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Yoiftgfjiw  JMjtlogopljira!  Society. 



ANNUAL  II  E  P  O  R  T 



Y  0  R K  SHIRE 




FEBRUARY  6th,  1877. 

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Ills  Grace  the  Archbishop  of  York,  F.  E.  S. 


The  Eight  Hon.  Lord  Londesborough. 

The  Hon.  and  Very  Eey.  the  Dean  of  York,  D.  D. 
William  Henry  Eudston  Eead,  M.  A.,  F.  L.  S. 

Egerton  Yernon  Harcourt,  M.  A.,  F.  G.  S. 

The  Yen.  Archdeacon  Hey*,  M.  A. 

The  Eey.  Canon  Eaine,  M.  A. 

The  Eey.  John  Kenrick,  M.  A.,  F.  S.  A. 

William  Eeed,  F.  Gr.  S. 

John  Francis  Walker,  M.  A.,  F.  L.  S.,  F.  Gr.  S.,  F.  C.  S., 

Member  oe  the  Committee  of  the  British  Association,  &c. 

William  Walker,  F.  Gr.  S. 


William  Gray,  F.  E.  A.  S.,  F.  G.  S. 


Elected  1875,  .Joshua  Oldfield. 

John  March, 

Edward  Allen,  F.  G.  S. 

Frederick  L.  Mawdesley. 

Elected  1876.  .William  Matterson,  M.  D, 

The  Eev.  George  Eowe,  M.  A. 

Tempest  Anderson,  M.  D.,  B.  Sc., 

Fellow  of  University  College,  London. 

Joseph  Wilkinson,  F.  E.  G.  S. 

Elected  1877.  .John  P.  Wood. 

Eici-iard  Pearson. 

J.  H.  Gibson,  M.  D. 

Edward  W.  Smithson. 


T.  S.  Noble,  F.  E.  A.  S.,  F.  G.  S. 




Geology . W.  Reed,  F.  G.  S. 

Comparative  Anatomy  .  .  T.  Anderson,  M.  D. 

British  Ornithology  .  .  W.  H.  Eudston  Eead,  M.  A., 


Insects  and  Crustacea  .  .  Yen.  Archdeacon  Hey,  M.  A. 

Ethnographical  Collection  S.  W.  North,  F.G.S. 

(Rev.  John  Kenrick,  M.A. 
Rev.  W.  Green  well,  M.A. 

\Rev.  J.  Baine,  M.A. 

Library . Bev.  G.  Bowe,  M.A. 

Botany  . William  Matters  on,  M.D. 


Observatory  &  Meteorology  fW.  Gray,  F.B.A.S.,  F.G.S. 
under  the  care  of  a  Committee  s  Yen.  Archdeacon  Hey, M.A. 
consisting  of . \T.  S.  Noble,  F.B.A.S., F.G.S. 




February  6th,  1877, 

In  presenting  tire  Report  to  tlie  Yorkshire  Philosophical 
Society  for  the  year  1876,  the  Council  propose  to  follow  the 
usual  plan  of  first  dealing  with  the  finances  of  the  Society 
during  the  past  year,  and  then  of  directing  attention  to  the 
various  scientific  departments  of  the  Museum. 

The  Council  congratulate  the  Society  that  the  Income  for 
the  past  year  has  been  above  the  average.  A  larger  number 
of  members  than  usual  have  been  elected,  and  the  income 
arising  therefrom,  together  with  the  receipts  at  the  gate  (which 
are  above  the  average),  makes  the  total  income  of  the  Society 
from  all  sources  £1526  11s.  9d.,  the  greatest  amount  on  record. 

The  total  expenditure  has  been  £1413  16s.  lid.,  leaving  a 
balance  to  the  credit  of  the  Society  of  £112  14s.  lOd.  on  the 
receipts  and  expenditure  for  the  year.  This,  added  to  the 
sum  to  the  credit  of  the  Society  at  the  close  of  the  last 
year’s  account,  namely,  £317  7s.  6d.,  leaves  a  balance  in  the 
Treasurer’s  hands  to  the  credit  of  the  Society  of  £430  2s.  4d. 
on  the  ordinary  income  account. 

The  Council  have  to  report  that  the  balance  to  the  credit  of 
the  Society  would  have  been  much  larger  but  for  various  items 
of  special  expenditure,  which  are  not  likely  to  occur  again  for 
some  years  to  come,  and  of  which  the  chief  are  the  following : 
A  sum  of  £40  4s.  has  been  expended  in  the  repair  of  and  in 
re-asphalting  the  Walks  in  the  grounds  of  the  Museum.  A 



further  sum  of  £27  7s.  6 cl.  lias  "been  spent  upon  new  Geological 
cases  required  by  the  Curator  of  that  Department  for  the 
Yorkshire  Doom;  and  a  sum  of  £107  4s.  9d.  has  been  laid  out 
in  improvements  to  the  Hospitium.  The  amount  of  £64  5s.  6d. 
has  been  expended  by  the  Council  in  the  purchase  of  Doman 
and  other  Antiquities. 

The  total  expenditure  on  the  New  Lodge  and  the  Approaches 
has  amounted  to  £1353  19s.  3d.,  whilst  the  various  donations 
which  have  been  received,  amount  to  £693  17s.,  leaving  a 
balance  of  £660  2s.  3d.  to  be  provided  for.  The  large  sum  . 
received  in  donations  is  an  evidence  of  the  great  interest  that 
the  public  have  taken  in  this  improvement,  which  has  been 
the  means  of  securing  a  handsome  approach  to  the  grounds  of 
the  Society.  The  Council  do  not  propose  to  close  the  Building 
Account  for  the  present,  but  to  forward  a  copy  of  it  to  each 
Member,  with  the  names  of  the  donors  and  their  subscriptions, 
in  the  hope  that  farther  donations  may  be  received,  sufficient 
to  clear  off  the  greater  part,  if  not  the  whole,  of  the  balance, 
so  that  no  portion  of  it  may  be  charged  upon  the  income  of 
the  Society. 

It  will  be  in  the  recollection  of  the  Members,  that  at  the 
last  Annual  Meeting,  reference  was  made  to  a  negociation  then 
pending  between  the  Committee  of  the  Yorkshire  Fine  Art 
and  Industrial  Exhibition  and  the  Society  for  obtaining 
possession  in  fee  of  the  land  and  premises  belonging  to  the 
Society  (part  of  the  Manor  Shore  Estate),  and  leasehold  for 
years  of  the  Crown.  During  the  past  year,  the  Council  have 
agreed,  at  the  request  of  the  Fine  Art  Committee,  to  become 
the  Grantees  of  the  fee  simple  of  this  property  for  the  sum  of 
£4000,  paid  to  the  Crown  Deceivers  by  the  Committee,  with 
the  object  of  obtaining  from  the  Society,  as  Grantees,  a  lease 
for  a  long  term  of  years  of  the  greater  portion  of  the  land,  for 
the  purpose  of  erecting  thereon  a  building  suitable  for  the 
exhibition  of  works  of  Art  and  Industry.  It  is  part  of  the 
scheme,  that  the  Bird-in-Hand  Inn,  situate  in  Bootham,  the 
property  of  the  York  Corporation,  shall  be  pulled  down  to 
make  an  approach  to  the  Fine  Ait  Museum  when  completed, 
and  although  the  Trustees  of  the  Society,  in  obtaining  posses- 

council  for  1876. 


sion  of  tlie  leaseliold  property,  did  so  with,  the  object  of 
preserving  it  as  an  open  space,  and  eventually,  when  their 
income  permitted,  of  annexing  it  to  the  grounds  of  the  Society, 
they  felt  hound,  under  the  circumstances,  to  co-operate  with 
the  Committee  in  obtaining  the  fee  simple  of  the  land,  and,  so 
far  as  their  power  extends,  to  aid  in  the  promotion  of  a  scheme 
which  has  for  its  object  the  instruction  of  the  people  and  the 
improvement  of  the  city.  In  July  last,  the  purchase  money, 
£4000,  and  the  cost  of  the  grant,  £10  10s.,  were  paid  to  the 
Representatives  of  the  Crown,  and  the  Council  hope  soon  to  he 
able  to  announce  that  the  Crown  Grant  has  been  received,  and 
no  time  will  then  be  lost  in  completing  the  arrangement. 

The  Curator  of  Geology  reports  that  the  cases  required 
for  the  better  display  of  the  Yorkshire  Fossils  have  been 
completed.  The  re-arrangement  of  the  specimens  has  been 
carried  out  to  the  end  of  the  Inferior  Oolite  series  (our 
Honorary  Member,  Mr.  XTudleston,  having  kindly  assisted). 
The  gallery  contains  the  following,  viz.,  Peat  deposits,  drift 
from  the  sea  coast,  Fossils  from  the  gravel  pits  around  York, 
chiefly  collected  by  the  late  Mr.  J ames  Cook ;  Chalk,  Red 
Chalk,  Speeton  Clay,  including  Neocomian,  Portlandian  and 
Kimmeridgian  strata ;  then  the  Coralline  Oolite,  of  which  the 
Society  possesses  a  magnificent  series ;  the  Lower  Calcareous 
Grit,  Oxford  Clay,  Kelloway  Rock,  and  Cornbrask. 

In  the  lower  room,  the  Inferior  Oolite  series,  which  is  kept 
in  separate  sub-divisions,  consists  of  the  Upper  Plant  Bed, 
Scarbro’  Limestone,  the  unique  and  valuable  collection  of 
Brandsby  Slate,  part  of  the  Cook  collection,  then  the  Middle 
Plant  Bed,  the  Millepore  series,  the  Whitwell  Limestone,  the 
Lower  Plant  Bed,  the  Red  Inferior  Oolite  of  Glaizedale,  and  the 
Peak  Dogger  Beds.  In  re-arranging  the  collection,  space  has 
been  left  for  additions.  It  is  hoped  that  dming  the  present 
year  the  lower  room  will  be  completed.  The  Lias  series  are 
already  named  and  divided  into  zones  by  the  Rev.  J.  F. 
Blake,  whose  valuable  work  on  the  Yorkshire  Lias  appeared 
dining  the  past  year.  The  collection  of  Carboniferous  Lime¬ 
stone  Fossils  is  unfortunately  very  deficient. 




The  Society  has  received,  through  the  kindness  of  Thomas 
Lightfoot,  Esq.,  of  Masham,  cores  obtained  by  boring  through 
the  Carboniferous  series  for  an  Artesian  Well  at  Masham; 
this  is  described  in  a  paper  which  will  be  appended  to 
the  report.  In  the  General  collection  there  is  nothing 
special  to  report,  except  the  gift  of  some  Lias  Fossils  from 
Leicestershire,  from  John  James  Grut ch,  Esq.,  and  a  large  and 
fine  specimen  of  Ammonites  Engelhardti  from  the  Middle  Lias 
of  South  Petherton,  from  J.  F.  Walker,  Esq.  When  the 
arrangement  of  the  Yorkshire  Fossils  is  complete,  attention 
will  be  directed  to  the  improvement  of  the  general  Geological 
collection,  as  several  strata  are  very  imperfectly  represented, 
especially  the  Rhaetic,  Devonian  Mollusca,  and  nearly  all  the 
beds  of  the  Lower  Silurian  and  Cambrian  Formations.  These 
deficiencies  are  pointed  out  in  hope  that  some  of  our  Members 
■will  try  to  obtain  them  for  the  Society,  and  assist  in  keeping 
the  Geological  collections  of  the  County  Museum  in  a  position 
worthy  of  a  Society  rendered  illustrious  by  the  labours  of 
Harcourt  and  Phillips. 

The  Curator  of  Insects  and  Crustacea  reports  that  the 
collections  are  in  good  condition,  and  that  great  care  has  been 
taken  to  protect  them  all,  and  especially  the  magnificent  Allis 
collection  of  Lepidoptera,  from  the  depredations  of  mites  and 
other  insects  which  haunt  cabinets.  Mr.  Hind,  of  this  city,  has 
presented  pairs  of  two  rare  and  interesting  moths,  Eupithecia 
pimpinellatci  and  E.  albipunctata ,  both  from  the  neighbourhood 
of  York,  which  have  been  placed  in  the  Allis  collection. 

The  progress  of  the  Antiquarian  Department  in  1876, 
although  not  so  great  as  in  several  recent  years,  has  been  of 
a  satisfactory  character.  The  excavations  at  the  new  Railway 
Station  are  drawing  to  a  close,  and  have  yielded  dining 
the  past  twelve  months,  comparatively  little.  A  few  objects, 
however,  from  that  source,  have  come  to  the  Museum, 
which  add  to  the  completeness  of  the  collection  of  Roman 
antiquities.  Among  these,  the  Curators  may  mention  a  leaden 
coffin,  one  or  two  sculptured  stones,  and  some  personal  orna- 

COUNCIL  FOE  1876. 


ments  of  considerable  beauty.  To  the  Dean  and  Chapter  of 
York,  the  Society  is  indebted  for  some  carved  stones  from  the 
South  Transept  of  the  Minster,  among  which  are  some  inter¬ 
esting  specimens  of  Purbeck  and  Pefworth  marble,  which  were 
brought  into  the  North  in  the  middle  of  the  thirteenth  century. 
Two  other  gifts  to  the  Society  dining  the  year  deserve  a  special 
mention.  The  first  is  that  of  a  number  of  Roman  vessels  of 
bronze,  which  wTere  discovered  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
ICnaresbrough  about  1860.  Some  of  these  were  presented  to 
the  Museum  by  Mr.  Gott  in  1864  ;  through  the  great  kindness 
of  the  same  gentleman,  the  Society  now  possesses,  with  one 
exception,  the  whole  of  this  “  find  ”  that  exists,  and  Mr.  Grott’s 
two  donations,  when  joined  together,  form  a  unique  and  very 
remarkable  collection  of  Roman  work  in  bronze  and  iron. 

Of  a  somewhat  later  date,  although  by  no  means  inferior  in 
interest,  are  tivo  large  coffins,  formed  out  of  oak  trees  of  con¬ 
siderable  size,  which  were  discovered  dining  the  summer  of  the 
present  year  in  a  very  early  burial  ground  at  Selby.  They 
will  be  added  to  the  collection  in  the  British  and  Saxon  Room, 
where  they  will  bear  testimony  to  the  generous  kindness  of 
Messrs.  Morrell,  Atkinson  and  Woods. 

The  Council  have  secured  for  the  Museum,  by  purchase,  a 
valuable  collection  of  objects  from  the  lacustrine  dwellings  in 
Switzerland,  which  will  be  exhibited  when  sufficient  space  is 
found  for  that  purpose. 

In  addition  to  the  acquisition  of  these  and  many  other  objects 
of  interest,  the  Curators  have  made  considerable  progress  in 
the  re-arrangement  of  some  of  the  collections.  This  will  be 
especially  observable  in  the  lower  room  of  the  Hospitimn,  in 
which  the  sculptured  stones  have  been  classified  and  shewn  to 
greater  advantage,  and  a  series  of  Roman  tombs  has  been  set 
up,  which  cannot  fail  to  attract  the  attention  of  the  visitor. 
The  Curators  in  this  work  thankfully  acknowledge  the  assistance 
that  has  been  rendered  to  them  by  Dr.  Gibson. 

In  the  Coin  Department  much  good  work  has  been  made  in 
cataloguing  and  arranging  the  acquisitions  of  recent  years. 

The  Curators  are  glad  to  mention  that  some  valuable  additions 
have  been  made  to  the  collection  of  English  Pottery  which  the 



Society  possesses.  It  is  their  earnest  wish  and  design  to  make 
this  collection  still  more  important,  by  including  in  it  specimens 
of  the  more  recent  English  wares,  especially  those  which  have 
had  their  origin  in  the  North  of  England.  The  Curators 
venture  to  appeal  to  the  Members  of  the  Society  generally  to 
enable  them  to  carry  out  what  they  desire  to  see  gradually 
effected.  There  is  no  reason  why  the  York  Museum  should 
not  be  made  what  the  Liverpool  Museum  is  now,  through  the 
generosity  of  Mr.  Mayer,  a  repository  of  a  continuous  series  of 
the  productions  of  the  ceramic  art,  from  the  earliest  period  to 
the  present  day. 

In  conclusion,  the  Curators  beg  to  direct  the  attention  of  the 
Council  to  the  fact  that  only  a  very  small  portion  of  the 
Monkman  collection  of  British  antiquities  is  at  present  exhibited. 
The  fittings  of  the  British  and  Anglo-Saxon  Boom  are  wholly 
inadequate  for  that  purpose. 

The  Curator  of  Comparative  Anatomy  draws  attention  to 
the  extent  and  great  value  of  the  Society’s  collection.  The 
best  known  part  of  the  collection  is  the  splendid  series  of 
skeletons  of  birds,  formerly  belonging  to  the  late  Mr.  Allis, 
and  to  the  collecting  and  preservation  of  which  he  devoted  the 
greater  part  of  his  life.  It  includes  a  vast  number  of  complete 
specimens,  each  of  which,  with  one  exception,  is  formed  from  a 
single  bird.  The  collection  is  almost,  if  not  quite,  unique, 
and  the  late  Professor  Grant,  of  University  College,  spoke 
highly  of  its  value.  It  is,  of  course,  chiefly  important  from 
the  number  and  variety  of  the  specimens  affording  materials 
for  comparison ;  but,  apart  from  this,  many  individual  speci¬ 
mens  are  of  great  value,  both  scientifically  and  intrinsically. 
The  skeleton  of  the  Dinornis  robustus ,  presented  by  Dr.  Gibson, 
is  the  largest  and  most  perfect  specimen  known,  and  is  now 
one  of  the  most  valuable  treasures  of  the  collection. 

