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A. S, Mercer s 

The Banditti 
of the Plains 

WHEN A. S, Mercer in 1894 published 
this angry eyewitness account of the 
cattlemen s invasion o Wyoming in 1892, 
the book was so thoroughly and ruthlessly 
suppressed that few copies of that edition 
remain today. 

Although historians have since ques 
tioned some of Mercer s conclusions about 
the Johnson County range war, they have 
never controverted the facts of the cattle 
man-homesteader struggle as he grimly re 
ported them* With the intention of "execut 
ing * alleged rustlers and terrorizing the 
homesteaders, a band of fifty-two cattlemen 
and hired gunmen invaded Johnson Coun 
ty, Wyoming, in April, 1892. After besieg 
ing and killing "the bravest man in Johnson 
County," the raiders in turn found them 
selves besieged by the homesteaders and 
dually m the protective custody of the 
United States cavalry* Further legal and 
illegal maneuvering permitted the invaders 
to go unpunished, but the cattlemen never 
M iini alter ){ itu to retain their hold over 
< K langc with organized mob violence. 
In this new edition of The Banditti of 
the Plains the original text has been fol 
lowed with the utmost fidelity,, to and in- 
cl uling the illustrations. Historians and 
on bac\ flap) 



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The Cattlemen s Invasion of Wyoming in 




With a Foreword by WILLIAM H. KITTRELL 


Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 54-5940 

New edition copyright 1954 by the University of Oklahoma Proa 

Publishing Division of the University 

Composed and printed at Norman, Oklahoma, U.S.A. 

by the University of Oklahoma Press 

First printing, April> 1954 

Second printing) July, 1954 

Third printing, December, 1955 

Fourth printing, February, 1959 


Foreword, by William H. Kittrell xiii 

Preface 3 

Introductory 5 

i War on the Rustlers The Hanging of Jim Averill 

and Cattle Kate on the Sweetwater 17 

n The Hanging of Waggoner Near Newcastle Attack 
Upon Nathan D. Champion and Ross Gilbertson 
on Powder River Brutal and Cowardly Murder 
of John A. Tisdale and Orley E. Jones in Johnson 
County 2,1 

in Organizing the Invasion The Wyoming Stock 
Growers Association as a Promoter Cheyenne, 
the Rendezvous of the Plotters Acting Governor 
Amos W. Barber Preparing the Way for the In 
vaders The Press of the Land Hoodwinked Into 
False Statements to Prepare the Public Mind to 
Sympathize with Coming Events 28 

iv Thirty Hired Assassins and Twenty Representative 
Stockmen Leave Cheyenne to Murder, Burn and 
Destroy The Final Preparations and the Start 





Arrival at Casper and Departure, Mounted, Across 

the Country 49 

v Cowardly Attack Upon the KC Ranch Flight of 
Jack Flagg Under Fire Capture of the Trappers 
Jones and Walker Shooting of Ray Burning of 
the Ranch House Attempted Flight and Killing 
of Nate Champion Champion s Diary 53 

vi The March to the TA Ranch Incidents by the Way 

Preparing for a Siege 64 

vn The Siege Gathering of the Settlers Construction 
of Breastworks and Rifle Pits Angus* Wonderful 
Ride Official Correspondence Rescued by Order 
of President Benjamin Harrison 67 

vm Buffalo During the TA Siege Great Excitement* but 
Order Preserved Burial of Champion and Ray 
Death of Coroner Watkins 83 

ix The Prisoners Ordered to Cheyenne The March 
from Fort McKinney to Fort Fetterman Triple 
Prostitution of the Civil to the Military Authorities 91 

x The Kidnapping of the Trappers Jones and Walker 

Eye-witnesses of the Murder of Champion and Ray 94 

xi Martial Law Threatened Petition of the Invaders to 
Acting Governor Barber- President Harrison Is 
sues a Threatening Message to Wyoming Citizens 
Colored Troops Quartered in the North 107 

xn Attempts to Muzzle the Press 120 

xin Governor Barber Permits Johnson County Officers to 
Serve Warrants on the Invaders Peculiar Condi 
tions Precedent Change of Venue Granted by 
Judge Blake 122 



xiv The Trial of the Invaders 127 

xv Wyoming Stock Growers* Association, Through Its 

Officers, Endorses the Invasion 134 

Some Matters Incidental to and Connected with the 

Invasion 137 

A Word About Wyoming 145 

Conclusion 149 

Appendix 151 



Where Champion and Gilbertson were attacked 23 

F. E. Warren 32 

J. M. Carey 33 

Amos W. Barber 43 

KC ranch 55 

Where Champion fell 58 

Go-Devil or Ark of Safety 7 

Map of the battlegrounds 72 

View of the TA ranch 84 

Nate D. Champion 88 

Nick Ray 89 
George W. Baxter 





JLN PRESENTING a first-edition copy of A. S* Mercer s book, 
The Banditti of the Plains, to the Princeton University Li 
brary, Mr, Philip Ashton Rollins wrote in 1923 to James 
Thayer Gcrould, then librarian, as follows: 

October I2th, 1923. 
Mr* Gerould, Librarian 
Princeton University 
Princeton, N- J* 

My dear Mr. Gerould, 

There is sent you herewith a copy o "The Banditti of 
the Plains" by A. S. Mercer, which was printed at Cheyenne, 
Wyoming in 1894. The copy thus sent you is unbound 
and uncut. 

I suggest that it would be wise to have the pages cut in 
order that the book may thereby be made readable. 

I am also taking the liberty of suggesting that the book 
be somewhat safeguarded in your Library. Otherwise you 
very likely will discover some day that it has either dis 
appeared or else been mutilated. 



As you doubtless know, this attempted publication has 
had a curious history, and even today has insecure status on 
any library shelL 

The book was printed in 1894, was advertised, and was 
immediately suppressed by a court injunction in the course 
o a law suit instituted in Wyoming. All o the books printed 
were impounded and placed in the basement o a building 
at Cheyenne, to await the day when they should be destroyed 
by burning. There being ways and ways of procuring de 
sirable things, several hundred of the books found them 
selves one night in a wagon drawn by galloping horses and 
headed for the Colorado line. The copy handed you here 
with was one of those which began that night ride on the 

The marks on the back of the last flyleaf represent in part, 
I am told, the doings of the fire hose that was called into 
play for a few moments. You will recognize some of the 
other marks as indicating the course of bullets, I saw these 
bullets started on their way. 

Various people mentioned in the book are therein ac 
cused of having committed murder. Some of the people thus 
mentioned and the children of others of such of them as have 
died, have for many years united in an attempt to exter 
minate the book. To my knowledge, the University of Wyo 
ming and the State Library of Wyoming, each have lost 
copies of the volume from their shelves* I know also of in 
dividuals in the West who have lost their copies. 

The book has a curious habit of either disappearing sud 
denly and forever, or else of disappearing for a while and 
then, when returned to the shelf, showing the marks of 
surgical operations. 



The book is of value to any historian who is dealing with 
civilization in the trans-Missouri River country. It should, 
however, be carefully weighed by any such historian for the 
reason that it gives in most affirmative fashion but one side 
of a question which was bitterly contested- 1 speak thus posi 
tively because I saw at close range the occurrences dealt with 
by the book- In fact, I saw some of them over the sight of 
a six gun. 

The book will, I think, eventually have a considerable 
monetary value as a piece of Americana. Collectors have the 
last few years been combing the West for copies of it. I paid 
only fifty dollars for the enclosed copy, exclusive of its slip 
cover. Unless I be mistaken, the copy sent you is worth 
materially more than the price paid for it, I make this sug 
gestion as to price, thinking that you might care to have it 
for the purpose of your library statistics, 

yours respectfully, 
(signed) PHILIP A. ROLLINS* 

1 This letter is reproduced through the courtesy of the Princeton Uni 
versity Library. The original is preserved in the Library with a copy o The 
Banditti of the Plains presented by Mr. Rollins in 1923, which is found 
under library number Exl238.634. 


HEN The Banditti of the Plains, Asa Shinn Mercer s 
angry account of the Powder River invasion, made its ap 
pearance six decades ago, it was thoroughly and ruthlessly 
suppressed. Even the copyright copies disappeared from the 
Library of Congress. 

Mercer s book accused Wyoming s most powerful men 
of a decalogue of crime ranging from genocide to suborna 
tion of perjury* And Mercer spelled out his accusations* 

He named men in high position and attributed ugly 
crimes to them. He charged dangerous men with having 
committed murders. He charged the state s highest officials 
with complicity and even pointed an accusing finger at the 
occupant of the White House. Though he escaped without 
anybody taking a shot at him, this cow-country Zola paid a 
high price for his boldness. The shop that did the priming 
went out of business, and its proprietor was jailed for print 
ing obscene literature* Previously noted widely for a sort of 
selfless devotion to the cause of building up the Northwest 
by speaking and writing of its advantages* Mercer never 
again appeared in that role. He lived a quarter of a century 
after the publication of the Banditti of the Plains, but he fell 
into obscurity from which he never again emerged* There is 
no convenient record of his personal experiences after this 
climactic event. It is likely that a story of his experiences 
would have provided material for another book. Those who 
predicted that Mercer would rue the day he published his 
indictment prophesied accurately. 

The reader would be well advised if at this point he would 
turn a few pages further* and pick up the Mercer narrative 



and read it through. Then he could return to the foreword 
for such light as it can shed on The Banditti of the Plains. 
The reading of it will raise many questions; this supplement 
will throw light on some of them, but will serve as an answer 
to few o them. 

The reader will want to know more about Nate Champ 
ion, Frank Canton, and Major Wolcott, and more than this 
book reveals about Asa Shinn Mercer- He will want to know 
a lot about Governor Barber, former Governor Baxter, Sena 
tors Carey and Warren, Dr. Penrose, Fred Hesse, Mike 
Shonsey, Van Rennsalear Schuyler Van Tassel, H* B. Ijams, 
and the men who ran the Union Pacific Railroad. 

The bloodstained journal of the last day of Nate Champ 
ion s life, which tells very clearly how a brave man meets 
his death, will make the reader want to know much more 
about what manner of man this was who could so calmly 
write this deathless testament. Had it not been preserved, 
the traditions of the West would have been much poorer, 
and Mercer s book might well have been forgotten* 

In a lonely cabin far away from any other dwelling, sur 
rounded by half a hundred relentless men determined to 
have his life, with little chance of rescue, he calmly noted 
down his report. His companion, Nick Rac, whose wounded 
body Champion had dragged into the cabin under the pro 
verbial hail of fire, died beside him as the bullets riddled his 
tiny fort. 

There is a simple eloquence about Champion s narrative 
that more than compensates for his lack of erudition. Words 
did not spring nimbly to the pen of Champion, a top cow 
hand who had come up the trail from Texas, but when the 
narrative is studied with the context of his actions, his words 



tell a story o the last lonely hours of a man o dauntless 

"The bravest man in Johnson County" was the reluctant 
tribute paid him by Sam T. Clover, "war" correspondent of 
the Chicago Herald, friend, companion, and apologist for 
the invaders, who witnessed Champion s death* Mercer, de 
scribing the circumstances of the siege and its inevitable 
conclusion, thinks that "no stronger expression of heroism 
has ever been recorded." 

An unconscious tribute to the rude beauty of Champion s 
journal may be deduced from the words of the ballad sung 
of him, composed, as it largely is of paraphrases of his journal 

I am compelled to add my observation that Champion s 
journal exhibited a becoming modesty not altogether preva 
lent among present-day Texans, He omits any reference to 
his exploit in laying down a one-man barrage against the 
men who had mortally wounded Rae, and then rushing out 
under fire to drag his companion into the shelter of the cabin* 

The reader will want to know more about Frank Can 
ton, captain of the visiting team of Texas gunmen. Canton, 
who was tall, fearless, arrogant, and a dead shot, was as sinis 
ter a figure as ever graced a piece of western fiction* Major 
Wolcott, the former army officer who commanded the in 
vasion forces for the Wyoming cattlemen, invites further 

The fascinating fragment about Cattle Kate and Jim 
Averill will be most intriguing- Jim was a storekeeper who 
sold liquor, as distastefully mentioned by Asa Shinn Mercer, 
who had been named for an eminent divine, while Cattle 
Kate, his companion, was quite hospitable to the cowboys 
of the area and acquired a substantial herd of cattle. Ten 



cattlemen rode up one day to their establishment and 
hanged them both without ceremony, leaving an ugly rent in 
the tapestry of gallantry that has been woven about the men 
o the West. There will be curiosity about the fate of the 
witnesses o the occurrence who so fortuitously disappeared. 

Finally, the reader will want to know more about Asa 
Shinn Mercer, who penned the book while the deadly, pow 
erful men who had directed the invasion at Johnson County 
were still around him as he wrote, fully armed and menacing. 
They still occupied the impregnable positions and possessed 
the means and the men that had emboldened them to launch 
the foray of which he wrote. This gives the book a sense of 
urgency, a feeling of current danger, the element of suspense 
that fixes the reader s interest intently on the outcome. 

The Banditti of the Plains is not objective writing. Mercer 
was no dispassionate historian leisurely recording for posteri 
ty an account of an interesting and significant series of events. 
He had been schooled in the classic fashion of his day, and 
had probably recited the thrilling address that Spartacus is 
purported to have made to the gladiators. Some of the anger 
and desperation, some of the sense of outraged justice that 
is found in that school boy s classic of a century ago is felt 
in Mercer s polemics. He is pleading a cause he believes in, 
as the advocate of the settlers, nesters, and rustlers who an 
noyed or preyed upon the cattle barons. Winter s winds had 
scarcely scattered Nate Champion s funeral pyre when Mer 
cer heatedly wrote and painfully published his book. 

Mercer, who was born in 1839, was fifty-five years old 
when he became the author and publisher of The Banditti 
of the Plains. Behind him lay an eventful career- Mercer was 
not an obscure person, though the encyclopedias and other 



nominal sources overlook him. His career in the Northwest 
had been notable enough to encourage Miss Delphine Hen 
derson a few years ago to choose him as the subject of an 
essay that won Reed College s Armitage Award. Her vigi 
lant research enabled her to depict him very clearly* Mercer 
had been an author, an editor, an educator, a lawmaker, a 
lobbyist of sorts, and an emigration agent. He had founded 
the University of Washington, and an island had been named 
in his honor* 

Firmly convinced that the Northwest Territory was the 
Promised Land, offering the greatest opportunity for ma 
terial and social advancement, he became its prophet and 
evangeL Leaving Ohio, he landed in Seattle in 1861, equipped 
with a bachelor s degree freshly bestowed on him at Frank 
lin University. As a boy in Illinois, he had sat upon the lap 
of Congressman Abe Lincoln, and he seems to have absorbed 
some of Lincoln s compassion for those he believed had been 
dealt with unfairly. 

Soon after his arrival he had been selected to head a uni 
versity by Daniel Bagley, territorial commissioner. The term 
was for five months and the salary $200 for the entire term. 
His title, president of the University of Washington, had a 
noble sound, but the size of the student body, which ranged 
from a dozen to a score, was in proportion to the salary and 
commensurate with the size of the faculty, which consisted 
entirely of Mercer. 

Not easily discouraged, and given to the long view, he 
devised a twenty-year plan for building a student body* The 
population of Washington Territory consisted of nine parts 
men and one part women. Mercer undertook to change the 
proportion by inducing marriageable women to emigrate to 



this nearly womanless Eden. In 1864, after a trip east under 
taken primarily to acquaint New Englanders with the possi 
bilities o the Puget Sound country, he came back, chastely, 
with eleven marriageable young Massachusetts women from 
Lowell, to whom he had spoken of the vocational opportuni 
ties in the Northwest Territory. 

Only one of them returned to the bleak New England 
shores, the other ten remaining to marry and, presumably, 
raise families to populate the new West. 

Encouraged by his success, he undertook a more ambitious 
project, a shipload, no less, of potential wives from the East, 
where the Civil War had decimated the ranks of husbands, 
potential or actual. 

Territorial Commissioner Bagley and other civic-minded 
Washington citizens backed him in the venture with money 
and moral support. He had intended to enlist the aid of 
Lincoln, but John Wilkes Booth s treacherous hand dashed 
that hope. President Johnson was apparently not impressed, 
but General Grant espoused his cause. He gave Mercer an 
order for a ship, but Quartermaster General Meigs refused 
or failed to comply. General Meigs, however, finally offered 
to sell him the i,6oo-ton steamer Continental for $80,000, 
which was a bargain, then or now, but Mercer didn t have 
that kind of money. Ben Holladay, a shipping tycoon of that 
day, did, and he knew a bargain when he saw one; so he 
bought the ship at the quoted price and offered to transport 
five hundred brides-to-be at a reasonable price per head, 

Horace Greeley s New York Tribune gave the enterprise 
its accolade, and Harper s Weekly devoted an illustrated fea 
ture article to it. Despite this favorable publicity, only forty- 
six women joined up, and the Continental sailed on its nine- 


ty-six-day voyage to San Francisco, where Mercer landed 
with only three dollars left of the sums entrusted to him* 

He promptly spent that on a telegram to Governor Pick 
ering in Seattle, asking him to provide public funds to trans 
port these future mothers of the great Northwest to Wash 
ington Territory. The Governor, never a man to show a lack 
of appreciation for a civic-minded citizen, sent Mercer a tele 
gram that ignored the fiscal aspect completely but was high 
and somewhat verbose in his praise. The telegram was col 
lect and the bill was $7*50. 

Fortunately, Mercer had shipped ahead of him some farm 
implements aboard a vessel that had arrived in San Fran 
cisco earlier. He sold these for $2,000, thus setting back agri 
culture in the Puget Sound country for a decade, but by 
using the proceeds he was enabled to transport his company 
of maids and widows to Seattle, Presumably he paid West 
ern Union for conveying the Governor s good wishes. 

The Puget Sound Daily gives evidence that the people of 
Seattle received him enthusiastically and welcomed the girls 
to their collective bosoms, but his creditors and backers were 
disappointed and quite critical of him. No one attributed any 
mercenary motive to him* 

Mercer was a man of good will with a wide, if somewhat 
wandering, vision. He was the author of Washington Terri 
tory, the great northwest, her material resources and claims 
to emigration. A plain statement of things as they exist, 
which was published in Utica in 1865, 

While he was then seemingly exuberant in praise of the 
Northwest Territory and abounding in prophecies of its great 
growth and vast development, the succeeding decades prove 
him really to have been possessed of a rare foresight Per- 



haps the repentant contributors to his evangelical mission 
served their chosen country better than they realized. 

A little later, he moved to Oregon, where he founded 
The Oregon Granger. His choice of a title for this publica 
tion is significant. He was the advocate of the grangers and 
settlers, and to a degree the apologist of their near kin, the 

In Oregon he devoted himself to the promotion of trade 
with eastern United States. According to H. H. Bancroft, 
an early observer of the development of the Northwest, Mer 
cer built the first grain wharf in Astoria, and he is credited 
with bringing about the first shipment of wheat from the 
Northwest to Liverpool. He was special commissioner of 
immigration under Governor Woods of Oregon. 

In 1876, Mercer went to Texas, where he became editor 
and publisher of four newspapers. Miss Henderson names 
the papers, but does not state whether they were published 
by him simultaneously. These papers were the Bowie Cross 
Timber, the Vernon Guard, the Wichita Herald and the 
Mobeetie Panhandle, 

These were then Texas cattle towns, starting points for 
buffalo skinners, headquarters for big ranching outfits, and 
supply centers for the cattle industry. Vernon is today head 
quarters for the half-billion-dollar Waggoner ranch interests. 
Wichita Falls is an oil metropolis, and its oil men follow the 
tradition of cattle country and operate large ranches. 

Mobeetie is mostly a memory. Those familiar with west 
ern lore will recall its lurid history: Indian fighters, freight 
ers, buffalo hunters, trail drivers, outlaws, rustlers, saloon 
keepers, and bad men all figure in its story. It would seem 
that Mercer would have been at home there. 



In 1883, according to Miss Henderson, Mercer established 
himself in Wyoming, There he founded the Northwest 
Live Stoc\ Journal, whose facilities were employed to print 
and publish the Dunnings confession the forerunner of The 
Banditti of the Plains. 

For his boldness in publishing this provocative book, 
Mercer paid dearly. Copies of the book were seized and 
burned. He was jailed. The plates were destroyed, and Mer 
cer was charged with sending obscene matter through the 
mails, an accusation palpably as false as charging Queen 
Victoria with lewdness or St Francis of Assisi with disorder 
ly conduct. Mercer was the most proper of men* His publica 
tion was closed down, and he never completely recouped his 

It is hard to avoid the conclusion that, had the cattlemen 
been possessed of clean consciences, they would, with the 
power they exercised, have been able to convict him to the 
limit in the courts for slander and criminal HbeL They chose, 
however, to suppress the book and hound its publisher and 
author. Mercer lived nearly a quarter of a century after The 
Banditti was published, and was the author of other books, 
but the rest of his life seems to have been an anti-climax. He 
died in 1917 at the age of 78. 

The Banditti of the Plains is the story of the epic cam 
paign of the range wars, the invasion of Johnson County 
by the cattle barons of Wyoming and their Texas mercenar 
ies in the spring of ninety-two, 

A better title for the book was used in a subsequent edi 
tion, when it was called The Powder River Invasion, Bandit* 
ti is an obscure term, suggesting masked highwaymen, 



carrying horse pistols, who robbed stage coaches and fright 
ened pretty damsels in voluminous skirts. Its real meaning, 
as a Latin plural, was applied to the Italian equivalent of 
the men of Sherwood Forest, poachers and tough grangers 
who killed animals for meat and committed petty robberies 
for food. 

The invaders of Johnson County, however, were execu 
tioners, cold, determined, and implacable. They were num 
erous, well fed, well paid, fully armed, and splendidly 
mounted. Frank Canton, Mercer says, had a "dead list" of 
seventy Powder River men who were to be eliminated in a 
precise and orderly fashion. Such men were not banditti in 
the sense that its obscure meaning conveys. Nor were they 
bandits in the way the West knew and recognized them. 
They were killers out to fulfill the terms and provisions of a 
contract between parties of the first part and parties of the 
second part. 

The men whose cattle fattened on the rich grass that 
covered the public lands of Wyoming were sorely tried, 
angry, and dreadfully determined. They had the capacity 
to make their determination count for something, for they 
were the highest authority in Wyoming, and the highest 
authorities in Washington listened attentively to them. The 
hundred members of the Wyoming Live Stock Association 
owned two million head of cattle. Wyoming s governor and 
its senators were listed on their roster. The state s livestock 
commissioners were members of the association, and these 
commissioners possessed the incredible power, conferred 
upon them by law, to authorize their agents to seize and sell 
the cattle of suspected rustlers and retain the proceeds for 
the expense of the operation* 



Despite this concentration o influence and authority, in 
some areas of Wyoming there was a resistance movement. 
This flaunting of the unofficial authority and defiance of 
the recognized powers was most notable in Johnson County, 
where the little red-headed sheriff, W, G. Angus, elected by 
the grangers and small-time ranchers along the Powder 
River to succeed Frank Canton, went his own sweet way, 
against the will of the Wyoming Live Stock Association and 
without the sanction of Governor Barber. Most of Johnson 
County s citizens were characterized by the big cattle opera 
tors as belonging in one of two classes ranchers, who rustled 
on the side; and rustlers, who ranched on the side. 

It appears that in some counties the agents of the cattle 
men could execute suspected rustlers without serious in 
convenience except for putting up bond and pleading not 
guilty, but in Johnson County the confidence its citizens 
had in their neighbors was so universal that it was difficult, 
if not impossible, to convict a suspected rustler if he hap 
pened to be a resident of the community* 

It was to correct this situation that the invasion of the 
Powder River country was planned and executed. 

The Cheyenne Club was the headquarters of the cam 
paign. This club, which was literally famed in song and 
story, included among its members the leading men in the 
state s cattle industry and the ornamental figures from the 
East and from Europe who had been lured to Wyoming by 
the high profits that cattle operations showed for a few 
years. Sir Mortimer Frewen had looked after his family s 
interests in northern Wyoming. Sir Horace Plunkett, whose 
fame was to rest on deeds done across the sea, was a Wyom 
ing cowman. A baronet abroad, he was a cattle baron in 



America. There were Boston blue bloods, a Philadelphia 
Biddle, and Herman and George Oelrichs o New York and 
Newport. Many another adventurous Easterner had gone 
to Wyoming or the Dakotas. Owen Wister was a frequenter 
o the club. One o its members, Dr. Amos W. Barber, who 
became governor of the state and a central figure in the 
Johnson County raid, was embalmed as Dr. Barker by Owen 
Wister in "The Virginian" (when you call me that, smile). 

For a dozen years or so, all was gaiety and good will in 
the Cheyenne Club. The lean cattle from Texas were cheap, 
and fattened on the rich grasses described by Mercer as 
being "full of gluten, starches, and sugar" to fleshen these 
thin, trail-weary longhorns so they could be sent to Chicago, 
where a hungry market was glad to get them at a good price. 

Then came the Wyoming winter of 1886-87, which was 
unpreccdentcdly severe. It seems to be generally accepted 
that three-quarters of the state s cattle perished. 

As a result of this disaster, many a cattle operator went to 
the wall or gave up the game. Among them were English 
and Scottish syndicates, which had added international fla 
vor to the western ranges. 

The survivors were either tougher fibered or larger 
pursed. Taking their losses and enduring their hardships, 
they slowly built back their herds on the no longer over 
stocked ranges, while the prices of cattle on the hoof re 
turned to a level at which profits were a reality instead of a 

There was another difference. The homestead laws, dat 
ing back to 1862, were being applied to the choicest lands and 
deepest water holes. The settlers were coming. 

Filing on hay lands, grass lands, and along the river 



frontage, homesteaders deprived cattlemen of the choicest of 
the public lands that they had long considered their own* 
Along with the homesteaders, or not far behind, came rus 
tlers who saw in the untended herds a golden opportunity* 
They took it. The grangers and the rustlers were nearly in 
distinguishable. The critics of The Banditti of the Plains 
paint the grangers as a bunch of cow thieves. Mercer and, 
later, a few other hardy souls see the homesteaders as most 
ly honest men, who earned the enmity of the cattlemen be 
cause they sought for themselves under the homestead laws 
the same opportunity as pioneer cowmen. It is hard to reach 
an accurate judgment so far away from Powder River in 
time and space. But the available evidence seems to favor the 
settlers and condemn the cowmen. Mercer holds the settlers 
in high regard and this appraisal sounds reasoned and ra 
tional. If the case were to be closed on his evidence, the cow 
men were guilty, as he said, of "the crowning infamy of 
the ages." 

The event of which he wrote occurred in the spring of 
1892* There was little levity in the Cheyenne Club that 
spring. The Wyoming Stock Growers Association had 
fathered the maverick law that the legislature had enacted, 
giving the police power of the state, and a good deal more, 
to the Live Stock Commission* The commissioners had the 
right to determine the time and place of the roundups* The 
association had placed its most trusted members on it and had 
named as its secretary and administrative officer one of its 
shining lights, H. P. Ijams, but the hardy grangers of John 
son County had ignored its fiat. In fact, nonmembers of the 
association had announced a roundup a month in advance 
of the regular one. 



Something had to be done. The Cheyenne Club members 
Had not been caught napping. For a year or more, they had 
planned a raid on Johnson County. The premature roundup 
did not bring about the invasion, it merely speeded it up. 

The invasion they planned was no ordinary raid on a 
bunch of cow thieves. According to Mercer, it was a war of 
extermination. John Clay, in his My Life on the Range, con 
firms this statement. 

Mercer says that a fund of $100,000 was raised, $1,000 per 
member, and the truth of his claim is generally borne out 
by writers on the subject, including John Clay, then head 
of the association. With this fund, the expenses of the ex 
pedition, including the hire of their gunmen, were to be 
defrayed. It seems likely that members of the association had 
expected the army to be composed of residents of Wyoming 
and the adjoining states, with its backbone consisting of the 
aggrieved cowmen, but many cowmen pleaded other en 
gagements and the residents of near-by states seemed un 
willing to accept service under the cowmen s banner. Tom 
Smith, a former Texas peace officer who had served as a 
cattle detective in the Northwest and had been indicted for 
murder in the course of his Wyoming duties, was sent to 
Texas to round up an army of adventurous men who would 
enlist in the range wars for $5.00 a day and expenses, with 
a bonus of $50,00 to each of them for every man killed by 
any of them, plus a $3,000.00 accident policy. 

He returned with twenty-six men he had enlisted in 
Texas, in and around Paris and Lamar County. These men, 
who are described in Malcolm Campbell s remarkable auto 
biography of someone else as men of impeccable character 
mostly former deputy United States marshals, were a case 



hardened crew* Some o them afterward claimed that they 
had been deceived, Tom Smith, they said, had appealed to 
their innate gallantry by telling them that they were going 
to Wyoming to shoot it out with the outlaws who constitu 
ted the entire population o Johnson County* The Texas 
Kid, D. Brooke, said, on the gallows at Fort Smith in Arkan 
sas a year or so later, that if he had known what the Powder 
River people really were, he would not have gone. The 
Texas Kid, by the way, was hanged because he had killed 
his child wife for rebuking him about his part in the John 
son County range war. 

The Texans had been previously assembled in Denver, 
where they were loaded on a special train- Stock cars were 
picked up in Cheyenne, and the expedition, fully equipped, 
got to Casper without the victims or the peace officers in the 
target area being aware of the movement. This required 
great skill in organization and implied support in high places 
in the state, from the railroads, and in the army and War 
Department as welL They drew their blankets and cam 
paign equipment from Fort D. A. Russell, afterward re 
named Fort Francis E. Warren, for the senator of the same 
name, who was a member of the Military Affairs Commit 
tee of the Senate and destined to be the father-in-law of 
Black Jack Pershing. 

At Cheyenne they loaded the wagons, the horses, and 
the supplies for the expedition and moved on to Casper, 
where they joined the cattlemen and the professionals who 
were recruited in Wyoming and near-by states. There was 
considerable disappointment in the numbers reporting. A 
good many cowmen did not show up and, of those report 
ing, some did not accompany the expedition. Scarcely any 


of the Wyoming and Montanan adventurers came and one 
lonely soul from Idaho, George Dunning, joined up. Of 
Mr. Dunning, much more was heard later when his con 
fession of his part in the expedition was published. 

The recital of the subsequent events of the campaign by 
Mercer show how carefully the cattlemen had made their 
plans. The state s officials, headed by Governor Amos W. 
Barber, had cleared the way for the expedition by appropri 
ate legislation and complementary action. The state s Na 
tional Guard companies were directed to keep their hands 
off. Governor Barber, after the invasion got under way, said 
that the raid had not officially been called to his attention. 

The famed United States cavalry, whose yellow-legged 
centaurs have ridden to the rescue of countless imperiled 
settlers and besieged wagon trains, were forbidden to enact 
their usual satisfactory performance on this occasion. When 
the foray turned sour, they were reduced to the ignominy of 
rescuing the villains instead of saving the day for the hardy 

The operation had been preceded by a series of widely 
published stories depicting the plight of the cowmen as they 
faced the seemingly unending hordes of restless rustlers. 
Mercer says that a "literary bureau" had been engaged to 
lay the groundwork for a proper reception by the press of 
the news of the extermination of the rustlers. The unknown 
public relations counselor who conceived and directed this 
phase of the range war deserves to be dug up and deified 
by the public-relations and press-agentry industry. From 
San Francisco to Boston, not excluding Washington, the 
public prints had been supplied with interesting stories about 
the number and extent of cattle rustlers and of the crimes 



they had committed in Wyoming. It may be presumed that 
the public would have been prepared to accept as a proper 
ending the news of the invasion and the extermination o 
the rustlers had it been carried out according to plan. That 
the effect of the defeat of the invaders, Nate Champion s 
letter, and the publication of Mercer s book combined to 
defeat these purposes, does not detract from the cleverness 
of the conception and the resourcefulness of its conceivers, 

Malcolm Campbell, noted sheriff of Converse County, a 
man of great courage, feared by the rustlers and respected 
by the cowmen, who might have objected to a body of armed 
men going through his county on such a mission, seemed to 
have been called or sent to Washington so that he would be 
absent when the invaders passed through. 

Lawyers they possessed in abundance, while United 
States Marshals seemed to make a life s work of their lightest 
wish. United States senators, cabinet members, and even the 
White House itself succumbed to their blandishments* What 
happened to the telegraph companies makes one wonder 
that a federal communications commission was not estab 
lished a generation earlier. 

All might have gone well with the invaders if Mike 
Shonsey had not happened to be the guest for the night o 
Nate Champion as Mike made his way to his rendezvous 
with Wolcott s men at Tisdale s ranch fourteen miles north. 

In The Longest Rope, William Walker, one of the ab 
ducted witnesses of the KC Ranch killings, tells his story of 
the last night at Nate s abode. Shonsey had been there the 
night before and had apparently been hospitably received, 
well treated, and sent on his way with a hearty godspeed. 
On his arrival at the Tisdale Ranch headquarters, he re- 



ported the location of Champion and Rae, two o the lead 
ing men on Canton s dead list. He then proposed that they 
stop by and eliminate Nate and Nick before descending on 
Buffalo, and his suggestion was accepted. 

Tl\e contingent were late arriving at their destination. 
Day had broken, so caution dictated a careful approach to 
the task at hand. They captured Walker and Jones, the trap 
pers who had spent the night with Nate and Nick, and 
fatally wounded Nick Rae by shots from ambush, but 
Champion was a harder problem. The sun was sinking 
when they finally fired the cabin and shot down their 
smoked-out quarry, who, firing as he ran, attempted to 
escape his ruthless besiegers. 

After a hearty meal, the invaders headed for the head 
quarters ranch of the Western Union Beef Company (no 
relation to the telegraph company of the same name) . They 
made the ride in five hours, but the delay had been fatal to 
their plans. Mounted on fresh horses, they headed for Buf 
falo. Before daybreak, they learned that the settlers were up 
in arms and preparing to repel the invaders; so the cowmen 
and their mercenaries headed for Dr. Harris s TA Ranch, 
twelve miles from Buffalo, an establishment that offered a 
splendid shelter from the avenging grangers. 

The story of this siege has been told frequently in great 
detail. Mercer, David, Wayne Card, Dunning s confession, 
and many accounts in contemporary newspapers and pe 
riodicals are in substantial agreement on basic facts. Though 
there is a wide variance in assessment of the motives, suffice 
it to say that, through the good offices of President Benjamin 
Harrison, the clatter of the hooves of the Thirteenth Cavalry 
from Fort McKinney were heard approaching just before 



that fearful mechanism designed by the rustler element, the 
Go-devil, with its lethal load of dynamite, could be sent 
rolling against the stout structure protecting the cattlemen* 

Mrs. Baber, in her account of the affair, The Longest 
Rope, and Robert B. David, in his account which appears 
in Malcolm Campbell s autobiography, Malcolm Campbell* 
Sheriff > use the same telegrams that Mercer quotes, but with 
a difference of interpretation of the motives that prompted 

It is hard to escape the conclusion, as drawn by Wayne 
Card in Frontier Justice, that President Benjamin Harrison 
was deluded into authorizing the action. It was not in keep 
ing with the tradition of the cavalry or the duties of the 

After the surrender by Major Wolcott of his beleaguered 
raiders to Colonel J. J* Van Horn, there begins another chap 
ter, less dramatic and more depressing than the inglorious 
conclusion of the military phase of the adventure* 

Once the frustrated vigilantes were safe from the out 
raged citizenry that had sprung up like the embattled farm 
ers at Concord and Lexington, the cattle barons began the 
wearying process of obstructing justice by the shanghaiing of 
witnesses and the persuasion or compulsion of the courts- 

Their success is measured by the release of the prisoners 
on account of a convenient lack of public funds to hold or 
prosecute them and because of the abduction of the witnesses. 
The Texans returned to their homes, where most of them 
passed into the anonymity whence they came, with the 
notable exceptions of Tom Smith, D* Brooke (the Texas 
Kid), and Buck Garrett. Frank Canton, who had once lived 
in Texas, lived on to follow his chosen calling, the killing of 



marked men, for valuable consideration- He was the author 
of a book, Frontier Trails. Canton s book is exceedingly kind 
in the treatment of its author, who, like Roland of Ronces- 
valles, never unsheathed his sword save in a righteous cause* 

Mercer s vigorous and daring attack on the big cattlemen 
was met by the employment of the same resourceful and 
relentless methods that had been used in planning and carry 
ing out the invasion and in the subsequent extrication from 
its consequences. The plates of the book were destroyed. 
Mercer was charged with sending obscene matter through 
the mails, and the copyright copies of the book were "ab 
stracted" from the Library of Congress. 

I have come across no reference to the book, much less a 
review of it, in contemporary newspapers or periodicals. 
Those copies that escaped the book burners must have been 
few in numbers, as they have long commanded high prices. 
Even Colonel KimbalTs newspaper printed in Douglas, 
which supported Mercer, was put out of business by boycott, 
suits, and criminal charges. He, too, was jailed, but managed 
to get out his stories anyway. 

