, xxxi 240] lord-lieut. Hunt- 
ingdon, xxxii 236] 
Jas.—sher. Cumberland, xxxviii 

D. — fort-major, 

——— Jas.—hbart. 1. 176 
———— lord—commiss. treas. xxvi 235] 
——— Rob.—commiss. excise, Scotl. xxix 

Rob.—attor.-gen. pr. Wales, xxxv 
64, king’s counsel, ¢b. 65 

—— Rob.—knt. xlii 53 

——— lieut.-col. Sam.—dep. gov. Stirling 
Castle, xlii 52, col. xliy 488 

—— T.—sher. Cornwall, xlviii 576 

——— maj.-gen. T.—lieut.-gen. lii 321, 
knt. bath, liy 162, baron Lynedoch, lvi 

Gram, Alex.—vice-adm, white, xli 48 

Granard, lieut.-col. Geo, earl—col. xliii 53, 
baron Granard, xiviii 494 

Granby, John, marquis—master-gen. ord- 
nance, vi 130] lord-lieut. and cust. rot. 
Derbys. vii 120] command.-in-chief, 
forces, G. Brit. ix 165] 

Grandison, Eliz. visc —yiscountess Villiers, 
and countess Grandison, Irel. ix 167] 

Grant, Alex.—surg. hosp. N. Amer. xvili 

dr. Andrew—first minister of Canon- 

gate Ch. 1. 175 

Chas.— privy-coune. lxi 113 

maj. Colquhoun—licut.-col. xliv 490 

sir Edw.—privy couns, xliii 58 

col. Fras.—major-gen. xiii 183] 

—— F. W.—sher. Inverness, li 554 

Harry—Awmerican consul, Leith, x} 


H. J.—sher. Glamorg. lviii 226 
James—gov. E. Florida, vi 131] 
lieut.-gov. Fort George, Inverness, xvii 

col. Jas.—major-gen. Amer. xix 


lieut,-gen. Jas.—gov. Stirling Castle, 
xxxi 239] gen. xxxviii 53] 
maj. Jasper—lieut.-col. xlv 489 
—— John—lieut.-col. xliv 488 
brev. maj. J. M.—assist. barrack- 
mast.-gen. xlyi 455 
maj. Lewis (E. Ind. co. sery.)—lieut.- 
col. xl 111 
——— maj. Ludowick (E. Ind, co, serv.)—= 
lieut.-col, xl 111 


Grant, Wm.—justice, Carnarvon, &c. xxxv 

—— sir Wm.—master Rolls, xliii 58 

—-— lieut.-col. Win.—col. xlvii 450 

Grantham, lord—postmaster-gen. viii 166] 
ambass. Spain, xiv 170] first lord of trade, 
xxiii 249] prine. sec. state, xxv 236] 

— lord-lieut. Beds. lx 195 

Graves, Sam.—rear-adm. red, xiii 184] vice- 
adm. blue, 185] do. white, xviii 201] 
202] do. red, xix 213] adm. blue, xxi 

Thos.—col. marines, xvii 202] rear- 
adm. blue, xxii 243] do. xxix 234] do. 
white, xxxii 237] do. red, xxxv 64, lord 
Graves, Ire]. xxxvi 47, adm. white, xxxvii 

capt. Tho.—rear-adm. white, xliii 54, 
knt. bath, 58, rear-adm. red, xlvi 458, 
vice-adm. do. lii 821, adm. blue, liv 165 

Gray, lieut.-col. Chas.—aid de-camp to his 
maj. xvi 162] 

maj. Cha.—lieut. col. xliv 488 

David—sec. legat. Dresden, xxxiii 55] 

col. Geo.—maj.-gen, viii 165] lieut.- 

xiii 183] 

sir Jas.—knt. bath, iv 115] gov. Dover 
Castle, &c. viii 168, ambass. Spain, ix 
167] privy couns. xii 172] 

—— rev. Rob. — prebend. Durham, xlvi 

R. W.—sher. Northumb. xxxiv 61 

Grayburne, M. N.—sher. Lincoln. xlix 585 

Greathead, Edw.-—sher. Dorset. xxxvii 58, 
liii 169 

Greaves, Edw.—sher. Lancaster, liv 185 

Greehill, B.—sher. Somerset. xliv 524 

Green, lieut.-col. Chas. —- gov. Grenada, 
xxxvili 55] brig.-gen. Leeward Islands, x1 
115, knt. xlv 483, maj.-gen, 488, bart. 
xlvii 457, lieut.-gen. 1i 555 : 

lieut.-col. Christ. (E. Ind. co. serv.) 

—col. xl 111 

Hen.—sher. Leicester. xli 68 

maj. James—lieut.-col. xlv 489 

—— Jas.—consul-gen. Morocco, xlviii 


Joseph—sher. Cheshire, xli 68 
J. M.—sher. Herefords. xxxvii 59 
Nath. — consul Tripoli, xvii 187] 


capt. Nutall—maj, xlv 489 - 

——— P.—sher. Berks. lii 416 

sir Wm.—lieut.-gen. xxxv 68 

Wm.—bart. xxviii 218] 

lieut.-gen. sir Wm.—gen. xl 108 

dr. bp. Lincoln—canon resid. St. 
Paul’s, Lond. xiv 174] 

Greenly, sir Jas. Coff—vice-adm. red, liv 

——— Wm.—sher. Brecon, xlvii 517 

Greensmith, Herb.—sher. Derby, xxvii 

Greenwood, Chas.—treas, mil. coll, xliii 


Gregor, F.—sher. Cornwall, xxx 234] 
Gregory, dr.—pvebend, St. Paul’s, xxxv 66— 
———— Geo.—rear-adm. blue lii 322, do. 
white, liii 153, do. red, liv 165 
—-— Geo. de Ligne—sher. Notts. xxxiii 
——-— Wm.—consul, Barcelona, xx 226] 
Grenber, maj. Rich. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
Jieut.-col. xl 111 
Grenville, hon. Geo.—princ. sec. state, v 86] 
first lord treas. vi 40] 
lord Geo. Nugent—lord Nugent, — 
Trel. xlii 55 
hon. Hen.—commies. customs, viii 

Jas, — joint-vice-treas. Irel. xi 
211] lord treas. xxv 234] commiss. for 
treas. excheq. 236] 

xXxxix 63 

maj.-gen. Rich. — lieut.-gen, 
xxxviii 53] commandant Plymouth, x1 117, 
gen. xliii 53 
hon. Thos.—privy couns. xl 117, 
warden and justice in Eyre’of forests, &c. 
south of Trent, xlii 53, first lord adm. 
xlviii 499 
hon. Wm. Wyndham—joint pay- 
master of forces, xxvi 235] speaker of H. 
Commons, xxxi 237] sec. of state, 239] 
baron Grenville, xxxii 238] commiss. 
treas. excheq. xlviii 493, commiss, India 
affairs, 7b. 494 
maj.-gen. comptr. to duke York, 
xxix 233] 
lord—commiss. for India affairs, 
xxxiii 53] xxxv 66, ranger of St. James’s 
and Hyde parks xxxiii 55] gov. Levant 
comp. xli 50 
Gresham, sir John—commiss. salt duties, 
viii 168] 
Gresley, sir N. B.—recorder, Lichfield, xtiii 

————— Ph.—sher. Worcester. xxxii 246] 

Gretton, dr. Geo.—dean, Hereford, li 552 

Set hon. Chas,—treas. household, xxvi 

——— lord trade, xvii 183] 

——-— Fulke—envoy extr. Bavaria, and 

minis. Ratisbon, viii 168] 

—— Geo. lord—commiss. trade, xiii 182] 

Grey, hon. and rev. Auchitel — prebend, 
Durham, Ji 551 : 

— Booth—sher. Cheshire, xxxviii 
68, liii 169 

—— lieut.-gen, Cha.—knt. bath, xxvi.229] 
gen. Amer. 7d. col. 7th drag. guards, 
xxxi 238] gen. xxxvilid3] gov. Guernsey, 
xxxix 62, 63, privy couns. 63, baron Grey, 
xiii 59 

hon. Chas.—privy couns, xlviii 492, 

commiss. adm. 493 

Chas. lord —visc. Howick and earl 
Grey, xlviii 496 

——- hon, G, de—maj.-gen, lili 152 

hon. Jas.—baron Glastonbury, } 




Grey, lient.-col. H. G.—aid-de-camp to the 
king xl 109, maj.~gen, xlvii 460, lieut.- 
gen. liii 151 

maj. John—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

—— maj. T. R.—lieut.-col. xlii 49, inspect. 
field off. volunteers, xlv 492 

hon. Wm.—lieut.-gov. Chester, 
xliv 489 

hon. W. B.—sher. Glamorgan, 1. 178, 
lvi 142 

—— capt.—maj. xxxv 68 

Grieve, D. R.—sher. Northumberland, xxx 

Grieves, dr.—inspector hosp. N. Brit. xl 

Griffin, sir John Griffin—knt. bath, iv 115] 
lieut.-gen. viii 165] adjut.-gen. forces, xxi 

Griffinhoofe, rev. Thos.—Mayland vicarage, 
Essex, xlvii 454 

Griffith, Edw.—rear-adm. blue, liv 165 

——-— John—sher. Carnarvon, xxviii 223] 
lv 127 

———— capt. J. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—brev.- 
maj. India, xlv 491 

——— T.—sher. Denbigh, lv 127 

——— Wm.—sher. Caernarvon, li 551 

——— John—surgeon queen’s household, 
xxxy 64 : 

Grigby, Josh.—sher. Suifolk, lii 416 

Grimston, J. B. visc.—baron Verulam, xxxii 

lord—earl Verulam, lvii 120 

Grindall, Rich.—rear-adm. red, li 556, vice- 
adm. blue, lii 322, do. white, liv 165 

Grinfield, col. Wm.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68 

: lieut.-gen. Wm.— command. forces 

Caribbee Islands, xliv 489, gen. xlv 

Grisdale, rev. Browne—chanc. Carlisle, xlvi 

Grojan, G. C.—clk. court requests, Westin. 
xlviii 501 

Grose, maj. Francis — lieut.-gov. N. South 
Wales, xxxi 241] 

——- lieut.-col. Frans.—col. x1 109, maj.- 
gen. xlviii 450, lieut.-gen, liii 151 

——— Nash—serjt. at law, xvii 116] do. xxvi 
233] just. King’s bench xxix 232] 

Grosvenor, R. E. D.—sher. Dorset. xlii 67 
———— col. Thos.—maj.-gen. xliv 487, 
lieut.-col 7th foot xliv 492 

Grote, Geo.—sher. Kent, xxxix 69 

Jos.—sher. Oxford. xxviii 222] 

Ground, T.—sher. Camb. xxxii 245] 

Grove, Thos.—sher. Wilts. xxxi 248] 

—_—_——. —sher. Radnor. liv, 185 

Groves, maj. Perey—lieut.-col. xlvii 45] 

Guard, rev. John—prebend. Salisbury, xlvi 

_ Guilford, Francis, earl—queen’s treas, and 
receiver gen. xvi 166] 

Guise, John—bart. xxvi 234] 

Gully, W. S.—sher. Cornwall, xxxix 70 

Gunning, col. John—tmaj,-gen, xxix 24] 

Gunning, capt. John—deputy adj.-gen, N. 
Brit. vill 201] ibescdin 
Rob.—resident Denmark, viii 168] 
envoy Berlin, xiv 171] do. Russia, 175j 
knt. bath, xvi 164, bart. xxi 224] 
mr.—surgeon, extr. to the king, 
xix 213] 
Guthrie, maj. John (E. Ind. co. sery.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 11) 
Guydickens, col. Gustayus—maj.-gen. xxxii 
Gwatkin, R. L.—sher, Cornwall, xxxi 247] 
Gwillim, Hen.—judge, Madras, xliii 57, knt. 

Gwyn, maj.-gen. F. E.—lieut.-gen. xli 51 

— Matt.—sher, Brecon, xliii 80 

Gwynn, gen.—E. E.—lieut.-gov. Isle of 
Wight, 1. 176 

i Marmaduke—commiss. stamps, vi 

—— Sackville—sher. Brecon, xlv 532, 
xlix 386 

——— T. H. M.—sher. Radnor, xlv 532 

Hack, John—sher. Rutlands. xlvii 517 
Hackett, A.—sher. Warwick. lvi 142 
Hadden, lieut.-col Jas.—col. xlvii 456 
——— J. M.—maj.-gen. liii 151] 

~——— maj. John—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

ae his Jas.—Russian consul, Gibraltar Ix 


Hague, H. J.—sher. Radnor. lii 416 

Haile, capt. H. W.—maj. xlvii 452 

Hailes, Dan.—sec to French embassy, xxvi 
235] envoy extr. Warsaw, xxx 230] do. 
Copenhagen, xxxiii 55] do. Stockholm, 
xxxvii 57 : 

Haldimand, col. Fred.—maj.-gen. xv 161] 
col.command. of a royal Amerie. reg. 163] 
gov. Quebec, xx 225] 

Hale, col. Bernard—maj.-gen. xv 161] lieut.- 
gov. Chelsea hosp. xvi 163] gen. xxxv 
67, 68 , 

Hale, Cha.—gent. privy chamber,xx 224] 

—— col. Jas—maj.-gen. xlvii 450 

——— John—maj. xv 161] 

lieut.-gen. John—gen. xxxv 67 

J. B.—sher. Gloucester. xxxii 246] 

Hales, Fras.—commiss. appeals in excise, 
viii 166] 

J, T.—sher. Norfolk, liy 185 

Halford. Hen. M. D.—bart. li 554, phys. to 
pr. Regt. liii 150,154 

Haliburton, maj. John (E. Ind, co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. x1 111 

Halifax, Geo. Dunk, earl—lord-lieut. Tre]. 
iv 87] first lord adm. 90] prince, sec. state, 
v 107] knt. gart. vii 66] lord privy seal, 
xiii 182] prince. sec. state for northern 
departm. xiv 170] 

Rob.—joint apothec. king’s househ. 

xix 218] phys. in ord. pr. Wales, xxviii 

220) xxix 233] 

dr. Sam.—bp. St. Asaph, xxxi 238] 

Halket, col. Fred—maj.-gen, xliy 487 




Halkett, John—gov. Bahama Islands, xliii 
62, do. Tobago, xlv 490 

——-— maj. J. C.—lieut.-col. xliv 489 

———— Pet.—rear-adm. blue, liv 165 

Hall, rev. C. H.—canon Christ Church, Ox- 
ford, xli 54, reg. prof. divinity, &c. xlix 
542, dean Christ Church, do. li 555 

—— George—compt. salt duties, xviii 205] 

—— maj. G. J.—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

—— rev. dr. Geo.—provost Trin. Coll. Dub- 
lin, xlviii 492 

-— lieut.-col. Jas.—col. x1 109 

— J.—sher. Essex, lix 150 

—— J. S.—rear-adm. white, li 556, do. red, 
lii 322 

—— Rob.—superior bedel in divinity, Ox- 
ford, xlviii 497 

lieut.-gen. Thos.—gen. xxxviii 53 

— T. K.—sher. Staffords.lix 150 

Hallam, rev. John—canon Windsor, xviii 

dr. John—dean, Bristol, xxiv 207] 

Hallcote, maj. Thos. (E. Ind. co. sery.)— 
lient.-col, xl 111 

Hallifax, Thos.—kot. xvi 163] 

Hallowell, capt. Benj. (R .N.)—command. 
ord. St. Ferdinand, xliii 55, rear-adm. 
blue, liii 153 

Hallyburton, capt. hon, D. G.—assist.-quart.- 
mast.-gen. xlv 485 

Hallowes, T.—sher. Derby. lix 150 

Halstead, W.—rear-adm. red, lv 112 

Halsted, L, W.—rear-adm. blue, lii 322 

Hamerton, rey. W.—Tong perpet. curacy, 
wear Leeds, xlviii 498 

Hames R.—sher. Leicesters. lv 126 

Hamilton, Alex.—sher. Devon. xxviii 222] 

lord A.—rector, Glasgow Univ. liii 


Cecil—hon.tady C. Hamilton, xxxi 

sir Chas.—col. mar. li 556, rear- 
adm blue, lii 322, do. white, liii 153, do. 
red, lv 112, gov. Newfound. x] 195 
C.—sec. legat. Wurtemburg, Ivii 


capt. C. P.—rear-adm. blue, xxxix 
62, do. red, xli 48, vice-adm. blue, xliii 
54, do. white, xlvi 458, adm. white, lii 

duke—keeper Linlithgow palace, 
&ce. xx 225] 

— and Brandon, duke—duke Bran- 

don, xxv 236] 

Douglas, duke—knt. thistle, xxviii 
217] co. in army, x] 114 

capt. Edw. (navy)—knt. xlii 51, 
bart. lx 196 

Geo.—hbaron exchequer, Irel. xix 

. 233] 

rev. Geo.—prebend. Windsor, xxvi 

maj, G, L.--lieut.-col, slii 50 
twee capt, G, Jemaj, xylil 4o1 
momen Hep hart, Irel, xvii 188] 

Hamilton, Hen.—goy. Bermudas, xxxii 234] 
235] do. Jamaica, xxxvi 44 

——— rey. dr. Hugh—dean, Armagh, xi 
210) bp. Ossory, xli 47 

— sir. H. D.—lieut.-col. N. Brit. 
milit. xliv 493 

col. Jas.—maj.-gen xxix 234] col. 
15th foot, xxxiv 57, gen. xliv 487 

——- capt. John (R.N. )—bart. xix 218] 

———- col. John—maj.-gen. xxxviii 53] 
lieut.-gen. xlv 488 

gen. Cape of Good Hope, xliii 62 

John. — sher. Cumberland, xli 68 © 

lieut.-col. John—col. xliv 487, 

maj.-gen. li 555 

sir J.—hart. lvi 129 

maj. J. P—lieut. col. li 555 

John Stuart—bart. Irel. xxiii 249] 

—— Rob.—prof. mathem. Aberdeen, 

xx 223] 

maj. Rob.(E. Ind. co. sery.) lieut.- 

col. xl 111, lieut.-col. xlv 489 

Sackville—privy couns. Ireland, 

xxxvili 54] 

Spencer, lord—gent. bedchamb. 

to pr. Wales, xxix 233] 

Thos.—commiss. transports, xlv 
485, rear-adm. blue, li 556, do. white, lii 
322, do. red, liv 165 

———. hon. Wm.—knt. bath, xv. 159] 

sir Wm.—privy couns. xxxiii 54] 

hon. Wm. Gerrard—prine. sec. 
state to lord-lient. Irel. iv 164] chance. 
excheq. Irel. vi 129] 

——— capt. W. O.—maj. xliii 62, lieut.- 
col. xliv 488 

Hamlyn, Jas.—bart. xxxvii 57 

Hammond, Anth.—sher. Norfolk, xxxivy 61] 

— A. S.—knt. xxii 243] commiss. 
navy, xxiii 249 

——~— sir A. S.—commiss. navy, xliii 

— lieut.-col. F. T.—co]. xliv 487 
———— F. T.—equerry 3rd guards, liii 

Geo. —sec. legat. Copenhagen, 

xxxii 235] sec. embassy, Madrid, xxxii 


—— Geo.—comm. arbitrat., lvii 12] 

maj.-gen.—equerry, liy 163 

Hamond, sir A. S.—bart. xxvi 234] 

Hampden, Rob.—a postmaster-gen. vi 130] 

Hampton, J. H.—sher. Anglesea, lv 127 

Hanbury, Chas.—consul Low. Saxony, xxii 

—- Wm.—consul Low. Saxony, &c. 
xxxii 237] 

Hand, rev. G. W.—prebend, Salisbury, xviii 

~— rev, J, T, Ousden rect, Suffolk, xlviii 

Handaock, Wma~commies, barracks, Tel, 
xevil 261) sxx 220) 




Handfield, col. Cha.—commiss. gen. stores, 
Trel. xl 109 

Hanger, hon. maj. Geo.—equerry pr. Wales, 
xxxiii 55] 

Hankey, Rob.—sher. Surrey, xli 69 

—— Rich.—knt. xlv 484 

Hanmer, sir Tho.—sher. 

© 253] 

Walden,—bart. xvii 186] 

Hansan, John—sher. Essex, xxxvii 58 

Hansen, Lawrence—Danish consul, Liver- 
pool, xxxv 67 

Hanway, Jonas—commiss. victualling office, 
xv 163] 

Hanway, Tho.—commiss. navy, xiv 175] 

Hanwell Jos.—rear.-adm. blue, liv 165 

—— Rich.—sher. Northampton, xxxi 

Harberton, Arthur, lord—visc. Harberton, 
Trel. xxxiii 54] 

Harbord, sir Harbord—lord Suffield, xxviii 
218 ’ 

iss ik hon, W, A.—lieut. Norfolk, 1, 173 

Harcourt, maj. Cha.— assist.-quart.-mast. 
gen: xlv 485 

lieut.-col. G. W. R.—col. xlv 

488 % 

Simon, earl—gen. xv 161] lord- 
lieut. Irel. 162] 

—— earl—amaster horse to the queen, 
Xxxii 235] 

earl—gov. Portsmouth, liii 153 

hon. Wm. lieut.-gen. xxxv 68, 
gen. xl 108, gov. roy. mil. college, xliii 
59, mast. robes, 1. 177 

Harding, Jas.—sher. Herts. xxxvii 59 

——— maj. John—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Hardinge, Geo. — solicitor-gen. xxv 235] 
Welsh judge, xxix 233] 

Rich.—bart. Irel. xliii 60 

Hardwick, Wm.—commiss. barracks, Irel. 
xix 218] 

Hardwicke, Philip, earl—lord-lieut. Cam- 
bridge, xxxii 236] privy couns. xliii 56, 
lieut.-gen. and gov. Irel. 2b. high steward 
Camb. Univ. xlviii 496 

Hardy, col. Alex, (E. Ind. co. sery.)—maj.- 
gen. xl 111 

sir Cha.—adm. blue, xiii 184] mast. 

and commiss. Greenwich hosp. xiv 174] 

adm. white, xxi 221] 

Joseph—inspect. field off. volunt, xiv 


Josiah—gov. New Jersey, iv 99] 

consul, Cadiz, vii 12)] 

capt. T. M.—bart. xlviii 492 

Hlardyman, capt. Fred.—maj. brig. x1 116 

Thos.—maj. xlv 486 

Hare, lieut.-col. Jas.—inspect. field off. 
volunt. xlvi 456 

— Thos.—sher. Norfolk, xly 532, bart. 
lx 196 ‘ 

~~~ Wim.-—baron Ennismore, xii 53 

Harewood, col, lord (mil,)-col, army, ¥1 
315, an earl, Li) 166 

Flints. xxvii 

Hargood, Wm.—col. mar. 1. 174, rear-adm: 
blue, lii 322 

Hargrave, Wm.—sher. Northumb. xxvi 236] 

Harland, C. H.—bart. 1. 176 

——-— Rob. —rear-adm. blue, xiii 185] 
bart. xiv 171] rear-adm. red, xviii 202] 
vice-adm. blue, xix 213] lord adm. xxv 
234] commiss. do. 236] 

—— sir R.—sher. Suffolk, lix 150 

Harley, hon. and rev. dr. John—dean, 
Windsor, &c. xxi 220] bp. Hereford, xxix 

hon. Thos.—privy-couns. xi 21}] 
lieut. and cust. rot. Radnor. xxxiii 53] 
Harman, L. H.—baron Oxmantown, Irel. 
xxxiv 57 

Harmood, Harry—commiss. navy, xliii 62 

Harnage, Hen.—inspect. field off. volunt. 
xlv 487 

Harness, John, M. D,—commiss. transports, 
li 553, liv 166, lv 111 

Harper Moses—sher. Worcester, xxxix 69 

Harpur, Gab.—sher. Kent, xxxvii 59 

sir Hen.—sher. Derby, xxxvi 56 

Harries, J. H.—sher. Pembroke, xlvii 517 

Thos.—sher. Shrops. xliv 524 

Harrington, lieut.-zen. Wm. earl—gen. xiii 
182] 183] 

— earl—col. Ist life-guards, xxxiv 
58, maj.-gen. xxxv 68 

——— maj.-gen. Cha. earl—lieut.-gen. xl 
108, privy couns. xl 116, gen. xlv 487, 
gov. Windsor castle, liv 163, lord presid. 
counc. liv 164 

Harris, dr.—chane. diocese Winchester, xix 

col. Geo.—maj.-gen. xxxvi46, lieut.- 
gen. liii 53, baron, lvii 120 
Jas.—commiss. treasury, vi 127] 
trustee Brit. Museum, viii 165] sec. and 
comptr. to the queen, xvii 183] 

Jas. jun. minister, Spain, xiv 171] 
envoy Berlin, xv 159] do. to Russia, xix 
220} knt. bath xxii 243] ambass. United 
Proy. xxx 228] lord Malmesbury xxx 

capt. John—maj. xlvii 451 

col. J. A—maj.-gen. xl 109, lieut.- 
gen. xlvii 449 

J. G.—deputy judge adv. army, lvii 


Wm. —sher. Southampton, xxxi 

gent.—assist.-commiss. stores, 
Portugal, x1 117, inspect. field off. volunt. 
xlv 487 
W. A.—sher. Cornwall, lix 15] 
Harrison, Geo,—Windsor herald at arms, 
xvii 186] Clarencieux king of arms, xlv 

John—commiss. yictualling navy, 
xli 50 

J,—sher, Oxford, li 540 
womens Rich -sher, Worcestershire, aaix 


Harrison, R. A.—coll. customs, Hull, xxvi 

J.—sher. Montgomerys. xxx 234] 
Thos.—his majesty’s attorney, 
Jamaica, xi 209] 
W.—sher. Monmouth. xxxiii 64] 
Harrowby, Dudley, lord—prine. sec. state, 

xlvi 459. commiss. India affairs, 460. li » 

553, chance. Lancaster, xlvii 454, vise. 
Sandon and earl Harrowby, li 553, 554 

Hart, F,—sher. Derbys. lvi 142 

——- maj. Geo.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

——- G.—rear-adm. red, liii 153 

——- lieut.-col. G. V.—col. xl 109, lieut.- 
gen. liii 15] 

—-- col. G. V.—maj.-gen. xlvii 450 

——- rev. S.—Alternon vic, Cornwall, xlviii 

Harteup, col. Thos,—maj.-gen, xly 488, 
lieut.-gen. li 555 

Hartley, col. Jas.—maj.-gen. xxxviii 54] 

M.—sher. Cumberl. lx 207 

— Thos.—sher. Cumberl. liv 185 

Hartopp, E. C.—sher. Leicesters. xxiv 202] 
bart. xxxviii 53] 

Hartshorne, Anth.—sher. Notts. xxviii 222] 

Hartwell, Fras.—knt. xlv 483 

—— F. J.—commiss. navy, xliii 62, 
bart. xlvii 455 

rey. H.—chaplain in ord. prince 

Wales, li 554 

Harvey, Eliab—vice-adm. blue, lii 322, do. 
white, liv 165 

-———— Hen.—rear-adm. blue, xxxvi 45, 
vice-adm. white, xli 48, knt. bath, xlii 50, 
vice-adm. red, xliii 54, adm. blue. xlvi 
457, do. white, xlvii 456 
Stig John—sher. Beds. xxiv 202] xxxvii 

—— J.—rear-adm. blue, ly 112, com- 
mand. Leeward Islands, lvii 120 
—— J. B.—bart. Irel. xxxi 240] 
——-~ L.—secret. legat. Munich, lvii 120 
———sir R. B.—sher. Bucks. xxxiii 63] 
——— Wm.—sher, Anglesea, xlii 68 
——— sher. Caernarvon, xliii 80 
——— capt. W. M.—adjut.-gen. Caribbee 
Islands, xlv 487, lieut.-col. 75. 493 
Warward, dr. Chas.—dean Exeter, xxxii 

Harwood, Busick, M. D.—knt. xlviii 497 
Hassel], Edw.—sher. Cumberland, xxxiv 61 
xliv 523 
Hastings, maj.-gen. Chas.—lieut.-gen, xlv 
488, lieut.-gen. forces, xlviii 495 
Marg.—kt. grand cross bath, Ix 

George—consul, Ostend, &c, xxxv 

Haswell, capt. T. W.—major, xlvii 452 
Hatch, Jas.—sher. Essex, xxxvi 56 
Hatchett, Bulkeley—sher. Merioneth, xlii 
68 . 

Hatton, lieut.-col. John—col. xlyii 456 
Haviland, Peter, de—bailiff, Guernsey, i319 


Haviland, col. Wm.—major-gen, viii 165] 
lieut.-gen. xv 161] 

Hawke, sir Edw.—rear-adm. vi 126] vice- 
adm. viii 168] privy-counsellor, ix 167] 
first lord admiralty, 7. baron Hawke, xix 

Hawker, John—Sicilian vice-consul, Ply- 
mouth, li 551 

—— Jos,—Richmond herald, xlvy 484 

——— lieut.-col. Sam.—aid-de-camp to 
the king, 1. 175 

S.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Hawkes, maj. Jer. (E. Ind, co. serv.}—brev. 
lieut.-col. xlii 51 

——— T.—sher. Worcester. liii 169 

Hawkesbury, Chas. lord—chane. Lancaster, 
xxvili 218] earl Liverpool, xxxviii 54] 

—— lord—privy couns. xli 49, 
prine. sec. state, xliii 56. xlix 542, com- 
miss, India affairs, 57. xliv 490. xlv 490. 
xlvi 460, baron Hawkesbury, xlv 491. 
xlvi 460, warden cinque ports, xlviii 492, 
xlix 543 

Hawkins, Casar—bart. xxi 223] 

Christ.—sher. Cornwall. xxvi 236] 
bart. xxxiii 54] 

G. E.—surg. household, xix 213] 

rev. dr. James—dean Emly, ix 

164] bp. Dromore, xviii 202] do. Raphoe, 

xxiii 245] 

— John—kant. xv 163] 

sir John—sher. Somersets. xlix 


Pennel—queen’s serjt. surgeon, 
xix 213] 

Hawley, Henry—sher. Kent, xxvi 236] 

———— — bart. xxxvii 55 

— maj. Hen,—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

Hawkshaw, major Thos. (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
—lieut.-col. xl 111 

Hay, col. Alex.—maj.-gen, xxxvili 93] lieut.- 
gen. xly 488 

maj. Andrew—lieut.-col. xlii 49, maj.- 
gen. liii 152 

—— Chas.—lord session, Scotl. xlviii 495 

—— hon. Edw.—gov. Barbadoes, xv 164] 

—— George, LL. D.—lord adm. vi 128] 
130] judge and pres, adm. court, xvi 165] 

lieut.-col. Jas.—col. xlv 488 

—— Jas.—sher. Devons. liv 185 

—— John—bart. xl 112 

— maj. Lewis (engineers) — lieut.-col. 
army, xli 52 

lieut.-col, Pat. 

col. xl 111 

Wm. —commiss. cust. xix 221] 

Haycock, J.—sher. Rutlands. xlii 67 

Hayes, Horace—commiss. taxes, xxxvii 58, 
x1 112 

James—Welch judge, xxi 222 

dr. J. M.—bart. xxxix 62 

Sam.—commiss. stamps, Irel, xxxi 
239] bart. do. xxxi 240] 

Hayman, Herman -— vice-consul, Bremen, 
xlii 52 

(E. Ind. co. serv.) — 




Haynes, maj. John (E. Ind. co, serv.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 112 

Hayter, W.—sher. Wilts. xxiv 203] 

Hayward, Chas.—sher. Gloucesters. xxv 

Thos.—knt. xli 50 
Haywood, J. M.—commiss. adm, xxvi 
Headford, marq.—lord bed-chamb. liv 163 
Headfort, vise.—earl Bective, Irel. ix 166] 
Hearsay, maj. A. W. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. x! 111 
Heath, John—judge com. pleas, xxiii 246] 
Heathcote, Geo.—commiss. taxes, xxi 221] 
— —— sir Gilb.—sher. Rutlands. xxxvii 
— John—sher. Camb. li 540 
Ralph—minister, Cologne, xxiv 

Heathfield, Geo, Aug, lord—augment. arms, 
xxix 233] 

maj.-gen.— Francis, lord, xli 
51, lord bed-chamb. liv 163 

Hellen, Rob.—solicitor-gen. Irel. xx 225] 

Hely, brigade-maj. Wm. — fort-maj. New- 
foundland, xliii 63 

Henderson, Anth.—M. P. for Brackley, xlv 
482, 483 

Heneage, G. R —sher. Lincoln, lv 126 

Henley, H. H.—sher. Norf. lvi 142 

sir Rob. lord keeper—baron, iii 
86] lord chanc. iv 63] earl Northington, 
vii 120]. See Northington, earl. 

Henniker, col. B. T.—maj.-gen. xliv 487 

— sir John—baron Henniker, Irel. 
xlii 53 

Henry, Frederick, H. R. H. prince—ranger 
Windsor Park, ix 164] duke Cumberland, 
and earl Dublin, 166] See also Cum- 
berland, duke 

capt. John—rear-adm. blue, xxxvi 
4], do. red, xxxvii 56, vice-adm. white, 
xli 48, do. red, xliii 54, adm. blue, xlvi 
457, do. red, liv 165 

Henslow, John—knt. xxxv 66, commiss. 
navy, xliii 62 

Herbert, Chas. — groom bed-chamb. xx 242] 
seer. lord chamberlain, xxv 235] 

Hen.—baron Portchester, xxiii 


J. O.—sher. Montgom. lii 416 

R. T.—commiss, stamps, Irel. 
xxxi 239] 

Heron, lieut.-col. Peter—col. xlii 49 

Rich.—see. lord-lieut. Irel. xix 221] 

privy couns. Irel, xx 222] 223] bart. G. 

Brit, xxi 223] 

sir R.—sher. Lincolns, li 540 

Herrick, Wm.—sher. Leicesters. xxviii 222] 

Herries, J. C.—comm. in chief, liii 154 

Rob.—knt. xvii 184] 

Hertford, F: Seymour Conway, earl—privy 
couns. vi 130] lord-lieut. Trel. viii 167] 
lord-lieut. Montgomery, xviii 202] lord- 
chamb. household, xxii 231] 232] 

Hertford, F. S. C. earl—marquis, xxxv 60, 
master horse, xlvi 461, commiss. king’s 
property, liv 162, knt. garter, 7b. 163, 
lord-lieut. Warwicks. lviii 208 

Hervey, hon. Aug. John—lord adm. xiv 
171} See Bristol, earl 

—— col. Edw. —adjut-gen. vi 131] 
maj.-gen. viii 165] lieut.-gen. xv 16)] 
gov. Portsmouth, xvi 164] 

——— hon. and rey. Fred.—bp. Cloyne, 
x 172] privy couns. Irel. 173] bp. Derry, 
xi 209] 

—— F. E. B.—bart. lx 196 

——— Hen.—rear-adm. red, xxxvii 56 

lord—envoy extr. Tuscany, xxix 

233] minister Florence, xxxiii 54] 

— hon. Wm.—lieut.-gen. xxxv_ 68. 
gen. xl 108 

Hepburn, G. B. esq.—judge adm. Scotl. 
xxxii 236] baron excheq. do xliii 57 

John Buchan—bart. lvi 129 

Hesketh, Rob.—sher. Devons. xxxix 70 

-—— — consul, Maranhao, liv 162 

Heseltine, Jas.—his maj. procurator, xxvi 

Heslop, rev. mr,—archdeacon, Bucks? xxi 

Hett, rev. Wm.— Mavis-Enderby rect. &c. 
Lincoln, xlvili 503 

Hewett, maj.-gen. Geo, —lieut.-gen. xlv 

— Geo.—bart. lv 111 

Hewgill, col. Edw.—dep. barrack-master- 
gen. xl 116 

Hewit, rev. R.—principal Hereford Coll. 
Oxf, lvi 127 

Wm.—commiss. for sale of lands in 
ceded islands, ix 164] commiss. for sale of 
lands in the Grenades, xix 219] 

Hewitt, col. Geo.—maj.-gen. xxxviii 54] 
inspect.-gen. recruit. service, xli 52. in- 
spector army of reserve, xlv 486 

mr. serjt.—judge k. bench, ix 167] 
lord chance. Irel. and baron Lifford, x 

—— hon. Jos.—king’s third serjt. at law, 
Trel. xxix 233] second, do. xxxi 240] just. 
k. bench, do. xxxiti 54] 

Heyes, rev. J. L.—Merton vic. Oxford, 
xlviii 502 

Hibbert, Thos.—sher. Bucks. xxxviii 68 

—-—— Rob.—sher. Cheshire, xl 119 

——— R.—sher. Beds. lvii 132 

Hicks, capt. Chas.—major, xlv 489 

——- John—sher. Bucks. xxxii 245] 

——- Thos.—rear-adm. blue, xliii 54 

- sir W.—sher. Gloucesters. liv 185 

Hickens, R.—sher. Cornwall, xxxii 246] 

Hickes, Rob.—commiss. appeals excise, xlii 

Higgins, John—sher. Beds. xxxix 69 

jun.—sher. Beds. xliy 523 

———— maj. Thos. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 111 

Higginson, Rt,—sher, Hereford, lii 416 




Higgon, John—sher. Pembroke, xxxv 75 

Hildersley, dr. (bp. Sodor and Man)— 
master Sherborne hospital, Durham, x 

Hildyard, sir R. D.—sher. Yorks. xxvi 

T. B.—sher. Notts. lix 150 
Hill, capt. Chas.—major, xlv 489 
Christ.—rear-adm. blue, xxi 221] 
do. white, 2b. 

———— C. F.—major, xlv 489 

—— Francis—sec. legation, Denmark, xliv 
486, do. Portugal, 1. 172 

—— Geo.—king’s serjt. at law, xv 136] © 

—— dr. Geo.—dean Thistle, Scotl. xxix 
233] chapl. in ordin. Scotl. xli 51 

—— Henry—Brunswick herald, vi 127] 

Hugh—bart. Irel. xxii 244] 

—— Laur—dep. clk. rolls, Glasgow and 
Paisley, xxi 224] 

—— Rich.—sher. Warwicks. xxxvi 56 

—— lieut.-col. Rowland—col. xlii 49. maj.- 
gen. xlvii 455, lieut.-gen. knt. bath, liv 
162, baron Hill, lvii 120 

— R.—maj.-gen, lii 323 

—— sir R.—baron Hill, lvi 127 

—— T.—sher. Worcesters. xxxviii 69] 

—. Wm.—lieut.-gov. Tobago, ix 167] 

~—— hon. Wm.—minister Franconia, xlvii 
453, envoy extr. Sardinia, xlix 546 

Hillary, Wm.—bart. xlvii 455 

Hillersdon, John—commiss. salt-office, xvi 

Hilliard, major John (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. x1 111 

—— capt. W.—major, xlv 489 

Hillsborough, Wills, earl—commiss. trade, 
vi 130] post-master-gen. ix 168] prin. 
sec. state for colonies, xi 209] 211] first 
lord trade, xiv 170] 171] vise. Fairford 
and earl Hillsborough, xv 162] sec. state, 
xxii 245] marquis Downshire, xxxi 240] 

Hilton, S. C.—sher. Lancaster, liii 169 

Hinchcliffe, dr. John—dean, Durham, xxx 

Hinchinbrook, John, lord — viset.—vice- 
chamb. to his majesty, and privy couns. 
xiv 171] master bueck-hounds, xxvi 232 

Hinde, capt. S. V.—major, x! 110, lieut.- 
col. xlii 489 

Hinuber, H. de—maj.-gen. liii 151 

Hinxman, Edw.—slier. Wilts. xli 69 

Hippisley, J. C.—bart. xxxviii 53] sher, 
Berks. xlii 67 

— Thos.—sher. Rutlands. xxv 198] 

Hislop, lieut.-col. Thos.—col. xliv 487, 
lieut.-gov. Grenada, xlv 482, gov. Trini- 
dad, xlviii 492, brigadier-gen. Caribbee 
Islands, 76. bart, Iv 111, knt. command. 
bath, lx 196 

Hoare, sir R. C.—sher. Wilts. xlvii 517 

Rich.—bart xxviii 218] 

Hobart, hon, G. V,—lieut«gzoy, Grennda, 
xliv 489 

commen EY, H, loenprebends Canterbury, 

xlvi 456, dean, Windsor, lviii 207, regis< 
ter, order garter, 2b, 208 

Hobart, Rob.—privy couns. xxxv 66, chief 
sec. lord lieut. Irel. &e. xxxi 238] 

— lord—prin, sec. state, xliii 56, 
commiss. India affairs, 57. xliv 490, xlv 

Hobhouse, B.—bart. liv 167 

————- H.—under sec. state dep. lix 

Hocken, rev. W. jun.—Lantagloss vic. xlviii 
Hockley, maj. Thos.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
Hodges, rev. R.—Embleton vic. Northumb. 
xlviii 498 , 
——— T. H.—sher. Kent, xxviii 222] 
Wm.—sher. Oxfords, xlix 385 
Hodgson, lieut.-col. John—col. xlv 488 
——— brig.-gen. John—gov. Bermudas, 
xviii 495, do. Curagoa, liii 151 
sir Rich.—sher. Cumberland, xl 


—_—— maj.-gen. Studholm, viii 165] gov. 
Fort George, &c. Scot]. 167] col. 1}th 
light dragoons, xxxi 238] field-marshal, 
xxxvili 55 

Hoghton, lieut.-col. Dan.—col. xlvii 450 

——— col. sir H. P. (mil.)—col. army, 
x] 115 

Holbeche, W.—sher. Warwicks. lviii 226 

Holbourne, adm. Francis—lord adm. xiii 
182] adm. white, 184] mast. Greenwich 
hosp. xiv 17)} : 

Holden, Rt.—sher. Derbys. |v 126 

Holder, mr.—bailiff Southwark, xvii 138] 

Holderness, Rob. earl—adm. and warden 
Cinque Ports, viii 167] gov. to pr. Wales 
and bp. Osnaburgh, xiv 172] 

Holditch, Rob.—joint apoth. to his majesty’s 
household, xix 218] 

Holdsworth, A. M.—gov. Dartmouth Castle, 
xlix 545 

rev. Rob.—vic. Brixham, Devon. 
li 552 

monet, J. J.—sher. Caermarthen, xlvii 

Holland, Edw.—sher. Suffolk, lvi 142 

Hen. Rich, lord—joint commiss. 

to treat with United States, xlviii 499, 
privy couns. 7b. keeper privy seal, 500 

John—sher. Carnaryons. xxx 234] 

Nath.—bart. xlii 54 

major Thos. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
brev. lieut.-col. army, E. Indies, xlii 51 

Holloway, capt. Chas.—major, Turkey, xl 
116, lieut.-col, do. and maj. army, xliii 
57, knt. xlv 480 

— John—rear-adm. white, xli 
48, do. red, xliii 54, vice-adm. white, 
xlvi 458, do. red, xlvii 456, gov. New- 
foundland, xlix 544, adm. blue, li 555, 
do, white, lii $21 

Holmes, capt, Chas-—vear-adm, blue, xxxvi 
46, do, red, xxxvli $4 c 




aoe rey. L. T.—baron Holmes, xxxix 

Peter—commiss. stamps, Ire]. xxxi 
. 239] 

dr. Rob.—dean Winchester, xlvi 

Thos.—sher. Worcesters. xlvi 521 

—-— Wm.—garrison surgeon, Quebec, 
xli 47 

os J. B,.—baron Sheffield, Irel. xxiii 

G, S.—judge king’s bench, Iviii 207 

Holton, J.—sher. Wilts. 1. 178 

Homan, sir W. J.—bart. Irel. xliii 60 

Home, major David—lieut.-gov. Chester 
Castle, xiii 184] 

col. Dav.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68, lieut.- 

gen. xl 108, gen. xlv 487 

lieut.-col. Dav.—col. xliv 493 

Everard—bart. liv 167 

capt. sir Geo.—rear-adim. blue, xxxix 

62, do. red, xli 48, vice-adm. blue, xliv 

Hen.—commiss, justiciary, Scotl. vi 
127] 128] 

e John—earl Dunbar, xix 219] 
—_ capt. Roddam—rear-adm. red, xli 48 
—— maj. Wm. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—brev. 

lieut.-col army, E. Indies, xlii 51 
Homfray, sir Jer.—sher. Glamorgan, li 540, 
knt. 557 

Sam.—sher. Monmouth. lv 126 

Hompesch, col. Chas. baron — maj.-gen. 
xliv 492, lieut.-gen. xlv 488 

—— col. Ferd. baron—maj.-gen. xliv 

489, lieut.-gen. l. 174 

brev. col. 
estab. xl 114 

Honeyman, Wm.—lord justiciary, Scotl. 
xli 51 

Honeywood, lieut..gen. Philip—gov. and 
capt. Kingston-on-Hull, ix 165] 

Honywood, sir J. C.—sher. Kent, liii 169 

Honyman, maj. Rob.—lieut.-col. xliv 489 

— Wm.—bart. xlvi 459 

Hood, capt. Alex.—rear-adm. white, xxiii 
247] vice-adm. blue, xxix 294] knt. bath, 
xxx 229] rear-adm. xxxi 235] vice-adm. 
white, xxxii 237] do. red, xxxv 64, lord 
Bridport, Irel. xxxvi 47 

Sam —commiss. dock-yard, Ports- 
mouth, xxi 221] 222] bart. 222] rear- 
adm. blue, xxiii 247) baron Hood, xxv 
235] vice-adm. blue, xxix 234] commiss. 
adm. xxx 229] lord adm. xxxi 240] 
xxxiii 54) xxxvi 47] vice-adm. red, xxxv 
64, adm. white, xli 47, mast. and gov. 
Greenwich hosp. xxxviii 53] vise. Hood, 

——-— capt. Sam.—command. order St. Fer- 
dinand, xliii 55, commiss. Trinidad, xliv 
490, rear-adm. blue, xlix 545 

w——~ gir Sameli 552, rear-adm. red, lii 
922, do, blue, hill 153, NAY, comm, E, 
Indios, fb, 

Fred. —col. Irish 


Hood, baroness Susannah, Irel.—baroness 
Hood, G. Brit. xxxvii 55 
Hooper, Edw.—commiss. customs, vi 127] 
ix 175] 
Hooven, Fred. Vander—capt. xli 53 
Hope, lieut.-col. Alex.—lieut.-gov. Edinh. 
Castle, x] 109, col. xlii 49. dep.-adj.-gen. 
to forces under duke York, xli 53, gov.- 
gen. royal mil.-coll. liii 152, gov. Edinb. 
Castle, Ixi 114 
—~ hon. lieut.-col. Chas.—col. xlii 49. 
maj.-gen. xlvii 455 
Chas.—commiss, navy, xliii 62 
—— — king’s advocate, Scotl. xliii 
57, pres. coll. just. Scotl. liii 154 
—- Geo, J.—rear-adm. blue, liii 153, 
commiss. adm. liv 163. do. 166. lv 111. lvi 
128, maj.-gen. (marines) lx 195 
——- hon. col. J.—dep.-adj.-gen. to forces 
under sir R. Abercrombie, xli 52, adj.- 
gen. to forces under duke York, xli 53, 
brigadier-gen. Mediterranean, xlii 52, 
maj.-gen. xliv 487 
— sir J.—baron Niddry, lvi 127 
——-— lieut.-col. John—col. xlvii 450 
— capt. Rob.—major, Turkey, xl 116 
——- W. J.—commiss. admiralty, xlix 543. 
1. 175, rear-adm. blue, liv 165 
Hopetoun, Jas. earl—baron Hopetoun, li 
551, lord-lieut. Linlithgow, lviii 209 
Hopkins, mr.—chamberlain London, xix 
121} 122] 
John—knt. xxxiv 58 
Rich.—clk, green-cloth, x 173] 
— lord adm. xxv 234] com- 
miss. do. xxv 236] xxvi 229] lord do. 
xxxi 240] 
col. R. N.—maj.-gen, xlv 488, 
lieut.-gen. li 555 
Hopkins, Rob.—sher. Berks. lvi 142 
Hopkinson, Hen.—sher. Lincolns. xli 68 
Hoppner, R. B.—sec. comm. Span. Amer. 
liii 153, consul, Venice, lvi 129 
Hopton, R. C.—sher. Herefords. xxix 235] 
Hornby, S.—sher. Hants. lv 126 
Horlock, J. W.—sher. Wilts. xxix 236] 
Horne, rey. dr. Geo.—vice-chane. Oxford, 
xix 220] bp. Norwich, xxxii 235] 236] 
Horneck, maj.-gen. Chas.—lient.-gen. xliv 
487, col. 5th garrison batt. xliv 493 
Horner, capt. J. B.—maj. xlv 489 
— T.S.—sher. Somers. lii 416 
Horseford, maj. John (E. Ind. co. serv. )— 
brev. lieut.-col. army E. Indies, xlii 
Horsfall, col. Geo.—dep. adjut.-gen. Jamaica, 
xlv 486 
Horsley, rey. dr.—sec. Royal Soe. xix 221] 
— dr. Sam.—bp. St. David’s, xxx 
228] do. Rochester, xxxv 67, dean Westm. 
zh. bp. St. Asaph, xliv 490 
Horsmanden, Dan, esq.—chief just. New 
. York, xv 164] 
Hort, John--consulegen, Lisbon, x $73} 
bart. 42, 




Horton, Eusebius—sher. Derbys. xlii 67 

——— Hugh—inspect. field off. volunt. 
“xlvi 456 

— Wm.—bart. vii 120] 

Hoskins, sir Hungerford, bart. — sher. 
Herefords. xxvii 252] lv 126 

Hoote, W.—bart. lvi 128 

Hotchkin, T.—sher. Rutlands. xlviii 575 

Hotchkiss, John—sher. Brecon, lvi 142 

Hotham, Beaumont—knt. and baron excheq. 
xviii 203] commiss. great seal, xxvi 

sir Chas.—knt. bath, xv 159] 

major-gen. 161] 

lieut.-col. Geo.—sub-gov. to pr. 

Wales, and bp. Osnaburgh, xix 216] 

treas. and sec. pr. Wales’s household, xxiv 

207] treas. duke York, xxix 233] maj.- 

gen. xxxii 235]—gen. xliv 487 

hon. H.—col. (mar.) lv 112 

sir Hen.—commiss. office high 

adm. Ix 195 

rev. dr. John—bp. Ossory, xxii 

245] do. Clogher, xxv 235] 

Wm.—col. mar. xxii 244] vice- 
adm. blue, xxxii 237] do. white, xxxv 
64, adm. blue, xxxvii 56, adm. white, xli 
47, do. blue, lv 112, rear-adm, red, xxix 

Houblon, J. A.—sher. Essex, xliii 79 

Houghton, Thos.—sher. Monmouths, xxxix 

Houlton, John—rear-adm. blue, xxxii 238] 

Houstoun, lieut.-col. Wm.—col. xliv 487 

Hovenden, brev. capt. Rd.—major, xl 108, 
lieut.-col. 2. 110 

Howard, lieut.-gen. sir Chas.—gen. horse, 
viii 164] 

hon. Chas.—{earl Surrey)—dep. 
earl marshal, xxv 237] lord lieut. W. 
Riding, York, xxvi 229] commiss. treas. 
xxvi 231] 

lieut.-gen. Geo. — gov. Chelsea 
hosp. xi 210] knt. bath, xvii 187] col. 
Ist drag, guards, xxii 243] field-marshal, 
xxxv 67, privy-couns. and gov. Jersey, 
xxxvii 57 

capt. Hen.—lieut.-col, Edenside 
Rangers, xliv 486 

John Griffin, lord—lord Bray- 
brooke, xxx 230] 

lieut.-col. K. A.—major brigade, 

x] 112, dep. inspector-gen. foreign troops, 

xliv 485, aid-de-camp to the king, xlvii 


Martin—chief justice, N. Carolina, 
ix 165] 
Ralph—privy couns. Ire]. xiii 183] 
baron Clonmore, xix 217] 
Howden, lord, Ixi 114. See Cradock 
Howe, Rich. lord viset.—commiss. adm. vi 
128] privy couns. viii 166] treas. navy, 
167] rear-adm. blue, xiii 185] do. white, 
xviii 202] vice-adm. blue, xix 215] com- 
miss, for peace, Amer. 215] visot. xxv 

235] commiss. adm. xxvi 229] 235] adm. 
white, xxix 234] baron Howe, xxx 229] 
vice-adm. G. Britain, xxxiv 56, adm, 
fleet and gen, marines, xxxviii 53, knt. 
garter, xxxix 62 

Howe, col. Wm.—maj.-gen. xv 161] gen. 
Amer. xix 214] commiss. peace, Amer. 
215] knt. bath, 219] lieut.-gen. ordnance, 
xxv 235] gen. xxxv 67 

gen. Wm. vise.—gov. Plymouth, 1. 


Howell, J.—sher. Beds. liii 169 

Howick, lord Chas.—prine. sec. state, and 
privy couns. x]viii 499 

Howley, maj. Rich.—lieut.-col. xliv 490 

rev. Wm.—canon Christ Church, 
Oxford, xlvi 456, bp. London, lv 111 

Howorth, E,—maj.-gen. liii 152 

T.—sher. Herts. lii 416 

Huddlestone, col. W. O.—maj.-gen. xlv 488, 
lieut.-gen, lii 321 

Hudson, Chas. Grave—bart. xxxili 54] 

maj.-gen. J.—lieut.-gen. viii 164] 

Hughes, Dav.—sher. Cardigan. xxxiii 64) 

———- capt. Edw.—knt. xvi 165] rear- 
adm. blue, xxi 221] knt. bath, 224] rear- 
adm, red, xxii 243] vice-adm., blue, xxiii 
247] do. white, xxix 234] do. red, xxxii 
237] adm. blue. xxxv 64 

lieut.-col. John, mar.—col, army, 
xxxiii 52] maj.-gen. xxxvi 46 

—-—— rev. John—north Tidworth rect. 
Wilts. &e. xlviii 503 

—— rev, J.—chap. forces, lii 323 

J.—sher. Denbigh. xxxviii 69 ~ 

aes J. W.—sher. Caermarthen, xxxvlii 

~ Rich.—commiss. navy, xiv 175] 

bart. xvi 163] comptroller Portsmouth 

yard, 164] rear-adm. blue, xxiii 247] do. 

red, xxix 234] adm. blue, xxxvii 56, do. 

white, xli 47 

sir Rich.—vice-adm. blue, xxxii 
237] do. white, xxxv 64 

—-— Rob.—rear-adm. red, xiii 185] 

—sher. Anglesea, lvii 133 

S.—sher. Brecon, xxxii 246] 

——— Wm.—sher. Carnarvon, xxxi 248] 

— W. B.—knt. xlv 483, sher. Angle- 
sea, xlv 532 

——— lieut.-col. W. C.—col. xliv 488, 
brig.-gen. Caribbee Islands, xlyi 455 

Hagonin, col. Fras.—maj.-gen. xlv 488, col. 
4th dragoons, 1. 177, lieut.-gen. lii 321 

Jas.—major-gen. xxxii 235] 

Hull, J. S.—vice-adm. blue, liv 165 

T.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Hulse, sir E.—sher. Southampton, xliv 524 

lieut.-col.—equerry to pr. Wales, 

xxiv 207] 

col. Sam.—treas. to pr. Wales, 
xxxiii 55] maj.-gen. xxxv 68, lieut.-gen. 
xl 108, gen. xlv 487, master treasury, 
liv 166 

—_—_~—— Smith—joint-treas, to pr. Wales, 


xxix 232] one of his privy council, 7. 
comptr. household, 74. 283] 

Hulton,rev. Edw.—Mundesley and Gaywood, 
rect. Norfolk, xlviii 502 

— W.—sher. Lancas. lii 416 

Hume, D.—clerk Sess. Scotl. liii 151 

dr. bp. Oxford—bp. Salisbury, ix 


rev. J.—dean, Derry, xxvi 229] 
—— mr. — treas. Salisbury cath. 
xIviii 502 
Jas.—commiss. excise, xlvii 455 
Ninian—lieut.-goy, Grenada, xxxiv 


Humffreys,Wm.—sher. Merioneths. xxv 198] 
do. Montgomeryshire, xxvi 236] 

Humfrey, rev. Nat.—Thorpe-Mandeville 
rect. Northampton, xlviii 498 

Humphreys, col. F. R.—maj.-gen. xxxvi 46 

Matt.—sher. Wilts.—xxxiv 61 

Humphries, maj. Rich. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
brey. lieut.-col. E. Indies, xlii 51 

Humphrys, Hugh—sher. Flints. liv 186 

Hunt, Edw.—surveyor navy, xxi 222] 

—- John—commiss, sale lands, W. Indies, 
vii 120] 

——-~ Jos.—commiss. transports, xl 116, 
treas. ordnance, xlix 543 

Thos.—sher. Rutlands. xxxix 69 

Hunter, maj. D. J.—lieut.-col, xliii 58, col. 
xliv 488 

——— H. Le—dep. commiss.-gen. xl 115 

——-— rev. Jas.—prof. logic and rhetoric, 
St. Andrew’s, xlvi 457 

———  mr.—surgeon extr. to his majesty, 
xix 213] 

ma. John—gov. New S. Wales, xxxvi 

— surgeon gen, forces, xxxii 

dr. John — physician extr. pr. 

Wales, xlix 546 

John—consul-gen. Madrid, xliv 

491, do. Spain, lv 112 

— sher. Northumb. xlvii 517 

——— capt. John—rear-adm. blue, xlix 
545, vice-adm. do. lii 322, do. red, lv 112 

—— lieut.-col. Martin—col. xlii 49, 
brigadier-gen. W. Indies, xliii 55, do. N. 
Amer. ly 485, maj.-gen. xlvii 455 

———— maj.-gen. Peter—lieut.-gen. xliv 

Steph. Claud.—bart. liv 166 

—-—— T. O.—commiss. treas. vi 127] 

Huntingford, dr. G. J.—bp. Gloucester, xliv 
489, do. Hereford. lvii 119 

Huntley, Geo. marquis—baron Gordon, xlix 

Hurd, rev. dr.—bp. Litchfield and Coventry, 
xviii 201] preceptor to pr. Wales, and bp. 
Osnaburgh, xix 216] 

Hurt, Chas.—sher. Derbys. xxxix 69 

Hurst, Herb.—sher. Glamorgan. xxxviii 69 

Huskisson, W.—privy couns. lvi 128 

Hussey, J,—sher, Wilts, lyiii 226 

Hussey, Thos.—sher. Wilts. xxvi 236] 
—-— col. V. W, (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
major-gen. xl 111 
Hutchinson, mrs. C. H.—baroness Donough - 
more, Xxvi 233] 
— hon. C. H.—M. P. Cork, xliv 
— Fra.—bart. Irel. xxv 237] 
———__—— capt. G. P.—maj. xlv 489 
——_—_—_—— dr. Hely—provost Trin. Coll. 
Dublin, xvii 187] 
—— maj. hon. lord Hely—lieut.- 
col. xliii 53 
—_——_. John (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
—lieut.-col. xl 111 
———_——_ maj.-gen. John H.—lieut.-gen. 
Mediterranean, xliii 58, knt. bath, 2d. 
lord Hutchinson, baron Alexandria, Irel. 
62, col. 74th foot, xliv 486, lieut.-gen. 
xlv 488, gov. Londonderry, xIviii 496 
— hon. J. H.—privy couns. xxix 
— col. J. H.—maj.-gen. xxxviii 
— R. H.—commiss. accts. and 
stamps, Irel. xix 213] | 
—— Thos.—capt.-gen. and gov. 
Massachusett’s Bay, xiii 185} 
—__—__——. major Wm.— maj. brig. forces, 
S. Brit. x1 110, lieut.-col. xlii 50, inspect. 
field-officer volunt. xlv 492 
Hutton, Hen.—commiss. cust. Amer. x 173] 
maj. Harry—lieut.-col. xliv 488 
H.—maj.-gen. liii 152 
Hyde, rt. hon. Alan.—rear-adm. white, 
lii 322 ; 

_——- John—puisne judge, Bengal, xvii 


Hyde, Thos. lord-—privy couns. vi 130] 
post-mast.-gen. 131] chanc. Lancaster, 
and privy couns. xiv 172] earl Clarendon, 
xix 216] 

maj.-gen. West—col. 20th foot, xxxi 
238] lieut.-gen. xxxv 68 

Hyett, Nich.—constable, Gloucester castle, 
viii 165] 

Hyndford, John, earl—vice-adm. Scotland, 
vii 121] 

Hyndman, maj. Hen. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 111 

Ibbetson, sir H. C.—sher. Worcesters. xlv 
capt. Levett—major, xlv 486 
Ilchester, Stephen, earl—privy couns. vi 
128] comptr. of army accts. xviii 203] 
Imhoff, maj. Cha.—lieut.-col. xliv 485 
Impey, Elijah—chief-just. E. Indies, xvi 
165] knt. xvii 185] 
Arch. El.—comm., treaty, Paris, lvi 

Imrie, major Ninian—lieut.-col. x] 109 
Inchiquin, Murrough, earl—gov. co. Clare, 
&c. xx 225] privy couns, Irel, xxiii 248] 




Inchiquin, earl—marquis Thomond, xlii 59 

Inge, W. P.—sher. Stafford, xlviii 575 | 

Ingersol, Jared—judge, vice-adm. court, 
Philadelphia, xi 213] 

pty Nicholson—commiss. navy, xliii 

Ingilby, John—bart. xxiv 207] sher. Yorks. 
xxv 198] 

Inglis, rev. dr. Cha.—bp. Nova-Scotia, xxix 

Cha.—réar-adm. blue, xxxii 238] 
Hugh—bart. xliii 59 
John—rear-adm. blue, xiii 54, rear- 
adm. white, xlvi 458 

capt. Tho.—major, xl 116, lieut.- 

col. xliv 488, 489 

maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

seVig capt. Alex,—rear-adm. white, xxiii 


——v~— lieut.-col, Harry (mar.)—col. army, 
xxxiii 52] maj.-gen. xxxvi 46, lieut.-gen. 
xliii 53 

Hugh—bart. Ix 196 

Ingram, J.—sher. Sussex, lviii 226 

Ireland, Jas.—sher. Somersets, xxv 198] 

Irnham, Simon, lord—vise. Carhampton, 

. Tre], xxiii 248] 

Irton, E. L.—sher. Cumberl. xxxii 63] 

Irvine, capt. Cha,x—dep. adjutant-gen. Ja- 
maica, xliii 62 

Jas.—clk. navy office, Jamaica, xiv 

Rob.—consul, Ostend, xi 210] agent, 
Rotterdam, xvii 187] 

Tho.—sher, Cumberland, 1. 178 

Irving, lieut.-col. P. A2.—lieut.-gov. Guern- 
sey, xiv 174] maj.-gen. xxxvi 46, lieut.- 
gen, xliii 53 

Paul. Aim.—bart. li 554 

Irwin, col. John—major-gen. viii 165] lieut.- 
gen. xv 161] commander-in-chief, gov. 
Londonderry, and privy couns. Irel. xviii 
203] knt. bath, 205] 

Irwine, brev.-maj. Cha. dep. quart.-mast.- 
gen. Jamaica, xlv 482 

Isaacke, capt. W. B.—maj. xl 112 

Isham, dr.—warden All Soul’s Coll. Oxf. 
xxxv 65 

rev. Vere—Cottesbrook rect. North- 
ampt. xlviii 498 

Isherwood, John—sher, Cheshire, Ivii 132 

Ives, John, jun.—Suffolk herald, xvii 188] 

Jackman, col. Cha. (mar.)—major-gen, xl 

rey. J.—dom. chaplain to pr. 
Wales, xlvi 462 

Jackson, maj. A. C.—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

——— dr. Cha. bp. Leighlin and Ferns— 
do. Kildare, viii 164} 

——— Cyril, Am.—sub-preceptor, to pr. 
of Wales and bp of Osnaburgh, xiv 172] 
preacher, Lincoln’s Inn, xxii 244] canon, 
Christ Ch. Oxford, 7b. dean, do, xxvi 

Jackson, F, J.—sec. legation, Berlin, xxxi 
239] sec. of embassy, Madrid, xxxiii — 
55] ambass. Turkey, xxxviii 54] envoy 
extr. Berlin, xliv 492, do. Amer. li 553 

——— Geo. —judge-advocate adm. xi 

——— Geo.—hart. xxxiii 54] 

——— maj. Geo. lieut.-col. xlii 50, inspect. 
field off. volunt, xlv 492 

Geo.—sec. legation, Prussia, xlix 

544, 545. lv 110 

John—receiver-gen. droits of adm. 

xvii 184] 

J.—commiss. excise, Scotland, li 


—— John—bart. lvi 129 

——+— Rich.—commiss. for treas, excheq. 
xxv 236] 

—-—— 4dr, Rob.—inspect. hosp. for Rus- 
sian troops, xli 54, physician to forces, 
Isle of Wight, xliii 61 

dr. Tho.—canon resid. St. Paul’s, 

xxxiv 56 

Tho.—sec. legation, Tunis, xxxvii 
57, minister, Sardinia, xli 50 

“ea rey. T.—Norrisian prof. Camb. lvii 


——— Wm.—commiss. excise, xxxvi 44 

—— Wm.—sher. Devons, xlviii 575 

Jacobs, maj. M. E.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Jacques, Jos.—sher. Bucks, xxv 197] 

James, John—sher. Montgomery, xxxvi 56 

capt. John—maj. xlvii 452 

Pinkston—phys. pr. reg. liv 167 

capt. Ralph—major, xlvii 452 

Wm.—bart. xxi 223] dep. mast. 

Trinity House, xxvi 232] 

W. J.—bart. xxxiii 54] 

W. M.—sher. Radnor, xxxiv 61 

Jameson, James—apothecary, hosp. N. 
Amer. xviii 205] 

Rob.—prof. nat. hist. and keeper 
curiosities, Univ. Edinburgh, xlvi 456, 

Janssen, 8. T.—chamberlain, London, viii 

Jaques, R. S.—sher. Leicesters. xxxiv 61 

Jarry, gen.—command. sen. depart. mil. 
coll. xliii 62 

Jay, Thos.—sher. Hereford, liv 185 

Jeannerett, capt. Sam. (E. Ind. co. serv.) — 
brey.-major, E. Indies, xlii 5] 

Jebb, Rich. M.D.—bart. xxi 223] physician 
in ord, to his maj. xxviii 220] 

Jee, rev. Tho,—Thaxted vic. Essex, xlviii 
502 ¢ 

Jeiferies, James—commiss. cust. ix 165] 

Jefferson, rev. J.—Grettingham vic. Suffolk, 
xlviii 498, Weeley rect. Essex, éb. 

Jefferys, maj.-gen. Cha.—lieut.-gen. viii 

Jefferyes, St. John—commiss. stamps, Irel. 
xix 218] ; 

Jeffreys, rev.—canon Christ Ch. Oxf, xii 
173] canon resid, St, Paul’s, xxii 244] 




Jeffreys, Walter—sher. Brecon, xxxiii 64] 
pith Jos.—attorn.-gen, to pr. Wales, liv 
Jemmett, T.—sher. Oxfords, xxx 233] 
Jenkins, rey. Geo.—chapl. to forces, lii 320 
~ Lew.—auditor, public accts. xlviii 
499, 500 
——- R.—sher. Glamorgans, xxx 233] 
—— 8. L.—consul, Bayonne, lviii 209 
Jenkinson, hon, Cecil—sec. legat. Vienna, 
xlvi 461 

Cha.—lord adm. ix 167] joint 
vice-treasurer, Jrel. xv 164] privy couns. 
xvi 163] clk. pells, Irel. xviii 204] master 
worker of Irish mint, xix 219] secretary- 
at ety xxi 224] lord Hawkesbury, xxviii 

xvii 188] 
lieut.-col. John—inspect. field 
off. volunt. xlv 487 
—- J.—maj.-gen. liii 152 
— rey. J. B,—prebend. Worcester, I. 

John—gent, usher to his maj. 


‘hon. R. B.—commiss. India 
affairs, xxxv 66. xxxvii 57 ‘ 

Jenner, Rob,—sher. Glamorgan, xl 67 

Jennings, W. D.—procurator-gen. Cape of 
Good Hope, li 554 

Jenour, maj. Matt.—lieut.-gen. xlii 50 

Jenyns, Soame—commiss. trade, iv 88} 

Jephson, Rd, Mounteney—bart. lvi 129 

maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Jersey, earl—lord bed-ch. xii 171] mast. 
buck-hounds, xxv 234] capt. pensioners, 
xxvi 232] mast. horse to pr. Wales, 
xxxvii 59 

Jervis, sir John—rear-adm. blue, xxix 234] 
do, white, xxxii 237] vice-adm. blue, 
¥ 64. xxxvii 56, baron Jervis, xxxix 


- J. J. W.—bart. Irel. xxxix 64 

capt. W. H.—treas. Greenwich 
Hosp. xly 492 

Jervoise, rev. S. C.—hart. lv 111 

Jessar, Rich.—sher. Staflords. xlvi 521 

Jocelyn, hon. Geo.—commiss. barracks, 
Ire], xxx 229] 

-———~— hon. and rev. dr. Perey—bp. Leigh- 
lin and Ferns, li 554 

—-— Rob. visc.—earl Roden, Irel. xiv 

-———. visc.—vice-chamb. household, liv 

Joddrell, R. P.—sher. Oxford, xxiv 203] 

Jodrell, dr. Paul—knt. xxix 235] 

Johnes, Tho.—lieut. Cardigan, xlii 53 

Johnson, Augustine—judge, yice-adm. court, 
Charlestown, xi 213] 

Edw.—comptrol. two-penny post- 
office, xlvii 454 
maj. Geo.—licut.-col. xlii 50 
maj.-gen. Hen,—lieut.-gen. xli 

———. Hen.—bart. lix 196 

Johnson, Jolin—sher. Cambridge, xxiv 
John—groom bed-ch. pr. Wales, 
xxiv 207} 
J. M.—consul, Genoa, lvi 129 
ee of honour, xyii 189] 
ob.—puisne judge, com. pleas, 
eS ey: lopped oat 
W. P.+-sher. Cumberl. lvii 132 
Johnston, Alex.—chief just. Ceylon, li 555, 
knt. 556 . 
——— col. Gab.—maj.-gen. E. Ind. 
XXXViii 54] 
col. Jas:—lieut.-gov. Nevis, iv 
99] do. Minorca, vi 128] major-gen. xiii 
183] gov. Quebec, xvii 189] lieut.-gen. 
and staff officer, xxi 222] gen. xxxv 67 
ee John—barrack-mast. Minorea, xli 

maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xliv 491, 
lieut.-col. royal engineers, xliv 491 
lieut.-col. Wm.—col. xlii 49 
Johnstone, col. hon. Cochrane—brigadier- 
gen. Leeward Islands, xli 49 
—~ Geo,—gov. West Florida, vi 131] 
commiss. for peace, Amer. xxi 222] 
—— eapt. Geo.—maj. xlii 50 
Geo. — commiss. India affairs, 

xlix 544 

capt, Hen.—maj. x1 110 
— lieut.-gen. Hen.— gov. Ross 
Castle, xliii 60 
—————. J. A.—bart. Ire]. xvii i188] 
— Rich.—bart, Irel. xv 161] 
col. Rob.—maj.-gen. xxxvi 46 
—— R. B.—hart. xxxvii 57 
—— maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xliy 488 
maj.-gen. Wm.—lieut.-gen. xliv 

— col. Wm.—maj.-gen. xlvii 455 

— maj.-gen. W. S.—lieut.-gen. xliii 

Jolifie, T. S.—sher. Somersets. xxxiv 61 

Jolliffe, Wm.—commiss. adm. xxvi 231] 

Jollytte, Wm.—commiss. trade, xv 160] 

a major-gen. Dan.—lieut-gen. xxii 

rey. David—Kilgerran rect. Pem- 
broke, xlviii 503 
Edw.—sher. Anglesea, 1. 178 
E. W.—sher. Cardigan, xxxviii 69] ~ 
Geo.—sher. Monmouths, xlv 532 
Griffith—sher. Cardigan, liv 185 
rev. dr. G. L.—bp. Kilmore, xvii 
189] do. Kildare, and dean Christ Ch. 
Dublin, xxxii 237] 
——~ Harford—bart, xlix 545, sher. Rad- 
nors, lviii 226 
Herbert—sher, Anglesea, xxxiii 

Hugh—sher. Merioneth, xlviii 576 

—- Hugh—sher. Anglesea, xxxvi 56 

H. R.—sher. Carnarvons. lii 416 

—— H,. V.—commiss. excise, Irel. xiii 




Jones, rev. dr. Jas.—archd. Hereford, xxx 

James—sher. Oxfords. xxxix 69 
Jas.—sher. Brecon, lii 416 
rev. John—chaplain to hosp. N. 

Amer, xviii 201] 

John—sher. Carnarvon, xxvii 253] 
—— — sher. Merioneth, xxvii 253] 
—— — sher. Merioneth, xxix 236] 
— — sher. Brecon, xxix 236] 

———_——__— sher. Cardigan, xxxi 248] - 

———. — sher. Denbighs. xxxiii 64] 

———— — sher. Flints. x] 120 

—_—_-—— — sher. Denbighs. x1 120 

—————. — sher. Anglesea, 1. 173 

— sher. Cardigans. lx 208 

Chamber—sher. Denbighs, lxi 


—- Lew. P.—sher. Caermarth. lx 208 
——— Morgan—sher. Anglesea, xxv 198] 
xxvi 236] 
—_——_———. — sher. 

Pembroke, xiii 

———-— — sher. Cardigan, 1]. 178 

Nich. B.—sher. Carmarth. lvi 142 

Phil.—sher. Hereford. liii 169 

P.—sher. Montgom. lvii 132 

: R.—sher. Denbighs. xlviii 576 

Rich.—sher. Anglesea, xxxix 70 

col. Rich. (E. Ind. co. sery.)—maj.- 

gen. E, Indies, xliii 56 

lieut.-gen. sir Rd.—knt. comm. 

bath, lix 140 

Rob.—sher. Glamorgans. xliii 80 

Rob. jun.—attorney-gen, N. Caro- 

lina, iv 99] 

Rowland—sher. Caernarvons. 



capt. Theophilus—rear-adm. blue, 
xlvi 458, vice-adm. do. li 556, do. white, 
lii 322 

Tho.—sher. Radnor, xxxiii 64] 
Tho.—sher. Denbighs. xxxiy 61 
col. Tho.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68 
Tho.—sher. Merioncth, xlviii 495 
Tho.—bart. 1. 176 

Tho.—sher. Carnarvons. Ix 208 

sir T, J. T.—sher. Shrops. lviii 226 
col. Val.—major-gen. Amer. xix 

——— Wm.—bart. xvii 186] 
Wm.—judge, Fort William, Bengal, 
xxvi 230] 
Wm.—sher. Monmouths. xxiv 202] 
Wm.—sher. Carnarvon, xxxvii 59 
Joynes, Edwin—knt. xlii 53 
Judd, J.—sher. Essex, xxix 235] 
Judson, maj. Tho.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
Justamond, mr.—librarian, Brit. Mus. xvi 
Juvencel, Cutchel—priv, sec. duke Grafton, 
viii 166] 

Kane, J, D.—inspect, field off, volunt, xlv 

Katenkamp, Herm.—consul, Sicily, xiv 175] 

Kay, rev. dr.—vice-chane. Cambr. lvii 120, 
prof. div. do. lviii 209 

Kaye, rev. dr.—trustee Brit. Mus. xv 164] 
canon-resid. Southwell, xvii 186] prebend, 
Durham, xx 224] dean, Lincoln, xxvi 

J. L.—bart. liv 167 
Keane, John—bart. Ire]. xliii 60 
maj.-gen. sir J—gov. St. Lucia, Ix 


brev.-maj.—maj. Ixi 115 

Kearnan, maj. Tho. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 112 

Kearney, rev. dr. John—provost, Trin. Coll. 
Dublin, xli 52, bp. Ossory, xlviii 492 

Keats, R. G.—col. mar. xlvii 457, rear-adm. 
blue, xlix 545, knt. bath, J]. 177, rear- 
adm, white, li 556, commiss. for civil 
affairs, Malta, 557, rear-adm. blue, lii 
322, vice-adm. do, liii 153, governor, 
Newfoundland, lv 110, maj.-gen. marines, 
Ix 195 ‘ , 

Keate, Tho.—surg. duke Clarence, xxxi 
239] do. Chelsea hosp. xxxii 235] 
surgeon-gen. forces, xl 112 

Keay, Ph.—sher. Staffords. xxiv 203] 

Kech, Anth.—sher. Leicesters. xxxvii 59 

Keene, Benj.—sher. Camb. xlvi 520 

dr. Edm. bp. Chester—bp. Ely, xiv 


Whitshed—commiss. trade, xvii 183] 
surv. of his majesty’s works, xxii 243] 
commiss. adm. xxvi 231] : 

Kekewick, Geo.—advocate-gen. Cape G. 
Hope, li 554 

——— Sam.—sher. Devons. xlvi 517 

Keith, A.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Alex.—knt. and knight marshal, 

Scotl. lxi 113 -; 

capt. Bas. —knt. xv 161] gov. 

Jamaica, xvi 163] 

Geo. lord—vice-adm, red, xli 48, 

adm. blue, xliii 53, baron Keith, 63. xlv 

486, 487. adm. red, lii 321, commander, 

chann. fleet, liv 163 

R. M.—envoy extr. Dresden, xi 
212] Denmark, xiv 171] knt. bath, xv 
160] col. 47th foot, 161] envoy extr. 
Vienna, 162] privy couns. xxxi 238] 

Kellett, sir Rd.—bart. Irel. xliii 60 

Kellie, Tho. Erskine, earl—permission to ~ 
wear the royal order of Vasa, 1. 175 

Kelly, maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 

W. H.—vrear-adm. red, li 556, vice- 
adm. blue, lii 322 

Kelso, maj. Rob.—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 

Kemble, col. Steph.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68 

Kemmis, J.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Kemp, Wm.—sher. Rutland. xliii 80 

Kempe, capt. Arthur—rear-adm. red, xli 
48, xliii 54, vice-adm. blue, xlvi 458, 
adin. blue, lii 321 

Kempenfelt, capt, Rich,—rear-adm. blue, 
xxii 247] 




Kempenfeldt, adm.—rear-adm. blue, xxiv 

Kempt, maj. Jas.—lieut.-col. xli 53 

sir Jas.—knt. grand cross bath, Ivii 
120, lieut.-gen. N. America. 26. lieut.-gov. 
Nova Scotia, Ixi 114 

Kempthorne, Jas.—rear-adm. blue, xliii 54, 
do. white, xlvi 458, do. red, xlvii 456, 
vice-adm. blue, xlviii 501 

Kemyss, J. K. G.—sher. Monmouth. li 540 

Wm.—sher. Glamorgan. xxv 236] 

Kendal, Edw.—sher. Brecon. lviii 226 

Kenmare, visc.—earl, Irel. xlii 55 

Kennaway, John—capt. E. Ind. co. serv.) 
and resid. at Hydrabad, xxxiii 53] 

maj. sir John (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
lieut.-col. x1 112 

Kennedy, E.—bart. liv 167 

———- dr. Hugh—phys. to forces, N. 
Amer. xix 213] 

——— Hugh—dep. 
stores, xliv 492 

Kennersley, Thos.—prothonot. and clerk of 
aon in Denbigh and Montgomerys. xix 

21] : 

Kennet, Brackley—presid. Bridewell, and 
Bethlem, hosp. xx 194] 

Kennet, G. B.—king’s serjt. at arms, vi 

Kennicott, rey. dr. Benj.—canon Christ Ch. 
Oxford, xiii 185] 

Kenrick, John—receiver-gen. stamp-duties, 
vi 127] commiss. stamp office, viii 167] 
clerk deliv. in board ordnance, xxiii 246] 

Kenrick, R. A.—sher. {Merioneth. xlix 386 

R. H.—sher. Denbigh. 1. 178 

Wm.—mast. household, lii 320] 

Kensington, J. P.—sher. Surrey, xlv 532 

Wm. lord—commiss, adm. xviii 

commiss. gen. of 



Kent, Chas.—knt, xiv 174] 

— sher. Suffolk, xxiv 203 

—  H. R. H. duke—gen. xli 50, privy 
couns. 7b. command,-in-chief, N. Amer. 2b. 
col. Ist. reg. foot, xliii 61, gov. Gibraltar, 
xliv 486, field marshal forces, xlvii 454, 
keeperand paler of Hampton Court house 
and park, x 456 

Kent, maj. Wm.—licut.-col. xlv 491 

Kentish, Eustace—sher. Camb. xxx 233] 

Kenyon, Lloyd—king’s counsel, xxiii 246] 
attorney-gen. xxv 235] xxii 235] lord 
Kenyon, baron Gredington, xxx 229] lord- 
lieut. Flint, xxxix 62 

Keppel, hon. Aug.—lord adm. viii 166] rears 
adm. red, xiii 184] 185] vice-adm. blue, 
185] do. white, xviii 201] 202] do. red, 
xix 213] adm. blue, xxi 221] lord adm. 
xxv 234] a visc. 235] commiss. adm. 236] 
xxvi 231] master Trinity H. 232] 

dr. bp. Exeter—dean Windsor, and 
register order garter, viii 168] 

-—— Fred.—inspect. field offi. volunt, xlv 

—— capt, Geo-reareadm, white, xxxvii 
Pant Il, 

56, do. red, xxxix 62, vice-adm. white, 
xli 48, do. red, xliv 487, adm. blue, xlvi 

Keppel, col. Wm.—maj.-gen, viii 165] lieut.- 
gen. xv 161] command. forces, Irel. xvi 

col. Wm. (W. Ind.) maj,-gen. army, 
xxxviii 53] lieut.-gen. xlv 487, 488, groom 
bedchamb. liv 163 

gen. W.—equerry 3rd_ guards, liii 


Xer, Cha. M, D.—prine. inspect. hosp. lii 

lieut.-col. Walter — col. xlv 488, in- 
spect. field offi. volunt. 492 

Kerr, lieut.-col. J. W.—col. xliii 53 

col. Manners—brig.-gen. W. Ind. xliii 


Kerr, Rob.—secret. ord. thistle, lxi 114 

Kerrick, Thos.—sher. Norfolk, xxx 233] 

Kerrison, Roger.—sher. Norfolk, xlii 67, 
knt. xlii 53 

Kersteman, capt. Wm.—maj. xlii 50 

Ketley, R.—sher. Camb. xlii 67 

Kettlewell, capt. Peter—maj. xlvii 451 

Keysall, J.—sher. Hereford. xxxv 75 

Roe Francis — consul Courland, xlix 

ere Jas. marquis—duke Leinster, ix 


Kiltarton, lord—visct. Gort, viii 207 

Kilwarden, lord—visct. Irel. xlii 55 

Kilworth, Stephen, baron — visc. Mount 
Cashell, Irel. viii 169] ; 

Kincaird, Alex.—lord provost, Edinb. xix 

King, zt Edw.—baron Kingston, Irel. vii 


—— Edw.—vice. chance. Lancaster, xlii 51 

— G.—hart. lvii 119 

—— Gilbert—bart. lvi 129 

—— Henry—privy couns. Irel. xiii 183] 

lieut.-col. H.—lieut.-gov. Heligoland, 
Ivi 129 

—- hon. col H.—groom bedchamb. lvii 

—— rev. Jas. D. D.—canon Windsor, xvii 
186] dean Raphoe, xix 219] 

—— Jas.—sher. Oxford. lvi 142 

John—under see. state, xxxiii 56] 

— law-clerk, sec. state’s office, xxxiv 


— hon. John—sec. legat. Wirtemberg, 
xvlii 453 

— J.—sher. Sussex, lx 207 

—— Nevile—sher. Lincolns. lviii 226 

sir Rich.—rear-adm. white, xxix 234] 
do. red, xxxii 237] bart. xxxiv 57, vice- 
adm. blue xxxv 65, do. red, xxxvi 44, 45, 
adm. blue, xxxvii 56, do. white xli 47 

—— sir R—command.-in-chief, E. Ind. lviii 

— hon. Rob.—lord Erris, Irel. xlii 55 

—— lieut.-col. hon. Rob.—col. xltii 53 

—— dr. Walter—prebend. Canterbury xly 



491, St. Peter’s, Westm. 1. 
Rochester, |. 177, 

Kingscote, brev.-col. Rob. (mil.)—col. army, 
x1 114 

Kingsmill, capt. Rob.—rear-adm. white, 
xxxv 56, vice-adm. do. xxxvi 45, do. 
red, xxxvii 56, adm. blue, xli 48, bart. 
xlii 54, adm. white, xlvi 457 

sir R.—sher. Southampton, liti 

173, bp. 

Kingston, Evelyn, duke—lord-lieut. Notts, 
vi 126] keeper Sherwood Forest iJ. gen. 
xv 16i] 
lord—vise. Kingston, Irel. ix 166] 
earl, Irish, xi 211] 
maj. Peter.—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 
col. Rob.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68 
Kinnersley, ‘Thos.—sher. Shrops. xlv 532 
Kinnoul, earl—chancellor St. Andrew’s, viii 
169] privy couns. xxxviii 53] and lord 
Dupplin, lord lyon king at arms, Scotl. 55] 
Kinsey, maj. Wm. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—lieut.- 
col, xl 111 
Kirke, Rob.—consul-gen, Algiers, viii 164] 
Kirkman, Jas.—inspect. field offi. volunt. xlv 

maj Nat.—lieut.-col. xlvii 459 
Kirkpatrick, maj. Wm. (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
lieut.-col. xl 111 
ge rgd Cha,—sher. Somerset. xxxvi 

Edw.—sher. Kent, xxvii 252] 

a Thos. baron—visc. de Vesci, xix 

Knight, Fras.—inspector gen. army hosp. 
xliii 63 

Hen,—sher, Glamorg. xxxvi 56 

maj. H. R.—lieut.-col. xliv 489 

John—rear-adm. blue, xliii 54, do. 

white, xlvi 458, vice-adm, red, lii 321 

J.—sher. Worcesters. lvi 142 

capt. Joseph—knt. xvi 164] rear- 

adm. white, xviii 202] 

J. G.—sher. Notts, xxxix 69 

- Peppard—inspect. field offi, volunts 

xlv 490 

Rob.—sher. Warwick. xxxix 69 

—sher. Montgomery. xxxix 70 

R.—sher. Montgomery. |. 178 

sir C.—sher. Northampton. lix 150 

Knightly, Val—sher. Northampton. xxxvii 

Knighton, Wm. M. D—bart. liv 167, audit. 
Cornwall, &c. lix 141 

Kniphausen, baron—minister to Prussia, i. 

Knollis, rev. Jas.—histor. and class. pro- 
fessor at mil. coll. G. Marlow, xlvi 457 

Knowles, Cha.—adm. blue ; bart. viii 168] 
rear-adm, 7b. 

capt. C, H. bart—trear-adm. white, 
xli 48, do. blue, zbid. do. red, xiii 54, 
adm. blue, lii32J, adm. white, liv 165 

wc, Se John — rear-adm. blue, xii 


Knowles, John-—rear-adm. white, xliii 54 
vice-adm. blue, xlvi 408 

—_ . Newman—common serjt. London, 
xlv 490 

Knox, capt. Geo. (E. Ind. co, serv.)—brev.- 
maj. E. Ind. xlii 51 

col. hon. John—maj. gen. x1 113. 

dr. Rob.—phys. to forees, N. Amer. 


Thos.—baron Welles, Irel. xxiii 248] 

—— Wm.—sher. Pembroke. xxviii 223] 

dr. Wm.—bp. Derry. xlv 486 

Knubley, Edw.—sher. Cumberl. xxvii 252] 

Koehler. lieut.-col. G,. F.—assist.-quart.- 
mast.-gen. to forces under lord Mulgrave, 
x1 113, brig.-gen. Turkey, 116, col. xlii 
49 : 

Kolconnet, lord—visct. Dunbar, Irel. xlii 

beenye lieut. Thos.— capt. in Turkey, xl 


Larking, John,—sher Kent, xlii 67 

Lacon, sir Edm.—bart. lx 196 

Ladbroke, Rich.—sher. Surrey, xxix 236] 

Lade, rev. Wm.— Goodnestone rect. and 
Graveney vic. Kent, xlviii 497 

Laforey, sir Fras.—rear-adm. blue, lii $22, 
do. white, liy 165 

—-—— capt. John—commiss. navy, Bar- 
badoes, xxii 245] bart. xxxi 24]] rear- 
adm. red, xxxii 237] vice-adm. white, 
xxxv 65, adm. blue, xxxvii 56 

Laing, Jas.—sher. Surrey, lvii 182 

Laird, W.—consul, Malaga, lv 110 

Lake F. G, P—maj.-gen. liti 152 

—— G.A. F.—page of honour to pr. Wales, 
xxxli 239] 

col. Gerrard—joint treas. to pr. Wales, 

xxix 232] first equerry and commiss. 

stables, 233] maj.-zen. xxxii 235] lieut.- 

col. xxxiy 57, col. 73rd foot, xxxviii 59, 

baron Lake, xlvi 462, gov. Plymouth, xlix 

545, visc. Lake, 546, receiver-gen duchy 

of Cornwall, idid. lord bedchamb. lv 110 

lieut.-col.—first equerry to pr. Wales, 

xxiv 207] 

maj.-gen—gov. Limerick, xxxvi 46 

—— lieut.-gen.—gen. xliv 487 

—— Warwick — groom bedchamb. to pr. 
Wales, xxix 233] 

—— Wm. rear-adm. white, lii 522 

Lalande, maj. Carey(E. Ind. co. serv.)lieut. - 
col. x] 11] 

Lamont, maj. John—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 

Lamb, hon. F.—secret. legat. Palermo, liii 
151, secr. embassy, Vienna, lv 111, envoy, 
Munich, lvii 120 

—-— rev. dr. Matt.—prebend, Worcester, 
xviii 203] 

sir Peniston—lord Melbourne, Irel. 

xiii 183 ' 

dr. Rob.—bp. Peterborough, vii 121] 

Lambert, maj. Edm, (E, Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col, xl 111 




Lambert, col. Harr. — maj.-gen, viii 165] 
lieut.-gen. xv 161] 

col. Rich.—maj.-gen. xv 161] 

Lambesch, capt. Jos.—maj. xliii 62 

Lambton, maj.-gen. John—lieut.-gen, xiii 

Lampriere, Chas.—dep. commiss. musters, 
Jersey and Guernsey, xx 224] 
nee, Dav,—sher. Southampton, xlix 385 

Lancey, maj. H. W. de—assist.-quart-mast.- 
gen. xlv 484 

-—— col. Oliv. de—maj.-gen. xxxvi 46, 
lieut.-gen. xliii 53 

maj. W. H. de—lieut.-col. xlvii 


Landaff, lord—visc. Landaff, Irel. xxxvi 44, 
earl Landaff, xxxix 64 

Landon, rev. James—keeper statutes, Ox- 
ford, xlviii 501 

———_—  W.—dean, Exeter, lv 110 

Lane, G. F.—lord Bingley, v 82] 

John—receiver duties on salaries, xlii 
53, receiver-gen. duties on salaries in N. 
Britain, xly 493 

Lanesborough, Brinsley, earl—privy-couns. 
Trel. xvii 188] 

Langden, Jobn—sher. Nottinghams. xlix 

_- 947] 
Langford, W. W.—consul-gen. at Tripoli, 
xlv 487 

Tango, sir J.—sher. Northampton. lvii; 

capt. Wm.—rear-adm. white, xxiii 

sir Wm. bart.—sher. Monmouths. 
Xxxix 69 

Langharne, J. —rear-adm. white, liii 153, 
rear-adm. red, liv 165 

J. P.—sher. Pembrokes. xxx 

J.—rear-adm. blue, lii 822 

Langley, Rich.—sher. Yorkshire, xxvili 

Langlois, Benj. sec. to embassy at Vienna, 
vi 129] clerk to deliv. in board ordnance, 
xv 164] keeper of stores, xxi 223] lord 
trade, xxiii 246] 

Langrishe, Hercules—commiss. excise, Irel, 
xix 218] bart. Irel, xx 222) privy couns, 
Trel. xxxiv 58, commiss. excise and cust. 
Irel. xli 52 

— Rob. —commiss. barracks, Irel. 
xxvii 251] xxx 229] 

Langston, John—sher. Oxfords. xlvi 521 

S.—sher. Bucks, xxx 233] 

Langworth, E. B:—brig.-gen. lii 323 

Larcom, capt. commiss. navy, liv 162 

L’Ardy, maj. Pierre—lieut.-col. xlv 487 

La Roche, James—bart. xix 218] 

Larpent, John, jun.—groom privy chamb. 
xviii 187] examiner of plays, &c. xxi 224] 

Spare, Edwin—baron Harewood, xxxii 


Edw.—baron Harewood, xxxvili 

Lascelles, maj.-gen. Fras. col. 8th light 
dragoons, xxxi 238] lieut.-gen. xxxv 68 
F.—consul at L’Orient, lviii 209 
lieut.-gen. Pereg.—gen. xiii 182] 
lord—lord-lieut. W. Rid. Yorks. 

Ixi 114 

Latham, dr.—phys. Bartholomew’s hosp. 
xxxv 64 

—— — maj. James—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

——— Wm.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Latouche, D.—privy couns, Irel. xxvii 251] 

Lauderdale, Jas. earl— baron Lauderdale, 
xlviii 494, state couns. Scotl. 7, 496, lord 
police, do. ix 163] 

Laughnan, Jas.—commiss. musters, E. Ind. 
xli 49 

Laurence, Soulden—serjt. at law, xxix 232] 

just. com. pleas, and knt. xxxvi 44 

Laurence, Thos. clk. faculties, &c. chan- 
cery, xvii 184] 185] 

Laurent, Fras.—knt. xi 210] 

Laurie, Gilb——commiss. excise, Scotl. xi 
212) lord provost, Edinb. xv 162] 

maj.-gen. sir Rob.—lieut.-gen. xl 

Lavingdon, Ralph, lord —goy. Nevis, St. 
kitt’s, &c. xli 49, privy couns. 53, 54 
Law, Edw.—king’s counsel, xxix 233] at- 
torney-gen. xliii 56, baron Ellenborough, 
xliv 486 
rev. G. H.—bp. Chester, liv 164 
—— dr. John—bp. Leighlin and Ferns, xxv 
236] do. Elphin, xxxvii 55 
Lawford, J.—rear-adm. blue, liii 153 
“a sir Mich.—baron Cloncurry, xxxi 
Lawley, Rob.—equerry to the duke Cum- 
berland, xxxi 237] 
sir R,—sher. Stafford, xxxix 69 
Lawrence, capt. H. P.—maj. xl 112 
Tho.—painter in ord. to his maj. 
xxxiv 56 
Wm. — sher. 

Lawrie, sir Rob,—maj.-gen. xxxv 68, gen. 
xlv 487 
Lawson, lieut.-col. Rob.—col. xlii 49 
brev: col. Rob.—col. xliv 484 
—— sir Wilfred—sher. Cumberl. xliii 79 
Layard, lieut.-col. A. L,—col. xliv 487 
dr. C, P.—dean Bristol, xlii 50 
J. T,—maj.-gen. liii 152 
Laye, capt. Geo.—maj. of brig. xl 113 
Lea, Jos.—sher. Worcest. lviii 226 
Rich.—alderm. London, xlv 483 
Leach, Abrah.—sher. Pembroke. xxxix 70 
J—privy couns. lix 141, vice-chanc. 
Ix 195 
Leake, G. M.—Chester herald, xxxiii 55] 
J. M.—comptr. army ace. xxxvi 44 
Ralph.—sher. Shrops. xxxviii 69] 
do. Montgomery, xl 120 
lieut. Wm.— capt. in Turkey, x1 117 
Leard, John—consul Ragusa, xlvi 462 
Leblape, Sim.—serjt. at law, xxix 232] 

Gloucester. xlviii 


Le Breton, lieut, (Jersey militia)—maj. of 
brig. xl 112 

Lecale, Cha. lord—vice-adm. blue, xlvi 458 

Leche, John—sher. Cheshire, xxxix 69 

Lechmere, Wm.—col. mar. xlix 545, 546, 
rear adm. red, lii 322, vice-adm. blue, liv 

Le Conteur, lieut.-col. John—inspect. milit. 
Jersey, xli 51 

Le Cras, Edw.—commiss. navy, xxiii 249] 

Ledwell, capt. Wm.—maj. xlv 489 

Lee, George—sher. Essex, xlii 67 

—— serjt.-maj. Jas—provost-marshal in 
Europe only, xli 54 

—— John — solicitor-gen. xxvii 232] at- 
torney-gen. 234] king’s counsel, xxiii 
246] solicitor-gen. xxv 235] 

— lieut. col. John—col. xlv 488, inspect. 
field offi. volunt. xlv 493 

maj. Rich.—lieut.-col. xlii 49 

—— Rd.—rear-adm. blue, liv 165 

—— Rt.—sher. Norfolk, xxiv 202] 

—— rev. Thos.—vice-chane. Oxford, lvii 
120, lix 141 

rey G. W.—sher. Cambr. lii 416, bart. liv 

duke—.gov. Turkey comp. xxxiv 57 

—~ W. F. duke—gov. Scilly, xliii 62, 
lord-lieut. N. Riding York, xliv 486 

Leek, R.—sher. Montgom. lv 127 

Leeky, capt. Dav.—maj. xl vii 452 

Lees, John—bart. xlvi 460 

Lefroy, rev. J. M.G.—Compton rect, Surrey, 
&e. xlviii 502 

Legertwood, capt. Alex. (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
brey.-maj. E. Ind. xlii 51 

Legg, H.—sher. Warwick. xliv 524 

Legge, hon. A. K.—rear-adm. blue, lii 322, 
rear-adm. white, liv 165 

hon. and rey. Edw. — prebend, 

eee xliv 492, dean do. &c. xlvii 


Francis—gov. Nova Scotia, xvi 164] 

Heneage— commiss. excise, xix 220] 

capt. Rich.—maj. xlv 489 

hon. mr.—groom bedchamb. to pr. 
Wales, xxiv 207] 

Legh, hon. Cornwal—sher. Cheshire, xxviii 

Rich,—sher. Lancashire, xlix 385, note 

Le Grand, Alex.—commiss. cust. Scotl. vi 

Edw.—treas. to duke Gloucester, 
vii 121] 
Le Grice, rev. F. V.—Penzance perpet. cur. 
xlviii 503 
Le Heup, M. W.—sher. Suffolk, xlviii 575 
Le Hunte, lieut,-col. Geo.—col. xliv 487 
Leicester, earl—master mint, xxxii 235] 
postmast.-gen, xxxvi 46, joint postmast.- 
gen. xl 111 
sir J. F.—sher. Cheshire, xlvi 520 
Leigh, Capel—sher. Monmouth. xli 68 
“Se col. Chas,—equerry to pre Wales, 
¥xIx 233] 


Leigh, maj.-gen. Charles—capt. and gov. 
Nevis, &c. xxxvi46, gov. Caribbee islands, 

col. Chas—groom bedchamb. to pr. 
Wales, xxxiii 55] maj.-gen. xxxv 68, 
lieut.-gen. xl 108, gen. xlv 489, groom 
bedchamb. liv 163 

maj. C.—maj. Ist roy. garr. batta- 
lion, xliv 493 

Egerton—bart. xv 162] 

G. J.—sher. Cheshire, xlvii 516 
Jobn—capt. Carisbrook castle, viii 


J.— sher. Somerset, liii 169 

Rd. Holt—bart. lvi 130 

rev. Wm.—dean Hereford, 1. 172 

Leighton, col. Baldwin—brig.-gen. Portugal, 
xl 115, do. W. Indies. xliii 55, maj.-gen. 
xlv 488, lieut.-gen. li 555, gov. Carrick- 
fergus, lix 140 

maj. Burgh—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

lieut.-gen. Francis—gen. xv 161] 

sir Rob. — sher. Shrops. xxviii 

maj. Tho. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 111 
Wm.—knt. xlii 63 
Leightonhouse, Sam.—sher. Herts, xxxvi 56 
Leinster, maj.-gen. Jas. duke—lieut.-gen. 
~ xiii 183] 
duke—mast. rolls, Ire]. xxx 229] 

_ Leith, Alex.—bart. xviii 204] 

capt. sir Geo.—maj. xlii 50 

— lieut.-col. Jas.—col. xliii 53 

—— lieut.-gen. sir Jas.—gov. &c. Leeward 
Islands, lvi 127, do. Barbadoes, lvii 119 

Leitrim, Rob. visc.— earl Leitrim, Irel. 
xxxvii 68 

Leland, col. John—maj. gen. xxix 234] col. 
64th foot, xxxii 237] gen. xliv 487 

Le Marchant, lieut.-col. J. G.—col. xlvii 

Le Moine, maj. Edm.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Lemoine, capt. John—maj, xlvii 451 

Lemon, Wm.—bart. xvii 186] 

Wm.—commiss. adm. xlvi 455 

Lempriere, John—consul, Pernambuco, li 

Lennard, T. B.—bart. xliii 59 

Lennox, col. Chas.—maj.-gen. x1 108, lieut.- 
gen. xlvii 449 

——— lord G.—gen. xxxv 67 

—— col. lord G. H,—tmaj.-gen. xv 

Lenox, lord Geo, — minister, France, ix 

Lenthall, John. jun.—sher. Oxford, xxvii 

J, W.—sher. Carnarvon. xxxviii 

Lenthal, W. J.—sher. Merioneth, xxxv 75 
Lentz, F. C.—consul, Magdeburg, xxxix 62 
Leo, Dan.—sher. Flint. xxxvi 56 
Leslie, lieut.-col. Alex,—-aid-de-camp to the 
king, xviii 204] : 




Leslie, hon. col. Alex.—maj.-gen. xxii 243 
lieut--gen. xxix 234] 

— lieut.-co]. Dav.—col. xliii 53 

Edw.—bart. Ivel. xxix 234] 

col. hon. John—maj.-gen. xliv 487 

— sev. J.—bp. Dromore, liii 154 

L’Estrange, maj. Thos.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Letchmere, Anth.—bart. lx 196 

Lethbridge, J.—sher. Somerset. xxx 233] 

——— John—hart. xlvi 459 

—— maj. Rob.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

—_——— brev.-lieut.-col.—lieut.-col. xliv 

Lett, T.—sher. Surrey, lix 150 

Leven, earl—high commiss. church, Scotl. 
xxvi 232] xxviii 218] xxix 233] xxx 229] 
xxxi 238] commiss. assembly, do. xxxviii 
53] xli 50, high commiss. church, do. 
xiii 57, 58 

Leversage, Tho.—Sher. Stafford. xxxi 248] 

Levett, Fheo.—sher. Stafford. li 540 

Levinz, Wm.—treceiv.-gen. customs, vi 127] 

Lewellyn, John—sher. Glamorgan. xxxi 248] 

Lewes, Watkin—knt. xvi 163] 

Wm.—sher. Carmarthen. xxvii 253] 

Lewis, C.—sher. Monmouths. liv 185 

Lewis, D.—sher. Pembroke. xliv 524 

maj. Geo.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

H. G.—sher. Warwick. xlv 532 

John—sher. Carmarthen. xxviii 223] 

——— —sher. Radnor. xxxiv 61 

J. G.—sher. Anglesea, xxix 236] 

——— Matt.—dep. sec. at war, xviii 205] 

Percival—sher. Radnor. xxxix 70 

col. R. M.—maj.-gen. xxxvi 46 

lieut.-col. Theo.—col. 1. 175 

T.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

capt sir Tho.—rear-adm. blue, xlvi 
458, do. white, xl vii 457 

——— Thos.—sher. Monmouth. xxix 236] 

—sher. Monmouth. xxxi 248] 

T. F.—sher. Radnor. xlvi 521 

Wm.,—lieut. of pensioners, xx 225] 

col. Wm. (mar.)—maj.-gen. army, 

xxxvili 53] 

W.—sher. Glamorgan. xxxii 246] 

—sher. Cardigan. xxxiv 61 

Wyndham—sher. Glamorgan. xxxvii 

Lewisham, visc.—lord warden of stannaries, 
xxvi 234] 

Geo. vise.—privy couns. xliii 56, 
commiss. for India affairs, 57, baron Dart= 
mouth, 59 

Leyborne, lieut.-col. E. W.—col. xlv 488 — 
Leybourne, W. L.—gov. Grenada, &c. xiv 


ate, Rd.—sher. Shrops. liv 185 

L’Hoste, lieut.-col. 8S. P. de—col. xliv 488, 
inspect. field off. volunt. xlvi 456 
Libenrood, J. I.—sher. Berks, xlviii 575 
Liddell, sir Hen.—sher. Northumb. xxvii 
“on John--consnl, Carthagena, xx 

Lifford, James, baron—visct, Irel. xxiii 248] 
Jord justice, do. xxix 235] 

Lightburne, lieut.-col. Stafford—col. xliii 55 

Lighton, Thos.—bart. Irel. xxxiii 53] 

Ligonier, col.—groom bedchamb. duke of 
Gloucester, vii 121] 

———— Edw. vise.—col. inf. xiv 173] 174] 
earl Irel, xix 216] 

——-—— John vise. Irel.—baron Ripley, vi 
128] earl Gr. Brit. ix 165] 166] 

Lill, Godfrey—judge comm. pleas, Irel. xvii 

Limerick, E. H. vise.—earl Limerick, xlv 
482, baron, United King. lvii 120 

Lincoln, Edm,—gov. St. Vincent’s, &c. xxvi 

col Thos. earl—maj.-gen. xxix 234] 

Lind, capt. James (navy)—knt. xlvii 454 

—— co]. John—maj.-gen. xxxv 68 

Lindeman, Fred.—consul Embden, xlvi 460, 
consul Batavia, S. Amer. li 552, consul- 
gen. Sicily, lviii 209 

Lindenthal, lieut.-col. Lewis—assist.-quart.- 
mast.-gen. xlv 483, col. xlvii 451 

Lindsay, hon. and rey. dr. Cha.—bp. Killa- 
loe, xlv 490, do Kildare, xlvi 460 

~ lieut.-col. sir Davy.—aid-de-camp to 

his maj. xiv 174] col. xix 213] maj.-geh. 
and staff off. xxi 222] lieut.-gen. xxii 243] 
gen, xxxvili 53] 

——— sir John—commiss. adm. xxvi 23) ] 
rear-adm., red, xxix 234] 

Wm.-—sec. of legat. Petersburgh, 

xxxi 239] resid. Venice, xxxiii 55] sec. 

embassy to France, xxxiv 56 

— gov. Jamaica, xxxvi 46 

Linsee, S. H.—rear-adm. blue, liv 165 

Linsengen, Bar.—lieut.-gen. liii 151 

Linskill, maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. M. Shields, 
&c, volunt. xliv 485 

Linzee, Rob.—col. mar. xxxv 65, rear-adm. 
red, xxxvi 45, vice-adm. white, xxxvii 
56, do. red, xli48, adm. blue, xliii 53 

Lippencott, Hen.—bart. xxi 223] 

— sir H. C.—sher. Gloucest. lix 


Lisburne, visc.—lord of trade, xi 212] lord 
adm. xiv 170] earl Irel. xix 216] 

Lisle, Rob.—sher. Northumb. xxxi 248] 

Lismore, Corn. baron—visct. xlviii 497 

List, Tho.—sher, York. xxxvi 56 

Lister, rev. Anth.—Gargrave vic. Craven, 

* xlviii 497 

col. Cavendish —maj.-gen. xxxv 68, 

lieut.-gen. x1 108, gen. xlv 487 

Geo.—sher. Lincolns. liv 185 

Thos.—baron Ribblesdale, xxxix 63 

Liston, Rob.—sec. Spanish embassy, xxvi 
231] envoy extr. Stockholm, xxx 230] 
ambass.’ Turkey, xxxviii 53] minist. 
Unit. States, 2. envoy-extraor. Batavian 
Republic, xliv 491, ambass. extra. Porte, 
Hii 151, knt, grand erass. bath, lviii 

Wtchfiel@, Geo, eprleechang, Oxford, v 106} 




Litchfield, John—sher. Notts. xxv 197] 

Little, maj. John (E. Ind. co, serv.)—brev. 
lieut.-col. E. Indies, xlii 51 

———— Jos. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—lieut.- 
col, x] 111 

Wm.—sher. Warwicks. xxxvii 59 

Littlehales, lieut.-col. E. B.—bart. xliv 491 

Liverpool, Chas. earl—addition to arms, 
xxxviii 55} 

—— earl—commiss. India affairs, lii 
320, commiss. excheq. liv 164, commiss. 
Ind. affairs, liv 166. lviii 208, commiss, 
excheq. liv 166 

se Peter—chief justice New Hants. xvii 

Lassie, John—sher. Glamorgan, xxxiv 

——— — sher, Carmarthen, xlv 

Lloyd, Bell—sher, Radnors. xxx 233] 

———-—— — sher. Merioneth, xxxix 70 

Day.—sher, Cardigans. xxiv 203] 

D. E. L.—sher. Montgomery. xliv 

524, xlix 386 

E.—sher. Denbigh. xxxii 246] 

Edw.—mews-keeper, Charing Cross, 

xvi 165] 

Edw.—bart. xxi 223] 

— sher. Merioneths. xxiv 203] 

—~ — sher. Merioneths. xxxi 248] 

————-— — sher. Denbighs. Ix 207 

= — sher. Carnarvons. xxxiv 61 

EF. L.—sher. Denbigh. xliv 524, do, 

Flints. xlvii 517 : 

E, P.—sher. Cardigans. xxviii 223] 

—— sir E. P—sher. Flints. xxxviii 69] 
do. Carnarvons. xxxix 70, do. Merio- 
neths, xlvi 521] 

Evan—sher. Anglesea, xxxv 75, do. 

Carnarvon, xli 69 

Francis—sher. Montgomery. xxxi 

248) 1.173 

Geo.—sher. Warwicks. xlviii 575 

Herbert—bart. vi 126] 

——— John—rear-adm. blue, xviii 202] do. 
red, xix 213] vice-adm. blue, xxi 221 

— — just. Carmarthen, &c, and 

king’s couns. xxxi 239] 

-——-— sher. Pembroke. xxvii 253] 

— — sher. Carnarvons. xxix 236] 

—— sher. Brecon, xxxv 75, xl 




— — sher. Cardigans. xlyv 532 
lieut.-col. J. P.—eol. xlvii 450 

M. P.—sher. Caermarthen. 1. 178 
dr. Phil.—dean Norwich, viii 164] 
——— rev. dr.—prebend. York, xx 225] 
R.—sher. Carnarvon. xxxii 246] 
——— Rich.—sher. Anglesea, xxvii 253] 
~——-———— _— sher. Carnarvon. xxxvi 56 
Rob.—sher. Merioneths. xxxvii 59 
Thos.—sher. Carnarvons. xxxiii 64] 
— — sher, Cardigans. xxxv 75 
wwe — Sher, Merioneths, xxxviii 


Lloyd, Thos,—sher. Cardigans. xlii 67 
T.—sher. Cardigans. lvi 142, do. 
Iviii 226 
Trevor—sher. Montgomerys. xxix 



col. Vaughan — maj.-gen. xl 108, 

lieut.-gen. xlvii 450 

capt. Wm.—rear-adm. blue, xxi 

221] do. red, xxii 243] vice-adm. blue, 

xxiii 247] do. red, xxix 234] adm. blue, 

xxxv 64, do, white, xxxvii 56 

W.—sher. Shrops. lii 416 

Lloydd, T.—sher. Flints. 1. 178 

Lock, Chas.—consul.-gen. Naples, xl 116, 
do. Egypt, xlv 493 

Locke, maj. John—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 

Wadham—sher. Wilts. xlvi 521 

Lockhart, Alex.—lord séssion, Scotl. xviii 

A. M.—bart. xlviii 496 

— Thos.— commiss. excise, vii 120] 

-— maj. Wm,—lieut. col. xliii 53 

Lockman, dr. J.—clk, closet, xxix 233] 

Lockwood, Thos.—sher. Glamorgans. lii 416 

Lodge, ensign Wm,—lieut. in inyalids, 
Guernsey, xlii 51 

Loe, Rich.—sher. Derbys. xxv 197] 

Loft, lieut.-col. J. H.—col. xliii 53 

Loftus, Chas. lord—joint post.-master-gen. 
Tre]. xxxi 287] 239] 

Edw.-—bart. Ire]. xi 211] 

Hen.—commiss. stamps, Irel. xix 


Thos. — prine. store-keeper ordn. 
Trel. xxxi 241] 

col. Wm.—maj.-gen. xxxviii 54] 
lient.-gen. xlv 488, gov, Dumbarton, xlix 

W.—lieut of the Tower, lii 823 

visct,—earl Ely, Irel. xiv 174] 
—-— earl Ely, Jrel. xxxvi 44, 
commiss. excheq. do. xlii 54, privy couns. 
do. 55, commiss. excheq. do, xliii 55, 
xlvi 461 

Logan, maj. Jas,—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

Logie, Chas.—consul-gen, Morocco, xv 161] 

Lombe, John—bart. xxvi 234] 

E.—sher. Norf. lx 207 

Londonderry, Rob. lord—vise, Castlereagh, 
Tre]. xxxvii 58 

earl—marquis, lviii 207 

Long, Chas.—secr. treas. xxxiii 53] 

—- hon. Chas.—privy couns, xliv 484, 
commis. treas. excheq. xlvi 459, privy 
couns. Irel. xlvii 455, paymast.-gen. 
forees, lv 111 

- Fras.—sher. Norfolk, xxviii 222] 

——- maj. Hen. (E. Ind. co. sery.)—brey. - 
lieut.-col. E. Indies, xlii 51 

~ capt. John—major. ]. 175 

-——- Rd.—sher. Wilts. xxxvi 56 

——- R. B.—maj.-gen. iii 152 

—- S.—sher. Surrey, xxxii 246] 

~——- rev. W.—prebend. Windsor, xlvi 462, 
canon, do. 7d. 




Long, W.—sher. Beds. xlviii 575 

——- rey. Wm.—rect. Pulham, St. Mary, 
&c. Norfolk, 1. 172 

Longfield, Montisort—commiss. excise and 
cust, Irel. xli 52 

hon. Rd.—baron Longueville, Ire]. 

xxxvii 58 

Longford, Rich. lord—privy couns. Irel. xx 
222] 223] 

rev, dr.—prebend. Windsor, xxix 


Longueville, lord—visct. Irel. xlii 55 

Lonsdale, Jas. earl—baron and viset. Low- 
ther, xxxix 63 

Lopez, Manasseh—bart. xlvii 455, sher. 
Devons. lii 416 

Loraine, Alex.—commiss. barracks, xlix 546 

— —- sir Chas.—sher. Northumb. lvi 

Lorne, maj.-gen. John, marquis —lieut.- 
gen. viii 164] baron Sundridge, ix 167] 
comm. forces, Scotl. x 172] 

Losack, G.—rear-adm. white, lii 322, do. 
red, liii 153, vice-adm. blue, lv 112 

Losh, J.—sher. Cumberland, liii 169 

Lothian, lieut.-gen. Wm. marg.—knt. thistle, 
xi 181] gen. xiii 182] col. 2nd troop 
horse-guards, xix 219] capt. and col. Ist 
do. xx 226] peer Scotl. xxi 224] 

—— lieut.-gen. Wm. margq.—gen. xxxviii 


marq.—lord-lieut, Mid-Lothian, lxi 

Loudon, lieut.-gen. John, ear!—col. inf. and 
gen, xiii 182] 

Loughborough, Alex. lord—commiss. great 
seal, xxvi 231] lord chane. xxxv 64, baron 
Loughborough, xxxyii 58, lord Rosslyn, 
xliii 57 

Loundes, Chas.—joint sec. treas. viii 166] 

Wm, jun.—commiss. excise, x 173] 

———_-——- — commiss. taxes, xl 112 

Louvaine, Geo. lord—commiss. treas. excheq. 
xivi 459, commiss, India affairs, xlix 543, 
544, lii 320. liv 163 

Loveden, Edw.—sher, Berks. xxiv 202] 

-——— E. L.—sher. Brecon, xli 69 

Pryce—sher. Cardigans. xl 120. 

xli 69 

Lovel, baron, lord—lord adm. vi 130] 

Lowe, maj. H.—assist. quart.-mast.-gen. xlv 


—-sir H.—gov. St. Helena, lvii 120, 
knt. comm. bath, lviii 207 

R.—sher. Notts. xliv 523 

——- Sherbrooke—sher. Notts. xxvii 252] 

——- W. D.—sher. Derbys. xxxvii 58 

Lowes, J.—sher. Northumb. xxxii 246] 

Lowth, rev. dr. Rob.—bp. St. David's, ix 
164] do. Oxford, 166] do. London, xx 
225] dean chapel royal and privy couns. 

Lowther, sir Jas,—custos rot. Cumberland, 
vi 121] 

ljeut,-col, Jas, (mil,)—col, xb 115 

Feber, Wm. vise.—earl Lonsdale, xlix 
vise.—lord adm. li 557, commiss. 
adm. lii 320, commiss. India affairs, 74. 
do. liv 163, lviji 208, commiss. treas. lv 
111. lvi 128 
rev. Wm.—bart. vii 12]] 
maj. sir Wm.—lient.-col. xlii 52 
— Wm. lord—lord-lieut. Cumber- 
land, &c. xliv 490 
Lubbock, John—bart. xlviii 496 
Lucan, Chas. lord—earl Lucan, Irel. xxxvii 
Lucas, Anth.—commiss. excise, x 173] 
— baroness—counts. de Grey, lviii 209 
——- Chas.—sher. Norf. liii 169 
——- J.—sher. Carmarthen, xxxv 75 
——- Martih—sher. Northamptons. xli 68 
——- rev. Rich.— prebend. Canterbury, 
xviii 203] 
col. Rich. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—brev. 
maj.-gen. army, India, xlv 491] 
——~- Wm.—chief-just. Grenada, &c. xxvi 
Ludlow, Abr.—sher. Wilts. lii 406 
———— earl—comptr. household, xxv 234] 
— hon. capt.—equerry pr. Wales, 
xxix 233] 
maj.-gen. hon, sir G.J.—licut.-gen- 
xlvii 455 
—— hon. col. G. J.—maj.-gen. x] 113 
Luke, capt. W.—rear-adm. blue, li 556 
Lukin, rev. dr. G. W.—dean Wells, xli 49 
J. W.—paymaster recruiting dis- 
tricts, xl 117 
Wm.—zov. Dominica, xlix 544 
Lumley, rev. B.—Dalby rect. York, xlviii 

lieut.-col. hon. Wm.—col. xliy 488 

——— maj.—groom bedch. liv 164 

sir W.—gov. Bermudas, Ixi 113 

Lummvyille, Fras.— bart, Irel. xvii 188] 

Lumsdaine, capt. Geo.—rear-adm. blue, xlix 
545, do. red, lii 322, vice-adm. blue, liii 

— maj.-gen. Jas.—lieut,-gen. xli 
51, col. 3rd garr. batt. xliv 493 

Lumsden, brev.-maj. Wm.— maj. brig. 
Guernsey, xli 49 

Lushington, E. H.—puisne judge, Ceylon, 
xliii 56 

— sir H.—consul-gen. Naples, 
lyii 119 

————— Steph.—bart. xxxiii 53] 

Luttrell, Hen.—clk. pipe, &c. xlii 54 

Simon— baron Irnham, Irel. xi 
212] See Irnham, lord 

Lutwidge, Skeff.—rear-adm. white, xxxvi 
45, vice-adm. blue, xxxvii 56, do, red, 
xli 48. adm. blue, xliii 53, do, red, lii 

Luxborough, Rob. baron—visc. Barrels, earl 
Catherlough, Ire}, vi 129 ‘ 

Luxmore, dv, Jobp--dean Glousester, xlii 




50, bp. Bristol, xlix 545, do. Hereford, 
1.175, do. St. Asaph, lvii 119 

Luxmore, rey. dr. John—St. Andrew’s rect. 
Holborn, xlviii 502 

Lyddell, sir T. H.—sher. Northumb. xlvi 

Lyde, Lyonel—bart. xv 162] 

Lygon, Wm.—baron Beauchamp, xlviii 494 

Lyman, capt. Dan.—maj. xlv 490 

Lynch, rey. John, LL.D.—canon Canter- 
bury, xxiv 207] 

Wm.—envoy extr. Sardinia, xi 212] 
knt. bath, xiv 172] privy couns. xvi 165] 

Lyne, Edw.—sher. Somersets. xxxvii 59 

Lynn, mr.—groom of his majesty’s ward- 
robe, xvii 187] 

Lynskill, W.—sher. Northumb. xlviii 575 

Lyon, major-gen. C. W.—lieut.-gen. xxxviii 

—- Geo.—inspect. field-officer volunt. xlv 

——- maj. Jas.—lieut.-col. xliv 489 

—- Jos.—sher. Montgomery. xliii 80 

Lyons, capt. Chas.—town-maj. Halifax, N. 
Amer. xix 218] 

—_——-——. — major, xxxv 68 

Lysons, Sam.—keeper records, Tower, xlvi 

Lyster, lieut.-gen, C.—command. 45th foot, 
xliv 486 

M. B.—sher. Lincolns. xlii 67 

Lyte, Hen.—auditor reveniies in certain 
counties, &c. vi 126] 

—— — mast. robes and privy purse, 
pr. Wales, xxiv 207] sec. do. xxix 232] 
joint-treasurer, 7. treasurer, 233] 

Lyttelton, sir Rd.—goy. Minorca, vi 128] 
do. Guernsey, ix 164] 

Thos. lord—privy couns. and chief 
just. in eyre, xviii 204] 

——_ W. H.—envoy extr. Portugal, ix 
166] lord Westcote, xix 217] See West- 
cote, lord. 

M‘Alister, lieut.-col. Arch.—col. xl 109 

Macalister, maj. Keith (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
brev. lieut.-col. E. Ind. xlii 51 

Macartney, Geo.—envoy extr. Russia, vii 
121] ambas. extr. and plenip. do. x 174] 
knt. bath, xv 161] comm. Fort Toome, 
Tre]. xvii 188] gov. Grenada, xviii 205] 
baron, Irel. xix 217] privy-couns. xxxiv 
56, ambass. extr. China, 74. visct. Macart- 
ney, Irel. 57, earl Macartney, Irel. xxxvi 
44, do. G. Brit. xxxviii 54] 

— sir John—bart. xli 47 

Macau, maj. Rich. (E. Ind. co. serv.) —lieut.- 
col. xl 1J1 

Macbean, capt. Donald—major, xly 489 
oe maj.-gen. Forbes—lieut.-gen, xl 

maj. W. F.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Macbride, capt. John — rear-adm. blue, 
xxxy (15, yice-adm. do, xxxvi 45, do. 
white, xxxvii 56, adm, blue, xi 48 

pis Yer J.D.—reader Arabic, Oxford, lvi 


M‘Carthy, C.—gov. Sierra Leone, lvii 121 

— lieut.-col. Eugene—col. xliii 53 

M‘Caskill, maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

M‘Clarey, W.—sher. Carmarth. lii 416 

pon ay as Jas.—baron excheq. Irel. xlv 

yada earl—lord-lieut. Oxford, lix 

M‘Cormack, dr. J.—principal Univ. St. 
Andrew’s, xxiv 208] 

M‘Creagh, maj. (S. Amer. Rangers)—maj. 
army, xl 112—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Macdonald, sir Alex.—baron Macdonald, 
Trel. xix 217] 

lieut.-col, Alex. (mar.)—col. 

army, xl 109 

capt. Alex.—maj. xlvii 451 

——— Arch.—Welch judge, xxiii 246] 

attorney-gen. xxx 229] serjt. at law, xxxv 

65, ch. baron excheq. 7b. privy-council. 

2b, bart. ly 111 

capt. Colin—maj. brig. Portn- 

gal, xxxix 63 

col, Donald—brig.-gen. Guern- 

sey, xli 47, maj.-gen. xlv 488, lieut.-gen. 

lii 321 F 


maj. Duncan—lieut.-col. xliv 
Edw.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
——— maj. Jas.—lieut.-col. xly 


— John (E. Ind. co. 
serv.)—brev. lieut.-col. army, E. Indies, 
xlii 5, col. xl 111 

M‘Donnel, lieut.-col. Chas.—col. xliii 53 

Macdonnel, Hen.—consul-gen. Algiers, lvi 

Macdonnell, Chas.—M. P. Yarmouth, xlv 

Macdougal, maj. Pat. (E. Ind. co. sery.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 111 

Macdougall, capt. John—maj. xlv 489 

—_—_—_—__——_ — rear-adm. blue, 
xlvii 457, do. red, ]. 174, vice-adm. blue, 
lit 322 

M‘Dowall, Rob.—rear-adm. blue, xliii 54, 
do. red, xlvi 458, vice-adm. blue, xlvii 
456, do. red, lii 321, adm. blue, Iv 112 

col. Hay—maj.-gen. xl 114, col. 
comm. 2nd batt. 40th foot, xliv 486, lieut,- 
gen. xlii 455 

M‘Dermot, lieut.-col. Thos.—col. xliii 53 

Mace, Chas.—consul-gen., Algiers, xxxiii 
55] : 

M‘Farlane, lieut.-col. Rob.—col. xlii 49 

Macfarlane, lieut.-gen. Rob.—knt. comm. 
bath, lix 140 

M‘Gowan, col. John—maj.-gen. (E. Ind. co. 
serv.) xl J11 

Machelle, C.—inspect. field-ofticer yolunt. 
xlvi 456 

Machonochie, Allan—lord session, Seatl, 
xyxyill 59] lord just, do, Ixi 113 





Mackay, hon. col. Alex.—maj.-gen, xili 
183] gov. Landguard fort, xxi 222] 
col. Alex.—maj.-gen. xlv 488 
Robert—sher. Herts. xxvi 236] 
maj. Rob. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
brev. lieut.-col. in army, E. Indies, xlii 51 
Mackelcan, J.—maj.-gen. liii 152 
Mackenzie, col. Alex.—brig.-gen. Mediterr. 
xliv 485, maj.-gen. 487, lieut.-gen. lii 321 
— Alex.—knt. xliv 485 
—— A. M.—bart,. xlvii 455 
- col. Colin—maj.-gen. xl 115, 
lieut.-gen. xlvii 455 
col.—comm. treaty, Paris, lvi 
128, commiss. liquidation, lvii 121 
—— lieut.-co]. Fred.—sec. milit. 
coll. xliii 60 : 
— F. H.—lord Seaforth, baron 
Mackenzie, xxxix 63 
Geo.—command. Jamaica sta- 
tion, xiii 184] commod. and comm. Chat- 
ham, &c. xvii 184] rear-adm. blue, xx 
224] do. white, xxi 221] do. red, 7d. 
vice-adm. blue, xxii 243] 
—— capt. Holl.—maj. xlvii 452 
- —— maj. Jabez (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. x] 111 
capt. Jas.—maj. brigade, xli 


— John—dep. keeper signet, Scotl. 
xiii 184] clk. in ord. of session, do. xix 

John, of Dolphington—commiss, 
Edinb. xix 214] 
maj.-gen. John—lieut.-gen. xxii 

—— maj. John—lieut.-col. xlii 50, 
col. xliv 488 
—~lieut.-col. J. R.—col. xliii 53, 
maj.-gen. lii 323 
hon. J. S.—keeper privy seal, 
Scotl. vi 127] ix 165] 
rev. J. S.—Juiddenham rect. 
Norfolk, xlviii 503 
— Kenneth—baron Ardelve and 
visc. Fortrose, Irel. ix 166] 167] See 


major Rennets—dep. adj.-gen. 

forces in Mediterr. xli 50 (E. Ind. co. 

sery.)—brev. army, Ind. xlv 

491, maj.-gen. liii 152 

— lieut.-col. Rob. (E. Ind. co. serv.) 

—col. xl 111 

Thos.—rear-adm. blue, xxxvi 
45, vice-adm. white, xli 48, do. red, xliii 
54, adm. blue, xlvi 457, do. red, lii 321 

Mackintosh, Don.—consul, New Hants, Ix 



—— lieut.-col. Duncan—col. 


—— Eneas—bart. liv 167 

—— —— Jas.—recorder, Bombay, xlv 
492, knt. 493 

