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The aim of this book is to serve as a small vocabulary for students 
of medical texts containing anatomical terms in Arabic or Latin (or more 
properly the barbarous Latin of medieval sources). The need of aids in 
the interpretation of such Arabic and Latino-Barbarous terms is strongly 
felt by everyone reading old works on medicine written in those languages, 
and is confirmed by the statements of the famous Professor of Arabic, 
Edward G. Browne, who in his absorbingly interesting book: Arabian 
Medicine (Cambridge 1921), page 33 et seq., says as follows: »Before pro- 
ceeding further, however, there are one or two preliminary matters on 
which a few words should be said, and first of all as to the evolution of 
Arabic scientific terminology. The Syrians, as we have seen, were too 
much disposed to transcribe Greek words as they stood, without any attempt 
at elucidation, leaving the reader to make the best he could of them. The 
medieval Latin translators from the Arabic did exactly the same, and the 
Latin Qdmnin of Avicenna swarms with barbarous words which are not 
merely transcriptions, but in many cases almost unrecognizable mis- 
transcriptions, of Arabic originals. Thus the coccyx is named in Arabic 
‘us‘us ..., or, with the definite article, a/-‘us‘us ..., which appears in the 
Latin version as alhsoos; al-gatan ..., the lumbar region, appears as 
alchatim ; al-‘ajuz or al-‘ajiz..., the sacrum, variously appears as alhauis and 
al-hagiazi,; and an-nawajidh ..., the wisdom-teeth, as nuaged or neguegidt. . .« 

Some terms have also been selected from authors belonging to the 
XVIth century; however, these terms were also to some extent in use 
in the Middle Ages. 

The book does not lay any claim to completeness; yet, I venture to 
hope that it contains sufficient material to be of real use to medical histo- 
rians, and to Arabic and medieval Latin philologists as well. 

In the vocabulary, I have included practically all anatomical terms to 
be found in the well-known historical works by Hyrtl, as well as those in 
the lists of Simon and Koning. The Arabic anatomical texts edited by 
Dr. med Simon (Anatomy of Galen) and by Dr. med. de Koning (ar-Razi, 
al-“Abbas, Abt 1-Oasim) have been examined. Besides these, the chief 
sources have been the Canon Medicinae by Avicenna and the corre- 
sponding Arabic text (Ibn Sina: al-Qantn fi t-tibb), printed at Bulaq. 
The copious medieval Latin texts on anatomy and surgery, edited by 
Professor Dr. K. Sudhoff, the eminent scholar of the history of medicine, 
have proved very useful to me. 

Terms relating to physiology, except a few, have been excluded. 

The following abbreviations are often met with in this vocabulary: 
A. = Arabic, G. = Greek, Avic. = Avicenna: Canon Medicinae (Latin text, 
Venetiis apud Juntas, 1608); A.B: and A.E. refer to the lists of terms in- 
cluded in the edition of 1608. Further: Benedictus = Alexandri Benedicti 
(Benedetti) Anatomia siue Historia Corporis Humani, Edit. 1527. 

In translating the medieval terms I have generally used the English 
and Latin terminology in Cunningham’s Text-Book of Anatomy, 1917, 
frequently adding to it from the older terminology, in parenthesis. 

I have to express my deep indebtedness to »Videnskapsselskapet«, 
Kristiania, for having defrayed the expenses of publishing this book, to 
the Executive Committee of » Jubileumsfondet« for having granted a scholar- 
ship for preparatory work. 

Special thanks are gratefully rendered to Professor A. Seippel who 
has revised the Arabic words; likewise to Professor Dr. Eitrem and 
Lector A. Sommerfelt for their kindness in revising the Greek. 

Kristiania in June 1922. 
The Author. 


1. Abarticulatio — articulation. G. araedowotc. 
2. Abbatice — »os basilare«(?) q.v. (Sudh. Anat. 38). 
3. Abdomen — »sive sumen<¢ q.v.; »pars quae infra umbelicum situm 

habet, ab antiquis abdomen« (Benedictus)., Mainly the hypo- 
gastric region. 

4. Abeas — amnion!. The »abeas« corresponds, acc. to Hyrtl, to A 
anfas ondil; still more corresponding is A. abghas es q. Vv. 
5. Abgas — amnion!. A. abghas els a form certainly representing 
a corruption of A. anfas ee the second and third Arabic 

characters of which may, in MSS., easily be misread. Avic 
(A. E.): »... .i. panniculus subtilior et tertius quo embryo 


6. Abghas A. — vide s.v. »abgas«. 

7. Abhans | 

8. Abhaum — os coccygis (coccyx), the coccyx. 
g. Abhaus | 

to. Abigas — vide »abgas«. 

11. Abrip — calcaneus (os calcis, calcaneum), the calcaneus. A. ‘aqib earreh 

12. Abitat ad-dam ..-} xlaa.c A. — coagulated blood. G. JoduBoc. 

13. Abzan |.,;:) A. — hypophysis (hypophysis cerebri, old term: corpus 
pituitarium, the pituitary body). 

14. Acceptabulum — the acetabulum (of the hip-bone). 

15. Acetabula — Benédictus: »... hoc est cotyledonibus«. Castelli: 
carneze moli vel glandulosz, quze in homine placenta uterinz 
vel hepatis uterini nomine venit. . 

16. Acetabulum — the acetabulum. 

17. -»- anche — id. 

1 Acc, to Hyrtl »amnios« (= G. @uvtog) would be the only correct form 
of the word, 

Vid.-Selsk. Skrifter. I]. H.-F Kl. 1921. No. 7. 1 



18. Acetabulum humeri — Valla: »entyposis« éytizrworg (Weoxottdn) = 

cavitas glenoidalis scapula, the glenoid cavity (or fossa) of 
the shoulder blade. 

19. Achaea — Sudh. Anat. 4o- 41: »Omnia igitur pedis ossa sunt xxiiij 




achee [!|scilicet unum. cruris duo. et os calcanei. et os quod 
vocatur achib. et tria ossa ex quibus componitur pedis ra- 
cheta et alia quinque ex quibus pedis pecten componitur. 
digitorum quoque ossa xilij et os genu.« — »Anchee« q.v. 
(meaning the femur or thigh-bone). 

Achaiasim | — cellule ethmoidales, the ethmoidal cells. Avic. (A. E.) 

Achaiasin f »achaiasin .i. Supreme partes nasi<. 

Achib — calcaneus (os calcis, calcaneum), the calcaneus, A. ‘aqib Uae 
) ) ) - : 

Hebr. ha- aqéb (»haacheu« Hyrtl) apyn. Also: the talus (or 


Achichadaron — the scrotum. 
Achmas — Avic. (A.B.): ».. est pars concava vel curvata in planta 

pedis ad latus domesticum (the inner side) declinans.« Avic. 
De anat. pedis, in marg.: ».-... achmas, id est pars concava 
planta (sic) pedis declinans ad latus domesticum, ut sit decli- 
natio pedis in hora standi<. A. akhmas anes q. Vv... “Dike 
hollow (of the sole) of the foot. 

Acies — Avic. De anat. rasetae: »Rasetze [manus] vero ossa sunt sep- 
tem, et unum additum, sed septem radicalia in duabus con- 

sistunt aciebus - una acies est ad partem cubiti (in margine: 

aseid) : cuius ossa sunt tria... Et alterius aciei ossa sunt 
quatuor, quee sunt ad partem pectinis et digitorum.« A row 
(of bones). Also used in the meaning of »agmina« = arti- 
culic = »internodia« = gpadayyec. 

Acinus — the uvula. 

Acormium — the acromion. 

Acromphalium — Benedict.: = G. ézoougaheov (vide Spigelius: weoou- 

gusov zai axoougahoyv). Spigel.: »media eius (i. e. umbilici) 
pars; cavum autem yeyyauwy appellatur.« Benedict.: » 
bilicus.., in cuius medio acromphalium, circa quem corruguta 
vetula sita est « 
Acrusta — the lower part of the back; regio lumbalis, the lumbar region. 
Acumen nasi — »Propter dolorem frontis inciditur uena inter duo super- 
cilia uel super acumen nasi« (Sudh, Chir. II 378). The upper 

part of the nose. 


31. Acus capitis — processus styloideus, the styloid process (of the tem- 
poral bone). 

32. -»- ossea — id. 

33. Adabac — Avic. (A.E.): ».i. viscus«. 

34. Adaicon — the patella (rotula) or knee-pan. 

35. “Adal jus A. — 1. muscle, 2. muscles. G. wie. 

36. al- Adal alladi bain al-adla® Aalio| er gous asi} A. — musculi 

intercostales, the intercostal muscles. G. wedozclevotoe vec. 

37. al Adal alladi fi-ma bain al-adla° -oSI yar Lead cd! jvasi! A. — 
the intercostal muscles. 

38. al-Adal alladi fi nahiyat al-katif CasX!} sob & coil! Kost! A. — 
— musculi trapezii, the trapezii. 

39. al“ Adal al-lahmi al-muntasib Cuokilh (4b) joa) A. — musculus 
rectus abdominis, lit. »the fleshy, straight (or upright, vertical) 
muscle.« G. 6 oagxwdng dodog wig, oaoxwdng wuts, CoG 

40. “Adal al-madgh elt Awors A. -- musculus masseter, the masseter. 
G. uaontng mie. 

41. al- Adal al-mu'arrib yell jkass} A. — musculus obliquus abdominis. 

42. ‘Adal as-salab (or as-sulb) eae jxoe A.— muse. longissimus dorsi, 
the long dorsal muscle. 

43. “Adala Xloe (plur. ‘adal \os) A. — muscle. 

44. al- Adalat al-asabaniyyat al-wast LaugSt Railasazd} xLosl} A. — >the 
muscle being tendinous in the middle<; musculus digastricus 
(musc. biventer, biventer |mandibulze|), the digastric muscle. 

45. Adal ‘azm as-salab (or as-sulb) he's alas Juas A. — musc. lon- 
gissimus dorsi, the long dorsal muscle. G. gayitat wvéc. 

46. al- Adalat al-khassiyya bil-iahy al-asfal jaw SI cea sao ld xhasil A, 
— »the muscle peculiar to the lower jaw«, m. digastricus (or 
biventer [mandibulze|), the digastric muscle. G. 6 ‘dvoe tie 

47. ‘Adala mukarrara 3, (Ka xkxas A. — musculus digastricus (or biventer 
‘mandibulae|), the digastric muscle. 

48. al- Adalat al-murtafi‘at al-khassiyya bid-dil’ al-awwal X2as LN Xios! 

oee phaill Kast} A, — »the ascending muscle peculiar to 






A. FONAHN. Eek. Ki: 

the first rib«, musculus subclavius, the subclavius muscle. 
G. 6 &% tne xhetddg Eig Try TOWTHY mhEevoay xadInzWY MLC; 
3 c NY ~ - ‘ ~ 
0 v0 tyg xdetdog mvc. 
alee 35) = = 
al- Adalat al-mushtarika li-azm al-katif was-sadr waed *5 DEL Rosi 
ai Sas 
aX] A. — »the muscle common to the scapula 
and the thorax«, musculus serratus anterior (m. serratus mag- 
nus, m. serraticus anticus major). G. zowog tH¢ wuomharne 
zat Hwoaxog ure. 
al- Adalat ash-shabiha bid-dal NoJL XaancJ) xleasi! A. — musculus 
deltoideus, the deltoid muscle. G. dedtoedre ute. 
(ey) o- 
“Adalat as-sudgh ¢XoJ} Xicoc A. — musculus temporalis, the tem- 
poral muscle. G. zootapitng woe. 
~ oy - - 
al- Adalat as-sudghiyya x4¢.XoJ! Xlesl} A. — id. 
Adcubitale --- the humerus or bone of the arm. 
Addaicon — the patella (rotula) or knee-pan. 

Additamentum — apophysis or process, a marked bony prominence 
(Hyrtl: »Epiphysis« is no good interpretation, as this word 
is used to signify portions of bones formed from secondary 

or tertiary centres of ossification and united to the diaphysis 

or main part of the bone — formed from the primary centre 
of ossification — by intervening cartilage, which afterwards 

Additamenta — lobes (of the liver). 

Additamenta conjunctionalia — processus articulares, the articular pro- 
cesses of the vertebrae (zygapophyses), of which there are 
two kinds: a. addimenta conj. sursum a(d)spicientia, or su- 
periora — the superior articular processes, and b. additam. 
conj. inversa, or inferiora, or inferius a(d)spicientia — the 
inferior articular processes. 

Additamenta cordis — Mundinus 15": ».. sunt quedam partes pelli- 
culares : apte ad dilatandum & constringendum.« Auriculze 
cordis, the auricles of the heart. 

Additamenta costarum — Avic. De anat. costar.: »... duas profundas 
ingrediuntur vacuitates, quae sunt in unaquaque ala, que est 
supra spondylem et provenit iunctura dupla.« Tubercula 
(tuberositates) costarum, the tubercles (tuberosities) of the ribs. 

Additamenta coxae — the trochanters (trochanter major et minor, the 

great trochanter and the small troch.). 




Additamenta gibbosa — capitula(?) et tubercula costarum, the heads (?) 
and tubercles (tuberosities) of the ribs (Koning). See also 
»additamenta costarum<«. In Avicenna: Canon Medic., this 

expression particularly refers to the »capita costarum<. 

Additamenta juncturarum — the same as »additam. conjunctionalia¢. 

Additamentum majus (coxze) — trochanter major, greater trochanter. 

Additamenta mamillaria — bulbi olfactorii, the olfactory bulbs. Also: 

additiones mamill., q. v. 

Additamentum minus (coxee) — trochanter minor, lesser trochanter. 

Additamentum necatum — the olecranon. 

(duo) Additamenta ossis capitis — the (two) condyles of the occi- 
pital bone. 

Additamentum rostrale — processus coracoideus (scapulze), the cora- 

coid process. Also: »rostrum corvi<, »alacharam<, »man- 
char algorabe. A.: al-akhram ».>\! and: minqar al-ghurab 
1,2.) sli. 

Additamenta sisamina — vide »ossa shemie<, and »sagittariic. 

Additio linguiformis — the epiglottis (of the larynx). 

Additiones mamillares — bulbi olfactorii, the olfactory bulbs. Also: 
additamenta mamill., q. v. 

Adjutorium — humerus, the humerus or bone of the arm (os humeri). 

Adjutorii junctura — articulatio humeri, the shoulder-joint. 

Adnascantia — Hyrtl: Epiphyses. 

Adnata — the conjunctiva (conj. bulbi and conj. palpebrarum). 

Adnexus — Hpyrtl: Epiphysis. 


Adorem — suturee cranii. A.: ad-darz, plur. ad-duruz 

Adoren sv) plur. Out 

») Dy) 
Adorez (-s) 
Adorsi SC: 
: | — aorta. See A. aorti 6)! and »ahorti«. 

Adorti f ree 

Adsenascem — processus spinosi (vertebrarum), the spinous processes. 
A. sinsin, plur. sinasin Sane plur. -ywliw. See also »alse- 
nasen«, »senasen<. 

Aductorium — humerus, the humerus or bone of the arm (os humeri). 

.‘Adud Xs A. — 1. the humerus or bone of the arm; 2. the arm, 

from the shoulder to the elbow, the upper arm, the brachium. 
G. Boayiwy. 

Aér complanatus — Hyrtl: air in the tympanum (the middle ear). 

A. FONAHN. H.-F. K1. 


87. Aér complanctatus — id. 

88. Affusio — I. pancreas; 2. placenta. 

89. Afididumis (mess rd! A. — epididymis. G. ézdidvuic. 

go. Agis — the femur or thigh bone (os femoris). 

gt. Agit — the sacrum (os sacrum). G. 10 iegov dototy, 0 i€Q0g Oz0r0vdoe. 
A. ‘ajz js. 

92. Agmina — the phalanges or internodia. G. padayyec. 

93. Agnata — see »adnata<. 

94. Ahorti — aorta. See also: »adorsi«, »adorti«. 

95. Aichmas — see »achmas<. 

96. “Ain ec A. — oculus, eye. 

97. ‘Ain al-katif —axxit eye A. — >the eye of the shoulder blade«, spina 
scapulze, the spine of the shoulder blade. See »oculus sca- 
pule«. . 

98. “Ain ar-rukba say Sh nae A. — »the eye of the knee«, the patella 
(rotula) or knee-pan. 

gg. al- Ajuz A. pel | — the sacrum (os sacrum). See also »al-azm 

al“ Ajz A. sul | al- arid« ag ,2J] pirsdl. 

too. al Akhal res A. — Avic.: »vena nigra«, »the black veine«: Vena 
mediana, the median vene. G. 7 wéon pdéw. — Judging 
from the use of the — at least literally — corresponding term 
»vena nera« in Leonardo da Vincis’s anatomy |»Quaderni 
d’Anatomia«, ed. by Vangensten, Fonahn & Hopstock, Vol. 
I—VI) the expression cannot only have been used for the 
vena mediana of the upper limb; Leonardo applies the term 
»vena nera< also to vein(s) on the heart. On fol. 4Te¢t® Vol. II 
he speaks of the »vena nera« thus: »Always the artery is 
below the »vena nera«. »»Vena nera< of the right ventricle« 
(Drawing). »I lack the »vena nera« to this »vena arteriale« 
which (vena nera), I believe, issues from this branch of the 
left »vena nera««. »be is the »vena nera«, which issues 
from the right auricle and is accompanied by the branch of 
the »vena arteriale« fb c of the right-ventricle, moving and 
increasing, one towards the other« (Drawing). The »vena 
nera« here evidently signifies »vena« in opposition to »artery«. 

1o1. al-Akhda an ole dS A. — the laterai parts of the neck. 

102, Akhir al-kharaz ;.J! .+) A. — lower end of the vertebral column. 

2p, > 










OA ie 




I ro. 

= FTG: 


Akhmas asl A. — See »achmas«. The hollow (of the sole) of 
the foot. 

Akhram aye! A. — processus coracoideus, the coracoid process (of 
the scapula), See also »additamentum rostrale«. 

Akkebh — the calcaneus. A.: aqib Bee, 

Ala — 1. the axilla; 2. the shoulder; 3. the omentum; »ala major 
omenti« — omentum majus; 4. the transverse process (of a 
vertebra); 5. in plur. »alae« applied to »lobes of the liver«; 

6. »alze« appl. to the labia minora or nymphe; 7. »alze« 

appl. to the ears (? Hyrtl); 8. »alz cordis« — the auricles 
of the heart; 9. »ala ossis humeri« — the head of the 

Ala oy A. — (implement, tool) organon, organ; f.i. os = J 

S201 SI organ of the volontary movements. G. doyavoy 
(Medieval Latin: membrum). 
Alat al-ghida’ <|iss! wY} A. — the organs of digestion. 


Alat ash-shamm ~s)} x!} A. — organon olfactus, the organ of (the 

sense of) smell. 

Alat at-tanaffus eee) eS} A. — the organs of respiration. 

Alat at-tanasil TUees ei A. — the reproductive (sexual) organs 
(les organes de la génération). 

A‘la al-hanak cist calsl A. -— palatum, the palate, arch of the 
palate roof of the mouth. 

Alabari — A.: alwarid X;),J! »the vein«, espec. the vena cava, and 

the jugular vein. 

Alabathein — Avic. ».. id est duas subascellas« Venez axillares, 

the axillary veins. Cfr. also »venze alabathi« in Avic. (A. B.}: 

» ..sunt venze brachij infra basilicam« (q. v.). 

Alaberize — see »ossa alaberiz<. 
Alacahab — the ligaments of the knee-joint. 
Alachan — Avic. (A.E.): » est locus ubi collum iungitur capiti 

exterius et posterius.< 

Alachaliun — Avic. (A. B.): ».. id est calcaneo attributorum. 

Alacharam — processus coracoideus, the coracoid process. A.: al- 
akhram » >‘! q. v. 

Alachdain — Avic. (A.B.): ».. id est duabus eminentijs posterioris 
partis capitis.« The condyles of the occipital bone(?). Or 

the same as »alacharan« (= processus mastoideus, -ei?)? 

8 A. FONAHN. Ss bei Ob 
121. Alachmas — see »achmas« and »akhmas«. The hollow of the foot. 
122. Alafar — Avic. (A. E.): » ...i. concavitas.« 

123. Alagas — the sacrum (os sacrum). A.: al-ajz sisi q. Vv. 

124. Alagdini — the hollow of the neck. 

125. Alagiazi —- the sacrum (os sacrum). See »alagas«, and »al-ajz«. 

126. Alahacani — Avic. (A.E.): »..est os, per quod completur iunctura.« 

127. Alanemel — Aric. (A. B.) »alanamel (sic) sunt extremitates digitorum 
quze a vulgaribus pupulz appellantur.« 1. the terminal, or 
ungual phalanges (internodia); 2. the pulpz digitorum. A.: 
anamil jabit, plur. of anmula Lit q-v. See also »ale- 
mel«. : 

128. Alanfache — vena ranina, the ranine vein (the largest of the lin- 
gual veins), A.: al-anfaqa xaais\. 

129. Alanfuta — the philtrum (nasi). A: Gacas al-“unfuta; ‘unfuta means 
I. a philtre, a love charm (G. gidtooyv); 2. an interstice, the 
interval between the mustaches (philtrum nasi). 

130. Alanis — os sacrum, the sacrum. See »alavis«, »alhavis«, »alhavime. 

131. Alarc(hjub — 1. Hyrtl: »Vena ad calcem«. ws) ,2 1 als sit ee 
»the vein behind the tendo Achillis«; 2 = »clavicula pedis« 
i. €. malleolus (or rather (?) malleoli); 3. the tendo Achillis; 
vide Avic. (A.B.): »Alii vero arabes dicunt quod est nervus 
grossus in parte posteriori pedis descendens, et terminans 
ad caleaneum.« A.: al-urqub 95,31 = tendo Achillis q. v. 

132. Alarutola — Avic. (A. E.): »...i. caleanei locus. « 

133. Alauamel -— Avic. De anat. digitor.: »extremitates tenium ossium.« 
See »alanemel<, the terminal phalanges. 

134. Alavis — see »alanis«, »alhavis«<, »alvahim«, the sacrum (os sacrum). 

135. Alas(c)eilem — Avic. (A. B.): alasceilem vena secundum Syrasim est 
vena, quae est inter digitum anularem et auricularem situata, 
et apud latinos communiter dicitur salvatella.< See »(vena) 
salvatella«. See »sceilem¢, »seile«, »al-usailim« MES »vena 
salvatella«, »funis brachii¢. 

136. Alasusa — see »alhasusac. 

137. Alathba — Avic, (A.B.): ».. id est unius tabulz ‘ossis.« 

138. Albadara | 

139. Albadaram ¢ — ossa sesamoidea hallucis (Hyrtl). 

140. Albadaran | 

141. Albalesa — see »venz albalesa«. 





Albamentum oculi — the conjunctiva. 

Albaragim — the finger-tips. A.: al-barajim pec ply plur. of al-burjama 
xm wl, or al-burjuma Sail or al-burjum REA Also: the 
middle phalanges. 

Albarbachi — see »didymi« (testes). 

Albarfa | 

Albartafa — the ilium (os ilei). 

Albartapha | 

Albategin — Avic. (A.E.) ».. .i. extremitates ossium que iungitur 

in digitus.« 

Albathara | SASt 

mieten () the clitoris. 

Alborati — Avic. (A. E.) ».. .i. umbilicus.« 

Albosus — coccyx, os coccygis, the coccyx (the coccygeal vertebrz). 

Albuginea — 1. the conjunctiva; 2. sclera, the sclera (or sclerotic, 
tunica sclera). 

Albugineus — see »humor albugineuss. 

Albugo \ — 1. sclera (sclerotic); 2. conjunctiva. Cfr. A.: bayad ~ 

Album oculi J al<ain cyanll Gola. 

Albunior — Avic. (A.E.): ».. vel alhauiraff®.i. foramen in quod 
intrat dens.« Alveolus. 
Alcadid — Avic. (A. E.): »..est locus a cubito ad rascetam«. Anti- 

brachium, the forearm. 

Alcahab — 1. the talus (astragalus); 2. malleolus. See »caab«, 
wehahabs, and A.: kab. Avic: (A. B:):) >... varia (-e? 
exponitur ab arabicis. Quidam enim dixerunt quod et pars 
ossuosa eminens in parte domestica pedis et in parte syl- 
vestri, qua quidem eminentiz opponuntur directe, et sunt 
extremitates ossium cruris videlicet cannz maioris et minoris 
et talis pars communiter appellatur clavicula pedis; ab im- 
peritis tenetur quod talis pars sit alcahab. Medici vero 
indagatores veritatis asserunt quod alcahab est pars pedis 
infra duas eminentias supradictas, scilicet infra claviculam, 
et incipit ab interiori parte pedis infra rasetam pedis et ter- 
minatur ad calcaneum. Et si quis bene consideret verba 
Avicen|nja(!). primo can. c. de anatomia pedis, fatebitur 
quod alcahab non est eminentia, sed pars infra eminentias, 

ut dictum est.< See A.: kab Us, and »alchaab«. 

10 A. FONABN. H.-F. Kl. 

159. Alcansi — processus xiphoideus (sterni), the xiphoid or ensiform 
process (metasternum, xiphisternum). See »alchangiar«. 

160. Alc(h)jatim | — 1. regio lumbalis, the lumbar region; 2. the hollow 

161. Alc(hjatin J of the sacrum. [Hyrtl], Avic. (A.B.): »alchatin est 
pars continens spondyles quinque immediate infra spondy- 
lem XIL« Avic. (A. E.): ».. .i. locus dorsi indiretio nenum 
(for: renum), vel articulus est in arabico.« A.: al-qatan oan. 

162. Alchaab — see »alcahab«. The astragalus, or talus. Avic. (A. E.): 
»Alchaab duo .1. cavillze duze.« 

163. Alchab — see »alchaab« and »alcahab«. 

164. Alchad — Avic. (A. B.): ».. est pars carnosa musculosa situata infra 
oculus(!) supra os maxillare superius occupans magnum spatium 
faciei. Pomus vero maxillaris qui parvum occupat spatium 
et a quibusdam latinis gena vocatur, ab arabicis appellatur 
ugene.« In Avic. De anat musculor palpebre the »alchad« 
seems to signify the upper jaw (maxilla superior). A.: al-khadd 
ASI, the cheek. 

165. Alchadam — the hollow of the neck. 

166. Alchadaugen — see »alkagonesa(m)<. 

167. Alchela — Avic. (A. B.): ».. sunt duze eminentiz posterioris capitis 
et vicinze duabus venis situate in latere colli ad caput 
ascendentibus. « 

168. Alchafa — see »alchamhudues. 

169. Alchaiasiz — Avic. (A.E.): ».. .i. supremze partis nasi.« Cellulz 
ethmoidales, the ethmoidal cells. 

170. Alchakab — Avic. (A. E.): » .. .1. ligamentum aposterioribus tendens 
anterius, et ab anterioribus retro rediens.« 

171. Alchamba — the pituitary body (hypophysis cerebri). Also: the 

172. Alchamhudue — Avic. (A. B.): ».. sicut dixit Syrasi est locus ele- 
vatus supra nocram. Et quidam dicunt, quod est alchafa 
id est pars capitis posterior quae obviat terree, cum homo 
lacet supinus. « 

173. Alchangiar — see »alcansi«, processus xiphoideus, the xiphoid process. 

174. Alchangiari | — processus xiphoideus, the xiphoid process, or rather 

175. Alchangieri | its »inferior extremitas«. Avic. (A.B.): ».. est nomen 

176. Alchangiri ee” ab hoc nomine alchangiar quod significat 

177. Alchangri gladium valde usitatum in Syria et est ad latitudinem 

tendens, cuius cuspis est incisivus, & cartilago in fine 

thoracis (thorax = sternum) que aspectum habet ad os 


stomachi denominatur alchangiari quia extremitati gladij prae- 

dicti assimilatur. Figura gladij alchangiar: (drawing). — See 


epiglottis«. A.: al-ghudruf al-khanjari ee Ub, waa, 
178. Alcharan — see Avic. De anat. musculor. maxilla, where is men- 
tioned a third origin of the sterno-cleidomastoid muscle (?), 
»ab osse alcharan (this word in the margin), quod rostro 
corvi in spatula similatur.« Processus mastoideus? The 
same as »alachdain<? q. v. 
179. Alchatha — Avic. (A. B.) »est pairjs immediate sub alchatin et supra 
os caudze.« Regio ossis sacri. 
180. Alchatim | 
181. Alchatur { 
182. Alcheel — regio interscapularis, the interscapular region. Avic.(A.B.): 

— see »ralcatim«. 

»alchel seu alcheel secundum arabes, et praecipue Sirasim 
est Jocus.inter duas spatulas, ..« Avic. (A. E.): ».. est 
locus inter duas spatulas sub collo ubi s. coniungitur collum 
dorso.« See »alckel«. 

183. Alchef — manus, A.: al-kaff Sai. 

184. Alchesf — Avic. (A. B.): ».. est pars media inter collum et extremi- 
tatem humeri.« Corpus humeri, body (or shaft) of the hu- 

merus or bone of the arm. 
185. Alchiab — Avic. (A.B.): ».. .i. claviculz.« 

186. Alckel — Avic. (A. E.): ».. .1. sub collo ubi iunguntur furculze dorsi.« 
See »alcheels. 

187. Alderazi — sutura (cranii). A. ad-darz poo 

188. Alderez — Avic. (A.E.): ».. .i. concavitas .i. ventriculus cerebri.« 

189. Alderuzi — Avic. (A. B.):,».. est extremitas Paley superior ex qua 

dens oritur, et egreditur secundum partem eius, que apparat 
visul. « 

190. Aldip — the calcaneus. A.: ‘aqib ae. 

191..Alema — Hyrtl: emissaria. A.: al-qimma x.#!. Yet, accord. to 

Avic. (A. E.): ».. (alihema) .i. vertex«; the Arabic qimma 

means: crown of the head. See »alihemasc. 

192. Alemel — Avic. (A. E.): ».. sunt ossa subtilia et minuta, quz sunt 
in digitorum extremitatibus.« See »alanemel«. The termi- 
nal phalanges. Ci 

193. Alfagar — Avic.(A.B): ».. .i. apertionis oris.« A.: al-fajr Sus? 

= opening, fissure. 

A. FONAHN. H.-F. Kh. 


194. Alfagiuee — Avic. (A. B.): ».. est concavitas cerebri.« Ventricle (of 
the brain). 

195. Alfaich | — os hyoideum, the hyoid bone. A.: al-fa’iq. Avic. (A.E ): 

196. Alfaie f »Alfaie .i. excedens, et est os super galsamata (the epi- 
glottis) habens quattuor latera (cornua), duo superius et duo 
inferius. « 

197. Alfanea — Avic. (A. E.): ».. .1. locus inter meatus (q. v.) et labium 
inferius. « 

198. Alfechi — Avic. (A.B): » .. est commissura (the suture), quee in- 
cipit a superiori parte frontis descendens per nasum usque 
ad mentum dividens faciem in duas partes dextram s. et 
sinistram.« Hyrtl: »sutura frontalis«. 

199. Algalsamach — the epiglottis. See »algasamata« (»galsamatac). 

200. Algamur — the gingiva. See also »alhamur«, »algumure. Al.: al- 
“umr Ley plur. al- umtr pe 

201. Algasam — Avic. (A. B.): ».. est membrum circa vulvam, et partes 
gutturis. « 

202. Algasamata — the epiglottis. Avic. (A.E.): ».. est caro panniculosa 
sub uva pendens cooperiens caput canne.« See »algal- 

203. Algededi — os sphenoidale, the sphenoid bone. See »alguededi«. 

204. Algeherich } — vene labiorum. Avic. (A. E.): »Algeherit — sunt 

205. Algeherit | quattuor venz labij.« Avic. (A. B.): »Algiareth secun- 

206. Algiareth | dum Sirasim est vocabulum, et idem est quod venze 

207. Algieareth quatuor labiorum a parte intri|n|seca.« 

208, Alguededi — os sphenoidale, the sphenoid bone. See »algededi«. 

209. Algumur — the»gingiva. See »algamur«, »alhamurs«. 

210. Alhacab — Avic. (A.B.): ».. sunt ligamenta, seu chordz, que nas- 

cuntur ex extremitatibus ossium, sicut quze sunt inter duo 
extrema ossium iuncture, seu inter os et alia membra: et 
annectit unum cum alio annexione forti, et propter talem 
annexionem fortem denominatur alhacab: nam alhacab arabice 
est nervus camelorum! contusus in villis, quibus simul cum 

colla involvuntur(!) arcus ligatione forti, sicut fit in civitate 

Damasci.« A. “se = ligament. See »hachab«. 

1 Cfr, J. Richardson: A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic and English, Lond. 1806: 

A. X.8e eakabat, A nerve, a tendon (particularly the nerve of a camel’s 
sarin Sige fh , e y 

neck used when macerated to bind the heads of arrows, &c.). 













Alhach | — Avic. (A. B.): » .. est pars gutturis, ubi fit deglutitio 

Alhachum f cibi et potus«. Ibid.: ».. est pars gutturis ubi canna pol- 
monis (trachea) et epiglottis (larynx) principium habet a parte 

Alhadab — Avic. (A. B.): » .. est pars brachij a cubito usque ad 
humerum.« A.: al-adud ous (Hyrtl: »al-adid«), q.v. Bra- 
chium, the upper arm. The humerus, or bone of the arm. 

Alhadani — Avic. (A. E.): ».. .i. loca quae. sunt post aures.« Pro- 
cessus mastoidei, the mastoid processes. 

Alhafagi — Avic. (A.B.): ».. .1. partes ani.« 

Alhagiagi ) — Avic. (A.B): »Alhagiagi est pars continens tre spon- 

Alhagiazi | dyles immediate sub alchatim.« A. al- ajz sisi (or al- ajiz). 

Alhaguahic — cartilagines auricularum (or auriculares), the ear- 
cartilages; or rather: auriculz, the auricles. 

Alhalch | — »guttur«, q.v. See also A. halaq Wal> and A. hulqim 

Alhalcum aabl>; the halaq means pharynx et larynx, the hulqum: 
| larynx et trachea. 

Alhaleb — the ureter. Avic. (A.B.): ».. significat emunctorium, 
seu ingven, inde alhalebi, seu alhalebize id est emunctorialis 
seu ingvinalis. (Et medicinee dicuntur alhalebize, quia con- 
ferunt apostematibus ingvinum) et dicitur alhaleb, quia per 
ipsum transit intrinsecus porus viridis (q. v.), qui ab Arabicis 
proprie dicitur alhaleb.<« 

Alhalebetein — Avic. (A. B.): »Alhalebetein .i. duo inguina.« A.: 

al-halib _Ji3} = 1. the ureter; 2. regio inguinalis. 

Alhalesa — vena occipitalis, the occipital vein(s). See »vena alba- 
lesa « 

Alhaliben — see »alhaleb«<, of which »alhaliben« is the Arabic dual 
Avic. (A. E.): ».. .i. inguina.: 

Alhalibie — Avic. (A.B.): ».. .i. emunctorijs« q. v. 

Alhalm — the wisdom-teeth. See »dentes alhalm<. 

Albamur — the gingiva. Avic.: ».. est caro rubea continens et 
circuens radicem dentis.« See »algamur<. 

Alhaos — the coccyx. See »alhasos«, »alhosos«. 

Alharafa ) — Avic. De anat. ossium femor: »Coram os sacrum sunt 

Alharcafa J duo ossa. .}; unumquodque autem ipsorum in quatuor diui- 
ditur partes. illud, quod est ad partem sylvestrem vocatur 
alharcafa (in the margin: alharafa) et os ilii (the ilium, except 

the.part of it which joins the sacrum and which was called 

4 A. FONAHN. H.-F. K]. 
the »os anchee«) et illud, quod est ad anteriora, Pe vocatur 
femoris (modern: os pubis): et illud, quod est ad posteriora, 
vocatur os anchze: et domesticum quod est superiora, voca- 
tur pyxis coxz (in the margin: acetabulum): quia in ipso 
est concavitas, quam caput coxze gibbosum (i. e. caput femo- 
ris, the head of the tigh-bone) ingreditur.« The ilium (except 
the thick part of it which joins the auricular surface of the 
sacrum, and which was called the »os anchee«). A. al-hargafa 
x33.31; see »harqafa«. See also »harcasach«. 

230. Alharat — Avic. (A. E.): »>.. .i. alheretit .i. interior pars labiorum.« 
The inner side of the lips. 

231. Alharta — see »anchae«; »interdum lumbare, althavorat«; »os pixis«; 
»os femoris« (Vesal). 

232. Alhartafa \ — os ilium, the ilium. See A. hargafa, and »alhar- 

Alhartapha J cafa«, »alharafa«. xae Sh. 

233. Alhasegi — Avic. (A. E.): ».. est inferior pars coxae (coxa = the 

234. Alhasos — os coccygis, the coccyx. See also »alhaos¢, »alhosos«. 
Avic. (A. B.): ».. est extremitas dorsi continens tres spon- 
dyles et terminatur ad ficteri (= sphincter ani) ita quod 
alhasos est inferior pars dorsi, quee dicitur caude.« 

235. Alhasusa — Avic. (A.B.): ».. secundum Sirasin ést os post aurem 
eminens a capillis denudatum.« The mastoid process. Also: 
venz occipitales, the occipital vein. 

236. Alhatafar — possibly = »alhartafa«, »alharcafa« q. v. 

237. Alhaufache — Avic. (A. B.): ».. vena est parum infra labium in- 
feriorem a parte exteriori et supra mentum.« Certainly the 
same as »alanfachec = A. al-anfaqa sfdiesl, vena ranina, 
the ranine vein, although the Avicenna’s description of the 
»alhanfache« is not clear. 

238. Alhauiran — see »albunior«. 

239. Alhavim | 

Alhavis 4 7 0S Sacrum, the sacrum. Avic. (A.E.): ».. sunt ossa 
Pines lata, quae sunt sub renibus parum.« See »alavis«. 
240. Alhazi — the trochlea + eminentia capitata (humeri). 
241. Alheame — 1. vena frontalis, the frontal vein. Avic. (A.B.): »Et 

vena alheame secundam Arabes est situata in summitate 
frontis«. 2. Avic. (A.B.): ».. est pars anterior capitis circa 

verticem eius.« See »al-irq alladi “ala l-hamas. 





Alheretit — see »alharate. 
Alhibri — processus styloideus, the styloid process. <A.: al-ibri 

Alhibriati — processus styloideus, the styloid process. A.: al-ibriyya(tu} 

Alhiliri — certainly erratum for »alhibri«, q. v. 
Alhiliricti — erratum for »alhibriati«, q. v. 
Alhosos — os coccygis, the coccyx. »See alhusos.« 
Alhovius — see »alhavius«, os sacrum, the sacrum. 
Alhumur — the gingiva, see »algumurs«. 
Alhusos — see »alhosos<, the coccyx. A.: al-usus PEO Cee 
Alicas — amnion, A. anfas aca 
Alichal — »i. e. fusca«. Vena mediana, the median vein. 
Alierich — Avic. (A. B.): » .. idest venas labiorum interiores.« Venze 

labiorum. A. al-jaharik S,l231. 

Alihema — Avic. (A. E.): ».. .i. vertex.« A. al-qimma eat. Hyrtl: 

Alieheric — see »alierich«. Venze labiorum. 

Alkael — see »alcheel«. 

Alkagonesa(m?) — Sudh. Chir. I 132: »Ventosacio facta super alka- 

gonesam id est a duabus partibus colli secundum alb<€uca- 
sim)>.« Ib. Il Reg.: »alkagonesam — alchadaugen, ad latera 
duo »colli<, Albuqasis, Channing. « 

Alkatif — the scapula‘or shoulder blade. 

. Alkef — Hyrtl: »Pecten manus« (q.v.). Avic. De anat. pectinis 

manus: = »planta (manus)<«. See also s.v. »alchef«. 
Alkelel — the back of the neck. 
Alki — processus xiphoideus, the xiphoid or ensiform process (of 

the sternum). (Abbreviation of the following?) 

Alkilil — id. 

Allachius — the talus (or astragalus). 

Alleba — Avic. (A. B.): ».. est pars concava, que immediate est 
supra furculam colli.< Fossa jugularis, »jugulum«. A. al- 
labba xALt. See »lebriatic. 

Allebe vena — Avic. (A. B.): ».. est vena existens in medio furculze 
in radice colli a parte anteriori parum supra os furculze 

situata.« Vena jugularis anterior (?) 

16 A. FONAHN. Fick Kd. 

266. Allethe — the gingiva. Avic. (A.B.): ».. est pars gingivee infra 
extremitatem superiorem, eX qua oritur et egreditur secun- 
dum partem eius, quae apparet visui.« A. al-lita xxl. 

267. Almabat | 

Pet nee i) meats saphena minor. 

269. Almachade — Avic. (A.B.): ».. est secundum omnes arabes anus, 
seu ficteri.« 

270. Almachein — Avic. (A.B.): ».. .i. anguli lachrimales oculorum, et 
derivatum est ab almach quod interpretatur angulus lachry- 
malis oculie. Also: »almachin«, »almecheni«, »almekeni«. 
(Hyrtl: the inner angle of the eye). 

271. Almadian — vena mediana, the median vein. 

272. Almadil — Avic. (A. E.): ».. vena est.« (= »almadian< ?). 

273. Almagabani — Hyrtl: the fauces. A. al-maghbin .,.%4, plur. al- 
maghabin cyghell. Yet, see Koning 673. »Almagabani (_.,l4x} 
al-maghbani [duel] ou eyes) al-maghabin [pluriel]) ne sont 
pas les fauces, passage entre la bouche et le pharynx (Hyr.l, 
Arab, u. Hebr. i. d. Anat. p. 49, 278), mais les atsselles. 
»Almagabin seu almagaben sunt emunctoria aut loca sub 
ascellis.« (Bellunensis, Interpretatio nomin. arab. Can. Avi- 
cennz; o. c. II, p. 409). »Souvent Ja matiére se porte . . 
aux chairs glanduleuses et cause des inflammations, par 
exemple dans les aines, les aisselles (maghibin) et derriére 
les oreilles« (Can. Avic. Livre III, Fen. 10, Discours 4, chap. 
de la pleurésie). See also Avic. (A.B.): »almagabin seu 
almagaben) . . sunt emunctoria, aut loca sub ascellis.« (Hyrtl’s 
interpretation is evidently wrong; also accord. to most Arabic 

274. Almahasse — aarticulatio radiocarpea. A.: al-mi‘sam wrrzil (plur. 
al-ma asim ,,olsl}). 

275. Almechem — Avic. (A. E.): >... <i, locus a emeuloe inferius-« 

276. Almecheni ) — see »almachein«, Avic. (A. E.): »almekeni .i. duo 

Almekeni J anguli oculorum.« 

277. Almencheb — Avic. (A.B.): ».. est extremitas spatulee ubi conti- 
nuatur adiutorium cum spatula.« Cavitas or fossa glenoi- 
dalis scapulae, the glenoid cavity of the scapule. 

278. Almenthenein — Avic. (A.B.): ».. sunt duo musculi in fine dorsi sub 

alhasos versus natus, quorum unus est a dextris, alter a sini- 

stris.« The psoas muscle. A. al-matnain .,.axtl. See A. matnan. 

Vid.-Selsk. Skrifter. I]. H.-F. Kl. tg92r. No. 7. 


Almerina arabi — vena mediana, the median vein. 

Almethenein — see »almentheneins. 

Almirach —- see »mirach«. 



Almocatim ; — the pericranium (+ galea aponeurotica. |Hyrtl]). 


Almodrus ‘ 
| — Avic. (A.E.): »Almodus id est junctura ad _ simili- 
Almodus | 

tudinem dentis serrze.« Sutura cranii. 

Almuiati — Avic. (A. E.): ».. .i. medius corporis ex utriusque laterib. 
mensura quatuor digitorum ab alborati (the umbilicus). « 

Almunchat — (Hyrtl) 1. musculus epicranius (m. occipito-frontalis); 
2. the pericranium. 

Almunda — Avice. (A. E.): ».. .i. rotunditas in qua continetur oculus.: 
Alnatha — Avic. (A.B.): ».. est extremitas lingua versus dentes 
anteriores, et alio nomine Arabico dicitur alseleti.« 

Alnathfe — Avic. (A. B.): » .. id est spermatis.« 
Alnerdi — see »os nerdi« and »os alnerdi<. 
Alnesa — Hyrtl: Vena sciatica = vena saphena minor near the 

external malieolus. 

Alnocha — the sclerotic. 

Alnotrati — the occiput. 

Alnusia — tunica chorioidea, chorioidea, the chorioid. 

Alnustansta — Avic. (A. E.): ».. .1. forma capitis oblonga utrinque 

plana ut copertura domus. « 

Alnusul — (Avic. A.B.): » «. id est radix capillorum.« A. al-usul Jot. 

Alocen — Avic. (A. E.): ».. .i. cotula.< See »cotyla«, the ace- 

Alohosos — the coccyx, see »alhosose. 

Alopeces — musculus psoas, the psoas muscle. G. adwzcezec. 

Alosos — the coccyx, see »alhosos«, »alohosos«. 

Alphacum — os hyoideum, the hyoid bone. A. al-faiq Seip 

Alrasafe — the patella (rotula) or knee-pan. Avic. (A B.): »Al- 
Alrasefati J rasafe est pars anterior poplitis quz a vulgaribus parella 
vocatur.« — Avic. (A. E.): Alrasefati .i. annulus geniculi.« 

A. ar-rasafa(tu) x20}. 












A. FONAHN. Bier elk 

Alratia — Hyrtl: hymen imperforatum, or h. foramine parvo perfo- 
ratum. A, ar-ratqa’ las St. Richardson Dict.: »impervia 

coeunti (mulier).« 

Alrauthe — Avic. (A.B.): » .. secundum glossam Arabicam est 
extremitas narium.<« 

Alsahad — antibrachium, the fore arm. Avic. (A.B.): ».. est [plars 
brachii infra cubitum habens duo focilia (i. e. radius and ulna), 
et terminatur ad rascetam manus.« A. as-sa‘id Aclwl!. See 
»alseid«, »aseid«, »absceid«, »asaid«. : 

Alsaich = os hyoideum, the hyoid bone. A. al-fa’iq Caslatt. 

Alsain — Avic. (A. B.): ».. id est intestinum ieiunum.« 

Alsamach — Avic. (A.B): »..seu alsemach est foramen in osse pe- 
troso in aure sicut se habet foramen uve in oculo. Quan- 
doque vero apud Arabes accipitur pro panniculo, seu nervo 
strato in concavo ossis petrosi; et quandoque accipitur pro 
instrumento auditus.« Avic. (A. E.): ».. est foramen auris.« 
I. meatus acusticus (auditorius) externus, the external acoustic 

(auditory) canal; 2. the lining membrane of the tympanum; 

. : c ’ 
3. organon auditus, the organ of hearing. A. as-sam Kewl 

Alsceid — see »aseid«, »alseid«, »alsahad«. 

Alsebati — Avic. (A. B.): ».. seu subeticae.« See »venz alsebati, 
seu subeticae«, »subeth«. 

Alseid — Avic. (A. B): ».. id est brachii.<« Avic. (A. E.): ».. i. os, 
quod est a capite (erratum for »cubito«) vsque ad manum 
compositum ex duobus |ossibus or fociliis|« Antibrachium, 
the fore arm. A. as-sa‘id Asha. 

Alselameet — see »alselamiat«. 

Alselamiat — Avic. (A. B.): ».. sunt ossa oblonga existentia in 
pectine manuum (q. v., meaning the metacarpus + phalanges), 
et pedum, ex quibus ossibus componitur pecten praedictum, 
inter que existunt ossa parva alsemsemanie dicta scilicet 
replentia vacuitates inter ossa pectinis manus, et pedum, 
et inter ossa iuncturarum digitorum, et nominantur alsem- 
semanie (q.v.) quod idem est propter conformitatem, quam 

habere videtur cum semine sisamii quod Arabice semsem 
appellatur.« Cfr. A. as-sulamayat lsoYuud}, plur. of as- 
sulama Let rbendt, the phalanx or finger bone. »Alselamiat« 

seems to mean not only the phalanges, but the metacarpus 

(resp. metatarsus) + phalanges. 








Alselanuat -—— erratum? for »alselamiat« q.v. The same as »post- 

brachiale<, »pectus manus<¢, »pecten (manus)« accord. to Vesal. 

Alseleti — see »alnatha«. 
Alsemach — see »alsamach«. 
Alsemsemanie — the sesamoid bones, ossa sesamoidea. A. as-sim- 

simaniyya Xailamew!. See also »ossa simaniec. 
Alsenasen — Avic. (A. B.): ».. Arabice idem est, quod eminentia 

tendens in acutum, et ad figuram pyramidalem, et quia ossa 

super spondyles habent talem eminentiam ideo dicuntur ossa 
alsenasen.« A. as-sinasin cy thom (plur. of as-sinsin . cgentanll} 

. . ( ’ 
= processus spinosi (vertebrarum). G. azavda. 

Alshemie — see »as-sahmiyya« processus styloidei, the styloid pro- 
Alsochi — the same as »os balistee«, »cavilla«, »chahab«. The talus 

(or astragalus). 

Alsurbed — Avic. (A.B.): ».. id est venze sub lingua.« 

Althavorat — Os coxz (or os innominatum), the hip bone (or inno- 
minate bone). 

Althedi — Avic. (A.B): ».. est pars mamillaris in mulieribus.« 
A. at-tady gd the mamma. 

Althenduc \ — Avic. (A. B.): »Althendue est locus mamillarum in 

Althendue J viris.< (Hyrtl: clavicula). 

Althirb — the omentum, »zirbus«. <A.: at-tarb ars the omentum 
majus (epiploon). 

