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Full text of "Annual report of the director of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College to the president and fellows of Harvard College for .."

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ue have been published of the Sage Volo aos Ly, y, ) 
to LXX; of the Memorrs Vols. I to LI. 

The BuLLeTIn and Memorrs are devoted to the poblieneal 
original work by the Officers of the Museum, of investigations wr ed 
on by students and others in the different Laboratories of Natu 
History, and of work by specialists based upon the Museum | oll 
tions and Exploration. * 

these publications are fae in numbers at Sab pe 
Each number of the Bulletin and of the Memoirs may be sold s 
rately. A price list of the publications of the Museum will be se | 
application to the Director of the  eaeienay of Comparative ae 
ae Massachusetts. 






L92 Oe 3 O:. 





THOMAS BARBOUR :|. :°. .. Director. 
SAMUEL HENSHAW... ...... .. Director Emeritus 
OUDRAM: BAINGS 2) Ychoe oo)... UL Curator of Bards 

HUBERT L. CLARK Curator of Marine Invertebrates 









Curator of Oceanography 

Curator of Invertebrate Palaeont- 

Research Curator of Birds 

Curator of Insects 

Curator of Mammals 

Curator of Mollusks 

Assistant Curator of Birds 

Assistant Curator of Herpetology 

Research Curator of Zoélogy 

Assistant Curator of Palaeontology 

Associate in Ornithology 

Associate in Ornithology 

Acting Curator of Geological Col- 

Curator of Fossil Echinoderms 

WINTHROP SPRAGUE BROOKS . .° Custodian of Birds’ Eggs and Nests 

ELIZABETH DEICHMANN Alexander Agassiz Fellow in Ocean- 

JACK HENRY SANDGROUND. Curator of Helminthology 

NICHOLAS BORODIN 2°). Curator of Fishes 

HAROLD JEFFERSON COOLIDGE, IR. Assistant Curator of Mammals 

JOSEPH CHARLES BEQUAERT . . Associate Curator of Insects 

CHARLES THOMAS BRUES . Associate Curator of Insects 

WILI IAM MORTON Whi . . Associate Curator of Insects 

CHORG EH UNEESOIN gai. oo) et © 0 ue erenonaten 

ELEANOR KOS WHET si 80.0" 2) Eebrencarn 

Secretary to the Director 
Assistant Secretary to the Director 
Secretary to the Museum Staff 


REGINALD A. DALY Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology 



I have long suspected that the natural history collections of 
Harvard University, which with the various accretions now con- 
stitute this Museum, represent the earliest efforts made in this 
country to form a cabinet or museum of natural history. 

It is well known that Professor Benjamin Waterhouse had a con- 
siderable cabinet of minerals as early as 1784, while Professor 
William Dandridge Peck began to accumulate botanical and 
zoological specimens at least as early as 1785. During the course 
of the year a large number of his fishes, curiously sliced through, 
dried, varnished and mounted on cards, after the fashion of her- 
barium material, were found, by chance, among the fossil fishes. 
Many of these specimens have been destroyed by neglect but many 
others are in extraordinarily good preservation and are now on 
exhibition. Professor Peck visited Europe and was in close touch 
with European naturalists — indeed a number of these fishes were 
prepared in England and Scotland — and it is not unlikely that he 
got the idea for this curious method of mounting directly or in- 
directly from Reaumur. This versatile genius advocated the 
standardization of methods for storing natural history specimens 
by drying them out through baking and mounting them on sheets, 
even birds having been split and prepared in this way. Washing- 
ton’s diaries report his calling upon Professor Peck while in Ports- 
mouth, New Hampshire, no doubt to see the very fish which we 
have now on exhibition and which Professor Peck secured in the 
“Piscataqua Flumen.” I only cite these facts to show that the 
foundations of our museums were laid before the museums at 
Charleston, Salem or Philadelphia came into being. 

Further progress in getting the exhibition collections into perma- 
nently improved condition was made possible by Mr. George R. 
Agassiz, who has enabled us to recase with plate glass and rearrange 
the main synoptic Hall of Mammals. This has resulted in a con- 


siderable increase in the number of visitors and in a better chance 
to use the collection to illustrate Dr. Allen’s course. Mr. Coolidge 
is, in great part, responsible for the excellent appearance which 
this collection now makes. 

Early in the year Dr. John C. Phillips gave the Museum his 
great collection of horns and antlers. This has been placed on 
exhibition in the main entrance hallway, outside the Hall of Mam- 
mals, and makes an imposing and most effective exhibition. 

During the year Mr. Augustus Hemenway generously enabled 
us to buy several mammals from Rowland Ward which were needed 
to replace faded or badly mounted specimens and which have added 
greatly to the appearance of the exhibition rooms. 

Mr. George Nelson continued to devote his attention exclusively 
to the preparation of vertebrate fossils with the result that a 
number of new specimens, most beautifully restored, have been 
added to the exhibits. Professor Raymond, especially, has aided 
ereatly in increasing the teaching value of the palaeontological 

This year has been notable in that more than the usual amount 
of exploration has been carried on. In each case the trips have 
been laid out with a view to securing material which bears some 
definite relation to material already in hand or which is desirable 
for some special purpose. Thus, through the kind offices of Mr. 
William Phillips, formerly Minister to Canada, permission was 
courteously granted by the authorities of the Canadian National 
Parks to allow us to reopen the so-called Walcott Quarry in the 
Yoho Park area. Here Professor Raymond, with the aid of Messrs. 
Stetson, Schevill and Burgess, had the great good fortune to find 
an almost unrivalled series of these highly important, little under- 
stood and very early invertebrates. | 

Mr. Schlaikjer, accompanied by Messrs. Graham Bell Fairchild, 
Louis DuPont Irving, Jr., David Cheek and James Dennison, re- 
turned to the Badlands, working this time at a new locality in 
Wyoming, where discoveries of great interest were made. It seems 
now that some new light has been unexpectedly shed upon the 
question of the evolution of the horse, a topic of perennial interest. 

Messrs. Archer, Bowen and Dow visited Cuba, in part aided by 


grants from the Atkins Fund. The two latter men, working at 
Harvard House, secured a number of specially desired inverte- 
brates during their spare time. 

Mr. Brues continued his studies of the fauna of hot springs, es- 
pecially in the far west. 

Dr. Bequaert added to our collections while assisting in the 
medical survey of Yucatan. 

Mr. Clench and Messrs. Rehder and Schevill visited the island 
of Navassa, a locality of the most extraordinary zodgeographical 
interest, and secured much interesting material from this inacces- 
sible spot. Through the courtesy of the Honorable Charles Francis 
Adams, Secretary of the Navy, a government vessel took the party 
to Navassa from the Guantanamo Naval Station in Cuba and re- 
turned them to the same point after their stay on the island. 

Members of the Museum Staff have been engaged in important 
explorations in Africa. Mr. Arthur Loveridge, continuing his 
studies of the relationships of the East African mountain forests 
with the West African lowland forest, visited the Livingston ranges 
of southern Tanganyika Territory, a region hitherto but little 
known, where his unique knowledge of East African conditions 
and languages made it possible for him to secure enormous collec- 
tions. This exploration was aided by a grant from the Carnegie 
Foundation, a courtesy which we all greatly appreciated, as we did 
also the aid which the Carnegie Institution gave in support of Dr. 
Clark’s explorations which are mentioned later on. Dr. J. H. 
Sandground, while working out the life history of a dangerous 
human parasite in Rhodesia and Portuguese East Africa, at the 
same time secured large collections in a number of different animal 
classes which are most welcome, as they come from a region from 
which material was greatly desired. 

Dr. Hubert Lyman Clark returned from his long journey to 
western Australia, where he studied especially the Echinoderms, 
with not only a valuable collection but a most useful field ex- 
perience, having received extraordinary courtesy and assistance 
from the scientists resident in Australia. 

Dr. Afranio do Amaral, to whom the Museum has been so fre- 
quently beholden in the past, again has put us in his debt through 


the courtesy and assistance which he gave Dr. Allen on his journey 
to the Serra de Paranapiacaba in southern Brazil. 

By the most fortunate chance, Dr. J. Stanley Gardiner of Cam- 
bridge University gave a course of Lowell Institute Lectures in 
Boston last winter. He spent most of his time in the Museum, a 
sage counselor indeed and a charming companion. He worked over, 
relabelled and sorted a large part of our collection of oceanic bot- 
tom samples and wrote a most excellent paper which has appeared 
in the Bulletin. 

It is a pleasure to report other visitors whose advice and interest 
has been greatly appreciated. Among these I may mention Mr. 
Stanley Field, President of the Field Museum in Chicago, and Mr. 
Charles M. B. Cadwalader, Director of the Museum of the Acad- 
emy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. President Ruthven of the 
University of Michigan and Dr. and Mrs. Gaige of the Museum at 
Ann Arbor are frequent visitors. Dr. Baini Prashad of the Zodlogical 
Survey of India, Dr. Zimmer, Director of the Berlin Museum and 
Dr. Drevermann of the Senckenberg Museum at Frankfurt am 
Main, have not only been most enjoyable company but have enabled 
us to inaugurate extensive programs for the exchange of material. 

Last winter I attended the International Congress of Universities 
at Havana, visited Soledad and spent a short time in Panama. 

By great good fortune it was possible to dispose of an unusually 
large number of Museum publications last year by sale and this 
fact has enabled us to publish and ‘to prepare for publication this 
year a considerable number of important manuscripts which have 
long been awaiting publication. However, this good fortune may 
not fall to our lot every year and it must be emphasized that added 
funds for publication are among the greatest of the Museum’s 
needs. The greatest need of all continues to be funds for salaries 
which are still grotesquely small. If it were not a fact that a num- 
ber of the officers of the Museum serve the University without re- 
muneration, it would be impossible to pay the others even the pit- 
tance which they now receive. | 

Several times Mr. George R. Agassiz has kindly volunteered to 
assist in reading manuscript offered for publication and has offered 
other welcome editorial assistance. 


Many of the older members of the Museum Staff recall with 
pleasure their acquaintance with Mr. J. D. Sornborger who worked 
in the Museum years ago. This year he died at Rowley and his 
widow most generously presented his zodlogical collections to the 
Museum. These were noteworthy since he had one of the most 
extensive series of bones of the Great Auk in existence. 

As I mentioned in last year’s report, the codperative arrange- 
ment, whereby the Bureau of Fisheries stations a number of their 
field biologists to work in association with the members of the 
Museum Staff and with headquarters at the Museum, has been 
continued. This arrangement is heartily to be praised and works 
to very great mutual benefit. 

Mr. Columbus O’D. Iselin, while maintaining an office in 
the Museum, is no longer on our staff, since he has accepted a 
position with the new Woods Hole Oceanographical Institution 
now being built. Of this institution Dr. Henry B. Bigelow is Di- 
rector and a Trustee, while I am likewise serving as a Trustee and a 
member of the Executive Committee. It is perfectly certain that 
this Museum, along with many others, will benefit greatly by the 
impetus which has been given to the study of oceanography by the 
founding of this new institution. The ship now being built will 
serve many museums as a means of increasing their deep sea col- 
lections. The distinguished report, which, at least in part, brought 
about the endowment of the Oceanographic Institution by the 
Rockefeller Foundation, was written by Dr. Bigelow and reflects 
great credit not only upon him but upon the Museum. 