~~~ moj. Wm, (E, Ind. co, sery.)— 
Jieut,-col, x} 111 

Mackintyre, maj. John (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 111 

Mackreth, Rob.—knt. xxxvii 56 

Mackworth, Herb.—bart. xix 218] 

Mackye, J. R.—rec.-gen. stamps, xxiii 
246] 3 

Maclaurin, John—ord. lord session, Scotl. 
xxix 235] 

Maclean, lieut.-col. F. J. G.—col. xly 488 

capt. John—maj. xlvii 452 

capt. Jos.—maj. xlvii 452 

Lachlan—barrack-mast. Fort St. 
George, xli 53, barr..mast. Hamilton, 
xlii 55, maj.-gen. liii 152 

Macleane, maj. Hector (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
brev. lieut.-col. E. Ind. xii 51 

Macleod, lieut.-col. J.—col. xliv 487 

maj. J.—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 

col. Norman — maj.-gen. xxxvi 

46, lieut.-gen. xiii 53 

capt. Norman—maj. brig. xl 115 

M‘Leroch, J. H.—inspect. field off. volunt. 
xlv 487 

M‘Mahon, John—vice-treas. &c. to pr. 
Wales, xlii 50, 57, sec. and keeper privy 
seal, and auditor duchy of Cornwall, xlv 
492, keeper stores, ordnance, &c. xlviii 
494, 495, keeper privy purse to pr. reg. 
oe 165, receiy.-gen. Cornwall, viii 

— J.—paym. off. widows, liii 153 

———-—— serj.—keeper rolls, Irel. lvi 127 

capt. Ter.—maj. xliii 58 

— capt. Tho.—maj. xlii 53, lieut.- 

col. xliii 53 

rt. hon. Wm.—bart. lvi 129 

M*Murdo, lieut.-col. Cha.—col. xliv 487, 
inspect. field off. volunt. xlv 487 

M‘Myne, Wm.— paymaster Duncannon 
Fort, x] 114 

M‘Naghten, Alex.—lord treas. Ixi 113 

Fras.—judge, Madras, li 556, 
knt. 2b. judge, Madras, lvii 119 

Macnamara, J.—sher. Brecon. xxxix 70 

Macneal, maj. Dan. (E. Ind. co. sery.)— 
lieut.-co]. xl 111 

M‘Neight, brev. lieut.-col.— maj. Ixi 115 

M‘Niell, Arch.—consul, Leghorn, xlii 52 

——— Jas.—assist. inspect. hosp. Suri- 
nam, xlii 51 

Macormick, col. Wm.—maj.-gen. xxxviii 
53] lientgen. xlv 487 

Macpherson, maj. Alex. (E, Ind. co. sery.)-- 
lieut.-eol. x1 111 

— Jas.—regist. grants, &e. W. 
Florida, ix 163] sec. and clk. council, do, 
xv 160] 

——————— Jas.—bart. xxviii 218] 

— John—coune. Fort William, 

Bengal, xxiv 207] 

————— capt. Malcolm—maj. xlii 50 

Macquarrie, capt, Cha,—maj. xlv 489 

—— maj, [anghlan—lieut.-col, xliv 

488, dep. adjutegen. Egypt, xly 49], 

gov, New 5, Walkie, li 622 - 




M‘Queen, Rob.—lord sess. Scot]. xix 221] 
lord justiciary, do. xxiii 245] his majes- 
ty’s justice-clk. do. xxix 235] 

M‘Rae, maj. Kenneth—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

M‘Rea, capt. Rob.—maj. xliv 493 

Madan, rey. dr. Spencer—prebend. Peter- 
borough, xiii 184] bp. Bristol, xxxiy 56, 
do. Peterborough, xxxvi 44 

Madden, capt. Cha,—maj. xlvii 452 

——+— lieut.-col, Edw.—col. xl 109 

7 Spencer—chief porter, Tower, xvi 

Maddison, maj. Geo,—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

— lieut.-col. J, T.—col. xlii 49 

Geo.—sec, French embassy, xxvi 

Maddock, J.—king’s couns. xix 214] 
Maddocks, J. E.—sher. Flint. xxxix 70 
Magan, col. Hen.—maj.-gen. xlv 488 
Magee, dr.—dean, Cork, lv 110 
Magra, Jas,—consul, Canaries, xv 160] 
Mahon, Maurice—baron Hartland, Irel. xlii 

——-—— R.—bart. Ix 196 
~—--*- lieut.-col, hon, Stephen—col. xlvii 

— lieut.-col, Tho.— col. xlvii 455, 

maj.-gen. liii 15] 

Mahony, capt, Dan.—maj, xlvii 452 
Mainwaring, Cha.—sher. Lincoln. xliii 80 
— H. M.—bart. xlvi 459, sher. 
Cheshire, xlviii 575 : 

— Jas.—sher. Flint, xlii 68 
Mair, col. A.—col. Ist roy. garr. batt. xliv 

Mairis, rey. Wm.—St. Peter’s rect. Walling- 

ford, xlviii 498 
Maitland, col. Alex.—major-gen. xy 16)] 

hon, Alex.—gen. xxxv 67 
hon. Alex.—bart. Ix 196 
lieut.-col. Fred. — quarter-mast.- 

gen. Leeward Islands, xli 51, col. xlii 49, 

maj.-gen. xlvyii 455, lieut,-gov. Dominica, 

ly 109 . 

sir Peregr.—gov. Up. Canada, lix 

brev. hon. col. Tho,—brig.-gen. 
W. Indies, x1 110, brigadier-gen,. xlii 44, 
maj.-gen, xlyii 450, gov. Ceylon, xlvii 
452, lieut.-gen. lili 151, gov. Malta, Iv 

Tho.—commiss. Ind, affairs, xlv 

491, privy couns. 492 

lieut.-col. Wm.—eol. xliii 53 

Le Maitre, Steph. Cas. —puisne judge, E. 
Indies, xvii 185] 

Majendie, rev. dr. J. J.—canon, Windsor, 
xvii 185] 

— rev, H. W.—prebend. Windsor, 
xxvii 251] dep. clk. in his maj- closet, 
xxxv 64, bp. Chester, xii 52, do, Bangor, 
li 554 cj 

Major, John—bart, viii 165] 

Majoribanks, rt, hon. J.—bart. lvi 129 

Malcolm, lieut.-col, Alex.--eol, xliy 487 

Malcolm, lieut.-col. Hen, (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
—col. xl 111 ? 

——~-— Pulteney—col. mar. liv 165 

Malet, C. W.—resid. Poonah, E. Indies, | 
xxxiii 53] 

Maling, C. T.—commis. excise, 1. 175 

Mallery, R. H.—sher. Warwick, xl 120 

Mallet, Dav.—keeper of book of entries, 
Cust.-house, vi 126] 

F. P.—sher. Bueks, xxxv 74 

Jon.—pury. to hosp. Boston, Amer. 
xviii 201] 

Mallett, sir C. W.—sher. Wilts. li 540 

Malmesbury, Jas. lord—vise. Fitzharris and 
earl Malmesbury, xlii 55, 
Southampton, xlix 545 

Malone, hon. Anth.—patent of precedence, 
&e. Ire}. vi 129] 

Man, Rob.—rear-adm. blue, xiii 185] do. 

red, #b. vice-adm. blue, xviii 202} do. 
white, xix 213] do. red, xxi 22)] lord 
adm, xxii 244] adm. blue, xxiii 246] 

—— Rob.—vice-adm. red, xliii' 54, adm, 
blue, xlvi 457, do. white, ]. 174 

— Rob.—rear-adm. red, xxxvii 56, lord 
adm. xl 115, vice-adm, white, xli 48, 
adm. red, liv 165 

a rev. John—Lancaster vic. xlviii 

Wm,—sher. Essex, xxxix 69 

Manchester, duchs. dow.—baroness, with 
rem. to heirs male, v 83]. 

— duke—lord-chamberlain, xxv 
235] ambass. to France, xxyi 231] 

— Wm.duke—lId.-lieut. Hunting- 

don, xxxv 65, gov. Jamaica, 1.172 

Mandeville, maj. C. F, (E, Ind. co, sery.)— 
brey. lieut.-col. in army, E. Indies, xlii 

Mangles, Jas.—sher. Surrey, 1. 178 

Manley, Geo.—rear-adm. red. liv 165, adm. 
blue, lv 112 : 

—— capt. John—rear-adm. blue, xlvi 

458, vice-adm. do. li 556, do. white, lii 


capt. J. G.—rear-adm. blue, li 556, 
do. white, lii 322 
— lieut.-col. Orl.—col. xlii 49 
— Wm.—commiss. exeise, lii 319 
Mann, col. Gother—maj.-gen. xlv 488, 
lieut.-gen. lii 321, inspector-gen. fortifi- 
cations, liii 153 
Hor.—knt. xv 161] 
rev. dr. Is. archd., Dublin—bp. 
Cork and Ross, xv 160] 
~ Rob.—rear-adm. blue, xxxvi 45 
Manners, Edw.—sher. Leicesters. xlii 67 
Geo.—consul, Massachusetts, lix 

lieut.-gen. lord Rob.—gen. xv 
col. Rob.—maj.-gen. xxxviii 53] 
54] lieut.-gen. xlv 488 * 
——— lieut-gen, Russele-gen, xxxviii 

lord-lieut. | 

))Manners, Wm.—bart. xxxv 64, M.P. for 

Ilchester, xlv 483 
Manning, H.—sher. Sussex, xxxii 246] 
Manningham, lieut.-col. Coote — aid-de- 
camp to the king, x1 109, maj.-gen. xlvii 
450, lii 325 
Mannix, Hen.—bart. Ire]. xxix 234] 
Mannouch, Francis — inspect. field off. 
volunt. xlv 490 
Mansell, M. D.—sher. Bucks, xlii 67 
—— col. John—major-gen. xxxii 235] 
lieut.-gen. xxxv 68 
dr, W. L.—bp. Bristol, 1. 176 
Mansfield, Dav. earl—pres. council, xxxii 

——— Jas. — solicitor-gen. xxiii 246] 
xxvi 234]. 
sir Jas.—ch. just. com. pleas, 
xlvi 459 

Wnn. lord—chance. excheq. x 174] 
lord chane. locum ten. H. lords, xiii 181] 
speaker, H. Lords, xiv 171] earl, xix 

————. Wm. ear! Notts.—earl Mansfield, 
Middlesex, xxxiv 57, lord-lieut. Clack- 
mannan, N. Brit. xlv 483 

March, earl of—lord high commiss. and first 
commiss,. police, Scot]. xix 220] 

John—commiss. transports, xxxvii 

Marchant, lieut.-col. J. G. de—lieut.-gov. 
mil. coll, xliii 60, maj.-gen. liii 151 
earl—keeper great seal, Scotl. 
vii 120] i 
Margesson, Wm.—sher. Sussex, xlvii 517 
Markham, rev. Geo.—dean York, xliv 486 
—— John—commiss. adm. xliii 56, 
xlvi 455, rear-adm. blue, xlvi 458, vice- 
adm. do. li 556, do, white, lii 322, do. 
red, lv 112 
— Tho.—sher. Glamorgan. xlvii 


— rey. dr. Wm —dean, Rochester, 
viii 164] do. Christ Ch. Oxford, x 174] 
bp. Chester, xiv 171] preceptor, pr. 
Wales and bp. Osnaburgh, 172] arehbp. 
York, xix 221] 

Marlay, capt. Wm.—assist. to quart.-mast.- 
gen. xlv 493 

Marlborough, George, duke—keeper privy 
seal, vi 128| high steward Woodstock, 
ix 163] knt. garter, x 212] presid. Rad- 
cliffe Infirmary, Oxf. xv 163] 

Marlow, capt. Benj. — rear-adm. white, 
xxiii 247] vice-adm. blue, xxix 234] 
do, white, xxxii 237] do. red, xxxv 64 

—— dr. Mich.—prebend. Canterbury, 

Marriot, James, LL.D.—presid. and judge 
high court adm. and knt. xxi 224] 

Marrison, John—sher. Kent, xlviii 575 

Marsack, Cha —sher, Oxford. xxix 236] 

Marsh, lieut.-col, sir Cha.—col. xl 108 

Geo —comptroller navy, xv 163] 

clk, accts, and commias. navy, xvi 165] 



Marsh, rev. Herb.—bp. Landaff, lviii 209 

col. Jas.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68, lieut.- 

gen. xl 108, gen. xlv 487 

J.—consul, Malaga, xi 212] 

John—commiss. navy, xl 115 

Marshal, Jos.—sher. Camb. xlvii 516 

———— Samp. Greg.—consul, Embden, lvi 


Marshall, rev. C. R—Exning. vie. xlviii 503 
Sam.—serjt.-at-law, xxix 235] 
— —commiss, victuall. off. xxix 

maj. Tho, (E. Ind. co. sery,)— 
brev. lieut.-col. E. Indies, xlii 51 
rey. Tho.—Osmotherley vic. York. 
xlviii 502 
Marsham, dr. J.—prebend. Windsor, xlvii 
——— Rob.—sher. Norfolk, xliii 80 
Marston, capt. Molyneux—maj. xlvii 452 
Martin, maj.-gen. H. G.—lieut.-gen. xxxviii 
——~—— Byam—rear-adm. white, liv 165 
——— Geo.—col. mar. xlvi 458, rear-adm. 
red, li 556, vice-adm. blue, lii 322, do. 
white, liv 165 
——-— G. S.—sher. Herts. xlviii 575 
—-— Hen,—gov. N. Carol. xiii 185] 
commiss. navy, xxiii 249] comptroller do. 
xxxii 235] bart. xxxiii 54] elder brother 
Trinity H. xxxiv 56 
J.—sher. Cardigan. xxix 236] 
—~— rev. J.—church of Kirkaldy, xlviii 
——— col. J.—maj.-gen. xxix 234] 
— Phil. (art.)—maj.-gen. army, 
x] 108, lieut.-gen. xlvii 449 
————. Wm. — maj.-gen. xxxv_ 68, 
lieut.-gen. xl 108 
——— W. B.—sher. Berks. xxix 235] 
Maseres, Fras.—puisne judge, E, Indies, 
xvi 165] 
Masell, sir W.—sher. Caermarthen, xxiv 
Meee rey, mr.—astronomer roy. viii 
Mason, capt. Christ.— rear-adm. white, 
xxxvii 56, vice-adm. blue, xli 48, do. 
white, xliii 54 
Edm.—commiss. navy, vii 120 
rey. dr. Geo.—bp. Sodor and Man, 
xxiii 245} 
maj. G. H,—lieut.-col. xliii 53 
T. M.—commiss. excise, Irel, xvi 
162] commiss. excheq. do. xxxix 63 
Tho,—sher. Warwick. xxix 236] 
Massey, maj. Cromwell (E. Ind. eo. serv.) — 
lieut.-col. xl 111 
———— col. Eyre—maj.-gen. Amer. xix 
214] gen. xxxviii 53] lord Clarina, Irel. 
xlii 55 
——— Hughbaron Massey, Irel. xix 
——~ H. D,—bart. Irel, xxiv 209] 
——--——~ lieut.-col. N. Wyecol. xliii 63 



Massingberd, rev. C. B.— Kettlethorpe 
rect. Lincoln, xlviii 498 

Master, Rich.—command.-in-chief, Tobago, 
&e. xli 53 

Masters in R.N.—to have the rank of 
lieutenants, 1. 176 

Mathew, Edw.—gov. Grenada, xxvi 230] 
lieut.-gen. xxix 234] 

Fras.—baron Landaff, Irel. xxvi 


Mathews, maj. G. R.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 
——— J.-—M.P. for Hereford, xlv 483 
Rich.—sher. Berks. xlvi 520 
lieut.-col. Rob.—major Chelsea 
Hosp. xliii 62 
Mathias, Eman.—his maj. agent in Ham- 
burgh, &c. vi 131] resident in Hanse 
Towns, xv 162] 
Hen.—prothonot.. in Caermar- 
then, &c. xxvi 233] 
H.—sher. Pembrokes. lviii 226 
———  Lew.—sher. Pembrokes. liii 169 
Matthew, col. Edw.—equerry to her majes- 
ty’s household, xii 172, maj.-gen. xxii 

hon. lieut.-col. Montague, xlii 

capt. hon. Geo.—maj. xlvii 452 

Matthews, lieut.-col. Edw.—aid-de-camp to 
his maj. xviii 201] 

——-——. J. R.— consul, Cadiz, lviii 207 

Matthias, C.—sher. Pembrokes. lix 150 

J.—sher. Pembrokes. xxxiv 61 

Vincent—treas. Q. Anne’s bounty, 
xix 214] 

Maude, sir W. bart.—baron de Montalt, 
Ireland, xix 217] 

Mauger, Josh.—elder brother Trinity H. 
xvii 184] 

Maule, Geo.—solicit. treas. lix 141 

Mavor, rev. W. LL.D.—Stonesfield rect. 
Oxon, xlviii 502 

Mawbey, Jos.—bart. viii 166] 

Maxwell, capt. Chas.—maj. xlvii 452 

———_ C.— gov. Sierra Leone, liii 151, 
gov. St. Christopher’s, Ixi 113 

Day.—bart. xlvi 459 

Geo. commiss. customs, Scotl. vi 

lieut.-col. Hamilton—aid-de-camp 
to the king, xxxv 68 
hon. and rev. Hen. dean of Kil- 
more—bp. Dromore, viii 164] bp. Meath, 
ix 164] 

maj. Hugh — inspect: field off. 
volunt, xlvi 456 

H.—sher. Southampton, xxxviii 

maj. J. S.—lieut.-co}. xlii 50 
lieut.-col.—col. 67th foot, xvii 
a maj. Pat.—lieut.-col. xlii 50, xliv 
488 , 

Meaile, sir John—baron Gilford and yise, 
Clan William, frel, ix 166] 


Mende, hon. J.—consul-gen, Spain, lviii 

lieut.-col. hon. Rob.—col. xlix 487, 
lieut.-gov. Cape, liv 162 

Meadows, Edw.—commiss. taxes, xl 11]. 

maj.-gen. Wm.—knt. bath, xxxiv 
57, gen. xl 108, lieut.-gov. Isle Wight, 
x1 116 

Mear, John—sher. Pembroke, xlii 67 

Mears, G.—sher. Carmarthens. lvii 132 

Hugh —sher. Carmarthens, xxix 


Hugh—sher, Montgomerys. xxiv 

203] “a 

—— capt. L. C.—major, xlv 489 

Meares, G.—sher. Montgom. liv 186 

Medlycott, W. C.—bart. 1. 176 

Medows, sir Wm.—lieut.-gen. xxxv 68, — 
command.-in-chief, Ire]. xliii 59, gov. 
Hall, 1. 175, 176 

Meikleham, Wm. LL.D.—prof. Univ. Glas- 
gow, xli 63 

Melbourne, Penyston, lord—visc. Mel- 
bourne, Irel. xxiii 248] gent. bed- 
chamb. to pr. Wales, xxix 233]. lord bed- 
chamb. liv 165, baron Unit. Kingd.lvii 120 

Mellefort, maj. Dav.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Mellish, J. C.—sec. legation, Sicily, xlix 
545, consul, Louisiana, li 551, consul, 
Low. Saxony, lvi 128 

——-— lieut.-col.—equerry pr. regent, liv 

—— Wm.—joint sec. treasury, viii 166] 
receiver-gen. customs, 167] 

Mellor, capt. Tho.—tmaj. xly 487, lieut.-col. 

Melville, Henry, visc.—commiss. adm. xlvi 
459, keeper privy seal, Scotl. liii 153, 
first lord admir. liv 165, commiss. office 
lord high adm. 2+, commiss. admir. liv 
166. ly 110. lvi 128. lx 195, lord-chanc. 
St. Andrew’s, lvi 127 

Rob.—goy. Guadaloupe, iii 97] 

gov. Grenada, &c. vi 131] 

lieut.-col. Rob.—gen. xxxv 67 

Menee, lieut.-gen. Geo. (E. Ind. co, serv.)— 
col. x1 111 

Mends, rev. Jos.—rect. of Aller, Somerset, 
li 552 

Mentzner, maj. Fred.—inspect. field off. 
volunt. xly 487 , 

Mercer, col. Alex. (eng.)—maj.-gen. army, 
xxxviii 54] lieut.-gen. xlv 488 

—— Geo.—licut.-gov. N. Carolina, x 

——-——- lieut.-col. Jas.—col. xlvii 450 

Meredith, Bridgwater —sher. Radnor. 
XXvili 223] 

capt. Dav.—maj. xlvii 451 

~ J. maj.-gen. liii 152 

Thos,—sher. Brecon, xxvi 236] 

sir Wm, bart.—lord adm. viii 166] 

ix 166] comptr, hausehold and privy 

couns, xvii 184] 

Meredyth, B, G.-~ bart, Tvel, xxix 204] 




Merry, Anth.—consul-gen. Denmark, &c. 
xli 40, sec. to congress, Amiens, xliii 62, 
envoy extr. Unit. States, xlv 481, envoy 
extr. Sweden, |. 177 

F. P.—secret. legat. Dresden, lvii 


Wm.—dep. sec.-at-war, li 457 
Metcalfe, sir T. T.—sher. Berks. li 540 
Methold, rev. Tho.—prebend. Norwich, 
xlvi 462 
enn, maj.-gen. Cha. de—lieut.-gen. xliv 

—— col. P. F. count de—major-gen. 
xliv 486, lieut.-gen. xlvii 450 : 
Meylor, Rich.—sher. Southampton, x1 120 
Meynell, Godf.—sher. Derbys. liii 169 
Meyrick, lieut.-col. Geo.—col. xlvii 450 
————_ maj.-gen. T.—lieut.-gen. lii 321 
Michel, lieut.-col. John—col. xliv 488, maj.- 
gen. 1i 556 
Michell, C. H.—sher. Southampton, 1, 178 
——— lieut.-col. G.—col. xliv 487 
Michie, J.—sher. Herts. xxv 197] 
eae, John—sher. Sussex, xlix 

—— N.—sher. Norf, lii 416 
Middleton, Cha.—comptr. navy, xxi 223] 
bart. xxiv 208] rear-adm. white, xxix 
234] do. red, xxxii 237] lord admiralty, 
xxxvi 47. xxxvii 55, -vice-adm. white, 
xxxv 65, adm. blue, xxxvii 56, do. white, 
xli 47, baron Barham, xlvii 453 
— lord—lord-lieut. Surrey, lvi 127 
Geo. vise. Irel.—baron Brodrick, 
G. Brit. xxxviii 54] 
— Na.—sher. Southampton, xii 

——— M. M.—sher. Derby, 1. 175 

Wm.—sher. Suffolk, xxv 198] 

— Wm.—hbart. xlvi 459 

Midford, mr.—tirst clk. inrollmt. office, 
Middsx. xvi 163] 

Mignan, maj. G. W. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
brev. lieut.-col. E. Indies, xlii 5] 

Milbanke, March—rear-adm. white, xxii 
2481 vice-adm. blue, xxiii 247] do. 
white, xxix 234] do. red, xxxii 237] 
adm. blue; xxxv 64, do. white, xxxvii 

Milbanks, John—commiss, salt-office, vi 

Milbourne, W. H.—sher. Cumberland, xxxvi 

Mildmay, Wm.—bart. viii 164] 

Miers, J, N.—sher. Glamorgan, |. 173 

Miles, John—sher. Hereford. xxxvi 56 

—~ Jon,—knt. xlix 544 

~—— Ph. J.—sher. Somersets. lix 150 

Milfintoun, col. Wm. lord (mil.)—col, army, 
xli 47 

Milford, Rich. lord—lord lieut. Pembroke, 
Xxvili 218] 

Mill, sir Cha,—sher, Southampton, xlvi 521 

Millar, Tho,—presid, coll. justice, Scotl. 
xxix 205] 

Miller, maj. Cha.—lieut.-col. xliv 488, in- 
-spect. field off. volunt. xlvi 455 
rey. Combe—dean Chichester, xxxii 


Geo.—consul, N. and S. Carolina, 
&e. xxix 232] 
George —sher. Gloucesters, xxxi 


maj. Geo.—lieut.-col. xlv 489 

maj. Jas.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Jos.—consul, Barcelona, vi 127] 

capt. Wim.—maj. xlvii 452 

Mills, Jerem.—sher. Herts. xxviii 222] 

——- Tho.—knt. xv 161] 

-——. Tho.—sher. Suffolk, xlix 386 

——- Wm.—sher. Southampton, xlv 532 

——- W. Y.—sher. Berks. lv 126 

Milman, Francis, M.D,—bart. xlii 54, phys. 
to the queen, xliii 63, do. king, xlviii 

Milne, adm.—knt. comm. bath, lviii 209 

Milner, Cha.—sher. Kent, 1. 178 

col. Geo.—brig.-gen. Guernsey, xlii 

50, maj.-gen. xliii 93 

dr. Isaac--dean Carlisle, xxxiii 55] 

sir W. M.—sher. Yorks. lix 150 

Milnes, Jas.—sher. Yorks. xlii 67 

R. S.—gov. Martinico, xxxvii 55, 

bart. xliii 55 

rev. Tho.—Agnes Burton living, 
&c. York, xlix 542 

Milton, hon. baron Jos. Irel.—lord Milton, 
of Milton Abbey, Dorset. v 82] privy 
couns. Irel. xiii 183] 

—-— lord—vise. Milton and earl Dor- 
chester, xxxiv 56 

Geo. visc.—privy couns. xxxvi 47, 
privy-couns. Irel. xxxvii 55 

Minchin, Humphry—clk. ordnance, xxvi 

Paul—vice-adm. blue, lii 322 
Minet, W.—maj.-gen. liii 152 
Minto, Gilbert, lord—envoy extra, Vienna, 
xli 51, commiss. Ind. affairs, xl viii 493 
Misset, capt. Ernest—maj. xlv 493 
Mitchell, And.—knt. bath, and envoy extr 
Prussia, viii 168] 
capt. And, — rear-adm. blue, 
xxxvii 56, do. white, xxxix 62, vice-adm. 
blue, xli 48, knt. bath, xlii 50, vice-adm. 
white, xliii 53, do. red, xlvi 458 
And. M.D.—phys. to the forces, 
xli 55 
capt. Cha.—knt. xxxviii 53] 
H. H.—commiss. barr. Dublin, 
xv 162] 
Matt.—sher. Cornwall, xlii 68 
serj. J.—provost-marshal to forces 
in Mediterranean, xli 50 
W.—rear-adm, white, lii 322, do. 
red, liii 153, vice-adm. blue, lv 112 
Mitford, John—just. Carmarthen, &c: and 
king’s counsel, xxxi 239] solicitor-gen. 
xxxv 65, (sir John) privy couns. xliii 55, 
baron Redesdale, xliv 485, chance. Irel. 70. 


Mocher, lieut.-gen. F.—gen. xxxviii 53] 
Moggridge, J. H.—sher. Gloucester. li 

Mohr, capt. Anth.—maj. xlvii 452 

Moir, rev. John—Ebrington vic. Gloucester, 
xlviii 498 

Moira, earl—maj.-gen. xxxv 68, lieut.-gen. 
x1 108, gen. xly 487, privy couns. xlviii 
492, mast.-gen. ordnance, 493, constable, 
Tower, &c, xlviii 494, state couns. Scotl. 
496, knt. garter, liv 164, gov.-gen. India, 
liv 167, marquis Hastings, lviii 209 

Molesworth, me.—gent. usher to his ma- 
jesty, xxxii 238] 

—— sir O.—sher. Cornwall, lviii 


-——_——— sir Wm.—sher. Cornwall, xxxiii 

——— —— hon. capt. Wm.—maj. brig. xl 
116 ' 
Molyneux, sir F. knt.—gent. usher black 

rod, viii 167] 
G.—sher, Stafford. xxxv 75 
C. W. lord visc,—earl Sefton, 
Irel, xiv 174] 

——— maj. Tho.—lieut.-col. xlii 60, 

inspect. volunt. xlv 492 

Mompesson, col. John—lieut.-gov. Isle of 
Wight, ix 168] 

Monce, maj, Jas. (E. Ind. co, serv.)—lieut.- 
col. xl 111] 

Monck, C. S.—baron Monck, xxxix 64, vise. 
Irel. xlii 55 

Monckton, hon. Rob.—gov. New York, iv 
99] lieut..gen. xiii 183] gov. Portsmouth, 
xxi 222] 

Moncrief, lieut.-col. Jas.—dep. quart.-mast.- 
gen. xxxii 237] 

Moncrieffe, D. S,—baron excheq. Scotl. 
xxiv 208] 

—— col. Geo.—brigadier-gen. to 
forces in the Mediterranean, xli 50, 
brig.-gen. W. Indies, xlv 486, lieut.-gen. 
lii 321 

Money, col. John—major-gen. x1 113, lieut« 
gen. xlvii 455 

Moneypenny, D.—solicitor-gen, Scotl. liii 
151, lord sess. &c. do. lv 110 

Monk, sir C, L. M.—sher. Northumb. xiii 80 

Monnoux, sir Phil.—sher. Beds. xlix 885 

Monro, sir Alex.—commiss, customs, xxviii 

Monson, hon. Cha,—equerry to duke York, 
xxxiii 35] maj.-gen. x1 108 

Geo.—aid-de-camp to his maj. 
xii 172] commander forces, India, xvii 

—-—— lord—warden and ch. just. forests 
south of Trent, viii 168] 

——— lieut.-col. hon. Wm.—aid-de-camp 
to the king, xlvii 450 

Montagu, duke—govy. to pr. Wales and bp. 
Osnaburgh, xix 216] master horse, xxiii 
249] lord-lieut, Huntingdon, xxxi 238] 

- hon, Fred.—lord treas. xxv 234] 


Montgomery, lieut.-col. hon. Archib.—col. 

and Hyde Parks, ix 163] 
Scotl. xviii 203] 


———_——— Wm. of Macbrehill, N. Brit— 

Montresor, lieut.-col. H. T.—col. xlv 488 

commiss. treas, xxvi 231] privy couns. 
xxvi 232] ° 
Montagu, Geo. esq.—rear-adm. white, xxx 
45, vice-adm. blue, xxxvii 56, do. red 
xli 48, adm. blue, xliii 53, do. red, 1ii 321 
————— John, esq.—rear-adm. blue, xiii 
185] do. red, xviii 202] vice-adm. blue, 
xix 213] gov. Newfoundland, 214] vice- 
adm. red, xxi 221] port-adm. Portsmouth, 
xxvi 231] adm. white, xxix 234] 
capt. Rob.—rear-adm. blue, xli 
48, do. white, xliii 54, do. red, xlvi 458, 
adm. blue, lii 321 
Montague, lord Cha.—vice-adm. and judge 
of adm. court, S. Carolina, ix 164] 
———— hon, maj.-gen. Cha.—lieut.-gen. 
viii 164] knt. bath, xiv 171] 
Edw.—commiss, appeals, excise, | 
vi 126] 
lieut.-col. Edw. (E. Ind. co. | 
-serv.)—col. xl 111 
Jas,—sher. Wilts. xxxvii 59 
Montalt, lord de—vise. Howarden, Irel. 
xxxvi 44 
Montgomerie, Arch. lord—col. Ayrshire 
reg. N. Brit. milit. xliv 493 p 
—————— brig.-gen. Jas.—gov. Domi- 
nica, 1. 175 

xliv 488 
—hon. col. dep. ranger St. James’s 

—— Jas.—chief baron exchequer, 

— Jas.—bart. xliil 60 

lieut.-col. Jas.—col. xliv 488 
— . Rob.—commiss. cust. Scotl. vi 
— lieut.-col. Rob.—col. xlii 49 
— Wm.—commiss, excise, Irel. 
xvi 162] 

bart. xvii 186] 

— maj. T. G.—lieut.-col. xliii 62, 
col. xliv 488° 

Montrose, Geo. Montague, duke—baron 
Montague, xxviii 218] master horse, 
xxxii 238] commiss, Ind. affairs, xxxiii 
53] xxxv 66 ’ 

— Jas. duke—knt. thistle, xxxv 66, 
commiss. Ind. affairs, xxxvii 57, (militia) 
co]. army, xl 114, commiss. Ind. affairs, 
xliv 490, col. Stirling and N. British 
militia, 493, presid. board trade, xlvi 
460, post-mast.-gen. 461, master horse, 
xlix 543, knt. garter, liv 163 

Moodie, Benj.—consul to N. and S. Caro- 
lina, and Georgia, xl 116 , 

——— rev. dr.—chaplain to garrison, 
Stirling, xli 40 vi 

Moore, Cha.—auditor public acets. xlviii 
499, 500 

lieut.-col. Fras.—col. xliii 53 

—— Fras.—dep. to sec.-at-war, xlv 486 




Moore, Geo.—sher. Leicesters, xxxvi 56 

Graham—réar-adm. blue, liv 169, 

lord adm. lviii 208 

— M. D.—inspect. hosp. Portugal, 

xli 49° 

Hen. bart. vii 120] gov. New York, 
viii 166] 

-——- lord Hen.—joint-muster-mast.-gen. 
Irel, xlix 546 

maj. Jas.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

John—rear-adm. red,’ bart. ix 164] 

knt. bath, and vice adm. blue, xiii 184] 

do. white, 185] do. red, xviii 201] adm. 

blue, xxi 221] 

rev. dr. John—canon Christ Church, 

Oxford, dean Canterbury, xiv 174] bp. 

Bangor, xviii 201] archbp. Canterbury, 

xxvi 231] 

col. John—maj.-gen. xl 113 

maj.-gen. sir John—lieut.-gen. xlvii 


sir John—lieut.-gen. lii323 * 
capt. Matt.—rear-adm. blue, xxiil 

Peter—M. P. Coventry, xlv 483 
Ponsonby—commiss. barr, Irel. xix 
218] xxvii 251] xxx 229 

rev. Rich. M. A.—dean Emly xix 

—— Rd.—sher. Suffolk, liv 185 
-—-— rev. Rob, — prebend. Canterbury, 
xlvi 462 
Steph.—baron Kilworth, Irel. vii 
121] see also Mount-Cashel 
Tho.—deemster, Isle of Man, xv 

rey. Tho.—Covington rect. Hun- 
tingdon, xlviii 497 
Wm,—solicitor-gen. Barbadoes, xi 
211] attorn.-gen. do. xv 160] . 
Zach. — gent. commiss. and dept. 
judge-advoc. Minorea, vi 128] 
Moorsom, Rob.—col. marines, |. 174, lord 
adm. li 552, rear adm. blue, lii 322 
capt. R. surv.-gen. ordnance, lii 

Morant, John—sher. Southampton, Iviii 226 

Moray, Fras. earl, Irel.—baron Stuart, G. 
Brit, xxxviii 54] 

Mordaunt, lieut.-gen. sir John—gen. xiii 
182] gov. Berwick, xxi 222] 
is maj.-gen. T, O.—lieut.-gen, xxxv 

Morden, lieut.-col, G. B.—dep.-adjut.-gen. 
Leeward Islands, xliv 491 
More, Rob.—sher. Shropshire, xxvii 252] 
Moreland, W. A.—sher. Kent, lix 150 
Maser» rev. Caesar — prebend. Ely, xlvi 


————- sir Cha.—privy couns. xliv 492 
——- capt. Drique—maj.-brig. xli 47 
——— Edw.—sher. Flint. xxxiv 61 
—— col, Geo—maj.-gen, xxxii 235] 

— Cha. dean St. Patrick’s, xxxii 

Morgan, Geo.—sher. Carmarthen. xxxiv 61 
——_——— —sher. Bucks. xli 68 
— rev. J.—chaplain, gov. Minorca, vi 


J.—sher. Caermarthen, xxv 198] 

—-— John—sher. Caermarthen. xl 120] 
xlix 386 

— Josh.—sher. Brecon. xxv 198] 

—sher. Monmouth. x] 120 

———— Maurice, sec. to colony New Jersey, 
America, ix 167] 

Rich. —sher. Monmouth. xxxvii 


——messrs, T. sen. and jun.—joint 
prothonot. and clks. of crown, Denbigh 
and Montgomery, xxiii 246] 

———— T.—sher. Monmouth. xliy 523 

— Wm.—sber. Monmouth. ]. 178 

Moriarty, capt. Silverius—rear adm, white, 
xliii 54, do. red, xlvi 458 

Morier, Dav. R.—consul-gen. France, lvi 
129, commiss. arbitr. lvii 121 

Jas.—sec. embassy to Persia, lii 


J. P.—consul-gen. Albania, Morea, 
&c. xlv 493, secret. legat. United States, 
lii 230, commiss. Sp. Amer. liii 153 

Morley, Thos.—gov. Leeward Islands, xxiv 
207} 208] 

Mornes, rey. Rx—prebend. Salisbury, xlvii 

Mornington, Rich. earl—- commiss. treas. 
xxviii 219] lord treas. xxxi 240] privy 
couns. xxxv 66, commiss. India affairs, 
xxxvii 57, baron Wellesley. G. Brit. xxxix 
63, marq. Wellesley, Irel. xli 54 

Morpeth, Geo. vise.—privy couns. xlviii 
493, commiss. India affairs, 494 

Morison, lieut.-gen. Geo,— gen. xxxviil 

Morres, hon. Lodge —commiss. excheq,. Irel. 
xxxix 63, baron Frankfort, Irel. xlii 53 
Morrice, hon. Humphrey—privy couns. vi 


may Corbyn—commiss. cust. vi 127] ix 


7 rey. Cha.—prebend. Canterbury, xl 

Edm.—sher. Herts, lix 150 
Jas. Nich—rear-adm. blue, liii 153, 
do. white, liv 165 
John—clk. signet, xxii 2038] 
— —sher. Gloucester. xxiv 202 
—sher. Glamorgan. xlv 532 
—————— — bart. xlviii 496 
——— J. P. S.—sher. York. xlviii 576 
licut.-gen. S. L.—gen. xxxyiii 53] 
dr. Mich.— phys. hosp. N. Amer. 
xviii 201] 
W.—sher. Gloucest, lvii 132 
Valent.—gov. of St. Vincent’s, xix 
213] 214] 
Morrison, col. Edw.—maj.-gen. x1 108, com- 
mand. forces, Jamacia, li 553, lieut.-gov. 
do. éd, lieut.-gen, xlvii 450 

816 INDEX 



Morrison, lieut.-col.Geo.—quart.-mast.-gen. 

forces, and col. xvi 162] 
lieut.-gen. Geo,—col. xxxiv 57 
col. John (mil.) col. x1 115 

Morse, Edw.—chief just. Senegambia, xv 

John—sher. Norfolk, xlix 385 

maj.-gen. Rob.—lieut.-gen. xli 5], 
gen. 1. 175, col. command. xliv 489 

Morshead, John—bart. xxvi 234] survey.- 
gen. to pr. Wales, xxxviii 54] lord ward. 
of stannaries, and chief steward of duchy 
of Cornwall and Devon, xl 132, col. in 
army, xli 47 

col. Wm.— groom bedchamb. 

duke of York, xxix 233] 

lieut.-col. Wm.—aid-de-camp to 
the king, xxxv 68, lieut.-gen. xliv 487 

Morton, dr. Cha.— prince. librarian Brit. 
Museum xix 220] 

earl—pres. Roy. Soc. vii 57] 

Geo. earl —baron Douglas, xxxiii 
55] chamb. her maj. household, xxxiv 56, 
commiss. assem. chur. Scotl. Ixi 113 

Mosely, dr. Benj.—phys. duke Clarence, 
xxxi 238] 

John—sher. Norfolk, xlvii 517 

Moseley, sir Osw.—sher. Stafford. lvi 142 

Mosheim, maj. L.—lieut.-col. xliv 489 

Mosley, John—bart. xxiv 207] 

Mosman, maj. Archib.—lieut.-col. xlv 489 

Moss, rey. dr. Chas.—bp. St. David’s, ix 
167] do. Bath, xvii 184] 

———_—_ ——— — bp. Bangor, xlix 


Mostyn, lieut.-gen. John—gov. Minorca, xi 
210] gen. xv 161] 

J.M.—sher. Denbigh. xliii 80, do. 

Merioneth. xliv 524 

rey. Rog.—canon Windsor, xvii 188] 

Sam.—sher. Flint. xlix 386 

sir Tho.—sher. Caernarvon, xl 120, 
do. Merioneth. xli 69 

Mott, J. T.—sher. Norfolk, 1. 178 

Mottershaw, T.—sher. Stafford. liv 185 

Motteux, John—sher. Norfolk, xli 68 

Motz, Hen.—commiss.-gen. to forces under 
sir R. Abercrombie, xli 52 

Moultrie, hon. John—lieut.-gen. E. Florida, 
xiv 171] 

Mounsey, rev. John—rects. of Authorp and 
Withern, Lincoln, xlviii 497 

Mountcashell, Steph. visc. — earl, xxiii 

Mounteagle, John lord — visc. Westport, 
Tre). xi 211] 

Mount-Edgecumbe and Valletort — earl 
Mount-Edgecumbe, xxxi 240] lord-lieut. 
Cornwall, xxxvii 56 

— Rich. earl—privy couns. 

Mount-Florence, Wm. baron — visc. Ennis- 
killen. xix 217] 
as aaah viscoearl Kilkenny, xxxvi 

Mountjoy, Luke, lord — vise. Mountjoy: 

xxxvii 58 
visct—earl Blessington, lviii 207 

Mountmorres, baron—vise. vi 130] 

Mountrath, Chas. Hen. earl—baron Castle 
Coote, xlii 53 

Mountstuart, lord—lord-lieut. Glamorgan. 
xv 161] baron Cardiff, xix 215] privy 
couns. and envoy Turin, xxii 244] am- 
bass. to Spain, xxvi 230] 

—— John lord—vise, xxxv 65 

nT John —sher. Montgomery. xxxiii 

Moyse, Shadrach—commiss, cust. xli 52 

Moysey, Abel—Welch judge, xx 225] 

Muckleston, Jos.—sher. Shrops. xxx 233 

Mudie, capt. Wm.—maj. xliii 62 

Mulcaster, col. F. G. (eng.) maj.-gen. army, — 
xxxviii 54 

Mulderup,Tho.—Danish consul, Scotl. &c. 
xlii 54 

Mulgrave, hon. Constant. John, baron—lord 
adm, xx 226] joint-paymast. forces, xxvi 
235] paymaster-gen. forces, xxxi 240] 
baron Mulgrave, xxxii 236] col. 31st foot, 
xxxv 65 

Hen. lord, Irel—baron Mul- 

grave, Engl. xxxvi 46, maj.-gen. ib. gov. 
Scarborough castle, xxxviii 54] lieut.- 
gen. xJiii 53, privy couns. xlvi 460, 
chance. duchy of Lancaster, 7d. princ. sec. 
state, xlvii 452, commiss. adm. xlix 543, 
1.175, lord-lieut. E. riding York, xlix 
545, gen. li 555, mast.-gen. ord. lii 320, 
earl, liv 166 

Mullins, Tho.—bart. lrel. xxxix 64, baron 
Ventry, do. xlii 53 

Mulso, Edw.—rec. first fruits, xvi 163] 

Mumford. John—sher. Kent, xxxviii 68] 

Munro, Alex.—consul, Madrid, xiii 182] 
knt. xxvi 231] 

Geo.—knt. xxii 244] 

maj.-gen. Hector—knt. bath, xxii 

244] lieut.gen. xxxv 68, gen. xl 108 

lieut.-col. Wm.—col. xliii 53 

Munster, C.—commis. maj. proper. liv 162 

Murray, Alex.—his maj. solic. Scotl. xviii 

—— Alex.—lord ofsession N, Brit. xxvi 

—— capt. Alex.—maj. xlii 50 

hon. maj Alex.—lieut.~col. xlii 49 

hon. lady Aug.—to take the sur- 
name of de Ameland, xlviii 500 

——— Cha.—agent and consul-gen. Ma- 
deira, xiv 174] 

———— maj. lord Hen.—lieut.-col. xlii 49 

——— Geo. col. mar. xxxv 65, rear-adm. 
red, xxxvi 45, vice-adm. white, xxxvii 

——-rey. Geo. bp. St. David’s, xlii 55, 
do. Sodor and Man, lv 110 

——— lieut.-col. Geo.—adjut.-gen. Lee- 
ward islands, xliy 490, assist,-quart.-mast 
gen, xly 483 

Murray, col. G. lieut.-gen. Edinb. Castle, liii 

——— maj.-gen, G.—extra. K. B. lv 111 

—-——- capt. Geo.— rear-adin. blue, xlvi 
458, vice-adm. do. 1i 556, do. white, lii 
322, do. red, Iv 112 

—-—— sir G.—quart.-mast.-gen. lvii 121, 
gov. milit, coll. xi 114 

———- hon. co], Jas.—gov. Quebec, vi 
131] maj.-gen. viii 165] lieut.-gen. xv 
161] lieut.-gov. Minorca, xvii 189] 

—-—— lieut.-col. Jas.—gov. of Upnor 
Castle, xviii 204] 

———— maj.-gen. Jas.—col. 21st. foot, xxxi 
239] lieut.-gen. xxxv 68 

—-—— John, resid. Venice —ambass. Con- 
stantinople, viii 168] 

—-—— lieut.-gen. lord John — gen. xiii 

——— John—bart. xxxvii 57 

——— maj. sir John (E. Ind. co, serv.) 
lieut.-col. x1 111 

brev.-col. John — brig.-gen. N. 

Scotia, xl 110 

John—inspect. field off. volunt. xlv 



—-—— maj. John—lieut.-col. xlii 50, maj.- 
gen. xlvii 455, lieut.-gen. li 555 

—— lieut.-col. John—col. xlii 49, maj.- 
gen. xlv 488 

—— J. W.—judge adm. Scotl. liii 151 

maj. Peter (E. Ind. co. serv.) lieut.- 

col. xl 111 

rey. dr. Rich.—proy. Trin. Coll. 

Dublin, xxxvii 55 

Rob.—receiv.-gen. cust. &c. Scotl. 
vi 129} 

—-—— capt. Rob.—vrear-adm. blue, xlvi 
458, vice li 556, do. white, lii 322 

—— col. Tho.—maj.-gen. x1] 13, lieut.- 
gov. Portsmouth, xli 49, lieut.-gen. xvii 
465 ‘ 

~——— capt. Tho.—maj. xlvii 452 

—-—— hon. Walter—receiv.-gen. Quebec, 
viii 165] 

—-— lient.-col. Wm.—col. xliv 488, in= 
‘spect. field off. volunt. xlv 493 

Musgrave, maj. Edw.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

— J.—sher. Gloucester. xliv 523 

—_ sir J. C.—sher. Cumberl. xlii 67 

——— sir Phil.—sher, Cumberland, lix 


Rich.—bart. Irel. xxv 237 
col, Tho.—maj.-gen. xxxii 235] 
gov. Gravesend, &c. xxxviii 54] 
lieut.-gen. sir Tho.—gen. xliv 487 
— sir Wm.—commiss, cust. vi 127] 
ix 165] 
Muter, capt. Jas.—maj. brig. Minorca, xli 
Muzloe, Edw.—sher. Leicester. xxxvii 59 
Myers, col. Wm.—maj.-gen. xxxviii 54] 
lieut.-col. xliv 191, lieut.-gen. xlv 488, 
command, forces, Caribbee Islands, xlyi 
Panr II, 



Myers, Wm.—bart. xlvi 460, 461 - 

Mylne, sir John—capt. Cowes Castle, xiv 

Myott, capt. Nat.—maj. xlv 487 

Myrehouse, J.—sher. Pembroke. lii 466 

Myres, Wm.—lieut.-goy. Senegambia, xvi 

Mytten, John—sher, Montgomery, li 551 

Naas, John, lord—vise. Mayo, Irel. xxiii 

Nagle, sir Edm.—rear-adm. red, 1. 
vice adm. white, liv 165 

Rich.—bart. liv 167 

Naigh, Edw.—assist. sec. Tax-Office, xvii 

Napier, lieut.-col. Chas.—lieut.-gov. Virgin 
Islands, liv 162 

Fras. lord—high commiss. church, 

Scot]. xlv 483, xlvii 453, xlix 544, li 552, 

lii 320, iii 151, liv 164, Iv 110, lvi 127, 

lviii 208 

hon. Geo.—exam. and comptr. army 

accts. Irel. xli49, commiss. of commis- 

sariat, Caithness, 54 

hon. lieut.-col. Geo.—col. xlii 49 

lieut.-col J. R.—col. xlvii 450, 451 

~— col. Wm.—maj.-gen. xv 161] 

Napper, Edw.—sher. Sussex, lv 126 

Nares, mr. serj—knt. and judge comm. 
pleas, xiv 170] 

rev. E.—reg. prof. mod. hist. Oxf. 
lv 112 

Nassau, Geo.—sher. Suffolk. xlvii 517 

—-— hon. R. S.—prine. clk. bd. green 
cloth, xiv 171} 

Nayler, Geo.—genealogist and blane cour- 
sier herald order bath, xxxiv 57, York 
herald, xxxvi 44 

Neagle, sir Edm.—rear adm. blue, lit 322, 
groom bedchamb. Ixi 114 

Neale, sir H. B. bart.—commiss. adm. xlvi 
455, 459, xlviii 493, rear adm. white, liv 
165, do. red, lv 112 , 

—— John—sher. Warwick. xxvi 236] 

Neate, capt Rich.—maj. xl 117 

Neave, Rich.—bart. xxxvii 0d 

Need, J.—sher. Notts, lv 126 

— maj. Sam.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Needham, hon. Fras,—lieut.-gen. xJiv 487 

Nelson, Horatio—co]. mar. xxxvil 57, rear 
adm. blue, xxxix 62, knt. bath, 63, baron 
Nelson of the Nile, &c. xl 116, rear-adm. 
red, xli 48, vice-adm. blue, xliii 54, visct. 
58, duke of Bronte, 6], 62, insignia of the 
order of the crescent, xliv 486, do. St. 
Joachim, 491, vice-adm. white, xlvi 458 

lieut.-col. R. T.—col. xlv 491 

dr. Wm. canon prebend. Canterbury, 
xlv, 484, vice-dean do. xlv 493, vise. 
Merton and carl Nelson, xlviii 494, duke 
Bronte, xlviii 401 

Nelthorpe, Edw.—sher, Lincolnshire, xxiv 

——--—= Geo,--sher, Norfolk, xxvii 09 





Nelthorpe, Wm.—commiss. Customs, Scotl. 
xvii 187} 

—sher. Sussex, xxvii 252] 

Nepean, Evan —commiss. privy seal, xxxvi 
45, bart. xliv 49], privy couns. xlvi 456 
commiss. treas. excheq. Irel. xlvi 461 

lieut.-col. Nich. —col. xlv 488 

T.—maj.-gen. liii 151 

Nesbitt, col. Colebrook—maj.-gen. x1 108 

Neve, rev. Fred.—chaplain garr. Minorca, 
xli 54 

Neville, A. J.—commiss. revenue, Irel. xiv 

brey. maj. Cha.—dept.-quart.-mast.- 
gen. Portugal, xlii 52 : 
— Christ.—sher. Lincoln. xxxiv 61 
Newark, Cha. visc.—earl Manvers, xlviii 
Newberry, Fras—sher. Sussex, xxxvii 59 
Newbolt, Hen.—judge Madras, lii 320 
—— sir J—chiet just. Madras, lvii 120 
Newcastle, duke — first commiss. treas. iv 
87] barony, with rem. to T. Pelham, esq. 
v 82] lord privy seal, viii 166] lord-lieut. 
and cust. rot. Nottingham, 167] 
—lord-lieut. Notts. xxxvi 



Hen. Pelham, duke—lord-lieut. 
Notts, li 457, steward Sherwood forest, 
&c. liv 164 

Newcombe, dr, Wm.—archbp., Armagh, 
xxxvii 55 

J.—sher. Devon. lvi 142 

Newcome, dr.—dean Rochester, x 174] 

rey. dr. Wm.—bp. Dromore, ix 
164] do. Ossory, xviii 202] do. Water- 
ford, xxii 245] 

Newcomen, Charlotte-—baroness Newcomen, 
Trel. xlii 55, viscountess, xlv 482 

Newcowen, W. G.—bart. Lrel. xxiv 209] 

Newdigate, F.—sher. Warwick. liti 169 

ees W.L.—solicit. city of London, xlv 


Newnham, G. L.—commiss. liquid. lvii 121 

T.—sher. Worcester. xliv 524 

Newport, John—bart. Irel. xxxi 240] privy 
couns, xlvili 495 

Newsome, James—sher, Surrey, xlix 386 

Newton, capt. Chas.—1aj. xl 114, lieut.-col. 
xlii 50 

J. L.—sher. Derby. x] 120 

capt. R.S.—maj. xli 54, lieut.-col. 

xlii 49 

-rev. Tho. bp. Bristol—dean St. 
Paul’s, xi 212] 

Niblett, John—sher. Gloucester. xxvii 252] 

— D. J.—sher. Gloucest. lviii 226 

Nichol, col. Jas.—maj.-gen. E. Indies, 
xxxviii 54] 

Nicholas. mr.—commiss. excise, xxxii 238] 

Nicholl, Edw.—sker. Beds. xxxvi 58 

Iltid —king’s procurat.-gen. vii 


——— dr. John-his maj. advocate.-gen. 
x1 116 

Nicholl, capt. P. H.—maj. xlvii 452 ) 

Nicholls, H.—rear-adm. red, lii 322, vice- 
adm. blue, liii 158 

———- co]. Tho.—maj.-gen. xliv 489 

Nichols, E. T.—sher. Stafford. Ix 207 

capt. Hen.—rear.-adm. blue, xlix 

Nicholson, John—aolicit. stamp office, xiii 

col. Rob.—maj.-gen. (E. Ind. co. 
serv.) x] 1J1, col. xlvii 456 

———— maj. Wm.—dep. adjut.-gen. India, 
xlv 484 

Nicols, col. Oliv. (W. Ind.)—maj.-gen. 
army, xxxvili 54] lieut.-gen. xlv 488 

Nield, Jas.—sher. Bucks, xlvi 520 

Nightingale, lieut.-col. Miles—quart.-mast.- 
gen. E. Indies, xliv 491, col. xlv 488, 
Bnigee lii 323, knt. com. bath, Ixi 

Nisbett, Albert—consul, Canaries, vi 127] 

Nixon, maj.-gen. Eccles. —knt, xli 54 

capt. Hen.—maj. xlvii 452 

Noble, lieut.-col. Mungo—col. xliii 53 

Noel, rev dr.—dean Salisbury, xxiii 245] 

G, N.—sher. Rutland. liv 185 

Noke, maj. Jas, (E. Ind. co. serv.) liewt.-col. 
xl 111 

Noon, J.—sher. Leicester. xxxv 75 

Nooth, J. M.—purveyor and phys. hosp. N. 
Amer, xviii 205] 

Noreop, W. C.—sher. Shrops. lv 126 

Norcott, capt. A. G.— maj. xlv 488 

Norcross, rev. John — Saxthorpe vic. Nor- 
folk, xlviii 503 

Norfolk, Cha. duke—lord-lieut. Suffolk, xlix 
542, high steward Gloucester. lili 154 

Norman, Geo,—sher. Kent. xxxv 75 

R.—sher. Leicester. liii 169 

Norris, John—sher. Southampton. xli 69 

Rd.—sher. Hants, lvi 142 

North, hon. and rey. Brownlow—dean Can- 
terbury, xiii 185] bp. Lichfield, xiv 173] 
do. Worcester, xvii 189] 

—-—North, Fras.—joint-receiv.-gen. reve- 
nues, Virginia, xv 162] 

——— hon. Fred. lord—commiss.treasury, iv 
87] vi 127] paymast. forces, ix 165] privy 
couns. 167] chane. excheq, and lord treas. 
x174]first lord treas.xiii 151 Jrecord.Glouc. 

xvl59] knt. garter, 160] chance. Oxford, 
162] lord-lieut. Somerset. xviii 184] re- 
corder Taunton, 189] lord warden Cinque 
Ports, xxi 223] chamberlain king’s ex- 
cheq. xxii 245] prine. sec. state, xxvi 231] 

—— hon. lady—keep. Bushy Park, xiv 


rev. dr. Montague—canon Windsor, 
xviii 203] 

Northampton, Cha, earl—lord-lieut. North- 
ampton, xxxviii 53] a marquis, liv 166 

Spencer, earl — lord-lieut. 
Northampton, xiv 173] 

a ia sir Staflord—sher. Devon. xlv 





Northesk, hon. Geo. carl—adm. blue, xiii 

184] do. white, xxi 221] 
- Mary, countess—viscountess St. 

Vincent, xliii 57 

——-— capt. Wm. earl—rear-adm. white, 
xvi 458, knt. bath, xlviii 492, to wear 
certain armorial ensigns, 499, vice-adm. 
red, lii 321 

Northey, Wm.—commiss. trade, xiii 182] 

—__—— —shier. Surrey, xxiv 203] 

Northington, first earl—lord-lieut. South- 
-—. vii 121] lord president counc. ix 

————- second earl—knt. thistle, xvi 

165] lieut.-gen. and gov. Tre]. xxvi 232] 

Northumberland, Hugh, earl—lord-lieut. 
Trel. vi 128] vice-adm. Amer. vii 121] 
earl Perey and duke Northumb. &c. ix 
166] master horse, xxi 224] lord-jieut. 
Northumb. xxviii 218] 

Eeee aes Hugh Perey, fourth duke 
—gen. xxxv 68, lord-lieut. Northumb. 

xliv 489, col. royal reg. horse-guards, 

xlix 541 

——— fifth duke — lord-lieut. 

Northumb. lix 141 : 

Norton, col. Chapple—maj.-gen. xxix 234] 
gen. xliv 487, gov. Charlemont, |. 177 

sir Fletcher—chief just. in eyre, and 
priv. couns. xii 171] speaker H. Comm. 
xiii 181] baron excheq. Scotl. xix 214] 
lord Grantley, baron Markenfield, xxv 

——- John—sher. Sussex, xxvi 236] 

Wm.—nminister Swiss Cantons, viii 

W. T. N.—sher. Notts. lvi 142 

Nottage, T.—sher. Essex, xxxii 246] 

Nous, Rob.—sher Glamorgan. xxxix 70 

Nowell, Mich.—sher. Cornwall, xxviii 222] 

Wm.—vrear-adm. blue, lv 112 

Nugent, capt. C. E.—rear-adm. blue, xxxix 
62, do. red, xli 48, vice-adm. blue, xliii 
54, do. white, xlvi 458, adm. white, lii 

Edw.—sher. Bucks. xlvii 516 

col. Geo.—maj.-gen. xxxviii 53] 

lieut.-gov. Jamaica, xliii 58, lieut.-gen. do. 

xliv 489, lient.-gen. army, xlv 487, bart. 

xlviii 501, comm. in chief, India, Sc. liii 

'151, comm. forces, E. Ind. co. Bengal, 

liv 167 

Jas.—bart. Irel. xi 211] 

Nich.—bart. Jrel. xxv 237] 

—— hon. Rob.—first lord trade, ix 167] 
baron Nugent and vise. Clare, Ivel. cb. 
earl Nugent, xix 217] joint vice-treas. 
Trel. xx 225] Sve Clare, visc. 

Nurton, J.—sher. Somersets. 1i 540 

Nuthall, Thos.—solicitor treas. viii 166] 
commiss. coach-oflice, xviii 201] 


Oakeley, Chas.—bart. xxxii 235] 
meee — sec. legat. Amer. li 554 
W.{G.—sher. Merioneths, lvi 143 

Oakes, maj. Hen. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—brev. 

lieut.-col. E. Indies, xlii 51 ° 
lieut.-col. Hild. — quart.-mast.-gen. 
with rank of col. Portugal, xxxviii 55] 
col. xl 109, maj.-gen. xlvii 450, commiss. 
for affairs at Malta, lii 320, lieut.-gen. 
liii 15], bart. lv 111, lieut.-gen. ordn. lvi 

Rich.—minister Warsaw, xxi 223] 

Oakley, Chas.—sec. legat. Bavaria, xliii 59, 
do. Sweden, xlix 546 

W. G.—sher. Carnarv. lvii 133 

Oakover, R. F.—sher. Warwicks. xxv 198] 

O’Beirne, rev. T. L.—bp. Ossory, xxxvii 
55, do. Meath, xl 117, privy couns. xli 

O’Brien, H.—sher. Rutlands. xxxii 246] 
Iuc.—rear-adm. white, xiii 185] 
S.—sher. Rutlands. lv 126 
Wm.—sec. and prov. marshal, 
Bermudas, xi 211] 
Ochterlony, sir D.—bart. lvii 120, knt. 
grand cross bath, lviii 209 
O’Connell, capt. M, C.—ma}. xlvii 452 
O’Conner, capt. W. J.—maj. xlvii 452 
O'Dell, capt. T.—maj. x!vii 452 
O’Dogherty, maj. Rich.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 
O’Donnel, Neal—bart. Irel. xxiii 249] 
O’Farrell, capt. Dennis—maj. xlvii 452 
Ogilvie, col. Geo.—maj.-gen. xxii 243] 
Jas.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68, lieut.- 
gen. xl 108, col. 32 foot, xliv 492, gen. 
xlv 487 
Oglander, sir W.—sher. Dorset. lix 150 
Ogle, capt. sir Chal. knt—rear-adm. blue, 
xxiii 247] vice-adm. do. xxix 234] do. 
red, xxxv 64, adm. white, xli 47, bart. 
lviii 107 
—— Geo.—privy couns. Irel. xxvi 233] 
maj. Rob. (E. Ind. co. serv,)—lieut.- 
col. xl 111 
rev, dr.—dean Winchester, xii 171] 
O’Gorman, capt. Chas.—mgaj. li 555 
bir Standish—attorney-gen. Irel. xliv 
O’Hara, col. Chas.—gov. Senegal, viii 169] 
——— maj.-gen. —— command. 74th foot, 
xxxili 53] lieut.-gov. Gibraltar, xxxiv 56, 
lieut.-gen. xxxv 68, gen. xl 108 
Okeover, Haughton—sher. Staffords. xlii 67 
Oldfield, capt. Thos. (mar.)—maj. in army, 
xl 117 
Oldham, Jos.—sher. Shrops. xxxi 248] 
——— J. O.—sher. Bucks. xliv 523 
Oliver, And. —lieut.-gov. Massachusett’s 
Bay, xvii 186] 
maj. Jas. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—lieut.- 
co]. xl 111 ; 
Silver—privy couns. Trel. xiii 183] 
O’Loghlin, maj. Ter.—ticut.-col. xliv 492 
O’Mahony, leut.-col. count Barth.—col- 
xliii 55 
O’ Malley, Sam.—)art, xlvi 460 
O'Meara, lieut.-col. Dan.—col. xlvii 450 , 
OMe lieut.-col, Jas,—col, xliii 43 




O’Neil, John—privy couns. Ivel. xxiii 248] 
2 * 

O'Neill, hon. John—baron O’Neill, Irel. 
xxxv 67, vise. O'Neill, xxxvii 58 

on ee R. H.—baron Ongley, Ivel. xix 

Onslow, rey, Arthur—chap. H. Comm. xvii 
187] canon Christ ch. Oxford, xxii 244] 

—--—— Denzil—commiss. salt duties, vi 
131] ; 

— lieut.-col. Denzil—col. xlii 49, 
maj.-gen. xlvii 455 

—— Geo.—lord treas. viii 166] ix 165] 
privy couns. x 174] baron Cranley, xix 
215] lord-lieut. &c. Surrey, xix 220] 
comptroller househ. xx 225] treas. do. 
xxii 245] Jord bed-chamb. xxiii 246] visc. 
Cranley and earl Onslow, xlili 99 

———— capt. Rd.—rear-adm. white, xxxv 
65, vice-adm. do. xxxvi 45, do. red, 
xxxvii 56, bart. xxxix 63, adm. blue, xli 
48, do. white, xlvi 457, lieut.-gen. mar. 
lyi 127 

——-— hon, Thos.—dep. rang. Windsor 
Park, xxxv 64 

——— col. Thos. (mil.)—col. army, xl 
117 ' 

Oram, maj. Jas. (E. Ind, co. serv.)—lieut.- 
col. xt 111 

Orange, hered. prince—aid-de-camp to pr. 
regent, liv 166, lieut.-gen. Ivi 128 

Ord, John—att.-gen. duchy Lancaster, xx 

—— hon, Thos.—goy. Isle Wight, xxxiii 

Orde, maj. Jas.—lieut.«col. xliv 491, inspect. 
field-oflicer volunt. xlv 493 

——- John—gov. Dominica, &c. xxvi 230] 

—pbart. xxxii 237] rear-adm. 
white, xxxvii 56, vice-adm. blue, xli 48, 
do. red, xlvi 458, adm, white, li 555 

—— lieut.-col. L. S.—col. xlv 488 

O'Reilly, Hugh—bart. Irel. xxxvii 57 

Orfiz, don J. A.—Span. consul-gen. G. Brit. 
li 554 

Orford, George, earl—rang. St. James’s 
Park, vi 126] 

Oriel, Marg. baroness—viscountess Ferrard, 
xxxix 64 

Orlebar, John—commiss. excise, vi 126] 

——— Rd.—celk. privy coune. extr. vil 


— sher. Beds. 1. 177 

Orme, rev. T. HW. C.South Searle vic. 
Notts. xlviii 502 

Ormfield, maj.-gen. Win,—lieut.-gen. x1 108 

Ormond, earl—knt. St, Pat. xl 112, baron 
Butler, G. Brit. xliii 55, lord bed-chamb. 
liv 163, marquis, lviii 207 

Ormsbie, sir C.—hart. liv 167 

Ormsby, col. Arthur—maj.-gen. xl 108, 
lieut.-gen. xlvii 450 

——— C. M.—knt, xlviii 497 

Owen—sher. Merioneths, xxxvi 56 

Orr, ligut.-col. Jvercol, xliv 489 

Orwell, hon. Fran. lord baron—commiss. 
trade, vi 127] visc.:xix 217] earl Ship- 
brooke, Ire]. xx 222] 

Osbaldeston, Hump. —sher. Yorks. xxiv 

Osborn, col. sir Geo.—maj..gen. xxii 243] 
lieut.-gen. xxix 234] 

J.—envoy extr. Dresden, xiv 171] 

—— capt. J.—rear-adin, blue, 1i 556, do. — 
red, liv 165, commiss. admiral. lv 110, 
comm. high adm. Ix 195 

capt. Sam,—rear-adm. blue, xlvi 458 

Osborne, Alex.—commiss. cust. Scotl. lit — 


E. O.—rear-adm. blue, lii 322, | 

do. red, lv 112 

Hen,—vice-adm. G. Brit. vi 125] 

— J.—rear-adm. white, lii 622 

Rob.—commiss. navy, vii 120] 

R.—recorder Hull, xxxv 65 

sir Wm.—commiss. excise, and | 

privy couns. Irel. xiii 183] 

O’Shee, maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xJii 60 

Osnaburgh, H. R. H. bp.—knt. garter, xiv 
172] col. in the army, xxiii 247] See 
York, duke 

wet Upper, carl—lord-lieut. Beds. xiv 




G. Brit. xxxvi 45 

Ossulston, Chas. Aug. lord—privy couns. 
xlviii 494 

Oswald, Jas.—commiss. treasury, iv 87] 
privy couns. vi 128] 

——— dr. Jobn—bp. Dromore, vi 129] 
do, Raphoe, 130] 

——— lieut.-col. J.—col, xlvii 456, maj.- 
gen. liii 151 

maj.-gen. sir J.—knt, comm. bath, 
Ix 195, col. Ixi 114 

O’ Toole, lieut.-col. J.—col. xlvii 450 

Otter rev. Edw.—prebend. Ulliskelfe, York, 
- 173 ; 

Otway, Hen.—sher. Leicesters. xlvi 520 

capt. W. A.—commiss. transports, 
xxxvii 58, rear-adm. blue, xlix 545, do. 
red, lii 322, vice-adm. blue, liii 153 

Oughton, Jos.—sher, Warwicks. xxxiv 61 

col. J. A.—imaj.-gen. viii 165] 
lieut.-cen. xiii 183] lieut.-gov. Antigua, 
xv 164] knt. bath, xvi 163] command. in 
chief, N. Brit. xxi 222] 

Ouwry, H. P.—comuiniss. navy, xxiii 249] 

Ouseley, George—bart. 1. 176 

——~— sir Gore—ambass. extr. Persia, lii 

Owen, Arth. Dav.—sher. Montgom. lvi 143 

sir E. W. C. R.—knt. comm. bath, 

Iviii 208 

rev. Geo.—archd. Middlesex, xlviii 

— baron Upper Ossory, 


Hugh—lieut. and cust. rot. Pem- 
broke, xviii 203] 

—— sir Hugh—sher. Pembrokes. -xlvi 

. O21 




Owen, sir Hugh—sher. Anglesea, xlviii 

H. B.—sher. Anglesea, liv 186 

col. John—maj.-gen. viii 165] lieut.- 

gen. xv 161] 

rev. Archd. John— chaplain-gen, 

forces, lii 319 

‘J.—bart. liv 167 

capt. R.— assist.-quart.-mast.-gen. 

Trel. xlv 486 

Thos.—sher. Carmarthen, xliv 524 

—— Wm.—sher. Carnarvon, xxxv 75 

———— W.—sher. Montgomerys. xl viii 576 

Wyeriott—gov. Milford Haven, xix 


Oxford, Edw. earl—lord-lieut. Radnors. ix 

Oxley, lieut.—surv.-gen. New S. Wales, liv 

Oxmantown, L. H.—lord—vise. Oxman- 
town, Irel. xxxvii 58 

— L, P.H. yise.—ear! Ross, Trel. 

xlviii 493 

Oxnam, Rd.—sher. Cornw, lii 416 

Pack, col. D.—aid-de-camp to the king, 
lii 321 

Packenham, hon. maj. E. M.—lieut.-col. 
xlii 50 

———- T.— adm. blue, lii 321 

Packington, sir J.—sher. Worcesters. 1. 178 

Page, Jon.—assist. barrack-mast, Dutch 
barr. I. of Wight, xli 54 

Thos.—knt. xxvi 233] 

Paget, hon. Arth.—sec. legat. Petersburgh, 
xxxiii 55] sec. embassy, Madrid, xxxviii 
55} enyoy to Elector Palatine, xl 113, 
minister, Sicily, xlii 52, do, Vienna, xliii 
59, knt. bath, xlvi 460, plenipot. Porte, 
xlix 544 

— hon. Berk.—commiss. treas. excheq. 
lii 320, do. treas. liii 154, do. excheq. liv 
164, do. treas. ly 111, lord treas. Ixi 113 
lieut.-col. hon. Edw.—aid-de-camp 
to the king, x1 109, maj.-gen. xlvii 450 

—— hon. E.—maj.-gen. lii 323, lieut.- 
gen. liii 151 

col. Hen. lord—maj.-gen. xliv 487, 
lieut.-gen. lii 323 

Paine, Geo.—sher. Leicesters. xlvii 517 

Painter, maj. Pet. (mar.)—lieut.-col. xxxv 

Paisley, sir Thos. bart.—adm. blue, xliii 53 

Pakenham, hon. E. M.—extra K. B. lv 111 

— capt. John—rear-adm. white, xli 

48, do. red, xliii 54, yvice-adm. white, 

xlvi 458 

——hon. Thos.—ch. keeper ordn. 
stores, Irel. xxx 250] col. marines, xxxvii 
57, rear-adm. white, xli 48, do. red, xliii 
54, viceeadm. blue, xlvi 458, adm. blue, 
lii 321 

Palk, Walter—sher, Devons. xxxili 63] 

Palliser, Hugh—gov, Newfoundland, vii 1841 
comptr, navy, xiii 184] bart xvi 164 

commiss. navy, 165] gov. Scarborough 
castle, 186] rear-adm. blue, xviii 202] 
lord adm. 74. rear-adm. white, xix 213] 
do. red, xxi 221] vice-adm. blue, is. mast. 
Greenwich-hosp. xxiii 246]  vice-adm. 
white, 247] adm. biue, xxix 234] ‘do. 
white, xxxv 64 

Palley, ‘Thos.—rear-adm. red, xxxvi 45 

Palmer, Chas.—sher. Warwicks. xxxiii 64] 

— maj. C. H. (E. Ind. co. seryv.)— 

lieut.-col. xl 111 

capt. Geo.—rear-adm. blue, xlvi 
458, vice-adm. blue, lii 322, do. white, 
liii 153 

——— Geo.—sher. Herts. lx 207 

——— sir J.—sher. Leicesters. xxv 197] 

——— John—snurvey. and comptr. post- 
office, xxviii 220] 

rev, J.—prof. Arab. Camb. xlvi 



——— Rid.—sher. Berks. xl 119, lx 207 

——— Wm.—commiss. navy, xvi 165] 
comptr. victual. accts. xxiii 249] 

——— lieut.-col. Wm, (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
—col. xl 111 

——— Wm.—commiss. navy, xliii 62 

————_——— — sher. Essex, xlvi 520 

Palmerston, lord vise.—commiss. trade, ix 
165] lord adm. 166] lord treas. xx 226] 

——hon. John vise.—comm. adm. 
xlix 543, see. at war, 11 556, privy-couns. 

