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Royal Ontario Museum of Geology 

Presented by the heirs of 

Hamilton, Ont. 

: ons 7 
; ie] 





State Museum of Natural History 




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No. 104. 

mi AooH MBI Y, 

JANUARY 14, 1886. 



To the Legislature of the State of New York: 

I have the honor to transmit herewith the Thirty-ninth Annual 
Report of the Regents of the University as Trustees of the New 
York State Museum of Natural History, as required by law. 

OFFICE OF THE Recents, January 18, 1886. 





HENRY R. PIERSON, LL. D., Chancellor of the 
Oniversity.. 1... Belecenat fat neteineial sbeias opal! nusterevet) Ninh 

DAVID B. HILL, Governor, 

EDWARD F. JONES, Lieutenant- eh | 

FREDERICK COOK, Scoretary of State, [ 

JAMES E. MORRISON, Acting Super- | 
intendent of Public Instruction, } 

Ee officio... 

. Albany. 

. Albany. 


Elias W. Leavenworth, LL. D., 1861................ Syracuse. 
George William Curtis, LL. D., 1864. .........2....0 West New Brighton. 
Francis Kernan, LL. D., 1870..... Se CIBC Oh OO AE OB UOT ORD Utica. 
John L. Lewis, HBSS oo eReER Oe thes Put oo Penn Yan. 
Henry R. Pierson, STATS Dye Ctaretie stains aisiel orders corsha Albany 
Martin I. Townsend, LL. Dita yanientec hue: eee LEOY. 
Rev. Anson J. Upson, DD., ‘DE DLS Ars atacret Nate a tes Aubarn 
Wiliam L: Bostwick, 1876.....0..... 2. SHO OODOR One Ithaca 
Chauncey M. Depew, 1877...... BSE aes SSE Boca New York. 
@harlesahschitGhy lS ic: Ss icctleereche ses opal sem eiereare ces Rochester. 
iRevaOrrse.. Warren, D:D. 1ST io eis. isciecs sae e+. Syracuse, 
MesitenwWewussell ll ODr. US(Si sass sens cas clesteins ce Canton. 
Wb feltare Fee 1S 78... o's. 25. saletcinis a ss rthesieye se ert New York 
Walitaneeieay.atson: M.D). 188ilec rn cis ssicisiomiceie nore Utica. 
Hlenty Pe eMEniers LOGON, sf. 4/s/os orks stele. wie's Sears s s/aws lave § Lowville, 
Bit ClamMemelway: 1G8B.'s...) cbse ceteaesisereees - Brooklyn. 
Pigmilpoas beanie, 1695! 5.5 )accone ete ae nee ook Albany. 
Daniel Beach, aa are A Sue” RIE ea Watkins. 

David) Murray, Li, D., Secretarys. 3.5.52 cee cess Albany. 

Albert B. Watkins, Ph. D., Assistant Secretary.... Albany. 

Museum Starr. 

dames pHalt TLD. 05 sc ss aces Director. 

POMC SMI OCICS N F5 Uielecerelelaleyd =e Assistant-in-charge. 

James Wi. Hall, so... oss Barer soe 3 Assistant, Zodlogy and Rock-sections, 

Charles E. Beecher.............. Assistant, Palzeontology. 

Jolin Gre PHALGY. Oo \.)6 cies cpp ee, ~i< Special Assistant and guide. 

dames Ea UsLi Direc cad.cxs pecs State Geologist. 

J: A] tantner, Ph. D...... He Soke State Entomologist. 

Olaanlesseleet CCkrs sh der | okyoe etait c State Botanist. 

ay i i 




1. Report of the Trustees of the State Museum............ Sie siecorat ci steieys tp 
2. Report of the Director of the Museum.................. aieleisisieiefete rn) O 
Sy LepOLh ote the: State: Botamish sissies! of helene Ue oe owl ee wee e 30 
AS Repereorytlre state) Hntomolopists. oye bs i yo selene 's Be etal cieceveccrac 77 
Du Pension y Or LUE SMA a ACE oe Micra aia a lua utar Abe a ame gern ree at art at we 127 
6. Annelide chetopoda of the New Jersey coast.......-.. pralaysbetel eat slays 128 
(eMBORsilssrOmy Lhe PrimMOraral pSlAveseyey (ye ees les bt ave| ete ele hh oiche velaiels 160 
8. A new genus of fossil of Lamellibranchiate shell .................. 161 
$. Report.on the Archean rocks of the Highlands..... 2.00 0003050 000 165 
1 Os Mine Pole Os DUT GIN DY SLONES. vais ole) s/ecc% « ctalsielaiisie Miers s cave, sere aie aisle ain iale 185 
11. Report of the State Geologist........... Dreier oasyelalatet ai ct eased atata ciate 226 


To the Legislature of the State of New York: 

The Regents of the University, as Trustees of the State Museum 
of Natural History, respectfully submit their thirty-ninth annual 
report as required by law. 

The ordinary operations of the Museum have been conducted 
without special incident, but with much activity and with substantial 
results. More than the usual amount of field-work has been under- 
taken, with a double view of settling certain important geological 
questions, and increasing the collections of the Museum in needed 
directions. For a fuller account of the purpose and results of these 
geological excursions the Trustees refer to the report of the Director, 
which is hereto appended. The international geological congress, 
held this year in Berlin, seemed an occasion of such importance as 
to justify the attendance of the Director. Accordingly, under leave 
of absence from the Trustees, he attended the sessions in October 
last, returning after an absence of only a few weeks from a most 
profitable and interesting conference. Acting in connection with 
other scientific bodies located in Albany, the Trustees joined in an 
invitation to the National Academy of Sciences to hold their 
autumn meeting in Albany. The meetings were held in rooms in 
the new Capitol, placed at their disposal by the trustees of public 
buildings. The sessions were well attended and were full of scientific 
interest, especially in those sciences represented by the State Museum. 

The work of fitting up the State Hall for the purposes of the 
State Museum has been carried forward as far as the release of the 
rooms by the State officers will permit. The suite of rooms on the 
east side of the upper story has been fitted up with about two thou- 
sand drawers, and with tables and platform cases. These have been 
partially filled with material taken from the old Museum build- 
ing, and from the State collections stored in rented build- 
ings. The south-east basement room has also been fitted up and 
used for the storage of specimens. The north-east basement room 
has also been fitted up for the purpose of carrying on the work of 

8 [AssemBLy, No. 104.] 

making rock-sections,which have now become essential in all minute 
geological studies. Two rooms on the south-west corner of the 
second story, which were vacated by the Clerk of the Court of 
Appeals, have also been occupied, one by the State Herbarium and 
the office of the State Botanist, and the other as a present place for 
the storage of volumes of the Paleontology. 

The Trustees are able to report the preparation and issue of the 
second volume of Paleontology, placed by law under their care. 
Owing to the ill-health of the Director in the earlier part of the year, 
and his necessary engagement with other imperative duties, the issue 
of the volume has been delayed beyond the stipulated time; but the 
unprecedented difficulty of the task of preparing such a work, and 
the care involved in securing the exquisitely delicate illustrations 
have made the delay entirely pardonable, and indeed inevitable. The 
work now issued completes the volumes on the Lamellibranchiata, 
which were provided for by the law of 1883. The next volume to 
be issued is upon the Corals and Bryozoa, and is already in a good 
degree of forwardness. 

The preparation and distribution of collections of fossils among 
the academies of the State have been carried on as far as the strength 
of the staff would permit. The Museum contains an immense mass 
of duplicates of various departments which can be used for this 
purpose, and it is the wish and purpose of the Trustees to use this 
material for distribution among institutions of learning in the State. 
It is not, however, in the opinion of the Trustees, desirable to make 
this distribution so far indiscriminating as to give-collections in places 
where they are not likely to be used with profit. It seems better to 
make the gift only to schools, where some interest is awakened in 
the subject of geology, and where, in consequence, the collections 
sent will be of substantial benefit. 

Respectfully submitted, 
Davin Murray, Chancellor. 


ALBANy, January, 1886. 

To the Honorable, the Board of Regents of the University of the 
State of New York: 

GENTLEMEN — Under the requirements of the law organizing 
the State Museum, I beg leave herewith to communicate the annual 
report (being the thirty-ninth in consecutive order) upon the con- 
ditions of the collections in the several departments as far as the same 
have come under my knowledge or direction, with a statement of 
the additious made thereto, and the work done in the Museum dur- 
ing the past year. 

The report of last year has been printed and delivered, some 
months since, and the series is now complete with the exception of 
the thirty-second report, which exists only as a legislative document. 
That report is an important one, and I would most earnestly recom- 
mend the early reprinting of the same, together with the plates 
which accompanied the original report on its presentation to the 
Legislature, but which were not published with the document 

Under the conditions of the public printing existing at the time 
this report was made, and also from the fact that no resolution was 
passed ordering the usual number of copies for the Board of Regents, 
I see no impropriety in re-communicating this report to the Legisla- 
ture, accompanied by a statement of the facts, and leave the matter 
to the discretion of the committee on public printing. 

In order to avoid longer delay I have herewith communicated, | 
from the Thirty-second Report, an important paper on the 
Annelidze Chaetopoda, which was printed in that Report withont 
the accompanying illustrations. These had been mislaid by the 
printer, and were supposed to be lost until last year. 

I have likewise communicated a copy of a “ Report on Building 
Stones,” made to the Capitol Commissioners in 1868. 

It was originally the intention of the Director to make this report 
more complete by farther examinations of quarries within the State 
and elsewhere, and to insert the results of tests of strength which 
had been made during the investigations undertaken for the Capitol 
Commissioners, but other duties have prevented this work, and the 
report is offered as a small contribution to our knowledge on the 

* Two hundred and fifty copies of the Report were printed by the Capitol Commissioners. 

and the pamphlet is now out of print. 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 2 

10 [ AssEMBLY 

In my preceding report, I have called your attention to the cata- 
logues accompanying the thirty-fifth report on the State Museum, and 
the desirableness of having some extra copies of these catalogues for 
distribution to persons engaged in similar departments of science, 
and for annotations by the Museum staff, and by employees or 
friends of the Museum. The reports are, I believe, all stereotyped, 
and the expense of such copies would be very small. 

It has been my desire to have complete catalogues of the contents 
of the Museum in its several departments; but with our limited 
staff, and absence of clerical assistance, it has not been possible to 
accomplish the work farther than has been shown in the successive 
reports. These catalogues of the thirty-fifth to thirty-eighth reports 
will be extremely useful in the preparation of a final catalogue of the 
Museum collections; and I would recommend the preparation of 
catalogues of the specimens in other departments of the Museum. 

Owing to the necessity of completing the volumes upon Palzeon- 
tology, the preparation of a bulletin on the fossil Lamellibranchiata, 
which was proposed two years since, has been delayed. From the same 
cause no farther progress has been made toward the publication of 
the Dictyospongidie, the illustrations of which were brought before 
you last year. It is desirable that the lithographing of the illustra- 
tions be proceeded with, since a considerable time will be required to 
accomplish this part of the work; and more especially, I would urge 
this course since the descriptions of all the known species of the 

family are already printed in the thirty-fifth report. 

' | have appended to this report a statement of the space now occu- 
pied, and an estimate of the space required, for the collections and 
oftices of the State Museum of Natural History, as the same existed 
in 1883. This, although communicated for the use of the Trustees 
at that time, has not been printed. I communicate the statement at 
this time, since it may be useful to have the same in print, for fu- 
ture reference and comparison. 

In the last annual report of the Director, reference was made to 
the exhibit of the State of New York at the New Orleans Exposition. 
The collection for this purpose, consisting of ores, minerals, building 
stones, slates, and other natural products of the State, was made in 
months of October and November, 1884, under the direction and 
supervision of the Director of the Museum, and nearly all of the 
material was obtained by Mr. Chas. E. Hall, who visited mines, 
quarries and mineral localities for this purpose, making large collec- 
tions himself, and receiving donations from many gentlemen inter- 
ested. The whole was made without cost to the Museum, except- 
‘ ing the time given to it by the Director. At the close of the 
' Exposition a large part of the whole collection was donated to 
the Tulane University in New Orleans, and also some portions to 
the University of Louisiana. To the former, among other material, 
was given the rock-column representing the geological formations of 
the State of NewYork. The remainder, consisting of the native woods 
of the State, the building-stones, slates and other natural products, has 

No. 104.] 11 

been given to the State Museum by the Commissioner, Hon. D. J. 
Johnston, of Cohoes. ‘The collection was received in the early part of 
the summer, was unpacked and placed on exhibition temporarily on 
tables and pyramidal shelf-cases in the north-east room (No. 31) of 
the upper story of the State Hall. Recently it has been removed to 
the south-west corner room on the second floor of the same building, 
and there arranged on cases so as to be more accessible to the public. 
There are eighteen dressed and varnished specimen planks of native 
woods of the State; forty-six specimens of iron ores and associated 
minerals; twelve specimens of serpentine and ornamental stones; 
thirty-five of roofing and ornamental slates, and blocks of slate rock; 
eleven of miscellaneous natural products; and thirty-eight dressed 
blocks of building stone. The whole makes an interesting exhibit 
of the economic geological products of the State, and a valuable 
addition to the already large collection of building stones and iron 
ores belonging to the Museum. These together with the Museum 
collection will form a nucleus for a more specialized exhibit of all 
the natural products representing the economic geology of the State. 

The appended list of specimens has been prepared by Charles E. 
Hall who had charge of the collection at New Orleans. 

Current Work or THE Museum. 

The current work of the Museum, in the care, increase and 
preservation of the collections, has been carried on as usual. 

In regard to the general Zoélogical Collection, I would beg leave 
to repeat the views which I expressed in my report of last year. 
I see no reason for any change at the present time, more especially 
as our resources are all needed in other work of more importance to 
the Museum, and to the general public. This collection has been 
cared for in the usual manner. The stuffed skins and the skeletons 
have been removed from their cases, and thoroughly cleaned, and 
restored to their positions, with some modifications of arrangement. 
The specimens in all the other collections of this department have 
been cleaned of dust, and restored to their former positions. 

The reports on Botany and Entomology will show you that a large 
amount of work has been done in these departments. 

The preparation of sections of fossil corals, for the study of their 
structure, and the cutting, shaping and polishing of specimens for 
the Museum collection, has been carried on as heretofore, and with 
very satisfactory results. 

During the year 1885, 1,029 specimens of rocks and fossils, 
arranged in seven collections, were distributed among the following 
institutions : 

1. Academic High School...... RSIS hic) ARS aa Auburn, N.Y. 
G. R. Cutting, Principal. 

2. Canastota Union School and Academy......... Canastota, N.Y. 

8. Hancock Union School....... Hancock, Delaware County, N.Y. 

2 eansaton sucaneny oe ek Sk Le Kingston, N.Y. 

F. J. Cheney, Principal. 

12 [ AssEMBLY 

5, Staten Island Academy... ci. coe ees sle tee os Stapleton, N.Y. 
F, E. Partington, Principal. | 
6) Tihacatihioip School yale pia ventana ee a eiale ets ile Ithaca, N.Y. 

7. Stamford Seminary and Union Free School..,..Stamford, N.Y. 
A. Gardenier, Principal. 

No. 16 of the original Normal School collections, containing 487 
specimens of minerals and fossils, together with a catalogue 
of the same, was sent to the 

ithaca elie Scho olae sae aire siemens ween al ate beet: Ithaca, N.Y. 

The collections removed from the State Museum to the State 
Hall during the past year and arranged in drawers and table 
cases are as follows: 

The Gould types of Mollusca, arranged in table cases. 

The types of the Cephalopoda of Vol. V, pt. II, Paleontology of 
N. Y., arranged in drawers. 

The Niagara Waldron selected collection and types, arranged in 
table cases. 

The Emmons collection of crystallized minerals, arranged in table 

A collection of miscellaneous minerals, occupying about thirty 

The collections sent to the State Hall from the private museum 
and laboratory of Mr. Hall, aud heretofore in his custody, 
are as follows: 

Niagara and Clinton groups of Canada— A collection presented to 
the museum through the Director, from Mr. Waddell, of Hamilton, 
Ontario, occupying twenty drawers; other collections from Hamil- 
ton made by the Museum, occupying five drawers; Clinton group 
of New York, four drawers. 

Niagara group —Waldron collection, arranged in 330 drawers, with 
110 slabs arranged on shelves. Seven boxes and one package of 
this collection still remain in the basement of the State Hall to be 
unpacked and arranged. : 

Coralline limestone, three drawers. 

Lower Helderberg corals, eighteen drawers. 

Oriskany sandstone, four drawers. 

Corniferous limestone, corals arranged in 396 drawers. 

Large specimens of corals and slabs of same arranged on tables 
and shelves, over 550 specimens. 

Corals of the Corniferous limestone in the basement of the State 
Hall, twenty-six boxes, fourteen barrels, and over 200 on shelves, 
besides others not enumerated. 

Corniferous Limestone, fish remains occupying four drawers, and 
Gasteropoda, six drawers. 

Hamilton group, corals arranged in seventy-two drawers, with 
slabs on tables and shelves. 

Geological specimens, Lake Champlain, two drawers. 

Minerals and fossils from the Skaneateles Library Association (in 
exchange), Trenton and Black River limestone, three drawers. 

No. 104.] 13 

Numerous slabs of fossils from various geological formations, on 
shelves and tables. 

Besides the above collections and others not enumerated, there 
are about 200 boxes filled with fossils from various geological 
formations, which have been removed from Mr. Hall’s premises, 
and are now stored in the basement of the State Hall. 

The two basement rooms in the south-east corner of the State 
Hail areso filled with boxes and casks of specimens that we are already 
greatly inconvenienced in any attempt at working. The room in the 
south-east corner is partially occupied by our boxes of fossils, but we | 
have not control of the same, and it cannot be used as a working- 

The collections of specimens representing the fossil Lamelli- 
branchiata of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung 
‘groups have now been pretty thoroughly studied, and the species 
are separated and arranged in drawers in the private museum of the 
Director. Altogether, these fossils occupy about 800 drawers, and 
number more than 30,000 specimens. The second volume 
of the work, describing these fossils, being now completed, it is 
important that the specimens be correctly labeled before being 
removed from their present arrangement to the State Hall. Assoon 
as this labeling can be completed, I would recommend that selections 
of specimens be made sufficient for any future use of the Museum, 
both for its collections and for exchanges; and that the remainder 
be arranged in series for distribution to the educational institutions 
of the State. This work will require much time and careful 
attention on the part of the Director and his special assistant, as well 
as additional assistance. 

I would most earnestly recommend that the Director be authorized 
to employ competent assistants beyond the present Museum staff, 
and begin the work of distribution of all the duplicate fossils. If 
this work be not undertaken pretty soon, and while the services of 
persons competent for the work are available, I am quite sure it will 
never be done. ‘The fossils in the unarranged and duplicate collec- 
tions amount to nearly half a million of specimens, and to dispose 
of this enormous amount of material in a judicious manner will 
require most vigorous and earnest work, combined with knowledge 
of the subjects. 

The details of this work and the disposition of the collections to 
result therefrom may be a subject for special future discussion and 
determination ; and while the educational institutions of the State 
deserve the first consideration, I believe that it is due from the 
New York State Museum of Natural History, that authentic collec- 
tions of these fossils shall be presented, or given in exchange, to the 
scientific museums of this country and Europe. 

The Paleontology of New York has presented much that is new 
and very interesting to the science; these volumes are in all the 
scientific libraries of the world, and I believe it our duty to supple- 
ment this source of information with the more tangible evidence 

14 [ ASSEMBLY, No. 104.] 

afforded by the fossils themselves; for while our illustrations are 
not inferior to any, and are superior to the majority of similar pub- 
lications, every paleontologist appreciates the importance of work- 
ing directly with the fossils themselves. 
Very respectfully, 
Your obedient servant, 
Director, State Museum of Natural History. 

THE YEAR 1885. 



Specimens of 7rilliwm grandiflorum Salisb, var. variegatum, from 
Mrs. L. L. Goodrich, Syracuse, N. Y. 

Specimens of the fruit of Salisburia adiantifolia Sm., from Miss 
E. d. Knight, New York, N. Y. 

Specimens of Festuca elatior L., from Mrs. L. A. Millington, 
New Russia, N. Y. 

Specimens of Pyxidanthera barbulata Mx., from Mrs. M. M. 
Patten, Albany, N. Y. 

Specimens of Hydrocotyle umbellata L. and Cypripedium acaule 
Ait., from Rev. W. M. Beauchamp, Baldwinsville, N. Y. 

Specimens of eleven species of grasses, from F’. Lamson Scribner, 
Washington, D. C 

Specimens of ten species of flowering plants and one fern, from 
F. E. Wood, Clifton, Mich. 

Specimens of Puceinia Cryptotenie Pk., from W. C. Steven- 
son, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa. 

Specimens of Crantzia lineata Nutt., from E. 8. Miller, Wading 
River, N. Y. 

Specimens of the rare fungus, Siphoptychium Casparya Rostt., 
from Geo. A. Rex, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. 
: Specimens of five species of fungi, from E. A. Rau, Bethlehem, 


Specimens of nine species of flowering plants, two of them new 
to the State, from E. C. Howe, M. D., Lansingburgh, N. Y. 

Specimens of fifteen flowering plants, from H. C. Gordinier, 
Proy. Nek. 

Specimens of five species of fungi new to the State, from Hon. 
G. W. Clinton. 

Specimens of Populus balsamifera L., from Arthur Peck, Sand- 
lake, N. Y. 

Specimens of a root with a peculiar enlargement, from C. Van- 
deloo, Albany, N. Y. 

Specimens of Cylindrosporium Rubi E. & M., from J. J. Brown, 
M. D., Sheboygan, Wis. 

16 [ AssEMBLY 

Specimens of the very rare fern, Schizea pusilla Pursh, from Geo. 
L. English, Philadelphia, Pa. 

Specimens of eighty-fuur species of fungi, from W. A. Keller- 
man, Manhattan, Kansas. 

Specimens of one hundred and fifty-five species of fungi, from H. 
W. Harkness, M. D., San Francisco, Cal. 

Specimens of one hundred and ninety-eight species of plants, by 
collection of the Botanist, one hundred and fourteen of which are 
new to the Herbarium. 

List of Native Woods, from the New York State Exhibit at the 
New Orleans Exposition. 

(Presented by Hon. D. J. Johnston, of Cohoes.) 

1. Board of white pine, 12. Board of chestnut, 
2. «¢ Norway pine, 13. “* -red ‘elm, 
3. ‘spruce, ” 14. “< maple, 
4, “ hemlock, 15. “« white wood, 
5. h Prceaar, 16. “¢ poplar, 
6. oo Oak, Le “< basswood, 
i “white ash, ( ean binch, 
8. hick ory, | ‘¢ spruce, 
o: “Wack walnut, 18. + ei beech; 
10. “butternut, | “« maple, 
i “cherry, L “black walnut. 

II. ZoGrocican DEparTMent. 

(Additions to Zodlogical Collections of the State Museum, during the year 1885.) 

A specimen of the Lota inornata (plain Burbot), found at Cohoes, 
in draining off the factory canal, which is fed from above the Cohoes 
Falls; 70 feet above tide. Presented by Cornelius Kelly, Cohoes, 

A common clam (Venus mercenaria) showing a break in the shell, 
which has been completely repaired by a nacreous deposit. 

An irregularly-shaped pearl, from the shell of the common clam. 

A group of twelve pairs of large oyster shells united at their 
apices; showing the manner of growth. Presented by W. H. 
Keeler, Albany, N. Y. 

A very fine specimen of black hare. Presented by Dr. Leonard, 
Camden, Oneida county, N. Y. 

By Purchase. 
Head of buffalo (mounted), specimen, killed on the farm of Henry 
Gallien & Sons, Belfield, Billings county, Dakota Territory. 
Two antelope heads (mounted). 
Ostrich eggs, Batavia, Java. From Frank Lewis, Schoharie, N. Y. 


A slice. from the meteorite which fell at Tunkhannock creek, 
Rensselaer county. From 8. CO. H. Bailey, Cortland-on-the-Hudson. 

No. 104.] 17 

A large block of asbestos from Pawling, Dutchess county. From 
C. J. Haight, of Pawling. 

A collection of iron ores (carbonates) and the associated rocks from 
the mines at Burden, Columbia county, made in 1883-4 by Prof. J. 
C. Smock. 

A collection, consisting of 547 members of crystalline and frag- 
mental rocks from the Highlands of the Hudson and the adjacent 
geological formations. Itrepresents nearly 200 localities in Dutchess, 
Putnam and Westchester counties, Stony Point and Tompkins’ 
Cove, Rockland county, and the western borders of Fairfield and 
Litchfield counties, Conn. Made during the autumn of 1885, by 
Prof. J. C. Smock. 

'A collection of lithographic stones and associated rocks, from 
Lawrence county, Indiana. (36 Nos.) Presented by J. W. Latcher, 
of Edinburgh, Saratoga county. 

A collection of specimens from the Mohawk Valley, illustrating 
the character of the beds at the junction of the Laurentian gneiss 
with the superincumbent rocks, consisting of gneiss, the representa- 
tive beds of the Potsdam sandstone, with imbedded pieces of clay 
slate, breccia, and calciferous sandstone. Made by Mr. C. E. Beecher 
and Mr. C. E. Hall. 

A collection of specimens representing a section of the Oneonta 
sandstone and superincumbent rocks in Chenango cofinty, N. Y. 

Mr. Geo. F. Kunz, of Hoboken, N. J., has placed on deposit with 
the Museum a collection illustrative of the rocks of New Hampshire. 
It is in part a duplicate of the New Hampshire collection of Prof. 
C. H. Hitchcock, and represents the more common types of the 
crystalline and semi-crystalline rocks of that State. This collection, 
consisting of 250 specimens, is very interesting and valuable for 
purposes of comparative study; it has been placed in drawers in 
the south-east corner room, and will be accessible to all students 
of geology. 

Presented to the New York State Museum by Hon. D. J. Johnston, 
of Cohoes, State Commissioner to the New Orleans Exposition. 
(A collection of specimens returned from the New Orleans Exposition, 1885.) 

1. Column of red granite (polished). International Scotch gran- 

ite Co. . Jefferson County, N. Y., from R. Forsyth, Montreal. 

Ze cirondack: erapite (Dlock).. 715. ssp 'ae «sus «nes + oe New York. 
amy MME OMATIUICS «.5.0)s) a) i alec Women Maly Lalor oo Quincy, Mass. 
Ree ay EEATINPOL 'ova/c' lt sae ticlniane ey odeiees so Saratoga Co., N. Y. 
ty, GA ECAMIG,. 2). fa (siteees ss Mount Vista, Saratoga Co., N. Y. 
Rea rRAADNI UC oe aisles, sa Lier aleh ae ge oie salto ols aie se Keene, N. H. 
ToS GOTANEORAUTBE s,%,0/ 6h 20s) spat 4 «15-6 dietarhe Ae Le ee Mount Waldo, Me. 
See Gat WML Yd. creo S's wba a yirlon we Se ..... Hallowell, Me. 
eC CHRYRIPRE INULIN 32, 215 ralpcilsis) Sian ete ota BS AER ea oc am foes Me. 
10. Red granite (Internat’] Scotch Granite Co). . Jefferson Co., N. Y. 
BUG eae epee pop cet hue ala Se te 2°%) 2 ci uap tke atete oe. Fox Island, Me. 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] - 38 

18 | AssEMBLY 

Pa\sEOC sO TATIGEy ae ties, slsalalahes wile lelayaleie's Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia. 
13.3 Potadamaisamasbomes se {\eieyanih tice isl seen eee meet Potsdam, N. Y. 
14. Brown stone (from Hughes Bros., Syracuse). Oswego Falls, N. Y. 
TDs) Sam Gshomer edi Wiis loiiey tasks wan aedeagal nea Amherst, Ohio. 
AGM BAMES TOMO, CNG xs cise peneliabeeieviatistedeleratey Dorchester, Nova Scotia. 
A7.Red) Scotch sandstone sis je cia ee le tees Corsehill, Scotland. 
18. Shae tebou es Sf. cig cael msae bus Oxford, Chemung Co., N. Y. 
19+ Thimestoness) ./ Raa hate Tribes Hill, Montgomery Co., N. Y. 
20. Limestone (from Hughes Bros., Syracuse). Onondaga Res’vation. 

(This stone is used for the U. 8. Court-House and Post-office, 
etc., at Syracuse, N. Y.) 

‘Black marbles. abas Mits Suenos obits Glens Falls, N. Y.- 
ishhell nmarblen cesses au we Hudson, Columbia Co., N. Y. 
Dnekahoe marble sii. val Tuckahoe, Westchester Co., N. Y. 
. Wakefield marble..... sea hs ao ad RR ... Wakefield, Vt. 
wi Waketeldivarieoated marbles 4 scare aisles hie Wakefield, Vt. 
iv Hastern|) hennessee, marble.’ is Lee oe felenetets o> Concord, Tenn. 
Sehwed ‘oramdtet, sel. Gite bios deve la lehnee espn ee Stony Creek, Conn. 
Brown hemlatites >.) Sencven Clove Mine, Dutchess Oo., N. Y. 

Mennessee aE lew: ec.) .iie i/o ee ane en eee Knoxville, Tenn. 

(From A. Tower, Esq., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.) 

. Verdantiqne marble........5...:. Bolton, Warren Co., N. Y. 

(From George Ives, Esq., Ticonderoga, N. Y.) 

By aT CIE AG Ne eat ath tay 2) st Edwards, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. 

(From the Adirondack Pulp Company.) 

Oe Mianbleny. sims Whitney Marble Company, Gouverneur, N. Y. 
. Specular iron ore, red hematite, soapstone, etc., Caledonia 

Mine, Rossie, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. 

pi vitkey quart Ze y Leh aie ceil. Fort Ann, Washington Co., N. Y. 
, Serpentine! mica...) 54. jf. Use Ayers’ Quarry, Gouverneur, N.Y. 
. Birdseye limestone (polished)... ......0-2 2-62.22 -oe8- Nite 
. Specular iron ore, red hematite, Old Sterling Mine, Jefferson 

Con Now, 

. Slate — Different varieties — roofing and ornamental, Middle 

Granville, Washington Oo., N. ¥ 

. Red hematite, breccia, ete., Old Mine, three miles west of 

Ticonderoga, N. Y. 

. Ilmenite (titaniferous iron ore) and pig, Adirondack Iron and 

Steel Co., Essex Co., N. Y. 

. Magnetic iron ore, Hammondville, Crown Point, Essex Co., 

NS Aes 

iMaonetic iron Ore (UMe).< ie te tele e St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. 
. Magnetic iron ore, Schofield Mine, fourteen miles west of 

‘Ticonderoga, Schroon, Essex Co., N. Y. 

. Magnetic iron, Vineyard Mine, four miles north of Ticonderoga, | 

Essex 'Co.,.N.) Y: 

. Magnetic iron ore..... Forest of Dean Mine, Orange Co., N. Y. 
. Magnetic iron ore, twelve miles west of Ticonderoga, Essex 

CouiNe we 

No. 104.] 19 


49, Magnetic iron ore. .Skiff Mine, Crown Point, Essex Co., N. Y. 
50. Magnetic iron ore.. New Bed Mine, Mineville, Essex Co., N. Y. 
51. Magnetic iron ore..Old Bed Mine, Mineville, Essex Co., N. Y. 
52. Iron ore (carbonate)............ Burden, Dutchess Co., N.Y. 


A collection of arrow heads and spear heads, found in the town of 
Watervliet, Albany county, consisting of 58 examples, from Philip 

A second collection of 48 numbers from the same. 

A hand-axe of trap-rock from the same. Also a remarkably 
elongated flint arrow point, found in Saratoga county, from the same 

One arrow head found on the farm of H. Schoonmaker, Cedar 
Hill, Albany county. Donor, H, Schoonmaker. 

VY. Liprary. 
1. By Donation and Fxchange. 

U.8. Geological Survey, J. W. Powell, Director. 
Fourth Annual Report, 1882-3. By J. W. Powell, 1884. 
Monographs : 
III. Geology of the Comstock Lode and Washoe District, 
with atlas. By Geo. F. Becker, 1882. 
IV. Comstock Mining and Miners. By Eliot Lord, 1883. 
V. Copper-bearing Rocks of Lake Superior. By Roland 
D. Irving, 1883. 
VI. Contributions to the Knowledge of the Older Meso- 
zoic Flora of Virginia. By Wm. M. Fontaine, 1883. 
VII. Silver Lead Deposits of Eureka, Nevada. By Joseph 
S. Curtis, 1884. 
VIII. Paleontology of the Eureka District. By Charles D. 
Walcott, 1884. 
Dulletins, Nos. 2,.3,'4.°5, 6,7, 89) 10,11) 195 13..04. 
Mineral Resources of the United States, 1883 and 1884. By 
Albert Williams, Jr. 
U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. 
Hayden, Geologist in charge. 
12th Ann. Rep., 1878, Maps and Panoramas. 
Vol. IIL. Tertiary Vertebrata, Book I. By E. D. Cope, 1884. 
Vol. VILL. Cretaceous and Tertiary Floras. By Leo Lesquereux, 
Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 
Report of the Commissioners for the year 18838. 
Report of the Commissioners for the year 1884. 
Division of Statistics [new series], Nos. 3, 15, 16, 17, 21. 
Miscellaneous Special Report, No. 3, 1883. 
War Department, Chief Signal Officer, Gen. Wm. B. Hazen. 
Report of the Chief Signal Officer for 1871. 
Report of the Chief Signal Officer for 1872. 

20 [ AssEMBLY 

War Department — Continued. 
Report of the Chief Signal Officer for 1877. 
Report of the Chief Signal Officer for 1879. 
Report of the Chief Signal Officer for 1880. 
Report of the Chief Signal Officer for 1881. 
Report of the International Polar Expedition, to Pt. Barrow, 
Alaska, 1885. 
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 
Annual Report for 1883. 
A Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals. By Henry 
Carrington Bolton, 1885. : 
Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. XXIV: (1) 
Results of Met. Obs. at Providence, Rk. I. By Alexis Cas- 
well; (2) Tables of Precipitation in U.S. By Chas. A. 
Schott, 1882; Vol. XX V, Prehistoric Fishing in Europe and 
North America. By Charles Rau, 1884. 
U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries. 
Bulletin, Vol. IV, for 1884. Spencer F’. Baird, Commissioner. 
U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. 
Ann. Rep. of the Commissioner for 1884. 
Official Gazette: Vol. 29, Nos. 11, 12,13; Vol. 30, Nos. 1-18 ; 
Vol. 31, Nos. 1-12; Vol. 32, Nos. 1-13; Vol. 33, Nos. 
Alphabetical Lists of Patents and Inventions, for the quarters 
ending Sept. 30, 1884, and March 31, 1885. : 
Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. 
Circulars of Information, Nos. 6, 7, 1884. 
Circulars of Information, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 1885, 
Historical Sketches of Universities and Colleges in the United 
States. By F. B. Hongh. : 
Indiana, Department of Geology and Natural History, John Col- 
lett, State Geologist. 
7th Ann. Rep., 1876. 
12th Ann. Rep., 1882. 
13th Ann. Rep., 1883. 
14th Ann. Rep., 1884. 
Ohio Geological Survey, Edward Orton, State Geologist. 
Vol. III, Geology. 
Vol. IV, Zoélogy and Botany, 1882. 
Vol. V, Economic Geology, 1884. 
Maps, Nos. 1-8, 1884. 
Minnesota Geological and Natural History Survey, N.. H. Win- 
chell, State Geologist. 
11th Ann. Rep., 1882. 
12th Ann. Rep., 1883. 
Vol. I, Geology, 1884. 
Geolgical Survey of New Jersey. 
Ann. Reps. of the State Geologist for the years, 1880, 1881, 
1883. [From the Regents of the University. ] 

No. 104.] 21 

New York State Survey. 
Report of Commissioners, 1877. [From the Regents.] 
New York Agricultural Experiment Station. 
ist Ann. Rep., 1882. [From the Regents. ] 
2d Ann. Rep., 1883. [From the Regents.] 
Indiana Bureau of Statistics. 
Extract from 1st Ann. Rep. [From the Regents.] 
American Geographical Society, N. Y. city. 
Bulletins, Nos. 3, 4, 1884. 
Bulletin, No. 5, 1885. 
American Museum of Natural History, N. Y. city. 
Amn: Reps. 8,9, 10, 11, 12. 
Bulletin, No. I. 
Bulletin, Vol. I, No. 6. 
Visitor’s Guide to Collection of Mammals. 
Visitor’s Guide to Collection of Shells, Minerals and Fossils. 
New York Microscopical Society. 
Wolz J. Nos, 2, 4, 5565-7 
Peabody Academy of Sciences, Salem, Mass. 
Ann. Reps. of Trustees, 1874 to 1ss4. 
Johns-Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. 
Studies for the Biological Peparetoryy Nol, jd 3 ee 2, 3, 4. 
University Circular, Vol. V, No. 4 
Cincinnati Society of Natural History. 
Journal, Vol. VII, No. 4; Vol. VIII, Nos. 1, 2, 3. 
Brookville Society of Natural History, Indiana. 
No. 1, 1835. 
Des Moines Academy of Sciences, Iowa. 
Vol} Bull No:1; 
California Academy oe Sciences, San Francisco, Cal. 
Bulletins, Nos. 2, 3; 1885. 
Rochester Society of Natural Sciences. 
Ann. Reps., Dec., 1883, and Dec., 1884. 
Dearborn Observatory, Chicago, Illinois. 
Ann. Reps. of Board of Directors, 1880 and 1883. [From 
the Regents. ] 
Vassar Brothers’ Institute, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 
Scientific Papers and Transactions, 1881-1883. [From the 
Regents. | 
te of Comparative Zodlogy, Harvard College, Cambridge, 
Vol. III, No. 10, C. D. Walcott; “The Trilobite.” [From 
the Regents. ] 
Houghton Farm, Orange county, N. Y. 
“Agricultural Physics ; Series I, Nos. 3, 4 
Ex. Dept., Series III; Diseases of Plants, 1883. [From 
the Regents. ] 
Library Company of Philadelphia. 


Washburn College. 
Bulletin, Vol. I, No. 4. 
Royal Society of Canada, Montreal. 
Proceedings and Transactions, Vol. II, 1884. 
Canadian Record of Science, Montreal. 
Vol. I, Nos. 3, 4. 
Botanic Garden and Arboretum, Montreal. 
10th Ann. Rep. (Reprint.) 
Museo Nacional de Mexico. 
Anales, Tomo III, Entrega 6, 7, 8, 1884-85. 
Conférence faite au Muséum National. 
Rio De Janeiro, 1885, par De L. Netto. 
Edinburgh Geological Society, Scotland. 
Trans., Vol. IV., Pt. 3, 1883. 
Scciété Géologique de Belgique, Liége. 
Anales; Tome X,1; XI, 1883-4. 
Catalogue des Ouvrages de Geologie, Minéralogie et de 
Paleontalogie et des Cartes Geologique. 
Musée Teyler, Haarlem, Holland. 
Archives; Série II, 4th Partie; Vol. II, 2 Partie. 
L’Institut National Genevois, Geneve. 
Mémoires, Tome XV, 1882-1883. 
“Tsis’’ in Dresden, Germany. 
Litzungberichte und Abhandlungen Jahrgang, 1884. 
Festschrift Zur Feierihres 50-jahrigern Bestehens. 
Bamberg, Bavaria. 
Bericht VIII, 1884, der Natur. forschender. Gesellschaft. 
Société unpériale des Naturalistes de Moscow, Russia. 
Bulletin, 1883, No. 4. 
Bulletin, 1884, Nos. 1, 2, 3. 
Kong]. Vetenskaps Akademien. Stockholm, Sweden. 
Ofversight af Férhandlingar, 42, a Arg., Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1885. 
Communacaés da Seccao dos Trabalhas Geologicos de Portugal. 
Tom. I, Fase. 1, 1885. 
Indian Museum, Calcutta, India. 

List of accessions, Apr., 1883, to March, 1884. Appendix A, 
Mar. 31, 1884, App.; Sept. 30, 1884; App., Dec. 31, 1884. 
City of Liverpool, Free Public Library, Museum and Walker Art 

32d Ann. Rep. 1885. 
Butterflies of North America. 
II series, Part XIII. 
Charles E. Putnam. 
Elephant Pipes in the museum of the Academy of Natural 
Sciences, Davenport, Iowa. 
S. H. Scudder. 
Dictyonema and Allied Insects of the Carboniferous Epoch. 
Notes on Mesozoic Cockroaches. 

No. 104.) - 23 

J. S. Newberry. 
Deposition of Iron Ores. 
Eroding Power of Ice. 
Prof. James Hall. 
Fossil Corals of Niagara and Upper Helderberg Groups, 1882. 
Bryozoans of Upper Helderberg and Hamilton Groups. 
Geological History of the American Continent. 
H. 8S. Williams. 
Studies of Spirifera levis. [From the Regents. | 
A. 8. Packard. 
Guide to the Study of Insects. Parts 1, 2, 3, 6, 10. [From 
the Regents. ] 5 
Thomas M. Drown. 
“Technical Training. An Address,” 1853. 
F. B. Hough. 
“On Forestry Management.” [From the Regents.] 
“Maize: An Attempt at Classification,’ 1883. [From the 
Regents. ] 
‘* Das Gebiss der Schnecken.” IT Band, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Lieferungen. 
“Description de quelques Espéces et Geures Nouvreaux de 
Coquilles vivantes.” 
Prof. James Hall. 
Report of the State Geologist for 1882. 
“Indians of North America.” 
Boston, City Auditor’s Report for 1884-5. 
Map of Washington county, N. Y., 1853. Maps of eleven towns 
in Dutchess and Putnam counties. [From J. C. Smock.] 

2. By Purchase. 

Synoptical Flora of North America. Vol. I, Part II. Asa Gray. 

Mycological Illustrations. [Hymenomycetous Fungi.] Parts I, II. 
Saunders, Smith & Bennett. 

Mycologia Europea. Sections I, HI, III. Persoon. 

Icones Selectee Hymenomycetum. 1-10 Fascicule. Fries. 

Icones Selectee Hymenomycetum Hungarie. Kalchbrenner. 

Mosses of North America. Lesquereuxw and James, 1884. 

New England Bird Life. A Manual of Ornithology. Elliott Cones. 
Parts: Le 11, 1883. 

Stractural and Systematic Conchology. George W. Tryon 
Vols. I, IT, III, 1882-1884. 

Geology of Rhode Island. Charles T. Jackson. 1840. 
1 volume. 

Das Eozoon Canadense, von Max Hauer, with portfolio of 18 plates, 
Leipsic, 1885. 

24 [ AssEMBLY 

The Natural History of the Mineral Kingdom. John Williams, 
Edinburgh, 1810. 2 vols. [DeWitt Clinton’s copy. ] 

Encyclopedia Brittanica. Vols. XVIII and XIX. 

Popular History of New England. Howard and Crocker. 

Volssiy IT 1881. 

International Scientist’s Directory. S. 4. Casino, 1885. 

Atlas of Rockland County. /. W. Beers, 1875. 

Atlas of Westchester County. J. B. Beers & Co., 1872. 

Map of Dutchess County. (ddlette, 1858. 

Map of Putnam County. eed, 1876. 

American Journal of Science: Vol. XXVIII, No. 167, Novem- 
ber, "1884; Vol." X XTX, «Nos; 169, 170, 179i ia Lina, Aen 
Voli XXM Nossal 7o. U7G\T ii iS, Lio; SO: 

American Naturalist: Vol. XIX, Nos. 1-12. 

Science: Vol. IV, Nos. 98, 99; Vol. V, Nos. 100-125; Vol. VI, 
“Nos. 126, 128-151. | 

Nature: Vol. 30, No. 22; Vol. 31, Nos. 4-26; Vol. 32, Nos. 
1-20, 22, 23, 24, 26; Vol. 33, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 

Geological Map of the United States, by C. H. Hitchcock. 
Julius Bien, New York. 
Geological Model of part of Blair, Bedford, and Huntingdon 

Counties, Pennsylvania. By Edward b. Harden, of the 

Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. 

The library has been partly re-arranged, and nearly all of the 
journals and periodicals to date of January, 1885, have been bound. 

A manuscript catalogue is in course of preparation, made from 
a list of the volumes, bound and unbound, pamphlets and maps in 
the library up to the end of the current year. This catalogue will 
make the library more serviceable to those consulting it. 

The accessions to the library of the Museum during the year 
consist of 35 bound, and 11 unbound volumes; 4 volumes of 
journals ; 118 pamphlets, and 12 maps, through exchange and by 
donations. The purchases were 26 volumes, 7 volumes of journals, 
and 3 maps. The aggregate additions are 83 volumes, 118 pam- 
phlets, and 15 maps. 


STATEMENT of the Space now Occupied, and an Estimate of the 
Space required, for the Collections and Offices of the State 
Musewm of Natural History. 

1. GroLoey. 

There are now arranged in table and wall cases 3,350 specimens 
of rocks, representing the New York system. Two hundred and 
fifty specimens representing the section of the Hudson river. 

These 3,600 specimens occupy 425 square feet of case-room (table 
and wall cases) on the second floor of the Museum. 

The additions necessary for a proper exhibition of the geology of 

No. 104.] 25 

the State would require at least an equal amount of space in addi- 
tion to that now occupied, or about 1,000 square feet. 

2. Economic GEoLoGY. 

The area now occupied in wall cases and floor-room is 180 square 
feet. Space needed for a proper arrangement and enlargement of 
the collection, equal to one-half that at present occupied — ninety 
square feet. 

The specimens of this department nowin the new Capitol, which 
will eventually go into the Museum, would require twice the space 
now used for this collection, or 360 square feet; and in order to 
provide for a proper exhibition of the iron ores of the State we 
should require an additional space of at least 200 square feet. 


Area now occupied by the general collection in wall cases and 
table cases is as below: 

One thousand five hundred specimens in cases occupying 413) 
square feet. Additional area required, 200 square feet. 

The New York collection of minerals and ores numbers 1,500 
specimens, occupying 1,181 square feet. 

In each of these departments one-half more space is necessary for 
collections now on hand, without providing for future additions, 
which ought to require double the space now occupied, or an area 
of 800 square feet. 

Palseozoic.—There are now 11,700 specimens arranged in the cases 
on the second floor of the Museum, which occupy an area of 2,175 

square feet, disposed of as follows: 
Square feet. 

Mitips tet Lexa a Mes 5 sn oy hc aye, ent otsve, Snares Gian Tal nce Ores 1, 125 
nipwal eased ais stoic. < a eS SR AP SRR ERS yikes ah 840 
Mia GL ES OCTET Re arch a. nas 5 SAE cos esi ate Sela odes Codd tel oben eys 210 

Ropal ATCS cc csw at-s:¢ sdephegeeieaa ictal’ ana SrePE ee af 6 2, 175 

Of the above number of specimens, 9,000 are from the New York 
formations. The remainder are chiefly from the coal measures of 
Pennsylvania and the western States. 

The number of specimens, the property of the State, which are 
not on exhibition, 1s upwards of 200,000. Of these, 25,000 are in 
the Museum in drawers and boxes, 155,000 in 3,200 drawers in the 
custody of James Hall, 20,000 in boxes in the custody of James Hall. 
Total number of non-exhibited specimens in Paleontology, 200,000. 
From this amount there will be taken the specimens oceupying 
about 1,000 drawers for exhibition in the Museum ; a portion of 
these are typical specimens. 

The addition of this material will necessitate an area of 7,360 
square feet, or nearly three times the space now occupied by this 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 4 



department. In the final arrangement will be more than ‘three 
times greater than at present occupied by the paleeontological collec- 
tions of the paleeozoic series or the New York formations and their 
representatives, or an entire area of 9,530 square feet. 


The area of table cases now occupied is 300 square feet. The 
Mastodon and similar remains have a space of floor and table area of 
448 square feet, or the total area of this department occupies 784 
square feet. 

The additional material for exhibition now occupies fifteen draw- 
ers, requiring 120 square feet when arranged in cases. 

The collection is now comparatively small, and a proper increase 
in size would require three times the amount of space now occupied, 
or about 2,244 square feet. 

WapswortH GALLERY OF CAsts. 

Area now occupied : 

i Gc MRc1:137 =) 6 Ge ON Pg AGC eRer eae Ke yrotslog oa” NIWA IE Es 72 square feet. 
Hiatt oro Onde, yoy ae dacs Ache WOioe, sgersis cata Monae ogee joke 448 square feet. 

Nearly 100 additional square feet would be necessary for the proper 
exhibition of the present collection. 

5. ZoOLoey. 

ftadiates and Sponges. 

Area at present occupied by these collections is 40 square feet. 
Area to be provided should be about 300 square feet. 


Gould collection of 60,000 specimens, now occupying 360 square 
feet, will require an additional area of 180 square feet for the exhi- 
bition of species which do not appear in the present cases for want 

of space. 
The Mazatlan collection occupies................ 180 square feet. 
The Smithsonian donations require............++4- 75 square feet. 

These collections should be greatly increased. The New York 
shells, land, fresh-water and marine, contain 7,000 specimens now 
arranged and occupying 75 square feet; when completed and properly 
arranged will require at least one-half morearea. For a representa- 
tive collection of North American shells, three times the space now 
serving for this department would be necessary, or 250 square feet. 

The area now occupied is 20 square feet. A considerable addi- 


No. 104.] 27 

tional space is necessary for enlargement, to provide for the present 
and future collections of this class of animals from the State of New 

Enromotocy.— No space has yet been provided. ‘The number of 
specimens will be from 4,000 to 5,000. The collections are now in 
progress. The area needed will be equal to a case 24 feet wide by 
40 feet long, or 100 square feet. 

OstrroLtocy.— There are 120 important specimens with numerous 
special preparations, which now occupy 216 square feet. The ad-~ 
ditional area required for proper exhibition of specimens on hand, 
without provision for future enlargement, would ‘require 108 square 
feet,or one-half more thanis nowinuse. And for the future increase 
of the collection an equal area, or at least a total of 600 square feet. 

OxnirHoLocy.— The area occupied : 

HOreiGmNSPeCIMACHS. ..'s. 15. . 52 Mees. «e's pears teens 180 square feet. 
Wewirl ore specimens... sis.) sda «c's sve »+e.+-. -480 square feet. 

If completed for New York alone one-half more area would be 
needed, or 220 square feet, making altogether 700 square feet. 

Mammatra.— The area now occupied is 528 square feet ; twice as 
much is needed for the proper arrangement of the collection, or 
1,000 square feet altogether. The number of stuffed skins of verte- 
brata, mammals and birds in 1877 was 1,132 specimens. 

Axconoric Cotiections. — Forty-five square feet is now occu- 
pied. ‘Twice this area is needed, or 100 square feet. In 1877 there 
were 1,200 specimens in 590 jars, upon exhibition — and for addi- 
tions to be made, as much more space,or at least 200 square feet, will 
be reguired. 

Fisnes AND Reptitus. — 1,500 specimens, a portion of which 
are in alcohol —~ stuffed skins and skeletons of fish, occupying an 
area of 60 square feet, are much toocrowded in their arrangement, 
and no more space is available: For the present collection at least 
one-half more space is required. If properly completed for the 
State of New York, atleast tive times the present area would be 
required, or 300 square feet of case-room. 

Brrps’ Eacs.— The area occupied is 24 square feet. No special 
or proper place has yet been reserved or assigned to this collection, 
and it should be increased to at least four times its present area 
— which will require at least 100 square feet. 

6. Botany. 

In all classes there are 7,100 species, occupying 210 square feet 
of closed wall cases. Additional space required for present collec- 
tions, 250 square feet of wallcase. Forfuture collections an equal 
amount of space should be provided. Also for exhibition under 
glass of a generic collection, and of certain classes, especially fungi, 
at least 200 square feet. A room for the exhibition of woods, 
timber, ctc., and showing their application and uses. 



The area occupied 160 square feet. The area required for addi- 
tional display and collections, 160 square feet. 

Number of Additional space 
cia | Poe ae 
Gealoeyye sci. ti. b 6 ween 3,600 1,000 300 
Economic geology...... 180+ 25* g 360 
Ju bua¥ey 2) Apa mene RAE Oe 3,000 1,500 800 
Paleozoic paleontology. 11,700 30,000 © 7,400 
Secondary and _ tertiary 
paleontology........ 3,000 about 1,000 1,500 
on hand, to 
provide for 
future ad- 
Wadsworth’s gallery — For the proper arrangement.... 100 
Zodlogy — More than 80,000 specimens in the following 
classes, with additional space required in each, making 
B LOCAL OP. i.e elec tare ols ie Acces atc ietae eee ee nome 1,760 
TRACI SEES: cee tereicts ts ccaietate eleie ease coer pereore latte eeetareian ie cade saree 120 
Come nology pce scree aie cyslcietsls pre bles shalmcets try otetavee etek sce lass gue 430 
WBUSHACETS Hoe oie: 5/aua oa seteyerts sears eta asus lebevefemenal ole Siekstcoa eiereemeere 40 
Ein fomOlOgy, 2 cc chahaje. ssh plelere wyetarotey ot sis tele on pas Se ee ine oe 100 
Ostealooyisiat a's + «ysis ce ei siciee se ole tyeksmie elictearnnnte feloieiotehoneneheterces 100 
Ornithology, 25. Usiaiisascletie ave eas eeh te scuedmeee catteene ans ae eerste nstets 220 
Miata rm alags 2s: ca yoisie eqeys tsceys perehean ley Ne asec amen een emer ote 500 
Alcoholic Specimens sysiiestod rtei5: ho) sere lete chetteldeie mastete isle toe LOU 
Birds) MOC os el asieaieck ahs hiss sree Me ettetayetateiejepenee chetelets etvoets 50 
dveptiles ame) Mesh fi Sone cours a eetoicie ciated wteqsts classe 100 
Additional space 
square feet. 
Botany. -- Number of species in all classes, 7,100 ...... 210+- 
: A generic collection..... HS Sak 5 ese a ot 200 
For woods and’ timber, ete se. cece ain caer ar 
Archeology.) Area OCCU PICd eel oral eho sue ete late eecdeyehene 160 

Additional area needed. 

Twelve thousand specimens now on exhibition in the cases of 
the Museum. 

The present area of the Museum is 7,389 square feet, now occu- 
pied for the exhibition of collections. 

An additional area of 12,790 square feet is required for the 

* Blocks of iron ore. 

No. 104.] 29 

proper exhibition of the collections on hand and to provide for a 
moderate increase. Area occupied by duplicates which are mainly 
in drawers, 15,000 square feet. 
Number of drawers in State Museum................. 970 
Number of drawers occupied by specimens belonging to 

the State and arranged in private museum and working 

POM Mase MICE ELA <5 syetevete aMara: vic < «) = «defuse pe 0! 3, 200 

Two-thirds of these drawers may be regarded as occupied by 
duplicate collections. In addition to the specimens in drawers 
there are largeslabs and masses of corals which occupy an area 
equal to 1,000 drawers. 

Besides the rooms for collections, there should be provided a 
room for a scientific library, which for the present could be limited 
to an area of 900 or 1,000 square feet with provision for increase in 
the future. 

Worxine Rooms.— For the Botanist a working-room of 18 x 25 feet 
would suffice, with adjacent room for the collections, of 25 x 380 feet. 

For the general collections in Zodlogy a room for work and study 
of 20x 25 feet, a preparatory room, as a work-room, with water, 
tanks, etc., 25 x 30 feet. 

GroLocy AnD Patzonrotoey. — A receiving-room with space for 
library in use of 25 x 30 feet and adjacent to a room of 80x 40 feet 
furnished with at least 1,000 drawers to contain the collections under 
investigation and comparison. 

Also a wook-room with tables and appliances for cleaning, ticket- 
ing and preparing specimens for study and arrangement. This 
room should, if possible, be adjacent to a lathe-room, with machinery 
for cutting and polishing specimens. These two rooms would 
require an area of at least 1,200 square feet. 

For general storage of minerals, geological specimens and fossils 
preparatory to a distribution of the duplicates, a room of 35 x 45 
or 40 x 50 feet, with drawers, to contain the specimens and conven- 
iences necessary for the arranging, labeling and packing specimens. 

Srupents’ Rooms. — Rooms should be provided for students in 
special branches of scientific study, since the increased attention to 
science will soon demand such conveniences. These would require 
an area of 10,000 feet of floor space. 

If the building be fire-proof the typical collections may be arranged 
in the same rooms, but in separate cases, with the general collections 
of the same department. 

Considering the condition of the building now occupied by the 
State Museum, the committee regard it as very important to secure, 
as soon as possible, rooms for the typical collections in some fire- 
proof building. The area required would be 30 x 40 feet. 

Drrector’s Room.— A small room as a private office for con- 
ference, consultation and correspondence should be provided for the 
Director of the Museum. 


To the Honorable the Board of Regents of the University of the 
State of New York: 

GerntLEMEN —I have the honor of communicating to you the 
following statement of the work of the Botanist for 1885 : 

In the prosecution of the work on the State Herbarium, specimens 
of plants have been collected in the counties of Albany, Essex, 
Genesee, Herkimer, Orange, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schoharie, and 
Ulster. Of the collected specimens, those representing one hundred 
and ninety-eight species have been prepared, mounted and added to 
the Herbarium. Of these, one hundred and fourteen species were 
_ not before represented therein. The remaining eighty-four species 
are illustrated more completely and satisfactorily by the added 

Specimens have been received from nineteen contributors. A 
large number of these represent extra-limital species of fungi, but 
among those from this State are six species new to the Herbarium, 
and not among my collections of the past season. The whole num- 
ber of added species, both collected and contributed, is two hundred 
and ten; the whole number new to the Herbarium is one hundred 
and twenty. <A list of the names of the added species is marked 
(A). A list of the names of the contributors and their respective 
contributions is marked (B). 

Descriptions of forty-two species of fungi, which are deemed new 
or hitherto unpublished, have been prepared. A part of these have 
been illustrated by two plates of drawings. The descriptions of new 
species, together with a record of the occurrence and locality of 
others new to our flora, are in a part of the report marked (C). 

A record of observations on common.or well-known species not 
new to our flora is marked (D). It has reference to any thing 
peculiar, interesting, or instructive in the variation, distribution, 
behavior or habitat of the plant. Sometimes useful hints may 
be obtained by such observations. For example, a variety of the 
common blueberry, Vaceinium Pennsylvanicum, was noticed on 
the summit of one of the mountains in the northern part of Saratoga 
county. Its fruit was black and shining, destitute of bloom, very 
large, sweet, juicy and pleasant flavored. It grew in compact 
clusters at the ends of the br anches, and could be easily and rapidly 
picked. Snch a susceptibility to variation and improvement in the 
fruit of this plant, in its natural and wild condition, indicates for it 
a peculiar value and a possibility of usefulness under cultivation and 

[AsseMBLY, No. 104. ] 31 

An interesting point in the behavior of some of our pulpy-fruited 
trees and shrubs the past season, and one that seems worthy of 
record, is their great productiveness. In this part of the State wild- 
cherry trees, cornel bushes, viburnums, wild gooseberry bushes, 
various blueberry bushes and the shadbush were all observed heavily 
Jaden with fruit. In the Adirondack region the crop of Canadian 
blueberries ( Vacciniwm Canadense) was remarkable both for its 
abundance and for the large size and fine quality of the berries. In 
the Albany market the fruit of theshadbush (Amelanchier Cana- 
densis) was offered for sale under the name ‘* blueberries, ” its very 
abundance, apparently, having prompted the attempt to introduce 
it. The name given it, however, was scarcely appropriate, since 
there is nothing in its botanical relations or in its color suggestive of 
it. This unusual fruitfulness extended in some instances to culti- 
vated fruit trees. For example, pears were never more plentiful nor 
cheaper in our markets than in the season just passed. The cause of 
this exceptional productiveness is apparently, to a great extent, cli- 
matic, yet it is interesting to trace effects to causes, even when the 
latter are beyond our control. Inthe eastern and northern part of 
the State, at the time when these fruit trees and shrubs were in 
flower, there was almost continuous fair weather with little or no 
rain. This was favorable to the extensive pollenization of the 
flowers. Insects could ply their vocation and carry pollen from 
flower to flower, day after day, without interruption or hindrance. 
The consequence was the young fruit set in abundance. This was 
followed later in the season by frequent showers and generous rains, 
which afforded the necessary moisture for the proper and full 
development of the fruit. Possibly the late and severe frosts of the 
spring of 1884 may have contributed something toward this result, 
by diminishing the fruitfulness of that year, and thus leaving the 
trees and shrubs in a more vigorous condition this year, and, therefore, 
more capable of perfecting an abundant crop. 

In pursuance of the plan of giving, from time to time, mono- 
graphs of certain groups or genera of our Agaricini, descriptions 
have been written of the New York species of the genera Pleurotus, 
Claudopus and Crepidotus. To these genera belong such Agarics, 
mostly wood-inhabiting, as are either wholly destitute of a stem or 
have it lateral or eccentric. The spore characters have been given 
in all cases. The great importance of this in the descriptions of 
Agarics will readily be seen in some of the species now described. 
Thus Pleurotus spathulatus, the Spathulate Agaric, and Pleurotus 
petaloides, the Petal-like Agaric, have generally been considered 
one and the same species, probably through neglect of the spore 
characters. But it seems to me that any one examining the spores 
of the two forms will at once pronounce them distinct. The general 
neglect of the spore characters of Agarics by European authors is 
much to be regretted and is often the source of much perplexity in 
the identification of our species. The descriptions of the species of 
the three genera mentioned are marked (E), 


The Herbarium has been removed from Geological Hall to State 
Hall. It now occupies a room on the second floor of the building 
and is in more commodious quarters than before. 

Thanks are due to the correspondents and botanists who have 
aided me in the prosecution of my botanical work, both by the con- 
tribution of specimens and of information. 

Very respectfully submitted, 

Axsany, December 31, 1885. 

No. 104.] 33 


New to the Herbarium. 

Solidago speciosa Nutt. 
Betulanigra JL. 
Cypripedium candidum Muh. 
Eragrostis Frankii Meyer. 
Agaricus lascivus F’. 
rubescentifolius Ph. 
cerussatus Fp. 
amplus Pers. 
esculentoides Pk. 
fuscolilacinus Pk. 
amabillissimus Pk. 
spathulatus Pers. 
atropellitus Pk. 
pascuensis Pk. 
fuscogriseéllus Pk. 
formosus Fr, 
depluens Fr. 
marginatus Batsch. 
unicolor Fr. 
blattarius Fr. 
calamistratus Fr. 
eutheles B. & Br. 
alnicola Fr. 
elatior Ph. 

: croceitinctus Pk. 
Cortinarius arenatus Fr. 
Hygrophorus pudorinus F?. 
Russula crustosa Pk. 
Boletus subaureus Ph. 

B. flavipes Pk. 
Polyporus confluens Fy, 
Hydnum geogenium Fy. 

H. farinaceum Pers. 
Grandinia granulosa Fr. 
Corticium puteanum Fy. 

C. radiosum Fr. 

PPPD> >>> >>> bbb bbb bbb 


C. cinerascens Berk. 
Clavaria circinans Ph. 

; gracilis Pers. 
C. byssiseda Pers. 
Tremella pinicola Ph. 
Siphoptychium Caspari Rostf. 
Phyllosticta Mitelle Pp. 

Hamamelidis Px, 

Dendrophoma Tilize Pr. 

D. Cephalanthi Ph. 
Cytispora intermedia Sace. 
Phoma aquilina §. & P. 
strobiligena Desm. 
sordida Sace 
Phillipsiana 8S. & R. 
Clintonii Pk. 
Majanthemi Pk. 
pheropsis tiliacea Ph. 
Lindere Ph. 
Juniperi Pk. 


tn th th 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 

Spheropsis pallida Ph. 

S. spherospora Pk. 
S. maculans Pk. 
Coniothyrium Staphylee Pk. 
Vermiculari uncinata B. & C. 
Septoria oleandrina Sacc. 

8. Osmorrhize Pk. 
S. lineolata S. & 8. 
s graminum Desm. 

Rhabdospora Xanthii Pk. 

R. pleosporoides Sace. 
Phlyctzena septorioides Sace. 

1B complanata Sace. 
Diplodina Ellisii Sace. 

Zythia ovata Pk. 

Thyrsidium Micheneri Sace. 
Marsonia Martini 9. & £Z. 
Coryneum compactum B. & Br. 
Pestalozzia Saccardoi Speg. 

RP: consocia Pk, 

P. campsosperma Pk, 
Uredo Ledi A. & 8. 

Puccinia hastata Oke. 

Gymnosporangium clavarieforme D. (. 

Periconia pycnospora Fres. 
Sporodinia grandis Lk. 
Illosporium humigenum P. & S. 
Monilia Peckiana S. & V. 
Ramulari Geranii Feki. 
Saprolegnia ferax Kutz. 
Geoglossum viscosum Pers. 
Leotia marcida Pers, 
Godronia Cassandre Pk. 
Tympanis saligna ode. 
Stictis Saccardoi Rehm. 
Lichenopsis sphwroboloidea Sehuo. 
Ascomyces extensus Ph. 
Microspheria Ceanothi Pk 
Valsa rhoophila ©. ¢& E. 
glandulosa Oke. 

Ve cenisia Del. 
Lestadia Msculi Pk, 
Rosellinia ambigua Sace, 
R. mastoidea Sacce. 
Hypoxylon semiimmersum Nits. 
Spherella maculosa Suce. 

: macularis A wersi. 
s. Lycopodii Pk. 
Diaporthe Carpini Fvkl. 

D. Robergeana Wiessl. 
D. galericulata Sace. 
D. Neillie Pk. 

D. marginalis Pk. 

D. sparsa Pk, 

| Didymospheria bacchans Pass. 

Leptospheria Typharum Kurst. 
L. Kalmie Ph. 
Zignoelladiaphana Sacc, 

Pyrenophora relicina Sace. 
Cryptospora Tilize 77. 
Hypocrea fungicola ‘Karst. 
Pleonectria Berolinensis Sacc. 

Not new to the Herbarium. 

Ranunculus acris L. 

R. multifidus Ph. 
Acta alba Bigel. 

A. rubra Mz. 

Arabis lyrata L. 

Barbarea vulgaris 2. Br. 
Camelina sativa Crantz. 
Amelanchier Canadensis 7. & G. 
Potentilla Canadensis JL. 
Pryus arbutifolia Z. 

Ribes rubrum JL. 

iRys rotundifolium Mz. 
ihe hirtellum Wz. 
Thaspium aureum Wut. 
Cornus paniculata L Her. 
Lonicera oblongifolia. Muhl. 
Petasites palmata Gr. 
Senecio aureus L. 

Vaccinium Pennsylvanicum Lam. 

Castilleia coccinea Spreng. 
Gratiola aurea Mul. 

Echium vulgare L. 
Hydrophyllum Virginicum ZL. 
Menyanthes trifoliata L. 
Apocynum androsemifolium JL. 
Asclepias obtusifolius Mv. 

A. tuberosa L, 
Chenopodium album ZL. 
Atriplex patula Z. 

Amarantus blitoides Wats 

A. hypochondriacus L. 
Euphorbia Peplus Z. 

Celtis occidentalis L.; 

Morus alba L. 

Alnus viridis D.C. 

Salix longifolia Muh. 

Populus monilifera Ait. 

12% balsamifera ZL. 
Abies nigra Poir. 
Ac: balsamea Marsh. 

Juniperus sabina L. 
Ariseema triphyllum Tor7. 


Orontium aquaticum G3 
Triglochin maritimum JL. 
Cypripedium acaule Ait. 

C. pubescens Willd, 
C. parviflorum Salisb. 
Liparis Leeselii Lich. 

Uvularia grandiflora Sm. 

WWI sessilifolia L. 
Streptopus roseus Mv. 
Fimbristylis capillaris Gr. 
Cyperus cylindricus Britton. 
Carex gynocrates Wormsk. 

C.  sterilis Willd. 

C. canescens JL. 
.  pedunculata Muhl. 
© Emmonsii Dew. 

C.  gynandra Selo. 

C.  pseudocyperus L. 
Festuca elatior L. 

Osmunda regalis L. 
Agaricus Austinii Pk. 

i sapidus Halchb. 
Lentinus strigosus Sch. 
Marasmius androsaceus F’. 
Trogia crispa Fr. 

aes Vaillantii 7. 
biformis Fr. 
adustus Fr. 
applanatus 7. 
fomentarius F’7. 
pinicola #7. 
betulinus Fr. 
albellus Pk. 
chioneus F’7. 

Irpex cinnamomeus /’. 
Hydnum mucidum Pers. 
Stereum versiforme B. &C. 
S. spadiceum F7. 

S. versicolor Fr. 
Clavaria pyxidata Pers. 
Spheronema pruinosum Pk. j 
Puccinia Calthe Lk. 
Ustilago Junci Schw. 
Fusicladium dendriticum Wallr. 
Macrosporium Cheiranthi Fr. 
Glomerularia Corni P#. 
Uncinula spiralis B. & C. 
Metaspheria Peckii Sace. 

ryt hd hd 


Mrs. L. L. Goodrich, Syracuse, N. Y. 
Trillium grandiflorum Salish, var. variegatum Pk. ‘ 
Miss E. G. Knight, New York, N. Y. 
Fruit of Salisburia adiantifolia Sm. 
Mrs. L, A. Millington, New Russia, N. Y. 

Festuca elatior L. 

