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State of Hhode Jsland and Providence Llantations. 



CORMMACIEAMEOAAIMMm Rm om wewe 6 eee Sa am a 

Compliments of the 

Commissioners of Inland Fisheries. 


State of Rhode Jsland and Lrovidence Llantations. 








HENRY T. ROOT, President, Treasurer, and Auditor......... Providence, R. I. 
Je Meer S OUMEIWACKe NV ice=Bresidentue. sche eee eeeL i Newport, R. I. 
Wi. P. MORTON, Secretarg.....5..2.422- «+p P-OL Bax 966, Erovidence, oi: 

CEES SOW WV TTT AMES Sh ccc cant cca cede fe ee Ree ene a ce eee Westerly, R. I. 
ATE BE RAD MIRVADD EG 2o5.9 2 cisea cette testes Shoe ean eT oe Brown University. 
ADBU BERT D ROBBERS ia. a: sade ecasee P. O. Box 264, Woonsocket, R. I. 

Wael OAR) MAIN 28s. Boi; cis heer: toe ente aa caer ale Central Falls, R. I. 

dee tale Saye 

To the Honorable the General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island and 
Providence Plantations, at its January Session, 1905: 

The Commissioners of Inland Fisheries herewith present their an- 
nual report for the year 1904: 

The work undertaken by the commissioners during the past year 
may be tabulated as follows: 

First. The stocking of our ponds and streams with suitable fresh- 
water fish, through the distribution of eggs and fry. Page 10. 

Second. The collection of data and statistics relating to the com- 
mercial fisheries. Page 12. 

Third. The location of fish-traps within the waters of Narragan- 
sett Bay, and the collection of statistical data bearing upon their 
ownership. Page 18. 

Fourth. The continued examination of the physical and biologi- 
cal conditions of the waters of the Bay, begun in 1898. Page 25. 

Fijth. A continuance of the survey of the shores of the Bay, for 
the purpose of determining those portions which are most produc- 
tive of young seed-clams. Page 26. 

Sixth. A continued investigation of the life-history of the clam. 
Methods of artificial propagation and cultivation. Page 28. 

Seventh. The efforts to prevent the illegal taking of short lobsters. 
Page 32. 

Eighth. Experiments in lobster culture. Page 33. 

In addition to the report upon the work included under these head- 

ings, a revised list of members of the Fisheries Commissions or De- 


partments of the United States and the several States and Territories, 
compiled by the United States Bureau of Fisheries, is submitted in 
Appendix A, and a copy of the fisheries laws of Rhode Island is given 
in Appendix B. 

Your commission has pursued in general the same course as in the 
past few years. Forty thousand yearling trout, four hundred small- 
mouth black bass, five hundred large-mouth black bass, and three 
million shad have been distributed. The beneficial results of stock- 
ing the fresh waters with these edible fishes become more*evident 
each year and are at the present time beyond question. It is not 
feasible to patrol constantly the widely scattered fishing waters of the 
State, and the success of the stocking of these streams and the main- 
tenance of the fishing must necessarily depend to a considerable ex- 
tent upon the codperation of the anglers, and this codperation your 
commission has endeavored to enlist. 

The work of the commission at the laboratory at Wickford has 
progressed steadily. The main stress has been laid upon the rearing 
of lobsters and clams, not merely because of the importance of these 
fisheries, but because the experience of several years has yielded 
methods which insure good results.- On the other hand, experiments 
are being made with other branches of the fisheries in the expectation 
that these also will gradually be brought under similar control. 

Recognition of the value of studying and developing fisheries 
methods is rapidly growing in every civilized country. Rhode 
Island possesses extraordinary advantages in respect to her fishing 
industry. These advantages are in general very obvious; never- 
theless they increase in importance on closer inspection, and the meth- 
ods worked out for one branch of the industry point out clearly new 
possibilities for another. 

Your commission has for many years worked in cordial codperation 
with the United States Bureau of Fisheries. It is in active corre- 
spondence with the Fisheries Bureaus of most European countries 


and with that of Japan, ‘‘the paramount fishing nation,” and, we 

believe, we can learn much of value by keeping in touch and codéper- 


ating with them. One of your commission is president of the Ameri- 
can Fisheries Society, another treasurer of that society, and another 
corresponding member of the German Seejfischereiverein. 

At the invitation of the United States Fisheries Bureau your com- 
mission sent to St. Louis an exhibit illustrating the work on the cul- 
ture of shell fish. The exhibit was installed with that of the United 
States Bureau of Fisheries in the Fisheries Building. Last Septem- 
ber another exhibit was prepared and shown at the Washington 
County Fair at Kingston. These exhibits have brought the fisheries 
work of the State to the attention of many thousand citizens. 

The constant support which your honorable body has given to this 
commission has made it possible to conduct uninterrupted experi- 
ments through several years. As a result, your commission has been 
able to work out new methods of clam and lobster culture and to 
make other contributions, to the solution of fisheries problems, of 
value, not only to Rhode Island, but to other States and countries. 

The output of lobsters reared through the fourth stage at Wickford 
last season was more than double that of any previous year and more 
than ten times the total output of any other station, as far as we are 
aware. The proportion brought through the successive moulting 
periods to this stage was correspondingly large. 

The efforts toward the enforcement of the law regarding the cap- 
ture of short lobsters or lobsters bearing eggs have met with at least a 
fair degree of success Twodeputies have constantly been employed, 
several offenders have been arrested and fined, several thousand short 
lobsters shipped alive into the State have been liberated in our 
waters, but the main benefit of the work has been the prevention of 
the destruction of great numbers of small lobsters and the protection 
of honest lobster men against the shortsighted operations of those 
who would willfully disregard the welfare of the lobster fishery. 




State of Rhode Island in account with Commission of Inland Fisheries. 




5. To paid for 40,000 yearling trout and distribution........ $1,191 











«« “ expenses of laboratory, lobster culture, clams, 
seallops and flat fish, also tautog............. 3,440 

«« “expenses and salary of deputy commissioner under 
lobster Jaw ihe Nese tee eee ee ease Wes ede ees 2,119 
(cS distributing, s:000000ishadtiny. sane ae reer 20 
i adistributines 90 0iblackybasss: cman ac eer eae 5 
fa O68" PINT, chetala aie ecis ahah kek sey hear cates Seen 69 
 <"" expenses ol commisslonerne-. | eerie eee 387 
$7 ,234 


By received from State Treasuref...... 2.0.20 20s. cues we $3 
i - es hy ) woceer ees oe re neieg atloia eS 25 
#2 A aie Napier caceuh Napa Make teane. oc 2 
o is : Se eed anaes ta eg Pep Mingy dyin Se eas 69 
me oe Ee riba ea nS ns chia A 35 
ry eS OE TQMRD ADS SAE eee aoe Oecd 32 

a ¢ FS SO Sa: Se eee. 
‘s ie a‘ Lee MARR Pent in, wets 80 
ee af x OFS! WY oka Ces naca th thes Ae See 83 
= os fe rid DRS N 2 SEs sae Pe See 37 
¢ E : NES rR EP rp Nie AAA 35 
i ce - SE EN ected atk ore ne eet oe 74 
“ iy Gi tir (eC ERLE Wao ga tee ee cone eR oe 75 
x ee 2 Foi | (ieee Ls nT Re eee 34 
re : or Boe eth SY oii ate Ao ae 50 
ae : Of outs ate A eee aca nee ee a 81 
fe : ME gene Re ts ny aa ae 84 
; ; mS Reraretnhykne tS) cor aN aie 4 
7 . o SMM casera hs An igs tA ee 50 
is : . RR VRP et og Sse ie 79 
cs * 3 PL ee Pee Ale ee Es 85 
SS . Me his WAR ah, ei a 35 
v7 ‘ ; ST ob > Seuuranswe eters ae ene ae 35 

‘ al EAT ee Nes 4 etry 2) 50 







May 25. 


Aioiaves le 


Julys) 1. 


Aug. 3. 





Sept. 21. “ ae Ce |. Re UE tot Ae 10 40 
23. c eo ON. TRE WOON ARE coi oF 350 OS 

cs . oS CI ec eke an Sar esate eee Stee 35 25 

Oca) .o- My “ 5 CeO Es ese chances lle, 0°. 1,000 00 

Nov. 2. rh # 2 LP ery frie eo odoc os ony hee wON 37 80 

10. os ii es RD ere as ble p's co.cicke 4 25 
30. a y oo free EEA! 8 cto ob: 409 06 


Nove 30) “By received from: State ireasurer..:.....2..00005-400-% $83 15 
i s a SMM OS oc SENS rehire eee el ae 80 10 
se e I « | |” GRRE Re ee ene bre eiter me 20 00 
Decs78: £ vt ce SONNE the ott hey aes. ore 28 50 
os e oh SSMS tes ara bac raion 32 04 
28 oo i fe SSR fete? OE Cee en a 83 00 
* ss = a ein cuca cla CREE RRO 83 00 
= cn F Ae Ga yy eae ced he keg 7 85 
iM ne REET CS coe roo 9 20 
‘ ce ss eS I) SP ee eae 411 34 
Morell syshcp aes gots: ate eave yee AAR os ces Sew 3! 55 28a Se Re ee ree $7,234 48 

Wm. P. MORTON, Secretary. 
Dee. 31, 1904. 





Your commission has purchased and, with the assistance of fisher- 
men who are interested in the preservation of this species of game 
fish, has distributed very generally throughout the State 40,000 
yearling trout, viz.: in Hope Valley, Beaver River, Barboursville, 
East and West Greenwich, Exeter, Foster, Runnins River, North 
and South Kingstown, Natick, Usquepaugh, Brek Heart Brook, as 
well as through all the northern part of the State, and at Newport. 
The fishing has been quite equal to that of last year. We are in- 
formed that in some instances this line of fishing is followed for the 

market. In some states this is prohibited. 

Black Bass. 

We received from the Department of Commerce and Labor, 
Bureau of Fisheries, 400 small-mouth and 500 large-mouth black 
bass; these were placed in Fenners, Quidnick, and other ponds. 
This is the first consignment the Bureau of Fisheries has been able to 
send us, but in the future it is expected that we may receive for dis- 

tribution larger numbers. 

Your commission received from the Bureau of Fisheries a car- 

load of shad fry. Three millions of these were distributed as follows: 

Palmer Riviersab shad! factoryn.a- 4... te cece ere meee 1,050,000 
RAIMA SWRI VOT cise tousiisyiy aoe 3.6!) a sysydoeit bie, Gro oaeeee ieee aOR otter 950,000 
RAN UUERCE SET CLs te ica ca ccdaieed asd cet dats the ele gt on ae ee RE 800,000 

Oaks and Beach Cove............. Lat a a 200,000 



The catches at Warren and Runnins rivers have shown very satis- 
factory results; at the Pawtuxet Falls many fine fish have been 

Bay Fishing. 

The early fishing for tautog was good, and the fish averaged larger 
than last year. Squiteague were not as plentiful as last year. Sum- 

mer fishing for scup in the upper waters of the Bay was very good. 


Il. Tse CouuecTIon oF DATA AND Statistics RELATING TO THE 


The tables here submitted, made up from data derived from the 
books of the transportation company, show the yearly variation in 
shipments, but do not pretend to give the total amount of fish caught. 
It is extremely difficult to get complete statistics of the State without 
depending upon estimates or guesses. An estimate of the catch of 
lobsters in the waters of the State has been made up by our deputies 

and is submitted. 

Table of Fish, Lobsters, Etc., Shipped From Newport During the Last 19 Years by 
Regular Transportation Lines Out of the State. 

No. of 
Barrels Barrels Barrels Barrels Barrels No. of Horse- 
Year. Fish. Lobsters. Fels. Crabs. Sturgeon. Sword-fish. mackerel. 
VSB 7ecu. 02 16657 834 é 
SSS eee. 15,033 L6H 
TSS Oe e. 19,306 2,047 
1900 Fee 8,933 2,650 
SSO Resse meae 18,032 2,204 
139 Dees 26,832 2,123 
SG Secs. 24,452 1,399 
SOA ers: 17,769 2,392 
Its aera oe 24,622 2,119 a oe Ss ida 
US8056 o a5 20,425 1,728 By Fy. ay 143 
IS fess taser 25,098 2,039 se a oe 45 
SOR Toren a 34,065 1,163 oe at os 74 
SOO Fone ue 34,917 4,143 ie 56 ae 162 
G00 ee: 38,184 4,793 zits as = 166 
(90Is5,.2.. 50,500 4,393 {Oe - 21 
1902 sao! 53,986 4,342 ope 1 ne 179 viens 
LOOS sass: 54,384 1,474 sis 84 11 164 79 
1904.20... 62,106 1,921 18 ina aie 554 336 

Total... 545,301 42,925 18 85 11 1,508 415 


Table Showing Number of Barrels of Fish and Shell-Fish Shipped From Newport 
by Regular Lines During the Year 1904. 

Fish. | Lobster.| Crabs. |, Horse] Sword- | reis, | Clams. 

JanUaAryeess= ss... L498 224 a aa | oa 
February......./.. 923 183 a a Aen 
Marchi@mren etc. 02 234 241 
PANO tere eae dararias. 4 485 230 
Wei ire eee hs ale hie 17,086 397 5 5 15 
June 18,783 327 25 130 160 | 3 
JU aters cet cick teks 5,993 268 10; 119 300 a 
AMPUSt...0-.c.<-.-]| 7,240 4 4 40 47 5 Ab 
September.........| 5,768 5 1 31 9 a 2 
Octobemna. so: 2,342 9 op 9 DS 5 1 
November......... 793 8 2 1 2 
December.>...2 2: 961 30 

Motalberer.. so24.5 62,106 | 1,921 45 336 554 18 8 

Estimate oj the Number of Pounds of Lobsters Caught in Rhode Island Waters for 
the Season of 1904. 

Fish markets. Pounds. 
Lancaster, BDO jase ae Roe oe enc Ae 5,000 
Lawton, Sy Styl Mee ra ree: deed, Fg 6,000 
Toliefson Dewitt, SG is een poarch Eat AK, Me 10,000 
Wyatt, Mote che ey 9,000 
Ash, al Ae tet Rie Nat SR. bie 15,000 
Carey, OOM Cw ary ema OTe Le eRe ose 12,000 
Smith, Spence Nit Ch 1d here hae Pa eet a ae 9,500 
Crowly, ty ae SUBS sats Nearest Sea ¥ ¢ 500 
Ring, "hs Ley SCRE RM) Sek AMS ko Sek 800 
Easterbrooks, SME A Sia set isc. 2 sO a en RR 5,000 
» C. B. Anderson, ST ct te IRS, RA cnc, ka 34,074 
H. McGinn, ay citer 02) ERROR cos 113,430 
Restaurants, la cat 52 eae pee eae iy 6,700 


: | 

pail” LOAN ene tpsnt hn tan Pal Ls La 150,000 

Narragansett Pier, | 
RE OL erent tcichs's. < Shpekd ROR PMOM LENS oe io clan aoe os tee 376,994(=1,885 barrels.) 


The number of boats engaged in lobster fishing in this State are: 

State. Sail boats. Row boats. Pots. 
INGwHaOkiermeter et y= a nicic nro tus Or ee eee 36 35 5,000 
NGTTAS ASE Ubmers eye « shaver « o.g)eus aievei ale) ole 9 Hore settee teen 3 3 400 
SAME SESLOWINSe tt ns facilis 2 nee rae eaeierertnane il 2 150 
AISOMIMG tea Mise Ailes thes ciara 3 tars cate eee 1 5 250 
HU ASURERIVCE: Sette tO) eis eh aelencoctees 2 ciuet AT SEE ATR 3 0 185 
Wisner teh eter econo ie eee Lae ee 2 0 180 
GEC GTBEL ER tas ho ts he ee Sy aaa pee 0 1 70 
Wis bella se x cs ovecd neo ave ce es. ast Oe eee 1 4 400 
Block mMsland «1; sgars.s,s, -72-a kia epee oe see Pes ec: ) 1,200 
ATES TOW ees < Elsi enc. wc feud eve teg Sioned eto a ohne eke 10) 3 100 

55 53 7,935 

April 14, at Long Wharf, Newport, there was a large fleet of lob- 
ster boats awaiting the end of close time. This fleet included 1 
launch, 3 sloop-rigged, 28 cat-boats, and 26 skiffs. These were sup- 
plied with 541 lobster pots. 

Lobsters Received From Nova Scotia From December 17, 1903, to June 30, 1904. 

Packages. Pounds. Shorts. Egg Lobsters. 
December as eet pone 254 44,450 470 
Janay esas cae ee eae ae oe 414 72,450 1,585 
a BH) ORG UEZINY/ 2h ene ROOM RC eo 273 47,765 903 
16h LETTE) Oss ake PS eee Ry SRR 374 65,450 1,097 ay 
PANO TUR Mee om caet ghikiin Seniesa ae 390 68,250 383 28 
1 UI es eae Ce ee 292 51,100 29 40 
SUE Re tele eter chose hth lows 212 37,100 110 48 

Total from December 17, 1903 to July 1, 1904, 2,209 packages; 386,575 
pounds; 4,577 shorts; 116 egg. 

The short lobsters and egg lobsters imported from Nova Scotia 
were handed over to the deputies and liberated in Rhode Island 

The important industry of trap fishing is growing steadily, as will 

be seen by the statistics of the next chapter. In Narragansett Bay, 


from Warren and Fall River to Newport and Sakonnet, and outside 
the mouth of the Bay, the number of traps has been nearly doubled 
in the last seven years. At Block Island the statistics have not been 
taken until the past year. The trap fishing commences in the spring 
as early as the traps can be set, and continues until late in the fall. 
The winter flounder, haddock, shad, scup, squiteague, tautog, blue 
fish, mackerel, and cod are all of great importance. Butter fish, 
bonitos, sea bass, sturgeon, and many other species are caught also 
in considerable numbers. During the past season an unusual num- 
ber of sword fish have been caught. (See tables.) The season for 
these fish begins near the first of July, when the fish are moving north- 
ward, and ends in September or October, when the southward mi- 
eration is in progress. 

The trap fishermen report that for two years the squiteague have 
been unusually searce in the traps inside the mouth of the Bay, and 
that, while in 1903 the northeasterly winds may have prevented their 
entering, this cause could not be assigned for the scarcity in 1904. 
Many complaints have been made by fishermen of the heavy target 
practice, on the ground that it has an unfavorable influence on the 
migration of fishes. This question is, of course, a serious one, but 
one not easy to solve without more definite data. During the past 
season the fish seem, in some instances, to have changed their cus- 
tomary routes of travel and to have been abundant where they are 
usually scarce and vice versa. 

The increasing number of spiny dog-fish has been noticed in the last 
few years. These fish are a serious menace to the cod fishing, the 
trap fishing, and the lobster fishing. 

It seems reasonable to suppose that there are causes or conditions 
which determine these remarkable changes in the movement of 
fishes and the sudden or gradual increase or decrease of the abund- 
ance of certain species in certain places. Could we know what these 
conditions are, even if we could not in any measure control them, we 
might predict the movement in such a way as to take advantage of 

them. A knowledge, for example, of the causes or conditions which 



made the fish abundant in the “eastern passage’ rather than in the 
‘““western passage’’ as is usual, would mean many thousands of dol- 
lars to the fishermen. 

It is with this general point of view that the northern countries of 
Europe have combined their forces and have instituted a thorough 
systematic survey of all the fishing waters from the English Channel 
to the Baltic, going over all the territory at regular intervals and 
systematically recording all obtainable conditions, physical and 

The death of great quantities of menhaden early in June, in the 
upper portion of the Bay, occasioned considerable concern in the 
public mind as well as among the fishermen. At Pawtuxet and in 
various other places the dead fish upon the shore were so numerous 
that it became necessary to remove them by cartloads. Throughout 
the whole Bay, but more particularly in the head waters, the dying 
fish were to be seen at the surface swimming in circles on their sides 
or backs, leaping out of the water, and acting in all respects as though 

they were “crazy.” 

The blood vessels were often seen to be congested 
in the region of the gills, eyes, brain, and head generally. On micro- 
scopical examination, the blood showed a great quantity of bacteria 
which were taken to be the cause of the disease. Cultures were made 
of these bacteria by Dr. C. A. Fuller and Mr. H. L. Madison, and 
many inoculations were made in apparently healthy fish. Many 
of the latter died, but usually without going through the mad stage 
characteristic of the disease. The death is apparently due to a bac- 
terial disease. It is not difficult to imagine how the fish may contract 
it in our much polluted head waters, for they gather their food by 
straining the water through the gill rakers. But it is not so easy to 
see how the fish in the lower part of the Bay, where the water is pure, 
could contract the disease. Captain Rollin Mason, of Wickford, an 
experienced menhaden fisherman, has given us some information 
which throws light upon this difficulty. Mr. Mason says, and this 
has often been observed, that the menhaden die in this way in the 

head waters of nearly every estuary which is polluted by the wastes 



of a large city. They were especially abundant, and therefore es- 
pecially noticeable, last year at the head of our Bay. They move 
more rapidly than is generally supposed, and it would not be unusual 
for them to go from Providence to Newport in a very few days. 
Outside the Bay, in the schools of menhaden caught “off shore,” 
the disease has never been observed. 

As a tentative explanation of the phenomenon, we would suggest 
the following: 

The fish contract the disease in the polluted water near our 
cities. Their lability to the disease is greater than that of any other 
fish, because of their habit of feeding. In many instances, while the 
disease is incubating, they swim unnoticed many miles away toward 
deeper water; then, when the disease is developed, they suddenly 
appear at the surface. The phenomenon is lable to occur in any 
year, but will become obnoxious only when the fish are unusually 
abundant near the cities. The very prevalent opinion that the fish 
die because of a worm in the head is probably not valid. Worm-like 
parasitic copepods (degenerated crustacea) occur in menhaden very 
commonly, in those which are healthy and are taken in the schools off 

shore as well as in the sick ones in the estuaries. 




For seven years (since 1898) the commission has been annually 
collecting data in regard to the location and ownership of the numer- 
ous fish-traps which are set each year along the shores of Narragansett 
Bay and immediately off its entrances. This year the field has been 
extended so as to include the region of Block Island, which is by no 
means an unimportant factor in Rhode Island fisheries. 

The table shows a steady increase in the number of traps set. This 
is especially noticeable in the Sakonnet river and the off shore traps. 
These latter have not only increased in number, but have been set 
further and further off shore, and the catch has warranted still fur- 
ther extension in coming years. 

The location of the traps is shown in the two accompanying charts. 

SINCE 1898. 

The following arbitrary divisions have been made for sake of con- 

I. Providence River.—South to a line joining Warwick Point and - 
Popasquash Point. 

Il. Greenwich Bay.—South of Providence river division in west 
passage to a line drawn east and west touching southern part of Hope 

Ill. West Passage. 

region to a line drawn due west from Beaver Tail and west of line 

The west passage south of Greenwich Bay 

connecting the east end of Greenwich Bay boundary and North 
IV. Mount Hope Bay.—North of railroad bridge, Tiverton, and a 

line connecting Bristol Ferry and Muscle Shoal Light. 
Q . oD 


V. Hast Passage.—South of Providence and Mount Hope Bay 
division and north of a line from Beaver Tail to Brenton’s Point. 

VI. Sakonnet River.—The Sakonnet river south of railroad bridge 
to line connecting Flint Point and the breakwater. 

VII. Off Shore.—Traps south of above divisions and not including 
Block Island. 

VIII. Block [stand.— 

East Mount 
Providence Green- West Hope Sakonnet East Off Block 
Year, River. wich. Passage. Bay. River. Passage. Shore. Island. Total. 
SOS sie: 4 6 26 9 34 15 25 ae 119 
NSO Orel. 3 10 23 11 35 15 24 ae 121 
SOO 4 16 24 16 34 12 29 sae 135 
1901..... 7 15 24 13 52 14 26 Mey 
TOO 2 ee 6 22 27 13 52. 14 27 ae 161 
1903..... 7 21 32 13 72 16 30 Bs 195 
WSO coe 6 27 33 7 78 14 49 6 220 
Ojf-Shore Traps. 
sEsiarectnrebiacian WV) (QO) 803 cha oer e ete ies 2-2 ein ee ed eee Seal Ledge. 
Brrohiimiam, Woke. , o>. came ee are Below Bull Rock. 
HS Tole Unrest aM ws NV /seee ee. 9c ess eee eee gio ta Below Cormorant Co. 
TOmuie be AneSs..3 4: 2-<. 5A mmenners a Gus nate egentd ateya Lower Pier. 
Ernonnel le Ja mecis «.) 2,00 a) eR eLek ee etl aed Coggeshall’s Ledge. 
Rowe TATIeS 40.05. ace ers wot ine 8 Coggeshall’s Ledge. 
rovgnelln james... : .\:\3 sh apps ae a. ct ore ry oS Elisha’s Ledge. 
@riert pe Gcex(OWO), os 5 ic Aone he ae yee ee Oe nd Spouting Rock. 
(CUANUE Ga Te ig 2 ae SPRUE, <7<1 Ose Ee ee eR Lower Pier. 
CS USADTEATG] ste 74 SCOR neg PROC OD er e °os 0015, a ag Coggeshall’s Ledge. 
RODD ale cet i ssa eee Ren cp ed whee oe Coggeshall’s Ledge. 
(CUNT Ca) ee) oe Sea ee Coggeshall’s Ledge. 
COLONST ACESS a ae am i CE eo ee Cormorant Rock. 

* The ciphers indicate the number of traps set in line on one string of leaders. 


Basterprooks <©(O00))o. .022. sti. kets) ty eee ee Price’s Neck. 
BSWERPeSR@ Oe) oe eu eee car ibeiei scale od site ov ee, eee eR ake Seal Ledge. 
Fishemes:Gor (OOOO) 2.055 2+ -c:s »bahaeeee  ee Sakonnet Light. 
Garrat AV LOM s.. foie ys) si0:'e onde io eae a eee eee Narrow River. 
Gem ey TAY ea 2) pte iel valued epee ners South Cormorant Rock. 
Gmiare RGA, 3... 5 s/s: eoe wits lo ean sien teeeoraeye Sele Sakonnet Light. 
TG Cee Gr WEL sso icic a: -. sa busts «peg Bereta eet eee eer South Breakwater. 
Macomber & SIMMONS . 204-7 eee eee Below Coggeshall’s Ledge. 
Provagence Mish Cos: 40: ceplee ce irs hae South Cormorant Rock. 
Providence; Bish: Co... 2.2 abel. seins cron slat cs Sakonnet Light. 
PROSEAEUN Gs hue 2 Wht cote, ieee eres ere Lae eee Below Cormorant Rock. 
INOSE MANNE: oh aia ea Cec eiet cnn tt eee net ed: Below Coggeshall’s Ledge. 
Ose Ge One! «ater, seca eee ie a ee er tae South Cormorant Rock. 
Riese: (Geen (00) aah ene ions sci he ence oar North Sakonnet Light. 
Sakcommet: On Sher CO meee eke se pistol es een are ite eee Below Pier. 
Sakonnet Oyster Co hecs a2 20). ite en a eire eeee Below Pier. 
Sakonnet Oyster Co........ ie pak ooh eas Be Below Cormorant Rock. 
Sakonnet Oyster Coss yavs sic. ohiaspce rise eee Below Seal Rock. 
Waits, SB yncia Race cobs, ap bactngs often fa 4 Sn ie ce ee eee Breakwater 
WillcoxecEl. (OO) > acc ct mceey ciate eieeenoniers: East Cormorant Rock. 
Wilcox HH: 4(00)).. cers Fo ee ona Ake ee South Cormorant Rock. 
Anderson’ Gu (Bie o's 5 sy ea ae OS Se eee ae Coddington Cove. 
MGeTSOTIEr (2 Wit 2\..'ahaia! oc) Len aiehags 2: ses eae Coddington Cove. 
Bra vaso Gre (O00) osc... OS eine cron aee arememer North Prudence Park. 
Brrawon Gris 8! es a8 os. Oe a a Se ee Pine Hill Point. 
PuipembervGeOrges..i i300.) Vea : ocean meee Ragged Limb Ledge. 
@ammenneny GeOrgse ss. .\..2:.!2'2)7 we ne eee eee South Ferry. 
Ci fovulie (ay roel Opals 2 Aus Cee arrearage West Shore, Greenwich Bay. 
Corey, Ed. (0000) ............Lower West Shore, Sakonnet River. 
(Sinelemmiicl er ee nies scat sacs wines Sd ila dt lee ea Church’s Cove. 
Coreyace Marcint (OO) Rieti sal. cn bs ok eee High Hill Point. 

OCordyace MATHS Tol Sats ceee sit eh woe 2 othe nee arenas High Hill Point. 


