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bi Pea 


‘Books in the running brooks, 
Sermons in stones, and good in everything.” 


on the various questions arising in 
the care of an aquarium or 
the window garden. 



("ember of the Imperial Russian Society of 



Copyricut. ALL RicHTts RESERVED. 

OCTOBER, 1896. 

No. 41. 



Quite recently there has been a great 
deal of attention paid, in piscatorial 
circles, here and abroad, to the drain- 
ing of fish-tanks. The question is: Is 
surface or bottom drainage preferable ? 
We had the impression that this ques- 
tion had been settled years ago, but it 
seems that every nowand then mechan- 
ics, insufficiently posted on the require- 
ments of aquatic animals, are en- 
trusted with the construction of a plant 
intended for storage or exhibition of 
live fish or other aquatic animals, and 
this seems to be the cause that this 
question has not yet come to rest. 

This is really surprising, in view of 
the fact, that gardeners, professional 
or private, have, for about a quarter 
of a century, ceased to give a contract 
for the construction of a greenhouse or 
conservatory to any other builder than 
one who makes greenhouse construction 
his specialty. The advantages of such 
a proceeding are manifold, and they are 
plausible, for his experience has taught 
him what material and what style of 
construction is best for a certain pur- 
pose in a certain climate or locality. 

The conservatories of former days 
were built by first-class carpenters, of 
the very best materials and were very 
good for an architectural effect, but as 
conservatories they proved, generally, 
a failure, because the requirements of 
plant life had not been taken in con- 

The construction of fish-tanks for 
storage, market or show purposes is no 
less important a matter than the con- 
struction of a greenhouse. Here, too, 
entirely too much importance is placed 
upon exterior appearance of the tanks, 
which are, as arule, of a highly orna- 
mental pattern, of carved marble or 
costly casting ; they are as decorative 
pieces, quite a success. But asarule 
they are not practical, and soon be- 
come a burden to the proprietor. 

Fish that are brought to stores, stalls 
in the market or show tanks at an ex- 
position, were generally freshly caught, 
either from their native haunts or from 
the pond in which they were reared. 
Their stomachs and entrails are gen- 
erally filled with food. If such fish are 
carefully handled, their digestion is 
not much disturbed, and we have only 
their excrements and the surplus 
of slime of their bodies to combat 


against, but even this, when the num- 
ber is large and the tanks small, will 
rapidly poison the water. But when 
the fish were carelessly handled, are 
frightened, or willfully injured, as is 
often the case, then we have, in addi- 
tion to the natural deposits, partly di- 
gested food, disgorged by the fish while 
frightened, knocked off scales and 
pieces of skinin the water. All of this 
matter is being continually stirred up by 
the motions of the fish and thus mixed 
with the water, making the latter, as 
it decomposes, more detrimental to 
them every minute. 

It is but natural that the most de- 
sirable specimens, being used to the 
very purest of water, are the first to 
succumb, soon to be followed by others. 
At best, all the fish become diseased, 
either externally or internally, and fi- 
nally die too. 

To overcome this, fish tanks are sup- 
plied with a constant stream of fresh 
water entering on one end, passing 
through the middle and leaving the 
tank again on the opposite side. To 
the casual observer this seems perfectly 
sufficient, as it creates a current just as 
we see it ina creek. But we must con- 
sider that we have a great many more 
fish over a given space of bottom than 
are found in any creek or pond con- 
tinually ; the foul air produced at the 
bottom of a fish-tank is, therefore, al- 
together out of proportion to that of a 
creek, and our aim must, therefore, not 
only be to supply fresh water to the 
tank, but also to remove the decompos- 
ing sediment from the bottom as soon 
as it appears. 

The annexed sketches will show the 
reader the various styles of in and out- 
lets, all of which have been in use with 
success by the writer. 

The tank illustrated on the upper left 

hand corner of the plate, illustrates the 
principle of forcing atmospheric air 
into the water. As the water enters 
the tank with great force through a 
very fine jet, it carries some air deep 
into the water, thus charging the same 
with oxygen. 

The foul water and the sediment col- 
lected at the bottom are carried off 
through a drain, best located in a cor- 
ner inside of the tank; this takes the 
water from near the bottom and dis- 
charges it, at water level, through the 
side of the tank. 

In localities where the water supply 
is limited, the manner shown in the 
next tank to the right is convenient. 
The foul matter is carried off at water 
level through the bottom of the tank 
by a standpipe. It is also taken from 
near the bottom. This standpipe sys- 
tem has the advantage that the water- 
level can be regulated by it, all being 
required is to slide the pipe up or down. 
A cap, in shape similar to a test tube, 
and of proper proportions to guarantee 
a free flow, reaching to within a quarter 
of an inch of the bottom, is supported 
over it either at the top of the pipe, as 
shown in the illustration, or at the bot- 
tom by putting little feet to the cap. 

