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Full text of "Associations between nutrition and mortality in six health service areas of North Carolina : an indirect study"

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JUN  i 

/v.  c. 


5  m 

A  Special  Report  Series  by  the  N,C.  Department  of  Human  Resources,  Division  of 
Health  Services,  Public  Health  Statistics  Branch,  P.O.  Box  2091,  Raleigh,  N.C. 

No.  k 

May  1977 


(An  Indirect  Study) 

In  recent  years,  considerable  attention  has  been  given  to  studies  relating 
disease  processes  to  various  elements  of  human  consumption.   These  studies  have 
experimentally  implicated  a  number  of  products  including  cyclamates,  food  dye  and 
saccharin.   In  addition,  various  studies  have  related  basic  foodstuffs  to  disease 
processes;  for  example,  the  high  cholesterol  content  of  eggs  has  been  implicated 
as  a  factor  in  cardiovascular  disease.   Still  other  recent  reports  point  to  the 
role  of  diet  in  various  forms  of  cancer. 

A  recent  PHSB  study  (1)  suggests  that  occupational  distribution  contributes 
significantly  to  the  explanation  of  death  from  acute  myocardial  infarction,  lung 
cancer  and  prostatic  cancer;  in  addition,  that  income  is  explanatory  for  lung  cancer; 
education  for  colon-rectum  cancer;  and  elevation  for  acute  myocardial  infarction  and 
prostatic  cancer.   The  question  is,  what  do  these  variables  represent.  ...  Is  diet 
an  important  factor? 

Fortunately,  North  Carolina  is  in  the  position  of  having  conducted  a  survey 
that  provides  dietary  data  for  a  representative  sample  of  the  household  population 
(2,3).   Although  that  survey  was  conducted  seven  years  ago,  and  time  and  circumstance 
have  undoubtedly  modified  eating  behavior  to  some  extent,  we  believe  the  data  are 
still  useful  indicators  of  the  relative  dietary  habits  of  different  areas  of  the 
state  and,  in  any  event,  that  they  afford  us  the  unique  opportunity  to  examine 
associations  between  prior  dietary  practice  and  current  mortality  in  North  Carolina. 

The  present  study  uses  correlation  analysis  to  examine  dietary  factors  that 
might  be  affecting  age-race-sex-adjusted  mortality  in  the  state's  six  health  service 
areas  (HSA's),  these  being  the  smallest  areas  for  which  survey  data  are  available. 
In  these  analyses,  intercorrelations  among  per  capita  income,  a  contrived  elevation 
variable  and  nutrition  factors  are  also  examined.   Although  the  previously  cited 
study  (l)  and  other  investigations  tend  to  support  the  hypothesis  of  a  protective 
effect  of  altitude  upon  heart  function,  dietary  factors  may  be  the  protective  agent 
in  North  Carol ina. 


Dietary  Data 

The  North  Carolina  Nutrition  Survey  (NCNS)  was  originally  designed  to  provide 
dietary  data  for  only  three  regions  of  the  state--the  East,  the  Piedmont,  and  the 
West  (2).   However,  in  terms  of  the  number  of  households  for  which  dietary  data 
were  obtained,  each  of  the  HSA's  appears  sufficiently  represented  to  allow  for  the 
post-stratification  used  in  this  paper.   Table  1  compares  the  percentage  distributions 
of  responding  survey  households  and  household  members  to  the  corresponding  distributions 
obtained  in  the  April  1970  Census. 

