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Full text of "The art of logicke. Plainly taught in the English tongue, according to the best approved authors. .."

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Plainly  taught  in  the  Englifh  Tongue, 
according  to  thebeft  approoued 

.    A.VTHOVRS. 

Very  necefTary  for  all  Stvdents  in  any 

Proftfiion ,  how  to  defend  any  Argument  again  ft  all 

'  fubtill  Sophi{ter$,andcaueliingSchifmatikcs,and 

how  to  confute  their fd ft  Sytkgifmes^&nd 

apiitus  Arguments. 

By  M.  Blyndevhe.' 

L  O  N  D    O 


Printed  by  William  $tanshy>  and  are  to  be 

fold  by  Matthew  Lownes. 

1 6 1  p. 



To  the  Reader. 

M*  <^g  biding  here  to  treat  e  of  the  Art  of 
\f  1%  Logicke  in  our  "vulgar  tongue ,  for 
*J)  the  profit  of  thofe  my  (jountrey- 
|5  men ,  that  are  not  learned  in  for- 
raine  tongues:  I  thinke  it  nofhame 
nor  robberie  to  borrow  termes  of 
the  f aid  Art from  the  La  tines ,  afi- 
^ell  as  they  did  from  the  Greekes :  and  Jpeci 'ally  finch 
termes  as  cannot  bee  aptly  expreffed in  our  natnit-* 
Jpeech  :  and  yet  therewith  I  doe  not  forget  plainly  to 
Jhew  the  fi unification  of  euery  fiucb  terme,  fo  as  euery 
man  may  eajily  lender fiand  Ktbat  each  terme  figni- 
fieth :  thinking  it  much  better  fib  to  doe,  then  to  faints 
new  Coords  Improper for  thepurpofie,  asfiome  of  latt^ 
haue  done.  j4ndas  my  minde  is  hereby  to  pleafie  tbc^, 
Unlearned,  that  are  defircus  of  learning,  bauin?  both 
good 'frits,  andalfo-ood  difpofhionwith  aptneffeto 
learne.  So  my  hope  is  not  to  cjfend  the  learned ,  ^vho, 
lam  Jure  doe  well  allow  of  Ariftotle,  in  faying,  that 
euery  good  thing,  the  more  common  it  be,  the  better  h 
is :  ney  ther  are  they  ig  n  or  an  t ,  that  in  old  time  pa  ft, 
tfiwell  the  Greekes  as  the  Lames ,  of  -frbat  Jrte  fioe- 

5   2  Her 

To  the  Reader. 

tier  they  wrote,  each  one  "Wrote  the  fame,  for  the  moth 
part  ,  in  his  owns  Vulgar  fpeech.  Euery  man  is  not 
able  in  thefe  cojily  dayes ,  to  find  either  himjelfeor 
hisChildeattbe  Vniuerfnie 9  whom  if God  notwith- 
fianding  hath  indued  with  a  liuely  wit,  and  made-* 
him  f)  apt  to  learning,  as  hauing  Jome  belpe  at  home, 
he  may  by  bis  owne  indujlry ,  attaine  ynto  right  good 
knowledge, nnd  be  made  thereby  the  more  able  to  glo- 
rifie  God ,  and  to  profit  bis  Countrey.  Truly,  I  fee  n* 
eaufe  why  the  learned fbould  difdatne ,  or  beemifcon- 
tem  that  fuch  Manor  Child fbould bee  freely  taught 
this  or  any  other  good  Arte  ,  without  any  cofi  or 
charge.  Wherefore  arming  my  felfe  with  ajfured 
hope,  that  with  this  my  labour ,  I Jh all  greatly  profit 
and  pleafure  the  Unlearned ,  and  not  hinder  or  dif- 
f lea fe the  learned,  I  will  boldly  follow  mine  enter- 
prise ,  and  here  briefly  /hew  the  order  of  my  J aid 
V/orke ,  which  is  diuidedinto  fixe  Parts  or  Bookes : 
for  fith  Logicke  is.  chiefly  occupy ed  in  dijcufing  of 
Qjteftions-y  and  that  fuch  Queflions,  both  fimple  and 
compound  doe  fpting  of  words ,  the  firji  Part  of  my 
*Booke  fhall  treate of 'Words ,  Jbewing  which  bez~> 
Simple,  which  bee  Compound ,  and  alfo  which  com- 
prebend  more, and  which  comprehend  leffe :  and  "Which 
be  of  affinitie,  and  which  bee  not :  leaning  out  no  ne* 
cefjary  ([{iiles  belonging  thereunto ,  that  are  taught 
mher  by  Ariftotle,  or  by  any  other  Moderne  Writer, 


To  the  Reader. 

Secondly,  becaufe  all  Jimp  le  Questions  conji fling  of 
Jingle  words  9  are  to  bee  difcufjed  by  Definition  and 
(Diuifion  :  the  Jecond  Tart  treatetb  of  them  both, 
and  therewith  fieweth  alfo  frith  lohat  metbode  and 
order fucb  jimple  Quejtions  are  to  be  bandied.  Third- 
ly,  becaufe  all  compound  Qjieflions  are  to  bee  dijeufjed 
byreafoning  or  argumentation ,  and  that  e^ry  kind 
of  argument  doth  confifi  of  Propofitions  :  the  third 
Tart  treateth  of  a  Tropofition ,  and  of  all  things  be- 
longing  thereunto,  fourthly ,  becaufe  no  found  argu- 
ment cm  be  made  to  prone  or  difprooue  anything  that 
is  in  quefiion,  Imleffe  the  Dijputer  know  from  whence 
to  fetch  his  proofes :  the  fourth  Tart  of  my  Jjookt-* 
treateth  of  all  the  places  from  whence  any  argument  is 
to  be  fetched.  And  the  fifth  Tart  treateth  of  Argu- 
mentation ,  and  of  all  the  kinds  thereof,  teaching 
how  euery  kind  is  to  be  performed.  The  fixt 
and  laft  Tart  treateth  of  Confutati- 
on, /hewing  how  aUSophtfti- 
call  arguments  are  to 
be  confuted, . 

*  3  4 



A  <Po8fcript. 

T Hough  I  wrote  this  Bookc  many  yecrcs  paft  ,  whileftl 
fojourned  with  my  moft  deare  Brother  in  Law,  Mafter 
William  jjtrnel,  a  man  of  moft  lingular  humanitie,  and  of  great 
hofpitalitie ,  athishoufein  Winkborne  in  Nottinghamshire, 
not  farre  from  Southwell:  yet  notwithstanding  vpon  diuers  ne- 
ceffary  considerations  (as  I  thought)  fince  that  time  moouing 
me  thereunto,  I  fiill  flayed  it  from  the  PreiTe,  rntill  now  of  late 
that  I  was  fully  perfwaded  by  diuers  of  my  learned  friends ,  to 
put  it  in  print,  who  hauing  diligently  perufed  the  fame,  and  li- 
king my  plaine  order  of  teaching  vfed  therein,thoughtit  a  moft 
neccflary  Booke  for  fuch  Ministers  as  had  not  beenebrought 
vp  in  any  Vniuerfitie :  to  many  of  which  Ministers  though  God 
had  giucn  the  gift  of  vtterance,  and  great  good  zealetofet 
forth  in  good  fpeech  the  true  Christian  doctrine  : yet,  if  they 
fhould  haue  to  deale  with  fubtil  SophiSters  and  cauelling  Schif- 
matikes  (whereof  in  thefedayes,  the  more  is  the  pittie,  there 
are  too  many)they  were  not  able  without  the helpe  of  Logicke, 
to  defend  the  Truth  of  Gods  Word,and  orderly  to  confute  fuch 
falfe  Conclufions  asperuerfe  Schifmatikes  and  Heretikes  are 
wont  to  gather  out  of  the  very  words  of  holy  Scripture  .• 
wherefore,  through  my  faid  friends  perfwaSions,  I  haue  now 
at  length  committed  my  faid  Booke  to  the  Pre(Te,praying 
all  thofe  that  fhall  vouchfafe  torcade  it,  as 
thankfully  to  accept  the  fame,  as 
of  my  part  it  is  friend- 
ly offered : 


The  Contents  of  the  Chapters  con- 
tayned  in  thefe  fixe  Bookes  of 


The    First    Booke. 

Treating  of  a  Queftion,  and  of  Words^  both  Sin- 
gular and  Vniucrfall. 

W*  Hathogiche  is,  of  what  parts  it  confifteth ,  and  whereto 
fuch  parti  doe  [erne,  Which  bee  the  two  chief "e  offices  of 
L ogicke,  and  wherein  L ogiche  is  chiefly  occupy  ed ,  thzt 
is,  indifcuffing  of  JQueftions, which  is  done  by  Definition % 
^Diuifion,  and  Argumentation,  C  h  a  p .  i . 

What  a  queflton  is ,  and  that  euery  queftion  is  ejther  fimple  or 
compound,  alfo  of  what  parts  a  compound  quefttonconfifleth  (that  is 
to  fay  )  of  two  parts, called  the  Subiefl  and  the  Predicate, and  what 
thefe  termes  doefignifie.  Becaufe  all queflions  doe  confift  of  words  ei- 
ther fimple  or  compound,  m  this  Chapter  are  fet  downe  three  princi- 
f  all  diutfions  of  words. First  >which  be  fimple, and  which  be  compound. 
Secondly,  which  be  ofthefirfi  intention,  and  which  bee  of  the  fecond 
intention  :  and  thirdly,  which  be  fingular ,  called  in  L.ttine  Indiui- 
du  a,  and  which  be  vniuerfall.  Ch  ap  .2 . 

TTWlndiuiduumfef,  and  all  the  fourehinds  thereof  (that  u) 
Indiuiduumdeterminatum,  Indiuiduum  demonftratiuum  ,  In- 
diuiduumvagum,**^  Indiuiduumexhypothefi  (that  is  to  fay) 
hy  fuppofition.  Chap.  3. 

Of  vniuerfall  words,  whereof  fome  are  called  Ptedicab Its ,  e.nd- 
fome  Predicaments,  and  fir  ft,  of  the  fiue  Predicabhs  (that  is)  Ge- 
nus, Species,  Differentia ,  Proprium  ,  and  Accidens ,  and  how 
tuery  one  is  diuided,  and  to  what  vfes  theyferue,  butfirfl  cf  'Species, 
4nd  then  of  the  reft.  Ch3p.4. 


The  Contents. 

Of '  Predication  and  of the  diner shims thereof.  .  Chap.5« 
•  Of  the  ten  Predicaments  in  gencrall,  which  be  thefe,  Subflantia, 
Quantitas,  Qualitas,Relacio,A&io,Paffio,Vbi,Quando,  Situm 
ell,  and  Habere.  Chap. 6, 

Of  the  foure  predicaments ,  and  (hewing  which  they  bee,  and  to 
what  end  they  feme .  Chap.7. 

Of  the  ten  Predicaments  in  fpeciall ,  farting  what  [ul fiance  tsy 
and  hiw  many  kinds  there  be,  and  what  properties  it  hath,  whereto  is 
added  the  Table  of  Sub  fiance.  Chap. 8. 

Of ^uar.titie,  both  whole  and  broken ,  called  in  Latine,  Quanti- 
tas continiia,  &  difcreta,  and  of  the  diners  kinds  of  both  quanti- 
ties,  and  what  properties  quantity  hath ,  whereto  is  added  aT able  of 
quant it ie.  Chap.p. 

Of  Quality ,  and  of  the  four e kinds thereof \  and  in  this  Chapter 
are  defined  t  be  fiueintellettuall  habits,  that  is.  Intelligence ^Science  t 
Prudence,  Art,  and  Sapience  :it  (hewethalforvhat  properties  qttalim 
tie  hath,  and  to  euery  of  the  four  e  kinds  of  quality  is  added  his  proper 
Table.  Chap. 10. 

Of  Relation  ,  and  of  the  kinds  thereof,  together  with  aTable 
fhewwg  euery  kind  ,  and  finally  what  properties  Relation  hath. 

Chap  a  i. 

What  Aftion  is, an  dhow  it  is  diutded,  and  wha  t  properties  doe  be- 
long thereunto.  Chap.  1 2« 
What  Paffion  is,  and  what  properties  doe  belong  thereunto. 

Chap.  1 3« 

What  the  Predicament  Vbi  is  t  and  how  it  is  diuided ,  and  what 

properties  doe  belong  to  that  Predicament,  Chap.  14. 

What  the  Predicament  Quando  // ,  how  it  is  diuided,  and  what 

properties  belong  thereunto.  Chap.  1  J. 

What  the  Predicament  Situm  efle  is,  what  itcomprehendeth,  al- 

fo  what  Defcnptions  are  to  bee  fetched  from  this  Predicament ,  and 

what  things  are  faid  to  alter  their  fituation,  and  finally  what  pro- 

.  pert  ie  it  hath,  to  which  Predicament  is  added  abrtefeTable. 

Chap.  1 6. 

The  diners  figntfications  of  the  Predicament  Habere ,  alfo  what 

words  tt  comprehendeth,  with  a  Table  [hewing  the fame ,  and  finally 

what  properties  it  hath.  Chap.  1 7» 


The  Contents. 

The  manifold  vfes  of  the  aforefaid  ten  predicaments.      Ch  ap.  1 8 . 

poficio,  ante  and  poft  yfm-uxl,  motus  t  and  habere  ^*nd  ftrft  of  Op- 
pofition,  and  hew  many  things  are  f Aid  to  agree  together,  to  be  diners , 
or  to  be  contrary  one  to  another.  Chap.  T£. 

Hove  many  wayes  things  are  /aid  to  be  one  before  or  after  another ; 
and  to  what  end  that  P  oft  predicament  firtseth.  Chap.  20. 

Of  the  'Toft predicament  Simul ,'  fbetvinghcwnlany  wayes  things 
are  fatdto  be  together.  Chapel. 

Of  the  Toft  predicament  MotUsJ,  (hewing  how  many  kinds  of  mo- 

nings  there  be.  .   Chap.22. 

How  many  way es  the  word  Habere  is  to  be  wider ftood.  Chap. 2  3. 

The   Second  Bookh, 

Treating  of  Definition,  and  of  Diuifion,  and  of 

OT  ^Definitions  and  /hewing  how  many  kinds  of  Definitions  there 
bee.  Chap.  1 . 

How  many  Precepts  Are  to  bet  obferued  to  make  a  true  definU 
tioh;  Chap.  2. 

Of  Diftifion,  and  of  thediuers  kinds  thereof.  Chap. 3. 

How  many  -Preeejfcs  art  te—bee  obferued  to  make,  at  me  Dwi- 
fion.  Chap.4, 

Of^lethod\andof  the  three  kinds  thereof  that  hs,(fompofitiue% 
Refolutiue^  and  T)iHifiueiand  Methode  U  to  be  obferued m  handling 
either  ofaftmple,  or  of  a  compound  queftion.  Chap.  j. 

The    Third    Booke. 
Treating  of  a  Propofition. 

OF  a  Propofition,  /hewing  of  what  parts  it  conftfttth ',  and  how 
many  wayes  tt  is  dmided ,  and  what  queftions  are  to  bee  askjd 

A      -  4- 

The  Contents. 

of  A  C  ategorieaU  or  fimple  pr  op  ofition,  being  diuided  according  tofub- 
fiance,  ejualitie,  and  auantitie.  Chap,  i , 

Of  the  three  properties  belonging  to  a  ftmple  Propojitton,  that  if, 
Oppofttion,  Equiualency,  and  Conner fon,  Chap.2. 

Of  the  Lawos  and  conditions  belonging  to  the  four  e  Oppofites,  and 
aljo  of  the  threefoldmatter  of  a  Proportion,  that  it ,  NAturall,  Cafu- 
aSt  and  Remote,  and  then  of  O pfo fit  ton ,  /herring  how  many  wayes 
fimple  proportion  t  are  j Aid  to  be  oppofite  one  to  another.        Chap. 3. 

Of  the  Equiualency  of fimple  proportions.  Chap.4. 

Of  the  Conner  fion  of  fimple  proportions ,  /hewing  how  manifold  it 
is.  Chap. j. 

Of  a  modal!  Propofition,  and  of  the  two  kinds  thereof \that  is  to  fay, 
Coniunil  andDtfwnU.  Chap.6. 

Of  the  Oppofnion ,  Equiualency ,  and  Conner fion  ,  belonging  to 
Moduli  prcpofmons.  Chap.7. 

OfOppofition  belonging  to  Modallpropofitions.  Chap.8 . 

Of  Equiualency  andConnerfion  of  Modallpropc fit  ions.   Chap.9. 

Of  an  Hypothetic  aII  or  compound  Propofit  ion  '/hewing  how  it  is  di- 
uided,  that  is,  into  a  Conditionally  Copula t me,  And  Difinntline,  And  of 
yth At  parts  it  confifieth,  andalfo  what  things  are  to  be  confidered in  a 
compound Proportion.  Chap.  10. 

Of  the  truth  and  falfhood  of  all  the  three  kinds  of  compound  Pro- 
pofitions,  firfl ,  of  the  Conditionall ;  fecondly ,  of  Copulatme ;  and 
thirdly,  of  the  DifiunEliue,  Chap.  1 1 . 

The    Fovrth    Booke. 
Treating  of  Logicall  places. 

WTJAt  a  place  is,  And  thAt  it  is  twofold,  thAt  is,  eyther  of  Per- 
(ons  or  of  things.  <*s4 gaine, "the  places  of  things  bee  either 
artificial!  or  inartificxall,  and  the  artificial! places  of  things  are  either 
i*vrar d,  out??  zrd,  or  meane  ;  and  the  martificiaQ places  of  things  are 
fixetnnur,:bcri  cvn dvnder  the  pLcc  of  AUthoritie,  as  the 
T  *kle  cf  rl*C's  (tt  downe  in  the  beginning  of  this  Chapter  doth 
plains  ly  ficw.  A'Jo  tt  is  Chapter  fitwah  to  what  end  Juch  manifold 


The  Contents. 

diuifions  of  the  places  ferueth  ,  and  howplaces  art  dtuided  accor- 
ding to  the  Schvolemen ,  that  is ,  into  Maximes ,  and  difference  of 
Maximes,  Chap.i. 

Examples  of  all  the  places  belonging  toperfons.  Chap.i. 

Of  the  pl.ices  of  things,  and  firjt  of  artificial!  places  ,  whereof 
feme  be  inward,  fome  onward,  andftme  meane :  and  fir  fi  of  inward 
places,  whereof  fome  belong  to  the  Jul fiance  of  things ,  and fome  doe 
accompany  the  fub fiance ,  gimng  examples  of  euery  f/ace,  together 
•with  their  proper  Maximes  or  generall  Rules,  belonging  to  the  fame, 
and  how  Arguments  are  to  be  fetched  from  euery  finch  place, either  af- 
firmatiuely  or  negatiuely,  or  both  wayes.  Chap.q. 

Of  outward  places,  Jhewing  how  Arguments  are  to  be  fetcht  from 
euery  fitch  place ,  together  with  the  generall  Rules  or  Maximes  be- 
longing to  the  fame,  Chap.^. 

Of  meane  places , giuing  examples,  and  jhewing  how  Arguments 
art  to  be  fetcht  from  fuch  places,  together  with  the  Rules  belonging 
thereunto.  Chap.  5. 

Of  the  fixe  inartificial!  places  comprehended  vnder  the  place  of 
Authoritie,  whereunto  is  added  *T able  of  authentic,  iA*dinthis 
(fhapter  is  not  only  declared  to  what  end  the  knowledge  of  all  the  fore- 
said plates  dot  ferue ,  but  alfo  it  fheweth  by  one  example  how  to  vfie 
them  when  need  is,  either  to  prcoue  or  to  dilate  any  Thcame,  which 
example  is  taken  out  of  Hunneus.7~6*  Theame  whereof  is  tbtuMzn 
ought  to  embrace  Vertue.  Chap.<5. 

The    Fift    Bo  oke. 

Treating  of  Argumentation  ;  and  of 

OF  Argumentation,  and  of 'the  feure  kinds  thereof  in  generall, 
and  alfo  of  the  fir  fi  principles  of  a  Syllogtfme,afwellmateriallat 

What  a  Syllogifme  is,  how  it  is  diuided,  and  of  what  parts  it  confi- 
Jitth ,  that  is,  of  matter  and  forme. 

What  that  matter  and fiormt  is  9  and  that  the  matter  confifietb  of 

A  a  thret 

.The  Concerns. 

threittrmes  and  three  proportions,  and  the  Fahut  to  cwfift  *f  Fi- 
gure and  Mood.  lAlfo  by  what  meanes  the  meane  terme  or  proofe  is 
to  be  found  out.  *Aud final!},  it  defimth  the  three  Propo/it  ions, where- 
ofa  fimple  Syllogifme  confjleth, /hewing  how  they  are  named,and  how 
to  frame  the  fame  to  make  a  true  Sy  llogifme.  Ghap.  5 . 

What  Figure  or  Mood  is ,  whereof  the  forme  of  a  Syllogifme  con- 
fifieth,  and  how  many  fitch  Figures  there  be ,  and  when  a  SjHogifme  is 
/aid  to  conclude  directly  cr  indirectly  :  itfheweth  alfo  how  many 
Unicodes  doe  belong  to  eUcry  Figure,  and  how  they  are  named.  And 
finally,  what  the  foure  Vowels  Ks  e ,  i ,  o  ,  doe  fig»ifie  in  any  fitch 
Mood  or  Vocable  of  Art.  Chap,^. 

Certaine  rules  afwell  generall  as  fpeciall  belonging  to  the  three 
Figures.  Chap,  5. 

Examples  of  the  foure  perfect  (JHoodes,  belonging  to  thefirfl  Ft* 
gure.  Chap, 6. 

Examples  of  the  fine  vnperfelt  Moodes,  belonging  tothtfirft  Fi- 
gure. Chap. 7. 
Examples  of  foure  Lflfeodes ,  belonging  to  the  fecond  Figure. 

Examples  of  the  fxe  Moodes ,  belonging  to  the  third  Figure, 


Of  a  SyRogifme  expo fitory  ^(hewing  why  it  is  fo  called.     Chap.  1  o. 

An  [were  to  an  obieltion  concerning  the  three  Figures  and  Moods  t 

belonging  to  the  fame .  Ch  a  p .  1 1 . 

Of  Reduction,  and  of  the  kinds  thereof,  andalftfof  the  fignifica- 

ti$n  of  certaine  Confonants  in  the  words  of  Art,  f truing  to  Reduction. 

Chap.  12. 

Of  Reduction  by  impojftbility  ,  ftiewing  vnto  which  of  the  perfect 

Moodes,  eucryvnperfebl  Moode  is  to  bee  reduced  by  impoffibilitie. 


Of  a  Syllogifme  made  in  oblique  cafes, and  of  the  fix  abilities, and 

three  defects  of  a  Syllogifme.  Chap.'i  4* 

Of  a  compound  Syllogifme ,  fhtwing  that  it  is  threefold^  that  is, 

Condition  all,  Copulatiue ,  andDifimcliue ,  and  that  the  truth  of  a 

compound  Syllogifme  is  to  bee  found  out  by  reducing  the  fame  into  a 

fimple  Syllogifme .  Chap.  1  j. 

Of  a  Confequent ,  fhewmg  what  it  island  of  how  many  part  sit 


The  Contents. 

eonfifieth,  andhowitu  diuided,  alfo  by  whatmeanct ,  and  by  what 
Rules  thsgoedneffe  of  a  Confetjttcnt  is  to  be  knowne.  Chap,  1 6, 

Of (±Syfo%ifme demonfiratiue ,  fhewing  what  it  is,  and  of  what 
manner  of  Propofitiovs  it  confifieth  ,  which  Propositions  'are  here 
defined,  it  fheweth  alfo  the  three  properties  belonging  to  the  Tredi- 
cate  and  Subietl  of  a  demonfiratiue  Propofition ,  and  alfo  fheweth 
what  definitions  Ariftotle  maketh  of  denanfiration ,  and  it  defiutth 
what  Science  is,  and  thereby  giueth  example  of  a  Syllogifme  demon- 
fir  at'me.  Chap.  1 7. 

Of 'the three  things  ,  whereon  deptndeth  the  certayntie  of '{JWans 
knowledere  ,  that  is  ,  vnsuerfall experience ,  principles,  and  mans  na- 
turall knowledge miudging  of  Conferments  ,  (hewing  hew  principles 
are  defined  by  Ariftotle ,  and  how  thty  are  diuided  by  the  Schoole- 
men.  Chap, 18. 

That  the  Schoole-men  doe  dittide  Demonfiration  into  two  kindsi 
that  is  ,  either  per  fed  or  vnperfe  l~l ,  wherein  is  declared  what  is  to  be 
obferued  in  either  kind  of  demonfiration.  Chap.  I 9, 

Of  Science,  Opinion,  Ignorance,  Wit,  and  the  four  efcientiall  que- 
fiiovs.  Chap.  20, 

Of  a  Syllogifme  Dialeclicall,  focwing  what  it  is,  and  of  what  kinds 
of  Propofitions  tt  is  made  ,  and  what  things  are  faid  to  be  probable : 
Againettf fheweth  how  the  Schoole-men  doe  make  the  matter,  wheri- 
of  a  Syllogifme  coytfifieth  to  betwofold,  that  is,  Materia  remoti,and 
Materia  propinqua,  and  what  each  matter  contaynetb.  And finally t 
it  fheweth  the  difference  betwixt  a  T^ialeUicaU  Propofition ,  a  Pro- 
bleme, and  a1y  option.  Chap.21. 

Of  a  fophifiicall  Syllogifme  ,  /hewing  what  it  is  ,  and  that  it  may 
be falf&thrce manner  cfwayes.  *AljO  in  this  Chapter  is  declared 
another  hfnde  of  falfe  Syllogifme,  called  Syllogifmus  falfigra- 
phus.  Chap, 22. 

Of  lnduUton ,  (hewing  what  it  is,andwhat  is  to  be  obferued  t here- 
in, and  that  itistwofold,  that  is ,  perfect  andvnpcrfecl,       Chap,2?. 

O;  an  Enthimeme ,  jhewing  what  it  is  ,  of  what  parts  it  co^fifieth^ 
and  from  whence  that  kindof Argument  is  to  be  fetched.    Chap. 24. 

Of  an  example,  fhewing  what  it  is ,  and  wLerein  if  differ  etb  fronts 
all  the  other  formes  of Arguments ,  and  to  what  end  it  feruet.h  ,  And 

A  1  what 

The  Contents. 

what  is  to  be  obj "true A  in  reafoning  tbtreby.  i/ind finally ,  from  what 
places  fuch  Argument  is  to  be  fetched.  Cha p .  2  5 . 

Of  an  Argument  called  Sorites ,  (hewing  how  it  proceeded,  and 
wherein  it  differ eth  from  the  Argument  of  the  Rhetoricians  called 
Gradatio.  Chap.26. 

Of  diners  other  kinds  of  captions  Arguments ,  and  firfl  of  Di- 
lemma }  /hewing  of  what  parts  it  confifleth  ,  and  how  many  kinds  of 
captions  Arguments  it  cemprehendeth  ,  which  are  thefe  foure ,  that 
is,  Ceratins  or  horned  Arguments,  Crocodelites,  Afsiftatons,  and 
P  feudomenons,  euery  one  of  which  is  here  defined,  and  example  gi- 
ven thereof.  Chap.27. 

Of  an  argument  called  Enumcratio ,  /hewing  what  it  is,  and  how 
it  is  to  be  confuted.  Chap.  28. 

Of  an  Argument  called  Simplex  condufio,  /hewing  what  it 
is.  Chap.  29. 

Of  an  Argument  called  Subie&'io, frewing  what  it  is,  and  that  it 
differethnot  much  from  Enumcratio  before  defcribed.      Chap. 30. 

Of  an  Argument  called  OppoCiiio,  made  of  parts  repugnant. 


Of  an  Argument  called  Violatio,  which  is  more  meete  to  confute 
then  t§  prone.  Ch  ap .  3  2 . 

The    Sixth    Booke. 

Treating  of  Confutation. 

COnfntation  is  twofold,  whereof 'the  one  belongeth  to  the  Per/on, 
the  other  to  the  Matter  :  and  that  of  Matter  is  diuided  into  two 
kinds,  that  is,  Generall  and  Speciall ,  and  the  genera  11  confutation  is 
done  three  manner  of  wayes,that  is, either  by  denying  the  Confequent, 
by  malting  diflinttion ,  or  elfe  by  inflame  ,  any  of  which  three  wayes, 
when  it  is  to  bevfed,is  here  fetdowne.  Chap. I, 

Of  fpeciall  confutation ,  /hewing  how  it  is  done,  and  what  order 
Ariftoile  obferueth  in  treating  of  ffisciall  confntation,whofe  order  is 
briefly  herefet  downe,  and  firfl  of  an  Elench.  Chap.  2. 


The  Contents. 

Of  Deputation,  andjheweth  how  mantfold  it  is.  Chap.  3 . 

Fine  market  of  Sophtftrie  ,  that  it  ,  Reprehenfio  ,  Abfur- 
dum,  Paradoxis,  Solccifmus,  and  Nugatio,  with  their  ex- 
amples* Chap,4. 

There  be  thirteen e  Fallaxes3whereoffixe  doe  confift  in  Words >  and 
feuen  in  Things,  andfirft  it  treateth  of  the  fixe  Fall  axes  confifting  in 
Words ,  andfheweth  how  to  confute  the  fame.  Chap.  j. 

Of  the  feuen  Fallaxes  confifting  in  Things  ,  and  Jheweth  by  ex- 
amples how  to  confute  the  fame.  Chap. 6. 




Tbefirji  'Booke. 

CHAP.     I. 

Of  the  Arte  of  Logicke  ,andef  the  parts  dfta  of 

fices  thereof. 

Hat  it  LogicJ^  ? 

L^gitkeis  an  Art,  which  traeheth  ys 
to  dispute  probably  on  both  fides  ota- 
ry  matierthat  is  propounded. 

Of  what  and  how  many  p«rtj  doth  it 
confift  ? 

Ot  t  wor.hac  is,Inuention  and  Iudge- 

Whereto  fertte  thefepa*1& 
Inui'.nrjon  findeth  out  meetc  matter  to  proouc  the  thing  that 
yecint?nd  :  and  Iudgement  examineth  the  matter  ,  whether  it 
be  good,  or  not*,  and  then  frameth,  difpofeth,  andreduceththe 
fame  into  due  forme  of  argument. 

What  is  the  chief  e  end  or  office  of  Logicke  ? 
Th<"  chiefe  end  or  office  of  Logicke  is  twofold  :  Tr  e  one  to 
difciilfc  truth  fromfalfhood  in  any  manner  of  fpeech;  the  o\htr 
is  to  teach  -compendious  way  to  auaine  to  any.Art  01  Scif  nee. 

B  M 


And  therefore  it  is  defined  of  fome ,  to  be  the  Art  of  Arts,  and 
Science  of  Sciences;  not  for  that  ittcache;h  the  principles  ofe- 
ucry  Art  or  Science  (for  thofe  are  to  be  learned  of  the  ProfefT  rs 
of  fuch  Arts  or  Sciences)  but  becaufe  it  fheweth  the  method 
that  is  to  fay,  the  true  order  and  right  way  that  is  to  bee  obfer- 
ued  in  feekingtocomctothe  perfect,  knowledge  of  any  Art  or 
Scicnce.OPwhichmethodicall  part, mine  olde  friend  M. Income 
A^on'.to  Tridentino  hath  written  in  the  Latine  Tongue  a  very 
proper  and  profitable  Treatife.  And  therefore  I  minde  here  to 
dcale  onely  with  the  fitft  office,  which  is  to  difcuife  and  to  dif- 
cerne  truth  from  falfhood  in.  any  fpcech  or  quellion  that  is  pro- 

How  it  that  to  be  done  .? 

By  three  fpeciall  inltrumenr»:thati«,byDerinition,Diuifion, 
and  Argumentation :  whereof  we  Irnll  fpeakc  hereafter  in  their 
proper  places. In  the  meane  time.becaufe  qucftions  are  the  mat- 
ter wherein  Logickcis  chiefly  occupied,  wee  will  fpcake  firftof 

CHAP.    II. 
Of  a  queftioH,  and  of  cert  tune  dittiftons  of  words. 

rJat  is  a  que/Hon  ? 

A  queftion  is  s  fpeech  whereof  fome  doubt  is 
made  and  vttercd  with  fome  interrogatoric :  a*, 
How,  What,  or  Whether :  and  fuch  queftion  is 
either  (imple  or  compound. 
Wh  ich  call  yofi  fmplet  and  which  compound  f 
It  is  called  fimple,  when  the  queftion  confifteth  onely  of  one 
word:  as  when  I  aske  what  Iuftice  is,  or  what  Fortitude  is,  and 
(uch  tike ;  and  is  to  bee  difcuffed  by  defining  and  diuidingthc 
fame.  It  is  called  compound,  when  it  confiileth  of  many  words 
ioyned  together  by  rules  of  Gramar,  to  make  fome  perfect  fen- 
tence;  as  whrn  I  askc  whether  it  beelawfullfor  the  Chrtftians 
io  make  warrc  vpon  the  Turkcs,or  not:  and  fuch  like  qucftions, 
whicharetobeedifcufledby  argUiag  and  rcafoning  on  both 
fides :  For  Definition,  Diuifion ,  and  Argumentation ,  as  I  faid 
before,are  the  three  efpectall  inftruments  whereby  Logicke  fin- 
aecft  out  the  truth  in  any  doubtftiUnuccer,  Of 

OfLogicke*  5 

Of  »h*t  fdrts  dtth  4  cemfounA^Hefioti  ccnftft  I 

Of  two,  that  is,  the  fubiect  and  the  predicate. 
What  meant  you  by  theft  words,  fu  bitti  *nd  freMctit  i 

Thefubie&is  the  word  or  femence,  whereof  another  wore 
o*  fentence,called  the  predicate^  ipoken:  as  when  1  fav,Man  is 
a  fenfiblc  body;  here  this  word  Man  is  the  fubied ,  and  fcnfible 
body  is  the  predicate  :  or  each  of  them  may  contains  many 
words, as  this,To  be  learned  in  the  Law  requircth  a  long  ftudy; 
here  To  be  learned  in  the  Law  is  the  fubiec-t ,  and  all  the  reft  -15 
the  predicate. 

Howjb»Ul  know  in  longfreeches,  AndfytcUlly  btingfrefefttrotifij 
f  ttfVhich is thefnbitQ,  andwhich  id the  predicate / 

By  asking  this  queftion,  Who,  or  What :  for  that  which  an- 
fwcreth  to  this  queftion,  is  alwaie*  the  Subicdt,  as  in  this  exanv 
pie: It  were  meet  to  learne  my  Grammar  perfectly,  before  I  r n- 
tred  into  my  Logicke :  here  if  you  aske,What  is  meet,  you  {"hall 
find  that  to  learne  my  Grammar  perfectly  is  the  Subiect,  and  all 
the  reft  to  bee  the  predicate.  And  note  that  thefe  two  words, 
Subject  and  Predicate,  are  faid  to  bee  the  termes,  limits,  or  ex- 
treme bounds  of  a  propofition,wherof  v\c  ftial  fpeake  hereafter, 

Stth  enery  <ptrfltcn  doth  eonftft  of  words  t  we  thm\et  it  were  necef- 
$ary  to  (btw  bow  words  are  divide  d. 

Of  words  the  Schoolemen  make  diners  and  manifold  diuifi- 
ons,  of  which  I  mind  here  to  recite  but  three  onely,whereof  the 
firftis  this:Of  words  fome  be  fimplc,which  chey  call  IncZflex* ; 
and  feme  bee  compound,  which  they  call  Complcxs.  Simple  or 
(ingle  words  ,  are  fuch  as  are  (ole  or  feuered  one  from  another, 
not  making  any  fentence,  as  Man,  Horfe,  Wolfe.  The  com- 
pound arc  wordes  ioyred  ordctly  together  by  rules  of  Gram- 
mar,  to  rmkc  fome  perfect  fentence,  as  Man  is  a  fenfible  body. 
And  hereof  the  quoftions  arc  faid  to  bee  cither  fimple  or  com- 
pound, as  hath  beenc  faid  before. 

ffhat  is  thofecond  diuifi  n  of  words  f 

Of  words,  fome  be  otihc  firft  Intention,  and  fome  of  the  fe- 

Which  urethtyt 

Words  of  the  firft  Intention  arc  thofe,  whereby  anything  is 

B  %  fignified 

The  firft  'Boofy 

fignified  or  named  by  thepurpofcand  meaning  of  the  firft  Au- 
thor or  Inueneor  thereof,  in  any  fpeech  or  language  whatfoe- 
uer  it  be  :  as  the  beaft  whereon  wee  commonly  ride,  is  called  in 
Engltfh  a  Horfe ,  in  Lattne  EefMtu,  in  Italian  Cau»Uoi  in  French 
ChtH.d.  Words  of  the  fecond  Intention  are  termes  of  Art,  as  a 
Noune,  Pronoune,  Verbe,  or  Participle  ,  are  termes  of  Gram- 
mar :  likewife  Genus ,  Species ,  Proprittvt,  and  fuch  like,  are 
termes  of  Log'cke. 

Wwt  is  the  thtrd  diuifon  of wards? 

Of  word-*  fame  becalled  lndimduaj\\%\  is  to  fay,particu!ar  \ 
or  rather  fine  utar;  and  fomebe  calLed Vmtirrf ah*  tthai  is  to  fay, 
vniuctlall,  corpmon  or  general!. 

CHAP.     1 1  T. 

Offvtgtthr  and  monarticular  nerds  t  called  Indiuidua, 

hat  is  In&.uidtium  ? 

lndifttaMkm\s  that  which  fignifieth  but  one 

thing  only,  aid  can  be  applyed  bui  to  one  thing- 
only;  as  this  name,  fohn^  or  Robert ,  fignifieth' 
but  one  ce rta'pe  man,  ami  not  many. 
Hove  maty  kin  is  of  Ind'tudnnmi  he  tkerft 
Foure,  that  is,  Indmiuum  ietrrmthdiHfk  ,  Indmiduum  slemon- 
fira  t  wttm ,  tndimdttum  vagum ,  and  Indtrndnttm  ex hypoi b<(i, 
W.)*t  t6  In d  Hiduum  dettrnanatum  } 

Jndiui  nam  da erminitnm,  thai  ii  to  fav,rertaine  or  determi- 
ned, is  the  proper  name  of  fame  one  certame  thing ,  whatfoe- 
uerube,  as  lohn  ox  Thomas  is  the  proper  name  of  fame  or  one 
man  •  as»aine,7?»fe^W*#  is  the  proper  name  of  great  Alexander 
hh  Horfe :  and  London'n  the  proper  name  of  ihcchiefeltCiiicin 
£r  gland. 

IV  •at  is  fadiuidttum  demon  fir  at  iuttm  ? 

Indiuidtwm  demonftratittum,  which  «s  as  much  to  fay,as  View- 
ing or  poinnng,is  a  common  word  or  name  loyned  wiih  a  Pro- 
noune demon(Tratiue,to  fignifie  fame  one  certa'*ne  thing  oncly^ 
as  when  we  fay,t!iis  man,or  that  horlcrand  indmidnums  demnn- 
iatatiue  be  more  redy  to  fignifie  particular  things^as  vvel  in  acci- 

ofLogicke.  5 

dents  as  in  fubftanees,  then  arc  IndiutduAdetfrmwAta:  for  This, 
or  That ,  and  fuch  like  Pronounes ,  doc  point  out  a  thing ,  as  it 
were,  with  the  finger,  when  proper  names  oftentimes  doe  faile : 
yea,tbc  Pronoune  demonrtratiue  is  of  luch  force ,  as  being  ioy« 
ned  co  the  moM  g?nerall  word  that  is  ,  maketh  it  Indiuiduum,  as 
well  as  when  it  is  ioyned  to  themo{teipcciail:for,this  fubftancc 
or  this  body  is  lndiutduum^  as  well  as  this  man  or  that  horfe. 

What  is  IndimdttMm  vagum  ? 

IndiHidnHm  v^gum,  that  is  to  fay,wandering  or  vncertayne,is 
a  word  betokening  feme  one  certa^  nc  thing  but  not  certainly  : 
as  when  I  fay, There  was  a  eertayneman  heic  tofcekeyou;  by 
this  fpcech  is  meant  but  one  man  ,  and  yet  vncertayne  who  it 
was :  and  therefore,  to  make  the  thing  more  certayne,  we  vfc  to 
addeiome  token  ormarke;  as  wereade  in  the  vftf/of  the  Apo- 
ftles,  There  wot  a  tertayne  man  which  wm  halt  and  Ittme  from  his 
mothers  w»mbe ,  whom  they  laid  daily  before  the  gate  of  the  Temple, 
<$c.  And  note  ,  that  like  as  we  doe  vie  tndtutdua,  dfMonjtratiM*, 
and  determinate,  in  declaring  things  either  prefent,  or  certainly 
lcnowne:<o  in  fpeakirg  of  things  abfenr,or  vncertainly  known, 
WC  exprclTe  our  minds  oftentimes  by  tnaimdna  vaga, 

Wh*t  is  Indmtduum  ex  kypjthef.  ? 

tr>dt*iduum  ex kypo>he/i yihat  is  to  fay  by  fuppofition,is  a  word 
which  of  his  ownc  naturall  fignification  being  common  and  v- 
niuerfall,  is  made  notwithstanding  by  iuppofiticn  a  lingular 
word,  and  to  figmfie  but  one  thing  one'y  :as  for  example,  this 
word,  The fet.tie of '  Msrie ,  is  a  common  terme.and  yet  by  luppo» 
fition  is  made  to  fignifie  none  but  Gbrtft  onely  :  likewife  whea 
We  fay,  The  (jretke  Poet,  we  meanc  none  but  Hcmer, 

Of  words  VMMerftll  er  generat. 

Uatwnds  arefaidto  bevnitterfall  or  generally 

Thofe  words  are  faid  to  be  vniucrfall ,  which 

are  fpoken  of  many  things,  that  is  to  fay  ,  which 

may  be  applycd  to  many  things,  or  comprehend 

many  things,  as  this  word  Animal  (which  is  ss 

B  3  niuchi 

the  fir jl  "Book 


much  to  fay  as  a  fcntible  body)  comprchcndeth  both  Man,bru»t 
Bcaft,Fi{h,Fowlc,Bird,and  euery  thing  elfc  that  hath  feeling  and 

How  are  fttch  werds  dinided} 

IntoPredicables  and  Predicaments, 

Of  the  fine  ePrcdicab?cs. 

W  Hat  call  yon  Pre  die  able  s> 
PredicMes  are  cert^yne  degrees,or  rather  pedigrr es 
of  words  that  be  or  one  arfinuie  ,  (hewing  which  comprehend 
more,  and  which  comprehend  kfTc. 

How  ntA*ty  fuch  be  thrre  ? 

There  be  rui«,  that  is  to  fay ,  GenuiySpeeiesirD fferemtia,  Pre- 
print* ,  &  Accident-,  which  may  be  Engli(h«d  thus,  Ceneiall 
kind,  Speciall  kind,  Difference,  Prop<rtie,and  Accident.  But  wc 
thinke  it  belt  to  begin  fiat  with  Spictes,  becaufe  it  is  next  to  In* 

Of  the  fpeciall  hind  galled  in  Latine  Species* 

WHat  it  Species} 
Spates  is  a  fpeciall  kind ,  which  is  fpoken  of  many 
things,  thatistofay,  itcomprehendethmany  thing* differing 
only  in  number ,  in  asking  the  queftion  ,  what  the  thing  is:  as 
•when  I  aske,  What  is  John  ?  it  is  nghily  anfwered,to  lay,  A  man: 
for  this  word  Man  is  an  vniuerfall  word  ,  comprehending  both 
lehnJThomttyRobert,  and  all  other  Angular  men. 

How  tnanifold  ts  Species  ? 

Twofold,  that  is,  l*fima  and  Snbalternat  Ixfimajhat  i«  to  fay, 
the  loweft  or  molt  efpeciall  kind,  is  that  whic h  comprehendeth 
many  thirgs  differing  only  in  number,  and  therefore  cannot  be 
a  general!  kind,  asMan,Horie,and  luchlike  fp'cioll  kinds. Spe- 
Cttsjubalterna,  is  that  which  cnmpichmdeth  many  things  dtrre- 
ring  in  kind  ,  and  in  diucrs  refpedts  may  be  both  get  us  and  fpe- 
f/rr,as  thefe words,  Anmal oxtcnhbXz  body,Bird,Fifh  :  for  this 
word&y^,  in  that  it  con.prebendeihdiuers  kinds  of  birds,  as  a 
Blackbkd,a  Mauys,a  Goldrincb,and  many  other  kinds  of  bird  -% 



it  is  a  generall  kind  :  but  m  refpec*  of  thcfe  words ,  Subftance, 
Body,  or  A*tm*lt  it  is  but  fpecies. 

Haw  is  Jfeciet  called,  of  the  Greekj  f 

It  is  called  ides,  which  is  as  much  to  fay,  as  a  common  (hape 
cpnceiued  in  the  mine!,  through  fome  knowledge  had  before  of 
one  or  wo  Indimduttrnt  hauingtrm  fhape :  fo  as  after  wcehaue 
feeneone  Wolfe,or  two^vebcare  the  fhape  thereof  continually 
in  our  minds ,  and  thereby  are  able  to  know  a  Wolfe  whenfoe- 
ucr  we  find  him,  or  (if  need  be)  to  paint  him.  But  Genm  cxten- 
dcthtoo  farre  ,  and  comprchendeth  too  many  fpeciall  kinds  ro 
be  fo  eaftly  painted.  And  note  that  fuch  fhapes  or  Idea  arc  faid 

Why  are  they  [aid  to  bs  perj^t  stall} 

Becaufe  they  continue  in  the  mind  ,  though  the  things  them- 
felues  ceafe  to  haue  any  being:  as  the  fhape  of  a  Rofe  continneth 
in  our  minds  in  the  cold  heart  of  Winter,  when  there  is  no  Rofe 
indeed.  And  this  is  the  true  meaning  of  Plat*  touching  /<&■<«, that 
is,  to  be  perpctuall  in  the  mind  ,  not  frparate  from  mans  intelli- 
gence ,  as  fome  men  faine :  for  vniuerfalities  are  alwayes  to  bee 
comprehended  in  mans  mind,  but  not  Indiutdtta :  which, becaufe 
they  are  inflnite,thcrc  can  be  had  of  them  no  certayae  fciencc  or 

Of  t he  generall  kjnd ,  called  Genus. 

WHat  is  Genus  } 
Genus  is  a  generall  kind  which  may  be  fpoken  ofma- 
ny  things  differing  in  Ipeciall  kind,  in  asking  the  queftion,  whae 
the  thing  is  r  as  if  I  a;ke,  What  is  man,  orhorfe  ?  It  is  rightly 
anfwered,to  hvy  Animal:  for  this  word  ^/w-a/comprehendetb 
both  man,horfe,  lyon,  and  many  other  fpeciall  kinds  of  bcafts. 
Hon  is  it  dtmded  } 

Into  two,that  M^Gemu  moft  gencrall,and  Getstu  fubalternate* 
W-oat  it  Genus  mofi  generall} 

It  is  that  which  in  no  refpect  can  beffecies^s  ihefc,Subftance, 
Qviantitie,  Qjalitie  ,  and  ail  the  reft  of  the  ten  Predicaments, 
which  be  the  higheft  kinds,  comprehending  ail  other  kinds,an& 
are  comprehended  of  none* 


8  The  firfl  'Booty 

What  it  that  which  jot*  call  fubaltetnate  t 

It  is  that  which  in  diuers  refpe&s  may  be  both  genHtindfpt* 
f  sV/,as  thefe,  Animal  or  fenfible  body,ftone,tree,fifh,bird:which 
being  compared  to  their  Superiors,  as  to  iubltance  or  body,  be 
fpeciall  kinds:  but  if  to  their  Inferiors, as  this  word  fenfible  bo- 
dy being  compared  to  man  or  horfe,or  this  word  ftone  to  a  flint 
or  Diamond, or  this  word  tree  to  an  Apple-tree  or  Peare-tree,or 
this  word  fifh  to  a  Salmon  or  Pickerell ,  or  this  word  bird  to  a 
Mauys  or  Goldfinch,  and  fuch  like,  then  they  be  general!  kinds. 
The  order  of  a»l  which  kinds,  as  well  generall  as  fubaltr  rnate,as 
alfomoftcfprciall,you  may  fee  herein  the  Table  following  ta- 
ken out  of  the  Predicament  of  fubftance :  in  which  Table,  Sub- 
fiance  is  the  higheft  or  moft  generall  kind,  vnder  which  arr  pla- 
ced the  leffe  generall  or  fpeciall  kinds ,  according  as  they  be  in 
degrees  high  or  low,  nigh  or  farre  from  fubftance.Moreouer,ort 
each  fide  of  the  generall  kinds,  are  fet  downe  in  this  Table  the 
differences  whereby  the  laid  generall  kinds  are  diuidedeuety 
one  into  thofe  inferior  kinds  which  it  comprehendeth.  And  the 
like  Table  may  be  made  of  all  the  reft  of  the  Predicaments. 

A  Table  jhemngthe  order  and degrees  of  generall 

kinds  and  (fpeciall  ktndt,  taken  out  of  the  Biedi- 

cament  of  Subfiance. 


StAn  AngeUt 
iA  Sp'nt, 
^TbefouU  of mmam 
S*l    ether        C  as  p     fgpar«,ed  from 

<L      the  body, 
C  mpound  */-v 

the  four,  Ele-f  f      h  y<j i    -  ithoiu  He*ur*t. 

menu  .   as  al\*J   .  J    yOrfmpleiai>~/         ... 

!/    j     f       it  (st  it  her  I      '    (   "     5  The  4.  Elements. 

and  vnnatmalJ 




Reafonable, ' 
At  man 

[Body  com-  C 


Againethe  C 
[ueyther      £     M*4* 

'The  fenfible 
Jbody  ,  called 
in  Latine 
.it  eyther 

"The  reafona-  f 
ble  body  is 
man,  called 
in  Latine 
>!<  Homo, 
which  is  a 
allkind : 

)Or  vnreafo* 
nable,  as 


y  St 0*6  S , 





\C  reefing  beafis, 

^Fowle,  or 

Socrates,  Plato, 
>  and  euery  other 
/insular  maw. 

Of  Difference,  called  of  the  Latines,  Differentia. 

WHat  is  difference  > 
Difference  is  that  whereby  things  doe  differ  one  from 
another,  or  any  thing  from  it  felfe. 

Hew  many  kinds  of  differences  be  there  ? 
According  to  Porphyrin,  there  be  chrec  kinds,  that  is  to  fay, 
common,  proper,  and  moft  proper  or  efpeciall,callcd  of  the  La- 
tines,  Differentia  jpectfica. 

What  call y ott  a  common  difference  ? 

A  common  difference  is  fome  feparable  accident,  whereby 
one  thing  differeth  from  another,  or  from  it  felfe:  as  a  hot  man 
from  a  cold,  or  a  man  ftanding  from  himfelfc  fitting. 

C  What 

io  The  firjl  <Booke 

What  ispPtfcr  difertncc  f 

Apropci  difference  is  fomc  inftparaWe  accident,  whereby 
one  thing  diflertfh  from  another ,  or  from  it  Mft  r  as  the  Swan 
by  whitcnefle  differeth  from  the  Crow,the  gray-eyed  man  from 
another  roan  that  hath  blacke  eyes,  or  from  himfelfe ,  as  hauing 
now  an  vnmoueable  skarrc  in  his  face ,  whereas  before  hee  had 

What  it  the  mojl  proper  difference  ? 

The  raoft  proper  difference,  only  receiued  and  alio  wed  of  the 
Logicians ,  is  that  which  is  fpoken  of  many. thing* differing  in 
kind  or  number,  in  asking  thequeftion  what  manner  of  thing 
•my  thingis,  as  this  word reafonable or  vnreafonable:  for  if  1 
aske  the  queftion ,  what  manner  of  thing  this  man  or  that  man 
is,  as  lohnt  Thomae,  or  Ttjchard.&c.  it  is  rightly  anfwered,to  fay, 
A  reafonable  body.  Likewife  if  I  aske  what  manner  of  thing  a 
Horfc  is,  it  is  truly  anfwered,  to  fay,  An  vnreafonable  body:for 
thefe  be  the  moft  proper  and  elpeciall  differences,  whereby  men 
and  bruit  beafts  doe  differ  one  from  another. 
Hew  manifold  is  the  office  of  a  Logic  Ail difference  ? 
Twofold  :  the  cne  to  diuide  the  gcnerall  kind  into  his  efpeci- 
all  kinds,and  the  other  to  conftitute  or  make  the  fdfe-fame  fpe- 
cial  kinds.  Wherefore  fuch  differences'  are  faid  in  diuers  refpe&s 
to  be fometimes  diuifiue,  and  fometimes  conftitutiue,  yea  and 
fometimes  both  ;  as  thefe  differences,  corporate  and  vncorpo- 
rate,liuing  and  vniiuing,fcnfible  and  vnfer>(ibJe,reafoaablc  and 
vnreafonable;  which,  in  that  they  do  diuide  fome  gcnerall  kind 
into  other  kinds,  eythermore  fpeciall,  or  not  fogenerall  ,  they 
i»ay  be  called  differences  diuifiue :  but  in  that  they  conflitute  or 
make  any  fpeciall  kind,  as  this  difference  reafonable  beingad- 
ded  to  a  fenfible  body,  maketh  the  fpeciall  kind,  manjfuch  dif-  , 
fereeccmay  be  well  called  a  difference  conftitutiue,  or  rather 
fpecificatiue,  as  the  farmer  Table  of  gencrall  kinds  and  diffe- 
rences doth  plainly  fhew. 

What  other  dim  fun  doe  the  Schoolemen  make  of  this  Legicall 

They  fay.that  of  thefe  differeces  fome  do  extend  further  then 
fome/or  fome  may  be  apptyed  tomany  fpeciall  kinds;as"Jiuing0 


efLogicfa  ii 

snd  fnliuing,  fenfible  and  ynfenfible,  and  a!fo  the  difference 
vnreafonable,  but  the  difference  reafonable  can  be  apply  ed  buc 
Co  one  fpeciall  kind  onely.,  which  is  man. 

Of  Prcpertte,  called  in  Latin*  Pr  oprium. 
TTT7  Hat  u  frofertie  t 

V     V  It  is  a  natural  inclination  or  property  incident  to  one 
efpeciall  kind,which  is  to  be  vnderftood  foure  miner  of  waies. 
Shew  how, 

Firft,  it  is  called  Profrinm, which  is  proper  to  one  onely  kinfl, 
but  not  to  the  whole  kind,as  to  be  a  Poet  or  Mufician/is  proper 
to  man, but  not  to  euery  manrSecondly,  it  is  called  proper  thac 
belongeth  to  all  the  kind,  but  not  to  that  kind  alone :  as  to  bee 
two-footed  ,  belongeth  to  all  mankind,  but  not  to  that  kind  a- 
lone :  for  all  flying  Fowlcs  arc  alfo  two-footed  :  Thirdly ,  it  is 
faid  to  be  proper  ,   when  it  belongeth  to  one  only  kind  and  to 
all  that  kind,  but  yet  not  alwayes:  as  tobehore-headedor 
bald  ,  is  proper  to  man  in  olde-age  ,   but  yet  not  alwaies: 
Fourthly  ,  it  is  faid  to  bee  proper  ,  or  rather  moft  proper, 
which  is  incident  to  one  kind  alone,  to  all  that  kind  and  al- 
waies ,  as  to  haue  a  natural!  aptnelTc  to  laugh  or  to  fpeake  is 
proper  toman  onely,  to  euery  man,  and  alwayes,  and  therefore 
this  kind  of  property  is  faid  to  bee  conuertible,  with  the  kind 
whercunto  it  belongeth, as  whatfoeuer  hath  naturally  powerto 
fpeake  or  laugh ,  the  fame  is  man ,  and  whatfoeuer  is  man  ,  the 
fame  hath  power  to  fpeake  or  laugh. 

Of  an  accident ,  called  m  Latine,  Accidcn  $, 
t  7T7  Hat  is  an  accident  ? 

V  V  An  accident  is  a  voyce  or  word  Signifying  things 
cafualljdeauing  to  fubftances  or  fubiecls ,  without  which  fub- 
iecls  they  haue  no  being  at  all, and  it  is  thus  defined.  An  accident 
is  that  wjiich  may  bee  abfent  or  prefent  without  corruption  of 
the  fubieft  whereto  it  cleaueth,bccaufe  it  is  no  liibftantiall  part 
of  the  fubiecl,  and  of  fuch  accidents  fome  bee  called  feparable, 
and  fome  vnfeparable. 

What  it  a  feparable  accident  > 

A  feparable  accident  is  that  which  may  beeeifily  feparated 

C  a  from 

ft  The  firfi  Boofy 

from  the  fubie&,  as  outward  heat  or  cold  from  a  mans  body, 
whitenefle  or  blacknefle  from  a  wall. 

What  is  an  vnfep arable  Accident} 

An  vnfeparable  accident  is  that  which  cannot  beefeparated 
from  his  fubiecl  in  deed,  but  only  in  thought  or  imaginationjas 
heat  from  the  fire,  heauinefle  from  lead.  And  fuch  accidents  bee 
either  incident  to  certaine  fubie&s ,  or  fubftanees  in  particular, 
as  iome  men  to  bee  gray-eyed ,  or  red-headed  ;  or  elfe  to  fome 
whole  kind  in  general!,  as  to  all  Rauenstobeblacke,  and  all 
Swannes  to  be  white. 

Of  the  manifold  vfes  of  the  fine  Predkables. 

TO  hovt  many  vfes  doe  the  ?  r  edic  able  sf true  t 
To  thefe  foure  neceffarie  vfes  :  Firft,  they  (hew  which 
words  doe  comprehend  more,  or  extend  further*,  and  which 
comprehend  lefle  or  leaft,  and  what  affinitie  is  betwixt  word 
and  word,  fo  as  in  making  any  definition,a  man  may  eafily  per- 
ceiue  how  eucry  word  ought  to  be  expounded  one  by  another, 
that  is  to  fay,the  lefic  common  by  that  which  is  more  common; 
as  if  you.  would  define  a  Spanicll,  you  muft  fay  that  he  is  a  clog : 
for  this  word  dogge  is  a  more  common  word  then  Spaniell,be- 
caufeit  comprehendethboth  Spaniell,  Grey-hound,  Hound, 
Curre,  Maftiffe,  and  euery  other  kind  of  dogge.  Secondly,  they 
{hew  the  nature  of  propositions,  which  be  ncccflary,and  which 
be  cafuall  or  accidentall. 

Which  call  you  necejfarj^  and  which  cafuall  ? 

That  proposition  is  laid  to  be  neceffary,  whereof  the  predi- 
cate is  ey ther  a  generall  kinde,  a  fpeciall  kinde ,  a  fpeciall  diffe- 
rence^ propertie,  and  is  neceflfarily  coupled  to  his  fubiedr ;  as 
when  I  fay,  lohn  is  a  fenfible  body,  Iohn  is  a  man,  lohn  is  reaso- 
nable, John  is  apt  to  fpeake. 

When  is  a  proportion /aid  to  be  accidentall  ? 

When  the  predicate  is  an  accident,as  when  I  fay,/o£«  is  lear- 
ned or  vnlearned,  white  or  blacke.  Thirdly,  they  yeeld  matter 
meet  to  make  definitions  and  diuiftons:  for  Logicall  definitions 
be  made  ofthe  nigheit  general  kinds  ioined  together,with  their 
true  differences  or  properties  •,  as  in  defining  a  man,  we  fay  that 



man  is  a  fenfible  body  endued  withreafon;  and  in  making  diui- 
fions,  wee  either  diuide  the  generall  kinds  into  their  efpeci all 
kinds,  as  a  fenfible  body  into  man  and  bruit  beafts,  or  the  fpe- 
ciall  kinds  into  their  Indiuiduums^s  man  into  John,  Thomas y&c. 
or  elfe  we  diuide  fubie&s  into  their  accidents,  as  of  men  ,  fomc 
be  free,  and  fome  be  bound,  and  fuch  like.  Fourthly , they  helpe 
much  towards  the  inuention  of  arguments:  for  arguments  bee 
fetched  from  the  common  places,  as  from  the  generall  kinde,thc 
fpeciallkinde,the  difference,  the  propeitie,  and  from  other  like 
places  of  inuention,  as  fhall  be  taught  hereafter  in  his  proper 
place.  And  note,  that  of  thefe  Predicables  doe  fpring  certayne 
Predications,  whereof  we  come  now  to  fpeake. 

CHAP.    V. 

Of  Predication,  and  of  the  diners  kjnds  thereof. 

Hat  is  Predication  > 

Predication  is  a  certayne  kinde  or  phrafc  of 
fpeech,  whereby  one  word  is  fpoken  of  another, 
and  aptly  applyed  to  another,  as  when  wee  fay, 
lohn  is  a  man  ;  for  this  word  man  is  a  generall 
word,  and  is  fpoken  of  IohniThomasi Richard ,  and  euery  other 

How  many  hinds  of  Predications  be  there  ? 
Two,  that  is,  Effentiall  and  Accidentall. 
What  is  effentiall  predication  ? 

It  is  a  naturall  and  vfuall  kind  of  fpeech ,  whereby  one  thing 
is  naturally  and  properly  fpoken  of  another,or  as  the  Logicians 
fay,when  words  fuperiour  are  fpoken  of  their  inferiors  being  of 
one  felfeaffinitie,  as  when  the  generall  kinde  is  fpoken  of  any 
his  fpeciall  kinds,  or  the  fpeciall  kind  of  any  his  IndtutduHms% 
or  when  the  difference  or  propertie  is  fpoken  of  their  fpeciall 
kinds,  or  of  any  of  the  IndmduHms  comprehended  vnder  the 
faid  fpeciall  kinds ;  as  when  we  fay,  Man  is  a  fenfiblc  body ,  or 
that  lohn  is  aman,or,faA»  is  reafonable,or,/o/;«  is  apt  to  fpeake, 
or  f'ich  tike:for  fuch  fpeeches  are  both  naturall,and  ofnecefTuie, 
becaufe  the  predicate  is  aptly  applyed  to  his  iubiett.  To  this 

C  3  kinde 

*4  T6ejir/t$wl{e     ' 

Icinde  of  prcdiutioa  fomc  rncndocaHb  referrc  (wo  other  kind? 

of  fpecches. 

Which  be  the;  ? 

Predication, Identical!  and  rnufuall. 

What  u  Identic  a  II  predication  } 

Itisakinde  of  fpecch,  whereby  one  felfe  thing  is  fpoken  of 
it  felfe,  as  when  we  fay,  John  is  fehn,  which  though  it  be  eflen- 
tiall,  yet  becaufe  nothing  is  expounded  thereby,  it  is  not  allow- 
ed of  the  Logicians. 

What  is  vnufuaH  "Predication  ? 

It  is  a  kinde  of  fpecch  feidomc  y(cdt  as  when  we  reade  in  the 
holy  Scriptures ,  God  is  man,  The  Word  was  made  flefti  j  for 
thele  be  moft  elTehtiall  and  neceffarie  fpecches ,  though  not  v« 
Aiall  in  any  other  feknee  then  in  Diuinitie. 

.  What  is  p-editation  accident all  ? 

