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Full text of "On the structure of the eye of the swordfish (Xiphias gladius, Lin.)"

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On  the  Structure  of  the  Eye  of  the  Swordfish  (Xi- 
phias  gladius,  Lin.) 

By  Robert  Edmond  Grant,  M.  D.,  F.  R.  S.  E., 

F.  L.S.,  M.W.  S.,  &c. 

Member  of  the  Medico-Chirurgical  Society  of  Edinburgh,  Fellow  of 
the  Royal  College  of  Physicians  of  Edinburgh,  &c. 

From  the  Memoirs  of  the  Wernerian  Natural  History  Society. 

F ROM  the  great  density  and  obscurity  of  the  medium 
through  which  fishes  receive  the  rays  of  light,  compared 
with  those  of  the  atmosphere,  their  organs  of  vision  neces- 
sarily present  considerable  differences  in  form  and  structure, 
from  those  of  land  animals.  Predatious  fishes,  which  fre- 
quent great  depths,  have  very  large  eyes,  from  the  general 
darkness  of  the  ocean,  and  probably  from  the  diminished 
energy  of  the  nervous  system  in  animals  so  low  in  the  scale. 
The  eyes  of  the  common  swordfish,  here  described,  were 
four  times  as  large  as  those  of  an  ox,  although  the  bulk  of 
the  fish  did  not  equal  one  half  of  the  bulk  of  that  quadru- 
ped. Blainville  has  observed,  that  fishes  which  inhabit 
the  open  sea  have  the  eyes  larger  and  better  developed 
than  those  which  frequent  the  shore.  As  the  refractile 
power  of  the  aqueous  humour  of  the  eye  is  the  same  as  that 
of  water  in  which  fishes,  constantly  reside,  this  humour  is 
unnecessary,  and  nearly  absent,  in  that  class  of  animals, 



and  consequently  their  cornea  is  flat.  This  flatness  of  the 
cornea,  however,  could  not  be  preserved,  if  the  eyes  of 
fishes  were  formed  of  soft  membranes,  like  the  eyes  of 
quadrupeds,  as  the  lens’  would  then  be  pressed  forward  by 
the  muscles  surrounding  the  eyeball  against  the  iris,  and 
completely  prevent  the  pupil  from  changing  its  dimensions. 
Hence  we  find  a firm  cartilaginous  or  osseous  framework 
in  the  eyes  of  fishes,  to  preserve  the  flatness  of  the  cornea, 
analogous  to  what  is  employed  in  birds  to  preserve  a great 
convexity  of  that  part.  The  great  thickness  of  the  sclero- 
tic coat,  the  presence  of  the  choroid  gland  and  adipose 
matter  between  the  sclerotic  and  choroid  coats  behind,  and 
the  flatness  of  the  cornea  before,  shorten  very  much  the 
axis  of  the  eye  in  fishes.  Hence  a complete  spherical  form, 
and  greater  hardness  of  the  crystalline  lens,  is  necessary  in 
these  animals,  to  bring  the  rays  of  light  more  quickly  to  a 
focus.  Two  small  portions  of  a sphere  would  have  been 
sufficient,  if  the  texture  of  the  lens  were  homogeneous  like 
glass ; but  this  organ  possesses  a highly  complicated  struc- 
ture, consisting  of  fibrous  layers,  beautifully  disposed  to 
check  the  aberration  of  light,  and  increasing  in  density  from 
the  surface  to  the  centre.  The  distance  between  the  cornea 
and  the  retina  in  the  swordfish  is  about  one  inch  and  a half, 
while  the  transverse  diameter  of  the  eye  is  three  inches.  The 
shortness  of  the  axis,  and  the  enormous  size  and  spherical 
form  of  the  lens  in  the  eyes  of  fishes,  reduce  greatly  the  pro- 
portion of  their  vitreous  humour.  In  the  common  herring, 
the  axis  of  the  vitreous  humour  is  only  a fifth  part  of  that  of 
the  lens ; whereas  in  man,  it  is  nearly  four  times  greater  than 
the  axis  of  the  lens.  In  the  large  eye  of  the  swordfish,  the 
axis  of  the  vitreous  humour  is  not  one-half  of  that  of  the 
lens.  The  ciliary  processes  and  foramen  centrale  are  not 
found  in  fishes.  The  choroid  gland,  the  solid  sclerotic  coat, 
the  fatty  matter  within  it,  and  many  other  peculiarities  in 