Wyoming must have become very uncomfortable for 
Mercer. Miss Henderson, in her essay on his career, says that 
his business was ruined and that he barely escaped with his 
life. Previously his plant had been wrecked and he had been 
jailed on the occasion of his publication of George Dun- 
ning s confession in the Northwest Live StocJ^ Journal. Mrs. 
Baber says that post office officials opened Mercer s mail 
while he was in jail, trying to locate the original copy of the 



His book seemed to have had a remarkable vitality* One 
is tempted to the triteness o reciting, "Truth crushed to earth 
shall rise again." It has stood up very well under adverse 
criticism and the rebuttals that have been published* A. B- 
Clarke, in the foreword to the Grabhorn Press reissue, does 
not deny the essential facts of Mercer s narrative. While he 
naturally, and in his fathers case probably justly, decries the 
motives ascribed to the cattlemen in The Banditti* he does 
not take issue with its recital of a planned invasion that, 
though it failed of its purpose, was intended to exterminate 
the rustler element, 

Clarke s foreword is restrained and to a degree tolerant 
of the heated attack the book embodied. There is quite a 
contrast between it and an article in Fran\ Leslie** Weekly 
of June 7, 1892, dated out of Cheyenne and probably written 
on the stationery of the Cheyenne Club, in which the author 
complains, with visible impatience, about the furor the in 
vasion has aroused. He seemed to think it was normal, moral, 
and appropriate. In thief-hunts in Idaho, Colorado, Western 
Nebraska, and Kansas, he says, thieves were hunted down 
and shot or hanged without anything said about it, except 
the customary regrets expressed by the cattlemen at the 
necessity for taking such summary action* The article, signed 
"A. R. TV* would seem to indicate that its author, who was 
probably typical of associates, felt that if cattlemen hunted 
down and murdered without ceremony men suspected of 
stealing cows, nothing more could be expected of them than 
that when they committed their murders and flaunted such 
time-worn privileges as the right of trial by jury, they should 
do so regretfully. Much the same attitude is shown by John 
Clay, Jr., in his book, My Life on the Range, and by Charles 



A. Guernsey in his Wyoming Cowboy Days, and by Frank 
Canton in Frontier Trails. 

In a rather diligent search for material bearing on the 
Powder River invasion and the integrity of Mercer s story 
of it, I have kept a weather eye out for expressions that would 
indicate the attitude of writers toward the hanging of Cattle 
Kate and Jim Averill, which is related in Mercer s book. It 
is an event that preceded the invasion by a couple of years. 
I had hoped to find among the apologists for the cowmen 
some repentance or embarrassment over this episode. 

This hanging bee had a sodden, indecent brutality about 
it that would seem to be so shocking, so intolerable, that it 
would revolt the most ardent defender of the invasion. Cattle 
Kate Maxwell, whose real name was Ella Watson, and her 
associate and paramour, Jim Averill, variously described as 
a graduate of Yale, Cornell, and Oxford, had taken up ad 
joining claims along the Sweetwater. Jim rah a store, op 
erated a post office, and sold whisky along with his other 
merchandise. He seems to have been popular among the 
residents of his trade territory. He was given to writing let 
ters to near-by newspapers, criticizing what he viewed as the 
excesses of the big cattlemen and prophesying their ultimate 

Of Catdc Kate s popularity there can be no doubt, as her 
increasing cattle herd visibly attested it. It seems the lonely 
cowhands evidenced their high regard for her by tendering 
her slicks and dogies to which her brand was subsequently 
affixed. When her herd had grown to number fifty to eighty 
calves, the cattlemen from whose herds these calves had 
obviously come served notice on Cattle Kate to abandon her 
evil ways or take the consequences. 



Kate, who was known as the Queen of the Sweetwater, 
defied the order and continued her operations. Averill, like 
wise, kept on writing printable pieces for the papers, espous 
ing the cause of the homesteader and challenging the ranch 
ers, whose anger rose as the settlers increased* Averill has 
been described as small, sallow, and sickly, but good hu 
mored, witty, and generous in his dealings with the cow 
hands and settlers. What had caused a man of his evident 
culture and breeding to come to this distant and primitive 
spot is left unsolved, but he seemed to have been content 
with his lot and pleased with his associations* 

Kate has been described as a shapely, pleasant, and at- 
tractive blond. "Not a bad looking woman/* was Charles 
Guernsey s description of her. She was twenty-eight. Guern 
sey said he knew her quite well. Mercer says primly that 
she was a lewd woman and that she had acquired her cattle 
through purchase. The cattlemen, he says, thought she had 
secured her cattle in a sort of exchange. At any rate, she was 
not charged with stealing them. The thefts, if they occurred, 
had been committed by her guests, and if there was to be 
any hanging done as a result of it, the amorous cowhands 
should have swung. 

The cattlemen, practical if not prosaic, decided that it 
would be simpler to hang Kate, thus avenging their losses 
and preventing further thefts by one operation. 

Accordingly, one summer day, ten men rode up to Kate 
and Jim s establishment. They were headed by George Hen 
derson, a one-time coal-and-iron private policeman from 
Pennsylvania, in the employ of one of the big ranches whose 
herds grazed on the public lands along the Sweetwater. 
Despite the presence of four other persons, one a fourteen- 



year-old boy, they roped Ella and Jim, dragged them out to 
a near-by gulch, tied their hands behind them, and, fastening 
one end of each rope to the limb of a tree that extended over 
the gulch, pushed them off to choke and die. 

Charles Guernsey, whose smirking reference to her ap 
pearance has been previously referred to, speaks of her hang 
ing with exquisite humor. Kate and Jim, says he, got off on 
the wrong foot and ended up by losing all footing whatso 
ever. You can almost see him nudge an old crony as he de 
livers this bon mot. This callous and bestial proceeding was 
not revolting to Mr. Guernsey. On the contrary, it seemed to 
be a proper means of bringing about a desirable end, at the 
same time affording him an opportunity to show the clever 
wit that must have made him the toast of the Cheyenne Club, 
of which he was long a member. 

John Clay, the Scottish overlord of a big British opera 
tion, who knowingly wrote of the episode thirty-five years 
later, says that Jim Averill broke down and whimpered as 
the noose was placed around his neck, but that Cattle Kate 
died game. One can easily assume that this weakness of the 
sickly Averill proved him to have been only sissy after all, 
whose private execution did not call for an apology. Clay 
does express regret for the hanging of Kate, and seems to 
think that Easterners might be shocked by such violent retri 
bution. He concedes that in many ways it was indefensible, 
but he plaintively concludes by asking, "But what are you 
going to do ? Are you going to sit still and see your property 
go with no redress in sight?" Mr. Clay s question is rhetori 
cal, for it was answered by the swaying corpses of Kate and 

Almost as compelling in interest as the murder itself was 



its aftermath. Mercer passes over it cautiously, naming no 
names o the killers nor identifying the witnesses; but Mrs. 
D. K Baber, in The Longest Rope, a biography of Will 
Walker, one of the abducted witnesses to the killing of 
Champion and Rae, tells of his conversation three days after 
the hanging with one of the witnesses, who a day or so later 
dropped out of sight. According to this account, the witness, 
Bob De Cory, named several of the men and identified 
their employer. George Henderson, the leader, said De Cory, 
shoved Kate of! into the canyon to die, and Al Bothwell 
pushed the bound form of Averill off as he pleaded for mercy. 
The Casper Weekly Mail of July 26, 1889, said that 
prominent land owners had been guilty of the hanging and 
the Grand Jury of Carbon County was informed of the 
event, but no witnesses could be found, so the suspects were 
not molested. Two of the witnesses, identified in The Long 
est Rope as Bob De Cory and Ralph Cole, disappeared. Mer 
cer, in The Banditti, does not name the witnesses but says 
they were dry-gulched. Another witness, Frank Buchanan, 
who had reported the matter to the Grand Jury, went to 
England, far from the Sweetwater and safe from extradition, 
and set himself up in business with the dowry the thought 
ful suspects provided. The fourteen-year-old boy, Gene 
Crowder, who had been taken in tow by the suspected execu 
tioners, sickened and died- Mercer darkly hints that his 
passing was accelerated by slow poison- 
So ended the chapter. No contractual hangman was ever 
tried, no troublesome witnesses remained to haunt their 
honest sleep, and the youthful cowboys were saved from the 
error of their ways by the providential removal of tempta 


So there you have this tiny but brightly preserved frag 
ment of history. To one who becomes interested enough in 
the Powder River invasion to try to find the moral of the 
story, it is most revealing. 

In attempting to assay the motives of the invaders and 
the settlers, to determine accurately the proportion of good 
and evil in each, there seems to be a tendency toward a 
balance. The theft of hard-earned chattels from the honest 
herdsman is an evil, an injustice that demands to be righted. 
The hazing of the rustler and granger, ranging from warn 
ings, burnings, and quasi-legal seizing of his cattle, on up to 
hanging and dry-gulching, cries out for justice and retribu 
tion. You can see in it facets of the age-old question of human 
rights versus property rights, of the distinction between 
crimes against person and crimes against property. 

When this scale is applied to the hanging of Cattle Kate, 
a slightly different cast of characters is found. The cattle 
men and the mercenaries play the same role, victims of thieves 
on retribution bent, but there is an ingenue part in this 
playlet that is lacking in the invasion. Cattle Kate was not a 
killer or cattle thief, nor was Jim Averill, her lover. Kate was 
the recipient of valuable properties, but they had been 
brought to her as offerings from men and boys whose title 
to them was in good order, acquired in keeping with old 
Wyoming custom, by the use of the longest rope that got the 

It is conceivable that a man who would not hesitate to 
shoot the suspected rustler Nick Rac from ambush, might 
quail at an order to hang a comely and helpless young wom 
an, her soul unshriven, her once fair face denied the mercy 
of a mask to hide its pitiful discolorations and contortions 



as death slowly overcame her* The implacable ruthlessness 
that decreed her death casts its ugly shadow over the Pow 
der River war. 

The task of writing this foreword was approached with 
an opinion based on reading the Grabhorn Press s edition o 
The Banditti of the Plains and its foreword by James Mitchell 
Clarke, the son of A. B. Clarke, a cattleman from Laramie 
who joined the invaders* expedition* His herds were plun 
dered by rustlers while he was held with his comrades at 
Fort D. A* Russell in nominal imprisonment that could be 
better described by the use of the diplomatic term "protec 
tive custody/* 

This left me with an admiration for Nate Champion, re* 
sentment at the killings and hangings that preceded the 
battle at the KG Ranch, and a somewhat grudgingly given 
sympathy for the cattlemen whose ranges were despoiled 
by rustlers and cut up by the settlers* I tried to look at it with 
a tendency toward tolerance for all concerned, for I knew 
that life was harder then* Men were hard on horses, on cattle, 
and on each other, while the weather was often cruel to them 
all. Courage and cowardice soon showed up in the West 
of that day, as death, to be dealt or received, was never far 
away. Many a murder and many more thefts have been 
glossed over or explained away by citing the trite truisms 
that the West was then untamed, that it was the raw frontier, 
you know, as if the invocation of these phrases would miti 
gate murder, thievery, and cruelty, 

It is manifestly not fair to judge the violence of the ac 
tions in the rude West of the nineteenth century by the mid- 
century standards of the twentieth, 



In these days, cattlemen have the help of the Department 
of Agriculture in meeting the plagues that cattle are heir to, 
as exemplified by the ably operated, well-planned, and costly 
campaign to eliminate the threat of the hoof and mouth 
disease, Aftosa, at government expense. 

When a blizzard less lethal than the one that decimated 
the herds on the ranges in Wyoming in the winter of eighty- 
seven threatened the lives of the cows and the solvency of 
their owners, the Army Air Force, in Operation Haylift, 
dropped bovine manna from heaven to the chilled cattle. 

Now we have social security for cow hands. There are 
A.A.A. payments for pasture improvements for the ranch 
ers. There are vast laboratories and research institutes con 
stantly striving to make cattle raising easier and safer. We 
provide disaster loans if the methods of science fail to ac 
complish their purpose, and allow loss carry-overs for tax- 
deduction purposes. 

We use vaccines and cultures, power-operated sheep 
shears, horse-high, bull-strong, and hog-proof fences, some 
of them electrically charged. The hired help call on their 
four-legged charges in a jeep, carrying a medicine kit in 
stead of a six-shooter. Walking hay balers package more hay 
in a day than a crew could put up in a summer a half -cen 
tury ago* The radio blares out at regular intervals each day 
the market reports, and the rancher can transport in a day 
ten thousand dollars* worth of stock, in a couple of cattle 
trucks, to a market three hundred miles away. It took my 
grandfather more than a year to get from Texas to Wyom 
ing and back, with the same results* 

The big and little cattlemen of Wyoming in Mercer s day 
were on their own. Neither science nor government came 



to their aid. They had to meet their problems with whatever 
they had at hand, and that was mostly strength and guts and 
faith, goaded by stern necessity. 

The law was often far away, and there were no radio- 
equipped police cars. Justice was usually on the side of the 
heaviest artillery. If the big cowmen were in control, they 
made short shrift of the nester and the sheepherder. If the 
nesters and rustlers captured the courts and the sheriffs 
office, the big cattlemen saw the cow thieves go unwhipped 
of Justice, as the candidates used to say* 

Under such circumstances the ranchers and the grangers 
sought to solve their problem, Their actions should be judged 
in the light of them. All the cattle barons were not oppres 
sors, nor were all the settlers rustlers, but there were enough 
of each to explain the crude measures used and make more 
tolerable the intolerance that resulted. 

Under such circumstances, men are prone to take the law 
into their own hands. Tenderness and tolerance could not 
flourish under these conditions. I am willing to allow for 
violence and sudden death, on quick and sufficient provoca 
tion, but planned and deliberate murder, the bloody carry 
ing out of lawless decrees, cannot be placed in this category. 
Our softer civilization owes a great deal to such men as 
Mercer, who wrote convincingly and clearly, to men like 
Nate Champion, who died bravely, the red sash about his 
waist now stained redder with blood from his wounds, 
caused by Texans who had gone up the trail to the North 
west, and" little indeed to the Frank Cantons, the Tom 
Smiths, and the George Hendersons, who dealt in death and 
placed their cunning at the disposal of those who would 
offer the most in the market. 



To the cattlemen who risked their lives and their for 
tunes in the winning of the West, we owe a great deal. It 
may be that we should draw the veil o charity over their 
harsh deeds, but it is hard to view kindly the cold and de 
liberating plotting that preceded the Powder River invasion, 
or the sordid chicanery later employed to escape the penal 
ties accrued in the massacre that miscarried. 

Wyoming s governor, the adjutant-general, the United 
States senators, the courts, the army, the War Department, 
and even the White House itself were either party to, privy 
to, or accomplices unaware in a scheme cunningly con 
ceived and aggressively carried out. 

The state s leading citizens, the best and bravest in Wyom 
ing* * n John Clay s judgment, its militiamen, the manage 
ment of the railroads that served the area, the United States 
marshals and their deputies, and some of the local law-en 
forcement officers were participants or accomplices. 

The courts seemed to honor the slightest whim of the 
cattle barons, and even the governors and senators from 
near-by states were friendly and acquiescent. 

Frank Canton could not be brought back from Illinois 
to answer for his part, whatever it may have been, in the 
murder of John Tisdale. Senator Manderson of Nebraska 
counseled with Major Wolcott, who visited him in Nebraska 
while on leave from his pseudo confinement at Laramie and 
helped the Wyoming men to obtain a limited kind of mar 
tial law, in which six thousand Negro troops were sent to 
northern Wyoming as an occupation force. 

Even the legendary figure of .then young Senator Boies 
Pcnrose intrudes into the picture, but die part he was called 
upon to play was an understandable one, that of extricating 



his younger brother, a fashionable Spruce Street physician 
from Philadelphia who had been the surgeon of the expedi 
tion, from the toils of the law at Buffalo, where he was briefly 
held as a prisoner of war. The distracted and frightened 
young doctor was quickly sprung, to use the argot of a later 
day, and soon the seemingly ever present special train con 
veyed him to safety. It would appear that Dr* Penrose joined 
up under a misconception of the purpose of the expedition 
and of the character of citizenry who were its objective. 

Major Wolcott, a native of Kentucky, who had served 
in the Union Army, was the brother of Senator Wolcott of 
Colorado. Major Wolcott had been appointed receiver of 
public monies in Wyoming Territory, and later served as 
justice of the peace, a post in which he achieved a good deal 
of fame for his adroit handling of miscreants against whom 
the prosecutors had amassed insufficient evidence. Under 
such circumstances, Mr* Justice Wolcott, if he thought the 
defendant unworthy of liberty, would merrily sentence him 
to the penitentiary "on general principles/* 

In The Longest Ropt> Wolcott is referred to as having 
fallen into disfavor as a result of dispute over the branding 
of slicks and an inaccurate count of the cattle in his care. An 
other commentator says he had fenced fifteen miles of su 
perior public lands into a private preserve. There is no refer 
ence, however, to his senatorial brother s having intervened 
in his favor- Wolcott was pudgy, truculent, and domineer 
ing, but undoubtedly thorough and competent. 

Frank Canton, former deputy marshal and former sheriff 
of Johnson County, having been defeated by Red Angus, 
was a fascinating if not a commendable figure* A great horse 
man, a crack shot, and a fine figure of a man, he had first 



come up the trail from Texas with Captain Burk Burnett, 
noted owner of the 6666 brand, in 1869. In 1884, he was 
elected sheriff of Johnson County. I have seen a striking pic 
ture of him taken at that time, standing tall and straight, 
wearing a fur cap and a handsome black overcoat, lighdy 
touched by flakes of snow. A man with deepset and dark 
eyes and curling mustaches, he was a perfect pattern for the 
typical western heavy who plays the role of the owner of 
the combination gambling house, saloon, and dance hall of 
the West. The Wyoming term for a dance hall, by the way, 
was "the hog ranch, * a flavorful euphemism, you will agree. 
Canton survived this Wyoming episode for thirty-five years, 
later went to the Klondike, and finally became adjutant 
general of the new state of Oklahoma. 

Former Governor George W. Baxter, who had been re 
moved from office by Grover Cleveland for fencing public 
land, was the manager of the Western Union Beef Company, 
and his foreman was Mike Shonsey, who fares ill in The 
Banditti, in The Longest Rope, and other accounts of the 
invasion. Shonsey looks a lot better in Malcolm Campbell s 
book, in which appears a meticulous play-by-play account of 
the invasion, written nearly forty years after it happened by a 
man of ninety, who wasn t in Wyoming at the time of the 

Campbell s book was written by Robert B. David, son of 
the manager of Senator Carey s ranch, and, I believe, the 
grandson of Mrs. Carey; in its dedication he pays tribute to 
Shonsey for his assistance. David s father was not a mem 
ber of the expedition, though he did assist it by cutting the 
telegraph wires that might have conveyed a warning to the 



David s book is carefully written, thoroughly documented 
and appears to be an honest attempt to offset the charges in 
The Banditti of the Plains. He would have been less than 
human had he not slanted his book in favor of his kinsmen 
as a natural reaction to the opposite slant of Mercer s book. 

In Mrs. Baber s book, The Longest Rope, Will Walker, 
the trapper who was shanghaied out of Wyoming to prevent 
his appearance as a witness against those charged with the 
murders at the KG Ranch, tells how Shonsey spent the night 
preceding his joining the expedition as the guest of Cham 
pion and Rae, who received him as a welcome guest and ap 
parently as a friend* In Campbell s book, Shonsey is de 
scribed as having heard Nate and Nick discussing a plan 
ned foray the next day* This caused him to rush madly over 
to the invaders high command and advise them to divert 
their expedition to the KC Ranch, so as to prevent the ac 
complishment of this dirty deed* 

This justification of his betrayal of his host is hard to 
accept. It is not reasonable to assume that a couple of rustlers 
would discuss plans to steal cattle with, or before, the repre 
sentative of the cattle s owners, Shonsey is charged in The 
Longest Rope and in The Banditti of the Plains with the 
killing of Dudley Champion, brother of Nate* Walker, in 
The Longest Rope, says Shonsey shot Dudley without warn 
ing, then gave himself up, but was instantly released on his 
claim of self defense. 

In case the reader is interested, Shonsey left Wyoming, 
but returned after a few years, Tom Smith returned to Texas, 
where he was killed in a gun battle with a local desperado. 
Nobody ever swung for killing Tisdale or hanging Cattle 
Kate or Averill. As previously mentioned, young Brooke, 



die Texas Kid, who fired the shot that killed Rae, was 
hanged in Arkansas. Most of the other mercenaries passed 
into obscurity after their return to the Lone Star State. Peace 
came to Wyoming, and when her young sons went to World 
War II, they often reminded their Texas comrades that the 
Johnson County range war was one that Texas surely didn t 
win. In the many epics of Texas heroism that have been 
called to the attention of the rest of the world, no reference 
is ever made to the raid on the Powder River rustlers and 

Somehow though, it seems that echoes of the story will 
never die. On millions of television sets, and more millions 
of radios, on the screens of myriad theaters, on the covers of 
western magazines, on some of the pages of the slicks, and 
on the covers of the millions of twenty-five-cent books, the 
battle between the cattlemen and the rustlers and the struggle 
between the grangers and the big ranchers goes on and on. 
The motion picture Shane, 1953 award winner, is straight out 
of Mercer s book. In these fictional tributes to the tradition 
of the West, the villain may be a rancher or he may be a 
rustler, the hero may be a lonely settler, the victim of the greed 
and cunning of the big cowman, or he may be a hard-pressed 
rancher whose herds are decimated by gangs of hard-bitten 
rustlers, but virtue always triumphs unmistakably. Maybe 
that is why Mercer s book has been principally interesting to 
scholars and lovers of western lore. It has elements of a truly 
great book, but it is not a happy one. 

Like the Ox Bow Incident, it has an unsatisfactory end 
ing, while a salable western, written to standard specifica 
tions, always comes out exactly right, even in the slicks and 
in the hard-backed books. 



The literary descendants of the Champions and Cantons, 
properly armed and accoutred, ride on in the atomic era 
while their levi-clad lineal descendants sit in front of their 
television sets in Texas listening to Roy Rogers singing the 
cowboy anthem that was long ago sung by the trail drivers to 
their north-bound herds: 

Git along, git along, git along, little dogies* 
It s your misfortune and none of my own. 
Your mammies was raised way down in Texas, 
But now Wyoming will be your new home* 



The following pages have been written and tied together for 
the purpose of giving to the world the true story of the in 
vasion of Wyoming s soil by the cattlemen of the plains. It 
is not sent out as a literary production, but an honest state 
ment of the facts as they occurred. Personal acquaintance 
with the principal actors and accurate general knowledge of 
the country and its conditions, have given me unusual facili 
ties for gathering reliable data. Every statement herein made 
is backed up by readily accessible proofs. 

Cheyenne, Wyoming 
February 20th, 1894 




JL HE VAST REGIONS of country lying between the Missouri 
river on the east and the Sierra Nevada Mountains on the 
west, an area covering nearly two-fifths of the surface of the 
United States of America, was until recent years considered 
an unproductive waste, suited only to occupancy by wild 
beasts of prey, the bison and the Indian. In the "days of 49," 
when an almost unbroken line of wagons stretched across the 
plains, and for a decade following, it was supposed to be 
forever set apart as the summer grazing grounds of nature s 
untamed herds; to be the home of man never. 

About this time belated freight trains, drawn by hundreds 
of footsore oxen, were caught in the eastern foothills of the 
Rocky Mountains by the early snowfall. Human nature re 
volted at the suggestion, but there was nothing left for the 
train masters but to go into such winter quarters as they 
could construct, turning the dumb brutes loose on the creek 
bottoms to perish or live on such herbage as they could find. 
Many a tenderhearted frontiersman was moved almost to 
tears at the thought of his faithful beasts being left in the 
wilds as food for wolves. What, then, was their joy when 


the springtime came and the cattle were found not only to 
have escaped the fangs of the wolves and mountain lions, 
but to be fat and sleek, ready for the onward march* 

These revelations becoming generally known, and 
mineral discoveries being made in the mountain valleys that 
attracted a considerable population of gold seekers, adven 
turous cattlemen brought herds from the old states and from 
the grassy plains of Texas to supply the mountain markets 
and the military posts scattered through the Indian country 
for the protection of the miners and immigrants. These herds 
all readily adapted themselves to their surroundings, grew 
and waxed fat, thus demonstrating that the grasses o the 
plains, the valleys and the foothills were of the most nutritious 
character* Ascertaining that no preparation of winter food 
was necessary for the roving herds, the whole region was soon 
filled with cattle, the farmers of the states and the ranchmen 
of Texas were all called upon to contribute to the great herds 
being located wherever grass and water could be found in 
juxtaposition* These herds numbered all the way from one 
thousand head up to fifty thousand, and in two or three in 
stances over a hundred thousand were claimed by one com 
pany. The price of beef ruled high on the Eastern markets, 
and for a time all the ranchmen made money rapidly- The 
cost of caring for, or "running** a herd was lessened in pro 
portion to the increase in numbers, and this necessarily led 
to consolidations by purchase or the formation of companies 
and the absorption of small herds. Large dividends were 
declared and a craze for cattle company investments was 
created in the East and also in the British Isles, Soon the bulk 
of the holdings passed into the hands of corporations and 
high-salaried officers took charge of the business, living 


luxuriously at the club houses in the various towns and trust 
ing the real management of the herds and ranches to sub 
ordinates, sometimes with, but more frequently without, 
practical experience. 

This was all very well while the markets ruled high and 
a thousand-pound steer brought, at the Chicago stock yards, 
sixty to seventy dollars. If expenses piled up and the output 
of ripe steers in the autumn was likely to prove inadequate 
for the meeting of current expenses and the declaring of the 
usual annual dividend on the stock, a bunch of two-year-old 
steers and the culls from the threes and fours, unfit for beef, 
were rounded up, shipped and sold as feeders, the proceeds 
going to swell the regular profits on the business and cheer 
the heart of the stockholder. This robbery of the herd was 
all right from the manager s standpoint so long as it tickled 
the avarice of the Eastern or foreign shareholders and pre 
vented a careful investigation of the methods employed. But 
it was wholesale robbery just the same, and sooner or later 
must be discovered and charged up to those responsible 

Meantime, the country was virtually overrun with cattle, 
the ranges crowded and the grass eaten until the winter food 
was too short to carry the stock through the cold weather. 

The range cattle industry is based on the theory and fact 
that the grasses of the so-called arid region grow up in the 
spring, quickly ripen and cure in the sun, retaining all of the 
sugar, starch, gluten, etc., in a more or less crystallized state, 
thus affording a really rich winter diet for all kinds of herbi 
vorous animals. So long as the requisite proportion of the 
growth was allowed to mature and properly cure, the cattle 
thrived in winter nearly as well as in summer at least they 


remained strong and healthy during the stormy weather and 
quickly laid on flesh when the green grass came. With the 
range overcrowded, the grass was largely consumed in sum 
mer and very little was left to grow tall and carry rich seeds 
for winter feeding. The winter range should not be grazed 
in summer. 

This shortage of feed, coupled with a few exceptionally 
hard winters, caused an excessive mortality among all classes 
of cattle and reduced the calf crop fully one half in all the 
mixed, or breeding herds. Very soon this commenced to tell 
in the output of beef steers and greatly reduced the income 
of the company, so that more robbery of the herd had to be 
resorted to in order to pay a dividend and keep up the mar 
ket price of the stock shares. 

Then came a sudden and marked decline in beef values 
at the great market centers* The steers that had brought any 
where from fifty to seventy dollars at Chicago, now sold for 
from twenty-five to fifty, a shrinkage of nearly one half as 
a rule. This decline was due first, to the real falling off in beef 
values, and second, to the generally poor condition of the 
range shipments in consequence of overstocking and the re 
sulting scarcity of feed. 

Under these circumstances the company managers were 
forced to ship beef steers, dry cows and heifers, every fat, 
available two-year-old and sometimes the thrifty yearlings, 
in order to balance the expense and dividend account* But 
to these temporary makeshifts there must eventually come 
an end. Thus it is evident that the general managers of cattle 
companies found themselves in exceedingly hot water be 
tween the devil and the deep sea, so to speak. Something had 
to be done; their integrity and financial reputation demanded 



action. Dividends were passed and shareholders demanded 
the reason. To explain that the herds had been systematically 
robbed of future beef steers in the shipment of unripe cattle 
would be to impeach themselves. To admit that the hard 
winters and overstocking of ranges had decimated the herds 
would not be in harmony with official reports rendered. Some 
other excuse must be found. Eureka, says one* "Thieves!" he 
ejaculated, and forthwith the cry echoed and re-echoed over 
the entire range cattle country. Of the evolutions following 
this remarkable discovery, a description will be given in an 
other chapter. 

Cattle and horse stealing are old industries, older than 
modern civilization. Christ was crucified between thieves, 
and the books of Moses are not silent on this ancient and 
modern accomplishment. Cattle stealing on the ranges by 
means of changing the brands has been practiced to a certain 
extent by a limited number of disreputable people ever since 
the beginning of the range cattle industry, and it will always 
continue. The enactment of laws restrains, but it does not 
prevent crime. As a matter of fact there is less stealing and 
less lawlessness generally on the plains of the West than in 
any other part of the world. However contrary to the general 
theory that our advancing civilization is elevating and re 
fining it may seem, it is nevertheless true that with the in 
crease of years and population there is an increased percent 
age of crime. The great mass of Wyoming s population is 
made up of honest men and women, as the following figures 
from the United States census report of 1890 fully establish: 

While the Northeastern states, which are supposed to be 
most civilized, and with the least number of criminals, have just 


1,600 prisoners to the million of people, Wyoming has only 
1,200 to the million one-fourth less. The states and territories 
from Nebraska to the Pacific average 2,200 prisoners to the 
million; but Wyoming scarcely more than half this. Idaho has 
1,700 to the million; Colorado, 2,200; California, 2,800 Wyom 
ing has a remarkably small ratio nearly three times as many, 
Nevada, with one-fourth less population than Wyoming, has 
3,300, two and three-fourths times as many; Arizona, with about 
the same population as Wyoming, has 4,200, three and one- 
fourth times as many offenders as Wyoming. 

Geographical comparison is equally striking. Wyoming is 
larger than Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire, Ver 
mont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, New Jersey, Dela 
ware and the District of Columbia. While these communities 
had in 1890^ 23,000 prisoners, Wyoming had only 74* Wyoming 
is larger than Maine, Pennsylvania and Maryland put together, 
yet while these old, well-settled states had 7,000 criminals, all 
that great region had but one-hundredth part as many. Even 
little Delaware had nearly double the number of criminals that 
Wyoming had, and little Rhode Island, about one-ninetieth the 
size of Wyoming, had over seven times as many. Massachusetts 
had seventy times as many; New York, 1,400 times as many. 

The few scalawags who live by plundering their neigh 
bors are generally confined to the villages and towns where 
they can dispose of their ill-gotten gains. Considering the 
fact that the hundreds of thousands of cattle running on our 
plains and mountain sides are rarely seen by their owners, 
or herders, more than once a year, at the general roundup, 
when the calves are branded with the character or letter 
worn by their mother, the small loss from theft is not only 
remarkable, but a high testimonial to the good character of 
our people. 



The livestock industry o Wyoming has been the leading 
pursuit for more than a double decade o years, and the stock 
men have dominated the political and financial policy of the 
territory from its establishment in 1868 down to 1892. The 
legislature has always been largely made up of livestock own 
ers or local representatives of Eastern and foreign cattle syn 
dicates, and until the last session of that body, in January, 
1 893, the laws have been framed to suit the manipulators of 
the stock interest. In 1872 the Wyoming Stock Growers As 
sociation organized, the membership comprising most of the 
leading stock growers of the commonwealth and many citi 
zens from the adjoining territories. This body was a strong, 
centralized power, and for years virtually shaped the terri 
torial policy and socially controlled throughout the realm. 
Legislative enactments first assumed form in the councils 
of the Executive Committee of the Association and through 
its social prestige were popularized with the masses, even be 
fore adoption as laws. Thus, through the agency of the stock 
association and the stockmen in the several legislatures, the 
stock-growing industry was in full command of the law- 
making department. Naturally they everywhere dominated. 
The people acquiesced because of the magnitude of the cattle 

About 1889 conditions began to change. The people be 
came restless under existing policies and demanded a new 
deal in the interest of the masses. Settlements had formed 
along the valleys in the northern and central portions of the 
state, where water could be had for irrigation purposes, and 
comfortable country homes were already in existence, with 
the promise of many accessions in the near future and the 
making of prosperous and happy communities. The settlers 


by far outnumbered the cattlemen, and they, quite reason 
ably, thought they had some rights the cattlemen were bound 
to respect. More or less friction resulted, for which, in all 
human probability, some blame attaches to both parties. 
Notwithstanding this condition of affairs, the country con 
tinued prosperous in a fair degree, and the new homes were 
being made along all the water courses. This was the situation 
up to the time of the invasion, the description of which ap 
pears in succeeding chapters* 

For the better understanding of the general reader, it is 
perhaps advisable to explain more in detail the difference 
between the conditions surrounding the range cattle busi 
ness in its early existence and those prevailing during the 
period immediately preceding and leading up to the time 
of the invasion. In the early days the country was open from 
Montana to Texas; the plains and foothills were well set in 
grass; the streams generally were partially or fully lined with 
brush and the cattle roamed at will, finding abundant food 
everywhere. When a blizzard from the north prevailed, the 
animals headed south and walked until the storm ceased, 
sometimes going more than a hundred miles without stop 
ping. When the storm was over, the tired cattle lay down to 
rest. A few hours later, disturbed by the pangs of hunger, 
they rose, turned their heads towards their home range and 
quietly grazed on their way north* Did not a second blizzard 
interpose and drive them further south, the warm days of 
spring would find most of the herd on its accustomed feed 
ing grounds. Did the winter prove severe and storm follow 
storm in rapid succession, the cattle would be found hun 
dreds of miles from their home range at the spring roundup, 
whence they would be sent back by the cowboys. Instances 


are of record where Wyoming cattle drifted during the win 
ter three hundred miles, to the Arkansas river. The general 
roundup system in vogue all over the range country made 
the return of drifted cattle almost a certainty. Thus, the losses 
were merely nominal, and the herds were in good condition 
each spring. 

During the latter period under review, material changes 
had come about. The luxuriant growth of grass was found 
only in small areas; the brush along the streams was largely 
destroyed, so that browsing, that in the early days saved the 
lives of thousands of cattle, was no longer a resource; the 
homeseeker had squatted along the rich valleys, and long 
lines of wire fences obstructed the free movement of cattle 
before the storm; the railroad lands had been sold and large 
ly fenced, thus more effectually hemming in the storm- 
pushed animals. A striking peculiarity of the range-raised 
cattle is that if you destroy the perfect liberty of action, they 
at once become dependent lose their will power and rus 
tling qualities. Illustrative of this, numerous instances could 
be cited where range cattle, drifting before a storm, came 
upon a fence that they could not pass through and in utter 
helplessness walked back and forth along the fence until 
they fell exhausted, one upon another, and died by the hun 

With their ranges restricted and fence obstructions on 
all sides, it became evident to cattle owners that the open- 
range business must soon be reduced to a matter of history, 
or the settlements in the country be discouraged and the 
obstructions removed. The paramount question was : "Which 
of these conditions shall be permitted to materialize ?" 

Stockmen complained bitterly of the failure of the courts 


to convict persons indicted or arrested for the theft of cattle 
and made this their rallying cry. There was a very potent 
reason for whatever truth these allegations contained. 

Up to 1884, cowboys were chosen with an eye to their 
expertness in the use of the rope and branding iron. In addi 
tion to their regular monthly wages it was quite common 
for herd owners to pay the boys from $2*50 to $5 per head 
for all the "mavericks * they could put the company s brand 
on, and "rustling for mavericks" in the spring was in order 
all over the range country. It is currently reported that one 
cattleman, now high in political preferment, raised the price 
to $7.50 per head, and in consequence made what newspaper 
men call a "scoop** on his brethren, who tarried behind in 
the $5 list. 

This practice taught the cowboy to look upon the un- 
branded, motherless calf as common, or public property, to 
be gathered in by the lucky finder. 

Spurred on by the secret practice of a few cattlemen in 
advancing the price of mavericks to cowboy rustlers, the 
stock association prepared the "Maverick bill," which was 
passed by the legislature in 1884, This law made it a felony 
to brand a maverick, save under direction of an appointee 
of the stock association, and then with the letter M, as the 
property of the state, to be sold each April in advance of their 
gathering, to the highest bidder for cash, certified checks be 
ing required to accompany the bids for the estimated amount 
of the purchase. The money went to the state and was used 
in paying the expenses of the cattle roundup and inspection. 
The law was declared unconstitutional by many of the lead 
ing lawyers, and deemed to be in the interest of corporations 
with large holdings. 



It was directly contrary to the education previously given 
the cowboys, and juries made up in whole or in part o old- 
timers naturally hesitated in the matter o declaring a man 
a thief for doing what the lawmakers themselves had taught 
the people to do. Hence, there was some trouble in convict 
ing men for appropriating mavericks, but when branded 
cattle were stolen and proofs made, convictions followed. 



HERE BEING a few reckless fellows in various parts of the 
state who lived by the theft of cattle and horses, it was com 
paratively an easy matter to create the impression that the 
losses sustained by cattlemen were much greater than the 
facts supported. It was as easy to say that a hundred big 
steers had been taken as to tell the truth and say that one or 
two were missing, and that someone had undoubtedly stolen 
them. This report of wholesale stealing excited the sympathy 
of the people generally, and here was a point gained. So 
many cattle could not be stolen by the few known thieves; 
there must be hundreds engaged in the nefarious business. 
Of whom does this army of brand-burners consist, was a very 
natural question. Somebody answered, "The little stockman 
and settler." Very soon it seemed to be understood that the 
owners of large herds looked upon all the settlers and home- 
seekers as rustlers among the herds for mavericks (unbranded 
animals), and the name "rustler" was used as synonymous 
with settler. This free use of an offensive term created more 
or less bad blood and was a direct encouragement to die 


actually vicious, because they could commit more thefts and 
charge them to the settlers. 

Keeping in mind the fact, stated in the introduction, that 
the settler was an eyesore to the ranchman, by reason of his 
fencing up the best lands, it may be seen that the latter was 
an interested spectator, if not an active promoter of the at 
taching of the disgraceful title of rustler to all country home- 
seekers. In fact, public opinion has settled down to the belief 
that the corporation managers conceived the rustler howl 
for the purpose of securing public sympathy for their future 
efforts to "run the settler out" by murder, assassination and 

The first open and murderous attack made upon the 
settler by the cattlemen of the then territory, was in the sum 
mer of 1889, on the Sweetwater, in Carbon county, James 
Averill had taken a claim on the rich valley lands and opened 
a small store, where a postoffice had been established, with 
Averill as postmaster. Adjoining Averill s claim **Cattle 
Kate" (Ella Watson) had also taken a claim. These claims 
were in the center of a large section of country occupied by 
a cattle ranch, and the presence of the squatters, or settlers 
there was distasteful to the "Lord of the Manor." Averill 
sold whisky, but was a quiet, peaceably disposed person, with 
many friends among the cowboys and the settlers in the 
outlying districts. He was never accused of cattle stealing. 
Cattle Kate was a lewd woman and spent part of her time 
in an annex of AverilPs house. She had a small pasture en 
closed and gradually accumulated a bunch of young catde, 
variously reported at from fifty to eighty head. These she 
had purchased from the cowboys and ranchmen. The large 
cattlemen charged that these cattle had been stolen from 



them by the cowboys and given to Cattle Kate in the way 
of business exchange; but no civil or criminal action was 
ever begun in the courts to prove these allegations. 