The  Mammalian  collection  contains  many  choice  specimens, 
but  bavins;  been  formed  rather  from  casual  donations  than 
from  any  systematic  collection,  it  is  somewhat  deficient  in  some 
of  the  ordinary  forms,  which  no  one  probably  has  thought  fit 
to  supply,  because  they  were  within  every  one’s  reach. 

COUNCIL  FOU  1876. 


Tlie  Curator  has  added  a  list  of  a  few  of  the  most  apparent 
gaps  in  the  series,  in  the  hope  that  some  of  our  friends,  as 
opportunities  arise,  may  secure  and  present  them. 

Monotremata ;  Echidna. 

Marsupialia  ;  Wombat ,  (Phascolomys)  Petaurus. 

Solidungula ;  Skeleton  of  a  celebrated  Pace  Ilorse ,  Skull  of  an 

BiUminantia ;  Skull  of  Sheep  and  Goat. 

Bodentia ;  Hare ,  ( Lepus  timidus.) 

Cheiroptera  ;  Any  kind  of  Bat. 

Quadrumana  ;  Semnopithecus ,  Colobus. 

The  principal  donation  during  the  year  has  been  a  remark¬ 
ably  fine  series  of  Dinornis  bones  from  New  Zealand,  for  which 
the  warmest  thanks  are  due  to  Dr.  Gibson.  They  are  of 
several  species,  the  principal  being  the  Dinornis  elephantopus. 

A  number  of  bones,  discovered  in  the  railway  excavations, 
with  other  Boman  remains,  doubtless  of  the  same  age,  are 
now  in  process  of  arrangement,  and  will  shortly  be  placed  in 
the  cases.  These  will  be  interesting  as  affording  data  for 
comparison  with  existing  types,  and  may  possibly  prove  to 
have  important  bearings  on  the  variations  of  animals  under 

The  Curator  of  Botany  reports  that  W.  H.  Buclston  Bead, 
Esq.,  has  presented  to  the  Society  during  the  past  year, 
twelve  different  species  of  Plants,  and  that  Mrs.  Plenry  Watson, 
of  York,  has  given  to  the  Society  a  Tree  Fern  from  New 

The  Curator  of  Ornithology  has  only  to  notice  the  gift  of 
four  eggs  of  the  common  Snipe  ( Scolopax  Gallinago). 

Mr.  Wakefield  in  his  remarks  states  that  the  excessive  Bain- 
fall  during  the  past  year  has  not  been  confined  to  England  or 
Europe,  but  has  extended  over  the  greater  part  of  the  globe. 
It  appears,  from  statistics,  that  damp  moist  weather  has  a 
prejudicial  effect  on  the  health  when  not  accompanied  by  a 
very  heavy  rainfall,  but  whenever  a  heavy  rainfall  prevails, 



there  is  an  improvement  in  the  general  health,  and  this 
perhaps  somewhat  accounts  for  the  low  death  rate  which  had 
been  found  in  the  Registrar  General’s  reports  during  the  past 

The  mean  height  of  the  mercurial  column  for  the  year, 
corrected  to  32°  F.  and  mean  sea  level,  was  29*8628  inches, 
being  *0628  inch,  below  a  mean  of  the  last  40  years.  Five 
times  in  March,  once  in  April,  and  six  times  in  December,  the 
barometer  fell  below  29  inches.  The  highest  point  reached 
was  30*680  inches  on  January  15th,  the  lowest  point  touched 
being  28*439  on  December  4th,  giving  a  range  of  2*241  inches. 
The  mean  temperature  has  been  1*10  degrees  above  the  average. 
The  following  table  exhibits  the  months  of  excess  and  defect 

Excess.  Defect. 

January  .... 

•  6 


March  .... 

...  *77 

February  .... 


May  .  .  .  . 

.  .  .  2*74 

April . 


June  .  .  .  . 

...  *39 

July . 



August  .... 


September  .  .  . 


October  .... 


November  .  .  . 


December  .  .  . 

•  0 





Excess  for  the  whole 



The  amount  of  rainfall  has  been  31*70  inches,  or  an  excess 
of  7*66  inches  of  the  mean  of  40  years.  The  nearest  approach 
to  this  amount  during  the  past  40  years  being  36*02  inches  in 
1848,  30*37  inches  in  1860,  and  39*85  inches  in  1872.  The 
number  of  rainy  days  in  1872  was  216,  against  194  in  1876. 
The  deficiency  being  for  January  *78,  May  1*05,  July  *92,  and 
August  *68,  and  the  excess  for  February  *71,  March  1*46, 
April  *55,  June  *17,  September  2*41,  October  *36,  November 
1*31,  and  December  4*12. 



The  total  fall  of  rain  during  the  month  of  December  was 
5’95  inches,  and  there  has  been  no  instance  since  1815,  when 
the  fall  in  that  month  has  been  so  large. 















Mean  Temp. 







































































29  646 



f- * 










































































RAIN  FALL,  1876. 







Greatest  Fall 
in  24  Hours. 


of  Days  on 

which  -01  or 

more  fell. 


































3-17  ! 







2"50  i 














2-58  1 

!  July 




















3-70  : 





















6-04  j 






































Tlie  following  observations  made  at  Langton,  Malton,  liave 
been  kindly  supplied  by  the  Rev.  A.  Skadwell,  M.  A. 


Direction.  Number  of  Days. 

S.  to  W . 147 

W.  to  N .  75 

N.  to  E . 66 

E.  to  S . 60 

Calm . 18 


COUNCIL  EOR  1876. 


Days  on 

which  the  Wind  force  was 

estimated  at  6  and  over 

6  on  the  sea  scale, 

or  from  ‘  strong  ’  to 

‘  whole  gale,’  maximum 

being  12. 

January  23. 

September  5. 





October  11. 





November  12. 





„  13. 




„  25. 





No  gales  at  either  vernal  or  autumnal  equinox,  hut  rather 
an  unusual  period  of  calm  at  both. 

January  was  the  driest  month,  and  had  the  greatest  number 
of  calm  days,  and  also  the  highest  mean  barometric  pressure, 
amounting  to  30 '21  inches. 

The  river  Derwent  attained  its  summer  level  first  on  July  25th ; 
was  in  a  state  of  flood  nearly  throughout  December,  on  21st 
showing  11  feet,  and  on  30th  10  feet  7  inches  above  level. 

Thirty-two  new  Members,  four  Lady  Subscribers,  and  three 
Associates  have  been  added  to  the  Society  during  the  past 
year,  whilst  eighteen  Members,  five  Lady  Subscribers,  and  six 
Associates  have  been  removed  from  the  Society’s  list  by  death 
and  resignation. 

Among  the  Foreign  Honorary  Members  of  the  Society,  the 
name  of  a  distinguished  French  Naturalist  will  no  longer 
appear  in  the  Society’s  list.  M.  A.  T.  Brongniart,  Member 
of  the  Academy,  F.  B.  S.,  and  Member  of  the  principal  learned 
Societies  of  Europe,  died  on  the  18th  of  February  last,  at  the  age 
of  75.  This  illustrious  French  Botanist  has  for  half  a  century 
justly  occupied  a  prominent  place  as  a  man  of  science.  He  was 
the  son  of  Alexandre  Brongniart,  the  famous  naturalist,  who  died 
in  1847.  At  the  age  of  nineteen  he  wrote  his  first  and  only 
Zoological  paper,  on  a  new  genus  of  Crustacea.  He  afterwards 
devoted  himself  wholly  to  Botany,  especially  to  the  study  of 
fossil  plants.  In  1828  he  commenced  his  great  work,  “  Histoire 
des  Yegetaux  Fossiles  on  Becherches  Botaniques  et  Geolo- 
giques.”  (4to,,  p.p.  488,  illustrated  by  166  plates).  The  work 



was  arrested,  by  M.  Brongniart’s  ill  health  when  it  had  reached 
to  12  parts,  and  was  not  resumed  for  nine  years.  Only  three 
additional  parts  were  then  issued,  and  the  work  remains  in¬ 
complete,  to  the  great  regret  of  all  students  of  Fossil  Botany. 
M.  Brongniart  wrote  the  article  on  Fossil  Plants  in  the 
“  Dictionnaire  d’Histoire  Naturelle,”  (1849).  He  also  con¬ 
tributed  numerous  separate  papers  on  recent  and  Fossil  Botany 
to  the  Annales,  etc. 

The  following  Lectures  have  been  delivered  in  the  Theatre 
of  the  Museum  during  the  past  year. 

Subject.  Name  oe  Lecturer. 

Becent  Excavations  in  Borne  . .  Bev.  A.  Shad  well. 

Antartic  discovery .  Captain  Davis,  B.  1ST. 

Some  recollections  of  a  recent )  _  _  _ 

,  [  Bev.  F.  Lawrence. 

visit  to  Belgrade,  &c . ) 

The  Council  recommend  for  election  the  following  gentlemen 
as  Honorary  Members  of  the  Society :  William  Whitaker,  B.A., 
London,  F.G.S.,  Geological  Survey ;  C.  Fox  Strangways,  F.G.S., 
Geological  Survey;  Prof.  John  Morris,  F.  G.  S.,  University 
College,  London ;  J.  W.  Judd,  F.  G.  S.,  Prof,  of  Geology, 
Boyal  School  of  Mines  ;  A.  H.  Green,  M.  A.,  F.  G.  S.,  Prof,  of 
Geology,  Yorkshire  College  of  Science;  P.  M,  Duncan,  M. B., 
F.  B.  S.,  President  of  Geological  Society,  Prof,  of  Geology  in 
King's  College,  London. 

Four  Members  of  Council  retire  during  the  present  year  by 
rotation,  viz. :  William  Whytehead,  Esq.,  Bev.  M.  B.  Bresher, 
J.  P.  Wood,  Esq.,  and  Bichard  Pearson,  Esq.  The  two  latter 
gentlemen,  in  accordance  with  a  special  ride  of  the  Society, 
having  been  elected  only  for  one  year,  are  proposed  by  the 
Council  for  re-election,  along  with  Dr.  Gibson  and  Edward 
Smithson,  Esq.,  as  ordinary  Members  of  Council. 





£.  s.  d.  £.  s.  d. 

Annual  Subscriptions,  Sfc. : 

Members .  675  1  0 

Lady  Subscribers .  75  3  0 

Associates  .  18  0  0 

Arrears .  6  5  0 

-  774  9  0 

Admission  Fees  of  New  Members : 

Paid  in  Full .  27  0  0 

Paid  by  Instalments  ....  44  0  t) 

Compositionsin  lieu  of  Subscriptions 

Keys  of  the  Gates . 

Temporary  Subscriber  . 

Rents : 

New  Manor  Shore  Pro¬ 
perty  .  100  9  1 

St.  Mary’s  Lodge  .  54  10  10 

Cottages  in  Mary  gate  . .  16  1  4 

Boat  Yard .  5  0  0 

-  176  1  3 

Gate  Money .  288  17  6 

Swimming  Bath .  40  0  0 

Sale  of  Guide  to  Antiquities,  &c .  14  19  0 

Use  of  Tent. . . .  21  0  0 

Sale  of  Duplicate  Antiquarian  Speci¬ 
mens  . 25  0  0 

Permanent  Debt : 

Yorkshire  Insurance 

Company . 1900  0  0 

Due  to  Two  Members, 

<£50  each  .  100  0  0 

- 2000  0  0 

71  0  0 

72  0  0 
42  5  0 

1  0  0 

Balance  in  Treasurer's 
hands,  31st  Dec.,  1875  ..  317  7  6 
Surplus  of  Income,  1876..  112  14  10 

-  430  2  4 


£.  s. 

d.  £. 



Crown  Rents  . 

90  2 


Corporation  Rents  . 

19  15 


Rates  and  Taxes  . 

15  6 


Water  Rents  . 

6  13 


Insurance . . 

6  6 





Salaries  and  Wages: 

C.  Wakefield  . .  . 

140  0 


H.  Baines  (Pension) _ 

101  18 


J.  Davison  (Do.)  .... 

26  10 


J.  Fielden . 

70  4 


Lodge  Keeper . 

46  16 


Attendant,  Museum  .... 

46  4 


Do.,  Hospitium . . 

13  14 


Gardeners  . 

139  13 


584  19  11 

Interest  to  Insurance  Company  .. 

.  „  75 



Intei'est  to  Bankers . 



General  Expenses  and  Repairs : 

Museum  . 

52  9 


Estate  . 

21  2 


—  73  11 


Gardens,  Greenhouses,  8fc. : 

General  Expenses  and 

Repairs . 

73  1 


Seeds,  &c . 

4  14 


Coals  and  Coke  . 

9  3 


Asphalting  Walks . 

40  4 


New  Boiler  in  Green- 

house . . . 

27  10 


-  154  13  0 

Purchase  &  Preparation  of  Specimens  4  4  6 

Library :  Books  and  Binding .  21  18  7 

Swimming  Bath .  21  16  2 

Miscellaneous  Expenses : 
Printing  of  Report  and 

Communications  .... 




Printing,  Stationery,  &c. 




Binding  Catalogue  of 

Antiquities  . 




Coals  and  Gas . 




Expenses  of  Lectures  . . 




Do  Observatory 




Do.  Bands  .... 




Do.  Hospitium . 




Do.  Repairing 

and  Painting 

Steps  of  do. .... 




Do.  Roman 

Antiquities  .... 




Do.  Antiquities 

from  Swiss  Lake 

Dwellings . 




Do.  New  Geo¬ 
logical  Cases 
(YorkshireRoom)  27  7  6 
Postages  and  Petty  Ex¬ 
penses  .  0  17 

-  322  19  11 

1413  16  11 

Excess  of  Income  for  the  Year  1876  112  14  10 

£1526  11  9 

Permanent  Debt : 

Yorkshire  Insurance 

Company . 1900  0  0 

Due  to  Two  Members, 

£50  each  .  100  0  0 

- 2000  0  0 

Deficiency  on  the  Entrance  Lodge 
Improvement  Account,  not  yet 

closed  .  660  2  3 

Less  Balance  of  General  Account  . .  430  2  4 

£229  19  11 

Due  to  the  Treasurer 



Baker,  George,  The  Pavement. 

Burtchby,  John,  The  Pavement. 

Busbell,  Henry,  Tanner  Row. 

Chapman,  Alfred,  37,  Petergate. 

Comber,  Bey.  H.  G.  W.,  Museum  Street. 

Darling,  William,  Coney  Street. 

Dillon,  Mrs.,  Coney  Street. 

Ellison,  Balph  Carr,  Bunstan  Mill,  Gateshead. 

Forester,  The  Hon.  and  Bev.  Canon,  Gedling ,  Notts. 
Giddy,  Charles,  Coney  Street. 

Gray,  Edwin,  The  Minster  Yard. 

Greenwood,  William  Francis,  Stonegate. 

Groves,  John,  Jun.,  Parliament  Street. 

Haynes,  Edmund  L.,  29,  St.  Mary's. 

Herring,  Francis,  Petergate. 

Hoggard,  Henry,  Chestnut  Grove,  Meworth. 

Horsley,  Thomas,  Coney  Street. 

Hotham,  Capt.  John,  Scaftworth ,  Bawtry. 

Howey,  Edwards  Werge,  Clifton. 

Last,  Edwin  William,  12,  Bootham  Terrace. 

Masterman,  Thomas,  Petergate. 

Millington,  Matthew,  25,  Colliergate. 

Botherford,  John,  18,  Bootham  Terrace. 

Saville,  John,  Monlz  Bar. 

Teasdale,  John,  36,  St.  Mary's. 

Thomas,  William  Gordon,  Settrington  House. 

Thompson,  Sir  Henry  Meysey  Meysey,  Bart.,  Kirby  Hall. 
Tiplady,  Mrs.,  15,  Gillygate. 

Whytehead,  Thomas  Bowman,  South  Parade. 

Wilson,  Henry  Andrew,  Mary  gate. 

Wolstenholme,  Charles  Dean,  Gillygate. 

Wood,  Henry,  2,  Portland  Street. 



Croft,  Miss,  7,  Park  Street.  * 

Key  worth,  Mrs.,  Park  Street. 

Mercer,  Miss,  The  Minster  Yard. 

Tesseyman,  Mrs.,  19,  Tanner  Row. 


Allanson,  Edward  Peter,  50,  Gillygate. 
Camidge,  John,  St.  Saviour  gate. 

Trundle,  Rev.  George,  4,  St.  Mary's. 



— — o — — 

1.  That  the  Report  of  the  Council  now  read  be  adopted  and 
printed  for  circulation  amongst  the  Members,  Lady  Subscribers, 
and  Associates  of  the  Society. 