the  structure  of  the  eye,  belong  exclusively  to  this  class  of 
animals ; and  besides  many  general  peculiarities,  the  eye 
presents  in  the  individual  species  all  the  variety  and  irre- 
gularity which  characterize  the  organs  of  animals  low  in 
the  scale,  and  exhibits  a gradual  transition  to  the  apparent- 
ly anomalous  eyes  of  molluscous  animals.  The  broad  flat 
irregular  form  of  the  eye,  and  the  quantity  of  matter  inter- 
posed between  the  outer  coat  and  the  retina,  in  the  sword- 
fish, closely  resemble  the  appearances  presented  in  the 
eyes  of  the  Octopus  and  Loligo.  From  the  great  size 
and  simple  structure  of  this  organ  in  fishes,  a minute  ex- 
amination of  these  peculiarities  might  throw  much  light 
on  the  nature  of  many  parts,  the  uses  of  which  are  still 
perfectly  unknown  in  the  higher  orders  of  animals.  The 
eye  of  the  common  swordfish  appears  not  to  have  been 
hitherto  examined ; and  I am  indebted  for  the  opportunity 
of  making  the  following  observations  to  Professor  Jame- 
son, who  kindly  presented  me  with  the  two  recent  eyes, 
and  the  whole  of  the  viscera,  of  the  beautiful  male  specimen 
of  that  rare  animal,  lately  taken  in  the  Frith  of  Forth,  and 
now  preserved  in  the  Museum  of  the  University. 

The  eyes  of  the  swordfish  are  so  perfectly  lateral  in  their 
position,  and  so  flat  anteriorly,  that  that  animal  can  per- 
ceive objects  only  with  one  eye  at  a time.  This  is  proba- 
bly another  reason,  besides  those  stated  above,  for  the  eyes 
of  this  fish  being  usually  large.  In  the  specimens  I ex- 
amined, the  transverse  diameter  measured  3 inches,  the 
axis  2]  inches,  and  the  entire  animal  7 feet  2 inches  from 
the  point  of  the  sword  to  a line  drawn  between  the  tips  of 
the  tail.  The  general  form  of  the  eye  is  that  of  an  irregu- 
lar hemisphere,  a little  depressed  in  the  direction  of  the 
axis,  the  anterior  part  corresponding  to  the  flat  base  of  the 
hemisphere.  The  eye  is  circular  round  the  axis,  but  its 
sphericity  on  the  back  part  is  very  imperfect  from  the  irre- 



gular  form  of  the  osseous  plate  of1  the  sclerotic  coat.  The 
sphericity  of  the  retina  within  is  not  interrupted  by  this  ir- 
regular form  of  the  external  coat,  as  there  are  several  soft 
parts  interposed  between  them.  The  conjunctiva  is  black, 
like  the  skin  of  the  animal,  to  the  margin  of  the  transparent 
cornea.  The  pupil  is  irregularly  circular,  as  in  many  other 
fishes.  The  iris  has  a greenish-white  colour,  and  a beauti- 
ful metallic  lustre.  The  cornea  is  flat,  and  about  lj  inch 
in  diameter.  The  anterior  edge  of  the  osseous  plate  pro- 
jects beyond  the  margin  of  the  cornea,  so  as  to  make  the 
anterior  part  of  the  eye  a little  concave  externally.  There 
is  no  eyelid,  but  a looseness  of  the  conjunctiva  round  the 
edge  of  the  orbit,  to  admit  of  the  motions  of  the  eye.  The 
conjunctiva  does  not  pass  loosely  over  the  cornea,  as  in  the 
haddock  and  many  other  fishes,  but  adheres  so  strongly  as 
only  to  be  separated  from  it  with  difficulty,  after  long  ma- 
ceration. The  muscles  of  the  eyeball  are  very  strong  and 
red  coloured,  like  those  of  a quadruped,  and  correspond 
with  the  extensive  distribution  of  the  red  globules  of  the 
blood  through  the  other  parts  * of  this  animal.  The  adipose 
substance,  in  which  the  eye  is  imbedded,  is  very  different 
from  the  soft  white  watery  substance  we  usually  find  in  this 
situation  in  smaller  fishes.  It  is  firm,  of  a yellowish-white 
colour,  and  filled  with  an  oily  matter,  which  agrees  much 
in  its  smell,  colour,  and  other  properties,  with  the  oil  pro- 
cured from  the  whale. 