Defying all forms of law, ten cattlemen rode up to 
AveriU s store and with guns pointing at their victims, took 
Averill and the woman out of the house and hanged them 
until they were dead. There was known to be one young man 
present as a witness, and another party was reported to have 
been near enough to identify the lynchers. The boy was an 
invalid and was taken in charge by the cattlemen. He lingered 
some weeks and died rumor strongly insisting, at the hands 
of his protectors, by the administration of a slow poison. The 
second party gave the list of those engaged in the tragedy 
and they were reported to the Carbon County Grand Jury. 
Meantime the informant was hunted like a wild beast, and 
as he failed to appear before the grand jury, and has never 
been seen or heard from since a few days after the hanging, 
the supposition is that he sleeps beneath the sod in some 
lonely mountain gorge where naught but the yelp of the 
passing wolf disturbs the solemnity of his last resting place. 
Or, perchance, this same howling beast picked the bones and 
left them to bleach on the barren hillside. 

When the court convened and the grand jury was called, 
no case was made against the little band of prominent citi 
zens who had arrogated to themselves the power over life, 
and they were discharged. But the crime of taking two lives 
without a trial by jury had been committed just the same, 
and the disgrace of hanging a woman fastened upon the 
state. This incident greatly excited the people throughout 
the territory and widened the breach already opening be 
tween the ranchman and the settler. 


On the other hand, the success of the "enterprise," and 
the failure to successfully prosecute the perpetrators of the 
outrage, gave special encouragement to the stock growers 
and they determined to "continue the good work.* 





MBOLDENED by exemption from prosecution for the 
Sweetwater executions, the cattle ring determined to begin 
a systematic and indiscriminate slaughter of their supposed 
enemies. They had in their employ men of known reckless 
ness and daring, and apparently the plan was to have these 
hired assassins begin on the eastern side of the state and pick 
off their men as they came to them. The first job was the 
hanging of Waggoner, a few miles from Newcastle, on the 
morning of June 4th, 1891. 

Three men went to his house and with false papers took 
him under arrest. He was alone with his wife and two small 
children, so his friends were ignorant of his arrest; in fact, 
his wife supposed he had gone with friends and quietly 
awaited his return, unsuspicious of foul play. The body was 
found on the i2th of June hanging to a tree in a gulch some 
miles away, since known as "Dead Man s Canyon." When 


found the mustache had dropped from the flesh, the face 
was black, the hands pinioned behind and decomposition 
rapidly doing its work. 

Naturally great excitement prevailed in the community 
when the discovery of the body was made, and for a time 
there seemed a likelihood of more trouble* The savage bru 
tality characterizing the act of leaving a human body hang 
ing in the woods to be eaten by vultures or devoured by 
wolves was calculated to stir the blood of the average citizen. 
But the cattlemen s domination in the community proved 
superior to the resisting forces and the matter was dropped 
after a partial investigation, with no arrests made. Circum 
stances quite clearly pointed to certain men as the lynchers, 
but in Western parlance, they "had a pull," and no official 
action was taken. 

Waggoner came to Wyoming from Nebraska and was 
engaged in the horse-raising business. His herd increased 
quite rapidly and the stockmen called him a rustler* This was 
never established and today there are many reputable people 
who declare that he was brave, kindhearted, generous and a 
law-abiding citizen. His 1,000 head of horses have been vir 
tually lost to the heirs by legal protection, but thus far none 
of them have been identified as "stolen/* 

Just before daylight on the morning of November ist, 
3:891, four men entered the cabin of W. H. Hall, on Powder 
river, where Nathan D* Champion and Ross Gilbertson were 
living. As the door swung open it stood against the foot of 
the bunk occupied by Champion. With pistols pointed, one 
of the party said, "Give up; we have got you this time," and 
immediately fired at the body of Champion* The latter 
seized his revolvers from under his pillow and commenced 



shooting, whereupon the would-be murderers escaped from 
the house. The blood at the door, the gun, clothing and 
horses left near the cabin not only evidenced the fact of some 
effective shooting on the part of Champion, but gave identifi 
cation as to the assaulters. Joe Elliott was arrested, charged 

Cabin where Champion and Gilbertson were attached 

with attempt to murder, and on a preliminary hearing put 
under $5,000 bonds. The witness having been killed or run 
out of the country, the case was finally dismissed. 

* Defeated in their attempt to kill Champion and Gilbert- 
son, and getting the worst of the house-breaking plan, the 
stockmen naturally put their heads together to devise other 


methods of procedure. Bodily safety seemed to be a controll 
ing idea in the new system of campaign, which proved to be 
that of ambushing. District Court met in Buffalo late in 
November, 1891, and business of one kind or another called 
in many of the country people. This would afford the de 
sired opportunity to waylay their victims on the road go 
ing to or returning from the county seat. True to the well- 
matured plans, the killing began on the evening of the 28th 
of November. 

Orley E. Jones, familiarly known as "Ranger Jones," a 
young man of 23 years, went to Buffalo to arrange for lumber 
to complete his house on his claim, expecting to get married 
as soon as the building was ready for occupancy. He started 
home on the afternoon of the 28th, driving two horses to a 
buckboard. At the crossing of Muddy creek, fifteen miles out 
from town, he was shot three times by some one in hiding 
under the bridge* The wagon was taken to a gully some dis 
tance from the road, the horses turned loose and Jones* body 
left in the buckboard, the murderer or murderers seeking 
safety in flight. 

J. A. Tisdale, who lived sixty miles from Buffalo, had 
gone in to purchase winter supplies for his family and, after 
a few days visit, started home on the evening of the 30th, 
spending the night at the Cross H ranch, four miles out* 
Tisdale stated to friends in Buffalo that he had overheard 
Frank M. Canton tell Fred Hesse that he (Canton) would 
take care of Tisdale, and that he feared he would be killed 
on the road home. He was nervous and uneasy, and as a pre 
caution bought a double-barrelled shotgun to carry* A local 
writer, speaking of this incident, says: 



Tisdale still showed his uneasiness at the Cross H. ranch, and 
that night had the window blinds all closed and told one of the 
boys there that he thought the cowmen were going to kill him. 
He started the next morning on his journey home. Three miles 
on his murderer was lying in a gulch within twenty feet of the 
road, waiting for his victim to approach. Slowly but surely Tis 
dale, with his heavy load, was going to meet his death at the 
hands of the cowardly fiend. He approached, passed, and when 
twenty-five feet by, the murderer s rifle belched forth its deadly 
contents. The first shot, from appearances, struck the handle of 
his six-shooter, which he had under his coat on the left side, and 
glanced off. He had evidently tried to cock and shoot his shot 
gun then, for one of the cartridges was indented slightly, as 
though he had drawn the hammer back part way, and it had 
then slipped from his thumb, he having received a death shot 
in the side, before he had time to fully cock it, and the poor 
fellow fell back on his load shot to death. 

To avoid immediate discovery the wagon and team were 
driven half a mile below, the horses shot and the wagon and 
dead man left out of sight from the road. But Charles Basch, 
approaching from the south on horseback, had witnessed at 
least a part of the murderous deed, and he rode to Buffalo 
and gave notice of same. Basch charged Frank M. Canton 
with being the murderer. Sheriff Angus sent a deputy and 
a small posse after the body and it was taken to town. The 
village was full of country people, and excitement ran high. 
About the time of the arrival of Tisdale s body, Jones brother 
reached town, having grown nervous over his nonappear- 
ance. A searching party was quickly organized and in the 
evening the body of Ranger Jones was discovered in a gully 
near the crossing of the Muddy, as detailed above, having 



lain in the buckboard for three days. Here was cause for 
still greater excitement, but the officers of the law had no 
trouble in preserving order* 

Charles Basch having accused Frank M. Canton with 
the murder of Tisdale, it was generally believed that he also 
ambushed and murdered Jones, though a few persons 
thought Fred Hesse was the guilty party taking the cue 
from Tisdale s remark that he had overheard Canton tell 
Hesse that he would "take care of Tisdale," thus implying 
that that was his share of the bloody work, and that others 
were to do their share. 

Canton was arrested and given a preliminary hearing be 
fore Justice of the Peace Parmalee. Two days were spent in 
the trial, when the accused was released. 

The people freely charged the court with corruption and 
declared the evidence ample to justify the placing of the 
prisoner behind the bars without bail. Only the presence of 
cool heads in the community prevented the wreaking of 
vengeance upon Canton and some of his sympathizers. Can 
ton and Hess left the state in a few days. Some time later, 
new and material evidence was found and a new informa 
tion was filed. Canton was in the state of Illinois, and Gover 
nor Barber was asked to issue a requisition for his return. 
This request the governor refused. In March, 1892, Canton 
returned to Cheyenne to join the invaders, and the papers 
were served upon him* Laramie City being in the same 
judicial district with Buffalo, Canton was taken before Judge 
Blake in chambers, and given a hearing* He was held in 
bonds of $30,000, for which sum the following named per 
sons qualified as sureties, the bond bearing date of April 4th, 



Hubert E. Teschemacher, Wm. C. Irvine, E. S. Rouse 
Boughton, Fred G. S. Hesse, Lafayette H- Parker, A. R. 
Powers, Joseph G. Pratt, Elias W. Whitcomb, Arthur B. 
Clarke, John N. Tisdale, David R. Tisdale, James W. Ham 
mond, Charles S. Ford, Henry W. Davis, George P, Bissell, 
William E. Guthrie, Ralph M. Friend, George W. Baxter, 
Hiram B. Ijams, Frank H. Laberteaux and Ranslaer S. Van 

These cowardly shootings in the back from. places of 
safety completed a list of dead at the hands of the cattle 
barons as follows: Jim Averill, Ella Watson, Tom Waggoner, 
O. E. Jones, and J. A. Tisdale, to say nothing of the attempts 
to murder, and yet they went un whipped of justice, to plan 
and execute other forms of oppression and other methods of 
murder. No wonder the people of the state everywhere looked 
upon the cattlemen as being arrayed against them and as the 
enemies of true progress and development in the common 
wealth. The eyes of the masses were opened to the situation. 




HE INVASION of the state of Wyoming by a band of cut 
throats and hired assassins in April, 1892, was the crowning 
infamy of the ages. Nothing so cold-blooded, so brutal, so 
bold and yet so cowardly was ever before recorded in the 
annals of the world s history. The results proved disastrous 
to the outlaws themselves and cast a shadow upon the name 
of the state that will require a decade of years to dissipate by 
the sunlight of a continuous prosperity. The crime was so 
great that the lapse of years will only tend to magnify it in 
the minds of all readers of Wyoming history. In this case 
the sins of men will live after them. The audacity, the fool- 
hardiness, of the gang of desperadoes was such that a study 
of how it was planned and upon what they relied for success 
seems a necessity in order to convey to the mind of the reader 



the impression that the whole story is not a fiction, the work 
of an overwrought imagination. Hence, this stopping by the 
way to illustrate the various steps taken. 

It is believed that early in the year 1891 it was determined 
by the stockmen to terrorize the ranchmen and rustlers of 
the northern part of the state and drive them from the ranges. 
How, it mattered not. H. B. Ijams, secretary of the Board of 
Livestock Commissioners, takes to himself credit for sug 
gesting to the board the idea of seizing the cattle shipped to 
market by such persons as the stockmen saw proper to class 
as "rustlers," have the money sent to him as secretary of the 
board, in Cheyenne, and force the shippers to make a pil 
grimage to the capitol to prove their property. It was be 
lieved that this would so embarrass and cripple the little 
fellows that they would go out of the business. Thousands 
of cattle were so seized, and considerable money thus ob 
tained yet remains tied up in the hands of the commission. 

In January, 1891, the Legislature passed an act creating 
the "Board of Livestock Commissioners of Wyoming." The 
board consists of three members, and employs a secretary. 

Following are the sections that, in the opinion of Mr. 
Ijams, justify the action taken as above indicated: 

Sec. 13. The Board of Livestock Commissioners shall exer 
cise a general supervision over, and so far as may be, protect the 
livestock interests o the state from theft and disease, and shall 
recommend from time to time such legislation as in their judg 
ment will foster said industry. 

Sec. 17. Said Board of Livestock Commissioners is hereby 
authorized and it is made its duty to appoint such stock in 
spectors as it may deem necessary for the better protection of 
the livestock interests of the state, and to distribute them at such 



points or places within or without the state as will in their judg 
ment most effectually prevent the violation o any and all laws 
of the state for the protection of stock. 

Sec. 2,6. It shall be the duty of all persons shipping estrays at 
once upon the sale thereof to remit to the secretary of the live 
stock commission the proceeds received for each and every 
estray, the ownership of which shall be unknown to the inspec 
tor to whom a receipt for the same was given. If any inspector 
shall at any time sell an estray shipped from this state, he shall 
immediately remit the proceeds thereof to the secretary of the 
livestock commission. 

Sec. 29. The secretary of the livestock commission upon satis 
factory proof of the ownership of any estray sold as above pro 
vided, and for which he has received the money, shall pay such 
owner the amount received from the sale of such estray or estrays; 
Provided, That such ownership shall be proven within one year 
after the publication of the notice of sale of said estray or estrays, 
as above provided. Proof of the ownership shall be by affidavit 
of the owner with at least one credible corroborating witness. 

Just where the extra judicial power conferred upon the 
board is given is difficult to see in the above. Yet it has been 
freely exercised. 

This plan, while it worked a great hardship upon many 
innocent people, did not deter the settlers from attempting 
to raise and ship cattle to market. Failing in this, more heroic 
methods were adopted, as delineated in Chapter II. Still un 
successful in gaining control of the rich valleys of the north> 
a large number of prominent stockmen met in Cheyenne in 
the early winter of 1891-92 and presumably agreed upon 
the invasion as later planned in detail. 

Money was a prime necessity and a subscription paper 
was circulated among all the stockmen of the state, who 



were believed to be in sympathy with the movement, and it 
is said by some who saw the list that nearly a hundredl thou 
sand dollars was subscribed to this "Extermination Fund," 
if we may coin an expression to fit. The cash being provided 
for, the next thing in order was to gather in the leaders and 
see upon what ground they stood. True, a good many ranch 
men refused to contribute and be a party to the proposed 
outrage, but enough, in the opinion of die inner circle of 
plotters, had been committed to force the others into line. 

The three members of the Wyoming Board of Livestock 
Commissioners, J. W. Hammond, W. C. Irvine and Charles 
Hecht, state officers, were in the city most of the winter. 
Frank Wolcott, of Glenrock, came in about, or soon after 
the holidays, and several other leading stock raisers from 
various parts of the state and from the East, were frequently 
seen in the city. These, in connection with several cattlemen 
domiciled in Cheyenne, made a large list of interested parties 
to work for a common end. 

Ex-Governor Baxter s office, in the Commercial Block, 
seemed to be the invasion incubator, for there Wolcott and 
Irvine, the first and second in command of the cutthroat 
army, generally were to be found in consultation "over pri 
vate business," as the man in the outer office was wont to 
explain to callers. 

Knowing that their contemplated action was in direct and 
flagrant opposition to all law and an overriding of the con 
stitution of the state, it was necessary to ascertain how those 
in authority would look upon the matter. Acting Governor 
Barber, as executive of the civil government and command- 
er-in~chief of the state militia, was the first man to look after. 
During the months of February and March the Governor 



and the stockmen were almost inseparable. Irvine, Wolcott, 
Baxter, I jams, Hammond and Hay seemed each to be a twin 
brother of the executive, and at his office, adjoining the 
Cheyenne Club House, the passerby in the night could al 
most always see one or more of these people closeted with 
or going into the governor s place. That they captured him, 

F. E. Warren, Ex-U.S. Senator 

body and soul, his later official acts and his refusal to act 
abundantly testify. The path from Baxter s office to the act 
ing governor s dormitory might appropriately be termed the 
trail of blood. 

Having made "medicine" with the governor, friendly 
relations were to be created with the military at Fort D. A. 
Russell. That these efforts were in a measure successful is 



evidenced by the capture o government tents with the in 
vading hosts, supposed to have been loaned to them by some 
o the post officers. 

Presumably the United States senators, Warren and 
Carey, needed no coaching. Both were leading stock grow 
ers, and general rumor credits Carey with being a contribu* 

/. M. Carey, U. S. Senator 

tor to the working fund of $1,000 in cash and other valuable 

Other senators and men high in the nation s councils are 
believed to have been led into approval of the diabolical 
scheme by misrepresentation and fraud. 

Dropping back to the state officials, their action after the 
collapse of the murderous raid led the people generally to 



believe that many o them not only knew of the plans laid, 
but actually gave encouragement to their carrying out. 

Being reasonably assured of the official support of the 
state authorities and important outside aid, as early as Janu 
ary, 1892, a systematic effort was made to create public senti 
ment favorable to their hellish work, through the press out 
side of the state. During the holiday season a long article ap 
peared in the Washington Star abusing the people of John 
son county, classing them as rustlers and bad men generally. 
It made a great story out of the wrongs suffered by the cattle 
men, and was evidently inspired by some person informed 
as to what the spring months would usher in on the plains 
of Northern Wyoming. Omaha, Chicago, New York and 
Philadelphia papers also contained frequent articles calcu 
lated to make their readers believe that a reign of terror 
existed in half a dozen counties in the state that could only 
be overcome by a resort to arms, especially as all the court and 
peace officers of these counties were said to be open and 
avowed rustlers or acknowledged sympathizers therewith. 
This class of reading matter was uncommon for the papers 
publishing it, and could not have appeared so uniform in 
character and even in dates without some inspiring hand 
behind it. The only rational conclusion, therefore, is that the 
invader managers had a literary bureau charged with the 
duty of creating a public sentiment in the land to which they 
could point as a moral backing of their future developments. 
This work was carried down to the day of entering the field, 
and even after the capture of the outfit. For weeks before the 
start the Denver papers fairly bristled with bloodcurdling 
stories of the outrages committed by the desperate homeseek- 
ers north of the Platte river against the poor cattle kings* 



These preliminary arrangements had all been so easily 
and successfully worked that the stockmen seemingly actual 
ly believed they could capture the state, run its country peo 
ple over the border and return to the conditions present when 
there was no man in all the north country save the festive 
cowboy and he a law unto himself. As evidence that they had 
arrived at this frame of mind, the following interviews with 
H. B. Ijams and George W. Baxter, of Cheyenne, given in 
Denver, Colorado, while the expedition was in the north, 
are cited. The first is copied from the Cheyenne Daily Trib 
une, one of the invaders most trusted organs, of date April 
12, 1892, and we give it as it appeared in that delectable sheet, 
head lines and all. It shows very clearly how the ex-governor 
felt at that time, and what his hopes were founded upon. It 
is good reading at this late date: 


All Honest Citizens Are in Hopes That the Cattlemen Will 
Exterminate the Rusders Governor Baxter Is Interviewed 
What Northern Catdemen Have to Say About the Warfare 
Other Questions Discussed. 

DENVER, April 12. Ex-Governor Baxter of Wyoming and 
Judd Brush of Greeley, president of the Cattle Growers* Associ 
ation, are in the city, in company with a number of prominent 
cattlemen of this state and Wyoming. A member of the party, 
in speaking of troubles in Wyoming, said: "The sympathies of 
nine-tenths of the people of Wyoming are with the cattle owners. 
I do not know to what extent the people of Colorado are in 
formed as to the points at issue in the fight which is now fairly 
under way, but from what I have learned I am willing to give 
all the assistance possible to any body of men which will attempt 
to exterminate the rustlers. 



"The latter have terrorized whole communities or years and 
practically control the actions of officials in several counties of 
the state. The cattlemen who have gone into the state at the 
head of the fighters whom they can trust, are men who were 
driven off the ranges by the rustlers. Many of these men saved 
their lives only by escaping on fast ponies under cover of dark 
ness. The time has come when they must quit the state alto 
gether or make a fight to the death. The party was organized 
quietly in this city, as it was felt that the preliminary arrange 
ments could not be safely made in Wyoming, so widespread is 
the influence of the rustlers," 

"Is there no other way by which the interests of the cattle 
men could be protected?" 

"Absolutely none. The courts have been appealed to time 
after time, in vain* Grand juries refused to indict the cattle 
thieves, although in many cases the rustlers appeared before the 
jury and acknowledged their guilt. It is simply a battle for exist 
ence on the part of the cattle owners in half a dozen counties. 
They must maintain their positions with rifles or let the robbers 
have full sway. I have been told of instances where the rustlers 
served notice on merchants, saying that they must keep quiet 
or suffer condign punishment." 

The day before the above quoted interview H, B. Ijams, 
secretary of the Wyoming Board of Livestock Commission 
ers, was in Denver, and a Republican reporter interviewed 
him at length. From his statements we reproduce the fol 
lowing extract: 

"I do not believe any of these reports," he said, "on conflicts 
having taken place. I think that all these dispatches are inspired 
by the rustlers and their sympathizers. There are newspapers of 
Wyoming which have always advocated the cause of the thieves 


and they are still at work fixing up these reports. The rustlers 
have charge o the wires and I am waiting now for the time 
when our men can get hold of them. So while I am pretty much 
in the dark I am certain that the true situation o things has not 
been told. 


"One thing I know cannot be true. The dispatches say that a 
wounded man was brought into Buffalo who was supposed to 
be one of our invaders. That is absurd, A good surgeon, with 
everything which he might need, is with the invaders, and if 
anybody is hurt he is taken care of in the camp. They are well 
provided with everything that may be needed. And I want to 
emphasize strongly the character of the invading party. There 
are about sixty good men, and of that number twenty especially 
are among the best citizens of the whole state. They are men 
who have been driven out of Johnson county by the gang of 
rustlers, and they are going back for-well, retribution* is a 
good word. 


"They are fighting for life, home and property, and I want 
to predict that the rustlers will be wiped out* With the aid of 
Sheriff Angus, the rustlers cannot muster as many men by far 
as our party will have in the field very soon. As for the militia, 
I fancy that most of them are now with one party or the other. 
The company at Buffalo will pretty certainly stick to the rustlers. 
The TA ranch, where the fight is said to have occurred, is owned 
by Dr. Harris of Laramie City and his foreman is one of the 
leaders of the invading party. 


"Now I think I can explain some of the vague dispatches. 
Men come in to Casper and Cheyenne and other towns with 
stories of what they have seen and heard, when they have no 
foundation for such tales. Before I left Cheyenne a man came 



in from the west and began to tell how he had met our party 
well out on our journey, I questioned him pretty closely and 
knowing just exactly the make-up o our party, it soon proved 
that his story was an entire fabrication. So it is with the most of 
the messengers from the seat of war. There may have been a 
fight or several of them, but I doubt it. Our party is not going at 
things hastily, and when we do hear reliable news, it will be 
of a very decided nature. 

It is useless for me to go into a history of this trouble and the 
conditions leading up to it. The Republican has given the ac 
count very accurately and completely. All we need now is news, 


Vague rumors of disaster to the cattlemen had reached the 
press and these two valiant long-range fighters, taken by 
surprise unbosomed themselves, thus giving a clear insight to 
the public of the faith of the constitution wreckers then on 
the gory field of battle and the camp followers engaged in 
feeling and trying to regulate the public pulse. 

Another thing that gave hope was the belief that they had 
fully enlisted the sympathy of the president of the United 
States in their behalf. On the I7th of April the following 
telegram was sent from Paris Texas to the San Francisco 
Chronicle and published generally throughout the country: 

About two weeks ago eleven men, who had for years been 
acting as either United States deputy marshals or deputy sheriffs, 
left here rather mysteriously, and it was given out that they had 
gone West to enter the cattle business. They belong to the party 
that was rounded up by the troops and rustlers and taken to Fort 
McKinney. It turned out that they were sent to Wyoming by the 
United States government to help the big ranchmen protect 



themselves from the raids of the rustlers. The large cattlemen, 
it is said, appealed to President Harrison for protection, and of 
fered to pay for men who would come and aid them in main 
taining what they considered their rights. The president re 
quested the marshals of the Eastern, Western and Northern dis 
tricts of Texas to go to Wyoming at once, and a party of forty- 
three was organized. It is said that they took oaths as Pinkerton 

While it is probably not true that the president had any 
conception of the depth of villainy to which the treason plot 
ters were stooping, it has been generally understood that his 
consent to a transfer of deputy marshals from the South to 
Wyoming had been secured. That an effort was made to 
gather up a large number of these Southern deputies by the 
agents of the invaders is known, and the braggadocio with 
which Ijams speaks in the above quotation when he says: 
"Angus and the rustlers cannot muster as many men by far 
as our party will have in the field very soon," indicates that 
recruits were expected from this direction. The circum 
stances and conditions strongly point to some kind of an 
understanding with the United States Marshal s office at 
Washington, if not with a higher power. 

It is evident, also, from the tone of the Baxter Jjams inter 
views given above that they expected many recruits from 
Denver, and were in that city to aid in forwarding a second 
battalion to the front. Squads were promised from Casper, 
Douglas and Newcastle, and it is known that a case of guns 
was shipped to Douglas, addressed to Acting Governor Bar 
ber about that time, and later shipped to Cheyenne, without 
being opened, presumably because the volunteers were all on 
the other side. Buffalo was booked for a hundred men, and 



stragglers were to come in from the Big Horn and other 
places. But none of these auxiliaries materialized. Baxter s 
"nine-tenths of the people of Wyoming" were found to be 
in sympathy with the people and against "the cattle owners." 

All of these promises to aid, and the splendid detail of 
plans laid, however, led Baxter to boastingly say to the Den 
ver interviewer, "I am willing to give all the assistance pos 
sible to any body of men which will attempt to exterminate 
the rustlers." This promised assistance did not seem to arouse 
the common herd of Denver to the enlisting point, notwith 
standing the liberal terms of $5 a day and $50 for each and 
every scalp taken by any of the force. (See Downing s con 
fession in the appendix.) 

As evidence of complicity between Wyoming s acting 
governor and the invaders it is in order to present the fol 
lowing transcript from the books of the Adjutant General s 

Cheyenne, Wyo., March 23, 1892. 
General Order No. 4 

Colonel De Forest Richards, Commanding First Regiment, 
Wyoming National Guards: 

Sir Colonel De Forest Richards, commanding First Regi 
ment Infantry, Wyoming National Guards, is hereby directed 
to instruct his company commanders that they shall obey only 
such orders to assemble their commands as may be received from 
these headquarters, to assist the civil authorities in the preserva 
tion or enforcement of the laws of the state of Wyoming, 
By order of the Governor and Commander-in-Chief- 

Adjutant General 



In order to show that the above order is in direct viola 
tion of the laws of Wyoming the following copy of Section 
33, Chapter 85, Session Laws, 1890, is given: 

Sec. 33. Whenever in any county there is tumult, riot, mob 
or any body of men acting together with intent to commit a 
felony, or to do or offer violence to person or property, or by 
force or violence to break or resist the laws of the territory, or 
in case of an Indian outbreak, and the civil authorities are un 
able to suppress the same, or there is reasonable apprehension 
thereof, the governor or sheriff of the county, or the mayor or 
judge, during the absence of the governor, may issue his call to 
the commanding officer of any regiment, battalion, company, 
troop or battery, to order his command, or any part thereof, 
describing the same, to be and appear at a time and place therein 
specified to act in aid of the civil authority. 

Why should Amos W. Barber, acting governor, violate 
this plainly written statute? Why should he, by an official 
act, override the law and transfer the power to call out the 
militia from the civil to the military branch of the state gov 
ernment ? It was a very strange proceeding. There is but one 
explanation possible it was a necessary safeguard to the 
invaders. With that law in force the moment a band of in 
vaders crossed the line of Converse or Johnson counties the 
respective sheriffs would call out the company and contest 
their advance. This would be a menace to the cattlemen. 
There was a strong company at Douglas and one at Buffalo. 
Malcomb Campbell of Converse county, and W. G. Angus 
of Johnson, were known to be men who would act promptly 
in an emergency, and shape their action to the interest of the 
people. The military must be withdrawn from their call. 



This order was made on the 23rd day of March, and on 
April 5th the cattlemen s forces moved on Johnson county 
a "mob, or body of men acting together with intent to offer 
violence to person or property," in the county; but the hands 
of the sheriff were tied, so far as the authority to call out the 
military was concerned. Do you see how nicely the order fit 
the case? Can any fair-minded reader fail to realize that 
general order No. 4 was issued for the protection of the cattle 
men while engaged in their bloody work to render the set 
tlers of Johnson county helpless in the hands of a gang of 
men supposed to be large enough in numbers to burn and 
loot the premises of the lone settlers on the public domain ? 
The constitution of the state of Wyoming contains the 
following distinct and easily understood utterance : 

Article No. XIX. Police Powers. Section I* No armed 
police force, or detective agency, or armed body, or unarmed 
body of men, shall ever be brought into this state for the sup 
pression of domestic violence, except upon the application of 
the Legislature or executive, when the Legislature cannot be 

Under the above section of the constitution the duty of 
the governor is clearly manifest in the emergency of an in 
vasion of the state. Amos W. Barber was acting governor of 
Wyoming on the 5th day of April, 1892, when an armed body 
of men came on a special train from Denver, and after stop 
ping for a time in Cheyenne, rolled away on another special 
train made up at the city depot and stockyards for the north 
ern part of the state, on murder and arson bent. His closest 
personal friends with whom he had been in intercourse most 
of the day, joined the gang at the depot, and it was simply 



impossible, under the circumstances, for him not to have 
known of the violation of the constitution being perpetrated. 
The governor is commander-in-chief of the state troops, yet 
he folded his arms and allowed the hired army to move on 
the unsuspecting settlers while they were plowing for their 
spring crops and endeavoring to provide for the wants of 
wives and children. 

Amos W. Barber, Acting Governor 

But were it possible not to understand the conditions pres 
ent at that time, the following day everybody knew what 
had happened and an intercepting order could have been 
sent and the troops ordered out. This was not done. When 
asked why, he replied that he had no official knowledge of 
the violation of the constitution and could not act on simple 



hearsay. Waiting for the barn to burn before the water was 
turned on. 

In order that the acting governor may not be misrepre 
sented, the following clipping is taken from the Cheyenne 
Leader of April 8th, 1892: 

Governor Barber was seen yesterday and asked if he had 
taken any action with reference to the armed body of men 
which entered and passed through the state on Tuesday evening. 

"I have not," he replied. "The matter has not been brought 
to my attention officially. I only know of the matter through 
newspaper reports which, as you know," he added with a smile, 
"are somewhat conflicting on the subject." 

"Do you intend to take any official notice of the matter?" 

"As soon as I have learned the facts I will take such steps as 
I may deem necessary. I was more interested in the statement 
from Douglas published in the Leader yesterday than anything 
else. It was to the effect that the militia could hereafter be only 
ordered out by the commander-in-chicf. This matter has been 
under consideration ever since the last Legislature adjourned* 
Previous to that under certain circumstances judges, sheriffs or 
mayors could call out the militia. This was changed by the last 
Legislature so that this power rests exclusively with the gover 
nor. During my absence from the state I was much worried that 
something of this sort would be done* The idea of the order was 
to make it plain that the militia could only be ordered out by 
the governor, as no one else now has that authority* The order 
was issued over a month ago." 

The reader can compare the law quoted above, which was 
then and is now in force, with Barber s statement, and draw 
his own conclusions as to exclusive power resting with the 
governor* Besides, if the law conferred no authority upon 



"judges, sheriffs and mayors," why Issue an order to prevent 
the exercise o power not possessed ? The peculiar exigencies 
o the case seemed to demand it namely, the preservation 
o the proposed invaders. 

Another circumstance that confirms the belief in the 
mind of the general public that the governor had a guilty 
knowledge of the proposed invasion is the fact that Charles 
B. Penrose was employed as surgeon to the invaders and ac 
companied them for a time on their raid. When captured 
he had in his possession a case of surgical instruments be 
longing to Governor Barber, and no one will accuse him 
of stealing them they must have been loaned to him for 
use, and loaned by their owner. Dr. Penrose was a close per 
sonal friend of the governor, and was in Cheyenne as his 
guest at the time of the start. Is it reasonable to suppose that 
this stranger would accept so responsible a position as sur 
geon general of an invading army without consulting his 
old college chum with whom he was in daily contact ? 

Having smoothed the way of the transgressors to the 
satisfaction of themselves, the steering committee began to 
look around for fighting material. To meet on anything like 
equal footing the hardy pioneers who had braved all the 
dangers of frontier life required men of nerve, practical ex 
perience and good horsemanship. Texas and the Southwest 
was the most inviting field, so a number of special agents 
were sent there to open recruiting stations. The wages offered 
were flattering, and to a certain class of reckless men sufficient 
inducement to undertake the hazardous job. Fortunately 
for the information of the public, George Dunning, one of 
the hired men, made a confession, under oath, and told the 
terms upon which all of the men were recruited. These were 



$5 a day and all expenses paid, including a mount of horses, 
pistols and rifle. In addition, each man o the command was 
to receive $50 for each and every man killed by the mob. 
George W- Baxter, R. M. Allen, Frank M. Canton, Tom 
Smith and a few others are reported as the recruiting agents 
sent to the Southwest, while it is known that H. B. Ijams 
went on the same mission to Idaho. The work of enlisting 
was a little slow, for brave, honorable men hesitated when 
given to understand exactly what was expected of them* 
Going to war in the regular way, when patriotism and duty 
calls, is one thing going to fight for a set of corporation 
cormorants against settlers on the public domain, simply for 
the money there is in it, is quite another. However, with the 
long list of ex-deputy marshals and thoughtless cowboys be 
tween the piny woods of Texas and the Rio Grande, the 
agents of the cattlemen believed they had secured sufficient 
force to be effective in connection with the large number of 
volunteers promised from Wyoming and adjoining sections. 

So the men were ordered to report at Denver, Colorado, 
the ist of April, 1892, where they were to be met by a com 
mittee, after the annual meeting of the Wyoming Stock 
Growers Association, on the 4th- The association meeting 
was attended by many leading cattle raisers from all over 
the state, and while nothing is known by the public as to 
what its secret actions were, it is believed that the work of 
the several special committees was approved and the general 
plan of the campaign adopted. Results immediately follow 
ing force the above conclusion. 

Before adjournment on the 4th, the following resolution 
was introduced by W. E. Guthrie and passed by a unani 
mous vote. 


Whereas, The cattle interests o this state have been serious 
ly jeopardized by thieves and outlaws; and 

Whereas, Many herds are leaving this state to seek protec 
tion elsewhere; be it 

Resolved, That the Wyoming Stock Growers Association 
appreciates and endorses the able and fearless manner in which 
the Board of Livestock Commissioners have attempted to guard 
the interests of honest cattle owners in the state, acting as they 
have without compensation or reward, and solely for the gen 
eral good and prosperity of the state; be it further 

Resolved, That we believe all money withheld by such board 
to be the proceeds of stolen catde, and that we commend their 
cause in retaining the same until proof of ownership shall be 

This is a direct reversal of all law and practice branding 
men as thieves and then requiring them to prove themselves 
honest, instead of counting them honest until proven to be 
dishonest. It was an approval of the idea of the invasion 
taking the law into their own hands, or rising superior to 
the law and declaring that they "were a law unto themselves." 

The Idaho contingent was ordered to report at Cheyenne, 
and a squad was expected to be at Casper. About twenty-five 
men were gathered at Cheyenne, and all day during the 5th 
the work of preparation was going on. Guns and pistols 
were purchased by the score and ammunition was carted out 
by wagon loads. Rolls of blankets were shipped, and alto 
gether it was a busy day in the Capitol City. 

The plan of the campaign, it is believed, was to go direct 
to Buffalo, kill Sheriff Angus and his deputies and there be 
reinforced with a large number of co-workers, when they 
would capture the town, kill twenty or thirty citizens and 



then raid the settlements in the county, killing or driving out 
several hundred more, thus getting rid of all their enemies. 
After satiating themselves with the blood of Johnson coun 
ty s citizens, they undoubtedly expected to make detours 
into Natrona, Converse and Weston counties, where they 
had dead lists in the hands of the mob, covering many set 
tlers and some business men in each county. Spotters were 
already in each county locating the men to be killed, and 
apparently they anticipated a regular picnic in their work 
of death. One leading idea seemed to be that a reign of terror 
would at once be brought about and that hundreds of set 
tlers would gather up their families and fly for safety before 
the approach of the crimson-handed slayers* To prevent the 
sending of news by wire in advance of the cutthroat band, 
men had been posted along the telegraph line leading north 
with instructions to cut the wires, and leave the communities 
in ignorance of their approaching danger. 



AND TUESDAY, April 4th and 5th, 1892, will al 
ways be remembered as red letter days in the criminal history 
of Cheyenne, the capitol city of Wyoming, the baby state of 
the American Union. Leading members of the Wyoming 
Stockgrowers* Association were engaged on these two days 
branding a bunch of seventy odd picked and highly fed 
horses with the unrecorded, or "Maverick" brand A on the 
left shoulder, loading them in cars, and putting in other cars, 
saddles, harness, tents, ammunition, giant powder, provi 
sions, etc. Late in the afternoon of the 5th a special train 
came in from Denver, Colorado, carrying the southern con 
tingent of hired murderers. Stopping for an hour in the east 
end of the switching yards, the cars were then taken across 
the Crow creek bridge to the stockyards, where the stock 
and baggage cars, already loaded, were attached, and at 6 
o clock the start was made for Casper, two hundred miles 



to the northwest. The mob consisted of somewhere between 
fifty and sixty men, divided about equally between hired 
helpers from the South and Wyoming citizens. These latter 
were in the proportion of about two stockmen to one hired 
man. Each person was armed with a brace of pistols and a 
Winchester rifle. 

The leaders were anxious for a start at their bloody work, 
Major Wolcott, in command, as a parting salute, saying to 
the railroad superintendent, "Hurry up; put us at Casper 
and we will do the rest." 

