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P • H ^33. 

R. S.  Cowan, 

Ed  itor 

Charles  R.  Gunn,  Associate  Editor 


of  Sotany 

Plant  Taxonomy  Laboratory 





D.C.  20560 

Beltsville,  Maryland  20705 



NOVEMBER.  1875 

FROM  THE  EDITORS.  We  want  to  strengthen  legume  research  by  stimulating 
inexpensive  and  rapid  commuication  with  a minimum  of  organization  and  Mred 
tape".  We  can  only  do  this  with  your  contributions  and  suggestions.  The 
next  BEAN  BA.G  is  scheduled  for  a May  1976  mailing,  so  we  hope  you  X\rill  supply 
information  on  the  enclosed  data  form  which  should  reach  us  no  later  than  1 
April  1976. 

Several  of  you  have  indicated  how  valuable  it  will  be  to  have  in  each 
issue  a listing  of  recent  legume  publications.  We  agree  but  this  will  be 
possible  only  if  all  of  us  submit  the  necessary  citations  on  the  data- 
collection  form  enclosed.  And  it  is  only  the  papers  on  legume  taxonomy 
(sensu  lato)  which  have  been  published  in  the  period  since  the  last  BEAN 
BAG  that  we  will  include.  It  will  be  helpful,  when  you  are  reporting  new 
publications  on  the  form,  if  you  will  use  the  style  of  literature  cita- 
tion in  the  following  pages. 

There  have  been  requests  for  listings  of  chromosome  numbers  but  this 
is  being  accomplished  quite  adequately  in  the  pages  of  TAXON  and  else- 
where. The  costs  of  producing  the  BB  are  sufficient  to  encourage  us  to  be 
rather  selective  in  what  is  included  in  each  issue;  however,  a large  demand 
for  a particular  kind  of  information,  not  being  transmitted  otherwise,  will 
be  taken  seriously. 

A number  of  our  readers  have  asked  about  the  relationship  between  the 
International  Group  for  the  Study  of  Mimosoideae  and  the  BEAN  BAG.  We  have 
in  common  our  research  preoccupation  with  the  Leguminosae,  but  the  BEAN 
BAG  has  but  one  purpose — to  facilitate  communications  among  legume  specialists. 
It  is  not  the  publication  of  an  organization,  as  is  the  Bulletin  of  the  IGSM, 
which  is  primarily  concerned  only  with  the  mimosoids.  We  recognize  the  over- 
lap but  do  not  feel  it  is  serious,  at  least  at  the  moment. 

The  organizers  of  a 1978  symposium  on  legumes  have  supplied  us  with  a 
news  release  which  will  be  of  considerable  interest  and  importance  to  all 
our. readers.  It  is  reproduced  in  the  following  pages. 

* * * **************  * * * * * * * * * * * * 

FEATURE.  Jim  Duke  claims  that  he  could  tell  the  annual  rainfall  and  temper- 
ature of  remote  areas  by  the  legumes  that  groxv  there,  provided  he  had 


enough  case  histories  in  his  legume  data  bank.  For  example,  the  winged  bean, 
subject  of  a report  reviewed  in  this  issue  of  BEAN  BAG,  is  already  reported 
to  range  from  Subtropical  Dry  to  Wet  Forest  Life  Zone  (most  cases  C37.5%! 
in  Tropical  Dry),  with,  annual  precipitation  ranging  from  9.1  to  28.2  dm, 
annual  bio temperature  from  22.1°C  to  26.8°C.  Ranges  for  Acacia  farnesiana 
and  Cassia  occidentalis  differ  somexihat,  ranging  to  cooler  and  dryer  areas, 
but  both  are  reported  more  frequently  from  Tropical  Dry  Forest  Life  Zone 
(27%  of  cases  for  Acacia,  21%  for  Cassia) . Thus,  someone  examining  a flora 
with  these  three  species  might  expect  that  the  odds  are  he’s  dealing  with  a 
Tropical  Dry  Forest  Life  Zone  flora.  With  more  data  in  a systematic 
computer  program,  one  could  deduce  the  various  meterological  parameters 
rather  accurately.  Dr.  Duke  Invites  your  collaboration.  Local  legume  check- 
lists accompanied  by  ecological  data  are  needed  to  expand  his  data  base. 