Altum oris — palatum, the palate, the roof of the mouth. 

Altum pedis — the upper part of the foot. 

Aluahim — Avic. De anat. lumbor.; possibly erratum for »alcatim«, 

»alchatime. Os sacrum, the os sacrum. 

: — alz narium, the ale of the nose. 
Alulee narium 
Alumbari — Avic. (A.E.): ».. .i. locus super calcaneum tetres.« 
Alvearium — meatus acusticus (auditorius) externus, the external 

acoustic (auditory) canal; auricula, the auricle or pinna of 

the ear. 
Alvenire — Avic. (A. E.): ».. .i, ammeos (= amnion ?)<. 
Alvus — 1. abdomen; 2. excrements, faeces. 

Alyatan ed A. or alyatain; (al — not being the Arab. article) — 
musculi glutzei, the glutaei muscles (the buttocks). G. yloutia. 

Also: corpora quadrigemina of the brain. 

20 A. FONAHN. ete lly 

341. Amabile ; 
, — philtrum (nasi). 

342. Amatorium 

343. Ameos — v.s v. »neraberti«. 

344. Amhar — fossa jugularis, the jugular fossa; the anterior inferior 
part of the neck. A. an-nahr is}. See also »anhar-. 

345. Amigdala — tonsilla. 

346. Amphiblestroides — the same as »arachnoides<, »reticularis«. The 
347. Amphiesma ; 
: — the pericardium. 
Amphisma J 
348. “Amr ee, plur. “umtr ,,.e A. — gingiva (around the teeth). 

349. Amygdala — tonsilla. 

350. ‘Ana xile A. — regio pubica, the pubic region. G. 78n pubes. 
351. Anaphusa — see »vena anaphusac. 
352. Anatomizare — to dissect. 
reseu a: »anchee«. 
353. Anchee — »the hips«: 1. ossa coxee, the hip bones (the innominate 

bones, ossa innominata); the pelvis; 2. the soft part around 
the hip-joints; 3. the lumbar and gluteal regions; 4. Guido: 
»per anchas intelligitur pars inferior ventris, a sumine usque 
ad coxas (= femores) et pudenda, in qua continetur vesica, 
matrix, longano (the rectum), etc.«; 5. the femores, or thighs; 
6. corpora quadrigemina (of the brain). Mundinus: »Ante- 
quam autem procedas ad medium uentriculum (cerebri) con- 
sidera intermedia inter hunc & medium: & sunt tria: scilicet 
anche: que sunt sicut basis huius anterioris uentriculi dextri 
& sinistri: & sunt de substantia cerebri ad formam & figu- 
ram ancharum.« See »nates«; 7. thalamus opticus(?).  Cfr. 

»os anchee«. 

354. Anche iunctura — articulatio coxze, the hip-joint. 

355. Ancon — 1. Benedict.: ».. flexu (cubiti), hoc est ancone«, the elbow- 
joint; 2. Castelli: »ancon a@yxwy est cubiti gibbus, eminentia, 
aut cubiti flexus . . diciturque . . quod & Olecranon. . 
vocant Attici.« The olecranon as well as the elbow-joint 
(articulatio cubiti). 

356. Anderon — or antheron, chin. 

357. Anemel — see »alanemel«, »alauamel<. 


358. Anf Ces) Ae nasus, nose; tarf al-anf TaiS} C?.b A. = apex nasi, 

the tip of the nose. 

359. al* Anfaqa x&ais!! A. — se »alanfache«. 

360. Anfas 23} A. — amnion auviog, auveiog, the inner foetal membrane. 
361. Angulus lacrymalis — canthus (angulus) internus (oculi), the inner 

angle of the eye. 
362. -»- oculi domesticus — id. 
363. -»- oculi major — id. G. éyzxadov (Spigelius). 
364. -»- oculi minor — canthus (angulus) externus (oculi), the outer 

angle of the eye. 

365. -»-  palpebree — (definition uncertain). 

366. Angusta faucium — isthmus faucium. 

3267. Anhar — see »amhar«, fossa jugularis, the jugular fossa. Avic. De 
anat. furculeze: » .. id est loco, qui est in inferiori parte gulez. « 
A.: an-nahr aust. G. opayn. + 

368. Anima oculi — lens crystallina (oculi), the lens. 

369. Aniscalptor — musculus latissimus dorsi. 

370. Annularis — see »digitus annularis<. 

371. Annulus geniculi — see »alrasefati<, »alrasafe<, the patella (rotula) 

or knee-pan. 

372. Anothomizare — to dissect. Mundinus (Edit. 1514, 11° col. a): »Et 
propter istas quattuor causas mulier quam anothomizaui 
anno preterito scilicet anno christi 1315 de mense Januarii 
maiorem in duplo habuit matricem quam illa quam anothomi- 

zaul anno eodem de mense Martii.« 

373. Anqaras wt i A. — pancreas. See »encharas«. 

374. Anmula Lest, plur. anamil Just A. — third phalanx of the finger. 
See »anemel«, »alanamel«. Also: pulpa digiti. 

375. Ansz capitis — the zygomatic arches. 

376. Antecarpus — the »pecten manus«: metarcarpus + fingers. Or the 

metarcarpus only. 
(Antheron see »anderon<). 

377. Antiades — the tonsille. G. avreddec (Benedict.). 

378. Anticardium — the anticardium, pit of the stomach, epigastric fossa, 
scrobiculus cordis, the infrasternal depression. 

379. Anus — 1. the intestinum rectum; 2. Mundinus: ».. rectum.., cuius 
extremitas est orificium quod vocatur anus«; 3. — »sedes« 

and »podex« = nates + regio analis. 







Anticnemion — anterior part of the crus. 
Antinoidea — cartilago (or more correct: cartilagines?) arytaenoidea 

(-dae), the arytenoid cartilage (or cartilages). 

Antinymion — see »anticnemions<. 
Antra oculorum — orbite. 
Aorta descendens — the thoracic + abdominal aorta. 

Aortl cP ysS (awurti) — aorta. G. dogrtn. 

Aorti ascendens — Avic. De anat. arteriz aorti ascendentis: »Pars 
autem quee ex duabus aorte partibus est ascendens, in duas 
dividitur partes: quarum major ad partem iuguli (alleba, 
lebriati) ascendendo tendit«. 

Apophysis femoris exterior — trochanter major, greater trochanter. 

-»- femoris interior — trochanter minor, lesser trochanter. 

Appendix — (Hyrtl: epiphysis). Apophysis. See »additamentum«. 

Appendices cartilaginosee — cartilagines articulares, articular carti- 

Appendix cerebri — hypophysis cerebri. 

Appendices cordis — auriculze cordis, the auricles of the heart. 

Appendix palati — the uvula. 

Applantatio — see »additamentum«, »appendix«. (Hyrtl: epiphysis.) 
- Apophysis. 

“Aqab ers A. — see »alhacab«. Ligament. 

*Aqabl ES A. — ligamentous; tendinous. Jism “aqabi ste ame A, 

— capsula articularis, joint capsule. 

Aqeb — calcaneus, A. ‘aqib. 

. ‘Aqib uss A. — calcaneus. 
Aqsa al-ghalsama Xa.alst as) A. — the free part of the epiglottis. 
Aqsa ad-darz ash-shabih bil-lim ,SUL asst jd) (ual A. — the 

termination of the lambdoid suture; foramen jugulare, the 
jugular foramen. 

Aqualiculus — 1. abdomen; 2. the region »ab umbilico ad pubems. 
(Hyrtl [after Th. Bartholin].) 

Aquzeductus — infundibulum (of the brain). 
Aquila — vena temporalis, the temporal vein. 
Arabi — Avic. (AE) =>9 32s elacernisc (quy,): 

Arachnoidea — Hyrti: zonula Zinnii. Yet, see the following. 


406. Arachnoides — Benedictus IV. 35: »Membrana oculi arachnoides 
tenuissima humorem continet, quem a vitri similitudine hya- 

loides (= corpus vitreum) a Greecis vocatur.« Retina. 

407. Aranea — Hyrtl: zonula Zinnii. See »tunica aranea<. 
408. Aratrum — the vomer. 
409. Arca cordis , ; 

— the pericardium. 
410. Arcula J 
411. Aresfatu — patella (rotula) or knee-pan. See Alrasefati. 
412. Aretina — (Avic. De anat. oculi) retina? 


413. Ari us! A. — see »iry« is! A. 

414. Armus — the bend of the elbow. 

415. Arnaba xai,t A. — ala nasi, wing of the nose. 

416. Arteria — 1. artery; 2. trachea. 

417. -»- alguendi — Avic. (A.E.): ».. .i. [arteria] venalis« (q. v.). 
418. Arteria apoplecticze \ — arterize carotides (communes), the common 
419. -»- apostolica J carotid arteries. 

420. Arteria arteria — Sudh. Chir. II 594: aorta. 

421. Arteria aspera — trachea. 

422. Arterize decolationis 

423. -»- jugulares 

24. -»- juveniles é : 
es J — arteriz carotides, the carotid arteries. 
425. -»-  lethargicze 

426. -»- longales 

427. -»-  parotides 

428. Arteria sempiterna — the umbilical artery. 
429. Arterize sommi | 
430.  -»- soporales { — arteriz carotides (communes), the common 
431. -»- soporariz | carotid arteries. 

432. -»-  soporiferze 

433. -»-  spermaticee — id. (Hyrtl). 


dormire, et sunt duze venze, que apparent in 

-434. -»- subetet(h)Jales ) — id. Avic. (A. E.): »Arterize subtenni, facien 
435. ->-  subethen(n)i 

436. -»-  subtenni guttura.« See A. »ash-shiryan as subat 
claws oes. 
437. Arteria venalis — vena(-a) pulmonalis (-es), the pulmary vein(s). See 

»arteria alguendi«. 

438. -»-  vocalis — trachea. V 

24 A, FONAHN. H.-F. Kl 

439. Articulatio cardiniformis — ginglymus. 

440. Articuli — phalanges. 

441. Articulus — articulation. 

442. Arundines — the long, cylindrical chief bones of the limbs. 

443. Arundo domestica — the tibia. 

444. -»- major — the ulna. 

445. -»- minor — the radius. 

446. -»- sylvestris — the fibula. 

447. “Asab Wuas, plur. asab See) A. — nerve. G. veveor; and collec- 
tively: nerves, vEvoa. 

448. “Asab al“ajir sisi} Guas A. — nervi spinales, the spinal nerves; 


see »nervi nuchzes. 

449. al- Asab al-basir »ol,J} Bees) A. — nervus opticus, the optic nerve. 

, ~ A ~ 
G. owewe vevoor, bmtexov vEvoor. 

450. al-A’sab ad-dimaghiyya x.eloXt} eles A. — nervi cerebrales, the 

cerebral (or cranial) nerves. 

451. Asab hassias (whens casas A. — sensory nerve(s). G. aiodntixor 

452. -»- iradi sh] meas A. — motor nerve(s). G. mooatgetixov 

453. -»- layyin ..J wsesx A. — soft nerve(s), sensory nerve(s). G. 

e) CE = 

Uahaxov vEvgor. 

454. -»- rabit bf, was A. — ligament. G. ovrdetexcy vevoor. 
455. al-Asab ar-raji‘ eels} Quasi} A. — nervus (-vi) recurrens (-ntes), 
Q a 

the inferior laryngeal nerve(s). G. zradevdgouovy (-wovrte) 

vevoov (-oc). 

Ha pee é are . : ay . re , ; Z , =a . 
456. ->- ar-raji- ila fawq <3 (<3! soil wuss) A. id. 
457. Asab sulb Uo Cues A. — hard nerve«, motor nerve. G. oxAnooy 
= 7 u- Oc } 
458. A’sab tarbit Jos 55 Siac) A. — ligaments. 
459. Asaba Kaas A. — nervus, tendo, a nerve, a tendon. 
460. al-Asabat al-aida ila fawq 2 ull Sule} Xuael! A. — nervus 

recurrens, the inferior laryngeal nerve. 

Sy “rs a : . . 
461. Asabat al-basar se4J) Xsses A. — nervus opticus, the optic nerve 

(OWews vEvooy, OmtLZOY véLQOY, See above: al- Asab al-basir). 


462. “Asaba farda $5 Xwes A. — »unpaired nerves, cauda equina. 

PK? Lay) 

Ar-Razi: Kasei! 3b ea =. »comes out of, emerges 

from the end of the coccyx 

463. al-Asabat al-khassiyya bil-halq co eae Suass! A. — the par- 

ticular nerve for the pharynx«, nervus glossopharyngealis, 

the glossopharyngeal nerve. 

464. -»>-  al-layyina al-khassiyya bil-listin .luL mol mime 

>the particular soft nerve for the tongue«, nervus lingualis, 

the lingual yee 


465. -»- al-mujawwafa Xt.s\ ult Rural A. — »the hollow nerves, nervus 

opticus, the optic nerve. G. wakaxov vetoov the yhottne. 
466. al-Asab al-mushtarik lil-halq wal-lisan lat, gisw SkS. ai Karas} 

A. — »the nerve common to the pharynx and the tongue<, 

nervus glossopharyngealis, the glossopharyngeal nerve. 

c Bed SIP Bu toe = 
467. “Asabat an-nazr iJ} Xuec A. — see »asabat al-basar«. 
or ae . . . 
468. -»>- as-sam sew Xasac A. — nervus acusticus, the acoustic (audi- 

2 ‘ ~ 
tory) nerve. G. Gzovotizoy vevoor. 

469. al- Asabat as-sulba min ‘asab al-lisin .lul) Guse cy Ryle! Kuael 

A. — »the hard lingual nerve«, nervus hypoglossus, the 

hypoglossal nerve. 
470. Asabani lovers A. — nervous, tendinous. 
471. ‘Asabaniyya xsiluee A. — »nervosity«, »tendinosity«. 
472. ‘Asabi wae A. — nervous, sinewy (muscular). G. vevowdne, sinewy. 
473. Asaid — antibrachium, forearm. A. as-sa‘id Aston, 
474. Asba‘ ent, plur. asabi‘ gsboi A. — digitus, finger. 
475. Asabi al-qadam adil wisi A. — digiti pedis, the toes. 

476. Asca | 

477. Ascam (tives ESS 

478. Asceid — see »asaid«, araseid«, »alseid«, »alsahad«, antibrachium, 

479. Ascellaris ) — 1. vena axillaris, the axillary vein, see »vena ascel- 

480. Ascellata laris«; 2. vena (mediana?) bascilica (Avic.), the (median ?) 

basilic vein. 
481. Ascham — see »anfas«. Amnion. 

482. Ascilla —- axilla. 











A. FONAHN. H.-F. Kl. 

Aseid — antibrachium, forearm, »cubitus«, see »alsahad«, »alseid«<, 

»alsceid«, »asaid«. 

Asfal jaa A. — inferior, low(est).. G. xarw. 

->- al-batn exbull is A. — the lower part of the abdomen. 

Asfellata — vena axillaris, the axillary vein. See »assellata«. 
Asl uel. plur. usul 5) A. — root (of a tooth), origin (of a muscle). 

cre 2 , ’ 
G. oila, aoyn. zepadn. 

Ger os vf me 
-»- al-ain -yasti woh A. — »the root of the eye«. G. 6ila tov 
opdakuov, the back part of the eye-ball, where the optic 

nerve enters. 

-»- alsasaba kaaall jul A. — G. 6ifa tov vetgou, the origin of 
the nerve. 
->- ad-dil* shall jo! A. == »the rot of the-<mb«, the articular 

end of the rib. G. mwhevoag aoxn, mwhevoag xepadn. 

~»- al-fakhid A&G juot A. — see ourbiyya Aue. 

-»>-  al-jafn aya eet A. — »the root of the eyelid«, the periferic 
margin of the eyelid: G. dila tov Blepaoov. 

->-  al-lisain (.)Lawlfl Ave, A. — radix linguze, the root of the tongue. 
G. size tre yAwttne. 

-»- al-qalb SJeh Ave A. — »the root of the heart«, basis cordis, 
the base of the heart. 

Usul ash-shawk Cpe eo) A. — »the roots of the spine«, bases of 
the spinous process (of the vertebra). G. oif@ tng azar Ine. 

-»- shawk azm_ as-salab allt abe Seyi Je ees — see »ustl 

Asl al-udn os) ol A. — »the root of the ear«, place of attach- 
ment of the auricle or pinna. 

-»- “ung ‘azm_al-katif 5X wie (ee jut A. — the root’ of 
the neck of the shoulder blade<, processus coracoideus, the 

. . ~ ? ~ > , re 
coracoid process. G. tig ayxvooewotg cscoproews bila. 

Asli (sl A. — original, radical, forming the root. 
Ashaji° eek, plur. of ashja‘ = x} A. — terminal phalanges. 

Asoan — suturee cranii, cranial sutures See »soan«, »shan«, »soonia<. 
Assellata — vena axillaris, the axillary vein. See »asfellata«. 
Asser \ 

; — the sternum. 
=%= pectoris { 


Assetum | — antibrachium, forearm. See »alsahad«, etc. A. as- 

Asseyd f sid AcloJS, 

Assistens — os hyoideum, the hyoid bone. 

Assistens glandulosus & varicosus — prostata, the prostata or pro- 
state (gland) + vesiculz seminales, the seminal vesicles. 

Astacus — Hyrtl: the lobule of the ear (forming the lower end of 
the auricle). Valla: »sinus ipse astacus«. G. doraxoc. 

. Astale — intestinum rectum. 

. ‘ Atabatan cjbeaie A. (dual of ‘ataba oe = threshold, lintel) — fossa 

olecrani, the olecranon fossa + fossa coronoidea, the coronoid 
fossa (of the humerus or bone of the arm). 

Atib — see »achib«. 

al= Atiq (ple A. — the upper part. of the shoulder. G. éwuig. 

Atlas — 1. the atlas or first cervical vertebra; 2. sometimes meaning 
the 7th cervical vertebra. 

Auneb — Avic. (A.E.): ».. .i. uvule«. 

Aures cordis — auriculz cordis, the auricles of the heart. 

Auricula — (Mundinus:) the auricle or pinna (of the ear). 

Auriculze cordis — auriculz cordis, the auricles of the heart. 

Auricularis — see »digitus auricularis«, digitus minimus, the little 

Auriga — 1. lobus hepatis, lobe of the liver; 2. thymus, the thymus 

Aurisca — cerumen, ear wax. 

al-A‘ war res) A. — the (intestinum) coecum (blind gut). 


. e PRG . 
Aw‘ iyat al-mani cote xaee) A. — »the spermatic canals«. 

Axis — the epistropheus or second cervical vertebra. 
Azaj ai! A. — (a kind of oblong arched edifice, like a portico). 
Koning Gloss.: part of the brain covering the middle ventricle. 


c is ars A Es = vAAT c oe 
. Azm eas, plur. “izam alas, izama xalac, and azum ,4s! — 

bone. G. oorovy. 
-»- al-ajuz sis!) alas A. | 
‘ — os sacrum, the sacrum. 
->-  al-ajz  ;>\8/) .bs A. | 
al‘ Azm alladi fil-hanak ost & cA} -bell A. — >the bone 
situated at the roof of the pharynx«, the body of the sphe- 

noid bone. The sella turcica. 





. “Azm al- ana Xils! Was A. — os coxe (os innominatum), the hip bone. 

. Izam al-ana Xile!} sllac A. — 1. ossa coxee (ossa innominata), the 

hip bones; 2. the ossa pubis. G. n@nco cota. 

. Azma |-ana xile!} Ute A. — ossa coxee (ossa innominata), the hip 
c G = : ca 
al- Azm al- arid (s,2/ as) A. — os sacrum, the sacrum. 
-»>- al-azum ,bcS} ,4s3} A. — »the bone of the bones«, os 
‘ i) 

sacrum, the sacrum. 

. “Izam_al-fakain waka elas A. — the maxillary bones (maxilla and 


.‘Azm al-fakhid A! alae A. — the femur or thigh-bone. 

-»-  al-hajarl 3! She AG 2 sthe stony bone«, pars petrosa 
ossis temporalis, the petrous part of the temporal -bone. 

G. Audoewec Corotr. 

-»-  al-hajib welsi alae A. — I. arcus superciliaris, the super- 
ciliary ridge; 2. pars orbitalis ossis frontalis. 

-»- al-jabha re) ale A. — os frontale (os frontis), the frontal 

-»- al-jabin cones alas A. — os frontale (os frontis), the frontal 

-»- al-kab SES abs A. — the talus (astragalus). 

-»-al-kahil asfal al-qatan .,G8) hanl JOU ple A. — othe kahil- 

bone below the loins«, os sacrum, the sacrum. 

-»- al-katif Caxxs} ale A. — the scapula. 
-»- al-khasira ssl SI als A. — the ilium. 
. izam_al-khilf al St elas A. — coste spuriae, the false ribs (the 

asternal ribs). 

deum, the hyoid bone. G. AauBdoedne. (Kazwini | Edit. 

Wistenf. page pq]: »Wh narcnst alse). 

al“ Azm al-lami , «St alas! A. — »the lambdoid bone<, os hyoi- 

‘Azm al-misfat sleait als A. = (os ethmoideum,) os ethmoidale, the 

ethmoid or ethmoidal bone. 
ce tate) Oe 
-»- muakhkhar ar-ra's (wlJ! 50 «as A. — os occipitale, the 
occipital bone. G. zat’ iviov dotorv. 

c = = s taunt . 2 5 
Izam mushashiyya Xacline elas A. — spongy bones. 


548. al-Izam al-mutakhalkhila iatSkl! allae!} A. — »the disjoined bones<, 

os ethmoidale, the ethmoidal bone. 

549. Azman mutallatan pjthie cytes A. — »the two triangular bones«, 

the nasal bones. 
550. Azm nardi es ale A. — os cuboideum, the cuboid bone. See 

»nerdi«, »os nerdi«. 

551. -»=  ar-ra‘s oe if aac A. — »the head-bone«, os occipitale, the 
occipital bone. 

552. Izam ar-rij SSSI ells A. — the bones of the lower limb. 

553. -»-  as-Sadr ual] el bs A. — ossa thoracis. 

554. Azm_ as-salab last as A. or ‘azm as-sulb hea! alas a 

_ columna vertebralis, the vertebral column. See »as-salab« A. 
(or >as-sulb«). 

555. al* Azm ash-shabih bil-hajar ek ee) alasst A. — pars petrosa 

(ossis temporalis), the petrous portion (of the temporal bone). 

556. al- Azman ash-shabihan_bil-qushur ysenBel cbenniil cjbabsst pee eS 

pars squamosa (ossis temporalis), the squamous portion (of 

the temporal bone). G. dezridoewdy Oota. 

557. al- Azm ash-shabih bil-lam SUL agai} .Gei! A. — »the lambdoid 
bone«, os hyoideum, the hyoid bone. G, AauBdoedés doroty. 

558. -»-  ash-shabih bil-misf1 chert Anasns! tel} A, — »the sieve-like 
bone« (misfa ches a sieve), os ethmoidale, the ethmoid 
bone. G. nduoedég doroty. 

559. al-Izam_ as-simsimaniyya Kad baanananne| eee A. — ossa sesamoidea, 
the sesamoid bones. 

560. al“ Azm as-suflaniyya x4iawJ} aaei} A. — the first phalanx (phalanx 
of the first row). 

561. ‘Azm al- usus jasuas\ es A. — os coccygis, coccyx, the coccyx. 

562. -»-  al-wark Sy oS alse A. — 1. part of the hip bone (os coxe) 
joining the sacrum; 2 part of the hip bone (os coxee) 
containing the acetabulum. 

563. -»-  al-watadl ceil alas A. — os sphenoidale, the sphenoid 

bone. G. opnvoeweg dototr. 

30 A. FONAHN. F-Fe ach 

564. “Izam al-yad Jd! els A. — the bones of the upper limb. 

565. Azm_ al-yaftkh Zsthel as Jae He ee parietale, the parietal bone. 
G. Boéyuc. 

566. -»- az-zawj son alae A. — arcus zygomaticus, the zygomatic arch, 
os zygomaticum (os malare), the zygomatic (or malar) bone. 
G. Ceywuca. 

567. -»-  az-zawraql ebyapsh ws A. — os naviculare (os scaphoideum), 
the navicular (or scaphoid) bone (of the tarsus). 

568. ‘Azmi (ole A. — bony. G. dorwdne. 


Bab Ob, plur. abwab ahs A. — 1. porta hepatis, the gate of the 
liver (portal or transverse fissure); 2. vena portee, the portal 
vein. G. 1. avd [mthae] naatoc; 2. 7 ple w ent mvdate. 

Bab al-kabid uxt} GL A. — id. 

Abwad al-kabid Asx!) Glos! A. — id. G. wbdae frcatoe. 

Bacham — ansa nervi laryngei recurrentis (Hyrtl). 
Badera —- labia minora vulve. 
Bayad al- ain cyan cola: A. — the white(s), sclera (oculi), (the sclerotic 

coat of the bulbus or eye ball). 
ag: — 1. the testis(-es), or testicle(s); 

al-Baid , vow! A. ; , 
acs 2. ovaria, the ovaries; 3. the supe- 
al-Baidatan (dual.) wlixanal A. | rior (or anterior) pair of the cor- 

pora quadrigemina (of the brain). 

Baida Xs. A. — 1. testis (testicle); 2. ovarium, ovary. 
CCe -~le . 
Baidata l-mar’a 3} £1) xXxasa A. — »the testes of the womans, ovaria, 

the ovaries. 
al-Baidatan cjtiranal (dual. of baida Kaas) A. — the testes (testicles) 

(also: the ovaries). 

Baidiyya Kawaas A. — humor, aqueus, the aqueous humor (in the 
camera oculi anterior). 

Bakhtr {2 plur. abkhira 0) A. — »vapour« (in the brain). 

Avic. »vapor(es)<. 


582. Balare — the same as »basilare«, »baxillare<, »os basilare« q. v. 

593. Balut — Avic. (A. E.): »glans«, cfr. balluta. 

584. al-Balluta xb hut A. — the glans penis; al-kamara A. 

585. Bancharas — Avic. (A.B.): ».. sicut scribit glossa Arabica est caro 
glandosa que est sicut stratus sub venis pulsatilibus, quze 
quidem appodiantur et innituntur super carnem glandosam 
preedictam, et haec caro etiam nominatur marbad et maraad 

Arabice, Latine vero mesenterium.« Cfr. A. banqaras. 
- » 0) 209 
586. Barajim ->!,., plur. of burjum .>.2 or burjuma %4> 2 A. — phalanges, 

587. Barbachi — see the following: 

588. Barbakh 23,2 A. — canal; ureter. 
589. al-Barbakhan gh A. — »the two canals«, nervi optici, the optic 

nerves. G. ob 7v0Qol. 

590. al-Barbakhan ash-shabihan bil-adanas (wiloSb jleanrd len) A. — 
prostata, the prostate gland, including (?) vesiculze seminales, 
the seminal vesicles. G. woQ00tatat adevoEedeic, aguotarat 
a0., maoaor. cédevwdeic. 

591. Barbakh al-urbiyya &,SI 22 A. — canalis inguinalis, the inguinal 

592. al-Barbakhan ash-shabihan bil-qirsts ee cybenaaindl ea A. — 

ampullaze ductuum (vasorum) deferentium. G. zgooratae 
593. Bangaras (w!,8ib A. — pancreas. G. wayxoeac. 
594. Bardellae — labia minora vulve. 
2 ; 2 
595. Baritaun (-tawun) cypbbayb A. f : 
— peritoneum. G, seotovatoy. 

596. Baritarun ombeay A. 

597. Bartak — Avic. (A.E.): ».. .i. meatus«. Cfr. A. barbakh. 

598. Bases ossium digitorum — (Avic. De anat. digitor.). 

599. Basilare — see »os basilare«. 

6oo. al-Basilik wXstuwlaJi A. — vena basilica, the basilic vein. Cfr. “irq 

601. Basis cranii — (Avic.). 

602. Batin eyo A. — inner, internal, medial; deep seated. G. dra Sadoue. 

603. Batin as-saq abe) cyol A. — the calf of the leg. 

604. Batn whi, plur. butun wy ss A. — 1. abdomen, Hippocr.: zocdia; 

2. ventriculus cerebri; 3. cavitas uteri. 

32 A. FONAHN. |e get elo Gl 

605. al-Batn al-aisar om! cyl A. — ventriculus sinister (cordis), thé 

left ventricle (of the heart). 


é - : 

606. ->- al-aiman .5#3 I cya A. — ventriculus dexter (cordis}; the 
right ventricle (of the heart). 

607. -»-  al-awsat Lome SS cya} A. — the middle ventricle (of the heart) 
[acc. to Galen]. 

608. Butun ad-dimagh eurI! 5,4; A. — ventriculi cerebri, the ven- 
tricles of the brain. G. zotdiae tov éynepadou. 

609. Batna d-dimagh al-muqaddaman ery pee) lib; A. — othe two 

anterior ventricles of the brain«, ventriculi laterales, the 

lateral ventricles. 

610. al-Batn al-khalf Ses es) A. — »the posterior ventricle« (of the 

brain), ventriculus quartus, the fourth ventricle. 

611. -»-  al-khalfani “slal} Gut A. — id. 

612. -»-  al-muakhkhar aa ESS A. — id. G. 9 dxiow xovdia vor 

613. -»- al-mutaakhkhir Slt! tal) A. — id. 

614. -»-  al-mutawassit UB pee! erat A. — »the middle ventricle<, 

ventriculus tertius, the third ventricle (of the brain). 
= F é ce - t Res ieee 
615. al-Batnan al-mugqaddaman min ad-dimagh aoe cyt eda ban 
A. — ventriculi laterales cerebri, the lateral ventricles of 

the brain. G. ai 2Q00dat xotkiae (tov éyxepadov). 

616. al-Batn al-wast ee esis A. — the »middle ventricle«, ventriculus 
tertius, the third ventricle (of the brain). 

617. -»- ar-rabi « bJ} A. — ventriculus quartus, the fourth ven- 

Cc ra S 
tricle. G. [Galen] i TET HOLY yothia (cov éyxepasov). 

= us WK 2, ’ 

618. al-Bawwab I,J} A. — the »gate-keeper«, pylorus. G. avdwooe. 

619. Baxillum — see »paxillum«, »os basilare«, »basilare«. 

620. Bazr .«ay A. — clitoris. 

62t. Berbetinum j 
622. Berietinum | i aie 

623. Berit(hjeron | — A. baritartn (q. v.) = baritawun. Peritoneum. 
624. Beriteru | G. meoutovator. 

625. Bibi — os pubis. 

626. Bilas — (Ibn Sina MS. Leyd., Kon.) see: falas A. = allantois. 

627. Biles — allantois. 


628. Bilhasseisse — arteria occipitalis, the occipital artery. Etymol.: »/ 

C= ane . - . = 
ma rufain| bil-hasisain A. = »|.. known as) the (two) hasis 
(mauc> = arteria occipitalis). « 
: e 

629. Binsir oss A. — 1. digitus annularis, annular finger; 2. the fourth toe. 

630. al-Birka SF sal A. -— the infundibulum (of the brain), the stalk of the 

hypophysis. G. stvedog; ywrn; yourn. 

631. Bititiron — Avic. (A.E.): ».. est panniculus sub siphac existens et 
dicitur rotundus«, = »beriteron« ? (peritoneum). 
632. Boarti — umbilicus, navel. Possibly from Arabic: bu tut totes, um- 

bilicus, navel. 

633. Bocium | 
(Botium) f 

634. Bracchiale | 
(Brachiale) { 

635. Bracchium } 

— glandula thyreoidea, the thyroid body. 
— carpus. Avic. De anat. »rasetz id est bracchialis.« 

a (lag imb; 2. brachium. 
(Brachium) } 1. the upper limb ; rachium 

636. Bregma — 1. the vertex, sinciput; 2. fonticulus frontalis, the anterior 
(median) fontanelle. G.foéyua. Castelli: »Bregma, Soéyuc, 
Boéyuc & Boeyuog dicitur pars capitis media & anterior, supra 
frontem sita, & a lateribus ad tempora usque protensa. 

637. Bronchos — Benedictus: = larynx. 

638. Bucca — Spigelius: inferior pars gene. 

639. Bucella — Avic. De anat. spondylium: ».. & capitibus, bucellis simi- 
libus, in quibusdam.« Small bony eminence, often entering 
into a corresponding cavity, forming an articulation. Some- 

times for: acetabulum. 

640. -»- capitis adiutorij (= humeri) — (Avic. De anat. muscul. adiutorij). 
641. Bucelle inferiores — see: capita alarum spondylium. 
642. -»-  ossium pectinis — Avic. De anat. pectinis [manus]: » .. ingre- 

diuntur .. in concavitates quee in extremitatibus ossium rasetz 
consistunt. « 

643. -»-  superiores — see: capita alarum spondylium. 

644. Bucella sylvestris extremitatis adiutorij. — Avic. De anat. iuncture 
& cubiti: » .. ingreditur .. in vacuitatem focilis superioris.<« 

The capitellum (humeri). 

645. Burjuma X4>,3 A. — see: barajim. 
646. Bursa 

» scrotum. 
(Bursula) J 

Vid.-Selsk. Skrifter. II. H.-F. Kl. 1921. No. 7. 3 

a4 A. FONAHN. Hert. 

647. Bursa chistis — see: vesica chistis. 

648. -»-  cholerz citrinae — the gall-bladder, vesica fellea. 

649. -»-  cordis — pericardium. 

650. -»-  testiculi — tunica vaginalis propria. 

651. -»-  virilis — scrotum. 

652. -»=  testiculorum — Mund. 117: .».. siueé oseum<,) ‘qov. 

653. Bursula — see: bursa. 


654. Caab — (Hyrtl: clavicula; he means perhaps »clavicula« pedis = mal- 
leolus, cfr. »alcahab«). Avic. (A. E.): ».. .1. os per quod 
iunctura completur in crure.« — See »alcahab«, »chahab«, 
»caib«. A.: ka‘b, and »cahabin«; 1. talus (or astragalus); 
2. malleolus. 

655. Cablum — penis. 

656. Cacumen — vertex, sinciput. 

657. Czecus — see »nervus. caecus<, »nervus monoculus¢. 

658. Czelum — see »ccelums, the palate. 

659. Cahabin — malleoli. Cfr. A.: ka‘b. »Cahabin« certainly renders a 
vulgar Arabic ‘pluralis sanus’: ka‘ bin cys . 

660. Caiseles — 1. dentes molares, the molar teeth; 2. dentes serotini, 
the third molar or wisdom teeth (dentes sapientize). 

661. Caisum — cellule ethmoidales, ethmoidal cells. 

662. Caib — see »caab<, etc. 

663. Calahabarab — ligaments at the knee-joint. 

664. Calantica capitis — galea aponeurotica (the epicraneal aponeurosis). 
(Or: the pericranium ?) 

665. Calcaneus — 1. calcaneus (calcaneum or os calcis); 2. talus (or astra- 

666. Calcar capitis — processus styloideus (ossis temporalis), the styloid 
process (of the temporal bone). 

667. -»- pedis — calcaneus (calcaneum or os calcis). 

668. Calinus — corner of the mouth. See also: chalinos. 

669. Callicreas — pancreas. 

670. Callisela ese 

671. Callisele — vertex, sinciput. 

672. Calva — Castelli: »calva, calvaria, xgaviov, Latine cranium.« 




Calvaria — Vesal: » = Greecis xoaviov, = theca & olla capitis, = testa 
capitis, = scutella capitis, = asoan. 

Calx — calcaneus (calcaneum, os calcis). 

Camaduci — Avic. (A. E.): ».. .i. occiput.« Cfr. »camhadutic. 

Camera cerebri — fornix cerebri (Hyrtl). 

Camere coli — see »cavernositates colic. 

Camera cordis 

->- pericardiaca J pea ay 

Camerze uteri — »the seven cavities of the uterus<. 

Camhaduti — Avic. (A.B.); ».. est pars, que est apud occiput. 
A. qamahduwa sus (q. v.). Cfr. »camaduci«. 

Camisia — amnion. 

Campanula — the uvula. 

Camus — eye tooth, upper canine tooth. \/ 

Canalis — vagina. 

-»- a chisti fellis ad intestinam (i. e. ad duodenum) — (Mundinus 5°) 
ductus choledochus. 

->- animee — trachea. 

-»- chistis fellis — (Mund 8*) ductus cysticus. 

-»- chistis fellis qui, pervenit ad epar — (Mund. 9°) ductus cysticus 
+ ductus hepaticus. 

Canales deferentes — ductus deferentes (vasa deferentia). 

->- nervei fistulosi —— ureteres. | 

-»- pulmonis — bronchi (+ the trachea)? 

Canalis virgee — (Mund. 12‘) urethra. 

Canc(h)ros — 1. arcus zygomaticus, the zygomatic arch; 2. os zygo- 
maticum, the zygomatic (malar) bone. 

Candidum oculi — 1. sclera (sclerotica); 2. conjunctiva. | 

Canena — see »cathena gule<. 

Canini — see »dentes caninic<. 

Canna — It. trachea; 2. great, cylindrical bone. Hyrtl. canna = anti- 

-»- brachii — humerus or bone of the arm. 

-»- coxee — femur (os femoris). 

-»- domestica | 

-»- magna , — tibia. 

->- maior J 

-»- minor — 1. radius; 2. fibula. 

-»- pulmonis — trachea. 

-»- sylvestris — tibia. 


Canthena — see »cathena gule«. 

Canulla — clitoris. See »embuba«. 

Capilli cutis (capitis) — hair of the. head. 

Capreolus — helix, the incurved margin of the auricle (or pinna). 

Capsze mucilaginosaze — mucous (synovial) bursz or sheaths. 

-»- oculorum — orbite. 

Capsulee atrabiliaria — glandulz suprarenales (suprarenal bodies or 
capsules, adrenal glands). 

Capsula cordis — pericardium. 

Capsulze mucilaginosze — mucous (synovial) bursze or sheaths. 

-»- renum adiposa — suet. 

Capsula seminalis — vesicula seminalis, seminal vesicle. 

Capulum — corpus sterni, the body of the sternum. 

(Caput) Capita — lobi hepatis, the lobes of the liver. 

Capita |inferiora] adiutorij — epicondylus medialis et lateralis humeri, 
the medial and the lateral epicondyle (of the humerus or 

bone of the arm). 

Caput |superius] adiutorij — caput humeri, the head of the humerus 
(or bone of the arm). 

-»- adiutorij domesticum — epicondylus medialis, the medial epi- 

-»- adiutorij sylvestre — epicondylus lateralis, the lateral epicondyle 
(of the humerus). 
Capita aliarum (!) spondylium — processus articulares superiores et 

inferiores, the superior and inferior articular processes (of a 


Caput cannee — larynx. 

-»- cannee domesticee — the proximal (superior) extremity of the 

-»>- chordaz — the end of a tendon. 

-»- coli — intestinum ccecum, 

Capita costarum — the posterior or vertebral extremities of the ribs. 

-»- costarum gibbosa — tubercula costarum, the tubercles of the ribs. 

Caput coxee gibbosum — vide sub v. »alharcafa<. Caput femoris, 
the head of the thigh bone. 

-»- sylvestre — condylus lateralis femoris, the lateral condyle of 
the femur or tigh bone(?) 

Capita dentis — tubercula coronz dentis, the cusps of the tooth. 

Caput fistulze 

a 16 | et RY 
->- gutturis / 



Caput mandibulze — processus condyloideus mandibulz, the condyloid 
process (or condyle) of the mandible or lower jaw (or inferior 
maxillary bone). 

->- musculi — origin of a muscle. 

Capita ossium digitorum — capitula phalangium, the heads of the 
phalanges or finger bones. 

Caput ossis jugularis — Sudh. Chir. II 133: »{S]i uero ossis iugularis 
caput exit (in the shoulder-joint), manibus comprimatur ect 
marciaton inungatur, ..« Extremitas acromialis (scapularis) 
claviculze, the acromial (or scapular) end of the clavicle or 
collar bone. 

-»-  pugionis — manubrium sterni, the manubrium or handle of 
the sternum or breast bone. 

-»- spatulae — the acromion. 

->- superciliorum — Spigelius: »pars superciliorum quee ad nasum 

respicit. G. dpovwr xepady. 

Carchametra — trochanter major, greater trochanter. 

Cardo — ginglymus. 

-»- capitis — Sudh. Anat. 31 (articulatio atlanto-epistrophica ?). 
Carena — see »cathena gulax«. 

Carina — vertex sinciput. 

Carinze — Sudh Anat. 39: »que vero carinis navium assimilantur 

ossa sunt in utraque latere xij et sunt curva quorum om- 
nium longius est medium.« Ib. 41: ».. et cum XXX ossibus 
quze carinze vocantur..« Costae, the ribs. 

Carneo — Sudh. Chir. II 449 ff. The skullcap + skin (Sudh.). 


— cranium, skull}, 
Carneum J 
Carnicula — caruncula. 
Caro dentium — gingiva. 
-»-  fibrosa — muscles. 
-»- glandosa — 1. glandula, gland; 2. hypophysis cerebri. 
-»- iInnominata — glandula lacrymalis, the lacrymal gland. 
-»- lacertosa — muscular t'ssue, brawn. 

CuNnNINGHAM’s Anatomy mentions (on page 115) the following terms used 
i > a) 5 

in catalogues of craniological collections: 1, Sku// = entire skeleton of 
head, including the mandible. 2, Cranium = the skull, minus the man- 
dible. 3. Calvaria = that part of the skull which remains after the 

bones of the face have been removed or destroyed. 

38 A. FONAMN. eer hols 

758. Caro membranacea — all thick mucous membranes (of the pharynx, 
oesophagus, stomach, unirary bladder, vagina, uterus). 

9. -»- muscularis — see »caro lacertosa«, »caro fibrosa«. 


760. -»- nervosa — I. corpora cavernosa; 2. papilla mamme, the nipple. 

761. -»- nodosa — 1. mesenteric glands; 2. lymphatic glands in the 
axilla and inguen. 

762. -»- saliens — see »caro nervosa¢. 

763. -»- simplex —‘e. g. gingiva, uvula, palate, collum uteri, columnze 
rugarum (vaginee), glans penis. 

764. -»-  visceralis — testes, mammee, thymus, placenta, pancreas, liver, 
lungs, spleen, tonsillae, the sublingual gland, submaxillary gl., 
the pineal body, the »emunctoria« (lymphatic glands), parotis. 

765. Carsol — 1. the talus (or astragalus); 2. malleolus. 

766. Cartilago annularis ae oa 
cartilago cricoidea, the cricoid cartilago. 

767. -»- annuliformis 

768. -»- antinoidea — cartilagines arytaenoidez, the arytaenoid carti- 

769. -»-  aryteenoides — same as »antinoidea«, »cymbalaris<, »coopertalis<, 

»guttalis«, etc. 
770. -»-  auris — auricula or auricle (pinna) of the ear. 
771. -»-  cimbalaris (cymbalaris) — cartilagines aryteenoidez, the ary- 

taenoid cartilages. 

77j2-. = echipealis>) : ; 

“A == dingares es cartilago thyreoidea, the thyreoid cartilage. 

774. -»-  coopertalis — cartilagines aryteenoidee, the aryteenoid cartilages. 

775. -»-  cordis — see »os cordis«. 

776. -»-  cultralis 

7177. -»-  cuspidata 

778.  -»-  ensiculata — processus xiphoideus (ensiformis), the xiphoid 

779. -»-  ensifoides (or ensiform) process. 

780. -»>-  epiglottalis 

781. -»- — gladialis 

782. -»-  guttalis 

783. -»-  gutturalis | — cartilagines arytaenoidez, the arytenoid 

784. -»-  gutturiformis | cartilages. 

785. -»-  gutturnina 

786. -»-  innominata — cartilago cricoidea, the cricoid cartilage. G. avw- 
yuuog. Avic. De anat. laryngis: »... et vocatur ea, que 

nomen non habet«. See »cart. nomen non habens.<« 

787. -»-  laryngis antica — cartilago thyreoidea, the thyreoid cartilage. 


788. Cartilago mucronata — processus xiphoideus (ensiformis), the xiphoid 
(ensiform) process. 

789. -»- mali granati — id. See »malum granatume. 

790. -»- naris. Sudh. Chir. I] 335: »Si alicubi est polipus magnus 
et grossus multam deformitatem faciens, qui nec sit incidi 
poterit, nec cauterizari, eo quod non potest haberi accessus 
ad locum cui adheret, ..., cindatur cartillago naris secun- 
dum longum, ut possit haberi accessus expeditus ad locum, 
cui polipars adheret, ... « 

791. -»- nomen non habens — cartilago cricoidea, the cricoid cartilago. 
See »cart. innominatas. 

792. -»-  palmalis 

793. -»-  peltalis — cartilago thyreoidea, the thyreoid cartilage. 
794. -»-  quadrilatera J 
795. -»- que cypho assimilatur — cartilagines arytaenoidez, the ary- 

teenoid cartilages. 

796. -»-  scutalis ; ; 
— cartilago thyreoidea, the thyreoid cartilage. 

797. -»-  scutiformis 

798. -»-  scutiformis — also: the xiphoid process. 

799. Caruncula — uvula. 

800. Carunculee — lobi hepatis, lobes of the liver. 

801. -»- mamillariz — see »additamenta mamillaria«, »unaba<. 

802. -»- mamillarium — Mundinus 21%: »|H]is expeditis oportet eleuare 
cerebrum leuiter: .. & incipe eleuare a parte anteriori & 

hune statim tibi apparebunt due caruncule similes capitibus 
mamillarum: & in substantia apparent similes substantie 

cerebri: & ideo a medullari substantia sunt orte: uelate sub- 

tilissimo panniculo qui dicitur pia mater ... « 
803. -»- renum — papillae pyramidum renalium. 
804. Cassi | 
805. (Cassos [Hyrtl]) ¢ — sternum. A.: al-qass a. 
806. Cassum j 
807. Casula cordis — pericardium. 

808. Catapulta — penis. 

809. Cataracta — epiglottis. 

8ro. Cat(h)ena gulae — Sudh. Chir. II 284, footnote 2: »Cathena gule est 
os, qui organicus in provinciali lingua co// dicitur, per quod 
quidem captiui ligantur in transmarinis partibus.« Ib. 204: 
»Si os, quod est cathena gule, ruptum < fuerit > uel aliquo 
modo resederit ... «Ib. 204, footnote 6: »Cathena gule 

40 A. FONAHN. SES ie GE 
dicitur os illud, quod in anteriori parte pectoris protenditur 
in obliquum.« Clavicula, the clavicle or collar bone. 

811. Cathesim — cellule ethmoidales, the ethmoidal cells. 

812. Catin — Avic. (A. E.): ».. .1. locus exterior in directo renum.« See 

813. Catocelia — G. 7 zat zotdia, »venter inferior«, regio hypogastrica, 
the hypogastric region. 

814. Cauda — coccyx (os coccygis), the coccyx. 

815. -»-  cerebri — corda spinalis, the spinal cord. 

816. -»- muliebris — clitoris. 

817. -»- muris — uvula. 

818. -»- salax — penis. 

819. -»-  superciliorum — Spigelius: ».. quee ad tempora«. G. dpoevwy 

820. Cavernee oculorum — orbite. 

821. Cavernositates coli — Mundinus 4°: »Et dicitur colon: quia plura 
cola habet uel cauernositates uel cellulas uel cameras in 
quibus stercus figuram accipit.« 

822. -»- virgee — the cavities of the corpora cavernosae penis. 

823. Cavicula — clavicula, the clavicle or collar bone. 

824. Cavilla — 1. malleolus; 2. the talus or astragalus; 3. os sphenoidale, 
the sphenoid bone, A.: qabila X48; 4. the hollow part (of 
the sole) of the foot. ; 

825. Cavillula — malleolus. 

826. Cavitates — ventricles of the brain. 

827. -»- oculorum — orbitee. 

828. (Cavum) Cava cerebri — ventricles of the brain. 

829. Cavum oculi — orbita. 

830. Caysales ) — 1. dentes molares, the molar teeth; 2. dentes serotini, 

831. Cayseles J the wisdom teeth (dentes sapientiz). 

832. Cecum — coecum. 

833. Cella cordis — pericardium. 

834. Cella (or cellula) fantastica | — three ventricles of the brain, accord- 

835. -»-  logistica ing to the opinion of medizeval authors. 

836. -»- memorialis } Hyrtl tried to identify the »cella fan- 

tastica« with the lateral ventricle(s), the »cella logistica« with 
the third ventricle and the »cella memorialis« with the fourth 
ventricle. — Additional remark: Mundinus 20%: »(Ventriculus 
cerebrii anterior) .. in anguio anteriori locata est fantasia 

que retentiua est specierum: a scensibilibus particularibus 


receptarum. In angulo posteriori est ymaginatiua que apre- 
hensiua est harum specierum in fantasia retentarum: & eas 
aprehendit componendo & diuidendo & non discernendo hoc 
esse hoc. In medio uero huius est sensus communis qui est 
aprehendens species delatas a sensibus particularibus; & ideo 
sensitiua terminatur ad illum locum ut riui ad fontem ut 
uidebis. « 
(Cellula) Cellulae — saccules of the colon. 

(Cellulze of the brain, see »cella fantastica«, etc.) 

Cellula cerebri anterior é 
. F — cfr. the three ventricles of the brain 
-»- cerebri media 
; | (»cella fantastica«, etc.). 
-»- cerebri posterior 

-»- cerebri prima 

->- cerebri secunda — id. 

->= cerebri tertia | 

Cellulae matricis — Mundinus 11™b: »Concauitas uero eius (scil. ma- 
tricis) habet septem cellulas . tres in parte dextra: & tres in 

parte sinistra: & una in summitate siue in medio elius.<« 

Ceneon (plur.: ceneona) — regio iliaca. 
Cephalicee — venze jugulares, the jugular veins. 
Cephalion — vena cephalica, the cephalic vein. 

