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Full text of "New and rare beautiful-leaved plants : containing illustrations and descriptions of the most ornamental-foliaged plants not hitherto noticed in any work on the subject/ by Shirley Hibberd"

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Abutilon Thompsoni . 


Acalypba tricolor . 

. 121 

Acer negundo variegata 


Acer palmatum sanguineum 

. 83 

Adelaster albivenis 


Agave Americana variegata . 

. 61 

Alocasia Jenningsii 


Alocasia Lowii 

. 49 

Alter nan tbera sessilis 


Anaactochilus setaceus . 

. 87 

Aralia Veitcbii .... 


Aucuba Japonica anreo-maculata 


Begonia Daedalea 


Begonia falcifolia . 

. 105 

Bertolonia guttata 


Bignonia argyrea-violescens . 

. 27 

Caladium Belleymei . 


Caladium mirabile 

. 17 

Calathea Veitchiana . 


Canna atro nigricans 

. 127 

Cineraria maritima Fairbairnianum 123 

Coleus, New Vai'ieties of 

. 89 

Croton Hilli 


Croton interruptuin 

. 109 

Croton irregulare 


Cypripedium concolor 

. 119 

Dicborisandra mosaica 


Dicborisandra undata 

. 77 

Dieffenbachia Baraquiniana 



Draceena terminalis ... 21 

Dracaena regina .... 139 

Eranthemum igneum ... 79 

Erantbemum sanguinolentum . 9 

"Gesnera Exoniensis ... 85 

Gymnostacbyum Verscbaffelti . 23 

Hibiscus Cooperii ... 33 

Hypcestes sanguinolenta . . 10 

Lonicera bracbypoda ... 39 

Maranta illustris ... 37 
Maranta rosea-picta . . .13 

Musa vittata . . . 1 

Panicum plicatum' . . . 107 

Passiflora trifasciata ... 93 

Pelargoniums, Variegated . . 137 

Peperomia argyreia ... 59 

Pbalasnopsis Scbilleriana . . 95 

Pbormium tenax variegatum . 51 

Rbapis flabelliformis ... 73 

Sancbezia nobilis . . . 101 

Saxifraga Fortunei ... 3 

Sedum Sieboldii medio-variegatum 55 

Smilax macropbylla ... 67 

Solannm marginatum . . 133 
Teleiantbera ficoidea . . .71 

Terminalia elegans . . . 135 
Yucca aloifolia variegata . .103 

Zca Japonica variegata . . 47 


The increased attention paid to Beautiful-leaved Plants constitutes a 
distinct phase in the history of horticulture. It is but recently that the 
beauty of leaves has been fully recognised, and the passion that has arisen 
for collecting and cultivating "fine-foliaged plants" is one of the newest, 
but is not at all likely to be transient. We do now and then hear that 
ferns are less cared for than formerly, and perhaps we shall soon be told 
that Begonias, Caladiums, Palms, Cicads, and Yuccas have had their day. 
Fashion is certainly capricious; and in the cultivation of plants we are well 
accustomed to see this or that particular subject or class elevated for a 
time to the highest popularity, only to prepare the way for something else 
which shall take its place, and eclipse it in public favour. Nevertheless, 
we do not anticipate that a single plant figured in this work will be less 
interesting fifty years hence than now, for our purpose has been to select 
without regard to fashion, but with an eye to intrinsic beauty only, from 
amongst the thousands of beautiful-leaved plants with which the earth is 
adorned. Some of our friends suggest that by promoting the culture of 
fine-foliaged plants we discourage the cultivation of flowering plants; but 
this is a great mistake. Flowering plants will never lack admirers, and as 
many of them have beautiful leaves, we have been enabled to figure and 
describe many subjects that are as valuable for one feature as the other. 
But we have chiefly sought for leaves, and have considered flowers as 
secondary thereto; desiring to feed the large desire for information on the 
subject of leaf beauty that has now sprung up, and direct, if possible, 
the taste for the cultivation of such subjects. 

In some respects leaves claim higher admiration than flowers: in regard 
to their peculiar beauty we will be bold to say that the most lovely flowers 



do not surpass them. We know of no flowers, for example, to match against 
the leaves of an Anoectochilus; and a Gymnostachium or Peperomia may 
satisfy the most exigeant eye for a season, without the aid of flowers. 
Not that we wish to discuss so absurd a question as the relative merits of 
leaves and flowers in general; all we wish to say here is this, — that we 
may find leaves so sumptuously beautiful that we may do better in admiring 
them than in discussing almost any question; and in one sense leaves 
are more to be admired than flowers, because their beauty may be considered 
permanent and ordinary, whereas the flower is more or less, and in a sense 
which all will understand, temporary and extraordinary. We have illustra- 
tion of this difference between them in the parterre, where the moment a 
variegated-leaved Geranium is planted, the ground is enriched; but we 
must wait to see what the green-leaved Geranium will do, for it is of little 
value until it has attained to perfect inflorescence. 

In times gone by a planthouse was thought well furnished if filled with 
flowers. But now, "we have grown expensive and hard to please," and 
look for the relief which is afforded by an intermixture with the flowers of 
various forms of elegant leafage. The new taste is better than the old one: 
it is broader, and more catholic. Where there are many flowers monotony 
may prevail, but monotony is scarcely possible where there are many beautiful- 
leaved plants. We can imagine a cultivator filling a house with Pelar- 
goniums, and indeed have actually seen such a thing; but we never have 
seen, and cannot imagine, a house filled with Begonias of the type of Rex. 
No: whoever has a great liking for Begonia Rex will likely enough love 
Palms, Musas, Dracaenas, and many kinds of flowering plants, and will seek 
to produce in the conservatory a complete, various, and rich effect; to 
produce in fact a beautiful assemblage of many of the richest colours and 
most elegant forms which the vegetable kingdom offers us. Beautiful leaves 
will not elbow flowering plants aside, but will- enhance their beauty by 
contrast, and enrich the harmony in which they play so conspicuous a part. 

S. H. 

Stoke Ntivinglon, London, 

September 30///., 1869. 





Musa sapientum vittata, The Wise Men's Banana. 
Natural Order — Musace^s. 

The green-leaved form of this Musa has been in cultivation in our 
stoves about forty years, but the variegated form here figured is of 
quite recent introduction. When compared with the finest variegated- 




leaved plants of the stove, such as tlie Alocasia macrorhiza car., for 
example, this striped-leaved Banana takes a very high place; and we 
may search far and wide to find its equal for nobility of proportions 
and splendour of colouring. The stripes and blotches of white, which 
give it the right to be placed first in this scries of "Beautiful-leaved 
Plants," are delightfully constant, so that when well grown it is but 
seldom a green leaf is produced. 

The treatment of this plant should be the same as that of Musas 
generally, but it is advisable to abstain from the use of strong manure, 
to avoid the development of a degree of vigour unfavourable to the 
variegation. The Musas, as a rule, require a rich turfy loam, with 
a liberal proportion of good manure, an abundance of water at the 
root while growing freely, and a considerable degree of atmospheric 
humidity. The plantain thrives in every part of the world where the 
mean heat of the year exceeds 75° Fahr., and in Cuba it is reported 
to bear a temperature occasionally as low as 40°, or even down to 
the freezing point. In our planthouses a summer temperature of 70° 
to 100°, and a winter temperature of 50° to 60°, are found to suit all 
the species that are in cultivation. It is however certain that Musas 
will with us bear low temperatures without harm, for during the past 
summer some fine plants of 31. Cavendishii and 31. rosacea were 
"bedded out" at Battersca Park, and they grew freely, flowered 
abundantly, and actually formed a few clusters of fruit, before they 
were taken in for the winter. The plant now under consideration 
is possibly a trifle more tender in constitution than its green-leaved 
congeners, and therefore should not be taken out of the stove except 
during the very height of the summer. 

All the Musas known to cultivators are worth house-room, and a 
wealthy amateur may find amusement in collecting and keeping them. 
But in the majority of stoves, where a number of large plants of the 
same genus cannot be accommodated, the best are 31. sajnenticm vittata, 
figured above, which will attain a height of twenty feet; M. ensete, 
a plant of the most magnificent prorjortions, twenty or more feet high 
when full grown, with bright green leaves fifteen feet long and four 
feet wide; and M. Cavendishii, growing only three to five feet high, 
and producing an abundance of fruit. 

The propagation of Musas is easily effected by means of suckers, 
which are removed when furnished with a sufficiency of roots. The 
species vary in respect of the production of suckers, such as 31. 
Cavendishii, rosacea, and sapientum affording them in plenty; whereas 
31. ensete gives none at all, so far as we are aware, and hence doubtless 
its great rarity. 

Var. Tricolor. 



Var. Tricolor. 


Saxifrarja Fotiimei, var. Tricolor, Fortune's Variegated-leaved Saxifrage. 
Natural Order — SaxifragacejE. 

This is one of the many beautiful-leaved plants for the introduction 
of which we are indebted to Mr. Robert Fortune, who introduced it 
from Japan in 1863, with other treasures that were subsequently 
distributed by Mr. Standish. In all its essential characters this 
Saxifrage is closely related to the well-known S. sarmentosa, the 
"mother of thousands" of the window garden; but the beauty of its 
leaves gives it a distinctive character, for, when richly variegated, the 
shades of pink and red on the younger leaves, and the bright soft 
blcndings of pale rose, pale flesh, and pinky blush upon the leaves 
that are fully matured, contrasting with the fine dark green of the 
disks, render it one of the most attractive of the inmates of the 



greenhouse. The leaves are reniform cordate, lobed and toothed; the 
flowers are white, in erect loose panicles, the petals very unequal in 
size, one or more being elongated and saw-edged. 

S. sarmentosa is sometimes described as hardy, but we have never 
known it to live out of doors the winter through anywhere near 
London, though in the warmer parts of the south-west of England it 
remains unhurt on open rockeries, and spreads freely by its numerous 
stolons. S. Fortimei is no doubt as hardy as sarmentosa, but it is an 
important fact in the cultivation of the plant, that rough treatment 
causes the variegation to disappear, and the leaves become wholly 
green. We have been much interested in observing the effects on 
the colouring of the leaves of various modes of treatment. We have 
planted it out on a rockery in a cool fernhouse, and it has run wild 
and become almost wholly green, shewing but an occasional touch of 
variegation here and there. In a warm greenhouse, with abundant 
pot-room and a rich soil, it has grown luxuriantly and been well 
coloured;- but it has always been most richly coloured when grown 
in small pots, with a soil consisting of sandy peat, and in the 
temperature of an intermediate house. 

Cultivators who have been disappointed with this plant, as many 
have, usually destroy those stolons that are wholly green, in the belief 
that unless there be some trace of variegation in them, there is no 
probability of their ultimately assuming the rich colouring, for which, 
principally, the plant is grown. But this is a mistake. Plants that 
have been wholly green, without a visible spot of variegation upon 
them, and in that state have attained maturity, have produced a 
richly-variegated progeny, and in suspended vases have been most 
attractive. We have thought in such cases that the reduction of 
vigour consequent on the pot being filled with roots j favoured the 
restoration in the stolons of the colouring which was lost in the 

The flowers of this Saxifrage are thought little of by cultivators, 
yet they are extremely beautiful, and never fail to remind the orchid- 
grower of the pretty inflorescence of the Anccctochiluses. This plant, or 
the common S. sarmentosa, is invaluable for window culture, especially 
if suspended so that the progeny may be seen against the light, like 
so many leafy sjnders descending by stout threads, but pausing in 
mid-air until some fancied danger is past. Both are sadly subject to 
become infested with green fly, for which the best remedy is fumigating. 
But this is not always possible or convenient, and it is not a difficult 
matter to remove the aphides with a soft brush. The warmer, drier, 
and more pot-bound the plant, the more readily will fly seize upon it. 




Begonia Dcedcdea, Begonia named in honour of Daedalus, the Athenian artificer. 
Natural Order — Begoniace^e. 

This noble plant is a native of Mexico, where it was met with by 
Ghiesbreght, and by him transmitted to M. A. Verschaffelt, of Ghent, 
who distributed it in 1861. It is one of the gems of a beautiful family, 
and was originally described, and justly, as "la perle, le bijou de tous 
les Begonias passes, presents, nous oserions presque dire, futurs." It 
is of robust habit, the leaf stalks stout and richly tinted with carmine; 
the leaves are in form obliquely cordate; when young their colour is 
bright carmine or deep pinky red, but as they become matured they 
acquire a fine deep green colour, richly overlaid with considerable 



uniformity with deep brown or blackish reticulations, the margin being 
clothed with pale rosy hairs in the manner of a light fringe. The 
flowers are borne in a loose panicle; they are small, and their colours 
are white with red streaks. Hitherto, in common with many other 
Begonias, this species has flowered in the winter, but it occasionally 
produces flowers at other seasons. 

To grow the variegated-leaved Begonias to perfection, a good stove 
heat is essential, and the cultivator should aim at producing fine 
plants; for mere scraps, or half starved plants with broken leaves, 
are a disgrace to the house in which they are to be found. A light 
rich soil is required, and the courpost usually preferred is one 
consisting of equal parts of fibrous peat, leaf mould, turfy loam, and 
sharp sand. We have grown fine sjjecimens in good, mellow, turfy 
loam, (full of fibre,) with only a little sand added to promote its 
porosity. During the winter they should be kept rather dry, in an 
intermediate house, where the temperature averages 60° to 65°, but if 
from 45° to 50° they will take no harm. It is a good plan to lay 
the pots on their sides, so that the roots will obtain no more moisture 
than is given them intentionally and with proper care, for accidental 
watering is frequently the cause of the death of these plants, csjjecially 
when wintered in a low temperature. About the middle of February 
they should be shaken out, the old soil removed, and repotted with 
the crown of the plant just above the surface of the soil. The more 
lumpy and elastic the soil the better, and the potting must be well 
clone, and finished in a cleanly manner. A sweet hotbed, or a bed 
over a tank in a propagating house, is the best place for them after 
they are repotted. The atmosjihere must be moist, but they must 
have but little water at the roots until they have begun to grow 
freely. The cultivator must guard against excess of air, excess of 
light, excess of water, and the wetting of the leaves. Never a drop 
of water should fall on the leaves of any of the richly-painted Begonias. 
When growing freely, copious supplies of water may be given at the 
roots. When transferred from the stove to the conservatory, as 
Begonias frequently are, a shaded and sheltered spot should be found 
for them, as a cold draught or a burning sun will soon make havoc 
among their velvet leaves. The propagation of variegated Begonias 
from leaves is a very simple affair, the fact is it is almost impossible 
to fail if the leaves are simply pressed or pegged down on moist sand 
in a warm close place. The leaves may be cut into small pieces, and the 
cut edges carefully pressed on the sand, and they will soon form 
incipient plants, and need only tender nursing for their further 
development. But for all ordinary purposes multiplication may be 



effected by means of suckers, or cuttings of the stems. Wide shallow 
pots for specimens are to be preferred to those of ordinary make. We 
have pots made expressly for such plants as these and specimen ferns, 
by Messrs. Adams Brothers, of the potteries at Belle Isle, King's Cross. 
To keep specimens in perfect condition they should be repotted at 
least twice a year. 

The following is a good selection of eight varieties of variegated-leaved 
Begonias: — Dcedalea, here figured; Regina, olive green, with silvery 
vanclyked zone; Madame Wagner, the centre dark green, the zone 
broad and silvery, a bright and beautiful variety; Rex, massive and 
rich, the zone silvery grey vandyked; Queen of England, the finest 
large-leaved variety in cultivation; Rollisonii, a solemn plant richly 
coloured with shades of deep green and purple; Rui Leopold, a tall 
erect red stem, leaves very large, with reddish central star margined 
with red, very distinct and splendid; Splendida argentea, leaves grey 
suffused with red, with bright green lines marking the course of the 
veins, very showy. 

Begonias are not largely grown for their flowers, yet a few of the 
freely flowering kinds should be found in every well-furnished garden, 
especially where winter flowers are in request. The following merit 
especial attention: — B. nitida, a favourite of small size, producing an 
abundance of white flowers. B. insignis, very neat in growth, with 
lively pink flowers. B. Digswelliensis, a hybrid with narrow leaves, 
dwarf habit, flowering profusely, the flowers a bright purplish red 
colour. B. fuchsioides, a well-known species flowering in mid-winter, 
when it is very gay with scarlet flowers. B. ereeta multiflora, neat and 
elegant leafage, and myriads of small rosy pink flowers. 

F R 1 II T H P U I! M S f. N f> II I IJ (1 I F MI II Li 



Eranthemum sanguinolentum, The Blood-veined-leaved Eranthemum. 
Natural Order. — AcanthacEjE. 

We have figured this lovely plant on the same sheet with Hypccstes 
sanguinolenta because of its close resemblance in leafage to that plant, 
and the too general opinion that they are one and the same, whereas 
they are two and different. It will be seen by the figures, that they 
could scarcely be distinguished from each other were verbal descriptions 
to be alone relied upon; but when placed side by side, the plant now 




before us is seen to be the richest and most decisive of the two in 
leaf colouring. It is indeed a charming stove plant, of free healthy 
habit of growth, and like the other members of the genus, producing 
beautiful flowers. Soft growing shoots may be quickly struck in a 
temperature of 80°, and the after culture is of the simplest description. 
We find the proper soil for this Eranthemum to be good turfy peat 
of a yellow colour, but black boggy soil is quite unfit for it. The 
Eranthemums have fallen from their high estate as flowering plants, 
we know not why, for their beauty is scarcely to be matched. Possibly 
the introduction of this gem may revive an interest in them. At all 
events we will hope for such a result. The companion plant must be 
the subject of a separate and more lengthy notice. 



Hypaestes scmgwmolenta, Hooker. The Blood-veined Hypoestes. 
Natural Order — AcantiiacEjE. 

This pretty acanthaceous plant was first published by Van Houtte 
as Eranthemum sanguinolentum, but the flowering of specimens at 
Kcw, and in the Royal Exotic Nursery, Chelsea, furnished proper 
reasons for removing it from the genus Eranthemum, with which it 
has no relationship, and placing it in Hypoestes, with the characters 
of which it accords pretty well. It is a stove herb, growing a foot 
high, freely branching, and ultimately crowned with compound 
racemes of pretty rose-coloured flowers. The stems are acutely four- 
sided; the leaves are in pairs, about three inches long, bluntly 
elliptical, with a velvety pubescence on both surfaces, and the veins 
accompanied with broad bands of rosy purple, the intervening spaces 
full deep green. The panicle of flowers rises five or six inches above 
the topmost leaves, and bears about a dozen short branches, which 
are sparingly clothed with small flowers of a rosy purple colour. 

This HyjDcestes is a native of Madagascar, and one of many species 
equally beautiful to be found in the same country and in the central 



parts of Africa, but which have not yet been introduced to Europe. 
It can make no claim to eulogy on the ground of massive proportions 
or gorgeous colouring. It is a pretty little plant, worth a place in 
any stove, and very well adapted for occasionally decorating the 
dinner-table. To grow it well is a matter of no difficulty at all, but 
the cultivator who is accustomed to Ancectochili will be most likely 
to succeed with it. Supposing we begin with a young plant, we 
should shift it into a five-inch pot, using a rich light sandy soil, 
and keep it in a moist stove or orchid-house, giving plenty of water, 
but no more pot-room until it flowered. Immediately after flowering 
we should cut the plant up and strike a sufficient number of cuttings, 
and destroy the old stool, and thus from time to time renew the 
stock. A number of small plants planted together in a shallow 
ornamental basket, and kept pinched back, would for a time be highly 
ornamental. To propagate the plant it is merely necessary to take 
firm side-shoots, and remove the lowest leaves, and insert them in 
sand, and cover with a bell-glass. A steady heat of 80° Fahr., and 
very little water will be the necessary conditions for ensuring roots 
quickly; and as soon as they begin to grow, they should be potted 
in small pots, and have a warm place in the moist stove. 

We have endeavoured to simplify the treatment of Ancectochilus by 
abolishing bell-glasses, and treating them all in a less fastidious way 
than formerly. In the "Intellectual Observer," of January, 1866, we 
gave a sketch of our system, and refer to it here in order to say that 
the many small beautiful-leaved stove plants that have been lately 
introduced into cultivation, require just such treatment as we have 
there prescribed for Ancectochilus. At the exhibitions we see these 
subjects, such as Gymnostachium, Peperomia, Maranta, and even the 
new variegated-leaved Hibiscus, covered with bell-glasses: such pro- 
tection is needful, because dust and draughts are likely to assail them 
when exposed to view in places of public resort, but it is better to 
dispense with the bell-glasses when the plants are at home, for with 
careful management all these plants become more richly coloured, 
are healthier, and grow more freely when enjoying the gently moving 
atmosphere of a well-kept house, than when stifled under bell-glasses. 
Nor should any of these plants be subjected to a greater heat than 
they absolutely require. During winter a mean of 55°, and in summer 
a mean of 75°, will doubtless suit a greater number of beautiful-leaved 
plants of the diminutive class we are now considering, than any greater 
extreme of cold or heat. These means enable us to fix on 50° as 
the winter minimum, and 90° as the summer maximum. In common 
with all velvety-surfaced leaves of a delicate 1 nature, those of the plant 


Hypcestes sanguinolenta. 

before us should never be splashed with water. Humidity it will enjoy, 
and plenty of water at the root, but the wetting of the leaves must 
be constantly avoided. 

There are about half-a-dozen species of Hypgestis known to English 
cultivators, namely, II. Cochin- Chinensis, native of China, a pretty 
climber with white flowers; H. purpurea, native of China, a deciduous 
herbaceous plant with purple flowers; H.fastuosa, a splendid evergreen 
plant, from India, with red flowers; II. involucrata, native of India, 
white flowers; and H. serpens, an Australian trailer of most humble 


The prevailing fashion of grouping tends to monotony. For example, 
an orchid-house is usually deficient of variety of form, all Orchids, the 
meanest and the most gorgeous, have certain features in common, and 
the eve wearies of beholding repetitions of a type. The connoisseur 
who perhaps (and most likely) is a man of one idea, may find in the 
most tame collection of Arads, Orchids, or whatever else may be his 
favourite class of plants, abundant and exhaustlcss entertainment, but 
there are many who can appreciate beauty without any regard for the 
dreary particulars of affinities, values, distinctions, and differences, which 
constitute the charter of connoisseurship. Just for these, who are 
worthy of high regard, let us have in a spacious and comfortable 
stove, bold picturesque groups comprising some of the grandest 
Orchids, a few Palms, a few Dieffenbachias, Caladiums, Anthuriums, 
Alocasias, Ferns, Begonias, Allamandas, Dipladenias, and Ixoras, and 
we may dignify the collection by the title of Tropical Garden, and 
satisfy the demands of true art much more completely than by special 
collections which have the repute of being scientific, but perhaps 
contribute nothing at all to the aggregate of scientific knowledge. 
"Variety is charming," therefore we should seek amongst many families 
for the furnishing of a plant-house, which is intended to afford delight 
to various minds at various seasons. 




Maranta rosea-picta, Maranta with rosy-veined leaves. 
Natural Order — Marantace^. 

The Marantas and their allies, the Carinas, arc fully as important 
for economical as for decorative uses. From one of the family, 
M. arundinacea, is obtained the Bermuda arrow-root of commerce, 
and from another member of the order, the well-known Canna edulis, 
is prepared a similar product. Maranta Indica yields the yellowish 
Jamaica arrow-root; and the bland nutritive "Tons le mois" is 
extracted from Canna roots; while from many other plants of these 
two genera amylaceous products of the highest value as food, and 
for various purposes in the manufacturing arts, are obtained. The 
mucilaginous tapioca is derived from the root of Jatropha manihot; 
and the seeds of Carinas (Indian Shot) are in some- places used in 

1 1 


place of coffee, and some of them yield useful purple dies. Considered 
as decorative plants, the Marantas, generally speaking, have but few 
claims to attention. They are of small size, and rarely attractive; yet 
the few that are in cultivation offer splendid examples of leaf colouring. 

The Marantas constitute a good natural group, having distinct 
features and strong family resemblances. They are stemless, or have 
only annual stems. The leaves have diverging veins, the flowers are 
very irregular, the ovary inferior, the root-stocks white, horizontal, 
and the root-fibres swell into tubers, which in time become independent 
plants. The leaves are alternate, with leafy sheaths; the flowers 
white, with but a single stamen, which is attached to the petal-like 
filament; the fruit is dry and one-seeded. 

The species that have become favourites with English cultivators 
owe their celebrity solely to the beauty of their leaves. 31. splendida 
and 31. illustris present us with leaf-surfaces most elaborately and 
richly painted, and moreover very distinctive as fine-foliaged plants. 
In the first, the broad ovate leaves are striped with pale green, 
passing into a greenish primrose hue upon a rich deep green ground. 
In the second, the leaves are boldly marked with oblique bars of 
grcvish green upon a deep bluish green ground. 31. rosea-jricta, 
here figured, is a native of the Upper Amazon; it is of dwarf 
growth, the leaves have a bright rosy midrib, and bands of brilliant 
ied and white, the intervening spaces a solemn tone of deep green — 
a remarkable example of leaf-colouring. AVe cannot pass without 
mention 31. Lindeni, lately introduced from Peru, which is brilliantly 
blotched with transparent yellowish green upon a ground of olive 
green; or 31. Van dan Heckei, a native of Para, the leaves of which 
are bordered with bold crescents of delicate silvery grey, the rest of 
the surface being dark satiny green, divided by a bright grey line. 

