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Full text of "Another tongue brought in, to confess the great Saviour of the world. : Or, Some communications of Christianity, put into a tongue used among the Iroquois Indians, in America. And, put into the hands of the English and the Dutch traders: to accomodate the great intention of communicating the Christian religion, unto the salvages, among whom they may find any thing of this language to be intelligible"

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t  Vt  ;/      r.yr  l/r  f   ?  yj  t  r/s  y/ . 

Another  Tongue  brought  in,  to  Confcls  . 
the  Great  SAVIOUR  of  the  World.  " 


Some    COM. 




Put  into  a  Tongue  ufe4  among  the 

Jmmim  INDIAN^ 

in  America. 

And,  Put  into  the  Hands  of  the  ENGLISH 

md  the   DUTCH  Teders: 

To  accommodate  the  Qreat  ïntentioji  pf 
Communicating,  the  C  HR I S  T 1 A  N 
R  E  L  I Q I O  -N,untp  the  SALVAGES, 
among  whom  they  may  find  any  thiftè 
of  this  language  to  be  Intelligibly 

E$ek.  Ill  §  t    '1 

People  of  a  Strange  Speech,  mid  of  an  Hard  Language  5  j 
whofe  words  thou  canjl  not  under  si  and  \  Surely  had  I  Cent  J 
thee  unto'  them^  they  would  have  hearkened  unto  thes.  \ 

B  0 STQ 0  :  Pxinted  by  $.*  Gmif.' 

17  9  7*- 



L    -    - 


'f'      *"     ■•- 

TO      THE 

Ênglïfli"  and  Dutch  Traders^ 

Amoog  the  Iroquois  INDIANS. 

|'HE  Pop ijh    hHJfionaries   in   their  Comparing 
Sea  and  Land  that  they    may  make    Profe- 
lytss,  have  Penetrated  So  deep  Weft- ward- 
in  our  North- America,  as   to  Addrefs  the 
fïcapêh  Indians,  with  forne  Inftruéïions  of 
thztChriftianity.  which  has  been  debated  and  depraved 
by  their  commixed  Popery.   Certainly /The  zeal  of  Pro- 
r-fttint^t®  Propagate  our  Holy  Religion,, well  Purified 
from  the  Popijh  Mixture^   ought  to  be  more  Flaming, 
fmpre  Lively,  than  any  thing   that  we  can   fee  in  the 
Church  of  -lipme,  to  Enlarge   the  Empire  of  Antichrift. 
TrjeHonour  of  our  Profefiion .calls  for  more^eal  in  this 
I  matter;  Without  it.  our  Sincerity  in   our  Profeilion 
cannot  welf  Be  juftified.     The  Greateft  Service,  jthat 
can  be  ionz  to   Mankind  ?  is  to  introduce  Pure  Cbrifti- 
n-ity  every  where  ;  True  Cbriftianity   makes   rnen  be- 
come  Noble' &vA   Happy  Creatures  \  Christianity  advan- 
taged with  the  Prots'slant  Reformation,  reteues  the  Chil- 
dren of  Men  from  the  moft  horrible  Slavery  5  afferts 
rhefn  into  the  liberty  of  the  children  of  God.     Ve?ily, 
Did  we  Love  our  Glorious  CHRIST,  or  had  we  any 
agreeable  Sen  ft  of  the  vaft  Obligation,  which  He  has 
.*:Vid  up  on  us,  hqw  Studious-,  how  Vigorous  would  be 
öm?  ilnthW'oyr^'^  btkxg  all  men  to  Know  Hi.nvand , 
m$¥$  H  m:  a.ud  hare  fjm.3  .Gloried  among  all  Na- 


tiorts  of  Men!  Oh.'  That  a  Spirit  fir  /hè  Propagation 
cfChriftianity,  were  more  Operative  among  thofe,  Wh* 
fay  t hey  are  Ghriftians  !  The  want  of  it,  makes  it  fadly 
queftioiiable,  How  faf  wt  are,  trom  what  we  Say  I  Had 
hot  the  Spirit  of  God  very  dreadfully  abandoned 
Chrifiendcthe,  there  Would  be  feen  a  Thoüfand  Times 
rnore  of  it,  than  there  is.  Bieffid  SPIRIT,  Ob  !  %> 
turn,  and  Vifit,  this  Miferable  World  '•  and  let  marvelkm 
thing*  be  done  by  thy  Operations  I 