Comer ca Mantini a4. cata datee we a4 5 ee ea South High Hill Point. 
Coreynom bart, (OOM aera esi abersrers, 5, hcl elev ers North Brown’s Point. 
Crmeng cae Martin (OOOO) seas ae neeteu tere asialchs ote ewan oe Brown Point. 
Core caviartu (OO). 2c sst ae anaes oes North Church's Pom 
Corey ceetantim (OO) a... 2. Ske aeriacies. ss ae North Church’s Point. 
COROT che SS oP ae a ger re West Popasquash Neck. 
WGrereR TS yee cs Seats aim tn vic oe oes West Popasquash Neck. 
CO etre WPS s Nl ois 62, 2s 5.2 asec eye West Popasquash Neck. 
Were PG Sepa eae gtene aero, oss. = +. ,51 ener ee Mount Hope Point. 
opie: (WOO) es emeres kos Central East Sakonnet River. 
Coirnte lan Vereen tye ee ea tae. 8) 2S os Bae wea North Tiverton. 
APonemrelPMVVinae tac od. Um s Pos. SNe Gar ag North Tiverton. 
JECT OGIE. COG cee eee ae ob ce) eae gS Pe South Portsmouth. 
Bishr sO limbo! 35... 4 dee eee ss de. Yam ees: ao North Livertonr 
AEais Laem @ tra ty Ohh ear 274 » 4A fat Speed Poco gs) slurs uct as North Tiverton. 
chen @limbGoms(OU):2 2’. 1.t.saeemeeiae baal. hes seo eee McCurry’s Point. 
<Gileccnian se Avrsl. (OO): 2.5) 2 ee gapepey et era etiacs cee, Bon ope Castle Hill, South. 
rovaroros.< (00). 452.22 isis Sacre ye see aa North Wood’s Castle. 
Craybros (00)... ..2. 2.2 ..enteeaaceees ~~. Northy Wood’s Castle: 
Gye warose (O00): 26. 4¢5c.05 aeapeeyens ee ale West Shore, Sakonnet River. 
AGRI MMM OS Oop atest ay 263, dz oF GRR ER RN aaE De Oe Gas South Black Point. 
Grayeibros: (0000)... 2. ..2< bebe ace Be ce West Prudence Island. 
ince nose (OO) oir. 2;.) « . sx + eae stone Nee amen eds Despair Island. 
Harvey, Charles..........South Coal Mines, West Shore Rhode Island. 
HeleerEenry) (O00)... 2022252. 4.. 5: West Shore, Sakonnet River. 
CMM en LE MBY a'2<. <.s, +.) dy pee eae West Shore, Sakonnet River. 
Metis ese Os Conyac F 3es a,c, 316 Be sus RE ee Poe acto aie me a Castle Hill, South. 
Metin etal as rs ve PS -aicce lace nd ree eee Watson’s Pier Calf’s Pasture Point. 
BPA Gh Wie ec asa ign le eae Watson’s Pier, Calf’s Pasture Point. 
ieee cee eNO LG: (OO) ions ene eet atts eho ae loa ake Taylor’s Point. 
0) ON 0NS: 090 creer ERE Pree ee Sinker Rock. 
Kaine; Charles (OO). 5 2 qa04 sce ss. MeCutrey’s Poimt: 
Heimers Ghramlesta estes. steeper mratar three ig. aw A alacdt et 3 Fogland Point. 

TGmOver A Clans (Se BRAIN eae ot ne ee ot ee aa Fogland Point. 


Dale Air N@TGITH ste ehiaVeun oa 's! setae. ie. aaa eee Hull’s Ledge. 
Tigivemcge MORENO HTS Ee... 2 ty. 2. tose ee we ie ee ee nee Conanicut. 
aleravaNornnup (OO) c=: <<< ¢ 2» aay Sie eae eee Quonset Point. 
Walser NOrUMIO! e 65. a oc ch scadensins tare 2k ae ae Clark’s Point. 
ianwapene Lie hha Us oe ous SS ae Bere Ae 6 ere Mackerel Cove. 
Weir Ot MSP hie. 8.6 ka pe eeu wane ee Rien Ue bua Mackerel Cove. 
Desig VOL Ae, al re a Amie oe Decree rye heal Ata & : Mackerel Cove. 
Mane bome (OO). sf/3. ot eiteme eh ieieeie ko otie EEE eee Brenton’s Cove. 
Bewastlsrauhers :0s.): 28 REAM Eek OME Ge Beanie ek neat aee Scragg Rock. 
Hewasmrothers:! (5 ack SAP eee Oe ee eee Ce ee Scragg Rock. 
We wistbrounens 05 2's. i6.45 55 omen e cleboean ae eeee North Old Ferry. 
Ise wast Ss rOUHCTSS . bina ee akon SG by teaser als) Siem nee Packard’s Rocks. 
Lewisebrothers (OM) 2:2 oe .ce sents Vasko eee Wild Goose Point. 
hewist Brothers) ci) atinerd a ciea Gee ens aed ate eee West Vial’s Creek. 
Lewis Brothersi.: 004 an ae MR SCA 8 Dutch Island Harbor. 
Wewish Brot Hers #2, <.ces itsereve crore caste icaed-e North Dutch Island Harbor. 
ne wistBrOvhens {4.8% Phi. qiereecd Ee coaeehe ee tees Sandy Point. 
Mewis MO rOtnens 2c Bela oie. aie cee eet ho eee eee Fowler Rocks. 
henynss mV Vall (OOO) ebts & Saat ican hase sand -. North Brown’s Point. 
Be wise allt Oe e eae en Ce Wes desta North Brown’s Point. 
Tore OSES 0a as AS Mae AG hE a a sg aie eee Buttonwoods. 
 Asorenzentslis (OD) gh.hton nei Reman <4 coer eee North Pine Hill Point. 
morenwent HEEMOO) . sd se antes ete ete Oe eee eek Gooseberry Island. 
Madison Peter .4./7 0.05, See Lee eee Buttonwoods. 
MMiadigomabetber ®:..24 oy ky OR eee aire teehee South Pojac Point. 
Manchester (AY (00) 3.55). 8 ee vet eur eee Yorth Sandy Point. 
Mier mes tenns vA si. 6. y cake rol ee ie be Ree North Sandy Point. 
Digmcdes tert ean ans lh. CaS. LESNAR Sg ae Come eee eee Quonset Point. 
Mirnehester woe.) 0). \ ea Ata de eee Vial’s Creek. 
MV eT Cee he 05 a8 a Par cate BOWE roche he en ne oR ee Fox Hill. 
ys ucsst oho lgl Ohne Say aan an ee OR Sut On ySh e k Ulee of *. So Conanicut. 
jt Chol its Liat Oi tee en pA ee EE ACL OPS North Prudence Park. 
Ayo) 5] 0115) YE cece (010) en RO Me ren ee Re ON Chippanogsett. 
INERT) aber COON ie acta vel etna teed wl avedatere devote takes ele ea Austin’s Hollow. 



Ie [GU sel oT}, Zoe Oreos CRP) 6 fe Co GAO eas Ben enw Austin’s Hollow. 
IS cietr aD Oe @ 10,20 Ad eae ae ean hee Pennant C—South High Hill. 
INoEumUp ae COR. 8.32.24 t6 eae Providence Fish Co., Wood’s Castle. 
igs (ce. 1 ele Lee ae Pee eS Foy 0 Be Warwick Neck. 
agen Georeei.. 2... cee es ota fee Upper East Shore, Sakonnet River. 
Rose, George (00)...< . 224. 5.c02- Upper East Shore, Sakonnet River. 
HVOS EMC OROC SiS fiir sich «cs cu sia. cae encom reo North Breakwater. 
LEGGE WE Gh: OMe ae nay eee er Upper East Shore, Sakonnet River. 
OSes easels: + ala-4; die aiden Sonor ae eR South Stone Bridge. 
Fuchs Cop eitidie fete ee, beset Ai A cae oe Upper East Shore, Sakonnet River. 
rage w manne (OO) ore 2 < ac p-hets oo uae one North Sapowet Point. 
ENO SCM OOM En al ities oan oka 3 Gin Oe, 2 tet, dere South Sapowet Point. 
SUNS] OREO ofa (00) eer ets OS oO RE ERMA North Point. 
SNC TOAIRO MMe Me erecta 1. hes on eth aah Galle, bo eso ee ay ee North Point. 
SOU ROSe ana a er nated ke Sols Salts 5 aisle ae North Point. 
ROE DRO Gr eetaraiec 5 Ld cpecahae toGkal Pane tel «apie, 3 5. E. Point, Prudence. 
SOU LOS eres ajc ayia aha, Ue epee os S. W. Point, Prudence. 
SAMUI RO Giada baer fos. o s0)-«, Shh MOET me ee .East Shore, Conanicut. 
S10 Te I ae Sek re a ee cee McCurry’s Point. 
STOITTL CE SST 9 ee 2 A Dutch Island Harbor. 
SS] U2 Ea eA dP Fox Hill, North. 
NEMS ST8. cl PEP oN i eo. oR North Tiverton. 
UKE) ove 7H [Reale nC aS «8 North Tiverton. 
LEGSIT Sa abt] Bits: cle ae PR <n ee naan ee ae Retire Corey Wharf. 
Pesallnaneymns ane, eet. '.,s) VS Agta elie eS chee a aya oes South Black Point. 
‘| NGIUNGLSY eS ean ars eee me 6:7, Ae a gee era e Saunderstown. 
PNET COC Ee eens esc, za See NS et oe yp a Sap eee ee Beaver Head. 
AIG UCC) Mera es Ons ack, 0 2 ORY i oeteec esa South Saunderstown. 
VOCE SENN el beeca, x. 5). Sree) aU PRMENORE 2 Gi cek hoe Sc leas South Prudence Island. 
“UTTER 21) ae OR OR Flint Point. 
UU CESS I 5) 20 ed Flint Point. 
Wialcoscauttin ((00)),.2%.) 00 eee ae ce eae S South High Hill Point. 
AWitlic Gx RMT 2 uy. es Moneta) stank AC he clea tt Church’s Cove. 

EV Vaile exe. Telia ee) cA vant neo Lower East Shore, Sakonnet River. 


Walscnie WWien(O00) eee eos. ss 24 sete ee See Sandy Point. 
Works oumye WW se OO). soo oy: aweks)« «c's <> Ge Slee ene Vorth Black Point. 
WillbommWieeioe tye 8. alle 6d oe wey ie South Black Point. 
WHISOTRWiker eee Ss ee bass so > Sone Sandy Point. 
Walsame Al (000). 220.4. 2. 24 way eyepeeteiole North Calf’s Pasture Point. 
Wilson Aly. figs wane nig eng ake ® Sra tye ear Pojae. 
WialkS Ome MW aao$ on: .5604,5 2.5 oe 8 2 tel one North Black Point. 


er @ wind 



“YOGI 40) sdeay ysiy yo uo1e907 243 Sumoys 



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IN 1898. 

The plan of these investigations and the reason for undertaking 
them are set forth in the last report. Considerable information was 

added last season to that already at hand. 



The expeditions made in the latter part of the summer revealed 
a large set of clams. A few places, such as a portion of Green’s 
Island and a portion of Old Buttonwoods, where a phenomenal set has 
occurred in previous years, did not possess even an ordinary set. 
With these few exceptions the shores were very thickly set with 
clams. Upon the shore of Cornelius Island, Wickford, one sample 
area produced 386 clams per square foot. In another area, a little 
distance away, the set was so thick that little clams were crowded 
out of the ground as they grew larger, because of actual lack of space, 
and lay in windrows upon the shore. On August 12th one square 
foot in this area was carefully marked out upon the shore, care being 
taken to select an average spot, the soil was removed to a depth of 
two inches, and the clams in it were carefully counted. From this 
amount of earth 4,264 clams were obtained. Later in the season, on 
September 7th, an area of eight square yards was dug up and the 
clams carefully sifted out. From this area 48 quarts of clams were 
obtained, or a pint and a half from every square foot. 

The following table gives brief comments on the character of the 
set in several localities. 

Location of Clam Grounds. 

Set of 1904: Visited August—September, 1904. 

Gommellws mislead es ie es lly tone eis Mn et gd nanan tee te Thickly set. 
Cormeliusiistand:: Ss W. Pomits! 20 See anlar Extremely thick. 
MGIC over AWC KEORG iii. cohen 'o alia is © cachet rie aha ea anal Good set. 
MiMCoveSomtinemOres <0 e722... «chats oh ogatereatneee te mens Very good set. 
MillsGove ;Wedt Shoe 2 oils. ss as hs bie nee eer Fair set. 

Mall Coves Niort SHOre er ciei. aie at oc 3-9, 0, « Sie etree Good set. 



EMEA ELE TIVE CO;V," WIC KMONC aseew eis bye eh sos Sop oe Extremely thick. 
Willase Gove. Wickiordi:.cgs eases). oak se veld Rawle eee eee Good set. 
RESINS OVE WiICKLOrd fg tp ser) oy see) ATA Sele btided Good set. 
SUE lef 030 A Ne we ca eS Good set. 
Vs SAC EOC Ker ricys 2h hdc Wena Qs RM reek ae = ous 2 OA a aps Good set. 
Opiate rom, ast and) Wiest meee: Giec <t sis sista eae om Good set. 
Wold eS prinio SMOKE |. rnasr rey MER Sos ois ort rath ae Fair set. 
OC Ka ONC cts 2 ci 2hs cs ae ER MMe a seo cz, as, aah tuehhatioks Good set. 
Little’ Tree Point to Scragg Rock............ Occasional good sets. 
Quonses Pont, Greenwich: Bay... acti e..6+)ds2ce6s sas. Good set. 
POGUE WOOUSHOINOLG. = ane ey okt eetae ey eeiae, oj o-oho)c) ee @ ie tans Poor set. 
RGEC TOG Sits LANG yo) a ete Cee ey PES eae) ence id Guess ert he No set. 
TERRA 0100-43) Ae SRA asa ae Pe Good set. 
SMC Sy OUI S a2 sic Sel eRe SS MOTION, iecyer terete ote, Very good set. 
RRS GLE VVESE:. . . cays Me, eoeeienes sities aes. cere Ute es hots Poor set. 
COOL CU TE VVIESUS, 1... c.4 RA enne a Rear Da alte ce th cone Ee Good set. 
EEE TEC So NW CS, 2 sacs << Eee eaters een aera eet stiaey Starla i a a Good set. 
iGiekemuite West Bend..2. ae. wee tee one tae Very good set. 
Peele nmin welse whETC....2)5)2 aicenetteae ata ie = clerane soos Meagre set. 

BEC me mt WOW Ci i, bs ae eat SEM aay eoraneee. te ereuat! Good set. 




In the report for 1903, under this heading, a resume of the work up 
to that date was given. During the past year few new experiments 
were tried, but some of the old experiments on the rate of growth 
were continued, some observations on the growth of the newly set 
clams were recorded, and a large number of clams were transplanted 
from Cornelius Island, Wickford, where they were too thickly set to 
live, to other localities. 

Continuation of Old Experiments on Growth.—Experiment No. 8, 
recorded on page 59 of last year’s report, has been continued. This 
experiment consisted in transplanting a number of clams of various 
sizes and watching their growth. Each individual was marked with 
a notch on the shell which gave a permanent record of its original 
size. The specimens were divided into classes, according to the year 
in which they set. The experiment commenced on February 20, 

The results are tabulated below. 

(The age of the “very old”’ clams is unknown. They were dug, at 
the low winter tides, far out from the usual low water lines.) 

Set or 1902. Ser or 1901. Very Op CLams. 

OF ao & me 

$éa 28 £$ 

OBSERVATION. mm. | inches. A ey, mm. | inches. A £ mm. | inches. ist 

oog og og 

SS Che ou 

Ay As Ao 

Feb. 20, 1903...) 25 1 bio, ve | BOZOO! abe als peel eeon 44 

July 6, 1903...) 40 Vas 60 | 65.00] 24% 10 | 106.0) 4% 0.0 
Aug. 10, 19038...| 43 12 72 | 68.00) 27% 5s) 106.0) 42 0.0 
Sept. 10, 1903... 47 1% 88 | 70.00} 22 18 106.0} 44 0.0 
Oct. 20,1903...) 61 | 23 | 144 | 71.80] 238 | 21 | 106.3] 4% | 0.3 
Jan. 2,1905...| 65 | 275 | 160 | 80.40} 34 36.4] 110.5] 41% 3.7 


The fact which this experiment brings out clearly is that the pro- 
portionate growth becomes less rapid as the clams get older and 
larger. The 1902 set (nine months old at the beginning of the ex- 
periment) have gained 160 per cent. of their length, while those a 
year older gained, under the same conditions, 36.4 per cent. of their 
length, and those very old clams have scarcely increased at all, gain- 
ing only 3.7 per cent. 

In the same experiment some of the clams were divided into groups 
according to size, disregarding the age. The average increase in 
sample specimens of these six different groups on several dates are 

given in the following table: 


Fes. 20, Fes. 20, 
1903. Juty 6, 1903. 1903. Auvucust 10, 1903. 
Average i Average 
original Average size. original Average size. 
size. size. 
mm. mm. | inches. | mm. mm. | inches. 
Overnsunehess..4..5-..2.. 76.0 78.6 3t %020 79.6 } 
Between 23 and 3 inches....| 66.0 | 70.2 Qe OeOn | eal 2% 
Between 2 and 24 inches....| 54.0 | 60.0 23 57.2 | 66.0 22 
Between 14 and 2 inches....| 45.0 | 58.0 275 | 43.2 | 60.8 23 
Between 1 and 14 inches....| 30.2 47.2 1¢ 29.4 48.5 1¢ 
Between 4 and 1inch...... 21.1 35.0 12 21.2 37.2 14 


Berne Saereus 10, eeeaae! OcroBER 20, 1903. 
Average 4 Average 
original Average size. original Average size. 
size. $1zZe. 
mm. mm. inches. mm. mm. | inches. 
Over ounehess......5..5-4) 7920 82.0 34 77.0 82.0 t 
Between 24 and 3 inches....| 66.8 | 73.9 278 | 68.7 | 76.5 $ 
Between 2 and 23 inches....| 53.8 | 65.0 235 | 53.2) 7026 Q5e 
Between 14 and 2 inches....| 47.7 63.6 24 | 46.6 69.0 22 
Between 1 and 14 inches....| 28.1 | 56.0 2} 28.0 | 64.8 235 
Between 4 and 1inch...... 21.8 47.0 1¢ 21.8 59.3 23 



Fes. 20, | 
1903. fd saroanrr. 2, 1905. 
| Average 9 
original Average size. 
mm. mm. inches. 
CONGGY EIST Cl sc <font Taree ed eS OUR pi TO pa so a Sis 
Bemween,2) and 3 inches:,00 fe. et. ene s ales. apa 66.0 | 76.0 | 34 
Betweent2.and 24 inchesix. 4.2), Uha: seta tele pat nee 55.8 15.3 3 
Between and. 2: imehsceaepashiccrbie che Gh. eae teapot awake 45.0 70.0 213 
Between and 141m Ghesi.5 52 eee ae sees ite 30.0 69.0 2% 
Betweencs ang Timer e i Go finn ne tle Ole acy el erctNe 21.3 | 62.0 23 

Experiment No. 9.—This past summer the clams again set abund- 
antly on the southernmost point of Cornelius Island, Wickford. On 
August 12 a square foot produced 4,264. An average plot was 
selected from which clams were secured at various intervals through- 
out the fall. The excessive crowding must, of course, be borne in 
mind in considering the following table of the average length of these 
clams at rather regular intervals. 

INTAUE R ose eos || Woe) camlen + inch........| 10 weeks. 
AUTOTIStL 2G sere eee 1A aE eee ee? BE dine etic ot cilities 
September 9.......... TOO: FOE NE cin re Ber eer, eee heer Mle peg 
September OA 1 1S 0n a et ne hel ate Wiese 
CODERS? oy. oes DONO: sivas Cel Chad. Semeecidt ersncr WL Ol eee 
WEHSb RAD Bn. lees «.c-so|) BEROIES pn cee ee ee ee ea en 
November 7 oo. se an. | Dae WS eter lara epee Meriter ta | NAO ee 
November 21......... ars i may ee ee | aL arena ROS | ae 
December 3...........| 26.0 Fare a1 Cage earebwol ee Ow oaiee 
Weepmibler Wiens causes || 20 oo. en ecco Mme anareeie Cia] NON ie 

75 to 100 used for average. 


In continuing the experiments of transplanting young clams, the 
following distribution of clam spat was made for the fall of 1904: 

eipmiomel MASS: 32... < tate ns Ree iehees he ann hes! oe eA gy ene 160 qts 
Romiudith Ponds xs ee Oe re nh ee 80 “ 
AR TOASTICK 2h os bin! SA eerie cco indi Stns Scien 1285 
IRGC TaD Td ROR. S UerihereN eRe CG cle ic c.c'd.0. ob ole clotaen eraneeacectete EO eee 288 “ 
MIRC OG hvscsasst saat Yon Borate ey eR CRA Maree 218 F lars 6 te 128) 
OLE RON VCLUT ees ine pe Aton eee A ene oe TES Ghents Ons! ch avola ana EHO R ieee 64 “ 
848 qts. 
Average number per qt. :.4/2.. <i... ae aeee see 1,500 
lotalnumber clamse+eeen acs neo eee ee ee 1,272,000 



Your commission has constantly employed two deputies, and has en- 
deavored to enforce, as far as possible, the lobster laws. While it is 
absolutely impossible to detect and punish every offence, there is 
every reason to believe that great numbers of short lobsters and egg 
lobsters have been saved through the efforts in this direction. 

From the packages of lobsters sent into the State, 4,577 short lob- 
sters and 116 egg lobsters have been taken and liberated. The fol- 
lowing persons have been fined during the year 1904 for illegal lobster 

Fines Incurred During the Year 1904. 

May 2828.22) N. Staluvrckassi i: aa. 56 a, Hf $100 
June 22.....| Providence Fish Co..... 9 Sa i 25 
August :24..2,| dels Wes Wills Suis secetane 1 9 " 50 

66 9 = $175 



The main effort of the commission in the scientific work was di- 
rected last summer to the further perfecting of the methods of lobster 
culture. Considerable changes were made in the transmission gear 
of the stirring apparatus used in hatching eggs and rearing the lob- 
sters from the first to the fourth stage. The worm gears were re- 
placed by matched gears, the universal joints were improved, and a 
new form of sliding shaft invented. Larger gears were substituted 
for the old ones where the main shafts meet the propeller shafts, ad- 
justable hangers with babbitted bearings were substituted for the 
small pillow blocks, a device for throwing out of gear each propeller 
separately was invented and put in operation, and the side floats were 
extended so as to hold four additional hatching bags. Some changes 
were made in the manner of inserting the screen windows in the bot- 
tom and sides of the bags. Allof these alterations turned out to be 
improvements and worked satisfactorily. 

One scheme intended for an improvement turned out to be a la- 
mentable failure. It was a framework of galvanized gas piping put 
together and set into the bags for the purpose of holding down the 
bottoms. When the paddles are revolving the upward current of 
water tends to lift the bottom of the bag in the middle, although it 
is, of course, held down along the edges. The framework referred to 
seemed to work admirably for the first two or three weeks. When, 
just as the first lot of young lobsters was coming into the fourth 
stage, it was observed that their numbers suddenly diminished 
with distressing rapidity inside the bags; at the same time many 
young lobsters were observed swimming around outside the bags. 
The internal framework had chafed holes in the canvas bags and these 
had escaped detection, as they were concealed by the framework 
and were several feet under the surface of the not very clear water. 
This disheartening discovery was made on the 13th of June, almost 

exactly in the middle of the hatching season. The accident dimin- 


ished the count of lobsters reared to the fourth stage by twenty or 
thirty thousand at a low estimate. The young lobsters, however, 
were not destroyed, and a large proportion of them had nearly reached 
the fourth stage when they were thus unintentionally liberated. 
The bags were immediately taken up, washed and mended, and in a 
few days were again in operation with a new lot of lobsters newly 
hatched. The old method of holding the bottom of the bags down, 
with strips of furrmg on the underside, was resorted to and the ut- 
most vigilance was thenceforth exercised. 

The result of the season’s work in rearing lobsters to the fourth 
stage was far better than ever before, and the output was many 
times greater than that of any other station as far as we are aware. 
During the next four weeks about 50,000 young lobsters in the fourth 
stage were counted out. 

In ascertaining the number of lobsters reared to this stage the 
methods of estimating are not trusted, but the lobsters are counted 
one by one as they are dipped out of the water with a tea strainer 
fastened to the end of a stick. 

The total number thus counted was 50,597. The largest number 
reported from any other station is 3,750, reared by an apparatus on 
the same principle at Wood’s Holl in 1902. It is obvious, of course, 
that the output of “lobsterlings’? might depend upon the number of 
newly hatched fry available and on the extent of the apparatus. 
Taking these things into consideration the comparison is still more 
favorable to our station, for in most, if not all, other stations the sup- 
ply of fry has been greater and the per cent. of lobsters living through 
the three moults smaller.* 

The exact proportions of newly hatched young reared to the fourth 
stage can be ascertained accurately only by counting the number at 
the beginning and at the end of the experiment. The time required 
for counting is so considerable that only in three cases were the fry 

counted at the beginning of the experiments. 

* All fry used at Wickford were taken from Rhode Island lobsters, and were hatched in the 
bags at the house boat. 


1. On June 16 and 17, 20,000 in the first stage were counted and 
placed in one bag. The “fours” began to appear in eleven days and 
all that lived reached this stage before the end of the sixteenth day. 
6,631 lobsters in the fourth stage were counted from this bag; a 
yield of 33.1 per cent. 

2. On June 16 and 17, also, 30,000 were counted into an adjacent 
bag. These promised an equally good result until near the end of the 
experiment, when the screen window was accidentally cut with a 
knife and nearly all the lobsters escaped. The final yield was only 
1,446, or 4.8 per cent. 

3. On June 29-30 and July 1, 16,599 young fry, most of them in 
the first stage, were counted into one bag. From this lot 7,343 in 
the fourth stage were counted; a yield of 44.2 per cent. 

These three experiments illustrate very well the general results of 
the season’s work, as there was no extraordinary care given them nor 
were they conducted under especially favorable conditions. 

The proportionate yield is large as compared with that of other 
stations. The largest of these reported heretofore is 6.6 per cent. ; 
Appelof, of Norway; and 21 per cent. at Wood’s Holl, where the 
Wickford apparatus was used.* 

A higher percentage has been obtained at Wickford with a smaller 
number; for example, 50 per cent. fourth stage lobsters were obtained 
from a lot of 1,000 in 1901, but in order to make the results practical 
they must be conducted on a larger scale. 

A sketch of the habits of the young lobster and an account of the 
several years’ experiments undertaken for the purpose of obtaining 
a practical method of rearing the fry through the early period of life, 
usually recognized as the critical period in which the greatest mor- 
tality occurs, were given in last year’s report. Our aim has always 
been to discover a method which should be effective and to devise 
an apparatus which should be reasonably cheap and capable of ex- 

* The 6.6 per cent. was obtained as an experiment, beginning with 1,500 fry in the second 
stage. The 21 per cent. was obtained in an experiment beginning with 3,000 (estimated) fry 
in the first stage. 


tension to a large scale of operation. These things we have accomp- 


The apparatus now used comprises a house boat between the pon- 
toons of which are three small hatching bags 6 x 6 x 4 feet, made 
of canvas; two side floats constructed of 6x6 in. spruce beams 
bolted together and buoyed by barrels, each supporting five large 
canvas rearing bags about ten or eleven feet square and four feet 
deep. Each bag has in it a two-bladed propeller, or “paddle,” re- 
volving about ten times per minute, which creates an upward 
whirling current of water strong enough to keep the fry and par- 
ticles of food suspended. The vertical shaft of each propeller is 
geared to one of three longitudinal horizontal shafts; these, in turn, 
to a transverse shaft which is belted to the two-and-one-half horse 
power gasoline engine. Each paddle shaft can be thrown out of 
gear by a lever. The transverse shafts of the somewhat movable 
floats are coupled to the one running across the house boat by a 
universal joint and sliding shaft. The latter is a square shaft in 
two pieces sliding in a sleeve which is cast in two pieces for the sake 
of economy in manufacture. A drive of 75 feet of shafting is re- 
quired to reach the farthest paddles, and the bed for the shafts is 
not, by any means, an example of modern “mill construction.” 
Indeed, the floats are constantly bending with the motion of the water, 
and also warp more orless. The shafts also are almost continually 
bending, but as they are comparatively light no trouble results from 
the lack of rigid construction and the transmission is very satisfac- 

The improvements in this phase of lobster culture, namely, that 
of hatching and rearing to the fourth stage, will, it seems to us, be 
mainly in the construction of the bags, the feeding of the lobsters, 
and the prevention of parasitic growth. The latter difficulty, how- 
ever, is not so serious at Wickford as it was at Wood’s Holl. Un- 
doubtedly the percentage of yield can be raised by experimentation 
along these lines. 

PLATE I.—Shows an adult female lobster in ‘‘ berry,” so called, or bearing the egg-clusters under the 
tail. (Photograph from life.) 

PuaTe II.—An adult lobster in the process of moulting. Itis shown in the act of pulling the largest 

part of its claw (A’) through the smallest part of the cast-off shell B; A and A’, B and B’, represent 
relative parts of claw and moult. 


PLATE III.—Showing the appearance of one of the side floats containing the bags for raising the young lobsters. 
the universal joint by means of which the power is transmitted to the shafting of the float from the house-boat. 

This plate shows, on the right, 

PuiatEe IV.—Shows the method of ‘ putting down” one of the twelve-foot lobster bags. 

PiatE V.—Shows some of the assistants working on a bag. One may be observed counting out fourth stage lobster 

the eggs from a female lobster preparatory to putting them in the hatching bags. 

s, another scraping 

2 Ate 

ae LX cr 

Pirate VI.—One of the large canvas bags in position and showing paddle. Counting out fourth stage lobster. (This picture 
is published through the courtesy of the ‘t Scientific American.” 

tar ivan 


Experiments with Lobsters in Later Stages.—We have carried out 
to a practical solution the problem which has always been considered 
the most difficult and at the same time the crucial problem of lobster 
culture, the protecting of the young lobsters through the first three 
moulting periods. Following this naturally comes the problem of 
protecting the lobsters in the later stages. The successful solution 
of the first problem has depended mainly upon knowing the habits 
and requirements of the young fry, and the solution of the next prob- 
lem must depend upon a similar acquaintance with the habits and 
requirements of the lobster in the later stages. For several years 
we have made observations on these later stages and have published 
some of the results in previous reports. 