Details  concerning  the  survey  design  and  procedures  have  been  reported  (2). 
Briefly,  the  data  were  collected  by  trained  nutritionist-interviewers  from  an  adult 
household  member  who  had  responsibility  for  meal  preparation.   This  person  was  asked 

Table  1 

Percentage  Distributions  of  North  Carolina  Households 
and  Household  Members  by  Health  Service  Area 

Total  Number 
Health  Service  Area 

1970  Census    1970  Sample 
Enumerat  ion  (^  )     Survey* 

1,509, 56*4 


1  Western 



II  Piedmont 


23.  k 

III  Southern  Piedmont 



IV  Capital 



V  Cardinal 



VI  Eastern  Carol i  na 



Household  Members 
1970  Census     1970  Sample 
Enumeration^ )     Survey" 






21  .0 









*Based  on  households  providing  complete  dietary  data.   This  excludes  nearly  12$  of 
the  original  sample  of  1,315  households. 

to  recall  all  foods  consumed  from  the  home  food  supply  on  the  day  prior  to  interview  with 
food  models  being  used  to  help  respondents  recall  the  amounts  of  foods  consumed.   A 
computer  program  was  then  used  to  convert  food  model  specifications  into  gram  amounts  and 
caloric  and  nutrient  values. 

Dietary  data  used  in  the  present  study  are  described  below.   These  data  are  specific 
for  households  located  in  each  HSA  and  may  be  obtained  by  contacting  the  Public  Health 
Statistics  Branch. 

-  Data  items  are  the  per  person  per  meal  grams  of  food  consumed  from  each  of  20  food  groups. 
Details  concerning  the  food  items  included  in  eact   food  group  are  available  (3,6). 

-  Data  items  are  the  per  person  per  meal  amounts  of  17  nutrients  consumed  in  survey  households. 
In  the  case  of  water,  it  should  be  noted  that  this  represents  the  water  content  of  foods  and 
mixed  beverages  and  does  not  include  plain  drinking  water. 

-  The  survey  data  file  provides  information  concerning  the  "adequacy"  of  caloric  and  nutrient 
intakes  as  related  to  age-sex-weight-specific  daily  standards  described  in  a  published 
report  (2).   Data  items  presently  used  are  the  percentages  of  households  meeting  less  than 
50%  of  their  standard  for  calories  and  each  of  8  nutrients  ("low"  intakes)  and  the  percent- 
ages of  households  meeting  200  percent  or  more  of  each  standard  ("high"  intakes).   In  the 
determination  of  these  percentages,  standards  were  adjusted  for  meals  eaten  from  other  than 
the  home  source  (2). 

-  Data  items  are  the  percentages  of  total  calories  derived  from  protein,  fats  and  carbohydrates. 
Factors  used  to  convert  grams  to  calories  were  *t,  9  and  k   respectively  (e.g.,  each  gram  of 
protein  is  equivalent  to  b   calories). 

-  Each  household  diet  was  rated  optimal,  adequate  or  inadequate  according  to  published 
criteria  (2).   The  data  are  used  here  as  the  percentage  of  household  diets  in  each  diet  rat- 
ing category. 

-  Data  items  are  the  percentages  of  persons  failing  to  eat  the  A.M.,  noon  and  P.M.  meals. 

Mortal ity  Data 

Rates  used  in  these  analyses  are  the  1973-75  average  annual  death  rates,  adjusted  for 
age,  race  and  sex  (7)  and  specific  for  the  disease  entities  described  on  the  next  page. 
Other  causes  of  death  were  not  studied  due  to  the  fact  that  death  rates  are  presently  com- 
puted only  for  underlying  causes  of  death,  and  for  many  diseases,  the  "incidence  at  death" 
is  known  to  be  much  higher.   For  example,  hypertension,  arteriosclerosis  and  diabetes  are 

considered  "associated"  conditions  far  more  often  than  they  are  considered  an  underlying 
cause.   Since  our  primary  interest  is  in  the  determinants  of  disease  rather  than  the 
determinants  of  underlying  causes  of  death  per  se,  analysis  based  soley  on  underlying 
frequencies  would  not  be  appropriate.   We  also  did  not  study  causes  for  which  the  3_year 
rates  appear  to  fluctuate  randomly  over  time. 

