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Washington, D. C. March, 1926 


By Epwarp W. NELSON, Chief, Bureau of Biological Survey 


Page Page 
Economic relations of bats____-~_~_ i foG MANO. ;GCPOSitt 2 — 2 te se 6 
The Mexican free-tailed bat __---__ 2 | Artificial roosts for bats __--__.--~_- 7 
gre XO ee eee 4 muildinges occupied. see. 9 
General habits of the species_____~ 4 The Florida free-tailed bat ________ 10 
ES REDS OOM ep) ee oe oe 5 Malarial control by bats2=———- _- = __ 10 
beet: 1324 bis ee eee 6 SEN a ars Se SPREE i ee ea es fet 


Much has appeared in the public press in recent years about bats, 
their valuable deposits of guano, their alleged destruction of malarial 
and other mosquitoes, and the possibilities of increasing their use- 
fulness to man by building artificial roosts for them, and many 
requests for information on these subjects have come to the depart- 
ment. L. O. Howard, chief of the Bureau of Entomology, in 
a paper on “Mosquitoes and Bats” read before the meeting of the 
New Jersey Mosquito Extermination Association in 1916+ discussed 
the subject chiefly from the viewpoint of the alleged destruction of 
Anopheles in the vicinity of a bat roost near San Antonio, Tex. 
Further definite information on the life history and general habits 
of bats is still in demand from entomologists and officials in charge 
of health administration and general education. 

The available information on the bats of North America would 
fill a large volume, for scattered from Panama and the Antilles to 
Alaska and Labrador there are about 260 species and subspecies be- 
longing to 77 genera and 8 different families. Some of the tropical 
species are blood-sucking vampires and others are fruit-eaters, but 
nearly all the bats of the United States and farther north are 
Insectivorous. Still the habits of the different species often differ 
as widely as do their structure, appearance, and range, and the useful 

* Reprinted also in Public Health Reports, vol. 35, no. 31, pp. 1789-1795, July 30, 1920 
(Reprint No. 715). 

71736°—26 1 


habits of one species may not apply to others of the same or distant 
localities. Generalizations from one species can not be safely ap- | 
plied to others without a full knowledge of their habits. Certain 
bats of highly colonial habits are found in the Tropics and across 
the southern United States, limited mainly to the southern parts 
of these States, but these colonial habits do not apply generally 
to the more northern bats and by no means to all species in the 
South. This bulletin discusses the relation of colonial bats to the 
production of guano and the destruction of insects.? 


Most of the sensational reports of discoveries of a great commer- 
cial value of bats as well as of sanitary benefits from their presence 
have been based on one species occurring in southern Texas, the 
Mexican free-tailed bat, Zadarida mexicana, long known in litera- 
ture as Vyctinomus mexicanus, and belonging to the mainly tropical 
family Molossidae. In tropical and subtropical America, the West 
Indies, southern Europe, eastern Africa, southern Asia, Australia, 

Fic. 1.—Mexican free-tailed bat (Tadarida mevicana), a small sooty-brown mam- 
mal with a wing spread of about 12 inches; habitant of Mexico and the arid 
Southwest, and the only species in the United States known to produce guano 
in commercial quantity 

and many islands of the Pacific there are about 40 species of the 
venus Tadarida, but only 4 of these reach northward into southern 
United States, and only 1 is known from southern Texas. _ 

The range of bats of the species Tadarida mexicana 1s n eneral 
restricted to the arid and semiarid sections of the Lower ustral 
Zone in the United States from Texas to California, and extends 
also throughout most of the warmer parts of Mexico. The north- 
ward limit of their range is apparently fixed by temperature or 
suitable food supply, and the eastward perhaps by the presence 
of a related species. Tadarida eynocephala, with very similar habits 
but occupying the humid division of the Lower Austral Zone from 
southern Louisiana to Florida and South Carolina. Two closely 
related forms Zadarida femorosacca and Tadarida depressa, are of 
rare occurrence in the Southwestern States. 