For the introduction of oxygen in 
the manner shown in the next tank, a ~ 
pretty strong force of water is required. 
A strong glass tube, bent to a hook at 
its lower end, is stationed in a corner 
of the tank. In this tube a thin but 
very strong stream of water enters, 
the upper end of the tube being about 
three inches above the water level. The 
nozzle of the supply pipe is only about 
one inch above the surface and inside 
of the glass tube. The suction of this 
stream draws air into the tube which 
mixes with the water, is carried down to 
the end of the tube, and enters the 






tank at the bottom. The drain is simi- 
lar to that mentioned already above. 

As is shown by these examples, the 
current caused by the entry of fresh 
water is used : (1) to supply oxygen for 
the fish, and (2) to remove the foul 
gases and injurious sediments. 

A drain similar to the one shown in 
this tank is used in carp ponds located 
in cold localities. ‘The master fisher 
on the estate of the late Eckardt, Esq., 
of Liibbinchen (Germany) first con- 
structed a pond outlet after this prin- 
ciple, his object being to carry off 
the cold and foul water of the bottoms 
of his carp ponds, retaining the warmer 
and purer water of the surface. In 
connection with a model showing the 
construction and working of a carp 
pond that we had on exhibition at the 
Cincinnati Industrial Exposition in 
1882, we showed this drain. 

The lower illustration shows the bot- 
tom section of an ordinary aquarium 
tank. In localities where it is imprac- 
ticable to use water from the city water 
works, it being too muddy, or where 
water is scarce, we found it beneficial 
to the health of the fish to have a false 
bottom about an inch above the real 
one. The real bottom should slightly 
decline towards the faucet. The false 
bottom may be constructed of wire net- 
ting as indicated in the drawing, or it 
may consist of a strong pane of glass, 
the latter cut to fit loosely all round. 
The sediment will be worked through 
the slits around the sides thus left and 
the water kept free from impurities of 
a visible form at least. 

When selecting glass for this purpose, 
let it be either white (so-called milk- 
glass) or dark-blue in color, as these 
colors show fish to advantage. 

From time to time the sediment is 
removed through the faucet, and fresh 

water added by pouring it in with a 
pail or watering pot. 


From an interesting article in The 
Fishing Gazette, on the “ Fisheries of — 
the Greeks and Romans,” being a re- 
print from the Bulletin of the United 
States Fish Commission, we clip the 
following : 


The muraena is described in the fol- 
lowing manner by Paul Jovius, whose 
words are given in a literal translation 
to show at the same time how natural 
history was written in the sixteenth 
century : 

“* Muraenas are found in great num- 
bers in all parts of the sea, but those 
from the coasts of Sicily are the largest 
and best. ‘These are the kind which 
Columella calls ‘flutes.’ They swim 
near the surface, and it therefore some- 
times happens that when the warm 
rays of the sun dry their skin, thereby 
depriving them of their flexibility, they 
can no longer dip beneath the water 
and can easily be caught with the 
hand. They are speckled, and are 
said to have star-like figures on their 
sides, arranged in the shape of dippers, 
which, however, disappear immediately 
after death. They possess great cun- 
ning, for when they find themselves 
caught they swallow the hook, bite 
through the line with their teeth, and 
thus make their escape. Iam of opinion 
that the ancient Romans prized the 
muraena more on account of its long 
life than of its delicious flavor, for the 
large number required for daily use could 
easily be kept in ponds prepared for 
the purpose, while most other fish soon 
died, either through grief at having 


lost their liberty or through neglect of 
the pond keepers. We know from 
Pliny that C. Hirrens at a banquet 
given to Cesar as Dictator could place 
on the table 6,000 muraenas from his 
own ponds. Muraenas could easily be 
tamed and taught to take food out of 
a person’s hand. Croesus, surnamed 
The Wealthy, was so much attached to 
amuraena, which he had raised himself, 
that when it died he shed tears and had 
it buried. We also read an account of 
an answer which Croesus gave to L. 
Domitius, who laughingly expressed 
his astonishment that any one would 
weep over a dead muraena. It might 
perhaps be thought strange, he said, 
that he, Croesus, shed tears over a dead 
muraena, but it was far more strange 
that he, Domitius, did not shed any tears 
over his three dead wives. (Domitius 
had three wives, whom he is reported 
to have poisoned in order to obtain 
their property. ) 

Certain ladies showed great affection 
for muraenas. Thus Antonia, the 
daughter of Drusus, adorned a tame 
muraena with gold rings and bracelets. 

Muraenas eat human flesh, and the 
cruelty of Vedius Pollis in this respect 
seems wellestablished. He placed those 
of his slaves who had been condemned 
to death in his fish pond in such a 
manner that they could not be eaten at 
once, but were gradually torn to pieces 
by the teeth of the muraenas. It is 
said that the muraenas breathes through 
its tail, and therefore dies sooner when 
struck on the tail than when struck 
on the head. 