If  you  are  interested  in  collaborating,  please  write  to  James  A.  Duke, 

Plant  Taxonomy  Laboratory  (PTL) , United  States  Department  of  Agriculture, 
Beltsville,  Maryland  20705  USA. 

list  and  the  main  list  in  Number  1 for  your  future  use.) 

BOTANICAL  MUSEUM,  Harvard  University,  22  Divinity  Avenue,  Cambridge,  MA 
02138  USA. 

BUREAU  OF  FISH  & WILDLIFE,  Box  1878,  Frederiksted,  St.  Croix,  V.  I.  00840 

CANO,  G. , Inst.  Teen,  y de  Est.  Sup.  de  Monterrey,  Sucursal  de  Correos  ”j”, 
Monterrey,  N.  L.,  MEXICO. 

CHRTKOVA-ZERTOVA,  A.,  Botanical  Institute,  Czechoslovak  Academy  of  Sciences, 
252  43  Pruhonice  near  Prague,  CZECHOSLOVAKIA. 

DE  WET,  H.  C.  D.,  Laboratory  for  Plant  Taxonomy  & Plant  Geography,  37, 

General  Foulkesweg,  Wageningen,  NETHERLANDS. 

DOLLAHITE,  J.  W. , Veterinary  Toxicology  and  Entomology  Research  Laboratory, 
Post  Office  Drawer  GE,  College  Station,  TX  77840,  USA. 

DOMINGUEZ,  X.  A.,  Inst.  Tecnologico  y de  Estudios  Superiores  de  Monterrey, 
Monterrey,  N.  L.,  MEXICO. 

DUDIK,  N.  M. , Central  Botanical  Garden,  Timiryasevska  str.  I,  252014  Kiev, 

DUNCAN,  W.  H. , Botany  Department,  University  of  Georgia,  Athens,  GA  30602 
USA  (Flora  of  SE  States). 

FLEAK,  S.,  Department  of  Biology,  Missouri  Valley  College,  Marshall,  MO 
65340  USA. 


GEESENK:  Correct  No.  1 to  read  (S.E.  Asian  Papilionatael. 

GIANNASI,  D.  E. , Nexv  York  Botanical  Garden,  Bronx,  NY  10458  USA  (Phyto- 
chemistry, especially  of  Cassia) . 

GILL,  L.  S. , Department  of  Botany,  University  of  Dar  es  Salaam,  P.  0.  Box 

GORDAN-GRAY,  K.  D.,  Department  of  Botany,  University  of  Natal,  P.  0.  Box 
375,  Pietermaritzburg,  Natal,  SOUTH  AFRICA. 

GREAR:  Add  (Rhynchosia  and  Eriosema) . 

HOOPER,  N.  H. , Department  of  Biology,  University  of  Oregon,  Eugene,  OR 
97403  USA. 

JIMENEZ  A.,  J.,  Calle  Meximo  Gomez  34,  Santiago  de  los  Caballeros, 

Republica  Dominicans,  ANTILLAS. 

KALIN  DE  ARROYO,  M.  T. , Escuela  de  Biology,  Facultad  de  Ciencias,  Univ. 
Central  de  Venezuela,  Apartado  10098  Caracas,  VENEZUELA. 

KING,  R.  M. , 5432  Connecticut  Ave.,  N.W. , Apt.  702,  Washington,  DC  20015 

LACKEY,  J.  A.,  Department  of  Botany,  Iowa  State  Union,  Ames,  IA  50010  USA. 

LANGE,  C. , Missouri  Botanical  Garden,  2315  Tower  Grove  Avenue,  St.  Louis, 

M0  63110,  USA. 

LASSEIGNE,  Alex,  Department  of  Botany,  Iowa  State  University,  Ames,  IA 
50010  USA  (Neo-tropical  Cassia) . 

LONG,  C.  R. , New  York  Botanical  Garden,  Bronx,  NY  10458  USA. 

LOS  ANGELES  STATE  & COUNTY  ARBORETUM,  301  North  Baldwin  Ave. , Arcadia,  CA 
91106  USA. 

MANNETJE,  L.’t,  Sciro,  Mill  Road,  St.  Lucia,  Brisbane,  Queensland  4067, 

MEIJER,  William,  College  of  Arts  and  Sciences,  School  of  Biological  Sciences 
University  of  Kentucky,  Lexington,  KY  40506  USA. 

NATIONAL  AGRICULTURAL  LIBRARY,  Current  Serial  Records,  USDA,  Beltsville, 

MD  20705  USA. 