Predication  accidentall  is,  when  an  accident  is  fpoken  of  his 
fubiec^t,  as,  Wine  is  fweet,  or,  Wine  is  fowre,  Socrates  walketb; 
for  this  is  a  cafuall  kinde  of  fpeech ,  imploying  no  ncceflTitic,  as 
doc  the  other  edentiall  or  oaturall  fpecches  before  recited.  To 
this  alfo  may  be  referred  Predications  by  way  of  fimilitude,  as 
when  we  fay,  One  man  is  a  God  or  Deuill  to  another,  A  Tyrant 
is  a  Wolfe  or  Fox,  that  is  to  fay,  like  a  Wolfe  or  Fox,  which  are 
othcrwifc  called  figuratiue  or  metaphorical  fpeeches.But  whilft 
we  talke  here  of  accidentall  predications,!  t  fhal  not  be  amide  to 
fhew  you  that  the  Schoolcmen  ,  the  more  diftin&ly  to  cxprefle 
the  nature  of  accidents,  doe  vfc  two  termes  ,  Abftratium  and 
Concretupt,  AbftraUum  is  the  bare  fhape  of  any  lubiect  fepara- 
ted  by  imagination  from  the  fame ,  as  the  whitened?  or  black- 
nefle  of  a  wall,  or  any  other  thing  that  is  eirhcr  whire  or  blacke^ 
which  abftradt  cannot  be  properly  fpoken  of  hisfubie6V;  for  it 
were  no  proper  fpecch,to  lay,that  this  wall  is  whitcneffe:where» 
fore  we  muft  vfe  the  adiedttue  called  Concretum ,  figntfying  the 
fhape,  together  with  the  fubieft,  as  when  wee  fay ,  This  wall i* 


0fLogic{e.  ly 

Of  Predicaments. 

Hat  are  Tredicawcuul 

Predicaments  are  certayne  Titles  or  Tables 

^ontayning  all  things  that  be  in  the  world:  for 

'eueiy  thing,  whatfoeuer  it  be  ,  is  either  a  fub- 

ilar.fe,  or  accent  :and  if  it  be  a  fubftance,  it  is 

found  in  the  Table  of  fubftance  hereafter  following  :  if  it  bean 

accident,  it  belongeth  either  toquantitie,quali*te,relation,ac-T,U 

en,  patfron,  time,  place,  to  be  fmed,or  tohaue :  for  thefebe  the 

Tables  of  accidents ,  in  one  of  the  which  euery  accident  is  cade 

to  be  found.  So  that  in  all  there  be  ten  Predicaments  or  Tables^ 

one  of  fubftance,and  nine  ol  accidents,  and  thefebe  called  the 

higheit  and  moil  generall  kinds ,  albeit  there  be  others  indcede 

higher  then  they,  called  of  the  Schoolemen,Tr^»j^»^V«/w>  that 

is  tof3y ,  furpafling ,  as  thefc ,  Re sy  e*s,  vnumi ahquidt  vtrnm^t 

botiHtm  wbiebmay beEnglifhcd  thus;  a  thing,  a  being,  one, 

fbme  what,  true,  good.  But  forfomuch  as  thefe  be  not  fpoken  of 

the  other  higher  kinds  according  to  one  felfe  fignification,  but 

maybe  diuerfly  applycd,  they  are  excluded  from  the  order  of 


What  other  words  are  excluded  from  the  order  of  Vredieamenti  ? 

All  compound  words,  called  of  the  Schoolemen  Cemylexa^ 

Goodman,  Pitted ifputeth :  and  all  doubtfull  words  bauing  di- 

ucrsftgnificatk)ns,©thcrwife  called  Equiuokes,and  alfo  terras 

of  Art ,  asaNoune,a  Pronounc,  a  Verbe,  which  be  termesof 

Grammar,  and  as  genu*  ,ff<cit$  ^differentia^  which  bee  termes  of 

Logicke,  and fuch like;  which  termes  of  Art  are  called  of  the 

Schoolemen,  names  of  the  fecond  mention,  as  hath  beer.efaid 

before,N'>twirhftanding,diifeTcncf  s  cofHtutuig  efpecial  kinds, 

docbdong  to  the  Predicament  of  the  fame  fpecial)  kinds ,  anc. 

the  parts  of  any  whole  thing  cW  belong  to  the  Predicament 

wherernthc  whole  iscontaynedrandfiri^principles  doe  belong 

to  thePredicament  or  Table  ofthofe  things  whereof  they  bee 

principles,asapoint  or  prickc  belongeth  to  thePredicament  of 

quantities  all  which  fhall  be  plainly  declared  vato  you  ,  imn>e- 


i6  7  be  firfi'Booke 

diately  after  that  wee  haue  fomewhat  talked  of  thofe  things 
which  the  Schoolemen  call  t/intefredicamenta^  that  is  to  fay 

Of  Forefrtdicamenti 

Hat  meant  you  by  Forepredicaments  > 

Forepredicaments  be  certayne  definitions  ,  di- 
'uifions,  and  rules  taught  by  Anjiotle  before  the 
Predicaments,  for  the  better  vnderftanding  of 
the  fame,  and  therefore  are  called  Anteyrcdtca- 
menta,  that  is  to  fay,  Forepredicaments. 
Whaty  and  how  many  things  definetb  be  ? 
Three,  that  is,  Equiuokcs,  Vniuokes,  and  Denominatiues. 
What  call  y oh  Equiuokes  ? 

EcjHiuok's  be  fuch  things  as  haue  one  felfename,  and  yet  be 
diuers  in  fubftance  or  definition;  as  a  naturall  Dogge,and  a  cer- 
tayne Starre  in  the  firmament ,  are  both  called  by  one  name  in 
Latine,CW.r,yet  they  be  nothing  like  in  fubftance,  kind,  or  na- 
ture. And  note  that  the  Schoolemen  doe  call  the  word  or  name 
it  felfe,  Equiuocum  Equiuocans ,  and  the  thing  fignified  by  the 
word,  Equiuocum  Squiuocatum.   They  make  alfo  two  kinds  of 
Equiuokes^hat  is,Equiuokes  by  chance,and  Equiuokes  of  pur- 
pofe.  Thefirftis,  when  one  felfename  is  giuen  to  many  things 
by  chance  ,  and  not  for  any  likeneffe  that  is  betwixt  them,  as  in 
Englifh  this  word  Hart  fignifieth  as  well  the  Hart  of  a  man  or 
beaft,  as  a  certayne  beaft  called  a  Hart  in  the  Forrcft.The  fecond 
is,  when  one  felfe  name  is  giuen  to  diuers  things  of  purpofe, 
for fome likenefle  that  is  betwixt  them,  as  a  painted  man  is 
called  man  as  well  as  the  liuing  man;  for  wee  will  commonly 
fay,Here  is  King  Henrie  the  Eighth, when  indeed  it  is  but  his  pi- 
cture.But  y  ee  mult  note,that  all  Equiuokes  being  generally  pro- 
nounced without  addition  ,  ought  to  be  vnderftood  according 
to  their  chicfc  and  moft  principal  fignification,as  this  word  man 
being  generally  fpoken,ought  to  be  taken  for  a  liuing  man,  and 
not  for  a  pointed  man  :  but  no  Equiuokes  ought  to  be  placed  in 
any  Predicament,  neither  can  it  bee  defined,  vnlefle  it  bee  firft 


of  Legume.  iy 

brought  to  one  cevtaine  figr.if  cation  ;  and  therefore  ali  Ec^ui- 
iu  lies  arc  vttcrly  barred  from  ail  manner  ©f  Difcipline. 

What  call  jcu  IJmuvkes  2 

Vniuokes  bee  thefe  things  that  hauc  one  common  nsme, 
which  is  fpoken  of  them  eflcntiaJIy ,  or  really,  a*  a  man,  a  hcrfc, 
a  Lion,whofc  common  nan  e  is  amnstl,  or  fcnfble  bec'y;  fcrin 
asking  what  either  of  them  is,  it  is  rightly  anfwered,  to  fay,**  j- 
mat.  Ar>d  I  fay  here  rcally,becauie  it  is  not  enough  tor  Vniut  kes 
to  hate  a  common  name,\nleflc  the  lame  be  alfo  reall  orcfFcn- 
tiallj-wherby  aie  excluded  all  common  r?rr  <  s  ©r  vnderflandings 
that  be  accidentall:fot.  though  white  ei bis cke,fwift  or  flow,or 
fuch  like,  is  a  common  name, and  is  con  menly  arp.lyed  both  to 
man  and  beaft ,  yet  that  is  accidentally ,  and  net  ically  or  fub- 
fiantially.  Morcouer,  the  Scheolesnen  doc  call  the  common 
ytord  it  fctfc  Vnitiocttm  Vniuccanj  t  and  the  thing  flgmfiedby 
the  word  VmHvcum  Vniuocatum. 

What  call J f*D enomwatiues  f 

Dcnominatiuts  are  thofe  accidents  that  be  of  like  name,  and 
differ  only  in  cafe,  or  Fnall  termination  j  as  humble,  humi]itie; 
proud,  proudnt  fie  :  for  of  humilitic,  i  man  is  faid  to  be  humble; 
and  of pride,to  beproud:and  according  to  the SchooImen,that 
V  ord  whereof  the  name  doth  <pring,is  called  Denomwatsrt  and 
the  name  it  felfe  De»omir,attxe}2ndihc  thing  or  perfon  fo  called, 
the  Demmtnated\  as  if]  fliculdfay  ofvaliantnefle,  /V<?risfaid 
to  be  valiant;  berevalismni  fife  is  theDencminator,valiantthe 
E)cnominatiue,and  Peter  the  Dcncminaredrfor  Peter  is  the  fab- 
ice^  whereunto  the  Denominator  doth  clcaue.  The  Grammari- 
ans doe  call  the  Denominator  Abfira<Humi  that  is,a  fubflantiue, 
and  thcDenominatiue  CWw#*»,thatis,an  Adieftiue. 

T*9  what  end  doth  Ariftotle  chiefly  vfe  thefe  definitions? 

To  fhew  the  differences  of  predicati©ns,or  kinds  of  Ipeeches, 
which  are  to  be  alio  wed, and  which  not:  againe,to  know  which 
be  predications  t  ficr.t  jall,and  which  bee  accidentall :  for  accor- 
ding to  the  three  definitions  before  rehcarfed,  there  bee  three 
Predications,  that  is  to  fay,  Predication  Equiuocall,  Voiuocall, 
andDcnfrmnatiue..  .     * 

What  u  Tredtcation  EqttittocAll? 

D  Pre- 

18  7befirJlcBco{e 

Predication  Equiuocall,  is  when  the  Equiuoke  is  fpoken  of 
any  of  the  things  that  it  figniflcth  ,  as  to  fay,  His  Letter  was  a 
Letter  of  the  matter,racaning  perhaps  a  hindcrer  of  the  matter: 
but  fuch  kind  of  fpecches  ought  to  bee  reie&cd  from  all  good 
difcipline,  as  hath  beene  faid  before, 

ffbtt  if  Predication  VmnocalU 

It  is  when  the  generall  kinde  is  fpoken  of  his  e  fpeciall  kinds, 
or  theefpeciall  kindcof  her  inferiottrs^or  the  fpeciall  difference 
of  that  fpeciall  kinde  which  it  maketh ,  or  of  the  Indiuiduums 
contayned  mder  the  fame  fpeciall  kinde,  as  when  wee  fay,  Man 
is  a  fenfible  body,  Man  hath  reafon,  or,  lobn  is  a  man. 

fVhat  it  Predication  Denominatiae  t 

It  U  when  fome  accident  is  fpoken  of  his  fubie&,as  when  we 
fay,  Peter  it  proud,humble,or  valiant* 

Vr1oAt%  and  how  many  diuifiont  be  there  ? 

Two:  The  firftdittifion  is  touching  words  fimple  and  com* 
aound,  whereof  though  we  have  faid  fomewhat  before ,  yet  ic 
/hall  not  grieue  vs,  here  againc  to  fecit  downc  in  fuch  order  as 
the  Logicians  rfe. 

Shew  how. 

Of  words,  fome  be  fimple,  called  in  Latine,  lncomphxd^  and 
fome  be  compound,called  Complex*.  Simple  words  bee  diftinlt 
and  feuerall  words,noc  fct  together  by  any  rule  of  Gramraar,to 
make  any  perfe^fentence(as,good,iuft,amaQ9ahorfe,to  ftand, 
to  goc. Compound  words  fignificatiue,which  are  ioy- 
ncd  together  by  rules  of  Grammar  to  make  fome  perfect  fen- 
tence,  as,  lohn  is  learned. 

What  ii  thifeconi  diuifion  f 

The  fecond  diuifion  is  fourefold,as  followeth:Firfr,of  things 
that  be,  fome  be  fpoken  of  a  fubie&,and  yet  be  in  no  fubie£t,at, 
man,  horfe,  and  fuch  likevniuerfall  natures  or  fubftances:  for 
they  be  no  accidents.  Secondly,  fome  be  is  a  fubieft,and  yet  be 
■ot  fpoken  of  any  fubie&,  as  all  particular  accidents,  as  this  or 
that  colour,  for  thefc  be  Indiuiduums,  and  therefore  not  predi- 
cafele.Thirdly,  fome  be  in  a  fubie&,and  alfo  be  fpoken  of  a  fub- 
ie&,as  allrDiuerfall  accidents,  as  Science, Grammar, Logicke, 
a»d  fuck  like;for  of  theft  fome  be  generally  and  feme  be  fpeciall 


ofLogicfy.  19 

kincJs.and  therefore  arefaid  to  be  predicable  accidents.Fourth- 
ly,fome  beneithcrinafubic&,  nor  fpoken  of  a  fubie&,  as  Uh»t 
Th«mMt  tn«$  man,  or  that  man,this  horfc,or  that  horfejfor  thefe 
bee  firft  natures  or  fubftances ,  and  therefore  are  fubie&s  them- 
felues  not  predicable. 

ifbtrtf  ftrttttb  this  diuifiofi  ? 

By  this  diuifion  ye  may  1  earn  e  the  diner  fity  of  thefe  two  fpee- 
ches,to  be  fpoken  ofafubiect,  andtobeinafubie&  cfortobe 
fpoken  of  a  fubie  &,  is  to  be  fpoken  really  or  elTentially  of  fome 
thing  that  is  part  thereof,  as  this  word  animal,  or  fenfible  body, 
is  really  fpoken  of  man,  horfe,  &  of  eucry  other  thing  that  hath 
life  and  feeling ;  for  they  bee  fubftantiall  parts  of  that  generall 
kinder  for  if  ic  be  demanded  v/h  at  a  man  or  horfe  is,  itisrightly 
anfwered,  that  he  is  a  fenfible  body.  But  to  be  in  9  fubieft,  is  to 
be  fpoken  of  another  thing  accidentally,  and  not  effentially,  as 
this  word  white  or  blacke  is  fpoken  accidentally  of  man,  or  of 
any  other  fubielt,  and  not  effentiallyj  for  neither  is  man  any  ef- 
fentiall  part  of  white,  nor  white  any  effenti  all  part  of  m  an,  and 
therefore  cannot  be  in  man,or  in  any  other  fubie&,but  acciden. 
tally :  and  for  that  caufe  it  is  fpoken  of  his  fubieft  accidentally, 
and  not  really. 

Ntw  teBk*wmd»j }and 'what  thefe rules  bee  t  vrbtrttfjoM  Jp*ke 

There  be  two  rules.The  firft  is  thus :  When  one  thing  is  fpo- 
ken of  another  eflentially,  as  of  his  fubieft,  then  whatfoeuer 
may  be  fpoken  of  that  predicate,muft  needes  be  alfo  really  fpo- 
ken of  the  fame  fubie& :  for  as  this  word  fenfible  body  is  fpo- 
ken of  man  or  horfe  elTentially ,  as  when  wee  fay  that  man  is  a 
fenfible  body ;  fo  this  word  lining  body,  being  fpoken  elTenti- 
ally of  a  fenfible  body,  as  when  wee  fay  that  euery  fenfible  bo- 
dy is  a  liuing  body,  is  alfo  as  really  fpoken  of  the  forefaid  fub- 
ie<5r,  man, in  faying  that  man  is  a  liuing  body;  for  this  word,  li- 
ning body,is  a  more  generall  kind  then  fenfible  body  is. 
W bat  it  the  fee  end rule  f 

The  fecond  rule  is  thus:  Diuers  generall  kinds  not  contained 
one  of  another,nor  both  of  a  third,haue  diuers  fpeciall  differcn- 
cetjwbich  doe  make  diuers  fpeciall  kinds, as  a  fenfible  body  and 

D  a  fciencc: 

io  ThefirJlBooke 

fcience :  for  the  fpeciall  differences  of  a  feniiblc  body  are  thefe, 
reafonable  and  vnreafonable.making  both  man  and  bruit  beaft: 
but  the  differences  of  fcience  bcthefccontemplatiueand  difpu- 
tatiue,aBd  fuchlike/wherefey  are  made  fpeciall  kitides  ofknow- 
Jedge :  for  the  difference  conteraplatiue  maketh  naturall  Ph'ilo- 
fophie,  and  the  difference  difputatiue  maketh  Logickc. 

7*  what  end  ferae  tbefe  rules  ? 

To  the  end  it  mi  ght  be  eafily  knowne  what  words  are  of  afti- 
nicic,  and  which  bee  of  one  feifc  predicament,  and  which  not. 
Thus  farre  as  touching  fore- predicaments.  Nsw  to  thepredi- 
•caments  thcrafelues.  And  fir  ft  we  will  fpcake  of  fubftance. 

Of  Subjlance, 

Hat  ie  fubftance?  andkotn»*ny  kjnles  of  fnh ft  an- 
tes be  there  f 

Subftance  is  a  thing  confining  of  it  fclfc,  and 
necdeth  no  helpctofuftaine  the  being  thereof: 
and  yet  it  is  cladwich  accidents;  for  other  wife 
We  could  not  difecme  with  pur  outward  fenfes, whether  it  were 
a  fub(tance,or  not:  for  we  cannot  fee  the  fubftanceof  any  thing 
With  our  bodily  eyes,  but  only  with  the  eyes  of  our  mind  8c  vu- 
derflanding;but  we  may  fee  the  fhape,the  quantitie,the  colour, 
and  fuch  like  accidents  cleauiogtothe  fubrtance,  without  the 
which  thofe  accidents  haue  no  being  at  all:  and  therfore  in  fee- 
ing fuch  accidents,  we  may  alTure  our  fclues  that  there  is  a  fub- 
rtance fuftaining  thofe  accidents,  which  doth  alwayes  remaine, 
though  the  accidents  doe  faile  or  change  ncuer  fo  often.  As  for 
example  :  We  fee  in  water,  that  though  it  be  fometimc  hot,and 
fomctime  cold,  now  of  one  colour,  and  now  of  another,yet  the 
fubftance  of  water  doth  ftill  remaine,  foaswee  may  perceiue 
thofe  accidents  to  be  one  thing ,  and  the  fubrtance  of  water  to 
be  anothcr.Now  a?  touching  thekindesof  fubtta»ce,according 
to  AnfiotU,  there  be  two,  that  is,  firfl  and  fecond. 
rTa,tea!i  je/t  firjt  [usances! 
Firlt/ab  an  ces  be  thofe  fubftances  which  the  Logicians  call 

o/Logic{e.  a 

Indiuidttd,  as  hbtt9  TkensM,  this  man,  or  that  nun,  this  Wrfe,or 
that  horfe,and  by  reafon  of  their  accidents  are  to  bee  difcerncd 
with  outward  fenfes. 

Which  caH  youficond  fubsldtnces  ? 

Second  fnbftanccs  are  thofe  which  they  call  fpeciall  kinder, 
and  generali  kindes,as  man, a  fenfible  bodie,a  liuing  bodie,and 
fuchlike,  which  are  to  bee  comprehended  only  by  mans  reafon, 
and  be  not  fubiedt  to  our  outward  fenfes,as  firft  fubftances  bee* 
And  thefe  fecond  fubftances  are  otherwise  called  of  the  School- 
men, vniuerfall  natures. 

How  man)  properties  doe  belong  to  fubftance  ? 
.Thefe  three  :  Firft,  fubftancc  is  contained  in  no  fubicci,as  an 
accident  is;for  though  the  parts  of  a  mans  body  be  contained  in 
the  whole ,  yet  cuery  fuch  part  is  a  peculiar  body  or  fubftance, 
and  hath  his  proper  being  of  it  felfe  fo  well  as  the  whole,wher- 
as  accidents  without  fubftance  hauc  no  being  at  all.  Secondly, 
fubftances  ai*c  faid  to  bse  diuers ,  but  not  coatrarie  one  to  atf  o- 
tker :  for  neither  is  fire,  as  touching  his  fubftance  ,  contrarie  to 
water,  nor  the  Wolfe  contrary  to  the  Lambe  ,  but  onely  in  re- 
fpedt  of  their  qualitie  ,  whercunto  contrarictic  doth  properly 
belong. Thirdly,  cannot  be  more  or  lcife  then 
another;  for  the  greatelt  Giant,  as  touching  fubftance,  isn* 
more  a  man  then  thelcaft  Dwarfc  that  is;  neither  is  a  man  full 
growne,more  a  man,then  a  child  newly  borne :  for  more  or  kfle 
appertained  properly  to  quantitic,  and  not  to  fubftancc.  But  if 
you  will  ?nderftand  how  farrc  the  predicament  of  fubftance 
doth  extend,  and  what  it  comprchcodeth,  confider  well  this  Ta- 
ble fellowing,whereby  you  may  lcarne  how  to  define  any  kind 
of  fubftance,  whatfoeuer  it  bee  :  for  there  you  fhall  find  all  the 
kinds,  both  generali  and  fpeciall,  together  with  their  differen- 
ces, moft  plainly  fet  forth. 

D  5  Tht 

n  The  firJI<Boo{e 

The  Table  of  Subft&ncc. 

>  An  Angcll,  as  Gtbriel,  Michael,  &t. 

"without body,as<  A  fpirit  or  foule  fcparatefrom  the  body,  as  the  fpirii 

C     or  foule  of  this  or  that  dead  man. 




Or  with 

body :  if  it 
bee  with  < 
body,  it  is ~ 

Simple,  if  it  be  fieri- 
pic,  it  is  cither 

[Celeftiall,  astheeleuenHeaaeni, 
and  all  the  (tarres  and  planets, 

|Or  elemental!,  as  fire, ayre,  water, 

if  it  be 

itis  ei- 

fReafon-  rSecrates, 
I  able,  as^  y latt, 
f Senrible,if  J  man,as  C  Viryl. 
it  be  a  fen-  I 

fiblebody/^  fAbirdorfowle, 

called  in     I  asaLarke,&c. 

Latine,        Orvn-    A4.footcdbeaft 

an]mali\ii%\  reafo-^   asahorfe. 

either        I  nablc,    A  fim,as  a  ialm6 

Or  com 
if  it  bee< 
com-       I 
n  cither 

Or  vnfen- 
fible,  as  a  t 
^is  eytber 

or  rn- 

if  it  be 
is  cy- 


it  beep  er- 

asaworme,  a 
fnake,  aviptr, 

A  tree,as  an  Okc,an  Ap 

pie-tree,  &c. 
J  A  (rmibbe,  as  bryers, 
v     broome,8cc. 
'Orberbe,  as  Thyme,  I- 

fope,  Margerum. 

Oxtail,  as  Geld  and  Sil- 

fNaturall,  as 
|    a  precious 

Or  ftone> 

fe  ft,  it  is  ^  eythcr 

or  ynper- 
.  feft,  as 

ftone,  a 
which  is  <;'    flint. 

'  Or  artificial, 
as  a  tile  or 
L  bricke. 
Or  liquor,  as  Wine,Ho- 
.    nie,  &c. 

"Fiery  inprerfiens  ,  as 
thunder,  lightning. 

)Or  jratry  imprcflions,as 

of  Logicfg*  zj 

Of '  J%*4Hiit$e. 

Hat  is  quantities  and  how  is  it  Maided  } 

Quantitie  is  that  which  comprchcndcth  the 
'greatnefle  and  number  or  multitude  of  things, 
and  is  diuided  into  two  kind es,that  is,whole  and 

What  is  whole  quantitie  ? 

Whole  quantitie,  called  in  Latinc,? ttantitas  continue y  is  that 
whofe  parts  are  ioyned  together  with  Tome  common  bound  or 
limi  t,  which  is  the  ending  of  one  part,and  the  beginning  of  ano- 
ther, as  the  parts  of  the  line  here  ftt  downe  in  the  raargcnt.  mar- 
ked with  the  letters  a,e.  are  coupled  together  with  the  middle  fc 
point  f  .which  point  is  the  ending  of  *i.&  the  beginning  of  v,c. 

How  many  kinds  of  whole  quantitie  be  there  ? 

Of  whole  quantitie  there  be  three  kindi/hat  is  linea,  fitter fi» 
ties  ttnd  corpus. 

Shew  how  thej  are  defined  and  diuided, 

Lima  (in  Engliih,  a  line)is  a  length  without  either  bredth  or 
thickneifcjwhich  is  either  eight,  or  crooked;  right,  as  a  yard,an 
ell,  or  pole ;  crooked,  as  a  hoope,  or  circle. 

Superficies  (which  wee  may  properly  interprece  to  be  the  yp- 
per  face  of  any  thing)  is  a  length  and  bredth  without  depth  or 
thickncfle;and  that  is  either  plaine,or  bowing;  plaine,as  a  plain 
orftaoothfloore;  bowing  or  comparting ,  as  a  vault  orouen, 
whereof  the  outward  fide  is  called  coniiex*  and  the  inward  fide 
concaue  or  hollow. 

Corfu*  (which  is  as  much  to  fay  as  a  body)is  tbat  which  hath 
both  length,  brcdth,and  depth,and  that  is  cither  rounder  with 
angles;  round,  as  abowlc  or  ball;  with  angles  or  corners,  at  a 
fquare  die,or  fuch  like  thing.  All  which  three  kinds  of  quantitie 
are  to  be  confldered  onely  with  the  minde  mathematically ,  as 
things  abftraft,  and  feparated  from  all  kind  of  matter,  chat  is  to 
fay,as  things  that  haue  no  being  at  all,but  imaginatiuely,&  yet 
So  neceflari  Jy  inultcd  by  ruin,a»  nothing  can  be  mcaftirtid  with* 


24.  The  fir  ft  <B  coke 

cut  them.  To  thefe  three  kinds  of  whole  quantitie  may  bee  alfo 
added  two  other  kinds,  that  is  to  fiy,  rnouing,and  time,  being 
taken  for  the  meafure,  fpaee,or  difiancc  of  place  or  time  where- 
in any  thing  is  moued. 

How  m4*iy  kj*ds  of  this  moiling  be  there,  and  which  be  they  f 

Of  this  mouing  there  be  three  kindes,  that  is,  right,circular, 
and  mixt.The  right  bclongeth  to  the  foureElcmcnts,«nd  to  bo- 
dies without  life:for  the;r  natural  mouing  is  either  right  vpward 
or  elfc  right  downward, as  the  fire,  whofe  proper  mouing  is  al- 
wayes  to  afcend  right  vp, and  the  mouing  of  a  itone,or  luchhkc 
r  eauie  thing,  is  to  tall  right  downward  :  for  (according  to  the 
rules  ofPhilofophie)  all  light  things  doemoue  vpwsrd,and  all 
heauie  things  downward.  Circular  orroundmouing,belongeth 
to  the  Heauens,  and  cclcfliall  b©dics,which  do  turne  round  like 
a  Cart  wheele.The  mixt  mouing(that  is  to  fay,partly  right,and 
partly  round)  belongeth  to  alJ  liuing  bcafts,  that  goe  fometime 
forward,  fometime  backward,  or  fidelong,  fometime  vpward, 
and  fometime  downward. 

HvW  is  time  diuided  / 

Time  is  diuided  into  threekinds,  that  is,  into  time  paft,  time 
prefenr,  and  time  to  come  :  and  ynder  time  are  comprehended 
yet  res,moneths,weekcs,dayes,heures,  and  all  other  words  fig- 
nifying  diftance  or  difference  of  time. 

WfljAt  is  broke"  quantitie  ? 

Broken  quantitie,  called  of  the  Latines ,  quantity  di/creta,  is 
that,  whofe  parts  are  not  ioyned  with  any  common  bound  or 
limit,but  be loofe  and  feuerall  one  from  another; which  quanti- 
tie is  diuided  into  twokinds,  that  is,  number  and  fpecch. 

fVhdt  is  number \  and  how  u  it  diuided  ? 

Number  is  a  multitude  or  fumme  of  ynities  or  ones  gathered 
together :  and  fuch  number  is  cither  n"mple,refpe£iue,or  figura- 
tive •  Simple,a*  two,three,  fourc,fiue, &c.  Refpec*iue,as  halfe, 
double,treble,quadruble,  and  fuch  like :  Figuratiuc,  as  a  threc- 
fquare  or  fourc-fquarc  number,  like  totbefc  here  Bgured  .\  n 
and  fuch  like. 

What  things  are  comprehended  v#dtr broken  qntntttie? 

All  names  of  mcafurcs,whercby  we  meafure  any  thing,eithet 


of  Logicfy.  25 

drie  or  liqnid,as  gallonjquar^pint^bijflicl^pcckcjpcundjdram, 
feruple,graine,  &c. 

How  is  fpeech  here  taken  ? 

Speech  is  taken  here  for  the  meafure  or  quantitie  of  fyllab!e$, 
wherof  fome  be  long.and  fome  be  fhort :  and  fuch  quantitic  is 
to  bo  considered  either  in  harmonie,in  rythme,or  verfe;ofwhich 
things,  the  gener all  and  fpeciallkindes,  together  with  the  reft 
that  haue  beene  faid  touching  quantitie,  are  orderly  fct  forth  in 
the  tableof  quantitic  here  following. 

What ,  and  how  many  properties  dee  belong  to  quantitie  ? 

To  quantitie  belong  three  properties ;  Firft,to  haue  no  con* 
trarictie;  for  great  and  fmall  be  not  of  themfelues  contrar ie,but 
only  by  way  of  comparifon.  Secondly,  to  be  greater  or  letter, 
but  not  more  or  lefle,  fpoken  aduerbially ;  for  a  -little  quantitic 
is  a  quantitic  as  well  as  the  greateft  quantitie  of  all.  The  third 
and  chiefeft  propertie  of  quantitie,  is,  to  be  equall  or  ynequall. 


2$  The  firft  Boo^e 

The  Tabic  of  Q^tantitie. 
CA  line,  which  is  either  * 

C permanent,    A  fnpe-r fides ,  which  is ' 
if  it  b:  per -^  either 
manent ,  it  I  . 

is  either      J  j 

jO/iWji,  which  is  ei- 

L    thtr 



(Who\t,\f it 
bee  whole 
it  h  either  4, 

Or  miuea-  r  Motion,  which  is  either  < 
ble,ifit  be)  I 

moueablejty  ( 

is  either     "Corime^  and  that  is  ei- ■ 

>Or  crooked, as  ahoop, or 
»     biiPj&c. 
:Pkine,  as  a  pnmb 
\    fitore,  &>c. 
J)?bo»ing,as  a  vault, 
'    or  oven,  &c. 
'Round,  as  a  fowle  or 
>    ball. 

)Or  with  corners,  as  g 
_    CquarediCf&e, 

r  Right, 

f  Circular, 

I  Or  Mixt. 






"a 'umber ,wbicb  is  either 

Or  brok,en:  - 
ifhbebro-  \ 
Iten  quanti-< 
tie,  it  is  ei- ' 

Simpte>ateu(norodde,  &e, 
)ReJpeHi»e^as  double  treble,  &e» 
)Or  figuratiue,as  tkrte>cornered6 

t>(  (yUables,  at 
Dacltlus,  Sptn* 

;  tf>r  meafurt  tfffttcbpbUb  conftfttth  either^ 

in  hamonie,, 

char  me ,  barmt. 

hexameter,  fen* 
tamtter  ,  lam- 


ofLcgic^e.  ij 

chap.  x. 

Of  Qnalttte. 

Hat  is  qua!  tie  ?  *) 

Qualitie  is  an  affection,  fhape,  or  forme  of 
the  minde  or  bodie,  wherorthe  thing  fo  affc&ed 
or  formed  taketh  his  name  s  as  of  wiidomc  a  man 
is  faid  to  be  wife,  and  of  iufticc  hce  is  called  iuft. 
How  many  kindes  of  quahtie  he  there  ? 

Of  qualitie  there  be  foure  kinds,  that  is,habit  and  difpofition, 
naturall  power  and  impotencie,paflion  and  pJfible  qualitie,  fi- 
gure  and  forme. 

What  is  htbit,  and  how  is  it  diuided  ? 

Habit  is  a  conftant  and  abfolute  perfection  in  any  thing,  not 
giuen  by  nature,  but  gotten  by  long  vfe  and  exercii'c;  and  it  is 
twofold,  that  is,  of  the  minde,and  of  the  body  :  againe,habit  of 
the  minde  is  twofold,whercof  the  one  is  called  intcllcdiuall, be- 
longing to  the  reafon  andvnderftandingofman,  and  the  other 
morall,beJonging  to  the  will  of  man.Of  intelle$uail  habits,  ac- 
cording \oAnfiotUi  there  be  flue,  that  is,  Intelligence,  Science, 
Prudence,  Art,  and  Sapience, 

1  Intelligence  is  the  knowledge  of  fpeculat'we  principles,  as 
1. ar>d  2. make 4.  the  whole  is  more  then  his  part;  takeequall 
from  rquall,  and  equall  remaine,  and  fuch  like. 

2  Science  is  the  knowledge  of  true  conclusions,  confifting 
of  moft  certaine  and  infallible  propofitions;as,Man  is  a  fcnfible 
body,Man  is  apt  to  learnerand  vnder  Science  are  comprehended 
the  fciences  rationall,  as  Grammar,  Rhetorickc,  and  Logicke  j 
alfo  thefciences  Mathematical!,  as  Arithmeticke,Gcometrie, 
Muficke,  and  Aftronomie,  which  are  otherwifc  called  Quadri- 
uials,  that  is  to  fay,  the  foure  waies  or  kindes  of  mathematical! 
difcipline;  and  finally,  the  fcience  phyficall,  that  \i  to  fay,  natu- 
rall,as  the  naturall  philofophie  oSAriflotle  soi  of  any  ether  Wri- 
ter creating  of  the  fecrets  of  nature. 

3  Prudence  is  an  habit  working  with  true  iudgement  and 
according  roiightreafon  in  all  things  appertaining  to  man,  bee 
they  good  or  cuUl.Pjudcncemay  be  diuided  into  prudence  mo- 

£   %  naiiicill, 

i8  Tbefirjl  3oo{e 

rufticaII,domefticall,and  politicall.  Monafticall  teacheth  to  go. 
uernc one fole perfon :  domeftical^togouerne a houfhold or fa- 
milie;  and  politicall,  to  gouerne  a  Common,  wealth. 

4  Artisan  habit  of  knowledge  eonfifting  of  a(Tured  and  cer- 
taine  rules,tried  and  approucd  by  experience,and  learned  by  ex- 
ercife,teaching  to  do  or  to  make  fomcthing  rhat  is  profitable  to 
roans  behoofe:  and  Art  comprehendeth  all  Arts,  both  liberal! 
and  mechanicall,that  is  to  fay,  handic-.crafts.  5.  Sapience,  con- 
iifhng  both  of  intelligence,  and  of  fcience,  is  the  head  and  chiefe 
of chofc  knowledges  that  be  rooft  honourable  in  nature,compre- 
hending  two  notable  Sciences,  that  is,  the  Chriftian  Diuinitie, 
and  the  Philofophers  Diuinitie,  othcrwife  called  Metaphyfica^ 
that  is,  fupernaturall.  And  all  thefe  intelle6haall  habits  are  con- 
tained vnder  a  certaine  and  moft  furc  knowledge,  which  is  al- 
waies true;  for vncertaine  knowledge  is  fometimes  true,  and 
fometimes  falfc :  whereto  belongcth  opinion,  fufpition,  conie- 
clure,  and  fuch  like.  Thus  much  of  habit  intelle&uall. 

What  is  ntirall  habit  y  and  how  is  it  dim  ded  ? 

It  is  a  qualitie  of  the  mindc,  gotten  by  cuftome  and  do&rine, 
teaching  and  inuicing  mans  will  to  worke,  either  well  or  euill ; 
and  is  twofold,  that  is,  either  good,or  euill.-co  the  good  belong 
allkindeofvertuts,asiuftice,  liberalitic,fortitude,temperance, 
&  the  euill  al  kindeofvices,as  pride, couetoufneiTc,coward- 
lineflfe,  and  fuch  like.  And  note,  that  of  vertues,  fomc  bee  called 
morall,  and  fome  theologicall,  that  is  to  fay,  diuine. 

Which  e  ally  oh  theologicall  or  distme  ? 

Thofe  that  be  not  gotten  by  cuftome,  or  mans  induftrie,  but 
are  the  meere  gifts  of  God,  as  faith,  hope,  and  perfed^:  charitie, 
and  all  other  gifts  of  the  holy Ghoft,as  the  gifts  of  the  tongues, 
ofprophecying,of  hcaling,and  fuch  like:  which  fome  doe  attri- 
bute to  habit  infufed,making  a  difference  betwixt  habit  infilled, 
&habitacquired  orgotte^asyouraay  fee  in: theTable following. 

What  is'hahit  of  the  bo  die  ?  • 

Habit  of  the  body  is  a  certain  aptneffe  &  agility  of  doing  any. 
thing  with  the  body,not  giuen  by  nature,  but  gotten  by  cuftom 
&exercife,as  to  ride  well,to  run,co  leape,co  daunce,to  wreflle,to 
Jhootj  to  fence,to  darc,to  fwim,t©  write,  to  paint,  and  fuch  like. 

^  The. 

T§  fence, 

To  dart, 
7e  vreflle, 


The  Table  of  Habir. 
f  intelligence, 


fed,  at 

Or  of 

if  it  bee 
of  the  * 
it  is  ei- 

C  Faith, 
C  cbaritie, 


if  it  bee 
it  con- 
the  fine 
flntel-   habits 
letln- 1  before 
al,in-\  defined, 

I  nail, 


,  the  mi 

S\ielCe>J  ticall, 
with  ^  m 


,  Rhetoric^. 

'  Aritbmetk\e3 
S  Geometric, 

)the  fecrets  of  Na- 
ture and  of  the 


Or  ac- 
if  it  bee 
acqui-  < 







10 At  IS, 

is  either 

Art  is 

)  Dome fik. ill, 
)?olit'.caU ,  tobiih  are  be- 
£-    fore  defined. 


,or  Me- rTailors  craft, 
cbani-  <Shaomal^en  craft, 
.call,  asLcaffenterurft. 

And  Sapid ce, 
.which  contai- 
\jietb  both 

•ChrifiiattBiu'itt'tie,  & 
ilfo  Pbilofopben  Diui- 
'riitie,  etberwfe  called 
iMclapfyficail  and  fii* 
„fewatur.ilL  wijdome. 

\jLnd knowledge  vncertaine,a$ 
Venue,  as 

Or  MoraU, 

■which  com- 






Temperance  ,&c. 

is  eyiber 

'lyex*  ^Raptboldaes, 
I  ccffc,asl?Tod}galityt 

IByde-  $Covnrdlines, 
f(8}  aslcouetdit/nts. 

5o  The  fir/i'Bookc 

What  u  dtfyofitiortyAttdhow isit  diuided? 

Difpofition  is  an  habit  begun,  but  not  perfe£ted;and  it  is  ci- 
ther of  the  body,  or  of  the  mindc :  for  to  difpofition  may  be  re- 
ferred whatfoeuer  was  before  attributed  to  habit  (pcrfc  6hon  in 
the  thing  only  excepted)  in  which  they  differ  for  lacke  of'conti- 
nuance,  by  reafon  whereof,  difpofition  is  faid  to  beeeafily  re- 
mooued,but  habit  not  fo,  becaufc  it  is  thorowly  grounded  :  as 
for  example,  ofthe  difpofition  that  a  man  hath  to  learning,  he  is 
faid  to  be  ftudious  :  but  of  perfect  habit,  gotten  by  continuall 
ftudie  in  learning,  hee  is  faid  to  bee  learned,  which  iropoitcth  a 
perfection,  which  is  more  then  a  difpofition. 

Of  naturail  power  and  impotencie ,  thefecond  kind*  of 
•  Qualities 

WHat  is  nattiraU  fewer  f 
It  is  a  naturail  abilitie  to  doc,to  fuffer,or  to  refift,not 
gotten  by  exercife,but  giuen  by  nature  to  the  minde  or  body:to 
the  roinde,  as  to  hauc  a  good  wit  or  memerie,  to  Le  apt  to  lear- 
ning, and  fuch  like  :  to  the  body ,  as  to  bec  healthful!,  nimble, 
(hong,  and  fuch  like. 

What  is  naturail  impotencie  f 

It  is  a  natiirall  weaknefle  ei  ther  cf  the  minde  or  body:  ofthe 
minde,  as  to  bee  dull  of  wit,  to  bee  forgetfull ,  or  vnapt  to  bec 
taught,  and  fuch  like :  ofthe  body,  as  to  be  fickly,  to  bee  weake 
and  feeble,  and  vnapt  to  fuffer  any  thing  that  an  able  body  can 

What  U  comprehended  vndtr  thiifecond  kjndof  qttalttie  ? 

To  this  kind  may  be  teferred  all  the  naturail  powers  and  im- 
potencies  ofthe  foule  vegetatiuc,  fenfitiue,  and  intellc#iue :  al. 
fo  all  naturail  powers  or  vertues  of  herbs  and  Hones,and  the  na- 
turail influences  ofthe  Heauens,  Stars,  Elements,  andofall  the 
fuperiour  or  vpper  bodies.  All  which  things  you  may  fee  plainly 
fee  forth  in  this  Table  following* 


" Of  the  body,  at 


l  vegeta- 
tint  it 


of  Logic^e. 





<+  tfutritiue, 
'Pmeipxll,  at  ^  Augment* we, 
C.  Generative, 

.Or  adittutntfdt  J  Immutatiue, 



or  of  the 


if  it  bee 

of  the  J  Power 

is  either ' 

fine ,  fthie  h 
i  is  either 


(•  Common  feHf(, 
\  interior t  as  }  Phantafte> 
C  Memorie. 




Or  motive, 
which  it  e\tber 

twhicb  is  either 

Ctncupifciblt  or 
rafcible  ,  hereof 
)fpring  all  the  per* 
Uarbadons  and  pif- 
fftons  of  the  minde, 

frogreffiue,   as  \  To  flie, 

£  To  fnfimtne. 
Cfo  contemplate* 
>Specnktiue,asiTo  vnderftand, 
\to  mil, 
'Prafiiut,as     <Tocommnd,. 

The  feeble, 
Maiuratimptemie  it  either  £Qr  tt  tye  m'inb   .  To  beforgetfuU, 


(Or  power  inttl- 
UHiue,  which  h 


jz  The  fir/icBoo{e 

Ofp*Jfionandp<*Jpl?te  qualitie,  thethirdktndeof quaint e. 

WHat  doth  the  third  fade  ofqualitie  comprehend  ? 
Paflion  andpaffiblc  qualitie. 
What  u^JJion} 

It  is  a  fudden  motion  of  the  minde  or  body.that  cndurcth  not 
long,  and  therefore  eafie  to  be  remoued. Paflion  of  the  minde  is 
a  fudden  fcare  or  ioy  conceiuedof  fome  euill  or  good  that  is 
offered  ;  and  of  the  body,  as  palcneflc  of  colour,  blufhing,  or 
trembling  of  the  flefh. 

What  tsp.ijfible  aaalttie  } 

It  is  an  inucterate  affection  or  motion  of  the  minde  or  body, 
not  eafieto  be  remoued  :  of  the  minde,  as  madneffe  growne  of 
fame  continuall  forrow  or  melancholic  :of  the  body,  as  black- 
nefic  of  the  ftcc  by  continual  boiling  heat  of  chelloud.or  palc- 
nefle  by  continuail  fickncffe  of  the  body:  and  therefore  paflibl* 
qualitie  is  compared  and  likened  to  habit,and  fudden  paflion  to 

What  U  comprehended  vnderpajjfib/e  qmlttie  ? 

All  theobie&sof  the  fiue  outward  fenfes,  as  colours, light, 
brighenefie,  which  be  the  obie£ts  of  the  fight ;  founds,voices, 
and  noifes,the  obic£ts  of  hearing;fauours,the  obiedts  of  raftings 
odours  and  fmels,  theobietfs  offmclling;  tangiblequalities, 
which  be  the  ©bie&sof  feelingrof  which  tangible  qualities  fome 
are  faid  to  be  firft,  and  fome  fecond:  the  firfi  be  thefc,heat,cold- 
uinefle,  lightne<fle,  roughnefle,  fmoothne(Te,and fuch  like. 

Which  be  the  chief e  pajpons  or  affettions  of  the  minde} 

The  chiefe  affections  be  thefe  foure,ioy,  Iuft,  forrow,  feare. 

tiow  is  ioy  defined,  and  what  good  or  §nill  branches  doe  faring 
thereof  ? 

Ioy  is  a  fweet  and  delectable  motion  of  the  heart,  wherewith 
it  is  ftirred  and  delighted,  whileft  it  cnioyeth  fome  good  ihat  is 
prefent,or  (at  theleaft)fecn>eth  goodrand  hereof  fpringeth  de- 
light, boafting,  maleuolence,  reioy  cing  at  other  mens  euill. 
What  is  tuft,  and  what  affeftiont  ioe  ffring  thereof 

Lutt  is  a  motion  of  the  mindc,ftirrcd  ▼ p  by  thinking  of  fome 


of  Logicfe.  33 

good  indeed,  or  Teeming  good, that  is  abfent,whercof  do  fpring 
thefe  affections,  Hope,  Defire,  Loue,  Ange^Wrath^fic  Hatred. 
What  is  forrovf,  and  what  affetttons  doe  arsfe  thereof} 
It  is  a  grieuous  motion  ot  the  heart,  caufing  it  to  fhrinke  to* 
gether,  whileft  it flyethfomeprelenteuill ,  that  iseuill  indeed, 
or  fecmeth  cuill  :  and  hereof  fpring  thefe  affections,  Enuie, 
Slandering,  Mercy,  Agony, Lamenting, Calamitie,  CarefuU 
nefle,  Griefc  and  Dcfperation. 

What  tsfeare,  and  what  affcBiens  doe  rife  thereof} 
Feare  is  a  grieuous  motion, caufing  the  heart  to  fhrinke  toge- 
ther/.vhillt  it  flyeth  fome  euill  that  is  to  come:and  hereof  fpring 
thefe  affections,  HeauinefTe,  Shame,  Terrour,  Sownding,  and 
fuch  like:  all  which  things  you  may  fee  briefly  fet  forth  in  the 
Table  next  following. 

The  Table  of  paflion  and  paflible  quahtie. 


tr<{  ^Ftare' 

CSudden  palenefe, 
■orcfthebodj,  ^JSuddenbluJh^ 

CTremblittg  of  the  flefh* 

fAll  the  hueterate  pajftom  both  of  m'tnic  and  body  before 
fit  downe: 


•  tru       j:  r  Colours,  JL  r0ftbehbtf 

Taffible  quduy, <,  A„da,f9all  f  W,|  1  f  Oftearug, 

th;tffs  <?^r',     >rbtobUft,  2%^zu 

Stnjestat  flangtb'e  qua-Ss  *?  Of  touching, 

V.    laies,         J  \.Or  feeling. 

Why  are  thefe  obieUt  of  thefenfes  called  pajftble  qualities  ? 
Becaufe  they  make  the  fenfes  to  fuffer ,  as  the  colour  of  any 
thing,  by  (hiking  into  the  eye,  makcth  the  fight  to  fuffer,  and 

F  caufeth 

34.  The  fir  ft  cBoo{e 

caufeth  eyther  pleafurc  or  griefe  to  the  fight :  To  likewife  the 
fweetneife  of  hony  in  Ihiking  the  cafte,  dclighterh  it:  and  con- 
trariwife,  the  bitternefle  of  Gall,  or  fuch  like  thing,  endued 
vyith  a  bitter  fauour,  offendeth  the  tafle. 

Of  figure  <%nd  forme,  the  fourth  kjnalof e^'Anlitie. 

WHat  difference  is  betwixt  figure  and  forme  ? 
Figure,according  to  fome,is  that  which  is  inclofed 
with  one  bound  or  limit,  or  with  many,  as  a  Circle  enuironcd 
with  one  round  JmCjCalled  thecircumfercnce,oras  a  triangle  or 
foure-fquare  figure ,  whereof  the  one  is  enclofed  with  three 
lines,  and  the  other  with  foure ,  and  fuch  like  :  but  forme  is  the 
drawing  or  defcribing  of  the  faid  figure.  Againe,  according  to 
the  opinion  of  fome ,  figure  is  compared  to  an  image  represen- 
ting fome  liuely  thing  :  and  forme  is  faid  to  be  the  due  propor- 
tion and  feature  of  the  fame.  Some  3gaine  doe  attributefigure 
to  things  without  lifc.and  forme  to  things  thathauc  life,briefly 
fet  downe  in  this  Verfe  following  : 

Formam  vwentts,  filli  die  effe  Figuram : 

Englifhed  thus: 
The  fhapes  of  painted  things  they  Figures  call : 
But  liuing  things  (they  fay)  are  formed  all. 
What  doth  this  fourth  kind  of '  qualttit  comprehend? 
Ic  comprehendeth  the  accidentall  figures  and  formes,as  well 
of  naturall,  as  artificiall  things :  of  naturall,  as  the  fhape  of  man, 
beart,  or  fowl'e :  or  artificiall,  as  the  fhape  or  figure  of  a  Houfe, 
Temple,Ship,  or  fuch  like:  alfo  it  comprehendeth  all  Geome- 
tricall  figures,  as  well  perfect  as  vnperfect. 
Which  call  jouferftU  ? 

Thole  that  are  inclofed  within  fuch  bounds  as  nothing  can 
be  added  or  taken  away  from  them  ,  without  marring  or  alte- 
ring the  fame,  as  a  Circle,  a  Triangle,  a  Square,  and  fuch  like: 
whereof  fome  areplaine,  inclofed  only  with  Lines,  as  Circlest 
Triangles,  Squares,  and  fuch  like :  and  fome  are  folid  or  whole 
bodies,  enclofed  with  vpper  faces,  either  one  or  many, as  round 
Spheres, fharpe  Pinacles,  Cubes,  as  aDye,  and  round  Pillers. 
Which  ctll  yon  vnperfefl.  t 


of  Logickg. 

Thofe  which  are  not  fo  enclofed  with  their  bounds,  but  that 
fomc  one  thing  may  bee  added  or  taken  away  from  the  fame, 
without  changing  or  altering  of  the  figure,  as  the  rightneffe, 
roundnefle,  concauitie,orconucxitieof  mperfedt  figures,  may 
be  lengthned  or  fhortned^and  yet  the  former  fhapc  thereof  fhall 
ftiil  rcmainc,  and  not  be  altered,  but  only  in  quantitie. 

A  Table  of  figure  and  forme, 
f  A  per fe  ft  Circle. 


A  Tri  rule,  Scalenen, 

whereof  rime  be     Ambligonim, 
fixe  fades.  Oxgomw, 


-?erfeft  U  either  J 


CA  ferfift  fquart, 
y  hngfquare, 
Plaine ,  at        4  quadrangle  tas  <(A  /quare  li^e  to  a 
)  Tborne-bacltetcat- 
L   led  Rhombus. 

J  Or  hauhg  many  C  A  figure  of  <{.6.orjt 
\^'  Angles  as       £     Angles,  or  more, 

r  Spherical! , 
Or  folid ,  rvhkh  is  eyther-j  Pyramidicall, 

OrvnperfeU  ,*bkbueytbcr  <jconuex, 


^  Butthetruedefcriptionsof  all  the  figures  contayned  in  this 
Table,  are  to  be  learned  of  the  Geometricians,  and  not  of  the 

¥  z  Of 

3d  ThefirJl'Booke 

Of  the  properties  of  qualitie. 

HOwntany  properties  doe  belong  to  Qualitie  f 
Three  :  Firft,  to  bee  comrarie,  as  Vcrtue  is  contrarieto 
Vice,  Heat  to  Cold,  White  to  blacke  :  yet  luch  contrarietie  bfc. 
longeth  not  to  euery  kind  of  Qualitie;  for  Triangles  bee  not 
contrarie  to  Squares,  nor  round  pillers  to  fharpe  pFnacles. 

What  is  the  ^e  c  on  d  proper  tie  f 

To  be  more  or  Iefle :  for  one  man  may  bee  more  vcrtuous,  or 
leffe  vertuou* ;  more  learned,  or  letffc  learned  ;  more  hcalthfull, 
or  lcfie  healthfull ;  more  or  leflc  hot  or  cold.  Yet  this  propertie 
belongeth  not  to  euery  kind  of  Qualitie;  for  one  Triangle  is  no 
more  a  Triangle  then  another.  The  like  may  bee  faid  of  the  reft 
of  the  perfect  Figures,  as  well  plaineas  folid. 

What  is  the  third  propertie  f 

To  be  like  or  vnlikerand  this  is  thechicfcft  propertie  belong- 
ing to  euery  kind  of  Qja!iric:as,two  Grammarians  be  like  one 
to  another  in  their  prof'eflion,tvvo  healthful  or  vnheaUhfull,two 
■white  or  two  blacke  ,  two  Triangles  or  two  fquares  are  faid  to 
be  like  or  vnlikc  one  to  another. 

Jiox»  define  you  Itkeneffe  or  vnltkenejfc  t 

Likeneffe,  according  to  Boetitu ,  is  when  diuers  things  hauc 
one  felfe  quality.  Vnlikenes  is,  when  they  haue  diuers  qualitie*. 

CHAP.    XI. 

Of  Relation, 

Hat  is  Relation  ? 

It  is  the  referring,  comparing,  or  applying  of 

one  thing  vnro  another/or  fome  refpeCt  of  afrt- 

nitie  or  liken e(Te  ,  wherewith  they  arc  knit  fo 

together,  as  the  one  cannot  be  well  vndcrftood 

without  the  other  :  and  therefore  the  things  fo  compared  are 

called  Relatiues,  or  rather  Correlatiucs;  for  of  things,  fome  are 

faid  to  be  ablolute,  and  fome  tefpeCtiue  or  relatiue. 

Which  call  yen  abfolute  I 

Abfolutc  are  thofc  which  may  be  vndcrftood  by  themfrlues, 


ofLogic{e.  37 

w'rthout  being  applycd  to  any  other  thing,  as  fubftancc,  quan- 
tise, qualitie. 

Which  are  fat d  to  be  relatiue  or  rejpefiiue  f 

Thofe  that  cannot  be  wel  vnderrtood  of  ihemfclucs, without 
hauing  relation  to  fomc  other  thing,  as  the  Father  and  the  Son, 
the  Lord  and  theBondman,  the  Mafter  and  the  Scholer,  &<:► 
Hercnote,thac  oftheSchoolementhe  thing  from  which  the  ap- 
plication is  made,  is  called  in  Latine,  Fftndamentum,  in  Englifii, 
The  foandation^znd  the  thing  whereunto  the  relation  or  applica- 
tion is  made,  is  called  in  Latine,  Terminus ,  in  Englifh,the  bonnd^ 
w&%ox  ttrme3  as  in  thefe  Correlatiues,the  Father  and  the  Sonne, 
the  Lord  and  the  Bondman,the  Schoolemalter  and  the  Scholer. 
Here,  the  Father.the  Lord,  and  Schoolemafter,  are  called, euery 
of  them,  Fundament  um\  but  the  Sonue,thc  Bondman, and  Scho- 
ler, euery  of  themi3called,7~Vr»MWM*,  that  is,  the  end  orterme; 
and  the  application  of  the  one  to  the  other  is  called  relation. 

R.wmany  kinds  of  Lei  Mines  be  there  ? 

Two :  Rehimcs  ft  cvudumejfe,  that  is,  indeed,  and  Relatiuei. 
fecmdttm  diet,  which  we  may  call,  Rclatiues  in  name. 

Which  call  you  T^Litiuci  indeed  ? 

Thofe  which  according  to  their  principall  fignification  haue 
relation  to  fome  other  thing  ,  without  which  they  cannot  bee 
vnderrtood :  as  a  Father  is  not  to  be  vnder  ftood,  without  there 
bee  a  Sonne,  nor  a  Sonne,  vnleffe  there  bee  a  Father.  The  like 
may  be  faid  of  a  Tutor  and  Pupill ,  the  Matter  and  his  Scholer, 
and  fuch  like. 

What  call  you  ReUtiues  in  name? 

Thofe  that  according  to  their  principall  fignification  may  be 
vnderrtood,  without  hauing  relation  to  any  other  thing;  and 
yet,  becaufcin  fomc  refpedt  they  haue  relation  to  fome  other 
thing,  they  are  called  Relatiucs,  but  not  properly,  for  they  dif- 
fer not  from  the  abfolute  things  before  defined,  as  VcrtuCjVicc, 
Habit, Dftpofition,  &c. 

fffiat  other  dim poms  there  of  Relet iues  > 

Of  Relatiucs,  lome  are  laid  to  be  of  one  felfe  namc,and  fomc 
*>f  diucrs:  or  onefelfename,  as  like,  vnlike,  cquall,vnequail, 
fchoole-fcUow,i>eighbour,and  futhlike:ordiuer*  names,  as  the 

F  3.  Father* 



Father,  the  Sonne,  the  Lord  and  Bondman,  &c.  And  of  fuch 
fome  be  more  worthy,  and  fome  be  le(Tc  worthy,  as  rhe  Father 
is  more  worthy,  the  Sonne  lcfle  worthy  ;  the  Matter  more  wor- 
thy, the  Scholerlcflc  worthy :  which  diuifions  this  Table  doth 

The  Table  of  Relation. 

fOf  one  felfe 
name,  as 

fin  deede ,  if  in 

CA  Scboole-feUowt 


J  Unlike  t 

<;  Eqitall, 


deed ',  it  it  tyt  her 


Colore  worthy, 


Relation  j 
it  either  | 

Or  of  Hitters 
_  namet, whereof 
{.fome  Lee 

And  fome  bee 
\JieJ}e  worthy 3*s 

{Or  in  name,  as 


The  Mafler, 
The  Father, 
f  The  double, 
The  whole, 
.The  Captaine. 

•  TheScbolcr, 
The  Some, 
iThe  effedt, 
'The  fart, 

<  JQuantitie,  ^gnd  fuch  like  abfoluteu 
Lghtalitie,    J 

Of  the  properties  of  Relation. 

HOw  tunny  properties  doe  belong  to  Relation  ? 
FiuerFirtt,  to  haue  contrarietie,  as  Vertueand  Vice, 
Science  and  Ignorance.  But  this  propertic  belongeth  not  to  all: 
for  double  and  the  one  halfe  hath  no  contrarietie,  nor  the  Fa- 
ther and  the  Sonne, 

OfLogicfy.  3P 

What  is  the fecond  propertie  ? 

The  fecond  is  to  be  more  or  leflc,  as  to  bee  more  like,  or  lefle 
like  ;  or  more  equall,  or  lefle  cquall.  Yet  this  belongeth  not  to 
all :  for  double  hath  neither  more  or  leflfe,  nor  one  Father  is  faid 
to  be  move  or  leffe  then  another. 

What  is  the  third proper  tie  ? 

The  third  is,  that  all  Relatiues  (  which  are  Relatiues  indeed) 
are  conuertible :  for  he  is  a  Father,  that  hath  a  Sonne ,  and  he  is 
a  Sonne,  that  hath  aFathcr,&c. 

What  is  the  fourth  propertie  ? 

The  fourth  is,  that  one  Correlatiueis  not  before  another, 
but  are  both  together :  as  the  Father  is  called  no  Father,  vntill 
he  hath  begotten  a  childe,  and  a  childe  is  called  no  Sonne ,  be- 
fore he  be  begotten  of  the  Father.  For  this  is  a  generall  rule  of 
Correlatiues :  If  the  one  be,  the  othcrmuftneeds  be  :  If  the  one 
be  taken  away,  the  other  muft  alfo  be  taken  away. 

What  is  the  fift  propertie  ? 

Thcfiftis,  that  whofoeuer  afluredly  knowcththc  oneCor- 
relatiue ,  muft  needes  know  the  other :  for  whofoeuer  certainly 
knoweth  that  I  am  a  Father ,  muft  needes  alfo  certainly  know 
that  I  haue  a  childe*  The  like  may  be  faid  of  all  that  be  Corre- 
latiues indeed,  to  whom  this  propertie  only  belongeth,  as  Art- 
ftotle  faith. 

CHAP.    XII. 

Of  lAftion. 

\  Hat  is  aft  ion  ? 

Adtion  is  fome  accidentall  forme  or  fhape, 
whereby  any  thing  is  laid  to  doe  or  to  worke 
vponhis  fubie&. 
What  meaneyott  here  by  this  -word  fubieSi  ? 
The  thing  that  fuffereth,  as  the  water  is  the  fubiedl  whereon 
the  fire  induceth  the  ihape  of  beating :  for  here  the  water  is  faid 
to  be  pafliue,  and  the  fire  acliue. 
How  is  aBion dmided} 

Into  adtions  of  the  foule,and  of  the  body.  The  aclions  of  the 
foule,arechofe  which  the  foulc  cloth  :for>accoxding  to  his  power 


4  o  The  fir  ft  Boo^c 

vcgetatiue,  Ms  a&io  is  are  to  nourifh,to  increafe,  and  to  ingen- 
der;  and  according  to  his  power  fenlitiue,  to  fee,  to  hcaie,  to 
fmell,  to  ufie,  to  feele;and  according  to  his  power  incellc&iue, 
to  vnderftand,  to  will,  to  nill,  and  fuch  like. 

The  actions  of  the  body  are  thote  that  doc  immediately  be- 
long to  Torn?  body  or  corporall  accident,  as  to  cut,  to  llnke,  to 
heat,  tocoole,  tomoylten,  to  dry,  to  make  white,  to  make 
blacke,  and  fuch  like. 

Is  there  no  other  dtuifion  of  aft  ton  } 

Yes  diners,  but  fuch  as  doe  rather  belong  to  naturall  Philo- 
fophers,  and  to  Diuines ,  then  to  Logicians  :and  therefore  wee 
leaue  to  fpeake  any  further  of  them. 

jVoat  doth  this  predicament  comprehend} 

AH  Nounes  and  Verbes  of  the  a&iue  fignification  :  as  thefe 
Nounes,  generation,  coriupcion, augmentation, diminution, al- 
tera' ion,  moouing  from  place  to  place,  and  fuch  like;  alio  all 
Verbes  acliue,  as,  to  engender,  to  corrupt,  to  increafe,  to  dimi- 
nifli,  to  alter  or  change,  and  to  mooue  from  place  toplace,and 
fuch  like  Verbes  of  the  adtine  fignification. 

How  many  pre  Rentes  doe  belong  to  atlion  ? 

Two  :  Firft,to  admit  contrarietie3not  fimply,but/><fr  accidenst 
as  to  kindle,  andtoextinguifh:  fecondly,  tobeemoreorlcfle, 
and  yet  accidentally ,  as  one  fire  to  burne  more ,  and  another 
lefTe,  one  water  to  coolc  more,  and  another  kflfe. 

Of  Tojfton. 
Hat  is  faffim  ? 

It  is  the  relation  or  application  of  the  Patient 
to  the  Agent :  as  for  example ,  whileft  the  water 
fuffereth  to  be  heated  by  the  fire,  this  fuffcrance 
is  called  Paflion. 
what  doth  this  predicament  comprehend} 
All  Verbes  of  the  pafliuc  fignification,  as  to  bee  engendrcd, 
corrupted,  increafed,  diminifhed,  or  altered,and  fuch  like. 
What  properties  doe  belong  to  Pajjton  ? 
The  fame  that  haue  beenc  faid  before  to  belong  vnto  acYion. 


of  Logical  4.1 

Of  the  Vtedictmcnt  Where  ,  called  in tat ine  ,Vbi. 