D. Ambrosius and several other 
ancient writers assert that snakes mate 
with muraenas, and that the latter 
entice the snakes to the seaside by a 
certain peculiar whistling sound. 
Athenaeus does not believe this, and in 

corroboration of his opinion quotes 
from a work on popular superstitions, 
written by Andreas. Muraenas spawn 
all the year around, and of this kind 
the murus, the largest and strongest, 
is of a uniform color very much re- 
sembling that of the larch; so at least 
Aristotle affirms. Pliny calls this kind 
myrinus. There isalsoariver muraena, 
which is much smaller and has only 
one point; and which, according to 
Dorianus, is the same that Athenaeus 
calls gollaria, and I think that Athe- 
naeus must have meant by this smaller 
kind what we call lamprey, and not the 
sea fish. Iresius assures us that the 
flesh of the muraena is not less nourish- 
ing than that of the eel, but on account 
of a certain hardness and moisture it is 
very indigestible. It is, however, much 
prized on account of its delicious 
entrails, with which, as Lampridius 
tells us in his history, Heliogabalus, 
while far from the sea, regaled his 
court and the whole rural population.” 


A pearlis the result of an oyster’s 
effort to remove a source of irritation, 
says the Chicago Record. Ifa grain of 
sand or some other hard substance finds 
its way into the shell the oyster begins 
coating it with nacre, which gives the 
irritating intruder a smooth exterior. 
The oyster deposits over the offending 
object as long as it remains a source of 
irritation, and the Chinese have taken 
advantage of this peculiarity of the 
solitary mollusk, They make little pel- 
lets of earth which has been dried and 
powdered with the juice of camphor 
seeds, and during May and June plant 
these in the oyster. The shell is open- 
ed with a mother-of pearl knife, care 
being taken not to injure the oyster, 


and the earth pills are laid under the 
oyster’s beard. The treated mollusks 
are then placed in canals and pools, and 
left undisturbed until November, when 
they are dredged up, opened and the 
nacre-covered pellets removed with 
sharp knives. The pellets are usually 
found fastened tightly to the inner sur- 
face of the shells. 

The Chinese pearl farmer then turns 
jeweler. He drills a little hole into 
the pearl at the place where it was fast- 
ened to the shell and removes the dirt. 
The cavity is filled with yellow rosin, 
and the opening sealed neatly with a 
tiny bit of mother-of-pearl. 

But a Frenchman has improved on 
this method. He found that the Chi- 
nese killed many oysters by forcing the 
shell open to deposit the earth pellets. 
The ingenious Frenchman bored holes 
in the shells of the oysters with a small 
drill and then introduced through the 
opening little globules of glass. He 
plugged the holes with corks and then 
left the oysters alone to manufacture 
pearls. In six months the glass nucleus 
was covered with a pearly deposit, and 
the Frenchman reaped a bountiful har- 
vest of pearls. He did not have to 
bore holes in the pearls to remove the 
centre, and the pearls brought higher 
prices than the pearls made by the 

These artificial pearls have much of 
the lustre and beauty of the real gems, 
but are sold at a much lower rate by 
honest jewelers. Experts can color 
pearls black, pink, gray and other col- 
ors by the use of chemicals. For in- 
stance, a pearl put in nitrate of silver 
turns black. But pearl raisers know a 
trick worth two of that. Certain kinds 
of fresh water mussels bear pink pearls, 
and pearl oysters produce different col- 
ored pearls, according to the part of the 

oyster which is irritated by the foreign 
substance. The artificial pearl pro- 
ducer knows this, and plants his seed 
accordingly. In Washington is an ar- 
tificial pink pearl as large as a pigeon’s 
egg, and its heart is a bit of beeswax. 

Perfectly round pearls which weigh 
over twenty-five grains each are scarce, 
and command large prices, but such 
pearls are natural. Artificial pearls 
are usually flat on one side. 


Young, artificially hatched fish, in- 
tended for stocking open waters (creeks, 
rivers or lakes), should not be fed ar- 
tificially. They being expected to 
make their own living, it is best to 
make them dependent upon their own 
resources as soon as the desire to feed 
is noticed and their digestive organs are 
about developed, which state is easily 
ascertained by unfailing signs. 

In nature young fish begin to look 
out for themselves at this age, and in 
tanks they manifest their desire for in- 
dependence ; they become enterprising, 
especially towards night, and many of 
them will make their escape through 
the overflow pipe. We have had fre- 
quently opportunities to meet such de- 
serters again later on and noticed, to 
our surprise, that in every case they 
had, in a remarkable degree, outgrown 
all their comrades. Follow Nature! 
She is a reliable teacher. 

Young fish that had been regularly 
provided with food, artificial or natural, 
and kept in shelter, have not learned 
how to hunt and how to protect them- 
selves. They have also lost much of 
their alertness, and they will conse- 
quently fall an easy prey of their many 

It is, therefore, of great importance 


that the hatching of the eggs and the 
development of the young fry should 
keep pace, as much as possible, with 
the food supply out of doors. The 
laws of nature cannot be transgressed 
without punishment, and the fish cul- 
turist who hatches his eggs too soon is 
in the same position with the gardener 
who plants too soon. 

The best localities where to plant 
young fish are shallow places in creeks, 
inlets of lakes, or little runs to which 
large fish cannot go. If possible, places 
near a spring should be selected, where 
an abundance of suitable live food and 
shelter, in the way of flat, hollow-lying 
stones, vegetation or brush is to be 
found. Sometimes it becomes neces- 
sary to prepare such sheltered places 
for their receptton, and if this is the 
case, these should be completed days 
before, so that everything is in readi- 
ness when the fish have arrived at that 
stage of development where nature di- 
rects them to hunt. 