Cera — the uterus |Hyrtl]. 

Cerasus — glans penis. ‘/ 

Ceratoides — sclera (sclerotica, sclerotic). 

Cercis — the radius. G. xeoxic. 

Cerebrum longum — corda spinalis, the spinal cord. 

-»- posterius — cerebellum. Mund. 21°: ».. est principium nuche 
et .. principium plurimum neruorum motiuorum.« .. »Istud 

cerebrum est figure piramidalis: quia uentriculus locatus in 

eo est etiam figure piramidalis<. 

Cervix matricis — vagina. 

->- vesicze — see »collum vesica<. 
->- uteri 

->- ee SESE 

Chaa — Avic. (A.E.): ».. .i. calcaneuss. 
Chahab — talus or astragalus. 

Chaiasim ) — cellule ethmoidales, the ethmoidal cells. Avic. (A. B.): 
Chaisun »Chaisun vel chisun significat foramen seu concavitatem 

ossis in naso existentis & est numeri singularis: chaiasin vero 



o/ 878. 



A. FONAHN. For Kh 

numeri pluralis.« A.: khaishum Bey plur. khayashim 

easlas. See also »chisun<. 

Chalinos -—— see »calinus<¢. 

Chamel — peritoneum. 

Charoides — the slera (sclerotica, sclerotic). 

Chatasin — cellule ethmoidales, the ethmoidal cells. See »chaiasim«. 

Chef —- see »alchef«, »alkef«, manus.. A.: kaff Gaye 

Chelonium — the scapula or shoulder bone. 

Cheramos — sinus pyriformis (?). 

Chilis — (Mundinus 2"); see »vena chilis«, vena cava. 

Chistis — Avic. (A. B.): »Chistis id est saccus est enim vocabulum 
corruptum, quia Arabice dicitur chis (kis, jmaS = bag, purse).« 

Vesica fellea, the gall bladder. 

Chistis fellis — vesica fellea, the gall bladder. 

Chisun — see »chaisun«. 

Choana — infundibulum or stalk of the hypophysis cerebri. 
Cholera — the »yellow gall«. 

-»- nigra — the »black gall«, »melanc(h)olia«. 

Chorda — ligamentum, ligament. 

Chordze — genitalia masculina externa. 

Chorda magna Hippocratis — tendo Achillis. 

Choroides — »see »secundinas. 

Chrithi J 

Chrystalloides — the lens (lens crystallina). 

—) aorta. 

Cia — 1. hip; 2. hip joint; 3. caput femoris, head of the femur (Sudh. 
Chir: Il, *31 1, *st2jse “Also @sciax, > schiac 
Ciendeg — locus fonticuli frontalis (Hyrtl). 

Cifac — see »sifac«. 

. Cilia — (Avic.) = »pili (oculorum)s. 

Cimbalaris — see »cartilago cimbalaris (cymbalaris)<«. 

Cinctorium -— capsula articularis, synovial capsul (of joints). 

->- nervosum — Avic. Sermo universal. de nervis proprie. Cap. 1: 
»Et ex eis (iuvamentis nervorum) etiam est, percipere id, 
quod ex nocumentis membris accidit ensu carentibus, sicut 
hepar, & splen, & pulmo: licet enim membra ista sensum 
non habeant, super ea tamen cinctorium positum est ner- 

vosum: & panniculo tecta fuerunt nervoso.« 







907 =. 



Cinctum — ligamentum capitulorum (oss. metacarpalium) transversum, 

the transverse metacarpal ligament. 

Cinctus — diaphragma, the diaphragm. 

Circulus (oculi) — the circular line, marking the junction of cornea 
and sclera. 

Circuli gutturis — the cartilages of the trachea. 

Circulus oculi — the iris. 

Circumvolutio -~ Avic. de anat. partis (aortae) descend.: »Deinde post 

hos tres, ab ea (sc. aorta descendens) separantur rami: 
quorum minor reni sinistro propius est, & in ipsius spargi- 
tur fascijs (in the margin: circumvolutionibus) et in corpori- 

bus, quae ipsum circundant.« 

Ciulis — see »vena ciulis<. 

Claustrum gutturis — epiglottis. 

-»- oris — palatum molle, the soft palate. 

-»-  virginitatis — hymen. 

Clavatio ; 

Claveatio ASG mpn eels, 

Clavicula — (Avic.) = »furcula«, »iugulums, clavicula, the clavicle 

or collar bone(s). 

-»- pedis — malleolus. See »alarchubs. 

Clavis — clavicula, the clavicle or collar bone. 

-»- laryngis — epiglottis. 

Cleides — see »clidia«: 

Cletoris — clitoris. 

Clibanus — the thorax. G. xdiSavog = harnish. 

-»- — ventricle (of the brain). 

Clidia = claviculae, the clavicles or collar bones. G. xdevdoior, 
Clidria § thEettoor. 

Clipealis — see »cartilago clipealis«. 

Clipeus — see »clypeus<. 

-»- oris stomachi — Mundinus (2") processus xiphoideus (ensi- 

formis), the xiphoid or ensiform process. 

Clitoris — clitoris + labia minora. 

Cloaca — infundibulum or stalk of the hypophysis cerebri. 

Clunis — buttock. 

Clunes cerebri — corpora quadrigemina (the superior (anterior) tu- 
bercles; the inferior (posterior) tubercles). Also: »nates 

Clypealis — see »cartilago clipealis¢. 

A. FONAHN. jetay Se 

sis : 

920. Clypeus — processus xiphoideus (ensiformis), the xiphoid (ensiform) 

g2t. -»-  thoracis — the scapula or shoulder bone. 

922. Coalitio nervorum opticorum — chiasma (nervorum opticorum). 

923. Coalitus ossium pubis — symphysis pubis. 

924. Coax — see »Coxas. 

925. Coccyx — (Avic.) coccyx, (os coccygis); see also »alhosos<. 

926. -»-  perforatus — the sacrum (os sacrum). 

927. Cochlea — auricula, the auricle (or pinna) of the ear. 

928. Cochlear pectoris — scrobiculus cordis. 

929. Cochlearium — incisura semilunaris, the great sigmoid cavity (of the 

930. Cochlize — (plural) see »cochleas. 

931. Coelum ) 

Le ices palatum durum, the hard palate. 

932. Coitus nervorum opticorum — the chiasma (nervor. opticor.). 

933. Colatorium — 1. the infundibulum or stalk of the hypophysis (cerebri); 
2. lamina cribrosa, the cribriform plate (of the ethmoid bone); 
3. os sphenoidale, the sphenoid bone. 

934. Col(ljatorium narium — Mundinus 21%: »(Carunculze mamillarum). . 
non debeant in homine extra (craneum) penetrare . . natura 
ordinauit ut non elongarentur a cerebro: sed intra craneum 
remanerent: in concauitate emuntorii siue collatorii narium & 
per porositates ossis narium recipiunt uapores: & odores 
representant usque ad uentriculum anteriorem cerebri.« 

935. -»-  renis — pelvis renalis, the pelvis of the kidney. 

936. Colefium — os coxe or hip bone (os innominatum), the innominate 

937. Coles — penis. 

938. -»-  muliebris — clitoris. 

939. Colliciae — ductus lacrymales, the lacrimal ducts (canaliculi lacrymales). 

940. Colliculi nervorum opticorum — thalami optici. 

941. Colligantia — connection of an organ with other parts. 

942. Collis — eyebrow. 

943. Collum — tf. (the intestine) colon; 2. the constrictions of the colon 

944. -»-  chisti fellis — collum vesicz felleae, the neck of the gall 

945. -»-  matricis — vagina. 

946. -»-  renis — ureter. 


947. Collum urethree — urethra. 

948. -»- uteri — vagina. 

949. -»-  vesice — Hyrtl: pars prostatica, membranacea et bulbosa 
urethrze. (See also Mundinus, 3°). 

950. -»- vulvze — vagine. 

951. Collus — anus; buttocks, fundament. (Cfr. Catull.: culus, and Italian: 

952. Columella — 1. uvula; 2. clitoris. 

953. Columellares — dentes molares, the molar teeth. 

954. Columna — tf. Spigelius: »xéwy seu septum cartilagineum nasi ; 
2. Gorzeus: »idem quod columella« (yet, this means: uvula 
or clitoris!); 3. Valla: pars interior oris. 

955. Commissura — sutura, suture. 

956. -»- coronalis — Avic., see Arabic. {ad-darz] al-iklili daly S! [ost]. 

957. -»-  mendosa — see A.: darz kadib oS 3) 

958. -»- vera — see A.: darz haqiqi cba Spee 

959. Complexio — sutura, suture. 

960. Complosze — suturee, sutures. 

961. Complosio — sutura, suture. 

962. Concavitas adiutorij domestica — fossa coronoidea, the coronoid fossa. 

963. -»-  adiutorij sylvestris — fossa radialis, the radial fossa. 

964. -»- cerebri — ventriculus cerebri. 

965. -»- cordis — the interior of the heart. 

966. -»- epatis — facies inferior hepatis, the inferior (or visceral) sur- 
face of the liver. 

967. -»-  iuncturalis (spondylis) — the fossa of the superior articular 
process (of a vertebra). 

968. -»- matricis — cavum uteri, the cavity of the uterus. 

969. -»- ossis — (medullary or marrow) cavity of a bone. 

970. -»- ossis petrosi — the tympanum. 

971. -»-  renis — hilum renis, the hilum of the kidney. 

972. -»-  ventris inter intestina et siphac (q. v.) — (Mundinus 3°). 

973. Concavum — 1. acetabulum; glenoid cavity; 2. canal. 

974. -»- pedis — the hollow part (of the sole) of the foot. 

975. Conceptacula humorum — depositories of the (cardinal) humors, i. e. 
»venze sanguinem, stomachus pituitam, in iecore vesica bilem 
continet: lien vero atra bilem.« (Benedictus 1.4). 

976. Concha (mulierum) — vulva. 

977. -»-  (genu) — patella or knee-pan. 

46 A. FONAHN. H.-F KI 

978. Concha cerebri — infundibulum. 

979. -»-  cranii — theca calvaria, skull-cap. 

980, )=3= ‘oculi 

981. Conchos J crea, 

982. Conchula — patella or knee-pan. 

983. Conchus — »concha«. 

984. Concilium — auricula, auricle (or pinna) of the ear. 

985. Conductus — vena cava. 

986. Condylus — phalanx, internodium. 

987. Congressus nervorum opticorum — chiasma (nervorum opticorum). 

988. Coniugationes — pairs of nerves. 

989. Coniunctio — sutura, suture. 

g90. Coniunctiva (oculi) — Mundinus 22%: »Secunda est coniunctiua quia 
preter corneam exterius est coniungens & uelans & coope- 
riens totum oculum.« Hyrtl: the sclera. 3 

g91. Consolidans — conjunctiva. 

992. Coopertoralis — see »cartilago coopertoralis«, cartilagines aryte- 
noidez, the arytenoid cartilages. 

993. Coopertorium — epiglottis. 

994. Copula nervorum opticorum — chiasma (nervy. optic.). 

Corda — see »chordas. 

995. Cornea — I. cornea; 2. sclera. 

996. Cornua limacum — ductus lacrymales, the lacrimal ducts (canaliculi 

997. -»-  matricis — Mundinus ri": »Colligata etiam est |matrix) anchis 
uel iuncturis ambabus scie per duo ligamenta grossa: & fortia 
alligantia matricem ad anchas: que iuxta matricem sunt lata: 
& grossa & iuxta anchas subtilia: procedentia sicut cornua 
a capite animalis. Et ideo uocata sunt cornua matricis.« 
Ligamenta lata uteri, the broad ligaments of the uterus. 

998. (duo) Cornua occipitis (occipucii) — Sudh. Chir. I] 292 A: »Loca 
vera, in quibus ventose poni solent sunt ista scil. locus, 
qui est inter duo cornua occipucii, . . « 

999. Corona — 1. see »circulus (oculi)«; 2. iris; 3. corpus ciliare; 
4. orificium uteri externum. 

1000. Coronum — olecranon. 

1oo1. Corpus cerebri — the substance, matter, of the brain. 

1002. -»-  labij — »substance of the lip«. 

I003. -»- nervi — »substance of the nerves. 

1004. -»-  spondylis — corpus vertebrae, body of the vertebra. 















Corydea — chorioidea, the choroid {coat! (of the eye). 
Costze adulterinae — costae spurize, asternal or false ribs. ~ 
-»- -completae — costee verze, sternal or true ribs. 
-»-  conglutinatae | 
-»-  deficientes — coste spurie. 
-»- curtate 
-»- germanz — coste vere. 
-»- illegitimae \ é 
— coste spuriz. 
-»>- imperfectae 
-»-  legitimae -— coste vere. 
-»- mendosze 
-»- non complete | 
— coste spurie. 
->- NON? ViEKee 
-»>- nothze | 
-»- perfectae — coste vere, true ribs. 
-»- pectoris — Avic. De anat. costarum: »Septem vero coste su- 

periores pectoris costae vocantur, quae ab unaquaque parte 

sunt septem.« 


Cotyla | — acetabulum. 


Coxa — 1. hip; 2. thigh; 3. femur or thigh bone; 4. caput femo- 
ris, the head of the femur; 5. buttock; (6. coxze — thalami 
optici (2) ). | 

Coxendix — os coxa, the hip bone (os innominatum), the innomi- 
nate bone; 2. os ischii; 3. caput femoris, the head of the 
thigh bone. 

Cradia — »cardia«. 

Cranos — Sudh. Chir. If 131: »Coxarum ossa sunt duo, id est 
cranos < uel ideranos }, quod grece sedilia. Unum illud 
concauum, ubi femur indicit.« 

Cranteres (dentes) — dentes serotini, the wisdom teeth (dentes sa- 
pientize). Castelli: (Sing.) zoartro. 

Crates (Cratis) costarum — the thorax. 

Craticula — omentum. 

Crea — anterior region of the crus. 

Cremasteres — 1. Hyrtl: didymi (testicles); 2. Benedictus II 20: 
».. tunicee, quee testes velant.« 

Cremaster mulieris -— muscular fibres of the round ligament of the 


48 A. FONAHN. 


1034. Crena calami — calamus scriptorius (in the fourth ventricle of the brain). 
1035. Crepidines palpebrarum — tarsi palpebrarum. 
1036. Cribrum benedictum — the pelvis (incl. calyces) of the kidney. 

1037. Cristae — labia minora. 

1036. \Crithi — aorta: 

1039. Crumina — scrotum. 

1040. Crus — 1. the lower limb; 2. femur or thigh bone; 3. crus; 4. tibia. 
1041. Crux — see »crus¢. 

1042. Crystalloides — the lens. 

1043. Cubita (cubitum) — see »cubitus«. 

1044. Cubitale — see »rascetas. 

1045. Cubiti iunctura — articulatio cubiti, the elbow-joint. 

1046. Cubitus — 1. antibrachium, the fore arm. Avic. De anat. cubiti 

[aseid]: »Cubitus ex duobus ossibus in longitudine coniunctis 
est compositus & vocantur focilia«; 2. ulna; 3. cubitus, the 
elbow; 4. the olecranon. 

1047. Cubitum — see »cubitus«<. 

1048. Cucupha — galea aponeurotica cranil. 

1049. Culbus — penis. 

1050. Culcitra — the inferior lobe of the right lung? Mundinus 16%: 
»Partes eius (i. e. pulmonis) quantitatiue sunt quinque scilicet 
due in parte sinistra: & tres in dextra: quarum tertia dici- 
tur pomom granatum siue culcitra: quia supra ipsam sedet 
uena chilis: & arteria indirecto cordis in loco ubi uena 

ascendit ad cor.« 

1051.  -»-  ventriculi — pancreas. 

1052. Culter — lobus hepatis, lobe of the liver. 

1053. Cursores — trochanteres. 

1054. Curvatura brachii — vide s. v. »vena epaticas. Mundinus 17°: 

».,. & in cubito apparet: id est curuatura cubiti..« The 

bend of the elbow. 

1055. -»-  cubiti — see »curvatura brachii¢. 

1056. Cuspis cordis — (Mundinus) apex cordis, the apex of the heart. 
1057. Custos cerebri — dura mater. 

1058. Cutis capitis — the scalp. 

1059. -»-  plantee — cutis palmee manus. 

1060. Cyathus — infundibulum (cerebri). 

1061. Cymbalaris — see »cartilago cymbalaris«. 

1062. Cyphac — see »siphac«, »siface. 

1063. Cypseles patulee — auriculee, the auricles (or pinnae) of the ear. 










Dactilon — anus. 
Daffa 3 A. — scapula or shoulder blade. 
ad-Dafirat ash-shabiha bil-mashima xeaath Renadtnds 8 padual| A. — 

plexus chorioideus, the choroid plexus (in the brain). 

G. yootoeweg olotoemuc. 
Dahliz (or: dihliz) al-madarib Hy bwad| pes A. — ventriculus tertius, 
the third ventricle (of the brain). 
(Da’ira $55) Dawa’ ir (plur.) A. — »circless, cartilages of the trachea. 
Dakar 3s A. — penis. 
Dakhil \+fo A. — internal, medial. G. &yov, év Foc. 

Danab al- ain cya Ss A. — »the tail of the eye«, canthus exter- 

nus oculi, the external angle of the eye. 

Dagan cyt A. — chin. 

Dars Uw yo A. — see »dirse. 
Darz ao A. — sutura, suture. G. gagn. 
ad-Darz al-iklill daly SI yo A. — sutura coronaria, the coronal 

, c U 
suture. G. orepartaia apn. 

-»- ad-dahib ‘ala Listigama fi t-til & XL ST de Ost 5 oul 

d,s} A. — sutura sagittalis, the sagittal suture. G. 7 xara 
unzog evdsia apn; “ata uNnzog tHS xEpadne éxtetauéery 

Darz hagiqi cB 3s A. — sutura vera, true suture. 

-»- kadib U3’ 3p A. — sutura spuria, false suture. Koning, 

Gloss.: »Sutures fausses. Sutures superficielles ou harmo- 

niques et sutures squameuses ou écailleuses<. 

->-  al-lam1 cel 59 A. — sutura lambdoidea, the lambdoid 
ad-Darz al-mustaqim ,za8iand! py A. — »the straight suture«, 

sutura sagittalis, the sagittal suture. 

ad-Darzan al-qishriyan wb anal cy) 505) A. — the temporo-parietal 


Vid.-Selsk. Skrifter. I]. H.-F. Kl. 1921. No. 7. 4 

50 A. FONAHN. F-Pt 

1082, Darz as-sahmi Cotgeall 5 A. — sutura sagittalis, the sagittal suture 
(sahm ee = an arrow). 

1083. ad-Darz as-saffudi (sdaiudl youl A. — sutura sagittalis, the sagittal 
suture (saffud Been = a roasting-spit). 

1084. -»- ash-shabih bil-lam »%Wy drarins) 3 yl A. — sutura lambdoidea, 
the lambdoid suture. G. AauBdoedyc dapn. 

1085. -»-  ash-shabih bil-qishra 5 anil Kaaninds pos A. — sutura squa- 
mosa, the squamous suture. G. dezridoewdng gapn; her- 
dosdn¢g moooxchdnuea. 

1086. -»- al-wasat Lowe yo A. — sutura sagittalis, the sagittal suture. 
G. xoaviov uéon Gagn. 

1087. Dat al-halq gis wis A. — tonsilla. G. avriac; waoioFutoy. 

1088. -»-  al-maq el et3 A. — caruncula lacrymalis. G. oagxwdec 
Owua; ecixeiuevoy TY wEeyaly xavKp. 

1089. Dearticulatio — diarthrosis. G. ds@eFewore, moveable articulation. 

togo. Decuma —— pars sqamosa ossis temporalis, squamous portion of the 
temporal bone. 

tog1. Decussatio partialis (nervor. opticor.) — chiasma (nerv. opt.). 

tog2. Deilix medareb — ventriculus tertius, the third ventricle (of the 

1093. Deilizi medareb brain) (Hyrtl). According to Koning 653, Hyrtl 
»dit a tort qu’Avicenne donna au ventricule moyen (i. e. third 
ventricle) le nom de wy lxas! piso (dahliz a]l-madarib). Dahliz 
ou dihliz est une vestibule, un corridor; ... La traduction 
de Gérard de Crémone (..) a: dezlix situs inter eos. Une 
glose marginale a: dhelizi medarib, id est sicut spatium 
intermedians.« The Arabic text runs: laging Gy nas jaloo. 

1094. Delizi — Avic. De anat. cordis: (in margine:) »venter«, scil. medius 

1095. Dens — the odontoid process (of the axis), dens epistrophei. 

f096. Dentes alhalm — dentes serotini, the wisdom teeth (dentes sapien- 

| tiaz, »dentes prudentize«<). Avic. (A. B.): ».. id est dentes 
prudentize, quia in eetate, in qua nascuntur isti dentes, ratio 
et prudentia est perfecta.« A.: AS! (ytd) asnan al-hilm. 

1097. -»-  caiseles (caysales, cayseles) — see »caiseles« etc., the molar 
teeth, the wisdom teeth. 

1098. -»- canini — (Avic.). A.: (sing.) nab Ol. 

1099. -»-  cuspidati — dentes canini. 


t100, Dentes duales — (Avic.) dentes incisivi interni. A. taniyya X43 q. v. 

IIOI. -»- genuini — »the two first molar teeth« (Hyrtl). 

T1102. -»- maxillares — dentes molares, the molar teeth. 

T1103. -»- nanged — dentes serotini, the wisdom teeth. 

1104. -»- quadrupli — dentes incisivi externi, A.: raba‘iyya Sack ). 
Sudh. Anat. 41: »Rasys (= Razes, ar-Razi) in unaquaque 

autem mandibula dentes sunt xvj quorum duo dicuntur 
inscisores . et duo qui istos utrinque sequuntur quadrupli 

vocantur rasys.« 

1105. -2-  risorii — 1. dentes incisivi; 2. dentes canini. 
I106. -»-  sensus et intellectus — dentes serotini, the wisdom teeth. 
II07. -»-  serotini — see »dentes sapientize<, »d. cayseles, »d. nanged«, 

>d. alhalms. 
1108. -»-  sophronisteres — see »sophronisteres«. 

I10g. -»-  stultitia — the teeth, except the dentes sapientize. 

t110. Derezan — A.: darzan © (dual. of darz 50 suture ?). Cfr. »derezi«. 

oy) d 

1111. Derezi — Avic. (A. B.): ».. et suun idem sunt et significant com- 
missuram, inde derezan, et medaruzan, quze sunt idem, et 
interpretatur commissuralis. « 

t112. Destructum — (Avic. De anat. spatulee) see »alacharum«; the cora- 
coid process. Cfr. A.: al-akhram o>) (= processus cora- 
coideus). The name »destructum« may refer to the Arabic 
verb »kharam(a)« = = to cut off, to slit (f.1. lip, nose, 
ear), the fifth form of which is »takharram(a)« = destruere. 

1113. Diaphragma — diaphragma, the diaphragm. Also: membrana tym- 
pani, and septum nasi. 

III4. -»-  oris — palatum molle, the soft palate. 

1115. Diasalgma ae eed 
1116. Diasgramation J laphragma, the dlaphragm. 

1117. Didymi — 1. testiculi, the testicles; 2. the inferior pair of the cor- 
pora quadrigemina; 3. hypothetical elongations of the peri- 
toneum into the scrotum (Hyrtl). 

1118. Digitus annularis — 1. digitus quartus, the annular or ring-finger; 

2. the fourth toe. 

IIIg. -»-  auricularis — digitus minimus, the little finger. 
1120. -»- cordis — the annular finger. 
II2r. -»- impudicus — digitus tertius, the middle finger (digitus medius). 

T2259 intamiss —— ide 

52 A. FONAHN. H.-F. KI. 

1123. Digitus medicus — digitus quartus, the annular finger. G. iargcxoc. 

1124. -»- medius — (Avic.) 1. digitus tertius, the middle finger; 2. the 
third toe. | 

1125. -»- minimus (pedis) —- (Avic.) the little toe. 

1126. -»- obscoenus | 

} — digitus tertius, the middle finger. 

I1f27. -»-  verpus 

1128. Dil* sho, plur. adla‘ pdual and dult® zp skio A. — 1. rib, costa; 
2. cornu of the hyoid bone; 3. border of the scapula; 
4. branch of a cranial suture. G. zhevoa, rib, border. 

1129. ad-Dil® al-asfal (as-suflani) min al-azm ash-shabih_bil-lam eka 
pb aagcilt baal oye ( (pi Lkmll) Jeu} A. — see »ad-dil! 

r1go. Adla‘ ‘azgm al-katif (or al-katf) ax) bs srbaol A. — borders of 
the scapula. G. whevoat tng wuormdatne. 

1131. Dil‘a ad-darz ash-shabih_bil-lam ell Anais! youl lxlio A. — the 
branches of the lambdoid suture. G. zdeveai tng Aausdoet- 
dove oapne. 

1132. ad-Dil’ al-fawqani min al-azm ash-shabih bil-lam .,< ceiSell gheal 
el Krasins wlail A. — see »ad-dil© al mushrif<. 

1133. Dil'a al-ghudruf al-awwal Jy! Sy post ixlio A. — the (vertical) 
borders of the thyroid cartilage. 

1134. al-Adla° al-kadiba xs3.<3} elo A. — coste spurize, the false or 
asternal ribs. 

1135. Adla’ al-khilf Cay pba A. — cost spuriz, the false ribs. 
G. vodar mhevoai. 

1136. al-Adla° al-khullas wey uo A. — the true or sternal ribs, 
coste vere. (Gales, plur. of khalis ajlS = pure; entire). 

1137. ad-Dil’ al-munkhafid min adla° al‘azm al-lami oe Uassll chal 
oat want pul A. — cornu majus ossis hyoidei, the 
great cornu of the hyoid bone. 

1138. -»-  al-munkhafid min alazm ash-shabih bil-lam ass phx! 

PUL anacitt Leal ce A. — id. G. 7 xerw mlevea tov 

AauBdoewWotg 000s; 1 taneworéon mhevod. 












TES 7: 


ad-Dil® al-muntasib min al-azm ash-shabih bil-lam ea aki geo! 
ely randall alas) A. — see »ad-dil‘ al-mushrif«, 

-»- al-mushrif min al-azm ash-shabih_ bil-lam es rx pic. 
ake xnacall wlell A. — cornu minus ossis hyoidei, the 
small cornu of the hyoid bone. G. h aw mlevoe toi 
hauBdoedovs dovor. 

al-Adla° as-sadiqa Sua) Alot A. — costz verze, the true or 

sternal ribs. 

Adla‘ as-sadr ual e oh} A. — coste verze, the sternal ribs. 
->-  az-zur p93 plbusl A. — costee spurize, the false ribs. G. wdev- 
out vodut. 
Dimagh ELS A. — brain (cerebrum + cerebellum). 
ad-Dimagh al-khalfani (3lal3' geri} A. — see »ad-dimagh al- 
mu akhkhar«. 
->- al-mu’akhkhar ERS geri} A. — the cerebellum. G. ore - 

GSiov éyzé—pakov; mageyxepadic. 
sates wae a 
Dimagh mu’akhkhar ar-ra’s (wht) 40 gad A. — see »ad-dimagh 


al-mu’ akhkhar«. 

ad-Dimagh al-muqaddam oral srl A. — cerebellum. G. zrg0- 
oStoyv éynépahov. 

Dindimus — (Mundin.) = »didymus« (?) q. v. 

= c e: c aCe c- He & ° 
Dira els, plur. adru ae and dur an .,le,3 A. — antibrachium, 
the forearm. G. zenyue. 
Direzan — suture, sutures. From A.: darz 58% 
Diribitorium — 1. mediastinum; 2. diaphragma, the diaphragm. 
Dirs UM) plur. adras nt ol A. — molar tooth; bicuspid tooth. 

al-adras |» ov} = dentes molares (et preemolares), the molar 
(+ bicuspid) teeth. G. youpéoe ddovreg; uvhat. 

eer cls nal A. — »the two last molar 

ad-Dirsan al-aqsayan (yl 

teeth« (Koning). 

Discerniculum — linea alba. 
Discretorium + ae ; : 

ae — I. mediastinum; 2. diaphragma, the diaphragm. 

A. FONAHN. ee 


1158. Disseptum — 1. pleura mediastinalis; 2. septum nasi. 

1159. Distributorium — 1. mediastinum; 2. diaphragma, the diaphragm. 

1160. Ditellus — axiila. 

1161. Divinum oculi — the lens. 

1162. Domesticus — internal, medial. A. insi Laat 

1163. Dorem — see »adorem<« (suture). 

1164. Dorsum — Avic. annotat: »Dorsum proprie ea est pars spine (1. €. 
the vertebral column) quz collo coniungitur & ad lumbos 
definit duodecim vertebris constans ... tamen pro tota 
spina sumitur, ex collo, dorso, lumbis, & osse magno (i. e. 
the os sacrum) constituta. « 

1165. Duales — see »dentes duales«. 

1166. Dubr ips A. — 1. anus; 2. the back. G. édoqa, anus. 

1167. Ductores urinze — ureteres. 

1168. Ductus deferentes — (vasa deferentia,) ductus deferentes. 

1169. Duda B90 A. — vermis cerebelli, the vermis, worm (or vermiform 
process) of the cerebellum. G. azcopvotc ox knxoeLonec. 

1170. Duodenum — (Avic.). 

1171. Duo limites ) — the two »concavitates« in the »vacuitas adiutorij 

1172. Duo oculi superior« (see Avic. De anat. adiutorij). The radial 
fossa and the coronoid fossa. — See Koning, page 497: 
»Ms. cysheic (‘atabatayn). Le texte imprimé a -yasac 
(‘aynayn): les deux yeux. ‘Vetus interpres vertit: duos 
limites, Beliunensis: duos oculos. Neuter recte, Arabice est 
atabatin \‘atabatayn| quod idem est ac duze bathmides sive 
postes [limina] (Plempius o. c. I 41 schol.).« 

1173. ad-Duqag ee A. — the small intestine. 

1174. Dura mater medullz spinalis — Sudh. Chir. Il, 369: »Medullaris 
substancia. Hec habet suam piam matrem et suam duram 
matrem sicut et cerebrum .. « 

1175. Dyablus — arcus aorte. 


1176. Eacbeca — see »racheta«. 

1177. Edarion — tunica vaginalis communis (?) 

1178. Egena — Avic. (A.E.): ».. est vas rotundum, et est locus apud 


extremitatem ocull.« 

Elacoidea — allantois. 






0S 7: 








Elamides — »eilamides«, eéfdauideg = meninges (Castelli). Pia 
matér (Benedictus). 

Embotum cerebri \ 

Be botus ome infundibulum. 

Embuba — Avic. (A. B.): ».. id est cannula.« See »canullas, cli- 

Eminentiz magne cerebri — thalami optici. 
Emontoria — I. ureteres; 2. »emunctoria axillaria<, the lym- 
Emunctoria phatic glands in the axilla; 3. »emunctoria inguinum<s, 
the lymphatic glands in the inguina; 4. »emunctoria ad 

aures«, the parotid glands. 

Emunctorialis — Avic. (A. B.): ».. id est inguinalis<. 

Encaras — (Avic.) = »pancreon«, »bancharas«, pancreas. G. 
Encharas TU UYROERC. 

Encharus — Mundinus 5%: »uel miserterium.« 

Endros — epididymis. 
Engastrimitos — the ensiform or xiphoid process. G. éyyaoreiuvdoc 

= ventriloquist. 

Eon — Benedictus I 3: »oculorum magnus ambitus«. Gorzeus: 
>nwy .. totus oculorum ambitus«. Hyrtl: »Eion (niw), 

Epantima — vena cava, = epanthismos. 

Epar — hepar, liver. . 

Epicranis — parencephalis (Benedictus), cerebellum. 

Epiglossis — epiglottis. 

Epiglottalis (extremitas) — tne ensiform or xiphoid process, or rather 
its inferior extremity. Avic. De anat. thorac.: »Cum infe- 
riori preeterea parte thoracis os cartilaginosum latum con- 
tinuatur, cuius inferior extremitas rotunditati attinens voca- 
tur epiglottalis, eo quod epiglotti sit similis.« (In the 
margin: »alchangieri eo quod sit similis alchangiar«). Accord. 
to Koning the »epiglottalis« is a mistake made by the Latin 

translator of the Arabic text; the translator has read 

Us,s¥> from 3.5u> = larynx in stead of .¢54S from 
SUS =a dagger (cfr. Expoetdyc, xiphoideus). 
Epiglottis — larynx. Avic. De anat. laryngis, seu epiglottidis: 

»Epiglottis est membrum cartilaginosum, creatum, ut vocis 
sit instrumentum: quod quidem ex tribus compositum est 

cartilaginibus. « 


1200. Epiglotum — epiglottis. 

1201. Epinotium — scapula or shoulder blade. 

1202. Epiplex — Mundinus 3¥: »>ipiplex .i. zirbus.« The omentum. 

1203. Epistrophea — (Benedictus), see »vertebra epistrophea«. The atlas. 

1204. Epistropheus — the atlas. 

1205. Epithymum — vide s. v. »hasce«. 

1206. Epomis — Valla: »bracchii extremum humeri caput, & epomis ap- 
pellatur«. Castelli: »érwuéc, dicitur superior humeri pars, 
que superiecta est humeri articulo cum bracchio, Super- 
humerale«. Hyrtl: the deltoid muscle. 

1207. Ercosis — »kercosis«, clitoris. 

1208. Ethmus — »narium interseptum«, septum nasi. 

1209. Etrum — Valla: abdomen »sub umbilico ad pudendas. 

1210. Eucharus — t. pancreas; 2. mesenterium, mesentery. 

1211. Evacuatorium seminis — ductus (vas) deferens. 

1212. Evagaidos — humor aqueus, the aqueous humor (of the eye). 

1213. Excrescentia palati glandosa — the uvula. 

1214. Exortus unguis — lunula unguis. 

1215. Exosculatio — anastomosis. 

1216. Expulsorium seminis — ductus (vas) deferens. 

1217. Extale — intestinum rectum. 

1218. Exterior membrana calvarize — pericranium. 

1219. Extremitas — limb. 

1220. Extremitas cartilaginosa costae — (Avic.). 

1221. Extremitates gibbosae hepatis — (Avic.) lobes (?) of the liver. 

1222. Extremitas occipicii — Sudh. Chir. II, 324 Reg.: »ubi collum coniun- 
gitur capiti. « 


1223. Faba — virginal mamma. 

1224, Fada’ clas A. — perineum. 

1225. -%- as-sadr oval less, I, ee ING cavity of the chest. G. xutoc 
Tov Iwoaxoc. 

1226. Fa’iq eG: A. — os hyoideum, the hyoid bone. 

1227. Fakk exs A. — maxilla; mandibula. 

1228. al-Fakk al-ala cokes! wal} A. — maxilla. 

1229. -»-  al-asfal Jaw Xai} A. — mandibula. 


1230. Fakhid A (or fakhd i) A. — femur, the thigh. 

1231. al-Afkhad SSSI (plur. of fakhid) A. — »the glutei« (of the brain). 
G. ta yhovta, corpora quadrigemina anteriora. 

1232. Falas (ws A. — allantois. See »las« (wS A. and »bilas« (wih A. 

1233. Falkat ar-rukba BAS JI x<ls A. — the patella, rotula or knee-pan. 

1234. Fam ,+ A. — orifice (f. i. between the intestinum ileum and ccecum). 

1235. -»-  al-hanjara 5SUS) Pe A. — the superior aperture of the 
larynx. G. 0 (vw) oromov tov aovyyos. 

1236. -»-  al-maida ssl} a A. — cardia. G. ordua tig yaoreoc. 

1237. -»- al-matana xGLif} a A. — the vesical orifice of the urethra, 
orificium internum (sive vesicale) urethrae, the internal 
urethral orifice; the orifice of the bladder. 

1238. -»-  ar-rahim >I pe A. — orificium externum uteri (external os 
uteri). G. orduc TOY UNTEWY; 10Q0G, OTOMLOY TAG LOTEQaC. 

1239. Faqara 3)las, plur. faqar la A. | — vertebra. G. owovdvioc. See 

1240. Faqra sas iN also »fiqra« A.; and »fuqra« A. 

1241. Faqar al-unq Rist jes A. — vertebree cervicales, the cervical 

1242. Faringa ) 

: — pharynx. 

1243. Farix J 

1244. Farj c? A. — vulva. 

1245. Farj ad-dakar s o3 A. — penis, membrum virile. G. évdoeior 
‘aidotov; &vdom@v aidoiov. 

1246. Farj al-inat SLY} ~ » A. — vulva; vulva incl. vagina. G. yuvaczeiov 

LE cs 


1247. Fa’s eae A. — protuberantia occipitalis externa, external occipital 

1248. Fasana — see »vena fasana<. 

1249. Fascinus — penis. 

1250. Fauces — Hyrtl: mandibula, the mandible or lower jaw. 

1251. Favissa — uterus. 

1252. Fel — 1. gall; 2. fesica fellea, gall-bladder. 

1253. Femen — femur, thigh. 

1254. Ferebrum — patella or knee-pan. 

58 A. FONAHN. H.-F. K1. 

1255.. Messe — nates: 

1256. Fibra — lobus, lobe. 

1257. -»-  auris — the lobule of the ear. 

1258. Fibrae — lobi pulmonum, lobes of the lungs; lobi hepatis, lobes of 
the liver. 

1259. -»-  cordis — (Benedictus III, 12) the auricles(?) of the heart. 

1260. -»- narium — alz nasi, the wings of the nose. 

1261. Ficatum — hepar, liver. 

1262. Ficteris — 1. sphincter ani; 2. anus; 3. rectum; 4. abdomen. 

1263. Fihachaliafuch — Avic. (A.B.): »id est in (fi, the Arab. preposit. f1 &) 
commissura coronali, ubi terminatur sinciput, ita exponunt 
Arabes. « 

1264. Filamen — (Benedictus) see »>ines¢. 

1265. Filellum — 1. frenulum linguee; 2. frenulum przeputii. 

1266. Filum — 1. Sudh. Chir. II, 220: the fraenulum przeputii, »quo con- 
iungitur pellicula cum membro virile«; 2. ibid. 290 A: »>.. 
qui est inter anum et testiculos«, the raphe (perinei). 

1267. Fimbra ; 

Ar a } — lower part of the auricle (or pinna) of the ear. 

1269. Fiqra 8 85, plur. fiqrat ol ai A. — vertebra, ozcovdvioc. 

See also »faqra«, »fuqra«, »faqara<. 

1270. Fiqrat as-sulb SUC) wot A. — »vertebree columnee«. — 

1271. -»-  al-qatan oye wi) Re A. — vertebrz lumbales, the lumbar 

1272. -»- al-unqiyya GG) woh a8 A. — vertebrae cervicales, the cer- 
vical vertebrae. See also »faqar al‘unq«. 

1273. al-Firash al- adali haan st a) A. — platysma myoides. G. wvadec 

1274. Fissura — rima pudendi. 

1275. Fistula cibali \ 

1276. -»- cibaria J cesopiaeus: 

[277. -»- sacra — 1. columna vertebralis, the vertebral column; 2. corda 
spinalis, the spinal cord. 

1278. -»-  spiritalis — trachea. 

1279. Fistula — bronchi. 

1280. Flanci — the inguinal regions (Italian: fianchi). 

1281. Flatus — (Benedictus) »pneuma< in the heart. 











Flexuositas poplitis — poples, ham. 

Flexus — joint. 

-»- cubiti — elbow-joint (bend of the elbow ?). 

Focilia (sing.: focile) — 1. radius and ulna; 2. tibia and fibula 

Avic. De anat. cubiti: »Cubitus ex duobus ossibus in longi- 
tudinem coniunctis est compositus: et vocantur focilia. Su- 
perius vero ex eis, quod ad pollicem tendit, est subtilius: 
et vocatur focile superius. & inferius ex eis, quod vadit ad 
auricularem (i. e. »digitum auricularem« = the little finger), 

est grossius; quoniam est deferens: & vocatur focile in- 

ferius. « 
Focile inferius — ulna. 
-2= Malus, — t-. ulna: 2: tibia: 
->- minus — 1. radius; 2. fibula. 
->- superius — radius. 
Focus — lobus hepatis, lobe of the liver. 
Fodina — t. vestibule of the labyrinth (ear); 2. the labyrinth. 
Foliolum — fonticulus frontalis, the anterior median fontanelle. 
Folium — fonticulus frontalis, the anterior median fontanelle: 

2. omentum. 
Folliculus bilis 
eae ee aaa vesica fellea, the gall-bladder. 
->- | mentulze 
-»-  testiculorum J ever 
Fons — canthus internus oculi, the inner angle of the eye. 
-»-  pulsatilis — fonticulus frontalis, the anterior median fontanelle. 
Fontana cruris — Sudh. Chir. Il 144: »/Ajlicui crus uel pes causa 

interiorum dolet sub genu, ubi fontanze dicitur, ferro calido 

medetur. « 

Fontanella capitis — fonticulus frontalis, the anterior median fon- 

-»- colli — the hollow of the neck. 

Foramen amplum — foramen obturatorium. 

->- auris — meatus acusticus externus, the external acoustic 

(Foramina) cutis — pores of the skin. 

-»- epigloti (sic) — the superior aperture of the larynx. 

->- maximum — foramen obturatorium. 

->- oculorum — orbite. 

-»- lacrymale — punctum lacrymale. 

60 A. FONAHN. H.-F. Jl. 

1310. (Foramina) medium (spondylis) — (Avic.) A. at-taqbat al-muta- 
wassita Xhwexll xsi). 

1311. Foramina seminis — Sudh. Chir. Il, 113: »(Vesica-) Habet enim 
collum longum, cui iuncta sunt foramina tenuissima et uene 
a spine medulla uenientes, que testiculis semen ministrant. 
Hec enim sunt seminis foramina et urinarum egressiones, 
quemadmodum possint euacuata repleri et repleta euacuari.« 

1312. Foramen uve — the pupil. 

1313. -»-  virgee virilis — orifictum externum urethrz, external orifice 
of the urethra. 

1314. Foraminula — see »spiramentac. 

1315. Forcella inferior (sive humilior) — processus xiphoideus, the xiphoid 

1316. Forum metallicum — vestibulum. 

1317. Fossa gutturis — fossa jugularis, »fossula gutturis«, »fossicula 

1318. Fossicula animze as Sudh. Chir. II, 88: »Elefantiacus incenditur in 

1319. Fossula animze J hunc modum: tres cocturas .. et tres in pectore 
in fossula animee in modum crucis..« Scrobiculus cordis(?) 

1320. Fossicula gutturis — see »fossa gutturis«. 

1321. Fossula colli 

moe den ger ie cote — fossa jugularis. See just above. 

1323. -»- gutturis 

1324. Fosura gutturis 

1325. Foveze oculorum — orbite. 

1326. Foveola — fonticulus frontalis, the anterior median fontanelle. 

1327. Fractores — dentes canini, the canine teeth. 

1328. Fragium 

a, HGS — the bend of the elbow. 

1330. Frenum — 1. fraenulum preeputii; 2. fraenulum lingue. 

1331. Fretum oris — isthmus faucium. 

1332. Fuad oye A. — cor, heart. 

1333. Fulcrum linguae — os hyoideum, the hyoid bone. 

1334. Funda oculi — 1. sclera; 2. conjunctiva. 

1335. Fundamentum — fundament; anus. 

1336. Fundibulum — uvula. 

1337. Fundus stomachi — Sudh. Chir. II: »Si autem fundus stomachi 

uulneretur, dicit non ex necessitate mortale est, qui locus 

ille carnosus est, .. « 





Tog he 






Fundus vesicae — Sudh. Chir. Il, 223, 224: »Si lapidem in collo 
uesice existentem in fundum eiusdem ad preseruationem 
impellere uoluis, .. « 

Funis argenteus — corda spinalis, the spinal cord. 

-»- brachii — Hyrtl: vena cephalica pollicis. A.: habl ad-dira‘ 
gh Jem. 

Fugqra sat A. — see »faqra« A. 

Furcella inferior (s. humilior) — processus xiphoideus, the xiphoid 

-»- pectoris Meth, sb ge os 

Etre ete nee rors } — processus xiphoideus, the xiphoid process. 

Furcula (superior) — the clavicles (or rather clavicles + sternum). 

Furculze dorsi — (Avic.) the scapulz (or rather spinze scapularum ?). 

Furcula inferior — processus xiphoideus, the xiphoid process. 

-»- pectoris — Mundinus 14°: »Ex hiis autem cartilaginibus (i. e. 

inter costas et sternum) cum ossibus suis componitur unum 
membrum quod uocatur furcula pectoris: quia ad modum 
furculaze est bifurcata et figurata: & in extremitate eius 
directa est quaedam scutalis cartilago uocata pomum grana- 
tum (i. e. the xiphoid process) facta ad custodiendum os 
stomachi«. The sternum + clavicles. 

Furnus — thorax, the chest. 

Furtula — see »furcula«. 


Gaf-herva — 1. os pubis; 2. os coxe. Cfr. Hebrew: AYN D3 

»gabe haherva« (Hyrtl)). 

Galaxia — linea alba. 


Galgalus J Be 


Galsamac iS 

Caeser | — epiglottis. See A.: »ghalsama«, and »algasamata<. 

Gangama — »calvaria<. 


Gargar — uvula. 


62 A. FONAHN. H.-F. Kil, 

1363. Gastrocurmia — »gastrocnemias. 

1364. Gastrognymius — gastrocnemius. 

1365. Gau — (Avic.) urine. 

1366. Gausabium — urina puerorum (— »sabium« from A.: sabl st? a boy). 

1367. Gausegi — urina hominis. 

1368. Gedauel ) — Avic. (AE.): »Gedeguil est via sive canalis minuti 

1369. Gedeguil intestini<. 1. Intestinal canal, canalis intestini tenuis; 
2. mesenterium, mesentery. From A.: jadwal Jsr.>. 

1370. Gedeuil venarum — »I1. e. via venarums, 

1371. Gelasini (dentes) — (dentes) incisivi, the incisors. G. yedaoivoe 

1372. Gelasinum — dimple. Class. Lat. gelasinus. 

1373. Gemelli — 1. testes, testicles; 2. corpora quadrigemina posteriora. 

1374. Gemini — testes, testicles. 

1375. Gemma oculi — the lens. 

1376. Gena — Spigelius 5: »(Genz..) partes sunt, quee utrinque auribus, 
naso, oculisque subsunt & ad mentum usque protenduntur. « 
Avic. De anat. musc. maxillee, Annot.: »Partes superiores 
inter nasum et aures, male, priscis etiam genz dicun- 
tur,..« See »malec<. 

1377. Genz — palpebre. 

1378. Geniculi — patella or knee-pans. 

1379. Genitura — the female sexual organs. 

1380. Genuini — see »dentes genuini¢. 

1381. Gessa — the femur or thigh bone. 

1382. Getedi ) . : 

Fei, Caine os sphenoidale, the sphenoid bone. A. al-watadi (¢X3,J}. 

1384. Ghadn oad, plur. ghudun Bee A. — ruga, plica. 

1385. Ghadruf Hy wok AG plu ghadarif 3 luaé — cartilage, see »ghudrtfe«. 

1386. Ghia ir ple A. — profound, deep-seated. 

1387. Ghalsama Xwalt A. — epiglottis. (Also: glottis?) 

1388. al-Ghaur re) A. — fossa intercondyloidea, the intercondyloid fossa 
(of the femur). 

1389. Ghilaf al-qalb Udsi} Me A. — the pericardium. G. zregexaedtoc 
bury, yeruy; mEQl~aQdLoy Oxémaoua ; 70EQLACQOLOY. 

1390. Ghisha sLiaé, plur. aghshiya Sine A. — membrane; fascia. G. tuny. 

1391. al-Aghshiya tne A. — the meninges. 

1392. al-Aghshiya allati taqsim(u) as-sadr ual noni 









No. 7. 


gil eS! A. — 

pleuree mediastinales. G. ot dtapoartorteg tov IWoaxa 

c , 

al-Ghisha’ at-takhin cea slansi} A. — the dura mater, pachy- 


meninx. G. 7 wayela urvys. 
al-ghaliz bales} slasl} A. — id. 
al-ghaliz as-sulb SIVA) tolsi} sLinel! A. — Koning: the sclera. 

->- al-ghisha’l pares sLésasJ} — arachnoidea, the arachnoid mem- 
Aghshiya ghudrtfiyya Raby od oe) A. — cartilaginous membranes. 

al-Ghisha’ al-jildi A. — dura mater. 

Ghisha’ al-kabid Dest suas A. — »the (covering) membrane (i. e. 

the peritoneum) of the liver«, tunica serosa hepatis. 

al-Ghisha’ al-layyin ey) clisi! A. — »the soft meninx«, arach- 



noidea, the arachnoid membrane. 

al-muhit bil-azm waasl bal slénsd} A. — the periosteum. 
G. meQuooretog Lun. 

al-muhit bi-qihf ar-ra’s (wij) Cami Loam} sLaall A. — 
the pericraneum. G. zeotzoanor. 

al-muhit bil-qalb Clall bau sliss} A. — see »ghilaf 


al-Aghshiyat al-munkashitat al-munsalikha slicll xasclt Kae} 

A. — the tunica dartos (which forms two distinct sacs for 

the testes). 

al-Ghisha” al-mustabtin liladla® SoM cylasiaad Lanai A. — pleura 
-»- al-mustabtin lil-jild oisw conn class} A. — fascia sub- 

~_ , c , c ’ 
cutanea. G. tov déoucatog vsoxeimevog Lun. 

al-Ghisha’ ar-raqiq Ee) sliss/} A. — »the thin (delicate) mem- 


brane<, arachnoidea, the arachnoid membrane. G. n denen 
as-safiq (gaia slLasi} A: — dura mater. 