No. 104.] 35 

Mrs. M. M. Patten, Albany, N. Y. 
Pyxidanthera barbulata Wz. 

Rev. W. M. Beauchamp, Baldwinsville, N. Y. 
Hydrocotyle umbellata L. | Cypripedium acaule A7t. 

Prof, F, Lamson Scribner, Washington, D. C. 

Chloris verticillata Nutt. = 
Deschampsia atropurpurea Wahl. 
Melica mutica Wali 

M. diffusa vy. nitens Serib. 
Setaria verticillata Bv. 

Bromus sterilis Z. 

B. tectorum JL, 
Elymus Virginicus Z. 
Buchlce dactyloides Engl. 
Arundinaria tecta Mahl. 
Poa arachnifera Torr. 

F. E. Wood, Clifton, ‘Mich. 

Amelanchier Can.yv.oligocarpa G7. Betula glandulosa Mz. 
Artemisia frigida Wil/d. Calypso borealis Salish. 
Mertensia paniculat Don. Corallorhiza Macrei (@r. 
Vaccinium myrtilloides Hook. Comandra livida Rich. 
Castilleia pallida Auwnth. Aspidium Lonchitis Sw. 

Physalis grandiflora Hook. 

W.C. Stevenson, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa. 
Puccinia Cryptoteenie Ph. 

E. 8. Miller, Wading River, N. Y. 

Crantzia lineata Vutt. 

Geo. A. Rex, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. 
Siphoptychium Casparya Rostf. 

E. A. Rau, Bethlehem, Pa. 

AKcidium Dicentre Trelease. | Fusarium scolecoides S. & Z. 
iE. tenue Schio. Gonatobotrys maculicola Wint. 
Gleosporium betularum Z, &é MW 

E. C. Howe, M. D., Lansingburgh, N. Y. 

Solidago speciosa ut. | Carex siccata Dev. 

Rumex Brittanica L. C. alopecoidea Tuckm. 
Trifolium hybridum JZ. C. scabrata Scho. 
Aster Tradescanti Z. C. monile 7uckm. 

Eragrostis Frankii Pwursh. 

H. C. Gordinier, Troy, N. Y. 

Negundo aceroides Mwnch. 
Fedia radiata Mz. 
Patasites palmata G7. 
Solidago uliginosa NWvtt. Pogonia verticillata Nutt. 
S. Vire. v. alpina Digel. Salix longifolia Muhl. 
Nabalus nanus D. C. Carex Buxbaumii Wahl. 
Juncus pelocarpus Meyer. Trisetum subspicatum Bo. 
Aster ptarmicoides 7. & G 

Hieracium pilosella LZ. 
aurantiacum JZ. 
Statice Limonium JZ. 

W. H. Kellerman, Manhattan, Kansas. 

Polyporus picipes 7%. Hirneola auricula-Jude Berk. 
1 adustus F7. oe llosticta Podophylli Wint. 
FE fraxinophilus Pk. Labrusce T’hum. 

Merulius tremellosus Sehrad. 
Craterellus cornucopioides Fr, 
Stereum frustulosum Fy. . 

Chenopodii West. 
Ampelopsidis #. dé M. 
smnilacina #. & MM. 

mero rd 

Septoria Verbene R. & D. 

8. Cerastii R. & D. 

8. Verbascicola B. & C. 
Leptostroma vulgare F’r. 

L. Actzeze Sehr. 

Spheronema Persice Schw. 
Vermicularia Dematium /’. 
Darluca filum Cast. 
Phragmidium Potentille Pers. 
Puccinia nigrescens Pk. 
solida Schw. 
Menthe Pers. 
Silphii Sch. 
Sorghi Schw. 
Artemisiarum Duby. 
Polygonorum Lk. 
Mariz-Wilsoni Clinton 
Myrrhis Scho. 
Cherophylli Purt. 
Xanthii Sch. 
: aculeata Schw. 
romyces Lespedezze (Schz.) 
i- Hyperici Sch. 
We appendiculata Lev. 
Ustilago segetum Lk. 
Roestelia lacerata Tal. 

rd a rg hd Po ro gb 

FEcidium Caladii Schw. 

fA. Dicentre Tvel. 

ZB. Qnothere Pk. 

Ki. leucospermum D. C. 
Ati. Ficarize Pers. 

Uredo Smilacis Schz. 

U. Agrimonie D. C. 

We Alchemille Pers. 

Trichobasis Crotonis C ke. 
Coleosporium Sonchi Pers. 


Chrysomyxa pyrolatum Kenig. 
Synchytrium decipiens Fal. 
8. Taraxaci De By. 

8. Anemones Woron. 
Sporocybe byssoides #7. 
Macrosporium Maydis C. & Z. 
M. Solani #. & M. 
Helminthosporium gracile Wadllr. 
Pyricularia grisea Sacc. 
Cercospora Gymnocladi #. & M. 
C. Ampelopsidis Pk. 
Ramularia rufomaculans Pk. 
Cylindrosporium Fraxini #. & M. 
Peronospora gangliformis De By. 
Cystopus cubicus Lev. 

Botrytis vulgaris Berk. 

Peziza nivea Fr. 

Phacidium Medicaginis Lasch. 
Exoascus deformanus Fekl. 
Podospheria tridactyla De By. 
Uncinula macrospora Pk. 

5 adunca Lev. 
Microspheria Euphorbie B. & C. 
Eyrsiphe Martii Leo. 

E. lamprocarpa Lev. 
Spheria Arthuriana Sace. 
Diatrype hypophlea B. & C. 
Rosellinia millegrana Schv. 
Hypoxylon atropunctatum Schw. 
H. Sassafras Schw. 
Gnomonia setacea CU. & D. 
Melanomma pulvis-pyrius ek. 
Ophiobolus porphyrogonus Sacc. 
Spherella maculeformis Pers. 
Phyllachora Trifolii ek. . 
Pleonectria denigrata Wint. 

Hon. G. W. Clinton, Albany, N. Y. 

Rhabdospora pleosporoides Sace. 
Phoma Clintonii Px. 
Illosporium humigenum P. & 8. 

Lestadia Alsculi Pk. 
Morus alba ZL. 

Arthur Peck, Sandlake, N. Y. 

Populus balsamifera L. 

H. W. Harkness, M. D., San Francisco, Cal. 

Montagnites Candollei Fr. 
Polyporus leucospongia 0. & H. 
Thelephora Harknessii Ph. 
Corticium carneum B. & Cke. 
C. pactolinum @. & H. 
Hymenula aciculosa #. & H. 
Octaviana rosea Hk. 
Polyplocium Californicum Hk. 

: inquinans Berk. 
Arcyria vitellina Ph. 
Cryptosporium Lupini Cke. 
Chromosporium lateritium C. & H. 
Cheetophoma atriella C. & H. 
C: quercifolia (ke. 
Septoria Aceris B. & Br. 
Morthiera Mespili Fk. 

Marsonia Populi Desm. 

M. Potentille S. & #. 
M. Neillie Hh. 
Gloeosporium Pteridis Hk. 

G. nervisequum Fckl. 

Septogloeum defolians JTk. 

5. Fraxini Hk. 
maculans Hk. 

: _ Nuttallii He. 
iplodia lata C. & H. 

: Eucalypti C. & #. 
Pittospori C. & #. 
millegrana C. & H. 
Symphoricarpa (0. & 
Sarothamni C. & H. 
extensa (. & H. 


Iolo loloolo acre 

No. 104. | 

Diplodia Lupini C. & H. 
D. Amygdali C. & H. 

D. maculata C. & H. 

iD: Phoradendri Cke. 

iD} decorticata (. & #. 
Macrodiplodia Sambuci Oke. 

M. Arctostaphyli Vize. 

Hendersonia Lupini (. & 
Harknessia Eucalypti (ke. 
Pestalozzia Moorei Hk. 

1B anomala H k. 

, Dichomera Compositarum (. & H. 
Phragmidium Fragarie D. C. 
Uromyces intricata Cke. 

Ge Terebinthi D. C. 
U. Nevadensis Hk, 

U. Spraguee Hk. 

U Chorizanthis #. & H. 
Puccinia variolans Hk. 
evadens Hk. 
Symphoricarpi A. 
Harknessii Vize. 
QEnothere Vize. 
striata Cke. 

Solani Cke. 

Asari Dk. 
Sorosporium Californicum Az. 
ay nehytrium papillatum Feri. 

aol lacbae acdc 

pluriannulatum Far. 

Guiphiol pheenicis Poir. 
Torula glutinosa C. & H. 
Camptoum cuspidatum (. & ZH. 
Triposporium elegans Cd. 
Theclospora bifida Hk. 
Stigmina Platani Swce. 

S. Ebeeioues Hk. 
Chetopsis fusca Cd. 
Zygosporium oscheoides Mont. 
Helicosporium vegetum 7} 
Chalaza setosa Hk. 

C. fusidioides Cd. 
C. montellica Saece. 
C. brachyptera Succ. 

Beltrania quernea Hk. 

Hemileia vastatrix B. & Br. 
Cercospora glomerata Hk. 
Didymaria spissa Hkh. 
Dicranidion fragile Hk. 
Volutella Buxi Berk. 

Helvella Californica Ph. 

Peziza tautilla Ph. & H. 

12) Escholtzie Ph. & H. 

12) labrosa Ph. & H. 

12h spherophoroides Ph. & H. 
Phillipsiella purpurea Ph. & 4. 
Belonidium fuscum Ph. & H. 
Cenangium ferruginosum FY. 
Phacidium Arbuti C. & H. 

12 albidum Ph. & Z. 
IE internum P/), 
Rhytisma Arbuti Ph. 

R. punctatum Fr, 


Stictis-Lupini Ph. & H. 
Megarrhize Ph. & 7. 
monilifera Ph. & H. 
pelvicula Ph. 
oianedrarn rufulum Spr. 

: turgidulum Ph. & H. 
Hysterium connivens (. & H. 
Jal Eucalypti Ph. & H. 


H. prominens Ph. & H. 
lake formosum Cke. 
Male Mulleri Duby. 

Ailographum acicolum Hk. 
A. reticulatum Ph. & H. 
Geopora Cooperi Hk. 
Spheerotheca lanestris Hk. 
Asterina anomala C. & H. 
Capnodium heteromeles C. & H. 
Lasiobotrys affinis Hk. 
Valsa Lupini (. & J. 

agnostica C. & ZH. 
Diatrype prominens (. & H. 
iD): disciformis Fr. 
Hypoxylon stigmateum Cke. 
Gnomonia Cory li Batseh. 

Alni Plow. 
Phomatospora Datisce Hh. 
Trabutia quercina S. & R. 
Botryospheria ambigua Sace. 
Spherella Umbellularie C. & H. 
S. Dendromeconis C. & 7. 
Eriospheria investans Che. 
Diaporthe Lupini Hk. 

D. gorgonoidea C. & H. 

Amphisphieria decorticata C. & EH. 

A. dothideospora C. & H. 

Valsaria Eucalypti A. & C. 

PP espe Ceanothi C. & 7. 
Ogilviensis B. & Br. 

r consessa (. & E. 

L. Californica (. & H. 

Heptameria meszedema Swace. 

Massaria pulchra Hk. 

Pleospora vitrispora C. & H. 

compressa /Tf:. 
Thy ridium Garrye C. & H. 
Spheria tumulata Che. 

S: conflicta Che. 
S. confertissima Plow 
8. epipteridis (. & H. 
Ss. anisometra C. & H. 
Dialonectria filicina C. & H. 

, _ depallens C. & H. 
dD. _ Euealypti C. & #. 

Thyronectria virens 7k. 
Acrospermum corrugatum ZU. 
Dothidea Sequoize C. & H. 
Ophiodothis tarda /Th. 
Plowrightia phy llogona Hk. 

P, Calystegie OC. & H. 
PR: tuberculiformis ZU. 
Lophiostoma congregatum Hk, 


C. Vanderloo, Albany, N. Yee 

Specimen of root with enlargement. 

J. J. Brown, M. D., Sheboygan, Wis. 
Cylindrosporium Rubi #. & M. 

George L. English, Philadelphia, Pa. 
Schizea pusilla Pwrsh. 


Solidago speciosa, NVwdz. 
Brunswick, Rensselaer county. £. C. Howe. 

. Eragrostis Frankii, Meyer. 
Center island near the railroad bridge at Troy. Howe. 

Agaricus (Trichcloma) rubescentifolius, 7. sp. 

Pileus thin, convex or nearly plane, subumbilicate, at first brown- 
ish, then smoky-yellow, sometimes obscurely squamulose; lamellze 
narrow, Close, adnexed, cream y-white or pale yellow, becoming smok y- 
red in drying; stem glabrous or slightly fibrillose, hollow, pruinose 
at the top, colored like the pileus; spores minute, subglobose, .00016 
to .0002 in. long. 

Plant subceespitose, 1 to 1.5 in. high, pileus 6 to 12 lines broad, 
stem 1 to 2 lines thick. 

Pine stumps. North Greenbush. Aug. 

Agaricus lascivus, /7. 

Woods. Delmar. Sept. The plant is apparently a variety; 
being odorless and having the pileus almost white. 

Agaricus cerussatus, /7. 
Thin woods. Karner. Sept. 

Agaricus amplus, Pers. 
Sandy soil. Karner. Sept. 

Agaricus (Collybia) fuscolilacinus, 7. sp. 

Pileus thin, convex, glabrous, hygrophanous, even and watery- 
brown when moist, lilac-brown and rugose when dry; lamellee close, 
ventricose, adnexed, brownish; stem slender, flexuous, hollow, col- 
ored like the pileus, mealy or pruinose at the top, with a whitish 

No. 104.] 39 

villosity at the base; spores subglobose or broadly elliptical, .C0016 
to .0002 in. long. 

Pileus 4 to 8 lines broad, stem 1.5 to 3 in. long, about 1 line thick. 

Among moss and fallen leaves in open places in woods. Adiron- 
dack mountains. Aug. 

The species should be referred to the section Tephrophane, 

Agaricus (Collybia) esculentoides, 7. sp. 

Pileus hemispherical or convex, umbilicate, glabrous, pale yellow- 
ish-brown ; lameilze moderately close, broad, thick, whitish ; stem 
slender, hollow, somewhat tenacious, colored like the pileus; spores 
elliptical, .00025 to .0003 in. long, .0002 in. broad. 

Pileus 8 to 12 lines broad, stem 1.5 to 2 in. long, 1 to 1.5 lines 

Sandy soil. West Albany. Karner and Delmar. Sept. 

This species resembles A. esculentus in size and color, but it differs 
in its stem which is not radicated, and in its pileus which soon be- 
comes umbilicate or more or less centrally depressed. It has a bitter 
taste, a character attributed to A. esculentus also. Our plant 
occurred in autumn, but A. esculentus is said to grow in early 

Agaricus (Mycena) amabillissimus, 7. sp. 

Pileus submembranous, campanulate, obtuse or acute, glabrous, 
obscurely striatulate when moist, bright-red or scarlet; lamelle 
ascending, whitish or tinged with red; stem slender, pallid, subpel- 
lucid, with a white villosity at the base. 

Pilens 3 to 6 lines broad and high; stem about 1 in. long. 

Among mosses and ferns in marshes. Karner. Sept. 

This species is closely related to A. aciewla of which it may 
possibly be a large form, but inasmuch as it ditters not only in size 
but also in its longer and more conical or campanulate pileus and in 
its differently colored lamellee it seems best to keep it distinct. 

Agaricus spathulatus, Pers. 
Ground. Sandlake. June. 

Agaricus (Pleurotus) atropellitus, 

Decaying wood and bark both of frondose and acerose trees. 
Maryland. Helderberg and Adirondack mountains. June tou Oct. 

Agaricus (Clitopilus) pascuensis, 7. sp. 

Pileus fleshy, compact, centrally depressed, glabrous, pale-alutae- 
eous, the cuticle of the disk cracking into minute areas; lamellze 
rather narrow, close, decurrent, whitish, becoming flesh-colored ; stem 
short, equal or tapering downward, solid, glabrous, colored like the 
pileus; spores subelliptical, pale-incarnate, .0003 to .0004 in. long, 
-0002 to .00025 broad. 


Pileus 2 to 3 in. broad, stem 8 to 18 lines long, 4 to 6 lines thick. 

Pastures. Day, Saratoga county. July. 

The species is closely related to A. prunulus. It has a farinaceous 
taste but no odor. Its shorter spores, its pileus without any pruinosity 
and appearing slightly scaly on the disk and tinged with tan color 
will readily distinguish it from that species. A. prunulus grows 
in woods in autumn, this species in pastures in midsummer. It is 
solitary or gregarious. | 

Agaricus (Nolanea) fuscogriseéllus, 7. sp. 

Pileus submembranous, convex, conic or campanulate, either with 
or without a central papilla, hygrophanous, grayish-brown, and 
striatulate when moist, paler and shining when dry, but the disk or 
papilla often remaining dark-colored; lamelle moderately close, 
subventricose, whitish, then flesh-colored ; stem slender, brittle, glab- 
rous, hollow, slightly pruinose, or mealy at the top, pallid or livid, 
with a white mycelium at the base; spores irregular, .0004 in. long, 
.0003 broad. 

Pileus 6 to 12 lines broad, stem 1.5 to 3 in. long, | to 2 lines thick. 

Mossy ground in open places. Adirondack mountains. Aug. 
This is more slender than A. pascuus to which it is related, and its 
stem is not fibrous and silky. 

Agaricus formosus, 47’. 
Woods and open places, especially under brakes, Pteris aquilina. 
Adirondack mountains. Aug. 
it closely resembles the very common A. asprellus, from which it 
may be distinguished by the yellowish hue of the pileus. 

Agaricus depluens, /’r. 
‘Decaying wood. Catskill mountains. Gansevoort and Sterling. 
July and August. 
Agaricus marginatus, Batsch. 
Decaying wood. Guilderland. Sept. 

Agaricus unicolor, /’r. 

Decaying wood. Adirondack mountains. Aug., In color and 
size this species bears a striking resemblance to A. laccatus, but its 
habitat and the character of the spores readily distinguish it. 

Agaricus blattarius, /’r. 
Woods. Adirondack mountains. Aug. 

Agaricus calamistratus, 77. 
Damp ground. Delmar. Sept. Our specimens had no decided 
odor, but the essential characters of the species, including the peculiar 
bluish color toward the base of the stem, were present. 

No. 104.] 41 

Agaricus eutheles, B. & Br. 

Under pine trees. West Albany. Sept. In these specimens the 
farinaceous odor attributed to the species was not observed, but the 
other characters were present. 

Agaricus alnicola, /’7. 

At the base of alders and on birchstumps. Delmar. Sept. 

The American specimens have the bitter taste ascribed to the 
European plant. The form found on birch stumps has the lamellze 
rounded behind, while that found at the base of alders has them 
adnate. The young plant has a noticeable annulns but it nearly or 
quite disappears with age. 

Agaricus (Naucoria) elatior, 7. sp. 

Pileus thin, at first conical or subcampanulate, then convex or 
nearly plane, glabrous, slightly viscid and striatulate on the margin 
when moist, livid or grayish-brown; lamellze broad, ventricose, dis- 
tant, whitish or livid, then dark-ferruginous, white on the edge; 
stem elongated, slender, hollow, flexuous, slightly fibrillose, pallid ; 
spores brownish-ferruginous, oblong-elliptical, .0007 to .0008 in. 
long, .0003 to .0004 broad. 

Pileus 5 to 10 lines broad, stem 3 to 5 in. long, about 1 line - 

In sphagnum. Karner. Sept. Related to A. scorpioides. 

Cortinarius arenatus, /7. 
Sandy soil under pine trees. Delmar. Sept. 
A form with longer stem and subconical pileus sometimes occurs 
in marshes among sphagnum. 

Hygrophorus pudorinus, /7. 
Pine woods. Delmar. Sept. 

_ Our plant does not strictly agree with the description of the species 
to which we have referred it. The color of the pileus is darker in the 
center, where it is a brownish-red, but it fades toward the margin, 
where it is nearly white. The stem is not conspicuously contracted 
_ at the apex, but in other respects it agrees so well with the descrip. 
tion of H. pudorinus that it seems to us to belong to that species. 

Russula crustosa, 7. sp. 

Pileus at first convex, then nearly plane or centrally depressed, 
slightly viscid when moist, striate on the margin, brownish-yellow, 
greenish or subolivaceous, the cuticle cracking and for ming small 
spot-like areolee or pseudo-verrucee ; Jamellze nearly entire, some of 
them forked at the base, narrow ed behind and nearly free, white ; 
stem cylindrical, stuffed or hollow, white; spores white, subglobose, 
.0003 to .00035 in. broad; flesh white, taste mild. 

Pileus 3 to5 in. broad, stem 1 to 2.5 in. long, 6 to 12 lines thick. 

Rocky ground in thin woods. Day. July and Aug. 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 6 



This plant approaches /?. wruginea so closely, that it may be a 
question whether it is a distinct species or a mere variety. It differs 
in the breaking up of the cuticle and in having the disk generally 
paler instead of darker than the rest of the pileus. The cuticle 
usually remains entire on the disk, which is of a dingy yellowish 
hue, while toward the margin the color is greenish or smoky-green, 
though in some instances it also is yellowish or dirty straw-color. 
The greenish specimens so closely resemble . virescens, that in a 
dry time they might easily be confused with that species. The viscid 
pileus and its striate margin will distinguish it. The lamelle are 
rather narrow anteriorly. 

Boletus subaureus, ”. 57. 

Pileus convex, becoming nearly plane, soft, viscose, pale-yellow or 
golden-yellow, sometimes mottled with darker spots or tufts of hairs, 
the young margin adorned with a slight grayish tomentum, flesh pale- 
yellow; tubes subdecurrent, small, angular or subrotund, at first yel- 
low then ochraceous-yellow; stem cylindrical, solid, glandular-punc- 
tate, yellow without and within; spores oblong-elliptical, .00035 to 
.0004 in. long; .00016 broad. 

Pileus 2 to 4 in. broad, stem 1.5 to 2.5 in. long, 5 to 6 lines thick. 

Woods. Day. July. 

This species is intermediate between B. flavidus and B. granu- 
latus. It-has the stout stem, thick pileus and general aspect of the 
latter, but the yellow color of the stem and young tubes connect it 


more closely with the former. 

Boletus flavipes, 7. sp. 

Pileus convex or nearly plane, glabrous, dull-red, inclining to 
chestnut color; tubes nearly plane or convex, small, snbrotund, pale- 
yellow, becoming a little darker with age; stem cylindrical, solid, 
furfuraceous, pale-yellow ; spores oblong-fusiform, olivaceous, .0005 
to .0006 in. long, .00016 to .0002 in. broad. 

Pileus 1.5 to 2.5 in. broad, stem 2 to 3 in. long; 4 to 6 lines 

Woods. Caroga and South Ballston. July and Aug. 

Polyporus confluens, /7”. 
Pine woods. New Scotland. Sept. 
Our specimens are not at all squamulose, and this character is not 
attributed to the species by all authors. It is probable that it is 
not uniform jn this respect. 

Polyporus Schweinitzii, 77. 
Pine woods, generally at or near the base of stumps and trees. 

West Albany. Sept. 
P. hispidoides is a dimidiate form of this species, and not a va- 

riety of P.hispidus. 

No. 104.] 43 

Hydnum geogenium, /7. 

Woods. South Ballston. Aug. 

I am not aware that this rare and interesting species has before 
been noticed in this country. According to Fries, the species is very 
variable, so much so that some specimens might be referred to the 
section Pleuropoda, others to Mesopoda, and others still to Apoda, 
to which the typical form belongs. 

Hydnum farinaceum, Pers. 
Decaying wood of hemlock. Osceola. <Aug. 

Grandinia granulosa, 77. 

Dead bark of alders. Karner. Sept. 

A variable species, referred to Thelephora by Albertina and 
Schweinitz, to Hydnum by Persoon, and to Grandinia by Fries. 
Our specimens were whitish when fresh, but they become ochraceous 
or subalutaceous when old and dry. They are also rimose, thus 
answering to variety rzmosa Pers. 

Corticium puteanum, /7. 
Decaying wood in swamps. Guilderland. Sept. 

Corticium radiosum, /7. 
Decaying wood. Osceola. Ang. 

Corticium cinerascens, erh. 
Dead branches of oak. Albany. Aug. 
Our specimens are resupinate. The hymenium when moist was 
tuberculose and of a dingy hue; in the dry state it is cinereous and 
rimose. The spores are elliptical. 

Clavaria circinans, 7. sp. 

Stem short, solid, dichotomously or subverticillately branched 5 
branches slightly diverging or nearly parallel, nearly equal in length, 
the ultimate ones terminating in two or more short acute concolo- 
rous ramuli ; spores ochraceous. 

Plant 1 to2 in. high, obconic in outline, flat topped, appearing 
almost as if truncated, pallid or almost whitish in color, generally 
growing in imperfect circles or curved lines. 

Under spruce and balsam trees. Adirondack mountains. Aug. 

Clavaria gracilis, Pers. 
Ground in open places, especially under brakes, Pteris aqguilina. 
Adirondack mountains. 
The typical form has the branches numerons, nearly straight and 
slender, but forms occur in which they are thicker, more loose and 
flexuous. Such forms approach C. Awnzez in appearance, but they 


may be distinguished by their pallid stem, more tenacious substance 
and yellowish spores. The plant is slightly fragrant. 

Clavaria byssiseda, Pers. 
Decaying wood twigs and bark in woods. Adirondack mountains: 
Easily known by its small size, pallid color, and abundant white 
creeping fibrillose mycelium. 

Tremella pinicola, 2. sp. 

Pulvinate, gyrose-plicate, somewhat lobed and lacunose, raisin- 
colored when moist, blackish when dry, filaments slender, branched ; 
spores oblong, curved, colorless, .0005 in. long, .0002 broad. 

Dead branches of pine. Day. July. It belongs to the section 

Siphoptychium Casparyi, Fost. 

Decaying wood. Lake Placid. Adirondack mountains. G. A. 

Phyllosticta Mitelle, 1. sp. 

Spots suborbicular, brown ; perithecia minute, .0025 to .003 in. 
broad, amphigenous, black; spores subglobose, colorless, .0002 to 
00025 in. long. 

Living leaves of mitre-wort, Mitella diphylla. Newburgh. Sept. 

Phyllosticta Hamamelidis, 7. sp. 

Spots very large, sometimes occupying nearly half the leaf, irregu- 
lar, angular, reddish-brown above, paler beneath; perithecia small, 
004 in. broad, amphigenous, black ; spores broadly elliptical, color- 
less, .0005 to .0006 in. long, .00035 to .0004 broad, often containing 
a single large nucleus. 

Living leaves of witch-hazel, Hamamelis Virginiana. Day. July. 

Phoma aquilina, S. & P. 
Dead stems of ferns. West Albany. May. 

Phoma Strobiligena, Desm. 
ues of pine cones. Albany. - G. W. Clinton. Elizabethtown. 
: Phoma sordida, Sace. 
arenas branches of water beech, Carpinus Americana. Saugerties. 
y Phoma Phillipsiana, S. ¢& RP. 
Dead branches of alders, Alnus viridis. Elizabethtown. May. 
The spores in our specimens do not fully agree with the description 
of the species. They are elliptical or oblong and somewhat variable 
and irregular, but the differences scarcely seem worthy of specific dis- 
Phoma Majanthemi, 2. sp. 
Perithcia minute, .007 to .010 in. broad, amphigenous, subglobose, 
prominent, black; spores oblong, subtruncate at each end, colorless, 

No. 104.] 45 

00025 to .0003 in. long, .00012 broad. Dead leaves of two-leaved 
Solomon’s seal, Majanthemum bifolium. Elizabethtown. May. 

Phoma Clintonii, 7. sp. 

Perithecia numerous, sunk in the wood, oblong or subhysteriiform, 
black; spores oblcng-ovate, colorless, .0004 to .00045 in. long, .00016 
broad, supported on slender basidia. . 

Decorticated wood of horse-chestnut, sculus Hippocastanum. 
Albany. May. (Clinton. 

This is quite distinct from P. diplodioides, both in habit, form of 
perithecia and character of the spores. 

Dendrophoma Cephalanthi, 7. sp. 

Perithecia small, .02 to .025 in. broad, erumpent, depressed, with 
a papillate ostiolum, black; spores abundant, straight or slightly 
curved, coloriess, .00016 to .0002 in. long; basidia very slender, 
branched above, .001 to .0015 in. long. 
Dead branches of button bush, Cephalanthus occidentalis. Karner. 
Dendrophoma Tiliz, 7. sp. 

Perithecia minute, scattered, erumpent, black, white within; spores 
oblong or subcylindrical, obtuse, colorless, .0006 to .001 in. long, 
.0003 to .00035 broad; basidia filiform, branched. 

Dead branches of bass wood, Zilia Americana. Quaker Street. 

Vermicularia uncinata, B. ¢& C. 

Dead stems of Desmodium nudiforum. Sandlake. June. 

Cytispora intermedia, Succ. 
Dead branches of oak, Quercus rubra. Albany. Apr. 

Spheropsis tiliacea, 7. sp. 

Perithecia at first covered, then erumpent, subglobose or depressed, 
numerous, minute, .007 to .010 in. broad, opening by a minute 
pore, black; spores oblong or subelliptical, at first pale, then colored, 
.0007 to .0009 in. long, .0005 to .0006 broad ; sporophores scarcely as 
long as the spores. 

Dead bark of basswood, Tilia Americana. Albany. Apr. 

Spheropsis Lindere, 7. sp. 

Perithecia numerous, minute, .005 to .010 in. broad, erumpent, 
black, white within ; spores obvate or elliptical, at first pale, then 
colored, .0008 to .0011 in. long, .0005 to .0006 broad supported on 
sporophores shorter than themselves, 

Dead branches of spice bush, Lindera benzoin. Albany. May. 

Very near the preceding species. 

Spheropsis Juniperi, 7. sp. 
Perithecia gregarious, numerous, small,.008 to .011 in. broad, erum- 
pent, black; spores oblong or elliptical, 0008 to .00095 in. long, 
-00045 to .0005 broad. 

46 Me Mig [ ASSEMBLY 

Dead bark of red cedar, Juniperus Virginiana. West Albany 

Spheropsis pallida, 2. sp. 

Perithecia caspitose, erumpent, .011 to .013 in. broad, black ; 
spores subglobose, slightly colored, .0007 to .0008 in. long, .00065 
to .00075 broad, containing one to three nuclei; sporophores very 

Dead branches of sumac, Rhus typhina. Saugerties. May. 

This fungus has the general appearance of S. Swmachi, but the 
perithecia are usually smaller than in that species, and the spores 
paler and of a different shape, being nearly globose. 

Spheropsis Spherospora, 7. sp. 

Perithecia numerous, minute, .006 to .007 in. broad, subglobose or 
depressed, at first covered by the epidermis, black, opehing by a 
minute pore; spores globose or subovate, slightly colored, .0004 to 
.0005 in. long, usually containing a single large nucleus. 

Dead stems of silk weed, Asclepias cornutt. Sandlake. June. 

Spheropsis maculans, 7. sp. 

Perithecia immersed in the matrix, .016 to .02 in. broad, black, 
with a papillate ostiolam; spores elliptical, colored, .0004 to .0005 in, 
long, .0002 to .00025 broad. 

Dead decorticated branches. Adirondack mountains. May. 

This is a peculiar and well-marked species. The perithecia are 
immersed in the wood which is stained black just about each peri- 
thecium. The black ostiolum projects slightly above the surface of 
the wood. 

Coniothyrium Staphylee, ». sp. 

Perithecia minute, .007 to .011 in. broad, subglobose, slightly prom- 
inent, at first covered by the epidermis th umpent, black ; spores 
very minute, elliptical, slightly colored, .00016 in. long, .60012 broad. 

Dead whitened twigs of Staphylea trifolia. Saugerties. May. 

Septoria Osmorrhize, . sp. , 
Spots small, subangular or irregular, brown; perithecia epiphyllous, 
.004 to.008 in. broad, slightly prominent, centrally depressed, reddish-— 
brown or amber-colored; spores filiform, more or less curved or 
flexuous, colorless, .002 to .0028 in. long, .00016 broad, oozing out and 
forming a whitish tendril. Living leaves of sweet cicely, Osmorrhiza 
longistylis, Schoharie. July. 

Septoria oleandrina, Sacc. 
Living or languishing leaves of oleander, Neriwm Oleander. Sand- 
lake. June. 


Septoria lineolata, S. & S. 
Dead leaves of sedges, Carex varia. Elizabethtown. May. 

Septoria graminum, Desm. 
Living leaves of black-fruited mountain rice, Oryzopsis melanocarpa. 
Day. July. 

No. 104.] 47 

Rhabdospora pleosporoides, Sacc. 
Dead stems of Scotch thistle, Onopordon acanthium.  Albany- 
May. Clinton. 
Rhabdospora Xanthii, ». sp. 

Perithecia numerous, small, .011 to .014 in. broad, Mimwst COV- 
ered by the thin browned or blackened epidermis which is pierced by 
the ostiola ; spores filiform, curved, colorless, .0008 to .0012 in, long, 
00006 broad. 

Dead stems of cocklebur, Yunthium strumarium. Albany and 
North Greenbush. Apr. 

The tissues surrounding the perithecia are often colored in such a 
Way as to impart a smoky- -brown hue to the affected patches. 

Phlyctezna septorioides, Sacc. 
Dead stems of poke weed, Phytolacca decandra. Albany. Nov. 

Phlyctena complanata Sace. 
Dead stems of Polygonum. North Greenbush. May. 

Zythia ovata, 2. sp. 

Perithecia ovate, reddish or flesh colored when fresh and moist, black 
when dry, single or two to three in a cluster, nearly superficial, .025 
to .030 in. long, .017 to .018 broad; spores oblong, colorless, .0003 in. 
long, .00012 road ; basidia densely and fasciculately branched. 

Dead bark of poplar. South Ballston. Sept. 

Diplodina Ellisii, Sacc. 
Dead stems of goose foot, Chenopodium album. North Greenbush. 
This was originally Diplodia hyalospora, C. & E, The perithecia 
are.008 to .01 broad. ‘The spores are at first simple, then uniseptate. 
They are ,0007 to.001 long, .00035 to .0004 broad. 

Thyrsidium Micheneri, Sacc. 

Dead branches of water beech, Carpinus Americana. West Troy. 
This is Cheirospora Micheneri, B. & CO. 

Marsonia Martini, S. & Z. 
Living leaves of Quercus prinoides. Karner. Sept. 

Coryneum compactum, B. & Br. 
Dead branches of red birch, Betula nigra. Saugerties. May. 

Pestalozzia Saccardoi, Speg. 

Dead leaves of oak, Quercus alba. Day. July. The spots on the 
leaves are less black and the colored cells of the spores are more nu- 
merous in this species than in 1s monochete, which algo inhabits oak 


Pestalozzia consocia, 2. sp. 

Spots very large, sometimes occupying nearly half the leaf, irregular 
or angular, reddish-brown above, paler beneath ; aceryuli amphigen- 
ous, minute, punctiform, black; spores oblong-fusiform, .0012 to 
.0014 in. long, .0003 broad, five septate, with four colored cells, .0009 
to.0011 in. long and asingle bristle at the apex. 

Living leaves of witch-hazel, Hamamelis Virginiana, Day. July. 

The species is associated with and occupies the same spots as 
Phyllosticta Hamamelidis. It may be a question as to which species 
causes the spots, though they are probably due to the Phyllosticta. 

Pestalozzia? campsosperma, 7. sp. 

Aceryuli hypophyllows, minutely tufted; spores fusiform, curved, 
triseptate, .0008 to .0012 in. long, .00028 to .00032 in. broad, with two 
colored cells .0005 in. long, the apical cell hyaline, conical, ending in 
an acuminate point, the lower cell tapering into the short pedicel. 

Dead leaves of balsam fir, Abies bulsamea. Adirondack mountains. 
June. ; 

This is a singular species. I have seen no terminal cilia and am not 
able to say whether they are entirely wanting or whether they are early 
deciduous. ‘hecharacters otherwise are so exactly like those of Pes- 
talozzia that I have, with some doubt, referred our plant to that genus. 
The curved spores are very characteristic of the species. 

Uredo Ledi, A. € S. 
Living leaves of Labrador tea, Leduwm latifolium. Bergen swamp, 
Genesee county, and Sandlake, Rensselaer county. Juue. 

The authors of this species remark that the leaves attacked by the 
fungus appear broader than usual. This peculiarity was very percep- 
tible in the Bergen swamp specimens, the usually involute margins of 
the leaves being almost wholly expanded or unrolled. The spores, 
which occur on the lower surface of the leaf and are partly concealed 
by its tomentum, are .0008 to .0009 in. broad. Their smaller size, 
different place of occurrence, and the different color of the spots readily 
distinguish this species from Uredo ledicola. 

Puccinia hastata, Che. 

Living leaves of Viola primulefolia. Riverhead. Sept. The typical 
form was discovered in Maine on leaves of Viola hastata. In our 
specimens teleutospores and stylospores occur on the same leaf and 
sometimes in the same sorus. 

Gymnosporangium clavarieforme, D. C. 

Branches of Juniper, Juniperus communis. Elizabethtown. May. 

This was in some instances associated with Gymnosporangium cla- 
vipes, the two occurring near each other on the same branch. The 
species is a rare one in this country, and has hitherto been reported 
from Maine only. 

Periconia pycnospora, /’res. 
Dead stems of melilot. Bethlehem. Apr. 

No. 104. ] ; 49 

Sporodinia grandis, LA. 
Decaying Agaricus abortivus. Osceola. Aug. 

Tllosporium humigenum, Pk. & Sace. 

Tufts subglobose or pulvinate, rather compact, often botryoidal by 
confluence, sordid red, grayish or subcinereous; spores globose, at first 
three or more aggregated, then. free, colorless, .0002 to .00028 in. 
broad; basidia none or obsolete. 

Damp ground, horse dung, ete. Lebanon Springs. Clinton. Co- 
pake. Aug. and Sept. 

Monilia Peckiana, Succ. 

Petioles of dwarf blueberry, Vaccinium Pennsylvanicum. Cobble 
Hill, near Elizabethtown. May. 

This is a very destructive fungus. The leaves, of which the petioles 
are attacked, soon wither, turn brown and die. The destruction of 
the leaf tissues progresses from the base toward the apex as if destroyed 
by the advancing mycelium. But the strings of spores, so far as I 
have observed, are produced on the petioles only. The spores vary 
very much in size, ranging from .0005 to .0012 in. long, and from 
.0005 to .0009 broad. They are globose or subelliptical and usually 
have a slight prominence or apiculus at one or both ends. 

Variety angustior Sace. Young fruit of choke cherry, Prunus Vir- 
giniana. Schoharie. July. This differs from the typical form not 
only in its host plant and place of development, but also in the size of 
the spores. These are subglobose and .0004 to .0005 in. long. These 
differences seem. to me to indicate a difference of species, but Prof. 
Saccardo regards this fungus as a mere variety of the former. It is 
very destructive to the young cherries. In some instances nearly all 
the cherries in a raceme were affected by it. Those attacked were 
smaller than the healthy ones. They were of a brownish or grayish- 
brown hue, and more or less frosted by the fungus. Should this para- 
site ever escape from its native host plant and attack our cultivated 
cherries, it might become a very annoying and destructive pest. 

Ramularia Geranii, Pek. 

Living or languishing leaves of wild geranium, Geranium macula- 
tum. Schoharie. July. 

Saprolegnia ferax, Auwiz. 

On fishes in an aquarium. Albany. Also in an artificial fish pond. 
Sandlake. It issometimes very destructive to fish. 

Geoglossum viscosum, Pers. 

Ground under brakes, Péteris aquilina. Adirondack mountains. 
Aug. This may be distinguished by its triseptate spores from G. 
Peckianum, which it much resembles. 

Leotia mercida, Pers. 
Swampy places. Delmarand Karner. Sept. 
[Assem. Doc. No. 104. ] a 

50 : [ ASSEMBLY 

Godronia Cassandra, 1. sp. 

Receptacle small, .02 to 03. in. broad, sessile or nearly so, depressed, 
urceolate, tawny-brown, the hymenium whitish or livid when moist, 
darker when dry, the narrow mouth entire or slightly dentate-lacerate, 
almost closed when dry ; asci cylindrical, .0045 to .005 in. long, .0003 
to .0004 broad ; spores filiform, nearly straight, .002 to .003 in. long ; 
paraphyses filiform, numerous. 

Dead branches of leather leaf, Cassandra calyculata, Karner, Aug. 

Tympanis saligna, ode. 

Dead branches of willow, Salix purpurea. West Albany. Apr. 
The specimens are without fruit and to this extent doubtful. 

Stictis Saccardoi, Rehm. 
Dead stems of scouring rush, Hgwisetum hyemale. Delmar. Sept. 

Lichenopsis spheroboloidea, Schw. 
Dead stemsof Cornus. Elizabethtown. May. 

Asoomyces extensus, Pk. 

Spots large, irregular, brown, usually somewhat convex above and 
concave below, most frequently occurring at the apical end of the leaf 
or of its lobes; asci hypophylious, cylindrical, obtuse or subtruncate, 
.002 to .0025 in. long, .0009 to .0011 broad ; spores globose or broadly 
elliptical, variable in size, .00016 to .0003 in. long, .00016 to .00025 

Living leaves of the over-cup oak, Quercus macrocarpa. Platts- 
burgh. July. Gen. J. M. Robertson. 

The specimens were first sent by Gen. Robertson to the editors 
of the Country Gentleman, with the information that nearly every 
leaf on the tree was affected ina manner similar to those sent. In 
these the dead spots occupied one-fourth to one-half the entire leaf. 
They number from one to three spots ona leaf. It is very evident 
that the vital functions of leaves so extensively affected must be much 
impaired, and that the health and vigor of the tree must be corre- 
spondingly weakened. It was also stated that many other oaks in that 
region were similarly affected. ‘The species is distinct from A. Quercus 
Cke., in the character of the spots and also of the spores. 

Microspheria Ceeanothi, (Schw.). 

Living leaves of New Jersey tea, Ceanothus Americanus. New 
Scotland. Oct. 

This appears to be the fungus described by Schweinitz as Hrysiphe 
Ceanothi, although the perithecia in our specimens can scarcely be de- 
scribed as ‘‘ immersed ” and the species is a Microspheria, not an Hry- 
siphe. It is closely related to IW. penicillata, having about four eight- 
spored asci in a perithecium, but it differs from that fungus in occur- 
ring only on the upper surface of the leaves. It sometimes attacks 
the immature fruit which it covers witha more dense white mycelium. 

No. 104.] bo ob 

Valsa rhoophila, C. & Z#. 
Dead branches of poison sumach, Rhus venenata. Guilderland. 
Valsa glandulosa, Che. 
Dead branches of Ai/anthus glandulosus. Cold Spring. June. 

Valsa cenisia, De ot. 

Dead branches of red cedar, Juniperus Virginiana, West Albany. 

Rosellinia ambigua, Sacc. 

Decorticated stems of red-berried elder, Sambucus pubens. Adi- 
rondack mountains and Sandlake. June. 

The species belongs to the section Coniocheta. The perithecia in 
some of our specimens are so densely crowded that they form a con-. 
tinuous black stratum. 

Rosellinia mastoidea, Sacc. 
Fallen decorticated branches of willow, Saliz purpurea. West Al- 
bany. Apr. 
Hypoxylon semiimmersum, JVi/s. 
Decaying wood. Adirondack mountains. June. 

Lestadia sculi, 7. sp. 

Perithecia small, .007 in. broad, lenticular, covered by the epidermis, 
erumpent, opening by a minute pore, black; asci subclavate; spores 
crowded, subelliptical, colorless, .0003 to .0004 in. long, .0002 to .00025 
in. broad. 

Fallen petioles of horse chestnut, @sculus Hippocastanum. Albany. 
May. Clinton. 

Spherella maculosa, Succ. 

Fallen leaves of poplar, Populus tremuloides. Adirondack moun- 
tains. June. 

This species resembles S. orbdicularis, but the perithecia are smaller 
and hypopbyllous, and the spores are larger and distinctly colored. 

Spherella macularis, Awersw. 
Fallen leaves of poplar. Adirondack mountains. June. 
In this species the spots are small and angular, the perithecia are 
amphigenous and the spores are smaller than in S. maculosa. 

Spherella Lycopodii, 7. sp. 

Perithecia minute, .004 in. broad, blackish; asci oblong or subcylin- 
drical, often slightly narrowed toward the apex, .0012 to .0016 in. long, 
.0004 broad; spores oblong, .00045 to .0U05 in long, .00016 to .0002 

Scales of dead spikes of club moss, Lycopodium clavatam. Aduiron- 
dack mountains. June. 

This differs from S. lycopodina, in its place of growth and in its 
smaller asci and spores. 


Diaporthe Carpini, Fcki. 
Dead branches of water beech, Carpinus Americana. Albany. Apr. 

Diaporthe Robergeana, /Viess/. 
Dead branches of bladder-nut, Staphylea trifolia. Albany. Apr. 

Diaporthe galericulata, Sace. 
Dead branches of beech, Fagus sylvatica. Sandlake. June. 

Diaporthe Neillic, x. sp. 

Perithecia numerous, .02 to .024 in. broad, loosely and irregularly ag- 
gregated in extensive patches, immersed in the interior bark and often 
forming a slight depression in the wood, covered by the epidermis 
which is pierced by the black conical or rostellate ostiolum, the base 
often concave beneath ; asci subcylindrical, the sporiferous part about 
0025 in. long, .0003 to. 0004 broad; spores crowded or biseriate, oblong 
or subfusiform, slightly constricted at the septum, two or four nucleate, 
-00055 to .00065 in. long, .0002 to .00025 broad. 

Dead branches of nine bark, Netllia opulifolia. Albany. Apr. 

The surface of the affected branch is rough to the touch by reason 
of Ue projecting ostiola. The perithecia are sometimes valsoidly clus- 

Diaporthe marginalis, n. sp. 

Pustules numerous, covered by the epidermis which is somewhat 
elevated; perithecia valsoid, 8 to 15 in a pustule, nestling in the inner 
bark with no circumscribing line, the ostiola slightly emergent, black, 
usually surrounding the margin of the whitish pulveraceous erumpent 
disk; asci subeylindrical, .0025 to .003 in. long, .0004 to .0005 broad; 
spores crowded or biseriate, uniseptate, obscurely apiculate at each 
end, .0008 to 0009 in long, .0002 to .00025 broad. 

Dead branches of Alnus viridis. Elizabethtown. May. 

In its external appearance this fungus resembles Valsa ambiens. 
In the larger pustules the ostiola form a marginal circle about the 
disk as in that species, but in the smaller ones they sometimes emerge 
centrally and obliterate the disk. 

Diaporthe sparsa, 7. sp. 

Perithecia few, minute, scattered, immersed in the wood whose 
surface is blackened; asci clavate or subcylindrical, .003 to .0035 in. 
long, .0003 to .0004 broad; spores crowded, oblong or subfusiform, 
colorless, constricted at the septum, four-nucleate, .0008 to .0012 in. 
long, .0002 to .00028 broad. Dead branches of Rhus Toxicodendron. 
Saugerties. May. 

Didymospheria bacchans, Pass. 

Dead branches of grapevines. Saugerties. May. 

Leptospheria Typharum, Aars¢. 
Dead leaves of Typha latifolia. Adirondack mountains. June. 

No. 104.] 53 

Leptospheria Kalmia, n. sp. 

Perithecia subczspitose, erumpent, .014 to .018 in. broad, sub- 
hemispherical, thick, black, the ostiola pertuse or slightly papillate; 
asci cylindrical, .004 to .005 in. long, .0003 to .00035 broad; spores 
uniseriate, oblong or subfusiform, triseptate, sometimes slightly con- 
stricted at the middle septum, colored, .00065 to .0008 in. long, 
.00025 to .0003 broad; paraphyses filiform. 

Dead stems of sheep laurel, Aalmia angustifolia. Adirondack 
mountains. June. 

Generally there are two to four perithecia in a cluster, but some- 
times they are single and occasionally laterally compressed. The 
epidermis usually ruptures longitudinally. ‘The species is related to 
Leptospheria vagabunda. 

Zignoella diaphana, Sacc. 
Decaying weod. Adirondack mountains. June. 
Our specimens have the perithecia depressed and smaller than in 
the type. . 
Pyrenophora relicina, Sace. 
Dead leaves of quack grass, Triticum repens. West Albany and 
Helderberg mountains. May. 

Cryptospora Tilie, 72/. 
Dead branches of basswood, Tilia Americana. Helderberg moun- 
tains. May. 
Hypocrea fungicola, Aarst. 
Decaying Polyporus. Caroga. July. The species was formerly 
confused with H. citrina, which it very closely resembles. 

Pleonectria Berolinensis, Sacc. 
Dead stems of currant, Rides rubrum. Albany. April. 


Ranunculus repens, L. 

A beautiful double flowered Ranunculus was found growing ina 
wet place by theroad side in the village of Bergen. Its creeping 
stems and other characters connect it with FR. repens, and especially 
with that form of it which was described by Dr. Beck as R. Clintonit. 
Whether the plant with its double flowers was a spontaneous develop- 
ment or whether it had escaped from cultivation in some garden is not 

Actea alba, Bigel. 

A form with long slender pedicels was found at Karner growing 
with A. rubra. The latter sometimes has thick pedicels, so that the 
color of the fruit remains as the most reliable character for distin- 
guishing these species. 


Barbarea vulgaris, 2. Br. 

This plant is very abundant on the low lands between Utica and 
Rome. It takes possession of pastures and cleared Jands and rivals 
the common yellow buttercups in profusion. Its vigorous and abun- 
dant growth give it the appearance of an introduced plant and make 
it worthy of classification among our noxious weeds. Variety arcuata 
occurs along shaded streams in Sandlake. 

Arabis lyrata, L. 

The usual habitat of this plant is on rocks and precipices, but fine 
specimens were found growing in a sandy field near Albany. 

Camelina sativa, L. 

Abundant in wheat fields near Bergen. June. An introduced and 
troublesome weed. 

Viola cucullata, A7?. 

A peculiar form of this very variable species grows in Bergen 
swamp. The leaves are very small, about half an inch broad, the 
peduncles are elongated and the lateral petals are whitish at the base. 

Prunus serotina, Hirh. 

The black cherry is very abundant about Southfield, Orange county, 
where it blossoms profusely even when a mere shrub in size. The 
choke cherry is also common here. It blossoms two or three weeks 
earlier than the black cherry. 

Cephalanthus occidentalis, L. 

The leaves are usually opposite or ternate, but sometimes there are 
four in a whorl. 

Crantzia lineata, Vwtt. 

Specimens of this rare plant were sent from Wading River by Z. 8. 

Epilobium hirsutum, Z. 

This introduced gradually spreading. It isin North Green- 
bush, G. W. Clinton, and at Dunsback Ferry, near Cohoes. 4. C. 

Petasites palmata, (ray. 

This rare species has been found in a sphagnous marsh in Sandlake. 
Gordiner, It also occurs sparingly in a marsh near Guilderland 
Station, in Albany county, but here it is in danger of extermination 
as the marsh will probably be soon cleared for cultivation. 

Senecio aureus, L. 
Variety Balsamite was found in dry rocky places at Southfield. 

Vaccinium Pennsylvanicum, Lam. 

The black-fruited form, variety nigrwm, is not rare in the town of 
Day, Saratoga county. In one locality on the top of a mountain it 

No. 104. ] 55 

was found producing berries of unusual size. Many of them were 
found by actual measurement to be fully a half inch in diameter. 
They were sweet and agreeable to the taste and grew in close clusters 
of three to six berries. ‘This form would be a most desirable one to 
introduce into cultivation if it can be made to thrive as well in other 
localities as it does in its native one. The same variety, bearing 
more abundant though smaller fruit, was found growing in a marsh 
in the same town. ‘This would indicate its adaptability to a variety of 
Clethra alnifolia, Z. 

The sweet pepper bush or white alder is abundant about Spruce 
pond near Southfield; alsoon Skunnemunk mountain. In the former 
locality, a plant of Leucothoé racemosa was also observed. 

‘Menyanthes trifoliata, Z. 

Spruce pond near Southfield. The flowers are dimorphous. On 
some plants the stamens are longer than the pistils, on others shorter. 

Apocynum androsemifolium, L. 

There are two forms of our common dogbane, in one of which the 
flowers are nearly twice as large as in the other. 

Celtis occidentalis, L. 

Near Saugerties. The hackberry is not rare in the lower part of the 
Hudson river valley, but northward and westward it is seldom found. 
I am informed that a tree of this species growing in the Mohawk 
valley, near Sprakers, is such a novelty that it has received from the 
inhabitants the name of ‘‘ the unknown tree.” 

Nyssa multiflora, Wang. 

Abundant on Skunnemunk mountain where it forms a tall tree and 
has a trunk twelve inches or more in diameter at the base. 

Betula nigra, L. 

The red birch was admitted into the New York Flora by Dr. Torrey, 
on the authority of Dr. J. Carey, who gave Saugerties as its locality. 
No specimens were placed in the Herbarium. Desiring New York 
specimens, I visited Saugerties and found several trees growing along 
the banks of the Aisopus river south of Saugerties. he species is 
easily known by its rough bark, curved branches and long drooping 
branchlets. The bark of young trees is smooth and whitish or red- 
dish-white and such trees might easily be mistaken for the paper birch 
or poplar leayed white birch. 

Alnus viridis, D. C. 
Plentiful on Cobbie hill, also along the road between Elizabethtown 
and Keene. 
Arisema triphyllum, 7Zorr. 
The apex of the spadix of the Indian turnip is generally obtuse. A 
specimen was found near Albany, in which the spadix was abruptly 


contracted near the top and prolonged into a slender subulate point, 
thus showing a tendency to approach, in form, the spadix of A. 

Symplocarpus fetidus, Salisd. 

A specimen occurred near West Albany of which the spathe was 
double, or rather there were two spathes one smaller, partly within the 
other and facing it. The smaller interior one contained the spadix. 

Orontium aquaticum, L. 

Abundant at Spruce pond, Orange county. The spadix or club is 
at first greenish, then bright yellow, finally green again. In the yellow 
or flowering state it is erect and the scape for a short distance below 
the spadix is a pure white. After flowering the spadix is thrust beneath 
the surface of the water by the bending of the scape and both it and 
the upper part of the scape gradually assume their final green color. 
The flowers are protogynous and their odor is similar to that of chest- 
nut blossoms. ‘The plants sometimes grow among the sphagnum and 
sedges of the low quaking shores, and then their leaves are erect. The 
root is so deeply and firmly fixed in its place, that it is exceedingly 
difficult to obtain an entire plant. 

Cypripedium candidum, Mihi. 

In Bergen swamp the white lady slipper is associated with the larger 
and smaller yellow lady slippers. This is its only New York locality 
known to me, and it grieves me to know that it is here sometimes col- 
lected unsparingly merely for hand bouquets. By such treatment it is 
in danger of extermination. Such a rare and beautiful plant should 
be gathered sparingly and preserved in its native locality as long as 

Trillium grandiflorum, Salisb. 

The variety variegatum has again been collected in the Jamesville 
locality where it presented the same characteristics as last year. Mrs. 
Goodrich writes that no specimen with sessile leayes had variegated 
petals. The petioled leaves and petals striped with green are thus far 
constantly associated. Of some plants transferred to her garden all 
reproduced the petioled leaves, and the single ane which blossomed had 
its petals marked with green. One plant occurred in which the flower 
was borne on one stem and the leaves on another, both rising from 
the same rootstock. Miss Overacker found a monstrosity in which the 
flower had nine petals and twelve stamens; also another in which all 
the parts of the flower were in fours, even the ovary being four-celled. 
Rey. Mr. Beauchamp also found near Baldwinsville a specimen whose 
flower had six long sepals and eighteen shorter petals. Under proper 
cultivation this plant would probably produce double flowers and 
numerous varieties very readily. 

Carex sterilis, Wild. 
The typical form in which the spikes are often all or nearly all 
staminate is abundant in Bergen swamp. In the eastern part of the 
State the plants almost uniformly bear pistillate spikes, and an abun- 

No. 104.] 57 

dance of fruit. C. sterilis and C. flava are the prevailing species in 
Bergen swamp. Among the interesting and rare species are C. gyno- 
crates, the typical form, and C. vaginata. 

Agaricus melleus, Vail. 

An abortive form of this Agaric sometimes occurs. It resembles 
the abortive form of A. abortivus. 

Agaricus serrulatus, Pers. 

This species is quite variable. An Agaric was found in the Adiron- 
dack wilderness which I was at first inclined to regard as an unde- 
scribed species, but have concluded that it is a variety of A. serrulatus. 
The pileus is grayish or whitish-gray and the stem is destitute of the 
blackish points which belong to the typical form. It may be distin- 
guished as variety pallida. 

Lactarius resimus, /7. 

The plant which we have referred to this species as variety regalis 
was observed in Day. Its glabrous margin and glabrous stem remain 
constant. The pileus was obscurely zonate and the stem spotted. It 
might, at first sight, be mistaken for Z. insulsus, but the change in 
the color of the milk would correct such a mistake. 

Russula feetens, 47. 

Variety granulata has the cuticle of the pileus rough with small 
granular scales. 

Gymnosporangium macropus, Schw. 

Plentiful on red cedar trees about Highland Mills, Orange county. 
and also about Schoharie. 

Septoria mirabilis, Px. 
This should be referred to the genus Gleosporium. 

Septoria corylina, Pk. 
Variety permaculata differs from the typical form in having the 
spots large, brown or reddish-brown with an arid paler center. Living 
leaves of Corylus rostrata. Day. 

Cenangium deformatum, P24. 

If the genus Cenangium be limited to such species as have simple 
colorless spores, this species must be transferred to the genus Karschia. 

Hypoderma Desmazieri, Duby. 

Specimens were found on leaves of pitch pine, Pinus rigida, while 
they were yet on the tree and green at the base. This would indicate 
‘ that the fungus sometimes attacks and kills the leaves. 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104. | 8 



Spathularia flavida, Pers. 
Variety rugosa has the club rugose. It was found in the Adiron- 

dack region growing in a circle about fifteen feet in diameter. All 

the plants in the circle had the club or receptacle rugose. Some of 
the plants were affected by Hypocrea alutacea. ‘The stems were quite 
as velvety as in the form described as Spathularia velutipes, 0. & ¥. 

Spherotheca pannosa, Lev. 

Variety Ridis occurs on the stems, fruit and leaves of wild goose- 
berry, Ribes cynosbati. Bergen. June. It forms a dense felty stra- 
tum of mycelium, which is white at first but soon becomes brown. In 
the form on roses the mycelium, so far as I have observed, remains 
white. I have received from Prof. Scribner specimens of the same 
variety which were found on gooseberry in Colorado. 

Hypoxylon Morsei, b. & OC. 

Dead branches of poison sumach, Rhus venenata. Guilderland 
station. May. If H. Blakei be united to this species, which union 
some advocate, then H. Morsei is an inhabitant of alders, willows, 
poplars and sumach. 

Sordaria coprophila, C. ¢ D. 

In the early and immature condition of this fungus, the perithecia 
are thinly clothed with a minute cinereous flocculent villosity or 
tomentum, and the spores are cylindrical flexuous and colorless and 
very unlike the elliptical colored appendaged spore of the mature state. 

Spheria taxicola, Px. 
The spores in this are .0008 to .0009 in. long, .00016 to .0002 broad, 
triseptate and colorless. Therefore the species should be referred to 
the genus Metaspheeria of the Saccardoian system. 




Stem eccentric, lateral or none. Spores white. 

The species of this genus grow chiefly on decaying wood. <A few 
grow on the ground or are attached to mosses. ‘They are very diverse 
in size and general appearance. For instance, there is little resemblance 
between P. ulmarius and P. striatulus, the one a large species with a 
stout stem and thick fleshy pileus, the other a very small one with 
no stem and a thin membranous pileus. Yet both)are included by 
the generic description. By reason of the lateral or eccentric stem 
and of the tufted mode of growth of some species, the pileus is often 
very irregular and unsymmetrical. Some of the species are also very 

variable in color, and among the small, at first resupinate forms, the 
‘young plant is often, in appearance, very unlike the reflexed mature 

No. 104. ] 59 

plant. These variations make it difficult to accurately describe the 
species and to satisfactorily identify them from the published descrip- 
tions. Some of them, by reviving under the influence of moisture 
and by the tenacity of their substance, indicate an affinity with the 
genus Panus and its allies. Someof the larger stout-stemmed species 
occasionally have the stem nearly or quite central in which case they 
might be taken for species of T'richoloma, though their lignatile in- 
stead of terrestrial habitat would be an indication of their real affinity, 
but not a wholly reliable one, since some species of Tricholoma grow 
on wood. By their white spores they are separated from the otherwise 
similar Claudopodes and Crepidoti. Two species, P. sapidus and 
P. euwosmus have pale lilac-tinted spores, but these can scarcely justify 
the removal of these plants to any genus having colored spores, since 
they would harmonize no better there than here. Indeed there is 
room for doubt if either of these supposed species is more than a 
variety of P. ostreatus. Several species have valuable esculent quali- 
ties. Fries has divided the genus into three sections, which for 
convenience we have adopted in the arrangement of our New York 
Pleuroti. He names them respectively, EXCENTRICI, DIMIDIATI and 

Synopsis of the Species. 

Stem eccentric pileus entire or marginate behind..... sooo D0CKC nocucbpeod | ii 

Stem none or short, pileus.sessile or not marginate behind................ 7 

1. Lamelle adnate or emarginate, not decurrent.......... Sn énovacwdh tc Bead! “ee 

i Mamelle distinctly, decurrents <2els.<c\s sie 0e eee. © Coots! ob Eso OdOMODTOOL 4 

2. Lamelle white ........ bdddS dobooDoDOMOnaDS sunsodooG: A600 essed 3 

ye Abpneneiles Ellon papa oodabbaee 5 bGGe HO OUeUOUdCOUO .. 2. LP. sulphureoides. 

8. Odor farinaceous, spores elliptical........ paren tastolors elstereystenansveraistl sal UORLCICELLS: 

8. Odor not farinaceous, spores globose......... “catinGEedocoo SoOtEe P. ulmarius. 

4. Pileus slightly areolate....... HasoodoeT adcodsdooouseus ...0..P. subareolatus. 

4. Pileus not areolate...... sebGoabbocsane Gaon oe Saeoned sooorooodoNcS Aehoe O 

5. Spores dull lilac.... ..... falatetevalelinatciststetslatalaveraicicictnteiels’eelere'. :..P. sapidus. 

Dee SOLES e wiNiLes in «yor, alaiicrclersjorn ond SO0G8aG0R GnoGonaae Ae ODEO CeO eB oaeT 6 

6. Lamelle anastomosing at the base...... se6a0d0cDCOnGedG ac seid oedze OStREALUS: 

G2 uamelilserdistinct, atthe ase: uc: cissieias wisi sretilernveutie silessysierehes, Verse P. salignus. 
7, Pileus never resupinate, generally with a short lateral stem or stem- 

HEL DASE Seyela Werses cela s/cie ia coc lonatereheneletorsiaiau nalietarsteraen ons eiiaiicicvatereale iterece te ES 

7. Pileus at first resupinate, generally sessile........ Sivan lorie aera sh ove 11 

8. Pileus viscid when young or moist. ...,...... als ein nla chine a¥eicleaisEre SETOUURUS. 
Be eS ULC, MOU VIS CIID osc) Ae a) cpl tent Rh ated eich ofcVs wl s\el es ecaiesers ie: nono poRsOn ae oN 

9. Lamellee gray, subdistant, stem not compressed ........ .....L. tremulus. 

9. Lamellae white, crowded, stem compressed........ odcdoec A, wate Rae 1 

10. Plant growing on the ground.........6 eeeeeeeeeees Suooeder P. spathulatus. 

10. Plant growing on decaying wood...........-- siajalejwralste's «ainre =) als P. petaloides. 

dy Pal eursy WINGO 1 sey araha) «, isinyatara"e shaie! ais 6ipi a6 Beste tercisieiice «siete aheyolisteksiore sie 12 

PACE MCUS TOL WHEE: ihria/eiscajalesere cisicleie,s'eieiele «\s) ©) a1ats S CODOOD BORED oealod nate 13 

2 Bilensrone neh) OF MOTE MOM sean tse) slelelsle eyelei-)s/e 61610101010 ADs P. porrigens. 

12. Pileus small, less than one inch long or broad..... ackpdind co uab Oe P. septicus. 

18. Lamelle white or yellowish........ ..... sécuopocranod P.atroceruleus. 

13. Lamelle cinereous, livid-brown or blackish.............0----s sesso 14 

14. Pileus even or slightly striate on the margin...............-. P. atropellitus. 

14. Pileus plicate-striate, black ............. Brava tate sietere) aie Bite Attest P. niger. 

14. Pileus striate, cinereous or livid-brown.... ......+.. Si aerttte aerate P. striatulus. 

Pileus entire or with a thin margin on one side, stem distinct, eccen- 
tric or lateral. ; 



Pleurotus ulmarius, /7. 
Elm Agaric. 
Agaricus ulmarius, Bull. 

Pileus fleshy, compact, convex or nearly plane, giabrous, moist, some- 
times tinged with reddish, yellowish or brownish hues and marbled 
with livid spots, becoming darker and shining when old, flesh pure 
white ; lamelle broad, emarginate or rounded behind, adnexed, mode- 
rately close, white or whitish ; stem stout, solid, straight or curved, 
glabrous or partly or wholly tomentose, whitish ; spores globose, .0002 
to .00025 in. broad. 

Pileus 3 to 6 in. broad, stem 1 to 3 in. long, 6 to 10 lines thick. 

Trunks of elm trees. Albany and Trenton Falls. September to 
December. Edible. 

Variety acericola. Plant smaller, czspitose. 

Trunks and roots of maple trees. Adirondack mountains. September. 

Variety populicola. lant subceespitose, stem wholly tomentose. 
West Albany. 

This is one of our largest Pleuroti. It is variable in size and appear- 
ance. The stem is often thickened either above or below, and it 
may be glabrous or entirely tomentose, or only at the base or apex. 
Sometimes it is longitudinally rimose. On the elms of Albany it 
usually grows from places where branches have been cut away. It 
persists as a conspicuous object for many days. In very wet weather 
the disk is apt to crack either in a radiate or reticulate manner, - 

Pleurotus sulphureoides, Pk. 
Pale-yellow Agaric. 

Pileus fleshy, rather thin, convex, umbonate, glabrous or slightly 
squamulose, pale-yellow ; lamelle moderately close, rather broad, 
slightly emarginate or rounded behind, pale-yellow.; stem firm, equal, 
slightly fibrillose, stwjfed or hollow, generally curved and eccentric, 
rarely central, slightly mealy or tomentose at the top, yellowish or 
pallid; spores elliptical, .0003 to .00035 in. long .0002 to .00025 broad. 

Pileus 1 to 2 in. broad, stem 1 to 1.5 in. high, 2 to 3 lines thick. 

Decaying prostrate trunks. Catskill mountains. October. Rare. 
This species has not been detected since its discovery. It becomes 
paler in drying. The minute scales are brown, but sometimes are 
wanting. I have separated this Agaric from A. sulphureus because of 
its eccentric stem, woody habitat and squamulose pileus. 

Pleurotus hgnatilis, 77. 
Wood-inhabiting Agaric. 
Agaricus abscondens, Pk. 

Pileus compact, convex, sometimes slightly depressed or umbilicate, 
flocculose-pruinose or glabrous, white ; lameile thin, narrow, crowded, 
emarginate or adnate, white ; stem unequal, rather slender, curved, 
stuffed or hollow, whitish, sometimes tomentose at the base; spores, 
minute, elliptical, 00016 to 0002 in, long, usually with a shining 
nucleus; odor distinct, farinaceous. 

No. 104.] 61 

Pileus 2 to 3 in. broad, stem 1 to 2 in. long, 2 to 4 lines thick. 

Decaying wood. Griffins, Delaware county, September. 

Our specimens, by their pure white color, emarginate adnexed lamelle 
and glabrous stem, did not well agree with the published description 
of P. lignatilis, and they were, therefore, described in the Thirty-first 
Report as a distinct species. But P. lignatilis is very variable accord- 
ing to Fries, and as our plant is scarcely more than a variety of it we 
have united it thereto. 

Pleurotus subareolatus, Ps. 
Shightly-areolate Agaric. 

Pileus compact, convex, whitish. tinged with brownish pink, usually 
cracking in small maculiform areas; lamelle rather broad, loose, 
decurrent, whitish becoming tinged with yellow in drying; stem 
eccentric, subvertical, short, curved, firm, solid, sometimes com- 
pressed, white; spores oblong, .0005 to .0006 in. long, about .0002 

Pileus 3 to 4 in. broad, stem 6 to 12 lines long, 4 to 6 lines thick. 

Trunks of elm trees. Bethlehem. October. 

This plant has occurred with us but once. It differs from P. tessu- 
latus by its stroagly decurrent lamelle which form slightly elevated 
lines far down on the stem. 

Pleurotus sapidus, Aalchd. 
Sapid Agaric. 

Plant generally czspitose; pileus eccentric or lateral, rarely sessile, 
irregular, convex or depressed on the disk, glabrous, variable in 
color, whitish, yellowish, grayish-brown, lilac-brown or smoky- 
brown, flesh white ; lamellae rather broad, subdistant, decurrent, dis- 
tinct or anastomosing at the base, whitish; stem firm, solid, straight 
or curved, white or whitish, often united at the base; spores oblong, 
pale lilac, .00035 to .00045 in. long, .00016 to .0002 broad. 