All these richly-painted plants require the fullest heat of the stove 
to bring them to perfection. A light rich soil is essential, and 
this may be compounded of leaf-mould, silky loam, and a small pro- 
portion of thoroughly decayed manure; or they may be grown in 
tough felt-like peat, from which all the fine dust has been removed. 
Shade during sunshine in summer is essential. To multiply them is 
quite an easy matter, for the process consists only in dividing the roots, 
the several tubers of which will soon form plants. This should be 
done in spring, and they should be at once started into growth in a 
temperature of 70° to 80°, and have but moderate supplies of water 
until they begin to grow, after which they may have abundance. 

Amongst the older species in cultivation, the best are 31. bicolur, 
31. lineata, and 31. variegata. 



Bieffenbachia Baraquiniana, Baraquin's Dieffenbachia. 
Natural Order — Akace.e. 

If richly-coloured leaves are in demand we may search for them in 
the great family of Arads, and very shortly be overwhelmed with an 
cmbarras des riches. Alocasias, Arums, Caladiums, Dicffenbachias, 
Eichardias, Urospathas, how these contribute to our collections a wealth 
of gorgeous leafage which no other order of plants can parallel ! The 
subject now before us is a native of Brazil. Immediately upon its 



distribution in this country it became famous for its grandeur, and has 
been several times exhibited, in every case eliciting the warmest 
admiration of its majestic proportions, massive musa-like outline, and 
delicious colouring. The plant attains a height of from three to five 
feet, the stem and footstalks of the leaves are of the purest white, 
and appear as if freshly carved in the finest ivory. The leaves are 
oblong, and spread outwards in a fine tuft; they attain a length of a 
foot or more, and a breadth of five or six inches. The rich green 
hue of the general surface of the blade, invaded by the pure white 
midrib and white veins, and here and there splashed with blotches of 
the same white colour, render the plant peculiarly fresh and cool-looking, 
and a fine contrast to such highly-coloured plants as Cahulium Chantini, 
or the crimson-leaved Dracamas. 

The inflorescence of the Dieffenbachia is no more acceptable in a 
decorative sense than in many of its nearest congeners. As a botanical 
study the flowers and fruits are of course worth attention, but they 
add nothing to the beauty of the plant. The spathes are comparatively 
short and swollen, of a whitish grey hue, the apex spreading out in 
the form of a sagittate leaf, above which rises the club-like spadix, of 
a dull brown colour. The exposed portion of the spadix bears staminate 
flowers only, those below enclosed within the spathc arc pistillate, and 
are followed by a mass of berry-like seeds. 

This noble plant is of no use at all except where it can enjoy a 
high temperature and an abundance of moisture. A rich light soil is 
essential to a free development of the beautiful leafage, and there must 
be shade from strong sunshine, or the leaves will be curled and browned. 
When growing freely the syringe should be used twice a day at least, 
to give the leaves and stems a genial shower, and there must be no 
stint of water to the roots. If neglected, and especially if kept hot and 
dry, it will become a .prey to vermin, and possibly never be rendered 
clean again, but a sufficiency of moisture will prevent their approach. 

Those who have conveniences for cultivating these handsome plants, 
and especially those who benefit the public by exhibiting their plants, 
may beneficially secure, in addition to the plant now under notice, 
the following new species of Dieffenbachia, namely, D. gigantea, a plant 
of most noble proportions, with beautiful blendings of green and 
white in the leaves and stems, and D. grand is, the stem of which is 
beautifully mottled, and the leaf-stalks spotted. 

C ft L A D I U M M I R A B 1 1 E 



Caladium mirabile, The Wonderful Caladium. 
Natural Order — Arace.e. 

It would be imprudent, even if it were not impossible, to proceed 
far in the selection of beautiful-leaved plants without taking notice of 
a Caladium. If we are not too early in placing one of the family 
seventh in our list, we may reasonably rejoice to have met with one 
so distinct and beautiful as the present for the enrichment of our 
pages. Nature has herself selected types and exponents of powers 




and beauties, and placed them before us as examples of perfections 
concentrated. Thus, the horse becomes the emblem of courage and 
strength ; the nightingale and the thrush represent the whole of 
nature's music. The humming-birds shew us what is possible in the 
highest-wrought colouring of the feathers of birds, and Caladiums and 
Begonias appear to be commissioned to demonstrate the fullest splendour 
in the colouring of leaves. Unquestionably, though these two families 
do not, as a ride, afford us any special gratification in beauty of 
form, their colours outshine all others, and entitle them to the highest 
place in respect of merit, if colour is to be a main criterion of the 
criticism. Take the plant before us as an example. Place it in a 
group with the gorgeous C. Chantini, C. Baraquini, the sombre C. 
cupreus, and the marvellously delicate C. Belleymei, and its lovely 
shades of green and white render it a help by contrast to all the 
rest, and yet establish it as one of the most distinct and splendid of 
them all. 

In common with other of the richly-coloured Caladiums now in 
cultivation, (recent introductions all of them,) C. mirabile is a native 
of Brazil and the hot humid valley of the Amazon. It is a plant of 
large growth, the leaves attaining a length of one to two feet, and 
about half as much in breadth. As compared with the leaves of the 
nearest-related species, those of C. mirabile are distinguished by breadth 
and softly-rounded outlines, especially at the base, which has none of 
the sharp angularity of Belleymei or Troubetzkoy , which remind us of 
the cars of some quadrupeds. Here, indeed, the leaf suggests the 
idea of a shield, and its great breadth is favourable to the display of 
the bright light green divisions, which branch off from the median 
line, and most elegantly determine its geometry. The ground colour 
consists of a mixture of the same light green with a deeper green, 
which, towards the edge passes into dark olive, and all the spaces 
between the bright green veins are plentifully sprinkled with amorphous 
blotches of white. It is but rarely the leaves of this plant vary from 
the colouring represented in the figure; as they attain maturity they 
are uniformly painted as in our example, and the advantage of 
constancy is added to distinctness and beauty. 

Caladiums may be grown so easily that it apj^cars but an idle task 
to say anything on the subject. But, as beginners consult such works 
as this, we will offer for their use a few practical observations. These 
plants grow in vegetable soil in humid tropical countries; unless, 
therefore, they have sufficient heat and moisture, and a good peaty or 
loamy soil rich in vegetable fibre, it is impossible they should attain 
perfection. A moist stove or forcing-pit is requisite, but a tank or a 



warm corner in a propagating house will answer the purpose; a 
temperature of 70° to 80°, a subdued daylight, and abundance of 
atmosjmeric moisture being the principal conditions of success. The 
plants require to be re-potted at least once every year, but to grow 
them luxuriantly a second potting should take place in the height of 
summer. "When started in the early part of the year, it is advisable 
to plunge the pots in some moist material, such as cocoa-nut fibre or 
tan, and at that time water should be given sparingly. As the growth 
advances the supply of water must be increased, and as a few of the 
first leaves advance towards maturity it is scarcely possible to give 
too much. We have indeed grown fine plants for exhibition by 
plunging the pots to a depth of three inches in water, at a temper- 
ature of 80°, but with drier and slightly cooler treatment very 
handsome plants may be grown. Shade from sunshine is indisjaensable, 
but there never need be any fear of wetting the leaves, for they are 
like fern fronds, and enjoy the shower-bath. 

Perhaps failures in the culture of Caladiums more frequently occur 
in winter than in summer. It is easy to remember that heat and 
moisture are essential to growth, and it is easier still to forget them 
altogether when the growing season is past. We prefer to keep them 
in the stove the whole year round. As winter approaches we give 
less and less water, and when they are nearly dry remove them to 
a cool part of the house, where the temperature is likely never to 
go below 50° all the winter long. Two things we keep in mind; 
one is, that 

If dust dry, 
They must die; 

and the other is, that 

If quite forgotten, 
They are soon rotten. 

As for the rest there is little to be said. Those who grow them 
properly will learn how to multiply them, for in potting them to 
start in spring they will be found to be as prolific of tubers as 


Caladiums, Begonias, Marantas, and other stove plants with fine 
foliage are admirably adapted for the embellishment of the conserva- 
tory, when Pelargoniums, herbaceous Calceolarias, and other plants 



that flower in the early part of the summer are past their best. The 
transference of such plants from the moist heat in which they have 
been growing luxuriantly is sometimes so roughly accomplished that 
their beauty is soon marred, and their stay in the conservatory is 
only a publication of the fact that the cultivator is not yet a master 
of his business. But all these delicately-constitutea plants will bear 
the cool air of the conservatory without harm if a few precautions 
arc taken. In the first place, their leaves should be fully developed 
before they are removed, for it is the tender advancing leaves that 
suffer most. To prepare them for removal they should first be taken 
to the coolest and airiest part of the house they are growing in, or 
to an intermediate house, and the supply of water should be at once 
diminished. After a few days they will bear another remove, and 
may go to the places they are to occupy in the greenhouse or 
conservatory, where, as far as possible, they should be sheltered from 
cold draughts and from strong sunshine. Their well-doing now will 
mainly depend on the amount of water given, and the golden rule is 
to give only just enough to keep them alive, and without flagging. 

Some little preparation of the same kind is needful when any of 
these plants are to be exhibited; but no fine-foliaged stove plant 
should be kept long in a cool place previous to its being exhibited, 
as a low temperature makes a sensible difference in the freshness and 
brightness of the colouring of the leaves. As one of the most 
important uses of fine-foliaged plants is to contribute to the variety 
and richness of the conservatory in the late summer and autumn 
months, these remarks will, wc hope, prove of service to many readers. 



Var. Stricta 


Draccena tenrdnalis, car. Stricta, Lindlcy. Calodracon terminal is, var. Strictus, 
Planchon. Upright-growing tricolor-leaved Dragon Tree. 
Natural Order — Liliac^. 

We make a concession to usage in describing this as a Dracaena, for 
in common with D.ferrea and other broad-leaved allies it more properly 
belongs to the new genus Calodracon than to Dracaena. But we content 


ourselves to prejjare the reader to look for it shortly in its newer and 
more proper place, and our next business is to direct attention to it 
as one of the most useful of beautiful-leaved plants in cultivation. 

The elegant contour and rich colouring of this plant will always 
secure for it plenty of admirers. The leaves are broadly lanceolate, 
decurrent at the base, and sub-acuminate at the summit, of a thin 
membranous texture; they have long channeled petioles, which, when 
they decay and fall off", leave marks on the stem which in time give 
it an annular appearance. The colours of the leaves are splendid, the 
prevailing hues being a profound chocolate bronze, and a vivid scarlet 
crimson. With these colours there is intermixed enough green to 
increase their effect, and when viewed in a suitable light the leaves 
have the appearance of stained glass of the deepest blood-colour toned 
down with darker shadows. 

Dracaenas of this type are usually grown in the stove, and certainly 
D. Coopcri and some few others need a good heat to keep them in 
health. But D. terminalis and its varieties, and D. ferrea and its 
varieties, and D. rubra, which is valued for its flowers, may be grown 
to greater perfection in the greenhouse; and are admirable plants for 
the dinner-table, or to decorate the ball-room or the reception-room 
on festive occasions, for they bear much rough usage and are little 
the worse for it. Any good mellow soil will suit them jDrovided it 
contains plenty of vegetable fibre. They require plenty of water all the 
summer, but should never be watered overhead, for water lodging in 
the heart causes either the death of the plant or the rotting of many 
of its finest leaves. In winter water must be very sparingly given. 
Shade from strong sunshine is essential to. the development and 
preservation of their rich colours, and as they are subject to the 
attacks of red spider it is well all through the summer to sprinkle the 
floor of the house daily when shutting up. 




Qynmostachyvm Verschnffelti, Nob. Fittonia Verscftaffelti. Eranthemum 
Verschaffelti. Gymnostaclnjiim bracteosum, Hort. Versckaffelt's Gymnostachyum. 
Natural Order — AcANTHACEiE. 

The numerous synonymes of this j)lant are the consequence of its 
deviation in a few particulars from the characters of the genera to which 
it has been respectively assigned. It agrees most closely with Gym- 
nostachyum, and under that name it will henceforth be known, until 
some adventurous botanist shall see better reasons than arc now to be 


found for the establishment of a new genus for its accommodation. 
One of the principal characteristics of the plant which give occasion 
for doubt as to its place, is that the divisions of the ovary have one 
seed each; whereas there should be two for complete conformity to 
the characters of Gymnostachyum. The fact of its being a native of 
South America would suggest the probability of its proving erratic in 
some particulars of structure, for all other known members of this 
genus are natives of India. 

Gymnostachyum Verschaffelti is strictly herbaceous, and of humble 
growth. The stems and branches are of a reddish tinge, and in form 
cylindrical, but they appear to be four-sided, owing to the silky 
pubescence with which they are clothed, the hairs being disposed in 
regular lines in the spaces intermediate between the successive pairs of 
leaves. The leaves arc opposite, on reddish leaf-stalks; the leaves 
average four or five inches in length, and two or three inches in 
breadth, the form being ovate with a slightly cordiforni base. The 
upper surface of the leaf is quite smooth, and is richly painted with 
reticulations which vary from creamy red to rich pink, and at times 
pass into brilliant scarlet on a fine deep green ground. These colours 
are seen to best effect in full sunlight, but in the absence of that 
advantage, the plant has a most beautiful appearance, and has become 
quite a favourite with cultivators. The flowers are pale yellow, and 
have no beauty; they occur in an upright spike, which is clothed 
with large green bracts, in the axils of which the flowers are produced. 
A mere glance at them is sufficient for the determination of their 
relationships to the Acanthads, and a glance will be sufficient, except 
when an analysis of structure is required. 

To grow this pretty plant is a matter of no difficulty, but there is 
always a danger of it being killed with kindness. During the summer 
it should have an airy place in an intermediate house, or common 
greenhouse, but a draughty place is at all times unfit for it. In winter 
it must be kept in the stove, and a moist atmosphere will be favourable 
to its well-doing. A light vegetable soil is required, and we have 
found a soft silky loam full of fibre to be more favourable to the 
development of its proper colours than peat. When well grown it 
throws up a multitude of flowering stems, and is then more interesting 
than at other times, although we just now spoke of the flowers as 
having no beauty. The young shoots readily strike in a moist heat, 
and that is all that need be said about the propagation. 




Bertolonia guttata, Spotted-leaved Bertolonia. 
Natural Order — Melastomace^. 

This is emphatically a new plant, which, until quite recently, was 
as much unknown to science as to cultivation. The late Sir W. J. 
Hooker reported of it, "We have beautiful samples identical with this 
in our herbarium, collected at St. Sebastian, Brazil, by the late Mr. 
Fox; and again from the Province of St. Paul, South Brazil, collected 
by Mr. Weir. It appears to be quite undescribed, and is, so far as 
we know, peculiar to Brazil." It has frequently been exhibited at 
Kensington and Regent's Park, and always under bell-glasses, as 
represented in our woodcut; Messrs. Veitch, who first flowered it, and 
Mr. Bull sharing between them the honour of its introduction to 
public notice. 




Bertolonia guttata is a stove herb. It has a long creeping root, 
thick as a goose-quill, resembling the caudex of some fern. The 
stem is obtusely quadrangular; the leaves occur in pairs: they are 
ovate, submembranaceous, the margin entire or obscurely dentate. 
The flowers are produced at the summit of the plant, where they 
form a cyme containing five to ten flowers, the petals of which are 
of a pale rose-colour. It is for the beauty of its leaves this plant 
has been received with favour, for, although its flowers are of a 
pleasing character, they alone would scarcely have secured for it the 
place it has obtained in the list of the most select stove plants. 
The upper surface of the leaf is dark green with five parallel veins, 
on either side of which are lines of white or rosy spots, which are 
laid on sharply and regularly. The younger leaves have, superadded 
to these attractions, a delicate tinge of cinnamon-colour, and the 
under surfaces of all the leaves are of a brownish purple colour, 
divided by light green ribs. 

It requires some care and skill to grow this beautiful plant as it 
deserves. Young plants are obtained by dividing the caudex, or by 
cuttings in the ordinary way; and in either case a strong heat is 
required, with but a small allowance of water until roots are formed. 
The heat of an ordinary stove, or indeed the coolest part of an 
ordinary stove is sufficient for the plant when growing, and a rich 
light soil is essential. One of its essential requirements is a decided 
season of rest in the temperature of an intermediate or ordinary 
greenhouse. If the atmosphere of the house is humid, and the plant 
is safe from draughts, there is no occasion to keep a bell-glass over it. 




Bignonia argyrea-violescens, Bignonia with silvery and violet-coloured leaves. 
Natural Order — Bignoniaceje. 

We have in this Bignonia (if it be a Bignonia, a question not to be 
settled until the plant has flowered) a good example of the wealth of 
the central districts of the Amazon, in richly coloured forms of 
vegetation. There is something apparently in the climatal conditions of 
this glorious region peculiarly favourable to the production .of elaborate 
colouring, for birds, insects, and plants, appear to vie with each other 
in reflecting the colours of the rainbow, and in displaying combinations 
of hues which the spectrum never suggests. Mr. Wallis, who under- 
stands this country well, speaks of such forms of vegetation as common 
to it, and we can form some faint idea of the extravagant richness of 
its vegetation by the many wonderful plants we have obtained from 
thence for the embellishment of our tropical and subtropical gardens. 



The plant before us has claims enough in its exquisite leaf-colouring 
to a leading place in our series, though it is but little we know about 
it at present. Time, however, will reveal to us all its characteristics, 
and for the present we must accept it as a companion to Cissus discolor 
and other richly-coloured foliage plants that clothe the pillars and 
trellises of the stove. It is a climber, and if a Bignonia, it belongs to 
De Candolle's section Simplicifolim, the leaves being simple, and will 
probably produce flowers less attractive than those we are accustomed 
to in the compound-leaved species. There is a delightful diversity in 
the colouring of the leaves. The midrib and the principal veins are 
greyish green shading to silvery white, and the intervening spaces are 
in the young leaves of a rich purplish chocolate or reddish violet hue, 
changing as the leaves acquire maturity to a dull olive green. The 
appearance of a neat healthy plant is delightful, and sometimes curious, 
when, as in the plate, there is a strong contrast between the leaves 
newly produced and those that have attained their full development. 

There need be nothing said about the cultivation of this beautiful 
plant. Ordinary stove treatment is all it requires, and to propagate 
it is about as simple a matter as can be imagined by any one 
accustomed to the practical details of plant growing. Those who 
possess it should encourage free growth, with a view to obtain flowers. 
These we expect will prove to be less attractive than the flowers of 
the compound-leaved Bignonias; but at all events we want to see them, 
and shall be glad if any of our readers who obtain flowers will favour 
us with an opportunity to inspect them. 




Adelaster albwenis, Whitc-veiued-leaved Adelaster. 
Natural Order — AcanthacEjE. 

The Acanthus family provides our plant-houses with many examples 
of beautiful leaves. Even the common Acanthus of the garden, the 
supposed origin of the Corinthian capital, is one of the most beautiful 
leaf-forms known. The plant now before us, however, has its own 
peculiar claim to admiration, and it is one of the most distinct and 
striking of the class in which we group it, irrespective of its botanical 



This plant is a native of Peru, and may be considered a warm 
greenhouse rather than a stove plant. It is herbaceous or subshrubbv, 
the leaves are produced in pairs; they are ovate, lengthened out at 
apex, and at the base decurrent. The upper surface of the leaf is of 
a solemn tone of dark green, strangely lighted up with a pure white 
midrib and veins, and obscure anastomosing reticulations of a greyish 
white colour. On the under surface they are purplish. The plant 
has not yet been seen in flower, and therefore it is only of its leaves 
we can at present speak. 

To grow this plant to perfection only ordinary care is required. A 
temperate house is sufficient all the summer, but it needs the stove or 
a warm place and very careful treatment in the greenhouse during 
winter. A rich loam is the proper soil for it, for in light soil or peat 
it soon becomes infested with vermin, and the leaves lack their proper 
beauty. As a decorative plant it is particularly well adapted for vases, 
and it might no doubt be placed out of doors during the best part of 
our brief summer. Good drainage is an important requisite, and we 
should prefer never to allow a drop of water on the leaves; but a 
humid atmosphere is certainly favourable to full development. As for 
propagation, it is so easy a matter that we only need say that a 
cutting two or three joints long will root almost immediately, if inserted 
in moist sand in a temperature of 70°, with a reasonable degree of 


The question has been asked and answered so variously and so 
frequently, that unless we had now a distinct object in view we 
should forbear to touch the hackneyed subject. " Variegation," as it 
is termed, in the leaves of plants consists in blotches, lines, spots, 
marginal bands, etc., of various colours, — white, yellow, and red 
prevailing principally. To go into the whole question here is impos- 
sible, but we must remark that some leaves are normally rich in 
colour, and the question of the cause of variegation does not apply 
to them at all. It is the abnormal (if abnormal) colouring of a leaf 
which now interests us. Wkerever this abnormal colouring appears, 
as, for example, in "Flower of the Day" Pelargonium, or the white 
and creamy stripes of the " Pibbon Grass," ( Phalaris arundinaceaj 
the vigour of the plant is less than that of its nearest relative in the 
class to which it belongs. For example, "Flower of the Day" is 



less vigorous than the dark-zoned variety from which it originated, 
and the Ribbon Grass is less vigorous than the green-leaved unva- 
riegated form of the same Phalaris. Now we have watched over the 
growth from seed of thousands — tens of thousands — of variegated-leaved 
plants, or of plants bred from one or two variegated parents. In all 
cases the more intense the variegation the less was the degree of 
vigour, a fact which goes very far indeed towards establishing the 
popular theory that variegation is the result of disease. We are now 
approaching the object we have in view in penning this note, and 
if of no interest to anyone but Mr. Darwin, it will at least be of 
some interest to Mm, as a trifle in aid of his theory of "Pangenesis" 
We have observed that whenever the seed-leaves or cotyledons present 
any kind of variegation, even the faintest streak or spot of white or 
yellow, the plant at some time or other produces variegated leaves, 
and when this occurs, it also immediately and unmistakcably declines 
in vigour. But the converse is not true: when the cotyledons are 
apparently quite healthy, and destitute of a trace of variegation, it 
is not at all certain that the plant will not become in due time 
variegated; in fact, some of the most beautiful of the variegated-leaved 
Pelargoniums were quite green in the seed-leaf. What is variegation? 
Well, we can ascertain the contents of cells, and we can reason on 
all the relations of the condition to that of albinism in animals, and 
at the end of our inquiry what have we gained? It appears to us 
that variegation is transmitted by roaming cells, which are capable of 
development only under certain conditions of the individual in which 
they circulate, and that the development is a form of disease for 
which no better term can be found than one already in use by the 
medical profession, namely, defective nutrition. The cells which 
predispose to variegation are of a kind unfavourable to assimilation, 
and the analogue to a variegated plant is perhaps not so much an 
albino as the victim of atrophy. 

Aspidistra lurida variegata. — This fine plant is as hardy as an Iris, 
yet will bear the heat of the stove, and appears to be always at home 
in a cool greenhouse. When planted out on a dry sand-bank it 
grows freely, and is unhurt in the severest winters, and it answers 
admirably as a pot plant to mix with hardy ferns. It is an interesting 
subject, for, though strictly liliaceous, it appears to have no affinities 
with the Lilies until we carefully study its structure and habits. Its 
large handsome leaves, rising from a woody rhizoma, afford no hint 
of its relationships; and its flowers we never see unless we make a 
search for them. Some time in May, however, they may be discovered 



on the rhizoma, not rising from it; and as sometimes a little of the 
earth has to be removed to afford a good view of them, it has been 
described as "flowering under ground." When the flowers are dis- 
covered, they are seen to be of a dull brown or earthy colour, and 
about the size of a florin; their structure liliaceous, though quite 
destitute of attractions. To ensure the production of leaves finely 
variegated this plant must be grown in poor soil. If grown 
generously the beautiful stripes of creamy white disappear, and the 
leaves acquire a uniform dull green hue. It is a good plan to assist 
pot plants with a little heat when the new leaves first appear; this 
produces development. To multiply the plant is an easy matter. 
Wait till it begins to grow, then cut up the rhizoma, and pot the 
pieces, and put them in a steady bottom-heat. 




Hibiscus Cooperii, Sir Daniel Cooper's Hibiscus. 
Natural Order — Malvaceae. 

We cannot be wrong in selecting for a place in this series Hibiscus 
Cooperii, for it has leaves that are exquisitely beautiful, and in its 
season it is crowned with gorgeous flowers. The Malvaceous order 
contributes largely to the embellishment of our gardens, and the Hibiscus 
is not the least amongst many of its genera in respect of decorative 
properties. The hollyhock, abutilon, althaea, and a host of annuals, offer 
themselves out of this great family for the most common but delightful 
uses; from several species of Hibiscus and Gossipium valuable fibres 




are obtained, the last-named furnishing the several varieties of eotton 
which we have seen associated as a power, with some of the greatest 
political agitations of modern times. In our stoves the species of 
Hibiscus have long been prized on account of the brilliant colours and 
great abundance of their flowers, those of H. sinensis, H. splendens, 
and H. pulchellus, to name only three out of fifty or more that have 
been introduced to cultivation, are certainly unsurpassed for splendour, 
when at their best, in all the range of plants with which they may be 
fairly compared in respect of merit. The particular subject of this 
notice is a native of the hottest parts of the Australian continent, 
where it was first discovered by Sir Daniel Cooper, Bart., of Woollabra, 
near Sidney, and some time treasurer to the Royal Horticultural Society 
of London. 