Causes  listed  below  were  deemed  amenable  to  study  on  the  basis  that  (i)  the  under- 
lying frequencies  are  thought  to  closely  represent  the  incidence  at  death  and  (ii)  cor- 
relations between  the  1968-70  and  1973_75  HSA  death  rates  are  statistically  significant 
suggesting  the  presence  of  some  causative  agent  that  may  invite  intervention.   In  the  case 
of  acute  myocardial  infarction,  the  latter  condition  was  met  only  when  HSA  IV  was  eliminated; 
hence,  results  for  that  cause  are  based  on  data  for  five  rather  than  six  HSA's.   This 
concession  was  allowed  because  of  special  interest  in  intercorrelat ions  among  elevation, 
nutrition  factors  and  myocardial  infarction. 

Cause  ICDA  Codes  (8) 

Acute  Myocardial  Infarction ^10 

Colon  and  Rectum  Cancer  153,15^ 

Pancreatic  Cancer  157 

Trachea,  Bronchus  and  Lung  Cancer  162 

Cancer  of  the  Cervix  Uteri   180 

Prostatic  Cancer   185 

Income  and  Elevation  Data 

Clearly,  food  utilization  practices  reflect  many  facets  of  living  including  economic 
power  and  culturally  conditioned  lifestyles;  hence  our  need  to  be  aware  of  these  associa- 
tions when  assessing  apparent  associations  between  nutrition  factors  and  mortality. 

Per  capita  income  (9)  is  used  in  these  analyses  because  NCNS  results  indicate  that 
food  utilization  is  more  a  linear  function  of  income  than  of  homemaker's  education  (2,3). 
We  chose  per  capita  income  as  a  general  descriptor  that  is  highly  correlated  with  other 
income  variables. 

The  elevation  variable  presently  used  is  the  population-weighted  average  of  the 
elevations  of  all  county  seats  located  in  each  HSA. 

Correlation  Analysis 

Two  statistical  tests— Pearson' s  product-moment  correlation  procedure  and  Spearman's 
nonparametric  procedure— were  used  in  these  analyses  (10).   While  results  are  probably 
stronger  when  both  tests  indicate  a  statistically  significant  correlation,  the  reader  should 
be  aware  that  we  are  dealing  here  with  a  small  number  of  observations  (HSA's)  such  that  a 
single  pair  of  values  can  make  a  lot  of  difference  to  the  value  of  r  (Pearson's  coefficient) 
or  rs  (Spearman's  coefficient).   Hence,  results  are  only  suggestive,  not  conclusive,  and  in 
any  event,  they  should  not  be  taken  to  imply  cause-and-ef feet  relationships.   Rather,  the 
correlation  coefficients  merely  indicate  the  degree  and  direction  in  which  two  variables 
change  together  as  described  in  the  next  section. 


Table  2  shows  statistically  significant  coefficients  for  correlations  between  mortality 
rates  and  each  of  the  nutrition  factors,  income  and  elevation  respectively,  and  Table  3 
displays  significant  coefficients  for  correlations  between  nutrition  factors  and  income  and 
elevation  respectively.   In  these  tables,  the  sign  of  the  coefficient  (r  or  rs)  indicates 

the  direction  of  the  association  between  variables;  for  example,  Table  2  shows  that 
increases  in  acute  myocardial  infarction  are  associated  with  increases  in  egg  consumption 
and  decreases  in  the  use  of  non-confection  desserts.   The  closer  the  value  of  r  or  rs  to 
1.00  or  to  -1.00,  the  greater  the  association  between  a  pair  of  variables. 