2.  That  the  thanks  of  the  Society  be  given  to  the  Members  of 
Council  retiring  from  office,  also  to  the  Treasurer,  Secretary,  and 
Curators  for  their  valuable  services ;  and  that  authority  be  given 
to  the  Council  to  give  admission  to  the  Public  to  the  Museum  on 
Whit-Monday  and  Tuesday,  under  the  same  regulations  as  last 

3.  That  the  thanks  of  the  Meeting  be  given  to  the  Chairman, 




Gutch,  Mr.  J.  J .  Specimens  of  Soap  Stone  and  Ser¬ 

pentine,  from  the  Lizard,  Cornwall. 

Specimens  of  Granite,  from  Bocks 
north  of  Inverness. 

Healy,  Bev.  E .  Cabinet  and  Specimens  of  Tin,  Lead 

and  Copper  Ores,  from  Cornwall. 

Specimens  of  Quartz  and  Iron  and 
Copper  Ores,  from  India. 

Lightfoot,  Mr.  Thos.,  Mas-  \  Cores  from  the  borings  for  an  Artesian 

ham  . j  Well  at  Masham. 

Baine,  Bev.  Canon  ......  Two  Corals,  from  Nunnington. 

Bowe,  Mr.  G.  H .  Two  Specimens  of  Bock  Salt. 

W7alker,  Mr.  I.  E .  Specimens  of  Braehiopoda. 

Am.  Goliathus,  from  Appleton  Church 

Am.  Engelhardti ,  from  South  Petherton. 
Eossil,  from  Crambeck. 

Wolstenholme,  Mr.  C.  D.  Hippopodium  ponder osum ,  from  the 

Drift,  York. 

- - o - - 


Crompton,  Miss  Henrietta)  .  .  ..  _  _ 

^  1  j  Fungia  hhr enter g\i ,  from  the  Bed  Sea. 

Hind,  Mr.  B .  Two  Specimens  of  Eupithecia  pim- 


Do.  do.  do.  albipunctata. 

Four  Snipes’  Eggs. 

Triquetra  rufosissimus ,  from  Peru. 

Belph,  Mr.  M.  . . . 
Walker,  Mr.  J.  E. 

O  •  •  0  •  t 



Bead,  Mr.  W.  H.  Budston  12  Ferns  and  Plants. 

Watson,  Mrs.  H .  Tree  Fern,  from  New  Zealand. 

- o — — - 


Cobb,  Mr.  W.  Preston  . .  Wool  of  the  Vicugna,  from  Upper 


Knapton,  Miss .  Portrait,  in  Oil,  of  the  late  Philip 

Knapton,  her  father. 

Norcliffe,  Mr.  F.  B .  A  Lapland  Lasso. 

Two  Esquimaux  Pulleys,  two  Har¬ 
poons,  a  Fish-hook,  a  Dagger,  a 
Sling,  and  four  Bone  Ornaments. 

- -o — — 


Allen,  Mr.  E .  Part  of  a  Eoman  Glass  Vessel. 

Anderson,  T.,  M.  D .  Middle  Brass  Coin  of  Trajan. 

A  Nuremberg  Token,  found  in  York. 

Balmford,  Mr .  A  Nuremberg  Token,  found  in  Coney 


Cattle,  Mrs.,  Selby  .  Mediaeval  Key,  15th  saec.,  found  at 


The  Dean  and  Chapter  of  j  Pillars  and  Bases  of  Purbeck  Marble 

York . )  and  other  Sculptured  Stones,  from 

the  South  Transept  of  the  Minster. 

Dixon,  Mr.  W .  Early  Spring  Lock. 

Dutton,  Mr .  A  round  Cup,  perhaps  Mediaeval. 

Gibson,  J.  H.,  M.  D.  ....  Two  Eoman  Vases,  one  of  Samian 

Ware  with  ivy  leaves,  found  in 
Bootham  Terrace. 

Gott,  Mr.  Thos.,  Knaresbro ’  A  collection  of  Eoman  Utensils, 

Bronze  and  Iron,  found  at  Knares- 

Greenwell,  Eev.  Canon  . .  Eoman  Knife-handle  of  Bone,  found 

in  York, 


Morrell,  Mr.  W.  W . 

Atkinson,  Mr.  J.  T. . . 

Woods,  Mr.  G- . 

N.  E.  Railway,  Directors  of 

Purchased  . 

Paine,  Rev.  Canon 

Swaine,  Mr.  E 

Wade,  Rev.  G.  F . 

Two  Saxon  Coffins  and  a  Head-post  of 
Wood,  found  at  Selby. 

A  Lead  Coffin. 

A  large  Stone  Phallus. 

A  Carved  Capital. 

Two  Suites  of  Jet  Ornaments. 

A  Jet  Armlet. 

An  Enamelled  Silver  Eibnla. 

Urns,  &c. 

A  small  Child’s  Coffin,  with  Lime 

An  Enamelled  Fibula,  in  shape  of  S. 

A  Series  of  Implements,  Pottery,  &c., 
from  the  Swiss  Lake  Dwellings. 

A  Leaden  Bulla  of  Pope  J ohn  XXIII., 
found  in  Durham. 

A  Foreign  Jetton. 

Two  old  English  Glass  Bottles. 

A  Leaden  Bulla  of  Pope  Nicholas  IY. 

A  middle  Brass  Coin  of  Hadrian,  with 
Britannia  in  the  Exergue  on  the 

A  Halfpenny  Token  of  Fran.  Bray, 
the  Globe,  in  York,  1666. 

The  Head  of  a  richly  Carved  Stall  of 
Derbyshire  Marble,  found  in  Law¬ 
rence  Street. 



Association,  British,  for  the 
Advancement  of  Science 
Association,  Geologists’  . . 
Author,  The . 

Report  for  1875. 

Proceedings,  vol.  iv.,  Nos.  5 — 9. 

Note  on  a  proposed  International  Code 
of  Sjunbols  for  use  on  Arclieeolo- 
gical  Maps,  by  J.  Evans,  F.  R.  S. 
Yorkshire  Mints  under  the  Danish 
Kings,  by  Rev.  D.  H.  Haigh. 

Author,  The 

Author,  The .  Where  was  Cambodunum?  by  Bev. 

D.  H.  Haigh. 

Author,  The .  North  Sea  Dredging,  by  J.  Leckenby, 

F.  G.  S. 

Author,  The .  On  a  Eoman  Villa  near  Maidstone,  by 

C.  Boach  Smith. 

Author,  The .  The  Abbe  Cocliet,  by  C.  Boach  Smith. 

Author,  The . .  Macbeth,  Earl  Siward  and  Dundee, 

by  Prof.  G.  Stephens. 

Author,  The .  Tables  of  Temperatures  of  the  Sea  at 

different  depths  beneath  the  sur¬ 
face,  by  Jos.  Prestwich,  M.  A., 

F.  E.  S. 

Committee,  The  .  Catalogue  of  the  Yorkshire  Exhibition, 

held  at  Leeds,  1875. 

Club,  Warwickshire  Field  Proceedings  for  1875. 

Davies,  Mrs .  Gale’s  Antonini  Iter  Britanniarum. 

Gordon’s  Itinerarium  Septentrionale. 

Bud’s  Codicum  Manuscriptorum  ec- 
clesife  Catliedralis  Dunelmensis 
Catalogus  Classicus. 

Buckman  and  Newmarch’s  Illustra¬ 
tions  of  Eoman  Art  in  Cirencester. 

Akerman’s  Coins  of  the  Eomans 
relating  to  Britain. 

Collectanea  Antiqua,  6  vols.,  8vo.,  by 
C.  Eoach  Smith,  F.  S.  A. 

Antiquities  of  Bichborough,  Eeculver 
and  Lymne,  in  Kent,  by  C.  Eoach 
Smith,  F.  S.  A. 

India,  Geological  Survey  of  Palseontologia  Indica,  series  ix., 

pts.  2 — 4. 

Memoirs,  vol.  xi.,  pt.  2. 
Becords,  vol.  viii.,  pts.  1 — 4, 

pt.  1. 

Institution,  Boyal,  of  Great  f 
Britain  . j 

Proceedings,  No.  62,  63. 

vol.  ix., 

Institution,  Smithsonian  . .  Beport  for  1874. 

Beport  of  the  U.  S.  Geological  Survey 
of  the  Territories,  vol.  ii. 



Mayer,  Mr.  Joseph .  Catalogue  of  the  Library  and  Museum 

of  the  Historic  Society  of  Lanca¬ 
shire  and  Cheshire. 

Procter,  W.,  M.  D .  La  Normandie  Souterraine  par  M. 

L’Abbe  Cochet. 

Publishers,  The  .  Nature  (Journal)  for  1876. 

Purchased  .  Lapidarium  Septentrionale,  by  Bev. 

J.  C.  Bruce,  L.  L.  D. 

Hiibner’s  (E.)  Inscriptiones  Britannise 

Bead,  Mr.  W.  LI.  Pudston  Transactions  of  the  Linnean  Society, 

vol.  xxix.,  pt.  3. 

Journal  of  the  Linnean  Society : 
Zoology,  Nos.  60 — 65. 
Botany,  Nos.  83 — 86. 

Bichardson,Bev.  H.,  Etchil- 1  Stonehenge  and  its  Barrows,  by  Win. 

hampton ,  Devizes . )  Long,  M.  A.,  F.  S.  A. 

Society,  Chemical .  Journal  for  1876. 

Society,  Geological .  Journal,  Nos.  125 — 128. 

Society,  Leeds  Literary  and  )  _  Q>7_ 

1.  IiilosopiiiCcil  . ) 

Society,  Leicester  Literary  )  ^  _ 

..  ’  J  Peport  for  187o. 

and  Philosophical . ; 

Society,  Liverpool  Literary  )  proeeedingSj  No>  30. 

and  Philosophical . ; 

Society,  Manchester  Liter-  )  Memoirs,  vol.  v.,  3  series, 
ary  and  Philosophical . .  )  Proceedings,  vol.  xv. 

Catalogue  of  Books  in  the  Library. 

Society,  Meteorological  . .  Contribution  to  the  Meteorology  of 

Japan,  by  T.  H.  Tizard,  Staff 

Quarterly  Weather  Peport,  pt.  2,  1874. 

Peport  for  1875. 

Toynbee’s  Physical  Geography  of  the 

Society,  Poyal  Astronomical  Astronomical,  Magnetical  andMeteoro- 

logical  Observations  at  Greenwich 
in  1873. 

Society,  Poyal,  of  Edin-  )  Transactions,  vol.  xxvii.,  pt.  3. 
burgh . j  Proceedings,  Session  1874-75. 


Society,  "Warwickshire 
Natural  History  and 

Archaeological . 

Society,  Zoological .  Transactions,  vol.  ix.,  pts.  5 — 9. 

Superintendent,  The  ....  Geological  and  Geographical  Survey 

of  Colorado  and  adjacent  territory, 

• - o - 


Corpus  Inscriptionum  Latinarum  (4  vols.  with  Atlas  of  Plates  and 
Supplement  published). 

Birds  of  Asia,  by  John  Gould,  P.  P.  S.  (28  parts  published). 
Natural  History  of  the  Tineina,  by  H.  T.  Stainton,  P.P.  S.  (13  vols. 


Nautical  Almanack. 

Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society,  with  Illustrations. 
Publications  of  the  Pakeontographical  Society  (28  vols.  published). 
Publications  of  the  Pay  Society. 

Sowerby’s  Thesaurus  Conchyliorum,  col.  plates  (32  parts  published). 
London,  Edinburgh,  and  Dublin  Philosophical  Magazine. 

Annals  and  Magazine  of  Natural  History. 

Geological  Magazine. 

Journal  of  the  British  Archaeological  Association. 

Numismatic  Chronicle. 

Memoires  de  la  Societe  Paleontologicpie  Suisse. 

Report  for  1875. 







J anuary  4th. — The  Pev.  Canon  Paine  read  the  following 
paper  on  Ponian  cemeteries  at  York,  their  arrangements  and 
the  mode  of  burial  in  them  : — He  said  :  6  The  recent  excavations 
in  one  of  the  large  Roman  cemeteries  of  Eburacnm  have 
added  much  to  our  knowledge  of  the  rites  of  sepulture  in  use 
among  the  great  nation  of  the  world,  and  have  given  us  some 
idea  of  the  very  large  population  of  our  city  in  those  early 
times.  These  cemeteries  were  outside  the  Roman  towns  and 
cities,  although  they  were  occasionally  disregarded  when  the 
population  overflowed  the  camp,  and  extra-mural  habitations 
became  necessary.  This  is  especially  observable  in  Micklegate. 
In  the  earliest  period  of  the  Roman  settlement,  Micklegate-hill 
was  used  as  a  burial  ground,  especially  the  neighbourhood 
of  the  old  Trinity  Gardens ;  in  process  of  time  the  hill  was 
needed  for  temples  and  houses,  and  the  previous  interments 
were  forgotten.  Under  the  city  wall,  close  to  Micklegate  Bar, 
is  the  pavement  of  a  building  of  this  description,  which  shows 
how  a  part  of  an  old  burial  ground  had  been  encroached  upon 
and  passed  by.  There  is  another  point  also  about  which  we 
must  disabuse  ourselves.  The  old  Roman  laws  decreed  the 
sanctity  of  the  grave,  but  Roman  practice,  at  least  under  the 
later  empire,  most  certainly  disregarded  it.  We  find  bodies 
interred,  sometimes,  two  or  three  deep.  We  often  find  sepulchral 
urns  which  have  been  broken  by  persons  who  have  been  digging 
out  a  place  to  deposit  some  similar  vessels.  Even  the  large 



Roman  coffins  were,  I  believe,  used  more  than  once.  There 
was  evidence  of  this  in  the  discovery  on  the  Mount  of  the  large 
sarcophagus  of  iElia  Severn,  which  was  covered  with  an 
inscribed  slab  commemorating  a  very  different  family.  Nay, 
more ;  we  have  proof  in  various  places  that  the  Romans  them¬ 
selves,  when  in  want  of  stone,  w^ere  not  deterred  by  religious 
feeling  from  breaking  up  monumental  slabs  and  using  them  as 
building  materials.  Christians,  as  we  know,  have  followed  in 
this  respect  the  Pagan  custom. 

The  cemeteries  at  Eburacum  were  for  the  most  paid  by  the 
sides  of  the  chief  roads.  They  were  probably  fenced  in  and 
planted  with  shrubs  and  flowers,  among  which  every  here  and 
there  stood  or  lay  a  headstone  or  cippus  bearing  an  inscription 
to  the  dead.  Beyond  the  fence,  in  the  open  field,  other  inter¬ 
ments  would  take  place,  but  in  no  regular  order.  The  cemetery 
for  the  richest  classes  at  Eburacum  was  that  on  both  sides  of  the 
road  to  Tadcaster,  which  has  yielded,  and  will  no  doubt 
continue  to  yield,  many  treasures  to  the  York  Museum.  You 
trace  these  interments  over  the  crest  of  the  Mount,  in  Mount 
Yale,  and  as  far  as  Dringhouses,  if  not  beyond  it.  You  find 
burials  and  tombs  in  Clementhorpe,  and  in  the  direction  of 
Bishoptliorpe.  On  the  other  side  of  the  river  many  interments 
have  been  discovered,  in  the  direction  of  the  Castle  and  Eisher- 
gate.  You  find  them  also  outside  Monk  Bar,  near  the  Malton 
road ;  whilst  down  Bootham,  on  both  sides  of  the  way  to 
Aldbrough,  there  have  from  time  to  time  been  discovered 
traces  of  a  very  large  cemetery.  It  was  in  the  brickfields 
between  the  road  and  the  river  that  the  antiquaries  of  the  17th 
century  used  to  get  the  urns  which  adorned  their  museums, 
and  vast  numbers  must  be  still  in  the  ground  on  both  sides  of 
the  road,  for  at  least  a  mile  from  the  Bar.  Sepulchral  memorials 
have  been  found  in  great  quantities  at  Burton-lane  and  in 
Clifton.  The  pair  of  fine  stone  coffins  now  in  St.  Leonard's 
Hospital  came  from  the  corner  of  Clifton-green ;  and  there  is 
another,  used  as  a  horse-trough,  lying  on  the  left-hand  side  of 
the  road  before  you  come  to  that  place. 