Palucedo, Adolph.—consul, Corsica, lviii 209 

Pamy, Fras. esq.—vice-adm. white, xliii 54 

Panmure, lieut..cen. Wm. earl—gen. xiii 

Panton, Paul—sher. Anglesea, xlix 336 

Thos.—sher. Camb. xxxi 247] 

Papillon, Davy.—commis. excise, vi 126 

Pardoe, Thos.—sher. Shrops. xxxiii 64] 

Pare, Ja—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Paris, John—sher. Leicesters. xliv 525 

Park, J. A.—vice-chane. Lancaster, xxxiii 
54] king’s couns. xli 51, justice common- 
pleas, lviii 207 

Parke, J.—consul, Icel. lii 321, do. Rom. 
States, lviii 209 

Parker, capt. Christ.—rear-adm. blue, xxxvii 
57, vice-adm. blue, xliii 54, do. red, xlvi 

Geo. vise—gent. bedchamb. pr. 
Wales, xxiv 207] xxix 233] comptr. his 
maj. household, xxxili 53] 

maj.-gen. G. L.—col. 20th foot, xvi 

sir Harry—sher. Suffolk, xlv 532 
capt. Hyde, sen.—rear-adm. blue, 
xxi 221] do. red, xxii 243] vice-adm. 
blue, xxiii 247] 
sir Hyde, knt,—rear-adm. white, 
xxxv 65, viee-adm. blue, xxxvi 45, adm. 
blue, xli 48, adm, white, xlyi 457 
—~ maj-gen, dohn—lieut,-gen, xiii 183] 
ae vev, J. prebend, Riceall, York, xlix 




Parker, M. E.—sher. Devons. xxxi 248] 

—— capt. Peter—knt. xv 161] rear-adm. 
blue, xx 224] do. white, xxi 221] do. 
red, id. vice-adm. blue, xxii 243] do. 
white, xxiii 247] bart. xxvi 229] adm. 
blue, xxix 234] 

R.—sher. Staffords. xliv 524 

-——— R. T.—sher. Laneashire, lix 150 

—— sir Thos.—privy couns. xv 164} 

Thos.—sher. Staffords. xxviii 222} 

hon, T'.—sher. Oxfords. |. 178 

Wm.—rear-adm. red, xxxvii 56, do. 
blue, xxxvi 45, bart. xxxix 62, vice-adm. 

white, xli 48, do. red, xliii 54 

Parkhurst, Ben.—comptr. cust. Antigua, 
lix 141 

Fleetwood—sher. Worcest. xxxiv 


Parkin, Hugh—sher. Cumberl. xxxix 69 

Parkinson, Leonard—sher. Herefords. xlvii 

Parks, Rd.—sher. Beds. ly 126 

Parkyns, T. B.—baron Raneliffe, Irel. 
xxxvii 58 

Parnell, John—bart. Trel. ix 167] privy 
couns. do. xxviii 217] privy couns. G. 
Brit. xxviii 220] commiss. excheq. Irel. 
Xxxix 63 

Parr, maj. Thos. (E. Ind. co, serv.)—lieut.- 
col. xl LIL 

Parrot, Frag.—sher. Warwicks, xlvii 517, 

Parry, capt. Fras.—rear-adm, white, xxxvii 
56, vice-adm., blue, xli 48 

rev. Gregory—prebend. Worcester, 

xv 159] 

Lawton—sher. Montgomery, xxxvii 

--_—— N.S.—sher. Herts. lvi 142 
col, S. ©.—major, xlvii 451 
——— Thos.—yreceiv. tenths, xvi [63] 
T. P. J.—sher. Caernarvons. li 541, 
liii 170 
———— Wm.—rear-adm. red, xiii 184] viee- 
adin. blue. 185] do. white, xviii 201] 202] 
do. red, xix 213] adm. blue, xxi 221] 
Parslow, maj.-gen. John—col. 30th foot, xiii 
182] lieut.-gen. 183] 
Parsons, John, M. D.—clin. prof. Radcliffe 
Infirm. Oxf. xxiii 216] 
—-—— dr. John—dean Bristol, lii 319 
——— Wm. Mus. D.—knt. xxxvii 58 
Partridge, Hen.—king’s counsel, xxix 233] 
Jos.—sher. Beds. xxix 235] 
Wm.—sher. Monmouths. xlix 385 
Passingham, Jon.—sher. Merioneths. xliii 
Pasley, rear-adm. Thes.—bart. xxxvi 46, 
yee white, xxxvii 56, do. red, xli 
Patey, Jas.—sher. Berks. xxvi 235] 
Paterson, lord chief just.—privy couns. Irel. 
xiii 184] 
————— C. W.—rear-adm. blue, liy 165 
—— maj-gen, Jas.—lieut.-gen, viii 

Paterson, lieut.-col. Jas.—~adj.gen. N. 
Amer. xix 218] 

John—clk. commiss. land tax, | 

Lond. xv 164] 

—— — treas. 
bounty, xlix 542 

capt. Thos.—major, xlii 50 

— Walt.—capt.-gen. and gov. St. 
John’s N. Amer. xii 171] 

Patten, col. Peter (mil.)—col. army, xl 116 

Pattenson, Thos.—sher. Cumberl. xxxv 74 

— lieut.-col. Dan.—assist. quart.- 
mast.-gen. xliv 483 

Patteshall, E.—sher. Herefords. xxiv 202] 

Pattison, lieut.-col. artill.—col. 4th reg. xx 
223] maj.-gen. xxii 243] lieut.-gen. xxix 

Patton, capt. And.—maj. xlv 489 

capt. Phil.—rear-adm. blue, xxxvii 
57, do. red, xli 48, vice-adm. blue, xliii 
54, do. red, xlvi 458, commiss, adm. 459, 
adm. white, lii 321 

Paul, J. P.—sher. Wilts. xlviii 576 

Paulet, Chas.—lord-lieut. and cust. rot. 
Southampton, xl 110, 111 

lord H.—reav.-adm. blue, liv 163, 
commis. admir. lv 110, lvi 128 

Paulett, earl—knt. thistle, xxxvi 44 

Pawlett, capt. Wm,—capt. invalids, Jersey, 
xix 219] 

Paxton, Arch,—sher. Herts. xli 68 

Chas, — commmiss. cust. Amer. x 

queen Anne’s 

173] ; 

W.—sher. Caermarthen, xxxii 246] 
knt. xlv 482 

Payne, Geo.—keeper of lions in the Tower, 
xviii 205] 


—consul-gen, Morocco, xxvi 

Jas.—sher. Surrey, xxvii 252] 

eapt. J. W.—aud. and sec. duchy 
Cornwall, xxxiii 56] rear-adm. blue, xli 
48, do. white, xliii 54, do. red, xliv 48 

——- Ralph — knt. bath, xiv 171] gov. 
Leeward Islands, 173] clk. board green- 
cloth, xx 224] baron Lavington, Irel. 
xxxvii 58 

Rennie—sher. Leicesters. ¥1 120 | 

- lieut.-col. Wm.—col. xl 109, maj.- 

gen. xlvii 450, bart. liv 166 

Wm.—maj.-gen. lii 523, lieut.-gen, 

Nii 15] 

rey. mr.—canon resid. Wells, xvii 

Peach, R.—sher. Rutlands. lx 207 
Sam.—sher. Warwicks. liv 185 
S. P.—sher. Gloucesters. xxxviii 

68] \ 

Peachy, sir Jas.—master robes to the king, 
xxxiil 54] baron Selsey, xxxvi 46 

—- Wm.—sher. Sussex, xxiv 203] 

—-—— maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Peacocke, maj. N. L.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

W. M.—maj.-gen, liii 152 

Pead, col. Geo.—maj.-gen. xly 488 




Pearce, rev. dr.—mast. Jesus coll. Camb. 

xxxi 239] 
Nich.—sher. Essex, lviii 226 
—— rev. Wm,— mast. Temple, xxix 


maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xlii 49 

W.—ch. clerk adm. lv 110 

Pearson, maj. Jas. (E, Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. x1 111 

capt. Rd.—knt. xxiii 245] 

Peat, dr. Rob.—insignia order of St. Stanis- 
laus, xlvi 461 

Peate, Thos.—sher. Flints. li 541 

Pechell, G. A.—ree.-gen. cust. xxxiii 56] 

——— Paul—hart. xxxix 62 

maj. sir T.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Peckard, dr. Peter—dean Peterborough, 
xxxiv 56 

Pedley, J.—sher. Beds. 1x 207 

Peel, Rob.—bart. xlii 54, lieut.-col. com- 
mand. Bury volunteers, xliv 484, privy 
coun. liv 163, chief secret. Irel. 166 

Peele, John—sher. Derbys. lviii 226 

Peetre, col, John—maj.-gen. E. Ind. co. x1 

Pegge, Christ. M. D.—reader of Anatomy, 
&c. Oxford, xli 51 

Peter.—sher. Derbys. xxx 233] 

Peirson, col. Rd.—maj.-gen. viii 165] lieut.- 
gen. xv 161] staff-officer, xxi 222] 

Pell, capt. Claus.—major, x1 114, lieut.-col. 
xlv 489 

—— James—sher. Norf. xxxii 246] 

Pelham, C. A.—baron Yarborough, xxxvi 

hon. and rey. G.—bp. Bristol, 
' xlv 481, do. Exeter, xlix 545 
— Hen.—commiss. cust. vi 127] do. 
victual.-oftice, xix 220] 

Thos.—commiss. adm. iv 88] 
comptr. househ. viii 166] privy couns. 
167] chief just. in eyre beyond Trent, 
xvii 184] : : 

Thos. lord—surv.-gen. cust. Lond. 

xvi 165] keeper great wardrobe, xviii 204] 

earl Chichester, xliii 59, prine.sec 

state, 61, commiss. Ind. alfairs, xliv 490, 

conns. duchy Lancaster, xlv 486, chance. 

same, 491 

hon. Thos.—mast. surveyor ord- 
nance, xxv 235] privy couns. Irel. xxvi 
233] privy couns. xxxvii 55, commiss. 
excheq. Irel. xxxix 63, commiss. Ind. 
affairs, xliii 57 

Pellew capt. sir Edw.—bart. xxxviii 53] 
—col. mar. xliii 54, rear-adm. white, 
xlvi 458, viee-adm. red, liii 322, baron 
Exmouth, lvi 127. See Exmouth 

Isr.—rear-adm. blue, lii 323, do. 

white, liv 165 

sir J.-—knt. comm. bath, lviii 208 

Pemberton, Jerem.—ch.-just. Nova Scotia, 
xxx 928] 

oo countess—lady bedchamb, xxvi 

Pembroke, maj.-gen. Hen. earl—lieut.-gen- 
xiii 182] lord-lieut. Wilts, xxv 234] 

—— Geo. earl—lord-lieut. Wilts. xxxvi 
44, lieut.-gen. xliv 487, plenip. Vienna, 
xlix 544, goy. Guernsey, 546 

Pender, capt. Fras.—rear-adm. blue, xlix 
545, do. red, lii 322, vice-adm. blue, liii 

Penn, John—sher. Bucks. x] 119 

Pennant, Day.—sher. Fiints. xlii 80 

Rd.—sher. Caernarvons. xxv 198] 
baron Penrhyn, Irel. xxvi 233] 

Pennel, Wm.—consul, Bourdeaux, lvi 128 

Pennington, dr.—regius prof. physic, Camb. 
xxxv 68, xxxvii 58 

—— capt. Edw. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 

breyv. major, E. Indies, xlii 51 

J.— baron Muncaster, 


xxvi 233] 
—— Jos.—commiss. customs, vi 127] 
maj.-gen. Lowther—lieut.-gen. 

xli 51 

rey. Montague — Northbourn 
cum Shoulden vie. Kent, xlviii 503 

Pennoyre, T. S.—sher. Herefords. xxxiii 

Pennyman, Wm.—sher. Lincolns. xxv 197] 

Penrose, C. V.—col. mar. liv 165 

———— Vinicourt—rear-adm. blue, lv 112, 
knt. comm. bath, lviii 207 

Penruddock, J. H.—sher. Wilts. lix 150 

Penton, Hen.—lord adm. xvii 189] 

Peploe, Sam.—sher. Herefords. 1. 178 

Pepperell, Wm.—bart. xvii 188] 

Peppin, E.—sher. Surrey, xliv 524 

Pepys, dr. Lucas—phys. extr. to the king, 
xix 213] bart. xxvi 234] phys. in ord. 
XXxiv 56 

W. W.—mast. chance. xliii 58, 59 

Perceval, hon. Spencer, clk. of irons, &c. 
Tower, xxxiii 53] couns. to univ. Camb, 
xlii 55, privy couns. xlix 542, commiss. 
treas. excheq.543, chane. excheq. xlix 543, 
545, 546, lii 320, commiss. India affairs, 
id. lii 320, commis. treas. lili 154, chance, 
excheq. liv 163 ‘ 

C. G.—commiss. adm. xxvi 235] 

Perey, hon, Algern.—secret. legat. Turin, 
lvi 128 

lord Algern.—baron Prudhoe, lviii 


Hugh, earl—maj.-gen. Amer. xviii 

203] lieut.-gen. do. xix 214] 

baron, liv 163 

rey. dr. Thos.—dean Carlisle, xxi 

_ 224] bp. Dromore, xxv 235] 

Perkins, col, F. P. (mar.)—maj.-gen. xxxvi 

—— lieut.-col. J, F. (mar.)—col. army, 
xxxili 52] lieut.-gen. xliii 53 

Perring, John—sher, Somersets, xlvii 517 

— bart. 1. 176 

——-—~ Peter—sher. Devons. xxxii 246] 

ae George—sher, Worcester’, xxviii 


Perry, mr.—dep. mast. rolls, Irel. xxx 229] 

JSohn—sher. Essex, x1 120 

Walt.—sher. Oxfords. lix 150 

rev. W, C.—dean Killaloe, xv 160] 
dean Derry, xxiii 244] bp. Killala, xxiv 
207] baron Glentworth, Ire]. xxxil 236] 

Perryn, Rd.—baron excheq. and knt. xix 

Peter, capt. Geo.—maj. brigade, Newfound- 
land, xl 116 

——— John—consul, Ostend, xvii 187] 

-——— lieut.-col. Thos.—col. xlii 49, in- 
spect. field-officer, xlii 55 

Peters, H.—sher. Surrey, lx 207 

sir John —paymast. excheq. bills, 
xxxv 68 

Petersham, visct.—lord bedeh. liy 168 

Petit, maj. P. H —lieut.-col, xliv 489 i 

Petrie, Hen.—keep. records, ‘Tower, Ix! 

Wm.—gov. Prince Wales Island, liii 

Pett, Rob.—comm. victual.-oflice, xv 163] 

rey. Phineas —arehd. Carlisle, xlvi 

Pettiward, R.—sher. Suffolk, liii 169. ’ 
Petty, lord Hen.—privy couns. xlviii 492, 

commis. treas, excheq. 493, chane, excheq. 

zh. commiss. India affairs, 494 
Peyton, Hen.—bart. xix 218] sher. Camb. 

—-—— John—rear-adm, white, xxix 234] 
——— Jos.—vice-adm. blue, xxxii 237] 

do. white, xxxv 64, adm. white, xli 47 
Phelan, Jos. M. D.—phys. to forces, xlii 52 
Phelips, John—sher. Somersets. lvii 132 
Phelps, Edm.-—lieut.-yeomen guard, li 553 

John—sher. Pembrokes. xxxvi 56 
Rich.—see. to Spanish embassy, vi 

126] prov.-marsh, Leeward Islands, xi 

2114 : 
Philip, Arth.—gov. N. South Wales, xxix 


adm. A.—vice-adm, red, lii 321 
Philips, sir John—privy couns. vi 126] 
Nat.—sher. Pembrokes. xxxviii 69] 
- sir Rich. bart.—baron Milford, Irel, 
xix 217] j 
maj. Rob. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—lieut.- 
col. xl 11] 

co}. Wm.—maj.-gen. Amer. xix 214] 
Wim.—clerk of briefs, chancery, xix 

Philligore, Jos. LL. D.—prof. civil law, 
Oxf. 1i 556 
-——— Wm.—sher. Staffords. xxvii 252] 
Phillip, Arth.—rear-adm, blue, xliii 54, do. 
white, xlvi 458, vice-adm. blue, xlvili 
501, do. white, 1i 556, do. red, lii 321 
Phillips, maj. Chas.—dep. quart.-mast.-gen. 
Malta, xlv 482 
——— C. A.—sher. Pembrokes. 1i 540 
oem G~sher. Carmarth, liv 185 
ne Jas,—-sher. Pembrokes, xxix 236] 
ewwnene capt, das—-maj. xlvii aig 


Phillips, John—sher. Worcesters. xly 532 

sher. Oxfords. lviii 226 

R. M.—sher. Caermarthen. xli 69, 
do. Glamorgans. xliv 524 

———— Thos.—sher. Worcesters. xliii 80 

——— T.—sher. Carmarthens. ly 126 

———— T. M.—sher. Leicesters. xliii 80 

——-—— Wm.—sher. Oxfords.—xxv 197] 

———— W.—sher. Pembrokes. xxxii 246] 

——sher. Monmouths. xlviii 575 

Phillipson, lieut.-col. R. B,—aid-de-camp to 
his majesty, xviii 204] maj.-gen. xxii 243] 
lieut.-gen. xxix 234] 

Phillpotts, rey. Hen.—Stanton-le-Street rect. 
Durham, xlviii 496 ; 

Phipps, hon. Aug.—-commiss. excise, xxxiv 

Constantine— baron Mulgrave, Irel. 

x 173] See Mulgrave 

——~—— col. hon, Edm,—maj.-gen. xliv 

—-— John—gent. pens. xvi 165] 

—— T.H. H.—sher. Wilts. xlv 532 

——— T. P.—sher. Sussex, lvi 142 

—-— capt. W. A.—maior, xlii 51 

Piackand, maj. Fras.—lieut.-col. xly 489 

Pickering, Thos.—Iknt. xxxvii 56 

Pickmore, Francis—rear-adm. white, li 556, 
do. red, 1ii 822, vice-adm. blue, liv 165, 
gov. Newfoundland, lviii 208 

Picton, maj. John—lieut.-col. xliii 63 

R. T.—sher. Glamorgans. xlvi 521 

Thos.—gov. Trinidad, xliii 58, brig.- 
gen. do. 61, commiss. goy. do. xliv 490, 
col. xliti 5 

—— maj.-gen. Wm.—lieut.-gen, xxxv 68, 
gen. xl 108 

Pierrepont, C. M.—baron Pierrepont and 
viset. Newark, xxxviii 55] 

Pierrepoint, hon, Hen.—envyoy extr. Stock~ 
holm, xlv 4yt- 

. W. rear-adm. blue, liv 165 

Piggott, Arthur—attorney-gen. xiviii 494 

Pigon, Chas.—sher. Sussex, xti 69 

Pigot, A.—king’s couns. xxvi 232] sol.-gen. 
to pr. Wales, 234] 

———- Geo.—bart. vii 121] baron, Irel. viii 

———- lieut.-col. sir Geo.—col. xlii 49, maj.- 
gen. xlvii 455 © 

——- maj.-gen, Hen.—lieut.-gen. xliv 487 

~ Hugh, rear-adm. white, xviii 202] 
vice-adm. blue, xix 213] do. white, xxi 
221] do. red, xxiii 246) lord adm. 
xxv 234] commiss. admir. xxv 236] 
xxvi 229] 231] adm. white, xxix 234] 

--—-~- Rob.—warder mint, xiv 174] 

——- maj. Rob.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

———- lieut.-gen. sir R.—gen. xxxviii 53] 

——- lieut.-col. Thos -- gov, Cork, xxv 

-——~—- co]. Thos.—maj.-gen, xxxv 68 

Pigott, Geow—hart. 1. 176 

womens oft. Jase—-reay-adm. blue, xxxvi 
45, viceendm, do, xxxvil $6, da. ved, 

—— J. 




xli 46, adm. blue, xliy 487, do. red, 
lii 321 

Pigott, lieut.-col. John—col. xly 488 

capt. Rich.—maj. brig. Minorca, xli 

col. Rob. — maj.-gen. Amer. xix 

———— major Tho.—chief engin. ITrel. xix 

Wm.—sher. Bucks, xxxiv 61 

Pilkington, sir Tho.—sher. York. x1 120 

T.—sher. Monmouth. lii 416 

Pingo, Benj.—rouge-dragon poursuiy.-at- 
arms, xxiii 245] 

Pitches, Abr.—sher. Surrey, xxv 198] 

Pitchford, rev. mr.—minor canon, Durham, 
xlvi 457 

Pitt, Geo.—ambass. extr. Spain, xiii 182] 
baron Rivers, xix 215] See Rivers, lord 

— Tho.—commiss. adm. vi 128] 

hon, Wm.,-—sec. state, iv 88] a barony 
to his lady and son, and pension of 3,000/. 
per ann. to himself and son, 164] visc. 
and earl, ix 165] See Chatham, earl of 

—————_ chance. excheq. — privy 
couns. xxv 236] commiss. treas. excheq. 
7b. commiss. treas. xxvi 235] chance. 
excheq. 2b. commiss. treas. xxviii 219] 
lord treas. xxxi 240] high stew. univ. 
Camb. xxxii 237] commiss. India aflairs, 
xxxili 53] xxxv 66. xxxvii 57, constable, 
Dover Castle and warden Cinque Ports, 
xxxiv 57, chane. excheq. xlvi 459, com- 
miss. of treas. of excheq. 7b. commiss. 
Ind. affairs, 460 

lieut.-gen. Wm.—knt. bath, xxxiv 57, 
gen. xxxv 67, gov. Portsmouth, xxxvi 
44 ‘ 

—— col, W. A.—miaj.-gen. xiii 183] lieut.- 
gen. and col. 10th drag. xxiii 247] com- 
miss. barr. Ire]. xxvii 251] xxx 228] 

Planta, Jos.—assist. libr. Brit. Mus. xvi 
80] sec. Roy. Soc. xix 221] 

mr.—under secret. foreign dep. lix 

Playfair, dr. Jas.—prine. St. Andrew’s Univ. 
Scotl. xli 54 
Pleydell, E. M.—sher. Dorset. xliv 523 
——. T.. C.—see. to command,-in-ch, 
Trel. xvii 186] 
Plomer, Wm.—alderm. London, 11556 
Plumer, Thos.—king’s counsel, xxxv 65, 
knt. xlix 544, attorn.gen. liv 166, vice- 
chane. lv 110, privy coune. id. master 
rolls, lx 195] 
Plumptre, rey. John—prebend. Worcester, 
xxix 235] 
Plumtree, John—sher. Kent, x] 120 
dr. John—dean Gloucester, 1. 176 
Plunkett, W. C.—solicit.-en. [rel. xlv 491 
Pochin, C. W.—sher. Leicest. lviii 226 
rev. W.-— Edwardston vic. Suff, 
xviii 498 
i sir Roby—sher. Suffolk, xlyi 

Pocock, adm. sir Geo.—knt. bath, iv 115] 

—— Isaac—sher. Northampton. xxviii 

Pococke, rev. dr. bp. Ossory—bp. Elphin, 
vili 165} 

Pode, J. S.—sher. Devon. xxxvi 56 

Pole, C.—sher. Gloucester, lv 126 

Chas.—bart. xxxiii 54] 

-—— C. M.—groom bed-chamb. to duke of 
Clarence, xxxi 238] rear-adm. blue, 
xxxvii 57, do. red, xli 48, vice-adm. 
blue, xliii 54, bart. 61, vice-adm. red, 
xlvi 458, adm. blue, xlvii 456, commiss. 
adm. xlviii 493, adm. white, lii 321, 
grand cross bath, Ix 195 

——- sir J. W.—sher. Devon. xxv 197] 

—— Sacheverell—sher. Derby. xxxv 75 

hon. Wm. Wellesley—clk. ordnance, 

xliv 490, sec. embassy Ottoman Porte, 

xlix 542, elk. ordnance, 54%, first sec. to 

lords of adm. 545, privy couns. li 555, 

chane. excheq. Irel. liii 152, commiss, 

treas. lili 154, mast. mint, lvi 128 

sir W. T.—sher. Devon. Ix 207 

Polhill, John—sher. Beds, xlvii 516 

capt. Tho. (E. Ind. co, serv.)— 
brev.-major, E. Ind. xlii 51 

Pollen, John—bart. xxxvii 54 

Pollington, John, lord—earl Mexborough, 
Trel. viii 168] 

Polworth, lord, Scotl—baron Hume, Ber- 
wick, xix 215] 

Pomeroy, col. John—maj.-gen. xv 161] 

Pomfret, earl—ranger, Windsor Little Park, 
vi 126] privy couns. xiv 171] 

Pond, J.—astron. observ. Greenwich, liii 

Ponsonby, hon. Geo.—privy couns. xlviii 
495, chance. Irel. 496 

Join—speaker, H. Comm. 

Trel. xii 141] 
—— Miles—sher. Cumberland, li 540 
hon. Wm.—commiss. adm. xxvi 


maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

— hon. W. B.—joint post-mast.- 
gen. Irel. xxxi 237] baron Ponsonby, 
Tre]. xlviii 495 

Pool, sir Hen.—commiss. excise, viii 167] 

Poole, Cha.—sher. Southampton, xxxiii 64] 

—-= Dumville—sher. Cheshire, xxxvi 55 

sir Ferd.—sher. Sussex, xxxi 248] 

——- maj. Nevinson—lieut.-gov. Pendennis 
castle, xix 220] 

- Wm.—receiver-gen. excise, viii 167] 

Poore, J. M.—bart. xxxvii 57, sher. Wilts, 
xxxix 69 ‘ 

Pope, rev. B.—chaplain Christ Ch. Oxford, 
xl viii 502 

Porson, prof.—resident libr. Lond, Institut, 
xlyiii 497 

Portarlington, John, earl—privy couns, 
Trel. xxxvid 55 

Partchoster, Hen, lorderearl Carnarvon, 
xxxy 66 




Porter, lieut.-col. Geo.—col. xlii 49 

Jas.—minister, Brussels, vi 129] 

knt. bachelor, 131] comptr. customs, &c. 

Amer. x 173] 

dr. John—bp. Killala, xxxvii 57, bp. 

Clogher, xl 108 

Stanier — consul-gen. Madrid, vi 

127] knt. xv 161] keeper state papers, 

xvii 186} 

Tho.—sher. Devon, xlvi 520 

Porteous,. rey. dr.—master St. Cross, xix 
214) bp. Chester, xix 221] bp. London, 
%xix 235] privy couns. id. dean chapels 
roy. ¢b. 

Portland, 3rd duke—privy couns. viii ase 
lieut.-gen. and gen, gov. Irel. xxv 235 
commiss. treas. xxvi 231] prince. sec. 
state, xxxvi 45, knt. garter, 7d. lord-lieut. 
Notts. and keeper Sherwood forest, &c. 
xxxvii 57, commiss, India affairs, id. 

W. H.C. 4th duke— privy couns. 
xliii 61, commiss. India affairs, xliv 490, 
xlv 490, xlvi 460, commiss. treas. excheq. 
xlix 543, 545, 546, commiss. India affairs, 

Portman, E. B.—sher. Dorset. xl 119 

H. W.—sher. Dorset. xxviii 222] 

Postlethwaite, rev. Tho.—master Trin. Coll. 
Cambr. xxxi 239] 

Pottenger, Rich.—clk. privy seal, and regis- 
ter court requests, vi 127] 

Potter, rev. dr.—dean, Canterbury, ix 168] 

Tho.—Welch judge, xxi 222] 

Potts, James—judge admir. Quebec, viii 

——-— John—judge vice-adm. court, Quebec, 
xi 211] 

Pouchet, John—commiss. appeals in excise, 
xlii 52 

ey Vere, earl—lord-lieut. Devon. xiv 

John, earl—lord-lieut. Somerset, 
~ xxxiv 58 
col. hon. Vere—maj.-gen. xliy 487 
Powel, Alex.—sher. Wilts, lx 207 
H.—sher. Radnor. lix 151 
John—solic. regts. invalids, x 173] 
Powell, sir Alex.—recorder, Salisbury, xvii 
183] , 


Gab.—sher, Carmarthen. xlii 67 

Hugh—sher. Monmouths. liii 169 

J. H.—sher. Pembroke. lvi 142 

maj.-gen. H. W.—lieut.-gen. xxxviii 

53] gen. xiiii 53 

maj. John (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 111 

——— John—bart. Ix 196 

col. Kynaston (militia)—col, army, 

xl 117 

maj. Pereg. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 

lieut.-col. xl 111 

Tho,—sher. Cardigan, xxvii 253] 

maj. Tho.—lieut.-col, xliv 489 

omens W. Esher, Cardig, li 416, lord. 
lieut, do. lviii 209 

Power, lieut.-col. Manley—inspect. field off. 
volunt. xlv 490 

Powis, Arthur, earl—lord-lieut. Salop, vii 
121] gen. xv 161] 

——- Geo. Edw. Hen. earl—recorder, Lud- 
low, xix 220, lord-lieut. Montgomery, 7d. 
do. Salop, xl 112 | 

— Edw. lord—lord-lieut. Salop and 

Montgom. xlyi 460, privy couns. and 

gov. Irel. xlvii 457 

— P. L.—sher. Oxford. 1x 207 

——- Thos.—baron Lilford, xxxix 63 

Powlet, hon. M.—groom-porter to his maj. 
ix 164] 

Powlett, maj. T. N.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

is hon, T. O,—baron Bolton, xxxix 

——— W. P.—sher. Southampton, xxvi 

Pownall, Geo.—knt. xxxviii 53] 

——— John—prov, mast.-gen, Nevis, &c. 
xiv 172] 

Powys, P. L, jun.—elk. of cheque to gent. 
pens, xli 50 

Poyntz, col. Steph.—maj.-gen. xliii 53 

——— Wm.—sher. Berks. xxviii 222] 

Praed, J. B.—sher. Bucks. xlix 385 

serj. W. M.—auditor publie accts, 
xlviii 499 

Pratt, Benj.—-chief-just. New York, iv 99] 

——- Cha.—knt. and lord ehief-just. Com. 
Pleas, vi 189] baron Camden, viii 111] 
See Camden, lord 

—- E. R.—sher. Norfolk, xxxv 75 

——- col. John—maj.-gen. xlv 488, lieut.- 
gen. lii 321 

~hon. J. J.—commiss. adm, xxv 236] 

xxvi 229] 235) 

~ hon. Tho.—keeper treas. records, viii 

Prendergrast, col. Tho.—maj.-gen. E. Ind. 
co. serv. xl 111 

Prescott, Geo.—sher. Kent, xxvi 236] 

————. G. W.—sher. Herts. xxxv 75, bart. 
xxxvi 47, sher. Flints. liii 170 

—-— capt. Isaac — rear-adm. white, 
xxxvil 56, vice-adm. blue, xli 48, do. 
white, xliii 54, do. red, xlvi 458, adm. 
blue, xlvii 456, do. white, li 555 

-——— Rich.—col. 7th foot, xix 220] 

———- col. Rob.—maj.-gen. Amer. xix 

major-gen. Rob.—col. 28th foot, 
xxxi 239} lieut.-gen. xxxv 68, gen. xl 

Preston, col. Geo.—maj.-gen. xv 161] 

—-—— J.—baron Tara, Irel. xlii 54 

——— Thos.—bart. ]vi 130 

——_—— rev. Wm. jun.—Bulmer rect. and 
Whenby vic. York, xviii 503 

Pretyman, dr. Geo —bp. Lincoln, xxix 232}- 
dean St. Paul’s and canon resid, é. 

a vev, John—archd. Lineoln, xxxv 
65, 6 

Prevost, col. August.—major-gen. xxii 243] 




Prevost, lieut.-col. Geo.—col. xl 109, brig.- 
gen. W. Indies, ¢/. 112. xliii 58, gov. 
Dominica, xliv 492, maj.-gen. xlvii 450, 
bart. 457, lieut.-gov. Nova Scotia, ]. 172, 
gov. Canada, liii 153 

—w— col. Jas. — maj.-gen. Amer. viii 
165] lieut.-gen. do. xvi 162] 

—-— sir J—lieut.-gen. liii 151 

Price, Cha.—bart. xi 212] 

-—— Cha.—bart. xlvi 456 

——- F. R —sher. Flint. liv 416 

——- Griffith —sher. Merioneth. 

~——- Hugh—sher. Anglesea, xxxiv 61 

——-- H.—sher. Brecons. lvii 132 

James—sher. Radnor. xxvii 253] 

——~ John—dep. lieut. Glamorgan. xxxvii 

————. —sher. Glamorgan. xxix 236 

—sher. Radnor. xxix 236] 

—sher. Anglesea, xliii 80 

—sher. Anglesea, lx 208 

Jos.—sher. Monmouth. xl vii 517 

——- Rich.—auditor revenues, Lincoln, &c. 
vi 126] 

——-— Rich.—sher. Radnor. xxxvi 56 

~—— R.—sher. Montgom. lix 151 

——- Rose—bart. Ivi 130, sher. Cornwall, 
lvi 148 

—- Tho.—sher. Radnor. xxvi 236] 

Prineep, Tho.—sher. Derby. xliv 523 

Pringle, maj. Jas. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. x1 111 

——— John, M.D.—bart. ix 164} pres. 
Roy. Soe. xv 164] 

——— Jos. — consul-gen. Madeira, xlii 
52 ‘ 

——-— lieut.-col. Rob. —lieut.-col. 38th 
foot, xliv 491, capt. Coldstream guards, 

——— capt. Tho.—rear-adm. blue, xxxvi 
45, do. red, xxxvii 56, vice-adm. white, 
xli 48, do. red, xliii 54 

——— maj. W. H.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Pritchard, Hen.—sher. Anglesea, xxx 234] 

— John—sher. Radnor. xxxviii 69} 

—  Wm.—sher. Anglesea, xxviii 



Prittie, Hen.—baron Donally, Irel. xlii 54 
Proby, hon. Cha.—comptr. vict. accts. xiv 
173] commiss. navy, 175] comptr. Chat- 
_ ham and Sheerness Yards, xvi 165] 
—— and rev. dr.—dean Lichfield, 
xix 214] 
Probyn, maj. Tho.—lieut. col. xliii 53, in- 
spect. field off. volunt. xlvi 455 
——— Thos.—gov. St. Christopher’s, &c. 
lviii 208 ; 
—— rev. Wm.—chane. St: David’s, 
_xxxv 68 
Proctor, Hen.—sher. Montgomery. xlii 68 
maj. Hen.—lieut.-col, xlii 50 
——— sir W. B,—knt. bath, iv 115] 
ee ie sir H,—sher. Monmouth, lyiii 

Pugh, David—sher. Montgomery. xxxv 75 

~ J. W.—sher. Merioneth. xxxii 246] 

Pujolas, Hen.—Richmond_ herald-at-arms, 
vi 127] 

Puleston, Rd.—sher. Kent, xxxv 75 

Rd,—bart. lv 111 

Pulleene, capt. H. P.—maj. brigade to 
forces in 8. Brit. x] 110, inspect, field off. 
volunt. xlv 490 

Pulteney, lieut.-gen. 
viii 164] 

Henrietta Laura—baroness Bath, 
xxxiv 56 

maj.-gen. sir Jas.—lieut.-gen. xli 
51, knt. bath, xlv 484, secret.-at-war, 
xlix 543, gen. 1. 174 

Purcell, James— lieut.-gov. Tortola and 
Virgin Islands, xii 171] 

Purvis, Cha.—sher. Suffolk, xxxvi 56 « 

Child—vice-adm. red, liv 163 

capt. J. C.—rear-adm. blue, xlvi 
458, vice-adm. do. li 556, do. white, lii 

Putnam, Jas.—dep. barrack-mast.-gen. Nova 
Scotia, xl 115 

Putt, Remundo—sher. Devon. xlii 67 

Pybus, Cha. Small—lord adm. xxxiii 54] 
xxxvi 47, commiss. excheg. xliii 56 

Pye, C.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

—— Hen. J.—poet-laur. xxxii 237] 

rev. dr, Rob.— prebend. Rochester, 
xvii 187] 

—— Thos.—vice-adm. red, xiii 184] knt. 
and adm. blue, xvi 164] do. white, xxi 
221] lieut.-gen. mar. xxiii 247] 

—— Walt.—chafe-wax, xxi 223] 

Pym, F.—sher. Beds. xxxiii 63] 

Pytts, Jon.—sher. Worcester. xxvi 236] 

Harry—gen. -horse, 

Quarme, Geo.—commiss. excise, lx 163] 

Quartley, rev. H.—Wicken rect. Northamp- 
ton, xlviii 503 

Quayle, capt. John—maj. xlvii 452 

Queensberry, Chas. duke—lord just.-gen. 
Scotl. vi 127] 

— Wm. duke—baron Douglas, 

xxvili 218] 

———— marq.—lord-lieut. &e. Dum- 
fries, lxi 113 

Quick, J.—sher. Devon. xxix 235] 

Quin, sir Rd.—baron Adare, Irel. xlii 53 

—- V. R.—bart. xxiv 207] 

——-~ capt. Wyndham—maj. xlv 487, lieut.- 
col. 489 

Quintin, J. Whitby—sher. Camb. lviii 226 

— Tho. —sher. Camb. and Hunt. 

XXXVii 58 

Radcliffe, E. H. D.—sher. Herts, xlvii 517 
Rob.—sher. Dorsets, ly 126 
-— Wm.—rouge croix poursuivant of 
arms, xly 484 
Radnor, Jacob Pleydell, earl—recorder 
ia xix 214) lordelieut, Berks, xxxiii 




Radstock, Wm. lord—adm. blue, xliv 487, 
do. red, lii 321 

Rae, Dav.—lord session, Scot]. xli 50, bart. 
xlvi 460 

Wm.—sher. depute, Edinb. shire, li 


sir W.—lord advyoe. Ixi 115 

Raikes, Rob.—sher. Essex, xliv 523. xlix 

Rainier, capt. Peter —rear-adm. blue, 
xxxvii 56, do. white, xxxix 62, vice-adm. 
blue, xli 48, do. white, xliv 467, do. red, 
xlvi 458 

Rainsford, lieut.-col. Cha.—aid-de-camp to 
his maj. xvii 187] gen. xxxviii 53] gov. 
Tynemouth, 55] 

Ralfe,-rev. Wm.—Maulden rect. Beds. xlviii 
503 y 

Ramsay, Alex.—bart. xlviii 496 

——— lieut.-col. G. W.—col. xlvii 456, 
maj.-gen. liii 151, gov. St. Croix, lv 110, 
do. Antigua, lviii 207 

——— maj. hon. Jas.—lient.-col. xliv 489 

——— lieut.-col. John—col. xii 40, brig.- 
gen. Malta, xlv 490 

capt. Nich.—maj. brigade, xl 112 

——— lieut.-col. Wm.—col. x1 109, maj.- 
gen. xlvii 450, lieut.-gen. liii 151 

Ramsden, rev. mr.—dep. prof. divin. Camb. 
xlviii 501 

sir John—sher. York. xxxix 69 

Ramsey, capt. Geo.—maj. xlvii 451 

Ramus, Jos.—clk. spicery, St. James’s, xv 

Randall, Wm.—prothonot. &e. Denbigh, &c. 
xix 221] 

Randolph, J.—attorn.-gen. Virginia, x 173] 

—— rey. J.—reg. prof. divin. Oxf. 
xxvi 233] bp. Bangor, xlviii 501, do, 
Oxford, xli 52, do. London, 1i 553 

Ranelagh, maj. Tho. visc.—lieut.-col. xliv 

Raper, Matt.—sher. Herts. xxxiii 64] 

Rashleigh, J. C.—sher. Cornwall, lv 126 

Rastall, rev. Sam.—dean St. Flaman, Ire). 
xxiii 244] 

Ratray, maj. John (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 111 

Rattray, maj, W. (E. Ind. co. sery.)--lieut,- 
col. xl 111 

Rawdon, hon. Fras.—baron Rawdon, xxvi 

Rawlins, Tho.—sher. Cornwall, xlv 432 

Rawlinson, Walt.—pres. Bridewell Hosp. 
xvi 163] knt. xvii 184] 

Rawson, Geo.—commiss. barracks, Irel. xxx 
228] commiss. stamps, do. xxxi 239] 

Rawstorne, col. Edw.—maj,-gen. E. Indies, 
xxxviil 54] 

— L.—sher. Lincoln. lvi 142 

Raymond, Cha.—bart. xvii 186] 

Steph.—gher, Beds. xlili 79 

- byey.-maj. Wm.-—leut.-col, xli 43 

Rayne, mia}. Rob. (8, Tad, co, serv.) -lieute 
vol, xb bth 

pe ns G N.—sher. Northampton. xxiv 

202 : 

Read, maj. Alex, (E. Ind. co, serv.)—lieut.- 
col. xl 111 

——- Bagot—sher. Montgomery. xlvii 517 

——- D.—sher. Radnor. lv 126 

——-— J.—sher. Northumb. 1ii 416 

—~— sir J.—sher. Oxford. liii 169 

——- W. H.—consul-gen. Azores, liii 151 

Reade, col. Ifen,—maj.-gen. x1 108, lieut.- 
gen. xlvii 450 

Reall, maj. Phceneas—lieut.-col. xlii 50° 

Rebow, maj. F. S.—lieut.-col. xliv 488, maj. 
and lieut.-col. 2nd life-guards, 492 

Reed, Jas.—sher. Essex, xlvii 517 

Rees, John—sher. Carmarthen. xxxvii 59 

Wm.—sher. Monmouth. xxvii 252] 

Reeve, capt. Sam.—rear-adm. white, XXXvil 
56, do. red, xxxix 62, vice-adm. white, 
xli 48 : 

Sam.—sher. Rutland. xli 69 

W.—sher. Lincoln. xlyiii 575 

Reid, A.—sher. Herts, lvii 132 

——~ maj.-gen. John—lieut.-gen. xxxv 68, 
gen. xl 108 

Reilley, John—commiss. Impress, xxxi 

Relthorpe, sir Hen.—sher. Lincoln. xlv 

Rennell, dr. Tho.—dean Winchester, xlvii 

Revesey, Hugh—sher. Merion. liii 170 

Reynardson, Jacob—commiss. coach-office, 
xviii 202] clk. privy seal, xix 216] 

Reynold, H. R.—comm. Insoly. Debt. Ixi 

Reynolds, maj. Cha. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
brev. lieut.-col. army, E. Indies, xlii 51 

John—rear-adm. blue, xviii 202] 
do. white, xix 213] do. red, xxi 221] vice- 
adm. blue, 75. do. white, xxiii 247] adm. 
blue, xxix 234] 

L.—sher. Camb. xlviii 595 

R. C.—vice-adm. red, lii 322 

maj. T. V.—lieut.-col. xli 47 

Rhone, count Bentinck de—col. army, 
Europe only, xli 53 

Riall, maj.-gen. Phin.—gov. Grenada, lviii 

Ricardo, D.—sher. Gloucest. 1x 207 

Rice, Geo.—commiss. trade, iv 88] treas. 
his maj. chamb. and privy couns. xiii 

“is Ralph—recorder, Pr. Wales Isl. lix 

Rich, rey. dr. Cha,-—bart. xxxiii 54] 

-sir Tho.—rear-adm. red, xxxvi 45, 
vice-adm. blue, xxxvii 56, do. red, xli 
48, adm. blue, xiii 53 

Richards, Fitzh.—commiss. barracks, Trel, 
xxvii 251] 

- Jas.—sher. Leicester, xxxvili 68] 

John —~sker, Glamorgan, xxxiil 

64] 4 
vawcwcome JOhn-—sher. Camb. xxxvi 6 




Richards, Rich.—chiefjust. Chester, lv 110, 
chief baron, excheq. lix 140 
—— R.—sher. Cardigan. lv 126 
T. W.—consul, Nantes, lviii 209 
Wm. jun.—sher. Dorset. xxxix 69 
Richardson, rev. Ben.—Egton and Glais- 
dale perpet. cur, York, xlviii 502 
Clem. — consul, Cagliari, xvii 

maj. John (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 111 : 

—— rev. J.—mast. free-gram. school, 
Old Malton, xlviii 495 

R,—judge com. pleas, Ix 196 

— Sam. —sher. Gloucester. xxix 



—sher. Glamorgan, x1 120 
— Tho.—sher. Sussex, xxxv 75 
col. Wm, — maj.-gen. xxxviii 


Richie, Rob.—consul, Venice, xix 219] 

Richmond, 7th duke of—lord-lieut. Sussex, 
vi 131] privy couns. viii 168] princ. sec. 
state, ix 164] lieut.-gen. xiii 183] mast.- 
gen. ordnance, xxv 234] xxvi 235] field- 
marshal, xxxvili 55 

— Chas. 8th duke —privy couns. 
xlix 543, lieut.-gen. Ire]. 7b. knt. garter, 

. liv 163, lord-lieut. Sussex, lviii 207, gov. 
Canada, &c. Ix 195 

— H.—commiss. customs, lv 110 

—— rev. dr. Richard—bp. Sodor and 

. Man, xv 163] 
Ricketts, G. P.—gov. Tobago, xxxv 67 

Riddell, Jas. LL.D.—bart. xxi 223] 

Ridge, capt. J. S.—maj. Ji 555 

Haley rey. dr.—prebend. Gloucester. xlvi 


Rigby, col. Alex.—maj.-gen. xxix 234] 

Cha.—commiss. taxes. viii 167] 

Christ.—rec.-gen. stamp duties, vi 

127] commiss. taxes, x 174] 

Rich,—privy couns. vi 128] vice- 

treas. Ire]. xi 209] paymast. forces, 211] 

Wm,—sher. Flints. lix 151 

Rigg, J. sher. Essex, lii 416 

Rimington, S.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Riou, capt. Phil.— maj. xlii 50 

Rivers, Geo. lord—lord-lieut. Southampton, 
xxiii 245] lord bechamb. xxv 235] baron 
Rivers xliv 485 

Jas.—clerk signet, vi 126] 

Rix, mr.— town clerk, London, xvii 163] 

Roach, lieut.-col. Josh.—capt. Pembrokes. 
yeomanry, xliv 401 

Robe, capt. William—maj. xlvii 452 

Roberts, E. .—coll. customs, Barnstaple, 
liv 164 

——- Grifliths—sher. Merioneth. xxxiii 

—-~— J.—commiss. trade, viii 167] 

——— Jos.—sher. Gloucester. xxvi 236] 

———— J, C.—-secr. Quebec, xi 211] 

—— Rob,—apoth, to hosp, N, Amer. 
avili 201] 

Roberts, lieut, col. R. E. (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
—col. xl 111 

——— col. Tho.—maj.-gen. xl 113, lieut.- 
gen. xlvii 455 

——T.—bart. li 554 

—— Walter—sher. Brecon. xxvii 252] 

——— sir’ Wal.—sher. Devon. lix 150 

—— col. Wm.—maj-gen. xxxv 68 

———— maj. Wm.—lieut. -col. xlii 50 

——— dr W. H.—prov. Eton Coll. xxiv 

Robertson, col. Archib.—maj.-gen. xl 113, 
lieut.-gen. xlvii 458 

maj. Dav.—lieut.col. xlii 50 

maj. Donald—lieut.-col.  xliii 


—— Gilb.—consul Philadelph. Iviii 

capt. G. D.—maj. xlvii 451 
capt. Jas. (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
brey. maj. army, India, xlv 49] 

lieut.-col Jas.—col. xlv 488, 
inspect. field off. volunt. xlvi 456. dep. 
goy. Fort George, 1. 176 

—— mr.—librarian Roy. Soc. xix 

lieut.-col. Wm.—col. xliii 53 
Wm.—lord session, Scotl. xlvii 

Robins, Tho.—sher. Southampton, xxxiv 
Robinson, dr. Christ.—knt. li 551 
hon. Fred.—commiss. adm. lii 
320, liii 152, treas. navy, liv 166 
hon. F. J.—presid. comm. contr. 
trade, liv 166, comm. excheq. 274. paymast. 
forces, lv 11], presid. comm. trade, Ix 
195, treas. navy, 2. 
sir F. P.—gov. Tobago, lviii 207 
—- Geo.—sher. Leicester. Ix 207 
maj. Jas.—lieut.-col. xliv 491 
J.—commiss. customs, Amer, x 
lieut -col. John—col. x1 108, maj.- 
gen. xlvii 450 
rey. J.—bart. Ixi 114 , 
Mark—rear-adm. white, li 556, 
do. red, lii 322, vice-adm. do. liv 163 
maj. P. R.—lieut.-col. xlii 49, 50 
dr. Rd. bp. Kildare —archbp. 
Armagh, viii 164] lord high almoner, 
Irel. 2b. 
——- —haron Rokeby, Irel. xx 223] 
-—-——— R. M.—sher. Lincoln. xxxiii 64] 
Tho. — lord trade, ix 167] com- 
tniss. trade, xi 211] vice-chamb. to her 
maj. and privy couns. xiii 182] 
Walt.—chief just. Tobago, xvii 


W. H.—dep. commiss.-gen. xl 

gen.—gov. New York, xxii 244] 
Robison, maj. Cha.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
J.—lieut.-gen. liii 151 
Roche, sir Boyle—bart, Ivel, xxv 237] 




Roche, Geo.—sher. Pembroke. xxxi 248] 

Rochford, Wm. Hen. Nassau earl—ambass. 
Spain, vi 130] do. France, ix 164] sec. 
state, North. depart. x 212] do. South. 
do. xiii 186] knt. garter. xxi 222] 

Rochfort, lieut.-col. Geo. — col. xl 108, 
maj.-gen. xlvii 450, lieut.-gen. liii 161 

Rd.—consul, Ostend, lvii 120 

Rocke, Rich.—sher. Montgomer, xxviii 223] 

Rockingham, Chas. marg.—knt. garter, iii 
71] privy couns. viii 166] first lord treas. 
7b. lord-lieut. and cust. rot. of N. and W. 
rid. York, 167] lord treas. xxi 234] 

Rodbard, Sam.—Sher. Somerset. xl 120 

Rodd, F. H.—sher. Cornwall, 1x 207 

Roddam, capt. Rt.—rear-adm. white, xxi 
221] vice-adm. blue, xxii 243] do. white, 
xxiii 247] do, red, xxix 234] adm. blue, 
xxv 64, do. red, xlvii 456 

Rodney, vice-adm. — bart. vii 120] mast. 
Greenwich hosp. viii 168] vice-adm. 
white, xiii 184] do. blue, 185] rear-adm. 
Great Brit. xiv 174] vice-adm. red, xviii 
201] adm. white, xix 221] command. 
Barbadoes ane Leeward islands, and knt. 
bath, xxiii 248] vice-adm G. Brit. &c. 
xxiv 209] baron Rodney, xxv 235] 

hon. John—equerry to the duke of 
Clarence, xxxi 238] commiss. vict. office, 
xxxviii 55] 

Roe, Wm. Thos—comm. customs, Ixi 112 

—commiss. customs, xxx 228] 

Rogers, Cha.—sher. Radnor. xlvii 517 

rey. Edw.—prebend. Salisbury, xlvi 


Fred. — commiss. navy, xiv 175] 
comptr. Plymouth yard, xvi 165] (sir 
Fred. bart.) recorder Plymouth, xvii 184] 
Geo.—commiss. navy, xxv 237] 
maj. Hen.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 
John—sher. Somerset, xlvi 52] 
Rogers, rev. T. E.—Lachford rect. Suffolk, 
xlix 542 
Rokeby, Rd. lord —lord just. Irel. xxix 

Rolle, John—baron Rolle, xxxviii 54] 

Rolleston, Christ.—sher. Notts, xlvii 517 

L.—sher. Notts, xxiv 203] 

Romer, lieut.-col, J. W. A.—col. xl 109 

Romilly, Sam.—solic.-gen. xlviii 494, knt. i. 

Romney, Cha. lord—visc. Marsham and earl 
Romney, xliii 59 

maj. Jas. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—brev. 
lieut,-col. army E. Ind. xlit 51 

Rooke, H. W.—page to queen, xxxvii 55 

Rookes, serjt. Giles—king’s serjt. at law, 
xxxv 65, knt. and just. com. pleas, 68 

Roper, C. B. T.—sher. Flint. ly 127 

capt. Geo.—commiss. transports, 

xxxvii 58 

J.—sher. Herts, xxix 235] 

Rose, Geo, — survey. revenues of green- 
wax monies, xviii 201] verdurer New 
Forest, xxx 228] clerk parliam. 229] 

—— hon. Geo,—privy couns, xliv 484, pre- 

sid. board trade, xlvi 460, xlix 543, pay- 
mast.-gen. forces, 461, treas. navy, xlix 
544, elder brother Trin. liii 153 

Rose, G. H.—sec. legat. Berlin, xxxvi 67, 
envoy, Bavaria, lvi,127, do? Berlin, Ivii 
120, privy counc.]x 195 - 

— capt. Jas.—maj. xliv 493 

—— John—sher. Monmouth. xxxvi 56 

—— J.C.—sher. Northampton. xlvii 517 

—— J. W.—recorder, London, xxxi 239] 
serjt. at law, 241] 

—— S—commiss. excise, li 552 

Roseberry, carl—knt. thistle, xiv 171] 

Ross, maj.-gen. Alex.—lieut.-gen. xliv 487 

—— maj. And.—lieut.-col. xlii 49, aid-de- 
camp to the king, li 555 

—— maj.-gen. Cha.—lieut.-gen. xxxv 68 

— col. sir Cha.—maj.gen. xl 113, lieut.- 
gen. xlvii 455 

—— David—lord session, Scotl. xix 213] 

—-— maj. Day.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

—— capt. Dav.—maj, xlvii 452 

—— G.—comm. Edin. lv 110 

—— rey. Hugh—church of Fern, 1. 176 

dr. John—bp. Exeter, xxi 220] 

—— John—Sicilian vice-consul, Gibraltar, x1 

— capt. sir J. L. bart.—rear-adm. blue, 
xxii 243] do. red, xxiii 247] vice-adm. 
blue, xxix 234] 

a Pat.—maj.-gen. E. Ind. xxxviii 

—— capt. Pat.—maj. xlv 489 

oe ee Ralph, earl—gen, xxxviii 

. col, R.—-aid-de-camp to the king, lii 


Rothes, John, earl—gen, foot, viii 164] 

Rottenburgh, lieut.-col. Fras, baron—col. 
xlvii 450 

Rous, C. W. B.—bart. xxxiii 54] 

— Geo.—prothonot. and clerk of crown, 
Carmarthen, &c. xiv 175] 

——- sir John—baron Rous, xxxviii 54] 

Tho. B.—sher. Glamorgan. lix 151 

Row, eae eae salt office, xiv 

Rowland, Edw.—sher. Denbigh. lvi 142 

——~— Hugh—sher. Carnarvon. xlvi 386 

Rowe, maj. Benj.—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

Rowley, capt. B. S.—rear-adm. blue, xli 48, 
do. white, xliii 54, do. red, xlvi 458, vice- 
adm. red, li 555, 556, adm. blue, lii 321 

hon. Clotworthy—baron Langford, 

Trel. xlii 53 

mrs. E. O. —baroness Sumerhill, and 

viscts. Langford, Irel. viii 169] 

capt. Jos, — rear-adm. blue, xxii 

243] do. red, xxiii 247] bart. xxviii 218] 

vice-adin. white, xxix 234] 

Josias, bart, lv 111, col. mar. 2d. 

—— sir Wm. bart,—Suffolk, xxxiii 64] 




Rowley, maj.-gen. Wm.—lieut.-gen. xxxv 68, 
gen. xl 108 
Roxburgh, John, duke—privy couns. xxxvili 
55, knt. garter, xliii 58 
Royds, John—knt. xliii 60 
Rudge, Sam.—sher. Northampton. xxxiv 61 
Rudyerd, lieut.-col. Hen.—col. xlvii 456 
Rufane, col. Wm.—maj.-gen. viii 165] 
Rugely, Matt.—sher. Beds. xxviii 222] 
Rule, sir Wm.—commiss. navy, xliii 62 
Rumbold, Tho.—bart. xxii 244] 
Runnington, Cha.—serjt.-at-law, xxix 235] 
rd sir Geo.—commiss, transports, li 
Rush, Beaumaris—knt. xlii 53 
Geo.—sher. Suffolk, xli 69 
—— —sher. Northamp. lv 126 
——— J.—inspect. regiment. hosp. xl 111! 
Rushout, sir J.—baron Northwick, xxxix 63 
Rushworth, C.—comm. taxes, lx 196 
Russell, sir Hen.—Chief just. F. William, 
Bengal, xlviii 492, privy coune. lviii 208, 
bart. liv 166 » 
lieut.-col. Geo. (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
col. xl 11] 
rey. J.—head mast. Charter H. liii 

capt. T. M.—rear-adm. white, xliii 
54, do. red, xlvi 458, vice-adm. red, lii 
321, adm. blue, liv 165 . 

lord Wm. — commiss, adm. xlviii 


Rutherford, maj. J, lieut.-col. command. 
xliii 56 

Rutland, 4th duke—stew. household, xxvi 
230] privy seal, 235] 

—-— 5th duke—col. Leicester. mil. xl 
118, col. army, 114, lord-lieut. Leicester, 
xli 61 

Ruxborough, Jos. yisc.—earl Miltown, Irel. 
vi 129] see Miltown, earl 

Ryan, maj. sir E. M.—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 

Rycroft, rev. dr.—bart. xxvi 234] . 

Ryder, hon. Dudley—comptr. household, 
xxxii 235] commiss. for India, 7d. presid. 
privy counc. trade, 2338] 

—— hon. and rev. Hen.— prebend. St. 
George’s, Windsor, }. 173 

—— Nat.— baron Harrowby, xix 
215] ; 

—— —— Rich.—commiss. treas, excheq. 
xlix 543, advocate-gen. forces, 546, princ. 
sec. State, li 556, commiss. Ind. affairs, 
lii 520, secret. state, liv 163 

Ryder, hon. mr.—joint-paymaster, xxxiil 

Ryley, Sam.—sher, Denbigh, xlvii 517 

Sackville, lord George—privy couns. viii 
168] vice-treas, Irel. 169] see Germain, 
lord Geo. 

hon. mr.—priv. sec. to lord Geo. 
§. Germain for America, xviii 205] 

Saffery, Wm.—registrar, &c. Bedford Level 

corporation, xlyiii 497 

St. Alban’s, Geo. duke—register court of 
chance. xiv 172] lord-lieut. Berks. 173] 
St. Asaph, vise.—gent. bedchamb. to pr. 

Wales, xxix 233] 
St. Aubin, sir J.—sher. Cornwall, xxiv 202] 
St. Clair, maj. Jas.—lieut.-col. xlv 489 
St. George, Chas. Man.—secret. legat. 
Stockholm, lix 141 
—— Rd.—baron, Ire}. ix 163] 
— Thos,—commiss. barracks, [rel. 
xix 218] 


Usher—lord St. George, baron 
Hartley, St. G. Irel. vi i30] 

St. Helen’s, lord—ambass. Unit. Provinces, 
xxxvi 44, do. St. Petersburgh, xliii 59, 
baron St. Helen’s, G. Brit. 60 

St. John, hon. col.-Fred.—1maj.-gen. x1 113, 
lieut.-gen. xlvii 455 

lieut.-col. hon. Geo.—col. xliv 487 

—_——— Hen.—aid-de-camp to 
his maj. xix 213] maj.-gen. xxii 243] 
lieut.-gen, xxix 234] 

sir H, P.—sher. Southampton, 
xxix 236] 

John—surv.-gen, crown lands, &c. 
xviii 205] ’ 

Panlet—bart. xv 162] 

——- rev, St. A.—dean Worcester, xxvi 

St. Andrew, lord—privy couns. 
xlviii 494] capt, pensioners, 495 

St. Leger, col.—groom bedchamb. to pr. 
Wales, xxix 233] equerry, %5. maj.-gen. 
xlv 488, lieut.-gen. li 555 

St. Paul, Horace—sec. embassy Versailles, 
xv 162] minister plenip. there, xix 214] 
envoy, Sweden, 220] “ 

Dav. Cholwell— 111 

Ste Vincent, John, earl—adm. white, xli 47, 
privy-couns. xliii 55, 56, commiss. adm. 
56, xlvi 455 

Salisbury, Jas. earl—treas. household and 
privy couns. xxiii 247] marq. Salisbury, 
xxxi 240] lord-chamberlain, xxvi 235] 
knt. gart. xxxv 66, postmaster, lviii 208 

Salmon, capt. Geo.—maj. xlvii 451 

Salt, Hen.—consul-gen. Egypt, lvii 119 

Salter, C.—sher. Bucks, liv 185 

—— col. John—maj.-gen. xiii 183] 

Salusbury, Rob.—sher. Monmouth. xxviii 

a —bart. xxxvii 55 
Salvesin, baron— Danish consul, Scotl. '&c. 
xlii 54 
Salwey, Rich.—sher. Hereford. xlix 385 
Sampson, rev. dr. Thos.—-rect. Groton, Suf- 
folk, xlviii 497 
————. J.—consul.- gen. Tetuan, xiii 182] 
Sandby, Thos.—arcb. board works, xx 223] 
Sanders}Day.—sher. Carmarthen. xxxix 70 
—-—— Thos.—sher. Rutland. xxiv 203 
Sanderson, sir Jas,—bart. xxxvi 47 
Sandford, maj.-gen. Edw.—lieut.-gen. xiii 

Sandford, Humph.—sher, Shrops, xxix 236] 




Sandford, H. M.—baron Mount Sandford, 
Trel. xlii 53, 54 

——- Rob.— gov. Galway, xi 210 
" maj.-gen. Rob.—lieut,-gen. xxxv 


Sandwich, earl—ambass. Spain, vi 126] 127] 
first lord adm. 128] principal sec. state, 
130] do. for northern department, xiii 
186] firstlord adm. xiv170] gen. xv 161] 

Sandys, lord—commiss. trade, iv 88] 

E, B.—bart. li 554 

Sargent, J.—audit. public accounts,’xlviii 
499, 500 

Sartorius, licut.-col. J.C. (E. Ind, co. serv.) 
—col. xl 111 

Saumarez, capt. Jas.—knt. xxxv 69, col. 
marines, xli 48, rear-adm. blue, xliii 58, 
kunt. bath, 61, rear-adm. white, xlvi 453, 
vice-adm. blue, xlviii 501 do. red, lii 321, 
rear.adm,. United Kingd. Ixi 113 

— maj. Tho.—knt. xxxvii 57, in- 
spect. milit. Guernsey, xli 5] 

Saunders, adm. sir Cha.—knt. bath, iv 115] 
lord adm. viii 166] ix 166] privy couns. 
ib. adm. blue, xiii 184] 

J. S.—maj.-gen. liii 152] 

Tho.—sher. Bucks, xxvii 252] 

Wm. M. D.— phys. extr. pr. 
Wales, xlviii 500 

Saurin, rev. J.—archdeac. Dublin, ly 110 

dr. dean Derry——bp. Dromore, Ixi 

Savage, capt. Ien.—rear-adm. blue, xli 
48, do. white, xliii 54, do. red, xlvi 458, 
vice-adm., red, li 555, adm. blue, lii 321 
P.—consul, Virginia, lviii 208 
Savany, maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xliii 53 
Saville, hon. R. L.—sher. Notts, xxxv 75 
Sawbridge, Hen.—sher. Northampton. xxv 

— W.—sher. Northampton. lii 416 

Sawyer, Herbert—rear-adm. white, xxix 
234] do. red, xxxii 237] vice-adm. blue, 
xxxv 65, do. red, xxxvi 45, adm. blue, 
xxxvii 56 ; 

capt. Herbert—rear-adm. blue, xlix 
545, do. white, ]. 174, rear-adm. red, lii 
322, vice-adm. blue, liii 153 

Saxton, Cha.—bart, xxxvi 45, commiss. 
navy, xliii 62 

Cha.—recorder, Abingdon, Berks, 
xlvii 453 

Say, maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Sayer, Jas.—rear-adm. blue, xiii 185] do. 
red, xviii 202] vice-adm. blue, xix 213] 

Scarborough, Rich. Lumley Saunderson, earl 
privy couns. viii 166] coflerer of the 
household, 74. dep. earl marshal, Engl. 

— earl—vice-treas. Irel. xxv 235] 
Scaveley, col. Miles—maj.-gen. x1 113 
Scerret, col. John (W. Indies)—brig.-gen. 

Newfoundland, xli 50 
Schalch, maj. J. A.e-licut.col, xliy 488, 
maj.-gen, liil 142 ; 

Schank, capt. John—commiss. transports 
xXxxvil 58 ; 
J.—rear-adm. red, li 556, vice-adm, 

blue, lii 322, do. red, Iv 112 

Schocke, dr. E. B.—dean, Bristol, xlv 484 

or py » Molyneux, lord—adm. blue, xxix 

Scott, rev. A. J.—D. D. by roy. mandate, — 
xl viii 498 

Wm.—Broughton rect. Oxford, 
Mir} Wellesley rect. Gloucester, xlviii 

—— maj. Cha. (E. Ind. co. sery.)—lieut.- 
col, xl 111 

Dav.—barrack-mast. Fort Augustus, 

xlii 51 

maj. Edw.—licut.-col. xliii 53 

Geo.—lieut.-col. xlv 489 

—— lieut.-gen. Geo.—gen. xl 108 

— G. L.—commiss. excise, vi 126] 

—— maj. Hercules—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 

col. Jolin.— maj.-gen. xiii 183] 

—— J.—solicitor-gen. Irel. xvii 189] at- 
torn.-gen. and privy couns. do. xx 225] 
revers. clerk com. pleas, in excheq. do. 
xxiii 245] knt. and solic.-gen. xxx 229] 
attorney-gen. xxxv 65, privy couns. xli 
51, baron Eldon, 51, 52 

capt. J.—maj. xlvii 452 

—Jos.—sher. Stafford. xli 69 

—bart. xlviii 496 

—— M. H.—rear-adm. blue, liv 165 

maj. Rich. (E. Ind. co. sery.)—lieut.- 

col. xl 111 

lieut.-col. Tho.—col. xliii 53, dep. in« of reserve, N. Brit. xliv 486 

Wm. LL.B.—Camden prof. History, 
Oxford, xvi 168] 

— dr. Wm.—register court faculties, 
xxvi 229] knt. and advocate-gen. xxx 
230] master faculties, xxxii 235] judge 
admir. x1 116, privy couns. 76. 

maj. Wm. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—lieut.- 
col. xl 111, col. xl 109, maj.-gen, xlvii 
450, lieut.-gen. liti 15] 

Scourfield, H.—sher. Pembroke. xxiv 203, 
liv 185 

Scratten, col,—maj.-gen, xxix 234] 

Scroggs, maj. Sydney—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

Scrope, rev. dr.—chap. in ord. xx 224] 

Seabright, capt. Tho.—gent. usher privy- 
chamber, xxxtii 56] 

Seaforth, lord— gov. Barbadoes, xlii 54, 
maj.- gen. xliv 487 

Seagrave. rev. Edw.—Westcote-Barton rect. 
Oxford, xlviii 496 

Seal, J.—sher. Devon. xxxix 69 

Seale, rev. dr. J. Bu—Anstye rect. Herts, 
xlviii 498 

Searle, Fras.—knt. xlv 482 

Seaton, capt. Christ.—maj. xlii 50 

Sebright, capt. Edw.—maj. xlvii 451 

maj.-gen, sir. J.—lieut.-gen. xiii 

ownee Sid, Si—sher. Herts. xxxix 69 




Secker, dr. Thos. bp. Oxford—archbp. Can- 
terbury, i 91] 

Seddon, maj. Dan.—lieut.-col. xlii 50, in- 
spect. field-officer, volunt. xlv 490 

Sedgwick, J.—commiss. excise, li 552 

Sedley, hon. Hen.—master robes, li 553 

Selby, H. C.—clerk of peace, Middlesex, xx 

Selkirk, Thos. earl—stew. Kirkcudbright, 
xlix 543 

Selwyn, G. A.—sury. crown lands, xxvi 

Wm.—king’s counsel, xxiii 246] 

Senhouse, Wm.—survey.-gen. customs, Bar- 
badoes, &c. xiii 184] 

Sentleger, S.—baron Doneraile, Irel. xix 

Sergison, Fras.—sher. Sussex, xxviil 222] 

Sergrove, rev. mr.—master Pembroke coll. 
Oxon, xxxi 238] 

Serle, capt. Amb.—commiss. transports, 
xxxvii 58. xlv 485. li 553 

Seton, J.—gov. St. Vincent, xxix 232] 

Severn, maj.-gen. J.—lieut.-gen. xiii 183] 

J. C.—sher. Radnors. liii 169 

Sewall, Jon.—judge vice-adm. court, Hali- 
fax, xi 212] 

Sewell, Jas.—sher. Suffolk, xxviii 222] 

sir Thos.—master rolls, &c. and 
privy couns. vii 121] 

Seymer, Hen.—sher. Dorsets. xli 68 

Seymour, col.—serjt.-at-arms H. of Com- 
mons, liv 163 

—- hon, and rey. Fras.—dean Wells, 
ix 164] 

maj. Fras.—lieut.-col. x1 110 

lord Hugh—col. mar. xxxvi 45, 

rear-adm. blue, xxxvii 57, rear-adm. 

white, xxxix 62, vice-adm. blue, xli 48, 

lord adm, xxxvii 55, 58, gent. bedchamb. 

to pr. Wales, xxxvii 55 

H.—sher. Dorsets. lii 416 

———- Mich.— bart. li 552 

maj. R. A.—lieut.-col. xlv 489, 
gov. St. Lucia, lviii 208 

Shaftesbury, earl—privy couns. lvi 128 

Shaftoe, Cuthbert—sher. Northumb. xxxvii 
59, knt. 2b, 58 

Shakerley, C. W. J.sher. Cheshire, xxxiii 

sea. lieut.-col. Alex.—col. xlii 49 

Shank, D.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Shannon, Rich. earl—mast.-gen. ordnance, 
Irel. ix 163] privy couns. do. xvii 188] 
muster-master gen. 189] vice-treas. Irel. 
xxv 235] xxvi 231] baron Carleton, xxviii 
218] commiss. exchequer, Irel. xxxix 63, 
xliv 54 

Shapter, Wm. M. D.—inspect. hosp. xl 114 

Sharp, Steph.—knt. xlviii 499 

Walter—consul-gen, Russia, xix 214] 

Wm. D. D.—Greek prof. Oxford, 
vi 129} 

tt Greg, LL.D.—master Temple, vi 

Pant II, 

Sharpe, lieut.-col. Matt.— inspect. field- 
officer, volunt. xlv 492 

Philip—keeper privy council records, 
x 174] 

Sharrard, Wm.—sher. Rutlands, xl 120 

Sharrat, J.—consul, Carthagena, xviii 204] 

Be i eae Isle of Man, xxxii 


Q.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Burton, sher. Lincolns. x1 120 

lieut.-col. D. H.—col. xliv 487 

James—bart. li 554 

sir J.—bart. liv 167 

Jas.—president St. Bartholomew’s 

hosp. xlviii 495 

lieut.-col. Rob.—col. xly 488 

Shawe, capt. H. J.—major, xlv 490 

Sheaffe, 6. H.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

maj.-gen. Rog.—bart. liv 167 

Shee, sir Geo,—sec. commiss. treas, Irel. 
xli 52 

——- maj. J.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Sheffield, John, lord—baron Sheffield, Trel. 
xxvi 233] do. G. Brit. xliv 491, earl, 
lviii 207 

sir Rob.—sher. Lincolns. lix 150 

Shelburne, Will. earl—privy couns. vi 128] 
commiss. trade, 74. maj.-gen. viii 165] 
prince. sec. state, ix 165] lieut.-gen. xv 
161] sec. state, xxv 234] commiss. treas. 
excheq. ib. 236] 

Shelley, maj. Gordon—lieut.-col. xlii 50, 
inspect. field officer, volunt. xlv 493 

Bysshe—bart. xlviii 495 4 

Shelly, J—treas. Household, ix 167] 

Shelton, Thos.—clk. peace, London, xliii 63 

Sheppard, J.—sher. Suffolk, xl 120 

— Thos.—bart. li 554 

ier as rev.-dr. A.—canon Windsor, xx 

Sam.—solicitor-gen. pr. Wales, 
liv 164, solicitor-gen. lv 112, attorney~ 
gen. lix 141, chief baron excheq. Scotl. - 
lxi 113 

Sherbroke, lieut.-col. J. C.—col. xl 
maj.-gen. xlvii 450, kunt. bath, li 554, 
maj.-gen. lii 323, lieut.-gen. lili 151, 
lieut.-gov. Nova Scotia, liii 153, do. 
Canadas, lviii 207 

Sherbrooke, W. C.—sher. Notts. xlv 532 

Sherburne, J.—sher. Radnors. xliv 524 

Sheridan, R. Brinsley—receiver-gen. duchy 
Cornwall, xlvi 457. 1. 174, privy-counse 
xlviii 493, treas. navy, 494 

Sheriff, maj.-gen. Wm.—lieut.-gen. x1 108 

Sherlock, major Wm.—lieut.-col. xl 109 

Sherrard, hon, col, Phil.—maj.-gen. xiii 

Sherriff, Chas.—fort-adj. and barrack-mast. 
fort St. Augustine, xviii 201] 

Sherstone, Peter—sher. Somersets. xxvi 
236] ; 

Shewen, E, R.—sher. Carmarthen, xliii 80 

Shewin, capt. Wm.—major, xlvii 451 

Shield, Wm,--sher, Rutlands, xlix 385 






Shiffner, Geow—bart. lx 196 

Ship, J.—sher. Herefords. xliii 80 

Shipley, brig.-gen. Cha.—knt. |. 173, maj.~ 
gen. lili 151 

— rey. dr. Jonathan—bp, St. Asaph, 
xii 171) 

—-—— maj.-gen. 5.—goy. Grenada, lv 110 

— capt. Wm.—maj. xlv 489 

Shirley, E, J.—sher. Warwicks. lv 126 

Evelyn—sher. Warwicks. xxxv 75 

—-——— Hen.—commiss.-gen. stores, E. 
Florida, xi 210] 

—-—— Tho.—goy. Bahama Islands, x 
174] do, Dominica, xvii 184] do. Lee- 
ward Islands, xxiv 208] bart. xxviii 218] 
lieut.-gen. xxxv 68, gen. xl 108 

—— hon, capt, Tho,—dep, ranger Hyde 
and St. James’s Parks, xii 172] 

—— lieut.-gen, Wm,—gen. xlv 487 

Shirreff, Wm.—sher, Southampton, xxv 198] 

—-— col. Wm.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68 

Shivers, R.—vice-adm. blue, liv 165 

——— T. R.—rear-adm, white, li 556, 
do. red, lii 322 

Shore, John—bart. xxxiv 57, baron Teign- 
mouth, xxxix 64 

Shoedde, lieut.-col. C. L, T.—lieut.-col. 
60th foot, xliv 489 

Shortal, capt. Jas—maj. xlv 489 

Shortt, capt. W. C.—maj. xlvii 451 

Shuldham, Molyneux—goy. Newfoundland, 
xv 160] commodore, xvi? 189] rear-adm. 
white, xviii 202] vice-adm. blue, xix 213] 
baron, Irel. 217] vice-adm. white, xxi 221] 
do. red, xxiii 246] lord-adm. white, xxxv 64 

Sibbald, Jas.—sher. Berks. xli 68 

Jas.—bart. xlviii 501 

Sibley, Jos.—sher. Northamptons. xliii 80 

Sibthorp, dr. J.—reg. prof. botany, Oxf. 
xxxv 64 

Sidmouth, Hen. vise.—presid. privy council}, 
xlvii 452, xlviii 499, keeper privy seal, 
xlviii 492, pres. privy counc. liy 164, 
commiss, Ind. affairs, liv 166, high-stew. 
West. lv 110 

Sidney, J. Shelley—bart. lx 196 

as J.—common-serjt. London, xxxii 



J. record. Lond,—bart. lvi 129 

Simeoe, col. J. G.—maj.-gen. xxxvi 46, 
gov. St. Domingo, xxxviii 55] command. 
garr. Plymouth, xli 54, lieut.-gen. xliii 53 

Simeon, John—bart, lvi 129 

Simmons, J.—sher. Carmarthen. xlvi 521 

Rd.—batch. Physic, Oxf. xlviii 497 

dr. 5. F.—phys. extr. to the king, 
xlvi 459 

Simons, rev. Hen.—St. Margts. rect. Can- 
terbury, xlix 541 

Simpson, G. F.—sher. Leicesters. 1. 178 

J.—sher. Kent, xlix 385 

Simpson, J.—sher. Notts. xxxvi 56 

Simson, lieut.-col. Wm.—col. xliii 53 

Sinclair, John—bart. xxviii 217] privy 
couns, lii 323, receiver-gen, Scotl. liii 153 

Sinclair, col. Pat.—maj.-gen, xlv 488 

——— maj.-gen. P.—lieut.-gen. lii 321 

Singer, P. CE.—commiss.gen. stores, Irel. 
xlv 483 

Singleton, Mark—storekeeper ordnance, xlix 

Sitwell, Fras.—M.P. Berwick-upon-Tweed, 
xlv 483 

Sitwell —sher. Derbys. xlix 385, 
bart. 1. 176 

Sivesey, J.—sher. Lincolns. lvii 132 

Skeffington, hon. Hen.—goy. Cork, xxxiv 55 

———— hon. Wm.—equerry to her 
majesty, xxvi 230] 

—— W. C. F.—bart. xxviii 218] 

Skerrett, lieut.-col. J.—col. xl 109, maj.« 
gen. xlvii 450, lieut.-gen. lili 151 

Skinner, Alex.—navyal off. E. Florida, xii 

———— Cha.—ch. justice, $8. Carolina, iv 
99] ; 
—— maj. Hercules (E. Ind, co, serv.)— 

lieut.-col. xl 111 

J.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

+—— lieut.-col. P. K.—eol. H 555 

maj. Tho.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
major-gen. Wm,—lieut.-gen. xiii 

Skreen, Henry—sher. Brecon, xxxvii 59 
Skynner, J.—Welch judge, xv 160] 161] 

ch. baron excheq. and knight, xx 225] 

privy couns, xxix 232 
Skyrme, Wm,—sher. Cardigan, li 540 
Skyring, capt. Wm.—maj. xlvii 451 
Sladden, J.— inspect. field off. volunt, xlvi 

Slade, lieut.-col. John=col. xliv 488, brig.- 

gen. lii 323 
——- Tho.—commiss. navy, vii 120] sur- 

veyor do. viii 166] 

Slaughter, T.—groom bed-ch. liv 163 
Sligo, J. Dennis, marquis—baron Mont- 

eagle, Irel. xlviii 494 é 
Slingsby, sir T. T.—sher. Yorks. xxxvii 252] ~ 
—— sir T.—sher. Yorks. liv 185 
Sloane, Hans—sec. extr. embassy to Russia, 

ix 166] lord of trade, xxiii 249] 

Sloper, maj.-gen. Rob.—stafl-otf. xxi 222] 
lieut.-gen. sir R. K.B.—gen. xxxviti 


Sloughter, lieut.-col.—groom bed-chamb. 
pr. Wales, xxix 233] 

Small, col. J—maj.-gen. xxxvi 46 

Smallwell, rev. Edw.—canon Christ Church, 
Oxf. xviii 203] bp. St. David’s, xxvi 
232] bp. Oxford, xxx 228] 

Smart, maj. Cha. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—lieut.- 
col. xl 111 

Smart, capt. Rob.—maj. xlvii 451 

Smelt, Corn.—gov. Isle of Man, xlvii 454 

——- Leon.—sub.-goy. pr. Wales and bp. 
Osnaburgh, xiv 172] 

Smirke, Rob.—keeper roy. acad. xlvi 457 

Smith, dr. Adam—commiss, customs, Scotl. 
xx 225] 




_ Smith, Benj.—sher. Southampton, xxiv 

203) ‘ 

maj. Chas.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Chas.—sher. Essex, liii 169 

Culling—page to his maj. liv 163 
- maj. C. D,—lieut.-col. xl 110, gov: 
Prince Edw. Island, liv 167 

—— C. L.—sher. Leicesters. xxvi 236] 

Dav.—commiss, justiciary, Scotl. 

xxxviii 53] : 

Drummond—sher. Herts. xxxi 248] 

bart. xlvi 459 

Edw.—gov. Fort Charles, Jamaica, 

xx 225] 

lieut.-col. Edw.—gov. Isle of Man, 

xx 224] lieut.-col. 2nd horse-guards, 

ib. 226) 

maj.-gen. Edw.—lieut.-gen. xxxviii 

53] gen. xliii 52 

capt. E. T,—rear-adm. white, xiii 
Ld do. red, xlvi 458, vice-adm. red, lii 

— vice-adm. E. T.—vice-adm. red, lii 

col. Fras—major-gen. xxii 243] 

lieut.-gen. xxix 234] 

Geo.—sher. Monmouths. xxx 233] 

maj. Geo.—brig. major-gen. xl 112 

Geo.—sher. Dorsets. lvii 132 

lieut.-col. Geo.—knt. xlix 546 

—— maj.gen. Geo. Strac.—lieut.-gov. 
New Brunsw. lix 140 

maj. Haviland—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

— sir Hugh. bart.—sher. Somersets. xlv 
532 - 

—— Jas.—sher. Herts. 1, 178 

Jarrit—bart. vi 126] 

J.—gent. usher, xvii 188] 

J.—gent. usher to his majesty, ¥Xxii 

- hon. J.—privy couns. xliv 492 
J.—commiss. excheq, xliii 56 
—— maj. J.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

col. J.—maj.-gen. xlv 488 

—— Jos.—comptr. mint, xxviii 220] 
agent to out-pens. Chelsea 

Hosp. xxxvi 44 
sec. legat, Sardinia, xlix 
—_ sher. Worcest. lii 416 

J.—sher. Staffords. lviii 226 

J. J..alderman London, xlv 483 

—— J. S.— bart. xxvi 234] 

sir J. W.—sher. Dorset, Ivi 142 

Kennard—sher. Surrey, xlviii 570 

—— col. Marcus—maj.-gen. viii 165] 

——- sir Mich.—mast. rolls, Irel. xliii 60, 
privy couns. do. 7. 61 

N.—sher. Glouces. xxx 233] 

Rob. — baron Carrington 
xxxviii 54] 

—— rey. dr. S—prebend, Westm. xxix 

—_—. Spencer-envoy extr. Wirtemburgh, 
xlv 485 


Smith, Tho.—dep. usher black rod, Irel. x 

capt. Tho.— maj. xlvii 452 

—— Tho.—sher. Cardigans. xlix 386 

—— T. A,—sher. Carnarvon. xxvi 236] 

Wm.—treas. ordnance, xxvi 235] 

solicitor-gen, Irel. xlii 55 

sher. Worcesters. xlii 67 

baron excheq, Irel. xliv 484 

bart. li 554 

—— sir Wni. Sidney—augmentations to 
armorial ensigns, xlv 480, 481, col. mar. 
xlvi 458, rear-adm. red, li 556, vice-adm. 
blue, lii 322, do. white, liv 165 

dr.—mast. Westm. school, vii 121] 

—— lieut.-gen.—lieut.-gen. mar. xxxiit 

Smollett, lieut.-col. Alex.—maj. brigade, xl 

Smyth, rev. dr. A. bp. Down—bp. Meath, 
viii 168] arcbbp. Dublin, ix 164] 

G. T.—sher. Carnarvons. liv 186 

J.—bart. xvii 186] 

J.—lord adm, xxxiii 54] 

J.—mast. mint, xliv 490 

——— maj. J. N.—lieut.-col. xlvii 45] 

—— capt. Rob.—maj. xlvii 452, lieut. 
col. xliv 486 

maj. Rob.—lieut.-col. xliv 486 

sir Skeffington—privy couns. Irel. 

xxvii 251] 

Wm.—prof. mod. hist. Camb. xlix 



Smythe, sir Sydney Stafford—ord commiss. 
great seal, xiii 181] ch. baron excheq. xv 
163] privy couns. xx 226] 

Sneyd, Walter—sher. Staffords. lv 126 

Solander, dr,—librar. Brit. Museum, xvi 

Soley, J.—commiss. coach-office, xviii 201] 

Somers, lord—record. Gloue. liii 154, lord- 
lieut. Heref. lix 141, 

Somerset. lord Cha. Hen.—gent. hed~- 
chamber, pr. Wales, xxxiii 53] maj.-gen. 
x1 114, gen. forces, xlvi 46], lieut.-ger. 
xlvii 455, gov. Cape, lv J11 

Edw. duke — privy couns. xiii 


lord F.—secret. embass. France, 

lviii 208 

lord H.—lord treas. xi 113 

col. lord R. E. H.—aid-de-camp 
to the king, lii 321 ‘ 

Somerton, lord—vise. Ire], xlii 55, earl 
Normanton, Irel. xlviii 493 

Somerville, dr. Tho.—chapl. in ord. Scotl. 
xli 46 : 

Sondes, col. Lewis, lord (mil.)—col. army, 
x] 116 

Sontag, lieut.-col. John—milit. superint. 
hosp. S. Brit. xxxix 68, milit. commiss. 
to troops under pr. Orange, xli 53, col. 
xlv 488 

Sorrell, col. Alex.—maj.-gen, xy 16]] cols 
bis reat foot, xvi 166] 





Sotheby, Tho.—rear-adm. red, li 556, vice- 
adm. blue, lii 322, do. white, liv 165 

Sotheron, F.—rear-adm. blue, liii 153 

Souper, W. H.—dep. comm. musters, W. 
Indies, xxxix 63 

Souter, lieut.~col. Wm. (mar.)—maj.-gen. 
xxxvi 46 

Southampton, lord—groom of stole, prince 
Wales, xxiv 206] gen. xxxv 67 

———_—— col. G. F. lord—maj.-gen. 
xliii 53 

Southcote, J. H.—sher. Devons, xxvii 252] 
Southey, R.—poet-laur. lv 11] 
Southwell, mr. — dep. judge advoc, {&c. 
Minorea, x 173] 
— baron T. G.—vise. Irel. xix 

———  $. T.—sher. Norfolk, lviii 226 

Sowerby, col. Jas.—maj.-gen. xlv 488, lieut.- 
gen. lii 321 

——— John—sher. Herts. xxxviii 68] 

Sowry, J. G.—dep. gov. Senegambia, xv 

Sparke, dr. B. E.—bp. Chester, li 555, bp. 
Ely, liv 164 

Sparkes, J.—sher. Brecon, xliv 524. 

Sparrow, J.—sher. Staflords. xxxii 246] 

J. B.—sher. Anglesey, xxiv 203] 

——— lieut.-col. R. B.—col. xliii 55 

Spencer, lieut.-col. Brent—aid-de-camp to 
the king, xl 113, maj.-gen. xlvii 450, 
maj.-gen. lii 323, lieut.-gen. liii 151 

—— hon. Cha,—vice-treas. Irel. xxvi 

—-—— lord Cha. — out-ranger, Windsor 
Forest, &c. vi 126] lord adm. xi 210] 
treas. household, xxii 245] 

—-—— postmaster-gen. xliii 56. xlvi 461, 
mast. mint, xlviii 494 

—-——- lady Eliz,—lady of bed-chamb. 
duchess York, xxxiii 55] 

lord F, A.—baron Unit. King, lvii 


-— Geo. J. 2nd earl—keecper privy 

seal, xxxvi 45, lord admir. 7). 47, xxxvii 

55, 58. knt. garter, xli 49, prince. sec. 

State, xlviii 492, commiss. India affairs, 

493, gov. Trinity House, 496 

lord Hen. J.—sec. to embassy, 
Holland, xxxii 235] envoy extr. Stock- 
holm, xxxv 67 

——— John, lord vise.—visc, and earl, 
viii 167] - 

——— lord Rob.—commiss. trade, xiii 
182] privy couns. xxv 236] surveyor-gen. 
woods, &c. xlviti 495 

—— lieut.-col. Wm.—col. xliv 488 

Spens, lieut.-col. J.—col. xl 111, maj.-gen. 
xlvii 450, lieut.-gen. liii 151 

Spicer, J.—account.-gen. gen. post-office, 
xiv 172] 

——— capt.—lieut.-gov, Fort Royal, Do- 
mingo, xxxix 63 

Spiller, Rd.—commiss. excise, xxxix 63 

Spooner, J,—-sher, Worcesters, xxxi 248] 

Spread, maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 

Spright, lieut. Wm.—dep. quarter-mast.- 
gen. N. Amer. xix 218] 

Sproule, maj. F. M,—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Spry, lieut.-col. Horatio—colonel, xxxiii 
52] maj.-gen, xxxvi 46, lieut.-gen. xliii 

— rey. dr. J.—prebend. Salisbury, xvii 

— Rd.—rear-adm. blue, xiii 185] do. 
white, 2d. knt. xvi 164] rear-adm. red, 
xviii 202] 

—— capt. Tho—rear-adm. white, xxxvii 
56, vice-adm. blue, xli 48, do. red, xlvi 
458, adm. white, li 555 

maj.-gen. Wm, — lieut.-gen. xli 51, 

col. command. xliv 489 

maj. W. T.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Spurling, Wm.—sher. Shrops. li 540 

Squire, capt. Matt.—rear-adm. red, xli 48 

Wm.—sher. Camb. and Hunt, xlix 


Stables, J.-council, Fort William, Bengal, 
xxiv 208] 

Stack, licut.-col. Edw.—col. xliid 53 

Staflord, maj. Hugh (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 111 

———. Marg. —knt. garter, liv 163 

Staines, capt. Tho. (R.N.)—knt. li 557 

Stair, earl—peer, Scotland, xiv 66] 

—— earl—state couns. Scotl. xlviii 496 

Stamer, rt. hon. Wm. (lord mayor, Dublin)— 
bart. li 557 

Stamford, Geo. Harry, earl—lord-lieut. 
Chester, xxvi 232] baron Delamere and 
earl Warrington, xxxviii 53] lord-lieut. 
Chester, Ixi 113 

Standly, H. P.—sher. Camb. and Hunt. xxv 
197] : 

Stanford, W.—sher. Sussex, 1. 178 

Stanhope, E. F.—gent. usher, xxvi 230 

hon. H.—groom bed-ch. liv 163 

H. E.—rear-adm. blue, xliii 54, 
do. red, xlvi 458, bart. xlix 546, vice- 
adm. ‘red, lii 321, adm. blue, liv 165 

capt. J.—-rear-adm. blue, xxxvii 
57, rear-adm, red, xli 48 

—— Lovel—clk. comptr. bd. of green 
cloth, xxiii 246] 

Phil.—envoy extr. Ratisbon, vi 
127] do. Dresden, vii 120 

lieut.-col.—-groom bed-chamb, p. 
Wales, xxix 233] 

Stanley, Edm.—his maj. prime serjt.-at- 
law, Irel. xliii 60, (sir Edm.) recorder 
pr. of Wales’s Island, xlix 542 

—-— col. Edw. lord (mil.)}—col. army, 
xl 116 

— Hans.—commiss. admiralty, iv 88]. 

vi 128] 130] ambass. extr. Russia, ix 

165] vice-adm. Isle of Wight, xiii 184] 

cofferer to the household, xix 219] 

— sir J. T.—sher. Anglesea, li 541 

Stanser, rev, dr.—bp. Nova Scotia, viii 




Stanton, J.<-sher. Warwicks. xliii 80 

Stanwix, maj.-gen. John—lieut.-gen. viii 

——— maj.-gen. T. S.— lieut.-gen. xli 

J.—commiss. revenue, Ire]. xiv 

——— R.—cons. Buenos Ayres, liii 15] 

Stapleton, hon. lieut.-colh Wm.—col. xlii 
49, maj.-gen. xlvii 455 

Starke, R. J.—sher. Carmarthens. li 540 

Starkie, col. le G. P. (militia)—col. army, 
xl 116 

le Gendre Pierce—sher. Lancash. 
xviii 575, Ivii 132 

Staunton, sir G. L.—sec. embassy, China, 
xxxiv 56 

Stavely, maj.-gen. Miles—lieut.-gen. xlvii 

Stedman, J.—sher. Herefords. x1 120 

Stehelin, col. Benj.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68 

E.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

— maj. Edw.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Steel, Rd.— bart. Irel. xi 209] 

Steele, Tho.—joint pay-mast. xxxiii 53] 
pay-mast.-gen. forces, xliii 56. xlv 480 

maj. Thos.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Stenton, R.—sher. Notts. xxx 233] 

Stephens, lieut.-gen. Edm.—gen. xlv 487, 
groom bed.-ch. liy 163 

lieut.-col. Edw.—col. xliii 57 

Fras.—commiss. victuall. office, 

xxxii 235] 

capt. Geo,—maj. xlv 489 

G. H.—rear-adm. blue, lv 112 

Hugh—sher. Radnors. Ix 208 

Jas. — sher. Somersets. xxviii 


Maur.—sher. Montgomery. xxxii 
246] ; 
Phil.—lord adm. xxxvii 55, 58, 
bart. xxxvii 58, commiss. adm. xliii 56. 
xlvi 455, 459. xlviii 493, a pension, xlviit 
500, note 
- Sam.—sher. Cornwall, xlvii 517 
lieut.-col.—equerry pr. Wales, 
xxiv 207] groom bed-chamber, do. xxix 
Stephenson, Edw.—sher. Berks. xxxvi 55 
— J.—sher. Somersets. xxxii 246] 
Stepney, sir J.—envoy extr. Dresden, xviii 
205] do. Berlin, xxv 237] 
—-—— Tho.—groom bed-chamb. duke of 
York, xxxiii 55] 
Sterling, lieut.-col. A. G.—col. xliv 488 
———— Jas.—consul, Genoa, lvii 120 
Steuart, maj.-gen. hon. Chas,—lieut.-gen. 
xl 108 
——— Hen.—bart. lvi 129 
maj.-gen. sir Jas. bart.—lieut.-gen. 
xl 108, gen. xlv 487 

Stevens, col. Edm,—maj.-gen. xxxv 68, 

lieut,-gen, x1 108 
0-7 Hy Tho.—sher. Radnors, xlyiii 496, 

Stevenson, lieut.-col. Cha,—brig. maj.-gen. 
xl 112, col. xlv 488 

ae —— Jas. (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
—col. xl 111 

——-— Tho.—sher. Staffords. xxvii 252] 

Steward, Sam.—sher. Worcesters. xxxv 75 

Stewart, maj. Alex. — quarter-mast.-gen. 
Minorea, xli 49 

col. Alex.—major-gen. xxxii 235] 

——— And.—joint-clk. regist. of seisins, 
Scotl. xli 53 

——- maj. Archib.—lieut.-col. xliv 486 

brig.-gen. hon. C. W.—gov. Fort 
Charles, Jamaica, li 551 

———— hon. Chas. maj.-gen.—groom bed- 
chamb. liv 166 

——— hon. sir C.—envoy, Prussia, lv 110, 
baron, &c. lvi 127 

Dugald—writer, &c. Edinb. Ga- 
zette, xlviii 501 

———— maj. Fras,—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

——— maj.-gen. Jas.—lieut.-gen. x1 108 

——— —lieut.-gen. xlv 488 

——— col. J. (artillery)—brigadier-gen. 
Gibraltar, xlii 52 

——— J.—inspect. field off. volunt. xlv 

J.—solic.-gen. Ire]. xl 114, attor.- 

gen. do. xlii 55, privy couns. do, 7. 

hon, J.—bart. xlv 485 

capt. Keith—rear-adm. blue, 
xxxil 238] do, red, xxxv 65, vice-adin. 
blue, xxxvi 45 

—— capt. Phil.—maj. xlvii 45] 

——— lieut.-col. Rd.—aid--de-camp to the 
king, xlv 489 

——— Rd.—brig.-gen. lii 323 

—-— Rob.—commiss. for sale of lands, 
W. Indies, vii 120] 

—— hon. Rob.—baron Londonderry, 
Tre]. xxxi 240] 241] 

———— maj. Rob.—lieut.-col. 1. 175 

——— maj. Sherborne—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

—-— Wm.-—lieut.-gov. Tobago, xiii 
182] do. Dominica, 185] 

lieut.-col. Wm.—col. xlii 49 

a hon. Wm.—col. xliii 57, 
maj.-gen. 1. 174, extra knt. bath, Iv 111 

——— capt. Wm.—maj. xlvii 451 

——— lord—privy couns. lvi 128 

Stiles, Wm.—commiss. customs, xxx 228] 

Stillingfleet, rev. Jas.—prebend. Worcester, 
xv 161] 

Stirling, C:—vice-adm. white, lii 322 

hon. Jas.—bart. xxxiv 57 

maj. Jas,—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

—— Jas.—consul, Nantes, lvi 129 

——— rev. Mich.—church Cargill, Scotl. 
1, 172 

maj.-gen. Tho.—col. 41st foot, 
xxxii 235] lieut.-gen. xxxvili 53] gen. 
xliii 53 

Walter—bart. xlii 54, sher. Kent, 

er 520 . 
Stock, dr, Jos,—bp, Killala, xl 109 




Stoddart, Jas.—commiss. excise, Scotl. xxix 

capt. J.—maj. xlv 489 - 

Stokes, And.—ch. justice, Georgia, xii 171] 

Stone, And.—commiss. trade, iv 88] 

—- Geo.—sher. Norfolk, x1 120 

——- W.—sher. Berks. lix 150 

— W. L.—sher. Notts. xxxviii 68] 

Stonehewer, Rd.—commiss. excise, x 172] 
auditor, revenue do. xv 163] ‘ial 

Stonestreet, G. G.—sher. Surrey, xlii 67 

Stopford, hon. Edw.—lieut.-gen. xxxv 68 

———_——. E.— maj.-gen. iii 152 

— — Jas. Geo, vise.—privy couns, xxxv 

hon. Rob.—col, mar. xlvii 457, 
rear-adm. white, li 556, do. red, lii 322 
—— and rev. Tho.—bp. Cork, 

xxxvi 44 ¥ 5 

Storer, Anth.—minister, Versailles, xxvi 


Stormont, lord visc.—ambass. extr. Ger- 
many, vi 129] privy couns. 130] knt. 
thistle, xi 212] peer, Scotl. xii 171] am- 
bass. Versailles, xv 163] justice-gen. Scotl. 
xxi 224] chief clk. king’s-bench, 7. 
presid. privy council, xxvi 231] 

Storr, capt. J.—rear-adm. white, xxii 243] 
do. red, xxiii 247] 

— J.—rear-adm. red, xxvi 229] 

Story, Tho.—sher. Cumberl. xxiv 202] 

Stoyin, R.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Stracey, Edw.—sher. Norfolk, xxvii 252] 

—————— —bart. lx 196 

Strachan, J —vice-adm. white, liv 165 

J.—inspect. field off. volunt. xlvi 

bath, xlviii 492, rear-adm. red, li 556, 
vice-adm. blue, lii 322 

Strachey, Hen,—sec. commiss. for peace in 
Amer. xix 215] clk. deliveries to bd. 
ordnance, xxiii 246] under sec. state, 
south dep. xxv 236] keeper stores, xxvi 
232] master king’s household, xxxvi 45, 
xliii 58 

Strange, J.—consul, Venice, xvi 165] 

——— Tho.—knt. xl 112 

Strangford, Percy, lord vise.—sec. légat. 
Lisbon, xlv 493, envoy extr. Portugal, 
xlix 546, knt. bath, 1. 173, privy couns. 
ib. envoy, Sweden, lix 141 

Stratan, Alex.—sec. embassy, Ott. Porte, 
xliii 59, envoy extraord. Stockholm, xlix 

Strathmore, earl—baron Unit. Kingd. lvii 
120 . 

Stratford, J—baron Baltinglass, Ire), vi 
130] See Baltinglass, lord 

Stratton, Geo.—sher. Oxford. xli 68 

—-—. G. F.—sher. Oxford. xiviii 575 

——— lieut,-gen. J.—gen. xliv 487 

Streatfield, Hen.—sher. Kent, xxxiv 61 

—~ R. T,—sher. Sussex, xl 120 

Strecher, maj. F.—lieut.-col. xliy 489 

sir R. J.—col. mar. xlvi 458, knt. 

Strickland, maj. Cha.—lieut.-col. xliv 492 

— T.—maj.-gen. liii 151 

Walt.—sher. Northampt. liii 169 

Strode, Jas. C.—sher. Sussex, lix 150 

col. J. (mil.)—col. army, xli 49 

maj.-gen. Wm.—lieut.-gen. viii 164] 

Strong, rev. Jas,—bart. xlv 485 

Strutt, col. J. H. (mil.)--col. army, xl 114 

——-—— W, G.—dep. gov. Stirling castle, 
xxxvili 54] maj.-gen. xl 113 

ca Alex,—sec. legat. Vienna, xxxi 

Stuart, And.—joint-keeper signet, Scotl. xx 
223] lord trade, xxiii 249] 

Cha,-—paymaster, customs, Amer, x 
173] 174] 

————— hon. Cha.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68 

maj.-gen. hon, Cha.-gen, Portugal, 

xxxviii 55] 

hon. lieut.-gen. sir Cha.——gov. Mi- 

norea, xli 52, knt. bath, xlii 50 

Cha.—sec. legat. Vienna, xliii 59, 
secr. embassy, St. Petersburgh, xlvi 460, 
envoy extraord, Portugal, lii, 319, comm. 
Span. Amer. liii 153, envoy, France, lvi 
127, privy couns. lvi 129, ambass, Nether- 
lands, id. 

—jlieut.-col. hon. Cha.—aid-de-camp 
to the king, xly 489 ‘ 
lieut.-gen. lord-~ambass. Austria, 

lvi 128 
— hon, Edw.--comm. cust. Ixi 112 
—— lieut.-col. lord Evelyn--lieut.-col. 
22nd foot, xliv 490, col. xlyii 456 
lord Hen,—-minister, Wirtemberg, 
xlvii 453 
— maj.-gen. Jasm—_col. 31st foot, xxxiv 

—— lieut.-col, Jas,~-aid-de-camp to the 
king, xxxiv 57, maj.-gen, xxxy 68, lieut.- 
gen. xliv 487 
maj. Jas,—lieut.-col. xliv 489 
col. J.-—maj.-gen. xliii 53 
— J.--maj.-gen. xliv 487, insignia 
of order of crescent, xlv 492, lieut.-gov. 
Grenada, xlvi 456, knt. bath, xlviii 499, 
count Maida, 2d. command. forces, Medi- 
terr. 1.177 ’ 
sir J.--baron, excheq. Scotl. xlix 


Pet.--consul, Havre, lvi 128 
lieut.-col. Rich.—adjut.-gen, Portu- 
gal, xl 114 

col. Rob.—maj.-gen. E. Ind. xxxviii 


brev,-maj. Rob.—dep. adj.-gen. and 
lieut.-col. Portugal, xxxviii 55] knt. bath, 
xli 46, lieut.-gen. xlv 487 

~——— hon, and rey. Wm.—canon Christ 
Church, xxxv 66, archbp. Armagh, xlii 
54, privy-couns. Irel. x 55 
maj.-gen, W, G,—goy. Quebec, slii 

2 ; 

Stubbings, Nat.—sher. Notts. xl 120 
Sturt, capt. J. A,—maj. xlvii 451 




Styleman, Hen.—sher. Norfolk, xlvi 521 
Suckling, capt.—comptr. navy, xviii 202] 
Suffolk, Hen. earl—lord privy seal, and 
privy couns. xiv 170] sec. of state, north. 
department, 172] knt. garter, xxi 222] 
col. J. earl—maj.-gen. xxix 234] 
gen. xliv 487 
Sulivan, L.—superintend. milit. accounts, 
liii 150 
Sullivan, Benj.—knt. xliii 60 
J.—sher, Bucks. xxxix 69 
hon, J.—privy couns. xlvii 452, 
commiss. Ind. affairs, xlviii 494, liv 164, 
166, lvi 128, lviii 208 
R. J.—bart. xlvi 459 
Sumner, rev, dr.—vice-chane. Camb. xiii 
Sunderlin, Rich. lord — baron Sunderlin, 
xxxix 64 
Surridge T.—rear-adm. blue, liv 165 
Surry, earl— See Howard, Cha. 
Sussex, duke—privy couns. xlvi 462 
Sutherland, earl—peer, Scotland, vi 62] 
— capt. Cha,—maj. xlii 50 
maj. Geo.—lieut.-col, xlv 489 
Sutton, rey. Chas. Manners—bp. Norwich, 
xxxiv 56, dean, Windsor, xxxvi 44, 
archbp. Canterb. xlvii 453, privy couns, 
ib, 1i 556, 557 
Cha. Man.—Speaker H. Comm. lix 

—— rey. E. L.—Halden rect. Kent, &c. 

xlviii 503 
Jas.—sher. Wilts. xxvii 252] 
capt. J.—rear-adm. red, xlvi 458, 
vice-adm, blue, li 556, do. red, lii 322 
J. M.—sher, Notts. 1. 178 
Rich.—commiss, privy seal, xi 210] 
bart, xv 162] 

xxl 248] 

Tho. — sher. 