In the Domestic Animal Room we have placed on exhibition 
the series of splendid Japanese prints by the renowned artist 
Utomaro which Mrs. William M. Wheeler had formerly hung in the 
Bussey Institution and which she and Professor Wheeler have now 
given to this Museum — a priceless gift indeed. The prints show 
the stages in silk worm culture and raw silk production. 

The display of recent accessions has been changed frequently 
during the year. At this moment a number of Dr. Clark’s Austra- 
lian invertebrates are shown, as well as some of the gorgeous exotic 
butterflies from the Paine Collection, the gift of Mrs. Richard T. 
Fisher, and sundry other series of shells and fossil fishes. The hall 


where these objects are shown has also been made much more at- 
tractive by repainting, closing in the old chimney flue, and hanging 
there the portrait of Audubon received by bequest of Mr. William 
Brewster, while near by hang portraits of Louis Agassiz, Humboldt 
and Professor J. D. Whitney. These have been renovated at the 
Fogg Museum and, having previously hung inconspicuously in the 
library, now serve to make more attractive this public hall. 

Miss Elizabeth Deichmann has been appointed Alexander 
Agassiz Fellow in Oceanography and, having completed her studies 
of the Blake Aleyonaria, will continue the reorganization and 
classification of several groups of marine animals which have long 
been in need of special attention. 

The great diligence of the Museum Staff and the widespread 
generosity of its friends is well attested by the individual reports 
of the several departments which follow. 

Respectfully submitted, 




By Outram Banecs 

The past year has been an unusually profitable one. The total 
number of accessions amounts to 8,795 skins, including a number of 
genera and species not previously represented in the collection. 
The generic desiderata according to Sharpe’s Handlist have been 
reduced to 86. Of the 18,939 species listed in that work we have 

The most important single addition is the Penard Collection of 
birds from Surinam which totals 2,684 specimens. H. Wedel sta- 
tioned in eastern Panama has sent in 1,329 skins, including a 
number of rarities. An additional installment of the La Touche Col- 
lection amounting to 501 birds, practically completes the acquisi- 
tion of this important collection. Other additions by purchase 
aggregate 679 skins, including 125 from the state of Maranh&o 
and 181 from the state of Santa Catherina, Brazil. Seven hundred 
and fifty-one specimens were obtained by exchange. 

Through the kind interest of Mr. Huntington R. Hardwick of 
Boston, Mr. W. S. Brooks was able to accompany him on the 
yacht Acadia to the Galapagos Islands in March and April, 1929. 
Mr. Brooks collected 154 birds that were brought back in the 
Acadia’s refrigerator and were made up into skins by Mr. J. D. 
Smith, but were not received at the Museum in time to be in- 
cluded in last year’s report. Dr. G. M. Allen returned from S&o 
Paulo, Brazil about the twentieth of September with 57 bird skins 
as a part of the material he collected on a brief trip. 

Thanks to the generous interest of Mr. H. J. Coolidge, Jr., Mr. 
Peters accompanied him to Porto Rico and secured 32 birds during 
their short stay. A specimen of the rare Porto Rican Short-eared 
Owl was obtained by this party through the energetic codperation 
of Mr. F. A. Potts of La Fortuna. 

Mrs. Alfred Hawes of Sherborn, Massachusetts presented 469 


skins of birds collected in Bechuanaland, South Africa by Mr. 
Hawes during the years 1874-1875. 

At the request of Mr. Sidney F. Tyler, Jr., Harvard 1928, the 
American Museum of Natural History presented a set of the dupli- 
cates from the Tyler Duida Expedition, including nearly all of the 
new genera and species recently described by Dr. Chapman. This 
accession amounts to 340 skins, and is of the highest interest. 

Mr. Griscom has spent much time in the department working on 
the Dwight Collection of Guatemala birds. It was Dr. Dwight’s 
wish that Mr. Griscom should report on this collection, and in 
accordance with that wish the American Museum forwarded the 
birds to Cambridge, shortly after Dr. Dwight’s death. From this 
magnificent collection, the Museum has been able to retain 1,239 

The collection made in Szechuan for the Field Museum, by Mr. 
Harry Stevens, was entrusted to me for identification; the report is 
now in press and will appear as a publication of the Field Museum. 
One hundred and five duplicates were retained from this collection. 

Small lots and single specimens totalling 55 skins have been pre- 
sented by Oliver L. Austin, Jr., Outram Bangs, A. C. Bent, P. J. 
Darlington, Jr., E. E. Farnham, G. Alton Griffith, Arthur Jacot, 
F. H. Kennard, Walter Koelz, J. L. Peters, W. C. Schroeder, John 
E. Thayer, H. C. Thompson, University of Michigan and Park 
Department of the City of Boston. An anonymous friend has 
also aided the department by purchasing birds as the opportunity 

Messrs. Kennard and Bent are continually adding to and im- 
proving their collections. The former made a special trip to the 
Sacramento Valley in California to secure additional material for 
his study of the Geese. Mr. Bent has acquired the Pierce collection 
of birds from California, about 3,000 skins. He also collected a 
number of birds while spending the winter in Florida. 

There is still need for additional cases to care for the rapid growth 
of the collection. The new construction in the present space occu- 
pied by the department will soon be taken up by the numerous ac- 
cessions. It is to be hoped that when the new biological building 
is completed that the bird department will profit by the correspond- 
ing vacancies created in the present building to the extent of se- 


curing Room 505 as an additional room for the storage of its col- 
lection and Room 503 as an office, which will permit an orderly and 
more serviceable arrangement of such items as the accession and 
card catalogues, books and pamphlets and correspondence files. 
Transferring the departmental library to the proposed office will 
also make it possible to construct a full height case against the 
west wall of Room 504. 

The number of birds carded during the year is 6,113. The card 
catalogue has progressed well into the Formicariidae, and the 
number of skins actually carded to date is 62,369. 

To Mrs. Bowen must be given the credit not only for carding 
nearly 6,000 birds and for cataloguing most of the accessions but 
also for typing a tremendous amount of manuscript most accurately 
and painstakingly. 

The Tracheophonae have been rearranged according to the 
classification proposed by Hellmayr in the third and fourth parts of 
the “Catalogue of the Birds of the Americas!” A first series of this 
group has also been selected. 

During August Mr. W. R. Spofford was engaged to assist in 
placing the gallinaceous birds and pigeons ina new case in Room 507. 

Dr. Josselyn Van Tyne, Assistant Curator of Birds at the Mu- 
seum of Zodlogy, University of Michigan, has spent considerable 
time at the Museum in working jointly with me on a report on the 
birds collected by himself as ornithologist of the Field Museum 
Kelley-Roosevelt Expedition to Indo-China, the ornithological 
material of the expedition having been entrusted to us for identi- 
fication and report. 

Mr. Peters has been working actively in the preparation of a new 
checklist of the birds of the world. It is expected that the manu- 
script of the first volume wilbbe ready for the press by the first of 
January. This proposed list had its inception in the card catalogue, 
where a list of species is maintained that have been described since 
the publication of Sharpe’s Handlist. Now that this catalogue has 
reached into the Passeres, it seems well to proceed with its amplifi- 
cation into a new “list.” 

As usual, some material has been borrowed from other institu- 
tions for the use of the staff, and a large amount has been loaned to 
ornithologists elsewhere to aid their researches. 



By Huspert Lyman CiLarkK 

The opening of the year found the Curator on the northwestern 
coast of Australia, where he was engaged in collecting echinoderms 
for the Museum and studying their distribution and habits. From 
May 19 to June 4, 1929 he was the delegate from Harvard Uni- 
versity to the Fourth Pan-Pacific Scientific Congress in Java, 
meetings of which were held at Batavia, Bandoeng and Sourabaya. 

Mr. Arthur A. Livingstone, of the Australian Museum, Sydney, 
joined the Curator at Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, on 
June 17 and our laboratory, generously provided without cost by 
Mr. J. Horsborough, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for 
the Northern Territory, was established there for six weeks. The 
collecting was poor but of great interest and importance, as very 
little was known of the marine fauna in that region. As the funds 
for our work were generously provided by the Carnegie Institution 
of Washington, the National Research Council of Australia, and the 
Museum of Comparative Zodlogy, we made use of the title the 
“Carnegie-Australian-Harvard Expedition,” and a brief general 
account of our work was published in Science, February 21, 1930. 

On July 29, we left Darwin and went to Broome, western Au- 
stralia, where we remained two months. Our laboratory here was 
provided for us without cost by Captain A. C. Gregory, the Chair- 
man of the town’s governing body. Broome proved to be an extra- 
ordinarily good center for marine collecting and a large amount of 
very valuable material was secured. Early in October we continued 
our journey westward and southward, and, after a day’s collecting 
at Geraldton, reached Perth on October 8. Here three very profit- 
able weeks were spent, the large amount of material collected being 
generously supplemented by gifts from Mr. L. Glauert of the Perth 
Museum and Mr. E. W. Bennett of the University of Western 


At Adelaide, Melbourne and Hobart, similar generous assistance 
from Messrs. Hale, Kershaw, Chapman, Lord and Flynn not only 
added to the collections but gave the Curator unusual opportunities 
for seeing the marine fauna of the southern coast of Australia. 
Sydney was reached on November 19, and the following days were 
spent in four collecting trips to the best accessible spots, and in 
examination of material in the Australian Museum. The generous 
hospitality of that Museum and its staff passes description. | left 
Sydney November 30 and spent December 2 at Brisbane, where 
Mr. Longman, director of the Queensland Museum, gave usthe 
usual cordial Australian weleome. On the return journey to Cam- 
bridge, a month was spent in China and important contacts with 
zoologists were made at Hong Kong, Foochow and Nanking. 

Since my return to Cambridge, my time has been given chiefly to 
curatorial duties. The material collected in Australia has all ar- 
rived at the Museum in first class condition. A considerable sup- 
plementary collection, made up by the British Barrier Reef Expedi- 
tion, 1928-29, at Low Island, has also been received for study and 
report, while a small but interesting collection sent by the Museum 
at Nanking promises to be the beginning of important additions to 
our scanty Chinese material. The rearrangement of our sea star 
collection to accord with W. K. Fisher’s authoritative monographs 
on that group and the resulting checking of catalogue numbers and 
rewriting of cards has taken much time. The task of looking after 
the alcohol on the collections in the basement is also under way. 

The chief additions to our collections during the year, aside 
from those made by the Curator and not yet incorporated, are as 
follows: from Mr. Morris E. Caruthers, sea urchins from southern 
California in exchange for mollusks; from Mr. Stanley L. Larnach, 
a large number of Australian sea stars, as a gift; from Mr. W. C. 
Schroeder, sea stars, brittle stars and sea urchins from off the coasts 
of New England and New Jersey, as gifts. 



By H. B. BigELow 

During the year studies on the biology of various North Atlantic 
fishes have been carried on in the Museum by the following mem- 
bers of the staff of the United States Bureau of Fisheries: O. E. 
Sette, R. A. Nesbit, William C. Schroeder, E. W. Bailey and 
V. E. Heffelfinger. Mr. Schroeder’s report on the Migrations of 
the Cod has been completed and will appear in the Bulletin of the 

The survey of the coastal waters off the eastern United States, 
mentioned in previous reports, was continued by the United States 
Fisheries steamer Albatross on its periodic cruises in February, 
April, May, June and July. 