Even after the lobsters have been reared to the fourth stage their 
future chances of life depend, in some degree, on the time, place, and 
» manner of their liberation. Thus far it has seemed best to liberate 
them in the morning, so that they may find hiding places and settle 
themselves before night falls; to select places along the shore which 
provide hiding places; and to scatter them over a considerable extent 
of territory, so they may not gather in a conspicuous swarm. 

In order to study the habits and requirements of the lobster at 
these later stages we have for several years reserved some of those 
which have reached the fourth stage and placed them in cars. Sand, 
stones, shells, and sea-weed were put into the cars to give as nearly 
as possible a natural environment, ‘They seem to thrive in the cars, 
and a good deal has been learned of their habits. They were fed 
occasionally on chopped clams, fish, and several other varieties of 
food. They are always cannibals, but tend to outgrow the bad habit. 

Three general facts were brought to ight by these experiments: 
First, at least some of the specimens reared in this way grew as fast 
as some specimens under natural conditions; for lobsters taken at_ 
Wood’s Holl in early summer were smaller than some of our speci- 
mens a year old. Now those taken at Wood’s Holl could not pos- 
sibly have been of that same season’s hatching, and consequently 
must have been hatched at least a year before. Second, the rate of 


growth varies enormously even under apparently similar conditions, 
so that the size of the lobster is no criterion of its age. Third, the 
young lobsters can withstand the cold of ordinary winters and the 
freshened water of the spring even in our comparatively shallow 
estuaries. Some of the specimens were kept over three winters in 
cars sunk in about 8 to 10 feet of water. 

In the experiments just mentioned the rate of growth varied 
greatly, even among the specimens in the same car. The records of 
these differences in the rate of growth are published in previous re- 
ports, but the following record of the growth of specimens hatched 
last summer and reared in the cars will serve to illustrate it still 

Table Showing Growth of Lobsters in Cars at House-Boat During the Swmmer of 


Car 8. Car 10. Car 14. Car 15. Car 16. 

Hatched Hatched Hatched Hatched Hatched 

6/ 17-20. 6 /17-20. 6 /29-7/1. 6/13-7/ 1. 6/ 13-20. 
Length, Nov. 17. Length, Nov. 17. Length, Nov. 17. Length, Nov. 17. Length, Nov. 17. 
70 22 70 23 AB ite 71 213 45 13 
66 27% 64 2% 36 «12 53 25 45 13 
64 2h 57 28 36 12 AS iz 43 14% 
61. 21% DD rg Bae alas AT 1% 37. xe 
60 232 AGS hae 34 lis Sy et 34. ioe 
60 23 AT 1% B20 / 36 13 34 1355 
55 2s Az Hee ae. 1a 36 13 32 14 
BL 2 46 14% 19, = 36. 13 23 } 
Bie? 45 13 35 13 \ 
48 14 44 13 35 13 
48 1% 44 13 34 135 
AG las 44 13 33 las 
45 13 44 13 32 14 
45 13 43 146 30 Ins 
44 13 38 14 QT ais 
44 13 36 12 20 1355 
43 143 36 12 
34 17. 36 12 
32 «1k a at 
S24 30 lis 
32 14 Total number, 77. 
a0) tats Extreme length, 71-19 mm. 2}3-? inches. 
30 lis Average length, 44.8 mm. 1? inches. 
24 ii 


Observations and Experiments on Individual Specimens in 1904.— 
In order to study the growth of individual lobsters and possibly to 
account for discrepancies in rate of growth, color, etc., and in order, 
furthermore, to study the effect of foods, of loss of claws and regener- 
ation and many similar questions, a large number of fourth and fifth 
stage lobsters were last summer placed in separate compartments. 
Each lobster was given a compartment, and a separate record of each 
lobster was kept until the cars were sunk to the bottom in November. 

The lobsters usually selected were in the fourth stage, although it 
became necessary to take some which had come into the fifth stage. 
The individual cars were numbered and the lobsters were examined 
usually two or three times a day in order to keep strict account of the 
moulting process, color changes, etc. These experiments were at- 
tended with some difficulties. At first a high rate of mortality oc- 
curred without apparent cause. It was soon discovered that the 
pine wood, of which the sides of the car were made, caused the death 
of the lobsters, although the cars were closed at the end with wire 
netting only and the compartment partitions were of the same ma- 
terial. Cypress or spruce was better, but the lobsters demand a very 
free circulation of water. This is remarkable in view of the fact that 
lobsters of this age will sometimes live for weeks in a small dish in 
which the water has not been changed. 

The mortality was especially great at the time of moulting. 
These are, without doubt, critical periods, and, when a lobster is 
somewhat weak, are usually fatal. A large number of these speci- 
mens died when the skin was partly shed. When all goes well, the 
moulting is accomplished in a very few minutes, and in a very few 
hours the skin is destroyed—probably eaten by the former wearer. It 
is necessary to keep very close watch of the lobster during the fifth, 
sixth, seventh, and eighth stages, if one wishes to collect the whole 
skin. In some of the later stages the lobster tries to bury the cast 
skin. Nor infrequently young lobsters have difficulty in freeing the 
claws,and sometimes break off the claw autotomously and leave it 
in the shell. We have several casts which contain a claw broken 


off in this manner. In a few instances, through a curious deformity 
of the walking legs, lobsters have tried in vain for days to free them- 
selves from their cast shell. 

Color.—Toward the end of the fourth stage light colored spots 
appear on the lobster, especially on the tips of the claws, back, and 
end of tail. These never show in the cast shell, but the lobster just 
emerged into the fifth stage is very brightly marked. The coloration 
varies in individual lobsters and persists through several stages, but 
never appears in the casts. The latter are nearly colorless, at least 
up to the ninth stage, and have usually an even light bluish or purple 
tint. Mr. Hadley, in a special paper, has dealt with the color changes 
of the young lobsters more in detail. 

Duration of the Interval Between Successive Moults.—One of the 
prime objects of the experiments in rearing individual lobsters sepa- 
rately was to ascertain the interval between successive moults after 
the fourth stage. The intervals gradually increase in length up to 
the fifth stage and that from the fifth to the sixth stage was natu-. 
rally expected to be still greater. But in our experiments it often 
was not more than half as long. 

The table given below shows a number of cases in which the moult- 
ing time was known with accuracy often to the hour of moulting: 

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Regeneration.—There are many facts which lead one to suspect that 
the loss of claws or other appendages, which is very common, and the 
consequent regeneration of these parts, retards the rate of growth, di- 
rectly or indirectly, by incapacitating the lobster for food hunting. 
The whole question of loss of parts, their regeneration, the reasons 
for the loss, means of prevention, and the effect upon the growth has 
been given to Mr. Emmel to solve, and his preliminary paper is given 
in this report. 

Inberation of Tagged Lobsters.—In 1902, 1903, and 1904 many of 
the lobsters from which the eggs had been taken were liberated with 
a copper tag, bearing a number and the words “Return to Rhode 
Island Fish Commission,” attached to the beak. 

The data relative to the movement of the lobsters during 1902- 
1903 are given in the last report. In 1902, 112 tagged lobsters were 
liberated and 16 tags recovered. In 1903, 385 were liberated and 
30 tags recovered. In 1904, 397 lobsters were liberated and 45 tags 
recovered. Thirty of these lobsters had traveled ten miles or more 
before they were captured. One of them, No. 1366, had traveled 
eleven miles in nine days. Doubtless some tagged lobsters were taken 
where tags were not returned. 

The following table gives the data collected for the season of 1904: 




Locality. Date. Locality. ie 

MilliC@oview. ease cconsss Mavan2iins||boplarseommtssaeitece etic May 28. 
AM pidink nitoastennscrctaercens oy 2 | Bills Dyers Rockic. vas ce. ot June 7.. 
Wickford Harbor........ ot ie2 fea Wihalewhiocktiseieis arse ces sey (i 583 
fe Oe Se ornate LAY ee fats | InesROcknided ces neers Limiter Ko a 
. Obmetas sere SH 27a. |MhalevRocks: stains eid ee eb! gAllisihe. 
* Me par Ponte $0927.25 (boplarsPomtn sa aeee eer. Dualye alee 
. et Shia oe  -27.5.|\Lattle Tree Pomt: 2.52. ..|Junes 35. 
a Se hick 3) ee 27/70) Wihale docks: yy. ieese oe. pete July 14.. 
North of North Point.....|June 2..|Bristol Ferry.............. at Ors 
YAS he ss "A 2) (Bonuneteeoimt. ence ee June 25.. 
rai we eee “s Sa 2 West Coneanicutee serene is EOS er 
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ele yt) LOR 4| Castlereliilee. eae erate yee aly ea 
ie alt tae i LOL | (RorpedosStationsues sae ee Aug, 
Somme RS: “ 7 liOs 2 (Wihale Tock: ssemiemrariee: Acree July 30.. 
7 4, i eS eh ek Ores & Sy Ds Sch ONS G® Shy ey gril bee 

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Pm Wied? SAS ss a) LOn WihalepRockeriarc emperor Pepe eile ks 
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Me rf i “e SSO kt Sealhtockcarem senercce. ane July 10.. 
eg hice” a not) SOEs |\WihalesRiockswesn a erie see Aug. 8.. 
ae ety ae ~ ‘* —10..|/South of Prudence Island...|July 29.. 

Saber tape iy of) SLO; | Castle neti. wyensevcncrs sree ie 2. 
ta. lake la e 19 328." Beaver Marl .o/.0 vee. se aie bop eile ss 
Bt Rat ahi “ (28. |Narragansett Pier: o0..-.1-. - Ss « 
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eS ae es a bia 8 15)| OAstlevelill: ss ecpeqerseryerenente * 2). 
SO dasa Fase i 228). \WihalesRock) :ccrc.neee Te S0re 
rh Lhe ¥ A iy Oya dhe BA eras Gano Gi0G ee elonts 
Seal tet an Laies HED Sos \WihelepROcke: chm ctrvrveet rele saa ke se 

eres | No. of days free. 



Distance in miles’ 

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Tag z 4 
No. Locality. Date. Locality. Date. 5 Ei 
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1510 |North of North Point.....|June 28..|Narragansett Pier........:. eal 30..| 32 | 114% 
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(Homarus Americanus.) 





The present paper is presented with a triple purpose in view: 
first, to give a brief review of some of the more common facts which 
have been discovered in regards to the nature and physiology of 
the pigments of the American lobster and related forms; second, 
to present the result of a rather brief experimentation upon this 
subject, carried on at Wickford, R. I.; and third, to record a series 
of observations upon the form and color changes which take place in 
the successive stages of Homarus—a series of observations extending 
over eleven stages of the lobster’s existence, and culminating at the 
time when he has come into his heritage of the adult color, and 
probably of the adult structural type. 

The observations recorded in the following report were carried on 
during the past year, 1904, at the experiment station of the Rhode 
Island Commission of Inland Fisheries, at Wickford, R. I., and also 
in part at the biological laboratory of Brown University. The 
work at the experiment station was rendered especially favorable 
and advantageous by the unlimited and unsurpassed opportunities 
for carrying on observations upon large numbers of young lobsters 


alive and under practically normal conditions. Although a few of 
the observations recorded resulted from a study of individual lobsters 
in successive stages, the greater body of facts was drawn from the 
study of large numbers of individual lobsters taken at random from 
among the thousands of their fellows in the large canvas bags, or, in 
the case of older specimens, from the storage cars. Insomuch as 
the present methods for hatching and raising allow a considerable 
range in water depth (from surface to three feet), in light and shade, 
in temperature and food supply, it is safe to conclude that prac- 
tically normal life conditions are secured, and that these give rise to 
normal conditions in the development of the young larve. The 
course of the observations includes the following considerations: 

1. What are the morphological changes that take place in the 
successive stages of the lobster? 

2. What is the nature of the pigmentation of the lobster, and 
what are the color changes in the successive stages? 

A few preliminary statements may be found necessary. 

The life of the lobster from the time of hatching to the time of 
death is, it may be said, but a series of “‘stages’’ so-called, each one of 
which represents a period of its life between any two successive moults 
or castings of its shell. Of these stages the first four are passed 
through rapidly, the young creature moulting usually four times in 
the first twenty days of its existence. It is these first few stages, so 
quickly passed, which include the most important of the changes 
that the young lobster undergoes, and these are called the larval 
stages, denoting the successive emergence of one form from another. 
In each successive emergence the young lobster is larger than before; 
thus we can say he grows by moulting, but never grows between 
moults. From the fourth stage on, however, each succeeding stage- 
period is of longer interval (aged lobsters probably not moulting 
more than once in several years), and the changes which the young 
adult, as he is now called, undergoes are correspondingly less dis- 
tinct or significant, being manifested chiefly in the various color 
changes and in those alterations in the internal morphology which 


are concerned with the reproductive organs as the young lobster 
approximates to the adult structural and adult functional type. - Of 
this last problem, however, concerning the internal changes, it is not 
the purpose of this paper to treat, its scope being limited to a con- 
sideration of the changes in the external structure. This may 
properly include the general body form and the changes which take 
place in the swimming, ambulatory, or sensatory appendages, show- 
ing how they differ from one stage to another. 


The First Larval Stage. 

When the egg membrane has burst and the young lobster is libera- 
ted, it presents an appearance little resembling the adult. Owing 
to the coiling of the abdomen and infolding of the appendages while 
still within the egg, the young lobster emerges with the abdominal 
portion curved anteriorly around the head, the final segment lying 
over the rostrum or beak. This is also folded downward and in- 
ward, the whole form of the animal thus approaching oval shape. 
It is but a few moments after the young lobster is freed from its 
ego-membrane that several changes occur. The abdomen gradually 
bends away from cephalo-thorax, the tail fan broadens, the antenns 
project forward, the exopodites of the thoracic appendages (which 
heretofore have lain folded over and somewhat between the legs) 
straighten and become functional, beating the water with short 
vibratory strokes, and the first stage lobster, now about 8 mm. in 
leneth, begins to shift for himself. 

During the progress of the first stage the body form undergoes but 
slight change. There is noticed only the gradual extension of the 
abdomen and rostrum which, to the end of the stage, forms a de- 
cided are with the dorsal surface of the cephalo-thorax. There is 
also a somewhat greater projection of the eyes and a widening of 

the ventral and lateral region of the cephalo-thorax, due probably 

Puate VII.—Head of lobster in the first larval stage, showing prominence of eyes, and un- 
developed state of the first and second pairs of antennz. (Re-drawn from Herrick.) 

PLATE XIII.—Head of lobster in first larval stage, lateral view; shows the budding-off of the inner 
ramus of the first antennz from the previously formed external portion of the same. Shows also the 
swimming appendages (exopodites) and their attachment to the thoracic appendages. (Drawn from 


in some degree, to the intense muscular activity of the ambulatory 
exopodites and to the expansion in the region of the gills as these 
become functional to a larger degree. 

In this first stage the first pair of antennz project hardly to the 
end of the rostrum. The endopodites which go to form the smaller 
and inner members of the first antennz have just commenced to 
bud off on the inner side of the outer member, the exopodite, and are 
each furnished with one long seta. The exopodite has at its end a 
tuft of four or five smaller sete. The second antenne at this stage 
are composed of two portions: a broad, leaf-like outer portion, the 
exopodite whose inner margin is curved and suppled with a variable 
number of feathered sete, and whose tip holds one sharp spine; 
secondly, a more slender inner part, the endopodite, bearing sete 
at both sides and tip, but whose divisions into antenna segments are 
not yet visible. (Plates VII, XIII.) 

Of the other appendages of the cephalo-thorax, the maxillepeds, 
the ambulacral appendages, and chelipeds occupy a position much 
posterior to their relative position in the adult. The second maxille- 
peds of the first larval stage occupy relatively the position of the 
chelipeds of the adult, while the chelipeds of the first have their 
body origin about midway along the ventral border of the carapace. 
All the walking legs have a correspondingly posterior position relative 
to that of the adult type. (Plate XVI.) 

Of these appendages, the maxillepeds, chelipeds, and ambulatory 
are all supplied with paddle-lke attachments, the exopodites. (Plate 
XIII). These are furnished with marginal hairs and undergo a rapid 
vibratory motion downward and somewhat backward. The muscular 
portion of the basal segments of these exopodites is highly developed, 
while in the legs themselves, which are not yet functional for crawling, 
the muscular development is very slight. 

The abdomen of the first stage lobster bears no appendages, 
although the swimmerets, which are to appear in the second stage, 
can be observed beneath the cuticle in every segment of the abdomen, 
but the first and last. The last abdominal segment, which now con- 


stitutes the ‘‘tail-fan,’’ shows no lateral appendages. These do not 

develop until the third stage. 
Second Larval Stage. 

When the young lobster has moulted for the first time in its exist- 
ence, and has entered the second stage, many characterisite changes 
form the first larval stage may be observed; it is now somewhat 
larger, measuring about 9 or 10 mm. (% in.). In the region of the 
head these differences appertain chiefly to the first and second pairs 
of antennee. The inner portions, or the endopodites of the first pair 
have grown out from the mere buds existing in the previous stage, 
to half the length of the exopodites or outer portions. These latter, 
at this period, have developed tufts of setee which are supposed to 
have an olfactory function. On both stalks, inner and outer, slight 
traces of segmentation are now observable. The endopodites are 
still the larger and thicker of the two branches. (Plates VIII, XIV). 

In the second pair of antenne the endopodites have by this stage 
grown out to equal the length of the broad, ciliated, leaf-like exopo- 
dites, and segmentation is developed to a greater degree than in the 
previous stage. In the case of the ambulatory appendages, chelipeds, 
and maxillepeds, there has been a forward shifting of the complete 
set, so that the body origin of the chelipeds is relatively anterior to 
the position in the first larval stage and is approximating to the 
adult position. The other appendages (maxillepeds and walking 
legs) have shifted to a correspondingly anterior position. The 
chele or large claws, now relatively somewhat larger, have under- 
gone ® slight change whereby they more resemble the adult type. 
No difference between left and right can at this time be determined. 
The exopodites of all these appendages are still functional to a high 

In this second stage the abdomen is characterized by the swimming 
appendages, or swimmerets, on the under side of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 
and 5th abdominal segments. There is as yet, however, no sign of 

the appendages modified for reproductive function on the first ab- 

PLATE VIII.—Head of lobster in the second larval stage; shows eyes still prominent, and 
the inner branches (endopodites) which have begun to bud off from the exopodites of the 
first antennz. (Drawn from life.) 

- a « 


PLate XIV.—Head of lobster in the second larval stage, lateral view; shows the further develop- 
ment of the antennz. (Drawn from life.) 


dominal segment. The appendages of the last may be seen budding 
beneath the cuticle on the sides of the segment. Thus the tail-fan 

has not changed from the first stage. 
The Third Larval Stage. 

The entrance into the third stage is marked not only by an increase 
in the size of the young lobster, which now measures somewhat over 
1imm. (less than half an inch), but in the further change of many 
of the appendages. The general body form is much the same as 
that of the two preceding stages, but for the increase in length of the 
cephalo-thorax (relative to its depth) and the lessening in the con- 
vexity of the dorsal surfaces of the same. The eyes have since the 
first stage been drawn somewhat inward and backward, and are 
now much smaller compared with the relative size of the body in 
this stage. We here find also that there may often be one or more 
post-orbital spines projecting from the carapace in back of the eye, 
and one spine or more is often found on the dorsal side of the rostrum. 

Regarding the antenne, it is observed that, though the endopo- 
dites of the first pair are in diameter much smaller than the exopo- 
dites, the former have so increased in length that they project some- 
what beyond the latter. The segmentation of both inner and outer 
portions may be plainly observed at this period. The endopodites 
of the second pair of antenne are developed in length somewhat 
beyond the exopodites, which still retain their broad and leaf-like 
form and the rim of sete about the inner margin. (Plates 1X, XV.) 

The walking legs, maxillepeds, and chelipeds have undergone 
another forward shifting, so that the position of the chelipeds is 
still nearer the normal or adult position. These large claws have in- 
creased in size so that now in the third stage they are somewhat 
stronger and larger in proportion to the size of the lobster. There 
is yet no apparent difference between the left and right claws, a fact 
which is first observable in a somewhat later stage. (Plate XVII.) 

During the earlier part of the third stage the exopodites of the 
walking legs, chelipeds, and maxillepeds are highly functional. 



Towards the end of the stage, however, they seem to function with 
less ease, and the late third stage larvee swim about more sluggishly. 
This is no doubt largely due to the important and marked changes 
which are taking place within the young lobster as the moulting 
time draws near and it prepares to enter the fourth stage. It is 
quite probable that the atrophy which, after the third moult, is 
noted in the exopodites of the ambulatory appendages and cheli- 
peds, even now in the latter part of the third stage, is retarding the 
function of these swimming appendages and resulting in the periods 
of suspended activity which is a phenomenon less often observed in 
the earlier stages.. The following are notes from a record of ob- 
servations made upon individuals of the third stage to determine 
whether or not in their activities they showed any signs of adopting 
in swimming the habits so characteristic of the following stages: 
June 11, 1904. About 20 third stage lobsters nearing the time of 
moulting were placed in a Daniell jar. -They swam somewhat less 
actively than individuals of the second or of the early third stages. 
Normal attitude in swimming was with head and cephalo-thorax 
bent downward at an angle of about 45 degrees from a horizontal 
plane. The abdomen was usually bent downward to a somewhat 
greater angle. Ofttimes, however, the tail would be straightened 
out, sometimes slowly with no apparent change in the position of the 
individual, and again very suddenly, the motion usually resulting 
in sending the young lobster toward the bottom of the jar. At other 
times, the tail segments would undergo a rapid contraction, thus 
sending the young lobster backward with a sudden jerk. This latter 
action was the most common. The swimmerets were motionless in 
the process of straight forward swimming, but in the backward 
jumps, they were more often used together with the tail. The ex- 
opodites of the leg sand cheliped seemed functions with greater 
difficulty than in the earlier stages. It was also noted that very often 
the exopodites would cease their vibratory motion, and, as if in a 
period of exhaustion, the young lobsters would sink to the bottom of 
the jar. Here they would lie for some little time quite motionless 


PuiatTE IX.—Head of lobster in the third larval stage; shows the increase in growth of both 
second antenne and endopodites of first antennz. (Drawn from life.) 

ioe SY re 


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Prare XV.—Head of lobster in the third larval stage, lateral view; shows the further development 
of the head appendages, and the position of the swimming appendages of the legs as they appear at 
the end of the outward stroke. (Drawn from life.) 


before again resuming their activities. Although the young lobsters 
for the most part swim while eating, many times the process is carried 
on while they are lying on their side or back at the bottom. In the 
above case, however, there was no food of any kind in the jar and 
not any trace of masticatory activity evinced. When placed in 
other jars containing food, the third stage lobsters manifested more 
perseverance in action than was noted in any preceding stage. 
Many times an individual lobster would make three or more succes- 
sive attempts to secure food lost in the first grapple. While swim- 
ming near the bottom there were many times apparent efforts to come 
to rest in an upright position and to support the body by the large 
claws, but these efforts seldom were successful, and unless active 
swimming was kept up, an upright position on the bottom could not 
be maintained. 

In the third stage the second, third, fourth, and fifth abdominal 
segments possess swimmerets differing in no way from those of the 
previous stage, save that now they are bordered with a delicate fringe 
of sete. The last abdominal segment: has undergone a decided 
change since the foregoing stage. A pair of appendages has developed 
on either side, each consisting of an endopodite and exopodite, re- 
spectively. (Plate XVII.) These are bordered with sete and greatly 
increase the tail surface upon which depends so greatly the lobster’s 
ability, in later stages, to dart with a single stroke of its tail back- 
ward through a remarkable distance. There are still no traces of 
appendages upon the first abdominal segment. 

The Fourth Larval Stage. 

When for a third time the young lobster has cast his moult, there 
emerges an animal which is very different from the third stage and 
which resembles very nearly the form of the adult lobster. This ap- 
pearance so suddenly created is due to many changes which will be 
considered in detail. 

In the general body form there has occurred a marked straightening 
and elongation, the rostrum having developed a number of spines 



and terminating quite often in a double point (plates X, XX), 
while the convex curvature of the back has quite disappeared and 
the tail is much broader. The first pair of antennz emerge in quite 
the adult type, of nearly equal length. ach is definitely segmented 
and bordered at the joints by short sete. The olfactory sete are 
apparently limited to the inner side of the outer branches of the first 

The second pair of antenne have undergone a tremendous de- 
velopment since the third stage and now consist of a very long whip- 
like portion of many segments and the leaf-like exopodite, which has 
grown but little since the previous stage. The basal joints of this 
second pair of antennze seem to have undergone a development so 
that, by occupying a more anterior position, the antennz proper 
are able to fold posteriorily along the side of the body. 

The chelipeds of the fourth stage larva are much larger and stronger 
than those of the third stage, and whereas the latter hung down from 
the body and were but slightly functional, the former are carried, 
while swimming, extended straight before the head, and in case the 
young lobster is disturbed are quickly raised in an attitude of de- 
fence. There is as yet no difference between the claws of either side 
of the body. Both, however, with the passing of the third stage, 
come to the normal adult position, having their body origin at the 
anterior end of the cephalo-thorax rather than in a position some- 
what posterior, characteristic of the first three stages. (Plate XVIII.) 
One characteristic feature of this stage is the fact that the chelipeds 
and ambulatory appendages have lost in the recent moult, the swim- 
ming branches, or exopodites. These may be still seen, however, as 
functionless rudiments, mere stumps with no trace of setz, on the 
ischium or third segment of the chelipeds and walking legs. (Plate 
XXI.) The latter have become far stronger than in the previous stage 
and readily support the young lobster when he seeks, as he now often 
does, to crawl along the bottom or hide by burrowing in the sand or 
under rocks. The anterior pair of walking legs are modified as claws 

which serve for the purpose of holding prey or to assist in crawling in 


Pirate X.—Head of lobster in the fourth larval stage; shows radical change in general ap- 
pearance. Both branches of the first antennz have further developed, and the second anten- 

nz have grown out into long slender filaments. The tips of the extended maxillepeds are 
also evident. (Drawn from life.) 

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Puiate XVI.—Three-quarters view of the head region of a fourth stage lobster, showing (A) the 
appearance of the atrophied swimming appendage, or exopodite, of the right cheliped; also (B) the 
exopodite which still remains attached to the third maxilleped. (Drawn from life.) 






Pirate XX.—The rostra of the fourth, fifth, and sixth stages, showing the difference which is com- 
monly observed in the form of the rostrum tip. (Drawn from life) 

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weeds or grass. They may also be used with the chele as weapons 
of defence. The posterior pair are modified with spike ends, so to 
speak, and facilitate in crawling over the sand or rocks. 

The swimmerets of the second, third, fourth, and fifth abdom inal 
segments have changed from those of the preceding stage. They 
are now larger and double bladed (having both exopodite and en- 
dopodite), and serve to propel the young lobster rapidly through the 
water or assist in causing, with the agency of the tail, those back- 
ward or forward leaps and darts which are most characteristic of the 
fourth stage. The exopodites of the last abdominal segment have de- 
veloped greatly since the third stage, and now in length equal the 
telson itself. The whole tail-fan with all its portions is now fringed 
with long, closely placed sete and resembles very closely the tail-fan 
of the adult type. 

After the young lobster enters the fifth stage there are observed 
few changes as it passes on through the succeeding stages. The 
general body form of this stage is quite characteristic of the adult 
type, and the later changes which occur externally are, save in the 
development of the external organs of reproduction, of little signifi- 
cance in the future life history of the lobster. There are some points, 
however, which may be noted, not with reference to any definite 
stage-change, but with reference to the future development as a 
whole. Among these changes may be noted the increasing difference 
between the relative size of the eyes and body. In the first larval 
stage the eyes were very large and prominent, but in the course of 
later stages they become less and less prominent until in lobsters 
of great age and size, weighing ten or twenty pounds, the eyes are 
frequently no larger than shoe buttons. There is, moreover, a gradual 
thickening in the body of the lobster as the age increases. In the 
male lobsters this thickening occurs in the region of the cephalo- 
thorax, while in the female it is noted in the broadening of the ab- 

domen which appears to widen for the accommodation and protection 


of the eggs which are borne under the “‘tail.”’ There is also evident 
a gradual thickening and strengthening of all the body appendages, 
which, in the fourth stage are relatively rather light and frail. 

Fijth Stage. 

The fifth stage lobster is still too young to manifest these changes in 
any appreciable degree, either in form changes or in sexual differences. 
It is very often possible, however, to distinguish the fifth from the 
fourth stage lobster, although the differentiation depends upon very 
minor characteristics. In the fourth stage the basal segments of 
the first pair of antenne are, when viewed in the dorsal aspect, well 
concealed beneath the margin of the projecting rostrum. In the 
fifth stage there is usually a greater prominence in the position of 
these basal antennal segments, so that they may be seen in dorsal 
aspect projecting from beneath the anterior portion of the rostrum 
border. (Plate XI.) The peak of the rostrum itself, moreover, 
undergoes a slight series of changes which occur fairly constantly in 
the development through the fourth, fifth, and sixth stages. These 
changes may be best noted by a glance at the diagrams in plate XX. 
The average length of the fifth stage lobster is 15-16 mm. — 

Sixth Stage. 

By any differences in general morphology it is difficult to tell the 
sixth stage lobster from the fifth, since the general body form and 
appearance of the appendages is very similar in both stages. The 
chief point of difference lies in the fact that, whereas in the fifth stage 
lobster the left and right claws or chelee were exactly similar in ap- 
pearance, in the sixth stage there is in a large number of cases the 
beginning of a differentiation into the characteristic “nipping” and 
“crushing” claw, the former normally upon the right, the latter on 
the left. (Plate XIX.) This change comes about through a widen- 

” claw re- 

ing of the “crushing”’ claw, while the right, or “nipping, 
tains a close resemblance to that of the preceding stage. In some 

cases this claw differentiation does not occur until the seventh stage. 