NORTHINGTON,  D.  K. , Department  of  Biological  Sciences,  Texas  Tech  University 
Lubbock,  TX  79409  USA. 

PALMER,  R.  G.,  Department  of  Agronomy,  Iowa  State  University,  Ames,  IA 
50010  USA. 


PERINO,  C.  H_. , Department  of  Botany,  North,  Carolina  State,  Raleigh,  NC 
27607  USA. 

PODLECH,  D.,  Institute  of  Systematic  Botany,  University  of  Munich, 
Menzingerstr . 67,  D-8000  MUNCHEN  19,  GERMANY  (Astragalus) . 

PONERT,  J.,  Hortus  Botanicus  Subtropicus  Batumensis,  Machindjauri 
Adjarskoi  A.S.S.R. , SU-384533  SOVIET  UNION. 


ROBBERTSE,  P.  J. , Department  of  General  Botany,  University  of  Pretoria, 
Pretoria  0002,  REPUBLIC  OF  SOUTH  AFRICA. 

ROSENTHAL,  G.  A.,  Dept.  Biological  Sciences,  Univ.  of  Kentucky,  Lexington, 
KY  40506,  USA  (non-protein  amino  acids  of  legumes). 

ROSS,  J.  H. , Royal  Botanic  Gardens  and  National  Herbarium,  South  Yarra 
3141,  Victoria,  AUSTRALIA. 

ROYAL  BOTANIC  GARDENS  & NATIONAL  HERBARIUM,  Birdwood  Avenue,  South.  Yarra, 
Victoria,  3141,  AUSTRALIA. 

RUDOLPH,  A.  W.,  Battelle  Institute,  505  King  Ave.,  Columbus,  OHIO  43201 

SALEH,  N. , A.  M. , C/0  Prof.  H.  Grlsebach,  Biologisches  Inst.  II,  Lehrstuhl 
fur  Biochemie  der  Pflanzen,  University  Freiburg,  Freiburg,  W.  GERMANY 
(Phytochemistry) . 

SCHREIBER,  A.,  Botanlsche  Staatssammlung,  Menzingerstr.  67,  D-8000 
MUNCHEN  19,  FEDERAL  REPUBLIC  OF  GERMANY  (Southwest  Africa  Legumes). 

SHARMA,  S.  K. : (printed  "Shama,  S.  K.M  in  No.  1)  (Indian  species  Phase plus 

& Vigna) . 

STACE,  C.  A.,  Botanical  Laboratories,  Univ.  Leicester,  Leicester,  LEI  7RH, 

STANKEVICZ:  Correct  No.  1 to  read  (Cytotaxonomy  and  biosystematics  of 

Vicia  ) . 

THOTHATHRIA,  K. , Editor  of  Publications,  Botanical  Survey  of  India, 

Howrah  3,  INDIA. 

TINDALE,  M.  D. , Royal  Botanic  Gardens,  Sydney,  N.S.W.  2000,  AUSTRALIA. 

TURNER,  R.  M. , Geological  Survey,  USDA,  301  West  Congress  Street,  Tucson, 

AZ  85717  USA. 

WAINWRIGHT , C.  M. , Department  of  Plant  Sciences,  University  of  California, 
Riverside,  CA  92502  USA. 


WELSH,  S.,  Rm.  113-B49  Herbarium,  Brigham  Young  University,  Provo,  UT 
84602  USA. 

WILBUR , R.  L.,  Department  of  Botany,  Duke  University,  Durham,  NC  27706 

WUNDERLIN,  R.  P. , Department  of  Biology,  University  of  South  Florida, 

Tampa,  FL  33620  USA  (Bauhinia) . 

YAKOVLEV,  G.,  Chemical— pharmaceutical  Inst.,  14,  Prof.  Popov  Street, 

197022,  Leningrad,  USSR. 

YNTEMA:  Add  (Taxonomy  and  medicinal  uses  of  Caribbean  legumes). 


GLEANINGS  FROM  DATA  COLLECTING  SHEETS.  For  addresses  see  readers  list. 

AREVALO  DE  DELGADO  has  completed  a nutritive  study  of  Medicago  sativa,  is 
studying  "esparteina"  in  Spartium  j unceum  and  interested  in  medicinal  uses 
of  legumes.  Will  supply  seeds  and  specimens  in  return  for  text  "Taxonomy" 
by  L.  Benson. 