Off  define  you  the  predicamentVb'i  ? 

ybi\%  to  bee  in  Tome  place,  as  when  a  body  is 
inclofed  within  a  place ,  and  therefore  is  defined 
of 'fome,  to  bee  the  description  of  the  place 
wherein  any  thing  is  faid  to  bee,  or  to  be  done  or 
made,asintheBcaucns,  in  the  Earth,  in  the  Temple ,  in  the 
"Hou  fe,  and  fuch  like. 

H  off  is  this -predicament  diuided} 

Into  Vbi  fmyUx,  and  ybtcompfitum,  that  is  to  fay,fimple  and 

VVhen  is  it  faid  to  befmfle  ? 

When  a  thing  indiuifible  is  in  fome  indiuifible  place ,  as  an 
Angell  in  funUo\  or  when  a  thing  indiuifible  is  in  a  place  diuifi. 
ble,as  an  Angell  in  the  Temple;  for  the  Temple  may  bee  diui- 
ded into  many  parts,  though  the  Angell  cannot. 
When  is  it  faid  to  be  compound  ? 

When  fome  diuifible  body  is  contained  in  a  place  diuifible,a$ 
the  being  of  things  corporal  in  the  water,or  in  the  ayrejfor  cor- 
porall  things  be  fodiuifibly  placed  in  their  places,as  eueryparc 
of  the  thing  placed,  isanfwcrable  toeuery  part  of  the  place 
wherein  they  arc  containedjand  fo  contrarily,  as  to  the  parts  of 
a  mans  body  enuironed  with  the  aire,one  part  of  that  aire  is  an- 
fwerable  to  the  head,  another  to  the  feet,  &  Co  confequently  of 
all  the  reft :  and  therefore  the  Schoolemen  fay ,  zhztj4>icempo(i- 
turn,  is  to  be  in  a  place  circumfcriptiuely ,  tut  Vbi  fimplex,  is  to 
bee  in  a  place  definitiuely,  that  is  to  fay,  in  fome  certaine  place, 
though  not  according  to  the  pofition  or  order  of  placing  the 
parts.But  when  a  thing  is  faid  tobe  in  a  place  circumfcriptiuely, 
then  fuch  place  and  thing  may  be  both  diuided  according  to  the 
parts  of  pofition  or  placing,  as  this  part  hcre,and  the  other  pare 
there,  whereof  fpring  thefe  differences,  aboue,  beneath,  before, 
behind,  en  the  right  fide,  on  the  left  fide,  and  fuch  like.  And  fi- 
nally, this  predicament  comprehendcth  whatfoeuer  anfwereth 
to  this  queflion,  where  any  thing  is  faid  to  be  or  to  be  done. 

G  Prhat 


Tbefirfi  'Book? 

What  properties  doe belong  to  theprtdicament ,  Where? 

Three :  Firft,to  admit  no  contrarietie ;  for  though  to  bee  a- 
boue  and  beneath  feeme  to  be  contrary,  yet  that  is  to  be  vnder- 
flood  phyfically,  and  not  dialc&ically :  fecondly ,  itadmitteth 
neither  more  nor  leflc ;  for  to  be  in  the  Templc,is  no  more  to  be 
in  place,  then  to  bee  in  the  market,  or  in  any  houfc  :  but  the 
third  and  chiefeft propertie  oiVbi'xs  to  containe. 

CHAP.   XV. 

Of  the  predicament  When, called  in  Lathe t 

j  Ow  define yonthu  predicament } 

This  is  faid  to  bee  a  relation  or  application 

jofathingraeafured  by  time,  vnto  timeitfelfe, 

'  and  containeth  the  differences  of  times,  whereby 

,any  thing  is  faid  to  be,  to  haue  bcene,  or  (hall  be, 

to  doe,  or  to  fuffer :  and  to  fpeake  briefly,  it  comprehendeth  all 

words  that  anfwere  to  this  queftion  ffraent  as  yeftcrday,  to 

morrow,  the  next  day,  and  fuch  like. 

How  fi  Qu an d o  diuided  > 

Two  manner  of  wayes ;  for  fometime  it  is  faid  to  be  definite, 
chat  is,  ccrtaine,  as  in  this  or  that  houre,day,  oryeere,  which  is 
certaine;  and  fometime  indefinite;  that  is,vnccrtaine,as  to  haue 
beene,  without  any  limitation  of  time,  which  is  vncertaine.  Se- 
condly, Quando  may  be  diuided  into  his  parts  of  fucceffion,  as 
Into  time  paft,  prefent,  and  to  come. 

What  properties  doe  belong  to  this  predicament  ? 
Firft,  to  haue  no  contrarietie  :  Secondly,  to  admit  neither 
more  or  lefle:  Thirdly,  to  bee  alwSyes  flitting  or  fluxiblc,  and 
neuer  permanent,  which  propertie  it  hath  by  rcafon  of  time 
"which  continually  pafleth  away. 


eflogic{e.  43 


Of  the  'frtdicaueHt,  t  befituaiei,  t*lltdin Luting 
Situm  effc. 

,#*/*>  Situm  cflfe? 

guintilian  faith ,  that  Situm  ej[e\sa$  muchtc 
*fay,  as  to  becfituated  ,  ordered,  or  placed  fome 
'manner  of  way;  and  it  is  a  gcnorall  word,comprc« 
hending  all  names  that  doe  exprefle  the  fite  ot 
ordering  of  the  body  and  parts  thereof ,  as  to  ftand,to  fitjto  lye 
either  groucling,  or  right  vp,  or  on  the  one  fide :  and  finally,  it 
^omprehendeth  all  thofe  words  which  anfwer  to  this  queftioni 
how  any  thing  is  fituated ,  as  when  it  is  required  how  Norwich 
ftandeth  from  London ,  either  Northward,  Southward,  Weft- 
ward,  or  Eaftward. 

Bow  is  fite  divided  of  the  Scheolemen} 

Into  fite  naturall  and  cafuall. 

Which  call  yen  naturall  fite  f 

That  whereby  euery  part  of  the  body  hath  his  naturall  place; 
as  in  mans  body,the  head  to  ftand  aboue,  the  belly  in  the  midft, 
and  the  feet  beneath ;  and  Co  in  a  trce,the  root  to  be  loweft,  the 
body  in  the  midft,  and  the  boughes  or  branches  to  be  higheft. 

What  call  yon  fite  cafuall  .* 

That  whereby  thepofition  or  ordering  of  the  parts  is  altered 
any  way  by  accident ,  as>  now  to  ftand  vpright,now  to  ftoop, 
now  to  fit,  or  to  lye  downe,  this  way,  or  that  way. 

IPhat  defcriftions  are  to  be  fetched  from  this  Predicament  t 

The  descriptions  of  places. 

What  properties  doe  belong  to  this  Predicament  ? 

Two:Firft,  to  admit  no  contrariety;  for  though  vpward  fee- 
meth  to  be  contrary  to  downward,yet  that  is  vnderftocd  phyfi- 
cally,  and  not  diale6tically.  Secondly,  it  hath  neither  more,  nor 
leffe;  for  to  ftand  is  no  more  a  fite,  then  to  fit ,  nor  fitting  more 
then  ftanding. 

Which  things  doe  alter  their  fituation,  and  which  not  ? 

All  things  without  life  and  feeling,  doekttpe  their  fite,if  by 

G    2  violence 

44  'The  firjl  Woofy 

violence  they  be  not  changed:but  all  things  hailing  life  and  fee- 
ling,  doe  alter  their  fite ,  when  and  as  often  as  it  pleafcth  them, 
as  a  beaft  to  fund  vp,  or  to  lye  downe,  and  fo  forth. 

The  Table  of  Site. 

r  The  bead  ttjiandaboue,    , 
■Natural! ,  as       <Tbe  billy  to  be  in  the  mid(l?> 
(.And  the.  feci  benestb, 

iiuktythct    ^  ^ 

1   „  jStandinr, 

■Or  cafuall 3  as*    ^Lyinggrottelih&or 

CtPitb  the  face  vpward. 

Of  the  predicament,  To  haue,  called™  Lathe,  Habere. 

ijg35  H*t  doth  this  word  to  haue  /tgntfie  ? 

It  hath  three  fpeciall  fignificaticnstFirft,  to  be 
clad  with  garments,  Armour,  or  ornament  :fe-. 
condly,to  pofleffe  any  thing,  as  to  polfeflfe  wife, 
lands,  or  goods :  thirdly,  to  containe  any  thing, 
as  a  veffell  to  containeey  ther  liquid  or  dry  matter  that  is  pow- 
jed  therein  :  and  therefore  this  predicament  comprehendeth  alt' 
fuch  words  as  are  deriued  of  the  names  of  garments ,  as  to  bee 
gowned,  cloked,  or  coated-.alfo  of  Armour,as 
offenfiue ;  defenfiue,  as  to  be  armed  withaCorfeiet,  Iacke,  or 
ftiirt  of  Male,  and  fuch  like  :  offenfiue ,  as  to  bee  armed  with  a 
Sword,  Dagger,  Caliuer,  Halbert,  or  Pike.  Alfo  beafts  and  fi- 
fties are  faid  to  be  armed  with  Nayles,Hornes,Tanons,BeakeSj 
Scales,  Finnes,  and  fuch  like.  Alfo  it  comprehendeth  words  of 
ornament,  as  to  be  decked  with  Chaines,  jewels,  and  Table  ts: 
alfo  words  of  poffeflion,  as  to  haue  lands  or  goods :  alfo  words 
of  contayning  ,  as  to  bee  full  of  Wine,  Oyle,  or  Hony,  as  you 
may  fee  in  the  Table  following, 


o/Logicfa  4.5 

The  Tabic  of  the  predicament  To  hatte. 

r-  frith  pirment$,4u  to  be  gowned  or  closed. 

C  To  bet  lad  2  With  Armour,  a*  mtb  a  Corftlet  or  Halbert, 

_  ,       .    .        N  C  Or  with  ornaments,  as  -mtb  Tablet  or  c  baint* 

To  baut » three-  J 

fold,  that  ut  \opefife,  as  topofefe  lands  or  goods. 

{_To  contain,  as  a  retfejlto  be  fell  of  liquor,  &c. 

J&hat  properties  doe  belong  to  this  predicament  I 
Two:  Firft,  to  admit  more  andleffe:  for  a  man  at  Armesis 
faid  to  bee  more  armed  then  a  light  Horfeman  ,  and  a  Pike- 
man  more  then  a  Caliuer  or  Harquebuzier.  Againe,  hee  that  is 
clad  with  two  coats,is  more  clad  then  he  that  wearcth  but  one. 
Secondly,  this  predicament  admitteth  in  fome  fort  contrariety: 
for  to  be  armed  and  vnarmed,clad  and  naked,  are  contraries  by 
priuation^but  nototherwife*. 


Of  the  vfe  of  the  Predicaments* . 

0  what  vfe  or  end  doe  thefe  Predicaments  ferue  t 

To  many  good  vfes.  Firft,  if  you  will  define 
any  thing,  you  fhallbefure  in  fome  of  thefe  Pre- 
dicaments to  find  out  the  generali  kind  thereof^ 
together  with  all  the  differences  (for  the  moft" 
pare)  belonging  to  the  fame.:  which  if  they  bee 
not  fet  downe,  then  they  are  to  bee  gathered  out  of  the  proper 
accidents  incident  to  the  thing  which  you  would  define.Secod- 
Jy,  if  you  would  diuide  any  thing  ,  here  you  ihall  find  both  the 
generali  kinds,  fpeciall  kinds, yea.,  andciiuers  examples  of  the 
Jndiuiduums  comprehended  vnder  the  fame  kinds.  Thirdly, 
out  of  thefe  Predicaments  you  may  gather  matter  apt  to  prcue 
any  queftion,  either  generali  or  particular, . 

G  .2  CHAP,. 

4<J  cThefr/icBoof^ 

Of  ?ofl -predicaments. 

Hat  meane  yon  by  Pojt-predicament  ? 

They  bee  interpretations  of  ccrtaine  words 
more  plainly  expounded  after  the  predicaments, 
for  the  better  vnderftandingof  certaincof  the 
laid  predicaments. 
Which  are  they  ? 

The  k  Hue,  Oppofitio, prim  ^•pofleriu4ifimulymotHS)  &  habere, 
that  is  to  fay  in  Englifh,0^p0/frwir,  before  and  after,  together,  mo. 
mng>  and  tohaue  :cucry  one  whereof  may  be  taken  and  interpre- 
ted diuers  wayes. 
i  Tfhat  is  oppofttion  ? 

Oppofition  is  the  repugnancy  or  contrariety  of  two  extreme* 
which  are  contrary  one  to  anothcr,in  fuch  fort  as  none  of  them 
is  in  like  manner  repugnant  to  any  other  thing :  as  for  example, 
white  and  blacke  being  two  extremes,  are  more  contrary  one 
to  another,  then  cythcr  of  them  is  to  any  other  colour,as  to  red, 
yellow,  rulfet,  or  blue. 

Sith  Jome  things  are  faid  to  be  agreeable  one  to  another ',andfome 
contrary  one  to  another ,andfome diuers  one  from  another  ;  it  were 
not  dMif[e,firft,  here  to  tell  how  ,  and  when  things  are  faid  to  bee  a- 
greeable,  diners,  or  repugnant  one  to  another. 

Things  are  faid  to  be  agreeable  one  to  another  three  manner 
of  wayes  :Firft,when  they  agree  in  generall  kind,as  thofe  which 
are  fubiedt  to  one  next  generall  kind,as  man  and  horfe  do  agree 
in  generall  kind,  becaule  this  word  animal,  or  fenfible  body,  is 
the  next  generall  kind  to  them  both.  Secondly  ,  things  are  fayd 
to  agree  in  fpeciall  kind ,  as  Edward  and  John  arc  both  compre- 
hended vnder  this  word  man.  Thirdly,  things  are  faid  to  agree 
in  number  ,  as  wordeshauing  one  felfe  fignification,  called  m 
Greece  Syncnjma,zs  a  blade, a  rapier,  a  curtilas  or  ftucke,  figni- 
fying  a  fworchalfo  things  of  like  fubflance  or  definition, as  man, 
and  a'  fe/ifiLle  body  endued  with  reafon.  And  by  thefe  three 
wayes  things  arc  fayd  alfo  to  differ  one  from  another ;  for  they 


of  Logic{e.  47 

may  differ  one  from  another  in  gencrall  kind ,  in  fpeciall  kind, 
and  in  number:  in  generall  kind,  as  a  fenfible  body,  and  a  tree; 
in  fpeciall  kind,  as  a  Horfe,and  an  A(Te:againe,  they  may  differ 
in  number,  as  the  Indiuiduums  that  be  coprehcnded  vnder  one 
fpeciall  kind,  as  lohn  and  Edward,  doe  differ  only  in  number. 

Is  it  all  one,  to  be  dtuers,  andcontrarie  ? 

No :  for  thofc  things  are  faid  to  be  diuers,  which  differ  any  of 
the  wayes  abouefaid,or  by  any  other  difference,  be  it  common, 
proper,or  moft  proper.  Yet  few  or  none  of  shefe  things  are  con- 
trary one  to  another:  for  no  fubftancc  admitteth  contrarietie, 
nor  yet  many  accidents ,  vnleffe  it  bee  by  reafon  of  qualities 
whereunto  contrarietie  doth  properly  belong. 

Hew  many  wayes  are  things  faid  to  be  contrary  one  to  another  ? 

Fourc  manner  of  wayes,  that  is,  relatiue,contrarie,priuatiue, 
and  contradictory,  that  is  to  fay,by  relation,by  contrarietie,by 
priuation,  and  by  contradiction. 

Which  things  are  [aid  to  be  offlojite  orcontrarie  by  relation  ? 

Thofe  things  are  oppofite  by  relation,  which  according  to 
their  owne  fignifications,haue  mutuall  relation  one  to  another, 
neither  can  they  be  both  verified  of  one  felfe  thing  in  one  felfe 
refpedt,  as  the  father  and  the  fonne,  the  Lord  and  the  bond- 
man :  for  one  man  cannot  be  both  a  father  and  a  fonne  in  one  re. 
fpe£t,  but  in  diuers  refpe&s  hee  may :  for  euery  man  that  hath  a 
ibnne,  is  notwithstanding  a  fonne  to  his  owne  father,  and  a  fa-  - 
thcr  to  his  owne  fonne. 

Which  things  are  [aid  to  be  op fejite  by  contrarietie  ?  - 

Thofe  things  are  faid  to  bee  contrary,  which  being  compre°  - 
hended  vnder  one  felfe  kind,  doe  moft  differ  one  from  another, 
and  yet  both  may  be  one  after  another  in  one  felfe  fubieft  meet 
to  receiue  the  fame ,  becaufe  the  one  giueth  place  to  the  other, 
vnleffe  it  be  fiich  a  thing  as  is  naturally  incident  to  the  faid  fub= 
ie6t  :  as  heat  and  cold,  being  contayncd  vnder  qualitic,are  moft 
contraty  one  to  another,  and  yet  may  bee  one  after  another  in 
mans  body,  or  any  other  fubie£t  apt  to  receiue  the  fame:  for 
many  times  heat  driueth  out  cold, and  cold  heat.  Yet  in  fire  it  is 
not  fo  :  for  heat  is  alwayes  naturally  incident  to  fire,  and  will 
neuer  giuc  place  to  cold,  fo  long  as  it  is  firea  and  not  extinct. 

How  a 

4-8  the  fir jl  $00/% 

How  are  contraries  divided? 

Of  contraries,  fomc  haue  a  meane,calletl  of  the  Schoolemen, 
Cw/r^dw^w^,  and  fome haue  no  meane,  called,  Contrari* 

When  are  they  f aid  U  haue  a  meane} 

When  the  two  contraries  arc  fuch,  as  neither  of  themisof 

meere  neceflity,in  any  fubie<St  meet  to  receiue  the  fame,as  white 

&  black:for  that  fubie&  which  is  apt  to  receiue  them  both,may 

be  yellow  or  rufletjSc  fo  the  fubieft  is  neither  white  nor  blacke. 

When  are  they  [aid  to  batte  no  meant  ? 

When  the  one  of  the  two  contraries  may  be  al  waies  truly  af- 
firmed of  any  fubieit  apt  to  receiue  the  fame  ,  as  ficknefle  and 
health;  for  man  or  beaft  is  truly  faid  to  be  either  fiek,or  whole. 
Alfo  vice  and  vertue  haue  no  meane  :  for  a  mart  is  faid  to  be  ey- 
ther  good,  oreuill:  yet  fome  make  good  andetiill  to  haue  a 
meane,  called  a  thing  indifterent.Likewife,hot  &  cold  to  haue  a 
meane ,  that  is  to  fay,  Luke-warme.  And  betwixt  health  and 
ficknefle,  C/^wmakethameaneeitate, tnac  is  to  fay,  neither 
whole  nor  fickc,  but  betwixt  both. 
Which  are  oppofites  by  privation  ? 

Oppofites  by  priuation  are  two  contraries  belonging  to  one 
felfe-fubiedt  apt  to  receiue  the  fame,  in  the  which  fubie£t,whert 
the  one  is  wanting  at  fuch  time  as  nature  doth  appoint,thc  other 
muft  ncedes  bee,  as  fight  and  blindnefle  in  the  eye,  hearing  and 
deafenefle  in  the  eare,  light  and  darknefle  in  the  skie ,  or  in  any 
other  thing  meet  to  receiue  both. 

Wherefore  doe  yon  adde  this  claufe,  at  fuch  time  as  nature  doth  ap- 
point ? 

Becaufe  it  is  not  needfull  that  one  of  thefe  oppofites  be  in  the 
fubiedt  in  all  timesras  for  example,  the  whelpc  which  is  not  nine 
dayesold,  though  as  yet  hefeeth  not;  yet  is  hee  not  faid  to  bee 
blind,  becaufe  Nature  hath  appointed  him  no  fooncr  to  fee. 
Which  be  oppofite  by  contradiction  ? 

They  be  two  contraries,  hauing  no  meane,  and  doe  eonfift  in 
jContradi£tion,thatis  to  fay,  in<lenying  the  one  the  other:  and 
fuch  contradidionconhftcth  either  in  propofuions,  or  elfein 
simple  or  finglc  Ecaraies. 


ofLogic{e.  49 

(jiue  Examples  of  both. 

In  proportions  thus :  lohn  is  honeft,  lohn  is  not  honeft:?/*** 
difputeth,/7*tf«difputetli  not: in  which  kindcof  proportions, 
there  is  no  meane  of  truth  or  falfhood  ;  for  of  neccflitie  the  one 
of  them  muft  al  waycs  be  cither  true  or  falfe,in  fuch  forc,as  both 
cannot  be  true  together,nor  both  falfe  together. In  fimple  terms 
thus :  a  man:to  know,  not  to  know  :  to  be,  and  not  to  be :  and 
therefore  oppofites  by  contradiction  be  moft  contrarie,and  doe 
differ  from  all  the  reft;  for  in  all  the  other  Oppofites  ,  it  is  eafie 
to  find  out  fome  meane  fubiedt,  whereof  neither  of  them  can  be 
truly  fpoken  or  affirmed. 

C  H  A  P.    X  X. 

Of  before  and  after,  called  in  Latino,  P  rius  & 

Or»  many  way  es  is  a  thing  fail  to  bee  before  and  af- 

Fiue  manner  of  wayes,that  is,  by  time,  nature, 
order,  honour,  and  caufe,  contained  in  thefc  two 
Latine  Verfes : 
Tempore  naturay  prim  ordi«e  die  &  honore: 
Et  caufa  effects  dicitttr  e^e  prior. 
Gine  Examples  ofeuery  one. 

Firft,  by  time,  Cicero  is  faid  to  be  before  jQulntil>anf  and  So- 
(rates  before  Anttotle,  and  fuch  like. Secondly,  by  nature,  that 
thing  is  faid  to  bee  firft,  or  before,  from  which  the  consequent 
cannot  returne  backward  :by  which  way  all  gcnerall  kinds  arc 
faid  to  be  before  their  Speciall  kindcs,and  Speciall  kindes  before 
their  Indiuiduums:for  if  man  be,then  fenfiblebody(which  is  the 
generall  kindc)  muft  needs  be,but  not  contrarily  :  So  likevvife,if 
lohn  be,  man  muft  needs  be,  but  not  contrarily;for  it  followeth 
not  ofnecefficie,Becaufeitisafenfiblebody,E>£0,it  isaman,or 
becaufeitis  a  man,£r£*,  it  is  hhn.  Thirdly,  by  order  one  thing 
is  faid  to  be  before  another,  as  one  before  two,  and  two  before 
three,  letters  before  Syllables,  and  Syllables  before  words,  and 
words  before  Speech  .To  this  alfo  appertained  that  which  is  faid 

H  to 

7he  fir/i  Too^e 


to  be  before  by  fuuation,  as  in  going  from  Norwich  to  London, 
Thttford\s  before  Newmarket, and  Newmarket  before  ffare32n<i 
fo  forth. Fourthly ,by  honour  or  digmtie,an  Emperour  is  faid  to 
be  before  a  King, a  King  before  a  Duke,a  Duke  before  an  EarJe, 
an  Earle  before  a  Baron,&c.Fiftly,  the  caufe  is  faid  to  be  before 
hisen°e&,as  the  rifing  of  the  Sunne  is  fatd  to  be  before  day;  fo 
thedirTerencis  faid  to  be  before  his  fpeciall  kinde,  andthefpe- 
enll  kinde  before  his  propertie.  And  thefe  be  conuertible:  for  if 
it  be  day ,  the  Sunne  muft  needs  be  vp  :  and  if  the  fpeciall  diffe- 
rence be,  the  fpeciall  kinde  muft  needs  be,  and  fo  contrarily. 
To  what  endferueth  *his  manifold  way  of  before  and  after  * 
To  the  intent  that  wee  may  the  better  vnderftand  what  hath 
becne  faid  before  touching  oppofites  by  rclation.that  is  to  fayt 
that  Relatiues  are  alwayes  together  by  order  of  nature,  and  not 
one  before  another,  but  only  by  their  fourth  way,that  is  to  fay, 
by  honour  or  worthinefTe,  which  way,  as  ^Artfiotle  faith,of  all 
the  other  waycs,is  moft  vnproper,and  lealt  to  the  purpofe, 

Of  the  word  Together,  called  in  Latine,  Sinoul. 

WtOw  many  wayes  are  things  faid  to  be  together  t 

Two  wayes,  that  is,  by  order  of  time,  and  by 
-rder  ot  nature.  Firft  by  order  of  time,  iheheat 
•nd  (riitiing  of  the  Sunne  are- faid  to  bee  in  the 
Sunne  together,  that  is,  at  one  time:  alfo  the  An- 
gels  were  created  all  together,  and  at  one  time. 
Secondly,  thofe  things  are  faid  to  bee  together  by  order  of  na- 
ture, which  haue  natur all  relation  one  to  another,  and  bee  con- 
uertible, neither  is  the  one  caufeof  the  other,  as  the  father  and 
the  fonne,  fingle  and  double,  and  fiich  like :  and  many  doc  addc 
hereunto  diuers  fpeciall  kindes  and  differences  fubiedt  to  one 
felfe  gencrall  kind,  as  man  and  bruit  bcaft ,  1  eafonable  and  vn- 
reafonable,  are  fubied  to  the  generall kinde  ,  fenfiblebody,  or 


ofLogic{e.  51 


Of  Mouing  or  Motion,  called  in  Latine,  Mocus,  and 
of  the  km&ti  thereof, 

Hertford*  mention  made  here  of  Moving  ? 

For  the  better  vnderrtanding  of  the  Predica- 
ment Action,  whereunto  Mouing  bclongeth. 
Hove  many  kinds  of  Mot  ton  or  Matting  hetherel 
Six, briefly  touched  before  in  the  predicament 
of  Action,  that  is  to  fay,  Generation,  Corruption,  Augmentati- 
on,Diminution,  Alteration,  and  Mouing  from  place  to  place. 
'Define  thefe  kindes, 

1  Generation  is  a  proceeding  from  the  not  being  of  a  fub- 
ftance,  to  the  being  of  the  fame,  as  from  an  Acornc  to  an  Oke. 

2  Corruption  (contrariwifc)  is  a  proceeding  from  a  being  to 
a  not  being,  as  fcotr-  an  Oke  to  chips  or  afhes. 

2  Augmentation  is  the  increafing  of  a  great  quantitie  in  the 
whole:  asfromachilde  to  a  man. 

4  Diminution  is  cor.trariwife  a  decreafing  or  diminishing  of 
quantitie  in  the  whole,  as  a  bodie  that  confumethor  pinethby 
difeafe  or  otherwifc. 

5  Alteration  is  a  proceeding  or  changing  from  one  qualitie 
into  another,  as  from  hot  to  cold. 

6  Mouing  from  place  to  place,  is,  as  the  mouing  of  the  Sun 
out  of  the  Eaft  into  the  Weft. 


Of  themrdHibcretthat  is,  to  haue,  and  how  many 
voayes  it  is  to  be  vnderjiood, 

Otv many  fgmfications hath  this  wordtio  haue? 

1  Firft,  to  haue  a  qualitic,as  Science,  Vice,©r 

2  To  haue  a  quantitie,  as  to  bee  fix,  feuen  or 
eigh'  foot  long. 

3  To  be  dad,  as  to  haue  a  Cloke  or  Coat. 

H  2  4  To 

S I  The  fir/t  cBoo{ey&c. 

4  To  haue  fome  part  of  the  body  clad  or  decked  with  fome 
thing,  as  the  finger  with  a  ring,  the  necke  with  a  chaine. 

5  To  haue  a  parr,or  member,  as  a  hand,  a  head,  or  foot. 

6  To  containers  a  hogfhead  that  hath  therein  beere  or  wine. 

7  To  poflcire,  as  to  haue  lands,  tenements,  or  goods. 

8  To  haue  a  Wife ,  which  (according  to  Ariftctlt)  is  vnpro- 
perly  faid,  becaufe  nothing  can  be  properly  faid  to  haue,which 

is  had  it  felfe  of  the  fame :  for  the  wife  hath  the  man, as  well 
as  the  man  the  wife ;  and  therefore  this  way 
of  hauing  ferueth  to  little 

Bertendetch  tbefrft  Booke  of  Legtckc* 




The  fecond  Booke. 

CHAP.   I. 

Of  Definition, 

!  Auing  hitherto  fuflficiently  fpoken  of  the 
Predicables  and  Predicaments,  and  of 
all  things  belonging  vnto  them  ,  with- 
out the  knowledge  whereof,  no  true  de- 
finition, nor  good  diuifion  can  bee  well 
made;  me  thinkes  it  were  mcete  now  to 
treate  of  definition  and  diuifion. 

What  u  'Definition,  And  hew  manifold 
u  it? 
Definition  is  a  fpeech,  whereby  either  fome  name  or  thing  is 
declared :  and  it  is  twofold,that  is ,  of  a  name;and  of  a  thing. 
What  u  definition  of  a  name,  and  how  manifold  is  it  ? 
Definition  of  a  name,  is  a  fpeech  whereby  the  fignification  of 
fome  word  is  declared  :  and  it  is  ten-fold. 

i  Definition  yerball,  as  when  a  word  lcfieknovvne  is  decla- 
red by  a  word  moreknowne,  as  thus,  To  imitate,  is  as  much  to 
fay,  as  to  follow,  or  to  counterfeit  .-againe,  to  accomplish,  is 
to  fulfill. 

H  3  2  De- 

54-  Thefecond'Bookf 

2  Definition  by  difference;  as,  HeisaKing,whichrulethby 
Xaw;  but  he  that  ruleth  by  force,  is  a  Tyrant, 

3  Definition  metaphorical!,  or  by  figure;  as,  Adolefcenceis 
the  flower  of  mans  age:Good  Preachers  are  the  fait  of  the  earth. 

4  Definition  by  contrarie;  as,  Vertue  is,  to  flee  vice. 

5  Definition  by  circumlocution;  as,The  writer  of  the  Troian 
Warre,that  is  to  fay,  Homer. 

6  Definition  by  example,  as  to  fay,  that  this  word  rcafona- 
ble  or  vnreafonable  is  a  fpeciall  difference. 

7  Definition  by  wont,  or  defect;  as,  That  is  three  quarters, 
which  la  eke  th  a  quarter  of  a  yard, or  any  fuch  like  thing. 

8  Definition  by  prayfc,or  difprayfc :  by  prayfe,as,Logicke  is 
an  Art  of  Artes,  and  Science  of  Sciences :  Iuflice  is  the  Queene 
of  all  Vertues.  By  difprayfc,  as,  Idlencfleis  the  corruption  or 
definition  ofyouth. 

c  Definition  by  fimilitude;  as,  The  Sunne  is  the  eye  of  the 
World;  ACitie  without  a  Magiftrate,  is  as  a  Ship  without  a 

io  Definition  by  Etymologie;  as,  He  is  rightly  called  good- 
man,  becaufe  he  is  a  good  man  indeed, and  full  of  good  workes. 

When  is  definition  of  the  name  needfullto  be  vfed  ? 

When  fome  doubtfull  word  is  caufe  of  the  controuerfie. 

Of  the  definition  of  a  thing, 

WHat  is  the  definition  of  a  thing? 
It  is  a  fpecch,  which  dt  clareth  briefly,  plainly,  and 
aptly,  the  yery  nature  and  fubftanceof  the  thing  which  is  de- 

How  is  the  definition  of  a,  thing  dittidedi 

Into  thefe  fix  ^indes,  that  is  to  fay,  into  definition  elTentiall, 
caufall,by  the  Relatiuc,  by  the  effects  and  offices,  by  numbering 
vp  of  the  parts,  and  by  heaping  vp  of  accidents. 
What  is  definition  effentiall? 

It  is  that  which  confifteth  of  the  next  generall  kinde,  ioyned 
with  fome  fpeciall  difference  or  property  belonging  to  the  lame 
kinde;as  when  I  define  a  man  to  be  a  fenfible  body,e  nducd  with 
mion,or  apt  to  fpcake:  and  this  is  the  Logicali  definition  moft 


of  Logtcfy.  55 

Cure  of  all  others  ,  but  not  eafie  to  bee  made  of  cucry  thing,  for 
lacke  of  fpeciall  differences  and  naturall  properties. 
When  is  it  f aid  to  be  a  eaufaR  definition  ? 
When  it  is  made  of  ihe  gcnerall  kinde,and  of  the  proper  cau- 
fes  of  the  thing  defined. 

JJovd  many  chiefe  kindofcaufes  be  there  ? 
Foure,  that  is,  matter,forme,  caufe  efficient  and  end. 
How  define  joh  matter  ? 

Matter  is  that  whereof  any  thing  is  raade,as  cloth  is  the  mat- 
ter whereof  a  doake  or  coat  is  made,  and  wooll  is  the  matter  of 

What  is  Forme  f 

Forme  is  the  fhape  whereof  any  thing  taketh  both  his  being 
and  his  name :  and  therefore  the  Schoolemen  do  define  forme  to 
be  that  which  giueth  a  being  to  any  thing,  bee  it  naturall  or  ar- 
tificial!, as  in  the  Examples  before  recited,  thecoatorcloake 
hath  both  his  beirg  and  name  of  the  fhape  which  it  hath,  and 
not  of  the  matter. 

What  is  the  caufe  efficient  ? 

1  hat  which  maketh  or  worketh  any  thing,  and  is  the  authour 
thereof,  as  the  Carpenter  is  the  caufe  efficient  of  the  houfe,  and 
Ship  bright  of  the  Ship. 

What  is  the  end  or  finall  caufe  ? 

It  is  that  for  whole  lake  3ny  thing  is  done,as  the  end  of  warrc 
is  to  haue  peace ,  the  end  of  iiudie  is  to  get  learning  and  know- 

due  Examples  of  definitions  mxde  of  etsery  one  of  thefe  eaitfes. 
Of  matcer  let  this  bee  your  Example  :  Beere  is  a  Drinke 
made  of  Mault,  Water,  3nd  Hops.  Of  forme  thus  :  Man  is  a 
fenhble  bodie  ,  endued  with  a  Soule  intcllectiue  or  reafonable, 
which  is  the  true  fhape  of  man.  Of  the  caufe  efficient  thus  : 
That  is  a  Decree  of  the  Senate,  which  the  Senate  commandcth 
andordainethjfor  the  Senate  is  the  caufe  efficient  of  the  Decree. 
Anger  or  wrath  is  the  boyhng  of  the  bloud  about  the  heart, 
through  the  ftirring  vp  ofcholer.  Of  the  end  thus :  A  houfe  is  a 
building  made  to  defend  our  bodies  from  the  injuries  of  the  aire 
and  weather.. 


5  6  The  fecond  *Boofy 

Uvfay  not  a  good  definition  be  mads  of  many  of  thtfe  cattfesioyned 
Yes  indeed. 
Cine  Example. 

Lo  here  the  example  ofDemoJlkenest\n  defining  what  Law  is. 
Law  (faith  he)  is  the  inuention  and  gift  of  God,  and  the  decree 
of  wifemen,  the  correction  of  crimes,  cither  rafhly  or  aduifedly 
committed,and  a  common  couenant  or  confent  of  the  Citie,ac« 
cording  to  the  which  ail  men  ought  to  liue.  In  this  definition, 
the  firft  and  chiefeft  caufe  efficient  is  God,  the  fecond  caufe  effi- 
cient is  the  common  couenant  or  confent  of  the  Citie  :  the  mat- 
ter is  the  decree  of  the  wife  :  the  end  is  the  correction  of  crimes, 
and  the  keeping  of  the  Citizens  in  good  order  of  life. 

When  is  a  definition  faid  to  be  made  by  the  Hjlatiue  ? 
-    When  one  Relatiue  is  interpreted  by  another;  as  thus,  He  is  a 
Fathcr,which  hath  a  Sonnejand  he  is  a  Maftcr,which  hath  a  Ser- 

When  is  a  definition  [aid  to  be  made  bjtheejfedsivtrttiesi  or  offi- 
ces of  thethirg  dt fined  ? 

When  the  nature  of  the  thing  is  plainly  declared  by  fhewing 
the  faid  effects  or  offices, as  thus:  An  adamant  ftone  is  that  which 
being  laid  nigh  to  Iron  or  Steele,  draweth  the  Steele  ynto  hiro: 
luftice  is  a  vertue  which  giucth  cuery  man  his  right. 

When  is  a  definition  faid  to  be  made  by  numbering  vp  ofthepartst 
When  it  contayneth  either  thechiefe,orall  the  parts  of  fome 
whole  thing  ,  or  elfe  all  the  fpeciall  kindesof  fomegcnerall 

due  Examples  of  both  thefe  vtayes. 

Of  the  firft  thus:  A  Houfe  is  a  building,  hauing  a  foundation, 
walles,  andcouering.Of  the  fecond  way  thus :  A  fenfiblebodie 
is  that  which  comprehendeth  both  man  and  bruit  beaft. 

When  is  a  definition  faid  to  be  made  by  heaping  vp  of  accidents  f 
When  a  thing  is  rather  defcribed,  then  defined, by  fuch  com- 
mon and  proper  accidents  as  doc  belong  to  the  fame,as  fire  is  an 
Element  that  is  hotand  dry,and  excccdcth  all  other  Elements  in 
lightneffe:  and  therefore  this  laft  kind  of  definition  ought  rather 
to  be  called  a  defcripcion  then  a  definition, which  is  vfuall  to  the 
x  Poets, 

ofLogicfy.  5 y 

Poets,  Orator**  and  Historiographers,  in  defcribing  either  per- 
fon,fa<5t,or  thing:alfo  to  the  Phificians,  in  defcribing  their  fim- 
ples,  as  Roots,  Plants,  Herbcs,  and  fuch  like. 

CHAP.    II. 

Of  the  precepts  to  be  obferaedin  1)  efinition. 

Ow  many  precepts  are  to  bee  obferued  in  making* 
true  definition? 

Thefc  three  :Firft ,  that  it  briefly  exprefle  the 

whole  power  and  nature  of  the  thing  defined  : 

Secondly,  that  there  bee  nothing  therein  fuper- 

fluous,  nor  any  thing  wanting  :  Thirdly,that  the 

definition  bee  not  common  to  many  things,  but  proper  to  that 

thing  only  which  is  defined,  fo  as  it  may  make  it  to  differ  from 

all  other  things. 

If  hat  order  is  to  be  obferned  in  making  a  dialectic  all  definition  ? 
Firft,you  muft  know  in  what  predicament  the  thing  is  contai- 
ned which  you  would  define,  to  the  intent  that  in  descending 
from  the  raoft  generall  kinde,  downe  towards  themoft  fpeciall 
kinde  of  the  fame  predicament,ye  may  find  out  by  the  way  that 
which  is  next  generall  kinde  to  the  thing  that  is  to  bee  defined: 
which  next  generall  kinde  being  found  out,  yee  muft  then  feeke 
out  the  fpeciall  difference  orpropertie,  the  proper  caufe,  effect, 
or  common  accidents  belonging  to  the  fame :  as  for  example,  if 
ye  would  define  what  vertue  is, ye  muft  rcfort  to  the  predicamet 
of  qualitie, wherein  vertue  is  contained:then  in  defcending  from 
quality,proceed  to  habit/rom  habit  to  habit  of  the  rnind,which 
is  two-fold,that  is  to  fay,intelle6tuall  and  moral!,  &  not  rinding 
it  vnder  habit  intelle<5tall,procecd  to  habit  morall,for  that  is  the 
next  generall  kind  to  vertue:that  done,  feeke  out  the  difference 
orpropertie,  true  caufe  or  effect:  the  difference  is  to  bee  good, 
wherein  it  differeth  from  rice ,  for  vice  is  alfo  a  morall  habit  as 
well  as  vertue:  the  effect  of  vertue  is  to  incline  mans  will  to  doe 
alwaics  according  to  right  reafon  or  true  iudgcmenttfo  fhai  you 
make  a  true  definition  of  vertue,  in  faying  that  vertue  is  a  good 
morall  habit,  inclining  mans  will  to  doe  alwaies  according  to 

I  true 

5  8  The  fecond  TSooke 

true  iudgement.  And  after  this  fort  yee  may  learne  to  define  any 
other  thing. 



Wat  U  Diuifion  ? 

Diuifion  is  the  parting  or  diuidingof  a  word 
or  thing  that  is  more  generall,vnto  other  words 
or  things  lefle  generall:  for  Diuifion  is  twofold, 
that  is,  of  a  name,  and  of  a  thing. 

When  u  itfasd  to  be  the  dtfufion  of  a  name  ? 

When  fomc  Equiuokc  or  doubtfull  word  is  diuided  into  his 
manifold  fignificationSj.  as  this  word  Wolfe  into  a  roan  hauing 
that  name,  into  a  foure-footcd  beaft,intoanYlcerous  fore,  and 
into  a  c  rrainefifl^each  one  called  by  thcnameofWolfcrwhich 
kind  of  difrin<ftion  or  diuifion  is  very  nece{Tarie,to  auoid  ambi- 
guitie  of  fpcechjwhich  ambiguitic  caufeth  many  times  great  er- 

How  manifold  is  the  diuifion  of  a  thing  f 

It  is  threefold,  that  is,  fubrtantiall,  partible,  8nd  accidental]. 

When  is  itprtptr/jfaidte  be  fa  bft  ant  tall  ? 

When  any  generall  kind  is  diuided  by  his  fpeciall  differences 
into  his  proper  fpeciall  kinds  :as  thus;  offenfibiebodies,one  is 
reafonable,as  man,&  another  is  vnreafonable,  as  a  bruit  beafr. 

When  is  this  k$nd  ofditei don  to  be  vfed  ? 

When  the  fpeciall  kindeslacke  proper  names,  as  moft  com- 
monly the  fpeciall  kindes  fubalternate  doe,  which  may  be  diui- 
ded againe  as  generall  kindes  into  more  fpeciall  kindes :  as  for 
example, of  vnrcafonable  bcafts  fome  bee  terreftriall,  feme  bee 
aquaticall,and  fome  aierie  :  againe,  euery  one  of  thefe  may  bee 
diuided  into  their  fpeciall  kinds.euen  vntill  ye  come  so  the  low- 
eft  of  all,  and  vnto  the  Indimdttums  comprehended  vnderthc 
famejand  that  not  only  of  things  contained  in  the  predicament 
offubftance,but  alfo  in  any  other  predicaments  of  accidcnts,as 
of  magniiudes,one  is  long,as  a  line,another  is  broad,as  a  fuper- 
jBcics,  and  another  is  thickc,  as  a  body.  This  diuifion,  though  it 


o/Logic{e.  59 

be  of  accidents  contained  in  the  predicament  of  quantitie,  yet  it 
is  called  a  fubftantiall  diuifion,becaufe  the  generall  kind  here  is 
dinided  by  his  fpeciall  difference  into  his  proper  fpeciall  kinds. 
What  c -ally  on  a  partible dmifton  ? 

I  calj  that  a  partible  diuifion,  which  diuideth  fome  whole 
thing  into  his  parts,  which  is  called  of  the  Lzt\nesf  partition  if 
yee  would  diuide  the  Romane  Gommon-wealth  into  Senators, 
Knights,  and  Commons.  You  may  alfo  diuide  a  houfe  into  his 
principall  parts,as  into  the  foundation,  wals,  and  roofe  thereof. 
But  thebettert©  vnderftand  this  kind  of  diuifion, it  fhall  not  be 
aniifle  to  (hew  you  here  what  kindes  ofwhole,and  what  kindes 
of  pans  there  be:  for  there  is  whole  fubftantial,aad  whole  inte- 
grall:aqaine,of  parts,fome  arc  called  fubftantial,and  fome  inte- 
gral!; and  ofparts  integrall,fome  arc  called  fimilar  or  like,  and 
fome  difTimilar  or  vnlike  :  againe,  of  the  diffimilar,fome  arc  cal- 
led principall,  and  fome  not  principall:  of  all  which  things  I 
tninde  here  briefly  to  fpeake. 

Firfit  lfrA)  yon  tell  what  yott  meane  bj  whole  fubftantiall  9  and 
whole  integral!. 

Whole  fubftantiall ,  is  that  which  confifleth  of  fubftantiall 
parts  clcauing  wholly  together,  and  not  fcuerally  diftincl:  in 
number,  as  whole  man,confifting  of  foule  and  body:but  whole 
integral  is  that  which  confiftcth  of  integral  parts,  which  though 
they  cleauc  together,  yet  they  are  diftincl:  and  feaerall  in  num- 
ber's mans  body,confifting  of  head,breft,  belly,legs,  &c. 
Hew  define  yott fubftantiall  parts  ? 

Subflantiall  parts  arc  the  firft  and  chiefe  parts  whereof  any 
thing  is  compounded,  ofwhich  parts  if  any  bee  wanting,  the 
whole  rauft  needs  perifh,and  lofeth  his  name,as  the  matter  and 
forme  of  any  compound  thing,  be  it  naturall  or  artificially  the 
body  and  foule  are  the  firft  and  chiefe  parts  of  man;  themetall 
and  fafhion  of  a  filuercup  arc  the  firft  &  chiefe  parts  of  the  cup, 
whereof  neither  can  be  wanting  :  for  the  foule  without  the  bo- 
die  is  a  fpirit,  and  notraan;  and  the  body  without  the  foule  is 
but  a  dead  carcafle  :  againe,  the  cup  without  matter  or  diapers 
-Wiiith  fa  called  integral} parts  ? 

I  2  Cer- 

60  The  fccond  *Boo{e 

Certaine  feccndarie  parts,which  being  all  gathered  together 
do  make  the  whole  perfec\as  the  hcad,breft,belly,armes,hands, 
thighes,  legges,  and  feet,  are  the  integrall  parts  of  mans  body : 
and  of  thefc  integrall  parts ,  fome  are  called  fimilar  ,  and  fome 
diffimi!ar,that  is  to  fay,  like  and  vnlike. 

W  'rich  are  fimilar }  and  which  dijfimilar  1 

Similar,  or  like,  are  thofe  that  be  of  one  kind, and  ofonefelfe 
name;  and  being  diuided  into  parts,  euery  fiieh  part,  be  it  neuer 
fo  fmail,  bcarcth  alfo  the  name  of  the  whole,  as  flefh,  bonc,fi- 
new,skin,andfuchlike:for  euery  little  part  of  the  flefh  is  called 
flefh,  and  euery  part  of  bone  is  called  bone  ;  andfoof  all  the 
reft.  Hitherto  alfo  may  be  referred  water,  fire,  gold,  iron, or  a- 
ny  other  fimple  metall,wine,wood,(tone,and  fueh  like :  for  eue- 
ry drop  of  water  is  called  water,  and  fo  of  the  reft, 

Jtfhich  call j oh  dijfimilar  or  vn  like  ? 

Thofe  parts  that  differ  both  in  kinde  and  name,  as  the  head, 
breft, belly, armes, and  legges,  are  the  parts  diffimilar  of  a  mans 
bodyrlikevvifea  houfe,  a  fhip,and  many  other  things,  haue  alfo 
fuch  parts,  of  any  one  of  which  parrs  the  whole  cannot  be  fpo- 
ken:  for  you  cannot  fay,  Becaufe  here  is  the  head  of  a  man,  Erg* 
here  is  a  man.  Againe,  of  thefe  diffimilar  parrs,  fome  are  called 
principal!,  whereof  if  any  be  wanting, the  v\holemuft  needs  pe- 
rifh  :  as  without  the  head,  belly,  heart,liiicr,nr  guts,mans  body 
cannot  be.The  not  pr'.ncipallare  thofe  part', without  the  which 
the  body  may  be :  for  though  thofe  parts  bee  wanting ,  yet  the 
body  is  counted  a  whole  thing,  though  not  perfect  in  euery 
point,as  without  armes,hand?,lcgges, or fect,the  body  may  hue: 
that  building  alfo  that  hath  a  foundation,  walles,  and  roofe,  is 
counted  to  be  a  whole  houfe,though  it  hath  neither  doores  nor 
windowes,  yet  not  perfect  in  euery  refpeel. 
Wherein  doth  partition  and  dittifion  differ  ? 

In  diuers  points:  for  in  diuifionany  gcnerall  k-inde  may  bee 
lightly  fpoken  of  euery  fpeciall  kind  contained  vnder  the  fame; 
«s  this  word,/**/7l/f  body,  which  is  fpoken  both  of  man  &  beaft. 
But  in  partition,the  whole  cannot  bee  fpoken  of  euery  part :  for 
you  cannot  fay  that  the  foule  or  body  of  man  is  whole  man,nor 
that  the  head  or  foot  is  his  whole  body.Again,diuifion  diuideth 


of  Logic kf.  61 

vniuerfall  things  into  their  particulars,  and  partition  diuideth 
particulars  into  their  parts, and  moft  commonly  followeth  diui- 
fion,helping  to  make  iubdiuifionsras  for  example,when  diuifion 
hath  diuided  a  fenfible  body  into  nan  and  beaft  .then  followeth 
partition,and  diuideth  man  into  foul  e  and  body,  and  the  body 
into  his  integrall  parts,as  head,breft,belly,leggcs,and  fuch  like. 
How  manifold  is  dmifion  accident all  f 

Threefold  :  for  by  that  we  cither  diuide  fome  fubic&  into  his 
accidents,  or  fomc  accident  into  his  fubieft,  or  fomc  accident 
into  his  accidents. 

Gine  Examples  of  all  tkefe  three  wayes  t 
Of  the  firft  let  this  be  your  Example :  Of  men,  fome  bee  free, 
and  fome  be  bond;  fome  be  vertuous,  and  fome  be  vicious :  and 
after  this  fort  you  may  diuide  the  predicameut  of  fubftance  into 
as  many  accidents  as  you  will ,  running  thorowoutall  the  nine 
predicaments  of  accidents.  Of  the  fecond  way  thus :  Of  goods, 
fome  are  faid  to  be  of  theminde,  fome  of  the  body,  and  fome  of 
fortune.  Of  the  third  thus :  Of  good  things,fome  are  faid  to  bee 
honeft,fome  profitable,and  fome  pleafant  or  delectable :  which 
kind  ofdiuifion  is  much  vfedofthe  Orators. To  this  alformy  be 
referred  the  common  order  of  diuiding  any  fpcech  or  oration  in- 
to his  parts,  which  the  Orators  call  partition  or  distribution, 
whereby  is  fet  do wnc  in  what  order  euery  thing  fhall  be  vttered 
and  declared,which  fir(t,and  which  laft,and  io  forth, 


Oft  he  precept  stobe  obferued  in  Dwjtoir. 

\Ow  many  precepts  are  to  be  obfertted  in  making  a  trtte 

I  diuifion  ? 

Three  :  Firft,  that  the  generall  kind  bee  diui- 
Jed  into  his  next  fpeciallkindes,  by  fuchfpeciall 

[{differences as  aremeercly  repugnant  onetoano- 

ther  ,  and  doe  comprehend  the  whole  nature  of 
the  thing  diuided:  as  thus;  Of  fcnfiblebodics,  fomc  be  reafona- 
ble,and  fome  be  vnieafonable :  for  it  were  no  good  diuifion,  to 
fay ,of  fenfible  bodies,oneis  reafonable,  &  another  is  two-foo- 
ted, 1  i  What 

6%  ThefecondlSooke 

What  is  thefecond  precept  ? 

That  the  par  ts,being  ioyncd  together,may  bee  equall  to  the 
whole  ,  and  may  comprehend  neither  more  nor  leflfe  then  the 
thing  which  is  diui-ded,  as  reafonable  foule,  and  carnallbo- 
die.being  the  chiefe  parts  of  man,  do  comprehend  neither  more 
nor  letfe  then  whole  man. 

What  is  the  third  precept  > 

That  no  part  or  fpeciall  kinde  be  vfed  as  a  generall  kinde,nor 
the  generall  kinde  as  a  part  or  fpeciall  k'mde :  as  in  this  diuifioti 
which  Cicero  reproucth.  I  will  (hew  that  through  the  coneupi- 
fcence,  boldneffe,  and  couetoufneffeofour  aducrfaries,all  mif- 
chiefes  haue  chanced  to  the  Common-wealth  :  here  couetouf- 
ncfTe  is  mingled  with  concupifcence,wherof  it  is  a  partrfor  con- 
cupifcence  is  the  generall  kinde  of  all  luftsordefires.  But  this 
precept  feemcth  rather  to  appertaine  to  a  Rhetorical!  partition, 
then  a  Dialectical!  diuifion. 

To  what  endferueth  Diftt/io/t  ? 

To  diuers  good  ends.Firft,  as  Cicero  faith,  it  helpeth  greatly 
to  teach  plainly  to  define  ,&  to  make  things  that  be  compound, 
intricate,orconfufed,  toappeare  fimple,  plainc,  andecrtaine: 
Secondly,  by  diuiding  things  orderly  into  their  pans,it  greatly 
helpeth  memorie:  and  thirdly ,it  helpeth  to  ansplific  any  kind  of 
fpeech,  and  to  make  it  more  copious. 

Chap.  v. 


Auing  hitherto  fufficiently  fpoken  of  words, 
both  lingular  and  vniuerfal,&  alfo  of  Definition 
and  Diuifion ,  which  are  the  two  chicfc  inftru- 
mentswherby  all  fimple  queltionsare  difcufled, 
I  minde  here  to  fhew  with  what  order  or  method 
euery  fuch  queftion  is  to  be  handled. 
What  is  Method  ? 

Method  is  a  compendious  way  of  learning  or  teaching  any 
thing  :  and  it  is  three-fold,  that  is  to  fay,Compofuiue,Rtfolu- 
tiue,  and  Diuifiue  ox  definitiue. 


of  Logtcjp.  6^ 

what  is  method  eomf*  fame  ? 

It  is  thar  whereby  we  compound  the  whole  of  his  parts,  be- 
ginning at  the  fmallcft,  and  fo  proceed  from  greater  to  greater, 
vntill  wc  come  to  the  chiefe  end  whereto  we  tend,  which  kindc 
of  order  or  method  we  obferue  here  in  writing  this  Logick:  for 
firft  wetreatof  wordsorterms;thcnofapropofirion,and  Jaftof 
all  of  aSyllogifme.  So  likewile  hecthat  will  teach  the  mgheft 
\wy  from  Norwich  to  Londonby  order  compofitiue,  will  bid 
him  firft  go  to  Wwdh .**»,from  Windham  to  Aileboronghyhom  A- 
tUbormohtoTheifrd)  from  Thstfordxo  ^ewmar^ety  from  \ey*~ 
market  to  Barkjvayj'rom  Barkjvaj  to  Wart  fiom  Ware  to  London, 
What  is  method  rcfoltttiue  ? 

It  is  that  whereby  any  whole  thing  is  refolued  into  his  parts  : 
or  when  weeproceed  from  the  end  to  the  next  and  immediate 
caufe  therof,and  from  that  to  the  next  caufc  of  that,and  fo  from 
one  to  another,  vntill  we  come  to  the  fii  ft  caufe  of  all,  and  moft 
remote  &  furtheft  off:  as  when  werefolue  aSyllogifme  into  his 
Propofi  ions,  and  a  Propoficion  into  his  vttermbft  bounds  or 
termes,  which  are  the  fubie<5t  and  the  predicate  :  and  this  way  is 
vnlike  to  the  other  before  recited^ecaufc  it  goeth  back  ward,as 
in  the  former  example.Tfye  will  teach  the  way  from  Norwich  to 
London  by  method  refolutiue,  ye  muft  fay  that  there  is  a  Towne 
called  Ware ,twentie  miles  from  ZW<?*;next  to  that  is  a  Townc 
called  Barhveay ,  and  fo  till  yee  come  to  that  which  was  firft  in 
method  compofitiue.  Tothefe  two  methods  Galen  addeth  the 
third  method,  that  is,  method  diuifiue  or  definitiue. 
What  is  that  method  ? 

It  is,when  in  defining  and  diuiding  we  defcend  orderly  from 
a  moft  generall  kind  to  all  the  fpecial  kinds  contained  vndcr  the 
fame,  and  fo  to  the  loweft  ofalhas  hauing  to  fpeake  of  qualitic, 
we  define  it,anddiuide  it  into  his  fourc  fpcciall  kinds, and  euery 
fuch  fpcciall  kind  into  his  parts  and  members,euen  till  we  come 
to  the  loweft  of  all,  as  you  fee  in  the  Table  of  quality  before  de- 
fcribed.  Which  kindc  of  method  is  more  fully  handled  by  my 
friend  Accontio,  in  his  little  Treatife  which  hee  wrote  in  Latine, 
de  methods :  the  e£fc&  of  which  Booke  I  thinke  it  not  out  ofpur- 
pofe  to  fet  downeeucn  here. 


6\  Thefecond^Boofy 

The  effeft  of  Accontius  his  Boekei  de  mcthodo ywhich he 

affirmeth  to  be  the  fecondyart  or  office  of 


FOr  the  firft  office  of  Logicke  teacheth  how  tofindeoutthe 
truth  in  any  fpeech :  but  method  teacheth  how  to  attainc  to 
the  Arte  or  knowledge  of  anything.  In  which  method,  three 
things  (as  he  faith)  are  to  be  confidered  :  Firft,  what  method  is : 
Secondly,  what  is  the  effect  or  vttermoft  end  thereof  .-Thirdly, 
what  be  the  caufes  of  that  end  or  effect. 

Method  is  a  certaine  right  way,  whereby  we  may  fearch  out 
the  knowledge  of  any  thing;  &  hauing  attained  it,how  to  teach 
the  fame  commodioufly  to  any  other,  without  examining  whe- 
ther it  bee  true  or  falfej  for  that  belongeth  to  the  firft  part  of 

The  effect  or  vttermoft  end  of  method  ,  is  the  knowledge  of 

The  caufes  of  that  end  are  thefe  three ,  forme ,  matter,  and 
caufe  efficient. 

Forme  here  feemeth  to  bee  that  which  isknowne  by  all  the 
parts  of  fuch  knowledge,  being  gathered  together  (as  it  were) 
into  one  felfebody  :  which  parts  are  thefe;  firft,  what  the  thing 
is ;  fecondly,  what  be  the  caufes  thereof,  and  alfo  what  bee  the 
caufes  of  thofe  caufes, euen  to  the  laft  or  vttermoft.caufe:  third- 
ly, what  be  the  effects,  and  alfo  what  bee  the  effects  of  thofe  ef- 
fects, as  well  when  the  thing  is  taken  generally,  as  for  fome 
whole  thing,  or  as  when  the  whole  is  diuided  into  all  his  parts, 
euen  vnto  the  parts  indiuifible. 

Matter  here  is  generally  taken,  and  not  for  the  matter  of  any 
determinate  or  certaine  kind  :  vnto  which  matter  do  appertaine 
all  things  that  be  finitc,perpetual,and  immutable,  to  fay, 
all  vniuerfals. 

The  caufes  efficient  arc  partly  thofe  things  that  are  more 
knowne,  as  firft,  to  know  what  the  thing  is  by  definition  confi- 
fting  of  the  gencrall  kind,  and  of  the  differences  thereto  belon- 
ging :  fecondly,wbat  is  the  effect  or  end  of  the  thing,as  in  thofe 
things  which  doe  not  depend  vpon  our  will :  and  thirdly,  what 




bee  the  ca»fes  of  that  end  or  effect ,  the  eonfjderation  of  which 
end  belongeth  to  thofe  things  which  doc  depend  vpon  our  will, 
and  partly  the  caufe  efficient  is  the  right  applying  or  ordering 
of  the  more  knowne  things,  which  order  containeth  two  parts: 
for  firft  we  muft  proceed  alwaies  from  the  moft  genera!  kinds  to 
the  next  generall  kinds,  as  hauing  to  begin  with  the  definition 
of  the  thing  which  you  feeke  to  know  when  need  reduireth,you 
muft  proceed  from  the  moft  generall  kind  of  all ,  that  is  to  fay, 
from  the  highcft  general  kinde,  and  fo  defcend  downward,  vn- 
till  you  come  to  the  thing  that  is  to  be  defined  :but  it  you  haue 
to  begin  from  the  vttermoft  end  of  the  thing ,  then  next  of  all 
confiderthat,  from  whence  the  end  doth  immediately  fpring, 
and  what  doth  follow  next  to  that,  and  fo  proceed  from  one  to 
another,till  you  come  to  the  firft  caufe  of  ftll.FinallyJf  you  haue 
to  begin  from  the  firft  caufes,  then  you  muft  orderly  proceed 
from  that  which  is  firft  vnto  the  fecond,  and  fo  to  the  third,  and 
fo  forth  vntill  you  come  to  the  v ttermoft  crTe-3  or  laft  end . 

Now  as  touching  the  fecond  part  of  applying  or  ordering 
the  more  knowne  things,  you  muft  haue  confederation  of  euery 
whole  thing,and  of  all  his  parts  rwhcrefo  re  if  you  haue  to  define 
any  thing,Art,or  Science.wherof  you  treat,  you  muft  define  the 
whole,and  then  euery  part  therof,vntill  you  come  to  the  loweft 
part  thereof,  and  yet  euery  one  in  his  proper  place.  And  if  yoit 
cannot  comprehend  in  one  definition  all  thofe  things  that  are 
to  be  referred  to  one  head,  then  vfe  diuifion  in  diuiding  the 
whole  into  his  parts,  and  define  euery  fuch  part  in  order.  But  if 
all  the  parts  which  the  thing  containeth,haue  not  one  fclfe  enda 
but  diuers,  then  diuide  it  by  fuch  differences  as  euery  part  may 
haue  his  proper  end. 

Moreouer,  if  the  forme,  matter,or  caufe  efficient  haue  diuers: 
refpe&s  and  confederations,  then  (according  to  that  diuerfitie) 
make  diuers  diuifions,  and  firft  declare  what  is  common  to  all 
the  parts  in  general,&  what  is  proper  to  euery  one  in  particular, 

Fioally.if  fome  one  whole  thing  lyeth  hidden,then  it  is  to  be 
found  out  by  looking  into  fome  of  the  particular  parts  thereof. 
Andthefeareall  the  chiefeft  points  cotained  in  the  LatimYrzz- 
tife  which  my  friend  esicmiw  wrote  diMsthofo.  And  though 

66  The  fecond  ^oofy 

that  Petrue  Ramtu  maketh  but  one  kind  of  method ,  that  is  to 
fay,to  proceed  from  the  firft  principles  or  elementsryet  I  am  furc 
he  wil  not  deme,but  that  to  goe  forward  and  backward, be  two 
diuers  things,  though  not  contrarie,  as  doth  well  appcarc  by  the 
compofitiue  and  rcfolut'iue method  before  de6ned. 

/  doe  not  jet  perfectly  vnderfiandby  all  this ,  with  what  method  a 
fimple  quejlten  is  to  be  handled  :  therefore  I  fray  yon  flew  the  true 
way  and  order  thereof. 

The  method  or  way  in  handling  a  fimple  queftion,  dependeth 
vpon  thefe  nine  Interrogates, that  is  to  fay,  i  .Firft, what  figni- 
fications  the  name  or  word  hath,  whereof  the  queftion  is  made, 
and  how  it  is  to  be  taken.  2.  Secondly  ,  whether  there  be  any 
fuch  thing,  or  not.  3.  Thirdly,  what  it  is.  4.  Fourthly,  what  be 
the  parts  or  fpeciall  kinds  thereof.  5.  Fiftly,  what  be  the  caufes. 
6.  Sixtly,  what  be  the  effects.  7.  Seuenthly,  what  things  be  in- 
cident or  appurtenant  vnto  it.  8.  Eight'y,  what  things  arc  like 
vnto  it.  9.  And  ninthly,  what  things  be  contrarie  to  it.  All 
which  qucftions  tAriftotle  rcduceth  into  thefe  foure ,  that  is  to 
fay,  Whether  it  be  ?  What  it  is  ?  What  manner  of  thing  it  is  ? 
and,  Why  it  is? 

Gi^e  example  of  a  fimple  queftion  handled  according  to  the  nine 
quefihns  before  recited. 