It being of great importance that the 
young fish should find plenty of food 
and shelter, in order to rapidly outgrow 
many of their enemies, it would be 
against their interest were we to plant 
them all, or too many, in one place, 
thinking that they will scatter grad- 
ually by themselves. Such a proceed- 
ing would exhaust the food supply too 
rapidly. This would retard the growth 
of: the fish, and besides, such a large 
gathering of young fish would attract 
their enemies in great numbers. The 
securest plan is, therefore, to plant 
them towards evening, in a great many 
different places, and only in small col- 
onies. ‘Thus, all the advantages for 
their struggle for existence are in their 


Show this copy to some friend. 

Bounty FoR DestTrRoyYING FIsH 
ENEMIES.—In Utah they give a bounty 
for fish-eating birds. Three boys re- 
cently brought in 1,630 heads of dif- 
ferent birds, claiming the bounty. 
Other States should follow.—/ishing 

This is a movement in the right di- 
rection.* In the editor’s opinion, there 
has been entirely too much attention 
given to the hatching of fish and not 
enough to their protection. There are 
exceptional cases where fish are best 
hatched artificially, but the majority of 
our food fishes will propagate bounti- 
fully in their natural haunts. Artifi- 
cial fish hatching isan important factor 
in fish culture, but only when sup- 
ported by a proper system of fish pro- 
tection, otherwise it isa costly scien 
tific toy. 

Were a person to hatch eggs in a 
carefully guarded incubator located in 
a well ventilated room and right after 
hatching, turn the little chicks into an 
empty lot, over which he has no control, 
and where the cats, dogs and also thy 
children of the entire neighborhood run 
at liberty, with the expectation of see- 
ing them grow to be fowls, fit for the 
table, he would not be considered a 
very wise man. This very same meth- 
od has been carried on for years and 
years, with fish hatching. What we 
need is more fish protection. 

We are pleased to report progress on 
the work of the New York Aquarium. 
The glass has all been reset this sum- 
mer, the tanks having been made shal- 
lower, and the artistic decorations of the 
interior of the entire building is nearly 
finished. In our next issue we may be 
able to have illustrations showing sec- 
tions of the Aquarium as it now appears. 
> # Some fifteen years ago, while living in Ohio, we 

advocated a bounty for fish enemies, but we were not 




$1.00a Year. Single Oopies, 25 cts, Each. 

Advertising Rates on Application. 

Editor and Publisher, 
173 Nostrand Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. 


«* Jose, this night you have to sleep 
here in the house, as to-morrow we 
shall go out for a fortnight.” 

Jose, to whom this order was given, 
is my ‘‘ boy,” twenty-four years old, 
married, and a pure Indian. He is a 
great thief, and robs and cheats me 
whenever he can; indeed, people who 
know him well warned me not to let 
him see that I carry any large sum of 
money about with me. He was a 
soldier for six and a half years, knows 
every path in the environs, and is 
always willing to do as I order himn— 
qualities which, after six weeks spent 
in my service, I have discovered that 
he alone possesses among the four 
“‘boys” I had employed. Jose, to 
whom I give six reals (two shillings 
six pence) per day, and boarding, asks 
me for an advance of five dollars, for 
his wife. 

The mule is carefully fed and re- 
ceives a double portion of bran with 
syrup, likewise corn and grass ad (ibi- 
tum ; the saddle and harness are exam- 
ined, and the bridle sent to the saddler 
for a small repair. All the necessary 
objects for traveling are set apart, to 
be fixed on the saddle, or put in the 
four saddle pockets, as waterproof 
hayeton (a heavy woolen cover envel- 
oped in a goatskin), nuana, a bottle of 

brandy, cigars, matches, knife, thread, 
candle, cholera drops, opium, sticking 
plaster, lint, balsam, odontalgia, qui- 
nine in pills and powder, purgatives, 
emetics, alkali, liniment, lancet and 
pincers, my medicine chest, thermo- 
meter, and a drinking cup made of the 
shell of a cocoanut. In a wicker basket 
two and a half feet high and one and a 
half feet wide, which is to contain the 
plants gathered, and which the boy 
carries on his back, I put fifteen pounds 
of dry meat, at one shilling per pound, 
five pounds of bread, some cocoa, rice, 
peas, biscuits, extract of meat, two 
wooden spoons and a towel. I myself 
am provided with great waterproof 
boots, large spurs, a twelve-meter re- 
volver in my belt, and a hatchet, and 
am dressed in warm clothes. We start 
at half-past four in the morning, in 
the brightest moonshine, after taking 
coffee, bread and eggs. 