64 A. FONAHN. bse EOL 
1409. al-Ghisha’ as-sulb bolt clas! A. — id. G.% oxdnod unviys. 
I4to. -»- ash-shabak esl elLasi) Al retina, 

I41t. -»-  ash-shabih bin-naqaniq (sitak raasas} sliasst} A. — allantois. 
G. ddhavtoeng vuny. A. (33483 = (plas saucisse, an- 
douille, boudin, Lat. lucanica (Dozy, Suppl.). 

1412, Ghisha’l i: A. — ligamentous, fascia-like, aponeurotic. G. 

1413. Ghudda sag, plur. ghudad, ose A. — glandula, gland. G. adny. 

1414. Ghudadi godt A. — glandulosus. 

1415. al-Ghuddat al-mustadira s.2rxm) sizxJ} A. — »the round gland«, 
hypophysis cerebri. 

1416. -»-  ash-shabiha  bis-sanaubarra Si edaall RBH) ISS) 
corpus pineale, the pineal body (glandula pinealis); A. sanaw- 
bara Bein means »pine-cone«. 

1417. Ghudruf by wad A. — cartilage. Also: the xiphoid process. 

1418. al-Ghudruf al-awwal |min al-hanjara| 8 SUSI ea SoS Udy nostl A. 
— »the first cartilage [of the larynx]«, cartilago thyreoidea, 
the thyroid cartilage. G. 0 mewtog yovdoog (tov Adovyyog). 

1419. -»- at-talit “JLT +, naxs} — »the third cartilage«, cartilagines 
aryteenoidez, the arytenoid cartilages. G. 6 teftog yordeos. 

1420. ->- at-tani ila} V+, nazi} A. — »the second cartilage<, cartilago 
cricoidea, the cricoid cartilage. 

1421. -»- alladi Ja ism lahu «3 awl SY cst Ld, was} A. — »cartilago 
nomen non habens«, »cartilago innominata<, cartilago cri- 
coidea, the cricoid cartilage. 

1422, -»-  at-tarjahari (or at-tarjahali) (or ee) (5 )be> slat Lie wast 
A. — cartilagines aryteenoideze, the arytenoid cartilages. 
G. 0 aovtavoedng yorvdgoe. 

1423. -»-  at-tursl commsash 4, nasi! A. — cartilago thyreoidea, the thyroid 
cartilage. G. dueeverdne. 

1424. -»- ad-daraqi igdyoull iy aael} AY = id: 

1425. -»-  al-khanjari su} Lis was! A. — processus xiphoideus, the 

xiphoid process. G. Supoetdne. 












S41 Sr 

Vid.-Selsk. Skrifter. II]. H.-F. Kl, rg21. No. 7. a 


al-Ghudrif al-mikabbi (41 Gy coet} A. (Hyrtl: al-mukibbi ,4xtt) 

— cartilagines aryteenoidea, the arytenoid cartilages. 

-»- ash-shabih bit-tarjahara 3g> Jb aged! Cie nasil A. — id. 
-»- ash-shabih bit-turs (wb asl} te nazi! A. — cartilago thy- 

reoidea, the thyroid cartilage. G. Sveoedng yxovdooc. 
-»- ash-shabih bil-hanjar evel daaind) ty wox!} A. — processus 


xiphoideus, the xiphoid process. G. Supoewdne yovdooc. 

-»- ash-shabih bis-saif and awd) Ci, aa) A. — id. 

->- al-wasatanl _cillowedl Sy wasl A. — the middle (median) car- 
tilage, cartilago septi nasi, the cartilage of the septum [nasi). 

Ghudrtfi | .%)..2¢ A. — cartilaginosus, cartilaginous. G. yordgwdne. 

Gibber — facies superior hepatis, the upper (convex) surface of the 

-»- ulna — the olecranon. 

Gibberum — the same as »gibber«, 

Gibbi genarum — vide s. v. »gibbuss. 

Gibbositas — 1. the convex side of a (curved) cylindrical bone; 
2. gibbositates — the malleoli. 

-»- coste — Avic. De anat. costar: »Et costee quidem istz in 

primis supra sui gibbositatem ad inferiora inclinantur: 
deinde redeundo ad superiora incedunt et continuantur cum 
thorace (the sternum). 

-»- epatis — (Mundinus) = gibbus epatis; facies superior hepatis, 
the upper (convex) surface of the liver. 

-»- stomachi — (Avic.) fundus, or curvatura major stomachi? 

-»- ulnz —_the olecranon. 

Gibbus — pomum Adami. 

-»- epatis — facies superior hepatis, the upper (convex) surface 
of the liver. 

Gibbi genarum — ossa zygomatica, the zygomatic (cheek-) bones 

(malar bones). 

Giearech — (quattuor) »venze labiorums. See »al-jaharrak«. 
Giedaul | — Avic.(A.B.): »Giedul sunt rami venarum, quz sunt 
Giedual ¢ sicut rami, et suachi (q.v.) sunt rami giedaul, et ruada 


Giedul J sunt rami suachi ita quid giedani sunt rami minores quam 
rami venarum proprie, et suachi sunt minores quam giedaul, 
et ruada minores quam suach.« A. jadwal J,> smaller 

ramifications of veins. 

66 A. FONAHN. H.-F. KI. 

1449. Gingia mater | — the pericranium, »circumossualis membranac. 

1450. Gingima mater J Cfr, »almocatime. A. jumjuma SS = 1. cal- 
varia; 2. skull. 

1451. Gingiva (dentium) — (Avic.) 

1452. Girbum — omentum. See »zirbuss«. 

1453. Girgilus — arcus aortee (Hyrtl.). 

1454. Glabella — Spigelius: »weoopevoy ..supercilia duo, quorum inter- 
stitium . . glabella.« 

1455. Glandula lacrymalis — caruncula lacrymalis. 

1456. Glandule laryngi appositae (adstantes, adjacentes) — glandula 
thyreoidea, the thyroid gland. 

1457. Glandula pituitaria cerebri — hypophysis cerebri. 

1458. Glandulze renibus incumbentes — glandulz suprarenales, the supra- 
renal glands (capsules, bodies, adrenal glands). 

1459. Glangula — ganglia. 

1460. Globulus (nasi) — apex nasi, the tip of the nose. See »orbiculus 

1461. Globus — I. apex nasi, the tip of the nose; 2. the ccecum. 

1462. Glomus intestinorum — the jejunum + ileum. 

1463. | Glottis, — 1.-the mterior of the larynx: 2: rima glottidis;"o) the 

1464. Glutum — the loin. 

1465. Gorguleo — Sudh. Anat. p. 6: »Inde collega rivus per collum funditur 
in intus|?| et veniat in gorguleonem et in caput et in 
cerebrum. .« Gullet. 

1466. Grandebale — hircipili, the hairs in the axilla. »Pili subalares« 

1467. Grandineum — os cuboideum, the cuboid bone. Benedictus V 34: 
»mons pedis«. 

1468. Grando — the lens [chrystallina oculil. 

1469. Granges — venee jugulares, the jugular veins. 

1470. Granum uve — uvula. 

1471. Guberich ) 

wigey (Ciena ( — >venee labiorumé, 

1473. Guidaz 

1474. Guidegi — venze jugulares, the jugular veins. Avic. (A. E.): 

1475. Guidem »Guidez est uva quze in gutture versus collum invenitur 

1476. Guiden { (i. e. the uvula), et sunt duze [venze?| ex utraque gutturis. 

1477. Guidez parte, quee dicuntur guidezi« <A.: widaj aoe 

1478. Guindegi 


1479. Gula — 1. (the pharynx +) cesophagus; 2. throat. 

1480. Gulla — (Mundinus): »siue trachea arteria«. Trachea. 

1481. Gumaur — gingiva. 

1482. Gumgumah — 1. calvaria; 2. cranium. A.: jumjuma eee 

1483. Gumur — gingiva. 

1484. Gurgulio — 1. trachea; 2 uvula; 3. penis. 

1485. Gurgustium — uterus. 

1486. Gutta (humoris) — the lens. 

1487. Guttur — 1. larynx; 2. trachea. 


1488. Habl ad-dira eh jas A. — >funis brachii<, vena cephalica 

1489. Hachab — ligamentum, ligament. A.: ‘aqab Use. See »alhacabe. 

| 1490. Hadaba — convex surface. A.: hadaba 34>, 

1491. Hadabat at-tarquwa #95 0 m= A. — >the convexity of the 
clavicle«, the middle portion of the clavicle. G. xvotw dév 
ucgloy tng xhewdoc. 

1492. Hadabat al-kabid XX!) %:4= A. — facies superior hepatis, the 
upper (convex) surface of the liver. G. ta xvota tov Hwatos. 

1493. Hadaqa xss> A. — pupil. G. x7. 

1494. Hzematoides — sclera. 

1495. Hafa xsl A. — border, edge. 

1496. al-Hafa’ir are) A. — the »cotyledones« (of the placenta). G. zorvu- 
An doves. 

1497. Hajaj a= A. — Koning: »os qui entoure |’ceil et en forme lorbite«. 

1498. al-Hajar1 ee A. — vide s. v. »os petrosum«. Os temporale, the 
temporal bone. 

1499. Hajib u>l> A. — 1. eyebrow; 2. the orbital arch. 

1500. Hlajiz ;>\=> A. — spina scapulze, the spine of the scapula. 

r50r. al-Hajiz alladi fi wast al-katif ax} Lowy & GNI jolel A. — id. 

G. wuomdatng oayte. 

A. FONAHN. Fl =Fe il: 


al-Hajiz al-mushrif f1 wast‘azm al-katif .bé tony 2 GS ols 
asks} A. — id. 

Halama ls A. — papilla mammee. 

Halamat at-tudy Bs aie A, — id. 

Halaq (or Halq) 81S (or Ss) A. — pharynx (+ larynx). 

Halavis — os sacrum. 

Halhatafar — see »alhatafar«. 

Halib UJ A. — ureter. See also: »unq al-kulya« A. 
Hama xalo A. — sinciput. G. Boéyua. See »alheamex. 
Hamat sl. A. — head. 

Ham! ee A. — the embryo and its foetal membranes. 

Hanak wis A. — palatum, the palate. 

Hanc(h)a — see »anca«, »anchas. 

Hanjara 5 SUS A. — larynx. G. Adcovys. 

Haqina xisl> A. — 1. stomach; 2. hypogastric region. 
Haraka aS A. — motion, movement. G. xivnotc. 
-y- ila Liltiwa’ styx!St 

t noes j es ‘ 1 
col) RS = A. pronation !. 

->- ila Linbisaf blwiS! J} x= A. — extension. 

3} xy > A. — supination. 

-»- ila l-inbitah cea! aS 

-»- ila l-inqibad SI tel As flexion: 

-»-  iradiyya x231)) x5 => A. — volontary motion. 

-»>- multawiyya Raises XS = A. — supination. 

-»- mumbatiha sabia XS > A. — pronation. 

al-Hararat al ghariziyya Xap 3) 3) ot A. — »the congenital (inborn, 
natural) heath<. 

Harcasach — os coxee. Cfr. »alharcafa« and »harqafa« A. 

Harqafa X35 > A. -—— id. 

Harundo — see »arundo« (arundines). 

1 A few useful physiological expressions have been included in this ana- 

tomical vocabulary. 





Hass (or Hiss) Cnet (a>) A. — sensibility, sensation, faculty of 
sense, perception. G. aladnow.w, apr, antoy atodnote, 
arctizn alodnote. 

-»- al basar poe —— A. — the faculty of vision, sense of sight. 

-»>- ad-dawq Go une A. — the sense of taste. 

-»- al-lams ees = A. — the sense of touch. 

->- as-sam* gomnl une A. — the sense of hearing. 

-»- ash-shamm pint a A. — the sense of smell, the olfactory 

Hassa Kw, plur. hawass pins A. — sense. 

Hasce — Avic. (A. B.): ».. apud Arabes est thymus, super quem 

inheeret epithymum. « 
Hashan, hasha |, 

. . - . . ’ ~ , 
intestine; ahsha’, viscera (abdominal), ra xatw tov drapeay- 

ees ontls, plur. ahsha’ ce) Ay bowel, 

Watos ooyava. 

(al-Hasis) al-Hasisan cybmanncel A. — arterize occipitales, the occipital 

Hasta nuptialis — penis. 

al-Haud oes A. — see »al-birka« A. 

Haugena — larynx. Cfr. A. hanjara $US. 

Hazz shabih bil-bakra (or bakara) (5,82) 5 Xl Ko = — A. trochlea. 

Hederze folium — epiglottis. 

Helcudan — Avic. (A. B.): ».. .i. in locis qui sunt post aures.« 

Hemina — acetabulum. 

Hepar uterinum — placenta. 

Hi a x24 (or hai’a <1.) — 1, anatomical structure. G. zataoxevn; 
2. situs, disposition. 

Hiatus — fonticulus frontalis, the anterior median fontanelle. 

Hibi — pubis. G. rn. 

Hijab O=> (and hajib u>l=) A. — diaphragma, diaphragm. 

al-Hijab al-ghaliz at-taqil \adi!! aaa) Gl=' A. — othe thick and 

heavy veil<, the dura mater(?). 


-»- al-hajiz ;>\-} sl= A. — >the separating membranes, the 


70 A, FONAHN. H.-P. KE 

1552. Hilla — the small intestine, espec. the jejunum. 

1553. Hinule — fibres. 

1554. Hira — the small intestine, espec. the jejunum. 

1555. Hircus — the tragus. G. teayoe. at 

1556. Hirquus — canthus oculi, angle of the eye. 

oe ee i — scapula or shoulder blade. 

1559. Hortus — vulva. 

1560. Hostiarius — pylorus. 

1561. Hostiolum — see »ostiolums. 

E502 ue) : Soy CCE Nye eyelashes. 

1563.) Hudub=). ; 

1564. Hufra SoS, plur. hufar a> A. — cotyle, socket. G. xotvdn. 

1565. al-Hufrat ash-shabiha bil-minqar all Keruiads sas A. — fovea arti- 
cularis (superior, inferior) atlantis, the articular fossa or 
fovea (fossee, foveze) of the first vertebra (atlas). G. ydn- 
voElong xoLAOTNe. 

1566. Hulqum aatl> A. — 1. larynx + trachea; 2. pharynx; 3. anterior 
and lower part of the neck. See also »qasbat ar-ri’a«. 

1567. Humerus — 1. the shoulder; 2. the humerus or arm bone; 3. the 

1568. Humor adamantinus — the lens. 

1569. -»- zethereus 

1570. -»- albugineus | 

Pere seealpunmncus — humor aqueus, the aqueous humor (of 

1572. -»- albus | ee 

1573. -»- aqua similis 

1574. -»-  crystallinus — the lens. 

1575. -»-  evagaidos — humor aqueus, the aqueous humor (of the eye). 

ley ta Sec ie S — the lens [chrystallina oculil. 

1577. -»-  glacialis 

1578. -»- similis vitro liquefacto — corpus vitreum, the vitreous body 
(of thes eye): 

1579. -»-  vitreus — (Avic.) id. 

1580. Huqq al-fakhid Sia} (> A. — part of the os coxe or hip bone 
containing the acetabulum; acetabulum. 

1581. -»-  al-wark S, 55) Ge A. — acetabulum. 

1582. Hyaloides — corpus vitreum, the vitreous body (of the eye). 


1583. Hyoderes — »hypoderides«, the labia minora. 
1584. Hypenz — alee nasi, the wings of the nose. G. tzfyae. 

1585. Hypopia — the cheeks, »genz». 

1586. Hypothenar — Benedictus I 3: »Ab indice ad minimum (digitum)<. 
Castelli: »tzo0%evao, id est, subvola, pars ea manus est, 
quz opponitur vole manus . . . mons lunes. 

1587. Hysmon — isthmus faucium. 

1588. Hystera — uterus. See »stera«. 

1589. Hysophagus — cesophagus. 

ie ag 

1590. Jabha Sous A. -— glabella; forehead, front. 
1591. lactatores — ductus deferentes (vasa deferentia). 

1592. Yad Aw; A. — 1. the upper limb; 2. the hand. 

1593. (Jadwal SOS, plur. jadawil JJx1> A.) 
Jadawil Sotx \ — mesentery (-ies); >via vena- 
Jadawil al-urtgq Soa aos j pias 

1594. Jafn oh, plur. ajfan Bees A. — palpebra, eyelid. G. Shépagor. 

1595. Yafukh zat A. — sinciput. G. Boéyua. See »azm al-yafikh«, 
1596. Jaharich — Avic. (A.E.): ».. .i. interior pars labiorum.« 
1597. al-Jaharrak 5; est — is originally a compound Persian word, or 

. . - “ — 
rather two single words, viz. chahar lg> = four, and 5, Tag 

vein. »The four veins« scil. of the lips, (quattuor) »venz 
labiorum«. The Arabic Avicenna-text commentates thus: 
ct Lgia ROW MS (he Xe)! Er cM (Can Eibier. Fen: 4; 
Ch. 21) »i. e. four feins; om each lip there are two (or: 
a pair) of them«. See »giearechs. 

1598. al-Jalidiyya rats} A. — the lens [chrystallina oculi]. G. byecr 

1599. Janib al-kabid al-muhaddab are XK! Guile A. — facies superior 
hepatis, the upper (convex) surface of the liver. See »gibbus 

or gibbositas hepatis«. 

A. FONAHN. Arak 


1600. al-Janib al-mastth min al-maida or (al-mi‘da) ea chet ee 
(or ssh) sei) A. — curvatura ventriculi IPE lesser 
curvature of the stomach. G. ra GuLa TH xOLhiac. 

1601. al-Janib al-muga ‘ar min ‘azm al-katif RANI ne ea aul! wee) 
A. — fossa subscapularis, the subscapular fossa. G. ta 
Ola THS WuUorhatne. 

1602. -»-  al-muqa ‘ar min al-kabid WX ea all Coe} A. — facies 
inferior hepatis, the under (concave) surface of the liver. 
G. Ta Onula LéQN TOU NHratoc. 

1603. -»-  al-muga ‘ar min at-tihal Jessa! ea saall ils A. — see 
>qar at-tihale. 

1604. Janin OMe) plur. ajina at and ajnun pel A. = embryo, foetus: 
G. EuBovor, xvortwuevor. 

1605. Janitor — pylorus. 

1606. Janitrix — 1. valvula, valve; 2. vena porte. 

1607. Iasuch — Avic. (A. B.) »... id est sincipitis«. 

1608. Jawba ‘azm al- ain oa we Sage A. — orbita. 

1609. Jawhar 2,> A. — substance. G. ovoic. 

1610. Ibham olgat AY — zr: thumb, pollex: 2. big: toe! 

1611. Ibt .} A. — axilla. G. waoxedn. 

1612. al-Ibti es) A. — see irq al-batn«, »the axillary (vein)«<, which 
according to “Ali ibn al“Abbas is equal to »the basilic 
vein«, al-basillq, vena basilica. 

1613. Ideranos — see »sedilia«, »cranos«. 

1614. Tecur, gen. iecoris & iocineris (the lastnamed form often being met 
with) hepar, liver. 

1615. -»- uterinum — placenta; see »hepar uterinum«. 

1616. lefee — Avic. (A.E.): »...i. sinciput«;-see »ifek«. 

1617. lJeiunum — often = jejunum + duodenum. 

1618. Ifek — sinciput; see »yafukh«, »‘azm al-yafukhe. 

1619. lhata Xbl=! A. — capacity, dimension, size. 

1620. [hlil Salat A. — urethra (the spongy portion); penis. 










Ijjana lS} A. — »est vas rotundum et locus apud extremitatem 
oculi (palpebrze!). Arab. nom. antiqua expositio, in d. lat. 
Ausg. d. Kanon.« Thus according to Hirschbberg, Ibn Sina, 
Augenh, — not to be found in the edition of Avicenna being 
at my disposal. Hirschb. translates: margin of the lid, rzgave. 
He adds: Aramaic: aggaa, plur. aganati — traceable in 
Assyrian already in the IX. cent. B.C. The word was not 

commonly used among the Arabs. 

Jild le 

- ic A. a skin. 

iilda sx | 

Jinah ofS A. — wing; ala; processus transversus vertebrae. See 

»alze (spondylis)<«. 
Jirm os A. — 1. body; corpus vertebrze, the body of a vertebra; 

2. substance. 

-»- ad-dimagh Bled) o> A. — substance, matter of the brain. 
-»=  al-halq Gis a= A. — the muscular portion of the pharynx. 

al-Jirm ash-shabih bi-habbat as-sanaubara 3. eisa!) xn sancti a=! 
} 92 : AA ; 

A. — corpus pineale, the pineal body (glandula pinealis, 
conarium (x@vog = sanawbara = pine-cone)). 
-»- ash-shabih bit-qubba x.8b acd} «=! A. — fornix cerebri. 

G. douc Wadwoerdéc. 
(Jism ,«>, plur. ajsam olanzt) al-Ajsam al-mushabihat al-ajza’ 
rapes) Realontl alanc>'SI A. — parts consisting of homo- 
c ~ , 
genous substance. G. ouoloueor mwogic. 
al-Ajsam al-ula (Je3! elw> 3} A. — elementary substances. G. 

su) cy ea, sis 

al-Jiz al-arid min al-lahy al-asfal haut ee 
A. — corpus mandibule, the body of the mandible (or 
lower jaw). G. to what’ or ta mhatéa tHG zatw yérvos. 

Tkhtilat bYcst A. — plexus (of nerves). G. ézcaddakic, hoxauor, 
whoun, 1hEx0S. 


= iS . . . . fod . . 
Iki] \uls} A. — 1. »crown«, iris (espec. its circumferential portion 

the ciliary zone. G. orepavn, igic. 2. Corona glandis. 


1634. Jlamis — pia mater. SS 

1635. Iliaca — also: »(vena) basilica«. 

1636. Ilion — colon. 

1637. Ilithia -- amnion. The name represents the Greek goddess Eilei- 
thyia who was invoked by women in pains of childbirth. 

1638. Iltiham pls A. — synarthrosis. 

1639. Iltisaq shes A. — sutura harmoniaca, harmonic suture, simple ap- 
position of (edges or smooth surfaces of) bones, 

1640, al- Inabatan cjrkaicdl A (dual) — corpora quadrigemina. 

T64ne  Inubiyiya mp hee iiss Ge oayoene |ytor |. 

1642. Ines — Benedictus II. 10: »éveg capillamenta sive filamenta sunt 
nervorum & fibrae stamineum (sic!)«. — » .. filamentum stami- 
neum (stomachi)<. Muscular fibres. 

1643. Inclavatio — gomphosis. 

1644. Incrutiatio — chiasma. 

1645. Index — 1. index finger; 2. second toe. 

1646. Ines — Benedictus V. 3: = »stamen«, »filamen« (»In sanguinis 
propterea materia quoddam genus fibrarum . .<). 

1647. Infundibulum — uvula. 

1648. -»-  ventriculi — oesophagus. 

1649. Infusorium — infundibulum cerebri. 

1650. Inguen — external sexual organs. 

1651. Insan al- ain ee ge A. — pupilla oculi, the pupil (of the eye). 

1652. Inshi‘ ab lect A. — ramification (e. g. of arteries). 

1653. Insl Ceol A. — internal, medial. 

1654. Interciput — crown of the head; vertex. 

1655. Interfintum — septum nasi. 

1656. Interiglio (Ital.) — Mundinus 5°: mesenterium, mesentery. 

1657. Internodium — phalanx. 

1658. Interseptum (nasi) — septum nasi. 

1659. Intestinulum —— corda umbilicalis, navel string, umbilical cord. 

1660. Intestinum cameratum 

1661. -»-  cullulatum a 

1662. -»-  circumvolutum 

1663. -»- contortum 

1664. -»- convolutum — jejunum + ileum. 

1665. -»- glomeratum 

1666. -»- gracile 
















Intestinum grossum et spissum — colon. 
->- gyratum )- is 
— jejunum + ileum. 
->=  involutum 
-»- longum — 1. jejunum + ileum; 2. rectum. 
->-  pingue — rectum. 
->- plenum ct crassum — colon. 
->- revolutum — jejunum + ileum. 
Iocineris gibbus — see »gibbus hepatis«. 
Iocur — »iecur«, »(h)epar<, liver. 
Ir — see »thenar«. 
] a pe) “ 
‘Irq oe) plur. “urtq GF A, — 1. vein; 2. vessel; (3. artery). 

G. 1. pléw; 2. ayyeiov. 

al“Irq al-abhar Pay) all A. — aorta. 

-»- al-ajwaf Gres) a3) A. — vena cava (z0¢An). 

-»>- al-ajwaf an-nazil J sbi ess een A. — »the descending 
capacious vein« — vena cava eae 

-»-  al-akhal hes) 3) A. — »the black vein«, vena mediana. 

-»- alladi ‘ala I-hama Xalgi} cle co al A. — vena fron- 

talis, the frontal vein. See »(vena) alheame< (or »alheama<). 


->- alladi khalf al- urqub S95 ,n mes co} on A. — vena 

saphena interna. 

“Urtiq al-awdaj aS) Gas A. — ven jugulares, the jugular 
veins. G. opayirides. 

al“Irq al-ausat Jane 25 A. — vena mediana (cubiti). 

al-Irq al- azim arias asi A. — vena cava. ar-Razi 7o: wall 
Ses) ke cye »ascending from the (upper) convex sur- 


face of the livere. 

Irq al-badan go ae A. — vena mediana. See »vena corpo- 
ralis«, »vena eee 

-»>-  al-batn cya a A. — = »al-basiliq« (Sokwtall, »al-ibti« 
aS, vena basilica. 

-»-  darib we as A. — arteria, artery. G. ayyeiov opvCor. 

A. FONAHN. Tey Ee ae 









al-Urtq al-ghadiyya jlil-khusya wa lil-abididumis] x:3tsJ} bo 

[ nates Sanaa] A. — »the veins which nourish 

the testes and the epididymise, venze spermaticee, the 
spermatic veins. G, ei tov coy iovoa piéw. 

¢ Bake eaten? ete AS: BF cee NIt Ee pe Rte ee eat 

al- Irq al-ghadi lil-ajza’ as-sufliyya min as-sadr <};> U0 (dle a) 

uals oo Xalawmd) A. — +the vein which nourishes the 


lower parts of the breast«, vena azygos. G. to TOU Wt 
nee oe LN aa ie ee eae eee 
WOAKOG ZUTW MEQOS — 70 Lag alvyOV TEEG~Etal PhEBoc. 

- . Che . Saat) . . » 
-»- al-ghadi lil-ajza° al-ulya min as-sadr s}:>\J (odlell s,s! 
Fe C)4 

pra ea Lals!| A. — »the vein which nourishes the upper 
parts of the breast«, vena intercostalis superior, the superior 
intercostal vein. G. ovbvyia pleBov — ta ww uEdorhevora 

TOU Fwouxog TOEPpEt. 
‘Irq al-jabha Seat GF .<¢ A. — vena frontalis, the frontal vein. 

al<Irq al-ibti slat x.’ A. — »the vein of the axilla«, vena basi- 

lica, the basilic vein. 

-»-  al-kab(i)di eee oa A. — »the liver-vein«, vena cava. 
G. fraritig phew. 

->- al-katifi tes ° oe A. — »the shoulder-veins, vena cepha- 

lica. G. Wuaia phéw. 

“Irq ma bid ar-rukba us St cals Ge A. — »the vein of the popli- 

teal fossas, vena saphena externa, the external saphenous 
vein (the part situated in the knee-hollow). G. # zat’ 
iyviay phew. 

& 9 x0) A. — »the 

al“Urtq al-martfa bil-marabid (ot th xd, 21) & 

veins called meseraic«. 
->- _al-mukallila Sud } bs x)! A. — see »al‘irq al-mustadir«. 
al-Irq al-mustadir hawl al-qalb anes Ves earl oe A, 

vena coronaria cordis. G. 7 sequotepavotoa thy xagdiay 



c | By 
Irq an-nasa Lwij} «.¢ A. — vena saphena externa, the external 

saphenous vein. 

=f : fs se A rena cephalica. See »al-qifal« 
1702, Irq arras (wii) se A. — ven phalica. qifal<. 
1703. al- Urtig as-sakibat al-lu ab OlsU} x5 Law} bo! A. — see »miskab 
c =1: $i a, Te] 
1704. Irq sakin ch Gs A vena, vein. 
c . 7 she oe | Pit . 
1705. al-Irq ash-shiryani te a) A. — »vena arteriosa« = ar- 
. . ‘ ’ 
teria pulmonalis, the pulmonary artery. G. pléew cotn- 
> © 
1706. “Irq as-subat wlio} a A. — (arteria) carotis, carotid artery; see 
»shiryan as-subat«. 
” > c 
— Se eat Ea gees ; 
1707. -»- as-subatl | Slams! ast A. — (arteria) carotis, carotid artery. 
G. zaoutice. 
1708. al-Irq al-ustuwani cctleaw$ oo) A. — vena porte, the portal 
vein. G. 7 éml avdn pdéw. 
1709. ‘Irqga 1-widaj aad Bs A. — venz jugulares, the jugular veins. 
G. opayitiec. 
= ST irar eee sey ae alee pee 
1710. Urtgq al-widaj aad ia Ae id. 
c See es . , 
rire, Irqi be A. — venous. G. pleBuwdne. 
1712. Irritamentum libidinis — clitoris. - 
ae ley is), plur. awari(n) sys and (s,!,!, sing. also ari s)| A. 
alveolus (dentis). G. parvat. 
1714. Ischion — Benedictus V 31: ».. nervus quo coxendix acetabulo 
committitur.« Ligamentum teres. 
1715. Ishtirak S}2%! A. — anastomosis. G. évaorouworg; xowwrvic. 
1716. Ismon — »ysmon«, »hysmon«, isthmus faucium. 
1717. Isophagus — cesophagus. 
1718. Isthmoides — Benedictus IV. 39: 1. summe ossium [nasi]; 2. angustiz. 
1719. Istidara $!rx%m) A. — a sling (of the intestine). 
1720. Iter urine — ureter. 
1721. Ithmides — ethmoides. 
1722. Itinera seminaria — ductus deferentes (vasa deferentia). 
1723. Itna ‘ashri spe (isl A. — duodenum. G., dwdexadantvhog, Expvote. 
1724. Itrum — 1. regio hypogastrica, the hypogastric region; 2. ab- 

domen. G. nroov. 



Ittahad(a) ASS! A. — to communicate (anastomosis, veins). G. 

Ittasal(a) Joi! A. — id. 

al-Ittimam al-khalf —al3} Ave) A. — see »al-mudammat. al-khal- 

al-Ittisal al-khalf lS} SlaiS) A. — id. « 

Iugulum — 1. clavicula(-z), clavicle(s); 2. throat, larynx. 

Iugulus — (Benedictus) clavicle. 

lugumentum — arcus zygomaticus, the zygomatic arch. 

Jum‘ eee — a closed fist. 

Jumjuma Sues plur. jumajim wm lhe A. — skull (includ. the 
bones of the face). 

Jumjumata 1-gihf a 5) Be A. — ossa parietalia, the parietal 
bones? (Kon.) 

Iunctura — articulation. 

-»- cayb — (Mundinus): ».. siue clauicule nominate ab osse illo 

quod cayb nominatur.« Articulatio talocruralis, the ankle- 

-»- coxee — articulatio coxee, the hip-joint. 
-»-  cruris — articulatio genu, the knee-joint. 
->- cubiti — articulatio cubiti, the elbow-joint. 
-»- digiti prima — articulatio metacarpophalangea, metacarpo- 

phalangeal articulation. 

-»-  digiti media — the first interphalangeal articulation. 
-»-  digiti tertia — the second interphalangeal articulation. 
-»- focilis inferioris — articulatio humeroulnaris, the humero- 

ulnar articulation. 

-»-  focilis superioris — articulatio humeroradialis, the humero- 
radial articulation, 

->- manus (iunctura manuum) — articulatio radiocarpea, the wrist- 

joint, the radiocarpal articulation. 

-»- pedis cum crure — articulatio talocruralis, the ankle-joint. 
-»-. poplitis — articulatio genu, the knee-joint. 
-»- pollicis pedis prima — articulatio metatarsophalangea prima, 

the metatarsophalangeal articulation. 









Junctura rasetee — articulatio radiocarpea, the wrist-joint, the radio- 

carpal articulation. 

->- spatulee — articulatio humeri, the shoulder-joint. 

Juttat al-janin meee xis A. — the body of the embryo (fcetus). 
= ; ears 

al-Juz’ al-munkhafid min at-tarb wi! “ye Led Sill £52 A. — the 

lower leaf of the omentum (Simon). G. 7 voSeBdnuévn; 

c ’ C a ~ =) , 
n zatwtey uoion tov émthoov. 


Ka‘b ss A. — 1. talus or astragalus; 2. malleolus. 

al-Ka‘b ad-dakhil \St} uss! A. — (ar-Razi, Koning 40) malleolus 
internus, the internal malleolus. 

->- al-kharija x> lS} UeX!i A. — (ar-Razi, Koning 40 -sic!) malle- 
_olus externus, the external malleolus. 

Kabid (or kabd) Ous (or OS) A. — hepar, liver. G. Hag. 

Kachasim — (Avic.) A.E.): ».. est locus post partem supremam 

nasi.« Cellula ethmoidales, ethmoid cells. 

eaten As = manus, hand (in dictionaries also: palm of the hand, 
palma manus). G. yeig. Cfr. »kef«. 

-»-  ar-rijl doit as A. — planta pedis, the sole of the foot. 

Kahil \sls A. — 1. regio interscapularis; 2. os sacrum, the sacrum. 

Kamara So A. — glans penis. See »al-balltta«. G. Sadavoc. 

Kathan — sinciput. 

Katif (or katf, kataf, kitf) Caxy (or Cass, ase, Cas) A. — 
1. shoulder; 2. scapula, shoulderblade. G. 1. qwuog; 

2. wuomharn. 

al-Katif1 (gd A. — see »al-qifal«, vena cephalica, the cephalic 
Katim — loins; regio humbalis. A.: qatan cb. 

Kef — Avic. (A.B.): » .. est manus, que continet pectinem et digitos, 

et huiusmodi pars est communis ad partem domesticam et 

sylvestrem pahmee, seu manus<. Cfr. A.: kaff Cas. 

80 A. FONAHN. HF: 

1767. Khadd 3, plur. khudtd o9,.5 A. — cheek. G. yvadog. 

1768. Khalf Cals A. \ | 

pee gene — dorsal. G. dsiow. 

1769. Khalfani (oil ah A. | 

1770. al-Kharq oe A. — (the rent, cleft, perforation) used of the place 
where the ureter pierces the bladder wall. 

1771. Kharaza §,.>, plur. kharaz ,.> and kharazat wl; => A. —werhebra, 
a vertebra. 

1772. Kharaz al-qatan cyst Se A. — vertebrze lumbales, the lumbar 

1773. -»- as-sadr jovall = A. — vertebre thoracales, the thoracic 
vertebree. Avic.: »spondyles pectoris«. 

1774. -»- al-ung (Hel fe A. — vertebrz cervicales, the cervical 

1775. ~2- az-zahr last pe A. — vertebre thoracales + vertebrz 
lumbales, the thoracic and lumbar vertebre. 

1776. al-Kharazat al awwal Sei 3, 3 A. — the atlas or first cervical 

1777. Kharazat al-hulqum asdhsi oly > A. — the cartilaginous (horseshoe- 
shaped) bars of the trachea. 

Kkhashish GR — see the next. 

1778. al-Khashishan cyano A. — arterize occipitales, the occipital ar- 
teries (branches of the external carotid arteries). 

1779. Khasira $.olS, plur. khawasir velpes A. — regio lumbalis, the 
lumbar region. 

1780, Khilt Ibis, plur. akhlat SYS! A. — humor (cardinal humors; 
the ancients supposed »the four humors: blood, phlegm, 
yellow bile, and black bile« to be the fundamental con- 
stituents of the body). 

1781. Khinsir ps A. — 1. digitus minimus manus, little finger; 2. digi- 
tus minimus pedis, little toe. 

1782. Khurza 35 A. — joint. G. ovgPodn. 










al-Khushasha’ sLa.n.2! A. — processus mastoideus, the mastoid pro- 
cess. See »alhasusae. 

Khusya xvas A. — 1. testiculus, testicle, G. doze; 2. ovarium, 

Kili —- »vena kili«, G. xoédn, vena cava. 

Kis (aS A. — scrotum. 

-»- al-baidatain cyto ural A. — scrotum. 

Ku‘ ess A. — the lower (distal) extremity of the radius. 

Kulya xals, plur. kula(n) ced) and kulyat colaly A. — ren, kidney. 
G. vepooe. 


Kulwa s,ly, plur. kula(n) (,l8 and kulwat olyls A. — id.) 

Kursu‘ gsm 5 A. — lower (distal) extremity of the ulna. 

Kushtamazaj a jteand (Persian) — »chair de la colonne verté- 

brale« (Koning). 


al-Labba FHA A. — fossa jugularis, the jugular fossa. See »alleba<. 
G. opayy; opayat. 

Lacertus — (chiefly: long, spindle-shaped, »lacerta-like«) muscle. 

-»- frontis — musculus frontalis, the frontal muscle. 

Lacerti timporum — Sudh. Chir. II. 127: »€In hac igitur egritudine) 
rasis temporibus et fronte, ubi lacerti timporum aparent, 
inferiores gene moueantur, euitatisque lacertis in  tribus 
locis usque ad os cutis equaliter findatur et recte«. Musculi 
temporales, the temporal muscles. 

Lactes — 1. pancreas; 2. thymus; 3. the small intestine (»gracioliora 
intestina«); 4. mesentery. 

Lacuna — t. infundibulum; 2. pelvis (of the kidney); 3. vagina; 
4. urethra; 5. sinus Morgagni; 6. fonticulus frontalis, the 
anterior (median) fontanelle; and other meanings. — Mun- 
dinus says (217): »(lacuna [cerebri]).. que est quedam con- 
cauitas rotunda: & oblonga in cuius medio est foramen 
tendens inferius ad palatum dyagonaliter: & ei occurrit 
uia directa: que a medio uentriculo descendit directe ad 

col <1) atorium<. 

Vid.-Selsk. Skrifter. I]. H.-F. Kl. t921. No. 7. 6 

82 A. FONAHN. H.-F. Kl. 

1799. Lacuna pori uritidis — pelvis renalis, pelvis of the kidney. 

1800. Lacunar — palatum durum, the hard palate. 

1801. Lacus — (Valla) »torcular«. 

1802. Lagon | es regio lumbalis, the lumbar region(?) Castelli: »lagon 

1803. Lagona J icywy idem quod zevewy Ilia (a costis ad ossa ilii)«. 

1804. Laguahic — articular cartilages. See »lawahig« (s. v. »lahiq«), and 

1805. Lahat si) A. — uvula + the soft palate. 

1806. Lahaz be A. — canthus externus oculi, external angle of the eye. 

1807. (Lahiq Gey: plur.:) Lawahiq ghudrtfiyya Rate and Gets Yea 
articular cartilages. See »laguahic«. 

1808. Lahm ~= A. — musculus, muscle, muscular tissue, flesh. 

1809. -»- rakhw = = A. — »soft fleshe, glandule, glands. G. édévec. 

1810. al-Lahm ar-rakhw al-khass bil-lisan .LWb ols = Lanes 
»the gland proper to the tongue«, glandula sublingualis, 
the sublingual gland. G. of wage ti oily tHe ylwoone 
adéveg; OL TO Oighoy yevv@rteg Kdéver. 

1811. -»-  ar-rakhw ash-shabih bi-habbat at-tarmus x Ji Pas asl 

cs — ia 

uw 4] kas A. — >the gland similar to the lupine-beans, 
hypophysis cerebri. 

1812. -»-  ar-rakhw at-tuti cdg! =i w= A. — >the mulberry-like 
gland«, the thymus, glandula thymi. 

1813. Lahmi a A. — fleshy, muscular. G. daoxzwone. 

1814. Lahan = A. 
t, — maxillary bone, jaw. G. yévve. 

1815. Lahy .> A 

1816. al-Lahy al-ala oie esl A. — maxilla, the upper jaw. 

1817. ->- al-asfal jaw! cea A. — mandibula, the mandible or 
lower jaw. 

1818. Lambda — os hyoideum, the hyoid bone. 

1819. Lamina prima cutis — epidermis. 

1820. Laqueus — corda umbilicalis, umbilical cord, the navel string. 

1821. Laringa \ 

: — larynx. 

1822. Larix J 5 

1823. Las _~S A. — see »bilasc. 

1824. Latitudo humeris — scapula or shoulder blade. 


(Latus) Lateris spatulze inferioris extremitas inferior — (Avic.; spatula 
= scapula). 

Latus spatulz inferius — (Avic.; spatula = scapula). 

->- spatulz superius — (Avic.; spatula = scapula). 

Lawzatan Bee A. — tonsillz. 

Laxum — colon. 

Lazija — viscous humour. 

Lebriati ) — see >ralleba«. A. al-labba xi, fossa jugularis, the 

Leebeti } jugular fossa. 

Lepus — radix nasi. 

Libas (wi4J A. — tegument, covering (of the eye-ball). 

Lifafa x¢la!, plur. lafa’ if ag: we covering, capsule (capsula fibrosa 

Lafa’if al-kuli es Saale A. — capsula renum. G. vepoor 

Lifafat al-kulyatain jakalxi) xelal A. | e009; zeQi tov vepody yerein. 
Lafa’ifi (.alé) A. — allantois. 
Lif _a.J A. — fibre(s). G. ivec. 

Ligamentum cingens — capsula articularis, (articular) capsule. 

Ligamenta coxalia — capsula articularis articulationis coxz, the 
articular capsule of the hip joint. 

Ligula — epiglottis. 

Linea recta mandibule — (Avic. De anat. musculor. gutturis) linea 
mylo-hyoidea, the mylo-hyoid line, internal oblique line of 
the mandible or lower jaw(?) 

Linez rectzee mandibule extremitas inferior — ibid.; see »linea recta 
mand. « 

Lingua fistulze 

= p= 5 . . 
minor — epiglottis. 
Lisaee — venze jugulares interne, the internal jugular veins. 
Lisan .,l.) A. — lingua, tongue. 
->- al-mizmar yeazal cys A. — »les cordes vocales supérieures et 

inférieures, et les ventricules qui se trouvent entre les cordes 

du méme coté. ydwttig ou yAwooa de Galien. (Koning.) 
Lita xi) A. — gingiva, gums. 
Livitula — uvula. 

Lobus — lower part of the auricle (pinna) of the ear. 

84 A. FONAHN. H.-F. Kl. 

1853. Loculamenta — divisions of a lymphatic gland. 

1854. Locus concavus spatula) — (Avic.) fossa subcapularis, the sub- 
scapular fossa. | 

1855. Logas — sclera (ocull). 

1856. Longabo | 

1857. Longano 

a7 se + — rectum. 

1858. Longanon | 

1859. Longao J 

1860. ae Ae ; A ya : a 

— hopadia, hope »prima dorsi vertebra« (Valla). 

1861. Lophia p ee ( ) 

1862, Lu ab Olsi A. — saliva, salive, spittle. G. oiedoy. 

1863. Luhac — articular cartilages. See »laguahic«. 

1864. Lumbus — Benedictus V 24: »Galenus spinee quatuor partes con- 
stituit, primum cervicem, metaphrenum, lumbus, & quod 
os sacrum nominant,..« Regio lumbalis, the lumbar region. 

1865. Luqam wi A. — convex articular surface. 

1866. Luqma x48) A. — id. 

1867. Lyra — 1. metacarpus; 2. metatarsus. 

1868. Lysoma — vertex, crown of the head. 

1869. al-Ma bid sll} A. — the bend of the elbow. G. ayzwr; zat 
5) R , MD ~ Wee 'G 
aynzovea xalmnn; rac ayzova Otago tow die. 

1870. Machaera — lobus hepatis, lobe of the liver. 

1871. Maceria — Avic. (A. E.) ».. est locus inter anum et vulvam«. 

1872. -»-  dentium 

: — row of teeth. 

1873. Maceries dentium 

1874. Madda sole A. — matter, material, substance. G. UAn. 

1875. Madian — vena mediana. 

1876. Madirian — iris. 

1877. Madrtz — sutura, suture. 

1878. Mafsil \seas, plur. mafasil Molas A. — 1. articulatio, articulation; 
2. phalanx or finger bone. 

1879. -»- al-adud casi! Juans A. — articulatio humeri, the shoulder 



1880. Mafsil al-adud ma‘a I-katif CaxsSt = Scat \vers A. — articulatio 
humeri, the shoulder-joint. 

1881. -»- al-adud maa s-sa‘id AcLaJt x Diaz jaa A. — articulatio 
cubiti, the elbow-joint. 

1882. -»- ‘asir ghair muwattaq (335 aS ne avers A. — arthrodia, 
gliding joint. 

1883. -»- al-fakhid Amal} Aucae A. — articulatio coxze, the hip-joint. 

1884. -»-  al-fakhid was-saq Showed Asai uate A. — articulatis genu, 

the knee-joint. 

1885. -»-  [al-kab] maa s-saq shen! xs [usxi}] jucae A. — articulatio 

talocruralis, the ankle-joint. 

1886. -»-  al-katif asx} jucke A. — articulatio humeri, the shoulder- 

1887. -»- al-mirfaq (or al-marfiq) Gis Sates (or 4) A. — articu- 

latio cubiti, the elbow-joint. 

1888. -»- muwattaq Gas Rae A. — synarthrosis or continuous arti- 

1889. -»-  ar-rukba m5 (cae A. — articulatio genu, the knee-joint. 

1890. -»-  ar-rusgh éwwtl (ees A. — articulatio radiocarpea, the 

o>? a) os : “ 
1891. -»- arrusgh maa |-musht bal} eo ew} \uaae A. — articulatio 
— — — 
carpometacarpea, the carpometacarpal articulation. 

1892. -»- as-sa'id maa r-rusgh ew) eo Aslwi} \ucde A. — articulatio 

radiocarpea, the wrist-joint. 
1893. -»-  salis oe Nena A. — diarthrosis or discontinuous articulation. 
1894. -»-  as-saq wal-qadam edkily Gee avery A. — articulatio talo- 
cruralis, the ankle-joint. 

1895. ->-  al-wark Sy gil ivery A. — articulatio coxee, the hip-joint. 

1896. -»-  al-wark wal-fakhid Amal, Syl) heads A. — articulatio 

coxee, the hip-joint. 

86 A. FONAHN. HF. Kh 
. oe . 
1897. Maghbin ere A. — axilla. 
1898. al-Maghid asi! A. -—— torcular Herophili. 
oz =¢= oe . by . . 

1899. Maghraz al-udn 3S 554 A. — »l implantation de l’oreille» (Koning). 

1900. -»- (or maghriz) al-qadib Crs«aail 3k A. — radix penis. G. 
oila tov xaviov. 

1901. Ma‘y (or mi an) oct’ (or ts) plur. ama’ sess A. — intestine. 

c : c = SE a ra =e 

tg02. al-Ma y al-itna asharl cent Col Lert A. — the duodenum. 
G. » dwbdexadaxtvhog éxpvoie. 
c J Pa oe “ 7m , 

1903. -»>- al-awar ,scS} (.xt! A. — the ccecum. G. tudor. 

1904. -»- ad-duqagq ioe cee) A. — intestinum tenue, the small 
intestine. G. to demtoy évtegor. 

1905. -»-  al-mustaqim maSiiodl coal A. — the rectum. 

1906. -»>-  ar-raqiq Ce cont A. — the ileum; intestinum tenue, the 
small intestine. 

1907. -»-  as-sa’im matacst es x — the jejunum: (Gs pore. 

1908. al-Ma’ida ssl!) A. — regio lumbalis, the lumbar region. 

1909. Maida (or mi‘da) 3s (or $d) A. — ventriculus stomachus, ven- 
tricle, stomach. G. xzothia; yaorno. 

tg10. Mainanjas eee. A. — meninx or meningeal membrane. G. 

1911. Majran (sy, plur. majar1 is ise A. — canal (e. g. between cere- 
bral ventricles). 

tg12. Majra |-bawl Sat issu A. — ureter. G. otentno. 

T9QI3. -»-  I|-udn cpt SoM A. — meatus acusticus externus, the exter- 
nal acoustic meatus. 

1914. al-Majra l-a’ ma ceeosl saul A. — see »at-taqb al-a max, 

1915. Majra al-anf ai} issu A. — »the canal of the nose<, cavum 
nasi, the nasal cavity. 

1916. al-Majra as-sakib lil-bawl Jyait USbwJ! (cul A. — the arachus. 

Ve cies = 

~ BY , 
G. oveayzoc. 




















s.s\a A. — meatus acusticus externus, the 


Majra as-sam® <,.J 
J SS &+ 

external acoustic meatus. G. tojuca tg axore. 

“ - atin 

-»>- Imani | ,4l) (g.sie — 1. ductus deferens; 2. tuba uterina, 
the uterine tube (or Fallopian tube, tuba Fallopii). G. ozreo- 

al-Majra 1-qabil lil-mirra Sol! dole} osysul A. — the ductus chole- 

dochus or bile-duct. G. yosndoyog s0g0c¢; yohwdng 70900. 

al-Majrayan cjbjous A. — see »al-barbakhan«. 

-»>- ash-shabihan bil-adanas (witoSb (leant osu A. — see 
»al-barbakhan etc.« 

-»- ash-shabihan bil-qirsuts coe BLU hens ok sut A. — see 
»al-barbakhan etc.« 

Mala — 1. superior pars gene (q. v.) [Spigel. 5]; 2. tonsilla [Bene- 
dict. III. 19]; 3. mamme. 

Malum granatum — 1. processus xiphoideus (sterni), the xiphoid 

process; 2. trochanter major, the greater trochanter. 