The plant is of delicate constitution, but when properly treated grows 
freely, and is extremely beautiful. The young stems are of a deep 
red colour, and the footstalks of the leaves, and the stipules that 
accompany them, are of the same colour. The leaves are lanceolate or 
elongate-ovate, wedge-shaj^ed at the base, pointed at the apex, irregularly 
bluntly toothed. They vary considerably in colours, but the prevailing 
tints are carmine red, with patches of creamy white on the outer parts 
of the blade, with more or less of light and dark green dappled in 
the line of the midrib. Numerous as are plants with highly-coloured 
leaves, we have few that equal this in the abundance and richness of 
its tones of red. AVhen it flowers, however, surprise must precede 
admiration, for the flowers are not surpassed in splendour by any other 
species of this noble family. The flowers usually exceed six inches in 
diameter; they present no peculiarities of structure, being of the 
ordinary Hibiscus type, the long narrowish petals being rather widely 
separated. The colour of the petals is an intense carmine scarlet, but 
the base of each is blush, which breaks into the scarlet in delicate 
veins, the centre of the flower being blackish crimson. The plant has 
at least one defect, and that is extreme shyness in producing flowers: 
this, however, is a common defect of new plants, owing to their being 
kept in a constantly growing state, for purposes of propagation. When 
quite established it will probably flower much more freely than it has 
done hitherto. 

Hibiscus Coopcrii requires careful stove cultivation. AVe are particular 
in saying this, because it has been described as a greenhouse plant. 
For all the stove species of Hibiscus we prefer a soil consisting 
wholly of tough fibrous peat, or the most mellow fibrous loam that can 
be obtained; mixtures answer very well for such free-growing kinds as 
mvtabilis, sinensis, and p/ioeniceus, but the delicate habited do far better 



in gritty yellowish peat than in any mixture. U. Copperii may be 
quickly struck with a good heat, but great care must be taken not to 
make the cuttings too wet or they will perish. The specimens hitherto 
exhibited in London have been presented covered with bell-glasses, 
which is a good measure of precaution against cold draughts and dust, 
but in the well-kept plant stove bell-glasses are unnecessary. 

As it is but seldom we meet with collections of Hibiscus, the 
following list of the beautiful species may be useful to some of our 


H. trionum, (the " bladder -ketmia,") an annual plant; the flowers 
citron yellow, with centre brown and black. 

H. militaris, harby herbaceous plant, the flowers white with crimson 

H. palnstris, a hardy herbaceous plant, native of North America, 
where it grows in marshes ; flowers pink or rose with crimson centre. 

H. speciosus, herbaceous, native of Carolina; flowers scarlet with 
white centre. 

H. syriacus, syn. Altlicea frutex, a splendid hardy deciduous shrub, 
of which there are at least a dozen varieties. It requires a rather 
poor sandy or stony soil, and the hottest place that can be found for 
it in the garden. As it is unsightly during winter, looking much like 
a dead tree, and is late in coming into leaf, it is not well adapted to 
plant in a rich foreground where the finest evergreen shrubs are 
usually placed. 

H. Wrayce, a nearly or quite hardy deciduous shrub rarely met 
with, but deserving a place wherever it can be treated as described 
for H. syriacus. The flowers are purple, or lilac and violet, and are 
rarely produced until October. 


II. camcronis, native of Madagascar: there are two varieties, one with 
rosy, the other with scarlet, flowers. 

II. ficuloides, native of Ceylon; the flowers are yellow and purple. 



The proper way to treat this is to roast and starve it; if cramped at 
the roots, and in the driest and hottest part of the stove, it will be 
in flower nearly all the year. 

H. liliflorits, native of the Isle of Bourbon ; a fine shrub, producing 
enormous lily-like flowers of a rosy scarlet colour. This should be 
planted out in a border of free loam, and have abundance of water 
when making its new growth. 

H. Lindleyi, native of Burmah; a compact shrub, rising six or seven 
feet high, growing freely in light mellow loam, and better adapted for 
a pot than for the border. It flowers abundantly and continuously 
throughout the winter and early spring: the flowers are neat in form, 
the colour rich crimson purple, with black centre. 

H. mutalilis, a noble tree, native of the East Indies; the flowers are 
usually produced during the early part of the winter in great plenty. 
This requires plenty of root-room, and should therefore be planted 
out in a bed of rich loam, but it may be grown in a pot to great 
perfection. It takes its name from the changeableness of its flowers; 
they open in the morning an impure green colour, soon afterwards 
they change to white; at noon they acquire a tinge of red, and before 
they perish at night they become richly tinted a crimson rose colour. 

H. rosa-sinensis, better known as the "Chinese rose." A magnificent 
tree, native of India and the hotter parts of China; there are several 
•varieties, producing respectively rosy, red, and yellow flowers, single 
and double. These thrive as pot plants, but when planted out in 
a border or bed of loam grow more freely and flower more profusely. 

If more be required, add H. cannabinus, a stove biennial plant, with 
flowers yellow and crimson; and H. multifidus , native of Swan River, 
a greenhouse shrub, with flowers pale blue, the centre rosy crimson. 

M A R ft N T ft I L L U S T R I S 



Moranta illustris, Noble or Remarkable Maranta. 
Natural Order — Maraxtace^e. 

This charming plant will be a suitable companion for 31. rosca-picta, 
(PI. V.,) which it resembles in its general character and habit of growth. 
It differs chiefly in having crescentic bands of pale rose and white 
in place of the brilliant red, and oblique bars of emerald green 
alternating with deep olive green in place of the more uniform full 
green of rosea-picta. 31. illustris was obtained from the Upper Amazon 
by M. Linden, of Brussels, through his collector Mr. Wallis; it has 
also been found by M. Baraquin, in districts watered by affluents of 


the Amazon, and by him was transmitted to M. A. Verschaffelt, of 
Ghent. A plant so easily multiplied and so highly attractive in 
appearance, could not long remain in few hands, and it has been 
largely distributed, and may now be found in all good stove collections, 
associated with 31. rosea-picta, M. splendida, M. Veitchii, M. striata, 
and others referred to at page 14. 




Var. Aureo-reticulata. 


Lonicera brachypoda, var. aureo-reticulata, Japanese Honeysuckle with golden- 
netted leaves. 
Natural Order — Capeifoliace^. 

We are strongly tempted to apologise for the picture, because it is 
not occupied with the newest novelty, but perhaps its beauty may be 
a sufficient vindication. We can defend the plant at all events, and 
if it has any enemies we begin by hurling at them the declaration that 
this hardy shrub created quite as much sensation on account of its 
curious colouring as any other plant introduced in the same season 
with it; and, being hardy, interested a greater number of amateurs 
than any other of the time. And it has not disappointed any; even 
those who doubted if such a slender beauty could brave a British 



winter, are satisfied; and it lias now acquired a new interest, for 
established plants are found to flower abundantly, and the flowers are 
as pretty and sweet as those of the common evergreen Honeysuckle. 

This pretty plant is one of the many acquisitions — we will venture 
to say also one of the triumphs — of Mr. Robert Fortune, the intrepid 
explorer of Chinese and Japanese gardens. It was first introduced to 
public notice by Mr. Standish, and at Kensington and Regent's Park 
obtained the highest awards that could be given for merit. When 
distributed it was purchased eagerly, and proving as hardy as any 
plant in our gardens, it may now be frequently met with covering 
walls, trellises, and bowers with its lovely and peculiar leafage, or as 
we have it in our own garden, sheeting a ruin in company with 
dark-leaved ivies, which heighten its attractions by contrast. It can be 
grown into specimen form in a pot with the greatest ease, but a firm 
light trellis must first be prepared and fixed in a pot of suitable 
size, (not less than eleven inches for a handsome example,) and a strong 
plant must be planted and trained to the trellis from the first. It 
may remain in the same pot three years, and may then be planted 
out, or may be cut back and re-potted. Any light soil of tolerably 
good quality will suit it; we have thought the colours were brighter 
when the plant has been grown in mixtures of old mortar, broken 
bricks, and sand in a considerable proportion. One thing is certain, the 
plant should be fully exposed to light, and it attains to much richer 
colours when grown in the open air, for then, in addition to its reticula- 
tions of gold and green, there is added a crimson midrib, and in autumn 
a flush of purplish red overspreads the whole surface of the leaf. 

Two curious but very pardonable blunders have been made in 
descriptions of this plant. Mr. Fortune said, "It produces two kinds 
of leaves, one single and one like the oak." Mr. Thomas Moore, 
misled no doubt by the error of Mr. Fortune, said, "The leaves are 
commonly ovate, but occasionally become sinuately lobed, and in the 
samples before us are about two inches and a half long, and nearly 
two inches broad," etc. Observation of the growth of the plant 
will soon furnish the explanation of these inaccuracies. It will be 
seen that the young leaves are commonly lobed like those of the oak, 
but as they acquire their full growth and maturity the lobes disappear, 
and there is at last not a trace of their former existence to be found. 
Those who wish to see the flowers of this pretty plant should allow 
it to become established on a sunny wall or trellis at least ten feet 
high, never resorting to pruning except to regulate the growth and 
prevent overcrowding, the matured wood will in due time delight the 
owner by a disjday of beautiful flowers. 




Caladium Belleymei, or Caladium Belleymeri, Belleymer's Caladium. 
Natural Order — Aeace^e. 

This is one of the most remarkable of the series of Caladiums 
collected by Baraquin in Para, Brazil, and introduced to European 
cultivators by M. Chantin, of Paris. Frequenters of floral exhibitions 
have of late become familiar with the sparkling appearance of its 
dappled leaves, when presented in groups of its more strongly-coloured 
congeners; and in every well-furnished stove it is valued as a 
companion plant to the less robust, but not less beautiful, C. argijrites. 




It differs, however, in form and colouring, as well as in stature, from 
that little gem; the leaves of C. Bellcymei being sharply sagittate, 
and almost wholly white, with occasional suffusions of pale rose. In 
the admirable figure here presented the artist has faithfully represented 
its prevailing characters, the vivid green network arising out of the 
course of the veins and their anastomosing divisions, constituting, with 
the contrast of the white ground, the most decisive of its many 

Some general remarks on Caladiums and their requirements will be 
found in the description of C. mirabile, (Plate VII., p. 17.) Special 
directions as to cultivation, therefore, are not needful in this place. 


When Caladiums flower, as they do occasionally, cultivators who 
have not previously had experience of their behaviour, are apt to be 
in doubt as to the effect the act of flowering may have upon the 
health of their plants; and some there are who declare that after 
flowering a Caladium is sure to perish. As a rule, the inflorescence 
of the Caladium cannot be considered ornamental; but there is nothing 
to be gained by removing it, or indeed by removing the flowers of 
any endogenous plant. Considered as to the effect of inflorescence, it 
is favourable to the health and vigour of the plant, provided the 
growth and ripening of the seed is prevented by removal of the 
spathe as soon as the freshness of its appearance is past. The green 
stalk should be left to wither away in its own time. After flowering, 
if the ripening of seed is prevented, the plant usually makes a 
number of offsets, and affords its possessor the means of increasing 
his stock. Generally speaking, the flowering of Caladiums affords a 
proof that they have been cultivated in strict accordance with their 


The sjiecies of these two genera are frequently confounded, and it 
is no uncommon thing to find them incorrectly labelled at exhibitions. 
In common with many other closely-allied genera, they are, by the 
cultivator unaccustomed to scientific observation, regarded as differing 
in name only, and that difference is of course attributed to the 



pedantry and hair-splitting to which botanists have occasionally been 
addicted. But the distinctions in this case are real and obvious, and 
may be categorically stated as follows: — 

The Caladiuni has a tubercular rhizome, and though bulb proper 
it has none, it may for popular purposes be said to have a bulbous 

The leaves of the Caladium are all radical, that is, they arise 
directly from the root. 

The Alocasia has always more or less of a distinct stem, from 
which the leaves proceed, the bases of the petioles being sheathed 
and above ground. 

The spadix of the Caladium and the Alocasia are alike in general 
characters, as in each case it bears flowers along its whole length, 
the flowers at the apex being males, those at the base females, those 
in the centre combining both sexes, and abortive. But in Alocasia 
the spadix is prolonged in a sterile appendix, which is not the case 
in Caladium. 

In Anthurium the stem is more distinctly and boldly produced than 
in Alocasia, the members of this genus, therefore, have in many 
cases a palm-like aspect. 


C. argyrites. — Of small growth, leaves light green elegantly blotched 
and lined with white, averaging ten inches in height. 

C. Baraquinii. — Robust growth, and large leaves, averaging thirty 
inches; they are almost wholly of a rich dull crimson red, bordered 
with dull green. One of the best. 

C. Belleymei. — Robust growth, the leaves (including petioles) attaining 
a length of thirty-four inches. The whitest of the large-growing kinds, 
and indispensable. 

C. Chantinii.- — Average height thirty-two inches; brilliant crimson 
centre. The most showy of its class, and indispensable in even the 
smallest collection. 

C. cupreum. — Dwarf habit, average height fifteen inches; the leaf is 
broad and flat, the colour dull bronzy olive with dull reddish veins. 
Very distinct, and metallic in colouring, but not desirable for a small 



C. Detosianum. — Very robust, averaging thirty-five to forty inches 
high: the broad leaves are of a rich deep green, sparingly marked with 
clusters of white dots. 

C. mirabile. — Medium habit, averaging twenty inches high; leaves 
broad and shield-shaped, light green with white spots. Very desirable. 

C. Perrierii. — Medium habit; leaf broad with blunt lobes, and sharp 
at the apex, rich deep green irregularly marked with deep red blotches, 
which are lightly edged with white. 

C. regale. — One of the largest in growth and particularly handsome: 
the leaves are finely formed, rich deep green with irregular blotches of 
greyish white. A very fine plant, surpassing C. macrophyllum in 
nobleness of appearance. 

C. splcndidum. — A fine companion plant to C. Chantinii and Bara- 
quinii, as Belleymci is a companion to argyrites. The leaf is almost 
wholly tinted with dull carmine, the veins showing richly and boldly 
in a deeper tone of the same colour, the margins slightly shaded with 
dull green. This surpasses bicolor and its varieties. 

C. Troubetzkoy. — Medium growth, averaging twenty inches. Leaves 
very narrow with ear -like lobes: the ground colour grass green, 
sparingly sjjotted with white and pale rose, the central veins rich 
carmine red. Very desirable. 

C. Wighti. — Growth moderate, leaves of a beautiful escutcheon form, 
rich deep green dappled with large blotches of red and white. One 
of the best, and indispensable. 



Var. Amcena. 


AUernanthera sessilis, var. amcena, Pleasing variety of the Sessile-flowering 

Natural Order — AmarantacejE. 

The commercial axiom that "demand creates supply" is amusingly 
illustrated by the pretty group of plants of which the one now 
before us is a member. Nature does not concern herself perhaps 
about our commercial or even our scientific axioms, yet when it 
became the fashion to colour the parterre with leaves, to the exclu- 
sion in great part of flowers, Nature appeared favourable to the 
undertaking, and presented us with a host of new plants suitable for 
the purpose. The glorious Coleus Verschaffelti and Amaranthus 
melancholicus had prepared the way, and when some half dozen lively 
Alternantheras, and the sombre but useful Iresine ( J 
Herbstii appeared, the practitioners of "bedding" were in ecstacies, 
and began to dream of abolishing flowers altogether. Well, the 
Alternantheras have pleased a few and disappointed many, but we 



believe their day is yet to come, for they were put to the proof 
too soon, and have not even yet had a fair trial. To plant out bits 
the size of one's little finger of a plant of diminutive growth and 
comparatively dull in its leaf-colours, is a very different affair to 
putting out tufts as large as one's fist or head, and in places where 
the Alternantheras and their congeners have been taken care of, 
effects may now be produced which were scarcely hinted at in the 
earliest experiments. We fully expect to see in the summer of 1868, 
in the best of the Parisian gardens, and in such richly-planted spots 
as Battersea Park, near London, displays of leaf-colouring far 
surpassing all former accomplishments, in which these plants will be 
conspicuous features. 

The generic designation, "altern-anthera," has reference to the fact 
that the anthers are fertile and barren alternately. All the plants of 
the genus are humble herbs, mostly requiring the stove, but the 
members of the new bedding group are strictly greenhouse plants, 
requiring to be kept near the glass and in an airy place all winter, 
and growing freely in the open ground during summer. The most 
striking of the series are the following: — 

A. sessilis, v. amcena. — Growth very dwarf, neat, and spreading; leaves 
spathulate; colours reddish orange and reddish purple, passing into 
shades of bronze and olive. 

A. spathulata. — Growth free and branching, quickly forming a sub- 
shrubby tuft; leaves elongate-spathulate ; colours pink and buff, passing 
into shades of brown, bronze, and green. 

A. paronychoides. — Compact, tufted growth; leaves narrow-spathulate ; 
prevailing colour bright orange red, passing into shades of dull olive 
green. A very distinct leaf-colouring plant. 

A. versicolor, syn. Tcleianthera ficoidea, v. versicolor. — Sub-shrubby 
in aspect, freely branching, and quickly forming a neat round bush. 
Leaves ovate and decurrent; prevailing colours lively pink and 
bronzy crimson, passing into shades of green and brown. 

As greenhouse plants these will please for a time, but their 
ultimate fate in respect of the favour shewn them by English culti- 
vators, will depend almost entirely on their value as bedding plants. 



Zea Japonica variegata, Japanese Maize with variegated leaves. 
Natural Order — Graminaceje. 

This is one of the most useful horticultural novelties, and withal 
an interesting plant because of the constancy of the variegation, 
though the plant can only be multiplied by means of seeds. Though 
well worth a place in the conservatory, it is in the open border that 
this fine Maize displays its beauties to the best advantage; and it 
has been largely employed in what is commonly designated "sub- 
tropical" gardens. Few novelties of so humble a nature as this have 



met with a reception like it, for in the first season of its general 
distribution through the ordinary trade channels, it was to be found 
in almost every garden in which a new plant could find a place at 
all. The reason for its sudden and extensive popularity may be 
found in its close resemblance to a plant of much greater value — 
the celebrated Arundo donax variegata, a plant which must always 
be expensive, because difficult to keep, and one moreover much 
coveted because of its distinctive grace and beauty. The Variegated 
Japanese Maize may be regarded as a cheap substitute for this famous 
Arundo, and it may be considered the best poor man's sub-tropical 
plant in cultivation. 

In raising plants the very simple plan may be followed of sowing 
the seeds where the plants are to remain in the open bed or border. 
The soil should be rich, light, and deep, well dug over, and left 
rather rough on the surface. If a bed be sown, the seeds should be 
placed a foot apart, and four inches deep, and a few extra should be 
sown elsewhere to supply plants to fill any gaps that occur in the beds. 
If required to form clumps on a border, about five seeds should be 
sown for each clump, and they need not be more than six inches 
apart. The last week in April or the first week in May is the 
proper time for sowing in the open ground. 

A better way, however, is to sow the seeds in pans of light rich 
soil in February or March, and place them in a gentle heat. By 
this means strong plants are obtained for planting out towards the 
end of May. The plants are always green at first, but acquire 
their proper variegation as they approach maturity; and when the 
leaves are fully developed they are superbly marked with longitudinal 
bands of white and grey, and sometimes a tinge of rose is added. 

The best examples of this as a pot plant, that have come under 
our notice, were grown by Mr. Chater, of the Gonville Nurseries, 
Cambridge, in 1867. They were exhibited at the autumn meeting of 
the Cambridge Horticultural Society, and were not only greatly 
admired, but created some amount of surprise by their elegance of 
outline and brilliant variegation. They were placed in a line down 
the centre of the principal table on which cut flowers and fruits were 
displayed, and in this conspicuous position established the right of 
this Maize to be considered a valuable jdant for the conservatory. 



Alocasia Lowii, Caladlum Veitchii, Caladium Lowii, Low's Oaladium. 
Natural Order — Arace^e. 

The very close relationships of Alocasia and Caladium, and the 
consequent impossibility of distinguishing the genera when the plants 
are quite young, accounts for the three names which the plant before 
us has respectively borne. Caladium Veitchii had been introduced to 
cultivation prior to the discovery of the plant before us, and in due 
time proved to be an Alocasia, and was re-named accordingly Alocasia 
Veitchii. In the summer of 1862 Messrs. Low and Co., of Clapton, 
received from Borneo a plant which they believed to be Caladium 




Veitchii, and under this name they first presented some immature 
specimens of it at the Metropolitan exhibitions. In due time it proved 
to be distinct from the plant bearing the name under which they 
received it, and hence it was re-named Calaclium Lowii. When the 
inflorescence appeared it proved to be not a Caladium, but an Alocasia, 
and finally it was registered and described as Alocasia Loioii, (Hooker,) 
as good a name perhaps as could be given it in these days of degraded 
nomenclature, a diagnosis being no longer a needful preliminary to 
the determination of a specific name. 

Alocasia Lowii is one of the grandest plants of the remarkable 
family to which it belongs, and if not superior to A. metallica, as we 
are inclined to think it is, at least equals that fine plant in solemn 
richness of colouring and majestic proportions, and is the best possible 
companion plant to that. It is, like other Alocasias, an evergreen 
stove perennial plant, having a distinct, erect, rhizomatous stem, to 
which the sheathing bases . of the upright leafstalks are attached. 
The leaves are sharply sagittate, a foot to a foot and a half long, 
and five to nine inches wide, the base divided by a deep sinus into 
a pair of oblong lobes. The colouring of the leaf, as in the case of 
A. metallica, suggests to the spectator that he is looking at some 
elaborate work of metallic art. It is poor praise perhaps to liken any 
work of nature to a work of art, yet these two plants have such 
peculiar appearances that we know not how to avoid it. In A. Lowii 
the midrib and its secondary ribs are of ivory whiteness, and coalesce 
with a thickened ivory white margin; the spaces between these ribs 
are of a deep green, and the under surface is a sombre purple. In 
its inflorescence it differs from others of the genus in being somewhat 
ornamental; at all events the spathes are upwards of four inches long, 
elegant in outline, and of the most snowy whiteness. 




Phormium tenax va/riegatum, Variegated-leaved New Zealand Flax. 
Natural Order— Liliacea. 

The New Zealand Flax is now so well known that we need not 
point out that the only relation it bears to the European Flax, ( Linum 
usatissimum , J is in supplying a fibre well adapted for textile 
manufactures. Botanically, Phormium is separated by an enormous 
distance from Linum, and it is to be regretted that the term "flax" 
was ever applied to this plant at all. 

Phormium tenax was discovered in New Zealand, by Banks and 
Solander, who accompanied Cook in his first voyage round the world, 



iii the years 1768 to 1771. Cook returned in 1772 and said much 
about the beauty of this plant, and especially of its fibrous nature, 
which was fully understood and appreciated by the natives, and he 
appears to have been enthusiastic in his anticipations of the benefits 
that would result from the introduction of the fibre to European 
commerce. Strange to say, in the account of his first voyage, the 
botanists who accompanied him said not a word about the plant; a 
bright discovery appeared to be quickly and completely forgotten. 
However, in his second voyage, 1772 to 1775, he was accompanied 
by the Fosters, father and son, and the plant was re-discovered, and 
was figured in the narrative of the second voyage, and some time after 
that its characters were determined, and it was described under the 
name it now bears. This name has been generally adopted by 
botanists, with the exception of Gaertner, who re-named it Chlamydia 
tenacissima, but this name has been rarely used. 

There are two accounts extant of the introduction of this plant to 
cultivation. The late Sir William Hooker, in an interesting notice, 
reported that the seeds were brought to England by Joseph Banks 
in 1789, and were distributed liberally on the continent soon after- 
wards; and that Aiton, who was then head gardener at Kew, sent it 
in 1800 to the Museum of Natural History, which was at that time 
under the direction of the celebrated Andre Thouin. 

Another account says that in 1791 Billardiere, botanist to the 
expedition of Entrecasteaux, returned with a valuable collection of 
new plants, amongst which was this Phormium. When taken prisoner 
by the Dutch he lost his plants, which were sold by his captors to 
the English. They were afterwards restored to the owner through 
the intercession of Sir Joseph Banks, but the Phormium was now 
missing, and we are led to infer that Sir Joseph knew of its value 
as a plant adapted for textile industries, and desiring that England 
should have the honour of introducing it to commerce, surreptitiously 
detained it, and thus defrauded Billardiere. Professor Ch. Lemaire, 
who relates these stories in Verschaffelt's "Illustration Horticole," 
vol. xiii., pi. 481, adds, "We cannot believe this of Sir Joseph Banks, 
who had too grand a soul and too noble a sentiment for such 
meanness, of which there is proof enough in his devotion of his 
whole fortune to the interests of science." The brief note in"Hortus 
Kewensis," 1811, vol. ii., p. 284, was of course written while the 
history of the plant was fresh in the memory of many botanists and 
horticulturists, and it tends directly to confirm the first account of its 

The New Zealand Flax was from its first introduction known as a 



valuable fibre-yielding plant, eminently adapted for manufacturing 
purposes, as its discoverers had seen the natives use it in the prepa- 
ration of ropes, fishing-nets, and garments. The fibres are long, fine, 
strong, glossy like silk, and white as snow. Many experiments have 
been made to test its strength, the most trustworthy of these being 
those conducted by M. Freycinet, in the Department of Drome, in 
France, where the plant thrives in the open air, and flowers freely, 
though it does not produce seed. M. Billardiere, indeed, had put 
the fibre to comparative tests long before, but M. Freycinet experi- 
mented with fibre of European growth, which proved to be in no 
respect inferior to that obtained from New Zealand. The following 
results of the trial of several fibres will interest some of our readers. 
If the strength of the fibres of the Aloe be estimated at seven, that 
of the Common Flax is equal to eleven and three quarters, Hemp 
sixteen and one third, Phormium tenax twenty-three and five elevenths, 
silk twenty-four. There can be no doubt, therefore, of the immense 
economic value of this plant; yet up to this time it has never, we 
believe, been employed in European manufactures on a scale sufficient 
to give it an important place in our markets. The fibre grown in 
Europe is coarser, though quite as strong as that obtained from New 

The common green-leaved form of the New Zealand Flax is well 
known as a cool conservatory plant, which, in sheltered places in the 
southern parts of England, endures the severest winters unhurt. It is 
a plant of noble proportions and quite tropical aspect, associating well 
with Yuccas, Aloes, and other subjects of like character, and requiring 
scarcely any care in its cultivation. It is commonly reputed a marsh 
plant, and it certainly thrives if allowed an abundance of water during 
the summer. But it is not necessarily aquatic in habit, for we have 
seen a plant covering a space of four or five yards square, the growth 
of many years, in dry, barren, stony ground, almost the last jjlace in 
the world where one would think of planting such a tropical-looking 
subject as this. 