The journey commences step by step, 
and half an hour after, we go on slower 
still—we begin to mount. The road 
is intersected by two ridges, each two 
leagues up and one league down, and 
as, on the average, in the Cordillera 
one hour and a half is spent in travers- 
ing a league, we arrived in Mutiscua at 
half-past ten, just in time for breakfast, 
after having stopped twice on the road 
to wet our throats. A six-penny worth 
of grass is purchased for the mule, and 
one pound of meat and a little choco- 
late is handed to a woman who pre- 
paresit for us. At midday we continued 
our journey, and an hour afterward the 
wind began to blow more and more, 
becoming colder and colder, and we 
enter into the Paramos—mountainous 

Up to this point the way was in 
pure rock, four to six feet wide, un- 
even, rough and stony, with incessant 


windings ; sometimes rising steeply on 
both sides, sometimes rising on one 
side, with afrightful abyss on the other. 
Protruding blocks of rocks and dis- 
rooted trees above, often threaten the 
rider on these ways, which become 
still more disagreeable when one meets 
a train of mules loaded with boxes, 
bales, etc. Several times I got such 
knocks on the knee-cap, that I was 
almost’ ready to fall down from my 
mule. On such roads boxes are quite 

It is just on such routes as these that 
goods of all kinds have to suffer, and 
that my darling plants are injured so 
much, if not altogether spoiled. Col- 
lisions with mules bearing on their 
sides packages of one and a half quin- 
tals each, which sometimes, as in the 
case of tobacco boxes, empty bags, etc., 
are very voluminous, are on such 
roads inevitable, the more so, as from 
five to six beasts are driven by one 
man, and these caravans consist very 
often of from thirty to forty mules, 
As the pace of loaded mules is a 
quick one, the shock is a very rude 
one. There is no other road in this 
direction, and the communication be- 
tween and Bucaramauga is very 

The only way to diminish the danger 
is to travel as quickly as possible, and 
to avoid the approach to towns on 
market days. Another way of account- 
ing for the frequent losses in damage- 
able cargoes is to be found in the mode 
of fastening them to the sides of the 
mules ; for, naturally, in order to re- 
sist the often-repeated shocks against 
other mules with baggage, which they 
meet on their way, or trees and rocks 
that obstruct the road, these packages 
must be fastened very closely, and the 
ropes make deep grooves in their sides. 

We continue our journey. Now we 
get on a little quicker, because of the 
cold and the road being level, and fur- 
ther because the next cottage is some 
three leagues distant. There we arrive 
at four o’clock, just when mist and 
damp begin to cover everything. 
Donna Maria, the housemother, is a 
chuffy, unfriendly old woman ; but as 
I always show her little attentions, 
which take the form of a present, 
sometimes of a shabby image of a 
saint, another time of a ribbon for her 
daughter, she offers me the best place 
near the big three stones (the fireplace) 
in the kitchen, which is safely closed, 
and where the smoke of the tremen- 
dous fire intended for cooking, warm- 
ing and lighting all at once, makes the 
eyes weep The kitchen is at the same 
time saloon and dormitory for the most 
favored guests ; and for that reason | 
receive, after the dinner (off my provi- 
sions), a cow skin and the privilege of 
choosing the best place in the kitchen. 
The amiability of the householder 
reaches its height when two sheep 
skins are opened for me—the saddle- 
pad supplies a pillow, and at eight 
o’clock we go to rest. Ten minutes 
afterwards my boy at my side snores so 
loudly that I am obliged to give him a 
poke in the ribs. For me there is no 
thinking of sleep, on account of the 
hundreds of fleas, and so I have suffi- 
cient time to make my plans for the 
next day, to think about orchids and a 
thousand other things, including the 
paying orders floating between London 

Awaiting anxiously the approach of 
day, my boy receives a second poke. 
He awakes and asks me whether it is 
time to saddle the mule. Not yet ; it 
is midnight. Then I am startled by 
the crowing of a cock, at some distance 


over my head. Half the box of matches 
is spent before I find a candle in the 
saddle-pocket. It is five o’clock, and, 
therefore, time for rising. Jose, who 
had gone for the mule, comes back with 
a piece of the strap of leather in his 

where, in a square mile, there is not a 
handful of grass to be met with. My 
boy runs back, and returns two hours 
afterwards, but without.the mule, and 
there is nothing for it but to wait till 
somebody coming the same way may 


hand, wherewith the mule was tied to 
a pole the evening before—hungry dogs 
had eaten the leather and liberated the 
mule, which, of course, looked for a 
more hospitable land than the Paramo, 

be able to give us some information. 
That happened, happily, some time 
after. The owner of a great train of 
mules, who was going from Bucara- 
mauga to with tobacco, and who 


was now on his return, had seen my 
mule near Mutiscua, and he suggested 
that his people, who had remained be- 
hind, would probably have caught my 
mule and bring her along with them ; 
indeed, about mid-day I was so happy 
as to see my mule again. ‘T’o the peo- 
ple who brought the beast I paid one 
dollar, and to every one a drink, by way 
of contribution. It was too late now 
to start that day, so I resolved, there- 
fore, to proceed the next day, very early, 
and did so. 