Pileus 2 to 5 in. broad, stem 1 to 2 in. long, 3 to 8 lines thick. 

Decaying wood of elm, beech, birch, horse-chestnut, etc., sometimes 
on buried sticks. Common. June to November. Edible. 

This is a very variable species, closely allied to P. ostreatus, with 
which it is sometimes confused, and from which its short-stemmed 
subsessile forms with anastomosing lamellz can scarcely be distin- 
guished except by the peculiar color of the spores. These, when caught 
on white paper, have a dull, pale-lilac hue, inclining to lavender color, 
If they fall on a dark or brown surface they appear whitish. By reason 
of the colored spores of this fungus and of P. ewosmus, W. G. Smith 
proposed the transfer of these plants to Claudopus, but this arrange- 
ment was not adopted by Fries, because their real affinities were evi- 
dently with the Pleuroti. He says that the species is so variable that 
its characters are indicated with difficulty, and that on the same trunk 
Specimens sometimes occur that are white, tawny-brown and umber. 
In the typical form, the lamellae are not described as anastomosing, 
but a form is mentioned in which the stem is reticulated by anasto- 
mosing veins. In our plant the lamelle frequently anastomose at the 
base, just as in P. ostreatus. Its stem, also, is sometimes as short or 
obsolete as in that species. It occurs both in woods and in open 


places. It is more abundant in autumn, but occasionally appears as 
earlyasJune. It is no less valuable than the next species for its edible 
qualities. A stew made of it isa very good substitute for an oyster stew. 

In Hungary, according to Dr. Kalchbrenner, it is not only eagerly 
sought for food in the woods butis also cultivated in gardens by fre- 
quently moistening the elm trunks on which it grows. 

In drying, the specimens roll up in an annoying manner, unless kept 
under pressure. ‘The dried specimens are very liable to the attacks 
of insects. 

Pleurotus ostreatus, /7r. 

Oyster Agaric. Oyster Mushroom. 
Agaricus ostreatus, Jacq. Agaricus dimidiatus, Bull. 

Pileus fleshy, two to four inches broad, soft, convex or slightly 
depressed behind, subdimidiate, often cxspitosely imbricated, moist, 
glabrous, whitish cinereous or brownish, flesh white ; lamelle broad, 
decurrent, subdistant, anastomosing at the base, white or whitish ; 
stem, when present, very short, firm, lateral, sometimes strigose-hairy 
at the base; spores oblong, white, .0003 to .0004 in. long, .00016 

Decaying wood and trunks of trees. Juneto November. Hdible. 

With us this species is much less frequent than the preceding one. 
Specimens, nearly white when fresh, but yellowish when dried, were 
collected on oak trunksin Orange county. The spores were clearly 
white on white paper, but in other respects the plants might readily 
be taken for a whitish subsessile form of the preceding species. 

Pleurotus salignus, 7. 

Willow Agaric. 
Agaricus salignus, Abb. d. Schw. Agaricus brumalis, Scop. 

Pileus fleshy, two to six inches broad, firm, spongy, convex or nearly 
plane, sometimes depressed and slightly hairy toward the base, nearly 
dimidiate, horizontal, whitish, dark-cinereous or ochraceous; lamella 
decurrent, some of them branched, eroded on the edge, distinct at the 
base, whitish ; stem, when present, very short, lateral, tomentose ; 
spores oblong, .00086 in. long, .00015 broad. 

Decaying wood, especially of willows. Sandlake. 

I have admitted this species with some hesitation, for our specimens, 
though apparently belonging to it, are not in good condition and 
hence doubtful. Fries says itis distinguished from Panws conchatus 
by its soft, not coriaceous, substance, but Gillet characterizes its sub- 
stance as coriaceous when old. 

Pileus definitely lateral, neither margined behind nor at first resupt- 
. nate, sessile or attached to a very short lateral stem or stem-like base. 

Pleurotus serotinus, /7. 
Late Agaric. 
Agaricus serotinus Schrad. Agaricus serotinoides, Pk. 

Pileus fleshy, one to three inches broad, compact, convex or nearly 
plane, viscid when young and moist, dimidiate reniform or suborbic- 

No. 104. ] 63 

ular, solitary or csspitose and imbricated, variously colored, dingy- 
yellow, reddish-brown, greenish-brown or olivaceous, the margin at 
first involute; lamelle close, determinate, whitish or yellowish; stem 
very short, lateral, thick, yellowish beneath and minutely tomentose 
or squamulose with blackish points; spores minute, elliptical, .0002 
in. long, .0001 broad. 

Dead trunks of deciduous trees. Catskill and Adirondack moun- 
tains. Buffalo. G@. W. Clinton. Autumn. 

The late Agaric occurs especially in the hilly and mountainous dis- - 
tricts of the State. Itrarely makes its appearance before September 
and is sometimes found as late as December. It varies considerably 
in color but is easily recognized by its peculiar stem and determinate 
lamelle. When viewed from above it appears to be stemless or 
attached by a mere basal prolongation of the pileus, but the lower sur- 
face of this prolongation, being differently colored and definitely 
limited by the basal termination of the lamelle, has the appearance 
of a very short but distinct stem. In our plant the surface of the 
pileus is sometimes adorned with a minute brown or blackish fibril- 
lose tomentum, which gives it a somewhat punctate or scabrous 
appearance. I find no notice of this character in the descriptions of 
the European plant. Such specimens with the lower surface of the 
stem, merely tomentose, were published in the Twenty-third Report as 
Agaricus serotinoides, but they do not appear to me to be any thing 
more than a mere form of the species. ‘Sometimes the pileus is dis- 
tinctly tomentose toward the base. 

Pleurotus tremulus, Fr. 

Tremulous Agaric. Gray Pleurotus. 
Agaricus tremulus, Scheeff. 

Pileus thin, eight to twelve lines broad, obovate or reniform, plane 
or depressed on the disk, tenacious, glabrous, livid-gray or grayish- 
brown when moist, pale-gray when dry; lamelle determinate, linear, 
subdistant, gray or grayish; stem marginal, short, distinct, nearly 
terete, ascending, villose at the base; spores globose, .0003 in. broad. 

Ground among or attached to mosses. Poughkeepsie. October. 
W. R. Gerard. 

The stem in our specimens is lateral, as required by the description 
and the place assigned to the species in the Friesian arrangement, but 
in Mycological Illustrations, Pl. 242, it is represented as eccentric. 

The stem is sometimes wanting, and then the pileus is attached by 
fibrils. The species is easily known by its gray color and place of 
growth. It is apparently very rare with us, having been found in our 
State but once. 

Pleurotus spathulatus. 

Spathulate Agaric. 
Agaricus spathulatus, Pers. P. petaloides vy. spathulatus, Fr. 
Pileus rather thin, one to two inches broad, ascending, spathulate, 
tapering behind into the stem, glabrous, convex or depressed on the 
disk and there sometimes pubescent, alutaceous or brownish tinged with 
gray, red or yellow; lamelle crowded, linear, decurrent, whitish or 


yellowish; stem compressed, sometimes channeled above, grayish- 
tomentose; spores elliptical, .0003 in. long, .00016 to .0002 broad ; 
odor and taste farinaceous. ; 

Ground, Sandlake. June. Edible. . 

It grows singly or in tufts and is an inch or more in height. The 
margin is thin and sometimes striatulate and reflexed. ‘Toward the 
base the flesh is thicker than the breadth of the lamelle. The cuticle 
is tough and separable. The flesh is said by Gillet to be tender and. 
delicate. Persoon describes the disk as spongy-squamulose, but in our 
specimens it is merely pubescent or tomentose. 

The species was united as a variety to P. petaloides by Fries, and is 
described by Gillet under that name, but it seems to me to be suffi- 
ciently distinct in its habit, habitat, color and spores to be regarded. 
as a species. 

Pleurotus petaloides, 77. 

‘Petal-like Agaric. Petaloid Pleurotus. 
Agaricus petaloides, Bull. 

Pileus rather thin, eight to twenty lines broad, cuneate or spathu- 
late, tapering behind into the short compressed generally villose- 
tomentose stem, convex or nearly plane, glabrous or with a minute 
grayish pubescence or tomentum toward the base, sometimes striatulate 
on the margin when moist, whitish pale-alutaceous or brownish; 
lamelles crowded, linear, decurrent, whitish or yellowish; spores 
minute, globose, .00012 to .00016 in. broad. 

Decaying wood, Buffalo. G@. W. Clinton. East Worcester, Karner, 
Catskill and Adirondack mountains. July and August. 

This is closely allied to the preceding species, with which it is united 
by most writers, but the striking difference in the size and shape of 
the spores indicates that they should be kept as distinct species. 
With us the petal-like Agaric is much more frequent in its occurrence 
than the spathulate Agaric. ! 

In shape and general appearance it closely resembles Crepidotus 
applanatus, from which it may be distinguished by its paler lamella, 
smaller white spores and more colored pileus. 

Pileus at first resupinate, then reflexed, sessile; lamelle radiating 
from an eccentric point. 

Pleurotus porrigens, 7. 

Prolonged Agaric. Pine Pleurotus. 
Agaricus porrigens, Pers. 

Pileus rather thin, at first resupinate and suborbicular, then reflexed 
and prolonged, obovate subelliptical or ear-shaped, often longer than 
broad, one to three inches long, sessile, glabrous or villose-tomentose 
toward the base, pure white, the margin involute when young, some- 
times lobed in large specimens; lamellae narrow, linear, thin, crowded, 
sometimes slightly forked or anastomosing at the base, white; spores 
subglobose, .00025 to .0003 in. broad. 

Much decayed wood of pine and hemlock. Buffalo. G. W. Clin- 
fon. Karner, Catskill and Adirondack mountains. Autumn. 

The prolonged Agaric is a fine species, easily known by its pure 

No. 104. ] . 65 

white color, sessile pileus, and its Jamelle forking or even anastomos- 
ing near the base in large specimens. 

I find no good characters by which to distinguish Agaricus nephre- 
tus, Ellis, from this fungus. The spores in this, as well as in P. stria- 
tulus, P. niger and some others, have a slight depression on one side, 
which makes them broader in one diameter than in the other, and 
gives them a slightly curved appearance when viewed edgewise. 

Pleurotus septicus, 7’. 

Wood-rotting Agaric. Thin Pleurotus. 
Agaricus pubescens, Sow. 

Pileus smail, thin, three to six lines broad, nearly plane, pubescent 
or subpulverulent, sessile or with a short white pubescent stem or 
stem-like base, pure white; lamelle rather broad, TASTES white ; 
spores subglobose, .00016 to .0002 in. broad. 

Decaying wood. Ballston and Adirondack mountains. August. 

The clear white color of P. porrigens is seen also in this species, 
which may be easily distinguished by its smaller size, nearly pubescent 
pileus, subdistant lamella and smaller spores. 

Pleurotus atroceruleus, /’. 

Dark-blue Agaric. Blue-black Pleurotus. 
Agaricus alneus, Scheeff. 

Pileus fleshy with an upper brownish gelatinous stratum, one to two 
inches broad, convex or nearly plane, reniform dimidiate or obovate, 
rather tough and flexible, sometimes cespitosely imbricated, sessile, 
villose-tomentose, dark-blue, blackish, grayish or tawny-brown, flesh 
soft, whitish ; lamelle rather broad, close, whitish or yellowish ; spores 
elliptical, .00025 to .0003 in. long, .00016 to .0002 broad. 

Decaying trunks and branches of beech, alders and poplars. Kar-. 
ner. September. Buffalo. G. W. Clinton. 

I have seen no American specimens with the dark-blue or indigo 
color shown in the published figures of the European plant, but Fries 
himself says that the pileus is sometimes brown, so that we have no 
doubt of the specific identity of our plant. The pileus is covered 
with a grayish or cinereous villosity, which in small specimens forms 
a thin uniform velvety pubescence, but in large specimens it is more 
dense and somewhat tufted. Sometimes it is much thinner on the 
margin than toward the base of the pileus, and in such specimens the 
real color of the pileus is best seen on the margin. ‘This, in large 
specimens, is often wavy or somewhat lobed. Small, blackish forms 
frequently resemble large forms of the next species, but are dis- 
tinguishable by the paler color of the lamelle. ‘The plant readily 
revives on the application of moisture. 

Pleurotus atropellitus, 7. sp. 
Black-skinned Agaric. 
Pileus very thin, three to eight lines broad, rather tough, flaccid, 

resupinate or reflexed and lateral, convex or nearly plane, suborbicular 
obovate or reniform, villose-tomentose except on the margin, sessile or 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 9 

66 : [ ASSEMBLY 

prolonged at the base into a short grayish-tomentose stem, dlackish- 
brown or black, the tomentum grayish or cinereous, the thin margin 
slightly striate when moist; lamelle rather broad, close, blackish-brown 
or black, whitish on the edge; spores swbelliptical ; .00038 to .000385 
in. long, .00016 to .0002 broad. 

Decaying wood and bark, both of frondose and acerose trees. Fort 
Edward, #. C, Howe. Buffalo. G. W. Clinton. Maryland, Helder- 
berg and Adirondack mountains. June to October. 

Our plant is closely related to Pleurotus applicatus, and it is with 
some hesitation that I have described it as distinct. But unless the 
figures and descriptions of that species are erroneous, our fungus is 
easily distinguished from it by its larger size, darker color and closer 
blackish lamellae. P. applicatus is described as dark cinereous, cupu- 
lar, two to three lines broad, villose at the base, sessile or attached by 
a prolongation on the back and with the lamelle distant and paler 
than the pileus. In the American plant these characters do not hold 

ood. The pileus is often clearly attached by a lateral stem or-stem- 
like base and the villosity is found everywhere except on the margin, 
and the lamellz are always, so far as I have seen, as dark as or even 
blacker than the pileus. The plant is flexible and revives on the ap- 
plication of moisture, thus indicating an affinity with the genus 
Panus. I have seen no description of the spores of P. applicatus. 

Pleurotus niger, Schw 
Black Agaric. 

Pileus submembranous, two to four lines broad, subresupinate, pul- 
yeraceous, black, plicate on the margin ; lamelle broad, radiating, black, 
cinereous on the edge; spores subglobose, .0002 to .00025 in. broad. 

Decaying wood. Helderberg mountains, June. ‘This apparently 
rare fungus has been found in our State but once. The pileus is at- 
tached by a tuft of black hairs, and in the largest. specimens these ex- 
tend to the disk and there have a pulverulent appearance. ‘The black 
color, black villosity and more coarsely striate or plicate margin dis- 
tinguish this species from the next, which it otherwise closely resem- 

Pleurotus striatulus, /’. 
Slightly-striate Agaric. 
Agaricus membranaceus, Scop. Agaricus striato-pellucidus, Pers. 

Pileugs membranous, very delicate, two to four lines broad, resupin- 
ate or subcupular, then reflexed, sometimes obconic and pendulous, 
sessile, slightly s¢riate when moist, strongly striate or corrugated when 
dry, flaccid, glabrous, scattered or gregarious, persistent, cinereows 
or brown; lamell few, distant, whitish or cinereous; spores subglo- 
bose, .0002 to .00025 in. broad. 

Much decayed wood of pine and hemlock. Fort Edward. 2. C. 
Howe. Buffalo. G. W. Clinton. Greenbush and Adirondack moun- 
tains. July and October. | 

This is the smallest of our Pleuroti. Like the three preceding 
species, it revives on the application of moisture, and with them it 
forms a peculiar group worthy of distinction and separation from the 

No. 104. ] 67 

others. The pileus is attached by a grayish villosity. In drying it 
sometimes becomes nearly black. It is then so small and shriveled 
that it is easily overlooked. 


Pileus eccentric, lateral or’resupinate. Spores pinkish. 

The species of this genus were formerly distributed among the Pleu- 
roti and Crepidoti, which they resemble in all respects except in the 
color of the spores. The genus at first was made to include species 
with lilac-colored as well as pink spores, but Professor Fries limited it 
to species with pink spores. In this sense we have taken it. The spores 
in some species are even, in others rough or angulated. The stem is 
either entirely wanting or is very short and inconspicuous, a charac- 
ter indicated by the generic name. ‘The pileus is often resupinate and 
attached by a dorsal point when young, but it becomes reflexed with 
age. The species are few and infrequent. All inhabit decaying 

Synopsis of the Pikes 

PALES ey ellloyactiermtercleve = © «ie shs.s te aieidaict tenet ols faiava\el stele e aye) pia la Sieve sietaistale C. nidulans. 
Peieriser MtOP WGN ITISN Ac. treet Coser «ies cle wuiore igs svaja-elanls ef wiaie 
AS SPOLESIEVEM Ger tortisie cleve « cjetisl semiarese ota AU 4uGnee ads ca cicebd ae C. variabilis. 
A Sporesianewmlated’. 44 5. ).5t sss olaleiverels's Sroicieie eerdat els noweiel oka\crefchels C. depluenss 
Pileus gray or brown SEO OD OR CO OE OIC Pelesstasisususuke Saisie elsideaae 2 
DiPileus simatelate when. Moist 1.0. sJoee f.\seecs see cleerde « C. Greigensis. 
2 Pileus not striatulate......... Bn thaterios eeieiste Bist aalcvas chs hide ooo CU. byssisedus. 

Claudopus nidulans, 
Nestling Agaric. 
Agaricus nidulans, Pers, 

Pileus one to three inches broad, sessile or rarely narrowed behind 
into a short stem-like base, often imbricated, suborbicular dimidiate 
or reniform, tomentose, somewhat strigose- hairy or squamulose-hairy 
toward the margin, yellow or buff color, the margin at first involute; 
-lamelle rather broad, moderately close or subdistant, orange-yellow ; 
spores even, slightly curved, .00025 to .0002 in. long, about half as 
broad, delicate pink. 

Decaying wood. Sandlake, Catskill and Adirondack mountains. 

This fungus was placed by Fries among the Pleuroti, and in this he 
has been followed by most authors. But the spores have a delicate 
pink color closely resembling that of the young lamelle of the com- 
mon mushroom, Agartcus campestris. We have, therefore, placed it 
among the Claudopodes, where Fries himself has suggested it should 
be placed if removed at all from Pleurotus. Our plant has sometimes 
_ been referred to Panus dorsalis, Bose., but with the description of 
that species it does not well agree. ‘The tawny color, spathulate 
pileus, paler floccose scales, short lateral stem and decurrent lamellz 
ascribed to that species are not well shown by our plant. The sub- 
stance of the pileus, though rather tenacious and persistent, can 
scarcely be called coriaceous. The flesh is white or pale yellow. The 
tomentum of the pileus is often matted in small tufts and intermingled 
with coarse hairs, especially toward the margin. This gives a squa- 


mose or strigose-hairy appearance. The color of the pileus is often 
paler toward the base than it is on the margin. 

Claudopus variabilis, /’r. 
Variable Agaric. 

Agaricus vartabilis, Pers. Agaricus sessilis, Bull. Agaricus niveus, 

Pileus thin, one-half to one inch broad, at first resupinate, then 
reflexed, sessile or with a very short stem, tomentose, white; lamellz 
rather broad, thin, radiating from a lateral or an eccentric point, dis- 
tant, white becoming pink; spores even, elliptical, .00025 to .0003 in. 
long, about half as broad. | 

Decaying wood and dead branches. Adirondack mountains. July 
to October. Buffalo. G. W. Clinton. 

A small and not common species. The thin pileus is often attached 
to its place of growth by white tomentose filaments, and the point to 
which the lamelle converge is also sometimes tomentose. 

Claudopus depluens, /’r. 
Rainy Agaric. 
Agaricus depluens, Batsch. 

Pileus thin, one-half to one inch broad, at first resupinate, then 
reflexed, variable in form, sessile or with a short stem, slightly silky- 
tomentose especially toward the base, white or whitish, sometimes 
slightly tinged with pink; lamellie broad, subdistant, whitish, becom- 
ing pink; spores angulated, .0004 to .00045 in. long, .0003 broad, 
usually containing a single large nucleus. 

Decaying wood. Catskill mountains, Gansevoort and Sterling. 
July and August. 

This species, like the preceding one, which it closely resembles and 
from which it is separated by the character of the spores, is very 
variable. In our specimens the pileus is white, but it is sometimes 
described as tinged with red or gray. It is also said to grow upon the 
ground and on mosses, but our specimens grew upon decaying wood. 
In both these particulars they agree with the figure of the species in 
Mycological Illustrations. 

Claudopus Greigensis, Px. 
Greig Agaric. 

Pileus very thin, convex, five to ten lines broad, hygrophanous, 
grayish-cinnamon color and striatulate when moist, silky-fibrillose 
when dry; lamelle subdistant, scarcely reaching the stem, grayish 
becoming dingy-pink; stem short, about one line long, solid, curved, 
fibrillose. below, with an abundant white radiating mycelium at the 
base; spores angulated, .00035 to .00045 in. long, .0003 broad, usually 
containing a single large nucleus. 

Much decay ed wood. Greig. September. 

This species is intermediate between the preceding and the follow- 
ing one, but it is more closely related to the latter, from which it is 
distinguished by the striatulate pileus and free lamella, 

No. 104.] 69 

Claudopus byssisedus, /’7. 

Fibril-attached Agaric. Little Claudopus. 
Agaricus byssisedus, Pers. 

Pileug very thin, four to ten lines broad, at first resupinate, then 
reflexed, nearly plane, glabrous or merely pruinose with a slight gray- 
ish villosity, gray, erayish- brown or brown; lamelle rather broad, 
subdecurrent, grayish, then tinged with pink; stem short, lateral or 
eccentric, generally curved, with white radiating byssoid fibrils at the 
base; spores angulated, .0004 to .00045 in. long, .0003 broad. 

Decaying wood. Sterling and Adirondack mountains. August 
and September. 


Veil wanting or not manifest. Pileus eccentric, lateral or resupi- 
nate. Spores ferruginous. 

The Crepidoti correspond in shape and habit to the smaller Pleuroti 
and the Claudopodes, but they are distinguished from both by the 
ferruginous color of their spores. These are globose in several species, 
in others they are elliptical. In some there is a depression on one 
side which gives them a naviculoid character and causes the spore to 
appear slighly curved when viewed in acertain position. In conse- 
quence of the similarity of several of our species, the character of the 
spores is of much importance in their identification, and it is unfortu- 
nate that European mycologists have so generally neglected to give 
the spore characters in their descriptions of these fungi. In most of 
the species the pileus is at first resupinate, but it generally becomes 
reflexed as it enlarges. It is generally sessile or attached by a mass of 
white fibrils or tomentum. For this reason it is usually somewhat 
tomentose or villose abont the point of attachment, even in species 
that are otherwise glabrous. In several species the pileus is moist or 
hygrophanous and then the thin margin is commonly striatulate. 
This character is attributed to but one of the dozen or more European 
species. The large number of New York species is noticeable, and fu- 
ture investigation may show that mere varieties have in some instances 
been taken for species. Their mode of growth is usually gregarious 
or somewhat loosely imbricated, in consequence of which*the pileus, 
which in most species is white or yellowish, is often stained by the 
spores, and then it has a rusty, stained or squalid appearance. The 
species occur especially on old stumps, prostrate trunks and soft 
much-decayed wood in damp, shaded places. The name Crepidotus is 
derived from two Greek words xpezzs, a shoe or slipper, and ovs, an 

Synopsis of the Species. 

Pileus viscid when moist........... A, Seep He Onc es Ce eR ere atc C. herens. 
TLE TMOCRVARGIO. A oiers. cok bho a lelaileluiclnve re lsyesaipvsiececele eo teh eta hg Bcc. 2 Bene 1 
1. Pileus with s distinct stem. + so <6. <a: Papel stfisttd bi steie 3} stareiate Bate sadvantols: eCiucie's 2 
LE nensssessule.arawitlt aN) TNGIStiNChStCMM.\ o/s cayers sacle cs ce cietetelecseladllpans ances 3 
2. Stem thickened at the base............. a snca stay atecote tats ... CO. haustellaris. 
Aaptom Hoy muekened at, the DAS: cocci es es dss wes mre cidawovet C. tiliophilus. 

3. Pileus glabrous or only slightly villose at the base............. Kboruboee + 
SF PP ilemsiniot, Pla DrOUS ays «(5,2 de)airleiend? 2 9) ~ Jabpedéeien webs Sacd-ocbeseursue 6 
Ay Miamellze MAarrows ANG, AECULECIG Is. -\./510)s\0/015 + s/s/e)s/c! 8) s/alelois 6i« C. applanatus. 

4, Lamellz broad, not decurrent....... e shalate)'s sj0ye>eRaeueile rie Wee eet 


5. Pileus white, spores globose...... a alw/alela fa etaval 1a cee nia wla(eiera vines nite umn DOE 
5. Pileus yellowish, spores not globose....... st sik pisineie =e jm atou\lascyaje rot DAE RULE ILCLIOS: 
6. Pileus white, with a white villosity or tomentum ..............0... 7 
6. Pileus with a colored villosity or tomentum .......,........s000--- 9 
ie Spores elliptical: sire streisie Bec irerei aie fanaicht Ha OOS GOTO SOCELG Sooo sets de ke! 
7. Spores globose..... ocrcisie Cate Weieee atcuelnenele Oslalelnabeibistie lata ee wee C. putrigend. 
8. Spores less than .0003 in. long .......... Sesiociebasac ...--C. herbarum. 
8. Spores more than .0003 in. long ...... SUT Te lee tepals shee .-..-C. versutus. 
9. Pileus squamose with a tawny tomentum, spores elliptical. .C. fudvotomentosus. 
9. Pileus with a yellowish tomentum, spores globose..... sie wlaletna|diaiatx UM OGNBOLIB, 

Crepidotus herens, Pk. 
Sticky Agaric. 

Pileus thin, four to twelve lines broad, convex, sessile, cuneiform 
or dimidiate, glabrous, or slightly squamulose, hygrophanous, viscid 
and striatulate on the margin when moist, white or whitish when dry; 
lamelle moderately close, narrow, tapering toward each end, sub- 
cinereous, then brownish; spores edliptical, pale-ferruginous, .0003 in. 
long, .0002 broad. 

Decaying wood. Albany. September. 

The elliptical spores and viscid pileus are the distinguishing charac- 
ters of the species. I know of no other viscid Crepidotus. The pileus 
is watery white or gray when moist, and white when dry, unless stained 
by the spores. The margin is very thin and the pileus is attached to the 
matrix by white filaments. ‘The species is rare, having been observed 
but once. 

Crepidotus haustellaris, 7’. 
Kidney-shaped Agaric. 

Pileus thin, four to ten lines broad, lateral or“ eccentric, reniform 
or suborbicular, plane, moist, slightly tomentose when dry, alutaceous 
or pale-ochraceous; lamelle broad, subdistant, rounded behind, 
slightly adnexed or nearly free, pallid, then brownish-cinnamon; stem 
short, distinct, solid, bulbows- thickened at the base, whitened with a 
slight tomentose villosity; spores elliptical, .00035 to .0004 in. long, 
.0003 broad. 

Dead bark of poplars. Thurman, Warren county. October. Rare. 

Our specimens differ from the European plant in being smaller and 
of a paler color. The pileus is also sometimes eccentric, though. 
Fries describes it as “exactly lateral” in the European plant. The 
dimensions of the spores are taken from our specimens, no spore 
characters being given in any description of the species to which we 
have had access. Fries remarks that the species is “small, regular, 
not cespitose, especially marked by the subconic stem and almost free 

Crepidotus tiliophilus, P/. 
Linden-loving Agaric. 

Pileus moderately thin, six to twelve lines broad, convex, minutely 
pulverulent, hygrophanous, watery-brown and striatulate on the 
margin when moist, dingy-buff when dry; lamelle rather broad, 
subdistant, rounded behind, adnexed, colored like the pileus, becom- 
ing ferruginous-cinnamon; stem two to four lines long, about one 
line thick, solid, often curved, pruinose, with a white pubescence at 

No. 104. ] 71 

the base; spores subelliptical, brownish-ferruginous, .00025 to .0003 
in. long, .00016 to .0002 broad. 

Dead trunks and branches of basswood, Zilia Americana. East 
Berne, Albany county. August. 

This plant is closely related to the preceding one from which I have 
separated it because of its larger size, smaller spores and stem not 
thickened at the base. The individual’ plants are also sometimes so 
closely crowded that they appear czspitose. It is possible that inter- 
mediate forms may yet be found that will connect these. 

Crepidotus applanatus, /7. 

Flattened Agaric. 

Pileus very thin, six to twelve lines long, four to ten broad, vari- 
able in shape, suborbicular, reniform, cuveiform or spathulate, plane 
or convex, sometimes slightly depressed behind, sessile or prolonged 
behind into a short compressed white-tomentose stem-like base, gla- 
brous, hygrophanous, watery-white and striatulate on the margin 
when moist; white when dry; lamelle very narrow, linear, crowded, 
decurrent, white, becoming cinnamon; spores globose, .0002 to .00025 
in. broad. . 

Old stumps and much decayed wood. Common. July to Septem- 

It is very variable in the shape of the pileus, but it is commonly 
either cuneate or spathulate. It closely resembles Pleurotus peta- 
loides in this respect as well as in the narrow crowded lamelle and 
flattened stem-like base. _As in that species and others of this genus, 
the pileus quickly becomes convolute in drying, unless it is placed 
under pressure. ‘The striations of the thin margin are often retained 
in the dried plant. In the 26th Report, our specimens were errone- 
ously referred to C. nephrodes, B. & C., from which they differ in the 
giabrous pileus and crowded linear lamelle. This last character dis- 
tinguishes it from all our other Crepidoti. It is gregarious and the 
pileus is often stained by the spores. 

Crepidotus malachius, B. & C. 
Soft-skinned Agaric. 

Pileus thin on the margin, thicker behind, eight to twenty-four 
lines broad, varying from reniform or suborbicular to cuneate or flab- 
ellate, nearly plane, sometimes depressed behind, sessile or prolonged 
behind into a short white tomentose rudimentary stem or tubercle, 
glabrous, hygrophanous, watery-white or grayish-white and striatu- 
late on the margin when moist, white when dry; lamellz close, swb- 
ventricose, rounded behind, white or whitish, becoming brownish-fer- 
ruginous ; spores globose, .00025 to .0003 in. broad, 

Variety plicatilis. Pileus coarsely plicate on the margin. 

Decaying wood in damp shaded places). Common. June to Sep- 

This resembles the preceding species in color and habit, but it is 
easily distinguished by its broader pileus and much broader lamellz 
rounded behind. In drying, the moisture is retained longer by the 
thin margin than it is by the thicker disk. The striations are some- 


times retained in the dried specimens, By neglecting the spore 
characters, squalid spore-stained specimens of this species were erro- 
neously referred, in the 24th Report, to C. mollis, a species not yet 
found in our State, though it has been reported from North Carolina, 
Ohio and Massachusetts. 

Crepidotus croceitinctus, 7. sp. 
Saffron-tinted Agaric. 

Pileus eight to twelve lines broad, convex or nearly plane, sessile, 
glabrous, sometimes with a white villosity at the base, moist, yellow- 
ish ; lamelle moderately broad, rounded behind, whitish, becoming 
dull saffron-yellow, then ferruginous ; spores ferruginous, subglobose 
or broadly elliptical, .0002 to .00025 in. long. 

Decaying wood of poplar and beech. Adirondack mountains and 
Day, Saratoga county. July. 

This species is separated from C. dorsalis by its glabrous pileus and 
its less globose spores, and from C. crocophyllus by its larger size, yel- 
low color and the absence of squamules from the pileus. Its spores 
are of a brighter ferruginous color than in most of our other species. 

Crepidotus putrigena, 2. & C. 
Rotten-wood Agaric. 

Pileus thin, convex, subreniform, often imbricated, sessile, slightly 
tomentose with a more dense white villosity at the base, moist, striatu- 
late on the margin, whitish or yellowish-white; ]amelle rather close, 
broad, rounded behind, whitish, becoming ferruginous; spores globose, 
.00025 to .0003 in. broad. 

Decaying wood. Brewerton. September. 

This species is perhaps too closely allied to C. malachius, from 
which it scarcely differs, except in the villose-tomentose pileus. The 
lamelle are three or four times broader than the thickness of the 
flesh of the pileus. 

Crepidotus herbarum, P/. 
Herb-inhabiting Agaric. 

Pileus thin, two to five lines broad, resupinate, suborbicular, 
clothed with a white, downy villosity, incurved on the margin when 
young, sometimes becoming reflexed, sessile, dimidiate and less 
downy ; lamellx rather narrow, subdistant, radiating from a naked 
lateral or eccentric point, white, then subferruginous; spores ellipti- 
cal, .00025 to .0003 in. long, .00014 to .00016 broad. 

Dead stems of herbs and dead bark of maple. North Greenbush 
and Adirondack mountains. August and September. 

Crepidotus versutus, Pk. 
Evasive Agaric. 
Pileus four to ten lines broad, at first resupinate, then reflexed, 

reniform or dimidiate, sessile, white, clothed with a soft, downy or 
tomentose-villosity, incurved on the margin; lamelle rather broad, 

No. 104. ] 73 

subdistant, rounded behind, radiating from a lateral or eccentric 
point, whitish, then ferruginous; spores subelliptical, .00035 to .0004 
in. long, .00025 to .0003 broad. 

Decaying wood, bark, etc., in damp, shaded places. Common. 
June to October. 

This species, and C. herbarum appear to run together, and but for 
the marked difference in the size of their spores I should have united 
them. ‘The latter is not limited in its habitat to the stems of herbs, 
and the former sometimes, though rarely, occurs on them. C. her- 
barum is a smaller species with a thinner pileus, nearly always resupi- 
nate, and when reflexed, less densely tomentose. Its smaller. spores 
especially distinguish it. Both appear to be closely allied to the 
European ©. chimonophilus, which seems to be distinguished by its 
ubens elliptical” spores, and its few distant lamelle attenuated 

Crepidotus fulvotomentosus, Pé. 

Tawny-tomentose Agaric. 

Pileus eight to twenty-four lines broad, scattered or gregarious, 
suborbicular, reniform or dimidiate, sessile or attached by a short, 
white-villose tubercle or rudimentary stem, hygrophanous, watery- 
brown and sometimes striatulate on the margin when moist, whitish, 
yellowish or pale ochraceous when dry, adorned with small, tawny, 
hairy or tomentose scales ; lamelle broad, subventricose, moderately 
close, rounded behind, radiating from a lateral or eccentric white vil- 
lose spot, whitish becoming brownish-ferruginous ; spores elliptical 
often uninucleate, .0003 to .0004 in. long, .0002 to .00025 broad. 

Decaying wood of poplar, maple, etc. Common. June to Oc- 

A pretty species, corresponding in some respects to the European 
C. calolepis, but much larger and with tawny, instead of rufescent 
scales. The cuticle is separable and is tenacious though it has a hya- 
line gelatinous appearance. The pileus is subpersistent, and specimens 
dried in their place of growth are not rare. 

Crepidotus dorsalis, Px. 
Dorsal Agaric. 

Pileus eight to fifteen lines broad, sessile, dimidiate or subreniform, 
plane or slightly depressed behind, with a decurved substriate margin, 
slightly fibrillose-tomentose, reddish-yellow; lamelle close, ventricose, 
rounded behind, radiating from a lateral white villose spot, yellowish, 
then brownish-ochraceous or subferruginous; spores globose, .00025 in. 

Decaying wood. Sprakers and Adirondack mountains. June and 
September. Buffalo. G. W. Clinton. 

The tomentum of the pileus is more dense and conspicuous about 
the point of attachment, where it sometimes forms minute tufts or 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 10 









Fia. 22 



A leaf partly killed and discolored by the fungus. 
An ascus containing Spores x 400. 
Four spores x 400. 


One young plant and two mature plants, the two at the left having the 
pileus moist and striatulate. 

Vertical section of a pileus and the upper part of its stem. 

Transverse section of the stem. 

Three spores x 400. 


Part of a leaf with a discolored spot dotted by the fungus. 
Four spores, the one at the left immature x 400. 


A leaf bearing the fungus. 
Four spores x 400. 

Two spikes of the host plant bearing the fungus. 
A slightly magnified scale dotted by the fungus. 
An ascus containing spores x 400. 
Four spores x 400, 


Part of a branch bearing the fungus. 

A receptacle magnified. 

Vertical section of the same. 

A paraphysis and two asci containing spores x 400. 
Three spores x 400. 

Two plants. 
Five spores x 400. 




Fie. 1. Part of a branch bearing the fungus. 
Fic. 2. A pustule magnified. 
Fic. 8. Vertical section of a magnified pustule, showing three perithecia. 
Fie. 4. Two asci containing spores x 400. 
Fig. 5. Four spores x 400. 
Fic. 6. Part of a branch bearing the fungus. 
Fie. 7. <A perithecium magnified, its rostrum piercing the epidermis. ° 
Fic. 8. Two asci containing spores x 400. 
Fie. 9. Four spores x 400. 

Fic. 10. Part of a branch bearing the fungus. 
Fia. 11. A piece of the bark with two perithecia magnified. 
Fie. 12. A perithecium more highly magnified. 
Fie. 13. A paraphysis and an ascus containing spores x 400. 
Fie. 14. Four spores x 400. 

Lastapia Ascuul Peck. 
Fig. 15. Part of a petiole bearing the fungus. 
Fie. 16. A perithecium magnified. 
Fic. 17. Two asci containing spores x 400. 
Fie. 18. Four spores x 400. 

Moninia PEcKIANA SS. & V. 
Fie. 19. A leaf partly discolored and its petiole frosted by the fungus. 
Fie. 20. Two chains of spores x 400. 
Fig. 21. A single spore x 400. 

Fie. 22. Part of a raceme with four of its young fruits frosted by the fungus. 
Fic. 23. Two chains of spores x 400. 
Fic. 24. Two spores x 400, 

ky Page 








Introduction - = - - - - = - 
Publications by the Entomologist - - - - - 
Contributions to the Department - - - - - 
Collections of the Entomologist -  -- = = = 
Insect Attacks and Miscellaneous Observations - - - 

Eggs of a Cut-worm on an Apple tree - - - 
The Canker-worm — Anisopteryx vernata (Peck) - 
The Apple-leaf Bucculatrix - - - - 
Ephestia Kuhniella asa Pest in Mills - - - - 
The Clover-seed Midge — Cecidomyia leguminicola 
Sciara sp. ? occurring on wheat - - . - - 
Helophilus similis Macquart - - - 
The Cabbage Fly — Anthomyia betes, Betene - 
The Hessian Fly — Cecidomyia destructor Say - 
A Lady-bug Attack on Scale-insects - - - - 
Oviposition of Saperda candida Fabr. - - - 
The Clover-leaf Weevil destroyed by a Fungus - - 
The Pear-blight Beetle — Xyleborus pyri (Peck) - 
Attack on young Pears by a Plant- bug - - 
Pecilocapsus lineatus (fabr.) - . ~ - - 
An Experiment with the Thirteen-year Cicada - - 
A Scale-insect Attack on Ivy - - - - 
The Cheese Mite infesting Smoked Meats - - 

A Parasitic Mite att: icking the Colorado Potato-beetle 
Another Parasitic Mite infesting a Beetle - - - 
A Mite Attack on Garden plants - - - - 

The Black-Knot of the Plum tree and its Guests = 

Notes upon various Insects - - - - - - 
Nisoniades Persius Seudder - - = = = 
Sphinx Canadensis Boisduval - - - - - 
Melittia cucurbite (Harris) - - - : a 
Tinea pellionella Linnwus - - = : 2 
Mallota sp.?— - - - - = a i a 
Anthrenus scrophularie (Zinn. - - - - 
Thanasimus dubius (Fubr.)- — - = = 4 s 
Macrodactylus subspinosus (Fabr.) - - - - 
Chrysochus auratus (Fuabr.) = = Z = Z 
Trirhabda Canadensis (Kirby) - = = = 
Hylesinus opaculus Leconte - - = : S 
Phleotribus liminaris (Harris) - . - - 
Cécanthus niveus Harris - - - - - = 
Ephemera natata (Walker) - 2 S : = 

Insect index - : - - . = - - 2 


= 101 


- 103 


- 104 


- 106 


= 110 


aol peal 


- 114 


= 118 


- 120 


- 122 


- 122 


- 123 


- 123 


- 124 


- 124 


- 124 


= 127 

vi ee 

Mar NY Dh 


Orrick oF THE State Enromoxocist, 
Axupany, January 7, 1886. 

To the Honorable Board of Regents of the University of the State 
of New York: 

GrntLEMEN —I beg leave to present the following report in 
relation to my Department, and of some of the work during the 
past year: 

The progress made in Economic Entomology within the last 
decade has been without a parallel in its previous history, and not 
surpassed, we believe, in any other department of Natural History. 
This has been attained through the careful and successful studies 
prosecuted, of the habits and life-histories of our various insects, 
and of insecticides available in the destruction of the injurious 
species, together with methods and appliances by which they can be 
most conveniently and economically employed. 

A large proportion of the noxious ‘species which for so long a 
time have imposed their onerous annual tax upon the products of 
the field, the orchard, and the garden, are now controllable, through 
means which the economic entomologist is prepared to recommend, 
‘and it only remains that such recommendations be faithfully carried 
out. With other species, not yet entirely within our control, much 
may be done toward a material mitigation of their hitherto un- 
checked depredations. 

So marked have been the results attending the use of the remedial 
and preventive measures above referred to, that nothing more is 
needed to commend them than a knowledge of what they may 
accomplish. Thus, to illustrate: An orchard protected by Paris 
green spraying from the attack of the codling-moth, and as the con- 
sequence, yielding its thousand bushels of uninjured fruit — con- 
trasted with a sinilar but uncared-for orchard adjoining, and prov- 
ing an entire failure — furnishes as strong an argument as could be 
possibly presented in favor of the study of applied entomology. 

The appreciation in which the work of this department is being 
held by the agricultural community of our State and of other States, 
is unmistakably shown in the calls made upon it for information 
and aid. During the past year such calls have been largely in excess 
of previous years, although no special insect attack of unusual 
severity has prevailed over a large extent of territory. 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 11 


While it is undoubtedly true that insect injuries are annually 
increasing with us, through the stimulation of insect fecundity 
through special crops cultivated in larger and larger areas — in the 
introduction from abroad of European pests of bad reputation, and 
the acquisition of new habits of feeding and new food-plants by our 
native species — yet no inconsiderable part of this apparent increase 
must be chargeable to the greater attention now being given to 
insect attacks, before unnoticed. They are no longer accepted as 
evils that must be borne, but the intelligent farmer recognizes them 
as invasions that should be repelled if possible — that experience has 
shown may be successfully repelled, and are, therefore, to be met with 
the best possible means of resistance. If the enemy presents him- 
self in a new form, then aid is to be sought of those competent to 
give advice and direction. 

It has been my pleasure as it has been my duty, to make faithful 
examination during the past year of the many forms of insect attack 
to which my attention has been called, and to return the best advice 
that I was prepared to offer. Some of them have been quite new 
and of unusual interest to me. So numerous have been these calls 
that I am never left without some special subject of investigation, 
and in but few instances has the time at my command sufficed for 
the study that their importance seemed to demand. If, therefore, 
the replies from this department are not always as satisfactory as 
may be desired, they are the best that the Entomologist, unaided by 
assistants, under the pressure of his duties, is able to return. 

A tew of the insect attacks that have come under my notice dur- 
ing the year, and personal observations made, are presented in the 
following pages. A number of others, including some of the more 
interesting ones which would require considerable labor in their prep- 
aration, would have been introduced, but for the time that has been 
demanded in the supervision of the printing of the Second Report 
of the Entomologist to the Legislature, during the close of the year. 
This report had unavoidably been long delayed, and it seemed of 
great importance that it should be issued as soon as it was practica- 
ble to do so. It has been printed as a State document, and the 
edition ordered for the Legislature awaits the completion of the 

The readiness of the Legislature to order as large editions of the 
reports of the Entomologist as it has been thought proper to ask for, 
may properly be regarded as an evidence of appreciation of the work. 
of this department, by the representatives of the people of the State. 
Of the first report, a second edition was ordered by the last Legisla- 
ture for its use, which has during the year been printed and dis- 
tributed to the members. The edition ordered of the second report, 
although conspicuously larger than several other of the reports is- 
sued by State authority, is still very far short of affording the meaus 
of placing a copy in the hands of many of those for whose interests 
it was specially prepared, and to whom it could not fail of being ser- 
viceable. Were the distribution of the entire edition limited to the 
State of New York, and confined to those engaged in farming pur- 

No. 104.] 83 

suits, it could only reach one in every sixty of the farms of the 

In addition to publications through leading agricultural journals, 
to be hereafter referred to, I have endeavored to promote the ob- 
jects of my department, through special papers and addresses upon 
entomological subjects. During the year the following societies 
have been addressed by me: 

New York State Agricultural Society. 

Troy Scientific Association. 

Entomological Club of the American Association for the Ad- 
vancement of Science. 

National Academy of Science. 

Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture, 

Albany Institute. 

My office duties have compelled me to decline several requests for 
papers from societies with whom I would have esteemed it a privilege 
to co-operate. In addition to the above, opportunities have been em- 
braced to commend the interest, importance and benetit of the study 
of the insect world to pupils in our common schoolsand other minor 
institutions of learning. 


In accordance with the custom in former reports I herewith 
append a list of publications for the year past, for convenience of 
reference, and as a portion of the work of the Department. 

On some Rio Grande Lepidoptera. (Papilio, iv, Nos. 7-8, Septem- 
ber-October, 1884, pp. 135-147.) [Published February, 1885. ] 

Gives an annotated list of collections made by Messrs. Sennett and Webster, 
in 1877 and 1878, viz.: in Rhopalocera, 52 species (Kricogonia Lunice and 
Apatura Cocles being new species); in Sphingide, 4 species (Sphinw insolita 
n. sp.) ; in Hgeride, 2 species ; in Bombycide, 3 species (Hcepantheria Sen- 
nettit 2. Sp.). 

Seale-Insect Attack upon Ivy. (Country Gentleman, for February 
26, 1885, L, p. 169, c. 2—22 cm.) 

Ivy leaves (Hedera helix) received from Watervliet, N. Y., and infested on 
both surfacesand the stem also by Aspidiotus nerti Bouché--a scale insect which 
infests the cherry, plum, currant, maple, oleander, etc., throughout most of 
the United States. Remedies recommended under different conditions are 
scraping, a soap solution, and a soap and kerosene emulsion made in accord_ 
ance with the formula given. [Printed also in this Report, see page 113.] 

The Owl Beetle — Alaus oculatus. (Country Gentleman, for April 
9, 1885, L, p. 307, c. 4—14 cm.) 
The beetle, received alive in May, from Aiken, 8S. C., is described and its 
habits given, [Proves upon later examination ta be Alaus myops (Fabr.), } 


Remedies for the White Grub. (The New England Homestead, for 
May 16, 1885, xix, p. 205, c. 2—28 em.) 
The remedies usually recommended for the beetle, insufficient; the grubs may 
be destroyed by starvation; crops of buckwheat and mustard recommended for 
repelling the grubs; how and when salt may be used with benefit. 

Cut-Worms. Read before the N. Y. State Agricultural Society, at 
the Annual Meeting, January 21, 1885. (Horty-fourth Annual 
Report of the New York State Agricultural Society, for the year 
1884 [May], 1885, pp. 56-80, figs. 1-20.) (Separate, with cover 
and half-title (June, 1885], pp. 25, figs. 20.) 

The subject is treated of under the following heads: What are Cut-worms? 
— Their Appearance — Their Habits— Habits of the Moths — Natural History 
— Conditions Favorable to Cut-worms— Their Food-plants — Abundance of 
Cut-worms — Literature of the Cut-worms — List of Species — Natural Enemies 
-—— Parasites — Preventives and Remedies— Two Preventives Specially Com- 
mended — Conclusion. 

A Potato-bug Parasite. (The New England Homestead, for June 
6, 1885, xix, p. 237, ec. 2—34 cm.) 

Some Colorado potato-beetles received from Middlesex county, Mass., badly 
infested with a mite which were killing the beetles, were identified as Uropoda 
Americana Riley. Description is given of it, its peculiar connecting filament 
remarked upon, habits of the family of Gamaside to which it belongs, noticed, 
together with the importance of the attack, and recommendation of distribution 
of the serviceable parasite. [Printed alsoin this Report, see page 116.] 

The Visitation of Locusts. (The Argus [Albany], June 7, 1885, p. 
4, c. 5—33 em.) 

The announced co-appearance of the 17-year locusts and the 13-year locusts will 
not occur in New York; why ‘‘locust ” isa misnomer; not 221 years, as stated, 
since the two forms of Cicadas concurred, but only 30 years, also 39 years ago; 
no ground for alarm, as the Cicada injures fruit trees only, and those usually not 
seriously; notice of the brood of 17-year Cicadas to appear about the present 
time in New York, at Brooklyn and Rochester. 

The Pear-blight Beetle. (Country Gentleman, for June 18, 1885, 
L, p- 517, 'c. 2, 8—46 em.) 

Xyleborus pyri (Peck), infesting the trunks of young apple trees and killing 
them, at Annapolis, Md., are identified ; description of the beetle; origin of 
its common name; its two forms of attack; the burrows in the limbs and in 
the trunk described; the latter ascribed to a second brood but are probably 
made by the mature insect for food and shelter; remedy for the limb attack, 
cutting off and burning with the insect; for the trunk attack, not yet known. 
[Printed also in this Report, see page 107.] 

The Canker-worm. (Country Gentleman, for June 18, 1885, L, p. 
519, c. 2, 3—20 em.) 

Spread of the Canker-worm Anisopteryx vernata (Peck) in the State of New 
York ; notice of its presence in large numbers at Loudonville, Albany county ; 
the attack is controllable at the outset, and should not be allowed to extend. The 
preventives and remedies are, bands, etc., to prevent the ascent of the wing- 
less female, spraying with Paris green water to kill the larve, and working the 
ground beneath the trees to crush the pupe. 

No. 104.] | 85 


Insect Eggs on Strawberries. (Country Gentleman, for June 25, 1885, 
L, p. 537, ec. 83—21 em.) 

The eggs do not indicate an attack that need impair our enjoyment of the 
fruit. Their presence is unusual and probably accidental. They are the eggs 
of some hemipterous insect, belonging probably to one of the larger plant-bugs. 
Description is given of them. The nauseous taste imparted to raspberries by 
the presence of a small bug, known as Corimelena pulicaria, is referred to, and 
the insect described. This same insect attacks the blossoms and the stems of 

Plant-Lice, Elm Beetles, ete. (New England Homestead, for July 
4, 1885, xix, p. 269, c. 1-2—15 cm.) 

Identification of Schizoneura Americana as injuring leaves of elms at West 
Stockbridge. The insect reported as stripping the leaves of the elms, is 
probably the elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelena, although not known 
before to extend so far into Massachusets. May-flies perhaps mistaken for 

The Apple Tree Bark-louse. (New England Flomestead, for July 
4, 1885, xix, p. 269, c. 4-5—20 cm.) 

Scales on bark of an apple tree sent are those of Mytilaspis pomorum of 
Bouché (M. pomicorticis Riley). Directions for destroying the insect, by scrap- 
ing the scales and by spraying kerosene emulsions. 

The Cut-Worm and Onion Maggot. (Country Gentleman, for July 
9, 1885, L, p. 574-5, ¢. 4, 1—20 cm.) 

For the arrest of cut-worm ravages reported from Globe Village, Mass., the 
inquirer is referred to remedies given in the paper published in the 44th Rept. 
N. Y. St. Agricul. Society. For controlling Anthomyia brassice and Phorbia 
ceparum, the remedies are removing the plants with the soil containing the 
larve, and killing the pup with gas-lime or plowing and harrowing repeatedly, 
Preventives are, strong-smelling substances and not planting in infested 

Peach and Cherry Borers. (Country Gentleman, for July 9, 1885, 
L, p. 575, c. 1—18 cm.) 

Peach trees in Annapolis infested by Ph/wotribus liminaris. It attacks the 
elm also. The cherry trees are probably infested by Scolytus rugulosus Ratz., 
recently introduced from Europe; see an interesting article upon this species in 
the Canadian Entomologist for September, 1884. The injuries of P. liminaris 
seem to be rapidly increasing in localities in the State of New York. 

The Fig-eater — Allorhina nitida. (Country Gentleman, for July 
9, 1885, p. 575, c. 2-3—15 em.) 

The species identified from Madison, N. J., and briefly described; its fondness 
for juicy fruits; is not known to occur in New York; the larva is one of the white 
grubs, and is quite injurious to the roots of grass; its abundance in Washington; 
the beetle is a pollen feeder and sometimes occurs in great numbers, as in an 
instance cited, The ‘‘trim flower-chafer” might be a better common name 
for it, 


The Round-headed Apple-tree Borer--Saperda candida (Fabr.). 
(Country Gentleman, for July 16, 1885, L, pp. 590-1, ¢. 4,1 — 
33 cm.) 

Borers in hawthorns [in Westchester Co., N. Y.], are probably the Saperda 
candida, its burrows and method of destroying the grubs with a strip of flexible 
steel; recommendation by Dr. Fitch of cutting out the grub; discovering the 
location and crushing the egg; killing the eggs by application of lye; benefit of 
mounding about the tree; washing with soap, and soap placed in the forks of 
the trees for preventives; principal publications upon the insect. 

Entomological. (Country Gentleman, for July 16, 1885, L, p. 592, 
ce. 2-3 —20 cm.) 

Paris green recommended for killing the potato-beetle infesting egg- 
plants; road-dust may prevent their attack. For the injuries of the rose-bug, 
at Waddington, N. Y., to apples and cherries, beating them from the trees rec- 
ommended; to the former, Paris green might be applied. The abundance of 
this insect upon fruit trees at times, cited. 

The Cause of Black-knot. (Country Gentleman, for July 23, 1885, 
L, p. 607, c. 1, 2—26 cm.) 

It is not, as is popularly believed, of insect origin, but is produced by a 
fungus, originally named Spheria morbosa, but recently transferred to the 
genus Plowrightia. There are not ‘‘three distinct species,” but the same one at- 
tacks Prunus domestica, P. Americana, P. cerasus, P. Virginiana, P. Pennsyl- 
vanica and P. serotina —two plum trees and four cherry trees. Six species of 
insects have been bred from the black-knot. The remedy is to cut off and de- 
stroy attacked twigs and branches early in July. [Printed also in this Report, 
see page 120.) 

The Cucumber Moth. (Country Gentleman, for July 23, 1885, L, p. 
607, c. 2, 3—28 cm.) 

The borer attacking a melon patch in Carp, Tenn., is, from the descrip- 
tion sent, probably the larva’ of Phakellura nitidalis (Cramer), popularly 
known as the ‘‘ pickle-worm.’”’ In New York and the Hastern States the squash- 
vine borer Melittia cucurbite takes its place. The appearance and the habits 
of the pickle-worm are described. The moth is also described. For remedies, 
destroy the bored melons, sprinkle with London purple or Paris green water 
while the moth is ovipositing. Figures of the insect are referred to. The 
borer may possibly be P. hyalinatalis, of which the habits are different. 

Appre Insects and the Rhinoceros Beetle. (Country Gentleman, 
for July 30, 1885, L, p. 623, c. 2, 3—25 em.) 

Of apple insects sent from Coffee, Va.; one is Orgyia leucostigma, and the other 
had spun up in cocoon [subsequently emerged and proved to be Acronycta. 
]. The information sent of the Dynastes Tityus, that the beetle 
comes from the ground among the ash trees where its larva had probably been 
feeding on living vegetable matter, is a new and interesting fact. The record 
of the manner in which the beetle eats the bark of the ash is also interesting, 
as also the mention of their being very destructive to tobacco plants, killing all 
that they attack. 

No. 104.] 87 

Another Potato Pest. (New England Homestead, for August 8, 
1885, xix, No. 32, p. 309, c. 3.) 

Macrobasis unicolor (Kirby), one of the blister-beetles,— identified as the insect 
injurious to the foliage of potatoes, in Furnace, Mass. Beating the insects 
into a basin of water and kerosene oil, or if very abundant, sprinkling with 
Paris green or London purple in water, is recommended. 

- Reestelia aurantiaca. (Country Gentleman, for August 13, 1885, 

L, p. 661, c. 8-410 em.) ; 

- Determination of the above fungus occurring on quinces received from Charl- 
ton, Mass. It has usually been found associated with insect attack, as in this 
instance, where the fruit has been burrowed by probably the apple-worm of the 
codling moth. 

The False Chinch-Bug. (Country Gentleman, for August 13, 1885, 
L, p. 661, ce. 4—26 cm.) 

Insects described (but no examples sent) and reported as injurious to radishes, 
turnips, horseradish, strawberries and raspberries, in Boulder, Col., are, with- 
out much doubt, the Vysius angustatus of Uhler. It had not previously been 
known to injure ripe strawberries, but had, according to observations of Prof. 
Forbes, been quite injurious to the foliage of strawberries in Illinois. Kerosene 
oil emulsions or pyrethrum could be used to destroy the bug when upon straw- 
berries, until the fruit is about half-grown. 

The Bag-W orm — Thyridopteryx ephemerzeformis. (Country Gen-- 
tleman, for October 1, 1885, L, p. 801, c. 4—20 em.) 

To an interesting ator of the habits of a ‘‘ worm” destroying arbor-vite 
hedges in Franklin Park, N. J., and request for information in regard to it, reply 
is made of its name as above, and the best method for checking its injuries, viz.: 
application of Paris green, and hand-picking and destroying the cases of the 
female moth. A figure illustrating the several stages of the insect is also given. 

The Red Spider — Tetranychus telarius (Linn.). (Country Gentle- 
man, for October 8, 1885, L, p. 821, ¢. 3-4—38 cm.) 

Mites infesting various garden plants, at Utica, N. Y., are this species, which, 
standing at the head of the Acarina, approaches near to the spiders. It spins 
webs on the under side of the leaves, for shelter, while sucking the juices of 
the various plants upon which it occurs; those upon which it was noticed at 
Utica are mentioned. It has this summer been discovered in an injurious attack 
upon a quince orchard near Geneva, N. Y. Kerosene emulsions, soap solution 
with sulphur mixed, and quassia infusions may be used for killing it. It was 
the cause of the yellow discoloring of the leaves of a nasturtium in the garden 
of the writer. [Printed also in this Report, see page 118.] 

The Thirteen-year Cicada. (The Argus [Albany], for October 11, 
1885, p. 4—32 cm.) 

A paper, read before the Albany Institute, containing remarks upon the ex- 
ceptional long life-period of the Cicada septendecim; the number of broods oc- 
curring in the United States and in the State of New York; notice of a thirteen- 
year brood, and that its occurrence only in the Southern States may be the re- 
sult of hastened development through higher temperature ; Professor Riley’s 
experiments in transferring thetwo forms from one region to another; and 
record of the planting of the eggs of a thirteen-year brood at Kenwood, near 
Albany. [Printed also in this Report, see p. 111.] 


The Elm-Leaf Beetle. (Country Gentleman, for October 15, 1885, L, 
p. 841, c. 3-4—23 em.) 

The inquirer, from Bordentown, N. J., of methods for killing the insects 
destroying the foliage of his elm trees, is referred to a notice of this insect, 
Galeruca xanthomelena, in the Country Gentleman for Oct. 12, 1882 (p. 805), 
and to Bulletin No. 6 of the Division of Entomology of the U. S. Agricultural 
Department. Of the arsenical insecticides recommended, London purple is 
preferred, in the proportion of one-half pound to three quarts of flour and a 
barrel (40 gals.) of water. Directions are given how to mix the preparation, and 
the advantages of its use are stated. 

The Clubbed Tortoise Beetle. (Country Gentleman, for October 15, 
1885, L, p. 841, c. 4—12 cm.) 

Remarks upon Coptocycla clavata (Fabr.), its appearance, habits and food- 
plants. Reference to its occurrence upon the potato, tomato and egg-plant. 

A Leaf-mining Insect. (Home Farm Toca Me.j for October. 
15, 1885, p. Fa ce. 6—20 en.) 

A leaf-miner, reported in Maine, and in the vicinity of Boston, Mass., is iden- 
tified as one of the Anthomyians, and probably Chortophila betarum Lintn., 
which has distribution in New York and Connecticut. The approved methods 
for meeting its attack, are prevention of egg-deposit by the use of counter- 
- odorants, and burning the infested leaves. 

The Death-Watch, Clothilla pulsatoria. (Country Gentleman, for 
October 22, 1885, L, p. 861, ¢. 8-4—21 cm.) 

A supposed parasite, found in cow-stalls in Warren, O., is this insect, a figure 
of which isgiven. The habits of the Psocide are briefly stated, and the reason 
why this species has received the name of the ‘‘death-watch.” It has pre- 
viously occurred in immense numbers, in barn refuse after threshings, and in 
straw-packings in a wine cellar. 

Eggs of a Katydid. (Country Gentleman, for October 29, 1885, p. 
881, c. 4—23 em.) : 

Eggs sent from Lexington, Va., arranged in two rows upon the opposite side 
of the back fold of a copy of the Country Gentleman, are those of Microcentrus 
retinervus, an insect common in some of the warmer States of the Union, and 
classed by some writers with the katydids, although strictly, the name of katy- 
did would belong only to Platyphyllum concavnum. The eggs are described, 
and reference made for the illustration and life-history of the species to the 
6th Missouri Report. 

A New Insect Foe to the Cut-worm. (New England Homestead, 
for October 31, 1885, xix, No. 44, p. 405, c. 3-419 cm.) 

A correspondent from Winsted, Ct., sends for information a fly hatched from 
some cabbage cut-worms kept in confinement. The fly is a species of Gonia 
belonging to the Tuchinide, the parasitic habits of which are given. Caterpil- 
lars bearing upon their body the white eggs or the egg-shell of these flies 
should not be destroyed, but permitted to furnish food for the beneficial larve ~ 
that are feeding within them. The cabbage cut-worm was probably Mamestra 

No. 104.] 89 

Saw-Fly on Fruit Trees. (Country Gentleman, for November 12, 
1885, L, p. 921 c. 3-4—25 em.) 

In answer to an inquiry from Edinburg, Scotland, of some sinall, thin, nearly 
transparent objects nearly half an inch long and looking like a leech, which for 
several years had nearly destroyed the leaves of plum, pear, and cherry trees, 
answer is made that it is the larva of some species of saw-fly, and probably of 
Eriocampa adumbrata, Its ravages may be prevented by means of powdered 
hellebore, to be obtained pure, and applied to the-foliage by the hand or by 
a bellows. Its efficacy is illustrated by an account of its use in the Hammond 
Nurseries at Geneva, N. Y. Directions are given for using the hellebore mixed 
with water. 


The following contributions have been made to the Department 
during the year : 

Larve, pupze and imago of Lsosoma nigrum Cook. From Prof. 
A. J. Coox, Lansing, Mich. 

“ Flaxseeds ”— the puparia of the Hessian-fly, Cectdomyia destruc- 
tor, in wheat, between the Ist and 2d joints, from North Huron, 
Wayne Co., N. Y.. From A. F. Dowat, North Huron. 

Numerous larvee of Cecidomyia lequminicola Lintn., from a second 
cutting of clover, at Milleville, Orleans Co., N. Y. From D. M. 
Lins.ey, Milleville. 

Egg-deposit of Agrotis saucia (Hiibn.), on apple-twigs, May 7th, 
from trees of Mr. A. Oberndorf, Jr., Centralia, Kansas. From P. 
Barry, Rochester, N. Y. 

Larve of the Spring Canker-worm, Anisopteryx vernata (Peck), 
from apple trees at Loudonville, N. Y. From Davin M. Kyicxer- 
BockER, Albany, N. Y. 

, Examples of the cherry-tree Tortrix, Cacwcia cerasivorana (Fitch). 
From Prof. A. J. Coox, Lansing, Mich. 

Cocoons of the apple-tree Bucculatrix, Bucculatrizx pomifoliella 
(Clemens), from apple trees; the white flower-cricket, Zcanthus 
niveus Harris, taken while ovipositing in apple trees. From Isaac 
Bussinc, Bethlehem Centre, N. Y. 

Cocoons of a Lepidopterous larva, species unknown, working 
within the stored fruit of the black walnut, Juglans nigra, at Cen- 
tral Park, New York. From E. B. Souruwicx. 

Larvee and puparium of J/allota sp.? from Western New York. 
From Prof. L. M. Unperwoop, Syracuse University, N. Y. 

Larve of Anthomyia brassice Bouché, infesting cauliflowers, near 

Albany. From D. M. Sretey, Albany, N. Y. 

Larvee of Helophilus similis Macquart, from a watering-trough at 
North Adams, N. Y. From Dr. R. M. Morey, Old Chatham, N. Y. 

[Assem. Doe. No. 104.] 12 


90 [ AssEMBLY 

A Tachanid fly, Gonza sp., reared from a cabbage cut-worm. From 
Bensamin Wire. 

A section of cedar, Zhwja occidentalis, showing the burrowing 
operations of PAlwosinus dentatus (Say). From Warren Kwavs, 
Salina, Kansas. 

Larvee of Attagenus megatoma (Fabr.) and Anthrenus varius 
Fabr. From J. F. Rosz, South Byron, N. Y. 

Burrows in apple-tree trunk and imago of Xyleborus pyri (Peck) ; 
also the peach-tree Scolytus, PAlwotribus liminaris (Harris), from 
a peach tree. From Grorce W. Duva.t, Annapolis, Md. 

The Colorado potato-beetle infested with a Gamasid mite, Uropoda 
Americana Riley. From Samuret G. Symmes, Winchester, Mass. 

Larves of the clover-leaf weevil, Phytonomus punctatus (Fabr.) 
coiled about stems of grass, and killed by an undescribed fungus. 
From Dr. E. L. Srurrrvant, State Agricultural Experiment Station, 
Geneva, N. Y. 

Hylesinus opaculus Le Conte, boring under the bark of apparently 
healthy cedars, Arbor vite. From Pror. C. H. Prox, N. Y. State 
Botanist, Albany. 

Allorhina nitida (Linn.), the fig-eater, from a rose-house. From 
Autor M. Greene, Madison, N.Y. 

Silpha Americana (Linn.). From H. M. Sropparp, Stevensville, 

Larve and pupe of the four-lined leaf-bug, Pwcilocapsus lineatus 
(Fabr.), feeding on sage, Salvia officinalis, at the State Agricultural 
Experiment Station. From E. 8. Gorr, Horticulturist of the 

A cluster of eggs of a plant-bug, Huschistes variolarius Beauv., 
on a ripe strawberry. From Miss A. Goopricu, Utica, N. Y. 

Cosmopepla carnifex (Fabr.), feeding injuriously upon currants, 
causing them to fall. From Prof. D. P. Pensatiow, of McGill _ 
University, Montreal, Can. 

Zaitha fluminea, in the pupal stage. From F. E. Woon, Pheenix, 

Lecanium (nov. sp.) on Ostrya Virginica at the Albany Rural 
Cemetery. From Hon. G. W. Crutnron, Albany, N. Y 

Oviposition of the white flower-cricket, Hcanthus niveus Harris, 
in peach-tree twigs. From O.Wuxson, Keuka, Chemung Co., N.Y. 

Atropos divinatoria (O. Fabr.), from a bed-room infested by them. 
From Moreti Coon, East Edmonton, N.Y. 

Mites—T7yroglyphus sero (Linn.), from smoked ham received from 
Ohio. From C. H. Wxsszts, New York city. 

No. 104.] 91 

Mites — Tetranychus telarius (Linn.), infesting a quince orchard, 
near Geneva, N. Y.. From Prof. J.C. Arruur, State Agricultural 
Experiment Station. 

Mites— Gamasus sp., infesting a burying beetle, Vecrophorus 
tomentosus Web. From Dr. 8. A. Russet1, Albany, N. Y. 

Eggs of a katydid, Microcentrus retinervis Riley, deposited on a 
shoot of a peach-tree in Coffey Co., Kansas. From James Bucxrnea- 
HAM, Zanesville, Ohio. 

Sitodrepa panicea (Linn.), infesting a package of white carrot 
seed, in the pup, and emerging as imagines December 3, at the 
Agricultural Experiment Station. From E. L. Gorr, Geneva, 

Seven examples of flies (J/wscide), found July 21st, dead and 
closely packed within a stem of red elder, Sambucus pubens, with- 
out any visible cavity leading to their location. Apparently Lucilia 
and Pollenia sp. 

Examples of Macrodactylus subspinosus (Fabr.); Cicindela sex- 
guttata Fabr.; Silpha noveboracensis (Forst.); Aphodius jimetarius 
(Linn.); Otiorhynchus ligneus Le Conte; Osmoderma eremicola 
(Knoch) ; Orthosoma brunneum (Forst.); several species of minute 
fungus beetles, undetermined. Cimbex Americana Leach; Déia- 
pheromera femorata (Say), and a number of others, as yet unex- 
' amined insects. 

From Hon. Grorcr W. Crinton, Albany, N.Y. 