The  tunica  conjunctiva  can  be  separated  with  ease  from 
the  surface  of  the  sclerotic  as  far  as  the  margin  of  the  cor- 
nea, where  it  is  firmly  connected  with  the  projecting  edge 
of  the  osseous  plate.  After  long  maceration,  it  can  be  torn 

* See  my  account  of  the  anatom}r  of  the  thoracic  and  abdominal  vis- 
cera of  the  Swordfish,  in  the  Transactions  of  the  Medico-Chirurgical 
Society  of  Edinburgh,  vol.  iii. 



from  the  whole  surface  of  the  cornea,  with  which  it  appears 
to  be  connected  by  cellular  substance.  But,  by  the  same 
treatment,  the  cornea  can  as  easily  be  separated  into  many 
layers,  as  into  the  two  formed  by  tearing  off  the  conjunc- 
tiva. The  cornea  is  very  thin,  compact,  and  of  equal  thick- 
ness throughout ; it  is  lodged  in  a small  groove  of  the  os- 
seous plate ; but,  at  the  nasal  side  of  the  eye,  it  passes  a 
little  over  the  inclined  margin  of  that  plate.  The  outer 
layer  of  the  sclerotic  coat  consists  of  strong  white  shining 
tendinous  fibres,  forming  a compact  membrane,  which  ad- 
heres firmly  to  the  whole  outer  surface  of  the  osseous  plate. 
The  fibres  of  the  outer  covering  of  the  optic  nerve,  which 
is  considered  to  be  a continuation  of  the  dura  mater,  are 
very  distinctly  seen  to  mix  and  disappear  among  the 
fibres  of  the  sclerotic,  so  as  to  form  with  it  a continuous 
membrane.  This  layer  of  the  sclerotic  is  connected, 
like  the  conjunctiva,  to  the  outer  margin  of  the  cornea. 
The  osseous  plate  of  the  sclerotic  covers  the  whole  of  the 
eyeball,  excepting  the  aperture  on  the  fore  part  covered  by 
the  cornea,  and  a space  nearly  of  the  same  size  on  the  back 
part  of  the  eye.  The  irregular  round  opening  on  the  fore 
part  of  the  plate  is  1 1 inch  in  diameter,  with  an  inflected 
margin  3 lines  in  thickness.  The  plate  is  hard,  translucent, 
somewhat  brittle,  of  a yellowish-white  colour,  and  strongly 
marked  fibrous  texture.  It  is  thinnest  and  most  pellucid 
where  its  diameter  is  greatest,  and  it  terminates  posteriorly 
by  a thin  and  very  uneven  margin.  It  does  not  effervesce 
in  nitric  acid,  like  substances  containing  carbonate  of  lime, 
and  appears  to  be  of  a condensed  horny  texture,  containing 
a quantity  of  oily  matter  between  its  fibres.  It  is  divided 
into  two  equal  parts,  an  upper  and  a lower,  by  an  uneven 
suture,  passing  from  before  backward,  or  in  the  direction 
of  the  axis.  The  tendinous  extremities  of  the  straight  and 
oblique  muscles  of  the  eye  pass  through  the  outer  layer  of 



the  sclerotic,  and  are  firmly  inserted  into  the  osseous  plate. 
On  the  upper  half  of  the  plate,  about  half  an  inch  from  its 
ragged  posterior  margin,  there  is  a perforation  about  two 
lines  in  diameter,  for  the  passage  of  the  arteries  and  veins 
of  the  eyeball.  On  the  inside  of  this  perforation  there  is  a 
bony  ridge,  about  a line  in  thickness,  for  the  protection  of 
the  vessels  passing  through  it.  This  hard  inner  layer  of 
the  sclerotic  is  continued  in  a membranous  form,  and  in 
firm  union  with  the  outer  layer,  from  the  ragged  posterior 
margin,  to  the  optic  nerve.  The  broad  anterior  inflected 
margin  of  the  plate  affords  attachment  to  the  iris  and  the 
cornea,  and  gives  lodgment  to  a white  adipose  thick  band 
surrounding  the  eye,  and  placed  anteriorly  to  the  ciliary 
ligament.  Immediately  within  the  osseous  plate  we  ob- 
serve a very  delicate  black  coloured  membrane,  adhering 
loosely  to  it  as  far  as  the  ciliary  ligament,  where  it  becomes 
inseparably  united  with  the  vascular  layer  of  the  choroid. 
This  thin  membrane  lies  immediately  over  and  in  contact 
with  the  fatty  substance  enveloping  the  choroid  gland,  and 
occupies  the  situation  of  the  white  silvery  pigment  which 
forms  the  outer  layer  of  the  choroid  coat  in  many  osseous 
fishes.  Near  the  ciliary  ligament  this  black  membrane  ac- 
quires a light  grey  colour  and  metallic  lustre ; but  at  the  cili- 
ary ligament,  where  it  unites  inseparably  with  the  vascular 
layer  of  the  choroid  for  a line  and  a' half,  it  again  becomes 
dull,  and  has  a deep  purple  colour.  On  the  fore  part  of 
the  ciliary  ligament  it  resumes  its  metallic  lustre,  becomes 
detached  from  the  choroid,  and  can  be  traced  with  ease 
dipping  into  an  angular  recess  between  the  uvea  and  the 
iris,  and  again  mounting  to  descend  over  the  fore  part  of 
the  iris.  In  this  animal  there  is  a wide  angular  space,  a 
line  in  breadth,  between  the  uvea  and  iris,  which  contains 
a white  cellular  substance.  The  iris  is  thick  and  firm,  like 
cartilage,  and,  on  removing  its  metallic  pigment  from  the 