The track was clear and a fast run was made to Casper, 
that point being reached three or four hours before daylight 
the next morning. The train was stopped at the stockyards, 
some distance outside of the town, and before sunrise the 
wagons were loaded, the horsemen mounted, and the caval 
cade on the move across the open prairie, following the 
guides who had been summoned to be in waiting. 

Before reaching Casper a stop was made at the Fort Fetter- 
man stockyards, where Ed David, the general range man- 
ager for Senator Carey, was taken aboard with two well ca 
parisoned saddle horses, blankets, guns, etc. But there was 
heaps of trouble on young David s mind. He had promised, 
and was expected to go on the raid. Serious consideration of 
the matter, however, had caused him to reconsider and cancel 
his engagement. Asked for his reason, he stated that as 
Carey s foreman, if he went on the trip, it would connect the 
United States senator directly with the invasion and destroy 
his future political advancement, a thing not to be tolerated 
for a moment. There was a good deal of back talk on the 
part of the commanding officers, but it was finally agreed 
that David should give his horses and outfit to a man who 



had been hired to cut the telegraph wires, this man joining 
the band and David taking his place as the official wire- 
cutter o the expedition. The hired man accompanied the 
gang and the telegraph wires were cut presumably by Ed 
David in accordance with his promise so to do. (This in 
formation comes under oath, and is reliable.) 

There was a litde music on the train as it rolled away that 
will probably never reach the ear of the public in its sweetest 
tones. Several of our "best citizens" had pledged themselves 
to be of the party, and had gone so far as to purchase their 
outfits, but as the hour of departure drew near and the pos 
sibilities and realities of the campaign presented themselves, 
the spotless "white feather" lured them away from their 
professed allegiance to the cause, and they were not on the 
train. The discussion of why these bovine worshippers were 
not present is reported as being more forcible than elegant, 
and yet withal exceedingly musical in its rhythmic changes. 

Seven miles out the invaders camped for breakfast. The 
balance of that day and the following were consumed in the 
march to Tisdale s ranch, forty odd miles from Casper. Two 
or three men were met on the road and forced to turn back 
and travel for hours. Then they were permitted to go their 
way on a promise of secrecy as to having met any force of 
men. Friends of the outfit at Casper and Douglas had been 
instructed to give out the information, should the mob be 
discovered and suspicion be aroused, that the passing men 
were a crowd of railroad surveyors, going to locate and hold 
a pass in the mountains. Major Wolcott was supposed to 
be in command of the forces, with Canton as captain of the 
Wyoming men and Tom Smith over the Texans. 

Just before reaching Tisdale s ranch, Mike Shonsey, fore- 


man of the Western Union Beef Company, rode up to the 
advancing column with the information that there were 
rustlers in the neighboring ranch, and after consultation 
among the leaders of the band that night, a change of route 
and plan was agreed upon. 




INDICATED in the last chapter, the information brought 
by Shonsey to the effect that there were rustlers at Nolan s 
KG ranch, on the North fork of Powder river, changed the 
route of the invaders. Friday, the 8th, was spent at Tisdale s, 
waiting for the supply wagons to come up. In the afternoon 
Shonsey, in charge of a squad, was sent to reconnoitre, the 
balance of the party following after nightfall. The design 
was to reach the ranch before daylight and blow up the house 
with dynamite, thus destroying all who chanced to be in the 
building. But daylight had broken when they reached the 
place and safety forbade too near approach to the dwelling, 
where "dead shots" might get the drop. So they concealed 
themselves in the stable, along the creek that nearly sur 
rounded the house, and in the brush of the ravine on the 



side opposite the creek. Having the premises completely 
surrounded and being themselves concealed, the besiegers 
waited the appearance of the inmates, expecting to shoot 
them down as they came out. Seeing a traveler s wagon in 
the yard, the suspicion was raised in the minds of the leaders 
that possibly some of their friends might be in the house, 
and orders were given "await orders" before shooting. 

Presently a man came out with a bucket and walked 
down to the creek. He was captured and concealed behind 
the creek bank. Another man came from the house after a 
time and walked to the stable. He was captured and held. 
These men proved to be Jones and Walker, two trappers 
who had stopped over night at the ranch. In a little while 
Nick Ray came out of the house and walked several steps 
from the door when he was shot and felled to the ground. 
Champion rushed to the door, gun in hand, and poured a 
volley at the beseigers, all the time a hot fire being directed 
at him. He closed the door and evidently watched from the 
window whence he could see that his friend Ray was slowly 
crawling toward the door. When Ray was close to the step, 
Champion opened the door, sent another volley toward the 
stable and the creek, then laid down his gun and, with bul 
lets thick as hail flying about him, stepped out and dragged 
his friend into the house. 

A regular fusillade was kept up upon the house until the 
middle of the afternoon, and a good many shots were fired 
from the house. It is understood that several of Champion s 
shots took effect in the fleshy part of the assailants, but none 
of them were dangerously hurt. About 3 o clock in the after 
noon Jack Flagg, on horseback, and his stepson came along 
the road and approached within a few rods of the mob, the 





men being concealed. This part of the day s doings has been 
told by Mr* Flagg in a newspaper article and is here repro 
duced as the best authority available. He says: 

The morning of the 9th I started from my ranch, eighteen 
miles above on the river, to go to Douglas. I was on horseback, 
and my stepson, a boy 17 years of age, started with me to go to 
the Powder river crossing. He was driving two horses and had 
only the running gear of a 3 1-4 wagon. We got to the K.C. 
ranch about 2:30 p.m. I was riding about fifty yards behind the 
wagon. We could not see the stable, behind which the murder 
ers were concealed, until we were within seventy-five yards of 
it. When the wagon hove in sight, the murderers jumped up 
and commanded the boy to halt, but he urged up his horses and 
drove for the bridge. When they saw he would not stop, one of 
them took aim on the corner of the fence and fired at him. The 
shot missed him and scared his team, which stampeded across 
the bridge and on up the road. 

There were twenty men behind the stable, and seven came up 
on horseback, three from one side of the road and four from 
the other and closed in behind me. When the men behind the 
stable saw me, they began to jump for their guns, which were 
leaning against the fence, and called on me to stop and throw 
up my hands. I did not comply with their order, but kept 
straight for the bridge. When I got to the nearest point to them 
forty-seven steps a man whom I recognized as Ford, stepped 
from the crowd and, taking deliberate aim at me with his Win 
chester, fired. Then they all commenced firing. I threw myself 
on the side of my horse and made a run for it. The seven 
horsemen followed me. When I overtook my wagon, which 
had my rifle on it, I told my boy to hand it to me, which he did; 
I then told him to stop and cut one of the horses loose and mount 
him. The seven horsemen were following me, and when I 
stopped, were 350 yards behind, but as soon as they saw I had 



a rifle, they stopped. I only had three cartridges for my rifle, and 
did not want to fire one of them, unless they came closer, which 
they did not seem inclined to do. 

The escape of Flagg and his stepson was a sore trial to 
the banditti, as it made the giving of a general alarm to the 
settlers a certainty and in consequence gave promise of an 
uprising of the whole people in arms against their common 
enemies. Time was precious, and no more could be wasted 
on the besieged. The wagon left in the road was run down 
to the barn, loaded with hay and pitch pine wood, then 
backed up against the window of the house, Dunning says, 
by Major Wolcott, A. B. Clark, John Tisdale, Tom Smith 
and James Dudley. A torch was applied and in a moment 
the building was a mass of flames. 

Champion ran out at the south end of the house, gun in 
hand. A hundred shots were fired at him without effect, 
and no doubt he thought escape was possible. But as he 
approached the ravine two hundreds yards from the house, a 
dozen men fired from the brush simultaneously. Even these 
whistling missiles of death passed him by and he raised his 
gun to reply. Before he could shoot a second volley belched 
forth from the hidden foes and brave Champion fell hero in 
the hearts of all his neighbors. Many of the assassins must 
have fired repeatedly into his dead body before daring to ap 
proach it, for on being prepared for burial, twenty-eight bul 
lets were found to have pierced him. Eye-witnesses differ 
slightly in their narratives of this exciting scene, but from a 
comparison of statements the above is believed to be a correct, 
though short summing up of the facts. For variety, and in 
order that there may lodge no charge of prejudice, the fol- 







lowing account, from the pen o Sam T. Clover, correspon 
dent of the Chicago Herald, who was with the regulators 
from the start until after the K.C. massacre, is given. Clover 
being in constant association with the free-booters was na 
turally looking through the colored glasses they had prepared 
for him, though no doubt trying to be impartial* He says: 

The roof of the cabin was the first to catch on fire, spreading 
rapidly downward until the north wall was a sheet of flames. 
Volumes of smoke poured in at the open window from the burn 
ing wagon, and in a short time through the plastered cracks of 
the log house puffs of smoke worked outward. Still the doomed 
man remained doggedly concealed, refusing to reward them by 
his appearance. The cordon of sharpshooters stood ready to fire 
upon him the instant he started to run. Fiercer and hotter grew 
the flames, leaping with mad impetuosity from room to room 
until every part of the house was ablaze and only the dugout 
at the west end remained intact. 

"Reckon the cuss has shot himself," remarked one of the 
waiting marksmen. "No fellow could stay in that hole a minute 
and be alive." 

These words were barely spoken when there was a shout, 
"There he goes!" and a man clad in his stocking feet, bearing a 
Winchester in his hands and a revolver in his belt, emerged 
from a volume of black smoke that issued from the rear door of 
the house and started off across the open space surrounding the 
cabin into a ravine, fifty yards south of the house, but the poor 
devil jumped square into the arms of two of the best shots in 
the outfit, who stood with leveled Winchesters around the bend 
waiting for his appearance. Champion saw them too late, for he 
overshot his mark just as a bullet struck his rifle arm, causing 
the gun to fall from his nerveless grasp. Before he could draw 



his revolver a second shot struck him, in the breast and a third 
and fourth found their way to his heart. 

Nate Champion, the king of cattle thieves, and the bravest 
man in Johnson county, was dead. Prone upon his back, with 
his teeth clenched and a look of mingled defiance and deter 
mination on his face to the last, the intrepid rustler met his fate 
without a groan and paid the penalty of his crimes with his 
life. A card bearing the significant legend, "Cattle thieves, be 
ware!" was pinned to his blood-soaked vest, and there in the 
dawn, with his red sash tied around him and his half-closed eyes 
raised toward the blue sky, this brave but misguided man was 
left to die by the band of regulators who, having succeeded in 
their object, rapidly withdrew from the scene of the double 

Champion s pistol and gun were confiscated by some of 
the gang, and in searching the body a pocket memorandum 
was found soaked with his life s blood and bearing a bullet 
hole through it. Under the printed date of April pth, the fol 
lowing entry was written in pencil: 

Me and Nick was getting breakfast when the attack took 
place. Two men here with us Bill Jones and another man. The 
old man went after water and did not come back. His friend 
went out to see what was the matter and he did not come back. 
Nick started out and I told him to look out, that I thought that 
there was some one at the stable and would not let them come 
back. Nick is shot, but not dead yet. He is awful sick. I must 
go and wait on him. It is now about two hours since the first 
shot. Nick is still alive; they arc still shooting and are all around 
the house. Boys, there is bullets coming in like hail. Them fel 
lows is in such shape I can t get at them. They are shooting from 
the stable and river and back of the house. Nick is dead, he 



died about 9 o clock. I sec a smoke down at the stable. I think 
they have fired it. I don t think they intend to let me get away 
this time. 

It is now about noon. There is someone at the stable yet; 
they are throwing a rope out at the door and drawing it back. 
I guess it is to draw me out, I wish that duck would get out 
further so I could get a shot at him. Boys, I don t know what 
they have done with them two fellows that staid last night. Boys, 
I feel pretty lonesome just now. I wish there was someone here 
with me so we could watch all sides at once. They may fool 
around until I get a good shot before they leave. It s about 3 
o clock now. There was a man in a buckboard and one on horse 
back just passed. They fired on them as they went by. I don t 
know if they killed them or not. I seen lots of men come out on 
horses on the other side of the river and take after them. I shot 
at the men in the stable just now; don t know if I got any or 
not. I must go and look out again. It don t look as if there is 
much show of my getting away. I see twelve or fifteen men. One 
looks like (name is scratched out). I don t know whether it is 
or not. I hope they did not catch them fellows that run over 
the bridge towards Smith s. They are shooting at the house now. 
If I had a pair of glasses I believe I would know some of those 
men. They are coming back. I ve got to look out. 

Well, they have just got through shelling the house like hail. 
I heard them splitting wood. I guess they are going to fire the 
house to-night. I think I will make a break when night comes, 
if alive. Shooting again. I think they will fire the house this time. 
It s not night yet. The house is all fired. Goodbye, boys, if I 
never see you again. 


The above diary written while half a hundred armed men 
had the house surrounded, with all avenues of escape shut off, 



with a constant hail of bullets entering from every direction; 
with his dead friend lying on the floor beside him, knowing, 
in fact, that these fifty men were thirsting for his blood, is 
a remarkable production, and will be quoted in history as 
the utterance of a brave man throughout all time to come. 
No stronger expression of nerve and heroism has ever been 
recorded, and coming generations will point to Nate Cham 
pion as one of the coolest and bravest men of the nineteenth 

The cattle barons branded him a thief, but his neighbors, 
many of them recognized as fair-minded, honest men, even 
by the said "barons," declare that he was not a thief, but 
an honest, hard-working and conscientious citizen; that his 
life s blood was wanted, not because he would steal cattle, 
but because his testimony, if given in court, would send two 
or more of the members of the robber gang to the gallows or 
to prison for cold-blooded crimes committed. Remember 
ing that these people who thus think and talk have never 
committed a crime or broken a law of the state, and remem 
bering also that murder, arson, body burning and many at 
tempts to murder are known to lie against the cattlemen 
engaged in the raid, it seems impossible not to accept the 
verdict of Champion s neighbors in preference to that of his 
murderers. The great body of the people have already de 
cided this question and the decision is recorded in Cham 
pion s favor. 

Nathan D. Champion was born in the country, seven 
miles from Round Rock, Williamson county, Texas, Sep 
tember 29th, 1857, being the sixth son of Jack Champion and 
Naomi Standerfer. The family is an old and well connected 
one, with no scandal attached to its record. By a second 



marriage of Nate s father there are six sons, making twelve 
in all, besides six daughters, or a family of eighteen. Nate 
and his brother Dudley have been in Johnson county for a 
number of years, coming up with Texas cattle and serving 
as top hands on many of the big ranches. 

Nick Ray was a Missourian, who came to Wyoming as a 
cowboy and has done faithful work in that line for years. 
He was blackballed by the stockmen, but, his neighbors 
say, unjustly. 



fc FTER THE KILLING of Champion the cattlemen joined the 
supply wagons that had arrived on the creek in sight o the 
smoking ruins of Nolan s ranch house, and the cooks served 
a hearty meal to the hungry men. Dr. Penrose, the company s 
surgeon, and Ed Towse, the special reporter sent along with 
the mob by the Cheyenne Sun, reported themselves sick at 
Tisdale s ranch and deserted. Supper being over, the order 
to mount was given and a start was made direct for Buffalo, 
sixty miles away. The ride of thirty miles to the Western 
Union Beef Company s headquarters was made in five hours, 
according to several different reports, the object of the forced 
march being to reach Buffalo before daylight, surprise and 
capture the town, killing Angus and a long list of others be 
fore the people were notified of danger by Jack Flagg. 
Shonsey, the foreman for the Western Union Beef Com 
pany, of which George W. Baxter is general manager, who 
was with the gang, had about a hundred head of grain-fed 
horses in the stables ready for the men, and a change was 
quickly made. With these spirited animals, specially fed for 


weeks, in anticipation of this emergency, the men dashed 
off at a rattling pace for what they were pleased to call the 
"doomed city of the plains." Near Carr s ranch, on Crazy 
Woman, a camp fire was seen in the road ahead, and the 
accidental discharge of a gun gave alarm to the invaders* 
who, supposing it a party of rustlers, on vengeance bent, cut 
the wire of Carr s pasture fence and made a long detour, 
reaching the Buffalo road at a safe distance beyond the 
camp fire. 

At 2 o clock they were at the 28 ranch, twenty-two miles 
from Buffalo, having ridden thirty-eight miles since leaving 
the KG ruins at sundown, beside losing about an hour s 
time and covering four or five extra miles. At this ranch 
coffee was served and two hours* rest taken. At 4 o clock the 
march was resumed. When well on the road toward Buffalo 
a horseman appeared and informed the leaders that there 
were two hundred excited citizens under arms as a sheriff s 
posse, in the town, and strongly advised against an attack 
being made. He said the arrangements made for the assassi 
nation of Angus and his deputies the night before had failed 
by reason of Angus hearing of the killing of Champion and 
his organization of a posse and departure for Powder river 
to head off the mob. 

This information caused a change of tactics, and orders 
were given to march to the TA ranch and fortify for a strong 
defense. About this time James Dudley, alias Gus Green, 
was reported with a broken leg from an accidental discharge 
of his gun, caused by his horse bucking. He died later on 
at the military post. 

The TA ranch was reached shortly after noon and all 
hands put to work strengthening the position. The following 



plan was furnished the Daily Leader by a correspondent on 
the ground during the siege, and is believed to be substan 
tially correct. The buildings are located in a bend of Crazy 
Woman creek, twelve miles from Buffalo. The house and 
ice house (marked in the cut) are built of hewed logs, 6x8 
inches. The stable is also constructed of logs closely fitted 
together. Log breast works were built on two sides of the 
house and earthworks inside of the fort. Loop holes were 
cut, and altogether the position was able to stand off a rifle 
siege almost indefinitely, did the provisions hold out. In this 
respect, however, the situation was not encouraging, for the 
three heavily loaded four-horse wagons of supplies had been 
captured by the rustlers early in the day, and the sole de 
pendence was the small store at the ranch for the cowboys 
use. The supply wagons were found to contain not only 
provisions, but fuse, giant powder and poison. 

Still the "white caps," as the rustlers styled the block 
house party, were in good spirits, because they had faith in 
the promises of their "Cheyenne friends" to protect them 
in the event of an emergency. The emergency had come and 
their faith was to make them whole. 





BRRENCE SMITH had seen and heard the firing on the KG 
ranch in the morning, and divining its import, had ridden 
to Buffalo, notifying the settlers as he went. Sheriff Angus 
swore in a posse of 12, men and started about sundown to the 
relief of his Powder river friends. Meantime other citizens 
of Buffalo and countrymen as they came in were being depu 
tized and armed. Jack Flagg and his stepson rode rapidly to 
Grabing, 30 miles, reaching there at 9 o clock. Securing three 
good men as recruits at this point, they started back to the 
assistance of the men they supposed to be still imprisoned 
at the KG. Reaching Carr s ranch at 12 o clock, they met 12 
more men going on the same mission, having learned the 
news from Terrence Smith while on his way to Buffalo. As 
the combined force was mounting for the start the regulators 
were discovered approaching, and the little band prepared 
to ambush them. Fortunately for the murderers, one of the 



boys let his gun go off accidentally, when the advancing 
column took the hint and escaped by making a detour as 
described in a previous chapter. 

Flagg s party then went into camp for the rest o the 
night and in the morning followed on north, passing by the 
TA ranch and reaching Buffalo in the afternoon. Reinforced 
to 48 men, they rode out to the TA ranch and at daylight 
on the morning of April nth, the invaders were completely 
surrounded. Sheriff Angus had in the meantime returned 
from the KC ranch, having ridden 120 miles in the mar 
velous time of 14 hours, and reported the shooting of Cham 
pion and the burning of Ray s body. This news greatly in 
creased the prevailing excitement, and during the day of the 
nth a crowd of between three and four hundred well-armed 
and determined men, making a stand in defense of their 
homes and their liberty, were on the ground to aid in dis 
lodging the enemy. In the absence of the sheriff, Arapahoe 
Brown and E. U. Snider were placed in command. 

Monday night was devoted to digging rifle pits and 
throwing up breastworks around the besieged. Tuesday 
brought recruits from Sheridan county and the distant parts 
of Johnson, thus swelling the ranks of the home defenders. 
Early on Monday morning the cattlemen opened fire on a 
bunch of settlers 400 yards up the hill, and the battle was on. 
A brisk fire was kept up most of the time from the opening 
shot until the final surrender. There was not a cannon in 
the county save at Fort McKinney, and the commanding 
officer there refused to loan one to the settlers. Realizing 
that the fortifications were impregnable to small arms and 
fearing state interference at an early day, it was determined 
to construct a movable breastwork that could be run down 



the hill sufficiently near the fort to admit o throwing against 
its walls the dynamite captured from the cattlemen s supply 
wagons. For this purpose two of the captured wagons were 
used. A correspondent on the ground describes this "Go- 
Devil" as follows: 

The idea of building a movable fort or breastwork originated 
with Arapahoe Brown and E. U. Snider. The running gear of 
the captured Arp & Hammond wagons, two pair, were placed 
side by side several feet apart and then fastened together by a 
frame work of logs. The rear of the wagons was the front of 
the fort and was comprised of two thicknesses of eight-inch 
logs fastened together by wire. This formed a breastwork over 
six feet high, with five portholes in it, also protected by eight- 
inch pieces. If necessary baled hay could be placed inside, mak 
ing the protection still stronger. Five men could slowly move 
the ingenious contrivance, fifteen could move it easily, and it 
would protect 40 men. The plan was to move it down upon the 
white caps near enough to throw giant powder into their fort. It 
was in working order and had been moved about 100 yards 
when the soldiers came in sight. All proceedings at once ceased 
and the men who for 48 hours had held the fighting cattlemen 
at bay cheered the troops lustily as they advanced to the rescue. 

The two days* fight had resulted in no killing on either 
side, but on Wednesday morning the conditions were any 
thing but promising for the cattlemen. During the previous 
night, rifle pits had been dug within 300 yards of the fort 
and the Go-Devil, or Ark of Safety, was ready for business. 
The first bomb sent into the enemies camp would have 
forced some of the men from cover and the sharpshooters 
in the rifle pits would have sent them to earth. Two hours 






delay in the arrival of the government troops would have 
proven, in all probability, fatal to the besieged white caps. 

A little after sunup on the morning of the i3th, Colonel 
J. J. Van Horn filed into camp with three troops of cavalry 
from Fort McKinney. The colonel, bearing a flag of truce 
and accompanied by his staff, Captain Parmalee, Governor 
Barber s aide-de-camp, and Sheriff Angus, advanced to the 
fort and demanded the surrender of the party. Major Wol- 
cott, in command of the invaders, replied: "I will surrender 
to you, but to that man, (turning to Sheriff Angus) never. I 
have never seen him before, but I have heard enough of him 
and rather than give up to him we will die right here. He 
has the best of us now, because our plans have miscarried, 
but it will be different yet." (The above response of Major 
Wolcott is as reported by the press correspondent present at 
the time, and is accepted by the public as true.) 

Preparations were at once made for the transfer of the 
captives to Fort McKinney and in two hours time they were 
on the road to the post. The citizens quietly dispersed, many 
going directly to their homes and others riding into Buffalo. 
All seemed to be satisfied with the turn of affairs, but all 
equally insisted that when the excitement cooled off some 
what, the prisoners should be turned over to the civil author 
ities for trial. 

The following is a list of the men who surrendered to 
Colonel Van Horn: 

A. B. Clark, K W. Whitcomb, A. D. Adamson, C. S. 
Ford, W- H. Tabor, G. R. Tucker, A. R. Powers, D. E. 
Booke, B. M. Morrison, W. A. Wilson, M. A. McNally, Bob 
Barlin, W. S. Davis, S. Sutherland, Alex Lowther, W. J. 
Clarke, J. A. Garrett, Wm. Armstrong, Buck Garrett, F. H. 







Labertaux, J. C. Johnson, Alex Hamilton, F. M. Canton, 
W. C. Irvine, J. N. Tisdale, W. B. Wallace, F. DeBilleir, H. 
Teschemaker, W. E. Guthrie, F. G. S. Hesse, Phil DuFran, 
Wm. Little, D. R. Tisdale, J. D. Mynett, M. Shonsey, Joe 
Elliott, C. A. Campbell, J. Borlings, L. H. Parker, S. S. 
Tucker, B. Wiley, J. M. Beuford, K. Rickard, Frank Wol- 
cott, B. Schultz. 

George Dunning, of Idaho, in the confusion incident to the 
surrender, secreted himself in the loft of the house until dark, 
when he walked away. He took the "wrong end" of the 
road and went into Buffalo, where he was arrested by Sheriff 
Angus and put in jail. R. M. Allen, manager of the Standard 
Cattle Company, of Ames, Nebraska, had left the party 
after the KG murders, and when met by the news which 
caused the retreat to the blockhouse, presumably going to 
hurry up reinforcements, by order of the mob, was captured 
at Buffalo. Dudley, suffering with a broken leg, had been 
sent to the military hospital before the TA engagement. 
Another Texan, shot in the groin, was not taken with the 
party, but sent for later. 

A Buffalo paper of April I4th, speaking of the situation 
just after the surrender, says: 

Here in Buffalo all was excitement and unrest; rumors of 
all descriptions, preposterous, ludicrous and probable, pervaded 
the atmosphere. No two men could start a conversation but 
what a crowd would soon gather around. Knots of men could 
be seen on all street corners, earnestly speculating on the out 
come; but for all the utmost decorum and good nature prevailed. 
But few arrests were made by the officers, and those only for the 
personal safety of the individual arrested. 

Soon after the return of the troops with the prisoners to Fort 



McKinney, criminal complaints were sworn to before Justice 
Reimann and warrants for murder and arson issued against these 
men. Sheriff Angus served the warrants on Colonel Van Horn, 
demanding the surrender of the criminals to the civil author 
ities of Johnson county, but his request was denied. 

The history of this remarkable siege would not be ap 
proximately complete without showing how the rescue was 
brought about. Hence, the reader will pardon the introduc 
tion of copies of the various official telegrams that passed 
over the wires on the subject. 

The private telegraph line from Douglas to Buffalo being 
in the hands of the cattlemen and no message permitted to 
pass while the expedition was moving north, was at once 
ordered opened to business when the gang went into the 
TA fortification. The raiders friends telegraphed the situa 
tion to Acting Governor Barber as soon as the line was re 
paired, and he immediately opened up communication with 
Washington, as the public believes, in harmony with pre 
viously arranged plans. The delay in repairing the line came 
nearly proving disastrous to the invaders, for it was late on 
the afternoon of April i2th when Barber received notice of 
the perilous condition of his friends. At once the following 
message was given for transmissal : 


Cheyenne, Wyo., April 12, 1892. 
The President, Washington, D. C.: 

An insurrection exists in Johnson county, in the state of Wyo 
ming, in the immediate vicinity of Fort McKinney, against the 
government of said state. The Legislature is not in session and 
cannot be convened in time to afford any relief whatever or take 



any action thereon. Open hostilities exist and large bodies of 
armed men are engaged in battle. A company of militia is lo 
cated at the city of Buffalo, near the scene of action, but its con 
tinued presence in that city is absolutely required for the pur 
pose of protecting life and property therein. The scene of action 
is 125 miles from the nearest railroad point, from which other 
portions of the state militia could be sent. No relief can be af 
forded by state militia, and civil authorities are wholly unable 
to afford any relief whatever. 

United States troops are located at Fort McKinney, which 
is 13 miles from the scene of action, which is known as TA 
ranch* I apply to you on behalf of the state of Wyoming to 
direct the United States troops at Fort McKinney to assist in 
suppressing the insurrection. The lives of a large number of 
persons are in imminent danger. 

Acting Governor. 

To this President Harrison replied as follows : 


Washington, April 12, 1892, 11:05 P-m- 
The Governor of Wyoming, Cheyenne, Wyoming: 

I have, in compliance with your call for the aid of the United 
States forces to protect the state of Wyoming against domestic 
violence, ordered the secretary of war to concentrate a sufficient 
force at the scene of the disturbance and to co-operate with your 
authorities. You should have a competent and authorized rep 
resentative at the place. 


To this is added the following telegram from General 
Brooke at Omaha: 


Omaha, Neb., April 12, 1892, 11:37 p.m. 
Governor Barber, Cheyenne, Wyoming: 



Order of President received and commanding officer at Mc- 
Kinney ordered to prevent violence and preserve peace in co 
operation with you. Have you a representative to join the com 
manding officer? The troops will move at once and will act with 
prudence and firmness. 

Brigadier General Commanding. 

A Washington press dispatch of the I3th says that Sen 
ators Warren and Carey were wired from Cheyenne late on 
the night of the 12th as to the situation at the TA ranch, and 
that they both called upon the president, arousing him from 
his bed. After consultation the secretary of war was called 
upon and that distinguished officer was induced to imme 
diately telegraph General Brooke at Omaha, ordering relief 
from Fort McKinney to the imprisoned cattlemen. As 
United States Senators, Warren and Carey were the moving 
power in the case. 

Military history fails to record another instance where 
such prompt action and celerity of movement was had as in 
this case. Barber s telegram to the president left Cheyenne 
after dark on April 12. Reaching Washington, 2,000 miles 
away, a consultation between the president, secretary of war 
and Wyoming s Senators was held, a telegraph order was 
flashed to Omaha, 1,500 miles, and in turn transferred to Fort 
McKinney, another thousand miles, all before i o clock on 
the morning of April I3th, or inside of six hours. Within 
another hour three troops of cavalry were in their saddles 
on the road to the besieged white caps, and before sunrise 
their bugle notes sounded "rescue" to the waiting barons, 
15 miles from the post. 


The casual reader of these pages cannot help but note the 
strange phraseology of Governor Barber s dispatch to Presi 
dent Harrison "An insurrection exists in Johnson county." 
There was no insurrection. The people were in arms, but 
they had taken them in defense of their homes and their 
lives, against an invading army that was killing citizens, 
burning homes and laying waste the country as it went. An 
insurrection is "A rising against civil or political authority; 
the open and active opposition of a number of persons to 
the execution of law in a city or state." 

Johnson county citizens were doing none of these things 
unless the invaders were acting under orders of the execu 
tive when they marched north to murder and burn. 

Another passage in the telegram strikes the informed 
reader as peculiar "the continued presence of the military 
company (Co. C, N.G.) is required in Buffalo for the pur 
pose of protecting life and property therein." There is no 
record of Company C having been called out to active duty 
by the governor until after the sending of the telegram to 
the president. The truth is believed to be that they were not 
so ordered out. The captain of the company being a white 
cap, and fearing lest some of the guns of the company might 
be pressed into service for use against his friends at the TA 
ranch, ordered and kept a squad of the men at the court 
house day and night to "watch the guns." The company 
did no guard duty, as a company, in the town during the 
siege, and the above executive utterance was entirely super 
fluous. But it served his purpose, deceived the general govern 
ment officials and saved his friends. 

Wednesday morning, after the surrender, Major Martin 



received orders from the government to call out Company 
C and report to the mayor of the town but the invaders 
were safe in the hands of Colonel Van Horn before the com 
pany members were so called. It is known, also, that the 
captain of Company C was called on by Sheriff Angus, Sun 
day afternoon, when the first news of the invasion reached 
the town, and that he refused to obey the sheriff s orders and 
call out the company to defend the lives and property of his 
fellow citizens against the approaching enemy. He was ready, 
however, to act promptly when his friends were in danger. 
On the i3th of April, Governor Barber telegraphed Gen 
eral Brooke for an escort, to which the following is an answer : 

Omaha, Neb., April 13. 
Governor Barber; 

Your dispatch received. The commanding officer at Fort Me- 
Kinney reports the surrender to him of Major Wolcott and 45 
men, with horses, arms and ammunition, who are being held 
as prisoners at the post. Under the circumstances I can send a 
troop of cavalry and transportation for your party to Gillette, 
or I can send the Wolcott party to Douglas or Gillette, as you 
may direct. Please advise me of your wishes early. 

Brigadier General Commanding. 

The governor changed his mind and replied to the above 
as follows: 

Cheyenne, April 13, 1892, 10 p.m. 
General John R. Brooke, Commander Department 
of the Platte, Omaha, Neb.: 

Answering your telegram of this evening, owing to the pres 
ent excitement existing in Johnson couaty, it seems best that 


you should send the Wolcott party with suitable escort to Doug 
las. I thank you for your kind offer to supply me with trans 
portation and escort from Gillette to Buffalo, but the occasion for 
this trip at this time is so likely to be entirely dissipated that I 
will probably not go. Please advise me of your action regarding 
the Wolcott party. 

Acting Governor. 

Colonel Van Horn having refused to turn over the pris 
oners to the civil authorities of Johnson county, Sheriff 
Angus sent the following telegram: 

Buffalo, Wyo., April 14, 1892. 
Amos W. Barber, Cheyenne, Wyo.: 

Make a request on General Brooke to have the commanding 
officer at Fort McKinney to surrender the 44 men, now held by 
him as prisoners, to the civil authorities for trial under the charge 
of murder. Warrants have been issued for the above men. 

Sheriff of Johnson County. 

C. H. Parmalee, the white cap sympathizer, learning of 
Angus request, sent the following protest: 

Buffalo, Wyo., April 14. 
Amos W. Barber, Governor: 

The sheriff made a demand this morning upon Colonel Van 
Horn for prisoners. He will hold them until his orders are re 
ceived from the president. If prisoners should be placed in coun 
ty jail at Buffalo, I fear it would not be entirely safe for the 
peace of the town just at present. 

Captain and Aide-de-Camp. 



To this the governor replied: 

Cheyenne, Wyo., April 15. 
W. G. Angus, Sheriff of Johnson County, Buffalo, Wyo.: 

Answering your telegram of yesterday, the military author 
ities will at the proper time be requested to deliver to the civil 
authorities the men now held at Fort McKinney. They will not 
be delivered until order and quietude in Johnson county are so 
fully restored as to convince me that no further violence will 
be offered them and that the civil authorities of that county are 
entirely willing and able to give them the protection which the 
law requires to be given to all prisoners. An immediate request 
for their delivery will not be made. 

Acting Governor. 

Meanwhile, to make doubly sure the retention of the 
men by Colonel Van Hbrn, the following dispatches were 

Cheyenne, Wyo., April 15. 
Colonel Van Horn, Commander, Fort McKinney, Wyo.: 

I request that you obtain the custody of and take to Fort 
McKinney and there give protection to the men belonging to 
the invading party who were arrested before the surrender, and 
who are now confined in the county jail at Buffalo. This is done 
in order that all the men belonging to the invading party may 
be certainly protected from any violence due to the present ex 
citement in that vicinity. I made a similar request upon General 
Brooke, and have directed Sheriff Angus to deliver the men 
to you. 

Acting Governor. 



Cheyenne, Wyo., April 15, 1892. 
General John R* Brooke, Commander Department 
of the Platte, Omaha, Neb.: 

I have directed Sheriff Angus to deliver the men belonging 
to the invading party, who are now in jail, to commanding of 
ficer at Fort McKinney. 

Acting Governor, 

Cheyenne, Wyo., April 15, 1892. 
W. G. Angus, Sheriff of Johnson County, Buffalo, Wyo.: 

You are hereby requested to deliver at once to Colonel Van 
Horn, commander at Fort McKinney, the men belonging to 
the invading party, who were arrested by you before the sur 
render and are now confined in the county jail at Buffalo. This 
is done because the excitement and hostile demonstrations in 
that vicinity require it. 

Acting Governor, 

Cheyenne, Wyo., April 15, 1892. 
Colonel Van Horn, Commander Fort McKinney, Wyo.: 

Angus, sheriff of Johnson county, asks that the men who 
surrendered to you be delivered to the civil authorities of that 
county. I have declined to make the request for the present for 
the reason that there seems to be too much danger of the civil 
authorities not being able to give the men adequate protection 
against violence. 

Acting Governor, 

Cheyenne, Wyo., April 15, 1892. 
Governor Barber, Cheyenne, Wyo.: 



I am assured by the telegraph company that my order of 9 
p.m. of the i3th to Colonel Van Horn, reached him last night. 
Under that order he will hold the Wolcott party until he gets 
orders from me. The line from Douglas to McKinney ceased 
working about 2:30 a.m. to-day. 

Brigadier General Commanding. 

The fear that the culprits who had deliberately and in 
cold blood killed two of their fellow citizens might be turned 
over to the civil authorities where the crime had been com 
mitted, so preyed upon the governor s mind that in order 
to make assurance doubly sure, he wired the secretary of war 
to instruct the commander at Fort McKinney to deliver the 
prisoners at Cheyenne, nearly 400 miles distant, and at great 
expense to the state. To this he received the following reply: 

Washington, D. C., April 15, 5 p.m. 
A. W. Barber, Governor of Wyoming: 

Orders have been sent to General Brooke to deliver to you 
as soon as he can do so, the captured party under Wolcott. 

Secretary of War. 

These several dispatches show very clearly where the 
executive heart was, and to the unprejudiced mind explain, 
in a measure, the lack of official action at an earlier stage of 
invasion proceedings. 




EN THE NEWS of the burning of the KG ranch reached 
Buffalo on Sunday, the loth of April, and it was learned that 
the invaders were on their way north with murderous intent, 
a feeling of alarm and determination at once took possession 
of the people. Robert Foote, the leading merchant of the 
town, mounted his celebrated black horse and, with his long 
white beard flying to the breeze, dashed up and down the 
streets calling the citizens to arms. A gentleman present tells 
of the picturesqueness of the scene as almost beyond de 
scription. Riding up to the front of a store or residence, he 
would call out the inmates and in terms as follows address 

"It is the duty of every citizen to protect and uphold the 
laws of his country. Wyoming has been invaded. An armed 
body of assassins has entered our own county and with bullet 
and fire have destroyed the lives and property of our people. 
This same murderous gang is now marching on our village 









with the open threat to murder our citizens and destroy our 
property. As men and fellow citizens, who love your homes, 
your wives and your children, I call upon you to shoulder 
your arms and come to the front to protect all that you hold 
dear against this approaching foe. If you have no arms, come 
to my store and get them free of charge. Our honor, col 
lectively, your honor, individually, and the honor of your 
common manhood demands immediate action. Fall in line." 