The Mexican free-tailed bats are small, sooty-brown mammals 
spreading about 12 inches across extended wings, with projecting - 

j i i j harles A. R. Campbell, 
2 While this bulletin was in press a volume just published, by C : } 
ee oust Mosquitoes, and Dollars,” was received. The book does not in any way alter 

the conclusions as set forth in these pages. 


tails, short, wide ears pointing forward over the eyes like a hat rim, 
and short velvety fur. (Figs.1and2.) Individually these bats are 
cleanly animals, but they have the extremely strong musky odor 
peculiar to the group. This permeates the air of every cave or 
house which they occupy in any numbers. In some houses where 
they are present in large numbers it becomes almost unbearably 
strong, and its offensiveness is increased by the added pungent odor 

Fig. 2.—Mexican free-tailed bat (Tadarida mericana), natural size (see also 
. : figure 1 

of ammonia from their excrement. In many houses where bats are 
found among the tiles of the roofs of porches and in®crevices over 
the lintels of doorways and similar places, the odor pervading the 
premises often advertises their presence to anyone approaching. 

In the numerous reports on bat guanos and their chemical com- 
ponents and value as fertilizer, samples have been listed from 
the caves of Africa, India, China, South America, the West Indies, 


yi + 
Texas, and New Mexico. In Porto Rico 110 caves have been listed, 
containing from 12 to 3,144 tons of guano, and many others exam- | 
ined containing little or no guano.* In no case is the species or 
genus of bat responsible for the guano deposits mentioned, but in 
every case the records of deposits lie within the range of some 
species of the genus 7'adarida. This does not mean that these are 
the only bats producing guano of high fertilizer value in commercial 
quantities, but so far as known they are the only bats in America 
sufficiently gregarious to do so. 


The most strikingly characteristic habit of Mexican free-tailed 
bats is that of gathering in large colonies in caves and buildings. 
This habit renders them valuable through the production of large 
quantities of guano, and possibly through the consumption of many 
kinds of injurious insects. They are especially numerous in south- 
ern Texas and New Mexico, where for centuries they must have 
occupied great numbers of the natural caves which afford ideal 
refuges for them. Many of the larger caves contain hundreds of 
thousands during the whole or a part of each year. 

Some of the caves, such as the great Carlsbad Cavern, N. Mex., 
are mainly wintering places, where the bats hang in fall, and sleep 
until the'warm days of spring call them out again to seek the most 
satisfactory feeding grounds, and to feast on their winged prey. 
Where the caves are in proximity to an abundance of insect life the 
bats remain throughout the summer, occupying the caves as roosting 
places during the day, and swarming out over the country in search 
of food at night. One such cave is about 19 miles north of San 
Antonio, Tex., on Cibolo Creek; and, although not very extensive, 
it annually yields a large quantity of guano. This and other caves 
west of San Antonio are occupied by great numbers of these bats, 
as are still others in western Texas and across southern New Mexico. 
Apparently this whole cave region is stocked with bats to its carry- 
ing capacity, besides providing wintering shelter for those of out- 
lying areas, where no caves occur. 


Like most other bats, the Mexican free-tailed bats are almost 
entirely nocturnal in habits and apparently continue active through- 
out the night. Emerging from their roosting places after sunset, 
they seek their feeding grounds for pursuit of the flying insects 
which are their food. They are strong, rapid flyers and will even 
breast a stiff breeze, but in feeding they keep mainly in the vicinity 
of trees, buildings, or cliffs, where the air is teeming with insect life. 
Their progress while feeding is in quick and erratic zigzags as the 
insects are rapidly snapped up and devoured without a moment’s 

During summer evenings at San Antonio, Tex., soon after sun- 
down it is common to see great numbers of these bats flying over 

2Gile, P. L., and J. O. Carrero, “ The Bat Guanos of Porto Rico and Their Fertilizing 
Value”: Bul. No. 25, Porto Rico Agr, Exp. Sta., pp. 66, 1918. 


the town, practically all headed in one direction. They fly several 
hundred feet above the ground, on their way from their roost to 
favorite hunting grounds, often in the vicinity of water. 