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Pirate XI.—Head of young lobster in the fifth stage; shows the basal joints of the first 
antenne projecting from beneath the anterior border of the rostrum, different in this respect 
from the condition in the fourth larval stage. (Drawn from life.) 

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PLATE XII.—Head of young lobster in the sixth stage; presenting an appearance very simi- 
lar to that of Plate V. Drawn from life.) 


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Pirate XIX.—Showing the difference which can usually be observed in the large claws when 
the lobster has entered the sixth stage. The left will develop into the ‘‘ crushing’ claw; the 
right, into the ‘nipping’ claw. (Drawn from life.) 


oa ‘é 




but such instances are not numerous, so that the change may be 
called most characteristic of the sixth stage lobster. (Plate XII.) 

The same facts hold true in regards the appearance and dévelop- 
ment of the external reproductive organs. Very often these may 
be observed in the sixth stage as small buds upon the under side of 
the first abdominal segment. They may not, however, appear until 
the seventh stage, and even then they are seldom developed beyond 
the bud stage. The differentiation of the sex of the young lobsters 
ean not be made clear by this means until the eighth or sometimes 
the ninth stage. The sex, however, can be determined earlier by 
observations of the openings of the egg or sperm duct upon the basal 

joint of the first and third ambulatory appendages, respectively. 

Seventh to the Twelfth Stages. 

The changes in form, if any, which may occur in the course of de- 
velopment from the seventh to the twelfth stage are too slight to be 
determined by any method yet devised. It is entirely possible, 
however, that continued observations may reveal some point which 
may be taken as a constant stage-criterion for these later stages. 
And yet, on the other hand, it is quite probable that, so far as the 
ereater number of discriminating facts is concerned, the rapidity of 
assuming structural conditions which might be characteristic of a 
certain stage is much dependent upon the strength or vitality of the 
individual lobster and upon the conditions of its environment. The 
young lobster, with few exceptions, assumes the adult color type 
when it enters the eleventh stage of its existence. The question now 
arises whether or not there is a definite stage in which the young 
lobster assumes its adult structural form; or is there a definite stage 
wherein it arrives at an adult functional condition. It is quite 
probable that further observations may demonstrate the truth of 
the former hypothesis,* while in regards to the latter, the develop- 

* Observations at the present date would indicate that the adult structural type is reached 
in the ninth stage. 


ment is without doubt more strongly affected by environmental cir- 
cumstances, it being probable that the sexual maturity is not reached 
before the fourth or fifth year of the lobster’s life. Thus, with the 
scant data in hand, no facts can be positively asserted with reference 
to the change in form between the seventh and twelfth stages. The 
average length of the lobsters for these later stages is as follows: 

Duns bel eeerr tre LEIP Ree SOU COT he LT RET Sc nl ee 154 mm. 
Gt Staite As eee ye ie 6s Te LL Nie Se NA ah ied ene nin 135 
RS] OMAHA CUCM eb ee a Me Rrra EA MAE Aue’ Siok, dae LO Ras: oe a 
aD Sis EA AR a A aI GLI ir AAD ee A DY iy ca 265 
FOULS 212 a RU Pomeroy a et ml Weep a te a a 
LOGY SU ae ea) 4 Cee Lie crap aye AG mere ta aee ape oe ler SOM a 
DEAS GAS RG ica ey ie neat eNO eat Pee a ny a Reyer das ot Ree a eS 


The study of the coloration in members of the class Crustacea, 
owing to the beauty and great variation in color, and to the physi- 
ological importance of the question of its nature, development, and 
function, has at all times proved an attractive field for the biologist. 
Yet unfortunately, to within a few years at least, it has been a field 
too fully overrun with speculation and too wholly unfrequented 
by the direct experimental results which can be gained from investi- 
gation upon many forms of both lower and higher crustacea. No 
doubt the desire to discover in many observed results the phenomena 
of natural selective tendency, in order to explain thereby the value 
and constancy of certain color markings and variations, has been 
responsible, in some measure at least, for the infrequency of definite 
lines of experimentation upon the conditions of color variation. 
When such experiments have been made, however, as in Cunning- 

ham’s investigations upon the color of young flounders, environ- 



mental conditions have been found to possess a vast influence.* 

It is not, however, within the intended scope of this paper to put 
forth the results of extended experimentation, but to give briefly a 
survey of some of the more common facts of color variation and 
pigment development in decapod crustacea, together with a pre- 
liminary report of a series of observations extending over eleven 
stages of Homarus Americanus—a series which includes the succes- 
sive changes in color and coloration from the time of hatching to the 
attainment of the adult color type. 

In the early stages of the lobster are found frequent and very 
wide range of color variation. This may occur as successive color 
changes from stage to stage, as variation in the color of different 
individuals in the same stage, or again, in the changes in color through 
which a single lobster may pass during a single stage. In the first 
larval stages these variations occur as rapid and transitory, and yet 
uniform, changes from one color to another. In the young adult 
forms, however, although a wide difference in individual color is 
manifest, the color and color pattern appears more permanent and 
more constant to a given type when this type has been once estab- 
lished, while the sudden, transitory changes so characteristic of the 
larval stages are entirely absent. 


The pigmentation of the lobster may be resolved into three dif- 
ferent constituents, the blue, the red, and the yellow. The blue is a 
soluble pigment, probably a lipochrome, dissolved in the blood, 
while the red and the yellow pigments, which may be also lipo- 
chromes, exist as a granular substance in certain cells, the chro- 
matophores. Each one of these chromatophores is a granular 
cytoplasmic body of neuroglia or stellate shape, having a center 

* Young flounders having been kept for sometime in tanks in the bottom of which mirrors 
were placed, showed in many cases large pigmentation of the under side, which is usually white; 

which seemed to show that some external cause, as light, was responsible for the change. 



from which branch thick trunks, dividing later into finer ramifica- 
tions of a more or less tubular appearance.* In such cells the red 
or the yellow pigment les, sometimes expanding far out into the 
small branches, again contracting into the center, where it remains 
evident only as asmall dot of color. In cases of the greatest disten- 
tion of these pigment cells, if they be thick in a green area, a homo- 
geneous red coloration is produced. If in fewer numbers, each 
individual chromatophore with all its branches is plainly visible. 
In the early larval stages of the lobster it seems that the blue, soluble 
pigment is to be found at nearly all times, and when the red coloration 
is predominant it is merely because the blue color has been veiled, so 
to speak, by the great expansion of the red chromatophores, which 
both numerically and in comparative size are superior to the yellow. 
As stated, the blue pigmentation is diffuse. The chromatophores, 
however, are scattered irregularly, but often in regular groupings 
over the body and appendages, lying for the most part in the skin or 
cuticle or just below it. The distinction must be made, however, 
between the pigmentation of the chitinous exoskeleton and the 
pigmentation of the sub-adjacent epidermis in which the chroma- 
tophores reside and from which the pigment appears to be given off 
to the outer shell.f In the adult lobster the chromatophore-con- 
taining epidermis is quite concealed by the thick, calcerous exo- 
skeleton which has usually, at this stage, absorbed a large amount 
of lime-salts. In the earlier stages, however, whose exoskeleton is 
composed of thin, transparent, chitinous substance, the colorings of 
the epidermis readily show through and continue to do so until, as 
the stages advance and more lime-salts are added to the shell, it 

soon becomes translucent and later opaque. 

* Keeble and Gamble: The Color Physiology of Higher Crustacea. 

+ It is readily observable by removing a bit of the shell of an adult lobster that sub-adjacent 

to each prominent olive-green spot lies a dense group of red pigment cells. 



The distribution of pigment, including both the diffusion of the 
blue and the arrangement and grouping of the color cells, appears 
to be fairly uniform in the first three larval stages of the lobster. A 
slight variation may often appear in the third larva, however, 
namely,—the development of green blotches along the abdomen, 
thus somewhat anticipating certain characteristics of the fourth 
stage.* Generally speaking, the yellow pigment cells are not numer- 
ous, and have no regular arrangement either as individuals or as 
groups. Of the red chromatophores however, six fairly constant and 
well-defined groupings may be considered. (Plates XXIII, XVII.) 

1. On the dorsal surface of the carapace in areas posterior and 
lateral to the region of the stomach. 

2. Along the ventral and lateral border of the carapace where 
one complete row surmounted by a few irregularly placed cells is to 
be discerned. 

3. In well-defined groups or frequently (especially in the third 
stage) in large individual cells, occurring in the dorsal region of the 
first three abdominal segments, close to and on either side of the 

4. In a variable area about the mid-anterior region of the last 
abdominal segment, where the chromatophores are often smaller and 
more scattered. 

5. In the thoracic appendages on the segments nearest the body. 

6. Throughout all segments of the chelipeds, especially in the 
third stage. 

The groupings, or ‘“‘chromatophore centers,’’ as termed by Keeble 
and Gamble,} somatic, neural, visceral, and caudal, seem to have but 
little significance for color-distribution in Homarus, where in the 

internal organs are not highly pigmented. Several varieties of color 

* This olive green was not noticed in any of the preceding stages and was quite different from 
the lighter yellowish green which was, in those stages, very prominent on the sides of the cara- 
pace and abdomen. 

+ Keeble and Gamble: Color Physiology of Higher Crustacea. 


may be produced, however, by the general color of the liver, alimen- 
tary tract, glands, etc., which in the comparatively transparent 
early stage lobsters may show through the delicate skin and produce 
colorations, the character of which depends largely upon the food 

of the young larve. 


The question of the possible function of these pigments in the 
lobster, as well as in other forms of crustacea, has yet to find a solu- 
tion; likewise the question to what the contraction and expansion 
of chromatophores is due. Pouchet, in his work, “‘Changements de 
Coloration sous l’influence des Nerfs,” gives the result of his experi- 
mentation upon such forms as the shrimp (Paleemon), with back- 
grounds of black and white. He finds that a black background, 
in sunlight, causes expansion, and that a white background, under 
the same conditions, causes contraction, of the chromatophores. He 
concludes that the background regulates the action of the chro- 
matophores through the medium of the nervous system, and believes 
that this phenomenon is a case of protective or adaptive coloration. 
Other investigators maintain that the chromatophore pigments are 
merely a functionless product of metabolism. If we consider that a 
similarity in the color of the individual and that of the environment 
is a phase of protective coloration, surely experiments upon Homarus 
hardly uphold the theory of a protective function in the color cells; 
for in strong light the pigments are the brightest, and in the dark the 
young lobsters are most pale. It does seem, however, that there 
may be both protective and adaptive significance in the later 
stages of the lobster which do not show the discontinuous variation 

which is characteristic of the larval stages.* 

* Even in the adult lobster, however, whose dark, mottled olive brown and olive green adapt 
him for a life at the bottom of the sea among the rocks and red and green alge, the phenomenon 
is probably the fortunate result of chemical influences; for, when placed in shallow water and 
exposed to the sunlight for some time, he readily becomes light colored again owing to the 
cha ge which takes place in the pigments of the caleerous exoskeleton. In this case the light- 

PuatE XVII —Diagramatic representation (dorsal view) showing the arrangement of chromato- 
phore groups common in the first three larval stages. The type drawing is of a third stage lobster, and 
shows also the arrangement of the swimming appendages. (Outline drawing from life.) 

PLATE XXIII.—Diagramatic representation (lateral view) of the various groups of red chromatophores as commonly distributed in the jirst 
three larval stages. The type drawing is of a first stage lobster; the swimming appendages are represented as if removed. (Outline drawn 
from life.) 


As a basis for observations upon the nature of the discontinuous 
variation of the early stages, experiments were tried which seemed to 
demonstrate that, while the yellow pigment cells are slightly in- 
fluenced by light and heat, these stimul tend to produce a marked 
expansion of the red chromatophore systems. Darkness artifically 
brought to bear upon large numbers of first and second stage larvee 
in which red pigmentation was developed especially well resulted, 
with very few exception, in the contraction of the pigment into the 
chromatophore centers and in the regaining of the homogeneous 
blue coloration due to the soluble, diffuse pigment in the blood. 
Although in many cases the expansion of the red chromatophores 
followed as a result of putting the pale blue lobsters in the bright light, 
these results were less constant in occurrence and the changes re- 
quired a longer period. Nightfall and sunrise appear to be signals 
for a change in the color of the first three larval stages. Those ob- 
served in the daytime, if the light was bright, were, as a whole, well 
pigmented with red, while those observed at night showed the chro- 
matophores in a greater state of contraction. This diurnal flood 
and nocturnal ebb of pigment is characteristic of many of the higher 

First and second stage larvee, which were starved for some time, 
seemed to present red pigmentation to a greater degree. Repeated 
electrical stimuli also, in the majority of instances, gave similar 
results. Both of these facts would be in accordance with the theory 
that the occurrence of red pigment and the extension of the red 
chromatophores is due, or, to say the least, is associated with periods 
of weaker physical condition. This theory is partially substantiated 
by the fact that lobsters of all stages, from old adults down to the 
sensitive chromatophores of the pigment-producing epithelium do not appear to be the agent 
of adaptation to surroundings; indeed, it is very doubtful if the chromatophores themselves 
undergo any marked change due to penetration of light through the thick, ealeerous exoskeleton 
of the adult lobster. Thus if we assume that the phenomenon of protective or adaptive colora- 
tion is manifested in the adult lobster, the principle involved in the color change is very different 
from that attributed by Pouchet to the protective color changes—‘‘chromatie funection’’— 
which he found manifested in many young larval crustacea—changes which he believed to be 
brought about through the medium of the nervous system and its action on the chromatophore 

+ Keeble and Gamble. 


first stage, are much more active at night, as evidenced by the splash- 
ing and beating within the cages of the adult lobsters, which by day 
lie quietly at the bottom; or by the restless crawling of the young 
adults among the pebbles and shells of their glass dishes, as soon as 
night has fallen; or by the more active swimming of the young larvee 
at night about the glass cylinders in which they were observed. 

To the results of many of these experiments appeared some con- 
tradictory facts, as for example,—on a dark and cloudy day vast 
numbers of young larve swimming about the bags evinced red 
pigmentation to a high degree. Not only this, but in the case of 
many large adult lobsters, floating in cages at the surface where they 
were exposed to the direct sunlight, their red coloration to a large 
degree was lost and the color became a brilliant blue often variated 
by leopard spots or mottlings. The normal color was not regained 
after some specimens had been sunk to the bottom of the harbor for 
a period of three weeks. It should be noted, however, that this 
change was not due to a disturbance of the chromatophores, but to 

some chemical change in the pigments of the exoskeleton. 

Fourth Stage. 

As has been stated on a previous page, when the lobster moults 
into the fourth stage there may be a wide variation in color and 
color patterns, but when once assumed there is, with a few exceptions, 
a constancy to this type throughout the stage, and often enduring 
into suecessive stages. The phenomenon of rapid and transitory 
color changes so characteristic of the first three larval stages is no 
longer present. 

In the color scheme of this stage we may note three varieties: (1) 
yellow, (2) red, (8) green. These terms designate the color types in 
which the stated color is predominant, but in which there may be 
many modifications; for instance, a yellow lobster may and usually 

does show in certain areas no small amount of red pigmentation, and 


in other areas, green or orange. Likewise the type designated 
“oreen”’ is rarely wholly green, but shown many areas of red, brown, 
or yellow. The red type is the only one which may be found alone 
and constant without other color modifications with yellow, green, 
or brown. Such manner of constant red pigmentation may extend, 
with no change, through several or many successive stages of de- 
velopment. These other variations in color may occur, designated 
in terms of yellow-green, green and red, or reddish-brown, orange- 
red, but are to be considered as modifications of the three main types. 

The pigmentation of the fourth larval stage manifests some points 
which link it to the third, especially the pronounced red of the chele, 
the grouping of red chromatophores as in group (4), and the predomi- 
nance of the olive-green along the sides of the abdominal segments. 
The coloration during the latter part of the fourth stage, moreover, 
anticipates to some extent the color of the succeeding stage, so that 
it is not at all uncommon to find lobsters in the late fourth stage 
which show a deepening brown color, wherein there may be seen 
dimly light spots on various parts of the body and appendages, an- 
ticipating again, in this feature, a peculiarity of the next, or fifth, stage. 
Such anticipation of color is fairly common in the latter part of this 

and later stages as the time of moulting draws near. 


As has been already stated, in the fourth and later stages there is 
never found the rapid and transitory color changes characteristically 
exhibited in the first, second, and third larval stages. There usually 
is, however, some slight color change between the beginning of a cer- 
tain stage and the end of the stage—a change which is generally 
manifested as a darkening of whatever the color type may be, and 
in a loss of detail in the color markings or patterns. This fact is one 
which, developed at this period, holds true for all later stages, namely 
a darkening in color as the time of moulting draws near. In spite 
of this general fact there may occur a more or less sudden change 

in the color of these later stages, although such cases are very rare 


indeed. I have recorded a case wherein a lobster of the eighth stage 
whose color was cream-slate, being observed two days later, mani- 
fested a marked salmon color. The lobster had not moulted between 
the time of the observations, and moreover the salmon color per- 
sisted through the eighth and ninth stages, at the end of which time 
the observations were unfortunately brought to a close by the on- 
coming winter season. Thus, in the following stages, we may ex- 
pect to find a decided constancy manifested in adherence to a defi- 
nite color pattern, easily observable in the same lobster through 
many successive stages. As has been noted, this fact is shown 
especially well in the development of “red lobsters,” though it is 
well demonstrated by observations made on many other varieties 
more common. 

It may be here stated that methods devised at the Rhode Island 
Fish Commission Hatchery at Wickford for rearing the young adult 
lobsters past the fourth stage furnished excellent facilities for making 
observations upon the changes in form and color in the later stages, 
each individual lobster whose definite age and stage was known 
being confined in its own separate apartment where observation 
might be carried on from day to day. Insomuch as awnings were 
raised over the cars containing the young lobsters, which occupied 
a rather superficial position in the water, it is quite probable that 
normal conditions of environment were produced and that none of 
the color variations observed were due to the effect of bright sunlight, 
which, as was demonstrated in some cases, was responsible for cer- 
tain color changes in a large measure. The observations upon all 
the stages were made while all the lobsters were under the same 

Fifth Stage. 

The characteristic color of the fifth stage lobster is-a rich brown 
set off by light spots varying (except in the case of the body spots, 
which are always white) in intensity from snow white to dirty yellow, 
often marking definite muscle attachments, yet not infrequently 

Puate XVIII.—The fourth stage lobster, showing the loss of swimming appendages which has 
taken place since the third larval stage. (Photograph from a drawing in color.) 


occurring in varying localities of the body and appendages. This 
typical brown may, and usually does, have many modifications 
among which the most prominent are red-brown, maroon, and brown 
and green. The light spottings may occur in the following localities: 
tips of chele, of maxillipeds, of telson, of rostrum, of pleura, and tips 
of the exopodites of the last pair of abdominal appendages; or they 
may exist as body spots. In case of the last, the position is usually 
on the anterior and lateral region of the carapace, where they mark 
certain attachments of the gastric or mandibular muscles, or they 
may form large light patches over the heart or gastric region of the 
carapace. The spots may occur in any or all of these positions at 
once, but the most constant are the claw tips, body spots, and those 
on the first abdominal segment and on the telson. 

It may here be noted that the transparency of the body often so 
evident in the larval stages, wherein many of the internal organs such 
as the green gland and vesicle, stomach, intestine, heart, liver, gills, 
ete., could be demonstrated more or less distinctly, and which has 
to a great extent been lost in the fourth larval stage, has in the fifth 
stage disappeared to a still greater degree, so that it is with difficulty 
that the position of the above mentioned organs in the body cavity 
can be discerned; hence, in this and the later stages the color vari- 
ations are due to the cuticular and epithelial pigmentation alone, 
or to changes in the pigment of the exoskeleton. JI am informed by 
Mr. E. W. Barnes, whose observations upon the color variations in 
the ninth and eleventh stages have materially helped in producing 
data, that he came upon a lobster which, soon after moulting into . 
the tenth stage, manifested a remarkable transparency in all parts, 
so that the action of the heart and position of the gills could be plainly 
observed through the carapace, which was of a bluish color. 

Sixth Stage. 

The color of the sixth stage lobster resembles very closely that 
of the fifth stage. Indeed, by examining the colorations it is almost 

impossible to tell the two stages from one another by this method. 


One fact, however, is noticeable: the light spottings in the sixth stage 
are usually more numerous and varied than in the fifth. In the sixth 
the telson markings often assume the form of bands or borders of 
white, evident also on both segments of the lateral appendages of the 
last segment. These bands were sometimes rust colored, but this 
variation was more often evident in the seventh stage.* In the fifth 
stage the white spottings were seldom seen on the pleura of more 
than the first abdominal segments; in the sixth stage they often 
were observable on the pleura of the first, second, and third somites. 
Bands or streaks of white were also often evident upon the posterior 
border of some segments of the chele. It was noted that during 
the latter part of the sixth stage there was some tendency to antici- 
pate the seventh stage, the color frequently changing to a dark drab. 

Seventh Stage. 

The color of the seventh stage lobster is usually so radically dif- 
ferent from that of any of the preceding stages that it can be recog- 
nized with little difficulty. With hardly an exception in the many 
individuals examined, the characteristic color was pure slate, be- 
coming gradually darker as the stage advances, having the modi- 
fications, blue-slate, green-slate, and cream-slate. The white spottings 
are full as frequent and quite as constant as in the sixth stage; the 
only difference being the tendency for the spots to become a cream 
color, or yellowish, rather than snow-white, which seemed more 
characteristic of the fifth and sixth stages. The following notes, 
taken from the records of ten successive cars containing individual 
seventh stage lobsters, show the constancy of this color character- 

Spec. 1. Moulted Aug. 1. Color, slate; claw tips, light, but not 
white; body spots, light; border of telson, yellowish white. 

Spec. 2. Color, slate, somewhat bluish; body spots and others 

not prominent. 

*It is entirely possible that this rust color may have been due to foreign matter from the 
wire of the cages. 


Spec. 3. Color, greenish slate; claw tips, cream; body spots, 
white; telson of homogeneous color, slate. Aug. 26. Color changing 

to a more pronounced drab. 

Spec. 4. Color, dark slate, claw tips and body spots, white; white 

borders on outer segments of last abdominal appendages. 

Spec. 5. Color, slate; somewhat mottled; telson border, ends of 

claws and ends of maxillipeds, white or cream color. 

Spec. 6. Color, slate; claw tips, snow-white; body spots, light; 

telson border, cream color; anterior cephalic body spots light. 

Spec. 7. Color, creamy slate; claw tips, cream color; border of 

telson, rusty; body spots, light. 

Spec. 8. Color, slate; claw tips, white; telson border, cream 

color; white patch over region of heart. 

Spec. 9. Blue slate color; claw tips, rusty cream; body spots, 

light; telson one homogeneous color. 

Spec. 10. Color, slate; claw tips, cream color and body spots 
white; border of exopodite (last abdominal segment) and border of 

telson, cream color. 

The following observations upon forty-nine seventh stage lobsters 
give some notion of the general color characteristics of the stage. 
All the observations recorded in this table were made very soon after 
entrance to the stage. For convenience in comparing this general 
color plan of the seventh stage with that of the later stages, tables 
referring to the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh stages are also 
here appended. Reference to them will be made on a later page: 
(The numbers represent percentages.) 


COLOR. | 7th. 8th. 9th. | 10th. | *11th.| *12th. 
Pure slates a otieceineycrcn 77 18 TOE oer hretenegee Mba. alae silat Meapage 
Blue slate: oo iaioe ne 4 35 6 SH ce the heen 
Cream) slates. ci ones peer aae 25 1S) sed Map Mice ait bana) teal ene 
Green slate or green blue...| 12 4 ile} Too Noted ysl teaainaitens (S 
INO saree yosteia) ey secu ear tlie assole hile ay Syed iatone Nexo anys 37 15 PAE eraborora 
QOlivetgreenssscce tak woe bs me ose I ISDEGS. Icpe soe yac as 30 BO, Nac eee es 
Olive red-brown......... Frans SH ae Ninel RRS 15 BO \ ile Beene 
Mottled lobsters......... oe oe 30 | 54 TOO, Gerace 

* The number examined was too small to give valuable results by percentages. 

The following tables show the color of many lobsters in the seventh, 
eighth, ninth tenth, and eleventh stages which were observed in 
almost every case within four to twelve hours after moulting. The 
terminology used to designate the colors is somewhat crude, but an 
effort will be made at a later date to exchange for these terms those 

of a standard color chart: 

7th Stage. 8th Stage. 9th Stage. 10th Stage. 
Slate. Deep blue slate. Gray. Olive green, mot. 
Slate. Blue slate. Rusty slate. Light blue slate. 
Greenish slate. Dark slate. Blue. Olive and blue. 
Slate. Creamy slate. Blue. Olive green. 
Slate. Blue slate. Blue slate. Olive and red brown. 
Slate. Dirty slate. Blue. Olive green, mot. 
Slate. Slate. Blue. Green slate. 
Slate. Cream slate. Brown slate. Dark slate, mot. 

Green slate. 
Blue slate. 

Red slate. 

Blue slate. 

Cream slate. 
Cream slate. 
Light brown. 
Brown slate. 

Cream slate. 

Green slate. 
Cream slate. 

Light blue. 
Cream slate. 

Blue slate, mot. 

Blue, mot. 

Light blue slate. 

Blue, mot. 

Green and _ Brown, 

faint mot. 


7th Stage. 

Green slate. 
Blue slate. 
Green slate. 
Green slate. 







Brown slate. 
Brown and green. 
Green slate. 


8th Stage. 
Cream slate. 
Blue slate. 
Cream slate. 
Blue slate. 
Cream slate. 
Cream slate. 
Blue slate. 
Cream slate. 
Blue slate. 
Cream slate. 
Brown slate. 
Light brown. 
Green slate. 
Brick red. 
Blue slate. 
Green blue. 
Blue slate. 
Blue slate. 
Blue slate. 
Blue slate. 

Light blue slate. 

Dark slate. 
Blue slate. 


9th Stage. 10th Stage. 

Light blue. 
Cream slate. 

Very dark slate. 
Deep blue slate. 

Dark slate. 


Green slate. 
Light blue. 
Metallic blue. 

Cream slate. 

11th Stage. 
Olive green, mot. 
Olive green, mot. 
Blue, mot. 


Olive and brown, mot. 

Olive and brown, mot. 


Exghth Stage. 

In color markings the eighth stage is very similar to the seventh; 
but one point can be noted where there lies a difference and this 
only when many specimens are examined, for’a single individual of 
the eighth stage can not, by its color, be told from the seventh. In 
the seventh stage the number of modifications of the characteristic 
color, slate, were comparatively few, the greater number of specimens 
examined remaining constant without merging into the blue-slate 
cream-slate, or red-slate. In the eighth stage the comparison of 
color statistics readily shows that the number of variations, or 
modifications of the slate color is very great and that there is a marked 
tendency to develop green-slate, brown-slate, and especially blue- 
slate and cream-slate. A description of ten individuals of the eighth 
stage, taken at random, shows the general characteristics of markings 
for individuals, while the foregoing table for the eighth stage gives 
an approximate notion of the general scheme of colorations for the 
stage as a whole. 

Spec. No. 1. Color, deep bluish slate; claw tips, rust color; 
also border of telson. Body spots not readily discernable. ; 

Spec. No. 2: Very dark slate color; claw tips, cream; body 
spots, white; telson border, rusty cream color. 

Spec. No. 3. Color, cream-slate bordering upon bluish; claw 
tips, eream color; with the very tips rusty; body spots very dis- 
tinct; border of exopodite (last abdominal segment), very light. 

Spec. No. 4. Color, bluish slate; claw tips, rusty cream color; 
margin of telson, rust color; no body spots evident. 

Spee. No. 5. Bluish slate showing a metallic luster; body spots, 
light, but not white; lighter over stomach region. 

Spec. No. 6. Light bluish slate color; tips of claws, cream; 
body spots, faint; telson, homogeneous coloration. 

Spec. No. 7. Color, cream-slate; claw tips, cream color; border 
of telson, rust color; body spots, light. 


Spec. No. 8. Color, cream; body spots, white; claw tips, cream; 

number of white spots on and posterior to cephalo-thoracie line. 

Spec. No. 9. Color, cream-slate; claw tips, white; border of 
telson and of exopodites, cream color; body spots not prominent; 

color changed very suddenly to salmon. 

Spec. No. 10. Eecentrie coloration in all details;. general color, 
light brown; outer claw tips of each chela, cream color, with band of 
same along whole margin of claw; left chela has outer claw very 
white, both on tip and outer margin. Both of the exopodites (of 
last abdominal somite), cream color; endopodites of same, light; 
body spots, snow white; whole lobster quite transparent. 

Ninth Stage. 

The difference in color between the ninth stage lobster and the 
stages which immediately precede and follow it can be determined 
only by viewing such general conditions as those which formed the 
basis of our observations on the color characteristics of the seventh 
and eighth stages, wherein the stage could never be determined by 
the color of the single individual, but which nevertheless held a 
characteristic that could be used readily enough as a rough criterion 
for the distinction of large numbers of lobsters whose exact stage 
was not known. So it is in the case of the ninth stage; when many 
lobsters of this stage are observed as to their color, the fact is evident 
that there is a tendency for the blue coloration which was beginning 
to be emphasized in the eighth stage to have still greater prominence 
here, with a corresponding diminution of the relative number of 
lobsters manifesting the pure slate so characteristic of the seventh 
stage, or the cream-slate and blue-slate more characteristic of the 
eighth stage. A glance at the table for the ninth stage will show 
these facts. In this stage the white spottings have begun to be- 
come less prominent and less frequent in occurrence. 



Tenih Stage. 