. ¥xxvili 69] 

—— —bart. xlviii 495 

sir T. M.—baron Manners, xlix 544 

Swan, E. B. esq.—commiss. stamps, Irel. 
xix 218] 

—— rev. Fran, —prebend. Lincoln, xlvi 


Swayne, rev, Geo.—Durham, rect. Glou- 
cester, xlviii 502 

Sweetland, J, — princ. commiss. stores, 
Gibraltar, xlv 482 

Swinburn, sir J, E.—sher. Northumb, xli 
68 . 

Swiney, capt: Wm,—rear-adm. blue, xxxix 
62, do. red, xli 48, vice-adm. blue, xliii 
54, do. white, xlvi 458, adm, white, lii 321 

Swinnerton, Tho.—sher. Stafford. xxxvii 59 

Swinton, capt. Sam.—maj, xlii 50 

J.—commiss, justiciary, Scotl. xxix 

Sydenham, Benj.—commiss. excise, li 553 
Tho. — min. plenip. Portug, liii 
153, envoy, Lisbon, lvi 127 

—— col, Wm,—maj,-gen, E, Indies, 
xxxviii 54] 

Sydney. lord —gov. Charter-house, xxvi 
231] prince. sec. state, 2b, 235] vise. Syd- 
ney, xxxi 239] chief just. in eyre S. 
Trent id. 

visets.—lady of bedchamb. xxxiii 

Sykes, Fras.—bart. xxiv 207] 
rev. dr. Mark—bart. xxvi 230] 
——- Mark—sher. Yorks. xxxvii 59 
Sylvester, J. M. D.—knt. xvii 186] 
recorder, London, xlv 490, 
steward of borough of Southwark, xlvi 461 
Symonds, J.—rear-adm. red, xxxvi 45, vices 
adm. blue, xxxvii 56 
—— Rd.—bart. xvii 186] 
Wm.—sher. Radnor. xxxv 75 
Symons, J.—vice-adm. red, xli 48 
Synge, Rob.—bart, Irel. xliii 60 

Talbot, rev. C.—dean of Sarum, li 551 

Cha. Hen.—bart. Irel, xxxii 235] 
hon. Fras.—keeper of his majesty’s 
ice-houses, xvii 184] 

Hen.—inspector of out ports collec- 
131] accounts vi 126] commiss, salt officé, 

Jas. —sec. legat. Swiss cantons, 
xxxix 62, do. St. Petersburgh, xl 110, 
do. Stockholm, xli 50, sec. embassy to 
French Republic, xliv 490 

T. M.—sher. Glamorgan. xxv 198] 
Wn, Ist earl—baron Dinevor, xxiii 

Chas. Chetwynd, 3rd earl—lord- 
lieut. Stafford. liv 164, privy counc. and 
lord-lieut. Irel. lix 141 
lieut.-col. R. W.—col. xlii 49 
Tallents, mr.—town-clerk, Newark, xlviii 

Tanner, Day.—sher. Monmouth. xxxiv 61 

capt. J. A.—maj. xl 112, brev. 
lieut,-col. India, xlv 491 

Tankerville, earl—post-mast.-gen. xxv 235] 
privy couns. 237] 

Tapper, Pet. Carey—consul, Barcelona, lvi 

Tapps, G. T.—bart, xxxiii 54] sher. South- 
ampton. xxxv 75 

Tarleton, col. Banastre—maj.-gen. xxxvi 
46, lieut.-col. xliii 53, col. xliv 491, gov. 
Berwick, 1. 173 

Tarrant, rev, dr.—prebend. Rochester, xix 

—— col. Cha. (eng. Irel.)—maj.-gen. 
army, xxxviii 53] lieut.-gen. xlv 487 

Tasker, John—sher, Pembroke, x1 120 

Tattersall, Jas.—batch. physic, Oxf. xlvili 

Tatham, rev. dr.—rect. Lincoln Coll, Oxf. 
xxxiv 56 : 

Tatton, col. Nevill—maj.-gen, xiii 183] 

T. W.—sher. Cheshire, li 540 

Taubman, lieut.-col, John—col, xliii 53 

Taunton, W, E.—dep, recorder, Oxf, xlvii 
454, xlviii 502 


Tayleur, Wm.—sher. Shrops. xxxix 69 

Taylor, Brook—minis. Cologne, xliii 55, 
envoy, Wirtemburg, lvi 128 

F.—sher. Shrops. lvii 132 

maj. Herb.—lieut.-col. xliv 485 

——— maj.-gen. Herb—treas. to her maj. 
lix 140 

lieut.-col. Jas.—dep. inspect.-gen. 

recruit. serv. Irel. xliv 489, col. xlv 488 

Jas.—sher. Oxford. xlv 532 

John—bart. xxi 223] 

J.—sher. Warwick. xxviii 222] 
—sher. Worcest. lix 150 

J. N.—sher. Cardigan, xxxix 70 

P. J.—inspect. field off. volunt. xlvi 

Rob.—architect of his maj. works, 
xii 172] mast. carpenter board works, xx 

Rob.—sher. Surrey, xxxix 69 
lieut.-col. R.—col. xliv 488 

hon. col. Rob.—maj.-gen. xliii 53, 
lieut.-gen. 1. 174 

Rob.—sher. Herts, liii 169 

capt. Tho.—rear.-adm. white, xli 
48, do. red, xliii 54, vice-adm. blue, xlvi 
458, adm. do. lii 321 

Wm.—sher. Hereford. xxxi 248] 
lieut.-gen. Wm.—gen, xxxv 68 
Wm. commiss. clk. Caithness, xli 


W.—tear-adm. blue, liii 153 

Teasdale, Rich.—clk. Merch. Tailor’s Co. 
xlviii 497 

Teesdale, maj. Hen.—lieut-col. xlv 489} 

Teignmouth, John baron—commiss. Ind. 
affairs xlix 544, 1. 553, 1ii 320, liv 163, lvi 

Tempest, sir Hen.—sher. Hereford. xli 68 

Templar, Geo.—sher. Somerset. xxxi 248] 

Temple, Geo. earl—prine. sec. state, xxvi 
234] commiss. India affairs, xlii 53 

J. commiss. customs, Amer. x 173] 

survey. gen. customs, Engl. xv 160] 

sir J. — consul-gen. East. states, 

Amer. xxxv 65 

sir Rd.—commiss. navy, xiv 175] 

Rich. Ist. earl.—knt. garter, iii 


— Chandos, Srd_ earl — privy 
couns. xlviii 492, temp. presid. commiss. 
trade, 493, joint-paymast.-gen. forces, 

lvii 119 

Tench Wat.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Terrick, rev. dr. R. bp, Peterborough—bp. 
London, vii 120] 

Terrot, C.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Thackerey, rev. G.— prov. King’s Coll: 
Camb. lvi 127 

Tharpe, John—sher. Camb. x] 119 

Thellusson, P, J,—baron Rendlesham, 
xviii 493 

Theobald, J, M.—sher. Suffolk, xxix 236] 

Thewles, lieut.-col. James—col. xlii 49 

hon W.—secret legat. Stockholm, 

Thistlethwaite, T.—sher. Hants. liv. 185 

T homas, C, N.—vice-chamb. pr. Wales, 
xxxvil 55 

——— sir Edm.—commiss, trade, iv 88] 
surveyor.-gen, his maj. woods and parks, 
vi 129] 

*——— E.—sher. Brecon. ly 126 

———— Geo.—bart. ix 166] 

——— capt. H. P —mgj. xlii 53, lieut.-col. 
xliii 53 ’ 

——— rev. dr. J.—dean Westminster, xi 
211] bp. Rochester, xvii 188] 

col. J.—maj,-gen. xiii 183] 

lieut.-gen. J.—lieut.-gov.St. Philip’s — 

Minorca, xx 225] q 

—-— J.—sher. Carmarthen. xxx 233 

capt. J.—rear-adm,. red, xli 48, 

vice-adm. white, xlvi 458, adm. blue, li 

555, do. white, lii 321 

— Nassau—mast. robes, liv 163 

—- dr. Noah—knt. and phys. in ord. 
to his maj. xviii 202] 

——— Rice—sher, Anglesea, lix 151 

—— Sam.—sher. Cornwall, xxix 235] 

——— Tho.—sher. Flint, xlviii 576 

Teapar je —sher. Radnor, xlix 386, 1}. 


——— Vaughan —sher. Pembroke. xxv 


——— lieut.-col. Wm.—col. xliv 488 
Thomlinson, lieut.-col. Wm.—inspect. field 
olf. volunt. xlv 487 
Thomond, Wyndham O‘Brien earl—lord- 
lieut. &c. Somerset. vii 121] ~ 
Murrough, marq.— baron Tho- 
mond, xliii 62 
marq.—clerk hanaper, Irel. lvii 

Walter — sher. Carmarthen, xxxi 

Thompson, Benj. — under sec. state for 

north departm. xxiii 247] 
sir Chas.—gen, xxxv 67 
Chas.—rear-adm. white, xxxvi 
45, vice-adm. blue, xxxvii 56, bart. xxxix 
62, vice-adm. red, xli 48 
— Cotton—sher. Rutland. xlvi 521 
H. C.—insignia granted by king 
of Sweden, li 551 

Hor. Nelson—surname of Nel- 
son, xlviii 500 
maj. H. T.—lieut. col. xlii 50 

—-—— Jac. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
brey. lieut.-col. in army, E. Ind. xii 

Leonard—register new settlers, 
Amer. xv 164] 
——— Rd.—sher. York. xliii 80 
— Rob.—commiss. stamps, vi 126] 
———-— sir Rob.—sher. Monmouth. lix 


capt. T. B,—knt. xli 47, bart. 
xlviii 501, rear-adm, blue, li 556, do, 
white, lii 322 




Thomson, sir Alex. knt.—serjt. at law, xxix 
232] baron exchegq. id. 
———— —privy-couns. lvi 127 
Thornborough, Edw.—col. mar. xli 48, rear- 
adm. blue, xliii 54, do. white, xlvi 458, 
vice-adm. blue, xlvii 456, do. white, 1. 
_ V74, do. ‘red, lii 321 
Thornhill, Edw.—sher. Berks, xxvii 252] 
— Geo.—sher. Camb. xxxiii 63] 
capt. Rob.—maj. xlvii 451 
T.—sher. Norfolk, lvii 132 
Thornton, C. W.-—assist. barrack-mast.- 
gen. xlv 486 
Edw.—sec. legat. United States, 
xxxviii 538] do. Hague, xlv 481, do. 
Berlin, xlvi 460, minis. Lower Saxony, 
&c. xlvii 453, envoy extr. Sweden, xlix 
546, xliv 164, envoy, Portugal, lix 141 
col. Edw.—maj.-gen. xxii 243]} 
Godfrey—sher. Beds. xlv 531 
Rob.—sher. Beds. xxv 197] 
R.— marsh. adm. liii 154 
Steph.—sher. Beds. lvi 142 
T. R.—sher. Northampton. xl 

col. Wm.—maj.-gen. xliv 487 

————— maj. —equerry to duke of Cum- 

berland, xlv 484 
Tho.—clk. deliveries of ordnance, 
xlix 545 

Thorpe, maj. T. P.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Thoyts, Wm.—sher. Berks, xxxvii 58 

Thrale, Hen.—sher. Flint. xxiv 203] 

Thurlow, Edw.—solic.-gen. xiii 182] at- 
torn.-gen. xiv 170] lord Thurlow, xxi 
222] lord chanc. and privy couns. 2d. xxvi 
235] baron Thurlow, with rem. xxxiv 56 

rey. Tho. DD.—master Temple, 
xv 161] dean Rochester, xviii 204] bp. 
Lincoln, xxii 244] dean St. Paul’s, xxv 
234] bp. Durham, xxix 232] 

Thursby, J. H.—sher. Northampton. xlv 

Thynne, hon. Fred.—mast. household, xi 
210] privy couns. and joint postmast.- 
zen. xiii 186] bailiff of Jersey, xix 213] 

lord Geo.—commiss. excheq. xliii 
56, xliv 490, xlv 491, privy couns. xlvi 
459, 461 

Tibbitts, Cha.—sher. Northampton. xlvi 

Tibbs, Benj.—knt. xxxiv 58 

Tickell, Rich. — commiss. stamps, xxiv 

Tierney, hon. Geo.—first treasur. navy, and 
privy couns. xly 484, commiss, Ind. 
affair, xlviii 499 

Matt. John—bart. lx 196 

Tighe, Edw.—commiss. stamps, Irel, xix 
218] commis. of Impress. xxxi 239] 

Tilson, lieut.-co]. Christ.—col. xliii 53 

Jas.—consul Cadiz, vi 127] 

Oliver—commiss. salt. offi, xvi 165] 

Timmins, J. F.—sher. Herts, lv 126 

Tindall, Wm.—sher, Gloucester, xxxix 69 

Tinling, capt. T. P.—maj. xlv 489 

Tipping, Barthol.—sher. Berks. xxxix 69 

——— lieut.-col. Rob.—col. x 110, maj.- 
gen. xlvii 450, lieut.-gen. liii 151 

Tiptaft, Jas—sher. Rutland. xxxiv 61 

Tisdall, Tho.—commiss. barracks, Dublin, 
xv 162] 

Titchfield, marq.—lord-lieut. Middsx. xxxvi 
45, commiss. treas. exchequer, xlix 543 

Todd, rey. H. J.—keeper records, Lambeth 
palace, xlv 491, 492 

Toler, J.—king’s second serjt. at law, Irel. 
xxix 233] solicit.-gen. do. xxxi 240] at- 
torney-geii. do. xl 114, privy-couns. do. 
115, chief just. com. pleas, do. xlii 55, 
lord Norbury, do. 4. 

Grace — baroness, Norwood, xxxix 


Tolfrey, capt. Edw. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
brev. maj. army, E. Ind. xlii 51 

Tollemache, hon. Wilb.—sher. Cheshire, 
xxvii 252] 

Toller, —advoc.-gen. Madras, liv 163 

Tollet, Cha.—sher. Stafford. xxv 197] 

Tolson, col. Rich. (E. tnd. co, serv.)—maj.- 
gen. xl 111 

Tomkins, capt. L. G.—maj. xlvii 451 

Tomlin, R.—sher. Rutland. xxxviii 69] 

Tomlinson, J.—sher. Cumberland, xlix 385 

maj. Wm.—lieut,-col. xlii 50 

Toms, Edw.—serjt. trumpeter, xviii 201] 

Tongue, Winkw.—dep. judge-adv. Jamaica, 
liii 153 

Tonson, Wm.— baron Riversdale, Irel. xxvi 

Tonyn, Pat.— gov. E. Florida, xvi ]64] 

maj.-gen. Pat.—gen. xxxv 68 

lieut.-gen. Pat.—gen. xl 108 

Tooker, Sam.—recorder, Doncaster, xviii 

Toovey, col. J.—maj.-gen. viii 165] 

T.—sher. Oxford. xliv 524 

Topping, rev. mr.—prebend. Llandaff, xvii 

Torin, maj. J. (E. Ind. co. sery)—brev. 
lieut.-col. E. Ind. xlii 51 

Torrens, maj. Frans. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. x] 111 

maj. Hen. — lieut.-col. 
milit. sec. pr. Regent, liii 152 

Torriano, Geo.—barrack-master, xliii 57 

Tottenham, J.—bart. Irel. xxiii 249] 

—— maj.-gen. L. A.—gen. xxxv 68 

——— lieut.-gen. L. A.—gen. x1 108 

Totty, Tho.—rear-adm. blue, xliii 54 

Townend, Rich.—-town-clerk. York, xlviii 

Bernley, sir Cha.—garter king of arms, xvi 

xlvii 451, 

—— R. G.—sher. Camb. xxxiy 6] 

Townsend, hon. Cha. — commiss. trade, vi 
127] paymast. forces, viii 165] lord adm. 
166] lord treas. and chane. excheq. ix 
165] lord treas. xiii 182] privy-couns. 
xx 224] joint vice-treas, Jrel. 225] treas. 



ib xxvi 231] baron Bayning, xxxix 

Townsend, hon. Geo, — lieut.-gen. ord. vi 
130] lord-lieut. Irel. x 173] lieut.-gen. 
xiii 183] mast.-gen. ord. xv 163] lieut.- 
col, 2nd drags guards, xvi 164] mast.- 
gen. ordn. xxvi 232] marq. Townsend, 
xxix 235] lord-lieut. Norfolk, xxxiv 55, 
gov, Hull, xxxvi 45, do. Jersey, xxxviii 
5] field-marshal, ¢, 

— J.—-commiss, excise and cust, 
Trel, xli 52 

——-— lord — priyy-couns. xlviii 493, 
joint paymast.-gen, forces, 494 

— hon, J.—lord admir. xxv 234] 
commiss. do. xxvi 231] 

—————— T.— lord admir. xxxi 

240] xxxiii 54] commiss, excheq. xxxv 


maj,-gen. Sam,—lieut.-gen, Xxxv 

hon, Tho.—see. at war, xxv 234] 
prine, sec. state, xxv 236] baron Sydney, 
xxyi 230] 

Townshend, Rd.—commiss. excise, Irel. 
xvi 162] 

Tho,—lord treas. viii 166] 

col. Tho,—maj.-gen. xv 161] 

— Tho. jun. —joint-paymaster 
forces, x 174] privy-couns. 2. 

Tracy, C. H.—sher. Gloucester. xlii 67 

—sher. Montgom. xlvi 521 

—- Hen.— sher. Montgom. xxv 198] 
Trade and Plantations, committee of privy 
council relating to the members thereof, 
xxviii 218] 219) 

Trail, rev. dr. J.—bp. Down, viii 168] 

Traherne, M.P.—sher. Glamorgan. liv 185 

Trapaud, col, Cyrus—maj.-gen. viii 165] 
lieut.-gen. xv 161] 

Travers, maj. Boyle —lieut.-col. xliii 55, 
inspect. field off. volunt. xlv 492 

Tregonnell, L. D, G.—sher. Dorset. xxiv 

Trelawney, W. L. S.—sher. Cornwall, liii 

Hen. — lieut,-gen. 

—— maj.-gen. 
xxxv 68 

Tremaine, Arth.—sher. Devon. xl 119 

Trench, col. E. P,—maj.-gen. xl 113, lieut.- 
gen, xIvii 455 

Fred.—lord Ashtown, Jrel. xlii 55 

Trent, col. Tho. (E, Ind. co. sery.)—maj.- 
gen. xl 111 

Trench, W. P. K,—lord Kilconnel, xxxix 

Trenchard, J.—commiss. taxes, vi 126] 

Trevannion, J. T, P. B.—sher. Cornwall, 
xlvi 521 

Trevor, hon. Arthur—baron Hill, and 
vise. Dungannon, Ire]. viii 169] 

-—— hon. J.—minister, Ratisbon, xxiii 
245] envoy extr. Sardinia, xxyi 200] 
minist. Turin, xxxi 239] 

comme J,—privy-couns, xxxix 63 


bie Rob. lord — visc. Hampden, xix 

—— —sher. Beds. xli 68 

Trigge, col. Tho.— maj.-gen. xxxv 68, 
lieut.-gen, x] 108, knt, Bath, xliii 59, gen. 
xly 487 

Tritt, W.—sher. Glamorgan. lvii 133 

Trollope, sir Hen.—rear-adm. white, xliii 
54, do. red, xlvi 458, vice-adm. red, lii 
321, adm. blue, liv 165 

sir J.—sher. Lincoln, liii 169 

Trotman, Rob.—sher. Suffolk, xxvi 236} 

Trotter, col. Alex. —maj.-gen. xlvii 450, 
lieut.-gen. liii 151 

Jas.—sher, Surrey, xl 120 

lieut,-col. Stephen—col. xliy 488 

Troubridge, capt. Tho.—bart. xli 54, col. 
mar. xliii 54, command. order St. Fer- 
dinand, 55, commiss. adm, 56, xlvi 455 

Troughton, capt. Wm.—maj. xl 110 

Truscott, capt. Wm,—rear-adm, blue, xxxvii 
57, do. white, xxxix 62 

Tryon, Tho.—sher, Northampton. xlix 385 

Wm.—gov. N. Carolina, viii 166, 
do. New York, xiii 185] 

Tucker, Benj.—commiss. navy, xlviii 62, 
surv.-gen. Cornwall, 1. 175 

Edw.— commiss. stamps, vi 126] 

do. taxes x 174] ~ 

Tuder, Jos.—commiss. cust. Scotl. vi 129] 

Tufnell, maj. J.—lieut.-col. xliv 489 

——— J. J.—sher. Essex, xxviii 222] 

maj. J, C.—lieut.-col, xlii 50 

were lord—yvise. Charleville, Irel. xlii 

bi Rich, — consul-gen. Tripoli, xxv 

Tupper, col. J.—maj.-gen. xxxv 68 
———— P, C.—consul, Valencia, liv 164 
Turle, Tho.—sher. Sussex, li 540 
Turnbull, A.—consul, Marseilles, lvii 119 
Turner, Cha.—bart. xxv 235] 

Edm.—sher. Lincoln. lii 416 

F. W.—page to his maj. liv 163 

sir G. O.—sher. Beds, lii 416 

— Greg. Page—sher. Oxford. xxvi 


G. T. B.—sher. Wilts. xxxviii 69] ~ 

sir J—commiss. treas. vi 127] 

—— J. C.—sher. Camb. xxvii 252] 

Tho.—consul, Ragusa, lviii 209 

lieut.-col. T. B.—col. xlili 53 

———— T. H.—groom bedchamb. liv 166 

maj.-gen | —assist. private sect, 
3rd guards, liii 150 

Turton, Tho.—sher. Surrey, xxxvii 59 

— —hbart, xxxvili 53] 

Twentyman, lieut.-col. Sam.—col. xl 109, 
brig.-gen. W. Ind. xli 54 

Twigge, John.—sher. Denbigh. xxvii 253) 

Twining, rev. D.—Stilton rect. Huntingdon, 
xlviii 498 

Twiss, lieut.-col. Wm.—col, xlii 49, maj.- 
gen, xlvii 455 

Twyford, Sam.—sher. Sussex, xxxvi 56 




Twysden, Heneage—inspect. field off.volunt. 

7) xiv 487 

Tyler, Cha.—rear-adm. red, lii 322, vice- 
adm, blue, lv 112 

—- adm. sir C.—knt. comm. bath, lviii 

Tynte, C. H.—sher. Somerset. 1. 178 
—— J. K.—groom bedchamb. pr. Wales, 
xxix 233] compt. household, do. xxxiii 

rev. W.—Ashby rect. Lincoln, xlviis 


228 col, J. K. (mil.)}—col. army, xli 49 

Tyrawley, lord—field marshal, vi 130] 

Tyrell, Cha.—sher. Suffolk, lvii 182 

Tyrell, J.—bart. li 554 

Tyrone, Geo. earl, Irel.—baron Tyrone, of 
Haverfordwest, xxviii 218] marq. Water- 
ford, xxxi 240] 

Tyrwhitt, Tho. — privy seal, and auditor 
duchy of Cornwall, xxxviii 54] priv. sec. 
to pr. Wales, xxxiii 55, lord warden of 
stannaries, &c. Cornwall, &c. xlv 492 

sir T.— gent. usher, liv 164. 
ranger, Windsor, 2b. 

—_ T. D.—sher. Glamorgan. xxviii 

Tyson, G, F.—sher. Sussex, liv 185 
_Tytler, A. F.—judge court of session, xliv 
485, lord just. Scot. liii 154 

Udney, J.—consul, Leghorn, xix 218] 
Uniacke, capt. Rd.—maj. xlvii 451 
——— brev. maj. Rob.—lieut.-col. xliii 
56, col. xlvii 450 
Unwin, capt. J. W.—maj. xliii 61, lieut.- 
col. xliv 488 
Upton, Arth.—privy-couns. Irel. x 173] 
Cha.—sher. Derby. li 540 
Clotworthy — baron Templetown, 
Tre]. xix 218] 
Ure, maj. Geo. (E. Ind. co. serv.) lieut.-col, 
xl 112 
Urmston, col. Edw. — maj.-gen. viii 165] 
lieut.-gen. xv 161] 
Jas.—sher. Essex, xlviii 575 
Urquhart, col. Jas,—maj.-gen. xl 113 
maj.-gen. J. E.—lieut.-gen. xlvii 


Urrium, don, Ant.—-Spanish consul, 
Gibraltar, 1i 556 

Uxbridge, 3rd earl — keeper Carnarvon 
castle, and ranger of Snowden, xxvii 252] 

earl — lord-lieut. Stafford. xliii 

—————. — marquis of Anglesea, lvii 

Vachell, Wm.—sher. Camb. xxvi 236] 

Valentia, visc. — earl Mountmorris, Irel, 
xxxvi 43 

Vallaney, col, Cha. — maj.-gen. xxxy 68, 
lieut.-gen. x1 108, gen. xlv 487 

Vanas, lieut.-col. Wm. (E. Ind, co sery.)— 
col, xl 111 

Vandeleur, lieut.-col. Crofton—col. xliv 487, 
brig.-gen. Caribbee Islands, xlvi 455 

—— J. O.— col. xl 109, 

commiss. excise and cust, Irel. xli 52, 

maj.-gen liii 152 

— col. T. P.—maj.-gen. xly 488 

Vandeput, sir Geo.—searcher at London, xx 

——~ capt. Geo.—rear-adm. blue, xxx¥ 
65, vice-adm. blue, xxxvi 45, do. white, 
xxxvii 56, adm. blue, xli 48 

Vane, sir F.—sher. Cumberland, xxx 233] 

~ rev. dr. H,—bart. xxv 236] 

Van Heythuysen, G. L.—commiss. bank- 
tupts, xix 214] 

Van Mildert, rev. W.—reg. prof. div. Oxf. 
ly 112 

Vann, Wm.—sher. Leicester. xxvii 252] 

Vanneck, sir Josh.—baron Huntingfield, 
Trel. xxxviii 54] 

Vansittart, col. G. H.—brig.-gen. Leeward 
Islands, xliii 57, maj.-gen. xlv 488, lieut.- 
gen, lii 321 

—~— hon. Nich.—privy couns. xlvii 
452, comm. Ind. affairs liv 166, lvyi 128 

Varey, Wm.—=-superintend. his maj. gardens, 
xii 17i] 

vat; maj. Wm. (mar.)—lieut.-col. xxxv 


Vashon, capt. Jas.—rear-adm, white, xlvi 
458, vice-adm. red, lii 321, 322 

Veurnen, Gwynne—sher. Pembroke, xli 

lieut.-col. G.— gov. Fishguard, 
lili 153 

G, G.—sher, Pembroke, lv 126 
J.—rear-adm. white, xviii 202] 
do. red, xix 213] vice-adm. white, xxi 
221] do. red, xxiii 246] adm. blue, xxix 

col. J.—maj.-gen. Amer. xix 214] 
gov. Berwick, xxiii 247] 
J.—sher. Cardigan. xxx 233] 
Lew.—sher. Merioneth. lvii 133 
J.—serjt.-at-law, xli 51 
—-—— hon. lieut.-col. John—col. xlii 49 
—— R. H.—bart, xxxiii 54] 
hon, W.—lieut. Cardigan, vi 126] 
Wm.—sher. Somerset. liv 185 
——— hon. gen. —gov. Fort William, 
Scotl. xxii 245] 
lieut.-gen.—knt. bath, xxxiv 57 
Vaughton, Rog.—sher. Warwick. xlvi 520 
Vaun, Jas.—sher. Leicester. xlv 531 
Vavasour, Hen.—bart. xliii 55 
maj. H. M, M.—lieut,-col. xliv 

Vawdrey, Dan.—sher. Carnarvon. lix 15] 

Veitch, Hen.—agent and consul-gen. Ma- 
deiras, li 552 

Verney, hon. H.—sher. Warwick. lix 150 

Mary—barons, Fermanaugh, xxxiv 

——— Ralph, earl, Irel.—-privy couns. G, 
Brit. viii 168] F 





Vernon col. Cha.—maj.-gen, vilil65] lieut. - 
gen. xv 16] ] 

capt. Edw.—knt. xvi 164] rear-adm. 

white xxii 243] do. red, xxiii 247] vice- 

adm. white, xxix 234] do. red, xxxv 64 

dr. Edw. Venables—bp. Carlisle, 

xxxiii 55] archbp. York, xlix 546 

Hen.—commiss. excise, vi 126] 

—sher. Stafford. xxxviii 69] 

—— Geo. lord.—dep. lieut. Glamorgan, 
xxxvii 57 

G. V.—lord Vernon, v 82] 

J.—sher. Suffolk, 1. 178 

~—_—— Leveson—sher. Northampton. lvii 
132 ‘ 

Rich. —clk board green-cloth, xi 


Vesey, J. A.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Viale, Eman.—Sicilian consul, Gibraltar, li 
- 653 

Vibart, maj. J. M, (E. Ind. co. serv.)—lieut.- 
co). x] 111 

Vicars, maj. Edw.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Vigoraux, maj. Geo.—maj. brigade to forces, 
S. Brit. x] 112, lieut.-col. xlii 50, lieut.- 
col. royal garrison batt. xliv 489, 493, 
lieut.-gov. Scilly Isl. lii 319 

Villettes, col. W. A.—brig.-gen. Portugal, 
xxxviii 55] maj.-gen. xl 113, lieut.-gen. 
xlvii 455, lieut.-gov. Jamaica, 1. 172 

Villiers, hon. J, C.—privy couns. xxix 232] 
chief-just. in eyre, N. of Trent, xxxi 235] 
warden in eyre of forests, &c. beyond 
Trent, xxxii 238] 

—~— vise.—commiss. adm. iv 88] privy 
couns, and vice-chamb. household, viii 
166] see Jersey, earl 

——— lord—gent. bedchamb. pr. Wales, 
xxxvii 55 

Vincent, sir Fras.—resident, Venice, xxxi 

Geo.—chaplain-clk. Westminster, 
xlv 493 : 

——— maj. Hen. (E. Ind. co. serv.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 111 

—— maj. John—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

——— capt. Nich.—rear-adm. white. xxii 
243] do. red, xxiii 247] vice-adm. white, 
xxix 234] do. red, xxxv 64, adm. white, 
xxxvii 56 

——— dr. Wm.— prebend. Westm., xiii 
57, dean, do. xliv 491 

see St. Vincent 

Viner, Rob.—sher. Lincoln. xlvi 520 

Vinicombe, capt. G. E.—maj. xlv 489 

Visme, Lewis de—sec. embassy, Russia, xi 
210] minister, Sweden, xvi 166] 

Vivian. col.—equerry liv 163 

J.—sher. Cornwall, liv 185 

Vye, rev. J—Wotton vic. Notts, pro temp. 
xl viii 502 

Vyner, R.—sher. Lincolys. lvi 142 

——— —sher. Worcester. lx 207 

Vyse, col, Rich,—maj.-gen, xxxvi 46, lieut,- 
gen. xliii 53 

Vyvyan, sir V.—sher. Cornwall, lvii 133 

Waddilove, rev. R. D.—dean of Rippon, 
xxxiii 55] 
Li aa Benj.—sher. Monmouth. xlii 

—— H. S.—sher. Suffolk, lv 126 

—— col. S. W. S. (E. Ind. co. serv.) 
—maj.-gen.xl 111 

Wena capt. Geo.—maj. xlv 486. lieut.-col, 


——~ maj. Wm.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

Wahab, maj. Geo, (E. Ind. co, serv-)—lieut.- 
col, xl 11 

Waight, maj. Geo. (E. Ind. co, serv.)— 
lieut.-col. xl 111 

Waite, Thos.—privy couns. Ivel. xx 223] 

Wake, sir Wm.—sher, Northampton. xxxiii 

Wakeman. Hen.—sher. 

Walcot, Cha,—sher, Shrops. xxv 197 

J.—see. post-oflice, Irel. xiv 172] 

Wm, jun.—sher. Northamp, xxix 

Worcester. xxxiii 


Waldegrave, lady Eliz.—lady bedch. prins, 
Roy. xxvi 229] 

—— lieut.-gen. J. earl—xv 161] col. 

Coldstream guards, xvi 164] lord-lieut. 

&c. Essex, xxiv 209] 

Wm.—vice-adm. blue, xxxvii 
56, do. red, xli48, lord Radstock, Irel. 
xlii 55 

Waldron, Wm.—sher. Worcester. xxxvii 

Wale, C.—maj.-gen. liii 152, gov. Marti- 
nique, liv 162 

Wall, W.—sher. Hereford. li 540 

Wales, H. R. H. Geo, prin.—knt. gart. viii 
152] col. army, and col. 10th light drag. 
xxxv 64, col. 10th dragoons, xxxviii 55] 

Walford, rev. E. G.—Shotteswell vic. War- 
wick, xlviii 496 

—— L. W.—sher. Essex, lvii 152. 

oe Morton—sher. Stafford, xxxiii 

Walker, rev. F. H.—bp. Hereford. xlv 481 

lieut.-col. G. T.—military commiss. 

Russian troops, xli 54, lieut.-goy. Grenada 

lvii 119 

maj.-gen, sir Geo, T.—knt. grand 

cross, lix 140 

Jos.—sher. Derby. xli 68 

maj. Jos.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

capt. Rd. (E. Ind. co. sery.)—brev, 

maj. army, E. Ind, xlii 51 

maj. Rob.—lieut.-col. xlv 489 

Tho,—sher. Notts. li 540 

T. G.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Wall, maj. Cha.—lieut.-col. x] 110 

Jos. —sec. counc. Senegambia, xvi 

——.S,—sher. Worcester, Ix 207 

Wallace, Jas.—commiss. vict. office, xv 163] 

allace, Jas.—solic.-gen. xxi 223] attorn.- 
gen. xxiii 246] xxvi 232] 
capt. Jas.—knt. xix 213] rear-adm. 
red, xxxvi 40, vice-adm. white, xxxvii 56, 
do. red, xli 48, adm. blue, xliii 53 
—— . J.—consul Bergen, xviii 203] 
Thos. commiss. India affairs, xliii 
57, xliv 490, xlv 491, xlvi 460, xlix 544, 
lii 320, liv 163, lvi 128, privy couns. lii 5 
praller, rev. dr. Jas.—archdeacon Essex, xvi 
163] : 
Jonath. Wathen—bart. lvi 130 
Rob.—commiss. excise, Irel. xvi 


Rob.—bart. Irel. xxiii 245] 
Wm.—commiss. stamp-oflice, xviii 

—— Wm.—sher. Camb. xxxix 69 
capt. Wm.—maj. 3rd drag. xxxiv 

—— lieut.-col. Wm.—col. xl 109, maj.- 
gen, xlvii 450, lieut.-gen. liii 151 
Wallis, lieut.-col. L. B.—col. xlvii 450 
L. B.—sher. Cardigan. xlviii 576. 
Sam.—commiss, navy, xxiii 249] xxix 


Tho,—commiss. for India affairs, 
xlii 52, 53 

Wallop, mr.—groom bed-chamber, viii 167] 

Walpers maj.-gen. Ellis—lieut.-gen. xliv 

Walpole, Horatio, baron—earl of Orford, 
xlviii 496 

——— Hor.—comm.-adm. liii 152 
lieut.-col. L. T.—col. x1 109 

hon. Rob.—clk. privy coune. viii 
120] 121] sec. Spanish embassy, x 172] 
173] envoy extr. Portugal, xiv 172] 

hon. mr.—envoy Bavaria, xxvi 

——— Thos.—envoy exty. to elector Pala- 
tine, xxx 228] 
lord—secret. embassy St. Petersb. 
liv 164, commiss. for office lord high adm. 
liv 163, board ‘controul, lx 196 
Walsby, dr. Edw.—prebend, Canterbury, 
xxxv 64 
Walsh, col. Hunt—maj.-gen. xv 161] gen. 
xxxv 67 
J. B.—bart. xlvi 459 
maj. count Philip—tlieut-col. xlii 


rey. Ralph, M. A.—dean Dromore, 
xv 162] 

Walsingham, hon. Rob. Boyle—col. mar. 
xxii 244] 

— lord—joint postmaster-gen. 
xxix 233] xxxi 241] 

Walter, R. W.—sher. Sussex, lvii 152 

Walton, maj.-gen. Jos.—lieut.-gen. xliv 487 

Wendesior, hon, maj. J. B.—lieut.-col. xlii 


 ——— sir Ph—sher, Cheshire, xxv 197] 

lieut.-gen. Hugh—gen. xiii 



Ward, Bern.— baron Bangor, Irel. xiii 184] 

col. Geo.—col. 14th Drag, Irel. xvi 

—— lieut.-col. Geo.—col. x1 110 

—— J. lord.—visc. Dudley and Ward, vi 


Lucas—sher. Northampton. 

—— P. H.—sher. Bucks, xlviii 575 

-—— rev. P. W.—Winston vic. Suff. xlviii 

Ralph—receiver-gen. stamps, Irel. 
xvii 184] commiss. barracks, do. xxvii 

—— — Rob.—.commiss. adm. xlix 543, 1175, 
lii 820 

—— R.—clerk ordn. liii 151 

Tho.—sher. Warwick. xxxi 248] 

Warde, lieut.-gen. Geo.—gen. xxxviii 53] 

Geo.—inspect. field offi. volun. xlv 


col. Geo.—maj.-gen. xlvii 450, lieut.- 

gen. liii 151 

lieut.-col. Hen.col. xliii 53, maj.- 
gen. lii 323 

Wardell, dr. Geo,—-phys. to the forces, xli 47 

Wardle, G. L.—sher. Flint, xxxiii 64] sher. 
Anglesea, xliv 524, do. Caernarvon. xlv 

Ware, col. Cha.—maj.-gen. E. Ind. xxxviii 

Waring, Jasp.—consul Valencia, lviii 208 

J. S.—sher. Cheshire, xliii 79 

Warkworth, lord—See Percy, Hugh, lord 

Warner, H. L. -sher. Norfolk, xxv. 197] 
xlviii 575 

Warre, G.—consul Biscay, lv 112 

J. T.—sher. Somerset. xxxviii 69] 

maj. J. T. (Somerset. yeom.) lieut.- 
col. xliv 493 

Warren, C.—attorn.-gen. pr. Wales Ixi 113 

sir Geo.—knt. bath, iv 115] 

Warren, rev. dr. John—archd. Wor- 

cester, Xviii 202] rector Elm, Ely—bp. 

St. David’s, xxii 244] 

rey. John—dean Bangor, xxxv 68 

J. B.—bart. xviii 203] groom bed- 

chamb. duke of Clarence, xxxi 238] knt. 

bath, xxxvi 44, rear adm. blue, xli 48, do. 

white, xliii 54, do. red, xlvi 458, adm. 

blue, lii. 32), ambass. St. Petersburgh, 

xliv 492, privy couns. 2d. insignia order of 

crescent, xlv 481 

dr. Rd.—phys, in ord. pr. Wales, 
xxix 233] 

Warrender, Sir G.—commiss. Adm. liv 166, 
lv 110, lvi 128 

Warrener, Gifford—sher. Wilts. xxxii 246] 

Warwick, Geo. earl—lord-lieut. Warwick, 
xxxvii 58 

Rob.-—sher. Cumberl. xlv 531 

Warton, Thos.—poet laureat, xxvii 251] 

Waterhouse, T.—sher. Notts. xxix 236] 

Wathen, Sam.—knt, xlv 482, sher. Glouces- 
ter, 7b, 531 




Wathen, P.—sher. Glouc. lii 416 

Watkin, Edw.—sher. Brecon. xxviii, 223] 

arn G. P.—sher. Carmarthen. xlviii 

Watling, capt. Dan.—major, xlvii 451 

: capt. J.—maj. xlvii 451 

Watson, Brooke—commiss. stores, xl 112, 
bart. xlv. 492 

Cha.—bart. iii 86] 

C.— inspect. field offi. volunt. xlv 

492 « 

——. Geo.—commiss. excise, xl vii 453 

—+— hon. G.—sher. Rutlands. liii 169 

——- Jas.—serjt. at law, xxix 235] knt. 

xxxvii 57 

J.—consul, Venice, xxxiii 52] 

rev. J.—Bradfield &c. rect. Essex, 

xlviii 498, Radwinter vic. Essex, 75.503 

maj. J. P.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

——— _ maj.-gen. J. W. T.—lieut.-gen. xli 

= rev. dr. Richs_prebend, Ely, xvii 
184] bp. Llandaff, xxv 236] 

—— col. Rob, lieut.-gov. Portsmouth, 

xviii 201] maj.-gen. xxii 243] lieut.-gen. 


——_—- Rob.— principal St. Andrew’s univ. 
xx 226] 

Rt.—rear-adm, white, lii 322, do. 

red, liii 153, vice-adm, blue lv 112 — 

maj. Sam. (E. Ind. co. sery.)—lieut.- 

co), xl 111 

Wm.—knt. xxxviii 53] 

Watt, R.-<sher. Yorks, liii 169 

Watts, capt. Steph.—assist. barrack mast.- 
gen. Jersey, xli 53 

Wauchope, maj. J.—lieut.-col. xliii 53 

— col. Pat.—brig.-gen. W. Ind. xliii 
55, maj.-gen. xlv 488 ‘ 

Way, J.—chief clerk king’s-bench, xxi 



Weatherall, col. F. A.—dep. adjut.-gen. 
Nova Scotia, xlv 484 

Webb, maj.-gen. Dan.—lieut.-gen. viii 164] 
col. 14th drag. xv 163] 

, Hen.—sher. Staffords. liv. 416 

adj. Jas.—dep.-commiss. miusters, N. 

America, xviii 203] 

J—sher. Warwicks. xxiv 203] . 

—— Nat.—inspect. field off. volunt. xlvi 
456 . eee 

Webber, capt. Cha,—rear-adm. white, xxiii 


capt. Edw.—maj. x1 115, lieut.-col. 
xliv 488 

——— lieut.-col. Jas.—col., x1 108, maj.- 
gen. xlvii 450 

Wedderburne, Alex.—solicit.-gen. xiv 170] 
attorn.-gen. xxi 223] lord chief-just. com. 
pleas, and baron Loughborough, xxiii 245] 

—_—— col.—command. in chief, 
Bengal, xii 72] 73] 

Wedgewood, Josiah—sher. Dorset. xlv 531 

Welby, Wm. earl—sher. Lincoln, xxxviii 
68] bart. xliii 59 

Welch, maj. Tho. (E. Ind. co, serv.)lieut.- } 
col. xl 111. 

Weller, capt. Fras.—maj. xlvii 452 

Welles, Thos, lord—visc. Northland, Irel. — 
xxxiii 54) i 

rev. dr, T.—Badgworth living, &c. 
Gloucester, xlviii 503 

Wellesley, col.hon, Arth.—brig.-gen. Egypt, 
xliii 61, maj. gen. xliv 487, knt. bath, xlvi 
461, baron Douro and vise. Wellington, li 
554. See Wellington 

rey. G. V.—vicar West Ham, 
Essex, li 552 

—— hon. Hen.—commiss: treas. of ex- 
cheq. xlvi 459, envoy extr. Spain, li 557, 
privy couns, 74, amb, Spain, liii 153, knt. 
bath, liv 162 

cent, xlvii 457, ambass, Spain, li 552, 
prince. sec. state, iJ. 557, knt. garter, lii 
319, 320, commiss. Ind. affairs, 7d. 

——, K.—commiss. treas. lili 154 

Wellington, Arthur, vise. K. B.—lieut.-gen. 
lii 323, gen. Spain and Port. liii 153, knt. 
bath, liv 162, marquis, liv 165, field-mar- 
shal, lv 11], duke, lvi 127, ambass. France, 
lvi 128, mast.-gen. ordn. Ix 196, gov. 
Plymouth, Ixi 114 

————— Rd.—sher. Brecon. xxxvi 56 

Wells, J.—rear-adm. white, 1. 174, do. red, 
li 556, vice-adm. blue, lii 322 

J.—sher. Kent, liv, 185 

Jos.—jun. bridge-master, London, 

xlviii 496 

N.—sher. Monmouth, Ix 207 

——— Rd.—dep.-teller excheq. xvi 163] 

—_— capt. Thos.—rear-adm. white, xlvi 
458, vice-adm. red, lii 322 

Wemyss, col. D. D.—maj.-gen. xliv 487, 
command. forces Ceylon, xlv 484 

lieut.-col. Maurice (mar.)col. 
army, Xxxiii 62] maj.-gen, xxxvi 46 

———. co]. Wm,—maj.-gen. x1 114, lieuti- 
gen. xlvii 455 

maj. W. S.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

Wenman, hon. dr. Tho. J.—prof. civil law 
Oxf, xxxi 239] 

Wentworth, T. T.—sher. Dorset. xxxi 248] 

——_——. G. W.—sher. York. xxxviii 69] 

J.—goy. &c. New Hampshire, 


ix 165] 
—— John—bart. xxxvii 56 
lord vise.x—lord bedchamb. xxxii 
John— Nova Scotia, 
xxxiv 55 

Wesley, hon, Hen.—sec. legation Sweden, 
xxxiv 55 

West, Benj.—presid. roy. acad. xxxiv 56 

Jas.—sher. Warwick, lii 416 _ 

——— J.—commiss. customs Scotl. ix 167] 

maj. J.—lieut.-col. xliv 493 

+—— capt. Tho.—rear-adm. blue, xli 48, 
white, xliii, 54, rear-adm, red, xlvi 458, 
adm. blue, lii 321 

Rd. marq.—insignia order of cress | 

West, brev.-maj. W.—maj. xliv 493 

esteote, Wm. Hen. lord—lord treas. xx 

224] lord Lyttleton, Engl. xxxvi 46 

Westenra, capt. Hen.—maj. xlvii 452 

Westfaling, Phil.—searcher in port London, 
xxii 223] 

Westmeath, Cha. earl.—privy couns. Irel. 

_ xvii 188] xxxv 64 

Westmoreland, earl.—joint postmast.-gen. 
xxxi 241] privy couns. G. Brit. and lord- 
lieut. Irel. 25. knt. garter, xxxv 66, keeper 
privy seal, xl 110, xlix 542 

Weston, rev. Sam.—canon and prebend. 
Canterbury, xxx 229] prebetid. Durham, 
xxxi 239] 

: : rev. S. R.—canon resid. St. Pauls, x1 

Westport, John, lord viscsearl Altamont, 
xiv 174] 175] 

Westwood, J.—sher. Cumb. xli 68 

Wetham, col. Arth.—maj.-gen. xlvii 450, 
lieut.-gen. liii 151 

Wetherell, lieut.-col. F. A.—col. xliv 488 

Wetherell, rev. dr.—prebend. Westminster, 
Xviii 203] 

Weymouth, Thos. Thynne, 3rd visc.—lord 
lieut. Irel.?and privy couns. viii 165] 
prine. sec. state north. depart. xi 209] do. 
southern, 212] groom stole, xviii 202] 
sec, state, 204] knt. garter, xxi 

22] groom stole, and first gent. bed- 
chamb, xxv 235] marq. bath, xxxi 240] 

Wharton, J.—lieut.-gen. liii 151 

—— Tho.— comniiss. excise Scotl. xxix 

: 232] 

Whateley, Thos.—under sec. state to lord 
Suffolk, xiv 115] lord of trade, xiv 171] 
keeper of his maj. private roads, 173] 

Wheate, F. S. L.—sher. Oxford. liv 185 

Wheaton, Clifton—sher. Somerset. xlviii 575 

Wheeler, rev. dr. Benj.—regius prof. divin. 

and canon Christ-ch. Oxf. xix 218] 219] 

: eel, John de—sher. Cumberl. xlvi 



Tho.—sher. Cumberl. xxix 235] 

Whetham, lieut.-col. Arth.—aid-de-camp to 
the king, xl 109, brigad.-gen. Leeward 
Islands, xliii 56, gov. Curagoa, 58 

Whichcote, sir T.—sher. Lincoln. xxxii 

Whieldon, Tho.—sher. Staffords. xxix 236] 
Whish, Mart.—commiss. stamps, xxi 223] 
Whishow, J.—auditor public acets. xlviii 
499, 500 
or Abrm=sher. Hereford. xxxviii 

mr. Serjt.—Welsh judge, ix 164] 

Whitbread, Jacob—sher. Suffolk, xxxvii 59 

White, lieut.-col. C. H. (E. Ind. co, serv.)— 
col. xl 1}1 

maj. Dan.—lieut.-col. xlvii 451 

—_ lieut.-col. T. C.—col. xvii 450 

- capt. John—maj. xlv 489 

rey. John—prebend., Winchester, 

&e. xlvi 461 



White, dr. Jos—Hebrew prof. Oxford, and 
prebend. Christ-church, xliv 486 

col. Rd.—maj,-gen. xxxii 235] 

maj. Taylor—lieut.-col. xlii 50 

sir T. W.—sher. Notts. xlviii 575 

capt. Wm.—maj. xlvii 452 ; 

Whitehouse, Edw.—gent: usher, xvii 187] 
clerk of robes, xix 221] 

Whitelocke, lieut.-col. Bulstrode—col. xlv 

—— brev.-col. John — brig. - gen. 

Guernsey, xl 109 

col. John (W. Ind. reg.}—maj.- 
gen. army, x! 113, 114, lieut.-gov. Ports- 
mouth, xli,51, lieut.-gen. xlvii 455 

Whitfield, dr. H.—chapl. in ord. pr. Wales, 
li 551 

Whitley, col. Hen.—maj.-gen. viii 165] 
lieut.-gen. xiii 183] 

Whitmore, Geo.—commiss. stamps, viii 
— Tho.—sher. Shropshire, xlvii 
— Wm. Gent.—assist. cormimiss, 

stores Leeward Islands, xl 115 

Whitshed, capt. J. H.—rear-adm. white, xli 
48, do. red, xliii 54, vice-adm. blue, xlvi 
458, do. white, xlvii 456, do. red, 1 174, 
adm. blue, lii 321, do. white, liv 165 

Whittaker, J—sher. Radnor, li 540 

Whittingham, sir F. S—gov. Dominica, 1xi 

Whitworth, Cha.—bart. xi 212] 

— Cha.—minister, Poland, xxvii 

251] do. Petersburgh, xxx 230] knt. bath, 

xxxv 67, baron Whitworth Irel. xlii, 52, 

ambass. French Republic, xliv. 490, ford 

bedchamber; ly 110, vise. and lord lieut. 

Trel. 2b. 

— lieut.-col. Fras—knt. xlv 484 

Whyte, maj.-gen. J.—lieut.-gen. xliv 487 

lieut.-gen. Rd.—gen. xliv 487 

Whytehead, rev. H. R.—Birdforth perpet. 
curacy, xlviii 496 

Wickey, J.—rear-adm. blue, xliii 54, do. 
white, xlvi 458, vice-adm. red, lii 321, 
adm. blue, lv 112 

Wickham, rev. Tho.—prebend. Salisbury, 
xlvi 462 

Wm.—minister Swiss Cantons, 
xxxvii 57 
——— hon. Wm.—commiss. treas. ex- 
cheq. xviii 493 
hon. W. W.—privy couns. xliv 

Wicklow, viscs. dow.—countess, xxxvi 43 

Wier, J.—director-gen. hosp. lii 319 

Wight, Andrew—inspect. field off. volunt. 
xlv 492 

Laur.—sher. Cheshire, xliv 52? 

Wigley, E. H.—sher. Leicester. xxxti 46] 

Wigram, Rob.—bart. xlvii 455, sher. Essex, 
liv 185 

Wilder; lieut.-col, Fs Jweecol, 1 175, maj.« 
gen, liii 152 




Wilding, Rich.—sher. Denbigh. xxx 234] 
“do. Flint. xxxi 248] 

Wildman, J.—sher. Kent, lvi 142 

Wilford, col. Rd.—maj.-gen. xl 108, lieut.- 
gen. xlvii 450 

Wilkes, J—alderman London, xii 65] 70] 
chamb. do. xxii 234] 235] 

Israel—consul, Aleppo, xiii 182] 

Wilkie, Rob.—consul, Alicant, xii 171] 

Wilkins, J.—sher. Brecon. Ix 208 

Jeffreys—sher. Brecon. xxxi 248] 

——— Walt.—sher. Brecon. litt 169 

Wilkinson, J.—sher. Denbigh. xli 69 

— Phil.—rear-adm. blue, ly 112 

— Tho.—sher. Bucks. xxviii 222] 

——— lieut-col. Wm.—col. xlv. 488 

Wilks, lieut.-col, Mark—gov. St. Helena, liv 

Willes, Edw. sol.-gen.—judge king’s-bench, 
xi 209] 

—— Fras.—under-sec. state, xv 162] 

J. E.—sher. Northampton. xxxii 



Willetts, Tho,—sher. Oxford. xxxiv 61 

William Henry, Prince—knt garter, v 86] 
105] duke Gloucester, &c. vii-121] knt. 
thistle, xiii 89] post capt. xxii 245]. See 
Gloucester, duke of. 

Henry, Prince—duket of Clarence 

and earl Munster, xxxi 233] 

Prince—capt. Ist foot guards, xxxv 
65, col. army, xxxvi 44, col. infant. ib. knt. 
garter, 45, col. 6th foot, xxxvii 58, lieut.- 
gen. xli 54 

Williams, sir E.—sher. Brecon, xxx 233] 

Edw.—sher. Dorset. xlviii 575 

E.—maj.-gen, liii 152 

G. G.—sher, Carmarthen. xxxiii 

dr. J.—vice-chane. Oxford. xxxv 

———  G. J.—recely.-gen. excise, xvii 

Hamlyns—sher. Carmarthen. liii 


——— lieut.-col. Hen.—col. xlii 49 
H.—sher. Anglesea, liii 170 
Jas.—receiy.-gen. reven. Virginia, 
xv 162] 

J.—surveyor navy, viii 166], knt. 
xiv 175] commiss. navy, xvi 165} xxiii 

———. J. commiss. customs, Boston, N. 
Engl. xv 161] 
————. J.—sher. Anglesea, xxxi 248] 
J.—sher. Carmarthen. xxxv 75 
J.—bart. xl 113 
J.—sher. Cardigan. xliii 80 
rey. J.—-canon St. David’s, xlvi 

J.—sher. Anglesea, xlvii 517 
J.—commiss. customs, xlvii 455 
J.—sher. Herefords. Ix 207 

J. H.—sher, Monmouth. xxxv 


Williams, J. L.—sher. Cardigan. xlvii 517 
Lewis—sher. Brecon, xxiv 203] 
Maur.—sher. Pembrokes. lvii 132 
Penny—sher. Brecon. xlvi 521 ; 
Rees—sher. Brecon. 1 173 
Rd.—sher. Oxford. xlii 67 
———- Rob.—sher. Dorset. xlvi 520 
———— rev. Tho.—prebend. Canterbury 
xxxi 238] 
T.—sher. Anglesea, xxxii 246] 
Tho.—sher. Monmouth. xliii 80 
—_————  —barrack-mast. Annapolis xl 

—— jun.—commiss, stores Anna- 
polis, xl 110 

———— capt. Tho. R. N.—knt. xxxviii 
54) col. mar. 1 174 rear-adm. blue li 556 
do. white, lii 322. do, red, liv 165 

rey. Thos,— chaplain Languard 

Fort xl viii 496 

xl viii 576 

———— W.. A.—sher. Monmouth. xlvi 520 

W, G.—sher. Notts. xlii 67 

W. P.—rear-adm. red, xxxvi 45 
vice-adm. white, xxxvii 56 do. red, xli 
48, adm. blue, xliii 53, do. red, li 555 

Williamson, col. Adam — maj.-gen. xxxii 
235] col. 47th foot, 237] knt. bath, xxxvi 
4], gov. Domingo, ib. 

—— Benj.—inspect. field offi. volunt. 

xlvi 456 

esq. —sher. Caernarvon. 

col. Geo.—maj.-gen, viii 165] 
lieut.-gen. xv 161] 
—— capt. Geo,—command. roy. mil. 
asylum, xlv 483 
— lieut.-col. Geo.— superintend. 
of clothing of army of reserve, xlv 486 
—— capt. Tho.—maj. xlvii 452 
Willis, Jas.—commiss. cust. xlvii 457 
Willock, maj. Jas.—lieut-col. xliv 488 
Willoughby, Cha.—bart. xxxvi 47 
Wills, J.—sher. Berks. lvii, 132 
Willyams, rev. Cooper—Kingston rect. &c. 
xlviii 503 
Wilmot, sir J. Eardley—ch. just. com. pleas, 
ix 165] privy couns. 166] 
Montague — gov. Nova Scotia, vi 


sir Rob.—bart, xv 162] sher. Derby. 

xxxviii 68] xlv 531 P 

V. H.—clk. of letters pat. in chance. 
xiv 175] 

Wilson, rev.—prebend. Gloucester, xii 171] 

dr. Christopher—bp. Bristol, xxvi 


capt. Geo.—rear-adm. white, xli 48, 
vice-adm. blue, xlvi 458, do. red, xlvii 
456, adm. blue, li 555 do. white, lii 

maj. Geo.—lieut.-col. xlili 53, aid- 
de-camp to the king, lii 321, maj. gen. liii 

——- capt. Hen.—knt. xxxvi 44 

——- John—just. com, pleas, xxviii 220] 




Wilson, sir J.—commiss. great seal, xxxiv 

J.—commiss. army accts. W. Ind. 
xliv 484 

—maj.-gen. liii 152 
maj. sir Rob.—lieut-col. xliv 489 
Rob.—sher. Norfolk, xliv 523 
— R.—sher. Essex, lvi 142 
R. F.—sher. York. xlix 386 
lieut-col. sir R. T.—inspect. field 
offi. volunt. xlvi 455 
Tho. — chief-just. Dominica, xvi 
163] 164] 
T.—sher. Derby. xxxii 246] 
lient-col. sir Tho. Spencer—aide-de- 
camp to his maj. xvi 162] gen. xxxvili 

Wm. —sher. Cumberland, xxviii 

maj. Wm,—paymast. recruit. dis- 

trict, xlv 486 

W.—sher. Oxford. lv 126 

Wilton, rev. W. —Kindford vic. Sussex, 
xlviii 496 

Tho. lord Grey de —visc. G. de 
Wilton and earl Wilton, xliii 59 

Winchelsea, Dan, earl—pres. council, viii 

—— Geo. earl—lord bed-chamb. xx 
225] lord-lieut. Rutland, xxii 244] priv. 
couns. xlvi 459, groom of the stole, 460 

Windham, hon. Wm.—sec. at war, xxxvi 
45, priv. couns. 2b. prince. sec. state, xlviii 
492, commiss. Ind. Affairs, 493 

Windsor, E. C.—sher. Shrop. xxiv 203] 

—— J.—sher. Montgomery. xlv 532 

——— hon. Tho.—sher. Berk. xliv 523 

Wingfield, maj. hon. Edw.—lieut-col. xliii 

-———— maj. J.—lieut-col. xlii 49 

Winn, sir G. A—lord Headly, baron Allan- 
son and Winn, xxxix 64 

—— sir Rowland—sher. York. xli 69 

Winne, Geo.—bart. xix 218] 

Winnington, sir T. E.—sher. Worcester. 
xviii 575 

Winter, R.—maj.-gen. liii 152 

Winterton, Edw. baron—ear] Winterton and 
vise. Turnour, Irel. viii 168] 169] 

Wintour, rev. H.—prebend. St. Paul’s, 
xlvi 457 

Wintringham, sir Clifton—bart. xvii 188] 
phys.-gen. forces, xxviii 220] 

Winstanley, rev. mr.—Camden prof, ant. 
hist. Oxf. xxxii 237] 

—— Clem.—sher. Leicester. lix 150 

Winstone, Cha.—attorn.-gen. Dominica, xxi 
223] 224] 

Winyard, col. Wm.—maj.-gen. xxii 243] 

Wise, Fred.—consul-gen. Sweden, lv J11 

—— John Rob.—consul-gen. Sweden, lvi 

—— M. B.—sher. Warwick. xlix 386 

Wiseman, maj. J. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—breys- 
lieut,-col, army, E, Ind, xlii 6] 
Part II, 

Wishart, capt. Wm.—maj. xlv 489 

Witherington, maj. Edw. —lieut-col. xliv 

Wittel, capt. Cha.----maj. xl 112 

Wittet, maj. J. C. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—brey.- 
lieut-col. army, India, xlyv 491 

Woodhul, Mich.—sher. Northampton. xxvi 

Wadehous, sir J.—baron Wodehouse, xxxix 

Wolf, Jacob—bart, ix 166] 

Wolfe, Anpe—baroness Kilwarden, xxxvii 

lieut-col. Arth.—col. xliii 53 

Arth.—solic.-gen. Irel. xxix 233] 
priv. couns. and attorn.-gen. do. xxxi 240] 
ch. just. king’s bench, do. xl 114, baron 
Kilwarden, zd. 

Ma Jens—joint-consul, Denmark, xxxv 

Wollaston, rev. C. H.—East Dereham vic. 
Norfolk, xlviii 502 
rev. F. J. H.—master Sidney coll. 
Cambr. xlix 542 
——— lieut-col. F. W.—col. xlii 49 
F. W.—sher. Leicester. xlviii 575 
Wolseley, Cha.—adm. white, xliii 53 
capt. Wm,—rear-adm. blue, xlvi 
458, vice-adm. blue, 1i 556, do. white, lii 
322, do. red, lv 112 
Wombwell, Geo.— bart. xxi 223] sher. 
York, li 540 
Wonder, Tho.—collector, Cork, xv 162] 
Wood, Alex.—commiss.-gen. of stores, Gre- 
nada, xiv 174] 
— lieut.-col. Alex.—col. xliv 487, 488 
—— capt. Edw.—maj. xlii 50 
— Francis—bart. xxvi 234] 235] 
——sir Fras. Linley —sher. York. [vi 
—— maj. Geo. (E. Ind. co. serv.)—lieut.- 
col. xl 111 
— J.—goyv. Isle of Man, viii 165] 
—— maj. Jon, (E. Ind. co. sery.)—lieut.-col. 
x] 112 
—— J.—sher. Northumb. xxxiii 64] 
—— J.—maj.gen. liii 152 
—— J. A.—capt. navy, li 556 . 
lieut.-col. J. S.—col. xlvii 450 
Mark—bart. 1, 176 
rey. Rob.—living of Cropwell Bishop, 
Notts. xlviii 497 
—— Tho.—sher. Brecon. li 540 
rey. Wm.—Lawford rect, Essex, xlviii 
Woodburn, lieut.-col. David (E. Ind. co, 
serv.)—col. xl 111 
— rev.—min. canon, Winchester, 
xlviii 496 
Woodeson, Rich. B. C. L—Vinerian prof. 
Oxf. xx 223] 
Woodford, Ralph—resident, Hanse Towns; 
vi 127] envoy extr. Copenhagen, xv 162] 
—_—— —bart. xxxiii 54] 
“aren sir Ralph—goy, Trinidad, liv 166 


Woodford, col.—lieut.-col. duke of Gordon’s 
reg. light dragoons, xxxv 66 
Woodhouse, hon. Ph.—commiss, navy, liv 
- Woodley, Wm.—gov. Leeward Islands, ix 
167] xxxiii 55] 
Woodrofie, Wm.—sher, Surrey, xxxiv 61 
Woods, Edmund—sher. Sussex, xxxiv 61 
Tho. jun,—sher. Rutland. xxxili 


Woodthorpe, Hen. — town-clerk, London, 
xliii 63 

Woodward, dr. Rich. — bp. Cloyne, xxiv 
207) : 

Wool. rev. J.—head-master, Rugby School, 
xlviii 502, xlix 641 

Wooldridge, Tho.—prov.-marsh.-gen. quit 
rents, St. Vincent’s, xiv 171] 

Wooley, Wm.—lieut. gov. Berbice, 1. 176 

Woolley, Jas—sher. Warwick. lvii 132 

— T.—rear-adm. blue, liii 153 

Woolseley, Chas. — rear-adm. blue, xxxii 
258] do. red, xxxv 65, vice-adm. blue, 
xxxvi 45, do. red, xxxvii 56, adm. white, 
xliii 53 

Worge, col. Rd.—¢ov. Senegal, viii 167] 
maj.-gen. xiii 183] 

Worsley, sir Rd. - elk. comptr. bd. of green- 
cloth, xx 226] comptr. of the household, 
xxii 245] gov. Isle of Wight, and privy- 
couns. xxiii 244] 

Worth, maj. J.—lieut.-col. Devon. yeom. 
cavalry, xliv 491 

Wragg, Wm.—just. S. Carolina, xii 171] 

Wray, sir Bourchier—sher. Devon. xxxviii 

Dan,—trustee Brit. Mus. viii 165] 

Wraxall, N. W.—hart. lv 111 

Wren, maj.-gen. Jorden — lieut.-gen. xxii 

Wright, Cha.—assist. commissary; x] 115 

capt. Hen.—maj. xlvii 451 

sir Jas.—bart. xv 162] 

Jas.— gov. Georgia, iv 99] bart. xv 


J.—sher. Notts. xxxviii 68] 

J. A.—sher. Oxford. x1 120 

—— J. S.—sher. Notts. lvii 132 

capt. Rob.—maj. xlvii 452 

Tho.—sher. Pembroke. xxvi 236] 

Tho.—sher. Notts. liii 169 

-—— Walter—consul in seven Islands, xlv 

— lieut.-col. Wm.—col. xliv 488 

Wm.—mast. of gram. school, Market 
Harborough, xlviii 497 

Wroughton, Seymour — sher. Wilts. xxviii 


—— Tho. — envoy, Stockholm, xxi 
223] knt. bath, xxiii 248] minister to 
Sweden, xxix 252] 

Wrottesley, rev. sir Rd.—dean, Worcester, 
viii 165] 

Wyatt, Rd.—sher. Essex, xxiv 202] 

—— — sher, Sussex, xxix 236] 


Wynch, Geo. esq.—sher. Glamorgan. xlix 

Wyatt, R.—sher. Sussex, lii 416 

maj. Jas.—lieut.-col. xlii 50 
Wyndham, Jos.—sher. Norfolk, xxxix 69 
—— Thos. commiss. taxes, vi 126] 
W.—sher. Wilts. lvi 142 
hon. W. F.—envoy extr. Florence, 
xxxvi 44, xlii 52, minister, do. 76. 
Wynham, maj. T. M.—lieut.-col. xliy 489 
Wynn, sir Thos.—baron Newborough, xix 

sir W. W.—lieut. and cust. rot. 
Merioneth. xviii 203] 

Wynne, Chas. W. G.—sher. Carnarv. lvi 

C. G.—sher. Denbigh. lvii 132 
—— Hugh—slier. Anglesea, xli 69 
7 H, W.—envoy extr. Saxony, xlv 

J.—sher. Denbigh. xxxvii 59, xlii 68 

J.—sher. Denbigh. liii 170 

O. M.—sher. Flint. xlv 532, do. 

Caernarvon. xlvi 521 ‘ 

Rob.—commiss. sale of lands, W. 
Ind. vii 120) clk. of deliveries, xxxi 241] 

—— R. W.—sher. Merioneth, x] 120, do. 
Caernarvon. xliv 524, do. Denbigh, xlvi 

Wm. LL.D.—advocate and vicar- 
gen. Canterbury, xxi 224] chance. London, 
xxii 245] judge arches court, xxx 229, 
230] knt. 230] privy couns. xxxi 238] 
hon. sir Wm,—master Trin. hall, 
Camb. xlv 483 

Wm —sher. Merioneth. liv 186 
Wynyard, maj. Geo.—lieut.-col. xliii 53 
—+— co]. Hen.—maj.-gen. xliv 487 
maj.-gen. Wm, —lieut.-gen. xxix 


capt.Wm.—equerry, duke of York, 
xxx 228] 

lieut.-col. Wm. —dep. adjutant- 
gen. xli 47 

Ximenes, Moris.—sher. Berks. xlvii 516 

Yarmouth, earl — vice-chamberl. liv 163, 
lord-warden of the stannaries, liv 166 
Yates, Edm.—sher. Chesh. liv 185 
——— sir Jos. chance. chancery-court, Dur- 
ham, viii 165] judge com, pleas, xiii 183] 
J. O.—sher. Cumberland, xxvi 

Sam. — sher. Montgomery. xxvii 

rev. Wm.—chaplain in ord. pr. Wales, 
xlvii 454 

Yeames, H. S.—consul-gen. Russian ports, 
Black sea, xlv 485, Ixi 114 

——— Sav. — consul-gen. 
Black sea, lv 111 

Yeats, Dav.—register of grants &c. E. 
Florida, xii 171] 

Yeates, Osborn—sher. Brecon. xlviii 576 

Russ. ports, 




Yeatman, rev.—J. prebend. Wells, xviii 496 

Yeldham, Rd.—commiss. of musters, Coro- 
mandel, xli 49 

Yelverton, Barry — attor.-gen. and privy- 
couns. Irel. xxv 236] Id. ch. baron, do. 
xxvi 235] baron Avenmore, xxxvii 57 
vise. xlii 55 

Yeo, capt. J. L.—kat. hii 320 

— Tho.—solic.-gen. Dominica, xxi 224] 

Yiddy, Dav.—sher. Cornwall, xxxiv 61 

Yonge, rev.fduke jun.—Antony vic. Corn- 
wall, xlyiii 497 

sir Geo.—lord of adm. ix 166] vice- 
treas. Ireland, xxv 235] sec. at war, 236] 
knt. bath, xxx 229] gov. Cape of Good 
Hope, xli 49 

York, H.R. H. Edw. Aug. duke — keeper 
Windsor forest, &e. ix 164] 

H.R. H. Frederick duke—privy couns. 

xxix 233] gen. xxxv 66, field mars. xxxvii 

55, command. in chief, xl 112, capt.-gen. 

of forces, xli 53, command.-in-chief, xliii 

59, col. Ist. guards, xlvii 454, keeper 

Windsor for. &c. 2b. command,-in-chief, 

liii 151 

John—sher. York. xxx 233] 

—— J—sher. York. Ix 207 

—— P.—sher. Flint. xxix 236] 

— P. W.—sher. Denbigh. lix 151 

—— Simon—sher. Denbigh. xlix 386 

Yorke, hon. Cha.—patent of precedence, vii 
121} keeper great seal, privy couns, ld.- 
chane. and baron Morden, xiii 181] 

Cha.—ch.-just. Ely, xxxi 240] 

hon. Cha.—privy couns. xliii 56, secr. 

at war, ¢b. prince. sec. of state, xlv 486, 

xly 490, commiss. of adm. lii 320, vice- 

adm. blue, liii 152 

hon. and rey. dr. Jas.—bp. St. 

David’s, xvii 186] bp. Gloucester, xxii 

244] 3 

J.—commiss. trade, iv 88] vi 127] 
viii 167] commiss. adm. 168] 

sir Jos.—knt. bath, iv 115] privy 
couns. xi 211] ld. Dover, xxx 230] 

York, J. S.—knt. xlvii 453, commiss. adm, 
ii 320, rear-adm, blue, lii 322, comm. 
adm. iii 152, comm. for office 1d. high-adm. 
liv 163, comm.-adm. ly 110, rear-adm. red, 
liv 112, comm.-adm. lvi 128 

Yorke, Philip—sher. Denbigh. xxviii 223] 

Youde, Tho. Watkin—sher. Montgomery. 
lyiii 227 

Young, rey. archd.—Hilborouch rect. Nor- 
folk, xlviii 502, 503 

Arth.—sece, board of agric. xxxv 67 

A. E. jun.—sher. Northampton. 

Xxxviii 68 

capt. Brook—maj. xlv 489 

dr. Edw.—bp. Dromore, vi 130] 

bp. Leighlin and Fernes, viii 164] 

sir Geo.—rear-adm. blue, xxxvi 47, 

ik red, xxxvii 56, vice-adm. red, xliii 

Jas.—vyiee-adm. white, xiii 184] do. 

red, xviii 201] adm. white, xxi 221] 

dr. Matt.—bp. Clonfert, xli 47 

—— maj. Rob.—lieut.-col. xliv 488 

———— Sam.—bart. lv lil 

Tho.—inspect.-gen. hosp, for forces 

under sir R. Abercrombie, xli 52 

rev. dr. Tho. P.—prebend. West- 

minster, xiv ]72] 

Wm.—lieut.-gov. Tobago, xiii 185] 

—— —commiss. for sale of lands, W. 
Ind. vii 120] lieut.-gov. Dominica, xi 
210] bart. xii 171] gov. Dominica, xiii 

—— Wm.— col. marines, xxxvi 45 

—-— capt. Wm.—rear-adm. white, xxxvii 
56, vice-adm. blue, xli 48, do. red, xlvi 
458, adm. white, lii 321, extra knt. bath, 
lvi 128, vice-adm. Unit. Kingd. lxi 113 

Younge, Edw.—commiss. taxes, vi 126] 

— capt. Geo.—knt. xxii 208] vice- 
adm. white, xli 48 

Yvounet, J. P.—commiss. appeals and ex- 
cise, vi 126] 

Zouch, maj. Hen:—lieut.«col. xlii 50 


The Asterisk indicates either that some memoir or other particulars are given of the person, 
or that the name to which it is prefiaed is that of a celebrated or remarkable character. 

Axsss, Cooper, xlix 595 

Abdy, lady, x 178] ° 
—_———- xxxiv 62 

——- miss M. xxiii 249] 

—- sir Anth. Thos. xviii 208] 
-—— sir W. xlv 514 

—- rev. mr. xvi 169] 

*Abel, mus. comp. xxix 210] 
Abercorn, counts. dow. xix 228] 
—-—— Jas, earl, xxxi 246] 

Abercorn, marchs, xxxiii 60] 
J. Jas. marq. Ix 197 
Abercrombie, Jas. xxiv 211] 
: —— sir Ralph, xliii 24 
Abercromby, hon. sir J. lix 143 
Aberdeen, Geo. earl, xliii 72 
Abergavenny, lady, xi 217] 
so dow. lady, xxi 225] 
—___—— Geo. earl, xxvii 254] 
Abernethie, mrs. xlix 563] 



Abingdon, counts. vi 134] 
xxxvi 47 
earl, xli 66 
* Abington, mrs. (actress) lvii 124 
Aboyne, Geo. 4th earl, xxxvi 50 
counts. dow. lviii 225 
Abrantes, duchs.xx 228] 
Accorambani, marchs. xxvii 221] 
Acland, hon. mrs. xlvi 465 
col, xxi 227] 
mrs, col, xxii 247) 
Jady Har. lyii 128 
A’Court, gen. xx 227] 
sir W. P. Ashe lix 146 
*Acres, W. xv 129] 
Acton, gen. liii 166 
—— sir Rd. xxxiii 62] 
——— lady A, xxvii 221] 
Adair, lady C. xii 175] 
—— capt. C. W. xlvii 405 
—— Jas. xl] 63 
*Adam, dr. Alex. li 592 . 
*—— Rt. (architect) xxxiv 14 
*—_— Jas. xxxvi 36 
Adams, capt. xix 227] 
—— mrs, xxx 206] 
col. Clarke, xix 226] 
Fras. xlix 556 
*——— John, xlv 520 
—— relict sir R. viii 169] 
—— sir Rd. xvii 191] 
Rd. xxxix 7 
sir Thos. xiii 187] 
Adare, barons. lvi 136 
Addington, rt. hon. J. Hiley, Ix 201 
rev. dr. xix 223] 
sir W. liii 159 
Addison, rev. Dan. Dulaney, xlix 591 
—_— J. xlix 602 
miss, xxxix 12 
Addy, mrs. A. 1. 172 
Adkins, rev. Lancaster, xlix 562 
Adley, mrs. S. xlix 596 
Adlercron, lieut.-gen. ix 171] 
Affleck, lady (adm. sir E.) xxix 238] 
————..__— (sir E.) xli 68 
adm. Phil. xli 68 
rey, W. xlviii 547 
Agar, hon. C. Bagenal, liii 163 
——- mrs. M. xiv 100] 
—— Welbore, Ellis, xlvii 509 
Agassiz, Lewis, xlix 690 
Aghrin, visct. li 569 
Agnew, sir And, xiii 180] 
maj.-gen. lv 113 
“Aickin, Jas. (actor) xlv 504 
d’Aiguillon, duke, xlii 61 
Ainslie, gen. xlvi 490 
Gilb. xlvi 500 
sir Phil. xtiv 507 
Ainsworth, Pet. xlix 597 
Airley, earl, xlv 499 
Dav. earl, liv 174 
Aislabie, W. xxiv 211] 
Aland, lord Fort, xxiii 250] 

Albany, duchs, xxxi 247] 
Albemarle, Anne counts. dow. xxxi 246} 
—— counts. lix 149 
earl, xv 168] 
Albinus, anatom, x 177] 
Albuquerque, duke, liii 157 
Aldborough, counts. dow. xxxviii 59) 
—_—_—_— — xliv 158 
— earl, xx 228] 
- xliii 63 
Aldham, mrs. Cath. xlix 585 
Aldridge, J. xxxvii 54 
Alexander, H. li 582 
— miss, xlv 498 
*d’Alembert, M. xxvi 240] 
*Algarotti, count, vii 85] 
Algeht, Pet. Christ. xix 229] 
Ali Mooley Meer Abdool, liv 181 
Allanson, mrs. Chas. 1. 149 

Chas xviii 212] 
Allen, hon. mrs. xliv 157 
—— rey. sir Asburst, xiii 191] 
—— Edw. (princ. Clement's Inn) xlix 560 
—— J. (direct. Ir. bank) xlix 550 
mrs. J. xlix 560 
Josh, visct. lviii 213 
—— sirT. viii 171] 
—— T. xlix 584 
—— W. xiv 100] 
xl vii 490 
——- x lix 588 
—— lady, viii 169] 
* Alley, rev. Pet. vi 104] 
Allin, sir T. xxxvi 49 
Allingham, J. Till (dramatist) liv 171 
Allix, J. Pet. xlix 576 
*Almeyda, Theo. xlvii 483 
Almosino, rev, mr. xliii 74 
Alms, adm. Jas. lviii 217 
Alsop, mr. xxxvi 50 
Alston, sir J. xlix 655 
— T. xvii 195 
lady (sir Row].) xlix 559 
Altamont, earl, xix 226] 
— xxiii 252] 
Althorp, viscts. Ix 201 
Altieri, card. xlii 57 
Alva, lady, xlviii 563 
Alvanley, baron, xlvi 474 
Alvensleben, count, xliv 517 
*Alves, Rob. xxxvi 47 
Amecotts, sir Wharton, xlix 595 
— lady (sir Wharton) xlii 62 
Ambler, Chas. xxxvi 48 
Amherst, adm. xxi 225] 
——-— lady (sir Jeff.) viii 169] 
—_—— Jeff. lord, xxxix 66 
—-—— mrs. (col.) xix 223] 
——~— lieut.-gen. W. xxiv 211] 
—_——— hon. W. Pitt, xlvi 479 
Amyand, sir Geo. ix 171] 
Amyatt, mrs. Jas. xlvi 497 
Ancaster, Mary duch. dow, xxxv 72 
—_ duchs, xlvi 464 
ene duke, xxi 226] 




Ancram, counts. xlvii 489 

Anderdon, Ferd. xlix 571 

Anderson, Alex. (M.D.) liii 165 

. John (F.R.S.) xxxviii 55] 
sir J. W. ly 118 

——— lady, x1 119 

Sarah (aged 140) lv 125 

lady (sir Steph.) xii 173 

sir Steph. xvi 167] 

— W. xv 166] 

Andover, visct. xlii 56 

André, sir W. Lewis, xliv 520 

Andrew, Rt. xlix 568 

Andrews, hon. Fras.(prov. univ. Dubl.) xvii 

——— lady (sir Jos.) xlvi 462 

sir Jos. xlii 66 

*———— Jas. Pett. xxxix 45 

Miles Pet. (dramatist) lvi 137 
Angerstein, mrs. xlix 601 

Anglesea, counts. xx 226] 

em mrs. (moth. to duch. Leeds) xlix 

Anhalt, count, xxxvi 50 

Bernburg, duke, viii 170] 

Cothen, princs, Carol. Louisa Fred, 
xi 214 

—-— prince Lewis, xliv 516 
Kéthen, prines. Charlotte, liv 176 
— Cothen, princes. xlv 526 
Dessau, prince Diederick, xii 176] 
——- Zerbst, prince, xxxv 69 
Ankerville, lord, xlvii 494 

Anketall, mrs. xix 224] 

Annaly, lord, xxvii 220] 

Hen. lord, xxxv 70 

lady, liv 171 

Annandale, marq. xxxiv 58 

Annesley, hon. A. H. lx 202 
—— Fras. (LL.D.) liv 174 
—— F.C. earl, xliv 520 

Geo. earl, lyi 131 

hon. Jas, vi 134] 

lady Sarah, xxxvii 54 
Anson, Geo. visct. lx 201 

PAnson, lady, xvii 190] 

rey. sir J. B. xli 67 

Anspach, margravye, xlviii 366 
“Anstey, Christ. xlvii 491 

Anstruther, hon. lieut. Fras. xxi 226] 
—— capt. Jas, xix 230] 

—— sir J. xli 62 

— liii 164 
—— Ix 201 - 
———_—— Phil. vi 133] 
——_—__—— 1. 148 

—— lady, xiii 190] 

— Janet, xliv 498 
Antonelli, card. x 178] 

Antrim, Alex. earl, xviii 214] 

Letitia, marchs. xliii 78 

- marq. xxxiii 59] 

Appleby, G. xlvii 469 

Appreece, Ashby (son, sir F, H) xlix 597 
Apsey, G, xlix 611 

*Apthorp, dr. East, lviii 214 - 
*Aragus, J. xxii 221] 
Aranco, M. xliv 493 
Arbuthnot, hon. Ann. xx 227] 
—— mrs. Eliz. xvi 166] 
—— John, viset. xxxiii 58] 
xlii 58 
———— Marriott, adm. xxxvi 48 
————- hon. Rt. xliii 66 
———— viscts. xxviii 220] 
—— — dow. lx 199 
Archbould, H. xlvii 512 
Archdale, col. lv 119 
Archdal], mrs. Rd. xlvii 499 
Archer, Andr. lord, xxi 225] 
lady Betty, xxxi 242] 
maj.-gen, C. xlix 605 
Clem. (M.D.) xlviii 547 
hon. H. xi 214] 
lady Mary, xix 227] 
—— lord, xi 218] 
mrs. viii 170] 
miss, xlvii 504 
Arcot, nabob, xliv 153 
Argyll, duchs. x 175] 
John duke, xiii 191} 
xIviii 414 
*Arkwright, sir Rd. xxxiv 37 
Armagh, bp. (Robinson) xxxvi 53 
archbp. (Newcome) xlii 56 
Armiger, lieut.-gen. Rob. xiii 187] 
mnrs. (lieut.-gen.) viii 170] 
Armitage, lady (sir G.) xlii 243 
“Armstrong, mr. xliii 77 
——_——-— Dan. v 68] 
*————— dr. xxii 228] 
—— Fras. xlix 559 
Armytage, sir G, xxvi 237] 
lady (sir G) xxx 231] 
Arnot, sir W. xxv 239] 
* Arnold, Sam. mus. dr. xliv 517 
Arran, counts, xxii 248] 
—— earl, xvi 170] 
*Arras, bp. (de Conzies) xlvi 515 
Artes, capt. xlix 576 
Arundel, hon. Ann. xxi 227] 
Jas. Everard, xly 502 
———— mrs. (Willoughby) xlix 561 
of Wardour, lord, 1. 171, li 569 
— dow. lady, lv 119 
———— lord, lix 146 
Arundell, barons, xii 173] 
hon. Anna Maria, xiil 179] 
——— lady, F. xii 176] 
—— hon. Maria Christ. xlvii 465 
—_—_——-_ T. xi 216] 
xxiv, 212] 
lord, xi 219 
——— nmrrs. xx 227 
Asgill, dow. lady, Iviii 216 
*Ash, rev. dr. J. xxii 209] 
Ashbrook, visct. xxiii 252] 
—_- xliv 494 
Ashburnham, earl, liv 174 
——— lady, xxiii 252] 



Ashburnham, sir W, (bp. Chichester) xxxix 

mrs. xx 226] 
Ashburton, dow. lady, li 596 
Ashby, Rd. xi 184] 
Asherton, sir R. viii 173] 
Asheton, lady (sir Ralph) xxxv 70 
Ashfield, Vinet. Pearce, xlix 608 
Ashington, capt. H. xlix 551 
Ashley, J. J. (organist) lvii 122 
Ashton, rev. G. ]. 155 
Ashurst, lady. xlix 554 
— sir W. H. xlix 602 
Aslong, miss, xxiii 253] 
Asseburg, baron Van, xxvi 237] 
Astell, Sam. xlix 603 
Astle, major, xvi 106] 
i Tho. (antiq.) xlv 527 
Astley, sir Edw. xliv 503 
Edw. J. xlviii 533 
sir Jacob Hen. xlyiii 547 
sir Jas. Hen. lix 144 
sir J. xv. 165] 
miss xv 168] 
Aston, lord, vi 74, 132} 
—— lady, vii 124] 
col. Harvey, xli 61 
sir Rd. xxi 225] 
hon. and rev. W. xlii 58 
Walt. lord, xlvii 491 
—— sir Willoughby, xv 167] 
sir Willoughby, lvii 124 
Athol, duchess dow. x 174] 
Jane, duchess dow, xxxvii 53 

——_——_———_—_——. xlii 245 
—— duchess dow. xlvii 504 
——— Jas. duke of, vii 122] 
duke, xvii 198] 
Attwood, mr. (music.) xlix 563 
———. G. xlix 585 
Auber, Is. xlix 588 
d’Aubeterre, marq. xxx 232] 
Aubrey, miss, xvii 197] 
——— mr. xxiv 213] 
—-— lady, xxx 232] 
—-— lieut.-col. lvi 131 
sir Thos. xxviii 221] 
*Auckland, W. earl, lvi 135 
Audley, lady, xxvii 254] 
Audley, lord, xx 227] 
—— lord, lx 203 
Avery, capt. xix 222] 
Aveyro, duchess dow, xiii 179] 
Aufrere, Geo, xliii 63 
mrs. xlyi 498 
Avonmore, vise. lyi 140 

vise. xlvii 494 
Austen, rev. H. xlix 590 
sit Rt. xv 165] 
Austin, dr. W, xxxy 5 
Austria, archduchess Maria Anne, xxxi 


archduchess, Maria Christ, x] 118 
——-— empress, xlix 567 
a viii 214 


Aylmer, lady, (sir Gerald) xxxv 73 

xlvii 460 

—— sir H. xxvii 22)] 

— sir matt. xix 225] 

*Aylofle, sir Jos. xxiv 175] 

Aynsley, lady (hon. and rey, lord C.), lv 119 
— rev. S. 1. 152 

Ayrton, Edw. (Mrs. D.) 1. 154 

Ayscough, lady, xix 224] 

-— mrs. (W.) xlix 572 

Aylesbury, counts, dow. xlv 495 

— counts. lv 1]3 

— earl, lvi 134 

Aylesford, counts. dow. xlvii 465 

earl, xx 228 
——-—— liv 181 
d’Azara, cheval, xlvi 466 

Bacon, lady (sir Edm.), lv 121 

lady L. viii 171] 

Sir Rd. xvi 169] 

Baddeley, mr. actor, xxxvi 54 
*Baden, Jas. Danish author, xlvi 520 
grand-duke, liii 163 

princes. dow. Anne Char. Lou. xx 


prince, xliv 144 

hered. prince, liv 181 

Baden, margrave, xiv 181] 

Baden, margravine, dow. princess, 
Maria Jos. Anna Aug. xix 225] 

Durlach, princes. Louisa Car, xxvi 

Bagge, Thos. and his lady, xlix 589 
Bagot, mrs, (bp. St. Asaph), xli 65 
lady, xlii 62 
lviii 220 
dr, Lewis, (bp. St. Asaph), xliv 51) 
Marcus, xxix 218] 
sir W. W. xi 213] 
Wm. lord, x1 119 
Bagshaw, G. xlix 582 
Bagwell, hon. mrs. xlv 498 
Bailey, Hugh, xix 227] 
Baillie, miss E. xlvi 498 
Baird, sir W. xiv 180] 
maj.-gen. Jos, lviii 214 
Baker, sir G.(M.D.) li 621 . 
capt. Hen. xlvi 488 
lady Jane (sir G.), lv 121 
— Rd. xlix 562 
lady (sir Rt.), xlvii 472 
Sam. xlvi 512 
Tullius, xviii 97] 
sir W. xiii 186] 
* mr. ix 121] 
Balen, Louis, xlix.548 
Balcarras, counts. lyiii 220 
———_-- earl, xi 214] 
Balderston, J. Besset, 1. 171 
Baldy, Rt. xvii 88] 
Balfour, miss Hel. (sir Mich.) lyi 132 
— R, xlix 603 
Balincourt, marq. de, xiii 186] 
Ball, Levi, xlix 610 




Ball, major, xi 77] 
Ballantyne, Patr. xlix 581 
Ballenden, John, Sth lord, xxxviii 67] 
Baltimore, lord, xiv 180] 
Bambridge, Josh. xii 120] 
Bamff, lord, xlv 510 
“Bamford, mr. xi 191] 
Bamfylde. dow. lady, xxxi 242] 
——- sir Rd. xix 227] 
Banbury, counts. dow. xl 118 
earl, xiii 177] 

—— xix 227] 
——_——-—_ xxxv 69 
Bandinell, rev. dr. Jas. xlvi 510 
*Bandon, counts. lvii 128, lviii, 211 
Banff, lord, xiv 181] 

Bangor, baron, xxiv 211) 

— bishop (Ewer), xvii 198] 

bp. (Warren), xlii 57 

viscts. dow. xxxi 242 

Banks, Hen. xix 228 

sir Hen. xvii 195] 

mrs. S. xlvi 497 

miss S. lx 203 

Bannerman, sir Alex. xvi 170] 

*Bannister, C. (actor), xlvi 504 

*Banks, T. (sculptor), xlvii 464 

*Banti, madi. (singer), xlvili5i4 

Baratty, J. P. xlix 559 

Barber, C. xli 64 

F. xliii 65 

J. xlix 570 

Barclay, Dav. xii 87] 

— maj. Dav. xlix 606 

*——_—— David, li619 

Bareith, margrave, xii 172] 

Barfoot, capt. J. xlix 580 

Barham, Chas. lord, lv 119 

Bariatinsky, princess (d. lord Sherborne), 
xlix 570 

Baring, lady (sir Fras.) xlyi 512 

‘* sir Fras. lii 399 

Fras. lii 405 

J. lvii 213 

Barker, dow. lady, xix 227] 

lady, xiv 180] 

H. (clerk chance.) xlix 605 

sir J. ix 168] 

J. rear-adm. xix 221] 

‘sir Rt. xxxi 245] » 

rev. —, xlix 581 

Barlow, Fras. Wm. (M. P.) xlvii 476 

Hugh (M.P.) li 602 

Barnaby, sir Jas. xxiii 252] 

Barnard, And. xlix 599 

—— rev. dr. E. xxiv 215] 

—-— sir J. knt. vii 125] 

—_—— — ix 172] 

—— J. xlix 559 

—— rev. T. xxxvi 54 

Barnardiston, rey. dr. xxi 199 

Barnes, J. Barker. xlix 548 

Barnet, J. xiviii 534 

o———— rev. dr. }. 147 

-<-—— mrs. xviii 2) ] 

Barnewell, hon. G. xiv 179} 
———-- sir T. xxxii 244} 
Barnsley, Josh. xii 136] 
Barrett, hon. Isaac, xliv 513 
hon. mrs. xix 223] 
= Thos. xlv 494 
*Barré, col. xliv 73 
Barrington, Ann, viscts. lviil 216 
3 — hon. Daines (antiq.) xlii 58 
lady Diana, ix 170] 
———— sir Fitzwilliam, xxxiv 62 
sir J. xix 225] 
—_—-— — lx 201 
—— Rd. visct. lvi 132 
hon. Sam. xlii 63 
————— viscts. vii 125] 
Wm. visct. xliii 70 
Barrow, sir C. xxxi 242] 
Barrowby, sir Walt. xvi 173] 
Barry, hon. Arth. xiii 190] 
hon. C. xiv 181] 
sir Edw. (M.D.) xix 224] 
Barry, James, (painter), xlviii 514 
t Jas. Hugh Smith, xliii 76 
——— hon. J. Smith, xxvii 221] 
hon. Smith, xlvii 500 
* Springer (actor), xx 166] 
capt. W. xlviii 575 
Barrymore, earl, xvi 172] 
———— lord, xxxv 16 
Barsham, W. capt. xlix 609 
Barstow, Thos. ]. 148 
Bartiza, counts. xlii 63 
Bartleman, — (music.) 1. 158 
Barton, lady A. xiv 179] 
mrs. J. xv 170] 
—— Jas. xlvi 504 
adm. Matth. xxxvii 54 
Barwell, Rd. xviii 207] 
Rd. xlvi 498 
*Barwis, Jackson, li 588 
mrs. lvi 141 
Baskerfield, mrs. xlix 588 
*Baskerville, J. (printer), xviii 114] 
Baskett, rev. Kingsman, xlix 578 
Bastard, lady Brid. xvi 172] 
——-—— mrs. (J. Pollexfen), 1. 153 
——— J. Pollexfen, lviii 214 
Baston, capt. T. xlv 522 
Bateman, lady B. viii 170] 
hon. mr. xvi 168] 
xxvi 239] 
— lady dow. xii 172] 
viset. xliv 500 

—_ viscts. xliv 162 
Bath and Wells, bp. (Willes) xvi 175] 
——_—____—. bp. (Moss) xliv 503 
Bath, Henr. Laura, counts. |. 158 
earl, vii 124] 
—— Tho. margq. xxxviii 67] 
Bathiani, pr. Chas. xv 166] 
card. xli 67 
Bathurst, counts. dow. xlix 590 
Allen, earl, xviii 212] 
hon. and rey. Allen, x 177] 



Bathurst, hon. Apsley, lviii 212 _ Beckford, rt. hon, Wm. xiii 188] 

lady Eliz. xiv 181] : —_ hon. mrs. xxxiii 58] 

Edw. xv 167] Beckley, mrs. xlix 595 

Hen, ear], xxxvi 52 Beckwith, F. A. F. xlvii 504 

hon. John, xx 228] Bective, counts. lx 201 

mrs. Poole, xlvi 485 ——— Thos. earl, xxxvii 53 
—— lady Selina, xx 229} Beddingfield, T. xxxi 246] 

mr, x 174] Bedford, H. W. (Brit. Mus.) xlix 601 
Battesent, sir Walt. xv 169] — duke, xiv 175] 
Battle, mrs. xlix 611 — duchs. dow. Gertr. xxxvi 51 
Bavaria, bp. (brother Chas. 7th) vi 52] . Fras. duke, xliv 501 

duchs. dow. xxxii 240] Bedingfield, sir Rd. x 177] 
—— duke Clement, xiii 189] —————— lady M. B. liii 159 
——— Chas. duke, xxxi 203] Bedwell, ‘rev. J, (aged 103) lvi 141 
elector, Maxim. Jos. xxi 224] Beevor, rev. J.1, 161 
——$— Chas. Theod. xli 56 sir T. lvi 134 
Baugh, lieut.-gen. Lanc. xxxiv 58 Behagne, count de, lv 118 
Baurmeister, gen. xlv 504 Belford, col. W. xxiii 251] 
Bayles, Tho. xviii 211] Belhaven, lord, vii 125] 
Baylis, dr. xxix 201] ——- xx 226] 
Edw. (M.D.) xlix 599 ———— Wn. lord, xxxviii 56 
Bayly, Carey, xlviii 575 —-——— lord, lvi 139 din 
lady, viii 172] ——— and Stenton, dow. lady, _ lviii 
hon. capt. Paget, xlvi 507 216 

Baynton, sir Edw. xlii 56 Bell, Geo, xlix 554 

Bayntun, sir And. lviii 220 ‘Hamilton, xlix 576 
—— Tho. xix 230] — John, xxiii 225] 
Bazely, adm. J. li 612 Isaac, xlix 605 
Beach, mrs. A. C. xlvi 466 Rt. xlix 548 

T. (portrait painter) xlviii 574 *— rev. dr. W. lviii 222 
*Beard, J. (singer) xxxiii 13] — xlix 561 

mrs. xlix 565 Bellamont, counts. Ix 200 
Bearcroft, Phil. Rog. xlvii 499 ————— ear], ix 169] 
Bearsley, mrs. (W.) xlix 551 _-— - xlii 65 
*Beaton, mrs. xliv 506 Bellamy, lieut J. xlvi 519 
*Beattie, dr. xlv 517 Bellasyse, lady Cath. xxx 230] 

Jas. lii 405 —_ hon. Rowl. xi 215] 

*Beauchamp, Jos, de (tray. and antiq.) xliii_ Bellenden, hon. mrs. xviii 206] 
5 — lady E. xl 117 
earl lviii 223 Bellew, lord, xiii 189] 
—— miss Let, xxiii 250 lady, xliii 66 
viscts. xv 165 dr. R. Cath. (bp. Killala) lv 119 

Beauclere, lady, D.). 158 Bellis, W. xlix 576 : 
Beauclerk, lord G. xi 215 Beliisle, viscts. xiv 178] 
— lady Georg. xxxiii 61] Belmonte, Pignatelli, prince de, xliii 71 
— hon. Henrietta, )viii 223 Belmore, earl, xliv 497 
— lady H. xxx 231] *Beloe, rey. W. lix 144 
—lord Jas. (bp, Hereford) xxix *Belloyth, xviii 96] 
238] Belvidere, prince, xlyii 469 
hon. Joph. xxiii 250] — earl, xyii 198] 
lady Wm, xiii 188] —————- Geo. Aug. earl, lvi 134 
— hon. col. xviii 212] Bendlowes, Phil. xii 174] 
—— mrs. xvii 191] Benet, W. H. xlvii 460 
Beaufort, duchs. dow. xli 60 Benett, sir W. lv 123 
—— duke, xlv 522 *Bennet, mrs. A. M. (novelist) 1. 147 

Beaufoy, Hen. xxxvii 54 

hon, C. x 178] 
Beaulieu, earl, xliv 520 

lady Emma, lv 115 

*Beaumarchais, dramat. xli 60 —_—_—— Harr. xliii 66 

Beaumelle, M. de la, xvi 176] J. xIvii 503 

Beaumont, dow. lady, lvi 134 Bennett, hon. Mary (lieut.-gen.) lviii 221 
Bebe, king of Poland’s dwarf, vii 89] ———— J. A. liv i81 

Bechinne, mrs. (mother duchs. Roxburgh) Bentham, rev. Edw. (D.D.) xix 226] 
xlvi 511 ¥ . — Jas. (antig.) xxxvi 39 

Beck, sir just. Den. vii 122] Bentinck, Charl. counts. dow. xlii 57 

“Beckford, Peter, liii 157 hon. Chas. xxii 246] 


Bentinck, lady Chas, lv 123 Billers, rey. Jos. xii 165] 

lord C. W. C. xiii 189] Billingsley, J. liii 165 

count de, xvii 197] Bingham, lady C, xlvii 471 
-——— hon. capt. John, xviii 213] —#_— H. xlix 612 

W. adm. lv 114 —— rev. J. M. xlix 549 
“Bentley, mrs. vii 95] —— lord, xli 58 
—— adm. sir J. xv 164] Bingley, lady, xiv 177] 
Berdt, Dennis de, xiii 187] — — lord, xvi 167] 
Beresford, rt. hon. J. (M.P.) xlvii 512 Binning, lady, xvi 169] 
—— sir Marcus, vi 132] Birch, Geo. xlix 555 
————— lady (commod. sir J.) lv 119 —— rev. dr. ix 168] 

mrs. xxxvii 54 Bird, capt. J. xlvii 500 
— mrs. (archbp. Tuam) xlix 588 *“— J. xix 130] 

Berkeley, hon. C. viii 171] *Birkenhout, dr. J. xxxiii 16] 
————- Edw. xvii 195] Birkhead, C, (barrister) xlix 559 

lady Eliz. xix 230] Biron, duc de, xx 228] 

~ rev. G. xxxvii 53 —— duke de, xxx 219] 

——- sir G. Cranfield, lx 198 Bishop, sir Cecil, xxi 226] 

—— counts. dow. xxxiv 60 W. pres. Barbadoes, xliii 72 
- rey. dr. (dean Tuam) xlix 589 Bishopp, lady C. xlix 597 

——— lord, xvi 169] *Bisset, dr. Rt. xlvii 478 
mrs. (rel. bp. Cloyne) xxviii 221 — Rt liii 163. 
Bernard, sir Fr. xxii 247] Bisill, Fras. xlviii 537 
——— hon.*Fras. lv 114 Blackford, Barrington Pope, lviii 216 
— lady (sir T.) lv 119 Blacket, sir Walt. xx 227] 
sir Rt. xxxi 242] Blackett, sir Edw. xlvi 466 
rev dr. T. (bp. Limer.) xlviii 533 —— lady (sir Edw.) xlvii 516 
dr. W. (bp. Londonderry) xi 213] * Jos. <poet) lii 400 
—— mrs. xliv 513 — sir T. xxxiv 60 
Bernberg, Anhalt, duke, viii 170] Blackhall, Chas. Offs. xix 222] 
Berney, sir Hanson, xxi 225] Blackiston, sir Matt. xvii 195] 
—_—— xxxiv 60 Blacklock, ensign Day. xlvii 503 
*Bernis, card. xxxvi 39 Blackshaw, Rt. xi 118 
*Bernouilli, Dan. xxiv 209] *Blackstone, sir W. xxiii 250] 
Berriedale, lord, xliv 51] Blackwell, sir Lambert, xiiii 68 
Berthier, gen. Vict. Leop. xlix 571 Blackwood, mrs. xlvi 470 
Bertholet, count, xliv 523 Blair, C. xliv 157 
Bertie, lord Albemarle, viii 96] *“—— dr. Hugh, xlii 66 
lady C. xli 55 : —— sir Jas. Hunter, xxix 237] 
— M. x 175] —_——_—— xlii 61 
— Montague, xxiv 2J1] —— rt. hon. Rt. liii 163 
— mrs. Pereg. viii 170] —— mrs. Wm. xviii 207] 
lord Rt. xxv 237] Blake, Christ. xxiii 249] 
lady Rt. xl 118 —— sir F. xxiii 250] 
lord Vere, xv 217] —— lady, sir Fras. vi 134] 
rev. — xvii 190] —-— miss F, xxiii 251] 
mrs. xlvi 508 sir Walt. xliv 503 
—— (adm.) xlvii 471 Blakeley, J. xlix 578 
Berry, capt. xix 221] Blakeney, lieut.-col. xlvi 507 
mrs. (rev. Butler) xlviii 537 ———- Pat. xxiv 190] 
Berwick, lord, xxxi 242] Blanchard, mrs. xlix 576 
Betson, capt. Dav. xlvii 484 —_——_— J. xlix 580 
Bettesworth, maj.-gen, Rd. xliii 69 Bland, rey. dr. xi 215] 
Beverley, Isab, counts. liv 170 Blandford, marchs. xxii 248] 
Bevis, Walter, xi 148] Blankenberg, baron, xli 33 
Bewicke, sir R. xiv 180] Blaney, lady, xviii 209 

Bickerton, sir Rd. xxxiv 57 a 

xxxii 243] 
lady (adm. sir Rd.) liii 164 

lord, xviii 214] 



Bickett, Eliz. xlix 585 Blantyre, lord, xix 222] 

Bicklinski, count, ix 171] -— Alex. lord, xxvi 240] 

*Bidlake, rev. dr. J. lvi 151 —— dow. lady, xxv 240| 

Biddulph, Walt. xviii 212] Blaquiere, lord de, liv 179 

Bigg, mrs. (Thos. Chas.) xlviii 569 mrs. (hon. Peter Boyle) lv 135 

Biggerstaff, J. xlviii 545 Blayney, lord, xxvii 220] 
Biggin, G, xlv 625 Blenerhasset, col. J. xviii 209] 




Blenman, Jon. xlix 554 

Blessington, earl, xii 174] 

—— dow. lady, xvii 197] 

viscts. x 176) 

Blewit, sir Walt. xiv 180] 

Bligh, lady Cath. xliv 496 

—— hon. W. (son of earl Darnley) xlix 

Blois, sir J. ix 170] 

—— lady, xxiii 249] 

Blosse, sir Rt. Lynch, Ix 201 

Blount, sir Edw. viii 372] 

mrs. M. Agnes, xx 228] 

sir Walt. xxvii 254] 

— W. xlv 524 

lady (sir Walt.) xlvii 463 

Blumanthel, count (Pruss. minist.) xlii 59 

“Blundell, H. lii 401 

Blunden, lady (sir J.) liv 175 

Blunt, mrs. Cath. xix 222] 

—— sir C. W. xliv 515 

Boag, lieut.-col. J. liv 183 

Tobias, xxv 239] 

“du Bocage, mad. xliv 519 

*de Boeck, C. J. xlv 364 

Boehler, rey. Pet. xviii 209] 

Boerum, Sim. xviii 211] 

Boger, capt. Coryndon, xlvi 486 

Boisgelin, card. de, xlvi 498 

Boisrond, col, xviii 211] 

maj. xlvii 510 

Boittrieul, count, xlvii 478 

Bolingbroke, Charl. counts. xlvi 464 

Fred. visct. xxix 237] 

Bolton, duke, viii 171] 

6th duke, xxxva55 

duchs. li 606 

Tho. lord, xlix 584 

Bond, sir Chas. x 176] 

—— G. (serjt. at law) xxxviii 59] 

—— mrs. M. xvi 97] 

J. xliii 67 

Nich. xlix 579 

Thos. xlix 549 

Bonfoy, Nich. xviii 213] 

Bonham, Rd. Paul, xlix 550 

— mrs. Sam. xlix 584 

*Bonnel, mrs. xxii 237] 

Booth, mrs. Barton, xvi 72] 

Ben. xlix 569 

mrs, Fred. xlix 584 

Rd. (Glendon hall) xlix 558 

rey. Rd. Salway, xlix 591 

sir Rt. N. G. lvi 139 

hon. miss, viii 169] 

Boothby, sir Brooke, xxxi 243] 

—— W. lieut.-gen. xxix 237] 

*Borda, Chas. (mathem.) xli 60 

Boreham, mrs. xlix 612 

Borlace, rey. dr. xix 137] 

*Borlase, rev. G. li 644 

*, ——— W. xv 167] 

Borringdon, lord, xxx 231] 

Borrowes, lady (sir Eras.) xlix 581 

Borthwick, lord, xv 168] 


Bosanquet, Sam. xlviii 540 

— W. xlii 22 

Boscawen, hon. maj.-gen. x 176] 

—_—_—_—_—_—— _ mrs. xxvi 238] 

— (adm.) xlvii 468 

——— G. Evelyn, 1. 148 

——-_ Hugh, xvii 195] 

x — W. (poet) liii 160 

Boschi, ecard. xxx 232] 

Boston, Wm. lord, xviii 208] 

lady, xii 173] 

Bosville, col. W. ly 123 

Boswell] Bruce, xlix 576 

Boteler, sir Phil. xv 165] 

——— mrs. Sarah, x 175] 

Botetourt, lord, xiii 191] 

Bott, Rd. xxxvi 48 

Bougainville, count (navigator) liii 164 

Boughton, lady (sir C. W. B) 1. 159 

sir Edw. xxxvi 47 

————— Theod. xxiii 252] 

—— lady (rev. sir T.) xxvii 253] 

————_——— xxix 237] — 

Bouillé marg. de, xlii 65 

Bouillon, Phil. prince de, lviii 222 

Bouligny, chev. de, xlvii 510 

*Boulton, Matt. li 633 

Bourdeilles, M. (ex-bishop Soissons) xliv 

*Bourgelais, M. xxxii 201] 

“Bourgeois, sir Fras. (painter) liii 155 

Bourke, dr. Jos. dean(archbp. Tuam) xxxvi 

Bourmaster, adm. J. xlix 608 

Bourne, rey. J. xlviii 534 

Bouverie, lady Barbara Pleydell, x1 118 

—_——. Carol. xv 166] 

Cath. xxvi 239] 

— hon. L. P. liii 167 

lady M. E. x 177] 

hon, W. H. (2nd son, earl Radnor) 
xlviii 546 

Bowden, mrs. (rev. R.) xlvi 511 

Bowen, rev. T. xlix 606 

*Bower, Arch. ix 140] 

Benj. vi 102] 

*Bowes, And. Robinson, li 587 

maj.-gen. Foord, liv 180 

John, lord, x 176] 

mrs. (hon. Thos.) liii 163 

Bowlby, lady Mary, lv 114 

Bowles, maj.-gen. Rt. liv 180 

Bowley, Devereux, xvi 169] 

Bowyer, sir W. x 176] 

-~ lady {sir W.) xxvii 253] 

sir W. xli 59 

«—_— W. (printer) xx 212} 

Boyd, sir J. lvii 126 

—— Rt. xxxvi 49 

——— hon. W. xxiii 252] 

—— lady (sir J.) lv 115 

— (sir Rt ) xxxiii 62] 

— miss, xxii 246] 

*Boydell, alderm. J. (artist) xlvi 513 

——— ors. (Jas.) xlix 607 





Boyes, capt. C. W. li 595 
Boyle, lady Hatton, xxiii 252] 
—— Jane, xxiii 249] 
Boyles, adm. C. lviii 223 
Boyne, Gust. visct. lviii 214 
visct. xv 164] 
Rd. visct. xxxi 244] 
Boynton, lady A, lvii 125 

sir Griffith, xliii 70 
Boyntun, sir Griff. xxi 225] 
Boys, J. (M.D.) 1. 160 
— W. xvii 106]} 
Boyes, Sam. (poet) xviii 208] 
Brabazon, sir Anth. xlv 512 
Bradford, Eliz. dow. lady xlviii 519 

sir H. Hollis, lviii 224 
——— Jas. xlix 607 
—— nr. xlviii 542 
*Bradshaw, mrs. xxiii 252] 
T. xvii 198] 
Bradstreet, sir Sam, xxxiii 58] 
—— maj.-gen. J. xvii 197] 
Braine, capt. D. H. xlix 589 
Braithwaite, maj.-gen. sir J. xlv 516 
Bramah, Jos. lvi 140 
Bramham, maj.-gen. Jas. xxviii 222] 
Bramstone, lady, xvi 166] 
*Brand, rev. J. (antiq.) xlviii 547] 
Brandenburgh, margrave, xiv 177] 
——— Anspach, margravine, xxvii 


——_——_—.—— Bareith, dow. Margr. xxxiv 

Brandon, lady, xii 175] 

counts. xxxi 242] 

Branthwaite, Miles Southern, xlix 554 

Braxfield, lord, xli 61 

Brazils, prince Jos. Fras. Xavier, xxx 

Breadalbane, earl, xxv 237] 

Brereton, Owen Salusbury, x! 86 

*Breslaw, — (conjurer) xlv 507 

*Breteuil, M. de (archit.) xlix 612 

xlix 607 

Breton, sir Wm. xvi 167] 

Brett, sir Piercy, xxiv 215] 

Brice, adm. xix 229] 

Bridge, lady Eliz. xv 166] 

Bridgeman, H. xxv 239] 

— sir H. xlii 61 

Bridgen, alderm. xxii 232] 

Bridger, lady (sir J.) xlv 529 

Bridges, sir Brook, eldest son, xxiv 212] 

—— lady (sir Brook W.) lviii 216 

———— Jane xix 224] 

——— hon. mr. ix 169] 

Bridgewater, duchs. xx 228] 

*________ Fras. duke, xlv 500 

Bridgman, sir Orl. vii 124] 

lady Lou. Isab. xliii 72 

Bridport, adm. lord, lvi 134 

Brigges, sir Hugh, x 178] 

Briggs, sir Jonathan, xvii 199] 

Chris. Fred. margrave, xlviii 

Briggs, Steph. xlix 548 
Brighouse, R. xlix 596 
Bright, H. (mayor Bristol) xlix 605 
Brindley, Jas. (engineer) xv 168] 
Brinley, Wentworth, xlix 548 
Brisbane, J. adm. xlix 608 
Brisco, sir J. xlvii 516 
Bristol, Aug. earl, xxii 249] 
Bristol, bp. (Newton) xxv 237] 
— (Wilson) xxxiv 58 
Eliz. counts. xii 66 
Geo. earl, xviii 207] 
2 earl (bp, Cloyne) xlv 512 
Broadhurst, maj.-gen. liv 181 
Brock, maj.-gen. liv 181 
*Brocklesby, dr. Rd. xxxix 58 
Brockmann, (German actor) liv 177 
Brocksopp, xlix 589 
Broderick, adm. xii 172] 

hon, Thos. xxxvii 53 
Broderip, mr. xlix 535 
Brodie, W. liv 170 
Brome, Edw. xlix 596 
Bromfield, lieut.~col. xlix 559 
Bromley, rev. Rt. Anth. xlviii 565 
Brooke, Arth. xlviii 569 
lady, xx 227} 
Geo. lord, xxviii 221] 
H. Vaughan, xlix 610 
—— Jas. xlix 598 
sir Jos, xxxviii 64] 
lady Penelope (sir Jos.) lix 142 
——- col. Rt. liii 156 
and Warwick, earl, xvi 171] 

— counts. dow. Eliz, xlii 


Brookes, — 1. 161 
Edw. maj. (duel) xvii 515 
Brooks, Jos. xlix 547 
Broome, gen. xxxviii 61] 
Broomhead, J. xlix 568 
Broughbridge, dr. W. (aged 112] xv 88] 
Broughton, sir Bryan, ix 168] 
— Edw. xy 165 
*——____-— J. (pugilist) xxxi 197] 
— rey. sir T. Jv 120 
lady, lv 123 
Brown, Geo. xix 229] 
sir G. viii 171] 
— J. xviii 206] 
—— J. (engraver) xliii 75 
adm. J. 1. 152 
——— lieut.-col. Lyde, xlv 514 
——— hon. Mary, xix 226] 
mrs. xlix 555 
Wm. xliv 494 
Browne, field marsh. xxxvi 54 
— mrs. hon. xix 222] 
—-—— hon. capt. G. xlvi 510 
———— lady (sir Jas.) xxxvi 50 
——-— mrs. Hawkins, xliv 503 
——— Jas. Hawkins, lx 200 
———— Tho, sec. Levant comp. xlix 610 
——— sir Wm. (M D.) xvii 191] 
——— gov, W. xliv 498 


860 . 



