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Full text of "Aphids on tobacco : how to control them"

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AF S4L, 





a JUNG = 1960” y 




By F. R. Lawson and F.S. CoamBertiin, Entomology Research Division, 
Agricultural Research Service 

Aphids are pests of tobacco 
wherever the crop is grown in the 
United States. They injure the 
growing tobacco leaves and may 
spread tobacco virus diseases. 

The aphid that attacks tobacco 
is the green peach aphid.t Among 
tobacco growers it 1s commonly 
known as the tobacco aphid or 
tobacco louse. It is a soft-bodied, 
sucking insect about the size of a 
cabbage seed. It can be controlled 
by applying insecticides or, in 
some areas, by cultural practices. 


in Southern States 

In the Southern States the 
aphids are nearly all females. The 
adults deposit their young, which 


Green peach aphid, wingless form: Nymph, 
almost grown. 

are called nymphs, on various 
host plants. Most of the nymphs 
develop into green, wingless 
adults, which in turn produce 
another generation of wingless 

1Myzus persicae (Sulz.). 

females. The adults and nymphs 
of the wingless form look alike. 
The other nymphs develop into 
blackish, winged adults. 
Successive generations of fe- 
males, mainly wingless, are pro- 



Green peach aphid, winged form: Above, adult; 
below, nymph. 

duced throughout the year. This 
pattern of development is preva- 
lent as far north as Tennessee 
and Maryland. 

The host plants in the fall, 
winter, and early spring are cab- 
bage, collard, turnip, wild mus- 
tards, and dock. In the spring, 
winged aphids fly to tobacco. 

in Colder Climates 

In the colder climates, a gen- 
eration of males and egg-laying 
females develops in the fall. The 
eggs are laid mostly on peach, 
wild plum, and wild cherry trees; 


Foreground, shade-grown tobacco stunted by aphid feeding; background, tobacco protected by 

they are green at first but soon 
turn shiny black. It is only in the 
egg stage that the aphids survive 
subzero temperatures. The eggs 
hatch in the spring. Usually, the 
second or third spring genera- 
tion infests tobacco. 


Aphids damage the _ tobacco 
plant by sucking the juices from 
the leaves. When aphids are 
abundant the plants become 
stunted. Leaves from these plants 
are thin and lifeless when cured. 
A severely damaged leaf may die 
or may ripen prematurely. 

Aphids contaminate tobacco by 
depositing cast skins and an ex- 
cretion, known as honeydew, on 
the leaves. Honeydew causes the 
leaves to stick together, and it 
cannot be removed from the har- 
vested leaves without damaging 
them. It mildews in wet weather 
and gives the leaves a blackish 

Aphid damage quickly ruins a 
cigar-wrapper tobacco crop, be- 
cause imperfect leaves cannot be 
used as wrappers. Other types of 
tobacco usually are not ruined, 
but their quality and yield are 
reduced. On types of tobacco that 
are harvested by cutting the 

whole plant, such as Maryland, 
the yield and quality may be re- 
duced by premature ripening of 
the lower leaves. 

How They Start 

Aphid infestations in tobacco 
may start in the plant bed or in 
the field, depending on the condi- 
tion of the winter and spring host 

In the Connecticut River Valley 
area, aphids normally spend the 
winter in the egg stage. During 
the spring season winged forms 
are produced and fly to other food 
plants. They may infest tobacco 
plant beds and fields. 

In Tennessee and Kentucky, few 
aphids survive the winter. Plant 
beds of burley and dark fire-cured 
tobaccos usually are not infested 
by aphids from the local winter 
host plants, but they may be in- 
fested lightly in May by winged 
aphids from other areas. Field 
infestations early in the season 
are light also, and the aphids do 
little damage before the plants 
are topped. 

In central and northern North 
Carolina and in southern Virginia, 
most of the aphids spend the fall 
and winter on garden patches of 
collards and turnips. A plant bed 
near these patches usually will be 
infested. Under the cover, where 
it is warm, the aphids multiply 
rapidly. They are carried to the 
tobacco field on the seedlings. 
Most of the heavy infestations in 
the field are started in this way. 

In South Carolina and southern 
North Carolina, aphids winter on 
garden patches, as they do in cen- 
tral and northern North Carolina 
and in southern Virginia, and 
they start some plant bed infesta- 
tions. In these areas, however, 
most of the aphids that infest 
tobacco come from extensive 

growths of wild mustard in grain 
and clover fields and in pastures. 
Large numbers of aphids feed on 
the mustard in late winter and 
spring. The mustard matures 
about the time that tobacco is set 
and many tobacco fields are in- 
fested by aphids flying from the 
mustard, especially when tobacco 
is planted near mustard. 