The fact of the gradual exclusion from stage to stage of certain 
color combinations from the general system of coloration of a definite 
stage-period manifested heretofore in all the previous stages also 
holds true for the conditions found in the tenth stage lobster. Here, 
it will be readily noted by a glance at the table, the number of slate 
and cream colored lobsters has greatly diminished. Blue, blue- 
slate, and green-slate, however, remain fairly constant in occurrence, 
while there has also been a tendency toward the development of an 
olive-green and an olive-brown combination. In the tenth stage, 
moreover, the light spottings are seldom observed we see, as the 
foregoing table denotes, traces of the dark mottling so characteristic 
of the adult lobster, a phenomenon which, with a very occasional 
exception, makes its first appearance in this stage. 

Eleventh Stage. 

Very unfortunately it was not possible to carry on observations 
upon many of the eleventh stage before the oncoming winter weather 
and the consequent necessity of sinking the lobster cars to the bot- 
tom of the harbor cut short all investigations. The meagre facts 
which can be reported upon the coloration of this stage may be 
briefly obtained from a glance at the table. Pronounced mottling 
seems to become a constant feature in this stage, and the few in- 
dividuals examined show a greater resemblance to the color type of 
the adult lobster than does any previous stage. Indeed, it may be 
safely said that, in consideration of this fact, and that of the fre- 
quency of the olive and red-brown combination, the adult system of 

color is approximately reached in the eleventh stage of the lobster. 



The life of the lobster consists of a series of stages (the first four 
are called the larval stages) each of which represents a stage-period, 
the time between any two successive moults. The lobster grows by 
moulting, never between moults. 

The changes which are undergone in the first four stages are the 
most distinct. After this period the changes in form are slight from 

one stage to another. 

First Stage. 

Owing to the much coiled position in which the young lobster lies 
in the egg, at the time of hatching this infolding of appendages and 
abdomen about the head is very apparent and endures for some little 
time; gradually, however, the parts extend and the appendages 
become functional. The characterisitic points of the first stage 
lobster may be briefly summarized as follows: 

1. Dorsal surface of cephalo-thorax in lateral aspect forms a 
decided are. 

2. Eyes very large and prominent. 

3. First pair of antenne consist only of exopodites. 

4. Second antenne consist of exopodite and endopodite, the 
former very short and tubular, the latter broad and leaf-like. 

5. The thoracic appendages have feathered swimming attach- 
ments (exopodites). 

6. The body-origin of the thoracic limbs is posterior to position 
in adult type. 

7. There are no appendages on the ventral portion of the abdomen. 
8. The tail, after unfolding, consists of a simple “tail-fan.”’ 

9.) The average length of the first stage is 8 mm. 


Second Stage. 

The external changes which mark the entrance to the second stage 
concern chiefly the changes which take place in the antenne and in 
the abdominal segments: 

1. Dorsal surface of cephalo-thorax not as convex as in first stage. 

2. Eyes somewhat less large and prominent. 

3. The inner branches (endopodites) are developing from the 
exopodites of the first pair of antenne. 

4. The endopodites of second antennz increased slightly in 

5. The thoracic appendages have shifted in respect to their body 
origin to a more anterior position. 

6. The legs, chelipeds, and maxillepeds are still fitted with swim- 
ming exopodites. 

7. From the under side of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th abdominal 
segments have developed swimmerets. 

8. Tail-fan of same appearance. 

9. Average length of second stage is 94 mm. 
Third Stage. 

The change manifested in the shifting from the second to the 
third stage also concerns chiefly the antenne and the abdominal 


1. Dorsal surface of cephalo-thorax but slightly curved. 


Eyes relatively smaller for size of body. 

3. The inner branches of the first pair of antennee about equal in 
length the outer branches. 

4. The exopodites of second antenne have increased slightly in 

5. The thoracic appendages have undergone a further forward 



6. The exopodites of the thoracic appendages are still functional. 


7. The swimmerets of the abdomen have each developed a 
delicate fringe of sete. 

8. The last segment of the abdomen has given out on each side 
an appendage consisting of an exopodite and an endopodite, these 
fringed with sete. The appearance of the “tail’’ has been greatly 
modified since the previous stage. 

9. The average length of the third stage is 11 mm. 

Fourth Stage. 

The changes which occur between the third and fourth stage are 
the most distinct of any which take place in the life history of the 
lobster, and are as follows: 

1. The body undergoes a straightening and elongation. 

2. In the first antennez the two branches of each appear equal in 
length, definitely segmented and bordered with sete. 

3. The second antenne (the endopodites) emerge as long, seg- 
mented, whip-like structures which now, because of the prominence 
of the basal joints, can be folded back along the side of the body. 

4. The thoracic appendages have again shifted forward, this 
time to adult position. Moreover, they have lost, with the exception 
of the maxillepeds, the swimming branches (exopodites). Rudi- 
ments of these are evident, however, as small functionless stumps 
with no sign of sete on the ischium or third joint of the chelz and 
ambulatory appendages. 

5. The appendages on the under side of the abdomen have become 
larger and stronger and fringed with a heavy border of sete. They 
become highly functional in this stage. 

6. The exopodites and endopodites arising from the last ab- 
dominal segment and forming with the telson the “tail-fan’’ have 
developed in size and now are equal in length to the telson itself. 
They too are fringed with a heavy border of long sete. 


7. The average length of the fourth stage lobster is about 13 
mm.; it is now almost the epitome of the adult lobster. 

In the succeeding stages of the young lobster many of the changes 
which take place may be noted, not so much with reference to any 
definite stage as with regards to the continued development as a 

whole. Of these we may note the following: 
1. The eyes become less and less prominent as the stages advance. 

2. A broadening and thickening in the body occurs. 


a. Inthe male this takes place in the cephalo-thorax. 
b. In the female, the broadening is in the abdomen. 

3. There is a thickening and strengthening of all the body ap- 
pendages with a gradual variance in the appearance of the right and 
left chele. 

Fijth Stage. 

The fifth stage lobster is too immature to at once manifest many of 
these changes; the chief characteristic of this stage being the promi- 
nence of the basal joints of the first antenne, as in contrast to this 
position under the rostrum border in the fourth stage. (Plate XI.) 
The average length of the fifth stage lobster is 15-16 mm. 

Stath Stage. 

The point of distinction of the sixth stage is the beginning of a dif- 
ferentiation in the shape of the chele, the right manifesting a tendency 
to develop into the ‘‘nipping” claw, the left into the “crusher.” 
This change sometimes is not evident until the seventh stage. The 
external reproductive organs often make their appearance in this 
stage. They first appear on the under side of the first abdominal 
segment. This phenomenon may, in some cases, be delayed until 
the seventh stage. The sex, however, can often be made out in the 

sixth stage by the position of the openings of the sperm ducts or 


oviducts, which appear on the basal segment of the first and third 

thoracic limbs, respectively. 
Seventh to Twelfth Stages. 

The changes in form which occur between these stages probably 
depend very much upon the vitality and general condition of en- 
vironment of the young lobster. Thus the impossibility to attribute 
to any one of these later stages definite characteristics inform. The 
most that can be stated is that some features of development appear 
to be manifested at about a certain stage. Thus the external repro- 
ductive organs, if they do not appear in the sixth stage, do appear in 
the seventh. In this and the following stages the difference in the 
large claws becomes more and more evident. It may be said that 
the lobster assumes the adult structural type (with reference to ex- 
ternal morphology) in the ninth stage of its existence. 


In the life history of the American lobster there occur very marked 
changes in color and coloration. These changes may be grouped 
under three heads, as follows: 

1. The sudden transitory changes in color (from blue to red, and 
red to blue) which take place in the first three larval stages. 

2. The more gradual changes in color which a young lobster, be- 
yond the fourth stage, may experience between any two successive 
moults; 7. e., during one stage-period. These changes are character- 
ized by a general darkening in color as the stage-period advances and 
the time of moulting draws near. 

3. The very gradual, progressive change in color and coloration 
which takes place in the development of the lobster after the third 
stage, and especially between the third and the twelfth stages. This 
change is characterized by the slow assumption of mottled olive 
green and brown as the young lobster approximates to the adult color 



The color of any lobster is due to three primary pigments, all of 

which are probably lipochromes: 

1. A red pigment found in the stellate color cells or chromato- 
phores which are very abundant of the lobster. 

2. <A yellow pigment located in the yellow pigment cells, or chro- 

matophores, which are less numerous than the red color cells. 

3. <A diffuse blue pigment found throughout the body in the blood, 
in which this pigment is soluble. 

These pigment cells are found in the epidermis or just below it in 
the pigment producing epithelium. A distinction must be made be- 
tween the color of the epidermis, which, in the early stages shows 
through the thin chitinous exoskeleton, and the color of older lob- 
sters which depends upon the amount and nature of the pigment 
absorbed by the thick, calcerous, and opaque exoskeleton. 

Often the color of the lobsters in the early stages is modified greatly 
by the color of the internal organs, such as stomach, intestines, liver, 
glands, ete., which may show through the thin, transparent, and 
chitinous wall of the exoskeleton before it has taken up from the 
water a large amount of lime salts. : 

The chromatophores themselves are granular, cytoplasmic bodies 
of irregular stellate shape, having centers from which branch thick 
trunks, dividing later into finer ramifications; through these the 
pigment ebbs and flows. These cells are found in fairly regular 
groups over the body and appendages, the groupings remaining fairly 
constant through the first three larval stages (cf. p. 59). 

The function of the pigments of the lobster or of the crustacea in 
general is not known. By various investigators they are held to be 
reserve products, or functionless products of metabolism, or again, to 
have a decided protective function (‘chromatic function” of Pou- 
chet). Protective function on the part of the chromatophores is, 
however, difficult to demonstrate, for the changes in the color of the 

young larve do not appear to be protective; and, moreover, the color 
and coloration of later stage lobsters, which certainly do manifest 
color adaptation to environment, appear to be influenced not so 
much by chromatophore activity as by chemical changes in the ab- 
sorbed pigments of the calcerous exoskeleton brought about by the 
influence of light intensity or other environmental conditions. 

Chromatophore activity may be stimulated by light, heat, and 
electricity, the resultant changes taking place most quickly in the lar- 
val stages. These stimuli cause, under most conditions, expansion 
of the chromatophore cells, while darkness and cold result in their 
contraction. These changes which determine the color of the young 
lobsters, as red or blue, result not only from the application of arti- 
ficial stimuli, but, in the case of light, with the change from night to 
day. Light intensity, rather than backgrounds, seems to condition 
the ebb and flow of color pigment in Homarus. 

The phenomenon of rapid, transitory color changes is lost when 
the lobster enters the fourth stage. This stage allows a wider range 
of color variation than any following stage. The characteristic 
color scheme includes yellow, red, and green, and the fourth stage 
lobsters exhibit some variety of modification or of mixture of these 
three main types. 

The characteristic color of the fifth stage lobster is a rich brown, set 
off by light spots varying in intensity from snow white to dirty yel- 
low. These spots may occur on the tips of certain appendages or on 
certain parts of the body where they usually mark the attachments 
of muscles. The body transparency has disappeared almost wholly 
in this stage; exceptions, however, may be noted. 

The color and coloration of the sixth stage lobster is hardly dis- 
tinguishable from the preceding stage. Bands and spottings of 
white are, however, usually more prominent in the sixth stage. 
During the latter part of the stage the color often changes to a dark 
drab, thus anticipating the stage succeeding. 

The color of the seventh stage lobster is very typical and char- 
acteristic, slate, having as occasional variations, green-slate, blue-slate, 


or cream-slate. These modifications, however, are not common in 
this stage. 

The individual eighth stage lobster can not by his color be told from 
the seventh stage. If large numbers are examined the characteristic 
stage color appears as blue-slate or cream-slate. 

A difference between the eighth and ninth stages can be deter- 
mined only by the observation of large numbers of individuals. 
Here it appears the characteristic color is blue, varying in its intensity. 
The white spots have in this stage become much less prominent and 
less frequent in occurrence. 

The color of the typical tenth stage lobster is olive-green. The 
stage still contains many blue and also many olive and brown lob- 
sters. The dark mottling in olive and brown makes its first appear- 
ance in this stage, while the white markings are no longer to be 

The eleventh stage of the lobster is characterized by the assump- 
tion in all individuals, of a mottled olive or olive and brown color, the 
general color type of the adult lobster. 






Anyone who is familiar with the habits of the crab and lobster is 
acquainted with the remarkable fact that, if one seizes a lobster’s 
claw and holds it fast or pinches it, the lobster is likely immediately 
to drop his whole limb, or chela, and scuttle away; thus he defends 
himself by leaving his weapon in your hand—a means of defence 
which, as some one has said, would be useful to pick-pockets. 

But still more remarkable than the power of “casting a claw,” or 
autotomy, is the power to reproduce or regenerate a new limb to re- 
place the one which has been lost. After the lobster has thrown off 
its leg, a bud begins to grow on the remaining stump, and in a com- 
paratively short time a complete appendage is developed. The 
power of thus regenerating parts of the body which have been lost is 
possessed by a large number of crustacean forms, but is most marked 
in the crab and lobster. 

This power of autotomy and regeneration has become a question 
of considerable scientific interest. Not only so, but as the result of 
recent rapid perfection and growing importance of lobster culture as 
an industry, the subject is also becoming one of economic interest. 
Since lobsters attack each other viciously in the lobster cars and 



ponds, the keeping of lobsters as well as the packing and transpor- 
tation is often attended with considerable loss. An examination 
of freshly taken lobsters will often show that as high as from 7 per 
cent. to 25 per cent. have lost one or both chelipeds, or big claws—a 
matter of some importance when we consider the choice quality of the 
cheliped for market purposes and their large proportion of weight. 

The recent success in the hatching and rearing of lobster fry and 
the new possibilities which are thus developing in the lobster indus- 
try are adding new interest to every phase of the lobster’s life and 
growth. From the standpoint of lobster culture there are advan- 
tages in making the intervals between the moulting periods as short 
as possible. The frequency of moulting depends upon a variety of 
conditions, both physiological and environmental. Warm weather, 
a more vigorous life and appetite, seem materially to hasten the 
moulting stage. In view of these facts, such questions naturally 
arise as what relations are there between the loss and regeneration of 
appendages and the process of moulting. 

Within the last few years the subject of regeneration has been re- 
ceiving a great deal of attention and scientific study, but it has not 
been completely worked out in the lobster—Homarus americanus. The 
Rhode Island Fish Commission in its work of solving the problem of 
lobster culture and the consequent study of the entire life-history 
and habits of the lobster has directed some of its attention to the 
phenomenon of regeneration, in regard to which the present paper is 
in the nature of a preliminary report. 


Experimenters and Observations.—The subject of regeneration did 
not attract general attention until about the middle of the seventeenth 
century. At that time the remarkable observations and experi- 
ments of such men as Trembley, 1740; and Reamur, 1742; Bonnet, 
1745; and Spallanzani, 1768, became known. They found that if a 
hydra was cut into three or four pieces, each piece would grow out 
again and form a new and perfect animal. Bonnet found that cer- 


tain kinds of fresh water worms could be cut into as many as four- 
teen pieces and still each piece would reproduce a new worm having 
a new head and tail. Trembley spilt a hydra’s head and obtained a 
double-headed hydra. Indeed, he succeeded by this way in getting 
even an eight-headed hydra. Spallanzani discovered that a tadpole 
could reproduce a new tail; that salamanders could renew both tail 
and legs; that slugs could regenerate a new head. The celebrated 
experiments of these naturalists aroused a widespread interest in 
the subject of regeneration, which at the present day is growing with 
increasing momentum. 

Numerous investigators have entered this promising field and are 
expanding its boundaries in many directions. While a review of 
their experiments and results on a great variety of forms in both 
animal and plant life would be irrelevant to our present purpose, per- 
haps a brief sketch of the work which has been done in the crustacean 
group and some of the theories of regeneration will be of value in in- 
dicating a few of the lines of interest in our present problem. 

Among the investigators who have studied the regeneration of lost 
appendages in crustacea are Reamur, 1712; Goodsir, 1844; Chantran, 
1873; Brooks, 1873; Herrick, 1895; Herbst, 1896-1901; Miss M. I. 
Steele, 1904; and Morgan, 1898-1905. 

Reamur began his experiments on crabs and lobsters, but the sea 
broke over and carried away his boxes or filled them with sand. He 
then experimented with crayfish. The following description in his 
own words is one of the earliest accounts of experiments with cray- 
fish: ‘I took several of them from which I broke off a leg; I placed 
them in one of the covered boats which the fishermen call ‘Bon- 
tiques,’ in which they keep fish alive. As I did not allow them any 
food I had reason to suppose that a reproduction would occur in 
them like that which I had attempted to prove. My expectations 
were in not vain. At the end of some months I saw, and this without 
surprise, since I had expected it—I saw, I say, new limbs which 
took the place of the old ones which I had removed. They had the 

same form in all their parts, the same joints, the same movements. 


A kind of regeneration like this hardly less excites our envy than our 
imagination; if, in place of a lost leg or arm, another would grow out 
again, one would be more willing to adopt the profession of the 

Reamur also noticed that the time necessary for the reproduction 
of new limbs varied with a number of conditions, such as the seasons 
and the temperature of the water—regeneration being more rapid 
in warm than in cold water; and legs broken off in winter did not 
grow out again until summer. He also cut off the tails of crayfish, 
but did not find that they were renewed. 

Chantran, in the study of crayfish, made some observations upon 
the regeneration of the antenne and eyes. 

Herbst made his experiments upon decapods and isopods. He 
obtained some very interesting results in the regeneration of the eye. 
In place of an eye, he often found a new antenna-like organ. From 
his experiments he arrived at the conclusion that the presence or 
absence of the optic ganglion was the factor determining whether an 
eye or an antenna-like organ shall be reproduced; and if the optic 
ganglion is present the eye would be renewed, but if gone an antenna- 
like organ may be regenerated instead of an eye. 

Miss Steele made a careful study of the regeneration of crayfish 
appendages. She succeeded in obtaining some interesting repro- 
ductions of antenne-like appendages in place of the normal eyes. 

Herrick, in his work on the American lobster, has given a concise 
account of his observations upon the regeneration of the chilipeds, 
antennz, and some of the thoracic appendages. Brooks also studied 
regeneration in the European lobster—Homarus vulgaris. Some of 
the results of both Herrick and Brooks will be referred to again later. 

Morgan experimented with the hermit crab to determine whether 
there was any relation between the power of regeneration and the 
liability to injury. His conclusion is that there exists no necessary 
causal connection between the two. 

Such, in brief, is the nature of some of the observations which have 

*Herrick. Bulletin of U. 8. Fish Commission 1895, p. 103, 


been made on regeneration among crustaceans. A few words may 
be added to indicate some of the theories which have been proposed 

to explain the phenomenon of regeneration. 

Reamur was among the first to suggest a philosophical explanation 
of regeneration. In the following words he expresses his belief that 
each limb must contain an infinite number of eggs or ege-germs: 
““We may suppose that these little hmbs which seem to grow out were 
inclosed in a little egg and that when a limb was broken off the same 
juices which nourished this part were used to develop and bring to 
birth the little germs of a hmb inclosed in this ege.* 

Goodsir assumed the existence of glandular-like bodies at the base 
of the limbs, which supply the germ of the new limbs; but the exist- 
ence of such glandular bodies is not supported by the results of other 

Pfluger (1883) assumed that food material is taken up at the 
wounded surface and organized into the substance of the new limb. 

Herbert Spencer elaborated a comparison of regeneration with the 
process of restoring a broken crystal. He suggests that “analogous 
forces’”’ are at work both in the renewal of a part of a crystal and in 
the regeneration of a limb. 

Two opposing views exist at the present time as to the origin of 
the power of regeneration, of which Weismann is a representative of 
one and Morgan of the other. Weismann concluded that the re- 
generation power is a characteristic which has been acquired by nat- 
ural selection. He found an important reason for this conclusion 
in a supposed causal relation between the power of regeneration and 
the liability to injury. Morgan, on the other hand, denies the exist- 
ence of any such causal relations and concludes that the power of re- 
generation is not the result of any selective agency of the environ- 
ment, but that “regeneration is a fundamental attribute of living 

*Herrick. U.S Fish Commission Report 1895. p. 106 
+Morgan. Regeneration, p. 282. 


At the present time there are also two fundamental and opposing 

‘ ) 

views of the nature of the “organization of the organism,” namely, 


those in which “organization” is explained as the result of the col- 
lective action of smaller units, and second, those in which the “ or- 
ganization”’ itself is regarded as a single unit which controls the 
parts.* The more recent hypothesis of regeneration may be roughly 
classified as coming under one or the other of these two interpreta- 
tions of the organism. 

The preformation theories of Bonnet and the germ theory of Weis- 
mann are representative of the first school. Weismann, with Bonnet, 
assumed the existence of latent germs in the different parts of the 
body. But Weismann went further, and located these germs in the 
nucleus of the cell. Regeneration, then, is caused by latent cells 
which contain pre-formed germs in the nucleus, called determinants. 

Supporters of the other school, like Whitman and Morgan, strongly 
argue that the cell theory is too narrow a basis from which to inter- 
pret the organism, and that the organism has a structure of its own 
independent of that of the cells. It is maintained, for example, that 


such phenomenon as a certain “polarity,’’? which is well illustrated 
in a piece of worm in which the anterior region always reproduces a 
head and the posterior end a tail—that such phenomena must be 
considered in an explanation of regeneration. At present a variety 
of experiments are being made to determine in what way the new 
regenerating material is ‘‘regulated”’ by the structure of the piece or of 
the organism. 

Thus it may be seen that the question of regeneration is still an 
open one, and that what is needed is a larger body of careful and 
exact experiments and observations before we can hope for a final 

solution of the problem. 


Systematic observations were made and material collected during 

the summer of 1904 at the experiment station of the Rhode Island 

*Morgan. Regeneration, p. 277. 


’ Commission of Inland Fisheries at Wickford, R. I. In the study of 
the problem several questions are immediately suggested, as, for 
example, the extent of the power of regeneration throughout the 
organism, the length of time required for the reproduction of a normal 
appendage, and the exact process in the development of a given 

At the beginning of the work several definite questions were taken 
and an effort made to get data for their solution. The lobsters used 
in the following experiments may be conveniently described in two 

Group I includes about fifty lobsters, varying from six to nine 
inches in length. They were obtained directly from the fish-traps, 
through the kindness of the Lewis Brothers, and placed in floating 
cars. Each lobster was tagged, weighed, measured, and the sex and 
general conditions were noted. They were mutilated in a variety of 
ways and daily observations and measurements made on the regener- 
ating processes, moults, ete. 

Group II embraces about a hundred very young lobsters ranging 
from the fourth to the ninth stages, 7. e., from one-half to about two 
inches in length. The young lobsters were taken from the hatching 
bags after they had moulted into the fourth stage so that the exact 
age and stage of each lobster was known. They were placed in 
floating cars which had been divided into small compartments by 
wire screening. Mutilations, measurements, and other observa- 
tions were systematically recorded and material preserved for further 
histological study. 

It was attempted to conduct the experiments under as normal con- 
ditions as possible. The lobsters were fed on fish and clams; an 
awning was placed over the experiment cars; the cars were also 
constructed so as to provide for a free circulation of the water, and 
every precaution was taken to keep the lobsters in a nearly natural 
environment. The experiments were also made at a favorable sea- 
son of the year,—the latter part of July, through the months of Aug- 
ust, September, and October, and part of November. 



In the discussion of the experiments and observations it has seemed 
most convenient to arrange the data under the following subjects: 

I. The power of regeneration throughout the organism. 
II. The relative power of regeneration at different levels in the 
thoracic appendages. 
Ill. The attainment of the normal length of the appendages. 
IV. The effect of repeated removal of an appendage. 
V. Regeneration and the process of moulting. 


Naturally in examining a lobster in search of regenerating struc- 
tures we would look at those organs which are most liable to injury. 
Our examination would soon make it evident that among the parts 
most exposed to injury are such appendages as the antenne and legs, 
and it is, indeed. in these appendages that the regenerating structures 

are most commonly seen. 

Chelipeds and Ambulatory Appendages.—In order to obtain a 
conception of the normal conditions under which regeneration usually 
occurs in these appendages, a few words will be necessary in regard 
to the process of autotomy. 

The chelipeds (big claw) is divided into seven parts or segments. 
All these segments are united by flexible joints with the exception of 
the second and third basal segments (Plate XXII, Fig. 1), the basiopo- 
dite (3), and ischiopodite (2). In the case of the cheliped the basiopo- 
dite, and ischiopodite are fused together into one immovable piece, 
but there is still a distinct groove marking the two segments (Fig. 
I, 1.). It is always precisely at this groove that separation occurs 
when the limb is thrown off by autotomy. Fig. II shows the basi- 
opodite (3) and the ischiopodite (2) separated by autotomy at this 

groove or breaking plane (1.) Upon examining the broken surface 


of the basiopodite it is seen that this breaking plane is obviously the 
most favorable region of the cheliped for autotomy. Not only is it 
one of the narrrowest cross sections of the limb, but the external 
groove is continued inwards by a double membraneous plate, which 
readily separates when the limb is voluntarily dropped off, leaving 
one membrane upon the leg and one on the remaining stump. Fig. 
II, 4, shows this membrane extending almost entirely over the basiop- 
odite—it is perforated only at the center by an artery, the blood 
sinuses, and a large nerve. It is remarkable that the nerve and 
blood vessels may be thus suddenly snapped off leaving the stump 
as clean as though it were cut with a sharp knife. 

In the case of the ambulatory appendages or walking legs, the 
second and third segments (Fig. III, is, bs.) are not fused as in the 
chelipeds, but the legs are always thrown off at the joint between 
these two segments (Fig. III, 1). Throughout the organism the 
power of autotomy has been observed to exist only in the chelipeds 
and the four pairs of walking legs. 

When the limb has been thrown off a dense blood clot immediately 
forms over the broken surface of the stump. Within a few days a 
small white papilla appears near the center of this dot which soon 
develops into the bud of a new limb. The time which intervenes 
between autotomy and the appearance of the new bud varies with 
several conditions which will be referred to later, such as the age of 
the lobster and the moulting period, ete. Fig. IV, Plate XXII, 
shows the basiopodite of the first left leg of a 74 inch lobster, on which 
the regenerating bud of three millimeters has appeared within about 
fifteen days after autotomy. In the same number of days a fourth 
or fifth stage lobster will often have reproduced an entire appendage. 

The bud continues to increase in size, sometimes becoming more 
than an inch in length. Fig. I (1), Plate X XI, shows the regener- 
ating bud of the left cheliped of a 74 inch lobster which measured 
1% inches just before moulting. Throughout this process the bud is 
always inclosed within a membraneous cuticular sac. In the latter 

part of the development constrictions begin to appear upon the bud 


which mark the formation of the future joints and segments of the 
limb.’* The papilla and young bud are first white and then become 
pink in color. Later the color becomes darker, and just before 
moulting the whole bud usually presents a very dark bluish red or 
purple color. The appearance of this dark color is valuable to 
fishermen as an index of an approaching moult of the lobster. 

Both chelipeds and the four pairs of walking legs regenerate from 
the breaking plane. The phenomenon of regeneration at different 
levels will be described later. 

Antenne.—The antenne, as has already been noted, are very 
liable to injury, but they do not possess the power of autotomy. 
This may be due to the fact that even a part of the antenne may 
still be of service to the lobster, and therefore a provision for its 
autotomy is unnecessary. 

Both antenne and antennules regenerate very readily at any 
level, either in the long flagellum or the articulations at the base. 
When the flagellum regenerates from its base the growing bud soon 
assumes a sickle shape and then coils upon itself in a spiral form. In 
some cases as many as five or six bright red colored spirals were ob- 
served just before a moult. When regeneration occurs in the seg- 
segments of the flagellum a bud does not appear externally but the 
development takes place within the broken tip, and the new part of 
the antenna is only apparent after the next moult. Both methods 
of renewal seem to be an admirable provision for preventing an undue 
exposure of the delicate buds to injury. 

The Eyes and Mazxillepeds—The maxillepeds, although not so 
liable to injury as the antenne or limbs, seem to possess a compara- 
tively normal power of regeneration. 

In the experiments on the eyes the results were not conclusive. 
The eyes of nine lobsters were mutilated either by the removal of a 
part of the cornea or of the whole eye-stalk. The lobsters averaged 
about eight inches in length; the mutilations were made in the latter 
part of July and the first week in August, and in most cases soon 

after a moult, thus securing the most favorable conditions for resto- 


ration. Three of the lobsters were in a normal condition, that is, 
they had no other appendages which were regenerating; the other 
six had various appendages in the process of renewal. The obser- 
vations were continued through the middle of October, but no posi- 
tive evidence of regeneration was apparent. 

In view of the fact that Herbst and Miss Steele have obtained such 
remarkable results in the regeneration of the eye in the crayfish and 
other decapods it may be expected that these results will be modi- 
fied by further experiments, although I am not aware of any account 
of regeneration in the eye of the lobster. But while the present re- 
sults may not be sufficient to justify a positive statement, it is cer- 
tainly evident that the regeneration of the eye is comparatively very 
slow, especially when it is considered that in the same lobsters and 
at the same time other appendages were regenerating in a normal 

Abdominal Appendages. he first pair of abdominal appendages 
are modified into external reproductive organs. Several observa- 
tions were noted of their regeneration. In experiments with the 
other four pairs of abdominal appendages, or swimmerets, positive 
results were obtained in the second and third pairs, and it seems safe 
to say that all the swimmerets will regenerate. Fig. I, 2, Plate X XI, 
shows the regenerating bud of the second left swimmeret; in Fig. 
II is seen the same appendages after moulting. Several instances 
were also noted in which the swimmerets regenerated from different 
levels, as, for example, the restoration of the endopodite and exopo- 
dite when one or both were removed. 