The generosity of Mr. H. L. Shattuck made it possible for the 
Museum to codperate with the Bureau in running a profile to 
Bermuda on the Albatross in August, with C. O. Iselin and Dr. 
Roderick Macdonald in charge of the scientific program. Physical 
data were obtained at 18 stations; oxygen and phosphate determin- 
ations were made for the deep strata. Unfortunately an accident 
to the ship’s engines curtailed the cruise, and prevented the secur- 
ing of extensive collections. 

The codperation with the International Ice Patrol continues 
along the line mentioned in previous reports, and Lt. Commander 
N. G. Ricketts, oceanographer to the Patrol, prepared in the 
Museum the annual report on the activities of the season. 

Mr. Iselin, while Alexander Agassiz Fellow of Oceanography, 
spent the autumn and winter abroad visiting the oceanographic 
laboratories at Plymouth, Paris, Monaco, Geneva, Berlin, Ham- 
burg, Copenhagen and Bergen. 

Dr. Macdonald continued his plankton study until October, 
when he returned to England. Miss Mary Sears and Miss Alice 
Beale worked on the collections of plankton, and I completed the 
report on the Arcturus Siphonophores. 


Much of my own time during the year has been devoted to the 
organization of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, of which 
I have been appointed director. The incorporation of this new 
institution has been an outgrowth from the study of the status of 
oceanography in America that was carried out by a committee of 
the National Academy of Sciences (see last year’s report), and its 
financial support has been provided by the Rockefeller Foundation. 
Its purpose is to prosecute and encourage the study of the sea in the 
broadest sense, including both the biological and the physical- 
chemical aspects. Arrangements will also be provided for the in- 
struction of graduate students in the field methods of oceanography. 
It is to own and operate a sea-going ship, capable of long voyages, 
equipped for work in the various divisions of oceanography, this 
being the material feature which most sharply differentiates it 
from other marine laboratories in America. It is planned to keep 
the laboratory open and ship in commission the year round. 

Like some of the most successful marine laboratories in this 
country and abroad, it is an independent institution but with 
liaison with universities assured through their representation on 
its Board of Trustees.! 

At this writing, construction of the building at Woods Hole 
has been commenced and the contract let for the ship, while the 
initial program of research is in process of development. The 
Trustees hope the new institution will open its doors to investigators 
in the summer of 1931. 

1 See Science, vol. 71, p. 277. 




The more notable accessions are the collection of Chilian Hymen- 
optera formed by the late Paul Herbst and purchased by an 
anonymous friend, and the C. T. Paine collection of Lepidoptera, 
both New England and exotic, presented by Mrs. R. T. Fisher. 
Dr. W. M. Wheeler gave his fine collection of myrmecophilous 
insects. The Costa Rican material gathered by Professor C. W. 
Dodge, W. F. Thomas, and F. Nevermann, and a lot of East 
African insects from Mr. A. Loveridge also formed especially wel- 
come additions. The Herbst collection is of particular importance 
as it contains the types of a number of bees and wasps and is es- 
pecially rich in bees. Mr. Suydam Cutting, through Mr. H. J. 
Coolidge, Jr., gave some fine insects, collected by Major Kingdon 
Ward in Upper Burma and Laos. For other additions weare indebted 
to J. Bequaert, E. B. Bryant, B. P. Clark, E. T. Cresson, P. J. 
Darlington, J. H. Emerton, C. W. Johnson, A. Jacot, A. C. Kinsey, 
M. C. Lane, A. P. Morse, M. Valerio, and L. Worley. An ex- 
change with the University of Michigan added about a dozen 
species of Orthoptera. 

Miss E. B. Bryant has been engaged in revising three genera of 
spiders and in identifying Florida spiders particularly some for 
Mr. W.S. Blatchley’s report on the fauna of Royal Palm Park. 

During the past year great progress was made in housing insects 
in the new boxes and in arrangement. All of the miscellaneous 
exotic Coleoptera were transferred to the new drawers and most of 
them arranged by families. The Dietz Curculionidae and the 
duplicate Chrysomelidae given by Mr. F. C. Bowditch were also 
put in the new boxes. A new arrangement of the Hymenoptera in 
the new boxes was begun, Mr. Creighton working on the ants and 
Mr. Dow on the Sphecoids. Mr. Fairchild continued his work 
arranging the Nearctic Lepidoptera and is about halfway through 


the Noctuidae. The European Hemiptera and part of the Euro- 
pean Hymenoptera were also arranged; the foreign Diptera of the 
Johnson collection were transferred to new boxes and the duplicate 
American Orthoptera were put in storage boxes. A large amount 
of alcoholic material was transferred to upright vials. About 300 
types have been verified and marked and a catalogue arranged 
systematically was prepared for over 5,000 of the marked types. 

The Curator devoted about five months to taxonomic work. 
Much material that had accumulated was identified, most of it 
returned and papers prepared on the following: the large collec- 
tion of Neuropteroids from the Malay Peninsula and from North 
Borneo, both sent by the Federated Malay States Museum, a 
valuable collection of Psocidae sent by F. X. Williams from Hawaii, 
Trichoptera collected in Cape Breton by Mr. Fairchild, Arachnida 
collected in the Galapagos Islands in 1925 by the Norwegian Mu- 
seum and Psammocharidaefrom Yucatan collected by Dr. Bequaert. 
Papers were also prepared on the classification of the Psocidae, 
on the Philippine species of Myrmarachne, on various new Neurop- 
tera and on new species of spiders. Descriptions were prepared of 
over 100 new species. Besides the above the following collec- 
tions were determined: Opiliones for the University of Florida; 
Neuroptera, Psammocharidae and Opiliones from Nantucket; 
spiders for Miss Patton of Richmond, Indiana; Neuroptera for the 
Cuban Experiment Sta'tion; Philippine spiders for the National 
Museum; two lots of spiders from Costa Rica for Professor Valerio; 
Chrysopidae for the University of Illinois; Cerceris for a student 
of the University of Oregon; Trichoptera for the American Mu- 
seum; and scorpions collected in Yucatan by Dr. Bequaert. 

Loans returned include Cuban Asilidae by Stanley Bromley, 
American Dolerus from Mr. Ross, U. 8. Cicadas from Mr. Davis, 
part of the Australian termites by Mr. Hill and some Orthoptera 
by Mr. Hebard. 

Among the visitors may be mentioned J. C. Bridwell, D. Blake, 
R. Hopping, W. M. T. Forbes, and M. C. Lane. 


Review of the Entomological Collection 

The collection today is the second in America; in several groups 
it stands first. The Coleoptera lead, our Museum containing the 
Leconte, Melsheimer, Ziegler, Dietz, Hayward, Blanchard, Bow- 
ditch, Doubleday Harris and Carnochan collections, a set of the 
Biologia Centrali America and a set of the Bishop Hawaiian ma- 
terial and an immense number from various other sources. There 
are types of well over 10,000 species, about one-half yet to be cata- 
logued. A new Nearctic collection, based on the old, with the 
Bowditch, Dietz, Hayward and miscellaneous accessions added, is 
in progress of arrangement by Mr. Darlington. When this is done 
and the exotic material is more completely arranged we will have 
a collection of which we may well be proud. The Chrysomelidae of 
Bowditch and the Cicindelidae of Harris are particularly valuable; 
the Cerambycidae and Curculionidae also contain a vast number of 
determined species. 

Among the Lepidoptera the most de gene parts are the Geo- 
metridae (of Packard and Swett), the Microlepidoptera (largely 
Chambers and Dietz) and the Scudder butterflies. There is a great 
number of butterflies but much of the exotic material is still un- 
mounted. There are types of fully 1,200 species, almost all of them 
catalogued. Mr. Cassino’s gift of much of the Doll collection and 
the C. T. Paine collection are most useful recent additions. 

‘The Diptera collection is especially valuable, containing the 
American material of Loew, Osten Sacken and Johnson. There are 
types of about 2,800 species, all catalogued, except those of the 
Johnson collection. There is not much recent material from the 
western states and the exotic collection is very weak and unde- 
termined, the Antillean being the best. There is a good European 

In the Hymenoptera we have a fair amount of the larger species 
but the collection of micro- and parasitic Hymenoptera is very 
weak, with the exception of the Cynipidae. Thanks to Dr. Wheeler, 
we have a good collection of ants, and the United States Psammo- 
charidae and Philanthidae are good and increasing in value. The 
Paul Herbst collection of Chilian Hymenoptera gives us a fine series 
from that country, otherwise the collection of exotic Hymenoptera 


is not much better than the Diptera. There are fully 1,200 types 
nearly all catalogued. 

The Hemiptera is the weakest (of the large orders) in typical 
material, there being hardly more than 200 types. There is a con- 
siderable amount of United States material, largely of Banks and 
Morse collecting. For the exotics there is a large amount of ma- 
terial but mostly unstudied. The Meyer-Dtir European collection 
is very good and has some types. 

In the Orthoptera there are the rich collections of Scudder and 
Morse, about 1,000 types. The exotic forms are numerous but 
mostly unnamed and unarranged. There is a generic card index for 
the Nearctic portion. 

In Neuroptera there are the Hagen and Banks collections, now 
joined and forming one of the finest collections in the world, in- 
eluding about 2,500 types. This is in numbered boxes and there 
is a generic card index. In the exotic Odonata there is quite a lot 
of unnamed material. The collection is growing steadily by original 
work as well as by exchanges and gifts. 

In the smaller orders the Thysanura and Collembola have the 
types of Packard and Banks and some of Folsom and MacGillivray. 
It is doubtless as good as any Museum collection in the country. 
In the Anoplura, Mallophaga, Siphonaptera, and Thysanoptera, 
our collections are as poor as in most museums. 

The Arachnida is the best collection in America, with about 2,500 
types. It contains the Emerton, Peckham, Bryant and Banks col- 
lections and many of Chamberlin’s types. The spiders are in 
numbered trays with a generic card index. The Opiliones have 
been arranged in the new trays, but the other groups are largely as 
they have been for some years. There is a vast amount of exotic 
material, much undetermined. 

The collection of Muriopoda also contains much valuable ma- 
terial, largely of Chamberlin and Attems, probably about 700 or 
800 types. The vials have been arranged in numbered trays and 
there is a generic card index to the named material. There is a 
large amount yet unstudied. | 

The fossil insects have been spread out by Mr. Carpenter and 
many are catalogued but the work is not yet finished. Most of the 
Scudder types are here, in all about 1,500 types. 


The exotic insects came largely from expeditions, such as the 
Thayer Brazilian Expedition; the Uhler Hayti trip; the Hassler 
voyage; the Barbour East and West Indian trips; the several col- 
lections of Brooks in Bermuda, Jamaica, Trinidad, Falkland Is- 
lands, South Africa and West Australia; the numerous collections 
of W. M. Wheeler in Cuba, Panama, Costa Rica, British Guiana, 
Australia, Morocco and Hawaii; the W. M. Mann material from 
the Solomons, Fiji, Mexico, Hayti and Brazil; the Davis Argentine 
collection; the Brues Grenada and Jamaica material, the Wight 
collection from Jamaica, the Banks Panama collection, the Allen 
and the Loveridge collections from East Africa; the Schwab and 
the Bequaert collections from West Africa; the Wulsin collections 
from China, West Africa and Madagascar; and particularly the 
great series of specimens gathered or purchased by Dr. Thaxter; 
and many smaller lots from others. 