Mindful  of  the  fact  that  evaluation  of  present  results  must  be  left  to  the  nutrition 
community,  remarks  given  below  merely  highlight  these  results  while  pointing  up  other 
evidence  of  relationships  between  disease  and  various  socio-envi ronmental  factors.   Here, 
frequent  reference  is  made  to  the  diet  and  mortality  experiences  of  the  Japanese  because 
(i)  nutrition  conditions  in  Japan  are  documented  and  (ii)  mortality  patterns  in  Japan 
appear  to  vary  markedly  in  some  instances  from  those  observed  in  the  United  States  (11). 
In  this  regard,  it  should  be  noted  that  the  Japanese  diet  is  being  increasingly  influenced 
by  western  culture;  thus,  the  future  of  that  country's  mortality  patterns  will  be  of  great 

-  Present  results  support  other  evidence  of  a  positive  association  between  death  from  cardio- 
vascular disease  (acute  myocardial  Infarction)  and  consumption  of  eggs.   Here,  Japan's 
experience  seems  particularly  notable  since  that  country  has  one  of  the  world's  lowest 
recorded  heart  disease  rates,  calculated  In  1965  at  less  than  one-fourth  the  U.S.  and  N.C. 
rates.   The  low  rate  Is  associated  with  a  Japanese  diet  that  Is  low  (but  Increasing)  In 
cholesterol.   (11) 

-  The  high  negative  correlation  between  myocardial  Infarction  and  use  of  desserts  was  not 
expected  but  may  be  explained  In  part  by  the  fact  that  dessert  consumption  Is  positively 
associated  with  Income  and  use  of  citrus  fruits  while  being  negatively  associated  with  use 
of  eggs.   Also,  confection-type  desserts  are  not  Included  here  but  In  a  separate  sugar/ 
sweets  group.   Again  referring  to  Japan,  the  Japanese  enjoy  and  use  sweet  foodstuffs,  but 
theirs  have  a  low  sugar  content  compared  to  western  confections  (11). 

-  As  before  (1),  elevation  appears  protective  against  death  from  myocardial  Infarction,  but 
this  result  may  be  confounded  by  the  effects  of  various  dietary  factors  as  well  as  climatic 
and  other  elevation-related  factors.   The  previous  study  (1)  also  suggests  that  water  zinc 
may  be  a  positive  correlate  of  myocardial  infarction  death  in  North  Carolina,  but  a  mechanism 
for  any  such  action  is  unknown  and  levels  of  water  zinc  appear  well  within  established  limits 
in  this  state. 

-  Colon-rectum  cancer  is  shown  to  be  positively  associated  with  intakes  of  beef  and  negatively 
associated  with  intakes  of  flour/cereal  products.   Intakes  of  protein  and  niacin  and  the 
incidence  of  high-niacin  diets  are  also  positive  correlates.   Although  these  results  may 
reflect  income-related  factors  other  than  diet  per  se,  they  are  consistent  with  a  low 
incidence  of  colon  cancer  in  Japan  where  diets  are  extremely  high  in  carbohydrates  and  low 
in  all  animal  products  except  fish  (11).   The  previous  study  (l)  suggests  that  colon  cancer 
mortality  in  North  Carolina  Is  positively  associated  with  education  and  with  water  manganese; 
also,  death  from  this  cause  appears  more  frequent  among  divorced  nonwhlte  males  (12). 

-  Little  is  known  of  the  causal  aspects  of  pancreatic  cancer,  but  the  Increasing  trend  In 
mortality  suggests  that  exposure  to  etlologlc  factors  has  Increased  (13)  or  that  more 
accurate  diagnoses  are  being  made.   Present  results  show  a  positive  association  with  three 
intercorrelated  variables,  i.e.,  the  incidence  of  high-niacin  and  high-vitamin  C  diets  and 
income.   Pancreatic  cancer  is  also  shown  to  be  negatively  associated  with  the  incidence  of 
low-protein  and  low-thiamlne  diets.   Previous  findings  (12)  indicate  that  in  North  Carolina 
higher  pancreatic  cancer  death  rates  occur  among  divorced  and  widowed  persons. 

-  Lung  cancer  mortality  is  shown  to  be  associated  with  elevation  and  several  related  dietary 
factors,  but  previous  findings  (1)  suggest  that  elevation  Is  unimportant  while  income  (a 
negative  correlate)  and  occupation  distribution  are  highly  important  when  these  factors 
are  considered  against  each  other  and  various  other  social  and  environmental  conditions. 
Other  studies  (13)  have  found  an  inverse  relationship  between  lung  cancer  and  educational 
class,  and  in  North  Carolina,  divorced  males  of  both  races  appear  particularly  disposed  to 
lung  cancer  mortality  (12). 