Bats often come into open rooms while seeking their prey and 
fly about with great skill, avoiding all objects and feasting on such 
insects as also enter through the open doors or windows, “alighting 
for a moment on the walls or moldings to rest or devour a “moth, 
but always careful to keep out of reach “of human occupants. All of 
our native bats are absolutely harmless. The fear which they 
sometimes inspire is wholly baseless and has its origin in fictitious 
stories told to children and passed on from ceneration to generation. 

At early dawn the bats return to their regular sleeping places in 
eaves, dark rooms, under tiles or other openings in roofs, in holes 
and crevices among rocks, or in hollow walls of buildings. They 
are usually suspended by their sharp, curved hind claws ‘and sleep 
until the next evening, where conditions for such a position are 
favorable. In other places they may be found packed in deep 
crevices, frequently too narrow even to admit the hand. In the 
roofs of small caves in the rockhills near the suburbs of Mexico City 
there are many bats in crevices of this kind. They commonly take 
possession of deserted attics and similar places in old churches or 
other buildings and in deserted storerooms. 

Mexican free-tailed bats, like many others, have the habit of 
hanging up part of the night in convenient places near their roosts, 
as under the roofs of verandas or similar shelter, and the fioor 
beneath is covered each morning with many scattered pellets of ex- 


_ Exceedingly gregarious, these bats sleep in large numbers closely 

packed, sometimes hundreds, or even thousands, in a solid mass, 
clinging to one another in such density that it is difficult to under- 
stand How those in the middle of the mass can avoid suffocation. 
At night, when they leave large caves or buildings where great 
numbers of them are living, they pour out through their chosen 
exits in such a swarm that in the dusk of ear ly evening it has almost 
the appearance of a cloud of smoke. 

Observations made in Mexico indicated it to be a common habit 
for certain bats to fly a number of miles from their roosts to their 
feeding grounds every evening, but there are no observations as to 
the distance the Mexican free-tailed bats may go for this purpose. 
Undoubtedly, however, they comb many square miles of territory 
about their great roosting places. 

To what extent these bats migrate to take advantage of favorite 
winter and summer climates, or to find favorable wintering caves, 
is not known, but like many other bats they undoubtedly move about 
to seek the best seasonal conditions. At times a few wander in sum- 
mer far from their regular range, as shown by records of scattered 
occurrences as far north as Colorado and Kansas. Extensive migra- 
tions, however, such as occur among some other more northern 
species of buts, are not known in this group. 


In winter the Mexican free-tailed bats seek caves or buildings 
where the temperature is approximately constant and ues too cold, 




and with the first freezing nights outside they hang up for the long 
winter’s sleep. So far as known a temperature of 50 to 55° F. in | 
moderately dry air suits their needs for hibernation, but the limits 
of variation which they can endure have not been fully ascertained. 
Before entering hibernation they become very fat, storing up inside 
of their skins a rich supply of oily food material sufficient to support 
the greatly reduced vital processes during their torpor of winter. 

Before they are fully torpid their stomachs and alimentary canals 
become entirely empty, their temperature gradually falls to approxi- 
mately that of the surrounding air, and their circulation and respira- 
tion become greatly reduced. When fully in the embrace of the 
winter sleep their bodies are cold and motionless, and they are ap- 
parently dead. Thus they hang often four or five months until the 
warmer air of spring penetrates to their chambers and stirs their 
circulation to renewed activity. 

In the Tropics all species appear to be active throughout the year. 