The variegated-leaved variety here figured is quite a novelty, and 
one of the highest value both for the conservatory at all times and 
for the embellishment of the flower garden during the summer. The 
leaves arc boldly marked with alternate stripes of green, amber, and 
bright yellow, and occasionally bright red stripes appear. Mr. B. S. 
Williams, of Holloway, was the first amongst the London nurserymen 
to exhibit a large specimen of this plant, and we need not say that 
at its first appearance in public it was noted by lovers of such things 
as eminently desirable for decorative purposes. 




Sedum Sieboldil medio-variegatum, Variegated-leaved variety of Siebold's Stonecrop. 
Natural Order — Ceassxjlace^:. 

Sedum Sieboldii is one of the best hardy herbaceous plants in 
cultivation, but it is impossible to know much of its merits by 
treating it in an off-hand way, as fit only for the rockery or border. 
True, it is quite hardy if planted in a dry sunny position, and on 
a sandy well-drained soil. But the neat habit and delicate glaucous 
hue of its leafage are sadly marred by the assaults of weather and 
vermin, to which it is exposed when out of doors: the rain and the 
sunshine change the delicate bloom of the leaf to a dull dirty bronze, 
and if there be but one snail in the garden it will discover the 
plant, and regale upon its succulent substance until either snail or 
plant come to an end. On the other hand, as a cool conservatory 
plant it is well worth the little attention it requires. It must be 
potted afresh every spring, and be allowed a larger and a larger 
pot as the plant increases in size, but must never be over-potted. 
Good drainage is essential, and any light rich soil will answer. The 



shoots may be trained out on a wire trellis, or may be allowed to 
bang down over the sides of the pot, a mode we think preferable 
to any kind of training. If kept in a sunny and quite airy part of 
the house it will flower freely in September. The flowers are reddish 
pink, every shoot terminating in a large dense umbel of them. The 
finest plant we have ever seen was one of our own, which has been 
several times exhibited in London. When in its fifteenth year it 
measured a yard across, having been grown to that size in a pan 
thirteen inches in diameter and ten inches deep. 

This variegated-leaved variety is exquisitely beautiful, and, like the 
common form, should always be grown under glass. It varies much, 
producing occasionally shoots wholly green, and also shoots wholly of 
a delicate cream-colour. The typical character is a central broad 
stripe of cream-colour on the leaf, the remainder of which is of the 
same soft glaucous hue as the original plant. It is said that Siebold 
originated this variety by artificial means, in accordance with a system 
known to him, by which variegation may be produced at will. 
Hitherto this account of its origin has existed only as a rumour; no 
definite statement has been made public on the subject. 

D I C-H 0 R.I S A N 0 R A MOSAIC*. 



Dichorisandra mosaica, Mosaic-leaved Dichorisandra. 
Natural 0 rder — C OMMELIH A.C E E . 

The lovely plant here figured belongs to a family of stove plants 
once highly esteemed by cultivators, but now known and appreciated 
only by a few. The order of Npiderworts, to which this belongs, is 
rich in beaiitiful and interesting plants; and amongst the most attractive 
occur a few of the Dichorisandras, which are valuable alike for their 




leaves and flowers. The plate represents one of the prettiest fine- 
foliage plants known. The leaves are broadly ovate-oblong; the 
ground-colour dark green, traversed with zigzag lines of white, which 
remind the beholder of a delicate pattern in mosaic. When in flower 
this is a siimptuous plant, but if kept in health, it is well worth a 
place in the stove for its leaves alone. 

Several species of this genus have been introduced from the tropical 
parts of South America within the past half century; and of these, 
two at least may be pronounced eminently desirable for the embellishment 
of the stove in autumn and winter. These are D. picta, with prettily 
painted leaves and blue flowers; and D. thyrsiflora, a plant of large 
growth, producing fine thyrses of blue flowers during autumn and 
winter. Our D. mosaica throws up a terminal thyrse of azure blue 
flowers, which have a charming appearance while they last, and its 
season of flowering is autumn. We recommend these three as the 
best out of about a dozen species known to collectors; and of 
thyrsiflora it may be said that there is not a finer winter flowering 
stove plant in cultivation. 

The treatment required by these plants is simple enough, but they 
cannot endure neglect. A light rich soil of almost any kind will suit 
them. They must have stove temperature, a moist atmosphere, and 
shade from the full sun. Those that flower in the summer may be 
removed when in bloom to the conservatory, but as they are all 
delicately constituted, care must be taken not to expose them to cold 
draughts at any time, and while in the stove they must never be 
subjected to an arid atmosphere or long-continued dryness at the 
roots, or they will be quickly covered with red spider. 

The quickest way to propagate them is by division in spring, but 
they may also be multiplied by seeds, which should be sown in a 
good heat in spring. 



Feperomia arifolia, var. a/rgyreia, Arum-leaved Peperomia; Silver-striped-leaved 

Natural Order — Piperace.e. 

One of the benefits resulting from the increased attention paid to 
the beauty of the leaves of plants, is the enlargement of the horticul- 
turist's field of selection; for he now finds it advantageous to make 
acquaintance with plants that have never been prized for their flowers, 
and his interest in botany and plant-form is increased proportionately. 
The Peperomias were never cared for by cultivators until the passion 
for leaves sprang up; they were regarded as plants for the botanists, 
that is to say, ugly uninteresting things that were unworthy of the 
attention of any one in search of beauty. The ugly plants are always 



made over to the botanists, but now and then it happens that a real 
beauty gets mixed with them, and the botanist, smarting under the 
sarcasm of his exigent friend the horticulturist, has the advantage of 
the laugh, and wins a point or two in the competition. No piperaceous 
plant is worth consideration for the beauty of its flowers, but of the 
Peperomias we have now at least half a dozen worth growing for the 
beauty of their leaves, and the best of them are the one here figured 
and a smaller leaved and darker coloured one, called P. marmorata , 
the Marble-leaved Peperomia. 

The good points of these plants arc many, their bad points are few. 
They are almost always in perfection if taken proper care of, for, 
unlike most other delicate-leaved herbaceous plants, the leaves of these 
retain their beauty a long time, and scarcely present an unattractive 
appearance at any time throughout the year. No insect ever touches 
them, they are most easy to keep and propagate, and they seem to do 
equally well in a comparatively dry atmosphere as in one highly charged 
with humidity; but the average humidity of the tropical house is more 
favourable to their health than dryness. 

The two we have named as most desirable are very nearly related 
in their characters. The one figured, P. arifolia, v. argyreia, has 
orbicular-ovate leaves borne on red footstalks; the blade of the leaf 
averages three to five inches long; in texture it is somewhat succulent; 
the colours are delicately blended, being bright green along the lines 
of the principal nerves, and greyish white between them. The leaves 
of P. marmorata, the Marbled-leaved Peperomia, are ovate-cordate in 
form, deeply two-lobed at the base, the upper surface dull green, 
mottled with lighter shades of green, and divided by irregular bands 
between the nerves of greyish white marbling. 

For these plants we are indebted to the industry of Mr. Weir, 
collector in Brazil for the Royal Horticultural Society. 

We cannot dismiss the subject of this plate without remarking on 
the economic importance of the order to which it belongs. The most 
important plant in the Avhole family is Piper nigrum, from which 
both white and black pepper are derived. Several other plants of 
this order furnish carminative stimulants which are valued as substitutes 
for pepper and as antidotes to poison. The valuable drug called 
"cubebs" is the produce of Cubeba officinalis, a piperaceous plant; 
and the celebrated "betel" leaf, Chavica betel, is a member of the 
same family. 




Agave Americana Variegata, Variegated-leaved American Aloe. 
Natural order — Amaryllidace.e. 

Favour does not always go by merit, else a few of the best of the 
nearly hardy succulent plants, of which there are a myriad beautiful 
varieties known, would be found in every private garden where now 



Tom Thumb geranium reigns supreme. It is something to keep a 
noble plant all the days of one's life, and hand it over at last to a 
successor, along with the family plate and the testimonial snuff-box, 
and the American Aloe is just such a plant as may be kept "in the 
family" through any number of generations, and be to them "a thing 
of beauty and a joy for" — as many centuries as they last, for the plant 
itself may be considered an emblem of immortality. 

Glancing through the Aloes, Yuccas, Cacalias, Houseleeks, Sedums, 
Gasterias, and the rest of the subjects that are classed as "succulents," 
how many noble and beautiful plants do we find, which in characters 
and requirements appear to be better adapted to the circumstances of 
amateurs than almost any other large sections of the vegetable kingdom 
that find favour with them. We are now considering those whose 
range of selection must be limited, but who desire to derive from the 
garden the largest possible amount of intellectual recreation, combined 
with those varying attractions which render a garden a necessary 
appendage and embellishment to the residence of a man of taste. 

Having visited almost every good garden in the British Islands, and 
being familiar with a majority of the best collections, public and 
private, we know of but one example of thorough appreciation of 
these plants, apart from business interest or professional duty, and 
that one example would fire thousands with the spirit of emulation 
were they but familiar with it. In the Catalogue of the International 
Horticultural Exhibition of 1866, will be found the name of our friend 
and neighbour, J. B. Kellock, Esq., of Stamford Hill, who distinguished 
himself by the exhibition of rare species of Yuccas, Dasylirions, and 
Beaucarneas, in competition with the best collections of such plants 
from all parts of Europe. 

Mr. Kellock has made the cultivation of these plants the amusement 
of his life, and whoever is fortunate enough to see his conservatory, 
will be ready to agree that amongst plants he might have found less 
attractive and less noble subjects. They are kept in a large span- 
roofed house, the floor of which is concreted, to secure perfect dryness 
in winter, because many of these plants, Aloes in particular, suffer at that 
season if exposed to damp. For the benefit of such plants as Beau- 
carneas, and others that require a certain degree of moisture at all 
seasons, there is a small fish-pond and fountain around which the 
moisture-loving plants are grouped, to benefit by the humidity 
communicated to the atmosphere by evaporation. A service of hot-water 
pipes, sufficient only to keep out frost, is provided, and the whole 
collection, which comprises many species and varieties, reputed to 
require the stove, is managed on a strictly cool system. 



The appearance presented by this group of plants is that of a 
luxuriant tropical garden; tall Dracaenas nearly touch the roof with 
their elegant tufts of dark green drooping leaves; the Beaucarneas 
imitate their graceful outlines lower down ; the gigantic leaves of many 
species of Agaves and Yuccas, the thong-like and wonderfully elegant 
Bonaparteas, with many more of the most distinctive vegetable forms 
diversify the scene throughout, and afford delightful variety of elegant 
outlines, here and there lighted with a bit of cheerful colour. 

Amongst these various and valuable plants there are none more 
striking than the Variegated-leaved American Aloe, many examples of 
which may be found, and every one differs from the rest in colours 
and markings; yet it is doubtful whether there are in reality more 
than two or three varieties with variegated leaves; the differences 
observable in different plants may be attributed chiefly to differences 
of age, but also in some part to differences of condition. Many 
cultivators have been led into error by the striking distinctiveness of 
characters presented by the plants, and as they are strangely slow 
in their movements, it requires the observations of a long series of 
years to determine their relationships to one common source, and 
their ultimate convergence to one common type. Nurserymen have 
been always ready to bestow names upon these supposed varieties; 
but if the purchasers of them could watch them long enough, they 
would find them all relinquish by degrees their minor distinctions, and 
take the characters of the type. 

Nearly all the succulents that require the protection of the greenhouse 
in the winter, and not a few that are reputed to require the stove, 
may be employed to embellish the garden during the summer. We 
have never seen plants of this kind better employed out of doors 
than in the garden of J. B. Saunders, Esq., of The Laurels, Taunton. 
He has some gigantic specimens of the Variegated-leaved American 
Aloe, which are placed on pedestals during the summer on either side 
of the main walk, and their grand outlines and brilliant colours 
render them most impressive elements in a beautiful scene. They 
are kept all the winter in an unheated coach-house, where there is 
but little light, and they do not have, after being housed, until 
brought out again, a single drop of water. So long as they are 
kept dry a few degrees of frost will not harm them; but it is 
desirable to protect all fleshy-leaved plants from the slightest touch of 
frost, for the expansion consequent upon the freezing of the leaves 
is likely to rend the tissues, to say nothing of its effect on the 
constitution of the plant in general. 

The Agaves have been receiving considerable attention from botanico- 



horticulturists of late, and a considerable number of fine species have 
been introduced to Europe. One of the best trade collections of 
these is that of Mr. B. S. Williams, of Victoria Nursery, Holloway, 
near London. The Kew collection is a fine one, and has been 
considerably enlarged recently. 

Having on several occasions witnessed the flowering of the American 
Aloe, we can testify that the event is to be desired by any possessor 
of the plant who can afford it the space necessary for the full 
development of its enormous flower-stem, for its appearance when in 
perfection is one of the most remarkable the lover of fine plants is 
likely ever to witness. The popular opinion that the plant flowers 
only when it has attained the age of one hundred years is erroneous, 
but it is quite true that many years must elapse ere it attains to a 
flowering condition. In hot climates, where all the circumstances are 
favourable, the American Aloe produces flowers at ten years of age; 
in less favourable circumstances the time of flowering is deferred to 
fifty, seventy, or even a hundred years, possibly longer; but these 
periods are known to have elapsed from the birth of a plant until 
the date of its inflorescence. As, when happily circumstanced, and 
especially when preserved against the injurious effect of an excess of 
moisture, it is a rare event for a leaf to wither, an aged specimen 
has an immense number of leaves, many of which will exceed 
six feet in length. The flower-stem rises to a height of forty feet 
when the plant is grown wholly out of doors, as it is in many 
parts of the south of Europe. It is regularly branched and perfectly 
symmetrical; the flowers are of a greenish yellow colour, and of an 
elegant liliaceous form. It is well known that from this plant are 
obtained an ardent spirit, a strong flax-like fibre, food for cattle, and 
a kind of vegetable soap; but it is not so well known that the centre 
of the flower-stem makes a good razor-strop, owing to the particles of 
silica it contains. 

m/ITHFA W C I T n U I A M A 



Calathr.a Vuitchlano, Mr. Veitch's t'alatlioa. 
Nat oral Order — M a r a n t a c e k . 

Tins has become one of the most popular of the attractive family 
to which it belongs, and is constantly met with at exhibitions. Whether 
it is absolutely the handsomest species in cultivation we will not 
attempt to determine, but it is certainly not surpassed in richness of 
colouring and nobleness of character by any kindred species. Its floral 
characters, a sceptre-like scape and dense flower-head, the bracts im- 
bricated all round, determine its immediate relationship to the celebrated 




Calathea (formerly Maranta) zebrina. Dr. J. L). Hooker says, "it differs 
from any of its congeners known to us, in having several of the rather 
large upper bracts empty, and from its nearest allies in the form and 
colour of the perianth, of which unfortunately we do not possess the 
material to enable us to give a detailed description." However 
interesting to the botanist, the flowers offer but few attractions to the 
cultivator, though their pale purple lips contrast pleasingly with the 
pale green bracts, amongst which they appear. The leaves are 
sumptuously coloured, and their outline is bold and commanding. Their 
form is ovate-elliptical, broad and rounded at the base, marked above 
on each side with a series of broad semicircular or crescentic blotches 
of a rich dark green on a light green ground, which is bounded by 
dark green in similar crescentic lines towards the margins. 

In the description of Maranta rosea-picta, (Plate V. page 14,) a few 
directions are given for the cultivation of this tribe of plants, and at 
page 38 is a list of Marantas which we consider the most attractive in 
their leaf colouring. Calathea pavonina may safely be added to the 
best collections, the leaves are chequered with blackish purple spots, 
and the flowers are a brilliant orange colour. 



Smilax macrophylla metadata, Broad-leaved Sarsaparilla, variety with spotted leaves. 

Natural Order — Smilace.e. 

Comparatively little is known of the plants of which the order 
Smilacece consists. The genus Smilax is undoubtedly the most typical 
of the whole of this genus. Only a dozen species at the utmost have 
been subjected to cultivation in England, and we may travel far and 
wide, and search much and curiously, ere we meet with any of them. 
Yet they arc not destitute of cither beauty or interest, and the beautiful 



plant figured may be considered a fair example of the most desirable 
species for cultivation. Two good companion plants would be S. longi- 
folia cariegata and S. ornata; and if more were wanted, »S. rubens, 
which has red tendrils, and S. sarsaparilla, the reputed source of the 
celebrated drug of the same name, might be added. 

Smilaceous plants are of somewhat various characters; in general 
bearing and habitude they approach very near to the asparagus section 
of the Liliacece, but they differ in having quasi-exogenous stems and 
net-veined leaves, the lilies being truly endogenous, and having parallel- 
veined leaves. 

The genera of Smilaceai comprise herbaceous and sub-shrubby plants, 
many of which manifest a tendency to climb, a few are prickly, and 
some have tuberous roots. The leaves are simple and undivided, 
usually ovate and strongly ribbed. The flowers are small and insig- 
nificant, with six-parted perianth, six stamens, three-celled ovary, the 
fruit being a berry. Of the species about one hundred and thirty 
are known. They are widely distributed, inhabiting for the most part 
the sub-tropical and temperate regions of Asia and America. 

In collections of officinal and medicinal plants, the plant known as 
Smilax sarsaparilla is usually regarded as the source of the sarsaparilla 
of commerce. It is certain, however, that sarsaparilla is obtained from 
several distinct species, and it may be questioned whether it has ever 
been really derived from the species accredited with its production. 
Jamaica sarsaparilla is the produce of S. officinalis ; that from Vera 
Cruz is derived from S. medico,. The variety of sources whence this 
drug is obtained may be sufficient to account for the conflict of opinions 
as to its medicinal value, for it may be effectual for the purpose for 
which it is employed, or altogether useless according to its derivation. 

One of the oldest known species of Smilax is the European S. aspera, 
which is considered by many as valuable as any of the American 
species. At all events it is much employed in Italy and Spain for 
medicinal purposes. In Dr. Deakin's "Flora of the Colosseum of 
Rome," this plant occurs amongst the "four hundred and twenty 
plants growing spontaneously upon the ruins of the Colosseum." It 
is described as "an elegant, wild-looking plant, hanging in festoons 
in hedges or among bushes, and common in most parts of Italy." 
Another ancient species is S. China, which has a tuberous root, 
regarded by the Chinese and Japanese as possessed of properties 
which render it valuable for purifying the blood and invigorating 
the constitution. Dr. Liudley was of opinion that "probably some of 
the species found in the Old World would be found to be possessed 
of virtues equal to the American species." 

SMI LA X M A C RO 1' HY r. r. A . 

Iii the various references to the "Smilax" which occur in ancient 
literature, it is a difficult matter to determine the particular species 
of plants that bore the designation. Not only in ancient, but even 
in comparatively modern times, the name has been applied to several 
distinct species of climbing plants; as, for example, in Johnson's 
Gerarde 8G1, the great bindweed, Convolculus septum, is named "Smilax 
lacis" and the bindweed bears the same name in Dodonaeus {Stirp. 
Hint. Pemp. 39.2.) Theophrastus and Dioscorides apply the name 
to several distinct plants, and amongst others to the yew. Smilax 
aspera was known to Dioscorides, who describes it as a species of 
Phaseolus or Convolvulus, in accordance with the old unscientific rule 
of associating plants by their outward and general resemblances, 
without special reference to structural and physiological relations. In 
the Greek tragedies we find it associated with the ivy in the worship 
of Bacchus; as, for example, in the following passage from "The 
Bacchse" of Euripides, where the messenger describes to Pentheus 
the orgies he had witnessed upon the mountains: — 

"'Twas wonderful to see the young, the old, 
And the unmarried virgins. O'er their necks 
Their loose-devolving hair they spread, refix 
Their vestments, such whose cinctures were unloosed, 
And o'er them bind the spotted skins of fawns, 
With serpents wreathing round their shaded cheeks. 
Some holding in their arms a kid, and some 
The wolves' wild whelps, taught them to drain their breasts, 
Swelling with milk, their new-born infants left 
At home; then on their heads their garlands place 
Of oak, of ivy, and the silvery bloom 
Of Smilax : one her thyrsus took, and smote 
The rock, out gush'd the pure transparent stream ; 
Another cast her light wand on the ground, 
Instant, so will'd the god, a fount of wine 
Sprung forth; if any wish'd a softer draught, 
These with their fingers oped the ground, and milk 
Issued in copious streams; and from their spears, 
With ivy wreathed, the dulcet honey flowed." 

Potter's Translation, I., p. 23. 

Similar allusions to the plant occur in the works of all the later 
Greek poets, and in many of the Roman poets; but as wreaths and 
garlands were not known at the time of the Trojan war, Homer 
never crowns any of his heroes with them, In the story of "Alcithoe 
and her Sisters," Ovid makes mildly merry over the dissensions that 



led to the downfall of Bacchus from his high place amongst the gods, 
and gives a hasty sketch of the rites that were paid to him: — 

"Yet still Alcithoe perverse remains, 
Aud Bacchus still, and all his rites disdains. 
Too rash and madly bold, she bids him prove 
Himself a god, nor owns the son of Jove : 
Her sisters, too, unanimous agree, 
Faithful associates in impiety. 
Be this a solemn feast, the priest had said; 
Be, with each mistress, unemploy'd each maid. 
With skins of beasts your tender limbs enclose, 
And with an ivy crown adorn your brows, 
The leafy thyrsus high in triumph bear, 
And give your locks to wanton in the air. 
These rites profaned, the holy seer foreshow'd 
A mourning people, and a vengeful god." 

Metamorphoses, iv. 1-15. 

None of the species that are worth growing are at all difficult to 
manage. In the arboretum at Bicton, South Devon, there is a collection 
of species of Smilax trained to j>oles, the only instance in which we 
have met with these plants growing in the open ground. They are 
usually treated as cool greenhouse plants; and those we have named 
as desirable will be found of service to train up the pillars of the 
conservatory, and to clothe the walls and trellises. Any good loamy 
soil will suit them, and they are easily propagated by means of 
suckers from the roots. 



Teleianthera ficoldea, var. versicolor, Alfernanthera versicolor, Variously coloured 

leaved Teleianthera. 
Natural Order — Amarantace^;. 

This charming little plant was referred to in the description of 
Alternanthera sessilis, Plate XVII. It has the best possible right to 
a place here as a beautiful-leaved plant, and especially so on account 
of its distinctness from all the true Alternanthcras. A well-grown tuft 
in a shallow pan or a good bed of it, such as we have ourselves 
enjoyed in the past season, presents a display of leaf colouring not to 
be soon forgotten. At page 46 we have said in respect of the group 
of plants to which the subject before us belongs, that, "their ultimate 
fate in respect of the favour shown them by English cultivators, will 
depend almost entirely on their value as bedding plants." We are 
already prepared to recant, and to say instead that their ultimate fate 
is pretty well determined, for if they never become popular as bedding 
plants, they will be sure to keep a place on the greenhouse shelf, for 
when well grown in large tufts they have a most beautiful appearance, 



and are especially valuable for decorative purposes in seasons of the 
year when flowers are scarce. 

Teleianthera ficoidea is a sub-shrubby plant of compact tree-like 
habit, with broadish ovate leaves, which are variously tinted with pale 
carmine, deep bronzy red, and claret colour, and two or three shades 
of pale green. To keep it in a lively state of colour . it should be 
occasionally pinched back, and must have at all times plenty of light 
and air. It may be multiplied to any extent, and at almost any time 
by means of cuttings. 


During the past three seasons we have grown several varieties of 
early tulips with variegated leaves. We are not so much in love 
with them as to give them a hearty recommendation, but as a few 
of them are well worth a trial for the decoration of the conservatory 
and the drawing-room in early spring, this brief notice may be useful. 
Out of about two dozen varieties, the leaves of which were marked 
with white, or cream, or pale yellow stripes and bands, the following 
were the best : — 

Edouard d' Argent. — The leaves are edged with creamy white ; the 
flowers are double ; colour lilac rose. 

Feu d'' Empire. — Leaves edged with sulphur yellow; flowers gold 
with crimson flame. 

Variegated Golden Standard. — Leaves finely margined pale sulphur; 
flowers gold yellow. First rate. 

Lac Bontlof. — Leaves margined pale sulphur; flowers purple, red 
and white. First rate. 

Silver Standard Variegated. — Leaves elegantly edged creamy buff; 
flowers carmine. First rate. 



Bhapis fldbell/iformis, var. foUis luteo-vittata, Fan-shaped Noodle Palm, 
variety with yellow ribbon-striped leaves. 
Natural Order — Palmace.e. 