About three weeks in the month of August were devoted to collec- 
tions in the Adirondack region, at Long take, in the northern part 
of Hamilton county. The altitude of the lake is 1632 feet above 
tide. This elevation is too great to admit of an abundance of insect 
life, while it fails to reward the collector with the rare forms which 
are to be met with at higher elevations — at and above 2,500 feet. 
Very little is known, as yet, of the insect fauna of this interesting 
portion of our State. As I have previously written, “The enthusi- 
asm of the entomologists of an adjoining State has Jed them to 
explorations of a peculiarly interesting field lying beyond the limits 
of their own State—the White Mountains of New Hampshire. 
For successive years the members of the Cambridge Entomological 
Club have established a midsummer encampment upon the slope of 
Mt. Washington, during which, through their protracted sojourn of 
weeks, and opportunity for collecting crepuscular and nocturnal forms, 
they have been abie to enrich their cabinets and those of their corre- 
spondents with many rare boreal species, to accumulate much valuable 
biological information, and to present local lists of Lepidoptera, Cole- 
optera and Orthoptera, which have been received as special contri- 
butions to science. 


‘“‘ Meanwhile, the extensive Adirondack Region, with its numerous 
lofty mountain peaks, its deep gorges, its hundreds of lakes — per- 
haps second only to the White Mountains in point of interest to the 
entomologist of any locality in the United States east of the Rocky 
Mountains — has been permitted, year after year, to bury within 
itself its entire entomological wealth. Previous to the collections 
noticed in this paper [Lepidoptera of the Adirondack Region*], 
hardly an insect had been drawn from it. At the present, nothing 
has been reported of its mountain insect fauna. Many new species 
are undoubtedly to be discovered there, and the first comparison of 
its fauna with that of other elevated and more northern regions is 
yet to be made. é 

‘Tt is sincerely to be hoped that, from the growing interest mani- 
fested in entomology, the numerous accessions to the number of its 
students, the facility for study afforded by recent publications and in 
several extensive classified collections, the reproach resting on the 
entomologists of New York may speedily be removed. And while 
the thorough exploration of any locality can searcely fail of bringing 
to light much new material, the ambitious student may have for his 
incentive the assurance that in the Adirondack Mountains there is 
open to him an unexplored field where faithful search will assuredly 
yield him a most abundant return.” 

The locality of Long lake and the season offered but few flower- 
ing plants for the attraction of insects. The collections, therefore, - 
were nearly confined to golden rods (Sol¢dago) and the hardhack 
(Spirea tomentosa), which were freely visited by Hymenoptera, 
Diptera and Coleoptera for the pollen that they afforded. 

Of the Hymenoptera, the flowers were especially prolific in 
Apide, Crabonide, Hucmenide and Andrenide, whilst also yielding 
some desirable /chnewmonide. 

In Diptera, several species of the gaily-colored Syrphide (flower 
flies) were abundant, of which, perhaps, the most interesting form 
was Spilomyia fusca Loew —a large fly, so singularly mimicking in 
size, form, color and markings the common “ bald-faced hornet,” 
Vespa maculata Linn., as to be easily (and generally by other than 
entomologists) mistaken for it. The species had never come under 
my observation before, nor has it been recorded as occurring in the 
State of New York. Its first capture was made on the 11th of 
August. It continued to increase in number, in both sexes, and the 
day prior to my departure from the locality (23d inst.) it was 
more abundant than before. Over forty examples of the species were 
taken. Nothing, I believe, is known of its larval stage. Several 
examples of a Conops, undetermined species, were also captured on 
the Solidago. A large, globose-bodied Tachinid fly, Achinomyza sp., 
having its tegulee and basal portion of wings of a dull yellow, which 
I had in former years observed abundantly in.Essex county, N. Y., 
was also a common visitor to the blossoms of the golden rod. 

*Seventh Annual Report of the Topographical Survey of the Adirondack Region of 
New York, 1880, pp. 373-400. 

No. 104. ] 93 

The collections in Lepidoptera were not large, the locality not 
being favorable to the multiplication of insects of this order. But 
few species of butterflies were seen.* Danais Archippus (Fabr.) 
and Pyrameis Atalanta (Linn.) were so abundant ina field of buck- 
wheat that three or four individuals could be taken in a single sweep 
of the net. Associated with them were numbers of one of the most 
brilliant and beautiful of our moths, Plusta mortuorum Guen—a 
decidedly upland species. Its quick rise from the blossoms of the 
buckwheat, its rapid flight for a short distance, sudden dropping to 
the ground and running away to shelter, made it a difficult. insect 
to capture. The elegantly marked Homohadena atrifasciata Morr., 
of which the first example taken in the Adirondacks in the year 
1876, commanded in exchange with an enthusiastic lepidopterist, 
other insects of the value of $50, was taken from flowers of 
Eupatorium purpureum. 

Coleoptera were not numerous. Several species of pretty Lep- 
turians were found upon the golden rods, anda single example of 
‘‘the large and elegant Leptura scalaris Say,” as characterized by 
Dr. LeConte (p. 313 of Classification of the Coleoptera of North 
America), now the type and only species of the genus Lellamira, was 
driven up ina Solidago bordered road and taken upon the wing. It 
was seen under the same circumstances in other instances, and when 
in flight, and displaying the golden sericeous hairs clothing the tip of 
its abdomen, it resembled so closely a similarly tipped <Asilus fly 
that it was mistaken for it. Dicerca manca Lec. (apparently not 
tuberculata of L. & G. — see Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., ix, p. 285) — 
a rare Buprestrid, was captured on the floor of the piazza of the 
Sagamore hotel. 

Neuroptera, which should abound in the lake region, were few in 
number. The only species observed in abundance were the com- 
mon Polysteochotes punctatus (Fabr.), of which hundreds could be 
seen resting on the parlor walls, and a species of Hphemerida, on 
the slats of the window blinds and edge of the clapboards of the 
hotel — Pentagonia vittigera Walsh. 

About one thousand insects were collected, mounted and labeled 
with locality and date of capture. Probably the more interesting 
and valuable forms taken are among those for which there has not 
yet been found the opportunity for study and determination. 

*The following species only, were observed: Colias Philodice and Pieris rape, 
not abundant; Danais Achippus, abundant; Argynnis Cybela, A. Aphrodite and 
A. Atlantis, all in poor condition; Argynnis Bellona not abundant; Pyrameis 
Atlanta, abundant; Satyrus Nephele, rare; Chrysophanus Americana, very abun- 
dant, and frequent on golden rods; Lycena pseudargiolus, rare, one example; 
Vanessa Milbertii, a few. 

No examples were seen of Papilio, Grapta, Thecla, Pomphila or Nisoniades. 

94 [ AssEMBLY 


Eeas or A Cut-worm on AN APPLE-TREE. 

From Mr. P. Barry of the Mount Hope Nurseries at Rochester, 
N. Y., some apple twigs coutaining an egg-deposit from which the 
larvee were emerging, were received on May 7th. Theeggs had been ~ 
sent to him for name, from Centralia, Kansas. 

The general appearance and the arrangement of the eggs resembled, 
the figure given by Prof. Riley in the Report of the Commissioner 
of Agriculture for the year 1884, plate 3, fig. 2, of the eggs of one 
of our common cut-worms, Agrotis saucia Engr., identical with the 
Agrotis inermis of Dr. Harris. The moth was known to deposit 
its egos upon fruit-trees. 

The twigs bearing the eggs were quite small, not exceeding one.’ 

sixth of an inch in diameter. The eggs were closely and symmetri- 
cally arranged in a single layer in regular rows joined to one an- 
other, forming an unbroken patch. In one example there were 
seven rows of about sixty eggs in each, extending over about an 
inch and a half of the twig. Theeggs, upon the point of hatching, 
were of a lavender color. They were round, with about forty sharp 
and prominent longitudinal ribs, which were connected somewhat 
irregularly with numerous transverse lines. 
The larvee of some of the clusters had left the eggs when received. 
They had but three pairs of prolegs, and looped in walking, after 
the manner of the Geometridew. In dropping from the twig, they 
hung suspended by a thread that they gave forth. When disturbed 
they would often twist their head and several segments over their 
back, holding to the surface upon which they rested by their last 
two pairs of prolegs. 

Grass was offered them of which they readily ate and with ap- 
parent relish. Some tips of apple-twigs being given them, a few 
of them fed sparingly upon them, eating small holes into one sur- 
face of the unfolding leaves, but much the larger portion continued 
their feeding upon the grass. | 

On the 14th of May some of the caterpillars were observed to 
have undergone their first molting, and to have acquired in the opera- 
“tion an additional pair of prolegs. Four days later the second 
molting commenced, developing another pair of prolegs, and giving 
the normal nuinber of five pairs belonging to the Woctuide. 

Subsequent to this molt and onward to maturity, the brood was 
fed on plantain leaves (Plantago major), for which they manifested 
a great fondness. They were not easily disturbed in their feed- 
ing when brought under observation. Their manner of curling up 

No. 104.] 95 

in a ring when withdrawn from their food, taken in connection with 
their general appearance, gave evidence of their being cut-worms. 

A third and a fourth molting occurred on the 21st and 25th of 
May. Descriptions of the larva in each of its five stages were 
taken, and will be given hereafter. 

By the 30th of May many of the larvae had ceased feeding and 
had evidently matured. The following day they were transferred 
to a box of earth upon which a layer of plantain leaves had been 
placed. When examination was next made on the 3d June, a 
little feeding had been done. TF our-fifths of the larvee were found 
above ground, and the rest had buried themselves at different 
depths — some just beneath the surface, showing a slight contraction 
in length, indicating progress toward pupation. A few that had 
been transferred to a separate box, with food, were still feeding on 
June 4th. 

On the 5th of June, three newly disclosed pups were found 
beneath leaves on the surface of the ground, of which descrip- 
tion was taken. 

The first moths — eight in number —emerged from their pup 
on the 24th of June, and on the following day, eighteen others 
made their appearance. The insect was found to be Agrotis saucia. 
The last were disclosed June 380th. About one hundred and fifty 
were carried through to their perfect stage. The species proved to 
be very easy to rear, unlike most of the* cut-worms — hardly any 
fatality attending any of the several transformations. The moths 
displayed a remarkable absence of timidity upon being disturbed. 
With hardly any motion beyond the necessary readjustment of their 
legs, they could be lifted from the ground upon which they rested or 
from the sides of the box to which they were attached, by slipping 
a piece of paper underneath them, from which they could be quietly 
dropped into the cyanide bottle. If alarmed, they attempted escape 
by running rather than by flight. 

Desiring to learn more of the occurrence of the eggs, I addressed 
a request for the information to Mr. A. Oberndorf, Jr., of Centralia, 
Kansas, from whom the eggs had been sent to Mr. Barry. The fol- 
Jowing communication was sent to me in reply, under date of May 
20th : | ; 

Up to the 17th inst. I have found the eggs on the twigs and bodies and branches 
of young apple, pear and peach trees, but have found none on old or bearing 
trees. I found the eggs in batches, on twigs, in narrow strips from one inch to 
three inches long, and about three-sixteenths of an inch broad; on branches, in 
broader strips from one inch to two and one-half inches long and from one-fourth 
to three-eighths of an inch broad; on the bodies of trees, usually about in this shape 
and size [diagram given], and the eggs as close together as possible. I destroyed 
every nest that I could find, but concluded last Sunday to leave two nests in a little 
tree to see what they would do after being hatched. On Monday one-half of the 
cluster had changed from a light tan to aslate color, and yesterday evening that por- 
tion had hatched, and a number of little caterpillars, about one-eighth of an inch 
long, were wriggling about, but were gradually being carried away by the wind. 



Tt really seems that the canker-worm is becoming an annual pest 
of the orchards of the State of New York. While the New England 
orchards have been for many years ravaged by it,and the noble elms, 
so long the boast of eastern villages, destroyed, and it has also been 
very destructive in several of the Western States, our own State, for 
some reason, has been almost exempt from its depredations. Within 
the last few years, occasional instances of its occurrence have been 
reported. Last year they were received by me from Poundridge and 
Pleasantville in Westchester county, where they inflicted damage to 
the apple crop to the amount of thousands of dollars (Country Gen- 
tleman of July 10, 1884, p. 577). The present year, report is re- 
ceived of serious injuries from them in Wayne county. A gentleman 

“The orchards are all being destroyed in this part of the State 
by the canker-worm. ‘Thrifty orchards were cut down last winter, 
and there will be a good many more sacrificed if there cannot be 
found some way to stop the havoc.” 

Early in June their presence in the vicinity of Albany was re- 
ported, where I had not previously heard of their occurrence. Ex- 
amples of the caterpillar were brought to me by Mr. David M. 
Knickerbocker, of Albany, that I might see if they were, as he be- 
lieved, the veritable canker-worm. They were found upon his apple- 
trees at Loudonville, in “millions,” and were rapidly consuming the 
foliage. He had also heard of their presence in other orchards in 
his neighborhood. The examples of the larvee brought were nearly 
full-grown (on June 9th), having almost attained their maximum 
length of one inch. As usual, they differed greatly in their mark- 
ings and colors, some being almost without stripes and of a uniform 
black. ; 

The folly and the criminality of permitting this destructive pest 
to obtain a permanent footing within our State cannot be too 
strongly censured. It is an extremely local pest, and, at the outset, 
can be easily controlled. Often one tree only in an orchard is 
infested, or a portion of an orchard, or a single orchard in a town- 
ship, while others are wholly free from it. The female moth has 
no wings with which to distribute herself, and can only, upon com- 
ing out from her pupation in the ground underneath the tree in the 
early spring, climb up the trunk, meet her winged mate, and deposit 
her eggs upon the branches. 

Preventives and remedies.—The preventives and remedies that 
should be used against this insect are simple. First, the females 
should be prevented from ascending the tree, by the application 
around the trunk of bands of tar or printers’ ink, or by some of 
the mechanical appliances which have been so frequently given in 
our agricultural journals and entomological reports. Second, when 
the larvee are upon the tree and rapidly eating up the young leaves, 
they should be killed by spraying the tree with Paris green water, 

No. 104.] 97 

as in directions so often published. Third, if the caterpillars have 
been permitted to feed to maturity upon the trees, and thereafter to 
enter the ground immediately beneath for their transformation, the 
soil under the trees to the depth of from four to six inches should 
be thoroughly worked over so as to crush the tender pupe. 

Either one of the above measures, if properly used, will be 
effectual in arresting the attack. If all are employed, immediate 
success would be insured. 

Tur Appie-LEAr BuccunatTRix. 

Through Dr. Sturtevant, of the. N.Y. Agricultural Experiment 
Station, a communication was received from Mr. Malcom Little, of 
Malcom, Seneca county, N. Y., stating that the apple orchards in 
that vicinity were infested upon the branches and the fruit with 
objects such as sent upon some twigs. They had not been seen 
before, and it was asked what they were, and if they would probably 
prove injurious. Answer to the following effect was returned : 

The twigs received were thickly covered on one side with the 
cocoons of the apple-leaf Buceeulatrix—Bucculatrix pomifoliella 
Clemens. <A piece of twig an inch and a quarter in length, and 
one-eighth of an inch in diameter, had upon it thirty-three of the 
eocoons. From the small size and the general appearance of the 
cocoons they are often mistaken for insect eggs. They are white, 
about one-fourth of an inch long, as thick as an ordinary pin, and 
show upon their exposed surface five or six prominent longitudinal 

The insect is an injurious one. Where it abounds, the cater- 
pillars consume such an amount of the foliage as seriously to inter- 
fere with the production of the fruit. It displays a remarkable 
facility for increase, and every proper means should, therefore, 
immediately upon its discovery, be resorted to, that its spread may 
be arrested. 

The parent is a small moth belonging to the 7ineid@—that divis- 
ion of the Lepidoptera that embraces the smallest species of the 
order. There are two annual broods of the insect. The cocoons 
sent to me are of each brood. Some of them were spun in July, 
and have given out the insect, leaving only the empty pupa-case 
within the cocoon. The moths that emerged from them laid eggs 
from which caterpillars were hatched, which might have been 
observed feeding upon the leaves in September, if attention had 
been given to the eaten foliage. The caterpillars make their 
cocoons during October, and upon opening those that are the 
freshest-looking and unbroken, their pupze may be found, which 
are destined, if not meanwhile destroyed through parasitic or 
atmospheric agency, to remain in that state throughout the winter, 
and to give out the moth in the month of May next. 

Lemedies.—This injurious pest is most vulnerable in either its 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 13 

98 [AssEMBLY 

caterpillar stage or after the cocoons have been made. In large 
orchards the cocoons may be most easily attacked by means ofa 
mixture of kerosene oil and soap, sprayed upon them with a force- 
pump. This emulsion which is quite as effectual as, and easier to 
make than the milk emulsion formerly recommended, may be made 
by dissolving four pounds of common bar soap in a eallon of water, 
with heat, and then gradually stirring in a gallon of kerosene. This, 
upon cooling, will form a thick, gelatinous mass, containing 50 per 
cent of kerosene, which will have to be reduced by the addition of 
water before it can be applied with a force-pump. If diluted with 
ten gallons of water, giving a mixture of about 10 per cent of 
kerosene, it should give a strength sufficient to destroy the pups 
within the cocoons, but the proper strength had better be first ascer- ~ 
tained by experiment upon a few of the cocoons. 

If the infested trees are not very numerous this liquid might be 
applied to the branches by means of a stiff bristle-brush, “which 
would remove the cocoons, and serve to show thereafter if there is 
a continuance of the attack in the deposit of fresh cocoons. 

When the caterpillars are found in abundance feeding on the trees 
in July or September, by suddenly jarring the branches, numbers 
will drop and hang suspended by mete thr eads, when they may be 
swept down by brooms or branches and destroyed. Showering the 
trees with Paris green and water would poison all the larvee eating 
the poisoned foliage. 

A notice of this insect, with figures of the moth and of the cocoons 
upon a twig, and further information upon it may be found in my 
“First Annual Report onthe Insects of New York, pages 157-162.” 

In the above publication, the presence of this insect had only 
been reported, in New Y ork, in Monroe and Chemung counties. 
As would naturally be expected, it seems to be extending its range.. 
It has since been received by me, from an orchard of Mr. J.S. 
Roys, Lyons, Wayne county. A piece of twig two and one-half 
inches long contained twenty-two of the cocoons, It has also been 
sent to me by Mr. J. C. Wolf, of Waterloo, Seneca county. It is 
reported as present, in small numbers as yet, in Lagrange, Wyom- 
ing county. It also occurs in South Byron, Genesee county. 

I had previously written of this insect, ‘that as yet in its New 
York distribution, it was apparently confined to the western portion 
of the State, but the present year it has been brought to me from an 
orchard at Bethlehem Centre, five miles south of Albany, on the 
Hudson river. Mr. Isaac Bussing, with whom it occurred, reports 
that he has observed it upon his trees for the past few years, in 
limited numbers, but does not think that it has inflicted serious 

In the Second Report of the Department of Entomology of the 
Cornell University Experiment Station, 1883, Mr. A. E. Brunn has 
published his studies upon the life- history of this insect (with illus- 
tration of some of its stages) which adds materially to our previous 
knowledge of it (J. ¢., pp. 157-161, pl. 6, figs. 2-20). An abstract of 


No. 104.] 99 

the above observations has been given by Professor J. H. Comstock, 
in the Proceedings of the Western New York Horticultural Society, 
at its 28th Annual Meeting in January, 1883 (pp. 20-23). 

Epnuestra KijunretuA AS A Pesr in Mitts. 

The following correspondence was had in relation to a Tineid 
moth which was infesting flouring mills in Germany, and Was sup- 
posed to have been introduced from the United States : 

NEw York, February 2, 1885. 

To Prof. J. A. Lintner, State Entomologist : 

DEAR Sir.— A very destructive insect has been recently introduced into Ger- 
many. It is a moth, imported with wheat or Indian corn, and capable of repro- 
ducing itself rapidly. The appearance of this insect has caused great alarm, 
especially among the millers, because in some instances it has become necessary 
to suspend work in order to free the bins and machinery which were choked by 
the lodgment in them of myriads of the pest. Mr. Zeller, the well-known ento- 
mologist, has classified this small moth, the worm of which only lives upon flour 
or meal, as of the family Phycide. 

You will confer a great favor by kindly informing me of what is known to you 
about the existence of the mentioned insect in this country, and the means which 
are employed in order to destroy it. 

With best thanks in advance for the desired information, 

Very respectfully yours, 
Consul- General. 

Reply to the above communication was made, under date of Feb- 
ruary 11th, to the effect that no American insect was known having 
the habits above stated. If Prof. Zeller, in his study of the 
insect, had given it a scientific name, could its name be communi- 
cated to me? If the name was unknown, then, if examples of the 
insect in as many of its four stages as could be obtained, together 
with specimens of the infested grain, could be sent, it would probably 
give the means of identifying the species and of indicating the best 
means for its destruction. 

To the above inquiry, answer was returned, by the Consul-Gen- 
eral under date of February 16th, that the insect referred to was 
named Hphestia Kiihniella Zeller. 

This was answered in a brief note, acknowledging the reception 
of the name of the insect, stating that none of our entomologists 
knew it as a native species, and having learned where it had been 
described and an account been given of its habits by Prof. Zeller, 
in a German periodical, it was hoped that, as soon as access could be 
had to this publication, suggestions for some efticient means for 
meeting the injuries of the pest could be made. 

The following letter was subsequently sent: 


ALBANY, April 4, 1885. 
Mr. A. SEIGEL, Consul-General, ete.: 

DEAR Srr —In further reply to yours of the 2d of February, J. N. 628.85, I 
beg leave to state : 

Since my communication of February 28th, I have learned what I could of the 
insect of which inquiry is made, E/phestia K ithniella. 

There is no knowledge of it as an American insect. If it exists in the United 
States, it is as yet unknown to us, and no such habits have been manifested in any 
of our flouring mills, by any species akin to 1. Hiihniella. We have a species very 
closely allied to it, viz., Hphestia interpunctella (the Tinea zee, of Fitch), of which 
it was thought that the former might be a variety; but after close examination, it 
is accepted as distinct. H. interpunctella, although quite annoying and injurious 
at times in bakeries, has never infested our flouring mills. 

The peculiar habits of #. Withniella will render it a difficult insect to contend 
with, as the fruitless efforts thus far made in Germany for its destruction have 
clearly shown. In order to give the best advice, it will be required to be studied 
on the spot. With no personal knowledge of it, or of any insect of identical 
habits, I can only offer, at present, the following suggestions: 

1. Wherever the larva constructs its cases for pupation, in angles, corners, 
crevices, etc., of bins or apartments, under such conditions that the vapor of 
bisulphide of carbon can reach it, the proper use of that material would probably 
kill the larva or pupa. 

2. As it is probable that the insect is the most vulnerable in its final stage of a 
moth —at the time of its greatest abundance (noting even the hour of the day when 
it is observed to be the most active on the wing), close the mill as tightly as possi. 
ble and burn brimstone therein. 

8. Catch the moths in hand-nets and destroy them. If they be found, like 
many of our Tineida, to take wing toward twilight, that might be the most favor- 
able time for the chase. 

4 See if the moths can be attracted to vessels of water mixed with vinegar 
and molasses, to be caught therein and drowned. 

The above are the best suggestions that I am prepared to offer, with my present 
knowledge of the insect. Hoping that they may prove to be of value, 

Very truly yours, 


A large number of the larvee of the clover-seed midge were received 
October 12th, throngh Dr. E. L. Sturtevant, from Mr. D. M. Lins- 
ley, of Orleans county, N. Y., with the statement that they were from 
a second crop of clover, cut for hay, which had been placed on a 
scaffolding above the barn floor. Four or five days thereafter the 
Jarvee were observed in large numbers upon the floor under the 
clover. Mr. Linsley was desirous of knowing if they would attack 
any other grain or plants. Answer was made that the attack of 
the clover-seed midge, so far as known, was confined to clover 
seed. From the abundance of the larvae reported by him, it was 
quite important, as a means toward diminishing the attack of the 

No. 104.] 101 

coming year, that the larvee falling upon the floor should be fre- 
quently swept up (if the floor was a tight one) and burned. If in 
the sweeping the larvee were liable to fall through the floor-joinings, 
it would be advisable to kill them as they lay on the floor, by sprink- 
ling from time to time with kerosene oil. 

The following extracts are from a letter received later from Mr. 
Linsley in reply to the request made for additional information of the 
them occurrence of the larvze: 

They came wholly from the second cutting of the clover, cut 
about the 20th of September. They began to make their appearance 
about four days after it was drawn into the barn. They came out 
in such numbers that they looked like red sand upon the floor. This 
continued for about two weeks, since which time I have not noticed 
any of them. Idestroyed what I could collect from the floor, but the 
greater part of the hay being put into a mow, they were, of course, 
out of reach for the most part. ee e 2g 

It is said that these weevils do not work in the Alsike, or large 
pea-vine clover. This may be due to the fact that in these varieties 
the first growth or cutting is used for seed, so that the seed matures 
too early for the insect. But these varieties are far inferior to the 
Medium clover and cannot well supply the place of it. The destruc- 
tion of the crop of Medium clover-seed is a very serious loss to the 
agricultural interest in this portion of the State, amounting to from 
twenty to forty dollars per year on every farm of a hundred acres, 
according to the market price of the seed. 

ScrarRa sp.? Occurrina on WHEAT. 

Examples of a small fly were received October 2d, from Dr. E. 
L. Sturtevant, which “had appeared upon wheat” at the Experi- 
ment Station. 

In our present limited knowledge of the species of this genus, a 
generic determination only could be made ef it. 

From what is known of the larval habits of the few species ot 
Sceara that have been studied, and of their associated Mycetophil- 
ide, it isnot probable that the species sent was injurious to wheat. 
The larvee, as a class, are not regarded as injurious, as many of 
them are known to occur beneath the bark of felled trees, in 
decayed wood, in vegetable mould, in fungi, etc. 

From their frequent occurrence in boleti and fungi, Latreille had 
arranged the Mycetophilide in his group of Hungivores — one of the 
five into which he divided the Zipulidw. A noted fungivorous species 
is the Sciara Thome Linn., of Europe, known-as the “snake or 
army-worm.” The larvee are remarkable for assembling in immense 
numbers and hanging together by means of a viscid moisture in a 
long mass resembling a snake or rope, sometimes several feet in 
length, and two or three inches in breadth. Processions of these 
larvee have been observed, massed in a breadth of three inches and 


one or two inches in thickness, and extending thirty yards in length. 
Individually they are but about five lines long and a third of a line 
in diameter. M. Guerin-Meneville has given interesting details of 
some of these assemblies observed. by him, as quoted in Figuier’s 
Insect World, pp. 46, 47. 

That some of the species of the genus may possess injurious 
habits appears from the mention by Prof. Westwood, that Olivier 
had reared three species of Sccara trom wheat, of which account is 
given in Prem Mém. sur quelques Insectes qui attaquent les Céréales, 
Paris, 1813. 

Sciart pyrt, of Europe, is said to injure the blossoms and fruit 
of the pear, causing them to fall; while of other European species, 
S. fucata lives in decaying potatoes, turnips and other vegetables; - 
S. quinqguelineata breeds in diseased potatoes and is supposed, by 
some, to cause the *seab;” WS. ¢2/zcolw produces a gall on the leaves 
of young linden trees; and S. Gzraudii has been bred from stems 
of Malva and Althea. 

One of our American species, at least, is known to be injurious, 
viz, Sceart mali (Fitch), the Jarvee of which destroy the interior of 
apples by burrowing through them, while the fair exterior shows no 
indication of the concealed attack. (1st and 2d Leport Insects LV. Y., 
p- 254.) 

Hevopnizus sms Jacquart. 

From Dr. R. H. Morey, of old Chatham, Columbia county N. Y. 
seven examples of the larva of one of the flower-flies (Syrphide), 
of the group known from their long anal appendage as “ rat-tailed 
larvee,’’ which he had taken from a watering-trough at North Adams, 
Massachusetts, were received on the 5th of July. He had previously 
given me, on July 2nd, two examples of the same, taken from many 
that were seen by him at that time. Upon his second visit to the 
place, for additional specimens, only the above seven examples could 
be obtained. Most of them had evidently left the trough and sought 
other quarters for pupation, 

The larvee were placed in a glass of water with an inch of ground 
and dead vegetable matter at the bottom. They hid themselves in 
the ground, with their tail extended upward to the surface for res- 
piration, to an extent of two inches, except when disturbed, when the 
respiratory organ would be withdrawn from the surface and partly 

Within the following week, some of the larvae were found float- 
ing upon the surface of the water. As this condition was believed 
to indicate approaching pupation, they were transferred to a box of 
dampened saw-dust, into which they buried themselves. 

At this time they presented the following features: The body, 
subcylindrical, narrowing somewhat anteriorly, and one-half of an 
inch in length by one-eighth of an inch broad; beneath, whitish, 
pale brown above, becoming darker toward the tail ; the several seg- 
ments show six divisions (as wrinkles or folds) above, of which the 

No. 104.] 103 

front one is the broadest: on segments 2 to 7 apparently (the pos- 
terior ones not being separable) are six pairs of tubercle-like feet, 
which, when protruded, show each a short black spine. The head 
bears anteriorly two brown, slender, blunt projections, so short as to 
be barely visible withouta magnifier. The first two joints of the 
dark brown tail are corrugated, and measure seven-tenths of an 
inch in length, with the terminal black-tipped extensile joint pro- 
jecting from them one-fourth of an inch. 

Other Jarvee were transferred for pupation July 16th, 18th, and 
the last on the 25th. 

On the 18th the first imago appeared, determining the species as 
LTelophilus semilis of Macquart —a species not at all uncommon in 
the State of New York, and having an extended distribution from 
Canada to Georgia, and in the Western States. It is readily recog- 
nizable from the four large yellow spots on its abdomen, and the 
three broad black stripes upon its pale yellow thorax. I have taken 
the fly early in August upon the flowers of tansy and elsewhere. 

On the 25th of July, a second example emerged from the pupa, 
and two others later — date not noted. The pupal stage is probably 
of about ten days continuance. 

In the American Entomologist, ii, 1870, p. 142, an allied species, 
fHelophilus latefrons Loew, bearing five stripes on its thorax, is fig- 
ured. From the text accompanying the figure, it appears that the 
fly was bred by Mrs. Mary Treat from a larva, which she had taken 
‘ with several others that were feeding upon plant-lice infesting some 
chrysanthemums. This must be an error, for its larva cannot be 
ay. than aquatic, and entirely unfitted for feeding upon plant- 



A severe attack of this insect upon young cauliflower plants was 
reported by Mr. D. W. Seeley, of Albany, and examples of the plants 
badly eaten and having the Jarvze within and upon their roots, were 
brought to me on June 8th. Mr. Seeley had made several applica- 
tions of popular remedies for the arrest of the attack, without avail, 
and had nearly determined upon taking up the entire crop and destroy- 
ing it, although it would be at a loss of about a thousand dollars — esti- 
mated value of the matured crop. The application of bisulphide of 
carbon was recommended to him before an abandonment of the crop. 

Some of the above larvee, apparently full-grown, were placed in a box 
with ground when received. Sixteen days thereafter, June 24th, they 
gave forth the perfect fly. 


Wheat infested between the first and second joints with the Hes- 
sian-fly, wassent for examination, June 12th, by Mr. A. F. Dowd, 
of North Huron, Wayne Oo., N. Y. On stripping the sheaths from 


the stalks, four or five of the puparia or ‘‘ flaxseeds,” as they are 
popularly called, would be found in company, showing the attack to 
be a severe one. 

The perfect insects failed to emerge from these puparia. Under 
natural and favorable conditions they would probably have emerged 
in the month of July. 

The fly had been more injurious in Western New York the pre- 
ceding year (1884) than usual. The following statement in relation 
to its operations, and containing some good suggestions for control- 
ling the insect, is from a gentleman in Monroe county, which joins 
‘Wayne county on the west: 

A considerable part of the wheat of 1884 was injured by the Hessian-fly, which 
crinkled the straw so that the heads of wheat were cut off too short to be gathered . 
in harvest. On some fields this scattering wheat would make, if evenly distrib- 
uted, a sufficient seeding. I am afraid this self-sown wheat will prove a detri- 
ment to the crop, as the Hessian-fly will lay her eggs on these early plants. 

The fly works until frosts check it. Rolling the ground, or dragging with the 
smoothing harrow, and then rolling, is probably as good a preventive of injury 
from the Hessian-fly as can now [late in September] be applied. These operations 
both cause the wheat to stack more, making a mass of small leaves rather than 
one or two tall ones from each plant. As the fly lays her eggs in the fold of the 
leaf [at the crown of the root], she finds less place than where the leaves are un- 
checked in growth. Besides, many of the eggs and newly-hatched worms are 
destroyed by crushing and coutact with soil brushed against them. — W. J. F., 
Monroe county, N. Y. Country Gentleman for October 9, 1884, 

A Lapy-su@ AtTrack on SCALE-INSECTS. 

A number of Austrian pines, Pinus Austriaca, were observed, 
on October 9th, as having been very nearly killed by an attack of 
the pine-leaf scale insect, Chionaspis pinifolie. Millions of the 
peculiar white scales of this destructive species had attached 
themselves to the leaves almost as thickly as they could find place, 
to the extent of whitening the tree and almost hiding its natural 
green. Hundreds of scales could be counted upon a single one of 
its slender leaves. 

The species of lady-bug, Chilocorus bivulnerus Muls., which 
seems to be specially commissioned to feed upon the eggs of this 
and other scale-insects, was present upon the trees in great abund- 
ance. Its larval stage had already passed, and it was now occurring 
in its pupal and perfect stages. The larval cases, split longitudi- 
nelly upon their back and disclosing the pupal-case within, were 
quite numerous; as many as ten of these could be seen upon a 
single leaf. The larger number of pupz had given out the pretty 
beetle, with its shining black wing-covers, bearing centrally upon 
each a blood-red spot — the two spots suggesting the common name 
that it bears of “the twice-stabbed lady-bird.” A few of the beetles 
were still emerging, with pale ochraceous-colored elytra, and with- 
out the least indication of the two red spots which are gradually de- 

No. 104.] 105 

veloped later with the darkening of the wing-covers. In a few min- 
utes’ time, about one hundred and fifty of the beeties were collected 
from the leaves and branches of a pine—most of them from the 
branches, where they were found quietly resting. 

An examination of the scales upon the more badly infested trees 
showed that most of them had been eaten into and their contents 
destroyed. From pupze collected and taken to my office, the beetles 
continued to emerge for about ten days thereafter. 

OvrrosiTion of SAPERDA canpDIDA abr. 
The following notes, condensed from a communication made by 

E. W. Junkins, of Carroll Co. N. H., to the Mew Hngland 
Homestead, of January 3, 1885, are of value as an addition to our 
knowledge of the habits and life-history of the destructive round- 
headed apple-tree borer, Saperda cundida: 

A part of a trunk of an apple-tree that had been killed by the 
borers and taken within doors in the early spring, showed, through a 
crack opened by drying, a pupa of the beetle,on May 20th. On June 
8th it had changed to the beetle [indicating a pupal period of at least 
nineteen days]. Four other specimens that afterward emerged were 
inclosed in a large glass jar containing wet sand at the bottom, into 
which were thrust some shoots of an apple-tree. The beetles fed 
upon the tender bark. On June 15th one of the four females was 
seen depositing an egg. ‘She first made an incision in the bark 
close to the sand; then turning head upward, with her ovipositor she 
placed the egg under the bark nearly a quarter of an inch from the 
incision, the bark having been started from the wood. July 7th a 

oung borer, three-sixteenths of an inch long, made its appearance. 
July 11th, the sticks near the sand were full of eggs, and the beetles 
were depositing their eggs higher up on the sticks. July 18th, one of 
the borers, three-eighths of an inch long, had worked an inch and a 
half downward. August 7th, the last beetle died, but would have 
lived longer with better care.”’ 

On the 26th of August a beetle was captured among the branches of 
an apple-tree, in the trunk of which eight young borers were found. 
The beetle was kept alive for several days and deposited an egg. 

The above observations of Mr. Junkins are of considerable import- 
ance, as they extend the period of oviposition of the beetle much 
beyond the period heretofore assigned to it, and consequently the 
time during which the application of soap to the trunk of the apple- 
tree to protect it from the egg-deposit is to be made will also 
require the same extension. 

Prof. Riley has stated : 

The female deposits her egg during the month of June, and the young worms 
hatch and commence boring into the bark within a fortnight afterward. * * * 
Keep the base of every tree in the orchard free from weeds and trash, and apply 
soap to them during the month of May, and they will not likely be troubled with 
borers. (first Report on the Insects of Missouri, pp. 48, 45.) 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 14 


Dr. Fitch states as follows in his account-of this insect given in 
his First Report on the Insects of New York: 

The beetle makes its appearance every year early in June. * * * In the 
course of this and the following month the female deposits her eggs (page 18). 

Commonly, here in Washington county, they begin to be found upon trees about 
the 20th of June, from which time until the close of the month they appear to 
be more numerous than they are afterward (page 17). 

In all orchards where the borer is present this measure [soap application] should 
invariably be resorted to the latter part of May, or in more northern localities, where 
the beetle will be somewhat later in appearance, early in June (page 22). 

Referring to Mr. Junkins’ observations of the first egg deposited 
after the middle of June, many after July 11th, and oviposition 
continued after Angust 7th, it would seem advisable that the use 
of the soap application should, in. Northern New York, not be 
delayed longer than the 15th of June, and should be continued 
through the month of July, and perhaps Jater. 

Mr. Charles G. Atkins, of Bucksport, Maine, in a paper read 
before the Maine State Pomological Society at its last annual meet- 
ing, contirms the above observations upon the late oviposition of 
Saperda candida, We has found the egg-laying to begin (at his 
farm in Kennebec county) soon after the middle of June, and to 
continue until late in August, and had met with unhatched eggs 
after the 1st of September. 

Mr. Atkins offers the suggestion that relief trom this apple-tree 
_ borer may be better sought through remedial than preventive meas- 
ures. With young trees having a smooth bark he would prefer 
mounding the base to a height of six inches or more with sand, thus 
compelling the beetle to place her eggs where they, or the young 
larves emerging from them and entering the bark, may easily be dis- 
covered by proper inspection, and destroyed. (Home Harm, March 
5, 1885 , 

Tue OLover-LEAF WEEVIL DusrroyeD BY A Funeus ATTACK. 

During the latter part of May, some larvee were received from 
Dr. Sturtevant, of Geneva, N. Y., which had evidently been killed 
by fungus attack. The larvee were found attached to, and coiled 
around, the tips of blades of grass, dead, stiffened, shrunken, and 
partly covered with a whitish fungus. From a careful examination 
of the larvee, it seemed probable that they were immature forms of 
the punctured clover-leaf weevil, Phytonomus punctatus. 

Other examples of the same larva were received from the same 
‘ source, on November 3d, in the same condition with those previ- 

ously sent. Not being positive of my determination of the species, 
request was made for living examples, to be souglrt for buried be- 
neath the surface of the ground, or while feeding at night, but they 
could not be obtained. Some of the material was, therefore, sent to 
the Entomological Division of the Department of Agriculture at 
Washington, where it was compared with alcoholic specimens, and 


No. 104.] 107 

was found, from the structure and markings of the head of the larva, 
to be, beyond doubt, that of Phytonomus punctatus. 

Dr. Sturtevant having suggested the possibility that the fungus 
attack may have been the result of the fertilizer used at the station, 
the fungus was shown to Prof. Peck, State Botanist. It was pro- 
nounced by him, in all probability, an undescribed species, allied to 
the well-known fly-fungus, Hmpusa musce. 

Upon mentioning the above facts to Hon. G. W. Clinton, he ex- 
pressed his belief that the fungus may have been communicated in 
the manner suggested by Dr. Sturtevant, if fish-remains entered into 
the composition of the fertilizer, from the fact that a common fun- 
gus found infesting fishes is the Saprolignea ferax, which is believed 
to be but the aquatic form of the: Ampusa musce. 

The above was communicated to Dr. Sturtevant, with an inquiry 
of the nature of the fertilizer that had been used. Answer was 
returned that he had obtained from the manufacturers the formula of 
its composition, and that “the nitrogenous material was supplied by 
acidulated fish-skins, dried ground horse-meat and western blood.”’ 

If, as seems not improbable, that the death through fungoid attack 
of the larva can beclearly traced to the use of the fertilizer, through 
the discovery of the same fungus in the fertilizer, or better still, by 
experiments with healthy larvee—the mortality of the larvee ob- 
served at Geneva, by Dr. Sturtevant, will certainly be an event of 
unusual interest. It would appear to give us the means of destroy- 
ing a pest which up to the present it has not been possible to con- 
trol, and at the same time stimulating the crop and thereby enabling 
it the better to resist all other forms of insect attack. Nor would 
its efficacy be limited to this particular species, but it would be 
doubtless available against many other insect enemies, especially those 
that burrow in the ground after the manner of the Phytonomus. 

The fungus has been studied by Prof. J. C. Arthur, of the Experi- 
ment Station, and it is understood that his report upon it, together 
with experiments made therewith, and the history of the attack, is 
to appear in the forthcoming Annual Report of the Station.* 

Tue Prar-suicut BeerLe — Xyieporvs pyri (Leck). 

The two communications given below from Mr. G. W. Duvall, of 
Annapolis, Md., are acceptable contributions to our knowledge of 
the habits and operations of one of the borers of our fruit-trees 
which, at times, has proved quite injurious in some of the New 
England and Middle States, although not a common insect in the 
State of New York. It was first described and figured by Professor 
W.D. Peck, of Harvard University, in 1817, as Scolytus pyri ; 
later, it has been briefly noticed by Dr. Fitch in his 8d Report on 
the Insects of New York; and more fully, in the Harris Reports as 
Tomicus pyri — the “ blight beetle.” 

*Since published —in 4th Ann. Rept. N. Y. Agricul. Stat., pp. 258-262, as 
Entomophthora Phytonomi Arthur. 

108 [ AssEMBLY 

“Please find inclosed a few bugs for identification. They are very 
injurious to young apple-trees. [ noticed a few days ago, sap run- 
ning profusely from the bodies of many of my young apple-trees, 
whose trunks averaged from one to two inches in diameter, and, on 
examining, found punctures or round holes extending horizontally 
aud perfectly straight, less than one-sixteenth of an inch in diameter, 
and extending to the center and often beyond, and one of these 
bugs sticking out of the entrance of eavh, with tail pointing out, 
completely filling the entrance on a level with the bark. On 
attempting to hook them out, they would run into their holes 
toward the center. Around the entrance, there was also a slight 
ring of excrementitious matter, or extremely fine wood-dust made 
from boring. I found as many as eight in a very small tree, which 
have so depleted it from loss of sap, as to check the expanding buds. 
These holes are several inches apart, commencing just above the 
ground, and running irregularly up the trunks to the Srst limbs. I 
detected more on the limbs. I inclose also a small piece of bark, 
with the perforation and the dead bug that was in it.” 

‘Please find inclosed a section of a limb of one of the trees killed 
by these bugs. This piece contained one live bug, and I wrapped 
it up in several thicknesses of common newspaper. In one night it 
cut through all, and I thought it was gone, but after splitting I 
found it still in the burrow; so I thought it best to kill it. You 
will find the dead bug still in the burrow. I found that these do 
not always run horizontally to the center and there end, as I sup- 
posed, but extend much farther, and at different angles, so that the 
bug is enabled to turn itself; in fact they also run in different 
directions, in the shape of a Y, and it is only at these divergences 
that they can turn, in the same manner as a locomotive. I have 
about a dozen trees badly injured, and half of them will probably 
die. I caught a good many bugs, but they are so small that they 
would blow or drop out of my hand, and I never could find them 
on the ground after dropping. The leaves of the infested trees are 
small, one-tenth of their natural size, and look as if they had been 
scorched. Many buds are only half opened, and beginning to dry. 
The greatest injury seems to be in the loss of sap, in early spring, 
when the sap becomes sufliciently warm to get there and run.” 

The beetles first sent were crushed in pieces, but the fragments 
were identified as XYyleborus pyri (Peck). The second sending of 
the beetle, within its burrow, was in good condition, and confirmed 
the identification. 

The beetle is described by Harris as of a deep brown color, with 
the antennee and legs of the color of iron-rust. The thorax is short, 
very convex, rounded and rough before; the wing covers are mi- 
nutely punctured in rows, and slope off very suddenly and obliquely 
behind ; the shanks are widened and flattened toward the end, be- 
set with a few little teeth externally, and end with a short hook, 
and the points of the feet are slender and entire. It measures one- 
tenth of an inch in length. 

No. 104.] 109 

In addition to the apple it attacks the pear, the plum and the 

It was discovered about seventy years ago, infesting the twigs of 
pear-trees by boring into them, and causing the sudden withering 
and dying of the leaves, fruit and the twigs, about the middle of 
summer. Hence it came to be named the pear-blight beetle. 

At the present time, the insect is known under two forms of at- 
tack. The first, under which it was first discovered, is that in which 
the larva, upon hatching from the egg deposited upon the bark, 
penetrates the sap-wood at the root of a bud, and following the 
course of the eye of the bud toward the pith, burrows around it and 
partially into it. By this means the ascent of the sap is arrested, 
and the death of the twig beyond this point follows. 

The second mode of attack is that of the trunk, as stated in the 
above communication. Dr. Fitch, has described the burrows occur- 
ring in the trank of an apple-tree of ten inches in diameter, as run- 
ning in a straight line through the bark and with the wood three- 
fourths of an inch, with three lateral galleries of the same size 
traveling off from this at right angles upon one side, and one upon 
the opposite side — these galleries, which-were 0.06 of an inch in 
diameter, running up and down parallel with the grain of the wood. 

In the piece of the apple trunk containing the beetle sent by Mr. 
D., the burrow extends to its center, curving slightly downward (or 
toward what is apparently its lower end), where it turns and runs 
upward for a half inth, and also downward to an indeterminable 
extent, as its lower end extended into the portion not sent.. 

From these two differing forms of attack, Dr. Fitch inferred that 
there were two generations of this insect each year, the first one ma- 
turing in the trunk, early in the season, because the new shoots at 
the ends of the limbs are not sufficiently advanced at that time to 
accommodate the insect. 

It seems more probable, to me, that the species is single brooded, 
and that the summer attack of the twigs is by the larva, which there 
matures and emerges as a beetle, while the burrows in the trunk 
are made by the mature beetle for shelter (hibernation perhaps), and 
for feeding purposes. 

The number in which these beetles were found in the tranks of 
apple-trees of Mr. D. seemed to offer an excellent opportunity of learn- 
ing more of the life-history of the insect. The locality, Annapolis, 
Md., being rather remote for me to visit conveniently, I was desirous 
that ample material might be sent me for study. From my omit- 
ting to accompany my request with the intimation that I would will- 
ingly pay express charges, the material needed has not been received, 
and the opportunity has been lost for the present. 

For the attack on the twigs, cutting off and burning those affected 
is the proper remedy. For that in the trunk, we are not prepared 
to offer a preventive, until it may be known if the perforations are 
made, as I suspect them to be, by the beetle from the outside, and 
at what season of the year they are cut. 


Instead of the apple trunks requested, Mr. D. has recently sent 
me sections of a peach-tree, which died last summer from borings 
(ten to twenty to the square inch), which he supposed were those of 
the X. pyri. The beetles from these sections are now emerging, 
in my oftice, in large numbers, and prove to be those of the peach- 
tree Scolytus, PA/wotribus liminaris (Harris) an insect long 
known to be very destructive to young peach-trees, and at one time 
believed to be the cause of that fatal disease, ‘the yellows.’’ 

AtTrack on Youne Pears By A PLANT-BUG. 

Messrs. Ellwanger and Barry, of the Mount Hope Nurseries at 

Rochester, N. Y., have sent me under date of June 19, 1884, some 

specimens of young pears, blotched and injured, together with 

insects taken upon them. 

Some of the pears, of about one-half inch in diameter, show as many 
as forty blotches from an eighth of an inch in diameter downward. 
From the minute puncture originally made, the juice as it has escaped 
has become hardened and granulated, and with its increase has split 
the skin in different directions, often in a triangular form, or one 
wound running into another. The more seriously injured pears 
would be rendered unfit for sale from their knotted surface, even if 
after such a drain upon them they should continue upon the tree, 
which is not at all probable. t 

The insects taken upon the injured fruit were the tarnished plant- 
bug, Lygus lineolaris. Although they were not actually observed 
feeding upon the juices, there can be no reasonable doubt of their 
being the authors of the injury. This form of a%tack (upon the 
fruit) has not been previously recorded, yet their fondness for the 
blossoms of the pear is known, and they are also known to be 
destructive to the fruit of the strawberry. 

In the attack above recorded, the insect has apparently shown a 
preference in the variety of pear it has selected. Messrs. Ellwanger 
and Barry write: ‘The whole of the fruit in one of our orchards 
on the Duchesse d’ Angouleme trees is affected ; while on the Beurre 
d@’ Anjou and other varieties, we find nothing of the kind.” 

Pacttocarsus LinEAtus (/ab?.), 

Mr. E. 8S. Goff, of the N. Y. Experiment Station, sends me, June 
1st, 1885, some Hemiptera in their larval and pupal stages, feeding 
in the garden of the Station upon sage, Salvia officinalis. 

The larvee were broadly ellipsoidal. Head testaceous; eyes black ; 
first joint of the antennze testaccous, second joint pale basally, and 
the others pale at the joints. Thorax testaceons anteriorly, with two 
black spots en its hind margin, separated by a pale mesial line, wing- 
pads black. Abdomen red, with eight transverse dorsal lines, broken 



No. 104.] 111 

mesially by a pale line. Legs pale; femora darker above; tibie 
brown spotted. 

Pupze.—Wing-pads more than one-half as long as the abdomen, 
shining black, with a broad whitish longitudinal line from their base, 
but not reaching the tip near their outer margin; this line con- 
tinued in yellow upon the thorax, dividing each lateral black spot 
into two—the outer one being simply a marginal line. A yel- 
lowish dorsal line from the thorax over the abdomen ; segments black 
except on their posterior margins and at their sides; femora with 
two black rings. 

The imago from the above appeared on June 13th, in three ex- 
amples, and proved to be the species named above, and commonly 
known as the “ Four-lined leaf-bug.” They were the variety 3, 
described by Dr. Fitch as wanting the black dot at the end of the 
outer black stripe on the wing-covers, on the triangular piece marked 
off by a suture before the membranous tip. As the three examples 
were females, it was thought that the absence of the black spot 
might be a sexual feature, or possibly certain broods might be thus 
characterized. In accordance with a request made to Mr. Goff, a 
number of examples from the garden at the Experiment Station 
were sent to me. It was found from them that the spot gave no 
special indication, as of the thirteen males received seven were with- 
out the spot, and of the seven females, two. 

Mr. Goff states that for the past three years, this insect has ap- 
peared in very nearly the same place in the garden, but in somewhat 
greater numbers the present season. Last.year (in 1884) it made a 
serious attack upon gooseberry bushes at the Experiment Station, 
depleting the tips of the young growth, so that they shriveled, wilted 
down and died. It was also received from Batavia, N. Y., as injur- 
ing sage in a garden. 

While so abundant and destructive in my own garden in 1881 
(see Ist Rept. Insects N. Y., p. 267), it has not been injurious since. 


The following paper was read before the Albany Institute at its 
meeting on October 6, 1885, with a view of making record of the 
planting of a brood of the “ thirteen-year locust,’ at Kenwood, near 
Albany, and of the request that observations be made of the ap- 
pearance of the winged insect at the time that its development may 
be expected. 

It is probably known to all the members of the Institute that not- 
withstanding the rapidity of multiplication in the insect world — 
very few of the species requiring more than a year for their life- 
cycle, and many having several generations in the year — one species 
requires seventeen years for its development from the egg to the 
pertect insect, viz.: the seventeen-year Cicada, or the Cicada septen- 

112 | AssEMBLY 

decim. That so exceptional a life-period is still doubted by some 
is not strange, in view of the fact that the Cicadas are seen to appear 
at shorter intervals than seventeen years— indeed, almost every 
year witnesses their appearance in some part of the United States. 
But this admits of easy and satisfactory explanation. ‘There area 
number of distinct broods occurring within the United States — no 
less than twenty-one are known —having each its geographical 
limits, sometimes overlapping one another, but each ever true to 
its seventeen-year period. Within the State of New York we have 
five of these broods, one of which made its appearance upon Long 
Island during the past summer, in immense numbers, and another 
will appear also on Long Island in 1889. 

- Besides this seventeen-year Cicada, Prof. Riley has also discovered . 
the existence of a thirteen-year Cicada. 

No specific differences in appearance between these two forms 
ean be discovered, for which reason the latter is not accepted as a 
distinct species, but is regarded only asaform orrace. The thirteen- 
year Cicada is a southern form, which in its northern extension does 
not reach further than into the southern part of Illinois. We do 
not have it in the State of New York. 

In the possibility that this short-period southern form may, in 
the lapse of time, have been developed from the normal seventeen- 
year race, as a consequence of the higher temperature of the 
Southern States hastening its development, Prof. Riley”has, the 
present year, undertaken to test the effect of climate on the per- 
manency of the two races, by transferring them from one region to 
the other. He thinks it possible that a southern brood brought 
northward might fail to appear at the expiration of thirteen years, 
and a northern brood taken south, might appear in a less time than 
seventeen years. 

Offering to him my assistance in the interesting experiment, he 
sent to me a quantity of apple twigs from Mississippi, filled with 
the eggs of the thirteen-year Cicada, with the request that I would 
place them in an orchard where the result of the experiment could 
be observed at the proper time, and that I would also have proper 
record made of the same. 

I, therefore, ask place in some publication of the Institute, for the 
statement that the orchard of Mr. Erastus Corning, at Kenwood, 
was selected for the planting of the eggs, from the considerations 
that it was a young orchard, that it promised permanency for the 
desired time, and that no other brood of Cicada would: occur there 
with which this could be confounded. The tree beneath which the 
eggs (they were hatching at the time when the twigs were placed 
about the base of the tree, and tied to its branches) was marked with 
a zinc label, bearing this inscription : 

“Thirteen-year brood of Cicada (Riley’s Brood, No. VII) — eggs 
from Oxford, Mississippi, planted July 4th, 1885.” 

Additional eggs from a second sending were placed beneath the 
same tree on July 21st, and also some in a wood adjoining, a few 

No. 104] 113 

rods toward the south, to serve as a food supply in the event of the 
death or destruction of the orchard. 

As I may not ‘hope to see the result of this experiment, may I 
beg of some of the members of the Institute who are interested in 
Natural History, that in the month of June, 1898, they will make 
examination of the labeled tree, and trees adjoining, for the pupa 
cases of the Cicada that should be found upon the trunks, and for 
the insects in the vicinity, which should easily be discovered, if 
present, by their well-known song, which would readily reach the 
ear. Should they fail to appear at the time designated, then the 
search for them should be renewed the following year, and for 
successive two or three years, until their appearance. 

The result of the observations should be communicated to the 
Entomological Division of the Department of Agriculture at Wash- 
ington, unless it should be known that full examination had already 
been made by an agent delegated for the purpose from the Depart- 

In the planting of the eggs I was assisted by Mr. William Grey, 
gardener of Mr. Erastus Corning, who has been requested to com- 
municate to others upon the farm the location of the tree in order 
that there may be no difficulty in finding the locality at the desired 

In addition to the above, other transfers of the eggs of the 
thirteen-year Cicada from Mississippi, have been made, to Ithaca, 
N.Y.; Boston, Mass.; Kittery Point, Me.; Brunswick, Me.; and 
Ames, Iowa, as noticed in Hntomologica Americana, for August, 
1885, vol. 1, p. 96. Similar transfers, under direction of Prof. 
Riley, of eggs of the seventeen-year Cicada, have been made the 
present year from Indiana, Michigan and Pennsylvania, to localities 
in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Missouri. 

[For a subsequent notice of the above series of experiments, see 
Prof. Riley’s report to the Department of Agriculture, for the year 
1885, pp. 254-257. | 

Scauk-Inseor ATTACK on Ivy. 

The following note of inquiry in relation to a quite common in- 
sect attack of the ivy has been received froma lady in Watervliet, 

“Tnelosed please find a leaf of ivy. Willi you please inform me 
of the cause of its peculiar appearance, and also the remedy, if any ? 
The leaf and stem are alike infected, and the whole is in an unhealthy 

Reply was made that the leaf sent for examination showed upon 
both surfaces, clustering about the veins and more thinly distributed 
elsewhere and upon the leaf-stalk, many whitish, rounded, slightly con- 
vex spots, varying in size from almost microscopic to nearly as large 
as the head of acommon pin. Examined under a lens, their peculiar 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 15 


elevated centers show them to be a species of scale-insect, known as 
Aspidiotus Nerii Bouché. It is quite a common species upon 
the oleander, from which its specific name has been taken. It is 
figured by Prof. Comstock in his Second Report on the Departinent 
of Entomology of the Cornell University Experiment Station, 
1883, pl. 2, figs. 2 and 2 a, and noticed on page 63 of the report, 
where it is said to be generally distributed throughout the United 
States, and to occur upon the cherry, plum, currant, English ivy, 
maple, upon lemons from the Mediterranean, etc. These scale-in- 
sects are very injurious to the ivy when they attack it, for multi- 
plying rapidly, their immense number make such a draft upon the 
juices of the plant that it can not long withstand the drain, Upon 
the first notice of the scales, their spread should be checked, if pos- 
sible. If the plant is small, each leaf should be separately treated, 
by scraping the scales from them, or washing them with a strong 
soap solution, or a kerosene oil emulsion. 

To larger plants, the application would have to be made by sprink- 
ling, or by spraying with a force-pump. 

By far the best time to attack the insect is when the young are 
first hatched and have crept out from beneath the sheltering scales. 
Frem their minuteness, this could only be ascertained by the aid of 
a magnifying glass, under which they would appear as small dots 
slowly moving over the surface of the leaf. At this stage they 
could be killed by a solution of one pound of soap (strong rosin 
soap) in two gallons of water. 

If not convenient to wait and watch for this phase of the insects’ 
life, they may be killed at any time while in the egg stage beneath 
the scales, by a kerosene and soap emulsion, prepared as follows : 

Dissolve one pound of rosin soap with heat in one quart of 
water; add gradually one quart of kerosene, with constant stirring. 
The result will be a gelatinous compound consisting of fifty per 
cent of kerosene. This emulsion diluted, when used with two 
gallons of water, would give asolution contaiming ten per cent of 
kerosene, which, if properly distributed so as to reach all of the 
scales, should be of sufticient strength to destroy the eggs without 
injury to the plant. 

The season at which the young insects would hatch upon in-door 
plants would depend upon the temperature of the room, but would 
ordinarily be during the latter part of winter. 

Tur Cuyerse-Mirre Inresting SmMoxep Mnrarts. 

From C. H. Wessels, provision broker, New York city, some 
pieces of smoked ham were received in June, which were infested 
with myriads of a small white mite. Inquiry was made of their 
nature and origin, and for some safe and effectual method of dealing 
with them. No attack of the kind had previously come under the 
observation of Mr. Wessels, or of those engaged in the same trade 
with whom he had conferred. 


No. 104.] 115 

Upon critical examination they were found to be identical with 
the common cheese-mite, Zyroglyphus siro (Linn.) —a_ species 
which, although frequently occurring in vast numbers in cheese, has 
long been known to thrive equally well on several other articles of 
food. It is not at all uncommon in flour, and when observed therein 
by Linnzeus, he presumed it to be a distinct species, and named 
it Acarus farine. When the same insect came under his notice in 
milk, it was designated by him as Acarus lactis. From some in- 
dividual features presented in some examples, it was named and 
figured by De Geer (vol. 7, pl. 5, fig. 15) as Acarus domesticus, 
when he had found it occurring in meal, sugar, and smoked meats. 

This insect had not been previously known as infesting meats in 
this country, although a closely allied species, Tyroglyphus longior 
Gervais, as identified by Professor Riley, had been found in a pork- 
packing house in a western city, forming a layer of half an inch 
thick in places, beneath sacks of fertilizing material piled upon the 
floor, composed of livers, lungs and kidneys, after they had been 
cooked and dried by steam (American Naturalist, xvi, 1882, p. 
599). This latter species is distinguishable from the cheese-mite 
(according to Murray) by its more rapid movements, larger size, 
longer and more cylindrical body, and more shining hairs sticking 
out on every side. The habits of the two are said to be much the 
same; and itis of interest that in a small bit of the infested ham 
received by me that was seut to Prof. Riley, he identified an exam- 
ple of 7. longior associated with 7. stro. The two have been also 
found in association on eld cheese, but Z. longior in by far the 
smaller proportion —in but eight per cent upon some Roquefort 
cheese, and only one per cent on Septmoncal. It is this species 
which, about half a century ago, enjoyed for a time the notoriety of 
having been brought into being as a human creation through the 
electrical experiments of Mr. Cross — named at the time as Acarus 
horridus, before its identity with Z.longior had been ascertained. 

As the origin of the mites occurring upon the ham could not be 
readily answered, inquiry was made of Mr. Wessels, of the source of 
the meat, its method of curing, and for any otherinformation that 
might be pertinent to the question. The following communication 
was returned: 

Replying to yours of the 10th of June, we would state that the hams in ques- 
tion are cured in the western part of Ohio, and in a brine made of salt, saltpetre, 
and sweetened either with sugar or syrup. They are packed fresh from the ani- 
mal in tierces, the brine poured in and the package closed — the meat being then 
left to cure, a process requiring from forty to sixty days, although they are left 
in this condition from one to twelve months. They come east in that shape and 
are here taken out of pickle as they are wanted, and smoked. The dipping of 
which you inquire, is neyer done to packed hams, but only to bagged or canvassed 
hams; and is done that the coating may protect them from the deposit of eggs by 
flies. The smoking that we gave them was not to exterminate the pest, but to 
prepare them for market. It had, however, no effect upon the insect except 
to make it more easily discernible. The attack seems to be increasing rapidly 
through germination or some other process, 


From the above statement, it seems probable that the mites had 
their source in the establishment in which they were packed — an 
infested pork-packing house, as in the instance above cited. Asa 
remedy, simple; inexpensive and probably effectual, recommendation 
was made to Mr. Wessels of dipping the meat in a weak mixture 
of carbolic acid and water. Used in the proportion of one part of 
the acid to one hundred parts of water, it would, with scarcely a 
doubt, destroy the mite, not injure the meat for food, nor would the 
creosotic odor of the carbolic acid impart a disagreeable simell to it. 

Before venturing to,recommend the above wash for a meat which 
is sometimes partaken of in an uncooked state, the opinion of Dr. 
Willis G. Tucker, of the Albany Medical College, distinguished as 
a chemist, was asked, and the following answer received : 

Yours, concering use of carbolic acid for destroying flour-mites on ham, is at 
hand. The internal dose of the acid is about one grain (or one drop of the 
diliquesced crystals) for an adult. In large enough quantity or a sufficiently con- 
centrated state, it is a caustic, escharotic, and violent poison. It must be used 
with care, and I would suggest the possibility of its affecting the salableness of 
the hams, for its odor, slightly different from creosote, might prove objectionable. 
It is soluble in twenty parts of water. A strength of 1 to 500 is said to instantly 
destroy vegetable mould, both plant and spores, and to operate with equal 
destructiveness upon microscopic animalcule. Hobbescyler says that all inferior 
organisms perish in a solution of 1 to 100. It is used at about this strength to 
kill the itch-insect, body-lice, etc. I would suggest trying a solution of this 
strength (1 to 100) or say an ounce toa gallon (1 to 128). If this should be effect- 
ual, I do not see how it can hurt the meat, and it certainly would be perfectly 
safe. If this does not kill the mites, then I would try double the strength. 

A Parasitio Mire AtrackiInc THE CoLorApo Porato- BEETLE. 

From a gentleman in Middlesex county, Mass., some live potato- 
beetles were received, to which were attached numbers of “ bugs 
or lice,” with the statement that he had found many of the dead 
beetles thus infested and only a few live ones that were not attacked, 
and it seemed as if the beetles would all be killed. 

The supposed lice proved to be a very interesting parasite which 
has been known for several years past to attack the Colorado potato- 
beetle, and, as in the present instance, to render valuable service in 
reducing the numbers of this pest. Its principal interest, perhaps, 
is in the fact that, up to the present, only two or three true parasites 
of this beetle have been Giscovered among its thirty or more known 
natural enemies. 

As an aid in the recognition of this parasite, it may be stated that 
they are quite minute forms, as five of them placed closely together 
would not exceed in surface that of the head of an ordinary pin. 
Their color is yellowish-brown, and in general shape they resemble 
many of the lady-bugs (Coccinellide), being oval, flat beneath and 
convex above. When examined with a microscope, they are found 

No. 104.] 117 

to possess eight legs, and this feature, of course, removes them from 
the lice and all other true insects, which have but six legs. 

Their scientific classification places them among the Arachnoidea, 
in which are included scorpions, spiders and mites. As their body 
consists of but one piece, instead of being made up of several seg- 
ments, they fall in the last-named order, the mites, Acarina. This 
order embraces a large number of greatly differing forms that have 
been arranged in several families to include, as follows: the spinning 
and the harvest mites (Zrombidide), the snouted mites (4dellide), 
freshwater mites (Hydrachnide), parasitic mites (Gamaside), the « 
ticks (/zodide), the beetle mites (Oribatide), the cheese mites 
(Tyroglyphide), itch mites (Sarcoptide), gall and bud mites (Phy- 
toptide), and others. The particular family to which this potato- 
beetle parasite belongs is the Gamaside, nearly all the species of 
which in their wide distribution, live parasitically upon mammals, 
fishes, birds, and insects. The common “ chicken-louse,” Dermanys- 
sus avium, which is also found on caged canary-birds, is a well-known 
species of this family. 

From examples taken from some Colorado potato-beetles in Ohio, 
in 1873, this little Gamasid mite was described and named by Pro- 
fessor Riley as Uropoda Americana. It was found to be closely 
allied to a species that had long been known to infest beetles in 
Europe—the Uropoda vegetans, having the same habit of attaching 
itself to its host by a cord or filament, one end of which was fastened 
to the anal end of the mite and the other to the beetle. Many had 
been the surmises of the nature and object of this singular attach- 
ment in the European species. Some of the old writers had re- 
garded it as a kind of umbilical cord through which the mite drew 
its sustenance from its host, and others, that it was a silken thread 
spun by the mite to serve to fasten it and to prevent its being brushed 
off by the motions of the limbs of the beetle. Close examination 
showed, however, that it had no organic structure, that it was fragile 
and became easily detached; and finally, a French naturalist, M. 
Dugés, ascertained that it consisted simply of the viscous and dried 
excrements of the mite, which conld be removed and replaced at 
every new excretion. 

The discovery of this parasite in Massachusetts in such abundance 
is gratifying. There is scarcely a doubt thatthe dead beetles re- 
ported covered by the “lice,’’ were killed by the attack. The same 
attack has in former years come under my observation, near Albany, 
where the beetles were so infested that every portion of their sur- 
face, including their legs, was so covered as to leave room for no ad- 
ditions unless they could be superimposed. Although still upon the 
potato leaves they were not feeding, but were evidently greatly 
debilitated and near theirend. The occurrence of the parasite so 
early in the season (May) is also favorable, for every beetle that is 
now destroyed may serve to lessen the number of the pest later in 
the year by several hundreds. The present brood of beetles will be 
followed by at least one other during the year, and each female con- 




tinues to deposit eggs, from time to time, during the five or six 
weeks of her natural life, until about a thousand have been deposited. 

Our correspondent might render excellent service if he would 
inform himself if this parasite is to be found in other localities in 
his vicinity, or in other portions of the State; and if not so found, 
if he will distribute the infested beetles and so extend the sphere of 
operations of the serviceable little mite. It would be necessary that 
they be sent attached to the beetle, as they die very soon after being 
separated from their host. If some of the potato leaves are put in 
the box with the beetles when packing them for transportation, there 
would be less liability of the mites being rubbed from them in 

AwnoTtHER Parasitic Mire InFESTING A BEETLE. 

Dr. S. A. Russell, of Albany, N. Y., has sent to me an example 
of Necrophorus tomentosus Web., thickly infested with a small 
red mite which runs with great rapidity. Several of them were 
sent to Professor H. Osborn, who is making a special study of our 
mites with reference to a catalogue of the known species. At this 
present stage of his studies, he was only able to refer it to the 
genus Gamasus. He had previously obtained the same form from 
another species of /Vecrophorus. 

[The catalogue — A Preliminary List of the Acarina of North 
America, by Herbert Osborn, of the Iowa Agricultural College, 
and Lucien M. Underwood, of Syracuse University, has been pub- 
lished in the Canadian Entomologist, for January, 1886, xviii, pp. 
4-12. ] 

A Mrre Attack on GARDEN PLANTS. 

Leaves of various garden plants showing a mite attack upon them 
were received, in September, from Miss A. Goodrich, of Utica, N. 
Y., with the following note: 

For two years past I have often found the leaves of the Calla covered with fine 
webs spun by a small mite. Last year garden plants were affected. Leaves 
turned yellow and flowers did not open. One root of Spir@a was almost 
killed. I put it ina pail of warm suds for the night, and planted it ina new 
place next day. This year it was not so badly attacked, but the sweet English 
violets and the Thunbergia in my window boxes suffered most. I tried hot water 
of 120° Fahrenheit, on the violets, with success. I send specimens of the mite. 