So far as known the food of the free-tailed bats consists wholly 
of insects, almost entirely of night-flying species captured on the 
wing. Moths and beetles seem generally to form the great bulk of 
the food, but many other insects also are eaten, and in case of an 
unusual abundance of any nocturnal species, these might be expected 
to figure largely in the food. 

These bats are gluttonous feeders, and in some species 20 minutes 
after their appearance in the evening the stomachs have been found 
distended with food, the contents averaging one-quarter the weight 
of the animal. This would imply a capacity for at least half their 
weight in insects every night, and even a possibility of their actually 
eating their weight in them every 24 hours. Such estimates are 
merely suggestive and must not be used in any conclusive sense until 
more careful tests can be made of the food actually consumed by each 
species under varying conditions. 

Many other bats not colonial in habits probably have a similar 
capacity, and over parts of the country where they exist in sufficient 
numbers may well have an economic value comparable to that of in- 
sectivorous birds. 

If there were more caves attractive to bats and a greater food 
supply there would undoubtedly be more bats, whereas any consider- 
able diminution of either factor would tend to reduce their num- 
bers. If, however, the bats should become so numerous as to destroy 
most of the insect life, there would necessarily result a correspond- 
ing decrease in the bat population. The fact that bats of this species 
each produce only one young a year suggests a long-established and 
conservative balance between the food supply and the increase of 
the species. 


Bat droppings composed entirely of insect remains and well 
moistened with bat urine accumulate under the roosting places, 
often in such large quantity as to be of value as fertilizer. When 
neither too wet nor too dry it is rich in nitrogen, phosphoric acid, 



and other important ingredients and has a commerical value in 
some cases, as shown by chemical analysis, of $30 to $40 a ton.* 

- The rate of accumulation of guano varies greatly in different 
places, being slight in the caves where the bats merely spend the 
winters, but much more rapid where they live in great numbers all 
the year, or through the period of summer activity. In the Cibolo 
Creek Cave, north of San Antonio, Tex., on March 5, 1924, about 
an inch of fresh deposit was found on the floor where the guano 
had been removed during the winter. The bats had been active only 

‘a short time, and insect life had but recently become common. 

From this not very extensive cave there are taken out each year 
about 60 or 70 tons of guano, said to bring $30 a ton. 

The Cibolo Creek Cave consists of a great tunnel sloping gently 
downward for 200 or 300 yards through the limestone formation 
toward the creek valley below, and widening out at the lower part 
in a great room some 75 feet high and 150 feet wide. Here the 
bats gather in vast numbers, possibly by millions, hanging to the 
high arched roof, and rain down their little pellets over the entire 
floor of the cave throughout their season of activity. 

The bat roost in this cave has not only been a source of income to 
the owner since 1896, but also perhaps has been of importance to the 
community in the destruction of enough insects within the nightly 
range of the bats to maintain this enormous host. Nevertheless 
mosquitoes are said to be troublesome at times in the vicinity of 
the cave, and no scarcity of any kind of insect has been noticed by the 

In another cave on the Frio River, not far from Uvalde, Tex., 
about the same quantity of guano had been taken out for many 
years, until a fire in the guano drove out the bats and for the time 
ended the deposition. Other caves in the region west of San 
Antonio yield a somewhat smaller output of guano, and many in 
western Texas and southern New Mexico and Arizona have yielded 
it in commercial quantities. 

In the great Carlsbad Cavern of southeastern New Mexico the 
quantity of guano removed during the 20 years from 1901 to 1921 is 
estimated roughly at 100,000 tons. This was the accumulation of 
hundreds or perhaps thousands of years, but as vast numbers of bats 
congregate here in fall to use the cave largely as a wintering place 
and as many leave again in spring for lower country and a better 
food supply, the guano accumulation is relatively slow, apparently 
not more than 1 inch a year. Many years must elapse before the 


deposit can again become of commercial value. 