From here are three leagues, half of 
it still in the Paramo; the other half is 
a horrible slope, before reaching Tona, 
at every path increasing in richness of 
vegetation. At the end of the Paramo 
there is a cottage, from which a wo- 
man called to me by name, and asked 
me if I would be so kind as to dis- 
mount for a moment. Politeness is 
very seldom experienced in this re- 
gion, but in this case there was a mo- 
tive for it. When I passed, two and a 
half months ago, for the first time on 
this road, the night surprised me, and 
I was obliged to ask her for a night’s 
lodging. ‘There was a small boy of 
seven or eight years, whose eyes were 
full of suppuration ; I myself washed 
his eyes with warm camomile tea, and 
-as I did not know what more to apply 
or prescribe, I wetted a piece of linen 
with the white of an egg, and covered 
his eyes with it. It is easy to fancy 
how terrified I was a week later, on 
my return, when passing there, to see 
the poor boy just as I had left him, 
with his eyes glued. I thought my 
practice would have occasioned bad 
consequences, but, happily, and to my 
greatest surprise, after removing the 
rag with warm water, his eyes were 
perfectly re-established. A stranger, 
in the opinion of the people, must al- 

ways be something of a doctor, and 
they would take it to show a want of 
good will, should one deny to lend 
medical assistance when it is wanted. 
I am not very formal in the choice of 
remedies, and apply, in specially diffi- 
cult cases, pills made of a little bread 
and epsom salts, the fingers being al- 
ways sufficiently dirty to give them, by 
kneading and twisting, a professional 
appearance. Faith renders the doses 
efficacious, and I am not astonished 
when people thank me afterwards for 
my good services, as this poor woman 
did : she offered me a cup of soup. 
Such people do not believe medicine 
to be efficacious if it is not dear, or has 
no disgusting taste. In general, the 
people on the Paramos are inhospitable, 
lazy, extremely dirty, superstitious, 
thievish, distrustful, cowardly, and, 
therefore, cunning. They have some- 
thing of the character of gypsies ; with 
all that, the journeys in the glacial 
Sahara, as it may be called, are the 
most disagreeable ones imaginable. 
From the end of the Paramos one 
descends rapidly and continuously till, 
after two hours, we arrive at a small, 
unfriendly town. There exists no inn, 
but a shopkeeper of my acquaintance 
offers to lodge me in his house. A let- 
ter of recommendation to the clergy- 
man, Dr. P., which sometimes is of 
great use, is delivered, and after dinner 
Iam so fortunate as to meet with the 
man in whose territorial possession, one 
league distant, I intend to pick up my 
plants. Mr. M. is very glad to see me 
again, and we arrange to meet the next 
day, he undertaking to procure two 
workmen, axes, and beasts, for the 
transport of the collected plants. The 
next day I meet Mr. M. at ten o’clock, 
the worse for drink, and when I speak 
to him about our agreement he begins 


to insult me, saying he would not fulfill 
his engagement, and that all strangers 
come only to his country to exhaust it, 
and to deceive them, etc. To avoid a 
quarrel, and concluding that for this 
day there is nothing to expect, I return 
to the town. When intoxicated, people 
often show their true sentiments, and 
in such a condition we learn, alas ! that 
we strangers are only tolerated, and 
that their kindness is only simulated. 

The next day Mr. M. comes to town 
and asks me to excuse his having of- 
fended me, and invites me to come on 
the following day, when he would pre- 
pare everything necessary, to fell the 
trees, etc. This day I could begin my 
work, collecting on two trees about the 
contents of half a box of plants, which 
I transport to the house. The next day 
heavy rain prevents me from doing 
anything ; only after seven days is the 
quantity of plants I want brought to- 
gether, and I am fortunate the next 
day to find the necessary mules for 
their transport. The plants are packed 
with leaves of bananas and moss in 
nets, similar to fishing nets; this is a 
day’s work, and afterwards they are 
loaded on the mules, which bring them 
home in three days. Immediately after 
arrival they are discharged and spread 
out on the floor of my house, whilst I 
go with fresh linen to the bath house, 
to clean myself of the different insects 
wherewith clothes and body are covered. 
— Gardener’s Chronicle. 


Every florist and plant-grower will 
answer the oft-repeated question ‘‘How 
canImake my winter plants flourish?” by 
saying ‘‘ You must keep the air moist.” 
How to do this is, however, to many, 

a troublesome and unsolved problem. 
We have found by experience that the 
simplest solution to the problem is the 
use of a common whisk broom. Take 
a pail of tepid water every evening ; 
dip your broom in it and whisk it over 
the plants tilleverything is moist. Your 
plants will enjoy this bath and the in- 
sects will not. Insects dislike nothing 
so much as abundant dampness. The 
most troublesome enemy of all—the red 
spider—will soon leave for dryer quart- 
ers, ‘‘ But,” says some neat housekeeper, 
**T shall spoil my carpet if I keep up 
such a daily showering.” So you will 
if you do not protect it, but with a good 
sized piece of oilcloth under your plant- 
stand, as there always should be, you 
may spatter away as much as you like. 