->-  granatum testiculorum — trochanter major, greater trochanter 
(ace: tovElyrtl, Ar 237): 

-»- punicum — the xiphoid process, processus xiphoideus (sterni). 

Mammilla — (Avic.) papilla mammee or nipple. 

Manbat (pronounced: mambat) eee 

ee 2 — origin (e. g. of a nerve 
plur. manabit wali A. | gin (e.g p 

aah, 2. or muscle). G. éxpvate. 
Manbit (pronounced: mambit) cris A. 

“ -C- 

Manbat as-sinn Sol crassa A. — alveolus (of the tooth). 


Manchar algorab — processus coracoideus, the coracoid process. 
A. minqar al-ghurab aI. st lie. Cfr. »alacharam« (A. al- 
akhram es> Si). 

Mandibula inferior — (Avic.) mandibula, the mandible or lower jaw 
(the inferior maxillary bone). 

-»- superior — (Sudh. Anat. 34; Avic.) maxilla or upper jaw 

(the upper superior, maxillary bone). 

Mandud Seve A. — ranged (as the bones in the wrist). 

88 A. FONAHN. FU-F . Ke 

1935. Manfad Aare, plur. manafid Aétlis A. — exit, passage, passage out. 
Also of the hypothetical passages through the ventricular 
septum of the heart. 

1936. al-Manhar A. woul A. — the larynx; throat 

1937. Mani us A. — semen, sperm. 

-»- al-mar’at 31 Ji us A. — the »femal sperm«. 
1938. Mankhar sie A. — nares, nostrils. G. zata thy dive 
Mankhir ,=is, plur. lis A. 7OQOL; TOQOL THC OLVOG. 

1939. Mankib Uxie A. — shoulder. 

1940. Mansha’ Lista A. — origin. G. Expvote. 

1941. Manus — the upper limb. Sudh. Anat. 35: »Manus componitur ex 
tribus ex adiutorio. brachio et palma«. Ibid. 39: »Manum 
vocat quod est ab humeris usque ad extremitatem digiti«. 

1942. -»- hepatis — vena portee, the portal vein. 

1943. -»- parva — the hand, consisting of 1. »rasceta«, the wrist, 
2. »pecten manuss, q. v. 

1944. Mappa (ventris) — omentum majus, the greater omentum. 

1945. Ma’q ak A. — 1. canthus internus, inner angle of the eye. 
G. zxav3oc. 2. caruncula lacrymalis. 

1946. al-Ma’q al-akbar asi bs A. — canthus internus, the inner angle 
of the eye. G. 6 wéyac xarIoc. 

1947. -»- al-asghar oS! Sus) A. — canthus externus, the outer angle 
of the eye. G. 0 mxo0g xavFoc. 

1948. Maq ada iMate A. =a. regio analis; anus; 2. fundament, posteriors, 

1949. Maraad — Avic. (A. B.) = »mesenterium<, vide s. v. »bancharas«. 

1950. Maraqq cs). A. — 1. abdominal wall; 2. the skin and superficial 
fascia of the abdominal wall. (3. The hypogastric region 
of the abdominal wall.) G. tzoyaoretoy. 

OST, » -9-- valcbatm) stati choot ey ancl 

8) wees ACIS 

1952. Marar hy A. — (Koning, Gloss.) gall. 

1953. Marara sh A. — vesica fellea, gall-bladder. G. yoAndoxog xvotee. 

1954. Marbad — Avic. (A. B.) = »mesenterium«, vide s.v. »bancharas«. 

1955. (Marbid plur.) Marabid veal A. — Koning Gloss.: »mésentéress. 


1956. Margo »mandibule« -- basis mandibulze (inferior border of the 
mandible or lower jaw). 

1957. Mari’ ses A. — cesophagus or gullet. G. oroucayoe. 

1958. Markuz re. A. — implanted; gomphosis. 

1959. Marsupium — scrotum. 

1960. -»- adiposum — omentum. 

1961. Masara (or mi sara) spans A. — (confluens sinuum (torcular Hero- 
phili), »pressoir« [d’Hérophile]. G. Anvoc. 

1962. al-Masarat (or al-misarat) al-gha ira $ ale 5 woe A. — »the deep- 
seated winepress«, the confluens sinuum (torcular Hero- 
phili). G. dea Badove Anvec. 

1963. -» (or al-mi‘ sarat) as-Saghira 8 asuais 5 waa! A. — »the small wine- 
press<, »point of convergence of certain superficial cerebral 
veins« (Simon Gloss.). G. ézcodyjg Anvoc. 

1964. Masaraiqa LasjLils A. — mesenterium. G. weoagator. 

1965. Mashima xeacse A. — 1. chorion (yviov); 2. chorioid plexus; 
3. after-birth (placenta + umbilical cord + foetal membranes). 

1966. Mashimi cetaiina A. — 1. chorioidea, the chorioid (tunic of the eye); 
2. pia mater. 

1967. Mashimiyya (tabaqat al-mashimiyya) Fees = Sowell x3.5) | A. — 
chorioidea, the chorioid (tunic of the eye) {ibn Sina, Hirschb. . 

1968. Masika fi |-asl [ost & KXwle] A. — orbita, orbit or eye-socket [[bn 
Se Se 

1969. Maslak (or maslik) eatae ke —— way, passage. 

1970. al-Mat‘ab aii A. — funiculus spermaticus, the spermatic cord. 

G. 6 moo0g wéytotog éig TOS OOYELS xaIHZOY. 

1971. Matana xilke A. — vesica urinaria or urinary bladder. G. zvotuc. 

1972. Matenaim — regio(-nes) lumbalis (-es), see »matn« cyte A., and 

1973. Mater arteriarum — aorta. 

1974. -»-  cerebri — meninx (of brain); dura mater. A. umm ad-dimagh 


eta el. 








A. FONAHN. H.-F. KI]. 

Mater _venarum — vena cava. 

- U9? G > 4 . 
Ma‘ tif ar-rukba x.5 J} Vales A. — fossa poplitea, the popliteal fossa. 
Matn cree A. — 1. regio lumbalis, lumbar region, region of the 

loin; 2. psoas. 

Matna r-rukba (Simon: mutanna r-rukba) as ae caka alse ‘sf othe) 

A. — fossa poplitea, the popliteal aos G. iyvea. 
Matnaim — tf. regio lumbalis, lumbar region, region of ue loin; 
2. psoas. A. matnain cpt = (vulgar) idualvot 5. cys ag) Ve 
Matnan ile A. (Dual. of esta) = the two psoas major muscles. 
G. Wout. (According to Simon the quadratus lumborum is 
Matrix — vide s. v. »nigra vena«, »vena nigras. 
Maudi® lain cyte <ioua A. — >the place of the eye«, orbita, orbit 

or eye-socket. G. ywoa tov opdaluoi. 
al-Mawadi° allati fi-ma bain al-adla‘ evo cyae bead (call x cols tieAC 
— the intercostal spaces. G. ta weoorkevoua. 

al-Maudi® arid min al-lahy al-asfal Jaw S\ (cL ye Qeaalt goal 

A. — see »al-juz’ etc.« 

al-Maudi’ 1-muqa‘ar sali wool A. — see »al-janib al-muqa‘ar« A. 
Also »>al-mugqa ar al-gha@ ir pla all A. and »al-gha ir 
al-“amiq min ‘azm al-katif (or al-katf) cy Co ola 
eal alas A. See »al-janib al-muqa’ ar min azm al-katif« A 
(the subscapular fossa). 

->- al-muqa ar min at-tihal das eo al geoell A. — see 
»qar at-tihal«e A. 


->- al-emuhaddab min al-maida (or al-mi da) ea wrt kOe. 

sr251 A. — see »hadabat al-maida« A. 
Mawadi® an-nukha‘ p\sai! getye A. — the vertebral canal. 
al-Maudi ash-shabih bil-hajala ET Gaeul goe ft A. — »the place 

resembling a sleeping-tent (or bridal chamber)<, cornu in- 
ferius ventriculi lateralis (of the brain). G. t@y xo 7 
oiov Fakaun. 

Maurid O00 A. — origin (of a muscle). 


tg91. Maxilla inferior — (Sudh. Anat. 35) mandibula, the mandible or 
lower jow. 

T1992. -»- superior — (ibid.) maxilla or upper jaw. 

1993. Meatus — (right or left) nasal cavity. 

1994. -»-  cysticus — ductus cysticus, the cystic duct. 

1995. -»- deferentes — ductus defercntes (vasa deferentia). 

1996. -»- hepaticus — ductus hepaticus, the hepatic duct. 

1997. -»- seminalis — 1. ductus (vas) deferens; 2. tuba uterina, the 
uterine tube (tuba Fallopize, the Fallopian tube). 

1998. -»-  seminarii — (Benedictus) ductus deferentes (vasa deferentia). 

1999. -»- urinarius — (Spigelius:) ».. foramen autem in medio glandis, 
urine & seminis exitui destinatum, ovendoa, Meatus uri- 
narius vocatur. 

2000. -»-  urinarii — ureteres. 

2zoo1. Medaruzan — (Avic. A.B.) see »derezi«. 

2002. Median — vena mediana, the median vein. 

2003. Mediastinum — pleura mediastinalis, the mediastinal pleura. 

2004. -»- auris — membrana tympani, the tympanic membrane. 

2005. Mediastinus — Mundinus 14": »(panniculus) mediastinus qui diuidit 
concauitatem pectoris per medium ab anteriori ad poste- 
rlus. « 

2006. Medeli — Avic. (A. B.): ».. id est secundum situm extensum versus 
inferius. « 

2007. Medini — Avic. (A. B.)}, see »vena medini<. 

2008. Medium pectinis — symphysis pubis. 

2009. Medulla capitis — Sudh. Chir. Il. 108: »Cerebrum enim est medulla 
capitis. « 

2010. -»- dorsalis 

20II. -»- dorsi \ — corda spinalis, the spinal cord. 

2012. -»- in spina J 

2013. -»-  spinalis — (Avic. 1608, Sermo univ. de nervis proprie — Anno- 
tationes). Corda spinalis, the spinal cord. 

2014. Megar — Avic. Verb. univers. de nervis etc. in the margin; see 
»mhaur« (, .=\«). 

2015. Melanc(h)olia — »black gall<. See: al-mirrat as-sawda’. 

2016. Melsac — sutura, suture. 

2017. Membrana ante collum matricis — hymen. 

2018. Membrane auriculares (cordis) — the atria of the heart. 

2019. Membrana farciminalis — allantois. 

2020. -»-  circumossualis — periosteum. 

92 A. FONAHN, HPs 

2021. Membrana costalis — pleura. 

2022. -»-  ossa succingens (circumcingens) — periosteum. 

2023. -»-  pleuritica — pleura. 

2024. -»- tenuis vesicae — Sudh. Chir. Il: »(Incisio ad lapidem extra- 
hendum) .. Sed uidendum est, ne fiat incisio in tenui mem- 
brana vesice, quia numquam cojn|solidaretur, sed in loco 
carnoso. « 

2025. -> vaginee pratensa — hymen. 

2026. Membranulz — 1. tunica vaginalis, the parietal and the visceral 
portion; 2. valvulz cordis, valves of the heart. 

2027. Membrum — organ (»sicut hepar, & splen, & pulmo« [Avic. 1608 I, 
page 59b)). 

2028. Membra generationis — (Mundinus 10°) genitalia, the genital organs. 

2029. -»-  nobilia — »pulmo, stomacus, renes, vesica«. |Sudh. Chir. II. 112]. 

2030. ->- nutrimenti \ ae 

— — vide s.v. »membra spiritualia«. 

2031. -»-  nutritiva J 

2032. -»-  principalia — »cerebrum, cor, epar, testiculi« [Sud. Chir. IL. 112]. 

2033. Membrum pudendum — vulva. 

2034. Membra spiritualia — Avic. De anat. musculor. pectoris, in the 
margin: ».. et illi qui dilatant tantum sunt novem, et ex 
eis est velamen distinguens inter membra spiritualis(!) et 
membra nutrimenti..« Also »membra aerem attrahendi«. 

2035. Membrum spongiosum — Sudh. Chir. Il. 123: »Mamilla spongiosum 
membrum est ac delicabile. .« 

2036. -»- virile — (Sudh. Chir, II. 219, 220), 

2037. Memento mori — os temporale, the temporal bone (espec. pars 
squamosa, the squamous part). 

2038. Menice — meninges (of the brain). 

2039. Meninga — membra tympani, the tympanic membrane (of 

2040. Meninx auris the ear). 

2041. Mensa — 1. lobus hepatis, lobe of the liver; 2. both scapule. 

2042. Mensales — dentes molares, the molar teeth. 

2043. Mensenterium — mesenterium, mesentery. 

2044. Mentula — penis. 

2045. -»-  muliebris — clitoris. 

2046. Mentum — mandibula, mandible or lower jaw. 

2047. Meri — cesophagus; see A. mari’ s.5,.. 

2048. Meringe | ae 

Mctin ee scm meninges (of the brain). 

2049. Mesareeum — see »guedegil«, »gedauel< etc. 

















Mescrenium — mesenterium, mesentery. 
Mesemen — Avic. (A.E.): ».. id est locus sub teneritudine costarum.« 

Regio lumbalis, the lumbar region, or region of the loin. 

Meseraica — see »encaras<. 

Mesocranon — vertex, the crown of the head. 
Meson — see »vena mesoné. 

Messophoron — mesophryon; see »metopiums. 
Metacarpus — see »postbrachialis«. 
Metapedium — metatarsus. 

Metaphrenum — Benedictus I. 3: »sive scapula«. V. 24: »columna 
dorsalis«. Castelli: »posterior thoracis pars metapoevor. 
Gorzeus: »quid proprie sit, non satis est a veteribus expli- 
catum«. See »metopium<. 

Metauchenium — regio interscapularis, the interscapular region (inter- 
scapilium). See »methus<. 

Methenem — see »matenaim«, regio lumbalis, the lumbar region, 
the region of the loin(s). 

Metopium — »mesophryum<« = »binis superciliis intervallum« (Valla). 
See »messophoron«,. 

Methus — Avic. (A. E.): ».. est locus inter spatulas.« Regio inter- 

scapularis, the interscapular region. Also: »metus« and 

Micha — corda spinalis, the spinal cord. Probably miscreading of 
a > . “ 
»nucha« (A. nukha® ome the spinal cord). (Or from A. 
mukhkh 2xs, plur. mikhakh hsv?) 
C Gis 
Mhaur — »chorda«, tendon; Avic. Verbum univers. de nervis etc.: 

»chorda, quee ex ligamento et nervo componiture. 
~ of 
Mi‘a’ sles,‘a’ sla} A. — intestinum, intestine. G. %yreoor. 
al-Mi°a al-a war yge} ctxt! A. — intestinum coecum + processus 
. . \ BY 
vermiformis. G. tupdoy évtegor. 
->- ad-diqgaq e5dJ) sl2li A. — intestinum tenue, the small in- 
Ge : 

testine. G. destroy évtegor. 

->- al-mabar jal} clef} A. — see »al-mi‘a’ al-mustaqime. 

-»-  al-mustaqim ,8imi) slelf A. — intestinum rectum, the rectum. 
nee . 

-»- ag-s@’im ysbel} cleli A. — intestinum jejunum, the jejunum. 

G. ynotic. 



2071. Mi laq Bes, plur. ma‘aliq (Gels A. — »suspensor«, ductus 
deferens (vas deferens). G. zoeuaorno. 

2072. -»-  al-jadawil Saiert (orlee A. — »the suspensor of the mesen- 
tery«, radix mesenterii (root of the mesentery). G. aetnuc 

2073. Ma alig ar-rahim (or ar-rihm) a>, (Goibes (or »>,!}) A. — ligamenta 
teretes (rotunda) uteri or round ligaments of the uterus. 
G. Gernuata tHg uNnteac. 

2074. Mil‘agat as-sadr ye Xazke A. — »cochlear pectoris«, scrobiculus 
cordis, creux de l’estomac. 

2075. Minqar al-ghurab Si ,3 Aire A. — processus coracoideus, the 
coracoid process (of the shoulder blade). G. cecopuole 
xO0ax0ELONC. | 

2076. Mingar ar-ra’s eee Bie A. — see »al-hufrat ash-shabiha _bil- 
mingar« A. 

2077. Mirac — 1. paries abdominis, the abdominal wall; 2. abdomen; 

Mirach 3. muscles of the abdominal wall; 4. umbilicus or navel; 
5. peritoneum. A. maraqq ale. 

2078. Mirfaq (or marfaq or marfiq) Eon (or (aie or 52) A. — elbow. 
G. ayzxwr. 

2079. Miringes — meninges. 

2080. Mirra Bo eels 

2081. al-Mirrat as-sawda’ ehdgaull gf A. — »the black gall«, melancholia, 

2082. Mi sam mans A. — _ rticulatio radiocarpea, radiocarpal joint, 

2083. Misfat slacs A. — os ethmoidale (os ethmoideum), the ethmoid 
bone. G. FFwoedeg dorovy. 

2084. Miskab ar-riq (32,3 Cas A. — ductus sublingualis major (ductus 
Bartholinianus), duct of Bartholin. 

2085. Mola — patella (rotula) or knee-pan. See »alrasafe«, »rasga«. 


2086. Molares extremi = (Avic.:) »quidem secundum plurimum nascuntur 













in medio temporis augmenti, & hoc quidem est post sper- 
matis emissionem & ante consistenciam, quoniam consi- 
stencia est circa 30 annos, ideoque dentes isti, dentes 
(sensus] vocantur<. In the margin: »alhalm«. The wisdom- 
teeth (dentes sapientize), the third molar teeth, dentes 

Monocolon — intestinum coecum, the ccecum. 

Monoculum ¢ 

iG EN Sip 
Monoculus He Cees De 

Monoculus — see »nervus monoculuss¢. 

Montes — Castelli: ».. protuberantize musculosze in vola manus<¢. 

Mons pedis — the upper part of the foot = »grandineums. Bene- 
dictus V. 34: »montem pedis tria ossa habere . . constat.<« 

Monticuli — Spigelius 12: ».. sunt eminentize quaedam in vola 
manus, quorum septem Chiromantee faciunt. 

Morsus Adami — os hyoideum, the hyoid bone. 

-»- diaboli — fimbrize tubze uterinze (fimbrize tubze Fallopiz). 

Mortariolum — alveolus dentis, alveolus of the tooth. 

Morus — glandula, thymi, the thymus. 

Muallaq (gles A. — »hanging«, »suspended<, disengaged, free. 
G. wetéwoog; oioy xoeuauervoc. 

Mw akhkhar ad-dimagh ert es, A. — the posterior part of the 
cerebrum, pars posterior cerebri. 

Mucla — Avic. (A. B.): ».. secundum Arabes est pars exterior 
oculi, queze nobis apparet.« Cfr. A. »muqla« lie = bulbus 

oculi, the bulb of the eye. 

Mucro (cordis) — apex cordis, apex of the heart. 
-»- osseus — crista galli. 
al-Mudawwar grad (sc. tabaqa x1 tunica) A. — »the circular« 

(sc. membrane, tunic), the peritoneum. 
Muhaddab wee A. — convex. 
Muhaddad Soeaes A. — pointed (f. i. of teeth). 
Muhadin Siesee Ab = forming the direct elongation. G. zat’ eb. 
ere ee A. — hollow (e. g. of the optic nerve). 

al-Mujawwafa soul A, — »the hollow« (sc. nerve), the optic nerve. 

96 A. FONAHN. H.-F, Kk} 

2109. Mukhkh ae A. — 1. medulla, marrow; 2. encephalon, brain. G. 
uvedoy marrow. | 

2110. -»-  al-izam eae ae A. — medulla ossium, marrow of the 
bones. G. 10 éy toig Gotoicg wvedor. 

2ETG.. =9- 9 Halonays pi ae A. — »the marrow of the head«, the ence- 

2112, -»- as-Salab (or as-sulb) W.Lal} Ean (Or lial) A. — corda spi- 
nalis, the spinal cord. Gigante uvedov. 

2113, -»- galabi (cabo a Ne arial 

2114. Mukhat bia, A= amunens: 7G. Blévva; xoovsa; urvga. 

2115. Mula — Avic. (A.B.): ».. est pars illa oculi, quae videtur«. See 
mucla (xlée). 

2116. al-Multahim silt A. — the conjunctiva (of the eye). G. é- 

2117. Multaqan gle A. — junctura ossium, joint. G. ovuPodn. 

2118. Multaqa “azma l-ana XilsJ} ugelks ee A. — symphysis pubis. 
G. ovupoln tuwy tig nByg ootwy. 

211g. -»-  I|-faqar baad peels A. — articulation between vertebre. G. 
ovuBokn tar omovdvdwy. 

2120. Multaqam miihe A. — articulation. 

2121. Mulzam oj A. — symphysis. 

2122. Muntaha ad-darz ash-shabih bil-lam sb sass! sys ebie A. — 
see cent etc. 

2123. -»- at-tihal Jl<o)} Ges A. — the posterior border (or extre- 
mity) of the spleen. G. cedevtn tov omdnvos. 

2124. -»- al-usus (eae ees A. — extremitas ossis coccygis, 
the extremity of the coccyx. 

2125. Muqaddam ad-dimagh elo obs A. — pars anterior cerebri, the 
anterior part of the brain. 

2126. Muqaddima Sao A ee pars anterior cranii, the anterior part of 
the skull. 

2127. Mugla xls A. — bulbus oculi, eye-ball. 


Murtr 54. A. — course (of a nerve). 


2129. Musculi achabales — (Avic. De musc. ped. iunct. mov.) »musc. 
calci annexi¢. 

2130. -»- alopeces — the psoas muscles. G. Gdwzexec. 

2131. -»- amygdalarum — Avic. De anat. musculor. gutturis: »Gutturis 
vero musculi sunt duo musculi gutturosi (in the margin: 
amygdalarum), qui sunt duo musculi apud gulam positi in 

transglutiendo adiuvantes«. Tonsilla. 

2132. -»- buccarum — see also »buccas. 

2133. -»-. calanticae — platysma myoides. 

2134. Musculi calci annexi — also »musculi achabales« q. v. 

2135. -»-  diaphragmatis — the diaphragm. 

2136. Musculus ephebeus —- musculus procerus (pyramidalis). 

2137. Musculi ficteris — muscles in the anal region. 

2138. -»- gutturosi — vide s. v. »musculi amygdalarum«. 

239. Musculus humilis — musculus rectus oculi inferior, the inferior rectus 

(of the eye). 

2140. Musculi inter costas locati — (Mundinus) musculi intercostales, the 
: intercostal muscles. 

2141. Musculi intercostales — (Avic.) id. 

2142. Musculos latitudinalis dexter — Mundinus 2%: »VItimo post istos 

(i. e. musc. transversales) sunt latitudinales quorum fila pro- 
tendunt secundum latum unus dexter et alter sinister: & 
ortus & apparentia eorum est magis iuxta dorsum uersus 
sursum: & isti cum longitudinalibus ueniunt intersecantes 

se ad inuicem ad angulos rectos.« Musculi transversi ab- 


2143. -»-  latitudinalis sinister — (Mundinus 2°) vide s. v. »musc. latitud 

2144. -»- lividus — musculus pectineus. 

2145. Musculi longitudinales — Mundinus 2": ».. quorum fila protendunt 
secundum longum a clipeo oris stomachi (i. e. the xiphoid 

process) usque ad ossa pectinis (i. e. ossa pubis).« Musculi 

recti abdominis. 

2146. -»- masticandi — (Avic.) muscles of mastication. Cfr. A. »‘adal 

al-madgh« excal} \ucc. 

2147. Musculus mensalis — musculus trapezius 
2148. -»-  nauticus — musculus tibialis posterior. 
2149. -»- pollicis [manus] — (Avic. De anat. muscul. rasetee). 


Vid.-Selsk. Skrifter. I]. H.-F. Kl. r92t. No. 7. 



2150. Musculus pterno-dactyleus — musculus flexor digitorum brevis. For 

»pterno-« cfr. Galen zréova = calcaneus; the muscle partly 
arises from the tuberosity of the calcaneus. 

-»>- reiteratus — Avic. De anat. musc. mandibular.: »Musculorum 
vero aperiendi, et mandibulam descendere facientium villi 
ex additamentis nascuntur ad vacuum similitudinem*, quze 
retro post aures creata fuerunt, descendunt et uniuntur: et 
fit unus musculus. postea separantur et fiunt chorda, ut 
firmitudinem augeant: deinde iterum rarificatur, et carne 
repletur, et fit musculus [in the margin: qui denominatur 
musculus reiteratus, ne propter sui tensionem ad nocu- 
menta recipienda sit praeparata: deinde mandibule reflexio 
mento obviat: et quum contrahitur, trahit mandibulam retro, 
et descendit proculdubio.<« 

* In the margin: »et alaberize (i. e. the styloid processes) 
quze sunt post aures, descendunt et fit unus musculus. « 
Musculus digastricus, the digastric muscle (musculus 

geminatus, muscle géminé, muscle digastrique. A. ‘adala 

mukarrara $).\0 Xhas). 

2152. Musculi spondilium colli — vide s. v. »venz profundee«. 

2153. Musculus succenturiatus recti — (Hyrtl) musculus piramidalis. 


->- superbus — musc. rectus oculi superior, the superior rectus. 

2155. Musculi suspensores testiculorum — musculus cremaster, the cre- 

master muscle. 

2156. Musculus sutorius — musculus sartorius, the sartorius. 

2157. Musculi temporis — musculi temporales, the temporal muscles. 




-»- testis — musculus cremaster, the cremaster muscle. 

-»- transversales inferiores — Mundinus 2%: .. & per oppositum 
sunt precedentes inferiores ad superiora: quorum ortus est 
ab ossibus pectinis (i. e. ossa pubis) & anche (q. v.) & desi- 
nunt in cordas cum ad locum ubi finiuntur coste ueniunt: 
ita quod corde eorum cruciantur ad inuicem ad modum 
istius: XIITX.« Musculi obliqui abdominis interni. 

->- transversales superiores — Mundinus 2°: »Post istos (i. e. 
»musculi longitudinales« = musculi recti abdominis) sunt 
duo transversales superiores, unus a dextris alter a sinistris. 
& ambo oriuntur a superioribus iuxta costas & desinunt in 
cordas circa ossa pectinis (i. e. ossa pubis). sic quod dextra 
corda tendit inferius ad sinistrum & sinistra ad dextrum.<« 

Musculi obliqui abdominis externi. 


2161. Musculi ventris recti — (Avic.) musculi recti abdominis. 

2162. Musculi vermicularis — musculi lumbricalis. 

2163. Musht bi» — 1. metacarpus; 2. metatarsus, »pecten«. 

2164. -»-  al-kaff a} baie A. — metacarpus, »pecten manus<«. 

2165. -»- al-qadam adil bine A. — metatarsus, »pecten pedis<. 

2166. Musmat crsas A. — solid (not hollow) as of the brain. 

2167. Mustanqa‘ pceons A. — »stagnating< (water); bassin, zrvehoc. In- 
fundibulum or stalk of the hypophysis (tige pituitaire). 

2168. al-Mustaqim waiiioml A. — the {intestinum) rectum. Also: as-surm 
apm A. 

2169. Mustula — Sudh. Anat. 7: »Nasus autem procedit ab initio ossis 
quod est in medio oculorum et est cartilagile |!) et confini 
gzeorum coniunguntur ossi inditis|!) aurium. et vocantur 
mustula et in ipsis sunt dentes.« 

2170. Muto — (Valla) penis. 

2171. Mutqan cyPies A. — ‘solid. 

2172. Muwallid al-lu'ab Celli Xies A. — ar-Razi 54: (5X3 ah 
(i.e, qjbebt) athel Ais ¢ eoel! 4d! A. Glandula sublin- 
gualis, the sublingual gland. 

2173. Myrac(h) — see »mirac(h)<. 

2174. Myringa — membrana tympani, the tympanic membrane. 

2175. Myrinx — meninx. 

2176. Nab 35, plur. anyab Bes A. — dens caninus, the canine tooth. 

2177. Nabad (2.3 A. — to pulsate. G. oputeuv. 

2178. Nabat ex.i (u) A. — arise, originate. 

2179. Nahiya x,>u A. — side, region. 

2180. Nahiyat al-ain cyte! xa A. — »la région de l’ceil« (Koning). 

2181. -»-  al-wajna Kish xa A. — the region of the cheek. 

2182. -»- az-zawj aya xs>b A. — regio zygomatica, the zygomatic 

2183. Nahr =x. A. = “fossa jugularis, the jugular fossa (of the neck); 


fossette sus-sternale. G. opayn. 

100 A. FONAHN. H:-F. Kl. 

2184. Najid A=6, plur. nawajiz 451.3 A. — 1. wisdom-tooth (dens sa- 
pientiae), third molar tooth, dens serotinus; (2. molar tooth, 
dens molaris in general, according to Hyrtl). Cfr. »nuaged«, 
»nuaget«, »neguegid« (Avic.), »negueguil<, »neguedij«, 
»neguiden«, »neheguidegi«. 

2185. Nashza pons A. — eminencé, protuberance. 

2186. -»- mu aqgafa Nabe Bion A. — condyle. 

2187. Nashua’ nas A. — arise from, take origin from (of nerves). 

2188. al-Nasijat al-mashimiyya Xasscall} A. — plexus choriodeus, 
the chorioid plexus. G. yoooeWec mhéyma; yoooewWEeg ov- 

2189. -»- ash-shabiha bil-mashima x ith xgucall eeu! A. = id 

2190. -»- ash-shabiha bish-shabaka xK.SJUb xeu.cJ} Xsuml A. — >the 
reticular plait«, rete mirabile at the base of the brain in 
certain animals. G. dextvoedéc whéyuce. 

2191. Nasja <s\m3 A. — tissue. 

2192. Nateria — see »naticas. 

2193. Nates — 1) nates, buttocks; 2. thalamus opticus; 3. corpora quadri- 
gemina, quadrigeminal bodies, the superior pair; 4. corpora 
quadrigemina, quadrigeminal bodies, the inferior pair. 

2194. Nati(n) ws, _eis A. — prominent, projecting. 

2195. Natica — Sudh. Chir. I. 87 = »hanca« (q.v.). Also »nateria«. 

2196. Natis — trochanter major, the greater trochanter. 

2197. Natula — corpora quadrigemina, quadrigeminal bodies, the in- 
ferior pair. 

2198. Natura — the female genital organs. 

2199. Naviculare — Avic. De anat. pedis: ».. per quod est tenuitas (in 
the margin: (Bb) per quod completur et perficitur achmas 
(i. e. the hollow of the foot)). 

2200. Nazir lb A. — pupil (of the eye). 

2201. Neguedij — wisdom-teeth (dentes sapientiae), dentes sero- 

2202. Neguegil (or -gid) | tini, the third molar teeth. Avic. (A. E.): »nehe- 

2203. Neguiden | guidegi vel neguiden sunt quatuor dentes ex- 

2204. Neheguidegi tremi s. molares, qui in alio loco neguedij 

vocantur.« Also »nuaged«, »nuaget«. A. najid A>s, 

plur. nawajiz A>, 4. 







Nepones — sebaceous glands of the ala of the nose. 

Neraberti — Avic. (A. E.) ».. .i. ameos« (amnios, amnion ?). 
Nerdi — see »os nerdi«. 

Nervus — Avic. (Edit. 1608). Sermo universal. de nervis proprie — 

Annotationes: »Nervorum triplex est genus, ..; alij volun- 
tarij dicuntur, qui scilicet ex cerebro et spinali medulla 
ortum ducunt; alij ligamentales, qui ex ossibus; alij ten- 
dones, qui €x musculis. ex primis tamen voluntarijs, et 

ligamentales et tendones primam habent originem.« 

Nervi alchatim — (Avic.) = »nervi lumborum<s, 

-»>- ascendentes — nervi recurrentes, the recurrent (laryngeal) 

Nervus auditus — nervi acustici, the acoustic nerves. See »nerv. 

monoculus<, »nerv. cdecus<. 

->- ceecus — nervus acusticus, the acoustic nerve. 
-»- concavus — nervus opticus, the optic nerve. 
Nervi conversivi — Benedictus IV. 21 = »vocales«, nervi recur- 

rentes, the recurrent (laryngeal) nerves. 

-»- descendentes — nervi vagi, the vagus nerves (pneumogastric 
Nervus luminaris — Sudh. Anat. 7: »De nervis. .. et iterum duo 

proveniunt unus uni oculo et alter alteri et ministrant illi 
lumen et nervus unus hic vocatur luminaris et est perfo- 
ratus..« Nervus opticus, the optic nerve. _ 

-»- monoculus — Avic. De anat. nerv. egred. a cerebro: ».. pro- 
ptera quod multum torquetur.« Nervus acusticus, the acou- 
stic nerve. See »nervus ccecus (ceecus)«, »nervus auditus<. 

Nervi nuchz — the spinal nerves. 

-»- optici — (Mundinus 21%). 

-»- recursivi — nefvi recurrentes, the recurrent (laryngeal) nerves. 

Nervus oculi — (Avic.) nervus opticus, the optic nerve. 

Nervi lumborum — (Avic. De anat. nervor. lumbor.). Also: »nervi 

->- retro redeuntes 

-»- retrogradi | 

-»-  reversivi = nervi recurrentes, the recurrent (laryn- 

-»- toni (Benedictus) geal) nerves. 

->- tornatiles 

-»- vocales 

Nervus humidus — uvula. 

102 A. FONAHN. H.-F. Kl. 

2230. Nervi motivi — (Avic.) motor nerves. 

2231. -»-  sensibiles — (Avic.) sensory nerves. 

2232. -»- vocis — {Mundinus 19°) = »nervi reversivi«, nervi recur- 
rentes, the recurrent (laryngeal) nerves. 

2233. Nervulus — (Avic.) a small nerve. 

2234. Nesaa — Avic. (A.E.): ».. .i. [vena] sciaticae. 

2235. Neurometeres — the psoas major muscles (+ musc. quadrati lum- 

2236. Nigra vena — Avic. (A.E.): ».. .i. matrix.« See »vena nigrae. 

2237. Nigrum oculi — pupil (of the eye). 

2238. Nit® 233 -— palatum, palate. 

2239. Nocra — hollow of the neck. A. nugqra 8 al. 

2240. Nodus — t. articulation; 2. protuberance on a bone. 

2241. -»- brachii — caput humeri, the head of humerus or armbone. 

2242. -»-  gutturis — Spigelius 7: »ponum Adami<, prominentia laryngea. 

2243. -»- major — trochanter major, the greater trochanter. 

2244. -»>- minor — trochanter minor, the lesser trochanter. 

2245. -»- pedum — malleoli. 

2246. -»- pugionis — manubrium sterni. 

2247. Nothz (scil. costee) — costze spurize, false ribs. 

2248. Nomen non habens — see »cartilago innominata<. 

2249. Notomia — anatomia. 

2250. Nuaged ) — see »najid«, »neguegid« etc. Avic. (A. B.): ».. sunt 

Nuaget dentes maxillares ultimi qui nascuntur ab annis .xilij. usque 
ad ztatem consistentiz. < 

2251. Nubeculea — Spigelius 13: »vemédea puncta illa alba, que non 
nunquem in superficie [unguinum) videre est.« 

2252. Nucha — 1. back of the neck, nape. A. nuqra S33; 2. corda 
spinalis, the spinal cord. A. nmukha‘ plan. Avic. De anat. 
spondylium: »Spondylis est os, in cuius medio est foramen, 
per quod nucha transit.« Also »nucac. 

2253. Nughnugh Ps Sait et pharynx; 2 isthmus faucium. 

2254. an-Nughnughatan io) A. — (Ibn Sina). Koning, page 338—40, 

translates as follows: »Les muscles du pharynx (halq =) 

sont les deux muscles du gosier ( .jbxxisall), Ce sont deux 
muscles situés prés du pharynx qui aident a la déglutition 
(stylo-pharyngiens? hyo-pharyngiens?).« Yet, compare (s. v. 

»musc. amygdalarum«) Avic. De anat. musculor gutturis: 


»Gutturis vero musculi sunt duo musculi gutturosi (in the 
margin: amygdalarum), qui sunt duo musculi apud gulam 

positi in transglutiendo adiuvantes.« The tonsillz. 

2 ee feel ; 
2255. Nukha° ;(=3 A. — medulla spinalis, the spinal cord. 
2256. Nuqra 3.2; A. — 1. cavity, fossa (f. i. glenoid fossa, cavitas glenoi- 

dalis); concave articular surface (fovea) (of the articulur pro- 
cesses of the vertebrze); 2. orbita, orbit; 3. hollow of the 
neck; 4. back of the neck; 5. plur. nuqar BS: (Koning Gloss.) 
»Orifices des veines qui selon les anciens s’ouvrent dans 

la cavité de la matrice, zotvAnduvec«. 

2257. Nuqrat al-halq eS $53 A. — fossa jugularis, the jugular fossa, 

»fossette sus-sternale«. 
2258. -»-  al-katif (or al-katf) asx 8 23 A. — cavitas glenoidalis scapule, 

the glenoid cavity of the scapula. 

2259. -»-  al-qafa Las!) 23 A. — = the hollow of the neck. 
2260. Nuqba x.e3 A. — cavitas, cavity. 
2261. Nutuww «43 A. — eminentia, eminence; protuberantia, protuberance, 

tuberositas, tuberosity. 


2262. ->- fi muakhkhar {al-qihf| [aa] ee 3 443 A. — protube- 

rantia occipitalis externa, external occipital protuberance. 

2263. -»- fi muqaddima xsd 2 ese A. — tuber frontale, frontal 
2264. an-Nutu’ al-mu akhkhar ol s.xi} A. — protuberantia occipitalis 

externa, the external occipital protuberance. 

2265. an-Nutt” al-muqaddam ods} oe A. — tuber frontale, the frontal 

2266. Nux balistee — talus (astragalus). 

2267. Nympha — clitoris + labia minora. 


2268. Obviatio ossis femoris — (Avic.) symphysis pubis. 
2269. Occipicium — occiput. 
2270. Oceum — see »osseum«, »oseum<, »osceume, 

2271. Oculus — 1. the trochlea; 2. the capitulum of the humerus. 

A. FONABN. EL:-F; Kale 


2272. Oculi conditi — deep-set eyes. 

2272 emissitii — protuberant eyes. 

2274. Oculus genu eee 
us 2 + eae. patella or knee-pan; A. ‘ain arrukba xay .JI cyst 

Beaty: poplitis J =) 

2276. scapulee \ — as to the interpretation the authorities disagree. 

2277. spatule J Hyrtl, Onomatol. 244, interprets: I. cavitas glenoi- 

dalis scapulze.—Vesal says, 2. the »Hebrew« “ain el-khatef 
= A.‘ain -al-khatif 2X!) .J42 (Ibn Sind og Ibn al“ Abbas), 
which means — according to Vesal — the coracoid pro- 
cess, is also used of the spina scapulez, the spine of the 
shoulder blade. 3. Avic. De anat. spatula: »Et ipsa qui- 
dem (scil. »vacuitas spatulze«), duo habet additamenta, unum 
est ad superiora et posterius et vocatur destructum et 
rostrum corvi (in the margin: B. et vocatur alacharam et 
manchar algorab |sic! this term, otherwise meaning the 
coracoid process, seems here to signify the acromion — if 
not merely a mistake|) et, per ipsum ligatur spatula cum 
furcula: .. et aliud est inferius ad inferiora (interiora!), 
quod etiam prohibet, ne caput adiutorij dislocetur. Postea 
sine intermissione dilatatur, quantum plus ad partem incedit 
domesticam, ideo ut sit eius comprehensio plus defendens. 
Et ipsa quidem (i. e. spatula) supra sui dorsum additamen- 
tum habet, sicut triangulum; cuius basys est ad partem syl- 
vestram (i. e. laterally), et ipsius angulus ad partem domesti- 
cam (medially); ne dorsi superficies fricetur (in the margin: 
destruatur) .. Et hoc quidem additamentum (i. e. spina 
scapulz) est ei, sicut processus (in the margin »Simenis« 
processus spinosus|), spondylibus creatum ad defendendum, 
et vocatur oculus spatula<. Thus, according to Avicenna 
the oculus scapula means spina scapulze. Likewise in Ibn 
al“ Abbas: -yade8 2, .yadt0l plas Xdo 2 (rolat GLI. 
Translation by de Koning: » .. Elle [une apophyse $315] 
s’appelle l’ceil de l’omoplate [_2ax-} jae] et elle a recu 
ce nom parce qu’elle remplace l’ceil, puisque c’est au moyen 
de l’ceil que homme peut voir par devant ce qui pourrait 
lui causer dommage, de sorte que l’ceil protége, tandis que 
cet ceil de l’omoplate s’oppose a ce qui parvient aux thorax 

par derriére.« 


See also Galen, translated by Daremberg, Ceuvres de 
Galien, Paris 1854—56, T. II, page 76 (Koning page 133): 
»Voyant de loin ex qui doit nuire, nous mettons a |’abri 
les parties antérieurs |du thorax]... A la région posté- 
rieure le danger est égal, mais le moyen de le prévoir 
n’est pas le méme, puisqu’il n’y a point d’yeux par der- 
riére... C’est pour cela que la nature a fait naitre de 
chaque omoplate une épine particuliére, pour en faire comme 
une .. pallisade pour cette partie du thorax (Gal. De usu 
partium, lib. XIII, cap. 10, Kihn T. IV, p. 120).« 

Koning p. 495: V&a} -jas (ayn al-katif). Le texte 
imprimé a Bulaq a: ,se (‘ayr: saillie, épine). J’ai cru d’abord 
que c’était la la vrai lecon, mais ‘Ali ibn al- Abbas explique 
pourquoi cette partie est nommée q@i/.. Il ne s’agit pas 
de la cavité glénoide, comme le pense M. Hyrtl (Arab u. 
Hebr. in d. Anat. p. 226; Onomatol. anatomica p. 243, 244). « 

In Sudh. Anat. 35 the following remark is found: »Os 
spatule est unicum et habet a dextra duas eminentias quz 
assimilantur oculo. et duze inter quas una assimilatur rostro 
corvi et alia gladio.« 

2278. Odeon — Sudh. Chir. II. 131 = »codrioni« = yovdooe cartilage. 
2279. Oestrus Veneris — clitoris. 

2280. Olectranum 

2281. Olenoctranum ee ees 

2282. Olingee — wrinkles of the eye-lids. 

2283. Omenta — meninges (of the brain). 
2284. -»- ossium — periosteum. 
2285. Omocotyle — (Benedictus) cavitas glenoidalis scapula, the glenoid 

cavity of the shoulder blade. G. @uozotvdn. Castelli: 

»humerl acetabulum<. 

2286. Omoplata — scapula. 

2287. Operculum arteriz asperze — epiglottis. 

2288. -»- carneum — musculus procerus (pyramidalis). 

2289. Operimentum — membrana tympani, the tympanic membrane. 
2290. Operimenta cerebri — meninges (of the brain). 

2291. Opisthenar — (Benedictus) dorsum manus. 

2292. Orbiculus nasi — apex nasi, tip of the nose. G. opatoior. 

2293. Orbita — (Avic.) orbita, orbit. 
22904. -»- capitis — (Sudh. Anat.) cavity of the skull. 

2295. Orbitates oculorum — orbite, orbits. 

106 A. FONAHN. HE; 

2296. Orbum — the ccecum. 

2297. Oriens — (Valla) évarodr, lunula (unguis). 

2298. Orificia ventriculi cordis dextri — Mundinus 15": ».. quorum unus 
est versus epar: & est orificium a quo egreditur uena 
chilis: & est orifictum maximum: quia per hoc orificium cor 
trahit sanguinem ab epatis: & ipsum expellit ad omnia alia 
membra..« ».. Postea uersus pulmonem est aliud ori- 
ficlum uene arterialis que portat sanguinem ad pulimonem 
a corde. 

2299. -»-  ventriculi cordis sinistri — Mundinus 15%: ».. unum est ori- 
ficium arterie adorti.« 

2300. Origo — (Avic.) origin (of muscles). 

2301. Orithi — aorta A. a(w)urti eeu 

2302. -»- ascendens — (Avic.) see »aorta ascendens<. 

2303. -»- descens — see »aorta descendenss. 

2304. Orrhopygion ) — I. os sacrum, the sacrum; 2. os coccygis, the 

2305. Orropygium } coccyx. 

2306. Orthi — aorta. 

2307. Ortus — origin (of muscles). 

2308. Os adcubitale — radius. 

2309. Ossa alabarize ) — processus styloidei, the styloid processes. See 

-»- alaberie »ossa shemie<. 

2310. Os alnerdi — see »os nerdi«, »alnerdi<. 

2311. -»- amplum — os sacrum, the sacrum. 

2312. -»- anche — os coxe, the hip bone (os innominatum, the inno- 
minate bone). Cfr. »anche<. 

2313. -»- ancharum — see »os anchee<. 

2314. -»- ani — os coccygis, the coccyx. See »osanium«, »osanum« 

2315. Ossa arcualia — 1. ossa parietalia, the parietal bones; 2. ossa zygo- 
matica, the zygomatic bones (or malar bones). 

2316. Os azygos — os sphenoidale (sphenoideum), the sphenoid bone. 

2317. -»-  balare — = »os basilari>» = os sphenoidale, the sphenoid bone. 

2318. -»-  balistae — the talus (astragalus). 

2319. -»-  basilare — 1, basis cranii; 2. anterior part of the basis cranii 

(partes orbitales ossis frontalis, os ethmoidale, os sphenoi- 
dale, ossa temporalia). Mundinus 22": Istud os divisum est 
in ossa petrosa narium & oculorum & ossa duo lateralia: 
que uocantur ossa paris: .. uerumtamen est quod ossa:narium 
sunt multum cauernosa porrosa: ut superfluitates possint 

descendere & uapor subiectus odori ascendere ad cerebrum. 

Fo2T. NO. 7. 






Postea scinde alterutraque ossa oculorum: & uidebis locum 
oculi<; 3. os sphenoidale, the sphenoid bone. Avic. I. 37? 
(1608), »Basis autem cerebi est os, quod omnia alia sustinet 
ossa; & vocatur basilare, quod quidem durum propter duo 
iuvamenta fuit creatum.« See »os palati«; 4. os occipitale, 

the occipital bone; 5. the atlas or first cervical vertebra. 

-»-  basili 
; S — Sudh. Anat. 43 = »os basilare<. 

-»- basis 

-»- baxillare — os sphenoidale, the sphenoid bone. See »os 

-»- bicorne — os hyoideum, the hyoid bone. 

-»- brachii — the humerus (or armbone). 

Ossa bregmatica — ossa parietalia, the parietal bones. 

Os cahab — talus (astragalus). 

-»- _calearis:— calcaneus. 

Ossa cartilaginosa — Sudh. Anat. 35: »Os toracis componitur ex 
.vii. ossibus et ossa cartilaginosas. 

Os caudze — os coccygis, the coccyx. 

-»- calaminum — processus styloideus, the styloid process. 

-»- calcis — calcaneus. 

-»- canillae — for »cavilles<. 

Ossa cisamina — see »ossa sisamina< (— sesamoidea). 

Os clavale — processus styloideus, the styloid process. 

-»- coccendicis — 1. os coxe, the hip-bone (innominate bone); 


2. the ischium. 

colatorii — os sphenoidale, the sphenoid bone. (The name 
is due to the supposition that the »purgamenta cerebri« 
ran through the »cloaca¢« or »colatorium« (infundibulum) 
into the hypophysis cerebri [in the sella turcical, through 
which they were strained into the cavum nasi, the pharynx 

and the uvula). 

Ossa conjugalia — ossa zygomatica, the zygomatic (malar) bones. 

Os cordis — Sudh. Anat. 41: »Os quoque quod est in corde quod 


a quibusdam cyrurgicis vocatur cartilago.« 

coronale — os frontale, the frontal bone. 
coxee — the femur or thigh bone. 
cribratum — os sphenoidale, the sphenoid bone (not the 

ethmoid bone). 
cristatum — lamina cribrosa, cribriform plate or os ethmoi- 
dale, the ethmoid bone(?) 


2343. Os cubiforme — os cuboideum, the cuboid. 

2344. -»- cuculi — os coccygis, the coccyx (xoxxvé). 

2345. -»-  cuneiforme — os sphenoidale, the sphenoid bone. 

2346. -»- cuneo comparatum — id. 

2347. -»-  epiglottale — processus xiphoideus, the xiphoid process. 

2348. -»-  ethmoides — lamina cribrosa, the cribriform plate (of the 
ethmoid bone). 

2349. -»- femoris — 1. (Avic. & Mundinus) os coxze, the hip-bone 
(innominate bone); 2. (Zerbi) the pubis (os pubis). 

2350. -»- fenestratum — 1. os coxe, the hip-bone (the name due to 
the foramen obturatum); 2. the pubis + the ischium. 

2351. -»-  foraminulentum — lamina cribrosa or os ethmoidale(?). 

2352. -»- gene — os zygomaticum, the zygomatic (malar) bone. 

2353. -»- genu — vide s. v. »acheex. 

2354. -»- grandinosum — os cuboideum, the cuboid. 

2355. -»-  grossum occipitis — (Sudh. Anat. 31). 

2356. -»- grossum post aurem tumens — (ibid.) processus mastoideus, 
the mastoid process. < 

cae Pe ed Vacs hyoideum, the hyoid bone. 

2259. -»- humeri — 1. the humerus (or armbone); 2. the scapula (or 
shoulder blade). 

2360. -»- ilii |) — ‘1. the ilium; 2. os coxz or hip-bone. See ral- 

2361. -»- ilium'J harafa«. 

2362. Ossa in modum sisanii — ossa sesamoidea, sesamoid bones. 

2363. Os inditis — vide s. v. »mustula«. 

2364. -»-  isthmoides oan 

Sager yee invades — lamina cribrosa, aie cribriform plate (of the 

Beco ss Po ides | ethmoid bone). 