Brethren,  You  have  here  put  into  your  H&nds,  the 
Firft  and  Main  Points  of  the  Chrifiian  Religion.     That 
famous  Gtotius,   wrote  his  Book,  of,  The   Ferit?  of  the 
Chrifiian  Religion,  ori  pufpolè  to  furnifii  his  Cotmtfyv 
men,  with  matter  of  Bifcourfe  among  the  Pagans  in 
the  Indies,  whither    they    travelled  in    their  Trading 
Voyages.     Both    Matter  and    Language  -too,,  fas  the 
Prophet  Jeremiah  did  with  his  Chaldce  )  is  here'  put  in- 
to the  Hands  of  the  Traders  with  the  Indian  Pagans* 
Tis  in  that  very  Language,  in  which  the  PopiOl  Million 
fiaries  among  the  Iroquois  Indian?*  have  compofèd{tha* 
not  Publifhed)  a  Catecbifm,  full  of  Grofs  Things^'hich 
were  to  be  Expected  fro rn  the  Men  of  their  Interf  ion! 
There  may  be  a  Variety  of  Dialeci  in   the  Langu  f ge   of 
troqu ois  Indians  j  But  it  is  poiUble,  this  little  compo- 
sure may  fomewhat  facilitate  your    Applications  to 
them,  ef^ecially  to  fome  of  them,  whitruf  yèur  Pro 
fecution  of  your  Temporal  Intei efts  may  carry  f3%* 
You  ate  now  earneftly  Solicited  $  That  you,  who  are) 
Traders  for  Bvver-Skins,  would  be  as  Inftruroen.t^l  as 
you  Gin  to  Convey  the  Garment!   öf  HJ^hteo 
Salvation,  among  the  Naked  Salvages;  That 
feek    to  Enrich     your   (elves    by   Trading 
wretched  Salvages,   You   nv>^   try  to  Admi 
them  in  Spiritual  things^   and    to  -cosftm unica t. 
fearchdblè    fticbei   of  CHRIST^ o  theyn    i   fh&    if  %%{ 

"rovidefice  of  God  may  call  you  la  f&df  TVa^rli 

A  i  itftraj 









'  0 

l"\  e 



aftiofig  cfee  i«.i*W,  where  theLariguajfe  óf  the  ly^m-ii 
iri  this  Dialed  of  it,  may  be  of  any  ufe,  in  your  com- 
munication, you  would  with  ail  poffible  Alacrity,  lay 
hold  dn  all  Opportunities,  to  mention  thcfè  -ijluftrious 
Truths  of  the JScfpel  unto  them.  Who  can  tell,  but 
the  Great  GOt)  may  bring  fonle  of  His  Elé®  in  your 
yr£y  !  Oh  /  How  Bleffed  are  you, ,  if  you  may  be  the 
Inftruments  of  bringing  any  fiich  home  ünto  thé 
ïjord  !  Who  can  tell,  but  the  Intimations  which  Ton 
inay  gi>e  ürito  S^me  or  other  of  the  Salvages,  may  a- 
waken  them  to  Repair  unjtö  the  Énglifh,  or  the  Dutch 
CKriftianS,  who  may  Ex  found  the  way  of God  more  per- 
feBly  unto  them  i  Who  can  tell,  but  as  Frumentius  and 
ABÖefeus  óf  old,  when  they  were  by  accident  caft  into' 
One  of  the  Kingdoms  of the  Inner  India,  Some  of  y  oil 
tn&y  be,  in  Gods  time  for  if,  the  Inlfoüments  of  draw- 
ing, a  whole  Nation  tö  Chriflianity  ? 