As  for  example :  If  wee  haue  to  treat  of  vertue>firft,wee  muft 
fhew  the  diuers  fignifications  of  Vertue ;  for  Vertue  fignificth 
fomttime  power  and  abilitie,  as  when  we  fay,Vertuc  attra&iue, 
Vertue  digeftiue  ,  or  Vertue  expulfiuc:  but  here  Vertue  is  to  be 
taken  for  a  morall  habit.bringing  forth  good  and  commendable 
actions. Secondly, whetherVertue  be,or  not,it  plainly  appeareth 
by  the  diuers  doings  of  men,  whereof  fome  be  good  ,  fomebe 
bad.Thirdly,what  Vertue  is, we  know  by  the  definition  thereof, 
in  faying,  that  Vertue  is  a  morall  habit,  inclining  mans  will  to 
do  that  which  is  alwaies  good,and  agreeable  to  true  iudgemenr. 
Fourthly ,  the  kinds  of  vertue  be  diuers ,  as  Prudence ,  Iuftice, 
Temperance,Fortitude,Modeftie,and  fuch  like.Fiftly,the  caufes 
of  Vertue  be  alfo  diuers ;  for  the  caufe  efficient  thereof  is  good, 
and  mans  will  obedient  to  true  reafon ,  and  to  true  iudgement : 
the  matter  or  fubied  of  Vertue  is  the  mind  or  heart  of  man :  the 




finall  caufe  is  bleffcdneffe.Sixtly,the  effect  of  vertueis  tranquil- 
litic  of  the  minde,  and  many  profpcrous  fucceffes,  and  alfo  pub- 
likeycilitieand  peace.  Scuenthly,  things  incident  to  vcrtue  are 
thefe,the honour,  prayfe,  and  commendation  of  good  men. 
Eightly,  things  of  affinicic  or  like  to  vertuc,be  all  good  inclina- 
tions, difpofitions,  or  good  naturall  afreclions,as  to  bee  louing, 
kind,  and  mercifull.  Ninthly, things  contrary  to  vertuc,  bee  all 
manner  of  vicei,  as  Pride,  Couetoufneflfe,  Hypocrifie,  Diffimu- 

What  method  is  to  be  obferuedin  handling  a  compound  que fl  ion*. 
A  compound  queftion  is  to  be  handled  by  arguing  and  reafo- 
ning  on  both  fides,  whereof  wee  (hall  treat  hereafter.  In  the 
mcane  time  we  hauc  to  fpeake  of  a  Proportion,  without 
the  which  no  argument  can  bee  made :  for  all 
arguments  dec  confift  of  pro- 

Here  endeth  the  fecond  Booke  of  Logicke. 

K  2 



T  HE   ARTE   OF 


The  third  Sooke. 

CHAP,    t 
Of  a  Zropofition* 

^Hdtisd  Profoftion? 

It  is  a  perfect  fpecch,  whereby  Come* 
thing  is  manifeftly  declared  to  bee  true 
or  falfe. 

Whereof  is  fitch  Jfreech  Jpeeiallj  com- 
pounded ? 

Of  Noune  and  Verbe,  which  Noiine 
would  bee  oftheNominatiue  cafe,  and 
the  Verbe  of  thelndicatiue  Moode,  as 
when  I  fay,  Man  is  a  fcnfible  body ;  for  the  Logicians  doe  feU 
dome  allow  any  fuch  fpeeches  as  are  eyther  of  the  Optatiue, 
Imperatiue,  Interrcgatiue,  er  Vocatiue  Moode,  as,  I  would  to 
God  I  had  a  good  Horfe:  this  fpeech  is  not  accounted  tobccfo 
true  or  certaine,.as  to  fay,  I  haue  a  good  Horfe. 
Of  hovunany  parts  doth  a  Proportion  confift  } 
Of  three,  that  is  to  (ay,  the  Subicc\Prcdicat,  andCopulat, 
What  is  the  Copulas  ? 

It  is  the  Verbe  Sub  flan  tiue,callcd  in  Latine,Sw»,  f/,/a«,that 
is^to  be, which  doth  couple  or  ioyne  the  Predicat  with  bis  Sub- 
It  3  Jcc\; 

jo  The  third  Boo^e 

ie&,as  when  we  fay,Man  is  a  fcnfible  body :  here  in  this  propo- 
rtion, the  word  man  is  the  fubic&,  and  the  word  fcnfible  body  is 
thepredicat,  and  theVerbe  w,is  the  copulat:  which  copulat  is 
not  ahvayes  incident  to  euery  proportion,  and  fpecially  when 
the predicat  is  fome  other  Vcrbe,and  not  the  Verbe  fubftantiue; 
zsy?Uto  difyutcthySocratej  walketh;  which  is  as  much  to  fay,  as 
Plato  isdifputingjiSWrvrrwis  walking. 

How  many  wayes  is  apropoftion  divided  ? 

Three  manner  of  way es,  that  is,  according  to  fub(tance,qua- 
lity.and  quantity. According  to  fubftance  thus:Ofpropofitions, 
fome  are  faid  to  be  categoricall,that  is,fimplc,  and  fome  hypo- 
theticall,  that  is,  compound,  of  which  compound  propositions 
we  mind  not  to  fpeake,  before  we  haue  treated  of  all  things  be- 
longing to  a  categoricall  and  fimple  propofition,which  is  two- 
fold, that  is  to  fay,  abfolute  and  modall. 

What  is  an  obfolute  categoricall  proportion  ? 

It  is  a  fpeech  which  affirmeth  or  denyeth  fomcthing  abfo- 
lutely,  without  any  refpec"t;  as  when  we  fay,God  is  true,  or,  E- 
uery  man  is  a  Iyer :  and  this  is  otherwifc  called  of  the  Logici- 
ans, Tropofitio  categorica  deinefe. 

How  is  afmplepropofition  diuided  according  to  qualttie  f 

Into  an  affirnaatiue  and  negatiue  proportion. 

When  it  it  faid  to  be  affirmatiue,  and  when  negatiue  ? 

It  is  faid  to  bee  affirmatiue ,  when  the  predicat  is  affirmed  of 
the  fubie<5t;  as  when  I  fay,  that  John  is  learned :  and  that  is  nega- 
tiue, when  the  predicat  is  denyed  of  the  fubie<St;  as,  hhn  is  not 
learned.  And  note,  that  in  fuch  kind  of  fpeech,  the  negatiue  is 
alwayes  ioyned  to  the  Verbe. 

How  many  waies  is  a  fimple  proportion  diuided  according  to  quan- 

Fourc  manner  of  wayes,  that  is  to  fay,into  an  vniuerfall,par» 
ticular,  indefinite,  and  lingular  proposition. 

When  is  it  faid  to  be  vniuerfaU  ? 

When  fome  vniuerfall  figne  is  added  to  the  fubiecr. 

Which  words  are  J  aid  to  be  vniutrfall  figne  s  ? 

Thcfe  call,  euery,whatfoeuer,\vhofoeuer,none,nobody,not 
one,none  at  all,euery  where,no  where,  and  fuch  like ;  as  Euery 
man  is  a  Lyer,  No  man  is  true.  When 

ofLogic^e.  ji 

When  is  it  faid  to  be  a  particular  propojititn  ? 

When  fomc  particular  figne  is  added  to  the  fubiect. 

Which  call  you  particular  (ignes  ? 

Thefe :  fome,  any,  many,  few,  and  fuch  like;  as,  Some  man 
is  wife,  Few  are  wife. 

When  is  it  [aid  to  he  indefinite  ? 

When  the  fubiedt  is  a  common  word,hauing  neither  vniuer- 
fali  nor  particular  figne  added  vntoit;  as  when  we  fay,  Men  in 
thefe  dayes  be  giuen  to  great  follies. 

When  u  ttfaid  to  he  ftngular  ? 

When  the  fubiedt  is  fomc  lndimdnum,  as  when  wee  fay,  that 
Cicero  is  eloquent. 

What,  and  how  many  quefiions  doe  rife  of  thefe  three  diuifons  > 

Thefe  three  :  that  is,  of  what  kind?  of  what  qualitie?  of  what 
quantitie  Pin  Latine  thus,  ^*<?f  »<»/«?  &  quanta'*  for  if  it  bee 
asked  what  kind  of  proportion  it  is,  then  you  muftanfwere, 
that  it  is  eyther  categoricall,  or  hypotheticall,that  is,  fimple  or 
compound  :  and  if  it  be  demanded  of  what  qualitie  it  be,  then 
you  muft  anfwere,  that  it  is  either  afRrmatiue,  or  negatiue :  if  it 
bee  asked  of  what  quantitie,  then  you  muftanfwere,  that  it  is 
eyther  vniuerfall,  particular,iadefinite,or  lingular. 

C  H  A  P.    I  I. 

Of  the  three  properties  belonging  to  a  fimple  proportion. 

Hich  are  thofe  ? 

Thefe  :  Oppofition,  Equiualencie,  and  Con- 

Whatk  Oppofition} 

It  is  the  repugnancie  of  two  fimple  propofiti- 
ons,  hauing  one  felfe  fubiect,  and  one  felfe  prcdicat. 
How  many  kjndi  ofoppofitepropoftions  be  there  ? 
Foure  :Contrarie,  Subcontrarie,  Contradic~torie,and  Subal- 

Which  are  faid  to  be  contrary  ? 

An  vniuerfall  aflfirmatiue,and  an  vniuerfall  negatiue;as,Eue- 
rymanisiuft.  No  man  isiuft. 
Which  are  f aid  to  be  Subcantrarie? 


The  third  Boo^e 


A  particular  affirmatiue,  and  a  particular  negatiue ;  as,  Some 
man  is  iuft,  Some  man  is  not  iuft. 

Which  Art  faid  to  be  Contradi&me  f 

Either  an  vniuerfall  affirmatiuc,  and  a  particular  negatiue,  or 
elfe  an  vniuerfall  negatiue,and  a  particular  affirmatiuejaSjEuery 
man  is  iuft,and,  Some  man  is  not  iuft :  or,  No  man  is  iuft,  Some 
man  is  iuft. 

Which  arefaidto  be  Sub Alternate  ? 

Either  an  vniuerfall  affirmatiue ,  and  a  particular  affirmatiue, 
or  elfe  an  vniuerfall  negatiue,and  a  particular  negatiue:as,Euery 
man  is  iuft^and,Somc  man  is  iuft:  No  man  is  iuft,and,Somem*n 
is  not  iuft. 

AH  which  kind  of  oppofitcs  you  may  the  better  remember, 
byconfidering  with  what  order  they  are  placed  in  this  Figure 

ofLogicke.  73 

CHAP.     III. 
Of  the  Lawes  and  conditions  belonging  tothefefoure  kinds  ofoppo- 
fites  before  recited :  and  of  the  diners  matter  of  a 

£  Or  the  better  vnderftandingof  thelawes  belon- 
ging to  the  oppofites  ,  it  fhall  be  neceffaric  to 
fpeake  fomvvhat  of  the  matter  of  a-propofition, 
whereupon  the  faid  lawestloe  partly  depend. 
Hor^manifold  is  that  matter  ? 
Threefold,  that  is  to  fay,naturall,cafuall,and 
remote  orvnnaturall. 

When  is  a  propoft  ion  faid  to  confifl  of  matter  naturaR? 
When  the  predicat  agreeth  with  his  fubiect  eflentially,or  at 
the  leaf!  neceffarily :  as  when  the  generall  kind  m  fpoken  of  his 
fpeciall  kinde,and  the  fpeciall  kinde  of  his  Indiuiduums,or  the 
difference  of  his  fpeciall  kinde^or  the  propertie  of  his  fubiect: 
as,  Euery  man  is  a  fenfible  body,  John  is  a  man  ,  Euerymanis 
reafonable,  Euery  man  is  apt  to  fpeake. 

When  is  a  proportion  faid  to  conjift  of  matter  contingent  ? 
When  the  predicat  agreeth  with  his  fubie6t  accidentally,  fo 
as  it  may  either  be,  or  not  be ;  as,  John  is  learned. 
When  is  a  propoft  ion  faid  to  conftfi  of  matter  remote  or  vnnatural? 
When  the  predicat  agreeth  no  manner  of  way  with  the  fub- 
iect ;  as,  A  man  is  a  horfe,  A  man  is  a  ftone,  &c. 
What  are  the  I  awes  of  contrary  proportions  ? 
Contrarie  propofitions  can  be  true  no  way  both  together; 
asEuery  man  is  a  fenfible  b  od  y ,  No  man  is  a  fenfible  body  : 
but  they  may  be  both  falfe,  and  fpeciallyconfifting  of  matter 
contingent;  as  when  I  fay  ,  Euery  man  is  iuft,  No  man  is  iuft, 
which  are  both  falfe. 

What  are  the'lawes  of fubcontr  arte  proportions  ? 
notbec  both  falfe  at  orjee ;  as ,  Some  man  is  a  fenfible  body, 
Some  man  is  not  a  fenfible  body  :  but  confifting  of  matter 
contingent;  both  may  bee  fometime  true  ;  as,  Some  man  is 
iuft,  Some  man  is  not  iuft. 

What  be  the  lavees  of  contradt&orie  proportions  ? 

L  Thofe 

74-  <IbetkirdcBooke 

Thofc  can  neither  be  true  nor  falfe  both  at  once :  for  if  one  be 
true ,  the  other  muft  needs  be  falfe,  whether  the  matter  be  natti- 
rail,  or  contingent ;  as,  Euery  man  is  iuft ;  Some  man  «s  not  iuft: 
No  man  is  iuft;  Some  man  is  iuft. 

What  be  theLawes  of fuh  alternate  prepefitions} 

If  the  vniuerfall  be  true,  the  particular  muft  needs  be  truejai, 
Euery  man  is  iuft  ,  Ergo,  Some  man  is  iuft ;  but  not  contrarily. 
Againe ,  if  the  particular  be  falfe,  the  vniuerfall  alfo  muft  need* 
be  falfe  ;  as,  Some  man  is  a  ftone,  Euery  man  is  a  ftone. 

What  good U  ts  be  reapt&bj  the  knowledge  oflhefe  oppofites  ? 

It  teacheth  to  know  what  fpeeches  be  repugnant  one  to  ano- 
ther, and  thereby  to  difcernc  truth  from  falfhood, 

CHAP.   1 1 1 1. 

Of  the  ccjtiiualencie  efjimple  proportions. 

Hat  is  cquiualencie  ? 

It  is  the  reconciling  or  agreeing  of  two  pro- 
positions, hauingoneielfcfubied,  andonefelfe 
predicate,  in  fuch  fort ,  that  though  they  bee  di- 
ucrs  in  words ,  yet  they  are  made  to  bee  all  one 
in  fignification. 

Hew  is  fuch  reconciliation  made} 

By  the  helpe  of  fignes, cither  vniuerfall  orparticular,thatare 
of  like  value,  and  cquaU  one  to  another,  and  thereby  make  the 
fpeeches  equall. 
Cjine  example, 

Asthus:Whoknowethnotthis  tobctrue?Euerymanknow- 
eth  thisto  bee  true :  There  is  none  but  that  knovveth  this  to  bee 
true.  All  thefe  arc  of  like  value,  and  doc  fignifie  one  fclfe  thing, 
Againe,  Some  men  arc  wife,  Few  men  are  wife,  All  men  arc  not 
wife,  Not  many  are  wife,  are  alfo  equiualent  fpeeches.  The 
Schoolcmen  doc  giue  diuers  rules  touching  the  equiualencie  of 
fpeeches;  but  fuch  as,  in  mine  opinion,  are  neither  neccfTaric* 
nor  profitable,  for  that  they  caufc  many  times  barbarous, vnufu.. 
all,and  intricate  fpeeches.  And  therefore  I  rhinke  good  here  to 
patfe  them  oiler  with  filencc,  wishing  all  men  toiudgetheequi- 
walencie  of  fpeeches,rather  by  the  care,and  by  cuftome  of  fpca- 

OfLogicfa  J? 

king  j  and  by  vfual!  manner  of  taking  the  fame  in  euery  feuerall 
tongue  or  language,  then  by  any  rules, which  perhaps  will  ierae 
in  one  tongue,  but  not  in  another. 

CHAP.    V. 

Of  anutrfion  of ftmple  proportions, 

;  Hot  is  Conner fisn  ? 

It  is  the  changing  or  turning  of  the  fubie& 
■and  predicate,  the  one  into  the  others  place. 
How  manifold  ts  fnch  Conner jion  ? 
It  is  threefold,  that  is,fimple,by  accidenr,an4 
by  contraposition. 

W.oat  u  Jimple  Conner fion  ? 

It  is  that  whereby  tfce  termes  are  onely  changed  the  one  into 
the  others  place ,  the  felfc  fame  quantitie  and  quahtie  being  ftill 

What  vroyofuions  are  conuertedby  this  manner  ofcoruerfon  ? 
An  vniuerfall  negatiue,  and  particular  affirmatiue. 
Giue  examples  of  both. 

Of  the  ftrft  thus:  No  venue  is  difcommendable, £>£<?, no  did 
commendable  thing  is  vercue.  Of  the  fecond  thus  :  Some  man  is 
aPhilofopher.and  fome  Phiiofophcr  is  a  man.  And  by  this  way 
fometime  vniuerfall  aftirmatiues  may  be  alio  conuertcd,  as  thofe 
whofc  termes  are  conuertible,  as  the  fpeciall  kind  and  his  diflfe* 
rence  or  propertic ;  as,Euery  man  is  reafonable,and  euery  reafo- 
nable  thing  is  man :  o/ ,  Euery  man  is  apt  to  fpeake ,  and  euery 
thing.that  is  apt  to  fpeake,  is  man. 
What  is  conuerfion  by  accident  ? 

It  is  that  whereby  the  termes  arc  changed,  and  alfo  the  quan- 
titie of  thepropofitions,  but  not  the  quahtie. 
What  proportions  are  concerted  this  way  } 
An  vniuerfall  affirmatiue  into  a  particular  affirmatiue,  and  an 
vniuerfall  negatiue  into  a  particular  negatiue. 
Gwe  examples.. 

Euery  Pat  ience  is  FortituderiVgtf/ome  Fortitude  is  Patience* 
Againc :  No  Vertue  is  Vice:  Ergo,  feme  Vice  is  not  Vertue. 
What  it  conuerfion  by  eantrapojition  ? 

It  is  that  whereby  neither  quantitie  nor  qualiric  is  change^ 

L  2  bun 

7<S  The  third "Boo{e 

but  only  termes  finite  into  termes  infinite,  that  is  to  fay,  termes 
limited  into  termes  vnlimited. 

iVhich  call  you  termes  infinite  ? 

All  Nounes  hauing  a  negatiuefct  before  them,  as,  not  man 

What  propofitions  are  concerted  this  manner  of  way  * 

An  vniuerlall  affirmatiue  into  an  vniuerfall  affirmatiue ,  and  a 
particular  negatiue  into  a  particular  negatiue. 

due  examples. 

Of  the  firft  thus :  Euery  man  is  a  fenfible  body , and  eucry  thing 
that  is  not  a  fenfible  body,it  not  man. Of  the  fecond  thus  :  Some 
vertueis  notluftice:  Erg*,fome  thing  that  is  not  Iuftice,  is  not 
vertue.  Thefe  fpeeches  in  Englifhhaue  fome  fauour ;  but  to  be 
fpoken  in  Latine,  after  the  Schoole  manner,arc  very  barbarous 
or  rather  monftrous,  as  Valerius  termeth  them,  as  to  hy,^uadam 
non  lfifittia  nan  efinon  virtus. 

CHAP.   VI. 
Of  a  Modall  Propofition. 

Hat  is  a  modall  propofition  ? 

It  is  that  which  affirmeth  or  denyeth  fome- 
thing,  notabfolutely,  butinacertainerefpeft,  . 
fort,  or  mood,  which  mood  is  commonly  the 
predicat  in  this  kinde  ofpropofition,  and  all  the 
reft  of  thefubiect  called  of  the  Logicians,  1> tblnm. 
What  is  a  mood?  # 

Mood  is  a  word  determining  and  limiting  the  fignificatiou  of 
fomeother  word  whereuntoitisioyned,  as  a  wife  man, a  white 
horfe;  for  here  this  word  wife  being  added  to  man,  dothlimit 
and  reftraine  the  generall  fignification  of  the  word  man  ,  which 
other  wife  ©fit  felfecomprehendeth  both  wife  and  foolifli.  And 
the  like  is  to  be  faid  of  any  other  generall  word,  whereunto  any 
fuch  addition  is  put:  but  of  moods  making  modall  proportions, 
there  are  but  thefe  foure,  that  is,  Poilible,  Contingent,  Itnpoffi- 

Hove  manifold  is  a  modall  propofition  > 
Twofold,  that  is,  Co»iun&  and  Difiunft. 
When  is  it  faid  to  bs  Conittoft .? 


ofLogic(e.  77 

When  the  mood  is  placed  cither  in  the  beginning  or  ending 
of  a  proposition ;  as,  It  is  impoflible  that  hbn  is  ftckc :  orlhusj 
That  lohn  is  fkke  it  is  poflible. 

When  is  itfaid  to  be  Difftntt  ) 

When  the  mood  is  placed  fo,  as  it  diuideth  the  one  part  of 
the  fubiedt  from  the  other ;  as,  for  lohn  it  is  poflible  to  be  ficke  : 
and  the  Dhlunft  is  faid  many  times  to  bee  true,  when  the  Con- 
iun&  is  falfe,  being  both  made  of  felfe  termes  :  as  for  example, 
the  Logicians  affirme  this  to  be  true,  A  white  man  it  is  poflible 
to  bee  blacke  :  but  this  other ,  A  white  man  to  bee  blacke  it  is 
poflible,  they  affirme  to  be  falfe. 

What  maketh  them  fo  to  doe,  fttb  by  conftruttton  tkefe  two  [fetches 
infenfe  doe  feeme  to  be  all  one} 

Becaufe  the  mood  is  the  Difiun£fc,*vhich  by  parting  and  fenc- 
ring  the  Subiett,maketh  tlie  Proportion  to  feeme  fpoken  in  di- 
uers  refpeirs ;  as  man  to  be  white  in  one  refpedt,  and  blacke  in 
another,  and  fo  the  fpeech  to  be  true. 


Of the  proportion,  pqt4htalencieyand  ccnuerfton  of 'moduli proportions '. 

Ee  told  you  before,  that  of  modall  proportions, 
fome  were  called  coniuȣt,  and  fcmedifiunc.1:: 
and  as  for  the  modals  di(iunc~t,they  differ  but  lit- 
tle from abfolute  propositions  before  declared: 
And  therefore  we  hauehere  chiefly  to  deale  with 
opposition,  equiualencie,  and  conuerfion  belonging  to  modall 
coniun6t,the  matter  whereof  being  not  altogether  To  neceflary 
as  fome  men  affirme,  I  minde  to  make  no  long  fpeech  thereof. 
*But  for  the  better  vnderftanding  of  opposition,  equiualencie^ 
conuerfion  thereof,  it  is  needful  firfl  to  declare  the  quantitie  and 
qualitie  of  a  modall  proposition  :  of  both  which  things,though 
Ariftotle  maketh  no  mention,but  only  a  little  of  qualitie;yet  the 
latter  Writers  doe  necefTarily  fuppofe  modall  propositions  to  be 
indued  with  quantitie  and  qualitie  :  for  they  fay  that  the  mood 
neceff&rie  is  much  like  to  a  figne  vniuerfall  afrirmatiuejrhempod 
impossible,  to  a  figne  vniuerfall  negatiuc  ;  the  moods  pofsible  and 
w»f />/£«tf,which  are  both  of  one  value,are  -like  to  flgnes  particu- 
lar affirmatiue.  Now  as  touching  the  qualitie,  which  is  to  be  ei- 

L  3  ther 


The  third  <Boofy 

ther  aflRrmatiue,ot:  negatiue,like  as  the  ncgatiue  in  abfolute  pro. 
portions  is  wont  to  be  added  to  the  verbe,euen  (o  in  modalpro- 
pofiiions  it  is  added  to  the  mood,  as  by  the  examples  let  downe 
in  the  figure  of  opposition  hereafter  following ,  yee  may  eafily 

Of  the  ofpoftiott  of  Modal'. 

Ow  man j  wajts  *re  moduli  propo  ft  ions  faid  to  be  of* 
iofite  t 

They  are  faid  to  be  oppofite  foure  manner  of 
wayes,  euen  as  abfolute  proportions  are  ,  that  is 
30  fay,contrarily,fubcontrarily,contradi»Stoiie, 
and  fubalternately ,  as  you  fee  in  this  figure  fol- 
lowing,whcrin  themood  isofet  before  in  the  place  of  the  fubiecl, 
the  better  to  (hew  the  quantitie  &  qualiuc  of  euery  proportion. 

ofLogicke.  59 


Of  the  tquiuahKcie  and  cornier [ion  of  moduli  propofitiont. 

He Schoolemen  doe  affirme,  that  modall  propo- 
rtions arc  eafily  made  cquiualent,by  rcafon  that 
they  may  be  Yttcrcd  foure  manner  of  wayes,  that 
is  to  fay,  twe  manner  of  wayes  affirmatiuely, and 
two  manner  of  wayes  negatiuely.  The  firtt  way 
affirmatiuely ,  is,  when  no  negatiue  is  added  ci- 
ther to  the  fubicft,  or  to  the  mood ;  as,  for  a  man  to  be  iuft,  it  is 
poffiblc,  contingent,  impofsiblc,  or  neceffarie.  Thefecondway 
affirmatiuely,  is,  when  the  negatiue  is  addedto  the  Verbeofthc 
fubieft,  the  mood  remayning  IVill  affirmatiue;  as^foramannoc 
to  be  iuft, it  is  pofsible,contingcnt,&c.The  firlt  way  negatiuely, 
H^vhen  the  negatiue  is  only  added  to  the  mood;  as,  a  man  to  be 
iuft, i:  is  not  pofsible,ccntingent,&c.  The  fecond  way  negatiue- 
ly, is,  when  the  negatiue  is  both  added  to  the  verbeofthe  fub- 
iec>,  andalfotothcraood ;  as,  a  man  not  to  bee  iuft,  it  is  not 
pofsiblc,  contingenr,&c.  which  is  all  onctmd  cquiualcnt  to  this 
affirmatiuepropofuion,faying,th3tforaman  tobeiuft,it  is  pof- 
fible,  contingent,  &c.  for  two  ncgatiues,  as  well  intheLatinc 
tongue^s  in  ours,  doe  alwayes  make  an  affirmatiue.  Againe,  as 
touching  the  conucrfion  of  modall  propofitious ,  they  fay ,  that, 
the  difiunft  being  like  to  an  abfolute  or  fimple  propofition,may 
beconuertedboth  (imply  and  pcraccidcni\  but  the  comunct.fufv 
fereth  no  conuerfionrand  though  the  Schoolemen  doe  fct  down, 
diners  and  manifold  rules,  and  haue  inuentedthefe  foure  words 
of  Art,  that  is,  Pvrpvrf.  a,  Iliac  e,  Am  abi  m  v  s,  E- 
den  T  v  l  i  attributing  as  well  to  the  vowels,  as  totheconfo-.- 
nants  thereof,  ccrraynefignifications,  forthebettcrvnderftan- 
ding  and  bearing  inmemoricthecquiualcncics  and  conucrfions- 
of  the  (aid  modall  proportions  :  yet  becaufein  mine.opinion: 
they  are  more  meet  to  breed  prcpoftcrous,  intricate  and  barba- 
rous fpcechcSjthen  to  ferue  to  any  other  goodpurpofe-,  Ithinke 
it  better  to  psffe  them  oner  with  filence ,.  then  to  trouble  your 
memoric  therewith  :  wherefore  leauingthem  as  things  fupcr- 
fluous ,  I  mindenow  totieatofan  hypothetical!  or  compound 
propo(ttion,andofal  the  needfary  accidents  thereunto  belbnj*. 
ing,  CHABl. 

80  The  third  "Boo^e  " 

CHAP.  X. 

Of  a  compound  or  hypothetical! proportion. 

Hat  u  a  compound  proportion  ? 

It  is  that  which  confifteth  of  two  or  more  Am- 
ple proportions,  coupled  together  with  ibmt 

How  manifold  is  it} 

Threefold,  Conditional^  Copulatiue,and  Difiun&iue. 

When  is  it  f aid  to  be  conditional! } 

When  the  coniunc-Vion  7/is  fet  before  any  fimple  proportion, 
as  thus :  If  it  be  a  man,  it  is  a  fenfible  body. 

When  is  it  [aid  to  be  copulatiue  ? 

When  two  fimple  propositions  are  ioyned  together  with  a 
conitin'clion  copulatiue ;  as,  God  is  true,  and  man  is  a  lier. 

When  is  it  f aid  to  be  diJiunSiue  ? 

When  two  fimple  propositions  are  ioyned  together  with  a 
coniunclion  difiun£tiu,e ;  as  thus,  Either  it  is  day,  or  night. 

Of  how  many  parts  doth  a  compound  proportion  conjifi  ? 

Oftwo,thatis,  of  the  antecedent,  and  of  the  confequent. 

Which  call  you  the  antecedent  ? 

That  which  followeth  next  after  the  coniun&ion,  as  thus :  If 
it  be  iufHce,it  is  a  vertue :  here  this  fpeech,If  it  be  iuftice,is  the 
antecedent,and  the  reft  of  the  fpeech,that  is  to  fay,It  is  a  vertue, 
is  the  confequent :  and  fo  it  fhould  be ,  though  the  words  were 
contrarily  placed,  as  thus :  It  is  a  vertue,  ifitbeiultice. 

What  things  are  to  be  conjideredin  hypot heticall  yropofitions  ? 

Thefe:  Firft,  whether  they  haue  any  quantitie,  or  qualitie  : 
then,  whether  any  opposition ,  equiualence,  or  conuerfion  doe 
belong  to  them,  or  not :  thirdly. how  to  know  the  truth  or  falf- 
hood  ofeuery  fuch  proposition, be  it  conditionall,copulatiue,or 
difiun6"tiue.  And  firft,  as  touching  quantitie,  they  haue  none  at 
all :  for  quantitie  is  to  be  meafured  by  fignes  vniuerfall,  or  parti- 
cular,which  are  only  incident  to  the  fubiedts  of  categorical  pro- 
pofitions :  but  qualitie  they  haue,  in  that  they  affirme  or  deny 
fome  thing,  by  reafon  whereof  there  may  bee  contradiction  in 


ofLfrgicfa  Si 

hypothcticall  proportions ,  buc  it  cannot  bee  properly  faid., 
thai  they  be  either  contrarie ,  fubcontrarie  ,  or  lubahernar,  for 
that  they  are  without  quantitic ;  for  want  whereof  they  nei- 
ther doe  aptly  admit  oppoiition,  equiuatencc,  or  conuerlion , 
but  only  contradiction. 

How  is  that  f.ntradiftion  to  be  vnderftood  f 
Byrc3fotiof  affirmatios,  orncgation;  which,  asinfimple 
proportions  is  to  bee  taken  on  the  behalfe  of  the  vcrbe  copula- 
tiue,  and  not  of  the  fubiect  or  predicate  :  fo  in  compound 
proportions,  It  is  to  bee  taken  on  the  behalfe  of  the  coniun6ti- 
on,  hauing  a  negatiue  (et  before  it  ,and  yet  not  of  euery  con- 
junction, but  onely  of  that  coniuncfaon  conditional,  If: 
whereof  I  cannot  aptly  gine  you  any  example  in  our  natiue 
tongue,  becaufe  ic  is  contrarie  to  our  naturall  and  vfuall  fpcech, 
to  put  a  negatiue  before  the  coniuncYion,  If;  and  therefore  I 
leauetofpeake  thereof  any  further : and  to  fay  the  truth,  it  rna. 
keth  but  a  ftrange  kinde  of  fpeech  in  the  Latine  tongue ,  and  I 
belceueis  feldome  vfed  in  any  difputation  :  as  to  fay  thus, 
7fy*  f  Animal  eft ,  homo  eft  :  or,  Nen  fi  lax  eft}  dies  eft  :  both 
which  are  faid  to  be  negatiue  fpeeches,  according  to  the  rule 
before  giuen,  becaufe  the  negatiue  is  fee  before  the  coniundti- 
on,£,  and  by  virtue  thereof  (as  thcSchoolemen  fay)  makcth 
the  whole  proportion  to  be  negatiue. 

CHAP.    XI. 

Of  the  truth  and  falfhoodof  Hypothetical  propofitions ,  and fir ft , 
of  the  Conditional/. 

Hat  is  to  be  conftdered,  to  k*?oxv  the  truth  orfalfjocd 
of  Condition  all  Proportions  ? 

Fidt,  whether  they  be  affirmatiue  or  nega- 
tiue: for  in  the  aflfirmatiues  it  fufticeth  ,  that 
the  one  part  doth  neceflarily  follow  of  the  o- 
ther,  as  thus:  If  it  be  a  man,  it  is  a  fenfiblc  body:  and  it  ma- 
kcth no  matter,  though  the  parts  feuerally  taken,  be  both  falfe, 
foas  theConfcquent  be  good:  as,  If  a  tree  be  a  man,  a  tree  is 
tfenfiblebodic:  for  though  both  thefe  parts  be  falfe,  yet  the 

M  Confcquent 

Si  The  third  Booty 

Confcquent  conditionally  is  true  :  for  a  conditionall  Proporti- 
on hath  no  regard  to  the  truth  of  the  parts ,  but  onely  that  the 

quent  may  neccfTarily  follow  of  the  Antecedent. 
jwW  *r  /£*  truth  of  the  negative  Preoption  to  be  knevene  ? 
By  the  Gon#qucnt :  for  if  the  Confequent  bee  not  rightly 
inferred  ofthe  antecedent,  then  thenegatiueis  true, as  thus: it 
followethnot  that  bccauftaLycn  is  a  fenfiblc  body  ,  that 
therefore  a  Lyon  is  a  man. 

Of  the  truth  an dfalfhood  of  Proportions  copulative. 

WHen  is  a  copulative  Propoftionfaidtohe  true  or  falfe  t 
It  is  faid  to  bee  true,  when  both  the  parts  bee  true, 
as  when  I  fay,  God  is  true ,  and  man  is  a  lyar  :  againe  it  is  laid 
to  be  falfe,  when  either  one  part  or  be  falfe  :  as  when 
Ifay,ManisafenfibIebodie,aedGod  is  not  a  Spirit.  Here  be- 
caufe  the  firft  part  is  true,  and  the  fecond  part  falfe  ,  the  whole 
Proportion  is  faid  to  bee  falfe.  It  is  faid  alfo  to  bee  falfe,  when 
both  parts  are  falfe,  a6  thus  j  Man  is  true,  and  God  is  a  lyar. 
Heereboth  parts  be  falfe. 

What  kiude  of  Prof  oft  ions  Are  wont  to  bee  referred  to  this  copula- 

tine  ? 

■  Thofe  which  they  call  Tcmporall,  Locall,  by  hmilitude 
and  caufall :  as  of  time  thus,  When  a  penitent  firmer  pray- 
eth,  then  God  hcareth  him.  Of  place  thus,  Where, two  or 
three  are  gathered  together  in  the  Name  of  the  Lord,  hee  is  in 
themidftof  them.  By  limilitude  thus ,  As  am3n  dealethwith 
his  neighbour ,  fo  will  God  deale  with  him.  Of  the  caufe  thus, 
Bccaufe  the  Sunne  fhineth,  it  is  day.  And  therefore  certaine 
Aduerbes  as  thefe,  When  ,  Where,  Vncili ,  folong  as,as,fo  as, 
for  therefore,  bccaufe  and  iuch  like,  hauc  the  iignification 
jfomctime  of  the  Conjunction  (And)  and  fomctime  ofthe  Con- 
iuncVion  ( If)* 

Of  the  truth  andfaljhoodofdifiuuQiuei. 

Rat  belongeth  properly  to  difmBiue  Propofitions  t 

To  cpnfift  of  repugnant  parts,  according  to  the 


of  Logicfy.  83 

fiotiificitioti  of  Conjunctions  difiun&iuc,  fuch  as  thefe bee,  vet 
oreither,orcIfc,andfuchlike:  as  either  it  Is  day,  or  it  is  night, 
whereof  the  one  deftroyeth  the  other :  for  if  the  one  bee,  the  o- 
ther  cannot  bee:  and  therefore  they  cannot  bee  both  true :  but 
they  may  be  both  falfe,  if  there  be  any  meaneTOtwixt  the  two 
cotraries:as  when  we  fay , This  woman  is  either  white  or  blackc, 
both  thefe  arc  falfe,  if  fhe  be  brownCj  which  is  ameane  colour 
betwixt  white  and  blacke.   But  the  later  Writers  aflfirme  the 
difiun&iue  to  bee  true,  if  any  one  or  both  of  the  parts  bee 
true,as  thus,  Either  a  man  is  a  fcnfiblc  bodie,  or  clfe  a 
tree  is  a  Subftance :  and  to  bee  falfe  when  both 
parts  bee  falfe,  as  Either  a  man  is  true, 
or  God  is  a  Lyar. 

The  end  *f  the  third  Booke  t/Ugicke. 

*  M  ^  THE 




The  fourth  (Booh, 

CHAP.    I. 
Of  Places. 

cy€v<g7^?  Hough  immediately  after  the  Treat ife  cf  a 
^JEj^j^   Proportion  ,  the  oldmen  are  went  to  dealc 
vrtth  the  order  of  rc*[oning  ,  called  Argu* 
mentation tandr»n h  the  formes  thereof:  yet 
firh  by  order  of  Nature  it  u  tneete  to  finde 
out  matter  ,  before  veee  got  abnut  to  fcrmet 
frtfZirfoT  order  thefamey  and  that  the  mat- 
ter of  proumg  any  guefttonu  to  be  fetched 
from  eert  <yne  common  Places,  1  thought  tt  befi  to  treatefrjl ofthofe 
Places,  and  then  to  jhiwthe  order  of  re*fontng. 
What  is  a  Place? 

A  Place  is  a  marke  or  token,  fhcwing  from  whence  any 
Argument',  apt  to  gjoue  the  Qucftion  propounded  ,i»  to  bec 

What  difference  u  betwixt  Argument  and  Argumentation  ? 
Argument  is  the  bare  preofe  or  mcanc  terme  which  is  in- 
uented  by  him  ihatdifputeth,  to  ^roue  the  truth  of  the  Quefti- 
on :  but  Argumentation  is  the  whole  reafoning  it  fclfe,  of  what 

M  3  (orme 

$6  ykcfourth€Bock$ 

forme  fo  eucr  it  be,  comprehending  both  the  Qiieftior^and  al- 
(o  the  proofe  thereof:  whereof  wee  fliall  fpeake  hereafter  in  his 
proper  place,  and  giue  you  examples  of  both. 

How  manifold  if  Place? 

Two-fold ,  the  one  of  perfons ,  the  other  of  things:  the  or- 
der and  diltribution  of  both  which,  you  may  plainly  fee  in  the 
Table  following. 

To  what  end  ferneth  this  manifold  diuifion  ? 

That  the  difputers  may  the  more  perfectly  know  the  pow- 
er and  proper  nature  of  euery  Argument,  according  to  the 
great  or  little  force  of  the  Place,  from  whence  fuch  Arguments 
are  fetched. 

Hov  is  Place  diutded  according  tp  the  Schoolemen  ? 

Into  two  kindes,  the  one  called  Maxim,  and  the  other  diffe- 
rence of  Maxim. 

What  is  Maxim  ? 

It  is  a  generall  rule  approued  and  receiued  of  all  Logicians, 
in  fuch  fort  as  no  man  will  deny  the  fame,  as  of  contrarie 
things  there  muft  needs  bee  contrarie  confequents.  Againe, 
Whatfocuer  agreeth  with  the  thing  defined  ,  agreethalfo  with 
the  Definition  of  the  fame:  ?nd  fuch  like. 

what  is  the  difference  of  Maxims  ? 

It  is  the  proper  name  of  euery  Place  whereby  one  Maxim  is 
knownc  front  another,and  to  what  place  euery  Maxim  belong- 
cth  ,  as  from  the  contrary,  from  the  Definition,  from  the  thing 
defined  :  for  by  thefe  names  and,r,  S  like ,  wee  know  to  what 
Place  euery  Maxim  belongeth. 

To  what  end  feruet*  this  dmsjitn  * 

The  Maxims  ferue  as  fhoote-ankers ,  and  as  places  of  refuge, 
when  the  aduerfarie  {hall  deny  our  Conclusion  :  againe,  the 
differences  being  few  in  number,  doe  caufe  the  multitude  of 
Maxims  to  be  the  more  eafily  kept  in  racruorie. 


of  Logic ke. 
The  Tabic  of  Places. 




Places  be 


"NamtjftockfjbirthnatbrTexjor  kinde,jge,edueaiion, 
Jiabit  oi  the  body33fTections  of  the  mind.ftarcjcsllino.or 
/condition  of  lifc,die:,ftudy,or  exercifc,a<fts  donc.dcath, 

^wonders  chanfing  bei ore  death  ,  or  after  death  ,  momi-  f  The  Definitioiijand  the  things  defined, 
'incnts  left  of  dungs  done,  or  written,  and  kinde  of  Fune-  j  T  he  Dt  fcrip:ion,&  the  th  ing  defer  ibed , 
.rah  fhewing  how  well  or  cuill  the  perfon  was  beloucd.     The  Intcrprecauo.n  ,  and  the  thing  in- 
fliward      f~Of  the  fubftancc  itfelfe,  whicb>  The  Matter,  and  the  thing  mad?. 
bctbele,  .  The  Forme,  and  the  tring  formed. 

•  Trrcaeneral!  k:nd,&his  fpeciall  kind, 

I  The  Difference, and  his  propcrtie. 
The  whole ,  2nd  his  pai  ts  Integral!, 
(^.Princip  11  >  ai:d  no:  principal], 

/"Generation,  and  the  thingingendred. 

I  Corrupt  ion  j  and  the  thing  coirup  ced. 
fft  j  Abufe. 
.  Subieftj. 
<  Adiacents,  and  adtioas, 

Common  Accidents. 
5  Signes  and  circumftances  ,  as  time, 
VI    place,  and  mcane*  8cc. 


ftance,  astheic 

Places  be 

'  mm  /.  ~»-  •  .,•«•*  _Rc'atiues. 

The  Caufe  Er5cienr,and  his  eftcc*.  C  Contraries. 
The  End,  and  the  thing enacd.<  pfjuanuc$#' 
The  fourc  Oppofltw  5  as  £  Contradidories. 

Things  diuers  in  kinde,  called  in  Latinc,  Difptrtt*. 

Comparifon,  as  more  orkiTe.      f  From  the  Comparatiue  to  the  Super* 
Like  or  Vnhkc.  I      latiuc. 

Example  and  comparifon.  I  From  the  Pofitiue  to  the  Comparatiue. 

Alfo  to  Companion  may  be  added<  From  two  Pofitiueito  two  Compart 

thefc  places.  j      tiucs. 

Proportion.  \  Ftom  two  Pofin'ueJ    to  two   Supcrla* 

Changed  preportion.  L    tiues ,  and  contrariwife. 

Changed  Difproportion. 
(JTranflation  or  Figtuatiue  fpcech. 

Orraeane  C  Coniugates. 
Plaees  be<  Cafes.. 
i^thefe'3.  ■*£ DJuiflon. 

'  Oath. 


A'l  which  £x  places  arc  comprehended  wider  the  place 
of  Authoritie,  as  you  may  fee  in  the  Table  of  Authorise 
hereaf:er  following  in  which  Table  are  fet  downe  the 
faid  inartificial!  place*  ,  together  with  the  definitions 
and  vfes  thereof. 


88  The  four  thTSoofy 

CHAP.    II. 
Of  the  Places  of  Perfons. 

I  tie  examples  of  all  the  Placet  offerfons. 

Though  the  Place*  of  persons  may  bee  very 
i  well  applyed  to  rhe  place  of  common  Accidents 
hereafter  following  ,  becau'e  they  eythcr  goe 
before,  accompanie,  or  follow  the  fubitdi 
whereunro  they  doe  belong  :  yet  becauf'e  there 
is  a  difference  betwixt  perions  and  things ,  and  that  the  Places 
before  mentioned  in  the  Table  of  perfon* ,  doe  more  properly 
belong  to  Perfcns,  then  to  things,  I  thouoht  it  belttogiue 
you  examples  of  cuery  Place  belonging  to  the  perfon,  before  I 
come  to  treate  of  .the  Places  of  things ,  and  hrlt  of  the  name, 
then  of  the  ftocke  and  family,  and  io  forth. 
Of  the  name. 

Of  this  Place  you  may  reafoneythcr  in  praifeor  difpraife 
more  probably  then  truely  ,  as  to  fay  thus  :  his  name  is  Cjbed- 
man  :  Ergo,  he  ought  to  bee  a  good  man,  for  that  name  lmpor- 
tcth  good,  I  did  once  fee  an  euill  woman  executed  at  Ty- 
borne,  whofename  was  Sweepeflak,?,  wfiich  name  was  anfwer- 
ableto  her  propertie ,  which  was  tofweepeall  her  louers  pur- 
fes  (o  cleane  as  fhee  could.  Ctccra  d\d  not  Jet  to  fcorfein  like 
manner  with  ZJerres  the  Roman  extortioner ,  againft  whom  he 
made  fomany  inueyghing  Orations ,  faying  many  times  ,  that 
he  had  not  his  name  for  nought :  for  Verres  was  as  much  to  fay 
as  a  i  weeping  thicfe,dcriucd  of  the  vei  be  verro  t  which  in  Eng- 
lifh  is  to  fwcepe. 

Oftheftotke  or  birth. 

Of  this  Place  you  may  reafon  th  us :  Hee  had  ftrong  parents : 
Ergo,hc  is  ftrong.  He  came  of  an  euiil  race  :  Ergo,  it  is  no  mar- 
ucll  though  he  be  euill  difpofed. 
Oj  the  nation. 

He  is  of  the  Hand  of  Crete  ox  Candte  :  Ergohcc  is  a  lyar.  Hee 
is  aFIcmming  :  Ergo,*  drunkard.  He  is  an  Englifhman  :  Ergop 
glutton.  He  is  an  Italian :  Erqo ,a  dilfembler. 
*  *'  Of 

of  Logic f\e.  8p 

Of  the  fix  *r  kind. 

It  is  the  proroife  of  a  woman ,  Ergo  not  to  bcc  performed  ot 

Of  the  age. 

He  is  but  an  Infant,  Ergo  not  malicious.  He  is  yong  of  age, 
and  therefore  to  be  pardoned.       , 

Of  education,  • 

He  was  euill  brought  vp,  and  therefore  can  not  be  good. 

Of  the  habit  of  the  body. 

He  is  bigge  let,  Ergohe  is  ftrong.  He  is  redheaded ,  Ergo  e- 
uill  conditioned. 

Of  the  affefttous  efthe  minde. 

He  is  giuen  to  exceffc  and  ryot,  Ergo  he  is  not  temperate  or 
model) :  to  this  place  may  be  referred  all  manner  of  vertues  and 

Of  the Jf ate,  calling,  or  condition  of  life. 

He  is  a  bondman :  Erg*  he  can  neither  fue  nor  be  fued. 


He  loueth  to  fare  delicately,  and  to  lie  foft :  Ergo  hee  is  laf- 

Offtttdie  or  cxercifi. 

He  is  very  ftudious  and  applycth  his  Booke :  Srgo  no  volup- 
tuous man. 

Of  things  done. 

Pompejr  hath  had  many  profperous  and  noble  Victories:  Ergo 
he  is  moft  meet  to  be  fent  as  Genet  all  of  the  warrc  againft  My- 

Of  death. 

The  death  ofSetpio  was  much  lamented  of  the  Romans,Z:rjr  o 
hee  was  dcarely  beloued  of  the  Romans.  Such  a  one  fuffered 
death  molt  conflantly  for  Chrifts  fake,  Ergo  hee  was  a  good 

Of  things  chancing  after  death. 

Honourable  Monuments  were  fct  vp  by  the  people  of  Rome 
in  th&honor  oiluhus  Cafar  after  his  death,  Ergo  he  was  hono- 
red and  beloued  of  all  the  people  of  Rome  in  his  life  time.Therc 
were  great  earthquakes,  and  dead  bodies  did  arife  immediately 

N  after 

90  The  fourth  <Boo{e 

after  the  death  of  Chrift,  Ergo  hce  was  the  Sonne  of  God ,  and 
was  vniuftly  condemned. 

CHAP.    III. 

Of  the  'Places  of  things,  and  of  artificial!  Places. 
.&®&*&mm  Hat  be  artificial  'Places  > 

*)  Artinciall  Places  are  thofc  wherein  arc  con- 
'tayncd  Inch  Arguments  as  of  their  ownc  force 
and  nature  are  able  to prouc or  difproue :  which 
are  diuided  (as  I  faid  before  )  into  inward ,  out- 
ward and  meane  Places. 
VVhat  are  inward  Places  ? 
Inward  Places  are  thofe  which  yeeld  Arguments  either  ap- 
pertaining to  the  nature  and  fubitance  of  the  matter  in  quefti- 
on,  orelfe  to  fuch  things  as  doc  accompany  the  fubftance  and 
nature  of  the  thing. 

Which  bee  the  Places  of  SttbftancH 

Thefe  ,  Definition  and  the  thing  defined ,  together  with  the 
reft  rehearfed  before  in  the  Table. 

Of  'Definition  and  the  thing  defined, 

WHat  is  Definition  ? 
It  is  that  which  briefly,  plainely  and  properly  decla- 
reth  the  nature  of  any  thing ,  by  fhewing  the  fubftantiall  parts 

How  may  a  man  reafonfrom  this  place  ? 

Both  affirmatiucly  and  negatiuely  ,  afwell  from  the  Subie£ 
as  the  Predicate  of  the  QuelVion.  Affirmatiucly  thus,  Euery 
rcafonable  bodieisaptto  learne  Letters,  Ergo  man  is  apt  to 
learne  Letters.  Negatiuely  thus,  No  vnreafonable  bodie  is 
apt  to  learne  Letters ,  Ergo  no  brute  bealt  is  apt  to  learne  Let- 

What  be  the  Maxims  or  gener  all  r  tiles  of  this  Place  ? 

The  Maxims  be  thefe,  Whatfoeuer  agveeth  with  the  defini- 
tion, agreeth  with  the  thing  defined  :  and  contrariwife  what- 

of Logic^e.  pi 

focuer  agreeth  not  with  the  definition  ,  agreeth  not  withthe 
thing  defined. 

yyhat  is  the  thing  defined* 

That,  whofe  nature  and  propertie  is  declared  in  the  defini- 

How  may  a  man  reafon  from  this  place  ? 

Both  affirmatiuely  and  negatiuely  :  arfirmatiuely,  as  Peter  is 
a  man  :<5Vg0  he  is  a  reasonable  body.  Negatiuely,  as  an  Ape  is 
no  man:  Srgoan  Apeisnoreafonablebody. 

What  be  the  CMaxims  of  this  'Place  ? 

Whatfoeuer  agreeth  with  the  thing  defined  ,  agreeth  alio 
with  the  definition  thereof:  and  whatfoeuer  agreeth  not  with 
the  thing  defined,agreeth  not  with  the  definition  of  the  fame. 

Of  Defcription  t  and  the  thing  defcribed. 

It  is  a  fpeech  declaring  what  a  thing  is,  by  Chewing 
the  properties  and  accidents  whereby  it  differeth  from  other 

How  m*y  a  mtn  reafon  from  this  place  } 

Both  amrmatiuely  and  negatiuely  :  affirmatiucly  thus,Euety 
laudalle  habit  adorneth  his  poffeflor  :  Erg"  veitue  adometh 
his  poiTcflor  .-negatiuely  thus,  nolandjble  habit  fhameth  his 
owner  or  pofleffor  :  Ergo  no  vertue  fhameth  his  owner  or  pof- 

What  is  the  thing  defcribed  ? 

It  is  that,  whole  properties  ey  ther  naturall  or  accidentall  are 
declared  in  the  defcription. 

Hcvt  are  arguments  to  be  fetched  frem  this  Place  ?. 

Both  3ffirroatiuely  and  negatiuely  :  affirmatiuely  thus,  This 

beaft  ii  foure-footedjiauing  longeares  and  whole  feet :  ergo  it 

isanAiTe:  negatiuely  thus ;  This  foure-footed  beatf  hath  no 

long  eares,  nor  whole  feet :  Ergo  it  is  no  Afle. 

VVhtn  are  arguments  to  be  confuted^  emg  fetched  from  theft  places  ? 

When  the  definition  or  defcription  is  not  true  or  proper  to 
the  thing  defined  or  defcribed. 

N  2  Of 

pz  The  fourth  ISookf 

Of  Interpretation  and  the  thing  interpreted. 

WHat  u  Interpret ation} 
It  is  the  declaring  of  a  name  lefTe  knowne  by  ano- 
ther that  is  more  tnownc ,  as  thus ,  Jefus  is  as  much  to  fay  as  a 
Sauiour,  a  Philofopher  is  a  louer  of  Wifdome. 

what  is  the  thing  interpreted  ? 

That  which  is  declared  by  the  Interpretation,  as  this  word 
Iefus  to  be  a  Sauiour,  or  this  word  Philofopher  to  be  a  louer  of 

How  may  a  man  reafonfrom  this  place  ? 

Both  afifirmatiuely  and  negatiucly,  if  the  termes  be  conuer- 
tible.  Affirmatiuely  thus:  Heeis  a  louer  of  Wifdome  :  Ergo  a 
Philofopher.  Negatiuely  thus :  He  is  no  louer  of  Wifdome:£r- 
go  no  Philofopher. 

What  be  the  maximes  of  thefe  two  places  ? 

The  Maxims  of  thefe  Places  are  like:  for  whatfocuer  agreeth 
with  the  one,  agreeth  with  the  other,  and  contrariwife. 

Of  the  Place  of  ^Matter,  and  of  the  thing  made. 

WFTat  is  CMatter  ? 
That  whereof  any  thing  is  made,  as  Siluer  is  the  mat- 
ter of  a  Siluer  Cup,and  the  Cup  is  the  thing  made,  called  of  the 
Logicians  materiatum. 

How  is  Matter  divided  ? 

Into  Matter  permanent,  and  Matter  tranfient. 

V03at  is  Matter  permanent  ? 

It  is  that  which  remaineth  in  the  thing  made,  rctayningftill 
both  nature  and  name ,  as  ftone  and  timber  is  the  matter  of  an 

What  is  Matter  tranftent  ? 

It  is  that  which  being  changed,doth  not  returne  againe  into 
his  firft  nature :  as  flower  and  water  being  made  bread,  will  nc- 
ucr  be  flower  and  water  againe. 

How  are  arguments  to  be  fetched  from  Matter  permanent  ?  , 

Both  affirmatiuely  and  negatiuely:  affirmatiuely  thus  ,  Here 
is  timber,limc  and  RoncErgo  here  may  be  an  Houfe:  negatiue- 

<f  Logic{e.  % 

ly  thus,  Here  is  neither  timber,  lime  nor  ftone :  Ergot  here  is  no 
ho  ufe. 

How  are  arguments  to  be  fetched  from  Matter  tranfient  ? 
Affirmatiuely ,  but  not  negatiuely ,  as ,  here  is  Water  arid 
Meale :  isr£«,herc  may  be  bread  :  but  you  cannot  fay,here  is  no 
meale :  Ergo ,  here  is  no  bread :  for  the  matter  permanent  being 
taken  away ,  the  efTe&  thereof  is  alfo  taken  away  :  but  this 
Maxime  taketh  no  place  in  Matter  tranfient ,  vnleffe  the  Argu- 
ment be  made  by  the  preterpcrfe&  Tenfe  or  time  paft ,  as  thus : 
Here  was  no  Meale  :  £r£#,hereis  no  bread. 

What  he  the  Maxims  of  this  Place  ? 

The  matter  being  fet  downe  ,  the  effect  alfo  may  be  accor- 
ding to  the  difference  of  the  matter. 

How  may  we  reafon  from  the  thing  made  to  the  Matter  ? 

In  matter  permanent  you  may  reafon  from  the  prefent  Tenfe 
to  the  prefent  Tenfe, thus :  Here  are  Iron  weapons  :  Ergo  fax*,  is 
Iron.  But  in  matter  tranfient  wee  mult  reafon  from  the  prefent 
time  to  the  time  paft,  thus ;  here  is  bread :  Ergo^xc  hath  beene 

What  be  the  Maxims  of  this  place  r* 

The  thing  made  of  matter  permanent  being  fet  downe  ,  the 
matter  alfo  muft  needs  be :  and  the  thing  made  of  matter  tranfi- 
ent being  fet  downe,  the  matter  thereof  muft  needs  haue  beene. 

Hove  may  you  elfe  reafon  from  thefe  two  places? 

By  adding  thefe  two  adieitiues  (good  or  euill)  as  thus  :  The 
houfc  is  good  :  Ergo  ,  the  timber  and  ftone  was  good  :  for  the 
goodneffe  or  defect  of  the  matter  permanent,  fheweth  the  pre- 
fent goodncfle  or  defect  of  the  thing  made  :  and  any  good  or 
euill  thing  made  of  Matter  tranfient,  proueth  the  Matter  to 
haue  beene  good  or  euill. 

Of  the  Places  of  Forme  and  fh ape, 


'Hat  is  Forme  ? 

Forme  is  that  which  giueth  fhape  and  being  to  the 
thing  formed ,  whereof  alfo  the  thing  taketh  his  name ,  as  the 
foule  of  man  is  the  forme,  and  man  is  the  thing  formed. 

N  3  How 

94-  The  fourth  'Boolg 

How  is  Forme  dim aed  ? 

•-Mortall,  as  the  foule 
^- Forme  fubftantiail ,  which  is^     ofa  bruit  beaft. 
^     the  firft  being  or  {hape  of  a-.^ 
Into  «^     ny  thing,  and  that  is  either  JOi  irnmortall,  as  the 
J  V*     foule  of  man. 

v.And  into  Forme  accidentall  t  which  isameereacci- 
dent,  called  of  the  Logicians  *Abftratiurru ,  as  whiteneffe  or 

How  are  Arguments  to  be  fetched  from  the  Forme  and  the  thing 
formed  ? 

Two  wayes,  affirmatiuely  from  the  fubftamiail  forme,  thus : 
Here  is  the  foule  of  a  beaft :  Ergo  ,  here  is  a  bead :  from  the  acci- 
dentall  forme  thus  :  Here  is  whiteneffe  :  Srgo ,  here  is  fome 
white  thing :  from  the  fubftaiitiall  thing  formcd,thus  :The  beaft 
is  here :  Ergo,  his  foule  is  here  :  of  the  accidental!  thing  formed, 
thus :  Here  is  fome  white  thing  :  Ergo ,  here  is  whiteneffe  :  Ne- 
gatiuely  from  the  fubftantiail  forme,thus  :  Here  is  no  foule  of  a 
bez(\:  Ergo  f  here  is  no  beaft:  of  the  accidental!  forme  ,  thus: 
Here  is  no  whiteneffe  :  Ergo,  here  is  no  white  thing  :  of  the  fub- 
fUntiall  thingformed,  thus :  The  beaft  is  not  here  :  Ergo,  his 
foule  is  not  here :  of  the  accidentall  thing  formed;  thus  :  Here  is 
no  white  thing  :  Erg ot  here  is  no  whiteneffe. 

Rehearfe  the  Maxims  whereupon  thefe  arguments  are  grounded* 
The  Maxims  be  thefe ,  where  Forme  is  either  prefent  or  wan- 
tingjthe  thing  formed  alfo  muft  needs  be  either  prefent  or  wan- 
ting, and  contrariwife.  Yet  this  Maxim  fayleth  in  the  forme  of 
man,  for  the  foule  intellecliue  may  be,  and  yet  no  man,  vnleffe 
you  reafon  from  theinbeingof  the  Forme  in  the  Subietfc,  as,  In 
the  body  is  a  reafonable  foule  :  Srgo ,  it  is  a  man :  for  euery  Sub- 
ject hath  his  name  and  being  in  his  fhape  or  forme,  as  hath  been 
faid  before. 

Of  the  genera//  kind. 

\j\7Hat  is  genera// \ind  } 

'  It  is  that  which  comprehendeth  many  things  diffe- 


ofLogic{c.  p? 

ring  in  fpeciall  kinde,  as  hath  beene  faid  before. 

How  are  ^Arguments  to  bee  fetched  from  the  generall  kind  to 
the  fpeci*llk±nd> 

Both  affirmatiuely  and  negatiuelys  affirmatiuely  thus,Euery 
vertue  is  to  be  defired  :  Ergo  IufHce  is  to  be  defired, Negatiucly 
thus ,  No  vice  is  to  be  pray  fed  :  Ergo  drunkenneffe  is  not  to  be 
pray  fed. 

^ehearfe  the  UMaxims  belonging  to  the gener all kind  / 
To  what  kinde  foeuer  agreeth  the  generall  kinde  being  vni- 
uerfally  taken  (that  is  to  fay)  pronounced  with  fome  vniuerfall 
figne,  as  All,  Euery  or  None,  to  the  fame  the  fpeciall  kind  doth 
alfo  agree  rand  whatfoeucr  agreeth  not  with  the  generall  kind 
vninerfally  taken,  agreeth  not  with  the  fpeciall  kind  :  for  if  no 
vniuerfall  figne  be  added  to  the  generall  kind,  you  cannot  rea- 
fon  affirmatiuely^but  onely  negatiuely,thus:It  is  no  fenfiblebo- 
"  dy  :  Ergo  it  is  no  man :  bur  you  cannot  rcafon  fo  affirm  atiucly, 
as  co  fay  thus  ,  It  is  a  fenfible  body  :  Ergo  it  is  a  man  :  becaufe 
the  vniuerfall  figne  All,  or  Euery,  is  warning. 

How  many  V  laces  doth  this  P  lace  of  generall  kjnd  comprehend? 
Foure,  (that  is  to  fay)  All  or  euery  in  quanticie  ,  All  or  euery 
in  refpefr,  All  or  euery  in  place,  All  or  euery  in  time. 
What  is  All  or  euery  in  quant  it  ie  f 

It  is  when  an  vniuerfall  figne  is  added  to  the  generall  kinde, 
as  euery  plant  liucth,  therefore  euery  tree  liueth.  » 

When  is  it  all  or  euery  in  refpetl  ? 

When  any  generall  kind  is  vnderftood  in  fome  rcfpe&  ,  and 
that  the  generall  fignification  thereof  is  refhayned  by  fome 
word  added  vntoit,  or  by  fome  fecret  meaning  limiting  the 
fame,as  a  white  beaftja  good  man  :  for  this  word  white  reftray- 
neththe  generall  fignification  of  beaftjand  this  word  good,thc 
generall  fignification  of  man. 
due  examples  of  this  place, 

God  gauc  his  holy  Spirit  to  all  faithfull  men  :  Ergo  to  his  A- 

What  is  all  or  euery  inplrce  ? 

It  is  when  the  generall  kinde  is  an  Aduerbe  of  place  ,  fig. 
nifying  euery  where  cr  no  where  ,  as  luftice  is  np  where 


p6  The  fourth  TZookf 

trucly  executed  :  Ergo ,  neither  in  Franc*  nor  in  England. 

What  is  all  or  entry  in  time  ? 

It  is  when  the  generall  kind  is  an  Aducrbe  of  time ,  fignify- 
ing  euer  or  ncuer,  as  God  is  alwayes  with  ys  :  Ergot  now  at  this 

What  maxims  So*  belong  to  thefe  places } 

The  fame  that  doe  belong  to  the  generall  kind  vniuerfally  ta- 
ken before  mentioned,  by  vertue  whereof  you  may  reafon  both 
affirmatiuely  and  negatiuely,  as  I  faid  before. 