BERNARD  would  like  to  exchange  Glycine  seeds. 

CORBY  has  viable  Rhodesian  legume  seeds;  wants  viable  legume  seeds  from 
out-of-way  places  for  studies  of  nodule-form. 

DUNN  has  8 graduate  students  working  on  facets  of  New  World  Lupinus ; 
starting  on  South  American  taxa  and  looking  for  collaborators.  Plans  to 
collect  in  Mexico  and  Central  America  for  next  3 summers.  Recently  com- 
pleted studies  include  L.  latif olius  (K.  Vaughn),  L_.  mexicanus  (R.  Rafaill), 

.L.  andersonii-L.  albicaulis  (M.  Conrad) , and  L.  montanus  (Dunn  and  Harmon) , 
New  project-genetic  studies  of  F2  populations  of  ^L.  mexicanus  x L.  campestrls . 
GEESINK  will  collect  in  S.  E.  Asia  during  1976. 

GRANT  has  issued  Lotus  Newsletter  No.  5,  1974. 

GREAR  is  now  Curator  of  Vascular  Plant  Herbarium  (TRT) ; has  finished 
Eriosema  and  completing  New  World  Rhynchosia. 

GUNN  has  completed  typescript  of  Vicia  of  Mexico  and  Central  America,  has 
reclassified  Medicago  sativa  s.l.  in  USDA’S  Plant  Introduction  Program, 
and  now  is  finishing  a survey  of  flowers  of  Vicieae. 

HARDING  has  completed  alkaloid  and  isozyme  variation  in  Lupinus  nanus  and 
starting  on  a study  of  the  autofertility  of  the  annual  lupines,  esp.  of 
California.  Interested  In  collaborating  on  study  of  lupine  pollination- 
ecology.  Will  be  in  Puerto  Rico  through  July  1976  to  study  tropical 
pollination  systems. 

HEGANUER  has  started  on  manuscript  of  Vol.  7,  "Chemotaxonomie  der  Pflanzen". 
Will  try  to  supply  European  seed  samples. 

HEYN,  PLITMANN,  & RUDD  have  started  on  Lupinus  of  Middle  East.  Want  viable 
seed  samples  (20-30  seeds)  of  cultivated  Old  World  Lupinus. 

HUNZIKER  is  in  Rome  for  6 months  as  an  FAO  consultant  on  "Genetic  Resources 
of  Crops";  in  press  a study  of  cytogenetics  of  some  taxa  in  Prosopis. 

ISELY  has  the  U.  S.  caesalpinioids  (part  2 of  legume  flora  of  U.  S.)  in 
galley  proof  and  preparing  part  3 (Sophoreae,  Trifolieae,  Loteae,  Galegeae 
& Podalyrieae) . 


KALIN  DE  ARROYO  has  completed  Harpalyce  and  started  on  Andira  (monograph) 
and  Copaifera  publflora  (ecological  genetics).  Would  like  Copaifera  seeds 
from  extra-Venezuela  areas;  samples  should  he  from  individual  trees.  Can 
supply  seeds  and  herbarium  material  but  needs  specific  instructions.  Has 
been  elected  V.  P. , Sociedad  Botanica  de  Venezuela. 

KINGSOLVER  studies  bruchid  beetles,  many  of  which  feed  on  legume  seeds; 
working  now  on  seed  beetles  of  Prosopis  in  Western  Hemisphere.  Needs 
specimens  of  beetles  reared  from  known  hosts,  preserved  in  alcohol  or  dry 
in  cotton  or  tissue. 

KRUKOFF  wants  at  least  30  grams  of  seeds  for  amino  acid  analysis  (write  for 
want-list) . Now  have  more  than  1000  samples  representing  nearly  half  of 
knoi\ra  legume  genera. 

LARSEN,  K.  has  revised  Caesalpiniaceae  for  "Flora  Thailand",  working  with 
S.  Larsen  on  the  family  in  Cambodia,  Laos,  and  Vietnam;  wants  Caesalpiniaceae 
seeds  and  wood  samples. 

LARSON,  S.  has  completed  pollen  study  of  Thai  Bauhinia  and  working  on  pollen 
of  genus  in  Australia  and.  Asia. 

LEDINGHAM  offers  seeds  and  herbarium  specimens  of  many  species  of  Astragalus . 
LEE  screening  Malaya  legumes  for  lectins;  will  supply  local  seeds  and 
specimens;  wants  50  gram  seed  samples  with  voucher  from  S.  E.  Asia.  Elected 
a Fellow  of  Linnean  Society. 