Palms and ferns are least in need of the special embellishments 
which are collectively known as "Variegation," because of their inherent 
elegance of form, and their many pleasing shades of colour. We can 
imagine that in many cases the appearance of variegation in the leal- 
age would detract from their beauty. The lovely green hue of 
Leopoldiana pulchra or of Leptopteris super ba, to name two examples 




only, would scarcely we think be improved by the addition of stripes 
or spots of any colour; in fact, we cannot conceive of any possible 
improvement on their rich and finished appearance. Yet experience 
teaches us that all beauty is comparative, and the history of botanical 
terminology tends the same way. We meet with a species which 
charms us by its beauty, and we name it "pulchella." Presently we 
meet with another, which certainly surpasses it, and we call it 
"pulcherrima:" what shall we do when we meet with a species to 
eclipse the last? take refuge in " speciosa," perhaps, or, if hard driven, 
in "speciosissima." The beautiful palm here figured has been known 
to cultivators in its green-leaved or normal form for nearly a century, 
and at Kew, and indeed in all botanic gardens where palms are grown 
in collections, large and handsome specimens may be found. If we 
were asked about the desirability of a variegated-leaved variety, we 
should probably say that the cheerful green hue of the healthy fronds 
was all-sufficient, and variegation would in no respect improve it. 
But when Nature solves the problem, we find that we should have 
been altogether wrong in such a conclusion, for here is the plant in 
a variegated state, its original beauty beautified, its graceful outlines 
more distinctly marked by the lines of light that trace them, its 
original green hue relieved and brightened by the contrast of the 
yellowish or creamy stripes which accompany every division of the 
fronds from base to apex. 

For this charming variety of Rhapis Jlabelliformis English cultivators 
are indebted to Mr. Standish, who in 1860 imported specimens from 
Japan. Owing to the comparative slowness with which palms are 
multiplied, and especially in the case of variegated varieties, this plant 
has scarcely yet become known, except to a quite select few collectors 
of rare and costly plants, and it will be many years ere it is met with 
in collections generally. There are, if we trust to catalogues for 
guidance, several distinct forms of this palm in cultivation, some with 
white stripes, others creamy, others golden. The several names of these 
however, are but several delusions, for there is but one variegated- 
leaved variety, but as it varies in its appearances according to age 
and condition, so it has obtained a multiplicity of names, just as in 
the case of Agave Americana, and other strikingly and variably 
variegated plants. 

The common form of Rhapis Jlabelliformis is so nearly hardy that 
we can safely recommend the introduction of the variegated variety to 
the greenhouse and the cool conservatory. The cultivation of palms 
has been well-nigh revolutionized during the past ten years, and a 
host of them have been transferred from the stove, where they were 



ever infested with vermin, to the conservatory and the open summer 
garden, greatly to their benefit and the extinction of the insect plagues 
they wore previously subject to. Every species of palm known may 
be benefitted by stove treatment when young, and the most hardy 
kinds enjoy a brief term of residence in a tropical atmosphere laden 
with moisture, at the time of their seasonal growth. But a large pro- 
portion of the species of this noble family may be preserved in perfect 
health and vigour with ordinary greenhouse and conservatory treatment, 
and their requirements are so few and simple that a few of the most 
tractable and elegant should have a place wherever plants of striking 
character and interesting history are valued. 


Areca aurea. 
Areca rubra. 
Calamus asperrimus. 
Calamus elegans. 
Caryota sobolifera. 
Cocos nucifera. 
Cocos coronata. 
Dsemonorops plumosa. 

Euterpe edulis. 
Leopoldiana pulchra, (syn. 

Cocos Weddeliana.) 
Phamicophorium Scchcllarum. 
Thrinax elegans. 
Thrinax argentea. 
Verschaffeltia splendida. 
Acanthophcenix crinita. 


Areca Bauerii. 

Areca sapida. 

Brahea calcarea. 

Brahea dulcis. 

Chamserops Fortunei, quite 

hardy in the south of England. 
Chamaerops humilis, also 

quite hardy. 
Corypha australis. 
Chamsedorea elegans. 

Chamnedorea Ernest Augusti. 
Latania Bourbonica. 
Molinia Chilensis. 
Phoenix dactylifera. 
Phoenix tenuis. 
Rhapis arundinacea. 
Rhapis flabclliformis. 
Seaforthia elegans. 
Thrinax parviflora. 
Thrinax tunicata. 

76 PALMS. 


Stove Palms require a temperature of from 70° to 80° Fan., from 
the commencement of the new growth until it is completed, say from 
March to September, and a considerable rise may be allowed during 
sunshine, say to 100°, provided there is no neglect of watering and 
syringing, and a reasonable amount of air is allowed. From October 
to February the temperature of the palm stove should range between 
50° and 65° Fah., the first-named figure being the lowest allowable in 

Greenhouse Palms require an average temperature of 45° Fah. 
during winter; the extreme minimum in severe weather should be 35°, 
but a minimum of 40° is safer, although some few species will bear a 
few degrees of frost with impunity. Palms require a good nourishing 
soil. In their early stages of growth fibrous peat answers admirably, 
but as they advance in size it is advisable to grow them in good 
turfy loam, with a moderate admixture of thoroughly decomposed 
hotbed manure and leaf mould. As a rule they are not fastidious as 
to soil. During the season when growth is active they must have 
plenty of water, but at other times comparatively little. 

Palm seeds are frequently obtained by cultivators, and, as they 
travel well and keep long, they are generally good. To raise palms 
from seed is an easy matter, but stove heat is essential. The best 
time to sow the seed is February or March; but where the cultivation 
of stove plants is carried on in a systematic manner, it is advisable 
to sow the seed as soon as it is obtained, no matter what the season. 
The pots should be filled with a mixture of peat and leaf mould, 
and the seed be covered with two inches depth of chopped sphagnum. 
A hotbed at 75° is the best place for the pots, which must be kept 
constantly moist. 

D I C H 0 R I S A V. 0 R 6 U N 0 I T «. 



Dichorisandra undata, Wavy-leaved Dichorisandra. 
Natural Order — Commelin ace^e. 

Though bearing a close family likeness to D. mosaica, figured on 
Plate XXII, this species is sufficiently distinct and beautiful to be 
worthy of a place in the same house with it, and especially where 
there is room to grow a few handsome specimens. A large mass of 
this plant has a splendid appearance, the frequent repetition of the 
undulations of the leaf-surfaces having a strange and charming effect, 
and, in some circumstances of light and shade, giving the idea of 
surfaces in motion. The broadly ovate leaves of this plant are banded 
with alternate broad stripes of dark dull green and narrow stripes 
of greyish green, the bands following the course of the veins from 
base to apex. The under side of the leaves is a rich satiny purple. 



This species is equally desirable with the one previously figured for 
its flowers as well as its leaves. When carefully treated it flowers 
freely, and affords a pleasing embellishment to the stove, or to the 
bouquet in which the flowers when cut are placed. The treatment 
required by this plant is precisely that described at page 58. Any 
further remarks on that head are therefore unnecessary. 


Many who have cultivated this lovely plant have been disappointed 
of an abundant variegation, and many plants originally variegated 
have become wholly green, and appear as if they would continue so. 
A few remarks, the result of observation and practice, may therefore 
be useful. This plant produces abundance of seed; and a considerable 
number of seedling plants, from seed produced by the variegated 
variety, have been raised and distributed. But seedling plants, 
however richly variegated the parent may be, are not to be relied 
upon, and the only safe course is to obtain rooted offsets. Even 
when true offsets are obtained there is a danger of the plants 
"running back," or, in other words, of becoming wholly green. To 
prevent this, the variegated plants should be grown in the poorest 
peat that can be obtained, and this should have added to it a very 
large proportion of clean silver sand. Yet one more precaution: nip 
out all green growths the moment they appear, for they communi- 
cate to the whole plant such a degree of vigour that it soon gets 
rid of its variegation altogether, and acquires its normal green hue. 
At the first of the horticultural exhibitions held in the Guildhall, in 
the city of London, when a vast collection of rare and valuable plants 
were displayed in picturesque groups, a large specimen of this Cyperus, 
from Mr. Tanton, of Epsom, was unanimously pronounced by the 
judges the finest plant in the exhibition; there can be no question, 
therefore, that it is worth growing, and growing well. 




Erantliemum igneum, Fiery Love-flower. 
Natural Order — AcantitacEjE. 

We are indebted to M. Linden for this pretty addition to our rather 
large family of stove acanthads. He obtained it from South America 
in 1866, and very shortly after distributed it in commerce. It has 
been best known hitherto on account of the beauty of its leaves, 
which are oblong, of a dark bottle-green colour, the midrib and 
primary veins forming bold copper-coloured lines. But in common 
with other species of this interesting genus, its flowers are extremely 



beautiful, and the cultivator who has once seen them will desire a 
repetition of the pleasure. 

A considerable number of beautiful-leaved plants more or less related 
to this have been introduced during the past few years. We have 
figured a small selection of them, (vide Plates IV, IX, XII,) and 
under each have offered a few suggestions on cultivation. We refer 
especially to pages 10 and 11 for practical advices applicable to the 
plant before us. By this plan we are enabled to avoid repetitions. 


The specimens of this useful winter-flowering plant usually met with, 
decorated with gorgeously-coloured bracts, are tall and ungraceful, 
frequently destitute of leaves for some distance from the base. Perhaps 
there are not a dozen persons in England who can grow it in 
perfection, though thousands succeed in producing gawky plants very 
richly coloured. We have seen very beautiful specimens produced 
by twisting the branches round, and fixing them firmly with sticks, 
so as to constitute of three or four long shoots a neat dwarf bush. 
If the leaves quite cover the sticks and ties, these examples are a 
credit to their cultivators, but a disgrace if the harness is visible. 
We offer to cultivators of this fine plant a hint that may prove vastly 
more valuable than appears at first sight. It is to defer propagating 
until June, and then to take short cuttings and push them along 
smartly in a moist stove. They have not time to run up and become 
giants, and yet they flower as richly as the tallest and ugliest. 

Having said this much, we may as well occupy the space at our 
disposal to add a few words more. It is then a delusion to grow 
this plant wholly in the stove or tan-pit; excessive heat causes it to 
run up and lose its leaves, and present the miserable appearance we 
are accustomed to. Let us suppose we have a lot of plants that have 
flowered well. We keep them in a warm house, but not in forcing 
heat, and with small supplies of water, until February, and then cut 
them down, placing them in a vinery or geranium-house, where they 
have no attention at all until they begin to grow, which occurs about 
the middle of April. By the middle of May the new growth is 
sufficiently advanced to allow of re-potting; they are then shaken out, 
and re-potted into small pots, and shut up close in a frame. As they 
become stronger they are allowed more air, and as they grow they are 
shifted on until they occupy their flowering pots. In October we put 
them in the stove for flowering. 




Acer negundo variegata, syn. Net/undo fraxinifolia variegata, The Variegated 

Ash-leaved Negundo. 
Natural Order — A c e r a r e .k . 

The two fine Maples here figured are important because of their 
intrinsic merit, and also for the hint they afford us of our present 
wealth of beautiful-leaved hardy trees. Within twenty years our 
shrubberies and gardens have been as it were wholly replanted, — 
another vegetable kingdom seems to have been developed during the 
experiences of persons who are not yet old in rural life and obser- 
vation. A large proportion of our most recent and most valuable 




acquisitions to the lists of hardy ornamental trees are of the 
coniferous order, where, if we were to search diligently, we should 
find many worth a place in this connection on account of the bcautv 
of their leaves. We have seen at least half a dozen varieties of the 
noble Salisburia, or "maiden-hair" pine, with leaves of most elegant 
outline; and the variegated Wellingtonia, several variegated varieties 
of Cupressus and Thuia, to say nothing of the splendid autumnal 
colours of the deciduous Cypress, are examples of such as might have 
a place here could we venture to figure all the good things that 
demand our admiration. But the range of choice for beautiful leaves 
expands amazingly when we go amongst the oaks, beeches, maples, 
alders, and poplars. It is true that some of the finest varieties of 
these have been in cultivation for centuries, but they have within the 
past few years been added to -immensely by importations from distant 
countries; North America and Japan having more especially enriched 
us with valuable contributions. We have selected for the accom- 
panying plate two hardy trees which we think should have the first 
place here for their distinct, peculiar, and splendid colouring. They 
are both maples, yet as different in aspect and habit as if widely 
separated in botanical classification. 

Acer negundo variegata is a variegated form of a tree that has been 
known to English arboriculturists now nearly two centuries. The 
variety originated on the continent, and became famous so quickly 
after it became known that the demand has always been in excess of 
the supply, even up to the present time. The principal characteristic 
of this tree is its excessive whiteness. In the plate the leaves are 
represented as wholly of a pale creamy tint, or with a suffusion of 
dull green on either side of the midrib, and the figure is strictly 
correct; yet when we view the tree from the distance of a dozen 
yards or so, it appears to be wholly white, so powerful in the mass 
is the tone of the variegation. In continental gardens this Negundo has 
within the past year or two been largely employed to form striking- 
groups amongst such subjects as Cannas, Musas, and other of the so- 
called "sub-tropical" plants. In this capacity it is certainly the most 
remarkable of all decorative plants, and for just this reason, its ghostly 
whiteness, it needs to be skilfully and perhaps sjiaringly used. When 
employed in this way, as also when grown in pots for the conservatory, 
it should be grafted low, so as to form compact dwarf bushes; but 
when required for the shrubbery standards are to be preferred, to 
afford striking blotches of white amongst the various hues of green 
of other deciduous trees. 




Acer polymorphwn palmatum sanguineum, Blood-coloured Palmate-leaved Maple. 

Natural Order — Acerace^. 

The Palmate Acer, (A. palmatum sanguineum) is one of a group 
originally published under the specific name of polymorphum; whether 
this is the same as an Acer known a few years back as Japonicum 
we do not know, but strongly suspect it is so, as the name Japonicum 
has quite disappeared, and polymorphum is rather an indication of a 
group that has not yet been well studied, than the accepted name of 
any one particular variety. Certain it is that we have half a dozen 
or more richly coloured palmate maples, natives of Japan, all related 
to a type which may for the present be imagined, since it appears thai 
no one knows it, and of these palmatum sanguineum is the most 
distinct and brilliant in colouring. 

As we have referred to the confusion of the nomenclature of 
these maples, we will here endeavour to convey to the reader a few 
items of useful knowledge of the trees and the names by which they 
are known. 

Acer palmatum sanguineum is one of the many varieties of poly- 
morphum. It has deeply-divided palmate leaves of a tine purplish red 
or crimson colour. It has been described as Acer sanguineum. 

Acer ornatum has the leaves more deeply cut, and the lobes again 
divided into narrow notched segments; it is a fern-like tree, the 
prevailing colours are purple, red, carmine, and grey. This also is a 
variety of the polymorphum type; an exceedingly beautiful and curious 
object. It has been described as Acer polymorphum palmatum fol. 
dissect is pinnatifidis roseo-pictis I The simpler and not inappropriate 



(though vague and general) designation "ornatum" is surely to be 

Acer Frederici Guilelmi is a feathery-looking tree with digitate 
leaves, which at first are brownish red, and afterwards become greenish 
red, streaked with rose and white. A beautiful variety. 

Acer palmatum viridis has deeply-cut digitate leaves of a delicate 
green colour; a very elegant and cheerful tree. It has been described 
as dissectis fol. pinnatifidis viridibus! We might find half a dozen 
more, but it is not our purpose to pursue the subject into all 
possible ramifications. 


Amongst our many hardy beautiful-leaved trees, the following are 
the more distinct and striking after the maples above noticed : — 

Acer pseudo-platanus var. Leo- 
poldii, a variety of the common 
sycamore, with leaves richly 
mottled red, carmine, and olive 

Acer pseudo-platanus variegata. 
Castanea Vesca variegata. 
Fagus sylvatica variegata. 
Fagus sylvatica purpurea. 
Fraxinus excclsa aucuba?folia. 

Pyrus aucuparia pendula fol. aureis. 

Pyrus vestita. 

Quercus cerris variegata. 

Quercus coccinea. 

Quercus nigra. 

Quercus robar var. concordea. 
Ulmus campestris fol. var. 
Ulmus montana purpurea. 
Liriodendron tulipiferum var. foliis 





Gesnera Exoniensis, Gesnera of Exeter, (hybrid.) 
Natural Order. — Gesnerace.e. 

The sumptuous velvety leaf of this splendid Gesnera would overtax 
the art of a magician, so if our artist has come moderately near the 
mark we must be thankful and congratulatory. There is not a 
herbaceous plant in cultivation that surpasses this for the embellishment 
of the stove in winter, for its lustrous leaves are in due time lighted 
up by a glitter of scarlet flowers, and it takes the eye captive with 
its richness and suggestion of solemnity. We are indebted to Messrs. 
Lucombe, Fince, and Co., of the Exeter Nurseries, for this novelty, 
and it is, we trust, sufficiently novel for a place here, as it is being- 
distributed for the first time while this portrait of its leaf is in the 

Gesneras may be flowered at any season of the year by judicious 
regulation of their growing and resting periods. They are easiest to 
manage in the summer, but most valuable in the winter. Those who 
succeed with Gloxinias, Achimines, and Begonias, will readily enough 
persuade the Gesneras to spread their velvet leaves and give a glow 
of scarlet flowers. The bulbs after having rested sufficiently, require 
to be started into growth in a moist heat, beginning at 60°, with very 
little water, and rising to 80° as growth proceeds, when, of course, the 
supply of water should be increased. They never require large supplies 
of water, and it is well if they are never wetted overhead, for that is 
likely to lead to damage of the leaves. When they have bloomed, 
and begin to die down, water must be withhold, and the bulbs should 
rest in the pots they were grown in at a temperature as near 45° as 




Ancectochilus Setuceiis intermedins, Hairy-leaved Anaectochilus, 
or Golden-netted-leaved Orchid. 
Natural Order— Oiiciiidace;e. 

This plant is the "King of the Woods" in Ceylon, and is probably 
the most beautiful-leaved plant in the world. At all events it defies 
description, and we are somewhat astonished at the success of our 
artist in depicting it, though the best picture must in such a case fall 
far below the fact. This section of the great family of orchids has 
lately become peculiarly popular, being much grown in collections; 
and many amateurs have taken to them who never tried their hands 
at orchids of any other kind before. Their distinctive leaf-beauty 
and peculiar constitution necessarily invite separate and special attention, 
and they are admirably adapted to furnish recreation to such as incline 
to the study of a group of plants that abound in interest, and present 
a few difficulties to the cultivator. 

The species before us was the first of its race to come under the 
notice of English cultivators. It was introduced in 1836, and created 
no little surprise at Kew, when it began there, under careful treatment, 
to display its peculiar beauties. There are several varieties of 
A. setaceus, and the particular one we have selected for a figure, 
(intermedins,) is one of the newest, and perhaps the best; but on their 
relative merits we have nothing to say: fortunate is the man who 
possesses any one of them. 

The number of species to be found in collections is about thirty, 
but if we add to that number the varieties, no doubt we ?nay say 
we have about seventy sorts in cultivation. They are peculiar and 
difficult plants. Botanically, their alliances are the pretty silvery-leaved 



Goodyera, the lovely Spiranthes, and the unattractive British Listera 
and Epipactis. They are grown for their leaves only, and in these 
velvet, silk, gold thread, lustrous silver, and jewels of many kinds, 
are represented and outdone. But they are not to be despised for 
their flowers, which are as pretty as those of Saxifraga sarmentosa, 
a glorious plant when in flower if well done, but a wretched thing 
when starved and insulted. 

To grow these orchids to perfection a damp shady stove is necessary. 
They are usually kept under bell-glasses, which is a good plan to save 
them from possible splashes of water, but a bad plan if the glasses 
are not constantly kept slightly open at bottom to afford a slight 
movement of air about the plants. To be shut down close like 
mummies in glass coffins is a way to make mummies of them, and has 
been the cause of many losses; but, on the other hand, to expose them 
to currents of dry or cold air, or to sunshine, is equally injurious. 
Damp, shade, and warmth, are the principal essentials for their well 
doing. The winter temperature should range from 55° to 70°; the 
summer temperature from 65° to 90°. As for soil, nothing is so good 
as a mixture of chopped sphagnum, broken pots, and silver-sand ; 
and they must be re-potted once a year at least, and in case of ill 
health, prompt re-potting, as a rule, is the safest remedy. 

The following are the easiest to manage, and both in beauty and 
habit best adapted for a beginner: — A. argenteus, A. Lobbii, A. 
maculatus, A. petola, A. striatus, A. Turnerii, A. xanthophyllus, A. 





Coleus Blumei, vars. Marslialli, Murrayi, and Telfordi aurea. 
Varieties of Coleus named in honour of Messrs. Marshall, Murray, and Telford. 

Natural Order — Lamiace^e. 

The three leaves figured represent fashionable weeds, beautiful, 
useful, interesting; nevertheless, weeds which in a few years hence 
will probably be utterly valueless, and perhaps unknown. Yet they 
have a right to a place in this series, as we trust our few notes upon 
them will prove. Let us go back, then, to a few elementary facts, 
so as to bring these new varieties of Coleus before our readers as 
having a place in history and many uses in art, weeds as they are, 
and from a certain eclectic point of view comparatively valueless. 

Coleus and Plectranthus are two closely-allied genera of labiates. 
We may speak of them in a homely way as tropical nettles, and, in 
common with a well-known "bedding" plant, Perilla NanMnensis , 
their affinity with the nettles is declared by their looks. Of these 
two genera, a few distinct and pretty plants have been in cultivation 
in this country several years, the oldest (perhaps) dating from 1774, 
when was introduced the somewhat famous C. fruticosus or P. fru- 
ticosus, the "Nettle-leaved Geranium" of the artizan's window, and 
the plant most frequently seen of any at cottagers' and window 
gardeners' exhibitions. A few amongst many species have become 
favourites with cultivators, and none more so than C. Blumei, intro- 
duced in 1850 from Java. In 1852 C. Macraei was introduced from 
Ceylon. As for others, they are recorded in the books, and there is 
no occasion here even to name them. 




It was in 1860 that M. J. Verschaflelt, of Ghent, introduced C. 
Vjerschaffelti, which is, without doubt, a variety of C. Blumei, and 
thereby gave a new impetus to the employment of beautiful-leaved 
plants in English flower-gardens, for this famous Coleus has been un- 
questionably for several years past the grandest bedding plant known; 
but whether to be equalled or eclipsed by any of the newer varieties 
it is at present impossible to say. During the past ten years we have 
seen immense improvements effected in the colouring of the parterre. 
The glare of yellow and scarlet has been subdued, leaf-colouring 
has been made auxiliary to the adoption of half tints in flowers; 
richness and repose have superseded the vulgar fiery blaze of colour 
which fashion sanctioned for awhile, and there is every reason to 
anticipate that in this particular branch of art true taste is gaining 
the ascendency. The varieties of Coleus, Amaranthus, Centaurea, and 
Pelargonium, in which the tones of leaf-colours are rich and decisive, 
have vastly expanded the range of materials available for garden 
colouring, and the general desire for further expansion, for increased 
means of accomplishing chromatic effects by leaves alone, renders the 
production of a new race of hybrid Coleus a most important and 
interesting matter. 

We have not seen amongst the new Coleus a single one that 
appears likely to supersede C. Verscliaffelti. Its splendid tones of 
chocolate and ruby, and the delicate hues of violet and carmine that 
overspread the youngest leaves, give it a distinctiveness of character 
of the highest value, to which we must add in its praise that it is 
comparatively hardy. The stems are stout and the leaves thick, and 
in an average English summer it attains to a most luxuriant growth 
in the open air. 

As the varieties agree in their requirements, a few words on the 
cultivation of this favourite will serve for all the rest. During the 
winter it is a stove plant strictly; the greenhouse, as a rule, is too 
damp and cold for its well-being. It may be propagated with the 
greatest ease at any time of the year by means of cuttings in a moist 
heat; but usually the plants required for planting out in summer 
are struck in spring, and a good hotbed, or a bed over a hot-water 
tank, is essential for the purpose. But in the height of summer 
cuttings may be struck under bell-glasses without artificial heat. The 
soil that suits the Coleus best is a rich light loam. Plants that 
grow fast usually require good living, and to bring out the colours 
of this beautiful plant, a rich and pulverulent soil is absolutely 
necessary. As a rule the Coleus may be planted out at the 
end of May or beginning of June, in a well-prepared bed, and will 



soon after grow freely. In such a cold summer as that of I860 it 
is a poor thing; in such a hot summer as that of 18G8 it is unsur- 
passed for splendour by any of the most celebrated bedding plants. 
We believe, however, that the plan adopted by Mr. Gibson at 
Battersea Park is the best. He prepares a lot of plants in pots, and 
plunges them thickly, and finishes the bed with an edging of Centaurea 
ragusina or C. plumosa, and the success is so complete that his beds 
of Coleus are the most remarkable of the many wonders of the 
"subtropical garden" at Battersea, whither every summer thousands 
of amateur horticulturists wend their way to enjoy a new surprise, 
some of them travelling hundreds of miles for the gratification. 

It was to be expected that a plant so famous for its uses in orna- 
mental gardening should be taken in hand by the hybridists. This, 
indeed, has been the case to such an extent, that at the time of 
writing this note the horticultural world may be said to be in a 
Coleus fever. The most successful hybridist is M. Bause, in the service 
of the Royal Horticultural Society at Chiswick, the raiser of a 
number of varieties, several of which are of the highest merit. A 
first selection of these was sold by auction on the 22nd. of April, 
1868, and realized a total of £402 8s. A second lot was disposed 
of in the same way on the 10th. of December. No sooner was the 
horticultural world awakened to the commercial value of the new 
varieties, as indicated by the first sale, than Mr. Bull announced his 
possession of a collection of original varieties, and soon after made 
their merits known by exhibiting them. From other sources besides 
these several new and beautiful varieties have been derived, so that 
the number of varieties registered as candidates for public favour, 
cannot now be less than fifty. From amongst the whole wc select 
a few that are most distinct and attractive. 