Of  the  fpeciall  kind, 

HOw  are  arguments  to  be  fet shed  from  th*  fptciall  kind*  to  the 
generall  kind  ? 
Affirmatiuely,  but  negatiuely  thus;  It  is  a  man  '.Ergo,  it  is  a 
fenfible  body.  But  now  you  cannot  fay,  it  is  no  man :  Ergo,  it  is 
no  fenfible  body  :  for  it  may  be  a  horfe  ,  or  foroe  other  fenfible 

What  be  the  maxims  belonging  to  the  fpeciall  kind  > 
Where  the  fpeciall  kind  is ,  there  the  generall  kind  muft  alfo 
needs  be :  againe ,  all  the  fpeciall  kinds  being  taken  away ,  the 
generall  kind  is  alfo  taken  away. 

Of  the  place  of  Difference. 

THts  place  is  comprehended  vnder  the  place  of  definition,  for  dif- 
ference is  a  good  part  of  th*  definition ,  and  yet  for  order  fake  I 
haue  thought  good  to  place  it  next  to  th*  generall  kind  and  fftciall 
kind  before  taught. 

How  may  a  man  reafon  from  this  place  ? 
Both  affirmatiuely  and  negatiuely,  as  an  Oyfter  hath  feeling : 
Ergo ,  it  is  a  fenfible  body,  a  horfe  hath  no  reafon :  Ergo,  hee  is 
no  man. 

Vyhat  be  the  maxims  in  this  place  ? 

Whatfoeucr  agreeth  with  the  fpeciall  difference ,  agreeth 
with  the  thing  that  hath  that  difference ,  and  whatfoeuer  difa- 
greeth  with  the  fpeciall  difference,  difagreeth  with  the  thing 
that  hath  that  difference,  for  they  be  conuertible. 

of  Logic^e.  9y 

Of  the  place  of  Troptnie, 

HO *>  may  a  man  r ea fort  from  t his  place  ? 
This  place  is  contained  vnder  the  place  of  Defcriptiou 
before  fliewed.  And  from  hence  you  may  reafon  both  affirma- 
tiuely  and  negatiucly,  as  thus;  He  is  apt  to  fyeake :  Ergo  hce  is  a 
man;  He  is  not  apt  tofpeake  :  Ergo  he  is  no  man. 

What  be  the  maxims  of  t  displace  ? 

Whatfoeuer3grceth  with  the  propertie,  agrecth  alfo  vvith 
the  thing  that  hath  that  propertie.  And  whatfocuer  difagreeth 
with  the  property.,  d  figreeth  alfo  with  the  thing  whereto 
fuch  propertie  bdongeth,  for  they  be  conuertible.. 

Of  the  fUct  of  whole  Integral!, 

WHat  is  the  whole  Integra?!? 
That  which  conlifteth  of  parts  hauing  quamitie. 

Hew  m*y  we  retfon  from  the  whole  to  e  fiery  particular  part  ? 

Afli.  matiue!y,buc  not  nrgatiuely ,  thus  ;  It  is  a  houfc  :  Ergo 
it  hath  foundation,  wall*  and  roofe  :  but  you  cannot  reafon  io 
negatiuely  from  the  whole  to  curry  particular  part,  as  to  fay 
thus ;  Heie  is  an  Houfe  :  Ergo  here  is  no  foundation  or  walls. 

What  he  the  maxims  of  this  place  ? 

If  the  whole  be,euery  principall  part  muft  needes  bee :  but  if 
the  whole  be  wanting, fome  principall  part  muft  needs  be  wan- 
ting, though  not  all :  for  the  houfe  might  bee  wanting,  and  yet 
the  wals  and  foundation  may  (till  rcmainc. 

Of  the  place  of  IntegraU  farts,. 

W  Hat  is  an  Inte grail  fartt  and  how  is  it  dtuided  ? 
It  is  that  which  cer,aine  other  parts  make  vp  the 
whole,  and  fuch  Integral!  part  is  cither  principall,  or  not  prin- 

Define  theft  two  parts. 

The  principall  is  that  without  the  which  the  whole  cannot 
be3  a.  the  head  or  belly  of  a  liuing  body ,  or  as  the  foundation, 

O  walls, 

p8  7 'he  fourth  <Boo{e 

W3lls,orcoucringof  an  houfc.  The  part  not  principall  is  that 
without  the  which  the  whole  may  frand ,  as  a  houfe  without 
doores  or  windowes  :  or  the  body  may  Hue  without  hands  or 

Hoiv  m*y  we  reafonfrom  the  princtf  a/1 part  to  the  whole  ? 

Negatiuely  thus;  Heerc  is  no  foundation  or  walls :  J?r^,here 
is  no  houfe:  but  you  cannot  reafon  fo  of  the  part  not  principal), 
butoncly  inhauingrefpe&tothe  perfection  of  the  whole,  as. 
thus ;  Heere  is  neither  doores  nor  windowes :  Ergot  the  houfc 
is  not  perfect. 

ffhat  be  the  maxims  of  this  place  ? 

If  any  principallpart  be  wanting,  the  whole  cannot  bee.  If 
any  part  not  pnncipall  be  wanting,  the  whole  is  vnperfect. 

Of  the  places  of  things  accompanying  Sttbftance. 

WBat  is  the  place  of  things  accompanying  Sub  fiance. 
It  is  that  which  con.prehendeth  fuch  arguments  as 
are  not  fetched  from  the  fubif  ance  of  the  thing  it  fdfe,but  from 
that  which  accompanieth  the  fubftance  thereof. 
Which  be  thofe  places  ? 

Thefe:  Generation,  the  thing  ingendred  :  Corruption,  the 
thing  corrupted  :  Vfe,Subicc"t,  Adiaccnts,A£rions,Oppofition, 
common  Accidents,and  Citcumftances  and  fuch  like. 

Of  the  place  of  Generation ,  and  of  the  thing  engendred, 

WHat  is  (generation  ? 
It  is  the  firft  being  or  fpringing  of  any  thing. 

tioi»  are  Arguments  to  bee  fetched  from  Generation  to  the  thing 
engendred  } 

Aflfirmatiuely  thus :  It  was  good  that  Chrift  was  bornc:£Vg*, 
Cbrift  was  good;  It  was  euill  for  Rome  that  Cattlwe  was  borne: 
E  'go,  CatiltM*  was  euill  to  Rome, 

What  be  the  maxims  of  thts  place  ? 

Tnofe  things  whofe  generation  is  gcod,muft  needs  be  good, 
and  thofe  things  whofe  generation  is  euill,  muft  needs  be  euill. 

o/Logic{e.  p? 

How  may  we  reafon  from  the  thing  engendred  to  the  Generation  ? 

Aflfimatiuely  thus:  Catiline  was  cuill  to  Rome:  Ergo9  the 
biith  of  Cati/ine  was  cuill  to  Rome. 

What  be  the  maxims  of  this  place  ? 

If  the  thing  engendred  be  either  good  or  euill4the  generation 
thereof  muft  needs  bealfo  either  good  or  cuill. 

Of  Corruption  >and  the  thing  Corrupted. 

\7\7^at^  Cor  r  up  Hon  ? 

V  V  Corruption  is  contrary  to  Generation,  -and  is  the 
deftru£tion  of  the  thing  engendred,  and  the  thing  deftroyed  is 
raid  to  be  corrupted. 

How  mxy  we  reafon  from  Corruption ,  to  the  thing  Corrupted} 
Thus :  To  execute  Theeues  and  Murtherers ,  is  profitable  to 
the  Common-wealth  :  Ergo,  Theeues  and  Murtherers  are  hurt- 
full  to  the  Common-wealth.  The  death  of  Virgil  was  a  great 
lofle  to  learning:  £rgo,Vir.  was  a  great  furtherance  to  learning. 
How  may  we  reafon  from  the  thing  Corrupted,  to  the  Corruption} 
Afvumatiuely  thus:  Virgil  was  a  great  furtherance  to  lear- 
ning :  Ergo,  the  death  of  Virgil  was  a  great  lofle  to  learning. 
What  be  the  maxims  of  thefe  two  places  ? 
Thofe  things  whereof  the  end  and  deftru&ton  is  laudable, 
mufl  needs  of  themfclues  be  pernicious  and  hurtfull.  And  con- 
trari wife,  thofe  things  whofe  end  and  deftruftion  is  hurtfull, 
muft  needs  of  thcmfelues  bee  good  and  profitable.  Againc  ,  of 
good  things,  the  lofle  is  euill,  and  of  euill  things ,  the  lofle  is 
good  :  but  in  rcafoning  from  thefe  places ,  you  muft  take  heed 
that  as  well  the  Corruption,  as  the  thing  corrupted ,  bee  abfo- 
lutely  good,or  euill  of  it  fclfe,and  not  by  Accident :  for  it  were 
no  good  argument  to  reafon  thus;  The  death  of  Chriftwas 
good  :  Ergo,  Chrift  was  cuill :  for  his  death  was  good  by  acci- 
dent for  our  faluation  ,  and  not  for  any  crime  that  was  in  him, 
Moreouer^you  muft  beware  that  you  vfe  not  one  felfc  predicate 
both  in  your  antecedent,  and  in  your  confcquent:for  if  good  be 
the  predicate  in  the  antecedcnt,euil  muft  be  the  predicate  in  the 
confequen^and  if  cuill  be  the  predicate  in  the  antccedent,good 

O  2  mull 

ioo  7  he  fourth  Boofy 

onift  be  the  predicate  in  the  confccucnt:  forthiskindof  re*- 
foningconfiftcthof  contraries, 


Vfc  is  the  apt  applying  of  cuery  thing  to  his  proper 
end,  as  the  vfe  of  Wine  to  comfort  the  ftomake,  and  to  reioyce 
the  heart  of  man. 

How  may  we  reafonfrem  this  place  t 

Aflirmatiuely  thus:  the  vie  of  Wine  is  good  '.Ergo,  Wineii 
good:  the  vfe  of  art  Magike  is  euill:  Erg*,  the  art  it  fclfe is  euillt 

What  be  the  maxims  of  this  place  ? 

That  thing  is  good  or  euill,  whereof  the  vfe  is  good  or  euill. 

What  is  to  be  obferuedin  this  kind  of  reafomng  f 

Two  things ;  firft,  that  the  thing  whereof  wee  fpeake ,  haue 
feme  good  or  euill  vfe  of  it  felfe  absolutely  ,  and  not  by  acci- 
dent :lccondly,  that  wetakenottheabufe  in  fttad  of  the  right 
vfe,  as  to  fay,  Wine  will  make  men  drunkc:  Ergo,  WTinc  is  not 

Whereto  [erne  me ft  chiefly  the  fie  three  places  lajl  mentioned  ( that 
is  to  fay)  the  place  ef  G iff  era  (ten,  »/  C*rrupttoni  tmdef  Jfe  ? 

They  chiefly  feme  to  proue  the  naturall  goodntifc  or  euil- 
nelTeof  anything. 

Of  the  SubieEi, 

HOw  is  thiswdfdSubieElhere  taken ? 
For  that  whercunto  accidents  and  actions  doebelong  : 
and  hauing  to  fpeake  here  of  common  accidents ,  I  thought  it 
good  to  fpeake  firft  of  the  Sabiects,  becaufe  all  manner  of  Ac- 
cidents muft  needs  cleaue  to  one  Subiect  or  other. 
Hon?  may  we  reafen  from  this  place  f 

Affirmaciuely  ,and  Negaiiuely :  ArTirmatiuely  IriUsfjIt  is  fire  : 
Ergo,  it  is  hot  and  apt  to  burne.  He  is  a  man  :  Ergo,  apt  to  laugh 
or  to  wcepe.  Negatiur ly  thjia,  Dead  men  haue  no  being  at  all : 
Ergo,  dead  men  are  not  miserable.  He  hath  no  gall  iE  go,  hee 


cfLogic\e.  1 01 

cannot  be  angry.  There  be  no  Pigmeans  :  Ergo,  they  fight  not 
with  Cranes. 

Which  be  thi  maxims  of  this  flace  ? 

If  the  Subie<5t  be,  the  naturall  accidents  and  acTtons  belong- 
ing to  the  Subiei*  muft:  alfo  needes  bee :  and  the  Subiec*t  being 
taken  away,  all  the  accidents  and  actions  thereof  muft  alfo  bee 
taken  away. 

How  may  fuch  arguments  as  are  fetch td  out  of  this  place  bee 
confuted  f 

When  the  Accidents  doe  not  of  neceflity  belong  to  the  Sub- 
iec\  as  thus,  He  is  a  man  :2jr/0,heisa  good  Poet,  for  this  ac- 
cident belongethnotof  neccflitie  to  eucry  man. 

Of  Adiacentsand  Actions. 

FOrfo  much  as  Adiacents,  otherwife  called  perpetttall  Atcidents, 
and  alj  o  naturall  and  proper  Actions  belongtngio  any  SubteUy  bt 
eyther  coutaynedvnder  theylacc  of  Propertte,  of  Different* ,  orel/i 
of  common  Accidents, and  h*uo  Ukfkind  of :reafoningtI  though 'good 
therefore  to  referreyou  to  thofe place st  whereof  fome  Are  tattght  be- 
fore, and  feme  doefo&ow  hereaftor, 

Of  Appoftion^. 

.  . 

WHat  is  Apportion  ? 
Apportion  is  when  a  thing  fheweth  what  his  ownc 
quality  or  operation  is  ,  by  being  put  or.  added  to  another 
thing,  as,  white  Chalke  bernjtpait  to  a  wall/will  make  the  wall 
white,  and  thereby  Chalke  ftcweth  it  felfcto  bee  -tahke:  fo 
likewife  Inke  being  put  to  paper,or  fach  like  thing)'  wili  make 
it  blacke. 

How  may  a  man  rtafonfrom  this  place  ? 
Aflirmatiuely  thus :  Chalke  being  put  to  a  wall ,  will  make 
it  white  :  £rgo,  Chalke  is  white.  Fire  being  put  ynder  a  Caul- 
dron of  water,  will  make  the  wat'er  hot  v£*g*,  fftcishof.  By 
this  place  alfo  aman  may  prooue  conuerlatioia  or  companie 
With  others  to  be  good  or  cuill  in  this  fort.  This  young  roan 

O  2  kee- 

roz  The  fourth  *Boofy 

keeping  company  with  thatolde  man  is  made  vcrtuous:  Erg  o% 
theoldemanis  vcrtuous.  Hee  is  become  aThiefe  by  keeping 
company  with  fuc'i  a  perfon  :  jEV^that  perfon  is  a  Thicfe.And 
therefore  the  Scripture  W\\\\tcptm  boris  bonus  cris,  O'cumpcruer- 
Jtsperasrteris  (thac  is  to  fay)  with  the  good  thou  flialt  be  good, 
and  with  the  froward  thou  fhalt  lc3rne  frcwardnefle. 

What  bt  the  maxims  of  this  f  Lice  ? 

If  one  thing  being  put  to  another,  endurcth  the  Tame  with 
any  cualitic,thj'- thing  mufi;  necdes  rnuc  the  famcqii3litie  it 
felfe.  T  doe  place  this  place  next  to  action,  becaufe  it  feemeth  to 
me  thatit  appertained*  to  action. 

Of  common  Accidents. 

"V  TT  7  Hat  call yee  common  Occidents  ? 

V  V  I  call  thofe  common  Accidents,  fuch  things  as  arc 
cither  alwaies,  or  for  the  moft  part  fo  knit  together,  as  the  one 
goeth  before  or  after  the  other,  or  els  accompany  each  one  the 
other  :  whereof  fome  are  ncce flary,  and  fomc  probable. 

How  may  we  reafonfrom  the  Neceffary  ? 

Both  affirmatiuely  and  negatiuely,  and  fivft  affirmatiuely,  by 
the  latter  part  thus.  This  Appletrec  hath  flowres :  Ergo,  it  hath 
budded.  It  hath  fruit :  Ergo,  it  hath  both  budded  andflowrcd. 
This  woman  is  brought  to  bed  of  a  childe  :  Ergoy  fhc  hath  con- 
cerned. Negatiuely  by  the  former  part  thus. This  woman  neucr 
concciucd  :  Ergo,  fhe  can  bring  forth  no  childe-  This  man  neuer 
ftudied :  Ergo,  he  is  not  learned. 

What  be  the  maxims  of  thit  place  ? 

If  the  latter  be,  the  formeE  muft  needs  goe  before,  aad  if  the 
former  were  not,  the  latter  cannot  bee. 

Of  Probable  Accident /,  ConieUures,  Pre fumpt ions iSignest 
and  Ctrcumftances* 

HOw  may  we  rsafon  from  Prohable  Accidents  > 
From  Probable  Accidents  you  may  reafon  Affirma- 
tiuely thus :  The  feaft  of  Bacchus  is  this  day  celebrated :  Srg», 


of  Logic f^e.  ioj 

there  will  be  many  drunken  this  day.  The  generall  Scffions  are 
holdcn  this  day  :  Ergo,  there  will  bee  fome  hanged. 

What  be  the  maxims  »f  this  place  ? 

If  the  latter  be,  it  is  likely  that  the  former  went  before,  and 
if  the  former  bee ,  it  is  like  enough  the  latter  may  follow  :  but 
you  muft  beware  in  reafoning  from  this  place,  that  you  fetch 
not  your  argument  from  fuch  Accidents  as  chance  but  feldome, 
or  bee  indifferent,  for  fuch  bee  neither  neccflary  nor  probat  le, 
but  fophiftkall  and  fallible,  as  to  reafon  thus.  Shecisafairc 
woman  :  Ergo,  (lice  is  vnchafte. 

Whereto  Jerueth  the  place  of  comrxea  Accidents  ? 

In  the  Iudiciall  kind  it  hclpeth  greatly  to  prooue  the  fac~t.  In 
the  Demonftratiuckind  roprayfe  or  difprayie.  In  the  Dehbe- 
ratiuekindto  perfwade  or  dnTwade,  and  to  gather  rogethcr 
all  Coniedures  meete  for  the  purpofe,  and  therefore  this  place 
is  much  vfed  of  naturall  Philosophers  to  prooue  things  by  na- 
tural! (ignesjor  byPhyfiognomie  :  alfo  of  Aitrologers  to  proue 
Dearth,Mortality,  and  fuch  like,  by  Wonders, and  Monfters,as 
by  blazing  Stars,  and  fuch  like  imprefllons.  Alfo  it  is  much  v- 
fed  of  Chiromancers,  Southfaycrs,  and  fuch  as  vfc  to  iudge  by 
Cor.icftures.  and  therefore  this  place  extendtth  very  farre,  and 
feructh  to  many  vfes.  Ilitherro  alfo  are  referred  the  places  of 
circumfUnces,  and  chiefly  of  timcand  place,  from  whence 
good  argument*  may  be  fetched. 

'     OfTtme. 

HOtv  are  arguments  fetched  from  time  ? 
Neeatiuely  thus :  Pythag.  was  not  borne  in  tfjima  Vom- 
filim  time  :  Ergo^Numa  was  not  Pythagoras  Scholler.  IhcCc- 
remoniall  Lawes  of  Mofes  were  made  for  a  certainc  time:  Ergo^ 
after  that  time  they  doe  not  bind. 
What  be  the  maxims  of  this  place  ? 

Nothing  cannot  be  without  time,  for  if  time  be  taken  awiy, 
the  thing  alio  muft  needs  faile. 


104.  The  fourth  cBoo{e 

Of  Place. 

HOw  are  arguments  fetched  from  place  t 
Negatiuely  thus :  Cicero  was  not  at  Rome,  v/hen  Julius 
Cafar  was  flaine  :  Ergo,  Cictro  flew  him  not. 
What  is  the  maxim e  of  this  place  ? 

No  ccrtaine  body  or  thing  is  without  a  place,  neither  is  one 
body  at  one  time  in  diuers  places :  and  thus  much  touching  in- 
ward places. 

Of  outward  pikces,  and  fir fi  of  Caufes. 

WHich  he  outward  Places  t 
Outward  places  bee  thofe  which  appertaine  to  the 
thing,  and  yet  doe  not  cleaue  thereunto:  of  which  places  the 
fir  ft  is  of  Caufcs  and  Effects. 

ffhat is  a  Caufe  ? 

A  Caufe  is  chat  by  vcrtue  whereof  another  thing  followcth. 

How  many  chiefs  kinds  of  Caufe}  he  th?re  ? 

Fourc,  (that  is  to  lay)  the  Caufe  Efficient,  theend,  matter, 
and  fhape,  of  the  two  laft  whereof  we  haue  fpoken  before,  be-, 
caufe  they  be  inward  places ,  and  doe  belong  to  the  Subftance 
of  the  thing ,  and  therefore  wee  hauc  to  deale  oncly  here,  with 
the  caufe  Efficient  and  end. 

Ofthc  Caufe  Efficient. 

WHat  is  that  caufe  "Efficient,  and  how  is  it  deuidtd  f 
Caufe  Efficient  is  that  from  whence  proceedeth  the 
firft  beginning  of  any  thing  that  is  made  or  done,  and  is  the 
maker  thereof.  As  for  example,  the  Carpenter  is  the  Caufe  Ef- 
ficient of  the  houfe  which  he  maketh,  and  Co  is  euery  Artificer 
of  his  ownc  worke,  Caufes  Efficient  are  druided  into  two 
kinds  (that is  to  fay)  Caufe  Abfolure  ,  and  Ca;'fc  Adiuuanr. 
Caufe  Abfolute  worketh  by  hisowne  force  and  vcrtue ,  as  the 
fire  that  burneth.  Caufe  Ad.uuant  worketh  not  by  himfelfe, 
but  is  a  helper,  and  fuch  caufe  is  feme  time  priucipall ,  as  ver- 


of  Logic  ke,  105 

tueis  a  Principall  Caufe  of  blcfled  life,  and  femeume  not 
Principall,  as  the  gifts  of  the  body  and  of  fortune  be  helpers  to 
the  happy  life:  but  not  Principall  Caufes  thereof.    Againc  of 
Caufes,  forae  are  of  NecefTkie,  without  which  thethingcan- 
notbemade,  as  thelnftrumentor  matter,  and  fomc  are  faid  to  be  of  Neccfluie,  as  when  we  fay,  The  fpeaking  of  truth 
caufeth  hatre  J,  and  yet  not  of  Ncceflitie.  Alfo  of  Caufes  Effi- 
cient, fomebe  Vniuerfall ,  and  fome Particular,  astheEdipfe 
orcuill  Coniunction  of  certaine  Planets  is  the  Vniuerfall  caufe 
of  Pefiilence :  but  the  corruption  of  humours  in  mans  bodie  is 
the  particular  caufe  thereof.  Againe,  of  caufes  fome  be  called 
of  the  Latins  Proptnqua  ( that  is  to  fay  )  nigh  vnto  the  Effect, 
ss  the  Father  and  Mother  be  the  nigheft  Caufes  of  Generation 
of  Children.  And  fome  bee  called  Remott,  (thatis  tofay)  re- 
moued  caufes,which  be  further  of,  as  the  Grandfirs,  and  Gran- 
dames  of  the  laid  children.  Moreouer  of  Caufes  Efficient  fome 
work  by  a  ccrtaine  naturall  Neceffity,  as  thofe  that  lack  choice 
and  iudgcment,as  fire  that  burneth>and  the  Sunne  that  fliineth, 
and  all  other  naturall  things  that  doe  worke  by  their  own  force 
and  vertue.  Some  againe  doe  worke  by  Counfell,  Reafon,  and 
Freewill,  as  Men,  Angels,  and  mo  ft  chiefly  God  himfelfe. 
How  may  roe  reafon  from  the  Efficient  Caufe  to  the  Effi  8  > 
From  the  neceflarie  Efficient  Caufe  you  may  reafon  both  Af- 
firmatinely  andNegatiucly.  Affirmatiuely  thus :  The  Sunne  is 
lately  gone  downe :  Ergo,  it  is  twilight.  Negatiuely  thus :  The 
Sunne  was  not  vp  when  Troy  was  dertroye d:Ergoy  Troy  was  not 
deftroyed  in  the  day  time :  but  from  the  Efficient  not  r^eceffj- 
ry,  you  can  reafon  but  onely  Affirmatiuely  thus  :  Hee  is  flaine  : 
€rgo,ht  is  dead  :  but  you  cannot  fay;  he  is  not  flaine  :  Ergo,  hee 
is  not  dead. 

What  be  the  Maxims  of  this  fUce  ? 

TheNeccflary  Caufe  Efficient  not  letted,  the  Effect  muft 
needs  follow :  as  if  he^hath  drunken  Poyfon,he  muft  needs  dye. 
But  if  fuch  Caufe  failcth, the  effect  alfo  muft  needs  faile:  as  the 
Sunne  is  not  vp :  Ergo,  it  is  not  day.  Hee  neucr  ftudied  :  Ergo, 
he  is  not  learned,  to  which  place  may  bee  referred  the  places  of 
occafion,  Inftrumcnt,  Mcane,and  Generation. 

P  How 

io  6  Thefourth^Boo^e 

How  may  v>e  rcafmfrom  the  Efft c~l>  to  t he  Caufe  Efficient  ? 
FrcnnheNccefifaiieEft'etf  ,  both  Aftirmatiuely  andNega- 
tiuely  thuSjit  is  day  :  Ergos  thcSunneis  vp  it  is  not  day  :  Ergo, 
the  Sunne  is  not  yp.  From  the  Effeil  not  Nectary  you  may 
only  reafon  Negatiuely,  thus:  He  is  not  dead:  Ergo, He  is  not 
flaine,  but  you  cannot  reafon  i'o  Affirmatiuely,  as  to  fay,  Hee  is 
dead :  Ergo,  He  is  flaine. 
*    What  be  the  (Jyfaximes  of  this  place  ? 

The  Effect  being  put,  thcneceflary  Caufe  mult  needesbee, 
and  the  Erfe& being  taken  away,  the  neceffary  Caufe  is  alfo  ta- 
ken away. 

When  doe  ^Arguments  fetched  from  this  place  fit  tie  ? 
When  the  Caufe  is  not  neceffary  or  proper. 

Of  the  End, 

WBat  is  the  End,  and  how  is  it  dimded  ? 
The  End  is  that  for  whofe  fake  any  thing  is  done,, 
and  of  ends  fome  be  chiefe  and  laft,  and  fome  not  chiefe,  but 
helping  :  The  chiefe  is  that  which  is  defired  for  itfelfefake, 
and  fuch  is  the  beft  ftate  of  euery  thing  in  his  kinde ,  as  blelTed 
life  to  Man  :  courage  and  fiercenefle  to  a  Horfe  of  feruice: 
heate  and  dryncfle  to  Fire :  coldnefie  and  moyftneflfe  to  Water, 
&c.    The  helping  end  is  that  whichisdelircdnot  for  it  felfe 
fake,  but  for  that  it  helpeth  to  attaine  the  chiefefl:  end ,   and  of 
fuch  helping  ends  one  may  be  better  then  another,  as  when  wc 
defire  money  to  buy  a  houfc,  and  the  houfc  to  dwell  in,  &  c. 
How  may  we  reafon  from  this  place  ? 

Both  Affirmatiuely  and  Negatiuely,  Affirmatiuely  thus,Vcr- 
t'ue  is  good,  becaufe  blefTed  Life  is  good  :  Negatiuely  thus, If 
Adulterie  be  not  good  to  allure  another  mans  wife,  To  breake 
Wedlockc  is  not  good. 

What  he  the  CMaximss  of  this  place  ? 
That  thing  where  of  the  end  is  good  or  euill,  is  alfo  of  it  felfe 

Tell  the  vfe  of  the  places  of  Canfes^  and  whereto  they  [erne  ? 
The  vfe  thereof  is  diuers  and  manifold  :  for  fith  that  in  the 
Dcliberatiuc  kind  two  principall  queftions  are  to  be  difcufTed ; 


of  Logic fy.  107 

firft,  whether  the  thing  be  profitable ;  and  fecondly,  whether 
it  may  bepombleand  conueniemly  done  ornot.Arguments  to 
proue  the  firft,  are  to  be  fetched  out  of  the  End  and  Erfeft.  And 
toprouc  the  fecond  out  of  the  Caufe  EfficienttAlfo  in  the  kind 
Demonftratiue  to  prayfe  or  difprayfe.  Arguments  are  to  bee 
fetched  out  of  the  End  and  ErTeft.  Thirdly,  in  the  Iudiciall 
kind,  wherein  doubt  rifeth  of  the  faift,  and  will  of  the  doer.  Ar- 
guments are  to  bee  fetched  from  the  End,  to  proue  or  difprouc 
the  fame.  Finally,  thefe  places,  together  with  the  other  two 
Caufes,  Matter  and  Forme  before  taughc ,  doe  feruetomakc 
thofe  kinds  of  Definitions  which  we  call  Caufall. 

Of  Opposes. 

WHhatbe  Oppofites} 
Things  contrary  one  to  another. 
How  many  kinds  of  Oppofites  be  there  ? 
Foure(thatis  tofay)Rclatiues,  Contraries,  Priuatiues,  and 

And  firft  of  Relatiuts. 

WHe»  are  things  /aid  to  be  Oppofttts  bj  %»lation  ? 
When  according  to  their  owne  fignifications  they 
hauemutuall  Relation  one  to  another  ,  as  the  Father  and  the 

How  may  we  reafon  from this  place} 

You  may  reafon  from  the  Affirmation  of  the  one  to  the  de- 
nyali  of  the  other,  thus :  Attguftnt  was  Ottantui  his  fonne:  Er- 
go, He  was  not  his  Father. 

What  be  the  Maximes  of  this  place  ? 

Sith  Rclatiues  bee  alwayes  together  by  nature ,if  the  one  be, 
the  other  muftneedes  bee,  and  if  the  one  bee  taken  away ,  the 
other  is  alio  taken  away. 

What  u  to  be  obferuedin  fetching  Argument s  from  this  place  ? 

Yen  mutt  beware  that  you  haue  one  felfe  refpeit  ,  and  not 
diuers,  for  to  reafon  thus  is  no  good  Confeqtient,This  man  is 

P   2  a  Ft- 

108  *Thc  fourthTBookf 

a  Father:  Ergo,  He  is  no  Sonne :  cr  thus,  This  man  is  his  Su- 
perior :  Ergo,  Not  his  Inferiory-form  diuers  refpecVhemayJpc 
bothaFather  andaSonne;  aSuperior  and  Inferior;  aSupe- 
rior  irroflt  refpeft;  andiufeTiof  in'arr&iher,""^ 

Of  Contraries. 

WHat  be  Contraries, Ttndhowau  they  divided  ? 
They  be  two  Extremes  Repugnant  one  to  another, 
whereof  fome  are  callcd~W'e"diatc  (that'is  to  fay)  hauing  a 
nieanCj  and  fome  Immediate  hauing  no  meane  at  all. 

How  may  rve  reafon  from  thefe  two  kinds  ? 

From  thefirftkinde  you  may  conclude  negatiuely  ,  thus, 
Heeisprodigall  '.Ergo,  Hec  is  not  couetous  :from  theftcond 
kind  you  may  reafon  both  Affirmatiuely  and  Negatiuely, thus, 
This  man  is  whole  :  Ergo,  Hce  is  not  fickej  This  man  is  not 
whole :  Ergo,  He  is  fickc. 

rVloAt  he  the  Maximes  of  ihu  place  ? 

The  Maxime  of  the  Affirmatiue  totheNegatiueisthe  ge- 
nerall  Maxime  to  all  Oppofues,  thus  :  Wha.foeuer  agrecth 
with  the  one  Oppofitc  ,  mult  needes  difsgree  with  the  other 
Oppofite  :  but  ihe  Maxime  of  the  Immediate  is  thu.; :  If  one  of 
the  Contraries  Immediate  be  not,  the  other  muft  needs  bee,  as 
the  former  examples  doe  plainly  (hew. 

Of  Vriftatines. 

Wliat  be  Trinatiues  ? 
Priuatiucs  are  two  Contraries,  belonging  to  one 
felfe  Subie£t,apt  to  recciue  the  fame,in  the  which  Subie&.when 
the  one  is  wanting  (atfuchtime  asNature  doth  appoint)  the 
other  muft  needes  be. 

How  may  tve  reafon  fram  this  place  .' 

Twowayes  :firft,from  Affirmation  of  the  one  to  the  deny- 
all  of  the  other,  which  is  common  to  all  Oppofites,  as  thus,  He 
is  blind :  Ergo,  He  fceth  not.  Secondly  ,  you  may  reafon  from 
the  denyallof  the  one  to  the  affirmation  of  the  other,  thus: 
He  cannot  fpcake  :£>£<?,  He  is  dumbe.  But  this  kindeof  Ar- 
gument is  not  flrong,vn!c(Te  the  thing  required  bee  applyed  to 


of  Logic kf.  I  op 

his  proper  Subiedt,  and  in  fuch  time  as  naturehath  appointed, 
for  it  were  no  good  argument  to  fay  thus :  a  fucking  childe  can- 
not fpcake  :  Ergo,  he  is  dumbe ;  or  thus,  a  whelpe  of  two  dayes 
old  cannot  fee :  Srgoy  he  is  blinde :  for  nature  commonly  fuffe- 
rcth  not  the  childe  to  fpeake  before  it  bee  two  yecres  old,  nor 
the  whelpe  to  fee  before  it  be  nine  dayes  old. 

What  be  the  Maxima  of  thispiice  ? 

If  the  one  bee  not  in  theSubie&apttorecciue  the  fame  at 
fuch  time  as  nature  hath  appointed,  the  other  rnuft  needs  be. 

Of  ContntdiBories, 

WHat  b:  Contradittories  ? 
They  bee  Contraries  hauingnomeane,  whereof 
the  one  denieth  theother. 

Hoxv  m.ty  wereafon  from  this  place  } 

Both  Affi  matiutly  and  Negatiuely  thus :  he  is  wife:  Erge^ 
he  is  no  foole :  he  is  a  foMe  :  Ergo,  he  is  not  wife. 

WiAt  is  the  M  xime  of  thu  place  ? 

If  the  one  be,thc  other  cannot  bee :  for  two  Contradictories 
cannot  be  together  at  one  felfe  time,  in  one  felfe  Subij&,  and 
in  one  felfe  refpe&. 

Of  things  differing  in  kind,  called  of  the  La- 
tines  Difparata. 

W  Hat  he  they} 
They  are  thofe  things  that  doe  differ  in  nature  and 
kind,  asaMan,aHorfe,  a  Stone,  a  Tree,  whereof  cucry  one 
diftereth  from  another  in  kind  and  nature. 
How  may  we  reafonfrom  this  place  ? 

From  the  Affirmation  of  the  one ,  to  the  Deniall  of  the  Ci- 
ther, as  thus :  Peter  is  a  Man,  Ergo,  he  is  no  Horfe. 
What  he  the  Maximes  of  thu  place  ? 

Whatfoeueragreeih  with  the  one,  agreeth  not  with  theo- 

What  is  to  bee  obferuedin  reafoning  from  all  thefe  hindes  of  Of- 
po files  ? 

That  the  Repugnancy  con  lift  in  the  Predicat,  and  not  in  the 

P    3  Subietf: 


no  The  fourth  cBoo{e 

Subiect  :  for  it  were  no  good  Confequent  to  fay  thus :  what- 
foeaer  Teeth  is  a  fenfible  bodie :  Srgot  that  which  is  blinde  is  no 
fenfible  body  :  for  hcere  the  Contrariety  eonfifteth  in  the  Sub  - 
ieel,  and  not  in  the  Predicate, 

Of  CemparifoM. 

HOw  may  we  reafottfrom  the  place  of  Comparifetf  ? 
Three  manner  of  wayes,  that  is,  either  from  the  More 
totheLefle,  or  from  the  LeiTe  to  the  More  ,  orfromLiketo 

Of  the  tMoYe. 

THefe  two  words ,  LMore  or  Lejfe,  bow  are  they  to  be  taken  ? 
We  ynderftand  here  by  More,  that  which  hath  more  pro. 
babilitie,  and  by  the  LetTe ,  that  which  hath  leflc  probabihtie. 

How  may  we  reafon  from  the  More  to  the  Lejfe  ? 

Oncly  Negatiuely,  and  that  three  manner  of  wayes  :  flrft, 
from  the  Sublet,  as  thus :  Cicero  was  not  able  to  defend  this 
caufe,  much  lefle  any  other  common  Orator  :  fecondly,  from 
the  Predicate  thus :  If  this  man  be  not  able  to  beare  one  hun- 
dred weight,  much  lefle  two  hundred  weight:  thirdly,  from 
the  Subiedt,  and  Predicate  both  together  thus  :  Aftrongman 
is  not  able  to  beare  a  hundred  weight: Ergotmuch  lefle  a  vveakc 
child  is  able  to  beare  two  hundred  weight. 

What  is  the  Maxims  of  this  place  ? 

If  itpreuailethnotinthe  More,  it  cannot  preuaile  in  the 

Of  the  Lefe. 

HOw  may  wereafon  from  the  Leffe  to  the  More  ? 
Amrmatiuely,  thtcc  manner  of  wayes ,  as  before  from 
the  Subiect  thus :  A  little  childe  was  able  to  beare  tennc  pound 
weight :  Ergo ,  muchmorea  ftrong  man:  From  the  Predicate 
thus :  If  Martyrs  were  readie  to  lofc  their  liucs  for  Chrifts 
fake,  much  more  their  tcmporall  goods:  From  the  Subiect, 
and  the  Predicate  both  together  thus  :  Chrift  fuftered  moft 



o/Logic{e.  in 

gricuous  torments  for  our  fakes  iSrgo,  vvce  ought  to' fuffer  a 
little  painc  for  his  fake. 

What  is  the  Maxime  of  this  place  f 

If  the  Leffe  preuaile,  the  More  mutt  needes  auaile. 

What  is  to  be  obfertted  in  reafoning  from  theje  two  places  ? 

You  mutt  beware  that  you  take  not  the  More  for  the  Leffe, 
nor  the  Leffe  for  the  More/or  many  times  that  which  feemeth 
to  be  the  More  in  number  or  quantitie,  is  the  Leffe  in  purpofe, 
andcontrariwife,  as  for  example:  to  bcarea  hundred  weight, 
■»  more  in  quantitie,then  to  beare  halfe  a  hundred  weight,  and 
yet  in  purpofe  it  is  lefTe,for  it  is  leffe  probable,and  leffe  likely  to 
beare  a  hundred  weight,  then  to  beare  halfe  a  hundred  weight. 

Of  Like  and  V dike. 

'  Ow  m.ij  we  reafon  from  Like  to  Like  ? 
L  When  the  thing  which  we  bring  to  proue,  is  like  ore- 
quail  to  the  thing  that  is  to  be  proued  :  from  which  place  wee 
may  reafon  both  Aflfirmatiuely  and  Negatiuely,  thus :  Peter  is 
mortall  :Srgot  'Paul  ismortall.  The  day  Labourer  is  worthy 
of  his  hyre:  Ergot  the  Preacher  or  Teacher  :  A -man  ought  to 
be  drowned  in  the  Sea  for  killing  his  Father :  Ergoy  he  ought  to 
be  executed  with  the  like  death  Tor  killing  his  Mother. 

What  is  the  Maxime  of  this  plate  ? 

Ofthings  like,  like  iudgement  is  to  be  made  :  but  note  thaE 
this  kinde  of  reafoning  of  Like,  is  more  apt  to  teach  and  to 
print  in  the  hearers  minde  a  liuely  reprefentation  of  the  thing, 
then  to  vrge  him  by  any  neceffitie  of  due  proofs  to  beleeue  the 
fame,  becaufeitisvnpofliblc ,  that  the  two  things  which  are 
tobee  compared  can  bee  like  in  all  points, and  therefore  this  is 
the  weakeft  kind  of  argument  that  is,  and  yet  neceffarie  to  fuck 
end  as  is  before  declared,  and  fpecially  for  Lawyers  ,  to  proue 
one  ruled  cafe,  or  for  iudgement  by  another  Like.  To  this  place 
alfo  is  referred  the  place  of  Example. 

Of  Example* 

How  may  we  reafon  from  this  flace  ? 


i  rz  The  fourth  *Boo{e 

Affirmatiuely  thns :  Piter  flew  Ananias  for  lying  t  Ergo,  with- 
out all  doubt  God  will  punifh  thofc  that  vfe  to  lye:  theMaxi. 
me  whereof  is  all  one,  with  that  of  like  before  fct  down?. 

Of  Vnlike. 

HOw  may  wereafonfrom  this  place  ? 
Negatiuely  thus :  God  is  not  as  man  is/or  man  is  a  Iyer: 
Ergo,  God  is  true  and  no  Iyer. 
What  is  the  Maxme  of  this  place  ? 
Of  things  Vnlike,  vnlike  iudgement  is  to  be  made. 

Of  the  degrees  of  Compart fort, 

TO  the  place  ofComparifen ,  mee  thinkfs  it  were  not  amijfe  t§  re- 
ferre  all thofe  places  which  Ariftotle  reciteth,  and  are  taken  out 
of the  three  degres  of  Compart fon ,  which  chtldren  learne  tn  their 
Accidents,  (that  is  to  fay)  the  Pofuiue ,  the Comparative ,  and  the 

From  the  Comparative  to  the  'Pefitives. 

HOw  may  wereafon  from  the  Comparative  to  the  Pofitiue  ? 
Aflirmatiuely  thus  :  Vtrgtl  was  a  more  learned  Poet 
then  Horace.  Ergo,  Virgil was  a  learned  Poet:  Honey  is  Twee- 
ter then  Milke :  Ergot  Honey  is  fwect. 

What  U  the  Aiaxime  of  this  place  } 

If  the  Comparatiue  degree  be  truly  and  properly  applyed  to 
any  thing  :  the  Pofitiue  mufl  ncedes  be  alfo  rightly  applyed  to 
the  fame.  I  fay,  heere  properly  toauoid  Ambiguitie,for  it  were 
no  good  Confequent  to  fay  thus :  the  Sea  of  Cafpia  is  more 
fwect  then  any  other  Sea :  Ergojt.  is  fwcet  and  not  fait :  for  this 
word  fweet  hath  not  in  this  fpeechhis  proper  fignification,but 
is  rather  taken,  for  that  which  is  kite  bitter  or  fait. 

From  the  Pofitiue  to  the  Comparatiue. 

HOw  may  we  reafon  from  the  Pofitiue  to  the  Comparatiue  > 
Onely  Negatiuely  thus  :  Zoilm  was  no  learned  Poet : 
£rgot  he  was  not  better  learned  then  Homer. 
What  it  the  Maxme  of  this  place  ? 


o/Logic{e.  ii3 

If  the  Pofitiuc  be  denyed,  the  Comparatiue  alfo  muft  needs 
be denyed. 

From  two  Pofitiptesto  two  Comparatives  and 

T_I  Ovt  may  tve  reafon  from  trvo  P  of  tines,  to  tree  Comparatives,  and 
to  two  Superlatives  at  orce,  and  contrarih  ? 

In  this  manner :  that  which  is  good,  deferueth  luftly  to  bee 
beloucd:  Srge,  that  which  is  better,  ought  more  iuftly  to  bee 
beloued  ,  and  that  which  ts  beft,  ought  moft  iuilly  tobebe- 
loued.  And  much  after  this  manner  you  may  reafon  from  a 
double  Comparatiue,  to  a  double  Pofitiue  thus:  that  which  is 
moiehonctf;  is  more  laudable:  Srgo ,  that  which  is  honeft  is 

What  is  to  be  obferuedtn  reafonmgfrom  thefe  degrees  of  Compa-, 
rifon  } 

You  mull  take  heed  that  the  Predicate  beefpoken  of  the 
Subieil:  naturally  and  neaflarily,  and  not  by  Accident,  for 
it  were  no  good  Con.'equent  to  reafon  thus :  he  that  is  learned, 
is  honeft,  therefore  he  that  is  more  learned,  is  more  honefr ;  for 
a  man  may  haue  much  learning,  and  yet  fmall  honefty. 

Of  Proportion, 

\J\rTJenare  wefaid to  reafon from  the  place  of  Proportion  ? 

When  two  like  Proportions  being  compared  toge- 
ther, we  conclude  in  this  or  fuch  like  manner :  looke  what  pro- 
portion is  betwixt  6.  and  4.  the  fame  proportion  is  betwixt 
1 2.  and  8.  but  betwixt  6.  and  4.  is  Proportio  Stfcjutaltera :  Ergot 
betwixt  1 2.  and  8.  the  like  proportion  is :  for  when  one  num- 
ber or  mcafurc  doth  comprehend  another  once ,  and  one  halfe 
thereof,  that  is  called  proportio  fefquialter  a  t  as  12.  and  8.  andif 
it  conrayne  it  once,  and  one  third  part  thereof,  then  it  is  called 
proportio  jefetuitertia,  as  8.  and  6.  for  8.  contayneth  6.  once  and 
two  ouer,  which  is  the  third  part  of  6, 

W  bat  is  the  Maxims  of  thisphce  ? 

Of  things  hauing  like  proportion,  like  Judgement  is  to  bee 

Q^  When- 

Ii^  The  fourth  "Beefy 

Whereto  ferueth  thufftic.  ? 

Thii  place  is  necrtT.iry  for  Iudgcsnnd  Maoiftrates  that  haue 
to  conf.dcr  of  cquitie  in  cafes  of  luftice,  and  in  rewarding 
Vertue,orinpunifhing  Vice,  in  which  the  Gcometricall pro- 
portion would  be  alwayes  v.'ed.  Some  doe  giue  fuch  exam- 
ple* of  this  place,  as  in  rr.y  opinion  doc  rather  belong  to  the 
place  of  Like  then  to  this  pi.  ice,  for  the  arguments  of  this  place 
ought  properly  to  be  fetched  out  of  the  Predicament  of  quan- 
tise, and  not  out  of  qualitie,  or  out  of  any  other  Predicament. 

Of  Changed  Proportion. 

WHat  is  changed  Proportion  ? 
Changed  Proportion  is  when  the  Foundations,and 
Tcrmes  of  two  like  Proportions  are  anfwerablc  in  proportion 
•fwell  amongft  themfelues,  as  one  to  another. 

What  meanejou  hy  thefe  two  words ,  Foundation  And  Termes  f 

The  Foundation  is  that  from  whence  the  Companfon  firft 
proceedcth,  as  the  Father,and  the  Terme,  Bound  or  end  is  that 
whereunto  the  faid  Coniparifon  is  applyed,  and  endeth  inthe 
fame,as  the  Sonne,and  therefore  the  Sonne  is  called  theTerme, 
Bound  or  end  :  whereof  we  haue  fpoken  before  in  the  Predica- 
ment of  Relation. 

Cine  Examples  cf  re* fining  from  this  place. 

Lookc  as  8.  is  104.  fo  is  12.  to  6.  ( that  is  to  fay  )  in  double 
proportion  one  tothcoth^r  :  Ergo ,  as  11.  is  to  S.  fo  is  6.  to 4* 
for  each  other  containeth  the  other  once  andahalfe,  which  is 
CiWcdprcpirtiofefquia/tera.The  manifest  Demonstration  wher- 
©f  you  may  fee  in  this  Figure  hecie  following. 









Wh  is  this  Proportion/aid  to  be  changed  or  tfMttfrofed  ? 

Bccaufe  the  order  of  numbers  that  arc  compared,  is  altered 
in  the  conclufron :  for  in  the  Anrecedent  the  firft  is  compared 
to  the  fecond,  and  the  third  to  the  fourth:  but  in  the  Conclufi- 
on  the  third  is  compared  to  the  firii,©*  the  fourth  to  the  fecond. 

Of  Di (proportion. 

HO  to  may  we  reafon  from  t  kii  place  f 
Negauuely  thus:  12.  is  nottn&as  8.ro6\but 
double  in  proportion:  Ergo  9>.to6  i>  not  double  in  proportion. 
IV)  at  u>  ihe  tJMaxim  of  this  place  t 

Of  things  hauing  vnlike  proportion,  nihkc  Judgement  is  ta 
be  made. 

FrcmDifyroportfan  changed  or  tranjpofed, 

HO  to  may  vae  reafon  from  this  place  ? 
N-  gaiiuely  thus  :  1  2.  is  iiot  to  <5.  as  4.  to  3.  frr  betwixt 
the  two  fii  H  is  a  double  proportion  ,  and  betwixt  the  two  iaft 
S  fcj-.titeitia:  Fr*o,  12.  is  not  104.  as  6.  to  3.  for  the  one  is  a  tri- 
plat  and  the  other  double. 

1 1 5  *The  fourth  ^Bovfy 

what  be  the  UM^xmes  eftjpii  pLce  t 

If  thefirftbenotto  thefecond,  as  the  third  to  the  fourth, 
then  the  fuftfhall  not  be  to  the  third  {  a*  the  fccond  is  to  the 

To  whom  are  thefeflacesmofi  familiar  ? 

To  thofe  that  are  exercifedin  the  Mathcmatirall  Sciences. 

Of  Tranjlation. 
\7\7 H*t  &  Tranflation f 

\  V  Tranflation,otherwife  called  a  Mctaphor/is  a  figure 
of  fpeech,  whereby  the  proper  fignifkation  of  a  word  is  chan- 
ged into  another  vnpropcr,  for  fome  likenefle  that  is  betwixt 
the  thing  fignified,  and  being  generally  taken,  it  is  rather  a 
Trope, or  Figure  of  Rhetorick  ,  more  meete  to  adornefpeech, 
then  to  proue  any  thing  thereby  :  notwithstanding  being  ta- 
ken heere  as  a  place  of  Logick,  you  may  reafon  both  Aflfirma- 
tiuely  and  Negatiuely,  in  this  fort :  A  roring  Lion  that  fceketh 
to  deuoure,  is  to  be  feared  :  Ergo ,  the  Deuill  is  to  be  feared  : 
Loue  is  bIinde:5Vg0,  they  thatbeinloue,  arc  not  able  rightly 

py hat  he  the  t_Maximes  of  thlt  place. 

Whatfoeuer  agrceth  with  the  Metaphoricall  name,  agreeth 
alfo  with  the  proper  name,  and  contrariwife. 

Of  Mean e  places. 
\7\THatie  meane  ?  I  aces  ? 

V     V    Meane  Places  are  thofe  from  whence  fuch  Argu- 
ments are  to  be  fetched  ,  as  doe  partly  agree  with  the  nature  of 
the  things  tobeproued,  and  doe  partly  differ  from  the  fame* 
Harvnre  t  he  Meane  Places  dmided  ? 
Into  Coniugates,  Cafes, and  Diuifion, 

And  fir ji  of  Coniugates  and  Cafes. 
1   M  7  Hat  be  (fonlugates  or  Cafes  ? 

V  V  Coniugates  or  Cafes,  be  like  words  deriued  all  o{ 
onefelfe  word,  differing  onely  in  termination  or  end,  as  wif- 
dome,wife,  and  wifely  :  notwithftanding  fome  vfe  Coniugates 
and  Cafes  asfcuerall  places. 


of  Logic ke.  uy 

"H4}jfy  whertin  doe  they  differ  ? 

Their  Difference  is  veryfmall,  fauing  that  in  Arguments 
fetched  from  Conjugates,  the  Abftradt  is  mentioned,but  not  in 
thofe  that  are  fetched  from  Cafes. 

Hew  may  we  rea  fort  from  thefe  two  places  ? 

Both  Aftirmatiuely  and  Negatiuely,  frcm  the  Coniugatcs 
thus :  A  iuft  man  is  to  be  praifed,  Ergo  Iuftice  is  to  bee  prayfed : 
a  vicious  man  is  not  to  be  prayfed^r^jvlcioufneflc  is  not  to  be 
prayfed.  From  cafes  thus :  He  doth  all  things  wifely,  Ergo  he  is 
wife:  He  doth  nothing  w\Ce\y  jErge  he  is  not  wife:  for  in  thefe 
two  laft  examples  the  abftrait  which  is  wifedome,  is  not  once 
mentioned  :  what  abftraft  is ,  looke  before  in  the  Chapter  of 
predicarion  Lib.\<cap^,  but  you  muft  beware  in  reafoning 
from  this  place,  that  your  phrafe  of  fpeech  be  naturall  and  pro- 
per ,  and  not  vnproper :  for  it  were  no  good  argument  to  fay 
thus :  white  isTwect :  Erro  whiteneiTe  is  fweetnefle. 

fVvat  is  the  Maxime  of  thefe  two  fhces  t 

Whatfoelicr  agreeth  with  one  of  the  Coniugatcs  or  Cafes, 
muft  needs  alfo  agree  with  the  other. 

Of  DiHtfiott* 

WHM  it  Dimfton  > 
What  Diuifion  is,  and  how  many  kindes  there  be, 
and  what  is  to  bcobferuedineuery  kind  hath  beene  declared 
before,  Lib.z.cap.q.  when  we  fhewed  thcorder  of  defining  and 

How  may  we  reafonfrcm  Diuifion  ? 

Two  manner  of  wayes :  firft ,  from  thedenyingof  oneparc 
or  more  of  the  diuifion,.  to  affirme  another  part  therof,  as  thus  : 
Euery  fenfible  body  is  whole  or  ficke,  but  Peter  is  a  fenfible 
body  and  not  ficke:  Ergo ,  hecis  whole:  or  thus.  Of  fenfible 
bodies  there  bee  fome' whole,  fome  ficke.  Peter  isaienfible 
body  and  not  ficke :  Ergo,  he  is  whloe.  In  thefe  two  kindes  of 
examples  the  diuifion  confifteth  onely  of  two  parts,  wherein 
it  fuhSceth  to  deny  the  one  for  affirming  the  other.But  if  the  di- 
uifion confift  of  many  parts  ,  then  you  muft  denie  all  the  parts 
fauingthac  wl.ich  you  would  affiime  ,  as  in  this  example  fol- 

Q^j  lowing:: 

ii  8  The  fourth  'Booty 

lowing  :P/<*ffldifputcth,is  a  proportion,  but  it  is  neither  vni- 
uertall,  particular,  nor  indefinite:  Ergo,  it  is  a  lingular  propor- 
tion :  in  which  kiiu' of  reafoning  if  you  leaucout  or  omit  any 
part  that  is  to  be  denied, then  the  conclusion  is  naught,  for  it  is 
ik>  good  consequent  to  lay  tbjis :  this  propofitton  Plat*  difpu- 
tcth,  is  neither  vniuerfall  nor  particular :  Ergosji  is  indefinite. 
NotwitMlanding,  if  you  ioyne  the  part  omitted  in  your  Ante- 
cedent wjth  a  conjunction  dihuncliuc  ,  the  Argument  may  bee 
made  good  ;  as  to  fay  thus :  this  proposition  PUto  difputeth, 
is  neither  vniucrfall  nor  particular :  Ergo%  it  is  cither  indefinite 
or  lingular. 

What  it  the  (JWtxim  of  tbitfirft  way  of  reafomng  ? 

The  Maxim  is  thus :  whatfoeucr  agreeth  with  the  thing  di- 
uided,  mult  needs  agree  with  fome  one  of  the  parts  thereof. 

Wioat  is  thefecotd  way  of  reafomng  from  'Dim/ion  ? 

The  fecond  way  is  to  proceed  from  the  afruming  of  one  of 
the  parts  to  the  denying  of  the  other,  if  it  conflti  but  of  two,or 
to  the  denying  of  all  the  relt ,  if  it  confift  or  many.  Of  two 
parrs  let  this  be  your  example:  Of  i'cnfiblc  bodies  fome  bee 
whole,  fome  fieke,  but  this  fenfiblebodic  is  whole:  Ergo,  he  is 
notllcke.  Of  many  parts  thus :  of  proportions  one  is  vniuer- 
fall, another  particular;  oae  indefinite  ,  another  lingular  :buc 
this  proportion  P/ato difputeth,  ii  lingular:  Ergot  itis  neicher 
vniucrfall,  particular,  nor  indefinite. 

What  it  tk  e  (JMaxtm  of  this  waj  of  reafoning  ? 

Whatfoeucr  agreeth  with  one  of  the  parts,  muft  needs  dif- 
agrce  with  all  the  relt,  for  cucry  good  diuifion  would  be  made 
of  parts  meere  repugnant ,  or  at  the  le3(t  diucrs  inkindcone 
from  another :  lor  it  is  a  principal!  condition  requine  to  diui- 
fion, whereupon  the. fecond  way  of  reafoning  is  grounded 
cuen  as  chcfirlt  way  is  grounded  vpon  another  good  conditi- 
on belonging  alfo  to  diwfion  ,  which  is  t;at  the  thing  diuided 
may  notcontainc  more  oilcflc  then  his  proper  parts. 


Of  imrtif:  tall  places. 
Aulng  fufiiciently  fpoken  of  places,  inward,  outward, 
and  tucane,  which  as  Ifaid  before  are  places  artificially  it 


of  Logic -%e.  119 

is  meetnow  that  we  fpeake  of  the  places  inartificiall, which  ac- 
cording to  Quititi'ian be  the  fixe  5  Foreiudgcments,  Rumours, 
Torru  e,  Writings  or  Euidences,  Oath,  and  Witneifes  :  All 
which  arc  briefly  and  plaincly  fct  forth  in  the  Table  of  Autho- 
rise here  follow  ing  ,  becaulc  they  arc  all  contained  viider  the 
place  of  Authorise. 

Of  Authentic. 


HOw  is  Atthoritie  here  to  he  taken  f 
Authorise  is  here  to  be  taken  for  any  tcftimonie  wor- 
thy of  credit. 

How  may  vee  reafon front  thisfhee  ? 

Aflfirmatiuely  thus  :  the  learned  Philofophers  fay  that  there 
bee  fourc  elements,  whereof  all  other  things  are  mixt  and 
compounded  :  Ergot  it  is  true.  Chrift  faith  that  whofoeucria 
baptized,  and  bclceueth  in  him,  fhall  be  faued :  Ergo^i  is  true. 

What  be  the  LMaximr  ef  this  place  f 

Whatfoeucr  is  allowed  by  the.moft  part  of  tke  wife  and 
learned,  is  to  bee  belecucd  as  a  thing  probable ,  neither  ought 
we  rafhly to  difcent  from  their  opinion  and  iudgement.  Againe, 
cucty  man  is  to  be  beleeued  in  his  owne  Art :  but  for  fo  much 
as  Authoritie  is  two-fold  (that  is  to  fay)  Diuine  and  Humane, 
and  chat  all  Arguments  fetched  from  this  place  bee  not  of  like 
value,  for  fome  be  true  and  infallible,  fome  probable,and  fomc 
Sophilticall :  this  Table  therefore  here  following  fhall  plainely 
fet  forrh  euery  kind  by  it  fclfc,whercby  you  fhall  cafily  difectne 
the  one  from  the  other. 


no  The  fourth  'Boofy 

The  Table  of  Authoritiehere  Following. 

f  Of  the  written  which  we  call  holy  Scripture:,  found 

Arguments  are  madt,folongas  the  wards  are  truly 

expounded  according  to  the  meaning  of  the  Holy 

Ghoji.  But  t'oeybeweal{e  and  caption*  if  the  au- 

"iVtitten,    <  thontie  be  corrupted  either  by  addition,  fubtracli- 

\  $n,or  alteration  of  any  -wordy  fiUable,or  letter ',  or 

j  bywrejlingthe  fenfe  otberwife  then  the  Holy  Ghofl 


which  is 
twofold  x 

or  vnwnt- 
ten  tradi- 

or  Humane 
which  is 

CAs  for  tradition  or  vnmitten  verity  of  what  value 
it  is  and  what  credit  it  hath  1 1  teauetotheiudge- 
tnent  of  the  learned  Diuines ,  amongft  whom  is  no 

[mall  jlr  fe  and  contention  inthefe  dayesfor  the 
fame.  ThePamims  were  wont toreferre  toDiuine 
Authoritie  the  Oracles  and  Anfweres  of  their  falfe 
Gods  ,Triefts,  Prophets,  and  South fayers,  which 
true  chriftiam  ought  vtterlyto  reieel,  andtoab- 
horre :  notwitflanding  Laftantius  letteth  not  to 
prone  the  Birth,  Death  and? affion  of  chrift  againsl 
the  Va'mim\  by  Sybds  Propkefies,  becaufehe  lyitw 
they  would giue  more  credit  to  them  then  to  the 

l_Holy  Scriptures. 

■HifloritStLaws,  Statutes,  Decrees,  Iudgemtnts, 
ruled  Cafes,  Maxims,  Preuerbs ,  generaH  Rules, 
'Tate-its ,  Warrants ,  Ucenfes,Commiffions  from 
ithe  Prince ,  Charters ,  Deedcs ,  Releafes ,  Court-. 
Rolles,Extents,Accounis,ObHgations,  Indentures, 
.  mils  and  Tefiaments,  andfuch  like, 

'If  it  be  by  mouth,  it  is  either  free  and  voluntary,  as 
\voluntary  confcjfion,  or  Teftimony,  Rumor,  Opini- 
on, and  thejpeecb  of  the  wife, 

.Or  elfe  forced  by  Oath  or  Torture. 

And  the  third  find  of  Humane  Authoritie,iitbat  rrbick  U  allow- 
jedby  vfe  andiujhme  of  the  people. 


Things  vt- 
<  teredby 



o/Logic{e.  nt 

As  For  fuch  Arguments  as  arc  fetched  from  humane  Autho- 
ritie the  Lawcs  doe  teach  at  large,  which  bee  found,  and  which 
bceweake:  notwithstanding  ,  for  fo  much  as  jghtixtilian  afiir- 
meth,  that  the  inartificiall  places,  are  the  fix  places  aboue-men- 
tioned, I  haue  thought  good  to  fet  downe  according  toVale- 
ritu,  the  definition  of  curry  place,and  briefly  to  (hew  howeuc- 
ric  fuch  place  may  be  confirmed  or  impugned. 

^And  jirji  of  Fore-ittdgcmerus  or  Ruled  Caf€i> 

WHat  call  y  oh  Foce-indgements  or  Rule  A  Cafes  ? 
They  be  Iudgeraents  or  fentences  heretofore  pro- 
nounced, whereby  Iudges  take  example  to  giue  like  iudge- 
ment  in  like  Cafes. 

Hove  may  a  man  cenfirme  or  impagtte  Fore»indgements  i 
You  fhall  confirme  them  by  aggrauating  the  authoritie  of 
thofe  that  firft  pronounced  them,  and  by  the  likeneflc  of  the 
Cafes  :  but  you  frnll  impugne  or  confute  them  by  extenuating 
or  dimimfhing  the  authoritie  of  thefuftpronouncers,  and  by 
the  vnlikcnefle  of  the  Cafes. 

Of  Rumor  and  Fame, 

WHat  d  fference  is  betwixt  Rumor  and  Fame  ? 
Rumor  is  a  particular  aflertion  or  affirmation-  pro- 
ceeding of  fomt  fufpirion,without  any  certainc  Authour.  But 
Fame  is  a  common  affirmation,  hauingfome  certaine  Authour : 
cither  of  wh  ch  whofoeucr  will  impugne,mu{tcallit  anvnecr- 
tainebrute  or  clamour,  taking  his  beginning  firft  ofmalice,and 
his  increafc  through  crcdulitie  and  lightnefle  of  belicfe,  and 
that  the  fame  may  chance  to  the  moH  innocent  man  that  is, 
through  the  Fraud  of  his  Enemies,  publifhing  abroad  falfc  fur- 
mifes  agatnft  him.  Contrarily,  he  that  will  defend  Fame  or  Ru- 
mor ,  mult  fay  that  it  rifeth  not  of  nought,  nor  is  fprcd  abroad 
without  fome  iuft  caufe ,  and  that  it  is  accounted  as  a  publikc 
Teftimome,  according  to  the  old  Prouerbe,  which  faith;  vox 
fopkb,  vox  Dei,  the  voice  of  the  people,  is  the  voice  of  God. 

r  *r 

m  The  fourth  cBoo{e 

Of  Torture. 