2367. -»- iugale — arcus zygomaticus, the zygomatic arch. 

2368. Ossa iugularia | thes Sudh. Chir. II. 131: ».. sunt duo que codrio- 

2369. -»- iuguli J ni€uel odeon)iungitur.« Claviculz, the clavicles. 

2370. Os iuxta anum — os coccygis, the coccyx. 

2371. -»- lambdze — os hyoideum, the hyoid bone. 

2372. Ossa lapidea — = »ossa tymparum«, »ossa mendosa<, »ossa 

2373. -»-  lapidosa parietalia«, »ossa dura<, »ossa armalia«, »ossa 
temporum.« (Vesal.} Ossa temporalia, the temporal bones. 

2374. Os latum — os sacrum, the sacrum. Avic. (A.B.): ».. apud Arabes 

appellatur os alchatim (q. v.) 


2375. Os latum humeri \ 

popes ce aeeeapianeen fees scapula, the shoulder blade. 

ee = aa | — os hyoideum, the hyoid 

2379. -»-  literae v (ypsilon) comparatum pene 

2380. -»- magnum — os sacrum, the sacrum. 

2381. -»- malarum — maxilla (superior maxillary bone) or upper jaw. 

2382. -»- memoriz — »os basillare«, os occipitale, the occipital bone. 

2383. -»- navicula — Sudh. Anat. 40: »Calcaneo (i. e. talus or astra- 
galus) vero in anterioribus os quidem navicula coniungiturs. 
Os naviculare pedis, the navicular (scaphoid) bone. 

2384. -»- nerdi — Avic.(A.B.): »est os positum in fine pectinis pedis 
versus partem sylvestrem (i. e. laterally), et in parte con- 
nexa ipsius pedis, et tale os habet figuram hexagonam et 
denominatur nerdi, quia assimilatur taxillo hexagono, quo 
antiqui ludebant. et illi taxilli fuerunt appellati nerdi ab 
inventore, qui fuit philosophus clarissimus et appellabatur 
Nerdi.« Os cuboideum, the cuboid. A. nardi Res (Per- 
sian: nard 5,3 the game of chess, draughts, dice, &c. 
(Richardson, Dict.)). 

2385. Ossa nervalia — ossa zygomatica, the zygomatic (malar) bones. 

2386. Os nervosum — os occipitale, the occipital bone. 

2387. Ossa oculorum — vide s.v. »os basilares. . 

2388. Os palati — = »os cuneiformes, »os basilare<, »os_ baxillare<, 
»paxillum«, »os colatorii<, »os cribatum«, »cavilla« (Vesal). 
Os sphenoidale, the sphenoid bone. See »os basilare«. 

2389. -»-  paxillare — Sudh. Anat. 34—35: »supra quo omnia alia 
fabricantur«. See »os basilare<, »os palati«. Os sphenoi- 
dale, the sphenoid bone. 

2390. Ossa petrosa narium — (Mundinus) vide s. v. »os basilare«. 

2391. Os quod assimilatur canule — Sudh. Anat. 34: »quod ligat os frontis 
cum mandubula superiori«. Os zygomaticum, the zygo- 
matic (malar) bone(?). 

2392. Os scisaminum — os sesamoideum, sesamoid bone. 

2393. Ossa paris ) —— I. ossa temporalia, the temporal bones; 2. ossa 

2304. == lew] zygomatica, the zygomatic (malar) bones. Avic. also 
»duo osso¢. 

2395. Os paxillare — see »os basilare«. Os sphenoidale, the sphenoid 


2396. Os pectinis — 1. the pubis (os pubis). 2. »ossa pectinis« (manus) 
= »pecten« (manus), the metacarpal bones (except the first 
metacarpal). Avic. De anat. pectinis (manus): »Ossa_pec- 
tinis [plantee) sunt quatuor: ....«, the first metacarpal being 
reckoned among the bones of the thumb. 3. »ossa pec- 
tinis« (pedis) = »pecten« (pedis) = the (five) metatarsal bones. 

2397. -»- pectoris — the sternum. 

2398. -»- penis — the pubis (os pubis). 

2399. Ossa percola — (Sudh. Anat. 45). 

2400. Os petrosum — Avie. (1608) I. 377 »Ossa petrosa sunt ossa, in 
quibus sunt aures, & vocantur petrosa propter sui duri- 
tiem: quorum unum quodque terminatur, superius ad sutu- 
ram coronalem: & inferius ad commissuram, que provenit 
a summitate (in the margin: ab extremitate) suturze lambda, 
& protenditur usque ad coronalem, & ab anteriori pars 
coronalis, & posteriori pars suturee lambda.« Os tempo- 
rale, the temporal bone. A. al-hajratain ose (dual 
of al-hajra 3 53)) or (Koning MS. |461]) al-hajariyain 
cease. G. Avdoerdeic. 

2401. -»- pixis — vide s.v. »alhartax, and »os pyxis<, »os pyxidis«. 

2402, -»- primum pollicis pedis — first phalanx of the great toe. 

2403. -»- prore — Hyrtl: the frontal bone. Vesal: = »os occipitis«. 

2404. -»- pudibundum — the pubis (os pubis). 

2405. -»- puppis — os occipitale, the occipital bone. 

2406. -»- pyxidis ) j — ae 

Been ES re Vesal = »os occipitis«. Hyrtl: the occipital bone. 

2408. -»- quadratum — os cuboideum, the cuboid. 

2409. Ossa rasetz (pedis) — the cuboid + the three cuneiform bones. 
Cfr. ras(c)eta pedis. 

2410. Os rostrale — = »rostrum corvi¢, processus coracoideus, the cora- 
coid process. 

2411. -»- sri — (Avic.) = »alhavise qg.v. Os sacrum, the sacrum. 

2412. -»-  scutiforme — the patella or knee-pan. 

2413. Ossa shemie — Avic. (A.B.): ».. vel alaberize sunt ossa parva 
post aures, quee sic appellantur, quia assimilantur extremi- 
tatibus cuspidis sagittarum et acuum.« Processus styloidei, 
the styloid processes. Cfr. »as-sahmiyya« See 

2414. Ossa simanie — see »alsemsemanie<, »as-simsimaniyyaé. 
















Os sincipitis — = »os coronale«, »os puppis capitis«, »os invere- 
cundum<«, »o0S sensus communis<, »os frontis« (Vesal). 
Os frontale, the frontal bone. Cfr. »ossa syncipitis«. 
-»- singulare — os cuboideum, the cuboid. See »os solitarium<, 
>os quadratum<s. 
Ossa sisamina — ossa sesamoidea, sesamoid bones. A. simsima- 
MV VA: Rasleomas, 
Os solitarium — os cuboideum, the cuboid. See »os singulare«, »os 
-»- sphenoides — (Avic. 1608 Annotat.) os sphenoidale, the sphe- 

noid bone. 
Ossa subocularia — ossa zygomatica, the zygomatic (malar) bones. 
-»- syncipitis —- = »ossa nervaliax, »ossa temporum<, »ossa 

rationis<, »ossa cogitationis<, »ossa parietaliac«. Ossa parie- 
talia, the parietal bones Cfr. »os sincipitis«. 

->- tenia digitorum 

->- terna digitorum i phalanges: 

Os tesserae — 1. talus (astragalus); 2. os cuboideum, the cuboid. 

Ossa verticis — ossa parietalia, the parietal bones 

Os vespiforme — os sphenoidale, the sphenvid bone. G. opn- 

-»-  ylei — the ileum (os ilei). 

->- Gate \ 

os hyoideum, the hyoid bone. 

-»>- v (ypsilon) referens J : 

Os genitale } — orificium vagine or vaginal opening. »Os 

->-  genituree matricis« also the orificium uteri externum (? Mun- 

->-  matricis dinus). 

-»- stomachi — t. scrobiculus cordis; 2. cardia, zxagdéc. Mun- 
dinus: = »orificium superius stomachi« (»orificium infe- 
riusé = »portanarius<). 

->- tince = 1. orificium uteri externum (external os_ uteri); 
2. portio vaginalis uteri. 

-»-  vesicze — orificium urethree internum or internal urethral 

Osailemon — the »salvatella« q. v. A. usailim ,Lat. 

Osanium 5 

@ssscn } — I. os coccygis, the coccyx; 2.0s sacrum, the sacrum(?). 


— the scrotum. 
Oscheus } 

112 A. FONAHN. isbo ae Ie 

2441. Osculum cervicis uteri externum — orificium vaginz or vaginal 

2442. Oseum — the scrotum. 

2443. Osphys — Benedictus I. 3: »a cinctu usque ad nates«. Castelli, 
sub »lumbus«: »Lumbus dopic, oft¢, proprie dicitur pars 
totius spinze infra dorsum quinque vertebris omnium crassi- 
simis maximisque compacta, inter dorsum & os sacrum 
mediis; estque ea regio corporis, qua homines cinguntur«. 

2444, Ossarium — see »osanium<. 

2445. Osseum — the scrotum. See »follicus testiculorum«. Avic. (A. B.) 
»safan id est oseum<. 

2446. Ossiculum lus - 

phage serie t — the hypothetic Hebrew »luz« ne. 

2248. Ossicula semsemanie — ossa sesamoidea, the sesamoid bones A. 
simsimaniyya Sel een 

2449. Ostiariarius — the pylorus. 

2450. Ostiola (hostiola) — cusps of the valvulee or valves of the heart and 
the great vessels. Mundinus 15%: »Et in orificio isto uel 
istius vene (»arterialis« q. v.) sunt tria hostiola quze aperi- 
untur ab intra ad extra & clauduntur ab extra ad intra 
perfecta clausione.« — »Et propterca ordinauit in principio 
istius orificil (i. e. orificium arterie adorti«<) tria hostiola densa 
quee perfecta clausione clauduntur ab extra ad intus: & 
aperiuntur ab intus ad extra: & orificium hoc est ualde 
profundum. « 

2451. Ota — Benedictus III. 16: »wru-aures«. Atria cordis. 

2452. Ovum — testicle. 

2453. Oxeum — (Mundinus 12") see »oseum«, the scrotum«. 


2454. Pala — scapula or shoulder blade. 

2455. Palatum — (Avic.) palate. 

2456. Palma — see »manus«. Sudh. Anat. 35: »Palma componitur ex 
tribus et eacbeca |statt racheta] et pectine.« 

2457. Palmentum — confluens sinuum (torcular Herophili). 

2458. Palmus — see »palma«, »manus<. 

2459. Panagra 

Pp f — Pancreas. See »bancharas«, »encharas«. 






No. 7. 


Panniculus — membrane, tunic, vide s. v. »panniculus nervosuss. 

Panniculi — used of the valvulz, valves of the heart and the 

great vessels. 

Panniculus cerebri —- meninx (of the brain). 




cooperiens epatis — Mundinus 8": »Panniculus autem eius 

(i. e. »epatis«) est duplex. scilicet cooperiens uel circum- 
uoluens: et suspendens. Primus est substantiam eius uelans. 
Secundus est suspendens ipsum ad ipsum ad dyafragma 

Tunica serosa hepatis. 

suspendens epatis — vide s.v. »pannic. cooperiens epat.< 

Ligamentum falciforme hepatis, the falciform ligament of 
the liver, and (?or?) ligamentum coronarium hepatis, the 
coronary ligament + ligamentum triangulare dextrum and 

sinistrum (the right and the left triangular ligament). 

exterior capitis — Mundinus 19%: »Eleuata cuti a craneo ap- 

parebit tibi panniculus exterior ..« — ».. quia hic panni- 
culus generatur ex neruis & ligamentis ortis a dura matre 
penetrantibus per commissuras & poros cranei extra cra- 
neum.« Galea aponeurotica (epicranial aponeurosis, the 

tendon of the epicraneous muscle). 

2467. Panniculi intrinseci (capitis) — (Mundinus tg‘) dura mater and pia 


2468. Panniculus nervosus — (Avic) »nervous pannicle« (membrane, 










tunic). Avic. Ad sciendum quid sit membrum, & suze 
partes. Cap. 1: »Deinde, sunt panniculi, qui sunt corpora 
de filis neruosis non sensu perceptis texta, quorum spissi- 
tudo tenuis existit; dilata; (in the margin: quorum grossi- 
tudo, vel profunditas tenuis existit, & sunt corpora lata) 
aliorum corporum superficies cooperientia, & continentia 
ea, propter iuuamenta. ex quibus est, vt summam eorum 

in sua figura, & factura custodiant.« etc. 

oculorum — Sudh. Chir. Il. Register. The tunic(s) of the eye(s). 

(sive pannus) rarus renis — (Mundinus 9°) pelvis (calyces) 


rotundus — see »bititiron« 

scrofulae — capsule of a gland. 
spissus — dura mater. A. al-ghisha’ as-safiq (gatas sliasul. 

subtilis — pia mater. A. al-ghisha’ ar-raqiq Cae2 | slLas!. 

Vid.-Selsk. Skrifter. II. H.-F. Kl. 1921. No. 7. 8 


2475. Panniculus transversus — diaphragma, the diaphragm. 

2476. Pannus rarus renis — see »panniculus rarus renis«<. 

2477. Panni oculi — see »panniculus oculorume. 

2478. Pantex — abdomen. 

2479. Papillus capitis — (Sudh. Anat. 31) = »paxillus (-m?) capitis«, see 
»0S paxillare«, »os basilare«. 

2480. Parastates — os hyoideum, the hyoid bone. 

2481. Parella — Avic. (A.B) = patella or knee-pan. 

2482. Parencephalis — (Benedictus IV. rr). Castelli: mageyxepadic poste- 
tior cerebri pars. Cerebellum. 

2483. Paries cordis — (Mundinus 15”): 1. septum cordis (»/paries ..) in quo 
est uentriculus medius«); 2. the term is also used of other 
walls of the heart (ventricles) besides the septal wall. 

2484. Parigiba 

Pavieibba f — vena cava. 

2485. Parismon — sutura lambdoidea, the lambda, the lambdoid suture. 

2486. Paristhmia — (Benedictus II]. 19) aelodura; the tonsille. 

2487. Paropie ) — (Benedictus I. 3) w«gwmiae; the outer angles of the 

2488. Parotia ) eye, canthi externi (anguli oculi externi). 

2489. Pars concava hepatis —-— Avic. De modo venarum non pulsatilium: 
»Et quod in primis ab hepate oritur, sunt duze venze: una 
a parte ipsius concava oritur, cuius maius est luvamentum 
in attrahendo ad hepar nutrimentum: & vocatur vena porta. 
& altera oritur a parte eius gibbosa; cuius est iuvamen- 
tum, nutrimentum ab hepate membris deferre: & vocatur 
ventrem habens (in the margin: concava)«. Facies inferior 
hepatis, the inferior or visceral surface of the liver. 

2490. -»- gibbosa hepatis — (Avic.) vide s. v. »pars concava hepatis« 
Facies superior hepatis, the superior surface of the liver. 

2491. -»-  gibbosa renis — (Mundinus) margo lateralis renis, the lateral, 
convex border of the kidney. 

2492. -»-  stomachalis (abdominis) — Mundinus 2": »Secundo est pars 
stomachalis quae est supra umbilicum uel distans ab um- 
bilico per quattuor digitos.« 

2493. -»- umbilicus — Mundinus 2°: »et est ubi est umbilicus<. 

2494. Paterfamilias — Benedictus H. 10: »Stomachus .. paterfamilias 
vocitatus, quia totum animal solus gubernat.« 

2495. Pavimentum — palatum durum, the hard palate. 

2496. Paxillare — see »os paxillare«. Also: »(os) maxillare (super.)? 

Cnfr. Sudh. Anat. 34 & Fig. 2 ibidem. 


No. 7. 


















Paxillum — (Avic.) »os basilare«. Os sphenoidale, the sphenoid bone. 

Paxillus capitis = Sudh. Anat. 31 = »papillus capitis« see »os 
Pecten — 1. = »pecten manus« = metacarpus + phalanges (or some- 

times only the metacarpus); 2. the hand with outstretched 
fingers; 3. = »pecten pedis« = the metatarsus (+ phalan- 
ges?); 4. the vertebral column; 5. dentes incisivi, the in- 
cisor teeth; 6. the pubis (os pubis), especially its sharp 
border (pecten ossis pubis); 7. both pubes (ossa pubis): 
8. symphysis pubis; 9. vulva. 

alchef — (Avic.) = »pecten manus<; »alchef« = »alkef« = A. 
al-kaff _axJ} = manus. 
manus — the metacarpus + phalanges. 

pedis — the metatarsus (+ phalanges ?). 

Pectinale — (Sudh. Chir. II. Reg.) regio pubis. 

Pectus — the sternum. 

Mnanus = = »pecten manus¢. 

pedis — 1. the dorsum pedis; 2. the metatarsus. 

. Pedica maior — the great toe. 







minima ; 
. — the little toe. 

Pediculus — manubrium mallei. 
Pedora — cerumen. 

Pedunculus mallei — manubrium mallei. 

Pellicula — 1. very thin »panniculi« (membranes, tunics); 2. menin- 

ges (of the brain); 3. valvulz cordis. 

Pellicula cordis exterior — (Sudh. Chir. II. 251) the sero-fibrous 

portion of the pericardium. 

cranei exterior — Sudh. Chir. II. 127: »Materia uero si inter 
cutem capitis et exteriorem pelliculam cranei coadunatur, 
in duobus uel tribus locis cutis findatur, qua scissa aquo- 
sitas expellatur et €post}> panno lineo impleatur et ut alia 

ulnera curetur.« Galea aponeurotica. 

prepucii {veretri) — Mundinus 117 b — preeputium, prepuce. 
pulmonis — pleura. 
quze involvit linguam — (Sudh. Chir. U. 130) palatum molle, 

the soft palate (velum palatinum). 
virgee virilis — (Sudh. Chir. II]. 220) praeputium, prepuce; vide 

s. v. »filum<. 

116 A. FONAHN. Eb-F ag: 

2520. Pelliculae vulvae — (Mundinus 117) labia minora; see »prepucia 

2521. Peltalis — (Avic.) see »>cartilago peltalis«. 

2522. Pelvis auris — cavum tympani, the tympanic cavity or middle ear. 

2523. -»-  cerebri — the infundibulum (of the train). 

25324. Penacula — lobes of the liver. 

2525. Penis cerebri — corpus pineale, the pineal body (glandula pinealis, 
the pineal gland, coronarium). 

2526. -»- muliebris — clitoris. 

2527. Penne pulmonis — (Sudh. Chir. II. 295) ramifications of the bronchi. 

2528. -»-  tenues cordis — Sudh. Chir. II. 364: »Si ipsa cordis substan- 
cia fuerit uulnerata, sanguis egreditur multus et niger, uirtus 
cito deficit et paciens moritur. Si autem fit uulnus in pennis 
quibusdam tenuibus et non uicinis centro cordis, non de 
facili cito moriuntur.« 

2529. Pennula epatis — (Mundinus 4%) lobus hepatis, lobe of the liver. 

2530. -»- media epatis — Mundinus 8"; »Chistis fellis locus est in con- 
cauo epatis in pennula media eius.« Lobus quadratus, the 
quadrate lobe(?) 

2531. Penule (or Peenulz) — see »pennula<, lobus hepatis, lobe of the 

2532. Pera — scrotum. 

2533. Perineon — penis (acc. to Hyrtl. Arab. & Hebrew. XXXIV). 

2534. Periobtalmium — conjunctiva. 

2535. Peritheron — peritoneum. 

2536. Peritoneon — (Sudh. Chir. Il. 373, 374) perineum. 

2537. Permanus — pollex, the thumb. 

2538. Permeum — perineum 

2539. Perna — Valla: calcaneus. Benedictus: »colum pedis sive mons 

2540. Perone — Castelli: zregovn fibula. 

2541. Pes — 1. Sud. Anat. 39: ».. pedem similiter ‘vocat| quod est ab 
ancha (q. v-) usque ad extremitatem articulorum.« The lower 
limb; 2. the foot. See »pes parvus<. 

2542. -»- hippopotami — pes hippocampi. 

2543. -»- parvus — the foot. 

2544. Phacoides (tunica) — the iris (Benedictus IV. 31: »hanc in medio 

fenestravit pupillas. Acc. to Valla it evidently signifies the 
iris; however, acc. to others it means the lens). 

Phagotides — carotides, the carotid arteries. 


2546. Phalange — digiti, fingers. 

2547. Pharinga — trachea. 

2548. Pharyngethron — 1. pharynx; 2. os hyoideum, the hyoid bone. 

2549. Phenze — ale nasi, the wings of the nose. 

2550. Phlegma — »phlegm«, mdéyua, one of the »cardinal humors« of 
the body. 

2551. Phrasteres — dentes molares, molar teeth. 

2552. Phrenes (phrenas) — diaphragma, the diaphragm. 

2553. Physcon — t. regio hypogastrica, the hypogastric region; 2. ab- 

2554. Pia mater medulle spinalis — (Sudh. Chir. II 369); cfr. »dura mater 
med. spin.« 

2555. Pileron — pylorus. 

2556. Pili 2. in 

hence ee } — (Avic.) »cilia«; cilia, eyelashes. 

2557. Pilorium 

2558. Pilurus resets: 

2559. Pina — upper part of the auricle (pinna) of the ear. Spigelius 6: 

2560. Pinna »>superior pars auricule [auris]<«. 

2561. Pinnze — lobi hepatis, lobes of the liver. 

2562. Pirula — see »pinna«. 

2563 Pisculus — synonymous with: »lacertus« q.v.; espec. used of the 
biceps muscle. 

2564 Pisis ae ; 

segs Piscis S — acetabulum; also »pixis<, »pyxis«¢. 

2566. Pissis (pyxis) ossis spatulae — cavitas glenoidalis scapule, the glenoid 
cavity (or fossa) of the shoulder blade. 

2567. Pixis — see »pisis«, »pissis«, »pyxiss«. 

2568. -»- (pyxis) gula — articulatio sternoclavicularis, the sternoclavi- 
cular joint. 

2569. Pixis spatula — see »pissis ossis spatulae<. 

2570. Planities — metatarsus. 

2571. Planta — Hyrtl, Arab. & Hebrew. 197—8: the middle-hand covered 
with flesh and skin (= »palma» of the Romans), wrongly 
used for »vola<. 

2572. -»--° pedis — (Sudh. Chir. Il. 189). 

2573. Plata — scapula or shoulder blade. 

2574. Platea — Avic. De anat. vene habentis ventrem (i. e. the vena 

cava): »Deinde (subj.: quod post harum venarum transmis- 

sionem remanet — vide s.v. »venter cranii<) a panniculo 

118 A. FONAHN. Ee-EKL: 
subtili ad cerebrum descendit: & in ipso dispergitur, sicut 
arterize disperguntur: quas omnes panniculi grossi replicatio 
stringit, & eas ad locum amplum, qui (or ad spatium quod) 
platea vocatur, defert, in quem sanguis funditur, & congre- 
gatur. deinde ab eo separatur inter duas replicationes et 
vocatur torcular (i. e. the confluens sinuum !torcular Hero- 
phili|).« (A. al-fada& <\os!!). Platea = passage, corridor (of 
a large building), street. 

2575. Plates — Sudh. Chir. I]. 284 A.: »Plates dicuntur loca, que sunt 
inter iuncturam colli et pectoris et iuncturas humerorum. 
Humeri dicuntur ipse iuncture homoplatearum et brachiorum. « 

2576. Plectrum — 1. processus styloideus, the styloid process; 2. uvula. 

2577. Pleura — Mundinus 147: more properly the pleura costalis, the 
costal pleura. 

2578. Pleuretica (membrana) — Benedictus III. 6: pleura. 

2579. Plexus glandulosi — plexus chorioidei, the chorioid plexus. 

2580. Plicatura — ligamentum, ligament. 

2581. -»- nervi — (Avic.) see »tortura nervis. 

2582. Pluma — omentum. 

2583. Pocundrium — hyponchondrium (regio hypochondrica), the hypo- 
chondriac region. 

2584. Podar — intestinum rectum, the rectum. 

2585. Podex — 1. Spigelius: ».. foramen, ubi est exitus intestini recti, . .« 
the anus; 2. Castelli: »podex = anus = sedes«<; regio analis 
+ nates, anus and the buttocks. 

2506. Polex — pollex. 

2587. Pollex — (Avic.) 1.= pollex manus, the thumb; 2. pollex pedis, 
the great (big) toe. 

2588. Polus — 1. patella or knee-pan; 2. (Castelli) »tota capitis rotunditas« 
= calvaria, the skull-cap. 

2589. Pomum — a rounded eminence, protuberance. 

2590. Poma — mamme, the breasts. 

2591. Pomum Adami — prominentia laryngea (Adam’s apple). 

2592. Poma amoris — testiculi, the testicles. 

2593. -»- cartilaginis thyreoideze apposita — lobes of the thyreoid gland. 

2594. Pomum coxee — trochanter major, the greater trochanter. 

2595. -»-  faciel — region of the cheekbone (regio malaris); the cheek- 
bone, the zyomatic (malar) bone, os zygomaticum (malare). 

2596. -»- genu — patella or knee-pan. 













Pomum granatum — I. cartilago thyreoidea, the thyreoid cartilage; 
2. processus xiphoideus, the xiphoid process; 3. see 

Poma gutturis — tonsillze palatinze, the palatine tonsils. 

Pomum humeri — caput humeri, the head of the humerus or armbone. 

-»- pugionis — manubrium sterni. 

Pomus maxillaris — (Avic. De anat. musculor. in facie) = pomum 

faciel«<? q. v. 
Pondilus — (Sudh. Anat. 7) = »spondilus<, vertebra. 
Poples — fossa poplitea, the popliteal fossa. 

Porotnarius — (Avic. De anat. meri & stomachi) = »porternariuss. 
Porsus viritides — vide s. v. »vena alhalebs. 

Porta epatis — (Mundinus 7°) porta hepatis, the gate of the liver (portal 

or transverse fissure). 

-»- meatus urinalis — (Sudh. Chir. II. 375) orificium urethre 
externum, the external urethral orifice (of the femal genital 


eee Be Bue: 

Pori — hypothetic passages through the septum cordis. 

Porus aeris — trachea. 

Pori deferentes — ductus deferentes (vasa deferentia). 

Porus felleus — ductus cysticus = ductus choledochus, the cystic 
+ the (common) bile-duct(?) 

->- _uritis 

Boe segs S == WKS % 


Bee ale } — {Avic.) metacarpus (+ phalanges ?). 

‘Preecordia — 1. diaphragma, the diaphragm; 2. hypochondria, the 

hypochondriac regions; 3. anterior wall of the thorax; 
4. pleura mediastinalis, the mediastinal pleura. 
Prelinguium — apex linguz, the tip of the tongue. 
Preesepiolum — alveolus dentis, alveolus of the tooth. 
Preetigomata — for: »pterygomata«, labia minora pudendi (nymphe). 
Premula — ala nasi, wing of the nose. ; 
Prenos — (Sudh. Chir. I]. 131) = »prones«, sternum. 
Prepucia matricis — (Mundinus 11°) labia minora pudendi (nympheze) 

see »pelliculz vulvze<, 




} — (Sudh. Chir. I. 178) penis. 

Prima planta — tarsus. 

Primores — the central incisor (incisiv1) teeth. 

Primus meatus — canalis cervicis uteri, the cervical canal. 

Principalissimum vocis organon — (Hyrtl): epiglottis. 

Principium villi — (Avic. De anat. musc. coxze) origin of a (tendon 

of a) muscle. 

Probarbium — mustachios. 

Probole — (Benedictus IV. 40) processus condyloideus mandibule, 

the condyloid process of the mandible or lower jaw. 

Procarpium — »pecten manus«, metacarpus + phalanges. 

Processus posteriores — (Avic.) processus spinosi, the spinous 

processes (A. »seuasen« = »senasen« = sanasin (q. Vv.). 
acutus — crista galli (of the ethmoid bone). 
anchoralis \ : 
.. ¢ — processus coracoideus, the coracoid process. 
ancoreeformis J 
conicus — dens epistrophei (processus odontoideus of the 
second cervical vertebra). | 
cordis — atria cordis, the atria of the heart. 
coxee externus — trochanter major, the greather trochanter, 
coxez internus — trochanter minor, the lesser trochanter. 
cristatus — crista galli (of the ethmoid bone). 
mam|miillaris — 1. trochanter minor, the lesser trochanter ; 
2. processus mastoideus, the mastoid process. 
mammiformis — processus mastoideus, the mastoid process. 
nucleiformis — dens epistrophei (processus odontoideus of the 
second cervical vertebra). 

pyrinoides — id. 

rostriformis — acromion. 
sigmoides — processus coracoideus, the coracoid process. 
transversi vertebrarum — (Avic. De anat. spondyl. pect. -— 

Annotat.) the transverse processes of the vertebre. 
turbinatus — dens epistrophei (processus odontoideus of the 

second cervical vertebre). 

->- unciformis 

; — processus coracoideus, the coracoid process. 
->-  uncinatus 
Productiones oblique vertebrarum — (Avic. De anat. spondyl. pect. 

— Annotat.) processus articulares vertebrarum, the (superior 

and inferior) articular processes of the vertebree. 


2655. Productiones transversze vertebrarum — (ibid.) processus transversi 
vertebrarum, the transverse processes of the vertebre. 

2656. Prolungum — metatarsus. 

2657. Prones — Sudh. Chir. II. 131: ».. id est os pectoris — unum os 





est.» Sternum. 

Propugnaculum oris stomachi — processus xiphoideus, the xiphoid 

Promontoriola — lobi hepatis, lobes of the liver. 

Protuberantia basilaris —- pons (Varolii or Varoli, of the brain). 

Pterygia — alz nasi, wings of the. nose. 

Pudilla — »pudibunda<, pudenda. 

Pupar — pulpa digiti. See »alanemel«. 

Pupilio l 

Pupilla ; — pupilla oculi. 
Pupula J 


: } — acetabulum. 

-»- coxee 

-»- gulae — articulatio sternoclavicularis, the sternoclavicular 



Qabila x5 A. — os sphenoidale, the sphenoid bone. 

Qadam ad? Apes, foot, Ch) srijl<; lower limb. 

Qadib as A. — penis, membrum virile. 

al-Qafa laall A. | — 1. the back of the neck, the nape; 2. occiput, 
Oafan las A. | the back of the head. G. éviov. 

Qafa |-baida coaall las A. — the back of the testicle(s) (or scrotum) 

G. ta wera TOG OOYELS xaTW. 

Qaida “azm al-asba movi alee sr018 A. — the base of the phalanx. 

->- ‘azm al-katif (or al-katf) sae alas srcls A. — >basis 
scapulee« (Simon; G. Baotg the Wuorlatng generally means 
the lower end of the scapula) 

Qa idat al-faqara 8 Last srAc&l5 A. — >the base of the vertebre<. 
Corpus vertebrz, the body of the vertebra, cfr. »ra’s al- 
faqrax. G. mo0ow wéoog tov omovdvhov; évt0g MéQOS TOU 


F22 A. FONAHN. Fe 

2679. Qa‘idat al-ghisha’ al-mustabtin lil-adla‘ past cyte Lanai Asi 
A. — »the base of costal pleura<, pleura diaphragmatica, 
the diaphragmatic pleura. 

2680. -»-  al-ghudruf al-awwal A Hy nas| er(X15 A. — »the base of 
the first cartilage<, the »base« of the thyreoid cartilage. 
G. Baowtg rot mowrov (Fveeoedove) yovdoov. 

2681. -»- al-ghudrif at-talit wJW Gy coe!l sacis A. — asthe base of 
the third cartilage«<, the »base« of arytaenoid cartilages. 
G. 7 xatw Baowg tov teitov yovdgov; 7 Bao Tt. TO. x. 

2682. Qa‘ida qihf ar-ra’s ae ans sircl$ A. — basis cranii, the base 
of the skull. G. Baowg tyo xepadie. 

2683. Qa‘idat ar-ra’s Geel $rcls A. — id. 

2684. Qalb ONG A. — cor, heart. 

2685. Qamahduwa By hed A. — protuberantia occipitalis externa, the 
external occipital protuberance(?} Richardson Dict. »the 
hind head«). See »camhaduti«. 

2686. Qanat gbise A cast (canal, duct, passage) of the vena portee /ar-Razi, 

2687. Oar 2, plur. qu Ur yest A. — (hollow, cavity) of the orbite, of 
the hollow hand, etc. 

2688. -»- al-ain sal Ps A. — orbita, the orbite (= yal a8 ae): 

2689. -»- al-maida #Az1! 7 A. — curvatura ventriculi minor, the 
lesser curvature of the stomach. G. wuduny tng xotdiac. 

2690. -»-  al-matana xlctt a A. — fundus vesicze, the fundus of the 
bladder. G. mvdunv tig yvorews. 

2691. ->- min al-ain expel oy ee A. — orbita, the orbit. 

2692. -»-  ar-rahim ee) a A. — fundus uteri, the fundus of the uterus. 
G. nuduny tho untoag (mvIuéveg THY UNTEW?). 

2693. -»- at-tihal Sl=bI a A. — the gastric impression of the 
spleen. G. ta owe tov omhnvoc. 

2694. Qarna r-rahim ee) bs A. — »cornua uteri«, »the (two) horns of 

the uterus<. 




















27 EA. 

al-Qarniyya XA3 al} A. — the cornea. Also: tabaqat al-qarniyya 
3 al xa.b A. G. xegatoetdne. 

al-Qass on A. — the sternum. G. oréovoy. 

al-Oass aul A. — =al-qass unl the sternum 

al-Qasabat al insiyya Spel xuo2il} A, — the tibia. 

Qasabat al-fakhid (or al-fakhd) Aa! kaaas A. — the femur or 


thigh bone. G. xara tov wngdy doroiv; unods. 
al-Qasabat al-kubra (6X!) xuaali A. — the tibia. 
s == = 
Qasabat ar-ri a Ka SI Xascs A. — (larynx +) trachea. Cfr. al-hulqgum 

oe ~ 3 , 
as Rha . G. toaxeia; aotegia. 

al-Qasabat as-sughra cs sual} Kanab A. — the fibula (péronée). 
->- al-wahshiyya Kadinem oI Xaoall A. — the fibula (péronée). 
al-Qatta‘a xslbsi} A. — se »asnan al-gatta‘a«, the incisor teeth, 

dentes incisivi. G. toueic. 
al-Oatan oy aKsh A. — regio lumbalis, the lumbar region; the loins 

(lombes). See »alchatin«. G. dapig (d0pves). 

Qawli er A. — vena cava. G. xzoidn. 
LO ain | — (Simon:) the sclerocorneal junction. 
al-Oaws Qu ; ae s ; 
a Sis Dictionaries: »the rainbow«; and _ al- 
ater e sree en 
Qaws quzah(a) cx (2? | quzahiyya Xa= 38) = the iris of the eye. 
OQawsl cms A. — arched, curved. 
al-Qifal J\a,%/} A. — vena cephalica, the cephalic vein. G. zepadezr. 
See »‘irq ar-ra’s«. 
. ° = ° . 
Qihf as A. — cranium, skull, espec. the calvaria. 
->- ar-ras ooh a=s A. — the skull (except the bones of the 

face). G. xoavior. 

Qima (or gqim) x A. — infundibulum (cerebri). G. zrvedog; yon ; 
al-Qimma x8) A. — vertex, the crown of the head. Hyrtl: 

emissarium, »alema¢, »aliema« (q. v.). 

124 A, FONAHN, EF Kl: 

2715. Qimma min _at-tarf li-wahshi min al- adud ee weal oe Kad 
cas] oe A. — (Ibn Sina {. 35) capitulum humeri (the 
lateral articular surface of the distal extremity of the hu- 
merus or armbone). 

2716. Qism aol plur. aqsam plans A. — branch, of vessel or nerve. 

2717. -»- min al-irq al-ibti o>) oe cys pond A. — vena mediana 
basilica, the median basilic vein. 

2718. Qishri eae A. — scale-like, squamiform. G. dezcidoetdie. 

2719. Quadrupli — see »dentes quadrupli«. 

2720. Quartio — the talus (astragalus). 

2721. Quaterni — see »dentes quadrupli<. 

2722. Quaternio — = »quartio« = talus (astragalus). 

2723. Quatrini — see »dentes quadrupli<. 

2724. Quatrio — = »quaternio« = »quadrupli< = talus (astragalus). 

2725. Qubl al-inat CST jos A. — see: farj 23 vulva. 

2726. Quddam olds A. — ventral, zro0ow. 

2727. Quili — see »vena quili«. 


2728. Qulfa (or qalafa) xals A. — preeputium, prepuce. G. zoo). 

2729. al-Qulun cy pipidl A. — the (intestinum) colon G. xwdov. 

2730. Qurnat al-hajib >is} x3 A. — processus zygomaticus ossis 
frontalis, the zygomatic process of the frontal bone (the 
lateral angular process of the frontal bone). 

2731. Raba‘iya ony A. — dens incisivus lateralis, lateral incisor tooth. 

2732. Rabita x4,!,, plur. rawabit taste, A. — ligamentum, ligament. 

2733. Racha — carpus. 

2734. Rachaba — Avic. (A.E.) »....1. os pectinis.« Pubis (os pubis). 

2735. Radius — 1. radius; 2. fibula. 

2736. -»- suree — fibula. 

2737. Radix carnosa dentium inferiorum — (Avic.) see »thecze dent. infer. « 

2738. Radices costarum — (Avic. De anat. musculor. pectoris). 

2739. Radix dentis — (Avic.). 

2740. -»- lingua — (Avic. De anat. musculor. lingua. — Annotat.) 







Radix ventris — the umbilical cord. 
-»- virgee — (Avic.) radix penis, root of the penis. 
Raha i, A. — palma manus, palm of the hand. 
Rahan = A. — patella or knee-pan. See: ‘ain ar-rukba xus J me , 
Rahim (or rihm) ney (or ==>») A. — uterus. G. voréoa. Plur. 
7 cE - 
arham »l>)| votégae = uterus. 
Rajiba X.>1,, plur. rawajib eer A. — finger tip. 
Rakz ;s, A. — gomphosis. 
Rami (venze) araneales — (Avic. De anat. vene habent. ventr.) 

»rami capillares«. 

Rapha — see »rasga«, patella or knee-pan. 

Raqaba m5, A. — collum, neck; lower part of the neck. G. toa- 
ynhoc; abyny. 

Raqabat ar-rahim (or: ar-rihm) a= 3) Ras, (or > yi!) A. — I. vagina; 
2. cervix uteri; portio vaginalis uteri. G. a’yny or toaynhoc 

2> 29> 

» and ru’Us ; wes), ar US (we) A. — 1. caput, 

head; 2. extremity, end (of a bone); 3. origin (of a muscle). 

Ra's («!,, plur. ru’us (ws 

->-  aladal \uoe!t Ul, A. — the origin of the muscle. G. zepadn 

TOU voc. ° 

-»- al“adud Xai! aoa A. — caput humeri, the head of the 

humerus or armbone. 

bo) A. — caput phalangis, the 
head of the phalanx or fingerbone. 

c c sue ae 
>= azm al-asba" ew) bs 

ar-Ra’s ad-dakhil min al‘adud Asal yo KSI Cai J} A. — epi- 

condylus medialis humeri, the medial epicondyle of the 

humerus or armbone. G. 0 éydov z6vdvdog tov Boayiovos. 

Ra's ad-dagan cpu ut, A. — protuberantia mentalis, the mental 
protuberance, or rather tubera mentalia, the mental tubercles 

(spinze mentalis externa). G. axooyv tor yeveiov. 

-»- ad-darz ash-shabih bil-lam pW ascdt , ou! Ul, A. — the 


»head« i. e. superior angle of the sutura lambdoidea. 

->- al-faqra ¥.2a} al, A. — the »head« of the vertebra, corpus 
vertebra, the body of the vertebra. G. zrgd0w wéoog tor 

orcovdrv hov. Cfr. »qa‘idat al-faqarac. 

126 A. FONAHN, HF. KG 

2760. Ra's al-ghalsama Reached pas A. — the »head« i. e. the inferior 
extremity of the epiglottis. 

2761. -»-  al-jafn ee seal A. — the »head« of the palpebra or eyelid, 
see »asl al-jafn«. 

2762. -»-  al-katif (or katf) ei nly A. — the acromion. G. axowutor. 

2763. Ru’us luqamiyya x2 es, A. — processus articulares inferiores 
vertebrae, the inferior articular processes of the vertebra. 
Avic.: »..capitibus, bucellis similibus«. See »shakhisa ila 

2764. Ra's al-mankib US att us) A. — 1. the top of the shoulder; 2. caput 
humeri, the head of the humerus or armbone. 

2765. -»- an-nukha‘ pts oe A. — medulla oblongata. G. vwt- 
aiov aoyn. 

2766. ar-Ra’s min khalf Calo or bys A. — occiput, the back part of 
the head. 

2767. Ra’s al-qalb Clas on A. — apex cordis, the apex of the heart. 

2768. -»-  al-qass ant on A. — the inferior extremity of the sternum. 

2769. -»-  as-sinn cel eh A. (in the text of Ibn Sina the plur. OR: 
as well as Ann) are found) — the crown of the tooth. 

2770. -»- at-tihal Sis)! os A. — the »head« i.e. anterior end of 
the lien or spleen. G. xepadn tov ozcdnvos. 

2771. Rasceta [manus] 

— carpus. 

2772. Rascha P 

2773. Rasceta pedis \ — wot the tarsus, only ossa cuneiformia + (not 

2774. -»- palme J always) os cuboideum. 

2775. Raseta ] 

2776. Rasete | _ = »rascetac. 


27797. Rasta Xiuo, A. — patella (rotula) or knee-pan. 

2778. Rasga — 1. carpus. A. rusgh em,, also tarsus. 2. patella or knee- 
pan. A. rasfa Xiu). Avic. (A. E.): »Rasga vel rapha, id est 
patella, vel oculus poplitis.« 

2779. Rasseta \ 

— = »rascet arpus). 

2780. Recepta J Tascetac(GaEDEs) 









Receptaculum pulmonis — (Avic. De anat. |aortae| descendentis) the 


hilum(?) of the lung. 

urinze — vesica urinaria, the (urinary) bladder. 

Regil — (Avic.) »ossa ambulationi servientias, the inferior extremity 

or lower limb. A. rijl \>,. Cfr. »rigile. 

Ren — kidney. 

Renes succenturiati — glandulz suprarenales, the suprarenal glands 

(the suprarenal bodies or capsules, the adrenal glands). 

Repagulum pudicitize — hymen. 
Rescheth — (Hyrtl:) retina. 

Restricta — carpus. 

Rete — omentum. 

Rete mirabile — 1. the rete mirabile (derived from arteria carotis 

interna) at the base of the skull of certain animals (rumi- 
nants and others), supposed (by Galen) to be existing also 
in man; 2. (Berengarius Carpensis:) branches of arteries 
around the hypophysis and infundibulum cerebri; 3. (Realdus 
Columbus:) plexus chorioideus ventriculi tertii, the chorioid 
plexus of the third ventricle of the brain; 4. sinus caver- 
nosus; 5. circulus arteriosus (Willisii, the circle of Willis, 
at the base of the brain). 

Mundinus 22°: »Et tune eleva os panniculos duos ab 
osse & in medio basilaris (q. v.) indirecto collatorii (q. v.) 
inuenies rete mirabile. contextum textura fortissima: & 
miraculose duplicata uel multiplicata ex arteriis subtilissimis: 
ad inuicem contextis que sunt rami arteriarum appoplecti- 
carum (i. e. carotid arteries): ascendentium: & in isto reti 
siue in uenis istius retis continetur spiritus uitalis ascen- 
dens a corde ad cerebrum: ad hoc ut fiat animalis . . 
ideo istud rete fuit contextum ex uenulis siue arteriis mini- 
mis & subtilissimis: ut spiritus in eis contentus a cerebro 
faciliter alteretur: & temperetur: & ad formam animalis 
spiritus conuertatur: licet formam perfectiorem acquirat in 

uentriculis cerebri: sicut sanguis in uentriculis cordis.« See 

»shabaka« xX. 

Rethe arteriarum — vide s.v. »substantia velativa (cerebri)<. 

Reticulum — omentum. 


admirabile — (Benedictus) = »rete mirabiles. 

Reticum iecoris — the »fifth« lobe of the liver. 

128 A. FONAHN. Here ee 

2795. Retiformis (scil. tunica — (Avic.) = retina. 

2796. Retina — (Avic.). 

2797. Rhagoides — sclera (sclerotica). Benedictus IV. 31: = »albugo, 
candidum oculi, .., rhogoides, heematodes, charoides<. 

2798. Rima laryngis — rima glottidis. 

2799. Rho (scil. costae) — (Benedictus) costze spuriae, the false ribs. 

2800. Rhodanes : : 

: —— the nares: OF MOStGls: 

2801. Rhotones 

2802. Rhytides — (Benedictus) wrinkles on the eyelids. 

2803. Ri’a Key A. — pulmo, lung. G. zvevuwr. 

2804. Ribat bls,, plur. arbata xia! rubut 1o,,, and ribatat wibl,, A. — 
ligamentum, ligament. G. ovrdeouog. See »rabita« Xby!). 

2805. -»- ghisha’l Loiltie +bl,, A. — see »ribat min jins al-aghshiya«. 

2806. -»>- al-lisan .jlwk} bb, A. — frenulum (fraenum) linguee. G 
deouog tig yAwttne. 

2807. -»-  mafsill _chsada bi; A. — ligamentum, ligament. G. zara 
tHy dLcoFowow GLvdEdMoc. 

2808. -»- min jins al-aghshiya Sane) UMS oy? be, A. — fascia-like 
ligament. G. tuevwdng alrvdecuog; tuny ovvdéouov prow 

2809. Rigil — see »regil«; 1. the inferior extremity or lower limb (= »pes 
magnuss), A. rijl eae Avic. (A. B.) » ... idem quod ag: 
gregatum ex coxa (i. e. femur) et cruce (i. e. crus). et reliquis 
partibus pedis.« 2. The muscles of the inferior extremity 
or lower limb. 

2810. Rih 2, A. — »pneumas, »spiritus«. G. avevua. See »ruhe. 


2811. Rijl \s, A. — the inferior extrimity or lower limb. G. OxEL OG. 
Cfr. »qadam«, foot. 

2812. Rimze — foramina lacera (at the base of the skull). 

2813. Rivertis — vena epigastrica inferior, the inferior epigastric vein. 

2814. Rodol — mesenterium, mesentery. 

2815. Rosa — orificium uteri externum, the external orifice of the uterus. 

2816. Rosetta — see »rasceta« (carpus). 

2817. Rostrum — acromion. 



Rostrum corvi — (Avic.) processus coracoideus, the coracoid process. 

See »alacharam« (»,>3), »manchar gorab« (Wixi) leis). 

Rotatores — the trochanteres (major et minor). 

Rotula — patella or knee-pan. 

Rotunditas coxze — caput femoris, the head of the femur or thigh 

Rotundus — see »panniculus rotunduss, »bititiron«. 

Rozetta — see »rasceta« (carpus). 

Ruada — (Avic. (A. B.)) see »giedul«. 

Rugze colli matricis — rugz vaginales. 

Ruh =p A. — »pneumas, »spiritus«. G. wvetua. See »rih«. 

ar-Ruh an-nafsani ceslendi} cos A. — »spiritus animalis«. G,. zevetua 

Wuyixor, »the psychic pneumas. 

Rukba = A. — genu, knee. G. yovv. 
Rummanat al-fakhid (or al-fakhd) Beant xis, A. — caput femoris, 

the head of the femur or thigh bone. 

Rummanata z-zand al-asfal aw! 5) Lisle, A. — the olecranon 
and processus coronoideus of the ulna. 

Rupes — rima pudendi or uro-genital cleft. 

Rusgh ha A. — I. carpus; 2. tarsus. See »rasceta<. 

-»-  ar-rijl \>JI =™) A. — the tarsus. 

Rutuba % 9b, A. — humor. 

ar-Rutubat al-baidiyya aaa gb SI A. — humor aqueus, the 
aqueous humour (of the eye). 

-»- al-jalidiyya x:.Asut Ks J! A. — lens crystallina, the cry- 

stalline lens (of the eye). 

-»- ash-shabtha bil‘adasa smAaly XzaiNl xyybJ} A. — id. 
-»- ash-shabiha bil-jalid OgSl xemds! x,bJ1 A. — id G. 

zovotahhoees Lyooy. 

-»- ash-shabiha_ bi-habbat al-barad o.J) S452 Kasumi! xg 9b, A. 

— »the hailstone-like humour<«, the lens crystallina. 

-Selsk. Skrifter. Il. H.-F. KI. tg2r. No. 7. 9 


2840. ar-Ruttibat ash-shabiha biz-zujaj ad-da’ib mee Xeaaill Ray oI 
estoo} A. — corpus vitreum, the vitreous body. G. tado- 
Eldéc UyOOY. 

2841. -»- az-zujajiyya Xa>leg) Ky ybJ} A. — id. 


2842. Saban — (Avic.) = »adeps«. Cfr. »saham«. A. »san« Gan (q. v.). 
2843. Sabbaba sale A, — index (finger). 
2844. Sacchus chyli — cisterna chyli. 

2845. Sacculus — omentum. 

2846. Saccus — 1. omentum; 2. (Mundinus) coecum, see »monoculus<, 
>al-a war«. 

2847. -»-  coriacus — scrotum. 