In Florida and Georgia, both 
plant beds and fields may be 
heavily infested by aphids flying 
from fields of wild mustard or 
cultivated greens. 

How They Develop 

Aphids reproduce quickly on 
young tobacco in the field, espe- 
cially in the shade. They are most 
numerous on the underside of the 
lower leaves of tobacco plants, but 
a great many may be found also 
on the youngest leaves near the 
tip of the plant. When they are 
abundant, they cover almost all 
the leaves. 

In Virginia, the Carolinas, Geor- 
gia, and Florida, they increase 
rapidly for a month or more in 
the field, but they do not thrive 
after hot weather begins. When 
the temperature reaches 90° F. 
3 or 4 days in succession, large 
numbers of aphids die and turn 
black. Some may remain in shady 
spots, but few are seen elsewhere 
unless the weather becomes cool. 
When aphids infest the plant beds 
early or where large numbers of 
aphids fly into tobacco from mus- 
tard fields, they may become 
abundant enough to injure the 
plants before hot weather begins. 
Unshaded fields that are lightly 
infested early in the season are 
not likely to be injured unless 
weather conditions are especially 
favorable for aphid development. 
On cigar-wrapper tobacco, which 
is grown in the shade, aphids in- 
crease so rapidly that damage 
may occur at any time. 

A leaf of flue-cured tobacco damaged by aphids. 


Part of the leaf is black from mildew growing 

on the honeydew excretion. 

In Tennessee, Maryland, and 
the Northern States, the aphids 
may increase all summer, and 
most of the damage occurs late in 
the season. In warm weather they 
may reproduce so rapidly on the 

lower leaves that severe damage 
occurs before the grower notices 
them. When the temperature is 
higher than 95° F. for several 
days, many aphids die, and danger 
of severe injury is reduced. 


Many of the worst aphid infes- 
tations on tobacco are started in 
the plant beds by aphids moving 
from nearby patches of collard, 
turnip, mustard, or dock. Beds 
should be located a safe distance 
from such sources of aphids, or 
the winter host plants should be 
destroyed before the tobacco ger- 
minates. If this is not done the 
beds may be reinfested even if 
they are treated with insecticides. 
The removal of winter hosts is an 
effective way to prevent heavy 
infestations in the field. 

The tobacco field should be free 
of weeds before the plants are set. 


Malathion, thiodan and parathi- 
on are effective insecticides for 
controlling aphids. Malathion and 
thiodan are less hazardous to ap- 
ply. The insecticides can be used 
as dusts or sprays. 


If “you “preter Sdusts.. buy. 2 
ready-to-use dust containing 4 
percent of malathion or thiodan or 
1 percent of parathion. 


For hand equipment, which is 
used in plant beds, and high- 
gallonage (50 to 100 gallons per 
acre) equipment, which is used 
in the field, buy an emulsifiable 
concentrate or a wettable powder 
that contains malathion or para- 
thion. The amount to mix with 100 
gallons of water is shown below. 

MALATHION—2 pints of 50- 
percent emulsifiable concentrate 
or 4 pounds of 25-percent wet- 
table powder. 

PARATHION—1 pint of 25-per- 
cent emulsifiable concentrate or 
1 pound of 15-percent wettable 

For aircraft sprayers or other 
low-gallonage (1 to 5 gallons per 
acre) equipment, buy an emul- 
sifiable concentrate that contains 
malathion or parathion. Wettable 
powders are not suitable; they 
tend to clog the nozzles. Mix the 
emulsifiable concentrate with 1 to 
5 gallons of water. (The amount 
of water to use depends on the 
capacity of the equipment.) Use 
an amount of the concentrate that 
will give 15 pound of parathion 
(actual) or 1 pound of malathion 
(actual) per acre. 


The insecticide should be ap- 
plied to the plants thoroughly but 
lightly. The dosage depends on 
the size of the plants. Quantities 
larger than those recommended 
increase the cost of treatment and 
the hazard of excess residues on 
the tobacco. 

If you use a spray, apply it im- 
mediately after it has been mixed. 


All cigar-wrapper tobacco plant 
beds should be treated several 
times with an insecticide, whether 
or not aphids are found. Other 
tobacco plant beds should be in- 
spected from time to time and 
treated as needed. It is also a good 
plan to treat any infested beds a 
few days before the plants are 
transplanted to the field. 