The insect collection is now in about 5,000 drawers; the Blan- 
chard, Bowditch Chrysomelidae and Harris Cicindelidae in Schmitt 
type boxes; part of the Hymenoptera is in Schmitt boxes but is 
being transferred. The Johnson collection is still in the original 
boxes and so is much of the Bowditch general collection. There are 
still several hundred storage boxes with good material. The col- 
lection of galls and the duplicate Orthoptera is also in storage boxes. 
The Arachnida, Myriopoda and much of the alcoholic insects are in 
upright vials arranged in trays. 



By Gitover M. ALLEN 

The work of the department has long since outgrown the single- 
handed efforts of the Curator on half-time, for the mere care of the 
collection, looking after new material, cataloguing, labelling and 
preparing skulls or skeletons calls for much time, to say nothing of 
frequent requests for assistance in identifying specimens or for the 
loan of specimens. It is a pleasure, therefore, to record the coming 
of Mr. Harold J. Coolidge, Jr. as Assistant Curator of Mammals, 
in the latter part of 1929, on his return from a year’s expedition in 
the Far East for the Field Museum. He has particularly devoted 
himself to improving the exhibition collection of mammals, has 
aided in replacing many of the older specimens with new and 
excellently mounted ones, has prepared many new labels, and en- 
hanced the interest of the exhibition through the addition of neatly 
framed photographs in association with many of the mounted 
specimens. He has further undertaken the remodeling of the 
Systematic Hall of Mammals, making an entire rearrangement of 
the mounted specimens, retiring many of the poorer ones, and 
greatly improving the former crowded appearance by doing away 
with shelving and mounting the specimens on small brackets 
against the wall. 

Especial thanks are also due to Miss Carolyn Sheldon, who has 
volunteered her services for the greater part of the year in the work 
of cataloguing, numbering and labelling. Through her assistance, 
thus generously given, it has been possible to catch up with the 
past accumulations that had been awaiting attention. It is a pleas- 
ure also to make grateful acknowledgment of similar help given 
as occasion allowed by Miss Helen C. Hunt, Miss Ellen Wales, and 
Mrs. William C. Pierce. 

A mammal collection differs from one of other vertebrates in 
the vast amount of laborious preparation needed in cleaning skulls 


or other skeletal material before it is ready for labelling and filing. 
This year again it has been possible to make much progress with 
cleaning past accumulations of such material through the part- 
time work of two young men, while a small amount of more ex- 
acting work of this kind has been sent to Ward’s Natural Science 
Establishment. The tanning of large skins has progressed, so that 
at present the accumulation of raw material of this nature is greatly 
reduced, with still, however, a good deal yet remaining to be done. 
The proper storage of tanned skins is a matter soon to need atten- 

In August and September, 1929, the Curator went to southern 
Brazil where a small collection of mammals and birds was made, 
and reciprocal relations established with the Museu Paulista, 
through the generous efforts of Dr. Afranio do Amaral of the 
Instituto Butantan. Already the contacts thus made are proving 

An important addition is the splendid collection of horns and _ 
antlers given last year by Dr. John C. Phillips. It was brought 
together by Dr. Phillips in the course of a good many years and 
contains many selected specimens, a number of which are given 
prominent place in Rowland Ward’s Records of Big Game. The 
greater part of this collection has been placed on exhibition in the 
hallway of the Divinity Avenue entrance, and explanatory labels 
have been prepared by Mr. Coolidge. Other important gifts in- 
clude a collection of over one hundred specimens from Tanganyika 
Territory, prepared and presented by Mr. F. G. Carnochan; about 
twenty mammals from Mrs. Alfred Hawes, collected in South 
Africa many years ago; a series of coyote and wolf skulls from the 
United States Biological Survey; two mountain lions from Arizona, 
given by Dr. J. C. Phillips; Alaskan Caribou and sheep, given by 
Mr. Edward Mallinkrodt, Jr.; a series of skins and skeletal parts 
from Shantung, China, given by Dr. Arthur Jacot; several bats 
secured in Costa Rica by Mr. Stephen Thomas while accompanying 
Dr. C. W. Dodge’s expedition; and additional Chinese and Mon- 
golian skins and skulls from the American Museum of Natural 
History in continuation of previous gifts, in connection with the 
identification of the specimens secured by the Asiatic Expeditions. 


Other valuable gifts have been received from Dr. Thomas Barbour, 
H. R. Colburn, Dr. Robert T. Jackson, F. H. Kennard, Lawrence 
Kilham, James L. Peters, the heirs of James Sturgis Pray, George 
Schwab, the estate of J. D. Sornborger, Dr. Ralph E. Wheeler, 
and James Zetek. 

Exchanges of material have been made with the Russian Acad- 
emy of Sciences, the Zodlogical Museum of Amsterdam, and for 
topotypes of Evotomys gapperi rhoadsi with Mr. Morris M. Green. 
Specimens have been loaned for study to nine persons representing 
six Institutions. 

Mention should also be made of the fact that the collection of 
bird bones is under revision. Miss Sheldon has catalogued and 
numbered a great many that were unentered or unnumbered, and 
the Curator has rearranged a part of them and revised their names 
to accord with those in use by the Bird Department. Much yet 
remains to be done in organizing the material already on hand 
and in the preparation of roughed-out specimens now awaiting 



By Wi.tuiAM J. CLENCH 

During the past year 10,301 lots have been accessioned. The 
major portion of this number was derived from several very im- 
portant collections. These are as follows: 

Approximately 1,000 lots collected by Dr. Peter Okkelberg and 
the curator in Georgia, Florida, and Cuba during the summer of 

About 1,000 lots from Dr. Joseph Bequaert, collected in Liberia 
and the Congo. This collection is especially rich in genera and 
species not previously represented in the Museum. These were 
very kindy donated to the university by Dr. Bequaert. 

A very important collection of marine shells, comprising 750 lots 
collected by Dr. Hubert L. Clark on his expedition during the past 
year in Australia. The Museum possessed but little from the 
region of western Australia prior to the accession of Dr. Clark’s 

Through the generosity of a friend, another very large and valu- 
able collection of Liguus, containing 310 lots (8,183 specimens), 
was obtained. This entire collection was made by the late J. N. 
Farnum, of Miami, Florida, during 1929. This material has been 
added to the Museum collection, making it unrivaled among col- 
lections of this group. The importance of this collection cannot be 
overestimated. Many localities from which this material was ob- 
tained are now destroyed and within a few years these mollusks 
will have disappeared oor all but a very few remote and inacces- 
sible localities. 

A collection of 1835 lots was obtained from the Boston Society 
of Natural History, containing for the most part material of con- 
siderable historical and scientific value, mainly from Africa, West 
Indies, Central and South America. 

By purchase, by an anonymous friend, a collection of 2,600 lots of 


Clausiliidae was obtained from Mr. Walter F. Webb. Considerable 
value is attached to this material in as much as many of the leading 
European malacologists have determined the greater portion of it, 
and much published record is based upon the shells in this collection. 

The remaining lots have been added to the Museum collection 
by gift and exchange, the more important from Dr. H. A. Pilsbry 
of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and Mr. Calvin 
Goodrich of the Museum of Zoélogy, University of Michigan. 

Two field trips were undertaken during the past museum year, 
the first to Georgia, Florida, and Cuba, and the second to Navassa 
Island in the West Indies. 

Dr. Peter Okkelberg of the University of Michigan and the 
curator spent two months during the summer of 1929 making a 
survey of the freshwater shells of Georgia. Large collections were 
made in sections of the state hitherto unexplored for these forms, 
Studies were also made to determine as far as possible the faunal re- 
lations of the river systems of the region dividing the Atlantic slope 
from the interior drainage area. The Plewroceridae of this trip have 
all been determined and a paper is now in preparation by Mr. Calvin 
Goodrich of the Museum of Zodlogy, University of Michigan. 
A third month on this trip was devoted to a study of the Liguus in 
Lower Florida and Cuba. All the shells obtained in Florida and 
Cuba have been determined and papers are now in preparation 
covering the important material studied. 

Through the courtesy of the Honorable Charles Francis Adams, 
Secretary of the Navy, an expedition was made possible to Navassa 
Island in the West Indies. Mr. William E. Schevill, an assistant in 
the Museum, Mr. Harald A. Rehder, a student in the department, 
and the curator left Cambridge the latter part of December for 
Guantanamo, Cuba. The tug Montcalm stationed at the Guantan- 
amo base transported the personnel and their baggage to this small 
island some ninety-six miles due south of the station. A complete 
study was made as far as possible of the entire fauna and flora, and 
collections of the biota were made for the Museum and Arnold 
Arboretum. Twelve days were spent on the island and five days 
more were devoted to the study of the land and marine fauna in the 
vicinity of Guantanamo Bay. 


Mr. N. W. Lermond spent six months during the year as an as- 
sistant, doing considerable routine work, cataloguing and making 
exchanges for the department. 

Grateful thanks are due to Allen F. Archer, Graham Fairchild, 
and Mr. Harald A. Rehder for much voluntary work in the de- 

Mr. Harald A. Rehder entered upon his studies of the Succiniidae 
at the beginning of the college year. His objective is to monograph 
the North, Central American, and West Indian forms of this com- 
plex group. In this study the anatomy, relationship, geographical 
distribution and taxonomy will be considered. 

During the past year 450 species and 4 genera were added, which 
were new to the collection, with addition of 10 holotypes, 88 para- 
types, 13 cotypes and 30 topotypes. 

A résumé of our collection stands as follows: 

Total number of lots catalogued and uncatalogued . . . 109,000 (approx.) 
Total number of lots catalogued'\:..° 2). “2 OS) 2) 2 eae 
Total number of species in the collection . . . . . . 20,534 


By LupLow GrRiscom 

My activities for the year can be arranged under three main 

1. The routine work connected with purchases, finances, sales 
and exchanges of publications took perhaps a quarter of my time. 
The third financial year of the new administration closed on June 
30, 1929, and it closed with a small surplus in the unrestricted 
funds. Sale of publications and duplicate specimens during the 
year amounted to the surprising total of nearly $5,000. This sum 
included the sale of a practically complete set of the bulletin to 
India. It is no longer possible to supply a complete set, and it does 
not seem probable that the receipts for the year can be equaled 
annually. In connection with the sale of publications, the comple- 
tion of stock rooms in the basement made it possible for the first 
time in decades to store the Museum publications in one place in 
exact chronological order. Mr. Eric Batten assembled piles of 
bulletins from innumerable scattered stores, and arranged them 
with efficiency and despatch. We now know exactly what we have 
in stock, and were rewarded by the discovery of several papers 
supposed to be out of print for years, which sell at a premium. 

2. One memoir, the four concluding numbers of Volume 69 of the 
Bulletin, and Volume 70 complete were seen through the press 
during the year, while several other articles now in press were edited 
or otherwise prepared for publication. This has consumed about 
another quarter of my time. 