The mite is that frequent pest of garden plants and conservatories, 
Tetranychus telarius (Linn.), commonly known as the “red spider.” 
It owes its popular name to its habit of spinning a web, and to the 
brick-red color which it sometimes assumes—the color which so often 
brings it under the notice of horticulturists. It may, however, pre- 
sent a great variety of shades of green, brown and red, dependent 
to quite an extent upon its food-plants, although occasionally found 
to offer different colors upon the same plant. 

No. 104.] 119 

Although generally known as a spider, it is a true mite. In classi- 
fication it stands next to the spiders, and at the head of the mites, 
in the family of the Zrombidide, which contains the most highly 
organized species of the Acarina. A distinction available in separat- 
ing the mites fromthe spiders is that the former are without a 
pedunculated abdomen. The abdomen instead of being joined to a 

thorax by a narrow joint of attachment is united to the last of the 
leg- bearing segments without any well-defined groove of separation. 

The webs which this species and its associates spin upon the under 
side of leaves and adhering closely to them, are of an extremely 
fine and delicate texture. A careless observer would not suspect their 
true character, but would pass them by as a simple sheen upon the 
leaf. The separate threads are so fine that they are not to be seen even 
by the aid of a magnifying glass, but are only visible when combined 
in anextended web. The silk is secreted froma minute nipple under- 
neath the end of the abdomen. Beneath the web may often be 
found a large colony of the mites, embracing both old and young, 
in different stages of maturity, where, under this safe shelter, they 
are actively engaged in feeding upon the leaf. After biting with the 
mandibles with which they are provided through the surface of the 
leaf, they insert the sucking apparatus and imbibe the juices. Small as 
is each individual wound, the aggregation of the myriads soon tells 
upon the leaf and plant, which discolors, droops, turns yellow and 
perhaps dies under the attack. 

It is unfortunate that this insect is so general in its food, for 
scarcely any tender garden plant is free from liability to its attack. 
In addition to the Calla, Spirea, violet, and Thunbergia above 
named, it was also present upon the leaves of Mitella, Tropwolum, 
Adlumia, and beans, sent with the inquiry. Their examination by 
Prof. Herbert Osborn, to whom they were submitted, showed the 
presence upon each of the same insect, in the egg, larval and perfect 

This little mite, under favoring conditions, may multiply to an 
incredible extent, and become very injurious. A notable instance 
of this has lately been brought to my notice. Leaves of a quince 
tree infested by this species were sent to me for name, under date of 
August 11th, by Prof. Arthur of the New York Experiment Sta- 
tion, at Geneva. He reports the attack as occurring in one of the 
largest quince orchards in the State, about four miles from Geneva. 
The leaves upon many of the trees were like those received by me, 
which were nearly destroyed. The attack was rapidly spreading 
throughout the orchard, and the fruit upon the most seriously in- 
fested trees would be an entire loss. 

Prof. Arthur was experimenting with the kerosene emulsion to 
kall the insect, but with what success has not been learned. Properly 
applied, it could not fail of accomplishing the purpose. A favorite 
remedy, long used in green-houses, has been syringing with a soap 
solution in which sulphur is mixed. Quassia has also been thought 
serviceable when added to the mixture. It is quite important 

120 [ AssEMBLY 

that the liquid be so applied as to reach the under surface of the 
leaves where the mites occur. Itis worthy of note that in the above 
quince attack most of the mites were observable upon the upper 
sides of the leaves. 

The attack of this little mite is undoubtedly far more frequent than 
is supposed, for the reason that the creature can hardly be seen with 
the naked eye, and an ordinary pocket magnifier only shows it as an 
animated speck. A nasturtium in my garden, which had been for 
some time showing yellow leaves or yellow blotches upon the leaves 
without any apparent cause, was found, upon examination for this 
mite, to show its presence in considerable numbers, in the larval and 
in the adult stages. As an experiment, one of the infested leaves 
was dipped in water in which some soap had been stirred, with the 
result of speedily killing all of the mites upon it. 

Tae Buack-Knor or tHE Pxium-TREE AND ITs GUESTS. 

A piece of a limb of a plum-tree having the well-known “black 
knot” upon it was sent to me in July, with the inquiry of the kind 
of insect that caused its growth, and if there was any remedy for the 
attack. The tree from which the piece was taken was wholly free 
from it in the spring. 

It is a very common belief that the black-knot,so common on plum 
and cherry trees, and which causes annually the death of thousands 
of these trees throughout the United States, is produced by an insect 
attack. There is some foundation for this popular belief in the fact 
that insect larve are frequently found within it. These, however, 
are not the cause of the obnoxious growth, but merely enter it for 
food or shelter during its early formation. 

The common cureculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar, which is so 
destructive to the fruit of the plum-tree, has been bred by Dr. Fitch, 
Mr. Walsh, and others from larve inhabiting the black-knot. Mr. 
Walsh has also bred from it five other species of insects —two of 
flies, viz.: Ceratopogon sp., and Diplosis septemmaculata Walsh, 
and three species of small moths, probably of the genus Hedya 
(Practical Entomologist, i, p. 50). Larvze have on different occa- 
sions been taken by me from their cocoons made upon the margin 
of the black-knot, where it was overgrowing an excision of the pre- 
ceding year, and the empty pupa-cases of evidently the same moth 
have been seen protruding from the knot. The moth, unfortunately, 
was not obtained, but it was probably that of geria pictepes Grote— 
Rob., which is known to infest plum-trees sometimes in great num- 
bers (Worth American Entomologist, i, 1879, pp. 17-21, with plate). 

Although it is not many years since the origin of the black-knot 
was in doubt, for even in 1859, Dr. Fitch pronounced it not a fungus 
(Trans. NV. ¥. State Agricultural Society for 1859, xix, p. 606), it is 
now known to bea fungus growth of aspecies long ago described and 
named as Spheria morbosa Schw, Quite recently it has been trans- 

No. 104.] 121 

ferred to the genus Plowrightia, and this later generic name will 
probably ere long be generally accepted. 

The specimen sent is of a brown color, for it is not until late in 
July or about the Ist of August that it presents its well-known 
black appearance, caused by ‘“‘numerous coal-black hemispherical 
plates of about the size of the head of a pin, each of which is a dis- 
tinct fungus.” ) 

Professor Riley has quoted Mr. Walsh as having shown that the 
black-knot fungus infesting the cultivated cherry “ was quite dis- 
tinct from that attacking the cultivated plums.” He has also indi- 
eated another species occurring upon the “ Miner plum,” which, 
may be seen ‘“‘at a single glance to be essentially distinct from the 
common black-knot of the plum.” He writes: “ It would seem to 
follow that there are three distinct black-knots, originating, respect- 
ively, from choke-cherry, from the common wild plum and from 
the Chickasaw plum ” (American Entomologist, ii, p. 231). 

Those who have studied this fungus the most thoroughly believe 
in the existence of but one species, which readily tranfers itself from 
the plum to the cherry, and the reverse. According to Professor 
Peck, State Botanist, “it is now known to occur on Prunus domes- 
tica, P. Americana, P. cerasus, P. Virginiana, P. Pennsylvanica, 
and 2. serotina. ‘Two of these are plum-trees— one introduced, 
the other native —and the remaining four are cherry-trees, of 
which the last three are indigenous” (31st Leport of the NV. Y. 
State Museum of Natural History, 1879, p. 60). 

ftemedy. — The only remedy, so far as known, of the black-knot 
is the free use of the knife as early as possible after its discovery. 
Mr. Walsh has emphasized the following as the remedy that may be 
relied on: “Ifthe diseased twigs are cut off and destroyed early 
in July in the latitude of New York, or a little earlier or later 
according to the latitude, taking care to cut a few inches below the 
affected part, the black-knot can be checked and probably entirely 
eradicated ; but if this operation is delayed until August, it will be 
of no benefit whatever.” 

If the above remedy is resorted to in the early stage of growth, 
the limb or twig need not be removed, but the fungus can be cut 
out with a sharp knife while still confined to one side of the branch, 
permitting, if properly done, the wound to heal in a short time. 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 16 



Nisontapves Prrstus Scudder. — Four examples of this very com- 
mon Hesperian butterfly in the State of New York (two males and 
two females) were identified by me among the collections made hy 
Dr. H. A. Hagenin the Northern Trans-Continental Survey in 1880, 
at Yakami river, La Chapples, Washington Territory, July 16; 
Yakami city, July 2, and , July ilth. : 

Spninx Canapensis Loisd — An example of this rare Sphinx 
(the S. plota of Strecker) was captured at light, on a window, at 
Tannersville, Catskill Mountains, on August 15th, and is now in 
the collection of Mr. W. W. Hill, of Albany. 

Mr. William Grey, of Kenwood, informs me that four examples 
of the species (one of which is in the collection of Hon. Erastus 
Corning, of Albany) were taken by Dr, James S. Bailey, upon the 
skin of a deer hung up to dry in the Adirondack Mountains. The 
species would seem, from the above collections, to favor high eleva- 
. tions. ; 

Meuirrta cucursir2 (//arris).— The following notes on the 
squash-vine borer have been kindly furnished me by Mr. J. P. 
Devol, of Petersburg, Va., in consideration of a published request 
for information upon the life-history of the species : 

June 24th, found two vines of Boston marrowfats dying, from 
which the borers had escaped and entered the ground. 

July 3d, dug up a larva from two and a half inches beneath the 
surface of the ground, at about two inches from the root-stalk. 

July 8th, a larva found in a leaf-stalk, two feet distant from 
the stalk. 

TINEA PELLIONELLA Linn. — This notorious pest — the common 
clothes-moth, carpet-moth, fur-moth (different names for the same in- 
sect), etc., was first observed in flight in my office, as early as February 
13th. During March, and especially toward the latter part of the 
month, the moths were not uncommon. On April 23d, note was 
made of their being quite numerous. They were also reported to 
me as flying in abundance, May 14th, from a bag with hops and 
. pieces of flannel; the flannel was found almost entirely eaten. 

The above early appearances of the insect are noted, as Professor 
Fernald, in his excellent paper discussing the confused synonymy 
of the species, states that “the moths emerge in June and July, 
and some even as late as-August, yet there is but a single genera- 
tion” (Canadian Entomologist, xiv, 1882, p. 167). Dr, Packard 

No. 104.] 123 

represents the moth as beginning to fly about our apartments in 
May (Guzde to the Study of Insects, 1866, p. 346). Dr. Harris 
states that they lay their eggs in May or June, and recommends 
early June as the time in which the prudent housekeeper should 
beat up their quarters and put. them to flight or destroy their eggs 
and young (Jnsects Injurious to Vegetation, 1862, pp. 493, 494). 
Probably the nearly uniform day and night temperature of my 
office during the winter, maintained by the steam-heating arrange- _ 
ments of the Capitol, serve to shorten the period of pupation, when | 
compared with its usual period in our dwellings. 

Mattora sp. — Professor L. M. Underwood, of Syracuse Univer- 
sity, sends Jan. 19th, larvee (3), puparium, and empty puparia (8), 
taken in Western New York, from between the boards forming 
the walls of an out-house. They may have been of J/allota barda, 
to which they bore a resemblance, but they could not be positively 
identified, for unfortunately the examples sent had been put in 
alcohol, and none had been retained alive for rearing. 

ANTHRENUS SCROPHULARLH (Linn.).— The carpet-beetle occurred 
abundantly on flowers of Spirzea, in Washington Park, Albany, on 
June2d. <Anthrenus varius was associated with it in about equal 

June 8th, numbers were taken by Mr. William Beuttenmiiller, 
of New York city, on flowers of parsnip. 

July 21st, twenty-five of the larvie, of different sizes, were re- 
ceived from a residence in Schoharie, N. Y., where they abound. 

Aug. 9th, Prof. H. M. Seely, of Middlebury College, Middlebury, 
Vt., sends what he believes to be the carpet-beetle, as it was found 
in large numbers associated with the A. scrophulariw larve when 
searching for the latter in July. It proved, however, to be Otio- 
rhynchus ligneus, which appears of late to have domesticated itself 
within many dwellings. 

Nov. 2d, half-grown larvee and an imago taken in my house, the 
latter from a window curtain. 

THANASIMUS DuBIUS (/abr.).— Numbers of this insect —one of 
the Cleride — were observed upon cut pine timber, at Schoharie, 
May 13th, dropping quickly to the ground when approached. 
They had probably been feeding on some of the wood-eating larvee 
under the bark. A species nearly allied to this, captured by me 
upon the summit of Mt. Marcy, at an elevation of 5,300 feet, on 
August 8th, 1877, has recently been identitied by Mr. E. M. Schwarz, 
as Clerus ?analis Lee. 

Macropacrytus supsprnosus (#wbr.).— Under date of July 4th, 
Mr. H. J. Foster, of East Palmyra, N. Y., wrote that the rose-bug 
had made his cherry-trees leafless the preceding year, and that this 
year they were eating the leaves of the wild-grape, and the young 
apples where they occur in clusters, 

124 [A ssEMBLY 

Curysocnus AurATos (/abr.),— Professor S. A. Forbes, State En- 
tomologist of Illinois, has kindly communicated to me a new food- 
plant for this beetle, discovered in the State of New York. He had 
received under date of July 7th, from Mr. C. Fred Johnson, of 
Bayport, Suffolk Co., some “ potato-bugs,” which he identified as this 
species. It had ‘‘appeared only on a dozen or sv of plants, in a 
field of two acres, but as many as thirty or forty were found ona 
single plant.” It had never before been recorded as occurring in- 
juriously upon any cultivated plant. 

TRIRHABDA CANADENSIS (Atrby).—On the 22d of June, at Schoharie, 
N. Y., found in one locality a large patch of the golden rod, Solidago 
Canadensis, infested with numbers of a shining black larva, about 
a half-inch in length, and tapering toward each end. Of a number 
gathered and fed upon the golden rod, a half dozen had changed to 
the pupa state, ten days thereafter. On the 15th July, the beetles 
were disclosed, and proved to be one of the Chrysomelide, viz., 
Trirhabda Canadensis (Kirby). The ochre-yellow stripes of the 
elytra, at first quite bright, gradually dulled in their drying. 

Numbers of the beetles were observed, on September 8th, feeding 
upon the leaves of the golden rod. When approached, they drop to 
the ground and lie motionless. Several pairs were in copula, and all 
of the females had the abdomen enormously distended with eggs. 
Diabrotica vitiata (Fabr.) was also very abundant in the blossoms of 
the plant, where it was feeding upon the pollen. 

T. Canadensis has also been observed, abundantly, at Keene Val- 
ley, Essex county, N. Y., on golden rods, late in July and early in 

Hyxesinus opacutus Lec.—- This little bark-boring beetle (deter- 
mined by Dr. Horn) was found by Prof. C. H. Peck, State Botanist, 
under the bark of living, and, to all appearance, healthy cedar trees 
(Arbor vite). They occurred May 26th, within their main galleries, 
with eggs laid at intervals, in niches on each side, from which, later, 
would run the lateral galleries of the larvee. The beetle has hitherto 
been recorded only on elm and ash ( Vlmus and Hraximus). 

Puteorrises trumaris Harris.— Numbers of this beetle, desig- 
nated by Saunders as the elm-bark beetle, although perhaps more 
frequently occurring in the peach, were emerging in my office June 
6th, from sections of the trunk of a young peach-tree, received from 
Mr. G. W. Duvall, from near Annapolis, Md. The tree had, it was 
believed, been killed by the insect the preceding year. 

(Ecantuus ntveus Harris.— Peach twigs, badly scarred through 
the oviposition of this insect, the white flower-cricket, were received, 
in April, from Mr. O. Wilson, of Keuka, Chemung county, N. Y. 

Epuemera nartata ( Walker).— Examples of this May-fly were 
brought to me on June 6th, and reported as having occurred in im- 
mense swarms in Middleburgh, N. Y. 

No. 104.] 125 

Other notices of insects and their attacks together with some 
studies and observations of the entomologist made during the year, 
which are, for reasons previously stated, omitted from this report, 
will probably be given in the next (third) report to be communicated 
to the Legislature. 

Respectfully submitted, 


By Gerorce B. Smpson. 

I commenced the dissection of Helix thyroides with the intention 
of writing a monograph similar to the one by myself on the Ano- 
donta fluviatilis, but other work was so pressing that I have been 
unable to continue my investigations. I have partially illustrated 
the pulmonary cavity. Next season I shall continue the work accord- 
ing to the original design. 

The lungs consist of a simple cavity communicating with the 
exterior by an orifice situated on the right side of the body, closed 
by a sphincter muscle. The cavity is comparatively large and is 
situated on the outside of the lower two whorls. The position and 
extent of the cavity is shown on plate 3, figures 2, 3, 4. 

In front is the collar, in the right side of which is the pulmonary 
orifice. The bottom or foor consists of the muscular peritoneum. 
On the right side is the rectum, and posteriorly the renal organ and 
heart, which is composed of an auricle and ventricle. The interior 
of the cavity is lined with a net-work of veins, which frequently 
anastomose and receive numerous dendritic veins. The veins are 
most abundant near the pulmonary orifice; they connect with a large 
vein which, commencing near the orifice, continues backward on a 
line with the rectum and opens into the auricle. The blood is con- 
veyed to the lungs by aorta proceeding from the ventricle. 

When the animal is living the blood vessels can frequently be 
traced through the shell, presenting a beautiful golden appearance; 
they might without a knowledge of their character be mistaken for 
markings of the shell. 

The pulsations of the heart can be very distinctly seen; they 
usually number about fifty in one minute, though sometimes vary- 
ing from as high as seventy to as low as thirty. 

{Originally communicated to the Thirty-second Report of the State Museum of Natural 
History, pp. 101-128,in 1879. | 

By H. HE. WEBstER. 

The Annelida catalogued and described in the following pages, 
were collected in June and the first half of July, 1878, by the writer 
aud a number of students from Union College, forming the usual 
summer zodlogical party, or ‘‘ Natural History School,” sent out by 
the college.. The locality was Great Egg Harbor, N. J., our resi- 
dence and point of departure being Beesley’s Point. The harbor is 
quite shallow, with a narrow channel carrying from ten to fifteen 
feet of water. Outside of the channel at low water, there is from 
one to three feet of water, and the bottom is covered for the most ' 
part with a dense growth of grass and seaweed. As usual, by far 
the greater number of species were obtained with the spade, between 
tides. In collecting and taking care of the annelids, I was very 
much aided by Mr. James E. Benedict. Mr. Benedict had general 
charge of the shore work, giving especial attention to the birds, but 
managed to find time for much good work on the annelids. Mr. C. 
M. Culver relieved me of much care and responsibility by taking 
general supervision of the marine invertebrate collecting and collec- 
tions; while Mr. H. H. Dey Ermand, although acting as Mr. Bene- 
dict’s assistant in shore work, did good service in marine collecting, 
from time to time. We were very fortunate in our boatman, Mr. 
Aaron Clark, of Beesley’s Point, and I can heartily recommend him 
to hunting, fishing and collecting parties. During this winter 
(1878-79), we have received from him a fine lot of birds in good 
condition for mounfing. I mention this fact, because, in common 
with others, I have found it very ditticult to find men competent to 
collect and care for birds or other natural history objects, except 
under direct supervision. 

The results of the work on the cheetopod annelids may be sum- 
marized as follows: 

Genera trace ea roeaottatelcrels Tse latePaio gel ie cele ierey atts vo\le ie taalwee tele etenetfetetenete 50 

{Assemsty, No. 104.] 129 

It was found necessary to establish two new genera STREBLOSPIO 
and ParaxtotHEA; of the species fourteen are believed to be new; 
one genus, GrusBea, has not previously been reported from our 
coast, although the species is probably not new. The specimens 
upon which the work is based are in the Museum of Union College, 
and a nearly complete series has also been deposited in the New York 
State Museum of Natural History. 


LEPIDONOTUS (Leach) Kinberg. 

Fregatten Eugenies Resa; Zoélogi, ii, Annulata, p. 13. 

Lepriponotcs squamatus Anbdg. 

Aphrodita squamata LINN. Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 655. 1758. 
Polynoé squamata SAVIGNY. Syst. des Ann., p. 22. 1820. 
< ce Aup. & M. Ep. Littoral de la France, vol. ii, p. 80, pl. i, figs. 

10-16. 1834. 
a ¢e GRUBE. Familien der Anneliden, p. 36. 1851. 
0 43 QuaTR. Hist. Nat. des Ann., vol. i, p. 218. 1865. 

‘< . dasypus QUATR. Hist. Nat. des Ann., vol. i, p. 226. 1865. 
Aphrodita punctata ABLDG. Zo6l. Danica, vol. iii, p. 25 (non figs. pl. 96). 1789. 
oe a O. Fapricius. Fauna Greenlandica, p. 311. 1780. 
Lepidonote punctata CARstED. Ann. Dan. Consp., p. 12, figs. 2, 5, 39, 41, 47, 48. 
1843. Grén. Ann. Dors., p. 16. 1848. 
cs armadillo Lerpy. Marine Invert. Fauna, N. J. & R. 1., Ex. Jour, Phila. 
Acad., series ii, vol. iii, p. 16, pl. xi, fig. 54. 1855. 
Lepidonctus squamatus KNae. Fregatten Eugenies Resa omkring Jorden. Vetens- 
kapliga Jakttagelser. Zodlogi, Annulata, p. 13, pl. iv, 
fig. 15. 1857. 

op ay JOHNSTON. A Catalogue of the British Non-parasitical 
Worms, p. 109, pl. viii, fig. 1. 1865. 

$f ‘««. MaALMGREN. Nordiska Hafs-Annulater; Ofvérs. at K. Vet. 
Akad. Férh., p. 56. 1865. Annulata Polycheta, p. 130. - 

* ae Barrp. Linn. Proc. Zodlogy, vol. viii, p. 182. 1865. 

pee A Moéreius. Untersuchung der Ostsee, p. 112. 1873. 

oe SS VERRILL. Invert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, etc., in 

Report of U. 8. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, 
Part I, p. 581. 1874. 

o* <¢ WepssTER. Annelida Chetopoda of the Virginian Coast, in 
Trans. Albany Institute, vol. ix, p. 204, pl. i, figs, 1-5. 
(Advance copies, Jan, 1879.) 


LAGISCA Walmgren. 

Nordiska Hafs-Annulater, p. 65. 1865. 
Annulata Polycheta, p. 133. 1867. 

LaciscA IMPATIENS 7. sp. 
PLATE (1) Iv, FiGs. 1-7. 

_ Head (fig. 1) broader than long, sides convex, posterior margin 
concave, slightly depressed along the median line. 
Eyes large, lateral, remote from each other, black. 
Antenne covered with minute, cylindrical papille, which are a 
[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 17 

130 [ AssEMBLY 

little swollen and lobed at the end; median, cylindrical for inner 
two-thirds, outer third conical, delicate; basal article large, swollen; 
in length falling a little short of the palpi; lateral, about one-half as 
long as the median, fusiform; basal articles cylindrical, a little 
longer than that of the median antenna. 

Palpi smooth, very changeable in form, at rest a little longer than 
the median antenna, tapering uniformly to near the end, where the 
diameter suddenly dimmishes. 

Tentacular cirri with cylindrical basal articles; superior about the 
length of median antenna; inferior but little shorter than superior; 
these cirri, together with the dorsal and anal cirri, have the same 
structure, in all respects, as the median antenna, but the dorsal cirri 
are a trifle longer than the superior tentacular cirri, and the anal 
are a little longer than the dorsal. 

Elytra, first pair (fig. 5) nearly circular ; the rest (fig. 6) reniform ; 
covering the body completely in front, but further back not quite 
touching along the middle line, leaving a narrow, naked, median 
space; when magnified, seen to be covered with minute granules, 
around each of which is a circular depression ; outer margin fringed; 
from two to seven rather stout, cylindrical papillee arising from the 
surface, near the posterior margin; last seven segments without elytra. 

Feet (fig. 2) of the usual form, margins of both dorsal and ven- 
tral rami with flattened somewhat triangular prolongations; ventral 
cirri arising at about the outer third and projecting a little beyond 
the foot, sparsely covered with papillee similar to those found on the 
superior cirri. 

Setee of dorsal ramus quite stout (fig. 4), numerous, about half as 
long as the ventral setz, although the longest dorsal are as long as 
the shortest ventral; those of the ventral ramus (fig. 3) long, 
numerous, énding ina single curved point. The dorsal sete are 
usually more numerous than in fig. 2, very nearly concealing the 
prolongation of the ramus. 

Color. Head, flesh-color; palpi, brown, with white tips; an- 
tennze and all superior cirri with one or two black rings at about the 
outer third; elytra extremely variable ; they may be white, yellow or 
flesh-color, with markings varying much both in form and extent, 
and in color from light brown to very dark brown ; on one specimen 
the elytra were light orange, with transverse linear markings of dark 
brown, on the anterior segments; body usually white above, with- 
out markings, or with transverse lines or spots of black or purple; 
the last segments have usually black markings ; the ventral surface 
may be white, or white tinged with red or purple. 

This species is very fragile, readily breaking up and losing their 
elytra when disturbed. Middle third widest; last third tapering 
rapidly ; first third slightly tapering. 

Length of adult specimens, 25"; width, 4—6™™. 

Common, associated with Zepidonotus squamatus, and like that 
species abundant on beds of Jytelus edulis. 

No. 104.] 131 

Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 209. 1879. 


Op. cit., p. 210, plate iii, figs. 23-31. 

Not common ; only three specimens were collected. 
Lives in the tube of Amphitrite ornata VERRILL. 

Annulata Nova., etc., Ofvers af Kongl. Vet-akad-Férh. 1855. 

STHENELAIS PictaA Verrill. 

VERRILL. Invert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, etc., p. 582. 1874. 
WEBSTER. Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 213. 1879. 

Not common. Dredged. 

Neputuys iuncisa Jalmgren. 
Nephthys incisa Merm. Nordiska Hafs-Annulater, p. 105, pl. xii, fig. 21. 1865. 
Annulata Polych., p. 141. 1867. 
fs ingens VERRILL. Invert. An. Vin. Sound, etc., pl. xii, figs. 59, 60. 1874. 

ce ‘© WEBSTER. Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 218. 1879. 
oe incisa VERRILL. Check List. 1879. 

Not common. Found in sand and mud; low water to fifteen feet. 

Neputuys prota Lhlers. 
EHLERS. Die Borstenwiirmer, p. 632, pl. xxiii, figs. 9, 35. 1868. 

VERRILL. Invert. An. Vin. Sound, etc., p. 583, pl. xii, fig. 57. 1874. 
WEBSTER,  Annel, Chet, of the Virginian Coast, p, 214, 1879, 

ANAITIS Malmgren. 
Nordiska Hafs-Annulater, p. 94. 
PLATE (I) Iv, Fries. 8, 9. 

The outline of the head conforms perfectly to Malmgren’s generic 
description ; the middle third of the posterior margin curves sud- 

132 | AssEMBLY 

denly backward, encroaching upon the anterior margin of the first 
eee the sides and front are regularly rounded, forming a semi- 

Antennee delicate, conical, length about one-half the width of the 
head ; only the upper pair can be seen from above; both pairs arise 
from the lower surface of the head, upper also external and pointing 
outward, lower directed downward. . 

Eyes large, circular, lateral, posterior; first segment prolonged 
forward as far as the front of the eyes, embracing the sides of the 

Tentacuiar cirri arise from short, stout basal articles, are stout at 
base, regularly and acutely conical; first and second equal, a little 
shorter than the third, which reaches back to the front margin of 
the fourth setigerous segment; the fourth cirrus, or cirrus of the 
second segment, as long as the third. 

Dorsal cirri (branchiz) broad heart-shaped (fig. 8), with long basal 
attachment, retaining the same form throughout; feet (fig. 8) 
cylindrical, bilabiate; ventral cirri with slightly convex lower 
margin, nearly straight or slightly concave upper margin; apex 
bluntly rounded, a little shorter than the feet; anal cirri circular, a 
little thicker than the dorsal. 

Setze (fig. 9) long, slender, with very long and delicate appendix ; 
the stem ends in two sharp curved points, one mnch longer than the 

Color: head and first two segments white with brown specks; 
dorsum generally dark green; between the segments a narrow 
spindle-shaped band of umber-brown; eighth and ninth segments 
umber-brown, giving a well-defined band of the width of these two 
segments; dorsal cirri green, not quite so dark as the dorsum, with 
a central brown spot, extending to their attachment on the segments 
3-9 ; after the ninth segment this marking becomes obsolete. Ven- 
tral surface light green, growing darker externally, and with reddish- 
brown lateral markings along the posterior third; feet and ventral 
cirri dark green at base, growing lighter further out. Anal segment 
brown. ‘The general color of the body in one instance was reddish- 

ellow; in another all the markings were very dark-brown, nearly 
black, in place of the umber-brown. The transverse band on the 
eighth and ninth segments is still visible, after six months’ preser- 
vation in very strongalcohol. Body slightly convex above, flattened 
below; the first segment is much wider than the second, but shorter ; 
the second is narrower than the head; the middle third of the body 
has a uniform width, about double that at either extremity. 

Length of adult specimens, J0-12™ ; width, 1.5-2™". 

Found occasionally at low water; quite common on beds of 
Mytilus edulis. 

No. 104.] 133 

PHY LLODOCE (Sav.) Malmgren. 

MALMGREN. Nord. Hafs-Ann., p. 94. 

PLATE (11), Vv, FI@s. 10-12. 

Head bluntly rounded in front, diameter increasing backward to 
the middle line, just back of the middle slightly constricted ; mar- 
gins behind the constriction straight; posterior margin with a deep 
triangular emargination ; lateral lobes broadly rounded. 

Antenne short, conical, rather stout, their length about equal to 
the anterior diameter of the head. 

Eyes situated at posterior third of the head, latero-dorsal, large, 
circular, dark brown to black. 

Tentacular cirri; first and second equal, reaching some distance 
beyond the head; second and third equal, about double the length 
of the first, reaching back to the ninth or tenth segment, subulate. 
On the first segment, in the triangular space between the posterior 
lobes of the head, there is a small, blunt papilla, its length about 
equal to the base of the triangle; this papilla is obvious in fresh 
specimens, but is seen with difficulty in alcoholic specimens. 

Dorsal cirri of the anterior segments (fig. 10), broad heart-shaped, 
from the twenty-fifth segment somewhat quadrangular (fig. 11), and 
with the inner margin abruptly turned up, presenting anarrow sur- 
face nearly at right angles to the larger outer part of the cirrus; the 
line of union of the two surfaces is thickened and densely covered 
with long cilia. 

Ventral cirri, lower margin convex, upper margin nearly straight 
in front ; they are rounded externally, pointed behind. 

Setee numerous, of one kind only (fig. 12), very long with a 
flexible capillary termination ; the stem is roughened near the artic- 
ulation by numerous projecting points; the appendix is joined to 
the stem by a delicate membrane, and is minutely denticulated along 
its thin margin. 

Anal cirri short, conical. 

Color: on the dorsum each segment has a dark brown crescent on 
both its anterior and posterior margin, while the intervening part is 
green ; thusthere are transverse, hour-glass shaped green markings, 
alternating with spindle-shaped brown markings; on the first ten or 
twelve segments the brown falls a little short of the outer margins 
of the segments. The dorsal cirri are greenish-white with a large 
patch of brown at base, not quite so dark as the brown of the dorsum. 
Back of the middle of the body a second brown spot appears on the 
outer central part of each cirrus. The ventral surface is light green 
with a central brown spot on each segment, and a similar spot be- 
tween the bases of the feet. The head, antenne and tentacular 
cirri are white. 


Proboscis not seen in full extension, basal portion closely covered 
with longitudinal series of conical papille, except a narrow, naked 
space above. 

Body tapers slightly along the posterior third, but is of nearly 
uniform diameter throughout. 

From the twenty-fifth segment the middle (green) part of each 
segment is ciliated. Three specimens were found, two of which 
were colored as described above, while the third had white every- 
where replacing the green. 

Length, 10" ; diameter, 1"; diameter including feet, 2.5™™. 

Found near low-water mark, in sand. 

EUMIDA Malmgren. 

Nord. Hafs-Annulater, p. 97. 1865. 

Evmipa macutosa Webster. 
Annel. Chet of the Virginian Coast, p. 215, pl. iv, figs. 88-41. 1879. 

Very common on shells, etc., from low-water to fifteen feet. 

EULALIA (Sav.) Malmgren. 

MauMGREN. Nord. Hafs-Annulater, p. 98. 1865. 

Eviauia? annunata Verrill. 
Invert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, ete., p. 291. 1874. 

A single specimen, having the anterior portion only, was found, 
which probably belongs to Verrill’s species. 

ETEONE (Sav.) Girsted. 

(@rstTED, Annulatorum Dan. Consp., p. 29. 1848. 

PLATE (It), V, FIGs. 13-16. 

Head longer than broad, wide at base, apex bluntly rounded (fig. 
18) ; a slight depression just above the bases of the lower antenne, 
and another similar depression just back of the upper antenne. 

Antenne small, conical ; the upper, about equal in length to the 
width of the apex; the lower, a trifle longer. On the middle line 
of the head, just back of the eyes, there is a small papilla, which can 
be seen only with difficulty in living forms, and can hardly be 
demonstrated in alcoholic specimens. 

‘Eyes small, circular, widely separated, situated at about the pos- 
terior fourth of the head; on young specimens, red; on adults, 

No. 104.] 135 

Buecal segment nearly as long as the three following segments 
taken together. 

Tentacular cirri; upper nearly as long as superior antennz, but 
more delicate ; lower, three times as long as upper, and stouter, but 
still very delicate. 

Dorsal cirri pretty evenly rounded, quite small on the anterior 
_segments (fig. 14), growing larger behind (fig. 15). 

‘Ventral cirri, in front larger than the dorsal, lower margin 
strongly convex, upper margin straight, apex acute ; further back 
they are larger than in front but smaller than the dorsal cirri, their 
margins slightly convex, apex bluntly rounded. 

Anal cirri short, subulate. 

Setze (fig. 16) numerous, short, stem reaching but little beyond 
the feet; appendix also short, rather wide at base, termination 
capillary, one edge minutely denticulated. 

Body elongated, in front flattened, further back rounded above, 
flat below; tapering rapidly along the anterior third, gradually 
along the posterior third. 

Color white, or white with flake-white specks, sometimes with an 
intestinal brown line showing through. 

Length of largest specimens, 45"; width with feet, 1.5™™. 

Rare ; low water to fifteen feet. 

ETeoneE trutcota Verrill.. 
VERRILL. Invert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, etc., p. 294. 1874. 

This species, reported by Verrill from Great Egg Harbor, we 
failed to find. 

PODARKE Fillers. 
Die Borstenwtirmer, p.190. 1864. 

PoparKE opscurRA Verriil. 

PLATE (11) V, Fies. 17, 18. 

VERRILL. Invert. An. of Vin. Sound, etc., p. 589, pl. xii, fig. 61. 1874. 
WeresterR. Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 216. 1879. 

Rare; low water to fifteen feet. 


PLATE (II) V, FiGs. 19, 20. 

Head very slightly convex in front, posterior margin slightly eon- 
eave, and a little shorter than the front margin, the sides being 
directed a little inward ; length to width as one to three; angles all 
bluntly rounded. 


Antenne: Median lost ; those in pairs delicate, subulate, without 
basal articles. Upper pair situated just above the lower, their length 
about equal to the width of the head; lower pair a little shorter 
than npper. 

Eyes dark red; anterior pair large, circular, latero-posterior ; pos- 
terior pair a little within the front pair, almost in contact with 
them; crescentic, concavity directed outward and backward. : 

Tentacular cirri six pairs, arising from short, cylindrical basal 
articles, borne on the first three segments, two pairs to each seg- 
ment; upper cirri as long as the dorsal cirri, or even a little longer ; 
lower about one-half as long as the upper. The first four pairs on 
each side seem to arise from the sides of the head ; this is due to 
the fact that the first and second segments are not visible from 
above, except as narrow lateral bands extending forward on the 
head as far as the anterior eyes; these segments are well defined 
below ; in alcoholic specimens they cannot be seen from above, and 
even in living forms the line of division between the sides of the 
head and the lateral prolongations of these segments is not easy to 

Dorsal cirri very long, delicate, tapering uniformly, basal articles 
short, cylindrical (fig. 19). 

Feet biramous; upper ramus a stout papilla arising just below 
the base of the dorsal cirrus; Jower ramus stout, elongated, termi- 
nating above in a conical process, below which the end of the 
ramus is bluntly rounded, almost truncate. 

Ventral cirri arise from lower outer margin of the ventral ramus, 
delicate, conical, about one-sixth as long as the dorsal cirri. 

Setze: dorsal very long, slender, capillary, forming a close-set 
bundle, arising from the summit of the dorsal ramus; ventral (fig. 
20) of the form usual in this genus, hardly to be distinguished from 
the ventral setee of Podarke obscura VERRILL, except that they are 
longer, and that the stem has transverse markings which I have never 
been able to see in the sete of that species. The difference in 
length between the setee of the two species is due almost entirely to 
the elongation of the stem in the sete of P. duteola. 

Body slightly convex above and below, widest in front, tapering 
very gradually. The feet increase in length from the first pair to 
the middie a little faster than the body narrows, so that the widest 
part, including the feet, is in the middle. 

Anal cirri in all respects similar to the dorsal. 

Color: reddish-yellow dorsally; feet green or yellow above, 
green laterally ; ventral surface a shade lighter than the dorsal ; 
antennze and all cirri white. 

Length, 11"; width, including feet, 2™™; number of seg- 
ments, 45. 

A single specimen was found on an oyster shell at low water. 

This species is easily distinguished from Podarke obscura V ur- 
RILL (the only species of this genus previously described from our 
coast), by the form of the head—lack of basal articles for the antenna, 
apparent origin of the tentacular cirri of the first two segments, 
great length, and short basal articles of the dorsal cirri, ete. 

No. 104.] 137 

SYLLIS (Sav.) Lhlers. 

EHLERS. Die Borstenwiirmer, p. 222. 1864. 
Sytuis Graciuis Grube. 

Syllis gracilis GRUBE. Actinien, Echinodermen und Wiirmer, p. 77. 1840. 
es +s CAPAREDE. Glanures Zodtomiques parmi les Annélides de Port- 
Vendres, p. 75, pl. v, fig. 3. 1864. Annélides Chétopodes du 
Golfe de Naples, p. 503, pl. xv, fig. 3. 1868. 
ce % MARION AND BOBRETZKY. Annélides du Golfe de Marseille; in An- 
nales des Sciences Naturelles, 6th series, vol. ii, p. 28, pl. ii, fig. 

6. 1875. 
iy a PANCERI. Catalogo degli Annelide, etc. Atti. Soc. Ital., vol. 
xviii, p. 520. 1875. | 
ss fe WEBSTER. Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 217. 1879. 

Only a few examples of this species were taken, it being far less 
common than in Virginia. 


Glanures Zodtomiques, etc., p. 94. 1864. 
Beobachtungen itiber Anatomie, etc. 1863. 

OponTosyLLis ? FuLGuRANS Clpd. 

Odontosyllis fulgurans CLAPAREDE. Glanures Zodtom., etc., p. 95, pl. viii, fig. 1. 


a OG QUATREFAGES, Hist. Nat. des Annel., vol. ii, p. 648. 

Ue ee MARION AND BOBRETZKY, in Ann. des Sci. Nat., 6th se- 
ries, vol. ii, p. 40, pl. iv, fig. 2. 1875. 

se se WEBSTER. Annel, Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 220. 

This species was not common. One very large adult male was 
taken swimming on the surface. Its length was 22™™"; sexual setze 
began on the 2Ist segment ; existed on forty-two segments, fol- 
lowed by thirty-three with the ordinary sete only. Other speci- 
mens were taken on sandy and shelly bottom, 10-15 ft. For fur- 
ther notes on this form, see Webster, l. ¢., p. 220. 

GRUBEA (Quatr.) Claparéde. 

QUATREFAGES. Histoire Naturelle der Annéles, etc., vol. ii, p. 85. 1865. 
CLAPAREDE. Annél. Chét. du Goltfe de Naples, p. 516. 1868. 

Spherosyllis tenuicirrata CLpp. Glanures Zodtom., etc., p. 87, pl. vi, fig. 2. 

Grubea tenuicirrata CLpp. Annél. Chét. du Golfe de Naples, p. 517. 1868. 
6 ie MARENZELLER. Zur Kentniss der Adriatischen Anneliden. 
Ausdem, lxix. Bande der Sitzb. der K. Akad. der Wis. 
sench, p. 29. 1874. 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104. ] 18 


In some respects my specimens agree better with @rubea dolich- 
opoda MARENZELLER (1. ¢., p. 26) than with G. tenwicirrata Cupp. 
This is especially the case in the form of the sete and of the 
pharyngeal tooth. According to Claparede’s figure, the setee end 
in a single point, and with the magnifying power used by him this 
does seem to be the ease; in reality they are bidentate, the teeth 
being very small, and requiring a high power to bring them ont 
distinctly. On only two specimens was the first dorsal cirrus much 
longer than the second. 

The anal cirri, in the only case where they were seen, were as 
long as the dorsal cirri, and somewhat swollen at base. 

Body colorless; stomach white; intestine colorless; eyes very 

dark reddish-brown. 

The sexual setee begin on the ninth setigerous segment. All the. 

males had lost the posterior part of the body, but on one specimen 

the capillary (sexual) setee existed on nineteen segments. The eggs 

and young in different stages of development agree very closely 

with those described by Claparéde as belonging to Syllis pulligera 

Kroun (Syllides pulligera Cirp.), Glanures, etc., p. 81, pl. vi, fig. 6. 
Not common ; ten to fifteen feet, on shelly bottom.* 

PADOPHYLAX Claparede. 
Annél. Chét. du Golfe de Naples, p. 520. 1868. 
PapopHyLax pispar Webster. 

Annél. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 230, pl. iv, fig. 49; pl. v, figs. 50-55. 


Capillary sete begin on the eleventh setigerous segment, and are 
found on all following segments except the last 2-4. They are 
delicate, longer than the wicth of the body, including the feet. 

The body from the eleventh, or sometimes from the sixth, seg- 
ment, is pure white and much swollen. 


Capillary setz as in the males, only a little shorter. 

Eggs attached to the ventral surface by a peduncle, two to each 
segment ; at first spherical, then becoming elongated ; purple with 
many black specks. 

, The constriction dividing the head from the body appears first ; 
~ at this time the eyes are apparent, the antenne are mere buds, equal 
in length, the palpi are not united along their outer two-thirds. 

The young, when detached from the body of the mother, have a 

* Since writing the above I have had further opportunity of studying this species. Iam 
now satisfied that our specimens belong to @rubea dolichopoda MARENZELLER. Langer- 
haus, however, identifies this with Grubea clavata Cupp. (Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaft- 
diche Zoologie, p. 564. 1879.) 


No. 104.] 139 

well-formed head with appendages, buecal segment with tentacular 
cirri, five setigerous segments with feet and cirri, and anal segment 
with anal cirri which are relatively longer than in the adult ; other- 
wise they do not differ from the adult except, of course, in size and 
number of segments. 

Common on shelly bottom, 10-15 feet. 

AUTOLYTUS (Grube) Murenzeller. 

MARENZELLER. Zur Kentniss der Adriatischen Anneliden, etc., Zweiter Beitrag, 
p. 37. 1875. 


CLAPAREDE. Annél. Chét. du Golfe de Naples, p. 520, pl. xiv, fig. 1. 1868. 
WessterR. Annel, Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p, 225. 1879. 


No adult males were found, but in one specimen, though not de- 
tached, the following modifications of structure had occurred : 

Head slightly convex in front ; eyes very large, but not quite in 
contact ; lateral antenne arising from the front margin of the head, 
just before the anterior eyes, bifurcate at their outer third, swollen 
at base, three times as long as the head; median antenne arising 
back of the eyes, near the posterior margin of the head, one-third 
longer than the head; buccal segment hardly distinct from head, 
bearing two pairs of tentacular cirri, of which the upper had about 
the Jength of the lateral antennz, the lower, of the median ; second 
segment with ordinary dorsal cirrus ; no sexual sete. 

This species was very common from just below water mark to 
fifteen feet, living on certain forms of sea-weed. In number of 
individuals it probably surpassed any other species of Annelid found 
in the harbor.* 


NEREIS (Z.) Cuvier. 
Nerets timpata Lhlers. 

PLATE (IIL), VI, FIGS. 21, 22. 

EHLERS. Die Borstenwiirmer, p. 567. 1868. 

VERRILL. Invert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, etc., pp. 318, 590, pl. xi, fig. 51. 

WEBSTER. Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 235, pl. vi, figs. 70-75. 1879. 


The dorsal cirri ot the first seven segments have a peculiar form, 
which seems to have escaped notice. Near the end they are shightly 

* Regarded by Prof. Langerhaus as identical with Autolytus prolifer Gruss, (See 
LZerischrift filr Wissenschaftliche Zoologve. p. 574. 1879.) 


enlarged (fig. 21), then suddenly become smaller, ending in a deli- 
cate, almost filiformappendix. The dorsal cirri of the middle region 
have one margin crenulated for nearly their entire length (fig. 22) ; 
the ventral cirri have a few crenulations near their outer end. 

Found living very near high-water mark, and common every- 
where in the harbor, except in pure sand. 

Nerets CuLvEr! 2. sp. 
PLATE (III), Vi, FIGS. 23-30. PLATE (IV), VII, Fras. 31, 32. 

Head (fig. 23) emarginate in front; anterior half of lateral mar- 
gins concave, posterior half slightly convex; posterior margin 
straight ; from the anterior emargination, a deep, triangular depres- 
sion runs backward to the middle line, so that the front half of the 
head seems to be divided into two lobes, broadly rounded in front ; 
length to width as two to three. 

Eyes: anterior pair elliptical or elongate-oval, on the middle line, 
lateral; posterior pair circular, a little within the front pair, close to 
the posterior margin. 

Antenne remote from each other at base, conical, length to length 
of head as three to four. 

Palpi very stout with long terminal arches, in extension reaching 
beyond the antennee, in contraction falling much short of them. 
Proboscis (fig. 24): itis in the structure of this organ that the 
chief peculiarities of this species are to be found. There are no 
paragnathi. At the summit of the maxillary ring are bunches of 
short, conical, pointed papille, arising from low, marginal eleva- 
tions, with the arrangement as follows: on the middle line above, a 
small bunch of four or five papillae; on the latero-dorsal margin a 
bunch of ten or twelve arrangedin a double series; on the latero- 
ventral margin a bunch composed of the same number of papillee, 
but not arranged in series; a median ventral bunch, six papillee in 
double series; half way between the last and the latero-ventral, a 
small bunch, three to five papille. The lateral papille, above and 
below, are about one-third as long as the antenne, the others a little 
shorter. Aside from these papillee, the surface of the maxillary ring 
is quite smooth. On the ventral surface of the basal ring, near the 
posterior margin, are five small elliptical elevations or calluses, a 
median and two lateral, equally distant from each other. The notes 
made on the living forms make mention of a small, median, trian- 
gular papille, just in front of the antennze. It cannot be demon- 

strated in alcoholic specimens. 

Jaws (tig. 25): in color varying from light to dark horn-color ; 
about fourteen strong, sharp teeth. 

Buccal segment double the length of the second segment, equal 
to the fourth. 

Tentacular cirr (fig. 23) arise from stout and long basal articles ; 
upper posterior cirrus longest, reaching back to the middle of the _ 

No. 104.] 141 

third segment, or sometimes to its posterior margin; the lower 
posterior cirrus and the upper anterior equal, from one-fourth to 
one-third shorter than tbe longest; lower anterior cirrus shortest ; 
viewed irom below, this cirrusis seen to arise much below the others. 

The first two- setigerous segments have no dorsal rami (fig. 26), 
but the cirri lingule and ventral ramus have nearly the same form 
as on the segments following. From the fourth to twentieth- 
twenty-fifth segment (fig. 27), the dorsal ramus, is small, conical, 
distinct from its lingula; the lingula is longer than the dorsal ramus, 
broad at base, tapering gradually, apex bluntly rounded, somewhat 
compressed ; the dorsal ramus has two lips, anterior and posterior ; 
anterior small, of uniform diameter, directed upward ; posterior 
larger than anterior, shaped much like upper lingula, but smaller, 
directed outward ; the lower ramus has also two lips, placed one be- 
hind the other, stout, bluntly conical, anterior turned outward, pos- 
terior a little downward ; the inferior lingula is a little stouter at 
base than the lips of the ventral ramus, otherwise about the same 
form and size; the ventral cirrus is longer than the dorsal, fusiform, 
reaches to the middle of its lingula, arising some distance below it. 

Further back the basal part of the feet gains in length (fig. 28) ; 
the dorsal cirrus becomes shorter; the upper lingula longer, conical, 
with less diameter ; the anterior lip of each ramus becomes gradu- 
ally smaller, and finally disappears; the lower lingula is greatly 
reduced in size ; the ventral cirrus recedes from its lingula, becoming 
minute, conical. 

On the posterior feet (fig. 29), the dorsal cirrus arises from the 
base of the upper lingula; the remaining (posterior) lip of the upper 
ramus becomes delicate, conical, reaching beyond the lingula. 

The anal segment (fig. 30) has a slightly crenulated margin; its 
cirri are delicate, their length more than double that of the longest 
tentacular cirrus. 

Setze of two kinds ; one, with long narrow appendix (fig. 31), one 
edge minutely denticulated ; the other (fig. 32) with short appendix, 
one margin thickened and rounded, the opposite margin very thin, 
somewhat coarsely denticulated ; those of the second form are found 
only in the lower bundle of the ventral rami, after the first twenty 
to thirty segments, from four to six in each bundle, always accom- 
panied by some of the first form. 

Color, light flesh-color to reddish-brown ; dorsal cirri and superior 
lingulee pure gleaming white, other parts of the feet also white; 
head, especially its posterior half, usually darker than the body. 

Body elongate, widest at the eighth segment, diminishing rapidly 
forward, uniformly but very gradually backward. 

This species forms a tough membraneous tube, in color dark red- 
dish-brown, fitting the body very closely. 

Length of one specimen (140 segments) 60"; width with feet 
4mm; without feet, 2™™; length of a larger specimen, 75™™; width 
* with feet, 5™™, 

Two specimens kept in well-water, not at all brackish, for forty- 


eight hours, seemed to be in good condition; while specimens of 
Nereis limbata Enuxrs treated in the same way stopped all move- 
ments in thirty minutes, and in an hour the blood ceased to circu- 
late; the latter were taken at a higher station than that in which 
the former lived, and where they must often have been exposed to 
the action of brackish water. 

The only place in which this species was found was a few rods 
above the old wharf, in front of the hotel at Beesley’s Point, in 
coarse sand and gravel, at about half-tide. We looked for them care- 
fully in many other places, where the conditions seemed to be the 
same, but without success. 

Sexual Forms. 

Many males and females, apparently adults, were taken, in which — 
no structural changes had occurred except that the eyes had become 
a little larger ; the anterior pair crescentic ; the posterior oval; the 
body and feet being swollen by the contained sexual products. 

The color of the female was unchanged; immature males were 
bright green ; adult males greenish white. 

This species was first found by Mr. C. L. Culver, at Beaufort, 
N. C., in the summer of 1877. Mr. Culver was at that time a stu- 
dent in Union College, and attached to the usual summer zodlogical 
expedition of the college. He brought in two specimens with a lot of. 
Nereis imbata Euvers, taken at low water. The exact station was: 
not known, and though we searched diligently and frequently for 
additional specimens, none were found. 


PLATE (IV), Vil, FIGS. 33-40. 

Head (fig. 33) deeply emarginate in front, and with a well de- 
fined depression carried back to the middle line; behind the middle 
line the sides are convex; in front of it, strongly concave ; poste- 
rior margin slightly convex; anterior margin interrupted by the 
emargination which divides the apex into twe bluntly rounded lobes; 
length to width as two to three. 

Autenne widely separated at origin, conical, length to length of 
head as two to three. 

Palpi very stout, with long terminal articles. Eyes circular, lateral; 
anterior pair quite large, situated just back of the middle line ; pos- 
terior about one-half as large as the anterior, and a little within them, 
very near the posterior margin. 

Buccal segment equal in length to the three following segments 
taken together ; much wider than the head. 

Tentacular cirri short, tapering but little, arising from stout cylin- 
drical basal articles; upper posterior cirrus reaches to the middle 
of the third segment, or to the front margin of the fourth ; the lower 
posterior and upper anterior cirri equal, about two-thirds as long as. 

No. 104.] 143 

the longest; lower anterior shortest, one-half as long as the 

Proboscis (fig. 33) without denticles (paragnathi) on the dorsal 
surface ; my notes make mention of two minute fleshy papille situ- 
ated one on either side of the middle line of the basal ring, but I 
cannot find them on the alcoholic specimens; ventral surface of 
maxillary ring also without denticles (fig. 34), while on the basal 
ring are three small paragnathi, circular or elliptical, flat, corneous, 

The jaws are light horn-color with numerous long sharp teeth. 

Feet of the first two setigeroussegments without dorsal rami, and 
with the ventral cirrus much swollen at base (fig. 35), in other re- 
spects similar to the feet immediately following them. 

Anterior feet (fig. 36), dorsal cirrus finger-shaped, longer than its 
lingula ; lingulze and lips of the two rami tapering but little, nearly 
cylindrical, very bluntly rounded externally; upper lingula longer 
than dorsal ramus; dorsal ramus with anterior and posterior lips, 
anterior shorter than posterior and above it; lower ramus with a 
long posterior, short anterior lip ; lower lingula long, reaching nearly 
to the outer end of the lower ramus; ventral cirrus delicate, conical, 
about one-half as long as its lingula. 

After the first third the structure of the feet changes gradually 
(fig. 87); the upper lingula becomes conical, and further removed 
from the upper ramus; the anterior lips of both rami become much 
smaller; the lower lingula and the ventral cirrus do not change 
‘much ; on the extreme posterior feet the dorsal cirrus is longer than 

Anal segment simple ; anal cirri as long as the last eight segments; 

Setze of three forms: those of the first form (fig. 38) have the ter- 
minal points of the stem in the same plane, appendix very narrow ; 
this is the only kind found in the dorsal. rami; they also form the 
greater part of the upper bundle of the ventral rami, but are not 
found in the lower bundles; those of the second form have the ter- 
minal points of the stem not in the same plane (fig. 39), appendix 
short, in other respects like the first form ; found in both bundles of 
the ventral rami, but not numerous ; those of the third kind (faleate 
sete) are short (fig. 40), with a very short appendix, one mar- 
gin of which is thickened and rounded, the opposite edge thin, and 
deficient near the apex; a few of this form are found in the upper 
bundle of the ventral rami, and they form the greater part of the 
lower bundle. 

Body of uniform width along the anterior half, then tapering very 

Color: body light flesh-color; sides of head and bases of antennze 
and tentacular cirri dark reddish-brown ; one specimen was hght 

Length of largest specimen, 26™™; greatest width with feet, 
3.5™™ ; number of segments, 105. Length of a specimen with 70 
segments, 12™™, ; 

Very rare: 10 to 15 teet, shelly bottom. 

144 [ AssEMBLY 

DIOPATRA Aud. and M. Edw. 

AUDOUINE AND M. Epwarps. — Littoral de la France, vol. ii, Annelides, p. 155. 

Diopatra cuprea Claparede. 

Nereis cuprea Bosc. Hist. Nat. des Vers., vol. i, p. 143. 1802(teste Claparede). 
Hunice cuprea QUATREFAGES. Hist. Nat. des Annelés, vol. i, p. 331. 1865. 
Diopatra cuprea CUAPAREDE. Annél Chet. du Golfe de Naples, p. 482. 1868. 
- «* VERRILL. Invert. Animals of Vin. Sound, etce., p. 593, pl. xiii, 
figs. 67, 68. 1874. 
fs ; WessreR. Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 236. 1879. 

Quite common on the sand flats at low water, and occasionally 
dredged at from ten to fifteen feet. 

MARPHYSA Quaterfages. 
Histoire Nat. des Annelés, vol. i, p. 881. 1865. 


Nereis sanguinea MonTAGUE. Linn. Trans., vol. xi, p. 20, pl iii, fig. 1. 1815. 

Leodice opalina SAVIGNY. Systeme des Annélides, p. 51. 

Nereidonta sanguinea BLAINVILLE. Dict. Sci. Nat., vol. lvii, p.447. 1828. 

Hunice sanguinea AUD. AND M. Epw. Littoral de la France, vol. ii, Annélides, 
p. 147. 1884. 

fs i GRUBE. Familien der Anneliden, pp. 44, 128. 1851. 

at se He Die Insel Lussin, p. 79. 1864. 

of se e St. Malo and Roscoff, pp. 87, 91, 106, 114, 140. 1870. 
Wy a Lerpy. Marine Invert. Fauna, R. I. and N. J., p.15. 1850. 

Ay «« . JOHNSTON. Catalogue of British Worms, p. 1384. 1865. 
Marphysa sanguinea QUATR. Hist. Nat. des Annel. vol. i, p. 332, pl. x, fig. 1. 


< se Euuers. Die Borstenwiirmer, p. 360, pl. xvi, figs. 8-11. 

MC oe BairpD. Linn. Proc. Zodlogy, vol. x, p. 352. 

a6 GG MAR. AND BoBr. Ann. des Sci. Nat., vol. ii, p. 12. 1875. 

He Leidit QuATR. Histoire Nat. des Annel. vol. i, p. 837. 1865. 
s Leidyi VERRILL. Invert. An. Vin. Sound, etc., pp. 319, 593, pl. xii, 
fic. 64. 1874, 
Hf sanguinea WEBSTER. Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 236, pl. 
vi, figs. 76-80; pl. vii, figs. 81-88. 1879. 
This ‘species is by no means common. Some young specimens 
taken had one antenna, others three antennz; eyes, four; branchie, 
from tenth segment; palpi hardly apparent. 

DRILONEREIS (Clpd.) Webster. 

CLAPAREDE. Annel Chet. du Golfe de Naples. Supplément, p. 25. 1870. 
WesstTER. Annel Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 240. 1879. 

Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 240, pl. vii, figs. 84-88. 1879. 

Common 1n sand at low water. 

No. 104.] 145, 

EHLERS. Die Borstenwiirmer, p. 377. 1868. 


VERRILL. Invert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, etc., pp. 342, 594. 1874. 
WepssterR, Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 241. 1879. 

Not common ; sand, low water. 

ARABELLA (@rube) Ehlers. 

GRUBE. Die Familien der Anneliden, p. 45. 1851. 
EHLERS. Die Borstenwiirmer, p. 398. 1868. 

Lumbriconereis splendida LerDy. Marine Invert. Fauna R. I. and N. J., p. 10. 
#6 opalina VERRILL. Invert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, etc., pp. 
342, 594, pl. xiii, figs. 69, 70. 1874. 
Arabella opalina VERRILL Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci Phila. for 1878, p. 299. 
By s WessTER. Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 242. 1879. 

Common at low water in sand and mud, and occasionally dredged, 
ten to fifteen feet. 


GRuBE. Archiv fiir Naturgesh., p. 97. 1855. 
EuLeRs. Die Borstenwiirmer, p. 422. 1868. 


VERRILL. Invert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, etc., pp. 348, 595. 1874, 
WEBSTER. Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 242. 1879. 

Only one specimen was found — fifteen feet, sand and shells. 


Annélides Chétopodes du Golfe de Naples, p. 492. 1868. 

Glycera Americana LerDy. Marine Invert. Fauna R.I. and N.J., p. 15, pl. xi, 
figs. 49, 50. 1855. 

ot oe Eqs ers. Die Borstenwiirmer, p. 668, pl. xxiii, figs. 48-46. 
<¢ ce GRUBE. Jahres-Bericht der Schles. Gessell. fiir Vaterliin. 

Cultur, p. 64. 1869. 
Rhynchobolus Americanus VERRILL. Invert. An. Vin. Sound, etc., p. 596, pl. x, 
figs 45, 46. 1874. 

<§ ee “c Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci Phila. for 1878, p. 300. 
59 AS WesstER. Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p.245. 

Common ; low water to fifteen feet. 
{Assem. Doc. No 104.] 19 



Glycera dibranchiata EuLERS. Op. cit., p. 670, pl. xxiv, figs. 1, 10-28. 1868. 
BF cs GRUBE. Op. cit., p. 64. 1869. 
Rhynchobolus dibranchiatus VERRILL, Op. cit., p. 596, pl. x, figs. 43, 44. 1874. 
oF at WEBSTER. Op. cit., p. 245. 1879. 

Common; low water to fifteen feet. 
GONIADA Aud and M. Edw. 
Annales des Sciences Naturelles, vol. xxix, p. 266. 1838. 


PLATE (IV) VU, Fi@s. 41, 42. PLATE (V) VIII, FI@s. 43, 44. 

Head as long as the first seven segments taken together, acutely 
conical, with minute antenne. 

Eyes small, black, circular, lateral, posterior. 

Proboscis not seen in complete extension, covered with numerous 
longitudinal series of stout hooks; on the dorsal surface three rows 
of hooks on either side of a naked median space; on the ventral 
surface four rows, two on either side of the median line; one lateral 
series ; ventral and lateral hooks smaller than the dorsal; at the 
base, on the ventral surface, numerous, quite small hooks scattered 
about irregularly. 

The first twenty-five segments are uniramous; the ramus has two 
lips (fig. 41), anterior long and narrow; posterior short and _ broad ; 
dorsal and ventral cirri widely divergent, bluntly conical, dorsal a 
little shorter than ventral. After the twenty-fifth foot a dorsal 
ramus appears (fig. 42), composed at first of a broad, thick, squarish 
plate, with a slight emargination near its upper margin, indicating 
its future division into lips; it contains from three to six straight 
acicule or setze, usually concealed, sometimes projecting slightl~ ; 
the dorsal cirrus becomes smaller; the other parts of the foot do not 
change much ; further back the -dorsal ramus is divided into two 
bluntly rounded lobes (fig. 43). : 

Anal cirri long, filiform. 

Setze of one kind only ; in two bundles, upper and lower; upper 
most numerous; very long and slender; the appendix nearly as 
long as the stem (fig. 44). 

Body slightly convex above, flat below, anterior two-thirds of 
uniform width, tapering a little along the posterior third. 

Color gray, slightly tinged with green. 

Length, 25™"; width, 1.3™™. 

The only specimen taken was a female filled with eggs; low 
water, mud. 

ARENICOLA ? cristata Stimpson. 

Strmpson. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. v, p. 114. 
QUATREFAGES. Histoire Naturelle des Annelés, vol. iii, p. 678. 1865. 


No. 104.] 147 

Only the anterior part of asingle specimen was found. Probably 
belongs to Stimpson’s species. 


TROPHONIA (Aud. and M. Edw.) Claparéde. 
CLAPAREDE. Annél, Chet. du Golfe de Naples, p. 105. 1868. 


Siphonostomum affine LetpyY. Marine Invert. Fauna R. I. and N.J., p. 16. 1855. 
Trophont afinia VERRILL. Invert. An. Vin. Sound, etc., p. 605, pl. xiv, fig. 
jo. 1874. 

This species is reported from Great Egg Harbor by Leidy, from 
Block Island and Buzzard’s Bay by Verrill. We failed to find it. 


Sars. Fauna Littoralis Norvegiz. Seconde Livraison, p.7. 1856. 
WEBSTER. Annel Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 246. 1879. 
SprlocH#ToPTERUS ocuLatus Webster. 
Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p.. 247, pl. viii, figs. 98-102. 1879. 
Low water, sand; only a few specimens were taken. 

Fam. SPIONID.£. 

NERINE (Johnston) Sars. 

NerineE aqciuis Verrill. 
Invert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, etc., p. 600. 1874. 

Prof. Verrill reports this species from the outer beach, burrowing 
in sand at low-water mark. We failed to find it. 

. SCOLECOLEPIS Biv, 1828 (teste Malmgrem) 

ScoLEcouEpis viripis Verrill, 
Invert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, etc., p. 600. 1874. 

Our specimens do not agree in all respects with Verrill’s descrip- 
tion, and at first it seemed necessary to refer them to a new species ; 
comparison with specimens received from him has established their 
identity. Verrill ascribes four eyes to S. virzdis ; our specimens 
have no eyes, as they were examined in this respect in the frésh 
state; the alcoholic specimens received from Prof. Verrill have no 
trace of eyes remaining, whatever their condition may have been 
while living. We found but one green specimen; the others were 
dark brown, or dark brown witha reddish or greenish tinge. There 
are from eight to ten anal papillz (cirri), subulate, three to four 
times as long as the anal segment. 


On one specimen the head and'a few of the anterior segments had 
been lost and renewed, but the branchiz were still wanting. 
Common in sand at low water. 

ScoLEcoLEPIs TENUIS Verrill. 

Invert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, etc., p. 601. 1874. 

Reported by Verrill from Great Egg Harbor, in sand at low 
water. We failed to find it. , 

SPIO (0. Fabr.) Grsted. 

CERSTED, Annulatorum Danicorum Conspectus, p. 39. 1843. 

Spiro serosa Verrill. 

Nerine coniocephala? A. AGasstz. Annals Lyceum Nat. Hist. of N. Y., vol. viii, 
p. 333, pl. x, figs. 839-45. 1866. (See Verrill, op. cit.) 
Spio setosa VERRILL. Inyert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, etc., p. 602, pl. xiv, 

fig. 77 (copied from Agassiz). 

Verrill says of this species that the lateral lobes of the head are 
shorter than the median ; this is true in alcoholic specimens; the 
reverse is the case in living forms. Common in sand at low water. 


Histoire Naturelle des Vers, vol. i. 1802. 

Potypora HAMATA Webster. 

Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 251, pl. viii, figs. 111-116, pl. ix, figs. 

Common, living in galleries in shells. From low water to fifteen 
PoLyDoRA LIGNI 7. sp. 

PLATE (vj, viii, FIGS. 45-47. 

Head deeply emarginate in front, lateral lobes bluntly rounded 
(fig. 45), pointing forward and outward ; lateral margins, in front 
and back of the eyes, concave ; opposite the eyes (middle third) 
convex; a rounded carina runs back to the middle of the fourth 
segment; at the front margin of the third segment this carina bears 
a small conical papilla, always distinct, even on the smallest speci- 

Eyes four, black, circular, placed at the angles of a trapezoid ; 
anterior pair larger than posterior. 

Tentacles short, with the usual structure, colorless, without mark- 
ings. : 
Dota cirri, long and stout on the anterior segments, smaller on 
those having branchie. 

No. 104.] 149 

Branchie begin on seventh segment, long, finger-shaped, color- 
less, with red center ; they are found on all segments after the sixth, 
except a small but variable number of posterior segments. 

Setee of the fifth segment (fig. 46) eight to twelve in number, 
stout, apex bluntly rounded and slightly curved; a little below the 
apex is a small tooth on the side of the seta, forming a very small 
angle with the seta; dorsal sete long, capillary, longer behind than 
in “front ; ventral sete (fig. 47) short, bidentate ; inner tooth very 
long, sharp, given off at right angles to the body of the seta; outer 
half covered by a membrane. 

Terminal sucker broad, shallow, white; anal opening surrounded 
by low papille. 

Body colorless, except as colored red or brownish-red by the blood 
and contents of the intestine; on either side of the carina a brown 
line, diverging in front, and passing to the outer base of the tentacles. 

Length, 1-4"™"; segments numerous. 

Found on water-soaked wood, living in crevices, ete. 

Tubes made of dirt, fragile, constructed with great rapidity. 


Head conical; proboscis incomplete above, divided below into 
two lobes along its anterior part. First segment prolonged laterally 
and below nearly to the front of the head; above carrying one pair 
of tentacles and one pair of branchiz. Second segment with raised 
dorsal membrane, forming a pouch. Dorsal setze capillary. Ven- 
tral setee of first six segments like the dorsal, afterward both un- 
cinate and capillary. Anal segment simple, without appendages. 

Srresiospio BeNEDICTI 7. sp. 
PLATE (v), vill, FIGs. 48-50. 

Head, in extension, pointed, conical; posterior half somewhat 
compressed, sharply convex ; anterior half slightly depressed. 

Proboscis deficient above, below divided into two lobes for about 
one-half its length; these lobes are triangular at base, but (in ex- 
tension) terminate, each in a short, finger- shaped process, covered 
with nnmerous long cilia. The first segment is about the length of 
the following seements, dorsally ; at the sides and below it is pro- 
longed, forming : a kind of hood for the head. This hood or sheath 
originates as a thin, almost membraneous elevation of the sides of 
the segment, just within the dorsal setze, passes forward external to 
the bases of the tentacular cirri and branchia, is prolonged to near 
the apex of the head, then curves suddenly downward, presenting a 
thin, free, anterior margin ; laterally it is closely applied to the 
head, but rises above it, “presenting a free, upper margin on each 
side; the head projects but very little beyond its hood. Dorsally 
the anterior margin of the first segment is concave, and carries a 
minute, conical, median papilla or cirrus. 

Tentacular cirri (tentacles) have the same structure as in Poty- 
porA; turned backward they reach to the eighth or ninth segment. 


Branchize behind and a little within the tentacles; reach back to 
the seventh or eight segment ; widest in the middle, tapering uni- 
formly in both directions, except that near the top they are suddenly 
constricted, ending in a short cylindrical process ; they are flattened 
below, carinate above, giving a triangular cross section for most of 
their length ; edges thin, and thrown into deep, rounded folds or 
scollops. Both tentacles and branchiz are densely covered with 
Jong cilia; turned forward they completely cover the head; the 
setee of the first segment, both dorsal and ventral, are similar to 
those of the next five, but are a little shorter. 