W  Hat  is  Torture? 
Torture  is  a  painfull  kinde  of  punifliment,inucnte«t 
for  the  inquifition  of  truth,  and  violently  to  vvrcft  or  wring  the 
fame  out  of  fuch  as  would  not  otherwise  confeffc  it. 

How  is  this  flace  to  be  confirmed  er  impugned? 

It  is  to  be  confirmed  by  aggrauating  the  neceflfarie  vfc  of  tor- 
turejbr  the  finding  out  of  the  truth  ;  but  whofo  will  impugne 
it,  mud  fay,  that  fuch  Torture  caufcth  many  times  more  lyes 
then  true  tales  to  be  told  :  for  thofe  that  bee  ftrong  and  able  to 
endure  paine,  and  of  a  refolute  minde,  will  neueryceld  for  any 
torment  to  fay  otherwifc  then  they  lift  themfelucs.  Againe,  if 
they  be  weake  and  not  able  to  fuffer  paine ,  it  maketh  them  to 
fay  whatfoeucr  you  willhaue  them,  be  it  ncucr  fo  falfe. 

Of  Writings  and  Suidcmes. 

WH*t  is  meant  bj  Writings) 
Deeds,  Indentures,  Releafes,  Obligations,  and  fuch 
like  other  Euidences  before  rchearfed. 
Htw  is  this  place  to  be  impugned  f 

You  may  impugne  Euidences  or  writings,  if  ye  can  prooue 
them  to  be  vnperfec't  any  manner  of  way,as  to  be  forged,  to  be 
made  by  feme  collufion  or  fraude ,  or  to  bee*xtorted  by  fopce 
from  fome  that  was  put  in  feare,  and  fuch  like. 


WHat  is  an  Oath? 
It  is  a  religious  affirming  or  denying  fome  thing, 
by  calling  God  to  witneffe,  which  is  the  ftrongeft  bond  that 
may  be,  to  bind  mans  faith  and  confeience. 
Hove  is  this  flace  to  be  confirmed  or  impugned  ? 
He  that  will  prooue  by  this  place ,  muft  aggvauatc  the  inte- 
gritie,  honeftic  and  holineiTe  of  the  parties  that  arc  fworne,  fay- 
ing, that  the  Oath  of  an  honeft ,  "holy,  and  religious  man  is  of 
great  importance :  And  he  that  will  impugne  it,muft  doe  clcane 
sontraric,  faying,  That  they  are  aaughtic  men  that  are  fworne, 


of  Logic {e.  125 

and  common  Iurors ,  which  by  reafon  of  wicked  cuftomcof 
fwcaring,  will  eafily  be  forfwornc :  or  he  muft  fay  that  the  par- 
tie  fweareth  for  feare,  lone,  hatred,  for  hope  of  gaiae,  reward, 

and  iuchlike. 

Of  Witnejfet. 

Witnefles  be  proofes  of  things  done  or  not  done, 
whofe  office istofpeake  what  rheyhaue  heard  or  knowne:  the 
confirmation  or  confutation  of  which  proofc  dependeth  vport 
the  goodneflc  or  euilnefTe  of  the  perfons. 
To  what  end  ferueth  the  knowledge  of  places  f 
He  that  will  write  or  fpeake  of  any  matter  probably,  wifely, 
orcopioufly  :  or  will  vndeiftand  the  effect,  tenor,  arguments, 
and  proofes  of  other  mens  fpeeches  ,  and  writings,  hath  as 
much  need  to  be  prac-tifed  in  thefe  places ,  as  a  Huntfman  is  in 
knowing  the  haunts  of  his  Game  which  hechunteth,for  with- 
out that,  he  fhall  wander  long  time  in  vaine,  and  hardly  findc 
that  which  he  feeketh:ncither  is  i:  enough  to  know  the  places, 
vnleflcyou  can  aptly  apply  them  and  vie  them  when  occafion 
fhall  fcruc,  in  difputacions  made  either  by  mouth  or  pen,  which 
requiretha  continuallexevcifeof  fuchas  will  be  perfect  therein. 
And  therefore  to  the  intent  you  might  the  better  icarnc  how  to 
exercifeyour  fclfe in  the  fore- faid  places,  I  haue  thought  good 
here  to  giue  you  ar  the  leafl;  one  example  fet  downe  by  Runxens 
in  his  Logicke:  theTheame  of  which  example  is  thus:  Man 
ought,  to imbrace  venue:  which  Theame  hce  doth  not  oncly 
handle  after  die  Logicall  manner  with  fhort  fpeech,  but  alio 
after  the  Rhetoticall  manner  with  copious  fpeech,  vfing  there- 
in this  threefold  order  :  For  firft,  he  bringeth  in  fuch  proofes  as 
are  to  be  gathered  inrefpe&of  the  fubieel  of  theTheame.  Se- 
condly, thofe  that  are  to  be  gathered  in  refpeel  of  the  Predicate 
of  the  fame :  and  thirdly ,  thofe  that  are  to  be  had  in  refpec-t  of 


The  Theame  or  Prof  oft  ion.  .                          F««  the  defini- 

,            .               ,  tionoftbefsb* 

An  ought  to  embrace  vertue.  Ufa 

R  2  fPhat 

a:)-  The  fourth  TZcofy 

H'hat  Arguments  are  to  bee  gathered  on  the  behalf  e  of  the  fub- 
icB  of  this  Proportion  f 

Thefc  that  follow,  and  firft,from  the  definition  thus :  Sithof 
all  fenfible  creatures  man  is  the  moft  noble  and  moft  worthy 
creature,  for  that  he  is  endued  with  reafon  and  counfell,  and 
was  created  like  to  the  Image  ci  God  :  it  is  moft  mccte  tbcre- 
fsre  that  fuch  a  creature  fhould  be  like  his  Creator,  in  life  ador- 
ned with  fuch  vertue  and  goodnefle  as  is  anivverablc  to  true 
iudgement,  which  the  Logicians  would  briefly  exprefle  in  this 
manner :  it  becommeth  euery  fenfible  body  endued  with  rea- 
fon, to  loue  vertue  :  Ergo,  euery  man  ought  to  loue yertuc. 

From  the  Etymologie. 

IT  becommeth  euery  creature  that  is  made  of  the  flime  of  the 
earth  ,  to  bee  void  of  all  arrogancie  and  pride,  to  bee  lowly, 
humble,  and  obedienvio  his  Creator,  and  to  imbracc  vertue  m 
obferumg  the  Law  of  God  dcuoutlyandreligioufly^herefo'e 
man  called  in  Latine  homo,  of  this  word  humo ,  (that  is  to  fay) 
earth,  or  rather  flime  of  rhe  earth ,  iaking  his  originall  from  lb 
bafe  and  vile  a  thing,  ought  to  be  humble  and  void  of  all  pride 
and  arrogancie,  and  to  loue  vertue  aboue  all  things ,  beingal- 
wayes  obedient  to  God  his  Creator,  and  readie  to  doe  his  moft 
holy  Precepts  and  Commandemcnts. 

Logically  thus: 
Euery  fenfible  creature  that  is  created  of  the  flime  of  earth, 
ought  tobeeobedientto  hts  Creator,  and  to  imbrace  vertue, 
the;  efore  man  ought  to  be  obedient  to  his  Creator  ,  and  to  im- 
brace  vertue. 

From  the  UWatter, 

MAn  is  made  of  the  fehe-fame  Matter  of  which  all  other 
vnliu'mg  dumbeand  vnfenfible  creatures  are  made,  (that 
is  to  fay)  of  the  fourc  Elements, whereby  he  is  fubiccl  to  altera- 
tionand  corruption  :  wherefore  man  ought  not  to  bee  proud 
or  arrogant, but  modeft,  humble,  lowly  ,  and  obedient,  fhew- 
fng  in  all  the  actions  of  his  life,  that  he  is  not  vnmindfull  or  his 


of  Logic{e.  125 

bafe  cftate  and  condition,  nor  ignorant  From  whence  hee  came, 
and  what  he  is,  eucn  no  better  then  earth  and  dufr. 
Logically ,  thus : 
Man  is  made  of  a  bafe  matter,  as  all  other  things  are,  there- 
fore Man  ought  not  to  be  proud,  but  to  loue  the  ycrtuc  of  hu- 
nulitie  and  obedience. 

Frew  the  forme  erjhttfe  of  Man. 

IT  hath  beene  alwayes  moft  firmely,and  with  one  whole  con- 
fern  agreed  and  beleeued ,  euen  from  the  beginning  of  the 
World ,  that  the  true  {hapc  of  Man  is  a  rcafonable  Soule ,  im- 
rmrtall,  and  capable  of  euerlatting  bleiTedncflc,  which  Soule 
God  of  his  goodnelTe  did  breathe  into  man,  to  the  intent  that 
he  fliould  continually  ferue,  honour,  and  obey  him,  during  this 
mortall  life, and  after  death  enioy  eternail  life :  what  great  mad- 
neiTe  were  it  then  to  thinke,  that  Man  hauing  obcayncdat 
Gods  hands  fo noble  a  (Lape,  ought  not  to  embrace  all  noble 
Ycrtucs,  and  to  gouerne  all  hts  actions  in  fuch  godly  and  vertu- 
ous  manner,  as  he  may  at  length  attaync  to  the  euerlaftingioy, 
whercunto  he  vvas  firft  created  and  formed } 

Legicai/j,  thus : 

Man  confiftcthofa  Soule,  capable  of  eternail  felicitie:  Ergt, 
Man  ought  to  loue  vertue,  whereby  hee  may  attaync  to  that 

From  the  gtnerall  kjnde. 

SIthitisgiucnbynaturetoeuery  fenfibleBodie,  tofceke  his 
owne  fafetie,  and  to  be  beft  affected  (that  is)  to  haue  his  full 
perfection  according  to  his  kinde  :  the  U»ue  of  vertue  therefore, 
whereby  Man  is  made  not  only  perfect  in  (his  life,  but  Ai  >  at~ 
tayneth  thereby  euerlafting  ioy  in  the  life  to  come  ,  rnuft  needs 
be  to  him  moft  natural). 

LegtCAlly,  thtu  ; 
Euery  fcnfiblc  body  willingly  deiisesh  that  which  is  agree- 
able  to  his  nature  and  kinde  ;  therefore ,  Man  mult  needs,  leue 
venue,  as  a  thing  moft  fit  for  his  kinde. 

R   3  From 

J2  6  The  fourth  *Boofy 

From  the  (peciaR  Kinde, 

BOth  Men  and  Women ,  Rich  and  Poore ,  Yong  and  Old, 
of  what  thte  or  calling  focuer  they  bee ,  if  they  intend  to 
leade  a  good  and  godly  life,  haue  need  of  venue :  wherefore,all 
Men  that  will  liue  well,  ought  to  embrace  vertue. 
.  Logically,  thm: 
Both  Rich  and  Poorc,  Yong  and  Old,  ought  to  loue  vertue  : 
&£>%  Euery  Man  ought  to  loue  vertue. 

From  the  common  Accidents, 

E  Very  Man,  after  that  hee  hath  ended  this  fliortcourfeof 
life ,  mutt  appeare  at  the  laft  day  before  the  terrible  judge- 
ment fcate  of  God,  there  to  render  account  of  all  his  deeds  and 
words,  both  good  and  bad,  whereas  euery  man  that  hath  done 
well ,  fhall  receiue  for  his  good  deeds  a  molt  glorious  reward, 
cuenlifccuerlafhng:  but  the  wicked  for  his  cuill  deeds  fhall  be 
condemned  to  hell  fire,  that  neuer  fhall  be  quenched ,  a  iuft  re- 
ward for  his  deferts  :  wherefore,  all  men  ought  in  this  life  to 
flie  vice,  and  to  embrace  vertue ,  from  whence  all  good  actions 
doe  fpring. 

Logically,  thm: 
Euery  man  fhall  render  account  at  thelaftday,  of  all  his 
deeds  both  good  and  bad,  and  fhall  receiue  a  iutt  reward  ac- 
cording to  the  fame :  Ergo,  Euery  man  whilcft  hee  liucth  in  this 
world,  ought  to  flie  vice,  and  to  embrace  vertue. 

Trent  the  cam/c  Efficient, 

SIth  Man  was  created  by  God,  the  Creator  of  all  things,  and 
Author  of  all  goodneffe,  exccllencic  ,  and  vertue  ,  and  was 
formed  according  to  the  very  Image  and  likencfle  of  God  :  it 
bchoueth  man  therefore  to  imitate  his  Creator,  and  by  leading 
agodlyandvertuous  life,  to  (hew  that  hee  it  fomewhat  like 
him  ,  though  not  able  in  all  things  toattayne  to  the  perfection 
-of  fo  perfec-t  a  patternc. 

Logically ,  thm : 
God,  the  caufe  efficient,  is  good  5  therefore,  Ma»  being  the 
effect,  ought  to  be  good.  From 

o/Logicfy.  127 

From  the  End. 

T He  Prophets  and  Apoftlcs,  infpired  with  the  Holy  Ghoft, 
Author  of  all  Truth  ,  by  many  their  writings  doe  teftifie, 
that  the  greatneffc  and  excellence  of  that  bleflcdnefle ,  where- 
unto  Man  is  created  ,  is  fuch  as  no  man  is  able  to  exprefle  with 
tongue,  nor  in  his  heart  or  minde  to  concciuc  the  fame :  where- 
fore fith  Man  is  created  to  fuch  exceeding  great  bleflfednefTe, 
itbehoucthhim  to  imbrace  rertue,  which  is  the  very  meane 
and  way  to  bring  hira  to  that  bleffedncifc. 
Logically ,  thm : 

Sith  rooft  glorious  bleffednes  is  the  end  of  Man,  Man  there- 
fore ought  to  embrace  vertue ,  that  he  may  attaiHc  to  that  end. 

What  arguments  are  to  he  gathered  on  the  behalfe  of  the  Predi- 
cate, and  from  what  f  laces  f 

Thefe  that  follow ,  and  fuch  like,  and  firft  from  the  dcfiniti- 

From  the  Definition  of  the  Predicate, 

Sith  Vertue  is  a  morall  habite,  whereby  Mans  will  and  all  his 
actions  are  alwayes  directed  to  God ,  and  gouerned  accor- 
ding te  true  Judgement,  and  thereby  are  made  moft  acceptable 
both  to  God  and  Man:  Man  therefore  ought  to  embrace  Ver- 
tue, frooa  whence  fuch  noble  fruits  doe  fpring. 
Logicallj^thm ; 
Man  ought  to  loue  that  habite  from  whence  all  honeft  acti- 
ons doe  fpring :  therefore  man  ought  to  loue  Vertue. 

From  the  Defcriptiort. 

MAn  ought  with  all  endeuour  to  follow  that  thing  where- 
by he  may  attaync  not  a  vaine  and  tranfitorie  glorie,  but 
a  true  and  euerlafting  glorie ,  and  thereby  to  be  made  accepta- 
ble both  to  God  and  Man:  Wherefore  Man  ought  to  embrace 
Vertue,  from  whence  fuch  glorie  fpringeth. 
Logically,  thus : 
That  thing  is  worthy  to  be  beloued  of  Man  ,  which  getteth 
himeuerlafting  glorie :  Therefore  Vertue  is  worthy  to  bee  be- 
loued. from 

12  8  The  fourth  TZoofy 

From  the  Etj/moUgie. 

STth  Vertue,  if  you  diligently  confider  and  weigh  thrfigni- 
ficanon  of  the  word  ,  is  none  other  thing  but  a  Noble  affe- 
ction of  theminde,  of  great  excellcncie,  and  moft  mccte  for 
Man  :  it  is  not  to  be  doubted,  but  that  thufe  (which  leaning;  (o 
precious  a  thing  ,  doe  fet  their  whole  delight  in  feeking  after 
worldly  riches  and  bodily  plealure)  are  much  dccciued,  and 
doc  greatly  offend. 

Logically ,  thus  • 
Such  excellencie  as  is  m*>ft  meet  for  Man ,  bccommeth  Man 
belt :  therefore  Vertue  becommcth  him  be  ft. 

From  the  getter all  Kinde. 

STth  it  is  well  knowne ,  that  Man  ought  with  all  diligence  to 
fcekc  after  thofc  habits ,  whereby  humane  nature  isbeft 
adorned,  and  made  moft  perfect  :  And  that  Vertue ,  amonglt 
fuch  habits,  is  the  chicfe  :  becaufc  ,  that  thereby  the  mindeof 
Man  is  taught  to  know  what  Truth  is,  and  his  Will  thereby  is 
alwayes  inclined  to  honcft  and  laudable  actions :  Man  there- 
fore ought  with  al  his  power  and  endeuour  to  embrace  Vertue. 
Logically ,  thtu : 
Man  ought  chiefly  to  loue  thofc  habits ,  whereby  his  nature 
is  made  perfect :  Therefore  Man  ought  to  louc  Vertue. 

From  the  JpeciaS  Kinde, 

IT  is  moft  meete ,  yea  moft  neccflfarie  for  all  men  to'loue  For- 
titude and  Temperance  :  for,  by  Temperance,  Mans  will  is 
bridled  and  kept  from  all  euill  lufts  and  arfe£tionsjand  by  For- 
tirude,he  is  made  free  from  feare  of  death:  and  as  without  Tem- 
perance, mans  life  cannot  be  honclt;  fo  without  Fortitude,  his 
death  cannot  be  commendable:wherefore  it  plainly  appearetb, 
how  necefTarie  a  thing  it  is  for  a  man  to  embrace  Vertuc,as  that 
which  chiefly  maketh  his  life  honcft  and  laudable,aod  his  death 
glorious  and  honorable. 

Logically ,  thus : 
A  man  ought  to  loue  Fortitude  and  Temperance :  Erg* ,  He 
ought  to  louc  Vertue. "  From 

of Logicke.  Up 

From  the  corruption  of the  Sukieft, 

T He  definition  of  Vertuc  is  the  caufe  of  moft  grieuouse- 
uils,  for  the  light  of  Vcrtue  being  extinct,  the  minde  is 
immediately  wrapped  in  fuch  darknefle,  as  it  cannot  fee  nor 
difcernc  what  is  honcft,  what  is  profitable,  or  what  is  hurtfull : 
by  mcancs  whereof  man  falleth  into  moft  filthy  vices,  which 
doe  fo  infect  and  corrupt  the  life  of  man  as  it  becommeth  moft 
dcteltablc  both  to  God  and  Manrwhereby  it  plainly  appeareth 
how  noble  a  thing  Vertue  is,  and  with  what  loue  and  diligence 
it  ought  to  be  embraced  of  all  men. 

Logically  thus. 
The  deftruction  of  Vertue  is  euill :  therefore  Vertue  is  good 
and  worthy  to  be  beloued. 

From  the  vfe  of  the  Sttbictl, 


He  vfe  of  Vertue  maketh  mans  life  commendable,  holy, 
,  glorious,  and  acceptable  both  to  God  and  Man:  then 
which  nothing  can  be  in  this  World  more  to  be  defired  of  man: 
wherefore  it  manifeftly  appeareth,  that  Vertue  is  fo  noble  a 
thing,  as  all  men  ought  to  beftow  all  their  ftudie,  labour  and 
care  in  obtayning  the  fame. 

Logically  thus. 
The  vfe  of  Vertuc  is  good  :  Therefore  Vertue  is  good.  , 

From  common  Accidents, 

SIth  all  men  doe  greatly  dehre  to  haue  their  confidences  quie- 
ted, and  their  minds  free  from  all  euill  lurts,  affects,  and  paf- 
fions,  which  with  continuall  ftrife  doe  moleft  the  fame  :and 
thereby  doe  caufe  Man  to  lead  amiferable  life  :  Man  therefore 
ought  to  refufe  no  p3ine  nor  labour ,  (o  as  hee  may  atrayneto-. 
Vertue,  which  is  a!  wayes  accompanyed  with  that  cranquillitic 
of  minde  and  confcicnce  that  is  fo  much  defired. 
Logically  thns. 
The  tranquiilitie  of  the  minde  and  confeience  is  to  bee  defi- 
red :Ergo,  Vertue  which  is  alwayes  accompanyed  with  that 
tranquiilitie  is  to  be  defired. 

S  From 

i^o  The.  fourth  TSoofy 

From  the  caufe  Efficient. 

SIth  true  Vcrtue  is  not  to  be  gotten  by  any  mans  labour ,  ex- 
ercife,  orinduftric,  without  the  great  grace  of  God,  who 
is  chiefe  Authour  and  Giuer  of  al!  good  gifts ;  it  well  appeareth 
that  Vertue  is  a  moft  excellent  thing,  and  moft  worthy'to  bee 
had  in  admiration ,  and  therefore  with  fcruent  loue  and  dili- 
gence to  be  embraced  of  all  men. 

Logically  thtet: 
God  the  chiefe  Author  of  all  good,  is  the  caufe  Efficient  of 
Vertue:  therefore  Vcrtue  proceeding  of  fo  worthy  a  caufe, 
muft  needes  be  an  excellent  thing,  and  worthy  of  all  men  to  be 

from  the  EffeU. 

TRue  honour  3nd  glory  hath  beene  alwaies  had  amongft  all 
men  in  great  admiration :  becaufe  it  feemeth  not  only  by 
mans  judgement,  but  alio  by  the  diuine  iudgement  of  God,  to 
be  alwayes  attributed  to  Vertue  :  wherefore  fith  Vertue  doth 
yeeld  luch  noble  fruits  and  eflfccls,  Veitue  muft  needs  bee  a  no- 
ble thing  it  felfe,  and  worthy  of  all  men  to  be  embraced. 
Logic  ally  thm: 
The  Effect  of  Vertue ,  which  is  true  honour  and  glory  ,  is 
good,  and  to  be  defired. 

from  the  End. 

SIth  cucrlafting  blcfledneffe  is  of  fuch  excellency ,  as  neither 
tongue  is  able  to  expreue  the  ioyes  thereof,  nor  mindeto 
concciuethe  fame,  and  therefore  ought  to  be  defired  aboue  all 
things,  as  the  iuft  reward  of  all  goodnefic ,  and  finall  end  of  all 
euill, and  that  V«rtueisthe.oncly  meane  to  bring  man  to  that 
bleffedEnd:  who  then  will  once  thinkc  that  Vcrtue  is  not  to  be 
eftcctned  aboue  all  things ,  and  worthy  of  all  men  to  bee  em- 
braced ? 

Logically  thtu: 
The  end  of  Vertue,  which  is  euerlaftingfelicitie,  is  to  be  de- 
fired  :  8rg<>y  Vertue  is  to  be  defired. 


ofLogicke.  151 

Hitherto  yen  haue/hereed  how  the  afore/aid  Theme  it  f  beproued 
tgith  Arguments  fetched  afwell  from  the  SubieU  as  the  Predicate : 
now  flew  what  arguments  are  to  be  fetched  from  both  ioined  together. 

Thefe  that  follow  and  fuch  like,  and  firft  by  Comparifon, 
from  the  Lcflc  to  the  More. 

FromtheLeffetoiheUlUre.  |( 

IF  men  will  not  let  tobeftowanypainc,  labour  or  coft  topre- 
ferue  their  bodies  from  death,  fickneile,  or  any  other  hurt: 
how  much  more  then  ought  they  to  endeuour  thcmfelues  to 
obtayne  Vertue,  which  willpreferue  their  foules  from  all  cor- 
rupt affections  and  euill  vices ,  and  thereby  deliuer  them  from 
death  euerlafting  ? 

Logically  thus: 

Man  ought  to  be  carefu.Il  of  .his  bodily  health :  Ergo  ,  Much, 
more  of  his  foules  health,  which  is  chiefly  prefcrued  by  Vertue. 

From  Similitude  or  Likeneffe, 

AS  the  besuty  of  the  bodie  is  pleafant  to  mans  eyes  :eucn  fo 
the  beautic  of  the  minde  or  foulc  is  as  acceptable  to  God: 
and  therefore  as  man  will  bee  diligent  and  carefull  in  decking 
and  adorning  his  body  to  pleafe  the  eyes  of  men  :  cuen  fo  hee 
ought  to  be  tnoft  carefull  to  decke  his  foule  and  mind,with  fuch 
Vertucs,as  doe  make  the  fame  in  Gods  fight  moft  acceptable 
Logically  thus: 

As  the  decking  of  the  body  is  plefant  to  mens  eyes  fo  the 
decking  of  the  Soulc  is  pleafing  to  God. 

From  Authorities 

DAaid  the  Prophet  in  the  thirty  foure  Pfalme  faith  thus  : 
Turre  from  euill,  and  do  that  which  is  good.The Prophet 
tJWtcheM  alfo  agreeth  hereunto  in  faying  thus:  Dealciutfly 
with  all  men,  loue  mercy  ,  and  walke  diligently  in  the  way  of 
God.By  which  words  thefe  two  godly  Prophets  doe  teach  no 

S  2  other 

i^z  The  fourth  TSooke 

other  thing,  theft  that  man  forfaking  all  kindeof  Vice,  fhould 
with  all  diligence  embrace  Vertue. 

Logically thus: 
God  teachcth  by  his  Prophet  7) autel,  and  alfoby  Micheast 
that  Man  fhould  flye  Vice,  and  loue  Vertue  :  Ergo,  Man  ought 
to  loue  Vertue.  By  daily  exercifmg  your  felfe  in  fuch  exam- 
ples as  this  is ,  you  (hall  in  fhort  time  learne  the 
right  yfe  of  the  places  ,and  be  able  there- 
by readily  to  apply  them  to 
eucry  good  pur- 

Here  endeth  the  fourth  Booke  of Logicke. 





CHAP.   I. 

Of  Argumentation,  and  of  the  fowe  hinds  thereof  fa  genera/?, 
anda/fc  of  the  fir  si  Principles  of  a  Syiio-gifmc. 

;  lAu'wg  hitherto  fuffciently  ?JoJ^en of  words 
both  fimpie  and  compound^herecf  all  que- 
filers  doecofiftfi  ,  alfo  of  definition  anddt- 
uif\Q,i,of  (JAletliodyof  propofitions  and  of 
the  pi xl  es :  It  r.jlct  h  novo  that  1  declare  vn» 
U  yo:j.  the  formes  and s  cf'reafonirg 
tailed  Argumentation jwhich  be  the  memet 
veiiYc'.y  m  all  compound  que  ft  ion:  the 
truteh  may  bee  difcerned  from  falfljood, 
therein  con  f.fieth  the  chiefefl  fruit  of  Loguke  ;  an  J  therefore  yots 
Jballvnderjiand  th*t  there  bee  pure  principal!  kjndes  or  formes  of 
Agumentation,  (that  is)  a  Sjllogifme,  an  Induction,  an  Etljmeme, 
And  Example,  I  fay  here  principal} ,  bteaufe  there  bee  diners  other 
formes,wbich  though  thty  bee  not  fo  nectffary  ,  yet  1  inHbricfiy  treat 
of  them  hereafter:  'But  for  fo  mnchas  the  Sjllogifme  is  the  ciiefefl, 
ivhertuntoall  others  are  referred  as  things  vnperfttt  ,  vnto  a  thing 
perfeftt  I  veillfirft  fp:ake  of  a  Syllogifmeyandof  all  the  parts  thereof: 
but  yet  before  I  define  or  diu'tde  a  Syllogifme  ,  /  think/  *t  very  necef 
fary  to  declare  vnto  you  the  fir fl  Principles  afrcllCMateriall ,  as 
%{guUrt  ofafimplc  Syllogifme  conf fling  of  [lmple  Propofitions. 

S   3  Which- 

134-  7 be  fifi  Tootle 

Which  callyou  ^Material  Principles) 

Matcriall  Principles  are  three  fimple  Propofitions,and  three 
terraes,(tha:  is  to  fay) the  Subie.St,the  Predicatc,and  thenieane 
tcrrr^h«eafterdefir«^dJwherfoftheSubiei"tand  the  Predicate 
are  faid  to  bee  the  outermoft  limits  or  bounds  of  any  fimple 

Why  turet  hey  called  tertnes  or  limits  ? 

Becaufe  they  limit  a  Propofition,  euen  as  Dole-ftones  or 
Meares  doe  limit  a  piece  of  ground  In  the  field,  and  bee  the  vt. 
termoft  parts  or  bounds  whereunto  any  Proportion  is  to  bee 
rcfolued,  as  for  example  in  this  Propofition,  euery  man  is  a  fen- 
fible  body:  thefe  two  words,  man,  and  fenfiblc  body,  are  the 
termes,  limits  ,  or  bounds,  whereof  as  the  faid  Propofition 
is  compounded,  fo  into  the  fame  it  is  to  bee  rcfolued  ,  as  into 
his  vttcrmoft  parts  that  haue  any  fignification  :  for  letters  and 
fillables  of  themfelues  be  without  fignification ,  and  therefore 
can  limit  no  fpeech,  fo  that  the  termes  of  Propositions  muft  be 
ey ther  Nounes,  or  Verbes,  which  bee  only  voices  fignificatiue, 
as  haue  beene  faid  before. 

Which  be  the  Principles  irregnlatirte  ? 

The  Principles  regulatiue  of  a  Syllogifme  be  thefe  two  phra- 
(e$  of  fpeech,  to  be  fpoken  of  all,  and  to  be  fpoken  of  none. 

What  is  to  be[pe\en  of  all  > 

That  is,  when  the  predicate  being  trucly  fpoken  of  the  Sub- 
ie£t,  muft  needs  be  alfo  fpoken  of  all  that  is  comprehended  vn- 
der  the  faid  fubie$  :  as  when  I  fay  euery  man  is  a  fenfiblc  body: 
here  this  word  fenfible  body,  is  hot  only  fpoken  of  man  in  ge- 
nerall ,  but  alfo  of  Peter  and  John,  and  of  euery  other  man  in 
particular,  comprehended  vndcr  the  forefaid  Subiect,  man, 

What  is  tobefpkenofnone  ? 

It  is  when  the  Predicate  being  denyed  to  bee  fpoken  'of  the 
Subie6t,is  denied  alfo  to  bee  fpoken  of  any  thing  contay'ned  ifi 
the  Subiec.1 :  as  when  I  fay  no  man  is  a  ftone ,  here  like  as  this 
word  fionc  is  denied  to  bee  fpoken  of  man  ,  foit  is  alfo  denied 
to  be  fpoken  of  Peter  and  lohny  and  of  euery  other  fingular  man: 
out  of  which  Definitions  are  gathered  two  necciTary  rules. 


o/Logicfy.  13  ? 


The  rule  is,  whatfoeueris  triicly  affirmed  of  bis  natural!  and 
propar  Subject,  isalfio  affirmed  of  all  thofe  things  which  arc 
contayned  vnder  the  laid  Subject  :  the  fecond  rule  is  thus, 
whatfoeuerissdenyedtobefpokenof  any  Subieit,  isalfode- 
nyed  to  bee  fpoken  of  euery  thing  contayned  ynder  the  faid 

whertto  ftrUtthsferulis  ? 

The  firft  rule  confirmeth  all  Syllogifmes  affirrriatiuc,  and  the 
fecond  confirmeth  all  Syllogifmes  ncgatiue. 

.      CHAP.     II. 
O'fa  Syhgifme,  what  it  is\  hew  it  is  dittided\  and  of  what 
p$rts  it  confifteth* 

Halt  u  a  Sylfogifme  ? 

ASyllogiimeisakinde  of  argment  contay- 
ning  three  Propofitions,  whereof  the  two  firft, 
commonly  called  the  prcmiiYes  ,  being  difpo- 
ftd  according  to  mood,and  figwreaand  granted 
the  third  Propoiiuon,ocherwife  called  the  condufion,  differing 
from  rhe  other  two,  followeth  of  necefiuy,  by  -y.crtuc  of  the 
prcmilfes:how  thefe  three  Propositions  arc  called,  and  what 
moodeand  figuiciSjfhall  be  declared  hereafter;  In  themeane 
time  marke  well  the  two  other  points  touching  this  Definition: 
firft,  that  the  Conclufionmuft,no:  be  .all  onc,but  differing  from 
the  premiffes :  fecondly,  that  the  faid  Conclusion  'pee  ncce£fs- 
rily  inferred  of  thcpremiffes?as  in  this  example  :  eyei,y  fcnfible 
body  is  afubfUnce:  euery  man  is  a  fcnfible  bedy:  £Yg<*,  euery 
man  is  a  fubflancc :  for  if  the  Conclusion  were  thus :  Erg ot  eue- 
ry fenfible  bodie  is  a  fubflance ,  cr  euery .  man,  is  a  fcnfible  bo- 
dy, the  argument  fhouldnotbec  geed  ,  bccaufeihe  Conclu- 
sion fiiould  bee  all  one  with  one  or  the  prenfifles^ :  the  reafoft 
why  the  Condufion  mull  needes  bee  inferred  of  the  premiffes, 
and  foconfequently  follow  the  fame,  fhall  bee  declared  vine 
you  hereafter. 

How  us  4  SjBogifme  divided  According  to  the  Schpolemen 


i]6  The  fift  TSooke 

Firft,  they  diuide  it  according  to  the  diucrfiry  of  the  Propo- 
fitions whereof  it  confiftcth,  into  t  wo  kinds,!;/'*.  Categoricall, 
andHypothcticall,  (that  is  to  fay)  fimple  and  compound,  caU 
lingthatfimple,  which  is  made  of  fimple  Propofitions  ,  and 
that  compound,  which  is  made  of  compound  Propofitions  * 
■what  fimple  and  compound  Propofitions  are,  hath  bcene  be- 
fore defined.  Againc,  they  diuide  the'fimplc  Syllogifme  three 
manner  of  wayesjSrft,  according  to  the  diuerfity  of  the  termes 
into  a  common  and  into  a  lingular  Syllogifme,  for  if  the  termes 
whereof  the  Syllogifme  confiftcth ,  bee  common,  or  general!, 
and  fpecially  themeane  terme,  orproofe  ,  then  that  Syllogifme 
is  called  a  common  Syllogifme  :  but  if  the  meane  terme  or 
proofe  be  Indiuiduum,  then  that  Syllogifmeis  faid  tobcafin- 
gular  Syllogifme,  called  of  them,  Syllcgtfmm  expofitorhu,  where- 
of wee  (hall  fpeake  hereafter  :  Secondly,  they  diuide  a  fimple 
Syllogifme,  according  to  the  diuerfity  of  the  figure,  into  a  per- 
fect, and  vnperfedi  Syllogifme. 

V/henis  it  faid  tt  beytrfett  ? 

When  it  needet'n  not  to  be  altered  any  manncf  of  w ay,other- 
wife  then  it  is,  that  the  confequent  may  manifeftly  appeare. 

When  it  it  faitj  te  be.vnperfctt  ? 

When  the  Confequent  doth mot  manifeftly  appeare,  vnleffe 
the  Syllogifme  be  alrered  either  by  conuerfion  ,  ortranfpofing 
of  the 'ptcmiflcs ,  whereof  w  ec  fhall  fpcake  hereafter :  Thirdly, 
they  druidea  fimple  Syllogifme,  according  to  the  matter  of 
the  Propofitions  whereof  it  is  made,  into  three  kindes,  that  is, 
into  a  Syllogifme  Defnonftratiuc  ;  £)iale£Hcall,  andSophifti- 
callrof  which  three  kindes  wee  (hall  fpcake  hereafter,  and  in 
their  proper  places;  fo  as  in  all,  the  Schoolemen  make  foure 
feuerall  diuifions  ofa  Syllogifme,  the  firft  according  to  the  di- 
uerfity of  the  Propofitions,  the  fecond  according  to  the  di- 
uerfity of  the  Termes,  the  third  according  to  the  diuerfity  of 
the  figure,  and  the  fourth  according  to  the  diuerfity  of  the 
matter  of  the  Propofitions  whereof  wee  haue  fpoken  before, 
and  (hewed  how  manifold  fuch  matter  is:  but  in  themeane 
time  wee  will  fhew  you  of  what  parts  a  fimple  common  Syllo- 
gifme confifteth. 


ofLogicke.  137 

Of  how  many  parts  doth  a  fmple  SyUogifmt  con/jfl  ? 
Of  tw«j  that  is,  Matter,  and  Forme. 

C  H  A  P.    III. 

Of  the  Matter  and Fermeefajimple  conu 
mon  Syllogifme. 

Hat  things  Are  ftid  to  he  the  CMatter  of  a  Syfto- 

The  Matter  whereof  a  Syllogifme  is  made, 
are  three  termes,and  three  Proportions,  which 
wee  called  before  Materiall  principles, and  the 
Forme  conftfteth  of  figure  aud  Mood,  whereof  we  (hall  fpeake 
in  the  next  Chapter. 

Define  what  thefe  three  Terries  be. 

The  one  is  called  the  Maior  terme  ,  or  Maior  extremitie, 
which  is  the  Predicate  of  the  queftion  that  is  to  be  proouedrthe 
other  is  called  the  Minor  terme ,  or  Minor  extrernitie,  which  is 
the  fubie&  of  the  queftion:  and  thefc  twoTermcs  are  knit  to- 
gether in  the  Condufion,  and  made  to  agree  by  helpe  of  a  third 
Terme,  called  the  Meane  terme  or  proofc. 

What  is  the  Meane  terme  ? 

It  is  the  proofe  of  the  queftion  which  is  twice  repeated  be- 
fore the  Condufion,  and  not  once  mentioned  in  the  fame. 

Ho  w  //  fuch  proofe  1 0  be  found  out  ? 

Foure  manner  of  way  es,  (that  is  to  fay)  by  experience,  by 
quickneffc  of  wit,  by  erudition,  and  by  fearching  the  common 

due  examples  of  all  thefe  foure  wajes. 

x.  By  experience,  as  when  wee  affirme  that  intemperance  is 
to  be  fled,  becaufe  wee  know  by  experience ,  that  it  confumeth 
both  body  and  goods  in  vaine  pleafurcs.  2.  By  wit,  as  to  proue 
that  the  couetoufnefle  of  wicked  men  is  inhnite:  becaufe  wit 
and  reafon  teacheth  vs,  that  if  couetous  men  did  either  care  for 
the  Law  ofGod,  or  for  reafon ,  they  would  not  exceed  fo  farrc 
the  bounds  thereof.  5.  By  erudition ,  as  to  prooue  that  riches 
are  not  to  be  defued  ouer-greedily ,  but  to  ferue  nccefluie :  be- 

T  caufe 

i$8  The  fift  'Boot? 

caufe  it  appeareth  by  the  Do&rine  of  Saint  PW,  that  fuch  as 
greedily  fceke  to  be  rich,  doe  fall  into  temptation,and  into  the 
mares  of  the  Deuill.  4.  Byfcarching  the  common  places: as 
when  the  proofe  of  anyqueftion  is  fetched  from  any  of  the 
common  places  before  taught,  as  from  the  gcnerali  kind,  from 
the  fpeciall  kind/rom  the  difference,  or  propertie,and  fuch  like' 
whereof  you  haue  had  examples  before. 

Which  bee  the  three  Propofittons  whereof  4  Syllogifme  doth  con- 


Thefe  three  :  The  Maior,the  Minor,  and  the  Conclufion. 
Which  call  y oh  the  Maior  t 

That  which  confifteth  of  the  Predicate  of  the  queftion,other~ 
wife  called  the  Maior  terme,  and  of  the  Meane,  or  Proofe,  be- 
ing both  ioyned  together  in  one  felfe  Propofuion ;  which  Pro- 
portion is  the  whole  ftrength  of  the  Syllogifme ,  for  it  is  the 
caufe  and  proofe  of  the  Conclufion. 
Which  c ally  on  the  Minor  ? 

That  which  confifteth  of  the  Subieft  of  the  qucftion  called 
the  Minor  terme,  and  of  the  Mean*  or  proofe  ioyned  together, 
which  two  Proportions  are  called  by  one  gencrall  name,  Pre- 
mises, becaufe  they  goe  before  the  Conclufion. 
What  u  the  Conclnfion  ? 

It  is  that  which  confifteth  of  the  Predicate ,  and  of  the  Sub- 
ject, and  is  the  queftion  it  felfe  concluded. 

For  example,  let  this  bee  your  queftion :  whether  man  bee  a 
fubftance  or  not,  here  you  haue  two  extremes  or  termes,wher- 
of  fubftance  being  the  Predicate,  is  the  Maior  terme ,  and  man 
being  here  the  fubiedtys  the  Minor  terme  :  now  to  prooue  that 
this  word  Subftance,  is  properly  and  naturally  fpoken  of  man, 
as  of  his  Subie&,  and  that  you  may  truely  knit  thefe  two  ex- 
tremes ,  or  termes  together ,  you  muft  feeke  out  fome  caufe 
or  proofe,  othcrwife  called  the  Meane  terme,  which  being 
once  found  out ,  the  Syllogifme  is  foone  made  :  let  the  Meane 
terme  therefore  be  this  word,  Senfible  body,  for  euery  fenfible 
bodie  is  a  fubftance,  which  proofe  is  fetched  from  the  ge- 
nerall  kinde ,  then  forme  your  Syllogifme  thus :  euery  fen- 

o/Logic^e.  139 

fiblebody  is  a  fubftance :  but  man  is  a  fenfible  body :  Br  go,  man 
is  a  fubftance.  Here  you  fee  that  the  Meane  terme  or  preofe  is 
twice  repeated  before  the  Condufion:(that  is  to  fay)in  the  Ma- 
ior  Propofition,  together  with  the  Predicate  of  the  queftion, 
called  the  Maiorterme;  andalfointhe  Minor  Propofi»ion  to- 
gether with  the  fubiect  of  the  queftion  called  the  Minor  terme, 
and  not  once  mentioned  in  the  Conclusion.  Thus  much  tou- 
ching the  Matter  whereof  a  Syllogifme  confiftcth  :  now  of  the 
Forme  thereof. 

Of  the  Forme  of  a  Syllogifme. 

S£fj&3£0ufaid  before ,  that  the  Forme  of  a  SyUogifme  compre- 
hended Figure,  and  Aioode ,now  therefore  tell  what 
Figure  and  Moode  is ,  and  hove  many  of  them  there 
Figure  is  no  other  thing,  but  the  diuers  placing 
or  difpofing  of  the  meane  terme  in  the  premiffes  :  which  figure 
is  three-fold  j  that  is,  Firft,  Second,  and  Third  :  for  if  the 
meane  terme  bee  thcSubie£t  in  the  Maior  Propofition,  and 
Predicate  in  the  Minor,  as  in  the  example  aboue,thenitrna- 
keth  a  Syllogifme  of  thefirft  figure,  and  if  it  chance  to  bee  Pre- 
dicate in  both  Propositions,  then  it  maketh  a  Syllogifme  of 
the  fecond  figure,  as  thus  :  no  (tone  is  a  fenfible  body  :  but  roan 
is  a  fenfible  body :  Ergo,  no  man  is  a  (tone  :  for  here  the  meane 
terme,  Senfiblc  body,  is  Predicate  in  both  Propositions :  but  if 
the  meane  bee  fubie6t  in  both  Propositions,  then  it  maketh  a 
Syllogifme  of  the  third  figure,as  thus :  euery  man  is  a  fubftance: 
euery  man'is  a  fenfible  body :  Frgo,  fomc  fenfible  body  is  a  fub- 
ftance: for  here  the  meane  terme ,  that  is,  Man,  is  fubiect  in 
both  the  firft  Propositions ,  and  to  thefe  three  figures  doe  be- 
long certaine  Moods. 
What  it  a  Moods  ? 

A  Mood,  called  inLatine modus,  amongft  the  Logicians,  is 
none  other  but  the  true  ordering  afwell  of  the  premifTes,  as  of 
the  condufion  in  a  Syllogifme  ,  according  to  due  quantitie, 

T  a  and 

J40  The  f/t  *Boofy 

and  quality :  what  the  quantity  and  quality  of  a  Propofition  if, 
hath  beene  taught  before,  Lib.  3  .C*/.  I. 

How  many  Moods  doe  belong  to  the  firfl  figure  t 
To  the  firft  figure  doe  belong  nine  Moods,  thus  named: 
Barbara :  CcUrcnt  :  Dart)  :  Ferio :  Baraltpton : 
Celantet :  Dab  it  is :  Fapefmo :  Frifefomorum. 
Whereof  the  firft  foure ,  becaufe  they  conclude  dire&ly,  are 
called  perfeft  Moods,  making  perfect  Syllogifmes :  and  the  o. 
ther  fiuc  ,  becaufe  they  conclude  vndireC\ly,  arc  called  yn- 
■  perfed  Moods,  making  vnperfcdt  Syllogifmes. 
What  is  to  conclude  directly  or  indirectly  ? 
That  Mood  is  faid  to  conclude  dire&ly  ,  when  the  Maior: 
terme  is  made  the  Predicate,  and  the  Minor  terme  the  fubic& 
in  the  conclufion.  But  if  in  the  conclufion  the  Minor  terme  bee 
the  Predicate,and  the  Maior  terme  the  fubiecl:,then  that  Mood 
is  faid  to  conclude  directly :  as  for  example :  Euery  fenfible  bo- 
dy is  a  fubitance :  Man  is  a  fenfible  body  :  Ergo ,  man  is  a  fub- 
itance.  This  Syllogifrae  con cludeth  dircclly ,  becaufe  the  Ma- 
ior terme,  fubftancc,  is  the  Predicate  in  the  conclufion  :  but  if 
the  conclufion  were  thus ;  Ergo,  Come  fubftancc  is  a  man  ,  then 
it  (hould  conclude  indirectly  :  becaufe  this  word  man  which 
was  the  fubieCt  of  the  qucftion  in  this  conclufion ,  is  made  the 

How  many  Moods  doe  belong  to  the  fecond  figure  f 
Thefe  foure :  C<t(are,  ^amejfres,  Fefimo,  Baroco, 
How  many  Moods  doe  belong  to  the  third  Figure  ? 

Thefe  fixe  :  Darapti,  Felapton,  rDifamis,  Datifi,  Bocardo ,  and 
Ferifon:  which  words  being  other  wife  called  Terraes  of  Art, 
and  euery  one  confifting  of  three  fillablcs,  were  pujrpofely  in- 
uented  by  the  Schoolemen ,  to  fignific  the  quantitie  and  quali- 
tie  of  euery  Propofition  contayned  in  a  Syllogifme,  and  are 
briefly  fet  downe  in  thefe  foure  Verfcs  following. 

Barbara,  Celarent,  Darij  ,  Ferio,  Baralipton : 
Celantest  Dabitis,  Fapefmo,  Frifefomornm  : 
C&fare, (^ameJires,FeJlinoi  Baroco,  Darapti : 
Felajptort}  Difamis,  DatiplrBoeardol  Ferijbn. 


o/Logicfa  141 

It  feemeth  to  me  that  thefe  names  doe  not  eauenly  coujlft  each  one 
of  three  Syllables :  for  in  the  two  fir  ft  Verfes  there  bee  two  Moods  or 
names  ,  whereof  the  one  called  ftzral'ipton ,  contajneth  foure  Syllam 
bles,and  the  other  called  Frifefomorum,  contaynethfiue  Syftables. 

You  fay  true ,  but  thefc  Syllables  are  no  part  of  thefc  two 
Moods,but  ferue  only  to  fill  vp  the  Vcrfe :  for  this  Syllable  ton, 
is  no  part  of  the  Mood  Baraltp:  nor  the  two  Syllables  moruml 
.are  any  p3rt  of  the  Mood  Frtfefo. 

What  is  to  be  confideredin  thefe  words  of  Aft  or  Moods  f 

Two  things,  (that  is  to  fay)  the  Vowels  and  the  Confonants 
contayned  in  euery  Mood,  and  what  they  fignifie. 

Which  are  thofe  Vowels,  and  who/  doe  they  fignifie  ? 

The  Vowels  bee  thefe  foure ,  a,  e.  i.  0.  whereof  a.fignifieth  an 
vniuerfall  AfHrmatiue,  e.  an  vniuerfall  Negatiue ,  i.  a  particular 
Affirmatiue  ,  0,  a  particular  Negatiue  :  of  all  which  you 
(hall  hauc  examples  in  the  fixt  Chapter  of  this  Booke  here  fol- 

Which  be  the  Confonants,  and  what  doe  they  fignifie  f 

Wee  ftiall  hauc  caufe  to  fpeake  of  them  hereafter  in  a  fitter 

In  themeane  time  then,gine  examples  of  the  Moods  belonging  to 
all  the  Figures. 

Before  we  giue  examples,  it  fhall  not  be  amifle  to  fct  do  wne 
certaine  rules  requifite  to  all  the  three  Figures,  as  well  in  gene- 
rall,  as  in  particular. 

CHAP.   V. 

Of  certaine  Rules,  as  well  Generally  as  Special/,  belonging 
to  the  three  Figures. 

r?L«K#"K?^  Ow  many  General!  Rules  be  there,  which  are  common 
"  ttoaH  the, three  Figures? 

Foure :  two  of  quantitie,  and  two  of  quality. 
Which  is  the  fir  ft  of  thofe  that  belong  to  quan- 
J,  titie. 
In  euery  Syllogifme  it  bchooucth  eyther  one  or  both  of  the 
prcmiffes  to  be  vniuerfall. 

T  3  Whp 

iqz  Thefift  cBoo{e 


Becaufe  that  of  two  mccre  particular  Propofitions ,  nothing 
by  order  of  Logiek  can  confequently  follow  :  As  for  example, 
This  Syliogifmc  is  not  good  :  Some  fcnfible  body  is  a  Man, 
but  fome Horfe  isa  fenfible  body :  Ergo,  a  Horfe  is  a  Man.  The 
like  reafen  is  alfo  to  be  vnderftood ,  when  the  premifles  are  in- 
definite Propoiitions,yea  or  lingular  Propofitions,if  the  meane 
tcrme  be  not  likewife  lingular,  for  then  it  maketh  a  Syliogifmc 
expofitorie,  whereof  we  (hall  fpeake  hereafter. 
Which  U  thefeeond  Rule  that  belongeth  to  quMtttitie  1 
If  any  of  the  premifles  be  particular,  then  the  conclufion  alfo 
rauft  be  particular. 
Why fii 

Becaufe  the  conclufion  being  implyed  of  the  premifles, 
ought  alwayes  to  follow  the  weaker  pfcrt  of  the  fame  premif- 
fes,  but  the  particular  is  alwayes  accounted  weaker  then  the  V- 
niuerfall,  and  the  Negatiue  weaker  then  the  Affirmatiue. 
What  is  the  firfi  Rule  belonging  to  qualitie  ? 
Ineuery  Syllogifmeitbehoueth  eyther  one  or  both  of  the 
premifles  to  be  affirmatiue. 
Why  fa? 

Becaufe  that  of  two  pure  Negatiue  Propofitions  nothing  can 
be  orderly  concluded,  as  in  this  example  :  No  man  is  a  tree,but 
noPeare-treeisaman  :  %»,  No  Peare-treeisatree:  which 
Syllogifme  cannot  be  good,  for  the  premifles  are  both  true,and 
the  conclufion  is  falfe. 

Whieh  is  thefecond  %ule  belonging  to  qualitie  ? 
If  any  of  the  premifles  be  Negatiue,chen  the  conclufion  muft 
alfo  be  Negatiue. 
Why  fo  ? 

Bec/ufe  (as  it  hathbeene  faid  before)  the  conclufion  muft 
follow  the  weaker  part. 

Which  be  the  fpeciall Rules  belonging  to  the  three  Figures  ? 
In  thefirft  foure  Moods  of  the  firft  Figure  dire&ly  conclu- 
ding the  Minor,  may  not  be  a  Negatiue,  nor  thtMaior  parti- 
cular, but  vniuerfail. 

In  the  fecond  Figure,  the  Maior  muft  not  bee  particular, 


ofLogicty.  143 

and  one  of  the  premifles  muft  bee  a  Negatiue. 

In  the  third  Figure ,  the  Minor  muft  not  bee  aNegatiue,  nor 
theconclufionvniuerfall:  but  as  for  the  quantitie  andqualitie 
of  euery  Proposition  In  cuery  kindc  of  Syllogifme,  of  what  Fi- 
gure foeuer  it  bee,  it  ftiall  plainely  appeare  by  the  Vowels ,  or 
rather  Syllables  of  the  Moods,  otherwife  called  words  of  Art, 
annexed  to  the  examples  hercafterfollowing. 

Firft,  giue  examples  of  SyUogifmes  of  the  firft  Figure  ,  and  of  bit 
fottreptrfefi  Moods  dire&ly  concluding* 


Examples  of  the  four  ef  erf eti  Moods  belonging  to 

the  firfi  Figure, 

'H  e  firft  Mood  of  the  firft  Figure,  is  when  three 
termes  being  giuen  ,  a  Syllogifme  is  made  of 
two  vniuerfall  Affirmatiucs  directly  conclu- 
ding an  vniuerfall  Affirmariue  ,  as  this  Syllo- 
gifme hecre  following  :  the  termes  whereof 
beethefe,  Scnfible  body ,  Subftance,  and  Man 
placed  in  this  fort. 

Bar-    Euery  fenfible  body  is  a  fubjfance,  ~} 

ba-     But  euery  man  is  a  fenfible  body  :  > 

ra.      Ergo,  Euery  man  is  afubftance*  jj 

The  name  of  this  Mood  is  called  Barbara,  diuided  into  three 
Syllables,placedinthemargent  right  againft  the  Syllogifme, 
to  fhew  the  quantity  and  quality  of  euery  Proposition  ,  accor- 
ding to  tbe  Significations  of  the  Vowels  contayned  in  euery 
Syllable :  and  fo  are  all  other  names  of  the  Moods  hcreafcer 

The  fecondMood  is,  when  three  termes  being  giuen,  a  Syl- 
logifme is  made  of  an  vniuerfall  Negatiue  Maior,  and  of  an 
vniuerfall  Affirmatiue  Minor,  directly  concluding  an  vniuerfall 
Negatiue  :  As  for  example ,  let  the  termes  bee  thefc :  Senfiblc 
Body,  a  Man,  a  Stone,  and  the  Syllogifme  thus : 


144.  7befift<Booke 

Ce-      J^o  fen  fib  le  body  is  aflame,  ^ 

la-       But  entry  man  is  a  fenfible  body :  S. 

rent.    ErgotNomanu  aflone,  \ 
The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Celarent, 

The  third  Mood  is,  when  three  termes  being  giucn,  aSyllo- 
gifmeis  made  of  an  vniuerfall  AfiirmatiueMaior,andof  a  par- 
ticular Aflfirmatiue  Minor,  directly  concluding  a  particular  Af- 
firmatiue  :  As  for  example,lct  thefc  be  the  termes :  Scnfible  Bo- 
dy, Subftance,  and  Man,  and  the  Syllogifmc  thus  ; 

Da-     Entry  fenpble  body  isafubflance9  2 

ri-       Butfome  man  is  a  fenftblo  body :  v 

3 .        Ergo,  Some  man  is  afnbflanee,  ^ 
The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Darij, 

The  fourth  Mood  is,  when  three  termes  being  giuen ,  a  Syl- 
legifme  is  made  of  an  vniuerfall  Negatiue  Maior,  and  a  particu- 
lar Affirmatiue  Minor ,  dire&ly  concluding  a  particular  Nega- 
tiue :  As  for  example,  let  thefe  bee  the  termes :  Senfiblc  Body, 
Man,  and  Stone :  and  the  Syllogifme  thus : 

Fe-      No  fenfible  body  is  a  (tone,  ^ 

ri-       But  feme  man  is  a  fenfible  body :  ^ 

o.       Ergo,  Some  man  is  aftone.  ^ 
The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Ferie. 

CHAP.    VII. 

Examples  ef  the  fine  vnperfe8  Moods  of  the 
firfi  Figure, 

Me  examples  of  the  fine  CMoodes  of  the  firfl  Figure 
dircftly  concluding. 

The  firfl:  Imperfect  Moode  of  the  firft  Fi- 
gure indirectly  concluding,  is  when  the  Ma- 
ior and  Minor,  being   both  vniuerfall  Affir- 
-/matiucs,doe  conclude  indirectly  a  particular  Af- 
firmatiue, as  thus  : 


ofLogicke.  14-5 

Ba-     Entry  fenfible  body  is  a  fubflance,  p- 

ra-      Ettery  man  is  a,  fenfible  body :  > 

lip.     Ergo,  Seme fubflance  is  a  man,  ,     ^ 

The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Baraliptcn,  whereof  the  laft  fyl- 
Iable3r^«,is  only  to  fill  vp  the  Vcrfe,as  hath  beene  faid  before. 

The  fecond  Imperfect  Mood,is  when  a  Syliogifmc  is  made 
of  an  vniuerfall  Negatiue  Maior,and  an  vniuerfal  Aflftrmatiue 
Minor,  indirectly  concluding  an  vniuerfall  Negatiue,as  thus: 

Ce-     No  fenfible  b§dy  is  a  tree,  ~p 

Ian-    Ettery  man  is  tt fenfible  body:  > 

tis.      Ergo,  No  tree  is  a  man,  ^ 

The  name  of  this  Mood  is  (felantis. 
The  third  Imperfect  Mood  ,  is  when  a  Syliogifmc  is  made 
of  an  vniuerfall  AfTirmatiue  Maior,  and  of  3  particular  Affir- 
matiue  Minor,indirectly  concluding  a  particular  AfTirmatiue, 
as  thus: 

Da  -  Enery  fenfible  bodie  is  a  fubflance,  .    2 

bi-      S  om«  man  is  a  fenfible  body  :  > 

tis.     Ergo,5W<?  fubflance  is  a  man.  ^j 

The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Dabnis. 
The  fourth  Imperfect  Mood, is  when  a  Syliogifmc  is  made 
©fan  vniuerfall  AfTirmatiue  Maior,  and  of  an  vniuerfall  Ne- 
gatiue Minor,  indirectly  concluding  a  particular  Negatiue,, 
as  thus: 

Fa-     Euery  fenfible  body  is  a  fubflance ,  "^ 

pef-   No  tree  is  a  fenfible  body:  V 

mo.    Ergo,  Some  fubflance  is  not  a  tree,  ^ 

The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Fapefmo. 
The  fift  Imperfect  Mood ,  is  when  a  Syllogifme  is  made  of 
a  particular  AfTirmatiue  Maior,  and  of  an  vniuerfall  Negatiue 
Minor,  indirecTly  concluding  a  particular  Negatiue.  as  thus:. 

Fri-    Some  fenfible  bodie  is  a  fttbflance;  ^ 

fe  -     "But  no  tree  is  a  fenfible  body  :  V 

fo.     Ergo;  Some  fubflance  is  not  a  tree,  \ 

¥  The 

\^6  Tbefift  <Boo{e 

The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Frifefomorum,  whereof  the  two 
laft  fyllables  (a«  hath  bcene  faid  before)  are  only  put  to  make 
vp  the  Verfe, 


Of  the  fottre  t_Moods  belonging  to  the  fe- 
cond Figure. 

>  lite  examples  of  the  faure  UMoods  belonging  to  the 
fecond  Figure. 

The  firft  Mood  of  the  fecond  Figure  ,  is 
when  a  Syllogifme  is  made  of  an  vniuerfall 
Negatiue  Maior,  and  of  an  vniuerfall  Aflfir- 
matiue  Minor,  directly  concluding  an  vniuer- 
fall Negatiue  chus : 

Ce-     No  flone  is  afenfible  body,  ~1 

fa-       Eue ry  man  is  afenfible  body  \  > 

re.       Ergo,  No  wants  a  flone.  j 

The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Cefare.  t 

The  fecond  Mood,  is  when  a  Syllogifme  is  made  of  an  v- 
niuerfall  Aflirmatiuc  Maior, and  of  an  vniuerfall  Affirmatiue 
Minor;  directly  concluding  an  vniuerfall  Negatiue,  as  thus: 

Ca-     Euery  man  is  afenfible  body,  p 

mef-    But  no  flone  is  afenfible  body :  V 

tres.    Ergo,  No  flone  is  a  man.  3 
The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Cameflres. 

Tne  third  Mood  is  when  a  Syllogifme  is  made  of  an  vni- 
ueFfall  Negatiue  Maior,  and  of  a  particular  Aflirmatiue  Mi- 
nor, directly  concluding  a  particular  Negatiue,  as  thus : 

Fef-  'Ho  flone  is  afenfible  body *,  y* 

ti-     But  fame  man  is  a  fenfible  body  \  V 

no.    Ergo,  Some man  is  not  a  flone.  j 
Thenamc  of  this  Mood  is  Feftino. 

The  fourth  Mood,  is  when  a  Syllogifme  is  made  of  a  n  v"!" 

ofLogic{e.  '  147 

uerfafl  Arfirmatiue  Maior,  and  of  a  particular  Minor,  dire£Iy 
concluding  a  particular  Negatiuc,  as  thus : 

Ba-     Everyman  is  a  fenfible  body ,  f. 

ro-      Butfome  fioneh  not  a  Jen  fib le  body  1  y- 

co.      Ergo,  Some  ft  one  is  not  a  man,  \ 
The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Baroco. 

CHAP.    IX. 

Of  the  fix  Moods  belonging  to  the  third  Figure. 

^&$£&^jj&ffte  examples  of  the  fix  Moods  belonging  to  the  third 
**  Figure. 

The  firft  is  when  a  Syllogifme  is  made  of  an 
vniuerfall  Aftirmatiue  Maior,and  of  an  vniuer- 
WdKSA&Sl^l  fall  Aftirmatiue  Minor ,  directly  concluding  a 
particular  Aftirmatiue,  as  thus : 

Da-    Euery  man  is  a  fubftance,  11 

rap-    But  euery  man  is  a  (enfible  body  :  > 

ti.       Ergo,  Some  (enfible  body  is  afubftance,  jj 
The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Darapti. 

The  fecond  Mood,  is  when  a  Syllogifme  is  made  of  an  v- 
niuerfallNegatiue  Maior,  andoi  an  vniuerfall  Aftirmatiue 
Minor,  directly  concluding  a  particular  Negatrae,  as  thus : 

Fe-      No  man  is  a  ftcne,  ~7- 

1  ap-     But  cnery  man  is  a  fub fiance :  V 

ton.     Ergo,  Some  fubftanceis  not  aflone*  j> 
The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Felapton. 

The  third  Mood,  is  when  a  Syllogifme  is  made  of  a  parti- 
cular Aftirmatiue  Maior,  and  of  an  vniuerfall  Aftirmatiue  Mi. 
nor,  diredtly  concluding  a  particular  Aftirmatiue,  as  thus : 

Di.     Somemmn'ts  afubftancey  *2 

fa-      But  euery  man  is  a  f enfible  body :  \- 

mis .    Ergo,  Some  fenfible  body  is  afubftance.  3 

V   2  The 

148  The  fi/t ■$oo{e 

The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Difamu. 
The  fourth  Mood,  is  when  a  Syllogifme  is  made  of  an  vni- 
uerfall  Aflirmatiue  Maior,  and  of  a  particular  Affhmatiuc 
Minor,  concluding  a  particular  Affirmatiue>as  thus : 

•  D3-  EnerymAnUa  fubfttnce,  'p. 

ti       rBf4t  fome  wants  a  fenfible  body:  > 

ii.      Ergo,  Some  fenfible  body  is  a  fubftance.  Sj 

The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Datift. 
The  fift  Mood,  is  when  a  Syllogifme  is  made  of  a  particu- 
lar Negatiue  Maior,  and  of  an  vniuerfall  Aifirnlatiue  Minor, 
dire&ly  concluding  a  particular  Negatiue,  as  thus  : 

Bo-  Some  wants  not  a  ft  one,  ~7- 

car-  'But  entry  man  is  a  fenfible body.  > 

do.     Ergo,  Some  fenfible  bo&y  is  not  a  ft  one,  ^ 

The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Bocardo. 
The  fixt  Mood,  is  when  a  Syllogifme  is  made  of  an  vniuer- 
fall Negatiue  Maior,  and  of  a  particular  Afm  matiue  Minor, 
directly  concluding  a  particular  Negatiue,  as  thus : 

Fe-     No  man  is  aftone,  *?> 

ri-       But  fome  man  is  a  fenfible  body :  > 

Ion .    E  rgo,  Some  fenfible  body  is  not  aftone,  \ 

The  name  of  this  Mood  is  Ferifon, 
Thus  you  haue  all  the  three  Figures,  together  with  their 
Moodes  plainly  fet  forth  with  examples, 

C  H  A  P.    X. 