The venerable appearance of Mr. Foote, the bold and fear 
less utterances made in the presence of open and avowed 
sympathizers of the white caps and friends of the people 
alike had the desired effect. In less than one hour a hundred 
brave men were under arms, ready to lay down their lives 
in defense of their homes. 

They were all sworn in as deputy sheriffs and systematic 
ally organized, the city marshal co-operating with them in 
every detail. Pickets were mounted and stationed well out on 
all the approaches to the town, and order and discipline 
everywhere established and maintained. The churches and 
school houses were opened as quarters for the men, and the 
good women volunteered their services as in the old colonial 
days of our country. As flying couriers carried the news to 
the country districts, the settlers came pouring in, each man 
with his gun and pistol, and a look of determination on his 
face that boded no good to the outlaws who dared invade 
their homes. 

Hundreds of men were spared to surround the cattlemen 
at the TA ranch, 12 miles away, but the constant rumor, set 
afloat by the white caps not in the fighting ranks of their 
friends, that large reinforcements were on the way from the 
north and the west, kept excitement running high in the 



town and seemingly made it necessary to keep up an or 
ganized force with which to meet any emergency. 

Mr. Foote magnanimously and patriotically threw open 
his store doors to the multitude and supplied every want of 
the home guards and the besiegers at the TA. Guns, am 
munition, blankets, warm clothing, slickers, flour, bacon, 
tobacco, canned goods, etc., etc., went out in a constant flow 
until thousands of dollars worth had gone to feed and make 
comfortable the home defenders. The local community, and 
the state at large, owes a debt of gratitude to this big-hearted 
and brave old pioneer that it can never suitably repay; yet 
he will always hold a warm place in the hearts of all honest 
residents of the state. As the crime of the invasion will never 
die, so Robert Foote s noble generosity will live always. 

To add solemnity and deep seated feeling to the situa 
tion during the days of the siege the people realized that the 
dead and mutilated bodies of two of their fellow citizens 
were being brought from the ill-fated KG ranch for a 
Christian burial. With this burden of anxiety and trouble 
upon them, the people obeyed the law maintained order 
in the town and throughout the county, thereby demonstrat 
ing in a most striking manner their loyalty to good citizen 
ship. Sheriff Angus, the most thoroughly abused man in the 
state, proved himself competent, honest and a man of the 

Two days after the surrender the burial of Champion and 
Ray took place, as also that of Coroner Watkins, who had 
died while engaged in holding an inquest over the remains 
of the KC victims. A newspaper correspondent present 
made the following mention: 



The funeral of Champion and Ray was held at 2 p.m. in a 
vacant store building on Main street. The room was full of ladies 
and but few men could get in. The handsome coffins were beau 
tifully and profusely decorated with flowers. Rev. W. J. Mc- 
Cullom, a Baptist, read from the scriptures and then offered 
prayer, in which he said: "We thank Thee, O, God, that there 
are those who have stood by the law. We pray that the law may 
be strengthened; that if we cannot get justice here, then in the 
other world." 

Rev. Rader then delivered a few brief remarks. He said: 
"These men have been sent to eternity. We know not why. They 
were not criminals. They were of Christian parents. Ray leaves 
five brothers and three sisters. His parents could not be notified, 
as the wires were cut. But the same honors have been paid as if 
they were here." 

Many were in tears. Those who had not already viewed the 
remains were allowed to. A strange sight it was, too. The black 
and charred trunk of Ray s, with a floral surrounding. The 
procession then moved up the main street and out to the ceme 
tery. The hearse was preceded by Revs. Rader and McCullom. 
Then came carriages, wagons, footmen and last, 150 mounted 
men, three ladies and two cowboys. There were probably 500 
in all. An eight-minute short service was made at the grave 
by Rev. Rader. 

This outpouring of the people to participate in the last 
sad rites to the departed showed clearly that the masses were 
arrayed solidly against the law-breakers and assassins, what 
ever the executive and his coterie of supporters might repre 
sent to the president of the United States and his chief ad 
visers. They were not upholders of insurrection, but pro 
testors against the operations o the banditti. 


After the funerals the country people generally went 
home, feeling that they had done their duty and that the 
backbone of the invasion had been broken, notwithstanding 
the continued threats of another attempt on the part of the 
captured cattlemen. They were all ready to "come again," 

Nate D. Champion, filled at the KC ranch 

however, should the necessity arise, and did not hesitate to 
say so in very plain English and in the presence of the non- 
fighting white caps, who were acting as spies. 

No greater proof of the loyalty of Johnson county people, 
or the "rustlers" of the northern counties, could be given 
than the following incident: 

After Governor Barber had ordered R. M. Allen, who 
was in the jail at Buffalo, turned over to the military author- 


ities and after receipt of an order from the secretary of war 
to the same effect, Colonel Van Horn telephoned to Sheriff 
Angus to know if one troop of cavalry would be sufficient 
to send over for Allen, or whether he had better send three 
troops. The sheriff replied : "If you send one or three troops, 

Ray, filled at the KC ranch 

the chances are that there will be trouble. But if you want 
your man, detail one soldier." 

Accordingly a sergeant was sent in an open wagon, with 
a driver. When he drove up in front of the court house there 
were 200 armed men in line on either side of the walk lead 
ing from the street to the court house doon The sheriff met 
the sergeant at the sidewalk, the men fell back, leaving a five- 
foot open way to the door, through which the sheriff and 


detail walked, and entering the house, went directly to the 
jail door. Allen was brought out, the soldier signed a receipt 
for him, and the three went to the east door. When Allen 
saw the multitude o armed men he hesitated and preferred 
returning to the jail, but the soldier, taking courage from the 
coolness of the sheriff, ordered and fairly dragged him 
through the lines to the wagon* No one interfered, or sug 
gested interference, and the city marshall mounting behind 
the seat occupied by the soldier and the prisoner, they were 
driven rapidly to Fort McKinney, three miles away. 

Knowing that this man had actively participated in the 
murder of two of their fellow citizens, whose burned and 
mutilated remains they were then preparing for burial, and 
believing that his delivery to the military meant his dis 
charge without trial for the crime committed, the spectacle 
of 200 well armed men standing by and making no protest 
is a demonstration of the highest type of manhood and a 
manifestation of supreme respect for the forms of law such 
as has never before been shown on the frontier, or any 
where else in this broad land. And yet these same men have 
been called outlaws and a price placed upon their heads by 
the cattle barons. 





k ^| OT SATISFIED with overriding the civil by the military 
powers of government in calling upon the president to order 
Colonel Van Horn and his troops to disband the sheriffs 
posse while endeavoring to arrest a mob of men who had 
committed murder and arson in the county, Acting Gov 
ernor Barber again prostituted the civil to the military forces 
by seeking governmental power to prevent Sheriff Angus 
from performing his official duty in the serving of regularly 
issued warrants for the arrest of these same known criminals. 
They were held five days after their surrender within three 
miles of the county seat of Johnson county; yet the sheriff, 
by the strong military arm of the general government and 
the order of the state executive, was not permitted to serve 
his warrants. Again, having arrested and lodged in jail some 
of the participants in the double murder and arson, the sher 
iff was ordered by the governor to unlock the iron doors of 
the prison and turn over the culprits to the military, thus 


completing a triple prostitution o the civil authorities to 
military rule. 

This is the first time in the history o the United States 
when, by action of the state executive, the military has been 
called upon to prevent a peace officer from the discharge of 
his duty in the execution of the law. It has been reserved for 
Wyoming s acting governor to bring disgrace and shame 
upon the state by violating the universal law of common 
wealths which demands that he duly enforce the statutes. 

Conformably to orders from the War Department and 
by request of the governor,, three troops of cavalry left Fort 
McKinney on the morning of April i8th in charge of the 
captured cattlemen, headed for Fort Fetterman. The weather 
was cold and stormy, but the trip was made without serious 
mishap. The story had been freely circulated that the "rus 
tlers" would attempt to ambush the prisoners on the road, 
but this, like many other wild rumors floating among the 
people, was the work of white cap sympathizers, put in mo 
tion to create public sentiment in favor of the returning 
horde, and thus lessen the hopes of conviction for the crimes 

At Fetterman they were met by a detachment of soldiers 
from Fort D. A. Russell, who took the prisoners in charge 
and escorted them by rail to Cheyenne, where they were 
quartered for 60 days at the fort, presumably under military 
guard. Instead, however, of being confined to their quarters, 
as other men charged with murder are confined, they were 
given a very loose rein. The cattlemen spent much of their 
time in Cheyenne, those having families sleeping at their 
homes, or in the houses of their friends. The hired Texans 



had the run of the town at night, very often, and pande 
monium reigned in the West end. 

Major Wolcott, the commander of the invaders, was re 
leased on parole, and made a trip to Omaha and Chicago 
for the purpose of consulting (the press dispatches said) 
United States Senator Manderson and other influential per 
sons as to the proper course to take in securing release from 
the difficulties into which he had led his friends. State Sen 
ator John N. Tisdale, another leader of the mob, and others 
of the gang, were paroled and went to Denver to attend the 
Masonic Conclave and enjoy themselves. How many others 
had leave of absence is not known, but it was understood 
that permits were to be had for the asking. 

On the way from the north, and after their arrival in 
Cheyenne, the mob did not hesitate to publicly declare that 
they would soon get out of their present trouble, and then 
they would go back to Johnson county in force and "clean 
the rascals out." This kind o talk was so common, and cer 
tain Republican papers, like the Sun and Tribune, of Chey 
enne, echoed and cheered these sentiments to such an extent 
that the residents of the northern counties lived for months 
in anticipation of a second raid upon their homes and 




BELIEVING that Benjamin Jones and Wm. W. Walker 
were the only witnesses of the killing of Champion and Ray 
and the burning of Nolan s KG ranch house, prudence dic 
tated the removal of these men from the reach of the prose 
cuting citizens, and the supreme importance of the work 
demanded that the conditions of the removal be made liberal 
and surrounded by no pledges as to the methods to be em 
ployed. The injunction was simply: "Get rid of the lying 
bastards, who would swear our lives away." Accordingly, 
F. H. Harvey, a lawyer of Douglas, Wyoming, and O. P. 
Witt, a livery stable keeper of the same place, were em 
ployed by the cattlemen, who were backing the invaders, to 
relieve the country of the presence of these two men at 
any cost. 

Jones and Walker were the two men who had stayed all 
night at the KC, April 8th, and who had been captured by 
the mob on the morning of the pth, as detailed in a former 
chapter. After the burning of the house and the shooting 



of Champion, the two men had been released with the in 
junction to go south and keep marching, but to hold their 
tongues as to what they had seen and heard, if they expected 
to live long and be happy. They came south, reaching Casper 
after some days. Finding that public sentiment was wholly 
against the murderers, they told the story of the cowardly 
attack and brutal murders of April 9th, substantially as re 
lated in these pages. This "Trappers story/* finding its way 
to the ears of the white caps, opened their eyes to die neces 
sity of getting rid of the witnesses and caused the employ 
ment of the kidnapers above mentioned. 

The details of the spiriting away of these important wit 
nesses has been told by the deputy sheriff of Converse county, 
who was on the ground and familiar with all the facts. His 
statement is therefore given here in full and believed to be 
in strict conformity to the facts. There is ample corroborating 
testimony, however, so that the case does not rest on Colonel 
Kimball s evidence, which is as follows: 

As is well known, two trappers, Ben Jones and Wm. W. 
Walker, witnessed the brutal murders of Champion and Ray. 
After the killing and burning Wolcott released them and told 
them to "go south and keep going-" They went to Casper. As is 
well known. Governor Barber refused to deliver the murderers 
to the proper authorities of Johnson county, but kept them at 
Fort Russell under military protection, evidently with the in 
tention of turning them loose without trial or punishment. As 
Sheriff Angus could not arrest them, of course no subpoenaes 
could be issued for or served on said witnesses, as they could 
not be cited to appear at any particular time or place to testify. 
Consequently, said witnesses were free to go when and where 
they pleased. 



Sheriff Campbell was absent at Washington, and Under Sher 
iff Kimball, the writer hereof, caught on to the fact that the 
cattlemen were about to attempt to get said witnesses out of the 
way, even if they had to kill them, and we wrote both Sheriff 
Angus of Johnson county and Sheriff Rice of Natrona county 
to be on their guard. The latter began to investigate, and learned 
that a citizen of Casper had been offered $200 in cash to get 
Jones and Walker out of town anywhere so that the stockmen 
could get hold of them. Sheriff Rice informed Jones and Walker 
of their danger, and they were badly frightened. Casper has no 
jail or place of safety where they could stay, so Sheriff Rice wired 
Sheriff Angus of the danger and advised him to take them to 
Buffalo. At 2:35 p.m. of May 20th we received the following 

"Buffalo, Wyo., May 20 
"To E. H. Kimball, Douglas, Wyo.: 

"There are two witnesses at Casper in danger of white caps. 
Have them brought to Douglas and keep safe, and present bill 
to county. Will write you particulars. 

"W. G. ANGUS." 

By some means F. H. Harvey knew the contents of that 
dispatch before we did, and when we took the train for Casper, 
two hours later, he went along. We went to Casper and saw 
Sheriff Rice. We went to the witnesses and showed them the 
dispatch. We told them frankly that they were not prisoners; 
that we had neither subpoena or warrant for them, and that 
they did not have to come to Douglas unless they wanted to. 
They seemed anxious to come. In consultation with Sheriff Rice 
it was agreed that they should come here, be given arms to de 
fend themselves, and be allowed to sleep in the sheriff s office in 


the front part of the jail until such time as Sheriff Angus should 
come or send for them. 

The next morning we purchased tickets for them and took 
them to Douglas in the express car on the regular train. Harvey 
was also in the passenger coach. At Glenrock, Senator Carey s 
pet "stock inspector," Higley, took the train and walked into the 
express car. We cautioned the men to look out for him. He went 
out, but soon came back and attempted to speak to Jones. Mes 
senger Bennett told him to get out of the car and stay out, and 
he went. We then became satisfied that Harvey had been em 
ployed by the stockmen to either have the witnesses killed or run 
out of the country, and told them so. Arriving here we gave 
them rooms in the sheriffs office and each a six-shooter to de 
fend himself. We cautioned them to be careful who they talked 
to, and under no circumstances to go upon the streets after 
dark. But Harvey or some of his gang managed to interview 
Walker during the daytime and got him in a notion of leaving. 
He told the old man Jones about it, but the latter objected. He 
wanted to go to Johnson county to testify against the murderers. 
One night we had to go to Inez and Glenrock on official business. 
We left a man to sleep in the office with Walker and Jones, not to 
guard them, but to protect them in case they were attacked. That 
evening O. P. Witt got Walker, the young man, to take a drink of 
whisky. That settled it. Walker soon got pretty full, and when 
night came he refused to go to bed. As he could not be per 
suaded, Jones said he would walk him back and forth in front 
of the office and sober him up. 

Now, here is Jones story as told us in Lawyer Fisher s office, 
in Chadron, in the presence of four other witnesses: He said that 
they walked about until near midnight. Mr. Walker insisted 
upon leaving. He (Jones) objected. Walker said Harvey and 
Witt had offered each a horse and saddle and $1,000 if they 



would leave the country and not testify against the cattlemen, 
and he was in favor of going. Harvey and Witt came along and 
took them over to old man Morton s place to talk it over. There 
they met altogether some eight or ten men, who insisted upon 
their going. The names of most of them are known and will be 
given during the coming political campaign. Some of them live 
here in Douglas. Jones said that they parleyed there for an hour. 
The gang finally offered them each a horse and saddle and 
$2,700 cash when they got east of Grand Island, Nebraska. 
Jones wanted the money then. He told them that he thought 
that they were just trying to get them out in the country to kill 
them, and that he would not go with such a gang. He finally 
told them that there were no charges against him; that he could 
go when and where he pleased; and that if they would give 
him a horse and $500 then and there he would leave the country 
all alone and they had leave to kill him if he ever returned to 
testify against the Wolcott gang. They refused to do that. One 
of the gang then told him that he and Walker had got to leave 
or they would kill them right then and there. Jones said that 
he would go, provided only one man went along with them, 
and it was then arranged that Witt should accompany them to 
Harrison, Neb. Harvey was to take the train and meet them 
there that evening, and the four would go together to Grand 
Island, where they were to be paid $2,700 each and given tickets 
to New Mexico, Jones said it was intended by the gang that it 
would leave here early in the evening, but it was about i o clock 
in the morning when three saddled horses were brought out of 
Morton s stable and he was told to mount a blue roan* Jones 
said he weakened when he saw the murderous looking gang 
standing about, and he flady refused to go, and said he was 
going to the sheriffs office and go to bed. Instantly guns were 
drawn and one of the stockmen said: "Get on to that horse, you 
s of a b or I will kill you I We ve stood enough of your d d 


foolishness*" Jones said he thought it meant death anyway, so 
he mounted the old man Morton s black horse that had been 
loaned to the gang for the occasion. Walker mounted a red roan 
and Witt the blue roan, and the three pulled out through a back 
alley and struck east at a rattling pace. 

Jones says they rode upon a keen gallop for perhaps 2,0 miles, 
when Witt suddenly stopped and dismounted. He took a lariat 
from his saddle, threw it over the telegraph wire and pulled it 
down. He took a pair of wire-cutters from his pocket and cut 
the wire. Following along to the next post he cut the wire again 
as high as he could reach. Taking one end of the wire he mounted 
his horse and dragged the detached piece a long distance and 
dropped it in the sagebrush. He says that when they left the 
sheriff s office at dark they each put a revolver in their pocket, 
but with no intention of stealing them. Witt did not know that 
they were armed. After riding several miles after cutting the 
wire Witt suddenly stopped and said he was lost. Jones said the 
road was perfectly plain, but Witt insisted that he did not know 
which way they were going. Witt told them to remain where 
they were, and he rode off a few rods and commenced lighting 
matches, one after another. They could see the tops of trees 
near by. Jones whispered to Walker that Witt was giving a sig 
nal and that assassins were probably concealed near there to 
kill them. Drawing their revolvers, they rode up to Witt and 
demanded to know what he was doing. He said he was lost and 
was lighting matches to look at his compass. They knew he had 
no compass and ordered him to get back into the road. Jones 
took the lead, Walker following Witt. Jones had the best horse, 
and he says that from that time until daylight they only hit the 
high places in the road. They stopped at a ranch to get something 
to eat, and the lady asked them if they met any strangers going 
west during the night, stating that about a dozen armed horse 
men went past there just before dark. Jones says he is positive 



that it was the intention of the stockmen to have them mur 
dered there where Witt gave the signal, and that their leaving 
Douglas late in the night was all that saved them. 

When near the Node ranch Witt s horse gave out. He told 
them to ride on to Harrison. They asked what they should do 
with the horses. Witt told them to ride into a gulch a mile or 
so from town, hide the saddles and shoot the horses* After leav 
ing Witt they consulted what best to do. They had but 50 cents 
between them. Jones wanted to strike across the country. Walker 
insisted on going to Harrison and taking the train. When near 
Harrison they hid their saddles and turned their horses loose, 
but did not shoot them. When they boarded the train at Har 
rison they were paralyzed with fright to see that Harvey and 
Witt had a gang of six or seven with them that had got on the 
train somewhere along the line. They ordered them to take a 
seat among them in the rear end of the rear car. Jones did not 
know them, but is sure that they were the gang that intended to 
kill them the night before. Jones said he expected to be taken 
from the train and killed at some station, or killed and thrown 
from the train while it was in motion. It has since been learned 
that Bill McCann, a miner at Glenrock, Gibson, Wellman, who 
was since killed in Johnson county, and probably Craig, were 
among the gang on the train assisting Harvey. Jones says when 
they arrived at Crawford it was very dark, and before the train 
fairly stopped McCann and others rushed Walker out of the 
front end of the car, and Harvey, Witt and one or two others 
grabbed him and jumped from the rear platform. He did not 
know where they were, or that they were near a station, and 
thought they were going to kill him then and there. He drew 
his gun and told them to stand back or he would shoot. The 
cowards were afraid to seize him and were trying to reason 
with him. Marshal Morrison was on hand to arrest Jones and 
Walker in obedience to a telegram from here. He did not know 



them, but the gun play and loud talk at the rear end of the train 
attracted his attention. He demanded to know what the trouble 
was about. "They are trying to kill me!" yelled Jones. "No, we 
are not," replied Harvey; "this old man is crazy and we are 
taking him east to an asylum. I wish you would help us take 
him over to the B. & M. train." "It s a lie! I m not crazy 1" cried 
the poor old man; "they are trying to kill me." Just then Witt 
chirped in: "This man is my uncle and we are taking him to 
his home in the East. Come, uncle," said he, turning to Jones, 
"don t act that way; please don t, uncle." "I m not your uncle!" 
protested Jones. "Give me that gun," said Morrison. "Who are 
you?" said the poor man. "I m the city marshal here," he 
replied. "Then, I demand your protection," said Jones; "I am 
a witness against the men who killed Champion and Ray up in 
Johnson county and these are cattlemen who are trying to kill 
me to keep me from testifying against them. They have just 
killed my partner back there." Instantly the marshal and an 
assistant put the handcuffs on Jones and Witt and started for 
the jail. On the way Jones described his partner, whom he sup 
posed had just been killed. The marshal sent Jim Haguewood 
over to the B. & M. depot, where he nabbed Walker. McCann 
had just bought two tickets for Grand Island, and he and Walker 
were about to board the train. Walker was taken up and jailed. 
Witt and the two witnesses left Douglas about i o clock 
Thursday morning. We returned from Glenrock about i in the 
afternoon, and at once set about to discover what had become 
of them. We had no legal process for holding or detaining them, 
and we could not have stopped them had they taken the train 
in broad daylight, but we were afraid they had been killed. We 
soon learned that Witt had bought and paid cash for two horses 
the night before, and that he was also missing. We sent a man 
to interview his partner, Morton, and his answers were so 
evasive and misleading as to confirm suspicions. We also learned 



the telegraph wire had been cut near Lost Springs. We then 
knew well enough that Witt had been paid to run them out of 
the country, but we had no legal right to stop them. On going 
to the sheriff s office a little later we discovered that they had 
taken two revolvers, so we procured warrants and wired Marshal 
Morrison to arrest them at Crawford, rightly surmising that they 
would ride east and take the train. That night we got a dis 
patch from Marshal Morrison that he had them. 

The next day we took the train for Crawford, where we ar 
rived a few minutes after a special train had taken Morrison and 
his prisoners to Chadron on a writ of habeas corpus. 

County Judge Ballard, after hearing the habeas corpus 
case, released the prisoners. Deputy United States Marshal 
Hepfinger had been brought up from Omaha and, armed 
with a warrant for the arrest of Jones and Walker on the 
charge of selling liquor to Indians; the moment the word 
"released" escaped the lips of the judge he pounced upon the 
men like a beast of prey, handcuffed them together and 
rushed them off to a special train, standing at the depot, and 
in a moment they were moving rapidly for Omaha. Attor 
ney Harvey had secured the warrants from United States 
Commissioner Darrington on complaint of Witt. Sheriff 
Dahlman also had warrants for the arrest of the trappers, 
issued on complaint of Deputy Sheriff Kimball, charging 
the theft of two pistols, the object being to get the witnesses 
back into Wyoming and hold them to testify in the cattle 
men s cases. Harvey and Witt took the special train for 

The last chapter in the shameful drama is told in a press 
dispatch from Omaha, which is here reproduced: 



Three bedraggled, unkempt and altogether rough looking 
men, two of them handcuffed together, and all of them with 
terror depicted on every feature, huddled in a bunch at the 
heels of Deputy United States Marshal Hepfinger about 5:30 
o clock last evening as he entered the private office of Marshal 
Slaughter in the Federal building. 

Little attention had been attracted by the party as it moved 
hurriedly down the long corridor, for the reason that at the 
hour there were few to notice them. One was Witt, the livery 
man, and the two handcuffed together were Jones and Walker. 
The bracelets were removed as soon as they were safely in the 
marshal s office and the doors were closed behind them. 

Each man carried a heavy, yellow oilskin coat, and none of 
the prisoners gave evidence of having enjoyed a moment s rest 
or peace of mind in many a day. They were gaunt and hollow- 
eyed, and glanced suspiciously at every one and into every 

Their arrival disturbed the siesta of United States Judge 
Dundy, who, although it was long past his usual time of leav 
ing the building had stretched himself on the lounge in Marshal 
Slaughter s office, as if he had an appointment and fully meant 
to keep it. 

When the prisoners entered the judge slipped across the cor 
ridor into his own private office and was closeted with Attorney 
Frank Ransom, who had likewise been haunting the building 
for some time, apparently in search of a friend who came not. 

Two other attorneys, comparative strangers in town, but 
who were afterward identified as F. H. Harvey, of Douglas, 
and H. Donzlcman, of Cheyenne, were also flitting about from 
one office to another and in a very few minutes the entire party, 
with Prosecuting Attorney Baker, assembled in the office of the 
District Court and the prisoners were arraigned on the charge 
of selling liquor to the Indians. 



They waived examination and their bond was fixed at $200 
each, for which their personal recognizance was accepted. An 
other adjournment to the office of the marshal followed in order 
that the men might gather up their belongings, and they then 
left the building piloted by Attorney Donzleman and Deputy 
Hepfinger. Marshal Slaughter professed ignorance as to their 
destination, saying he supposed they were going to supper and 
that they had also asked where they could get new suits of 

He insisted that he knew nothing about the case, except 
what he had read in the newspapers, and he did not even know 
that Deputy Hepfinger was in Chadron until that morning when 
he received a telegram from him stating that the deputy had ar 
rested his men and would be in that night. They had been 
arraigned and released on bail, and further than that he was 
ignorant as a dove. 

Deputy Hepfinger could not find time to say a word and 
Deputy Jackson was but little different. He simply admitted 
that he was in Crawford Friday and saw the men arrested. He 
had just sort of happened around to help Hepfinger bring 
them in, but neither deputy had gone out on that particular 
business. The marshal "supposed" that Hepfinger had merely 
been following orders in the way of serving warrants issued 
by the United States commissioner in whatever part of the state 
he might happen to be. 

The last move in the game was made late to-night (Tuesday). 

Attorneys Donzleman and Ransom were busy until 8:30 
o clock filling obscure corners in the rotunda of the Millard, and 
when a reporter approached the former shortly after that time 
the bewhiskered lawyer insisted that the whole trouble up in 
the cattle country had been exaggerated. 

But he could not stop to talk. He was going out of the city 
and would be back in a couple of days, when he would write a 



book and do several other things. Right now, however, he must 
catch his train, so good-bye. 

He dodged around a little and finally entered a closed car 
riage waiting at the door. It was not a street hack, but a carriage 
ordered from the stable for the occasion, and away Mr. Donzle- 
man went. 

A few minutes afterward the same carriage dashed around a 
corner some blocks away and there were four inside and an 
other on the seat with the driver. Inside were Mr. Donzleman 
and the erstwhile prisoners, Jones, Walker and Witt, and the 
passenger on the box was the busy Mr. Hepfinger. 

They drove straight to the United States marshal s office, 
which the deputy entered, and after a short wait he resumed 
his place, and then began the long, rapid drive to West Side 
station, where the Missouri Pacific night express was boarded 
and the fugitives were whirled away to the southward. 

It would, perhaps, be unjust to accuse Judge Dundy of 
knowingly aiding a conspiracy to defeat the ends of justice 
in kidnaping witnesses from a distant state, but the honest 
reader cannot escape the conviction that the United States 
marshal s office was in criminal collusion with the conspir 
ators. The cattlemen s attorney, Donzleman, was in Omaha, 
in consultation with the marshal. A deputy had been sent 
to Chadron to serve false papers; that is, warrants issued on 
a false charge; the attorney and the marshal, having tele 
graphic information that the witnesses had been arrested and 
were on a special train, hung about the office awaiting their 
arrival; the marshal or the attorney, or both, asked Judge 
Dundy to remain in the office after court hours to hear an 
important case, and when the prisoners arrived all things 
were in readiness to at once proceed to business, hear the 



case and turn the accused loose. Did they have their liberty? 
Attorney Donzleman and Deputy Marshal Hepfinger took 
them in charge and the deputy stayed with them until they 
were placed on the train and sent out of the country. The 
stop at the marshal s office while on the way to the train 
further implicates that officer, and the public will always 
hold him as a party to the damnable job. 

1 06 




HEN THE CAPTUKED CATTLEMEN got warmed up in their 
quarters at Fort Russell and had an opportunity to read the 
newspapers of this state and from the great outside world, 
they discovered that public sentiment was universally 
against them, save where the papers had been unduly in 
fluenced, either by money or some other power. Accord 
ingly the threats of another raid became less violent and the 
brains of the baffled "cattle kings" commenced to work on 
other lines. The first brilliant thought that seemed to be 
meaty was martial law in the northern counties. This would 
mean the disarmament of the people of three or four coun 
ties and the placing of all the machinery of the law into the 
hands of the friends of the cattlemen to be specially run in 
their interests. It would really mean the barring out of all 
new settlers, and the driving out of many already located, 
through the oppression always following the enforcement 
of martial law and the overthrow of the civil authorities. 



Impressed with the importance of this idea and still cling 
ing to the belief that the stockmen could control the politics 
and state policy as of old, the following petition was pre 
sented during the summer of 1892: 

To His Excellency, the Governor, Cheyenne, Wyoming: 

Sir The undersigned respectfully represent that they are 
the owners of and are interested in, cattle and horses, located 
and ranging in the county of Johnson, in the state of Wyoming, 
and in the territory adjacent to said county; that they are citi 
zens of the state of Wyoming and of other states in the Union, 
and as such are entitled to the equal protection of the law, and 
to the protection of their property against theft and depredations, 
and that the county of Johnson and the territory adjacent there 
to, is chiefly composed of unclosed lands, especially adapted to 
grazing, and the livestock of your petitioners and others rang 
ing thereon, is worth several millions of dollars. 

And your petitioners further represent that for several years 
the stealing and misbranding of livestock in the vicinity named 
has been of frequent occurrence, and has been rapidly growing 
more prevalent, and that stock thieves continually ride the range 
and place their brands upon the unbranded calves of other own 
ers and change and alter the brands upon the branded livestock 
of others, thereby destroying all means of identifying the true 
ownership thereof. These stock thieves have, during the past 
year, greatly intimidated and threatened other residents in that 
vicinity, and have suppressed, by threatening violence, almost all 
opposition to their unlawful calling and occupation. Their in 
fluence, by reason of their numbers, and by their methods of 
intimidation, has become so great of recent years as to reach 
the jury box and almost effectually prevent the conviction of 
any person charged with stock stealing. As one evidence of this 

1 08 


the records of the District Court in Johnson county for the five 

years last past, show that over indictments have been found 

against different persons charged with the stealing of livestock, 
and that of this number there have been less than 10 convictions. 
These acquittals have been so flagrant and so contrary to the 
evidence that the judges have deplored existing conditions and 
have declared it almost a useless effort and expense to try any 
person charged with the stealing of livestock. 

These thieves have grown so bold and so open in their sup 
port and defense of stealing that they have notified persons who 
differ with them to leave the country, and have in many in 
stances enforced their threats by acts of violence, and they further 
threaten to assassinate those who have fled if they return. 

In March, 1892, these thieves, together with others whom 
they had intimidated, met together at Buffalo and organized and 
arranged for round-ups in violation of law, and were endeavoring 
to execute the same when certain owners of livestock in that vi 
cinity obtained from the United States Circuit Court for the 
district of Wyoming an injunction order restraining and en 
joining the carrying on of these round-ups. The United States 
marshal and his deputies who went to the vicinity to serve the 
order of injunction were grossly mistreated and embarrassed in 
the service of the process of the court, and found it unsafe to 
remain there. One of the deputy marshals, George Wellman, a 
courageous and honest man, was foully assassinated without 
cause or provocation, on a public highroad in that county while 
going to Buffalo to receive instructions from the United States 
marshal relating to the service of his injunction order. 

Your petitioners and others intending to enter upon and 
carry on the round-up arranged for by law, sent trusted and 
honest employes to attend to the same, and these men were 
threatened with violence by the thieves and were compelled to 
leave the county to avoid death or other violence to their persons. 



During the last two months the number of stock thieves in that 
vicinity has been greatly augmented by the arrival o other men 
o the same character from other parts of the country, and there 
now exists in that country an organized plan of driving the 
stockmen out, so that their property may become common prop 
erty for the thieves; cattle are being wantonly and openly slaught 
ered in that section by thieves, some of the slaughtering being 
done for no other purpose whatsoever than to gratify malicious 
motives, and other slaughtering is being done to enable the 
thieves to market the beef and obtain money therefor. The 
ranches and homes of owners in that vicinity have many of them 
been plundered, and the personal effects and furniture there 
stolen or destroyed, and the occupants of the ranches have been 
driven from the country by fear. Even women and children at 
these ranches have received these threats of violence, and have 
been compelled to seek places of safety* Letters in the United 
States mails have been opened by these thieves, and there exists 
a general and well-founded belief that letters and information 
cannot be safely confided to the United States mails in that vicin 
ity, and in several instances persons have been warned against 
sending letters to their friends upon the outside (of the mail 
sack), and have been notified not to go to the postoffice either 
for the purpose of mailing letters or for the purpose of receiving 
mail therefrom. 

No effort of any kind whatever on behalf of the civil author 
ities in that vicinity is being made to suppress this stealing, or 
any of the acts of violence and intimidation, and in many in 
stances the civil authorities are, by reason of natural inclination 
or intimidation, working with the thieves and under their in 
fluence. The sheriff of Johnson county openly declares his friend 
ship for those who are known to be thieves, and declares his 
enmity towards the owners of livestock. With his knowledge, 
and without any opposition whatever from him, the county is 



patrolled by large numbers of armed thieves who are permitted 
to go about heavily armed and prepared at any moment to exe 
cute their threat against those who are not in accord with them* 

In conclusion, your petitioners represent unto your excellency 
that there exists in the district named an armed combination to 
prevent the administration o law and justice; that neither life 
nor property is in any respect safe, and does not and cannot re 
ceive protection at the hands of the civil authorities. The country 
named is in a feverish state of excitement and under a complete 
reign of terror, and both persons and property are wholly at 
the mercy of the outlaws and thieves who infest that section. 

We therefore, pray your excellency will place the district 
named under martial law, for the reason that it is the one remedy 
for the existing evils, and it is the only way of protecting the 
lives and property of the people there. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Trustees of Pratt & Ferris Cattle Company, by J. A. Pratt, 

Clay & Forest. 
Henry A. Blair. 
Wm. A. Paxton. 
Windsor, Kemp & Co. 
E. S. Rouse Boughton. 
John N. Tisdale. 
Fred G. Hesse. 
A. R. Powers. 
Henry G. Hay. 

Manhattan Cattle Company, by H. G. Hay, President. 
Ogallala Land & Cattle Company, by W. C. Irvine, Manager. 
Clark & Hunton. 
A. B. Clarke & Co. 
Conrad & Clark. 



Murphy Cattle Company. 

E. W. WhitcomK 

The Western Union Beef Company, by Geo. W. Baxter, 

Jas, G. Pratt. 
Bay State Live Stock Company, by H. H. Robinson, 


To the reader of these pages who has kept the run of 
events as they have been detailed, the above can only be 
viewed in the light of a tissue of false statements from be 
ginning to end, and as a last dying effort to accomplish by 
strategy what the signers of this petition, or their agents, 
had failed to do in an open fight on the grassy plains of 
Northern Wyoming. 

Up to the time of the filing of this libelous petition no act 
of violence had been perpetrated in Johnson county, or any 
other northern county, save by the cattlemen themselves, or 
their hired assassins. The threats, intimidation and murder 
were all on the side of the cattlemen. True, George Wellman 
had been killed, but the well-settled conviction then, and 
now, rested and rests in the minds of the public that this un 
fortunate young man was the victim, not of the settlers of 
Johnson county, but of the cattlemen themselves. That the 
murder of George Wellman was planned in Cheyenne and 
the brutal outrage executed on orders from the Capital City 
seems of easy demonstration to all fairminded men. 

What are the facts? For years the stockmen had domi 
nated the north its hills, valleys and plains were overrun 
with their lowing herds. As time wore on, the hardy pioneer 
came to dispute with them the occupancy of the rich lands 
and to build homes where before were seen only the dashing 



cowboy and the long-horned steer. This was an innovation 
not to be tolerated. A few cattle were stolen as is the case 
in all communities but no act of violence was committed. 
Exasperated at the situation and realizing that no serious 
charges could be successfully preferred against the settlers 
the series of cold-blooded murders heretofore mentioned in 
these pages was perpetrated at the hands of the cattle barons. 
Still no overt act was done by the settlers. Then the raid was 
undertaken for the purpose of terrorizing the country. This 
failed of its purpose, though 48 men crimsoned their hands 
with the blood of their fellow citizens. Still no blood stains 
were upon the hands of the settler. They rose up in their 
honor and their might to defend their homes and their 
lives against the swoop of the assassins, but they committed 
no crime. 

Baffled at every turn, what more natural to a band of men 
who had done murder, arson and body burning, than to 
order the death of one of their trusted aiders if, by so doing, 
they believed that they could fasten the crime of assassina 
tion upon the innocent settler and use the circumstance as 
a lever to force the declaration of martial law in the country 
they were trying to conquer ? With Wellman dead, and the 
crime of this murder laid upon the settler, it was believed 
that the governor could be induced to place Northern Wyo 
ming virtually in the control of the then defeated cattlemen, 
through the agency of the marshals who would supersede 
the civil authorities in the event of martial law being pro 
claimed. With martial law in force in Johnson, Converse, 
Natrona and Weston counties, as was contemplated by the 
above recorded petitioners, the defeat at TA ranch would be 
turned into a great victory. To accomplish this by the loss of 



one of their friends would be, from their standpoint, gain 
ing much for a little. They would not stop to consider the 
matter in the light of the infamy that should attach to an 
act of such base treachery, for would it not save many of 
their own lives by accomplishing what it would require an 
other raid into the county to as successfully do? And with 
the aroused feeling everywhere prevalent was it not almost a 
certainty that some one of the faithful would be called upon 
to pay the final debt of nature? The chain of circumstances 
is very damaging to the professed innocence of the cattle 
men s ring. 