3. The balance of the year has been devoted to the study of the 
great Dwight Collection of Guatemala birds. The identification of 
the 8,000 specimens was completed in May, and the collection was 
returned to New York. Seven papers describing new forms or criti- 
cally revising certain groups have been published during the year, 
and two others are now in press. During the course of the work, 


14 types were added to the Museum collection. The duplicate 
series retained by the Museum amounts to 1,639 specimens, and 
50 species new to the collection were thus secured. I was writing 
the final report steadily until the close of the year, when the entire 
systematic portion, the synonymy and bibliographical references 
were completed. 

During the course of the year, active local field work, both orni- 
thological and botanical, was continued in conjunction with various 
clubs and societies. 




Owing to my being absent from the Museum for a full year, the 
work of the department has been carried on entirely by Dr. Barbour 
and Miss H. M. Robinson, who have attended to the dispatching 
and receipt of exchanges and taken care of the great mass of 
material received. 

Among the more important of these accessions was a further col- 
lection of Mexican reptiles made by W. W. Brown and Dr. Malcolm 
Smith’s collection of Chelonia. These were purchased and _pre- 
sented to the department by a friend. 

Members of the Museum and College staff contributed many 
specimens, among which might be mentioned Dr. G. M. Allen’s 
from brazil: Prof. C. T. Brues, a snake; Dr. H. L. Clark’s Au- 
stralian collection; W. J. Clench’s from Navassa Island; H. J. 
Coolidge’s from North Carolina; P. J. Darlington’s from Panama 
and the Santa Marta Mountains; Dr. G. C. Shattuck’s from 
Yucatan; and Dr. W. M. Wheeler’s from the Hawaiian Islands. 

Dr. W. Popenoe, Dr. W. M. White, Brother Nicéforo Maria, 
and Mr. S. Kress donated collections which furnished many 
valuable additions to the Museum series. Of genera new to the 
collection Trachyboa and Clothonerpzton deserve special mention. 

Among the. visitors who have utilized the collection in connec- 
tion with their studies are Dr. H. L. Babcock, Mrs. M. T. Gaige, 
and Prof. T. I. Storer, Messrs. C. V. MacCoy and T. E. White. 

Series, or small collections, have been lent for special study 
to the National Museum, University of Michigan, and British 

Cataloguing and card indexing having been in abeyance, the 
usual census of the collection cannot be given until next year. 

I have spent eight and a half months in East Africa (Tanganyika, 


northern Rhodesia, Uganda, and Kenya) investigating problems 
of distribution of the high plateaux and rain forest in the southwest. 
Incidentally a considerable: number of undescribed species were 
found. Approximately the total number of species collected is as 
follows: crocodiles 1; chelonians 6; lizards 50; chameleons 18; 
snakes 56; caecilians 2; frogs and toads 52. ‘Total 85. 



By Percy E. RaymMonp 

The rearrangement of the room devoted to the exhibition of 
invertebrate fossils was completed during the year by Mr. W. E. 
Schevill and the Curator. This room is used regularly by students 
in Harvard and Radcliffe as part of the laboratory work in Geology 
5 (Historical Geology), and Paleontology 1 and 2. The exhibit and 
the labels for the specimens were planned with this use in view. The 
labels are, therefore, explanatory and if brought together would 
amount to an abridged textbook on invertebrate paleontology. 
Specimens were selected to show the morphology of the various 
organisms, rather than any attempt at systematic arrangement by 
families or genera. Charts illustrated by specimens were prepared 
to show relationships of extinct and living groups of cephalopods 
and echinoderms. 

The Curator spent ten weeks in the summer of 1929 in Jasper 
and Robson Parks and the Crowsnest region of the Canadian 
Rockies. The geology of parts of these regions had been very little 
studied, hence much new information was acquired. Good collec- 
tions, containing many undescribed species, were acquired from 
the Lower and Upper Cambrian, Lower Ordovician, Devonian, 
Mississippian, Triassic, and Jurassic. During the winter two 
articles descriptive of results were written and have been accepted 
for publication. This work was in codperation with Professors 
Leon Collet and Kirtley F. Mather, assisted by Dr. Edward Pare- 
jas, Mr. A. Lombard, Mr. Forbes Hutchins, and for a part of the 
time by members of the Harvard Summer School of Field» Geology. 
It was supported by a grant from the Shaler Memorial Fund. 

Through the good offices of the Hon. William Phillips, formerly 
Minister to Canada, the Museum received permission to reopen 
the Walcott Quarry in Yoho Park, near Field, B. C., in 1980. 
Fifteen days were spent in this work by Messrs. H. C. Stetson, 


W. E. Schevill, C. H. Burgess, and the Curator. The productive 
layer was reached after blasting off about fifteen feet of overburden, 
and a good collection, representing a large proportion of the species 
described by Dr. Walcott, was secured. A second layer, higher up 
the mountain, proved to be very fossiliferous, yielding many ex- 
cellently preserved worms, sponges and crustaceans. A preliminary 
survey of the collection indicates the presence of some elements new 
to the fauna of the locality and many specimens showing structural 
features which will supply additional information about previously 
described forms. 

Our thanks are due to the Hon. J. D. Harkin, Commissioner of 
Parks, and Captain Russell and Mr. Hill of the Yoho Park for 
favors and assistance in this work. 

After finishing the work in the Walcott Quarry the Curator 
spent some time in the Crowsnest region, visiting some localities he 
was unable to reach during the previous season. Small collections 
were made in the Ordovician at Sinclair Canyon and in the Missis- 
sippian near Elko. ; 

Through the support of Mr. Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr., of St. 
Louis, the curator was able to spend ten days in the vicinity of 
Birmingham, Alabama, in May. Some very good material was ob- 
tained from Ordovician formations in that region. Special thanks 
for this are due to Mr. Charles Butts of the United States Geologi- 
cal Survey, who pointed out the best localities for collecting. 

While returning from the west, Mr. Shevill spent a week in the 
vicinity of Charlevoix, Michigan, and made a collection of the 
Devonian fossils of the Traverse group. This is a very acceptable 
addition to our collections, as we previously had nothing from that 
region. Mr. Schevill was also a member of the Navassa expedition 
earlier in the year and brought back invertebrate fossils from that 

During the year, Dr. Rudolf Ruedemann of Albany returned to 
the Museum five boxes of graptolites which he was good enough to 
identify for us. This determination of the species of this large col- 
lection involved a great deal of labor on Dr. Ruedemann’s part and 
we are very grateful to him. Dr. G. A. Cooper of Yale studied a 
series of brachiopods from our collection, Dr. August Foerste visited 


the Museum to study the Ordovician cephalopods from New- 
foundland and Dr. Ralph Stewart returned the Californian pele- 
eypods from the Whitney collection. 

The following are the principal accessions other than those 
mentioned above, which have been received during the year: by 
donation: six lobster-like crustaceans from Point Darwin, Aus- 
tralia, the gift of Mr. O’Sullivan, through Dr. H. L. Clark; speci- 
mens of Stramentum tabulatum from the Cretaceous of Kansas and 
Coralliochama orcutti from the Lower Cretaceous of Baja, Cali- 
fornia, the gift of Dr. Barbour; Lower Cambrian and Lower 
Ordovician fossils from the Robson district, British Columbia, 
including the type of a new Mesonacis and the plesiotype of a 
graptolite, the gift of M. A. Lombard of Geneva, Switzerland; 
Pleistocene invertebrates from Foochow, China, from Dr. H. L. 
Clark; and Devonian brachiopods and corals from near Boulogne- 
sur-mer, France, the gift of Dr. A. Benoit, Lille, France. Forty 
specimens of Proetids from the Pennsylvanian of Kansas and three 
Phacopids from the Lower Devonian of Germany were obtained by 



By Henry C. Stetson 

This year Mr. George Nelson’s time has been almost entirely 
occupied with two very complicated and difficult mounts. Changes 
had to be made in the mount of Dinichthys, one of the large 
armored fishes of the Devonian, which took most of the fall. He 
has devoted the rest of the year to preparing and mounting a large 
Diadectes, one of the primitive reptiles from the Permian of Texas, 
in storage since 1882. This is an exceedingly time-consuming job, 
as this group of reptiles is very imperfectly known, and the mount- 
ing requires constant alteration and rearrangement. In addition, 
Mr. Nelson mounted four Solenhofen fishes from the storage col- 
lection, two of which required considerable preparation. 

Accessions to the collection of fossil fishes, all valuable material, 
include: several specimens of Thelodus from New Brunswick col- 
lected by W. E. Schevill and myself, two good examples of the 
jaws of Rhizodus, a very large Carboniferous ganoid by exchange 
with Amherst College, a collection of the oldest known ostraco- 
derms from the bone bed at Canyon City, Colorado, by Mr. Norman 
Hinchey, and lastly four perfect ganoids from the famous Wurtem- 
berg locality, which will be prominent additions to the exhibits. 

A large Testudo from the recently acquired Singleton collection 
from the Pleistocene of Melbourne, Florida was mounted by Mr. 
Miller and has been placed in the entrance hall. Mr. H. C. Bumpus 
has presented the Museum with some tracks from the Permian of 
the Grand Canyon, Colorado. 

Mr. Henry Seton spent last summer in Wyoming and returned 
with an Eocene tapir, the skull of which is complete. It promises to 
be of importance as regards the early history of this group, as well 
as for the fact that it is a new species. 

Mr. George Nelson has also mounted the following mammalian 
material: a large shoulder blade and a set of dorsal vertebrae from 


a large elephant from the Pleistocene of Florida collected by Mr. 
Barbour, and two small skulls in a very good state of preservation, 
one an Oligocene rabbit from South Dakota, and the other a lemur 
from the French Phosphorites. 

Mr. E. M. Schlaikjer spent the summer of 1929 in South Dakota 
and Nebraska and returned with much’ good material. Several 
slabs of Agate Spring material were obtained, from which was taken 
material for three complete skeletons of Dicoeratherium. He was 
also fortunate in finding a perfect skeleton of the little camel, Sten- 
omylus, which will be a great addition to the exhibits. Much repre- 
sentative material was also secured from the Bad Lands, Mr. 
Schlaikjer is again in the field and reports good results, including 
valuable horse material from Wyoming. 

Mr. W. E. Schevill has completed the type catalogue of fossil 
fishes, a laborious task as the material has lain untouched since 
Eastman’s day, Many surprising discoveries were made during 
the course of it, and many long lost types, borrowed years ago 
from other institutions, have been restored to their owners. 

My own time has been largely occupied with early Devonian 
fishes. I also accompanied Professor P. E. Raymond on an expedi- 
tion to the famous Walcott Quarry in British Columbia. 




Absence in the field from November of last year right up to 
within a day or two of the Museum report’s going to press neces- 
sarily reduces the account of the activities of the Helminthological 
Department to a brief statement of the work done abroad. 

Thanks to the Shattuck bequests to the Department of Tropical 
Medicine in the Medical School, sufficient funds were available to 
permit of an investigation of Ternidens deminutus, a nematode 
parasite of man, material of which was sent to me from the Ameri- 
can Board Mission at Mt. Silinda in southern Rhodesia. Such 
information as was hitherto available concerning the prevalence of 
this parasite was undependable and questions relative to the 
criteria of diagnosis, life history, pathology and treatment were 
wholly unstudied. To this end I proceeded to South Africa and in- 
vestigated the subject intensively in the native hospitals of the 
Witwatersrand gold mines, in southern Rhodesia, northern Rho- 
desia, and Portuguese East Africa. The results of these studies are 
to be published in due course. 