Brownlow, lord, xlix 609 

— Soph. lady, lvi 1382 

Brownrigg, mrs. (maj.-gen.) xlvi 483 

Bruce, lady Christian, xviii 206] 

sir H. Harvey, lviii 216 

——— J. ix 170] 

*——— Jas, (traveller) xxxvi 12 

—— hon. Jas. xl 119 

—— capt. Lawr. xlix 580 

— sir Michael, xxxvii 54 

lady R. xlv 495 

———— Rob. xv 167] 

——— lady Sarah, xxxvii 54 

—— hon. Tho. xxxix 68 

——- Stewart, xlix 571 

——— lord, xxvi 238 

—— lady, xlvii 505 

Brudenell, bon. mrs, vii 123] 

mrs. (col.) xlv 521 

————_—— T. x 176] 

——_— lady, xxviii 220] 

H. ix 170] 

G. Bridges, xliii 64 

hon. col. Rob. xi 218] 

Bruix, adm. xlvii 471 

Brunn, miss E. xlix 571 

Brunswick, prins. Amel. Louisa Charl. xvi 

— Aug. duchs. lv 115 

—— — duke, xxiii 250] 

— Fred. duke, xlvii 512 

— duchs, dow. sister to Frederick 
the Great, xliii 64 

— Bevern, prince Aug. Wm. xxiv 


—— Luneburg, duch, xxi 226] 

— prince Fred. ix 120] 

——__-___.___— pr. Ferdin, Geo. ix 

——___.—__—_—__——- princess dow. xi 

——_—_—__——— Lewis, Ern, 
xxx 231] 



he ee ee rddke: “Wi. rere. 
xlviii 567 

— Oels, duke, xlvii 503 
Brunton, miss, xlviii 504 
Brydges, sir Brook, xxxiii 60] 
—_—— rev. Edw. Tymewell, xlix 598 
———— Jas. xxxi 244] 
lady, xxiv 209] 
*Brydone, Pat. Ix 201 
Buccleugh, duchs. lvi 138 

Chas. duke, xi 116 
— H. duke, liv 165 
Buchan, countess dow. xxii 245] 
——-— Marg. counts. ]xi 116 
— earl, x 179] 
. — Dr. W. xlvii 467 

*___—_ mrs, xxxili 32] 

Buchanan, sir Anth. xxiii 214] 

*______ rev. Dr. Claudius, lvii 123 
— sir W. xxiv 210] 

——-— prov. xiv 146] 

Buck,flady (sir C.) vit 125] 

Buck, sir C. xxv 238] 
Sam. (engraver) xxii 225] 
Buckinghamshire, counts. xi 176] 
ri Alb. counts. dow. lviii 

————_—————-Caroline, counts. dow. lix 
—___—_—_—_-——- Geo. earl, xlvi 507 
——~—— G. marq. lv 114 
John, earl, xxxv 72 
————-——. Rf, earl, viii) 2). 3 
Buckle, mr. xix 229] 
adm, Matt. xxvii 221] 
Buckley, J. xlviii 531 
Bucknell, mrs. Tho. Skip. Dyot. xlv 505 
Buckner, adm. C, liii 157 
Buckworth, lady, xviii 206] 
—— miss C. xvi 176] 
—— sir Ever. xxii 245] 
“Buffon, xxx 231] 
Bugge, prof. (Dan. astron.) Ivii 122 
Buggin, lady (sir Geo.) xlvti 500 
Bulkeley, capt. xlix 561 
——— lady, xiii 189] 
——— mrs. Ann, xvi 97] 
rey. C, xxxix 67 
——— lady F. x1 119 
——_—— maj. W. xliii 73 
J. B. Coventry, xliii 66 
Bulkley, lady, aged 105, xvii 192] 
Bullard, Eliz. xlvi 511 
ar ri rev. dr, bp. of Exeter, xxxviii 


Edw. xxxiii 57] 
—— sir Fras. xlii 61 
—-— J. xxviii 221] 
lady Jane, xxxvi 48 
J. (M.P.) xlix 574 
——— mr. xi 104] 
Thos. xliv 498 
* Bullock, — xlix 578 
— J.(M.P.) li 592 
Bulow, baron, xix 225] 
Bulwer, capt. J. xlix 579 
W. earl (col.) xlix 583 
Bunbury, lady, ix 169] 
H. W. liii 161 
Bunce, miss, xix 221] 
Burbage, G. xlix 609 
Burdett, lady, vii 125] 
——— — liv 175 
iP Bon 
——~—— sir Chas. xlv 513 
Fras. xxxvi 48 
sir Rt. xxxix 64 
Burford, counts. xlii 63 
Burges, sir J. Smith, xlv 505 
Burgess, lady Cath. xlv 511 | 
— capt. H. xlix 602 
———— T. artist, xlix 605 
— hon. mrs. xxi 227] 
*Burgh, Jas. xviit 151] 
+_ --— W. (LL.D) 1i 585 
--——— rt. hon. Walter Hussey, xxvi 239] 
Burghersh, lady, ix 169} 




Burgoyne, lady, Char. xix 225] 

Jobn, xxxiv 60 

sir J. xxviii 222] 

— Mont. Rog. lix 146 

——_— Rog. xxiv 165] 

*Burke, Edm. xxxix 40 

mrs. relict, liv 174 

sir H. J. lvi 132 

—_———_—— T. lv 118 

Burland, sir J. xix 223] 

J. Berk. xlvi 506 

Burnaby, rev. Dr. And. liv 171 
lady E. (sir W. C.) lviii 214 

*Burnby, J. xlvii 470 

Burnet, sir T. xxvi 239] 

: widow, (aged 116) lii 369 
Burney, dr. C. lix 149 
*—_— Chas. (M.D.) lvi 133 

Burnier, mr. xv 125 + 
Burr, mrs. (gr. niece sir J. Newton,) xxxii 
194] ’ 

mrs, (maj.gen.) xlv 511 
Burrard, sir H. xxxiii 58] 
——~— lieut.-gen. sir H. lv 122 
Burrel, miss, xxvii 220] 
Burrell, sir Merrick, xxix 237] 
—-—— Pet. xviii 214 
*——— lady Sophia, xliv 511 
*______ sir W. xxxviii 56] 
———— mrs. xxxi 244] 
Burrough, rev. Stanley, xlix 582 
Burroughs, Wm. xlv 509 
Burrowes, commod. Alex. Saunderson, xlviii 

Burrows, sir Eras. lvi 139 
Burton, sir Chas. xviii 210] 

—C. liv 175 
—~— rev. dr. Dan. xviii 209] 
: J. xlviii 531 
mrs. (col. F.) xlvii 471 
Bury, visct. xlvi 481 
*Busching, Dr. Anth, geogr. xxxv 26] 
Bushnan, Jos. xxxix 64 
Busk, sir Wadsworth, liii 167 
Bute, counts. xxxvi 54 
John, ear] xxxiy 58 
lvi 139 
—— marchs, xlii 57 
Butler, capt. ix 121] 
col. xv 167] 
hon. col. xiii 187] 
lieut.-col, Archib. xlvii 487 
hon, Edm. xxiy 215 
lady (sir Edw.) lviii 216 
— Dr. J. bp. Hereford, xliy 521 
hon. Rob. vi 133] 
rt. xlix 580 
hon. Simon, xxxix 66 
—— sir T. xv 168] 
Wm. vi 79) 
miss, xlv 380 
Butts, rev. W. xlviii 532 
Burhooden, gen. liii 166 
Byard, sir Tho. xl 119 
Byers, capt, W, xlvii 488 

Byng, mrs. xxviii 221] 

hon. G. xxxiv 62 

mrs. G. xlvii 510 

*Byrne, C. (Irish giant) xxvi 209] 
Mich. xv 169] 

*——— W. (engraver) xlvii 499 
W. xlvii 499 

Byron, count, duke of Courland, xv 170] 
Fred. Geo. xxxiv 57 

hon. Geo. xxxi 243] 

adm. J. xxviii 221] 

J. xivii 465 

John, xxxiii 60] 

hon, and rey. Rd. liii 166 
hon. W. xix 226] 

——— Wm. Sth lord, x1 118 
lady, xxx 231] 
—_———--— liii 164 

Cadayal, duke, xix 228] 
*Cadell, Tho. xliv 522 
Cadogan, Chas. earl, xlix 563 
—— Hen. xvii 196] 
rev. W. Bromley, xxxix 64 

- dr. W. xxxix 65 
— hon. mrs. xi 216} 
Cadwallader, lieut.-gen. xviii 214] 
Caernarvon, earl, liii 163 
Caher, dow. lady, lvi 133 
Cahier, lord, xxx 231] 
mrs, xix 204] 
Caithness, earl Alex. viii 173] 
John earl, xxxi 242] 
Caillaud, gen. J. liv 183 
Calcraft, J. xv 167] 
Calder, maj.-gen. sir H. xxxiv 57 
sir Jas. xvii 196] 
lady {sir Jas.) xi 215] 
Jas. xIvii 486 
lady, xix 229] 
Caledon, earl, xliv 149 
Call, sir J. xliii 84 
Callan, lord, lvii 129 
Callaway, J. xlix 584 
Callender, lady (sir J.) lvii 128 
sir J. liv 174 
*Callisen, dr. xxxix 7 
Calmady, adm. (C.H.T.) xlix 562 
Calthorpe, hon. Harriet, lv 114 
— Hen. lord, xl 118 

lord, xlix 578 
Calvert, mrs. (Edw.) xlix 603 
——— Felis, xliv 502 
—— John, xli 59 
——— dr. P. xxx 252] 
lady S. W. x 177] 
Cambioso, doge of Genoa, xv 169] 
*Cambray, M. (architect) xxxi 231] 
*Cambridge, Rd. Owen, xliv 516 
Camden, earl, xxxvi 48 
Camelford, lord, xxxv 69 
*—___— Thos. lord, xlvi 470 
— dow, lady, xly 506 
——— lady, xlv 507 
*Cameron, Jenny, x 143] 



Carr, rev. J. xlix 580 

sir Rt. xxxiii 57] 

sir T. lvi 135 

— — sir W. xx 227]... 
lady Marg. xxiv 175] 
Carrick, counts. xlvi 469 
earl, xvii 191] 

Campbell, sir Arch. xxxiii 58] 
—— lady, (sir Archib.) xlvi 490 
—_—- (sir Archib.) lv 120 
———_———  B. xiv 177] . 

sir Dune. viii 170] 
— mri. E. H. xiii 189] 
— lord Fred. lviii 216 

—-—— rev. dr. Geo. xxxviii 61] —_—_—_—_—— lv 120 

———— lady Harriet, xvii 192] Carter, Anth. xlv 499 
—_——_—— H. ix 163] mrs. Blackhall, xi 175] 
——_—— J. of Stonefield, xliii 69 *—_ E. xlviii 389, 512 

sir Jas. xlvii 471 . J. (her brother) lii 408 
—- lady Marg. xxxiii 63] ———— xlvii 507 

—— lord W. xxi 227] ——— Jus. xlix 588 ; 
——— lady W. xxvii 221] lady (sir J.) lvi 131 
= — W. xxix 237) lieut.-col. xlix 590 
———— lord, vii 124] ——— rev. ix 102] . 
—— nis. xlvii 495 mr. (mus. comp.) xlvi 504 
Cann, mrs. xiii 177] Cartier, gov. J. xliv 496 
Canning, lady Georg. xlvi 508 Cartwright, (a dwarf) xvi 87] 
Cantelupe, lord, xv 165] —_—_—_— air J.xyv 167] 
Canterbury, (Secker) archbp. xi 217] — hon. mrs. xxxiv 59 
— archbp. (Cornwallis) xxyi 237] Carver, Edw. xlvi 483 

- archbp. (Moore) xlvii 461 Cary, hon. mrs. xli 60 

Capel, lady Anne, xlvyi 464 
*Capell, Edw. xxiv 168] 
Capellis, baron, xiii 187] 

Car, rev. Jos. xIviii 531 
Carberry, lord, xxvi 238] 

— dow. lady, xxxi 244] 
——— baron, xlvi 519 

lord, xlix 558 

Card, mrs. John, xlix 578 
Cardon, Nath. xix 204] 

Carew, sir T. xlvii 474 

dow. lady, lix 143 
Carey, G. Saville, xlix 583 
hon. Mrs. xxvi 239] 
Carhampton, counts. dow. xl 119 
—— earl, xxix 236] 
Carless, rev. J. xlix 549 
Carleton, rey. G. xxxiii 56] 
—— hon. mrs. lvii 129 

— gen. lix 142 
Carlingford, lord, xxxi 244] 
Carlisle, bp. (Lyttleton) xi 219] 
bp. (Low.) xxix 237] 
——— counts. dow. xxxvii 53 
Carlow, visct. xxii 248] 
Carlton, lady (sir J.) x 177] 
*Carlyle, (prof. Arab.) xlvi 482 

hon. gen. G. xxxiv 58 
Carysfort, dow. lady, xxvi 237] 
lord, xv 167] 
Cashel, archbp. (Cox) xxii 247 
*Caslon, W. (letter-founder) ix 58] 
Cassilis, counts. vi 132] 
Day. earl, xxxiv 63 
Tho. earl, xviii 215] 
*Casti, abbé, (poet) xlv 372 
Castlehaven, earl, xii 173] 
Castlestewart, earl, li 639 
Castleton, rev. sir J. xx 229] 
Castries, field-marsb, de, xlii 2 
Caswall, rev. J. xlix 581 
Cathcart, lady, xiv 181] 
—— rt. hon. Chas. xix 227] 
— dow. lady, xxxi 244] 
hon, miss, xxxvi 53 
Catherlough, ear], xv 166] 
Cator, J. xlviii 515 
Cats, Rt. xlix 560 
Cattazaro, bp. xliv 513 
*Cavallo Tiberius, lii 362 
Cavan, counts, ix 171] 
——. earl, xv 168] 
xxi 227] 
counts. dow. liii 157 

Carmichael, sir J. Gibson, xly 525 Cave, miss Penel. xiii 178] 
Wm. archbp. Dublin, viii 173] lady, xvii 193] 
——-— hon. Wm. and his lady, xix sir T. xxi 226] 
225] ———— xxiii 251] 
Carnarvon, counts. dow. lv 115 Tho. xxxiv 56 
—— marchs, xi 217] lady (sir T.) Ixi 116 
Carnegie, sir Day. xlvii 479 Cavendish, lord, C. xxvi 238] 
Jas. viii 170] ——_———— lady Elean. liv 174 
—— — lady, Marg. x1 119 - Fred. liv 170 
Carpenter, Ben. xxx 231 } — lord Geo. xxxvi 49 
— dow. lady, xxxiii 59] ——- hon. H. lii 375 
———— hon. capt, xlv 519 — sir H. xlvi 493 
Carr, lady Charl. Holwell, xliii 65 —_———- lord Rd. xxiv 214] 
*— J, (archit.) xlix 555 ———— col, W. liv 168 


Cavendish, hon. mr. xxii 247] 

_ mrs. xlvii 487 
———- miss, xxviii 221] 
Cauldwell, capt. Edw. xviii 206] 
Caulfield, capt. E. A. 1. 161 

Cayley, sir G. xxxiii 60] 

Cecil, lady Benet, xii 175] 

hon. T. C. xvi, 173] 

T. Chambers, xxi 227] 
——_——- mrs. vii J22 

——— xlv 49 

mr. xx 228] 

Cevizzeni, card. xliv 512 

Chabot, counts. xii 173] 

Chad, sir Geo. lvii 129 

Chadwick, sir And. xi 216] 
———— lady (sir And.) xxvi 239] 
Chalmers, sir G. bt. vii 123] 

3 Jas. ii 398 

sir Rt. xlix 590 
—_———— VW. liii 167 

Challoner, sir T- ix 170] 
*Chambaud, Louis, xix 181] 
*Chamberlain, W. (painter) xlix 584 
Chamberleyne, sir H. xix 222] 
Chambers, sir Robt. xlv 507 

* —— W. (archit.) xxxviii 57] 
——— lady (sir W.) x! 118 

— rey. mr. xix 225] 
Chamier Anth. xxiii 252] 
Champagne, lieut.-gen. Forbes, lviii 223 
Champneys, rev. dr. lii 405 
——— lady (sir T.) xxxili 59] 
Champion, J. xlviii 536 

xli 64 

Championet, gen. xlii 57 
Champour, M. Barbon, ly 115 
Chandos, duke, xiv 181] 
——— —— xvii 192] 

Jas. duke, xxxi 244] 
——- duchs. dow. ly 113 
Chaplin, C. (M.P.) lviii 221 
——— lady, E. lv 122 
——— miss Emma, xlv 5]! 
Chapman, lady (sir Ben.) xliii 87 
——— nis. (rev. dr.) xix 229] 
dr. G. xlviii 515 
sir J. xxiv 210] 
lady (sir J.) xlii 58 
John, xlii 68 
capt. P. xliv 494 
*Chapone, mrs. H. xliii 79 
*Chappe, M. xlvii 458 
Chapple, lady, viii 173] 
*Charlemont, Jas. earl, xli 64 
Charleton, adm. W. lvii 122 
Charleville, earl, vii 122] 
counts. xxxi 244] 
Charlton, sir J. xix 222] 

——— N.L. xlix 572 
Charter, mrs. xlvi 470 
Charteris, lady Cath. liv 175 

mrs. (actress) xlix 595 
*Chastellux, marq. xxx 219] 
*Chatelet, duke de, xxxviii 63] 


“Chatham, baroness, xlv 384, 502 

— Wm. earl, xxi 225] 

Chatterton, sir Jas: xlviii 528 

mrs. Rt. xlvii 506 

Chavelin, marq. xvi 176] 

Cheaney, mrs. E. xly 498 

Chedworth, dow. lady, xviii 215] 

lady Doroth. xx 227] 

—— H.F.T. lord, xxiv 215] 

Cheere, sir H. xxiv 209] 

Chenevix, rev. Rd. (bp. Waterford) xxii 


“Cherry, A. (dramat.) liv 176 

Cheshire, miss Penel. xxxiy 57 

Chessall, Matt. xlix 574 

Chester, rey. sir Anth. xii 174] 

Chesterfield, dow. lady, xxi 226] 

———— Henrietta, count. lv 118 

— Phil. earl, lvii 127 

Chesterhall, lady, xiv 178] 

Cheston, R. B. (M.D.) lvii 127 

Chetwode, sir J. xxii 246] 

Chetwood, sir Ph. vii 126] 

Chetwynd, lord, xiii 187] 

— W. lord, xxxiii 62] 

Louisa, xxvii 221] 

Chevalier Abbé, le, xlix 612 

Chevenix, Dan. xix 223] 

Chichester, lady C. A. vi 132] 

———— lady Em. xiii 188] 

— Henr. ix 170] 

———— Tho. earl, xlvii 459 ... .. 

— bp. (Ashburnham) xxxix 4 

———— counts. dow. ly 115 

Chiffoey, Sam. xlix 548 

Child, J. xlix 606 

*__ R. xv 119] 

—— Rt. xxiv 218] 

hon. mrs. yi 133] 

China, emperor, Kien Long, xli 39 

Chinnery, dr. G. (bp. of Cloyne) xxiii 252] 

*Chisholm, (archit.) li 581 

Chisholme, W. (M.D.) xlix 560 

*Chiswell, Rd. Muilman French, xxxix 12 
mrs. (Rd. M. F.)xlix 579 

Choiseul, mad. xliii 87 

Cholmley, mrs. xvii 199] 

Cholmondeley, lady Henr. xii 173] 

—_—__ hon. Jas. xviii 213] __ 

——_——— lady Penel. xxviii 220] 

— hon. and rev. Rt, xivi 488 

—_—_—-——.. Rt. Fras. xx 228] 
ee earl, xiii 188] 
*_____“migss, xlvill 447 

Cholwich, rey. dr. xviii 212] 
Christian, J. adm. sir Hugh, xli 55 
lady (sir H.) 2. 
*Christie, Jas. xlv 462, 525 
"Churchill, Chas. (poet) vii 126] 
— J. xli 49 
— lady Marg. xliii 86 
——_— nrrs. xi 182] 
—_—— W. 1. 157 
— lieut.-gen. 1. 158 
Churchman, sir T. xxiv 216] 




*Cipriani, (painter) xxvii 248] 

Claggett, mrs. (Horatio) xlix 559 

*Clairfait, lieut.-gen. xl 64 

*Clairon, Madlle. (French actress) xlv 496 

Clanard, col. count Sutton, xliv 502 

*Clancy, miss, xxvi 222 

Clanbrasil, counts. dow. xxxiv 59 

Jas. earl, x1 118 

———— Grace counts. lv 113 

Clancarty, lord, xii 175] 

— earl, xlyii 483 

Clanrickard, counts. dow. xlv 531 

earl, xxv 238 

— marq. xxxix 68 

— Tho. 13th earl, 1. 158 

Clanwilliam, earl, xlii 65 

Rd. 2nd earl, xlvii 497 

Clare, earl, xliv 497 

Clarendon, counts. xxxii 243] 

Tho. earl, xxviii 222] 

Clarges, hon. mrs. xxiii 252] 

——_—— W. (sir T.) xlix 576 

—-— W. xlix 585 

Claridge, mrs. E. xi 184] 

Clarina, lord, xlvi 486 

lady, lvii 122 

Clark, J. xlix 601 

Clarke, lady (sir Arth.) xxxiv 62 

Chas. J. xliii 77 

sir F. xii 172] 

—— rey. J. xi 148] 

sir Phil. Houghton, xl 118 

——— sir R. xiii 189] 

—_—.— Tho. vii 125] 

*—— W. xlvii 506 

Clavering, hon. col. ix 169] 

sir J. xxi 225] 

lady (sir J.) lvii 128 

sir T. xxxvi 54 

——— lady (sir T.) xxxiv 61 

*Clay, Sam. li 630 

W. xlvii 509 

Claybrooke, rev. J. xlv 512 

Clayton, lady, xvii 196] 

——~—— sir Kenrick, xii 173] 

—— sir Rt. xli 59 

Cleaver, rev. dr. Euseby (archbp. Dublin,) 
lxi 118 

——— mrs. (archbp. Dublin) lviii 216 

c rey. dr. W. (bp. St. Asaph) lvil 

*Cleghorn, G. (anatomist) xxxi 232] 

Clement, 13th, xii 71] 

Clements, hon. Nath. xx 228] 

"Clerk, Fred. Anth, xliii 83 

*—-— J. liv 175 

— sir Jas. xxvi 237] 

Clerke lady, (rev. sir W. H.) lvii 125 

——— lady, lvi 136 

——~— sir Phil. Jennings, xxx 230] 

Clermont, W. H. earl, xlviii 556 

le Clerque, Marg. xlv 494 

Cleveland, duke, xvii 193] 

Clieve, mrs, Ann, xvii 153] 

Clifden, Jas, visct, xxxi 242] 

Clifden, dow. viscts. xliv 513 ~ 
viscts, lv 122 

Cliffe, lieut.-gen. lviii 220 

Clifford, lady F. xiv 179] 

hon. Frances, xlix 568 

C. xlii 64 

—— Hugh lord, xxvi 239] 
— — xxxv 69 
—~— H. (barrister) lv 117 
——— hon. Rt. lix 143 

dow. lady, xliv 521 
Clifton, lady, viii 170] 

- (sir Gerv.) xxii 248] 
—— sir Gerv. lvii 128 

Clinton, lady, x1 118 

lord, xxxix 68 

gen. sir Hen. xxxvii 55 
—_—_—— J. lv 114 

—— lady Lucy, vi 154] 
——— lord John Pelham, xxiv 215] 
—— lady Susan, lviii 220 
Clithero, A. xlix 609 

Clitsome, J. xlviii 514 

Clive, lady, lix 149 

mrs. xvi 166] 

*____— (actress) xxvii 248] 
—-— hon. Charlotte, xxxvii 54 
——- sir Edw. xiv 177] 

-—— Rob. lord, xvii 199} 
Cloberry, Rt. Glynn (M.D.) xlii'57 
Clogher, bp. (Garnett). xxv 237] 
Clonbrook, lord, xxxvii 54 
Cloncurry, Marg. baroness, xxxvil 53 
— lord, xli 65 

Clonfert, bp. (Young) xlii 65 
Clonmell, earl, xl 118 

Clootwick, gov. J. xlvi 470 
Clopton, J. Skrimshire Boothby, xlii 25 
*Close, maj.-gen. sir Barry, lv 116 
Cloyne, bp. (Chinnery) xxiii 252] 

. bp. (Hervey, earl of Bristol) xlv 

Clutterbuck, lady, xv 169] 
Coape, mrs. xvi 97] 
Coates, Hump. xviii 128] 
Cobb, Rt. xlix 577 
Cobbe, archbp. Dublin, viii 170] 
Cobenzil, count, xiii 186] 
Cobham, visct. xxii 248] 
Coburg, Saxe, prs. Chal. Wilhelmina, x 175] 
—————-— Scalfeld, duke, vii 125] 
Cockburn, rev. dr. W. xix 225] 
Cockburne, sir Jas. xlvi 502 
——— John, xliv 495 
Cochrane, lady Cath. xix 228] 

hon. J. xliii 87 
———— lady (sir T.) Ixi 117 
M. xlvii 471 
Cocks, (clk. patents.) xviii 203] 
——— mrs. E, (aunt, lord Somers) |. 154 
—— hon. Reg. xlvii 511 
——— sir Rob. viii 170] 
Tho. Sommers, xxxviii 67] 
Codrington, Edw, xviii 205] 
wen lady (sit We) xxi 227] 



Codrington, sir W. xxxiv 58 
—— lviii 222 
*Cogan, T. (M.D.) lx 197 
Coghill, sir John, xxxii 239] 
*Coghlan, J. xlix 562 
Coke, Jas. xviii 214] 
Wenman, (M.P.) xix 224] 
ee J. (hanged for rebellion) Ix 

city Alex. xviii 206] 

Cole, lady A. xxxi 244] 

*—— rev. Thos. xxxviii 62] 

— T. Rea, xlix 577 - 
—— rev. W. M. xlvi 499 
Colemill (fortune-teller), xvi 130] 
Coleraine, lady, xxiii 253] 
lord, xvi 167] 
——— John, 2nd lord, xxxvi 55 
earl, xxxvii 53] 

lord, lvi 140 

Coleridge, mrs. rev. J. 1i 645 
Coles, Phil. xlix 590 
Colleton, sir Jas. Nassau, lvii 122 
Collick, J. xlix 605 

*Collier, mrs. D. vii 108] 
sir Geo. xxxvii 53 
——— rev. J. xlix 582 
W. xiv 516 
Collington, J. Wheler, xlviii 534 
Collingwood, hon. mrs. xx 226] 
— mrs. xlix 611 
~— adm. lord, liii 378 
Collins, capt: xlix 612 
mrs. Celest. xlv 499 
—— sir J. xxxvi 48 
—-— T. (actor) xlviii 531 
T. (prop. Southampton Theatre, 
&c.) xlix 606 
rey. dr. T. xlvi 489 
Collinson, J. xlix 581 

——— Peter, xi 217] 
Colloredo, count Fras. xiviii 521 
——-— princes. xxxvi 54 
Colloseau, viscounts, xxxvii 53 
Collowrath, count, ix 171] 
*Collyer, Jos. xix 123] 

*Colman, G. (dramatist) xxxvi 26 
brig. -gen. Fras. J. liii 167 
Colmore, Lionel, xlix 560 

Cologne, (elector) xxvii 220] 
xliii 85 
Colquhuon, miss C. A. (sir G.) xlvi 513 
———— lady Helen, xxxiii 56] 
sir Jas, xlvii 474 
—— W.xlv 496 
*Colston, Edw. vi 98] 
Colthurst, lady (sir J.) xvii 197] 
sir Nich. Conway, xxxvii 54 
Coltman, J, 1 147 
Colvil, hon. C. xviii 212] 
Colvill, hon. Jas. John, xxviii 220] 
lord, xxv 237] 
Colville, hon. Alex. viii 170] 
—— mrs, M. xiii 190] 
—_—— on xii 176] 
Parr Il, 

Colville, lady, xxx 232] 
——-— lord xiii 188} 
——_— iii 158 
Colwell, mr. xlvii 499 
Colyear, hon. J. David, xliii 66 
—_—— Fr. xxix 237] 
—— lady M. and lady Jul. xlii 60 
Combe, Bennet, xlviii 505 
*—— Chas. M.D. lix 143 
Comers, baroness, xxvii 219] 
Comfort, mr. xlix 595 
Comming, adm. Jas. 1 159 
Compton, dow. lady, xix 229] 
—— lady Marg. xxviii 221] 
—— Pen. vi 132] 
sir W. Abingdon, xvi 173] 
Condamine, M. de la, xvii 190] 
Condé, princes. lv 115 
Louis Joseph, Ix 200 
Coney, Bicknell, liv 168 
Congreve, lieut.-gen, sir W. lvi 136 
Coningham, maj.-gen. G. xly 570 
Connell, Arth. xviii 207] 
——— lady Phil. x 174] 
Conningsby, lady F. xxiv 216] 
Connolly, xxxvi 50 
—— rt. hon. Thos. xlv 505 
Constable, Edw. xlv. 498 
lady Winif. Maxwell, xliii 85 
Constance, prince bp. of, xlii 57 
Conti, prs. dow. xviii 210] 
prince de, xix 228] 
Conway, rt. hon. tield-marsh. xxxvii 54 
hon. miss, xiv 178] 
Conyers, sir Blackstone, xxxiii 61] 
J. xviii 212] 
lady, xvii 198] 
ee earl, xxiv 210] 
— lord, xxix 237] 
baroness, lvi 139 
Elen. counts. lviii 216 
*—_————rt. hon. W. Burton, xxxviii 
Cook, C. Molloy, xlvii 473 
Cooke, sir Bryan, ix 169] 
Geo. xi 216] 
*—— G. Fred. (actor,) liv 180 
lady Mary, liii 165 
rey. Sam. xlix 582 
dow. lady, xxxiv 58 
Cooley, lady M. xxiv 209] 
Coombe, Thos. xlviii 571 
*Cooper, mrs. (rev. dr.) xlix 583 
C, xli 59 
miss E, A. lyi 137 
——— G, xlix 576 
—— Gislingham, xi 77] 
*——— rt. hon. sir Grey, xliii 70 
—— xlix 549 
——— adm. R. Palliser, xlvii 507 
——— Wm. (Cambr.) xlix 549 
Coote, hon. mrs, xxiv 209] 
visct. viii 170] 

a QM 

Cope, C. xxiv 212] 
—— sir Denzil, liv 183 


Cope, sir J. viii 170} 

~ Mordaunt, xxii 246] 

+—-—— (aged 12) xxiv 216] 

Monoux, vi 133] 

—— lady, xiii 186] 

(sir Rich.) xliii 66 

Copley, sir Jos, xxiv 211] 

Corbet, mrs, xix 222] 

lady Aug. xxi 225] 

sir Rd, xvii 197] 

Corbett, sir C. 1i 629 

Erasm. xlvii 484 

———— rev, dr. xyiii 212] 

Corbie, Marguerite, xli 12 

Corbion, (music.) xlii 59 

Corbyn, mrs. x 95] 

Cork, earl, Hamilt. vii 122} 

and Orrery, earl, xl 119 

Cornish, adm. S. lviii 214 

capt. F. S. xlix 583 

sir S. xiii 190] 

Cornwall, C. Wolfran (speaker) xxxi 242] 

———_ mrs. xxvi 240] 

Cornwallis, hon. Edw. xix 222] } 

dr. Fred. (archbp, Canter.) xxvi 




hon, J. xi 216] 
—— mrs. (bp. Lichfield) Nii 166 
— counts. xxii 246] 
— lady, xix 230] 
Corrie, Rd. xlix 577 
Corry, rt. hon. Is. ly 118 
Cosby, Pole, ix 169] 
lady (sir H.) lix 144 
*Costa, Mendez de, vii 78] 
Cotes, Washington, xlix 596 
Cotterell, lady (sir J. Geers) lv 119 
———— W. xiv 89] 
Cotton, lady A. M. xlix 578 
adm. sir C, liy 171 
mrs. E, xix 229] 
lady (sir J. H.)xii 174] 
sir J. Hynde, xxxvii 53 
sir Lynch Salusbury, xviii 211] 
rt. Salisbury, li 638 
lady, xx 226] 
Couchman, H. xlix 595 
Coventry, counts. vi 132] 
—— dow. xxx 231] 
earl li 637 
hon. Emily E. xxxi 244] 
hon. T. H. xxxiii 61] 
——— Thos. xxxix 32 
Coulton, rev. Rd. 1. 155 
Courayer, le rev. dr. P. F. xix 189] 
de Courcy, hon. Americus, lvi 140 
——~—— Elean. Eliz. Anne, lv 118 
hon. capt. Nich. lv 120 
and rey. Ger. xxxiv 59 
J.iv 119 
Courland, prince Chas. xliii 87 
Courteney, lady E. (bp. Exeter) lvii 129 
hon. H.R. vi 133] 
Te dr. Hen. Regin. (bp. Exeter) xlv 




Courtenay, Helena, princess, xi 217] 
——- lady Jane, xliv 496 
——— hon. Isab. xxvi 200] 
vist. xxx 233] 

———- xxv 238] 

———— mr. (bagpipe-player) xxxvi 62 
——— hon. Eleanor, xxxi 242] 
Cowans, Eliz. xlix 612 

Cowell, mrs. (lieut.-col.) 1s 161 
Cowley, Ab. xvi 123} 

Cowling, S. xlix 558 

Cowper, rey. dr. Spencer, xvii 191} 
dow. counts. xxiii 251] 

earl vii 125] 

Geo, earl, xxxi 247] 
earl, xli 56 

hon. mrs. xxii 247] 

*—— Wm. (poet) xlii 12 
Cox, mr. xxiv 213] 
dr. Mich. Arch. Cashel, xxii 247] 
Coxe, Hen. Hippesley, xxxvii 54 
J. Fras. Buller Hippesley, }. 146 
Coxhead, sir T. liii 167 
we dr. John (archbp. Dublin) xxi 


Craig, gen. sir Jas. H. liv 168 
—— W. lord, lv 120 
Cranfield, lord, xii 173] 

Cranstoun, rt. hon. Jas. xvi 171] 
— lord, xvi 171] 
~—————— xxi 226] 

hon. mrs. xlix 599 
Jas. lord, xxxviii 66] 
Craven, lord, vii 125] 
—— xii 17, 

Wm. lord, xxxiii 62] 

mrs. (mother lord C.) xxxi 244] 
Crawford, Alex. xlix 549 

——— sir H. ix 171] 

W.xlv 529 

—— lady xxxvi 49 

Creech, W. (Edinb.) lvii 122 

Creed, Cary, xviii 208] 

— capt. Rt. xv 97] 
Creedy, adjutant. xlvii 485 

Creighton, rt. hon. Abr. xv 166] 
Cremorne, visct. ly 115 

Crequy Canaples, counts. xxxviii 60] 
Crespigny, sir Claude, E. lx 197 
*_——— Phil. Champ. xly 493 
———-— lady de, liv 178 

miss, xlvii 486 

Creswicke, dr, (dean Wells) ix 168] 
*Crevier, M. viii 158] 

Crew, T. xvii 88] 

Cribb, capt. W. R. xlvii 486 

Crigan, rev. dr. Claud. (bp. Sodor) ly 118 
Crillon, Mahon, duke de, xxxviii 63] 
Crobally, mr. (aged 128) xlix 590 
Croft, sir Archer, xxxivy 63 

—— rev. dr. G. li 618 

—— rev. sir Herb. lviii 216 

—— lady, x 176] 
———_ xlvii 463 

Crofton, sir Edw. lviii 212 



_ Cumberland, 




Crole, Hezekiah, xv 169] 

Cromartie, counts. xii 173] 

earl, ix 171] 

Cromie, lady Gertr. xxxviii 61] | 

eee H. (great.-granda. of Qliver) xv 

—— O01. xx 166] 

Crook, rev. — vi 54] 

Crookshank, hon. Alex. lv 123 

Crosbie, gen. xlix 560 

mrs. x 179 

sir Edw. (exec. for rebel.) xl 118 

lady Fras. xi 217 

lady Theod. xxv 238 

Crosby, Brass, (alderm.) xxxv 11 

Cross, capt. H. xlix 603 

hon, mrs. xiii 189] _ 

*Crouch, mrs, (singer) xlvii 501 

*Cruikshank, Jas. xvi 156 

Cruikshanks, W. xlii 61 

*Crumpe, Sam. M.D. xxviii 56] 

Cruser, lieut.-col. J. Harris, xlix 580 

Crusius, rey. dr. xviii 209] 

Crutwell, rev. Clem. ]. 160 

*Cuerton, Dan. (extraordinarily strong man). 
xlv 380 

Cuffe, hon.W. ix 168] 

hon. lieut.-col. W. xxxiv 62 

"Cullen, dr. W. xxxii 196] 

visct. xliv 511 

viscts. xliy 512 

Cullum, mr. 1. 162 

——— sir J. xvii 190] 

-———— miss (dau. sir Thos. Guy) xlv 507 

Culme, J. xlvi 469 

mrs. (bp. Kilmore) xviii 210]. 

Rd. (dramat.) liii 161 

— Wm. Aug. duke, viii 137, 173] 

— duke Hen. Fred, xxxii 244] 

Cummings, sir W. xv 167] 

*Cummins, W. (knife-swallower) li 612 

Cunliffe, sir Ellis, x 178] 

—-— lady (sir Ellis) lvi 139 

Cunningham, sir Day. x 178 

— xiii 188] 

J. xx 229) 
——— J. (poet) xvi 174] 
_—_ — W. xlvi 518 

————— sir Walt. M. lvi 137 
—_———_ gen lviii 217 
Cunninghame, lieut.-gen. Jas, xxx 232] 
lady, M. xx 228] 
Curran, mrs. (mother J. P.) xlix 560 
*—— J. Philpot, lix 148 

Curteis, dr. T. xviii 209] 

Curtis, capt. xliv 512 

~—-— adm. sir Rog. lviii 223 

his widow, lix 144 

Tim. xlvi 494 

Curzon, Anna Marg. visets. xlvi 489 
—-— mrs. Ashton, xvii 190] 

G. Aug. W. xlvii 459 

-—— hon. mrs. vii 124] 

Curzon, hon. mrs, xxv 239] 
-——-—— Penn Asheton, xxxix 63 

—~-— lady, vii 124] 

—— xix 223] 

Cust, dr. (dean Linc.) xxvi 240] 

—— F. Cockayne (M. P.) xxxiii 62] 

— sir J. xiii 186] 

— mrs. L. C. xlvi 467 

—— hon. miss, xxx 232] 

—— lady (sir Brownlow) xv 165] 
xviii 206] 

Custelow, J. xlviii 537 

Custine, gen. xxxv 46] 

Cuyler, lady (sir Corn.) lviii 212 

Czartoriski, prince Mich. xviii 211] 

Czernichew, prince, xvi 172 

Dacre, barons. |. 160 

lord, xxviii 220 

—— dow. Jady, xlviii 546 

—— mrs. Jos, xviii 208) 

barons. Ixi 117 

Dacres, capt. T. ]. 171 

Daer, Wm. lord, xxxvi 54 

—— lord, xxxvii 53 

D’Aeth, sir Narborough, xvi 174] 

Dahl (scene painter) xix 204] 

Dale, rev. T. A. xlix 580] 

Dalhousie, counts. dow. xlix 561 

—— earl, Chas. vii 122] 

——— Geo. earl, xxix 238] 

Dalinsky, count, xi 117] 

Dalkeith, earl, xi 215] 

Dallas, mrs. (maj.-gen.) lvi 137 

Dalling, gen. sir J. xl 117 

Dalmahoy, sir Alex. xvi 175] 

Dalermple, C. (son lord Westhall) xlix 

—-——— mrs, Charl. I. 162 

hon. Day. xvii 220] 

sir Day. xxxiv 63 

——— lady Hel. liv 180 

——— Hew, xxvi 239] 

——— lady Penel. Crighton, xxvii 

— W. xxv 237} 

— sir W. xiv 177] 
—————— gen. W. xlix 555 
Dalston, lady A. vii 124] 
sir G, viii 170] 
lady xix 228] 

Dalton, sir W. xiv 180] 
D’ Alton, counts, dow. lvii 127 
Dalzell, sir Rt. xxxiii 61] 
Dalziel, lady Marg. xxiv 211] 
Daly, Dennis, xlix 565 
Damer, John, xiv 162] 
hon. J. xvii 219] 
—— mr. xix 227] 
Dampier, — (dean Durham) xx 229}, 
——— sir H. lviii 213 
——— dr. T. (bp. Ely) liv 175 
*Dancer, Dan. (miser) xxxvi 31] 
Danvers, mrs. Butler, xliv 506 
sir J. xxxviii 66] 
—_—_——- sir Mich. xix 227 
Darby, adm, G, xxxii 2394 

3K 2 




Darby, lieut. 111377 

—— mrs. (capt.) xvi 169] 
“Darcet, J. (prof. chemistry) xliii 65 
Darell, lady (sir Lionel) xlii 61 
—— sir Lionel, xly 524 
Darlington, counts. vi 134] 
———— dow. xlii 64 
—_——— Cath. counts. xlix 581 
———— Hen. 2nd earl, xxxiv 61 
——— T. xlix 581 

Darnley, earl, xxiv 213] 

—— Marty, counts. xlv 502 
Dartmouth, counts. dow. xlvii 466 
—_——— Legge, earl, lii 407 
Darwell, Thos. xlix 581 

*Darwin, dr. xliy 503 

Dashwood, lady (sir H) xxxviii 66} 
— sir Jas. xxii 249] 

lady (sir Jas.) xl 118 
mr. (sir H. Watkins) xlv 523 
—_——_—— mrs. xvi 170] 

Daubuz, mrs. xvii 197] 

Davers, sir C. xlviii 537 

—-— Chas. Sydney,xlvi 465 
—-— lady, xxiii 249] 

——— mrs. xlvii 495 

Davie, sir J. xxxiv 62 

—_———- xlv 507 
Davies, capt. J. liv 178 
*—— T. xxvii 233] 

—— rey. W. xxxii 196] 

mrs, xliii 65 

Davis, rev. H. M. xlix 587 

—— mrs. Jane, xx 188] 

5 Joc. xlviii 517 

*— L. xv 129] 

Daun, count, xiv 177] 

—w— field marshal, ix 61, 169] 

Davy, lady (sir J.) xix 230] 

————- Anne (sir J.) liv 182 

Dawes, lady, xvi 167] 

Dawson, lady Anne, xii 172] 

—-—— hon. Arth. xviii 209] 

——— Jos. lvi 134 

hon, mrs. Massey, xvii 480 
Rd. xxi 225] 

Rd. (M. P.) xlix 591 

——- T. xlix 584 

hon. mr. xxix 237] 

——— miss, xxix 237] 

——-— hon. Rd. xxi 225] 

Day, mrs. (capt. J.) xlv 499 

Sam. xlviii 535 

— lieut.-gen. Theod. xxviii 220] 

—— Thos. xxxi 226] 

—— W. xlix 575 

Dean, Alex. xxxii 195] 

Deane, sir Rob. xiii 186] 

maj.-gen. xviii 211] 

*__. Silas, xxxi 223] 

Deans, adm. Rt. lvii 123 

Deare, capt. G. xlix 609 

—— hon. R. Fitzmaurice, xxxviii 56] 

Debbieg Hugh. gen. lii 388 

De Bolle, Jos, (bookseller) xix 584 

De Burgh, hon. Jas, vi 133] 
Dee, J. xix 224] 
Deerhurst, lady xxi 228] 
Defroiziers, Madile. (actress) xlix 590 
De Grey, T. xxiv 212] 
De la Croix, C. xlvii 510 
Delahunt, J. (M.D.) lv 124 
Delamer, lady xvi 172] 
———— lord, xiii 186] 
Delancey, col. sir W. lvii 126 
——_—— dr. (dean Down) xi 215] 
——— mrs, Mary, xxx 204] 
Delany, rev. dr. (tit. bp, Kildare) lvi 

*Delaval, Edw. Hussey (F.R.S.) lvi 137 
lady (sir F. Blake) vi 134 
—-—— sir Fras. Blake, xiv 180] ‘ 
__— — John, xviii 211] 
lady, xxvi 239] 
Delawar, earl, ix 169] 
counts. dow. xxvil £21] 
John earl, xix 227] 
earl, xxxvii 54 
Delves, lady, xv 165] 
*Delolme, J. L. xlix 572 
Deloraine, counts. xxv 238] 
earl, xlix 596 
*Delille, Abbe (poet) lv 119 
De Lille, M. Bertr. lv 124 
Delitz, counts. de, xvi 175] 
Delme, John, xix 222] 
Dempster, Geo. Ix 198 
Denbigh, counts. xii 173] 
— xxv 239] 

Basil, earl, xlii 62 

Sarah, counts. lvi 139 
Denby, mrs. xlvi 503 
Denhan, sir Arch. xvi 171] 
J. S. xxiii 252] 

Rt. xlix 568 

sir W. xix 226] 
Denison, Jos. xlviii 573 
Denman, Jos. (M.D.) liv 178 
T. (M.D.) lvii 129 
Denmark, Fred V. ix 168] ~ 
— Soph. Magd. queen xiii 188] 
— Carol. Matilda, queen, xviii 209] 

princs. Louisa, xxxvii 54 

—— — Juliana Maria, queen, dow. xxxyiii 


Ee -~.—-¢—-BRen mn | 

princes. roy. xliy 492 

— Fred. hered. prince, xlvii 516 
Dennis, sir Pet. xxi 226] 

mrs. Sus. xix 230] 

Denny, sir Barry, xxxvi 49 

Edw. xviii 206] 

lady Jane (sir Walt.) liii 166 
Dent, adm. sir Digby, lix 143 
*Denton, T. xxxi 207] 

Derby, counts. xxxix 64 

Edw. ear), xix 222] 

Dering, dow. lady, xviii 215] 

sir Edw. xl 119 

liii 164 

Derrick, mr, xii 172] 




Derusset, J. xlix 561 

Desaguliers, gen. xxiii 250] 

Desart, Anne, counts. lvi 137 

lord, x 179] 

earl, xlvi 492 

Desanges, W. xlix 565 

Descaseaux, chevalier, xvii 96] 

*Desenfans, Noel, xlix 583 

Desmaretz, col. xi 182] 

Despencer, barons. le, xxx 231] 

lord le, xii 172] 

—_——. xxiv 216] . 

Dessau, prince Eug. xxiv 310] 

Desse, lady (sir W.) xxvi 240 

Des Voeux, sir C. lvi 139 

Devaynes, J. xliii 64 

Devereux, hon. Harriet, xxxi 242] 

De Visme, mr. xix 228] 

Devonshire, duke, vii 125] 

*—_———_ Georg. duchs. xlviii 524 

W, duke, liii 164 

Deux-ponts, Christ. 4th prince palat. xviii 


——-——~ prince C. A. F. xxvii 221] 

Pr. Freder. x 177] 

—— duchs dow. xvii 192] 

—— princes. xvii 192] 

Dewer, lady Car. xvii 194] 

Dewhurst, rev. J. Bickerton, liv 180 

*Dibdin, C. (dramatist) lvi 137 

Dicey, T. xlix 607 

Dick, sir J. xlvi 512 

———— liv 182 

—— Sam. xliv 496 

—— sir W. xxxviii 67] 

Dickens, mrs. Geo. 1. 154 

Dickson, brig.-gen. W. lvii 126 

Didelot, mad. (dancer) xlv 505 

*Didot, F. A. (printer) xlvi 490 

Diesbach, princs. xiii 187] 

Digby, hon. Char. xxi 227] 

—_———— Charlotte, x! 118 

lady Eliz. xlviii 569 

hon. adm. Rt. lvi 132 

Steph. xxxvii 53 

hon. and rey. W. (dean Durham) 

xxx 232] 

counts. xxxvi 48 

hon. master, xix 224] 

Dilkes, Mich. Obrien, xviii 212] | 

Dillon, hon. sir J. xlvii 496 

rey. R. xxiii 225] 

—— dr. (archbp. ‘Tuam) 1i 639 

—— dow. lady, xxii 247] 

mad. xx 229] 

vist. lv 123 

*Dilly, C. (bookseller) xlix 574 

*Dilworth, T. xxiii 197] 

Dimock, mrs. (rev. C.) xlix 583 

——— rev. H. lii 408 

Dimond, W. W. (actor) liv 168 

Dimsdale, baron (M.D.) xlii 66 
barons. liv 181 

————— hon. baron, liii 164 

Disbrowe, lady Charl. xl 119 

*Disney, rev, dr. J. lyiji 225 



Dinsey, mrs. (rey. dr.) li 639 

- rev. dr, W. xlix 561 

Dives, miss, xvi 169] 

*Dix, Jos. xlvii 472 

Dixie, sir Beaum. lvi 137 

sir Wolstan, xlviii 506 

Dixon, Edw. xlix 587 

—— gen. John, lviii 216 

dr. W. (bp. Downe) xlvi 501 

mrs. xly 525 

Dobbyn, Rt. xlix 612 

“Dodd, J. W. (actor) xxxviii 66] 

*—— rey. dr. xx 187] 

Dodgson, Andr. xlvii 496 

Dods, Robt. xviii 215] 

*Dodsley, Jas. xxxix 12 
Rob. vii 102] 

Dodson, Mich. xli 67 

-—— capt. xlv 631 

Dohne, hon. and rev. M. W. count de, xx 


Dolben, lady (sir W.) xiv 175] 

——— sir W. lvi 132 

*Dolomieu, — xliii 78 

*Dombey, (French botanist) xxxviii 57] 

Domvyille, sir Compton, xi 214] 
hon. mrs. (Compton) liv 179 

Don, sir Alex, lvii 126 

—_—— — xix 228] 

Donald, Davy. xlix 596 

Donaldson, Jas. (surveyor) xlix 560 

Donally, Hen. lord, xlii 66 

Donnegal, counts. xxiii 252] 
counts. xxxi 245] 

——— marq. x]i 54 

Doneraile, visct. x 175] 

xxix 237] 

-———— lxi 118 

Donovan, Corn, xlviii 534 

Dorchester, earl, xi 118 

— Geo, earl 1. 148 

. --—— Guy lord, 1. 162 

Dormer, Chas. lord, x}vi 479 

9th lord, 1xi 116 

— —— John lord, xxvii 254] 

——— hon. Rob. vii ]23] 

— Stanhope, liii 157 
—_———_—— miss, xiii 187] 
Dorset, duchs. dow. xi 216] 

Lionel duke, viii 172] 

Chas. duke, xii 172] 

duke, xli 62 

———-— lvii 210 

Dosquet, bp. Quebec, xx 227] 

Dover, lord, xxxiv 63 

Douglas, sir Alex. liv 182 

. And. xlviii 537 

— Archib. xlvi 466 

Erskine (M.D.) xxxiii 56} 
lady E. xliii 65 

hon. Fred. Sylv. North, lxi 118 
lady F. lix 144 

——— Gilb. xlix 572 

—-— lady Helen, xxxvi 53 
————— (sir Jas.) ix 169] 
——— rey, dr, J, Anth, bp. liv 176 


Douglas, sir J. xxi 227] 
adm. sir Jas, xxix 238] 
lady Isab. xxiii 250] 
Lucy, xxiii 250] 
Mary, xxiv 210] 
——-——_——_ + xl 1 
adm. sir W. H., li 621 
———- duchs. xvii 197] ; " 
rey. dr. (bp. Salisbury) xlix 576 
———- lieut.-gen. xxxvii 53 
maj.-gen. lvi 137 
miss, xix 225] 
nrs. (bp. Salisbury) xliv 503 
—— xlvii 489 
Downe, lord, xix 226] 
Dowdeswell, miss A. xi 215] 
— C. xix 222] 
—— T. liii 166 
rt. hon. Wm. xviii 206] 
Downall, Chas. Jas. xviii 208] 
Downe, bp. (Trail) xxvi 240] 

(Dixon) xlvi 501 
capt. H. xlvii 463 
visct. xxili 253] 
viscts. xl 119 
Lora, visets. liv 174 
Downes, (bp. Rapho) vi 133] 
Downing, sir J. G. vii 122] 
—— lady, xxi 226] 
Downshire, marq. xxxv 72 
‘i — Arthur, marq. xliii 73 
Doyley, lieut.-col. sir Fras. lvii 126 
D’Oyley, rev. sir H. vii 124] 
———- J. xvi 176] 
———- sir J. xxiv 212] 
lieut.-gen. xlv 499 
Drake, adm. sir Fras. Sam. xxxi 246] 
sir Fras, xxxvi 48 
lady (adm, sir Fr.) xxviii 220] 
——_—— rev. W. xliii 68 
Wm. xxxvii 54 
3 — W. of Shardeloes, xxxviii 64 
Drakenberg, C. J. (aged 146) xiii 189] 
Draper, lady (sir W.) xii 175] 
xxi 227] 
lieut.-gen. sir W. xxix 236] 
Drewet, J. P. xii 120] 
Drickley, J. xvi 123] 
Drrogheda, counts. xxvii 221 
Dromore, bp. (Morlay} vi 133] 
———— (Perey) lili 165 
Drummond, Adam, xxviii 221] 
— And, xii 78] 
———— lady. Cath: vii 197] 
———— lady Cath. xxxili 59] 
E. 1xi 115 
Fred. xlix 585 
———— rev. G. Bay, 1. 148! 
———— rt. hon. J. xxiti 252] 
———— lady Rachel, x1 118 
Rt, (banker) xivi 465 
——_—— T. xvi 169] 
dr, (archbp. York) xix 230] 
miss, ix 171 
Drumreany, Maur. lord, xlii 66 
Drury, adm. liii 158. 




Drury, rey. G. xlix 562 

— lady (sir T.) xi 216] 

*Dryander, Jonas (naturalist) lii 402 

Dryden, lady (sir J.) xxxiii 58] : 

sir J. xiii 187] 

*Du Berry, visct. xxi 21]] 

Dublin, archbp. (Smith) xiv 182} 

——————. (Craddock) xxi 228] 

——~—— (earl Normanton) li 629 

— (Cleaver) Ixi 118 

Ducie, lord, xiii 192] 

lady, xxviii 221] 

—— xxxi 244] 

xxxv 26 : 

Duckinfield, sir S. xi 215] 

Dudley, sir W. vii 124] 

Dudley-and-Ward, visct. xvii 192] 
—— xxx 232] 

Duff, lady Anne, xlvii 483 

—— hon. Arth. xlvii 475 

— sir Jas. lvii 130 

—— hon. Lewis, liii 166 

— vice-adm. Rt. xxix 237] 

Duffe, lady C. viii 170] ‘ 

Dutlerin, and Claneboye, barons. xlix 



Duffy, mrs. H. xxiii 252] 
*Dugdale, Rd. xviii 52) 
Duigenan, rt. hon. Pat. lviii 2i4 
Dukinfield, lady (sir Sam.) xlv 507 
*Dulany, Lloyd, xxv 211] 
Dumaresgq, rev. dr. Dan. xlvii 508 
——_—_—— adm. T. xliv 512 
Dumbleton, rev. T. xlix 582 
*Dumesnil, mad. (actress) xlv 498 
Dumfries and Stair, earl, xi 217] 
a ~~ counts. liii 164 
Dumfries, earl xlvy 504, 
Dummer, T. xxiv 212] 
Dun, rev. dr. W. xlvii 508 
Dunalley, barons. Ixi 118 
Dunbar, lady (sir Jas.) xxxiv 51 
— G. xlvi 490 
sir G, liii 166 
rey, J. xlix 602 
lady, vii 124] 
———-~ T. xix 227] 
W. xlix 555 
-— dow. lady, ]. 158 
Dunboyne, lady, xiii 187] 

visct. xi 219] 
—— lord, xvi 171] 
Duncan, rey. dr, J. 1. 172 
——— sir W. xvii 197] 
“a lord, adm. xlvi 493 
Duncomb, lady D xiii 187] 
*Duncombe, mrs. S. liv 181 
W. xii 172] 
Dunckerley, mrs. xiii 65 
Dundag, lady Janet, xivii 516 
— sir Lawr. xxiv 214] 
lady (sir Lawr.) xliv 521 
mrs. Marg. xliv 502 
——~—— gev. Phil. xlix 612 
gen. Ralph, ]vi 131 
col. W. xxxvii 53 


Thos, earl, xxi 225] 
Dundonald, counts. xxii 246] 
aa xxvii 221] 
Jane counts. dow. |, 149 
Dungannon, dow. lady, xli 62 
Dunmore, ear] li 604 

counts. dow. Ix 204 
Dunn, Jas. xix 229 

Dunsany, lord, xxiv 212] 
Duntze, sir J. xxxvii 53 

——— lady (rel. sir J.) xliii 66 
Duperoy, S. (banker) xlix 590 
Dupois, lady Doroth. xvii 190] 
Dupree, — xlviii 5)2] 
Duquery, mrs. xlix 607 

Duras, duke, xlii 62 

Durazzo, counts. xxxvi 52 
Durbin, lady (sir J.) liii 167 
Durell, adm, ix 171] 

——— rey. dr. Dav. xviii 213] 
nrs. xlix 605 

Durham, bp. (Trevor) xiv 179] 
—- (Egerton) xxix 237] 
(Thurlow) xxxiii 59] 
lady Charlotte, lviii 213 
Durnford, C. (barrister) xlix 584 
Durkin, sir J. lvi 131 

Durno, sir Jas. xlix 578 
Dusign, lady A. xxvi 240] 
*Dutens, rev. L. liv 176 
Dutton, Ralph, xlvi 469 
——— mrs. (Ralph) xlix 550 
Duval, capt. xlix 597 

——— J. xlix 577 

Du Val, rev. Phil. 1. 149 

Du Veil, rey. J.1. 152 

Dyer, lady, xviii 212] 
———— xx 227] 
—— lieut.-col. sir J. lviii 217 
—— sir J. Swin. xliii 66 

—— Sam. xv 168] 

sir T. xxiii 252] 

Dyke, lady, vi 134] 

—_—— (sir J.) xxiv 210] 
————— (sir J. Dixon) xlvi 464 
Dykes, Wm. xvi 72] 

Dymond, Jos. S. 1i 592 

Dyndon, G. LL.D. xviii 212] 
Dynevor, barons. xxxv 74 
Dysart, counts. xxxi 245] 

xlvi 500 

12 earl, xli 56 

Dyson, Jerem, xix 227] 

Dyton, rev. — xvi 97] 

*Eagles T. liv 18] 

Ealy, Isaac (aged 104) xliv 500 
Eardley, lady xxxvi 48 
——— hon. col. W. xlvii 499 
Earl, sir Jas. lix 147 

— nr. xliv 500 

East, sir W. 1xi 118 

Easton, mrs. v 102] 

Eaton, rev. J. xlviii 554 

rev. Monins, xiii 8g 
Eatte, lady M; xlvii 482 

Ebers, mrs. xlix 579 

*Eccles, L. Amorose, li 627 

*Ecclestone, Tho. li 642 

Ecklin, lady, xxvi 237] 

*Eckhel, abbé Jos. Hil. antiq. x] 92 

Eddowes, Finnes, xviii 210] 

Eden, miss E. xxiii 251] 

—— sir Fred. Morden, li 640 

—— lady (sir Fred.) 1.57 

(sir J.) ix 169 

od xxxvi 47 

— sir J. liv 179 

—— miss (sir J.) xlvii 510 

—— Thos. xlvii 476 

hon, W. F. 1ii 368 

Edgar, mrs. (adm.) xlix 549 

*Edgeworth, Rd .L. lix 144 

Edmonston, Pat. xv 71] 

————— lady (sir Arch.) xix 224] 

—— sir Arch, xxxvili 60] 

— A. xlix 585 

Edmunds, — xv 145] 

*Edward, W. (bridge-builder) xxxi 218] 

Edwardes, rev. sir J. T. C. lviii 213 

Edwards, E. L. xlix 594 

lady Esth. xivii 473 

sir Hen. x 175] 

———— lady Jane, liii 163 

J. xlix 548 

———— rev. sir Nath. vii 122] 

——-— adm. Rd. xxxvii 53 

——_ lady (sir T.) xxvii 253] 

—-—— ors. (rey. dr.) xlv 516 

Edwin, lady Char. xix 230] 

$ J. (actor) xxxii 223] 

Effingham, Thos. 2nd earl, vi 134]. 

— counts. dow. xvii 198] 

——— Eliz. counts. dow. xxxili 61] 

- Cath. counts. xxxiii 61] ' 

Thos. 3rd earl, xxxiii 62] 

Rd. earl, lviii 224 

Egan, mrs. xlix 570 

Egerton, lady A. S. xxiii 250] 

Carol. xxxiv 60 

Eliz. viii 173] 

——— dr. J. (bp. Durham) xxix 237] 

——— Sam. xxiii 250] 

——— lady (sir T.) xxxiii 59] 

——- W. xxvi 237] 

mrs. W. Tatton, xlvi 496 

(archdeac.) xlv 499 

Eggleton, sir Chas. xii 173] 

*Eginton, Fras. (glass-painter) xlvii 472 

Eglinton, counts. xxi 225] 

———— counts. dow. xxiii 250] 
Archibald ear], xxxviii 67] 

———— Hugh earl, lxi118 

Egmont, ear) xiii 191] 

— counts. dow. xxvii 220] 

Egremont, counts. dow, xxxvi 50 

—— earl, Chas. vi 133] 

Ekins, rev. Jeff. xxxiii 44] 

Elcho, lord, xxix 237] 

Eldridge, W. xlix 564 

Elgin, earl, xiv 179] 

Elibank, Pat. lord, xxi 226] 




Elibank, Patr. lord, xxi 226] 

Eliot, lady Harr, xxviii 221] 

lord, xlvi 466 

*Ellenborough, lord, 1x 204 

Ellerker, mrs. (mother to counts. Leicester) 
xlvi 488 

Elletson, Humph. xii 175] 

———— Rog. Hope, xviii 215] 

Elliock, lord, xxxy 71 

Elliot, mrs. E. xlyi 502 

—— sir Fras. xxxiii 59] 

Gilb. vii 124] 

—— sir Gilb. ix 170] 

—— xx 226] 

—— miss. J. (sir Gilb.) xlyii 472 

—— sir. J. xxviii 222] 

—— W. xvi 176] 

—— lady, liv 175 

mrs. (bon. W.) ly 119 

—— lady, xv 166] 

Elliott, lady xiii 176] 

Ellis, hon. mrs. C. xly 496 

— Carol. A. lyi 134 

— Dawson, xlix 582 

mrs. E, xlii 56 

capt. F. xiv 100] 

*— Geo. (F.R.S.) lvii 124 

col. sir H. W. lvii 126 

— John (F.R.S.) xix 189] 227] 

*—~ hon. Wellbore, xliv 497 

—— mrs. (Jas.) xlvi 469 

maj.-gen. xlv 524 

Ellison, mrs, xix 123] 

Elliston, rev. dr. W. (mast. Sidney Coll.) 
xlix 557 

*Elmsly, Peter, xliy 505 

Elphin, bp. (Law) lii 385 

Elphinstone, lady Clementina, xli 54 

—— mrs. (hon. Geo. Keith)xxxi 247] 

Jas. li 639 

John lord, lv 119 

— lord, xxiv 210] 

miss Primrose, xliv 145 

Elves, sir H. vi 134] 

*Elwes, J. (miser) xxxi 231] 

sir W. xxi 227] 

mrs. xi 215] 

Elwyll, sir J. xxi 225] 

Ely, earl, xii 175] 

xxvi 238] 

—— Chas. marg. xlviii 523 

marchs, xlix 555 

—— bp. (Mawson) xiii 191] 

—-—— (Keene) xxiv 212 

—-— (Yorke) ]. 159 

——— (Dampier) liv 175 

“Enfield, rey. dr. xxxix 54 

England, licut.-gen. R. liv 181 

Englefield, sir. H. xxiii 251} 

lady (sir H.) xlvii 482 

English, T. xlix 578 

Enniskillen, earl, xlv 507 

counts. lix 142 

Epworth, adm. xlvi 474 

Erle, maj.-gen. T. xx 227] 

Erne, lady, xviii 211] 



Erne, Jane dow. lady, xlii 58 
Erskine, Anne, xlvi 502 

——-— hon. Chas, vi 132] 
——— sir C, xxxii 239] 

—— lady F. xix 226] 

——— sir H. viii 171] 

hon. H. lix 148 

— James, xxxviii 61] 
—-—- lady Jean, vi 134] 

hon. Law. vii 125] 

mrs, xviii 207] 

—— sir W. xxxiii 61] 
——— lieut.-gen. sir W. xxxvii 53 
maj. W. xlvii 472 
—-—— miss (sist. sir W.) xlv 505 
——— mrs. (hon. T.) xlvii 516 
Errol, counts. dow. li 602 

liv 175 

—— Jas. earl, xxi 226] 

——— earl, xl 118 

——$_—— lxi 115 

Esch, mrs. v 123] 

Esdaile, lady xxxiv 57 

Esmond, sir T. xlv 526 

Essex, earl, xli 57 

Essington, adm. sir W. lyiii 220 
Estcombe, lady Marg. viii 172] 
Estcourt, sir And. xiii 186) 

Este, maj.-gen. C. liv 170 

— prines, Matilda, xly 525 
d’Este, princes, Amelia, xxi 226] 
Bened, Ernest. Maria, xx 


Estlin, rey. J. Prior, lix 146 
V’Estrange, H. xii 136] 
Estwick, Sam, xxxvii 54 
Etherington, T. xlix 555 
Eton, J. xlix 579 
*Etruria, king, xlv 402 
Evans. mr. v 114] 
— xvii 133] 
capt. Edw. xlix 555 
T. (bookseller) xly 512 
Eveleigh, gen. lvii 126 
— rey. dr. J. lvi 140 
Evelyn, sir Fred. liv 174 
— Geo. A, W,S. xlvi 496 
F. lady (sir Fred.) lix 149 | 
sir J. vi 133] 

— x 176] 
rey. dr. W. xix 223] 
lieut.-gen. xxvi 239] 
Everitt, J. xiv 120] 
Evert, capt. xix 227] 
Every, sir Edw. xxviii 220] 
lady (sir H.) liv 179 
— (sir J.) xii 175] 
*Euler, M. xxvi 240] 
Euston, Charl. Maria counts. 1. 147 
Ewbank, rev. J. xlix 606 
Ewer, miss FP, xxiii 253] 
—— rev dr. J. (bp. Bangor) xvii 198] 
Ewins, sir P. C. xlix 549 ; 
Exeter, bp. (Keppel) xx 230] 
—— (Ross) xxxiv 61 
~~ (Courtenay) xly 510 




Exeter, counts. viii 170] 
earl, xxxv 74 
margq. xlvi 485 
*Eyre, Fras. xlvi 503 
sir Jas. xli 62 
John lord, xxiv 214] 
lady Mary, xl 119 
Eyton, Edw. xlix 548 
Fagel, H. secr. states gen, xxxii 223] 
Fagg, lady, viii 171] 
— sir W, xxxiii 62] 
Fairfax, visct. xv 165] 
Tho. lord, xxv 238] . 
sir W. G, lv 122 
miss (sir W.) xlvii 498 
Falbain, C. G, Fenuillot de, xliii 69 
Falconer, hon. Dav. xviii 213] 
——— Mary, xviii 213] 
Wm. lord, xix 230] 
——+— lady, xx 227] 
Falconberg, visct. lvii 126 
Falkland, viscts. xix 225] 
_H. Tho. visct. xxxvili 66 
_ lord visct. (duel) i 595 
Falmouth, visct. xxv 237] 
——- viscts. dow. xxviii 222] 
Fane, lady A. vii 124] 
— miss E. xliy 145 
—— hon. Hen xvii 191] 
(M.P.) xliv 511 
— visct. ix 168] 
counts, dow. xxxiv 58 
Fancourt, rev. S. xi 184] 
Fanshawe, mrs. J. xlix 568 
*Farmer, rev. dr. Rd. xxxix 49 
Farnaby (relict sir C.) xliv 504 
——-— sir. J. xliy 515 
Farnham, counts. dow. lviii 214 
earl xxii 249] 
J. xlix 582 
Farren, mrs. xlv 510 
Farquharson, J, Mich. xlix 599 
Fauconberg, earl, xvii 190] 
—— counts. xxxii 239] 
—— 6th earl, xliv 502 
Faulder, rev. Jos, xlix 605 
Faulkener, mrs. xlvii 512 
“Faulkner, G. xviii 15] ] 
——— adm. Jonath. xxxvii 54 
— W. liii 164 
Fauntleroy, W. (banker) xlviii 560 
Favell, rev. C. xlix 579 
Favour, mrs. M. xii 136] 
Fausille, gen. la, vi 132] 
Fawcett, H. (M.P%) lviii 213 
x gen. sir W. xlvi 476 
—lady, xlvii 472 
*Fawkes, rev. F. xx 203] 
Fayette, mad. xlix 607 
Fearnside, W, xlix 590 
Featherstonehaugh, Matt. v 73] 
— sir Matt. xvii 191] 
Fellowes, miss, xlv 505 
— (print. Morn. Advert.) xlix 

Fenn, sir J, xxxvi 48 


Fenn, lady (sir J.) lv 122 

Fenoulhet, sir Pet. xvii 196] 

Fenwick, col. W. lix 142 

*Ferguson, Adam, (LL.D.) lviii 213 

—— C. xlvi 520 

—— mrs, col. xlv 511 

x —— Jas. xix 194] 

Fermor, rev. J. Shirley, xxxiii 62] 

hon. mrs. lvi 133 

Ferns, bishop of, xv 167] 

Fernyhough, J, xlvii 508 

Ferrers, counts, xxviii 220] 

—-—— Anne counts. dow. xxxiii 57] 

earl, xxi 227 

counts. xli 6 

— earl, xxix 237] 

*Ferriar, J. (M.D.) Ivii 124 

Ferrier, mrs. (maj.-gen.) xlv 503 

Feversham, lord, vi 133] 

Fervings, J. xlix 597 

Ffrench, Thos. lord, lvi 140 

Fibbleson, Steph. xvi 116] 

Field, sir C. Ventris, xlv 505 

Fielde, mrs. xlvii 488 

Fielding, capt. C. xxvi 237] 

lady Cath. lx 201 

sir J. xxiii 252] 

———— maj.-gen. W. R. xli 64 

—— lady, M. A. lvi 13] 

mrs. (relict of the celebrated no» 
velist) xliv 506 

Fierlaut, marq. xlvi 469 

*Fierville, Pet. (actor,) xx 175] 

Fittiplace, hon. Charlotte, xxix 237] 

Fife, earl, vi 134] 

— counts. dow. xxx 230 

— Alex, earl, liii 160 

Filmer, sir Beversham, xlvii 516 

Finch, lady Charlotte, xxxviii 61] 

— Charl. !v 120 

hon, H. xxii 246] 

lady Isab. xiv 177 

hon. John, vi 132] 

—— rt. hon. Wm. Ix 172] 

hon. capt, Seymour, xxxvi 48 

Finchett, mrs. Arnold, xlix 577 

Findlater, James, earl, vii 124] 

——_ lili 165 

and Seafield, counts. dow, xxxvii 



Findlay, rey. dr. Rt. lvi 136 
Fingal, counts. dow. ]. 148 
Finkenstein, count, xlii 56 
Finner, W. xlix 584 
Fisher, rev. dr. Dan, xlix 588 
mrs. Dorothy, xlvili 537 
rev. E. xlix 595 
Edw. liii 169 
*—— Paul, vi 61] 
— T. (broth. bp. Exeter,) xlix 597 
dr. xlviii 533 
maj.-gen. lyi 139 
Fitzgerald, lord August. xiv 179] 
—- lady Aug. xxxii 239] 

lord Edw. xl 118 
G. xxvi 237] 



Fitzgerald, Gerald. xviii 211] 

———— J. Chas. xlix 591 
lady M. lvii 124 
capt. xlvi 467 
hon. mrs. vi 132] 

Fitzgibbon, hon. miss, xxxii 242] 

Fitzharris, visct. lvii 127 
Fitzherbert, sir Anth. xl 118 
—_——_—— mrs. F, xlviii 510 
Fitzjames, duke de, xlvii 493 
- Fitzmaurice, hon, mr. xxi 225] 
Fitzpatrick, lady Mary. xiv 177] 
rt. hon. Rd. lv 117 
Fitzroy, gen. xxv 239] 
hon. Aug. W. xxviii 221] 
—— lord Aug. xliii 74 
lady Carol. xlv 510 
——_—— Har. xlvi 483 
hon. Hen. xxxvi 48 
lady Louisa, xlviii 514 
hon, miss, xxxvii 53 
Fitzwilliam, lady A. lxi 118 
—_—— E. xxx 231] 
hon. G. xxviii 221] 
— visct. xix 224] 

——— Rad. visct. lviii 213 
counts. xit 175] 
—earl, xxiv 198] 
Fitwilliams, lady, xiv 179] 
Flack, lady Jane, xxvi 237] 
mrs. li 
Flamanke, rev. J. xlviii 530 
Fleetwood, sir T. xxiii 249] 

lady (sir T.) xxviii 220] 

sir Wim. xliv 521 
Fleming, sir J. bart. vi 134] 
—-— Jobn, xliv 497 
le Fleming, sir Mich. xlviii 532 
Wm. xix 224] 

—-— lady Diana, (sir M.) lviii 217 

Flemming, count, x 177] 

lady (sir W.) xxx 231 
— miss, le, xiv 181 
Fletcher, Andr. ix 172] 
Angus, xlix 587 
sir H. xlix 561 
lady, (sir H.) Iviii 223 
—+— gir R. xx 228] 

——— lady, (sir Rt.) xxxiii 57] 


xlivy 494 
—— ool. sir R. lv 121 
sir T. liv 178 
miss xx 227] 
Fleury, duke de, xxx 231] 

*Flinders, capt. Matt. (navigator,) Ivi 137 

Flockton, mr. xxxvi 48 
Flood, lady F. (sir H.) lvii 125 
rt. hon. Warden, vii 123] 

Florence, archduke Albert, xvii 195] 

Flower, hon. Eliz. lv 114 
Floyd, lieut.-gen. Ix 197 
Fludyer, lady, xlv 522 
sir S. xii 173] 
sir T. xi 213] 
*Fohi, Utienti, xlvii 463 

— hon.-gen. J, xxxi 244 


Folkestone, viscts. vii 124} 
xlyi 485 
Foley, hon. And. lx 201 
mrs. (Andr.) liii 164 
lord, xx 229] 

hon, Edw. xly 511 
———_ Eliz. xix 229] 

Thos. lord, ix 168] 
xxxv 71 
Foljambe, lady M. lix 144 
Folkes, lady, (sir M. B.) lv 123 
Folliot, John, viii 169 
Fontaine, M. vi 61 
*Fontana, abbé, xlvii 470° 
Foot, Lundy, (alderm.) xlvi 520 
Foote, mrs. xix 225] 

( ae 479 
Forbes, sic Arth. xvi 160] 
lady Cath. xlvii 474 
Cath. (d. lord) 1. 160 
hon. Ferd. xliv 503 
—— Jas. xi 163] 
hon. J. xxiv 213] 
xxxvili 58 
Jas. lord, xlvi 492 
lady Mary, xxv 238] 
hon. Mary Eliz. xlv 524 
—— Mungo, xlix 568 
—— capt. T. xvii 154] 
Thos, xyiii 213] 
hon. W, xxxiv 57 
—— sir W. lviii 213 
—— dow. lady, xx 229] 
lady (sir W.) xxxi 247] 
————— xli 68 
————— xliv 506 
maj.-gen. ix 169 
Ford, sir Fras. xliii 68 
dr. Jas, xli 58 
— J. (M.D.) xlviii 532 
sir Rd. xlviii 531 
Fordyce, Alex. xxxi 223] 
2 dr. Geo. xliv 509 
sir W. xxxiv 63 
Forester, baroness, | 171 
Forrest, capt. xlix 589 
Forrester, H. xviii 214] 
baroness, xxvii 219] 
hon. mrs. Eliz. xix 229] 
*Forster, Edw. liv 174 
— John Reinhold, xli 4 

S. 1. 162 _ 
Fortescue, lady, x 175] 
lady, liv 176 
lord, xii 175] 
xxvii 254) 
mrs. Ivi 140 
J. xix 224] 
*Forthton, Jas, xvi 87} 
Fortrose, counts. x 175] 
Foss, mrs. (E. S.) 1. 152 
Foster, J. xxxiv 57 
sir Mich. (knt.) vi 134] | 
mrs. M. xix 230] 

rev. dr, (dean Wore.) xxvi 237] 

mrs. (rev. dr. S.) xlviii 560 




*Fothergill, dr. J. xxiii 240] 
Foulis, sir W. xliv 516 
* (printer) xviii 151] 
Fountayne, rev. dean, iv 498 
Fournier, Gideon, Ixliv 183 
Fowke, mr. xxii 249] 
mrs. (rear-adm.) xxvi 237] 
lady (sir T.) xlv 527 
lieut.-gen. viii 170] 
Fowle, rev. T. xlviii 530 
Fowles, Chas. xlviii 515 
Fowler, sir Hans, xiv 177] 
dr. T, xliii 70 
lady, xviii 208] 
Fowlis, dow. lady, liv 176 
lady (sir W.) xxiii 249] 
Fownes, sir W. xxi 225] 
*Fox, rt. hon. Chas. Jas. xlviii 551 
*— C. (painter) li 600 
—— gen. liii 164 
—— mrs. (gen. H. E.) 1. 161 
Frampton, P. xvii 117] 
France, Dauphin of, viii 150] 
dauphiness, x 175] 
——— queen (Louis 15th) xi 132] 216] 
—~— Louis 15th, xvii 193] 
— 16th, xxxv 5, Marie Antoi- 
nette, xxxv 49 
Madame Elizabeth, xxxvi 14 
—— dauph. Louis, Jos. Xav. Bened. xxxi 
Francis, J. xlix 576 
sir Phil. lx 20 
Franco, Abr. xx 203] 
Frank, Bacon, liv 174 
T. xlix 599 
Frankland, sir H. xi 213] 
adm. sir T. xxvii 22) ] 
W. xivii 516 
lady dow. S. xxyi 240] 
———— dow. lady, 1. 152 
*Franklin, dr. Ben. xxxii 201] 
gov. W. lv 123 
Fraser, hon. Arch. lvii 130 
. W. M. (M.D) xlix 595 
hon. mrs. (Arch.) Ixi 117 
lieut,-gen. Simon, lv 113 
—— lady, xii 175] 
Frazer, Alex. xviii 206] 
xlix 587 
hon. J. xv 166] 
lieut.-gen. Simon, xxv 237] 
hon, Sim. liii 157 
Frederick 5th, Denmark, ix 168] 
» col. son of Theodore of Corsica, 
xxxix 11 


lady dow. x 176] 
———— sir J. xxvyi 208] 

lady (sir J.) xxix 237] 
——_———— (sir Thos.) vii 124] 
-————- sir T. xiii 192] 

Free, mrs. xlix 695 

Freebairn, Rt. (artist.) 1. 147 
Freeborn, J. 1. 152 

Freeman, rev. T. xlix 584 

Rt. (M. D.) xlix 582 

Fremantle, John Edward, lieut-col. xlvii 471 
Freke, sir J. knt. vii 123] 
French, (scene-painter,) xix 203] 
rev. W. Jas. 1. 161 
Frere, J. xlix 583 

Friend, mrs. xix 230] 

—— G. xlix 598 

— rev. dr. W. ix 172] 
Frodsham, xlviii 560 

Fronsac, duchs. x 175] 

Fuente, marq. xiii 191] 
Fullarton, col. W. 1. 147 

Fuller, capt. xlvii 484 

* W. (banker) xlii 7 
Furstenburg, count, xxxvi 52 
——__—-— prince, xxxviii 63] 
Chas. Joach, xlvi 486 
Furstenstein, baron, xii 173] 
*Furstone, H, xvii 166] 

Fury, rel. lieut.-gen. ix 171] 
Fust, sir J. xxii 246] 

Fydell, T. liv 174 

Fyers, mrs. (col.) 1. 161 

*Fyfield, John, xxxviii 56] 

Gaffray, Alex. lx 199 
Gage, victs. xxvi 239] 
-—— mrs. Penelope, xv 169] 
—-— H. viset. 1. 147 
—-— W. visct. xxxiii 61] 
—-— lady (sir W.) vi 133] 
sir W. x 176] 
*Gainsborough (painter) xxx 212] 
— counts. dow. xiv 182] 
-—— 6th earl, xl 118 
Gairlies, lady, vi 133] 
*Galli, Signora (singer) xlvi 517 
Gallini, lady E. xlvi 497 
sir J. xlvii 459 
Gallitzin (Russian adm.) viii 172] 
* - prince, xxxv 46 
Gallo, card. xliv 500 
Galloway, earl, xvi 174] 
——— John, earl, xlviii 568 
Galton, Sam. xli 62 
i -- Theod. lii 385 
Galway, visct. xv 169] 
xvii 191] 
viscts. xxx 231] 
———_—. dow. xxxiv 56 
Gambier, Sam. lv 118 
Gambrey, mr. and mrs. xxii 228} 
Gamon, lady Amel. (sir Rd.) xlviii 565 
sir Rd. lx 200 
*Ganganelli, pope, xvii 197] 
Gann, T. xlix 561 
Gansell, lieut.-gen. xvii 196] 
Gape, Jos. xliii 67 
Garat, citizen, xlii 57 
Gardener,sir Jas. Whalley Smith, xlvii 500 
Gardiner, lady Fras. xvii 193] 
——— maj.-gen. J. lv 118 
Nath. xlix 581 
capt. Rt. xlix 551 
—— sir W. xxii 249] 
—— lieut.-gen. W. xlviii 539 




Gardner, Alan visct. lvii 131 

—— lady (adm.) liii 159 

adm.-lord, 1. 172 

capt. G. 1. 152 

—— col. Thos, xviii 211] 

Garforth, P. liii 164 

Garjarin, princes, xlvii 482 

Garland, mrs. xlvii 424, 498 

Garnet, rev. dr. J. dean Exet. ly 115 

*——.- dr. Thos. xliv 512 

Garnier, lady E. lv 119 

Garrett, Eliz. xlvi 518 

*Garrick, D. xxii 196] 

Garrow, rev. Dav. xlvii 470 

mrs. (W.) 1. 157 

Garthshore, Maxwell (M.D.) liv 171 

mrs. (Wm. M.P.) xlv 516 

W. (M.P.) xlviii 527 

Gascoigne, Bamber, xxxiii 62] 

lady, vii 122] 

sir T. xxviii 220] 

T.C. (sir Thos.) li 643 

Gascoyne, miss E. (maj.-gen.) xlvii 464 

Gastaldi, count, vi 132] 

Gates, Bernard, xvi 130] 

Gatford, mrs. xli 28 

Gaussen, Pet. 1. 162 

Gaunt, J. xlix 561 

Gautherot, mad. (music.) I. 158 

Gawler, hon. Carol. xliv 502 

Gay, Nich. xlv 519 

—— sir Tho. Riv. xlvii 464 

— W.1.161 

Gayer, rev. Jas. xix 223] 

Geary, adm. sir Fras, xxxviii 57] 

Tho. xlvii 464 

mrs. xviii 209] 

“Geddes, dr, Alex. xliv 499 

—— rey. J. xli 57 

Geils, lieut.-gen, Ivii 129 

Gelding, W. xlix 584 

*Geminiani, F. (mus. comp.) v 106] 

Genoa, Cambioso doge of, xv 169] 

——— doge, (Negroni) xiv 176] 

Gent, rev. J. xlix 598 

. T. xxi 199] 

George, Day. xlviii 554 

Jean, xlvi 466 

Germaine, lady Betty, xii 176] 

———-——— Geo. xxi 225] 

rt. hon. Geo. xxvii 254] 

Germany, Fras. Ist emp. viii 123] 
emps. x 176] 

xxiii 252] 
Leopold 2nd, xxxiv 16 
emps. dow. Maria Louisa, xxxiv 22 

Gerald, Jos. xxxix 25 

Gerrard, sir F. xxxiii 60) 

- Jos. xlix 610 

——+— lady (sir T.) xv 218] 

sir I. xxiii 251] 

—-— dow. lady xxvi 239] 

Gervoise, Js. xlix 581 

tGibbon, E. (historian) xxxvi 5 

Gibbons, sir J. xix 226] 

W. (alderm, Bristol) xlix 578 


Giboons, lady, xlix 576 

sir W. lvi 140 

lady sir W. liii 160 
*Gibbs, dr. xxii 240] 

maj.-gen, lvii 122 
Gibson, sir Alex. xvii 192] 
Geo. xix 228] 

Gibsone, lady (sir J.) xlv 500 
*Gifford, W. (actor) xlix 561 
Gilbank, rev. W. xlix 547 
Gilbert, Edw. xlix 552 

rev. dr. Rt. xix 229] 
Gilbert, lady (sir T.) xv 169} 
rey. — xlix 599 
Gilfillan, capt. T. xlix 595 
“Gillespie, mr. xli 59 

Gillman, lady (sir J.) xlv 509 
Gilmour, lady (sir Alex.) xxiii 249] 
Ginkell, lady Isab. Henr. xlii 59 

*Gilpin, Sawrey (painter) xlix 559 
i rey, W.xlvi 479, his widow, xlix 583. 
Gisborne, dr. T. xl viii 516 
Glandore, Diana counts. lvi 138 

Theodosie, counts. xx 228 
——— earl, xxiv 180] 210] 
Ivii 129 
Glanville, lady (sir J.) xlvi 483 
Glasford, lady Marg. xvi 169] 
Glasgow, counts. x 176] 

———— dow. xxxiii 61] 
— John earl, xviii 207] 
Glasse, rey. dr. Sam. liv 175 
Glenbervie, lady, lix 142 
Glencairn, counts. vi 134] 

Eliz. counts. dow. xliii 69 

Jas. earl, xxxiii 56] 

rey. and earl, xxxviii 66] 

earl, xviii 212] 

Glengall, earl, Ixi 115 

Glenorchy, visct. xiv 181] 

Glentworth, lady, xxxiv 60 

Gloucester, bp. (Warburton) xxii 247] 
princes. Carol. Aug. Maria. xviii 

— duchs. xlix 588 
W. H. duke, xlvii 413 
Glyn, sir Rd. xv 170] 

Glynn, sir G. lvi 139 

——— J. xx 228] 

*—— John, xxii 228] 

sir Steph. Rd. Ivit 124 

dow. lady, lvi 133 

Glynne, lady (sir J.) xii 172] 

John Conway, xvi 170] 

rev. sir Steph, xxiii 250] 

“Gmelin, J. F. (botan.) xlvii 482 

— — prof. xvii 197] 

Goate, Edw. xlv 507 

Goddard, miss Prise. xlvii 515 

Godfrey, mrs, Peter, xlvi 464 

Godolphin, Fras. earl, ix 168] 
mrs. Marg. ix 171] 

*Godwin, mrs. Wollstonecraft, xxxix 49 

Golden, mrs. (aged 112) xliy 497 

*Goldie, J. li 621 

Golding, mr. Ji 582 




*Goldsmid, Abrah. lii 403 
————— Ben. 1. 152 
*Goldsmith, Oliver (poet.) xvii 192] 
Goldsworthy, lieut.-gen. Phil. xliii 63 
Golstein, count J. Lew. xix 227] 
Gooch, rev. J. (son bp. Ely) xlvi 465 
lady xxiii 250] 

—— (sir T.) x 175] 

sir T. xxiv 214] > 
lady (sir T.) lvi 139 

mrs, xlviii 504 

— Geo. xlix 552 

Goodall, dr. H. xxiv 168] 
Goodenough, rey. Edm. xlix 603 
Thos. xlix 559 
Goodrick, sir J. xxxi 244] 

Goodwin, G, xix 129] 

——— rev. Jas. xlviii 546 

-—— J. xviii 97] 