Exactly what impression this document had upon the 
mind of the acting governor will probably never be known to 
the public. Neither will it be known just what action he took 
in the premises, unless a thorough and far-reaching investi 
gation is made by the legislature. But the suspicion is strong 
in the minds of most well-informed persons that the subject 
matter was laid before our United States senators and the 
president, with a request that action be taken by the gen 
eral government. This impression prevails by reason of the 
subsequent action of the secretary of war in quartering 
soldiers for months in two of the northern counties, a thing 
unknown before in the history of the country during a time 
of peace, and the issuing of a proclamation by President 
Harrison calling upon the citizens of Wyoming to lay down 
their arms and repair to their homes, or by implication, that 
martial law would be declared within three days of that 
official notice. This being done at a time when the invaders 
were in the hands of the military at Fort Russell, and when 
no armed body of men was to be found anywhere in the 
state, save the soldiers at the two government posts, makes 



it difficult of explanation except on the theory that a copy 
of the above quoted petition, setting up a false condition, 
had been presented to the president, and his interposition 
specially urged, either by the governor or the United States 
senators at that time representing the state in Congress. 

It is understood that the main object of Major Wolcott s 
parole trip was to secure senatorial influence in urging the 
president to declare martial law, and perhaps Senator Man- 
derson and some others joined the Wyoming senators in 
this outrageous demand. 

The first fruits of the cry for martial law are made mani 
fest in the following telegram: 

Washington, June 6, 1892 

Six troops of cavalry from Fort Robinson, Nebraska, are 
ordered to march to Powder River, Wyoming. The two troops 
of cavalry at Fort McKinney are directed to join them. Six troops 
of cavalry from Fort Niobrara, Nebraska, are ordered to march 
into Wyoming, going into camp at a point between old Fort 
Fetterman and old Fort Casper. 

These cavalry forces moved as directed, and remained 
stationed in the sagebrush all summer, apparently as, a fore 
runner of martial law. Common rumor had it that the regu 
lators believed the presence of the troops would so incense 
the settlers that some overt acts would be committed and 
such serious trouble follow as to make martial law necessary, 
or at least excusable. The northern press "caught on" to this 
idea, and strongly urged upon the people to bear patiently 
this humiliation and give no cause for further action by the 
government. Such advice was hardly necessary, but there 
was no disturbance at the camp on the Platte river. 



At the Powder river camp there was trouble, but it was 
so plainly the result of viciousness on the part o the soldiers 
that no action looking toward martial law could be taken 
by the authorities. Two of the colored troops got into a row 
with a depraved white man over a lewd woman at a bagnio 
in the village of Suggs, a mile from the camp. The night 
following, between 10 and n o clock, a squad of 44 colored 
troops marched into the town and opened fire on a saloon 
where a number of men were assembled, playing cards and 
drinking. The attack was unprovoked and unexpected. The 
citizens, however, rushed for their guns and pistols, and 
charged the black soldiers, driving them out of town, killing 
one and wounding five. It was claimed that some of the 
friends of the white caps were in the soldiers* camp at the 
time, and the responsibility was charged to them. No further 
trouble occurred. 

As confirmatory of the impressions that the sending of 
troops into the state was the result of the misrepresentations 
of the interested stockmen, and that they hoped it would 
turn out to be a move in their favor, the following statement 
of an officer stationed at Omaha, and made to an agent of 
the Associated Press reporter on June nth, 1892, may be 
quoted, as follows: 

It is believed by the military authorities that the presence of 
a large body of troops in the cattle districts will have a quieting 
effect, and in case it becomes necessary to take active steps to 
quell another outbreak, the troops will be dose to the scene of 
the disturbance. The department is convinced that there are a 
number of thieves of that region who are agitating this bitter 
ness and are at the head of this lawlessness that has terrorized 
portions of the state* These thieves will be watched very closely, 



and about the first break they make they will be taken in by the 
powerful arm o Uncle Sam. 

One of the officers at the headquarters was asked today if 
he thought the state of Wyoming would be placed under martial 
law and he replied that he did not think it would be necessary 
to adopt that measure. "There is one thing you may depend 
upon, however," he said, "the government is not going to put 
up with the lawlessness out there any longer. That business has 
got to come to an end, and my opinion is that if you watch 
matters closely you will see an emigration from Wyoming of 
some of the parties who have been busy stirring up the trouble." 

The last remark quoted above had proven true some 
of the stockmen who were "busy stirring up the trouble" have 
"emigrated/ and others are likely to follow suit, but the set 
tlers who took up arms to defend their homes remain, and 
no hired assassins can drive them out. 

The soldier quartering scheme failing to produce the 
desired effect, some occult influence was brought to bear on 
President Harrison, and he issued the following: 


Whereas, By reasons of unlawful obstructions and assem 
blages of persons it has become impracticable, in my judgment, 
to enforce by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings the laws 
of the United States within the state and district of Wyoming, 
the United States marshal, after repeated efforts, being unable 
by his ordinary deputies, or by any civil posse which he is able 
to obtain, to execute the process of the United States courts; 

Now, therefore, be it known that I, Benjamin Harrison, 
president of the United States, do hereby command all persons 
engaged in such resistance to the laws and the process of the 
courts of the United States, to cease such opposition and resist- 



ance and to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective 
abodes on or before Wednesday, the 3d day of August next. 

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused 
the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of 
Washington this 3Oth day of July, in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, and of the independ 
ence of the United States the one hundred and seventeenth. 


By the President: 

JOHN W. FOSTER, Secretary of State. 

No more infamous document ever issued from official 
pen. No greater outrage was ever perpetrated upon a long- 
suffering people than is here ruthlessly thrust upon all of 
Wyoming s citizens. The statements made in the "whereas" 
were absolutely false in every line. They were lies, pure and 
simple. On the day that the text of this insult reached Chey 
enne a prominent citizen approached Judge Riner, of the 
United States Court, and asked him what the proclamation 
meant. His reply was that he knew absolutely nothing about 
it. That he was as surprised as any other citizen that there 
were no processes issued from his court, but what had been 
served in the regular way no obstructions having been met 
with by the marshals that had come to his knowledge. Every 
person then living in the state knew that there was no re 
sistance to law within our borders, and that there was no 
body of men collected anywhere to whom an order to "dis 
perse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes" could 
possibly be addressed. 

How came it, then, that the president of this great coun 
try should descend to the level of a blackmailer, and by an 



official act proclaim to the world that the good people of an 
entire state were engaged in resisting the law? 

There is but one explanation the statements in the peti 
tion to Acting Governor Barber had been presented to him 
as the truth, and he had been deceived by senatorial repre 
sentatives into believing them. It was the influence o the 
old Cheyenne cattlemen s ring permeating official ranks from 
the policeman on his beat up through all the graduations to 
the White House at Washington. It is said that our senators 
denied any knowledge of this proclamation until it appeared. 
This may be true, but the public is slow to accept it as a truth. 
How did the president gain the information upon which to 
base his statements? Certainly, he would not accept such 
grave charges as true without an investigation. Should he 
investigate, where would be begin? Manifestly with the 
senators from the state implicated. Were the statements filed 
by the governor, no sane man, sitting in the presidential 
chair, would act on them without consultation, when there 
were two senators to whom he could apply for confirmation 
or denial of the charges. There is no escape from a division of 
the responsibility of the president s defamatory proclamation 
between the acting governor and the two senators represent 
ing Wyoming at that time, and the public will so hold. 






FEW WEEKS after the arrival of the invaders at Fort 
Russell it was determined by them and their friends to reg 
ulate, or muzzle the press of the state. It had been claimed 
that all of "the best citizens" approved the raid and its red- 
handed murders* There were some newspapers, however, 
that dissented from this view, and that did not hesitate to 
call murder and arson by their proper names. To be held up 
to public gaze as guilty of cold-blooded murder did not suit 
the sensitive natures of the men who had merely killed two 
of their fellow citizens in one day and burned the body of 
one of them while they sat around the camp-fire meal and 
joked about the incense that rose from the burning pile. This 
sort of talk must be stopped. 

Colonel E. H. Kimball was editing a paper at Douglas, 
Wyoming, and he dipped his pen in gall each week when 
speaking of the outrages committed by this gang of outlaws. 
He printed their names in full and told just what crimes they 
had committed. He must be destroyed and the power of his 
press overcome. So a dozen or more of them filed informa 
tions against him for criminal libel. One of the charges was 



made by George W. Baxter, o Cheyenne, general manager 
for the Western Union Beef Company. Upon this a warrant 
was issued and Colonel Kimball was kidnaped and brought 
to Cheyenne, where he was lodged in jail* He was held for 
30 days before he could give bonds, the law requiring bonds 
men to be residents of the county where the accused is in 
prison. This had the effect of temporarily stopping the issue 
of the paper as Colonel Kimball was a poor man and could 
not hire the work done while he remained in jail. The case 
never came to trial. 

The editor of the Northwestern Livestock Journal offered 
to sign the bonds of Colonel Kimball, and as a reward his 
paper was boycotted by the cattlemen in any way connected 
with the raid. Later four of them entered his office one day 
and made a personal attack upon him, undoubtedly with 
murder in their hearts. But their designs were frustrated and 
the editor still lives. 

The next attempt to regulate the tone of the press was 
made by this same man Baxter on the Cheyenne Daily Lead 
er, because it dared to condemn the work of the assassins. 
He owned a few shares of the Leader stock and began an 
action for the appointment of a receiver so as to get control 
of the columns and shut off the truth about the invasion and 
its supporters. The trial was long and expensive, but finally 
resulted in a withdrawal of the complaint. These efforts at 
destroying the press were so barren of success that it was 
concluded to make no further attempts in that direction. 






. W. BLAKE, judge of the Second Judicial district, which 
comprises Johnson and Albany counties, sent a letter to Act 
ing Governor Barber on the igth of June, requesting that 
he deliver to the authorities of Johnson county the stockmen 
then confined at Fort Russell. The judge informs the gov 
ernor that he has received a certified copy of informations 
filed against 44 persons, charging them with murder : 

I have also received a certified copy of warrants issued by 
the clerk of the court for the arrest of the parties charged in the 

The men against whom the informations are found are con 
fined at Fort Russell under absolute control of the War Depart 
ment. The courts, before they can exercise their functions, must 
have the control of the persons whom they accuse of offense of 
the law. 

In view of these conditions I made the following requests: 



First That you turn over to the sheriff of Johnson county or 
his deputy, the parties named in his warrants, and give them 
into his custody at Fort Russell* 

Second That before you do this you inform me of the time 
you will be ready to make the transfer in order that I may give 
the officer full directions as to the place they shall be held, pend 
ing the future proceedings of the court. Pending the time of the 
trial, I believe it my duty to exercise the utmost diligence and 
care first, in placing the prisoners within the custody of the 
proper officers of the court; second, that they be kept with ab 
solute safety; third, that these things be done in such a way that 
will entail the smallest possible expense upon Johnson county. 

I do not consider it necessary at this time to have these men 
taken to Johnson county. I have in view two methods of hold 
ing them in custody, both of which will require the assent of 
the parties accused. 

One is that they be confined at Fort Russell as long as the 
War Department will detain them there; the other that they 
be confined in the north wing of the penitentiary at Laramie, a 
portion of the building now unoccupied for any purpose, and 
where they will not under any circumstances come in contact 
with any of the convicts confined in another part of the building. 

Should you surrender these men to the judicial department 
upon this request, my positive order will be given to the officer 
to whom they are surrendered upon these points in the way 
I have indicated as to their confinement, and I am satisfied be 
yond any question that these orders will be obeyed, for the reason 
I believe that I have a right to make them, and I have never 
known an officer of Johnson county to disregard any direction 
I had given him. I must urge upon you, that I insist as soon as 
the matter can be arranged, wherever these prisoners are de 
tained, they must be kept under the custody of an officer of the 
court for Johnson county. 



Up to this time the acting governor had refused to permit 
the Johnson county officers to serve the warrants on the con 
fined cattlemen, notwithstanding almost daily applications 
had been made for that privilege. After the receipt of the 
above communication the matter was given careful execu 
tive consideration, and on the morning of July 5th, 1892, 
Governor Barber escorted the prisoners to Laramie City, 
where Judge Blake was sitting "in chambers." Adjutant 
General Frank Stitzer, accompanied by almost the entire 
military staff of the governor, marched the cattlemen to 
Hesse s hall, a large room previously engaged as head 
quarters for them. Here they were formally turned over to 
Deputy Sheriff Roles, of Johnson county, who took charge 
of them. They were made comfortable in their new quarters 
and seemed to have little care about the future turns their 
case might take. 

An application for a change of venue from Johnson coun 
ty was made, heard and granted, but two weeks* time was 
consumed in the selection of a place, Cheyenne finally being 
chosen. The attorneys for the prosecution objected very 
strongly to having the trial carried to Cheyenne on the 
grounds that that city was the head center of the old domi 
nating cattle influence, and the feeling of sympathy worked 
up in favor of the accused, many of whom had been promi 
nent in political, business and social circles, would prevent 
an unbiased hearing of the case. This idea was fought by 
the lawyers for the defense, and many witnesses were called 
on either side. When Cheyenne was decided upon, the opin 
ion in many parts of the state was freely expressed that the 
cattlemen had won, and that the trial would be a howling 
farce. It was honestly believed by many people that the 



tentacles of the old gang were so securely fastened in the 
people of that city that they could control the findings of 
juries as they had in the past shaped the legislation of the 
state. From that time forward interest in the case lessened 
among the masses and they began to agitate the question of 
how to counteract this un-American system of intrigue and 
conspiracy that was so rapidly undermining our republican 
form of government. 

The prisoners were returned to Cheyenne, put in charge 
of Sheriff A. D. Kelly, and ostensibly quartered in Keefe s 
hall, instead of the jail. The first night after their arrival the 
cattlemen proper of the gang were given a champagne ban 
quet at the clubhouse by their white cap friends, and it was 
a night of high revelry. During the entire term of their wait 
ing for the sitting of the court the cattlemen slept at their 
homes or the hotels, and the entire party took their meals 
where they chose, and had the run of the town day and 
night. A full list of guards was employed at the expense of 
Johnson county, and the prisoners were supposed to be kept 
in their quarters continually, save when they were escorted 
to their meals. The truth of the situation is well and fittingly 
illustrated by the following incident: 

A newspaperman wanted to interview some of the con 
fined men one evening about 8 o clock. He found three 
guards on duty at the front door, and asked to be shown in 
to see the prisoners. He was escorted inside but found no 
one present. Being somewhat surprised, he asked how this 
happened. The reply was, "The guards are on duty, sur, and 
if yez wants to foind the prisners, yez must go where they 
are; oill not foind em for yez." 

Another incident may be mentioned as giving a sort of 



object lesson. One morning soon after the return of the regu 
lators to Cheyenne the writer hereof was going down the 
street to his office, when he observed one of the imprisoned 
men come to the door in his night shirt, reach out through 
a partial opening and get the morning paper lying on the 
door sill. A block farther down he saw another invader tak 
ing his morning walk. Two blocks farther a city policeman 
was met, driving in front of him four tramps, each with a 
chain fastened to his leg and a 50-pound weight on his 
shoulder, being marched to work on the streets. 

The contrast was striking the cattlemen, crimsoned 
with the blood of their fellowmen, given the freedom of the 
town and indulging in riotous living the tramps, with no 
crime charged against them but that of asking for bread, 
placed in the chain gang and driven like beasts to break 
stones on the highway* Comments would only weaken the 
case the reader must draw his own conclusions* 





N AUGUST 7, 1892, the invaders were arraigned before 
Judge Scott, in the District Court for Laramie county, at the 
courthouse at Cheyenne. They all pleaded not guilty, and 
the work of securing a jury began. Three days were con 
sumed and some progress made. It was evident that a jury 
could be found in the county, and hopes began to be enter 
tained that the prisoners would be called upon to face their 
accusers for the killing of Nathan D. Champion and Nick 
Ray, and the burning of the Nolan ranch on Powder river, 
April 9, 1892. Skeptics and doubters there had been from the 
time of the arrest of the prisoners. "They never will be tried," 
was an expression heard every day, and in all parts of the 
state. The theory was that the cattlemen exerted such a dom 
inating influence that in some way they would prevent a 
final hearing and that the accused would go free. The special 
privileges granted the prisoners throughout the summer 
months strengthened this idea, but when the day of trial 
came and both prisoners and witnesses appeared in court, 

^In the 1894 edition this chapter was numbered XIX. In this edition, 
its number and all succeeding chapter numbers have been corrected. 



the doubters began to hope that they were mistaken in their 

But a bomb shell was already loaded, with fuse attached* 
At the close o the third day the sheriff, A. D. Kelly, pre 
sented a petition to Judge Scott for relief, setting forth that 
Johnson county was bankrupt; that its officials had not paid 
the expenses incurred by the detention of the prisoners in 
Albany county pending the hearing on the motion for a 
change of venue; that the cost of holding the prisoners, in 
cluding hall rent, guards and food, was over a hundred dol 
lars a day; that he could not get any money from the county 
officials with which to meet these bills; that Johnson county 
warrants would not take the place of money; that he, as 
sheriff, would no longer assume responsibility for these cur 
rent expenses, and praying for an order of court that would 
secure him against loss as he could no longer hold the accused. 

When court convened on the morning of August loth 
Judge Scott handed down his decision on the above named 
petition in substance as follows: 

I am unable to issue an order compelling Johnson county to 
make good the sheriffs disbursements for the maintenance of 
the prisoners, and as he has refused to longer provide for them, 
my only alternative is to admit them to bail. But as the defense 
refuse to furnish bail, I am forced to release them on their in 
dividual recognizances. 

The prisoners at once signed each his own bail bond for 
$20,000 in the two separate cases, and they were all set at 
liberty, but ordered to appear at the next term of court, in 
January, 1893. 

When this news reached the public a feeling of disgust 



was everywhere manifest, save among the white caps, who 
flung their banners on the outer walls and literally colored 
the town crimson. It was then clearly demonstrated that 
the old guard had gotten in its work, and that crime was 
still to go unwhipped of justice. The press of the country was 
generally outspoken in denunciation of the travesty upon 
justice, and many very bitter editorials were printed. The 
following from the Cheyenne Daily Leader is a sample of 
the more conservative utterances: 


Well, the stockmen and Texans are all at large, having been 
released yesterday on their own recognizances. Taking it all 
around perhaps it s just as well. Their confinement at Keefe 
hall was such only in name. They were permitted to go at will 
day or night about the city. Many of them never slept in the 
hall at all, and the guards were an elegant superfluity except 
whenever it was necessary to preserve the peace among the 
Texans. Some of the prisoners took in the Templar demonstra 
tion at Denver, and few of them were ever impeded in any of 
their movements. 

The keep of the prisoners, pay of guards and hall hire, 
amounted to about $100 a day. For all practical purposes this 
amount of money was but little better than wasted. In the or 
dinary sense of the term the prisoners were never guarded and 
could have made good their escape at any time were they so 
minded. Such scenes as were presented could not, in the nature 
of things, increase the public respect for the law or its admin- 
istration, and from this point of view it was better to discharge 
the prisoners even on their own recognizances than to pretend 
to keep them in custody when they were as a matter of fact 
freer to go about than men employed at the shops. 



Thoughtful persons asked why Governor Barber had 
brought these men hundreds of miles from the scene of their 
misdeeds to be held at the expense of Johnson county, and 
ready money demanded at every turn in the case? Johnson 
county s credit was good at home and abroad her war 
rants had always been paid and her people would have been 
glad to furnish guards and provisions for the invaders and 
taken their pay in evidences of indebtedness, knowing that 
they were good for their face value. This privilege was denied 
them, and the costs more than doubled by transferring the 
case to distant points for a hearing* Beside this the white 
cap press continually held Johnson county up as a bankrupt 
community and insisted that it could never pay the cost of 
a trial. This tended to weaken or destroy her credit away 
from home and rendered the borrowing of money difficult. 
Looking at the train of circumstances as a whole, and con 
necting them with the final release of the prisoners without 
trial, on the plea of Johnson county bankruptcy, the con 
sensus of opinion in many circles was that the loth of August 
witnessed the closing act of a drama (if such a comparison 
may be allowed) fully outlined before the prisoners left 
Fort McKinney for Cheyenne under military escort. The 
fact that confidence in their ultimate release never seemed to 
be lacking in the minds of the invaders strengthens this 
view of the case. They apparently knew what was to be 
the outcome. 

There were many ludicrous and humiliating incidents 
connected with the detention and partial trial of these men. 
They were under arrest for murder, in the hands of the law 
and the sheriff; yet when arraigned in court to plead, F. M. 
Canton was carried in on a stretcher, wounded by the acci- 


dental discharge of his own pistol while in one of the city 
saloons in the early morning hours. This was made the 
excuse for asking an order of court to disarm the prisoners, 
and as there was a living example of the danger before the 
court, the order was granted. This was the 7th day of August, 
and the prisoners had been in custody since April i3th all 
this time carrying the arms and flaunting them in the face 
of the law, while the citizens walked the streets with no 
weapons of defense. 

Another incident is worthy of relating. A brother of 
Nathan Champion came in on the afternoon train from the 
west. Desiring to see the men who had killed his brother, 
he asked the first man he met on the street where they were 
to be found. He was directed to Keefe hall. Approaching the 
entrance he found no one on guard at the door, so he went 
inside and slowly walked around the room, deliberately 
looking at the men as they sat or lounged about. For a 
wonder, there happened to be about half the prisoners in 
the hall at the time, and two or three of the cattlemen who 
were personally acquainted with the murdered Champion. 
When they saw this man approaching they thought it was 
the ghost of the murdered man, and rushed for an officer to 
put him out. The deputy sheriff asked: "Who are you, and 
what do you want here?" He replied: "My name is Cham 
pion, and I came in to see these men who killed my brother 
Nate/* The deputy quietly walked by Champion s side and 
told him he had better retire as visitors were not allowed 
without a permit. "All right," said Champion. "I have seen 
the murderers, and have no further business here," walking 
out, as he finished this remark. 

The presence in the city of a brother of Nate Champion 



seemed to stir up unpleasant memories and create forebod 
ings in the minds of the imprisoned cattlemen, for apparent 
ly well authenticated rumor said that an express wagon was 
driven up to the rear of Keefe hall just at dusk the evening 
after the above named visit, and 40 Spencer rifles unloaded 
for the use of the prisoners in the event of an attack by 
"rustlers or their friends." No attack was made or contem 
plated, but all the same there was a good deal of nervousness 
displayed for several days, and Champion s ghost seemed to 
have taken possession of Keefe hall, much to the disgust of 
the temporary sojourners therein. 

Immediately on the signing of their bonds, preparations 
commenced for leaving the city. The Texans and many of 
the cattlemen took the afternoon train for the East. The 
fiscal agents of the Stock Association were part of the out 
going throng, which laid over a day in Omaha to settle up 
with the hired men. These were supposed to be on the pay 
roll at $5 a day from the time of their enrollment in March 
up to the hour of their discharge by the court, as well as for 
the computed time of their journey home. The Omaha pa 
pers of the 1 2th and i3th of April announced the happy ad 
justment of these financial arrangements and the departure 
of the late imprisoned on their way south in the best of 
spirits and with canteens well filled. 

Tom Smith, the captain of the Texans, has since paid the 
last penalty. He was shot and killed by a Negro desperado 
on the cars between Gainesville, Texas, and Guthrie, Okla 
homa, in the summer of 1893. Others of the band are re 
ported killed, but how many is not known. He who lives by 
the sword shall perish by the sword, will no doubt prove 
true with many of these reckless characters. 



A goodly number o the cattlemen quietly departed for a 
change of air, while others repaired to their respective places 
of domicile. One general manager, who had been in the 
north for years, remarked that he was "heading straight for 
Brooklyn, and that once safely over the bridge he would 
stay on that side of the East river. He had had all the busi 
ness he wanted with a lot of duffers who had no more sense 
than to shoulder their guns and fight like demons for their 
jim crow farms in a country that was not worth a d n only 
for cattle grazing." He has kept his word. 

January 21 st, 1893, when the case of the State of Wyo 
ming vs. the Invaders was called, nearly all of the cattlemen 
responded but the hired men failed to appear. Alvin Ben 
nett, prosecuting attorney for Johnson county, offered a mo 
tion to enter a nolle prosque, to which the attorneys for the 
defense entered an objection. After discussion the court ac 
cepted the motion and the prisoners were discharged. A 
similar motion was made covering the cases of the hired 
Texans, who had not appeared, and an order of discharge 
was entered in the court records, also one rescinding the 
order of forfeiture of bail bonds previously entered. 

This action was severly criticized by many as unwar 
ranted and outrageous, but the public finally settled down 
to the common opinion that the ring had so many obstruc 
tions of one kind and another to spring that justice was not 
likely to be meted out in the event of a long and expensive 
suit, and perhaps it was as well to end the farce without 
further cost to Johnson county settlers. It presented one ob 
ject lesson that would in the end result in good to the state 
by arousing a sentiment among the masses in opposition 
to corporation rule that in future would prevent similar 



4, 1893, the Wyoming Stock Growers Association 
met in annual session at the court house in the city of Chey 
enne. John Clay, Jr., o Chicago, president of the association, 
was in the chair, and, according to the report of the com 
mittee on credentials, there were present 99 members in 
good standing. 

Mr. Clay delivered quite a lengthy address immediately 
after rolling the meeting to order, and after alluding to the 
general situation of the cattle industry and talking about 
bad markets, etc., etc., he said: 

"Not content with the imposition of financial and cli 
matic troubles another burden had to be added to our lot. 
After a long period of forebearance and patience from range 
depredations, both petty and wholesale, the trouble cul 
minated a year ago and the so-called invasion of Johnson 
county took place, which ended unfortunately and gave rise 
to an almost interminable amount of bad blood, politically 
and socially." 

After moralizing for some time on the low state of Wyo- 



ming public sentiment that he admitted was with the John 
son county settlers and against invaders, he continued as 
follows : 

"While the invasion is now consigned to history, it de 
veloped during its progress last spring and the long, weary 
summer months which followed a spirit of admiration from 
all classes of the men (the very flower of Wyoming s citi 
zens) who had taken part in the expedition. Under the most 
trying circumstances they stood shoulder to shoulder, scarce 
a murmur escaping them. Gentlemen. I am not here to de 
fend these parties. Technically, legally, they did wrong, but I 
consider it no mean privilege to stand in this prominent 
position today and say that I count everyone of them a friend. 
Notwithstanding their errors of judgment, we respect them 
for their manliness, for the supreme courage under the ad 
verse fire of calumny and the usual kicking a man gets 
when he is down. There will be a day of retribution, and 
the traitors in the camp and in the field will be winnowed 
like wheat from the chaff." 

Later in the day, when "the good of the order" was sprung 
for general discussion, Henry G. Hay, treasurer of the asso 
ciation, closed a speech of general approval of the stockmen s 
methods of cattle seizure by the inspectors of the Livestock 
Commission, intimidation, etc., with the following sentence: 
"I love the association for the enemies it has made, as they 
are nearly all thieves and rustlers." 

These utterances of the officials of the stock association 
in an open, public meeting, and the hearty endorsement they 
received from the ninety and nine members present, very 
clearly prove that the public was right when it declared at 
the time of the invasion the responsibility of that outrage 



rested upon the Wyoming Stock Growers Association. The 
invaders and the stock association are now quite generally 
used as synonymous terms among the people. 

An analysis of these "official utterances" is unnecessary, 
because each reader will do that for himself, but it is well, 
perhaps, to call attention to the threat made in the closing 
sentence of John Clay, Jr/s speech : "There will be a day of 
retribution." Is this a warning that there will be another 
invasion? Another band of hired assassins brought into the 
state to murder and burn, and in such numbers as to over 
come all resistance? Is another and greater attempt to be 
made to overthrow the state constitution, drive the settlers 
from their homes and reinstate the cowboy as the ruler of 
the country ? That is the plain English of the "official threat." 
But he was probably talking through his hat. 

It might be pertinent to here inject this inquiry: "Can 
an organization whose officers openly countenance murder, 
arson and body-burning, and denounce all who differ from 
them in opinion as thieves and rustlers, be looked upon by 
a community as an upholder of the majesty of the law and 
a friend of society?" 





T WAS claimed in the invaders* petition to the governor 
and in his dispatch to the president, and talked in the press 
as well as on the street that the civil authorities of Johnson 
county refused to give protection to the cattlemen while en 
gaged in their legitimate business of gathering and brand 
ing their cattle. To prove the falsity of the charge the fol 
lowing official notice is given as it was printed and sent 
broadcast over the country in May, 1892: 

To Henry Blair, Dr. Harris, the Murphy Cattle Company and 

Other Owners of Cattle Ranging in Johnson County: 
The authorities of Johnson county invite and desire that all 
owners of cattle ranging in this county who have either per 
sonally or by their foremen and representatives participated in 
the late armed invasion of this county to send able, trustworthy 
and discreet persons to their ranches to attend to the rounding 
and preservation of their property. The undersigned pledge to 
them the resources of the county in the protection of their in- 



terests here. We would suggest that there are a number of idle 
cowboys here who have not been branded as outlaws or black 
balled by the stock association who will gladly work and help 
round up the cattle during the coming season. 

County Commissioners. 


County and Prosecuting Attorney. 


Another false statement that was freely circulated 
throughout the country was to the effect that Johnson coun 
ty was a barren waste, only suited for range cattle grazing, 
and that three-fourths of the taxes accrued from the range 
herds owned by the large cattlemen who were either present 
or represented in the raid. The martial law petition sent to 
the governor stated that the assessable value of the range 
herds amounted to "millions of dollars," The exact facts are 
presented by the county clerk in the following statement: 

"The assessed valuation of property in Johnson county 
for 1891 was $1,789,075.69. The valuation of all horses and 
cattle owned by stockmen was $318,125, the tax on which 
was $3,817.50. This shows the cattlemen s interest in that 
county to have been less than one-fifth of the total, yet they 
claimed to be entitled to the control of all matters by reason 
of their money invested." 

On the morning of May loth, 1892, George A. Wellman 
was murdered on Nine Mile divide, in Johnson county. Here 
is the story as it was first told to the Bulletin, in Buffalo, on 
the day of the murder: 


Thomas Hathaway, a cowboy, who has been for several years 
in the employ of H. A. Blair Company, known as the Hoe out 
fit, came into town Tuesday evening, unarmed, wild-eyed and 
excited, and unfolded a tale that created consternation among 
the people. 

His story, as told then, is as follows: 

George A. Wellman, who, since the absence of F H. Laber- 
taux, was in charge of the Hoe outfit, came from Gillette to the 
Hoe ranch on Powder river, Monday evening, the pth of May, 
paid off the men at work there, and Tuesday morning, he 
(Hathaway) started with Wellman to go to Buffalo. Each was 
riding a horse, and Wellman was leading a packhorse, packed 
with Hathaway *s bedding. When about 15 or 1 6 miles south 
east from the Crazy Woman stage crossing, and about 10 o clock 
in the morning, as they were riding side by side along the Nine 
Mile divide, two shots were fired in quick succession, so quick 
that one man could not have fired them, and George Wellman 
fell from his horse* 

Hathaway s horse pitched him off; he mounted again and 
followed Wellman s horse and the packhorse about 300 yards to 
the right, stopped, unsaddled both Wellman s horse and the 
packhorse, turned them loose and rode as fast as he could to 
Buffalo to notify the sheriff. 

Hathaway changed his story somewhat as he told it to 
different people, and in the evening he was arrested on sus 
picion of being a party to the crime. The body was sent for 
and an inquest held, but no certain key to the mystery was 
found. The case has been in the United States court be 
cause of the fact of Wellman being a deputy United States 
marshal, but the public is today as ignorant as it was on the 
morning of the murder as to the identity o the men who 
fired the fatal shot. Wellman was a popular cowboy with all 



the people and not known to have an enemy in the country. 
The Masons of Buffalo buried him with due honors, and 
general sorrow prevailed throughout the county. He was 
married at Martha, Wisconsin, April 21 st, 1892, and had 
just returned from that interesting ceremony when he was 
stricken down* 

The belief is general in the northern counties that Well- 
man died at the hands of the invaders and not by act of the 
so-called rustlers. As explained in another chapter, they be 
lieve he was selected as a victim in the hope of fastening a 
crime upon the settlers of Johnson county for the purpose of 
exciting sympathy for the captured white caps. 

Some weeks after the discharge of the invaders, Dudley 
Champion, a brother of Nathan, was shot and killed by Mike 
Shonsey, one of the late prisoners. Champion came down 
the cattle trail in search of work, and at a point about 20 
miles northeast of Lusk fell in with an outfit from Texas. 
During the evening meal Shonsey rode up, and for a time 
pleasant conversation was carried on between the entire 
party. Suddenly Shonsey raised his gun and fired, killing 
Champion instantly. Shonsey, accompanied by a lad who 
was in the employ of the Texans, immediately started for 
Luskj where he gave himself up to the officers. A preliminary 
hearing was at once had, the boy swearing that Champion 
drew his revolver first, and that Shonsey fired in self-defense. 
This, of course, relieved Shonsey from blame, and he was 
released. A few hours later he took the train for Cheyenne, 
arriving in that city at midnight. The next morning he set 
tled up with George W. Baxter, in whose employ he had 
been, and took the afternoon train south, presumably going 
to Mexico and out of reach of the law. 



Twenty-four hours after Shonsey s release by the court at 
Lusk other witnesses arrived, and it was claimed that Cham 
pion had made no gun play and that his killing was unpro 
voked, cold-blooded murder on the part of Shonsey. But the 
information came too late the murderer was flying south 
ward and out of reach. Thus was added another crime to the 
long list chargeable to white cap influence. 

Undoubtedly the motive for die killing of Dudley Cham 
pion was the fear that he would, if permitted to live, seek 
revenge for the murder of his brother Nathan at the KG 
ranch. A living Champion was looked upon as a constant 
menace therefore, no Champions must be permitted to live. 
Shonsey is still absent from the state, and no action has been 
initiated to bring him back to answer for his crime. 

Readers of these pages can but be impressed with the 
knowledge that the whole cry of the invaders and their pro 
moters was the decimation of their herds by the rustlers. 
"Thief, thief! * was the constant yell, and the charge was 
always that, "If the thieves are not wiped out our herds will 
be." So they went to battle to destroy the men who had thus 
driven the cattle from the ranges of the state. That this was 
a false cry, the following story abundantly proves: 

The Western Union Beef Company, of which George 
W* Baxter was and still is general manager, had a herd lo 
cated in Johnson county, with Mike Shonsey as range fore 
man. The grass was short and the company had determined 
to move the herd to Montana in hopes of securing a better 
range. In the early autumn of 1892, four or five months after 
the invasion, the herd was gathered for the drive to Mon 
tana, and behold there were found and rounded into the 
moving bunches about two thousand more cattle than the 



company s books called for. The rustlers had not taken many 
o these cattle, surely. Yet, no man was a more vigorous 
"thief" howler than this man Baxter. 

Some persons have been uncharitable enough to suggest 
that the general manager and the range foreman had en 
tered into a conspiracy and "put up a job" on the company 
for their personal pecuniary benefit, namely, anticipating, 
and perhaps urging the removal of the herd, they had "doc 
tored" the tally sheets so as to show two thousand head less 
than the real number. Then, when the gather was made, if 
they found all the books called for, less, say two or three 
hundred, they could buy the remnant for a few hundred 
dollars less than half of the market value of the shortage, 
for it costs nearly all the value of the tailings of a herd to 
gather it and thus have a two-thousand herd of their own. 
But the little unpleasantness of the invasion made the cli 
mate of Johnson county unhealthy for Messrs. Baxter and 
Shonsey, and the cattle gathering had to be done by cowboys 
not in the deal. Thus everything bearing the company s 
brands was brought in and the soft snap so carefully planned 
was "given away." 

Assuming that there is no truth in this very plausible 
story, which is proper in the absence of direct proof, and that 
if Baxter and Shonsey had made the gather of the cattle, the 
same results would have been secured, the fact remains that 
the herd had not been looted, as claimed by Baxter and his 
co-workers in the invasion, and the belligerent attitude was 
assumed without cause. Baxter must accept one of the two 
horns of this dilemma he either allowed the tally sheets to 
be incorrectly made out or he knowingly set up a false cry of 
stolen cattle to justify an outrage upon his state and the peo- 



pie such as was before unknown in the history of the United 
States, for no practical cattleman, as he claims to be, could 
visit his range month after month and year after year with 
out realizing that his herd was rapidly increasing instead of 
being day by day growing less from wholesale robbery, as he 
everywhere proclaimed* This effectually lifts the charge of 
cattle stealing from the citizens of Johnson county. 

Several members of the Texas contingent of the invaders 
have paid the debt of nature since their release from custody 
by the Wyoming court, all dying with "their boots on 5 *; and 
many of them under circumstances peculiarly distressing. 
One of the sad stories will be sufficient to record here. The 
article copied below is from the Buffalo Voice of a day early 
in February, 1894, under the heading "Vengeance is Mine": 

Last Friday, at Fort Smith, Arkansas, the Texas Kid was 
hung. He will be remembered as being one of the invaders, and 
the one who boasted that he was the man who fired the shot 
that killed Nick Ray. He was one of the hired Texans who got 
$5 a day and rations for helping Wolcott, Carey, Warren & Co. 
to kill and scare people out of this country in order to help out 
their arid land scheme. After getting out of jail he went back 
to Texas and murdered a girl, and for that crime he was justly 
hanged- He was engaged to the girl he murdered, before he came 
up here as an invader, and when he went back she had learned 
what he had done in Wyoming, and refused, not only to marry 
him, but told him she never wanted to see him again. He be 
came enraged and deliberately shot her. He was soon caught, 
and in less than a month after committing the crime was tried 
and sentenced to be hung. He broke down several days before 
the execution of his sentence and repented of his crimes. He 
blamed the instigators of the invasion for being the cause of 


his ruin and the death of a fair, young girL He said that he had 
been told by Wolcott that a band of outlaws existed in Johnson 
county, in comparison to whom the James boys or the Daltons 
were innocent children; that they not only were thieves, but 
that they had waylayed and killed several stockmen, and that 
nine out of ten of the citizens were scared to death of this gang, 
which numbered about 75 men. He said Wolcott and Irvine told 
him that the governor and both senators had offered rewards for 
their capture or extermination, and that the governor, as the 
head of the state, had given his sanction to the invasion, as had 
also both senators. He denounced the whole gang and expressed 
regret for the part he took. "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord." 