It  is  to  the  excavations  for  the  North  Eastern  Railway  that 
we  are  indebted  for  the  discovery  of  the  great  cemetery  on  the 


opposite  bank  of  the  river,  in  what  used  to  be  called  the 
Bishop’s  Fields.  The  explorations  which  began  five-and-thirty 
years  ago,  have,  as  you  know,  been  recently  continued  with 
very  great  advantage  to  the  collections  in  this  Museum  and 
the  cause  of  historical  inquiry.  The  extent  of  this  great 
cemetery  on  the  west  bank  of  the  Ouse  cannot  easily  be  defined. 
It  certainly  reached  from  the  river  as  far  as  the  old  railway 
lines  towards  the  north,  and  extended  in  length  for  the  greater 
part  of  a  mile  from  the  city  walls,  whilst  beyond  this  dis¬ 
tance  graves  have  been  discovered.  They  were  found,  for 
instance,  on  the  slope  of  the  hill  fronting  the  Gas  Works.  I 
told  you  in  a  recent  paper  that  the  chief  approach  to  this  great 
burial  ground  seems  to  have  been  by  a  carefully  prepared  road 
running  from  close  to  the  baths,  which  were  partly  on  the  site 
of  the  present  railway  station,  towards  the  north.  It  was  a 
carefully  constructed  cart-road,  able  to  bear  very  heavy  weights. 
On  either  side  of  this  road,  just  across  the  moat  of  the  city 
wall,  graves  were  found  in  profusion,  but  chiefly  those  of 
women  and  children,  and  close  to  the  way  were  several  large 
wrought  stones,  placed  there  as  if  for  coffin  rests.  After  this 
the  interments  spread  far  and  wide  in  vast  numbers.  The 
excavations,  as  you  know,  have  been  irregularly  made ;  still  I 
cannot  be  under  the  mark  in  stating  that  the  remains  of  at 
least  2,000  persons  must  have  been  disturbed.  It  was  evident 
also  that  the  ground  had  been  used  as  a  cemetery  for  a  very 
long  period. 

It  is,  I  believe,  generally  allowed  by  scholars  that  the 
burning  of  the  bodies  of  the  dead  was  an  early  method  of 
sepulture  among  the  Homans.  In  a  particular  part  of  this 
large  cemetery  running  northwards  for  about  a  quarter  of  a 
mile  from  a  point  a  little  to  the  north  of  Mr.  Close’s  late  house, 
we  came  upon  a  distinct  portion  in  which  none  but  burnt 
bodies  were  laid.  How  far  this  extended  towards  the  west  we 
cannot  tell,  as  we  were  unable  to  trace  it,  but  towards  the  east 
it  ended  in  a  line  so  straight  that  this  could  only  have  been 
preserved  by  some  fence  or  hedge  on  the  surface.  There  were 
no  traces  of  a  wall.  The  sepulchral  urns  found  in  this  inclosure 
were  not  only  numerous,  but  of  a  comparatively  high  style  of 


art,  and  there  is  evidence,  I  think,  to  show  that  the  ground 
was  being  used  during  the  reigns  of  Trajan  and  Hadrian,  in 
the  beginning  of  the  second  century  of  our  era.  No  trace  of 
an  ustrmum ,  or  the  paved  square  on  which  the  bodies  were 
burnt,  has  as  yet  been  discovered.  The  disuse  of  the  custom 
of  burning  the  bodies  of  the  dead  is  ascribed  to  the  influence  of 
Christianity,  and,  no  doubt,  with  truth.  Still  it  is  probable 
that  during  the  period  of  the  Homan  occupation  of  Britain 
the  practice  of  cremation  was  never  wholly  disused.  Outside 
this  enclosure,  of  which  I  have  been  speaking,  we  find  burnt 
and  unburnt  bodies  in  close  proximity,  but  irregularly  laid, 
and,  for  the  most  part,  without  any  crowding,  as  if  the  space 
had  been  originally  an  open  field,  where  each  person  might 
choose  his  own  burial  place.  At  some  five  or  six  feet  below 
the  present  surface  you  come  to  the  bones.  At  the  depth  of 
eighteen  inches  or  two  feet  you  reach  the  old  Homan  surface, 
and  in  the  space  towards  the  river  it  is  easy  to  see  that  this  was 
a  promenade  and  playground.  Fragments  of  vessels  and  other 
things  are  tossing  about.  A  number  of  rounded  bases  of  Samian 
vessels  tell  us  that  the  Homan  boys  used  to  play  here  at  some¬ 
thing  like  our  present  game  of  hopscotch — the  quality  of  the 
clay  always  making  even  a  fragment  of  the  vessel  prized,  and 
the  colour  making  it  discernible  among  the  grass.  In  one 
instance  the  roundlet  had  been  inverted,  and  in  the  hollow 
cavity  some  Homan  youngster  had  put  his  minium ,  or  red  paint, 
which  still  comes  off  when  you  touch  it  with  your  finger.  All 
this  was  done  among  the  graves  of  the  dead.  Other  days  come 
back  to  us  with  a  vivid  freshness.  We  seem  also  to  see  the 
process  of  levelling  the  inequalities  of  the  ground,  just  as  it 
may  be  observed  at  the  present  day  on  the  other  side  of  the 
river.  At  a  particular  place  not  very  far  from  the  Scarbro’ 
Hailway  Bridge,  we  found  the  debris  of  some  Homan  house 
which  had  been  carted  away  out  of  Eburacum  and  utilised 
here.  Numerous  specimens  of  stucco,  or  wall-painting,  were 
discovered,  mingled  with  pieces  of  tesselated  pavement  and 
other  things  as  well,  just  as  they  were  shot  out  by  the  Homan 
carters,  fifteen  hundred  years  since.  I  have  stated  already 
that  the  westernmost  portion  of  the  cemetery  of  which  we  have 

been  speaking,  was  reserved  for  burnt  bodies ;  with  the  much 
larger  part  of  it  which  lies  between  that  enclosed  space  and  the 
river  we  have  now  to  deal.  From  the  position  of  the  graves  in 
certain  directions  I  am  decidedly  of  opinion  that  it  was  laid 
out  in  walks,  and  that  here  and  there  little  enclosures  were 
reserved  for  particular  families.  This  may  be  inferred,  I  think, 
from  the  stone  coffins,  which  were  always  underground,  and 
which  are  peculiarly  arranged,  for  the  most  part,  in  groups, 
and  from  the  line  in  which  they  are  often  deposited.  I 
shall  speak  about  these  stone  coffins  on  some  future  occasion. 
Flow,  it  may  be  asked,  was  the  site  of  a  grave  generally 
marked  ?  As  a  general  rule  it  is  probable  that  there  was  no 
mark  whatever.  The  mound  would  fall  away.  There  were 
few  sculptured  memorials  out  in  this  open  field.  In  some  cases 
we  found  at  the  head  or  the  foot  of  the  grave,  or  at  both,  a 
small  block  of  wrought  sandstone  some  two  feet  long,  which 
was  originally  visible  on  the  surface.  Some  specimens  of  these 
stones  may  be  seen  on  the  south  side  of  the  Ilospitium  lying 
against  the  wall  in  the  footway.  In  other  cases  a  flat  stone 
was  laid  over  a  grave ;  in  others,  again,  there  was  above  a 
grave  or  an  urn  a  few  cobbles  to  show  the  intruding  digger 
that  there  was  something  below.  It  is  quite  possible,  also,  that 
just  as  in  the  poorer  portions  of  the  cemeteries  of  the  present 
day,  the  interments  may  have  been  marked  by  little  blocks  of 
wood,  possibly  with  some  inscription  painted  upon  them.  Let 
me  now  speak  about  the  different  modes  of  interment.  The 
most  expensive  method  was  the  use  of  a  large  stone  coffin,  of 
an  average  weight  of  two  tons ;  of  these,  I  believe,  at  least  fifty 
have  been  discovered  during  the  two  excavations  for  the  North 
Eastern  Itailway,  but  I  must  reserve  my  remarks  on  this  part 
of  my  subject  for  some  future  occasion,  as  there  is  scant  time 
to  do  justice  to  it  now.  Passing  by  also  the  domed  brick  tomb 
which  is  under  Mr.  Flower’s  house  on  the  Mount,  and  a  brick 
room  or  columbarium  that  was  discovered  in  Bootham  some  two 
hundred  years  ago,  which  is  now  destroyed,  I  may  remark 
that  two  other  brick  graves  have  been  discovered  during  the 
railway  excavations,  one  of  which  is  now  in  the  Museum.  A 
large  coffin  of  wood  was  originally  deposited  in  it  over  which 


several  large  roofing  tiles  were  laid  as  its  only  protection. 
There  have  also  been  found  during  the  two  excavations  for  the 
railway,  as  far  as  I  can  make  out,  some  six  or  seven  tombs 
made  of  large  tiles,  resembling  those  which  may  be  seen  in  our 
Museum,  arranged  like  the  roof  of  a  house,  under  which  were 
deposited  the  burnt  bones  of  some  Roman  gentleman  or  lady, 
occasionally  with  vessels  and  ornaments.  Two  of  these  are 
now  in  the  Hospitium,  and  a  third  found  its  way  many  years 
ago  to  Mr.  Bateman’s  Museum  in  Derbyshire.  They  are 
generally  stamped  with  the  mark  of  one  of  the  two  legions 
which  had  their  head  quarters  at  York,  thus  showing  to  which 
regiment,  as  we  may  say,  the  deceased  person  was  attached. 
Another  mode  of  interment  was  by  coffins  of  lead  generally 
enclosed  in  wood.  Six  of  these,  of  various  sizes,  have  been 
brought  to  the  Museum  from  the  excavations  during*  the  last 
few  years,  the  finest  of  which  is  that  laid  inside  the  stone  coffin, 
which  contained  the  lady  with  the  hair.  Another  lead  coffin 
of  a  large  si^p  was  found,  with  the  iron  bands  nearly  complete, 
by  which  the  wood  and  the  lead  were  kept  together.  This  will 
be  set  up  before  long,  and  exhibited  in  the  lower  room  of  the 
Hospitium.  In  several  instances  we  came  upon  the  fragments 
of  a  lead  coffin,  so  decayed  that  it  was  impossible  to  preserve 
them.  We  have  also  found  in  the  course  of  these  excavations 
two  ossuaria  or  leaden  urns,  containing  burnt  bones;  one  of 
them,  as  I  have  already  told  you,  is  inscribed.  The  number  of 
persons  who  have  been  buried  in  coffins  of  wood  is  considerable. 
We  can  trace  these  by  the  iron  coffin  nails.  In  some  instances 
we  find  that  gypsum  has  been  poured  into  the  coffin.  But  there 
are  also  a  great  number  of  persons  who  seem  to  have  been  laid 
in  the  ground  without  any  coffin  at  all.  As  a  general  rule  the 
bodies  face  the  south  or  the  east ;  sometimes  with  a  point  of 
west  in  the  direction,  but  in  no  instance  have  wre  found  any 
one  laid  with  his  head  towards  the  north.  Into  the  question 
of  urn-burial  I  must  go  at  some  future  time.  But,  in  conclu¬ 
sion,  let  me  chronicle  a  most  interesting  discovery.  In  two 
instances,  on  the  outskirts  of  the  ground,  just  where  we  should 
expect  to  find  them,  we  came  upon  two  putei  or  pits,  used  for 
the  burial  of  slaves  and  persons  of  mean  repute.  They  were 


contiguous  to  each  other,  perhaps  ten  or  twelve  feet  deep,  some 
fifteen  or  twenty  in  width,  and  thirty  perhaps  in  length.  Into 
these  the  bodies  seem  to  have  been  thrown  without  any  order 
or  respect,  the  feet  being  often  higher  than  the  head.  A  thin 
covering  of  earth  seems  to  have  been  cast  over  each  corpse 
until  a  certain  distance  from  the  surface  was  reached.  Each 
of  these  pits  contained  a  large  number  of  skeletons — that  they 
were  of  the  Roman  period  was  evident  from  the  fragments  of 
pottery  which  were  found  near  and  among  them.’ 

April  4th. — W.  H.  Hudleston,  M.  A.,  F.  G.  S.,  and 
John  Francis  Walker,  M.  A.,  F,  Gr.  S.,  &c.,  “  On  the 
distribution  of  the  Brachiopoda  in  the  Oolitic  strata  of  York¬ 

In  preparing  this  list  of  the  species  of  Brachiopoda  found  in 
the  Oolitic  strata  of  Yorkshire,  we  have  not  attempted  to 
reprint  a  complete  list  of  all  the  species  which  have  been  said  to 
occur  in  these  strata,  but  have  only  enumerated  those  species 
which  we  have  ourselves  found,  or  of  which  we  have  authentic 
information  as  regards  locality  and  horizon.  The  references  are 
made  to  sections  in  Mr.  Hudleston’s  Papers  on  the  “  Yorkshire 
Oolites,”  which  have  appeared  in  the  Proceedings  of  the 
Geologists’  Association.  The  new  species  are,  or  will  be,  fully 
described  and  figured  in  Mr.  Davidson’s  supplement  to  his 
great  monograph  on  Jurassic  Brachiopoda.  We  include  in  our 
list  27  species,  of  which  7  occur  in  the  Dogger  beds  of  the 
Inferior  Oolite,  4  in  the  Millepore  series  and  its  inland 
equivalents,  one  of  these  also  occurs  in  the  Scarbro’  Limestone, 
5  in  the  Cornbrash  and  A  n'c«7tf~shales,  2  in  the  Kelloway  Rock, 
2  in  the  Oxford  Clay,  5  in  the  Lower  Calcareous  Grit  and 
Passage  beds,  1  in  the  Coral  Rag,  and  3  in  the  Kimmeridge 
Clay.  The  number  of  species  of  each  genus  is,  Lingula ,  2  species. 
Discincc ,  2  ;  Terebratulci  7 ;  Walclheimia ,  7  ;  Rhynclionella ,  9. 
The  number  of  species  contained  in  the  Inferior  Oolite  of  York¬ 
shire  is  very  small  when  compared  with  that  of  the  South  of 
England ;  the  estuarine  conditions  under  which  the  upper  part 
of  this  formation  was  deposited  in  this  area  appear  to  have 
been  unfavourable  to  their  development.  The  specimens 


found  in  the  Dogger  beds  occur  often  as  casts,  or  with  their 
shells  so  badly  preserved  that  it  is  difficult  to  determine  whether 
more  than  one  species  is  present,  so  they  are  referred  to 
Terebrcitula  trilinecita ,  a  species  which  was  founded  by  Young 
and  Bird,  on  internal  casts.  Another  peculiarity  of  the 
distribution  of  this  group  in  Yorkshire  is  the  number  of  species 
which  occur  in  the  Lower  Calcareous  grit  and  Passage  beds. 
The  following  Yorkshire  species  are  very  rare :  Terebrcitula 
Bentley  i,  Dav.,  Walclheimia  bucculenta,  Sow.,  Waldheimia 
impressa ,  v.  Buch.,  Rhynchonella  Icicunosa ,  Schlot.,  Rhynchonella 
inconstcms,  Sow.  Among  the  species  which  are  rather  scarce  are 
Terebrcitula  bullcita ,  Sow.,  Terebrcitula  Fileyensis ,  Walk.,  Tere- 
bratula  insignis ,  var.,  Maltonensis ,  Oppel.,  Terebrcitula  intermedia , 
Sow.,  Rhynchonella  spinosa ,  Sow.  The  following  species  are 
very  abundant,  viz.,  Lingula  Becinii ,  Phil.,  Discinci  reflexci ,  Sow., 
Terebrcitula  trilinecita ,  Y.  and  B.,  Waldheimia  Hudlestoni,  Walk., 
Waldheimia  obovatci ,  Sow.,  Rhynchonella  Leedsii ,  Walk.,  Rhyn¬ 
chonella  socialis ,  Phil.,  and  Rhynchonella  Thurmanni,  Yoltz. 
The  other  species  are  moderately  common. 

Lingula  Becinii ,  Phil.  This  species  is  very  plentiful  in  the 
grey  micaceous  sands  of  Blue  Wyke  (lower  part  of  B,  fig.  3). 
It  also  occurs  in  a  ferruginous  stone  at  Castle  Howard  station 
(2.  a.,  fig.  7). 

Discinci  reflexci ,  Sow.  It  occurs  at  Blue  Wyke  along  with  the 
above  species,  but  scarcely  ascends  to  the  top  of  the  Grey  Sands. 
Found  also  in  the  ferruginous  bed  at  Castle  Howard. 

Rhynchonella  cynocephala ,  Rich.  Occurs  chiefly  at  Blue  Wyke 
in  the  upper  part  of  the  Yellow  Sands  (C.  fig.  3),  but  usually 
below  the  Terebrcitula- bed. 

Waldheimia  ?  sp.  n.?  Found  in  blocks  of  shelly  dogger, 
belonging  to  the  Yellow  Sands,  which  have  fallen  from  the 
cliffs ;  these  are  in  position  probably  a  few  feet  below  the 
Terebrcitula- bed. 

This  shell  is  small,  circular  or  ovate,  the  smaller  valve 
carinated,  somewhat  resembling  Waldheimia  Walkeri  from  the 
Neocomian  of  Tealby. 

Terebrcitula  submaxi  Hat  a,  Dav.  Specimens  resembling  this 
species  occur  in  the  Rosedale  Ironstone,  but  their  precise 


position  is  unknown.  Some  of  the  specimens  found  in  tlie 
Terebratula- bed  (C.  b,  fig.  3)  may  belong  to  this  species. 

Terebratula  trilineata ,  Y.  and  B.  This  species  occurs  at  Blue 
Wyke  (C.  b,  fig.  3).  Also  in  fallen  blocks  along  the  coast  as 
Casts  in  a  chocolate-coloured  matrix.  It  is  found  in  the  shelly 
bed  of  the  Dogger  at  Crag  Hall  (D.  z,  fig.  4).  Also  at  Bose- 
dale,  Grrosmont,  Grlaizedale,  &c.  This  species  appears  to  be 
closely  allied  to  Terebratula  Haresfieldensis,  -Day. ,  which  occurs 
in  the  Midford  sands  of  Haresfield  and  Frocester  in  Grlostershire. 