Marshalli is probably the best of the sombre-toned varieties, the leaf 
being elegant in outline and of the richest purple or red chocolate 
with brilliant green edge. 

Murrayi, a fine expanse of leaf, the ground colour bright green, 
invaded by patches of a fine deep purple colour. 

Telfordi aurea, small and rather flimsy in texture, but very distinct 
and brilliant in colour, the ground being golden green shading to buff, 
with central stripe of purplish red. 



Crimson Velvet, very distinct, the texture velvety, the colour rich 
crimson . 

Aurea marginata, the plant bushy and robust, the leaf elegantly 
frilled; in colouring resembles Verschaffelti with the addition of a rich 
gold-coloured margin. 

Elegant. Rather diminutive in growth; colour blackish purple, with 
bright green edge. Extremely beautiful. 

Duke of Edinburgh, a fine form of leaf without frill, the colour clear 
buff shading to lemon yellow. 

Veitchi, extremely neat in habit, leaf elegantly ovate of a deep 
chocolate colour, and margin of bright green. A charming plant for 
pot culture. 

Some of the varieties that prove to be of least value for bedding 
will be invaluable for the conservatory or the exhibition. We have 
seen specimen pyramids of Verschaffelti nine feet high and as much 
through at the base, — wondrous masses of richly-coloured leafage. To 
grow such plants requires only steady attention; skill is almost out of 
the question. 






Passiflora trifasciata, Passion-flower with three-banded leaf. 
Natural Order — Passiflobace^. 

This noble climber was introduced into Europe in 1807, by M., 
Baraquin, one of the most successful botanical explorers of the tropical 
parts of the new world. It is at once remarkable for its beauty, its 
variableness, and its rarity, for in the great family of Passion-flowers, 
there is not, we believe, another example to be found of true leaf 
variegation, though there is a variety of the common P. ccerulea with 
leaves of a milky green or glaucous hue. 

P. trifasciata is a stove climber of robust habit, growing freely, and 
producing beautiful white flowers which are richly odoriferous. Its 
attractions consist mainly in its beautiful leaves; these are distinctly 
trifid, the central lobe being the largest. When young these leaves 
present a pleasing combination of full grass green, overlaid with three 
irregular bands of mottled grey and pale green, following the course 
of the principal ribs and coalescing near the petiole. As they advance 
towards maturity the grey changes to rose, afterwards to deep red, 
and even to scarlet; and at a later stage of growth, sombre purple, 
brown, and maroon tints occur, forming a splendid and unique 
blending of leaf colours. When the leaf begins to decay, these 
colours fade in the reverse order of their appearing, until at last 
when the leaf falls it is almost white. 

On several occasions last summer, more especially at the exhibitions 
at Kensington, Manchester, Leeds, and Taunton, we saw specimens in 



which the colours were fully developed, and there could be no doubt 
of the distinctness of this plant, and its fitness for the grandest con- 
servatory, and possibly it might form an admirable screen for the roof 
of the orchid house. Lately we saw a lot of young plants in the 
propagating house, at Mr. B. S. Williams's Nursery, Holloway, and the 
colouring of the newly-formed leaves was so clear and delicate, that 
we thought them well worth associating with such plants as Bertolonias 
and Fittonias, until by their determination to outstrip them in growth 
their removal became compulsory. 

PHlL/tNOPSIS S C H 1 1 L E R U N ». 




Phakenopsis Schilleriana, Consul Schiller's Butterfly Orchid. 
Natural Order— Orchidace.e. 

An orchid house in which there are no promising specimens of this 
charming Phalamopsis, will be considered by the orchid amateur as 
sadly incomplete, for however richly it may be furnished, the visitor 
will, soon or late, begin to look for the peculiar mottled leaves of 
Schilleriana, and his disappointment will be great should his search 
be unavailing. It is, in fact, one of the most celebrated of its family, 
although of recent introduction; and to ensure a vigorous development 
of its lovely flowers is the constant anxiety of the cultivator. 

In common with others of this genus the plant is of Asiatic origin, 
the principal importations having hitherto been from Manilla. There 
is no definite record of the first introduction of this species to Europe, 
but it is certain that in 1858 Consul Schiller, of Hamburgh, had it in 
his noble collection, and that it was there first seen and named by 
lleichenbach. Somewhere about the same time it became known at 
Paris, Berlin, and London, M. Marius Porte having sent specimens to 
M. Duchartre, while English collectors were also busy in obtaining 
it for their own horticultural houses. The English cultivator who lias 
the honour of first introducing it to public notice in this country is 
Mr. B. S. Williams, of Holloway, one of the most able cultivators of 
orchids in the land. Although always high priced, and regarded as 
the most choice of choice orchids, it has probably never been very 
scarce since the time it became known, for it is found plentifully in 
its native habitats, and the importations have usually been large in 



It is so common for individuals of the species of orchids to differ, 
that the reader need not be surprised to he told that scarcely any 
two, even in a large collection, are exactly alike. There are differences 
in the markings of the leaves, in the colours of the flowers, and in 
the numbers of flowers in a scape. The flowers present delicate shades 
of mauve, white, and yellow, with reddish brown spots, but the depth 
of the colours varies, as do also their proportions. Rarely does it 
flower under cultivation with a vigour equal to that it manifests when 
wild and at home, for dried flower spikes measure three to four feet 
long, and indicate that they have borne upwards of a hundred flowers. 
A spike bearing twenty to thirty flowers is considered by English 
cultivators satisfactory proof of good cultivation. But at the time of 
writing these notes there is a specimen in flower in the nursery of 
Messrs. James Carter and Co., Forest Hill, the spike being forty 
inches long, with eight lateral shoots, and an aggregate of fifty-seven 
flowers. In like manner the leaves vary both in the tone of the dark 
green ground, and their grey or whitish markings; but in every case 
they are exquisitely beautiful, so that the plant, unlike many other 
orchids, is an elegant and interesting object when destitute of flowers. 

It appears to be worthy of remark that, in many instances, the 
leaves of this orchid lose much of their ordinary beauty of colouring 
as soon as the flowers begin to expand, but occasionally we meet 
with it in flower with leaves as bright and plump as in the finest 
specimens not flowering. We suspect this is not so much a consti- 
tutional peculiarity of the plant as a fault of the cultivator, who 
does not sufficiently consider how the flowering taxes the energies 
of the plant, and renders increased nourishment necessary at that 

In its native country this orchid is an epiphyte, growing high upon 
the trunks and branches of trees in the dry parts of the forests: it is 
never met with in damp localities, and therefore when under cultivation 
does not need so much moisture as the majority of Indian orchids. 






Croton irregulare, Codiaeuni variegatnm irregulare, Irregular-leaved Croton. 
Natural Order — EuphokbiacEjE. 

The mysterious personage known as the "general reader" has an 
intuitive dread of any plant bearing the name of Croton, and it may 
be as much out of consideration for his feelings as for the require- 
ments of nomenclature, that the botanists have lately suppressed the 
Linnscan designation, and adopted that of Rumphius instead. All that 
the general reader is supposed to know of this family of plants is 
that they furnish to medical science that most powerful of all cathartic 
drugs, croton oil, a few drops of which may prove sufficient to kill 
the strongest man. Yet, for all this, the Crotons and their congeners 
are eminent benefactors of the human race, and we may admire their 
beauty not only with no admixture of painful associations, but with 
the added pleasure of the reflection that they minister largely to the 
service of man, both in the cure of disease and the amelioration of 
suffering. In all our facsimiles we shall find nothing more interesting, 
both in themselves and their surroundings, than the plants brought to 
mind by the figure now before us. To write at the head of this 
notice that they belong to the Spurges or Euphorbias, is to suggest 
the whereabouts of a romance of natural history. The Eupliorbiacece 
is undoubtedly one of the largest, most important, most various, and 
most wonderful families of plants. Compare the weird Euphorbia 
Canariensis, so admirably photographed in Professor 1'iazzi Smith's 
work on "Teneriffe," with Euphorbia Jacquinijiora or Poinsettia pul- 
cherrima, and how striking is the apparent disparity between them, how 




occult, as we may reasonably suppose, their physiological relationships. 
Yet there are certain broad features which afford the basis of a real 
unity in this great family, and are found to appertain in common to 
the two thousand five hundred species that are known. Not the least 
important of their common characteristics is their active virulent 
property as irritants, not one of the number making a good claim to 
be considered an esculent, scarcely one that may not be justly regarded 
as a poison. 

By far the larger proportion of the species of Euphorbia are tropical 
plants. Their varieties of form are the most remarkable feature in 
their general history. Some are tall trees, as, for example, the 
poisonous M anchincel, the curious and useful Chinese Tallow Tree, 
( StiUingia sebifera.J Others are shrubs, as the Brazilian Caoutchouc 
or "bottle India rubber " of commerce, fSiphonia clastica,) the richly- 
painted Crotons of our stoves, and the evergreen box-trees of our 
gardens. Some are cactaceous and grotesque, as Euphorbia ecreifor/uis 
of the Cape of Good Hope; others herbaceous, growing with marvellous 
rapidity and grace, as the castor oil plant, which, by the way, is by 
some believed to be the "kikayon" or "gourd" of the Old Testament, 
and a particular subject of Jonah's occasion for murmuring that the 
great city of Nineveh was not destroyed. Then again manv of the 
inhabitants of temperate climes are humble, and, in some cases, insig- 
nificant herbs, as the Sun Spurge and the Mercury, and amongst 
these a few are handsome and peculiar garden plants, as the Caper 
Spurge ( Euphorbia coralloides.J 

"Croton oil" is obtained from several species, but chiefly from the 
nuts of Croton tiglium, which is the most active and dangerous of 
them all. The leaves of this plant are so acrid as to inflame the 
mouth, lips, and fauces of those who merely chew them, causing 
soon afterwards swelling and a burning sensation all over the body. 
The "Cascarilla bark" is the product of Croton Cascarilla, a native 
of the Bahamas and St. Domingo. The barks of several species are 
mixed with the cinchona barks, the mixture forming what is known 
in the tropics as "Gray Fever Bark." 

The Crotons are widely scattered in the tropics, and in cultivation 
here are known as stove plants of the highest value, on account of 
the elegant forms and splendid colours of their leaves. The old 
C. caricf/atum is a sub-variety of C. lancifolium, of which there are 
many distinct forms. It is a free-growing, extremely handsome shrub, 
a great favourite with exhibitors, notable for its splendid Mendings of 
purplish red, bronzy brown, brilliant green, and golden yellow; when 
well grown one of the most attractive plants in cultivation. Possibly 



the most striking of all the established varieties is C. angustifolium, 
with long, narrow, pendulous leaves, which give to a well-grown 
specimen the appearance of a dripping fountain of green and gold. Few 
families of plants offer us such an abundant variety of variegation ; it 
appears to be a physiological peculiarity of the race to produce these 
curious and striking combinations of colour, and without a few good 
Crotons a stove cannot be regarded as efficiently furnished. 

The subject of our illustration is one of a series of new species 
and varieties introduced by Messrs. Yeitch and Son, through Mr. John 
Gould Yeitch, from the South Sea Islands. They constitute an extra- 
ordinary group of plants, and rich as our collections are already with 
such varieties as variegatum, pictum, angustifolium, elegans, and others, 
the newer kinds are so distinct and splendid that there is ample 
room for them without fear of repetition, sameness, or satiety. Mr. 
Yeitch's acquisitions in Crotons alone make a distinct mark in the 
history of horticultural botany, and very worthily enhance the fame 
of one of the most successful of modern explorers. 

Croton irregulare is a free-growing, elegant, evergreen shrub. The 
name indicates one of its peculiar characteristics, for its leaves assume 
a variety of forms; indeed it is seldom that two can be found on 
the same branch exactly or nearly alike, and they not only vary in 
shape but in attitude, some being lax and pendant, others gracefullv 
arched, and others quite rigid and upright. The prevailing form of 
the leaf is linear-oblong, the blade being eight to ten inches in 
length, and one inch to one inch and a half wide near the base, the 
petiole comparatively short and stout. In colouring the leaves vary 
considerably, but the typical characters comprise a fine dark green 
ground, a broad golden band in the line of the midrib, and 
blotches and spots of yellow. The under surface of the leaf is dull 
green . 

All the Crotons require good stove cultivation. It demands con- 
siderable experience to produce fine specimens for exhibition, especially 
as in proportion to the increased vigour of growth induced by liberal 
treatment, the variegation declines in brilliancy and power. The 
cultivator has to aim at the "golden mean," which may be taken in 
a twofold sense in this case, and while maintaining a sufficient vigour 
of growth, securing also an abundant variegation. A substantial turfy 
soil, rich and mellow, without admixture of animal manure, suits them 
best; and full exposure to solar light will, with other favourable 
conditions, tend materially to enhance the richness of their colours. 
AVc see these plants to best advantage when they arc skilfully inter- 
mixed with a good general collection, comprising plenty of such 


subjects as Dracaenas, Caladiums, Alocasias, Ferns, and Rhopalas; for 
being different in tones of colour, the golden lines of the Crotons 
flash out from amongst them, and light up the whole with a beauty 
and brightness obtainable only from these particular plants. 



Croton HUH, Codlaeum spathidatum Htllianum. 

This Croton belongs strictly to the exhibition class, being of the 
most stately habit, and wonderful in colouring. When inspecting 
Messrs. Veitch's collection we marked this down as the most desirable 
of all for cultivators whose accommodation for such plants would not 
permit them the luxury of a collection, as it is peculiarly distinct, and 
makes a fine companion plant to pictum and variegatum. In growth 
it is naturally compact and bushy; the leaves oblong, sub-spathulate, 
about six inches in length, and two or more inches wide; the upper 
surface purplish green, the midrib and secondary veins bright crimson, 
the lower surface lurid purple or sanguineous crimson. The abundance 
of red in the foliage can only be brought out fully by keeping the 
plant near the glass. 





Sanchezia nobilis, Noble Sanchezia. 
Natural Order — Acanthace.<e. 

The genus of acanthaceous shrubs, of which this brilliant plant is 
the best-known representative, was named by Ruiz and Pavon in 
commemoration of J. Sanchez, Professor of Botany at Cadiz, who died 
prematurely at the commencement of the present century. We are 
indebted to Messrs. Yeitch and Son, of the Royal Exotic Nurseries, 
Chelsea, for the introduction, through their industrious and fortunate 
collector, Mr. Pearce, of this peculiarly new and interesting plant to 
our gardens. The genus Sanchezia properly embraces several fine 
subjects which are known under other names, as, for example Ancylogyne 
longiflora and its allies, which differ in no important particulars of 
structure or even appearance sufficient to justify separation. We know 
very little about these plants, and, judging by the attractive characters 
of the two already named, and such others as Sanchezia oblonga and 
S. ovata, we may reasonably anticipate that many species remain to be 
discovered, which in beauty will equal and perhaps eclipse the plant 
now under consideration. While we are waiting for fresh results of 
exploration, let us not fail to do justice to the noble Sanchezia, for it 
is unquestionably one of the finest amongst hundreds of the most 
beautiful-leaved plants. 

Although in attitude and aspect this plant may be described as a 
shrub, it is in reality herbaceous, like the majority of the Acanthads. 
The stems are obtusely four-sided; the leaves oblong-obovate, obtuselv 
toothed, attaining a length of nine inches in vigorous specimens; 
the colour a fresh bright green, richly embellished with yellow midrib 
and veins. The flowers are produced in a terminal panicle, consisting 
of separate fascicles of eight or ten yellow flowers, each enclosed in 



a pair of large concave bracts of a bright red colour. The abundance 
and brightness of the colours of leaves and flowers together render 
this plant, when in full perfection, so extremely showy that many 
cultivators prefer to nip out the flower-stems in order to enjoy the 
more simple lustre of the leaves alone. 

It has been many times exhibited, and in almost every case without 
flowers, the exhibitors appearing to fear that its excess of colour might 
damage its reputation. The finest specimen we have yet seen was one 
shown by Messrs. Veitch and Son at the Manchester Botanical Society's 
Exhibition, on the oOth. of May, 1868. It presented an even surface 
of the richest leafage, about two feet in diameter, and was generally 
regarded by the exhibitors present as one of the most valuable 
novelties amongst the many new plants then presented to public 

This plant requires good stove cultivation, a light and rich soil, and 
full exposure to sunshine at all seasons. The cultivator accustomed 
to subjects of this class will have no difficulty in its management or 

YUCCA A l 0 I F 0 I I A V A R I E C A T A. 




Yucca aloifoUa variegata, Variegated Aloe-leaved Adam's Needle. 
Natural Order — Liliaceje. 

The Yuccas are the best of such as we may call "grand plants" 
for cultivators less rich than Croesus. Ten thousand amateurs, to whom 
orchids and Crotons are as forbidden fruit, may find in the Yuccas, 
Agaves, Dasylirions, and Eeaucarneas, abundant entertainment, lasting 
interest, and deep gratification of their love of vegetable beauty. They 
are all so nearly hardy that in the southern and western parts of 
Britain they may be planted out as permanent occupants of the garden; 
and in less favoured climates the shelter of glass alone, with little or 
no aid from artificial heat, is sufficient for their preservation. For the 
terrace garden Y. recur ca is, without doubt, the noblest of all; but for 
the conservatory, and for vases anywhere, nothing can be more graceful, 
cheerful, and dignified, than the variegated Y. aloifoUa, which we 
venture to characterise as the best poor man's plant of its class. 

The requirements of the Yuccas are extremely simple, but as they 
are peculiarly constituted there must be some discretion exercised in 
their management. A sound loam containing plenty of sand and 
nodules of brick will suit them all. The most perfect drainage is 
essential, as excess of moisture is as jjoison to them. They should be 
quite dry during the winter months, and at all seasons should be fully 
exposed to solar light, for that indeed is life to them. 

All the Yuccas have pointed leaves, and tough silky fibres; they 
may, in fact, be called " needle-and-thread " plants. The particular 
species under consideration has a peculiar interest, commercially con- 
sidered; for not only does it furnish an abundance of valuable fibre, 
but the epidermis of the leaf is now prepared in a way which renders 
it available for several purposes. 

In the Memoirs of Margaret Puller, (Ossoli,) by Channing and 



Emerson, occurs the following interesting episode, strangely character- 
istic of Margaret's sentimental habit of observation: — "I had kept 
these plants of the Yucca filamentosa six or seven years, though they 
had never bloomed; I knew nothing of them, and had no notion of 
what feelings they would excite. Last June I found in bud the one 
which had the most favourable exposure. A week or two after, another, 
which was more in the shade, put out flower-buds, and I thought I 
should be able to watch them one after the other, — but no! the one 
which was most favoured waited for the other, and both flowered 
together at the full of the moon. This struck me as singular, but as 
soon as I saw the flower by moonlight, I understood it. This flower 
is made for the moon, as the Heliotrope is for the sun, and refuses 
other influences, or to display her beauty in any other light. The 
first night I saw the flower, I was conscious of a peculiar delight, I 
may even say, rapture. Many white flowers are far more beautiful by 
day: the Lily, for instance, with its firm, thick leaf, needs the broad 
light to manifest its purity. But these transparent greenish white 
leaves, which look dull in the day, are melted by the moon to glistening 
silver; and not only does the plant not appear in its destined hue by 
day, but the flower, though as bell-shaped it cannot quite close again 
after having once expanded, yet presses its petals together as closely 
as it can, hangs down its little blossoms, and its tall stalk seems at 
noon to have reared itself only to ' betray a shabby insignificance. 
Thus too with the leaves, which have burst asunder suddenly like a 
Fan Palm, to make way for the stalk ; their edges in the daytime 
look ragged and unfinished, as if Nature had left them in a hurry 
for some more pleasing task. On the day after the evening when I 
had thought it so beautiful, I could not conceive how I had made 
such a mistake. But the second evening I went out into the garden 
again, in clearest moonlight I stood, my flower more beautiful than 
ever. The stalk pierced the air like a spear; all the little bells had 
erected themselves around it in most graceful array, with petals more 
transparent than silver, and of a softer light than a diamond: they 
seem to have been made for the moon's rays. The leaves, which had 
looked ragged by day, now seemed fringed by the most delicate 
gossamer, and the plant might claim with pride its distinctive epithet 
of filamentosa. I looked at it till my feelings became so strong that 
I longed to share it; the thought that filled my mind was, that here 
we saw the type of pure feminine beauty in the moon's own flower. I 
have since had further opportunity of watching the Yucca, and verified 
these observations, that she will not flower till the full of the moon, 
and chooses to hide her beauty from the eye of day." 





Begonia falcifolia, The Sickle-leaved Begonia. 
Natural Order — BegoniacEjE. 

The plant here figured is unique in its character, whether botanically 
or artistically considered. Dr. J. D. Hooker is "at a loss" to which 
section of the genus to refer it, because of the peculiar structure of 
the flower; and as to its aspects, we can liken it to no other 
Begonia in any way, except as to the most general resemblances, 
such as the configuration of the perianth and the unequally-lobed 
base of the leaf. This is another of the long series of valuable 
acquisitions of the late Mr. Pearce, who transmitted it to Messrs. 
Veitch and Son in 1867. 

Begonia falcifolia is an extremely elegant plant, admirably adapted 
for the embellishment of the stove or intermediate house in winter, 
and well suited for the decoration of the dinner-table, and for any 
purposes for which usually the smaller winter-flowering Begonias are 
employed. In habit it is strictly herbaceous; but, as it branches freely, 
it has, when well grown, a shrubby appearance. The leaves are four 
to seven inches long, elongated-falcate in form, the base unequally 
two-lobed, the margins irregularly serrate, four to six small teeth 
occurring between the larger. The under surface of the leaf is of a 
pleasing reddish purple colour; the upper surface deep green, some- 
times bronzed, covered with short stiff hairs, and when young freely 
spotted with white or pale rosy spots. The flowers are borne in 
short panicles consisting of six to ten flowers each; they are rose- 
coloured, and abundantly produced. 




Mr. Richard Pearce, whose name has been frequently mentioned in 
these pages as the discoverer of plants here figured, ended his career 
in a manner too much like that of scientific explorers, the majority 
of whom have fallen victims to the inevitable accidents of travel in 
unfrequented lands. In the summer of 1868 he started from England 
to make collections in South America for Mr. William Bull, of the 
King's Road, Chelsea. He arrived at Panama on the 7th. of July, 
was taken ill on the 13th., and died on the 19th., the malady which 
caused his death being a fever peculiar to the marshy district in 
which he commenced his new search for botanical treasures. During 
nine years previously he had been abroad collecting plants, and 
throughout the whole of that period had corresponded with a lady 
in England to whom he was deeply attached. On his return from 
Peru, after the journey in which he discovered this Begonia and many 
more valuable plants, he married the object of his affections, and soon 
after set out again on the adventure which cost him his life — a 
melancholy end to a career which until then was as bright with 
future promise, as it was already lustrous with achievements beneficial 
to mankind. Of how many martyrs of science do the contents of our 
gardens remind us, and how many memorials of them have we in 
the names of the most familiar plants! It is well we should sometimes 
meditate on the enormous cost at which many of our most cherished 
enjoyments have been obtained for us. 

For a few practical remarks on the cultivation of Begonias see 
page 6. 





Panicum pKcatitm fol. mveo-vittatus, Folded-leaved Panic Grass, with snowy stripes. 
Natural Order — GraminacejE. 

This pretty grass, which is commonly known as "Panicum Varie- 
gatum," has become a general favourite for the embellishment of 
suspended baskets, the dressing of epergnes, and to form edgings in 
the stove in the same way that Lycopods and Isolopis gracilis are 
frequently employed. One of its recommendations, apart from its 
intrinsic beauty, is that throughout the winter it presents a pleasing 
appearance, though the summer growth is far more vigorous, and is 
more richly coloured. We have several times met with it at exhibitions 
in the form of a large specimen in a shallow pan, and when treated 
in this way a fine tuft forms a pleasing and peculiar adornment, for it 
is seldom we meet with grassy forms of vegetation at exhibitions, and 
this is so distinct in colouring that it affords a welcome change from 
the prevailing fashion. Probably it may become useful as a bedding 
plant, at all events, we planted out a tuft in the summer of 1868, and 
it grew freely, and formed an extremely elegant object, being brighter 
in its tones of red than any other variegated grass in our gardens. 
Agrostis colorata fol. tar. and Phalaris arundinacea fol. var., are 
extremely elegant, and being quite hardy serve admirably for masses 
and edgings in the flower garden ; but neither of them afford so 
much colour as the subject of this note, and therefore we hope it 
may prove as well adapted for bedding in ordinary seasons as in the 
extraordinary season in which we made trial of it. 



As to history this grass has none, and for description the plate will 
pretty "well suffice. The plant is tender, and requires the stove all the 
winter. It is jirobably widely diffused in tropical countries, whether 
in its normal green colouring or variegated, this particular variety 
having come from New Caledonia. It appears to be identical with P. 
sulcatum of Linnaeus, P. asperatum of Kunth, and the P. plicatum of 
Willdenow, Lamarck, and Roxburgh. It is, however, no easy matter 
to determine its exact place and relationships, as there are hundreds 
of species of Panicum, very few of which have been accurately 

We are indebted to Messrs. Veitch and Son for the introduction of 
this plant. They obtained it in the year 1866. 




Croton interruptum, CodicBitm variegatum intcrruptum, Interrupted-leaved Croton. 
Natural Order — Euphokbiace.-e. 