-  Present  results  support  other  evidence  of  an  inverse  relationship  between  cervical  cancer 
and  socio-economic  class  (12,13).   Sexual  activity  has  been  Implicated  (13);  diet  may  or  may 
not  be  an  important  factor. 

-  Findings  for  associations  between  prostatic  cancer  and  consumption  of  protein  and  thiamine 
are  consistent  with  reports  of  a  higher  frequency  of  prostatic  cancer  among  Japanese 
Americans  than  among  Japanese  In  Japan  (13);  the  Japanese  diet  traditionally  Includes  mostly 
vegetable  protein  and  is  low  In  thiamine  relative  to  dietary  standards  In  the  U.S.  (11,2). 
Other  studies  indicate  a  higher  northern  than  southern  frequency  for  U.S.  whites  and  non- 
whites  and  a  higher  frequency  among  professional  workers,  relatives  of  prostatic  cancer 
decedents,  and  widowed  and  married  men,  especially  nonwhltes  (12,13).   In  North  Carolina, 
elevation-related  factors  may  be  Important  (1). 



In  addition  to  the  correlation  analyses  reported  above,  the  several  death  rates  were 
correlated  with  an  "apparent"  per  capita  dollar  sale  of  distilled  spirits  (see  referenc 
7,  page  2M).   Si  nee  these  sales  involve  tourists  and  other  non-residents  of  an  HSA  the 
are  only  gross  indicators  of  alcohol  consumption;  however,  the  correlation  with  cirrhosis 
of  the  liver  was  moderately  high  (r  =  .Jh)    such  that  results  for  other  causes  may  bave 
meaning   Among  the  causes  presently  studied,  highest  correlations  were  observed  for  lung 
cancer  (r  -  .68),  colon-rectum  cancer  (r  =  .50)  and  prostatic  cancer  (rs  =  .k3)        The  sale 
of  distilled  spirits  was  also  a  moderate  negative  correlate  of  elevation  (r  =  -.63).   None 
of  these  correlations  was  statistically  significant. 

Table  2 

Significant  Peorson  Coefficients  (r)  and  Spearman  Coefficients  (r,)  for 
Correlations  Between  Mortal Itv  Kales  and  Nutrition  Factors, 
Elevation  and  Per  Capita  Income  Respectively 
North  Carolina  Health  Service  Areas 

Nutrition  Factors 

Per  Person  Per  Meal   Grams 

Dairy  Products 



Sausage/Luncheon  Meats 



Citrus  Fruits/Tomatoes 

White  Potatoes 

Fruits/Vegetables,  n.e.c. 

Homemade  Self-rising  Biscuits 

Other  Flour/Cereal  Products 

Desserts  (non-confection) 

Soups /Sauces 

Per  Person  Per  Meal  Nutrients 

Infarct  Ion 



Ca 1 c  i  urn 

I  ron 

Potass  i  urn 

Vitamin  A  Value 

Th I  amine 


Preformed  Niacin 

VI tamin  C 



Percent  Households 
ui  th  Low  Intake  of: 







-  90* 

-.91'   -I. 00*' 




Thl amine 


Preformed  Niacin 

1  ron 

Vitamin  A  Value 

Cal c I um 

Vitamin  C 

Percent   Households 
uith  High   Intake  of: 

Preformed  Niacin 
I  ron 
Vitamin  C 

Percent  Household 
Diets  Rated: 


-  80 





■  90 

Percent   Failure   to  Eat: 

A.M.  Heal 
Noon  Meal 


Percent   Calories  from  Protein 

ilevat Ion 

*er  Cap! ta  Income 




.85   -1.00' 
.87   -.80 

-HSA  IV  not  Included  in  these  correlations. 
Fruits/Vegetables,  not  elsewhere  classified, 
and  white  potatoes. 