Rhynchonella  subobsoletci,  Day.  Occurs  in  the  Dogger  proper. 
(D.  fig.  3). 

Terebratula  submcixillata ,  Day.  There  is  a  fine  specimen  in 
the  York  Museum  from  the  Whitwell  limestone ;  we  also  haye 
found  it  in  this  quarry.  There  are  some  crushed  specimens  in 
the  York  Museum  which  probably  belong  to  this  species,  they 
are  supposed  to  have  been  found  in  the  blue  marly  shales  of 
Grristhorpe,  where  Mr.  Hudleston  has  obtained  a  specimen  which 
is  also  crushed.  These  marly  shales  belong  to  the  Scarborough 
Limestone  series. 

Terebratula  bullata,  Sow.  This  is  a  form  intermediate  bet'ween 
T.  globatci  and  T.  splicer oiclal is.  It  occurs  in  the  blue  sandy 
limestone  (6,  fig.  7,)  a  little  above  the  Whitwell  Oolite  at 

Rhynchonella  spinosa ,  Sow.,  var.,  occurs  in  the  same  blue 

Rhynchonella  Crossii ,  Walk.,  is  common  in  the  Lincolnshire 
Limestones  of  Brough,  near  Hull,  crushed  specimens  of  a 
Terebratula ,  probably  T.  bullata,  occur  in  the  same  stone. 

Waldheimia  lagenalis,  Schlot.  This  species  is  common  in  the 
Cornbrasli  of  Scarborough,  it  also  occurs  in  the  Avicula- shales. 

Waldheimia  obovata,  Sow.  Is  very  abundant  in  the  Cornbrasli. 
Besides  the  typical  variety,  a  narrow  form  occurs  which  has 
been  confounded  with  W.  digona ,  from  which  it  is  quite  distinct ; 
the  curious  rhomboidal  globose  variety  also  occurs. 

Terebratula  intermedia,  Sow.,  as  a  small  variety. 

Terebratula  Bentleyi,  Dav.  This  rare  species  has  been  found 
by  Mr.  Leckenby  in  the  Cornbrasli  on  the  north  side  of  Scar¬ 
borough.  i 



Rhynchonella  Leedsii ,  Walk.  This  species  used  to  be  con¬ 
founded  with  R.  concinna,  and  11.  varians.  It  is  a  globose 
species,  the  folds  extending  little  more  than  half  the  length  of 
the  valves.  This  species  occurs  in  the  Cornbrash  north  of 
Scarborough.  It  is  plentiful  at  Stilton,  near  Peterborough. 

Waldheimia  ornithocepiiala ,  var.  W.  umbonella ,  Lam.  This 
species  is  found  in  the  Kelloway  Rock  of  Scarborough  Castle- 
Hill.  It  is  a  thicker  and  rounder  shell  than  the  typical  W. 
ornithocepiiala  from  the  Fuller’s  Earth  Rock. 

Rhynchonella  socialis ,  Phil.  R.  varians  pars.  This  species 
occurs  in  great  numbers  in  the  Kelloway  Rock,  it  has  also  been 
found  in  the  Oxford  Clay  of  Scarborough  Castle  Hill,  where  it 
is  rare. 

Waldheimia  impressa ,  v.  Buch.  A  single  specimen  of  this 
species  from  the  Bean  collection  is  in  the  York  Museum.  It 
was  named  by  Bean,  Terebratula  laevigata .  It  is  from  the 
Oxford  Clay  of  Scarborough. 

Waldheimia  bucculenta ,  Sow.  This  species  occurs  sparingly  in 
the  Passage-Beds  of  the  Lower  calcareous  grit  of  Appleton 
near  Melton.  Mr.  Walker  has  found  it  on  the  same  horizon 
at  Filey  Brigg  (B.  d.  fig.  13). 

Waldheimia  Hudlestoni ,  Walk.  This  is  a  small  narrow 
elongate  ovate  species,  it  occurs  abundantly  at  Filey  Brigg, 
(lower  part  of  B.  d.  fig.  13,)  also  at  Hackness,  in  an  intercoral- 
line  brash  of  a  Lower  Coral  Rag  which  is  about  the  same 
geological  horizon.  A  large  mass  full  of  this  species  is  in  the 
York  Museum. 

Terebratula  Fileyeusis,  Walk. 

A  species  formerly  supposed  to  be  T.  globata ;  it  somewhat 
resembles  some  of  Quenstedt’s  figures  of  T.  bisuffarcinata.  It 
is  found  at  Filey,  principally  in  the  Lower  Passage-beds,  (B.  d. 
fig.  13,)  and  has  been  obtained  at  Snainton.  Mr.  Hudleston 
has  found  a  single  specimen  in  the  Lower  Calcareous  Grit  proper 
of  Scarborough  Castle-Hill. 

Rhynchonella  Thurmanni ,  Voltz.,  part  of  R.  varians.  This  is 
very  abundant  both  in  the  Passage-Beds  and  in  the  Lower 
Calcareous  Grit  proper.  It  has  been  found  at  Filey,  Appleton, 
Castle  Howard,  and  many  other  places. 


Rliynchonella  lacunosci,  Schlot.  One  or  two  specimens  of  this 
species  have  been  found  in  the  Lower  Calcareous  Grit  of  Oliver’s 
Mount  near  Scarborough,  and  in  Beedale  above  Wykeham. 

Terebratula  ins  ign  is,  Schubler,  var.  Maltonensis,  Oppel.  This 
species  appears  to  be  confined  to  the  Coral-Rag  or  Cidaris 
florigemma- zone.  It  is  somewhat  locally  distributed.  Good 
specimens  have  been  found  at  Whitewall  near  Malton,  and  at 
Oswaldkirk.  In  the  Echinoderm-bed  at  North  Grimston  it 
has  occasionally  been  found  in  the  soft  and  almost  chalk-like 
limestone  associated  with  the  marly  Oolite  in  which  the  sea- 
urchins  are  so  plentiful.  Found  also  on  Cawton  Heights,  and 
near  Helmsley.  Generally  speaking,  this  fossil  may  be  said  to 
occur  in  the  intercoralline  brash  of  the  Cidaris  jiorigemma-zone . 

Lingula  oralis,  Sow.  Has  been  found  by  Mr.  Hudleston  in 
the  Kimmeridge  clay  of  Burdale,  and  by  Mr.  Walker  in  the 
same  formation  at  Speeton  Cliffs. 

We  add  to  our  list,  on  the  authority  of  Mr.  Judd,  (Proc.  Geol. 
Soc.,  Yol.  xxiv,  page  224,)  Discina  latissima,  Sow.,  and  Rliyn- 
chonella  inconstans,  Sow.,  from  the  Kimmeridge  clay  of  Speeton 

It  is  difficult  to  explain  why  the  great  coral  reefs  of  the 
Middle  Oolite  in  England  were  unfavourable  to  the  development 
of  Braehiopoda,  which  are  so  abundant  in  the  same  formation 
in  Germany. 

The  Inferior  Oolite  of  the  South  of  England,  which  was 
probably  deposited  under  somewhat  similar  conditions,  is  also 
crowded  with  Braehiopoda. 

The  following  species  of  Braehiopoda  have  as  yet  only  been 
found  in  Yorkshire,  viz.,  Terebratula  Filey ensis ,  Walk.,  Tere~ 
bratula  insignis,  var.  Maltonensis,  Oppel.,  Terebratula  triline  at  a, 
Y.  and  B.,  Walclheimia  bucculenta,  Sow.,  Waldheimia  Hudlestoni, 
Walk.,  Waldheimia  sp.  n.,  from  the  Yellow  Sands  below  the 

The  following  table  shows  the  distribution  of  the  species. 


•£bIO  agpuarararg; 


•spa g  auiqB.ioo-B.idng 

•Sb.t  pjjoo 

•a^qoQ  axnjpuoQ 

•spaq  agBSSBj  puB 
‘ipp  snoa.reoxBQ  .xaAvoq; 



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Three  varieties  of  Waldheimia  obovata  occur,  viz.,  typical,  narrow,  and  rliomboidal 


May  2nd.— The  Eev.  Canon  Eaine  read  a  paper  on 
“  Eoman  Children  and  their  Burial.”  He  said  :■ — £  The  object 
of  the  few  remarks  that  I  shall  make  to  day  is  to  give  some 
slight  explanation  and  illustration  of  the  curious  relics  which 
are  before  you  upon  the  table.  They  bring  back  to  you  the 
amusements  of  Eoman  Children,  and  the  vessels  and  ornaments 
with  which  they  were  laid  in  their  graves.  Children  in  their 
games  seem  to  have  been  much  the  same  in  all  times.  Of  the 
pila  or  ball,  the  Eomans  were  very  fond;  nay,  it  was  the 
favourite  exercise  of  many  of  all  ages.  The  most  popular,  and 
surely  the  most  difficult  game  of  this  kind,  was  what  was  called 
the  pila  trigonalis ,  played  by  three  persons  who  stood  in  the 
form  of  a  triangle,  and  manifested  their  skill  by  throwing  and 
catching  the  ball  in  the  left  hand.  The  roundlet  of  baked  clay 
upon  the  table  is,  as  I  suppose,  the  heart  or  core  of  a  pila ,  and 
was  covered  originally  with  some  soft  material.  It  was 
discovered  some  years  ago  under  the  residence  of  Dr.  Gibson 
in  Bootham,  in  a  little  place  which  might  be  considered  the 
baby  house  of  a  child.  The  whistle,  of  which  there  is  a 
specimen  exhibited,  has  been  the  delight  of  the  young  in  all 
ages  ;  the  flagrum  or  whip,  made  of  less  durable  material,  has 
perished  long  ago  ;  so  has  the  top,  the  volubile  buxum ,  to  which 
it  was  often  applied  ;  so  the  arundo  longa  on  which  the  Eoman 
youngster  galloped  off  to  his  Banbury  Cross  ;  so  also  the  trochus , 
or  hoop,  which  was  driven  along  like  ours  by  a  stick  with  a 
hook  at  the  end.  "Unlike  ours,  however,  the  Eoman  hoop  had 
sometimes  bells  attached  to  it.  There  are  in  our  museum 
several  pieces  of  glass  which  we  may  call  marbles.  The  little 
roundlets  of  stone  and  glass  before  you  are  the  bases  of  vessels 
prepared  with  the  greatest  care  for  a  game  somewhat  resembling 
our  hopscotch,  if  not  identical  with  it.  Below  them  is  a 
solitary  die  of  jet,  probably  for  the  amusement  of  a  child,  as  it 
is  not  truly  formed.  As  far  back  as  the  days  of  Horace  the 
Eoman  lad  is  rebuked  for  his  ignorance  of  horsemanship  and 
the  chase,  and  his  love  of  the  Greek  hoop  and  the  forbidden 
dice.  The  same  unhappy  tendency  at  a  still  later  period 
aroused  the  indignation  of  the  great  Eoman  satirist. 

The  photograph  which  I  exhibit  represents  the  favourite 


toys  of  some  little  cliild,  which  were  taken  out  of  its  grave  at 
Cologne,  and  are  now  preserved  in  the  Mayer  Museum  at 
Liverpool.  They  are  embedded,  you  will  observe,  in  a  kind  of 
plateau  to  display  them  properly.  In  the  centre  is  the  doll, 
made  of  ivory,  with  those  wonderfully  pendulous  legs  which  are 
the  child’s  delight.  Around  it  is  a  remarkable  collection  of  pots 
and  pans,  with  which  the  little  one  would  mess  and  cook; 
water  bottles  too  ;  a  little  bronze  pounder  to  crush  or  work  with ; 
a  plate  to  hold  the  result  of  the  young  housewife’s  labour ;  a 
spoon  to  eat  it  with ;  and,  there  too,  in  a  conspicuous  place,  is 
the  inevitable  die.  It  is  evident  that  people  in  those  days 
entered  earlier  into  the  school  of  cookery  than  they  do  with  us. 
Which  of  the  two,  I  wonder,  could  supply  the  best  dinner. 

The  other  relics  upon  the  table  are  funereal,  taken  out  of  the 
graves  of  children,  and  are  all  of  them  curious.  You  will 
observe  several  little  feeding  bottles,  to  which  tubes  have  in  all 
probability  been  appended.  One  or  two  of  these  were  the  first 
vessels  of  the  kind  that  were  found  in  England,  and  the  late  Sir 
lames  Simpson  wrote  a  paper  on  the  subject.  Others  have 
been  found  since,  but  very  few,  and  it  is  curious  to  know  that 
vessels  of  a  similar  form  are  a  part  of  M.  Schleiman’s  celebrated 
find  at  Troy,  although  that  distinguished  investigator  seems  to 
be  ignorant  of  the  purpose  to  which  they  were  devoted.  You 
observe  a  vessel  of  reddish  clay  moulded  in  imitation  of  the 
hoops  on  a  barrel.  That  contained  the  bones  of  a  child.  The 
two  vessels  beside  it  were  filled  with  food  and  drink  for  the 
youngster  for  a  future  state.  They  are  of  better  material  than 
ordinary,  and  suggest  relatives  of  wealth  as  well  as  affection. 

Several  little  stands  upon  the  table  exhibit  the  ornaments 
which  were  deposited  in  the  graves  of  children — armlets  of  jet, 
bronze,  or  bone,  among  other  things.  Like  the  contents  of 
many  a  nursery  now-a-days,  they  are  not  the  works  of  high  art, 
and  criticism  must  be  disarmed.  On  one  side  is  the  small  brass 
coin,  which  was  put  into  the  infant’s  mouth  to  pay  its  fare 
across  the  Styx  to  the  inexorable  ferryman.  It  is  a  coin  of  one 
of  the  Constantines — fifteen  hundred  years  ago  and  more. 

To  another  collection  of  curious  objects  a  remarkable  history 
belongs.  They  were  found  on  the  Mount.  An  urn,  unhappily 

broken  into  fragments,  was  discovered,  containing  the  ashes  of 
a  child.  Below  it,  in  what  had  been  originally  a  wooden  box, 
were  the  little  creature’s  ornaments,  chains  of  bronze  and  beads, 
bracelets  of  various  substances,  and  two  silver  earrings,  uncouth 
somewhat  in  shape,  but  earrings  still.  It  is  a  touching  picture 
both  to  heart  and  mind. 

Still  more  interesting  is  the  story  of  the  two  damaged  glass 
bottles  and  the  covered  cups  in  the  centre  of  the  table.  Some 
two  or  three  years  ago,  under  the  New  Station  Hotel,  we 
came  upon  the  pair  of  large  stone  coffins  which  are  now  laid 
side  by  side  on  the  south  side  of  the  Hospitium,  just  as  they 
were  originally  found.  In  one  of  the  two  were  laid  the 
remains  of  a  mother  and  a  child.  The  body  of  the  woman  was 
so  twisted  as  to  leave  room  for  the  child,  whose  head  was  laid 
against  the  foot  of  the  coffin.  The  coffin  itself  contained 
nothing  except  the  bodies,  as  was  almost  always  the  case.  But 
on  the  outside,  at  the  head  of  the  sarcophagus,  were  laid  the 
vessels  I  am  alluding  to,  which  were  filled  originally,  no  doubt, 
with  milk  and  farinaceous  food  for  the  use  of  the  pair  that 
were  mouldering  within.  The  two  earthern  saucers  might 
seem  to  be  parts  of  the  same  vessel,  but  they  were  not.  They 
were  separate  when  found,  and  each  must  have  had  originally 
a  cover  of  its  own.  The  Romans  had  a  habit  of  visiting  at 
certain  times  the  graves  of  their  friends,  and  of  renewing  on 
such  occasions  the  offerings  of  food  and  other  things.  The 
coffins  of  children  were  of  various  materials.  We  have  them 
in  the  Museum  both  of  lead  and  stone.  It  was  not  the  custom 
to  commit  to  the  funeral  pile  the  remains  of  children  who  had 
not  cut  their  first  teeth.  They  were  buried,  as  Pliny  tells  us, 
in  places  called  suggrundaria  by  themselves.  But  this 
prohibition  only  extended  to  infants.  Those  of  a  more 
advanced  age  were  treated  in  all  respects  as  adults.  The 
leaden  coffin  which  is  exhibited  is  a  somewhat  peculiar 
specimen  of  that  kind  of  sepulture.  Instead  of  being  enclosed 
wholly  in  wood,  a  board  seems  to  have  been  laid  over  the  top, 
and  fastened  down  to  the  overlapping  edges.  This  is  evident 
from  the  marks  of  the  nails.’ 