Use was also made of the opportunity of this extended expedi- 
tion to procure specimens from regions hitherto unrepresented in 
the Museum, and several large cases of mammals, birds, insects 
and mollusks were brought back. Much parasitological material 
was collected and contacts were made with a number of foreign 
workers in the field with whom exchanges are to be made in the 



By N. Boropin 

The work of rearrangement and reorganization of the collection 
of fishes was continued according to the general plan outlined in 
the previous report (p. 32). The index of genera and families by 
their topographical arrangement and the alphabetical card index 
were completed. They include the bottled specimens in the cases 
as well as those placed in the tanks (copper containers and coffins). 

This could be accomplished only after thorough examining of 
the contents of 195 tanks, which took most of the time. Many 
specimens in them were found dried up or rotten and were thrown 
away as useless; many common fishes, sometimes several dozens of 
the same species, were also eliminated and at the present time there 
are in the study fish collection of the Museum of Comparative 
Zoology 116 tanks, all registered by numbers, arranged in a taxo- 
nomic system, with outside labels showing briefly their contents. 

Several type specimens and some rare fishes were discovered in 
these tanks and were bottled and placed in the storage cases. 

The completing of these two important works make the finding 
of any genus in the huge collection very easy; an alphabetical index 
gives the number of the case and of its sections, which are all 
numbered — the cases with Roman figures, the sections with Arabic 
figures. Thus an indication found in the alphabetical index, for 
example, Case XX, Section 10, guides to the respective case and 
section within which the desired species can be found on one of the 
trays of the indicated section. 

If the specimen is in one of the tanks or in the coffin, it is also 
indicated on the card of the alphabetical index. 

A task mentioned in the previous report — relabeling many 
thousands of bottles and cleaning the coal dust and dirt off the 
bottles and trays — is started, and according to the suggestion of 
Dr. Barbour is combined with picking out and registering the type 


specimens, in which the Museum of Comparative Zodélogy is very 
rich. There are many types, cotypes and paratypes of Agassiz, 
Girard, Poey, Gilbert, Garman, Steindachner, Eigenmann and 
other ichthyologists. When all of the cards of the types are 
written and supplied with the needed bibliographical references, 
a list of types, arranged systematically, will be prepared for pub- 

Routine work of filling in missing names in the catalogue and 
excluding from it specimens discarded, as well as of identifying the 
specimens of old collections and of new accessions, was continued. 

The collection of South American characins of the genus Ana- 
stomus was worked on in detail, and a paper on this subject pre- 
pared for publication. 

The deep-sea fish collections made by Mr. C. O’D. Iselin in 
1928 and 1929 were studied. The paper is prepared for publica- 
tion, while preliminary papers about new species found in those 
collections were published in the New England Zodlogical Club, 
1929 and 1930. 

Accessions: 'The Museum of Comparative Zodlogy received: 
(1) deep-sea fishes, collected by Mr. C. O’D. Iselin and his associ- 
ates in 1929 on their summer cruise. (2) Russian fresh-water 
herrings from the Zodlogical Museum of the Russian Academy of 
Sciences in exchange for American flatfishes. (8) Another con- 
siderable collection of Russian Far Eastern fishes, an exchange 
with the Pacific Fisheries Research Station at Vladivostok, is on 
its way to Cambridge. . 

Besides that, the Museum received: 5 bottles of fishes (mostly 
young specimens) from Mr. J. A. Dawson, collected at Cienfuegos 
Bay, Cuba, in 1925; 2 bottles of young fishes from S. Macleod, col- 
lected in Lake Ontario, Canada, in 1929; 1 puffer fish from Mr. 
Wilcox, Rhode Island; 3 bottles of fishes from Mr. W. J. Eyerdam, 
collected in 1928 at Kamchatka; several specimens from Mr. G. 
Nelson, collected in Florida, from Dr. H. C. Smith, Dr. W. H. 
White, and the Scripps Institution for Oceanography. 

The large collection of fish skeletons has been added to the Study 
Collections of this department. This collection, when put in sys- 
tematic order, will prove to be an important asset of the Museum, 


especially needed by the anatomists and paleontologists. The 
Museum has received a request from the American Museum of 
Natural History to share with it, on the basis of exchange, some 
skeletons of the fishes not represented in its collection. The col- 
lection needs revising, putting in order, and registering, which will 
be one of the next jobs of the department. | 

Exchanges: Besides the two mentioned exchanges with Russian 
institutions, which it is hoped will be continued and enlarged in the 
future, the Museum of Comparative Zoology has arranged a large 
exchange with the British Museum, which wants to have North 
and South America flatfishes and offers in exchange African fishes. 

Seventeen specimens of 7 species of deep-sea fishes were supplied, 
at his request, to Prof. Smith of Johns Hopkins University for his 
studies on fish kidneys. 

Visitors: Mr. Stanley Field, the President of the Field Museum 
of Chicago, during his visit to the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy 
looked over the study collection of fishes. He was particularly 
interested in the system of arrangement of fishes in cases and in the 
construction of the cases themselves. A full explanation of the sys- 
tem, catalogues and indexes to case and tank contents was given 
to Mr. Field. The whole collection, occupying five rooms in the 
basement, was inspected by this visitor. 

Miss Francesca LaMonte, assistant curator of the American 
Museum of Natural History, Department of Ichthyology, visited 
the Museum. She was interested in the arrangement and methods 
of keeping in order the study collection of fishes and in the systems 
of cataloguing and indexing. Detailed information was also given 
to her. 

During the vacation period of 1929 the curator had an oppor- 
tunity to visit the Zodlogical Museum of the University of Michi- 
gan, Ann Arbor, and the Buffalo Museum of Natural History. 



By WInTHROP S. Brooks 

The cleaning, cataloguing, and arranging of the egg collection 
has, with various interruptions, been carried on throughout the 
year. The work, in the arrangement of Sharpe’s Handlist, has been 
completed through the Alaudidae. Thus far 98 families, 649 
genera, and 956 species are represented. Unfortunately in many 
instances the specimens are not up to modern standards. 

Additions have come to hand through the generosity of Messrs. 
A. C. Bent and F. H. Kennard. Some excellent foreign material 
has been acquired through purchase. 

By Rozsert T. JACKSON 

The Curator spent considerable time revising parts of the collec- 
tion of fossil crinoids, also the collection of asteroids and ophiu- 
roids, the Palaeozoic Echini and the clypeastoids. To assist Dr. 
H. L. Clark, in whose department the material belongs, the Curator 
unpacked, from tin cans, the large collection of Recent Echini 
that he gave the Museum some twenty years ago. This collection, 
now stored in cases and available, includes some 30,000 specimens, 
the results of the study of which were embodied in the Curator’s 
Phylogeny of the Echini, published in 1912. 

Considerable new material was received during the year. As a 
gift from Francis A. Cudmore, Esq., of Victoria, Australia, through 
Dr. H. L. Clark, was received a choice lot of fossil Echini from the 
Tertiary of Australia. This lot consists of 80 specimens, including 
15 species. In addition, from near Adelaide, South Australia, was 
received a lot of 49 specimens of Tertiary Echini collected on his 
recent expedition by Dr. H. L. Clark of this Museum, with the 
assistance of Mr. H. M. Hale. Some desirable Tertiary Echini 
from Antigua, British West Indies, were received as a gift from 
W. R. Forrest, Esq., of Antigua. Fossil Echini were also received 
from Messrs. C. C. Allen of St. Petersburg, Florida, W. J. Clench, 
and the Curator. A number of selected Echini from the Cretaceous 
of Texas were purchased of J. B. Litsey, of Austin, Texas. 



By ExLeanor K. Sweet 

From August 1, 1929 to July 31, 1930, 1,635 volumes, 2,511 
pamphlets and many parts of volumes have been added to the 

The total number of volumes in the Library is now 70,085; the 
total number of pamphlets 79,748. 

Five hundred and fifty-nine volumes have been bound, and 845 
pamphlets put into covers or into pamphlet boxes. 

From Harvard College Library we have received 231 new titles. 
Other contributors of twenty or more titles were: Thomas Barbour 
(167 titles), William M. Davis (123 titles), William M. Wheeler 
(105 titles), Henry B. Bigelow (82 titles), Nathan Banks (68 titles), 
Hubert L. Clark (53 titles), Joseph Bequaert (23 titles), and 
Peabody Museum (21 titles). Dr. Barbour has continued to give 
us regularly several serial publications. A large collection of pam- 
phlets from Professor Wheeler, received this year, await sorting 
and cataloguing. 

The cataloguing of the Garman Library continues; the bound 
volumes are practically completed, totaling 687. We are working 
constantly on the pamphlets, of which 895 were catalogued this 
year, making the total to date 992. 

This year for the first time we have made a count of our circula- 
tion, the figures being as follows: 4,532 books were borrowed from 
the Library, 1,234 by members of the museum staff and 3,298 by 
teachers not on the museum staff, by students and others not con- 
nected with the museum. These figures do not include books used 
in the Library. About fifty requests for books were received from 
other institutions. It is estimated that about 3,000 volumes are 
used in the Library, being books which are taken from the shelves 
and replaced by the user. This use 1s principally by members of the 
staff of the Museum. 


FOR THE YEAR 1929-1930 
(1 Aueust, 1929—31 Jury, 1930) 


Publications.— The following articles have been printed during 
the year. 


Vol. LXIX 

No. 11. Birds of the Cayo district, British Honduras. By Oliver L. Austin, 
Jr. September, 1929. 

No. 12. An ornithological survey in the Caribbean lowlands of Honduras. 
By James L. Peters. 84 pp. October, 1929. 

No. 13. The status of Bothriocidaris. By Robert Tracy Jackson. 34 pp. 
December, 1929. 

No. 14. Some new parasitic nematodes from Yucatan (Mexico), including 
a new genus of Strongyle from cattle. By J. H. Sandground. 12 pp., 2 pls. 
December, 1929. 

No. 15. A report on some cirripeds collected by the 8.8. ‘‘Albatross”’ in the 
eastern Pacific during 1891 and 1904. By Roderick Macdonald. 14 pp., 
3 pls. December, 1929. 

Also title page and contents to volume. 

Vol. LXX 

No. 1. The fossil ants of North America. By Frank M. Carpenter. 66 pp., 
11 pls. January, 1930. 

No. 2. The Lower Permian insects of Kansas. Pt. 1, 35 pp., 5 pls. February, 

No. 3. The Anoles. I. The forms known to occur on the Neotropical 
islands. By Thomas Barbour. 42 pp. April, 1930. 

No. 4. Types of birds now in the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy. By 
Outram Bangs. 282 pp. March, 1930. 

No. 5. Reconnaissance of the waters and plankton of Monterey Bay, July, 
1928. By Henry B. Bigelow and Maurine Leslie. 155 pp. May, 1930. 

Also title page and contents to volume. 


MeEnmorrs: — 

Vol. XLII 
No. 5. The American Characidae. By Carl H. Eigenmann and George S. 
Myers. pp. 429-558, 11 pls. September, 1929. 
Also title page and contents to volume. 