JL v JLiDWAY between the rock-ribbed coast of New England 
and the golden sands of of the Pacific, high above and be 
yond the reach of the malaria-laden winds that gather in the 
lowlands on either side, sits fair Wyoming, youngest born of 
the sons and daughters of our Republic. Resting on the sum 
mit of the great Rocky Mountains, her garments fall in 
graceful folds to the east and west, covering an area of nearly 
four hundred miles square. Within these rectangular lines 
is found a variety and richness of nature elsewhere unknown, 
and absolutely beyond the power of words or brush to paint. 
Here we see the broad, treeless plains stretching away in 
the distance, earth and sky blending, like the sailor s morn 
ing welcome in the calm of mid-ocean. Yonder the rolling 
approaches to the foothills, green with grasses and decked 
with flowers of a thousand hues. There the foothills them 
selves, the body guards and picket sentinels of the great 
ranges, ever on duty as the trusted soldier on the tented 
field. These supports to the great backbone of the continent 
are as varied in their conformation and consistency as arc 
the comprehensions of the human mind. One is the perfec- 


don of symmetry, when viewed from any quarter, its sides 
smooth and inviting from the base to apex; another, rock 
piled upon rock, craggy projections here, cavernous depths 
there, walls perpendicular and walls hanging over; stones 
smoothed by the action of the elements on their surfaces, or 
shaped into all manner of grotesque forms by these same 
elements, as their composition is uniform or conglomerate 
in character. 

Then come the mountains, the giants in nature, rearing 
their proud heads far into the ethereal blue, and from their 
vantage ground wearing a smile that reaches out and glad 
dens the earth in its lower fields; the dew drops from the 
mountains, gathered there while the storm king reigned, are 
the joy, the life of the plains below. Raised from the lower 
depths by the strong pulsations of nature, these mountain 
ranges cross the state from south to north, with diverging 
spurs to the east and west, forming a network of mountains, 
slopes, valleys and plains. On yonder peak rests the snows 
of centuries, a robe of whiteness, unspotted by the changing 
rays of the sun, unsullied by the tornado s sweep, and secure 
from the cyclonic embrace of electric combinations. Down 
the sides of this cloud-piercing pile the pine tree grows in 
sturdy thrift, and from the shady nooks spring babbling 
brooks that dance and sing their way to the Platte and the 
Yellowstone, whence they wander on to lose their identity 
in tropical seas. 

The placid beauty of the plains, the enchanting, soul- 
inspiring and matchless grandeur of the Platte canyon, the 
sublimity of Yellowstone Park, the playground of the gods, 
afford a variety of scenery so entrancing that the mind is 
satisfied and the soul is filled to overflowing. 



As the surface o the state invites to contemplation and 
satisfies the most ardent lover of nature s work, so beneath 
these masterpieces of omnipotent mechanism lies buried a 
material wealth as inexhaustible as are the sands of the sea 
shore. Black diamonds, the coal of commerce, underlie more 
than one-half of the state, and Wyoming could warm the 
nations for a century without material shrinkage of the sup 
ply. Nature s active laboratory seems to be located directly 
under this keystone of American commonwealths, for chem 
ical combinations and experiments there conducted have 
given us not only the gems from the mountains, but pearls 
from the ocean depths. Every mineral of value known to 
commerce or manufacture is found in greater or less quan 
tity, and the iron mines are the marvel of all beholders. The 
oil fields of the state are greater than those of Pennsylvania 
and Ohio combined, and the soda lakes are the glory and 
pride of the continent. 

We are blessed with the raw material for a great manu 
facturing community, and the soil of our valleys is like unto 
the delta of the Nile. The cloudless days of nearly all the 
year, and the bracing winds that chase o er plain and hill 
drive malaria far away, and physical development becomes 

Wyoming is nature s bonded warehouse. Here are stored 
the treasures of a continent, but for ages the doors have been 
securely fastened and the seals are yet unbroken. Intelligent 
research will find the keys and deliver the goods to a wait 
ing world for the pleasure, comfort and enchantment of the 
people. To this end we invite the prospector to come within 
our gates and swell the number of developers. 

Already blessed with a home-loving and patriotic citizen- 



ship, the topography and climatic conditions of the state will 
stimulate republican sentiment among all classes, and as the 
years and the ages roll by, Wyoming will be pointed to as 
the birthplace of true democracy, the land of freedom to men 
and women, the one spot in nature s wide domain where the 
laws are made by the governed, without regard to sex. As 
we now lift our eyes to Andora, the oldest Republic, nestled 
securely in the fastnesses of the Pyrenees, and thank God 
that one tribe has preserved a republican form of govern 
ment for twelve hundred years by reason of its bravery and 
love of human liberty, so as the history of the world s progress 
is written in future years, will the eyes of all people turn to 
this commonwealth as the land where brave men and fair 
women, freemen whom the truth makes free, equally hold 
in trust, and sacredly preserved the rights and liberties of 
the people. 

Rocked in cradles guarded by nature s great mountain 
sentinels; developed in the atmosphere of freedom that 
breathes from every hillside and valley in these highlands; 
brought to man and womanhood under the magic touch of 
nature in its grandest forms, the offspring of Wyoming will 
be as proud, brave and patriotic a race as ever sprang from 
the descendants of Eden s illustrious pair. To a people thus 
fortunately situated the future is assured, and we invite the 
brave and the good of all lands to come and abide with us, 
in the full belief that the domination of the old cattle-grow 
ers ring is ended, and that from this hour the people will rule. 




With all o these natural resources and this exceptional 
political situation, the state is being held back in its develop 
ment. Corporation rule dominated so long, and then the dis 
grace of the state s invasion came as a climax. Some of the 
invaders still hold up their heads and try to pose as men, but 
the dry rot has taken hold of many of them, and it is only 
a question of a short time until the last one will have quietly 
folded his tent and departed to a more congenial clime. To 
be pointed at with the finger of scorn by every passer by be 
comes wearisome, and the weariness grows oppressive. De 
feat brings disgust, and as the old ring has suffered this at 
every turn, the practical idea of a change of pasture is already 
having the desired effect. From now on there will be a new 
Wyoming, purified by the people s rule, and made the home 
of a happy and prosperous population, engaged in opening 
up and humanizing the mountain, valley and plain. 


George W. Baxter, Ex-Governor 

Recruiting officer of the invasion 

(See Times Interview, page 35) 



HE FOLLOWING CONFESSION o George Dunning, one of 
the hired men of the invasion, was written by him while in 
the Johnson county jail, at Buffalo, duly sworn to and pub 
lished in the Northwestern Livestock Journal in October, 
1892. As the result of that publication the editor of the jour 
nal was arrested for criminal libel while in the city of 
Chicago, and his printing office seized* The postmaster at 
Cheyenne held all the copies of the paper containing the 
confession as "obscene" literature, referring the matter to 
the postmaster general and getting instructions (after the 
election) to let the paper go through the mails. Fortunately, 
a part of the mail left the Cheyenne office before the post 
master found out the contents of the paper, and a goodly 
number of copies went out by express, so that the public got 
the information before it quite generally* 

The statements made in the confession are of a startling 
nature, but so many of them are known to be true that the 
public is disposed to accept the entire story as true in detail. 
The writer hereof has seen and read the original of the let 
ters written to Dunning by H. B. Ijams, and they confirm 
the statements given in the confession in regard to them. 



The blush of shame will come to any honest man who 
reads the hellish plot, as laid before Dunning, especially 
when he reflects that a crazy, wicked attempt was made to 
execute the very plans as detailed. Of course there is a good 
deal of superfluous verbiage used in the confession, but this is 
to be expected in an article prepared by an uneducated man: 

About the ist of March, 1892, 1 was on my way from the 
79 mine near Silver City, Owyhee County, Idaho, to Boise 
City, Idaho, which is a distance of about 60 miles. I had 
heard there was about to be a sale made of the 79 mine and 
group of mining claims; I and four other parties have a lease 
on the 79 mine and a group of mining claims. I was going 
to Boise City to see W. B. Knott, the owner of the 79 mine. 
I wanted to see him about getting my pay for what work I 
had done about the 79 mine. According to our contract with 
W. B. Knott we took a three-years lease on the 79 mine and 
group of mining claims with the understanding that if the 
property was sold before the expiration of our lease that each 
of the leasers should be paid $4 a day and all expenses for 
what time he worked, and each leaser was to receive $1,000 
besides. When I left the mine I walked to Snake river the 
first day, a distance of about 30 miles, and stayed all night 
with a man by the name of Cox. The next morning I left 
Cox s place to go to the Hot Springs. As I was passing Mr. 
Bernard s place Mr. Bernard asked me if I had received a 
letter from Mr. Stearns, of Nampa. I told him I had not. Mr. 
Bernard said Mr* Stearns would like to see me. I asked Mr, 
Bernard if he knew what Mr. Stearns would like to see me 
about. Mr. Bernard said that Mr. Stearns would like to em- 



ploy the right kind of a man to run a cow outfit in Johnson 
county, Wyoming, for a friend of his and that they would 
pay me big wages. I told Mr. Bernard that I and some other 
parties had a three-years lease on the 79 mine and it had 
always, for the last 12 or 13 years, been considered one of the 
best mines in the state, and that while we were running the 
south drift that the ledge had lately widened out and showed 
higher grade rock than any other place in the mine. I told 
Mr. Bernard that I heard that the mine was about to be sold, 
and if the sale came off I would have money enough to go into 
something for myself, and if the sale did not come off that 
I should go back to the mine and get out rock so that as soon 
as the roads got good I could get the rock milled and get my 
money for it. Mr. Bernard said he heard we had a good lay 
out on the mine, but that the man that wished to hire me and 
some of my friends to run his outfit of cattle was very wealthy 
and a member of the Wyoming Stock Growers* Association; 
that the association had had a good deal of trouble with their 
stock in Johnson county, and that the Wyoming Stock Grow 
ers Association was the largest and wealthiest association of 
the kind in the world, and if I wanted to go to Wyoming to 
work, and if I and my friends would fill the bill that money 
would cut no figure with the stock association. I thought the 
matter over a minute or two; I was satisfied there was some 
thing wrong. I told Mr. Bernard that I would think the 
matter over and have a talk with Mr. Stearns; that I could 
see Mr. Stearns in Nampa on my way to Boise City. I then 
went on to the Hot Springs ranch. When I got to the Hot 
Springs ranch I told some of my friends that Old Bernard 
was up to some more of his skulduggery; that he had an 
other scheme in view; that I did not take much stock in it, 



but I was going to sec Mr. Stearns when I went through 
Nampa on my way to Boise City, and that I would learn 
more of the particulars. At this time I was not acquainted 
with Mr* Stearns. This man Bernard that I had the conver 
sation with in regard to coming to Johnson county, Wyo 
ming, to work was one of the leaders in the stock association 
in Owyhee County, Idaho, seven or eight years ago. Every 
thing in the line of the stock business in Owyhee County, 
Idaho, seemed to be running smooth until the stock associa 
tion was founded at Silver City, Idaho. There was at that 
time little or no complaint of stock stealing in that part of 
the country. About the time the stock association was in 
working order there were rumors of cattle and horse stealing 
by the wholesale started around the country and men who 
belonged to the association said if the small stockmen did 
not sell out or leave the country that they would make them 
costs enough in court to break them up. When court set in 
the fall the men who belonged to the stock association kept 
up their howl about the amount of stealing that was going 
on. The sheriff of the county had turned out defaulter to a 
large amount of money, and in order to cover up his de 
falcations had committed a number of forgeries. The sheriff 
picked up the grand jury on the streets and managed to man 
ipulate them in such a manner that the grand jury found 
two indictments against me for branding cattle, and indicted 
a number of other parties besides myself. The amount of 
money the sheriff was a defaulter was settled for him and 
the courts failed to convict a man that was indicted by that 
grand jury. This man Bernard took a very active part in the 
prosecution of all cattle cases* I know him personally to be 
a thief and a perjurer. He was continually talking about the 



need of a vigilance committee while the stock association 
was in its glory in Owyhee county, Idaho. The association 
only lasted about two years in Owyhee county, Idaho; it 
then went to wreck. 

In the course of a day or so after my conversation with 
Mr. Bernard in regard to my coming to Johnson county to 
work for a cattle outfit I was in the town of Nampa, Idaho, 
on my way to Boise City. Mr. Stearns called to me on the 
streets and asked me if it would be possible for me to go to 
Johnson county, Wyoming, and take charge of a cattle out 
fit. Mr. Stearns said that it would be better if I could take 
four or five of my friends along; that everything would be 
fixed satisfactorily in regard to the money matter; that we 
would have a show to make some money. Mr. Stearns then 
went on to explain how he came to speak to me about the 
matter; he said he was back East on a visit last summer and 
he met an old friend and school chum of his by the name of 
Clark; said Clark was one of the best men he ever knew in 
his life; that Clark had made barrels of money out of the 
cattle business and owned a large amount of cattle in John 
son county, Wyoming, and vicinity. Mr. Stearns then went 
on to tell me that Clark had told him while he was back East 
last summer that the cattle thieves, or rustlers, were com 
mitting great depredations on his stock in Johnson county, 
Wyoming, and that every man they hired was standing in 
with the rustlers, and that things would have to take a change 
in Johnson county or the stockmen would have to gather up 
what stock they could and leave the country. Mr. Stearns said 
he had a talk with Mr. Clark about me and some of my 
friends, and told Clark that if he would give us good wages 
that we would run his cattle for him, and that we would run 


them on the square; and that it would be a cold day if Clark 
did not get what cattle belonged to him. 

Mr. Stearns next showed me three or four telegrams that 
had been sent to him from Cheyenne, Wyoming, one of 
which read: "Please send party by next train, if possible." 
When I saw the telegrams there was but little doubt in my 
mind but what the whole business was crooked. Mr. Stearns 
told me that money would be forwarded to me from Chey 
enne or else a man would come from Cheyenne to Nampa 
and explain matters, if I thought I could go to Johnson 
county, Wyoming* I told Mr. Stearns that I could go and 
to have his man, who Mr. Stearns told me would be H. B. 
Ijams, secretary of the Wyoming Stock Growers* Associa 
tion, meet me in the course of three or four days in Nampa, 
Idaho. I told Mr. Stearns that I would be back from Boise 
City by that time. I then went to Boise City and came back 
to Nampa, Idaho, where I was introduced to Mr. H. B. Ijams, 
of Cheyenne. Mr. Ijams and I then went over to Mr. Stearns 
office to have a talk about the cattle business. Mr. Ijams talked 
very freely about matters pertaining to the cattle business in 
Wyoming and especially in Johnson county. Mr. Ijams com 
plained bitterly about the depredations he claimed that were 
committed upon the bands of horses and cattle by the rustlers 
in Johnson county and vicinity; he said that the stock grow 
ers* association would either have to put a stop to the thieves 
or else sell out or gather up their stock and drive them to 
some other state. Mr. Ijams said the stock growers associa 
tion had owned stock on the range too long to be run out 
of the country by an outfit of thieves, and if it was necessary 
the association would fight the thieves until the last one of 



them was wiped out of existence. Mr. Ijams said the Wyo 
ming Stock Growers* Association had paid out thousands of 
dollars for hiring men from different parts of the country to 
kill off the horse and cattle thieves in Wyoming. Mr. Ijams 
said the methods of the stock association were expensive, but 
he knew no other way to keep the thieves down. Mr. Ijams 
spoke of the hanging of a man by the name of Wagoner, a 
horse man, and the lynching of Averill and Cattle Kate, and 
about the killing of Tisdale and Jones last fall and the assault 
on Nate Champion and his partner on Powder river last fall. 
Mr. Ijams said last fall the Wyoming Stock Growers* Asso 
ciation made a contract with certain parties to kill off 15 men 
who were considered by the stock association to be the lead 
ers among the stock thieves in Johnson county, Wyoming. 
Mr. Ijams gave me to understand that the men who were 
employed by the Wyoming Stock Growers* Association to 
do the killing last fall in Johnson county, Wyoming, were 
Frank Canton and Joe Elliott and Tom Smith and another 
man whose name I forget, who Ijams said got off all right 
to Montana. Mr. Ijams said our men got Tisdale and Jones 
all right. The next job they tried after they attempted to 
do up Champion and his partner, on Powder river, they 
went into the Champion cabin about daylight and told 
Champion and his partner to give up, and at the same time 
one of the party fired his pistol at Champion s head; Cham 
pion then shot one of the party up the coat sleeve with his 
revolver and another through the ribs. The party then left 
Champion s place, leaving their grub, blankets and several 
horses and overcoats in the vicinity of Champion s place. Mr. 
Ijams said that the failure of their men to do up Champion 


and his partner, on Powder river, and the killing of Tisdale 
and Jones last fall put an end to the killing business for the 
rest of the winter in Johnson county- 
Mr. Ijams said that after the assault on Champion and his 
partner and the killing of Tisdale and Jones last fall, on the 
Powder river, there was a good deal of excitement in John 
son county, and people were getting on the war path; that 
the stock association thought that if they had some of the 
thieves killed off that it would terrorize the balance in such 
a manner that the most of them would leave the country. Mr. 
Ijams said the stock association were mistaken in regard to 
the effect produced by the killing off of a few thieves by men 
who were hired by the stock association; that instead of 
terrorizing the rascals that the thieves were becoming more 
bold in committing their depredations upon live stock, and 
that the thieves were getting more on the war path every 
day of their rascally lives. Mr. Ijams said that the course the 
stock association had been pursuing for a number of years 
in regard to killing off the thieves in Johnson county and 
vicinity had bitterly prejudiced a great many ranchers and 
business men and other people who never owned any stock, 
against the stock association; that he had thought the matter 
over a great deal and had lately come to the conclusion that 
the stock association had not gone about the killing off of the 
thieves in the right manner. Mr. Ijams said that since the 
assault on Champion and his partner and the killing of 
Tisdale and Jones, on Powder river, last fall that the stock 
association had another scheme in view for doing up the 
thieves and he thought it was the proper one under the cir 
cumstances, and that this last scheme would meet the ap 
probation of a great many law-abiding citizens of Johnson 


county, who would shudder at the idea of the stock associa 
tion hiring men in Cheyenne or Texas to come to Johnson 
county to shoot the cattle thieves in the back. Mr. Ijams said 
that the latest scheme of the stock association was to publicly 
wipe the thieves in Johnson county, Wyoming, out of exist 
ence; the way he said the stock association of Montana did 
in that state eight or nine years ago. Mr. Ijams said that after 
the assault on Champion and the killing of Jones and Tis- 
dale, that one of the stock association s best men, a man by 
the name of Tom Smith, had gone to Texas to get 25 men to 
join the rest of the outfit in Cheyenne whenever the stock 
association saw fit to make a raid on Johnson county and 
kill off the thieves; said Smith used to be a deputy United 
States marshal in Texas; and that a number of deputy United 
States marshals would come from Texas with Smith* Ijams 
said Smith had been engaged in the business of killing oflE 
cattle thieves for a number of years, and was the most suc 
cessful man he knew of in his line of business. Ijams said 
Smith was the man who put up the job to hang a horseman 
named Wagoner. Ijams said Smith and party read a bogus 
warrant to Wagoner and took him a short distance from 
home and hanged him. Mr. Ijams said the stock association 
were hiring the men that Smith would bring from Texas on 
the basis of $5 a day for each man hired and all expenses 
would be paid by the association; and the association would 
pay each hired man $50 for every man that was killed or 
hung by the mob on the raid. Ijams said that most of the 
work would be accomplished in a month, but he intended 
to divide the mob up after the first month s work and have 
five men in each squad, and have them ride over the country 
for several months and kill the thieves whenever they run 


on them. Mr. Ijams said the mob would probably kill off 
about 30 men in Johnson county while on their raid; that 
the stock association wanted to kill off more, but that a good 
many thieves would escape. After the mob got through with 
Johnson county they were to visit other parts o the country. 
Mr. Ijams said the mob would have three or four months 
work and it might take them all summer. When the mob 
got through with Wyoming, Ijams said the association had 
raids planned for other parts of the country. Ijams said the 
stock association had 25 or 30 friends in Buffalo and vicinity 
who would join the mob when they got in the vicinity of 
Buffalo; said the friends of the stock association in Buffalo 
were determined men, and that the mayor of the town (a 
man I believe by the name of Burritt) was at the head of 
their organization. Ijams said the governor and Judge Blake 
were back of this movement to wipe the thieves in Johnson 
county out of existence. Ijams told me about the United 
States marshall helping him plan the raid and said the stock 
association had some very warm friends in Congress and the 
United States Senate, among whom he said was Senator 
Carey, a man of great influence and wealth. Ijams spoke 
about the sheriff and his deputies in Johnson county, and 
said they were in sympathy with the cattle thieves, and that 
he would rather have the sheriff and one of his deputies, a 
man I believe by the name of Rowles, hung than any two 
s of he knew of. Ijams spoke of Rowles as the affidavit 
fiend; said Rowles had caused the stock association a good 
deal of trouble by getting out affidavits against some of the 
parties the stock association had employed to kill off the 
cattle thieves in Johnson county. Mr. Ijams said the stock 
association had a great many influential friends all over 



Wyoming; he said the association paid no attention to the 
courts in Johnson county; that all the courts were on their 
side; he spoke about Frank Canton being arrested for killing 
Jones and Tisdale, and said the evidence was very strong 
against Canton, but that Canton s friends were obliged to 
prove an alibi for him; said the affidavits in regard to Can 
ton s proving an alibi had been gotten up to fit the case, and 
were false as far as the truth of the matter was concerned; 
that it was no trouble for the stock association to procure 
affidavits to fit any case. Ijams said that if the raid came off 
that it would come off before the cattle round-up; he said 
that when about 30 of the thieves were killed off that 300 or 
400 people who were in sympathy with the thieves would 
get up and leave the country the best way they could; that 
the people who were in sympathy with the thieves would 
leave their stock on the range; that before the raid was over 
the stock association would have a round-up of the cattle in 
Johnson county and take possession of all the cattle on the 
range that belonged to the cattle thieves and their sym 
pathizers; that the stock association would ship the beef and 
brand over the rest of the rustlers* cattle. Ijams said that if 
I and my friends were willing to work with the mob on the 
same terms that the stock association were hiring the rest 
of the mob in Texas that the stock association would be glad 
to have us join the mob in Cheyenne at some future time. 
I told Ijams that I thought his terms were very liberal. Ijams 
said there would be no trouble about any of the mob getting 
their money according to contract. I told Ijams that I was 
willing to take the stock association for my pay. Ijams said 
it had not been definitely settled yet just when the mob 
would leave Cheyenne or just what action the stock associa- 



tion would take about the matter. Ijams said it would be 
necessary for him to return immediately to Cheyenne and 
confer with two other men who were officers in the stock 
association, who, with him, had the management of affairs 
in regard to recruiting a mob to come to Johnson county, 
Wyoming, and kill off the cattle thieves. Ijams said his prop 
ositions to me were made as an agent of the Wyoming Stock 
Growers* Association. And before the association knew just 
what they would do about the matter it would be necessary 
for the association to hold a meeting at their headquarters 
in Cheyenne, and before the mob could start from Cheyenne 
to Johnson county, Wyoming, to kill off the cattle thieves, 
that it would be necessary at the stock association meeting 
for every member of the association or his representative to 
endorse the general plan of campaign of Ijams and the other 
two officers of the association who were connected with the 
recruiting of the mob to come to Johnson county, Wyoming, 
for the purpose of killing off the cattle thieves and rustlers. 
Mr. Ijams said he would write me a letter once in a while 
after he got back to Cheyenne and keep me posted in regard 
to affairs. I then left Ijams in Nampa and went to Caldwell, 
nine miles west of Nampa. This interview I had with Ijams 
in Nampa, Idaho, was on the 7th of March, 1892. Before I 
left Ijams in Nampa I asked him what was the general repu 
tation of the cattle thieves and rustlers in Johnson county in 
the neighborhood where they lived. Ijams said the thieves 
the stock association intended to have killed off generally bore 
a good reputation in Johnson county and vicinity where they 
lived. Ijams said they were not generally considered thieves 
or outlaws in Johnson county and vicinity. 



After my arrival in Caldwell I did not know hardly how 
to regard Ijams proposition. Ijams was perfectly sober at 
the time of our interview and seemed to be a very intelligent 
kind of a man. I saw Ijams talking in Nampa to one of the 
head men of the Ada County Stock Association, a man by 
the name of Valentine. I thought the matter over a good 
deal. Ijams did not seem to get mad or excited during our 
conversation in Nampa, but seemed to talk about the matter 
of murdering 30 or more men in much the same manner that 
many people would talk about taking a picnic excursion. I 
could not think for some time that Ijams was in earnest, he 
seemed to have other business in the county besides inter 
viewing me. Ijams asked me if I knew a man by the name 
of Lamb, in Silver City, Idaho, that used to be editor of 
the Silver City Avalanche, and wanted to know if Lamb 
was in Silver City or vicinity. I told him that Lamb was in 
Delamar, Idaho, about nine miles from Silver City. Ijams 
said that he once loaned Lamb $1,500 in St. Louis and that 
Lamb had never returned the money. Ijams said he had a 
notion to go to Silver City and see Lamb. Ijams inquired 
about Lamb s ability to pay the $1,500 and gave up the trip* 
I was satisfied that Ijams and some of those fellows in Nampa 
were trying to give me a talk on the side to see if I would 
not have Ijams arrested in Nampa, Idaho, or make a fool out 
of myself in some other way. Ijams while in Nampa had 
shown me a list of the men he wanted killed in Johnson 
county, Wyoming. Ijams spoke about three of the Ninemeier 
(sic) brothers who had killed three men at Silver Mountain, 
Idaho, and said they had been recommended to him as the 
right kind of men for his business. The governor of Idaho 



had offered $1,500 each for the capture o the Ninemeirer 
brothers that murdered the three men in Silver Mountain, 

When I was at Caldwell waiting to get paid for my work 
about the 79 mine I thought over Ijams* proposition a good 
deal. I could not conceive how any one had any reason to 
think that I and my friends were so diabolically inclined as 
to join a mob and go to a distant part of the country and 
engage in the business of murdering men by wholesale who 
stood in the same position before the Wyoming Stock Grow 
ers Association that I and my friends a few years ago did to 
the Owyhee County Stock Association in Idaho. I and my 
friends in Idaho are about the only ones that ever had any 
trouble with the stock association in Owyhee county, Idaho, 
The stock association dealt us a good deal of aggravation for 
nearly two years, a large amount of which was blackmail, 
and some of the wretches had not quit lying the last I heard 
from them. While the stock association was in existence in 
Owyhee county, I took a very active part in dealing the in 
stitution misery. I and my friends took a very active part in 
prosecuting and trying to bring to justice some of the per 
jurers and assassins whom we claim were in the employ of 
the stock association. I have gone to a good deal of trouble 
and expense in Idaho to work a hardship upon that mis 
guided and unfortunate institution of a stock association 
during its short and melancholy existence in Owyhee county, 
Idaho. The more I thought of Ijams propositions the more 
I became convinced that Ijams had been imposing on me 
with his stories in regard to killing off the cattle thieves in 
Johnson county, Wyoming. When the members of the 
Owyhee County Stock Association in Idaho were talking 



unusually wicked and seemed to be thirsting for gore, I and 
some o my friends formed an association for the purpose of 
bringing to justice any of the members of the stock associa 
tion who should do a small stockman an injustice. And we 
intended to bring to justice any criminals that might be in 
the employ of the stock association, and we were quite suc 
cessful in running down some of the criminals in the employ 
of the stock association. Our association was an organiza 
tion for the mutual protection of the small stockmen. We 
were to brand each other s stock when convenient and favor 
each other in other ways. Our association I have every reason 
to believe is in as good running order to-day as it ever was. 
We call it the Owyhee and Bruneau Stock Association. Soon 
after my interview with Ijams in Nampa, Idaho, I saw a 
friend of mine in Caldwell by the name of Henry Dement, 
who was a member of our organization, for running down 
vigilantes or criminals in the employ of the stock associa 
tion of Owyhee county, Idaho. I spoke to Dement about the 
propositions that Ijams had made to me in Nampa; Dement 
said it would be a good idea for me to keep my eyes open; 
that the stock association was strong in Wyoming, and it 
was hard telling what they would do in that country. After 
I saw Dement I thought the matter over a good deal and 
came to the conclusion that as far as Ijams proposition to 
me was concerned, that the whole business was a fake. I 
could not conceive how Ijams could imagine that I and my 
friends were composed of the right material for a mob. I 
could not think of any circumstance that any of us had ever 
been accused of that would justify Ijams in arriving at his 
conclusions. After a couple of weeks I got two letters from 
Ijams, saying he would keep me informed when he wanted 



me and party to start for Cheyenne, and he would let me 
know the number of men to bring with me. When I had 
my first interview with Ijams I knew nothing about any of 
the troubles in Johnson county, Wyoming. After I got my 
second letter from Ijams I began to pay some attention to his 
stories. After I got my second letter from Ijams I went to 
Boise City to see about getting my pay for my work about 
the 79 mine; on my way to Boise City and in Boise City I 
met several men who had lately come from Johnson county 
or vicinity. I inquired about the state of affairs in Johnson 
county in regard to the cattle business. One of these men I 
had a talk with was Bob Gunnall, a noted foot-racer, and 
bartender at the Wilson Hotel in Nampa, Idaho. Gunnall 
said he was just from Johnson county and vicinity; came 
from there about six months ago. Gunnall told me about the 
killing of Jones and Tisdale, and about the state of affairs 
generally in Johnson county, Wyoming. Gunnall was very 
bitter against the Wyoming Stock Growers* Association, and 
said the association had spent thousands of dollars for the 
purpose of hiring professional assassins in Texas and other 
places to come to Johnson county, Wyoming, and vicinity 
and shooting law-abiding people in the back. Gunnall said 
the people of Johnson county were wild with excitement on 
account of the murders that had been committed upon peace 
able and law-abiding citizens in Johnson county by assassins 
in the employ of the Wyoming Stock Growers* Association. 
Gunnall spoke well of the people of Johnson county and 
vicinity; said that as a rule they were as law-abiding a class 
of people as could be found anywhere; that he believed there 
was less stock stealing going on in Johnson county than there 
was in most any county anywhere where there was as much 



stock as there was in Johnson county. I asked Gunnall if he 
did not think the stock association would attempt at some 
time to hang up some o the people of Johnson county the 
way the stock association of Montana hung up the so-called 
thieves in that state eight or nine years ago. Gunnall said it 
would be just as good a thing as the people of Johnson county 
would want for the stock association to turn a mob loose in 
Johnson county; that a mob of 2,000 men could not intimi 
date the people of Johnson county. The other men I saw and 
had conversations with seemed to have about the same idea 
about matters in Johnson county, Wyoming, that Gunnall 
did; they all spoke of the people as a law-abiding class of 
people, and all agreed that the Wyoming Stock Growers* 
Association of Cheyenne had been importing assassins from 
Texas and other places to Wyoming for the purpose of shoot 
ing people from ambush whom the stock association styled 
rustlers or cattle thieves. After I had my conversation with 
Gunnall and others in regard to the cattle business in John 
son county and vicinity, I began to think that Ijams might 
have been in earnest to a certain extent in regard to his 
propositions to me. I was convinced of the utter hopelessness 
and foolishness for the stock association to ever send a mob 
to Johnson county, if Ijams meant anything by his proposi 
tions to me. I supposed he meant to recruit an outfit of men 
and have them go to work in Johnson county in his cow 
outfit, and then see, after he was well acquainted with his 
men, how many men he could select out of the outfit that 
were of the same stripe that Frank Canton had been repre 
sented to me to be. I began to think Ijams was in earnest. I 
stayed in Boise City several days and tried to get my pay for 
my work in the 79 mine, and tried to get money from other 



sources, and spoke to some of my friends, Henry Dement 
and Frank Speelman, about rustling money for one of them 
to come to Johnson county, Wyoming, and let certain parties 
know about Ijams 5 proposition to me. I could not get the 
money to send a man ahead in time to inform the authorities 
in regard to Ijams propositions to me. It did not used to 
be any trouble for me to borrow a few hundred dollars in 
Idaho. I most always had money when I was engaged in the 
cattle business. But during the last few years that I have 
been mining and doing other work, I have gone broke on 
pretty nearly every project I have tackled. I had $1484 com 
ing to me for my work about the 79 mine; I have not got 
any of the money yet; I soaked my revolver in Caldwell in 
a pawn shop to get money to go to Boise City on, and try to 
rustle money in order to send a man ahead to let certain 
parties in Johnson county know what propositions Ijams 
had been making to me; I never got my six-shooter out of 
soak until Ijams sent me the money to come to Cheyenne. 
I left the letters that Ijams sent me with Henry Dement, of 
Caldwell, Idaho. I talked the whole matter over with 
Dement and others, so that if the mob came into Johnson 
county or were captured on the way they could not make 
any bull story stick in regard to their coming to Johnson 
county with peaceable intentions. Ijams always represented 
to me that the first thing the stock association had to do was 
to kill off the rustlers and then the stock association would 
have a round-up of the cattle in Johnson county before the 
mob left the county, and that the stock association would 
appropriate all of the rustlers cattle and horses and all stock 
that belonged to the sympathizers of the rustlers. Before I 
left Idaho I tried to get Bob Gunnall to come to Cheyenne 



with me. I was satisfied from what I heard that Gunnall was 
well acquainted in Cheyenne and had relations living there 
who were well fixed and could let Gunnall have the money 
to come ahead and inform the authorities in Johnson county 
in case we had reason to believe that the outfit that was to 
leave Cheyenne was a mob and were coming to Johnson 
county with the intention of killing off the rustlers. I told 
Gunnall that I was confident that we would capture enough 
of the criminals in Cheyenne to pay us handsomely on ac 
count of certain parties I expected would be in Cheyenne 
with the mob about the time we got there that had large re 
wards offered for their capture. Gunnall said he would like 
to come, but I would make it all right any way, and that he 
was badly in debt in Nampa and could not leave the country 
until he squared up; that he had to go to Delamar right away 
and run a foot race; that it would be $1,200 or $1,500 in his 
pocket to run the race. 

I arrived in Cheyenne, April 2nd, 1892; I came in on the 
5 o clock afternoon train; I was in town five or ten minutes 
when I met Ijams on the street; he said he was just looking 
around and was expecting to see me and a party from Idaho. 
He asked me how many men I had brought along with me; 
I told him that I was obliged to come alone this trip, as I 
and my friends were expecting a good deal of trouble in my 
part of the country, and it would be necessary for every one 
of my friends to get to the front if matters took the turn that 
we expected they would; he said that we would get along 
nicely any way; that Smith had no trouble in getting the 
number of men in Texas that he wanted at the rates the stock 
association offered, $5 a day wages and all expenses paid by 
the association, and $50 bounty to be paid to each hired man 



for every man that was killed in the raid made by the mob 
in Johnson county or vicinity. I said that the terms were the 
same as we had talked about at Nampa; Ijams asked me if 
the terms on which the stock association had hired the men 
in Texas were satisfactory to me. I told him I thought the 
terms of the association were very liberal. He said if I chose 
to remain in the country after the raid that the stock associa 
tion would be able to offer other inducements to me. He 
then asked me if I had brought my bedding and saddle or 
my guns. I told him that I brought nothing with me but 
my revolver. He said that he would go around town with 
me to-morrow and show me the stores where the stock 
association generally did their trading, and he would make 
arrangements for me to get anything I needed in my line, 
and have it charged to the stock association. Ijams said he 
would have plenty of time, that we could not start as soon as 
he thought we would when he sent me the letter to CaldwelL 
Ijams said the men from Texas would not come from Denver 
until the Wyoming Stock Growers* Association had held 
their meeting. Ijams said the coming meeting of the Wyo 
ming Stock Growers Association would be the most im 
portant meeting of the kind ever held in this Western coun 
try. Ijams said it would be necessary for every member of 
the Wyoming Stock Growers* Association to be present at 
the next meeting or to be represented by proxy, and that it 
would be necessary for every one of them to endorse the 
general plan of campaign of Ijams and two other officers of 
the association who had charge of the arrangements for re 
cruiting a mob of men for the purpose of coming to Johnson 
county, Wyoming, and killing ofiE the rustlers. Ijams then 
asked me if I had a hotel that suited me. He said I could stop 



at the Inter-Ocean or the Metropolitan, and that the stock 
association would settle my bill; he said that there were a 
number of stockmen who were going on the raid to pilot the 
mob through the country stopping at those two hotels. I 
told Ijams that I had on my working clothes and I would 
rather stop at some cheaper hotel. He said all right, to suit 
myself, to knock around town and enjoy myself the best I 
knew how, and if I wanted a suit of clothes or money I 
could have them, and that I would want to get me a good rig, 
that I was now working for a rich firm and that at the figures 
I would get for my work that it would not take me long to 
pay for a good outfit, and that one average killing for the 
mob would pay for a first-class rig and probably more. Ijams 
and I then parted; I went over to the Dyer house, a 25-cent 
hotel, and registered my name. After supper, about 8 o clock 
in the evening, I met Ijams and two other men on the streets ; 
Ijams introduced the two men to me as Mr. Morrison and 
Mr. Tabor. He said Morrison and Tabor would show me 
around the town. I had a long conversation with Morrison 
and Tabor that evening. They said they had been in the 
employ of the stock association for a number of years as 
stock detectives; they said they had worked for the stock 
association so long that the association thought they owned 
them. They said they were going along with the rest of the 
mob when they left Cheyenne to go to Johnson county to 
kill off. the rustlers. They said the mob would first come to 
Buffalo and kill oE what men they wanted in town, that they 
would shoot or hang up the sheriff and his deputies and 
would depose the civil authorities and keep possession of 
the town until the stock growers association could have their 
own officers to take charge of the courts of Johnson county. 