Oct.  3 nr>. — The  Rev.  Canon  Raine  read  the  following 
paper  on  “  Roman  Bronze  Vessels  found  near  Knaresbro’  ”  : — 

‘The  vessels  and  implements  of  bronze  and  iron  upon  the 
table  were  discovered  by  some  drainers  a  little  to  the  north 
of  Knaresbro’,  at  the  depth  of  three  or  four  feet,  about  the 
year  1860.  The  finders  brought  the  things,  which  filled  a 
large  sack,  to  Mr.  Thomas  Grott,  of  Knaresbro’,  who,  in  1864, 
was  good  enough  to  present  a  selection  from  them  to  this 
Museum.  Mr.  Gott’s  donation  consisted  of  eight  vessels  and 
the  fragments  of  one  or  two  others.  The  most  conspicuous  of 
these  is  a  large  bronze  basin,  18  in.  in  diameter  and  3  J  in  depth, 
slightly  ribbed  and  crimped,  with  a  small  hole  in  the  centre, 
showing,  I  think,  that  some  time  or  other  it  had  been  fixed 
upon  a  screw  or  something  of  the  kind.  With  this  there  were 
three  or  four  basins  of  the  same  material,  of  various  sizes,  but 
running  from  12  to  8  in.  in  diameter,  and  4  to  4J  in.  in  depth. 
With  these  were  a  bronze  clish,  round  and  plain,  having  a 
nicely  cast  base ;  and  portions  of  two  colanders  and  handles, 
each  of  which  has  been  pierced  in  the  side  and  base  with  holes 
arranged  in  various  elegant  designs. 

Within  the  last  few  weeks  I  learnt  that  many  other  tilings 
had  been  discovered  at  the  same  time.  These  Mr.  Gott  was 
good  enough  to  show  to  me,  and,  without  any  solicitation  on 
my  part,  in  the  kindest  manner  he  most  generously  added  them 
to  the  collection  which  he  had  already  bestowed  upon  the 
Museum  in  1864.  These  additions  consist  of — 1.  A  fine  bronze 
vase,  of  undoubted  Roman  type  and  character,  12  in.  high, 
9  in.  in  diameter  across  the  top,  and  4|  across  the  base. 
The  bottom,  which  has  been  renewed  sometime,  is  gone. 
2.  Two  bowls  similar  to  those  previously  described,  and  respec¬ 
tively  12  and  Sin.  in  diameter.  3.  A  large  basin,  11  in. 
across,  and  about  2  in  depth,  with  the  edges  very  prettily 
ornamented  with  a  raised  pattern.  4.  Parts  of  two  colanders, 
with  handles  similar  to  those  given  to  us  in  1864,  and  orna¬ 
mented  in  a  similar  way.  Also,  the  basins  of  two  others,  each 
beautifully  ornamented  with  small  holes  in  devices.  On  one  of 
these  the  gammaclion,  or  gamma  shaped  cross,  occurs,  an 
ornament  in  use  among  the  Romans,  and  other  races  of  man- 


kind.  I  do  not  think  that  it  has  occurred  in  Yorkshire  before. 
5.  Another  colander  of  thicker  material,  7 Jin.  across  and  2\ 
deep.  6.  A  plate,  9  in.  wide  and  l\  deep,  with  a  small  cavity 
in  the  centre  with  some  traces  of  a  handle.  7.  A  scale  howl, 
3J  in.  across  and  1  deep,  with  the  four  little  rings  in  the  edges 
to  which  the  chains  have  been  fastened.  8.  Five  bronze  rings, 
from  3  J  to  2  in.  in  diameter,  and  varying  in  thickness.  9.  Part 
of  a  spur,  and  four  axe  heads,  all  of  iron,  and  of  various  sizes 
and  shapes.  The  iron  is  so  well  preserved  that  several  of  the 
axes  have  been  in  very  recent  use.  Another  axe-head,  with  a 
hammer  at  the  end,  is  in  the  possession  of  Mr.  Grott,  and  a  bronze 
cup,  which  I  have  not  seen,  is  in  private  hands.  These  objects 
which  I  have  described,  constitute  the  whole  of  this  important 
find  that  is  now  in  existence.  But  these  unfortunately  were  not 
all.  Through  the  accidental  mistake  of  a  servant  a  number  of 
other  objects  were  consigned  to  the  melting  pot.  Among  these 
were  several  other  9 -inch  plates  ;  some  fiat  plates  with  handles, 
somewhat  oval  in  form,  and  with  rims  slightly  ornamented ; 
portions  of  other  basins,  dishes,  &c.,  a  number  of  bridle  bits ; 
a  great  quantity  of  iron  nails  and  implements ;  and  among 
them  what  seemed  a  fire  grate  with  some  four  bars.  The  loss 
of  these  curiosities  is  greatly  to  be  regretted,  but  in  the 
remnant  the  York  Museum  possesses  a  series  of  bronze  vessels 
of  Eoman  use  and  manufacture,  unrivalled  in  number  and 
importance.  We  have  been  somewhat  doubtful  hitherto  to 
what  race  and  age  these  utensils  were  to  be  ascribed.  From  a 
consideration  of  these  objects  themselves,  and  from  comparing 
them  with  others  that  have  subsequently  been  discovered,  it  is 
certain,  I  think,  that  they  are  Eoman.  There  is  a  network  of 
Eoman  roads  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  place  where  they 
were  discovered.  Whether  they  were  secreted  or  lost,  it  is 
impossible  to  say.  Many  of  the  bronze  vessels  are  patched  and 
in  decay,  and  it  is  probable  enough  that  they  were  so  when 
they  were  laid  in  their  long  resting  place. 

In  the  last  number  of  the  Transactions  of  the  United 
Architectural  Societies  there  is  a  valuable  paper  upon  Eoman 
bronze  vessels  by  Mr.  Baker,  of  Hargrave,  Northants.  That 
gentleman  has  much  to  say  about  the  vessels  which  Mr.  Gott 



was  kind  enough  to  present  to  this  Museum  in  1864,  hut  he 
has  never  seen  the  addition  which  has  just  been  made  to  them. 
Mr.  Baker,  however,  compares  what  we  had  with  some  recent 
discoveries  in  other  parts  of  the  country,  and  makes  some 
valuable  suggestions  as  to  the  use  to  which  these  vessels  were 
put.  In  1856  a  nest  of  five  bronze  vessels,  resembling  shallow 
pans,  was  found  at  Stittenham.  They  were  laid  one  inside  the 
other,  and  each  has  a  somewhat  long  handle.  They  differ  from 
ours  in  fabric,  and  probably  in  use.  They  are  now  preserved 
in  the  Museum  at  Castle  Howard.  Similar  vessels  have  been 
not  unfrequently  found.  We  have  one  in  our  own  Museum. 
Two  sets  of  bronze  vessels,  however,  have  been  recently 
discovered,  with  which  ours  may  be  advantageously  compared. 
One  was  found  in  the  far  north,  in  Sutherlandshire,  consisting 
of  two  perforated  colanders,  a  shallow  pan  or  dish,  a  basin,  and 
three  bowls  of  different  sizes — seven  objects  in  all,  which  were 
laid  one  inside  the  other,  like  the  vessels  at  Stittenham.  The 
other  find  was  made  in  1874  in  a  Boman  cemetery  at  Irchester, 
Northants.  It  consisted  of  eight  vessels,  in  very  excellent 
preservation,  one  inside  the  other,  and  all  deposited  in  a  kind 
of  bucket  or  pail.  Mr.  Baker  gives  a  most  minute  description 
of  these  curiosities,  and,  better  still,  his  account  is  accompanied 
by  drawings  which  enable  us  to  see  at  once  how  closely  these 
vessels  resemble  those  which  we  possess  ourselves.  There  are 
four  bowls,  a  basin  with  crimped  edges,  and  three  perforated 
colanders.  Like  ours,  several  of  them  have  been  patched  and 
mended,  but  they  are  in  so  good  a  condition  on  the  whole  that 
Mr.  Baker  speaks  of  the  burnish  remaining  upon  them,  to  such 
an  extent  as  almost  to  resemble  gilding. 

Now,  although  there  is  some  similiarity  between  Celtic  and 
Boman  metal- work,  there  can  be  no  hesitation  in  saying  that 
all  the  vessels  that  I  have  been  describing  are  of  Boman 
workmanship.  The  urn  upon  the  table  is  sufficient  to  decide 
that,  if  every  other  proof  were  wanting.  But  to  what  special 
purposes  were  they  applied?  The  first  thought  is  that  they 
were  part  of  the  ordinary  furniture  of  a  kitchen.  But 
Mr.  Baker  very  pertinently  observes  that  the  thinness  of  the 
metal  and  the  condition  which  they  are  in  at  present  contradict 


the  theory  of  their  having  been  subjected  to  fire.  It  seems 
more  probable,  as  Mr.  Baker,  and  Mr.  Edmund  Oldfield  before 
him,  suggest,  that  these  have  been  wine  vessels.  Mr.  Baker 
goes  into  elaborate  calculations  in  order  to  show  the  number  of 
ounces  and  pints  that  the  bowls  would  contain,  and  these  he 
translates  into  the  measures  in  vogue  among  the  Homans. 
Whether  he  is  exact  or  not  in  his  measures,  it  is  not  easy  to  say, 
without  a  close  examination  of  the  subject ;  but  it  is,  I  think, 
more  than  probable  that  we  have  before  us  a  collection  of 
Homan  wine  vessels.  The  wine  which  the  Homans  made  was 
full  of  sediment  and  dregs,  and  one  of  the  processes  of  clearing 
it  required  the  use  of  one  of  these  finely  perforated  colanders, 
such  as  you  see  upon  the  table.  Again,  these  colanders  were 
made  use  of  to  cool  the  wine  with  ice  or  snow,  and  to  dilute  it 
also,  for  the  Homans  were  very  fond  of  diluted  wines.  Filled 
with  such  a  beverage  the  bowls  before  me,  even  when  brimming 
over,  would  not  alarm  or  injure  the  Homan  drinker.  He 
thought  even  more  at  times  of  the  quantity  than  of  the  quality 
of  the  wine  that  he  swallowed.  In  the  vessels  before  us  I  seem 
to  see  the  means  by  which  the  juice  of  the  grape  was  strained 
or  tempered  for  him.  These  are  the  cola  or  strainers  through 
which  the  liquid  passed  from  one  vessel  to  another.  The  plates 
and  dishes  were  probably  for  the  snow  or  ice  with  which  it  was 
cooled  or  diluted. 

November  7th. — The  Eev.  Canon  Haine  read  the  fol¬ 
lowing  “Account  of  an  early  Cemetery  recently  discovered 
at  Selby.’7 — In  the  summer  of  1857,  when  the  Selby  Board 
of  Health  were  making  a  drain  in  a  pail  of  that  ancient  town 
which  is  generally  known  as  the  Church  Hill,  the  workmen,  at 
a  depth  of  some  eight  feet,  came  upon  an  early  cemetery.  The 
interments  in  it  were  of  a  remarkable  and  most  unusual 
character.  In  every  instance  the  body  was  laid  in  the  trunk  of 
an  oak  tree  which  had  been  split,  and  then  hollowed  out  to 
permit  the  reception  of  the  corpse.  There  was  nothing  to  show 
that  the  two  divided  parts  had  been  fastened  together  with 
bolts  or  pegs,  but  the  lid  seemed  to  have  been  simply  laid  down 
upon  the  coffin.  Mr,  Morrell,  in  his  valuable  history  of  Selby, 


informs  ns  that  as  many  as  fourteen  of  these  coffins  were 
discovered,  the  greater  part  of  which  it  would  no  doubt  he 
impossible  to  raise  in  consequence  of  the  shape  of  the  drain. 
One,  however,  is  in  private  hands  at  Selby,  and  another,  by 
the  kindness  of  Mr.  C.  T.  Newstead,  was  presented  to  our 
Museum  shortly  after  its  discovery.  This  coffin,  which  has 
been  considerably  injured,  is  over  five  feet  in  length,  and  seems 
to  have  been  shaped  with  an  axe.  It  contains  the  skeleton  of  a 
female  in  a  good  state  of  preservation,  although  the  bones  have 
taken  the  colour  of  the  wood  and  of  the  soil  with  which  they 
were  covered.  A  peculiarity  in  the  head  requires  a  remark. 
In  the  centre  of  the  skull  there  is  a  small  round  hole  discernible, 
which  has  evidently  been  made  with  an  instrument.  A  similar 
hole  was  discovered  in  the  skull  of  a  Homan  lady  which  was 
dug  up  in  the  recent  excavations  for  the  new  railway  station  at 
York.  What  means  this  handiwork  of  very  rude  and  early 
surgery?  Professor  Polleston  suggested  to  me  that  it  might 
possibly  have  been  intended  to  prevent  epilepsy.  At  the  neck 
of  the  lady  from  Selby,  on  whose  skull  this  rude  operation  had 
been  performed,  was  a  set  of  seven  large  beads,  (now  destroyed) 
of  which,  unhappily,  we  possess  only  a  drawing.  They  are  of 
graduated  sizes,  with  a  large  bead  in  the  centre,  and  of  an 
elegant  shape.  As  far  as  I  can  gather,  they  were  of  hard  clay, 
with  lines  of  red  running  around  the  edges.  Another  bead,  of 
plain  brown  stone-colour,  from  the  same  place,  was  presented  to 
our  museum  by  Mr.  Morrell  in  1864.  In  the  course  of  the 
summer  of  this  present  year  the  re-building  of  a  public-house 
on  the  Church  Hill  at  Selby  afforded  a  better  opportunity  of 
examining  this  ancient  burial  ground,  and  by  the  great  kindness 
of  the  owner  of  the  property  and  of  Messrs.  Woods  and 
Atkinson,  every  facility  was  given  to  Dr.  Gibson  and  myself 
for  making  a  more  minute  investigation  than  was  possible  in 
1857.  The  space  excavated  would  not,  I  think,  be  more  than 
thirty  feet  by  twenty.  In  this  coffins  were  discovered  at 
various  levels  from  five  feet  to  about  eight.  Of  these  there 
were  between  fifteen  and  twenty  uncovered,  either  entire  or  in 
fragments.  The  whole  were  in  black  earth  saturated  and 
dripping  with  moisture,  and  in  many  instances  the  wood  was 


so  rotten  that  it  was  impossible  to  lift  it  np.  The  coffins  as 
may  he  imagined,  were  closely  packed  together ;  in  several 
instances  two  or  three  were  side  by  side.  As  to  position,  all  lay 
east  and  west,  although  by  no  means  towards  the  same  point. 
When  the  coffins  were  opened  it  was  found  that  they  had  been 
subjected  some  time  or  other  to  the  tidal  action  of  the  river. 
Warp,  stones,  and  pieces  of  wood  had  been  washed  in,  and  in 
several  instances  the  lighter  bones  of  the  body  had  been  thrown 
by  the  water  into  a  heap  at  the  head  of  the  coffin.  The  fact 
that  the  lower  part  of  the  Church  Hill  next  to  the  river  is  a 
deposit  of  recent  times,  goes  far  to  explain  this.  It  is  evident 
that  the  river  has  been  nearer  to  this  cemetery  than  it  is  at 
present,  and  that  through  some  drain,  perhaps,  the  tidal  water 
has  been  able  to  penetrate  and  leave  its  deposits  among  the 
remains  of  the  dead.  Out  of  this  excavation  seven  coffins  were 
taken,  two  of  which,  through  the  kindness  of  our  friends  in 
that  town,  have  found  their  way  to  the  Museum  at  York.  The 
neighbouring  ground  is  no  doubt  filled  with  similar  remains ; 
when  the  next  house  was  rebuilt  some  time  ago  they  were 
found  in  the  soil  which  it  covers,  and  there  will  no  doubt  be 
ample  opportunity  in  coming  years  of  continuing  investiga¬ 
tions  into  this  most  interesting  graveyard.  I  shall  now  give 
a  more  detailed  account  of  the  seven  coffins  that  have  been 
preserved.  It  must  be  remarked  before  I  begin  to  do  so,  that 
they  are  all  of  oak : — 

1.  A  coffin  7ft.  5in.  in  length,  22in.  wide  at  the  head  and 
16 Jin.  at  the  feet.  The  interior  is  hollowed  out  by  the  axe, 
leaving  a  thickness  of  2in.  The  two  ends  are  solid,  about  5in. 

thick.  The  lid,  which  is  broken,  is  rounded,  and  when  put 


together  the  whole  must  have  closely  resembled  the  trunk  of  a 
tree.  In  the  inside,  which  was  filled  with  warp  and  stones  and 
wood  from  the  river,  was  the  skeleton  of  a  man  in  good 
preservation.  The  teeth  were  considerably  worn.  Extending 
from  the  right  hand  to  the  foot  of  the  coffin,  and  laid  under  the 
left  leg,  were  the  remains  of  three  long,  thin,  hazel  rods  or 

2.  The  coffin  of  a  child,  3ft.  6Jin.  long,  and  of  uncertain 
width.  It  has  been  made  of  boards,  neatly  fastened  into  each 

other  with  wooden  pegs,  and  very  ingeniously  wrought.  The 
whole,  unfortunately,  is  in  great  decay.  Some  of  the  hones 
were  preserved,  and  we  found  the  remains  of  a  hazel  stick,  laid 
over  the  body  from  the  right  hand  to  the  left  foot. 