It may be of interest to note that the swimmerets do not seem to 
regenerate readily in the crayfish, at least Miss Steele did not meet 
with success in obtaining their restoration. Morgan, from his ob- 
servations with the crab, suggests that the comparative weakness in 
the power of regenerating the swimmerets may be partly due to a 
smaller supply of food material as compared with the thoracic ap- 
pendages.* This interpretation will be referred to again. 

*Morgan. Zodlogleal Bulletin, Vol. I, No. 6, p. 299. 


Other Parts of the Organism.—The beak will be renewed when broken 
off. Regeneration was observed in various segments of the telson. 
That the carapace possesses some power of regeneration seems to be 
indicated by the fact that around holes made in the dorsal region of 
the thorax the exoskeleton was partially restored after a moult. 
Some of the gills were removed from several lobsters, but no regener- 
ation was noted during the period of observation. 

It is thus seen that the ability to regenerate lost parts is remark- 
ably extensive throughout the external structure and appendages. 
No definite observations have yet been made on the power of regener- 
ation in the internal organs. Future experiments in this direction 
may furnish interesting data, especially in the case of internal or- 

gans not exposed to injury. 


As has just been stated, the walking legs are always thrown off 
by autotomy at the breaking plane between the second and third 
segments. Now when it is considered that the regeneration of the 
leg usually occurs at this joint the question is immediately suggested, 
will the thoracic appendages regenerate at other levels either distal or 
proximal to the breaking plane? 

For the purpose of answering this question the legs were cut at 
the various levels indicated in Figs. III, V, Plate XXII. As shown 
in Fig. V, the segment or basiopodite just below or proximal to the 
breaking plane was cut at three different levels: pa indicates a 
cut at the joint between the basiopodite and coxopodite; pb, a plane 
through the middle of the basiopodite; and pe, a level just below 
the surface of the breaking plane. Fifteen mutilations were made 
below the breaking plane of the chelipeds and walking legs; seven 
limbs were cut at pa, five at pb, and three at pe. Out of the fifteen 
mutilations only three showed any regeneration, and those were at the 
level pb or from the middle of the basal segment. 

Thirty-nine mutilations were also made at regions distal to the 


“breaking plane,” and at the levels Idb., 2db., and the joint between 
the fourth and fifth segments. (See Fig. III, Plate XXII, ldb, 2db, 
3.) Eleven regenerating structures were obtained, seven from the 
level ldb and four from the joint. Plate XXII, Fig. VI., shows 
the second right leg regenerated from the level 1db, or the middle of 
the propodite. This claw and half segment were restored at the next 
moult, which occurred two months and eleven days after mutilation. 
It will also be noted that the renewed structure is proportionately 
much smaller than the normal size. 

The above data may be tabulated as follows: 

Number of Limbs Mutilated. fe Ay 
o o 
ad 2 
E ; | H.2 =e 
|) ga] 4 po aa dees eae 
| ae 2 Ey 2 g ae a) & 
35 3 = = ae a 
£8 3 i = 3 nhc 
= ‘) = nq oo a i) 
Below pa 2 Hin 9 ol Iicke aera beats [eee aes 7 0 
breaking DOP tee AMS ee eee arse 5 3 
plane. pe De NE ee eh aoe 2 3 0 
Above (3 | ofmeang (recta org ,  & 7 a 16 7 
breaking 73 | 9 asa Vow eon carer if 4 2 7 0 
plane. sre jollitelles eae eee cy a Mites: 8 16 4 

From the table it may be seen that one-fifth of the appendages 
were restored from levels below or inside the breaking plane and 
nearly one-third were renewed at levels distal to the same plane. 

These results show that the thoracic appendages may regenerate 
from levels either distal or proximal to the breaking plane. The 
comparatively larger per cent. of restorations from the distal levels 
also indicate that the regenerating power varies at different regions 
in the limb. 

While the experiments just described were in progress observa- 


tions were also made on the power of regeneration at dijjerent levels as 
compared with the same process at the breaking plane. 

In the above experiments the limbs of twenty-eight lobsters were 
mutilated. The mutilations were all made at about the same time, 
viz., the first of August. For the purpose of comparison the limbs 
were not only cut at the levels noted above, but in nearly every case , 
some of the other legs were at the same time autotomously removed 
at the breaking plane. In the few exceptional cases some of the legs 
were already gone, so removal was unnecessary. During the three 
months of observation all but seven of the lobsters moulted. In all 
these lobsters the limbs which had been broken off at the breaking 
plane began to regenerate in the usual manner, while of the append- 
ages mutilated proximally or distally of this plane, only a small 
per cent. showed any sign of regeneration; or, more exactly, each of 
these twenty-eight lobsters had limbs gone at both the breaking 
plane and parts which were cut at other levels; nearly one hundred 
per cent. of the lobsters showed regeneration at the breaking plane 
and only twenty-five per cent. showed a similar process at the other 
levels. . 

The following tabulated data on four of these lobsters is charac- 
teristic of the results obtained: 







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This table illustrates the fact that in the same lobster in which no 
regeneration occurred below the breaking plane regeneration did take 
place at this plane at a normal rate. It is evident from these re- 
sults that while the thoracic appendages may and often do regener- 
ate from other levels, the process is much slower in starting and there 
is a large difference in the frequency of restoration as compared with 
regeneration at the breaking plane; in other words, the tendency to 
regenerate a lost structure is much stronger and more highly de- 
veloped at the normal breaking plane than at any other level in the 

In attempting to account for these facts the question is suggested 
whether the difference in regenerative power at different levels may 
not be best explained by the liability to injury and the action of 
natural selection. As has already been intimated, it is a matter of 
controversy whether the law of natural selection furnishes a satis- 
factory explanation of the power of regeneration. A disputed 
question in this controversy is whether there is any causal relation 
between the liability to injury and the capacity for regeneration. 
Weismann, for example, holds that there is such a causal relation, 
while Morgan, on the contrary, maintains that no such relation 
necessarily exists and that consequently natural selection is inade- 
quate to explain the phenomenon of regeneration. 

Now it seems unquestionable that in the thoracic appendages the 
breaking plane is the region of the imb most liable to final injury, 
7. €., although the intial injury may be near the extremity, the final 
separation of the limb from the body usually occurs at the breaking 
plane. In all the lobsters taken from the traps during the summer 
the lost limbs were nearly always separated at that place—a leg or 
cheliped with half or two-thirds of the original number of segments 
remaining is seldom found. Yet this condition might naturally be 

In experiments upon autotomy in the lobster it was found that if 
the cheliped or leg was crushed by a pair of tweezers it was almost 
invariably dropped at the breaking plane. This was especially 


marked in young lobsters—the leg would be “shot off’? almost 
simultaneously at the moment of injury. Great difficulty was ex- 
perienced with the fourth and fifth stage lobsters because the stumps 
were almost always cast off at the breaking plane, no matter at what 
level the cut had been made. By the exercise of considerable care, 
however, the legs could usually be cut off, with a sharp instrument, 
near the tip without a loss of the total limb through autotomy. But 
if the cut was made near the base of the appendages, say in the region 
of the ischiopodite or meropodite, the remaining stumps were fre- 
quently dropped. 

In all these experiments it is to be observed that a crushing in- 
jury resulted in the autotomy of the whole limb, and that success in 
preventing autotomy was only obtained by a quick cut of the in- 
strument. This suggests a clue for the explanation of the fact that 
under natural conditions the lobster’s limb is usually gone at the 
breaking plane. 

Even a superficial examination of the construction of the lobster’s 
claws will show that they are adapted for holding and crushing. 
Their effectiveness in removing an opponent’s limb may be seen at 
any time in the lobster cars; indeed, their ferocious combats so often 
result in the loss of appendages that it is necessary to tie or “plug” 
the claws. It is perhaps safe to assume that the injuries sustained 
in other phases of the lobster’s struggle for existence are of a similar 
character; that the lobster in the conflicts with his enemies more 
often suffers a crushing, tearing injury than a clean-cut amputation, 
and this results in the autotomy of the whole hmb. This assump- 
tion is farther justified by the fact that the animals with which the 
lobster would most naturally contend are much better equipped for 
crushing and holding than for cutting. Thus both experiment and 
observation indicate that the breaking plane is the region of the 
lobster’s limb at which it is usually severed from the body as the 
result of an injury to the limb. 

It would seem, therefore, that the power of regeneration is most 

highly developed at the breaking plane, 1. e., the region at which the limb 


us usually severed from the body as the result of an injury of the ap- 
pendage. This leads to the conclusion that the high perfection of the 
power of regeneration at the breaking plane as compared with other 
levels, either distal or proximal to it, is causally connected with the 
liability to injury and, consequently, upon the basis of evolutionary 
principles, is the result of natural selection. 

In this connection another observation may be cited, viz.: in some 
crustaceans, especially the crayfish and crab, and the same is also 
true in the lobster, the swimmerets are slower in restoration than the 
thoracic appendages. Some writers have suggested that the supply 
of food material is an important factor in producing this comparative 
difference; but the following experiment would indicate that such a 
factor should not be given too great importance in explaining this 

The results obtained in the following experiment illustrate one of 
a number of similar observations. In lobster No. 100, Table II, the 
first right leg and the first right swimmeret were removed on the same 
date, July 25th. The leg was cut at the middle of the basal segment 
or basiopodite, and the swimmeret was removed at its base. The 
next moult occurred two and one-half months after mutilation. The 
leg then showed no distinct regeneration, while the swimmeret was 
restored to about three-fourths the normal size. In such a case it is 
evident that, though the leg was more favorably situated than the 
swimmeret, with reference to the source of food material, its regener- 
ation was less rapid. In passing it might also be observed that if 
the leg in this experiment had been removed a quarter of an inch 
farther out, 7. e., at the breaking plane, it would have regenerated 
very rapidly (see page 96), although in that case the supply of food 
material would, if anything, be even less. In conclusion, then, it may 
be said that, so far as the present observations go, the results indicate 
that some factor or factors, other than the supply of food material, 
determine the difference between the power of regeneration of the 

swimmerets and that of the thoracic appendages. 



Under this subject we will first consider whether the thoracic ap- 
pendages or legs will attain normal length at the first moult. 

Some investigators have maintained that the walking legs do attain 
the normal length at the first moult. The well-known zodlogist, 
Brooks, for example, made the following observations on the walk- 
ing legs in a study of the European lobster, Homarus vulgaris: ‘“ After 
the ecdysis (moult) the new ambulatory limbs assumed all the pro- 
portions of their uninjured fellows, * * * this evidence shows 
that in the lobster, at any rate, the new ambulatory limbs attain 
their full development at the first ecdysis.”’ He further proceeds 
to interpret this fact by remarking that, indeed, this is what we might 
be led to expect for the following reasons: <A study of the functions 
of the different limbs shows that the chelipeds may still be of great 
service, even though they have not attained the normal length; but 
that it is different in the case of the walking appendages—a walking 
leg would be of little use to the lobster if it were much smaller than 
its fellows, and therefore there is a natural provision for the resto- 
ration of a walking leg to the normal size at the first moult.* 

In regard to this question my observations do not support these 
conclusions. On the contrary, in the present experiments on a 
large number of lobsters, the ambulatory appendages did not thus 
attain their normal length at the first moult, as may be seen in the 
following tabulated data on five of these lobsters: 

*Brooks. Notes on Reproduction of Lost Parts in the Lobster (Homarus vulgaris). Roy. 
Physical Soc., session CX VJ., pp. 370-385; 1887. 




Tas_e III. 
; | 

2 Date. ¢ 3 Appendage. Condition. Moult. Length. 
2) Aug. 17 Tht. | ord Re lege. Normals.) 2) Sept. 3...) LOnm. 

| 3rd leg......| Removed... | 4mm. 

3} Sept. 10.. | 7th. | 4th R. leg...| Removed...| Oct 2......| 10mm. 
| 4th L. leg...| Normal..... 12mm. 
6)CSept-65- Sie 7th. Ath R. leg...| Removed...} Sept. 27...| 11mm. 
Ath L. leg...| Normal.... .| 13mm. 
114) Aug. 15.. | 62 | 2nd R. leg...| Normal.....| Sept. 15...| 81mm. 
| 2nd L. leg...| Found reg... 62mm. 
108) Sept. 1.. | 62 | 4th R. leg...| Found reg..| Sept. 9....) 62mm. 
| | 4th L. leg...| Found reg. . 47mm. 

It will be seen in this table that three of these five lobsters were 
very young and that the other two were more mature, but in no in- 
stance had the regenerating limbs attained the normal size at the first 
moult. Moreover, in the case of the last lobster, No. 108, it may be 
observed that both members of the second pair of legs were regener- 
ating at the same time. But even then, at the next moult, the new 
pair of legs were not the same size when compared with each other 
and differed by as much as fifteen mms. in length. 

These data are characteristic of a large number of similar obser- 
vations, so the conclusion seems evident that the walking legs do not 
always attain the normal length at the first moult; it also follows, 
therefore, that the interpretation that the walking legs regenerate 
to a normal size at the first ecdysis for functional or other purposes 
is not necessarily true. 

A word might be added with reference to Brooks’s observations. 
It is quite probable that his results may be explained in another way. 
It should be observed that my experiments were made during the 
summer months. Now, if a limb were removed during the winter, 
in which case the next moult would not occur for a comparatively 

long time, it is possible that under such conditions the given limb 


would more nearly approach the normal size at the first moult. This 
suggests an explanation of Brooks’s results. From an examination 
of his data it appears that the lobster which he cites had lost the am- 
bulatory limbs in question during the winter (the exact date is not 
given); consequently the new leg had a comparatively long period 
to regenerate before the next ecdysis in the spring, and so attained 
more nearly the normal proportions at the first moult. 

If the thoracic appendages then do not attain the normal length at 
the first moult the question which next arises is: How long does it 
take a regenerating appendage to attain the normal size? Of course this 
question must be answered in terms of moulting periods rather than 
in terms of days and months, because the rapidity of regeneration, 
like the frequency of moulting, varies with the age of the lobster. 

There is a popular belief that a lobster’s appendages will be re- 
stored to normal length in one or at least two moults. The present 
observations, however, do not seem to justify such an opinion. In all 
the data there was no exception to the following observations: 
neither the antennz, maxillepeds, thoracic appendages, the first 
pair of abdominal appendages (accessory reproductive organs), nor 
the swimmerets attained normal length at the first moult. In re- 
gard to the second moult a difficulty was encountered through the 
fact that in the mature lobster only one moult usually occurred during 
the summer. In the few cases in which data were obtained on the 
chelipeds through the second moult, those limbs had not yet grown 
to normal length. Fig. II, Plate X XI, is a good illustration of the 
comparative size of the regenerated and normal chelipeds just after 
the first moult. Figs. I and II on the same plate also show the re- 
markable expansion which occurs in the regenerating structure as 
soon as it is released through the moulting process from the mem- 
braneous sac of the bud. 

This difficulty, arising from a long interval between the moulting 
periods, disappears in case of experiments with very young lobsters. 
The right chelipeds of lobsters varying from the fourth to the ninth 

stages were removed and the regenerating structures compared 


with the normal ones. Twenty-four measurements of the chelipeds 
were taken. Sixteen measurements were made at the first moult, 
seven were continued through the second and one through the third 
moult. With one exception the chelipeds failed to obtain the nor- 
mal length. In this one exceptional case the cheliped had grown to 
its normal size, but only after the third moult, as is shown by the 
following data: 

Data ON LOBSTER No. 10. 

| rea 

| | 
Stage .. Appendage..| Mutilation... Moult...| Length .| Moult...| Length .. Moult... Length. 

| | | ay eta oa aay 
(5)* | R. cheliped..| Removed....| Aug. 5..) 10 mm.. | Aug. 19.| 134 mm. Aug. 27.) 18 mm. 

..| L. cheliped: | July 25...... (6) |12mm..) (7) |15mm..| (8) | 18mm. 
| | 

*Moulted to fifth stage July 24. 

Although in this instance the right cheliped did attain normal 
length in three moults, it is not certain that the limbs will always 
generate to the normal size in that time. 

Thus it appears that no definite statement can be made as to the 
time required for an appendage to be restored to its normal size. 


Curiosity might raise the question: How often could a lobster 
restore such a complex mechanism as a cheliped, or, in other words, 
what would be the effect of the repeated removal of a given limb? 
But the question also draws some interest from theoretical con- 
siderations. In a previous sketch of the theories of regeneration 
attention was called to Reamur’s “egg-germs”’ and Weismann’s 
‘“determinants.”” In considering such theories the query might 
naturally arise whether it would be possible to exhaust the “egg- 

germs,” “determinants,’”’? or whatever the latent forces may be 


which contain the power of reeonstructing the mechanism of the 

As a matter more of curiosity than of deliberate expectation that 
such an exhaustion of the regenerative power would be possible, a 
series of observations were made on young lobsters. Young lob- 
sters were taken because in them the appendages are regenerated 
much more quickly and thus offer a larger number of opportunities 
to remove the limbs during the period in which the present obser- 
vations were being made. The experiments were made upon the 
right cheliped. The given cheliped was always removed when it had 
regenerated and come out of the next moult. After each moult both 
regenerated and normal limb were measured as carefully as possible 
so as to determine the proportional gain of the new cheliped as com- 
pared with the normal one. It was attempted to remove the given 
limb immediately after each moult, so as to always allow the whole 
period between two moults for its regeneration. The attempt was 
also made in every way to keep all the conditions as uniform as 

The following table gives data on six of these lobsters: 





2 Per cent. 
"S Date. 3 Appendage. | Mutilation. Moult. Length. gain of 
E oo regen. 
Z a 
I.|Aug. 24...) 6 |R. cheliped..|Removed...|/Sept. 6...... 14 mm.|77z5 ) 
Inxcheliped@A\ete rs 8 ae 18 mm. 
Sept. 6...) 7 |R. cheliped..|Removed. .|Sept. 28 (?) 17 mm.|79 ‘ I 
uy cheliped 2/5 ov --. ms 214mm. as 
Sept. 29..) 8 |R. cheliped..|Removed. .|Nov. 11 (?) 15 mm.|573%5 | 
cheliped:s))..22 0 nen 26 mm. J 
II.|Aug. 25...| 6 |R. cheliped .|Removed..|Sept. 7...... 11 mm./785; ) 
Licheliped: 2) 030 42 2S. 14 mm. | 
\ TT. 
Sept. 7...| 7 |R. cheliped..|Removed..|Sept. 28 (?)..| 13 mm./72,; | 
iP. cheliped:s|it-e 1 ee 18 mm. J 
III.|Aug. 24...| 6 |R. cheliped..;Removed../Sept. 6...... 17 mm.|773; | 
ds cheltiped):.| ce oae ae 22 mm. | 
Sept. 6...) 7 |R. cheliped../Removed..|Sept. 27 (2)..) 19 mm./70,8, | 
Wreheliped.¢|.h.2.8.3- 27 mm. J 
IV.|Aug. 23...| 6 |R. cheliped../Removed..|Sept. 3...... 13 mm.|793, 
Lischeliped,.:)|-:.\>...d:cseon 164mm. 
Sept. 3...| 7 |R. cheliped..|Removed. .|Sept. 19 14 mm.| 73,8, Liv 
IG @Onaliiceolalla os aaa aoe 19 mm. | : 
Sept. 19..| 8 |R. cheliped. .|Removed. .|Oct. 25 174mm. | 7474 
L. cheliped..|......... 05. 234mm. J 


TaBLe [V.—Ccntinued. 

Pay | | Per cent 
& Date. | ; | Appendage. | Mutilation. Moult. | Length. gain of 
g a0 regen 
3 a 
Z Q 
V.|Aug. 23...| 6 |R. cheliped../Removed../Sept.6...... | 154mm./90 | 
L. cheliped..|.......... 17mm. | 
Sept. 6...! 7 |R. cheliped. .;Removed../Sept. 28 (?)..! 17 mm. | 
L..chelipeds:|.0.4 4.85 | 23 mm./73,3 | 
VI. |Aug. 17...| 6 |R. cheliped..|Removed../Aug. 27...... | 0 mm.| 0 ) 
Lcheliped.:|.:.naee os | 134mm. 
Aug. 29...) 7 |R. cheliped..|Removed. .|Sept. 8 (?)...| 13 mm.|83,8; ( ,, 
; ete VI. 
i. ‘cheliped. :|:,.-pkeseyae | 153mm. | { 
Sept. 10..| 8 |R. cheliped..|Removed..|Oct. 2 (?)... | 15 mm.)75 | 
i.cheliped.2|.2-c2ee ee | 20 mm. J 

It will be seen that at each removal the right cheliped usually showed 
a diminishing per cent. of gain when compared with the correspond- 
ing normal appendage; in other words, in each successive regener- 
ation there was a larger per cent. of difference between the regener- 
ated and normal limb. Interesting results might, perhaps, be ob- 
tained by a continuation of such an experiment through a much 
longer period of time; but it would be hasty to conclude that the 
above data proved a decrease in the regenerative power, because, as 
will be noticed, each successively regenerated cheliped does show 
a per cent. of gain when compared among themselves; as, for ex- 
ample, in lobster No. 4 the measurements for the right cheliped at the 
successive moults are 13, 14, and 174mm., thus showing a continuous 
increase (although the same is not true in lobster No. 1). So the 

present data are insufficient for a positive answer to the original 


question whether the regenerative power could be decreased by con- 
tinuous mutilation, and the above results are given rather as a matter 
of incidental interest than as indicating a definite conclusion. 


The moulting process of the lobster is in itself a most fascinating 
phenomenon. At certain more or less regular periods the lobster 
removes not only the chitinous shell of his body, but also the entire 
covering of all the appendages, eyes, and even the stomach, as a boy 
might remove his old clothes for a brand new suit. In considering 
this important as well as critical period in the lobster’s life, the 
question is suggested —what relations are there between the regenera- 
tion of the thoracic appendages and the process of moulting. If, under 
such circumstances, a limb did begin to regenerate and had only be- 
come a small bud at the time of moulting, what would be its con- 
dition after the moult? Would it continue after the moult merely as 
a growing bud, or would it be a functional appendage, 7. e., have all 
the activities of a fully developed limb? 

In the data collected on the relation of regeneration and the moult- 
ing process the following interesting fact was obtained: In all the 
observations made, not only upon the lobsters used in the experi- 
ments, but also upon the lobsters at the hatchery, there was not one 
instance in which a lobster came out of the moult with an appendage 
which was in a non-junctional condition. In other words, in every 
case a regenerating appendage which continued through a moult 
had all the motions and uses of a perfect limb, 7. e., “it moulted 
functional.” The conclusion is, therefore, that a regenerating limb 
which passes through an ecdysis always moults as a functional ap- 

If this conclusion is correct, then two alternatives seem to pre- 
sent themselves. Either a regenerating structure which has not 
developed far enough to moult “functional” will be dropped during 
the moult; or else the limb will only begin to regenerate when the 


interval between the time of injury and the date of the next moult 
is long enough to permit a degree of development such that the limb 
can moult with “functional” characteristics. 

With regard to the first phase of the question it can be stated that 
no conclusive evidence was obtained that partially developed re- 
generating buds were dropped during a moult. In regard to the 
second alternative, that a limb will not begin to regenerate unless the 
interval between the time of injury and the date of moulting is suf- 
ficient to permit the development of a functional appendage, two 
questions arise. First, is there a definite time limit within which a 
limb will not begin to regenerate before a moult? Second, if a limb 
has begun to regenerate within a comparatively short time before 
the succeeding moult, will the rapidity of the regenerating process be © 
materially hastened or the moulting date delayed so as to favor the 
restoration of the appendage? 

Of these two questions we will consider first whether there is a 
definite time limit within which a limb will not begin to regenerate be- 
jore a moult. . 

In a general way it may be said that there appears to be such a 
limit ; for in a large number of instances it was found that an append- 
age would not regenerate if it had been removed shortly before a 
moult. Most of the data which furnished any definite evidence in 
regard to the comparative length of this limit was obtained from 
young lobsters. The following table shows the minimum number of 
days in which regeneration did begin, and the maximum number of 
days in which restoration did not begin, as noted in sixth and seventh 
stage lobsters: 




@ \AUg 23 se~ 









Aug. 25... 

Aug. 23... 









Time be- 
¢ | Appendage. | Mutilation. Moult. Condition. eee ana 
s moult. 

6 |R. cheliped.. Removed..|Sept. 3 Regine. | 10 days. 
chehiped:s |. 6: ees Normal. | 

6 |R. cheliped.. Removed. . Sept. 6..... Reéanan es 13 days. 
Lsieheliped. 3} 23%. estas Normal 

6 |R. cheliped... Removed. .|Sept. 6 Reece e 13 days. 
cheliped see seer Normal. | 

6 |R. cheliped.., Removed.. Sept. 9 Reem ritecr: 14 days. 
usecheliped= i) .1. alcote 2a. Normal 

6 |R. cheliped..|Removed.. Sept. 6..... Reei.h ak 14 days. 
Ls; cheliped..||.220.. 22/3 Normal. 

6 |R. cheliped..; Removed. .| Aug. 27 .|Normal.. . 2 days. 
bschelipeds iy... 6. 33 no. reg.. 

7 |R. cheliped..|Removed ‘Aug. 30502 no. reg... 4 days. 
Tacheliped es aici a 2s. Normal. 

7 |R. cheliped../Removed..) Aug. 30.....|No. reg... 4 days. 
i cheltped:a |e yin Normal. 

As far as these results go it appears that the maximum regener- 
ating limit obtained was ten days and that the maximum non-re- 
generating internal was four days; or, in other words, the chelipeds 
of the sixth stage lobster will regenerate if removed ten days before 
the following moult, and that the same limbs will not regenerate if 
removed (two days in the case of the sixth stage or four days in the 
No data has yet 
been secured to show whether a limb would or would not be restored 
if removed between four and ten days preceding a moult? In the 
more mature lobsters the shortest period noted in which a thoracic 

case of the seventh stage) before the next moult. 

appendage began to regenerate was sixteen days. 


These results, then, indicate that there is a certain period preceding 
an ecdysis in which if a thoracic appendage is removed, the limb will 
not begin to regenerate before the following moult. Whether this 
limit approaches any regular per cent. of the whole interval between 
two moults, it would require a larger number of comparative obser- 
vations to determine. 

The second question to be considered is whether there ts any adap- 
tation of the regenerative or moulting processes favorable to the early 
restoration of a lost appendage. 

In the attempt to ascertain whether the moulting process is de- 
layed, or, what is the same thing, whether the interval between 
moults is lengthened by the presence of regenerating structures, it 
is necessary to know first the average length of the moulting period 
of a normal lobster at a given stage. If this were known, then the 
question might be answered by observing whether that period is 
lengthened in a lobster with structures regenerating. 

During the present summer Prof. A. D. Mead has collected data 
and made observations upon the moulting periods of young lobsters 
in which the stages are known. A tabulated form of Prof. Mead’s 
results may be found in this report, page 40. This table shows that 
the average duration of the fifth stage for the normal lobsters was 
94 days; and of the sixth stage 12.7 days. 

For these two periods, then, we have now a basis for comparison 
with the results obtained from experiments on mutilated lobsters. 
The following table gives the moulting periods of fourteen fourth, 
fifth, and sixth stage lobsters, in which one or more appendages were 
in the process of regeneration: 





Group I. 

No. Date of Stage Date of Stage Date of Stage Date of Stage 
Moult. Period. Moult. Period. Moult. Period. || Moult. Period. 
Tell ae ee Bl gad: 2/0 Ades) Ok eye dase Acces) oe) ae me 
Dy lected euces, eA adl Oy apie arash te ‘July Qe (Lo das. Arup Oi. sf las cla se.) Acape 823 s\n teenies 
© | epee oy ieee “July 27.) laser eal Aan, Sion atta ude, ll Aes aa 
PAP | erties Steen bitten f te July 24....|16 da...||Aug. 9....|18 da...||Aug. 27 
54 awe ier ae Sean July 27....113 da...|/Aug. 9....|15 da...||Aug. 24. 
|| sie sepa at eA a July 26..../14 da...|/Aug. 9....28 da...|/Sept. 6.. 
TAH I hate epee eae scl te reheaiee A ll uly 26....|13 da... ||Auge 9%. ..|28 da... |iSept- (6 
Swe eoewatas acca let oceans, oases July Deseel\ea daecns Aug. Wise nilfilts) bios oIUNiIES 2/a)lntsebocosoc 
Qa ae tache on Raed p capt Suby 27s, ilsndat. al Auge Os. 4129" dar.||Semted: 
ONG | |e teceer cece uccsest| Serer ota: July +27... 13) da... !Aug. 7277013) dao. | Auge 20)5)) 262 eselea- 
Aeneas Sn) Gan. Average 19 aan 
Group IT. 
: ae 
11 | suby DD rer Dy Cantey) SUL Por, allan) LB Arata PATE re Velen clltann <yeyeyes teil axevats hacoked iste tenedetetanietate 
12 ||July 12....|15 da...||July Bye eelTolda AMEE: 1G 2k eel). cose jtren batts Hl ence, orokclchas aise Rseasteale 
13 || July 12.16 Rea sol rly ew acta | Arrest ese ae aa eRe. 
14 ||July 12....119 da...\lJuly 31....| 9 da...|lAug. 10,..|........||.....--. Dobe. 
Average 16 da.... . Average 94 da.... | 

Group I in this table contains the moulting periods for the fifth 
and sixth stages of ten lobsters in which the right cheliped was re- 

moved immediately after each moult. 

It will be seen that the average 

length of the periods was 13.4 days for the fifth, and 19 days for the 

sixth stages. 