gut  jlf  we  mifs  or  every  other  Good  End  in  this  ES- 
SAY?, yet  .this  End  will  be  gained.  .  The  precious 
Name  of  our  Lord  JËS  US  CHRIST,  is  now  Menti- 
oned, and  Honoured  in  a  Language,  wherein  there  ^as 
|\  ri ever  before  no w,  ahy  füch  Publiek  Exprefllori  of  it. 
Oh  !  when  {hall  the  Day  arrive,  wherein  Every  Kjieè 
1  /ImH  bow,  and'  every  Tongue  fro  all  confefs  Unto  that  Glori- 
ous LÖ^Di.w       ,v    '   '"       '  '*: 

We  conclude  with  a  Memorable  Speech  of  Prrfpeï ; 
In  his  BookvDff  Vocaiione  Gentiüth. 

As  feme  Nanons,  which  have  mi  anciently  been,  owned 
1  for  tfa  children  of  God,  are  fi  nee  becèmè  his  Adopted  Chil- 
dren ;  So  we  doubt  not,  but  Voer  e  a  è  People  in  the  .Qemcttefe 
Parts  of the 'World \  who  have  not  feen  the  Glorieus  Dawn- 
ings  of  'd  Saviour^  and  yet  jhall  hereafter  in  Gods  Good  Plea- 
i  furs  and  $ecfon,  be  called  to  hear  the  News,  and  Enjoy  the 
JLigbt  cf the  Gojfpsl 'of  Solvation.    ';  *> 


A  Glorious    CHRIST, 

Exhibited  arid  Glorified, 

IN    A, 

LANGUAGE  ufed,    among  the 

t   ÜT*  ^W'Oth  iferhe  ? 

Igerhe,   Alahigonneafihg  agooas   Laoo- 
endio   fi    tionnhe    riaie   ehagiatinnionc 
garonhiage  n'egiheie.' 
Quid   Cogitas  ? 

togito  ;    Golam   Bominutft  vita  fioflns^^  qui  ftie  induce? 

in  €alum  quando*  moriar. 

What  are  your  Thoughts  ? 
I  Think,  I  will  worfllip  the  Lord  ofotlf  Life, 
Who  will  then  carry  liie  intöHeavei>whenI  dy* 
/  WHat  fyn  fetoe  geöagljfènf  i 
Sefe  üznt&z  tcfe  toll  nml^tevé  öfeg  lefei.10  Stenen  öi?" 
myn  öan  naer  rn^t  S008  ten  Wmzl  toil  tjoer.em  ' 

12.  /7*  Atfa    ooahe     n'ongooatonnhetfion,     noktagaia 

^-f-  gèrine,  tie  fcoóaieronge  fert  ? 
Garonhiage  otiak  aeeët-annq  otiafc;onhoöentfiagon. 

Quènarn  abit   Anifnd%    rjuandb  Egrejffa  eft  e  Corf  ore  ? 
In  caluTti  ali&  dktunt}    'alH  in   Infer  mm, 

!       —  —      -■-  -..-■■-  --  -  Whither 

Whither  does  the  Sou]  go,  when  it  IeavcS 
the  Body  ? 

Some  goto  Heaven ,•  others  go  to  Hell. 
,  tHffaat 'gaat  fié  ZitU  mimet' ft  &m   |>é£ 

ILirljacm  te  gefctotifit  f 
^ommtge  'gaett  ten  ï^eiM  In  ^Smmtge  gaai 

ter  teetien.  . 

flTTi  f"\Nka  g^aronhiage  Efagoiatenhaooit  Lapoendlo  ? 
Naie^  Ëfagoiateooe,  Agonhooafton,  Jagoton- 
taton  hatie  fni  haooendo.oten   GOD.  i 

Quofiiam  ctïïcèl  in'Cxlurn    Dominus  ? 

Eos  ducet^  qui  funty  C  £^B  D  E  N  T  E  S  ;  ro|j  £yi 
audiunt  V&€-€0ï  Dei. 

JVhom  will  the  Lord  Lead  up  tq  Heaven? 