Of  a  Syllogifme  expo  ft  or  ie, 

N  d  now  becaufe  a  Syllogifme  expository  is 
faid  to  bee  a  Syllogifme  of  the  third  figure :  I 
thinkc  it  moft  meete  togiueyouan  example 
thereof  eucn  here:  for  I  haue  already  defined 
the  fame  before. 

Te  a,  1  remember y  8  faidit  was  exfofurie.vuhen 
theproofe  or  mcane  terme  is  an  IndiuLduum:  but  if  yegiut  exam- 
pls%  1 /ball  the  better  vnderftnudit. 


ofLogickg.  14.9 

Let  this  then  be  your  example,  to  proouc  ibme  men  to  bee 
both  Orators  and  Philosophers,  by  a  Syllogifme  expofitorie 
thus  •.  Cicero  was  an  Orator:  but  Cicero  wasaPhilofopher  : 
Ergofovxe  men  are  both  Orators  and  Philofophers:againc,to 
ptooue  that  Tome  rich  men  are  not  wife ,  thus :  (fraffu*  was 
not  wife  ,  but  Craffus  was  rich :  Ergo ,  fome  rich  men  are  not 
wife.  Thus  you  lee  that  this  kind  of  Syllogifroeferueth  to 
proue  both  affirmatiuely  and  negatiuely,as  ic  were  by  way  of 

CHAP.    XI. 

t/fnObleftien  concerning  the  three  figures,  and 

CMoodes  belonging  to  the  fume, 

O  what  purpofe  ferue  fo  manj  figures  audmoodtj, 
fob  the  first  figure  %  And  the  foure  firfi  moodes  be- 
longing to  the  fame  Are  onely  perfett  ,  yes ;  and  fie 
lerfett  indeed,  as  the  LMathemAtietAns  in  feekwg 
out  the  truth  of  any  probleme,  willvfe  none  other, 
becAufe  the  firfi  figure  alone  doth  Juffice  to  conclude  all  kinds  of 
froblemes  whatfoeuer  they  be,  whereby  i\fhouldfe  erne, that  the  We 
other  figures,  with  their  moodes,  be  fuperfiuoiu  ? 

They  be  not  altogether  Superfluous;  for  as  the  firft  figure 
ferueth  chiefly  and  onely  to  conclude  an  vniuerfall  affirma- 
tive, fo  the  fecond  figure  ferueth  to  conclude  an  vniuerfall  nc- 
gatiue ,  and  the  third  figure  to  conclude  both  a  particular  af- 
firmatiue,  and  alio  a  particular  negatiuej  as  you  may  pcrceiue 
very  well  by  the  examples  before  rehearfed  ;  neither  bee  the 
fifreene  vnperfect.  moodes  fo  vnperfcel: ,  but  that  they  may 
eafily  bee  reduced  vnto  the  foure  perfect,  by  one  of  thele 
wayes  heere  following ,  (that  is  to  fay)  cither  by  conuerfion, 
or  by  tranfpofing  of  the  premifles  :  or  clfe  by  a  Syllogifme 
leading  to  impoltibilitie,  of  which  three  wayes  of  Reducti- 
on we 'come  now  to  fpeake:  by  which  things  it  doth  plainly 
appearc  what  difference  there  is  betwixt  a  perfect  and  vnper- 
fe£t  Syllogifme ;  for  the  perfect  Syllogifme  hath  no  need  of 
thefc  helpes  to  make  the  Conclufion  mamfeft ,  as  hath  beene* 
fa  id  before. 

V3  Of 

15©  7hefiftcBooke 

CHAP.    XII. 

OfReduBion,  and  of  the  kinds  thereof,  and  alfo  of  the  Jig- 

nif  cation  ofcertaine  confonants  in  the  words  of 

Art  fermng  to  ReduBUn. 

'<®&®m  Hat  is  Redtittion  ? 

Reduction  here  is  none  other  thing  ,  but  a 
declaration,  proouin"  or  fhewing  the  good- 
neflfe  of  an  vnperfeel:  SylJogifme,  by  a  Syllo- 
gifmc  of  a  perfect  Mood. 

How  manifold  is  fitch  Reduction  ? 

Twofold;  for  it  is  cither  ofTcnfiue,  or  elfe  by  impoflibility. 

What  is  Reduction  offenfitte  ? 

Reduction  orYentiue  is, when  aSyllogifme  is  reduced  to  his 
perfection,  eyther  by  conuerfion  or  by  tranfpofingthepre- 
miffes,  or  elfe  by  both  at  once. 

What  meane yee  by  tranfpofing  of  thepremiffes}  for  at  touching 
confer fion ye  hauefpoken  thereof  before,  Lib.  ^.cap.  6. 

ThepremilTes  arefaidtobe  tranfpofed,  whenthcMaioris 
put  in  the  Minors  place;  or  contrarivvife  the  Minor  into  the 
Maiors  place. 

What  is  Reduction  by  impoffibility  ? 

Reduction  by  impoflibilitie,  is,  when  the  goodneffe  ofthe 
Syllogifme  is  fo  prooued ,  as  the  aduerfary  denying  the  fame, 
mu  ft  needs  be  brought  r-o  fome  abfurditie,  as  to  confefle  two 
Contradictories  to  be  both  true  at  once,or  fome  proposition 
tobcfalfcjwhich  he  hath  confefled  before  to  be  true,orisma- 
nifcftlytrueof  itfelfe.  But  firft  we  will  fpeake  of  Reduction 
ofFenfiue,and  then  of  Reduction  by  impoffibility; and  becaufe 
that  Reduction oftenfiue is  done fometime  by  conuerfion.and 
fometime  by  tranfpofition,  &  fometime  by  both  at  oncetand 
againe,  that  fometime  one  ofthe  premifles,fometime  both,& 
fometime  no  more  but  the  conclusion  onely  is  conuerted,  and 
that  fometime  by  fimple  conucrfion,  &  fometime  by  conuer- 
fionperaccidens  :  the  Schoolemen  for  eafement  of  the  memo* 
Ty,haue  made  eight  ofthe  Confonants,befides  the  Vowels  in 
the  words  of  Art  before  mentioncd,to  be  (ignificatiue,and  to 


ofLogicfy.  .-iji 

declare  how  euery  propofition  ought  to  bee  reduced. 

For  firft,  thcfe  foure  Confonants,  b.c.d.f.  (  with  one  of  the 
which  euery  vnperfect  Mood  doth  begin)  doe  (hew  trm  fuch 
vnperfect  Moodes  ought  to  bee  reduced  into  thofe  perfect 
Moodes,  which  doe  begin  with  the  like  letter,  as, 

Baralipton,  Baroco,  Bocardo,  into  Btrbar  , 
Celantes,(fcfare,  Camejlres,  into  Celareut, 
Dabitis,  Darapti, Difamis, Datiji fmto  Darij, 
Fapefmo^Trifejomorum^elapton  ^Venfon^F  efiino  into  Darij  ( 

Which  be  the  other f our e  Confonants,  and  what  do  they  fgnifie  ? 

The  other  foure  Confonants  put  betwixt  the  Vowels,  bee 
thefe,/./>  m.c.  whereof/,  (ignifieth  fimple  conueriion,  (that  is 
to  fay)  that  the  Vowell,  which  next  before  this  Confonant  is 
to  be  (imply  conuerted,/>.fignifieth  conuertion  per  accidenstm. 
bctokeneth  tranfpofition  of  the  premifles,c.  in  the  latter  end 
or  midft  of  the  Mood,  bctokeneth  Reduction  by  impoflibili- 
tie,  as  in  Baroco  and  Bocardo. 

due  examples  ^andjherv  hove  fuch  Redntlion  is  to  be  wade. 
•    Fir^,as  touching  redudtton  by  conuerfion, Cefare  is  reduced 
into  Ceigrent  by  fimple  conuerfion  of  the  Maior :  as  this  Syl- 
logifmcis  Cefare. 

Ce-  T^o  tree  is  a  fenfible  body,  "7- 

fa-  But  entry  man  is  afenfible  body :     K»htch  is  reduced 

re.  Er go,  No  man  is  a  tree.  ^  *?  CeUrm>th*s* 

Ce-  No  fenfible  body  is  a  tree,  ~2- 

la-  But  euery  man  is  a  fenfible  body :  S* 

rent.  Er  go,  No  man  is  a  tree.  ^ 

And  Camefires  is  reduced  into  Ce/arentt  by  fimple  conucr- 
ting  the  Conclufion,  and  alfo  by  tranfpofing  the  premifies,as 
this  Syllogilme  in  Camefires. 

Ca-     Euery  man  is  afenfible  body,       /*,.,.       j       ? 
mcf-   But  no  tree  is  a  fenfible  body  :      K^tchts  reduced  mt- 
tres.   Ergo,  No  tree  fs  4  man.  \t0  Ctl*r«t,  tbm : 


ija  The  fift  Boo{e 

Ce-       *H_9  [enable  body  is  a  tree,  ^ 

la-         *Bu$  euery  man  is  a  fenftble  body  :  > 

rent.     Ergo,  No  msn  is  a  tree,  Jj 

Tefltne  is  reduced  into  Ferio,by  (imply  conuerting  the  Ma- 
lor,  as  in  this  Sy  llogifme  in  Fefimo. 

Fef-      No  fl one  is  a  fenftble  body y        7 

ti-         But  feme  man  is  a  fenftble  bodyh »hich  ""*""*  '»'» 

no.      Ergo,  Somemanisnot  a  floncS$  Fertotbus, 

Fe-       J1^  fenftble  body  is  aflone,  "7- 

ri-        But  fome  man  is  a  fenftble  body :  > 

o.         Ergo,  Some  man  is  not  aflone.  jr 

<Darapti\s  reduced  from  Dari)  ,  by  conuerting  the  minor 
per accidens ,as  this  Syllogifmc  in  Darapti. 

Da-     Euerymanisafubflanee,  "?         ,  .       ,       , 

rap-     But  euery  man  is  a  fenftble  body.       K^ichts  reduce  A 

ti.       Evgojomefenfiblebedyisafubftace.y"'0  DarV tbH,m 

Da-     Euerymanisafubflanee,  "7- 

ri-        But  fome  fenftble  body  is  a  man :  V 

j.         Ergo,  Some  fenftble  body  is  afubfiance.  jr 

Ferifon  is  reduced  into  Ferio,  by  fimple  conuerfion  of  the 
minor,  as  this  Syllogifme  in  Ferifen, 

Fe-     Neman  is  aflone,  ~7 ■        .  .       .      , 

ri-      'But  feme  man  u  a  fenfible  body  ■       C"***  "  "<*»«* 
fon.   Etgo,Smtfi»JMe  body  is  net  aflone  !^ lHt0  Fem  tbH4' 

Fe-      iV*  w*»  rr  a  fieney  "7 

ri-       But  fome  fenfible  body  is  a  man :  > 

fon.    Ergo,«5V*w*  fenftble  body  is  not  aflone.  ^5 

And  fo  forth  in  all  the  reft,  according  as  the  fignificatitie 
Confonants  doe  direct  you, 


of  Logicke.  ijj 

Of  Redntiisn  by  Imfoflibilitie, 

Owu  Reduction  by  imp ffibility  made  ? 

By  ioyning  the  Contradiftorie  of  the  conclu- 
fion to  one  of  the  prcmiffes ,  and  to  difpofe  the 
fame  according  to  fome  one  of  the  perfect 
Moodesof  thefirft  figure,  in  fuchfort  as  you 
iniy  thereby  make  your  Conclufion  contradictory  to  the  pre-^ 
mivTe  which  you  left  out ,  and  was  granted  by  your  aduerfary, 
whereby  your  aduerfary  is  brought  into  an  abfurditie,  to  con- 
feffe  two  contradictories,  to  be  true  both  at  once. 
(jitte  examples. 

As  for  example ,  if  your  Aduerfary  would  deny  this  Syllo- 
gifme  in  Bareco,  euery  man  is  a  fcnfible  body  :  but  fome  tree  is 
not  a  fenfible  body  :  Erg§ ,  fome  tree  is  not  a  man  :  then  you 
may  reduce  it  to  the  firft  Moode  of  the  firft  figure,  which  is 
Barbara,  by  making  the  contradictory  of  your  Conclufion  to 
be  the  Minor  of  your  Syllogifmc  in  this  fort,  Euery  man  is  a 
fcnfiblc  body :  but  euery  tree  is  a  man:  Ergo ,  euery  tree  is  a 
fenfible  body  :  which  argument  hee  cannot  denie,  becaufe  hee 
hath  granted  the  Minor  to  be  true :  for  if  this  Propofitron/ome 
tree  is  not  a  man,  bee  falfe,  then  this  propofition,euery  tree  is  a 
man,  muft  needs  bee  true,  for  two  Contradictories  cannot  bee 
both  true  at  once  ,  and  two  true  premiflfes  muftneedesinferre 
a  true  Conclufion;  and  note  that  according  to  the  diuerfitic 
of  the  figures,  the  Contradictory  of  the  Conclufion  is  diuerfiy 
difpofed  (that  is  to  fay  )  made  eyther  Maior  or  Minor  accor- 
dingly ;  for  in  all  the  Moodesof  the  fecond  figure  it  mult  bee 
made  the  Minor,  the  former  Maior  being  ilill  referued;  and  in 
the  third  figure  it  muft  bee  the  Maior ,  the  former  Minor  being- 
ftill  referued. 

To  which  of  the  perfett  is  euery  vnf  erf eH  Meeds  to  bee 
reduced  by  impeJfibiUtie?  - 

To  know  this,  it  fhall  bee  needfull  to  learne  ,  firft,  the  vfe  oi 
certainc  words  compounded  of  diuers  fillables,  and  inucnted 
by  theSchooiemen  for  this  purpofe. 

X  Wljuh 

154  Thefifi  Booty 


The  words  bee  thefe  contayned  in  this  Verfe  following,  wr- 
fciebatis:  o  die  bam  :  let  are  Romania :  whereof  the  fttfttiefciebatM, 
contayning  fiue  fillables,reprefenteth  the  flue  vnperfe&  Moods 
of  the  firlt  figure  :  odiebam  hauing  foure  fillables,  betokeneth 
thefourc  vnperfeilMoodesof  the  fecond  figure:  letareRoma- 
nkt  contayning  fixe  fillables,  fignifieth  the  fixe  vnperfect  Moods 
of  the  third  figure  :  in  all  which  words  the  foure  Vowels,  a.  c.  i. 
o.  doe  (till  retaine  their  old  fignifications  before  taught,  fcruing 
here  chiefly  to  fhew  the  quantitie  and  qualitie  of  euery  Con- 
clusion, for  euery  vnperfecl:  Moodc  muft  bee  reduced  to  that 
perfedt  Moode  of  the  firft  figure ,  which  hath  fuch  Conclufion 
as  that  vowell  of  the  fillable  reprefenting  that  vnpcrfec-1  Mood 
doth  fignifie  :  as  for  example  in  this  word  nefciebatis ,  here  you 
fee  ,  that  in  the  fillable  nef.  reprefenting  the  firft  vn perfect 
Moode  called  before  Baralipton,  the  vowell  e.  fignifying  an  vni- 
uerfall  negatiue  ,  doth  fhew  that  this  Moode  is  to  bee  reduced 
into  £V/4r*»f,whofe  coclufion  is  an  yniuerfall  negatiue,fo  as  by 
the  order  of  the  fillables  in  the  word  nefciebatis ,  together  with 
the  fignification  of  the  vowels  contained  in  the  fa  id  fillables, 
you  may  plainly  perceiue  that  Baraliptony  is  to  bee  reduced  into 
Celarer.t:  Celantes  into  Dart]  ,  Dabitis  into  Celarent ,  Fapefmo 
mtorBarbar'a ,  FrtJ'elon into  T^arij.  The  like  obferuation  and 
consideration  is  to  be  had  in  the  other  words ,  reprefenting  the 
reft  of  the  imperfect  Moodesof  the  fecond  and  third  figure:for 
odiebam  appoint eth  Cefve  to  be  reduced  into  Feriot  Camejlresto 
X>arjjt  Fejlino  to  Celarent t  Biraco  to  'Barbara  :  againe,  letare  Rt- 
manis  appointeth  Darapti  to  Celirent,  Fclayton  to  Barbara,  Dtf- 
amis  to  Celarent^  Datfjl  to  Ftrto,  Bocardo  to  Barbara ,  and  Feri- 
fon  to  Dari),  whereof  I  giue  you  no  examples ,  becaufe  I  would 
haueyoutoexercife  your  felfe  in  examining  the  former  exam- 
ples of  the  three  figures, and  to  fee  how  you  can  reduce  each  vn- 
perfedl;  Moode,  to  his  perfect  Moode  by  impoffibilitic ,  accor- 
ding to  thefe  fhort  Rules  here  fet  downe. 

The  Schoolemen  ,  after  they  haue  taught  the  vfe  of  the 
Moodes,  and  of  reduction,  doe  immediately  treate  of  a  Syllo- 
gifmejinade  in  oblique  cafes,  and  alfoof  the  fixe  habilities, 


o/Logic{e,  i# 

and  three  defers  of  a  Syllogifme  :  all  which  I  willingly  patfe 
ouerwithfilence,  as  things  more  curious  then  profitable  ,  for 
truly  I  know  not  whereto  the  Syllogifme  made  in  oblique  Ca- 
fes, doth  ferue  more  then  for  varietie  fake. 

Of  Syltogifmes  made  in  oblique  Cafes ,  an  d  of  the  fixe  Habili- 
ties,  and  three  defetts  of  a  Syllogifme. 

Hat  mcAns  you  by  eblique.Cafes  ? 

You  learned  in  your  Accidents,  that  euerie 
Nounc  hath  fixe  Cafes,  (that  is  to  fay)  the  No- 
minatiue,  the  Genitiue,  the  Datiue,  the  Accufa- 
tiue,the  Vocatiue,  and  the  Ablatiue,  whereof  the 
Nominatiueisonely  right,  and  all  the  reft  are  called  oblique: 
as  this  is  a  Syllogifme  made  in  oblique  Cafes:  euery  drawing 
beaft  belonged-)  to  man,  or  is  the  beaft  of  man  :  but  an  Oxe  is  a 
drawing  beaft  :  Ergo,  an  Oxc  belongeth  to  man,  or  is  the  beaft 
ofman:and  as  for  the  fixe  liabilities  called  fexpotejijtes  Sytlo- 
gifmi,  they  are  but  meanes  to  prooue  the  goodnefle  of  one  Syl- 
logifme by  another,  ortofhew  which  is  more  vniuerfall,  or 
comprehendethmore  then  another,"  or  to  conclude  a  truth  of 
falfe  premises,  which  God  wot  is  a  filly  kind  of  condufion,the 
beft  parts  of  which  habilities  are  more  eafily  learned  by  the 
rules  and  examples  before  giuen  ,  then  by  thofe  that  they  fet 
downe  in  their  Treatifes  touching  the  fame.  Likewife  the  three ' 
defecls,  are  none  other  but  Elencbes  or  Fallaxes ,  whereof  there 
bee  thirteene  kinds  fet  downe  by  Ariftotle  himfelfe,  whereof 
we  (hal  fpeake  hereafter,in  their  place,fo  as  they  might  fay  that 
there  are  thirteene  defects  as  well  as  three,and  therefore  leauing 
to  trouble  you  with  thefc  things,  I  mind  here  to  treat  of  a  com- 
pound Syllogifme. 

X  z  CHAP. 

i5<5  TbefiftcBoo\e 

CHAP.   XV. 

Of  a  compound  Syllogifme ,  and  of  the  diners  kinds 

Hat  k  a  compound  Syllogifme ,  and  bow  many  kinds 
) thereof be  theft  ? 

A  compound  SylJogifmc  is  that  which  is  made 
of  compound  Proportions,  whereof  there  bee 
three  forts  ,  fo  they  make  three  kinds  of  com- 
pound Syllogifmcs,(that  is  to  fay)conditionall,  difiunctiue,and 

Of  how  many  farts  doth  a  compound  Sj/Hogtfme  conjifi  ? 

Of  three,  as  well  as  a  fimple  Syllogifme,  that  is,  of  the  Ma- 
ior,  contayning  two  fimple  Propositions ,  and  of  the  Minor,  re- 
peating the  one  part  of  the  Maior,and  of  the  Conclusion,  con- 
cluding the  other  part  of  the  Maior  ,  as  in  this  example  :  if  this 
woman  hath  had  a  childe,  fhee  hath  layne  with  a  man :  but  fhee 
hath  had  a  childe :  Ergo,  (he  hath  layne  with  a  man. 

How  is  the  truth  of  a  compound  Syllogifme  to  be  found  out  f 

By  reducing  the  fame  into  a  fimple  Syllogifme  thus  ;  euery 
woman  that  hath  had  a  childe,  hath  layne  with  a  man:  but  this 
woman  hath  had  a  child*1:  Ergo,  {he  hath  layne  with  a  man. 

o/4re  there  no  other  kinds  of  compound  Syllogifmes  ? 

No,  if  you  confider  the  order  of  concluding^  therebeebut 
three  kinds  or  wayes,  (that  is  to  fay)  conditionall,  difiunftiue 
and  copulatiuc  •  but  ifyou  confider  the  yarietie  in  vttering  fuch 
Sy  Ilogifmes,  you  may  make  fcucn  forts  or  wayes,  whereof  three 
appertaine  to  the  conditional!  ,  two  to  the  difiun&iue,  and  two 
co  the  copulatiuc 

.Which  is  thefirft  way> 

The  firft  way  is  of  the  Antecedent,  which  being  granted, 
the  conicquent  mufl: needes  follow, both  affirmatively,  and  ne- 
gatiucly :  Amrmatiuely  thus:ifhebe  godly,heisblefTed:  hee  is 
godly,  therefore  bleflcd  :  negatiuely  thus ,  if  he  bee  not  godly3 
hee  fhalhiot  bee  bleiTed ,  but  hee  is  not  godly  :  Ergo}  hee  is  not 

Which  is  thefecondwaj? 


of  Logicfy.  iyy 

The  fecond  way  is  of  the  Confequent,  which  failing,  the  An- 
tecedent rnuft  alfo  needs  faile,as  thus  :If  hebe  wifc,he  is  free;  but 
he  is  not  free:  Srgo,  not  wife. 

Which  is  the  third  way  > 

The  third  way ,  is  when  by  granting  the  Antecedent,  the 
Confcquent  faileth,  as  thus :  If  he  be  not  wife,  hce  is  wretched; 
but  he  is  wife  :  £ rgoy  not  wretched. 

Which  is  the  fourth  way  ? 

The  fourth  way,  is  when  the  former  part  of  the  Maior  Pro- 
portion di/iundiue  being  put,  the  latter  part  is  cleane  taken  a- 
way,  as  thus :  He  is  ey ther  good  or  euill  ;  but  hceis  good :  £r- 
£»,  not  euill.  . 

Which  is  thefft  way  ? 

The  fift  way,  is  when  the  former  part  of  the  Difiun&iue  be- 
ing taken  away,the  latter  part  muft  needes  ftand,  as  thus:Hec  is 
ey  ther  good  or  euill ;  but  he  is  not  good  :  Ergo ,  he  is  euill ;  for 
all  Syllogifmes  Difiun&iue,  are  made  for  the  moft  part  of  patts 
repugnant,whereof  there  can  be  no  more,  but  one  true  part. 

Which  is  thefixt  way}  ■ 

Thefixt  way,  is  by  putting  a  Negatiue  before  the  Coniunc- 
tion  copulatiue,  fo  as  it  maketh  the  Antecedent  to  ftand,and  ta- 
keth  away  the  Confequent,  as  thus:  Heeisnot  both  wife  and 
wretched;  but  he  is-wife :  Ergo,  not  wretched. 

Which  is  thtfenenth  way  ? 

The  feuenth  way,is  when  the  Negatiue  is  placed  in  like  man- 
ner before  theConiundt'ton  copulatiue,  but  yet  fo  as  the  Ante- 
cedent being  taken  away,  the  Confequent  doth  ftand,  as  thus : 
Heeisnot  both  wife  and  wretched;  but  hee  is  not  wife :  Ergo, 

X  3  CHAP. 

ij8  Tbefift  cBoo{e 


Of  a  Confequent  i  and  by  xehatmeanes  and rules the  good- 
tteffe  thereof  is  to  be  knovrnc, 

Vt  fith  the  goodnelTe  of  an  Hypothetical!  Syllo- 
gtfme  dependeth  vpon  the  goodnefle  of  the  Con- 
,  fequent :  it  fliall  not  be  amiffe  to  treat  heere  of  a 
)  Confequent,  and  firft  to  define  what  it  is ,  and  to 
'  fhevv  how  it  is  diuided.  * 
What  is  &  (fonfequent } 

AConfequent,  is  a  fpsech  confifting  of  fuch  parts  as  doc 
follow  one  another,  and  are  ioyned  together  with  fome  ratio- 
nail,  (that  is  to  fay)  an  inferring  or  imploying  Coniunction,  as 
Erjrot  then,  therefore,  and  fuch  like. 

How  many  farts  are  ree^uifte  in  a  Confequent  ? 
Three,  that  is,  the  Antecedent ,  the  Confequent,  and  the  in- 
ferring Signe  or  Note,for  of  thefe  three  parts  euery  Confequent 

Hon?  is  it  diuided  > 

Into  two,  that  is,  Good  and  Euill :  againe,  the  good  is  diui- 
ded into  two,  that  is  formall  and  Materiall. 
When  is  it  [aid  to  be  Formall} 

When  the  Antecedent  being  true,  the  Confequent  dothne- 
ccflarily  follow  thereof,  as  when  I  fay  :  This  woman  hath  had  a 
child,  Ergot  fhc  hath  layne  with  a  man. 
When  ts  it  J aid  to  be  Mat er tali  ? 

When  the  Confequent  doth  not  of  neceflitic,  but  cafually 
follow,  the  Antecedent  being  true  :asS<w<#«walketh  abroad: 
£rgo,\t  isfaire  weather. 

Whereupon  doth  the  goodneffe  of  a  Confequent  chief ely  defend} 
It  dependeth  not  fo  much  of  the  truth  of  the  Antccedent,and 
of  the  Confequent,  as  of  the  neceflary  conncxion,or  knitting  of 
them  together :  and  if  the  fame  be  in  forme  of  a  Syllogifme ,  ic 
requireth  alfo  the  precepts  of  Mood  and  Figure  before  taught 


ofLogic^e.  159 

Mow  elfeJbaU  4  ftfM*  know  whether  a  Cenfequent  be  good  or  not  f 

By  examining  the  fame  with  the  Maximes  or  gcncrall  Rules 
of  the  places :  whereof  fome  doe  yceld  proofes  or  caufes  neccf- 
fary.fome  probable,  and  fome  only  conie&urall. 

Iffy  at  rules  doe  the  Schoolemenfet  dswne  to  know  a  goood  Confe- 
quent ? 

They  fet  downe  fome  more,  fome  leiTe,  but  Cefarins  only  re- 
citeth  two,  which  are  thefe:  The  firftis,  ifa  Confequent  doth 
neceflarily  follow  of  his  Antecedent ,  then  the  contrary  of  the 
Antecedent  muft  necdes  neceflarily  follow  the  contrarie  of  the 
Confequent:  As  for  example, becaufe  this  is  a  good  Confequenc 
to  fay,it  is  a  man  :  Ergo,\t  is  a  fenfible  body  :  it  is  a  good  Confe- 
quent to  fay,  it  is  no  fenfible  body:  Ergo,  it  is  no  man  :the  rca- 
fon  thereof  is,  becaufe  the  contrary  of  the  Confequent  and  the 
Antecedent  cannot  bee  both  true  together,  but  one  of  them 
muft  needs  be  falfe.Thc  fecond  rule  is,  that  whatfoeuer  follow- 
eth  vpon  a  good  Confequent,muft  needes  alfo  follow  vpon  the 
Antecedent  thereof:  As  for  example/if  it  be  a  good  Confequent 
to  fay,it  is  a  man:£ rgo,\t  is  a  fenfire  body  :ye  may  afwell  fay,if 
it  be  a  fenfible  body :  Ergo, it  is  a  fubftance :  and  fith  that  a  fenfi- 
ble body  is  a  may  therefore  as  well  conclude  that 
a  man  is  a  fubftance.To  thefe  rules  you  may  adde  alfo  the  third, 
which  is,that  of  true  things,  nothing  can  follow  but  truth:  but 
©f  falfe  thingSjfometime  that  which  is  falfe,  and  fometime  that 
which  is  true,  as  hath  beene  faid  before :  and  yet  fuch  truth  fol- 
loweth  not  by  vertue  of  the  falfe  premifcs,but  becaufe  the  con- 
clufion  or  Confequent  is  a  true  Propofition  of  it  felfe:  As  in  this 
this  example.  .Euery  fenfible  body  is  a  tree,  but  euery  Pcare- 
tree  is  a  fenfible  body  :Ergot  euery  Pearc-trec  is  a  tree. 


itfo  The  f/t  (Boo{e 

Of  4  Sjllogifmi  Demonf  ratine. 

|  Ttherto  wee  haue  treated  of  a  Syllogifme,  accor- 
ding to  the  firft  three  of  the  foure  diuifiont 
thereof,  before  mentioned :  for  if  yce  remember 
well,  wee  faid  that  according  to  the  firft  diluti- 
on ,  a  Syllogifme  is  either  Categoricall  or  Hy- 
pothetical!, according  to  the  fecond  diuifion ,  eyther  commom 
or  expository,  according  to  the  third  diuifion ,  either  perfect  or 
vnperfedt  and  according  to  the  fourth  diuifion,  cither  Demon- 
firatiue>Dialec^icall,  or  Sophifticall,  whereof  we  come  now  to 
fpeake,  and  firft  of  a  Syllogifme  Demonftratiue. 

What  u  a  Syllogifme Demonftratiue ? 

A  Syllogifme  Demonftratiue  is  that  which  is  made  of  nc- 
cefiary ,  immediate ,  true ,  certainc,  and  infallible  Propofi- 
tions ,  being  firft  and  fo  knovvne ,  as  they  neede  none  other 

fVhat  meane  yen  by  necejfary  and  immediate  Prepojttietts  ? 

Ncceffary  Propofitious  be  thofe  which  cannot  beotherwife, 
as  thofe  which  doe  confift  of  the  gencrall  kinde,  of  the  fpcciall 
kinde ,  of  the  difference ,  or  of  the  propertie ,  as  hath  beene 
faid  before :  and  therefore  9s4riflotle  makcth  a  difference  be- 
twixt a  Demonftratiue  and  a  Diale£ticall  Proportion  :  for  a 
Demonftratiue  Proportion  confifting  of  matter  naturall,  is  ne- 
ceffarily  true,  and  cannot  be  otherwife,  but  a  Diale&icallPro. 
pofition  ,  confifting  of  matter  contingent,  or  cafuall ,  is  oncly 
probable,  and  may  beotherwife. 

What  be  immediate  Propofitiot/s  ? 

Immediate  Proportions  are  thofe  which  are  firft,  and  haue 
none  before  them,  whereby  they  can  bee  prooued :  aseuery 
fenfible  body  endued  with  reafon,  isaptto  learne.  lAnftotlc 
alfo  fetteth  downe  three  properties  or  conditions  belonging 
to  the  Subie6r  and  Predicate  of  a  Demonftratiue  Propofition. 

Winch  be  thofe'Properties  > 

J         -  Thcfe, 

of  Logic ke*  161 

Thefetobefpoken  of  all,  by  it  felfe,  and  vniuerfally. 

What  id  to  be  fpokjrt  of  all  ? 

Ic  is  when  the  Predicate  isknowne  to  bee  altogether  and  aJ- 
waics  in  the  Subject ,  either  as  a  part  of  the  fubftance  thereof, 
as  when  it  is  a  generall  kinde,  the  fpeciallkinde,  the  difference, 
or  the  propcrtie,  as  fome  infeparablc  accident  alwaies  incident 
to  the  faid  fubictt,as  when  I  fay :  Euery  man  is  a  fenfible  body: 
oreuery  mm  is  endued  with  reafon  -:  or  euery  man  is  apt  to 
fpeake  :  or  euery  Swanne  is  white:  or  euery  fire  is  hot. 

What  u  to  be  jpoken  kj  it  felfe  ? 

That  is,  when  the  Predicate  is  eyther  the  definition  of  the 
Subicit,  as  a  man  is  a  fenfible  bodie  endued  with  reafon:  or 
elfe  fome  part  of  the  Definition,  as  a  man  is  afenfiblc  bodie,  or 
man  is  endued  with  reafon. 

What  is  to  bcJpoktM  vnitter faUy  ? 

It  is  when  the  Predicate  is  in  the  Subic£t,  and  in  euery  fuch 
SubiccSt.  by  it  felfe;  and  firft ,  as  when  I  fay  ,  a  man  is  a  fenfiblc 
body  endued  with  reafon:  heercthis  Predicate  fenfible  body 
endued  with  reafon,  is  not  onely  fpoken  of  man,  but  of  euery 
man  in  generall  by  it  felfe :  and  firft :  for  if  yee  fhould  fay,  Pe- 
ter ox  Socrates  is  a  fenfible  body  endued  with  reafon:  heercthe 
Predicate  is  not  fpoken  of  any  of  thefe,  as  firft,  but  in  the  fe- 
cond  place,  becaufe  they  are  comprehended  vnder  the  word 
man.  For  generall  kindes  are  faid  to  be  before  fpeciall  kindes, 
and  fpeciall  kindes  before  Indiuiduums,as  hath  bin  faid  before* 

Hon? doth  Ariftotlc  define  Demonflratton} 

In  this  fort  :  Demonstration  is  a  Syllogifme  made  of  fuch 
Propositions  as  are  true:firft  immediate,  &  manifeftly  knowne, 
and  be  thecaufes  of  theconclufion  :  firft  and  immediate  here 
is  all  one,  Signifying  fuch  Propositions  as  nce-d  notcobeepro- 
ued  or  made  more  cuident  by  any  other  former  Propoiitions. 
Againc  ,  thepremifes  muft  bee  more  kaowne  then  theconclu- 
fion, for  otherwifeit  fhnuld  neither  be  Demonftration,  nor  ycc 
good  Syllogifme.  Finally,  the  Premifes  muft  render  the  very 
caufeof  the  conclufion:  and  therefore  Arijieth  in  another  place 
faith,  that  Demonftration  is*a  Syllogifme  caufing  knowledge 
and  feience. 

Y  WaAt 

\6l  ^he  fift  ^Eooke 

What  is  Science  ? 

It  is  a  firme  and  affurcd  knowledge  of  any  thing. 

We  are  laid  to  know  a  thing  ,  when  wee  know  the  true  cau- 
fes  thereof,  and  that  it  cannot  beoiherwife  :  f  r  to  make  a  per- 
fect Demonftration,  wee  mult  not  only  flit  w  that  there  is  futh 
a  tning  as  we  g©c about  toprooue,but  alfo  wee  inuft  fliew  the 
cauFe  why  it  is  fo  :  for  (as  Anfiotle  \%\i\\ )  euery  difcipline  and 
doctrine  intcllccliue    dependeth  vpon  a  former  knowledge, 
which  is  two. fold,  whereof  the  one  is  to  know  thacthe  prin- 
ciples (that  is  to  lay)  the  premiles  of  the  Demonitration  bee 
true,  and  the  other  is  to  know  the  true  fignification  of  the  Sub- 
ject and  Predicate  of  the  qucftion  :  for  vnleffe  a  man  know 
what  the  name  of  the  Subiecl:  fignifieth,  whereof  the  queftion 
rifeth,andall*3  the  proper  qualhies  of  the  fame,  how  (Tiall  hee 
-  bee  able  to  judge,  whether  the  proofe  which  is  b  ought  in  to 
proue  the  queltion  withall  be  to  the  purpofe  or  not  ?  Againe, 
vnkflfe  hee  know  the  premifes  to  bee  true,  the  Demon  ftration 
fhall  breed  no  certaine  knowledge  in  him. 
Gins  example  of  a  SjUogifme  Dem-wftratiue,- 
Let  this  be  your  example  :  euery  fenfible  body  endued  with 
reafon,  is  apt  tole*rne  :  but  euery  man  is  a  fenfible  body  en- 
dued with  leafon :  Erg**  f  uery  man  is  apt  to  learne.  Heere  you 
fee  that  in  this  Syllogifme  the  premifes  being  true  and  firO, 
doe  render  the  caufe  of  the  concluiion  :  and  thereby  doe 
imply  a  moft  true  Confequent :  for  whofo  would  goe  about  to 
demonltrate  anv  of  the  prtmifes  by  fome  other  former,  or 
more  knowne  Proportions,  lliould  lofe  his  labour,  fith  there 
is  none  before  them  more  certaine,  nor  more  knowne  to  proue 
this  eonclufion  wtthail  then  they  :  for  tovnderltand  the  truth 
of  theie  prcmifes,it  fufficeth  onely  to  know  the  fignification  of 
thetcrmes,  and  to  haue  fome  experience  of  the  thing  called 
Man  :  and  therefore  this  kind  of  Demonstration  is  called  of  the 
Schoo!e-mcn  ,  Sjiiogi[mm  Seiinuficttt ,  becaufc  it  yeeldeththe 
perfect  knowledge  and  Science  of  the  thing  in  queltion. 


of  Logic  ke.  143 

Of  the  cert aim te  of  mans  knowledge. 

Hereof  dcpendeth  the  ceruintit  of  CM  am  k»oiv- 
let.  ct  ? 

Of  three  things,  that  is,  of  vniuerfall  expe- 
rience, of  principles,  and  of  naturall  knowledge 
rhat  a  man  haih  in  iudging  or  Confequents: 
forthefe  bee  three  infallible  rules  of  certitude  or  truth  in  all 
kindes  of  Doctrine. 
<L.    What  is  vmuerjali  experience  ? 

Vniuerfall  experience  is  the  common  iudgementof  men,  in 
fuch  things  as  are  to  be  perceiued  and  known c  by  the  outward 
fences :  as  Fire  to  bee  hor ,  the  Heauens  to  rurne  round  about, 
Wine  and  Pepper  to  bee  hottc  in  operation  ,  Women  to  bring 
forth  Children,  and  noc  Men  :  which  things  all  men  (vnlciTe 
they  bee  madde,  and  cut  of  their  wits)muft  needes  confelTeto 
be  true. 

What  be  P  rineiples .?  • 

Principles  bee  certaine  generall  conceptions  and  naturall 
knowledges  grafted  in  mansmindcof  God  ,  to  the  intent  that 
by  the  helpe  thereof,  he  might  ;nuent  fuch  Arts  asarenecelfary 
in  this  life  tor  mans  behootc  ;  for  by  thenaturallknowledge  of 
the  mind  we  vnderftand  Number,  Order,  Proportion,  and  ail 
other  neccflary  Arts  and  Sciences. 

How  doth  Ariftotle  dfine  'Principles  ? 

In  this  manner :  Principles  be  true  Propofitions,  hauing  cre- 
dit of  themfclues,  and  need  no  other  proofe. 

How  many  Diui/ions  doe  the  SchooU-tnen  make  Principles  ? 


Rehearfe  thoferDim(jons. 

Thefirrtis,  of  Principles  ,  fome  be  called  Speculatiue,  and 
fomc  Pra&iue  :The  fpcculatiucbee  thole  naturall  knowledges 
or  Propofitions,  whereof  Naturall  Philofophie  or  the  Mathe- 
matical! Sciences  be  grounded,  as.  thefe:The  whole  is  more 
then  his  part:  Thofe  things  which  are  cqua'l  to  a  third,  are 

Y  2  equall 

\6\  cIhefiftcBooke 

cquall  among  themfelues :  of  one  fimple  body,  there  is  but  one 
naturall  moouing,  and  fuel)  like.    The  Principles  Practiue,  bee 
thofe  naturall  knowledges,  whereby  mens  manners  are  gouer- 
ned  :  tor  by  this  naturall  light  we  know  the  difference  betwixc 
good  and  euill  :  As  for  example  :  thefe  be  Principles  Pr3Ctiue  : 
God  is  to  be  honoured  and  obeyed  :  Iulrice  is  to  be  embraced:. 
cjuill  focietie  is  to  bee  maintained ,  and  the  difiurbcrs  thereof 
to  bee  punifhed  :  thefe  and  fuch  likePropofitions  are  naturally 
receiued  of  all  men  as  infallible  verities. Againe,  of  Principles, 
fome  bee  called  Generall,  and  feme  Proper.  The  Generall,  bee 
shofc  that  may  be  applycd  to  many  Seiences,as  thcfe:the  whole 
is  more  then  any  of  his  parts,  if  equall  be  taken  from  equally- 
quail  doe  remaine  and  fuch  like.    The  proper  Principles  bee 
ihofe,  that  are  properly  belonging  to  fome  one  certainc  Sci- 
ence ,  as  a  Line  to  bee  a  length  without  breath,  is  a  principle  of 
Geometric :  Againe,  this  proportion,  euery  thing  is,  or  is  not, 
is  a  principle  of  Logick:  and  to  bee  fhort,  euery  Science  hath 
his  proper  principles :  of  which  4fome  bee  called  Dignities  or 
Maximcs,  and  fome  Pofitions. 

Wherefore  *rc  they  calfai  Dignities  or  Max'mcs  } 
For  that  they  are  worthy  to  bee  credited  for  their  fclfe  fake, 
for  fo  foone  as  we  heare  them  in  fuch  fpcech  as  we  vndcrftand, 
we  naturally  know  them  to  be  true  without  any  further  proofe 
as  thefe.  Take  equall  from  equall,  and  cquall  will  remaine :  the 
-whole  is  more  then  any  of  his  parts,  &c» 
wbAt  be  Pfijithtti  ? 

Pofitions  be  thofe  principles,  which  although  they  need  no 
other  pi©ofe,yet  they  be  not  Co  eafily  vnderftood  of  all  menac 
the  firft  vttering,  as  Maximes  bee:  for  in  thefe,  befidesthe 
knowledge  of  the  termes,  itisneedfull  to  hauealfo  fome  ex- 
perience, as  in  thefe  Principles.  Euery  thing  that  is  compoun- 
ded of  matter  and  forme  is  moucable:  whatfocuer  is  heauie, 
tendeth  naturally  downward,  and  whatfoeuer  is  light,  tendeth 
vpwards.  Againe,  of  Pofitions,  fome  arc  called  Definitions, 
and  fome  Suppositions ,  and  of  Suppofltions ,  fome  are  called 
Petitions,  called  in  L  atinc  PtfitUta,  and  fome  Suppositions  af« 
fumptcd. . 


of  Logicfy.  1^5 

Define  the fe kinds  1 

i  Definition  fheweth  whst  the  thing  is. 

2  Suppofition  is  that  which  fuppofeth  a  thing  to  be,  or  not 
to  be,as  the  Geometricians  doe  fuppofc  that  there  is  Vunttum^ 
(that  is  to  fay)  apricke,  or  athingindiuifible,  hauing  neither 
length,  bredth,  nor  depth. 

3  Petition  is  a  Proposition  asked  and  granted  to  be  true:  as 
this  is  a  petition  in  Geometry,  that  a  man  may  draw  a  right 
Line  from  one  point  to  another. 

4  Suppofition aftumptcd  is,  when  amanifeft  fuppefition  is 
afftimpted  to  proue  another  thing  withali,  as  to  proue  that  Dc- 
monftration  confificth  of  true  Propofitions ,  the  Difputer  will 
aflumpt  this  aflcrtion,  which  faith,  that  of  falfc  things  there  is 
no  certaine knowledge  :and  tructhis  notknowncbut  of  true 

WkM  U  the  third  thing  whereof  the  eertetintie  of  mans  hnvwhdgs 
dependeth  ? 

It  is  the  knowledge  that  man  hath  in  iudging  of  Confe- 
quencs ,  which  is  not  altogether  artificial!,  but  partly  natural!, 
for  God  thought  it  not  fumYicnt  for  mans  behoofc  to  know 
fimp!c  Propofitions ,  as  Principles  or  common  Conceptions 
gotten  by  experience,  vnleflfe  hce  could  alfo  compare  them 
together,  and  ioyne  things  like  ,  and  agreeable  together, 
and  feuer  things  vnlike  ,  and  difagreeing  one  from  ano- 
ther, and  by  fuch  comparifon  and  compofitionto  finde  out 
things  before  not  knowne:  and  to  the  intent  wee  lliould  not 
tire  or  wander  out  of  the  right  way ,  God  hath  fhewed  vs  an 
order,  and  prefcribt'd  certaine  bounds  and  limits  of  ncceflitie 
to  bee  obferued  in  fuch  compofition,  which  bounds  arc  Syllo- 
gifmes  rightly  made:  for \o  doe  the  Confequcnts  plainly  ap- 
peare:And  becaufc  that  proportions  are  knowne  by  nature, 
it  fhall  not  be  amiflc  to  giue  you  an  example  in  numbers  :for 
three  knowne  numbers  being  placed  in  true  order  of  aSyllo- 
gifme,  a  fourth  number  Ynknowne,ofnecciTitie  doth  follow,  as 
in  this  quertion :  If  one  pound  of  W3xc  be  worth  a  groat,  what 
is  tenne  pound  of  waxe  worth?,  which 
isproouedby  aSyllogifmc  in  this  manner  :  Euery  pound  of 

Y>3  waxe 

104  The  fift  cBoo{e 

waxe  is  worth  a  groat,but  here  is  ten  pound  of  waxe :£Vg#,they 
are  worth  ten  groats  :  and  like  as  in  thefe  kinds  of  SiLIog  fires 
Arithmetical!,  the  proportion  which  i»  to  bee  Judged  by  mans 
naturall  knowledge,  doth  fhew  the  Consequent  tobeeintalli- 
ble,eucn  fo  the  Confequcnts  in  other  Syllogifmes  arc  fbewed 
to  be  infallible, by  fucb  demonftrations  as  arc  not  farrc  fetched, 
or  doubcfull,  but  are  manifeft,  plaine  and  euident. 

CHAP.    XIX. 

Of  the  two  kjfidj  of  DernsKfiratton, 

Ore  doe  the  SchaeLmen  dittide  Vtmorftration  ? 

Inro  two;  thatis,  perfect  and  vnperfeel:  and 
they  call  the  perfect ,  dttnexftratio  propter  quid: 
and  the  vnperfecH,  dtmo?,flratio  qui*  (ft. 

It  is  perfect,  when  it  proccedeth  from  the 
proper  caufe  to  the  effect,  called  or  the  Schoolcn  en ,  aprtcre  : 
for  in  that  dcmonilration  the  Antecedent  contained)  tie  pro- 
per and  true  caufe  of  the  confequentj  as  when  we  fay,thc  Sunnc 
is  vp-.Ergo,  it  is  day. 

What  is  to  be  obfsYued  in  aperfett  D  em  en  fir at  ion? 
That  the  Predicate  of  {he  Conclusion,  which  is  alfo  Predi- 
cate in  the  Maior,  bee  flrft,  properly,  alwayes,  and  that  really 
and  accidentally,  incident  to  the  fubied  of  the  Maior,  and  to 
euery  thing  contained  vnder  the  facie;  which  fubieftmuft  bee 
fome  gcnerall  kind,  and  the  very  meane  or  prcofe  of  your  con- 
clusion :  As  for  example,  if  you  would  prooue  a  Cocke  to  be  a 
feathered  fowle  ,  it  were  not  a  fuflficientdemonftration  to  fay, 
that  euery  flying  bcaft  is  a  feathered  fowle;  for  fome  beaftcs 
fiye.thathaue  no  feathcrs<as  Backs,thatfiiein  the  night  feafon. 
But  if  you  fay,  that  eucry  Bird  is  a  feathered  fowle ,  and  euery 
G?eke  is  aBird:  Ergo3  eucry  Cocke  is  a  feathered  fowle  :  you 
fhall  make  a  perfect  demonflration  ,  becaufc  theSubiecl' ,  and 
Predicate  of  the  Maior,  haue  fuch  conditions  as  are  before  re- 
quiredjfor  this  Maior  flic weth  the  thing  to  be,andalfo  where- 
fore it  isjwhich  is  done  fc  often  as  the  Predicate  is  the  true  de- 

of  Logic %e.  j6j 

jfinition  of  the  Subiecl :  as  when  I  fay ,  Euery  man  is  a  fenfible  . 
body  endued  with  reafon  ,  or  elie  fome  chiefe  part  of  the  defi- 
nition,as  when  I  fay, Euery  man  is  endued  with  reifon,  as  hath 
beenefaid  before:  for  euery  good  demonstration  is  either  made 
of  a  true  definition  ,or  taken  from  the  gent  ralkind,fpecial  kind, 
or  clfe  from  the  ipeciall  difference,  orprop'rtie,  yea,and  fome- 
time  they  may  bee  taken  out  of  the  whole  and  of  the  parts ,  of 
the  proper  caufes  and  effects,  of  perpetual!  adiacents,o:hervvife 
called  common  accidents,of  proper  a£ts,of  comrarieties,and  of 
diu:ne  authoritie,whereof  you  haue  had  examples  before  in  the 
Treatifc  of  places,  and  fratesof  arguments. 
When  u  it  t  atd  to  bt  an  vnptrfeH  Demon  fir  at  ion  ? 
When  the  prem  ffes  are  true,  implying  a  true  Confequent, 
but  yet  arc  notfirlt,  neither  doe  they  fhew  the  originall  caufe 
of  the  Conclusion  ;  as  in  this  example:  Eufry  fenhblebo"dyis 
rii  urifhable  ;  but  euery  man  is  a  fenfib'.ebody :  £^o/urrvir  in 
is  nourifhab!e:here  though  the  premifles  be  true  1  ropofitions, 
yet  they  be  not  firl-f ,  neither  doc  they  fhew  the  originall  caufe 
of  the  Conclufion:  for  the  Maiorof  this  Syllogilme  may  bee 
ptooued  by  a  former  and  more  knownc,  Proportion;  for  than 
which  is  more  gcncrall,is  more  knowne  then  that  which  is  leffc 
general!,  as  thus  :  Euery  lining  body  is  nourifhable;  but  euery 
fenfible  body  is  a  liuing  body  :  Ergo  3  euery  fenfible  body  is 
nourifhable.  Againe,  it  is  faid  lobe  vnperfeCr,  when  we  pro- 
ceed from  the  effect  to  the  caufe;  as  when  we  fay,  it  is  day  :  Er~ 
got  the  Sunne  is  vp.  But  that  demonftration  which  proceedeth 
from  the  cau:'c  to  the  effect,  is  the  more  worthier,  becaufe  wee 
yfe  therein  difcourfe  of  reafon  and  vnderftanding  :  and  in  the  o- 
thcr  we  only  iudge  by  the  outward  fences,  whereof  fpring  two 
principall  kinds  of  Method ,  (that  is  to  fay)  compendious  or 
fhort  orders  or  wayes  of  teaching  in  all  manner  of  Sciences, 
wherof  the  one  is  called  compofition,proceeding  forward  from 
thcfirftrothelalt,  and  the  other  is  called  refolution,  procee- 
ding backward  from  the  laft  to  thcfirlt ,  ashathbec'nefaid  be- 
fore in  the  Chapter  of  Mcthode,  Ltb.i,cap.$. 


16$  Tbefift'Booke 

CHAP.    XX. 

Of  Science,  Opinion,  Ignorance  ,W>t,  and  of  the 
fourc  Sciential!  ijue/ions. 

Hat  other  things  are  wont  to  bee  treated  »f  by  the 
Schoolemenin  'Demon fir  at  ion  } 

Diuers  things  ;  as  what  difference  is  betwixt 
Science  and  Opinion  :  alfo  they  trc3t  of  the  di- 
licrs  kinds  of  Ignorance,  of  prompt  Wit :  and 
of  the  foure  Scicnciall  queftions. 

What  difference  is  betwixt  Science  And  Opinion  ? 

Science,  as  hath  been  faid  before,  is  that  which  confifteth  of 
neceflary,  certaine,  and  infallible  Propofitions ,  and  of  fuch 
things  as  cannot  bee  otherwife.  Opinion  is  the  knowledge  of 
things  cafuall,  which  may  bee  forr.ctime  falfe,  and  iometime 

How  many  \i$tds  of  Ignorance  doe  the  Schoolemcn  make  ? 

Two:  that  is  to  fay,  abfolure,  which  of  the  Schoolemeni« 
called  Igvorantia  negations,  and  ignorance  by  fajfc  conception, 
which  they  call  Ignorantia  affelltoms.  Thefirft  is,  when  we  vt- 
terly  deny  to  haue  any  knowledge  of  a  thing  at  all  :Thc  other 
is, when  we  thinke  to  know  that  which  we  know  not.being  de- 
cciued  by  fomc  falfe  perfwafion,  whereunto  wee  are  affected, 
whereof  it  is  called  Ignorantia  affcttienis. 

How  doth  Ari/iotle  define  prompt  mt ,  called  of  the  LttincsSo- 

Hee.defineth  it  to  be  a  promptnefie  or  readineffe,  in  quickly 
finding  out  the  proofe  or  caufe  of  any  thing  that  is  in  queftion, 
without  any  ftudie. 

tl  hich  be  the  foure  Scient  tall  ejueft  ions  ? 

Thcfe  :  whether  the  thing  be,  what  it  is,how  it  is,and  wher- 
fcre  it  is  :  whereof  the  firft  enquireth  of  the  fubieft,  whether 
it  be  :  the  fecond  of  the  Predicate, as  what  it  is :  the  third,  how 
it  is,  (that  is  to  fay)  how  the  Predicate  is  fpoken  of  the  fubic#: 
and  the  fourth  asketh  the  caufe  why  it  is  fpoken  of  the  fubieft? 
And  thu j  much  of  a  Syllogifme  Demonftratiue :  now  of  a  Syl- 
logifrncDialeclicark  or  probable* 


of  Logic fy.  169 


Of  a  SjHogifmc  DialeUicall. 

Hat  is  a  DialctitcaliSjlhgifwe  > 

A  Dialeclicall  Syllogifme  is  that  which  is 
wade  of  probable  and  credible  Propofitions. 
What  things  are  fat  d  to  be  probable  ? 
Things  probable,  according  to  Ariftotle^xc 
thefe  that  feeme  true  to  all  men,  or  to  the  moft  part  of  men,  or 
to  all  wife  men,  or  to  the  moft  part  of  wife  men,  orelletothc 
moft  approued  wife  men  :  whereby  it  appeareth  that  things 
probable  may  be  faid  fine  manner  of  way  es. 

Shew  how, 

Firft,  thofe  things  are  probable,  which  vnto  all  men  afwell 
learned  as  ynlearncd  being  in  their  right  wits,  doe  feeme  to  be 
true,  as  thefe  :  Euery  mother  loueth  her  childe  :  welouethem 
that  louers:  we  muft  doe  good  to  them  that  doe  good  to  vs. 
Secondly,  thofe  things  that  feeme  true  to  moft  men,  as  thefe: 
It  is  better  for  acommunalty  to  be  ruled  by  one  Prince,  then 
by  many  :  It  is  not  good  to  feruc  many  mafters  at  once.  Third- 
ly, thofe  things  that  feeme  true  to  all  wife  men,  as  thefe  :  what 
thing  focucr  is  honeft,  the  fame  is  alfo  profitable  :  Vertuc  is 
better  then  riches.  Fourthly,  thofe  that  feeme  true  to  the  moft 
part  of  the  wife  and  learned,  as  thus;  the  foule  of  man  is  im- 
mortall  :  the  Sunne  is  greater  then  the  earth.  Fiftly,  thoff 
things  that  feeme  true  to  the  moft  approued  wife  men, as  thefe: 
The  world  had  a  beginning  :  it  is  better  for  a  Prince  to  be  lo- 
ued,  then  feared  of  his  Subiecls.  And  generally  rnder  things 
probable  are  contained  all  true  Propositions  that  be  cafuall, 
and  not  implying  any  neceifitic.  I  fay  here,  true  Proportions, 
to  exclude  falfc  Proportions,  whereof  Sophifticall  Syllo- 
gifmes  arc  made*  and  not  thofe  which  we  call  probable  or  Lo- 
gical! Syllogifmes ;  and  yet  fuch  Proportions  be  not  fo  true  in 
deede,  as  thofe  that  be  required  in  a  Syllogifme  demonftra- 
tiue,  but  onely  doe  feeme  true,  ingendring  a  certainc  opinion 
inmansminde,  doubting  notwithftaading  the  contrary  :  for 

Z  to 

170  7hefft<Booke 

it  brcedeth  not  a  pcrfciSt  knowledge  as  Science  doth,  whereby 
the  mindc  is  of  all  doubrs  throughly  rcfolued.  And  note  here, 
that  the  Schoolcmen  doc  make  the  matter  (whereof  a  Diale- 
cticall  Syllogifrae  doth  confift  )  to  be  twofold,  that  is,  UWatc- 
riaremota,  inEnglifh,  farre  off-;  and  A<fMeriapropinqUA}(i}\it. 
is  tofay  )  nigh, omeere  at  hand. 

What  doth  Materia  remota  contain?  ? 

Thefe  foureDialc£\icall  Predicates,  (that  is)  Definition^ 
called  of  the  Schoolemen  Terminus,  property,  generail  kinde, 
and  Accident  :  All  which  Predicates  are  before  defined,  and 
are  called  Predicates,  becaufe  they  are  common  words  fpoken 
of  others.  But  truely  I  fee  no  caufe  why  thefe  foure  Predicates 
fliould  be  attributed  to  a  Diale&icall  Syllogifme,rnore  then  to 
aSillogifmedemonftratiue  :  for  furcl  am,  that  as  good  de- 
monstrations may  be  made  of  thefe  as  of  any  other  Predicates. 

What  is  contained  vnder  Jldtteriaprnpingjua  ? 

Thefe:  aDialecYicallPropofition.Problerae,  and  Pofition. 

What  difference  is  betwixt  thefe  three  words,  Dtalefttcall  Prove- 
fition,  ^Probletne,  and  Pofition  ? 

A  DialecTicall  Proposition  is  a  probable  queftion  vttered 
with  a  fimplc  Interrogatory;  as  whether  the  mother  loueth. 
her  childe?  which  is  no  queftion  in  deede,  but  to  him  that 

AProblemeisa  doubtfull  queftion  vttered  with  a  double 
Interrogatory,  as  whether  the  leaft  fixed  ftarre  in  the  firma- 
ment be  greater  then  the  Moone  or  not?  or  whether  that  the 
Sunne  be  bigger  then  the  earth  or  not  ?  Pofition  is  a  wonder- 
full  opinion  maintained  by  fome  excellent  Clerke,  as  to  fay, 
that  all  things  are  but  one  effence  or  being,  as  Melifftts  affir- 
med, or  that  all  things  doe  continually  floweand  change,  as 
Heraclttusheld,  or  that  the  earth  moueth,  and  not  the  heauens, 
as  Copernicus  fuppofed,  onely  to  finde  out  thereby  the  true 
motions  of  the  P!anets,and  not  for  that  he  thought  fo  in  deed. 


of  Logicke.  lyi 

Of  a  fophflicall  Sjllogtfme* 

Hat  is  a  Sophifticalior  falfe  Syllogifme  ? 

A  falfe  Syllogifme  is  that  which  is  cither 
made  of  falfe  Propositions,  or  elfe  of  fuch  as 
feerae  probable,  and  be  not  indeede,  or  elfe  of 
probable  premilTes  not  rightly  concluding  :  and 
of  fuch  Syllogifmes  there  be  three  fortes,  the  one  failing  in 
matter,  the  other  in  forme,  the  third  in  both. 
when  if  it  fa  id  to  fai/e  i»  matter  ? 

It  faileth  in  matter,whcn  the  Syllogifme  hauing  true  forme, 
is  made  of  fuch  Proportions  as  fecme  probable,  and  bee  not 
probable  indeede,  as  thus  ;  no  oppofites  are  both  true  atoncc, 
but  fubcontraries  are  oppofites:  Ergo,  they  are  not  true*  Here 
though  this  Maior  fecroeth  probable,  becaufe  many  oppo- 
fites, as  contraries,  and  contradictories,  be  neuerboch  true  at 
once,  yet  it  is  not  probable  in  decde  :  for  thofe  oppofites 
which  be  called  fubcontrarie  and  fubakernate,  may  bee  both 
true  at  once  as  hath  bcene  before. 
When  is  it  [aid  to  fai/e  in  forme  ? 

It  faileth  in  forme,  when  it  is  made  of  probable  premifles, 
not  rightly  concluding  :  becaufe  they  be  not  orderly  difpofed 
according  to  Moodc  and  Figure,  as  thus ;  Some  oppofites  are 
both  true  at  once,  but  contradictories  are  oppofites:  Ergo, 
Contradictories  are  both  true  at  once.  Here  the  premifles  be 
probable,  but  the  Syllogifme  halteth  in  forme,  becaufe  that  cf 
mcere  particulars  no  good  conclufion  can  follow. 
When  is  it  find  to  fatle  b#th  tn  matter  and  forme  ? 
It  faileth  both  in  matter  and  forme,  vhen  the  premifles  are 
neither  probable,  nor  yet  doe  conclude  rightly  according  to 
the  rules  of  Logicke ,  as  thus :  No  oppofites  are  both  true  at 
once,  butfubcontraries  are  oppofites :  Ergo}  no  fubcontraries 
are  both  true  at  once.  Here  firft  it  faileth  in  matter,  becaufe  the 
Maior;  (as  hath  been  faid  before)  is  not  probable  in  deed.  A- 
gaine,it  faileth  in  formc}becaufe  that  contrary  to  the  rules  of  a 

Z  2  Syllo- 

172  The  fiftTZooke 

Syllogifme,  an  rniaerfall  conclufion  is  implied,  one  of  the  pre- 
mifes  being  particular,  which  fhould  not  be. 

Is  there  no  other  kindes  of  fdlfe  Syllogifme  s  ? 

Yes,  there  is  another  kinde  of  falle  Syllogifme,  called  of  A* 
rtftoilcSyllogifmus  falfigraphus,  which  proccedeth  of  the  pro- 
per principles  of  fomediicipline  mifconftrucd,  or  not  rightly  thus  :  All  lines  drawne  from  one  felfe-poiat  to 
another  felfe-point,  be  equall:  a  right  line  and  a  crooked  line 
be  drawne  from  one  felfe-point  to  another  felfe-point  :£>•£», 
a  right  line  and  a  crooked  line,  be  equall  ,as  you  fee  in  the  figure 
a.  h.  intheMargent  :  Here  the  Mai  or  being  a  principle  in  Ge- 
ometric, is  not  rightly  vnderftood;  for  the  right  meaning  of 
the  principle  is,  that  the  lines  fhould  be  alfo  drawn  in  one  fclfe 
fpace,  and  then  they  muftnecdes  be  equall,  (  that  is  to  fay)  all 
of  one  length  :  but  as  touching  falfeSyllogifmes,  wee  fhall 
treateofthem  hereafter  more  at  large  in  the  Elenchcs  :  in  the 
meane  time  weminde  to  fpcake  of  the  other  kindes  of  argu- 
ments before  mentioned ;  and  firft  of  Induction. 

Of  Induction. 

Hm  is  Induction  ? 

Induction  is  a  kinde  ofargument,wherein  we 
proceede  from  many  particulars,to  a  vniuerfall 
conclusion,  comprehending  all  the  faid  particu- 
^■*$5)L%&rt$@S  lars  :and  by  the  particulars  hire  I  mean  not  only 
fingularities,  called  in  Latine  Indtnidn*,  but  alfo  fuch  things  as 
be  lefle  common  then  that  vniuerfall  which  is  concluded;  as 
when  we  proceed  from  many  fpeciall  kindes,  tofomegenerall 
kinde  comprehending  the  fame,  or  from  things  lefle  common 
10  more  common. 