Vol. L 
No. 4. A revision of the genus Gorilla. By Harold Jefferson Coolidge, Jr. 
91 pp., 21 pls., 2 maps. August, 1929. 
Also title page and contents to volume. 

Publications by the Museum Staff 


Bovidae from the Asiatic Expeditions. Amer. Mus. Novitates, 410 
pp. 1-11, March 19, 1930. 

History of the Virginia Deer in New England. New England Game 
Conference, Boston, pp. 19-41, 1930. 

Review. Miller, Gerrit S., Jr. The Controversy over Human Links. 
Journ. Mammalogy, 11, p. 91, February, 1930. 

The Walrus in New England. Journ. Mammalogy, 11, pp. 139-145, 
May, 1930. 

Banes, O. 

A Trembler New to Science. Proc. New Eng. Zoél. Club, 11, pp.39-41. 
August 30, 1929. 

An Undescribed Form of the Greater Vasa Parrot. Proc. New Eng. 

— Lobl. Club, 11, pp. 49, 50, October 31, 1929. 

Types of Birds Now in the Museum of Comparative Zoélogy. Bull. 
Mus. Comp. Zoél., 70, no. 4, pp. 147-426, March, 1930. 

Descriptions of Five New Indo-Chinese Birds. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 
Pubdl., Zool. ser., 18, no. 1, pp. 3, 4, April 9, 1930. 

A New Race of Pomatorhinus ruficollis from South Central Szechuan. 
Occ. Papers Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 6, p. 293, June 14, 1930. 

The Screech Owls of Eastern North America. Auk, 47, no. 3, pp. 
403-404, July, 1930. 

Banks, N. 
Fauna of the Batu Caves, Selangor, XIII; Neuroptera. Journ. Fed. 
Malay States Museums, 14, pp. 372, 373, 1929. 



A Classification of the Psocidae. Psyche, 36, pp. 321-325, 1929. 

Four New Species of Psammocharidae. Psyche, 36, pp.326, 327, 1929. 

Trichoptera from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. 
Soc., 25, pp. 127-132, 1930. 

West Indian Neuroptera. Psyche, 37, pp. 183-191, 19380. 

BarBour, T. 

Another New Cuban Anolis. Proc. New Eng. Zodél. Club, 11, pp. 37, 
38, August 9, 1929. 

The Phillips Collection of Horns and Antlers. Harvard Alumni Bull., 
32, 4, pp. 108-110, October 17, 1929. 

Prize Day Speech. Groton School Quarterly, 5, 2, pp. 257-261, De- 
cember, 1929. 

Some Faunistic Changes in the Lesser Antilles. Proc. New Eng. 
Zool. Club, 6, pp. 73-85, January 10, 1930. 

Some Faunistic Changes in the Lesser Antilles (an abstract of paper 
in Proc. New Eng. Zooél. Club). Bull. Antivenin Inst. of Amer., 8, 
4, pp. 91-93, February, 1930. 

Observaciones. Published by the University of Havana, pp. 3-14, 
February, 1930. 

Discurso de Gracias. Published by the University of Havana, pp. 
13-16, February, 1930. 

The Anoles. I. The Forms Known to Occur on the Neotropical 
Islands. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoil., 52,3, pp. 105-144, April 11, 1930. 

An Historical Note. Proc. New Eng. Biol. Soc., 10, pp. iil, iv, January 
25, 1930. 

Nuevo Batracio Colombiano, Crytobatrachus «incertus sp. nov. 
Revista de la Sociedad Colombiana de Ciencias Natureles, Ano 
19, Tomo 4, no. 105, pp. 54, 55, April and May, 1930. (A transla- 
tion of description in “ New Amphibia,” Occ. Papers Boston Soc. 
Wot tist., 5, p.193, 1926.) 

The Bushmaster in the Canal Zone. Bull. Antivenin Inst. Amer., 4, 
no. 1, p. 11, May, 1930. 

Haphazard Transfers of Species. The Field, London, 156, no. 4,046, 
p. 68, July 12, 1930. 

Podalonia violaceipennis (Lepeletier), a Dimorphic Fossorial Wasp. 
Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., 24, pp. 220, 221, 1929. 


The Folded-winged Wasps of the Bermudas, with Some Preliminary 

Remarks on Insular Wasp Faunae. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 22, pp. 
555-582, 1929. 

Stylopized Vespidae (with G. Salt). Psyche, 34, pp. 249-282, 1929. 

Amazonian Myrmecophytes and Their Ants (with W. M. Wheeler). 
Zool. Anzeriger, 82, pp. 10-39, 1929. 

Some Additional Remarks on the Masarid Wasps. Psyche, 34, pp. 
364-369 (1929), 1930. 

On the Generic and Subgeneric Divisions of the Vespinae. Bull. 
Brooklyn Ent. Soc., 25, pp. 59-70, 1930. 

Nesting Habits of Isodontia, a Subgenus of Chlorion. Bull. Brook- 
lyn Ent. Soc., 25, pp. 122, 123, 1930. 

Are Ants Better Protected Against the Attacks of their Predaceous 
Enemies than Other Arthropods? Zoél. Anzeiger, 38, pp. 163-176, 
1930. . 

The Insect Carrier of Onchocerca volvulus in Libraria. Fourth Inter. 
Congr. Ent. (Ithaca, 1928), Trans., 2, pp. 605-607. 

Tsetse Flies — Past and Present. Ent. News, 41, pp. 158-164, 202- 
203, 227-238, 1930. 

Ticks Collected by the American Museum Congo Expedition, 1909- 
1915, with Notes on the Parasites and Predacious Enemies of 
These Arthropods. Amer. Mus. Nov., no. 426, pp. 1-12, 1930. 

BicELow, H. B. 

A Developing Viewpoint in Oceanography. Science, 71, pp. 84-89. 
January 24, 1930. 

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Harvard Alumni Bull., 
32, pp. 749-750, March 27, 1930. 

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Science, 71, pp. 277- 
278, March 14, 1930. 

Reconnaissance of the Waters and Plankton of Monterey Bay, July, 
1928. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoél., 70, 5, pp. 247-581, May, 1930. 

Boroptn, N. . 
Note on the Sucking Fishes and Their Hosts. Proc. New Eng. Zodl. 
Club, 11, pp. 27, 28, August, 1929. | 
Some More New Deep Sea Fishes. Ibid., 11, pp. 87-82, January, 


A New Deep Sea Fish. Occas. Papers Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 5, pp. — 
285, 286, June, 1930. | 

Fishes Collected by W. K. Vanderbilt’s “‘ Ara’’ Expedition in 1929. 
Bull. of the Vanderbilt Marine Museum, 1, art. 2, 1930. 

Russian Fisheries. The Russian Student, pp. 15-18, February, 1930. 

Brooks, W. S. 
A Description of the Nest and Eggs of the Rufous-necked Sandpiper 
(Pisobia ruficollis (Pall.)). Auk, 47, p. 76, January, 1930. 

BrugEs, C. T. 
The Food of Insects Viewed from the Biological and Human Stand- 
point. Psyche, 37, no. 1, pp. 1-14, March, 1930. 
A New Myrmecophilous Phorid from the Philippines. Psyche, 37, 
no. 2, pp. 163-166, June, 1930. 

Cosme) HH. L. 
A New Miocene Echinoid from California. Trans. San Diego Soc. 
Nat. Hist., 5, no. 17, pp. 257-262, pl. 31, August 5, 1929. 
The Carnegie-Australian Harvard Expedition to Northwestern 
Australia. Science, n.s., 71, p. 180, February 21, 1930. 


Concerning a Policy. Nautilus, 43, pp. 69, 70, October, 1929. 

A New Species of Stropheilus from Brazil. Nautilus, 43, pp. 75-77, 
January, 1930. (With Allan F. Archer.) 

A New Variety of Achatina panthera from Madagascar. Nautilus, 43, 
pp. 85, 86, January, 1930. (With Allan F. Archer.) 

Physa and Bulinus of Mauritius. Nautilus, 43, pp. 92, 93, January, 

Iitorina littorea Linn. Nautilus, 48, p. 105, January, 1930. 

The Harvard Expedition to Navassa Island. Harvard Alumni Bull., 
32, pp. 684-687, March, 1930. 

On the Status of Penion Fischer. Journ. of Conchology, 19, p. 21, . 
April, 1930. 

A New Humboldtiana from Texas. Nautilus, 44, pp. 10-13, pl. 2, 
fig. 1-4, July, 1930. (With Harald A. Rehder). 

Additional Notes on the Colony of Helix nemoralis at Marion, Mass. 
Nautilus, 44, pp. 13, 14, July, 1930. 


Two New Varieties of Urocoptis lida Torre. Nautilus, 44, pp. 15, 
16, pl. 2, figs. 5-9, July 1930. (With Carlos de la Torre). 

The Venus, a New Quarterly Journal on Mollusks, a Review. Nau- 
tilus, 44, pp. 34, 35, July, 1930. 

New Land Snails from Tanganyika Territory. Occas. Papers Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 5, pp. 295-300, pl. 16, July, 1930. (With Allan F. 

Coonper, HJ Jr: 

Liberia and the Belgian Congo. Geog. Journ., 73, 3, pp. 238, 239, 
March, 1929. 

A Revision of the Genus Gorilla. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zodl., 50, no. 4, 
pp. 291-381, 21 plates, 2 maps, August, 1929. 

Conservation: International Wild Life Protection (unsigned), 
Natural History, 33, no. 3, May-June, 1930, pp. 327-328. 

Brief History of the Formation of the American Committee for Inter- 
national Wild Life Protection. Boone and Crockett Club, pp. 41-44, 
June, 1930. 

Griscom, L. | 

The Central American Races of Rupornis magnirostris. Proc. New 
Eng. Zodl. Club, 11, pp. 43-48, 1929. (With J. L. Peters.) 

Studies from the Dwight Collection of Guatemala Birds. I. Amer. 
Mus. Novitates, no. 379, pp. 1-13, 1929. 

A Review of Eumomota superciliosa. Proc. New Eng. Zobl. Club, 11, 
pp. 51-56, 1929. 

Notes on the Rough-winged Swallow (Stelgidopteryx serripennis) 
and Its Allies. Proc. New Eng. Zool. Club, 11, pp. 67-72, 1929. 

Christmas Census (Essex County, Mass.). Bard-Lore, p. 23, Janu- 
ary, 1930. } 

The Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) in Essex County, Mass. Auk, 
p. 85, January, 1930. : 

New Name for Caprimulgus ridgwayt minor. Auk, p. 85, January, 
1930. | 

The European Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) in North 
America. Auk, p. 248, April, 1930. (With S. Gilbert Emilio.) 

Studies from the Dwight Collection of Guatemala Birds. I]. Amer. 
Mus. Novit., no. 414, pp. 1-8, 1930. 


Critical Notes on Central American Birds. Proc. New Eng. Zodl. 
Club, 12, pp. 1-8, 1930. 

The Ornithological Year 1926 in the New York City Region. Ab- 
stract, Proc. Linn. Soc. New York, p. 20, 1930. 

The Ornithological Year 1927 in the New York City Region. Ibid., 
pp. 41, 1930. (With Warren F. Eaton.) 

Field Identification of Massachusetts Gulls. Bull. Essex Ornith. 
Club, pp. 13-26, 1930. 