2848. Sacrones — vide s. v. »vene balsates«. 

2849. Sadarassis — sternum. 


2850. Sadr »xo A. — 1. thorax; 2. sternum. 

2851. Saeri — (Avic.) see »os saeri<; possibly misprint for »(os) sacri«, 
(os) sacrum. 

2852. Safan — see »osseums«. A. safn exh scrotum. 

2853. Safiha Rago A. — leaf, lamel, lamella, layer. G. MTVYN $ Ovu- 

metvyn; mvs. See »sefaiha«. 
2854. as-Safihat al-aliya min at-tarb Ga} cya Xallell Kael) A. — 

(Simon:) »the upper leaf of the omentum«. G. 7 twndo- 

, c ” w “ae , 
téoa; Nn avwdev woioa tov érttizhoov. 

2855. as-Safin .yélal} A. — vena saphena. 
2856. Safn .,a0 A. — scrotum. 
2857. Sagittarti — (Avic. De anat. musculor. gutturis) processus styloidei, 

the styloid processes. See »(ossa) shemie«, »additamenta 
sisamina¢«, »as-sahmiyyas. 
— Avic. (A. B.): ».. idem est quod unctuositas congelata 

2858. Saham | circa renes et »zirbum adipinum<¢. Cfr. »saban«, and 

2859. Sahan ue 
59 | »san« “yee 


2860. as-Sahmiyya hag) A. — »the arrow-shaped [processes], pro- 

cessus styloidei, the styloid processes.« See »additamenta 
sisamina«, »ossa shemies, »sagittarii<. Hyrt]l is wrong in 

deriving the »shemie« from A. elem »shemie« comes from 

A. »sahmiyya« Xa#gw meaning »arrow-shaped¢. 

2861. Sa‘id Aslw, plur. sawa id Ast A. — antibrachium, forearm. 
G. mnyve. 

2862. as-Sa’im mola} A. — the (intestinum) jejunum. 

2863. Sakibata 1-lu° ab lal! Lislw A. — »the (two) dischargers of the 

saliva«x, ducts from (certain) salivary glands. Ductus sub- 
linguales minores or majores? Or the ductus submandi- 
bulares (Warthoniani or submaxillares?), As the ductus 
sublinguales majores (ductus Bartholiniani) are very rare 
in man, but normal in certain animals (f. i. the ox), obser- 
vations on animals possibly have been transferred to man, 
in case the above term signifies the ductus sublinguales 

majores (Bartholiniani). The text in ar-Razi (Razes) runs 

as follows: as=y ...@ glu} Xo 2 wis esol} OLS 

Ws gM gland lelll Logie - 2 gLiyd (Le. Glu 
Aes Poe oe} IAS5) FOU Ge Xis esoesl rs (sd rz 

jal ects lags SLbit LES le GyLiyBll liley Glall 

Rasaaiasl yal Kala Aes 

Dr. Koning translates (Trois Traités etc., page 55): 
»Au-dessous de la langue il y a deux orifices (orifices des 
conduits de Wharton) dot. sort la salive. Ils ménent a la 
chair glanduleuse blanche située pres de sa pointe, et cette 
chair s’appelle l’organe générateur de la salive; ces deux 
orifices s’appellent les déversoirs de la salive, et c’est par 
eux que la langue et les parties environnantes conservent 

Vhumidité naturelle.« 

‘Ali ibn al- Abbas, in his »Royal Book« (XA » Liber 
regalis« or »Regalis dispositio«), ch. 14 |Edit. Koning, p. 200) 
writes the following on salivary glands: sd dz PS) Lalé 

ce AS Kab Kae) Agyl fee loret citi xd 







A. FONAHN. Sb ele 

Liles sarki Glo jlo uot 8 cyatlil .atihall pyaatiSle 

a . ¢ * t 
Halt Ow eae 

LA Ged, a od) Nee esis ee 

mite coll Ges hep tycle) Kay ecient Clee SUA gle 
plas! cso dale Loy. 

Translation: »Il y a trois espéces de chair glanduleuse, 
dont l’une est faite pour produire une humeur utile, comme 
les mamelles, les testicules et les deux glandes situées a la 
racine de la langue (g/. sous-maxillaires; gl. sous-linguales). 
En effet, les testicules sont faits pour produire le sperme, 
les mamelles sont faites pour produire le lait, et les deux 
glandes situées a la racine de la langue, pour produire 
une humeur mucilagineuse par laquelle sont humectées la 

langue, la bouche et les parties voisines. « 

Salab ule A. — see »sulb«. 

Salab al-ghalsama Kavala uso A. — (Simon:) »crista of the epi- 
glottis«, the middle-line on its dorsal surface. 

-»- al-ghudruf ash-shabih bit-turs ee Sagal iy xa} ako A. 
— the »crista of the thyroid cartilage« (Simon; the A. 

. Uy 
»salab« corresponding to G. azav da). 

Salan Sw A. — amnion. See »anfas« Ossie 

Salangee — 1. phalanges or fingerbones; 2. digiti or fingers. 
Salacella — see »(vena) salvatella«. 

Salaseilem — see »sceilem«¢. 

Salba wa-safiqa Kaku, xakwo A, — (Ibn Sina, Hirschb.) sclera (oculi), 

»durac. G. oxdnoos yetwr; oxdnoe unrys. 
Salsaces — Sudh. Chir. I. 176: »Due vene dicuntur salsaces, que 
numquam indicuntur alias (A. D.: quia) homo uersu (A. risu; 
C. ridendo, D. ex eorum incisione homo quasi ridendo) 
moreretur.« In Cod. Brux. 5874: »Nota due sunt vene, 
que dicuntur salientes, qui homo nimio usu (for: risu) 
moreretur.« See »venz salsetos«. 

Salvatella — see »vena salvatellax, »sceile« etc., »alaseilem«, »al- 

usailim« plww SI. 


2874. Samin cyaem A. — »la graisse qui couvre les muscles (lard)« (Kon. 
Gloss.). See »semens. 

2875. Sa‘n seu A. — fat, see »saham«, »sahan¢. 

2876. as-Sanawbara 3 ayia A. — corpus pineale, the pineal body (gland; 
coronarium). G. to xwvoeuwéc. 

2877. Sanguiductus meningei — sinus dure matris, the venous sinuses of 
the dura mater. 

2878. Sanguinolenta oculi — choroidea. 

2879. Saphzena 

2880. Sapheia | — vena saphena. 

2881. Saphona 

2882. Saq ie A. — 1. crus, leg; 2. tibia, leg or shinbone. 

2883. Sargi — see »sarm«. 

2884. Sarm — Avic. (A.B.): »sarm seu sargi est intestinum quod ad 
anum seu ad ficteri terminatur.« (Intestinum) rectum. See 
»SUTM& pow. 

2885. Sath abn A. — (smooth) surface. 

2886. Scapha — antihelix. 

2887. Scaphus — (Hyrtl:) »inner portion of the pinnas. 

2888. Scapile — scapula or shoulder blade. 

2889. Scecca — foetal membrane. . 

2890. Sceile —- see »vena salvatella<. The question: sceilem — sal- 

2891. Sceilem | vatella — vena nigra is complicated. According to my 

2892. Sceilen Peet the »sceilem« and »salvatella« are identic; the 

2893. Sceyle »vena nigra« means in some cases the vena mediana 
antibrachii, in other vena cephalica antibrachii (e. g. in con- 
nection with the description of vena salvatella in Avicenna’s 
Canon, ch. De anatomia venarum manuum). See »seile<, 
funis brachii«, »al-usailim<« PGES) »alaseilem«. 

2894. Schia — acetabulum. Cfr. »scia«. 

2895. Schlyrotica — sclero (sclerotica, sclerotic). 

2896. Scia — 1. acetabulum. Sud. Anat. 35: Ancha autem componitur 
ex duobus magnis ossibus in dextrum et sinistrum et quod- 
libet istorum componitur ex tribus et capitibus est con- 
cavitas. quee appellatur scia.« 

2897. Sciatica 


ee } — Avic. (A. E.) see »vena sciaticas. 


Sciele — see »vena salvatella<. 
Scissura — rima pudendi. 
-»- inter additamenti focilis inferioris — incisura semilunaris (ulnz). 

Also called »vacuitas inter additam. focil. infer.«, 

— sclera (sclerotica, sclerotic). 

Sclirotica \ 


Scopa regia — mandibula, mandible (maxilla inferior) or lower jaw. 
Scoptula — scapula or shoulder blade. 

-»- operta — (Valla) = »scoptula<. 

Scortum — scrotum. 

-»- (or scrotum) inversum — uterus. 

Scrobiculus — fossa, fovea. 

-»- cordis — preecordium, precordial region, scrobiculus cordis. 

Seat power oes »scrobiculus«. 

Scrotum cordis — pericardium. 

Scutalis — (Mundinus 19") see »cartilago scutalis«. 

Scuticulum — phalanx or fingerbone (internodium), 

Scutum cordis — »sternum. 

-»- genu — patella or knee-pan. 

-»- oris stomachi — processus xiphoideus, the xiphoid process 

(of the sternum). 

-»- thoracis — scapula or shoulderblade. 

Scytalis — see »scuticulum<. G,. oxvtadic. 

Sectio crucea — (Avic.) chiasma |nervorum opticorum). 

Secundina — secundines, after-birth. 

-»- cerebri — pia mater. 

Secundina oculi — chorioidea. 

Sedem — Avic. (A.E.): » .. est vena, que est inter auricularem 

(the little-finger) [et annularem (the ring-finger)), et in rasceta 
manus«. See »vena salvatella«, »sceilem<. 
Sedes — Benedictus: »sive anus«. Castelli: sedes = anus = podex. 

— Nates + regio analis, the buttocks and anal region. 

Sedile — nates, buttocks. 
Sedimentum — see »sedes<. 
Sefaiha — Avic. (A.B.): ».. idem est quod partes laminosz seu 

partes latae subtiles, sicut partes squamosz«. A. safiha 

Kvn (q. v.) leaf, lamel. 

2929. Seile — 1. see »vena salvatella«; 2. vena cephalica antibrachii, 
2930. Seilem the cephalic vein of the forearm; 3. = »funis brachii<, 
2931. Seilim | q.v. See »sceile<, »sceilem«, »al-usailim« whaw SI, 
2932. Seylem »alasceilem«. 

2933. Sella — corpus ossis sphenoidalis, the body of the sphenoid bone. 

2934. Sella equina — sella turcica (of the sphenoid bone). 

2935. Semen — Avic.(A.B.): ».. quod interpretatus unctuositas conge- 
lata sub cute et inter musculus sicut apparet in porco, 
et in arietibus castratis in Syria existentibus, que qui- 
dem unctuositas apud vulgares Venetos appellatur lardo. 
A. samin wae (q. v.) fat. 

2936. Semachu — Avic. (A.B.): ».. id est super partem dextram aut 
sinistram capitis.« (A. simakh ales? qzva}: 

2937. Senan — suturee cranii vere, true sutures (of the skull). A. shu’tn 
co. (sing. sha’n cyte). 

, : 4 4 a of 

2938. -»>- Avic. (A. B.): ».. id est dentalis.« A. asnan cytdwd teeth 
(sing. om tooth). 

2939. Senasen — I. processus spinosi, the spinous proccsses (of the 
vertebrae); 2. suturee cranii veree, true sutures (of the skull). 
See »alsenasen«. A. sinasin cythw (plur. of sinsin cyt) 
processus spinosi. 

2940. Senasene — Avic. (A.B.): ».. id est marginis concavitatis spon- 

2941. Sensus communis — vide s.v. »fantasia«. 

2942. Sentina — infundibulum (cerebri). 

2943. Septum membranaceum — membrana tympani, the tympanic mem- 

2944. -»-  transversum — diaphragma, the diaphragm. 

2945. Serasif — Avic. (A.B.): ».. est pars micach (i. e. »mirach«, the 

abdominal wall) chartilaginosa que continuatur cum extre- 
mitatibus costarum mendosarum ita, quod extremitas costa- 
rum mendosarum dicitur serasif, et est iuxta hypochon- 

drium.« — Avic. (A. E.): ».. .i. hypochondria. A. sharasif 

Barwa say plur. of shursuf pe (q.v.). The costal carti- 

lages of the false ribs. 

136 A. FONAHN. H.-F. KI. 

2946. Seratiles — Mundinus 20°: ».. iuncturae (cranei): quae uocantur 
adoree (vide: »adorem«<): scilicet seratiles.« Suturae ser- 
rate, the saw-like sutures (of the skull). 

2947. Seren — sutura, suture. 

2948. Serotini — (dentes) serotini, (dentes sapientiae), the wisdom-teeth. 

2949. Sessus — see »sedes«. 

2950. Setafifu — Avic. A.E.: »setafifu .i. ossa pectoris s. thoracis.« 

2951. Setatifu J The »seven bones« of the sternum (Hyrtl; however, the 
beginning of the word seems to correspond to Arabic sitta 
=**or sittatun = x. six, whereas seven is called saba 
— or sabatun —). 

2952. Seuasen — see »senasen<, processus spinosi. 

2052. ele 

2954. Seylem { — see »sceile« etc. and »vena salvatella<. 

2955. Seylen 

2956. Shabaka xx. A. — »rete mirabile« q.v. G. duxtvoedeg mhéyuce. 

2957. as-Shabakat al-mashimiyya Xasacall xx.aJ! A. — plexus chorioideus. 

2958. ash-Shabakiyya x.X.aJ} A. — retina. G. aueplBlnotooeng yurwr. 

2959. |ash-Shay’] ash-shabih bil-ghudrif {alladi lil-jafn) spec) [s_.aul] 
[- au co] Uy wasttly A. — tarsus [palpebree], the 
tarsus of the eyelid. G. tagodg yordowdne. 

2960. Shafa Xai, plur. shafawat wha A. — labium, lip. 

2961. Shafr pe, plur. ashfar least A. — eyelashes. G. Bhepaoic;- Sihe- 
puowy toixec. 

2962. Shafran oie A. — labia minora. 

2963. Shafr al-jafn oil re rN — the margin of the eylid. G. zréeac 

2964. Shafrat al-jafn ch go Al tou Blepagov. 

2965. Shahmat al-udn ot xeauu A. — lobulus, the lobule of the (auricle 
of the) ear. G. AdBiov, mtpeh@deg wroc. 

2966. Shakhisa ila asfal Ar ost Bas lit A. — processus articularis in- 
ferior (vertebree), inferior articular process (of a vertebra). 
See »ala (spondyl.)«<, additamentum (spondyl.), »rwus luqa- 

2967. -»- ila fawq es us as lis A. — processus articularis superior 

(vertebrae), superior articular process (of a vertebra). 


2968. Sha’n ok, plur. shu’un aes and shu’un sak A. — sutura (cranii), 
(cranial) suture. See »soonia«, »commissura¢. 

2969. Shaqq (be, plur. shuquq gh A. — fissura, fissure. 

2970. Sha’r sa A. — hair. 

2971. Sharaj a A. — (fissure, split) I. anus; 2. sphincter ani. 

2972. Sharj ae A Boe eae 

2973. -»-  al-matana x3Lil} ot A. — sphincter vesicee [urinariz]. G. 
ZUOTEWS Oplyxztno. 

2974. -»-  al-mia J-mustaqim wadionll stall a A. — sphincter ani. 
Ed0US OpLyzxtro. 

2975. Shawk Sei ; A. — thorn, spine, spinous process, processus spinosus 

2976. -»- ‘azm as-salab (or as-sulb) ast ws Sei A. — processus 
spinosi Teal G. axavda tov onovdiloy. 

2077. -»-  al-faqar baal Si A. — processus spinosus vertebra, G. 
axavda tov ns He processus spinosi vertebrarum, G. 
anxavda TOY Cn0VvOLAwy.: 

2978. Shiryan oly, plur. sharayin wel and _ shiryanat ells A. — 
arteria, artery. G. dotnoia. 

2979. ash-Shiryan al-a zam be! | ssba yal A. — the aorta. G. weyady 
wotnoia, seylorn aornola. 

2980. -»- al-irql cba 2 oleae A. — »arteria venosas, »arteria venalis«, 
vena pulmonalis, the pulmonary vein(s). G. Getnoia ple- 
Bwdne. See »ash-shiryan al-waridi« (sre; sil ohyet. 

2981. -»-  al-kabir st La A. — »the big artery«, aorta. 

2982. ash-Shiryanat al-khashina xic2} lil aut A. — »the rough arte- 

ries«, the bronchi. G. toazeiae cornoice. 

2983. -»-  al-layyina xis colil ci A. — »the smooth arteries«, the 

’ , 

(common) arteries. G. ital aotnoiae. 



138 A. FONAHN. Heri 
; o? o 5 

2984. ash-Shiryan al-musbit Sone ole A. — see »ash-shiryan as- 
subatl clan ote and »shiryanai as-subat« cote 
Calaandt . 

S 2 c (Lf) a 

2985. -»-  al-mustabtin lis-salab (or lis-sulb) odel) cp aedonal cyte en AS 
— aorta abdominalis, the abdominal aorta. G. 7 éal tig 
dayews meyahn cerngia. 

2986. -»- as-subati wl! cyteyaisl A. — aarteria carotis, the carotid 
artery. G. zxagwtic; zaowtic “etnoic. 

2987. Shiryanai as-subat colon! eile A. — arterize carotides, the (two) 
carotid arteries. G. zxaowridec. 

2988. ash-Shiryan al-waridi srs sil ote A. — vena pulmonalis, the 
pulmonary vein(s). G. Goriyeia pieSodne. 

2989. Shiryani csila A. — »artery-like«, arterial. G. dernoewone. 

2990. Shu‘ba (or sha‘ba) xse, plur. shu‘'ab Uses A. — 1. branch; 
2. duodenum. G. 1. éxpvoig; aopvotc; 2. (dwdexadazxte- 
hoc) éxpvotc. 

2991. Shu‘bat as-sinn aye Rass A. — the branche of the tooth«, radix 
dentis, the root or fang of the tooth. 

2992. ash-Shu‘ba allati miqdarha ’tna ‘ashara asbu‘an > SARs ce) Rees 
Lensot yes last A. — »the branch, the measure of which 
is twelve -fingers<, the duodenum. G. dwdexadaxtvhog 

2993. -»- ash-shabiha bid-dtida ss, Ree Raxind) A. — the vermis 
of the cerebellum. G. 7 oxwhnxoedne esccpvore. 

2994. Shursuf eee plur. sharasif Bal as A. -=(in, plural:) the, costal 
cartilages (of the false ribs). G. yovdowdeg wéoog tie 
mhevoag »the cartilagineous portion of the rib«. See 

2995. Shemiz ) 

3 — see’ »ossa shemies. 
Shemie J 

2996. Sia — see »scia«. 

2997. Sibulus — uvula. See »uvas«, »uvea«, »algasamata« ete. 

2998. Sifac — »siphac«. 


















Sifac album — tunica vaginalis (propria testis). A. as-sifaq al-abyad 
en SI (bree (q. v.). 
Sifaq (gle A. — I. membrana, membrane; tunica, tunic; 2. perito- 

teum; 3. dura mater. 

as-Sifaq al-abyad gas bee) A. — 1. the peritoneum; 2. the 
tunica vaginalis. 

->-  al-mudawwar yet! bel A. — »the circular membrane 
(tunic)<, the peritoneum. 

->- at-tafi (silts oleel A. — »the superficial membrane (tunic)<, 

the superficial facia of the abdominal wall(?). 

Sima renis pars — hilum renis, the hilum of the kidney. 
Simakh alee A. ) — I. cavum tympani, the tympanic cavity, the 
Sale ol 5 nN middle ear; 2. meatus acusticus externus, the 
ra and ak, 
oe external acoustic meatus. 
Simam plo A. — (stopper, cork) epiglottis. 
Simenia — (Avic.) processus spinosi (vertebrarum), the spinous pro- 

cesses (of the vertebra). See »senasen«, »seuasen<. 
Simhaq ahem A, — pericranium. 
as-Simsimania (scil. al- iz’m) Xailamemd! (ebs/!) A. — ossa sesa- 

moidea, the sesamoid bones. See »alsemsemanie«, »ossa 


Sinn oan plur. asnan (.jliw) A. — dens, tooth. See »senans. 

as-Sinn cone A. — dens epistrophei (processus odontoideus), the 
dens (or odontoid process) of the epistropheus or second 
cervical vertebree. 

Sinn al-hilm ws om A. — »wisdom-tooth«, »dens_ sapientiz<, 
dens serotinus, third molar tooth. See »dentes sensus<, 
»dentes alhalm<. 

al-Asnan al-muqaddama xad&tl cia SI Spe ene front, fecthi<, 
dentes incisivi, the incisor teeth. 

-»>- al-qatta‘a Kel bast caw SI A. — dentes incisivi, the incisor 

teeth. G. of topeic. 

A. FONAHN. Ele biieee 


3035. Sinagricon ) — Sudh. Chir. II. 131: »Quot sunt ossa rotunda sina- 

3016, Sinagron J gricon ¢ uel sinagron ) id est de genu, If. sunt, ... « 
Patella or knee-pan. | 

3017. Sinciput — see »synciput«, »iasuch«, »iefee«. 

3018. Singulum oculi — Sudh. Chir. II. 375: »De carne superflua sub 
pellicula... separetur... sic etiam de neruis fieri solet 
et de quodam carne que excrescit in fine singuli ipsius 
oculi prope nasum.« 

3019. Sinsin cyan plur. sindsin -ywliw A. — processus spinosus (verte- 
bree), spinous process (of a vertebra). G. azava. See 
»alsenasen«. . 

3020. Sinus — 1. ventriculus, ventricle; 2. axilla; 3. genitalia feminina, 
the female genital organs. 

3021. -»- amplus ureteris — pelvis renis, pelvis of the kidney. 

3022. -»-  cerebelli — ventriculus quartus, the fourth ventricle (of the 

3023. - =-»= cerebri’— ventriculi cerebri. 

3024. -»- coli — haustra coli, the saccules of the colon. 

3025. -»- coxee — acetabulum. 

3026. -»- dexter (cordis) — ventriculus dexter (cordis), the right ven- 
tricle (of the heart). (According to Hyrtl, »sinus cordis« = 
atria cordis). 

3027. -»- oculi — canthus oculi, angle of the eye. 

3028. -»- humeri — trochlea humeri. 

3029. -»- radii — the (concave) carpal articular surface of the distal 
extremity of the radius. 

3030. -»- sinister cordis — ventriculus sinister cordis, the left ven- 
tricle (of the heart). 

3031. Siphac — I. peritoneum; 2. dura mater; 3. ependyma (of the 

Siphach cerebral ventricles); 4. vesica urinaria; the (urinary) blad- 
der; 5. »siphac commune membranarum nomen est« (Spige- 
lius: De hum. corp. fabric., page 214). 

3032. Siphacium — dura mater + pia mater. 

3033. Siqy igh — allantois (present in many mammals). 

3034. Sisamides — see »ossa sisamina<, ossa sesamoidea, sesamoid bones. 

3035. Sisamina — id. 

3036. Sisanii — see »ossa in modum sisanii<, sesamoid bones. 

3037. Smegma articulorum — synovia. 









Sea Ts 



Soan — suture cranii, cranial sutures. See »asoan«, »sha’n« (plur. 
shu’tn), »soonia¢, »suun<, 

Solum pedis — lower part of the foot. 

Soonia — suture cranii, cranial sutures. See »sha’n«, »soane, 

»asoan«. Hyrtl is wrong in deriving this word from A. as- 

sahn assual. It comes from A. shu’tin ee (or shu’un 
Jee plural of sha’n Hse = sutura (cranii). Avicenna: 

Sophronisteres — »dentes sapientiae<«, wisdom-teeth, dentes serotini. 
G. dwpoeorvLotnosc. 

Sordes amaree — cerumen, ear-wax. 


Spathula? — scapula or shoulder-blade. 


-»- genu — patella or knee-pan. Also »rotula genu<. 

Specile — abdomen, abdominal wall. 

Speculum — capsula lentis crystallinze, the capsule of the lens (of 
the eye). 

Specus — cavity, ventricle, atrium; ventriculus cerebri, cerebral 

-»- dexter (cordis) — atrium dexter (cordis), the right atrium 
(of the heart). Also »auris dexter«. 

-»- gemini (cerebri) — ventriculi laterales (cerebri), the lateral 
ventricles (of the cerebrum). 

-»- sinister (cordis) — atrium sinister (cordis), the left atrium (of 
the heart). Also »auris sinister«. 

Sphanga — larynx. 

Sphangee : | | 

Sehaqces } venz jugulares, the jugular veins. See »stangee«. 

Sphendone — 1. sclera (sclerotica, sclerotic); 2. conjunctiva. 

Sphagitis — vena jugularis (interna), the (internal) jugular vein. 

Sphragitides — carotides, carotid arteries. 

Sphyron — malleolus. G. opveor (apiea). 

Spine |dorsi] — processus spinosi (vertebrarum), the spinous pro- 
cesses (of the vertebrae). Also »processus posteriores¢. 

Spina circa dorsum — columna vertebralis, the vertebral column. 

-»- dorsi — id. 

-»- sacra — 1. columna vertebralis, the vertebral column; 2. os 

coccygis, the coccyx. 

A. FONAHN. 1 0S Tea ie 


3063. Spiramenta — lobuhi, lobules of the lung? 

3064. Spiritus animalis — »spiritus« in the brain, effecting sensation and 
motion. G. zvevtuc wuyexor. 

3065. -»- audibilis — Mundinus 23": »Et ut esset (auris) sonora cuius 
foramen est longum terminatum ad os petrosum in cuius 
concauitate est spiritus audibilis complantatus: qui est in- 
strumentum auditus.« 

3066. -»- cupidinis — (Benedictus I]. 21). The »spiritus« supposed to 
enter the corpora cavernosa penis and to cause lascivious- 
ness (»tentiginem facit«). 

3067. -»-  naturalis — »spiritus« in the liver, effecting the making of 
blood and the metabolism. G. svebuca puorxor. 

3068. -»- primus — the inhaled air. 

3069. -»- secundus — the exhaled air. ; 

3070. -»-  vitalis — »spiritus« in the heart and arteries, effecting regu- 
lation of the heat. G. svevuc Cwtexor. 

3071. Splenetica — see »vena splenetica«, and s. v. »vena storomaticac. 

3072. Spondilis | aa (Avic.) »Spondylis est os, in cuius medio est for- 

Spondylis J amen, per quod nucha (q. v.) transit.« Vertebra. 

3073. Spondyles alcharim — for »spond. alchatim«. See »spond. lum- 
borum«, »spond. renum<. 

3074. Spondiles alchatim — vertebrae lumbales, the lumbar vertebre. 
See »spondyles lumborum<, »spond. renums. 

3075. -»-  alhavius \ 

seve, se. eilhorees J the sacral vertebrae, os sacrum,. the sacrum. 

3077. -»-  caudze (sive alhosos) — os coccygis, the coccyx. 

3078. -»-  costarum | ; ; 

See een eciarie (oe vertebree thoracales, the thoracic vertebre. 

3080. -»- lumborum — see »spond. alcharim«, »spond. alchatim«<. 

3081. Spondylis prima — atlas or the first cervical vertebra. 

3082. Spondiles renum — vertebree lumbales, the lumbar vertebrze. See 
»spond. alcharim«, »spond. alchatim«, »spond. lumborum<s. 

3083. Spondylis secunda — epistropheus or the second cervical vertebra. 

3084. Stamen — see »ines<. 

3085. Stange — vene jugulares, the jugar veins. See »sphange«, 
»sphanges«, »sphagitis<. 

3086. Statemia — sternum. 

3087. Stera — uterus. See »hystera« 

3088. Sternum — (Sudh. Chir. I. 84) = »fossicula animee« (?) q. v. 

3089. Stilicha — vena porte. 















SUT 7, 


Stomachus — 1. esophagus or gullet; 2. cardia. 

Storax — see »thorax«, sternum. 

Storomatica — see »vena storomaticas. 

Stregum — = dorsum, the back. 

Stropheus — see »vertebra strophea«, »vertebra epistrophea¢, the 

atlas or first cervical vertebra. 

Suachi — small branches of the vena brachialis. 
Subacella — axilla. 
Subascella : 
} — vena axillaris, the axillary vein. See »alabathein«. 

Subcol — the hollow of a flat foot. 

Subeteni — see »subeth«, »subtenni«, »arteriz subtenni<, etc. 
A. »(ash-shiryan) as-subat« q.v. Arteriz carotides, the 
carotid arteries. 

Subia — see »subsequia«, costa or rib. 

Sublinguium — uvula. 

Subsequia — Sudh. Chir. II. 131: ».. et subseque < uel subie >, 

que vocantur grece pleura, VII sunt, que in pectoris osse 

coniunguntur.« See »subias<. 
Substantia digitalis — processus vermiformis (appendix). 
-»- labii — see »corpus labii«. 
-»- rara — porous substance. 
-»- solida — solid substance. 
-»- spongiosa — spongy substance. 
-»- velativa (cerebri) — Sudh. Chir. Il. 251: »Dico ergo, quod 

cerebrum diuiditur in substantiam uelatiuam/?) et medul- 
larem et uentres in ipso, spiritu plenos. Uelatiuam autem 
substantiam intendo rethe artheriarum a corde a cerebrum 
uenientium et uenarum, et rethe nominatur, quia forma sue 

composi<ti>onis est sicut forma compositionis in rethi.« 

Subtenni — see »arterize subtenni<, etc. 
Subvertebratum } 
— os sacrum, the sacrum. 
Subvertebrum ; 
a ae . 
Sudgh eX A. — squama ossis temporalis (temporis), squamous 

part of the temporal bone. G. zxedrapog (temple). 
Suffrago — genu, knee. 

Suffugia — the air-cells of the processus mastoideus [ossis temporalis|. 
Sukurja <>. A. — acetabulum. 

Sukurjat al-ain cal ae Ku A. — orbita, the orbit. 

144 A, FONAHN. H.-F. Kl. 

3118. Sulama ae plur. sulamayat calad. A. — phalanx or finger- 
bone (internodium). See »alselamiat«, »alselameet«, »sulem«, 

3119. Sulamayat al-asabi* west SENS A. — phalanges digitorum 
pedis, the phalanges of the toes. 

3120. Sulb Byte A. — columna vertebralis, the vertebral column. Also: 
»salab« ho. G. daroty tng dayews; dayic; dxava. 

3121. Sulculus — the philtrum, the vertical groove between the columella 
nasi and the labial tubercle. 

3122. Sulem — Avic. (A.E.): »Sulem est os quoddam in digitis.« 

3123, .ulemet Avic. (A. E): »Sulemet sunt ossa ex quibus componuntur 
digiti.« See A. »sulamas eget phalanx or fingerbone. 

3124. Sumen (contracted from »sugumen«) — 1. abdomen; 2. hypo- 

gastrium, regio hypogastrica, the hypogastric region; 
3. regio umbilica, the umbical region; 4. umbilicus, navel; 
5. corda umbilicalis, the umbical cord. 

Spigelius(8—9): » Divisio ventri imi (i.e. abdomen) tres 
regiones, supremam <a mucronata cartilagine (i. e. the xiphoid 
process) ac costarum finibus, ad umbilicum fere terminatur ), 
mediam supra infraque umbilicum, trium circiter aut qua- 
tuor digitorum spatium complectitur ) & infimam secatur . .<« 
In Greek these three regions are called: »(r) vzcoxordguc, 
(2) ta wegl tov oupador, and (3) vo nroov.« Further, re- 

. c , . . . 
garding vmoyovdeta: »suprema ergo regionis latera, proprie 

bwoyovdoea dicuntur, quasi subcartilaginea .. (Celsus: pree- 
cordia, which, however, according to Plinius means the 
diaphragm). — Inter heec pars media, ésycoreoy, .. in 
qua occurrit cauitas quedam, .. antiquis xa@dia, .. alii 
OOLUOOLOY, quasi dicas Preecordium, aut Anticordium, . .« 

The ‘regio media’ is called by Spigelius ‘regio umbili- 
calis’. Regarding the ‘regio infima’ here marks: »quee Hippo- 
crati ntgov; aliis tzoydoro.oy, in tres partes dispescitur«, 
Regarding ‘media [regio]: »Mediam Aristoteles .. nreor 
vocat, quod Gaza vertit sumen, & abdomen: Laterales 
partes usque ad hypochondria sese extendentes Aayovee, .. 
Hippocrates xevewveg.. Latini Ilia. . Sub freq continetur 
Pubes, .. Alii 78yv... Hane ad destram sinistramque 

partem circumstant BovfBwrec, Inguina appellati. Avic. De 










anat. partis |aortee] descendentis: sumen = umbilicus. 
Mundinus 2": »Quarto est pars quae uocatur sumen infra 
umbilicum per quattuor digitos et est in qua quedam uene 
(i.e. urachus) terminantur ad cutim per quas pueri exi- 

stentes in matrice emittunt aquositas. « 


see — vertex, crown of the head. 
-»- - capitis 
-»-  frontis — sinciput. 

-»- pulmonum — apices pulmonum, the apices (apexes) of the lungs. 
Supercilia — eyesbrows. 
Sura — regio cruralis posterior, the posterior crural region, back- 
side of the leg. 
as-Suradan yd 2) A. — vene profundee linguz, venz ranine, 

the deep lingual or ranine veins. 

Surethein — scrotum. 
Le ) 
Surm ». A. — (intestinum) rectum, the rectum. 
Surra $m. A. — 1. umbilicus, navel; 2. corda umbilicalis, umbili- 

cal cord. G. dugeahoc. 
Suspensorium — Mundinus: »i. e. cremaster<«. Funiculus spermati- 
cus, the spermatic cord. 
Sutura coniugans — sutura sagittalis, the sagittal suture (skull). 
Suture fallaces 
oe oe Ga. suturee nothee (spurize) or false sutures (skull). 
Sutura iugalis — see »sut. coniugans<, 
-»- lambdoides — sutura lambdoidea, the lambdoide suture (skull). 
-»- laude — id. 
Suturze legitimae — suturee verze or true sutures (skull). 
Sutura mendax \ 

— sutura notha (spuria), false suture (skull). 
-»- mendosa 

-»-  nervalis . 
— sutura lambdoidea, the lambdoid suture (skull). 
->- nervosa 
-»- non vera — sutura notha (spuria) or false suture (skull). 
-»- puppis -— sutura coronalis, the coronal suture (skull). 

= hecka ee ; 
: sutura sagittalis, the sagittal suture (skull). 
-»-  serraeformis 
-»-  transversa anterior — sutura coronalis, the coronal suture 


-»- transversa posterior — sutura lambdoidea, the lambdoid suture. 

Vid.-Selsk. Skrifter. II. H.-F. Kl. 1921. No. 7. 10 

A. FONAHN. H.-F. Kl. 


3152. Sutura veruculata Rive 
: — sutura sagittalis, the sagittal suture (skull). 

2953.) (-o= "virgata 

3154. -»- vomeralis 

Base) — sutura lambdoidea, the lambdoid suture (skull). 

3155. -»- ypsiloides 

3156. Suun — Avic. (A.B.), see »derexi«x, »soonia<, »soan», »asoan<, 
»sha’n«. Suturee cranii, cranial sutures. A. »shu’Un« or 
>shu’un< (yy si Or (lH, plural of »sha’n« ase suture. 

3157. Syele — see »vena salvatellac. 

3158. Sylvestris — external, lateral; dorsal. Opp. »domesticus« q. v. 

3159. Syma (or sima) hepatis — facies inferior (siue visceralis) hepatis, 
the (concave) inferior or visceral surface of the liver (also: 
porta hepatis?). 

3160, Synciput — »seu pars superior capitis« (Avic.), the crown of the 
head, opp. to »basis«. See »sinciput«, »iasuch«, »iefee«. 

3161. Syndesmion — (= cynodesmon) frenulum przeputii (penis). 

3162. Syphac — see »siphacs, etc. 

3163. Syrinx hiera — »sacra fistula«, columna vertebralis, the vertebral 

3164. Syzygia — pair of nerves. G. ov@vyia. »Coniugatio«. 

3165. Tabaqa xb A. — tunica, tunic; membrana, membran. G. yeruy. 

3166. at-Tabagat al- ankabutiyya Mees ee xg,4)} A. — capsula anterior 
lentis crystallinze (oculi), the anterior capsule of the cry- 
stalline tens (of the eye). 

3367. -»- al-baida’ slauJ} xab}} A. — sclera (sclerotica, sclerotic). 

3168, -»- ad-dakhila min kis al-baidatain -jaicanadl Ueto MES xan bs 
A. — tunica vaginalis. 

3169. -»- al-ghudrifiyya Xi..osJ} xa.G)} A. — sclera (sclerotica, 

3170. ->- al-inabiyya Xasie!! xa,fJ} A. — iris (of the eye). G. dayoewdic 
‘yet wr |. 

3171. -»-  al-kharija min al-udnayin cyto cy x> LSI xa.bst A. — 

see »tunica extrinseca aurium<. 

St 73: 













at-Tabaqat al-mashimiyya pace xa.b3} A. — 1. chorioidea, the 
chorioid |tunic, of the eye]; 2. pia mater (yoovoe07c). 

-»- al-matquba Reyesal xa,.f)! A. — iris (or uvea in toto). 

-»- al-qarniyya coeys x@sfaJ} A. — cornea. G. xegatoedyg yerwr. 

-»- ash-shabakiyya R Kad xa.b)} A. — retina. 

-»- ash-shabiha bil“inaba Xsissl Rerrcasl} A. — 1. iris; 

. Cc \ ‘ 
2. uvea (in toto). G. dayoedng yutur. 

-»- ash-shabiha bin-naqaniq Ge Semis} xe} A. — see 
»al-ghisha’ etc.«. 

->- ash shabiha bi-nasj al- ankabut DenKioll Pomee) Keaaialt xa.bIt 
A. — capsula anterior lentis crystallinze (oculi), the anterior 

capsule of the crystalline lens (of the eye). 

-»- ash-shabiha bi-nuffahat az-zabd dost KS Lats Kern codt xe. BII 
A. — id. 

-»- ash-shabiha__ bil-qarn dl Keaadast xs} A. — cornea. 
G. xEoatoere yetwyr. ; 

-»- ash-shabiha bish-shabaka xG.2JLs Kenic xa.6)) A. — retina. 
G. aupishnoreoeonce yerwy. 

-»- as-sulba a et x8,55} A. — sclera (sclerotica, the sclerotic). 
G. 6 oxinodg yerur. 

-»- as-gulba as-safiqa XSaaall Xabal} xebJ} A. — id. 

Tabat wL3 A. — (firmness) immobility, stability. 

Tabella cranei inferior — tabula interna cranii. 

-»- cranei superior — tabula externa cranii. 

Tabula cranei — see »tabella cranei<. 

Taghaddun eye A. — »endroit rugeux« (Koning). 

Tajwif SU, plur. tajawif 22,1 su A. — cavity; cerebral ven- 


tricle. See »batn« .,l). 
-»>- al-aiman -yal aps A. — ventriculus dexter (cordis), the 
right ventricle (of the heart). 
-»- al-kabid SI aes A. — porta hepatis? 
-»- al-kulya Rach cage A. — (ar-Razi [Koning 40]: au 
Pcs »the Sie of the kidneys«) sinus renalis, the sinus 

of the kidney. 

148 A. FONAHN. HE ikl. 

3193. Tajwif al-matana x3li.J! Cyent) A. — cavitas vesicze urinarize, the 
cavity of the (urinary) bladder. 

3194. -»-  al-marara 8h ast es 9 A. — fundus vesicee felleze (Simon). 
G. mvduny tho yolndoxov xvotEews. 

3195. -»-  al-qihf Casas} B55 A. — cavum cranii, the cavity of 
the Selle 

3196. -»- al-qalb Alas ere A. — ventriculus cordis, ventricle of 
the heart. 

3197. -»-  al-qalb al-aisar al list hess A. — ventriculus sinister 
cordis, the left ventricle of the heart. Cfr batn ob) 

3198. Tajwifat al-qalb alas ba gol A. — (single) cavity of the heart, 
i. e, atrium and ventricle on one and the same side. 
G. xotdia tig xaodiac. 

3199. Tajwif ar-rahim > ae A. — cavum uteri, the cavity of 
the uterus. G. zodsog tig votéoac; x(tog tig torégac. 

3200. -»-  as-sadr joval Gaye A. — cavum thoracis, the cavity of 
the thorax. 

3201. Takatuq Stor a compactness, density. 

3202. Takhalkhul pesent A. — sponginess, porosity. 

3203. Taleoli — malleoli. 

3204. Talfif wees. plur. talafif 2.33 A. — convolution of the intestine. 

3205. Tali — malleoli. 

3206. at-Tali® etal A. — Koning, page 638—639: »les deux veines 
montantes« (v. rénales), — > cgaxlllast (al-tali‘ ayn). Les tra- 

ductions latines de Gérard de Crémone et de Plempius 
ont emulgentes, nom employé encore aujourd’hui, comme 
synonyme des veines rénales. Pour traduire ainsi il faut 
lire cysts (al-halibayn), nom dont se sert Avicenne dans 
le chapitre de la vessie pour désigner les uretéres, et que 
Gérard de Crémone traduit par dud emunctoria. On re- 
trouve ce nom csazslas} (al-tali*ayn) pour les veines rénales 
chez Avicenne dans le chapitre des reins et chez Ibn al- 
Habal (Choix de la médecine. Ms. Orient. de Leyde no. 108; 

chap. des veines).« 



















Talus — (Avic. De anat. pedis): ».. talus, per quod iunctura pedis 

cum crure completur..« ‘Talus (astragalus). 

ee (i) A. — to flex, e.g. the upper extremity in the elbow-joint. 

Tanaffus [443 A. — respiration; expiration. G. avazcvon, éxzcvon. 


; WN we 

Tanashshuq al-hawa’ «ty2/} C&ais A. — inspiration. 

Taniyya Re plu tanaya U3 A. — dens incisivus medialis, the 
medial incisor tooth. 

Taqb se plur. atqub aS, tuqub ee, atqab lait A. — hole, 

perforation. See »tuqbas. 

z Ge ce 
Taqdir al-ard ue,ei) 285 A. — transverse measure (e.g. of a 
c= ne : ° S 
Taq Ir Ps) A. — hollow, cavity, excavation, concavity, concave 

surface (e. g. facies inferior hepatis, the inferior surface of 

the liver). 

Taqsim ment A. — devision, ramification, distribution (of arteries 
and veins). 

Tarb ae A. — omentum. G. ézcizdoov. See »zirbus¢. 

Tarf 5,5, plur. atraf YA, — end, extremity (of a bone). 

-»-  al-anf BS} 3,6 A. — ala nasi, the wing of the nose. 

->-  al-anmula ALES 5 A. — the finger tip: 

at-Tarf al-a zam min al-kabid XI} ee nlc I S35) A. — the 

main lobe of the liver, the right portion of the liver. 
G. 6 wéytotoc fnarog hoBoc. 

Atraf al-kabid XS} Gt,bI A. — lobi hepatis, the lobes of the liver. 
G. doBot tov Hratos. 

Tarf al-lahy ea a,b A. — protuberantia mentalis, the mental 

protuberance of the mandibula or mandible. 

= vi mG , aS 4 e ) 
-»- as-sahml cotgens) U5, A. — the (posterior) end of the sagit- 
_ tal suture. 
a os cz =. a ae 5 = 
Ta rij eae) plur. ta arlj syle A. — sinuosity; winding, curve. 

Tariq al-istinshaq (Beka SI ($2, A. — the passage of inspiration. 



3226. Tarquwa 83,5, plur. taraqin as A. — clavicula, clavicle. G. xdeée. 

3227. Tartib SCE; A. — arrangement, disposition; layer. 

3228. Tarukhantir pails, b A. — trochanter. G. tooyxavtro. 

3229. Tashrih aun A. — anatomy. 

3230. Tathea — (Sudh. Chir. I. 458) trachea. 

3231. Taurus — raphe scroti. 

3232. Tegimina — meninges. 

3233. Tegumentum auris — membrana tympani, the tympanic membrane. 

3234. Tela — omentum. 

3235. -»-  aranea — zonula ciliaris. 

3236. -»- lucida — retina. 

3237. -»- oculi — (Avic.) »tela aranea«? q.v. or »tela lucida«? q.v. 
3238. Temnici [dentes] — (Benedictus) dentes incisivi, the incisor teeth. 
Castelli: toweic. (Hyrtl: the medial incisors). 

3239. Tempus — (Avic.) temple. 

3240. Tendik — fonticulus frontalis, the anterior median fontanelle. 

3241. Teneritas costarum — Sudh. Chir. II. 287: »Si fiat uulnus in ma- 
millis superius, nec possit purificari, debet fieri incisio 
inferius circa teneritatem costarum, ita ut costis interpositis. 
ne tangat dyafragma, et sic tale uulnus mundificabatur. 

3242. Tenon —. back of the neck 

3243. Tenta — Hyrtl: »turundas. 

3244. Tentigo — clitoris. 

3245. Teénuitas inter additamenta focilis inferioris — (Avic. De anat. iunct. 
cubit.) see »scissura inter etc.« 

3246. Tenur corporis — Avic. (A.B.): ».. secundum Sirasim est pars 
corporis concava comprehendens viscera. <« 

3247. Tersor ani — musculus latissimus dorsi. 

3248. Tesfid — (Avic.): ».. id est capitis apud arabes|;] est figura capitis 
privata commissura coronali, aut commissura laude propter 
privationem eminentiz partis anterioris, aut posterioris 
capitis. Alii dicunt, qud est figura capitis non habens 
commissuras preedictas, unde sequitur nocumentum in ope- 
rationibus cerebri.« 

3249. Testes — 1. testiculi, testicles; 2. corpora quadrigemina superiora 

(anteriora), the superior pair of the corpora quadrigemina; 
3. corpora quadrigemina inferiora (posteriora), the inferior 

pair of the corpora quadrigemina. 








Terminus — Avic. (1608) I. 372: »paries superior est os frontis, 
& cuius superior terminus est sutura coronaliss¢. 

Thalamze — (Benedictus) »harum< (i. e. narium) foramina interiora¢. 
Valla: Iadauae = »myxes. 

Thalami — ventriculi cerebri, cerebral ventricles. 

Tharuca — trochanter major, the greater trochanter. 

Theca dentium inferiorum — (Avic. De anat. nervor. egred. a cere- 

bro, in the margin) »radix carnosa dentium inferiorums. 

55. .henar — (Gorrzeus) vola manus, palma. (Castelli) vola manus. 
(Benedictus) »sive palma«. (Valla) = »ir«. 
Thimes — thymus. See »hasce«. 
Thecze mucilaginose — vaginze mucosz tendinum, mucous sheaths 

‘of the tendons. See »vaginze mucilaginose<. 

Thorab — omentum. 

Thorax — sternum. Avic. De anat. thoracis: »Thorax ex septem 
ossibus est compositus, ..« 2. cavum thoracis, cavity of the 
thorax. Ibid. Annotationes: »Quod a costis utrinque cir- 
cumscribitur, pertinetque anteriore parte utrinque ad pectus 
ac septum transversum (= the diaphragm); decumbit vero 
posteriore ad spinam: id omne spatium medici Thoracem 
appellare consuerunt. In huius medio natura cor ipsum 
collocavit ..<« 

Tibia — tr. crus; 2. femur. 

->- minima — fibula. 

Tihal Sib A. — lien, splen, spleen. G. omigy. 

Tile — papilla mamme, nipple. 
Tintinabulum — uvula. 
Tillicum — axilla. 

Tirbus — omentum. 

Titillicum a es 

Torcular — vide s. v. »platea«. 

Tortura nervi — (Avic.) = »plicatura nervi« (the optic chiasma ?). 

Torus — see »taurus<. 

Trachametra major — trochantor major, the greater trochanter 
(Vesal: >exterior femoris processus<). 

-»- minor — trochanter minor, the lesser trochanter (Vesal: »in- 
terior [femoris] processus<). 

Trachea arteria — (Arvic. De anat. colli) = trachea. A. qasbat 

5) caps AONE 
ar-ria Koj) Xuos. 

A. FONAHN. H.-F. K1; 

152 wl 

3274. Trachia — trachea. 

3275. Tramites medius — (Benedictus) the third cerebral ventricle (?). 

3276. Trapezia — both scapulz or shoulder blades. 

3277. Trivalvium — the aortic valve. 

3278. Trochanter — used of the head of the femur (caput femoris). 

3279. Trochantira minus — trochanter minor, the lesser trochanter. 

3280. Tubercula papillaria narium — (Benedictus) bulbi olfactorii, the 
olfactory bulbs. 

3281. Tuberculum humeri exiguum — (Benedictus) capitulum humeri (emi- 
nentia capitata), the capitulum of the (distal extremity of 
the) humerus. 

Ce o> 

3282. Tughrat an-nahr J} §.25 A. — fossa jugularis. 

3283. Tumulus — supercilium. 

3284. Tugba x.83, plur. tuqab Cee and tugb es A. — a hole, perfo- 
ration, foramen. 

3285. Tugqbat (or taqbat) al-ain cre Kad A. — pupilla oculi, the pupil 
of the eye. 

) = c ce. at oe : Cer ae 

3286. at-Tugqb (or at-taqb) alladi fi I-qar al- ain .,a2J} p2alll Bc) Ba) 
A. — fissura orbitalis superior, the superior orbital fissure. 

3287. -»- (-»-) al-ama ea) Oi) A. — see at-tugb (at-taqb) al-atmas 
unebS! 82), and at-tugb (at-taqb) al-a war (9231). 

3288. -»- (-»-) al-atmas eb asl A. — canalis facialis (canalis 
Fallopize), through which passes the facial nerve. G. tc - 
tuphcy xaholwevoy Tonuc. 

3289. -»- (-»-) al-azam abet nas} A. — foramen magnum. 

3290. -»- (-»-) al-a war eS) earl A. — see at-tuqb (at-taqb) al-atmas. 

3291. Tuqab min al-janibain oaslsut or 4.83 A. — foramina transver- 
saria |vertebrarum cervicalium], the transverse or verte- 
brarterial foramina. 

3292. -»-  mushtarika grace As A. — foramina intervertebralia, the 
intervertebral foramina. 