Goold, Fras. xlix 549 

Gough, lady, xxv 238] 

sir Hen. xvii 193] 

Gould, lady Barbara, xxiv 210] 

sir H. xvii 193] 

xxxvi 48 

mrs. Jane, xlix 569 
Gordon, lady (rev. sir Adam) liii 163 
rt. hon. Alex. xxxiv 58 

~ lord Alex. 1. 146 

col. hon. sir Alex. lvii 126 
gen. Ben. xly 526 

lady Cath. xxvii 221] 

hon. Cosmo, lv 114 

—§— miss E. xviii 213] 

—— sir Ernest, xlvi 490 

lady Har. lyi 136 
———— Henrietta, xxxi 242] 
*—— lord Geo. xxxv 35 

maj. G. lii 368 

sir J. xxvi 238] 

. rey. dr. J. xxxy 69] 

J. xlix 588 

Jas. xlix 603 

sir J. xxxvii 54 

lady (sir J. Jas.) xxxiv 56 
— mrs. (rev, Lockhart) xlvi 484 
lady Mary, xxv 239] 

sir Rob. xv 164] 

xix 225] 

——_—— lady Susan, xxxvii 54 
—— sir T. xii 173] 

W. xix 224] 

sir W. xxxvii 53 

x1 117 

duchs. dow. xxii 249] 

hon. lieut -col. xxi 227] 
lady, xviii ote 

——_—_— xxxviii 64] 

— xii 59 

mrs. xiii 88] 

Gore, sir Booth, xvi 171] . 
— Chas. (grandf. earl Cowper) xlix 549 
— capt. J. xxxii 219] 

—— hon. Rd. xxxiv 59] 

xlix 610 

—— lieut,-gen. xvi 175] 

Gorges, miss A, xlvii 494 

Goring lady, xi 217] * 

xvii 193] 

(sir H.) xxiii 251] 

sir J. xii 175] 

Gormanston, viscts. dow. xxx 230] 

Gort, visct. lix 144 

Gosford, Arth. visct. xxxii 245] 

earl, xlix 549 

Gosling, sir Fras, xi 219] 

W. xiv 531 

Gosselyn, mrs. (adm.) lvii 129 

*Gosset rev. dr. Is. liv 182 

Gostling, capt. W. xlvi 506 

Gotha, Saxe, Louisa Dorothea, duchs. x 

Gott, lady (sir H. T.) lvi 140 

Gottsched, lieut.-col. J. M. B, xIvii 498 

Gotz, Von, xlviii 514 

Gouidee, counts. xxxvi 49 

*Gow, Niel (music.) xlix 558 

Gower, sir Erasmus, lvi 136 

John, xix 224] 

adm. John Leveson, xxxiv 61 

gen. J. Leveson, lviii 222 

lady Richenda, xv 168] 

lord W. L. xlvi 489 

. maj. xliv 519 

mrs. (Wm. Leveson) 1. 162 

dow. lady, xxvii 253] 

rey. dr. xx 229] 

Grace, mrs. E, xlvii 485 

Graeme, gen. Day. xxxiv 59 

*Grafton, Aug. H. duke, liii 158 

Graham, lady (sir Belling.) x 176] 

—— sir Bellingham, xxxviii 60] 

* rev. Jas. (poet.) liii 167 

John, xix 226] 

——-— lady Morg. xxxi 246] 

——— T. xlix 598 

Thos. (M.P.) 1xi 116 

lady, vii 126] 

marchs, xxviii 221] 

— hon. mrs. xxxiv 60 

- mrs. (col.) xlvi 520 

Granard, counts. dow. xxi 226} 

.- Geo. earl, viii 170] 

———-earl, xii 175] 

—— xxiii 250] 

Granby, marq. xiii 189] 

Grand, Alex. le, ix 172] 

Grandison, counts. xxv 238] 

— earl, ix 170] 

— visct. xlii 63 

*Granger, rev. — xix 136] ‘ 

Grant, sir Arch. xxi 227] 

Alex. xv 167] 

lady (sir Alex.) xlv 497 

J. xx 226] 

sir Jas. liii 159 

Lewis, xlix 596 

—— sir Lud. xvi 168] 

¢ capt. xliil 67 

lady, xlvii 465 

—_——_——— liy 182 

mms MS, XViii 208] 


Grantham, Tho. lord, xxviii 221] de Grey, hon. Georg. ly 120 
Grantham, mr. (duel) xlvii 476 Griffin, lady E, x 173] 
Grantley, lady, xxxvii 54 (sir J.) vii 124 
——~—— dow. lady, xlv 524 ———— Mary, xvii 191 
lord, xxxi 241] Griffith, Christ. xix 221] * 
Granville, earl, vi 131] *——- mrs. xxxv 69 
xix 223] > "Griffiths, Ralph (ed. Mon, Rev.) xlv 620 
— hon. mrs. A. x 178] *Grignion, Chas. (engrayer) lii 407 
Grasse, adm. de, xxx 196] Grimaldiyamarq. xx 227] 
Gravener, capt. xix 157] Grimes, Jack, xii 78 
Graves, rey. Jas. xlix 590 Grimini, mad. xi 213 
—— rear-adm. S. xliy 621 Grimston, visct. xvi 176] 
adm. sir T. lvi 136 — viscts. xxi 226] 
—— lady (sir T.) lviii 213 xxviii 222] 
W. xliii 68 ——— Jas. visct. ]. 172] 
—— lord, xliv 497 Grimstone, hon. H, xviii 209] 
Gray, lady (sir Jas.) xxiv 215] Grinfield, gen. W. xlyv 522 
—— C. xxv 229] Grive, capt. Douglas, xlix 591 : 
—— lord, xxviii 222] Grogan, mrs. (Fras.) 1. 161 
——— sir Geo. xvi 177] “1 Grojan, Fras. xlviii 546 
hon. mrs. Helen, xviii 211] *Groot, Isaac de, xxii 201} 
—— sir Jas. xvi 166] Grose, lady, xxxvi 48 
*—— Tho. (poet) xiv 179] *—— Fras. (antiq.) xxxiii 20] 
—— W. lord, xlix 609 sir Nash, lvi 135 
Greathead, Bertie, xlyi 503 Gross, baron de, viii 173 ] 
»— lady Mary, xvii 192] Grossett, mrs. (Schaw) xlix 598 
Greaves, mrs. Edw. xlv 510 Grosvenor, earl. xliv 515 
Rd. xlix 584 — lady Amel. lvi 133 
Green, Amos, xlix 580 *——— H. xxiii 228] ; 
sir W. liii 156 ~~ mrs. (lion. T.) xiv 177] 
dr. (bp. Lincoln) xxii 246] ————-- Tho. (broth. earl G.) xxxvii 53 
maj.-gen. liii 165 — mrs. (aunt to lord G.) xlvii 513 
‘ec mrs. (actress) xxxiii 35] Grove, miss M. A. xlyiii 507 
Greenwich, baroness, xxxvi 47] Guerchy, count de, x i77] : 
Gregory, adm. G. lvi 131 Guernsey, lord, xxvii 221] 
——— rey. dr. G. 1, 149 Guilford, counts. xxxvi 49 
J. xlviii 546 Fras. earl, xxxii 243] 
——_ R. xlix 601 —— earl, xxxiv 60 
Gregson, John (Liverpool) xlix 569 " G. Aug. earl, xliv 504 
Greig, S. (comm. navy) xlix 600 —— earl, lix 142 
*Grellier, J. J. li 586 lady, ix 172] 
Grenfell, hon. mrs. 1x 200 *Guillemain, xlii 60 
Grenville, hon. mrs. E, xxxii 244] Guillemin, Nich. (prof. bot.) xlii 57 
rt. hon. G. xiii 191] * *Guillotine, J. B. V. xxxvi 7. 
hon. Jas. xxvi 239] Guise, sir J. xxxvi 49 4 
inrs. (hon. Geo.) xii 176] — W. xxvi 238] 
Gresby, rev. F. xvi 150] Gunning, mrs. xiii 188] 
Gresham, lady, xii 175] —_ sir Rt. lviii 222 
- sir J. xliii 73 Gurney, J. li 644 
Gresley, sir Nigel B. xxxii 245] Guthrie, Matt. (M.D.) xlix 601 
—— Bowyer, |. 149 ——- Pet. xiv 152] 
*Gretry, M. (comp.) lv 122 Guyse, lady (sir J.) vi 133] 
Greville, lady Ann, xxvi 238] Gwilt, G. (archit.) xlix 608 
hon. H. xliy 515 Gwynne, Edw. Matt. xlix 612 
— lady, xv 166] Lewis, xlvii 512 
*Grevillé, mrs. xxxi 218] Gyllenborg, counts. ix 168] 
*Greuze (French painter) xlvii 471 
Grey, hon. Booth, xliv 502 Habersham, hon. Jas. xviii 212] 
chas, earl, xlix 603 Haddington, counts. dow. xi 215] 
lady Doroth. xxiv 213] Haddo, lord, xxxiii 60] 
(sir H.) vii 124] Hagerty, Thos. xlix 590 
—— hon. H. xli 56 Haggerstone, Edw. xlvi 474 
sir H, 1. 149 lady (sir Tho.) xvi 170) 
— mrs. (grandm. lord Howick) xlix 562 sir T. xx 229] 
—— hon. J. xliv 512 Hailes, lord, xxxiv 63 

—— marchs, xxxix 64 Haldimand, sir Fred, xxxiii 59} 


Hale, mrs. (gen. Bernard) xlv 5114 
—— rear-adm. J. xxxiv 56 
—— Nath. xlix 601 
—— Peggen, xlix 548 
Hales, sir Christ. xix 225] 
lady (sir Edw.) xiii 189] 
—— sir Edw. xliv 516 
lady (sir Edw.) xlvi 516 

(sir J.) xli 66 
—— sir J. xliv 498 

xlviii 507 

lady (sir T. Pym) xlv 507 
ix 171] 
miss (sir J.) xlvi 485 
mrs. xlvi 481 
Halfhide, mr. xlix 584 
Halford, mrs. vi 54] 
sir C. xxiii 251] 
—_——— W.. xi 214} 
Haliburton, sir John xi 213] 
Halifax, earl, xiv 178] 
— lady (sir T.) xx 230] 
Halket, maj.-gen. F.xlv 516 
Halkett, lady Amelia, xxiv 212] 
(sir J.) xly 529 
Hall, rev. dr. liii 166 
—— gen. li 591 
—— hon. mrs. ly 118 
—— miss E. (sir Jas.) xlvi 497 
—— sir J. xix 226] 
Hallam, J. xiv 89] 
Halliday, sir Jas. xvi 176] 
John, xlvii 474 
capt. W. A. xlvii 473 

R 2 
Hallifax, dr. Sam. (bp.St. Asaph) xxxii 239} 

Halls, capt. Jas. xlviii 522 

—— sir Tho. Pym, xvi 168] 
Haly, sir J. xli 61 

Hamill, maj. J. 1i 587 

Hamilton, lady Arch. xxx 232] 
A. xxxiii 59] 

(sir Hen.) xliv 497 
——— rev. dr. A. liv 180 

hon. Bridget, xviii 212] 
—— G. xxviii 221 
Dorothy, xvi 166] 
mrs. Eliz. lviii 220 
—_ hon. Geo. xviii 209] 
————- mrs. Hans, xlvii 464 
lady Harr. xlv 506 

——— dr. Hugh (bp. Ossory) xlvii 512 

James duke, xii 174] 
gen. Jas. Inglis, xlv 514 
—— rev. J. W. xlvi502 
-————— lady Maria, ivi 131 
——- Otho, liii 158 
——— lord Spene. xxxiii 57] 
hon. T. xvii 192] 
T. adjut. xlix 602 

rt. hon. W. Gerrard xxxviii 63 

3! W. (artist) xliii 77 
——— lady (sir W.) xxy 239] 
‘"—. sir W. xlv 503 
——__—— his widow lvii 122 

——— lady, xliv 517 


Hamilton, col. xlvi 17 
—— —— lvii 126 
——— dr, (Lond. Hosp.) xlix 579 
———— duchs. dow. xiv 177] 
duke, xli 63 
——————_ lxi ll5 
———— hon. mrs. xxii 249] 
xxxi 242] 
and rev. xxix 238] 
— mrs. (bon. baron) xly 51) 
——— viset. lvi 135 
Hamlyn, sir Jas. liii 163 
Hammet, sir Ben. xlii 63 
—— J. (M.P.) liii 160 
Hammond, Arth. xlix 549 
hon. mrs. vi 132] 
Hamond, C. xlix 598 
Hampden, visct. xxyi 239] 
Hampson, Denis (harper) xlix 611 
——— sir Geo. Fras. xvii 200] 
“Hampton, rev, Jas. xxi 189] 
Hanbury, W. xlix 603 
*Hancock, hon. T. vii 116] 
Hand, rey. G. Watson, xliy 495 
Handasyde, gen. yi 131] 
lieut.-gen. ix 147] 
Hanhan, rev. sir Jas. xlviii 521 
—— lady (sir W.) vii 125] 
sir W. xix 222] 
—_—_—_— T. xxxiii 60] 
—— lady, xvli 199] 
Hankey, sir Jos. xii 174] 
— lady (sir Jos.) xiii 189] 
J. P. (alderm.) xlix 576 
sir Tho, xiii 188] 
Hanmer, rev. Graham, xlix 577 
sir Walden, xxi 225] 
—— W. xxvi 240] 
Hannam, mrs. V. C. xiii 186] 
Hannay, miss (sir S.) xxxi 244] 
— sir Sam. xxxii 245] 
Hanratty, rev. Sim. xlix 582 
Hansard, maj. xlviii 510 
miss xlix 595 
Harberton, visct. xl 118 
se xlvi 470 
Harbord, lady, xx 229] 
— sir W. Morden, xiii 186] 
Harborough, counts. x 174] 
—— xiii 191] 

— xxiv 214] 
—— dow. li 639 
—_—— earl, xli 60 
— Phil. earl, xlix 608 

earl xiii 186] 
Harcourt, counts. viii 169] 

— earl, xx 229] 

————— Geo. earl, lxi 612 
Hardcastle, capt. xlyii 502 
Harding, Ben. 1. 160 

— col, J. li 629 
*Hardinge, Geo lviii 215 

mrs. (Nich.) xlix 576 
Hardres, sir W. vii 125] 

- lady (sir W.) xxyi 237] 





Hardwicke, earl, vii 122] 

Phil. earl, xxxii 240] 
Hardy, adm. sir C. xxiii 250] 

™ Fras. liv 178 

J, xlviii 539 

Hare, rey. Edw. xlix 582 

—— sir G. vii 123] 

Jas. (M.P.) xlvi 473 

—— Rd. xix 169] 

lady, xvi 169] 

Harewood, Edwin lord, xxxvii 53 
— lady lv 115 

Hargrave, rev. Jos. Smith, xlix 595 
Hargreayes, mrs. xlvili 512 
Harland, Hen. xlv 529 

——- sir Rts xxvii 219} 

———- lady (sir Rt.), xlvii 464 
Harley, dr. J. (bp. Hereford) xxx 230] 
lady Marg. Cavendish, xxvii 254] 
———— hon. Rt. xvii 191] 

rt. hon. T. (alderman) xlvi 512 
—— hon. mrs. x1 117 

Harman, J. (astrologer) xix 136] 
Harmer Rd, xlix 584 

Harmeen, Jacob (aged 107) xliv 504 
Harpur, col. xlii 65 

Harrell, Aaron, xlix 596 
Harrington, H. (M.D. lviii 212 

sir Jas. xxv 237] 

lady (sir Jas.) xxxvi 54 
— liv177 
counts. dow. xxvii 220] 
earl, xxii 246] 

Harriot, Geo. lix 142 

*Harris, James, xxiii 240] 

~~ lady M. xxxiii 57] 

aon Rt. xlix 600 

—T. xii 106] 

- rey. W. xlix 596 

———- mrs. xvii 191] 

Harrison, J. adm. xxxiii 61, his widow, 7b. 62 


xix 129] 

Burrel xlix 602 

——— capt. J. xlv 509 

— xlix 548 

*_____— R, xxiv 179] 

lady, xvi 166] 

mr. (music.) liy 177 
Harrowby, lord, xlv 511 
— dow. lady, xlvi 497 
Hart, adm. liv 176 

Hart, sir W. xlvi 506 
Hartland, lord, Ixi 115 
Hartley, Dav. ly 123 

—— lady Louisa, liii 166 
Hartopp, miss (sir Edm. C.) xlvi 507 
. sir Edm. C. lvi 140 
Edw. lv 114 

hon. miss, xlix 577 

Hartpole, hon. mrs. xix 224] 
*Hartson, Hall (poet), xvi 169] 

Hartup, lady, vi 133] 

*Harvey, Beauch. Bagnall (hanged for 

rebellion), x1 55 
eon lady Em, Ivi 135 

Harvey, George lord, xxxviii 55] 
Harwood, sir Busick, lvi 189 
Haslang, count, xxvi 206] 238] 
—_—_——— . xvi 466 
*Hasted, Edw. liv 168 
Hastings, col. xlii 497 
——-- Geo. xxxii 195] 

* — Warren, Ix 202 
Hatch, Jas. xlviii 573 
Hatt, T. xlix 567 
Hatfield, lieut.-col. xlix 551 
Hattley, lady Eliz. xix 225] 
Hatton, lady A. vii 125] 

Finch, xiv 178] 
sir J. liii 164 
——— T. Dingley, liv 180 
hon. mrs. x 178] 

- — (actor), xlix 612 
Havard, W. (banker), lii 378 
Haversham, lady, xv 168] 
Haugwitz, baron de, xliv 505 
Haviland, gen. W. xxvii 221] 

mrs. (gen.), xix 600 
Hawarden, visct. xlv 519 
———— xlix 556 
*Hawes, W. (M. D.), li 576 
Hawke, Edw. lord, xxiv 215] 
miss Isab. xxviii 221] 
hon. mr. xx 229] 
lady, ly 123 
licut.-col. xvi 174] 
lord, xlvii 472 
Hawker, Erle, xlvii 508 
Hawkes, mrs. xlix 555 
*Hawkesworth, dr. John, xvi 175] 
Hawkins, lady (sir Chris.) xlii 59 
— mrs, (bp. Raphoe), xlv 494 
— rev. dr. (bp. Raphoe), xlvii 466 
Jas. xlix 597 
Hawkinson, sir G. xviii 215] 
Hawks, W. xlix 603 
Tiawley, lady, xxvi 239] 

lord, xv 167] 
lieut.-col, H. W. J. xlv 496 
Hay, Adam, xviii 214] 

— sir Alex. xxxiv 57 
~—— lady A. xv 166] 
— Cath. xvi 176] 

— xix 227} 
—— mrs. Dorothy, xlvi 501 
—— lady Eliz. xxxiii 60] 
sir Geo. xxi 225] 
—— lady Grace xiv 180] 

Har. Jane, liv 180 

hon. Jas. xxXxix 67 
*—~ Jas. (sculptor), lii 389 
sir T. xii 176] 
—— xxxvi 49 
——!xx1 226) 
W. xiiii 74 
—-— hon. mrs. xviii 213] 
—— maj.-gen. lvi 133 
*Haydn (composer), li 641 
Hayes, Jas. xlii 64 
——— sir Sam, xlix 584 




Hayley, Geo. (alderman), xxiv 213] 
Hayman, T. xlix 608 
Haynes, J. xix 225] 
Hayter, mrs. xix 224] 
Hayti, emperor (Dessalines), xlvii 500 
Hayward, sir T. xli 66 
Haywood, Eliz. (aged 130), li 603 
Head, lady (sir Edm. ), xviii 210] 
sir Edm. xxxviii 66 
—— dow. lady (sir Edm.), xlix 548 
—— sir Fras. xi 219] 
——— lady (sir Fras.), xxxiv 62 
—— sir J. xii 176] 
lady (rev. sir J.), xxiii 249] 
— sir T. xxii 249] 
W. xlix 559 
Heard, lady (sir Isaac), 1. 153 
Hearnes, T. xlix 598 
Heath, sir Hen. ix 171] 
judge, lviii 212 
Heathcote, lady Anne, xli 64 
———_—_———_ (sir Gilb.) lv 120 
rev. H. xlv 495 
J. xxxvii 53 
John, xliv 516 
sir Ralph, xliii 64 
T. xxix 237] 
W. Ixi 116 
lady, xv 166] 
Heathfield, lady (sir Gilb.), xii 175] 
— Augustus lord, xxxii 242] 
gen. lord, lv 113 

Heberdeen, counts. dow. xxxiii 59] 
*Hedwig, J. (botanist), xli 56 
Helmstadt, count, xliv 515 
Heming, G. xlix 567 
*Henderson, J. (actor), xxvii 246] 

sir J. lix 149 
Rt. xxiv 215] 
Heneage, hon. Cath. xxvi 240] 
——- ors. G. xlix 559 
Henessy, mrs. xlix 555 : 
Henley, Sam. Blackwell, xlix 589 
Henniker, sir Brydges Trecothick, |viii 217 
—— lady (sir J.), xxx 60} 

Ixi 118 

———— lord, xlv 504 

hon, mrs. xlv 497 
Henriques, Jac. xi 213] 
*Henry, T. (chemist), lviii 216 
Henshaw, Matt. xi 148] 
Hepburn, sir G. B. Ixi 116 
col. W. R. xlix 548 
Herbert, hon. Anne, xxxi 232] 
lady C, xxxv 70 

hon, C. Iviii 221 

lady Carol. lix 149 
mrs; Cath, xvili 208] 
lady Mary, xviii 212] 
——— J. xlix 576 

hon, Nich. xviii 206] 
Rob. xii 173] 

baron, xliv 513 

lady, xiii 190) 

— mrs. xli 61 

Pant Il. 


*Herder (German writer), xlv 531 
Hereford, bp. (Beauclerk), xxix 238] 
(Harley), xxx 230) 
(Butler), xliv 521 
lady (sir Jas.), xxiii 249] 
visct. xxvi 239] 
Geo. visct. xlvii 457 
Hermann (Russ. gen.) xliii 69 
Herne, Fras. xix 228] 
Heron, lady (sir Cuthb.), liv 182 
————— Eliz. liii 157 
sir Rd. xlvii 46) 
lady (sir Rd.), lvi 139 
*——— Rt. (literat.), xlix 566 
mr. vi 61] 
Herring, mrs. Rose, xlviii 530 
——— rev. T. xvii 192] 
W. dean. (St. Asaph), xvii 



Hertford, marq. xxxvi 50 
Hervart, Maxim. de, xii 172] 
Hervey, hon. Anne, xxviii 220] 
lady A. xiii 179] 
—- hon. Felton, xvi 173] 
——— Jacob, xii 98] 
hon, Wm. xix 221] 
mrs. xix 229] 
gen, W. lvii 122 
dow. lady, xi 217] 
—— — hon. lieut.-gen. xxi 225] 
——— and rev. dr. xxvi 238] 
Hesse, prince Wm. xv 166] 
Darmstadt, prince, xi 217] 
landgrave, xi 218] 

princess dow. ~ Fred. 

Charlotte, xx 227] $ 

Homburg, Wilh. Maria, landgravine, 
xiii 191] 

Philipsthal, Chas. landgrave, xiii 

Philipstell, landgrave Fred. xx 

Rhinfels, landgrave, xxi 228] 
Hesilrigge, sir Arth. vi 132] 

——-— lady, viii 179] 

——— sir Arth. xlvii 482 

T. M. lix 144 

Hesketh, sir T. xxi 225] 

— lady (sir T’.), xlix 548 
Dalrymple), lix 142 
Hetherington, W. xxi, 216] 

Hetley, sir R. xlix 551 

Hewit, sir Tyrrel, xiii 186] 

Hewitt, hon. miss E, xxxii 240] 

hor. Geo, xxxiv 57] 

lady Jane, xvi 169] 

Hewetson, mrs. ix 81] 

*Hewson, Hugh, li 603 

Hey, lady Abigail, xxvii 254] 

*— rev. dr. J. lvii 124 

Heyman, sir Pet. xxxii 242] 

*Heyne, G.C. liv 178 

Heyward, col 1. 155 ‘ 
Heywood, mrs. (aint marche; Sligo), xlvii 

3 L 


Hibbert, T. xlix 599 ’ 
Hickman, lady (sir N. G.), vi 134] 
Hicks, sir J. Bapt. xxxiii 62] 
Howe, xliii 84 
si B15) 
Higden, W. H. liii 162 
Higginson, mrs. (W. H.), Ll. 154 
Higgs, rev. —, vi 74] we 
"Highmore, Jos. (painter), xxiii 205] 
Highstreet, Andr, vy 88] 
Hill, Edm. li 640 
—— G.1. 147 
— Godf. xlix 600 
—-— Hannibal, xlix 554 
sir Hugh, xxxvii 53 
col. Justly, xliv 506 
J. lyvi 131 
sir J. xviii 214] 
. Rd. 1i 569 
lady (sir Rowl.), xvii 189] 
—— sir Rowl. xxvi 238] 
*—— Rt. xx 194] 
Thos. xix 227] 

xxv 238] 
—— mrs. (adm.) xlix 570 
Hillerby, dr. Mark, (bp. Sod. and Man), xv 


Hillersdon, J. xlix 583 

Hillsborough, counts. ix 169] 

col. xxiii 251] 

Hilton, lady (sir Rd.), vii 124] 

Hilyard, sir R. D’Arcy, lvi 139 

Hinaman, E. xlix 595 

Hinchinbrook, viscts. xxii 246] ‘ 

Hincheliff, dr. (bp. Peterborough, xxxvi 4 

Hingston, rev. S. xlix 554 

Hinchingbroke, lady, xi 216] 

Hippesley, lady (sir J. Cox), xli 66 

Hoadly, rev. dr, J. xix 223] 

Hoare, sir Edw. lyi 134 

— Jos. xliv 513 

— Rd. xxix 237} 

Hobart, hon. Geo. Vere, xliv 519 

——— H. xli 59 

— J. Sloss, xlvii 464 

— mrs. xlvi 483 

lord, xviii 215] 

———— xix 223] 

Hobbs, mrs. xlv 502 

Hoby, rev. sir Phil. ix 171] 

Hoche, gen. xxxix 68 

Hodges, sir Jas. xvii 198] 

ie misses M. and J. xix 203] 

Hodgson, Mich . xlix 610 

mrs. (capt. Rt.), 1. 158 

Sam. xlix 600 

Hodsoll, mrs. F. xlix 585 

Hoarsbrock, count, xxxiv 59 

*Hogarth, W. vii 108] 

Hohenlohe, Fred. Ever. prince, xlvi 469 

—————. Hen. Aug. prince, xxxviii 57] 

—— Kirchenburg, prince, x 176] 

prince, viii 134] 

Holborne, sir Alex. xv 165] 

a F, xiv 179) 


Holcombe, rev. S. xviii 209} 
Holden, rev. J. xlviii 546 
Holderness, Robt. earl, xxi 225} 
counts. xliii 87 
Holdsworth, W. xlix 552 
*Hole, rev. Rd. (poet), xly 507 
Holford, Pet. xly 513 
Holland, prince Wm. Geo, Fred. xli 55 
* H. (architect), xlviii 635 
—-— Hen. lord, xvii 194] 
. sir Nath. liii 166 
-——— Steph. lord, xvii 199] 
——— lady, xvii 196] 
xxi 226] 
Holliday, John, xliii 66 
Hollier, mrs. E. xli 59 
Hollingsworth, Fred. xix 224] 
*Hollis, Thos, Brand, xlyi 499 
Holman, C. lii 377 
Holme, Nath. (M.D.), xlix 661 
Holmes, lord. vii 124] 
maj.-gen. sir Geo. lviii 223 
Mary, xlviii 52 
rey. dr. Rt. xlvii 510 
R. F. Worseley, lvi 137 
Holstein, prince of, xyii 194] 
7 Beck, prince Chas. Lewis, xvii 

——— Glucksburg, duke Fred. ix 171] 
Holt, sir C. xxii 246] : 
——— xxv 238] 

— lady (sir Lister), xxxvi 48 

Holte, sir Lister, xiii 187] 

Holwell, lieut.-col. Jas. xlix 554 

: gov. J. Zeph. x1 92 

Home, Alex. earl, xxviii 222] 

lady Caroline, xxxvi 49 

sir G. xlv 506 

—— miss (sir G.), xlv 519 

lady Jane, xxix 237] 

*—— J, (traged.) 1, 160, li 596 

countess, vi 134] 

— dow. xxvii 219] 
oe Aa Me 
—— hon. mrs. (gen.), xxxvii 53 
Homer, rev. A. xlviii 539 
Hompesch, baron, xlvii 482 
— liv 178 
* — miss, xliii 71 
Honeywood, gen. xxvii 228] 

—- W. xlvii 466 
Honywood, lady (sir J.), xxiv 215] 
Hood, adm. visct. lviii 212 

—— mr. (fath. sir Sam.), xlvii 509 
*Hook, mrs. xlvii 505 

*Hoole, J. (translator), xlv 515 
Hooper, W. xlix 598 

Hope, lady A. xxiii 250] 

sir Archib, xxxvi 51 

mrs. Conway, xlv 497 

—— sir G. lx 200 

hon. Hen. xix 227] 

—— H. liii 157 

——— miss Jemima, xvii 189] 
——— sir Thos. xiv 177] 



Thos, xxiii 197] 
ord. x 176 

brig. -gen. xxxi 242] 

Hoper, mrs, xlix 559 
Hopetoun, Eliz. counts. xxxv 7 

-Hopkin, count, (Swedish minister), xxxi 

— Jas. earl, lyiii 216 
— counts. dow. xxx 231] 

Hopkins, Ben. Bond. xxxvi 47 

sir Fras. lvi 139 
alderm. sir J. xxxviii 67 
mrs. (maj.-gen.). xlvii 466 

*Hoppner, J. (painter), li 588, lii 363 
Hore, lady Mary, xl 119 
Hornby, lady Charl. xlvii 512 


gov, W. xlv 526 
Edw. I. 146 
Geo. (bp. Norwich), xxxiv 56 

*Horner, Fras. (M.P.), lix 143 
*Horrel, Johanne, xxxi 232] 
Horsley, mrs. (bp. St. Asaph), xlvii 472 

rev. dr. Sam. (bp. St. Asaph), xlviii 
W. xix 123) 

Horthingby, Ann, xvi 130] 
Horton, lon. Eliz. xxxviii 61] 

col. J. xix 228] 
sir W. xvii 191] 

—— sir Watts, liii 166 

mrs. xvi 139] 

Hoskyns, sir Chandos, xvi 170] 

lady (sir Chandos), xxv 239] 

sir Hungerford, xi 213] 

— xliv 514 

lady (sir Hungerford), xxxii 230] 

Hotham, lady Amel. vii 126] 




sir Beaum. xiv 180] 

lady, 2b. 181 

(sir Beaum. ), liii 166 
(sir Chas.), vii 123] 
sir Chas. x 178] 

xxxvi 47 

———— C. liii 164 - 

lady Dorothy, Ix 54 

—_—_———_ Gert. xviii 208] 
_——— sir J. (bp. of Clogher), xxxvii 
53 “ 

———— Rd. xli 58 

lady, xx 227] 
lord, lvi 134 
lady, xiv 181] 

Hothwell, miss, xvi 169] 
Houghton, lady, xv 168] 

sir H. xi 214] 

—— Hen. xxxvii 53 

lady (sir H.), xlv 505 
maj. (traveller), xxxvi 12 

Houlton, adm, J. xxxiii 56] 
Houston, Geo. xlix 571 

lady S. xxiii 261] 

*—__— (engraver), xviii 151] 
Howard, lady A, xli 67 

—~-— lady Anast. Safford, xlix 570 
——_— st Chas, xvi 174] 


Howard, mrs. (hon. C.), xi 215] 

hon. Edw. x 174] 
——— sir Geo. xxxviii 63] 
—— John, xli 59 
—— lady Louisa, xxiv 211] 

—— Lucy, xiv 178} 

hon. Maria Const. xviii 211] 
——— Rd. lx 204 
—-—— miss §. (earl Carlisle), xxvi 237 

-——— Thos. vi 131] 

——— hon. mrs, xxxi 246] 

———. de 
baroness, xlix 588 

Howarth, H. xxvi 205] 

Howe, hon. mrs. Carol. lvi 186 

———_ Jas. xv 1695] 

John, xii 175] 

hon. Juliana, xlv 501 

———— Lucy, xxx 60] 

—— Mary, counts. dow. xlii 64 

—— hon. T.xiv 181] 

— W. xxv 237] 

earl, xli 64 

hon. miss, xxvi 240] 

— and rey. xiii 188] 

——- visct. lvi 137 

viscts. dow. xxv 238] 

Howes, miss D. xlvi 518 

Howth, counts. xxxvi 53 

Thos. earl, xliii 73 

*Hoyle, Edm. xii 175] 

— xlix 596 

*Huber (German author), xlvi 519 

Huby, capt. xlvi 507 

*Huddart, Jos. (F.R.S.), lviii 220 

Huddesford, rev. dr. Geo. xix 224] 

Hudleston, lieut.-gen. lvi 131 

Hudson, lady A. lx 200 

sir Chas. xvi 175] 

lady (sir C.), xxiii 249] 

———_—__ (sir C. G.), xlvii 463 

—— (sir C. G.), lili 165 

— — sir C. Graves, ly 122 

J. xiix 596 

Jas. xlix 567 

*—— _W. xxxv 25 

gen. xvi 170] 

Huett, dr. 1. 154 

Hughan, T. (M.?.), liii 166 

Hughes, lady (sir Edw.) xlii 65 

——— H. Rowl. xxvii 182] 

adm, sir Rd. liv 168 

rev. sir Rt. lvi 136 

—~—- mrs. xliv 162 

Huish, Mark, xlix 581 

*Hull, T. (actor), 1. 153 

Hulse, lady (sir Edw.), ly 115 

sir Edw. lviii 223 

Rd. xlvii 508 

maj.-gen. ly 114 

Hulsen, lieut.-gen. de, x 176] 

Humble, lady, xiii 187] 

Hume, sir Abr, xv 168] 

David, xix 176] 

rev, Gust, xlvii 483 


Walden and Braybrooke, 




Hume, Gust. liv 175 

dr. J. (bp. Salisbury), xxv 239} 
rey. dr. Travers, xlvii 489 
Humphrey, W, xlix 582 

Hungerford, mrs. xly 501 

— J.P. i 62] 

Hunloke, miss A. (sir H.), xlv 527 

G, (sir H.), xlvii 465 
sir H. xlvi 508 

— T. W. lviii 212 

Hunsdon, W. F, lord, viii 170] 

Hunt, maj. Edw. xlvii 499 

—— Roger, xy 154] 

*Hunter, Alex. (M.D.), li 618 

* dr. Hen, xliy 517 

*——. John, xxxv 50) 

—— mrs. J. xviii 519 

*“——— dr. W. xxvi 238] 

*———- nrs. xxviii 201) 

—— lieut.-col. xlvi 484 
Huntingdon, Fras. 10th earl, xxxi 246] 
— Selina, counts. xxxiii 59] 
Huntingfield, Josh. lord, lviii 220 
— Maria lady, liii 167 
*Hurd, rey. dr. Rd. (bp. Worcester), 1. 155 
*Hurdis, rev. Jas. xliii 78 

Hurry, W. xlix 555 

Hurst, miss M. xlyij 498 

per ch R. (broth. earl Beaulieu), xlix 


—— W.(M-P.), lv 114 
Hutchinson, rt, hon, J. Hely, xxxvi 52 
— R. xxiii 225] 

— W. xx 226] 
___ (F.R.S.), lvi 133 
— lieut.-col. 1i 585 
Hutton, G. xlix 581 

*"——. W. (F.A.S.), lvii 128 
Huxham, dr. J. xi 217) 

Hyatt, Rt. xi 104] 

Hyde, rey. Humph. xlix 549 
Hyndford, earl, x 177] 
a eee 
———--— counts. dow. xlix 561 
————— earl, lix 144 

Jackson, dr. xlix 550 

————— ©. (bp. Kildare), xxxii 239] 

od LvAmd 

——-— hon. J. xxix 222] 

*—— J. xlix 585 

——— mrs. J. (M. P. Dover), xlix 581 

—~—— John and Jas, (two misers), xxii 

—— mrs. M. lii 401 

—— Wm. (music.), xlv 513 

Jacob, sir Clem. Brydges, xlvi 479 

Hildebr. xxxii 245] 

——— maj.-gen. Mich. lvii 130 

“Jago, rey. Rd. xxiv 179] 

James, alderm. (Dublin) xlix 578 

amar Or: Xk 129) 

col. Demetrius, xviii 211] 

—— sir Edw. xxxiv 63 

———— mrs. (rey. P.), xlix 595 


James, lady (sir W.), x1 119 

Jansen, sir Abr. viii 169] 

Hen. ix 169] 

———— sir Steph. Theod. xx 227] 
Jardine, mrs. (rev. D. B.), }. 157 
“Jarrett, Dick, (miser), xlviii 587 
Jarry, gen. xlix 559 

Made. li 569 

*Jay, mrs. and mrs. Gilbert, xix 129] 
Ibbetson, J. xlvyi 499 

*Jebb, dr. J. xxvii 198 

*“—— mrs. (dr. J.), liv 169 

Jees, Thos. xliv 500 

Jefferies, Jas. xix 222 

hon. Eliz. xliv 496 
Jefferson, sir J. xxiii 225)’ 

Jekyll, lady A. ix 170] 

Edw. xix 226] 

Jenkins, capt. xix 226] 

-— John Chas, xvi 168] 

mr. xl 36 

——— Jasper, xv 112] 

Jenkinson, hon. mrs. Cecil, lvi 133 
— lady (sir R.), viii 171] + 
— (sist. lord Hawkesbury), xxxiii 



— lady, xxiii 250] 
Jenkyns, Rd. xlviii 545 
*Jennens, Wm. xl 52 
Jennings, Ben. xxxiii 60] 
Jas. xlviii 572 
J. xxv 204] 
R. W. 1. 161 
Jenoure, lady J. vii 124] 
“Jephson, Rob. (dramatist), xlv 509 
Jerningham, mr. A, xlix 560 
* — Edw. (poet), liv 182 
— sir G. xvii 190] 
gen. xliv 517 
- — sir W. li 636 
*Jernowick, (music.), xlvi 520 
Jersey, earl, xii 175] 
xlvii 495 
mrs. (aunt, earl St. Vincent), xlv 


*Iffland, A. W. (Germ. dram.), lvi 139 

Ilchester, counts. xxxii 241] 

———_———. dow. xxxiv 62 

Ix 115 

———— Steph. earl xix 228] 

———- earl, xliv 516 

lliffe, capt. T. xlvii 474 

Imber, rey. L. xvi 145] 

Isham, Chas. xv 168] 

Ince, John, xlviii 546 

“Ingenhousz, dr. J. (nat.-phil.), xli 33 

Ingham, lady Marg. xi 215] 

Ingilby, lady Amcotts (sir J.), liv 180 

sir J. lyii 125 ° 

Ingleby, sir J. xv 167] 

Inglis, adm. xxviii 61] 

Day. ix 71] 

——— lady Doroth. xxvi 240] 

sir J. xiv 177] 

—— adm. J. xlix 559 




Inglis, sir Pat. lix 149 
Rt. xx 226] 
Ingram, Dale, xxxv 19 
rev. Rt. xlvi 493 
Innes, sir Alex. liii 165 
C. xi 215) 
Dav. xlix 607 
—— sir J. xi 219] 
lady (sir W.), xiii 188] 
Innis, lady, xiv 177] 
*Jocelyn, capt. xviii 541 
sir Conyers, xxi 225] 
——— hon. J. Bligh, lii 178 
*Johnes, T.(M.P.), lviii 215 
Johnson, miss E. xviii 206] 
rev. dr. Jas. (bp. Worcester), xvii 
—— Rd. xlix 588 
*—_-—— dr. S. xxvii 221] 
mrs. (Sam.), 1. 162 
sir W. xvii 195] 
hon. miss, xviii 209] 
Johnston, dow. lady, xliv 513 
—— lady Cecil, lix 143 
sir J. xv 169] 
Rd, B. xlix 583 
— W. xxxvi 48 
miss (gen.) xlvi 464 
Johnstone, C. (broth. sir R. B.), xlvii 478 
*——_—— dr. Jas. xliv 504 
capt. J. xiv 79} 
sir J. Lowther, liii 167 
hon. miss, xxxi 242] 
mrs. (rel. general), xliii 83 
Joliffe, Wm. (M. P.), xliv 500 
Jolly, Rd. xlv 519 
Jones, lady Cath. vi 132] 
miss Florence, xlix 600 
mrs. (Hen.), xlix 602 
— (rey. J.), li 592 
*_— Paul. xxxiv 27 
Rd. xii 127] 
rey. R. xlix 609 
maj.-gen. T. xliii 84 
rey. T. xlix 585 
— sir T. Tyrwhitt, liii 167 


*—_. Theoph. liv 168 
—-—— sir W. xxxiii 58] 
« sir W, (orientalist), xxxvi 38 

mrs. (hon. capt.), xlv 527 
(bp. Kildare), xlvii 477 
*Jordan, mrs. (actress), lviii 218 
Joyeuse, adm. Villaret, liv 179 
Irby, hon. and rev. W. Aug. xlix 504 
W. H. xxxiv 60 

— visets. xlix 604 

Ireland, mrs. J. xlvii 483 

xlix 562 

Irvine, lady (gen. sir J.), xlvii 49) 
col. lvi 134 

Irwin, dr. xxxvi 48 

visct. vi 133] 

viscts. vii 126] 

visct. xxi 225] 

— lady, ix 169] 

Irweine, lady, xviii 215] 

Jubb, Jos. xi 104] 

Juggins, T.xlix 561 

*Jukes, Fras. (engr.), liv 171 
*Julien, M. (sculptor), xlvii 483 
Juliens, rev. C. xlix 600 

Jupp, mrs. (Rd. archit.), xlix 554 
Juxon, sir Rt. H. xxxviil 68] 

*Kaimes, lord, xxv 240] 

Katencamp, Herman, xlix 572 

Kayennah, mrs. B. (aged 118), xlvii 496 

*Kauffmann, Angelica (paintress), xlix 602 

Kay, Quintin, xlix 589 

Kaye, dow. lady, xv 167] 

sir J. Lister, xxxi 247] 

Kearney, lady Aug. Anne, xxii 246] 
rev. dr. J. (bp. Ossory), lv 118 

ee —M. lvi 131 

*Keate, Geo. xxxix 36 

Keene, dr. Edm. (bp. Ely), xxiv 212] 

Keith, sir Bas. xx 229] 

lady Isab. xxxiv 58 

—— Rt. xvii 197] 

—— sir Rt. Murray, xxxvii 54 

—— mr. (aged 133), xv 112] 

Kelham, Rt. 1. 152 

Kellie, earl, xli 67 

Kelly, mrs. B. (col.), xlyvii 515 

sir G. xiv 18] ] 

*—— Hugh, xx 171] 

counts. xviii 210] 

*—— dr. li 589 

earl, xxiv 215] 

maj.-gen. J. F. lvi 132 

: mrs. (the Irish Fairy), xxvii 244] 

Kemble, mrs. (moth. mrs, Siddons, &c.) 

xlix 572 

Kemys, W. xlix 580 

Kemp, sir Ben. xx 226] 

—— lady Eliz. xliii 73 

—— (sir J.), xi 214] 

mrs. (Thos. (M.P.), xlix 607 

sir W. xlvi 502 

Kendal, Edw. xlix 559 

Kenmare, Frances, viscts. xxxvii 55] 
Mary, counts. xlviii 565 

Kenmore, viscts. dow. xix 227] 

visct. xxxvii 54 

earl, liv 180 

*Kennicott, dr, B. xxvi 238] 

Kennedy, dr. Gilb. xxiii 241] 

Kenrich, J. xli 66 

Kensington, baroness, lvi 139 

. —— Wm. lord, xliii 78 

——_—— mrs. xxxi 531] 

— (J. Pooley), xlvii 516 

*Kenyon, lord, xliv 502 

Keppel, Aug. visct. xxviii 22} 

hon. dr. Fred. (bp. Exeter), xx 230] 

———_ lieut.-gen. W. xxv 237] 

mrs. (bp. Exeter), lv 120 

Kent, sir C. liii 159 

Rt. xxvii 221] 

*— T. xxxili 6 




Kent, sir Thos. xliv 494 
—— lady, lix 147 
Kenton, Ben. xlii 17 
Kenworthy, Edw. xlix 559 
Kenyon, lady, lvii 123 

7 lord, xliy 151 

— Thos, xlix 550 
Ker, lady Essex, xi 117 
lady Mary, Ix 198 
*—— Rt. Hepburn, li 644 
Kerr, lord C, B. lviii 214 
mrs. E, xli 56 

— sir Rt. xix 228] 
Kerridge, J. (banker), xlix 559 
Kerrison, sir Roger, 1. 155 
Kerry, counts. xviii 214] 
xli 61 

3rdearl,ix 201 . | 
Kettereren, Johanna Maria, xliv 496 
Key, J. xlix 611 
Kilburn, Ezekiah, xlix 550 
Kilcoursie, visct. xxx 231] | 
Kildare, bp. (Jackson), xxxii 239] 
— counts. dow. xxiii 250] 
Killaloe, bp. (Synge), xiv 176] 
Killmurry, lady, ix 170 ° 
Kilmasers, lord, xi 214] 
Kilmorey, viscts. viii 170] 

viset. xi 214] 
Kilmory, viscts. xxix 221] 
John Needham, 10th visct. xxxiii 

*Kilpatrick, Alex. xxvi 211] 
Kilwarden, viscts. dow, xlvi 402 
Kincaird, mrs. xvii 196] ; 
Kincardine, counts. xv 166] 
Kinchant, mrs. xv 165] 
King, lady. E. xxxvi 47 
*— Edw. (antiq.), xlix 567 
—— sir Gilb. lx 201 
capt. Jas. (circumnavigator), xxvii 

—— Peter, lord, xxxv 73 
adm. sir Rd. xlviii 57) | 
hon. T. xxii 247] 
*—— T. (actor), xlvii 513 
— hon. W. x1119 
*— dr. vii 49] 
dow. lady, x 177] 
xxvii 220] 
lord, xxii 246] 
Kingsland, visct. xvii 191] 
————. Geo. visct. xlii 58 
Kingsmill, adm. sir R. xlvii 511 
Kingston, Edw. earl, xxxix 69 
Rob. earl, xli 59 
duchs. xxx 213] 
counts. xxvii 220] 
——— duke, xvi 174] 
Kinloch, sir Alex. lv 113 
Kinaird, lord, ¢ 177] 
Kinnaird, hon, Ed. Griffin, xlv 499 
—— F. J. H. lvi 140 
lady, viii 173] 

——_—_—— xvii 506] 

*Kinnebrook, Dav. xliv 505 
Kinneir, mrs. A. xi 163] 
Kinnoul, earl, xxix 238] 
8th earl, xlvi 481 
Kinsale, baroness, lxi 118 
— lord, xix 223] . 
Kinsky, prince Fr. Ulr. von, xxxiv 64 
Kintore, counts. xv 166] 

earl, xlvi 498 
— liv 181 
Kirkcudbright, lady, xlix 581 
Kirkman, mrs. (alderm.), xlvii 513 
*Kirkpatrick, maj.-gen. (orientalist), liv 


sir Jas. xlvi 488 
*Kirton, Geo. vii 95] 
“Kirwan, Rd. (chemist), liv 177 
Kitchener, W. xlix 579 
Kite, sir Rt. xv 168] 
*Klaproth, — (chemist), lix 142 
*Klopstock, F. G. (poet), xlv 501 
Knatchbull, miss Alicia, xxii 246] 
sir Edw. xxxi 247] 
lxi 117 
Wynd. vi 133] 
—— mrs. (Wyndham), xlix 549 
——— — lady, xli 67 
Knight, sir Jos. xviii 212] 
T. xxiv 171] 
Knightley, rev. sir J. liii 170 
— L. xxxiii 56] 
Knoller, Hen, xix 223] 
Knolles, sir Fras. xv 166] 
Knollis, miss M. xlvi 497 
Knollys, lady M. xxxiii 63] 
Knowles, adm. sir C. xx 229] 

: lady (adm. sir Chas.), xxxviii 


——— adm. J. xliii 66 

——— mrs. xlix 552 

Knox, J. xxxiii 59] 

T. (lieut.-col.), xlvii 515 
Knyphausen, baron, xxxi 244] 
Knyvett, Chas. xlix 584 

Koehler, gen. xliii 66 

Koenraed, card. Fras. xviii 213] 
Koskiusko, gen. Thad. lix 148 
*Kotzebue, (Germ. dram.), Ixi 115 
Krasicki, count Ignatius von, xliii 65 
Kray, gen. xlvi 465 

Krudener, baron, xliv 157 
Krumpholt, mrs. (music.), lv 123 
Kutusoff, Smolensko, (prince), lv 118 
Kyd, Steward, liii 156 

Kyfiin, lady (sir T.), liii 175 — 


Lackington, Chas. xlix 571 

Ladbroke, lady (sir R.), xi 218] 
sir Rt. xvi 175] 

Lade, dow. lady, xliv 502 

Laforey, adm. sir J. xxxviii 62] 

Laird, J. xlix 547 

Laithwaite, rey. — xix 157] 

Lake, Gerard, Jord, 1. 147 

sir Jas. Winter, xlix 570 




*Lalande, (astronomer), xlix 563 
Lamb, sir Math. xi 219] 
— Penniston, (M.P.), xlvii 463 
—— dr. (bp. Peterborough), xii 175] 
Lambe, hon. miss, xlv 510 
“Lambert, Dan. 1i 630 
hon. Doroth. xvii 199] 
sir J. xli 61 
——— lady Sophia Amynta, x] 118 
—— hon. mrs. xvi 170] 
— lady, xiii 188] 
’ Lamoignon, chance. France, xv 166] 
Lambton, gen. xxxvi 48 
Lampre, Paul, xi 184] , 
Lamy, dr. (prof. hist. Florence), xiii,186] 
Landaff, Fras. earl, xlviii 544 
Lane, maj. J. H. xliv 496 
hon. Rob. xi 216] 
*—— Ruf. xvii 154] 
—— Tim. (F.R.S.), xlix 583 
mrs. (Thos. Bateman), xlix 603 
xlix 580 
— xlix 594 
Lanesborough, earl, xi 215] 
xxii 245] 
Langara, Span. adm. xlviii 211 
Langdale, lady, viii 169] 
— —_— lord, xiv 175] 
xxi 225] 
Langford, viscts. xxxiii 63] 
miss A. E. xlix 577 
Langham, lady, xvi 175] 
——— nr. xx 230] 
sir J. ix 171] 
W. liv 171 
H. liv 175 
——— lady (sir W.), xlix 603 
Langrishe, sir Hercules, liii 156 
Langton, miss E. xlvi 512 
Lanigoan, rev. Jas. Cath. (bp. Oséory), liv 

Lansdowne, marchs. xxxi 244] 
. margq. xlvii 477 
li 639 
Lante, card. Fred. Marcel. xvi 168] 
*Larcher, M. lv 118 
Larcon, capt. T. xlvi 484 
Large, mr. J. xliii 73 
Larmour, capt. J. xlix 548 
Larson, capt. M. xv 112] 
Lasberg, count, xviii 210] 
a mrs. (gen.), (miss Catley), xxxi 

gen. xli 65 
lieut.-gen. xv 166] 
visct. lvi 135 
Lascey, marshal count, xliii 76 
Lasley, T. (M.D.), xlix 554 
Latablere, dean of Tuam, xviii 2) 1} 
Latham, W. xlix 554 
Latouche, rt. hon. Day. lix 146 
lady Emily, lviii 214 
col. (M. P.), Iviii 214 
mrs. xlvii 483 
*Latter, mrs. xx 175] 

Latton, rors. xix 225} 

Lauder, sir And. xii 172] 
Lauderdale, counts. xxi 227] 
xxxi 244] 
——— Jas. earl, xxxi 245] 
Laudohn, marsh. xxxii 215] 
Lavington, Ralph, lord, xlix 585 
“Laurence, dr. French, li 605 
maj.-gen. xviii 205] 
Laurens, hon. H. xxxv 6] 
Laurie, sir Rob. xlvi 499 

Law, dr. Edm. bp. Carlisle, xxix 237] 
—— rev. dr. G. bp. Elphin, lii 385 
—— mrs. (bp. Elphin) lv 115 
maj. Jas. xlix 549 

—— capt. xlvii 492 

— hon. mrs. xxyi 239] 

lieut. (son rev. dr.) xlix 596 
Lawless, Rt. xlviii 536 

Lawley, sir Rt. xxii 249] 

dow. lady, lviii 223 
Lawrence, sir Soulden, lvi 136 
Lawrie, sir Rt. xxii 226] 
Lawson, E. xlix 550 

sir Gilfred, xii 175] 
lady (sir H.) vii 125] 
—— sir H. xxiv 211] 
— sir J. liii 164 

—— mrs, Jane, lviii 216 

sir Wilfred, xlviii 535 
lady (sir Wilf ) liii 167 
Layard, dr. D. P. xliv 500 
Leavefield, mrs. xvi 145] 

Le Blanc, sir Sim. lviii 215 

Le Cat, M. xi 182] 

Lechmere, Edm, xlvii 472 
Lecke, sir J. O. lviii 214 
Lecky, mr, (duel) xlvii 488 

“Le Clere, gen. xliv 519 
Ledran, H. F, xiii 191] 

*Lee, miss A, xlvii 513 

lady Eliz. liii 156 

sir J. liii 164 

capt. T. xv 103] 

—— sir W. xli 62 

xliii 64 

Leeds, duchs. vii 124] 

duke, xxxi 243] 

duchs. dow. xxxvi 54} 
5th duke, xli 56 


| Leekey, Gab. xliv 494 

Lees, lady (sir J ) xlvii 505 
Leeson, Rd. xlviii 573 

“Lefevre, maj. lii 401 

Lefroy, mr. rev. J. xlvi 516 
Legard, sir Digby, xvi 167] 
——— lady (sir Digby) liii 165 
—_——— (sir T.) lvi 134 

Le Geyts, P. D. xlvi 502 

Legge, hon. Fras. Cath. xxxi 232) 
—— H. xxvii 221] 

Hen. Bilson, vii 124} 
hon. mr. xxv 239] 

Le Gros, capt. xlix 582 
Lehunte, Thos. xviii 207] 


Leicester, sir Pet, xiii i 
— counts. xviii 207] 

Charl. counts. xliy 497 
Leigh, gen. C. lvii 127 
—— lady Carol. xlvi 512 
— (sir Charlton) xxi 227] 
—-— Edw. lord xxviii 221] 
J. xlviii 528 
Jas. xvii 192] 
hon. Mary, xlviii 539 
— — lady (rel. sir S, Egerton) xliii 64 
Leighton, sir Charlton, xxiii 251] 
xxvii 221] 
—-—— mrs. M. xix 228] 
—— sir W. xlvii 475 
——_—— gen. xvi 170] 
Leinster, duchs. x] 118 
—-—— duchs. dow. lvi 133 
——— Jas. duke, xvi 175] 
— — duke, xlvi 505 
Leith, sir Jas. lviii 223 
Leitrim, counts. dow. lix 144 
earl, xlvi 490 
Leland, J. (M. P.) 1. 146 
de Lellis, M. xli 62 - 
Lemago, Aaron, xlix 551 
Lemon, J. (M.P.) lvi 136 
Le Neve, Peter, ix 147] 
Lennon, lieut.-col. H. liv 170 
Lennox, lady, Cecilia, xii 176] 
*———. Charlotte, x!vi 462 
——— Rt. xviii 211] 
——— W. xliv 498 

- lord H. liv 170 
Leon, prines. lyii 122 
Lenthall, W. xxiv 215] 
Leskay, T. xvii 98] 
Leslie, Alex. Manners, xlv 513 
——— miss Charl. Julia, xliv 493 
~—— hon. col. Chas. xii 175] 
—— sir Edw. lx 204 
—— lady F. xxxiv 62 
—-— hon, G. M. liv 176 
——— lady Georgiana, lvi 139 
—— dr. Jas. (bp. Limerick) xiii 191] 
—v-— lady Jane, xiv 177] 
——— Mary xxiii 253] 
—v— hon. T. xv 165] 
— miss, xxxiii 56] 
Lethbridge, sir J. lvii 130 
Lettsom, J. Coakley (M.D.) lvii 129 
Leuchars, lady, xiv 180] 
Leuchte, Jul. (music.) xlix 549 
Leven and Melville, earl, xliv 51] 
Lever, sir Ashton, xxx 231] 
rey. J. xlix 550 
Levercy, mrs. xiii 192] 
Levett, J. xlix 592 
Leving, sir Chas. xxxvili 56] 
Levins, T. xlvi 515 
*Levy, mrs. xlv 495 
*Lewes, Lee (actor) xlv 514 
- lady Reb. Hon. (sir Watkin) xli 55 
Lewis, hon. Charlotte, xliv 512 
—— rev. Jas, (dean Ossory) xxvi 239 


*Lewis, F. W. (actor) liii 155 

—— mrs, xlvi 502 

Ley, J. lvi 135 

Leybourne, hon. Wm. Leybourne, xviii 

*Lichtenberg, G. Chr. xli 57 

— count de, xliii 71 

Lichtenstein, prince, xiv 176] ‘ 

——- — Jos Wen, xv 165] 

Aloys Jos. prince, xlvii 471 

——— prince, xliv 507 

Lickbarrow, Rowl. xxxvi 48 

Liddel, mrs. xvii 197 

“Liddell, sir H. G. R. xxxiii 48] 62] 

—— hon. T. xv 165] 

mr. xiii 189] 

Hadaendet, mrs. (sist. bp. Kildare) xlvii 

Liege, prince bp. xxvii 220] 
Lifford, Jas. visct. xxxi 243} 

viscts, xlix 56] 

Lighton, sir T. lviii 216 

“de Ligne, prince, lvi 140 

Ligny, prince de, ix 170] 

Ligonier, earl, xiii 187] 

xxv 238] 

Lill, hon. Godf. xxvi 239] 
Limerick, bp. (Leslie) xiii 191] 
———_——— (Bernard) xlviii533 
Lincoln, C. (corpor. Lond,) xlix 544 
bp. (Green) xxii 226] 

earl, xxi 227] 

infant, xxii 248] 

Lind, Jas. (M.D.) liv 181 

Lindau, princess abbess, xlii 57 
Lindley, W. xlix 597 

Lindores, lord, xviii 210] 

lv 118 

Lindsay, lady Amel. xvii 190] 
Cath, xii 173] 
—— sir C, xli 59 

———— Day. xxxix 65 
———— lady (sir Day.) Ix 201 
—— sir J. xxx 231] 

lady Susan, xii 174] 
——-— rey. Theoph. 1. 162 

relict. liv 169 

——— mrs, xlv 426 

Lindsey, Alb. earl, 1x 203 

Linley, T. xxi 195] 

Lintz, baron, ix 168] 

de Lippe, counts. Soph. Clem. xlv 486 
Lippe, Buckeburg, xx 229] 
Lippincott, sir H. xxiii 253] 
Lipscomb, mrs. Jane, xi 90) 

Lisbon, archbp. xix 229] 

Lisburn, lord, ix 169] 

Lisburne, earl, xlii 56 

viscts. vii 122] 

Dorothy viscts. xxxii 245] 
counts. xlvii 498 

Lisle, baron. xxiv 212] 

— lady, lvii 129 , 

—— John lord, xl 117 

Litchfield, lady, xii 172] 




Litchfield, counts. dow. xxvii 220] 

earl, xv 168] 

Rob. earl. xix 229] 

*Little, John (miser) x1 35 

Littleton, sir Edw. liv 175 

*Liverpool, Chas. earl, li 566 

Livingstone, sir Alex. xxxvii 53 

lady sir Jas. x 175] 

—— sir Jas. xiv 178] 

— mr. xix 224] 

Llandaff, bp. (Watson) lviii 217 

viscts. xxxviii 57] 

Lloyd, sir Edw. xxxvii 54 

——-— Evan, xix 123] 

sir Herb. xii 175] 

er J. (chief just. Carmarthen, &c.) xlyviii 

—— J. Allen, xlvii 508 

rev. Phil. (dean Norwich) xlii 205 

—— mrs. (Rd. Jones) xviii 567 

*—— Rt. (poet) vii 111] 

—— T, xxvi 239] 

—-—lieut. T. xlviii 537 

—— miss xlvii 476 

Lock, Chas. xlvi 499 

J. (Athgol) xlix 578 

Locke, capt. W. xlvi 517 

Locker, W. lieut.-gov. Greenwich H. xlii 66 

Lockhart, sir Alex. M. lviii 217 

Chas. count, xliv 515 

sir Geo. xxi 226 

mnrs. (hon. Jas. Potter) xlix 581 

Lockman, John, xiv 79] 

Lockton, rev. J. xlix 592 

Lodington, rev. Jos. xlix 550 

Loftus, Nich. visct. vii ]22] 

Loggen, T. lii 399 

Lombe, sir J. lix 144 

London, bp. (Terrick) xx 227] 

——. (Lowth) xxix 238] 

—— (Randolph) lv 120 

——- earl, xxv 238] 

Londonderry, bp. (Bernard) xi 213] 

————— counts. xv 166 

Pitt, earl, viii 169] 

“Long, Edw. ly 115 

lady (J. Tylney) xx 230] 

sir Jas. Tilney, xxxvi 54 
—— xlvii 499 

Rob. x 174] 

lady, viii 170] 

Walter, xlix 560 

W. (Baynton hall) xlix 580 

mrs. xlv 498 ‘ 

Longford, lady, lviii 214 

—— lord, xxxiv 59] 

Longman, mrs, 1. 158 

Longueville, viscts. vi 132] 

*Lonsdale, earl, xliv 507 

— rev. J. xlix 589 

Loraine, prince Jos. liv 177 

Lorrain and Bar, Chas. duke, xxiii 251] 

Lorraine, lady (sir W.) liii 167 

— princes. Ann, Charl. xvi 175] 

— Louisa, xv 168] 

Lort, rev. dr. Mich. xxxii 225] 
L’Oste, F. xlix 581 

Lothian, marchs. xxi 227] 

Jane marchs. xxix 238] 

-——— marchs. xxiii 252] 
marq. xviii 207] 
lvii 122 
Loudon, Jas. earl, xxviii 221] 
if rey. mr. xv 103] 

“Love, Lovelace, xxvii 198] 

T. xlvii 513 

Lovett, sir Jonathan, liv 170 

R. T. J. xlix 605 
Loughborough, lady, xxiv 210] 
*Loutherbourg, P. J. (painter) liv 171 
*Louvet, M. xxxix 68 

*Lowe Mauritius (painter) xxxv 46] 
Lowndes, Jos. xi 184] 

—— Rd. xviii 213] 

——-—— Wn. xviii 207] 

1. 152 

Lowten, T. lvi 131 

Lowth, miss C. xi 216] 

dr, Rt. (bp. L.) xxix 238] 
miss (bp. L.) liv 172 

earl, xli 57 

Lowther, sir J, (M.P.) liii 167 
———— W. vi 134] 

rey. sir W, xxx 231] 

— hon. mr. vii 126] 
Loxham, W. xlix 555 

Lubbock, sir J. (banker) lviii 214 
Lubomirski, prince Jas. Alex. xv 169] 
“de Luc, J. A. (geologist) lix 148 
Lucan, counts. dow. lvi 132 
*Lucas, rev. dr. Rt. liv 175 
Lucchesi, count, xxxii 241] 
Lucena, Ja. Chas. ly 118 

Luders, baron de, xvii 199] 
“Ludlam, rev. T. lili 166 

Ludlow, counts. xxxviii 59] 

Aug. earl, liii 166 

Luggens, J. xlix 571 

*Lumisden, Andr. (antiq.) xliii 79 
Lumley, hon. Jas, ix 169] 

sir Jas. xiv 181] 

Lumsden, adm, liv 175 

Lush, mrs. xlix 549 

Lushington, mrs. (Morn. place) xlix 655 
—— sir Steph. xlix 548 
Luther, J. xxviii 220] 

Luttrell, lady Eliz. xli67 

— capt. Jas. xxx 233] 
——-— J. Fownes, lviii 213 

hon. Temple, xlv 495 

mrs. xlv 507 
Lutwidge, adm. Skeffington, lvi 137 
Luynes, card. archbp. Sens, xxx 230] 
Lyde, sir Lionel, xxxiii 59] 

——- lady (sir Lion.) lvi 133 
Lydiard, capt. 1. 146 

Lyman, gen. W. liii 165 

Lynch, lady Eliz. xiv 180] 

Mich. Mare. xlvi 512 
Lynch, sir Pet, xv 169] 


Lyon, rev. J. lix 145 

—— miss Jane, xlv 522 

—— lady M. x 176] 

—~— Mary, xxiii 251] 

— nrs. xlix 577 

*—- Israel, xviii 128] 

Lyttleton, dr. C, (bp. Carlisle) xi 219] 
— lady F. xi 214] 

Geo. lord, xvi 173] 

———— lady (2nd wife lord G.) xxxvii 54 

———- sir Rd. xiii 189] 
————. Tho. earl, xii 249] 
—-——. W. _ H. lord, 1. 160 

*“M‘Allister (artist) liv 177 
Macan, maj.-gen. liv 180 
Macarthur, mrs. xlix 551 
Macarthy, gen. xiv 79] 
——— Owen, xxxii 230] 
Macartney, Geo, xxii 245] 
*____— Geo. earl, xlviii 525 
—— sir J. liv 176 
Macbride, adm. J. xlii 58 
Macclesfield, counts. dow. xxii 247] 
—_—_—_—-—— liv 176 
- earl, vii 123] 
Tho. earl, xxxvii 53 
M‘Cloud, Pet. xv 135] 
M‘Creagh, lieut.-col. xlix 568 
*M‘Cullum, P. F. li 588 

M‘Cumming, mrs. (capt. Bryce) xlvi 492 

Macdonal, col. xviii 212] 
Macdonald, Alex. lord, xxxvii 54 
*—_———- Flora, xxxii 195] 
—— sir Jas. ix 171] 
— lady, xxxi 246] 
— miss xlv 502 
M‘Donald, Sam. xliv 506 
Macdonnell, capt. J. xlix 598 
M‘Douall, adm, R. lviii 213 
M‘Dougal, adm. lvi 139 
Macdougall, sir Geo. Hay, xx 227] 
Macdougill, capt. Duncan, xlix 596 
*Macfarlane, Rt. xlvi 494 
M‘Findley, C. (aged 143) xvi 116] 
M‘Ghie, Rt. xlviii 537 
Mac Gillivray, xxxv 49 
Mackay, hon. miss, xvi 168] 
lieut.-gen. xxxi 244] 
——— rev. Dune. li 602 
Mackenzie, sir Alex. ix 170] 
——_—_——_—_—— xiii 188] 

—————. xxxiv 59 
———-— lady (sir Alex.) x 177] 
— xxiii 59] 
————_ — Betty, xli 62 

gen, Col. lvii 129 

col. Hector, xlix 582 
lady Jane, liv 181 
———— lieut.-gen. J. xxxiii 61] 
———— — J. liv178 

_ — maj.-gen. J.R. li 641 

rt. hon.’Jas. Stewart, xlii 59 

——————. capt. Kenneth, xix 222] 

hon. Marg. Stuart Wortley, 1.146 


Mackenzie, Peter, xlix 591 

— sir Rod. liii 163 _ 

hon. W. F. lvi 138 
lord, lvii 122 

— mrs. (col. Alex.) xliv 496 
—— mrs. xlvi 

Mackett, mrs. xlix 595 

Mackie, miss, xvii 196] 

M‘Kinnon, maj. liv 169 , 
*Mackintosh, Alex. xxvi 209] 
*Macklin, C. (actor) xxxix42  ~ 
— mrs. C. (actor) xlix 605 
Mackworth, lady A. xxxiv 63 

— miss F. xxiii 249] 

—— sir Herb. xxxiii 60] 
——_——— lady (sir Herb.) xli 68 
*Maclaine, dr. Archib. xlvi 509 
Maclean, sir Hect. lx 204 ; 
M‘Leod, John Jord, xxxi 243] _ 
M‘Leroth mrs. (lieut.-col) xlix 582 

M‘Mahon, rev. dr. (tit. bp. Killaloe) xlix 562 

————- sir J. lix 147 

M‘Millan, Iver, xlix 584 
Macnamara, col. xi 118] 

adm. Jas, xliv 500 
Maconochie, hon. Allan, lviii 216 
Macepharlane, Jas. xlix 590 
Macpherson, Jas. xxxviii 57] 
—__—_—_—_—- Bailie Donald, xliv 496 
Madan, lady Charl. xxxvi 48 

2 rev. Mart. xxxii 205] 

: mrs. xxiv 201] 
*Magelhaens, J. H. xxxii 196] 
Magennis, lady E, xlix 570 
Magnus, hon. mrs. xxix 237] 

Mahomet Sidi (emper. Morocco) xxxii 239] 

Mahon, lord, vi 133] 
viscts. xxiii 251] 
Mainadue, dr. J. B. de, xxxix 19 
Mainwaring, rev. dr. J. xlix 578 
—— mrs. xlvi 489 
Major, sir J. xxiv 210] 
Mair, mrs. J. xlix 597 
*Mairan, J. J. d’Ortons de, xiv 89] 
Maitland, Alex. xlvi 502 
———— hon. Chas. x 175] 
Chas. xxiii 225] 
——— lady Charl. lv 114 
——— hon. C. Fox, lix 149 
2 ee 

lady Jane, ix 170] 
—— hon. col. Rd. xv 167] 
——_ — miss, x 174] 

mrs. col. xlvii 510 

hon. mrs. xlvii 514 
Malcolm, sir Jas, xl vii 508 
Malet, sir C. W. lvii 122 
Malkin, maj. B. xlix 585 
*Mailet, Phil. liv 177 
——. Walt. xv 135] 
“3 du Pan, xlii 60 
Malone, rt. hon. Anth. xix 225] 
———- mrs. (hon. Anth.) xvi 170] 
———- hon, Edm. xvii 192] 

rev. dr. Spencer (bp. Peterb, ) lv 122 




*Malone, Edmund, liv 176 

Malpas, lord, vii 123] 

visct. lvii 129 

Maltby, Geo. xlix 607 

mrs. (mother-in-law bp. Line.) xlix 

*Malton, Jas. (artist) xlv 419 
2 Thos. xliii 66 
Malvezzi, Cord. Vin. xviii 215] 
Man, adm. Rt. lv 122 
Manchester, duch. dow. xxviii 222] 
duke, xxx 232] 
Manciforte, cardin. xxiv 212] 
Mandeville, lord, xv 165] 
~ Manhock, lady, xxii 247] 
Manley, adm. J. lviii 223 
Mann, adm. xxvi 238] 
sir Hor. xxviii 222] 
lvi 133 
lady Louisa, xxi 225] 
T. xlix 579 
Manners, lieut.-col. Fred. xlv 497 
— lord Jas. xxxii 245] 
John, xxxiv 62 
gen. Russell, xlii 64 
— lord W. xv 101] 166] 
——— lady, lvi 137 
Manningham, maj.-gen. Coote, li 638 
———-—— lady, xiv 179] 
Mannock, mrs. E. xvii 190] 
sir Fras. xxi 226] 
lady (sir Jas.) xxxi 246] 
sir T. xxiv 214] ~ 
lady sir T. lvi 134 
sir W. vii 123] 
xix 223] 
—— lady, xvii 200} 
Mansel, lady (sir W.) liv 175 
Mansell, sir W. xlvi 462 
Mansfield, counts. xxvii 220] 
earl, xxxv 16 
*—____—__ xxxviii 65] 
Manvers, Chas. earl, lviii 216 
Manwaring, sir A. xxiii 241] 
— W. xi 163] 
Maple, W. v 68] 
Mapletoft, rev. Fras. xlix 608 
Maratrai, Toussaint (aged 112), v 123] 
March, mr. fdentist) xliv 496 
Marchant, W. xlviii 563 
le Marchant, maj.-gen. liv 178 
Marchmont, Eliz. counts. xxxix 66 
earl, xxxvi 47 
Marhard Hessian, minister, xv 165] 
Markham, Geo. xliti 64 
— mrs. (hon. Osborn) lvi 132 
(a rev. dr. W. (archbp. York) xlix 

——- ns. (archbp. York) lvi 131 
Marklove, J. (banker) xlix 559 

Marks, Josh. xi 90] 

Marlay, rev. dr. G. (bp. Dromore) vi 133] 
Marlborough, Caroline, duchs. liii 167 
——— Geo. 3rd duke, lix 142 
Marlay, dr. Rd, (bp. Waterford) xliv 512 

*Marmontel, M xli 43 
Marnesia, marchs. xxxvi 51 
*Marriott, rev. G. xxxv 73 
J. xiviii 533 
Marsden, mrs. xlyi 497 
*Marshal, Andr. (M.D.) Iv 115 
Marshall, rey. Edw. xlix 561 
——-. J. xlix 596 
lieut. Jas. xlvii 489 
Rt. xvii 196] 
Marsham, miss E. (hon. and rev. dr.) 1, 157 
mrs. Prise. xlvi 485 
— hon. Shovel, ix 169] 
*Martin, gen. Claude, xliv 513 
—— J. xxxvi 49 
Jas. M.P. xix 224] 
— lady M. lvi 139 
sir Mord. lvii 128 
W. Byam, xviii 527 
—— hon. mrs. xxxiii 63] 
Martyn, Nich. xlix 581 
— mrs. (singer) xlix 570 
Marsham, lord, xix 225] 
Mashiter, W. liii 163] 
Maskalinge, lady, xvi 173] ° 
*Maskelyne, rev. dr. Nevil (astron,) liii 156 
Mason, mrs. A. xlviii 506 
adm. Christ. xliv 510 
*—_— Edm. xlii 15 
dr. G. (bp. Sodor and Man) xxvi 

: Geo. xlviii 566 
rev. H. Cox, xlvi 468 
J. xlix 558 
* rev. W. (poet) xxxix 25 
Massa, duchs. dow. xi 202] 
J. xlix 609 
Massarano, prince, xx 229] 
Massareene, counts. dow. xlvii 479 
* — earl], xivii 468 
counts. xlii 65 
Hen. earl, liii 163 
— Chichester, visct. Iviii 214 
Massay, rev. C. (dean Limerick) ix 170] 
Hugh lord, xxxii 240] 
lady, xxvii 221] 
dow. lady, xxxiii 60] 
lord, liv 178 
Massow, M. de, xviii 213] 
Master, Wm. Dan. xxxiv 63 
Maston, Pet. xii 78] 
Matthew, mrs. E. (aunt earl Llandaff) xlv 

gen. xlvii 515 
*__._—_ mrs. xxiv 187] 
Mattinson, — viii 158] 
*Mattocks, Geo. (actor) xlvi 496 
Mattyear, mrs. xlvii 478 
*Maty, dr. xix 176] 

*Maud, Thos. xli 56 

Maude, lady, xxii 246] 
Mauger, mrs. Joshua, xix 223] 
Maule, mr. baron, xxiv 212] 
Maurice, Job, xxxv 19 
Mautimer, And. G, xlix 568 


Mawbey, sir Jos. xl 118 Mellis, don Joseph de, x 178] } 
— lix 146 *Melmoth, W. (transl.) xli 58 : 
lady (sir Jos.) xxxii 243] Melville, H. visct. liii 162 } 
— miss Soph. xviii 208] Mendip, lady, xlv 530 
Mawson, dr. Mathias, bp. Ely, xiii 191] *Menou, gen. lii 401 
Maxwell, dr. Alex. xviii 192] Menzies, sir J. xlii 59 
Dunbar, xviii 207] - lady Mary, xvi 177] 
lady (sir Rt.) xlix 559 —-—— mrs. Marg. xix 225] 
sir W. xiv 180] *Mentz, archbp. John Fred, Chas, count — 
-~— xxxi 242] d’Ostein, Engleheim, vi 79] 
xlvi 469 Mentz, elector, xvii 193] 
liv 170 Mercier, Charlotte v 73] 
— lady (sir W.) viii 169] ———— J. xlyi 520 
——— x1 118 Meredith, rev. — xviii212] _ 

————- hon. and rev. dr. bp. Meath, x1 119 —— sir W. xxxii 239] 
——— lord, xxi 226] Meredyth, sir Barry Colles, Iv 122 
May, sir Edw. lvi 137 —— lady, lv 122 

——— Jas. liii 166 — sir T. lyii 123 

Maynard, sir W. xv 165] *Merlin, J. Jos. (mechanist) xlv 506 
—_ hon. miss, xx 229] Mervyn, hon. Rd. Rochford, xix 223] 
————- visct. xviii 210] *Le Mesurier, Haviland, xlviii 519 
Mayo, Eliz. counts. dow. xlix 571 Paul (alderm.) xlvii 513 
rev. Herbert, xliv 494 Metcalf, Hen. Theoph. xlvi 490 
John, earl, xxxii 245] rev. dr, xlix 562 
searl, xxxiv 58 Metcalfe, sir T. Theoph. lv 123 
mr. xlvii 466 —— lady (sir T.) lvii 128 
visc. x 174] Methuen, Paul Cobb. lviii 222 
— viscts. xiv 179] ‘ Metsch, count, xxxiv 57 
Mayor, mrs, A. xlviii 516 Meux, rey. T, xlviii 524 
Mayow, Mayow Wynell, xlix 548 Meybohm, J. xlix 581 
*Mazeas, J. M. xliii 69 Meyer — (bank. Copenh.) lv 122 
*Mazarella, — xvii 144] Meyers, Fred. xii 173] 
Mead, Sam. xix 228] Meynell, Hugo, }. 172 
Meadows, G, xlix 502 Meyler, Rd. (M.P.) lx 199 
————— sir W. gen. lv 123 Meyrick, rev. Jas, xii 172] 
Meares, lady M. Ixi 116 — lady Lucy, xliv 495 
Maurice, xlix 588 Mexborough, lord, xxi 225] 
Meath, bp. (Maxwell) xl 119 Mezieres, marchs, xviii 210] 
counts. dow. liv 181 Michaelis, — (professor) xxxiii 35] 
earl, vi 133] Michel, rev. dr, Gavin, liii 166 
———— xv 169] Micklethwaite, lady Maria, xlvii 466 
Ant. earl, xxxii 239] Middleton, sir And. xxiii 251] 
Mecklenburgh, Schwerin, prs. Amel. xviii —-——-—— lady (sir C.) xxxiv 62 
213) ————_—— Diana, xxiii 249] 
Strelitz, princes, Carol. Aug. *———— rey. Eras. xlvii 475 
xvi 166] ——~— Hen. lord, xlii 62 
———-—— Schwerin, prince Lewis, xxi —— Nath. xlix 602 
227] ——— sir W. xxxvii 54 

duchs. dow. xxxiii —— 

capt. xiii 186] 

60] — lady, xxvi 239] 

—— Strelitz, xxiv 211] — dow. lady, xxxi 244] 
——_-——_ + Fred. 4thduke,xxxvi —— lord, xvii 199] 

50 — xxiii 252] 
—_—_——_—-————- princes. Christ, xxxvi — visct. viii 171] 

52 Milbank, lady (sir R.) viii 130] 
—_———_—_ — prince, lv 118 ——— sir Ralph, x 177] 
*Medina, J. (painter) xxxviii 66] —_———- x1 1]7 
Medina, Celi, duke, xi 213] Milborne, Chas. xviii 215] 
Medlicot, C.D. (aged 106) liii 168 Milbourne, lady M. xly 506 
Medows, sir Sidney, xxxiv 63 Milburn, Is. xlix 554 
Meerveldt, count (Austr. ambass.) lvii 126 *Mildman sir H. Paulet St. John, 1. 165 
Mehmet, Sultan, xxi 228] Mildmay, sir’ W. xiv 180] 
Meillan, T. xlix 602 ———— lady, xxxviii 60] 
Melbourne, viscts. 1x 209 Mill, miss E. xviii 209] 

Melgund, lord, lix 147 — sir J, H. xxiii 251] 




Mill, sir Rd, xiii 187] 
Millar, Chas. xxiv 215] 
sir John, xv 166] 
Millbank, adm. Mark, xlvii 484 
sir J, Riggs, xl 118 
T. (books.) xlix 585 
—— sir T. lviii 221 
lady (sir T.) xlii 59 
xxiv 183] 
Miller, rey. sir C. xxxiv 60 
*——— Edw. (Mus. D.) xlix 593 
Milles, rev. Jerem. (dean Exeter) xxvii 219] 
mrs, xxiv 215] 
Millington, Isaiah, xlviii 519 
Langford, xlix 576 
Mills, H. xlix 607 
Sam, Gillam, |. 161 
Millsingtown, lady, xxxix 65 
Milltown, counts. x 173] 
*Milne, rev. Colin, lvii 128 
J. Albert de, xlix 589 
T. xiii 150] 
Milner, sir W. xvii 197] 
lady sir W. xlvii 461 
mrs. W. xlvii 480 
——— sir W. Mordaunt, liii 164 
lady, xxv 237] 
Milton, lady, xviii 208] 
mrs. xii 120] 
Miltown, earl, xxvi 240] 
xlix 548 
Mingay, Jas. liv 178 
mrs. (dr.) xlix 599 
Minier, Chas. 1. 171 
Minors, Isaac, xxxix 68 
Minshull, mrs. J. xlix 596 
——— W. xlix 584 
Minto, baron, lvi 136 
Mirehouse, J. xlix 586 
Mishen, mrs. xvii 106] 
Mitchel, adm. sir W. lviii 214 
Mitchell, sir Andr. vii 124] 
———_____-—- xiv 176] 
— lady (sir And.) xxxi 244] 
— xlv 498 
(sir C.)xlv 513 
— capt. J. xlix 584 
sir J. xxvi 240] 
——— lady (sir J. B) xxxiii 57] 
—-———-—— hon. S. xlvii 464 
Mitford, miss F. (sist. lord Redesdale) xlix 
Mpéene, duke, xxiii 250] 


— xlv 454 
—— princes. Eliz. Ernestine d’Este, xvii 
Moffat, J. xlix 547 

Mogg, mr. M. ix 81] 

Mogridge, rev. — ix 71] 

Moir, G. xlix 592 

Moira, earl, xxxv 70 

*— counts. dow. 1. 150 
Moises, rev Hugh. xlviii 540 
Molesworth, hon. Bysse, xxii 249] 
——~— Coote, xxv 239] 

Molesworth, sir J. ix 170] 

sir J. xviii 214] 

Mary, xv 167] 

hon. T. xxix 237] 

ee Weel See 

—_—_—_——_— Walt. xvi 167] 

—_—— sir W. x1 118 

hon. mrs, xxix 237] 

lady, ix 171] 

visct. lv 114 

— lvii 126 

Molloy, lady (sir Chas.) viii 173] 

Edw. xlix 582 

Molyneaux, lady, ix 169] 

Molyneux, lady, (sit Capel) xlii 65 

————— mrs. (sist. sir Capel) xxxii 

sir Chas. vii 124] 
eo F. liv 177 
———_—— Geo. (sir Capel) xlviti 544 
sir W. xxiv 210] 
hon. co]. T. xix 228 
viscts. vili 170] 
*Monboddo, lord, xli 22 
Monck, Geo. Paul, xlvi 503 
Monckton, hon. Aug. Phil. xliv 515 
——- R. H. Iv 121 
W. xii 174] 
gen. xxv 238] 
— lady, x 176] 

miss, xlvii 47] 

mrs, (hon. gen.) xlvi 479 
Moncrieffe, sir T. lx 201 
Monday, J. xvii 114] 
Monfort, lord, xli 67 
Monk, mrs. xviii 215} 
visct. xliv 507 
le Monnier (astron.) xli 63 
Monnoux, lady, xiii 189] 
sir Phil. xlvii 474 
——— rev. sir Phil. lvi 131 
*Monro, Alex. (M.D.) lix 147 
-sir Hector, xviii 366 
Monson, lady Anne, xix 227] 
hon. Chas. vii 124] 
W. xlix 608 
lord, xvii 195] 
xlvili 532 
li 640 
Montacute, lord, x 176] 
Montagu, mrs. Basil, xlviii 535 
— lord C. xvii 200] 
—_— Geo. duke, Xxxil 241] 
——— hon. J. G. xxxii 245] 
Isab. xv 168] 
——-—-———— mir, xviii 209] 
*___—-~ mrs. xlii 31 
Montague, lady Anne Maria, xxxviii 60] 
— lord C. xxvii 219] 

lady Dor. xvii 190] 

— F. vii 1251 
——-— rt. hon. Fred, xlii 63 
Geo. 8th visct. xxxv 51 
—_—— H. xv 125 

capt, W, xxiii 225] 



Montague, hon. W. Aug. xix 222] 
—~ miss Wortley, xi 214] 
duchs, xviii 209] 
mnrs, (adm.) xlvii 480 
—-— dow. visct. xxii 246] 
visct. xxix 237] 
———— xxxix 69 
— viscts. lyi 132 
Montalt, lord de, xx 228] 
Montendre, marchs. xv 165] 
*Montgolfier, Steph. (aeronaut) xli 30 
Montgomerie, lieut. Rog. xli 56 
Montgomery, sir Jas. xlv 502 
lady Sus. xlvii 510 
—— hon. mrs. xxviii 220 
maj.-gen. lord, lvi 131 
Montolieu, Lew. Chas. xix 222] 
———— T. xvii 491 
Montpensier, duke, xlix 576 
Montresor, Jas. xix 221] 
Montrose, Lucy duchs. xxx 231] 
—— Wn. duke, xxxii 244] 
Montserrat, duke, xli 66 
Monypenny, lieut.-col. xlix 549 
Moodie, rev. dr. liv 177 
Moody, Edm. Jas. xlix 584 
*———. J. (actor) liv 183 
Moore, rev. G. xlix 571 
— sir H. xii 175] 
——— hon. and rev. H. xiii 187] 
dr. J. (archbp. Cant.) xlvii 461] 
miss (archbp. Cant.) xxx 231] 
*—-—— dr. John, xliy 498] 
sir J. xxiii 249] 

— xxxii 244] 
lady Isab. xxix 237] 
Mar. Eliz. xlvi 488 
-——— hon. mrs. Ponsonby, xx 228] 
rev. Steph. xlix 583 
—— T. xlix 569 
sir T. xlix 578 
rey. W, xlix 595 
mnrs. xx 226] 
Moorsom, lieut.-col, xlix 571 
Moray, counts. dow, xxii 248] 
Mordaunt, sir Chas. xxi 225] 
— hon. C. Lewis, ]. 146 
col. J. x 176] 
sir J. xxiii 252] 
— baroness, Ixi 116 
Mordecai, Eliz. Manasses, viii 77] 
Morgan, mrs. A. xlix 504 
—— lieut.-col. C. C. liv 176 
—— sir J.x 176] | 
J. Monk, xvii 117] 
- L. E, xvi 139] 
—— lady Rach. xxiii 251] 
— (sir Tho.) vii 125] 






—_—-——- |. 

—— rey. dr. Cesar, liv 170 
More, Chas. M‘Arthy, xiii 187] 
—-— Leonard, ]; 147 

—— mrs. M. Austin, xlix 560 
Sam. xli 66 

Moreton, John, xxiii 251] 

Moriarty, mrs. (adm.) xlyi 467 
Morin, John Tirell, xlix 560 
Morison, capt. Alex. xlvii 463 
*Morland, G, (painter) xlvi 506 
Mornington, earl, xxiv211]_ - 
Morres, lieut. Fras. Lodge, xlix 607 
Redmond, xxvii 220] 

sir W. Evans, xvii 197] 
*Morrice, Ph. ap, xvi 123] 
Morris, Alex. (attorn.) xlix 570 
Edw. lvii 125 

sir J. lxv 116 

Rt. (M.P.) lviii 221 
Morrison, gen. G. xli 67 
Mortellari, — (music.) xlix 56] 
Mortland, J. xlix 562 

Morton, earl, xi 218] 

— xvii 197] 

—-—-— counts. dow. xlvii 469 
mrs. (chief just.) xlv 519 
*Morveau-Gayton (chemist) lviii 214 
Moseley, lady A. vii 124] 
——rev. sir'J. xxii 248] 
——-— sir J. Parker, xl 119 
—— Oswald, xxxi 244] 

Moss, dr. C. (bp. Bath and Wells) xliv 503 

rev. dr. C. (bp. Oxford) liii 167 

—— mrs. (bp. Bath and Wells) xxix 236] 

Mostyn, J. Meredith, xlix 577 

lady, ix 170] 

—— (sir Pyers) lvii 129 

——_—— (sir Rog.) xxxiv 62 

Motherby, dr. G, xxxv 36 , 

Motte, Phil. de la, lieut.-col. xlyii 470 

*Mounsey, dr. xxx 224] 

Mount-Alexander, counts. xiv 180] 

Mount-Cashel, counts. dow, xxxiv 59 
— lord, ix 169] 

Steph. earl, xxxii 241] 

Mount-Edgecumb, Geo. earl, xxxvii 53 

Mount-Florence, lord, xi 213] 
Mountgarret, viset. xxii 246] 
Edm. visct. xxxv 71 
viscts. vii 124] 

— xxvii 254] 
xxi 225] 
Mounthermer, lord, xiii 187] 
Mountjoy, lord, xl 118 
— vists. lvi 139 
Mount-Morris, lord, ix 170] 
Mountmorres, visct. xxxix 45 
Mountney, Rd. xi 215] 
Mountnorris, Anth. earl, lviii 217 
Mountrath, counts, ix 171] 
*—____—. 7th earl, xliv 500 
Mount-Sandford, baron, lvi 141 
— Ix 203 
*Moyes, H. (M.D.) xlix 608 
Moyse, rev, Jas. xlix 562 
*Mudford, J. Ivi 132 
Mudge, dr. John, xxxv 70 
rev. Zech. xii 173] 
Muhl, baron von, xlv 531 

*Muir, Thos, xli 9 

Sophia counts. xlviii 545 





*Molgrave, dr. S. xxiii 221] 
——— lady, xxiii 250] 
—_———— xxx 231] 
——— lord, xviii 212] 
Muncaster, lady, xlviii 569 

- —— lord, lx 201 
Munchausen, baron, xiii 191] 
Munday, sir Thos. xv 168] 
Munder, C. xvi 123] 
Mundie, Jos, xi 163] 
Munich, count de, x 178] 
*Munoz, J. B. xlii 60 
Munro, lady (sir Alex.) lyi 189 
miss, xiv 180] 
Munster, mrs. (sist. earl Camden) xlvii 499 
Mure, Wm. xix 223] 
Murray, lady Ann, xi 214] 

——— lix 145 
——-~—— sir Archib, xxxvi 51 
lady Cath. lyiii 224 
—— Charl.1. 150 
—— sir David, xiii 190] 
Day. xxxvi 49 
lord Edw. xxxvii 53 
——-—— hon. and rey. G. (bp. St. David’s) 
xlv 509 ; 

sir G. lxi 115 
—— lord H. xlvii 513 
— — J. xviii 211] 
—— sir J. xx 229] 
——_—— li 636 
——— lord James, xiii 188] 
—— sir Jas. xii 173] 
Jas. (engineer) xlix 560 
——— lady Jane, viii 170] 
hon. Marg. xxvii 253] 
——~— lady Marg. xli 60 
—w— hon. Mary, xv 166] 
xlvi 516 
Mungo, xxiv 198] 
——— sir Patr. vii 125] 
col. Peter M‘Gregor, xlv 516 
sir Rd, xxiv 215] 
———— Rob. xiv 180] 
lord W. xxxyiii 68] 
——-——. rey. dr. W. liv 178 
hon. capt. xxviii 222] 
— lady, xvi 172] 
Musgrave, sir Jas. lvi 134 
—_——-. J. Chardin, xlviii 548 
Jos. xlix 580 

sir Phil. xxxvii 54 
— Rd. Ix 198 
— T. liv 183 
—_——- W. xii 56 
lady (relict sir W.) xliv 500 
Muskerry, Rt, lord, Ix 201 ; 
Mustapha, 3rd, (grand sign.) xvii 190] 
Mutlow, rey. mr. xlix 612 
Mury comte de, xviii 213} 
Mydelton, lady, 1. 161 
*Mydowe, Chris. (Otaheitan) xlv 520 
Myer, (gov. of Senegal) xviii 206] 
Myers, sir W. Jas. liii 162 
—— lady (sir W.),lvi 140 

Mylne, sir J. xxxiii 58] 

*——-~ Rt. (archit.) liii 160 

Nadesti, count, xlii 59 
Nairn, hon. Amelia, xvii 19] ] 
—— lord, xiii 189] 
Nairne, hon. capt. Chas. xxxvii 64 
——— H. lviii 213 
Nares, lady Charl. xliv 496 
Napier, lady Eliz. lvi 139 
hon. col. G. xlvi 504 
sir Jas. xli 68 
lady (Mary Anne) xvii 194] 
hon. Mary Eliz. xx 227] 
Wm. lord, xvii 200] 
hon. mrs. lyii 123 
- lady, xvi 174] 
lord, xvi 169] 
Naples, archbp. (Zurlo) xliv 146 
queen, lvi 139 
Napper, W. Dutton, xxxiii 62] 
Nares, sir G. xxviii 221] 
Nash, sir Nath, xii 175] 
rev. dr. Treadway Russel, liii 156 
attor. xlix 596: 
Nasmith, rev. dr, Jas. 1, 161 
Nassau, hon. Rd. xxiii 251] 
———-— mrs. xvi 175] 
-— Dietz Will. 5th prince, xlviii 528 
————— princs. Will, Fred, Paulina, 


xlviii 574 
Usingen, prince, xviii 210] 
Weilburgh, prince, W. L. C. xiii 


lviii 212, prin- 
cess, 2b. 

*Naumann, (compos.) xliii 78 

Neale, J. Blagden, xlvii 487 

*Necker, M. xlvi 481 

Needham, lady Har. xx 228] 

—— Thos, xvi 170] 

——— hon. mrs. xxyii-220] 

Negroni, Doge Genoa, xiv 176] 

Negrotti, made. xlix 582 

Nelson, Barth. xlix 589 4 

eos rey. E. (father to lord Nelson) xliv 


Jas. xiv 79] 

————. xxxvi 48] 

Maurice, xliii 67 
Nelthorpe, miss, xxiii 252] 
Nepecker, W. 1. 160 

Nethersett, lieut.-gen. Jas. liv 174 
Netterville, dow. visets. xxvii 220] 
Nevil, mrs. Han. vii 123] 

Neville, Hen. viset. xlyiii 528 
Jos. xlv 624 

lady Soph. xxiii 251] 
Nevoy, sir Jas. Kinloch, xix 222] 
*New, John, vi 67] 

Newark, lord, xvi 167] 

Ix 201 
Newborough, lady, xxv 239] 
——-—— Thos, earl, xlix 597 
Newburgh, earl, xxyili 220] 





Newburgh, Ant. earl, lvi 140 

Newby, Ann, ly 123 

J.C. xxiv 214] 

Newcastle, duch. dow. xix 226] 

——— duke, xi 186] 

— hon. Thos. xi 219] 

Hen. duke, xxxvi 48 

Thos. duke, xxxvii 54 

Newcombe, dr. (bp. St. Asaph, xii 174] 

— rev. dr. Ben. xviii 211] 

a i dr. W. (archbp. Armagh) xiii 

Newcomen, viscts. lix 144 
Newdick, W. xlix 548 

Newdigate, lady, viii 171] 

xvii 194] 

sir Roger, xlviii 569 
Newenham, sir Edw. lvi 139 
Newhan, Fras. xlix 559 
Newhaven, lady, xliii 84 

— lord, xxxvi 49 
*Newland, Abr. xlix 604 

mr. (surg.) xlix 560 
Gideon, xlix 571 
*Newman, Abraham, xli 57 

mrs. Fr. xviii 212 

J. 1. 161 

—— R. ix 102] 

Newnham, alderm. Nath. lii 362 
Newton, Andr. xl viii 507 

maj. Lawr. Hadley, xlvii 473 
dr. T. (bp. Bristol) xxv 237] 
—— alderm. v. 108] 

——- miss (Chatterton’s niece) xlix 594 
Nichol, capt. J. xlix 582 
Nicholas, Nich. xlix 572 
Nicholson, Jas. xlix 589 

— sir Wm. ix 170] 
*—____. W. lvii 126 

lady, xxvi 239] 
Nickins, mrs. C. xlvi $11 

Nicoll, lady Jane, xiv 177] 

Nield, Jas. lvi 131 

“Nightingale, mrs. xiv 140] 
——__-— sir Edw. xlvi5l13 
Nimmon, lady Jane, xiii 189] 
Nisbet, lord, ix 169] 

Nithsdale, counts. viii 172] 
———— lady, xvi 168] 

earl, xix 227] 
Nivernois, duke, xi 218] : 
Nixon, lady (sir Eccles) xlv 514 
Jas. (min. painter) liv 175 
Noel, lady Cath. xxii 249] . 
Eliz. xliii 77 

—— hon. lieut.-gen. ix 171) 
-———~ maj. xlvii 486 

Nolken, Gust. Adam, baron, liv 182 
baroness, lviii 217 

Nollet, Abbé, xiii 187] 

Norbury, rey. J. xlii 58 

Norclifie, lady, xlix 584 

Norfolk, duke, xx 229] 

Cath. duchs. xxvii 221] 
——-—= Chas, duke, xxviii 221] 


Norfolk, Chas. duke, Ivii 130 

Norman, T. xlvii 503 

3 rev. W. xxx 216] 

Norris, C. (music.) xxxii 219] 

North, lord, xxxiv 60 

mrs. (w. of bp. Winchester) xxxviii 



Northall, J. xlix 609 
Northampton, counts. vi 133] 
*—_——_——— Spencer Compton, 

xxxviii 60] 
Northcote, dow. lady, xliv 494 
sir Staff. xiv 177] 
Northesk, counts. vi 132] 
—_— xxii 249] 
———. earl, xxxiv 56 
Northington, Jane counts. xxix 237) 
————-— earl, xv 164] 
——— xxvii 221] 
Northland, visct. lx 204 
— viscounts. xlv 522 
Northorpe, Edw. xix 182] 
Northumberland, duch. xix 229] 
—_—_—_— Hugh duke, xxviii 221] 
lix 145 


Northwick, hon lady, Ix 203 
lord, xlii 65 
Norton, mrs. xii 172] 
——— xvii 196] 

hon. Chappel, lx 199 
Norwich, bp. Yoang, xxvi 238] 
Horne) xxxiv 56 
Nott, Fettiplate, xviii 210] 

— rev. mr. xviii 209] 
*Nouaille, Pet. li 589, lii 364 
Nowell, T. Mich. xlix 587 
*Nugent, dr. C, xviii 180] 

hon. C, xviii 207] 
—— Fred. xlv 499 

sir Jas. xxxvi 48 

Pet. xli 64 

Robt. earl, xxx 232] 
lieut.-col, xiv 178] 

Oakes, Rd. xxii 246] ~ 

Oakham, lord, x 176] 

Oakley, lord, xix 2238] 

O’Brien, Brien, x 67] 

sir Edw. viii 173] 

sir Lucius, xxxvii 53 

—————. Paul, xi 219] 

————. W. lvii 127 

mrs. xix 229] 

: Irish giant, xliii 64, (this was an 
erroneous report), xlviii 555 

O’Bryen, lady Edw. lix 144 : 

O’Donnel, rev. dr. Jas. (tit. bp. Thyatira) 
liii 159 ; 

Oettingen Wallenstein, prince, xliy 516 

Offally, lord, viii 171] 

Ogden, alderm. xix 181] 

rey. dr. S. xxi 174] 

mr. lii 389 

Ogier, J. Fr. xviii 207] 

Ogilvie, gen. Jas, lv 114 




Ogilvie, rev. Jas. li 582 

lady Marg. xviii 208] 
mrs. R. xlvi 466 

sir W. xxxiii 62] 

Ogilvy, sir Dav. xli 68 

— Jolin, xliv 502 
Oglander, sir W. xlviii 366 
Ogle, sir Chaloner, lviii 221 
— gov. G. lvi 137 

—— mrs. Henr. xvii 199] 

— sir Nath. vi 132] 

*Ogleby, Rt. xi 203] 
Oglethorpe, Eleanora, xviii 210] 
*_____—. gen. Jas. (aged 102) xxvii 237] 
O’Halloran, Silv. xlix 589 

O’ Hara, xix 222] 

Beit gen. xliv 499 

Hugh, xlix 57] 
——~— miss, xlvi 467 
O'Keefe, rev. T. xlvii 482 
O’Kelly, baron, x 175] 
*Oldfield, J. P. xlvi491 
*O’Leary, father Arth. xliv 495 

- Oliphant, lord, xiii 190] 

J. Hope, xlix 607 

- Oliver, hon, And. xvii 191] 

Rd. xxvii 220] 

Thos. lvii 130 

Oly, Jos. (Otaheitan) xlv 521 

Ommaney, adm. Cornthwaite, sliii 84 

O'Neill, visct. xl 118] 

Ongley, lady dow. xli 55 

lord, xxvii 254] 

Rt. lord, lvi 138 

Onorati, card. xlix 601 

Onslow, hon. Arth. xi 214] 

mrs. (hon. Arth.) ix 170] 

Arth. xlix 598 

Char]. counts. Ixi 116 

Geo. ear], lvi 134 

—— Matt. Rd. 1 159 

—— sir Rd. Ix 196 

dow. lady, liv 175 

lord, xix 228] 

*Opie, Jobn (painter) xlix 564 

Orange, princes. dow. viii 170] 

Orchard, Paul, liv 171 

Ord, mrs. (W.) 1. 154 

Orde, lady (sir J.) xxxii 243 

hon. mrs. liv 176 

O'Reilly, Rt. Bray. xlix 585 

Orford, dow. counts. xxiv 209] 

earl, li 604 

Orkney, Inchiquin, counts. xlvii 240 

Orleans, Phil. duke, xxvii 254] 

Orme, Day. (M.D.) liv 174 

*—— Robt. xliii 63 

hon. mrs. xxiv 209] 

Ormond, John earl, xxxvii 55 

Ormsby, capt. J. xlvii 496 

Osbaldestone, rev. dr. vii 123] 

Osborn, hon mrs. xviii 214] 

sir G. lx 201 

Osborne, lady (sir G.) xvi 168] 

——— adm, H. xili 176] 
Parr IL. 