There are a number of mechanical 
contrivances for showering plants, but 
all are more or less expensive. The 
brass garden syringes are always good. 
The ladies’ size, with three sizes in 
sprinklers, is a very handy thing to 
have. But its price ($5.00) would 
keep a great many from purchasing. 
The cheapest thing, and one of the best 
for the purpose that we have seen, is 
the Elastic Plant Sprinkler. It is a 
rubber bottle, holding about a quart, 
and having a finely perforated cap of 
brass. Collapse and then throw this 
bottle into a pail of water and it will 
fill itself instantly. Then by squeezing 
it in the hand a fine spray is thrown on 
any part of the plant to which it is di- 
rected. This simple contrivance we 
can send by mail for $1.00 or a smaller 
size for 60 cents. 


The dwarf -flowering cannas make 
very nice window plants. ‘The Star of 
1891 and 1892 are excellent for this 
purpose. ‘Try it. 


Good specimens of this species of 
Japanese Goldfish are rather rare. 

The size of their fins and their friend- 
ly, innocent disposition, makes them an 
easy prey to their enemies. 

Being highly appreciated by the no- . 

bility of their native country, the 

species is kept out of commerce, simi- 
lar to fine breeds of dogs. These, too, 
are bred for the exclusive delight or 
use of one family or a select circle, and 
cannot be bought for their weight in 
gold. It is, therefore, only by chance 
that one may run across a fair specimen 
of the fringe tail ; as a rule they are 
very hard to get. 


Tho’ the morning be ever so bright, 
' And cloudless the sky of the noon; 
Prepare your lamp ere approach of night ! 
For the day will end all too soon. 
-—From the German. 


Now is the proper season to clean, re- 
arrange and restock your aquarium for the 
winter. Do not overstock your aquarium. 
A few choice specimens are much more at- 
tractive and interesting, and require less 
attention and care than twice their number 
of ordinary everyday fish do. 


Feed your fishes regularly every day, but 
don’t overfeed them. Remember you don’t 
want to fatten your fish for the table ; all 
you want, isto keep them in good condi- 
tion. When feeding IXL. food, bear in 
mind that this food is condensed, contain- 
ing only select ingredients of a highly 
nourishing character. A granule of the 
size of a grain of wheat is sufficient fora 
daily ration of a small fish; when the fish 
is of medium size, two granules of IXL. 
are plenty a day. 

When the water of your aquarium be- 

comes cloudy or milky looking, this is a 
sign that you feed too much. 

Every two or three weeks you should re- 
move the refuse matter that has accumu- 
lated at the bottom of your aquarium by 
means of a glass dipping tube or a small 
rubber hose (siphon). The inside glass 
sides of an aquarium should be carefully 
wiped off at least once in a week. 


Dutch Hyacinth bulbs should be planted 
during the month of October for house 

culture. Buy single named varieties; of 
these you will have the best results. Buy 
the best that you can get; these give you 
the most pleasure. The difference in price 
is only a few cents. 


Do not forget to plant half a dozen or 
more of white Roman Hyacinths in a china 
dish(blue decorated china looks pretty with 
them), using a mixture of moss and sand 
for soil. They should be planted in the 
second half of September or first half of 
October, and will be in bloom at Christmas 
and New Year. Their culture is very sim- 
ple. (See p. 12, vol. iv.) 

During the winter months house plants 
are best watered in the morning. Water 
them only when they are dry; don’t let 
them get too dry, but then water them well, 
not merely wetting the surface of the soil, 
with water of which the chill was taken off. 
In winter no water should be allowed to 
stand below the flower pots in the saucers. 

Ficus repens is a very graceful trailing 
plant, especially well adapted to be grown 
on brackets. It should be kept rather 


Turtles should not be kept in an aquari- 
um. They will injure the fish and also the 

i oornEtnnnnnEnnEIEIEEnIen igceeEEEEEEEEE 

At this season of the year turtles, that 
have been kept as pets, should be allowed 
to bury themselves for the winter. For 
that purpose fill an empty soap box half 
full of moist garden soil, dead leaves, small 
twigs and moss, all mixed up, and on top 
of this set the turtles. These will soon 
make themselves comfortable for the win- 
ter. The box is then covered by nailing 
slats over it, to keep cats and rats out, and 
put in the cellar until spring. The turtles 
will not eat during the winter. 

The material in the box should be 
watered now and then to prevent its be- 
coming too dry. 


Runaway SeEaus.—It is reported that 
nine seals escaped from the Glen Island 
lake one night this summer. Among the 
missing ones is Minnie, the performing 
seal, that has entertained people all over 
the world with her wonderful tricks. She is 
regarded as one of the most.valuable seals in 
existence, and the management of Glen 
Island has offered $500 for her return alive. 
There were twenty-nine seals in the lake at 
the time the party escaped. The theory 
is that Minnie succeeded in opening one of 
the sluice gates by which the lake is sup- 
plied with fresh water, and in this manner 
provided a means of escape for herself and 
the others. 