fore  part,  it  presents  a black  surface.  The  white  adipose 
band  surrounding  the  eye  before  the  ciliary  ligament,  rests 
on  a peculiar  thin  membrane,  which  separates  it  from  the 
outer  dark  layer  of  the  choroid,  and  extends  forward  as  far 
as  the  cornea.  The  dark  coloured  external  layer  of  the  cho- 
roid, in  the  Xiphias,  somesvhat  resembles  the  thin  black 
lining  of  the  sclerotic  of  quadrupeds,  which  was  thought 
to  be  a continuation  of  the  pia  mater.  There  is  no  silvery 
pigment  in  this  animal  covering  the  choroid  gland,  which 
we  find  so  abundant  in  many  osseous  fishes,  as  the  cod  and 

Between  the  thin  dark  outer  layer  of  the  choroid  and  its 
thick  vascular  layer,  there  is  an  immense  deposit,  of  a wliite 
semifluid  fatty  substance,  half  an  inch  in  thickness,  on  the 
back  part  of  the  eye,  and  extending  as  far  forward  as  the 
ciliary  ligament.  The  fatty  deposit  is  thickest  on  the  back 
part,  near  the  optic  nerve,  and  becomes  gradually  thinner 
towards  its  anterior  termination  ; it  is  traversed  in  every  part 
by  numerous  large  branches  from  the  ocular  artery,  and  by 
the  ciliary  veins  returning  to  the  choroid  gland.  These 
vessels  are  filled  with  red  blood,  and  are  so  numerous  as  to 
give  a red  tinge  to  the  oily  substance  through  which  they 
are  ramified.  The  great  bed  of  fat  completely  envelopes 
that  singular  organ  the  choroid  gland ; it  enables  the  great 
trunks  of  the  ciliary  arteries  to  subdivide,  before  penetrat- 
ing the  choroid,  to  form  its  innermost  layer ; and  it  enables 
the  internal  parts  of  the  eye  to  assume  a sphericity  which 
the  osseous  plate  of  the  sclerotic  is  far  from  possessing. 
The  choroid  gland  has  the  same  deep  blood-red  colour, 
firm  consistence,  and  vascular  texture,  as  in  other  fishes ; 
it  is  composed  of  two  parts  surrounding  the  optic  nerve, 
the  one  shaped  like  a horse-shoe,  and  the  other  nearly 
straight.  These  two  pieces  are  flat,  about  half  an  inch 
broad,  and  nearly  a quarter  of  an  inch  thick.  The  venous 