Osborne, adm. Sam. Iviii 221 
—— sir W. xxvi 239] 
—— hen. judge, lix 147 
Ossory, bp. (Hamilton) xlvii 512 
bp. (Kearney) lv 118 
Upper, counts. vi 133] 
——— xlvi 469 
ae John earl, 1x 197 
Ostrogothie, Fred. duke, xlv 530 
O’Sullivan, mr. xlix 578 
*Oswald, And. li 584 
rt. hon. Jas. xii 173] 
dr. J. bp. (Raphoe) xxiii 250] 
Rd. xxvii 221] 
Otway, mrs. (adm.) lviii 222 
hon. gen. vii 124] 
Ougkton, sir Adolp. xxiii 250] 
Ourry, mrs, C. xlvii 505 
Owen, Arth. xxxiii 58] 
sir Arth. Davies, lviii 223 
(col.) lix 142 
Hugh, (M. D.) li 636 
J. lieut.-col. xviii 215] 
J. xix 222] 
sir Rd. xiii 178] 

W. xxiv 211] 
lady (sir Wm.) vii 126] 
—— W. Mostyn, xxxvii 53 
rev. — 1. 157 
Oxenden, sir G. xviii 206] 
Oxendon, sir G. xxii 246] 
——— lady (sir H.) xlv 502 
sir Hen. xlv 511 
Oxford, bp. (Moss) liii 167 
counts. dow. xvii 190] 
xlvi 506 
Edw. earl, xxxii 244] 
Oyenhausen, count d’, xix 224] 

*Paas, Corn. (engraver) xlviii.506 
Packenham, hon. G. Edw. xi 213] 

, Packer, — (actor) xlviii 555 

Packington, sir Herb. Perrott, xxxvii 54 
—- H. P. lv 118 

Paddey, lady A. xii 172] 

*Paesiello, — (composer) lyiii 216 
Page, rev. C. xlix 558 

——- hon. mrs. xxiii 251] 

sir Greg. xviii 211] 

lady (sir Greg.) x 178] 

Rt. xlix 584 

_— xv 88] 

Pageric, made. de la (moth. made. Buona+ 
parte) xlix 579 

Paget, hon. C. xxxix 66 

—— mrs. (hon, Jen.) xlviii 532 

Pahlen, Russ. gen. xlvii 482 

*Paine, Jas. (archit.) xxxi 232] 

Pakenham, maj.-gen. sir Edw. M. lyii 122 

— adm. J. xlix 605 

*Paley, rev. W. xlvii 480 

Palk, sir Laur. lv 119 

lady M, xxxiii 57] 

— sir Rt, xl 118 

*Pallas, Pet. Sim. (naturalist) lili 165 


Pallevicini, marq. xviii 208] 
Palliser, adm. sir Hugh, xxxviii 60] 
Pallsy, count Leop. xli 66 
Palmer, Aburne, xlix 596 
sir C. xvi 175] 
J. (Bath) Ix 201 
(actor) xl 73 
sir J. lix 143 
lady (sir J.) xxvi 239] 
sir T’. viii 171] 
lady (sir Thos.) vi 132] 
Thos. xxxix 67 
lady, xvii 193] 
mr. xlviii 413 
mrs. vi 132 
————-—— (John P.; M.P. Bath) xlix 547 
Palmerston, lady, xii 174] 
Palmerstone, visct. xliv 503 
———-—— viscts. dow. xlvii 462 
*Palmstierna, baron Nils, ix 81] 
Panmure, earl, xxiv 213] 
Panshaw, capt. xix 137] 
Panton, T. (broth. duchs. Ancaster) 1. 171 
*Paoli, gen. xlix 553 
*Papjoy, Juliana, xx 175] 
*Parini, abbé, satirist (misprinted Marini) 
xli 67 

Parker, lady Anne, xvii 191] 
. adm. Chris. xlvi 486 
rev. G. (murdered) xlviii 538 
—— hon. G. Lane, xxxiii 60] 
— H. xlix 612 
adm. sir Hyde, xlix 571 
sir H. liv 168 
——_——. J. xiv 180] 

(son sir H. P.) xii 175] 
hon. Jane, xliv 512 
lady Mary, viii 216 
—— sir P. xlini 74 
adm. sir Peter, liti 167 
sir Pet. lvi 138 
———- T. xxvii 221] 
-—— hon. W. xxvi 240] 
—— sir W. xliv 523 
mrs. (dr. W.) xli 67 
hon. mrs. xviii 215] 
Parkhill, lieut.-col. xlix 588 
*Parkhurst, rev. J. xxxix 65 
*Parkinson, Jas. lv 114 
Parkyns, sir T. xlviii 522 
——— lady (sir T.) xxxviii 60] 
— mrs. xlix 584 
Parlewent, rev. H. xlix 589 
Parma, princes. Henr. d’Este, xx 227] 
Don Philip, duke, viii 1]1, 171] 
duke, xliv 516 
—--— duch. dow. xlvi 489 
*Parmentier, mr, vii 108] 
Parnel, sir J. liv 179 
*Parnell, sir J. xliii 77 
Perry, sir Alex. xxii 247] 
Parry, Wm. xix 229] 
adm. W. xxii 246] 
sir W. xviii 214] 
Parslow, gen. J. xxviii 222] 



Parsons, rev. dr. J. (bp. Peterborough) Ixi 115 
—--—— maj. Lawr. xlvi 506 
—-—— rey. Phil. liv 177 
——— sir W. xxxiii 58] 
Partin, J. xii 71] 

*Pasley, adm. sir T. 1, 171, li 572 
Passerini, baroness, x 87] 
Passingham, xv 125] 

Patch, Sam. xlviii 504 
—-— mr. (Exeter) lv 119 
Paterson, lady Anne (sir J.) xxxii 242] 

sir Hugh, xx 227] 
hon, Jas. viii 171] 
rey. — x 87] 
ms — Sam. xliv 518 
Patmore, mrs. E. xlvii 504 
Patterson, J. (aged 131) xlix 585 

——— rev. J. xlix 606 

— W. (M.D.) xlix 582 
Pattison, J. xlix 610 

Patton, adm. P. lvii 131 
Pavie, W. xlvi 465 
Paul, sir Ones. ix 171] 

— — Onesiph. xvii 197] 
— lady, rel. sir G. O. xliii 67 

——(sir Ones.) xliii 84 
*Paull, Jas. (M.P.) 1. 151 
Paulet, earl, vii 125] 

*Pauer, M. de, xli 65 
Pawlet, lady A. xii 176] 

Payne, rev. Fras. xviii 210] 
sir G. xiv 180] 

— Gillies, xliii 64 
adm. John Willet, xlv 525 
sir J. xlv 505 
—— J. (navy-office) lv 113 
~ (bookseller) xli 9 
dow. lady, xliy 507 

Peachey, sir J. viii 171] 

— lady (sir J.) xlvi 479 

mrs, xviii 214] 

—_————— (col.) li 633 
Peacock, Read, xix 194] 
Peacocke, sir Jos. liv 178 
Pearsall, miss, xvii 196] 

Pearson, rey. dr. Edw. liii 164 
gen. sir Rd. xxiv 210] 
——-— sir Rd. xlvii 463 
——— lady (sir Rd.) lviii, 216 
———— dr. T. xi 77] : 

Peel, mrs. (Lawrence) xlix 596 
lady (sir Rt.) xlv 531 . 
Peers, mrs. Martha, xvii 192] 
Peckham, H. xxix 236] 

Pegge, mrs. (Sam.) xlix 598 
Pelet, French adm, xlvii 501 

Pelham, lady Cath. xxiii 250] 
hon. miss F, xlvi 464 
Hen. xxxix 64 
hon. Henrietta, lv 119 
—_—_——. T.. xvi 173] 

*Pell, mr. xvii 88} 

Pellet, T. xlix 597 
Peltro, J. (engrav.) 1. 159 

Pemberton, Jas, li 629 




Pembridge, rey. M. xlviii 569 

Pembroke, counts. xii 172] 

———— Hen, earl, xxxvi 47] 

Penn, rev. And. xlix 612 

—— lady Juliana, xliii 87 

— hon. Rd. xiv 176] 

T. xlix 609 

*Pennant, Thos. (naturalist and antiq.) xl 

——— hon. mrs, liv 170 
Pennington, lady (sir Jas.) xxvi 239] 
——— sir John, xi 214] 
Isaac, lix 142 
Penny, Steph. xviii 214] 
Pennyman, lady, (sir J.) lvii 128 
— sir W. xi 215] 
—_—_ mrs. xvii 193] 
Penrhyn, lady, lvii 212 
Penton, H. liii 168 
Pepperell, sir W. Iviii 224 
Perchard, Peter, xlviii 507 
Perceval, hon. Phil. Tufton, xxxvii 54 
= ——— Spencer, liv ]75 
Percival, hon. H. xv 167] 
—— lady A. id. 
——— hon. Isab. xix 230] 
—— dr. T. xlvi 498 
Percy, lady Char. xxiv 211] 
————- Fras. xlv 519 

Julia, liv 173 
rey. dr. T. 1. 153 
yy Thos. (bp. Dromore) liii 


miss, xxxiil 62] 

Perram, — xv 112] 

Perregeaux, M. (banker) xlix 589 
Perring, lady (ald. sir J.) liii 167 
*Perron, Anguetil du, xlvii 500 
Perrot, G. xlviii 506 

Perry, mrs. xxvi 239] 

Perryn, maj. J. xlvii 490 

sir Rd. xlv 364 

Perth, duchess, xii 174] 

Jane duchs. dow. xvi 167] 
Jas. lord, xlii 62 

Mary, duchs. dow. xvi 167] 
earl, xxiv 212] 

*Pery, Edm. visct. xlviii 517] 
Peshall, lady, xiii 188] 

mrs. xvii 196] 

Peshel, sir J. xxi 227] 

Peter, C. Dudley, Ix 198 
Peterborough, bp. (Lamb) xii 175] 
(Hinchcliff ) xxxvi 4 
(Madan) lv 122 
—_——_-—-—_ (Parsons) Ixi 115 
Chas. earl, xxii 248] 
Mordaunt, earl, lvi 136 
*Pether, Abr. (painter) liv 174 
*Petit (physic.) xxxvyi 54 

*Petre, Rob. Edw. lord, xliii 69 
———— lord, li 612 

lady, xxix 237] 

Petrie, Gilb. xlix 558 

Pett, Rob, xix 228] 

Pettus, sir Hor. xv 167] 

lady xxiii 252] 

Peyton, sir J. xv 166] 

— T. xiv 179] 

— lady Rebecca (sir Yelverton) liv 180 
sir Yelverton, lvii 129 

lady, 1. 154 

“Pfeffel, M. (German hist.) xlix 601 
Pfeilitzer, baroness, xlviii 545 

Phaire, lady, xlix 589 

Phelp, mrs. 1. 155 

Philip, James (judge adv. Scot].) xxv 238] 
Philips, adm. Arth, lvi 139 

sir Jonath. xl 119 

sir Rd. xix 223] 

——— Walford, xliv 493 

mrs, (mother, lady Strangford) lix 

Philipps, sir J. vii 124] 
Philipson, lieut.-gen, Rd. Barton, xxxiv 

—— sir W. xx 229] 

Phillips, lady (sir J.) xxx 232] 

T. Hughes, xlvi 505 

miss, xliii 67 

Phipps, lady Augusta, lv 115 

hon. C. xxviii 221] 

— Henr. Soph. 1. 171 

lady xvi 168] 

mrs. gen. xlvii 499 

Pickett, alderm. W. xxxviii 68] 
Pickering, mrs. ix 171] 

Pickwood, Rt. (dep. Vintry ward) xlix 584 
Picton, maj.-gen. J. lvii 122 
lieut.-gen. sir T. lvii 126 
gen. Wm. liii 166 
Pierce, Jos. xlix 600 

mrs. (capt.) xlix 570 
Pierrepoint, adm. W. ly 121 
Piers, lady, xx 226] 

Pierson, Jacob, xii 120] 
Pigot, gen. sir Rt. xxxviii 64] 
*Pigott, Chas. xxxvi 18 

adm, Hugh, xxxiv 63 
Jas. xlix 548 

Rt. xlvi 481 

Piggott, sir Arth. xi 117 
Pilkington, sir Lionel, xxi 226] 
T. liii 164 
*Pinchbeck, Christ. xxvi 200] 
Pingind, J. B, xii 71] 

Pinto, Eman. (grand mast. Malta) xvi 167] 
Pio, prince, xix 222] 

“Pitcairn, Dav. (M.D.) li 613 

Pitches, sir Abrah. xxxiv 58 

Pitt, hon. mrs. A. xxiv 210] 

— J. (M.P.) xlvii 489 

mrs. M. xxix 238] 

*—rt. hon. W. xlviii 508 

—— sir W. Aug. li 592 

hon. lady, lxi 116 

Pius 6th, xli 3l 

Placentia, bishop, San Pedro, xlv 506 
Planderleath, dr. — liii 164 

Plaudalloe, mr. xxxvi 48 






*Planterre, M. xlii 60 

Platt, Joshua, xix 203] 

Playters, sir Chas. xlviii 542 

—-——— J. xi 219] 

Pleydell, sir M. S. xi 218] 

Plomer, sir W. xliii 72 

— liv 174 

Plotho, baron, ix 169] 

Plunkett, hon. J. xxxvii 54 

Plymouth, Cath. counts, dow. xxxii 243 

earl, xiv 177] 

— xli 61 

*Plympton, Peter, xxi 208] 

Pocock, lady (sir G.) x 177] 

Sir G, xxxiv 58 

mrs. M. (sister, sir G.) xlv 516 

Pococke, dr. Rd. (bp. Meath) viii 171] 

Polastron, counts. xlvi 479 

*Poland, Augustus 3rd, vi 105] 

* Stanislaus king, ix 67] 169] 

x ——— Aug. x1 12 

— prince primate, x 177] ’ 
royal Fras. Xavier, xlviii 


Pole, sir C. lv 119 

—— lady, xix 223] 

—— Sam. xlix 587 

lady (sir W.) 1. 149 

de la Pole, sir J. W. xli 68 
Polignac, duchs. xxxv 74 
Pollard, mrs, xxii 237] 

Pollen, J. xviii 2i1] | 
Pollock, sir Rt. xxvi 239] 
Polworth, lord, xxiv 171] 210] 
Pollen, sir J. lvi 137 

Pombal, marq. liv 178 
Pomeroy, H. xlvi 470 
———— rt. hon. J. xxxii 241] 
T. xlix 607 

Pomfret, counts. dow. xxix 237] 
earl, xxvii 253] 
Pompadour, made. vii 123] 
Poniatowski, prince, xvi 168] 

SS eel) 

—_—— ——_—  xlii 60 
*Ponsonby, hon. Geo. lix 144 
ta fhe honda xxixaog| 
———— lady S. viii 169] 
———— lord, xlviii 566 
—— — m9aj.-gen. sir W. lvii 126 
Pontoppidan, Danish bp. vii 126] 
Pool, sir Fras. vi 132] 

Poole, sir H. x 176] 

rev. H. lii 409 

— Tho. xlvii 485 

—— mrs, (W.) xlix 599 

xlix 562 

*Porson, Rd.1. 161 

Port, J. xlix 587 

Portarlington, counts. ly 114 
—— earl, xl 119 
Porter, sir Jas. xix 230] 
————— Stanier, x xxi 244] 
——— lady (sir Stan.) Ixi 116 
————— Walsh, 1i 621 

Porteus, mrs. (bp. Lond.) lvii 124 

Portis, Jas. xlix 569 

Portland, duchs. xxxvi 50 

——-~—. duke, li 689 

Portman, W. H. xxxviii 56] 

Portmore, counts. xli 58 

——— earl, xxvii 254] 

Portsmouth, Grace, counts, lv 123 

—— Urania, counts. dow. liv 170 

—— earl, xxxix 65 

Portugal, cardin. patriarch, xix 229] 

infanta Donna Maria xix 226] 

——— Joseph Ist, xx 177] 227] 

queen dow. xxiv 209] 

Peter 3rd, xxviii 221] 

*Pope, Ben. xxxvi 26 

—— Ganganelli, xvii 197] 

— Pius 6th, xli 31 

—— mrs, (actress) xxxix 18 

-———— xly §ll 

—— lx 201 

rey. mr. v 102] 

Postlethwaite, miss, xl viii 543 

———_—— Rd. xlix 582 

Potemkin, prince, xxxiii 42] 

Pott, mrs. liii 156 

*—— Percival, xxx 224 

*Potter, rev. Rt. xlvi 495 

Tho. xliii 87 

Poulett, hon, Ann, xxvii 254] 

lady Har. xliv 498 

Isab. viii 169] 

3rd earl, xxx 231] 

counts. Jiii 156 

— earl, Ixi 115 

— counts. Ixi 116 

——— hon. lieut.-gen. Vere, liv 172 

*Powell, Foster, xxxv 20 

. J. Joseph, Ixiii 69 

——-—— mis. R. (actress) xlix 588 

——— — (actor) xii 174] 

——— miss, xx 226] 

— rey. dr, xviii 205] 

Power, John, xlvi 520 

* Rd. (LL.D.) xxxvi 7 

Powerscourt, visct, vii 123] : 

viscts. dow. xxvii 254] 

Powes, Eglin, xix 204] 

Powis, earl, xv 168] 

—— xliii 64 

Powlet, lady Harry, vii 124 

Powlett, miss A. O. (lord Bolton) xlel 



— lady Susan, xxx 233] 
Powley, rev. Matt. xlix 547 
Pownall, Rd. liii 160 

* gov. T. xlyii 467 

mrs. (govern.) xlix 548 
Powys, hon. Caroline, Iv 114 
Poyntz, hon. mrs. xiii 181] 

mrs. W. xlvii 474 

—- M. xxxiv 60 
Praslin, duc de, xxvii 254] 

’ Pratt, mrs. E. xlix 578 

-——— John, xxxix 68 




Pratt, Jos. ix 102] 
Rt. xviii 211] 
*—— Sam. J. lvi 139 
—— T. vi 61] 
—— Thos. (broth. earl Camden) xlvii 471 
: miss (maj.-gen.) xlvi 520 
rev. mr. xiv 111] 
Prescott, sir G. W. xliii 70 
Preston, sir G. xxii 246] 
J. xxiv 209] 
Jas. xlix 548 
———-— Pat. xix 224] 
sir Rt. xxxiv 62 
——— ante De Xx GOL 
——— W. (Dublin) xlix 552 
*——_____ (M. R. I. A.) xlix 582 
——— mrs. (da, sir G.) xlvii 471 
——- visct. xvii 196] 
Prettyman, mrs. (moth. bp. Line.) xlix 603 
Prevost, maj.-gen. Aug. xxviii 221] 
lieut.-gen. sir G. lvii 212 
Price, — xliii 67 
—— alderm. xlix 549 
sir Chas. xv 168] 
-——-— J. xlix 601 
—— hosp. surg. xlix 601 
sir Jocelyn, xi 214] 
rev. Jos. xlix 599 
——— sir J. Powell, xix 226] 
Nich. xix 147] 
*—— rey. Rich. D.D. xxxiii 16] 
sir Rt. xvi 172] 
lady Sarah (sir Nich.) lix 144 
Prideaux, sir J. ix 176 
Pridden, J. bookseller, xlix 560 
Prime, sir Sam. xx 227] 
Primrose, lady Doroth. xi 219] 
viscts. xvili 206] 
Prince, Fred. William, viii 175] 
Octavius, xxvi 239] 
Princess Amelia Soph. El. (2nd daugh. Geo, 
2nd) xviii 221] 
(= lii 406 
Charlotte of Wales, lix 148 
——— Louisa Anne (sist. Geo, 3rd) xi 
Pringle, capt. xlviii 518 + 
Andr. xix 221] 
mrs. capt. F. xlvii 466 
lieut.-col. J. xlix 591 
sir Jas. li 618 
Rob. xxii 249] 
adm. T. xlv 530 
Proby, rey. Bapt. (dean Lichfield) xlix 548 
—— lady E. E. xxxiii 59] 
——- miss S. (dean Litchfield) xlvi 497 
—— visct. xlvi 519 
Probyn, T. xii 71] 
Proctor, dow. lady Beauchamp, xl 117 
——— Beauchamp, miss M. xix 225] 
—— sir W. Beauchamp, xvi 174] 
Provost, lieut.-col. Jas. xix 222] 
Prussia, prince Aug. Ferdinand, lv 118 
prines.Anne Amel, xxix 237] 
oe Fred. Will. 2nd, xxxix 44 


Prussia, Fred. 3rd xxviii 221] 
ae prince Fred. Jul. Fred. Leop. xlviii 

——— princs. Frederica Chris. Amel, Wilh, 
xvi 170] 

SS —— Eliz. Doroth. Henr, 

Maria, xvi 173] 

——— Fred. Louisa (queen dow.) xlvii 

——— prince Hen. Chas. x 176] 

*—-—_- prince Hen. Fred. Lewis, xliv 514 

Lewis, xxxviii 68] 

——— prines. Sop. Dorothea, viii 173] 

——~— queen dow. xxxix 7 

Pryce, Edw. xlix 593 

~ sir Edw. Manly, xxxiii 59] 

—— Fluellen, xxii 232] 

Puget, P. P. xv 153] 

Pulleyn, Jon. xii 71] 

Pulteney, hon. gen. H. x 143] 178] 

— visct. vi 132] 

Purfleet, — xviii 142] 

*Purslow, W. li 582 

Purves, lady A. xxvii 220] 

————-— xxx 232] 

— mrs. M. xlvi 490 

Purvis, lady (sir Alex.) xv 165] 

Puschin, count, xlvi 507 

“Pye, H. Jas. (poet laur.) lv 12] 

“mrs. Mary xvii 200] 

—~ adm. sir T. xxvii 253] 

Pyke, T. xvi 156] 

Pym, W. 1. 159 

Pynsent, sir Rt. xxiv 214] 

sir W. viii 169] 

Pyron, capt. Adolp. C. xlix 607 

Quarme, G. xviii 209 
Quartermaine, — xlix 594 
Queade, lady Grace, xly 506 
Queckford, E. G. xix 181] 
Queensberry, Chas. duke, xxi 227] 
—————— duch. xx 228] 
Quesnel, Peter, xvii 190] 
*Quesney, N. xvii 176] 
*Quin, H. xlvii 465 

Jas. (actor) ix 58] 
Quintin, T. xlviii 510 

Radcliffe, lady Barb. xii 175] 

— sir C. Farnaby, xl 119 
lady (his relict) xliv 504 

——— Thos. LL.D. xix 222] 

Radclyffe, lady Charl. xlii 59 

Radnor, counts. dow. xxxvii 04 

—— earl, xix 222] 

Rae, sir Dav. xlvi 506 

—_————- lvii 126 

Raikes, Rt. liii 159 

Railton, H. x. 96] 

Raine, rev. Matt. xlix 602 

dr. lili 165 

Rainier, adm. P. 1. 150 

Ralph, J. xlix 595 

Ram, lieut, W. A, xlvii 506 


Ramage, capt. Peter, xlix 612 
Ramsay, hon. H. 1. 159 

———— rev. Jas. xxxi 215] 
—— sir J. xxvi 238] 
——— lady Jean, xii 173] 

— Lucinda, liv 179 
sir W. xlix 555 
Ramsbottom, Rd. (M.P.) lv 114 
Ramsden, sir J. xii 173] 

Thos. lv 114 

hon, lady vii 125] 
Rancliff, lady, xxxix 64 

Randall, H. Phipps, xlix 609 
*“——— Jos. xxxi 219] 
Randolph, rev. dr. Fras. xxxix 64 
dr. J. (bp. London) lv 120 
hon. Peyton, xviii 215] 
rev. T. 1. 158 
Ranelagh, lady, xxiv 210] 

visct. xxxix 66 

Chas. 6th visct. xlii 66 
—— viscts. xlvii 485 
Raphoe, bp. (Downes) vi 133] 
—— (Oswald) xxiii 250] 
(Hawkins) xlvii 466 
Rashleigh, Pet. xlix 588 

Phil. liii 164 

_— mrs. W. lv 122 
Ratcliffe, sir Fr. xxvi 240] 

rev. J. xviii 211] 
Ratis, mad. Alex. v 114] 
Rattray, Dav. (M.D.) liv 178 
*Raucour, mad. (actress) lvii 122 
Ravenhill, mrs. (T.) xlix 600 
Ravensworth, lord, xxvii 219] 
lady, xxxvi 50 
Rawdon, hon. col. (M. P.).xlii 59 
——— lady Arabella, xlviii 574 
Rawlinson, sir T. xii 176] 

—— Walt. xlvii 470 
lady (sir Walter) lviii 220 
Raymond, sir C. xxx 232 

Read, Edw. xlix 602 

—— Fletcher, xlix 549 

—— lady H. (sir J.) liii 167 
—— sir J. xvi 175] 

xxxi 246] 

Reading, Jenkyn, xlix 559 

Reay, lord G. xi 214] 

—— 6th lord, xxxix 64 

dow. lady, xlii 65 

Rebow, Is. Mart. xxiv 196] 
Reckie, J. liii 155 

Redding, rev. Rt. xlix 563 
Redwood, Phil. lii 588 

*Reed, Isaac (commentator) xlix 547 
gen. J. xlix 554 

——— mrs. W. xlix 589 

*Reeve, Clara (novelist) xlix 590 
~~—— lady (sir T.) xxvi 287] 
Reeves, sir T. xx 228 

Reichie (resid. Copenh.) xix 229] 
Reid, G. (print.) 1. 17] 

—— sir Jas. xv 168] 

Reilly, J. xlvi 493 





Rendlesham, baroness, lyi 137 
——- lord, ]. 161 
Repnin, prince, xliii 69 
*Repton, Humph. Ix 200 
Reston, lord, lxi 116 

Revell, Jos. xlix 559 

Rewbell, gen. xlvi 494 
“Reyna, Donna A. xxvi 212] 
Reynell, sir Rd. xl 119 

— sir T. xviii 213] 
Reynish, Jas, xlix 58] 
Reynolds, capt. xlvi 500 

dr. (vice-chancellor Oxford) xlix 


mrs. F. (sist. sir Josh.) xlix 602 
sir Fras. xxiv 2)0] 

H. R. (M.D.) liii 166 

——— sir Josh. xxxiv 57 

e Rd. lviii 221 

Reyroux, Mark Anth. xlvi 464 

ae counts. Palatine, Fr. Christ. xix 

Rhode, capt. xiv 79] 

Ribblesdale, lady, lviii 216 

Rice, hon. G, xxii 247) 

Rich, lady A. 1. 160 

Charl. xxxiii 58] 

— sir G. xli 54 

R. xi 213] 

—— Rd. Slater, xlyi 488 

—— lieut.-gen. sir Rt. xxvii 253] 

—— adm. sir T. xly 503 

lady, xiv 178] 

—— miss xii 174] 

Richards, sir W. xiv 179] 

Richardes, Lew. xlix 590 

Richardson, mrs. Barbara, xlix 610 

—— lady E. Ix 201 

—————— sit Gi sexi Gal 

*———— Jos. (dram.) xlv 510 

——— W. xlix 552 

*——_—_ prof. W. lvi 139 

$ —— mrs. xvi 150] 

— Inrs. (maj.-gen.) xlix 600 

rey. dr. xviii 207] 

Richelieu, duke de, xxx 232] 

Richepanse, gen. xliv 516 

Richmond, duke, xlix 547 

— Chas. 4th duke, lix 117 

Mary, duchess, xxxviii 67] 

———— dr. Rd. (bp. Sodor and Man) 
xxiii 249] 

Riddell, col. Jas. xlvi 516 

sir J. B. lxi 116 

——-— lady (sir John) x] 118 

——— sir Walt. viii 170] 

Ridge, sir T. viii 173] 

Ridley, capt. xvi 123] 

miss M. xxii 249] 

sir Matt. White, lv 115 

Rigaud, mrs. xlix 582 


‘Riley, Mart. xi 148] 

los Rios, marq. xv 167 
*Riou, capt. E. xliii 67 
Ritchie, mr. x 155] 


*Ritson, Jos. (bibliog. critic.) xlv 437 
Rivers, Dunc.*xiv 166 : 
Jas. xlix 589 

sir Jas. xlvii 500 

SS W. xi 120) 

—_— lady, xxxvii 53 

- lord, xlv 507 

Riverston, lady, xi 215] 

Riverstone, lady, vi 133] 

—— lord, lvi 139 

Rix, Wm. xliii 72 

Robarts, Abr. (M.P.) lviii 223 
—_— G. xlvii 496 

Roberdeau, H. Townly, li 619 
__— J, P. (dram.) lvii 122 
*Roberts, rev. Lewis, ii 370 

sir T. lvi 134 

lady (sir Thos.) xliii 78 

- *Robertson, dr. (historian) XxxXv 30 
—— Ben. xlii 65 

J. xix 203] 

Wm. (Tortola) xlix 571 
*Robespierre, Maxim. xxxvi 21 
Robins, T. xlix 585 

Robinson, Arth. xli 65 

Dan. xlix 608 

___-— hon. Fred. xxxiv 63 

7 G. (bookseller) xliii 68 
———— lady (sir G.) lvii 122 

sir G. lvii 129 

———_— adm. J. xlix 595 
J, xliv- O22 

a EWP IY si 146 
ae Gp IS vii 171) 

Mark, adm. xii 68 
___— mrs. M. (poetess) xlii 47 
* dr. N. xviii 128] 

sir Norton, xxxiv 57 

—_——— sir Sept. viii 171) 
—_——— Steph. xlix 557 

sir Thos. xiii 189] 

—— Fi xx 227) 

rev. T. lv 115 

W. x 168] © 
+____— rey. W. xlv 530 

sir W. xiii 186] 

lady (sir W-) xxxi 232] 
hon, mrs. xxxvii 54 
miss (swindler) xlvii 484 
Robley, Jos. xlvii 498 
Robson, col. Fras. xlix 548 
—— Jas. xlviii 546 

__-—~ Jas. (alderm. York-) xlix 604 
Rt. xlix 591 

mr. and mrs. xii 71] 
Rochambeau, marshal, xlix 582 
Rochefoucault, marq. x 174 
Liancourt, duke, liii 156 
Roche, sir Boyle, xlix 580 
Rochester, bp. (Pearce) xvii 193] 
Rochford, earl, xxiv 214) 

hon, mr. xv 168] 
lady, xvi 160} 

*Rock, dr. xx 212 

dr. Rd. (bp. Armagh) xxxvi 53 


*Rockingham, marq. XXvV 234] 239] 
Rockley, lieut.-col. T. xlvi 502 
Roddam, adm. R. 1. 150 

Roden, counts. dow. xliv 503 

earl, xxxix 67 

Rodney, adm. Geo. xxxiv 59 
—— Geo, 2nd lord, xliv 493 
—_—— hon. miss A. xlix 561 
Roebuck, Ben. lii 371 

Rodwell, T. xlix 584 

Rogers, capt. xii 71] 

Edm. xlix 550 

sir Fred. xx 228] 

J. ix 170] 

xvi 177 

Jon. (M.D.) liii 163 

lady (sir T.) viii 171 

mr. (duel) xlviii 531 
*Rokeby, Matt. lord, xlii 43 
*Roland, mad. xxxv 56 

de Rolle, baron, lv 121 

Rolle, Denys, xxxix 67 

Rollo, dr. 1i 588 

lord, viii 170] 

—— Jas. lord, xxvii 220] 

—— lieut. Jas. xliv 520 

—— John, lord, xxvi 288] 
—— lady dow. xxiv 210] 
*Romana, margq. de la, liii 156 
*Romilly, sir Sam. lx 203 
Romney, Chas. earl, liii 157 

Harr. counts. liv 180 
lady, xiv 177] 

——— xxxvii 53 

miss, xv 169] 

Rooke, capt. G. xlix 561 

*____ Hayman (antiquary) xlvili 554 
J. gen. xlvii 502 

hon. mrs. xiv 189] 
*Rooker, M. A. (engraver) xliii 65 
Roper, hon. J. xxili 252) 

—_— mrs. J. xiv 181] 
Roscommon, earl, xiii 187] 

Pl ee 8 os 

lviii 223 

Rose, dr. John, xi 118] 
Roseberry, Neil, earl, lvi 133 
Rosehill, lord, xxx 231] J 
Rosen, count Gust. Fred. de, xii 174] 
mr. xvi 106] 

*Roser, M. (painter) xlvii 464 
Ross, maj.-gen. Andr. lv 114 
lady (sir Chas.) xxxiii 56] 
—— lieut.-gen. sir C. lvi 131 

"1 Dav. (actor) xxxii 219) 
—— mrs. (Fanny Murray) xi 179} 
—— G. xxviii 221] 

——— dr. J. (bp. Exeter) xxxiv 61 
_—— Laurence, earl, xlix 569 
—— hon. Rt. xli 57 

__— lady (sir J. R.) lwi 134 
——— maj.-gen. Rt. lvi 139 
—— counts, xi 215} 

—— earl, "vii 124 

——— lady, viijl96 




Ross, maj,-gen, xlvi 497 
mrs. (gen.) xlv 530 
Rossi, mad. (dancer) xli 65 
“Rossignol, signor, xlvii 478 
Rossling, Rt. xiii 134] 
Rosslyn, earl, xlvii 457 
Rossmore, Rt. lord, xliii 71 
— lady, xlix 587 
Rothe, hon. mrs. xlvi 467 
*Rotherham, rev. J. xxxi 218] 
Rothes, counts, Ixi 115 
earl of, x 179] 
— xvi 170] 
—— lix 143 
Rottwell, baron, xviii 214] 
rev. mr. ix 102] 
rey. Rd, xliii 73 
Round, Jas. xlviii 535 
Rous, sir J. xiv 181] : 
Rowe, Ben. lieut.-col. xlvii 491 
Rowley, adm. Barth. Sam. liii 165 
Hercules Langford, xxxvi 48 
W. xlvii 466 
——— (M.D.) xlviii 522 
—— gen. W. xlix 596 
— sir W. xi 213] 
lady, liv 183 
Roxburgh, duchs. vii 126] 
—— W. duke, xlvii 507 
W. (M.D.) lvii 125 
“Roy, col. W. xxxii 212] 
Royston, visct. 1, 154 
Rndge. rev. B. xlix 582 
Rufane, lieut.-gen. xvi 167] 
Rufin, gen. liii 162 
Ruggles, Sam. Rug. xlix 561 
Rule, lady (sir W.) ly 124 
—— sir W. lvii 130 
Rumbold, sir T. xxxiii 62] 
Rumford, cout, lvi 137 
Rumsay, H. W. (M.D.) xlix 585 
Rundell, capt. Fras. xlix 547 
“Rush, dr. Ben. ly 118 
Rushout, lady (sir J.) ix 172] 
Sir J. xviii 207] 
miss, xx 227] 
Ruspini, chey. ly 123 
Russel, J. lii 410 
lady (sir J.) vi 133] 
sir J. xxvi 239] 
-— xliv 511 
*——— dr. (historian) xxxyi 47 
*—— Rd. xxvii 202] 
miss A, xlviii 523 
* dr. Patr. xlvii 487 
W. liv 180 
lady W. 1. 160 
Russia, grand duchs. Petrowna Alex. xix 
224 i 
Bathe-iord, sir J. vii 122] 
—— lord, ix 171] 
Ruthven, dow. lady xxviii 222] 
James lord, xxvi 239] 
xxi 247) 
hon miss, xlyii 610 

Rutland, John, duke, xxii 247] 
*Rutty, dr. xviii 128] : 
Rycroft, lady (sir Nelson) xlv 508 
Ryder, lady, xvii 192] 

Rynswick, lord, x 176] 

Ryston, G. 1. 157 

*Ryves, Eliz. xxxix 65 

Saarbrugge, prince Wm. Henry, xi 217] 

Sabine, col. J. xix 227 

maj. xlvii 493 

Sackville, hon, Carol. xxxi 245] 

lord J. Phil. viii 173] 

visct, xxvii 254] 

Sage, J. xii 78 

Sainsbury, alderm, Thos. xxxvii 54 

St. Alban’s, duchs. xxi 228] 

duchs. xxxi 245] 

Lonisa Grace, duchs. lyiii 213 

duke, xxviii 220 

— lvii 127 

*St. André, N. xix 137] 

St. Asaph, bp. (Shipley) xxx 232] 

———_—— (Halifax) xxxii 239] 

—— (Bagot) xliv 511 

(Horsley) xlviii 557 

(Cleaver) lvii 125 

visct. lv 119 

viscts, xxxiii 58] 

St. Aubyn, sir J. xv 168] 

St. Barbe, miss D. xlix 578 

St. Clair, maj. xlix 584 

———— hon. colisirS,(x12)e) 

St. David’s, bp. (Murray) xlyv 509 

(Smallwell) xli 62 

St. George, dr. Arth. (dean Ross) xv 168] 

— baroness, lv 114 

— the chevalier, viii 152] 173] 

— chevalier, xli 60 

— lord, xviii 205] 

ee trum hon, and rey. Ambrose, xviii 


hon. Eliz. xxiii 252] 

—— mrs. (gen. Fred.) Ixi 116 
gen. H. lx 200 

—— hon. H. xxiii 250] 

——— lady (sir Har.) xi 215] 

Hen. lord, xlvii 514 

sir H. Paulet, xxvii 221] 
—— lady M. xxxiii 56] 

' ———— hon. and rey. Andrew, xxxvii 53 

——— dow. lady, xlvii 505 

—— hon. mr. xlv 507 

———  nrs. xlvii 485 

lord, x 176] 

of Bletso, baron, lix 148 

*Saint Lambert, (poet) xlv 497 

St. Leger, col. xix 230] 

lady, xiv 182] 

Saintloe, mrs. xviii 209] 

St. Quintin, sir W, xiii 188] 

xxxvii 54 

St. Saphorin, xlvji 511 

*St. Tropes, Pet, And, de Suffren, xxx 




St. Vincent, counts, lviii 213 
*Salis, card. de (aged 110) xxviii 197] 
—-—~ mrs. de (Jerome) xlix 609 
hon. Peter de, xlix 604 
Salisbury, (dr. Tho.) bp. ix 171] 
bp. (Hume) xxv 239] 
— (Douglas) xlix 576 
col. xlix 607 
—— counts. xix 222] 
sir Rt. lix 149 
—— Step. xlix 577 
Salm-Salm, prince Max. xvi 174] 
———__—_——- Nich. Leop. xiii 186] 
———_—_—__—_— —- xxi 226] 
*Salomon, J. P. (music.) lvii 129 
Salter, maj.-gen, J. xxix 237] 
Saltmarch, lady Anne, xliv 513 
Saltoun, dow. lady, xlii 64 
lord, xxiv 213] 
Saltzburg, arechbp xii 182] 
Salvador, hon. mrs. ix 171] 
Salusbury, lady S. xlvi 489 

sir T. xvi 175] 

mrs. xvi 170] 
Samborne, mrs. M. xvi 87] 
Sambrook, lady Eliz. Vanaxe, xviii 215] 
Samwell, sir T. xxii 219] 
Sandby, rev. dr. G. xlix 571 
Sanderson, lady (sir W.) xxiii 250] 
——— mrs. (mother sir Jas.) xliv 496 
Sandilands, Hugh, xxvi 236] 
— hon. J. xxxiii 58] 

maj. xix.226] 
Sandwich, counts. dow. xxxix 67 
John, 4th earl, xxxiv 59 
Geo. 6th earl, lx 200 
John earl, lvi 133 
Sandys, hon. Edw. xii 168] 
—— Letit. xxvii 219] 
baroness, xlviii 565 
hon. col. xi 219] 
-——- dow. lady, xxii 247] 
—— lord, xiii 187] 
Sardinia, duke of Montserrat, xli 66 
king, xvi 167] 
queen, xliv 501 
princess Maria Christina, xi 216 
Victor Emanuel, king, liii 164 
Sargeant, G. Hanway capt. xlix 602 
Sarsfield, count de, xxxi 210] 
*Savage, Chas. vi 109] 
Savary, M.xxxv 10 
Saville, hon. C. xlix 555 
sir G. xxvii 219] 
—-- J. xlv 515 
lady M. xxxiii 56] 
Thos. xlix 549 
Saumarez, mirs. Rd. xliv 520 
Saunders, adm. sir C. xviii 102] 215] 
rey. Erasm. xviii 215] 
——- J. C. (anatom.) li 588 
*—_-—— W. (M.D.) lix 144 
——— gov. Madras, xviii 214] 
Saunders, miss (dr.) 1. 162 
Saunderson, sir Jas, x1 118 


Savoy, prince Jos. Bened. xliy 518 
Sawbridge, alderm. J. xxxvii 53] 

Saxe, field-marshal, xvii 191] 

Saxe-Coburg, duchs. dow. xliii 72 

Fras. duke, xlyiii 573 

—— prince Lew. Chas. Fred. xlviii 

Saxe-Gotha, Fred. duke, xv 165] 
duke, xlvi 484 
princes, dow. xvi 171] 
— prince Wm. xiv 179] 
Saxe-Meiningen, Geo. duke, xlv 531 
Saxe-Weissenfels, duchs. dow. xviii 209] 
Saxony, elector, vi 134] 
prines, Christina, xxv 240 
—— John Aug. duke, x 176] 

princs. Maria Charl. Anton, xxvi 

—.  Maximil. xlvi 469 
Say and Sele, baroness, lviii 214 
———— ——. visct. xxiv 212] 
—— xxx 231] 
viscts. dow, xxxi 244] 
Sayer, adm. Jas. xix 229] ‘ 
Ma (misprinted Sayres), Frs. (M.D.) lix 
Scarborough, earl, xxv 238] 
——_—— Geo. Aug. earl, xlix 591 
— lady, xv 169] 
Scarsdale, Carol. dow. lady, liv 170 
Nath. lord, xlvi 512 
Schaumberg-Lippe, Jul. Wilh, princs. dows 
xli 67 
*Schiavonetti, Nich. (engraver) lv 117 
*Schiller, Fred. xlvii 478 
Schimmeelmann, count, xlii 66 
Schlabendorf, baron, xii 176] 
Schleswic, princs. Soph. Henr. xi 213] 
Schleswig-Holstein, princes. Louisa, xvi 166] 
Schmidt, field-marsh. xlvii 510 
Schomberg, sir A. xlyi 477 
we — dr. Jas. (phys.) xxiii 205] 
Isaac, lv 113 
*Schweighauser, J. (orientalist) xxxvi 7 
Schwellenburgh, mad. xxxix 65 
Scott, lady Cath. lvi 135 
—— Dav. xlvii 501 
hon. J. xlvii 515 
—— J. xlix 584 
—— maj.-zen. John, xviii 215] 
*—— rev. dr. J. lvi 140 
—~— hon. Isabella, xxxiii 60] 
dr. Rt. xlix 555 
—— hon. W. xix 224] 
—— Wm. xlv 522 
—— sir W. xix 224] 
— xii 174] 
—— lord, |. 148 
—— mrs. (moth. counts. Oxford) xlvii 490 
hon. mr. ix 171] 
Scrace, Rd. xlix 558 
Scrafton, mrs. Cath. xlix 578 
Scrieber, J. C. xlix 559 
Scudamore, John, xxxviii 63 
(M.P.) xlvii 473 



Seabrooke, Josh. xix 228] ( 
Seabury, dr. S. (bp. Norwich, Connecticut) 
xxxix 66 
Seaforth, lady, xxii 249] 
Sealy, mrs. xlix 588 
Searth, J. xlix 587 
Season, dr. H. xviii 214] 
Sebastiani, mad. xlix 584 
Sebright, sir J, xxxvi 48 
Seckendorf, field-marsh. vi 134] : 
parr Thos. (archbishop Cant.) xi 149, 
seat; mrs. (singer) xlvii 505 
Seddon, miss, xli 57 
Thos. xlvi 502 
Sedgewick, (singer) xlv 522 
Sedley, sir C. xxi 226] 
hon, mrs. XxxvV 
Sefton, Chas, W. earl, xxxvii 53 
; counts. dow. Ixi 115 
Selkirk, counts. xliv 521 
Selligue, B. xliii 63 
Selsey, Jas. lord, 1. 148 
John, lord, lviii 216 
Selwin, W. xi 184] 
“Selwyn, Geo. Aug. xxxiii 56] 
Sempil, hon. capt. vii 124] 
Sempill, hon, G. xxvi 237] 
John, lord, xxv 237] 
Senac de Mirlhan, M. Gab. xlv 524 
Serbelloni, card. xviii 215] 
Service, capt. J. xlix 585 
Seton, sir Archib. xviii 210] 
lord Geo. xii 173] 
sir W. xvii 197] 
Severne, gen. J. xxix 237] 
*Seward, miss (poetess) li 606 
W. xii 60 
Sewel, sir T. xxvii 219] 
Sewell, lady, xii 172] 
*——- mr. (bookseller) xliv 520 
Seybridge, lady, xv 166] 
Seymour, lady Car. xvi 170] 
(sir C.) xiv 177] 
— hon, Edw. xviii 210] 
and rey. lord Edw. (dean 
Bath) xxvii 254] 
e adm. lord Hugh, xliii 72 
——— W. xlix 589 
lord W. xlii 65 
———— lady W. liv 178 
Shadwell, H. Thurlow, xlix 597 
—— lady (sir J.) xx 227] 
* - lieut.-col. xli 61 
Shaftesbury, counts. dow. xlvi 507 
—— earl, liii 162 
— xiv 178] 
Shafto, Rt. xxxix 68 
lady (sir Rt.) xxvi 237] 
Shakespear, mrs. Arth. xlvii 463 
John (alderm.) xviii 209 
Shanks, mrs. xv 166] 
Shannon, earl, vii 126] 
Rd, earl, xlix 577 
Shard, J. xlix 563 


Sharp, lady (sir Alex.) xxvi 240] 

*——. Granville, lv 119 

: mr. and miss Shickburgh, lv 609 

—— sir W. xxiii 249] 

Sharington, hon. lieut.-gen. ix 171] 

Shaw, alderm. (Cork) xlix 582 

— G. xlix 1596 

——— _(M.D.) lv 120 

—-— sir J. xxii 247] 

lady (sir J.) xxxvi 54 

L. J. (sir J.) xlix 576 

*—— rey. Stebbing, xliv 517 

Shawe, capt. Musgrave, xlvii 507 

*Shears, Hen. and John, barristers, hanged 
for rebellion, xl 65 . 

Sheffield, sir Chas. xvii 196] 

———_—. J. lvii 122 3 

——— lady, xxxix 64 
Shelburne, lady, xiii 175] 
— counts. dow. xxiii 252] 
Sheldon, J. (F.R.S.) 1. 1614 
Shelley, sir Bysshe, lvii 122 
=——— H. (M.P.) liv 168 
sir J. xiv 180] 
—— John, xxvi 239] 
Shelly, lady (sir J.) xv 166] 
dow. lady, 1. 172 
“Shepherd, Vincent (archit.) liv 176 
Shepley, G. xlix 555 
Sheppard, lady (sir T.) lv 124 
Sherard, hon. lieut.-gen. Phil. xxxii 244] 
lady Dor. xxiv 215] 
Lucy, xxiv 211] 
Sheridan, Chas. Fras. xlviii 419 
—— sir H. W. xliv 497 
*__—— R. Brinsley, lviii 218 
— Thos. lix 147 
Sherrard, lady Eliz. viii 173] 
———— lord, xi 214] 
————— hon. mrs. vi 133] 
Shewell, Thos. xiii 188 
Shipbrook, earl, xxvi 240] ° 
Shipley, dr. Jon. (bp. St. Asaph) xxx 232] 
——— mrs. (bp. St. Asaph) xlv 50] 
Shirley, hon. G. xxix 238] 
——_ lady S. xi 213] 
—— hon. Sewallis, viii 173] 
—— sir T. xlii 58 
hon. and rey. Walt. xxviii 221] 
——_——_—— mrs. (Washington) liv 171 
sir W. W. lvii 123 
——— rev. sir Rt. 2b. 
——— hon. mrs. xxv 238] 
Short, lieut.-col. H. xlix 577 

mrs. (capt. Jos.) xlix 565 
Shorthall, T. v 114] 
Shouldham, lord, xl 119 
Shove, Alured H. xlix 597 
Shrewsbury, counts. dow. xlv 524 
— Eliz. counts. dow. li 636 
———_——. Geo. earl, xxix 237 
Shuckburgh, sir C, xvi 173] 
® -——~ miss, and mr. Sharp, li 609 
—————— sir Stewkley, li 636 
Shuldham, Sam. xix 226 


Shum, Geo. (M.P.) xlvii 468 
*Shuter, Edm. (actor) xix 194] 
Sibbald, sir Jas. lxi 117 
Sibley, W. G. xlix 560 
Sibthorpe, Redmond, ix 131] 
*Sicignano, duke, xxxv 30 
Siddons, W. 1. 149 

Sidmouth, viscts. liii 164 
Sidney, lord, xvii 190 

Phil. Shelley, xli 65 
Sikes, J. xlviii 510 

Simcoe, rey. mr. ix 81] 
Simeon, sir Edw. xi 219] 
Simmons, capt. ix 59] 

bs — Jas. (M.P.) xlix 557 

‘ Sam. Foart (M.D.) lv 117 

——— mrs. xlix 590 
Simon, mr. xlv 525 
Simonetti, cardinal, x 174] 
Simpson, Alex. xlix 606 
—— sir C. W. lvii 122 
eS dr. F. xxiv 199} 

J. xvi 170] 

rev. J. xlix 585 
— ly 12] 
¢____—. W. xlix 555 

sir Walt. xvi 171] 
*Sinclair, G. A. xxxvi 48 
———_ sir H. xi 213] 
———— lady Helen, xlv 518 

sir J. vii 126] ° 
—_——. x1 117 

hon. lieut. Wm. xix 230] 

sir W. x 177] 

lady, ix 168] 
——_—— xxii 246] 

— lvi 137 

mr. xiv 181] 
Sinnott, Pierce, xxxvi 49 
Sintzheim, Dav. liv 181 
Sitwell, sir S. liii 164 
Skeffington, lady, liii 164 
—— sir W. C. F. lvii 122 
Skerret, maj.-gen. J. B. lvi 132 
Skey, Sam. xlviii 524 
Skinner, rey. J. xlix 581 
—— rt. rev. J. lviii 220 
—— sir I. xlvii 512 
. alderm. T. xlviii 505 
—— lieut.-gen. xxili 252] 
—————_ mrs. xv, 170] 
Skipwith, sir Fras. xiv 180] 
xxi 228] 
—+— Thos. G. xxxii 242] 
—— W. vii 122] 
Skynner, rev. J. xlvii 479 
———— mrs. (rev. J.) 1. 154 
Slade, Jas. xlix 555 
sir T. xiv 177] 
Slater, C. xlix 560 
“Slee, J. xlviii 518 
Sligo, dow. marchs. lix 146 
marq, li 583 
Slingsby, mrs, B. xxxii 245] 


Slingsby, Chas. xvi 173] 
——— sir Hen. vi 132] 
——— Saville, xxiii 252] 
Thos. viii 169] 
— lady (sir T. T.) lviii 213 
Sloper, sir Rob. xliv 515 
lady (sir Rt.) xlvi 467 
ome dr. Edw. (bp. St. David's) xli 

*Smart, Chr. xiv 11]] 

——— J. (miniat. paint.) liii 160 

*Smith, Adam, (LL.D.) xxxii 212] 

Ta hon. Anne (lord Carrington) 1. 

—— dr. Archib. (archbp. Dublin) xiv 

capt. B, xvii 107} 

s Charlotte (novelist) xlviii 563, her 
husband do. 515 

——— sir C. xvi 168] 

—— hon. David, xlviii 510 

—-—— mrs. (Drummond) xlvi 469 

—— sir Drum. lviii 212 

lieut.-gen. F. xxxiii 62] 

G. (landscape painter) xix 181] 

lieut.-col. Geo. xlv 507 

sir G, xii 175] 

—_——_—— Hervey, liii 165 

—J. xviii 214] 

sir J. xlix 605 
Jarrit, x 177] 
——_—_—__—_—__ xxvi 237] 

rt. hon, J. Stan. xiv 178] 
—_—— capt. Jeffery, xlix 600 
——-— John, xlvi 467 

rey. Josh. xlvi 467 
—— col. Matt. liv 170 
—_— sir Mich. li 602 

* Nath. xxxvi 49 
—~— sir Rob. xliv 503 
—— T.xvi 72] 
—— Ge OLS 

——-— mrs. T. Asheton, lvi 140 
T. S. (miser) xlix 600 
——— sir Trafford, viii 173] 
+____. W. (painter) vii 108] 
a We xix 147] 
——--— rey. sir W. xx 227] 
———— col. W. P. xlviii 543 

— lieut. Webb, xlvii 501 
_———— mrs. (moth. mrs. Fitzherbert) xlix 


—_—____—— (sist. sir N. Grose) xlix 554 
—— hon. mr. xv 168] 
rey. dr. xi 213] 
Smither, lieut. xlix 608 
Smithson, mrs. vii 123] 
Smollet, Jas. xviii 214] 
Smyth, rt. hon. J. liii 157 
lady (sir J.) xxxviii 57 
sir J. Hugh, xliv 503 
——-—— Silvester, xxxi 244] 
——— Rt. xxvi 240] 
lady (sir W.) lvii 131 
Smythe, sir Edw. liii 160 


Smythe, sir Syd. Staff, xxi 227] 

— -— lady (sir Sidney Stafford) xix 222] 

—-— W. xlix 603 

Smythes, lady, xvi 168] 

Soame, sir Pet. xl 119 

Soaper, Thos. li 640 

Sodor and Man, bp. (Hillesley) xv 169] 


— (Mason) xxvi 237] 
—__——— (Crigan) lv 118 
*Solander, dr. xxv 238] 

Sole, mr. xliv 497 

Solis, card. Fr. Anth. xvi 168] 

Sollikoff, field-marsh. prince Nich. lviii 

Solly, Isaac, xliv 497 
-—— Sam. xlix 550 

Solms, prince Ferd. Wilh. Ern, xxvi 240] 

Solomon, J. ly 113 
Solomons, Sol. xlix 558 
Soltakow, count, xvi 167] 
Somerset, counts. dow, xliv 513 
— duchs. dow. xi 214] 

— xvi 166] 
Edw. duke, xxxiv 56 
duke, xxxv 74 
—— lady Anne Eliz. xlv 517 
lord Arth. J. H. lviii 215 
——— lady C. H. Ivii 128 
Somerville, lord, viii 173] 

Jas. 10th lord, xxxyiii 60 

—— baron, Ixi 117 
—— hon. mr. xix 226] 
— mrs. (hon. col.) viii 172] 
Sondes, Lewis, lord, xxxvii 53 
hon. mr. xii 173] 
*Sonnini, M. (traveller) liv 177 
Sontag, lieut.-gen. lviii 216 
Sotheby, — (books.) xlix 602 
Southby, Rd. xlix 564 
Southampton, lady, x1 118 
—— dow. lady, xlix 583 
—— lord, xxxix 66 
Southward, capt. xlix 596 
——-—— Sim. lii 391 
Southwell, hon. Edw, xv 169] 

xxxvili 56 
Thos. lord, ix 172] 

——— Arth. visct. xxxviii 57 

hon, miss, xxxi 244] 
—— mrs. viii 170] 
—————~ visct. xxiii 252 
————— viscts. dow. xliv 515 
*Sowden, rev. Benj. xxxviii 60 
Sowerby, lieut.-gen. Jas. liii 164 
————— nis. xlvi 508 
De Souza, (Port. ambass.) xlv 530 
Spearing, Jas. xlix. 595 
Spain, queen dow. ix 120] 171] 
-— — infant Chas. xvii 191] 

—— the infant don Carlos Eusebio, xxvi 


om Charles IV, Ixi 11 

— (Richmond) xxiii 249] 

—Soph. Mar. Josepha, viscts. 

———+—— Gabriel, xxx 932]; 

Sparre, hon. Amelia W. M. xxi 227] 
Sparrow, mrs. xi 182] 
Sparshall, Jos. lii 390 
*Spallanzani, Laz. (natural.) xli 57 
Spiegel, baron de, xix 228 
— van der, xlii 61 
Spiggot, Christ. xi 175] 
Spiller, Rd. xlix 578 
Spire, prince bp. xiii 187] 
Spence, rev, — xi 217] 162] 
dr. W. xliv 494 
Spencer, C. xlix 601 
—— lady Charles, liv 170 
—-— lord Hen. John, xxxvii 54 
J. xlix 582 
lady Louisa, xii 173] 
—— counts. dow. lvi 132 
——— earl, xxvi 240] © 
—— hon. xxxiii 56] 
xlvii 486 
Spendlove, Gust. xv 103] 
Sperrey, — xlvii 498 
Spooner, — xviii 129] 
Spottiswoode, Day. xlix 559 
Sprott, Mark, 1. 172 
Spry, sir Rd. xviii 215] 
Squire, rev. dr. (bp. St. David’s) ix 170] 
Stables, J. xlvii 500 
Stael, baron de, xliv 513 
*de Stael, mad. lix 146 
Stafford, lady, xxvi 237] 
margq. xlv 523 
marchs, dow. xlvii 494 
Stageldoir, mr. xlviii 547 
“Staines, sir W. (alderm.) xlix 592 
Stainville, marq. de, xii 176] 
Stair, counts. xl 118 
— earl, xxxi 244] 
Stamford, counts. dow. xv 169] 
earl, xi 216] 
Standidge, lady, xlv 519 
Standish, lady, xxiii 251] 
sir Frank, liv 175. 
*Stanhope, Chas. earl, lviii 224 
4 lady E, xxvii 253] 
Harr. xlv 526 
———— Lovell, xxvi 239] 
———— Phil. earl, xxviii 220] 
_———--_— sir T. xi 187] 
—_—_—_—_—--— W. xv 166] 
counts. dow. lili 167 
— lady, liv 171 
————— mr. xiii 187] 
Stanislaus, king of Poland, ix 67] 169] 
Stanley, mrs. Geo. Edw. xxviii 221 ] 
——-— rt. hon. Hans, xxiii 249] 
———— hon. and rev. J. xxiv 211] 
sir J. xlix 611 
hon. Jas. lix 144 
——— lady (sir J. T.) lviii 213 
—_____—— Isabella, xxix 237] 
— Marg. xix 223] 
— Mary, xxxvii 54 
pe ae (ste) ip) 
—-—— rev. Thos, xlvii 452 





Stanley, sir F. Massey, xxxvii 53 
—— W. xxxiv 59 
lady, xl 119 
—— lix 145 
Stanwix, (actor) xlix 597 
gen. T.S. lvii 129 
Staples, capt. xlvii 486 
——— sir Rt. lviii 216 
Stapylton, sir Bryan, xv 166] 
—_—_—_— J. xxvii 253] 
—__—— T. xxiii 253] 
miss, xiii 186] 
Starck, baron de, xix 222] 
baroness de, xlvii 462 
*Staunton, sir Geo. Leon. xlii 66 
Stawell, lady M. xlvi 500 
Stede, J. xi 175] 
*Stedman, C. liv 177 
capt. J. G. xxxix 19 
Steel, capt. Adam, xlvii 471 
Steele, Mary, xlix 583 
mrs. (rt. hon. T.) lvii 126 
*Steevens, George, xlii 56 
W. xilix 554 
Steiger, baron, xlii 57 
Stephens, Fras: xlix 609 
capt. M. xlix 606 
lieut.-gen. lvii 126 
Stephenson, J. xxxvi 48 
—— — Rowl. (banker) xlix 606 
sir W. xvii 198] 
gen, xlvii 465 
——_—— gov. xi 175] 
——— mrs. (moth. counts. Mex- 
borough) xlvii 497 
Stepney, sir J. liii 166 
—_——_—— T. xv 168] 
lady, xxxvii 54 
Sterne, rev. L. xi 82] 
Steuart, lady F. xxxi 244] 
Stevens, mrs. (Exmouth) xlix 610 
$ G. Alex. xxvii 202] 
— Humph. xxxiii 60] 
— T. xlix 602 
mrs, xvii 167] 
Stevenson, dr. J. xviii 212] 
W. (banker) xlix 558 
Steward, miss E. xlv 503 
Stewart, sir Archib. yi 132] 
— lady Cath. liv 170 
° Chas. Edw. xxvii 219] 
— hon. Euphemia, lix 145 
lady Georg. xlvi 483 
Helen, lv 113 
Hugh, xlix 606 
capt, J. liii 166 
——— sir J. vii 124] 
——— hon. lieut.-gen, Jas, xi 215] 
Jas. vi 132] 
——— sir Jas. Shaw, liv 179 
hon. adm. Keith, xxxvii 43 
+ lieut.-col, R. li 583 
sir Simeon, xxii 249] 
——— lady xlvi 508 
——-— maj.-gen. xl viii 548 

Stewart, gen. lvii 125 

Stiles, sir J. H. E. xi 218] 

Stirling, lady Anne, xix 228] 
——— rey. dr. Alex. xlix 559 
——— sir Jas. xiv 178] 

xlvii 465 

——— dow. lady, lvi 131 

— — lord, xxvi 237] 

Stock, dr. Jos. (bp. Waterford) lv 121 
“Stockdale, rev. Pere. liii 165 

Stone, And. xvi 176] 

Andr. xlviii 548 

—— rey. F. lv 122 

dr. G. (archbp.) vii 126] 

Stonhouse, rev. sir Jas. xxxiv 58 
——————_——_———. xxvii 54 
Stopford, lady Cath. xlvi 515 
*Storace, signora (singer) lix 146 
*_—— Steph. (mus. composer) xxxvili 


Store, T. xv 120] 

Storer, Anth. Morr. xli 62 

Stormont, viscts. ix 170] 

Storr, Gervas, xlvii 462 

adm. J. xxvi 237] 

Story, J. xv 153] 

Stourton, dow. lady, xxvii 253] 

*———— lord, xxiv 215] 

lviii 216 

Strafford, counts. xxvii 253} 
Thos. earl, xli 64 
Wm. earl, xxxiii 57] 

*Strange, John, xli 58 

*___—— sir Rob. (engraver) xxxiv 60 

Strangford, viscts. vii 124] 

¥ — rey. Lionel Smythe, 7th visct. 

xliii 74 

Stratford, lady Hannah, xliii 75 

Strathallan, viscts. dow. xvi 170] 

Strathmartin, adm. liv 179 

Strathmore, dow. counts. xxi 225] 

— xlii 60 

—— earl, xix 223] 

Stray, J. xlix 583 

Street, mrs. M. L. xlvii 513 

Strettell, Thos. xlix 549 

Strickland, lady Jane, xxiii 251] 

(sir J.) x 175] 

Strode, hon. mrs. lv 122 

mrs. (col.) xlvii 495 

W. xix 222] 

Stronge, rev. sir Jas. xlvi 511 

Strongford, visct. xxix 237] 

Strotoff, Christop. xliii 65 

Strube, M. xviii 212] 

Struensee, M. xlvi 504 

Struthers, rey. dr. Jas, xlix 583 

"Strutt, Jos. xliv 517 

Stuart, lady, Annab. xvi 173] 

Anne, xxvi 237] 

lieut.-gen, sir C, xliii 66 

hon. Day. xxvii 220] 

lady Euph. xiii 189] 

——— hon. Fred. xliv 507 


Stuart, lady Helen, xxvi 238] 
hon. Hugh, xii 172] 
iF rev. Jas, xxxi 215] 
sir J. lvii 124 
Simeon, lviii 214 

lady (sir Simon) xlix 567 
Will. xlix 589 
dow. lady, xlix 595 
Stubenrach, Fred. Hen. xlviii 536 
Studwick, Chas. xxviii 201] 
Stukeley, mrs. xviii 208] 
Sturges, rev. dr. xlix 597 
Sturt, mrs. A. xlix 597 
C. (M.P.) liv 175 
Hump. xxviii 221] 
mrs. xlix 590 
Styles, sir C. xvii 192] 
———— xlvi 499 
———— Jos. xii 172] 
Suasso, don Ant. Lop. xviii 213] 
Suboff, count V. xlvi 489 
Suckling, capt. Maurice, xxi 199] 
*Suett, R. (actor) xlvii 488 
Suffolk, counts. x 174] 
lxi 118 
—-— dow. x 176] 

xix 225] 
earl, xxvi 237] 
Sullivan, sir H. lvi 133 
Sully, duc de, xix 226] 
Sumner, W. xlix 551 
Sunderlin, Rd. lord, lviii 215 
Supple, Mark, xlix 568 
Surtees, Anth. xlix 548 
Sussex, counts. xxxviii 62] 
earl, xli 60 
Sutherland, right hon. Erick, xi 217] 
———— Wm. earl ix 170] 
—— countess, 7d. 
Suttie, sir G. xxyi 240] 
lady, sir Jas, lix 145 
Sutton, lord G. xxvi 237] 
lady Geo. x 176] 
sir Rd. xxix 238] 
— xliv 511 
T. ly 122 
hon. lieut. xxiv 213] 


——— John (lord mayor Dublin) xlii 57 

rev. J. xlix 556 
*Suwarrow, marshal, xlii 16 
Swanton, adm. viii 171 
Sweden, Adolp. Fred. xiv 176] 

———— Gustavus 3rd, xxxiv 58 

—-— princess Sophia Augusta, vii 126] 

—— queen dow. ly 121 

Swieten, baron Van, xv 166 

Swinburne, lady (sir Edw.) xi 217] 

— sir E. xxviii 221] 

*——_. Hen. (traveller) xlv 385 
sir J. vi 132] 

Swinfen, mrs. xlv 507 

Swinton, Arch. xlvi 469 

—— lord, xli 54 

Swymmer, Hen. xvii 196 

prince Chas. Gust. xxvi 238] 


Swymmer, W, xlvii 510 
Sydenham, John, xviii 207 

Sydney, Thos. visct. xlii 62 
——-— viscts. xlvii 493 

Sykes, sir Christop. xliii 73 

lady (sir Fras. W.) xlvi 469 
sir F. W. xlvi 470 

— Mark xxvi 239] 

lady (sir Mark) ly 122 
Sylvia, mr. lii 388 

*Symes, lieut.-col. li 603 

Synge, dr. N. bp. Killaloe, xiv 176] 

Taafe, count, xiii 186] 
counts. xxxiv 57 
Taite, Jas. 1. 158 
Talbot, lady A. xi 217] 
Anne, lvii 122 
sir C, xl 118 
liv 181] 
hon. Frs. ly 123 
J. lvii 127 
———— Mary, liv 170 
Rt. xlix 590 
hon. Thos. xxxyii 54 
—- rev. W. xvii 191] 
counts. dow. xxix 237] 
——_-—_—__———- x lvi 464 
earl, xxxv 70 
——— xxv 238] 
hon. mr, xxxi 242] 
—— mrs. xliv 497 
miss xiv 178] 
Tanner, mrs. E. xlvii 476 
Tankerville, counts. dow. xviii 213] 
— — xxxili 56] 
Tanois, M. Tr. xlvi 508 
*Taplin, W. veter. surg, xlix 551 
Tapps, lady (sir G. T.) lv 120 
Tapsfield, W. xlix 603 
*Tasker, rey. W. (poet) xlii 4 
Tatem, G. xlix 584 
Tatter, G. xlvii 474 
Tavistock, marq. ix 175] 
Taylor, lady Lucy, lvi 132 
———— (sir Rob. Arch.) xlv 531 
W. (Hereford) xlix 577 
mrs. xvii 193] 
xxxv 70 
rey. dr. xv 167] 
Teesdale, col. xlvii 488 
Tempest, sir H. Ixi 115 
— H. Vane (M.P.) lv 121 
———_ J. xix 225] 
sir Rd. bart. xxviii 222] 
——— lady (sir Rd.) xlvii 501 
mrs. (Thos.) xlix 596 
*—_—_—- W. Johnson, xxxviii 64] 
counts. xx 227] 
lady, vii 122] 

Temple, hon. mrs. (mother 1d. Palmerston) 

xxxi 242] 
——— miss, xviii 213] 
Templeman, dr. Pet, xii 136] 
*Tenant, Smithson (chemist) lvii 123 


Tenison, lady Fras. liv 176 
Tennent, W. xlix 548 
Tenson, hon. Jas. xlv 498 
Termont, bp. Blois, xix 226] 
Terrick, dr. bp. London, xx 227] 
Terry, lady Jane, xliv 515 
Tew, rev. dr. xiii 134] 
Teynham, lady, viii 172] 
———— xiv 176] 
lord, xxiv 211] 
Hen. 11th lord, xxviii 222] 
12th lord, xlii 56 

— dow. lady, xxxv 72 
Thackeray, T. xlviii 572 
Thanet, counts. xxi 227] 
earl, xxvili 221) 
Theakstone, G. I. 155 
Thelluson, G. Woodford (M. P.) liii 167 
—— — Pet. Isaac, xxxix 36 
hon. miss, xlix 583 
mrs. xlvii 461 
Thewles, maj.-gen. liii 166 

Thicknesse, — (mast. St Paul’s school) 

xxxii 230] 

———— Phil. xxxiv 63 
Thistlethwaite, rev Jos. xlix 565 
Thomas, sir Edw. x 178] 
—— Geo. xvii 200 

lvii 126 
rey. Geo. Andr. xlvi 505 
J. (solicitor) xlix 547 
mrs. Leonora, xlix 588 
sir Noah, xxvi 240] 
—— xxxiv 59 

lady Soph. xvi 170] 
rey..T. xlix 582 

——— gen. xix 229] 
——— lady, xx 228] 
mrs. xv 167] 
rey. dr. xvii 198] 
sir W. xx 230] 
Thomond, Chas. earl, xvii 200] 
— marq. l. 147 
Thompson, Alex. xiii 191] 

lady Cath. viii 173 
sir Chas. xli 58 
———— dr. Gilbert, xlv 494 
—_—_._—— J. (Chiswick) xlix 594 
Jas. xlvii 483 
rev. M. xlviii 504 

—— sir Peter, xiii 191] 
——_—_—— adm. Sam. lv 12] 
Thomson, sir A. lix 144 
— dr. xlix 577 
Thornhill, rev. J. xlix 549 
Thornley, col. Mont. xlix 584 
Thornton, H. (M.P.) lvii 122 
— mrs. K. xlix 598 
*—_—_— T.lvi 133 
Thorold, sir J. xviii 210] 
—— lvii 123 

—_——————_ Nath. vii 126] 
_ Thoroton, J, xlvii 464 

— (German translator) xlv 


Thorowgood, mrs. Cath, xliy 513 
Threipland, sir Stuart, xlvii 464 
Throckmorton, sir J. C. Ix 115 

——_—_—__— Rt. xxxiii 63] 
*Throsby, John (antiq.) xlv 497 
*Thurlow, Edw. lord, xlviii 5 
— J. xxv 238] 


dr. T. bp. Durham, xxxiii 59] 

mrs. his lady, 2b. 60] 
Thurset, Jean, xlix 559 ist 
Tichbourne, dow. lady xli 56 
*Tickell, Rd. xxxv 73 
———_——- xl vii 496 
Tidy, capt. T. H. xlix 589 
Tighe, W. (M. P.) lviii 214 
Tilney, H. li 591 
Tindal, rey. W. xlvi 500 
Tisdale, rt. hon. Phil. xx 229] 
*Tissot, dr. xxxix 26 5 
Tobbett, J. xlix 597 
Toby, col. xv 103] 
Todd, J. (books.) liii 159 
Toft, miss W. xlvii 470 
*Tollemache, lady Bridget, xxxviii 59 
——______——__ F. xlix 609 
Tollet, mrs. (Chas.) xlix 584 
Tomlinson, G. xiv 79 
Toms, adm. vi 132] 
*Tone, Theob. Wolf, xl 97 
Tonyn, rey. C. W. xlvii 497 
gen. Patr. xlvi 519 
*Tooke, J. Horne, liv 172 
Toole, lady Cath. xlv 507 
*Topham, John (antiq.) xlv 518 
Topper, mr. xlvi 468 
Torkington, rey. dr. J. lvii 128 
Torpichen, lord, viii 173 
———- lvii 126 
Torrens, lieut. (duel) xlviii 523 
Torrigiani, card. xx 226] 
Torrington, viscts. xxxiv 58 
—— visct. liv 182 
Tottenham, sir J. xxix 236] 
— lient.-gen. Loftus, liii 159 
Totton, mrs. xlix 581 
Totty, rear-adm. xliv 511 
Toulmin, rey. dr. Josh. lvii 128] 
— murs. xlix 559 
Toulongeon, mad. xlvii 471 
Tour, dow. baroness du, xxxyiii 61 
Tour et Taxis, prince xvi 168] 
princes. xxvii 220] 
Towle, rev. T. xlviii 572 
Townley, sir Chas. xvii 193] 
Townsend, Chauncy, xiii 114} 

alderman Jas, xxix 237] 
————— dr. T. xix 190] 
Townshend, rt. hon. Chas. x 177] 
—— Chas. xli 64 

————— Geo. marq. xlix 594 
*_____—. rev. Jos, lviii 223 

hon, mrs. J. T. xxxvli 54 
J. W. xxxi 243] 

T. xxiii 25]] 


hon. and rev dr. G. viii 169] 


Townshend, hon. T. C, F. xxix 236] 
W. Aug. lviii 217 
—— dow. marchs. Ixi 115 
———— visct. vii 123] 
——-~——- viscts. dow. xxx 231] 
hon. mrs. lviii 213 
Towny, inrs. (capt.) xlyiii 574 
Towson, Aug. xlix 605 

Tracey, Jas. xv 87] 

— xvi 87] 

viscts. xxxvii 54 

—— hon. Frances, xlix 56) 
miss, vii 122] 

yisct. xxxiv 61 

Traes, sir Chris. xxiii 252] 
Trafalgar, Hor. viset. 1. 146 
Trail, dr. Jas. bp. Downe, xxvi 240] 
rev. dr. Rt, xviii 214]. 
Traneker, rev. G. xliv 507 

Trant, rey. Edw. xlix 578 
Trapaud, gen. Cyrus, xliii 67 
mrs. xlv 509 

Traquair, counts. xiv 181] 

dow. xxi 225] 
counts. xxxviii 63] 
——— earl Chas. vii 124] 
John, earl, xxii 246] 
Travers, mrs. xvi 170] 
Trautmansdorff, count, xxxviii 57] 
Treacher, sir J. xlix 549 
Trecothick, Barlow, xviii 210] 
Trefusis, hon. miss (lord. Clinton) xlviii 


—_—— 1. 160 
—_—_—_—_—- mrs. xix 223] 
Trelawney, mrs. (capt-) 1. 161 
lady Letit. xviii 210) 
xx 227] 

miss A. xv 167] 
Tremaine, Arthur, xxxvi 48 
*Tresham, H. (painter) lvi 136 
Tresmes, duc de, xvii 199] 
Trevahnion, lady, xix 224] 
Trevelyan, sir Geo, xi 218] 
lady (sir J.) xv 165} 
*Trevenen, lieut. Jas. xxxii 214 
Treville, adm. xlvi 498 
Trevor, hon. Arth. xiii 188] 
——— dr. Rd. (bp. Durham) xiv 179 
~——_— lady, xii 176] 
xxv 237] 
——— lord, vii 125] 
Triers, archbp. xi 213] 
Trigg, rev. T. x 143] 
Trigge, adm. J. lvii 128 
lieut.-gen. sir T. lvi 131 
Trimblestone, dow. lady, xiv 180} 
*Trimelstown, lord, xxxvili 68] 
—— ly 115 
Tripp, W. xlv 523 
Trivulzi, Ant. gen. Milan, xi 213] 
Trollope, rev. A. xlviii 533 
sir T, W. xxxi 243] 
col. xlvii 489 




Trotter, rev. dr. J. 1, 162 
—:-— Rt. xlix 589 

——— T. {engraver) xlv 372 
Truman, lady, ix 170] 

Truscott, adm. Wm, xl 118 
Trye, C. Brandon, liii 165 
Tryon, lieut.-gen. xxx 230] * 
Tuam, archbp. (Bourke) xxxvi 52 
(Dillon) li 639 
—_—_—_—_—— xi 117 
Tudor, Owen, (aged 121), xiv 130] 
Tudway, Clem. (M.P.) lvii 128 
Tufton, lady C. xlv 530 

hon. J. xli 61 
—-— Mary, xxvii 253] 
——————_— W. Xxvill 221 
Tullmont, princs. xvii 189 
Turberville, mrs. E. and mrs. P. xxiv 165] 
Turkey, Achmet IV, xxxi 243] 
——— Mustapha III, xvii 190] 
Turner, Anth, ix 59] 
— — sir Barn. xxvii 220] 
——-— hon. lieut. C. lviii 213 
—— sir C. xxvi 240] 
—__———. Greg. Page, xlvii 459 
=—— Jas. xlix 584 
sir J. xe ool 
——— lady (sir J.) lvii 129 
—— Sam. alderm. xx 170] 

* Simon, xliv 493 
——— lady, xiii 190] 
——— miss (sir G. P.) xlvi 473 
Turnor, Edm. xlvii 462 
Turnour, hon. J. xl 119 
*Turpin, M. xiii 60 
Turton, J. (M.D.) xlviii 528 
———_-—— miss Mab. ]. 160 
Turville, mrs. B. xlviii 504 
Tuscany, archduke Maximil. xxi 225) 
— grand duchs. xliv 516 
Tuyll, baron de, xlvii 470 
*Tweddell, J. xli 62 
T'weedale, marchs. xlvi 485 
marq. xiii 189] 
— Geo. marq. xxix 238] 
6th marq. xlvi 498 
*Twining, rev. T. xlvi 493 
Twisden, dame Eliz. xviii 207] 
lady (sir J. P.) lviii 213 
sir Roger, xv 165] 
—— xxii 248] 
Twiss, T. xlvii 486 
Twysden, sir W. ix 176] 
— lady (sir W.) Ix 200 
Tydd, mrs. xlvii 474 
Tylney, earl, xxvii 221) 
Tyndale, T. B. xlix 599 
Tynte, lady (sir C. Kemys) xl 118 
———— BliZ. LvaTip LO 
Tyrawley, lady, xii 172] 

—— 1, lbs 

= oe 1 . - i 1 

at aan al aan 


— lord, xvi 171] 
Tyrconnel, earl, xlvii 474 
viscts. dow. xxiii 251] 




Tyrell, mrs. xiv 89] 
Tyrone, Geo. 2nd earl, xlii 65 
——_——- earl, lv 113 
——— lady, xii 174] 
Tyrrel, adm. ix 170] 
sir J. ix 168] 
lady, ix 171) 
Tyrwhit, mrs. xix 222] 
Tyson, rev. Michael, xxxvi 48 

Vachell, W. xlix 572 
Vaillant, Paul, xliv 497 
Vaiangin, dr. F. de, xlvii 469 
Valentia, viscts. xxvi 238] 
eae gen. C. (LL.D. philolog.) liv 
Valletort, visct. Ix 203 
Vanbrugh, lady, xix 224] 
Vance, hon. Fred. xliii 84 
Van Court, Pet. xlix 600 
Van Dam, Anth. 1. 162 
Vandeput, adm. G. xlii 60 
sir G. xxvii 220] 

—— lady (sir G.) xiv 178] 

—_____—______. x] viii 504 

vii 122] 

*Vandergucht (artist) xxxvi 32] 

Vander Noot, H. xlvi 488 

Vane, hon. Gilb. xv 169] 

lady (rev. sir H.) xxxvii 53 

-—— hon. Raby, xii 175] 

—— Wm. visct. xxxi 243 

il viscounts, (misprinted Fane) xxx 

hon. mrs. xxxi 244] 
liv 180 
Vanneck, sir Ger. xxxiii 59] 
——— Josh. xx 227] 
Vanderzee, mrs. (Geo.) 1. 161 
Varlo, col. W. xlix 560 
Vassal, mrs. xlix 561 
*Vassall, lieut.-col. xlix 552 
Vavasour, sir Walt. ix 170] 
xliv 519 
sir H. lv 115 
dow. lady, Ixi 197 
Vaudeleur, gen. xlix 570 
Vaughan, Evan Lloyd, xxxiii 62] 
——_H. xxiv 211] 
——— adm. J. xxxi 246] 
gen. sir J. xxxvii 54 
sir Rt. Howell, xxxiv 62 
*—_—_—\ Sam. xliv 521 
— mrs. (T.) xlix 610 
(W.) xlix 602 
—_—_—_—— (serjeant) lv 113 
Vaux, marshal de, xxx 232] 
Udney, mrs. (Geo.) xlix 609 
Vecchis, card. xviii 215] 
Vega, baron de, xliv 516 
Velasquez, don Louis, xv 168] 
Velley, T. xlviii 534 
Velmont, Josh. xii 87] 
Veltheim, baron de, xxiv 215] 
Venice, doge Renier, xxxi 20)] 
Parr II, 


Verbike, Mich. xlix 555 

*de Verdion, xliv 74 

Vere, lady dow. xxvi 237] 

lord, xxiv 214] 

—— mrs. (Jas.) xlix 563 
Vergennes, count de, xxix 237] 
*Vernet (painter) xxxi 232 
Verney, Mary, countess, xxxiii 56] 
—— countess, xxxiii 63 
——— Ralph, earl, xxxiii 58] 
Verniguet (archit.) xlvii 469 
Vernon, Hen. xix 230] 

lady Henr. xxviii 221] 
———— hon. Louisa, xxviii 220] 
W. xiii 64 

——— capt. xiv 180] 

—— dow. lady, xxxvi 48 
— — lieut.-gen, xxi 225] 
——— lord, xxiii 251] 

lv 119 

—-— hon. miss, xviii 210] 
—— mrs. xxvi 240] 
Veronese, card. x 175] 

Vesci, visct. de, xlvi 504 
Veterane, card. xix 227] 

Veysey, J. xlix 610 

Vickers, J. xii 127] 

Vien, mad. (paintress) xlviii 508 
*Vigor, mrs. xxvi 218] 

Vilant, Nich. (prof. math.) xlix 577 
*Villeneuve, adm. xlviii 529 
Villeroy, duke, ix 170] 

*Villers, M. lvii 123 

Villette, rey. mr. xli 60 
Villettes, Arth. xix 226] 
*—____— lieut.-gen. li 622 
Villiers, lady Eliz. xxviii 221] 
Vincent, sir Fr. xxxiii 60] 
-————- xviii 209] 

: rev. dr. W. lvii 131 
——— mrs. (dean Westmin.) xlix 555 
——— lady, xlvii 473 
Visconti (archbp. Milan) xliii 79 
*Vivares, F. (engr.) xxiii 240] 
Ulman, C. G. xi 191] 
Umfreville, W. xxxi 231] 
Underhill, rev. dr. xlix 155 
*Urwick, rev. T. xlix 556 
Urwin, capt. Sam. (aged 104) xi 182] 
Upton, hon. miss, xli 62 
*Ustariz, marq. li 594 
Uxbridge, earl, liv 172 

— counts. lix 143 
Vyvyan, rev. sir Carew, lvi 139 
—— sir R. xxiv 215] 

T. liv 170 

—-— lady (sir Vyell) lv 113 

Wade, lieut.-col. xlix 560 
Wadeson, mrs, xxiv 215] 
Wagstaffe, rev. T. xiv 72] 
Wainman, rev. Rd. xlix 596 
Waite, rt. hon. T. xxiii 249] 
Wake, lady (sir W.) xxxiii 62] 
—— sir W. viii 171] 



*Wakefield, rev. Thos. xlviii 571 
Walcot, W. (M.D.) xlviii 543 
Waldegrave, counts. xxvii 220] 
lady Amel. xi 216] 
— Fras. xi 216] 
—s Eliz. Laura, counts. lviii 213 
Geo. earl, xxxi 246] 
— Jas. earl, vi 132] 
———_—_—— John, earl, xxvii 221] 
Walden, lord Howard de, xxxix 66 
Walerino, (naturalist) xxix 195] 
Wales, princess dow. xv 73, 165] 
——— Charlotte, lix 148 
*Walker, rev.G. (F.R.S.) xlix 568 

* J. xlix 586 

———- rev. J. xlix 607 

4 Ninian, xlyiii 538 
*_—— T. xvii 133] 
*_____ W. (astron.) lviii 214 

mrs. (maj.-gen.) lvi 134 

———— capt. xlvii 491 
Wallace, sir Jas. xlv 499 
————— T. xiii 189] 
dow. lady (sir T.) xxxiii 68) 
lady, xlv 502 
Wallingford, viscts. dow. xxxii 244] 
Wallis, Albany, xlii 64 
* dr. Geo, xliv 495 
count, xvii 191] 
Wallop, hon. C. xiv 180] 
——_—_——- xlix 602 
lady Camilla, xxiii 252] 
———__—— Emma Maria, xl 118 
Wallscourt, lord, lviii 223 
Walmesley, rev. C. (bp. Rama) xxxix 68 
Walmoden, Gimborn, count, liii 166 
Walpole, lieut.-col. Edw. xiv 177 
sir Edw. xxvii 219] 
Geo. 3rd earl, xxxiii 62] 
hon. mrs. Laurence, lvi 137 

Rd, xl 119 

W. vii 126] 

capt. lvi 136 
—~— mrs, xxvii 221] 
dow. lady, xxvi 237] 
lady, xlvii 477 

xlix 576 

Walsh, J. ix 59] 
Walsingham, baron, xxiv 211] 
hon. mrs, (com. Rt. Boyle) 

xxxii 240] 
——_—__——. Mary, dow. lady, xlii 64 
——- lady, lx 200 
Wandesford, counts. xxiv 211] 

earl, xxvii 219] 

lady Eliz. xv 166] 
*Wanostrocht, Nich. (LL.D.) liv 182 
Walter, hon. Jane, xxviii 220] 
Waltham, lord, xxix 237] 

dow. lady, xxi 226 

Walton, sir Anth. viii 171] 
i — H. vii 91] 
Warburton, lady Betty, xxiii 252] 
sir Peter, xvii 198) 
ly 118 



Warburton, Ralph, xviii 211] 
———— mrs. (gen.) ix 170] 
—— W. (bp. Glouces.) xxii 247] 
*Ward, Chas. xlviii 514 
hon. Edw. lv 114 
lieut. Jas. xl viii 556 
hon. Louisa, liii 157 
— lady (sir Rand.) viii 171] 
Townley, lii 368 
gen. xlv 501 
Ware, Jas. (oculist) lvii 125 
Warne, — (engraver) xviii 180] 
Warner, H. Lee, xlvi 490 
— rey. dr. J. xlii 56 
Warnington, J. xlix 572 
Warren, sir G. xliii 86 
——— lady (sir Geo.) xlvi 468 
——— dr. J. (bp. Bangor) xlii 56 
mrs. (bp. Bangor) lviii 214 
Jas. xlix 550 
dr. Rd. xxxix 36 
———— lady, xiv 181] 
Warrender, sir J. xv 164] 
Warstone, Jul. xviii 114} 
“Warton, dr. Jos. xlii 5 
: — rey. Thos, xxxii 205] 
Warwick, Anth. xi 219] 

counts. dow. xii 175] 
—————. and Brooke, earl, lviii 216 
Wasdale, J. (M.D.) xlix 580 
Washington, mrs. (relict of president W.) 

xliv 507 
Wasilgar, count, xlix 602 
Wass, xlvii 508 
Waterford, bp. (Chenevix) xxii 248] 
(Marlay) xliv 512 
(Stock) lv 121 
— dow. marchs. lviii 212 
Waterhouse, capt. xlv 427 
Waterpark, Sarah, baroness, xlix 587 
Watersleben, lieut.-gen. xviii 213 
*Watson, Caroline (engraver) lvi 134 
———- Elspet, xlii 59 
—— J. (aged 130) xxi 193] 
Jac. Krager, xlix 583 
lieut.-gen. Rt. xxxiii 58] 
rev. Rt. xxiv 210] 
*______—_dr. R. (bp. Llandaff) lviii 

—_—_ T. xlix 590 
lady, xii 174] 
Watt, Alex. xlix 551 
—— capt. Dav. xlix 598 
Watts, J. xlix 570 
lady Priscilla, xv 169] 
T. xlix 608 
Way, Ben. 1. 159 
—— Greg. Lewis, xli 59 
John, xlvi 497 
Wayte, S. xlix 605 
Weatherhead, I’. xlix 554 
Weatherley, Jonath. xi 184] 
*Webb, Fras. lvii 126 
J. xxxvii 53 
lady (sir J.) xiv 179] 




Webb, J. Richm. ix 168] 
-—— rev. Rd. xviii 205] 
sir T. vi 133] 
lieut.-gen. xvi 174] 
hon. mrs. xv 166] 
Webber, rear-adm. C. xxvi 238] 
Webley, hon. Edw. xx 229] 
Webster, sir Godf. xxiii 251] 
———————_———_ xlii 61 
—— lady (sir Godf.) xlix 58] 
——— J. xlix 589 

rey. Jas, xlvi 488 
——— sir Whistler, xxii 248] 
Wedderburne, gen. xvi 120] 
————— sir J. xlv 511 
Weddred, rev. J. xlviii 545 
Weedon, Jac, xix 224] 
———_ J. xlix 576 
Welby, sir W. E. lvii 129 
Welch, Jos. xlvii 475 
Weld, mrs. Edw. xv 166 
Welderen, counts. de, xxxviii 60 
count. de, xlix 581 
*Well, dr. J. xix 157] 
Welladvice, T. xlix 609 
Wellard, capt. R. N. xix 224] 
Wellborne, Rd. xv 167] 
Welles, dr. Edw. (bp. Bath and Wells) xvi 


Welledtey, marchs. lviii 223 
Wellings, mr. xiv 79] 
Wells, W..C. (M.D.) lix 147 
Welsted, Chas. Marion, xlix 550 
Wemyss, lady Cath, xi 214] 
—- Eliz, xlv 496 
Fras. earl, 1. 160 
sir Jas. xxxii 244] 
lady, ix 171] 
counts, xxi 225] 
Wenham, rev. — xvi 172] 
Wenman, viscts. dow. xxix 237] 
xlvi 483 

Phil. 7th visct. xlii 59 
Wentworth, lady sir J. lv 114 
————— Peregr. li 637 
—— Thos. visct. lvii 125 
sir W. vi 132] 
lady, xvii 196] 
— visct. xvii 198] 
viscts. lvi 136 
*Werner, (mineralog.) lix 145 
Wertheim, counts. Soph. xlvi 488 - 
West, lady Amel. xiii 187] 
—— mrs. E. and mrs. A. xv 119] 
—— lady Fras. xx 229] 
—— hon. Geo. xix 222] 
capt. H. xlv 498 
Jas. (pres. roy. soc.) xv 166] 
lady Mary, xxvi 237] 
Robt. (father to the painter) xix 



Westcot, lady (sir Gilb.) xvi 176] 
Western, adm. T. lvi 140 
miss, xlvii 484 
Westmeath, counts. xix 222] 

Westmeath, counts. xv 167] 
—— Thos. earl, xxxiv 6] 
—— earl, lvi 141 
Westmoreland, dow. counts. xxi 226] 

—— Susan, counts. dow. lvi 140 

— earl, xiv 181] 

—_—— xvii 192] 
*Weston, Jos. xlviii 568 
*——— T. (actor) xix 119]? 

W. Stiles, xlix 603 
Wetten, Luke, xlix 549 
Whalley, mrs. xix 230] 
sir Jas. xlvii 500. 
Wharton, duchs. xx 227] 
rey. Rt. 1. 147 
Wheat, col. xlix 583 
Wheate, miss (sir T.) xlyii 485 
Wheatley, W. xlix 581 
——— maj.-gen. liv 180 
Wheler, lady (sir W.) xxxiii 57] 
Whetham, lieut.-gen. Arth. lv 118 
Whichcote, sir Chr. xxviii 220] 
Fras. xviii 214] 
Whipham, sir Thos. xii 175] 
Whitbread, lady Mary, xiii 192] 
*—_———. Sam. lvii 127. lwviii 225 
Whitchot, Thos, xix 228] 
White, G. xlix 609 
master H. xlix 555 

H. xlix 576 
—— Hamilton, xlvi 520 
*_—— J. (printer) xii 78] 
Eb? Jas. xli 11 

rev. dr. Jos. (orientalist) lvi 134 
—— sir M. vi 132] 
gen. xlix 583 
lieut.-col. iii 163 
Whitefield, Fras. (banker) xlix 595 
*Whitefield, rey. G. xiii 168] 
Whitefoord, miss A. (sir J.) xlvii 466 
ks —— Caleb, lii 372 
——_—— sir J. xlv 504 
Whiteford, sir John, vi 152] 
Whitehead, dr. J. xlvi 470 
: Paul, xvii 176] 200] 
Whitehurst, T. xlix 59] 
*Whiteway, mrs. Martha, xi 77] 
Whitford, capt. Rd. xlviii 506 
lady, xix 229] 
Whiting, Rt. xlvii 503 
Whitmore, lady, xvii 213] 
— sir T. xvi 169] 
Thos, xxxvii 54 
mrs. T. xix 225] 
*Whittaker, rev. J. (hist.) 1. 166 
Whittel, mr. xlviii 546 
Whittingstall, Jas. xlix 579 
Whitwell, adm. Matt. xxxi 242] 
Whitworth, sir C. xxi 226] 
Fras. xlvii 463 
—— rev. W. xlvi 485 ° 
Whyte, S. liii 165 
Wickham, H. xlvi 503 
Wicklow, counts, xlix 558 
earl, lyii 129 





Wicklow, earl, lx 203 

—— Ralph, visct. xxxi 244] 
Widdrington, lady, xxiii 252] 

lord, xvii 196] 
“Wieland, C. M. lv 113 

Wigen, rey. dr. G. xix 194] 
Wigmore, Jas. xlvii 507 

Wignell, Anne (aged 146) liv 183 
Wilcox, rey. Dan. xlviii 536 

W. xlv 529 

*Wildbore, rey. C. xliy 518 

Wilde, — (actor) li 588 

*Wildenow, C. W. (botanist) liv 178 
Wildman, Thos. xxxvii 54 

Willan, Rt. (M.D.) liv 174 

Willes, mr. (hon. Edw.) xxvi 238] 
——— rev. H. xv 167] 

mr. Justice, xxix 236] 
—— mrs. xiv 180] 

—————. (Hungerford park) xlix 583 
liv 169 

Willett, J. xlix 589 

*Wilkes, John, xxxix 58 

Wilkins, T. (M.D.) lvi 141 
Wilkinson, M. (draw. mast.) xlix 596 
% Rt. xlviii 505 
Ss sv a 
*Williams, mrs. A. xxvi 218] 


— Andr. (M.D.) liii 157 
lady (sir Booth) xli 64 
- Bulkeley, viii 169] 
sir D. xxxiv 63 
—_—_. Davy. xl 117 

——— lady (sir Dav.) Ixi 115 
——— (sir Ed.) vi 133] 
sir Edw. xlvi 490 
——— lady (sir Edw.) liv 173 
——— Geo. Jas. xlvii 512 

sir Gilb. xi 215] 

J. xxiv 209] 
—————_ xlix 609 
——--— lii 402 

*———— rev. J. xl 45 
———_—— Isaac, xlviii 564 

Rd. li 602 

Thos. (M.P.) xliv 521 
capt. Thos. Hughes, xlv 512 



———-— Walt. xlix 610 
Wm. ly 123 

—_— lady, xvii 194] 

xviii 209] 

Williamson, sir Adam, x] 119 

— lieut.-gen. G. xxiv 199, 215] 

*Willis, rev. Fras. (M.D.) xlix 607 

Willoby, Steph. xlix 602 

Willoughby, sir Christ. ly 119 

— hon. Jas. lviii 214 

———— lord, viii 169} 

— xviii 212] 

——_———-~— de Broke (hon. mast.) xxvi 




lady, x 175] 
——- x1 1]8 
—_——— lord, lviii 213 
mn Of Parham, lord, xxii 249] 


Wills, rev. dr. J. (warden Wadham Coll.) 
xlviii 535 

Wilmot, Eardley, xliii 62 

——-— lady (sir Eardley) xv 167] 

—— sir Edw. xxviii 222] 

——— G. xviii 208] 

——— rev. dr. Jas. xlix 549 

— sir J. Eardley, xxxiv 57 

J. Eardley, lvii 126 

sir Rob. xv 169 

——— lady (sir R.) xii 175] 

(sir Rt.) xxx 232] 

— (sir Rt. Mead) liii 158 

———— x1 119 

Wilson, lady (sir Alex.) lvi 133 
——- mrs. Cath. xxi 185 

dr. Christ. (bp. Bristol) xxxiv 58 
G. xlvi 502 

capt. H. lii 398 

lady (sir H.) xli 55 

sir J. xxxv 51 

Jas. (Kendal) xlix 596 
—— R. (aged 101) lvi 141 
— Rd. xxiv 204 

Rt. xlix 560 

Sam. xii 147 

—— capt. T. xi 143 

rev. T. xxvii 220 

sir Thos. Spencer, xl 119 
W. xlix 610 

rev. Winfred, xlix 594 
Wilton, Eleanor, viscts. lviii 213 
Jos. earl, xliii 77 
(sculptor) xlv 461, 526 
Thos. earl, lvi 139 
Winchester, marchs. xxxviii 59 
Geo, marq. xlii 60 
Winde, Scudamore, xviii 213 
*Windham, rt. hon. W. lii 389 
Windsor, hon. Aug. xl 118 
—_——— _ miss, viii 173 
——— lady, xix 229 

Windus, A.1.161 — . 