Second segment, covered dorsally by a raised membrane, forming 
a pouch; the free anterior margin of this pouch is deeply concave ; 
its elevation above the dorsum equal to the thickness of the body ; 
at the sides it passes into the dorsal cirri (lobes). 

Dorsal cirri: back of each fascicle of dorsal setze, on the first ten 
segments, is a broad, rounded plate or lobe; back of the tenth seg- 
ment this plate gradually becomes narrower, until it is changed into 
a short, conical cirrus, which remains to the end. 

Ventral cirri: on the first six segments behind each bunch of 
ventral setee is a lobe similar to the dorsal lobe, but smaller; at the 
seventh segment it disappears. 

Dorsal setze, capillary ; those on the anterior segments (fig. 48) 
wider and shorter than those further back (fig. 49); ten to fifteen 
in each fascicle in front, gradually decreasing in number till only 
four or five are found on the posterior segments ; they are arranged 
along the Jateral line of the dorsum, and point upward; the ventral 
sete of the first six segmentsare similar to the dorsal, but less nu- 
merous, and a little shorter; back of the sixth segment the capillary 
setee are nearly replaced by uncinate setae — a few, however, remain- 
ing in the lower part of each series, even to the end: the uncini 
(fig. 50) are arranged in a single, transverse series, three to five 
in number, quite short, hardly projecting beyond the surface; they 
become gradually more numerous, each series having from eight to 
twelve on the posterior segments, at the same time growing a little 
longer; they have four terminal teeth, the outer one being shortest 
(fig. 50), and are covered by a delicate membrane. 

Anal segment with slightly thickened, rounded margin ; no appen- 

Body slightly convex above, flattened below. 

Color: tentacles colorless; branchize dark green, with transverse 
bands of light green or yellowish-green; body colorless or light 
flesh-color ; a few specimens with the first eight segments dark green. 

Length of adult, 6™"; width, 0.6™ ; number of segments, 70. 

Found in great numbers on beds of J/ytelis edulis ; also in ditches 
to which the tide water had access, very near high-water mark; the 
only other annelid found under the same circumstances being Vereis 
limbata Enucrrs ; the first specimen taken was on a shell, dredged. 
This species lives in dirt tubes, which they leave very readily when 
disturbed, and move about rapidly with quick, jerking motions of 

No. 104.] slat 

the body ; they soon settle to the bottom, and immediately construct 
a new tube of any loose dirt that may be at hand. 

The first part of the generic name is intended to recall their 
peculiar method of locomotion. The specific name is given in rec- 
ognition of Mr. James E. Benedict, a sound and _ enthusiastic 
naturalist — my associate for the past two years in zoélogical work, 
who not only discovered the species in New Jersey, but has since 
found it in South Norwalk, Conn. 


On one specimen the middle third of the dorsum was covered by 
a very thin, transparent, raised membrane. Unfortunately no 
figures of the young were made, and the notes are not full. They 
were broadly rounded in front and behind; sides convex; two small 
red eyes on the anterior margin of the head ; lateral depressions in- 
dicating three’segments; two circles of cilia, one just back of the 
head, the other near the posterior end. . 

Neue Wirbellose Thiere, vol. 1, part ii, p.61. 1861. 

VERRILL. Invert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, etc., p. 598. 1874. 
WEssTER. Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 258. 1879. 

The branchize may begin on any segment from the thirteenth to 

the twenty-first, according to the size of the specimen. 

Common in sand at low water. 

Hist. Nat. des-Animaux sans Vertebres, vol. v, p. 300. 1838. 
CirrATuLus GRANDIS Verrill. 

VERRILL, Invert. An. Vin. Sound, etc., p. 606, pl. xv, figs. 80, 81. 1874. 
WessTerR. Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 258. 1879. 

Rare; only one specimen was taken. 

CIRRHINEREIS Quatrefages. 
Histoire Naturelle des Annelés, vol. i, p. 462. 165. 


Cirrhatulus fragilis LEtDy. Marine Invert. Fauna R.I.and N.J., p. 15, pl. xi, 
figs. 89-43. 1555. 
Cirrhinereis fragilis QUATREFAGES. Op. cit., vol. i, p. 464. 1865. 
2 a VERRILL. Op. cit., p. 607. 1874. 
Rare ; a single injured specimen was found which probably be- 
longs to this species. 



Reise i Lofoten og Finmarken, p.199. 1850 
Fauna Littoralis Norwegie, p. 12. 1856. 

I have referred the following species to Noromastus Sars, al- 
theugh somewhat in doubt as to what constitutes a Noromastus. 
The following species of this genus and of the allied or identical 
genus Ancisrrta have been reported from our coast: MVotomastus 
luridus Verriti, Votomastus filiformis Verriti, Ancistria acuta 
Verritt, Ancistria capillans Verritt and Ancistria minima 
QvuatTrEFAGss (reported by Webster). It is quite certain that these 
five species belong to thesame genus, but to what genus? Certainly 
to ANcISTRIA Quatr., if it is a good genus. But Claparéde says 
that Ancisrrta is a synonym of Caprretta. But so far no-one has 
seen the peculiar male sexual organs and setee upon which so much 
stress is laid as characteristic of Cariretua. Prof. Verrill writes 
that he has never found them; I have never let a specimen pass 
without looking for these organs, but to no purpose. Accordingly, 
while our specimens belong to Awctstrra, they do not belong to 
Capriretta. It will be noticed that two of our species have been re- 
ferred to Noromasrus ; and in fact they cannot be said to differ 
from Noromastvs except in the length, and number of setze, of the 
ventral rami. But Claparéde speaking of the “ tores hamiféres ven- 
traux,” says (Glanures, p. 58): “Le développement extraordinaire 
des tores ventraux du cété dorsal est méme le caractére essentiel des 
Notomastus,” according to which dictum not one of our species is a 
Nortomastus, as they have not the elongated ventral rami and nu- 
merous setze of the type species, Votomastus latericeus Sars. In re- 
gard to Argenta Quatr., Claparéde(Annel. Chét.du Golfe de N., p- 
18) claims thatisa Noromasrvs, and that the type species, A. crwenta 
Quatr., is Capitella (Notomastus) rubicunda Kerersrem. In this 
case one must believe that Quatrefages entirely mistook the char- 
acter of the posterior dorsal seta, since he describes and figures them 
as capillary. 

Noromastus Fittrormis Verrzdl.* 
PLATE (V), VIM, FIGS. 51-04. 
Invert. An. Vin. Sound, etc., p. 611. 1874. 

Head very small, pointed, conical. 

Proboscis apparently smooth ; when magnified seen to be covered 
with minute papille. 

First five setigerous segments with capillary setee in both rami, 
not differing from each other, arranged in each ramus in a single 
transverse series, containing from eight to twelve sete. After the 
fifth segment uncini only are found. At first the uncini are quite 

*] regarded this as a new species, and gave it the specific name of levis; but on sub- 
mitting specimens of the same form, taken at Provincetown, Mass., to Prof. Verrill, he 
referred them to his N. jiliformis. 

No. 104.] 153 

long (fig. 51), but few in the dorsal rami, from eight to twelve in 
the ventral; they grow progressively shorter backward (figs. 52, 53), 
and along the posterior third their number is much reduced, there 
being one to three in the dorsal rami, three to five in the ventral ; 
a few of the posterior segments may be without setee. The form of 
the uncini changes, as shown in the figures. 

The anterior segments are biannulate, afterward crossed by from 
three to tive deeply impressed lines. 

The anal segment is obliquely truncated ; margin thickened and 
rounded (fig. 54); from its lower border projects a finger-shaped 
eirrus, which is distinctly annulated. (A similar cirrus exists on 
LV. luridus Verr., Ancistria minima Quatr., and on several as 
yet unpublished species from Beaufort, N. C. I do not know that 
this cirrus has been previously described as belonging to this genus, 
or to any in the family.) 

Color: red to purplish-red in front; flesh-color to bright red 

Length very variable ; greatest diameter of largest specimen 1.2"™. 

Common; low water to fifteen feet. 

Noromastus turiwus Verriill. - 
Invert. An. of. Vin. Sound, ete., p. 610. 1874. 
Rare; only one specimen was taken. 

Young forms of Notomastus ? 

oi One specimen, evidently immature, had capillary sete only 
on the first four segments, then uncini only; but about the middle 
of the body the dorsal uncini were replaced by capillary sete. Pos- 
terior segments lost. 

(b). Another form, of which several specimens were found, had 
capillary setze in all the dorsal rami, uncini in all the ventral. 
Length of (a) and (b) 10-20™", 

Found in shells bored by sponge; low water to fifteen feet. 

Invert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, p. 607. 1874. 
Clymene torquata LeEiDY. Marine Invert. Fauna R. I. and N. J., p. 14. 1855. 
Clymenella torquata VERRILL. Op. Cit., p. 608, pl. xiv, figs. 71-73. 1874. 
“6 ot WeEssTER. Annel. Chet. of the Vir. Coast, p. 258. 1879. 
Very common in sand at low water. 
MALDANE (Grube) Malmgren. 

GRUBE. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte. 1860. 
MALMGREN. Nordiska Hafs-Annulater, p. 186. 1865. 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 20 


Ma.Lpank EvONGATA Verrzll. 

VERRILL. Invert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, etc., p. 609. 1874. 
WesstEeR. Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 259. 1879. 

Rare; only oue specimen was taken. 

PRAXILLA Malmgren. 
Nordiska Hafs-Annulater, p. 191. 1865. 

In characterizing the genus Praxitta Malmgren assigns to it 
twenty-six segments, of which nineteen are setigerous, and five ante- 
anal without sete. The following species belongs to Praxilla in all 
other respects, but has more than twenty-six segments, and Jess than 
five nude ante-anal segments. 


PLATE (VI), IX, FIGS. 55-59. 

Buccal segment (fig. 55) with a projecting margin, slightly emar- 
ginate in the middle line above, aud with a very narrow, hard] 
perceptible incision on each side, a little back of the middle. The 
cephalic plate has a well-defined, median carina, widest in front, and 
with a battened, slightly projecting portion, broadly rounded at the 

Pitter the fifth segment the diameter increases gradually to the 
tenth; remains unchanged to the thirteenth; decreases gradually to 
the sixteenth; then falls off suddenly to about one-half the previous 
diameter, after which it remains unchanged. 

Segments one, two, four, five and six have about the same length ; 
three, seven, eight and nine area little longer than the preceding ; 
ten to fifteen about double the ninth; sixteen to thirty-six a little 
shorter than the fifteenth; last three equal to each other—together 
equal to the thirty-sixth (fig. 56). 

The anterior margin of the fifth segment is raised and rounded, 
embracing the posterior end of the fourth. The first fifteen seg- 
ments are nearly cylindrical, segmentation distinct, and crossed by 
numerous impressed lines; after the fifteenth the form suddenly 
changes, the anterior end being narrow, diameter increasing regu- 
larly to near the posterior end, then somewhat suddenly decreasing ; 
the posterior margin of the ante-anal segment is raised, rounded, 
forming a sheath for the anterior end of the anal segment. 

The anal segment is funnel-shaped; margin surrounded by a 
circle of conical or finger-shaped papille ; very similar to the anal 
- segment of Clymenella torquata V ERRILL. 

Setz ; dorsal (capillary) numerous, long, delicate, bilimbate (fig. 
57); after the fifth segment there is a distinct, rounded papilla, or 
dorsal ramus, from which the setee arise; ventral (uncini), on the 
first three setigerous seyments only one, or occasionally two, to each 
ramus; these end in three sharp teeth (fig. 58), of which two are 
very small; along the inner two-thirds are numerous longitudinal 

Mo. 104.] 155 

stric, interrupted by transverse striz, unequally distant from each 
other; at the fourth setigerous segment the number of uncini in- 
creases suddenly to ten or fifteen in each series, and the form also 
changes (fig. 59); they have now five terminal teeth, a short, ex- 
ternal part is quite narrow, and divided from the stouter, internal 
part by a deep constriction, simulating a compound seta; the thirty- 
seventh segment has only the dorsal setze ; to the tenth segment the 
setee are found in the middle of each segment; after the tenth they 
suddenly recede to near the posterior end. 

Three specimens were collected — one perfect, the others with 
anterior part only; and of these only one, having the ten anterior 
segments, was observed while living; its general color was yellowish- 
white, with narrow, red bands on the posterior part of each seg- 
ment after the fourth, increasing gradually in width so as to occupy 
one-half the length of the tenth segment; indications of similar 
bands can be traced on the entire specimen, in alcohol, but not after 
the tenth segment. 

Length of entire specimen, 95"™; greatest diameter, 3™™; diam- 
eter of buccal segment, 2"™. 

Number of segments, 39; buccal (coalesced with the cephalic), 
1; setigerous, 36; ante-anal, nude, 1; anal, 1. 

Rare ; found in sand at low water, associated with Clymenella 
torquata V ERRILL. 

PRAXILLA ELONGATA var. Benepict1 Webs. 
PLATE (VI), Ix, Fies. 60, 61. 

Mr. J. E. Benedict found at South Norwalk, Conn., a variety of 
this species, differing from the form just described in the following 
particulars : 

First two segments short (fig. 60), together about equal to the 
third; after the fifteenth segment the diameter suddenly becomes 
less, segments short, and, except the last four, equal. (Compare 
the first segment of fig. 61 with the first of fig. 56.) The ante-anal 
segments (fig 61), quite short, together equal to the anal; anal cirri 
longer than in the New Jersey form. 

Length of an entire specimen, 20™™; number of segments, 37. 

A young specimen had twenty-six segments, with a length of 3™™. 

No cephalic plate. 

Anterior margin of first segment prolonged as a thin membrane, 
emarginate above, and with a slightly projecting conical process in 
the middle line below. 

Mouth situated on the lower surface of a conical process, arising 
from the bottom of the cylindrical cavity inclosed by the frontal 
membrane, not reaching to the front margin of the membrane. 
First segment with capillary and uncinate sete, similar to those on 
the remaining segments. 

Anal segment funnel-shaped; margin digitate. 

156 [ AssEMBLY 

LATE (V1), X, FIGS. 62-66. 

Frontal membrane (figs. 62, 63) forming one-half the length of 
the first segment; anterior margin slightly reflexed, lobed or scol- 
loped by shallow incisions, which are continued as impressed lines 
for some distance, on both the outer and inner surface of the mem- 
brane; superior emargination broad but shallow. 

First segment a little longer than the second, about equal to the 
sixth; second, third and fourth equal; fifth a little shorter; seg- 
ments six to ten grow progressively longer, but so gradually that 
the change is hardly perceptible; eleven to thirteen also gain in 
length progressively, but rapidly, the thirteenth having double the 
length of the tenth; fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth about equal 
to the tenth; seventeenth and eighteenth short, equal, together 
about equal to the sixteenth, a trifle longer than the anal. 

Diameter of first segment a little less than that of the second; 
uniform from second to tenth inclusive ; falling off about one-third at 
the eleventh, after which the decrease is very slight. 

One ante-anal nude segment (fig. 64) with thickened, rounded, 
posterior margin, forming a collar around the front end of the anal 

Anal segment with numerous, short, unequal cirri or digitations, 
quite similar to Clymenella torquata Verrity, or Praxilla elongata 

The dorsal (capillary) setee (fig. 65) are long, delicate, numerous, 
with a single thin margin. The uncini have the same form on all 
the segments (fig. 66); they have five sharp terminal teeth, of which 
- three are small and equal; the fourth longer and larger than the 
third ; the fifth double the size of the fourth. On the first three 
segments there are from fifteen to twenty uncini in each series; 
after the third, from twenty to twenty-five, except on a few of the 
posterior segments, where there is a smallér number. The first five 
segments have the sete on the middle line, and a deeply impressed 
ventral line connects the series of uncini on each segment. After 
the fifth segment the setee are near the posterior end, and after the 
tenth the dorsal rami (¢orz uncinigert) are quite large, making the 
segments somewhat club-shaped. _ 

Number of segments, 19; of these 17 are setigerous; one ante- 
anal, nude; one anal. 

Color (in alcohol) yellowish-white; on one specimen broad bands 
of umber-brown cross the ventral surface, dividing at the uncini, 
giving a narrow band on each side of each series of uncini after 
the fifth. 

At Great Egg Harbor we obtained two specimens, both of which 
had lost their posterior segments. The longest has fifteen segments, 
with a length of 65™"; greatest diameter, 3"™. The description 
was completed from a single perfect specimen, collected by Mr. 
James E. Benedict of South Norwalk, Conn., during the same 

No. 104.] 157 

Length of entire specimen, 46"; greatest diameter, 8™™. 
Found at low water, in sand, associated with Clymenella torquata 



Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 259, pl. ix, figs. 133-136; pl. x, figs. 
137-139. 1879. 

Prof. Verrill has described a species of Sapeiiarta (S. vulgaris) 
from Great Egg Harbor, and in the proceedings of the Academy 
Natural Sciences of Phila., for 1878,-p. 300, mentions that he has 
also received the same form from Beaufort, N. C. After care- 
ful comparison of numerous specimens from New Jersey, Virginia, 
and North Carolina, I have found it impossible to refer any of 
them to his species. It will be necessary to compare type speci- 
mens of the two forms. 

Nordiska Hafs-Annulater, p. 358. 1865. 

CisrzentpEs Goutpi Verrzli, 

Pectinaria Belgica Goutp. Invertebrata of Mass., 1st ed., p. 7, pl. i, fig. 1. 1841. 

Pectinaria owricoma Lewy. Marine Invert. Fauna R. I. and N. J., p. 14. 1855. 

Cistenides Gouldit VERRILL. Invert. An. of Vineyard Sound, etc., p. 612, pl. 
xvii, figs. 87, 87a. 1874. 

Common at low water, One very large specimen was taken; 
length, 50"; diameter, 9™™; length of tube, 80™. The color of 
all our specimens was yellowish-white, save as colored red by the 
blood showing through. 

SABELLIDES (M. Hdw.) Malmgren. 

The following species agree with Sanretiipes grn., except that 
the uncini begin on the third setigerous segment instead of the 
fourth, and that the first ramus, though smaller than the second, is 
not very small. 


PLATE (VII), X, FIGS. 67-69. 

On the middle line of the head two minute eye specks, black, 

Cirri numerous, light flesh-color. 

Anal cirri short, obtuse. 


Branchis delicate, reaching back to the ninth or tenth segment. 

Capillary sete, some (fig. 67), with a single, narrow margin ; 
others (fig. 68) bilimbate. Uncini begin on the third setigerous seg- 
ment; fourteen posterior segments with uncini only; they have 
five sharp teeth (fig. 69). 

Branchiz green with dark green center ; head white; body flesh- 

Length, 18-20™. 
Dredged, fifteen feet, shelly bottom. 

AMPHITRITE (Miller) Malmgren. 
MALMGREN. Nordiska Hafs-Annulater, p. 364. 1865. 

Terebella ornata LEIDY. Marine Inveri. Fauna, R. I. and N. J., p. 14, pl. xi, figs. 
44, 45. 1855. 
Amphitrite ornata VerRiiL. Invert. An. Vin. Sound, p. 613, pl. xvi, fig. 82. 1874. 
4g «< Wesster. Annel. Chet. of the Virginian Coast, p. 262. 1879. 

Very abundant at low water; sand and mud. 

Invert. Animals of Vineyard Sound, p. 614. 1874. 

Scronopsis PALMATA Verrdil. 

VERRILL. Op. cit., p. 614. 1874. 
WEBSTER. Op. cit., p. 262. 1879. 

Common; dredged ten to fifteen feet. 

POLYCIRRUS (Grube) Malmgren. 
MALMGREN. Nordiska Hafs-Annulater, p. 393. 1865. 

Poxycirrrus Extmius Verrail. 

Torquea eximea LErDY. Marine Invert. Fauna of R. 1, and N.J., p. 14, pl- 
xi, figs. 51, 52. 1855. 
Polycirrus eximius VERRILL. Invert. An. Vin. Sound, p. 616, pl. xvi, fig. 85. 1874. 
ae <s WEBSTER. Annel. Chet. of the Vir. Coast, p. 263. 1879. 

Common on shells, etce.; dredged. 

SABELLA (ZL.) Malmgren. 
MALMGREN. Nordiska Hafs-Annulater, p. 398. 1865. 


VERRILL. Op. cit., p. 618. 1874. 
WEBSTER. Op. cit., p. 265. 1879. 

Quite common. 

No. 104] . 159 

HYDROIDES Gunnerus. (1768.) 

Hyproirs piantuvs Verrill. 

Serpula dianthus VERRILL, Op. cit., p. 620. 1874. 
Hydroides dianthus VERRILL. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila. for 1878, p. 300. 

WEBSTER, Annel, Chet. of the Vir. Coast, p. 266. 1879. é 

Common on rocks and shells, from low water to fifteen feet. 

Union Cottecr, Scuenecrapy, N. Y., 
December, 1878. 


By James HALL. 

For some years there has been in the State Museum several speci- 
mens of roofing slate from Middle Granville, Washington county, N. 
Y., showing what have been considered as obscure plant or graptolitic 

markings. ” They were presented by Rev. J. E. Baker, of Rochester, 
and were placed upon exhibition among the fossils ‘of the Quebec 
group. ‘Two of the specimens are of such remarkable form, and since 
organic remains are so unusual in the slates of this locality, it seems 
desirable to make some published record of them. 

The smallest specimen measures 70™™ across, and shows six ovate 
peripheral expansions, with short stalks, radiating from a small. cen- 
tral disc. ‘The larger specimen has a diameter of nearly 130™™ and 
differs from the preceding not only in size, but in the length of the 
foot stalks of the leaf-like expansions, which are from 10 to 20™™ long. 

The peripheral expansions or bodies, preserve more carbonaceous 
matter than the stalks or the central disc, and would appear to indi- 
cate that they were of firmer (possibly chitinous) texture and con- 
tained more organic matter. 

The distal ends of the expansions show a dark spot surrounded by 
light and dark concentric bands, such as would be preserved if the 
body had been a bulb open at the end, or contained a large vesicle. 

Ié is difficult to determine the true biological position of these 
obscure specimens. They differ in their mode of growth from the 
compound fronds of graptolites, such as Graptolithus, Retiograptus, 
Loganograptus or Phyllograptus, in having six rays to the frond, 
while in those genera the multiplication of the branches is by regular 
dichotomy or is four rayed as in Phyllograptus. 

Associated with these organisms are fragments of other organisms 
which have all the appearance of undoubted plant remains (described 
as Facoides flecuosa, by Emmons) and from the absence of character- 
istic graptolites in the shales, it would seem to warrant the conclusion 
that these radiate specimens are not of graptolitic origin, but are refer- 
able to the spenges or possibly the marine algae. 

The name Dactyloidites bulbosus is proposed for these fossils. See 
plate 11, figs. 1, 2 



The eastern development of the Waverly group, has not been as 
extensively examined by paleontologists, as its importance would seem 
to warrant, from its being the lowest member of the Carboniferous 
series. This has arisen principally from the fact, that the rocks of the 
group become much attenuated east of the State of Ohio, and are also 
coyered and obscured by the mass of overlying strata of the lower coal 
measures. Their close lithological resemblance to the underlying and 
greatly developed Chemung series, has, in addition, rendered the group 
comparatively inconspicuous. 

The fauna of this attenuated Waverly series in north-western Penn- 
sylvania is, however, not commensurable with the thickness of the 
strata. In the section of the rocks at Warren, and the list of Waverly 
fossils at that locality, published in Proc. Am. Ass. Ad. Sci., vol. 33, 
pp. 2-4, this disparagement is very evident. And it will be noticed 
that the number of species is as large as from any locality where the 
Waverly group forms a conspicuous physical feature ot the country. 

The Waverly deposits in Warren county, Pennsylvania, show many 
evidences of having been formed not far from the shore-line. This 
condition is indicated by the numerous mud furrows, land plants and 
the drifted and worn shells. The interpolation of an extensive bed of 
conglomerate, further shows that the sea-bottom was not in a condition 
of repose. After the deposition of the conglomerate and the return of 
the previous physical conditions, nearly the same fauna returned and 
persisted to the base of the great Carboniferous conglomerate. A 
region subject to these profound changes in the nature of the sedi- 
ments, and to various oscillations of the sea-bottom, would be expected 
_ to furnish many interesting faunal forms. The same varying con- 
ditions are also present in the Chemung group of this region; and 
these two series of strata, the Chemung and Waverly groups, present 
the palzontologist with many species not yet observed elsewhere, and 
also with several truly remarkable forms of life, among which may be 
mentioned the Spirazis Randalli of Newberry. But few of these have 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 21 


as yet received descriptive and illustrative notice, and others remain 
ag yet undescribed. 

The subject of the present paper may well be included in the list of 
mirable forms from this region. Failing to find any publication of 
allied species in the literature on the lamellibranchiata, I am induced 
to present the only species known to me, and to refer it to a new genus. 

[ozeipa, spira; déu@, domus.] 
Plate 12, figs. 1-5. 

Description.— Shell cylindrical, longitudinally spiral or twisted, the 
margins making nearly a complete volution; length nearly three 
times the breadth. Ventral margin entire, curved. Dorsal margin 
of the same curvature as the ventral border. Hinge-line extremely 
short or obsolete. 

Valves compressed posteriorly, gibbous along the middle and ante- 
rior portions. The transverse section of the two valves in position, in 
the middle of their length, is broadly elliptical. The greatest depth 
of both valves is in the anterior third. 

Beaks terminal, small and appressed, situated in the middle of the 
anterior end. Umbo not prominent. 

Test thin. Surface marked by very fine strie of growth. Ventral 
and dorsal margins strongly crenulate, produced into a thin reflexed 
expansion. Posterior margin simple, slightly bent. 

The cast of the interior is marked by a small, distinct pit or depres- 
sion at the anterior extremity, and just below is, apparently, a small 
muscular sear (vide fig. 4). At this point the pallial line originates 
and extends parallel to the ventral margin, to the lower third of the 
posterior extremity, terminating in a small muscular scar. The upper 
part of the posterior muscular impression, in the cast, is marked by 
two or three nodes, from which a low rounded ridge extends anteriorly 
about one-third the length of the shell and then becomes merged into 
the general convexity of the valve. This ridge was probably produced 
in the recession of the muscular scar consequent on the growth of the 

A specimen of medium size has a length of about 82™™; greatest 
breadth of the cast 30™™; breadth of posterior end 21™™; greatest 
, depth of both valves as conjoined 19™™; and the width at this point 
is 2470, 

Having but a single species at this time, the generic characters are 
necessarily included in the specific description. The features of the 
most general importance are: The equivalve, elongate spiral form; 
the terminal beaks; the absence of a proper hinge-line, and the mus- 
cular impressions situated at the two extremities of the valves. 

I know of no recent or fossil genus with which this shell may be 
satisfactorily compared. A somewhat similar form could be produced, 

No. 104.] 163 

in imagination, by twisting a solen, so that the ventral and dorsal 
margins formed a complete turn of a spiral; but the beaks are in the 
middle of the anterior extremity, and other characters are incompat- 
ible with a solenoid shell. Its form suggests Parallelopipedum, but it 
is evidently not an Arca. In its reflexed and minutely plicate margins 
and absence of proper hinge, it resembles some forms of Pholas, and, 
in addition, its spiral form is strongly indicative of a burrowing habit. 
Further, the small mass of rock containing the specimens of S. insignis, 
preserves the remains of several individuals, showing that they were 
gregarious after the manner of other burrowing shells. 

The twisted form of the shell and the position of the muscular scars 
precluded any considerable opening of the valves by the animal; and 
the shape of the anterior end shows that there could have been no well- 
developed foot for locomotion. Taking all these features into con- 
sideration, it seems evident that in this genus, we have a farther addi- 
tion to the interesting group of boring mollusca. 



Page 162. 

.1. A transverse section, taken from about 45™™ from the anterior end of 
a specimen. 

Fig. 3. Id. 

way ClO. 

ig. 5. Id. 

ig. 2. A transverse section, posterior to the middle of the specimen fig. 4. 

Section of the conjoined valves, at about the posterior quarter of 
their length. 

Ventral aspect of a specimen, which is a partial cast of the interior, 
showing the form of the shell, the muscular scars, pallial line and 
crenulated margins. 

The left side of the embedded specimen in the rock, showing the 
expanded crenulate margins of the valves and the pallial line. 
‘Waverly group. Warren, Pennsylvania, 


Prof. JAMES HAtu, Director of the State Museum of Natural History 
and State Geologist of New York: 

Str —In conformity with your letter of instructions to me, of date 
August 4, 1885, respecting the field work of the year, | began work in 
Dutchess county August 19th. It was continued with some interrup- 
tions (amounting in the aggregate to one month) to December 5, 

The first part of my survey was a hurried reconnaissance across 
Westchester and in the eastern part of Dutchess county; and a section 
across the Mount Washington range, Massachusetts and eastward into 
northern Connecticut as far as Norfolk in that State. 

The work of tracing the outlines of what were recognized as 
Archean rocks was then taken up and the geological boundaries of the 
Stissing mountain range; of the East or Dover mountain range; and 
then, of the Highlands east of the Hudson were followed and located. 

The relations of the bordering or over-lapping formations of Potsdam 
sandstone, of blue, magnesian limestone, of Hudson river slate, and of 
the mica schists and quartzytes on the east and south-east of the High- 
lands were ascertained, as far as could be done from their respective 

A few sections across the Archean outcrop were traversed and the 
position of the strata noted. 

Collections of the crystalline rocks and from the newer adjacent, sed- 
imentary strata were made incidentally while at work on the geological 
map. About 500 specimens (many very small, however, and not cab- 
inet specimens) were collected from 580 localities. 

The general results of this reconnaissance are presented in the fol- 

lowing report. 
New York State Museum, ALBANY, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1886, 



The country covered by the reconnaissance described in this report 
occupies the eastern and south-eastern portions of Dutchess county, the 
whole of Putnam county and the northern and middle parts of West- 
chester county. The territory is very naturally divided into the fol- 
lowing four parts or belts: 

1. Stisstinc MouNTAIN. 

2. East oR Dover MOUNTAIN. 


The report consists of general and detailed descriptions of the limits 
of the Archean rocks in the first, second and third of these divisions; 
secondly, of notes on the geological structure, so far as the data col- 
lected lead us to infer it; and, thirdly, descriptions of the character- 
istic rocks of the several belts. Following these descriptions are refer- 
ences to published articles on the geology of each belt; and, lastly, a 
brief statement about the geological age of these crystalline rocks. 

The analysis shows: 

I. Stissing mountain. 

1. Geographical location and height. 
2. Geological boundaries. 

3. Structure. 

4. Descriptions of rocks. 

II. East or Dover mountain. 

1. Geographical situation and height. 
2. Outlines of gneissic rocks. 

3. Structure. 

4, Rocks. 

III. Highlands of the Hudson. 
. Geography and topography [notes]. 
. Limits of the Archean rocks. 
Notes on geological structure. 
Notes on typical rocks. 
. References to literature on Highlands. 
. Geological horizon — Archean. 

IV. Westchester county. 

> OTH Co 20 


[AssemBLy, No. 104.] 167 . 

I. Stisstine MOUNTAIN. 

The isolated and prominent ridge, known as Stissing mountain, is in 
the towns of Pine Plains and Stanford, Dutchess county. A depression 
near the north end separates it into what are termed locally as ‘‘ Big 
Stissing ” and ‘‘ Little Stissing.” The whole length is four and a half 
miles, and the trend of the ridge is north 20° east. The northern 
point of the ridge is near the Pine Plains and Mount Ross road; the 
southern end is about a half a mile north-east of old Attlebury, and 
not quite one mile west-north-west of Stissing Junction. The 
eastern side is steep, with vertical cliffs in places; the western slope 1s 
more gentle and having a more nearly uniform angle of descent. On 
the east the mountain is bordered by the Pine Plains; on the west 
and north is the gently-rolling slate and blue limestone country, but 
largely drift-covered. The average breadth of the mountain varies 
between one-half and three-quarters of a mile, that is from the border 
of the plains to the newer rocks at the west foot. 

According to repeated observations with an aneroid barometer the 
highest point of the range, near the depression and west of Stissing 
lake or Thompson’s pond, is 200 feet above the general level of Pine 
Plains and 1,400 feet above tide. Little Stissing rises to a height of 
550 feet above the plains. To the south-south-west the ridge lowers 
gradually and east of Miller pond it is only 950 feet high. The most 
southern outcrops of the gneissic rock are not more than 100 feet 
above the plains’ level, equivalent toa descent of 800 feet in three 

The surface of this mountain range is so rocky that its cultivation 
in farms has scarcely been attempted, excepting a very limited area 
on the western slope, in the gap between Big Stissing and Little Stis- 
sing. And the limits of the cleared farm lands follow very closely 
the foot of the mountain and the geological boundaries. 

The extent of the gneissic or crystalline rock outcrops, which make 
up this mountain mass, outlined above in general, may be described 
in detail, as follows: Beginning on the north about a half a mile 
south of Keller’s Corner, on the Pine plains and Mount Ross road, 
the eastern boundary line runs a south-south-west course, to the west 
of Mud pond, separating the gneiss from the argillyte, nearly to the 
depression or gap. Thence on the same general course it runs at the 
foot of the mountain and at the border of the Plains, from an eighth 
to a quarter of a mile west of the lakes. Here the drift formation of 
the plains lies upon the foot of the mountain. South of the lakes a 
greyish white quartzite makes its appearance and borders the gneiss 
in low lying ledges nearly the whole distance to the south-west end of 
the Stissing mountain belt or range of crystalline rocks. These out- 
crops of quartzite were seen in close proximity to gneisses at several 
points along this south-eastern part of the range. ‘Their diverse dips 
indicate unconformability.* From the southern point of the gneissic 

* Mather refers to the quartzite at the south-west side of Mount Stissing in his chapter 
on §‘‘Taconic System” and calls it a ‘‘granular quartz’? and Potsdam sandstoue. 
Natural History of New York, Geology of First District, pp. 418, 423, 436-437. 

_Phis quartzite has been examined by Prof. Wm. B. Dwight of Poughkeepsie, who says 
(in a letter recently received), that he has failed to discover any organisms in it. 

Lithologically it resembles the Fishkill and Poughquag quartzites, which have been 

called Potsdam. 

° 168 [ ASSEMBLY 

rocks the bounding line between them and the quartzite beds on the 
south-west and west follows a quite marked hollow in the surface first 
in a north-west and then in a more northerly direction to Miller pond. 
This depression is, in places, a few rods only in width, bordered on the 
one side by the gneiss, and on the other by the quartzite. Miller pond 
occupies the depression between the mountain and the blue limestone 
and slate hills. North of it the quartzite was not observed, the ad- 
jacent formation being blue limestone near the pond and slate to the 
north. The outcrops of the limestone are comparatively small; the 
slate forms a bold and rocky ridge on the west and north-west of the 
Little Stissing part of the range. From Miller pond to the north end 
of the mountain the limit of the gneissic outcrop may be said to be 
about three-quarters of a mile east of the main road from Old Attle- 
bury to Mount Ross. At the north there is a rather deep depression 
between the two formations and it is traceable around to the north- 
east end of the gneiss. A wood road follows it for some distance north 
from the gap, east of the Simmons farm-house. Excepting near Mil- 
ler pond the newer formations of slate and limestone are not seen on 
this western side of the mountain close enough to the gneisses to en- 
able us to make out their relative position. South of the Simmons 
place and north of Miller pond there is a narrow outcrop of the blue ~ 
limestone whose beds dip steeply to the north-west and within sixty 
feet of gneissic strata, having a steep dip also, but more to the west- 
north-west. Nearer the pond and to the south of this locality the 
blue limestone forms low ridges at the foot of the mountain and all 
the strata stund nearly on edge, dipping in a general north-west direc- 
tion. Amore interesting locality, and where there is an approximation 
to contact phenomena, i3 a half a mile south of Miller pond. At this 
place the gneiss (a feldspathic variety) crops out within ten feet of the 
grey quartzite and conglomerate. The dip of the former is 80° north 
80° west (mag.) and that of the latter is the same, showing conforma- 
bility. But one mile to the south and near the south end of the 
mountain the quartzitic rocks and the siliceous conglomerate crop out 
near the gneiss and their beds dip only about 10° westerly, whereas 
the gneiss stands vertically and with a nearly due north strike. The 
quartzite outcrop on the south-east and toward Stissing Junction is 
marked by a more nearly horizontal position of its beds. The quart- 
zite outcrops on the east, near J. A. Thompson’s place, have a gentle 
west-north-west dip, the strata passing under a blue limestone and a 
red shaly rock lying between them and the gneiss of the mountain 
slope. The observed phenomena of the closer outcrops of gneiss and 
these limestones and quartzites appear to prove a want of conforma- 
bility between them. 

From the observations made of dips near the foot of the mountain 
and on three cross-section lines, the inference is drawn that there are 
close folds whose axes have a general north-east and south-west direc- 
tion, and are oblique to the trend of the mountain. The northern 
point of one of these anticlinal folds was seen one-quarter of a mile 
south-south-west of J. A. Thompson’s residence, and at the eastern 
base of the mountain. The pitch or angle of inclination was 40° to 
the north-east, or a little north of north-east. The observed dips 
ranged from 50° to the east-south-east to 80° north 80° west. In 
Little Stissing the structure, as indicated by the dips observed, is 

No. 104.] 169 

anticlinal, the strata on the north-west slope and on the crest dipping 
steeply to the north-west ; on the south, to the east-south-east. On the 
section over Big Stissing the dips are to the north-west from the crest 
down the western slope, and to the east-south-east on the east and 
steeper slope. ‘The same change in the direction is to be seen crossing 
the mountain on a west-south-west course from J. A. Thompson’s place, 
one mile south of Stissing lake. The predominant strike is to the north- 
north-east and the average inclination is 70° to 75° — ranging, in the 
observed cases, from 60° to vertical But a much more detailed 
survey of the surface is needed to ascertain the position of the out- 
cropping strata and to bring out the lines of folding and faulting and 
the general structure of this isolated range of crystalline rocks. 

The prevailing types of crystalline rocks in Stissing mountain are 
gneisses, granites, granulyte and syenite. The most common variety of 
gneiss is a moderately fine crystalline aggregate of orthoclase, translu- 
cent quartz and muscovite. The feldspar is white to flesh-colored, and 
with facets up to +5 inch ; the quartz is glassy to milk-white and appar- 
ently filling in the spaces between the feldspar; the mica is in fine 
white to brown scales, which are disposed generally in lines or thin 
laminz through the rock mass. A black mica (biotite?) is found 
accompanying the muscovite in nearly all of the gneisses. And it 
might be termed a biotite-muscovite gneiss. The varying propor- 
tions of these constituents make up an almost endless gradation — 
from feldspathic to quartzose and micaceous gneisses. So far as macro- 
scopic observations go there appears to be a predominance of mono- 
clinic feldspars, although the triclinic were detected in some of the 
specimens studied. 

Granulyte and pegmatyte occur, but are much less common than 
the gneisses. The former has generally a very slight percentage of 
mica init. Granite and syenite also are to be seen, but confined to 
small outcrops, some of which are, probably, intrusive, cutting across 
the bedded gneisses. 

In places the presence of a large percentage of mica gives the rock a 
schistose appearance. And these micaceous gneisses alternate irregu- 
larly, and are interbedded with the more feldspathic and granulyte 
strata; or, they are confined to narrow belts or bands in the more com- 
mon gneiss. ‘They are thinner bedded also, and the stratification is 
more distinctly marked in them by both the arrangement of their con- 
stituent minerals and the planes of bedding. The grey, feldspathic 
gneiss occurs usually in thick beds, and often the stratification is recog- 
nized by the lines of minerals only. But there are comparatively 
limited areas of the unstratified or massive rocks, or those in which the 
bedding cannot be seen. No attempt was made in this survey of the 
range to define the limits of these areas of indistinctly-bedded and 
massive rocks. 

The Stissing mountain gneisses and associated crystalline rocks 
resemble closely those of the Highlands of the Hudson. Although 
identification of age based upon lithological resemblances is not as 
satisfactory evidence as that from paleontological characters, still the 
relation to the overlying quartzite, the similar structure and the gen- 
eral facies of the whole appear to justify us in assigning them to the 
same geological age. Stissing mountain may, therefore, be considered 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 22 



as the most northern outcrop of Archean rocks in the south-eastern 
part of the State and as an island in the newer and Paleozoic rock 
formations. * 

II. Hast or [Dover] Movuntarn. 

The mountain bordering the valley of Amenia and Dover Plains, 
in Dutchess county on the east, is generally known as the East moun- 
tain. Hast and south-east of South Amenia the more prominent 
peaks are known as ‘‘ Peaked hill,” and the ‘‘ Cobble,” the latter of 
which is just over the line'in Connecticut. The designation of Dover 
mountain would appear to be more appropriate and definite, as this 
range is the highest and most characteristic of the ridges in the town 
of Dover. The north-eastern part is in Amenia, and it is a continua- 
tion of the Sharon-Cornwall range.+ The south-western end is 
marked by the valley of the Webotuck. The part of the range 
embraced within the State is only about nine miles long, from the 
Connecticut line, east-north-east of South Amenia to the Webotuck, 
east of South Dover. In the town of Dover the top is moderately 
rolling and the whole mountain is a small table-land rather than a 
single ridge or mountain range. 

The highest point of this mountain is near the Connecticut line 
about a half a mile east of the Patchin neighborhood, and its altitude 
above the level of tide water is reported to be 1,500 feet. The bar- 
ometric observations on section lines which were followed during the 
survey last autumn show the highest point observed to be near the 
school-house in the ‘ mountain district,” and its height as 1,350 feet. 
The ‘* Cobble,” which is a prominent peak in the landscape from the 
Sharon and Amenia valley, was found to be about 1,400 feet high. 
There are no deep gaps in the range and the surface inequalities are, 
on the average, only about 200 feet, that is, from the ridges to bottoms 
of the adjacent valleys. But looking off into the Dover Plains on the 
west, and Kent Plains on the east, the boldness of the mountain and 
the depth of these bounding valleys are at once conspicuous features 
of the surface configuration. These valleys have an average height of 
400 feet above tide, or are from 600 to 900 feet deep, as compared with 
the mountain. ‘The outer slopes, descending to these valleys, are very 
steep in places, precipitous, and hence they are in forest. On the top 
of the mountain the less rocky and level or gently-rolling portions 
near the road which cross the mountain from Dover Plains and South 
Amenia to Kent Plains, Connecticut, have been cleared and inclosed 
in farms. But this deforested areais comparatively a very small frac- 
tion of the whole, and the mountain may be described as still wooded. 

The boundaries of the gneissic strata of this mountain range are 
traced without difficulty, excepting near South Amenia, where the 
border of the gneiss appears under the drift of the valleys. Begin- 

*Mather in his Geology of the First District Natural History of New York, 1842, pp. 
548, 612, has a brief notice of the Stissing mountain rocks, in which he calls them Primary. 
See, also, pp. 436, 437 of same report. 

+ Dr. Percival in his ‘“‘ Report on the Geology of the State of Connecticut,’’ 1842, calls 
this Dover-Kent-Sharon range of crystalline rocks or ‘‘ granitic formation,’”’ and he repre- 
sents it on his map by the designation of K., pp. 115-119. 

No. 104.] 171 

ning at the Connecticut line east-north-east of Amenia, the western 
boundary line crosses the Kent Plains and Amenia road one and a half 
miles east of South Amenia. Thence it runs in a south-south-west 
course along the base of the Peaked Hill ridge ; intersecting the road 
to Macedonia, three-fourths of a mile south of South Amenia; then 
striking the Hast mountain it follows the course of the mountain, first 
in a south-south-west, then in a south course, and lastly in a south- 
easterly direction, to the southern termination of the range, near 
Webotuck. East of Dover Plains it has an average elevation of 550 
feet above the plains level. On Peaked hill and on Dover mountain 
quartzite borders the gneissic outcrop. See Mather’s Geology of the 
first District Natural History of New York, pp. 444 and 446. Also 
Percival’s Geology of Connecticut, pp. 118, 119; Prof. J. D. Dana’s 
“ Taconic Rocks and Stratigraphy,” Am. Jour. Science (3), X XIX, p. 
209. And these two formations were observed in close proximity to 
one another at several points on this side of the mountain. Contact 
phenomena were noted at a place near the road leading from the 
mountain district school-house to Dover Plains. The gneissic strata 
were found in all but one locality, dipping to the east-south-east and at 
angles varying from 60° to vertical. One locality showed a dip of 80° 
westerly. On Peaked hill the quartzite beds dip to the east-south-east 
at an angle of 40° ; the gneiss east of the quartzite has the same direc- 
tion in dip, but the amount is 50°. Along the west side of the East 
mountain the dip of the quartzite strata is 50° to 70* and toward the 
north-west. Around the southern end, near Ellis lake and near the 
State line, north of Mitchell’s Mills, the quartzite beds have an east- 
south-east dip and the angle is trom 40 to 60°. The same direction 
and like angles were observed on the eastern side of the mountain, 
and at the west border of Kent Plains, in Connecticut. The bound- 
ary between the gneisses and the quartzite at the south is near Ellis 
lake, to the north-east of it — crossing the road, which runs north to 
the Patchin-Kennedy neighborhood, one-eighth of a mile north of the 
Dixon-Haviland corner and intersecting the State line about one mile 
north of Mitchell’s Mills. The eastern boundary follows the border 
of the Kent Plains. 

There is a want of conformability between the quartzite and gneiss 
when they are seen close to one another. And the prevailing dips of 
the quartzite are away from the mountain—an anticlinal uplift 
due to the elevation and folding of the gneiss. The position of the 
strata of gneissic rocks in the East or Dover mountain, as shown by the 
dips observed along the borders and on two cross sections, indicates 
the possible existence of a closely folded anticlinal on the western part 
of the range, combined, probably, with synclinals to the east of it. 
The strata on the west slope have in general a steep dip to the east- 
south-east, with a few westerly dips; whereas on the western part of 
the top the angles of dip are from 45° to 80° and to the south-east. 
The absence of observed dips on the east slope leave much doubt as to 
the probable structure of this mountain range. 

The rocks composing the strata of the East (or Dover) mountain 
range are gneiss, granite, granulyte, quartz-syenite, syenite-gneiss 
and mica-schist chiefly ; and other crystalline rock varieties of much 
less common occurrence and of very limited outcrop. The yariation, 


due to different proportions in which the constituent minerals enter 
into these more common kinds of rocks, is wide and there is an almost 
imperceptible degree of gradation from one to another. In the range 
east of South Amenia there is a predominance of a fine, crystalline, 
banded gneiss, which is in places highly micaceous, associated with a 
grey granitoid gneiss. A very good section was examined between 
Macedonia, Conn., and Dover Plains, crossing the East mountain. On 
the eastern slope many ledges of dark-colored, muscovite-biotite gneiss 
with syenite-gneiss were seen, traversed by dikes of coarse-crystalline, 
grey-reddish granite. The latter rock has in places a gneissoid aspect 
and doubtless there are on this slope some areas of unstratified granit- 
oid gneiss. Near the top of the mountain there is more of this grey, 
feldspathic, massive gneiss and granulyte, lessof the micaceous, horn- 
blendie varieties. The latter are much contorted in strike and appar- 
ently much disturbed. Small masses of these varieties were observed 
imbedded in the grey rock, indicating either very abrupt changes in 
the conditions at time of formation, or, possibly, a breaking up of an 
older series by the intrusion of eruptive masses. On the southern end 
of this mountain there is a broad area, occupying nearly the whole 
crest, of a peculiar-looking gneiss, consisting of flesh-colored ortho- 
lase, white quartz and biotite. The feldspar and mica are arranged in 
rudely parallel, thin layers, and the quartz is quite subordinate in 
quantity. The feldspathic portions swell out into small lenticular 
masses from one-half to an inch in diameter. They give the mass a 
rough conglomerate, or rather a pseudo-porphyritic aspect, suggestive 
of the “‘augen gneiss” of German lithologists. There are no signs of 
bedding in this rock of massive outcropping ledges, unless this mineral 
parallelism be taken as indicative of a stratification. And in the 
mountain mass it may be considered as an unstratified rock; in hand 
specimens it has the appearance of gneiss. The same rock was ob- 
served on the top of the range to the north and also on the “ Cob- 
ble” over the State line, in Connecticut. The outcrops of the west- 
ern slope show as prevailing types, a dark-colored, fine crystalline, 
syenite-gneiss, a muscovite-biotite gneiss and a grey, granitoid gneiss. 
The variation in the strike of the strata of more schistose gneisses 
on the west side also is remarkable, amounting to 30° within a few 
yards, in places. Viewed as a whole the central part of the range 
may be said to be mainly made up of grey, massive, unstratified 
granitoid gneiss and granulyte, flanked on each side by the more 
schistose and thin-bedded gneisses and mica schist, and the latter, 
in turn, by the newer and unconformable quartzytic and quartz 
schists. As compared with the rocks of Stissing mountain and the 
Highlands of the Hudson, the rocks of this range have a more banded 
or striped appearance; they contain rather more black mica (biotite), 
more flesh-colored feldspar, and in their strike there is more variation, 
or more contorted. But these lithological distinctions are compara- 
tively slight and apparently not sufficient to justify a division based 
upon them alone. Hence the range is here placed as belonging in the 
Archean series and to the Highland belt.* 

* Prof. James D. Dana, in his papers on the Taconic rocks, published in the American 
Journal of Science, has referred to the Dover-Kent-Cornwall range of gneiss and called it 
Archean.—American Journal of Science (3), vol. XVII, pp. 887-3888; and vol. XXIX, pp. 
914, 221. 

No. 104.] 173 


The above designation, or as it is sometimes used, the Highlands, is 
given to the mountain chain, which extends from New Jersey, through 
Orange and Rockland counties and, on the east of the Hudson 
river, through Putnam and Dutchess counties, nearly to Connecticut. 
The Hudson river crosses it between Peekskill and Cornwall. Its 
average elevation above the ocean is about 1,000 feet, and it is so much 
more elevated than the valleys on the north and south that it is some- 
times designated as a table land. There are, however, some rather 
deep valleys traversing it on nearly due north and south lines, and 
many lesser depressions whose general course is from north-east to 
south-west approximately, and which alternate with rocky ridges, 
having the same trend. ‘The height of these several ridges is remark- 
ably uniform, pointing to an original plane or nearly level surface, 
which, through the denudation of the softer and more exposed strata, 
has resulted in the corrugated features now observed. The general 
level of these crests is at once apparent on climbing to them. ‘The 
valleys are not alike uniform in depth, as for example that of the 
Hudson river crosses it below tidal level, whereas the Ramapo valley 
is several hundred feet higher, and that of Peekskill Hollow still 

The Highlands east of the Hudson may be said to extend north-east 
from the Hudson river, from Peekskill Hollow and Cornwall to Gar- 
diner’s Hollow, near Poughquag, and to Whaley pond, west of Paw- 
ling, in Dutchess county, and to the Pawling-Patterson valley, in Put- 
nam county. The southern limitis Peekskill Hollow to Oregon ; then 
an irregular and not well-defined line near Shrub Oak, Jefferson Val- 
ley, Somers Hollow, and Croton falls to Brewsters. These lines do 
not include all of the ridges on the north and east, since the Fishkill 
mountain range continues north through Dover, Amenia and north- 
east to its termination near Copake in Columbia county. Eastward 
the ridges follow one another without any well-marked line of division 
through the towns of Southeast and Patterson, in Putnam county, into 
Fairfield, Connecticut. On the south-east the hilly country of the 
northern part of Westchester county border the Highlands. 

The extreme north-east limit, geologically considered, of the High- 
lands belt is in the town of Beekman and at Gardiner’s Hollow.* The 
gneissic rocks at this place are found lying unconformably against the 
micaceous and quartzose schists of the Dover and West Pawling 
range. This most interesting locality is less than a quarter of a mile 
north of what is locally known as the ‘‘ Dug road.” The full descrip- 
tion of the north-west boundary of the Highlands Archean rocks may 
be given as follows: Beginning at the north-easternmost point, the 

*The probable termination of the Highlands belt of Archzan rocks, near this locality, 
was first suggested to the author of this paper. by a trip through this part of the State in 
1880, while visiting the iron mines for the U. S. Census Office. At the close of the season 
the work of Dr. Percival was examined, and his description of the locality was at once 
verified. See Percival’s Geology of Connecticut, p. 123. 

Prof. James D. Dana has represented the Archzean Highlands, as terminating near 
Poughquag, ona Hale which accompanies an article on the ‘‘ Geological relations of the 

Limestone Belts of Westchester county, New York.’ Am. Jour. @ * Science (3), XX; facing 
p. 452. 



line of division between the gneiss and quartzite has a south-west 
direction, along on the iower slope of the mountain, east of Gardiner 
Hollow brook an average distance of a quarter of a mile, across the 
Beekman and Pawling turnpike and the N, Y. and N. E. R. R. line, 
one mile south-east of the village of Poughquag. Thence south-west 
the boundary is in a hollow, between the two rock formations, as far 
as the Poughquag station and road south over the mountain ; descend- 
ing and on the same general course, it comes to the valley about halfa 
mile east of Green Haven railroad station, and crosses into East Fish- 
kill township near the Baptist church corner. Across East Fishkill 
it is located readily by the topographical features. It is near the Hop- 
kins place, one mile south-south-east of Stormville ; near the resi- 
dence of D. W. Tompkins and A. Wiltsie, a mile south-south-east of 
Cortlandtville ; then, in a more southerly course, it runs near the Shen- 
andoah limonite ore-bed and Fowler’s kaolin mine to within a mile 
of Hortontown, where it sweeps around to the north and then curves 
about the north-eastern point of the Shenandoah Corners gneiss ridge, 
resuming at the village of the same name its general south-west course. 

From Shenandoah Corners the boundary of the gneissic rocks out- 
crop, overlaid by the patches of quartzite, is easily traced in a south- 
west course for a mile and a half, or to the Wickapee creek hollow, 
near the road crossing that stream. Again bending northward it runs 
for three-fourths of a mile to the northern end of a northward project- 
ing tongue of crystalline rocks, then turning westward and south-west 
for a short distance, it again sweeps around a short and narrow out- 
crop of gneiss, the quartzite dipping at various angles away from this 
underlying anticlinal line. Beyond to the west there is another rather 
sharp curve in the line to the south, around a bold and narrow ledge 
of the quartzite. Crossing the township line about one mile north of 
the county line the course is for a little way westward, then it turns to 
the north and here the quartzite and siliceous conglomerate are seen 
unconformably resting upon the gneiss. The latter rock has its strata 
standing almost on edge, with an easterly dip, the conglomerate beds 
dip at an angle of 20° northward. ‘The boundary has a general north- 
north-east course, at the eastern foot of Mt. Honness, and quite near 
to Johnsville, to the Fishkill creek less than a quarter of a mile north 
of the Johnsville M. E. church. At this point the northernmost 
end of the Mt. Honness range is attained and the geological line again 
has a west and then a south-west bearing up the Clove valley a distance 
of two or three miles. The drift conceals the strata and the south- 
ward limit of the newer blue limestone is known only by openings 
for ore in the valley. Its limit is apparently about two miles ina 
straight line, south of Fishkill village. Passing about the southern 
limit of the limestone the boundary is then traceable along the west of 
the Clove creek and to the north-east end of the Fishkill mountain 
range, proper, which is near the creek, and Fishkill village. Thence 
south-west for two miles, the foot of the mountain is recognized as 
the limit of the gneisses also. South of Glenham the line of outcrop 
is traced in a west-south-west course and three-quarters of a mile 
south of the creek. Through Matteawan it is located near the public 
school and a little south of the P. E. church. From Matteawan to 
the Hudson river the course of this line is south-west, and south of the 
creek and nearly parallel to it. 

No. 104.] 175 

As thus described in detail, the line represents the boundary of 
gneisses and quartzitic rocks across Beekman township; in Hast Fish- 
kill there are separate outcrops of the latter at the border of the gneisses, 
near the Baptist church ; south of Stormville and near the Hopkins 
place ; near the Shenandoah iron mine ; at Shenandoah Corners ; in the 
Wickapee hollow ; in Fishkill Hook south of Johnsyville, and near the 
town line south-south-west of the same village. In Fishkill township 
the border is drift and alluvial beds (in part), excepting the limestone 
in the Clove valley and the limestone, quartzite and slaty rocks in 
Matteawan, but the latter are isolated outcrops and separated from 
gneiss of Fishkill mountain on the south by much drift. Hence, 
the relative position of these sedimentary strata is not determined 
by any contacts or any closely out-cropping beds in this town. 

The relation of the Poughquag-Fishkill quartzite to the under- 
lying crystalline rocks of the Highlands is shown by several good sec- 
tions, one of which has been referred to on page 173. Another and 
more interesting locality is in the town of East Fishkill, nearly two 
miles south-south-west of Johnsville, or three miles south of Brincker- 
hoff station. The mountain road leading southerly and passing West 
Hook district school and the Adams place, ascends, first, over the 
quartzite and then up the projecting tongue of gneiss. On the east 
and west side of this gneiss the grey-white quartzite strata crop out, 
dipping on the west side 35° to the west-north-west and rising up in 
a nearly vertical cliff 100 feet high above the gneissic base or substratum. 
The dip of the same rock, as seen on the east and north-east of the 
gneiss, is 20° north and 35° east. And the rock is in some beds a fine 
shaly sandstone. Overlying the latter, near the foot of the hill, a 
_ blue, magnesian limestone appears, having the same dip to north-west. 
Another interesting locality where the quartzite is in close proximity 
to the underlying granitic rock is on the McCarthy place, one and a 
half miles south of Johnsville. At this locality the rock is marked by 
the presence of a scolithus, which suggests the horizon of Potsdam 
sandstone. The beds dip north 55° east, 40° ; and are within 200 feet 
to south of a granitic ledge. 

Perhaps the best section showing the quartzite reposing unconform- 
ably upon the gneisses of the Highlands is south-east of the deep 
Poughquag cut of the N. Y. & N. E. R. R., and one mile north-west 
of the West Pawling R. R. station. In the deep cut the quartzite 
beds dip easterly at angles from 15° to 20°. To the south-east 
in the next (low) cut, the same rock has its strata dipping to the 
north-west at an angle of 20°, and the gneiss within 300 feet of the 
former, but lower on the slope dips at an almost vertical angle to the 
south-east. The same rock forms the base of this Poughquag spur on 
the north.* 

A narrow and isolated outcrop of granitic rock north of the Fish- 
kill creek may be described in this place, since it belongs appar- 
ently to the Highlands belt of crystalline rocks. It is traceable from 
the large carpet mill and the creek at Groveville through Glenham, 
north of Fishkill village to Vly mountain where it disappears under 

*On the Poughquag-Fishkill quartzite, and its relations to the Archean rocks, and 

the overlying limestones, see articles by Prof. J. D. Danain Am. Jour, of Science (3), 
III, pp. 250-256; (3) XVII, pp. 885, 386, and (3) XXIX, pp. 209, 221. 


the slates and drift. It is five miles in length; its breadth nowhere 
exceeds one-third of a mile, being greatest in the village of Glenham, 
where the Reformed church stands on the north margin and the 
Public or Union School-building is near the south side of the outcrop. 
At the north-east end, Vly mountain represents its breadth. Through- 
out its surface is rocky, but it is not very prominent above the adja- 
cent formations of slate and limestone, excepting in Vly mountain 
where it attains an elevation of 250 to 300 feet above the Fishkill 
plain. The formation on the north-west is a bluish-black slaty rock, 
but it was not found cropping out near enough to this crystalline rock 
to indicate its true relation to the latter. The blue limestone bounds 
it on the south-east. And the beds of this rock dip south-east or from 
the granitoid rock, but the concealed distances between their outcrop 
(nowhere less than 100 feet) are too great to permit any conclusions 
as to their exact position in reference to one another. There is doubt 
about the crystalline rock being stratified. The only locality where 
it appears to have bedding is near Glenham, and the dip is there 
nearly vertical north 10°-15° east. But the parallelism in the min- 
erals is all that is evidence of stratification. 

There are two principal varieties of rock in this short and narrow 
outcrop. One is a pinkish-colored granite, consisting almost wholly 
of orthoclose and a milk-white quartz. It has a little brown mica in 
small, scattered scales through its mass. The other variety is a green- 
ish-grey rock made up of a triclinic feldspar, orthoclose, white, opaque 
quartz and a very little black mica and hornblende. Inasmuch as the 
prevailing types of rock are unlike the characteristic varieties of crys- 
talline rock in the Fishkill mountain so near on the south there is 
doubt about classifying this little belt with the Highlands. And it 
is placed here provisionally until the district can be more thoroughly 
studied and the rocks be examined microscopically. * 

The south-eastern boundary of the Highlands Archzan rock may be 
described as having a general southerly course from Gardiner’s Hollow 
near Poughquag in Dutchess county, to Towner’s Station in Putnam 
county, and a south-west course from the Connecticut line, east of 
Brewsters, by Croton falls, Jefferson valley, Shrub Oak and Oregon 
to Peekskill Bay at Annsville. The rock of the adjacent formation 
throughout much of this distance is mica schist. Near Oregon, there 
is a very fine-grained, black, hydro-mica schist and the same rock 
continues bordering the gneissic outcrop thence more or less all the 
way to the Peekskill cove. On the Hudson river, the nearest ledges 
to the gneiss, which crops out on the north of the cove, are south-east 
dipping strata of greyish quartzite ‘and a feldspathic quartzite in the 
bluff between the cove and Peekskill. 

Beginning at the north-east, in Gardiner’s Hollow, north-east of 
Poughquag, the eastern limit of the Archean gneisses coincides with 
a slight surface depression whose general course is south 20° west 
(magnetic) from the so-called ‘‘Dug road” to the Beekman and Paw- 

* This rock was called an ‘‘altered sandstone”? by Prof. James Hall and Sir William 
Logan, in a paper read before the Natural History Society of Montreal, Oct. 24, 1864, by 
T. Sterry Hunt. See Am. Jour. of Science (2), vol. XXXIV, p. 96. 

Prof. Dana calls it a ‘‘ granite-like stratum’’ and a stratified formation, in his deserip- 
tion of the Taconic schists and associated limestones in that part of Dutchess county. Am, 
Jour, of Science (3), XVII, p. 386. 

No. 104.] 177 

ling turnpike. The gneiss is conformable in strike and dip with the 
micaceous schists of the mountain on the east; and in some of the 
outcrops these widely-marked and typical rocks are within thirty 
feet of one another. The schist makes up the crest of the mountain; 
the gneiss forms a western and lower ridge of the same general range. 
And it is first south of Poughquag that the gneisses rise to a height 
equal to that of the schist ridges. 

South of the Beekman and Pawling road this geological boundary 
has a south-west’ course to Whaley pond, which lies in a depression, 
marking the limits of two diverse rock systems or terrains. From the 
south-east side of the pond and where the railroad comes to the water’s 
edge, the line of division goes, first, easterly for a short distance, then 
on a south-east course, east of the Whaley pond and Reynoldsville road, 
to the Putnam county line. The mica schist, more or less garnetifer- 
ous, makes up the most of the ridge west of the Pawling-Patterson 
valley and approaches close to the outcropsof the gray, fine-crystal- 
line biotite gneiss near the bottom of the hilland near the N. Y. & N. 
HE. R. R. line. They are so close in places as to exhibit the structural 
relations with certainty. Crossing into Putnam county the course of 
the boundary is south for two miles, being one mile east of Ludington- 
ville and following the lower part of the western slope of the Iron hill 
range and near the middle branch of the Croton river. From this 
valley it bends south-east around the southern end of Iron hill; and 
then hasa north-east course nearly to the villageof Four Corners, 
where it again takes a turn to the east and east-south-east and is also 
the south limit of the Patterson limestone valley thence to Towner’s 
station on the Harlem railroad. The exact location of the line across 
the narrow valley, followed by the Harlem railroad, is difficult, on ac- 
count of the drift and more recent formations which cover the rocks, 
It is possible that the limestone of the Patterson valley stretches south 
as far as the Croton lakes, but beyond that the gneissic rock outcrops 
extend quite across the valley. ‘The boundary may run southward, 
following the contour of a limestone tongue as far as this lake, or one 
and a half miles south of Towner’s station. Or it mayrun in adirect 
easterly course across by this station. Hast of the last-mentioned place 
the line has a more tortuous course, going first north-east, then north 
for a half a mile, around a rocky hill, west of Couch’s Corner; thence 
east and east-south-east, at the northern base of the rocky ridges 
which rise up at the southern border of the great swamp. Haines’ 
Corner is near the limit northward of the gneisses. East of Haines’ 
Corner the alluvial deposits of the Croton river valley conceal all the 
older strata and make the location doubtful. Passing over this strip 
of alluvial and drift deposits the eastward extension of our line is put 
in the Quaker brook hollow, which is a deeply wooded valley, having 
the high schistose-rock hills of north-east Patterson on the north 
and the harder-grey gneisses on the south. 

This valley appears to have been worn down in the softer schists at 
their junction with the gneiss. It is a topographical as well as a geo- 
logical feature. The boundary line, as thus traced, crosses into Con- 
necticut near the head of this Quaker brook hollow. Between 
Towner’s station on the north and Brewsters at the south, the east- 
ward extension of the Highlands Archean has a breadth of six miles, 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 23 


and it is traced into New Fairfield and Danbury, Connecticut. Dr. 
Percival did not recognize in it the same general characters as in his 
“<Granitic Formations,” but put it under the head of ‘ Culciferous 
Micaceous Formation (gneiss) ’’ and represented it by H. 2. B. on his 
geological map. He calls it a table-land bounded north and south 
as indicated above. In his description of the rocks of this division 
or formation a granitic gneiss is mentioned as predominating with 
beds of dark horndblendic and sub-hornblendic rocks and dark micaccous 
rocks. And he adds that a range of the latter is traceable west 
beyond the Croton, between Carmel and Somers.* An examination 
of the outcrops on two sections across this division of Dr. Percival, 
one from Brewster’s, north-east to Valleyville and Quaker brook hol- 
low, and the other from Brewsters through Southeast Centre and 
Milltown and across Joe’s hill, failed to show sufficiently marked and 
distinctive rock characters to separate it from the gneisses, granulytes, 
syenite-gneisses and micaceous schists common to the Highlands to 
the west. 

The southern limits of the Archean rocks of the Highlands from 
the State line east of Brewsters to the Hudson river may be described 
as follows: Beginning near Mill Plain, Conn., and at the southern 
foot of the Joe’s hill ridge, the line follows the east and west valley 
to near Southeast Centre and then the Croton river, passing south-east 
and south of Brewsters. This valley has in it a white limestone and 
a micaceous quartzite, as also mica schist, and these sedimentary 
rocks have a general east and west strike and a northward dip. Joe’s 
hill is the southernmost ridge of gneiss of the belt, whose boundaries 
are here given, and the limestone and schistose rocks are the adjacent 
bounding formations. South-west of Brewsters the tracing of the 
geological line is rendered difficult by the absence of distinguishing 
characteristics in the rocks which occur in the undoubted Archean 
belt north-west of the Croton river, and some of the outcrops of 
gneiss which are traceable in a narrow belt eastward from north of 
Croton falls to Peach lake and into Ridgefield and Danbury in Con- 
necticut. The schists in the southern part of the town of Bontheash 
and north of Peach lake border this belt of gneiss on the north and 
the Salem limestone is contiguous on the south. The prevailing 
north-east dip makes an angle with the mean direction of that of the 
beds in the outcrops of the Theall mine and along the Croton valley, 
but no contact phenomena or localities of unconformable strata were 
observed. So far as rock composition is concerned there is more mica 
and a more schistose structure in the rocks of this Croton falls and 
Peach lake gneissic tongue, if it be viewed as an extension eastward 
of the Archean. Garnet also is common in these rocks; and they 
have a striped or banded appearance. But there is the absence of 
well-marked distinctions which are at once recognized in the outcrops 
on the two sides of the boundary line as traced across Putnam and in 
Dutchess counties. 

From the Croton river west the general course of the southern line 
of the Highlands belt is westerly, but 1t is marked by several loops, 
which stretch southward around the Archean projecting ridges, as it 

* Percival’s Keport on the Geology of Connecticut, 1842, pp. 83 and 92, 98. 

No. 104. ] 179 

were peninsulas or promontories of older gneisses in the later schists 
and associated crystalline rocks, The line may be described as located 
south-west of Croton falls ; near Somers village at the southern 
end of the Round hill range; then, bending to the north-west and 
near the so-called “ Lovell street,” it strikes the Putnam county line 
near the Plum brook depression and the Mahopac Branch railway; 
then bending southward and on a west-south-west course it re-enters 
Westchester county at Jefferson valley; thence it is traced westward 
to Shrub Oak along the southern foot of a high and rocky ridge of 
thick-bedded, grey gneiss, which runs northward along on the south- 
east of the Peekskill hollow. It should be stated here that there are 
outcrops of true gneiss in the high ground south of Shrub Oak and 
Jefferson valley, and as far south as Yorktown, which may belong to 
the Highlands formation, and if so included, the location of this line 
must be somewhere near the west branch of the Muscoot river and 
south of Yorktown village. Asnoconnection could be traced between 
these more southern outcrops and the main body of Archean to the 
north, it is believed that they are parts of an isolated area in this 
(Yorktown) township. The thin-bedded, mica schists which have a 
prevailing east and west strike, and which make the more gently roll- 
ing country in the central part of Somers and Yorktown townships, 
are here considered asa distinct formation on the south of the Archean 
gneisses of the rocky and mountainous Highlands. From Shrub Oak 
the direction of this boundary is west a short distance ; thence north- 
west, again into Putnam county, nearly to Adams’ Corner; thence 
south-west, down the valley of the Peekskill Hollow creek, north of 
Oregon, near which place it returns into Westchester county, From 
Oregon the line is traced north of Gallows hill to Sprout brook and 
thence to Annsville, and the Peekskill Cove to the Hudson river. 
North of Oregon the rock outcrops on the south-east, adjacent to the 
gneisses is a black crenulitic slaty rock which resembles closely the 
rock near Annsville, and that in the West Shore railroad cuts north 
o Tomkins Cove station. At the latter place the rock is graphitic 
and a hydro-mica schist rather than a true argyllyte. 