3.  A  coffin,  of  which  the  sides  are  gone,  hut  the  bottom  is 
in  good  order,  and  is  nearly  flat.  The  outside  length  is  oft. 
8jin. ;  the  width  at  the  shoulder  18in.,  and  at  the  foot  9in. 
The  wood  is  three  inches  thick.  The  body  in  this  instance  has 
been  too  long  for  the  coffin,  and  it  has  been  necessary  to  cut 
away  the  wood  to  make  a  place  for  the  head.  The  lid  is  flat. 
This  coffin  was  examined  by  Dr.  Parsons,  of  Groole,  who  found 
the  bones  in  confusion,  no  doubt  through  the  action  of  the  tide. 
The  skull  is  broken.  The  deceased  person  was,  I  believe,  a 

4.  A  long  thin  coffin  6ft.  6jin.  long,  each  end  being  6in. 
thick.  It  contains  the  bones  of  a  man  who  has  been  six  feet  in 
height.  The  skull  is  injured.  In  the  left  hand  was  a  hazel 

5.  A  coffin  5ft.  8jin.  long  by  outside  measurement,  18in. 
wide  at  the  head,  and  13  jin.  at  the  foot.  The  sides  are  1  jin. 
and  the  bottom  3in.  thick.  This  coffin  is  in  excellent  preser¬ 
vation,  and  is  very  well  made.  The  lid  is  flat,  in  one  piece. 
The  coffin  seems  to  have  been  too  short  for  its  tenant,  and  the 
difficulty  was  met  by  sawing  off  the  end,  which  was  laid  against 
the  feet  of  the  corpse.  The  skeleton  is  that  of  a  woman  in 
very  good  preservation.  By  the  action  of  the  tide  the  smaller 
bones  were  heaped  in  confusion  at  the  upper  end  of  the  coffin. 
This  coffin  is  now  in  the  possession  of  the  Society. 

6.  A  coffin  6ft.  Tin.  in  length,  15in.  wide  at  the  head,  and 
llin.  at  the  feet,  with  a  flat  lid,  in  two  pieces.  The  depth 
inside  is  19in.  The  skull  is  broken  by  the  lid  pressing  upon  it. 
In  the  right  hand  of  the  skeleton,  which  was  probably  that  of  a 
woman,  was  found  a  small  bunch  of  hazel  twigs. 

7.  The  coffin  of  a  woman,  long  and  narrow,  being  6ft.  9in. 
long,  19  jin.  wide  at  the  head,  and  15in.  at  the  foot.  The  lid 
is  rounded,  and  so  is  the  interior.  The  hollow  of  the  coffin, 
(now  in  the  possession  of  the  Society)  seems  to  have  been  filled 
up  to  make  a  bed  for  the  skeleton,  the  right  arm  of  which  is 


laid  across  the  breast.  The  coffin  has  not  yet  been  minutely 
examined  to  see  whether  there  are  any  hazels  in  it.  The  earth 
at  the  bottom  of  the  coffin  was  almost  of  a  metallic  hardness, 
and  to  ascertain  its  composition  a  portion  of  it  was  submitted  to 
Dr.  Procter,  who  obligingly  favoured  me  with  the  following 

analysis  of  it : — 


Organic  matter .  6  95 

Phosphate  and  oxide  of  iron . 42*30 

Phosphate  of  allumina,  and  magnesia, 

and  carbonates  . .  15*60 

Insoluble  silicious  matter  (sand) . 35*15 


In  coffins  Nos.  3  and  5  the  same  accomplished  analyst 
detected  the  presence  of  Yivianite. 

We  have,  therefore,  seven  coffins  in  all,  four  of  which  are 
rounded  inside  and  out ;  two  others  have  flat  lids ;  and  the 
seventh,  that  of  a  child,  seems  to  have  been  made  more  after 
the  modern  fashion,  of  five  boards  fastened  together  with  pegs. 
The  wood  has  been  cut  and  smoothed  with  the  axe.  The 
bodies  have  been  laid  upon  their  backs,  with  their  hands 
stretched  out  by  their  sides  ;  in  one  case  only  the  right  hand  is 
laid  across  the  breast.  In  four  instances  we  detected  the 
presence  of  hazel  rods  or  twigs  in  the  hands  of  the  deceased. 
In  coffin  No.  6  I  found  a  sherd  of  unmistakable  Samian  ware, 
but  this  had  drifted  in  no  doubt  from  the  river.  Not  an 
ornament  or  utensil  was  found  inside  or  outside,  except  a  small 
bronze  stud,  of  early  character,  upon  which  no  argument  can  be 
based.  This  was  discovered  among  the  loose  earth  in  the 
cemetery.  I  must  not  forget  to  remark  that  in  two  or  three 
cases  an  oaken  headpost,  some  two  or  three  feet  long  by  one  foot, 
and  perhaps  ten  or  twelve  inches  thick,  was  found  at  the  head  of 
the  coffin,  to  mark  the  place  of  sepulture.  This  must  originally 
have  been  above  the  surface  of  the  ground,  so  that  the  depth  at 
which  these  coffins  were  laid  must  have  been  extremely  shallow. 
Such  was  the  system  of  burial  among  the  Saxons  or  English. 

We  must  now  consider  the  date  of  this  cemetery.  One  daily 


print,  deceived  by  the  presence  of  a  stolen  mail  bag  which  was 
found  among  the  rafters  of  the  inn,  and  imagining  that  the 
character  given  by  the  author  of  Guy  Mannering  to  a  well- 
known  northern  hostelry  belonged  to  other  baiting  houses  as 
well,  stated  boldly  in  a  leading  article  that  mine  host  of  Selby, 
in  days  not  so  far  gone  by,  robbed  and  murdered  his  guests, 
and  hid  their  bodies  beneath  the  cellars  of  his  house  !  This 
theory  may  only  be  mentioned  to  be  dismissed. 

Another  view  is  that  this  is  a  Christian  cemetery  of  the 
eleventh  and  twelfth  centimes,  and  that  the  name  of  Church 
Hill,  which  the  place  bears,  is  evidence  of  the  existence  of  the 
first  Christian  church  or  monastery  upon  the  site.  To  consider 
this  we  must  enter  very  briefly  into  the  early  history  of  the 
ecclesiastical  colonisation  of  the  place.  The  chronicle  of  Selby 
tells  us  how,  soon  after  the  Conquest,  Benedict  of  Auxerre 
came  over  the  sea  on  a  mission  to  Selby.  After  many  adven¬ 
tures  he  found  the  place  he  was  in  quest  of,  and  landed, 
probably,  at  the  bottom  of  Ousegate,  setting  up  upon  the 
river’s  bank  a  cross  of  wood.  On  this  site,  which  would  be 
regarded  with  sacred  interest  thenceforward,  Benedict  erected 
some  temporary  buildings  for  residence  and  worship.  They 
were  probably  of  wood.  A  stone  church  was  begun  in  a  very 
short  time  upon  a  different  site.  It  is  evident  there  was  no 
ecclesiastical  building  at  Selby,  when  Benedict  came  to  it. 
The  church  at  the  end  of  the  present  Ousegate  was  only  a 
temporary  structure,  and  the  Christian  dead  would  be  laid, 
not  around  it,  but  within  the  enclosure  devoted  to  the  church 
of  stone,  which  seems  to  have  been  almost  immediately  begun. 
If  any  member  of  the  sacred  brotherhood  died  in  the  interval, 
we  are  only  following  analogy  if  we  suppose  that  his  body 
was  afterwards  removed  to  the  consecrated  enclosure.  In  1274 
we  learn  that  there  was  a  chapel  in  the  town  of  Selby  bearing 
the  name  of  St.  Germanus,  but  that  it  was  not  consecrated, 
seeing  that  the  dead  were  interred  in  the  burial  ground  of  the 
monastery.  The  historical  argument  therefore  is  against  the 
idea  of  there  having  been  any  Christian  cemetery  at  the 
Church  Hill.  The  name  may  have  its  origin  in  the  erection 
on  the  spot  of  a  temporary  church  before  the  present  abbey 

was  built,  but  the  mere  fact  of  the  site  having  belonged  in 
after  days  to  the  abbey  is  a  sufficient  reason  for  the  name,  just 
as  Bishophill  in  York  signifies  the  hill  or  property  of  the 

We  must  go  back  to  an  earlier  period  than  Abbot  Benedict 
and  the  Norman  Conquest  for  the  origin  of  the  Selby  Cemetery. 
When  he  set  up  the  cross  upon  the  river’s  bank  these  forgotten 
members  of  an  ancient  race  were  laid  in  their  wooden  tombs 
below  it.  They  had  been  there  probably  for  many  a  long 
century  even  then.  Instances  of  a  similar  mode  of  interring 
are  attainable,  although  by  no  means  frequent.  At  Gristhorpe, 
near  Scarbro’,  a  remarkable  coffin  has  been  found,  which  is 
ascribed  to  the  bronze  age,  and  this  is  nearly  identical  in  shape 
with  the  best  of  those  found  at  Selby.  Near  Haltwhistle,  in 
Northumberland,  a  similar  cemetery  has  been  discovered,  in 
which  the  dead  are  all  laid  in  trunks  of  trees.  Professor 
Worsaae  records  the  finding  of  one  or  two  similar  burials  in 
Denmark,  which  he  ascribes  to  the  same  chronological  period. 
I  do  not  see  why  these  at  Selby  may  not  be  also  of  a  very  early 
date.  The  beads  found  in  them  in  1857  point  most  probably 
to  English  or  Saxon  workmanship.  The  cemetery  is  in  a 
position  which  our  Teutonic  ancestors  were  fond  of  selecting. 
In  the  wooden  tombs  in  which  they  were  interred  there  is  the 
idea  of  a  canoe  or  boat  to  carry  them  over  the  dark  water 
which  was  to  be  crossed  by  the  dead.  The  oaken  trunk  is  the 
toctten  baum  of  our  Herman  forefathers.  A  most  remarkable 
illustration  of  the  Selby  cemetery  is  to  be  found  in  a  paper  by 
Mr.  Wylie,  in  1855,  describing  an  ancient  graveyard  at 
Oberfiacht,  in  Suabia,  which  he  ascribes  to  the  fourth  or  fifth 
century.  Here  in  little  chambers  of  wood  was  laid  the  baum  or 
coffin-tree  of  the  dead.  Ligentem  quercum ,  decisis  undique  ramis , 
constituit  tumulo.  In  these  trees  were  evidences  of  wealth  and 
importance — such  as  we  may  look  for  in  vain  at  Selby — weapons, 
domestic  utensils,  and  a  great  variety  of  ornaments.  Beads  are 
common  to  both.  On  the  coffin  lids  in  Suabia  the  forms  of 
serpents  were  sculptured,  a  mysterious  symbol  which  has  not 
been  observed  in  a  like  position  in  England,  except  on  stone. 
There  was,  however,  one  remarkable  point  in  which  the  two 



cemeteries  are  alike.  I  mean  tire  existence  of  hazel  rods  in  the 
coffins.  In  Germany  there  were  nuts  as  well,  hut  these  have 
not  been  detected  here.  The  presence  of  hazel  rods  or  twigs 
has  never  yet  been  observed  in  any  early  tomb  in  this  country. 
Obviously  it  is  only  in  such  coffins  as  these  that  it  would  he 
possible  to  find  them  preserved.  A  veneration  for  the  hazel 
lingers  still  in  the  superstitions  of  Grermany.  In  this  instance 
the  superstitions  are  evidence  of  an  ancient  belief  common  to 
the  whole  Teutonic  family,  whether  at  home  or  in  England. 
In  the  cemetery  at  Selby  we  have,  I  believe,  the  remains  of 
what — pace  Mr  Freeman — we  may  still  venture  to  call  an  old 
Saxon  community,  poor  in  worldly  wealth,  which  lived  by 
hunting  in  the  woods  and  fishing  in  the  Ouse.  When  anyone 
died,  the  oaks  under  which  he  so  often  followed  the  chase  saw 
one  of  their  brethren  fall  to  be  roughly  shaped  into  a  coffin  for 
the  dead.  Even  in  Abbot  Benedict’s  time  those  oaks  wrere  in 
profusion  at  Selby.  Where  are  they  now  P  The  only  remnant 
of  them  that  survives  may  be  found  in  Stainer  wood.  But  here 
they  are  far  inferior  in  size  to  their  sylvan  ancestry.  There 
were  giants  in  those  days. 

Dec.  5th. — The  Rev.  Canon  Raine  read  the  following 
paper  by  the  Rev.  S.  S.  Lewis,  of  Cambridge,  “  On  two  Greek 
Inscriptions  found  at  York”  : — 

“  Of  the  eleven  inscriptions  in  the  Greek  language  which  are 
known  to  have  been  found  in  England  not  the  least  interest¬ 
ing,  and  from  various  points  of  view,  are  the  two  of  which  an 
exact  fac-simile,  made  from  the  originals,  is  given  on  the  op¬ 
posite  page.  The  tablets  on  which  they  are  punctured  were 
found  about  thirty-five  years  ago  in  digging  foundations  for  the 
old  Railway-station  at  York,  and  are  happily  exhibited  in  the 
Museum  of  this  Society  :  they  seem  to  have  been  originally 
suspended,  but  rust  (or  some  other  cause)  has  joined  them  back  to 
back,  and  thus  helped  to  preserve  these  curious  monuments  of 
Greek  speech  and  Roman  dominion  which  may  probably,  from 
the  shape  of  the  letters  and  the  rudeness  of  the  puncturing, 
be  assigned  to  the  second  or  third  century  a.d. 

The  material  is  thin  bronze  which  in  the  course  of  time 


lias  become  overlaid  with  a  dark  green  patina,  but  still  shows 
some  traces  of  having  been  coated  with  silver.  The  inscriptions 
have  been  mentioned  by  Professor  E.  Hiibner  in  his  very 
valuable  work  entitled  Inscriptions  Britanniae  Latinae  (Berol. 
1873,  p.  62),  but  as  yet  no  thoroughly  satisfactory  reading  and 
interpretation  have  been  published. 

The  following  appears  to  be  the  purport : — 

(1)  0  E  O  -I-  c  (2)  QKEANQI 





that  is, 

(1)  0eo?9  7 0?9  TOO  pief-iOVLKOV  TTpalTlVpiOV  'S.Kpifi.  ApUppiOS. 

(2)  Qiceaviv  kcu  T )j6vi  Arj/JLrjrpios. 

The  second  inscription  is  a  natural  invocation  or  thanks¬ 
giving  to  the  marine  powers  on  the  part  of  Demetrius,  and 
presents  no  difficulty  beyond  that  of  deciphering  it,  in  which  I 
received  material  help  from  Canon  Paine ;  the  occurrence  how¬ 
ever  of  two  different  forms  of  w  in  the  same  word  is  notable,  as 
being  also  found  in  the  legends  on  Bactrian  coins.  The  latter 
form,  as  M.  Longperier  has  suggested,  occurs  in  the  well-known 
TNQ0I  CAYTON  on  the  field  of  the  Vatican  mosaic  which  bears 
the  portrait  of  Cliilon  (cf.  Winckelmann,  Mon.  Ined .  i.  p.  222, 
tav.  165,  Roma  1767). 

But  I  feel  great  doubt  as  to  the  letters  at  the  end  of  the  fourth 
line  in  no.  (1)  ;  if  they  be  CKPIB*,  as  I  have  ventured  to  read 
them,  they  may  stand  for  Scribonius  the  gentile  name,  or  Scriba 
the  profession,  of  Demetrius,  though  in  this  latter  case  they 
would  more  naturally  have  followed  the  personal  name.  In 
the  days  of  decadence,  to  which  this  inscription  may  be  as¬ 
signed,  such  mongrel  nomenclature  is  by  no  means  uncommon ; 
cf.  ErNATlQC  *  riACTOP  and  EGrN(atius)  DYONISIYS  (sic) 
(Hiibner,  Inscrr.  Brit.  Led.  pp.  85  and  98),  c>7reicov\aTicp,  idp'cros 
(Ev.  S.  Marc.  vi.  27,  xii.  14).  Professor  Churchill  Babington 
suggests  that  these  letters  should  be  read  as  OKPIK  or  OKPIN, 
referring  in  the  former  case  to  Ocriculmn  (the  modern  Otricoli ), 
in  the  latter  to  Ocrinum,  the  Roman  name  of  the  Lizard  Point : 


but  from  tbe  letter  at  tlie  end  of  the  fourth  line  B  appears  to 
me  to  be  more  obviously  extracted.*  A  parallel  to  the  dotted 
i  in  the  first  line  is  presented  by  the  word  TANOYAPIC,  oc¬ 
curring  in  a  Christian  inscription  on  stone  found  at  Saida, 
which  is  preserved  in  the  Louvre. 