‘Interesting experiments in building roosts for the purpose of 
colonizing guano-producing bats (Zadarida mexicana) have been 
carried on for many years by C. A. R. Campbell, of San Antonio, 
Tex. An excellent description of one of these buildings (fig. 3) 
at Lake Mitchell is given by Doctor Howard,t from careful notes 

?Gile and Carrero, op. cit. 
* Howard, L. O., op. cit., pp. 1792-1793. 



by F. C. Bishopp, in charge of the field station of the Bureau 
of Entomology, at Dallas, Tex., as follows: 

The Campbell bat roost consists of a sort of tower set on four posts about 10 
feet above the ground. According to Doctor Campbell, the size of the roost 
may be varied considerably. As I recall them, the dimensions of the roost at 
Mitchell Lake are about as follows: Twelve feet square at the bottom, the walls 
slanting inward toward the top, which is about 6 feet square. Height, about 20 
feet. On the outside, the building is covered with drop siding with tar paper 
beneath. The roof is shingled and projects over the edges. It is slightly ele- 
vated so as to permit of the entrance and exit of the bats. Additional entry 
space is allowed entirely down one side of the building. This opening, which © 
is about 24% feet wide, is provided with boards slanting upward so as to 

exclude light to some extent but allows 

the bats to enter between them. The 
central portion of the house from the 
side provided with the entrance to the 
opposite side is unobstructed from top 
to bottom, thus leaving an air space 
about 2% feet wide. On each side of 
the shaft, and running to the two other 
sides of the building, is a series of 
shelves made of matched flooring. 
These shelves slant upward and out- 
ward at an angle of about 30°. In the 
first house constructed these shelves 
were about 5 inches apart, but I believe 
in the later model they are closer to- 
gether. Wire-netting is tacked on top 
of each of the shelves so as to provide 
places for the bats to hang. The slant 
is given so as to allow the guano to 
. roll down and drop into the center of 
the bottom structure, which is provided 
with trapdoors opening downward. 

This is to permit of the emptying of the 

manure into a wagon which is placed 

under the roost. 

Fic. 8.—Bat roost at Mitchell Lake, Tex., This roost when visited by Ver- 
oaaupiod by a colony of Mexican fee non Bailey, of the Biological Sur- 
fo nunbel 10,000, and vieding about vey, in company with F.C. 
graph by Charles H. Gable) Bishopp and Charles H. Gable, of 

the Bureau of Entomology, on 

March 4, 1924, was occupied by a large number of bats, all of the 

species Zadarida mexicana. During the evening it was estimated 

that about 10,000 bats flew from the roost in the half hour between 

6.45 and 7.15 o’clock. They left so rapidly from both sides of the 

tower that they could not be counted after the first five minutes. It 

seemed, probable that fully 10,000 were using the roost at that time. 

Mr. Gable says that they were much more numerous in midsummer, 

but none were seen there in winter, as, according to Doctor Campbell, 

most of the bats disappear then and return early i in spring, the first 
sometimes appearing about the middle of February. 

About two tons of guano are taken from this roost every eden 
part of which is pac ked in 10- pound sacks and sold at $1 a sack to 
local florists and individuals for use on house plants, and part of 
it in larger lots to local gardeners at lower prices. This roost ap- 
parently pays good div idends on the original cost and is considered 
a valuable investment. It is the only one of five, however, con- 
structed in and about San Antonio that has ever been extensively 


occupied by bats, and others built in Florida and Georgia had failed 
to attract bats up to March, 1924. So far as can be learned, the bat 
-roost at Mitchell Lake, near San Antonio, is the only one of the 
eight built that has been occupied by bats, but this does not mean 
that others in favorable situations may not attract them. 

There would be many advantages in being able to colonize bats 
successfully in certain localities either in artificial roosts or artifi- 
cial caves and tunnels, but so far none of the experiments can be 
considered entirely successful. Doctor Campbell’s experiment is 
interesting as far as it reaches, but 
so far it has succeeded in only one 
case and with only one species 
of bat. 