What  it  to  be  ob  erasd  in  this  kinde  of  reafoning  ? 
That  the  particulars  be  all  of  hke  nature ;  for  if  there  be  any 
one  contrary  or  vnlikc  to  the  reft,  then  the  Induction  is  not 

How  manifold  itlndn&wn  ? 

Twofold  % 

o/Logic{e.  ,?5 

Twofold  i  Perfect,  and  Vnperfect :  it  is  called  perfect,  when 
all  the  fiagularitics  are  rchearfed  :  and  vnperfecl,  when  but 
fomc  ccrtaine  parts  are  only  recited. 
Cjtpte example  of  Induction* 
Of  an  Induction,  proceeding  from  meere  fingularities  ynto 
vniuerfall,  let  this  be  your  example  :  Malmefieis  hot,  Ggfcoin 
wine  is  hot,  Romney  wine  is  hot,  Sackeishot,  Renifh  wincis 
hot,  French  wine  is  hot,  &  fie  de  jingHlis :  Ergot  euery  wine  is 
hot;  which  may  bee  brought  inco  3  Syllogifme  thus  :  Euay 
thing  that  is  wine,  be  it  cither  of  Greece,  Spaine,  Italy %  Ger- 
many prance,  or  of  any  other  countrey  is  hot,  buceucry  wine 
is  one  of  thefe :  Ergo,  euery  wine  is  hot. 

Gine  example  of  an  InduRion  proceeding  frsm  the  fpecUll  kinds 
to  their generall  kjndes. 

Ofan  Induction  proceeding  from  the  fpeciall  kindes  to  the 
generallkinde,let  this  be  your  example:  Euery  Man  hath  mo- 
iling, euery  Horfe  hath  mouing,  euery  Oxc  hath  mouing,  & 
Jicde  fugults :  Ergo,  euery  fenfiblc  body  hath  mouing. ]«  which 
example  you  fee,  that  to  eutry  fpeciall  kinde  is  added  an  vni- 
uerfall fignc  to  make  your  Induction  good,  which  would  not 
be  fo,  if  you  fhould  vfe  a  particular  figne,  in  faying,fome  Man, 
fome  Horfe,  fomeOxe,  and  fo  forth. 

Which  of  the/etwol^ndes  of  reafoning,  oyther  anlnduttion  or  4 
Syllogifme  jsmoft  familiar  and eafie  to  man} 

Induction  is  more  familiar  toman  then  a  Syllogifme,  for  the 
Syllogifme  proceedcth  from  vniuerfalities  vnto   particulari- 
ties, which  vniuerfalities  be  more  knowne  to  nature  ( that  is  to 
fay)  tothedifcourfeof  reafon,   and  leflc  knowne  to  our  out- 
ward fences.     Biitl.iduftion  proceedcth  frora  particularities 
vnto  vniuerfalities,  which  particularities  are  more  knowne  vn- 
to vs,  ( that  is  to  fay  )  to  our  outward  fences,  and  lefle  knowne 
to  nature.     Againe,  by  Induction  wee  are  able  to  proue  the 
principles  of D'-monltration,  which  are  not  othcrwife  to  bee 
proued,  as  this  principle:  Euery  whole  is  more  then  his  part, 
may  be  proued  by  Induction  in  this  fort  :  This  whole  is  more 
then  his  part,  and  that  whole  is  more  then  his  part,  neyther  is 
there  to  be  found  any  whole,  but  that  is  more  then  his  part  ?    : 

£  I   .  'Erge>  \ 

74-  Tbef/tcBoo{e 

Ergo,  Euery  whole  is  more  then  his  part.  Alfo  this  principle, 
Euery  fenfiblc body  endued  withreafon,  is  apt  to  learne,  may 
be  proued  thus :  This  man  is  apt  to  learne ;  and  that  man  is  apt 
tolcarne,  and  Co  of  the  reft:  £>£<?,  Euery  fen fible  body  endued 
with  reafon,is  apt  to  learne. 

Of  an  Enthimeme* 

Hat  is  an  Enthimeme} 

AnEnthimemeis  an  vrvperfc&  Syllcgifmc, 
madeforhaflcor  fpeedc,  of  two  Propofitions 
only,  (thatis)ofoneof  the  Premifles, called  in 
this  kinde  of  argument  the  Antecedent,  and  of 
the  conclufion, called  hcere  the  Confcqucnt :  for  the  other  of 
the  PremiiTes  being  fuppofed  to  be  true  and  well  knowne,  is 
left  out  of  purpofe,  as  a  thing  fuperfluous,  and  notneedfull  to 
be  recited,  and  fometime  the  Maior  is  left  out,  as  thus  :  Vo- 
luptuoufneiTe  is  not  perpetuall  nor  proper,  it  is  not  therefore 
the  chiefe  felicitie  :  and  fometime  theMinor  is  left  out,  as 
heere  :  Euery  good  thing  maketh  his  poffeflbr  thebettcr,  ther» 
fore  voluptuoufnefie  is  not  good. 

Howjball  Aman  know  when  the  Maior  or  Minor  » left  out  ? 
It  is  cafie  to  know  which  of  the  PremifTes  is  left  out  by  this 
meanes:  for  if  theSubie&of  the  Antecedent  and  of  the  Con- 
sequent be  all  one,  then  the  Maior  is  left  out,  but  if  they  bee 
not  all  one,  but  diuers,  then  the  Minor  is  left  out,  as  you  may 
fee  in.the  two  laft  examples,  and  the  part  lacking,  being  redu- 
ced together  with  the  reft  into  a  Syllogifme,  will  quickly  (hew 
the  truth  or  falfehood  of  the  Argument. 

From  whence  are  fuch  kinoes  of  Arguments  gathered"? 
They  are  gathered  for  the  moft  part  from  fignes ,  which  if 
they  be  neceiTarie,  then  the  Enthimcme  alfo  is  neceflarie  ,  as 
thus:  The  woman  giuethmilke:  Ergo,  fhee  hath  had  a  childe, 
or  is  with  childe  ;  if  the  figncs  be  probable ,  then  the  Enthi- 
memeis  alfo  probable,  as  dun:  This  man  is  a  night-gadder: 
Er<ro}\\z  isathiefc. 


of  Logicfy.  ijf 

Of  an  Example. 

flat  is  an  "Example  ? 

An  Example  is  a  kindeof  Argument,  where- 
'in  wee procecde from  one  particular,  to  proue 
another  particular,  by  reafon  of  fome  likenes 
that  is  betwixt  them,  as  thus  :  God  did  not  pu- 
nifh  the Niniuites  becaufe  they  repented  ;  Ergo)  Heewill  not 
punifhvs  if  we  repent.  God  did  not  let  to  plague  King  Dauid 
foradulterie  :  €rg»,  He  will  not  let  to  plague  any  other  King 
for  committing  the  fame  offence. 

Wherein  differ  eth  this  kin  At  of  ^Argument  from  the  refi  ? 
Thiskindeof  Argument differeth  in  forme  from  all  the  reft 
before  taught,  for  a  Syllogifme  proceedeth  from  the  generall 
kindcto  the  fpeciallkindc,  or  other  wife.  AnEnthimeme  imi- 
tating a  Syllogifme,  rcciteth  in  his  Antecedent  the  caufe  of  the 
Conclufion.  Againe,  an  Induction  out  of  many  particularities 
gathcrcth  an  vniuerfalitie,  none  of  which  things  is  to  be  found 
in  an  Exampkj  proceeding  onely  from  one  particular  to  ano- 
ther like  particular.  Notwithftanding  *AriftotU  faith,  that  it 
may  be  reduced  partly  to  an  induction,  and  partly  to  a  Syllo- 
gifme :  for  in  taking  the  firft  particular,  you  may  by  an  vnper- 
feet  induction  imply  an  vniuerfall  Propofition.  And  fo  from 
thatvniuetfall  Prop,  fition  to  proceed  by  order  of  Syllogifme, 
vnto  the  other  particular  implyed  in  the  concluGon  of  the  Ex- 
ample's in  this  Example  :  luda-sdled  euill  :  Er£oicI'tUte  alio 
died  euill  :  it  may  be  firft  reduced  into  an  vnperreel  Induction 
thus  :  ludas  dyed  euill ,  becaufe  hee  was  the  author  of  Chrifts 
death,  and  did  not  repent  :  Ergo,  Euery  man  that  was  author 
of  Chrifts  death,  and  did  not  repent,  died  euill.  Into  a  Syllo- 
gifme thus:  Euery  man  that  was  author  of  Chrifts  death,  and 
did  not  rcpent,diedeuill;butP*/*i^was  author  of  Chrifts  death, 
and  did  not  repent :  Er cordate  died  euill. 

Whereto  femes  this  kindc  of  reafomng  by  Example  ? 


ij6  7  he  fifttBookf 

Examples  arc,  very  good  in  all  morall  matters,  to  perfwade, 
or  dtfTwade. 

tfk at  u  to  be  obferuedin  reafoning  by  way  ofExdmtfe} 

You  muft  in  any  wife  be  Aire  that  the  Gmilitude  ot  likenefle 
of  the  particulars  doe  make  to  the  purpofe  which  you  intend, 
and  that  it  be  the  very  caufe  why  the  Predicate  of  the  Antece- 
dent properly  belongcth  to  the  Subie&,  for  othcrwife  the  ar- 
gument is  not  good  ;  for  if  you  (hould  reafon  thus ;  ludas  died 
euill :  Ergo,  Peter  died  euill :  becaufe  they  were  both  finners: 
for  their  likenes  in  this  bchalfe  is  not  the  caufe  that  ludas  died 
euill,  but  the  caufe  before  alledgcd. 

From  whence  is  this  kjude  of  argument  fetched  ? 

From  the  places  of  Companion  ,  as  from  the  like,  from  the 
wore ,  and  from  the  lcfle ,  of  all  which  the  generall  rule  or 
Maximeisthus:  In  things  like,  is  like  iudgement  or  reafon, 
as  hath  bcenc  faid  before  in  the  Treatife  of  places.  Thus  farre 
©f  the  foure  principall  kinds  of  reafoning  :  now  of  the  reft.and 


Of  the  Argument  called  Sorites. 

Hat  is  Sorites  f 

Sorites  is  a  kinde  of  Argument  proceeding 
as  it  were  by  ccrtaine  degrees  vnto  the  Con- 
clusion, which  is  gathered  of  many  Proporti- 
ons neceflarily  following  one  another,  and  arc 
knit  together,  fo  as  the  Predicate  of  the  firft  Proportion  is  the 
Subicciof  the  fecond,  and  the  Predicate  of  the  fecond  the 
Subied  of  the  third,  and  fo  forth  euen  to  the  laft  Propofition, 
whofe Predicate  being  ioyncd  to  the  Subie&  of  thefirft  Pro- 
pofition, doth  make  the  Conclufion  as  thus :  The  Soule  ofraan 
doth  moue  it  felfc :  whatfoeucrmoucth  it  felfc,  is  the  begin, 
ningof  mouing  :  the  beginning  of  mouinghach  no  end, what* 
focuer  hath  no  end,  is  immortal!  :  Ergot  the  Soule  of  man  is 


of  Logic  J^.  177 

rfhen  is  this  hjnde  of Argument faid  to  be  of  fine  f 
When  it  is  made  of  Affirmatiuc  Propofuions ,  wherein 
•words  of  affinitie  are  neceffarily  ioyned  together ,  as  when 
kindes  general],  differences,  or  properties ,  are  ioyned  with 
thofe  fpeciall  kindes,  of  whom  they  are  fpoken,or  when  pro- 
per effects  are  ioyned  with  their  proper  caufes :  for  if  the  Pro- 
portions be  either  Ncgatiue,  or  doe  notnccefiarily  hang  to- 
gether, then  it  is  no  good  Argument,  as  in  Negatiucs  let  this 
be  your  example  :  A  Man  is  not  a  Lion ,  a  Lion  is  a  fenfible 
beaft :  £Vg*,Man  is  not  a  fenfible  beaft.  Now  of  Propositions 
not  hanging  neceffarily  together,  becaufe  that  proper  etTc&s 
are  not  ioyned  with  their  proper  caufes,  let  this  common  ieft 
be  your  example : 

fVhofo  dritikrth  n>efl,fleepetb  well, 
Whofo  jleepeth  well,Jinnetb  not, 
WhofoJinnetbnot3jb*li  be  bleffed : 
Ergo,  Wkofo  drmkttb  rvellJhaR  be  bleffed. 

Which  is  no  good  Conclufion ,  for  much  drinke  is  not 
alwayes  the  caufe  of  fleepe,  n©r  fleeping  the  caufe  of  not  (in- 

The  Rhetoricians  vfc  another  kinde  of  Argument,  called 
Gradatto,  which  is  much  like  to  Sorites,  fauing  that  the  fub- 
ie&  of  thefirft  Propofitionis  not  rehearfed  in  the  Con- 
clufion ,  for  they  vfc  it  rather  as  an  ornament  of 
fpeech ,  then  as  a  proofe :  as  the  vertue  of 
Scipio  wan  him  Fame ,  Fame  got  him 
Enemies,  and  his  Enemies 
procured  his 

A  a  CHAP. 

178  Thefift'Booke 


Of  diners  other  kmds  of  Arguments ,  *nd  frft^f  a  Di- 
lemma, and  jvbtt  ktttds  it  compre- 

s^fM/^W  Here  be  alfo  other  formes  of  Argument^  whereof 
I  fome  be  Faliaxes,  and  fome  are  good  Conclujions, 
andthejbethefei  Dilemma,  Enumeratio,  Sim- 
plex Conclufio,  Subiedtio ,  Oppofitio,  Vio- 

What  is  Dilemma  ? 
Dilemma  is  an  Argument  made  of  two  members,  repug- 
nant one  to  another ,  whereof  which  foeuer  thou  granted, 
thou  art  by  and  by  taken  ,  as  thus  :  It  is  not  good  to  marry  a 
wife,  for  if  fhee  be  faire,  fhee  will  be  common ;  if  foule,then 
lothfome :  notwithftanding,  this  is  but  a  flipperie  kind  of  ar- 
gument, vnleffe  both  the  repugnant  parts  be  fuch,  as  neither 
of  them  can  be  turned  againevpon  the  maker  of  the  Argu- 
ment/or then  by  conuerfion,  the  Dilemma  is  foone  confuted, 
as  for  example,  you  may  conuert  both  parts  of  the  argument 
laft  recited,thus :  It  is  good  to  marry  a  wife,for  if  flie  be  faire, 
fhee  fhall  not  be  lothfome,  if  foule,then  not  common  :  much 
like  to  this  is  that  captious  Argument,  which  Protagorat  the 
Lawyer  made  againft  his  Scholer  Euathlm  ,  whohadcoue- 
nantecl  his  Matter  a  certayne  fumme  of  money  at  the 
firftSuteor  Action  that  heefhould  winne  by  pleading  at  the 
Law:  whereupon  his  Matter  did  afterwards  commence  an  A- 
&ion  againtt  him  ,  and  in  reafoning  with  him  of  the  matter, 
made  him  this  cDilemma: Either  (faith  he)  iudgement  fhall  be 
giuen  againft  thee,  or  with  thee  :  if  againft  thee ,  then  thou 
mutt  pay  me  by  vertue  of  the  iudgement;  if  iudgement  be  gi- 
uen with  thee,then  thou  muft  alfo  pay  me  by  couenant;  which 
the  Scholer  immediately  confuted  by  conuerfion  in  this  fort : 
Either(falthhe)iudgement  fhall  be  giuen  with  me^or  againft 
me  ;  if  with  me,  then  I  fhall  be  quit  by  Law;  if  againft  me, 
then  I  ought  to  pay  nothing  by  couenant. 


of  Logicke.  179 

What  other  intricate  kinds  ef  reafoning  are  faid  to  be  cempre- 
hendedvnder  Dilemma  ? 

Diucrs,  whereof  fome  be  called  Ccratins  or  horned  Argu- 
ments, fomcCrocodolites,  fomeAfli(tatojis,  fomePfcudo- 

Define  all  thefe  kjxds,  and  giue  examples. 

1  The  horned  Argument  is,when  by  fome  fubtile  and  craf- 
tie  manner  of  queftioning ,  we  fceke  to  haue  fuch  an  anfwere, 
as  we  may  take  vantage  thereof,  asthePhanfesdid ,  when 
they  queftioned  with  Chrift,  touching  the  payment  of  Tri- 
bute to  Ctfar. 

z  The  Crocodolite  is,  when  being  deceiued  by  fome  craf- 
tie  manner  of  queftioning,we  doe  admit  that  which  our  Ad- 
uerfarie  turncth  againe  vpon  vs,  to  our  owne  hindrance,  as  in 
the  fable  of  the  Crocodile,  whereof  this  name  Crocodolite 
proceedeth  :  for  ir  is  faid^That  the  Crocodile  hauing  taken  a  • 
way  a  child  from  his  motber,rcafoned  with  her  in  this  fort ;  I 
wil  deliuer  thee  thy  child  igaine,if  ihou  wilt  fay  a  troth:whe- 
ther  therfore  fhal  I  dehucr  him  ornot?The  mother  anfwered, 
Thou  (halt  not  deliuer  him, and  therefore  of  right  thou  ough- 
teft  to  deliuer  him.  No,faith  he,I  will  not  deliuer  him, to  the 
intent  it  may  fecme  that  thou  haft  faid  troth;and  though  thou 
haddeftfaid  that  I  fliould  deliuer  him,  yet  I  would  not  deli- 
uer him  indeed,  for  making  thee  a  lyar. 

3  A(Ti{raton,is  akindeof  cauclling,  notconfifting  of  any 
fure  ground,  as  if  a  man  did  fay, that  hee  doth  hold  his  peace, 
or  lyeth,or  knoweth  nothing;another  by  and  by  might  cauill 
thereof  in  this  {on:Ergo,Hc  that  holdeth  his  peace,fpcaketb, 
He  that  lyeth,faith  truth,He  that  knoweth  nothing,knoweth 

4  Pfeudomenon,  isafalfe  or  lying  kinde  of  candling, as 
thus:The  heauen  couereth  alt  things  :  Ergo  ,  it  couereth  it 
felfe.  Epimemdes,  being  a  Candiot  himfelfe,  faid,  That  the 
Candiotes  were  lyers;  the  queftion  is,  whether  he  laid  true  or 
not;  for  though  hee  faid  true,  and  that  the  Candiotes  were 
lyers,  yet  it  is  falfe,  becaufe  a  Candiot  faid  it :  Againe,  if  the 
Candiotes  be  no  lyers,  nor  Spimenides  is  a  Iyer,  then  he  is  to 
bebeleeued.  A  a  2  Hew 

igo  7befift<Booke 

Hcvr  Are  the  Tdtlaxts  of  tbefe  captions  Arguments  to  he  found 

TheFallaxes  of  all  thefe  kinds  of  captious  Argumc  mare 
foone  found  out,  if  we  confider  well  the  Rules  before  taught, 
touching  the  repugnances  of  Propofitions,  as  whether  there 
be  any  ambiguitie  in  the  Termcs,  and  whether  the  felfe-frme 
Termes  in  the  repugnat  parts  haue  refpect  to  one  felfe-thing, 
timc,or  place,or  not:it  is  good  alio  to  confider  the  fubtfance, 
quantitie,and  qualitie  of  the  Propofitions  :  for  inthelaftex- 
ample,this  faying,Candiotes  be  lyers,is  a  Propofition  indefi- 
nite.and  therefore  is  not  of  fuch  force,as  to  fay,all  Candiotes 
be  lyers,  which  Is  an  vniucrfall  Propofition,  for  of  particular 
Premifles  nothing  rightly  followeth.  In  the  other  examples 
you  fhal  find  that  there  is  feme  doubtfulnes  in  thcTermes,ha- 
uing  refpecvt  either  to  diuers  things,  to  diners  times,  or  diuers 
places,asto  fay,Heholdeth  his  peace;  when  he  fpcakethrHere 
is  doubtfulnefTe  in  theTermes,hauing  refpect  eith(  r  ro  diuers 
things,  that  is  to  fay,  as  well  to  thofe  things,  which  he  mea- 
neth  to  keepe  in  filence,as  to  thofe  words  which  hec  vtteicth 
by  mouth  :  fo  in  this  word,  Suite,  in  the  example  of  Protago* 
*v#,was  doubtfulnelTe,for  that  Protagoras  meant  fomc  other 
Suite,  and  not  that  which  he  hirafelfe  commenced. 

Of  Eaton  tratim, 

.  ffat  is  Enumeration  ? 

Enumeration  is  a  kind  of  Argumenr,whcre- 
in  many  things  being  reckoned  vp  and  denied, 
one  thing  onely  of  BecefTitieremayneth  to  be 
aflfirmed,.as  thus  :  Sith  thou  haft  this  Horfe,ei- 
ther  thou  didft  buy  him,or  he  came  to  thee  by  inheritance,  or 
hee  was  giucn  thee,  or  bred  at  home  with  thee ,  or  clfc  thou 
didll  cake  him  from  thine  enemy  in  time  of  warre ;  or  if  none 
of  thefe  were,  then  thou  muft  needs  fleale  him :  but  thou  nei- 
ther boughteft  him,  ner  he  fell  not  ynto  thee  by  inhericance, 




nor  was  giucn  thee ,  nor  bred  vp  at  home  with  thee,  nor  yet 
take  .  by  thee  from  the  enemy :  it  followeth  therefore  of  ne« 
ceffirie  that  thou  haft  (tolne  hinv 

When  ts  this  ktni  §f Argument  to  be  confute  A  ? 

When  your  Aduerfarie  can  prouc  any  neceffarie  part  to  be 
left  out. 

Of  afimfte  Cottclufon. 

Hat  is  ajimple  Conclufon  t 

A  flmpleConclufion  is  no  other  thing,but  a 
neceflary  Enthymeme,in  the  which  the  Con- 
fcqucntdoth  ncceflarily  follow  the  Antece- 
dent ,  as  thus :  Shee  hath  had  a  childc :  Erge^ 
fhee  hath  layne  with  a  man. 


Of  Subietlio*. 

B*t  id  Subicftun  ? 

Subie&ion  is  a  questioning  kinde  of  Argu* 
ment,  in  the  which  we  confute  eachqueftion 
with  a  reafon  immediatly  following  the  fame, 
as  thus  :  How  is  this  fellow  become  fowell 
moneyed  ?  Had  he  any  great  Patrimonie  left  him  ?  No,for  all 
his  Fathers  lands  were  fold.  Came  there  any  inheritance  to 
him  by  difcent  any  othcrwife  ?  No/or  he  was  disinherited  of 
al  men.Came  there  any  goods  vnto  him  by  Executorfliip^&c? 
If  then  hee  hath  not  beene  enriched  by  any  of  thefehoneft 
wayes,  either  he  hatha  golden  Myne  at  home,  orelfeheeis 
come  to  thefe  riches  by  fomevnlawfull  meanes.  Thisargu» 
ment  fayleth  when  any  principall  part  is  left  out ,  a,nd  there- 
fore differeth  not  much  from  Enumeration  before  recited. 

Aa  3 





Of  Oppofition, 

Hat  is  Oppofition  ? 

Oppofition  is  a  kind  of  Argumcnt,madc  of 
Repugnant  parts,  wherein  wereuert  from  the 
Oppofite  of  the  firft  Propofition,  vntothe 
fame  Propofition  againe ,  as  thus :  If  I  were 
in  the  Citie  at  fuch  time  as  this  man  was  flaine  in  the  Coun- 
try, then  I  flue  him  not;  this  Propofition  is  nowafimplc 
Conclufion,  and  may  be  made  an  Oppofition  in  this  manner : 
If  I  had  beene  in  the  Country  at  fuch  time ,  as  you  fay  ,  this 
man  was  flaine,  then  you  might  well  fufpeel  me  to  haue  flaine 
him:butfith  I  was  not  there  at  that  time,  there  is  no  caufe 
therefore  why  youfhouldfufpe&me. 

Of  Violation. 

\  Hat  is  Violation  ? 

Violation  is  a  kinde  of  Concluding  ,  more 
mecte  to  confute  then  to  proue,  whereby  wee 
fhew  the  reafon  of  our  aduerfarie,  to  make  for 
vs,  and  not  for  him,  as  thus :  it  is  not  good  to 
marry  a  wife,  becaufe  that  of  marriage  many  times  commcth 
the  lofle  of  children  to  our  great  forrow,yea,rather  it  is  good 
therefore  to  marry  a  wife ,  to  get  other  children  for  our 
comfort.  Thus  much  touching  the  diuers  kinds 
of  reafoning  :  now  wee  will  treate  of 
Fallaxcs,  or  falfe  Conclufions, 
and  fhew  how  to  con  - 
fute  them. 

Here  endetb  the  fift  Booke  of  Legtcke. 




S  I  X  T    BOOKE 


CHAP.     I. 

Of  Confutation. 

Here  be  feme  that  make  two  kinds  of  Con- 
futation ,  the  one  belonging  to  Per/on ,  the 
other  U  Matter. Confutation  of?  erf  on  is 
done  either  by  taunting,  rayltng,renAring 
checke  for  cheekier  by  fcoming,andthat 
either  by  words ,  or  elfe  by  countenance, 
gefiure  and  aU  ion:  which  kinde  of  Confu- 
tation,bee  av.fe  it  belongeth  rather  to  fcof- 
fi»g,then  to  true  order  ofreafoning,  I  will  leaue  to  jpeake  thereof, 
dealing  only  with  that  Confutation  that  belongeth  to  Matter,  which 
is  two-fold, the  one  general!,  the  other  Jpeciall:  it  isgentrall,  when 
wee  affirme  that  the  Argument  faileth  either  in  forme,  in  matter, 
or  in  both.  Againe  ,  the  generall  Confutation  is  done  three  man- 
ner of  wayes,  that  is,  either  by  denying  the  ConJecjuent,by  making 
diflinllton,  or  by  inflame  [that  is  to  fay)  by  bringing  in  a  contrarie 

Shew  when  thefe  three  w ayes  are  to  be  vfed. 
If  the  Argument  faile  in  forme ,  then  wee  muft  denic  the 
Cine  Examples, 


184-  Tkefixt  Boo\e 

Difciplinc  is  nece(Tarie,but  the  Ceremonies  of  UW^/are 
Discipline,  therefore  the  Ceremonies  of  M»fes  areneceflary: 
here  you  muft  denie  the  Confequent ,  becaufe  that  of  mccre 
particulars  nothing  followeth  :  and  tobefhort,  when  any 
Argument  is  made  contrary  to  the  rules  of  Figure  and  Mood 
before  taught,  the  Confequent  is  not 'good,  and  therefore  to 
be  denyed,  as  here  :  Euery  couetous  man  doth  violate  the 
Lawes  of  liberalitie  ;  but  cuery  prodigall  man  doth  violate 
the  Lawes  of  liberalitie ;  therefore  euery  prodigall  man  is  a 
couetous  man  :  This  Syllogifme,  being  of  the  fecond  Figure, 
is  made  in  Barbara  f  which  Moode  belongeth  not  to  that  Fi- 
gure :  But  if  the  Argument  faile  in  matter, that  rs.when  cither 
one  of  the  premises,  or  both  are  falfe ,  then  it  may  be  confu- 
ted afwell  by  denying  the  falfe  part,  be  it  Maior  or  Minor,  as 
by  vfing  diftindtion :  and  to  find  out  the  falfeneffeof  the  mat- 
ter, it  is  neceflary  alwayes  to  hauerefpedt  to  the  Maxims  of 
the  places ,  from  whence  the  proofe  is  fetched ;  for  they  doe 
{hew  which  Proportions  arc  true,  and  which  are  not ;  as  for 
example  in  this  Argument :  No  painted  fpeech  becommeth 
Philofophers:  but  eloquence  is  painted  fpeech  :  Ergo  %  Elo- 
quence becommeth  no  Philofophers:  Here  the  Maior  is  to  be 
denyed,  becaufe  it  is  a  falfe  definition  :  for  the  true  definition 
of  eloquence  is  to  fpeake  wifely,  aptly,  adornedly,  and  to  the 
purpofe,and  not  to  vfc  painted  words  vainely  :  Againe,wh«- 
fo  worfhippeth  God  the  Crcator,wor(hippeth  the  true  God ; 
the  Turks  worfhip  Gcd  the  Creator:  Ergo,the  Turks  worfhip 
the  true  God  :  This  Argument  is  to  be  denyed  ,  becaufe  the 
Minor  is  falfe ;  for  no  man  can  truely  worfhip  God  the  Crea- 
tor, vnlefTe  he  worfhip  alfo  Ieiiis  Chrift  his  Sonne,  which  the 
Turks  doc  not,  and  therefore  they  worfhip  a  fayncd  Idoll, 
and  not  the  true  God* 

When  U  difim  ft  ion  to  be  vfed} 

When  either  the  words  or  matter  is  doubtfull. 
Cjiuc  examples  of  both. 

All  Verbs  adiue  doe  fignifle  action:  but  God  vied  this 
Verbe  A£tiuc,  lndurabo  ,  in  faying ,  I  will  harden  Pharaohs 
heart  :Ergo3  GoddidhardenP/wv?^/  heart  there  difttn£ti- 


of  Logic  kg.  185 

on  is  to  be  nude  ;  for  Verbs  adtiuc  haue  diuers  fignifications, 
according  to  the  diuerfitics  or*  the  Tongues  wherein  they  are 
vttered:  for  in  the  Hebrew  Tongue,  Verbs  ailiue  doe  figni- 
fie  permiiTion  or  fufferancc,  afvvell  as  adtion  ;  as  thefe  words, 
I  will  harden  Pharaohs  heart  (is  as  much  to  fay,)  as  I  will  fuf- 
fer  Pharaohs  heart  to  be  hardened  }  like  wife,  whereas  we  fay 
in  the  Lords  Prayer,Lcade  vs  not  into  temptation,is  as  much 
to  fay,  as,  Suffer  vs  not  to  be  led  into  temptation.  Againe, 
ambiguitie  may  be  in  this  mattrr,as  thus:No  finnes  are  heard 
of  God :  but  all  men  arc  finners ;  therefore  no  men  arc  heard 
of  God  :  here  diftincTion  is  to  be  made  betwixt  penitent  fin- 
ners, and  impenitent  :  for  God  will  heare  the  penitent  (in- 
ner :  although  he  will  not  heare  the  impenitent  finner. 

When  is  Confutation  by  instance  vfed  t 

When  the  Argument,  though  it  faile  neither  in  forme,  nor 
matter ,  yet  perhaps  it  is  neither  fo  flrong ,  nor  fo  probable, 
but  that  a  ftronger  and  more  probable  may  be  made  againft 

Giue  example. 

Whofo  killeth  any  Embafladors  in  their  ioumeying,  doth 
violate  the  Lawcs  of  Armes  :  but  the  French-men  killed  our 
Embaflador  iourneying  to  Spaine :  Ergo,  the  French-men  in 
fo  doing  did  violate  the  La  wes  of  Armes :  Here  to  the  Maior 
a  man  may  anfwere  by  inftance ,  thus :  The  At htnians  killed 
the  Embafladors  of  the  LacedtmonUns ,  iourneying  to  the 
King  of  Perjia ,  becaufe  they  went  to  procure  his  aide,  to 
deftroy  the  Citie  of  Athens :  So  like  wife  the  Romanes  did  in- 
tercept the  Legates  of  Hannibal,  going  to  the  King  of  the 
(Jlfacedonians  for  the  like  intent;  and  yet  neither  of  thefe 
people  did  thinke  to  breake  the  Lawes  of  Amies ,  by  doing 
that  which  foould  preferue  their  State  and  Common-weale. 

Bb  CHAP. 

\S6  Tbe/ixt'Boo^ 

CHAP.    II. 

Of Jpeciall  Confutation* 

Bat  is  JpcciaK  Confutation  ? 
Speciall  Confutation  is,  when  we  confute  a- 
ny  falfc  argument,  by  detecting  and  Shewing 
the Fallax  thereof,  naming  the  Fallaxbyhis 
proper  name. 

What  order  doth  Aristotle  obferut  in  treating tfjpe- 
ciall  Confutation  f 

lAriflotle  firft  trcateth  in  generall  of  all  thofe  things  that 
commonly  appertayne  to  the  difputations  of  learned  men,  as 
firft  he  trcateth  of  anElench,which  is  afmuch  to  fay  as  repre- 
henfion,  then  of  Syllogifmcs,  and  of  Difputation  ,  andalfo 
of  the  marks  and  ends  of  Sophiflrie,  and  whereto  they  tend, 
Horv  definetk  he  art  Elench  or  Reprehenfion  ? 
Reprehenfion  or  Elench  (faith  he)  is  a  Syllogifme,  which 
gathereth  a  conclusion  cotrary  to  the  affertion  of  the  reipon- 
dent,  as  if  a  man  would  defend  Medea  not  to  loue  her  childe^. 
becaufe  fhe  killed  it,another  might  reafon  againtf  him  in  this 
manner :  euery  Mother  loucth  her  child :  but  Medea  is  a  Mo- 
ther :  Ergo ,  Medea  loueth  her  child  :  the  Conclufion  of  this 
Syllogifme  is  contraric  to  the  firft  AfTertion:and  note  here  by 
the  way,  that  there  be  two  forts  of  Elenches,the  one  truc,and 
the  other  falfe:  it  is  faid  to  be  true,  when  it  rightly  gathercth. 
a  contrarie  conclufion  to  the  refpondents  aflertiomAnd  falfe, 
when  it  faileth  in  any  part  requifite  to  a  true  Elenchrof  which 
parts  we  (ball  fpeake  hereafter,when  wc  come  to  treate  of  the 
Fallax,called  Ignorance  of  the  Elench,  which  is  one  of  the  fiue. 
ends  or  marks  vvherunto  Sophillrie  tendeth/or  a  true  Elench 
feemeth  to  belong  vnto  DialecYicall  difputation ,  rather  then 
to  Sophiliicall  difputation.  But  now  leauing  to  define  a  Syl- 
logifme, becaufe  it  hath  beene  defined  before,  and  therefore 
not  needfullhereagaineto  be  rehearfed  ,  I  will  proceedeto 


ofLogichf.  187 

CHAP.    III. 

Of  Difftfttatio* :  and  bow  manifold  it  is. 

Ifputation  is  a  contention  about  fome  qucfti- 
on  taken  in  hand ,  either  for  finding  out  of 
truth ,  or  eife  for  excrcife  fake  ,  and  there  be 
foure  kinds  of  difputation,  whereof  the  firft 
is  called  Do6trinall,becaufe  it  appertayneth 
to  Science. 

The  fecond  is  called  Dialeclicall,  which  belongeth  to  pro- 
bable opinion. 

The  third  is  called  Tcntatiue,which  ferueth  to  try  another 
mans  knowledge,  in  any  kinde  of  Science. 

The  fourth  is  called  Sophiftieall,  which  tendeth  onely  to 

Gitte  examples  of  all  thefe  foure  kinds  ? 

The  Doctrinal  Difputation  vfeth  no  other  but  Syllogifmes 
Demonftratiue  as  this  is,  Whatfoeuer  hath  reafon,  is  capable 
of  learning ;  but  John  hath  reafon  :  Ergo ,  John  is  capable  of 
learning.  Diale&icall  Difputation  vfeth  onely  probable  Syl- 
logifmes,  as  the  former  example  of  Medea,  Euery  Mother  lo- 
ueth  her  child  j  but  Medea  is  a  Mother :  Ergo ,  Medea  loueth 
her  child  :  againft  this  another  probable  argument  may  bee 
made  thus:Whofoeucr  killcth  her  childjloueth  not  her  child: 
but  Medea  killed  her  child  :  Ergo,  fhee  loued  not  her  childe. 
Tcntatiue  difputation  vfeth  fuch  arguments  as  are  made  of 
the  fir  ft  common  principles  ofany  fcicnce,'m  which  principles 
whofo  is  ignorant,  cannot  be  skilfull  in  that  Science ;  as  if  a 
maa  would profeffe  Geometric,  and  know  rot  the  definitions 
ofa  point,  or  prickeef  aline,or  fuperficics,  or  of  fuch  com- 
mon Maxims ,  as  thefe  arc ;  the  whole  is  more  then  his  part : 
take  cquall  from  equall,and  cquall  remain  e3&c:{houId  quick- 
ly bewray  his  owne  ignorance. 

Sophifticall  difputation  vfeth  nothing  but  deceitfull  argu- 
ments,or  Fsllaxes,  whereof  there  be  thirtecne  kinds  hereafter 
fetdowne:  but  firft  I  will  fhew  you  which  be  the  fiue  Marks 
and  Ends  of  Sophiftrie. 

Bb  2  CHAP. 

i£8  ThefixtToofy 

chap.   mi. 

Of  the  fine  Marks  and  Ends  of 

Ristoti.  e  faith  ,  That  the  fraudulent  dif- 
pucation  of  the  Sophitter,  tendeth  alwayes  to 
one  of  ihefe  flue  Ends  or  Marks;  that  is,either 
^Sf^^^Sm  ky  f°rce  ofargument,  to  bring  you  into  fome 
^^S&fiSwT  a^ur<^'tie>  wn»cn  nc  callcth  Elench;  that  is  to 
lay, a  reprehenfion  or  rcproofc,or  eife  to  make 
you  to  confeffe  that  which  is  manifeltly  falfe,or  to  grant  fomc 
Paradox  ,  which  is  as  much  to  fay  as  an  opinion  contrary  to 
all  mens  opinions :  or  to  allow  of  incongruefpeech  contraric 
to  the  rules  of  Grammar,  called  in  Latine,  Solecifmus ,  or  to- 
admit  fome  vaine  repetition,  called  in  Latine,  T^ugatio. 

(jtue  exr.myle  of  all  ihefe  fine  Marks, 

Of  the  firft  Maikejet  this  beyour  example:If  in  disputing 
of  Vertue,  you  haue  perhaps  granted,  that  the  meditation  of 
Vertue  doth  make  a  man  fad,  the  Sophifter  will  force  you  by 
argument,  to  denie  againe  that  which  you  before  granted, 
thus  :  All  things  that  be  contrarie,  hauecontrarieeffe&s : 
but  it  is  proper  to  Vice  to  make  the  minde  of  man  fad :  Ergs, 
Vertue  maketh  his  minde  glad  :  Thiskinde  of  reafoningis 
more  plainely  taught  before,  when  wee  talked  of  Reduction 
by  impolTibilitie. 

Of  the  fecondMarke^et  this  be  your  example:  Euery  Dog 
hath  power  to  barke;  but  there  isacertayncStarre  called  the 
Dog:Er£0,that  Starrc  hath  power  to  barke.The  Fallax  of  this 
argument  confifteth  onely  in  the  word Dogge, which  is  equi- 
uoke,  as  fhall  be  declared  more  at  large  hereafter,  when  wee 
come  to  fpeake  of  that  Elench  or  Fallax. 

Of  the  Paradox,  which  is  the  third  Marke,  let  this  be  your 
example  :  The  Sophifter  w  ill  make  you  to  grant ,  that  a  rich 
and  happy  Kii>g  is  wretched,  by  force  of  argument ,  thus: 
Whofoeuer  is  fubicit  to  fm,is  wretched: but  all  rich  and  hap- 
py Kings  are  fiibie&  to  finne  '.Ergo,  ail  rich  and  happy  Kings 


of  Logic fy.  igp 

are  wretahed  and  miferablc  :  in  this  is  alio  a  Fallax,  becaufe 
that  happineiYe  is  fpoken  herein  two  refpe£ts,  for  there  is 
worldly  happineflV,  and  hcaucnly  happineffe. 

Of  the  fourth  marke  called  incongruitie  of  fpecch  ,  I  can 
hardly  giuc  y  on  any  fit  example  in  our  natitie  tongue,becaufe 
that  our  Enghfh  Adiecliucs  doe  not  differ  in  Cale,  Gender, 
and  Niimber,and  therforelpray  you  content  your  felfe  with 
this  Latinc  example,  for  it  is  an  eafier  matter  for  an  English- 
man to  fpeake  falleLatine,  thenfalfe  Enghfh :  theSophifler 
'  will  make  you  to  allow  of  this  falfe  Latine,^/^/;^  ejtcandi- 
W/^by  force  of  argument,  thus  :  Omrkhomo  eft  candid* ~s ,  at 
mutter  eft  homo,  ergo,  muhereft  candidusilhc  Englifh  v\  hereof 
is  thus :  Euery  man  is  white,  but  woman  is  man  :  Ergo,  a  wo- 
man is  white  :  here  this  word  white  in  the  Latineis  of  the 
Mafculine  gender,  contrarie  to  the  Rules  of  Grammar,  but 
this  may  be  very  well  referred  to  the  Fallax,  called  forme  of 
fpeech,  hereafter  declared. 

Of  the  fift  markc  called  Nugation,  let  this  be  your  exam- 
ple :The  Sophifter  will  make  you  to  allow  of  this  vaine  repe- 
tition :  Plato  is  learned,  a  man  leained,by  force  of  argument, 
thus :  Plato  is  learned,  but  Plato  is  a  man  learned :  Eras,  Plata- 
is  learned  ;  a  man  learned:  here  the  premifles  and  the  con- 
clufion  are  all  one  thing,  and  therefore  contrarie  to  the 
Rules  of  Logicke.  But  leaning  thefe  things  as  fu- 
perfluous,  and  in  my  iudgement  fcruingto 
fmall  purpofe ,  if  I  may  fo  fay  without 
effence,  I  mindc  therefore  now 
to  returne  to  my  matter 
firft  intended. 

B  b  3  CHAP. 

190  Thefixt  ^Boo^e 

CHAP.    V. 

How  to  confute  all  manner  of  Blenches,  or  Fallaxes, 
whatfoeuer  they  be. 

Very  Fallax  confifteth  cither  in  words  or  ia 
things  :  and  of  thofethat  confift  in  wordes, 
there  arc  in  number  fixe,  and  of  others  confi- 
ning in  things ,  there  arc  feuen,  fo  as  in  ail 
there  be  thirteene,  as  I  faid  before. 
Which  be  thofefixe  that  confift  in  words  ? 
Equiuocation,  Amphibologie,  or  doubtfull  fpeech,  Con- 
iun&ion,  Diuifion,  Accent,  and  Figure,  or  forme  of  fpeech. 
Shi w  what  thefe  FaRaxes  be,  and  giue  examples  ? 
I  Equiuocation  is,  when  the  deceit  confifteth  in  the  doubt- 

EftbiocAtig.  fulnefle  of  ibme  one  word,hauing  diucrs  fignifications,as  for 
example :  Euery  Doggc  is  a  fenfible  body ,  there  is  a  certaywe 
Starre  called  a Dogge  :  Brgot  That  Starre  is  a  fenfible  body : 
here  the  Conclufion  is  to  be  denyed ,  becaufe  this  word  Dog 
hath  diucrs  fignifications:  another  example,the  Prophet  faith 
that  there  is  no  euill  in  the  Citie,  but  God  doth  it ;  but  there 
be  horrible  euils  in  the  Citie  :  Ergo,  God  is  the  Author  of  e- 
uill:  the  Conclufion  is  to  be  denyed,becaufe  in  the  Maior  this 
word  euill  fignifieth  punifhment,  and  in  the  Minor  it  fignifi- 
cth  finne :  another  example,  Whofoeuer  loueth  Chrift,  obfer- 
ueth  his  Word,and  is  beloucd  of  the  Fathenbut  no  body  that 
breaketh  the  Law,  obferueth  the  Word  of  Chrift  ;  therefore 
no  body  is  bcloued  of  the  Father.-here  the  Maior  is  doubtfull, 
becaufe  this  voice,  Word ,  may  be  token  cither  for  the  word 
of  the  Law,or  elfe  for  the  word  of  the  Gofpell,which  the  A- 
poftles  did  eucr  kcepe,  as  Chrift  himfelfe  faith,  and  therefore 
they  were  beloucd  of  the  Father  ,  and  fo  confequently  euery 
true  Chrifii3n,that  doth  keepe  the  pure  doctrine  of  Chrift,  is 
beloued  of  the  Fathercbut  the  word  of  the  Law  faith,  that  e- 
uery  one  is  curfed  that  abideth  not  in  all. 
2  Amphibologie  or  doubtfull  fpeech,  is,  when  forne  whole 

Arnphbolo^,  fentence 

of Logic {e.  rpi 

fentenceisdoubtfull,  and  may  be  interpreted  diuerswayes, 
as  the  Oracle  of  Apollo,  in  faying,  that  CreIfm  Pa^ng  the  Ri- 
ucr  of  Halls ,  (hall  ouer-throw  a  great  Empire:by  which  O- 
racle  was  meant ,  that  heefhould  ouer-throw  his  owneEm- 
pire,and  not  the Perfian  Empire,which  by  wrong  conftruing 
that  Oracle,  he  hoped  to  fubdue. 

Compofitionor  Coniuncfton,  is  the  ioyning  together  of        , 
things  that  are  to  be  feuered.  As  for  example,  two  and  three  Ccmfefnio. 
bceuenandoddc,  butfiue  makcth  two  and  three,  therefore 
jSue  is  both  euen  and  odde  :  which  kinde  of  argument  is  to  be 
denyed,  becaufethofe things  are  ioyned  together,  which 
ought  to  be  feuered. 

Diuifion  is, when  things  are  feuered,  which  fhould  be  ioy-        a 
ned  together,  as,  all  the  wife  men  of  Greece  are  feuen  :  Solon  Diuifit*. 
2nd  Parian  derate  wife  men  ofGreecc,therefore  Solon  and  Pe- 
riander  are  feuen  :  here  the  Confequent  is  to  be  denyed  ,  be- 
caufe  Solon  and  ^eriander  are  feuered  from  the  reft  whereun- 
to  they  fhould  be  ioyned. 

The  Fallax  of  Accent  is ,  when  words  are  not  rightly  and        y 
fimply  pronounced,  as  when  wee  doe  adde  to,  or  take  from  a  Acmtm,. 
word,  any  afpiration,  letter,  or  fyllable,  and  thereby  alter  the 
true  fignification  thereof,  as  this  Latine  word,  Ha^jfignify- 
ing  a  Swines  cote,  being  pronounced  without  H,  doth  figni- 
fie  an  Altar.  In  Englifh  let  this  be  your  example,  Eucry  Hare 
is  fwift  on  foot,  but  this  is  a  Hayer,  (that  is  to  fay)  a  cloth  to 
drieMalt,  therefore  it  is  fwift  on  foot.  Of  like  fort  is  this 
old  icft  of  a  Maftcr,that  faid  to  his  feruant:Go,heate  this  Ca- 
pons leggcrwho  immediately  did  eateitrthen  his  Matter  be- 
ing angric,faid, I  bade  thee  heat  it,  with  an  h  :  no  Sir  (faid  the 
Seruant)  I  did  eate  it  with  Bread.  Likewife,  this  Fallax  may 
chance  by  not  obferuing  the  right  quanti  tie  of  fyllables,in  a- 
ny  word,  as  pofulw  hauing  o,  long,  is  a  Popple  tree,  but  ha- 
uing  o,  fhort,  it  fignifieth  a  people.  Or  when  a  word  v^d  Jn- 
terrogatiuely,  is  made  to  hauc  an  Affirmatiue  fignification,as 
for  example :  Caipbas  faid  tc  Chrift,  Art  thou  a  King  ?  Ergo, 
HeconfciTedChrift  to  be  a  King.  Or  when  a  word  pronoun- 
ced ironioufly,is  turned  to  good  earnsft,in  fpeaking  one  thing 


ipz  'Tbe/ixt'Boofy 


and  meaning  another,  as  thus:  My  Mafterfaid,  Comehithcr, 
you  honeft  manrErg^He  faid  that  I  was  an  honeft  man; when 
indeed  he  called  him  Knaue. 
6  The  Fallax  of  forme  or  manner  of  fpeech  may  be  diucrs 

form  Qrx'       Vvayes ,  as  firft,  when  words  are  falfly  fuppofed  to  be  like  ei- 
ther in  fignification,inCafe,or  in  Gendcr,or  to  be  of  one  felfc 
Predicament  jbecaufe  they  are  like  in  termination's  Poetdjn 
Englifh  a  Poet ,  and  Potmat  in  Englifa  a  Poefie  or  Pocticall 
worke  :  thefe  two  words,  becaufe  they  end  beth  in  *  :  Ergo, 
they  are  both  of  the  Mafculine  Gender.  Alfo  coloured  and 
numbred  arc  like  in  termination  :  Ergo,  they  are  of  one  fclfe 
Predicament ,  and  yet  the  firft  belongeth  to  the  Predicament 
of  Qualitie,  and  the  other  to  Quantitie.  Secondly,  when  a 
word  is  vfed  in  one  fclfe  argument/omethne  according  to  his 
proper  fignification,  and  fometime  as  a  terme  of  Arte :  as  for 
example,  God  is  euery-where:  euery-where  is  an  Aduerbe, 
therefore  God  is  an  Aduerbe.  A  Moufe  cateth  chccfc,  but  a 
Moufe  is  a  fyllable  ;  Ergo ,  a  fyllabie  eateth  checfe.  Here 
Moufe  in  the  Maior  hath  his  proper  fignification ,  and  in  the 
Minor  is  vfed  as  a  terme  of  Arte :  and  the  like  is  to  be  faid  of 
the  word  Euery-where  in  the  firft  example.  Thirdly,  when  a 
word  hath  not  his  proper  fignification,  or  is  not  vfed  accor- 
ding to  the  true  phrafe  of  fpeech  wherin  it  is  vttercd,as  thus: 
Whatfocucr  thou  haft  not  loft,thou  haft  ftil,but  thou  haft  loft 
no  Homes :  Ergo,  thou  haft  Homes.  Here  this  word,to  lofc, 
hath  not  his  proper  fignification,  for  wee  are  faid  to  lofe  pro- 
perly that  which  wee  had  ,  and  not  that  which  wee  neuer 
had.  And  finally,  this  Fallax  is  called  the  common 
refuge  and  receptacle  of  all  fuch  kinde  of  So- 
phiftrie.   Hitherto  of  the  Fallaxcs  in 
words,  now  of  the Fallaxes ia 


ofLogickf.  jp} 

CHAP.    VI. 

Of  the  FaHaxesin  things. 

F  thcfe  Fallaxes  there  be  feuen  kindes  (that  is 
to  fay)  Fallacia  Accidentia  >  a  diB»  [ecundum 
quid,  addttitm  Simpliciter ,  Ignoratio  Elenchi, 
Petitioprincipif ,  Fal/acia  Confequentu ',  Catifa 
pro  non  ca#f*s  FlurA  interrogate  fro  vno  refpon- 
[h\  Which  may  beEnglifhcd  thus:  TheFal- 
lax  of  the  Accident,the  Fallax  of  fpecch  refpe£tiue,in  ftead  of 
fpeech  abfolute,ignorance  of  the  Elcnch,Petition  of  the  prin. 
ciple,a  caufe  that  is  not  the  caufe  indeed,and  many  queftions 
comprehended  in  one. 

Define  wh/it  thefe  be,  andgiue  examples. 
FalUcia  u4ccidentts3mzy  be  diuers  wayes:  as  firft,when  any  -ay  -  'a  '- 
thing  belonging  only  to  the  fubftance  of  fome  thing,  is  attri-  fatis. 
buted  alfo  to  fome  accident  of  the  faid  fubftance,  and  contra- 
riwife  as  thus:  Whatfoeuer  thou  haft  bought,thou  haft  eaten, 
but  thou  haft  bought  raweflefti:  £rgo,  thou  haft  eaten  rawc 
flefh :  here  the  Confequent  is  to  be  denyed,  becaule  the  Ma- 
ior  hath  refpe6t  to  the  fubftance  ,  and  the  Conclusion  to  the 
qualitie.  Another  example,  What  I  am,thou  art  not,but  I  am 
a  man:  Ergo,  thou  art  none.  Here  in  this  the  Maiorhathre- 
fpe£t  to  the  qualitie,  and  the  Conclufion  to  the  fubftance.  Se- 
condly, when  Accidents  are  not  rightly  ioyned  together,  as 
when  the  qualities  of  the  bodie  are  joyned  with  the  qualities 
of  the  minde:  as  Homer  is  a  Poet,  2nd  Homer  is  blindc: 
Ergo,  Homer  is  a  blindc  Poet :  heerc  the  Conclufion  is  to  be 
denyed,becaufe  to  be  blindc,and  to  be  a  Poct,are  diuers  qua- 
lities, whereof  the  one  belongeth  to  the  minde,  and  the  other 
to  the  body ,  and  therefore  are  not  rightly  joyned  together. 
Thirdly,  as  (UlteUntthon  faith,)  when  an  accidcntall  caufe 
is  made  a  principall  caufe,as  thus:  Eltis  was  an  holy  Prophct3 
but  Elias  was  clad  with  Camels  haire  :  Ergo,  I  being  clad 
with  Camels  hayre,  am  a  holy  Prophet.  Here  the  Conclufion 

Cc  is 

ipq.  The  fat  ^Boo^e 

is  to  be  denied,bccaufe  to  be  clad  with  Camels  haire,was  not 
the  caufe  of  Elias  holincffe.  But  me  thinkes  that  this  and  fuch 
like  examples  doe  belong  rather  to  the  Fallax  offoufapro  »oh 
ci«/4,(\vhereof\ve  fhall  fpeakc  hereafter)then  to  the  Fallax  of 
the  Accident. 
2  The  Fallax  A  ditto  fecundum  quid  ad  dittum  Simplicitcr, 

Pifiumfecun-      chanceth  when  wee  goe  about  to  make  a  thing  to  fceme  abfo- 
dum  qaid.  lute,that  isfpoken  in  fome  refpecl: ,  orto  bee  in  all,  when  it  is 

but  in  part ,  as  a  Moore  hath  white  teeth :  Ergo  a  Moore  is 
white.  Againe,  it  may  bee  in  refpec},by  reafon  of  time,  place, 
perfon,  comparifon,  and  fuch  like.  Of  time,  as  thus :  I  faw 
/<^»yefterday,butl  faw  him  not  today:  Ergo  yld\&  fee  him, 
and  not  fee  him.  Of  place  thus:  It  is  not  good  to  buy  and  fell 
in  the  Church  :  Ergo,  it  is  not  good  to  buy  and  fell.  Of  perfon 
thus:  AMagiftratemay  kill  aThicfc:  Ergo ,  euery  man  may 
kill  a  Thiefe.  Of  comparifon  ,  thus :  Riches  are  not  good  to 
him  that  cannot  vfe  them  '.Ergo,  Riches  are  not  good. 
3«  Hauing  now  to  fpeake  of  the  Fallax,  called  the  Ignorance 

Igvoraf.o  Ekfj-,  cf  thcElench:  I  thinke  good  tocall  againe  to  your  remem- 
brance the  definition  of  anElench  before  briefly  fetdowne, 
which  is  a  Syllogifme  rightly  gathering  a  Condufion  contra- 
ry to  the  affertion  ofthe  refpondent,  which  contrarietie  con- 
fifteth  of  foure  principall  points  or  refpe&s ,  whereof,  if  any 
be  wanting,  then  the  contrarietie  is  not  perfect. 
TVhuh  bethnfefourefojnts  ? 

Firft,  that  it  be  to  one  felfe  thing.  Secondly,  in  one  felfe  re- 
fpec't.  Thirdly  ,  in  one  felfe  manner.  And  fourthly,  in  or  at 
one  felfe  time:for  if  you  be  deceiued  at  any  time  by  fome  falfc 
Elench  ,  ill  thinking  that  it  rightly  gathereth  a  Conclufion 
meere  contrary  to  your  aflertion,  when  it  is  not  fo  indeed, by 
reafon  that  it  faileth  in  fome  part  requifite  and  incident  to  a 
true  Elench  :  then  it  may  be  rightly  faid  that  you  are  deceiued 
by  ignorance  of  the  Elench,  which  Fallax,  as  Ar'tftotle  fayth, 
comprehendeth  almoft  all  others ,  and  therefore  hee  maketh  a 
long  and  obfeure  definition  of  an  Elench,  rehearfing  all  the 
.  particularities  thereof,  nothing  apt  to  bevttercd  in  our  Eng- 


of  Logic{e.  195 

Tet  I  pray  you  to  giue  examples  «f  the  foure  chiefe  points  before 

Ofthefirft,  let  this  bee  your  example :  foure  is  double  to 
two,  but  not  to  three :  Ergo,  foure  is  double  and  not  double; 
this  is  not  to  one  felfe  thing.  Of  the  fecond  thus :  This  piece 
of  timber  is  double  in  length  to  that  piece,  but  it  is  not  dou- 
ble to  the  fame  in  breadth :  Ergo,  it  is  to  one  felfc  thing,  both 
double,  and  not  double  to  one  fclfe  thing, but  not  in  one  felfe 
refpeit.  Of  the  third  thus:  This  Prince  ruleth  mightily ,  but 
not  mercifully  :  Ergo,  he  ruleth,  and  not  ruleth  ;  this  is  not  in 
like  manner.  Of  the  fourth  thus :  I  law  lohn  yefterday ,  but 
not  this  day  :  Ergo,  I  faw  him,  and  faw  him  not ;  this  is  not  in 
one  felfe  time.  And  all  thefe  foure  wayes  in  mine  opinion  arc 
comprehended  in  the  fecond  point;  which  is  when  any  thing 
isTpoken  not  abfolutely,  but  in  diuers  refpe£ts  :  wherefore,it 
differeth  not  much  from  the  Fallax  of  fpeech  refpedtiue  before 
declared,  fauingthat  this  Fallax  is  more  generall,  and  com- 
prehendeth  more  kinds  of  Fallaxes  then  that  doth. 

Petition  of  the  Principle  is,when  the  Antecedent  doth  not  4 

proue  the  confequent,  which  chanceth  moft  commonly  three  pctttl6  Fin~ 
manner  of  wayes:  that  is,  eyther  when  theproofeis  as  little  ™' 
kn©wne,as  the  thing  that  is  to  be  proued.  Secondly,when  the 
proofe  is  lefieknownc  then  the  thing  tobcproUed.  Thirdly, 
when  the  proofe,  and  the  thing  to  be  proued,  doe  not  differ, 
but  is  all  one  fpeech,  fignifying  one  felfe  thing,  called  of  the 
Greckes  TautoUgi*. 

Gins  example  of  thefe shree  wayes. 
Of  the  firh1  thus :  The  Sunne  moueth  not,  but  frandeth  flill 
in  the  middeft  of  hcauen,  giuing  light  to  all  the  world  :  Ergo, 
the  earth  is  moueable ;  or  thus :  The  Heauens  are  not  made  of 
Elementall  matter,  fubieft  to  corruption  :  Ergo,  the  Heauens 
are  incorruptible.  Heerc  in  both  thefe  examples  the  Antece- 
dent is  as  doubtfull  as  the  Confequent,  and  therefore  proo- 
ueth  nothing.  Of  the  fecond  way  thus:  Euery  fenfrblebodie 
fometime  lleepcth :  Ergo,  Man  fometime  fleepeth.  Heere  it  is 
more  to  be  doubted  whether  all  ft  nfiblc  Bodies,  all  Beaftes, 
Fowles  andFifhes,  doe  fometimesfleepe  or  not,  then  whe- 

Cc  2  ther 

\p6  TbeJixt'Boofy 

ther  man  doth  fometimc  lleepe :  for  it  is  an  eafier  matter  to 
know  the  nature  and  propcrcie  of  one  fpcciall  kinde ,  then  of 
all,  ormanykindes.  Of  the  third  way  thus;  M» is  learned: 
Srgo,  lohn  is  learned.The  foule  doth  Hue  euer :  Ergo,  it  is  ira- 
5.  The  Fallax  of  the  Confequent  chanceth  two  manner  of 

Tattacia  Confe-  Wayes,that  jSj  cythcr  when  we  thinke  the  Confequent  to  be 
querns.  conucrtible  with  the  Antecedent ,  but  it  is  not  fo  in  deede, 

or  elfe  when  we  thinke,  that  vpon  the  contrary  of  the  Ante- 
cedent, the  contrary  of  the  Confequent  muft  needesalfo 

Give  examples  of  both  thefe  Yttyes. 
This  isaman:£r£0,it  is  a  fenfible  body:  now  if  I  would 
hereof  by  conuerfion  conclude  thus:  it  is  a  fenfible  body:£r- 
go,  it  is  a  man:this  were  no  good  Confequent;  for  euery  fenfi- 
ble body  is  not  a  man.  Likewife,when  it  rayncth,  the  ground 
is  wet:  Ergo,vfhen  the  ground  is  wet,  it  rayneth  ;  for  thefe 
fpeeches  are  not  conucrtible.  Ofthefecond  way  thus :  It  is  a 
man  :  Ergo,  It  is  a  fenfible  body.  It  is  no  man  :  Ergo,  it  is  no 
fenfible  body.  Hccre  you  fee  that  this  Propofition,  It  is  no 
man,  is  the  contrary  of  the  firft  Antecedcnt?which  faith,  It  is 
a  man.  Of  which  contrary ,  the  contrary  of  the  Confequent 
doth  not  neccflfarily  follow  :  for  though  it  bee  no  man,  yet  it 
may  bee  fome  other  fenfible  bodie.  This  Fallax  comprehen- 
deth  all  fuch  falfe  Arguments ,  as  doc  not  obferue  the  Rules 
of  right  and  true  Confequcnts  before  giuen. 

6  The  Fallax  of  nov  cstufa  pro  caufa,  is ,  when  that  thing  is 
Cditfapronon  made  to  bethecaufeoftheConclufion,which  isnotthecaufc 
caitfa.              jn  cjee(je  .  as  wine  is  naught ,  becaufe  it  will  make  a  man 

drunke.  Of  which  drunkennefie,  Wine  is  not  the  caufe  ,  but 
the  intemperance  of  the  nun, and  his  immoderate  vfe  thereof; 
for  many  things  that  be  good  of  themfcluesmty  beabufed, 
yea,  euen  the  libcrtieoftheGoipcll,  and  yet  the  doctrine  of 
the  Gofpell  is  not  caufe  thereof,  but  the  malice  of  man  abu- 

7  fing  the  fame. 

Vluraimerroga-        Jhe  feUcnth  and  laft  Fallax,  is  when  vnaduifedly,  and 
fpZ™0 YC~     without vfing any  diftin£Hon,  youmakeananfweretomany 


ofLogickg.  197 

queftions,  as  though  they  were  but  one ;  as  for  example,The 
Sophifter,  feeing  two  men  (landing  together,  whereof  the 
oneisblindc,  and  the  other  hath  his  fight,  will  aske  you, 
perhaps,whether  they  fec,ornot;vvhereunto  if  you  anfwer  di- 
rectly, ey  ther  yea,  or  no,  you  are  by  and  by  taken  :  for  if  you 
fay  that  they  fee,thenyou  grant  that  the  blind  man  alfo  feeth,- 
and  if  you  fay,  that  they  doe  not  fee,then  you  grant,  that  hee 
which  feeth,  is  blinde ;  but  if  you  anfwerc,  that  the  one  feeth, 
and  the  other  not ,  youfhall  by  fuch  diftinftioneafily  auoyd 
the  Sophifters  cauillation :  for  diuers  queftions  huddled  vp  in 
one,  doe  alwayes  require  diuers  anfweres,     And  thus  I  end, 
with  the  order  of  confuting  all  falfeElenches ,  andFal- 
laxes;  the  knowledge  whereof  is  very  neceflary, 
for  the  maintenance  of  the  truth,  which  God 
loueth,  who  is  the  fountaine  of  all  trutb, 
yea,  and  very  truth  it  fclfe  ;  to  whom 
be  all  honour,glory  and  prayfe, 
world  without  end, 