The limestone belt in the Sprout Brook or Canopus Hollow is not 
here defined in its location, inasmuch as it is placed with the gneisses, 
as an Archean rock; its semi-crystalline character and its foreign 
minerals, and its want of resemblance to the Peekskill Hollow lime- 
stone apvear to indicate its close relation to the gneissic rocks adjacent 
to it. ‘The general direction of strike and dip in these slaty outcrops, 
bordering the Highlands from Peekskill cove to Oregon, is like that 
of the Archzan gneisses, the prevailing dip being at a steep angle 
toward the south-east. The absence of any localities where contacts 
are to be seen makes the relative position uncertain. The observations 
of this reconnaissance do not prove unconformability. A more thor- 
- ough survey of all the outcrops is needed to discover the true relations 
so far as structure is concerned. 

On the eastern side of the Highlands the Archean border has the 
micaceous, schistose rocks and the quartzites resting upon it; and two 
localities near Towner’s station in the town of Patterson, Putnam 
county, may be here noted, on account of their closely contiguous 
outcrops of the bottom, granitoid gneisses and the upper schists and 
quartzose rocks. The first one to be mentioned is at the south end 


of the Iron Hill range of schist, about two miles west of Towner’s. 
Here the garnetiferous, micaceous and quartzose schist crops out 
within 90 feet, horizontally of the light grey, fine crystalline gneiss, 
approaching a granulyte in composition and massive structure. The 
former dips 60°-65° north, 5° west (magnetic), and the latter shows 
a conformable bedding so far as any stratification is recognized in the 
mineral arrangement of its mass. Going a short distance south-east 
the strike changes to north-east and the dip is steep to south-east. 
Passing around the head of the little valley and to the east side of the 
same the grey gneiss forms the ridge on the east and at the foot and 
close to the meadow, the schistose outcrop appears, with west-north- 
west dipping strata, and passing, apparently, under the little lime- 
stone tongue in the bottom of the valley. 

From the synclinal fold to be seen in the limestone outcrop at 
its south-west end and the opposite dips in the schists on each side 
it is evident that there is here a great synclinal, which includes the 
schist as well as the overlying limestone ; and the base is the uncon- 
formable grey, granulytic gneiss. About a half a mile north-east of 
Towner’s the gneiss forms the base of an almost vertical wall of rock, 
whose upper portion is a drab-colored, fine-granular sandstone. The 
dip of the gneiss is 70° easterly; that of the sandstone is at an average 
angle of 30° only, also eastward. Within one-quarter of a mile to east 
there is a succession of gneiss, syenite-gneiss, micaceous gneiss and a 
micaceous quartzite, each forming distinct ledges, or low ridges on a 
section line which runs north 35° east (magnetic), and haying about 
the same angle of dip—40° nearly. Unless overturned, which con- 
dition seems impossible, the order of succession at this place gives a 
key to the structure of the region; and it is in harmony with the order 
observed at many other localities in the Archean rocks border. 

The discussion of the structure of the Archean rocks of the High- 
lands belt is deferred to a final report after a careful survey of the 
whole terrain shall have been made. Many observations have been 
made on the strike and dip of the strata along the Hudson river from 
Peekskill to Fishkill, and from Poughquag in Dutchess county to 
Brewsters in Putnam county and thence south-west to the Hudson. 
Shorter sections also have been followed and the phenomena of out- 
crops noted. The surface configuration and barometric measurements 
of heights have received some attention. So far as the observations 
go, they show a prevailing steep east-south-east dip, and a north-north- 
east strike, that is obliqne to the trend of the belt, which is east-north- 
east. The existence of an anticlinal fold of some magnitude is 
indicated in the Fishkill range. As it involves an enormous thick- 
ness to consider the formation as a single monoclinal series of strata, 
the prebable existence of close folds, with their axial planes dipping 
very steeply to the east-south-east, is inferred. And this hypothesis, 
taken with a series of faulting planes running, in general, north-east 
and north-west courses, will explain most of the phenomena of struc- 
ture which have been noted. 

The occurrence of unstratified outcrops of granitic and syenitic 
rocks. has been looked for, and two comparatively broad ranges have 
been found; one in the Fishkill monuntain range, and the other 
east of Oregon, in Putnam county. Areas of granitoid gneisses, or 
granulyte-like gneisses, have been observed. The time of field-work was 
altogether too short to trace out the contours of these characteristic out- 

No. 104. | 181 

crops and map the surface according to the several prevailing rock 
types. Another season it is proposed to traverse the belt on numerous 
section lines and then follow the boundaries of these unstratified areas — 
and determine their relations to the surrounding rocks. Their exist- 
ence in the Highlands east of the Hudson is analogous to the results 
of the surveys and studies made in the south-western continuation of 
the same belt in New Jersey.* The fact of detached or isolated areas 
of rocks, marked by certain lithological characters in the broad region of 
crystalline rocks of western Connecticut and south-eastern New York 
was announced in 1842 by Dr. Percivalin his Geology of Connecticut.t 
It has been suggested as true of the crystalline rock of New Hamp- 
shire; also, where there are 22 of these ovoidalare as of Laurentian rocks. 

In describing the outlines of the Highlands Archzan rocks, refer- 
ences to their general characters have been incidentally made. The 
kinds of rock most common are gneiss, syenite gneiss, granite, quartz- 
syenite, granulyte and hornblende schist. The varieties under these 
heads are very numerous, since the constituent minerals are present in 
so varying proportions. Orthoclase and quartz prevail, but mica (usu- 
ally biotite) is rarely altogether wanting. Hornblende, also, is com- 
mon. ‘Triclinic feldspars, muscovite and augite occur frequently, and 
of rarer occurrence and as accessory constituents in the prevailing 
rock types are epidote, graphite, magnetite, apatite, ilmenite and 
pyrite. These latter minerals in places make up so much of the mass 
as to give names to the rock; and there are magnetic iron ore, tita- 
niferous ores, beds of pyritiferous rocks, of graphitic gneiss and of epi- 
dotic gneiss. 

The more common rocks are rather coarse crystalline and the con- 
stituent minerals are readily identified by the aid of agood lens. The 
fine crystalline to amorphous varieties occur within very limited out- 
crops usually, and are quite subordinate in importance. The feldspars 
are generally prominent in the crystalline mass of the rock, often giv- 
ing it a porphyritic aspect. And in the coarser crystalline varieties 
orthoclase clearage surfaces are in some cases an inch in diameter. A 
common phase of the prevailing gneiss isa rude parallelism in the 
mineral arrangement of the rock mass. This aspect may be due to 
simple alternations of thin layers of the feldspars and the quartz, but 
it is more generally observed in the case of the micaceous and micaceo- 
hornblendic varieties, where the dark lines of the biotite and horn- 
blende are in contrast with the white to flesh-colored feldspathic por- 
tions. Where the mica is abundant, the rock assumes a schistose 

Viewed as to chemical composition the feldspathic, or granulyte- 
like rocks are more siliceous and contain more potash and soda; the 
hornblendic and biotite gneisses are characterized by less silica and less 
of the alkalies, but moreiron.§ And the latter occur usually near the 
beds of iron ore or are associated with them. Some authors have con- 
sidered the former as an acidic or highly silicated class and the latter 
as basie or poorly silicated. The query is here propounded that, 
perhaps, in these marked differences in composition there may bea 

* Ann. Reps. of State Geologist of New Jersey for 1884, pp. 65-67; and for 1885, pp. * 

+ Leport onthe Geology of Connecticut, by J. G. Percival, 1842, Pp. 143-144, 

{ Descriptions of Geological Sections across New Hampshire and Vermont, by Prof. Chas. 
A. Hitchcock, State Geologist of New Hampshire, 1884, pp. 29-30. 

§ M. de Lapparent in his 7raité de Geologie, 1885, refers to the division of the Archean 
system into a lower series (étage) marked by the presence of silica and alkalies, and by 
greater uniformity of chemical composition and an upper series whose rocks are more di- 
Verse in composition and contain more iron, lime and magnesia. , 

182 [ ASSEMBLY- 

clue to the conditions prevailing at the time of deposition, and to their 
probable origin. ‘The importance of studying these crystalline rocks 
from the chemical standpoint rather than from that of mineralogical 
composition is worthy of note, since the first points back to the 
original sediment; the latter is the result of subsequent conditions 
prevailing during the time of alteration or metamorphism. The pres- 
ence of minerals having definite composition leads to the very com- 
mon supposition that crystalline rocks are definite compounds also, 
and in.this respect differfrom the fragmental rocks. This distinction 
does not exist, and the former grade into one another by imperceptible 
differences; and they are no more definite in chemical composition than 
the latter class. They are the results from the cooling of liquid masses 
in the earth crust; or they are the altered products, through the 
agencies of heat and pressure, of original sediments deposited, as 
gravel, sand, mud, or as fine precipitates through chemical action.* 

The collections of typical rocks from the Highlands, made in the 
course of this reconnaissance, are not large enough and do not represent 
all its out-crops sufficiently to afford the proper material for a careful 
microscopic examination. Another season of field-work is necessary 
in order to get this material. 

The first geological representation of the Highlands region was 
made by William Maclure in his geological map of the United States, 
published in 1817, whereon the rocks of the district were classed as 
belonging to the Primitive Formation. 

In 1819, 8. Akerly described the Highlands as made up of gneiss, 
granite and micaceous schists and belonging to the Primitive Class. t+ 

Prof. Amos Eaton, in his “ the Geology of the Northern 
States,” published in 1820, refers to the granite in the higher moun- 
tains of the Highlands flanked by gneisses (pp. 107 and 131-2) ; and 
in his ‘‘ Geological Nomenclature for North America,” 1828, he notes 
the granite at West Point, mica slate at Fort Montgomery, and 
hornblende rock in Butter Hill as Primitive Rocks. 

Prof. William W. Mather, in his Report on the Geology of the First 
District, described the rocks of the Highlands and called them Pri- 
mary. His report contains a great mass of notes on occurrences and 
phenomena of out-crops in the district, but without much order or any 
apparent, broad generalizations.{ 

The work of Dr. Percival, State Geologist of Connecticut, lapped 
over into Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess counties, and he placed 
the rocks on the border in his Western Primary System.$ 

* It is interesting here to refer to a very suggestive and pertinent note by Prof. James Hall 
in his introduction to Vol. III, Part I of the Palwontology of. New York: ‘ The student 
from the unaltered rocks has been accustomed to see all the sedimentary strata, presenting 
the aspect of fine shale or slate, or of sandstone and of strata showing infinite gradations 
between the slate and sandstone; intermixtures and interlaminations of the one and the 
other, and all possible modifications of these two simple materials in the sedimentary de- 
posits; the admixture of calcareous matter producing calcareous shale and calcareous 
sandstone, and giving a less or more calcareous character to all the intermediate varieties 
of these rocks and finally the development of limestone. All these are familiar to him; 
and as he approaches the changed forms of these rocks, and sees the beginnings of meta- 
morphism, and the gradual development of the segregated and crystallized minerals, he 
still looks upon these rocks in the mass, as strata of shale, sandstone, and the intermediate 
varieties of rocks made by the mingling of these and the accession of calcareous matter,”’ 

+ On the Geology of the Hudson River, S. A. Kerly, New York, 1820. 

t Geology of the First District Nat. Hist. of New York, Wm. W. Mather, 1842, pp. 516, 

ce nt AAA ee 

§ Report on the Geology of Connecticut, by J. G. Percival, 1842. (See loc. cit.) 

No. 104. ] 183 

In 1864, Prof. James Hall and Sir William Logan visited the dis- 
trict and announced, as a result of their examinations, the existence of 
- Laurentian rocks in the Highlands. * 

In the same year Prof. George H. Cook, State Geologist of New 
Jersey, mapped the Highlands (west of the Hudson and the New 
Jersey range) as Azoic.t 

The same district was represented, with much detail of geological 
boundaries, on the map of northern New Jersey, which accompanied 
the “Geology of New Jersey,” published in 1868, The term Azoic 
was retained. { 

Reference has already been made, to several articles by Prof. Jas. D. 
Dana on the geological structure of the south-eastern part of the 
State.§ The term Archean was proposed by him in 1872 for the 
gneisses of the Highlands, in an article in the American Journal of 
Science, on the ‘‘ Poughquag Quartzite.’’| In 1879, and in the same 
journal he gave the boundaries, in part, of the Highlands Archean 
on a small (page) geological map of that part of the State. In sub- 
sequent articles on the ‘‘ Geological relations of the Limestone Belts 
of Westchester county,” Prof. Dana assigns the crystalline rocks of the 
Highlands to the Archean; and in one of them he gives a map show- 
ing these belts with the Archean of Putnam county.** References to 
the rocks of Dover or East mountain, which have been described in 
the preceding pages of Archzan and an outlier of the Highlands, are 
made by the same author in a paper entitled ‘‘on Taconic Rocks and 
Stratigraphy,” published in March, 

The crystalline rocks of the Highlands of New York have been de- 
scribed in this report as belonging to the Archean Era. This term 
nas been accepted in preference to the older designation, Azoic, be- 
cause it is not open to the objections which are forcibly opposed to the 
use of the latter, when applied to these rocks. We cannot draw the 
line where life began on the globe, but from the standpoint of a grad-\ 
ual development from lower to higher organisms it is reasonable to as-> 
sume that the earliest life consisted of infusorial protophytes, which } 
lived in conditions such as prevailed during the deposition of the first, 
sediments. And they may have given rise to much of the carbon-/ 
aceous and siliceous deposits so common in these crystalline gneisses, \ 
limestones and associated strata. A priori we should not look for the, 
preservation of the earliest microscopic forms in beds which have been 
so metamorphosed as the older crystalline rocks. The presence of\ 
limestone, graphite and apatite with beds of iron ore prove as much } 
for the existence of life as the reverse. Again the term Azoic is/ 
expressive of a negative condition and not in harmony with the other? » 

terms of the geological scale. Itis not as consistent with Paleozoic, ~— 

Mesozoic and Cenozoic as Archean, which refers toa period of geologi-. 

* Am. Jour. of Science (2), XXXIX, pp. 96-97. (Notice of a paper read before the Nat. 
Hist. Soc. of Montreal.) 

+ Am. Report of tne State Geologist, for 1864, map facing page 23, 

{ Geology of New Jersey, 1868, Portfolio of maps ; Map of Northern New Jersey. 

§ See pages of this report. 

{ Am. Jour. of Science (8), III, pp. 253-254. 

q Am. Jour. of Science (3), XVII, p. 879 
Wigs Am. Jour. of Science (3), XIX, p. 191; XX, pp. 21-22; and 368-375; XXII, pp. 105-108, 

tt Am. Jour. of Science (3), XXIX, pp. 209, 221, 



cal history, and the term 4zoic is aa applicable to large areas of un- 
doubted newer formations as to the Highlands rocks, if the absence 
of life remains be the basis of our nomenclature. Lastly the possibility 
of future discoveries of the slightest traces of even th lowliest forms 
of life renders the continuance of Azote doubtful. Archewan is not 

open to these objections, including, as it does, the earliest rocks, or 
/ original crust of the earth and the first sediments deposited in that 


“era in which appeared the earliest and simplest forms of animals.” * 
Adopting the term Archwan, the possibility of a subdivision upon 
lithological grounds has been pointed out in the statement upon 
structure.t ‘he more massive and. unstratified out-crops, or granit- 
oid gneissic areas constitute the older central masses about which the 
more distinctly bedded and schistose rocks have been deposited. And 
they belong to two well-defined horizons or periods of Archean time. 
At present there is no evidence from any remains of life to separate 
the one from the other. They are distinguished by their diverse lith- 
ological characters and geographical position. It may be said here 
that the rocks of the New York Highlands resemble closely the typi- 
cal gneisses and other crystalline rocks of the Laurentian of Canada, 
but this resemblance, of itself, appears insufficient to decide the fact of 
exact equivalency of horizon in the case of so widely-separated forma- 

The identification of a Huronian group by means of rock characters 
has not been made out, nor do there appear to be, so far as the present 
reconnaissance goes, any out-crops which can be thus recognized as 
corresponding to the typical Huronian rocks. Provisionally, the 
formation in the Highlands, as outlined in the preceding sections, is 
designated as Archean. It may be Laurentian also.§ 

The reconnaissance in the country south of’ the Highlands and in 
Westchester county shows the existence of a great variety of crystal- 
line rocks. Aside from the out-crop of the Cortland series of Prof. 
Dana, and the limestones there appear to be two great classes of out- 
crops, as in the Highlands, but not counterparts of one another in 
all respects. The Highlands type of a grey, massive, granitoid gneiss 
approaching a granulyte, is recognized but not developed over so 
wide belts, apparently, as to the north, in the Archean district. | 
Far more common is the other class, in which are here included the 
micaceous gneisses and mica schist marked by the presence of biotite 
and less frequently by garnets, and the hornblende schists which con- 
tain biotite also. These micaceous and hornblendic rocks are dark- 
colored, and are schistose in structure. In stratification the bedding 
of the latter is thin and more contorted in strike. To the ordinary 
observer they look possibly more like the common fragmental rocks 
than do the more massive grey, granitoid gneisses. They seem to 

* Manual of Geology, by Jas. D. Dana, 1874, p. . See, also, am. Jour. of Science (3)» 
XXVIII, pp. 313-314. i 

+ Pages of this report. i 

§ It is properto state in this connection, that in the absence of all paleontological evi- 
dences of age, this recourse to the nature of the rocks is not considered as altogether and 
absolutely scientific, since lithological resemblances cannot be regarded as conclusive 
proofs of geological age. They indicate like conditions, and these conditions when found 
prevailing over wide areas of out-crops, which are overlain by rocks of known horizons, 
may be suggestive of equivalency of age when taken in connection with the relation to 
adjacent fossiliferons formations. 

| See page of this report. 


3 : 3 
Sa Ses re Aimeniaville® 

ast or Dover M 

Scott Hill 



ras SS SSN 




Scale 6%10 Miles to one Inch. 

No. 104.] 185 

differ from the schists east and north-east of the Highlands, in having 
less quartz and more biotite and hornblende, and in being not so gene- 
rally laminated in structure. From the mineral aggregation it is 
evident that they contain more iron than the former and much less 
silica in form of quartz. ‘These differences, it should be here said, are 
not apparent always in hand specimens. ‘They come out when the 
district is viewed more or less as a whole and by the field geologist 
who has had some experience in the crystalline rocks to the north, in 
the Highlands and in the country to the north-east of the Highlands. 
On account of want of time it was not possible to trace out the out- 
crops, marked by these diverse characters, or to determine how their 
outcrops are related. 
From the occurrence of areas of grey, granitoid gneisses in the 
Highlands on the north, it is reasonable to assume that like belts or 
isolated areas will be discovered in the Westchester county region 
also—the southward continuation of the Highlands Archean formation. 
The existence of a main belt or range with its outliers on both the 
north and the south, in Archean time, is quite as probable as that of 
like separate outcrops in the formations of subsequent eras. And it 
appears to be so highly probable an hypothesis that it is presented in 
this report as the one ‘est suited to meet the facts and to explain the 
structure of a part of Westchester county. What designation shall be 
given to these typical schist formations is not so important. The 
term Manhattan gneiss or series, proposed by Professor Hall in 
, commends itself, coming from the typical localities on 

New York Island and the adjacent parts of Westchester county. 

Note.—Reference should be made here to the work which has been done by Prof. Dana 
on the geological structure of Westchester county and New York Island, particularly in 
mapping the limestone belts; in showing the position of the strata in these belts and that 
of the adjacent schists and gneisses; and in the study and description of the rocks compos- 
ing them. What Prof. Dana has donein the limestone out-crops adds very largely to our 
knowledge of the district and is of great value in the study of the gneisses and associated 
crystalline rock of the adjacent territory. A like carefully-executed survey of the gneisses. 
and schistose rocks will, it is believed. demonstrate that hypothesis which is set forth as 
our working basis. 

[ Assem. Doc. No. 104. | 24 



The following report on building stones was communicated to the 
Commissioners of the New Capitol in 1868. The report was called 
for before it could be properly completed, and much material intended 
for incorporation, was never finally prepared for publication. At that 
time the author was promised further facilities for continuing and com- 
pleting the work, but these were never granted, and the report, in its 
very incomplete and unsatisfactory condition, has remained as origin- 
ally published. The small number of copies at that time issued was 
quite insufficient to supply the demand; and the author has been fre- 
quently solicited to republish the report. This has been postponed from 
time to time, in the hope of being able to add matter of interest, and 
especially some tables of the comparative strength and resistance to 
crushing force. But these data still remain as they were recorded in 
1868; and there is no prospect of being able to resume a work which, 
if properly carried out, would be of important economic value. 

The report is herewith communicated as originally presented. It 
forms a part of the work accomplished by the author since assuming 
the charge of the State Museum of Natural History in 1866. It may 
very properly be regarded as the result of museum work. It is illus- 
trated by the museum collections of marbles, building stones, etc., 
chiefly in the material occupying the shelves along the sides of the 
entrance-hall of the State Museum on State street. 

January, 1886. 


[Communicated to the Commissioners of the New Capitol in 1868.] 

Hon. Hamton Harris, 
Chairman of New Capitol Commissioners : 

Dear Sir — According to instructions received from yourself and 
Hon. J. V. L. Pruyn in June, 1867, I proceeded to examine the 
quarries of building stone within the limits of the State of New 
York, and also those in adjacent States from which materials had 
been, or were proposed to be offered for the building of the New 

To this object I devoted the greater part of my time during the 
remainder of the season, returning from my last journey on the 4th 
of December; leaving the investigation, however, very far from 
being completed. During this time I visited many of the quarries 
within the State of New York and others in the State of Massa- 
chusetts, and some in Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, 
Maine, and Ohio. : 

In order to have before you the tangible results of this investiga- 
tion, I have brought to Albany, and deposited in the Geological 
Rooms, specimens from the greater part of the quarries examined. 
In nearly all cases the specimens were freely contributed by the 
proprietors of the quarries, and some of them in the most liberal and 
handsome manner, as I shall have occasion to mention in the course 
of my report. Other specimens have likewise been promised for 
the collection, from quarries examined, and from others not visited. 
The materials now arranged in the Hall of the Geological Rooms, 
though far from complete, constitute a valuable and instructive 
series of building stones; from among which, I believe, satisfactory 
selections may be made, not only for the construction of the New 
Capitol, in its foundations and superstructure, but they will serve as 
a guide for architects and others in the selection of materials for 
other purposes. 

I had hoped to be able to finish my observations upon the quar- 
ries, and the general distribution of building material, during the 
present season; but other duties have prevented this, and I would 
respectfully suggest that some further examination, particularly in 
some parts of New York, be authorized by the Commissioners before 
the Report shall be considered complete. I venture to suggest this, 

SSIES -/S-~@<&Eaa—§ = 


believing that a more acceptable service could not be rendered to 
the building and economic interests of the State; and the New 
Capitol Commissioners have an opportunity of rendering this service’ 
to the general welfare of the community, while fortifying themselves 
with all available information to govern their own action in the 
selection of materials, not only for the exterior walls, but for interior 
use and decoration. 

For the latter object, I would very earnestly recommend that 
specimens from all formations yielding marble, or of limestone bear- 
ing a good polish, be used in some part of the New Capitol work, 
With this object in view, I have already procured specimens of some 
of these stones, but the collection in this department is scarcely 
begun. : 

I have already recommended to you certain localities from which 
foundation stones may be obtained. In this statement, I think I 
omitted, or did not detinitely specify, the locality of gneiss or 
granite in the Highlands on the Hudson river, of which the quar- 
ries at Breakneck and Butter hill offer good examples. 

As a preliminary to our inquiries after proper building stone, we 
may first consider what are the materials with which we have to 
deal. The rocks or varieties of rocks offered in nature, and from 
which we are compelled to make our selections, may be named 
under the following heads: . 
1. GrRanirEs, including SreNnITE, GNEIss, etc. 

3. LimestTones, not metamorphic, compact or suberystalline. 

4, Sanpsronges ov FREepsTONES, and their varieties resulting from admixture 
of clay or carbonate of lime, etc. 

‘In the first place, it should be understood that under each of these 
heads there is an almost infinite variety in texture, color, power of 
resistance to pressure, durability, ete. ; that the substances named 
are very widely distributed, and that they vary in different and dis- 
tant localities; that a sandstone is rarely a purely siliceous rock, or 
a limestone a purely calcareous or calcareo-magnesian rock ; other 
materials foreign to their strict constitution, according to the usual 
designation, enter into their composition, and, for the most part, to 
the injury of the mass. In the purely sedimentary rocks, which 
have undergone no subsequent change, the sandstones are more or 
less permeated by argillaceous matter or clay, which constituted a 
part of the original sediment, and which may be uniformly mingled 
throughout the entire mass, or may form thin layers or seams 
separating the harder layers. In either case it is a dangerous 
ingredient; for no rock with clay seams can long be exposed to the 
weather, without a greater or less degree of separation or disintegra- 
tion; and when any considerable amount of the same material is 
distributed through the mass, its ready absorption of water renders 
it equally dangerous to the stability and integrity of the whole. 
Placed beneath the surface, and beyond the reach of frosts, the con- 
ditions are different, and such rocks last for an indefinite period of 

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No 104.] 189 

The same remarks hold true with regard to limestones; and there 
are few limestones that are not marked by partings of shale or clay, 
which, in the course of time, weather into open seams, causing those 
unsightly appearances so common in structures of this kind. 

In the granite and crystalline limestones, other causes, as the want 
of cohesion among the particles, presence of destructive agents or 
liability to chemical changes, and seams or patches of foreign matter, 
are symptoms to be guarded against. It is not because a rock 
offered as a building stone is a granite, a marble, a limestone, or a 
sandstone, that it is good or bad; but this characteristic is to be 
sought in other conditions, and the objectionable feature may be 
accidental or adventitious. . 

One other condition should be remembered. These materials 
used for building are not promiscuously distributed over the country, 
but are restricted to certain geological formations, and can only be 
found within certain limits. Although we find granite, gneiss, and 
various sienites, with crystalline limestone, in the mountainous 
regions of Northern New York, it would be quite absurd to look for 
rocks of this kind in the Catskill mountains. We find white and 
variegated marbles in the region skirting the Highlands on the east, 
and extending through Western Connecticut, Massachusetts and 
Vermont; but no well informed person expects this material in the 
_ Helderberg mountains, or in the hills of the southern counties of 
New York. Investigation has shown that certain kinds of rock, or 
rocks of similar but very distinct characteristics, are confined to 
‘certain geological formations, and do not occur out of these; 
and again, that these formations have certain limits which are already 
defined and well understood. Geology has so well defined these 
matters, and the association of certain rocks and minerals, that when 
told that a known geological formation covers a portion of country, 
we know what kind and character of rocks and other mineral pro- 
ducts to expect. 

In a State where the geological structure is so well known as that 
of New York, 1 think I may be allowed to speak of the various 
building materials under the heads of the several geological forma- 
tious to which they belong, or in which they occur; thus conveying 
general information, while treating of the special subject. 

All the Grantres, granitic, sienitic, or gneissoid rocks of the 
State are confined either to the northern portion, known as the 
Adirondack region, from the name of the high mountain range in its 
central part; or to the Highland region along the Hudson river, 
which is of the same geological age as the northern portion, and all 
belonging to the Laurentian System. 

In the northern part of the State, CrysTaLLINE LIMESTONE, of 
various colors, is associated with granitic or gneissoid rocks; the 
same is true, in a less degree, of the granitic region of the High- 

The Wuire and Vartecatep Marsres, so much in general use, 
belong to a different geological age and constitute a distinct belt of 

190 [ AssEMBLY 

formation, running to the eastward of the Highlands generally, and 
occupying portions of Westchester and Dutchess counties in New 
York, and thence extending into Connecticut’ and Massachusetts. 
The ordinary gray or dark-colored bluish limestones and the various 
colored sandstones have a much wider distribution, but are still 
limited to certain belts of country. 

Treating these in their order, we may arrange and discuss them 
as follows: 



The term granite, in its strict signification, means a crystalline 
rock composed of quartz, felspar and mica in intimate mixture,,the 
separate minerals being composed of crystalline grains. It is a very 
common condition of the granitic rocks, that the mica may be absent, 
and in its stead we have hornblende, and in this form the rock is 
termed a sienite.* On the other hand, the presence of mica in thin 
scales, forming lamination, or rendering the lines of bedding visible 
by coloration or otherwise, produces what we term gnezss ; though 
Se geologists would apply the term gnezss to all stratified granitic 

The proportion of mica in gneiss is not necessarily larger than in 
some of the granites; but the faces of the thin lamine being 
arranged parallel to the lines of bedding and the freest line of © 
cleavage, causes it often to appear in larger proportion.t 

Quartz, felspar and hornblende without mica or with a very small 
proportion of this mineral, constitute some of the best granites; 
while in the lighter gray or whitish gray granites, the quartz, or 
quartz and felspar, are the chief component parts, and there is little 
either of bornblende or mica. The grains or aggregations of these 
minerals may sometimes be so large that each one presents its dis- 
tinctive mineralogical or individual character, becoming so coarsely 
crystalline as to be unfit for building purposes. 

GRANITES oF New York. 

In the lower portion of the Adirondack region, or the Laurentian 
System bordering Lake Champlain and extending from Saratoga to 
Clinton county, the rocks consist mainly of a gray gneissoid granite, 
which is sometimes traversed by coarser crystalline veins, and some- 
times nearly or entirely losing its gneissoid character from the small 
proportion of mica, but always regularly stratified. The latter 
character is presented in the exposures at Little Falls and other places; 

*The Egyptian sienite or syenite, according to DeLesse, contains mica. 

+A distinction has sometimes been made between gneiss and granite, that the one is 
stratified and the other not. This does not hold true; for nearly all, if not all, the gran- 
ites that are extensively quarried are stratified, and I believe all of them cleave in one 
direction more freely than in another, while the other free line of cleavage or breaking is 
rectangular to the first. 

No. 104.] 191 

while the true compact gneiss is seen at the quarries in Saratoga 
county, and the partial or entire absence of the mica characterizes the 
rock at many localities farther to the north. ‘This gray gneissoid 
rock graduates downward, throngh alternating beds of variable 
character, into a hornblende rock, and becomes a compact dark- 
colored sienite extremely hard and tough in its character. 

The same general features prevail in the granite rocks in the 
Highlands as exposed along the Hudson river, the strata being tilted 
at a high angle. In many places, however, the lines of bedding 
become obscure, the mica is to a great degree absent, and the rock 
assumes the character of a true granite. The principal points of 
exposure, where the gneiss or granite of the Highlands has been 
quarried, are at Butter hill, on the west side of the river, and at 
Breakneck on the east side. In some portions of the mass, at both 
of these localities, the rock loses in a measure its gneissoid character, 
and presents a comparatively even admixture of the component 
parts. At both localities the rock is penetrated by trap dykes, 
which have affected the beds adjacent to them; and these, together 
with other causes, have produced a more than ordinarily fractured 
or jointed condition of the rock. 

In the higher part of the Laurentian series, and in localities more 
inaccessible to means of transportation, we have the highly felspathic 
granites of the central portion of the Adirondackregion. These are 
usually coarsely crystalline and of a dark color, but weathering to a 
lighter hue. They have nowhere been brought into use for building 
purposes; and not being within the limits of reasonable cost of 
transportation, it is scarcely worth while to indicate their localities 
more particularly. 

Granires oF New ENGLAND. 

The granites examined beyond the limits of the State belong to 
an entirely different geological age from those of New York, and 
present a different aspect in the aggregation of their component 
parts. They moreover differ among themselves, in a very extreme 
degree, both in color and texture; varying from the dark-colored 
compact sienite of Quincy and the neighborhood, through the lighter- 
colored varieties of the same locality and that of Chelmsford and 
other places, to the greyish-white varieties like that of Rockport on 
Cape Ann. All the quarries that I have examined along the coast 
are free from mica ; and when hornblende is not present, we have 
the quartz and felspar only. The dark colors are usually due to the 
presence of hornblende; the reddish or brownish colors, to the 
colored felspar ; and some of the quarries offer a granite of quartz, 
brownish felspar and dark hornblende, giving thus within these 
ranges a considerable variety of color, due either to the original 
color of the substances, or to the proportions in which they are 
mingled in the mass. 

The principal quarries that came under my observation were those 
of Quincy and Weymouth, Rockport on Cape Ann and Dix island 


in Maine, with others of less importance. The collection embraces 
specimens from each of these places. All of the granites (sienites) 
quarried along the coast are durable stones; a character determined 
as well from their abundant use in building, as also from their 
exposed surfaces in nature, which have withstood the action of 
weathering for centuries without perceptible disintegration. 

The granites of the interior of New England, as of Concord and 
Fitzwilliam in New Hampshire, Hallowell in Maine, Medfield in 
Massachusetts, Westerly in Rhode Island, and of Barre, Berlin and 
other places in Vermont, are compounds of quartz, felspar and mica. 
They are, for the most part, light-colored and fine grained. The 
felspar predominates, and they are easily wrought and bear fine 

The Concord granite, which is now so largely in use, occupies a 
long hill near the town of Concord in New Hampshire, which has a 
direction or range from north-east to south-west. It is quarried at 
several places on this hill, within a moderate distance from the town 
and railroad. The rock presents distinct lines of bedding with an 
apparent dip to the north-west, as indicated by seams or lamine of 
different color, and also by the splitting of the rock both in the line 
or rift (so termed by the workmen), and in the direction perpen- 
dicular or vertical to the lines of bedding.* 

The beds of this granite are unequal in thickness, varying from 
one to three or four, or even five or six feet, which can be split in 
any desired lengths. The texture is pretty even, with some coarser 
beds, with occasionally some blotches of coarser or finer, or lighter 
or darker material. 

The granite of Fitzwilliam, a locality some forty miles west of 
Concord, occupies a hill having a direction from north-east to south- 
west, with the dip apparently to the north-east. In texture and 
quality it is very similar to that of Concord, the prevailing beds 
perhaps a little thinner, the thickest being four feet. The rock is 
easily worked, and can be dressed with great facility.t 

A mile northward of the principal quarries the rock is somewhat 
coarser in texture, but of similar light gray color, readily worked, 
and making a handsome building stone. The granite of Hallowell 
in Maine is similar in texture to that of Concord and Fitzwilliam. 

There is also a light-colored granite in the town of Medfield in 
Massachusetts, from which the Court-house in Dedham has been 
built. In color and texture, this granite differs but little from the 
Concord granite, being perhaps a little coarser. The Court-house 
was erected more than forty years ago ; and considering the time and 
the less perfect dressing of the stone as compared with work of the 
present day, the building still presents a very fine appearance. 

The granites of Barre, Berlin and other places in Vermont, are of 

*In splitting the blocks vertically to the bedding, I am informed by the foreman of the 
quarry, Mr. Ros, that they open much more readily in lines east and west and north and 
south, than in any direction oblique to these. 

+1 am informed that the statues on the Horticultural Hall in Tremont street, Boston, 
are from the Fitzwilliam granite, the structure itself being of Concord granite. 

No. 104.] 193 

a whitish-gray color, with the component parts very distinctly 
granular and evenly mixed throughout, containing less mica than the 
Concord and Fitzwilliam granites, and producing one of the finest 
building materials in the country, possessing a fine color, strength 
and durability. 


Marszes, on Meramorpuic Orysratiine Limestones; THEIR Gro- 

Crystalline limestones are everywhere interstratified with the 
gneiss rocks of the Laurentian System, but usually forming a very 
small proportion of the entire mass. These limestones frequently 
contain a large proportion of other minerals, as serpentine, augite, 
ete.; often producing a marble of variegated character which is 
quite ornamental. When free from these materials, it is often 
grayish or bluish-gray, and generally coarsely crystalline. 

Limestones of this age follow the line of outcrop of the gneiss of 
the same system, appearing to the northward in.Saratoga county, 
and extending thence with more or less continuity through Warren, 
Essex and Clinton counties. In St. Lawrence and Jefferson counties, 
the crystalline limestones of the same age are more extensively de- 
veloped, and have there been known and used for along time. The 
same limestones likewise occur in Lewis county. In some localities 
these limestones are cut and wrought asa marble; but generally 
they have only a local use, though some of them with the serpentine 
admixture may yet prove of general commercial value. 

The white and variegated marbles of commerce are mainly con- 
fined to the geological formation known as the Quebec group, which 
underlies a belt of country extending from Canada through Vermont, 
the western part of Massachusetts and Connecticut; thence into the 
eastern part of New York, through New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Mary- 
land, ete. 

The marbles of this group are largely quarried in Westchester 
county; and the quarries of Tuckahoe and Scarsdale, and other 
points, furnish large quantities of the material for buildings in New 
York city and elsewhere. The rock is rather coarsely crystalline, 
but compact and durable. The same marble, on the west side of the 
synclinal axis, is quarried at Hastings and at Sing Sing, and also at 
several places in Dutchess county. 

The formation is abundantly developed in Litchfield county, in 
Connecticut, and at Stockbridge, Shettield, Egremount, Barrington, 
Alford and other places in Massachusetts. 

In its northern extension, the same formation furnishes the mar- 
bles of Vermont, at Rutland, Southerland Falls, Brandon and other 

Neither to the eastward nor to the westward of this formation are 
there any extensive beds of white or variegated marble, and the 
great sources of this material for building and ornamental purposes 
is to be songht in this range of rocks. 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 25 

194 [ AssEMBLY 


Livestones Not Mrtamorpuic, Compact oR SUBCRYSTALLINE } THEIR 

The limestones used in building, or for foundations, canal locks, 
bridge abutments and other solid masonry, are very widely distrib- 
uted, and in great variety within the State of New York. 

In their geological order, we have the Chazy limestone, the Tren- 
ton limestone group (embracing the Birdseye, Black river and Tren- 
ton limestone proper), the Viagara limestone, the Lower and Upper 
Lelderberg limestone groups, and the Tully limestone. 

These limestones vary from a dark bluish-black or black color to 
bluish-gray, gray, or sometimes reddish or brownish-gray. 

1. The oldest of these, the Coazy LimEsTONE, as its name indicates, 
oceurs at Chazy in New York. It forms the island known as Isle 
la Motte, and other islands in Lake Champlain, and extends likewise 
into Vermont and Canada. It exists in heavy beds, and is largely 
quarried for different purposes, as will be mentioned hereafter. 

2. The TRENTON LIMESTONE GROUP, in one or more of its members, 
occurs both on the east and west shores of Lake Champlain, and is 
extensively quarried at Willsborough and other places. The same 
rock oceurs at Glens Falls and in the neighborhood of Saratoga 
Springs. It likewise extends along the Mohawk valley from the 
neighborhood of Hoffman’s Ferry to Little Falls, and is quarried at 
Amsterdam, Tribes Hill, and other places. At Little Falls the con- 
tinuity of the limestone formation is interrupted by the southern 
extension of the Gneiss formation, but it comes in again to the south 
and west beyond this, and is extensively quarried at Jacksonburgh 
on the south side of the Mohawk river. The same formation ex- 
tends, by the way of Trenton Falls, through Lewis and Jefferson 
counties, everywhere offering quarries for building-stone and for 

3. The Niagara Lrmestone, though extending further to the east- 
ward, acquires little force or thickness till we reach Monroe county, 
where it has a considerable thickness on the Genesee river, and 
some of the beds of the formation are valuable as quarry-stones. It 
is only in the neighborhood of Lockport, however, that the lower 
beds of this formation become important as a building stone. The 
principal working beds are a light gray stone, varying in some in- 
stances to a brownish color from the admixture of organic remains. 
The’same limestone occurs at Niagara Falls and vicinity, extending 
thence through Canada West to Lake Huron. The upper parts of 
the formation are of a brownish, or often of an ashen gray color, 
with irregular bedding and of unequal texture, as well as marked by 
cavities and crystalline masses of calc-spar, selenite or compact gyp- 
sum, celestine, ete. The stone of this part of the formation is 
adapted only to the heavier and coarser masonry, and care is re- 
quired in its selection to secure a strong and durable stone. 

No. 104.] 195 

4. Tur Lower HetpersrerG LIMEsToNE formation, in its most 
easterly extension within New York, appears in the Helderberg 
mountains and extends west as far as Herkimer county. The lower 
beds of the formation afford a very excellent building stone of a 
dark-bluish color, which, when polished, is nearly black. It is 
principally quarried at Schoharie and Cobleskill; it is likewise 
worked at Carlisle and Cherry Valley, and toa small extent at points 
west of the latter place. The middle portion of the group consists 
of a gray or bluish-gray subcrystalline limestone, but affords no beds 
of great value for building material. The upper member of this 
formation is a gray subcrystalline limestone, sometimes variegated 
with brownish spots from organic remains. It is quarried both for 
a building stone for rough masonry, and likewise for a marble, bear- 
ing a pretty good polish, and the variety of color from the fossils 
gives it a handsome appearance. 

5. Tar Upper HeitperserG Limestone formation consists princi- 
pally of two members, the ONonpAca and Seneca limestones. The 
former was so named from its having been extensively quarried in 
Onondaga county ; and the latter, from its greater development in 
Seneca county. 

This formation, or group, extends through the State of New York 
from the Hudson river westward to Black Rock on the Niagara, 
Constituting the higher limestone of the Helderberg mountains, it 
approaches the river, and continues in its outcrop along the river 
counties as far as Kingston in Ulster, where one of its members is 
largely quarried for various building purposes. The Onondaga lime- 
stone ts worked at various points along its outcrop ; but the principal 
quarries are in the county of Onondaga, to the southward of Syracuse. 
From this neighborhood, the stone was used for building some of 
the locks on the Erie canal in its original construction, and has been 
extensively used in the enlarged canal, as well as in the buildings of 
Syracuse. The upper member of the formation is quarried at 
Springport in Cayuga county, and largely in the neighborhood of 
Seneca Falls. From this point through the western counties one or 
both the members of this group are more or less extensively quar- 
ried, and used in building, or for door and window caps and sills, 
foundations, and other masonry. 

6. The TuLLy LrvesTonE constitutes a belt of formation of from 
one to twenty-five feet in thickness, lying above the shales of the 
Hamilton group and below the Genesee slate. The geographical 
extent of this formation is very limited, having no great thickness 
or importance to the east of Cayuga county, and almost entirely 
disappearing on the west within the limits of Ontario county. It is 
mentioned here among the sources of building material, but it is 
rarely in such a condition as to be reliable for this purpose. 

196 [ AssEMBLY 

Strate oF New York. 

1. The PorspAm sanpstonE formation is the lowest member of 
the unaltered stratified rocks. The formation consists of numerous 
beds of varying thickness, and of a gray, white, buff or red color. 
The rock is naturally fine-grained and compact, and in many local- 
ities furnishes a strong durable material. The beds are usually thin, 
but generally sufficiently thick for the ordinary purposes of con- 

In its eastern extension, this formation occupies a considerable 
area in Washington county, and is especially conspicuous in the 
neighborhood of Whitehall. It occurs at numerous places along 
the west side of Lake Champlain, and is especially developed in the 
neighborhood of Keeseville. In some parts of Clinton county the 
rock is too friable for any economical use beyond furnishing sand 
for glass-making. In Franklin county, at Malone, the rock has been 
extensively quarried and used for building and flagging stones for 
many years past. At Potsdam, and other places in St. Lawrence 
county, the stone is of a reddish brown color, close-grained and 
compact in texture. The rock continues of similar character in 
Jefferson county on the north side of the Black river valley. Its 
commonly striped or variegated color offers an objectionable feature 
for general use in building. 

Hupson River groups. Certain parts of both of these groups of 
rocks furnish building stones of greater or less value. The greater 
part of the stone known as blue stone (the Malden blue stone 
belongs to a different formation and has a different character), along 
the Hudson and Mohawk valleys is derived from one or other of 
these formations. The higher beds of the Hudson river group have 
also been quarried in Oneida, Oswego and Lewis counties, but they 
are not extensively used. 

The quarries along the Mohawk river below Schenectady have fur- 
nished a large quantity of this blue stone, for foundations, water 
tables, and for entire buildings. Where the strata are but little 
disturbed and lie nearly horizontally, the beds are easily worked, 
and the blocks are readily dressed. The rock can be quarried in 
regular masses and of any required dimensions. In the valley of 
the Hudson, the rock is so much disturbed that the strata are broken, 
and do not readily afford the means of furnishing large quantities 

-of regular formed blocks for masonry. Nevertheless they are 
largely used for foundation stone, and many thousands of tons are 
annually quarried along the river. At and below Poughkeepsie, 
the stone of this character, quarried along the river, is of the Quebec 
group. The strata all consist of an argillaceous sandstone, very 
compact and strong, but breaking irregularly. Those which break 
into large masses are very strong, and make excellent foundation 
stones; but I believe none of the beds are used for dressed stone. 

No. 104.] 197 

The two formations lie side by side along the Hudson river valley, 
extending northward through Washington county and into Vermont 
and Canada. 

To the westward, the Hudson river group extends along the Mohawk 
valley, and thence in its upper members through Lewis and Oswego 
counties ; overbearing in its upper part some heavy-bedded gray 
sandstone which is available for foundations and rough masonry, 
but I am not aware that it has been much used in the superstructure 
of buildings. 

3. Tae Meprina SANDSTONE formation, from its eastern extension 
in Oswego county to the Nigara river, furnishes building stone in 
some of its beds, which, in some localities, is good and reliable, while 
in other parts of the same formation it becomes rapidly disintegrated 
upon exposure to the atmosphere. It is quarried at Fulton and 
other places in Oswego county, and at a few points in Wayne 
county. It has been heretofore quarried on the Genesee river below 
Rochester ; but the more reliable quarries are at Holly, Albion, 
Medina and Lockport ; and again it crops out in the bank of the 
Niagara river above Lewiston, where it can be worked with facility. 
The formation furnishes valuable flagstones in the neighborhood of 

4. SanpsToNES OF THE CiInTon Group. The Clinton group is 
made up of a series of shales, thin beds of limestone, and impure 
shaly sandstone with more perfect beds of the latter. In Herkimer 
county, on the south side of the Mohawk river, there are some beds 
of brown sandstone in this group which are worthy of attention. 
The material is mainly siliceous and the texture good. So far as 
known, these beds are limited within the width of the county. In 
the same neighborhood, and lying above the brown beds, there is a 
considerable thickness of gray siliceous sandstones of the most dur- 
able character. So far as known, the rock has not been quarried to 
any considerable extent, and its economic value is, therefore, not — 
fully known. In other parts of the Clinton group, there are thin 
flagey beds which are used for rough building or foundation stones. 

5. Tue Oriskany SANDSTONE, though a good and valuable stone in 
some of its strata, does not occur in such thick or extensive beds as 
to render its use very extensive, and, except locally, it is unknown 
as a building stone. 

Eastern New York, the upper part of the Hamilton group and lower 
part of the Portage group yield an abundance of the finest flagstone 
- yet known in any part of the country. Some of these beds become 
thick enough for building purposes; and the fine “blue stme” of 
the Malden quarries on the Hudson river (now much used), is from 
the lower part of the Portage group. In Central New York, the 
upper part of the Portage group yields an abundance of fine-grained 
argillaceons sandstone, which isnotalways durable, In the extreme 

198 [ AssEMBLY 

western counties of the State, however, some of the beds are dur- 
able, and make a valuable building stone. 

The extension of the same formation into Ohio yields the famous 
fine-grained standstone of Berea, and the gray freestone of Amherst 
and vicinity ; the latter of which is now so largely used for building 
in New York and Philadelphia, Cleveland and Buffalo, and which 
enters into the construction of the Houses of Parliament at Ottawa. 

This sandstone, like all others of the same class of rocks, is very 
variable iu its character at different points along the outcrop of the 
formation ; owing chiefly to the greater or less proportion of argil- 
laceous matter contained in the mass, and sometimes the almost 
entire absence of that material. The latter condition exists in some 
of the beds at Berea, but more particularly in those of Amherst and 

MUNG GROUP are very irregularly distributed over the southern 
counties of the State. The beds fit for building-stone are usually 
intercalated between shaly beds, andsometimes continuous for many 
miles; while the coarser masses are not frequently lenticular in form, 
thinning away in every direction, or ending in thinly laminated 
beds which are unfit for building stone, but may be used for flag- 

The stone varies in different localities and in different beds, from 
fine sandy layers of a light gray color, to more or less of an argilla- 
ceous character with a dark olive-brown color. It is not possible to 
trace any set of beds continuously through the country, and the 
rock can scarcely come into general use for building purposes. In 
certain localities, the arenaceous beds will prove of great value to the 
immediate neighborhood. 

8. New RED sAnpstone. Within the State of New York, this 
rock is limited to the county of Rockland; extending from Haver- 
straw along the river, beyond the limits of the State into New 
Jersey. The same sandstone has a wide area in the Connecticut 
river valley, and it is from this region that we chiefly know it in its 
uses as a building stone. Within the State, the stone has been 
quarried at Haverstraw, and on the river bank below; though it has 
not been extensively used from these localities, so far as 1 know. 
The quarries in New Jersey have been more extensively worked; 
and from the stone there obtained, some fine structures have been 
erected. The same formation extends through Maryland, where it 
has furnished material for the erection of the Smithsonian Institu- 
tion and other buildings in Washington. 

The brown stone, in its varieties, is well known in all the Atlan- 
tic cities, and has been more extensively used than any other in the 

I have sketched, in a hasty manner, the general geological and 
geographical distribution of the principal building stones which may 
be brought before you for consideration. The portions of the 

No. 104.] 199 

country oceupied by these have been roughly traced in different col- 
ors upon the map accompanying this report, so far as it covers the 
ground. I shall hope to have an opportunity of completing this 
work, and presenting such a map as will illustrate the important 
points relating to the subject of materials for construction and orna- 


On tux Seecrion or Burtpine Stones, AND THE CAUSES OF THEIR 

In the selection of building stones for the exterior walls of a build- 
ing, color, texture, and durability are objects of the first importance; 
and all of these ought to be combined, to render the structure per- 
fect. Too little attention has been given to the subject of building 
stones; while on the one hand we are largely using a brown stone, 
which gives a sombre, cheerless aspect to the structure, the opposite 
extreme has been sought in the white marble, or that which is more 
nearly white in color. In contrast with these we have the red glar- 
ing color of brick; and it is only partially that this offensive aspect 
is palliated by painting of neutral tints. In a few eastern cities and 
towns we find the light gray granites now used in preference to the 
brown freestone, the white marble, or the dark granite, which have 
been much in use in past years. 

No one can fail to experience the sensation of relief afforded by 

the structures, of light-colored granites in the city of Boston, or 
those of the buff or dove-colored limestone in the city of Chicago, 
or of the light gray freestone of many buildings in Cleveland and 
other places and of the buff-colored brick of Milwaukee. In these 
cases we have not the excessive reflection of light, or the glare which 
comes from white buildings whether of marble or of painted brick; 
nor the sombre, cheerless expression of the darker stone, caused by 
its great absorption of light. It is only necessary to consider the ef- 
fects produced by the structures of these different materials upon one’s 
own sensation, in order to determine what are the most agreeable 
tints, or those which please the eye and produce a cheerful im- 
pression upon the mind. 
- In the majority of structures, the necessities of locality, cheap- 
ness, or other causes compel the erection of structures from ma- 
terials most accessible ; but these considerations are not imperative 
in the cases of an important public building. 

In many cases where the rock is homogeneous throughout and 
the color uniform and satisfactory, it is only to be inquired whether 
the coloring material is such as will produce decay or disintegration 
of the particles. When the general color is produced by the aggre- 
gation of different materials of distinct coloration, the character of 
each one is to be considered, and its effect upon the whole ; and it 
is important to have such material comparatively fine-grained, and 


the different parts as uniformly mingled together as possible. As 
a general rule, it is only in the darker stones that thecoloring matter 
has any tendency to disintegrate the mass. 

In the selection of building stones, the simple presentation of a 
sampie is not enough. The'rock in plage should be examined in 
the outset ; for in its natural outcrop it has been exposed to the 
action of the weather, in all its influences, for many thousands of 
years. One of the principles taught in elementary geology is that 
the soft and decomposing rocks appear in low rounded or flattened 

exposures, or entirely covered by the soil or their own debris, form- — 

ing no conspicuous feature in the country ; while on the contrary 
the harder rocks stand out in relief, producing marked and dis- 
tinguishing features in the landscape. It not unfrequently happens 
that the geologist, having familiarized himself with the succession 
and character of the rocks of a particular locality or neighborhood, 
by seizing the features and character of the prominent beds, is able 
to trace them in succession along the escarpment or mountain range 
as far as the eye can reach, and to approach them from any distant 
point with assurance that he has not been deceived. 

The strata which make these features in the landscape are the 
ever-enduring rocks, which have withstood the action of the atmos- 
phere through a period a thousand times longer than any structure 
of human origin. One cannot doubt that if properly placed in any 
artificial structure, they would still withstand the action of the 
elements. These escarpments, in their natural situation, may be 
coarse, rough and forbidding, more or less dilapidated or unequally 
dilapidated from the effects of time ; but as they there present them- 
selves, we shall be able to see their future in any structure exposed 
to the same influences. 

It is true, however, that no artificial structure or position will 
ever subject the stone to the same degree of weathering influence 
to which it is exposed in its natural position, but the same changes 
in degree will supervene upon any freshly exposed surfaces. In its 
natural position the bed has been encased in ice, washed by currents, 
saturated with rains and melting snows, frozen and thawed, and ex- 
posed to the extreme of summer heat without mitigation. The 
rock which has withstood these influences is quite equal to with- 
stand the exposures of a few centuries in an artificial structure. 
Yet there are occasionally modifying influences and conditions 
which have sometimes subdued the permanence of a durable stone, 
and given preference to others less durable. It therefore becomes 
necessary to carefully examine all these conditions, and to determine 
net only from the rock in place, but also from its physical consti- 
tution, whether it will meet the requirements of the structures 

It not unfrequently happens, in working a quarry, that layers are 
reached which have not been exposed to the weather, and it is then 
necessary to test the strength and power of endurance of the stone. 
This may be done by repeated exposure to freezing and thawing, by 

No. 104. ] 201 

testing the strength or power of resistance to pressure, ete. The 
exposure to freezing and thawing will not only determine its power 
of resisting the action of the weather, but will determine also whether 
such foreign ingredients as iron pyrites may exist in the mass. 
Chemical analysis may be resorted to for the purpose of comparison 
with specimens of known composition and durability ; but chemical 
analysis alone cannot determine, without other testing experiments, 
the strength or power of endurance of the stone. 

In some countries, and in certain localities in our country, the evi- 
dence obtained from ancient structures is available in determining 
the durability of the stone which has been used. Yet it would seem 
that this information has been of little avail in many places, where 
the rebuilding of edifices is repeated every century. Experience in 
‘many cases does not teach the lesson anticipated ; and when a dilapi- 
dated structure is pointed out, the argument is made that “ these 
stones were not well selected,” or they were obtained “at the first 
opening of the quarry, and were not as good as now furnished.” 
And again, as already remarked, there are few cases in which parties 
are permitted to select the material without prejudice, the influence 
of interest, or the absence of important information. Examples are 
everywhere before us of the improper selection of materials for 
buildings, and these examples do not deter from their use in the 
erection of others. When good material is abundant and accessible, 
it will be used ; in other situations, comparatively few durable struc- 
tures are likely to be erected. 



All the stones used in building, under whatever name they may 
be known, are composed of a few essential elementary minerals ; 
these are: 

1. Sriica or QUARTZ; 




Beyond these, except in crystalline rocks, the presence of other 
material is almost non-essential to the composition of the stone, often 
accidental or adventitious, and usually injurious to the integrity of 
the mass. The ultimate chemical composition of a stone has little 
to do, as a general rule, with its character for durability; nor will a 
chemical analysis determine the value of a stone for building pur- 


1. The silica or quartz may occur as a mechanical aggregation of 
[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] 26 



202 [ AssEMBLY 

particles of sand simply cohering among themselves, or by the inter- 
vention of some argillaceous, ferruginous, or calcareous matter act- 
ing as a cement; or lastly through a ae solution and cementa- 
tion of the siliceous particles themselves. In the latter case, and 
where the mass is pretty purely siliceous, the process may have gone 
so far as to give a vitreous rock known as quartzite. In many cases, 
however, the siliceous or arenaceous deposits present great in- 
equalities of texture, from thé aggregation of coarse particles or 
small pebbles among the finer materials, always to the injury of 
the strength and durability of the mass. Under certain other con- 
ditions, these mixtures become crystalline rocks of various character. 

2, The clay, or argillaceous matter by itself or with a small ad- 
mixture of silica, and often more or less of carbonate of lime, becomes 
a slate or shale rock, but quite unfit for building stone; and as a 
general rule, any rock in which argillaceous matter predominates is 
unfit for a durable building stone. 

3. Carbonate of lime and magnesia, or the former alone, consti- 
tutes extensive beds of solid and durable stone, but which is often 
deteriorated by the presence of argillaceous matter. In many lime- 
stones, the mass consists of an aggregation of fine particles which 
have been deposited in the form of a fine calcareous mud. Other 
and often very extensive beds are visibly composed of the debris of 
shells and other organic bodies, cemented together by the finer par- 
ticles of caleareous mud, or often by the partial solution of calcareous 
matter. Under the influence of subsequent conditions, these simple 
mechanical aggregations of calcareous matter, or the calcareous mag- 
nesian deposits, become crystalline marbles of various colors. 

In the purely siliceous stones, or quartzites, the mass is too hard 
and brittle for easy working or comely shaping of the pieces; an 
admixture of clay or argillaceous matter being essential to the possi- 
bility of working stone whose basis is silica. When, however, this 
argillaceous material becomes excessive, the stone is liable to rapid 
disintegration from the action of the weather. While the silica 
absorbs but an extremely small quantity of water, the clay will absorb 
largely ; and this, on freezing, will destroy the stone more or less 
rapidly. Some of the argillaceous sandstones, on drying in a hot 
sun and then being suddenly wetted, will crack and crumble into 
pieces. The same effect is often produced by the sudden freezing 
of large blocks which have been freshly quarried, and which still 
retain their water of absorption. 

When the argillaceous matter is evenly and intimately mingled 
with particles of silica or quartz, and not intoo large proportions, 
; the stone will last along time, and will disintegrate but slowly; but 
when the argillaceous material is in seams or lamine of deposit, it 
is far more injurious, and every such seam in a block of stone must 
sooner or later lead to its destruction. The manner of this is very 
simple. The clay seam absorbs water, and, holding it while freez- 
ing, the seam expands; if disintegration does not immediately 
follow, the seam is widened so that it admits more water on the next 


No. 104.] 203 

occasion ; and so on successively with alternate freezing and thawing 
until an unsightly crevice is produced, which constantly widens and 
encroaches more or Jess on the adjacent parts till the stone is de- 

This condition occurs in the gray or light-colored freestones, as 
well as in the brown ones; but in the brown freestone or sandstone, 
there is a further cause of destruction. The coloring matter, which 
is also in part the cementing matter of the grains of sand, is ferru- 
ginous, the siliceous grains are covered with peroxide of iron, and 
this substance is intimately combined with the argillaceous matter of 
the mass which cements the particles. Experience has everywhere 
proved that the brown sandstones or freestones are not durable 
stones; their destructibility is not only due to the presence of 
argillaceous matter, but to the oxide of iron ; for the gray or neutral- 
tinted stones, of the same composition otherwise, are much more 

As an evidence of the rapid decomposition of the red or brown 
sandstone when the siliceous element is deficient, we may sometimes 
find a large area, which, when broken up, decomposes so rapidly 
that it becomes in a few years an arable soil. The same is essen- 
tially true in some parts of the Medina sandstone. In order to 
demonstrate this fact, it is only necessary to examine any building 
of brown stone which has been erected for a period of twenty-five 
years. The State Library building is an example in point. The 
Capitol and the Albany Academy have been longer erected, and 
were originally of better material than the Library building. The 
basement of the old City Hall in New York is an example of the 
same kind, where the brown stone, from its inherent destructibility 
and from the presence of clay seams, presents a dilapidated appear- 
ance; and other examples might be mentioned. In Europe the 
same condition exists, and many old buildings of the red or brown 
sandstone are falling in ruins. 

In the lighter-colored sandstones, we have mainly to guard 
against clay seams and too large a proportion of argillaceous mixture 
in the mass. Beyond this, the presence of iron pyrites is to be 
looked for. This mineral is present in so many rocks of this 
character, especially those with a bluish or greenish olive tint, that 
it is to be suspected in all such stones. It should be remarked, 
moreover, that iron pyrites(sulphuret of iron), when in visible grains, 
nodules or crystals, is not so dangerous or destructive to the rock as 
when disseminated in fine or imperceptible grains through the entire 
mass. This mineral, however, may be so disseminated and not 
prove entirely destructive, since in some stones it decomposes from 
the first exposure to the weather, staining the exterior of a rusty 
hue, and thus continuing to exude as an oxide of iron so long asany 
of itis reached by the moisture of the atmosphere; at the same 
time the free sulphuric acid unites with the lime or magnesia, if 
either be present, or to some extent with the alumina in the absence 
of the other substances; and this chemical change may sometimes 

204 [AssEMBLY 

go on for a long time, without seriously aftecting the texture of the 
stone, producing no important result beyond the unsightly appear- 
ance. Generally, however, the decomposition of the pyrites pro- 
duces the gradual destruction of the stone. 

We have in the State of New York a class of argillaceous sandstones 
largely in use as building stones, and which are less known in any 
other State. They are of the character of rocks formerly known as 
“ Graywacke,’ and the name might be usefully retained to designate 
the argillaceous sandstones of the Hudson river group, the Hamilton, 
Portage and Chemung groups. These beds of the Hudson river . 
group are known as blue stone, which is a compact argillaceous 
sandstone consisting of variable proportions of these materials, 

The name blue stone is equally applicable to the heavy-bedded 
compact arenaceous layers, and the thin-bedded slaty layers, which 
are largely used in the foundations of ordinary buildings. Much of. 
the heavy-bedded slaty rock of this character, which is quarried 
along the Hudson river valley, belongs to the Quebec group; but I 
am not at this time aware of any quarries in the same formation, 
which furnish dressed building stone. 

In the Hudson river group, this rock occurs in many localities, in 
very regular beds which are cut by vertical joints presenting clean, 
straight faces, and are thus laid in the buildmg. The composition 
of these stones (that is, in the proportions of silica and alumina) 
often varies in the distance of a few rods; but, if well selected and 
laid on its natural bedding, it makes a durable building material. 
Much of it, however, becomes stained from the decomposition of iron 
pyrites, which after a length of time, either leaves the surface of a 
permanently rusty brown color, or the decomposition goes on till 
the rock crumbles or scales off in thin laming. Sometimes the 
faces of the joints are coated by thin lamine of carbonate of lime, 
arising from the solution and infiltration of calcareous matter; and 
this forms a permanent coating, which resists all further change from 
atmospheric influences. Itis of the greatest importance that these 
stones be carefully selected, or otherwise they soon become disin- 

The flagstones, so abundantly supplied from the upper part of the 
Hamilton group and lower part of the Portage group, are among 
the most enduring of the compounds of silica and alumina. The 
material is a fine-grained compact argillaceous sandstone of a blue or 
grayish-blue color, which, when free from seams, is scarcely in- 
fluenced by the action of the weather. These beds are not only used 
for flagstones in most of the Atlantic cities, but in Albany, Troy, 
and other towns along the river and elsewhere, this stone is used for 
door-steps and caps, window-sills and caps, water tables, etc. The 
stone is very strong and durable, sometimes slightly staining from 
the decomposition of iron pyrites, but rarely or never undergoing 
disintegration from that cause, 

The blue stone of Malden on the Hudson river, which has of late 
come into use for ashlar, door-steps and sills, pillars or pilasters, 
window-sills and caps, water tables, etc., is obtained from some 

No. 104.] 205 

heavier beds in the Portage group along the base of the Catskill 
mountains. The stone has great strength and durability, wearing 
very slowly when used for steps, and possessing the great merit of 
retaining a certain degree of roughness of surface. The dark color 
may be regarded as the only objectionable feature. 

In the central and western part of the State, the Portage sand- 
stones are of a lighter color, usually more friable than those of the 
eastern outcrops. Many of the beds are of a greenish or olive-gray 
color, occurring both in flaggy and heavier courses, which are easily 
dressed and present a very good appearance. The frequent presence 
of iron pyrites, causing both staining and disintegration, offers an 
objection to their extensive use. In the western counties, however, 
- some of the beds are nearly gray, having lost the greenish or olive 
color almost entirely, and at the same time have less argillaceous 
matter in their composition, with scarcely a trace of iron pyrites. 
The stone from these beds has a very uniform gray color, a fine 
texture, and if quarried and dried before exposure to the frost, is a 
very durable stone. 

In Ohio, the arenaceous beds of the Portage group furnish the 
friable gray sandstone from which grindstones are largely manu- 
factured, and from which more recently large quantities of building 
stone have been furnished. The cohesion of the particles is slight, 
and the stone is very brittle on first quarrying, but becomes stronger 
and harder on exposure, and, if properly selected, resists the effects 
of the atmosphere in a remarkable degree. The strong cohesion of 
the particles, therefore, is not always a requirement for durability, 
though it is for strength, either as resisting direct pressure or the 
effect of tensile force. 

It should not be forgotten, however, that neither all the beds of 
this stone, nor all parts of the same bed, are uniform in texture, 
composition or durability, and it will not be surprising, if in its in- 
discriminate use it may sometimes prove unsatisfactory as a building 

The argillaceons sandstones of the Chemung group are generally 
or comparatively free from iron pyrites, and range in color from 
gray to olive or dark olive-brown. When quarried and exposed to 
drying before freezing, they are comparatively durable stone; but 
they cannot be safely quarried during winter, or exposed to freezing 
soon after quarrying. Building stones from this group, within the 
State of New York, have long been used, and new quarries have 
been opened at many points, though the stone has usually but a local 
importance. The more important structures erected from this stone 
are the buildings of the Cornell University at Ithaca. 


Sandstones or freestones, and all the varieties of argillaceous sand- 
stones, should be laid in the building according to the natural bed- 
ding of the rock, so that the wear of the elements may act upon the 
exposed edges of the laminge. Since it isimpossible to have any great 


thickness of stratified stone, especially sandstone, entirely uniform 
and homogeneous in texture, or without interlamination of shaly 
matter, it follows that by turning the blocks upon their edges, we 
shall in one case have the face of a harder or coarser layer, and in 
another of a softer layer of the same rock, thus exposing the wall to 
unequal weathering. Not unfrequently the face of the stone is the 
line of the soft shaly parting, and the effects of this practice may 
often be seen in the scaling off of an entire surface of a block of 
ashlar for several square feet in extent. Such examples may be seen 
in some of our buildings, which have been erected within the past: 
twenty-five years. Had these blocks been laid in an opposite direc- 
tion, the edges of the shaly seams only would have been exposed, 
and their destruction would have been comparatively slow. The 
sandstones separate usually with great freedom along the line of 
bedding, and thus offer great facilities for dressing the surface in the 
direction of the laminz ; and from this cause, and the desire to pre- 
sent as large a surface as practicable in each block, has arisen the 
practice of setting them upon their edges. A block of stone may, 
however, be split in the same direction, through one of its more 
sandy layers, and the objections urged may not be so palpable. 

An equally reprehensible practice is the cutting of step-stones 
from blocks with distinct shaly partings, which produce exfoliation 
and consequent inequality of the surface. 


In the use of argillaceous sandstones, as well as some other rocks, 
there are some considerations as to the mode of dressing which 
should not be forgotten. There are some stones which, -if dressed 
elaborately, disintegrate rapidly upon thesurface. This comes from 
the crushing of the material under the tool;* the natural texture 
and cohesion of the particles being thus broken up, it absorbs more 
water, and on freezing, decays rapidly and becomes unsightly. Many 
stones that are untit for finely dressed work are nevertheless quite 
durable if rough dressed ; that is, by dressing the joints close and a 
smooth space along the edge, while a greater part of the face is left 
roughly broken without tool-work of any kind. During wet weather, 
the moisture will collect at the numerous projecting points or edges, 
and much of it drops off which will be absorbed by a smooth dressed 
face of stone. The effect of freezing is much less destructive under 
such conditions. Moreover, a moderate degree of weather-wearing 
on such surfaces is less conspicuous than on finely dressed stone. 
The dressing of the stone in the University buildings at Ithaca is a 

“good example of this kind of work. 

* The term deadening of the surface is used by the workmen to designate this condition. 