This is certainly not the handsomest of the new Crotons, but it is 
the most curious and interesting, and it especially merits the watchful 
observance of the student of vegetable physiology, for the likelihood 
of its affording light on some dark problems of that branch of science. 
It is a very curious plant indeed, as variable in the forms of its leaves 



as C. irregular e, but, if we may say it, ludicrously so; for in some cases 
the leaves are horned at the point; in others there is an interruption 
of the blade, the central portion consisting of midrib only, forming a 
connecting link between the two portions of the blade at the apex and 
the base. In other cases, again, the leaves are spiral in the centre; 
and in a few instances a small pitcher is formed at the end of the 
naked midrib. It belongs to the linear-leaved series, and is a good 
companion to C. irregidare, from which it differs strikingly both in 
form and colour. Here the prevailing tones are red, whereas in C. 
irregidare yellow predominates. Though so strangely variable in the 
forms of its leaves, C. intern •upturn is pretty constant throughout in 
colouring. The upper surface of the leaves is a deep purplish green, 
the midrib crimson; the under surface is purplish, the midrib on this 
side also being distinguishably crimson. The plant grows freely, and 
soon forms an effective specimen, so no doubt we may expect it to 
become a favourite with exhibitors. 

The following outline of Dr. Masters's arrangement of the varieties 
of Croton ( Codiceum J variegatum will be useful for purposes of 
reference, as affording a ready key to their relationships. 


Var. Pictum, Miiller. — Leaves cordate at the base. 

1. Pictum. — Usually grown as "pictum'''' in gardens. "It may be 

recognised at once by its truly cordate-ovate or oblong leaves In 

some gardens another plant is grown under this name without cordate 
leaves, and which is therefore not the true var. pictum.'''' 

Var. Linearifolium. — Leaves not exceeding one inch in breadth 
at the broadest part, usually very long, and tapering at the base. 
There are six sub-varieties, namely: — 

2. Angustissimum. — The " a.?igustifolium" of some gardens. Extremely 
handsome when grown to a fine specimen. 

3. Johannis. — Probably the same as " tczniosum" of Miiller. Like 
No. 2, but freer in habit, with larger leaves and a deeper colour. A 
splendid exhibition plant. 

4. Wisemannianum. — Probably a form of "longifolium" Miiller. 

5. Interruptum. — Closely related to "tceniosum." 

6. Parvifolium. — Identical with " clegans" of gardens. 

7. Pominyanum. — Long narrow leaves, with much red colour. 



Vak. Oblongifolium. — Leaves one to two inches in breadth at the 
widest portions, rounded or tapering at the base. 

8. Cornutum. — Curious and beautiful; the projecting horn-like pro- 
cess from the midrib and its heteromorphous blades render it distinct 
and interesting. 

9. Irregulare. — Closely related to No. 3. 

10. Erosiim. — Leaves spathulate, contracted in the centre. 

11. Maculatum. — A speckled variety of angusti ; folium. 

12. Ensifolium. — Leaves leathery, ensiform. 

13. Veitchii. — Leaves richly painted with shades of pink, green, 
and claret-colour. One of the finest of the series. 

Var. Lancifolium. — Leaves half an inch broad, five to eight inches 
long, lanceolate, tapering at the apex and base. 

14. TJndulatum. — Leaves crisped at the margins. A very handsome 

15. Acutum. — Grown in some gardens as " picAum" but has not 
cordate leaves. 

16. Hortense. — Known in gardens as "longifoKum" but is not the 
longifolium of Miiller. 

17. Lacteum. — Veins milky white or yellowish; the whitest of the 

18. Medium. — A bad form of the variety grown as " variegatum." 

19. Medium variegatum. — This is the true " variegatum" of gardens. 
A splendid exhibition plant. 

Var. Spathulatum. — Leaves spathulate, two to three inches wide 
at the widest portion, tapering at the base. 

20. AucubcefoUum. — Richly coloured with tones of red, yellow, and 

21. Areolatum. — An improvement on variegatum in size and colour 
of leaves. 

22. Hillianum. — Unlike all the others in its reddish yellow foliage, 
as well as in its compact bushy habit. 

23. Tricolor. — Richly coloured green, yellow, and red. A very 
handsome and distinct form. 

24. Betifolium. — A large, free-growing form, of loose habit; the 
foliage is rich in colour, but somewhat coarse. 

Var. Macrofhyllum. — Leaves oblongo-lanceolate, seven to ten 
inches long, three inches wide, rounded at the base. 



25. Maximum. — A grand variety of mriegatum, exceedingly rich, in 
its tones of yellow. 

26. Auroum. — Margin, midrib, and secondary veins golden yellow. 

27. Flaoum. — Marked like "milkmaid" holly. 

28. Arcuatum. — Leaves arched and folded; midrib and secondary 
veins yellow. A singular variety, totally unlike any of the rest. 



In our suggestions to the cultivator at page 99, the necessity of 
"full exposure to solar light" is insisted on. A comparison of our 
experiences of exhibitions and gardens, adds to the force of this 
direction. In many instances we have met with specimen Crotons 
intensely rich in colour, far exceeding in this respect the best average 
examples exhibited. In every such case that we have had an oppor- 
tunity of inquiring into, we found that the intensity of the colouring 
was due to intensity of light, the plants being placed only a few inches 
from the glass, and without shading at all seasons. 

XL f II 




Aueuba Japonica faemina, var. aureo-maculata, Female Japanese Aucuba, with 

gold-spotted leaves. 
Natural Order — CornacEjE. 

It has often been said that if we want romance, we must look for 
it in the things nearest to us, and in the most common place. The 
history of the Aucuba Japonica, or "Spotted Laurel" of English gar- 
dens, affords a new and pleasing example of the truth of the observation. 
At all events, there is no history more entertaining, and if we fail to 
interest our readers in the few remarks that follow the fault will be 
ours, for the subject is all that we would desire. One of the com- 
monest of hardy evergreen shrubs has within the past few years become 
possessed of entirely new and most valuable properties; not new to 
the plant, of course, but new to us; for whereas its character appeared 
to be fixed up to a certain moment, from that moment it offered a 
series of new attractions ; leaves of many forms and colours, and berries 
of the most brilliant scarlet hue produced in vast profusion. We will 
relate the particulars in the fewest words possible. 

The Aucuba Japonica was discovered by Engelbert Kocmpfer, a 
Westphalian naturalist, in 1690, or thereabout, but was not then 
introduced to Europe. In 1783 it was introduced to Europe by 
Thunberg, a noted Swede. The distribution of new plants was a 
different affair then as compared with the present day. Exhibitions 
and horticultural papers now keep amateurs in a perpetual state of 
preternatural excitement about novelties; but ninety years ago such 
stimuli to plant collecting were unknown. 




The Aucuba slowly found its way into a few great gardens, and 
being known as a Japanese plant, was considered too tender to be 
exposed to the rough climates of northern Europe, and so was treated 
as a "hothouse" plant. Observant cultivators noted that whenever it 
was grown in a cool temperature, instead of languishing, it improved, 
and its ultimate acclimatization occurred as the result of such ob- 

At what date the Aucuba was first planted out as a hardy tree, we 
do not know. It is described in Aiton's "Hortus Kewensis," (1813,) 
as a hardy tree, as introduced to Kew in 1783, by Mr. John Grseffer. 
In the twenty -first edition of Abercrombie's "Every Man his own 
Gardener," (1818,) there is no mention of it to be found, though there 
are abundant directions for propagating and planting evergreen shrubs 
of many kinds. Though known to botanists as a far more interesting 
shrub than to ordinary eyes it appeared to be, it was by the gardener 
regarded simply as a useful member of the mixed shrubbery, and 
particularly valuable to plant near towns, on account of its patient 
endurance of smoke and dust. In Don's " Dichlamydeous Plants," 
(1834,) the following remarks occur in the description of the Aucuba : 
— "This genus was included by Jussien in the order Rhamni; but 
from its having no affinity whatever to either of the families into which 
that order has been divided, its place in the natural system has re- 
mained undetermined; and perhaps also from the want of novelty, the 
plant has been despised by botanists, and its characters and affinities 
consequently overlooked. Like the Salix Babylonica, or Weeping 
Willow, too, we possess only one sex of the tree in Europe, and that 
the female, which circumstance has likewise prevented its being accu- 
rately examined." 

Although the Diceceous character of the Aucuba, and its natural 
fruitfulness of berries, were facts recorded, the importance of securing 
the male plant was felt by comparatively few, even amongst advanced 
botanists and horticulturists. Siebold brought with him from Japan a 
collection of varieties differing in the dimensions, forms, and markings 
of their leaves, but they all proved to be females. It was reserved 
for our Robert Fortune, the most successful of modern plant collectors, 
to obtain the male plant, and to bring it to England in safety. This, 
to botanists, was one of the first fruits of the opening of Japan to 
European commerce. The plant secured by Fortune was the only one 
he had been enabled to discover; it was obtained with difficulty, and 
when at last it fell into the hands of Mr. Standish, then of Bagshot, 
the purchaser of Fortune's acquisitions, it was in such poor condition, 
through the vicissitudes of the voyage, that great skill and patience 



were needed for its recovery. But the usual good luck attended 
Robert Fortune's labours, the plant not only grew, but soon flowered, 
and every particle of pollen was applied to its destined purpose, and 
thus the first Aucuba berries were produced in England. 

On the 5th. of March, 1864, Mr. Standish exhibited for the first 
time a female Aucuba loaded with glistening coral-coloured fruit, and 
a thousand amateurs were thenceforth fired with ambition to grow the 
plant in such a way as to fully develope every one of its characters. 
The demand for male Aucubas was immense; the first plant we pur- 
chased for our own use cost us at the rate of a guinea for every leaf 
upon it. There was no difficulty in selling at almost any price all 
that could be produced; the only difficulty was to multiply them fast 
enough, though every bud that could be cut was converted into a 
plant by grafting, and hastened into growth by stove temperature. 

The general public were scarcely interested in all this, though the 
excitement of horticulturists was intense. To Mr. Bull must be awarded 
the credit of publicly demonstrating the capabilities of the Aucuba by 
his exhibition of some fifteen or more varieties, many of them covered 
with scarlet berries, at the great Flower Show held in the Guildhall 
of the city of London, on the 14th. of November, 1865. The com- 
monest of all known garden trees was thus re-introduced to public 
notice as an altogether new, interesting, and remarkable subject; and 
thousands who never before reflected upon the laws which govern re- 
production in the vegetable kingdom, resulting in so beautiful a 
rejflication of the phenomena of the increase of animal life, were led 
to inquire into the first principles of vegetable physiology, and thereby 
to discover that in the common-place we have for all intellectual and 
perhaps moral inquiry, an emblem of the inexhaustible. Since Mr. 
Bull's famous exhibition of Aucubas covered with scarlet berries, the 
fact of the separateness of the sexes in this plant, and the certain 
development of its complete character in our gardens, in the course of 
a very few years, has become part of the stock of every-day knowledge ; 
but nevertheless it will be long before the air of novelty is worn away 
from the subject. 

Our own garden at Stoke Newington was amongst the first of private 
establishments in which full justice was done to the Aucuba. We are 
inclined to believe, but will not insist upon it, that it was the first, 
for on the original distribution of the male plant we made the utmost of 
its pollen, and by fertilizing a number of small handsome female plants, 
previously potted for the purpose, secured a number of fruitful speci- 
mens, which, when the berries were ripe, were grouped to form a bed 
in the experimental garden. This was done in 1866. In the following 



autumn we had a collection of seedling plants, and have been raising 
seedlings every season since, hoping some day to find a few distinct 
and novel forms amongst them. 

We have not left space sufficient for any particulars of the structure 
and botanical characteristics of the plant, nor need we say a word 
about its cultivation. The time has passed by for it to be necessary 
to relate how fertilization is effected by application of the pollen to 
the flowers of female plants under glass, for the fact is, the male plant 
is cheap, and being perfectly hardy, needs but to be planted out amongst 
the females, and the bees will take care to secure their fruitfulness. 
Our collection comprises twenty-four named varieties, besides numbers 
of un-named seedlings. The following is a list of them: — 


Aucuba Japonica fcemina viridis. — This is the green-leaved or wild 
form of the female plant. The leaves are smallish, sharply toothed, 
and a most lively green colour. When well covered with berries it 
is extremely handsome, and the smallness of the leaves favours the 
display of the fruit, which is more or less hidden from view in larger- 
leaved varieties. It is the most productive of berries of any in the 

Aureo maculata. — A variegated variety, which originated in the 
nursery of Messrs. Cutbush and Son, of Highgate. It was exhibited 
at the "International," 1866, and will probably be distributed in the 
autumn of 1869. 

Elegans. — Variegated ; the leaf is large, and is marked with a broad 
band of rich amber in the centre. 

Flavescens. — Variegated; the young leaves being wholly of a rich 
gold yellow colour. 

Grandidenta. — Variegated with whitish spots, the leaves deeply toothed. 

Lanceolate. — A green-leaved variety; the leaves are narrowish and 

Latifolia. — A green-leaved variety; the leaves broader than the 
average, and extremely handsome. 



Longifolia. — A green-leaved variety; the leaves long and narrow. 

Longifolia variegata. — Variegated with bars of pale amber. 

Macrophylla. — A green-leaved variety; the leaves very broad and a 
foot long. 

Mirabilis. — A green-leaved variety; the leaves ovate, boldly notched, 
an d handsome. 

Metadata. — Variegated with yellowish blotches, dots, and stripes. 
This is the common garden variety, that is to say, the oldest and best 
known of all Aucubas. It varies very nruch: we have amongst our 
common Aucubas at least a dozen sub-varieties, one of which produces 
leaves which average (petiole included) twelve inches in length. 

Lati-macidata. — A variegated variety, with splendid broad central 
band of yellow, and rich yellow spots. It is the next best to the one 
figured, Aureo-maculata. 


Aucuba Japonicu mascula riridis. — The green-leaved male, corres- 
ponding in all characters (except sex) to the first-named plant in the 
list of females. We believe this will ultimately prove to be the best 
for pollen, as its companion is the best for berries; but we have not 
had it long enough to determine. 

Bicolor. — Variegated and handsome; the majority of the leaves one 
half green, the other half deep amber. 

Corymhiferum. — Variegated with light splashes of a yellowish or 
creamy colour; the leaves large and handsome; the flowers in large 

Grandis. — Variegated; the leaves very large and handsome, with 
occasional large, bright, gold yellow spots. So few leaves are variegated 
that perhaps it should be classed with green-leaved varieties. 

Macrodonta. — Green-leaved; the leaves large, broad, and boldy toothed. 



Maculata. — Variegated, and in every respect (except sex) the counter- 
part of the common garden female plant bearing the same name. 
This is said to be the best for pollen, and such we have found it; but 
we expect the green-leaved male will supersede it in that respect in a 
year or two. At all events this is undoubtedly one of the best male 
varieties to plant out. 

Marmorata. — Variegated, and in every respect a sub-variety of 

Maculata robusta. — A larger leaved sub-variety of the last. 

Ovata — Green leaved ; the leaves large, ovate, a fine dark green colour. 
A grand variety. 

Picta. — Variegated; the leaves coarsely serrated, with broad central 
blotch of yellow, and irregular margin of bright green. This produces 
abundance of pollen, and is one of the handsomest in leafage. 

Aucuba Himalaica is a beautiful green-leaved species from the 
Himalaia Mountains. In leafage it is scarcely to be distinguished from 
the green-leaved Japanese Aucuba, but the berries differ, as instead of 
being wholly of a deep vermilion colour, as is the case with all the 
Japanese species, those of Himalaica are of a rich deep red, with a 
green circle near the apex. All our plants of the Himalaian Aucuba 
are females; the male plant not having been as yet introduced to this 
country. It can however be fertilized with the pollen of any of the 
Japanese males. 




Cypripcdium concolor, Self-coloured Lady's Slipper. 
Natural Order— Oeciiidace>e. 

To the orchid grower this is a peculiarly interesting plant, differing 
from all others of its genus. The leaves are compactly arranged, 
beautifully mottled on their upper surface, and of a rich reddish 
purple below. The flowers are borne in pairs on a short hairy scape; 
they measure two inches across ; the colour is pale yellow sprinkled 
with minute crimson dots. 

The Ladies' Slippers constitute a peculiarly distinct section of the great 
orchideous family of plants, the construction of their flowers presenting 
a curious series of departures from the prevailing characteristics of the 
order. The plan of an orchid is ternary, and its elemental parts are 
(theoretically) fifteen in number. There are three sepals, three stamens, 
three pistils, three carpels. In many instances certain of these organs 
never attain development, and others are so modified that it is difficult 
to trace them. Thus the labcllum, or lip, one of the most conspicuous 
features of an orchid flower, is but a transformed petal. Usually only 
one stamen out of three is developed, and this is confluent with the 
pistil forming the column. In Cypripedium all three stamens are 
determinable, two being fully produced and placed right and left of 
the column; the third is placed between them, but is sterile, and it is 
no easy matter to recognize it. There are three sepals in a Cypripcdium 
flower, yet there appear to be but two; one of them stands up and 
forms the banner or topmost piece of the flower, the other two are 
conjoined, and form one, corresponding in position to the banner, but 
directed downwards from the centre. Right and left of the centre are 
placed two petals like wings, and in front is the labcllum representing 
the third petal. In some instances the two side-petals are prolonged 



into tails, which give the flower a most eccentric appearance. The 
elder Darwin saw in the peculiar structure of the Cypripedium, and 
notably so in C. calceolus and C. spectabile, a resemblance to a spider, 
the swollen pouch representing the body, and the anthers the eyes; 
and in the fourth canto of the "Botanic Garden," (501-510,) he thus 
fancifully alludes to it: — 

"See where the humming-bird in Chili's bowers, 
On murmuring piuions robs the pendent flowers; 
Seeks where fine pores their dulcet balm distil, 
And sucks the treasure with proboscis bill; 
Fair Cypkipedia, with successful guile, 
Knits her smooth brow, extinguishes her smile; 
A spider's bloated paunch and jointed arms 
Hide her fine form, and mask her blushing charms; 
In ambush sly the mimic warrior lies, 
And on quick wing the panting plunderer flies." 

Cypripedium concolor is a native of Moulmein, where it was found 
growing on rocks by the Rev. C. Parish. Colonel Benson also found 
it in the same localities. It may now be found in all good collections 
of orchids in private gardens, where it is esteemed chiefly for the 
beauty of its leaves, in which respect it forms a companion plant to 
the beautiful spotted-leaved Cypripedium which has been named in 
commemoration of Dr. Hooker. 

This plant, in common with all other exotic Ladies' Slippers, (except 
C. insignc, which thrives in a cool house,) requires good stove temper- 
ature, with plenty of moisture, and but little rest. The compost which 
best suits this class of plants is one consisting of rough peat, sphagnum, 
and sand. In the case of concolor nodules of chalk may be added with 





Acalypha tricolor, Threo-colour-leavcd Aoalypha. 
Natural Order — Euphorbiace^e. 

This beautiful-leaved plant was introduced from New Caledonia by- 
Mr. John Gould Veitcb, for Messrs. Veitch and Sons, of Chelsea, who 
first offered it to the public in 1867, having established its character 
at the International Exhibition of 1866, where it was exhibited, and 
obtained a first-class certificate. It is a very distinct and handsome 
stove shrub, with ovate leaves of a coppery-tinted green, washed here 
and there in splashes, dots, and large patches, as though smeared and 
stained with red lead. 

Some five and twenty species of Acalypha are recorded as in culti- 
vation, but it might be a difficult task to find half a dozen of them in 
English gardens. The reader needs not to be told that they are 
unknown because they offer few attractions to the cultivator. The 
plant here figiired, however, is quite worthy of a place in the stove, 
both for its intrinsic beauty and its distinctive habit and colouring. 

In common with other plants of the same class, Acalypha tricolor 
requires a good stove temperature, with a moist atmosphere to bring 
out its characters fully. It is however an easy plant to grow, and is 
especially useful in winter, when many of the best fine-foliagcd plants, 
and notably the Caladiums, are hors de combed. It may be readily 
propagated by cuttings in a strong heat. 

The natural order of Spurgeworts, to which this plant belongs, 
offers us many fine subjects worthy of cultivation on account of the 
beauty of their bracts or leaves. A few of the true spurges, as, for 
example, Euj)horbia Jacquiniceflora and E. splendcns, are notable for 
the brilliancy of their flowers; but they stand almost alone in their 




large family, which has few floral attractions. In the lovely Poinsettia 
pulcherrima we have the most gorgeous floral bracts; in the Crotons 
we have the richest leafage, many of the species being distinguished 
by their brilliant golden variegation; and the species of Ricinus 
presents us with leaves of most elegant outline, many of them unsur- 
passed for elegance of form amongst all the plants with which, in the 
garden, they are usually associated. One of the most interesting plants 
of the Spurge family is Siphonia elastica, the "bottle India-rubber" 
tree of Brazil, a more important plant than Ficus elastica, which yields 
the principal supply of rubber from the eastern continent. 






Cineraria maritima, var. Fairbairnianum, Fairbaim's gold-striped variety of the 
Silver-frosted Plant, or Sea Kagwort. 
Natural Order — Asteeace^. 

The "silver-frosted plant" of English gardens had but little celebrity 
in spite of its intrinsic beauty, until it proved to be a valuable agent 
in the development of the "bedding system." Since its adoption for 
the formation of sharp silvery lines, and to mix with dark-leaved 
plants in the parterre, it has become one of the most popular of 
beautiful-leaved subjects for the embellishment of the summer garden, 
and where bedding plants are largely grown, we may expect to meet 
with it in thousands, seedlings being always preferred for the formation 
of edgings and marginal bands. 

Apart from the popularity of the Sea Ragwort as a parterre plant, 
it has an interest of its own arising out of its habit and character. It 
is a native of Southern Europe; has never, we believe, been found 
wild in Britain, but is quite hardy in the southern parts of these 
islands if growing in a sheltered and dry position. It thrives on a 
chalky soil, and when cultivated will be found to grow most freely, 
and have its own proper silvery lustre most fully produced, if nodules 
of chalk or old mortar are added in plenty to the compost in which 
it is potted. Like many other hardy plants that are treated with con- 
tumely because they happen to be cheap, this is rarely grown into a 
good specimen. Yet there are few plants more worthy of the little 
care required, for fine specimens have a most beautiful appearance, 
and form desirable additions to the embellishments of the terrace and 
the lawn during summer. We have had specimens two and a half 
feet through, the result of only two years cultivation. 

To describe the plant must be needless. It has been known to 



English gardens for upwards of two centuries. The silvery whiteness 
of its stems and leaves is surpassed by some of the Centaureas, and 
by C. ragusina especially; yet the softer grey tone of the Ragwort 
renders it serviceable in promenade colouring, when the Centaureas 
are too decisively white to harmonize with their surroundings. 

The variety figured was raised by Mr. G. Fairbairn, head gardener 
to His Grace the Duke of Northumberland, Sion House. Its beauty 
and novelty fairly entitle it to a place in this series, as for many years 
to come it is likely to be in request as a bedding plant, and to grow 
into specimens for the conservatory. Its peculiarity is its clear golden 
yellow variegation — a most unusual occurrence in a plant of this kind, 
yet one we might expect, for the normal silvery hue of Cineraria 
maritima is not a case of variegation at all; it is the result simply 
of the thick close down with which the plant is clothed, and which 
properly belongs to it as one of its normal characters. 




Alocasia Jetmingsii, Jennings's Alocasia. 
Natural Order — AkacEjE. 

This sumptuous and peculiarly distinct Caladium was introduced 
from India by Messrs. Veitcli and Son, and was accepted by cultivators 
as one of the choicest of its race on the instant of its first appearance 
in public. It is a difficult plant to figure, the best possible picture 
of it must be but a poor shadow of the fact. There are those who 
should know better, who look upon all prints of new plants and 
flowers as exaggerative. What an undeserved and undesired compli- 
ment they thereby pay the artists. The poet Thomson asks, "who can 
paint like Nature?" Now observe the possibility of an answer to this 
effect — Here is one who can paint better than Nature ! ! ! 

Proh superi! quantum mortalia petora ccecoe, 
Noctis habent ! 

But let Ovid sing to another tune while we appeal to all who know 
the plant here figured, to pardon our shortcomings, for this after all 
is the utmost we can do. 

Alocasia Jenningsii has no history. It was first exhibited at the 
Royal Horticultural Society's Show, May 7th., 1867, and was awarded 
a silver medal as the best new fine foliage plant of the day. The 
leaves are ovate-cordate in form, they attain a length of six to eight 
inches. The ground colour is a delicate glaucous green, over which, 
between the principal veins, are laid heavy blotches of black, which 
are remarkably precise in outline and arrangement, as if determined 
by rule and compasses. 



No sjjecies of Alocasia will bear rough usage, and it is best not 
to attempt to grow them unless they can have good stove treatment* 
When started into growth the temperature should be maintained at 
from 70° to 80° for about six weeks. As the season advances, and the 
plants acquire a luxuriant growth, the heat may rise to a range of 
from 80° to 90°. Throughout the growing season the atmosphere of 
the house should be always heavily charged with humidity, but the 
plants themselves should be only moderately syringed. As autumn 
approaches less heat and moisture will be required. A decided season 
of rest is necessary, but it must not be accompanied by a temperature 
unduly low. We believe 60 c to be a safe winter minimum for Alocasias. 
In common with the Caladium, the Alocasia will not endure to be 
desiccated in winter, but in the season of rest very little moisture will 
be required. 

The soil in which these plants thrive best is one consisting of fibrous 
peat, sphagnum moss, small potsherds, and nodules of charcoal. A pasty 
peat, in fact a close compact soil of any kind, is utterly unfit for them. 
Large specimens, if carefully potted, may remain in the same pots 
several years, but small plants should be shaken out and repotted when 
just about to start into new growth in spring. 

• * j 




Canna Indica var. atro-nigricans, Indian Canna with very dark leaves. 
Natural order — MakantacEjE. 