He  Wijl  lead  thither,  BELIEVERS;  even 
thofe  who  hearken  to  the  Voice  of  GOD. 

WelSe  mil  ncü  Betre  tot  ©eiiiei HLevaen  V 
.  ï?f  tot!  öc  gvlootjiegen  met  itaer  foe  ^octm 
in  Die  geerteDic  naer '  ae  j&tertiriic  <&m$  l|3oo^en, 

#"^Atfa  GOD  ? 
.    V1-     Gah-iatbnferage  hoooendannentagon» 
%jbina;n   efi    Vex    Dei    ? 
In  Sc'fpturis  V<x   inhkret. 

Where  is  ;he  Voice  of  GOD  > 
The  Voice  of  (3ÖD,  is  lodged  in  the  Scrip- 
■'Ptapf  w  fee  &ttmvat  ffiofë  f 
jpe  stemme  § m%  is  gefoojjeér  ö#  aè  (&c|rtftïnp. 


THo  n'ihatï  GOD  ne  hoïatatage  ne'Terfbns? 
Afen  n'ihati.    Skat  ne  Sagoïen,  skat  ne  ho- 
ajen,  aftn  hatontha  hotkon   agooas   hoiatatogeton. 
Quo*  fur.t  in  Dei   Substantia    Perfona  ? 
Tres  Sunt.     Vnus    eft  qui    ha-bet    Filium.       Vnus   qui 
abetur    in    F*  Hum.     Tertitts    njer  o  eft  Spiitus  Santlus. 

How   many    Perfons  are  there   in    the 
ïodhead  ? 

There  are  Three  Perfons.     One,  who  is 

he  Father,-  One,  who  is  die  Son  j  A  Third, 

vho  is  the  Holy  Spirit. 
3Öoc  ttü  ^zikmm  (vn  Mtv  in  B.e  ©ooljesDt  t 
t&'Xtv'tyn  Brie,  ''perfoonen   €m  tekfee  to  Be 

Siacasr*   <&m  telcfec  to  00  fttattti  t  $n  pi»  Be? 

mi  ujelfce  to  öen  'Bestegen  <Bu% 

VI.   ASengati  n'hatiooendio  fi  tionnhe  ? 
**■    Jaten,  Saietat  agooas  Haooendio. 
Suntne  igitur   Tres    Do?nini  Vit  f  ? 
't} on.     Vnus   duntaxat    Dorninus    eft 

Are  there  then  Three  Lord-GODS  ? 
No,  by  no  means- .,  Thejre  is  but  ONIJ 
jaw  ?aer  $ap  öne  peeren  (ffitoaen  ? 

SPacr  to  maer  (fowen  <0o3;> 

*7I.   TjOteopeiennondi    GOD    n^gen    .Garonl^at^ 
-*■••*■  ne  onni  negen  Onhrfiate  ? 
kaonrha  hoteo&ciennoni», 



C  «  3 

Laotirha  Sagojiatifon,  ï£nskat  Latfinn,  Enskat  Onn? 
hetien.  , 

Ne  tho  agooas  Etiongooaiagenon. 
An  fecit  Deus  c&lum  ac  Jen  am  ? 
t*  iffe  fecit, 

h    tpfefecit,  unum  Hominenf,  alteram    Fqminam. 
Inde  ccrte  Exivimus  omnes. 

Did  GOD  create  the  Heavën  &l  the  Earth  f 

It  is  HE  that  created  them. 

And  He  created  one  Man,  aijd  one  Wo- 
man ;   From  whom  ajl  we  have  proceeded. 

ï3üff  <0o^  om  gentel  f  it  gerae  gefcfjaejieti  i 

j&t  ïjeeftfe  gefcïjaepen*  • 

^  ^eeft  „alfoo  Cen  #ait  m  #en  tzstoijtas  gefe 
dja^eit,  ^att  toicite  fcB  ^n  ^Ue  afgefpros&iv 

FJIX|pAtfa  n'ïhcateron  GOD? 

^Jf     Agooegon  i>.'ihenceron.    ü  fraiatafiharoq, 
.agooas  garonliiage,    löiihtjSage  oxini. 