LESINS  has  completed  a study  of  carotenoids  in  petals  of  perennial  species 
of  Medicago,  and  has  returned  from  collecting  trip  in  North  Africa.  Offers 
Medicago  seeds. 

PLITMANN  see  Heyn. 

REID  has  issued  Soybean  Genetics  Newsletter,  Vol.  2,  1975. 

RUDD  see  Heyn 

ST.  JOHN  awarded  Garden  Club  of  American  Medal  of  Honor  for  contributions 
to  horticulture. 

SCHREIBER  has  begun  a revision  of  the  South  African  genus  Lebeckia  Thunb. 
(Papil.-Genisteae) . 

STANKEVICZ  has  two  papers  in  press  on  Caucasian  and  Siberian  Vicia  and 
started  on  Vicia  for  "Cultural  Flora  of  USSR";  would  like  to  exchange 
herbarium  specimens  and  seeds  of  Vicia  and  Lathy rus , and  receive  American 
legume  literature;  will  collect  in  Carpathian  Mountains,  Crimea,  and  West 
Caucasus  in  1976. 

STEIN  published  a study  of  shoot  apex  of  Hymenaea  courbaril;  starting  on 
Colophospermum  mopane  and  Guibourtia  coleosperma.  Wants  FAA-preserved 
shoot-tips  of  Cynometreae  - Amherstieae;  can  supply  seedlings  of  above 

STIRTON  has  completed  Eriosema  cor  datum-complex;  wants  to  exchange  Eriosema 
seeds;  needs  viable  seed  of  non-African  Rhynchosia,  Eriosema,  Flemingia, 

Ca j anus , and  Atylosia.  Cannot  find  Ann.  Mus.  Congo  B.  Bot,  ser.  6,  1 
(1934)  (paper  on  Congo  Eriosema  by  P.  Staner  & A.  de  Craene).  Recent  M.Sc. 
(cum  laude) . 

VASSAL  and  collaborators  have  concluded  studies  of  evolutionary  trends  in 
Acacia,  as  well  as  on  its  cytology  and  taxonomy.  New  projects  include 
seeds /seedling  morphology  of  a group  of  Acacia  species  and  of  the  genus 
Parkia  and  the  chorology  of  another  group  of  Acacia  from  Africa.  Seeds  In 
100-200  gram  samples  needed  of  the  Filicinae  part  of  Acacia  (American 


species),  with  vouchers,  pods,  and  flowers  from  same  tree;  also  viable  seeds, 
herbarium  specimens,  flowers  collected  at  night  if  possible  in  alcohol  of 
Parkia  species.  Awarded  Prix  de  Coincy  of  the  Societe  Botanique  de 
France  for  research  on  Acacia. 

VERDCOURT  will  be  preparing  legume  handbook  for  Papua-New  Guinea  and  will  be 
collecting  there,  starting  Jan.  1976. 

VIDAL  has  completed  revision  of  Asiatic  Caesalpinia. 

WUNDERLIN  now  Curator  of  herbarium  Univ.  South  Florida;  wants  viable  seed 
of  Bauhinia . 

YNTEMA  and  others  are  preparing  natural  history  guide  for  Virgin  Islands  and 
part  of  Puerto  Rico;  can  supply  some  material. 

Anyone  having  access  to  viable  seeds  of  Trifolium  stolonif erum,  please 
contact  Marion  Cole  (1224  Norman  Lane,  Deerfield,  111.  60015)  who  Is  re- 
establishing prairie  vegetation  in  small  plots  where  it  has  been  destroyed. 


RECENT  LEGUME  LITERATURE.  Legume  oriented  publications  or  notices  sent  to 
the  BEAN  BAG  will  be  listed  herein.  As  space  and  time  permits,  some  entries 
may  include  an  abstract  or  additional  key  words.  Authors  are  encouraged 
to  note  additional  key  words,  or  to  include  a 10-20  word  abstract,  if 
needed  to  augment  title.  Requests  for  publications  should  be  sent  to  the 
authors  (see  membership  list  for  addresses)  of  the  publications.  The 
following  are  mostly  taken  from  the  data-forms  but  only  post-1972  papers 
are  listed  In  order  to  restrict  this  section  to  manageable  proportions. 