Although long and deservedly prized on account of their noble 
leafage and gaily-coloured flowers, the varieties of Cannas really owe 
their present importance to the development of "sub-tropical" garden- 
ing, in which they have played a conspicuous part. The varieties 
have now become so numerous that it is difficult to select from amongst 
them distinct and typical kinds. 



The varieties in cultivation number about one hundred and fifty; 
they are all descendants of two species, namely, C. Indica and C. 
flaccida, both natives of the New World, the first being met with in 
shaded marshy places in Brazil, the second in marshy spots on the 
banks of the Mississippi. 

In 1846 the first attempt was made to employ the Canna as a 
bedding plant in temperate latitudes. In that year M. Thre. Ann£e, 
who had been for several years French consular agent at Valparaiso, 
brought with him to Paris a collection of the various sorts he had 
met with in his travels through South America, some of which he 
planted in his garden at Passy. The experiment was so successful 
that in the year following he planted out all the varieties he could 
obtain, and in 1848 he commenced systematic crossing with a view to 
obtain new sorts, and thereby laid the foundations of the splendid col- 
lections that are now grown in English and French gardens. In 1855, 
when the fine public gardens of Paris were assuming their true character, 
Cannas were, for the first time, planted out extensively; and to M. 
Rarillet Deschamps, the principal gardener of Paris, must be awarded 
the praise of establishing the plant as one of the most suitable for 
grand embellishments, and one of the most tractable in the hands of 
the cultivator. Its tractability may be proved by the fact that in 
Battersea Park, under the able direction of Mr.' John Gibson, there 
are beds of Cannas that have not been disturbed for several years, 
the roots being allowed to remain in the ground throughout the winter, 
having for protection only a light covering of dry straw. One bed in 
particular, consisting of Canna limbata, has thus survived seven 
successive winters. This indeed is the proper way to treat the plant 
when it is employed to form masses in the park or flower garden, as 
when the roots remain undisturbed, the summer growth of leaves and 
flowers far surpasses in splendour the best that can be obtained by 
the system of annually taking up and planting out. 

To grow the Canna to perfection a rich light soil is essential. When 
grown as pot plants, or when intended to be prepared for planting 
out, it is desirable to give the roots a start in a moderate heat. 

The following varieties are particularly handsome and distinct: — 
Annei, atropurpurea, gigantea, muscefolia, nigricans, purpurea-spectabilis, 
zebrina-nana, Chatei-grandis, iridiflora, limbata, Porteana, rotundifolia- 
rnbra, Vanhouttei. 





Abutilon striatum, var. Thompsoni, Thompson's variety of the Striped Abutilon. 
Natural Order — Malvaceae. 

The normal or specific form of the beautiful plant here figured 
is a very old and lightly-esteemed inhabitant of our greenhouses, 
which was once in bad repute as an unmanageable stove plant. While 
treated to a greater heat than was consistent with its nature it took 
revenge against the cultivator by perpetually plaguing him by its thin, 
unwholesome apjDearance, and its suitability as a breeding-place for all 
the insect plagues that usually infest plants that are kept in too high 
a temperature. When it was transferred from the stove to the green- 
house, it acquired better health and considerable beauty; it ceased to 
be a house of call for vermin; it made a free growth of cheerful 
light green leaves, and produced abundance of pretty bell-shaped 
flowers of an orange colour, delicately marked with red stripes. From 
the greenhouse it was taken to the garden, where it proved so nearly 
hardy that in many favoured spots in the south of England and 
Ireland it survived ordinary winters unhurt; and of late years it has 
been adopted freely by Mr. Gibson in his masterly system of embel- 
lishing the parterre with "sub-tropical" plants at Battersea Park. 
Abutilon striatum has never enjoyed the fame it is entitled to, perhaps 
because, in the first instance, through ignorance of its hardy con- 
stitution it was a troublesome plant to keep alive; and in the second, 
that when reasonably treated it was so easy to keep and to grow, that 
very few ever took the trouble to do perfect justice to it. 

We believe and hope a better fate awaits the beautiful variety 
" Thompsoni.'''' This, like the species, has had to pass through a fiery 




ordeal, and at first was thought a worthless thing, because being kept 
in the stove its beauty was stewed out of it. But tempora mutanta, 
it is the fashion now to try every stove and greenhouse plant that 
exhibits distinctive characters, especially distinctive characters of leafage, 
in the open air; and when put to this test it came through the trial 
bravely, assumed a quite novel and most attractive aspect, and so 
became established as a nearly hardy fine-foliage plant, which, if planted 
out during the summer, makes a display of variegated leafage, in the 
highest degree beautiful and interesting. In proof of its capability 
for this kind of work we put out at Stoke Newington, in the early 
part of May, 1869, a few plants which Messrs. Veitch and Son sup- 
plied for the experiment. During the five weeks which followed the 
date of planting the weather was more like winter than summer, 
bitterly cold, with fitful gleams of sunshine, and bedding-plants, as 
a rule, becoming all the while small by degrees though not beautifully 
less. Yet these Abutilons were unhurt, and now, (July 30th.,) having 
had a good spell of genuine summer heat, they are so beautifully 
coloured, and are growing so freely, that we are bound to pronounce 
the plant admirably adapted for out-door embellishment, and one of 
the most distinct and attractive of the class to which it belongs. 

Abut/Ion Thompsoni was introduced by Messrs. Veitch and Son from 
Jamaica, where it appears to have originated as a garden variety of 
the well-known A. striatum, native of Brazil. To do justice to it is 
no difficult task. It will grow freely in very light, rich loamy soil, 
and its proper place in winter is in a warm greenhouse. During the 
summer a thriving plant will make a growth of two to four feet, and 
when allowed to grow naturally it forms a freely-branching pyramidal 
tree, and flowers nearly as freely as the green-leaved species. It is, 
however, not in need of flowers to secure for it the admiration of 
such as can appreciate the beauty of its leaves. These are elegantly 
lobed, the ground-colour is a lively green, over which is spread a 
delicate mottling of amber and creamy white in many shades harmoni- 
ously blended. Full exposure to solar light is necessary to bring out 
these colours, therefore when grown under glass it should never be 
shaded unless there is a risk of blistering, which, as a rule, can be 
prevented by abundant ventilation. The plant may be increased by 
cuttings at any season, but the summer is the best time; and of course 
shade and a close atmosphere are favourable conditions for inducing 
the formation of roots. 

There are not many Abutilons in cultivation, but a few continental 
varieties of A. striatum are much valued for their flowers, which are 
particularly effective when the trees are planted out in groups in the 



garden. The best varieties in addition to the type, are, Dm de 
Malakoff, insigne, and vanosum striatum; these have the free habit of 
the species and flowers possessing distinctive features. 


Many references to the "sub-tropical garden" occur in these pages, 
and a few words in explanation of the term may interest the reader. 
The Parisian gardeners must have the credit of originating the system 
of out-door decoration to which this term is applied. The first 
examples, on a scale large enough to attract attention, were presented 
to public notice in the well-kept public parks and gardens of the city 
of Paris. Great was the excitement, and almost unbounded the 
admiration, created by plantations of India-rubber Trees, Dicksonias, 
Caladiums, Palms, Cannas, Begonias, Wigandias, and other plants of 
like noble character and tender constitution. Although from the 
earliest days of horticultural art it had been customary to plant out 
tender subjects for the summer, yet the scale on which this was now 
done, and the new and peculiar scenery which resulted from the 
practice, made the sub-tropical garden at once a novelty and a great 
attraction. The leading English cultivators were not slow to take 
lessons from their neighbours. The sub-tropical movement was inaugu- 
rated on English soil under circumstances far less favourable than 
in the better climate in which it originated. Nevertheless, success 
attended it, and we have learned at least two lessons from the practice 
up to this time. We have learned that the vegetation of the whole 
world nearly is at our service for the embellishment of the English 
garden in the summer season ; and also that our climate is far kinder 
than we supposed it to be, for many tropical plants when planted out 
in June make a free growth and attain to a fair state of development, 
and continue attractive and display the distinctive features that belong 
to them, until far into the month of October. 

To select a number of tender plants and commit them to the com- 
mon soil to take their chance, is not, in the proper sense of the term, 
sub-tropical gardening. The soil should be of a light mellow texture, 
rich, abounding in humus, and raised above the general level on a 
foundation of porous materials. At Battersea Park, where are to be 
seen the best examples in England of this system of embellishment, 
the beds are all formed on foundations of broken bricks. This spongy 
6ubstratum suffers surplus water to escape readily, and retains in its 



interstices a large amount of atmospheric air. The soil being placed 
above a thick Layer of such stufF is more freely acted on by the 
sun than the level ground, and the consequence is that the whole 
bed is quickly warmed, and in the early part of June the tempera- 
ture is some degrees higher than that of beds unprovided with a 
porous substratum. Moreover, if some time during the summer theTe 
should occur a change to cold weather, these prepared beds part with 
their accumulated heat so slowly that it rarely happens the plants in 
them suffer by the change; they are in fact enabled to endure it, 
owing to the warmth of the soil, until the natural heat of the season 
returns, to carry them on safely far into the autumn. 

As for the remainder of the routine, it consists for the most part 
in selecting sheltered sites for large-leaved plants that are likely to be 
torn by the wind, and in giving throughout the season abundance of 
water. The details of the system will afford endless amusement to 
those who practise it, provided the first essential to success, a rich 
light soil upon a porous foundation, is secured to start with. 





Solatium marginatum, Margined-leaved Solanum. 
Natural Order — Solan ace.*:. 

To be related to a potato may be an unfortunate circumstance even 
for a plant, especially such an aristocratic subject as the one before 
us. Yet "worse things are possible, as, for example, we have heard a 
human being described as the "son of a gun," and the "great Prod- 
agrum" of Foote's "incoherent story," must have had some queer 
consanguinities. To see a bed of Solanums in full bloom in one of 
the best public gardens of Paris, or in our own Battcrsea Park, where 
they are handled with remarkable skill by Mr. Gibson, is to experience 
anew the conviction that Pope was right when, speaking of the supe- 
riority of individual merit over all its possible surroundings and 
relations, he said, — 

"Worth makes the man, the want of it the fellow; 
The rest is all but leather or pranello." 



A large number of ornamental Solanums are in cultivation. They 
make handsome pot-plants, but to see them in perfection, they should 
be planted out, when their curious leaf colours, and small white or 
violet-coloured flowers — which in some cases remind one of the lovely 
amethyst blossoms of the Borage — attain to fullest development in an 
average good summer. The species selected for the sub-tropical garden 
are attractive principally on account of their distinctive leafage. 

Solanum marginatum is of tree-like growth, upright and branching, 
attaining in our stoves a height of six to nine feet. The leaves when 
young are densely frosted on both sides, when older the upper surface 
becomes greenish white, and margined with a glittering line of whitish 
dusty pubescence. When planted out it grows freely, and produces 
a striking effect if in a mass. 

The following species of Solanum are the best among many for 
employment as bedding plants in English gardens: — 

S. marginatum. — Leaves very white; flowers purple and white. 

S. violaceum. — Leaves purplish; stem thorny; flowers violet rose. One 
of the best, but rather more tender than most others. 

S. amazonicum. — A small woolly plant without spines; flowers large, 
clear blue. One of the easiest to manage, and comparatively hardy. 

S. rohustum. — A remarkably fine plant; the large leaves furnished with 
formidable spines: requires good cultivation. 

S. laciniatum. — A strong-growing plant, with smooth leaves and 
beautiful pale blue flowers. Grows rapidly, and easily kept in winter. 

S. pgracantha. — An elegant plant, with fiery red spines; flowers dull 
white. Beautiful and tender. 

S. giganteum. — A robust fast-growing plant; leaves and stems tomen- 
tose and spiny; flowers small, pale lilac. 

S. auriculatum. — A shrubby plant of large growth; leaves yellowish 
downy on the under side; flowers insignificant. 

S. acantliocarpum. — A tall-growing plant of majestic aspect; leaves 
deejAy lobed, whitish underneath; stems whitish, and clothed with 
yellowish spines; flowers small, succeeded by berries that look like 
oranges, except that they are spiny. 




Terminalia elegans, Elegant Terminalia. 
Natural Order — Terminauace/e. 

Terminalia elegans belongs to an important group of tropical and 
sub-tropical trees, known by their fruits as "myrobalans," and in 
many instances characterized by the production of terminal leaves, 
which are borne in clusters at the ends of the branches, hence the 
generic name, which also supplies the name of the order. They are 
widely distributed, the species being found in Asia, Africa, and 
America, and wheresoever found they are valued for qualities which 
render them useful in medicine and the arts. Upwards of twenty 
species of Terminalia have been registered as having been grown in 
British stoves, though probably not half so many could be found in 
any one garden in the British Islands. The roots of T. alata are used 
in India as a remedy for fevers; from T. argentea is obtained, in 
Brazil, a resin resembling gamboge, and possessed of similar powerful 
qualities when used medicinally. From the fruits of T. catappa, in 
the Mauritius, a valuable oil, equal in purity to the best olive oil, 
is expressed, and T. mauritiana furnishes a resin which takes the 
place, as serving the same purposes, as benzoin. T. vernix and perhaps 
T. catappa also are cultivated by the Chinese to supply materials for 
the manufacture of black lacquer and Indian ink. From other species, 
as well as from the closely-allied genera Bucida and Coniocarpus, are 
obtained astringent medicines, dyes, and barks for tanning; and the 
bark of C. racemosa is used as a substitute for cinchona bark. 

All the members of the order Terminaliacece are worthy of cultivation, 
on account of their majestic growth and beauty. T. catappa is a 
favourite tree in the Mauritius for affording shade to dwelling houses 



and the public streets: it is one of the handsomest of the group. The 
species here figured, T. elegans, is perhaps best of all the long list 
entitled to the favourable consideration of British cultivators, on account 
of the beauty of its leaves, and the noble appearance of a specimen 
of moderate dimensions. It is a native of Madagascar, and therefore 
strictly a stove tree, needing a humid atmosphere and high temperature 
to bring it to perfection. 

For this beautiful species we are indebted to Mr. William Bull, of 
King's Road, Chelsea, who obtained it only three or four years since, 
and soon afterwards was enabled to present it in beautiful condition 
as to health and colour at the metroj^olitan exhibitions. In general 
appearance it. has been likened to Pavctta horbonica, but the trifoliate 
leafage supplies a bold distinction, irrespective of distinctions of structure 
and affinities. The leaves are elegantly reticulated with dark lines on 
a bright green ground, the midrib is bright red, and the whole of 
the leaf is highly varnished. It is in every sense a noble plant, which 
will not only maintain its value, but if skilfully treated increase in 
value with every increase of size for many years to come. 




Pelargonium zonale variegata, Variegated Zone-leaved Pelargonium; 
garden varieties. 
Natural Order — Gebaniace^e. 

If we cannot claim for the varieties of Pelargoniums here figured a 
degree of importance equal to that of many other subjects in this work, 
it may at least be said in their vindication that without a question 
they are the most popular of ornamental plants in cultivation, not only 
in this country, but- throughout Europe, in the colonies, in North 
America, and, in fact, wherever ornamental gardening is practised with 
any degree of enthusiasm. We have but little space left to discourse 
upon them, we must therefore be very brief. 

The "tricolor-leaved Geraniums," of which three out of the four 
varieties figured are examples, are of quite recent introduction to our 
gardens; and they afford the most conclusive and startling evidence 
obtainable of the power of art to alter the course of nature. The 
first decisive step towards the establishment of variegated Pelargoniums 
was taken in 1848, when Mr. Ki.ngh.orn raised from Lee's Variegated 
Geranium the well-known Flower of the Day. About 1850 the same 
raiser obtained Attraction and Countess of Warwick, both of them true 
silver tricolors, (though not then so regarded,) and forerunners of the 
now famous Italia Unita. Ambition was aroused, and many cross 
breeders entered the field: amongst these especial mention must be 
made of Mr. Hally, raiser of Burning Bush, a small-growing silvery- 
leaved variety. In 1853 Mr. Peter Grieve, the most successful cultivator 



of this branch of horticulture, and the raiser of Mrs. Pollock, began 
to experiment. By crossing Flower of the Day with the pollen of Tom 
Thumb he raised a fine variegated variety (now discarded) called 
Culford Beauty. Again he obtained Rainbow, a true silver tricolor. 
Pursuing his course in this enchanting enterprise, he succeeded in 
raising, by systematic cross-breeding, the varieties known as Empress 
of the French, Emperor of the French, and others. In 1855 he 
began to consider the possibility of obtaining new varieties with golden 
variegation; and, accordingly, he applied the pollen of the fine old 
bedding geranium, Golden Chain, to the blossoms of Cottage Maid, 
and obtained Golden Tom Thumb and Golden Cerise Unique. The 
next year blooms of the Emperor of the French were fertilized with 
pollen of Golden Tom Thumb, and one of the results was Gold 
Pheasant. In the two following years, that is in 1857-58, the pollen 
of Gold Pheasant was applied to the blooms of Emperor of the French, 
and the result was those two most celebrated of all the golden tricolors, 
Mrs. Pollock and Sunset. Subsequently, Mr. Grieve has raised Lucy 
Grieve, Mrs. Benyon, Lady Cullum, Victoria regina, and a host of 
others equally celebrated. Here our story must end : those who would 
know more of the subject will find abundant information in the little 
" History of Variegated Zonal Pelargoniums," written by Mr. Grieve, 
and published by Messrs. Blackwood. 

We have selected for the plate a group of varieties which may be 
regarded as representing the highest standard yet obtained in the two 
classes of gold and silver tricolors, with the addition of one represent- 
ing the new reticulated-leaved class, the name of which, Aurora borealis, 
appropriately typifies its peculiar style of colouring, — lurid red in lines 
and suffusing the margin of an otherwise bright green leaf. Peter 
Grieve is a golden tricolor, most perfect in form and tinting, satisfying 
more nearly than any other the requirements of the critical florist. 
Howarth Ash ton and Miss Burdett Coutts are amongst the most 
beautiful and vigorous-habited of their respective classes. 

t fi AC ft N A 

R E C I N A. 



Draceena regina, The Queenly Dracfena. 
Natural Order — Liliacejs. 

Though we are bound to represent Draceena regina in this series, 
it must be admitted it makes but a dull picture, the variegation and 
the ground-colour of the leaf being characterized by dullness and 
indecision; yet the plant is so distinct, and so quickly forms a noble 



specimen, that it is fully entitled to a place here, and happily we 
have succeeded in rendering it faithfully. 

For this fine plant, distinct from all others of the genus in cultivation, 
we are indebted to the enterprise of Messrs. Veitch and Son, by whom 
it has been but recently introduced. Wherever it has been exhibited 
cultivators have regarded it as an acquisition of great value, more 
especially as in its own particular family it stands alone in style of 
growth and colouring. It appears to be constantly and uniformly 
variegated, the broad leaves being striped with bold lines and divisions 
of a creamy white or amber colour, with two or three shades of dull 
green between. 

The following list of Dracaenas in cultivation may be useful to 
many readers. The most desirable amongst them are marked with 
an asterisk. 


Chelsoni, *Cooperi, Ferrea, Macleayi, * Magnified, Nigricans, Nigro- 
ruba, Nobilis, *Regina, Rubra, *Stricta, Terminalis. 


Arborea, Canneefolia, Cernua, Congcsta, *Draco, Ensifolia, Excelsa, 
Fontainseana, * Gracilis, *Heliconifolia, Limbata, *Marginata, Robusta, 
*Siamensis, Tasselata, Umbraculifera. 


*Ai(stralis, Banksi, Fragrantissima, *Indivisa, Nutans, *Vcitchi. 



Aralia Veitchii, Yeitch's Aralia. 
Natural Order — Akaliace.e. 

There does not appear in the half-ghostly, somewhat fairy-like, and 
decidedly weird-looking leaf here figured, any close relationship to the 
"ivy green;" but it is next to impossible to think of an Aralia or a 
Panax without reverting to Hedera, and thence to the social and 


literary and scientific memorabilia, into the midst of which the ivies 
will inevitably induct the reflective mind. The Aralias are undoubtedly 
the most important plants, all points considered, in this very character- 
istic order; yet most of us would willingly lose the best examples our 
stoves and conservatories would furnish, rather than the sheet of green 
ivy that hugs the ruin and sustains it for centuries unhurt by weather, 
or the towering Lliana-like festoons that have surmounted the tallest 
trees in the wood, and are fast destroying them with fatal embraces. 
The Aralias have a place in history, but it is a poor place as compared 
with the fame of their more humble congeners, a spray of ivy being 
as a "key to golden palaces" to the mind well stored with poetic 
lore, for its associations range far away from the allusions of the 
Greek dramatists, who weave it in Bacchic wreaths and triumphal 
coronals, to the "female ivy" of Shakespeare that so lovingly "entwines 
the barky fingers of the elm." Endymion Keats must have had the 
Ivy in mind when he wrote his glorious hymn to the god Pan: — 

" O Hearkener to the loud-clapping shears, 
While ever and anon to his shorn peers 
A ram goes bleating: Winder of the horn, 
When snouted wild-boars, routing tender corn, 
Anger our huntsmen : Breather round our farms, 
To keep off mildews, and all weather harms : 
Strange ministrant of undescribed sounds, 
That come a-swooning over hollow grounds, 
And wither drearily on barren moors : 
Dread opener of the mysterious doors 
Leading to universal knowledge — see, 
Great son of Dryope, 

The many that are come to pay their vows, 
With leaves about their brows ! " 

Unfortunately for the poetical side of the question we have nothing 
to do with the Ivy here, and the foregoing flight with the poets is 
simply unpardonable. Let us look then at the Aralias as subjects for 
cultivation. They are all trees or shrubs, natives for the most part 
of the northern hemisphere, being distributed pretty freely in China, 
Japan, and other northern parts of Asia, and again in the United States 
and Canada. 

The cultivator may classify them as to forms and characters, grouping 
the narrow-leaved species, such as A. Veitchi, A. trifoliata, A. reticulata, 
together; and the broad-leaved kinds, such as A. Sieboldi, A. macro- 
phyUa and A. papyri/era, in another group. But a more convenient 
classification for us will be one having reference to their climatal 



requirements; and it will doubtless be useful to the reader if we here 
enumerate a few of the most distinct and handsome under the several 
heads of Stove, Greenhouse, and Hardy species. 


A. Duncani has small, thick, hard-textured leaves, averaging six 
inches in length, by one inch and a half broad. In habit bushy, 
graceful; colour pleasing: one of the best for small houses. 

A. leptophylla. — A strong-growing species, requiring plenty of room; 
leaves large, compound, remotely resembling those of the horse-chestnut, 
of a fine dark glossy green; each leaf about a foot in diameter. 

A. reticulata. — Leaves fifteen to eighteen inches long, and about two 
inches wide, dark green, with yellowish midrib, all the leaves standing 
horizontally. A very graceful tree, and one of the best for the stove, 
its appearance amongst palms and ferns being particularly attractive. 

A. nymphicefolia. — Leaves cordate, about nine inches long, and six 
inches wide at the base, dark green. Habit bushy, a desirable species. 


A. crassifolia into yr if alia. — Peculiar and distinct in habit. The 
leaves arc about twelve inches long, and about three quarters of an 
inch wide, very hard in texture like those of an Agave, with blunt spines 
at intervals of two or three inches apart along the margin. An elegant 
and desirable species, which may be regarded as a curiosity. 

A. palmata. — The finest of the genus. The leaves are bright glossy 
green, and in form resemble those of a horse-chestnut, but stand out 
rigidly on long horizontal leaf-stalks. A full-grown leaf will measure 
two feet across, and the leaf-stalk is about half an inch in diameter. 
It is a companion plant to A. leptophylla, which may be placed with 
it in the conservatory during the summer. 

A. trifoliata. — A distinct plant, somewhat resembling in general 
aspects Terminal ia elega ns, but stronger in habit. The leaves are in 
threes, that is to say, each leaf consists of three equal-sized leaflets. 




A. Veitchii. — An extremely elegant plant, with slender purplish stems 
and leaf-stalks; the leaves distinctly pinnate, the leaflets linear, averaging 
from seven to nine on each slender leaf-stalk; the colours comprising 
curious shades of olive green, greyish brown, and dull cinnamon. A 
curious and beautiful species, introduced by Messrs. Veitch and Son, 
of the Exotic Nurseries, Chelsea. 


A. jxipyrifera. — The well-known "rice-paper" plant of China. Leaves 
dark brownish green, palmate, broad, and peculiarly striking in 
character. A grand plant for cool conservatories, and for planting out 
in the garden during the summer. We have known it survive an 
ordinary winter in several places near London. 

A. Sieboldi. — A grand large-leaved species, well adapted for planting 
out as a companion to the last-named. Our right to class it with the 
hardy kinds is based upon the fact that specimens have stood out 
several winters in succession in Battersea and Victoria Parks, near 
London. A fine specimen at Battersea was much injured by the 
winter of 1866-7, being cut down to the ground, but in the summer 
of 1868 it quickly recovered, and formed a fine bushy plant. 

A. Sieboldi variegata. — A splendid variegated variety of the foregoing, 
a trifle more tender in constitution, therefore the word "hardy" must 
be accepted with an emphatic cum grano. 

On the subject of cultivation but little need be said, for there is 
nothing easier to grow than an Aralia. The species will require a 
temperature suited to their constitution, and, as a rule, all will bear 
cooler temperature than they usually receive. Fine specimens are the 
result of constant care and watchfulness, not of any mysterious or 
peculiar treatment. The stove species, as a rule, require a lighter soil 
than the greenhouse and hardy kinds; the addition of peat and leaf- 
mould to good turfy loam will improve the staple for them. Cuttings 
of the ripe wood of any of the species may be quickly struck in 