ZJbinmn  esjt   Deus  ? 

Vhique  eft.     Implet   €<z\um  et    Terram. 

Where  is  GOD  ï  . 

•GOD  is  pyejcy  where-  -  He  filjs  Bgaven 
fljad  Earth. 
©Staer  ig  ®oS  f. 
®o^  10  etser  al  5  ?n  ïre  tp$i#  kernel  jnj 

iX  A  T4ooi.    Ongooe  Lotonon  GOD  ? 

/i  En.  Ne  Haaien.  JESU  S  CHjRiS  T 
•ooliatias.  Hotooenteton  si'iOTgooariiideren,  B  bona- 
rio.     Garl^Qadi      h^JPh^^PS     jhw^Utierentea 

Ongooe  ken,  agooegon  onni  po^enhooandcra  £p$ 
n'ongooe  fi  tionhooentfiontie. 

An  Deus  fatlus  eft  Homo  ?     ' 

ltd.  Villus  nimivum.  JESVS  CHHJS1VS  Voeaturi 
§  at  is  fecit  pro  Peccatis  noftris  quando  Mortuus  eft. 

Quoniam  Feccarunt  Brimi  homines,  u  omrw  Pcccanf^ 
qui   deinceps  nafcmtur. 

Did  GOD  become  a  MAN  ? 

He  did  lb.  The  SON  of  God  did  fo.  His 
Name  is  JESUS  CHRIST.  He  Satisfyed  fes 
our  Sins,  by  Dying. 

For  our  Firft*  Parents  Sinned ;  And  alUtw 
are  born  of  them,  are  alio  Sinners, 

itaem  is  3efti0  Cptt*i&   Mt  W$  to^  %mn  tol^ 
cnf0  £wn>e  9001  fStyti  düöfet  om  öat  onfe  &oo£  i 
ontiers  m  aiie  me  mm  fjirrt  geboojett  ^it  Ijebbeif.  I 

XtTOnannonftckooe  JESUS  CHRIST»  afon  pnltó  I 

•*-■*■  fiage  fi  ireskooe  ? 

Honannonftekooe  hotjat^togeton,  hanatoo^  tannï-1 
hakooe  hondatferohen  ne  fagoreooatakooe,  ne  gati 
ooahönni  honario.  tionaiatannentakton  ofooefigararge 
ie  Gannentfonte- 

An  amabant   tfESVM  CHfiJSTVM,  cum  ire l  jbfnr.] 
Terrarn  ? 

Arnabant  ittum  Saniii  ;  Oderunt  veto  Pewatores,  quo? 
increpab&t  ;  ideoqm  eum  oeciderunt, 

Ajjixerunt  eum  Qruci.  ,  * 

Pid -men  Love  JESUS  CHRIST,  when  Hg; 
%alked  on  the  Earth  > 

~    ~~    I  '  Gqo4:! 

Éroodi  Men  Loved  Bfim.  :  ÏM  iijeh,  becairfe 

óf  His;  Retakes  unto  them,  hated.  Him  $' 
Aöd  therefore  they .  killed  Him  j  and  Hanged' 

i^Wzn  m  iBenfcpiT  3!e!tö  Clpnferïutf  gcljasf  ■ 

<0#»ë  atenfcljen  ïjamten  turn  ilief  Sltóöe  weiTf*- 

i&ffii  (  om  öat  feij  ft  bmfptz )  tywizn  ireitv  Daej 
,  mi  fytibhtn  fg  fpii  geöacbi  011  op  gsljangen  '##* 
'  f?f;  ftug% 

ÏK  Wötk  riViaooeriori  JESIÏS  CHRIST,  ne  Êaiè- 
*-^  ronge  ken  ?     Gkhecsen  Jotenon  ken  ? 
,  jaren;    Tegni  ooatheanonhooec,  onne  eftfahatonë- 
jfcece.    Garonhiage  Efaooeron. 

%jld  accidit  CorpriJEW  gBRJSTL}  Nurn  Putrs- 
' fad  urn    e  Ft    ? 