The choice of roosting places by 
bats is evidently dependent upon 
factors not always readily under- 
stood. In many cave regions where 
bats are abundant, only certain of 
the numerous caves available and 
apparently suitable are actually oc- 
cupied. Although bats may in 
some instances be attracted to arti- 
ficially prepared roosts, prospective 
builders should be informed, before 
deciding to risk what may be a 
needless expenditure of funds, that 
there is no assurance that such 
structures will be used (fig. 4). 


The walls or attics of many old 

Del Rio. and other communities in ular subscription in 1920 at a cost 
of $2,000, for mosquito control, but 

western Texas are occupied by never occupied. In only one of eight 

Bat roost near Military Acad- 
., built by pop- 

such structures, from Florida to 
Texas, have bats taken up their abode 

these bats. In 1923 two wagon- 
loads of bat guano were taken out 
of the attic of the courthouse at Austin, and the openings carefully 
closed to prevent the return of the bats. The strong odor of the bats 
and guano rendered the building unendurable for human beings, as 
it has in the case of many private dwellings where the bats “have 
taken up their abode in hollow walls or attics. To prevent theiy 
return, however, it is only necessary to close all openings in the 
buildings at night when the bats are out. 

In the vicinity of Patzcuaro, Michoacan, at an altitude of 7.500 
feet, the writer found Zadarida mexicana the most common species 
of bat, although the summer climate here was much cooler than in 
the localities most frequented by them. Here they were sometimes 
found in caves, but were more numerous among the tiles and other 
crevices in the roofs of the houses, and in openings in larger build- 
ings as well. In an old building in the middle of Patzcuaro, where 
these bats were clinging in great numbers to the ceilings of two 
rooms, the owner made a regular business of gathering the guano 

——_ ae 


and selling it at the rate of 3 cents a pound, Mexican money. At 
the time of the writer’s visit in July thousands of bats were hanging 
from the roof and several inches of excrement covered the floor, 
giving off an excessively strong odor of ammonia. The owner 
stated that the bats migrate when the weather becomes cold in fall 
and return in spring. Soon after they return they have their young. 

At another place in the same town a man built a small detached 
room in the yard back of his house for the purpose of smoking bacon 
and other meat, but before he began to use it bats of this species 
took possession in such numbers and produced so much guano that 
he abandoned his original purpose and was making a good return 
on his investment through the sale of guano. The writer heard also 
of bat guano being taken from a cave on the southern slope of Mount 


The following extract from a letter from Hiram Byrd, State 
Health Officer of Florida, to L. O. Howard, Chief of the Bureau of 
Entomology, under date of June 26, 1912, relative to bats taking up 
their abode in an uncompleted opera house begun in 1895, at Tavares, 
Fla., undoubtedly refers to the Florida free-tailed bat, Tadarida 
cynocephala, and if so shows that this species has the same colonial 
habits as the one found in Texas: 

The doors and windows of the lower floor of this opera house were securely 
fastened up to keep intruders out, but the upper windows were only closed by 
loose boards, which svon dropped out, making it easily accessible to bats. 
They took advantage of it, and in the course of a few years were there in 
countless thousands. I know of no way of estimating the number. ... The 
only time I was ever there at the right hour was on a trip to Eustis. The 
train stopped at Tavares one-half hour before sunset and remained there 
something like 45 minutes. I took advantage of the occasion to see the bats 
emerge from the building. I had only been watching a few minutes when 
they began, first a single one, then two or three together, and as if the rustle 
started them, then they began seriously flying out of the window with in- 
credible swiftness. There must have been at least half a hundred a second. 
I watched this stream of bats pouring out for half an hour or so, and was 
told by some of the residents of Tavares that it would continue until something 
like half an hour after dark, making probably two hours altogether. 