BRAVATO,  M.  1974.  Estudio  morphologico  de  frutos  y semillas  de  las 
Mimosoideae  (Leguminosae)  de  Venezuela.  Acta  Bot.  Venez.  9:  317-361. 

CORBY.  1975.  A method  of  making  a pure-culture,  peat— type,  legume 
inoculant,  using  a substitute  for  peat.  I.B.P.  Series  7:  169-173. 

. 1974.  Systematic  implications  of  nodulation  among  Rhodesian  legumes. 

Kirkia  9:  301-329. 

COWAN.  1974.  A revision  of  the  genus  Bocoa  (Caesalpinioideae-Swartzieae) . 
Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash.  87:  95-128. 

. 1975.  A monograph  of  the  genus  Eperua  (Leguminosae:  Caesalpinioideae) 

Smithsonian  Contrib.  Bot.  No.  28,  1-45. 

HARDING  et  al.  1974.  Genetics  of  Lupinus  VII:  Outcrossing  autofertility, 

and  variability  in  natural  populations  of  the  nanus  group.  Taxon  23:  529-738. 

ELLIOTT,  , MANKINEN.  1974.  Genetics  of  Lupinus  VI:  Reproductive 

barriers  in  the  nanus  group.  Taxon  23:  585-594. 

MANKINEN,  , ELLIOTT.  1975.  Genetics  of  Lupinus  VIII:  Variations  in 

the  occurence  of  alkaloids  in  natural  populations  of  Lupinus  nanus . Taxon 
24:  415-429. 

KALIN  DE  ARROYO.  1975.  Systematics  of  the  legume  genus  Harpalyce  (Leguminosae 
Lotoideae).  Mem.  New  York  Bot.  Gard.  26:  in  press. 

LASSETTER.  1975.  Taxonomic  status  of  Vicia  hassei  (Leguminosae).  Madrono 
23:  73-78. 

LEDINGHAM.  1973.  Chromosome  numbers  of  some  South  American  species  of 
Astragalus.  Kurtziana  7:  27-37. 


LEE  et  al.  1975.  Lectins,  in  some  Malaysian  legume  species.  Malaysian  J. 

Sci.  in  press. 

ST.  JOHN.  1973.  List  and  summary  of  the  flowering  plants  in  the  Hawaiian 
Islands.  Pacific  Trop.  Bot.  Gard.  Mem.  1:  1-519. 

SCHULTES  et  al.  1975.  The  Winged  Bean — a high-protein  crop  for  the  tropics. 
Obtainable  free  from:  Commission  on  International  Relations  (JH215),  National 

Academy  of  Sciences,  2101  Constitution  Avenue,  NW,  Washington,  D.C.  20418 

What  legume  has  high-protein  roots  (15%),  high-calcium  pods  (.06-0.3%), 
high  yields  (2000  kg /ha)  of  high-tocopherol  seeds  rich  in  relatively 
unsaturated  oils  (15-20%)  and  lysine-rich  proteins  (35%),  leaves  high  in 
protein  (5-15%);  flowers,  when  fried,  that  taste  like  mushrooms,  and  roots  that 
fix  a lot  of  nitrogen  without  inoculation?  Winged  bean!  Why  don’t  they 
develop  a cultivar  photoperiodically  suitable  for  higher  latitudes?  They 
will!  If  the  recommendations  in  this  useful  report  are  followed,  this 
promising  crop  will  get  the  best  in  taxonomic  study,  germplasm  collection, 
and  genetic  improvement. 

SCHREIBER.  1974.  Uber  die  identitat  von  Lebeckia  elongata  Hutch. 
(Papilionaceae  - Genisteae).  Mitt.  Bot.  Munchen  11:  579-584. 

. 1973.  Nachtrag  i Zu  den  familien  58—60  (Leguminosae)  in  "Prodroraus 

einer  flora  von  Sudwestaf rika. " Mitt.  Bot.  Munchen  11:  115—152. 

STACE.  (with  E.  Hollings).  1974.  Karyotype  variation  and  evolution 
in  the  Vicia  sativa  aggregate.  New  Phytol.  73:  195-208. 

STEIN.  1975.  The  shoot  apex  of  Hymenaea  courbaril  (Leguminosae).  Am. 