Non.  P&sJ  Ducit  Met  es  refuhexit.  Deinde  in  ccclum' 
'fêdiit  ? 

'S  What  befellthe  Body  of  JESÜS  CHïLXST  > 
Wid  m  iee  Corruption  ?' 

%  Noi  ,  After  Two  Nights  Fie  Rofe  again? 
'And-  after  That  He  returned  into'  Heaven* 

Wfoi  tetM  fief  ïugïpeiii  t>an  J$te  Cfjftffjts 
leeft  |et  öa^?tetó|eit  .onöer  terpen  getoeeö:  i 

#eeii*  B%Ut  imzt  itagtjteii  m  ijv  H&mzzfzri- 
én  nm  mu  im  '©eiiiel  getecim 

:^IL  TT  Atke  tenure  JESUS'  CHRIST,  .garonhiage  ? 
Wte    Tentre.    Te  Songooakterkanne  n'etfitooa*' 
Erfitopafonnhet  agocrgon.,     ^i^óegèn   agooas  Efa-. 
'Xjh-oocaft  jeIus  Chriftj        "~ ,    '"  ^a:; 

[  II  ] 

r4n*liqumio    tedibit  JESUS  CHRISTUS  4  C*do  ? 

S(edibit,     Judlcandi  Mortui, 


Jefus  Chriflus  Omnln  Qihntjpiis  Patef/tciet. 

Will  JESUS  CHRIST  one  day  Return  fro# 
Heaven  ?       He  will  Return. 

The  Dead  fiiall  be  Judged. 

We  fliall  all  Rife  from  the  Dead. 

Jefus  Ghrift  will  then  diicpver  to  all :«% 
all  that  has  been  done  by  them  all. 

tan  oen  ^cmci  cootuén  ƒ 
'^B  &ai"  ÈfeSrètf '  routen,    :  " 

,  SDe  dqqö&i  .  %m\Uen  t?eo8:a&e&  Morsen, 
Wütv  ^nlltn  Mc  ®£rrevfcu  te  Be  mtM, 
Éèfijg  '€lyciüm '  j&ai  tort  te  t&jTc^*  teeitgeif 

|ooj  alle  'mcnftïjeit,  a!  Bat  $  geSaeii  t^fafei?, " 

Jfltt  npHon'igarihooasre  Songooannhaoa  .  ï  È  S  II  $ 

;  f  ^CHRIST  ?     '/        :":  ,       '        ' 
-    Dierl  n'igarihooage. 

God   Saiacau  hetiègo.nnièfiftgfr. 

Orihooagcn  Jaten'  taflonftenfi," 

Taeen  Efaooeniiormkooa  Godne  Laoaecufgo 

Safterifl^God  iie  Laooennilra,  "V 

jEfègonnienftag   n'efaiena. 

Tagen    Eia'alet. 

Tagen  Efhakooarhag, 

Tagen  Efênüenska         - 

Tagen  hoch    Bfëknjhas. 

Tageh  hothnahor   Eiar -kanacchooe. 

Dscem   E{ss. 

Daim  Vnum  Col/fs,      -  Vkm 


Vana  res  ncn  eft  Cur  and  al 

ISie  Cmtemnas  Vocem  Dei. 

Eftima    Dlern    Dei. 

"Amah  it   Pnrêntes. 

~Ne  Occidas.     Nff  Forniceris.     Rfe  tureris. 

N*  Maledit&S.     Nc   Ccncupifcsis  aliquid. 

How  many  Commandments   has  JESUS 
CHRIST  given  unto  us  ? 
■vTfeti  Coih'mahdments. 

Thoü  fhalc  Worfhip  Oi.i,e  God.   '■ 

Thöü  flialt  not  Pfa&ife  VainSüperftitiotls. 

Thóu  illalt  not  Contemn  the  Voice  of  God, 

Thou  flialt  Eftécm  the  Day  of  God. 

Thöü  flialt  Love  thy  Parents, 

Thou  flialt  npt  Murder. 