A comparison of the length of the stages of these mutilated lob- 
sters with the corresponding stages of the normal lobsters discloses 
the interesting fact that in the regenerating lobsters the length of the 
fifth stage was forty per cent. and that of the sixth stage thirty-three per 

cent. greater than the corresponding normal stages. This indicates that 


the presence of regenerating structures tends to lengthen the interval 
between moults. 

Group II contains data on the moulting periods of four fourth and 
fifth stage lobsters. The right cheliped and second left leg of each 
lobster were removed about the middle of the fourth stage, but no 
appendages were removed in the fifth stage. The observations were 
continued through both stages. The point of interest is that in 
these specimens when the limbs had not been removed the length of 
the fifth stage period dropped back to the average of nine and one- 
haif days, the normal length for the fifth stage. 

It will also be noticed that the average length of the fourth stage 
was sixteen days; since, however, the length of the normal stage has 
not yet been definitely determined, it cannot be stated how much 
longer this is than the normal fourth stage period. 

In conclusion, these results indicate that the presence of regener- 
ating structures tends to lengthen the interval between moults. 

A series of observations were also made upon the first phase of our 
question, 1. e., whether the rapidity of the regenerating process is has- 
tened by the approach of the moulting period. This was done by re- 
moving some of the limbs of about twenty ‘‘chicken”’ lobsters and 
then making systematic observations and measurements on the re- 
generating structures. The given appendages were all removed at 
nearly the same time, about August first. Of course it was not known 
exactly when the lobsters would moult, but the observations were 
continued until they did moult and the results then compared to 
ascertain how the rate or regeneration varied with reference to the 
length of the interval intervening between the time of injury and the 
date of the moult. 

The following data on four of these twenty lobsters show the na- 
ture of the results obtained on the chelipeds and second pair of am- 
bulatory appendages: 



Group I. Appendages removed About One Month and Twenty-five Days Before 

Group I. |Appendages.|} Date of Autotomy.| Date. Reg. Date. Reg. Date. 
Tobeter R. cheliped..| Removed Aug. Ist.|Aug. 19. 3mm. |Aug. 27.) 74mm. |Sept. 5.. 
o. 34. 
Leute 742 |L. cheliped..|Removed Aug. Ist.)/Aug. 19. 3mm. |Aug. 27.| 7mm. |Sept. 5.. 
Male. 2 R. leg... ..|/Removed Aug. Ist.|Aug. 19. 3mm. /Aug. 27.| 9mm. |Sept. 5.. 
2L. leg....|Removed Aug. 1st.|Aug. 19.) 1.5mm. |}Aug. 27.| 6mm. |Sept. 5.. 
No. 82. 
Tonge 713)/R. cheliped..|Removed Aug. Ist.|Aug. 20.) pap. |Aug. 27.| 4.5mm. |Sept. 7.. 
Male. L. cheliped..|Removed Aug. Ist.|Aug. 20.)........ Aug. 27.| 3mm. |Sept. 7.. 
Group II. Appendages Removed Three Months Before Moult. 
No. 30. |R. cheliped..|Removed Aug Ist..;/Aug. 19.| 14mm. |Aug. 27.| 34mm. |Sept. 5.. 
Length 738 
ene 2R. leg....|Removed Aug. 1st.)Aug. 19.| pap. |Aug. 27.| 3mm. |Sept. 5.. 
2 L. leg.....|Removed Aug. 1st.|Aug. 19.| pap. |Aug. 27.| 3mm. |Sept. 5.. 
Ree R. cheliped..|Removed Aug. 1st.)Aug. 19.)........ Aug. 27.| 3mm. |Sept. 5.. 
Length 725 |L. cheliped..|Removed Aug. Ist..;Aug. 19.|}........ Aug. 27.) 3mm. |Sept. 5.. 
Male. 2 BR. leg.....|/Removed Aug. Ist.;Aug. 19.| pap. |Aug. 27.) 3mm. /|Sept. 5.. 
2 L. leg......|/Removed Aug. Ist.|Aug. 19.| pap. |Aug. 27.) 3mm. |Sept. 5.. 


Taste VII.—Continued. 

Group I. Appendages Removed About One Month and Twenty-five Days Before 



Reg. Date. Reg. Date. Reg. Date. Reg. Moult. after 

194mm. | Sept. 17. | 264mm. | Sept. 24. | 294mm |.........]........ 97mm. 
stm Sepp: L7. | 294mm. | Sept. 24. || Slimm. 5... semis eee Moulted 97mm. 
LoAmmee septs lve |2Ohmme | Septe 245 | 22mm eee. a erallie ee ene ee Sept 26. 56mm. 
i5ranmeoepts lias | 2lemm-. Sept. 24. 22) amma a. ee alae eae 53mm. 
AeAmarnem | SCD tel i leo MIN. ||\2< sc oA -iliasta eres I ar ersutucaeailltsye te eee tees Moulted 90mm. 
Wil weaken, |S oES Alvis) CRP seeneny Ga aecaaaollaaagcodc leeakorieec. cee eReene acne Sept. 28. 100mm. 

Group II. Appendages Removed Three Months Before Moult——Continued. 

84mm. | Sept. 17 .| 164mm. | Sept. 27. | 264mm |.........]........ 97mm. 
Gunman sept. Liga Lidmm=| Sepia ce |o22, LIS les eremranes leesne re ears 84mm 
Oct. 28. 
Bolracbons NAS ote IES || ale yeaanens Soin, Pls, || PAO teabeale |I, c on aaodellsonanods 84mm. 
Zicasavear, a Metelohigpa WAga|iksy ssobscholn Sane Ge Allain oa onc Nov. 12. | 264mm. 
| Had not 
Mirae tse tol acne loe eo sa oecllococodés Nov. 12. | 264mm. | 
| moulted 
©) seobanks |lastotte diay ll M7Paabele a coecocnllocosncce Nov. 12. | 234mm. Ieee eee 
Nov. 12. 
Fieqaavene leis) oad lifes Alf aeebooll ean sign allno cao aan Nov. 12. | 234mm. | 


It will be seen in this table that for the purpose of comparison the 
data have been arranged in two groups. In Group I, the next 
moult took place at about one month and twenty-five days after mu- 
tilation, while in Group II the lobsters moulted in the much longer 
period of three months after mutilation. The given appendages 
were all removed at nearly the same time. The lobsters were all’ 
males, and were about the average length of seven and three-quarters 
inches. They were all under the same conditions in regard to food, 
temperature, and season of the year. Thus all the conditions were 
evidently favorable for obtaining real comparative results. 

An examination of the data shows that the appendages regener- 
ated much more rapidly in the first than in the second group. ‘This is 
clearly seen in a comparison of lobsters No. 34 and No. 30. The 
right cheliped of both lobsters were removed at the same date, August 
1. Five of the measurements of the regenerated limbs, taken be- 
‘tween the date of mutilation and the next moult, may be grouped 

cas follows: 
| After moult. 

LosstTerR No. 34. Aug. 19. Aug. 27. Hept.5.- || (Sept. 27. + 
| Sept. 26. 
R. echeliped.) 12... .|/ 3) mam: 74 mm. 194mm. | 264mm. | 97 mm. 
Loxsster No. 30. Oct. 28. 

R. cheliped........ 14 mm. 34 mm. 4mm. | 164 mm. | 97 mm. 

In this comparison it is to be observed that in lobster No. 34 in 
one month and twenty-five days the right cheliped not only regenerated 
twice as jast but it attained exactly the same length that the corresponding 
cheliped in Lobster No. 30 did in a period of nearly three months. 
Similar comparisons might be made on all the appendages with the 
result that the limbs which were removed nearer the date of moult 
regenerated more rapidly than the limbs which were removed farther 

from the date of the moulting process. 


It seems evident that there is an adaptation of the regenerative 
process to the moulting period, as seen in the fact that the growth of 
the regenerating structure may be materially hastened by the near- 
ness of the approaching moult; and the interpretation seems to be 
that this adaptation is made so as to permit, as far as possible, the 
development of a junctional mechanism before the moult. Thus a 
tentative answer is obtained for our original question. 

In recapitulation, then, we may conclude from these observations 
that the following relations exist between the processes of moulting 
and regeneration: First, that a regenerating limb always moults as a 
functional appendage; second, that there is a definite time limit 
preceding a moult, within which a limb will not begin to regenerate; 
and third, that both regenerating and moulting processes maintain 
an adaptive relation to the regenerating limb, and thus furnish a 
doubly favorable condition for the development of a functional limb 
at the first moult. 

If these conclusions are correct the question arises whether the 
moulting process or habit is not to be regarded as an important factor 
influencing the power of regeneration among crustacea—a question 
of especial interest when it is considered that one of the present 
features in the study of the phenomenon of regeneration in general 
is the determination of the external and internal factors influencing 
the process. The results from the present study of the relation be- 
tween regeneration and the process of moulting, therefore, suggest 
the importance of further study of this subject. 


The results and conclusions from the present series of experiments 
on regeneration in the lobster, Homarus americanus, may be summa- 
rized as follows: 

I. Regeneration throughout the organism. 

The power to regenerate lost parts is remarkably extensive through- 
out the external structure and appendages. The antenne, anten- 


nules, maxillepeds, chelipeds, walking-legs, the first pair of abdomi- 
nal appendages (accessory reproductive organs), Swimmerets, telson, 
beak, and other parts of the carapace will be restored when injured. 

II. The power of regeneration at different levels in the thoracic 


1. The thoracic appendages have a varying power of regeneration 

at different levels throughout the limbs. 
2. But this power is most highly developed at the “breaking 
plane,” 7. e., at the joint between the second and third basal segments. 

3. The fact that this ‘breaking plane”’ is also the region at which 
the limbs when injured are almost always autotomously severed 
from the body leads to the conclusion that the comparative perfec- 
tion of the power of regeneration at this region may be explained as 
the result of natural selection. 

4. In these experiments it was found that the swimmerets re- 
generated slower than the thoracic appendages; but it was also ob- 
served that the swimmerets will regenerate sooner than the legs if the 
latter were cut only a relatively short distance below the ‘‘ breaking 
plane.”’ So it may be questioned whether the supply of food ma- 
terial will explain the comparative difference in the restoration of the 

thoracic appendages and the swimmerets. 
III. The attainment of normal length in the appendages. 

The antenne, maxillepeds, thoracic limbs, the first pair of abdomi- 
nal appendages (accessory reproductive organs), and the swimmerets 
did not attain the normal length at the first moult. 

The chelipeds of very young lobsters were observed through the 
first, second, and third moults with the result that the only case in 
which the cheliped attained a normal size was at the third moult. 

IV. The effect of repeated removal of the same appendage. 

The right cheliped of sixth, seventh, and eighth stage lobsters were 

repeatedly removed and regenerated. In the data obtained the given 


chelipeds showed a diminishing per cent. of gain when compared with 
the corresponding normal appendage, 7. e., in each successive re- 
generation there was a larger per cent. of difference between the 
lengths of the regenerated and the normal limbs. 

V. Regeneration and the moulting process. 

The following results were obtained from the observations on the 
relation between the regenerative and the moulting process: 

1. A regenerating limb always moults as a functional appendage. 

2. There is a definite limit preceding a moult within which a imb 
will not begin to regenerate. 

3. There is an adaptation of both regenerative and moulting pro- 

cesses to the regenerating limb, favorable to the development of a 
functional appendage at the first moult after injury. 

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PLATE XXI.—Shows regenerating appendages on the same lobster be- 
fore and after moulting. (Photograph from life, ? natural size.) 

Fig. I. Lobster just before moulting. Length, 74 inches. Shows 
regenerating bud of second left swimmeret (2), and regenerating left 
cheliped (1). 

Fig. II. Same lobster after moulting. Length, 84 inches. Shows the 
regenerated left swimmeret (2), and left cheliped (1). 


Fig. I. Right cheliped before autotomy. The basiopodite (3) and ischi- 
opodite (2) are seen united at the joint or breaking plane (1). Postero- 
ventral view. 

Fig. II. The same basiopodite (3) and ischiopodite (2) separated at the 
breaking plane (1) by autotomy. Over the broken surface of the basiopo- 
dite is seen the membraneous plate (4) of the breaking plane, perforated 
at the center by the blood vessels and nerve. 

Fig. I1f. First right leg before autotomy. ca, coxopodite ; is, ischio- 
podite ; me, meropodite ; cp, carpopodite ; pr, propodite ; dc. dactylopo- 
dite. The levels 1db, 2db, 3db, and the joints 2, 3, and 4, indicate the dif- 
ferent regions at which the limbs were cut in the experiments. Posterior 

Fiy. 1V. Basiopodite of first left leg, showing 3 mm. regenerating bud, 
15 days after autotomy. 

Fig. V. Illustrates three levels at which the basiopodites were cut in 
the experiments : pc, just below the surface of the breaking plane ; pb, 
thn middle of the segment; and pa, at the jomt between the basiopodite 
and coxopodite. 

Fig. VI. Second right leg which regenerated from the central region 
of the second terminal segment or propodite. The propodite was cut at 
the level (/db). The renewed part (reg) was regenerated in two months 
and eleven days. 2, 3, and 4 correspond to the same joints as in Fig. III. 
(All drawings made from life, } nat. size.) 






Deputy Commissioner. 


Chief Clerk. 

Assistant in Charge of Division of Inquiry Respecting Food Fishes. 

Assistant in Charge of Division of Fish Culture. 


Assistant in Charge of Division of Statistics and Methods of the Fisheries. 

Disbursing Agent. 

Architect and Engineer. 



[CompiILep By U.S. Bureau or FISHERIES.] 


Fish and Game Commission. 

Al saps ees UIC Enka Su aes eget carte ot ee et Ry plata ee Re peace AN eae Safford. 

ii sete re ATI SOI, + Peers yer cine tN a ee ee Le ee ei Jerome. 

SMW eeenin ys MOCCLOUATY: 3.)-.ciih0 2-007 6 ic losin os eke ore ede Phoenix. 

California Fish Commission. ~ 

WW Wan parsdale/ Presidents? J... \ nati. lee chon cee ee San Francisco. 

AGS) a 6 (id 0 (2) bree Sng Ree Pe ae ae SanICS OND sis RSS CG Se a rer Sacramento. 

Charles A., Vogelsang, Chief Deputy. (i: 2... os oben on: San Francisco. 

Department of Game and Fish. 
J. M. Woodard, Commissioner....Room 35, Capitol Building, Denver. 


Commissioners of Fisheries and Game. 

George TT. Mathewsoms President. «<5 (4: ache aha sss ee Thompsonville. 
Robert. iG. Ricerns ste etek tee oe ens toe one ne een oe Middletown. 
Ei. Hart Geer? chine cy ee ban epee newer es te Hadlyme. 

George C.) Waldo... 3.10% eee eae bee, Cees Bridgeport. 
Christian Schwartz cic See eee eaters eit eee South Norwalk. 
Williaa’ Jie Actiwaiter: snes see care eee cee New Haven. 



Florida Fish Commission. 

soles. Detwiler Chairman vine 2m wack = pei crenata New Smyrna. 

lobnaG. Ruce;Sectretaly.c...2 52-506: 5 oscee sess eee eam ce Appalachicola. 

Gl LES ANS (oe Pere ae Weare free Sanford. 

Superintendent of Fisheries. 

PPT MPMI ce ica, <_<, c x ol deem weed 4 eee crane oe enti ce ae gies La Grange. 


Board of State Fish Commissioners. 

WatkitCohen, President... «2.2 +d. «sas 2b a eee Se Urbana. 

Anroustelbenkes Mreasurer-..-.... «1s ee dee ce eee cies Chicago. 

DS mlpbantletiy SCCLetarye. a... = - 2 cosen nae eee aioe arate Quincy. 

Commissioners of Fisheries and Game. 

Tbn Ul SSCS en ar PES hs ie ewe Columbus. 

State Fish and Game Warden. 
IS OIHES. J\... 1D AY ye) beh ene Recgevers Ache MIRA cl ey ote Cedar Rapids. 


State Fish Warden. 

JD), AY!) CS eS en eed eee Pratt. 

Oyster Commission of Louisiana. r 
J wieebreaux: President: .... sc. sseeeeeeee snes tesia 3) Houma. 
GEV IN INGZ® 3:2. .ga- ts dea Sere NS Bee hve pened oO New Orleans. 
Bene Michells5 4125.4 suse ene ne ot oto cloner akon teer eae New Orleans. 
Pe babarra 2-25 Po) 65 eee RAR e TAGs | da% athe eter Lafourch Crossing. 
(Paomias) ShaniGu, JT: 122s somacse ase oo cs. 3. fo eee Morgan City. 

, 16 



Commissioners of Inland Fisheries. 

Leroy ECarletont+Chairman 42 '/¢%).\)5)/240e es) sae eae Augusta. 
AW ets rrcleeG ie inewi ss Ae ito: 2). Mey eek A ey ae Phillips. 
Ridgar. lH StineMOeeretanyer ve o's.) ¢ yi ackawansic. a ee entayoe Orono 


State Fish Commission. 

Charles F. Brooke, Commissioner for Western Shore......... Sandy Spring. 
James D. Anderson, Commissioner for Eastern Shore........Deals Island. 

Commission of Fisheries and Game. 

Dr. George W. Field, Chairman...............State House, Boston. 

J. W. Delano, Superintendent of Hatcheries....State House, Boston. 

IB SMAMMIS TAC Ke ibs worn ces anus bee tei narS horn sune eaten reer Cae Winchester. 

State Board of Fish Commissioners. 

CDN Soplims Peres Gert. 42S eiciats ote ee ewes che ee an Se RO Detroit. 

B'.-B. Dickerson; Vice-president... 2. cue ttneg one ees 2 aeete Detroit. 

George nV: EVO Wire et tas) oS /oia 5 Weak cpt eT RS ope Re leon ele Saginaw. 

Seymour Bower, Superintendent...........................Detroit. 

Board of Fish and Game Commissioners. 

Uri Ly ampreyibresiGen tes ic dele D sakaieian« & - <f ene hoya ae ae St. Paul. 
H.C. Smithy inst yVice-presidemtiinn ns sie. dys ee ne aed s Winona. 
William Bird, Second Vice-president.......................Fairmount. 
DD Wisy Meeker sBeGrebanny sy haa sac a claasntcee ls tena eens oe Moorhead. 

S. Bi/Pullertonjy Executive Agent. o.. | sens 5 se seam ane Duluth. 



Missouri State Fish Commission. 

Pra Venawilie, |PreSl@ent.: . a pqee eta eiuns seta </ditecs S are ltals St. Joseph. 

Nai Zollinvers Vice-president-e creme eerie ie ieee Boonville. 

hichardsRoruely SeChebaly. sae eee meee ick erie cies cle Paris. 

Nomi Gables Ui 35 oi. sis kiela nodekoracdaiets ae tayaearaieraig shes egaysunaes Browning. 

ColSGeorse J; Chapman. .:22..5. ag acned nse Wadaele 22 sole: St. Louis. 

State Game and Fish Warden. 
Vie TRE ASIOO UTS A aoe eee eee peat i ata tl Flap) pee 1s a ee Helena. 

Fish and Game Commission. 

Nathaniel Wentworth, Chairman: ..5.--2.5.-.2+54. e042 Hudson Center. 

Charles B: Clarke, Financial Agent......2.....-.-..:s,----.. Concord. 

Men shurtleti.s Secretary v...:s.2.<.,<«.s,5,c024 «02s Mee ee Lancaster. 

Fish and Game Commission. 

Bee MOLES 2. baer ciag arene < 5 ry) ae Ma a doun <tc suena Long Branch. 
Ae Metra hg ona ioe Sealy ase a ee Cae ceo Camden. 
Dee ECC lellamh Wate) ale paths en ys eee At oe ee en Morristown. 
[ESSE OMMSOM- SE eis yaa cnemyhrs ese Me wes ern ee ohare Bloomfield. 

State Oyster Commission. 

Eee RULE Y 55 fois) sun: 2c 2 Ske oe. os cisl ova Soaele ere areas rete cc Newport. 
VererNi OCI ante ete ciek sas ie ton ect vaeiat ap amee ter ene oie ae Bridgeton. 

Mae tray HUNGER, esas aay «c Suty el ov, Sanat Asche cal, a te aah eee aya rete ales Sica Port Norris. 

DA Dek ES COND ee) oie iy ov dasa ee aa ene eae na) NEARER CMeeg eee, acacia a Maurice River. , 

New York. 
Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 

DeWitt C. Middleton, Commissioner.....................-4 Albany. 
J. Duncan Lawrence, Deputy Commissioner................Albany. 
B. Frank Wood, Superintendent of Shell Fisheries........... 
Rie eM nce Re NORCO ene 1 Madison Avenue, New York. 


Fish and Game Warden. 

"(AGA PAU (Pot ald Rae er a A Mn a EES ee Mess A yb el WLI ANA Verdi. 

NortH Daxora. 
State Fish Commissioner. 

(Office vacant.) 


Fish and Game Commission. 

Daly geod era se TesiGenite si 2 i lochiky facaera pee aera: asl ole eects Columbus. 

ISH TVALIo hel Agee ee AOA Rohs eas ney ciara echends cies waa Cleveland. 

FS aE SBOE REO Tas Mee bits ars toa te eye iF, Youle a te feats ks ae he pacts Ga ebay ate FUR at re Cincinnati. 

DW Greenege eee i. ck avec 46 Ae 6 /ete tthe s aiete SOUS Ma ata ale Dayton. 

Wye WeDERHRIS. Pann a hen bee bie Ars Bit Se atrehei eaten ume McConnellsville. 

Board of Fish Commissioners. 

GOVEINOT eee tile Shc De RE Peete ee Ae Be ol ee ee Salem. 
Secretamyoi States. ¢22i8 6s 62 bt satn teas tate kate eeaes Salem. 
Statevreasuner ys ua hiec he 5 Ace ee LA rors orcas aie cite Mees ei eann Salem. 

EG a Wane USemenee rer eee coe RU ran tata ie Rant tea un pet eee ee Astoria. 


Department of Fisheries. 

W.E.. Meehan: Commissioner) 2a See es oe Harrisburg. 
John iambergers AS 23 chekn oe tka a ves a4 peers etary epee peices Erie. 

Henry ©.\Com notice. otra tie t slats hc hvolan hace yi demieeaoe Peas Wellsboro. 
Andrew! R. “Wihttalker: feat cine chtaee otis cba creo ltusho bea eee Phoenixville. 

Charleshiae Willer eae os or Were eae ta ey cots oo FA oh, a ee ee Altoona. 


Ruope Isuanp. 
Commissioners of Inland Fisheries. 

Henry T. Root, President, Treasurer, and Auditor..........Providence. 

Ja McK. Southwick, Vice-presidett. 2.220)... 66. nse eee ee Newport. 
Chrarles: We. Waller eeemu re e pass Glin sae aes con Westerly. 

Ace D) Mead. 5:25, ccien ee rae en seerei ais Brown University, Providence. 
William P. Morton, Secretary....-.......... P. O. Box 966, Providence. 
Adelbert Ds Roberts eae eae oie P. O. Box 264, Woonsocket. 
Walliamvls Boardnianepae mime nid races csc aks sachs Central Falls. 

Commissioners of Shell Fisheries. 

Lglail iors EM iil Soi igeras acini. st oS ews ea Ce ee a re Little Compton. 

Jamesr Wright s.c. 12 see eee eee ee ant WS eke ol 3 a aie boda Clayville. 

Johnele Northup. nies ersce ee eee reine nesta oss tales Apponaug. 

Samitsel iB . ELOXSie; \hei 5 ance eter reese teh a eu ate aes Quonocontaug. 

WWalllsamn Ty. Lewis, clay. se nene ier rere ee co tina Ae a Drownville. 

State Fish and Oyster Commissioner. 

141221 Sil 0) OY-) eer re CON |e 5 Sika tok a eee Port Lavaca. 

, UTAH. 

State Fish and Game Commissioner. 

Ao) TUS) OF 2) 9 0 RR RR aa Pec RANE E A. PRE irl .c, Eh cua) Sie ce RE Salt Lake City. 

Commissioner of Fisheries and Game. 

Henry GC HOMaS 5... 4 pe eet eee oe eee Ce tence Fave o\ 3 Stowe. 


State Board of Fisheries. 

dic Wie, 1xenyeeclorin,, (Cloeynenwbas osoosnccounopercoucoounuuesace Bloxam. 
SHE AMLEE SOCIO GAL Via) 8 costers cee ente eae aha trate leis scien chaiate Foster 
George Neezelh! . ao ecan an eee ee waaay wee eis emes Keezletown. 
A MCSE VLSR: oes een ats yd ale ee en oot Oe A Eon cise cio ae Richmond. 

Rept” OARS 2 3k ot saa Aik Reicks eae Opiates cc Sosy 5, See ag Franklin. 


Department of Fisheries and Game. 

Board of Fish Commissioners. 

(GOW ERMOT a Howe ciaitcltyiokaeeetaner esi) Wiehe: tes dee eke ts bce inane ea Met Olympia. 
Ribate mi ReSS UST cc 25. ev aca M ay Aol c i: oye eats eiea miayas ney adehe iegen ty Olympia. 

AROUSAL OPS enya ai) eee ay'c (e's <2 ei © 6 eens resent mate cheap Bellingham. 


Commissioners of Fisheries. 

AU EMG OVERDO Gs. cern. ou ls Gaede ahage Kicanes cu etntiora a Mea lel tay ae Met Madison. 
Calvert spensley. Presidents aécia Ss Sas ie oe ko al hme CR Mineral Point. 
James! J.dlogan, Vice-president ca. )0.2) et oe es Bele cated tei ele LaCrosse. 

IB PASI ee, CCICUALY: gciscc oo puadars «Ue she ates SM Die wieks Madison. 
Wurman SS Gart. we Gc Sow gute ia eee eis aie aaeae: Fr Serotec Eau Claire. 
GuarrierG wisellltn: sscntoctn ya pk on Aste a htt: Gand Meets Rance Bayfield. 
EfennyaD rasmaithiv. do) Sn sora co one ee peat ee oon Appleton. 
WabevAl farce ets con 8 tan titers 5 aheun sadly siete Soo NS arte Madison. 



Restoration and Preservation, Game............. $15,000 0 
Restoration and preservation, Fish............... 20,000 00 
Support and maintenance, hatcheries............ 25,000 00 
Printing, \Gbe cars equ ee staee et rN NG etd ima ews % 1,000 00 
Officralfadvertisinone nese sce cr 2,000 00 
ishvand'oam ex toritwOnycars aenmn rein mye shee sla. ors ae $48,400 00 
Hor-fish, twoyears to 1905. wees ce $8,000 00 
Repairs, fisheries; 1905.0aa.c oe sete os = 3,000 00 
Game preserves, 1905: eeceen etic aon 2,000 OO 
Commissioners) 905s ee eee 1,800 00 
Commissionerssexess| 90 Spee eee ere oe 1,800 00 
Clerical el QO 55 61.7 Bese eee eke eo ee okey ee ave fut 400. 00 
$17 000 00 
No appropriation. ' 
No appropriation. 
Horall purposes 2) xk aa tae eee rte hens. 0 OR, $22,700 00 
Reswlar expenses, i atyaaaw omens asses 2 $7,500 00 
palacy, Commissioners: cor deter sek oct: acs od «2: 1,200 00 
Uraweling expenses.,.ceSasemeen.. cers deco. oy wikis 800 00 

$9,500 00 



Superintendent, distribution, and protection............... 


Searandishore fisherestie sts. sis aes crane eee $15,000 
Collecting egetlobatetss 2.061. '< telocte s fallen ee ae 5,000 

In addition and fines collected which amount to 
$10,000 annually. 

APPPOPLIAUMON «coco 5 ehh eee Ro ls wa eral semteaes $5,000 
Salary, (Commissioners: |i. 4/./015.¢-< 2k = 6 toe ue Aol ons 1,500 

Total. appropriation for all purposes.... 22.0.2... 000. .% 

AT PROPMIDHON. & <).8taiy se in cae ef A tae oe eae eet $32,950 
Buildings purnposes.:c2c5 concn aa tae cee sec sclaete 11,000 


otal appropriation tor all purposes... /:. ots +. eye ae 


Hishadistrilo wc1oMece sae oor ei ee ete eee eee $5,000 
Pishvand (game protection... ...c.cee veesu sees +s 50,000 




New HaAmMpsHIrRE. 

Salaries and expenses of Commission............. $7,522 
PEMD aye cease eve Tee aro aid os foveitch «altel cr ean S (obicitsa 288 
Expenses oiideputiess neste: ae rit sence ciacieee aie 2,325 
IST SCREEMS sas tere ekorexe ter asta ets veers taunts co teen eras 3,770 
Bish nateherycdsc pm ce nc taye sic da sorkgene Mesa ee haat 5,956 
Imcidenitalss ec serene tierce hse eute iaocreee 70 

Bor @ame ANGutsies.. Celso ees see Ne eases en eee 





$10,000 00 

$7,900 00 

$20,000 00 

$6,500 00 

$39,635 00 

$43,950 00 

$45,000 00 

$55,000 00 

$20,630 00 

$19,934 13 


New JERSEY. : 
New York. 

Hovestatishmeam cm oanne merwneiye elles sacle sa co $312,042 64 
Adirondacks and Catskill Parks................. 250 000 00 
$562,042 64 
Hor game; amd cist OAbCMenesnin cca. 6c ss sa ' esc sa sua ele ee $32,943 14 
Bishrandthsa (cherles peeereweie tran viaccess ised aloe a caine elses $19,169 62 


Salary of Commissioner, 2 years................. $6,000 00 
Salary onsclerksy Qhy cance ae tse erate 6 sco wi ne 2,400 00 
Hatcheries:;:.+. seh aceeeiaine tere ists cents ests 25,000 00 
Wardens: 44> scp roere a ic cece eke «ok 10,000 00 
Sites fora tcherl copeeeeaney teres earn nro 15,000 00 
Stenographer* 2ivestssne eee ee oes os cc 1,200 00 

$59,600 00 

08 eae Bie chook ict’ o BNW c.g ld rekon Se ee $7,500 00 

1BSCs cele MEEPS 6 s.Aic AUS O'S Bo Slap do op 6 6's. ae eee $9 480 0O 

Hisheries and: gander ree crete tee es cy2 70 spe sl se Oke $5,000 00 

Fines and licenses in addition. 