They said the mob would have to do a good deal of fighting 
in Johnson county; but when the mob cleaned up Johnson 
county that it would raid Natrona, Sheridan and Converse 
counties, and would meet with little opposition in those 
counties and in the Sweetwater county; that the rustlers out 
side of Johnson county were unprepared to make a fight, and 
were not expecting anything, and that all the mob would 
have to do would be to hang them up as they come to them. 
Morrison and Tabor said the mob would have its hands full 
in Johnson county; that last fall the Wyoming stock grow 
ers had employed four men to kill off a number of rustlers; 
that these four men made an assault on a man by the name of 
Champion and Gilbertson, on the Powder river; said these 
four men intended to hang Champion and Gilbertson in their 
cabin; that they went into the cabin about daylight and told 
Champion and Gilbertson to give up, that they had got them 
this time; that while these four men were holding their re 
volvers on Champion and Gilbertson that Champion got his 
revolver and shot one of the party up the coat sleeve and the 
other through the short ribs; that the party then retreated 
leaving their horses, overcoats, bedding, some grub and a 
Winchester that Tom Smith had at one time made Frank 
Canton a present of. I understood Morrison to say that the 
parties to the assault on Champion and Gilbertson were 
Frank Canton, Joe Elliott, Tom Smith and Fred Coats; they 
said that last fall after the assault on Champion and Gilbert- 
son, that there were two men killed near Buffalo by the name 
of Jones and Tisdale; they said that the party that killed 
Jones and Tisdale was in the employ of the stock association; 
they said that Champion and others knew who these men 
were that were in the employ of the stock association, and 



that the mob would do all witnesses up that knew of any 
facts that would tend to criminate any of the parties who had 
been in the employ of the association for the purpose of 
killing off the rustlers; they said the stock association had 
offered these four men in their employ for the purpose of 
killing off the rustlers $ 1,500 for each man killed. They asked 
me what arrangements I had made with Ijams in regard to 
my wages during the raid of the mob in Johnson county. I 
told them I had not made any definite arrangements yet, but 
that I would work the same as the rest of the mob. They said 
that the Stock Growers* Association had told them that they 
were hiring the Texas men on the basis of $5 a day wages 
and all expenses paid by the association, and $50 bounty to 
be paid to each hired man of the outfit for every man that 
was killed by the mob; they said the stock association told 
them they would give them the same rates, but if any of the 
mob were getting more, that they wanted the limit; that they 
did not want to work cheaper than the rest of the mob on 
account of their having been in the employ of the stock 
association for a number of years. Tabor said he was in the 
Powder river country, in Johnson county, last fall; that the 
men who were in the employ of the stock association for 
the purpose of killing off the rustlers had terrorized Johnson 
county to such an extent that everybody carried Winchesters 
and six-shooters wherever they went, and that when the 
settlers were going to Buffalo, if they were on horseback, 
that they hardly ever traveled the main roads, and that they 
always tried to ride around the gulches and bunches of brush. 
Tabor said the settlers seemed to think that the stock asso 
ciation had a man hired to stand behind every bunch of 
brush or rock in the country for the purpose of taking their 



scalps for the bounty that was offered by the stock associa 
tion. Tabor said his business in Johnson county was looking 
out the country and keeping cases on rustlers. He said that 
a liquor or dry goods drummer could not come into Buffalo 
without the settlers thinking that he was in the employ of 
the stock association and had his valises loaded with dyna 
mite for the purpose of blowing them up* 

This is the substance of my interview with Morrison and 
Tabor the first night I was in Cheyenne. 

On the morning of the 3rd of April I met Ijams on the 
street; I told him that I was looking around town to see about 
getting me a Winchester. He said he had just bought me one 
that morning, a 4590 Browning Brothers patent. He said 
the outfit would get all their guns at one store, and that the 
stock association would foot the bill. I went over to the store 
to look at my gun. I saw a number of stockmen getting guns 
and ammunition, among whom were H. W. Davis, D. R. 
Tisdale, J. N. Tisdale and others. The next day I got me a 
saddle and the rest of my rig. The day I got my gun I saw a 
man in the gun store April 3rd, when I was looking at my 
gun. His name was Fred Wombold. He said he used to scout 
for the government with a man by the name of Ketchum, 
brother of the man that was lynched by the Olive outfit in 
Nebraska. We had a long talk about mob law generally, and 
Wombold said he had been watching things around the gun 
shop, and that the stockmen had already bought over 20 
guns there that day, and that they were organizing a mob to 
come to Johnson county to kill off the rustlers* I told Wom 
bold when the mob would leave Cheyenne. He gave me to 
understand that he would come ahead of the mob and in 
form the authorities in Johnson county. There was a good 



deal of excitement at the gun store when the mob got their 
guns. Ben Morrison and Tabor told me that the whole town 
was onto the racket of the mob going to Johnson county. 
They said that all the officials in Cheyenne were friends of 
the stock association, and we would not be molested on that 
account. I asked them if the soldiers were not liable to hold 
up the train when the mob got opposite Fort Russell. They 
said that Governor Barber had the running of the soldiers 
and he would not allow them to molest the mob; that Barber 
had helped plan the raid the mob was about to make, and 
that the officers at Fort Russell were friends of the stockmen. 
On the evening of the 3rd of April I got acquainted with 
a man by the name of Mike Burns from Buffalo. We had a 
long talk about the mob; he told me he would start for Buf 
falo on the morning train and would inform the authorities 
in regard to the mob. On the 4th of April I helped to brand 
the horses that the mob left Cheyenne with; there were three 
carloads of them; they were branded AL on the left shoulder. 
When we were branding horses I was introduced to Joe 
Eliot, Van Tassal, Ewing, Clark and others. When we were 
branding horses there was a good deal of talk about the state 
of terror the settlers of Johnson county were in on account 
of the depredations that had been committed upon the set 
tlers by Elliott, Canton, Tom Smith and Fred Coats. There 
was a good deal of talk about the necessity of killing off all 
men who were witnesses against Elliott, Canton, Tom Smith 
and Coats. These were the four men that it was claimed were 
in the employ of the Wyoming Stock Association for the 
purpose of killing off the rustlers last fall. It seemed to be the 
general opinion among the gang at the stock yards that if 
the mob could kill off about 30 rustlers in Johnson county 



that it would terrorize the settlers in such a manner that 300 
or 400 settlers that owned stock and were in sympathy with 
the rustlers, would leave the country the best way they could, 
and the stock association would have no trouble about ap 
propriating their stock, together with the stock of the rustlers 
the mob intended to kill. 

On the gth day o April I helped to load the three wagons 
and the three carloads o horses, and the baggage that be 
longed to the mob; a man by the name of Van Tassal bossed 
the job. I saw Ijams again on the afternoon of the gth of 
April. He said the Wyoming Stock Association had held 
their meeting; he said the stock association had approved of 
the general plan of the campaign of his (Ijams) and the other 
two officers of the stock association who had charge of the 
arrangements for recruiting the mob and of the general plan 
of killing the rustlers. He said the mob would get along 
nicely; that every man that was a member of the Wyoming 
Stock Growers Association was backing up the movement; 
that Governor Barber, Judge Blake, the United States mar 
shal and nearly all the state officials were on the side of the 
stock association, and would stay with the mob through thick 
and thin. He said the mob had some very influential friends 
in Congress and in the United States Senate, among whom 
he said were Senators Carey and Warren, whom he said were 
men of great influence and wealth. I asked Ijams if he 
thought the outfit might not be arrested at Fort Russell on 
the way to Casper. He said there was no danger; that Gov 
ernor Barber and Senators Warren and Carey would man 
ipulate the troops; that the troops could not be called out 
except for the protection of the mob, and that the mob would 
be able to take care of itself, and that the officers at Fort Rus- 



sell were friends o the stockmen. I asked I jams how about 
the troops at Buffalo. He said the troops at Buffalo were an 
outfit of sons of b ; that they had been stealing beef from 
the stockmen for years, and that the officers at McKinney 
upheld them in committing their depredations; that the 
soldiers at McKinney would invest the amount they saved 
by not drawing beef rations in luxuries, and the soldiers at 
McKinney were able to eat plum duff three times a day. 

Ijams said that arrangements had been made to watch the 
soldiers very closely at McKinney and see that they did not 
desert or steal a Catling gun and join the rustlers. He said 
that parties in Buffalo would look after the soldiers so close 
ly at McKinney that they would be perfectly harmless so far 
as the mob was concerned. About 6 o clock in the evening 
the mob left on the train for Casper. Before leaving the stock 
yards the mob in Cheyenne were joined by the mob from 
Texas that came on the train from Denver. I think there 
were about 52 men on the train when the mob left Cheyenne. 
There was no excitement on the train until after dark, when 
orders were given for every man to get a rope and to have 
his guns ready. The leaders of the mob said the sheriff from 
Buffalo and one or two of his deputies might be coming on 
the train from Casper to Cheyenne; that a good many people 
in Cheyenne had known for some time the mob would start 
for Johnson county and that the people in Buffalo might 
have heard about the mob, and the sheriff and one or two 
deputies might be coming to Cheyenne to see what they 
could find out. The leaders of the mob said arrangements 
had been made so the mob would know if the sheriff and 
party were on the train, and if they were they said it would 
change the plans of the mob altogether. That it would be 



necessary for the mob to stop the train from Casper if the 
sheriff and party were on and to hang the sheriff and his 
deputies and any rustlers that might be on the train. The 
leaders of the mob said there were several rustlers in Casper 
that they would hang up if they were obliged to capture the 
sheriff and party from Buffalo, but if sheriff and party were 
not on the train from Casper that the mob would go direct 
to Buffalo without interfering with any one. Before the train 
the mob was on met the train from Casper the leaders of 
the mob reported that sheriff and party were not on the 
train from Casper. The train the mob was on arrived at the 
stockyards near Casper a short time before daylight and 
commenced to catch and saddle up their horses. By the time 
the part of the mob left the stockyards that had their horses 
in the last of the three cars the sun was about one-half or 
three-fourths an hour high, and parties in Casper seemed to 
be watching the mob closely. Some of the mob said there 
were several rustlers in Casper from Johnson county that 
they ought to hang, but they did not want to make any 
disturbance until they got to Buffalo. They said if the mob 
caused a disturbance in Casper the sheriff in Buffalo would 
swear in 100 or 200 deputies and come to meet the mob in 
the Powder river country. The mob said the only way they 
could succeed was to come to Buffalo and kill off the sheriff 
and his deputies, so that the citizens would have no leader 
and no law in the country to protect them. The mob came 
about six or seven miles north of Casper and stopped for the 
wagons to come up in order to get breakfast. The mob 
stopped in camp until about i o clock. About noon several 
of the mob went out and brought in a horseman. The mob 
said they intended to kill all rustlers that they would capture 


on the road. They held the horseman prisoner for about 
half an hour. He was unarmed and proved to be a man that 
was riding after sheep. They took him along prisoner for 
six or seven miles north of where they camped at noon and 
turned him loose, after making him promise to say nothing 
about seeing the mob in the country. The first night out from 
Casper, the night of the 6th of April, the mob camped about 
20 miles north of Casper. On the morning of the 7th of April 
they were called together and told that hereafter the Texas 
part of the mob would be in command of Tom Smith, and 
the rest of them would be in command of Frank Canton; 
for them to obey orders and ask no questions* About 10 
o clock on the morning of the 7th of April the mob stopped 
a young man from Buffalo by the name of Kingsbury. They 
said he was a sheep man s son. He was allowed to go his 
way. About noon on the 7th of April they camped about 30 
miles north of Casper and got dinner. From there they left 
the wagons and arrived at John Tisdale s on the night of the 
7th of April about 8 o clock in the evening, the weather was 
very stormy. About 10 or 12 miles before the mob got to 
Tisdale s ranch they were met by Mike Shonsey, who in 
formed them that at a ranch on Powder river there were 15 
or 1 6 rustlers. I could not get any information at the time 
just what ranch it was the rustlers were at, or in just what 
part of the country the ranch was, but I have since learned 
that the ranch that Shonsey meant was the K. C. ranch, on 
the middle fork of Powder river. The Texas part of the 
mob stopped in the bunk-house at Tisdale s ranch; the stock 
men stopped at the residence. I was with the Texas party. 
On the morning of the 8th of April we were told by the 
leaders of the mob that we would lay over at Tisdale s place 



that day and wait for the wagons to come up and the men 
would have a chance to rest. The Texas men were about 
played out. In the afternoon we were told that the leaders 
had decided to make a raid on the rustlers on Powder river, 
about 1 6 miles from Tisdale s. The leaders in the evening 
gave orders for the mob to kill every man on this ranch they 
proposed to raid, and to leave no man alive about the ranch 
to tell any tales afterwards, no matter who he might be. The 
wagons arrived at Tisdale s ranch about 5 o clock the evening 
of the 8th of April. 

After the wagons arrived at Tisdale s we were told by the 
leaders that it would be the last place we would probably see 
the wagons unless by an accident the teamsters were able 
to deceive the rustlers and get through to Buffalo; that for 
every man to get what ammunition and blankets he wanted 
to take along with him; that after raiding the ranch on the 
Powder river the country would be full of straggling rustlers, 
and the chances were they would capture the wagons. About 
7 o clock in the evening four men were detailed to go to the 
ranch on Powder river and keep off a safe distance and see 
if the parties who lived at the ranch had left or not. I man 
aged to get one of the Texans, who was detailed for the oc 
casion, to let me go in his place. I had caught my horse and 
started to saddle up, when Wolcott came down from the 
house and said I could not go along with the party to in 
vestigate matters. He said the men that were detailed for 
the occasion would have to go, and that us fellows would 
have to learn to obey orders better and ask less questions. 
If I had gone along with the party of four to investigate 
matters at the K. C. ranch I intended when we got in sight 
of the K. C. ranch to get off my horse and empty my Win- 



Chester at the rest o the gang and then to go down to the 
house and inform the parties who were living there as to 
the state o affairs in their part of the country, Mike Shonsey, 
Jack Jones, Elick Kinzie and one of the Bookers left Tis- 
dale s ranch to investigate matters at the K. C. ranch, on the 
middle fork of Powder river. They were to meet the balance 
of us four miles south of K. C. ranch, after they had investi 
gated matters and let the rest of the mob know how every 
thing was running about the ranch. 

The mob left Tisdale s ranch about n o clock on the 
night of the 8th of April and stopped several hours in a gulch 
on the road about four miles from K. C. ranch and waited 
for the return of Shonsey and party. Shonsey and their party 
finally returned to the gulch where the balance of the mob 
were waiting, and reported everything all right at the K. C. 
ranch; they said the parties were not expecting anything, and 
that they were playing the fiddle and having a good time 
generally. Shortly after the return of Shonsey and party the 
mob started for the K. C. ranch. Joe Elliott had about 10 
pounds of giant powder tied behind his saddle. It was the 
intention of the mob to blow the house at the K. C. ranch 
up with the giant powder and to shoot any of the men who 
showed up in sight at the K. C. ranch after the explosion. 
But the mob got up to the K. C. ranch too late to use the 
powder. It was breaking day when we got in sight of the 
ranch; about the time the mob saw the K. C. house the 
leaders of the mob, Major Wolcott, Frank Canton and Tom 
Smith, called the mob to halt, pointed out to the K. C. house 
and said the parties they proposed to kill were living there 
and that they did not intend to allow any man that was about 
the place to get away alive. They said the mob were too late 



to use the giant powder; that they would have to surround 
the house and let the parties come out as far as possible and 
then they would shoot them down. The leaders then ordered 
six men to go on the south side of the K. C. house and con 
ceal themselves in a gulch in order to shoot any parties that 
might show up in sight. The six men ordered to take a po 
sition in a gulch south of the K. C. house were Mike Shonsey, 
Jack Jones, Elick Kinzie and three of the Bookers. The bal 
ance of the mob went to the river and left their horses in 
charge of a part of the mob at the river about one-half mile 
above the house; a part of the balance of the mob went down 
the river from where they left the horses and hid behind the 
bank of the river for a distance of about 100 yards above the 
bridge, and the rest of the mob went to the stable, and some 
of the mob were concealed in the stable and to the left of the 
stable; and some of the mob were behind the end of the stable 
next to the river* When daylight come John Tisdale and I 
noticed a wagon in front of the K. C. house; Tisdale said 
that the party at the house had company. 

I told Tisdale that the visitors might be friends of the 
stockmen who were traveling through the country, and were 
obliged to stop all night at the ranch. I told Tisdale that I 
did not hire out to kill men as I came to them, and I thought 
it would be a good idea if we found out who the strangers 
were at the K. C. house. Tisdale said he would like to find 
out who the parties were, but it would not be safe to go to 
the house. I told Tisdale that I would take chances on going 
to the house; that I would go a-foot and tell the parties at 
the house that I came from Buffalo and was going to the rail 
road to leave the country. Tisdale said all right, for me to 
go to the stable and tell the men at the stable about it. I went 



to the stable and told Canton and Wolcott that Tisdale was 
satisfied that the parties at the house were friends of his, and 
that he told me to go to the house and investigate. Wolcott 
and Canton said that Tisdale must be crazy; that they would 
allow no man to go to the house; that if the parties at the 
house were friends of his that the chances were they would 
be out of luck. If I had gone to the house I intended to in 
form the parties at the house about the mob, and I intended 
to stop at the house and not return. I was satisfied with what 
Joe Elliott and others had told me that the mob could never 
dislodge the parties in the house. I never heard them say 
anything about running a wagon against a house to burn it 
down, but I was afterwards told that the plan was studied 
up in Cheyenne over a year before the mob started. After 
my talk with Wolcott and Canton about going to the house, 
I went back along the river bank to where I had left Tisdale* 
Orders had been given by the leaders for every man to carry 
but five cartridges in his six-shooter and to have no loads in 
his Winchester; it was claimed that at the time that Joe 
Elliott and party made the assault on Champion and Gilbert- 
son, that the party were waiting in the brush for Champion 
and Gilbertson to come out of the house so they could shoot 
them, and that one of the party let his six-shooter fall on the 
ground, and that it went off, and the party were obliged to 
make an assault on them for fear they might have heard the 
gun and would get to thinking the matter over and would 
not come out of the house. The leaders said that if any of 
the gang did not want their heads shot off they had better 
not allow any guns to go off accidentally. The mob lay in 
ambush at least two hours before any one showed up at the 
house; then one man came out and went back into the house 


again. In about 15 minutes afterwards an old man came out 
of the house with a water bucket in his hand and came 
straight towards the river. I kept showing up all that I 
thought was necessary, when I saw the two men appear, but 
the old man kept coming right straight for the river. When 
he had got behind the bank of the river Frank Canton, Joe 
Elliott, Ben Morrison, Tom Tabor and Tom Smith took 
the old man prisoner and had one of the Texas kids guard 
him down in under the river bank, just below the bridge. 
In about half an hour after the capture of the old man two 
men came out of the house and seemed to be on the lookout 
from their appearance. I thought they were aware there was 
something wrong. I kept dodging up so they could see me, 
and the largest man of the two went in the house in a rush. 
And the young fellow stood around awhile and seemed 
to be watching in the direction of the river. I showed up 
again in sight. The bank was poor protection where I was. 
The young fellow had just gone in the house and I ex 
pected they would begin shooting from the house. I left my 
position and went up the river about 40 yards to where John 
Tisdale was at a cottonwood tree. The young fellow showed 
up again and came out of the house and picked up a club 
and began whittling on it and coming toward the river. He 
seemed to be on the lookout all the time. It took him about 
half an hour to come from the house to the stable. He was 
then taken prisoner by Canton, Elliott and party. Shortly be 
fore the young man got to the stable the big man came out 
of the house. I showed up again and took a good look at 
him, and asked Tisdale who he was. Tisdale said he did not 
know the man; that he was not wanted by the mob. The 
big man came out to where there was a big cottonwood tree 



and took an ax in one hand and began cutting the bark high 
up on the tree. Shortly after the arrest of the young man the 
big man quit cutting the bark on the big tree and walked 
over near a smaller tree. He had been there for perhaps 10 
minutes, when there was a shot fired from an aperture in 
the stable that was used to throw out the manure. Almost 
at the same time that the first shot was fired from the stable 
the men stationed at the north end of the barn commenced 
firing, and those men stationed in different localities fired 
about the same time. The big man staggered and fell. The 
mob kept up a continual fire, and the big man commenced 
crawling on his hands and knees towards the door of the K.C. 
house. After the mob had fired perhaps 100 shots there was 
a man appeared in the door of the house, in plain view, and 
began shooting toward the stable. He fired a number of shots 
and went out of sight in the house. He disappeared only for 
a moment and then came out in full view and began shoot 
ing again. During this time the mob kept up a constant fire 
and the big man that was shot near the house kept crawling 
toward the door. By the time the big man got near the door 
of the house the small man had shot 10 or 20 shots. The 
small man then put down his gun and pulled the big man 
in the house. The mob kept shooting at the house for the 
balance of the day, and there was a good many shots fired 
from the house. The mob claimed that the first man shot 
was Nate Champion. The mob kept the house surrounded 
and sent to a ranch to get a wagon load of hay to run against 
the K. C. house to burn it down, but the men came back that 
had been sent after the wagon and reported that the wagon 
was away from home. About 3 o clock a man and a boy 
came along the road. The man was horseback and the boy 


was driving the team. The mob told them to throw up their 
hands and immediately began firing at them. They whipped 
up their horses, and after going a mile or so they took a horse 
out o the harness, the boy mounted the horse, and they 
made their escape, closely followed by some o fthe mob, who 
fired a good many shots at them. The mob captured the 
wagon and horse left behind by the boy and man. They 
brought the wagon down to the stable and loaded it with 
brush, hay and wood and pitch pine. Major Wolcott, A. B* 
Clark, John Tisdale, Tom Smith and James Dudley then 
run the wagon against the K. C. and set fire to the hay and 
shavings on the wagon. The house soon caught fire. There 
had not been a shot fired from the house for over an hour 
before the wagon was run against the house. The mob 
thought that both men in the house might be dead. 

In about half an hour after they had run the wagon 
against the house and set fire to it, a man ran out of the 
south end of the house and continued running south* The 
mob at the stable and vicinity kept up a continual fire on the 
man that came out and was running south. After the man 
had run about 200 yards and was nearly opposite a part of 
the mob who were concealed in a gulch south of the house, 
the mob at the stable and vicinity quit firing, and the part 
of the mob who were concealed in the gulch south of the 
house raised up and began firing and killed the man who 
came out of the house at the K. C. ranch* The man that was 
killed in the gulch south of the K. C. house the leaders iden 
tified as Nate Champion. They said they were mistaken 
about the first man that was shot in the morning. They said 
that when they captured the teamsters, Jones and Walker, 
that Walker told them that there were only two men at the 



house, Ray and Champion. The mob said the first man shot 
in the morning must have been Nick Ray. Tom Smith, o 
the mob, went through Champion s pockets and found a 
memorandum book, with sketches o the fight at different 
times during the day* One o the mob took Champion s six- 
shooter and belt. After Champion s pockets had been rifled, 
Sam T. Clover, at the request of some of the mob, Tom 
Smith, Joe Elliott and others, wrote upon a piece of paper, 
"Beware, Cattle Thieves I" and buttoned the piece of paper 
upon Champion s vest. Tom Smith, Elliott and others of the 
mob said they wanted that piece of paper left on Champion s 
body so that when his friends found him that they would 
know what he was killed for, and so that his friends would 
know what to expect if they stayed any longer in the country. 
After the mob had killed Champion and Ray at the K. C. 
ranch we took supper at the wagons, about half a mile above 
the K. C. h6use, on the river. After supper we started for 
Buffalo. About six or seven miles from the K. C. ranch we 
changed horses and kept on the road to Buffalo until near 
a place known as Carr s ranch, where we saw a bright fire 
burning about half a mile ahead. Some one in the direction of 
the fire let a gun go off. We then left the road and turned to 
the left and cut a wire fence and went through a large field, 
and came into the road again and followed the road to the 
28 ranch, where we got some coffee and bread and took two 
hours rest in the loft of the stable. We then started for Buf 
falo on the morning of the loth of April, and came a short 
distance toward Buffalo from the TA ranch, when Ford, 
who had gone to the TA ranch to get a change of saddle 
horse for one of the mob by the name of Dudley, came riding 
up to where the mob had halted, and reported that Dudley s 


horse had bucked with him and thrown him, and that his 
Winchester fell out of the scabbard and was discharged about 
the time that Dudley fell from his horse, and shot Dudley, 
breaking his leg. The leaders claimed that arrangements had 
been made with parties in Buffalo to meet them a short dis 
tance from Buffalo and inform them as to the state of affairs 
in Buffalo. While we were talking about what to do with 
Dudley a man rode up to us. He came from the direction 
of Buffalo. 

This man informed the leaders that there were over 200 
settlers in Buffalo up in arms against the mob, and that the 
settlers were deputized as a sheriff s posse for the purpose of 
arresting the mob. This horseman informed us that the 
sheriff was in the Powder river country with a posse looking 
for the mob. This horseman said that the parties that had 
charge of the arrangements for assassinating the sheriff at 
Buffalo had intended to kill the sheriff on the night of the 
9th of April, in order to keep the sheriff from organizing 
sheriff posses before the mob could get to Buffalo. But the 
horseman said that a man from Powder river had rode into 
Buffalo on the afternoon of the gth of April and reported the 
fight at K. C. ranch, and the man said that the sheriff had 
organized a posse and started to Powder river before the 
parties who had intended to kill had an opportunity to do 
so. The mob turned back and went to the TA ranch and 
fortified. The leaders claimed the reason they were fortify 
ing at the TA ranch was on account of their plans mis 
carrying in regard to the killing of the sheriff on the night of 
the 9th of April. The mob intended to kill the sheriff and 
his deputies, if they first made a raid on Buffalo. But if the 
mob should get in a fight on the road to Buffalo, so that 



there was a chance for the people in Buffalo to hear about 
the mob being in the country before they had time to get 
to Buffalo, they claimed to have made arrangements with 
certain parties in Buffalo to assassinate the sheriff and his 
deputies in order to prevent them from swearing in a large 
posse of men for the purpose of arresting the mob. About 
12 o clock a party of 15 or 20 men were seen by the mob a 
short distance from the TA ranch going on the road towards 
Buffalo. The leaders of the mob said the party were the 
sheriff and posse and gave orders for every man of us to 
conceal himself and to keep out of sight until the sheriff 
and posse came up so close that we could see the white of 
their eyes from the stable, and then the leaders of the mofy 
said for us to open fire on the sheriff and posse, and to kill 
every one of them. The leaders of the mob claimed that the 
sheriff and posse would come to the ranch to demand the 
surrender of the mob, but the sheriff s party kept the road 
toward Buffalo and did not come to the ranch that day, April 
icth, 1892. The leaders claimed that we were safer fortified 
at the TA ranch than anywhere. They said the sheriff at 
Buffalo would deputize several hundred settlers for the pur 
pose of arresting the mob who would have taken no part 
in the fight. If the sheriff and deputies had been killed on the 
night of the 9th of April, according to the arrangements 
made by the mob with certain parties in Buffalo, the leaders 
of the mob claimed that it would be impossible for the sher 
iff s posse to capture us at TA ranch inside of a week, and 
that before that time Governor Barber and Senators Carey 
and Warren would manipulate the troops at McKinney in 
such a manner that the troops would come to the rescue of 
the mob before the sheriff s party could do us any injury. The 



leaders of the mob were very bitter towards the soldiers at 
McKinney, and especially the commanding officer. The 
leaders of the mob said they knew the teamsters and wagons 
would be captured by the rustlers, and that they had fixed 
up a good scheme on the old beef-eating vagabond who was 
in command of the troops at McKinney. They claimed they 
had told the teamsters to tell everybody that they had orders 
from the leader to drive the wagons to the post at McKinney 
and turn them over to the commanding officer at the post 
according to arrangements that the leaders had made with 
the commanding officer to take charge of the wagons a week 
before. About 12 o clock two men came from Buffalo and 
joined the mob; one of the men was Phil Du Friend and the 
other, I understood, was George Sutherland. The men 
brought considerable news from Buffalo to the mob. The 
mob claimed the cause of their being obliged to fortify at 
the TA ranch was on account of the sheriff and deputies not 
having been killed, according to arrangements. They claimed 
that if the sheriff and deputies had been killed that there 
would not have been any officer to swear in posse of men as 
deputy sheriffs for the purpose of arresting the mob, and that 
the settlers would not have taken the responsibility upon 
themselves of turning out and fighting the mob. On the 
other hand, the leaders claimed that if the sheriff and dep 
uties had been killed, according to arrangements made by 
the leaders of the mob, that their friends would have joined 
them when we came to Buffalo, and that the expedition 
would have been a success instead of a possible failure. These 
matters were talked over by the leaders, Du Friend and the 
other man from Buffalo. 

The leaders explained to Du Friend and the other man 



that we would be obliged to fortify and remain at the TA 
ranch until Governor Barber, Senators Carey and Warren 
sent the troops at McKinney to our rescue* The leaders 
claimed that we could stand the sheriff s posse off for a week 
if necessary without losing any men, if the friends of the 
mob in Buffalo would closely watch the soldiers at McKin 
ney and prevent the soldiers at McKinney from stealing out 
a Catling gun and turning it over to the sheriff s posse, some 
of whom the leaders said were ex-soldiers and knew how to 
work a cannon. The leaders told Du Friend and the other 
man that the morning of the nth of April they would send 
a man from TA ranch to Cheyenne to confer with Governor 
Barber and the officers of the stock growers* association in 
regard to the predicament the mob was in, and for the pur 
pose of making arrangements with the officers of the stock 
growers association to have at least 150 men in readiness to 
reinforce the mob whenever the officers of the stock growers* 
association thought it would be expedient. The leaders ex 
plained to considerable length to Du Friend and the other 
man that there was yet a show for the mob to make a success 
of their raid, if their friends in Buffalo would go to the front 
as they agreed to. The leaders told Du Friend and the other 
man that there was a show for the troops from McKinney to 
come out to the TA ranch in the night to stop the fight. The 
leaders explained to Du Friend and the other man that if 
some of the friends of the mob could be concealed in a gulch 
by themselves near the lines of the rustlers and open fire 
upon the troops from McKinney; that the success of the raid 
made by the mob depended upon that one circumstance. 
The leaders said their friends in Buffalo would have plenty 
of time to make their own arrangements in regard to select- 



ing their ground, so there would be no trouble for them to 
get out o the way after they had fired on the soldiers, and 
the fight had begun between the soldiers and the rustlers. 
The leaders said that if the friends of the mob could bring 
on a fight between the soldiers and the sheriff s posse in the 
night that the mob would have their horses saddled for the 
occasion, and that as soon as the fight began between the 
soldiers and sheriff s posse that the mob would mount their 
horses and make their escape towards Cheyenne, where they 
would be joined by reinforcements, and would come back 
and kill every man that had packed a gun against them at 
the TA ranch. 

The man that came from Buffalo with Du Friend said 
he would go back to Buffalo and see what arrangements he 
could make to bring on a fight between the troops and the 
sheriff s posse. He left in the afternoon for Buffalo. I asked 
Du Friend when he first heard the mob was coming to John 
son county. He said the first he knew for a certainty that 
they would raid the county was last January when he was 
in Cheyenne. I asked him if he had come from Buffalo to 
join and stay with them; he said he had. Du Friend said that 
if the rustlers got a hold of me all they would do would be 
to shoot me, but he said that if he fell in the rustlers* hands 
they would burn him. On the afternoon of the loth of April 
the mob built their fortifications in order to stand off the 
sheriff s posse until Governor Barber, Senators Carey and 
Warren could send the troops at McKinney to the rescue of 
the mob. The leaders claimed that if they attempted to re 
treat when their horses were so near played out they would be 
surrounded by the sheriff s posse and would have to sur- 



render to the civil authorities something the mob said they 
did not propose to do under any circumstances. 

On the night of the loth o April one of the mob came 
to the TA ranch about 10 o clock in the evening; he said that 
he was riding in the head teamster s wagon and had his 
horse saddled and tied behind the wagon; said that sheriff s 
posse passed the wagons on their road to K. C. ranch; said 
sheriff s posse asked the head teamster a few questions and 
then went on. He reported that after sheriff s posse left the 
wagons he got on his horse and came to join us; he said 
the country was full of rustlers. About 3 o clock in the morn 
ing of the nth of April I went from the fort down to the 
house to get some grub for the men at the fort; at the house 
I saw a man with his leggins and spurs on; I supposed that 
he was the man that was going to Cheyenne. I asked Fay 
Parker who he was, and Wolcott spoke up and said the man s 
name was Johnnie Jones; that he was a distant relation of a 
great grand-aunt of his, and that I would better take a good 
look at him so I would know him the next time I saw him. 
After I had finished my breakfast at the house I took some 
grub and coffee up to the men at the fort. About daylight a 
number of horsemen appeared in sight of the fortifications 
coming from the direction of Buffalo. The firing then com 
menced and was kept up most of the time until the surrender 
of the mob to the troops at Fort McKinney. 

During the fight at the TA ranch the mob seemed to 
feel perfectly secure from danger; they claimed that they 
were so strongly fortified that the sheriff s posse would not 
charge the works, and that it would be impossible for the 
sheriff s posse to get their rifle pits close enough to harass 



the mob before Governor Barber, Senators Carey and War 
ren would sent the troops at McKinney to the rescue o the 
mob. Then they claimed that i the rustlers and troops did 
not get into a fight that it would be necessary to surrender 
to the military authorities and be taken to Fort Russell at 
Cheyenne, where, the leaders claimed, they would be turned 
loose in a short time, and they would come back to Johnson 
county stronger than ever, and would kill every man that 
packed a gun against them at the TA ranch. The leaders 
seemed to think the possible failure of the raid was due to 
the fact that the sheriff and deputies were not killed on the 
night of the pth of April. 

During the fight at the TA ranch the mob talked a great 
deal about the way the men who were in the employ of the 
stock growers association last summer and fall had terror 
ized the settlers; they claimed that last summer and fall there 
was only four men in the employ of the stock association for 
the purpose of killing off the rustlers; they claimed these 
four men were Frank Canton, Tom Smith, Joe Elliott and 
Fred Coates. Elliott and Canton had a good deal to say about 
how they would be back after the fight at the TA ranch. 
They said they would terrorize the settlers of Johnson county 
when they got back again so that those settlers who had an 
opportunity to leave would get out of the country the best 
way they could. The troops from McKinney did not arrive 
quite as soon as the leaders expected; they thought that the 
commander of the troops was standing in with the sheriffs 
posse, and had taken the wrong road to the TA ranch. When 
the troops came in sight soon after sunrise the mob appeared 
in fine spirits, and said that their friends Governor Barber, 
Senators Warren and Carey had sent the troops to their 



rescue, and that it would be but a short time when they would 
come back stronger than ever, and would kill off every man 
that packed a gun against the mob at the TA ranch* 


STATE OF WYOMING, County of Johnson, ss.: 

Personally appeared before me, T. P. Hill, clerk of the 
District court in and for Johnson county, state of Wyoming, 
George Dunning, who is personally known to me as the 
person who signed the foregoing statement, and deposes 
upon oath, duly administered to him, that the foregoing 
statement by him signed and comprising 44 pages, numbered 
in red ink from i to 44 inclusive, was written by him, is made 
without solicitation, fear or threats from any party or parties 
whatsoever, and that all the matters and things contained 
therein are true to his own knowledge and belief. 


Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 
6th day of October, 1892. 

T. P. HILL, 
Clerk District Court. 

Deputy Clerk. 



of which The Banditti of the Plains is Number 2, was started 
in 1953 by the University of Oklahoma Press. It is designed 
to introduce today s readers to the exciting events of our fron 
tier past and to some of the memorable writings about them. 
The following list is complete as of the date of this printing 
of this volume : 

1. Prof. Thomas J. Dimsdale. The Vigilantes of Montana, 
With an introduction by E. DeGolyer. 

2. A. S. Mercer. The Banditti of the Plains. With a fore 
word by William H. Kittrell. 

3. Pat F. Garrett. The Authentic Life of Billy, the Kid. 
With an introduction by J. C. Dykes. 

4. Yellow Bird (John RolHn Ridge). The Life and Adven 
tures ofjoaquin Murieta. With an introduction by Joseph 
Henry Jackson. 

5. Lewis H. Garrard. Wah-to-yah and the Taos Trail. With 
an introduction by A. B. Guthrie, Jr. 

6. Charles L. Martin. A Sketch of Sam Bass, the Bandit. 
With an introduction by Ramon F. Adams. 

7. Washington Irving. A Tour on the Prairies. With an in 
troduction by John Francis McDermott. 

8. X. Beidler: Vigilante. Edited by Helen Fitzgerald Sand 
ers in collaboration with William H. Bertsche, Jr. With 
a foreword by A. B. Guthrie, Jr. 

9. Nelson Lee. Three Years Among the Comanches. With 
an introduction by Walter Prescott Webb. 

10. The Great Diamond Hoax and Other Stirring Incidents 
in the Life of Asbury Harpending. With a foreword by 
Glen Dawson. 


11. Hands Up; or, Twenty Years of Detective Life in the 
Mountains and on the Plains. Reminiscences by General 
D. J. Cook, Superintendent o the Rocky Mountain De 
tective Association. With an introduction by Everett L. 
DeGolyer, Jr. 

12. Will Hale. Twenty-jour Years a Cowboy and Ranchman 
in Southern Texas and Old Mexico. With an introduc 
tion by A. M. Gibson. 






the people 

of Kaii^sCity 

other lovers o western lore will find this 
first-hand account o the Johnson County 
war significant in the history of Wyoming 
and the old West, and more provocative 
than the mass o fiction it has inspired. Vol 
ume two in the Western Frontier Library. 

Asa Shinn Mercer 

founded the University of Washington and 
established several frontier publications be 
fore going to Wyoming in 1883. There he 
edited Northwest Lave Stocf^ Journal and 
wrote his most significant book, The Ban 
ditti of the Plains* 

William H. Kittrell 

who provides the informed and interesting 
foreword, is a public relations counselor in 
Dallas, Texas. His grandfather made cattle 
drives from Texas to Wyoming. Mr. Kit- 
trell is a member of the Texas Historical 

For Many Mo\ 
Remove Jacket 

University of Oklahoma Press 