/Thou. ihalt.  not  commit  fornication.* 

Thoü  flialt  not  Steal. 
^  Thou  unit  'Hot  Speak  Evil  of  others. 
;'  Thou  'flialt  not  Cover. 
; !'% m  tee!  •  geboooen'  ijecft   3jete  Cfjrifftm  %m 
tm$  iegetei  i    ■  *~   . 

%-ét  östitó,  :'  <Bv  ^ult  ^et-jujob?o-  öe$ :  finten  niet 

v  ^rt.feiéröe:®?  &n!f  öén'öagïj  Bfóïgwttit  ÏHitrest. 
ï^fijiefoe  :-CB?  Soft  uto  -  ou&er*  'ÏUef  tjgbJbcrr* 

•     %ü  ixïu  t  <$};$&vi\$  nitt  ööoat-flaem     •■■•-" 

'-feci'  ëetenoe :  ©v?  0nit  g.een  oniimnlje^  Mm* 
'fetMfjfte;  f^  feult  niet-  ^Ceelen* ..  k  ).i 

mm  ufoe  naetten. 

■^zt  tizmz  :    <$y  &ult  nizi  hzgzzvzn   ufoes 
taetteit  goef^ 

fJF.  T_Töth  ÖOahonni  anontrennajee  ? 
•*•"■-     Ne  ©oahonnt  Tooatfioha. 

Laooen  gati  Jefus  Chrift,  fooatrennaién." 

Aftefon  t'ariontrendaïen,  nok  ontaiontkeskooa^ 
>nne  ooaorirat,onne  ©oaontferi,a.gooegon  Jagotekooifoti', 
iatke  Iongooannigonra.kfatha  ije  otk©naKatke  Jagorih- 
ioanderen,  ontie   ooafronhlagen. 

Alriaron,-    'JEHÖAH,  '  JESUS,   Agooegon  etifate- 
öoeieri  nonni  n'iagionnhek©n  ;  Alaskitenr  ;  Tagitenr, 
;  tagen  Egrihderag,  tagenxiigonrannirat,  alagathontati 
:  Quare  Orandum  efl} 

Jdeo   quia    Pauper  es  Sumus. 

JESUS  CHRISTUS  autem  dixit,  Qrafë;  Q>iotidie 
Orandum.  Qudndo  Surgimus.  Quandö  itur  'cubitum. 
Quando  comeditur  ;  et  Poft  etiam.  Cum  depavat  Ment  cm 
malus  Damm,     Quando  Peccatum  eji!     Cum  P 'at er is . 

DICENDUM;  MEHÖVAH,  JESü,  Omnia  fedsli 

1  qui bus    Vivimus.     Mifitearis  mei  •  '  Mifèrere  me,  ne  Peé- 
*  cem  J  Confirma    mentem  me  am  \  Audi  am  vocem  tuam, 

Why  muur  we  PRAY  >  \ 
Becaufe  we  are    Poor  Creatures. 
And  JESUS  CHRIST  hath  dire&ed  us, 
PRAY  YE.'  '    ' 

'  We  mud  Pray  every  Day.  When  we  Rife,  \ 
When  we  go  to  Reft.  Before  and  After  i 
Eating,  When  the  Devil  aflauks  our  Minds' 
with  his  Temptations.  When  we  fall  into/ 
And  when  we  meet  with  'Affliction. 

f  *! 

We  muft  fay,  <Ü  JEHOVAH,  O  JESUS, 

1  Thou  haft  made  all  things  by  which  we 
•Live-  Have  Mercy  on  me  :  O  Have  Mercy 
/on  me.  Let  me  not  Sin  againft  thee.  Streng- 
/then-  my  Mind,and  let  me  Obey  thy  Voice. 