The  words  6eo7 t cus  too  ij^ef-toviKoo  7rpanivplov  1  To  the  Grods 
of  the  Grovernor’s  praetorium’  give  an  interesting  example 
of  the  worship  of  special  dei  castrenses  to  which  Tacitus  more 
than  once  alludes  {Ann.  i.  39  :  n.  17 :  Hist.  in.  10),  and  also 
(as  has  been  suggested  by  Mr.  Kenrick)  throw  light  upon  a 
passage  which  has  cost  commentators  much  fruitless  labour  in 

explanation  — /ecu  aVTol  ovk  eiGrjXdov  eh  to  Trpamcpiov  iva  p.rj 

fuavOuiGiv  (Ev.  S.  Joh.  xviii.  28) :  for  no  strict  Jew  could 
under  any  circumstances,  but  least  of  all  at  Passover-tide, 
enter  a  Praetorium,  if  it  was  manifestly  dedicated  to  heathen 
Grods  and  contained  an  altar  for  their  worship.  Primum  militiae 
vinculum  est  religio  according  to  Seneca  (Ep.  xcv.  35)  :  a  com¬ 
mander  was  officially  priest  as  well  as  general  of  his  troops, 
and  offered  prayers  for  them  every  morning ;  so  that  a 
Praetorium  without  an  altar  would  be  like  an  ambassador’s 
palace  without  a  chaplain. 

Two  Latin  inscriptions,  punctured  on  bronze  tablets  of 
similar  size  and  shape,  are  exhibited  in  the  bronze  room  of 
the  British  Museum ;  around  the  boss  of  a  bronze  shield, 
preserved  at  Newcastle,  some  punctured  letters  have  also  been 
recognised  (Hiibner,  1.  c.  p.  116,  no.  570),  but  have  not  been 
very  satisfactorily  explained.” 

Dec.  5th. — W.  Peed,  Esq.,  F.  Gr.  S.,  read  a  paper  on  “  An 
Artesian  Well  at  Mashara  in  the  North  Biding,”  prefacing 
the  account  with  some  observations  and  remarks  on  other  deep 
borings  showing  their  great  value  for  a  water  supply  and  other 

The  term  artesian  is  derived  from  the  Province  of  Artois  in 
French  Flanders,  where  these  wells  have  long  been  known, 

*  This  opinion  has  received  the  high  sanction  of  Professor  Em.  Egger, 
(University  of  Paris,)  who  has  contributed  a  translation  of  this  paper  to  the 
Revue  Archeologique. 


as  also  in  Lombardy  and  the  Adriatic  Provinces  of  Northern 
Italy,  from  a  very  early  period.  At  the  beginning  of  the 
present  century  they  were  made  with  great  success  in  the  valley 
of  the  Thames  near  Waltham  and  Tottenham. 

But  one  of  the  most  celebrated  and  best  known  was  the  one 
at  Grenelle,  situated  south-west  of  Paris  on  the  right  bank  of 
the  Seine.  This  boring  was  undertaken  at  the  strong  recom¬ 
mendation  and  advice  of  Arago  the  distinguished  Astronomer, 
based  upon  his  knowledge  of  the  Geological  structure  of  the 
district.  When  he  suggested  it,  the  water  supply  of  Paris  was 
not  equal  to  the  demand.  This  well,  commenced  in  1833,  was 
earned  to  the  depth  of  1806  ft.  9  in.  through  the  whole  of  the 
Chalk  into  the  lower  Green  Sands.  The  water-bearing  stratum 
was  reached  February,  1841,  the  water  rose  to  the  height  of 
122  ft.,  the  quantity  being  600  gallons  per  minute,  temperature 
82°  Fahr.  On  the  opposite  bank  of  the  Seine  at  Passy,  a  well 
was  bored  by  the  Saxon  Engineer,  Kind,  the  total  depth  being 
about  1923  ft.  and  through  the  same  strata  with  a  diameter  of 
2  ft.  4  in.  at  the  bottom,  the  well  continues  to  throw  up  a 
continuous  stream  at  the  rate  of  5,582,000  gallons  per  day  to  a 
height  of  54  ft.,  temperature  82°  Fahr.  In  the  United  States 
there  are  several  of  these  wells.  At  St.  Louis,  State  of  Missouri, 
an  artesian  well  was  carried  down  3147  ft.,  but  only  brine  was 
obtained,  temperature  734°  Fahr.  But  the  deepest  boring  in  the 
world  is  at  Sperenberg,  25  miles  South  of  Berlin  in  the  Triassic 
series  or  New  Eed  Sandstone,  for  the  purpose  of  obtaining 
Pock  Salt,  and  was  carried  down  to  a  depth  of  5570  English 
feet.  Salt  began  at  280  ft.  The  process  of  boring  was  by 
percussion  borers  worked  by  rods,  the  time  occupied  being 
about  four  years,  and  the  total  expen diture  £8717  14s.,  or, 
£1  11s.  6d.  per  English  foot :  the  first  1297|  English  feet  were 
made  by  manual  labour,  for  the  remaining  distance  by  means 
of  a  steam  engine.  At  Bourne,  in  Lincolnshire,  there  is  an 
artesian  well  95  ft.  deep,  which  yields  over  half-a-million 
gallons  per  day,  the  pressure  being  sufficient  to  force  the  water 
to  the  top  of  the  houses ;  this  boring  is  in  the  Oolitic  strata,  the 
average  rate  of  increase  of  heat  is  1 0  of  Fahr.  for  every  40  to 
55  ft.  in  descent  in  those  wells. 


The  necessary  conditions  have  been  found  in  the  Desert  of 
Sahara  for  their  formation,  and  up  to  June  1860,  no  less  than 
60  have  been  executed,  which  are  fed  by  the  waters  falling  on 
the  exposed  edges  of  the  Atlas  chain :  they  yield  4000  quarts 
per  minute,  depth  160  ft.,  temperature  86°  Fahr. 

In  our  own  country  one  of  the  most  important  borings  is  at 
Middlesbro’-on-Tees,  on  the  property  of  the  Messrs.  Bolckow 
and  Vaughan,  in  the  Triassic-beds,  where  at  a  depth  of  1067  ft. 
Bock  Salt  was  found  in  four  distinct  layers  or  beds,  the 
aggregate  thickness  being  100  ft.  making  a  total  of  1306  ft. 
The  borings  went  through  two  beds  of  Gypsum  of  2  and  6  ft. : 
upon  analysis  by  Mr.  Marley,  100  parts  yielded  96  of  Chloride 
of  Sodium  and  3  of  Sulphate  of  Lime,  with  minute  portions  of 
the  Sulphates  of  Soda  and  Magnesia,  Silica,  Iron,  and  Water. 
At  Saltholme  on  the  Durham  side  of  the  Tees,  Bell  Brothers 
had  a  boring  made  1100  ft.  deep,  two  separate  beds  of  Bock 
Salt  of  a  thickness  together  of  100  ft.  were  found ;  as  commercial 
speculations  those  deep  borings  would  at  present  most  probably 
prove  a  failure,  as  they  would  not  be  able  to  compete  with  the 
Salt  works  long  established  in  Cheshire  and  Worcestershire. 
In  Nantwich  and  other  places  in  Cheshire,  the  beds  containing 
the  Salt  are  reached  at  a  depth  of  from  50  to  150  yards  below 
the  surface,  and  they  vary  in  thickness  from  six  inches  to 
nearly  40  ft.  Those  saliferous  beds  are  situated  in  the  upper 
division  of  the  New  Bed  Sandstone  the  Keuper ;  the  lower 
division  of  the  New  Bed,  or  the  Bunter  beds  are  generally  free 
from  Salt  and  yield  water  of  very  good  quality,  as  in  the  case 
of  large  districts  in  the  centre  and  North  of  England.  The 
store-house  of  Salt  beds  is  the  New  Bed  Sandstone. 

The  artesian  boring  at  the  Well  Garth  Brewery,  Masham, 
the  property  of  Mr.  Thos.  Lightfoot,  commenced  in  October, 
1875,  was  completed  March,  1876,  and  undertaken  in  order  to 
obtain  a  pure  and  permanent  water  supply.  The  level  of  the 
Brewery  is  260  ft.  above  that  of  the  Sea,  and  about  25  ft.  above 
the  level  of  the  adjacent  river  ITre  or  Yore ;  the  boring  was 
carried  to  a  depth  of  435  ft.  The  first  attempts,  before  the 
Diamond  Bock  boring  was  resorted  to,  left  off  about  35  ft.  below 
the  level  of  the  Brewery,  and  at  this  point  the  Diamond  boring 

began  and  was  continued  400  ft.  further.  The  first-  35  ft.  were 
composed  of  Gravel,  Blue  Clay  and  Marl,  and  the  remaining 
400  ft.  were  situated  in  the  Millstone  Grit,  one  of  the  series  of  the 
Carboniferous  Rocks.  The  cores  are  composed  of  coarse  Grits, 
dark  Shales  and  Sandstones,  and,  as  they  were  brought  up,  were 
carefully  preserved  and  arranged  in  proper  order  and  sequence 
in  eight  boxes  with  longitudinal  divisions,  giving  an  accurate 
section  of  the  strata  in  perpendicular  depth ;  they  are  of  different 
lengths,  many  having  been  broken  in  the  process  of  extracting 
them  from  the  hollow  cylinder ;  some  have  the  ends  polished 
which  is  caused  by  a  broken  piece  in  the  cylinder  revolving 
with  the  crown,  grinding  its  own  end  and  that  of  the  portion 
next  to  it.  They  are  three  inches  in  diameter.  On  careful 
examination  no  traces  of  organic  remains  could  be  found  in  any 
of  the  cores. 

The  daily  rate  of  progress  in  the  boring  varied  much  with 
the  nature  of  the  Rock ;  when  through  Shale  the  progress  was 
very  slow,  hardly  four  feet  a  clay,  but  through  the  hard  Grits 
and  Sandstones,  as  much  as  20  ft.  was  attained  :  the  average 
rate  may  be  taken  as  9  ft.  per  day  of  eight  hours. 

Water  was  first  “ struck”  at  a  depth  of  126  ft.,  but  it  was 
neither  sufficient  in  quantity  or  pure  enough  in  quality  for  the 
purposes  of  brewing ;  179  ft.  of  five  in.  iron  tubing  were  then 
put  down  to  keep  out  this  supply  and  all  other  kinds  of  water 
except  what  comes  from  the  lowest  point.  This  is  a  true 
artesian  well,  the  water  flowing  out  by  its  own  pressure  and 
with  considerable  force ;  it  would  rise  35  ft.  higher  than  the 
outlet  if  the  tubing  were  continued,  and  just  flow  over.  The 
water  is  confined  by  a  convex  hollow  iron  cap  or  cover, 
connected  with  the  non  tube  in  the  well,  and  conies  out  in  a 
sheet  round  the  margin  :  it  is  clear  and  bright,  very  soft  to  the 
taste,  in  great  contrast  to  the  waters  from  the  neighbouring 
springs ;  there  has  been  no  intermission  in  the  flow  nor  has  any 
diminution  in  the  quantity  or  qualities  been  observed  ;  at  least 
2000  gallons  run  out  every  hour  which  would  be  amply 
sufficient,  not  only  for  all  the  brewing  purposes,  but  enough  for 
the  whole  population  of  the  town  of  Masham.  From  its  purity 
and  softness  it  is  valuable  not  only  for  the  brewery  but  for 


various  domestic  purposes,  as  making  tea,  washing,  bathing,  &c. 
The  temperature  of  this  water  taken  on  the  1st  inst.  by 
Mr.  Thomson  the  Manager,  was  55°  Fahr. ;  in  the  surface  well 
50°  Fahr.  In  the  artesian  well  there  has  been  little  variation ; 
in  summer  the  surface  well  was  often  as  much  as  10°  colder 
than  the  artesian,  or  five  less  than  it  is  at  present. 

The  first  brewing  made  from  it  was  in  May  last,  and  experi¬ 
ments  were  tried  with  various  kinds  of  ale,  all  of  which  have 
turned  out  satisfactory  and  kept  good  during  the  hot  summer 

Dr.  Stephenson  Macadam,  of  Edinburgh,  after  the  most 
careful  analysis  of  the  water  found  it  perfectly  free  from  any 
impurities  either  organic  or  inorganic,  and  to  be  eminently 
suitable  for  its  intended  purpose,  as  stated  in  the  General 
Geological  Eeport.  The  cores  were  generously  presented  by 
Mr.  Lightfoot,  to  the  Museum,  and  are  placed  in  the  Geological 
Doom  containing  the  Yorkshire  Series  of  Fossils  to  which  they 
form  a  most  important  unique  and  permanently  valuable 
addition,  as  illustrating  the  nature  of  the  strata  to  a  perpendi¬ 
cular  depth  of  400  feet. 

The  working  and  many  other  details  were  kindly  supplied 
conjointly  by  Mr.  Lightfoot  and  Mr.  Bowes,  of  Masham,  who 
watched  with  great  interest  its  daily  progress  until  completed. 

Methods  of  boring :  in  the  old  one  the  apparatus  formed  a 
sort  of  large  gimlet,  the  steel  boring  tool  or  chisel  being  fixed  to 
iron  rods  which  were  screwed  together  and  turned  by  two  men, 
the  tool  being  raised  and  suddenly  dropped  by  a  man  at  the 
end  of  a  lever  connected  by  a  rope  or  chain  with  the  gimlet 
head,  but  modern  engineering  skill  has  superseded,  at  least  for 
large  works,  this  primitive  method,  by  the  substitution  of  steam, 
by  which  a  boring  tool  of  several  tons  weight  can  be  used,  the 
percussion  being  sufficient  to  pierce  the  hardest  rock.  The 
latest  advance  is  the  adoption  of  the  Diamond  Lock  Drill, 
where  feet  instead  of  inches  may  be  bored  through  in  some 
strata.  The  drill  called  the  Crown  is  a  ring  of  soft  steel  from 
three  to  seven  inches  and  upwards  in  diameter,  having  15  to 
24  diamonds  set  at  regular  intervals  round  its  lower  edge : 
this  ring  is  attached  to  a  cylindrical  tube  of  steel  ten  or  twelve 



feet  long,  but  to  this  any  number  of  similar  tubes  may  be 
firmly  welded ;  above  this  are  the  long  bollow  boring  rods,  the 
whole  being  set  in  motion  and  made  to  revolve  on  its  axis  by 
suitable  machinery  driven  by  steam ;  the  rock  as  it  is  cut  rises  in 
the  form  of  round  solid  pillars  in  the  cylinder,  when  full  it  is 
drawn  up  to  the  surface  and  the  cores  extracted,  sometimes  in 
lengths  of  six  feet,  at  others  in  broken  fragments.  At  the  Sub- 
Wealden  Exploration  at  Netherfield,  near  Battle,  in  Sussex, 
the  crown  revolved  from  150  turns  a  minute  in  soft  strata  to 
300  in  hard  rock.  Water  is  pumped  down  the  centre  and  rising 
at  the  sides  conveys  the  debris  in  suspension  to  the  surface. 
The  so-called  Diamonds  in  the  Bock  Drill  are  in  reality  a 
mineral  found  in  Brazil,  and  called  by  the  Miners  “  Carbonado 
when  first  offered  for  sale  the  price  was  fourpence  a  carat,  now 
it  is  from  15  to  20  shillings  ;  it  is  not  brilliant  and  has  no 
cleavage  planes.  Among  English  Diamond  Merchants  this 
substance  is  known  as  and  called  “  Carbonate.” 

These  pieces  of  Carbonate  being  firmly  set  in  a  crown,  form  a 
drill,  which  when  driven  by  steam  will  pierce  the  hardest  rocks  : 
the  wear  of  the  Carbonate  is  so  small  that  in  boring  quartz  to  a 
depth  of  30  feet  not  more  than  one  sixty-fourth  of  an  inch 
would  be  worn  off. 

The  conditions  necessary  for  carrying  out  successfully  the 
borings  for  an  artesian  well  are  the  following  :  The  existence  of 
a  mass  of  permeable  stratum  or  material,  enclosed,  except  at  its 
outcrop,  by  two  layers  of  impermeable  strata.  The  lowest  point 
on  the  exposed  surface  of  the  porous  matter  through  which  the 
water  filters  should  be  above  the  level  of  the  point  where  the 
well  is  proposed  to  be  sunk.  The  mass  or  cubical  capacity 
for  water  of  the  permeable  stratum  should  be  sufficient  to  meet 
the  demands  upon  it,  and  there  must  be  continuity  of  the 
permeable  bed  for  the  uninterrupted  passage  of  water,  and 
no  flaw  or  break  in  either  of  the  confining  layers  by  which 
the  water  might  escape ;  and  this  is  a  frequent  source  of 
failure ;  sometimes  in  deepening  the  bore  instead  of  increas¬ 
ing  the  flow  it  ceases  altogether,  the  water  escaping  through 
another  outlet,  and  the  existence  of  one  spring  is  no  guarantee 
that  another  will  be  found  at  the  same  depth  in  the  neighbour- 

hood,  the  subterranean  pool  being  frequently  of  small  extent, 
and  of  the  nature  of  a  channel,  and  may  circulate  in  irregular 
trenches  between  impermeable  strata.  The  determination  of 
the  existence  of  these  wells  beforehand  is  a  very  difficult 
matter,  especially  in  a  locality  where  no  borings  have  been 
previously  made;  when  a  hole  is  bored  down  through  this 
upper  impervious  stratum  to  the  surface  of  the  Lake  below,  the 
water  will  be  forced  by  the  natural  law  of  water  seeking  its 
level,  to  a  greater  or  less  height  according  to  the  elevation  of 
the  feeding  column. 






21  iu.  by  10  in. 

Three  Inscriptions  to  the  Genius  Loci  in  the  York  Museum 