A PuaGcur or Hyacintus.—The rapidly 
increasing water hyacinth will soon become 
a thing of serious menace to inland nayiga- 
tion on the smaller streams of this State 
unless some panacea is found for the evil. 
A year or two ago the presence of these 
plants in the two city navigation canals 
brought forth considerable comment, and 
at the time proved a source of serious an- 
noyance and inconvenience to the vessels 
which use the basins. Now no one seems 
to know whence they came. The innumer- 
able bayous of the southern part of the 
State are gradually filling up, and in many 
instances have become completely blocked 
with the hyacinth. Even the giant Atcha- 
falaya is filled with great floating masses of 
the plants, and the streams south of the 
city, extending almost to Grand Lake, are 
dotted with islands formed of this beauti- 
ful plant, with its delicate spikes of purple 
flowers. It appears that many years ago, 
according to several of the Atchafalaya 
steamboat men, navigation was impeded in 
the tributaries of that river and on Bayou 
Teche, owing to the presence of the hy- 
acinth, but after a few years the plant dis- 
appeared altogether.—New Orleans Times- 

In REwaTION TO THE Discussron ‘‘ Should 
college professors take out patents,” which 
has been going on in the Electrical Review, 
the following anecdote of a prominent 
scientist is told : 

‘The man was the late Professor Agassiz. 
He was at one time, just in the height of his 
fame and reputation, approached by the 
manager of a lecture bureau, who made 
him an unusually liberal offer to deliver a 
series of lectures. As the offer did not ap- 
pear to arouse any enthusiasm in the 
scientist, the manager expatiated at some 
length on the financial advantages of the 
scheme, and finally increased the offer. 
Looking at him steadily Professor Agassiz 
said: ‘ My friend, I haven’t time to make 
money.’ ” 


je ecccepecie 



It is claimed that 60,000 pounds of 
frogs’ legs were sold in the New York 
markets this year, the retail price rang- 
ing from 35 cents to 65 cents a pound. 


For the small sum of one dollar in ad- 
vance, which pays for a year’s subscription 
to THE Aquarium, you are entitled to ask 
information on any point regarding the 
aquarium or the window garden. We offer 
no other premium to our subscribers than 
that of putting over 25 years of practical ex- 
perience in these branches at their disposal. 
Ask as many questions as you please, but 
please to enclose postage for reply. All 
questions are answered by mail, and we 
publish only such in these columns as are 
of general interest. 


Dr. B.——B.—The disease is caused by a 
microscopic parasite called [chthyophilurius, 
which means fish destroyer. It is a parasite 
similar to the one that causes the disease 
known as itch. Its presence is first indi- 
cated by small white spots that appear 
here and there on the body of the fish and 
also upon the fins. The parasite spreads 
rapidly, working its way below the fish’s 
skin, destroying this completely, the fins 
soon appearing like bristle brushes. Soon 
after this stage, a white fungus growth 
makes its appearance upon the decaying 
parts, which is the beginning of the end. 

If a daily bath in strong salt-water, to 
last a few minutes each time, is given the 
affected fish when the disease is in its first 
stage, the parasites will be destroyed. 

In a communication to THE AQUARIUM 
‘see p. 14, Vol. IV.) a lady states that she 
has completely cured her goldfish, which 
were badly affected with the disease in 
question, by putting them on a diet of 
young snails, keeping the fish in a properly 
stocked tank by themselves. Many people 
in certain districts of Europe eat snails, 
claiming that they purify their system. 
Snails may possess some medicinal prop- 
erties. We wish that some of our readers, 
should they have the misfortune of having 
their fish affected with this disease, would 
try the snail diet on them and report the 

results to the Editor of THz Aquarium for 
the benefit of other goldfish fanciers. Our 
own fish are not troubled by this disease ; 
it may be due to our [XL fish food, which 
is medicinal to some extent and keeps them 
in prime condition and therefore less liable 
to any kind of disease, and much more able 
to resist the contraction of disease than if 
they were in poor condition. 

Mrs. F. E. J.—When you speak of 
‘* Japs,” we presume that you mean the 
double-tailed Japanese goldfish. These, be- 
ing a great deal slower in their movements, 
are easier injured by their enemies than 
the single tailed species. 

Most species of sunfish are terribly savy- 
age; they will pick out the eyes of other 
fish. We have proof that a sunfish picked 
out and ate both eyes of a medium sized 
telescope fish. The telescope fish was after- 
ward placed where it could be fed sepa- 
rately and lived for years after that acci- 

Regarding the fin trouble, this may be 
caused by the sunfish also, or you may have 
young eels in your pond; both will injure 
fish by biting off their fins. 

Mrs. H. V.—To make a success of any- 
thing nowadays requires that one becomes 
a specialist. You must find out what species 
and what varieties of fish do best in your 
locality under the conditions you have at 
hand. These you must cultivate with the 
utmost care, bringing the characteristics of 
the variety, whatever these may be, to per- 
fection. You should find out whether color 
or shape is most in demand with the people 
among whom you expect to find customers; 
whether small, short, slender, plump, 
round or flat shapes are preferred. Accord- 
ing to these demands, you must breed your 
fish, always keeping your eye on the pro- 
duction of a novelty in the shape of an in- 
teresting cross-breed. 

In order to do this successfully, it is 
necessary to keep a stock book wherein the 
pedigrees of your fish are carefully re- 
corded. Aim for quality not quantity, and 
you are sure to succeed. We have never 
had too many choice fish yet. 

Subscriptions to THE AQUARIUM are now 
due. Those who know themselves to be in 
arrears are politely requested to remit. 

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