The rate of application for dust 
is 1 pound per 100 square yards; 
for spray, 5 gallons per 100 square 
yards. You can apply dust with- 
out removing the plant bed cover, 
provided the cover is dry and is 
not touching the plants. 


Cigar-wrapper tobacco plants 
should be treated in the field once 
a week for the first 6 weeks. As 
the tobacco matures, it should be 
searched often for aphids. Small 

Horse-drawn traction sprayer equipped with a protective shield. 


(== a= /= —-=_——e 4 


Operator must wear a mask 

and protective clothing when applying parathion. 

outbreaks may be spot treated 
with a hand duster. During the 
last part of the growing season 
this tobacco should be treated by 

The plants of other tobaccos 
should be inspected carefully be- 
fore they are a foot high. If only 
scattered aphids are found, treat- 
ment may not be necessary. If 
the smallest leaves of numerous 
plants are infested, an insecticide 
should be applied. Plants growing 
in the shade may need treatment 
when those in the sun do not. The 
timely use of insecticides in the 
plant bed and on young plants in 
the field will reduce the chances of 
severe infestations later in the 

If ground equipment is used, 
the rates of application are as 

Dust—8 to 15 pounds per acre 
on small plants; 20 to 30 pounds 
per acre on large plants. 

SPRAY—50 to 60 gallons per 
acre on small plants; 75 to 100 
gallons per acre on large plants. 

If aircraft is used, the rates of 
application are as follows: 

DusT—20 to 380 pounds per 

SPRAY—1 to 5 gallons per acre. 

Control of Other Insects 
Occurring With Aphids 

The tobacco hornworm, the 
tomato hornworm, budworms, flea 
beetles, and climbing cutworms 
may occur with aphids in the 

same tobacco field. It is not pos- 
sible to control all these insects 
with any single insecticide, but 
two or more insecticides may be 
included in the same dust or spray. 
TDE, DDT, or endrin will control 
budworms and climbing cut- 
worms. TDE or endrin will also 
control hornworms, 
endrin will control flea beetles. 


Combination sprays can bé pre- 
pared by adding to the parathion 
or malathion sprays described on 
page 6 a sufficient amount of an 
emulsifiable concentrate of TDE, 
DDT, or endrin to make 1 pound 
of TDE, 14 pound of DDT, or 14 
pound of endrin per acre. 


Effective combination dusts 
should contain— 

1 percent of parathion or 4 per- 
cent of malathion or thiodan; and 

10 percent of TDE or 10 per- 
cent of: DDT. 

If a combination dust is applied 
to the buds of the plants, it should 
be used lightly because a heavy 
dosage is likely to cause plant 
damage, especially if the plants 
are wet. 



The insecticides mentioned in 
this leaflet are poisons. Store 
them where children and animals 
cannot reach them. Handle them 
with care. Follow the directions 
and heed all precautions on the 
container label. Use the recom- 

Washington, D.C. 

and DDT:or 

mended protective equipment to 
avoid personal exposure. 

Do not apply malathion within 3 
days or thiodan within 5 days be- 
fore a priming or cutting. 

Parathion and endrin are espe- 

~clally dangerous, and may cause 

death .when- inhaled, absorbed 
through’ the skin, or swallowed. 
They should be used only by 
trained operators who will assume 
full responsibility for safe use and 

comply with all the precautions 

prescribed by the manufacturer. 
Do not apply parathion or endrin 
within 5 days before priming or 
15 days before cutting. 

Avoid getting parathion or en- 
drin on the skin. Keep them away 
from the eyes, nose, and mouth. 
Wear a respirator of a type that 
has been tested by the U.S. De- 
partment of Agriculture and 
found to be satisfactory for pro- 
tection against the particular in- 
secticides you are using. Wear 
rubber gloves and_ protective 
clothing. When using a hand dust- 
er, arrange the discharge tube so 
that it extends backward behind 
you. Watch the wind direction and 
stay out of the dust cloud. If you 
use a walking traction sprayer, 
use one that is equipped with a 
protective shield. Wash your 
hands and face thoroughly before 
eating or smoking. Bathe after 
working with these materials and 
wash your clothing before wear- 
ing it again. 

if you must transplant or other- 
wise handle plants within 5 days 
after treatment with endrin or 
parathion, protect your skin by 
wearing clean, dry, cotton gloves 
or a good grade of rubber gloves 
and tightly woven clothing. 

Issued January 1957 
Slightly revised April 1960 


For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office 
Washington 25, D.C. - Price 5 cents 

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