SALATIESs5.5 sens ell rer TS ONS cn $4,000 00 
Protection: of fishvandioysters.. sss -ei nies 2 4 os 20,000 00 
$24,000 00 

Salary and expenses of Commission and for maintenance of 

hatcheries and oyster culture for 2 years................ $146,465 00 
For fish: culture, annuslbappropniations.....:.....00csvesee $30,000 00 
Ror maintaming fish hateherieses.< secs 5 os +2’ «s«s 0 ccansce $15,200 00 


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[Compiled by the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries.] 



The jurisdiction of the commissioners of inland fisheries covers the territorial 
limits of the State as given in the following two sections of chapter one, and 
covers all the fisheries of the State except the oyster and scallop fisheries, which 
are under the jurisdiction of the shell fish commissioners. 

SecTion 1. The territorial limits of this state extend one marine league 
from its seashore at high water mark. When an inlet or arm of the sea does not 
exceed two marine leagues in width between its headlands, a straight line from 
one headland to the other is equivalent to the shore-line. The boundaries of 
counties bordering on the sea extend to the line of the state as above defined. 

Sec. 2. The jurisdiction of the state shall extend to, and embrace, all places 
within the boundaries thereof, except as to those places that have been ceded to 
the United States, or have been purchased by the United States with the consent 
of the state. 

Of Certain Fisheries. 

Section 1. Every person who shall set or draw any seine in any part of the 
river running from Warren river through the town of Barrington, except that 
part lying north of the Congregational church building in the said town of Bar- 
rington, shall forfeit twenty dollars. 

Src. 2. Every person who shall set or draw any seine or net in Easton’s 
pond in Newport and Middletown for the purpose of catching fish, or shall set 



any such net or seine in the creeks or inlets of said pond above the bridge at 
Easton’s beach, shall be fined twenty dollars or be imprisoned ten days. 

Src. 3. Every person who shall set or draw any seine or net in Kickamuit 
river within half a mile from the place called the narrows shall forfeit fifteen 

Sec. 4. Every person who shall erect or make any weir, pot, or other contri- 
vance to obstruct the course of fish across Puncatest, alias Nomquit, pond, or 
any part thereof, or in any river or stream leading into or out of said pond at 
any time, shall forfeit ten dollars. 

Src. 5. Every person who shall set any hanging or mesh net in Puncatest, 
alias Nomquit, pond, or in any river leading into or out of said pond, between 
the first day of January and the first day of August, shall forfeit ten dollars. 

Src. 6. Every person who shall erect or continue in Palmer’s river, above 
Kelly’s bridge, any weir, dam, or other obstruction to prevent the free passage 
of fish up said river, shall forfeit fifteen dollars for the first offence and ten dollars 
for every twenty-four hours any such weir or dam or other obstruction shall be 
continued after the first twenty-four hours. 

Src. 7. Every person not at the time an inhabitant of this state who shall 
set or draw any seine or net in Palmer’s river, above Kelly’s bridge, on Thursday, 
Friday, or Saturday, and every person who shall set or draw any seine or net in 
said river above said bridge on Sunday, or between the setting and rising of the 
sun, shall forfeit for each offence fifteen dollars. 

Src. 8. Repealed. 

Src. 9. Repealed. 

Src. 10. Repealed. 

Src. 11. No person shall take any fish with any kind of gill or mesh net, 
or set any gill or mesh net for the purpose of taking any fish therewith, within 
one mile from the shore of Block Island, between the first day of June and the 
first day of November in each year, without first obtaining permission of the 
town council of New Shoreham; and every person violating any provision of 
this section shall be fined twenty dollars for each offence; one-half to the use of 
the complainant and the other half to the use of the town of New Shoreham. 

Sec. 12. Any person who shall take any fish with any kind of seine, net, or 
trap, or set or draw any seine, net, or trap, for the purpose of taking any fish there- 
with, in any of the fresh water ponds in the town of New Shoreham, except in 
private ponds owned by one person, shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars 
or be imprisoned not exceeding ten days, or be both fined and imprisoned in 
the discretion of the court. 

Src. 13. The electors of the town of New Shoreham may, in town meeting 

called for that purpose, enact such ordinances as they may think proper to pro- 


tect and to regulate the taking of shell-fish and other fish in Great Salt pond, and 
may impose penalties therefor not exceeding twenty dollars fine and three months’ 
imprisonment for any one offence. 

Sec. 14. The electors of the town of Tiverton may, in town meeting called 
for that purpose, make such regulations for the preservation of the fish, and may 
exercise such control over the fisheries of Nomquit pond, within the limits of 
said town, as they may think proper. 

Src. 15. No person shall, between the first Monday in October and the first 
Monday in January, erect any weir or draw any seine or net for the purpose of 
catching or obstructing the passage of fish at or within one hundred and sixty 
rods of the mouth of Pataquamscut river in South Kingstown, nor shall any per- 
son erect or put down any weir, standing seine, or trap-seine, or hoop-net of 
any kind, either within or across said river at any other season of the year. 

Sec. 16. Nothing in the preceding section shall be so construed as to pro- 
hibit any person from using nets or fishing crafts for the catching of smelts, 
such as are commonly used in the smelt fishery, between the first day of Feb- 
ruary and the first day of April, or to prohibit the setting of gill nets for bass in 
said river or pond: Provided, that such nets shall not exceed twenty fathoms in 
length, nor be set within twenty fathoms of each other, nor south of the dividing 
line between lands now or formerly of William G. Watson and George W. Crandall, 
nor within twenty rods of the narrows that connect the upper and lower ponds; 
nor shall any person maintain any such standing seine or net in the same place 
for more than twenty-four hours if any other person demands the same place 
for the purpose of setting a like net or drawing a seine therein. 

Sec. 17. Every person who shall violate any of the provisions of the preced- 
ing two sections shall be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than fifty 
dollars for each offence, and shall forfeit the seine, net, boat, and other apparatus 
by him used in such violation. 

Sec. 18. Every person who shall set any trap or net or draw any seine at 
any time west of a line drawn from Calf-pasture Point on the north side of Allen’s 
harbor to Rocky Point on the south side thereof, or west of a line drawn from 
Pojack Point on the south side of Potowomut river to Marsh Point on the north 
side thereof, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars; 
one-half thereof to the use of the complainant and one-half thereof to the use 
of the state. 

Sec. 19. No person shall between the fifteenth day of April and the fifteenth 
day of June, inclusive of both days, or between the fifteenth day of August and 
the fifteenth day of December, inclusive of both days, commencing at the rising 
of the sun on both days, erect any weir or set or draw any seine or net for obstruct- 
ing, catching, or hauling of fish within half a mile east from Point Judith ponds 



breach, meaning the breach for the time being into the sea, or within a point 
on the west side of said breach four rods distant from Joseph Champlin’s fish- 
house, so called, or within said breach, or within any channel leading to said 
ponds, or any branch thereof from the sea, or within a quarter of a mile of the 
entrance of such channel into said ponds or branches of said ponds; and when- 
ever the fifteenth day of December happens on Sunday this prohibition shall 
continue to the rising of the sun on the next succeeding day. 

Sec. 20. No weir shall be erected, nor any standing seine or net set, in any 
part of Charlestown pond, Quonochontaug pond, or Babcock’s pond, other- 
wise know as Brightman’s: pond, nor across the channel, or in Point Judith’s 
ponds within a quarter of a mile from the following places, namely: Alder Point 
near where Saukatucket river flows into said ponds; Princes narrows, which 
connects the upper with the lower ponds; Strawberry hill on Great Island; 
High Point, so-called, on lands of the heirs of Joseph Sherman, and Gooseberry 

Sec. 21. No person shall, between sunset on the first Monday in April and 
sunrise on the second Monday in June, erect any weir or net or draw any seine 
or net for the purpose of catching or obstructing the passage of fish in any part 
of Point Judith pond south of a line drawn from the most northerly point of 
Strawberry hill on Great Island to the most northerly point of High Point in 
said pond. 

Src. 22. No person shall erect any weir or set or draw any seine or net for 
the obstructing, catching, or hauling of fish within any part of said ponds or any 
branch thereof, at any time between sunset on the fifteenth day of August and 
sunrise on the fifteenth day of December. 

Sec. 23. No seine or net of any sort shall be used at any time within said 
ponds or any branch thereof, of over one hundred fathoms in length, nor any 
standing seine or net of over twenty-five fathoms in length. 

Src. 24. No person shall set any standing seine or net, at any time, within 
forty rods of any place within said ponds or any branch thereof where another 
person may have already set his standing seine or net, nor shall any person 
maintain any such standing seine or net in the same place for more than forty- 
eight hours if any other person desires to occupy the place. 

Sec. 25. Every person violating any provision of the preceding six sections 
shall be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than fifty dollars, and shall 
also forfeit the boat, seine, net, and other apparatus by him used in such viola- 
tion, one-half of said fine and forfeiture to the use of the person complaining and 
one-half thereof to the use of the state. 

Src. 26. Every person living without the state who shall take any lobsters, 

tautog, bass, or other fish within the harbors, rivers, or waters of this state, for 


the purpose of carrying them thence in vessels or smacks, shall be fined ten dol- 
lars for every offence, and shall forfeit all the fish or lobsters so taken. 

Src. 27. Every person who shall take any fish in any stream or fresh pond, 
except upon his own land, otherwise than by a single hook and line, or who shall 
take or carry away any fish from any private pond, brook, stream, preserve, or 
any other place made, constructed, or used for the purpose of breeding or grow- 
ing fish therein, without the consent of the proprietor or lessee of such pond, 
brook, stream, or preserve, shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars or be im- 
prisoned not exceeding thirty days, or be both fined and imprisoned; but noth- 
ing herein contained shall be so construed as to authorize the taking of any fish 
from any pond or stream stocked with fish at the expense of the state. 

Src. 28. Every person who shall take any trout between the fifteenth day 
of July and the first day of April shall be fined twenty dollars for each offence, 
and every person who shall take or have in his or her possession any trout less 
than six inches in length at any time of the year shall be fined twenty dollars for 
each trout found in his or her possession, but nothing herein contained shall be so 
construed as to prohibit the taking and sale of trout artificially cultivated in pri- 
vate ponds at any season of the year: Provided, that all persons raising brook- 
trout artificially in private ponds shall use the initials of their names as a brand, 
which brand shall be put on every box of trout shipped or put on the market 
by them between the fifteenth of July and the first day of April in each year. 
All persons raising and disposing of trout as aforesaid shall cause their brand 
required herein to be registered by the secretary of state. 

Src. 29. All actions for violations of the provisions of the preceding two 
sections shall be commenced within thirty days after the commission of the of- 

Sec. 30. Every person who shall, by any seine or stop-net, or otherwise, 
obstruct the channel leading from the sea into Ward’s pond, and up through 
said pond on each side of Watermelon, Gooseberry, or Larkin’s islands, shall be 
fined not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars. 

Src. 31. Every person who shall erect any dam, weir, or other obstruction 
across Mill cove in Warwick, or from the mouth of said cove to the pond of fresh 
water that runs into said cove, or such streams as run into said pond, or who 
shall keep up any dam, or weir, or other obstruction therein made, and every 
owner or occupant of lands adjoining said Mill cove or the stream leading from 
said pond into said cove who shall permit any such obstruction to be erected 
on continued in or upon said cove or stream adjacent to his land, at any time 
between the first day of March and the first day of November, shall forfeit 
one hundred dollars for each offence. 

Src. 32. Every person who on Saturday or Sunday shall fish in said cove 


except with a hook and line, or who shall catch or hinder any alewives coming 
down said Mill cove or said stream, or shall therein at any time set any weir 
or device to prevent the passage of the fish, shall forfeit ten dollars for each 
offence: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to 
authorize fishing on Sunday. 

Src. 33. Every person who shall set or draw any seine or net in said Mill 
cove, or off from the mouth thereof to Long Meadow rocks, or from the mouth 
thereof to the pond of fresh water which empties into said cove, between the first 
day of March and the fifteenth day of June, or who shall take any alewives 
from said pond, or streams flowing into said pond, between the first day of 
March and the first day of November in any year, shall for each offence forfeit 
one hundred dollars and the boats, seines, and other apparatus used in the 
commission thereof: Provided, however, that nothing in this chapter shall be so 
construed as to prohibit any person from fishing for alewives in said cove, or 
stream running from said pond into said cove, with a bowed net not larger than 
twelve feet around the mouth of said net, on days other than those excepted 
in section thirty-two of this chapter. 

Src. 34. There shall be, between the first day of May and the first day of 
August, a weekly close-time extending from Saturday morning at sunrise to Mon- 
day morning at sunrise, during which time no fish of any description shall be 
taken by weirs, traps, or similar contrivances, from any of the waters of the 
coast-line of the state and Narragansett bay. If there be any weir, trap, or 
other stationary contrivances used for the purpose of catching or obstructing . 
the passage of fish in that part thereof where the fish are usually taken, the net- 
ting at the mouth of the same shall be floated to the surface of the water so as 
to effectually close the mouth thereof during the weekly close-time, so that dur- 
ing said time the fish may have a free, unobstructed passage, and no device 
shall be placed in any part of said limits which shall tend to hinder such fish 
from running up the waters of such rivers. In case the inclosure where the fish 
are taken is furnished with a board floor, an opening three feet wide shall be made 
extending from the floor, to the top of the weir, trap, or other contrivances: 
Provided, however, that nothing herein shall be so construed as to apply to the 
shad and herring fisheries in the tributaries of Narragansett bay. 

Src. 35. The commissioners of inland fisheries shall have a general super- 
vision of all matters relating’ to the subjects contained in sections eight, ten, 
twenty-six, twenty-seven, and thirty-four of this chapter, and may make all 
needful regulations to carry out the provisions of said sections, and shall from 
time to time examine all the weirs, traps, or other contrivances, with a view of 
carrying out such regulations as are most beneficial to the people of the state, 

and shall prosecute for the violation of such regulations or for the infringement 


of the proyisions of any of said sections. They may co-operate with the fish 
commissioners of other states, and shall make an annual report to the general 
assembly of their doings, with such facts and suggestions in relation to the 
object for which they are appointed as they may deem proper. Said commis- 
sioners shall be allowed their actual disbursements made in the execution of 
this chapter. 

Src. 36. Every person who shall violate any of the regulations made by said 
commissioners under the authority of the provisions of the preceding section of 
this chapter, or who, during the close-time mentioned in section thirty-four, 
shall set any weir, trap, or contrivances contrary to such provisions, shall be 
fined not exceeding one hundred dollars or be imprisoned not exceeding three 
months, or both, in the discretion of the court before which the offender shall 
be tried. ; 

Sec. 37. All forfeitures under this chapter shall, where there is no other 
provision made to the contrary, enure one-half thereof to the use of the town 
where the offence shall be committed and one-half thereof to the use of the per- 

son suing for the same. 

Oj the Fishery of Pawcatuck River. 

Section 1. No weir or pound or other obstructions shall be erected or con- 
tinued in the channel of Paweatuck river, dividing 'the states of Rhode Island and 
Connecticut, so as to interfere with the main channel of said river, upon penalty 
of twenty dollars for the first offence, and seven dollars for every twenty hours 
or any less space of time any such weir or other obstruction shall be continued 
in the main channel of said river after the first offence. 

Sec. 2. No weir or pound shall be erected or continued upon any flat or other 
part of the bottom of said river, eastward or westward of the aforesaid channel 
of said river, between the first day of June and the twentieth of March, annually, 
upon penalty of fourteen dollars for the first offence and seven dollars for every 
succeeding day such weir or pound shall be continued in said river, from the 
first day of June to the twentieth day of March, annually. 

Sec. 3. No person shall fish with mesh or scoop nets in Paweatuck river, or 
any of its branches, after sunset on Friday until sunrise on Monday in each week, 
from the twentieth day of March to the first day of June, annually, and no per- 
son shall use more than one net at a time upon penalty of five dollars for every 

Sec. 4. All penalties incurred for violation of any of the provisions of this 


chapter shall enure one-half thereof to the use of the complainant and one-half 
thereof to the use of the town where the offence is committed. 

Sec. 5. The foregoing provisions of this chapter shall be considered as form- 
ing a compact with the state of Connecticut, from which the general assembly 
will not depart until the legislature of the state of Connecticut shall agree with 
the general assembly of this state to a repeal thereof, alterations therein, or 
additions thereto. 

Sec. 6. If any owner of land adjoiming Pawcatuck river in this state shall 
permit any weir, pound, or other obstruction to be erected or continued upon 
any flat or bottom of said river, whether done, erected, or continued by him- 
self, servant, lessee, or any other person, by his privity or consent, such owner 
shall be liable for any such breach or violation of section two of this chapter 
in the same manner as though the same had been committed by such owner in 

Of the Inland Fisheries. 

Section 1. The governor shall appoint seven commissioners of inland fish- 
eries, who shall hold their offices for three years and until their successors are 

Src. 2. The commissioners of inland fisheries shall introduce, protect, and 
cultivate fish in the inland waters of the state, and may make all needful regu- 
lations for the protection of such fish, and shall prosecute for the violation of 
such regulations and of the laws of the state concerning inland fisheries. (They 
may, in their discretion, from time to time, make experiments in planting, 
cultivating, propagating, and developing any and all kinds of shell fish; and for 
the purpose of so doing may from time to time take, hold, and occupy, to the ex- 
clusion of all others, in one or more parcels, any portions of the shores of the 
public waters of the state, or land within the state covered by tide-water at 
either high or low tide not within any harbor line, and which is not at the time 
of such taking under lease as a private and several oyster fishery: Provided, 
that the land so held and occupied at any one time shall not exceed three acres. 
Said commissioners upon taking such land shall forthwith give public nttice 
thereof by advertisement in some newspaper in the county in which said land 
is situated, which advertisement shall contain a description of said land; they 
shall also forthwith notify the commissioners of shell fisheries of such taking 
and shall transmit to them a description of said land, and shall also take out 

or otherwise mark the bounds of said land. Said commissioners may make all 


needful regulations for the protection of the land so taken, and of all animal 
life and other property within the lines thereof, and shall prosecute the violations 
thereof.) They may co-operate with the fish commissioners of other states, 
and they shall make an annual report to the general assembly of their doings, 
with such facts and suggestions in relation to the object for which they were 
appointed as they may deem proper. Said commissioners, whenever complaint 
is made by them, or either of them, for a violation of any regulation made by 
them as aforesaid, or for violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or of 
chapters 171, 172, and 173, shall be not required to enter into recognizance on 
such complaint or become liable for costs thereon. 

Sec. 3. The said commissioners shall cause a copy of any regulation made 
under the authority of the preceding section to be filed in the office of the town 
clerk of any town in which any waters stocked with fish, or land occupied for 
experiments under the authority of the preceding section and to which such 
regulations may apply, may be, and shall also cause a copy of such regulations 
to be advertised in some newspaper published in the same county. 

Sec. 4. Every person who shall violate any of the regulations made by the 
commissioners of inland fisheries under the authority of the provisions of the pre- 
ceding three sections, or who shall take any fish, fish-spawn, or any apparatus 
used in hatching or protecting fish, from any pond, lake, river, or stream stocked 
with or set apart by said commissioners, or by private parties, for the protec- 
tion and cultivation of fish with the consent of the town council of the town 
where such cultivation is carried on, without the consent of such commissioners, 
or, if the cultivation of fish be carried on by-a private party, without the con- 
sent of the person cultivating the same, or who shall trespass within the boun- 
daries of any land which may be taken and occupied by said commissioners for 
their experiments in relation to shell-fish, authorized by section two of this 
chapter, shall be fined not exceeding three hundred dollars or be imprisoned 
not exceeding six months, or be both fined and imprisoned in the discretion of 
the court before which the offender shall be tried. 

Src. 5. Every person who shall catch any fish or shall use any seine for catch- 
ing fish within half a mile from the mouth or outlet of any fishery set apart as is 
herein provided, and within any waters into which the waters of such fishery 
are let out, and every person who shall violate any of the provisions of sections 
seven, eight, and ten of this chapter, shall forfeit for the first offence the sum 
of fifty dollars, and for every subsequent offence shall forfeit one hundred dol- 
lars; and in addition to the penalties herein provided shall forfeit all the appa- 
ratus by him used in violation of the provisions of this section. 

Sec. 6. Each of the commissioners of inland fisheries may, personally or by 

deputy, seize and remove, summarily if need be, all obstructions erected to 


hinder the passage of migrating fish, or which are illegally erected to obstruct 
or in any way to impede the growth and culture of fish. 

Sec. 7. No person shall take or catch fish of any kind from any of the inland 
waters of the state, set apart by the commissioners of inland fisheries for the 
cultivation of fish, except at such times and in such manner as is hereinafter 

Sec. 8. The prohibition of the catching of fish by hook and line, from fisheries 
stocked as hereinbefore provided, shall extend and be continued for and during 
the term of three years from and after the time when such fishery was first es- 
tablished: Provided, however, that fish may be caught through the ice only, and 
with hook and hand-line only, in those ponds set apart for the cultivation of 
black bass, during the months of December, January, and February, until 
the expiration of the aforesaid term of three years. 

Sec. 9. After the expiration of said three years no black bass shall be taken 
in any waters of ‘this state, except Sneach pond in the town of Cumberland, 
and Moswansicut pond in the town of Scituate, between the first day of March 
and the first day of July in each year, nor at any time except by hook and line 
as aforesaid. Every person taking any black bass during the time aforesaid. or 
in any other.manner except by hook and line, shall be fined fifteen dollars for 
each black bass so taken, and every person who shall take or have in his or her 
possession any black bass less than eight inches in length at any time of the year 
shall be fined fifteen dollars for each black bass found in his or her possession; 
and possession by any person of any black bass less than eight inches in length, 
or during the time aforenamed, shall be evidence that such black bass were taken 
in violation of this chapter; but nothing herein contained shall be so construed 
as to prohibit the taking and sale of black bass artificially cultivated in private 
ponds at any season of the year. 

Src. 10. After the expiration of said three years no fish shall be taken by any 
person from any waters legally set apart by said commissioners for the culti- 
vation of shad or salmon, or within one mile of the outlet of the streams so set 
apart, except from and after the fifteenth day of April until the fifteenth day 
of July, or at any time except by hook and hand-lne, or by not less than three- 
inch mess nets or seines. 

Src. 11. One-half of the fines and forfeitures recovered for violation of the 
provisions of this chapter shall accrue to the complainant and one-half thereof 
to the use of the state. 

Src. 12. The commissioners of inland fisheries may take fish from the fisheries 
hereinbefore referred to, for any purpose connected with fish culture or for 
scientific observation. 

Src. 13. Each of said commissioners may, in the discharge of his duties, 


enter upon and pass over private property without rendering himself liable in 
an action of trespass. 
Sec. 14. The commissioners of inland fisheries shall be allowed their actual 

disbursements made in carrying into effect the provisions of this chapter. 

CRAP THR, 175, 
General Provisions for the Protection of Fisheries. 

Section 1. Every person who shall throw into or deposit in, or cause to be 
thrown into or to be deposited in, any of the public tide-waters of the state or 
upon the shores of any such tide-waters any fish-offal or any water impregnated 
with fish, unless the same be filtered in such manner as may be determined by 
the town council of the town wherein such deposit shall be made, and every 
person who shall cause any deleterious substance resulting from the smelting 
or manufacture of copper or from other manufactures, or from other sources, 
which is destructive to fish or which repels them from coming into the said pub 
lic waters; or which shall do anything which tends to drive them therefrom, to 
be emptied, deposited, or run into the said public waters, shall forfeit one hun- 
dred dollars. 

Src. 2. Every vessel, craft, boat, or floating apparatus employed in the pro- 
curing of fish-oil, or in the dressing of bait for the mackerel fisheries, or the 
dressing of fish for other purposes, in violation of this chapter, shall be lable 
for any forfeiture and costs resulting from prosecution hereunder; and the same 
may be attached on the original writ and held, as other personal property at- 
tached may be held, to secure any judgment which may be recovered in any ac- 
tion brought to enforce any such forfeiture; and any person, upon view of any 
offence in violation of this chapter, may seize and detain any vessel, craft, boat, 
or floating apparatus, the same to be detained for a period not exceeding six 

Sec. 3. Every person who shall boil any menhaden fish, or press any fish 
for the purpose of extracting oil therefrom, on board of any vessel on any of the 
public tide-waters, shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars. 

Src. 4. Any person who shall wilfully place any brush, trees, or limbs of 
trees in any of the waters of Charlestown pond shall be fined not more than twenty 
dollars nor less than five dollars for each offence; and all fines under this section 
shall enure one-half thereof to the use of the complainant and one-half thereof 
to the use of the town of Charlestown. 





Section 1. Every person who catches, takes, or has in his or her possession 
any lobster less than nine inches in length, measuring from the end of the bone 
projecting from the head to the end of the bone of the middle flipper of the tail, 
the lobster extended on its back its natural length, and every person who has in 
his or her possession any cooked lobster less than eight and three-quarters 
inches in length, and every person who has in his or her possession any female 
lobster bearing eggs or from which the eggs have been brushed or removed, shall 
be fined five dollars for every such lobster; but a person catching or taking 
any such live lobster and immediately returning the same alive to the water 
from which taken shall not be subject to such fine. The possession of any such 
lobster, cooked or uncooked, not of the prescribed length, shall be prima facie 
evidence to convict. 

Sec. 2. All lobster pots, cars, and other contrivances used for the catching 
or keeping of lobsters shall be plainly marked with the name or names of the 
owner or owners. And every person who shall not have his lobster pots, cars, 
or other contrivances so marked shall be fined twenty dollars and be imprisoned 
not more than thirty days for each such offence. And all pots, cars, and other 
contrivances used contrary to the provisions of this section shall be seized by 
the officer engaged in the enforcement of this law, and said property shall be 

Sec. 3. There shall be, between the fifteenth day of November and the fif- 
teenth day of April next succeeding, a close-time, during which time it shall be 
unlawful for any person to set or keep, or cause to be set or kept, within any of 
the waters of this state, any pots or nets for the catching of lobsters, or to take 
any lobsters during such close-time. Every person violating any of the provisions 
of this section shall be fined twenty dollars and be imprisoned not more than 

thirty days for each such offence. 


Src. 4. No person shall be allowed to set or keep, or cause to be set or kept, 
within any of the waters of the state, any pots or nets for the catching of lobsters 
who has not had his home and residence in this state for the period of one year 
next preceding the time of his catching such lobsters. Every person violating 
any of the provisions of this section shall be fined twenty dollars and be im- 
prisoned not more than thirty days for each such offence, 

Sec. 5. Every person, except the commissioners of inland fisheries and their 
deputies, who shall lift or raise any pot or net set for the catching of lobsters, 
without the permission of the owner or owners thereof, shall be fined ten dollars 
for each such offence. 

Sec. 6. Every person who mutilates a lobster by severing its tail from its 
body, or has in his or her possession any such tail or tails of lobsters before such 
lobsters are cooked, shall be fined five dollars for each such offence; and in all 
prosecutions under this act the possession of any such tail or tails of uncooked 
lobsters shall be prima facie evidence to convict. 

Sec. 7. The commissioners of inland fisheries shall appoint at least two 
deputies, whose duties shall be the enforcing of the provisions of this act. Each 
of said deputies appointed as aforesaid shall be, by virtue of his office, a special 
constable, and as such deputy may, without warrants, arrest any person found 
violating any of the provisions of this act and detain such person for prosecution 
not exceeding twenty-four hours. Said deputies shall not be required to enter 
into recognizance or become liable for costs. 

Sec. 8. For the purpose of enforcing the provisions relative to the protection 
of lobsters, the commissioners of inland fisheries and their appointed deputies 
may search in suspected places, or upon any boat or vessel that they may believe 
is used in the catching or transporting of lobsters, and may seize and remove 
lobsters taken, held, or offered for sale in violation of the provisions of this act. 

Sec. 9. Fines incurred under any of the provisions of this act shall enure one- 
half thereof to the use of the complainant and one-half thereof to the use of the 

Src. 10. The several district courts shall have concurrent jurisdiction with 
the common pleas division of the supreme court over all offences under this act, 
and to the full extent of the penalties therein specified; parties defendant, how- 
ever, having the same right to appeal from the sentences of said district courts 
as is now provided by law in other criminal cases. 

Src. 11. Sections eight, nine, and ten of Chapter 171 of the General Laws, 
entitled “Of certain fisheries,” and also Chapters 316 and 857 of the Public 
Laws, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed. 

Sec. 12. This act shall take effect upon and after its passage. 


CHAPTER 1006. 

Section 1. Whoever shall enter upon the land of another for the purpose 
of either shooting, trapping, or fishing when the same shall be conspicuously 
posted by the owner or occupant with notices that shooting, trapping, or fishing 
is prohibited thereon, or whoever shall without right mutilate, destroy, or re- 
move any such notice, shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars. 

Sec. 2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, 
and this act shall take effect July Ist, 1902. 

CHAPTER 1132. 


Section 1. Every person who shall take fish of any species from the waters 
of Gorton’s Lake, so-called, in the town of ‘Warwick, before the first day of 
April, A. D. 1906, shall be fined not exceeding one dollar for the first offence, 
and not to exceed ten dollars for each subsequent offence. 

Src. 2. This act shall take effect immediately. 


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