——— ns. (Arthur) xlix 597 
Wingfield, lady Charl. xlix 576 
—— Rad. lord, xxx 232 
———— xxiii 252 
*Winkelmann, Abbé, xi 142 
Winn, lady, xvii 197 

sir G. Allason, xl 118 
Winnington, sir Edw. xxxiii 70 
——_—_——_— xvii 460 
Winstanley, — (Cheapside) xlix 609 
*Winsloe, col. T. (aged 146) ix 131 
Winston, lady Ann, xv 167 
Winter, rev. Corn. 1. 146 
Martha, xlvii 479 

——— maj. xliv 496 

de Winter, Dutch adm. liv 177 
Winterbottom, Abr. xlvi 507 
Winterton, counts. xxxiv 60 
Winton, Steph. xviii 213 
Wintringham, sir Clifton, xxxvi 4 
Wiseman, sir W. xvii 193 
“Withering W, (botanist) xli 66 





Witherington, mrs. (Hen.) xlix 610 

Withers, rev. — xxxii 213 

: J. xlix 594 

Wittorf, baron de, xliv 521 

*Woide, rev. C. Godf. xxxii 205 

*Wolcot, dr. J. Ixi 115 

Wolf, hon. Arth. xlvii 487 

Wolfe, lady A. vii 120 

Wolff, sir Jacob, li 601 

his widow, lvii 124 

*Wollstonecroft, (Godwin) mrs. xxxix 49 

Wolryche, lady (sir T..), viii 170 

Wolseley, sir Rd. xii 173 

—— lady, xxi 226 

———— sir W. xxii 247 

—— lix 146 

Wombwell, lady A. 1. 157 

= sir G. xxiii 252 
sir Nath. xxiii 249 

lady Sus. lviii 222 

Wood, mrs. E, xlv 526 

——— sir Fras. xxxvii 54 

Jacob, xlix 570 

mrs. J. M. xlv 499 

Jas, xlvii 487 

Matt. xlix 588 

—— Willoughby, xlix 569 

—— Wnm. viii i170 

rev, W. (F.L.S.) 1. 150 

—— — xlvili 530 

Woodburn, rev. — xlix 590 

Woodburne, col. Dav. xlvi 492 

*Woodfall, W. (printer) xlv 514 

——-— W. (chief-just. Cape Breton) 
xlviii 530 

Woodford, Matt. xlix 596 

Woodhall, lord, vii 123 

Woodhouse, sir Arm. xiv 179 

ee xx 228 

Woodhouslee, lord, lv 113 

*Woodhull, Mich. lviii 223 

Woods, Jos. liv 178 

Woodward, rev. — xlix 576 

*—_—_— H. (actor) xx 179 

Woollaston, mrs. S. xlviii 511i 

Woollen, mrs. xlix 611 

Woolsley, sir Rd. xxiv 213 

Worcester, bp. (Johnson) xvii 199 

ee (ue) 1, 158 

Wordsworth, J. capt. xlvii 471 

Worgan, J. Dawes, li 636 

Worge, maj.-gen. xvii 192 

*Woronzow, count Alex. xlviii 510 

Worsam, Day. xvi 97] 

Worsley, lady E. (sir T.) xlii 56 

——— Jas. xlix 605 

= sir Rd. xlvii 492 

T. xi 218 

Worthington, rev Hugh, lv 120 

sir W. lvi 139 

Wortley, mrs. (son to sir Rd.) xxxvii 53 

Montague, hon. miss, xi 214 

tar, xix 137 

Wragg, G. xlix 598 
Wray, sir Bouchier, xxvii 220 

Wray, lady (sir Bouchier), lv 113 
—— sir Cecil, xlvii 460 
lady (sir W. U.), lviii 217 

xiii 188 
Wright, C. (clerk admir.) xlix 601 
maj. G. xlix 551 
sir Jas. lviii 222 
J. (printer) xlix 598 
John, xlvii 473 
Jas. xiv 130 
5 Jos. (painter) xxxix 45 
—— sir Mart. x 177 
— Sampson, xxxv 70 
lady (sir Jas.), xliv 494 
hon. mrs. xvii 194 
Wrintersley, mrs. Clement, xlix 548 
Wrottesley, lady, xii 173 
— dow. lady, xv 169 
————- lady Caroline, Ix. 199 
———— hon. miss, xii 176 
— hon. mrs. xxi 225 
— rev. sir R. xii 174 
Wroughton, sir T. xxix 237 
Wurm, Louis (Saxon minister), xlii 57 
Wurtemburg, duchs. dow. xl 118 
—_—_—-—— princes. dow. Maria, xxv 211] 
xxx 232 
Fred. Wm. Ist, lviii 223 
Wyatt, R. liv 174 
Wyche, lady (sir Fras.), xv 167 
Wykham, hon. Sophia, xxxiv 57 
Wyldbore, Matt. xxiv 210 
Wylie, miss Carol. (rev. G. A.) 1. 154 
Wylliams, mrs. (sistersir G. Evelyn) xliy499 
Wynch, col. Jas. liii 155 
Wyndham, Geo. (LL.D.) xx 228 
— Hillyear, xlvii 513 

T. lvi 139 
Wynn, mrs. E. xxiii 253 
—— lady Fras. Williams, xlv 503 
—— Rt. Watkin, xlviii 519 
sir Rowl. viii 171 
—— lady, xii 174 
—-—— lv 114 
Wynne, sir J. vii 126 - 
xvi 167 
J. xlvi 505 
—— miss M. C. xxi 226 
sir Rowl. xlvii 504 ‘ 
mrs. Sarah Anne (daugh. drs Parr), 

lii 389 

—_~— sir W. W. xxxi 244] 
Wynyard, lieut.-gen. W. xxxi 242] 
———- mrs. lvi 137 
Wyvil, sir Marm. Asty, xvii 190] 


Yarmouth, counts. viii 173] 

Yates, hon. Charlotte, xlv 514 

Jos. xvi 176] 

sir Jos. xiii 188] 

J. xlix 555 

e mrs. (actress) xxix 203] 

*Yearsley, Anne (poetical milkwoman), xlviii 

Yelverton, Fras, xlvii 496 

*Yeomans, R. xxvi 200} Young, adm. Jas. xxxi 242] 
Yonge, lady, xviii 212] dr. Matt. (bp. Clonfert) xlii 65 
York, archbp. (Drummond) xix 230] = dr. Phil. (bp. Norwich) xxvi 238 

(Markham) xlix 602 
*—— cardinal, xlix 589 
H.R.H. duke of, x 177] 
Yorke, rt. hon. Chas. xiii 186] 
hon. J. xliii 72 
rey. dr, Jas. (bp. Ely) 1. 159 
hon. Jos. xliii 84 
lady (sir Jos. Sydney), liv 170 
*—— Phil. xlvi 476 re 
-—— miss M. (daugh. bp. of Ely) xxxvii 

—— Thos. xi 90] 

sir W. xix 189, 228] 
col. x 177] 

lady, xxii 246] 
Young, adm. sir G, lii 391 
capt. H. lii 369 


AporiciInat Brrrons, extract, xxxiii 137 

Academic Sportsman, extracts from, xvi 
232, Death of a Woodcock, 233, Recep- 
tion at a Cottage, 234, Return to Town, 

Acceptable Sacrifice, from Menander, vi 

Actor, the, iii 217 

Adam, Death of, (Montgomery) lv 551 

Address to the Deil (Burns) xxix 171 

Adelphi of Terence, Latin prologue and 
epilogue to, ii 454, 455 

Adieu and Recall to Love, xxx 178 

Adonis, Death of, from Bion, iii 238 

Adversity, ode to, (Gray) xviii 199 

Afghaun Poetry, lvii 634 

Africa and the Negro, (Montgomery) lii 725 

African Negro woman, verses by, xv 214 

Song, 1i 878 

Aikin, dr. the Sea-shore, xxxiii 429* 

miss (mrs, Barbauld) the Invitation, 
xvi 219 

——+—— Origin of Song-writing, 7. 223 

— verses in an Alcove, ih. 225 

Mouse’s Petition, 74. 227 

———— Groans of the Tankard, é). 228 

Air-Balloons (Darwin) xxxiv 470 

Alcove, verses in, xvi 225 

Alico, an African Slave, Death of, by B. 
Edwards, xix 209 

Alms-house, (Crabbe’s Borough) lii 720 

Alonzo the Brave and the Fair Imogene, 
(Lewis) xxxix 445 

America, xix 204 

American War, linés on, xxxi 160 

Aminta, an Elegy, by J. Gerrard, xiii 205 

Amour Timide, xxvii 140 

Amusement in High Life, xviii 196 

mrs(-his widow), liii 156 
— W. (Chancery-lane) xlix 574 - 
sir W. (gov. Tobago) lvii 122 
lady (sir W.) xxxiii 56 

lady (rel. sir W.), xliii 70 
— (sir W.), xliii 85 
Ysemberg, count, xviii 215] 
Yssenbourg, prince, xlv 497 

Zambeccari, (aeronaut) liv 180 
Zamoiska, counts. xlvi 
Zenobio, count, lx 197 
Ziegenhagen, rev. — xix 123) 
Zinzendorff, count, xxxiv 59 

lv 118 
*Zouch, rev. dr. T, lvii 130 


Anacreon, ode 23, the Vanity of Riches, iti 

—— 36, vi 213 

Anacreontique, in a far country, to a once 
New Year, xxviii 252 . 

Anderson, capt. T. A. lines written in a 
Choultry, Iviii 639 

Andrews, M.P. stanzas from the French of 
Mary queen of Scots, on the death of her 
husband, xxxi 158 

Ant and Caterpillar, a fable, ix 255 

Antonietti’s advice to the Corsicans, xiii 

Antony and Cleopatra, (Jephson) xxxvi 420 

Anstey, C. epitaph on sir W. Draper, 
xxviii 15] 

Anstey’s Pleader’s Guide, extract, xxxviii 
502, xliv 848 

Apollonius Rhodius, translated by Ekins, 
extract from, xiv 205 

Apostrophe to the Poets of the Age, -xli 

Arabic, stanzas from, xviii 224 
Aristotle’s Hymn to Virtue, by dr. Burney, 
xix 204 
Arthur, by Hole, extract from, xxxii 148 
Atterbury, bishop, Latin epigram on mr. 
Harley being stabbed, viii 277 
Impromptu ona Goose-quill, xxix 
Consolations of Religion, xiii 520 
Athenian Prospect, (Byron’s Corsair) lvi 

Atkinson, Joseph, to the memory of, (T. 
Moore) Ix 615 
Avon, a poem, episode from, i. 426 

Bacchus, by Parnell, xiii 220 




Ballad, Chevy Chase, viii 261 
Bryan and Pereene, #5. 292 
The Hermit, ix 240 
- The Buchanshire Tragedy, xvi 218 
The Bristowe do. xix 211 
on an Act of Parliament, relating to 
Marriages, x1 454 
: by T. Campbell, xivi 929 
—— Turkish Lady, xlvii 

Balloon, the, liii 607 
Bard, the, to his Candle, xliii 524 
Barbauld, mrs. see Aikin 
— Eighteen-hundred and Eleven ; 
extract, liii 596 
Barnard, dr. verses to sir J. Reynolds, & Co. 
xix 223 
to Goldsmith and Cumberland, xx 

Barreaux’s celebrated Sonnet, xv 217 

Bath Guide, Birth of Fashion, from, ix 245 

—~— its Beauties and Amusements, xx 202 

Farewell to, by lady M. W. Montague, 
xxvi 190 

Battle of the Nile, an ode, (earl of Carys- 
fort) xlvii 965 

Baynes, John, song from the French of 
Mary queen of Scots, xxx 192 

——_—_____—. from the Greek, xxx 1155 

from the Pheenix of Colo- 

phon, 24. 192 

Beattie’s Minstrel, extract from, xiv 210 

Beauty and Fashion, a repartee, v 208 

Beggar, the, xiii 222 . 

Beggars, the, (Wordsworth) xlviii 1061 

Beldames, the, ii 461 

Bellman’s Verses, to lady Melbourne, by sir 
W. Young, xlvi 927 

Benevolence, an ode, vii 243 

Bertola, fable from, the Lizard and Croco- 
dile, xxxii 160 

Bion, Death of Adonis, from, iii 238 

Birth of Fashion, from the New Bath Guide, 
ix 245 

Birthday Odes, see Pye, Warton, White- 

——— bya very great lady, xiii 

Bishop, rev. mr*to his Wife, with a Pocket 
Looking-glass, xxxviii 495 
Bladud, New Year Ode to, xvi 243 
Bloomfield, R. Mad Poll, xlii 457 
- —_—_—_——— Post Horse and Farmer’s 
Horse, 7b. 459 
Suffolk Cheese, 75 460 
Market Night, xlv 924 
Bologna, verses written on the Gateof, iv 238 
Boothby, sir B. sonnet to the Memory of 
Penelope, xxxviii 505 
Borrowdale, verses to the Brook of, lvii 6382 
Boscawen, adm. epitaph on, iv 258 
W. Address to the Volunteers, 
spoken at Covent Garden, xlv 912 
Boswell, Jas. prologue at opening the Edin- 
burgh theatre, x 238 


Bowes, mrs, on the Death of, vi 239 
Bowles, rev. W. L. on reading Howard on 
Lazarettos, xxxvi 419 
Epode, the Siege of Acre, 

Legend of Rob. A. Machin, 

xlvi 902 

ib. 984 
me Mr. the Witch of Lapland, xlvi 
Brewer’s Coachman, the, xiii 240 
Bristowe Tragedy, a ballad by Chatterton, 
xix 211 
Britain, lines to, (Montgomery) lviii 641 
Britain’s Genius Triumphant, xlix 993 
Brocks, M. a son Lit, imitated, ii 456 
Brown’s Philemon, extract, li 876 
Browne, J. H. fragment of Solon, xi 231 
Bruce, James, ode to, xxxii 145 
extract from Coraplimentary 
Epistle to, by P. Pindar, 2b. 157 
Bryan and Pereene, a West Indian ballad, 
viii 292 
Brynhilda, (hon. W. Herbert) lvii 627 
Buchanan, ode to May, xii 217 
— imitation of, xv 222 
Heeeaiice tragedy, a Scots ballad, xvii 
Burgoyne, gen. epilogue, False Appear 
ances, xxxi 151 
Buonaparte, lxix 979 
Burger’s Lenora, xxxviii 496 
Bane, sir J. B. National Address, xlv 

Burlesque ode, iii 236 . 
on St. Cecilia’s Day, vi 243 
sonnets, xxxix 454 , 
Burnet, judge, to a Lady who loved Danc- 
ing, xx 202 
Burney, dr. C. ode to the People of Great 
ae on the threatened Invasion, xlvi 
Burns, R. Address to the Deil, xxix 171 
—_ Dedication, to G. H. é. 174 
sonnet on the Death of mr. Rid- 
dell, xxxvi 426 
“Let Groves of sweet myrtle,’ a 
ballad, xxxix 447 
—___——— Wallace’s Address, 2b. 454 
Byron lord, Lochin y Gair, xlix 973 
— Address on Opening Drury- 
lane, liv 546 
Childe Harold, extract, liv 548 
Thyrza 2b. 550 
: Recollections of Greece, from 
the Giaour, lv 548 
Corsair, extract, lvi 569 

Cadyow Castle, (W. Scott) xlv 926 

Calling of the Clans, from Waverley, lvi 576 

Calliope, Hymn to, xxxi 161 hire 

Camden, &c. Character of, by Hayley, xxiii 
214 « 

Cambridge, lines left ata Coffee-house at, 
xiv 236 ; 

Cambria, ode on, by P. Pindar, xxxiii 413 




Campbell, T. Pleasures of Hope, extract, xli 


lines on the Corpse of a Sui- 
cide, xliii 517 
Lochiel’s Warning, xliv 829 
Beech-tree’s Petition, ib. 531 
— — Hohenlinden, 7d. 832 
Pleasures of Hope, extract, ¢b. 

lines on James 4th of Scotland, 
xlv 917 
ballad ‘ A Chieftain to the 
Highlands bound,’ xlvi 929 
do.‘ O heard you the Pibroch ?’ 

2b. 931 

— do. The Turkish lady, xlvii 969 
Gertrude of Wyoming, extract, 

1i 887 ; 

ode on Kemble’s retirement, 

lix 605 ‘ 

Canning, rt. hon. G. lines on mr. Pitt’s 
Birthday, xliv 827 

Card-Club, (Crabbe’s Borough) lii 718 

Carey, D. to a Lady asking What is Love, 
xlix 684 

To Miss * * * 70.685 

———— To Mary, id. ih. 

Carlisle’s, countess, Reply to mrs. Griffith’s 
Prayer for Indifference, xlii 455 

Carlisle, earl of, translation from Dante, 
xvi 230 , 

verses to sir J. Reynolds, xxxii 

Cantata, by P. Pindar, xxxv 404 

Capel, lord, stanzas by, while a prisoner in 
the Tower, xxxv 413 

Captive, the, Persian elegy, xix 221 

—— mrs. J. Hunter, xlvii 986 

Caradoc and Senena, from Southey’s Madoc, 
xvii 979 

Carmen Triumphale, (Southey) lv 541 

Carter’s (miss) Poems, lines on, by lord 
Lyttleton, v 196 

Carysfort, earl of, Battle of the Nile, an ode, 
xlvii 965 

Casimir, ode 22, book 3, imitated, xii 232 

ode 2, book 1, 2b, 233 

———— ode to a Grasshopper xxvii 147 

Castle of Otranto, dedication of, to lady 
Mary Coke, viii 280 

Time, an allegory, iii 242 

Castlereagh, lord, and sir W. Curtis, li 

Cat, killed in a Dove-house, xiii 225 

ay emer d on, from the Salmagundi, xxxiii 

Catch, ancient, xxxvii 150 

singing by the People and Ministers, 

1. 21 

Cave of Famine, from Churchill, v 223 

Cavendish, sir C, to countess of Shrewsbury, 
xxxiii 140 

Cecilia’s Day, burlesque ode on, vi 243 

Celtic poetry, fragments of, iv 226 

Ceres, the Triumph of, xvi 252 

Champion, theatric, at Covent Garden, iv 

Chapone, mrs. ode to Solitude, xviii 200 

Chatham, earl of, on his verses to Garrick, 
xv 216 


verses to Garrick, xxi 

Invitation to South Lodge, 
xxxvii 150 
Chatterton, song to Alle, xviii 195 
——~— the Bristowe tragedy, xix 2]1 
Chesterfield, earl of, on his Recovery, x 
——__———— Answer to the Fools’ 
Petition, xiii 235 
Chevy-Chase, ancient ballad of, viii 261 
Child crying, lines on, iv 253 
Chinnery, G. B. Statue of the Dying Gladi- 
ator, lii 701 
Chorus, use and office of, iii 233 
from ‘ Old City Manners,’ xviii 


Choultry, lines in a, by capt. Anderson, lviii 

Christian Negroes, (Montgomery) lii 729 

Chudleigh, lady, verses to the Ladies, xviii 

Churchill, extracts from the Ghost, v 220, 
from the Prophecy of Famine, 7. 223 

Ancient Britons described, vii 


——— State of the Savages, ib. 234 
Peasant and king contrasted, 7b. 

235 . 

A Character, 7), 237 

Cibber, mrs. lines on, xi 241 

Clairon, madlle. vers 4, xviii 212 

Clancy, dr. on the earl of Chesterfield’s Re- 
covery, x 254 

Eulogium on Ignorance, 7b. 263 

—— Rubrilla, true Beauty, xii 240 

Coat, on throwing by an old black one, xiii 

Coleridge, S. on a Spring in a Village, 
xxxvili 494 

Collins, W. Superstitions of the Highlands, 
an ode, xxx 170 

Colman, mr. prologue to the earl of War- 
wick, ix 264 

— do. to Bon Ton, xviii 211 

—— epilogue to School for Scandal, 
xx 200 
xxiii 203 

—— epilogue on Opening Drury- 

lane, xxxvi 416 

—— Modern Novels, xxxix 447 

Lodgings for Single Gentlemen, 
ib. 450 

prologue, Chapter of Accidents, 

The Rhyming Apothecary, a 
tale, xlii 461 
Common Lot, the, (Montgomery) xlvii 990 
Comus, lines under a Bust of, at lard Mel. 
combe’s, iv 240 
Content, by Cunningham, ix 256 




Contentment, xiv 240 

Contest of the Seasons, or Winter triumph- 
ant, xxi 194 

Contrast, the, vi 237 

Cook, capt. elegy on, (Seward) xxiii 195 

Cooke, W. extract from ‘ Conversation,’ xlix 

Corbet, bp. to his Son, aged Two Years, xx 

Corsair, lord Byron, extracts from, lvi 569 
Country Justice, extract from, xvii 206 
——-— Life, Happiness of, from Lor. de 
Medici, xxxvii 159 
Cottage, verses on one built by mr. Powis, 
x 253 
Cottager’s Occupation in Winter, li 873 
* forced to migrate to a City, 7. 

Cowper, John Gilpin, xxyi 191 

Alexander Selkirk, xxviii 140 

Case not in the Law Books, zd. 141 
onan Ink-glass dried in the Sun, xl 


Yardley Oak, xlv 918 

to Mary, 2b. 922 

Crabbe, rev. G, The Library, extract, xxiv 
174 ; 

Village, do. xxvi 183 

Borough, extracts, 1. 231 

The Widow, lii 716 

Card Club, 7b. 718 

Alms House, 7b. 720 

Felon’s Dream, 7b. 723 

Patron, (tales) liv 551 

stanzas, do. ]xi 559 

Cradock, J. Elegy to a Lady, xiv 245 

Craven, lady, prologue and epilogue to the 
Sleep-Walker, xxi 203, 204 

— on dreaming she saw her 

Heart at her feet, xxiii 200 

Creole Planter, (Montgomery) lii 728 

Crewe, mrs. verses to, by hon. C. Fox, xviii 

— on seeing her at Drury-lane, 
xxi 218 
Crisis, by Maurice, extract, xlv 914 
Cumberland, R. prologue to Battle of 
Hastings, xxi 196 
on the Marriage of col. 
Herbert and miss Sackville, xxvi 197 
-—— Epitaph on mr. Pitt, xlviii 


Retrospection, extract, liii 

Cunningham, Hawthorn Bower, ix 254 

————— Ant and Caterpillar, ib. 255 

Content, 7b. 256 

—_—_—_—— Sheep and the Bramble-bush, 
ih. 261 

Dante, translation from Inferno, Canto 33, 
xvi 230 

ay dr. Botanic Garden, (Papyra) xxxiv 
———-— Air Balloons, 7b, 470 

Darwin, dr. Eliza, xxxiv 471 

Date Harvest, from Tighe’s Plants, liii 604 

Ber ode on, by dr. Hawkesworth, i. 

——- Voiture on, xv 222 

on seeing a Figure of, ina Dream, 
xvi 253 

a Judgment, Heaven and Hell, xlix 

—— of Adam, (Montgomery) lv 551 

— of Hofer, (Korner) lvi 571 

Delia to Damon, answer to Stanzas by She- 
ridan, xxx 197 

Delille, Chanson de, xxxv 407 

Imitation of, 76. 408 

Denham, sir J. to the hon. E. Howard on 
the ‘ British Princes,’ xxi 207 

Descent intoa Vault in Clerkenwell, from 
the Ghost, by Churchill, v 220 

——— of Odin, by Gray, xi 213 

Despair, from Southey’s Joan of Arc, xxxviii 

Deserted Village, by Goldsmith, extract 
from, xiii 197 

Diana, a Cantata, from Rousseau, vi 211 

Ditty, ‘ My Betty,” xxii 177 

Doddridge, dr. on his wife’s Bosom, xvii 

Dodsley, R. Melpomene, an ode, i 386 

Dog, epitaph on, |. 220 ‘ 

Domestic Happiness in the Decline of Life, 
xlix 987 

Donald Macdonald, (Hogg) xlix-975 

Downfall of Rome, xv 211 

Duncombe W. to a young Lady curling her 
Hair, from Lowth, xiv 220 

a Tour to Stockholm, from 
Huet, 2d. 221 

Dying Saint, the, vii 241 

—— Daughter to her Mother, xliv 851 

— — Gladiator, (Oxford Prize Poem) lii 

Edwards, Bryant, the Death of Alico, an 
African Slave, condemned for Rebellion, 
xix 209 

ode to miss —, xxx 2b. 210 

Egerton, miss, lines to, ]. 221 

Egyptian Lotos, (Maurice) xlvi 925 

Ekins, rey. J. extract from his Translation 
of Apollonius Rhodius, xiv 205 é 

Elegy, to the rev. mr. Hurd, by W. Mason, 
ii 450 

on the Approach of Spring, ili 223 

Sickness, 25, 224 

on the Death of a Lady, by Mason, 

v 186 
———-—— ———— gen. Wolfe, vi 239 
The Sequestered Bard, vi 242 
——— by Shenstone, vii 224 
——— The Nun, (Jerningham) 7d. 227 
——-— toa Pine-tree, ix 260 
Aminta, xiii 205 
The Partridges, xiv 241 
to a Lady, ib, 245 




Elegy, on miss Trelawney, xvi 240 

on mrs. Bowes, xviii 219 o 

a to miss Dashwood, (Hammond) xxii 

on mr. Boscawen, (Wolcot) 2b. 172 

——— on capt. Cook, (Seward) xxiii 195 

——— at the Hotwells, Bristol, xxxiii 160 

on Lorenzo de’ Medici, xxxvii 161 

——— by Mason, xlvi 917 

—— to Wisdom, xlviii 1064 

—— do. ib. 1067 

by mrs. B——d, 1x 612 

Eliza, (Darwin) xxxiv 471 

Ellen, (Lady of the Lake) lii 703 

Elphinstone, (hon. M.) Poem of Khooshaul, 
lvii 634 

Elwes J. Epitaph on, xxxv 401 

Emperor Paul, a New Song, xliii 522 

End of Writing xx 205 

Entail, a Fable, (Walpole) xl 456 

Epigram, on the Subscription Books at Bath, 
iii 234 

pepe on the Marquis of Granby, id. 
241 : 

——-—— on Pitt’s resigning the Seals, iv 

to a noble Lord, #, 243 
on a noble Lawyer, 7b. ib. 
on the Seahorse, with the Astro- 
nomers on board, 7b. 257 
on the king of Spain and mad. 
Victoire, 7). 263 
———— on marshal Broglio, 7d. ib. 
to Wilkes, vi 23} 
on the Pictures of Lovat and 
Wilkes, ib, 236 
a mad. de Ja Condamine, (French) 
vii 245, imitated, id. 246 
———— on the New Pavement, ¢/. 248 
from the Greek, x 242 
——— to sir G. Kneller, 1b. 247 
on the Circus at Bath, 7d. zd. 
———— on Garrick’s Picture, at Bath, 7. 
———-— on the Royal Marriage Act, xv 


on R. Lloyd, xvi 246 
——-— on Walpole’s Impromptu on the 
duchess of Queensbury, 7). 249 
—-=— on Modern Marriages, xvii 230 
—-——— ona Gentleman who dances only 
with Fair Ladies, xviii 220 
——on the Death of the rey. mr. 
Granger, xix 232 
——— on the intended demolition of 
Friar Bacon’s Study, xxii 174 
— on Killing Time, xxviii 151 
— on Old Maids, Widows, and Wives, 
xxix 180 
— The Oath, xxxi 161 
— The Miser’s Horses, #b. id. 
——-— on miss Farren, éb. id. 
The Catholic Priest, xxxvii 159 
— on a Domestic Arrangement, xlviii 


ss Se on a Purse-proud Man, xlviii 

- in Pauperiem 1. 227 

Epilogue to Agis, i 433 

——-— Cleone, ib, 434 

———~— Adelphi, ii 455 

Phormio, iii 234, translated, 7d. 

~_——— The Tempest, acted at Hinchin- 
broke, iv 232 

Edgar and Emmeline Gar- 

rick, 234°. De Sova 

———— Terence’s Andria, (Latin) ¢b. 235 

———— Englishman at Bourdeaux, vi 226 

Elvira, 2b, 227 

Andria, acted at Hackney, ib 229 

“heaaers' Spoken by miss Hopkins, viii 

Clandestine Marriage, ix 248 

———— Double mistake, id. 253 

——— Oxonian in Town, x 257 

Peep behind the Curtain, ib. 259 

——— Widowed Wife, #d. 260 

———— The Sister, (Goldsmith) xii 228 

spoken by Mr. Havard, on leay- 

ing the Stage, 2b. 229 

_—_——_—_——— mrs. Clive, do. 2b. 230 

—— Almida, xiv 219 

Fashionable Lover, xv 210 

She Stoops to Conquer, xvi 242 

———— spoken at Benefit for Society for 
Relief of persons Imprisoned for Small 
Debts, 74.249 

— Inflexible Captive, xviii 207 

— Rivals, 7b 208 

Choleric Man, 74. 209 

—— Discovery, xix 230 

———— Runaway, 7b. 232 

— Semiramis, xx 197 

——— School for Scandal, 2d, 200 

——— Alfred, xxi 195 

Suicide, 7b. 198 

— The Fathers, 7b. 201 

— Sleep Walker, 74. 204 

— Miniature Picture, xxiii 205 

——— Lady Craven’s Arcadian Pastoral, 
xxv 200 

——- Walloons, #. 201 

— Heiress, xxviii 145 

— Julia xxix 170 

Matilda, at mr. Fector’s Private 

Theatre, xxxi 157 

— False Appearances, xxxi 151 

— Constant Couple, lord Barry- 
more’s Private Theatre, xxxii 135 

———— Eudora, (Hayley) ib. 137 

-———— The Wonder, spoken by mrs. 
Crespigny, 2b, 138 

— School for Arrogance, xxxiii 414 

Road to Ruin, xxxiii 417 

Columbus, xxxiv 475 

Every One has his Fault, xxxv 41] 

—on Opening Drury Lane, 1794, 

xxxvi 416 

— Wheel of Fortune, xxxvii 153 

—- Lover’s Vows, xl 446 




Epilogue, Pizarro, xli 462 

Epistle from a Clergyman to a Young Gen- 
tleman of the Law, |. 435 § 

—— the Abbé de Rance to a Friend, 
ix 232 

——— bya Gentleman of Oxford, xi 233 

familiar, toa Friend, with the Head 

of Harpocrates in a ring, xii 222 

to lord Cobham, by Pope, 7b. 237 

——— to a young Gentleman on leaving 
Eton, xvii 225 

to Goldsmith on his ‘Retaliation,’ 
xxi 206 

Epitaph, on Johnny Armstrong, i. 408 

———— in a Churchyard, Dorsetshire, 7d. 

on Theodore, king of Corsica, 
ib. ib. 
———— on miss Frampton, iv 239 

on adm. Boscawen, 7b. 258 
———— on Sam. Richardson, b. 259 
———— on mrs. Meyrick, v 226 
— on Regnier, vii 247 
for an Infant, viii 294 
———-— on C. Phillips, x 252 
ee anatomical, on an Invalid, xi 

on L. Sterne, 7d. 227 

B. Thornton, 24. 230 

W. Lowndes, xii 242 

— on mr. Powell, Bristol, xiv 235 
on a Miser, 7b. 236 

— ona Horse, 2b. 237 

———— on rt. hon. G. Grenville, 75 238 
on mr. Beighton, xv 220 

on mrs. M. Taylor, 2b. 221 

on mrs. Pritchard, 2d. 2b. 

on T. Hammond, a parish clerk, 

xvi 246 
——— dr. Goldsmith, xvii 230 
— in Halifax church, xviii 219 
P. Whitehead, xx 201 

tion, 2, 211 
burlesque, xxvi 200 
by Voltaire, in his own chamber, 
xxvii 148 
— xxxiii 165 
———— J. Elwes, xxxv 40] 
—on mr. T. A. Hamilton, xliii 516 
——-— in Ickworth church, xlv 918 
———— on mr. Pitt, xlviii 1057 
on a Dog, 1. 220 
on an Unfortunate Young Lady, 

lvii 633 
Erskine, hon. H. Parody on ‘ Blest as the 

Immortal Gods’ xxviii 150 
Evening, viii 282 
———— a Rhapsody, xivii 976 
— ode to, 1. 223 
Expostulation, the, xiii 228 

—— the Reply to, 7b. 229 

—— xxii 178 
——-— — xxvi 201 

— ona Lady who died of Consump- 

Fables, English Bull-dog, Dutch Mastiff, 
and Quail, i. 438 

——— Fisherman and the Little Fish, 
from La Fontaine, iii 236 

——-—- Ship and the Wind, #. 240 

Rainbow, iv 256 

——— Elm and the Vine, vi 214 

——— Reason and Imagination, by Smart, 
wb. 215 

—— The Trees, 74, 220 

——— Snarling Pug, and Dancing Bear, 
tb. 232 

—w— Candle and Snuffers, 
vii 248 

—— Poetandithe Straw, xiii 217 

The two Kings, 2b. 218 

Wear Petition of the Fools to Jupiter, xiii 

by Lloyd, 

The Entail, (Walpole) xv 209 

Pelican and the Spider, 5. 222 

Attraction and Repulsion, xviii 220 

——-— Lizard and Crocodile, from the Ita- 
lian, xxxii 160 

Faith, (rev. H. Moore) xlix 568 

Fame and his Companions, xiii 239 

Fancy, ode to, xlviii 1055 

Farmer’s Boy, extracts from, xlii 457 

Farringdon Hill, extract from, xvii 212 

Fatal Sisters, an ode by Gray xi 211 

Fawkes, translation from Menander, vi 212 

——— Twenty-fifth Idyllium of Theocritus, 
x 225 

Fragment from Menander, ¢é. 251 

Fear, to, i. 421, xiii 232 

Feathered young Ladies, xxvii 141 

Felon’s Dream, (Crabbe) lii 723 

Female Advocate, by miss Scott, extract 
from, xvii 205 

Ferney, an Epistle to Voltaire, by Keate, xi 


Fitzgerald, rey. G. Academie Sportsman, 
extract from, xvi 232 

— W. T. Literary Fund Address, 
xlix 962 

——————— Appeal tothe Spirit of the 
Land, 7b. 996 

Fitzpatrick, hon, R. Inscription, Temple 
of Friendship, St. Anne’s Hill, xliii_ 523 

Fly, the, judging of Architecture, vi 237 

Folly, from Smyth’s English Lyrics, xlviii 

Fools’ Petition, the, xiii 234 

Foote, mr. prologue to All in Wrong, iv 233 

Address to the Public, v 212 

Forced Marriage, (Crabbe) 1. 232 

Forgetfulness, address to, (Pains of Memory) 
xxxvili 504 

Fortune, ode to, from Rousseau, xiii 233 

Fountain in Hampshire, verses on, |. 224 

Fox, hon. C. verses on mrs. Crewe, xviii 214 

= ——_—____-—— Gibbon’s Promo« 

tion to the Board of Trade, xxxvi 415 

———~—— Monody on, xlix 456 

——-———~—— on his own Birthday, to a 
Lady, xli 461 




Fox, H. (lord Holland) to a Lady with an 
Artificial Rose, xxii 175 

verses at Nice, xxix 181 

Frampton, miss, epitaph on, iv 239 

Franklin, dr. the Triumph of the Arts, xii 

to the king of Prussia, on his 
recovery, from Voltaire, xiii 223 

—-~ to the marquis de Villette, 
ib. ib. 

Paper, a poem, xxxv 405 
Fresnoy’s Art of Painting, extract, xxvi 

Gaffer Gray (Holcroft) xxxvi 414 

Gallic Bantam and British Mastiff, xlix 

Gallstown House, xi 245 

Gandy, mr. ode on the King’s Marriage, iv 

Garrick, mr. lines left in his Temple of ° 

Shakespeare, i i. 433 
lines from, to a Nobleman, iv 

— prologue upon Prologues, v 

—_—_—— — to Florizel and Per- 

dita, 75. 213 
address to the Town, in the 
character of the Busy-Body, vi 230 
prologue on opening the Rich- 
mond Theatre, viii 284 
to Much Ado about 

Nothing, 7b. 286 
————_———_—_— to the Clandestine 
Marriage, ix 247 
—————. epilogue to do. 7), 248 
——~- epigram to mr. Derrick, 7d. 

epilogue to the Earl of War- 

wick, #5. 265 
—w— prologue to the Tailors, x 

—_——-—— to a Nobleman who asked if 
he intended to sit in Parliament, xi 247 
ode on erecting a Statue to 
Shakespeare, xii 245 
——— epitaph on mr. Beighton, xv 

— prologue to She Stoops to 
Conquer, xvi 241 
on his own Picture, 2). 248 
— epilogue to the Choleric Man, 
xviii 209 
————-—— lines to, on the report of his 
leaving the stage, 7. 213 
Grace, 2b. 7b. 
— imitation of a Spanish Madri- 
gal, 2b. 223 
————-——. prologue for the Theatrical 
Fund, xix 230 
——---— epilogue to the Runaway, 7. 
~-————- prologue, School for Scandal, 
xx 199 

a mr. epitaph on P. Whitehead, 7d. 


Jupiter and Mercury (on Gold- 
smith) 7b. 206 
Goldsmith’s Characteristical 
Cookery, 2b. 207 
——-—— — epilogue, Alfred, xxi 195 
———-— do. Suicide, 74. 198 
prologue, Bonduca, 74. 199 
————-—— do. The Fathers, #5. 200 
epilogue, do. 26. 201 
—— answer to the Earl of Chat- 
ham, 7b, 205 
—— monody on, by Sheridan, eXe 
tract from, xxii 176 
lines to mr. Hoskins, xxviii 

German Drama, ode to, xli 466 
Gerald, Joseph, with a bouquet to a lady, 
xlix 993 
Gerrard, J. Aminta, an elegy, xiii 205 
‘epistle from an unfortunate young 
gentleman, 7b, 207 
Gertrude of Wyoming, extract, li 887 
Giaour, extract from, Iv 548 
Gilpin, John, by Cowper, xxvi 19] 
Gipsy Ballad, by P. Pindar, xxxv 403 
Glacier Goddess, to dr. Darwin, xl 455 
Glow-Worm, ode to (P. Pindar) xxxii 159 
ouise Days of King Alfred (Murphy) xxxiii 
Goldsmith’s Traveller, extract from, vii 232 
— Hermit, a ballad, ix 24 
—— epilogue to the Sister, xii 228 
Deserted Village, extract, xiii 


— epilog ue, She Stoops Sanne, 
xvi 242 

Retaliation, xvii 197 

— Monody on, 2. 201 

lines on, by Garrick, xx 206 

Good-bye and How-d’ye-do, liii 608 

Good Humour, by lord Lyttleton, xvii 229 

Gottsched, verses to the king of Prussia, i 
403, parody on, 2b. 404, translations of 
do. ib. ib. 

Gout, the first fit of, i 440 

Gower, tale from, modernized, vi 218 

Grace after Dinner, at a Miser’s, xi 246 

Graham’s Sabbath, extract, War, xlvii 991 

— British Georgics, extracts, li 872 

Granby, marquis, epigram on, iii 241 

—-—— lines on his charging the French 
bareheaded, 2d. tb. 

——— on Death of, xiii 241 

Grant, Chas. Restoration of Learning in the 
East, xlvii 950 

Granville, portrait of John, earl of, v 225 

Grasshopper, ode to, from Casimir, xxvii 


Gray, T. Fatal Sisters, an ode, xi 211 

——— Descent of Odin, 2. 213 

—— ode to Adversity, xviii 199 

— on the Pleasure arising from 
Vicissitude, 2d, 202 




Gray, Latin ode to the Grande Chartreuse, 
xix 226, translation, 227, do. do. to mr. 
West, 2b. 228, translation, 229 

Greece, recollections of, Byron, lv 548 

by Haygarth, extract, lvi 573 

Grenville, rt. hon. Geo. Epitaph on, xiv 238 

Grey, hon. J. ode on the King’s Marriage, 
iv 228 

Guarini’s Pastor Fido, soliloquy from, xiv 

Guildhall, lines pasted on, xi 230 

Guinea, captain, lii 728 

H. dr. lines to, on his Petition of the letter 
I, to D. G. ii 461 

H d, on the dowager lady, xi 247 

Hafiz, Persian Song from, xv 198 

ode from (sir W. Jones) xxix 178 

do. Soffty (capt. T. Ford) 24. 179 

Hairs, lines by a lady, on seeing some white 
ones on her lover’s head, xxiii 200 

Hamadryads, to lord G—ve—r, xi 243 

Happiness, ii 460 
—— (miss More) xvi 236 
Harmony, hymn to ii 216 

Harp of the North (Scott) lii 703 

—_______——_- Farewell to (do.) 74. 710 

—-— Sorrow (Montgomery) 74. 730 

Hartson, Hall, Youth, a poem, extract, xv 

Haryngton, sir J. to his Wife, xxxii 141 

Haunting of Havardur, a Runic ode, xxxv 

eee Bower, the, by Cunningham, ix 

Hayes, D. epistle from the Abbé de Ronce 
to a Friend, ix 232 

Haygarth’s Greece, extract, lvi 573 

Hayley, Epistle on Painting, extract, xxi 208 

ode to Howard, extract, xxiii 206 

—-—— Characters of Sallust and Livy, 2d. 

——— do. Plutarch, 2d. 2b. 

do. Froissart, 7. 212 

— — do. Father Paul, zd. 213 

—— do. V )ltaire, 2b. 2b. 

-———— do. Camden, &c. 2b. 

——— Triumphs of Temper, extracts, 
xxiv 169 

—-— Address to Poetry, xxv 188 

—-— Epic Poets of England, 7. 190 

Health, ode to, ii 457, do. from Ariphron, 
xii 243 

—+—— Pursuit of, xxxvii 156 

Heber, Reginald, Palestine, a prize poem, 
xlvi 907 

rake (hon. W. Herbert) extract from, lvii 


Henry Ist, verses on, written immediately 
after his death, iv 238 

and Sophy, xiii 231 

Herbert, hon. W. on the Death of * **, xlvii 

——_——_—-— to memory of T. Brig- 
stock, ib. 999 

Herbert, Helga, extract from, lvii 626 

Brynhilda, 2b. 627 

Herman and Dorothea, extract, xliv 837 

Hermit, a ballad, by Goldsmith, ix 240 

Hermite’s Address to Youthe, xi 238 

cap i lord, lines in a fit of sickness, xli 

Highland Fragments, iii 227, 228 

Hofer’s Death (Korner) lvi 571 

Hogg, James, Donald Macdonald, xlix 975 

Holcroft, T. Gaffer Gray, xxxvi 414 

Hole’s Arthur, extract, xxxii 148 

Holland, Lord. See Fox, H. 

- Henry Rich. lord. See Vega 

Honoria, or The Day of All Souls, xxiv 184 

ee Tasso (Isoliero and Bayardo) xxxiv 

Hope personified, from Lor. de’ Medici, 

xxxvii 158 

—— Pleasures of, extracts from, xli 467 

Hopes of Love, xli 469 

Horace, two additional Latin odes, xx 212 

——— Ode 16, book 2nd, imitated, vi 211 

3, book 4 (miss Seward) 

xxvii 146 

and Lydia, imitated, 1. 221 

Horologe of the Fields (C. Smith) xlix 963 

Horrors of War, xlix 980 

Horse and the Olive, v 183, xiii 226 

Hot Day, xlii 456 

Hull, mr. Song by, sung at the Feast of the 
Royal Academicians, xii 215 

Humble Prayer, xvi 246 

Humility exalted, iv 224 

Hunter, mrs. J. The Suppliant, xlvii 985 

. ——_—__———- Captive, 2b. 986 

Hurd, rev. mr. elegy to, by Mason, ii 450 

Hutchinson, on the Passions, lines on read- 
ing, i 421 

Hymen to Eliza, vi 213 

Hymn to Harmony, xii 216 

— Calliope (dr. Burney) xxxi 161 
Apollo (do.) 2b. 162 

—_—— Nemesis (do.) 7b. 2. 

———— Twilight (Montgomery) lv 558 

Jaga-Naut, lii 714 

Jago, story of Godwin, from Edge Hill, x 

—— on Birmingham, from do. 2b. 235 

Jaumi, extract from ‘ Eusoof and Zooleikha,’ 
xxvii 136 

Jephson, Extempore Ludicrous Miltonic 
Verses, xxx 194 

Roman Portraits, extract from, 
xxxvi 420 

Jerningham, Honoria, or the Day of all 
Souls, xxiv 184 

——epigram on mrs. Montague’s 

fall at St. James’s, xxvi 200 

—— on'the Author of the Ballad 
of the Children in the Wood, xxvii 145 

Ignorance of Man, by Meyrick, vi 236 

— Eulogium on, by dr. Clancy, x 


Immortal Memory and Glorious Cause, |. 

Imperial epistle from Kien Long, extract 
from, x] 451 
Impromptu, xxii 178 
by bishop Atterbury (ona Goose 
Quill) xxix 183 . 
on a Lady at Croydon Assizes, 

ib, 184 
————— by hon, T. Erskine, xxx 197 ‘ 
on Paine’s Age of Reason, xxxvi 

Inconstancy, anode, v 193 
Indian Philosopher, i 423 
Indifference, Prayer for, vy 202 
Infant sleeping, lines on, xiv 242 
Inscription, an, ii 461 

over a Shady Grove, vi 237 
— Roman, translated, xii 242 
—— in a tower, at W. xviii 196 
— for the Cottage at Castle-Town, 
xxx 196 

Temple of Friendship, St 
Anne’s Hill, xliii 523 
Instructions to a Porter, xxxii 146 
Inventor of Whist, xxxiii 163 
Invitation, the, ix 268 
to miss B. by miss Aikin, xvi 

Johnson, dr. The Winter’s Walk, x 265 

— lines ona Sprig of Myrtle given 
by a lady, xi 248 

First of November, xxii 175 
death of dr. R. Levet, xxvi 189 
Remonstrance to a Young Heir, 

xxxvi 417 

Johnson and Burke compared (Cumberland) 
liii 599 

Jones (sir W.) Solima, an Arabian eclogue, 
xv 196 

Persian Song, from Hafiz, éb. 198 

Turkish ode of Msihi, 2b. 200 

— Elegy on Laura, éb. 201 

ode in imitation of Alcceus, xxiv 183 

—— Hymn to Camdeo, xxvii 137 

ode from Hafiz, xxix 178 

from the Persian ‘Hear how yon 
reed,’ xxxvi 424 

Trish, lines from, 1. 224 

-—— Melodies (Moore) Ix 613 

Ironmonger, toone, on his birth-day, xiv 235 

Italian and Swiss character compared, from 
Goldsmith’s Traveller, vii 232 

Judicious Bacchanal, xii 241 

Jurymen, ode to (P, Pindar) xxxvii 149 

Ivy, the, xxxi 154 

eae G. Ferney, an epistle to Voltaire, xi 

Kemble, mr. ode on his retiring from the 
Stage, lix 605 

Kooshaul, poem of, lyii 634 

King, Chas. Receipt to make Eau de Vie, 
ix 263 

—— dr, Translation of his Latin epistle, 


Antonietti’s Advice to the Corsicans, xiii 

Knight, R. P. Monody on C,. J. Fox, xlix 

Korner, Death of Hofer, lvi 571 

Rauch’s Bust of the Queen of Prus- 
sia, 7b. 572 : 

Lady, lines to, ‘In Disappointment not 
unskilled,’ iv 247 

The Answer to do, 2b. 248 : 

lines to one under misfortunes, #3. 

of the Lake, extracts from, lii 703, 


Lagan, the River, 1. 224 

Lake Fight, the, from Southey’s Madoc, 
xlvii 982 4 

Lambe, hon. mr. epilogue to Pizarro, xli 

Landon, River, sonnet to, xx 212 

Laura, elegy on (Jones) xv 201 

Lawyer’s Clerk, the Discontented, iii 245 _ 

= a H. verses to queen Elizabeth, xvi 

Leasowes, verses at, xxi216 

Leadenhall-street, to the Inhabitant of a 
well-known Shop, xliii 52i 1 

Legend of Rob. A. Machin (Bowles) xlvi 

Letter to Dean Swift, x 242 : ‘ 

from the keeper of a circulating 
library, x] 450 

Leven Water, ode to, xiv 239 

Lewis, ‘ Alonzo the Brave,’ xxxix 445 

Leyden, J. The Mermaid, xliv 839 

Library, extract from, xxiv 174 

Libertine Repulsed, the, vii 242 

Liberty, from Metastasio, viii 289 

Life, against, from Posidippus, xv 219 

—— for, from Metrodorus, ib. 220 

Lily, the (mrs. Tighe) liii 603 

Little things are best, xlviii 1062 

Lloyd’s Evening Post, ode from, i 409 

Lloyd, Rt. Imitation from the Spectator, v 

— Genius, Envy, and Time, ad- 
dressed to Hogarth, v 204 3 
The Candle and Snuflers, vii 


Lochiel’s Warning (Campbell) xliv 829 
Lochinvar (from Marmion) 1. 216 ‘ 
Lodgings for Single Gentlemen, a tale (Col- 
man) xxxix 450 
London, Farewell tv, in 1714, by Pope, 
Xvili 222 
Love and Indifference, from Tighe’s Psyche, 
liii 601 eas 
Lover, the, Cured, from Metastasio, 1 

and the Friend, x 249 
Love, maxims in, xii 243 i 
of our Country (rev. C. Butson) xxiii 


xxxix 450 
Lycidas and Prudentia, xxxii 148 




Lyttleton, lord, lines on mrs, Carter’s poems, 

v 196 

Madoc (Southey) extracts, xlvii 979 
Madras, prologue at opening the Lyceum, 
xxv 197 
Maid with Bosom cold, xlviii 1063 
Malone, prologue to the tragedy of Julia, 
xxix 168 
Man of Method (Pursuits of Literature) 
Xxxviii 509 
Mapes, Walter, Latin ode on Drinking, and 
translation, xvii 216 
Market Night (R. Bloomfield) xlv 924 
Marmion, extracts, 1. 203 
Trial of Constance, 74. 205 
—— Song of Fitz-Eustace, 7). 212 
—— Banquet, 7b. 213 
—= Lochinvar, 2. 216 
nh to a kinsman on his intended, i 

an ode, extract from, viii 280 
Modern, epigram, xvii 230 
Mason, elegy to-Hurd, by, ii 450 
on the death of a lady, v 188 
— lines toa Young Nobleman leaving 
the University, 2b. 191 
Inconstancy, an ode, 24. 193 
Night, lines on, 74. 195 
English Garden, extract, xx 210 
—- Translation of Dufresnoy, do. xxvi 
bi Elegy (from Bingley’s Tour) xlvi 

Masquerade, Sailor’s description of, xi 239 

Matrimony, an old bachelor’s reflections on, 
xviii 215 

Maurice, elegy on sir W. Jones, extract, 
xxxvii 147 

extract from the Crisis, xlv 914 

— School Boy, xlvi 920 

Ezyptian Lotos, 7b. 925 

Maxims in Love, xii 243 

May, from Buchanan, xii 217 

Mayne, J. to the Primrose, xlix 988 

————— Master Mowbray, 7). 989 

Melpomene, an ode, by R. Dodsley, i 386 

Memory, stanzas on, written in Rogers’ 
Pleasures of Memory, xxxiv 479 

Menander, fragment from, by Fawkes, x 

Mermaid (J. Leyden) xliv 839 

Merry, extract from Pains of Memory, 
xxxviii 504 

Metastasio, The Parting, viii 287 

Liberty, 7. 289 

Meyrick, mrs. epitaph on, v 226 

Mickle’s Lusiad, extract, xiv 215 

Midnight Magistrate, xi 245 

Milton, fragment from the Italian of, xv 218 

Mirth, praise of, viii 283 

Miser and the Mouse, xv 220 

Misconception, a tale, xlix 991 

Modern Comedies, xiii 219 

—~— Novels, G. Colman, xxxix 447 

Montague, mrs. lines to, xiv 237 

lady, M. W. elegy on mrs. Bowes, 

Xviii 219 

— Farewell to Bath, xxvi 190 
Montgomery, J. The Ocean, xlvii 989 
Common Lot, 24. 990 
——— Death of Adam, lv 551 
hymn to Twilight, ib. 558 
to Britain, lviii 641 
Africa and the Negro, lii 


Negro’s Home and Coun 
try, ib. 727 

Guinea Captain, 7b. 728 

Creole Planter, ¢b. ib. 

Christian Negroes, 7b. 729 
—_——— Harp of Sorrow, ib. 730 

Moon, to the, 1. 222 

Moore, rev. H. Divine Love, xlix 967 

—_-+—__ Faith, ib. 968 

sir J. Races, a ballad, xxvi 198 

——_—-— John, the Burial of, lix 604 

T. the Lake of the Dismal Swamp, 

xlix 983 

Paradise and the Peri, lix 592 

Selections from Irish Melodies, Ix 


I saw from the beach, 2d. 

Dear Harp of my Country, 7. 

As slow our ship, 2. 614 

Whene’er I see those smiling eyes, 

ib. 615 

To the Memory of Joseph Atkinson, 
of Dublin, 2d. i. 

Moral Rhapsodies (sir W. Young) xlvii 972 

More, miss, extracts from ‘Search after 

Happiness,’ xvi 236 ; 

——— Sir Eldred of the Bower, ex- 

tract from, xix 206 

Morning on the Alps, xlvii 972 

Mortis, capt. Song, xxix 184 

—— miss, lines on seeing her in Juliet, 
xi 239 

Mouse’s Petition, xvi 227 


Names, abuse of renowned, xi 226 

Negro Song, xli 461 

Negro’s Home and Country (Montgomery) 
lit 727 

New-Year odes. See Pye, Warton, White- 
head, Victor. 

Newspaper, by the rev. C. Crabbe, extract, 
xxvii 142 

Nobleman and Beggar, xviii 218 

Northern Spring (Herbert’s Helga) lvii 626 

Nugent, earl, lines to, by the dean of Cork, 
xlv 918 

Nymph of P**** Water, lines to, i 426 

-— Tauris, an elegy, xvi 240 

Oak, on an; xlvii 970 

Ocean (Montgomery) xlvii 986 

Odes, New-Year. See Pye, Warton, White- 
head, Victor. 

—— Birth-day. See Whitehead. 




Ode, Melpomene, i 386 

— to the king of Prussia, by Voltaire, and 
translation, 7b. 400 

—— from the Tragedy of Agis, 2b. 406 

—— on Death, 7b. 409 

—— to mr. Pitt, ii 446 

—— on the death of general Wolfe, id, 451 

——- to Health, 75. 457 

Happiness, ib, 460 

—— on the king’s marriage, by hon. J. 
Grey, iv 228 

—— on do. by mr. Gandy, 75. 229 

— to Solitude, id. 250 

~— sur la presente Guerre, v 184 

— Inconstancy, 7d. 193 

—— imitated from Horace, book 4, ode 3, 
ib. 206 

—— to duke Humphrey, from do. 7), 224 

—— Benevolence, vii 243 b 

on the departure of the princess 
Charlotte of Mecklenburgh for England, 
from the German, viii 274 

—— on the death of prince Henry of Bruns- 
wick, 2b. 276 

—— to any minister or great man, #6. 278 

Marriage, extract from, 2b. 280 

— on his majesty’s Birth-day, ix 257 

—— do. at Dublin, 7d. 258 

—— for the New Year, x 241 

—— to Spring, 2b. 244 

— to Wisdom, 4b. id. 

—— for his majesty’s Birth-day, 7b. 248 

— Fatal Sisters, by Gray, xi 211 

for the queen’s Birth-day, at Dublin, 
ib. 225 

— from Casimir, xii 232, 233 

— on the Installation of the duke of 
Grafton at Cambridge (Gray) 7b. 235 

—— on erecting a statue to Shakspeare, 
(Garrick) xii 245 

er oe the opening of the Exhibition, xv 

— Birth-day, 7d. 218 

do. xvi 247 

—— to a young gentleman, a votary of 
pleasure, xvii 214 

na ae Richardson’s Persian Poetry, 2b. 

— Adversity, by Gray, xviii 199 

—— Solitude, Chapone, 7b. 200 

—— on the Pleasure arising from Vicissi- 
tude (Gray and Mason) 7d. 202 

for the Regatta, 7b. 204 

— on breaking a China Quart mug, at 
Lincoln College, xix 225 : 

—— in imitation of Alcceus, xxiv 183 

—— to Melpomene, from Horace, xxvii 146 

Mr. Malone, xxviii 142 

a lady going abroad, xxix 162 

from Hafiz (sir W. Jones) 2b. 178 

—— Superstitions of the Highlands, xxx 

— toa lady, written in Ireland, 25. 177 

the Poppy (C. Smith) xxxiv 473 

poms JUSIC, XXXV 148 

Ode to the German Drama, xli 466 

—— on Cambria, by P. Pindar, xxxiii 413 

— on Tranguillity, xliii 525 

—— by the right hon. Hussey Burgh, xliv 

to the people of Great Britain, on the 
threatened invasion (Burney) xlvi 901 

—— The Siege of Acre (Bowles) 7b. 902 

—— The Battle of the Nile, xlvii 965 

—— to Fancy, xlviii 1055 

Evening, 1. 223 

—— performed at the Senate House, Cam- 
bridge (W. Smyth) liii 593 

Odin, descent of, by. Gray, xi 213 

Old Bachelor’s reflections on Matrimony, 
xviii 215 

Opie, J. character as an artist (Shee) lvii 

—— mrs. Dying Daughter to her Mother, 
xliv 851 

Oratio ad Dominum, by Hildebert, bishop 
of Anomanum, viii 295 

Origin of Evil (W. Parsons) xlviii 1070 

Otaheitan Mourner, 1. 228 

Pains of Memory, extract from, xxxviii 

Palestine, a Prize Poem (Heber) xlvi 907 

Paoli, gen. Sonnet on, xlix 991 

Paper, a Poem, by dr. Franklin, xxxv 405 

Papyra (Darwin’s Botanic Garden) xxxiv 

Paradise and the Peri (Moore’s Lalla Rookh) 
lix 592 

of Taste (Thompson) extract from, 
xxxviii 513 

Parnell, the Horse and the Olive, by, v 

Parret (rivulet) lines to, xvi 251 

Parrot, on a, xlvii 971] 

Parry, mr. epitaph on a Dog, 1. 220 

Parsons, W. verses from mad. de Mirepoix 
to the duc de Nivernois, xxx 18i 

ode to the Venus de’? Medici, 

2b. 182 

—— epigrams, xlviii 1069 

Origin of Evil, 76. 1070 

Parting, the, from Metastasio, viii 287 

Partridges, an elegy, xiv 241 

Pastoral in the modern style, x 261 

Patron, the (Crabbe) liv 551 

Peace, 1 416 

from the Cambridge Verses on, vi 

Pearce, dr. (bp. of Rochester) lines to, on 
the fiftieth anniversary of his marriage, 
xix 233 
Pen, verses on, ix 266 
Pheebe, lines on, x 232 
Pindar, Peter, Pig and Magpie, xxxi 168 
Ode on No Ode, xxxii 131 | 
Complimentary Epistle to 
James Bruce, 75. 157 
—— Ode to the Glow-worm, 7. 





Pindar, Peter, Ode on Cambria, xxxiii 413 
Magpie and Robin Red- 
breast, xxxiii 426 

Ode to Prudy, 2b. 7d. 
Jurymen, xxxvii 149 
— Sorrows of Sunday, xxxviii 


Simplicity, or the Curate, xli 

Gipsy Ballad, xxxv 403 

—— Cantata, 7b. 404 

Pine-tree, Elegy to, ix 260 

Pipe of Tobacco, xi 231 

Pirate’s Song (Byron’s Corsair) lvi 569 

Pitt, mr. Ode to, ii 446, xxv 195 

Birth-day, Lines on (G. Canning) 

xliv 827 

— Song on, 7d. 828 
Pizarro, an excellent new Song, xli 464 
Plato, translation from, x 252 
Pleader’s Guide, extract from (mr. Surre- 
butter’s commencement of his Legal 
Career) xxxviii 502 
— the 8th Lecture, xliv 848 
Pleasures of the Mind, i 414 
—— Memory, Lines written 


xxxiv 479 

—— Hope, extract, xli 467 

Poet’s Prayer, xvii 223 

Poet, Provincial, portrait of, xxviii 153 

Poets of the Age, apostrophe to, xli 470 

id from Smyth’s English Lyrics, xlvii 

Poetry, on the Study of, xxiv 179 

Pope, Epistie to Lord Cobham, xii 237 

Farewell to London, in 1714, xviii 


Lines for Durastante, 7b. 221 

Poppy, Ode to (C. Smith) xxxiv 473 

Porden, miss, address of Winter to Timour, 
lviii 640 

Porter, tankard of, ii 458 

Portes, instructions to one, xxxii 146 

Posidippus, against Life, xv 219 

the Traveller and Statue of 
Opportunity, xvi 245 

Potter, rev. mr. The Superannuated Horse 
to his Master, xxx 193 

Poverty, invocation to, xix 224 

Pace mr. the Partridges, an Elegy, xiv 


on an Infant sleeping, 7b. 242 
toa lady on her birth-day, 7d. 



Sympathy, extract, xxiv 177 

— her Brother’s Lyre to mrs. 

Sheridan, xxvii 139 

Prologue to Matilda, xxxi 156 

Prayer for Indifference, v 202 

Preston, W. Epistle to a young gentleman 
on the study of Poetry, xxiv 179 

Primrose, to an early, xlvi 933 

— (J. Mayne) xlix 988 

Pritchard’s, mrs. Farewell Epilogue, xi 224 

— epitaph on, xv 221 

Pant II. 

Progress of Poetry, xv 225 

Prologue to Agis, 1 432 

Cleone, 2b. 433 

(Latin) to the Adelphi, ii 454 

— to the Siege of Aquileia, iii 235 
— Tempest, spoken by lord 
Palmerston, iv 231 

—— All in the Wrong, by Foote, id. 


~ Terence’s Andria (Latin) 2. 

English at Bourdeaux, vi 225 
——— Discovery, ib. 228 
———_—— Philaster, 7b. 231 
—————— Author, vii 244 
——on opening the Theatre, Rich- 
mond-Green, viii 284 
—— Clandestine Marriage, ix 247 
— Double Mistake, 7b, 252 
at the opening of the Bristol 
Theatre, 74. 260 

——————. Earl of Warwick, 2b. 264 
English Merchant, x 246 
Tailors, 2b. 250 

at the Opening of Covent.Garden, 
2b. 253 


Oxonian in Town, 2. 256 
—Peep behind the Curtain, x 


—— Widowed Wife, 76. 259 

— Good-natured Man, xi 223 

on the appearance of the new 
Juliet at Covent Garden, 2b. 238 

—— Roman Father, xii 239 

—— West Indian, xiv 234 

Word to the Wise, xx 198 
School for Scandal, 24. 199 

at opening North Aston Theatre, 

2b. 206 ; 
———- to the Battle of Hastings, xxi 


Suicide, 2. 197 
——_— — Chapter of Accidents, xxiii 203 
Generous Impostor, 75. 204 
——— —— Miniature Picture, ib, 209 
— Variety, xxv 199 

——_—_—— Heiress, xxviii 144 
Julia, xxix 168 
—— False Appearances, xxxi 150 
Matilda, at mr. Fector’s Private 
Theatre, xxxi 156 
— King John, acted at West- 
minster School, xxxii 133 
—— High Life below Stairs, 7b. 134 
—— Better Late than Never, ib. 139 
———— spoken at Winchester, 7d. 140 
School for Arrogance, xxXxili 


414 , 
————. Columbus, xxxiv 474 
——. Every One has his Fault, xxxv 


on opening Drury Lane, 1794, 
xxxvi 415 

Wheel of Fortune, xxxvii 152 
England Preserved, xl 446 






Prologue on opening the Theatre at Sydney, 
Botany Bay, xliii 516 

in character of Falstaff, xliv 825 

Urania, id, id. 

Prophetic Verses by a Protestant advocate 
of the Parliament of Paris, xxxv 415 

Prostitute’s Grave, lines on, xlvii 968 

Protestant Uncle to his Protestant Nieces, 
xxxvi 422 

Prussia, king of, Ode to, by Voltaire, i 400 

—Verses to, by Gottsched, 

2b. 403 

———-——— Ode on Death by, trans- 
lated, 4. 409 

Epistle to Voltaire, do. id. 

queen of, on her bust, lvi 572 
Psyche (mrs. Tighe) extract from, liii 601 
Punster (J. Tissey) lines on, xi 246 
Puppet-show, by Swift, v 209 
Pursuit of Health (Beloe) xxxvii 156 
Pursuits of Literature (the Man of Method) 
xxxviii 509 
Pye, H. J. Birth-day Odes, xxxiii 412. 
xxxiv 467. xxxv 400. xxxvi 412. xxxvii 
146. xxxviii 493. xxxix 443. xl 443. xli 
458. xlii 452. xliii 514. xliv 823. xlv 
910. xlvi 897. xlvii 948. xlviii 1032. 
xlix 956. 1. 202. 1i 871. lii 700 
New-Year Odes, xxxiii 410. 
xxxv 399. xxxvi 411. xxxvii 145. xxxviii 
492. xxxix 442. x] 442. wli 457. xlii 450. 
xliii 513, xliv 822. xlv 909; xlvi 895. 
xlvii 947, xlviii 1030. xlix 955. 1. 201. 
li 870. 1ii 699 
Address for Literary Fund, xlix 

dent epistle on the arrival of, iv 221 

uin, mr. character of, from the Roseiad, 
iv 266 

Quin’s Soliloquy, viii 284 

Rake, dying, soliloquy of, ii 453 

Rainbow, the, a fable, iv 256 

Raleigh, sir W. Verses by, v 196 

Real Beauty, xi 247 

Recollection, by an African Negro woman, 
xv 214 

Reflection, from Smyth’s English Lyrics, 
xlvii 995 

Reflections ofan O. P. in the country, 1i 879 

Regatta, Ode for, xviii 204 

—~-— Ballad for, 7b. 206 

Regnier’s epitaph, xii 244 

Religie, Consolations of (Atterbury) xliii 

Restoration of Learning in the East, Prize 
Poem (Grant) xlyii 950 

Retaliation, by dr. Goldsmith, xvii 197 

Reynolds, sir J, Painted Window at New 
College, Oxford, xxv 193 

— Verses to, by the earl of 
Carlisle, xxxii 142 

== as an artist (Shee) lvii 623 

Rhyming Apothecary, a tale, xlii 461 

Rich, John, on the death of, iv 260 

Richardson, Sam. Epitaph on, iv 259 

Richardson’s Persian Poetry, Ode from, xvii 

Robin, Lines to one in the Cathedral at 
Bristol, xiii 237 

Roberts, dr. epistle to a young gentleman 
on leaving Eton, xvii 2 

Rogers, 8. address spoken by mrs. Siddons, 
at her benefit, xxxvii 154 

— toa friend on his Marriage, xl 

Rondeau, sung at Ranelagh, xxiii 217 

— ‘ By two black Eyes,’ xxvi 200 
* Your’s, Jenny,’ xxix 182 

Rookery, the, x 245 

Rosciad, characters of different actors from, 
iv 264 

Roscoe, W. Hope from Lorenzo de’ Medici, 
xxxvii 159 

Happiness of a Country Life, 

Mental Exertion, do. #4. 160 

—— on the Death of Politian, do. 
ib. 161 

————— Address spoken at the benefit 
of Palmer’s children, xl 

Rose, G. Song on mr. Pitt’s Birth-day, xliv 

Rosemary, by H. K. White, xlvi 933 
Rousseau, epigram from, xlvi 932 
Rubrilla, true beauty, by dr, Clancy, xii 

Russell, T. Sonnet from Maratti, xxxi 165 
——— do. Gleim, 2d. 16 

do. Camoens, 74. 167 

————— Weisse, #d. ib. 
Rutland, duchess, verses on, xxix 165 

do, ib. ib. 


Sacking of Covent Garden, xi 227 

Sackville, hon. miss, on her marriage with 
col. Herbert, xxvi 197 

Sacrifice (Lady of the Lake) lii 705 

——————(Curse of Kehama), id. 71) 

St. Thomas’ Mount, extracts from, xvii 

Sappho, the Rose, from, iii 238, xii 235 

Saragossa, to those who fell in defence of, 1. 

Savoyard’s Return, 1. 225 

School for Arrogance, prologue to, xxxiii 
414, epilogue, 415 

School-Boy (Maurice) xlvi 920 

Scott, Alex. New Year’s Ode to Queen 
Mary, 1562, xx 211 

miss, extract from her Female Advo- 
cate, xvii 205 

——— Walter, War Song of the Edinb. Light 
Dragoons, xliv 838 

—— Cadyow Castle, xlv 926 
Last Minstrel, xlviii 1033 

a Force of Love, from do. id. 


——---——— The Twa Corbies, #5, 1043 




Scott, Walter, The Douglas Tragedy, 7d. 

Young Benjie, 2. 1046 
——= Introduction, Marmion,Canto 
2, 1. 203 

Tale of Constance, from do. 

2b. 205 
=——— Song of Fitz-Eustace, 26. 212 
= — Banquet, 75. 213 
Lochinvar, 24.216 
SS Morning Call (Lord of the 

Isles) lvii 618 
——- Scene in the Isle of Skye, 24. 

—— Lady of the Lake, extracts, 

lii 703 

———— Harp of the North, 7d. 7d. 

Ellen, 7d. ib. 

The Harper, 2b. 705 

——_—_—— The Sacrifice, zb. 7. 

The Wedding, 2b. 708 

2b. 709 

Farewell to the Harp, zd. 710 

Sea-chaplain’s Petition, for the use of the 
quarter gallery, i 441 

Sea-shore, description of (dr. Aikin) xxxiii 

Selma, songs of, from Ossian, iv 270 

Seneca’s Troades, chorus from, xiii 238 

Sensibility, Sphere of, from Triumphs of 
Temper, xxiv 171 

Sentimental poetry, from the Wreath of 
Fashion, xxi 2]0 

Sequestered Bard, an elegy, vi 242 

Seward, miss, elegy on capt. Cook, xxiii 195, 

Ode to Melpomene, from 
Horace, xxvii 146 
Horace’s Ode to Thaliarchus, 

xli 460 


Shee’s character of Reynolds as an Artist, 
lvii 623 

do. Opie, 2b. 625 

Sheep and the Bramble Bush, ix 261 

ae mr. lines written in his garden, 

Persian king to his Son, 70. 

song, ii 460 

lines to, iv 246 

do. by miss Loggin, 2b. 247 

elegy by, vii 224 

lines on, xiv 237 

Shepherd’s Life, ix 259 

et ou R. B. Epilogue to Semiramis, xx 

——-— Monody on Garrick, ex- 
tract, xxii 176 
—-——— Stanzas, ‘ Ask’st thou how 
long my Love shall stay ? xxx 196 

song in the Stranger, xl 

————— sonnet, ‘ Dry be that Tear’, 
xliii 518 

Ship, and the Wind, a fable, iii 240 

Sickness, an elegy, by mr. Delap, iii 224 

Siddons, mrs. Farewell Address, liv 545 

Siege of Acre, Epode on (Bowles) xlvi 902 

Simile, a, ii 439 

answer to, 2b. 440 

——__—_—_— ih. 442 

Woman and the Moon, xxix 183 . 

Simplicity (miss More) xvi 237 

Sir Eldred of the Bower, extract from, xix 

Sir Hew, 1. 220 

Sky-lark, the, a Song, by Shenstone, ii 460 

Skye, scene in the Isle of, lvii 620 

Sleep, lines on, xviii 220 

Smart, Chr. fable by, i 438 

Smith, Charlotte, Sonnet to a Nightingale, 
xxvii 141 

to the South Downs, 7. 

Sonnets from Petrarch, 
xxviii 149 
ode to the Po XXXiv 
473 PPY> 
Sas Horologue of the Fields, 
xlix 965 

J.P. on the Birth-day of a Lady, 

xlviii 1054 

ode to Fancy, 24. 1055 

Smollett, ode to Leven Water, xiv 239 

Smyth’s English Lyrics, Reflection, xlvii 
995, The Poet, 996, The Maid with 
Bosom cold, xlviii 1063, Elegy to Wisdom, 
2b. 1064 

Smyth, W. ode performed at the Install- 
ation of the duke of Gloucester, at Cam- 
bridge, liii 593 

Softly, an ode from Hafiz (Ford) xxix 179 

Solitude, ode to, iv 250, do. (Chapone) xviii 

Lines on, by Pope, xii 244 

. (miss More) xvi 237 
Solon, fragment, xi 231 
Songs, Let ‘ Euler go measure the Sun,’ ii 

—— The Sky-lark, 2b. 460 
——-— from the ‘ Way to keep Him’, iii 236 
‘Reflection that makes Mortals wise,’ 
iv 253 
‘When the Nymphs were contending,’ 
2b. 254 
from a musical entertainment at 
the queen’s palace, vi 224 A 
‘Says Pheebe, Why is gentle Love’, xii 


I cannot eat but little Meat,’ xvi 244 

‘ Push the jovial Bowl about,’ xviii 225 

‘When Clouds thatangel Face deform,’ 

xxi 215 

‘Night and Day the anxious Lover,’ 
xxiii 217 

—— ‘OPI reform,’ xxvi 199 

‘Cease to blame my Melancholy,’ 

xxvii 140 

by capt. Morris, xxix 124 

‘Your Molly has never been false,’ xxx 





Songs from the French of Mary, Queen of 
Scots, xxx 192 

* Teaze me no more’, by dr. Glynn, 

xxxi 153 

‘Why dost thou say I am forsworn ?? 
Lovelace, zl. ib. 

—— ‘I do confess thou’rt smooth and 
fair’, 2b. ib. 

‘ ‘ Quaff with me the purple Vine,’ 7. 

From Pheenix of Colophon, id. 7b. 

—— translation of, from Burney’s Hist. of 
Music, 2b. 163 

at the Wiccamical Anniversary of a 
Spirit, xxxiii 421 

ee to the memory of Penelope, xxxviii 

in the Stranger, xl 447 

in Pizarro, xli 464 

—— Emperor Paul, xliii 522 

—w— War Song, of the Edinb. Lt. Dra- 
goons, xliv 835 

—— ‘The Tears I shed must ever fall,’ id. 

—— from Marmion, |. 212 

Lochinvar, 7b. 216 

—— ‘The Days that are gone,’ ib. 218 

——— by H. K. White, li 884 

——— do. the Wandering Boy, zd. 885 

Sonnet, ‘ Forbear, in Pity, oh! forbear’, xii 

—— by Queen Elizabeth, 2b. 252 

on Isabella Markhame, 74. 253 

to the river Landon, xx 212 

to a Nightingale, xxvii 141 

to the South Downs, 7. 142 

from Petrarch, xxviii 149 

Italian, Maratti, with translation, 

xxxi 160 

German, Gleim, do. 2). 166 

Portuguese, Camoens, do. 2b. 2b. 

German, Weisse, do. 7+. 167 

on the death of mr, Riddell (Burns) 

xxxvi 426 

by earl of Orford, xxxix 444 

burlesque, 7b. 454 

on the Extinction of the Venetian 

Republic, xlviii 1058 

— the King of Sweden, 74. id. 

Toussaint Louverture, 7b. 1059 

from Metastasio, li 878 

Sorrows of Sunday (P. Pindar) xxxviii 

— Switzerland (from ‘ Jacobinism’) 
xliii 518 

Southey, R. the Pilgrim, xxxix 444 

Despair, from Joan of Arc, 

xxxviii 506 

— Caradoc and Senena, 
Madoe, xlvii 979 

————— the Lake-fight, do. 7b. 980 

Curse of Kehama, extracts, lii 


————— Carmen Triumphale, lv 541 
——-—— Roderick, extract, lvii 615 

Spaniel scenery (Southey’s Roderick) lvii 

15 " 

——— Madrigal, with translation by Gar- 
rick, xviii 223 

Spence, mr. verses on the king’s marriage, 
iv 225 

Spencer, hon, W. R. The Visionary, liii 

—_—_—_—_-—_-—- Good-Bye and How- 
d’y-do, ib. ib. 

Spleen, Ode to, xii 244 

Sports of the Genii (mrs. J. Hunter) ex- 
tract, xlvii 985 

Spring, on one in a village, xxxviii 494 

Stanzas, addressed to no minister nor great 
man, ii 443 

a great minister and a 
great man, 7b. 445 ‘ 
to the rt. hon. C. T — 

v 225 

Statue, gilded, in lord Cadogan’s Garden, 
lines on, xlvi 932 

Stella, lines to, by Swift, viii 291 

Stilts, lines on a boy walking on, iv 255 

Stowe, lines at, xlv 935 

Swift, Theoph., The.Violet, xxi 214 

——— Song, ¢b. 215 

—-—— toa Lady, 2b. 216 

Suicide, on, viii 291 

— on the corpse of a (TI, Campbell) 
xliii 517 

Summer Dawn, li 872 

——— Eve (H. K. White) 2b. 886 

Suppliant, the, from the Sports of the Genii, 
xlvii 985 

Sympathetic Love, addressed to the Nightin- 
gale, by Shakspeare, xii 22] 

Sympathy (Pratt) extract, xxiv 177 

Tale, the Tankard xxxvi 158 
the Rhyming Apothecary, xlii 46] 
Tankard, Groans of the, xvi 228 

a Tale, xxxvii 158 
Tasso’s Amyntas, chorus from, xiv 230 
Hoole’s (Isoliero and Bayardo) 

xxxiv 476 

Tavistock, marq. on the death of, x 239 
reflections on do, ib. 245 
— marchioness, on the death of, xi 


Tea, the rise of, iv 261 

Tea-spoon, the, xii 241 

Temple of Reason, li 876 

Temple, sir W. elegiac ballad on an act of 
parliament relating to marriages, xl 454 

Temple-gate, lines stuck on, vii 247 

Tenement to be let, xxix 18] 

Theocritus, 25th Idyllium, by Fawkes, x 

Thompson, B. Richardson, Rousseau, and 
Goéthe (Paradise of Taste) &xxviii 513 

— rev. W. lines on Thonison’s 

Seasons, xxiii 199 

j — A. extract from Whist, xxxiii 






Thomson, J. paraphrase from 6th chap. St. 
Matthew, i 420 

Thyrza, liy 550 

Tickell, mr. lines to a Lady before mar- 
riage, v 200 

————— on Queen’s Coll. Oxford, xxii 

Tighe, mrs, extract from Psyche, liii 601 
————. The Lily, ib. 603 

Timour, address of Winter to, lviii 640 

Tissey, J. (punster) lines on, xi 246 

epitaph, 2d. 

Tintern Abbey, lines near (Wordsworth) xlv 

Toby Toss-pot, li $81 

Tombs, the, from the French, xviii 217 

Tomb-stone, lines on, iv 252 

Tour to Stockholm, from Huet, by J. Dun- 
combe, xiv 221 

Tranquillity, an Ode, xliii 525 

Traveller and Statue of Opportunity, xvi 

Triumph of the Arts, by dr. Franklin, xii 

—— Ceres, xvi 252 

Triumphs of Temper, extract, xxiv 169 

- Owen, xi 215 

Truth at Court, iv 217 

Turkish Lady, a Ballad (Campbell) xlvii 

Twilight, hymn to (Montgomery) lv 558 

Twiss, Hor. Farewell Address for mrs, 
Siddons, 1. 545 

Tyme, from Harrington’s Remains, xxi 21] 

Ugolino, tale of, from Dante, xvi 230 

Vagrants, apology for, from the Country 
Justice, xvii 209 

Vega, Lope de, translations from, by lord 
Holland: Apology for the Irregular 
Drama, xlviii 1049, extract from the 
Corona Tragica, 1051, Love at first Sight, 

Venus de’ Medicis, lines on, iv 243 

rising from the Sea, on Barry’s pic- 
ture of, xv 231 

Vicar of W. d, ii 452 

Village Maiden, courtship, 1. 233 

Vine and the Yew-tree, li 878 

Virtue and Fame, iv 241 

ny, the (hon. W. R. Spencer) liii 


Voiture, on death, xv 222 

Voltaire, ode to the king of Prussia, i 400 

——— character of, by Hayley, xxiii 213 

epitaph in his own chamber, xxvii 

Volunteers, Address to, spoken at Covent 
Garden, xlv 912 
Walpole, Hor. verses to four French ladies, 
xiv 238 
inscription for the column in 
the palace of St. Mark, Florence, xv 208 
—--—— the Entail, a fable, 7. 209 

Walpole, Hor. impromptu on the duchess 
of Queensbury, xv 220 
epigram on the preceding, 

xvi 249 

the Three Vernons, xxix 167 

inscription in mrs, Clive’s 

Garden, xxxiii 419 

Sonnet, xxxix 444 

Mie page Boy, a song, H. K. White, li 

War-Song of the Edinburgh Light Dra- 
goons, xliv 838 

War, from Graham’s Sabbath, xlvii 991 

Warburton, dr. lines to, on his Dissertation 
on the 6th book of Virgil, i 430 

Warton, verses on the Death of George the 
2nd, iv 215 

Sonnet to the River Landon, xx 212 

rev. T. Birth-day odes, xxvii 134, 

xxviii 138, xxix 160, xxx 168, xxxi 148, 

xxxii 132 

———— New Year’s ode, xxviii 136, 
xxix 159, xxx 167 

Waterloo, from Childe Harold, lviii 637 

Way to be Wise, from La Fontaine, vii 245 

Wedlock, Advice from a Matron to a Young 
Lady concerning, iv 263 

Weymouth Féte, address to their Majesties 
at, xlwi 898 

Whip Club, li 883 

Whist, a poem, extract, xxxiii 422 

White, H. Kirk, to the Herb Rosemary, 
xlvi 933 

School, li 883 

confined to 

on being 

Song, 2b. 884 
— The Wandering Boy, a 

song, li 885 

Summer’s Eve, zd. 886. 
rev. 5. Tribute of Affection, xlix 

Whitehead, Paul, song sung at the London 
Hospital, xix 233 
————_-——_— epitaph on, xx 201 
W. Birthday Odes, i. 392, ii 
447, iv 220. y 216, vi 223, viii 272, xi 
229, xiii 224, xiv 233, xvii 226, xviii 194, 
xix 203, xx 197, xxi 193, xxii 170, xxiii 
194, xxiv 168, xxv 187, xxvi 180, xxvii 


—_—___————. New Year odes, i. 395, ii 
448, iii 225, iv218, v 215, vi 222, viii 
271, xi222, xiii 201, xiv 218, xv 205, 
xvi 238, xvii 217, xix 202, xx 196, xxi 
192, xxii 169, xxiii 193, xxiv167, xxv 
186, xxvil79, xxvii 131, 133 

— Verses to the People of 
England, i. 396 

—_——. extract from his Charge to 

the Poets, v. 218 

——_——— verses (Latin and transla- 

tion) in the Temple of Venus, at Middle« 

ton Stoney, ix 267 

epitaph on mys, Pritchard, 

xv 221 


Whitehead, W. prologue at opening North 
Aston theatre, xx 206 

pathetic Apology for all 

Laureats, xxviii 146 

on the Improvements at 
Nuneham, xxix 163 

Williams, miss, the Glacier Goddess, to dr. 
Darwin, xl 456 

Window of a Lodging-house, line from, xvii 

Winter, an ode, translated by mr. Tattersal, 
from the Latin of W. Thompson, i. 413 

——— Triumphant, xxi 194 

Address of, to Timour, lviii 640 

Wisdom, elegy to, xlviii 1064 

———— and Health, xiii 241 

Wish, a, to the North, xiii 236 

Witch of Lapland, Boyd, xlvi 905 

Withered Rose (Cunningham) xvi 239 

Wolcot, dr. elegy on mr. Boscawen, xxii 

— Alexander’s Feast, 1. 226 

———— see also Peter Pindar 

Wolfe, gen. ode on his Death, ii 41 

—_——_——. epithph on, 7b. 452 

elegy on, vi 239 

Woodcock, death of, xvi 233 

Wordsworth, W. lines near Tintern Abbey, 
xlv 931 

ee on the Extinction of the 
Venetian Republic, xlviii 1058 


Wordsworth, W. The King of Sweden, ib, ib. 
Toussaint Louverture, 7d. 

—— The Afiliction of Mar- 
garet, 2b. ib. 

———_——_—— The Beggars, ib. 1061 

Wreath of Fashion, extract, xxi 210 


Yardley Oak, Cowper, xlv 918 

Yearsley, Ann, song, xxix 177 

Yorke, hon. C, to his sister, on her copying 
a Portrait of Dante, xiii 201 

—— toa lady, with Pope’s works, 

2b. 204 

—- stanzas in the manner of 
Waller, 2d. zd. 

Young Benjie (W. Scott) xlviii 1046 

dr. Characters of mr. Grenville and 

W. Harrison, xx 208 

lady, lines to, xii 230 

sir W. to his lady, on having one of 
his eyes beat out, vii 247 

—————— Bellman’s verses, to lady 
Melbourne, xlvi 927 

- to the earl of Radnor, on his 

Marriage, 7). 928 

the Winchester Boys to dr. 

Warton, 2d. 2b. 

Moral Rhapsodies, Morning 
of the Alps, xlvii 972, Evening, 976 

Youth, by Hall Hartson, extract, xv 192 


Asner, Dearu of (Gesner) iv 286 

Abu Taleb Khan, Travels of, lii 749 

eh Travels, xliv 872, extracts, 734, 


fEgyptiaca, by dr. White, xliii 527 

Algarotti, Essay on Painting, vii 262 

America, Robertson’s History of, xx 214, ex- 
tracts, Savage Tribes, 7b, 49, Mines, 84, 
Climate, 99 

Stedman’s History of the American 

_ War, xxxvi 436 

Anderson’s Origin of Commerce, vii 250 

Anecdotes of Painting (Walpole) v 254 

Anglesey, Antiquities of (Rowland’s) ix 296 

Asiatic Researches, xli 512, 1. 251 

Athens, Stuart’s Antiquities of, vi 245, ex- 
tract, xxxii 161 

ava, Syme’s Embassy to, xlii 464, extracts, 
302, 303, 304 

Ayeen Akbery, Gladwin’s Translation of, 
xlii 473 

by oy Natural History of Guiana, xii 


— Customs and Manners of Italy, xi 

Baretti, Journey from London to Genoa, 
xiii 242 

Barrow’s Travelsin Southern Africa, xliii 

China, xlvi 949 

Beattie’s, dr. Dissertations, xxvi 207, ex- 
tracts, 7b. 125, &c. 

Beauties of Poetry, remarks on (Webb) v 

— Scotland, 1. 270 

Beccaria on Crimes and Punishments, x 

Bengal, Historical Events of, ix 306 

Bingley’s North Wales, xlvi 979, extract, 

Bisset’s Life of Burke, xl 324 

Blackstone’s Commentaries, x 286 

Book 8rd, xi 

Bolingbroke, lord, extract from his Will, ix 

— Hunter’s Character of, 
xiii 253 

Boswell’s Life of Johnson, xxxiii 431 

Brahmins, Scripture of, ix 310 

Brazil, Lindley’s Voyage to, xlvii 1053 




Brazil, Southey’s History of, lii 738, ex- 
tracts, 550, 562 

Bromley’s Catalogue of British Portraits, 
xxxv 416 

Browne’s Travels in Africa, &c. xli 500 

Bruce’s Travels, xxxii 167 

Life, by Murray, 1. 243, extracts 69, 


Bryant, J. Analysis of Ancient Mythology, 
xvii 232 

Burney, dr. Present State of Music in Ger- 
many, &c. xvi 274, extract, 68 

— History of Music, xxxi 183 

—— Memoirs of Metastasio, xxxviii 

Butler’s Remains, ii 468 r " 
Byron’s (Commodore) Narrative, xi 260 

Caledonia, by G. Chalmers, xlix 998 
elearr poem by R. Cumberland, xxxiv 
Campbell’s Pleasures of Hope, xliv 890 
Cartwright’s Residence in Labrador, xxxiv 
Chalmers’ Caledonia, xlix 998 
Charles 5th, Robertson’s, xii 254 
Chatham, lord, Letters to his Nephew, xlvi 
911, extract, 890 
Cherbury, lord, Life of, xiii 248 
Chesterfied, Lord, Letters to his Son, xvii 
China, Barrow’s Travels in, xlvi 949 
Christianity, Gerard on, ix 303 
Clarendon, Life of Earl of, ii 464 
——— State Papers, vi 250, xxviii 159, 
extract 9 
Collins’ Account of New. S. Wales, xl 458 
Commerce, Origin of (Anderson) vii 250 
Commissioners of Public Accounts, Sixth 
Report of, xxviii 175 
Cook’s Voyage towards the S. Pole, xvi 266, 
extract, 1, 27,90, 100, 104, 105, xx 234, 
extracts, 67, 87, 150 
to the Pacific, xxvii 149 
Coxe’s Travels in Poland, Russia, &c. xxvii 
—— Life of sir R. Walpole, xl 468 
Crantz, David, History of Greenland, ix 
Crimes and Punishments, Beccaria’s Essay 
on, x 316 
Cumberland’s Calvary, a poem, xxxiv 492 
Memoirs, xviii 1072, ex- 
tract (dr. Bentley) xlix 813 
Customs and Manners of Italy (Baretti) xi 

Dalrymple’s Memoirs of Great Britain and 
Treland, xxx 208 

D’Arnay, the Private Life of the Romans, 
iv 291 

Darwin, dr. Zoonomia, xxxvi 427 

Davie’s Letters from Paraguay, xlvii 1021 

Davies’ Life of Garrick, xxiii 231 

Death of Abel, iv 286 

Debates of the H. of Commons, vi 264 

Dialogues of the Dead, iii 256 

Dissertations, Moral and Critical (dr, Beat- 
tie) xxvi 207 

Dodsley’s Fables, iii 265 

Duties of Man, Gisborne on, xxxvii 174 

Edwards’s, B. History of the West Indies, 
xxxv 417 

Egypt, Expedition to, sir R, Wilson’s Ac= 
count of, xliv 885, xlv 940 

Walsh’s History of the Campaign 
in, xlv 943 

Ellys, rev. dr. A. the Spiritual and Tempo- 
ral Liberty of Subjects in England, viii 

Emilius, Rousseau’s, v 227 

Estimate of the Manners and Principles of 
the Times, i 444 

Etymological Dictionary, Jamieson, 1, 252 

Fables, Dodsley’s, iii 265 

Ferguson’s Essay on the History of Civil 
Society, x 307 

Fingal, an epic poem, iv 276 

Forsyth’s Beauties of Scotland, 1. 271 

Fox’s Reign of James 2nd, 1. 235, extracts, 
57, 58, 59, 60, 61, French translation of, 
li 915 

Fragments of Ancient Poetry, from the 
Gaelic, iii 253 

Garrick, D. Davies’ Life of, xxiii 231 

Gentoo Laws, Code of, xx 245 

Gerard, A. on the Genius and Evidences of 
Christianity, ix 303 

Gesner’s Death of Abel, iv 286 

Gibbon’s Roman Empire, xix 236, xxx 198, 
extracts do. 4, 6 

Gillies’ History of Greece, xxviii 154 

Gilpin on Picturesque Beauty, &c, xxxi 170 

Gisborne’s Duties of Man, xxxvii 174° 

Gladwin’s Ayeen Akbery, xlii 473 

Gloucester, bishop of, the Doctrine of Grace, 
v 239 

oe dr. History of the Earth, xvii 

Grace, the Doctrine of, v 239 

Gray’s Poems, by Mason, xviii 226 

Greece, Gillies’ History of, xxviii 154 

Greenland, History of, ix 269 

Grey, hon. A. Debates of the H. of Com- 
mons, vi 264 

Guiana, Natural History of, xii 272 

Hall’s Travels in Scotland, xlix 1015 

Hamilton’s Hedaya, xxxiii 473 

Harris’s Philological Enquiries, xxiv 186, 
extracts, Athens, 2. 148, Natural 
Beauty, 155, Russian Literature, 159 

Hawkesworth’s Swift’s Letters, ix 287 : 

Voyages of Discovery, xvi 
266, extracts, 1, 27, 45 

Hayley’s Essay on History, in three Epis- 
tles, xxiii 229, extracts, 211, &c. 


Hedaya, on Commentary on the Mussul- 
man Laws, xxxiii 473 

Helvetic Confederacy, History of, xlii 482, 
extracts, 305 

nes ts Account of the Honduras, lii 


Henry II, Lyttleton’s Life of, x 266 

ere of Cherbury, lord, Life of, xiii 

History of Scotland (Robertson) ii 489 

England (Hume) iv 301 

Indostan (Holwell) ix 306 

Henry II (Lyttleton) x 266 

Charles V. (Robertson) xii 254 

—- Treland (Leland) xvi 255 

—— Decline and Fall of the Roman 
Empire (Gibbon) xix 236 

— Philip 2nd (Watson) 2d. 243 

— the Earth and Animated Nature 

(Goldsmith) xvii 242 

— English Poetry (Warton) xxi 

219, xxiv 191 

Philip 3rd (Watson) xxvi 202 

— Greece (Gillies) xxviii 154 

———— W. Indies (Edwards) xxxi 417 

——— Helvetic Confederacy, xl 482 

— America (Robertson) xx 214 

—the Reign of James 2nd (Fox) 

1, 235, French translation of, li 915 

— of Brazil (Southey), lii 738 

History, Hayley’s Essay on, xxiii 229 

Historical and Critical Enquiry into the 
Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots, 
iv 305 

— Events of Indostan (Holwell) ix 



Holland, lord, Life of Lope de Vega, xlviii 
1091, extract, 842 

Holwell, Historical Events of Indostan, ix 

Homer, Wood’s Essay on, xvii 229 

Honduras, Henderson’s Account of, lii 733, 
extract, 620, 674 

House of Commons, Debates of, vi 264 

Humboldt, de, Voyage de, li 890 

Hume’s History of England, iv 801 

Hunter, Character of Lord Bolingbroke, xiii 

Hutchinson, col. Memoirs of, xviii 1097 

Jackson’s Morocco, li 927, extracts, 750, 
820, 851, 853 

Jamieson’s Scottish Etymological Diction- 
ary, 1. 252 

Jarrold, dr. Dissertations on Men, xlix 

India, British, Historical View of Plans for 
Government, xxxv 416 

Indostan, MilitaryTransactions of theBritish 
in, vii 256, xxii 185 

Historical Events of (Holwell) ix 

Johason’s Rasselas, ti 477 
— Plays of Shakspeare, viii 311 
Biographical Prefaces to the 


Poets, xxii 179, extracts, 27, &c. xxv 

Jones, sir W. Works of, xli 504 

Journey from London to Genoa (Baretti) 
xiii 242 

Ireland, Warner’s History of, vi 257 

—— Maxims controlled in, viii 304 

——— Leland’s History of, xvi 255 

Isaiah, bishop Lowth’s translation of, xxii 

Italy, Customs and Manners of (Baretti) xi 

Laborde’s View of Spain, li 909, extracts, 
761, &c. 

Labrador, Cartwright’s Residence in, xxxiv 
480, extracts, xxxv 48, 53 

Language, Monboddo on the Origin and 
Progress of, xxxiv 490 

Law of Nations, Ward’s Enquiry respecting, 
xxxvii 171 

Law, Discourse on the Study of, i 452 

Laws of Scotland, Wallace on, iii 263 

England, Blackstone’s Commen- 

taries on, x 286, xi 268 

Sullivan’s Lectures, on the Feudal 
and English, xv 235 

— Gentoo, Code of, xx 245 

Leckie’s Foreign Affairs of Gt. Britain, 1. 
267, 11 936 

Lectures on the Feudal and English Laws, 
Sullivan, xv 235 

Legislation, Michell’s Principles of, xxxviii 

LeicestershireNichols’ History of, xxxviii 
530, extracts, xlii 405, 406 

Leland, History of Philip of Macedon, i 458 

dr. J. Christian Revelation, vii 262 

rey. dr. Thos, History of Ireland, 
xvi 255 

Letters of lady M. W. Montague, vi 290 

on the Natural History of Guiana, — 

xii 272 

lord Chesterfield’s, xvii 237 

Chatham/’s, xlvi 941, extract, 890 

- bishop Warburton’s, |. 260 

Liberty, Spiritual and Temporal, in Eng- 
land, Ellys on, viii 298 

Life of Philip of Macedon, i 458 

Erasmus, 7b. 463 

sir T. More, zd. 468 

earl of Clarendon, ii 464 

Henry II. x 266 

* lord Herbert of Cherbury, xiii 248 

dr. Johnson, xxxiii 431 

Lorenzo de’ Medici, xxxvii 162 

sir Rob. Walpole (Coxe) xl 463 

— Burke, 7b. 324 

R. Cumberland, xlviii 1072 

Lope de Vega, 2b. 1091 

Bruce, 1. 243 

Lindley’s Voyage to Brazil, xlvii 1053 

Lowth, bp. Translation of Isaiah, xxii 188 

Luc, de, Travels in the North of Europe, 
li 901 




Lyttleton, lord, Dialogues of the Dead, iii 
Life of Henry II. x 266, extracts, 
1 &e. 

Mackenzie’s Voyages from Montreal, xliii 

Macpherson’s Ossian’s Poems, iv 276 

Man, Dissertations on (Jarrold) xlix 1010 

Marocco, Jackson’s Account of, li 927, 
extracts, 750, 820, 851, 853 

Marshall’s Travels, xv 241 

Mason, Gray’s Poems and Life, xviii 226 

Maxims controlled in Ireland, viii 304 

Medici, Lorenzo de’ (Roscoe) xxxvii 162, 
extracts, 27, 30, 31 

Memoirs of R. Cumberland, xlviii 1072 

—— col. Hutchinson, 7b. 1097 

Metastasio, Burney’s Memoirs of, xxxviii 

Mexicans (extract from Robertson’s Ame- 
rica) xx 219 

ers Principles of Legislation, xxxviii 

Military Transactions of the British, in 
Indostan, vii 256 

Milton, by Todd, xliii 538 

ae Antiqua Restaurata (H. Rowland) ix 

96 3 

Montboddo, lord, on the Origin and Pro- 
gress of Language, xxxiv 490 

Montague, lady M. W., Letters of, vi 290 

mrs. Essays on Shakspeare; xii 


Murray’s Life of Bruce, 1. 243 = 

Music, Burney’s Present State of, xvi 274 

Mythology, Ancient, Bryant’s Analysis of, 
xvii 232 

Narrative of Commodore Byron, xi 261 

Natural History of Guiana, xii 272 

New S. Wales, Collins’s Account of, xl 458 

Nichols’ History of Leicestershire, xxxviii 
529, extracts, xlii 405, 406 

am Rerum Hibern. Scriptores, xlv 

Origin of Commerce (Anderson) vii 250 
Ossian’s Poems, iv 276 

Painting, Webb on, iii 249 
— Walpole’s Anecdotes of, v 2, xxiii 

Algarotti on, vii 268 

pia Evidences of Christianity, xxxvi 
Paraguay, Davie’s Letters from, xlvii 1021 
ber Travels in the Interior of Africa, xli 
Percy, Reliques of Ancient Poetry, viii 310 
Perouse’s Voyage round the World, xli 476 
Peru, Present State of, xlvii 1002 
Philip 2nd of Spain, Watson’s History of, 

xix 243 
—-— 3rd, do, do, xxvi 202 

Planta’s History of the Helvetic Confederacy, 
xlii 482, extracts, 305 

Pleasures of Hope, xliv 890, extract, 833 

Poems of Gray, by Mason, xviii 226 

ee Remarks on the Beauties of (Webb) 

Reliques of Ancient (Percy) viii 

English, Warton’s History of, xxi 
219, xxiv 191 

Poets, English, Johnson’s Biographical and 
Critical Prefaces to, xxii 179, xxv 203 

Priestley, dr. on Vision, Light, and Colours, 
xv 237 

Private Life of the Romans (D’Arnay) iv 

Pundits, Ordinations of, xx 245 

Rasselas, by dr. Johnson, ii 477 

Reliques of Ancient Poetry, viii 310 

Rennell’s Geographical System of Hero- 
dotus, xlii 481 

Report (Sixth) of the Commissioners of 
Public Accounts, xxvili 175 ; 

Revelation, Christian, Leland on, vii 262 

Robertson’s, dr. History of Scotland, ii 489 

Charles V. xii 


$$ —_—__—_——_. America, xx 214 

Roman Empire, Gibbon’s Decline and Fall 
of, xix 236 

Romans, Private Life of (D’Arnay) iv 291 

Roscoe’s Lorenzo de? Medici, xxxvii 162* 

Rousseau, Letter on Theatrical Entertain- 
ments, ii 479 

— Enmilius, v 227 

Rowland’s, H. Antiquities of the Isle of 
Anglesey, ix 296 

Royal and Noble Authors (Walpole) i 475 

Scotland, Robertson’s History of, ii 489 
— Wallace on the Laws of, iii 263 
Hall’s Travels in, xlix 1015 
Beauties of, 1. 270 
Scottish Etymological Dictionary, 1. 252 
Scots, Mary Queen of, Enquiry into the 
Evidence against, iv 305 
Semple’s Second Journey in Spain, li 919, 
extracts, 756, 759, 844 
Shakspeare, Johnson’s, viii 311, extract from 
Preface, 233 
—_—— Essay on (Montague) xii 283 
Smith, Adam, Theory of Moral Sentiments, 
ii 484 
Wealth of Nations, xix 241 
Essay on the History of, x 

Society, Civil, 

Southey’s History of Brazil, lit 738 

Spain, History of Philip 2nd of, xix 243 

Laborde’s View of, li 909, extracts, 

765, &c. 

Semple’s Second Journey in, 2b. 919 

State Papers of the Earl of Clarendon, vi 
250 xxviii 159 

—— from 1501 to 1726, xxi 234 


~ INDEX, &c. 

Stedman’s History of the American War, Voyages, Cook’s, towards the S. Pole, xx 

xxxvi 436 
Sterne, Tristram Shandy, iii 247 
Stillingtleet’s Miscellaneous Tracts, ii 472 
Stuart’s Antiquities of Athens, vi 245 
Sullivan, F. Lectures on the Feudal and 
English Laws, xv 235 
Swinburne’s Travels in the Two Sicilies, 
xxvii 170, extracts, xxv 11, 81, &c. 
Swift’s Letters, by Hawkesworth, ix 287 
Symes’ Embassy to Ava, xlii 464 

Todd’s Milton, xliii 535 

Travels, Marshall’s, xv 241 : 

—~-—— in Asia Minor (Chandler) xviii 238 

—-— Coxe’s in Poland, &c. xxvii 163 

—_—~— Swinburne’s, in the Two Sicilies, 
2b. 170 

Volney’s, in Egypt, &c. xxix 196 

Young’s, in France, &c. xxxiv 495 

—-—— Park’s, in Africa, xli 493 

Brown’s, in do. ib. 500 

—-— Barrow’s, §. Africa, xliii 537 

Acerbi’s, through Sweden, &c. xliv 

872, extracts, 734, 738 

Barrow’s, in China, xlvi 949 

— in Scotland, xlix 1015 

——— De Lue’s, in North of Europe, li 

Abu Taleb Khan’s, lii 746 
Turner’s Embassy to ‘Teeshoo Lama, xlii 

Vancouver’s Voyage of Discovery, xl 476 
Vega, Lope de, Life of, xlviii 1091 

Vision and Colours, Priestley, on, xv 232 
Volney’s Travels through. Baypt &c.. xxix 

196 ; extract, Winds, & Egypt, 25. 56, 

present Government of Egypt, 74. 136 
one De Humboldt, li 890, extracts, 
20 , BD ati, 
Voyages of Discovery (Hawkesworth) xvi 
7 sede 




to the Pacific Ocean, xxvii 
149; extracts, Friendly Islands, 74. 1, 
Sandwich, do. 13 

Vancouver’s, to the North Pacific 
Qcean, and round the World, x1 476 

— Perouse’s, round the World, xli 476 
— Mackenzie’s, on the St. Lawrence, 
xliii 545 

— Lindley’s, to Brazil, xlvii 1053 

Wallace’s Laws of Scotland, iii 263 

Walpole’s Royal and Noble Authors, i 475 — 

——— Anecdotes of Painting, v 254, 
xxiii 164, 218 

Walpole, sir R., Coxe’s Life of, xl 468 

Walsh’s Campaign in Egypt, xlv 943 

Warburton’s, bishop, Letters, 1. 260 

Ward, R. Inquiry into the History of the 
Law of Nations, xxxvii 171* 

Warner, F. History of Ireland, vi 257 

Warton’s rev. T. History of English Poetry, 
xxi 219, extracts, 21, 139, xxiv 191, earl 
of Surrey, 2d. 9, lord Buckhurst, 24, 14, 
Poetry of the age of Elizabeth, 7b. 141 — 

Warton, dr. Essay on Pope, xxv 209 

Webb, Inquiry into the Beauties of Paint- 
ing, iii 249 : 

Remarks on the Beauties of Poetry, 

v 247 
White’s Egyptiaca, xliii 527 
Whittaker’s Mary Queen of Scots’ Vindi- 
cated, xxix 186 ute, 
Wilson’s, sir R. British Expedition to Egypt, 
xliv 885, extracts, 801, 807. xlv 940 
Wood on the Genius and Writings of 
Homer, xviii 229 

Young, A. Travels in France, &c. xxxiv- 
466,495 | de 

Zoonomia, Datwin’s, xxxyi 427, xxxviii 514 

ERRATA (discovered in muking the Index). 

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’ ‘Printer, 
Pateruioster-row Press.