sinus,  described  by  Blainville  (Anat.  Comp.  t.  i.  p.  425) 
as  occurring  in  the  inner  part  of  this  singular  fleshy  mass, 
is  large  and  distinct  in  the  Swordfish,  where  it  appears  like 
the  pelvis  of  a kidney,  with  numerous  openings,  probably 
of  the  ciliary  veins,  terminating  in  it.  Blainvili.e  consi- 
ders the  choroid  gland  of  fishes  as  a vascular  ganglion,  or 
sinus,  for  the  reception  of  the  ciliary  veins.  I may  observe, 
that,  on  cutting  open  this  body,  in  the  Swordfish,  we  find 
its  outer  part  composed  of  a compact  parenchymatous  tex- 
ture, and,  as  we  approach  itsunner  sinus  or  pelvis,  it  con- 
sists of  distinct  straight  parallel  fibres,  whieh  may  possibly 
be  ducts  or  vessels,  leading  to  the  central  cavity . After 
remaining  long  in  spirits,  the  inner  concave  margin  of  the 
organ  splits  spontaneously,  and  always  in  the  direction  of 
these  parallel  fibres.  The  vascular  membrane  of  the  choroid, 
which  lies  immediately  beneath  the  bed  of  fat,  is  distinctly 
separable,  in  the  Swordfish,  into  two  layers.  The  outer, 
or  venous  layer,  has  a bluish-grey  colour,  and  a strongly 
marked  corded  or  striated  appearance,  produced  by  the 
straight  veins  which  compose  it.  The  inner,  or  arterial 
layer,  termed  the  Tunica  Ruyshiana,  and  composed  of  the 
ramifications  of  the  ciliary  arteries,  has  a deep  brownish- 
purple  colour  on  the  surface  where  the  pigment  rested. 
At  the  place  of  the  ciliary  ligament,  this  inner  layer  of 
the  choroid  assumes  a yellowish-white  colour,  and  conti- 
nues of  this  light  colour  over  the  whole  of  the  uvea  to 
its  free  margin,  where  it  unites  at  an  acute  angle  with 
the  iris.  This  white  part  of  the  choroid,  and  the  white 
surface  of  the  uvea,  are  covered,  in  the  natural  state,  like 
every  other  part  of  the  choroid,  with  a thick  layei  of  a 
brownish-black  pigment.  There  are  no  ciliary  processes 
projecting  in  towards  the  margin  of  the  lens,  but  in  their 
place  we  find  the  choroid  distended  by  the  white  adipose 
band  I have  already  mentioned  as  surrounding  the  fore 



part  of  the  eye,  on  the  outside  of  the  choroid,  and  near  the 
margin  of  the  uvea.  Blainville  thinks  he  has  observed 
ciliary  processes  in  the  eye  of  the  Squcilus  mcixivius.  At 
the  place  where  the  optic  nerve  penetrates  the  inner  layers 
of  the  choroid,  it  has  a very  contracted  and  strangled  ap- 
pearance ; and  the  retina  which  it  forms,  is  proportionally 
the  most  bulky  I have  yet  met  with  in  any  animal.  The 
retina  forms  a thick  pulpy  coat,  of  a bluish-white  colour, 
and  becomes  more  thick  and  opaque  as  it  advances  towards 
the  uvea,  near  the  base  of  which  it  terminates  by  a smooth 
and  even  margin.  We  observe  a straight  white  line  or  fissure 
extending,  on  the  nasal  side  of  the  eye,  in  this  animal,  from 
the  entrance  of  the  optic  nerve  to  the  base  of  the  uvea, 
along  the  inside  of  the  choroid  coat.  Along  the  whole  of 
this  line  the  retina  is  firmly  bound  to  the  choroid  coat,  and- 
it  has  no  connection  with  the  choroid  at  any  other  part. 
This  remarkable  appearance  has  the  closest  resemblance  to 
the  long  fissure  of  the  choroid  through  which  the  retina 
enters  in  the  class  of  birds,  but  is  very  rarely  met  with  in 
fishes.  The  eyes  of  the  cod,  the  haddock,  and  many  other 
osseous  fishes,  present  no  appearance  of  this  kind,  but  have 
the  retina  quite  free  round  the  optic  nerve.  The  retina 
appears  to  form  a larger  mass  tha,n  could  result  from  the 
mere  expanded  filaments  of  the  contracted  part  of  the  optic 
nerve.  The  pulpy  external  layer  of  the  retina  is  so  thick 
in  the  Swordfish,  particularly  near  its  anterior  termination, 
that  it  can  be  torn  with  the  forceps,  like  cellular  substance, 
into  several  layers.  The  white  membrane  or  ligament,  cor- 
responding to  the  pecten  of  birds,  already  discovered  by 
Blainville,  in  six  different  genera  of  fishes,  is  strong  and 
distinct  in  the  Swordfish,  proceeding  from  the  anterior  end 
of  the  fissure  of  the  choroid,  through  which  the  retina  en- 
ters, to  the  capsule  of  the  lens.  Although  the  lens  is  a so- 
lid sphere,  an  inch  in  diameter,  the  pecten  is  so  firmly  at- 


tached  to  its  capsule,  as  to  bear  its  weight  with  ease  when 
suspended  out  of  the  water.  On  the  opposite  side  of  the 
lens  there  is  a smaller  ligament  of  the  same  kind.  The 
great  body  of  the  lens,  inclosed  in  a capsule  of  almost 
tendinous  consistence,  after  remaining  some  weeks  in  spi- 
rits, splits  spontaneously  into  concentric  lamellae,  and  deep 
rents  in  the  direction  of  its  axis,  and  separates  easily  into 
coarse  fibres  having  for  the  most  part  the  same  direction. 






























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