About two years after the opera house had been cleaned out and 
converted into a packing house, Doctor Byrd made inquiries of 
citizens in the vicinity of Tavares and Eustis, Fla., as to whether 
they had experienced any appreciable difference in the number of 
mosquitoes since the time the bat roost in the building was at its 
height, and as a result of these inquiries stated that he was convinced 
that if there was any difference it was not noticeable. 


During many years of study of the mammals of Mexico, the 
writer lived a large part of the time in places where Mexican free- 
tailed bats were extremely abundant. Their presence in no case 
appeared to have the slightest influence on the prevalence of ma- 
laria. In many Mexican villages and ranches, where nearly every 
inhabitant was infected with malaria and where malarial mosquitoes 



were swarming about the houses, these bats were living in the roofs 
in great numbers, apparently without having the slightest influence 
on the numbers of the mosquitoes. At one large cave, water in the 
entrance afforded a breeding place for mosquitoes, which were pres- 
ent in such numbers as to cause great annoyance in efforts to collect 
some of the bats for scientific specimens. 

The assertions of Doctor Campbell that bats feed very extensively 
on mosquitoes, practically eliminating them in the vicinity of bat 
roosts and thus effectively preventing malaria, have been followed 
with interest by entomologists of the Department of Agriculture, 
and all evidence carefully weighed by Doctor Howard? in his paper 
on the subject. He has written the following two paragraphs for 
insertion in this bulletin: 

“After a prolonged effort I have been unable to substantiate the 
claims made by Doctor Campbell as to the value of bat roosts in 
the great reduction of the mosquito population of a given locality, 
even in Texas. Bats obviously prefer other and larger insects. 
They undoubtedly swallow mosquitoes when they encounter them in 
flight, but only incidentally. Observations by trained men on the 
eround in Texas deny his claims both as to marked relief from 
mosquitoes or relief from malaria. One of the experts of the Bureau 
of Entomology stationed at San Antonio informs me (May, 1925) 
that of the four bat roosts at San Antonio only one is inhabited by 
bats, and that in endeavoring to watch the flight of the bats from 
this roost in the evening jhe was so annoyed by mosquitoes that he 
was obliged to abandon his observations. He further tells me that a 
Mexican, resident 300 yards from the roost, states that the mos- 
quitoes are very bad at his house. 

“As to other parts of the world, I am told by no less authority 
than Professor Grassi that in Italy the most malarious regions are 
precisely those where bats are most abundant.” 


Nearly all the bats of North America north of the Tropics con- 
sume vast quantities of insects, but apparently do not exterminate 
any. In evaluating their services as insect destroyers it is to be 
borne in mind that they feed almost entirely on night-flying species. 

The Mexican free-tailed bat, ranging in the United States in 
southern Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, is extremely 
colonial in habits, occupying numerous caves and some buildings, and 
producing in places sufficient quantities of guano to be used com- 
mercially as fertilizer. 

The possibility of colonizing these bats by building suitable roosts 
has been demonstrated in the United States, but in only one instance. 
Many difficulties are likely to be encountered in establishing colonies. 
Elaborate and expensive structures built outside the range of a 
colonial species or in places where the bats of the locality find other 
quarters preferable may not be occupied. Unless the bats can be 
attracted in large numbers, there is little hope of establishing a 

5 Op. cit. 


worth-while colony, because of the slow rate of reproduction, there 
being only one at a birth. 

In the single colony of bats successfully established there seems 
to be a profitable yield of guano. Other attempts have failed, and 
anyone contemplating the construction of bat roosts for commercial 
gain should be advised that the returns may be disappointing and 
wholly out of proportion to funds expended. 

Mosquitoes have been found abundant in and about bat caves, 
and in the single case known where colonial bats have been artifi- 
cially established there has been no appreciable diminution in the 
insect life or in the local abundance of mosquitoes. The assertions 
that bats will eradicate or even noticeably reduce the numbers of 
mosquitoes, and with them malaria, are shown by studies of their 
food and general life habits to be misleading and without foundation. 






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