IsELiIn, C. O’D. 
Recent Work on the Dynamic Oceanography of the North Atlantic, 
American Geophysical Union, National Research Council, Na- 
tional Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C., June, 1930. 


Shaler on the Fossil Brachiopods of the Ohio Valley. Science, 70, 
pp. 214-216, August 30, 1929. 

The Status of Bothriocidaris. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., 69, no. 13, 
pp. 479-512, 10 text-figs, December, 1929. 

The Harvard Union. Harvard Alumni Bull., 32, pp. 849-850, April 
24, 1930. 

Preparing Echinoderms and Other Invertebrates with Corrosive 
Sublimate. The Museums Journal [London], 29, pp. 385, 386, 
May, 1930. 

A Cypripedium Long in Cultivation. Horticulture, 8, 14, p. 345, 
July 15, 1930. 


Fast African Reptiles and Amphibians in the United States National 
Museum. United States Nat. Mus. Bull., 151, pp. 1-135, pl. 1, No- 
vember 26, 1929. 

On Some Skinks of the Genus Ewmeces from North America. Copeva, 
no. 173, pp. 111, 112, January 16, 1930. 

Preliminary Description of a New Tree Viper of the Genus Atheris 
from Tanganyika Territory. Proc. New Eng. Zool. Club, 11, pp. 
107, 108, March 12, 1930. 


A List of the Amphibia of the British Territories in East Africa 
(Uganda, Kenya Colony, Tanganyika Territory and Zanzibar), 
together with keys for the diagnosis of the species. Proc. Zodl. 
Soc. London, pp. 7-32, May 9, 1930. 

Reptiles and Amphibians in the Tanganyika Territory Handbook, 
pp. 447-460, 1930. 


The Central American Races of Rupornis magnirostris. Proc. New 
Eng. Zool. Club, 11, pp. 43-48, August 30, 1929. (With L. Griscom. 

An Ornithological Survey in the Caribbean Lowlands of Honduras. 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoél., 69, no. 12, pp. 397-478, October (=2 No- 
vember), 1929. 

The Type Species of the Peers Genus Harpiprion. Occas. Papers Bost. 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 6, pp. 255, 256, February 24, 1930. 

Two Undescribed Races of Phaethon aethereus. Occas. Papers Bost. 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 5, pp. 261, 262, April 15, 1930. 

The Identity of the Toucans Described by Linnaeus in the 10th and 
12th Editions of the Systema Naturae. Auk, 47, no. 3, pp. 405- 
408, July, 1930. 

Puituies, J. C. 

The Essex County Shooting Season of 1928. Bull. Essex County 
Ornith. Club, pp. 19, 20, 1928. 

Shooting Stands of Eastern Massachusetts. Amer. Game, 18, no. 4, 
p. 65, July, 1929. 

Shooting Stands of Eastern Massachusetts. Priv. printed, Riverside 
Press, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 1-158, July, 1929. 

John Rowe, An Eighteenth Century Boston Angler. Priv. printed, 

~The Cosmos Press, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 1-32, 1929. 

Fish, Game and Politics. Boston Evening Transcript, December 26, 

Bag Limit Controversy. American F ‘eld, December 28, 1929. 

Wanted, A Long Term Policy in Game Administration. Boston 
Evening Transcript, January 11, 1930. 

Wanted, A Long Term Wild Life Policy. New Eng. Game Conference, 
Report of Proceedings. Printed for the Association by The Cosmos 
Press, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 63-66, April, 1930. 


House Bill No. 1025. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Report of 
the Special Commission Directed to Study the Laws Relating to 
Game and Inland Fish. Printed January 9, 1930. (With Elbert M. 
Crockett, Ernest J. Dean, Sydney M. Williams, Jacob M. Haigis, 
Gerald J. Callahan and Raymond J. Kenney.) 

Editorial on the Subject of the Haugen Bill and Radical Restrictions 
on Duck Shooters Proposed in Congress. (Unsigned.) The Sports- 
man, pp. 30, 32, March, 1930. 

A Jumbled-up Lecture. (Unsigned.) The Sportsman, 7, no. 6, pp. 
37, 38, June, 1930. Reprinted in the Game and Fish Conserva- 
tionist, Commonwealth of Virginia, July, August, 1930. 

Sheldon’s “The Wilderness of Denali” (review). The Sportsman, 7, 
no. 6, p. 128. 

The Shooting Season of 1929 in Essex County. Bull. Essex County 
Ornith. Club, pp. 31-34, 1929. 

Grouse Shooting in Donegal. The Sportsman, pp. 49-51, August, 
1930. Reprinted Boston Evening Transcript, August 14, 1930. 

A Bit about Game Systems. American Field, pp. 99, 100, ey lly 2; 


A Consideration of the Relation of Host Specificity of Helminths and 
Other Metazoan Parasites to the Phenomena of Age Resistance 
and Acquired Immunity. Parasitology, 11, no. 3, September 30, 

Some New Parasitic Nematodes from Yucatan (Mexico), including a 
New Genus of Strougyle from Cattle. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoil., 
69, no. 14, pp. 513-524, December, 1929. 

Helminthological Findings of Yucatan Expedition of Harvard 
Medical School. Jowrn. of Parasitology, 14, p. 165, April, 1930. 

Ants Collected by F. Silvestri in Formosa, the Malay Peninsula and 
the Philippines. Boll. Lab. Zoél. gen. agr. R. Istit. sup agr. Portact, 
24, pp. 27-64, 1929. 
Two Interesting Meorapieal Teen seodenivins (Cordia nodosa and 
alliodora). Intern. Congr. Entom. Ithaca, 2, pp. 342-353, August, 


The Bussey Institution, 1871-1929. The Development of Harvard, 
edited by Samuel Eliot Morison, chap. 31, University Press, Cam- 
bridge, Mass., 1929. 

Amazonian Myrmecophytes and Their Ants. Zodél. Anzeiger, 82, 
pp. 10-39, 1929. (With J. Bequaert.) 

Is Mecrophylus Arenarius Roux the Larva of Pterocroce Storeyi 
Witleycombe. Psyche, 34, no. 4, pp. 313-320, 1929. 

Review of Auguste Forrel’s “The Social World of Ants.” Journ. of 
Social Psychology, 1, pp. 170-177, 1930. 

A Second Note of Gesomyrmex. Psyche, 37, no. 1, pp. 35-41, 1930. 

Two New Genera of Ants from Australia and the Philippines. Psyche, 
37, no. 1, pp. 41-48, 1930. 

Two Mermithergates of Ectatomma. Psyche, 37, no. 1, pp. 38-54, 

A New Parasitic Crematogaster from Indiana. Psyche, 37, no. 1,. 

The Ant Prenolepis Imparis Say. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 37, no. 1, pp. 
1-26, 1930. | 

AgNew Emeryella from Panama. Proc. New Eng. Zodl. Club, 12, 
pp. 9-18, April 3, 1930. 

Ant-Tree Notes from Rio Frio, Colombia. Psyche, 37, no. 2, pp. 107- 
117, 1980. 

Philippine Ants of the Genus Aenictus, with Descriptions of the 
Females of Two Species. Journ. New York Entom. Soc., 38, pp- 
193-212, June, 1930. 





Gray Fund (1859) . . $55,000.00 
Permanent Fund (1859) 129,216.27 
Sturgis Hooper Fund (1865) . 119,563.38 
Humboldt Fund (1869) LE Golen a 
Agassiz Memorial Fund (1875) . 327,726.41 
Teachers and Pupils Fund (1875) 8,353.41 
Virginia Barret Gibbs Fund (1892) Lee 10,029.06 
Willard Peeler Hunnewell Memorial Fund (1901) 7,331.48 
Maria Whitney Fund (1907) . 9,485.62 
Alexander Agassiz Fund (1910) 105,450.00 
Alexander Agassiz Expedition Fund (1910) . 120,980.16 
George Russell Agassiz Fund (1911) 55,000.00 
George Russell Agassiz Fund Special (1912) 55,000.00 
Maria Whitney and James Lyman Whitney Fund (1912) 1,770.59 
Louis Cabot Fund (1917) . = ey eee : 7,050.06 
Harvard Endowment Fund (1917) : 1,100.00 
William and Adelaide Barbour Fund (1923) 27,979.01 
William Brewster Fund (1924) 68,458.01 
Anonymous No. 7 Fund (1924) ; 58,729.17 
Alexander Agassiz Fellowship in Ceeaetabhy Fund 27,743.84 


The payments on account of the Museum are made by the Bursar of Harvard 
University, on vouchers approved by the Director or by his delegated author- 
ity. The accounts are annually examined by a committee of the Overseers. 
The income of funds which are restricted is annually charged in an analysis 
of the accounts, with vouchers, to the payment of which the incomes are 

The income of the Gray Fund can be applied to the purchase and mainte- 
nance of collections, but not for salaries. 

The income of the Humboldt Fund (about $500) is to be applied for the 
benefit of one or more students of Natural History for special work, out of 
course, in the Museum. 

The income of the Virginia Barret Gibbs Scholarship Fund, of the value of 
$400, is assigned annually with the approval of the Faculty of the Museum, 
on the recommendation of the Professors of Zodlogy and of Comparative 
Anatomy in Harvard University, ‘‘in supporting or assisting to support one 
or more students who may have shown decided talents in Zoédlogy, and prefer- 
ably in the direction of Marine Zodlogy.”’ 


The income of the Whitney Fund can be applied for the care (birding) and 
increase of the Whitney Library. 

The Alexander Agassiz Expedition Fund was bequeathed by Alexander 
Agassiz for the publication of reports on collections brought together by the 
expeditions with which he was connected. 

The income of the Louis Cabot Fund can be applied to the purchase of books 
on travel, sport, and natural history. 

The income of the William and Adelaide Barbour Fund is ‘‘expended wholly 
at the discretion of the Director of the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy * * * 
to increase the collections of the Museum either by exploration or the PUNelNee 
of desirable material.” 

Three quarters of the income of the William Brewster Fund can be used for 
the salary of a competent ornithologist and one quarter ‘‘at the discretion of the 
Director of the Museum for the increase of the collection by purchase, or for 
the renewal or repair of the cases, or for the publication of matter contained in 
my manuscripts.” 

The income of the Alexander Agassiz Fellowship in Oceanography Fund is 
awarded each year by the Faculty of the Museum to some person, or persons, 
working at the Museum in the field of Oceanography. 

The income of Anonymous No. 7 Fund is devoted to increasing the salaries 
of such of the curators as the Faculty of the Museum may select. 

Applications for facilities to work either at the Harvard Biological Labora- 
tory and Botanic Garden at Soledad, Cuba, or at the Barro Colorado Island 
Laboratory in the Panama Canal Zone may be addressed to the Director. A 
limited number of Fellowships are available for workers at Soledad. Details 
concerning the concessions allowed to workers in the Canal Zone may be had 
upon application to the Director. This laboratory is administered by the 
Executive Committee of the Institute for Research in Tropical America. 
Harvard is one of several institutions supporting the institution and the Direc- 
tor of the Museum at present is Chairman of the Committee. 

Applications for the tables reserved for advanced students at the Woods Hole 
Station, of the United States Bureau of Fisheries, should be made to the Faculty 
of the Museum before the first of May. Applications should state their qualifi- 
cations, and indicate the course of study they intend to pursue. 


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