No. 104.] 207 


In limestones and marbles, the conditions of durability and causes of 
destruction, as a general rule, differ little from those of sandstone. 
There is nevertheless one point of distinction, which may be noted in 
the outset. In all the marbles and older stratified limestones — that 
is, of the Silurian, Devonian or Carboniferous age — the want of co- 
hesion among the particles, or a friable condition of the rock, may be 
regarded as fatal to its durability as a building stone; while on the 
other hand, as has been observed, some of the friable sandstones 
harden by exposure to the weather. In the calcareous deposition 
termed ¢ravertin, however, which is a deposit of modern origin, the 
mass, on first exposure, is soft and friable, and is frequently cut into 
- blocks of the required shape and dimensions by the axe or saw; after 
being laid up in the wall it hardens and becomes quite indestructible. 
Some limestones are said to possess this power of hardening upon ex- 

In almost all limestones, as well those which are unaltered as 
those which have been metamorphosed, and are known as marbles par 
excellence, there is a considerable amount of argillaceous matter, 
either present in seams parallel to the lines of bedding, or dissemi- 
nated through the mass. In the dark-colored uncrystalline or com- 
pact fine-grained limestones this matter is evenly distributed through 
the mass, and, when only in small proportion, produces no noticeable 
effect. Some of the varieties of this kind of limestone will stand the 
exposure of a century, without any essential or injurious change. 
The compact fine-grained blue limestones without seams are therefore 
among the most durable stones we have. ; 

In the gray or bluish-gray subcrystalline limestones the argillaceous 
matter, instead of being distributed throughout the mass, is usually 
presentin the form of seams which are parallel to the lines of bedding, 
or distributed in short interrupted laminew. These seams, whether 
continuous or otherwise, are fatal to the integrity of the stone; and 
there is scarcely a limestone structure in the country, of twenty-five 
years’ standing, which is not more or less. dilapidated or unsightly, 
from the effects of absorption of water by the clay seams, and the al- 
ternate freezing and thawing. When laid in the position of the 
original beds, which is the usual mode, the separation by the clay 
seam is slower; but when used as posts or pillars, with the lines of bed- 
ding vertical, the change goes on more rapidly. 

In the dressing of limestone, the tool crushes the stone to a certain 
depth, and leaves the surface with an interrupted layer of a lighter color, 
on which the cohesion of the particles has been partially or entirely 
destroyed; and in this condition the argillaceous seams are so covered 
and obscured as to be scarcely or at all visible, but the weathering of 
one or two years usually shows their presence. 

The usual process of dressing limestone rather exaggerates the 
cause of dilapidation from the shaly seams in the material. The clay 
being softer than the adjacent stone, the blow of the hammer or other 
tool breaks the limestone at the margin of the seam, and drives for- 
ward into the space little wedge-shaped bits of harder stone. A care- 
ful examination of dressed surfaces will often show the limestone 
along the seam to be fractured, with numerous thin wedge-shaped sliy- 


ers of the stone which have been broken off, and are more or less 
driven forward into the softer parts. In looking at similar surfaces 
which have been a long time exposed to the weather, it will be seen 
that the stone adjacent to the seam presents an interrupted fractured 
margin; the small fragments having dropped out in the process of 
weathering. Limestones of this character are much better adapted to 
rough dressing, when the blows are directed away from the surface 
instead of against it, and when the entire surface shall be left of the 
natural fresh fracture. By this process the clay seams have not been 
crushed, nor the limestone margining them broken, and the stone ~ 
withstands the weather much longer than otherwise. The attempt at 
fine hammer-dressing is injurious to any stone; for the cohesion of the 
particles is necessarily destroyed, and a portion of the surface left in a 
condition to be much more readily acted upon by the weather. 

The gray, sometimes brownish-gray, subcrystalline limestone, which - 
is not metamorphic, is usually composed of fragments of organic 
remains more or less comminuted, with the interstices filled with fine 
particles of the same, or with an impalpable calcareous mud. In such 
rocks, the fragments of fossils being crystalline, withstand the weather- 
ing action, while the intermediate portions wear away, leaving a rough 
and sometimes unsightly surface. The disintegration from this cause 
is slow ; and in the absence of clay seams, a structure of this kind of 
stone may remain a long time without material deterioration. 

One of the best limestones of this character, and perhaps the best in 
the country in relation to freedom from clay seams, is the encrinal lime- 
stone of Lockport, which, at that point, constitutes a portion of the lower 
part of the Niagara limestone. The Onondaga limestone, in the quar- 
ries south of Syracuse, is one of the most useful and serviceable of 
these limestones, and when free from clay seams, is equal to any other 
limestone in color, quality and durability. In some portions of the 
Onondaga beds to the westward, and in somesimilar beds of gray lime- 
stone in the Lower Helderberg group, the mass requires firmness; and 
the want of compactness or close coherence among the particles allows 
the infiltration of water, which, charged with carbonic acid, acts still 
further to lessen their cohesion. 

In some of the Lower Silurian limestones, the entire mass of the 
dark-colored beds is completely penetrated by irregular ramifications 
of siliceous matter, which, in their position and relations, seem 
as if they may have been fucoidal or spongoid bodies growing 
upon the bottom at the time of the deposition of the calcareous de- 
posits, The beds of this character furnish a strong and durable material 
for rough masonry and foundations, and some of the beds bear dress- 
ing with satisfactory results. 

In the process of metamorphism, the limestones have become more 
or less changed to a white, bluish or grayish-white color, or to varie- 
gated white and gray. ‘The seams of argillaceous matter which mark 
the line of bedding in ordinary limestones have undergone some chem- 
ical change, and have become chloritic, taleose or micaceous, of a 
greenish, bluish or variegated color, but nevertheless still retaining the 
same relations to the calcareous part of the mass as in their normal 
condition. Although they are no longera clay or shale, but have under- 
gone some chemical change, these parts are nevertheless usually softer 
and weather more rapidly than the surrounding calcareous portions ; or 

No. 104.] 209 

if not entirely weathering out, some parts of the lines or bands of color 
are more susceptible to the action of the weather, because unevenly 
disintegrated, and finally present an unsightly surface. Bands or 
stripes of color, in all the marbles, indicate a different texture and com- 
position from the other parts of the mass, and all examples of this 
character will weather unequally. Such stones, therefore, should be 
used with great caution in all structures intended to be permanent. 

In some of the marbles there are numerous spots of soft tale-like sub- 
stance, which weathers more easily than the surrounding stone. These 
will either weather to different color, or from softening readily’ on 
exposure, give opportunity for the growth of minute lichens, thus 
covering the stone with dark specks or blotches. Under other cir- 

-cumstances these spots may be of different color, but scarcely less un- 
sightly, and in the end working the gradual dilapidation of the stone. 
The white marble of Lee in Massachusetts is everywhere marked by 
these taley spots, and the monuments and gravestones in the ceme- 
teries of the neighborhood are covered with black specks and blotches. 

The marbles, however crystalline they may be, are not free from the 
same impurities that affect the unaltered limestones ; and iron pyrites 
occurs in these, both as segregated veins or lines of accumulation, 
interrupted strings or nodules, and disseminated in minute particles 
throughout the mass. A good example of the latter may be seen in 
some marble at Sheffield in Massachusetts, where the stone contains 
minute particles of iron pyrites, which, becoming decomposed on 
exposure, gives to the entire surface a slight rusty hue. The same 
change supervenes in the dressed marble ; and some of the blocks in 
the New City Hall of New York show the rusty hue immediately after 
having been laid in the wall. This may be a case in which the change 
will cease after a time, for want of access of moisture to the interior 
portions, or by the filling of the pores with sulphate of lime produced 
by the decomposition of the pyrites, and thus protecting the deeper 
portions of the stone. 

Besides the ordinary seams or lines of color in the direction of the 
bedding, many of the marbles are marked by the presence of irregular 
veins or lines of segregation, which are different in composition and 
texture from the surrounding rock, and though sometimes not very 
different in color, and, therefore, showing little in the outset, will 
nevertheless usually decompose more readily than the adjacent stone. 
Veins of this kind are of common occurrence in some of the marbles 
used for building, and may be observed in their full effect in the State 
Hall and City Hall of Albany. These veins usually consist of some 
soft tale-like mineral with magnesian limestone and iron. The prre 
white marble, free from seams or veins of any kind, constitutes the 
smallest part of any or all marble quarries. The columns in front of 
the ‘‘ old United States Bank,” in Philadelphia, offer one of the best 
examples of the destruction of marble from the several cavses men- 
tioned. Although erected scarcely fifty years since, the bedding seams 
are weathered and opened to such a degree as to present an aspect of 
extreme dilapidation, and less than half a century more will effect 
their entire destruction. 

The simple presence of magnesia alone does not necessarily impair 
the enduring quality of a limestone. Some of the hardest and most 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104. | 27 


enduring limestones we have are magnesian in character, having such 
proportions of lime and magnesia as constitute a dolomite. ‘This is 
the character of the Niagara limestone and of some of the older lime- 
stones of the Silurian series, both in their normal and metamorphic 
condition. Asa general rule, however, the magnesian limestones, in 
their normal condition, are more friable, more porous and less firm in 
their character than the pure carbonates of lime. The presence of iron 
in magnesian limestones, either as an oxide or a carbonate of iron, may 
often aid in hastening their decomposition. ‘They usually weather to: 
a brownish hue, which is sometimes yellowish or drab-colored, but 
more often, in the unaltered condition, to anashen gray. The yellow- 
ish color is due to iron in some form, either as an oxide or a carbonate. 

In the selection of limestones for structures of any kind above ground, 
care should be taken to avoid the shaly seams which are the principal 
cause of decay ; and though the stone containing them may endure for 
many years, they yet present an unsightly appearance. We have, in 
the city of Albany, a good example of this in the wails of the Reser- 
voir on Eagle street in Albany ;and numerous other cases of similar 
character might be cited. In all these examples, it may be observed 
that the dilapidation comes from the cause specified, and no other ; 
for in most of the structures exhibiting this defect, the tool-marks are 
not yet obliterated from the surface of the solid limestone. 

Limestones of this character, however, are perfectly safe and fit for 
any foundation or other work placed beyond the reach of freezing and 
thawing ; and they possess a strength and power of resistance to pres- 
sure, which fits them for the heaviest structures. 

Although limestones, in their normal condition, as well as the 
marbles, are liable to decay from the action of rain-water charged 
with carbonic acid, yet this cause usually operates so slowly on the 
walls of a building that the tool-marks are rarely obliterated in a quar- 
ter of a century.* The more porous limestones, and some of the 
marbles which notoriously lack cohesive power, may be more affected 
by thisaction. The liability to be decomposed and disintegrated by 
this process is always sufficiently shown in the natural surfaces of 
quarries ; and in some cases we find the exposed beds crumbled to a 
mass of sand, while the layers beneath the reach of water and frost 
are comparatively solid. + 


In the extensive class of rocks coming under the head of GRANITES, 
the conditions of durability and causes of decay are somewhat modi- 
fied by the chemical changes which have supervened among the original 
mechanical aggregations, and the crystalline character which they 
have assumed. In these rocks we have quartz, felspar, mica and 

* The dark compact limestone at the base of the Lower Helderberg group, in some speci- 
mens in exposed situations, has retained the tool marks for nearly a century ; and lettering 
cut on blocks of this stone, more than a century since, are still fresh and well defined. 
These examples may be seen in an old church in Schoharie, known as the Old Fort, 
from having been thus occupied during the revolutionary war; and in the Lutheran Church 
near the Court-house, where some lettered stones, from the first church erected in that 
town, have been laid in its foundations. 

+ In this process, the water dissolves a small portion of the stone as far as it reaches, 
and thus separates the particles still more; and the further access of water, which freezes 
in the stone, produces a rapid disintegration of the mass. 

No. 104.] 211 

hornblende to deal with as simple minerals of definite constitution. 
The quartz or silica is in a crystalline condition. The felspar, a 
crystalline mineral, is composed of a large proportion of silica with 
alumina and a small proportion of potash, and often a small amount 
of soda and lime, with a trace of iron sometimes amounting to more 
than one per cent. The mica, also crystalline, is composed of silica 
with a larger proportion of alumina than in felspar, and a lesser per- 
centage of potash or other alkali, with from three to six per cent of 
iron. The hornblende is likewise crystalline, and composed of a large 
proportion of silica with magnesia and lime and sometimes alumina, 
containing also a variable amount of iron, which sometimes reaches 
to fifteen or even twenty per cent. 

We have therefore no new mineral substance introduced into the 
compound. The alumina, which was in mechanical mixture with the 
silica in the original stone, has combined chemically with a portion of 
that mineral, including also some potash, soda or lime, and thus pro- 
duced the felspar and mica. Other portions of the silica, and some- 
times of alumina, have combined with the magnesia, lime and iron, 
to produce hornblende. All these materials have existed in their 
normal condition in the mechanical or sedimentary deposits, and have 
taken their present form through chemical action during subsequent 
metamorphism. ‘These crystalline aggregates may be coarse or fine, 
and the different minerals be present in very variable proportions, or 
even one or two of them absent from the compound. The prevailing 
compounds are of quartz, felspar and mica; or quartz, felspar and 

The aggregates may likewise be of very different colors, the quartz 
being usually translucent, the felspar varying from white to reddish 
brown; the hornblende, of a dark green or black color, while the 
mica may be of any shade from silvery white to a dark brown or black. 
The predominance of these, or of any one or two of them, usually gives 
their hue to the mass. The granites or sienites, in which hornblende 
predominates, are generally of a dark color; and those where quartz 
and felspar predominate constitute the lighter-colored granites. 

Asa general rule, the granites are more reliable as a durable building 
material than any other class of stone, and yet some varieties of them 
are rapidly decomposed by the action of the atmosphere. In these 
granites where felspar greatly predominates, or where this mineral 
occurs in large crystalline masses, there is danger of decomposition. 
The action of the weather upon the alkaline constituents of the min- 
eral is the primary cause of the destruction; but this change goes on 
slowly, and, in the walls of a building, would scarcely affect the ap- 
pearance of the surface in half a century. The presence of finely dis- 
seminated iron pyrites is often a cause of destruction in the gneissoid 
and granitic rocks. 

Some of the fine-grained felspathic granites with mica are subject to 
a slow decomposition or disintegration of the surface, by which thin 
films are exfoliated. Such examples can be seen in some of the older 
granite buildings of the country. Fewer causes of decay are inherent 
in the ordinary granites than in any other stone used in our build- 
ings; and with proper care in selection, a granite structure is com- 
paratively indestructible from the usual action of the elements. 


But it should not be forgotten that a// the granite of a quarry may 
not be of the high quality desired; and in this rock, as well as in any 
other, though not usually to the same degree, there will be waste and 
refuse material. Though generally more free from iron pyrites than 
the other rocks, yet this mineral does occur in all the granites, and 
there is rarely a building erected that does not show its presence ; but 
in all the quarries examined, from which building-material is obtained, 
this mineral occurs only in scattered and inconsiderable amounts. 

In those granites, where the crystalline mixture consists of fine or 
moderately coarse grains of the different substances intimately min- 
gled throughout the mass, we may count upon a durable building 
material, and one subject to a less degree of change from atmospheric 
agencies than any other stone in our country. 



In the erection of all public structures, or those of any considerable 
magnitude, the strength and durability of the material is of the first 
importance, and that which should receive the most careful attention. 
In large and heavy structures the strength of the material is of more 
importance than in ordinary ones, which never approach a test of the 
strength or power of resistance of the material composing them. Even 
with all the experience we have had, and the experiments that have 
been made, there seems to be no settled opinion of or knowledge 
among engineers regarding the real strength of the various kinds of 
stones, either in regard to their direct resistance of pressure or their 
lateral strength. According to the report of Prof. Henry, the com- 
missioners appointed to test the stone preparatory to the erection of 
the extension of the United States Capitol, found that the practice 
heretofore adopted for testing the strength or resistance to pressure 
was very defective, and the results unsatisfactory. If the result thus ob- 
tained be admitted, and of which there can be no doubt, the statements 
heretofore recorded on these points, and the tables compiled from the 
experiments made, are to be regarded with many grains of allowance 
in favor of the stone tested. While the instruments employed by 
Rennie and others were defective, the plan of placing the block of 
stone to be tested between steel plates with a sheet of lead intervening, 
in order to equalize the pressure from irregularity of the surface of 
the stone, or want of parallelism in the opposite faces, gave very im- 
perfect results. 

In experiments reported by Prof. Henry, we have the example of a 
cube of marble placed between steel plates, with lead intervening, giv- 
ing way at a pressure of 30,000 pounds; while another block of pre- 
cisely similar character placed directly in contact with the steel plates, 
sustained a pressure of 60,000 pounds. “This interesting fact was 
verified in a series of experiments embracing samples of nearly all the 
marbles under trial, and in no case did a single exception occur to 
vary the result. The explanation of this remarkable phenomenon, 
now that the fact is known, is not difficult. The stone tends to give 
way by bulging out in the center of the four perpendicular faces, and 

No. 104.] 213 

to form two pyramidal figures with their apices opposed to each other 
at the center of the cube, and their bases against the steel plates.” 

“In the case where rigid equable pressure is employed, as in that of 
the thick steel plate, all parts must give way together; but in that of 
a yielding equable pressure, as in the case of interposed lead, the stone 
first gives way along the outer lines, or those of least resistance, and 
the remaining pressure must be sustained by the central portions 
around the vertical axis of the cube.” This fact, so clearly demon- 
strated, shows very conclusively that all experiments made upon blocks 
of stone with the intervening yielding material are fallacious, and 
really give us but one-half the actual power of resistance possessed by 
' the stone tested. - When we add to this fact also the practice of engi- 
neers as usually stated, that owing to imperfections of the material 
and other causes, it is not considered safe to load a stone with more 
than one-eighth of its crushing weight,* it will be seen that we are 
very far within the safe limits to which any stone may be loaded and 
retain its integrity. 

By this process, Prof. Henry has shown that the marble of Lee, 
Massachusetts, will sustain a pressure of 23,917 pomnds to the square 
inch. This marble was adopted for, and has been used in the capitol 
extension or new Capitol at Washington. In strength it is not supe- 
rior to many other marbles, nor equal to some of the ordinary com- 
pact limestones, and is much inferior to the granites. In composi- 
tion it consists of the carbonates of lime and magnesia, and is a true 
dolomite, as shown by the analysis of Dr. Genth and Dr. Torrey, con- 
taining minute proportions of iron and manganese. The experiment 
of using a dolomite on so large a scale will ultimately demonstrate 
whether a stone of this composition can be relied upon as a durable 
building material. As before stated, however, the simple presence of 
magnesia is not of itself evidence of the rapid decay of the stone; a 
small proportion of iron in some form, or combined with some other 
mineral, may effect the destruction of a magnesian limestone that 
otherwise appears sound and durable. 

Less attention seems to have been given to the lateral strength of 
stone, than its importance would warrant. When we see, even in 
buildings of recent erection, the window sills and caps cracked through, 
and these parts giving way and becoming dilapidated and unsightly, 
it is evidently a matter of no small importance to be able to decide 
what amount of weight can be borne by stones of certain dimensions. 
This knowledge also becomes of the highest importance in view of the 
manner in which the foundations of heavy buildings are laid; the 
gradual retraction of the width above relieving the lower and outer 
layers of stone from the direct crushing force of the superincumbent 
walls, but testing its lateral strength. t 

In estimating the strength of a stone to resist pressure, it is not 
safe to predicate an opinion upon examples of cracking or breaking in 
the walls of a building, whether before or after its completion ; for a 
little inequality in the bedding may produce such a result, when, if 
evenly bedded, the stone would have borne many times the load it has 

* According to some engineers with but one-twentieth of its crushing weight. 
+ The results of experiments, showing the power of resistance to pressure of several of 
our limestones, marbles, granites, etc., will be found in an appendix to this report. 

214 | AssSEMBLY 

sustained. In a large and heavy building it is all important that the 
foundations be firm and unyielding, for on this depends the integrity 
of the entire structure. Beyond this it is important that the stone 
be evenly cut, so that the bed of each succeeding block should rest 
evenly upon those below it. From an inequality in dressing two 
adjacent blocks of stone to the same thickness, leaving at their junc- 
tion one of them projecting slightly beyond the other, I have seen the 
superincumbent block of granite cracked quite through. This break- 
ing was not due to pressure alone, nor to want of strength in the 
material, as was evident from the perfection of the wall below, but 
entirely to the pressure bearing upon the center of a block resting on 
an uneven bed, or supported at the two ends and not in the center. 



The causes of disintegration and destruction in the ordinary build- 
ing stones have already been mentioned under each one. They may 
be recapitulated, however, in this place. 

1. Want of proper cohesion among the particles producing inherent 
weakness. ‘This condition may arise from the loose aggregation of 
the crystalline grains of carbonate of lime, or of the compound of car- 
bonates of lime and magnesia, sand, ete., without intervening cement, 
or from want of the pressure necessary to consolidate the mass. We 
have examples of this in the friable marbles and some sandstones. In 
some cases this condition occurs where the rocks have been much dis- 
turbed since their deposition and partial or entire consolidation. But 
this condition as frequently occurs in rocks which, so far as we know, 
have not been subjected to change, and lie in their original horizontal 
position. One of the most remarkable examples occurs in the western 
extension of the Potsdam sandstone, much of which, in some parts 
of Wisconsin and Minnesota, may be easily quarried with pick and 
shovel, and readily crumbles into an incoherent sand. Above the Pots- 
dam the St. Peter’s sandstone has still less coherence, and is shovelled 
out in the same manner as the ordinary sand of the drift of the sea 
beach. From this incoherent condition of the mass, we have all grada- 
tions to the most strongly coherent rock. This condition of the par- 
ticles, be it in greater or less degree, affects the strength and durabil- 
ity of the stone. 

Blocks of stone, wanting proper cohesion, may crack or be partially 
crushed bysuperincumbent weight ; but ordinary judgment will guard 
against using such improper material. The cohesion of the particles 
or grains composing a stone does not depend upon their hardness or 
density ; for the grains or crystals composing a mass of marble, and 
having half the density of grains of sand, often produce a stronger 
stone than one made up of the better material. 

2. Porosity. The porosity of a stone is, in most instances, directly 
dependent on the degree of cohesion among the particles. Crystailine 
masses are usually less porous than mechanical aggregations; and 
where the interstices between the crystals are filled with a finer 
material, it has been shown that the latter is porous and absorbent, 

No. 104.] 215 

while the former resists the penetration of fluids. In some of the 
crystalline limestones, the cohesion is so slight that the water admit- 
ted, and freezing, has gradually broken up the mass, and we have a 
bed of calcareous sand, of several feet in thickness, lying above the 
rock which yet retains its ordinary consistence. ‘Some of the fine- 
grained and compact mechanical aggregations of rocks resist the 
absorption of water in a remarkable degree. 

3. Argillaceous matter in distribution or in seams. I have already 
shown that the presence of a considerable proportion of argillaceous 
matter distributed throughout the mass, be it calcareous or siliceous, 
has a tendency to weaken and destroy the stone. Its presence in 
seams or thin laminz produces the same result, as we have numerous 
examples to show. 

4, Iron pyrites (sulphuret of tron) and other foreign substances. 
Tron pyrites (sulphuret of iron), whether intimately permeating the 
stone or occurring in masses, layers or irregular nodules, is more or less 
injurious and destructive. When not immediately destructive, 
its decomposition renders the surfaces unsightly by staining the stone, 
and finally breaking or disintegrating it wherever this mineral occurs. 
When disseminated through the mass, as it frequently is, it produces 
slow but entire disintegration. 

It is not an uncommon thing to find masses of rock, in their native 
position, completely disintegrated or softened to the depth of several 
feet by decomposing iron pyrites. This feature is especially observable 
in the gold region of Virginia, North Carolina and other Southern 
States. In numerous instances, and sometimes over wide areas of 
country, the rocks containing iron pyrites are decomposed by percolat- 
ing rain water, to the general water-level of the surrounding country. 

In limestones or dolomites, the presence of iron pyrites operates disas- 
trously ; forif magnesia be present, the sulphuric acid from the decom- 
posing iron pyrites produces a soluble efflorescent salt, which exudes 
to the surface and forms white patches, which are alternately washed 
off and replaced, but leaving a whitened surface probably from the 
presence of sulphate of lime. If the limestone be entirely calcareous, 
the salt formed (a sulphate of lime), is insoluble, and therefore produces 
less obvious results. 

In some cases, however, the lime of which the mortar or cement is 
made may contain. magnesia, and the decomposition of the iron pyrites 
in the adjacent stone produces an efflorescent salt which exudes from 
the joints. This condition is not unfrequently observed in buildings 
constructed of the blue stone of the Hudson river group. As an ex- 
ample, we may notice the efflorescent patches proceeding from some of 
the joints between the stones of St. Peter’s Church on State street in 

The presence of iron in a low degree of oxidation tends to the de- 
struction of the stone containing it. This is observed in the greenish 
shales and sandstones and in some other rocks; and this condition of 
iron, as well as in the form of a sulphuret, may do much injury where 
it exists. 

5. Sizeof constituent grains or particles. ‘This feature has already 
been alluded to under the head of granites, sandstones, etc. When 
the separate minerals of a granite are in large crystalline masses, it is 
an objectionable feature and a cause of decay. Coarse sandstone, ora 


mixture of fine grains of sand with pebbles of various sizes, does not 
usually endure well. Similar sandstones or conglomerates, when par- 
tially metamorphosed, and cemented by silica, or some siliceous com- 
pound, are less affected by the weather and are more durable. In the 
crystalline marbles, some of the coarser varieties are weak from the 
wart of cohesion or cementing matter between the crystals. The same 
is equally true occasionally of those which are more finely crystalline ; 
and we sometimes find a coarsely crystalline marble stronger than a 
finer one, in similar beds but a few miles asunder, or even beds in the 
same quarry may differ in this respect. The coarsely crystalline marble 
of Tuckahoe is stronger than the finer-grained marble of Sing Sing 
and other places in the neighborhood. So far as the marbles are con- 
cerned, all the crystalline forms, be they coarse or fine, may be strong 
or weak. The fine-grained marbles, which show scarcely a crystalline 
structure, or such only as the calcareous muds might take on in their 
metamorphism, are the most durable stones of this kind. 

6. Cementing materials. I have already alluded to this feature 
under the preceding head. When the cementing material is clay, or 
where argillaceous matter predominates, it is rapidly disintegrated by 
the absorption of water, and freezing and thawing while thus saturated. 
Where the cementing matter is calcareous, it will dissolve more slowly, 
and only through the agency of rain water carrying carbonic acid. 
Where the cement is siliceous, it is essentially indestructible from the 
effects of the atmosphere and water. 

The cementing material of the Tertiary sandstones of which the 
Old Capitol, Treasury and other buildings in Washington were con- 
structed, is clay and carbonate of lime, and its rapid disintegration 
from rain and frosts is always observable. As before noticed, some 
friable sandstones become harder on exposure, and this change has 
been presumed to be due to the formation of a siliceous cement on 
and near the surface. Sometimes probably a silicate of lime, or a 
small quantity of calcareous matter held in solution in the interstices 
of the stone, may become precipitated as solid carbonate of lime, in 
accordance to a well-know law, on exposure to the atmosphere. 

Every geologist knows that not only sandstones, but all other rocks 
are more easily shaped and trimmed when freshly broken from the 
ledge or quarry, than after they have remained for some time exposed 
to the atmosphere or even carefully packed. The hardening or tough- 
ening process, however, extends but a little way beneath the surface, 
and the interior of a block remains essentially as when first quarried. 



Many stones, which with proper treatment or under favorable cir- 
cumstances might prove a durable building-material, are brought to a 
rapid decay by conditions to which they are subjected in the structure. 

1. The action of freezing and thawiny. 'This alternating process of 
freezing and thawing is the most trying to the durability of a stone, of 
any or all the conditions to which it is subjected. Of course this de- 
pends upon the climate or latitudein which the stone is exposed. The 

No. 104.] 217 

Caen stone of Normandy, and some of the less coherent limestones of 
modern geological formations are strong enough and quite durable for 
buildings in Southern Europe or where the frosts are not extreme ; 
but in a climate like our own, they are rapidly destroyed by the alter- 
nate action of freezing and thawing. ; 

Some of the finer sandstones, which have a considerable amount of 
argillaceous matter, are perfectly capabie of withstanding moderate 
freezing ; but the extreme changes from a moist condition, or one sat- 
urated with moisture, to the extreme of freezing,.are fatal to their 

As before repeated, any stone in which clay enters largely, or a 
porous stone of any kind, is liable to decay under the extremes of wet 
and frost. The penetration of moisture among the particles of the 
stone, and its expansion on freezing, destroy the cohesion of the parts, 
and the succeeding rains wash away the loosened particies. In this 
way, during a long succession of years, the surface is disintegrated and 
the structure gradually crumbles. Although some stones are more 
susceptible to these atmospheric influences than others, yet none are 
entirely free from its effects. 

Even the changes of temperature, without frost or moisture, operate 
upon the masses of stone and cause a motion of the particles. The 
observations of Prof. Horsford upon the pendulum suspended within 
the Bunker-hill Monument show that this massive structure “is 
scarcely for a moment in a state of rest, but is constantly working and 
heaving under the influence of the every varying temperature of its 
different sides.” When to this is added the extreme action of freezing 
and thawing, it cannot be surprising that the poorer materials will 
fall into dilapidation, or that the best selected building-stone will ulti- 
mately give way. This cause operating everywhere, at all times and 
through all seasons, is a far more active agent in the destruction of 
buildings than all the others operating together; and though it may 
sometimes require years for an appreciable change to be accomplished 
upon a sound material, it is nevertheless constantly going on, however 
slow the change may be. 

2. The improper laying of stone by presenting the faces of laminz 
to the weather, often hastens the disintegration of the mass. I have 
already alluded to this especially in regard to the brown freestone 
which is now so extensively used, and which presents such uneven 
weathering, from being in part laid according to the bedding, and in 
part with the bed facing the exterior. 

3. The vegetation of microscopic lichens takes place upon the surface 
of the stone, when, from any cause, that surface becomes roughened so 
as to afford a lodgment for the seeds or spores of these plants. These 
growing, still further hasten the disintegration of the stone, and accu- 
mulating about them the fine dust floated by the atmosphere, become 
points for the absorption of more water, which on freezing still further 
roughens the surface, and the patch of lichen gradually extends. These 
lichens often gain attachment upon the surface of a finely dressed 
stone, from some little inequality of texture, or from softer material 
that more readily becomes decomposed, or more readily accommodates 
the growth of the plant. Such stones in time become partially or 
entirely covered by lichens, and present an unsightly aspect. The 

[Assem. Doc. No. 104.] | 28 


amount and degree of this growth varies with position in reference to 
the sun, and with a more or less elevated situation. 

It should not be forgotten, however, that any stone giving root to 
lichens is not one of those which most easily disintegrate ; for in these 
the destruction goes on so rapidly, that the surface does not allow the 
growth of such plants. The lichen-covered rocks in nature are usually 
those of great strength and durability. None of the softer or rapidly 

» decaying rocks produce this vegetation. 

4. The solvent action of water is never so great upon artificial struc- 
tures, as upon the rock in its natural position; for in the latter case, 
it is usually aided by a covering of soil, through which the water is 
filtered; and if not thus covered, the rock is exposed in broad surfaces 
to much greater action than in the walls of a building. 

5. The oxidizing influence of the sun’s rays is only considerable when 
aided by moisture, and in this condition scarcely operates except upon 
iron pyrites and iron in a low state of oxidation. 

6. The effect of electricity. Prof. Henry, after citing the effects pro- 
duced by water charged with carbonic acid, says: ‘‘ Again, every flash 
of lightning not only generates nitric acid — which, in solution in the 
rain, acts upon the marble — but also by its inductive effects at a dis- 
tance, produces chemical changes along the moist wall, which at the 
present time are beyond our means of estimating.” 

7. Liffects from sulphurous gases produced by burning coals. In the 
unexpected gradual dilapidation of the New Houses of Parliament in 
London, the causes have been sought and apparently found in an 
agent heretofore little regarded as one producing serious deterioration 

- of buildings. The stone is a magnesian limestone from Bolsover moor, 

_ and was selected as having been found to retain its integrity and to 
have preserved in a very perfect degree some of the carvings in South- 
well church through a long period of time. 

The same material, and from the same locality as stated, has been 
used in London with a very different result. An examination made a 
few years since led to the belief that this disintegration of the stone was 
caused by the action of sulphurous vapors arising from burning coals; 
which lodging with the soot against the sides of the building, and 
especially in sheltered positions under the projecting eaves and mould- 
ing, and thus remaining saturated with moisture under the most fav- 
orable conditions for acting upon the stone. To this cause, in London, 
we may attribute some portions of the effects observed in this and other 
examples. Now it should be recollected that in this densely populated 
city, with its proverbial- ‘‘ London fogs,” and the burning of bitumin- 
ous coal, the rising of the soot and its condensation on the side of 
buildings during the heavy damp weather and fogs, would, as a matter 
of course, produce some effect upon the stone. 

Such conditions, however, can scarcely exist in any Atlantic city 

r (even if in any American city), with our drier atmosphere and the sul- 
phurous gases mainly from anthracite coal, which gives no soot. In 
the Ohio and Mississippi valleys, where bituminous coal is burned and 
the soot lodges against the buildings, we might possibly look for some 
effect; but the comparative dryness of the atmosphere would-probably 
counteract the otherwise evil effects from this cause. In considering this 
cause of deterioration, we shall find it only applicable to special locali- 

No. 104.) 219 

ties; and even in these it may be well to inquire whether other causes 
have not combined with this one, to produce the results recorded.* 

I have received from Prof. J. P. Lesley, of Philadelphia, the following 
observations regarding the influence of climate in different localities, 
upon stone of identical or similar character. In speaking of the dura- 
bility of stone in ancient structures it becomes necessary to know the 
conditions of climate before a just comparison can be made. 

““One of the two obelisks erected by Thothmes III, at Heliopolis 
fifteen or sixteen centuries before Christ, was transferred to Alexandria 
and is now known as Cleopatra’s Needle. It is of sienite, so streaked 
with hornblende, obliquely, as to suggest original stratification. 
Along these streaks; which are of irregular width, atmospheric erosion 

hastaken place, by the ejection of one group of crystals after another, 

upon the melting away of the felspathic element. The whole face 
of the stone has suffered from the same action, but generally to a less 
degree, than at these exceptional places. Especially all the sharp cut 
edges have been rounded off. Wherever the solar disc, for instance, 
occurs, there is now nothing but an unsightly hollow, where originally 
had been cut a sharp clear circle, with a vertical wall around a central 
convex tympanum. 



“ All the hieroglyphs from pyramidion to base have suffered in this 
way. Some are almost indistinguishable, except in the very best slant- 
ing light of the sun. One or two of the four faces also have suffered 
more than the others, showing that the prevailing winds have deter- 
mined the degree of erosion. The climates of Cairo and Alexandria 
are so different from one another, the former so constantly dry and 
the other so uninterruptedly wet, that we have a right to ascribe the 
most of this destruction to the sea air since the removal of the obelisk 
from its original to its present site. But all the monuments of Egypt, 
at least up to the first cataract, show marks of atmospheric erosion, 
in spite of the loose assertion often repeated by travelers, that they are 
as fresh and their lines as sharp as when the chisel cut them. This 
is not true of any monument in the open air; but is approximately 
true of the intaglios in the tombs. Many of the monuments of the 
middle and classic empires are built of such inferior kind of stone, the 
only wonder is that they have not tumbled into ruin themselves, 
through the slow wear and tear of the surface, by the atmosphere. 
And yet Egypt is one of the driest parts of the world. It must be re- 
membered, however, that the stratum of air, which lies at night upon the 
broad bottom of the valley, is charged with the exhalations of the 
river, canals and irrigated fields, and in this stratum the monuments 
stand. When the sun rises this moist air-mass is broken up and car- 
ried over the mountain walls into the desert.” 

*It may perhaps be worth while to inquire whether the effects ascribed to sulphurous 
gases are really due to such influences alone. A writer in the “Builder,” for Oct. 30, 
1858, says that the river front, ‘‘to the height of the area windows, was built of the Bolso- 
ver moor stone, but that the remaining upper part, to my wonderment, was built of stone 
obtained from Anston, in Yorkshire, 2 stone not even alluded to in the report,’’ 7. €., the 

Report of the Commissioners. If this be true, the theory adopted in explanation of the 
cause of decay may require some modification. 





Specimens of the gray gneiss of Saratoga county of one inch cubes 
placed between steel plates, sustained a pressure of from 16,800 to 
25,600 pounds ; the lowest number doubtless from imperfection. The — 
average of these specimens gave 22,666 pounds as the crushing weight 
per square inch. 

Of the dark colored sienite, the range was from 18,000 to 25,700 
pounds as the crushing weight; the lowest number in this case result- 
ing from the want of entire parallelism in the two fases of the cube. 
The average of four specimens gives 22,575 pounds as the crushing 
weight per square inch. 

A single cube, of one and a half inches, from one of the beds of 
Tribes Hill limestome, sustained a pressure of 66,300 pounds, or 
25,022 pounds to the square inch, before breaking. A similar speci- 
men from another layer of the same limestone, sustained a pressure of 
54,400 pounds, or 24,622 pounds to the square inch. 

Three specimens of limestone from the Cobleskill quarries, in 
blocks of one and a half inch cubes, gave a range of from 51,000 to 
72,700 pounds of pressure before breaking, being an average of 27,407 
pounds to the square inch. A single cube of one and a half inches 
from another bed of the same limestone, gave 21,066 pounds as the 
crushing weight, to the square inch. 

Three specimens of compact white marble from Alford, Mass., in 
one and a half inch cubes, sustained respectively 26,300, 26,900 and 
27,000 pounds before breaking, giving very nearly 12,000 pounds as 
the crushing weight, per square inch. 

These experiments sustain the opinion previously expressed in my 
report, that these compact limestones are stronger than the marbles, 
and equal to many of the granites. 

In regard to the lateral strength of these stones, we have a right to 
infer from the close grain and compact texture, as well as tenacity 
shown in the process of crushing, that they are also superior in that 

I may remark in this place, that the stone used in the New Capitol 
foundation at Washington, is gneissoid rock or mica slate, and has 
not the strength of the gneiss and limestones here recorded. 

The remaining collection of specimens submitted for trial.have been 
left with Prof. JosepH HENRY, and the results of the experiments 
will be reported at a future time. 

Very respectfully, 
Your obedient servant, 

Norre.— The remarks upon the red or brown sandstone (freestone), 
are mainly based upon an experience of the Connecticut river stone 
and in a smaller degree upon that from New Jersey. The sandstone of 
the same age on the Potomac river, in Maryland, known as the Seneca 

No. 104.] : 221 

creek sandstone, has in many examples proved extremely durable ; 
and I have been shown a specimen of this rock, taken from one of the 
old locks on the river where it has been exposed to the elements for 
eighty years, and the stone is stillsound. This specimen, however, is 
very compact, highly siliceous, and with no visible seams of argilla- 
ceous matter. 

The observations made upon buildings already erected of different 
material, have been, with few exceptions, omitted from the present re- 
port, but may be published at a future time. Probably no better 
service could be rendered to the future architecture of the country 
than an unsparing exposition of the condition of various buildings and 
public edifices erected of stone. When it is considered that very few 
of these have existed for fifty years we shall be prepared to appreciate 
the extreme dilapidation and ruin which must ensue within the next 

The map presented with the report is colored to show the sources of 
the several kinds of building stones, as granite, marble, sandstone, 
etc., in New York and New England, but it will not be published at 
the present time.* 

[The author begs the indulgence of his friends and the public, in offering so 
incomplete a report upon a subject of so much importance as that of building 
stones of the State and country. The investigation requires much more time to 
make the result at all worthy of being presented in printed form. This time it 
has not been possible to give during the past year, and the publication at this 
moment is beyond his control. The matter has all been put in type and the 
first thirty-two pages printed off during the absence of the writer, in conse- 
quence of which several typographical errors have occurred. The memoranda 
in the margin of some of the pages were made for the writer’s use in giving 
an abstract of the report, and were not intended for printing. ] 



A. Granites and Granitic Rocks. 

1. Quincy Granite. Dressed block of one cubic foot. Old Quincy 
quarries, from the Quincy Railway Granite Company. 

2. A smaller dressed block of the same, brought from the quarry 
at time of examination. 

3. Quincy Granite. Light colored, a small block partially dressed, 
brought from the quarries of Rogers & Co. 

4, Gray Granite. A rough block, brought from the quarries at 
Rockport, Cape Ann, Mass. 

5. Porphyritie Granite. A block six by twelve inches, partially 
dressed, Fall River, Mass., from Geo. Wrighton, Esq., of New York. 

6. Gray Granite. Dix island, Maine, from Messrs. Learned & 

7%. Gray Granite. Concord, New Hampshire, a dressed block of 
one cubic foot, from the Quincy Railway Granite Company. 

*This map still remains as at the date of this report. 


8. Gray Granite. A cubic block of six inches square from the 

9. Gray Granite. Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire, a dressed block of 
one cubic foot, from Runels, Clough & Co. 

10. Gray Granite. Berlin, Vermont, a dressed block of ten inches 
square, from M. E. Howard. 

11. Gray Granite. Barre, Vermont, a dressed block of one cubic 
foot, from Mr. I. P. Harrington. 

12. Gray Granite. Barre, Vermont, a dressed block of one cubic 

13. Gray Gneissoid Granite. Greenfield, N. Y., a dressed block of 
one cubic foot, and two dressed blocks of six-inch cubes with several 
larger rough blocks of the same, from John H. White, Esq., and Dr.. 
R. L. Allen of Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 

14. Dark Colored Sienite. Greenfield, N. Y., adressed block of one 
cubic foot and two other blocks of six inch cubes, one of the latter 
polished on two sides. 

15. Gray Gneissoid Granite. Luzerne, Saratoga county., N. Y.,a 
dressed block of one foot by two feet, from Col. B. C. Butler of 

16. Gray Gneissoid Granite. Several rough blocks from Moreau, 
N. Y., from Mr. W. B. Conant. 

17. Gneissoid Granite. Luzerne, N. Y., a block of two feet long, 
twenty inches wide and one foot thick, from Dr. R. L. Allen. 

18. Gneissoid Granite. Butter hill, Highlands, N. Y., a rough 
block, from Hon. A. M. Sherman of Newburgh, N. Y. 

19. Light Gray (nearly white), Granite. Specimen of 12x8x2 inches, 
cut and partially polished. Said to be from St. Albans, Vt., but believed 
to be from Berlin, Vt. From Mr. Charles E. Young of Oswego, 

20. Sienite. ‘Two rough specimens from Warren county, from 
Mr. John Higgins of Troy N. Y. 

B. Marbles of White or Variegated Colors, Metamorphic and Crystal- 
line in Character. 

21. Variegated and Monumental Marble. Sutherland Falls, Vt.; 
one dressed and partly polished block of one cubic foot; three blocks 
of one foot face by six inches thick, polished on one face ; one block 
of one foot face by six inches thick, one face sand-rubbed and moulded ; 
one block of 12x12x10 inches, one face polished ; two blocks of six- 
inch cubes polished and variously dressed. These specimens were all 
presented by the Otter Creek Marble Co. 

22. Berkshire Marble, Silver Blue Marble. Alford, Mass. ; one 
block of a cubic foot, variously dressed and polished on one side. 

23. White, or Slightly Clouded Marble. Lakeville, Connecticut ; a 
block of one cubic foot, dressed with one side polished; from H. 
Tudor Brownell, Esq. 

24. Marble, Bluish or Dove-colored. Lakeville, Connecticut; a cubic 
block of one foot, two faces polished ; from H.,Tudor Brownell, Esq. 

25. White Marble. Sheffield Mass.; a block of 10x10x8 inches, one 
side polished ; from one of Mr. Chester Goodale’s quarries. 

26, Clouded Marble. Sheffield Mass.; a block of one cubic foot, 

No. 104.] 223 

one side polished; same as the marble used in the Girard College. 
Quarry of Mr. Chester Goodale. 

27. Striped Marble. Sheffield Mass.;a block of one cubic foot, one 
side polished. Quarry of Mr. Chester Goodale. 

28. White Statuary Marble. West Rutland, Vt. ; dressed block of 
one cubic foot, one side polished. 

29. Striped Marble. “West Rutland, Vt. 

30. Brocatella Marble. West Rutland, Vt. 

31. Marble, Muddy Layer. West Rutland, Vt. 

32. Striped Marble. West Rutland, Vt. The preceding five speci- 
‘mens are blocks of one cubic foot each, three of the lateral faces 
dressed in various modes with one face polished, the upper side show- 
ing the fracture of the stone. These blocks are from the new quarry 
of Sheldon & Slason, presented by the owners through W. C. Rowell, 
Esq., of Rutland. 

33. White Crystalline Marble. Tuckahoe, N. Y.; a dressed block 
of one cubic foot, one face polished, the upper side showing fresh frac- 
ture; from Masterton & Hall. 

34. White Crystalline Marble. Tuckahoe, N. Y., a cubic block of 
six inches square, one face polished; from Masterton & Hall. 

35. Clouded Marble. A block of 10x7x5 inches, dressed, with one 
face polished. 

36. Clouded Marble. A dressed block of 8x5x4 inches (blocks 54 
and 36 have been received as coming from Dutchess county, par- 
ticular source unknown). 

37. Clouded Marble. A dressed cubic block of six inches square, 
one side polished ; from the Berkshire Marble Company, Alford, Mass. 

38. White Crystalline Marbie. A dressed block of 12x8x6 inches, 
with one face polished ; locality unknown, probably Tuckahoe or 
Hastings, N. Y. 

39. White Marble. A dressed block of 9x9x6 inches, locality un- 

40. Clouded Marble. A dressed block of 6x6x9 inches; locality 

41. White Crystalline Marble. A dressed block of 16x12x8 inches, 
with one face polished ; from the State quarries at Sing Sing. 

42. Gray Crystallme Marble. A dressed block of one cubic foot, 
one face polished ; Hastings, N. Y. 

43. White Marble, coarsely crystalline. A dressed block of ten 
inches cube, one side polished ; Hastings, N. Y. 

44. Gray Marble. A block of 12x12x18 inches, two sides dressed ; 
from Stockbridge, Mass. 

45. Serpentine Marble, Verd Antique. A dressed block of eleven 
inches cube, with one face polished ; from the quarry of Mr. Walton, 
Port Henry, N. Y. 

46, Serpentine Marble, Verd Antique. Port Henry, N. Y. A 
specimen dressed as a pillar with sqare base of 9x9 inches and 145 inches 
high, moulded above, with cylindrical shaft of two feet high ; from 
Sherman, Esq. of Port Henry, Essex county, N. Y. 

47. Serpentine Marble, Verd Antique. A rough slab of 12x18x4 ; 
Port Henry, Essex county, Noy) 

* Several specimens have been sent to the collection without the localities having been 
communicated to the writer. 

224 [AsseMBLY, No. 104. ] 

C. Limestones not Metamorphic. 

48. Gray Limestone. Lockport, N. Y.; finely dressed block of one 
cubic foot; from B. & J. Carpenter. 

49, Dark Blue Limestone. <A dressed block of one cubic foot, with 
one side polished; from James Shanahan, ‘Tribes Hill, N. Y. 

50. Dark Blue Limestone. A rough dressed block of one cubic 
foot; from James Shanahan, Tribes Hill, N. Y. 

51. Blue and Variegated Limestone. A finely dressed block of one 
cubic foot ; from James Shanahan, Tribes Hill, N. Y. : 

52. Gray Limestone. <A dressed block of 14x103x6; from J. Critzer, 
Jacksonburgh, N. Y. 

The four preceding specimens are from the Trenton limestone group. 

53. Dark Blue Limestone, Black Marble. A dressed and polished 
block of 12x7x6 inches, from the Howe’s Cave Lime and Cement 
Company, Cobleskill, N. Y. 

54. Gray Variegated Limestone (Coral marble). A polished slab 
of 8x32 inches; from the Hudson Coral Marble Company, Hudson, 

55. Gray Limestone, Gray Marble (Onondaga limestone). A dressed 
block of 9x9x9, with one face polished; from Mr. J. Hughes of 
Syracuse, N. Y. 

56. White Marble. Lakeville, Connecticut. A rough block of 24x 
20x12 inches; from Wm. R. Smith of Athens, N. Y. . 

57. Blue Micaceous Limestone. Barrington, Mass. A rough block 
of about two and a half feet cube; from Dr. Clarkson 'T’. Collins. 

D. Sandstones or Freestones and Varieties of these Rocks. 

58. Brown Sandstone, Medina Sandstone. A dressed block of 12x 
12x9 inches; from H. J. Sickles, Albion, N. Y. 

59. Brown Sandstone. A finely dressed block of one cubic foot : 
from Geo. Wrightson of New York. 

60. Gray Sandstone. A dressed block of one cubic foot; from B. 
Clough, Plato, Ohio. 

61. Gray Sandstone. A dressed block of 12x17x17; from B. 
Clough, Plato, Ohio. 

62. Gray Sandstone. A dressed block or shaft of one foot square 
at base, and two feet nine inches high; from B. Clough, Plato, 

63. Fine Gray Sandstone. Columbia, Ohio; a finely dressed 
block of one cubic foot; from B. Clough, Esq. 

64. Gray Sandstone. Specimen consisting of a dressed base of 
12x12 inches and six inches high, surmounted by acylindrical shaft . 
of fifteen inches high and terminated by a carved rosette: Amherst, 
Ohio; from R. P. Wilson, New York. 

65. Malden Blue Stone. A finely dressed block of 12x8x5 
inches; from the Bigelow Blue Stone Company, Malden, N. Y. 

66. Hudson River Blue Stone. A dressed block of 20x8x7 
inches; from Benedict & Gill, Schenectady, N. Y. 








Granites, including Sienite, Gneiss or Gneissoid and Sienitic Rocks; 
their Geological position and Geographical distribution. 

Marbles or Metamorphic crystalline limestones, their Geological position 
and Geographical distribution. 

Limestones not Metamorphic, compact or sub-crystalline; their Geologi- 
cal position and Geographical distribution. 

Sandstones or freestones, and their varieties; their Geological position 
and Geographical distribution within the State of New York. 

On the selection of Building Stones, and the cause of their decay. 
General composition and comparative durability of Building Stones. 
Modes of determining the character and strength of Building Stones. 

Causes affecting the durability of Building Stones, which are inherent 
in the Stone itself. 

Causes affecting the durability of a Stone, which are accidental, or due 
to artificial or extraneous conditions, 

Results of trials of the strength of various Stones with tables of com- 
parison for other Stones. Incomplete. 

Catalogue of the principal Stones in Collection, which have been sub- 
mitted to the Commissioners for their inspection, or collected during 
the examination. 

~[Assem. Doc. No. 104. ] 29 


To the Honorable the Board of Regents of the University of the State 
of New York : 

In accordance with the law of 1883, I herewith submit the following 

My duties as State Geologist are chiefly the preparation of the work 
on the Paleontology of the State, and it is rarely possible to find time 
for any field-work beyond that necessary for the collection of fossils 
for the volumes‘in hand. In regard to the progress of this work I beg 
leave to communicate the following statement. 

The report for the State Geologist for 1884 gave a statement of the 
progress made during that year upon the Paleontology of the State, 
based upon the condition of the entire work as was fully described in 
the report made in 1883. It is, therefore, unnecessary to repeat these 
statements in detail, but confine myself to a statement of the further 
progress made in the volumes in immediate preparation. 

Since the first of March last year, volume V, Part I, Lamellibran- 
chiata II, has been published and distributed; the greater portion of 
the year having been devoted to the preparation of the manuscript and 
proof-reading for that volume. ‘This work, together with the volume 
which preceded, Lamellibranchiata I, completed the publications of 
the State of New York upon this class of fossils. The volume recently 
issued contains 356 pages of letter-press and 50 lithographed plates 
with interleaved explanations of the figures. Of the mechanical execu- 
tion of the volume I may speak in the highest terms of commendation. 

I submit herewith a table of contents of the last published volume, 
and a list of the genera and number of species under each one, together 
with their range in the geological formations as shown in the two 
volumes on the fossil Lamellibranchiata. These tables will show the 
nature and scope of the work now presented to the public. 

The work on the corals and bryozoa has been progressing in the way 
of making up and arranging the plates of drawings; and the prelimi- 
nary descriptions of nearly all the species have been prepared. The 
lithographing of the plates is now in progress, and it is proposed to 
finish and issue this volume, if possible, during the coming year. 

For the succeeding volume on the crustacea, some additional draw- 
ings have been made, and two new plates have been arranged. 

In addition to the strictly Museum work within the buildings devoted 
to the collections, some important field-work has been undertaken by 
Professor Smock with a view to the determination of the limits of the 
older crystalline and the adjacent metamorphic rocks in the southern 
part of the State. Such work is very much needed in order to complete 
our knowledge of the limits of these formations, and hasa direct bear- 

{AssEMBLY, No. 104.] 227 

ing upon the subject of the distribution of the economic products of 
the State, such as the marbles, granites, iron ores,etec. The collections 
made in this investigation are enumerated under the head of additions 
to the Geological department of the Museum. The results will be com- 
municated to the Museum report for publication and will be regarded 
only as preliminary to further and continued investigation. 

At my request, Mr. C. E. Beecher and Mr. U. E. Hall have made 
some special investigations along the Mohawk valley from Little Falls 
to Schenectady, with a view to some determinations regarding the 
junction of the Upper Laurentian gneiss with the superincumbent 
rocks, and also to make some determinations regarding the faulting of 
the strata, first noticed by Mr. Vanuxem more than forty years ago. 
The localities of contact are very few, and the single one formerly 
known on the old stage road at the Noses has long since become ob- 

At Little Falls the gneiss is succeeded by massive Calciferous sand- 
stone, but notwithstanding the excavations in quarrying, and finally 
for the West Shore railroad, no actual contacts of the rocks of the 
two systems have been exposed. 

In digging a well through the lower beds of the Calciferous sand- 
stone into the gneiss, a stratum offerruginous sand was penetrated, 
lying in contact with the gneiss, below and separated from the Calcif- 
erous above. This locality was examined by myself in 1881; and it 
having come to our knowledge that the cutting of the West Shore rail- 
road at the Little Nose exposed similar strata, the place was visited 
by Mr. McGee of the United States Geological Survey, and myself, in 
the autumn of 1884, and observations made upon the contacts there 

An examination was also made of the Oneonta sandstone in the 
vicinity of Oxford, Chenango county, by Mr. C. E. Beecher, Dr. J. W. 
Hall and C. E. Hall. Much discussion has recently taken place in 
regard to the horizon and equivalency of the Oneonta sandstone. The 
results of the more recent investigations haye served to substantiate my 
previous published statements, and clearly show that the Oneonta sand- 
stone rests upon well marked Hamilton strata, and is succeeded by strata 
carrying the fossils of the Chemung Group. 

The draughtsmen now employed upon the paleontological work are 
Mr. George B. Simpson and Mr. Ebenezer Emmons. At the present 
time all the work is done by the figure; the price paid being at the 
uniform rate of $3.50 per figure. 

State Geologist. 


GROEN OMI oe 2c oe se hc a 5.S Wie cc Lk one Sete RMS Lee lii—iv 
PAN ES eaTinIS PRPS oir c's ches ied « + ow Date woe peeks v-vi 
este ea aed rete «Otis oe as, ach PR eis vli-x 
Resipracem eed ra Ve ge deo dS Sk has. Sass aati ie oka xi-xxii 

SPR ee ter ae UG TUN ERA 555 'oc acceso ccc ce deucece same Xxxili-lxii 


‘DESCRIPTION OR SPECIES: circc ss vise stare ntelecian ices Renee 269-518 
Modigmorp ia icici sls shale biclsisief cpedarepaue Sheela ee ee Gee 269-293 
GONTOP ROTA... speve os pe cnnenaasYalenc dels carey s] ole aie eR ee 293-306 
Microdon (Cypricand ella) | c.7.0. cyan acass cisisys, cis ih eces te eles 307-313 
ING CHU alae Mion aoa ei eer Uae ek ewe HEL ween nay all se eee 313-324 
IN CTH Ge cat £2 «ade lsd ebay haraiereteee OMT oie eRe Rite od ears 324-328 
Gear ve ale ete erate se ew apie Bis SW sha ye, auras ad het i a 329-302 
Palsonelon es pee ea ek, Malema ss phy. he MM cael ate RSE 
NEACTOROM sie was: aU ecbise ro eal ey oka cc ns sana i esti re ae ee ee 349-351 
Ptychodesma «2... ; Jabd ace Fodiajcenee cur crpenie ect oae Rete eked ape 352-354 
IN VASE Bia: 5) Ae ta: soto lois opealee ia tae tein A = ak Alea eed ee eR a 354-358 
CEVA IMY BLE aie eine pieacdee eectede iestens’ Couueledel eee hota ee Reunite 358-384 
Baby Mest eh adie: iays0 cigs sav maaye edeceen he hens oka, cede esos east 385-386 
A TVOMG A cic elated coral a ee we eae oie: Sime ence OM eT ot 386-393 
SPHOM Ob IB rape brite bus auakes Sete naam ota sot uaanne eie 394—406 
re EYL H] SEL D Es ORR RA oa SNM ean SRE > ale: Oe weeee . 407-408 
COMOCATOTUINY ote uecaieie oes haley 9.6)8 cy ils Aiea aetcae een w en aa 409-415 
i ET) ae) ot; Map PRGRReRRDeH HONG Aagitag: Hei: Seite Liga re! SSS RL Ueeter si re ge Oe 416-425 
Gl yptocardian cop cn ctes yao bic mien) geuere ie) shel olay austere ae 426-427 
PB CANGUIIM ge os sti Mors ate, suc tobsrenePes wate a wate’ <ie eee eaa Me een eee 427 
PATAGATCUUIN: hess ec cig). catacak sve alayeec Dike eh aati cuca es 428 
) FF Te CY? Wea ec GRR GS Ralls GuMrNBL COIS Bhan ere Ean ey 429-433 
CAYGUOPSIS's «0 ae Huesca iat t ein epee ia rslke en hia bys anehed aaleanmaectcnete 433 
Tree AN GUN Gore teens cuore mien ete A ale tegen Att ee ae 433-439 
PAT ACY CLAS at nisyictoreie\ ei 22. oie et cs scl eas. eee ou ks Reece 440-446 
SCIIZOC USS aio syiuesece ol Sat oyeGorecscete stale eco ia ronal iets Neu nrenee eee 447-459 
PTOGIYTIBs fs s'sicnsiecavs seneveis ah e Oe Ere atlas a eRe nea erode mentees 460-462 
WOLOTAV A sic ul aie suetess oie ee Nekeale neni Promina et ane ene 463 
EF CLIGMODSIB:, «sane Gis '=fo, acd aeayae als deen chelate Sees cote nae 464-465 
OOMTESTIB, coche ives ac chhacat ce veteheid cycle caste Gia otal Seat ee 465-469 
IPholacellas® oi icccw suche ol sess Waders cis sols wets ionclc Ae SL oro nen: 469-472 
Bal cr) ea) 21): Pen aM aR MMP Sia Mca oN LEI Foie iLO ee Sa 473-478 
CG HOM OCA esau faye oss ole oct eat ee ea ks ee eae ee aie 478-482 
Poleny s..6. WPaleeosOleny ais. ac.jcte sy gosaesee ahs Cae Oy earl 483 
Cypricardinias..’: «5.3%. -/eseisenen cays ede iee eteeieiee ake 484-487 
Pal FeAN BUI Bie os otice o sieua rete ale erat A Mop ade ice an an 488-491 
POP AVOCOUS oye) eicost ogee eka nets sa eh ot ieee ed ae ope oles kane 492-494 
GTTOSSRGCB etal. osetia ailgcak aR cee th ere ee ae at SS TCO AIR Oana 494-502 
d Cbg 06 (2) OC Om athe et tl a pL TAY re Sats RIES Oi Ey 502-505 
PMO OUUS a. a aiebaeg ole are) icee de. oye) sce et fatite events aieiay a aaa 506 
GEERT VSIA Se is + age cgeivoia/ sce te ee dorslyy ies seeteomne sree oaeielare tenon 507 
SAM OMINOLIECE cro o's sccretere fois '> ch chs Shc as eceuley Bel Veneta ame neiate 508-509 
PalBOMVY aie sie lsle ss eyactuh eRe eto ae eee Se cles ake eens ae 509-510 
Promacrus eit feb ec 6 & ae ole SIDE oa rea a ee 5 510 
Cytherod Om vaste. oe: 36) s Ae eta oisions pein eee rene eee 511-512 
Climo pisth ay. cya's' ss uces aieketceuaus “2 Op eesyrpel Newel Cae MEA tee 512-513 
IMOdtel la 6.2 ee ee eae So ti OL thee Oo 514 
MMe psi onan ss ates: cu votes ince’ ae 8) age enol aceon me rniee ae 515 
Amnigenia........ to oleate ap bate asso itso aoe eel ERROR Ie ee 516-518 
OMEN DIBSXG! fac) Stel a, cue, Shas 15) 9s leh ees ei caer ela ater ae ee eda 553-561 

No. 104.] 229 

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TAVEM SPST a Paleo mya: « 2.010 ssatees oct cretideercics ALE RS gS : : Ae 
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Fie. 1. A leaf partly killed and discolored by the fungus. 
Fie. 2. An ascus containing spores x 400. 
Fie. 38. Four spores x 400. 



Fic. 4, One young plant and two mature plants, the two at the left having the 
pileus moist and striatulate. 

Fia. Vertical section of a pileus and the upper part of its stem. 

Fia. Transverse section of the stem. 

Fie, 7, Three spores x 400. 



Fie. 8. Part of a leaf with a discolored spot dotted by the fungus. 
Fie. 9. Four spores, the one at the left immature x 400, : 


Fie. 10. A leaf bearing the fungus. 
Fie, 11. Four spores x 400. 

SPHAZRELLA LycoPopit Peck. 

Fig. 12. Two spikes of the host plant bearing the fungus. 
Fre. 13. A slightly magnified scale dotted by the fungus. 
Fie. 14. An ascus containing spores x 400. 

Fie, 15. Four spores x 400, 


Fic. 16. Part of a branch bearing the fungus. 

Fie. 17. A receptacle magnified. 

Fic, 18. Vertical section of the same. 

Fia. 19. A paraphysis and two asci containing spores x 400. 
Fie, 20, Three spores x 400. 

Fie. 21. Two plants. 
Fig, 22. Five spores x 400. 

State Mus Nat Hist.,39 Pistol 

WeedParsons & Co Albany, NY 

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Part of a branch bearing the fungus. 
A pustule magnified. 
Vertical section of a magnified pustule, showing three perithecia, 
Two asci containing spores x 400. 
Four spores x 400. 

DraportHE NEILL Pech. 
Part of a branch bearing the fungus. 
A perithecium magnified, its rostrum piercing the epidermis. 
Two asci containing spores x 400, 
Four spores x 400. 


. Part of a branch bearing the fungus. 

. A piece of the bark with two perithecia magnified, 
. A perithecium more highly magnified. 

. A paraphysis and an ascus containing spores x 400. 
. Four spores x 400. 

LastTapIA AlscuLi Peck. 

. Part of a petiole bearing the fungus. 
. A perithecium magnified. 

. Two asci containing spores x 400. 

. Four spores x 400. 

Moniuia PECKIANA S. & V. 

. A leaf partly discolored and its petiole frosted by the fungus. 
. Two chains of spores x 400. 
. A single spore x 400. 


. Part of a raceme with four of its young fruits frosted by the fungus. 
. Two chains of spores x 400. 
. Two spores x 400, 


State Mus. Nat Hist. 39 Plate. 2. 

a AT 

Weed,Parsons & Co Albany, NY 

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Fic. 1. Veins of the pulmonary cavity. 
Fics. 2, 3, 4. Showing the position of the pulmonary cavity. 

State Mus Nat. Hist. 39. TRITEILI OX TENTION OIE Ss. Plate 3 


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G. B. Simpson, del Weed,Parsons & Go Albany; NY 


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Page 129. 
Head, seen from above, X 15. 

. Foot, seen from behind, X 20. 

Long ventral seta outer third, X 230. 
Dorsal seta, outer half, X 230. 

Elytron of the first pair, X 15. 

Elytron of the usual form, X 15. 

Papilla found on antenne and cirri, X 230. 


Page 1381. 
Foot, with dorsal and ventral cirri, 12th segment, X 15. 

. Seta of medium length, outer third, X 7u. 

Plate a) + 

Staie Mns Nat. Hist 39 

a : rr } 

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g. 11. 
. 12, 

. 14. 


ig. 20. 




Page 133. 

Foot with cirri, from 24th segment, X 40. 
Foot with cirri, from middle of body, X 40. 
Seta, outer half, X 450. 


Page 184. 
Head and buccal segment, X 25. 
Foot with cirri, from 8th setigerous segment, X 40. 
Foot from middle of body, X 40. 
Seta, X 450. 


Page 135. 

Foot from middle of body, X 20. 
Seta from ventral ramus, X 230. 


Page 135. 

Foot from middle of body, X 20. 
Seta from ventral ramus, X 280. 






Plate (2). 5. 

tate Mus Nat. Hist 39 


WeedParsons & Co Albany: NY 

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Page 139. 

. Foot from 5th setigerous segment, $, X 20. 
. Foot from middle region, ¢, X 20. 

Page 140. 

. Head and buccal segment, X 40. 

. Proboscis, seen from above, magnified. 

. Jaw piece, X 40. 

. Foot from first setigerous segment, X 20. 
. Foot from fifth setigerous segment, X 20. 

Foot from thirtieth setigerous segment, X 20, 

. Foot from posterior segment, X 40. 
. Anal segment and cirri, X 20. 

Plate (3).6. 



State Mns Nat Mist 39. 

Weed,rarsons & Lo Albany, N 1 



Page 140. 

Fig. 31. Ordinary seta, outer part, X 450. 
Fig. 32. Falcate seta, outer part, X 450. 

Page 142. 

33. Head, proboscis, and buccal segment, X 40. 

34. Proboscis, ventral view, X 40. 

35. Foot from first setigerous segment, X 120, 

36. Foot from anterior segment, X 60. 

37. Foot from posterior segment, X 60. 
s. 38, 39, 40. Sete of different form, X 450. 

gq’ 09" 0g" aa" 09’ 09 

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Page 146. 

Fig. 41. Foot from tenth segment, from behind, X 60. 
Fig. 42. Foot from twenty-eighth segment, from behind, X 60. 


Plate (4) 

State Mine Nat Hiet 39 

& Go. Albany, NY 





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Page 146 

Fig. 43. Foot from 45th segment, from behind, X 60. 
Fig. 44. Seta, outer half, X 450. 


Page 148 
Fig. 45 Head and first segments, without tentacles, X 70. 
Fig. 46. Seta from fifth segment, X 450 
Fig. 47 Ordinary ventral seta. X 450 

Page 149 
Fig. 48. Anterior dorsa) seta, X 750. 
Fig 49. Posterior dorsal seta, X 750. 
Fig. 50. Uncinate ventral seta, X 750. 


Page 152 

Fig. 51. Uncinus from anterior segment, X 750 
Fig. 52. Uncinus from middle segment, X 750 
Fig. 53. Uncinus from posterior segment. 

Fig. 54. Posterior segments with anal cirrus, X 70 

State Mus. Nat Hist.,39. Plate(s) 8 

Weed Parsons & Co Albany NY 


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Page 154. 
Buccal segment, ventral view, X 15 
Posterior segments, X 15. 
Capillary seta, X 230. 
Uncinus, found on first three setigerous segments, X 230. 
Uncinus, form found after the third setigerous segment, X 230, 

Page 155 

Anterior segments, side view, X 15, 
Posterior segments, X 15. 

A\ IG 


Plate -(6) 9. 


State Mus Nat Mm 

WeedParsons & Co Albany, NY. 



PARAXIOTHEA LATENS 2. gen. et sp. 

Page 156. 
Buccal segment seen obliquely from above, X 15. 
Buccal segment, side view, X 15. 
Posterior segments, X 15. 

_ Capillary seta, X 230. 

Uncinus, X 230 

Page 157. 

. Capillary seta, with single margin, X 230 
_ Uncinus, X 450 

Capillary seta, with double margin, X 230. 

State Mus Nat.Hist. 39 Plate (710. _ 

Weed Parsons & Co. Albany NY. 

MEA Tit 

Py ae 



Page 160. 

Fig. 1. A small specimen, showing the six rays marked by concentric lines 
at their distul extremities. 

Fig. 2. A larger specimen in which the bulbous expansious are distinctly 
stalked. Roofing slate, Middle Granville, N. Y. 

Plate LL 


Staie Mus Nat. Hist. 

1s & Co Albany, NY 






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Page 162. 

. A transverse section, taken from about 45™™ from the anterior end of 

a specimen, 

. A transverse section, posterior to the middle of the specimen fig. 4. 
. Id. Section of the conjoined valves, at about the posterior quarter of 

their length. 

. Id. Ventral aspect of a specimen, which is a partial cast of the interior, 

showing the form of the shell, the muscular scars, pallial line and 
crenulated margins. 

. Id. The left side of the embedded specimen in the rock, showing the 

expanded crenulate margins of the valves and the pallial line. 
Waverly group. Warren, Pennsylvania. 

State Mus Nat.Hist 39. Plate 12. 

CE Beecher del. Weed,Parsons & Co Albany, N 1 

Nid New York State Museum 

Science Annual report 
N 39 (1885) 
Physical & 
Axpplied Set 







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