Cause  of  Death 

.814*    .83' 

Pancreat Ic 



-.94**  -.83^ 

•  83< 

.85*   .83' 

.92**  .83 

-■75  -.77 






.95**  .83' 




.87*  -.83* 
.82*  -.78 


.74   .77 

78    .77 

•  85* 












-I .00* 


.92**  -.83* 





.76   .77 




.90*  -.84* 




-.88*   -.77 
.88*   -.94* 

-.98**  -1.00* 

•89*  .77 



I.e.,  excludes  citrus  fruits,  tomatoes,  high  vitamin  A  fruits/vegetables 

no  superscript  p 
*  P 

. 10.  two-tal led  test. 
.05.  two-tailed  test. 
.01 ,  two-tal led  test. 


Although  the  preceding  dietary  findings  may  reflect  the  effects  of  other  factors, 

perhaps  they  still  should  not  be  dismissed  lightly  for  the  following  reason.   Many 

processed  foods  have  added  nutrients,  including  niacin,  thiamine  and  others.   For  some 

of  these  products,  levels  of  the  nutrients  are  regulated  by  Federal  standards,  but  for 

many  products,  there  are  no  regulations  (}k)  .      And  even  for  those  products  subject  to 

regulation,  one  must  wonder  if  the  standards  have  been  in  effect  long  enough  to  reliably 

discern  the  long-term  effects.   We  note,  for  example,  that  enrichment  of  wheat  products 

was  initiated  during  World  War  II  (15)  and  enrichment  laws  for  other  grain  products  are 
;j li..  itc\ 

considerably  younger  (16) 

Table  3 














•  77 







Significant  Pearson  Coefficients  (r)  and  Spearman  Coefficients  (rs) 

for  Correlations  Between  Nutrition  Factors  and  Income 

and  Elevation  Respectively 

Six  North  Carolina  Health  Service  Areas 

Nutrition  Factors  Correlated 
with  Per  Capita  Income 

Per  Meal  Intake  of  Desserts 

Per  Meal  Intake  of  Citrus  Fruits/Tomatoes 

Per  Meal  Intake  of  Mixed  Foods 

Per  Meal  Intake  of  Thiamine 

Per  Meal  Intake  of  Preformed  Niacin 

Per  Meal  Intake  of  Vitamin  C 

Percent  Households  with  Optimal  Diet 

Percent  Households  with  Inadequate  Diet 

Percent  Households  with  Low  Iron  Intake 

Percent  Households  with  Low  Vitamin  C  Intake 

Percent  Households  with  High  Preformed  Niacin  Intake 

Percent  Households  with  High  Vitamin  C  Intake 

Nutrition  Factors  Correlated 
with  Elevation 

Per  Meal  Intake  of  Citrus  Fruits/Tomatoes  .77 

Per  Meal  Intake  of  Fruits/Vegetables  n.e.c. 

Per  Meal  Intake  of  Fiber  Carbohydrates 

Per  Meal  Intake  of  Calcium 

Per  Meal  Intake  of  Potassium 

Per  Meal  Intake  of  Thiamine 

Per  Meal  Intake  of  Ash 

Percent  Households  with  Low  Calcium  Intake 
Percent  Households  with  Low  Vitamin  A  Value  Intake 
Percent  Households  with  High  Riboflavin  Intake 
Percent  Households  with  High  Iron  Intake 
Percent  Households  with  High  Calcium  Intake 
Percent  Households  with  Adequate  Diet 
Percent  Households  with  Inadequate  Diet 
Percent  Persons  Failing  to  Eat  A.M.  Meal 

no  superscript  p  <  .10,  two-tailed  test. 

*  p<.05,  two-tailed  test. 

**  p<.01,  two-tailed  test. 









•  77 












Note:   Persons  desiring  coefficients  for  correlations  among  the  nutrition  factors 
may  contact  the  Public  Health  Statistics  Branch. 