Jour.  Bot.  62(3):  303-310.  ' 

VASSAL.  1975.  Histologie  comparee  des  teguments  seminaux  dans  quelques 
especes  dT Acacias  africains.  Boissiera  24:  285—297.  1975.  (Study  of  seed- 

coat  morphology  of  31  spp.  Acacia  showed  correlation  of  variation  in  some 
morphological  and  histological  characters  which  were  used  to  elucidate 
evolutionary  trends  in  this  part  of  the  genus). 

. Sur  quelques  nombres  chromosomiques  nouveaux  dans  le  genre  Acacia. 

(Place  and  date  of  publication  not  given) . (Chromosome  numbers  for  51 
species  are  reported  for  the  first  time) . 

VAN  STEENIS.  1975.  Revision  of  Sympetalandra.  Blumea  22:  159-167.  Key 
to  five  genera  of  Dimorphandreae. 

VIDAL  and  THOL.  1974.  Revision  du  genre  Pterolobium.  Bull.  Mus . Nat. 

Hist.  Nat.  (Paris),  ser.  3,  227.  (Bot.  15):  1-29. 


IDENTIFICATIONS . Following  are  the  names  of  specialists  who  have  expressed 
willingness  to  identify  legumes  and  the  groups  they  will  accept.  Arrangements 
should  be  made  directly  with  them,  in  advance  of  shipment,  using  the  addresses 
in  BB-1/2 : . 

BARNEBY.  Brazilian  Cassia. 

COWAN.  Tropical  South  American  Caesalpinioideae. 

DUNN.  North  American  Lupinus . 

GEES  INK.  S.  E.  Asian  Millettia,  Fordia,  Antheroporum,  Whitf ordiodendron, 
and  Perris . 

GREAR.  New  World  Eriosema  and  Rhynchosia. 


GUNN.  Vicia, 

HARDING.  Annual  Lupinus  of  California. 

HEYN.  Annual  Medicago , Lotus,  subg.  Edentolotus  except  L.  corniculatus 

ISELY.  U.  S.  mimosoids,  casesalpinioids , Soptioreae,  Trifolieae,  Loteae, 
Galegeae,  and  Podalyrieae. 

KALIN  DE  ARROYO.  Earpalyce,  Andira. 

LARSEN,  K.  S.  E.  Asian  Bauhinia,  Cassia,  Peltophorum,  Acrocarpus,  Afzelia, 
Cynonetra,  Delonix,  Koompassia,  Parkinsonia,  Sindora,  Tamarindus,  Zenia. 

LARSEN,  S.  Asian  Bauhinia,  Cassia. 

LED INGHAM.  Astragalus. 

LESINS . Medicago . 

SCHKEIBER.  Leguminosae  from  South  West  Africa. 

STANKEVIZ.  Vicia  of  USSR  and  nearby  areas. 

STIRTON.  South  African  Eriosema. 

VERDCOURT.  Phaseoleae,  Hedysareae  in  East  & Central  Africa  and  Flora 
Zambesiaca  area. 

WUNDERLIN.  Bauhinia  of  New  World. 


International  Conference  on  Legumes.  An  international  conference  devoted 
to  the  classification  of  Leguminosae  (Fabaceae;  including  Caesalpinioideae 
and  Mimosoideae)  will  be  held  at  the  Royal  Botanic  Gardens,  Kew,  Summer 
1978.  The  theme  of  the  conference  will  be  the  generic  classification  of 
the  family,  taken  in  the  broad  sense,  and  contributions  emphasizing  various 
lines  of  evidence  will  be  presented.  Participation  and  the  presentation  of 
papers  will  be  by  invitation,  but  those  interested  are  invited  to  contact 
one  of  the  members  of  the  organizing  committee,  listed  below.  Among  the 
papers  to  be  presented  will  be  ones  dealing  with  wood  anatomy,  cytology, 
seed  morphology,  geography,  and  many  aspects  of  the  chemistry  of  the  family. 

For  the  purpose  of  making  the  chemical,  cytological  and  anatomical 
survey  as  broad  as  possible,  samples  of  seeds  associated  with  herbarium 
vouchers  are  solicited.  Small  samples  are  welcome,  but  those  of  up  to  300  g 
are  preferred.  Such  samples  may  be  sent  either  to  Dr.  B.  A.  Krukoff  c/o  The 
New  York  Botanical  Garden,  Bronx,  New  York  10458,  or  to  Dr.  P.  H.  Raven  at 
the  address  given  below.  Samples  from  the  Southern  Hemisphere  and  the  Tropics 
are  especially  welcome  and  either  Dr.  Krukoff  or  Dr.  Raven  may  be  consulted 
for  further  details  concerning  the  collection  of  samples. 