3293. at-Tuqbat al mutawassita Klawyal} Rael A. — >the intermediate 

foramen« (of a vertebra), foramen vertebrale, the vertebral 



Co oO” 
gem) 85 A. — cavum conchee (or meatus 

acusticus externus ?). 

3294. Tugb (or taqb) as-sam* 

3295. at-Tuqb (at-taqb) ash-shabih bil-bab Uda all ee A. — foramen 

obturatorium, the obturator foramen. G. JIveoedéo tonua. 

3296. Tudy (and tady) ios A. — mamma. G. paotog. tit Foc. 
3297. Tuffahat al-khadd Bel seus A = os zygomaticum, the zygomatic 

(or malar) bone, cheekbone. Or rather: regio ossis zygo- 

matici, the region of the zygomatic (or malar) bone. G. 

3298. Tunica acinalis — chorioidea. 
3299. -»- arachnoides — see »arachnoides«. 
3300. -»- aranea — see »araneae. Mundinus 23": ».. circundans cri- 

stallinam uersus partem anteriorem: cui in parte posteriori 

continuatur tunica retina: & in medio istarum continetur 

humor uitreus.< 

3301. -»-  circumocularis — conjunctiva. 
3302. -»- coronoidea — iris. 
3303. -»- densa [oculi] ) 
r ; — sclera (sclerotica, sclerotic). 
3304. -»- dura [oculi| J 
3305. -»- elytroides — 1. tunica vaginalis; 2. tunica »erythroides< q. v. 
3306. -»-  erythroides — funiculus spermaticus? 
3307. -»>- extrinseca aurium -— Avic. De anat. nervor. nuche etc., 

Koning 594: »la couche extérieur des oreilles<«. Ibn Sina, 

, -- 
| * 

Qantn L. 57: aS pps RE yLS! aRALN. 

3308. -»- extrincea meri — Mundinus 18%: »Sed substantia meri est 
composita ex duplici panniculo; siue tunica intrinseca: 
quee uillos longitudinales ad attrahendum habet et extrin- 
seca que uillos habet latitudinales aptos ad expellendum 

illud quod attrahitur ab intrinseca<. 

3309. .-»- extrinseca stomachi — Mundinus 6. Vide s. v. >tunica 
intrinseca meri¢. 

3310. -»- foraminalis — iris. 

3311. -»- grossa [oculi] — sclera (sclerotica, sclerotic). 

3312. -»- helicoides — tunica vaginalis. 

3313. -»-  intrinseca meri — Mundinus 17%: »Cooperiuntur etiam labia 

panniculo qui oritur a tunica intrinseca meri (= cesophagi) 
continuata cum tunica intrinseca stomachi: sicut & omnia 

membra oris«. See »tunica extrinseca meri<. 

154 A. FONAHN. H.-F. KL 

3314. Tunica intrinseca stomachi — vide s. v. »tunica intrinseca meri<. 

3315. -»-  secundina oculi — Mundinus 237: ».. uel quia secunda est 
a sclirotica: uel quia secundine assimilata>. 

3316. -»- exterior stomachi — Sudh. Chir. II. 365: »De uulnere sto- 
machi. — Si autem sine sutura res terminari non potest, 
in exteriori tunica stomachi fiat sutura ab una et alia parte 
stomachi, ut sic labia uulneris per filum contrahantur, .. .« 

3317. -»- interior stomachi — Sudh. Chir. Il. 366: »Si perforata fuerit 
exterior tunica stomachi tantum, sit integra et interior (Be 
tantum et interior sit integra), cibus per plagam non egre- 
ditur, et tunc uulnus non ita periculorum ests, 

3318. -»- uveeformis — iris. 

3119. Tuniculaz — (Benedictus) »omenta .. sive tunicula . . sicut que cere- 

brum & medullam continent . .« 

3320. at-Tuta (at-tawta) xi A. — the thymus. G. Suuee. 

3321. Tutamentum oris stomachi — processus xiphoideus, the xiphoid 

3322. Tybia — (Mundius) = crus. Pag. 24%: ».. in iunctura genu 

3323. aed sunt duze focillia tybie«. 

3324. Tyloma — planta pedis, sole of the foot. 

3325. Tympanum — membrana tympani, the tympanic membrane. 


3326. Vacuitas — 1. fossa, depression; 2. ventriculus cerebri, cerebral 
ventricle; 3. cavum articulare, joint cavity. 

3327. -»-  adiutorii inferior — fossa olecrani, the olecranon fossa. 

3328. -»- adiutorii superior -— fossa coronoidea, the coronoid fossa. 

3329. Vacuitates alarum [spondylium| — Avic. De anat. spondylium: »Et 
queedam ex alis, quee ad partem costarum tendunt, aliud 
proprium habent iuvamentum: quod quidem est, ut in eis 
creentur vacuitates, quibus capita costarum gibbosa mirabi- 
liter ligenture. Foveze costales transversales, the facets 
on the transverse processes (of the vertebrae, for the tube- 
rosities of the ribs), 

3330. Vacuitas bucella — id. (»bucella .i. extuberans processus<« Avic.). 

3331. (duce) Vacuitates capitis ossis cruris (i. e. tibiae) — Avic. De anat. 

poplitis. The medial and lateral facies articularis superior 

(of the medial and lateral condylus tibize). 












Vacuitas focilis superioris — Avic. De anat. iuncturze cubiti. Fovea 
capituli radii (the shallow concave surface of the head of 
the radius, for articulation with the capitulum of the 

-»- inter additamenta focilis inferioris — see »scissura etc.¢. In- 
cisura semilunaris [ulnze], the semilunar notch. 

-»- ossium rasetae — (Avic.) cavum articulationis radiocarpee, 
the cavity of the radiocarpal joint. 

-»- spatula — cavitas glenoidalis scapulz, the glenoid cavity of 
the scapula or shoulder blade. 

Vaginze mucilaginosee — vaginze mucosze tendinum, mucous sheaths 

of tendons. See »thecze mucilaginosz«. 

Wahshi oo A. — lateral; outer,.exterior. G. #£w. 

Wajna Rio, A. — regio ossis malaris, region of the malar bone 
(»pommette«); checkbone. G. pndoy. 

Vallum pilorum — cilia, eyelashes. 

Warid ays A. — vena, vein, especially vena cava and vena 

al-Warid al-abhar es day ot A. — vena cava. 

-»- alajwaf 3523! Os,,) A. — id. G. xoidy. 

-»- ash-shiryani Bus Aa. A. — »vena arteriosa<, arteria 

Warak Sy» A. — 1. regio coxz; 2. os coxe, hip-bone. G. ioyioy. 

al- Waraqatan Rese A. — ale nasi, the wings of the nose. 

Wark S55 A. — see »warak«. 

Vas nervosum — ductus (vas) deferens. 

Vasa preparantia [vasor. spermaticor.| — Mundinus 12": ».. vasa 
spermatica sunt duplicia scilicet preparantia et differentia. 
Preparantia sunt que discendunt a locis predictis scilicet 
testiculis. & circa partem superiorem testiculorum inuoluun- 

tur & saccum quasi sibi faciunt.« 

-»- spermatica — (Mundinus 3Y) funiculi spermatici. 

-»- spermatica mulieris — (Mundinus 11°) tubze uterinze (Fallo- 
pian tubes). 

Vasculosa oculi — chorioidea. 

Vasculum bilis — vesica fellea, the gall-bladder. 

-»-  (testium) — scrotum. 

156 A. FONAHN. H:-F SKI. 
3354. Watad i 

fo ae SEE os A. {es A. — os sphenoidale, the sphenoid bone. 
3356. Watar Se, plur. awtar. tsi A. — tendo, tendon. G. vevgor. 
3357. al-Awtar js! A. — 1. the tendons; 2. pedunculi cerebri (crura 


3358. Watar al‘ aqib via Ss A. — tendo calcaneus (Achillis). 

3359: .->- al-azim ,absl 5 Ay = acd 

3360. -»- min ‘adalat as-sudgh eda} Rico ca a A. — tendo musculi 
temporalis, the tendon of the temporal muscle. 

of o a5 

3361. -»- min jins al-aghshiya Rass S| UAE Cy? ty A. — fascia-like 

tendon. G. tuerwdng olvdeouog. 

3362. Ubera — mamme. 

3363. Udn |.,3) A. — 1. ear; 2. in dual: atria of the heart, especially the 

auricule, auricles. 

3364. -»-  al-qalb hit a A. — id. G. zagdlag ove. 

3365. Udw ro plur. ada’ Heat Nee organ, part, member, limb (of 
the body). G. Coyavoy, ucotoy. 

3366. al-A‘da’ al-aliyya xJSI AWTS po envi organs. See »al- ada’ 

3367. ->- al-basita KhawJ} Flac) A. — the »simpels (»uncompound«) 

3368. -»-  al-batina xabll slic! A. — the inner organs aie: the 
organs within the abdomen. G. ta évtdcg, ta ozhayyva. 

3369. -»-  al-haiwaniyya Stench claasS! A. — the »animale parts, of 
the body. 

3370. ‘Udw mufrad basit Ao noong O58 pas A. — »simple« (»uncompound«) 
part of the body. 

3371. -»- murakkab Sis yeas, plur. al-a da’ al-murakkaba x45 7H Aes 
A. — »compound« part of the body, organ. deyavoy. 

3372. al-A°da al-mutashabiha Sealssxlt slaaS} A. — the »similar« parts, 
the »uncompounded« parts of the body. 

3373. ->-  an-nafsaniyya Ka iLamdast ‘ae Lae eane »psychic« parts. 


a FeV 














al-A°da’ at-tabi‘iyyya Xazasla!} sles! A — the »natural« parts. 
-»- at-tandsul \wliil} sleae’! A. — the genital organs. G. yevyn- 


Velalhat — ligaments of the knee-joints. 
Velamenta mirabilia — dura and pia mater. 
Vena — sometimes = artery. 

-»- ad medium — vena mediana. 

-»- adiutorii — see »vena alsahad«. 

-»- ahorti — aorta. 

Venze alabathi — Avic. (A.B.): ».. sunt venze brachij infra basili- 

cam (q. v.).« 

Vena alanfuta — vena ranina, the ranine vein. 

-»- alaurchob — vena ad calcem (Hyrtl}. 

-»- alba — ureter. 

Venze albze — lymph vessels. 

-»- albze renum — ureteres. . 

-»- albalesa -— Avic. (A.B.). ».. sunt venze posterioris capitis 

supra foveam nocree, et est pars, supra quam appodiatur 
caput apud resupinationem corporis¢. Venze occipitales, 
the occipital veins. See »venze alhalesze«, »vena alhasusas. 

Vena alhaleb — Avic. (A.B.): ».. est vena descendens ad inguina 
et vesicam et dicitur porsus viritides«. Ureter. 

Venz alhalesee — vene occipitales, the occipital veins. See »venz 
albalesa«, »vena alhasusa<. 

Vena alhasusa — vena occipitalis, the occipital vein. See »vv. al- 
halesze«, »v. albalesa<. 

Vena almabat — Avic. (A.B.): ».. vel almabit est vena que est 
sub genus. Vena saphena minor. See »almabat«. 

-»- alsahad — Avic. (A.B.): ».. est vena adiutorij«. Vena bra- 
chialis, the brachial vein. 

Venze alsebat(h)ji — Avic. (A.B.): »Vena alsebathi, seu subeticz 
sunt venz. arteriales situate sub venis guidegi (i. e. the 
jugular veins)<. Arterize carotides, the carotid arteries. 

Vena ampla — vena cava. 

-»- anaphusa — Sudh. Anat. 6: »Cor — de ipsa procedit magna 
vena, que in duas dividitur partes et iterum ab ea duz 
[aliae??] magnze venze quee ascendunt: [et veniunt] ad guttur 
et.veniunt ad fauces et palatum apparet in facie. et colliguntur 
eX omni parte. super utrumque timpus. et per totam fron- 

tem et iterum descundunt ad cerebrum et vocatur anaphusa«. 

158 A. FONAHN. fe -eae 

3397. Vena aorta — aorta. 

3398. Venze apoplecticee ) — Mundinus 17": »Et iste uene uocantur apo- 

3399. -»- apopleticee pletice: quia ex plenitudine earum frequenter 
fit apoplexia«. Venze jugulares, the jugular veins. 

3400. -»-  arterialis ) — (Avic. De anat. venee habentis ventrem) arteria 

3401. -»-  arteriosa pulmonalis. | 

2402. -»- ascellaris — Avic. (A.B): > Sat dixit Syrasi, est vena, quee 
apparet inter partem inferiorem brachij et partem domesti- 
cam ipsius, et ipsa est ramus bacilicae, ut dixit Avic.« Vide 
S. V. »v. circularis«. 

3403. -2- audax — aorta. 

3404. Venze balsates — Sudh. Chir. I. 176: C: »balsates dicuntur sub 
ascelis seu brachiis (D. sacrones)«. See »salsaces«. 

3405. Vena basilica — vide s. v. »vena epatica«. 

3406. Venz brachii de media — see »venz« [brachii] tortuosze ut 

3407. Vena catacesin — Sudh. Chir. 1.170: »De brachio incidimus uenas 
iii. id est cephalion. moson. catacesin« = »v. epatica» q.v. 

3408. -»- caudicis — vena cava. 

3409 -»-  cavilla — see »v. sub cavillis«. Vena saphena. 

3410. -»- cephalica — Sudh. Chir. Il. 136: »Cephalica uena est illa, que 
a capite habet principium < et) porrigitur super musculos 
per latitudinem brachii<. Vide s. v. »vena storomaticas. 

3411. -»- chillis (or chilis) — vena cava. G. [pdéw] xoidn. 

3412. -»-  cibaria — cesophagus. 

3413. -»-  circularis — Sudh. Chir. I. 177: »Uena circularis in vtroque 
brachis valet contra..« Parallel text in D.: »Vena ascel- 
laris est illa, que est posita sub basilica et ista est in curua- 
tura brachij..« In C.: »Uena transiens sinistro ac curuo 
modo in ambobus brachiis debet incidi..« (Vena mediana 
basilica ?). : 

3414. -»-  civilis — vide s, v. »v. vitis«. 

3415. -»- ciulis — see »v. medini«. 

3416. -»- coele — vena cava. (G. xoédy.) 

3417. -»- communis — vena mediana, the median vein. 

3418. -»- communis brachii — id. 

3419. -»- concava — (Avic.) vena cava. See »vena ventrem habens«s. 

3420. -»-  cordis — vena mediana, the median vein. — Cfr. »irq 

3421. -»-  corporalis } al-badan«, 

3422. -»- coxa — vena femoralis, the femoral vein. 














Vena crassa — vena cava. 

-»- cruralis (saphenze) — (Sudh. Chir. II. 289 A.) 

-»- cucullaris — Sudh. Chir. I. 182; »Vena, que est supra cubi- 
tum a parte silvestri in brachio sinistro«. Vena mediana 
cephalica sinistra (?). 

-»-  elevabilis — aorta. 

(quinque) Venze emorroydales — Mundinus 13°. ».. que in extre- 
mitate elus (i. e. virgze) sunt magis profunde in quibusdam 
peridis determinatis aperiuntur: & sit fluxus emorroydarum<. 

-»- emulgentes — Avic. De anat. venze ventrem habentis — de- 
scendentis: Postea procedunt ab ea duz venze magneze, quze 
emulgentes vocantur: et ad renes vadunt ad sanguinis aquo- 
sitatem colandam«. Mundinus g': ».. due uene (que ab 
ipsa — uena chilis — ramificantur): que uocantur emul- 
gentes: quarum una uadit ad renem dextrum altera ad 
sinistrum<«. Venz renales, the renal veins. 

Vena epatica — Sudh. Chir. 1. 183: »Vena epatica vel basilica habet 
arteriora |i. e. arteriam|] sub se, que a curuatura_ brachij 
separatur a basilica et tanto plus separatur ab ea, quanto 
plus accedit ad manum<. Vena basilica, the basilic vein. 
See »vena jecoraria<. 

Venze (duze) exteriores saphenze sub talis — (Sudh. Chir. I. 183). 

-»- faringae — venee jugulares, the jugular veins. 

Vena fasana — Sudh. Chir. I. 173: »uene .. impedibus (in pedibus)} 
sunt iiij uene, ij intra, ij extra... intra dicuntur fasane sub 
canillis (cavillis = malleolis) pedum. — extra dicuntur 
slatice sub cauillis pedums. 

-»- frontis — (Sudh. Chir. I. 172). 

-»- fusca — Sudh. Chir. I. 132: »Ventosacio (cupping) duarum 
interiorum partium focilium brachiorum. valet ut flebotomia 
venarum, scilicet basilice, fusce id est mediane et cephalices. 

Vena mediana. 

-»- genitalis — urethra. 
Venze genitales — ductus deferentes (vasa deferentia). 
Vena grandis — (Benedictus) I. vena cava; 2. aorta. 

Venz gronides — Sudh. I. 176: »Duc vene colli. vocantur gronides 
et speriuntur...«. 

-»>- guidegi — vene jugulares, the jugular veins. Vide s. v. 
>venze alsebathi<. 

Vena gulze — vide s. v. »gula«. 













A. FONAHN. H.-F. K1. 

Vena humeraria — vena cephalica, the cephalic vein. A. al-qifal 
Skanast . 

-»>-  janitrix — vena porte. 

-»- jecoraria — I. vena cava; 2. vena basilica. See »vena 

-»- Jesue — see »vena Mesue«. Emissarium parietale. 

-»-  illatica — (Sudh. Chir. I. 182) = »illaca« (iliaca)? 

Venz in angulis oculorum — (ibid. 172). 

-»- in faucibus oris — (ibid. 182). 

Vena in poplicibus (poplitibus) — (ibid. 189). 

Venz in puppi capitis — (ibid. 172). 

Vena inferius pedis — see »vena uva pedis«. 

Venze interiores sub talis — (Sudh. Chir. I. 183). 

-»- jiugulares — arteriz carotides, the carotid arteries. 

Vena iugularis manifesta — (Avic.) vena jugularis externa, the 
external jugular vein. 

-»- jugularis submersa — (Avic.) vena jugularis interna, the 
internal jugular vein. 

Venze iuveniles — venze jugulares externz, the external jugular 

Vena kili — = »v. chilix, »v. quilic, »v. kylis«, »v. coele«. Vena 
cava. (G. xoihn.) 

-»- kylis — id. 

Venz labiorum — labial veins. 

Vena laterania (& laterana) — Sudh. Chir. J. 168: = »v. epatica« 
(q. v.). Ibid. 170: »Epaticam incidimus id est lateranam 
propter epatis dolorem et pleurosis querelam et stomachi 
causas. et alias multas passiones«. Vena basilica, the 

basilic vein. 

Venz laterum — (ibid. 178). 

-»- lethargicae — venze jugulares, the jugular veins. 

Vena lienaria — Benedictus V. 6 & V. 11 =? (vein on the arm?). 

-»- magna 

ee hey, } — vena cava. 

-»- media — Vena mediana, the median vein. 

-»- medini — Avic. (A.B.): » .. ab aliquibus vocatur vena ciulis 
(q. v.) — & est egritudo accidens precipue in civitate Me- 

dini apud Mechams. (Varices, phlebectasia?) 
Venze meserzei — (Avic.) = venze mesentericee, the mesenteric 


3468. Wena meson — Sudh. Chir. Il. 136: »Meson uena a pulmone prin- 
cipium habet, ponitur fere in extremo ab ¢ inferiori uel) 
superiori super altitudinem brachii <a superiori siue in- 

. feriori>«. Vide s.v. »vena storomatica<. 

3469. -»- Mesue — emissarium parietale. VA 

3470. Venz micantes — arteries. 

3471. -»- narium — (Sudh. Chir. J. 182). 

3472. Vena nigra — 1. Vena mediana, the median vein (antibrachii); 
2. Vena cephalica (antibrachii). See »sceile<, »irq al- 

3473. -»- organalis — trachea. 

3474. -»-  organica — »sive [p/neumatica< (Sudh. Chir. Il. rr2, 188, 189, 
260, 280). Vena jugularis externa, the external jugular vein. 

3475. Venez palati — Sudh. Chir. 1. 182: »Venz pallati quatuor sunt et 
valent incidi contra fluxum materie reumatice facientem 
dolorem in dentibuss. 

3476. Vena pedica minoris — Sudh. Chir. I. 180: »Vena pedica minoris 
valet contra vicia renum, vesice, matricem, testiculorem, 
contra paralisin et alias guctas (guttas) malas«. 

2477.  ->- pleuretica — Sudh. Chir. I. 2139825: 4. id est epatica« q. v. 

3478. -»- pneumatica — see »v. organica<. 

3479-— =>=-- perta-—.  vena- porte. 

3480. -»- profunda — vena cava. 

3481. Venze profunde — Mundinus 17°: ».. quia sunt locate in pro- 
fundo iuxta siue supra musculos pondilium colli<. See 
»venze apoplecticees. Venze jugulares, the jugular veins. 

3482. Vena pulmatica — Sudh. Chir. 1. 161: »Aries respicit Zephalicam, 
cancer pulmaticam, libra valet preter nates etc.«. 

3483. -»- pulmona — ibid. 170: »De quibus locis flebetomare debent 
homines. — De manu duas uenas, unam secus digitum 
pollicem pulmonam et alia minimum digitum propter infla- 
tiones splenis«. 

3484. Venze pulsatiles — arteries. 

3485. Vena purpurea — Sudh. Chir. I. 178: »Vena purpurea contra pas- 
siones minuitur inferiorum<. Ibid. 182: ».. is situated on 
the forearm« (Sudh.). 

3486. -»- que circa radicem cordis circumligatur — (Mundinus 15°) venee 

| coronariz magna cordis, the great coronary vein. 

3487. Venz quietz 3 } 

Bee yk Sauiietes } — (Avic.) veins, »venz non pulsatiles<. 

Vid.-Selsk. Skrifter. II. H.-F. Kl. 1921. No. 7. 11 

162 A. FONAHN. H.-F. Kl. 

3489. Vena quili — vena cava. G, xoidn [pdéw). 

3490. -»- recta in fronte — (Sudh. Chir. II. 378). 

3491. Venee renum — (Avic.) = »venz emulgentes«, venz renales. 

3492. -»- salientes — vide s. v. »salsaces<. 

3493. -»- salsaces — see »salsaces<. 

3494. -»-  salsetos — (Sudh. Chir. J. 157) = »vene salsaces«, »venze 
salvatellae< ? 

3495. -»-  saltantes — arteries. 

3496. Vena salvatella — see »salvatella<, »sceile<, etc., »alaseilem«, »al- 
usailim«. j 

3497. -»-  sciadica — vena saphena parva (minor, externa), the small 
saphenous vein. 

3498. -»- sciatica sub cavilla — (Sudh. Chir. I. 183). 

3499. Venze sectae — (Sudh. Chir. 1. 182) = »venz sub fessis«, »venze 
sessus“, »vene sSexus<, 

3500. -»- seminariz — Benedictus Il. 17: » .. geminze ad capita testium 
a renibus devenient, pori dicti<. Venae spermaticee, the 
spermatic veins. 

3501. -»-  sessus — (Sudh. Chir, I. 182) = »venze sub fessis«, »venze 
sectze«, >»venze SeXus<. 

3502. -»- somni — Mundinus 17°: »quia ex naturale opillatione facta 
in rete iam dicto causatur somnus»>. See »venz apople- 
ticee« (venze jugulares). 

3503. -»- soporariza — (Avic.) arteriz carotides, the carotid arteries. 
See »venz subetices«. 

3504. Vena spatularis — Avic. De anat. venze habent. ventr.: ».. una 
vero harum venarum super spatulam extenditur: et ipsa 
est, quze vocatur spatularis, ex qua est cephalica ..« Vena 
axillaris, the axillary vein? 

3505. Venze sphagitides — venze jugulares, the jugular veins. 

3506. Vena splenatica — 1. vena lienalis, the splenic vein; 2. see also 
S v. »vena storomatica«. 

3507. -»- storomatica — Sudh. Chir. II. 36 A: »Notandem est ubique 
uenas esse in plicatura brachii: cephalica est superius, 
post epatica sub ipsa storomatica, post meson de pulmone, 
inferius splenetica, de qua pro uitio splenis inter auricularem 
iq. v.| digitum et medium est minuendum«. G. oravewua- 
tizi) = »the crossed vein at the bend of the elbow« (Sudh). 

3508. Venz sub cavillis (i. e. malleolis) pedum — (Sudh. Chir. 183). 

(duze) Venze sub fessis — (ibid. I. 182). 






Venz’ sub lingva — (ibid. I. 182). 

Vena sub mento — (ibid. I. 182 etc.). 

->- sub praepucio — (ibid. I. 183). 

-»- sub satnis — ibid. I. 178: »Vena sub satnis incisa in cardiaca 
multum confert«. 

Venz subeticaze — (Avic.) arteriz carotides, the carotid arteries. 
See »al-irq as-subatic. 

Vena super digitos minores [pedis] — (Sudh. Chir. I. 183). 

-»- super digitum minimum [manus] — (ibid. I. 178). See »vena 

-»- super indicem pedis — (ibid. I. 183). 

->- super pedicam maiorem — (ibid. I. 189). 

->- super pedicam minorem — (ibid. I. 183). 

-»- super pollicem — (Sudh. Chir.). 

->- super prepucium — (ibid. I. 178). 

->- super priapum — (ibid. I. 178): »Vena super priapum valet 
contra tumores et inflaciones testiculorum et contra omnia 

vicia vesice ex arena et calculo et contra omnia alia mala<. 

-»-  titillaris — ibid. I. 178: »Vena illiaca et titillaris aperitur pro 
passionibus inferiorum«. See the next. 

-»-  tocillarum splenis — (ibid. ]. 182): = »vena titillaris«, (q. v.), 
>v. circularis<« (q. v.) = »v. cucullaris« (q. v.). Vena me- 

diania basilica (?). 

Venz [brachii] tortuosae ut funes — (ibid. J. 172) = »venz brachii 
de media<. 

Vena transiens sinistro — (ibid. I. 182). 

->- vene ‘Ss 

seep peat ehiake ; — (ibid. Il. 594) vena cava. 

-»- ventrem habens — vena cava. 

-»>- viridis (= uritis) — ureter. 

-»- vitis (seu civilis) — Sudh. Chir. I. 586: »De vena, que appel- 
latur vitis seu ciuilis, et varicibus, que in curibus fiunt«. = 
ztgovc? (varix, phlebectasia). See »v. medinic, »v. ciulis<. 

-»- uritis — ureter. See »vena viridis«. 

-»- uva (scilicet inferius) pedis — Sudh. Chir. I. 180: (Vene in 
quibus consultum est flebotomare:) ».. iuxta caviculam 
(= malleolum) . .< 

Venee zarus — (ibid. J. 182) = »venz sub fessis<. 

Veneris oestrus — clitoris. 

164 A. FONAHN. 1G ao) eg) SE 

3536. Venter cordis dexter — (Avic.) ventriculus cordis dexter, the right 
ventricle of the heart. 

3537. -»-  cordis medius — (Avic.) »quem Galen. nominavit foveam (in 
the margin: delizi |q. v.|) aut meatum, non ventrem<, 

3538. -»-  cordis sinister — (Avic.) ventriculus cordis sinister, the left 
left ventricle of the heart. 

3539. -»-  cranii — Avic. De anat. vene habent. ventrem: »Quod 
autem post harum venarum transmissionem remanet; ad 
cranij ventrem penetrat in fine suturae lambda; et inde 
spargitur ramos in duobus cerebri panniculis ad nutriendum 
eos etc.«. Cavum cranii. 

3540. -»- hepatis — (Avic.) facies superior hepatis, the upper (convex) 
surface of the liver. 

3541. -»- inferior (= imus, infimus) — (Mundinus 1?) vide s v. »venter 
superior«, »sumen« (Spigelius). 

3542. -»- mediuS — the breast; vide s. v. »venter superior<. 

3543. -»-  sumus (sive supremus) — the head. 

3344. -»- superior — Mundinus 1%: »Tres autem sunt ventres in cor- 
pore... superior qui continet membra amimata ut caput. 
Inferior qui continet membra naturalia. Medius qui continet 
membra spiritualia«. 

3545. -»-  ureteris — pelvis renis. 

3546. Ventriculus cerebri — see also »concavitas cerebri«, >alderez<. 

3547- Ventriculi cerebri anteriores — (Avic. De anat. venze habent. 
ventrum). Ventriculi cerebri laterales, the lateral ventricel 
of the brain. 

3548 Ventriculus cerebri medius — (Avic.) ventriculus cerebri quartus, 
the fourth cerebral ventricle (?). 

3549. -»-  cordis (dexter: et sinister) — (Avic.) see also »venter cordis 
(dexter, medius, sinister)«. 

3550. Ventriculi hepatis — Avic. De anat. venee, que vocatur porta: »Et 
dicemus, quod portee extremitas, quze in hepatis submergitur 
ventriculis . . « 

3551. Ventriculus nobilis — ventriculus cerebri quartus, the fourth cere- 
bral ventricle. 

3552. Venula — Sudh. Chir. II. 145: »Oportet autem caute incidere propter 
neruos et uenulas, ne ultra modum sanguis exeat, et sic 
facta incisione testiculus extra foliculum reprimatur . . « 

3553. Vepra (= verpus) ) 

Bee aVeretrim fae penis. Also »verpa«. 






Vermis — Mundinus 21°: ».. & a latere uniuscuiusque inter uen- 
triculos iam dictos (i. e. »ventricul. anterior« |lateralis| et 
»medius<« |{quartus| cerebri) est substantia una rubea san- 
guinea: facta ad modum uermis oblongi siue subterranei: 
ligata ligamentis & neruulis alterutrinque: que ad sui elon- 
gationem constringit & claudit anchas (q. v.; here the tha- 
lami optici): & uiam siue transitum ab anteriori ad medium 
(i. e. fourth ventricle): & contra. Et quando homo uult 
cessare a cogitatione & rursus in consideratione eleuat 
parietes: & dilatat anchas ut possit spiritus transire de uno 
uentriculo ad alios: & propterea uocatur uermis: tum quia 
assimulatur uermi subterrjaneo in substantia & figura: & 
etiam in motu contractiuo: & extensiuo«. Plexus choriodeus 
ventriculi jcerebri] tertii, the chorioid plexus of the third 
cerebral ventricle. 

Verpa — penis. Also »vepra« (q. v.). 

Vertebra — Benedictus I. 3: »sive coxa« (q. v.). Castelli: acetabulum 
= vertebra, »quia in ea caput femoris vertitur«. Avicenna 

often uses the word »spondylis« for vertebra. 

-»- dendata ; 

: } — epistropheus (axis) or second cervical vertebra. 
-»- dentigera 
Vertebrze dorsi — (Avic. De anat. spondyl. pect. — Annotationes). 

— (Benedictus V. 23) atlas or first cervical 
->- magna 

Vertebra epistrophea | 
5 ae eter 
Vertebrum — 1. caput femoris, the head of the femur or thigh- 
bone, Sudh. Chir. II. 144 A: »Si uero exteriorem culpa, 
ut casu, uertebrum siam (q. v.) exeat.«; 2. caput humeri, the 
head of the humerus or armbone; 3. Mundinus 24%: »In 
parte inferiori habet pisidem (q. v.) quandam: in cuius 
concauitate locata est extremitas rotunda canne coxe 
(= caput femoris); que uertebrum uocatur: & in medio 
amborum in parte interiori est quoddam ligamentum quod 
potest uocari uertebrum«. Ligamentum teres femoris, the 

round ligament. 

Vertex — coccyx (os coccygis). 
Vertibulum — vertebra. 

Veruculum } 3 OEE 

Vescet — cesophagus. 

166 A. FONAHN. H.-F. Kl. 

3570. Vesica chistis — (Mundinus 8°) corpus vesicze felleze, the body of 
the gall-bladder (in opp. to the collum). 

3571. -»- chyli — receptaculum chyli. 

3572. Vesicula biliaria | 

3573. -»-  bilis — vesica fellea or gall-bladder. 

3574. -»-  bilis flavee | 

3575. VWestigium pedis — lower part of the foot. 

3576. Vetula — the sacrum + coccyx; 2. anus; 3. the rugous skin around 
the navel. Spigelius 9: »Cutis rifgosa, quae circa umbili- 
cum est, yeas, Vetula, quod in modum frontis vetulz 
rugosa sit in homines. 

3577. Ugene — regio ossis zygomatici (malaris), the region of the zy- 
gomatic (malar) bone. Cp. »alchad», »khadd«, »mala<, 

3578. Wia cles, plur. aw iya ai) A. — reservoir; blood-vessel, 
G. Gyyeéiov. 

3579. -»-  al-manni csi ley A. — see »majra |-manni« coil See. 
Ductus deferentes (vasa deferentia), and the tubz uterine, 
uterine (or Fallopian) tubes. 

3580. al-Wi‘a’an ash-shabihan bil-qirstis wew,alls jleadtt tele! A. — 
see »al barbakhan etc. « 

3581. Via aeris — trachea. 

3582. -»- perforata — ventriculus cerebri tertius, the third cerebral 

3583. -»- venarum — see »gedeuil« (jadawil al-urtg Gaal Sight \s=)ie 

3584. Vibratores — ductus deferentes (vasa deferentia). 

3585. al-Widaj alladi mima yali zahir al-badan 8 uk lee orl lose 
call A. — vena jugularis externa, the external jugular 
vein. G, éziodng opayitic. 

3586. -»- al-gh@ir plat che A. — vena jugularis interna, the inter- 
nal jugular vein. (According to Wahrm. Arabic Dictionary 
‘Cp. Richardson, Persian & Arabic Dictionary) wadaj 
_ = vena jugularis). G. due Badovg opayitec. 

3587. Villi — fibres (muscular, nervous, ligamentous). 

3588. -»-  latitudinales meri — (Mundinus 18") vide s. v. »tunica extrins. 





Se Ry 










Villi longitudinales meri — (ibid.) vide s. v. »tunica extrins. meric. 

-»- longitudinales stomachi — (Mundinus 6’). 

->-  nervorum auditus — Mundinus 23°: »Et eius (i. e. auris) 
foramen uel cauernositates cooperit panniculus subtilis con- 
textus ex uillis neruorum auditus iam supradictorum. « 

-»- transversales stomachi — (Mundinus 6°). 

Vinculum — ligamentum, ligament. 

->- caninum — (Spigelius 10) frenulum preeputil. 

Wigaya li-fam al-maida sdzll .2) xls, A. -—- »protection of the 
cardiae, processus xiphoideus, the xiphoid process (of the 

Virga — penis. 

-»- cerebri — corpus pineale, the pineal body (glandula pinealis). 
NaS Pp 

-»- muliebris — clitoris. 

Virtus cogitativa — Mundinus 21": ».. uentriculus medius qui est 

sicut quedam uia & transitus ab anteriori ad posteriorem: 
_& in isto locata est uirtus cogitatiua: & merito quia hec 
uirtus operatur componendo fantasiata & memorata ut ex 
sensatis eliciat non sensata. Item quia ipsa est uirtus regi- 
tiua totius animalis.. « 

Vis allzeotica — (Benedictus II. 10). Gorrzeus: aslowwtixn dtvauts 
= »alteratrix facultas<. 

->- cathectica — (ibid.) Gorr.: zadextixzn dtvautg = »facultas 

retentrix<. Benedict.: »vis retentatrix«. 

-»- retentatrix — (ibid.) see »vis cathectica<. 

Witaga x23, A. — firmness, solidity. 

Umbellicus — umbilicus, 

Umbilicus — 1. umbilicus, the navel; 2. corda umbilicalis, the um- 

bilical cord. See »alborati«. 

-»- veneris — dimple. 

Umbo — cartilago thyreoidea, the thyroid cartilage. 

Umm ad-dimagh ela! I A. — »the mother of the brain«, dura 

Umma d-dimigh zlsaJ} UI A. — othe two mothers of the brains, 

al-Umm al-jafiya x.3l31 -St A.-— dura mater. 


->- ar-raqiqa R845 JI ei A. — pia mater. 

168 A. FONAHN, H.-F. Kl. 

3612. Unaba — Avic. (A.E.): » .. sunt additamenta duo in cerebro carun- 
cularum mamillarum<.. 

3613. al- Unfut(a) (x)barsi! A. — see »alanfuta«. 

3614. Unio nervorum opticorum — chiasma [nervorum opticorum|. 


3615. “Unq (He A. collum, neck. 

3616. -»- ‘azm al-katif (or al-katf) Axx alas ee A. — 1. collum 
scapulee, the neck of the shoulder-blade; 2. processus cora- 
coideus, the coracoid process. G 1. aiyny tng wuomharng; 
2. ayzvooElong amopvote. 

3617. .-»- al-kulya xls (ys A. — ureter. See »majra_ |-bawl« 
Soil uss and halib UJle. 

3618. -»-  al-marara 85h all (He A. — collum vesicze felleze. G. avyry 
Tre yodndoyov “oOTEWS. 

3619. -»- al-mat&na x3lxt} (He A. — »collum vesiceze urinarize« (does 
not exist), pars prostatica + pars membranacea_ urethra. 
G. atyry tre zvOTEWs; Ogtng xLOTEWS TOayvhoc. 

- oe) se] z u 

3620. -»-  ar-rahim (or rihm) a>) (aS (or >) A. — I. cervix uteri; 
2. vagina. G. 0 tng untoeag advyny (teazvdoc). 

3621. -»- - at-tihal Si<al} (ge A. — »collum splenis<, vena lienalis, 
the splenic vein. 

3622. Unta sl A. — female embryo. 

3623. al-Untayan estat A. — testiculi, the testicles, G. doyetg; 2. ovaria, 
the ovaries. 

3624. Voceusa — patella, the knee-pan. 

3625. Vola manus — (Avic. De anat. digit.) = »planta manus». (The vola 
‘and planta| does here not include the fingers.) 

3626. Uracum — urachus. 

w of 

3627. Urbiyya xy) A. — 1. ingven; 2. trochanter minor, the lesser 
trochanter. G. oxéhove meoopvote. 

3928. Uropygium — os coccygis, the coccyx. See ‘us us. 

3629. al- Urqtb Os3,2/! A. — tendo calcaneus (Achillis), See »alarchub«, 

3630. al-Usailim ,iswS} A. — »vena salvatella«, between the 4th and 5th 

metacarpal bone. 


Rioee es 








No. 7. 


al- Uslim palwSt A. — id. 


. “Usus Vases A. — os coccygis, the coccyx. See »uropygiums. 





G. xoxxv§. 

\ ee uvula. See »algasamata«, »uvifera<, »uvigena¢. 

->- pendens J >uvigera«, »auneb«, 

Uvea — 1. uvula; 2. iris; Mundinus 22’: ».. est uuea dicta sic: quia 

simulatur medio folliculo grani uue nigre in cuius medio 
uersus corneam est foramen quod dicitur pupilla: facta 
est ut-species uisibilis possit peruenire usque ad christa- 


} — uvula. See »uva<, »algasamata«, »sibilus«, etc. 

Vulpes — musculus psoas. 

— 1. uterus; 2. »extremitas colli matricis [i. e. vaginze|« 

(Mundinus 117 b) vulva. 

al-Wusta , .b.J) A. — the middle finger. 
CS =) 
Uvula — see also »uva«, »uveas, etc. 
-) - 
. Uzaim 4s A. — a small bone. 


Yleon — (Mundinus 5°) intestinum ileum. 

Ylium — (ibid. 2") regio iliaca. 

-»- dextrum — vide s.v. »ypocondrium dextrum<. 

-»- sinistrum — vide s. v. »ypocondrium dextrums. 
Ymaginativa — vide s. v. »fantasia«. 

Yodes — os hyoideum, the hyoid bone. 

Ypocundrium — hypochondrium, regio hypochondriaca. 

-»- dextrum — Mundinus 2": »Partes uero laterales sunt duo: 

ypocundria & ylia. Et est ypocundrium dextrum et sini- 
strum. Dextrum ubi locatum est epar et ypocundrium 
sinistrum ubi locatum est splen & ylium dextrum & sini- 

strum similiter sub ypocundris.« 

-»- sinistrum — vide s.v. »ypocundrium dextrums. 

Ysophagus — cesophagus. 

170 A. FONAHN, Jalal. [Ral 

3653. Zahir lb A. — superficial (e. g. of the cutaneous veins [ar-Razi)). 
G. ézucolne. 

3654. -»-  al-badan cal pe A. — id. 

3655. Zahr pa A. — the back (dorsum). 

3656. -»-  al-ghalsama Karalast 3b A. — the ventral surface of the 
epiglottis. G. vwrog tig éntyhwttivoc. 

3657. -»-  al-ghudruf al-awwal SoS be wail ab A. — »the back of 
the first cartilage«, the crista of the thyroid cartilage. 

3658 ->- al-ghudrif attani ilu! 4, aa! 25 A. — othe back of 
the second cartilage«, the median ridge of the dorsal sur- 
face of the lamina cartilaginis cricoidez. 

3659. -»-  al-kaff Cast ab A. — dorsum manus. 

3660. Za’ida s0ut;, plur. zawa’id ale A. = processus, process; apo- 
physis. G. aopvotc. Cp. »additamentum«. 

3661. az-Za idatan al-halamiyyatan cael dat A. — Koning, Gloss. : 
»les prolongements [du cerveau| qui ressemblent a des 
mamelons; lobules olfactifs ou ethmoidaux des animaux.« 

3662. az-Za’idat al-ibriyya 3201 sat It A. — processus styloideus (ossis 
temporalis), the styloid process (of the temporal bone). 
G. Bedovoetdne. 

3663. -»-  al-jambiyya min al-faqara 8 Laat ea Xagachh sat A. — 
processus transversus vertebree, the transverse process (of 
a vertebra). G. ei¢ td mhaytoy, mhayia anopvote. 

3664. -»-  al-kabid (or al-kabd) ese sal A. — lobus hepatis, lobe of 
fhe sivier: 

3665. -»-  al-khalf min al-faqara 5 Laat oe Cal3t sda} I A. — processus 
spinosus, the spinous process (of a vertebra). G. ozcovdthov 
UmlOSLOS Cacdpvoele. 

3666. -»-  al-mafsiliyyat ash-shakhisa XeSLinJ] Saluaal} Sst A, — the 
articular process (of a vertebra); — »ila asfal« = the in- 

ferior, and — »ila fawq« = the superior articular, process. 















az-Za idat al mafsiliyyat ash-shakhisa ila asfal — the inferior arti- 
cular process [of a vertebra. 
->- al-mafsiliyyat ash-shakhisa ila fawq — the superior articular 

process [of a vertebra). 

-»-  al-minqariyya <,aalt Butt A. — processus coracoideus 
[scapulze], the coracoid process. 

Zawi id muntakisa XuXcis Dales A. — inferior articular processes 
[of a vertebral. 

az-Zai’ dat as-sahmiyya See Bs A. — processus styloideus 

[ossis temporalis], the styloid process [of the temporal bone’. 

G. Behovoetdre. 
-»- ash-shabiha bil“amiid dsaelly X2n.5Jt saat) A. — id. 
->- ash-shabiha bi-hamalat at-tudy (or at-tady) SUS keuckl} sdst St 
: * Sats Y) 

cg dti} A. — 1. processus condyloideus {mandibulz], the. 
condyloid process [of the mandible]; 2. processus mastoi- 

deus, the mastoid process. 

->- ash-shabiha bil-ibra 3.3Sls XzracaJl 525.) A. — processus styloi- 

deus [ossis temporalis|, the styloid process [of the temporal 
bone]. G. Behovoeidne, youpoenc, orvdoedng escopvate. 

-»- ash-shabiha bil-janah 

GEG Kernan sot} A. — processus 

c : 
pterygoideus [ossis sphenoidalis|, the pterygoid process | of 

the sphenoid bone]. G. screguyoedng arcopvate. 

-»- ash-shabiha bil-manara $,listls Keane sath A. — othe 


minaret-like process«, processus styloideus |ossis temporalis , 

the styloid process {of the temporal bone). 

-»- _ash-shabiha bil-misalla Lally Xoasdul Batt A. — id. (»misalla« 


— a large needle for sewing sacks). 
->- _ ash-shabiha bi-taraf al-misalla SLi) fs Senainll AOI JTA.— id. 
cel RaalLas SA0 3} A. — pro- 

->- ash-shakhisa ila asfal \aud 
cessus articularis inferior [vertebra], the inferior articular 

proces |of a vertebral. 

->- ash-shikhisa ila fawq (#43 (gi) ReSLall sant} A. — pro- 

cessus articularis superior [vertebrae], the superior articular 

process /of a vertebra. 

172 A. FONAHN. H.-F ok: 

3681. az-Zai’dat as-sughra min qasabat al-fakhid (or al-fakhd) (5 sal) Bat 
Bets mee ye AL trochanter minor, the lesser tro- 
chanter. G. (utxo0c) tooxartno Tot wneov. 

3682. az-Zandan ois A. — 1. antibrachium, the forearm (»the two 
zand‘s«); 2. tibia + fibula. 

3683. az-Zand al-ala che See A. —* >the superior zand«, 1. the 
radius; 2. the fibula. 

3684. -»- al-asfal \awS! st A. — »the inferior zand«, 1. the ulna; 
2. tibia. 

3685. -»-  al-fawqanl (oils, a} d5t} A. — the radius. 

3686. ->- as-suflini “3am! aij} A. — the ulna. 

3687. -»- Zarfin OSS A. — see »zirfin«, »zurfin«, and »zephine. 

3688. -»>- Zawiya S20)5, plur. ziwaya vely3 A. — edge, border, margin, 
angle, corner. 

3689. az-Zawiyata I-fawqaniyyatan |.) AEseieyes) ag Il A. — the [two] upper 

angles [of the thyreoid cartilage]. 

3690. -»-  al-ghudruf al-awwal Jed! wie coal ay! 5) A.. — the apper 
and lower angles of the thyreoid cartilage. 

3691. Zawiyat al-lahy col Say! A. — angulus mandibule, the angle 
of the mandible or lower jaw. G. xaumn tg xatw yévvoc. 

3692. az-Zawiyata s-suflaniyyatan . Reventon ae! 5} A. — the lower angles 
of the thyreoid cartilage). 

3693. az-Zaw] a2¥l A. — I. arcus zygomaticus, the zygomatic arch. 
G. Stywuca. See »azm az-zawj<; 2. zawj = a pair (of cere- 
bral nerves). 

3694. -»-  al-awwal Je! cos A. — »the first pair |of cerebral nerves|« 
—= modern: the second cerebral nerve, or optic nerve. 

3695. -»-  at-talit VSL) ay A. »the third pair |of cerebral nerves |« 
= the fifth or trigeminal nerve. 

3696. -»-  at-tani ei a3) A. — »the second pair [of cerebral 

nerves|« = the third or oculo-motor nerve. 











31°97 - 


az-Zawj al-khamis mal St nos A. — »the fifth pair [of cerebral 


nerves|« = the seventh + eighth or facial and acoustic nerve. 

->-  ar-rabi* hae oop A. — »the fourth pair |of cerebral nerves « 

= nervi palatini from the trigeminal. 

-»- as-sabi° eaglumt! —..J! A. — >the seventh pair [of cerebral 
C G7 
nerves|« = the twelth or hypoglossal nerve. 
->-  as-SAdiS (wlan! aoe A. — »the sixth pair [of cerebral 
nerves] = the ninth + tenth + eleventh or glossopharyn- 

geal + vagus + accessory (to vagus) nerve. 
oe -Ce . . . 
az-Zawraql sty ap A. — os naviculare, the navicular (or scaphoid) 

Zephena — 1. cavum conchz (of the ear); 2. meatus acusticus 

(auditorius) externus, the external acoustic meatus. 

Zephin — articulatio mandibularis, the mandibular (or temporo- 
mandibular) joint. 
Hyrtl and his learned orientalistic collaborator have 
tried to find the etymology of the word »zephin«; but 
»alle Erhebungen tiber die Genealogie dieses Wortes waren 
There can, however, according to my opinion, be no serious 

objection to the identification of the »zephin« with the (Persian) 

anatomical term »zarfin« (»zirfin« or »zurfin«) yya2y3 used 

e.g. by ar-Razi (see the text in Koning, page 15), of 
which Dr. de Koning remarks: »Endroit ot la machoire 
inférieure se joint au crane. Cavité glenoide de l’os tem- 

poral ou bien l’articulation méme?« See also Kon., Gloss. : 

Rich., Dict.: Plersian|] cyte y3 zarfin, A bar, a bolt, or ring 
of a door. 

Zeudech ) — Hyrtl: locus fonticuli frontalis, and sutura sagittalis. 

Zeudeck See »zubendech«, ete. 

Zifr 2b A. — unguis, nail, 

Ziyada 35s, A. — elongation, excrescence, process (e. g. of the brain). 


3708. Zimphac — peritoneum. Cp. »sifaq«, »siphac«. 

3709. Zinzia mater — pericranium. 

3710. Ziphac — see »sifaq«, »siphac«. 

3711. Zirbus — omentum. A. See »tarb« ws. See »girbum«, 

3712. Zirfin ey P. — see »zarfin«, (»zurfin«), »zephin«. 

3713. Zophena — see »|vena] Serene 

3714. Zubendech 

3715. Zuendech ¢ — Hyrtl: locus fonticuli frontalis, see »zeudech«. 

3716. Zuendeh 

3717. az-Zujajiyya (or az-zijajiyya) xa le sl A. — corpus vitreum, the 
vitreous body (of the eye). 

3718. Zygodes — (Benedictus IV. 24) = »jugale«. Gorrzeus: Cvywdeg = 

zygoma, Ctywua. Arcus zygomaticus, the zygomatic arch- 

Printed June 10, 1922. 


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QM Fonahn, Adolf Mauritz 
$1 Arabic and Latin anatomical 
65 terminology 


kK Medical