3  3091  00739  0230 

One  final  word  concerns  indicators  of  nutritional  status  which  have  not  been  studied 
here.   These  include  the  use  of  sugar  vs.  starch  carbohydrates,  animal  vs.  vegetable 
protein  and  saturated  vs.  unsaturated  fats.   While  the  NCNS  statistical  file  does  not 
identify  these  constituents,  it  does  identify  specific  food  items  such  that,  with  the  aid 
of  nutritionists,  we  might  estimate  the  needed  parameters  in  order  to  perform  correspond- 
ing analyses.   Some  present  results  point  to  a  need  for  these  more  detailed  analyses;  for 
example,  contrary  to  expectation,  correlations  between  dietary  fat  and  the  diseases  studied 
here  were  not  significant,  but  correlations  involving  saturated  vs.  unsaturated  fats  may  be 
quite  different. 


(1)  N.C.  Department  of  Human  Resources,  Division  of  Health  Services,  Public  Health 

Statistics  Branch.   "Associations  Between  Mortality  and  Various  Social, 
Economic  and  Environmental  Factors  in  North  Carolina,"  PHSB  Studies,  No.  3, 
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(2)  N.C.  State  Board  of  Health.   North  Carolina  Nutrition  Survey:   Part  One.   Raleigh, 

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(3)  N.C.  Department  of  Human  Resources,  Division  of  Health  Services.   North  Carol i  na 

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(5)  U.S.  Bureau  of  the  Census,  Census  of  Population.   1970  General  Population  Charact- 

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(6)  N.C.  Department  of  Human  Resources,  Division  of  Health  Services,  Public  Health 

Statistics  Branch.   Food  Choices  of  North  Carolinians  by  Kathryn  B.  Surles 
and  James  J.  Palmersheim.   SRS-22 10-07-02-73 ,  Raleigh,  November  15,  1973- 

(7)  Department  of  Human  Resources,  Division  of  Health  Services,  Public  Health  Statistics 

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Vol.  2.   Raleigh,  July  1976. 

(8)  U.S.  Department  of  Health,  Education  and  Welfare,  Public  Health  Service,  National 

Center  for  Health  Statistics.   Eighth  Revision  International  Classification 
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December  1968. 

(9)   N.C. 


Department  of  Human  Resources,  State  Health  Planning  and  Development  Agency. 
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December 1976. 


N.H.;  Hull,  C.H.;  Jenkins,  J.G.;  Steinbrenner ,  K.  ;  and  Bent,  D.H.   Statistical 
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No.  7,  pp.  753-777,  July  1968. 


(12)  N.C.  Department  of  Human  Resources,  Division  of  Health  Services,  Public  Health 

Statistics  Branch.   "Relationships  Between  Marital  Status  and  Mortality  in 
North  Carolina,"   PHSB  Studies,  No.  2,  Raleigh,  February  1 977 - 

(13)  Lilienfeld,  A.M.;  Levin,  M.L.;  Kessler,  I.I.   Cancer  in  the  United  States.   Harvard 

University  Press,  Cambridge,  Massachusetts,  1972. 

OM   U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture.   Food  for  Us  All:   The  Yearbook  of  Agriculture  1969. 
U.S.  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.C., 1969- 

(15)  Mitchell,  H.S.;  Ryanbergen,  H.J.;  Anderson,  L. ;  Dibble,  M.V.   Cooper's  Nutrition  in 

Health  and  Disease,  15th  edition.  J.B.  Lippincott  Company,  Philadelphia, 19687 

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L.  Merrill.   Agriculture  Handbook  No.  8  (rev.),  U.S.  Government  Printing  Office, 
Washington,  D.C.,  December  1963. 

Public  Health  Statistics  Branch 
Division  of  Health  Services 
Department  of  Human  Resources 
P.O.  Box  2091 
Raleigh,  North  Carolina  27602