A draft  synopsis  of  the  Leguminosae  at  the  generic  level  will  be  prepared 
by  Dr.  R.  M.  Polhill  and  circulated  during.  1976.  Revisions  and  comments  on 
this  draft  as  available  upon  application  to  Dr.  Polhill,  are  earnestly 
solicited  and  will  be  taken  into  account  in  preparing  a further  draft  which 
will  provide  the  basis  for  discussions  at  the  conference.  If  is  hoped  that 
the  proceedings  of  the  conference  themselves  will  result  in  the  preparation 
of  an  improved  and  revised  classification  of  the  family. 

Organizing  Committee:  Mr.  J.  P.  M.  Brenan  and  Dr.  R.  M.  Polhill,  Royal 

3otanic  Gardens,  Kew,  Richmond,  Surrey  TW9  3AE,  Great  Britain,  and  Dr.  P.  K. 
Raven,  Missouri  Botanical  Garden,  2315  Tower  Grove  Avenue,  St.  Louis,  MO  63110. 
*********************  ******** 


Legume  research  at  the  New  York  Botanical  Garden.  The  long-term  project 
of  revising  Cassia  of  the  New  World,  initiated  by  Dr.  Howard  S.  Irwin, 
President  of  the  Garden,  while  a doctoral  student  at  the  University  of 
Texas  in  1959,  continues  underway,  currently  with  collaboration  of  Dr. 

David  Giannasi  (flavonoid  systematics)  and  Mr.  Rupert  Barneby  (taxonomy). 

An  account  of  sects.  Absus  (160  spp)  and  Grimaldia  (1  sp)  is  being  readied 
for  publication  and  the  preliminary  taxonomic  study  of  sect.  Chamaecrista 
(at  least  50  major  spp,  some  internally  very  complex)  is  well  advanced, 
and  when  done  will  complete  a modern  census  of  subgen.  Lasiorhegma  Benth. 
of  the  Americas.  Irwin  and  Barneby  recently  submitted  an  account  of  Cassia 
for  the  Flora  of  the  Chihuahuan  Desert  edited  by  Dr.  M.  C.  Johnston.  Work 
at  the  Garden  on  Cassia  is  supported  by  research  grants  from  the  National 
Science  Foundation. 

Mr.  Rupert  C.  Barneby,  Research  Associate,  also  sustains  a long- 
time interest  in  the  tribes  Astragaleae,  Amorpheae  and  Psoraleeae . His 
revision  of  Dalea  and  related  genera  will  be  published  as  a volume  of  the 
Memoirs  within  a year. 

Dr.  B.  A.  Krukoff  actively  curates  the  genus  Erythrina  at  the  Garden 
and  promotes  ancillary  studies  in  the  chemistry,  cytogenetics,  palynology 
and  floral  biology  of  the  genus.  A supplement  to  his  Conspectus  of  Erythrina 
published  in  September  1974,  is  being  prepared  with  the  cooperation  of  Dr- 
Peter  H._  Raven.  Dr.  Krukoff  is  also  deeply  engaged  in  furthering  the- Legume 
conference  schedule  to  be  held  at  Kew  in  1978.  He  coordinates  a collection 
of  legume  seeds  from  all.  parts,  of  the  world  with  the  aim  of  obtaining  data 
on  chromosome  number,  seedling  morphology,  antibiotic  and  anticarcinogenic 
properties,  and  germination  technique.  While  the  seeds  pass  through  the 
Garden  they  are  being  processed  by  a group  of  specialists  widely  scattered 
over  the  United  States  and  England.  Dr.  Ghillean  T.  Prance,  while  stationed 
at  Manaus  in  1973  - 75,  contributed  materially  to  Dr.  Krukoff* s seed 
collections . 

Dr.  Thomas  S.  Elias,  Assistant  Director  of  the  Garden's  Cary  Arboretum, 
sustains  arr  active  interest  in  Inga  Scop.  A comparative  study  of  the  - - 
structure  and  function  of  extrafloral  nectaries,  of  which  the  petiolar  glands 
of  Mimosoid  and  Caesalpinioid  Leguminosae  are  conspicuous  examples,  is  Under- 
way under  his  direction  at  the  Arboretum.