tMmvQtn  mmim  tog  himm  ^ 

gtar  mi  iov  mmt-  &ténimn.  $$  m'^tfm 
€l)üüm  heeft  mm  mlttxt  tz  himm  m  to? 
moeten  BaegeiBtfei  Umen  nl$  tot?  opffaeit  m'ki 
fey  &  teutte  gate,  *n  tó^  Den  ©efen  en  mzv 
ten  ©efeit  :  ©n  iimmmt  ottic  0inmn  nmz 
mnWnvM  fcfie  feittóafie  mMtpyti*  ©ntoaeit 
met  to?  fcidtegen  tn  gecafïert  toétóM 
■*ttfl%  mmim  fcgge  •  D  'BTeljbHa^  £D  afefu*  gg 
'  }}efat  alle  Dingen  gémaeftf  ♦  Sta*  teef  else  tógïibem 
«jteitf  om  geitaeöigïj  f)  &*#  ons  genaatfafc 
'  0!i  JUêé  iuwt  niet  -  telera  nto  &cntógem  &f  ercfet 
'mvn  geaagfjten  bat  uftatoe  g^öpert  masfj  onbtr 
'fjotttoerL  *: 

XK  O  OrH  n'Jeierha  fi  Qntatnegoferahooe  ? 

'  fgf  "  ;  Onnega'  Jonta. 

Hoth  n' arièiere,  h  artenrjie  arongnegofèrag   ? 

Tegarihooage  t'dierihooandegenhag. 

Enskat»  -  Ariontfaontiats'  agooas'  fhi  haocendooten 
JESUS  CHRIST,  arienrhe  togenske  Laonrha  Laoo 
iitïonnhe,  togenske  garonhiage  Efögoiateooe  Jagerihe- 
ton,  JEfagoia.tonti  onhtöagori  Jagórihderakskon,  gra 
hi    gen'  kqnnoooen.    ' 

Tegni  ooahontha,  armgoteronfeg  hoth  n'iagorihoo- 
ande'ragon,'  arienhre  Jaten  t'aontègri  hooanderache 
oonagen.  •  ;  *  .  v    ; 



Quid  fit  cum  Bafti^atur   ? 

Aqua  utuntur. 

Quid  faciendum  eft  ut  Bapii^em0  ?  T>u&  res  Jungénda. 

Prima  ;  Credendum  eft  uni  JE%V  CffBJSTQ, 
Cogstandurn,  Me  ceae  eft  Domimis  Vita,  Cent  in 
Calum  ducet  Ft  deles.  Detrude?  Peccatores  ad  Inferos. 
him   enirn  e  si    Mendax 

Altera.  Ddlendutn  eft  de  Peccato,  Velint,  Non  am  f  litis 

What  is;  there  done  in  BAPTISM  > 

Water  is  ufed. 

What  niuft  men  do,  that   they  may  he 
Baptifed  } 

Two  Things  are  to  be  joyned. 
-  The  Firft.  They  muft  Believe  in  JESUS 
CHRIST.  They  mult  think,  üöoft  certainly 
He  is  the  Lord  of  Life.  Mofï  certainly,-  He 
will  cany  the  Faithful  to  Heaven,  /Moft 
certainly,  He  will  call  the  Wicked  into  Heil, 
He  is  no  Deceiver. 

The  Second»  They  muit  Mourn  for  their' 
Sins.  They  mud  Will  and.  Wife  to  Live 
no  Longer  in  their  Sins. 

Mat  w®in  gthvufU  mt  umm  t 


Mat  iuilm  u  mmftHzn  Mm  öatfe 
ttwögett  geöoopt  vozvun  twee  Dingen" 
&tn  muUmmvm*    Mmt'ezxU  tv 

mmtm  miwim$  m^tm  &w$ü&tïi 

$*eüerl?c&  fccntffeeii  öat  ^£  Hm  Deere 
öej5  }Le6en0  tó,  iw  itoiï  ^eelfeeri^cfi  De 

;:  geloofóegen  teti  $emel  boeren*  fén  öe 
ongeiooförgen  ter  pellen,  SRattt  ty? 
i$  geen  öeörieaer  ten  tttoeefteu :  ^v 
poëten  ftetoufó   tan  öaer    ^onöett 

|  beitöen  m  Mllm  m  frenft&en  .roet 
banger  in  ^wöen  te  &efcett, 


0  3  h 

— ^NHilMggg— MM 
